HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 3 LEGAL.pdftl TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Developmenl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 28, 2000 Mr. Phil Pokorny 1565 Wildwood Lane Boulder, CO 80303 Re: Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn { Addition / 5118 Gore Circle / The Shonkwiler Residence Dear Phil: This letter wiil serve as your confirmation thal the above-referenced design review approval has been extended for an additional one-year period. This approval will expire on September 13, 2001. Good luck with your project. Sincerely, ts^.-rr arTL Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {gr"n"*ru* t.o o FR0t'4 : Phil Pokorng, nrchitel) July 13,2000 Mr. Brerrt Witson, Phrms DcDortmail of Cdnmrnig Dcvclopmert Torln of Vril ?5 S. Fronngc Rmd Vail' CO 81657 ' Rs Shankwiler rwidencc - 5l lt Gorc Circlc lnt 3, Block 3. Bighodt 5t. Dcar Brqrl cc: Ro0ert Sbohriler I en sading g1is lcfrcr ro fonarlly rGquFS ! mc )csr odancior of tlrc rppronb grantod W thc Plrnning / Envirmmer-al Commissisr and rirc ncsig ncview Board fr the aborrc rtfenanccd propcrty' lt is my r'derstanding that the rc* erpiraricr dgj; *ould bc Scflernbr t 3, 200 I ' Pleaso oontrct mc should rhc To'm of Vailnecd furdrer infanratim to grmt this €rCqsiol' 4_ Thrnk f'qr ftr ]nu assisrncc with thir rnetttr. Sincerelg P'tr''E m' '*= fntrPoOrnyi"i'L6fri'ffiftf :4. l6OE Wlftlpced l,rm Sculdar, CO mmt sot, {88.2206 4- ,/^+4 E/k7 U/ -/ u/', t<. ll O 8"1 /t'x't) 5-z (/ DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT PRO.JEET TITLE : SHONKWEILER REMODEL ADD/ALT SFR BUTLD PERMIT Permit AIJL TTMES #: B99-0310 sEatsus...: ISSUED Applied. . : LL/24/1,999 Issued. . . : 12/0L/1,999 Expires..: 0s/29/2000 Phone z 970-4"16-8233 Phone; 970-475-8233 TOTIN OF VAIL 75 S- FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up D approved amount date Z osit Ref und ilob Address: 5118 GORE CR aEion...: 51i.8 GORB CTRCLE Parcel No. . : 2099-L82-03-015 ProjecE No. : PR,J99-0349 COT]RTOIS BUII-,DING GROITP, INC.P.O. BOX L313, VAIL, CO 81658 COIJRTOIS BUILDING GROUP, INC.P.O. BOX l_3L3, VArL, CO 81-658 SHONKWILER ROBERT T 2005 10fH ST, BOULDER CO 80302 APPLTCANT COMTRACTOR OWNER DescriptionrrMrERroR REMoDEL Number of Dwelling units: 001 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 2G,OOO Fireplace fnfordation: Restricled:+Of Gas Appl ianceEr:*of cas Log6:*Of t{ood/PalleE: FEE AUMMARY Bui lding- -- -> Plan check- - - > Inve6tigation> witl call----> 722.OO 209.30 s50.40 .00 850.{0 Bso .40 50,00 16.10 250. O0 s50.,ro Rcatsurrant Pl an Revier- - > DRB Fcc--------- .O0 R6craa!1oh Fee----------> .00 ToCrl CalculaLed Pees- - - > Addicional Fee6--^------ > Tolal Parnit. Fce--------> Peyu6nc.6--------Cl,ern-Up D.porit- - ------> TOTAIJ FEES.. - .. ' 3-00 BAt Altca DUE----- .oo ITCM: O51-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT LL/24/L999 CHARI_,IE AcL.ion: NOTE LL/30/L999 CIIARLIE Acrion: APPR IT,EM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTTTIEI.IT LL/24/L999 CHARLIE Acr,ion: NOTE L1,/29/L999 AOCHS AcEion: AppR IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT LL/24/L999 CHARI-,IE Acrion: AppR rLem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS LL/24/L999. CIIARLIE Acrion: APPR DepE: BUILDING Division: PIJANS TO CHARLIE CHARLIB DAVTS Dept: PLANNING Division: Pi,ANS TO PLANNING looke good DepL: FfRE Division: Dept,: PIIB WORK Divisj-on: N/e N/A r *r r * r r* **rir r * t See Page 2 of this Document for any condiLions t.hat. may apply to tshis permit.. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknouledgc that r hav€ lead thi6 apltllcation, fil16d out in full lha infonntion r.qulr6d, corpl€ted an accuralc plo! plan, and rtaEc Chets atl t.he inforualion Frovid.d ae required ie cor:r.cet - I rgtcc Co cotlply rith t.he j.nfofllaticn and ploC plan, lo comPly uitsh all Tonn ordinances and Elate laue, and Eo build thiE etlucture tccordlng to thc TorrD,6 zoning and EubdivLrion codeB, d66igD r.vlen apProved, uniforrn Bui.ldLnE code and other ordlnanceg of Ehc ?otan applicabtc Ehereto. REQUESTS FOR IN9PECIIONII 3H;\LL Bts MADE TflBl*Ty - FOUR HouRs IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE A? {79-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM A:OO Att 5:Oo pM I g.nd Clcan-t p Dcporlt, Io: COURmIS BIJDO. PAGB 2 *************************!t********************************************!r********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 899-0310 as of L2/0t/99 SEAEUE: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit, Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Applicant,: couRToIS BUIIJDING GROItp, INC. Job Address: 5118 GORE CR Locat.ion: 5118 GORE CTRCLE Parcel No: 2099-182-03-015 **!t***************************************************************************** EONDITIONS *********'*************************************rl********************************* 1. FIELD INSPB TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIATiICE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 .6 . 1 0F TIIE 1997 IJBC. .AppIied: L3./24/L999 rssued: L2/ot/L999 tlt!ra!rt'ttrltttlttt!rrrttlttt,,t!}tttrlrtrarl!l|tiritrtirlrrrtrittitrt!rirrt loiit ot vArr., aorcnrDo aBtEstr rrttratritallttt.rttiirrttttalttntltaitattlititlt*rtrJra!arttltlriti sctt.Etrt lfirD.r! itc-0598 hount I too.to L2l0tl99 L1.27 Pq'l.nt llathod t 3t{a lfogrclonr qOORTOtlt BUI' DM trnltt attl P!:r!li No! 899-0310 rl't}e r l-BUtr,D fDD/ArrT SlR BItIt D pE PEoal No: ,099- Xaz -03 -015 3i,C. lCd8... r 5114 OORI CR loq.tsion! 6119 OC'RI CInC!! 11ogr1 troa r lO0. l0 lotrl lll! hgr 3 650.{0 850. {0 .00 tl|lr Pr]4!cBt Ealanca 3 taiattatttattattiata*ttata!**f tlttrt**ttartr+ttltttattatr...r.r. lccount Ooda D.6qrip!lon EP 00100003111100 BUrr.DrrO pBn$rl! FrEs Pl 0010000!112300 p&tf, cntctt tBart I,D D2-DBPO8 CLEIIN'P DlPOgTflt n'l 11100003112?00 RBCnEf,TI$ gEEa lrc 00roo00tll2e00 ru.L clLJ, !!fsptc!Io[ !!! A[ount 122.OO 209-30 250.00 15.10 3.00 o '1.ot d3 o 0 a, nl o t\l v g lq o3 ol.T{H co lto E OA A (,E !.OF r.l E oo :E Afr 8 oa ql Et9 n (^g oo H F OE ]Q a{ €E E |{ ol !a F c|t{d D o D q c U H o F Hg i3 E E8 r 9. .. tl Hra E8 E '<A.t Eg\(,Aalt AH BB a9 q:l *c H ,( H}|aa ES B.{ R l! lr iF H{la o E Hli HZ o9 Er E i E &l h E r !. F 6 H I .E IU rE c-E I Sr E f;O E A o B c :a fr A F e E E c I{fi ql o a .-'g r{.|a I> 5rv EAO aa:a9 !t8B AO.H TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTTTIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiTI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0151- Job Address: 5l-l-8 GoRE CR Location...: 5118 GORE CIRCLE Parcel No. . : 2099-L82-03-0L5 Project No. : PRJ99-0349 COI]RTOIS BLDG GROUP SHONKWILER ROBERT T 2005 10TH ST, BOULDER CO 80302 EAGLE COIJNTY PLT]I4BING & HEAT P O BOX LL73, GYPSW CO 81537 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . E><pires. . : ISSI]ED z LL/2a/L999 t L2/03/L999 :05/3L/2ooo .A.PPLICAMT OhINER COTiTTRAgTOR Phone: 303 -524-9376 DESCTiPt,iON: PLUMBING FOR II''ITERIOR REMODEL Valuat,ion:2, 000 .00 FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-----> PIan check- - - > Invesl j.gaL ion> .00 will call----> .1 .00 Restuaranb Plan Revi.ew- - > TOTAL FEES- -... Total calcul.ated Fees- - - > Additional- Fees- - - ---> Total Permit Fee------- -> 30.00 7 .50 .00 40 .50 40.50 .00 40.50 Palmenta- - - - - - - - 40.50 BALANCE DUS-... .OO II,CM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{II DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:1.L/24/L999 CIARLIE ACTiON: APPR CIIARLIE DAVIS ILbM:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:1,r/24/L999 CIARLTE Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECI.,,ARATIONS r hereby acknowlcdge that r have read thi6 application, fill.ed oub in fu1l tshe informacion t"qu;,t"a, /o pt"."d tri16vl"t" plot p1an, and 6tate that a1t tshe informarion provided ae required is correct. I aglee to complyrrvith th6 infofation and/plot plan, to comply nith alt Toen oldinance6 and atatso La$6, and Eo build ghi6 Etructure p1an, and 6tate that all tshe informallon provtded aa requrred Iet correcg. I aglee to comPly-rrrEn Ene rnloSrnaElon and/4)IoE PI to comply nith alt Toen oldinanceE and atatso La$6, and Eo build ghi6 Etruct ure,according to./he to}rrt'. zorf.ng and euUaivislon codes, deeign review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinance" "f76;, rorn appl,i/able uhereuo. I REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL AE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY OR AT OI'R tyr"n 5:00 PM FOR HIMSEIJF --* * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * *** * * * :: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tgv[N OF VArt, cotoRADO stabemnr ***************************************************************+ S.aternnt. Number: REC-0595 Amountt 40.50 12101 /99 L4:43 Payment MeEhod: CIIECK nocation, #3963,/court.ois fnit: KMW ::T1: No: peg-otsL Type: B_PLMB PLTJMBTNG PBRMTT . parcet No! 2099_182_03_bi5 site Address: 51_t_8 GoRE cR LocaEion: 5l-L8 coRE CIRCTE This PaymenL Tot,al Fees:40.50 ToE.a1 ALL pmEe:40 .50 40_50 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *l?lil::; " -. * * * * * * * * * * ! 3 * *Account Code Descript,ion Amount PP 00100003111_200 pLUttBIilG PERMIT F'EES 30.00 pF 00100003112300 pr,AN CTIECK FEES 7.50 WE OO1OOOO31128OO WILIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO P25ffi 43W TOWN OF VAILGNSTRUCTION PERMIT APICATION FORM INF'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL Bf, REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel # Parce! tt 2.o Date: Job Namc: Building (zf I-egal Descnption: Permit # Electrical ( zf Plumbing ( -| uot-Z nto"t* 2o17 -182--ol6tU g*n"rspv111s' fttocvzT €1*o*JV*A6tl'4z_ glloo &oe,6 &tLt6none* Arc tect:Address. Description of Job lxJrvTztolz. tP-efOg5L Work Class: Nerv ( )Alteration ( D.)Additional ( )Rcpair ( ) Number and Typc of Fireplaces: Gas Applianccs ffiogs Nurnberof Dwelling Unts. 02- '*e-NumbcrofAccommodation Urrirn O)-- Em.ffi Phone # E I cct ric ar co n t racror, -p u ffi ffi '^k- ea-gtL gp ry4, e -Townof VailRegistration*" Xql:,*, ,-,iI Plone# 4o ' 1a-.2 I prumbinqcontractor, ffi Address I"* -nt-g.;t*; r \n a ?114' -*a.-t t 2 -' 6) .t rorvnof Vail Registrationru".-l)2-P ' t:' phonc tt 411--3"8L FoR oFFrcE usl*i{l;::r eurjS\ile, llolJ ?'j ?o7- @hone# 414- 2-2.ed Other ( ) WbdfHlet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: S-4OqP,A MECHANICAL $ BUILDING: PLUMBINC Town of Vail Resistration No. Mechanical Contractor: Tol u of Vail Regisrra on No. OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Generaf contractor, Cf*t,' ?murrp€ Address: <:bUtcqdf Addrcss: Phonc # 5f rB G otz€ Other ( ) l2ce> lZ r= v , Ct . i1o -zzf+ SIGNATURE: (c TO: FROM: DATE: SLTBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlar.rfirl deposits: Subjcct to subsection C thcreof. it is unlawfirl for any person to lrtter, track or deposit. or cause to be littered. tracked or depositcd, sand, gravel. rocks. mud. dirt. snow. ice, or anv other dcbris or material upon any street. sidewalk, alle-"- or public place, or any portion thcreof. B. Notice: Abatcmcnt: The Director of Public works mav notifu and rcquire any person who violates or causes another to violatc thc provision of subscction A hereoi or who has in thc Dircctor's employment a person who violates or causcs another to violate the same, top remove such sand. gravel. rocks. mud. dirt, snow, ice or any othcr dcbris or matcrial within rrvcntv tbur (24) hours after rcceipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the evcnt thc person so notified does not complv with thc notice within the period of time herein specified, the Dircctor of Public Works. or other authorized agent, may causo anY such sand. gravcl. rocks. mud, dirt. snorv. ice. debris or an!' othcr matcrial to be rcmoved fiom anv street or alley at the cxpcnsc ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subscction A hcrcofshall not be applicablc: I . Within thc immcdiatc area of any construction, maintenancc or rcpair project of any street or allel'or of any rvatcr main. sewer main. clectricitv line. gas line. telephonc linc or any appurtenance thereto: 2. To deposits of sand- dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthc public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the durnping or dcpositing ofsaid materials D. Summons: Pcnalt-v: As an altcrnative to the noticc fbr removal provided in subsection B above, any person rvho violatcs or causes another to violatc the same- mav bc issucd a summons to appcar before the Municipal Court of thc Torvn tbr said violations, and upon being found guilt-v ofa violation hcreundgr be punished as provided in Section l-4-l of tlis code. E. Notice: Penalty: It is unlawful for auv porson to tail or refuse to complv u'ith thc notice of t}c Director of Public Works as providcd in subsection B hcrcof. and anv such pcrson shall. in addition to pavmcnt of the expense of removal incurrcd bv the Director of Public Works. as provided in subsection B hcrcot'" upon bcing found guilty ofa violation hcreundcr. bc punishable as provided iu Scction l-.1-l of this Codc. (1997 Codc: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged b1-: Btzuo€z- (i.c. conFactor or owner) Position or Rclationship to Project: //o4c: t,/o /e f TOWN OF VAIL Departtnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval- Enginecr's (Public Works) rcview and approval, a Plaruring Department revicw of Health Department rcview, and a revierv by the Building Dcpartmcnt. the estimated timc for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (largc or snall) and all multi-family pennits will have to follow thc abovc mentioned ma.rimum requirements. Rcsidcntial and small projccts should take a lcsser amount of time. Horvcvcr, if residential or smallcr projccts impact thc various above mcntioncd departments rvith regard to necessary rcvierv, these projects may also take the threc (3) week period. Every attempt will bc made by this departmcnt to expcdite this pcrnrit as soon as possiblc. I. the undcrsigned. undcrstand the Plan Chcck procedurc and time frame. I also understand that if the pcnnit is not picked up by thc cxpiration datc. that I nrust still pa1'thc Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it mav affcct future pcrmits that I applv fbr. Lct Projcct Name:5n'qP 1u a-1 12iE-- /464oocz / /-^our, tu/ I / a2- , Work Sheet rvas tumed hto the Comrnunilv Development Dept. {p *"n"*o'u"* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJtsLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A *PIJtsLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUTRED I /'n JoB NAME: >#br//< lu 6zt-tJt-- PAn/aOa<-- tt DArE: tl /8 /eV - PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOMNG QT]ESTIONNAIRE RECARDING ftM NEED FOR A .PIIBLIC WAY PERMIT': L Is this anew residence? YES NO r- Is demoiition work being performed that requirp-ths use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NO 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO NO (- Is a different access needcd to thc sitc otrer than the existins &ivewav? YES NO ,- Is any drairnge work being done that allects thc fught-of-Way, easements, or public propertv? '7. 8. Is a "Revocable Rightof-Way Permit" required? YES NO .-- A. Is the Right-of-Way. easements or public property to be used for staging, parklng or fencing?YES_ NO /- B. lf NO to 8A, is a parking stagilg or fencing pl:m required by Community Development?YES NO (-' If you answered YES to any of these questions. a "Public Way Permit" must be obrained. "Public Way Permit" applications may bc obtaincd at thc Public Work's officc or at Community Development. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED AI.L THE ABOVE QI.'ESTIONS. c6G Company Narne l. I 3. 5. 6. 7. t PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffrc control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traflic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November l st and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspettor will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a proj ect itself NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY PMEI'[T NOTE: THfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiE #: 899-0258 o DEVEI-,O ilob Address: 5118 GoRE CR tocation...: 511-8 Gore Creek Parcel No.. : 2099-A82-03-015 Projects No. : PRJ99-0349 TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROriI:TA,GE ROAD vArL, co sL657 970 -479 -2]-38 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Ercpires. .: ISSUED .: L2/Or/L999 .: L2/0L/L999 .: O5/29/2OOO APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER Descript.ion: BIG BEAR ELESfRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474, LEADVILLE, BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474, LEADVILLE, SHONKWILER ROBERT T 2OO5 1OTH ST, BOULDER CO Install wirinq for bedrooms Phone:. 970-394-922L Phone: 970-390-922]. Valuation:1, 000 .00 co 8045r- co 80461 80302 FEE SIJMMARY Electrical---) DRB FEe InveaE igati on> wilI calI TOTAI, FEES-.. > 50,00 . o0 . oo 53 .00 ToEal calculated Fec6- -_>53.00 AddiLional Feea---------> .o0 Tolii Pslntie Fee - PayDents-------- BAT,ANCE DUE.. - 51 .00 53 .00 . oo Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUIL,DING Division:L2/1L/L999 KATHY Action: APPR approved per-kw iEaml'0s660- FiRE DEpARTMEIfli --- .. ...::'::.:::.i::::_ ::::::: :::::i: . CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI-,D INSPESTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknosledge that I have lead chis application, fillcd or.rt in ful.l tho infomalion rcquired, cornplated an accurate plot plan, and sCaC€ ChaE r1,l thr infontraEion pt ovideLi aa required j"s correct. f agr€e to conPly wiEh lha i'nfor$atsion and plot plan, Eo conply !.ith all Tolrn oldinanccs and sLate 1awB, and Eo buil.c Ehla gtsrucEure according lo ltre Toun'B zonlng and stlbdivlElon codes, design rcvicw approvcd, UniforF Bull-ding code and other otdinrhceE of Ehc To$n ePPllcable thereeo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BA MADE fWEt,lTV - FOUR HOURS IN ADIA-NCE BY AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFrICE FRoM 6:00 Al{ sroo PM * ***:r * ** ****** ***** *****l****** ***** ** ******* *** **O********* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statemnts ***********!r**************************************************** St.at,emnt Number: RBC-0595 Amount.:53.00 L2/OL/99 L4:36 Payment Metshod: CIIECK Notation: #1533/Big Bear IniL: KMW 899-0258 T)/pe: B-EL,EC 2 099 -182 - 03 -015 5119 GORE CR 5118 Gore Creek EIJECTRICAI, PERMIT Total Fees: 53 .00 ToE.aI ALt Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code EP 00100003111400 wc 00100003112800 Descriptsion EI,EETRICAI,, PERMIT FEES 'IILI, CAI-,IJ INSPBETION FEE 53.00 s3 .00 .00 Amount 50.00 3 .00 Pasqq- o3l? INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETf, OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eaole Counfy Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # parcet n ZCftQ. lX2-- 6'.6t5 A - o7/a Building ( ) Plurnbing ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Orvners Name: Architcct: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alteration BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ General Contractor: Tou n of Vail Resistration No. Electrical Contrector: Addrcss: Address: Number of Dwelling Unils:Number of Accommodatron Units: / Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood./Pcllct VALUATIONS Er.ECTRICAr.: $ /,M I orFrER: $ MECHANICAL$ - TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # TowN oF vAraoNSTRUcIoN pERMtr AiltcAToN FoRM Permit # Job Address: Electrical @ Mechanic:ll ( )Other ( ) Filine Subdivision Phone# Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Addrcss: -Qa &t vl' Z'e^hul[^gr--&W Town of Vril Rcqistration No.'22/- L,-vnonc* (/ft;) 2ga, ?Z/ Addrcss:Plumhing Contractor: Torr n ol'Vail Rcsisuation No Phonc # Mechanical Contractor:Addrcss: Phonc #Tou rr of Vrril Rcgistration No. FOR OFFICE USE TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ,t*:tCODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLf, FOR PURCEASE UPON REQUEST"** 't TO: FROM: DATE: SI.JBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMLNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof. it is unlawful for any person to litter. track or deposit. or cause to be littered. tracked or depositcd. sand, gravel, rocks, mud. dirt. snow. ice. or any other debris or matcrial upon any street. sidewalk. allcy or public place. or any portion thcrcoi B. Notice: Abaternent: The Director of Public Works mav noti! and require any pcrson who violates or causcs another to violatc thc provision of subscction A hcrcof. or who has in thc Director's employment a pcrson rvho violates or causes another to violate the same. top remove such sand, gravcl. rocks. mud. dirt. snorv. ice or anv other debris or material within twentv four (24) hours aftcr rcceipt of said notioc by thc Dircctor of Public Works. In thc event the person so notified does not complv rvith the notice rvithin the period oftime herein specified. the Dircctor of Public Works- or othcr authorized agent. mav cause any such sand. gravcl" rocks. nrud, dirt. snorv, ice. debris or an.v other material to be rcmoved from anv street or allcy at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: Thc provisions of subscction A hcrcof shall not bc applicablc: l- Within the immediate area of an-v construction, maintenance or repair projcct of an1' strect or allcv or of anv uater main, scwer main. electricity line, gas line, tclcphonc linc or afly appurtcnancc thcrcto: 2. To deposits of sand. dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety: and 3. To public arcas dcsignated for thc dumping or depositing of said materials D. Summons; Penalt_v: As an alternative to the ndtice fbr removal provided in subsection B abovc. any person rvho violatcs or causes anothor to violate the samc. mav be issued a summons to appcar bcforc thc Municipal Court ofthc Torvn for sard violations. and upon bcing found guilty ofa violation hereundcr bc punished as provided in scction l-4-l of this code. E. Noticc: Penaltl: It is unlarvful for an', person to lail or rclusc to complv rvith the noticc of the Director of Public Works as providcd in subsection B hercof. and anv such person shall. in addition to pa),mcnt of thc cxpcnsc of removal incurred b1 the Director of Public Works. as providcd in subscction B hcreof. upr-rn being tbund guiltl of a violation hercundcr- bc ounishablc as providcd in Scction l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Codc: Ordinancc 6 (1979) Read and acknorvledged by': Position or Relationship to Project: Datc: l7.i q4 -..............--'_-.---7_- TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAI{CE TIME T'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plaruring Department review of Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departrent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow ths above mcntioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time . However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mcntioned departments lvith regard to necessary review, these projects may also takc the three (3) week period. Every attcmpt will be made by this deparhnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand tlre Plan Check procedure and time framc. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration datc. that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was turned into the Communi8 Development Dept. {i *""'ouo 'n'"' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED NO /'t' DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TT{E FOLLOWING QI.JESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TT{E NEED FOR A *PT]BLIC WAYPERMIT': Is this a new rcsidence? YES No l-/ Is demolition work being perlbrmed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or No l'' l. 2. '7. 8. J. ,l 5. 6. public properly? YES Is any utility work needed? Is thc driveway being repavcd?No L-'/' Is a dtfferent access needed to the site othcr than the existing drivcway? YES N04' Is any drainagc work peing done that affects the Right+f-Way, easements, or public property'l YES NO Is a "Revocable fught-of-Way Permit" requircd'i YES NOr t J, *. "*li5!)Leasements or public propertv to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf NO to 8A, is a parkjng, staging or fencing plan rcquired by Community Dcvelopment?YES NO r-.'-- If you answered YES to any of these questions. a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applicuiors rury be obtaincd at thc Public Work's oflice or at Commumry Development. tf you havc anv questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2 198. RTAD AND ANSWER-ED ALL THE -ABOVE QUESTIONS. ConEactor 1. 7. 2. 3. A 't. 5. 6. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Buildins Permit Apllication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way'' is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies.require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffrc control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all trafiic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic conftol plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's o{fice for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15s. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. INTERIOR RENOVAT IONS 51 18 GORE CIRCLE VAIL, CO OUTLINE MATERIAL SPDCIFICA'TIONS DATE:/??7 !7 i,.-.t: ilOt/ sTRUCTURAL ENGINEER: NicolrAssociates #'g#fffi'lHffiHffi &drru 2779 Dagny Way #202 Lafayette, CO (303)66tcffi9&t drc building ofticial from thcrcaficr nqrdrhl tb strcdo o, crm|t in srid pl8ns, spccificarions and other daa o froo pnui4 Hlej oncr*ionr bcing c:nied on rhercundcr when in viohdoo of ddr co& c d 1999 g 3nndrg of r parrit c rpvd of pb. 1565 Wildwood Lane Bo hmits p'!.lumirt to lilrlr|rffi, ro rrlolu or cncd Oo prdfu of 6b ray othcr ordinances olthis juri. ,-':,:rion DIVISION 1- GENERAL:INITIALS: EXISTING: Lower Level First lloor Second floof Garage ADDITIONS: New 2nd floor retreat 16l s.f. EXCLUSIONS: Garage (398 s.f.) TOTAL REVISED GRFA: 2.405 s.l ALLOWABLE GRFA: (22,438 s.f. lot) 4,793.8 s.f ZONING: SFR BUILDING HEIGHT: unchanged - all additions within existing envelope. ARCHITECT: Phil Pokorny + Company, Archilnftu6;if,;-;fl'iaoi'ffiJiiiltififrilffi-c 1565 Wildwood Lane Boulder. CO (303\49NM&&mvisioorofdrbco&coforfrordbroooatiFilicto.,co (3 03)a9f;AD0'6mvisioor of drb co&cof oy tu ordhroo of tlftaicto. Contractor to complete Town of Vail Construction Application Form including all subcontractor information. All construction shall equal or exceed local building codes, zoning ordinances and restrictive covenirnts. Materials shall be new and best grade or quality stated. Erection, application, or installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions or best standard practice and completed in a workmanlike manner. All buildings must be complete and ready for occupancy, with utility connections completed, and all equipment in operating condition at time of final inspection by Owner and local authorities. GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR.AREA: (measured to inside of finish wall) 900 s.f. 997 s.l 508 s.f 398 s.f. \t"It.:| "Rr )y $IEUWJFJNI: nftPpnerut =mfiilfuTbE.fl"ffii uuilotng lraroty & Inspoct,on S€wlcos S..tloo 1116,{3, U!Xl+! t!|let Od., Vdldltt ot RIIIL Ttc i|!rs gEndrg of r pcnit c rmvd of pb. Tcdficdil rad o6gdc D^rE ll'3o -7? o o Outline Sp".if,tnns - 5l llt Gorc Circte l'g.2 DMSION2-SITEWORK: NA No site work involved. All construction within existing envelope' DIVISION 4 - MASONRY: EIFS: Exterior Insuiation Finish System (synthetic stucco) to match cxisting ovcr 3" foam build-up. Match texture and color ofexisting finish coat. DMSION 6 - CARPENTRY (see structural notes on plans) FRAME CARPENTRY: SHEATIIINC: 7/l6" OSB. RAFTERS AND JOISTS: KD Douglas Fir, #2 or better, as sizcd by Structural Engineer. INTERIOR WALLS: 2x4,#2 KD Douglas Fir at 16" c'c FLOOR DECKING: 314" T&C plywood (not OSB), glued and nailed' EXTERIOR TRIM: EIFS return on I'oam build-up to match existing' FINISH CARPENTRY: CABINETRY: Salvage all cabinets to be removed for future use. Store cabinets on site per Owner's directions. INTERIOR TRIM: Base: stain grade to match existing. Providc round corner sections to match existing' Window triir and door casing: stain grade to match existing' O.."i"ii"" U"am work @ t-iiinglOin-ing cciling: I x 6 and qtr. round trim as detailed. Species to be hardwood as selected by Owncr' CLOSET SHELVING: Double shelf and rod at new closet' DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION INSULATION:qffirIoN:5|l2"R.21fiberglassbattsatanyexteriorwallsmodified. INTERIOR WALL AND FLOOR INSUL^TION: Provide R-13 fiberglass- batts at all new interior walls. i;.*il" n:iS fif5eE|ast mi sounO attenuation at all plumbing walls. Piovide R-19 fiberglass batts at all new floor framing between conditioned spaces. FnOnflON BARRIER: patch altvapor barrier with like materialat AIR window installations. BUILDING PAPER: parch altbuilding papcr with like materialat wirrdow installations. SEALANTS: as required to give watertight job. Provide expansive foam sealant (polycell) for air infiltration "*ttot at sill plates, wall cor:ners, window/dbor framc perimeters. and sheathing penetrations. D MOISTURE outlincro".itt,ons-5llSGorcCirclc t'g.3 t DIVISION 8. DOORS AND WINDOWS GENERAL: Escape or rescue windows should be provided in all sleeping rooms per Section 310.4 with minimum net clear opening of 5.7 s.f., minimum net clear opening width ol'20", minimum net clear opening height of 24", and sill height of not more than 44" above finished floor. SAFETY GLAZING: Safety glazing should be provided at locations subject to human impact including: - glazing in doors, glaz.ing lesd than | 8" above walking surfaces, or glazing within a 2!" a.rc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position in accordance with Section 2406.4.6. Glazing in doors and panels of shower, bathtub, and hot tub enclosures and windows in adjacent walls where the bottom edge of thc window is less than 60" above the standing surface or drain inlet should be fully tempered, laminated safety glass or approved plastic and should comply with Section 2406.4.5. INTERIOR IObRS: 6-pancl pattern, stain grade, solid core, species to match existing. HARDWARE: door hardware to match existing. MNDOWS: Match or equal to existing aluminum clad double glazed wood windows as scheduled (in inch increments) on plans. Al[new windowi are operable casements. See "Safety Glazing" specification above for all locations requiring tempered, laminated safety glass. DIVISION 9. FINISHES DRYWALL AND TEXTURE: l/2" equal to USG. Pool-trowel texlure to match existing and as approved by owner at walls and ceilings. All drywall comers to be radius typc. PAINTINC / STAINING: All colors to match existing. Samples to be painted at job site for approval. CARPET: Carpet and pad as selected by owner where scheduled on plans. Carefully remove, store, and protect existing carpets to be reinstalled. CARPET ALLOWANCE: DIVISION 15 - MECIIANICAL HEATING SYSTEM: Provide additional baseboard heating elements joined into existing heat loops as shown schematically on plans. Baseboard heating elements to match cxisting in style and_color. Changes.to existing mechanicairoom, boiler, and venting are not anticipated. A liscenscd mechanical contractor shall verify pipe sizing, heat zone capacity, existing boiler size, and overall performance ol'the revised system. PLUMBING: Ptumbing work is limited to removal of existing bar fixtures. Properly cap all plumbing lines in this DIVISION t6 - ELECTRICAL (sce clectrical notcs on E sheets). GENERAL: Electrical and lighting layout to be as shown on plans. Work is to include all removal and repqir as required at demolition areas.'Electrical contractor is responsible for any additional outlets required by code not shown on plans. Electrical contractor to provide additional panel space as required. Electrical contractor to meet with Owners to verifl all outlet locations, lighting fixture selections, lighting fixture locations, and mounting heights. All design and construction to meet the National Electric Code. LIGHTING FIXTURES: Types (surface or recessed)_as shown on plans, models as selected by owner and interior designer. LIGIIT FIXTURE ALI-OWANCII: ELECTRICAI. TRIM: All switches, dimmer switches, outlets, and cover plates to match existing style and color. o (rt Jl-INTERIOR RENOVATIONS art* 51 1B GORE CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO LOT.3' BLOCK, S ptuRw €xrst zARP€T r./ ?Pttcttlo/{. -, ,r" I v}'il rrll'ri \ '\J -1"- ts- - 5Pt/7 2lexrsnlcr 's6tu' (<',HOR ttg I I I El I I I trl BIG YSlloat o pr' '-il -,,1, ; talli't:i flPV ,yEH A/4L1 F,(4n4//Y. (r/ 2 o+-a, { t//E.F//%p RE,4.aV€ €X/97 DAA CAE/IJ€ 7A Y PLUI4DII\JG) / €t€c77ve.1L. Pokorny * Compony architecfure li66 wildwood Lerr iibuld*, CO s03og tb3, {ee-2206 ''it( -5c/4L€ /,/+"= ,rt'9rt PARIAL PLAN <l LOWER LFVEL U ,YEl^/ ft|4ftiF *,ttLL - €krn €x/tT \\lLtg fu*u,nu "fr&lr:IOE: atr 2/M,tl*o t ARE 7b FAC€ AP STUO.EATH _ tl€N elE, f-'l Phil JAaNQRY €xlr7lilQ F/?ArvE HAtL o o o o o o 077.1 /9 Pltflff ,eo^ At No\l-p€rr, ooiln/noil ta+72// rcVgAL CrcAf€O DY Ex/rn a?44 *for.tAl //E?8. - ei/nr/No sr{N. GLU.L+M DEA44 stsf€^/g APPRu(, 6tt F&a,ur 3 lezulS. G/L/^/a fBlM e aXPfunD A€/-A 8' 7,e4 ca E€/ocA.4! FR,w, vauz7co c(4 floT'TaEi Phil Pokorny * Compony arrchitecture 1666 Wildwood Lur Bouldor, CO 80303 t03, {99.2206' r=/ \\ll \-/ U AATH x/N/Na trroneil - ,-rf ;;r;Oof io-41 srrt , 7o ?€fi A&vE TAY - BEPFaoM o'l i - qoA bE t '!/+o :_r -- -T FuIu,TE NILL - @NJrRuc7,/aN I I \{i I o\ I /.Faf#Lz s#r_"e"* /+€4 r n p 4E- €i?^rJsrovr tpm ReTTisr aicatoryV7T NEN- Z'o'oP eAct< i; diCai iorxi ro cc6se ifeteu. - -T FEptAG a/sF 2e+a'2 f/xED /4/No&E -V7!y-"tlr/f'h.z1ep'.!ze- | /4,,/ zs+g-z d'firy uTo. ,----- -6;k?r3l.if;ftf",2f,7 aeo- aat- zrra srro I ELot4 Laoct€A = (z) /zr/ x i/d'a+Sruo 1 .EZo-ii-'EbAt /<f ,b€4 iF TRACE tT n 7O .LG. EELOI4 - H tEE f4Ar/,4a /t,E/-/<. ptalJ lI Eh/ ct?, e,t,y d //cHT. =/41/4tr €X/$7. FrN /1/ Ar'7 ftR, .4,t/2/,<,e:lJte. APD DEL,2x6 sTUD Eetot4 tEDC2ER :--- -----'- 4'l 'Ltt I Fr<ott ae .zN n y. tZ*x llft n..t l FLur/l LEzG€a ' ' - -- zll r'll f.<or'/re azNny. /2.,x ll/; r, I I I I - I J ,48/oca/€ .Lo Se f #€LY/{'s 7o aPPo 9/7e N/ILL L4 C.- hL+D 7e 7s<t 9l jl?e FzcZ'./1acTs 1Z)/49r_ 3!2:' -EA.H 'T!D Lot r f/<o,E// F f/X/d/ze,t t-/YEH ?S/8'2 621P"y'ff,t € c-r/rf'-w)rub5tu5 - Il h477// r'/eAoftn @, crPo,tlE *ce -_- ( rotrr*-' O L E€A/14t GLU,H) 70 E€/o4 T;.#!:(z) z'r-. iEt4 uris€Eoarzp'4847-,Rdlf€ nl€ LooP te41 7-b Eru4E AT €x/t7/NG 6$eEaA.eO ftrF.. 4T /41t?'ER, A''. /t/€,f ca<^'€iz.- , sc4LE.' //1 ", /t-cttt Phil Pokorny * Compony 1566 Wildrood Lrar Boulder. CO E0303 303 ' r99.2206 ,lEt\l FI<AME NALL Extrli ttlArie SuLL HAtU (o tr€ 4€tqoveD I J,F€Lac,4 FELACAZE oL/fLeft)---:tt ltl 7e txrst cb)?^7u82 7a I "i#fr$j .Y€^/nliury2 7a 615€,i,lt-L9 t)< /-*-' I 'ZONAOE net^t\ca<ryr HT'7ER.4QA\ <E/U2/E €x/t..?@39 4 //{nLL flf"ftl. FFttu/E \ N€/4 o!/72€E, I a \ -Ar \_ _-__t-' \\ \.e.a3., r, \t.n \*ntrt^ PeOtuM ilov:i'4frtEEdcpn TV,,KETREAT &. tt ,z-\ ,/,v.t^/ ar.€7s ry-qfl f**Jot lf cw(q€rnol t 9rmPSol1 4216 //€/4 FlodF, 7 E 4 *1 rrlct 2 r t.z tP /O,'/ a. c. I EPCz€€X/9/': oF 1p.ro/de €,(/s7: E/ru fh--\l LI- tY€N CARPCf @uEC 2xr2-( Ftut \ I /.r' /-L '\ €/J'E CA?44 / '.o F/f N&4 NAL,. 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970479-2124 FAX97M79-2157 REPTI3I . &u'( Finance Department Toilt 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0 PAGE 2 AREA: CD L2/22t1999 o8:34 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII loRl( SHEETS FgRtl2/22/1999 ==========l=====================================-a===:=======-=====t-=======-===Activlty: 899-0310 L2122119 Type: A-BUILD StatuEr ISSUED Constr: ASFR Addrees: 5ll8 GORE CR Locatlon: 5ll8 G0RE CIRCLE Pucel r 2099-t82-03-0ts Deecrlptlon r IIITERI0R REIIODEL Appllcantr C0URTOIS BUILDIIIG 6ROUP, IllC. 0rner: SH0lll(fILER ROBERT T Contrector: C0URT0I5 BUILDII|G GR0UP, IllC. ljae r V ll Occ l Phoner 970-476-8233 Phonel Phoner 970-476-8233 Inepectlon Bequeat Infornatlon.... Requeetort PHILLIPE Phone: 390-2357 CALL Actlon Connents Req The: 01 rOO Correntar UILL IteG requeeted to be Inepected... toom BLDG-Flnat ?lne Exp Inepectlon llletory..... Itcnr 00510 driveray grade final Iten: OO0t0 BLDG-Foottngs/Steel Iter: 0e020 BLD6-Foundatlon/Steel Iterr 00520 PLAII-ILC Stte Plan Iten: 00030 BLDG-Frerlng lzli? 199 Inepeotor r JBll WeU99 fnapectorr JRll eeOSO BLDS-Inaulatlon @060 BLDG-9heetroak lleil L?l l0l99 Inapector: 6BG l2l 13199 Inepectorr JRll 09070 BLD6-l1sc, OOO90 8LD6-Ftnal 00530 BLDG-Terp. C/0 00540 BLDE-FtnaI C/0 l2l2ll99 Inrpcctorr 6RG ffi:tr f ,"ur' - y" [0 AccElts APPROYED ADD FIRE BLTITG () coxrRAcron c^ncELLt/ ^ I C/\ APPR0YED { I 11"V [' COIITRACTOB CAIICELLED .WfrTft ,rl u Ot" '-t- ^{lv Actlonr Actlon l Actlon r llB Actlonr APPB Actlonr llR Dll APPR Ite;r Iter: Itenr ften: Iten: Iten: . HEiIITTAIICE OOPY ol Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: ShonkwilerResidence Project Description: Residential Addition (includes a Type II EHID Owner, Address and Phone: Robert Shonkwiler,2005 10ft Street, Boulder, CO 80302 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Phil Pokorny & Company, 1565 Wildwood Lane, Boulder, co 80303.303499-2206 Project Street Address: 5118 Gore Circle Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5'h Addition Parcel Numbcr: Buildins Narne: Comments: Project#: PRJ99-0234 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Melissa Greenauer Scconded by: Hans Woldrich Vote: 4-0 Action: ConsentApproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 Conditions: l) The interior access between the EHU and the single-family residence will be removed per the Planning and Environmental Commission's requirement. This condition may be verified by staff prior to building permit issuance. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: September 15, 1999 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\'9\SHONKWIL.WPD PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, September 13, 1999 MEETING RESULTS Proiect Orientation / wO LUNCH - Communiw Development Department 1:00 p.m. nn** MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT John Schofield Diane Golden 1. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 51 18 Gore Circle / Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5'n Addition. KEX NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break tor dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. Applicant: Robert Shonlwiler Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 APPBOVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type ll EHU deed restriction to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document will be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted for employee housing. 2. That the applicant work with the Town of Vail staff in providing access to the EHU that comolies with the Town of Vail Code. 2. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a medical facility, located at 3971 Bighorn Road #7DD / Building 7, Pitkin Creek Park. Applicant: Gary Weiss Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 3. A request for a worksession for amendments to Title 12,7oning with respect to Employee Housing Unit Standards, Minimum Lot Size Requirement in the Primary/Secondary and Two-Family Residential Zone Districts and Site Coverage Standards. Applicant: Town ot Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello WORKSESSION-NO VOTE 4. A request for a final review of a proposal for a new zone district entitled Affordable Housing (AH) District, allowing employee housing and other uses. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That there be similar performance standards as in the PA Zone District for setbacks.2. That provisions be added for increased site coverage if parking is enclosed or underground. 5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located a|3847 Lupine Drive I LolT, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition. Applicant: Randy Nichols, represented by the Mulhern Group Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 11,1999 6. Information Update 7. Approval of August 23, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, T5 South Frontage Fload. Please call 479-2138 for inlormation. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 13, 1999 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit located at 5118 Gore Circle / Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5'" Addition. Applicant: Robert Shonkwiler represented by Phil Pokorny & Company Planner: Brent Wilson I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE In September and December of 1992, the Town Council passed Ordinances 9 and 27, Series of 1992, to create Chapter 12 13 (Employee Housing) which provides for the addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or conditional uses within certain zone districts. The definition in that ordinance states: Section 12-2-2 "Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set forth in Section 12-13 of this Code. Development standards for EHUs shall be as provided in 12-13 - Employee Housing. For the purposes of this Section, a full-time employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours per week. There shall be live (5) categories ol EHUs: Type I, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 12-13 - Employee Housing of this Code." The applicant is proposing a Type ll employee housing unit on a portion of the lower level of an existing single-family residence. The employee housing unit will be approximately 700 square leet in size and will include one bathroom, a full kitchen, and living/bedroom area. One enclosed parking space will also be provided for the EHU, although this is not required (this is not a "demo/rebuild" or new construction). As described in more detail later in this memorandum, the applicant is proposing to utilize all 500 square feet of the EHU credit allowed in conjunction with the development of the employee housing unit. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of this application for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, based on the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of Section 12-13 (Employee Housing) and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Section 12-18 (Conditional Use Permits) of the Vail Municipal Code. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve this application, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type ll EHU deed restriction to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document will be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted {or employee housing. Please note that under Section 12-16 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two years from when the approval becomes final. III. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating this conditional use permit application for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and z. J. pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposeo use 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. 7. Conformance with development standards of the zone district. IV. ZONING ANALYSIS Allowed/Reouired per SFR zoninq Proposed Development Site Area: Height:-GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: Setbacks: Front: Side: Side: 22,390 sq. ft. QQ faat 5,034 sq. ft. 4,478 sq.II., or 20"h 13,434 sq. ft., or 60% min. 5 required 20' 15' 15' Same approx. 30.5 feet approx. 4,406 sq. ft. approx. 3,728 sq. ft. approx. 17,662 sq.jt. 5 (3 enclosed) 20' 15'- west 15'- east 92'186'Rear/Creek 20'150' .This figure includes one 425 square foot GRFA credit plus a 500 square foot EHU credit. V. CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 12-16 - Conditional Use Permits, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1.Relationship and imoact of the use on the develooment obiectives of the Town. When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing study on November 20, 1990, it recognized a need to increase the supply of locals/employee housing units. The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing quality living conditions and expanding the supply of employee housing for both year-round and seasonal local residents. The proposed unit will have a positive impact on the Town's rental housing needs. The effect of the use on lioht and air, distribution of oopulation. transportation facilities, utilities, schools. parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will be little impact from the proposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. Effect upon traffic with oarticular reference to conoestion, automotive and oedestrian safetv and convenience. traffic flow and control. access. maneuverabilitv. and removal of snow from the street and oarkino areas. A maximum of two additional vehicles is anticipated in association with this EHU. The applicant has demonstrated an ability to provide adequate parking on site for this demand. Staff feels this proposal would have an insignificant impact on the above-referenced criteria. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located. includinq the scale and bulk of the oroposed use in relation to surroundino uses. The scale and bulk of this proposed structure is very similar to those in existence in the surrounding neighborhood. Since the proposed employee housing unit will be located within the single-family residence, staff believes this EHU will not significantly impact the scale and bulk of this project in relation to surrounding uses. Emplovee Housinq Units mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified bv Section 12-13 of the Vail MunicipalCode, Employee Housing and shall be subiect to the followinq conditions: a. lt shall be a conditional use in the Sinqle-Familv Residential. Two- Familv Residential and Primary/Secondarv Residential zone districts. z. 4. 5. The subject property is zoned Single-Family Residential. b. lt shall be permitted onlv on lots which complv with minimum lot size reouirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. At 22,390 square feet in size, this lot meets the minimum lot size requirements (12,500 square feet) in the Single-Family Residential zone district. c. lt shall be located within, or attached to. a sinqle-familv dwellinq or be located within. or attached to, a two-familv dwellino pursuant to Section 12-11-5(l) - Desiqn Guidelines Duplex and PrimaryiSecondarv Development. lt mav also be located in, or attached to, an existinq qaraoe provided the qaraqe is not located within anv setback, and lurther provided that no existinq parkinq required bv the Town of Vail Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. This Type ll EHU will be located within the existing single-family residence. However, it will maintain a seoarate entrance and will not be accessible from the interior of the single-family unit. d. lt shall not be counted as a dwellinq unit for the purposes of calculatinq densitv, However. it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom. as defined in Chapter 12-2 - Definitions of the Vail Municipal Code. lt shall be oermitted to be a second dwellinq unit in addition to the dwellinq unit which mav alreadv exist on the lot. Onlv one Tvoe ll EHU shall be allowed per lot. The proposed EHU will be a second dwelling unit on the site. lt contains a full kitchen and full bathroom facilities. e. lt shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) square feet. nor more than nine hundred (900) square feet. An applicant. however, shall be permilted to apply to the Communitv Development Department of the Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant shall submit an application for the additional GRFA on a lorm provided bv the Communitv Development Deoartment. Approval or denial of the reouesl shall be made bv the Desiqn Review Board in accordance with Sectionl2-13-5. lf an applicant obtains Desion Review Board aooroval for 500 square feet of additional GRFA for the EHU. he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter 12-15 - Additional Gross,qesrdentlal F/oor Area of this Code for either unit on the lot. lf an apolicant obtains Desiqn Review Board aporoval for not more than 250 souare feet of additional GRFA for the EHU. he or she shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter 12-15 - DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE: TYPE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT @ 5ll8 GORE CIRCLE, VAIL, COLORADO This application proposes a Type II Employee Housing Ljnit (EHLD in compliance with Chapttr 13, Section l2-13-5. The application for the EHU is being submitted concurrcnt with a submittal for Design Review for an addition and renovations for the same property. lncluding the EHU at the basement level of this home will not change the exterior envelope or the architectural chamcter of the house. lf the EHU were not to be included as part of the addition, the same design would be constructed on a crawl space foundation. The plan ofthe house above, the roof forms, exterior appearance, etc., would be unchanged. If the EHU is included the addition o[a full-time family living in the home would add to the safety and security of the neighborhood. l. Relationship end impact ofthe use on devclopment objectives ofthe Town: According to the purpose staternent issued by the Town of Vail with the EHU ordinance, "Availability of housing plays a critical role in creating quality living and working conditions for the comrnunity's work force." The conditional use proposed would create an additional quality housing unit for the Vail work force. 2. Etfect ofthe usc on light and air, distribution of population, transportatiotr fecilitics' utilitieg schools, prrks end recreation fecilities, end other public facilities needs: 'Ihe proposed EHU will have no affect on light and air. lt will add one full-time dwelling unit to the neighborhood. Roads in the area are lightly traveled, and the EHU would be one block lrom the bus line. A covered parking space is being provided in the house addition for the EHU. The utility impact of the EHU will be limited to one bathroom and a small apartment kitchen. The apartmert itself is under 600 s.f., and heaUelectrical dernand would be low. Effect on schools, parks, etc. would limited to the addition of one full-time dwelling unit to the neighborhood. J. Effect upon trdnc, with perticular refer.enc€ to congestion, automotive end pedestrion safety and convenience, trallic flow and control, rccess, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets Nnd parking aree: Roads in the area are lightly traveled, and the EHU would be one block from the bus line. A covered parking space is being provided in the house addition for the EHU. The projecl will also include a new concrete driveway with a full snow-melt system to alleviate any snow storage problems. 4. Effect upon the charactcr ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be locrted, including thc scelc rnd bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surrounding uses: As described above, the EHU will not change the scale or bulk ofthe addition to the home. The EHU is proposed as a basernent level apartment and would add a series of windows and one door along this foundation wall area. These windows would look out to the back ofthe lot across the heavily vegetated Core Creek. It is difficult, even in winter, to see through the vegetation from the rear of the lot (see existing house photos). The front entrance to the EHU would be directly adjacurt to the main entry to the home and would not require additional walkways or entrance points. This door is in a covered vestibule and is screened from sEeet or adjacent neighbor view by a stone wall. The EHU enfance door, being secluded, avoids giving the home an inappropriate "duplex character." \z \o \s \E \9 \r.h )>-'/-, ?- t\I I'r t 'r \ t \.. 'rf ., \i \A ,'- Dr t'. ' ilU-lr ' \./t"J , i\ IT ),-F u \, .v;"./ ir .,)' \ tl | ', \r. \\b*,\i \XftA. I \\ 4 ) { h ( A e4 \ \ f) 'rt#J!i '!lhttlro, _'$ /'tr x lx /o' .Y ( t4 ^{lqr .{r*i o{ F0 '01 tf i$ ltt 'rtQ fu&* $s" (qi"-Al K \a..onod t' :/ i /r 'I I .tt l'.t IL a\ /\ /\ A o d is8g"' '5"s*d o,f, - itD \A ;r qn €z' G -..,j,., .-". li:jR 11 it i1 )!t ,^. *,r'\ \ $../ '.'\ Jt \-4 \ I \ !! .it $'- SQ ,'/i \/<'\ l, 'J!-..--'rJ At I I .'' I I Et s:l I l-u::tz-t!""tL) ,,F iil -1--i ''. ( -'^t$t\\ \\... -\*'--:-- =;\, i+;ii rb A a (j il if r!rF \ , " V' )'",o, "rrd6- s \ \],-- ;, - --?,r,r rrtt\\\N *A--- .t1\\. c $,1 .# e1 ql --'it ]\ d.l rhl ll 9l o.. I l.E P5 vj -t 6s 2p orI l(n tn s o m a t-t m a 9! o cll m .a t-m )tr I Y -r) I _^\ tz---t ,rt 25;o +5'ta" - /.br. tt'\<:t Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 September 15, 1999 Robert Shonkwiler 2005 106 Street Boulder. CO 80302 Re: 5I18 Gore Circle / Lot 3, Btock 3, Bighorn 5n Addition Dear Robert: Enclosed please find copies of your approvals from the Town's Design Rcview Board and Planning and Environmental Commission for your applications at the above-referenced property. I am retuming your application fee ($200 - check #14332) for the conditional use permit as the Town waives this fee for applications involving employee housing units. Good luck with your project. Sincerclv. Bq Breut Wilson Planner II {gun"uor ro I tt Jtt J' TI -t- a -6i TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 September |, 1999 Mr. Phil Pokorny 1565 Wildwood Lane Boulder, CO 80303 Re: Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5'h Addition / 5 t I8 Gore Circle Dear Phil: Following are corrunents from the Town of Vail's Public Works Department regarding the above-referenced application. Please revise your plans accordingly and submit your revisions to this office prior to final approval of your proposed development plan. I have identified no outstanding planningizoning issues with this application. ' Please show a "limits of disturbance" fence and some form of erosion control on your site plan. ' Thc site plan needs to show all grading. Grading around existing vegetation to be prescrvcd on-site shall be outside the critical root zone, unless otherwise approved by the Design Revicw Board. The critical root zone is defincd as "a radius equal to one tbot fol each inch of caliper measu'ed I ' above thc natural grade, " . The concrete patio on the east sidc is at 59' with an exiting contour of56'. There appears to be a 3' wall here. Pleasc veri! this with top and bottom elevations of any proposed retaining walls. This item is scheduled tbr Planning and Envilonmental Commission review on Monday, Septembcr 136 at l:00 p.m. and Design Rcvicw Board review on Wedncsday. Septembcr l5'h at 3:00 p.m. Both meetings will bc hcld in the Vail Town Council chambcrs (located at 75 South FrontageRoad). Ifyouwouldliketodiscussthisapplicationindetaii,pleasedonothcsitatcto contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerelv. B.',-rltl;-- Brent Wilson Planner II {P u"o'o'^'o Qucstions? O ,n" Planning Staffat 479-2l2tl APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENEIIAI- INFORMATION ct- - f f. -.. -'' 3 +V,na\ -1 -- O L')lt-/ This application is fbr any projcct rcquiring Desiglr Rcvierv approval. Any project requiring dcsigrr rcvicrv must rcucivc f)csign Revicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pernrit. For speci{ic infomration, sec thc submittal rcquircnrcnts ibr the particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccpted until all the requircd infbrmation is suburitted. The pro.iect rnay also nccd to be rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Plaming and Environrncntal Conrnrission. Design Revierv Bonrd approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and conslr'uction is st,rrtcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:AoPrTtott / Fe*oyrqVo* TAl,/rN OF VAIL B. r'\ E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: I PHYSICAL ADDRESSI SIIb C'OEE BLOCK:FTLTNG: Bt&4onx 57ll 4/26Le , VA.L 40 zolq I gzo 7o/5 PA RCEL #: lcucd .4i o o 6 a ef (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Ollicc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) 76111y6. 5FR NAME OF OWNER(S): KOFE2T SH|Nl< wt LgR. 7 -?, MArLfn-C /\DDRESS: 2oo9 /olJh 9rg'ccr 6out^eA,Co boSoz PHoNE: "oZ /t|44 - 9o oo OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : Ll.NAME OF AppLICANt': ( fen- Pol<ot4tl f aul4NY / AkHtrEoTztp'E / MAILIl.'\IG ADDRESS:9 4)lL?tatooa L4Ne EouupeA t 4o aovoV PHONE: to .lsf - zzoo H. TYI'E OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Constluction - 5200 Construction of a ncrv buildins. fr ,raOition -$-50 lnohrdcs any addition rvhcrc squarc ibotage is addcd to arry rcsiderrtial or conrnrcrcial buildinu. D Minol Altelation - $20 Iucluclcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcments, such as, rnrnn+ino nainrino. windorv additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining ;.u;.;;: "* DRB fces are to be paid at the tiule ofsuhnrittal. Later, rvhcn applying tbr a buildingpcrmit. plcase identity the accrrrate valuation of tho project. ThcTorvn of Vail rvill adjust the fcc accolding to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBI\{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVIITTAL REQUIREI}TENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTNIENT OF CONINIUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. BLJILDING Iv,IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall lVlatcrial.s Fascia Soltlts !V in dorvs Windo'uv Trinr Do ors Door l riur Hand or Deck Rails FlLres Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccrthouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** NoNE /I fR€ lvert zooRs - NaoO 1 OrReO€ srae - tNsucAT€O MCrAL ld mae ooe 'aoe;-R7rz?EF srotue NaNE AZFZE- ceaiFA-tE at ,. ,, tl tt at S|ATN ; CCOAR ?aN€ LIST OF PROPOSED NIATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* *P aoloft SoARo u)A7HR- lo Gt4r F/?E 7P/478o uooa sn4.6 NONE 57u cco R/E ceeaa ( tetlY rrr@Re g{ - noo tt o t?At- 6ob') K/5 6€DAA t, t/ fiooD b{/ merAL ccAoP/^)c,AiloAneA BtoNZE P4tNreo G.Z.6RoNtE Z,oPP€R-coPPgR- (fo uArqmeA aoPlaR oN S7€€L FRA.TC coPP€A (ro ueATltEA) NoNE Nott€ 44eF7tn't/+rt CANT&A| TyPC EBoNZe (nanncRtre\ ,rlr( oF ,rQortzC ) '4y1,&?i.{t,:i,ilf,)o*av Tau f nco orhcr fy.I'y# z,ea,rR ToNE srArt olt+ylL sro*tE y€wnt_ (twtt,rlf,i:) mrTr^t, I wp *Il"T. specily thc nranuiachrrel's color, numbcr and attach a small color chirr -ft€ ftf^t?AT€ ,u47&f4<_/acor? hnnD t+ All cxterior lighting nt st lneet the Torvn's Lightr;rg Ordinance 1S.54.050(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposcd. pleasc indicate thc nr"rntber of fixflu-es and locations on a separats lighting plan. ldentify each fixture type zurd provide the hcight above gradc, lunrerrs output, lunrinous arca, and attach a c-ut shcct ofthe lighnng fixhres.4 AVAarA Mlop U(*vd?n4a y' rtxzo?* co. st ers ^IATUEAL QtHtTE 16p'4,<. ToNe 57AtN Updatcd 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING -BqmtliealLlaua *Mininrunt rcquircnrcnts for landscaping: Typc NATn/€ atue afieuc€ TTE?3 E'n. &utre,e sHRaE /5 f aet. Cornnrorr Nanrc ArP6^l 7Re€ Quantity /6 Sizcf 2"c.PIIOPOSED TREES AND SIIRUBS: EXIS'TINC TREES TO I]E REMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EI{OSION CONTROL /.oftEPotE Pute UARIES. SE€ SURYET /o (aorE : mepl Ane lNEeEa_QAue E&fts) dccidrrous trccs - 2 inclr calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc eNhPE 9/7e Noue fr€.s€ED N/ NArtVe apAts€s aan n e2 4P€es I w4,S Cfltfr^lc? GF.ASs6,GRouttD aY€IQS. rR€e' / sHSuDS.'ILT FENCE IN'TALLCD @ TO Y2, FP UNE flArcl3AL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (rctaining walls, fences. swinrming pools, etc.) Please specify, Indicate top and botton'r elcvations of retaining walls. Maxinrum height of walls lvithin the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of rvalls elsewhere on the propcrty is 6 feet. ToI.IE gAFEEN WALL aEsf PAlYtttU LAAG€ haocar /t\Eluoeo, . fuCrcT PC&rJfurJG '12ElS FoR SeAtoNlL elo< gt:tLT /Nfto wAtt- Cot$TRrtCfroN ttiALL lNTedAf€A tNl6 S1l7a&4a (ANDscApe. W,+t<- ln UTTLTTY LOCATION VERIFICATION TItis fonn is to vcrily scrvice availability and location for ncrv construction and should bc uscd in conjunction tvith preparing yotrr rrtility plan and schcduling installations. The location and availabilily ofutilitics, rvhcthcr thcy bc nlain tnrnk lincs or proposcd lirtcs. nrust bc approvcd and vcriiicd by thc follorving utilitics for thc accornpanying sitc pllrn. ALrthorizcd Si$ranrrc Datc U.S. Wcst C-'o nrrrrurrications l-1t00-922- t987 4(r8-6860 or 949-4530 Public Servicc Conrpany 9.19-578 r Gary Hall Holy Cro.ss Elcctric Assoc. 949-s892 Tcd Huska/John Boyd T.C.I. 949-5i3 0 Floytl Salazar Eaglc River Watcr & Sanitation Dishict + 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc + Plcase bring a site plan, tloor plan, and elevations rvhen obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Watcr & Sanitation siEratures. Fire florv nccds rnust be addrcs.sccl. NOTES: l. Ifthe utility vcrificatiou fbrtu has sigrratrucs fionr cach ofthc utility coqrpa.nies, and no conrtrlclrts are trtadc dircctlv on the tbnn, the Town rvill presunte that thcrc arc no nrobletls and thc devcloprrctrt can procccd. 2.If a tttiliry conlpany has conccnrs rvith thc proposcd constmction, the utiliry rcpresentative shall note dircctly on the utilify vcrification ibnn that thcre is a problent rvhich necds to be resolvcd. Thc isstrc shor.rld thcn be dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to the Torvn of Vail. Horvcver, please kecp in nrind that it is thc responsibility ofthc utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problenrs. These verillcatiotts tlo uot relieve tlie confractor of thc responsibility to obtain a public Way Pcrruit from thc Departntcnt of Public Works at the Torvn-of Vail. Utilit), locationg ntust bc obtained beforc diggine in any public riglit-of-rvay or eascnrcnt rvithin thc Towt of Vail. A n/e fil4t1oT t u t Lt- uTtr.il ze Att- EXT7NG UfiutT7 Ae'rzvtcE LtNgS 4 e,A?Ac/T-t 4 . T 3. Updated 6/97 IT II I. w. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application confcrcnce rvith Towrr of Vail staff is rcquircd. No appiicati on can bc acccptcd un less thc nlandatory prc-application Inccting has bcen cornpletcd. It is the applicant's responsibility to schcdulc this nrceting by calling 970-479-2128. TIiV{E REOUIREMENTS The Dcsign Revierv Board ureets on thc lst iurd 3rd Wednesdays of cach nronth. A cornplctc applicarion tbrrn and all accornpanying nratcrial rnust bc acccptcd by thc Conununity Developnrcnt Departrncnt a rurininrurrr of thrrc and a half 13 l/2) rvceks prior to the date of the DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal rvill be rcvicrved fbr conrpliancq rvith thc Design Cuidclir'tes as sct forth in Section 18.54 of thc Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: Ifa property is Iocatcd in a nrupped hazard arca (i.c. snorv avalanche, rockJhll. floodplain, dcbris florv. rvctland. ctc), a hazard studv rnust bc subnrittcd arrd the orvncr must sigrr an allldavit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to the issuance ofa building permit. Applicants are cncouraged to chcck ivith thc planning staffprior to subnriftal ot a DRB application to detcrmine thc reladonship of thc propcrty to irll rrrapped hazards. Basic PIan Shect Forrnat. For ail survcys. sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr site inrprovenlents plans, all of thc lbllorving rnr-rst be shor,rr. v{ Plan sheet size ntust be 24"x 36". For large pro.iccts. larger plan size ntay bc allorved.12. Scalc. The nrininrunt scalc is [ "=20'. All plans rnust be at thc saure scalc.Y7. Granhic bar scalc. 14. North arro*,. 14. Title block, projcct namc. pro.ject addrcss and legal dcscription. t 6. lndication of plan preparcr. addrcss and phone ntrutbcr.t4: Dates oforiginal plan preparation and all revision dates.,4.- Vicinity nrap or location map at a scalc of l"=1.000'or largcr.L{ Sheet labcls and nunrocrs. a,T 6. A bordcr rvith a urininrurn lcli side nrargin of 1.5". ,ff I Nantcs ofall adjaccnt roadrvay.s. ,ft. Plan lcgcnd. For ncrv constnrction and additions, thc applicant must stake and tape thc projcct site to inciicatc property lirres, proposed buildings ard building coniers. All trees to be renrovecl must be taped. The applicant ruust cnsure that staking donc during the rvintcr is not buricd by snorv. All site tapings and staking rnust bc completed prior to the day of the DRB mccting. Applicants rvho f'ail to appcar belbic the Design Rcviuv Board ou thcir schcduled rnecting datc antl ri'ho havc not askcd in advalce that discussion on thcir item bc postponed. rvill have their iteuts rcrnovcd fionr the DRB agenda rurtil such timc as the itcm hirs becn republishcd. lf thc DRB approvcs thc application rvith corrtlirions or rloditlcations, all conditions ofapproval rnust bc rcsolved prigl to the issuzurcc of a building pernrit. A. rytE t/"rJ+,u&ue?(=rau ) 8r") qgl'/(ob E. Updated 6/97 ' \r. STAFF APPRovAL Thc Administrator rnay rcvicrv lnd approvc Dcsign Rcvicrv applications. approve rvith ccrtain moditications. dcny thc application. or luay rcl'cr the application to thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board for dccision. All staff approvars arc subjcct to final approval bythc DRB. 1-hc lbllorving types of Desigrr Revierv applications ntay bc stntI approvcd: A. Any application fbr an addition to an existirrg building that is consistcnt rvith thc architcctural dcsigrr. nlotcrials anrl colors of tlrc building, and approvat has becn rcc.''ived by zur atrthorizcd ntcnrbcr ol'a condorliniunr iusociafiotr. if apnlicablc; Ll. Any application to rnodity an cxistirrg building that does not sigrificantly change the existing pllnes of thc building and is gcnerally consistcnt rvith thc architcctural dcsign. matcrials and colors ofthe building. including. but not linritcd to cxtcrior building finish matcrials (e.g. stoncrvork, siding, roof nratcrials. paint or stain.). cxtcrior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fetlccs. antennas, satcllitc dishcs' rvinflorvs, skylights, siding. ntinol corunrcrcial t'ircadc intprovctttcttts, and other sinrilar nloditlcations; C. Any application for site irrrprovenreuts or nroditlcations including, but not linlitcd to. drivcrvay nrotiifi cations. site grading. site tvalls. renroval or nroditications to cxisting landscaping. installation of acccssory stnrctrtrcs or rccrcational facilitics. ADDITIONAL REV]EW AND FEES A. Ilthis application rcquircs a scparatc rcvicrv by any local. state or Fedcral agency othcr than thc Torvn of Vail. the application fcc shall bc incrcascd by 5200.00. Exanrples ofsuch revielv, nray ilclude, but are uot Iinritcrl to: Colorado Depaftnlent of Highrvay Acccss Pcrurits. funry Corps of Engirrccrs 404, ctc. B. 'l'lre applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc fbr paying any publishing fbes rvhich arc in exccss of 509/. of thc applictrtion fbc. lt. at thc applicant's rcquest. any nrattcr is postponcd for hearing. causing the tnaftcr to bc rcltublishcd. thcn thc er,tirc ttc ibr such rc-publiciltion shall be paid by thc applicant. C. Applications dcentcd by thc Conrrrrurrity Dcvcloprncnt Dcparttlrcnt to havc dcsign, latld rtse or otltcr issucs rvhich nray har.c a sigrrificint inrpact on thc conttnunity ttray rcqttirc rcvicrv by consultants in adtlition to Torvn statl. Slrould a dcternrination bc nradc by the'l'orvn stalTthat an outsidc cousultant is nccdcd, thc Conrn urity Dcl'clopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt nray hire the consultaut. Thc Dcpartrlent shall estimate the anrount of moncy ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this alrrount shall bc tonvardcd to the Torvn by the applicant at thc tirrre of filing an application. Expenses inouned by thc Towtr in cxccss of the antount ibnvardcd by the application shall bc paid to thc'forvn by the applicalt '',vithin -30 clays of notitlcation by thc l'orvn. Any cxccss irnds rvill be retr.rned to thc applicant rtpon rcvierv conrpletion. VI. Updatcd 6i 97 I l'/o fl \n \ s l/A \ r1r&-.. -- '3 ** Bou\ar, CQ 80303 3 0 3V 4 9 9..2 2 0 6 1t \I { .-::K :-'\\ -\. r- N\N \\\$$XY ')r i-r.- 4 iit 4 c'{ / saz4 .\l !_!- 2o'Feo,.tr se rPEE --oTY.- 15 + t'4i Tuon \L I ,I lit-< '':-i- r{ li $i \l \ f ,O.t tvvloNT uau:,f€f-'t flWee+ cau fi'r-1, /4RE//!C/ aqFFE4,: S70NE g4E t LALL,+rAt(. 3'4&'ye OP4E Q-tfUge/ ,S/oGi :i'*'-h €xrER/q<L/GH PRELIMINARY , {'.-.i l.\ t NOTE '-. *E T'.IITrIE,CUT'JEET,.*e eEualors FoF- . P tg gE-,r4ooPrr-Ncr Herd 5//8 6oAE Or4cLE FIRST FLOOR PLAN o o o I F ., lt! ex7=6to3-2el7/A(r o , Rejuuenntion is topresent.. . Anny<l O'al'Lsntur crurlm oliginlrl ligltting fixturu irrspirul hy the ArLs.\ ()rllis rrut! (iruue ruxl(;rulu, lrurk lloyd Wrigl ard tlrc l'rliLie Sclxxrl Muventettt - ctttt ing turir;trc tluiigrr, rltutliq' rturtcriul, :urtl skillf ul corrstrrrctiorr. 'lte elcgrurt sirnplicity of tlxxe [ixturu; conrpluuen[s rrtlu'ry clarsic iuchitrrttrliLl styls. '[hey enharcc Sprurisli ulobu; m bcautifully as Crtlilbnrir bungrilows lurd illurlinatc contenrlrcfiuy settings a.s huuouioLLsly zts tr':ulitiorrd oNs. fuluyo Crafbnrar's lixturu; bridgc environnrenls as cllortle;sly a.s their design lirfts ptst md pruent, Ilsigrcrl tcr lir.st outdoors, erah solid-br:us lartenr is nrgguily built ard irilividudly luscnrbleri. (lJcr,vuru of tlrc nrury clrctply built knkurlikei currrntly, uurildle; tlrc quality of constnrction is oflrn prthctic :urtl won't stlurd rrp to the outtkxll cnviriuulcut.) All 0I il)cJitlurd slnutt uw sktckul itt R(wenalktrt's uurclnuse: ull ure sryPli&l slaruLnul a'ilh 34oll-rltitc it'itlrcotl urt gkr^s und ure .litilsltad itt ilnrryis ou,tt rcrlilgt'it ltttlitut. 0thcr fuir4,o fixtunr, is wcll ts tht*;c Iixtuu in otlrer mctal [inishui oL rvitlr other glas choice; iut rwuilable lly slxtid onlcr, but will usudly n:quirr a sevcn- to nine-wek lcnd tinrc. Cnntirt cttstonrer *wicc for ntorc inlunnation. All fixtrrnx lrcept rtrcrlirrnrll:Lse hulbs unleis rrotrxl. Arrnyo Clrdlsruut fixturui rut nrlrle in tlrc U.S.A. r\ ll lilt rrru rrr,: t.r.t_. LISI-Et) Mission Flush Cciling Mount > Vidlh ovlfttll/ llci[hl il;tr I'rice (lxl|o|ly W:rllx8r M-A.17 8-l/4" i I I/4" 5.1/4" 60(l) M-4.tl1 f-i/4" \ {),J/,t" () l/,r" 6{r(,1} M-A.t9 lJ-l/2" \ lj-l/?" 7" 60(2) It.t.. Lt.\11:t) l:oR l)A I' t.o(.i|ll0Nt. Mission Flush Vall Mount M.437 < lluntinlton !'lush Wall Mount t45 00 t65.00 218.00 Itlotlel lk!)[ wntrh lllckplirt! llt. I'rrir{txnl \!idrh lll\. l'tidr' \\ rtll. M-A50 7 l/4" \-114" I[-A5l 9" 6l/2" M-A52 9- l/1" (''ll4 It.t.. Lt,vlit) I'T)R tvtil l.o(.ivloI's. t00 t{x) 100 IJ" l0' lJ" \ l/4" 5-1/4" 6" l\txlt l l{rurt Wirllll It!r(kl)lxl(. llL. I'r|)icclion lUr\. l)ricr \vr(ltlr Nxtl. 6' 100 7" t00 10" 100 {}" 1' 10" IU -44 5 M -,r4 6 M-A,17 4-1/4" 1-t/)" 5.1/4" ri-j/{'8" t.l" 100.00 109.00 ll3lt.0{, r t. t.. l.tJTl:l) ltok v1u' l.o(: lolv,\. h/AL L 75 /l/)ouNT LaNTE,<N < Missiou liconcc l\lrlh'l \ rrltlr lh rglrl l'tl|lf(lr,|| l\l:r\. Itic| \\ xllxB(, -A(r0 5 l/'r" lu-A6l 6 r /r" lt-A62 6 l/2 .-l/r" l(lll llr0l) r-l /J" l0(l l.lj.00 tt- t/)" t{,0 lJ.l.ll0 l{- 10" ll' Ir.t.. l,tsn:l) fi|li I)lll l.()(.Ilol"\. Iterkclcy Flush Cciling Mount > llodcl l)ixrnel('r lleighl trlrtr I'ric( 0vr'r:rll \\'irltxll(' Iu-465 I)"M-A66 l.t" ('' l/.1" ('{l( | , l|,0.{lll 1 J/,1" (r(l{.1) l2lJ.(ll} TeANsLoc€NT M-465 eNcAsernENT APeA = Jq sa.t' lkxrf Wi(lllr lkrighl i\lr)i. {)\rfirll N:rllulj(' M-A75 51/i" I? l/'i' M-47(r 7' l{'llr" M-177 ll- l/l' l(r' l/ r " lt L l.lsllil) l:oli lllil l.ot.:.11lo,\s l'oslx: 60| ) 176.00 (,0( ll 109.1|(, 0r)( l) J{ l.(x) Itl-A7lt: l{, \.i" Srlrrllrr,nr. rl.rrlignr lrrri'lrlrnt }i.llx) M -479: 7.1" \ .i". S,I'l lrr;nr. u'nlillrir litriJr lr nt. ll{ l.{x) l)icr ltlo||fl]: M-Alt0: t l/,t" 'lixrr[.h'r'x(l{)lr l(, vrrrrc lr|"l ]j.ll{} nxn||t [i\tu|! tr)co||nrnts, rlrtli\,tlc.r !'nli[ris finish. M-A6I I t.l.. Llt il) l:oli l ,tll'1.(x,:,lllot\s. M-47 | ?,.28< lz ()Rl)lill l()l. l. ljltlili: slts- rlll'1,)(|1, toow -- l3t9 cuateus/79sq:'= ( livcrgrccn (loluntn Mounl l\lx\. I'Iite \\ xltirA(' Itl-A70 '1 10.{/{" ' \ 7' {,0( Il I'rl ll{l -a$:'A7i---Tl-nTlrr-fFtTv rttrlt I) lilt){, ) It.1.. l.l,fll:l) l'oF lllil l.t x.:.lllo,\'\. Ilxlcl lilol lh'i[ltl vi(lllr t l\rtx ll Mount > M-A77 ?obT trloaNf LAvT€PAJ o 'l r rts (U' -o o-(l) a ., Dle.casl, matle black alumlnum step balfle reduces glare. Socket holder on 100/150 watt unit adlusts to accommodate eilher size lamp. Anobrito'reflector. -P R. ANO.'R"t,^l.tP "A"L MP Mto.sPflt D wrot SPREII)(S-R.-O8) (S.R.-rl) rrji';i:."..r,!/.1;': ; : iii;i:,r1:..ri iir. . . -1i... ffi --'--"-.1-3ir-:.:---:::!:i,1+; f . l DIE.CASTTALUMItIUM ii,: r,',"1 r-1 STEP, BAFFLE .ii;.i: ;i;'t ."' :. i':; F6co ot lamp ls set bact.andl;{.t lhloldsd lor vlewinglcomlort l', '' by procls lon.lltled,.,, matlo i -... black slep ballls...,. ,. 'r,. . .l tsuU conFF F/ x rulzE ORDERING INFORMATION Comphl. unlt conriale ot two numbrrr: FRAIIE-lN KIT lnd REFLECTOR TRIM. Ord.r clch numb.r rcp!rrl.lt. Pr€-Wired Completo Unil Only. Includes Fram€-ln Kit lTiA 6' x9t % 6'),rstleclor and MATTE BLACK EAFFLE Rellector Trim, 2oo1 1:- !.-d @ Ct! n.9crt tao. StSttt Cdnt{ op.nlng l.r.l o. all i.ron tlo, ttilla 4 <.\ L 7srv A.rS/75W R-30 FNAME.IN KIT' STANoARD 1000 PRE-wrRED 1001 DAMP LocAfloN 1004 PRE.WIRED FRAME.IN XIT' STANDARD 1100 PRE-wIRED 1101 REFLECTON TRIII MATTE BLACK BAFFLE MATTE BLACK BAFFLE REFLECTOR TNIM 1005 1105 I 1-0r'--{ |F* 7r.' -_{ACUU>>PoawUonT DAMP LocATroN 1104 PRE.WIRED .L rt.. .t kr c.kd.br" ..r. a.r..,i.I r. r*r ..4 -.rq .l lhtri ld tst r.{r ol fldrrlh. In I fi mltu hl!{ ..tl*bE.r .n !t ..lllna, lol mllr. lol lh...For lrame-in kit dimensrons, see page 4. o o Phil Pokorny * Compony an&itechue 1666 Wildwood Lane Boulder, CO 80303 808 r,1 99.2206 €//t 2/TE aoEF C/rcLg cou€k+oE 'ALCULrlTrory 4Lka46L8:?z/78 24 (7& fr X t Zo Acfuru | hbose f.aTfrtt Nf il)6u//t1rG. GAltl6e$ oue74/t/t/Je 4ReAs oueL ,/1, lrr8764 TorAL 4tbuee "/ 3138,"5 #Acfu+t 'ro'rfrL 3650,79 8T,so Phil Po o korny * Compony arrchitechrre 1666 Wildwood Lane Boulder, CO 80303 303 r 499-2206 6//8 OozE G/FGL? 4ltotu4ao e4t4 cAlcqz T/o4 Z/7o /or ,184. t&,sT /z/,f@:l -(22',4t9- /2;oo) /o% o? loT ,18€/4 oue'E- /Zlfao =1?38/,/o7o= 6FFA cec2tT frPe Z Em PL|YaE /@usrnG uNtT 1fl-ti'?rT foT*t- ltowE D 1/Z S se 7? 3,8 +z f,.o 5o,o 0lr, g 5F, o o Phil Pokorny * Compony architecture --1666-iltildwood Lans - - Boulder, CO 80303 303 /,r99-2206 q//9 Ao/4 C/EcLe ,4c funL 6EFA &Lc,a L4 Tr orYl tX>nUr, llcrstr ( rrleasuad to te<,cid^ fru- cr("*J Low<r /Ar</_ />f 'ffuc,r- 2M lrltor (u cuau a/taltt o(\rctrut) Lo{r t t -'lt t2 LO|E t- ru-g!ryH;- Grtfte cte CK 6L u ) (o-r,-t o77,17 /1c>1, 17 6bl ,w 7vr4L 21&,?l 5tG . z, I v f,,/z /777tZl z6/, df 7/. oo 167o 1 (/ fY/t -t Ell U Gfiztcr€ Pfrt-u .-. -5oZ?,t s.F /aa>//o'n qafr.0 a//autetL (raz.zz) (?o,oo) (t 87 '71) aucsd{) Call thc Ptanning SEffar 479-2t38 PLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environrnental Commission. For specific information. scc the srbmittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted Thc application can not be accepted until all rcquircd information is submined" Thc project may also nced to bc rcviewed by thc Town Council andlor thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board A. ryPE OFAPPLICATION:. tl Additional GRFA (250) tr Bed and Brcaldast p Conditiond Usc Perrnit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variancc El Zoning Code Amendmcnt B,DESCRTPTTONOFTHEREQUE$T: TTP' -2, eurura /foo,iLb UAJ|T O AP tl Amendmcnt to an'Approvcd Dwelopmcnt Plan tr Employcc Housing Unit (I1pc:tr Major or E Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillagc) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshcad) tr Spccial Developmcnt Disfict tr Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD TAWNOFVAIL c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS: f/lb &oPg ror_Z_eLocK 3 _py1s1s BrGttoEN g U at4,Le BUILDINGNAME: D.ZONING: *) r. E. G. NAME OF OWNER(S):OEEF.T oxtEt tttEP- MAILINCADDRESS:zoos:/o4 trvcET htttoe* , 6o Bo 3oZ 3oj tlclll-6aao owNER(S) STGNATTJRE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTA Ttt- ToFonwT + cot+1pA^ty .lsenttecTutze MAILINGADDRESS:/965 z,-)t LP.,\tooD L4.!\t? 6o7oS ./11-zzoG FEE . SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRI,ATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, .ALL SI]BMITTAL REQTJIREMENTS AND THE tr'EE TO TEE DEPARTMENT oF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT,75 soUTH FRONTAGE RoAIr, For Office Use Only: FccPaid: D ct#:By: Application Date:PEC Mccting Darc: Rcvird 6D6 i+ ,r .* TF !VAIL, COLORADO n657. JUL - 26 -€lst OEt.37 FROM , TOV- COM-DEV-DEPT.rD ' s7@4792452 /r/t"/rt A prc-application conference with a planning $aff mctnbcr is strongly cncouragcd- No application can be accepted unless it is complctc. It is the applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointmqnt with thc staff'to dcteffiinc additjonai submittal roquircnrcnts, suBMrrrAL Our**urlTs FoR A coNDITIoNALOE PERIvfiT I. PRE APPLICATIQNCQNIERENCE IL SUBMITTAL REOUIREI\'TENTS (FEE $200.00- Thc fec must bc paid at thc time of submiftal. ( Stamped, addresscd envelopes and a list ofthe names and mailing addresses ofall propcrty owners adjaccnt to thc subjcct propcrty, including propcrtics behind and across sr€ct$. Thc applicant is responsible for corrett names and nailing addrcsses. This informadon is available from the Eagle County Assessor's offtce. { A dcscriprion of thc prccisc naturc of thc proposcd uso and is operating charactcristics and mcasures #€ proposcd to make the use compatible with otber properties in thc vicinity. Thc dcscription must also flhlcHED aoorc''\s: /1. Rclationship and impact of thc usc on dcvclopmert objcctivcs of the Town. /2. Bftcct ofthc usc on Iigfrt and air. distribution ofpopulation, ransportation facilitics, utilitics, schools, parks and rccrcation facilitics. and othcr public facilitics and prrblic faciliucs nccds. r' 3. Effect upon traftic, with particular refcrence to congestion, automotive ard pdcshian safety and convenicnce, faffic flot'and control. acccss, mancuvcrability. and rcmoval ef snorv fronr thc strccts and parking arca. I/ 4. Effcct upon the character ofthc arca irr which thc proposed use is to bc loa?tcd, including thc scalo and bulk ofthc proposed use in relation to $rnounding uses- d A prcliminary titlc rcport. including schcdulcs A and B. to veriff orvnaship and cascmcnts. A N/A If the building is condominiumized, a letter from thc corrdominium association in zupport of the proposal must bc $bmittcd to saff. Four (4) qq{ps oflthe following: V An improvemott sun'qy of the prope4y showing property lincs, Iocations of all improvements, topography. and nahrral features. A site plan at a scale of at least I " = 20' showing proposed dwelopment of the sitc, including topography, building locations. parking. traffic circulation, uscablo opcn spacc, landscaped arcas and utilities and drainagc lbatrrrcs. Building clevations and floor plan& at a scale not smal.lcr than one-eighth inch cquals onc foot. PAGE 3/4 tD- { Pagc I of2 JUL-28-EISI @9:34 FFOM, TOV-COM-DEV- DEPT, ID'9?@4?92492 PI oo An1' additional nratcr ial ncccssarv for thc rcvicr.r' of thc application as dctcrtnincd by thc Adnrinisuatc ITJETLAMO 57dDr For intcrior ftodifications, an inrpTovcnrcnt sun,cy and sitc plan rnal'bc waivcd by thc Adnrinistrator. PAGE 4/4 Y. III. o ncd by thc Adnrinisrator. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY CQMSL TE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMIfiED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REQIJIREMENTS A.Thc Planning and Environnrorrsl Cotnmission moets on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conrplcte application fbrm and all accompanying nutcrial (u describcd abovc) must bc acccpted b1' thc Communig' Dcvelopment Dcpartmcnt by thc appropriatc subnrittal datc, whicb is a minimum of four (4) rvccks prior to thc datc of the PEC public hcaring. Inconrplctc applications (as dctcrmined by thc planrring staff) will not bc acccptcd. All PEC approved conditional usc pcrnrits shall tapsc ifconstnrction is not commcnccd within onc ycar ofthe datc of approval and diligcntly pursucd to complction, or if thc usc for rvhich the approval is granted is not commcnced within onc year. ADD IT I ONAL REVIE\-VJN D FE ES rv. EI A. B. c. If this application rcqrrirg5 a scparatc rcvicw by any ltxal. Statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc To*n of Vail, thc application fce shall be incrcascd by s200.00. Examples ofsuch rcvicw, may includc, but arc not limitcd to: colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highrvay Acccss pcrmirs, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of 50o/, of thc application fcc. If, at thc applicant's rcgucst. any mnttcr is postponcd for hcaring. causing thc mattcr te bc rc-publishcd, thcn, thc cntirc fcc for such rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. Applications dccmcd by thc Communiry Dcvclopmcnt Dqrartmcnt to havc dcsign, Iand usc or othcr Lssucs which may havc a significant impact on thc comnruni5r may rcquirJrc'icw by consultants in addition to Town shff Should a dctcrmination bc nradc by thc Town saff that an outsidc coftsultant is nccdcd, thc Community Dcvclopnrent Dcpartmcnt may hirc thc consultant. Thc Dcpartnrcnt shall cscimatc thc rmount of moncy ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall bc forwardcd ro thc Town by thc applicant at thc timc of filing an application. Expcnscs incuncd by thc Torrt in cxccss ofthe amount forwardcd by thc applicant shall be paid to thc Torvn by thc applicant rvithin 30 days of notification by thc Torvn. y'rny cxccss funds will bc rctumcd to thc applicant upon revicw complcrion. Pege 2 of 2 Qr,Qr's?olicy American l3nd litle Association Form & 1970 (Amended lOlT-70) PoticvNumber AZ 755191 MINNESOTA t,tr: !\ SUBJECT TO THE ilCIUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE flCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OFTHE CONDITIONS AND SNPULATIONS HEREOT TITLE TNSURANCE CoMPANY 0F MINNES0TA, herein called the Company, insures. as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attomeys' fees and expenses which tre Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by fie insured by reason of: 1. litle to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WITNESS WHEREOE fie said ]itle Insumnce Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule ,A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of tfre Company. .a\ 1 a\/ ,d ,')lo' \t TITIT INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESUTA AStock Conpny 400 Seand tuenua South. Minneaff,lis, Mimesota 55401 -4,1,..Y-z:72*- Anest seuetary Authoied Signatory TIM Fom #130 8/86 25M TfM.dirners Fono 2312 FLle No. V1256o SCHEDULE A "ort"y!. AzTssrel Amount S90,00O. OO Address 2. Policy Date: January t-3, Name of Tnsured: ROBERT T. SHONI$TILER The estate or interest in the and which is covered by this A Fee Sinple 1989 at 8:00 A.M. land described in this Schedule policy is: 4.Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: ROBERT T. SHONKWILER The l-and referred to in.lhlr poricy is situated in EAGLE county,Colorado, and is described as follows: Ior 3, BrJocK 3, BTGIIORN suBDrvrsroN, FrFTH ADDrrroN, AccoRDrNG TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,ORADO. Page This Policy valid only if Sctredule B is attached. TIM.Owner Form 2313 riO wo. vL266o SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or darnage following: L. Rights or clains of parties in possession not public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easenents, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. Any 1ien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, inposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. 5. TAXES FOR THE YEAR ].988 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. 6. LIENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber l-3, L9OZ, fN BOOK 4g AT PAGE 491. RIGHT OI'WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September L3,L9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. RESTRICTTONS WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER Cr_,AUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONST fF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 25, 1966, TN BOOK ].75 AT PAGE 445. ],0. UTILTTY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN I{IDTH ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. ].],. UTILITY EASEMENT 10 FEET IN WIDTH AND PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 20 FEET IN WIDTH OVER THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF SUAJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT, OF BIGHORN SUBDTVISION FIFTH ADDITION. Otr", No. AZ7551el by reason of the shown by the Page o . N/NONTANE EINVIROINN4EINTAL SOLUTIONS, ttd" Phil Pokomy & Company 1565 Wildwood Lane Boulder, CO 80303 Dear Mr. Pokorny, Please find enclosed two copies of your wetland delineation East Vail. June 15, 1999 report for 5118 Gore Circle, The wetland line is shown in its approximate location on your site plans, enclosed with the report. The wedand boundary was found to follow closely, the 100 Flood Plain Line as it was taped on site at the time of the delineation on May 27, 1999. Towards the east of the existing house the wetland boundary was delineated within the 100 Year Flood Line. By avoiding the fltxil plain in all construction, it will be possible to avoid any impacts to wetlands. It is essential that there are no wetlands impacts, either permanent or temporary, in the construction of this project. To ensure this, it is standard practice to install a silt fence and a construction fence outside the wedand boundary. These must be maintained during all construction activities to avoid any accidental discharge into wedands. This lener outlines your responsibilities under federal regulations, that Lq those under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers and has no reference to additional environmental regulations required by the T<lvrn of Vail. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any que-stioru regarding this report. Nicola Ripley Wetland Scientist aa-aa-aa-aa P.O. ll'rx36ll .Vnn.Cd.(rRADo 81658.Pur''ttt/F,rx (970)3286158.Prt,.'rxr/Fnx (970)468-0450 Yours sirplrqly, t'I,.rH k"-p o o WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT 5II8 CORE CIRCLE" EAST VAII,, FACLE COUNTY, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS SEC]ION I.INTRODUCT1ON PACE NI.IMBER III. WETLAND DESCRIPTION A HYDROLOGY B. SOILS I I )C VECETATION IV. METHODS I-ISED V. RESOURCES APPENDICES: FICURES FrcuRE I - SrTE VTCINITY EAST VAIL, COLORADO 7.5 MINUTE QUAD) FICURE 2 _SITE PLAN SHOWINC WET["{ND BOUNDARY FIRCURE 3 _ SITE TOPOCRAPFIY WTIH WETLAND BOUNDARY. PHOTOCRAPTS o o I i.%,/% = Ptl ot,qt rilt->n, 1U S)J zul r=lz r -'i \-, m >t9 X>\JO [nut >=ooo mr<9t '-< e ln t , l-r-r F^(r !-1 t l---7 l- t'-\ (1 -__- r-.Fl | /r, -1 ar -t-4^Z*- i;'-,l. ln ariilm hi J''<- \I FTl *x>5 vut>t-rc OF w WLTI-{ND DELINEATION REPORT 5II8 CORE CIRCLE VAIL EACLE COUNTY.COLORADO I.INTRODUCTION Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. (Montane) was retained by Mr. Phil Pokorny (Client) to identi$' jurisdictional wetlands that may occur on 5118 Gore Circle in East Vail (Site). the delineation was conducted to ensure no impacts to wetlands occur in the constmction of an addition to the existing house. The surv€y area is within the Sr07 1,/4 Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 79 r07est (FICIIRE l), 106 15' 55" W 39 37' 38" N, and is accessed {rom Big Hom Road in East Vail, south on Main Gore Drive, to Gore Circle. I VICINITY AND CENERAI, SITE DESCRIPTION The site is a small parcel (less than I acre) in an existing residential neighborhood in East Vail. A single family home exists on the Site onto which the owner wishes to have an addition to the east (FICLIRE 2). In the Site vicinity East Vail is heavily wooded with Lodgepole pine with dense shrub willow communities alongthe Gore creek flood plain. Gore Creek flows east to west approximately 50 feet south of the Site. A small tributary, referred to as the "minor creek," flows parallels to Gore Creek within its floodplain, immediately north of the existing house. The Site is flat from Vail Circle, for approximately 50 feet, then drops abrupth to the minor creek and floodplain of Gore Creek (FIGURE 3). M. WEII.{I{D DESCRIPNON The wetlands on the Site are associated with the minor creek and the {loodplain of Gore Creek as shown in FICURE 3. This riverine wetland has a roduced shore zone due to the degree of slope. A FIn)ROLOGY The wetland receives hydrology from Gore Creekwhich at high water, inundates the minor creek. It appears that the minor creek is permanently saturated as indicated by the vegeation community. Mean high water is estimated at less than 6 inches above the bed of the cteek. B.SOIIJ The soils were very cobbly and soil pits were not possible. In addition, there is no soil survey for the East Vail area. However, it was clear that the area delineated was wetland based upon the other wedand indicators (water marks, drift lines, flow pattems, and vegetation types.) W.il4nd fufuudwn Rcpot 51 I 8 Gora CircL, ELtt VdL Iwlc 15, l9i9 t\It i\ \, rii \ ,t\\t$\"F \?[/ Q\t qbt\ t B=*iL I I t I t t !7 a! !o g + i1,:'o': 3 tt 9tt '< l{ I I ll a g' ll ,.1 lr I Tr- "n rl ,l I $) 23 v-l n2 <:9H vA ;z *,, i/ -$ a *' I € J ,n /$ I ,* l\*-. lll,ii/ -.7\-T---\ --- t--].. l :J) t) '\ '\, \,, I I ,., t i t \ \ | t ++?-l-lH-+- T,e f f r F/s --- r -T-7-'- ,ii$ e3x q af, F QpF v>rn 6zr" O h Jn E 14 \' --"---- \ 'o'".orrr.,\ ) - "'4r'r acclss j^s€ u)n T g{ - lrl zz xw ;x +x QZ <\, **i< x =- tn ra - z -l o .n -\6 t- t 2 i-= \ n A Fn o m m n I 1- r( :q li )-" I t'r L-- I o -o o Oo \=.-___-..____ oco lp ) .,/ o :i :F !i rE :a E\ ' t-ri it iT ri !: C. VF,GI-,TATION A dry upland slope dominated by lodgepole pine abruptly dnrps to large willow shrubs at the toe o[ the slope at the elevation of the minor creek. The following table lists the tlominant wetland and upland species identified during the delineation. DOMINAI{T WL N ANID VECETATION DOMINANiT UPTANI) VECETATION Salir drurrrnrondirrna OBL Pinus contcnta ssp latilolia Alnus incana ss1 tenuifolia OBL \qo|yon c-ristdt m D i sti ge a inv olus ata F AC Poa sp Herucb.um s1lnndlhum ssp. Montanum FAC Rt-,sa uroodsii Eouisewn aruerue FAC+Taraxictmffianah N. MI-THOT)S LISFI) The wetland delineation methods used were in accordance with the U.S. Armv Coms of Ensineers \Tetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987. A routine on+ite inspection for 'Area.q Equal to or Less than 5 Acres in Size'was performed. Wetland boundaries were determined by the percentage cover o{ hydrophytic plant species (obligate, facultative wet, and facultative), and indicators of wetland hydrology. Topography was also used extensively as an indicator in the delineatron. V. RESOURCFS 1. Arnry Corps of Engineers (1987),'Wetland Delineation Manual. 2. US Fish and Wildlife Service, National List of Plant Species that Occur in \Tetlands (Region 8). 3. LIS Forest Service (1997), Rocky Mountain Region Willow ldentification Field Guide. 4.'IVeber, IUf.A. (1996), Colorado Flora:Mestem Slooe), Colorado fus<xiated Llniversity Press. Wetlatd Delincaian fuoo'rt- 5 I I 8 Oon Clrcl<- I:at Vail.luw 15, 1999 t,tlolrx;R._\l,tI I SI I l. r)\ t I{\ Il \\ Sl lt)\\ lN(; I \lS llN(, llt)t l5l r-\\ l.l{l.r-\()KIN(, (,r]lU ( l{l I K l)l It) lr-)( Jl \l'l I i \\ Il.l.t't\\ : \Nl) \llNt)]{ t,ltl.l K St It)\\ N \\ I I I I l-\tSIlN(, t)l.t-k I'l L\ lt)( ,l{ \l'l I l 5 I I I I' l.rrt X ,l l'tr[ L:[ r)l)l \Nt) \\.ll I t)\\: \l lt'tl ,.4 ,f ,,lr.Z ...t zoiYtE cHECK Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Ouncr 3 Architcct Phone Pbonc Zonc distri Lot siz-c hoposcd usc LL lc Buildable arca rotarGRFA !ffi- Allorvcd Existin e fou =_f*st Proposcd * 4 tt6 = Total *qo t" Rcmaining LL8+ Block 3 Fi[ns Ct*c wt Primary CRFA * 1475) r'67 (*\ =Jt _ + 6'75 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? f O Horv much of tbc allorvcd 250 Addition is usc,1 with this rcqucst? * 31tt = + '?6L = *3?H= jr'r .3 ILl Haa 3o. !- 1-O tfilf 116 @ Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Heig!ts Parking 20' . l5' r5'fto'(cri,t cr) ,o. r $q@ Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum 1t'l 8C'-l);(cL l-l,(Q Requirc tsftl'+ 3' /6' d_-{_ Nl* 3 Encloscd Ga..agc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics Mth TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Enrironm cntal/llazards (300) (600)@(1200) Permincd Slopc /->, tr y"Proposcd Slopc frz / ( 7 Pro'ious conditions of appror.al Is thc propcrty n on-conforming? Yln v", / yo Ycs_- No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%> r' G 2) Floodplain 3)Wctlands )O ' 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (Sq e l? 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall (chcck propcrty filc! Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REVIETY CIIECKLIST Projcct: Q SURVEY Scalc Benchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc .a:J Buildab[e AreS Eascmcnts ,t ' Topography 1001r. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback l--+-: Environrpental Hazards - . r ' f r] :''',:'. Trees '.'l t, ''.t,:' Utility locations .l . ;- ,SPot clcvations tr S}TF FLA.N,' .1' r..l1_ ' _-__o. Building Height -_- .. 'Encroachmcnts Sctbacks ' --q-Site Covcrage r, EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Decks/]3alconics Garagc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc Retaining lVaIIs Fcaces TumingRadius Driveway (access and gradc) Snorv Storage FircAcccss ..,r!r,t) ) r'i, tr FLooRPLANs Scalc i:- Jl't I GRFA 250 addjtional CRFA '. . :, - Crarvl\Attic Spacc tft u FF:: ' .t Q BUILDbJGELEVATIONS Scale 14 ColorMatcrials Roofpitch O u,rloscarEPLAN Edsting hccs Proposcd bees Legcnd '.-.to.' '' i'MISCELLANEOUS DCat, Condo Approval Title rcport (A & ts) Utility-vcrifi cati on form Pbotos of sitc Buil ding material samplcs C.O. Verilication Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilities (rurdcrground) Vicrv Corridors vananccs Plat rcstrictions , )r7 t |rs rrev tit ffit6Rbvoun rnoe{v NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmentai Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a oublic hearinq in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail oi Septemberi3, 1999, at 2100 P.M. in the Town ol VailMunicipal Building. In consideration ol: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction o.f a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 51 18 Gore Circle / Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5"' Addition. {s Applicant: Flobert Shonkuriler Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a medical facility, located at 3971 Bighorn Road #7DD / Building 7, Pitkin Creek Park. Applicant: Gary Weiss Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a worksession for amendments to Title 12, Zoning with respect to Employee Housing Unit Standards, Minimum Lot Size Requirement in the Primary/Secondary and Two- Family Flesidential Zone Districts and Site Coverage Standards. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a final review of a proposal for a new zone district entitled Affordable Housing (AH) District, allowing employee housing and other uses. Applicant Town ol Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Ptease call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published Augusl 27, 1999 in the Vail Trail. IfIKX MATHIAS Box 4 vArL, coloMDo 81658 F l\ F\uate Hecerve AUG 3 i 1999 ffi\,*w Shen^d. latt rt: Brt{{ t t \\ ,, i c 1.li,.,r,.i'-, ,l Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Shonkwiler Residence Project #:PRJ99-0182 Project Description: Interior Remodel of 186.5 additionel sq. ft. Owner, Address, and Phone: Robert Shonkwiler 2005 10fr St. Boulder, CO 80302 303{44-6060 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Phil Pokorny 1565 Wildwood Lane Boulder, CO 80303 303-49-2206 Project Street Address: 5ll8 Gore Circle Legal Description: Lot 3n Block 3, Bighorn 5th ParcelNumber: 209918203015 BuitdingName: Comments: Not an interior conversion - still available GRFA on the lot 186.5 sq. ft. used in this request Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 6122199 Project Name: Shonkwiler Interior Remodel VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APP ROVALS\I DRBAP PR DRB Fee Paid: $50 TO E^:olgL Qucstiorrs? at'. ptanningStaff a r47g-2t2g APPLICT\TION FOR DESTCN REVTEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION Thi.s application is fbr arry projcct rcquiring Desigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rcvicw mirst rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval priorto subnritting fora buikling pcrnrit. iorspcciRc info-rmatiin.sc. ttr.suU,,tittni rcquircntcnts fbr thc panicular approval tlrot is rcqucstcd. Tlrc application cannot bc acccctcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is subrnittcd. Thc pro.icct luay also nccd to bc rcvicrvcrl by thc Torvn Council and/or thc plarrnini and Euvironrncntal Conttltission. Design Rcviov Bonrd approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr finat approval unlfis a building pcrmit is issucd and con:rtruction is startcd. A. DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST: WN OTVAIL ,4'1py7l/c.113 B. c. D. c. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PHYSICALADDRESS: 5//O ,rrr*o, f;rc.noF_*t 7771 3 BLocK; 3 Oofz€ c/zcL€UA//- Co /". ) 20'tl t PARCEL fl:' 'scAer/, i n oo688tt (Cournct Eaglc co. Assc.ssors officc at g70-32g-g(r40 for parccl #) ZONINC: S F K NAME OF OWI\ER(S):O BEAT sHoNl< Q.Jt tEA MAILINC AD Z-()o=4 Sr. t'OULPE o30Z pttoNg: 30 3 (4 -6doo O}VNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: fi 't- fo<oe.u y +Co/nPA N 4/2fl/EcTuEE MAILINC ADDRESS:NtLDwoo AN€ CO PHONE: ?o -zzoa PE OF REVIE}V AND FEE: Nerv Construction - $200 Construction of a ncrv building. r\ddition -$50 l'cludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc tbotage is addcd to any rcsidortial or conrnrcrcial building. $20 lrcludcs nriror charrgcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnt$. such as. rcrooting..painting, rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcncqs and rctaining tvalls. ctc. El lVlinor Altcration - TY cl x H. DRll fces are to bc paid at thc time of sutrnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcrnrit, picasc idcntify thcaccuratevaluationofthcprojcct. ThcTownofvail rvill adlusithJfccaccording-tothc.projcctvaluation. PLBASE sull[ttr rHIs APpLIcATtoN, ALL suBr\{rrrAL REeurRnr\.rENTs AND iHE FEE To rHE DEPARTIVIENT OF COI\.IIVTUNtTY DBVELOPMBNT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. LtsT;oF PROPOSED I\IATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: eX/s7/NC'UNCI/AN@D BUTLDINC tr{ATERIALS: Roof Siding Otlrcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sollits !Vindorvs Windorv Trinr Doors Door Trirrr Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashiugs Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*' Othcr COlg&:* eN9T/NG uLr6lt 4 pGea ( ztt Patvo t/.47tatts 4AG -. * Plcasc spccify thc nranufacturcr's color. number and aftach a snrall color chip *r AII cxtcrior lighting nlust nlcet thc Torvn's Lighting Ordinancc I 8.54,050(J). If cxterior lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicate the nunrber of fixturcs and locations on a separutc lighting plan. ldcntily each fixturc type ald provide thc hcight abovc gradc. lunrcns output, lunrinous arca, and aftach a cut shcct of Ihc lighting fixtwss. /l/ Te'P_/ oZ Updatcd 6/97 o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botnnical Nnntc ./No^/E / /fLL a \ Contnrorr Namc Quantity Sizd, fat)o/4Ttosl3 AryEF@ PROPOSED TREES AND SI{RUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL NoME-1A tL Ft:rclnnoPs A'--_.:_.--___--- *Mlninrunt rcquircnrcols for landscaping: en nperl dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trcc.s ' 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squnrc Footagc OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rcaining walts, fcnccs, swinrrning pools, ctc) Plcase spcciry' Inlicate top and bottonr ctcvations of roraining; walts. ivtaxim,rin trcight of w;tk within the front sctback is 3 fcel Maximum beight of rvalls clscwhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fcct. NOsc Iil,,|:::::::::J:lg":ilj::::3111ry1!iation for'crvconshuction andshourrr bcuscd in conjunction :lLlf".n::ry,:,ll,y pl.-'and sc.hlduting i'sranations. rhc tocatio'u,,d.""i1#;;;ilffiHili:ff:,thcy bc nrain rnrnk linqs or nsoposccl rincs. urr"it bc approvcd.and vcrificd by rh. Ib[";;;;;il#;{,acconrpanvingsit"nr^r.(07/atfl unes AgE Nof HFV|SET )\ rTo /ftcft€As€ //v trR///cL emrrdnliF{./ approvcd and vcrificd by thc follorving urilirics fol thc ilo ncneAsi€ tv trR///ce Fqquwuetrrs. A rrtlrorizcd Si enahrrc Datc nccontpanying sitc pllrn. U..S. Wcst Courntun ications | -800-922- | 9tt7 4(rr3-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc Colnpany 949-571t I Gary Hall tloly Cru.ss Elcchic Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd l-lusky/John Boyd T.C.t. 949-5530 Floyrl Sal:rzru Eaglc Rivcr Wnlcr & Sanitation District r 476-7480 Frcd lla.slcc +. Plcasc bring a sitc plan. floor plan. and clcvations rvhen obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy \vatcr & sanitation signafurcs. Firc florv nccds nrust bc addrc.s.scd. NOTES: t.lf thc utility vcrificatio' fbrnr has sigrrarruc.s fio'r cach ofthc utirity conrpanics. and no contrlcllts arc nndc dircctly on thc tbmr. thc Torvrr rvill prcsunrc that thcrc arc no pro[.n,s and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. lf a utility company has conccms rvith thc proposcd constnrction. the utiliry rcprcsi:rtativc shalt nolcdircctly on thc rrtility vcrification foni thit thcrc is a problent rvhich nccds to be resolvcd.Thc issuc should thcn bc dcrailcd in an anachcd lcttcr to tho Town ofVail. Horvcvcr, prcasc kecp in nrind that it is thc rcsponsibirity of thc utility cor'pany and the applicant to rcsolvc idcntiticd problcnrs. - -- -'-'--':-rr rv '! 3.Thcse verifications do not rclievc thc conhactor of thc rcsponsibility to obtaiu a public lvay Pcnrrit front thc Dcpartnrcnt of public Works at the Torvnlof Vail. Utilit), locations nrust bc *111i1513l5g:iS i' a'y public rigtrt-of-way o, "or"n,"nii"i,h;ffififfi;Vilili Updatcd 6/97 ARCHITECT: Phil Pokorny + Company, Architecture 1565 Wildwood Lane Boulder, CO (303)499-2206 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Nicols Associates 2779 Dagny Way #202 Lafayette, CO (303)665-0090 DIVISION I - GENERAL: Contractor to complete Town of Vail Construction Application Form including all subcontractor information. Ail cbnstruction shall equal or exceed l6Cal building codes, zoning ordinances and restrictive covenants. Materials shall 6e new and best grade or quality stated. Erectiorl application, or installation shatl be in accordance with manufactureis instructions or best standard practice and comfteted in a workmanlike manner. All buildings must be completg and ready for occupancy, with ;ailili;;il"tions completed, and all equipmentin operating condition at time of final inspection by Owner and local authorities. GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR.AREA: (measured to inside of furish wall) INTERIOR RENOVAT IONS 5I 18 GORE CIRCLE VAIL, CO OUTLINE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS EXISTING: Lower Level First floor Second floor Garage ADDITIONS: New 2no floor retreat EXCLUSIONS: Garage 900 s.f. 997 s.f. 508 s.f. 398 s.f. l6l s.f. (398 s.f.) TOTAL REVISED GRFA: 2'405 s.f. ALLOWABLE GRFA: (22,438 s.f. lot) 4,793.8 s.f. ZONING: SFR BUILDINC IIEIGHT: unchanged - all additions within existi4g envelope. 6re PHILIP ROEERT 'N -2"t.G^fg Outline Specifications - 5ll8 Gorc Circlc Pg'2 DMSION2-SITEWORK: NA -- -- N; site work involved. All construction within existing envelope' DIVISION 4 - MASONRY: EIFS: Exterio, I*uiation Finish System (synthetic stucco) to match existing over 3" foam build-up' Match texture and color ofexisting finish coat' DMSION 6 - CARPENTRY (see structural notes on plans) FRAME CARPENTRY: SHEATT{ING: 7/16' OSB. RAFTERS AND JOISTS: KD Douglas Fir, #2 or better, as sized by Structural Engineer' INTERIOR WALLS: 2x4,#2 KD Douglas Fir at 16" c'c FLOORDECKING:314"T&Gplywood(notOSB),gluedandnailed' EXTERIORTRIM:ElFsretumonfoambuild.uptomatchexisting. ATION BARNER: patch all vapor barrier with like material at window installations. BLIILDING PAPER: patch all building paper with like material at window installatiom' SEALANTS: as required to give watertightjob. -Provide expansive qry tTt*t_(ry]y_.-".,[]3t air infiltration control at sill plates; wall comers, windofldoor frame perimeters, and sheathrng penelratlons' I'INISH CARPENTRY: CABINETRY: Salvage all cabinets to be removed for future use. Store cabinets on site per Owner's directions. INTERIORTRIM:Sa;: stain srade to match existing. Provide round comer sections to match existmg. Window trifr and door casing: sta-in grade to- matgh gxistlng' n*i*:ii"l-ffii;;;k @ ai;i"ym;tceiling: lx 6 and q-.tr. round trim as detailed. Species to be hardwood as selected by Owner' CLOSET SIIELVING: Double shelf and rod at new closet' DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION INSULATION: Wef-l- fffinON: 5 ln F.-21fiberglass batts at any exterior walls modified INTERIOR WALL AND FLOOR INSULATION; Provide R-I3 fiberelass batts at all new interiorwalls' provide R-I9 fiber;i;; f";;-r"d "u**tiir "t ai;il-bi"g walls. Privide R-I9 fiberglass batts at all new , floor framing between conditioned spaces. Outlinc Specifications - 5l llt Gorc Circle I'g.3 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS GENERAL: Escape or rescue windows should be provided in all sleeping rooms per Section 310.4 with minimum net clearbpening of 5.7 s.ll, minimum net ilear opening_width ot-20", minimum net clear opening height of24", and sill height ofnot more than 44" above finished floor. SAFETY GLAZING: Safety glazing should be provided at locations subject to human impact including: - glazngin doors, glazinglesit[an l8:' above waiking sur{aces, or_glazing_withina24." arc of either vertical Edge o"f ttre dooi il a clSsed position in accordance with Section 2406..4:6; Glazing in doors and panels of sh6wer, bathtub, and hot tub enclosures and windows in adjacent walls where the bottom eqge of the window is less than 60" above the standing surface or draininlet should be fully tempered, laminated safety glass or approved plastic and should comply with Section 2406.4.5. INTERIOR DOORS: 6-panel pattem, stain grade, solid core, species to match existing. HARDWARE: door hardware to match existing. WINDOWS: Match or equal to existing aluminum clad double glazed wood windows as scheduled (in inch increments) on plans. Alinew windowi are operable casem€nts. See "Safety Glazing" specification above for all locations requiring tempered, laminated safety glass' DIVISION 9 - FINISHES DRYWALL AND TEXTURE: l/2" equal to USG. Pool-trowel texture to match existing and as approved by owner at walls and ceilings. All drywall corners to be radius type. PAINTING / STAINING: AII colors to match existing. Samples to be painted at job site for approval. CARPET: Carpet and pad as selected by owner where scheduled on plans. Carefully remove, store, and protect existing carpets to be reinstalled. CARPET ALLOWANCE: DIVISION 15 . MECHANICAL HEATING SYSTEM: Provide additional baseboard heating elements joined into existing heat loops as shown schematically on plans. Baseboard heating elemcnts to match_existing-in style ald.color. Changes.to existing mechanicafroom, boiler, and venting are-not anticipated. A liscensed mechanical contractor shall veriff [ipe sizing, heat z-one capacity, existing boiler size, and overall performance of the revised system. PLUMBING: Plumbing work is limited to removal of existing bar fixtures. Properly cap all plumbing lines in this DNISION 16 - ELECTRICAL (see electrical notcs on E sheets). GENERAL: Electrical and lighting layout to be as shown on plans. Work-is to include all removal and repair as required at demolitio.-n are-as. - Electrical contractor is responsible for,any additional.outlets.required by code not'shown on plans. Electrical contractor to provide additional panel space as r.equired._Electrical contractor to meet with Owners to veri$ all outlet locations, lighting fixture selections, Iighling fxture locations, and mounting heights. All design and construction to meet the National Electric Code. LIGHTING FIXTURES: T (surface or recessed)-as shown on plans, models as selected by owner and interior designer. ELECTRICAL TRIM: Atl switches, dimmer switches, outlets, and cover plates to match existing style and color. {ii $R :t st' Rl* r tr .u LJJO cllr ;{ o xE Y< 6z l'-L (T Jrr Oo t.? ...J ("o HR 5A O\J J CIj o<F> () O o lu F F o x$ $N es* $ $ fl I I I I I fl o s -Y ct a .\' :€ r.<- o o Z'j, o {tIJ _, J'>,' O-;LU,I i.:!1; i<E -r-LU :E=r (O io-J t_ x K s I a z I ,1.l- =<Y> tr'9 2E \d.lt {*yre I o R.tl \ 0 $u I R s \ 5$ $i ''l>II / \(,/(/ .lt I i't ;XI n/ \; ]if- -tz "'n i Jr' I \. o o s e a .9 s \9 ilii fill,E<_ i(**[r i $t$if, $tr< t\ dr x w N to i L \, \;t F{iil + Y-o^ le d&olc *rF s F CE |rI @ o OE a J =o- .a. - /.. rt'-, SJ .Effi -f kY -r< L>r sP r-(Eq/ F .{S \t ss .\x :f\ N$d's \\{\n $+s. N -.s \ i* *i ix i*i J +\$ isi t 0 o (q Cr \ $rE it* i$s o N \ \t $i \ \ 0 ll \ sl \ \ s \ a \s \ \ A):l Nl $t R * \ s i *\ il \ \-\ ).\ i3s \ i9 <lr \ =F { }r U) I d?fr i $s; i-s*s :$ sl Ra rJ -l IT tt Ir rt *$ $$ 1 'Vt t.-I tr'l i \ R \ I it $i t'$ $t \ b fi;*i 3.9;8.i 5 EE;I + c tr o ll o o- $l [r- ). N ri { {tl Jy< /\t ii'a -il , \ R g{ $$ -:-{- :f o-A-------ffii$.il i ;J$tili I i ,l 'l i ,i$$ - r--r "l ii +nn i =\3 E \S. Ha,E o o o o \J.. \ \\ -n R\s c$ \ cx-' \-.--- @ E 'zO <o i;JJ O- LL 'Jcf <z 'Fo EC)<uJ lo-a' \ 0 \l n \ \ \ "l \ u Vl {*,$ \t*$ Il$$ k ]r \ t \a s t$ $ \.t k \l \ \ q swl I 1 rl ii rl ll iI o1 \i {l ,\l NI .rl n\ ..\ oi , i1l si$ rS$tr iis IF$ $[ $$$[$l $ll l$is $li$ut ,a I *'t r rs \ ru\\ \r" t ti $ti Fs *lts \lri rl Ft $rI j*t I o l! R \I \,\ )\, $ g\ *\ Bd il{l iltr I$$ I *V (O sl \ N 6 +. ED t\ s t $\ N {l \ 53o ;=i ioo,-loo ;-r t!- s33 c o o. 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H l r (, f N) I z =m F tn F H IA z x =F = m H FJ .-1 r E qJ :f.J 5.5 I c,z tq m; l>l 13o lr/) Tr lE<l""o l. 'Yl lo fl1 lo !t.< { -{o @ m x m -{o z C-o G'2 -t m s \AJ UJ s R N o) @ (Jl -o s' G 9-, o-d-{o p-d og d'< =7 oo !{ cO -O-rlr_(o iri o =J o!) E- Orf :JA' 91 o oo :1 0 qt al 30, -!$E 4i6 :n- 5O g)o 60 = J o o 3 o) = o o ; CL E s.o. (D o 0) AD o -'o 6 o a o - a { J o 5 qt tr o a g -.1 t 5' 0) o o a !t v, A) o t I 9) E.o 6 aD o o A' o 5' o =o -l o {a v; N (o 0t AD u g, o o I o.o 9. f -.{ t o 0l ct o o \ \' q S b s F I o €z m I ft z -t o i z I m o {z m - H#ata \ =i's - j z =z r m = z m m m l<' lz l= IF fio<>11 !-.{ m m t-m o a u J : t- a, lo lo l_ I I I z U'c - z -l !m I o x z m l, I t-c m IO tr€otr IF -z .. G) '' z - z>\Jx ''ii r<'J<io m :_r z c 4 I tl I tl z m t -l m . o z o =z r X N m ! .It m _n =z €P t-t- ONr lllm ^ ,E6 H3 fi 'u x m 2F io if- > 'n Xzc)2A ?9 xrc)(,1:: P e z,>a ! Y oo o i'nzz ;5 -'l !I E< = l\) N) z -l .-t E o z Fl t! z r- z z 2 F @ . =z -{m a z z =z --l I i m 291 l'z,<ol -gi Hrl ool L:> rljl Fl I I I .i-l \Jt I I'\ol 5l I ol ll ml I I I I I z Fl z n @ I F I -{o -.1 f- !m = ='Tl m m u, {H r F r r'. c o m x o t-m z c m 2 --{ m z !m tn € m o m ..,1 z -t! m m m c) z o a' T = m m 6 t- z o -m x . z o m = T m ! =1.1 m m (, VALUATION T m v =-t z o =m o 2 |- ! z m t-m - @ t- 2 NJ l'J 7) F.! yfl 5wY '' f,qlq,f @- , APP-L;ICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT II{,AY NoT BE ACCEPTED It***************************** PERUTT INFORIIATToN *****************!r***********tl .r' Qo* oF vArL coNsrRucrro"O **#*L PERMTT APPLTCATION FORM oert'z i;/z/e+ ipp6,p tl0 j 1994 [v].-Buildi_ng [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanlcar [ ]-other S4ottr4twt L€jR Job Nane: Deq<ttla(L A O *l toa Address: Sllb Gc>ee Cr Legal Description: Owners Narne: U\o&erz Architectz \)I-aple k__3_ rilirs € * squotutsiooo, E/a Pn@o Ph.@3 Address: Address: t,ot 3 Bloc 5Haur'.u, General Descriptionz E_* LL. work class: [ ]-New [ ]-AtteratLon 1/1-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: O Number of Accommodation Units:o Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nuhber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Address: Contractor: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FE8: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 7t'FOR OFFICE USE BUTLDING PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'TECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT:/&o--''6f- totrt PERI,IIT CLEA}I I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: -v q(VALUATION Conments: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: luwn 75 louth lrontage road Yrll, colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 oftlcc of communlty dovclopmcltt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pery1t. requlres a Town of Vail fire Department Approval,Engineer"s (pubric works) reyiew and approvai,'i piii,,iriii'blpa"tment review or Hea'lth Departnent review, anb'a-review by ttre 6uiifi;;""""Department, the estinated time for a totar "euier-ilav";ul;';; .r6ng..-, as three weeks. f]] cgrmgrgial (rarge or smar]) and ail murti-famiry permits wi)r have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnis.""iesldentiat ::1_:T:ll-prgj.!!t.'should take a lesser amount of tine. However, ir resroentlal or smaller.projects .impact the various above mentioned departments with reqard. to necessary review, these proje.ls'*y also take the three-week period. - Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite this pemit as soon as possible. - I-' tne undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. lSuortt<tr,/erz , De.tz 4 WatL |ootTto^-l t- ,-3 Date Work Sl/eet was turned imofhe Corrnuni ty Development Departrnent. 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olllco of communlly deyelopmenl TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREMTI.YL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOhIN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH L6, 19BB CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit uny ,Jif,-r;;k; sand, debris or nateriar' incruding trash iunpsteri, pori.ur- ioirets and workmen vehictes. upon any streetl siaewaixl -;ii;y or public p1?:" or any portion theieof. The right_"i_ru' ln aU Town of Vaj-I streets and.:gug= is approximately 5 ft. off pavemenr.This ordinance wirr- be. sui;lit enrorcla uy itt"-r"wn of vair Public l{orks DeDartnent- perslns found vi6ratinf this ordinance will- be given a 24 hour writren n"[i""-t"-;;;;;"'ruid rnareriar.fn the event the person so notified.does not "".p:.y with the notice within the 24 hour.tir"-=p""i;i;,"il";il;iic worlcs Department wirl remove said nateii.r it-itr"-'""pli=e of person noti-fied- The provisi.ons of this ord.inance sharl not be applicable to cbnstruction, ,uirri.rrunce or repair projects of any street, or alley or any utilities in tne-iighl_"_*"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fult, please stop by the To'rn of Yli-l Building Department to obtain a copy. trranx you for your cooperation on this matter. I 18. Have you sver rrao alnse In our area or any other "r"" ul, any name that was: A) Revoked B) Denied C) Suspended lf so, please explain: 17. lf registant is Corporation or Partnershlp, please stat6 applicant relailonship/position: 18. What is your position in this registration? A) Officer B) Stockholder C) Principal D) Other -/ t g. socat searrity Number: ............... 5..7!..:..k?.:..72.f.A TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED 1) 2) 3) 4) s) V,taLLAootTt o4 Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affeAing the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easemehts or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO 6) 7l 8) of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-21 . I have read and answered all 9//f €on" <t'. / lf19tL answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public way Permit" must be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C9.11u1i$ Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town questions. Date o tr)-? Job Name Contractor's Signature I Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes ; , NAME: SHONKWILER DECK DATE: 8-4-94 ADDRESS:5118 CORE CREEK CONTRACTOR: OWNER VAIL, COLORADO ARCIIIIECT: GODBERG OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. AN rLC (SURVEY) WLL BE REQUTRED AND APPROVED By Tr{E TOWN OF VAIL BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE DONE BY TI{E TOWN OF VAIL. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF TTIE 1991 UBC. 4. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.1712 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 5. ALL FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW GRADE. (, #^fefltrE'c frl 6run fbZB ^t +4r(41q (-..__q Gtr-v B!:{f A ,6 Gax gx6 (12) N 16 Co*ttt2crou N^tLs ft={1.q0.1 s: llt /\r .,E o * GI r6 I Town of E 7t '€,+t, ti fr (LY.ois)(+1)' o' a.{.t @) t*to Ciiiil:; ':'lPY t/,4/n-s-q/ t4 -o" 1. A,v.AF-EJ*I -+8 €T5i-5-]V Llplco evEra x/rtLtLe Lrpti _=5FE _HT.4,, atuV.o.DwPAj Jpn-EctL ----?DcTa .L -/ -?t&RW pvF-&- ^ r -----2 R. tlt/& tt\L- - b*b-DacT-< --- te) pat{r'T +PtHolL € etu EltD Aaagg -G_-rz*aa Arar --n$-topi'=Dr"l w/ 4 -{-*+'L- €Tt .h.1, z n-'llLc Q 6;W EAOrr-l'o rtr.-Ferr-. - Ep *t,t, lrta w/ p'a*z1raa L Aa €faac5+ p //,f " ,.tr,,t,r.u uav 7/./.<)r:ti &.?'7-t 4 I -<aa-L98-U*EJE FfZ,Ol-4 €1-L 'lo - -6A-6--.;; (z'T=D+-T 4,i ffip"*7rr, efL\_D-e V rzt e t FBaU-___E1-o Te Fl,^-a LAt#--BPar}j. 6 toE3' aF ELew Alage' ?eIzLAtfr 'f rl-Leo zeUi + e.urzlw^ll Toun of.Vai[- rrvtcnoN REeuESr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 4rl JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON READY FOR LOCATION:tJ "-, ,, ) BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-., ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR f INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,r.t ri- 479-2138 PEHMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME DATE t{ AM PM" CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING r-1 BOOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr tr FINAL ,D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr E o D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL , tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR. O oesign Review nctiftorm TOWN OF VAIL category Nu*o" o^t" 17',) 1- g / a eroieaName: {/^.avt / ci/ea - Building Name: Project Description: {it-!"tl- Owner, Address and Phone: 1'f Leoal Descriotion: Lot 5 Block gu561y;slqn /v*i l: r-rl -)..t r 5 + Zone District 7 z--'-- ArchitectlQenllct Address and Phone: Proiect Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: 3 Approval D Disapproval ,( st"r eoo'ouut Conditions:b4 nies o^t"t 7 - A{' 7'/ DRB Fee Pre-paid // f p,' o RB AP revisod COI-,ORADO 'REC'D;t:1" I 9/4/eL i 1994 PLICAIION - TOViN.OF VAIL, DATB APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** THIS ]TPPLICATION }IIIL NOjr BE I'NTII. AIL REQUIRED INFORMATION ********** PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION.: AccEPTEJt","'-'" :' -'---;= -- rs susurdinp {'' r,,L llxP B. TYPE OT REVIEW: , New Construct.ion ($200.00) -rtlf 0Z Addit.ion ($s0 .00). lrnot Arrerac.ion ($2o. oo) ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. I..EGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Subdivision Conceptual Review Block 3 a meets and bounds legal on a separaLe sheet and '?-r --l-H If property is described by description, please provicle attach to t.his application. B. ZONING:s'tr< F.LOT AREA: If required, applicant il""": H:_I"++lrtLlj"u a cuxrenc S,(. LsrS ,a.-ees) DBE.EG must, provide 'z!L,43& Mailing Address: Z2il ScZa Phone APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: 2i Phone I. NAME OF OWNERS:.t-l a NAMB OF Mailing Mailing Addre R.-.,,Lnap. (a FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 1O,Ooo $ 10r00t - $ 501000 . $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,00r.. - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000 $ . Over $1r 0001 000 =L) t-r E> , .2t , Phone FEE PATD: -azt LI 8ER6 3 -- tar J. Condominlum Approval if applicable. ensure the correct fee is paid. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shovrn above, are to be paid at,the tlme of submittal of Onn application. Liter, when applying for a building permit, please identify tire accurate valuation of t,he proposal . ?he town -of VaiL will adjust, t,he fee according- to Lhe table UefoW, t,o 20 FEB $ 20..00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 rll '* DESTGN REvrEw BOARD APPRovrg, ExPrREs oNE YEAR AFTER FrNAr APPROVAIT UNLESS A .BUII.DING PERMIT fS ISSUED Al.tD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **No APPlrcATroN WrLrJ BE PRocEssED wrrHour owNER,s^.sr6NATuRE t ., i-" / ' 'l:>': -t'' b''{, /') ,' . //.rl"{,'l ioi:'"';- I' r"r)'' "'','" z-/ "? //' i't' 4tl4 r""i' ,t,.'ll /, '( *SIGNATURE(S): NA},18 OF PROJECT: LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: LOT 3 LIST OF MATERTALS O wrLL ADot-Tro,.J Te ilg BLOCK 3 SUBDIVISTOv $r6poz*t Sf,d oQ.e ltez-le STREET ADDRESS:l l* loc e e.e ltfz <ha DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:WALL AO Dl 7-lt2^-l The following information is Review Board before a finaL A. BUILDING MATERIALS: required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COLOR Roof Siding Other WaII Materials WAL( 94il.L r-ascLa Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or ail\- FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name .of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical N.eme PROPOSED TRBES Common Name Ouantitv Si ze* 6T,:ZzeeXz 72" pn4TzU enr'tr B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicat,e t.rees . Minimum caliper for height for coniferous P. e3 | =rotu*r,r r LER r HVEGT.'EH- ,O ses4441gee EEE st; ts r ii8- ?3 :l Ft 6) $3.,r-tr zfn o*5 F={:g'I u, t:g iiH rH H H f o i N !!: ts t t t d-5 -{ o fl--i_isil K.it o ,. g iFt ii il tr ii ti n.;! r,l ll :i 6t o a m o c g5 ?-l d g "$ s- I I tt , :.'' Ei ir I E g' otR .lJ 588 c! t E t I I .stct I ';ih.i I ;;lt i gTE; i ilE: I *BE: i r:Fl 6 rlFl I !;l r i-f ' iit ! :gt5 l;Es !:F8 -'r5. ItrP ii'i *lrl itr a ,l iq I t I a t ,g t r c A a n i T I t !g Fg ts rl IE iF rl sl rt'?. a?!o ti, o ll,tn -i Tll f; '3j t€r B!Fg lF TT !rr !il gi 'tl ott irl 'c? iF ?l ao {t T !! cT {r it itl IEB ,3I i!l ia! !l .l ';9 Fr :I 'Bo t/ t r"a fr ET a ll fc !t !t t;' FI P 'a ,t 3 t I r o ! 5 ra li Il 9g ft F /i,' FI$:H 'seEE FE"E frr'r 2 c)1 giff :E= Jh 2m- Wr*t11 t\ t i rl u\ TfM Owners Form 2 31- SHONKI,I I LER INVESTHEHT /eO 38E4441999 Yolicy No. A2755I91 File No. Vl-266o Amount S90,000.00 P.67 SCHEDULE A Address 1-. Policy Date: January 13, l-989 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Name of Insured: ROBERT T. SHONKI,IILER 3. The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: .L Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: ROBERT T. SHONKWTLER 5. fhe land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County,Colorado, and is described as follows: LOT 3, BLOCK 3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COUNTY OF E.E,GLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Page L This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. HvEsrnEFrre 3994441999 Owners PolicY American '"and litle Associalion Form B- 1970 lAmended 10'17'7Ui Potrry.rtunner AZ 755191 MINNESOTA TITLEA SUBJECT TO TH'E IXCLUSIONS FRO1I CCVERAGI, THE EXCEPIIONS CONIAiNiD IN SOHEDULE 8 AND IhE PBOVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS ANI] STIPUI}TICNS HEREOI TTTLE INSURANCE CoMpANy 0F MiNNISCIA, herein called the comla:lv insufes, as of Date of Poiicv shown in Scheduie A. agarnst ioss or damaqe, nor exceedrng rhe amount 0f inslrance slated in Schedule A, and costs. arorneYs' fees and expenses wnich the company may become obirgaled i0 pay hereundec sustaineo or incurred oy the 'nsuied by reason oi: 1. lltle to rhe estate or nterest described in Scnedu,e A being vested cthe4,vise than as siated thete'n; 2. Any deiect in or llen ot encumbrance 0n such titie; 3. r-ar:k of a ront of access to ano itom the lano: or 4. Unrnarketabiiiry of such trtle lN WITNESS WHEREoE the said litle lrsurance company of Minnesoia has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by .rs duiy authorized offrcers as 0f the ciate shown in Scnedule A, the policY to be valid when countersigned by an authorizec ofircu or agent of the Companv \ ; ./ {'-l''' TIILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTI AStock Conpny N Sefx,Ni A,renue South. Minnegtlis' Minnegta 55401 P. B1 F R0 r'l 303 567 #n'eAffE.c R={!.cJO.t s:llt u(o * 6l t9 t l. .fs {i ir t.r)(\,rs): \, (2) \*to riT\u =eE .-a+ /^ it t,o Llplao evErz ,.{\zrLe LAIAS -Aec 4A+4, -Li-_'i 'r i a, t4\{av-ave \li.i-- --l . - _.-.--LaG -e:w- DEap-wL/A\-,i" [ .?"c=3Q ye'f< €aaev/3 7 5Tc7 ro rlrl I I -!-/------Z7e-LlltZ:E:r\-I.I.i:-fl!.,/l lrYll../ i -/J ar, WR ?*t4QW ov-etz -y.1iii-\- .- . - n -, ,.f,G.--',t^ - - i l'liih':- -fr. 'T'A^t3Gt3 3- rtBla ptLT .*6 p'r.*a1ran L DerZ €- Tl-, r o 3,/llo =l'-e" rZ" @Df;TeJE ra+J c,u a+l 'Barrc R a**--ur/--A.!4 42*Pt= Y14vYe5- Ffaav S1-L 'to -a f vWeo w*Lt+Lp.anT*z--aeUj + DDrzAwrLL :lzfzx p c - U-A rz Lt= I -E tZeta E-7 -e '7.= 5b -a '1.t 't I t.l lrLfeJ?-p e e t f,--E-P1A-3Jf2*-+w;LL rdaLo'wt &rzat;,a ', I -F P=ztAtfr z ,o 4u T ++ e 3,,2. , ,6regL Q 1,J, ; t f I * ii I i !i .rl I t i4 t , ti i, li I I t I T t ! JI I t I' I I TOWNOFVAIL R-ECEIPT NO. ,^,'A-,1-,.lL CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO 01 0000 4241 ORM BUILDING CODE 0l 0000 4241 01 0000 4241 01 00004241 0r 0000 4241 0r m0041412 1 0000 4141 VTC ART PROJECT DONATI PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW 31 0000 45ll 01 0000 41330 DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND DISTRICT M]NOR AMEND SUBDIVISI 01 000041330 ""4,lLN ,' , l' t- o o ,& [ [if, ]' 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 303 -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 1 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Sincerely, D e p arun e nt of C onmuuriry D e ve lop m e nt March 14, '1994 Robert Shonkwiler 2005 'lOth Street Boulder. CO 80302 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Dear Mr. Shonkwiler: The Planning and Environmental commission (PEC) unanimously deniedyour request for a fence height variance today. The motion lor denial included the demand that the fence in question' located at your property at 5118 Gore circle Drive, be completely removed within 10 days from today(py March 24, lgSJJjDe). The motion stated that if the lence was not removed within the t O ilrY#"1, tnit ifre"o-*ner shoutd be cited inlo court for a violation of section 18'58'020(C) of the Zoning Gode which states the lollowing: "Fences . . . shall not exceed 3 feet in height within any required setback area, and shall not exceed 6 feet in height in any portion of the site ' ' ' .'' lf you wish to pursue this issue further, it is your prerogative !o appeal the PEC's decision to the Town Council. According to section 18.62.070 of the Zoning Code' you have ten days from today to file a written appeal. 'i have attached this section of the code for your review. lf you desire to pursue another fencing option that will not require a variance to the lence height limitations, you can make.,application to the Design Review Board (DRB) at any time' However, do not misconstrue this ai'atiowlng the current fence to remain in the interim-it must come down within the specified 10 day'periodl The existing lence was erected without prior approval lrom the DRB and is in violation'of the Zoning cooe as noted above' I have attached a DRB application form in the event tha\you wish to propose a different lencing option. {'r,^JlJi,,^.ttri Randy Stouder Town Planner K-!-- /zt /r7 /*r",u o o VARI.ANCES That the variancc is warranted for one or more of thc following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would resutt in practical difficulty or unneccssary physical hardship incon- sistent with the objectives ofthis title, There are exceptional or cxtraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do nol apply genenlly to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and cnforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the appli- cant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of orher properties in the same district. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 19.600.) I8.62.070 Apped to the town council. A. An appeal to lhe lou'n councjl may be made by the appli- cant, adjacent property ownert or by rhe tou'n manager. The town council can also call up matters by a majority vote of those council members present. B. For all appeals, the appeal must be filed in writing within ten days following the decision or must be called up by the town council at their next regularly scheduled meeting. C. The council shall hear the appeal wirhin thirry days of irs being filed or called up, with a possible thirly-day exten- sion if the council frnds that there is insufficient informa- lion. (Ord. 37(1980) $ I I (part).) 18.62.080 Permit approvat and effect. Approval of $c variancc shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and consuuction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two years from when the approval becomes final. (Ord.48 (1991) $ 2: Ord. 16 (1978) $ s(c).) ? 483 (Vsit 4.7.92) fii"L i r 2. 4. The applicant shall relocate quality vegetation contained within the limits of construction disturbance as feasible. As an alternative, the applicant shall plant spruce and evergreen trees in the front and side yards, adjacent to the garages and circular driveway, to provide screening of these areas when viewed from adjacent properties. The applicant shall work with staff to determine the final disoosition of tree relocation/replacement efforts. 5. The applicant shall maintain native vegetation within the stream setback areas. Areas within the stream setbacks shall not be seeded or sodded with turf grasses. Randy added that the applicant had no objections to the conditions provided by staff. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approved this request for a minor subdivision per the staff memo with Greg Amsden seconding the motion. A 5-0 vote approved this requesl. A reouest for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn sth Addition. Applicant: Planner: Robert Schonkwiler Randv Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff was recommending denial of this request and that the fence be removed from the front setback. He added that several residents of this neighborhood had contacted the Community Development Department to complain about the fence. Robert Schonkwiler, the applicant, stated that he was not before the PEC to argue about the location of the fence. He said that he received contradictory information from staff concerning the proper location of the fence. He added that the reason he was requesting the variance was because he was concerned that if he moved the fence the full 20 feet out of the front setback that there is a four foot ridge present on the property which would require that the fence be even higher. Mr. Schonkwiler was concerned that such a location would require the removal ol several large evergreen trees. He said the reason the fence was erected in its present location was that it seemed to be the only practical location on his property. He stated that he was before the PEC to request some reliel from the 20 foot lront setback requirement. He said that he disagreed with staft's contention that no other fences exist in his neighborhood. Tom Hopkins, a neighbor, stated that he was opposed to the request. He said that the fence negatively impacts the appearance of their neighborhood. Arthur Kittay, a neighbor who lives to the west of the applicant, stated that the applicant's fence negatively impacts the appearance ot the Gore Circle Drive neighborhood. Plannlng and Environmontrl Commlsslon Mrrch 14, t 994 Eric Berg, a neighbor, stated that he does not understand why the fence has been allowed to remain in place as long as it has. He said he was opposed to the granting of a variance tor this fence. Jeff Bowen stated that the fence did not comply with the Town of Vail's Zoning Code and therefore would need to be taken down. Greg Amsden stated he was not in favor of the fence and that it needed to pulled back to the 20 foot setback line. He said that any fence to be erected on the site would need Design Review Board approval. Bob Armour stated that he would like to see the fence pulled back to the 20 foot setback line. Bill Anderson stated that he had no further comments. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she had no further comments and that she did not feel that a hardship existed on the site. Kristan Pritz suggested that should the PEC vote against this request that they should put a time limit as to when the applicant should make application to the DRB. Jeff Bowen stated that he would like the fence to be removed within seven days from today's date or else the applicant be cited for violating the Town of Vail Zoning Code. Kristan PriE stated that the applicant would have the right to appeal the PEC's decision to the Town Council within ten days of today's meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny the applicant's request for a variance to allow a 6 foot fence and that the applicant has ten days to remove the fence with Bob Armour seconding the motion. A 5-0 vote denied this request. 3. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge StreeVlots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that the number of required parking spaces would be fine tuned at the time of building permit. He summarized that staff was recommending approval of the request and that it meets the nine criteria listed in the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending six conditions in conjunction with the approval for this project. Sidney Schultz, the architect for this project, stated that the applicants did not have any problems with the six conditions outlined in the statf memo. Pl.nnlnE.nd Envhonmsnt.l Commlsslon Mrtch 14, tgC4 3 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Com munity Development Department March 14, 1994 A request for a variance to allow a 6 foot high tence to remain in the front setback located at 5l 18 Gore Circle Drive/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn sth Addition, f lq F Pfti-iil l, :i i.." ij.- .oJ r, ! l[ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant; Planner; Robert Schonkwiler Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTED VARIANCE Section 18.58.020 (Fences, Hedges, Walls and Screens), Paragraph C, states that "fences shall not exceed 3 feet in height within any required setback area and shall not exceed 6 feet in height in any portion of the site." The applicant constructed a 6 foot high fence within the front setback, and is requesting approval of a variance to allow the fence to extend 3 leet above the maximum fence height of 3 feet. II. BACKGROUND In the fall of 1993, Mr. Robert Schonkwiler constructed a 6 foot high fence on his property at 5118 Gore Circle Drive. The fence was constructed using rough hewn cedar posts and a cedar top rail with a thin see-through 2-inch by 4-inch wire mesh screen. The fence is built along the front and east side property boundaries, and encloses the flatter areas of the east side yard and front yard. The Department of Community Development received a complaint regarding the fence and conducted a site visit to the property in late November of 1993. On December 1st and again on January 7th, the Department of Community Development sent letters to Mr. Schonkwiler stating that an unpermitted fence had been erected on the subject property. The letters questioned the appropriateness of the fence materials and stated that approval of a variance would be required to allow this 6 foot lence to remain in the front setback area. Mr. Schonkwiler was asked to submit a variance application to the Department of Community Development by January 24, 1994, which the applicant did. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial ol the requested variance based on the followino factors: A.Consideration of Factorg: 1. The relationship ot the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Section 18.54.050, Design Guidelines, gives the following guidance relative to the issue of fences: 'F. Fencingiwalls. 1. The placement of walls and fences shall respect existing land forms and fit into land massing rather than arbitrarily follow site boundary lines. Fences shall not be encouraged except to screen trash areas utility equipment, etc.. 2. Design of fences, walls, and other structural landscape features shall be of materials compatible with the site and the materials of the structures of the site...No chain link fences shall be allowed except as temporary construction fences or as required for recreational facilities." The fence is located in the front yard along the front property boundary, and is highly visible lrom Gore Circle Drive and surrounding residential properties. Staff has received written objections from seven separate households along Gore Circle Drive in the vicinity of the subject property. The objection letters cited problems with fence materials, fence height, fence location (front yard), and the general appropriateness of this fence in this neighborhood and in the Town in general. Mr. Schonkwiler has stated that he has no problems reconstructing the fence using alternate materials to satisfy the concerns of the neighbors. However, he has expressed the desire to keep the fence at its present location and at its present height. Mr. Schonkwiler feels that the fence installatjon occurred in the only feasible or practical portion of the lot, and that the 6 foot height is necessary to properly contain his black lab from jumping over the fence. Staff reouested that Mr. Schonkwiler reduce the size ol the fenced area by removing the lence from the front setback, and Mr. Schonkwiler stated that he felt that the fenced area was already small enough and that reducing it further would not allow his dog enough room to exercise effectively. Mr. Schonkwiler has stated that the present location of the fence encloses the only area of his lot that is flat enough and dry enough for his dog to exercise in. Staff concurs that the entire rear portion of the lot is wetland and Gore Creek floodplain, and indeed the wetlands do come right up to the back porch and the footings that were poured for the deck. This land is too wet and environmentally sensitive to install any kind of fence tor a dog exercise area. That leaves the front and side yards. The western side of the house has insutficient space outside of the front setback to accommodate the dog exercise area. However, staff feels that the eastern side and tront yard areas of the lot have suflicient room to provide for a dog exercise area located completely outside of the front setback area. Therefore, statf is recommending that the applicant pull the fence back to the front setback line, which is 20 feet off ol the property line. This would allow the applicant to install some landscaping along the street side of the fence to help screen the fence and help blend it into the wooded appearance of the neighborhood. Statf feels that approving the variance would set a negative precedent for the Town. Staff also feels that if this variance were granted, that several other properties in the Town would likely take advantage of the opportunity to install fences in front yards. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. There are no other fences in the front yard areas along Gore Circle Drive. Staff does not teel that there is any hardship related specifically to the subject property that would warrant the granting of the variance. Staff agrees that approximately two-thirds of Mr. Schonkwiler's lot is floodplain and wetland. However, staff feels that there is sufficient room to provide a fenced dog exercise area in the eastern side yard of the property without intruding upon the front setback. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that the granting of the requested variance would have any adverse effects on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public satety. Mr. Schonkwiler feels that he is acting as a responsible dog owner by providing a fenced area and not allowing his dog simply to run free throughout the neighborhood. Staff recognizes this attempt by the applicant to be a responsible pet owner, however, there is always the option of walking the dog on a leash as a means of providing exercise for both the dog and the dog's owner. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal inlerpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending denial of the proposed variance. Staff feels that granting a variance to allow the fence to remain would constitute a grant of special privilege which is inconsistent with the limitations that other properties in the neighborhood have abided by. Staff does not feel that imposing a strict literal interpretation ol the fence height limitations ot the Zoning Code would result in any practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship to the applicant. There is sufficient room on the property to provide for a small exercise area for the dog, outside the front setback, and there is also the option of taking the dog for a walk or run 0n a leash. There are several other properties in this neighborhood that share the same site characteristics, i.e., a majority of the rear portion of the lot is consumed by floodplain and wetland area. Staff does not feel that this is sufficient hardship to grant the requested variance. For all these reasons, staff is recommending denial of the variance as proposed. lf it is the desire of the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to approve the requested variance, staft recommends that the fence be pulled back a minimum of 10 feet from the front property line and landscaping be added in front of the fence, between Gore Circle Drive and the fence, to help screen the fence and soften its appearance. Staff recommends that evergreen trees and shrubs be placed strategically along the front of the fence so that the fence is screened from adjacent properties. Staff also recommends that the tence be pulled off of the side property line to allow for the installation of landscaping materials along the eastern property boundary. "% l!.{PIlovEl I baleJ for survey I upqo t' I ln.!. I turtll thls da vlthln c ncr oac prc! lse 3t9n of as note, Ira te : "rO"(U !hnrrr4ijt t n!fitt ! ,\ '':t,i'l .'tl.I !#uh/e1| , fifat+ Wt'4 vgilfuvrt . fiafq.t6,4 rso) Q.t 9o' LOT 2 dl rxl 5S i' Rttt ta Dashc/ l'ir€ ;,:;:xp!^Sn6*,./,,n RVL l, (r4 - {19-9r, li !7 i/, LOT 4 N 65"20'OO"W,,, 36.4t' '2 MEADOWS l(o*u / %r+ ,^, Lor ro '" /99 9c) LOT II ||oI| (:f]: lccor'lltr,t tv Cu)or.do tnv ,oe !9+ c nenc,. rr y to.|nt rcrrorl lhrco ycdrr rfter yorr trr$t,trlrcov.r ltn.tr datoct. ln no ovalt,rr lhrr survpy vrthit hay .fiy .ct r.[r h.rscd tr(rr tDr 4.rt. ot tho GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION )to. I uFrr.ny del.ct in thic q,rrv,,y t,c .:irenc.d trrr€ ihntr corti tioition sh.u|r h.rcnn, January 2L, 1-994 Ms. SheLly Melo Town Planner Town of VaiL 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 RE: Variance application,for Fence at 5118 Gore Circle Vai1, CO 81657 Dear Ms. Me11o, -4 Encl-osed please find an application for a variance that vou requested. I hope everythj-ng is satisfactory. The reason for the delay had to do with the holidavs and a death in the family. P1ease accept my apology. As you know, I authorized Top Notch Fence Co. to install the fence onry after checking with them as to whether a permit was necessary. They tol-d me no. r obtained their name from the vail phone book and was assured that they "did a lot of work in Vai1". Unfortunately the information provided. to me was incorrect and I should have contacted the Town of Vail. Time was critical as it was aLready snowing in the valley when the fence was going up. No work has been done on the fence since notice was given to me by the Town of Vail about this problem. The fence is constructed of ceder posts and top rail with a very thin "see through" ZI X 4n wire mesh screen. I hope something acceptable to every body can be worked. out.Thank you for your assistance. Si nnara l Shonkwiler Application For A Variance, III,A,1, thru 4.:- -., - .. '-., )_ 1) The fence is located entirely upon my property and extends to the easterly property line, the northerly property line and parallel to the east edge of my existing drivewiy. 2) I am requesting a 5 foot fence to be located within tbe required 20 foot front set back. The site is comprised of approx 2/3 flood plain. 3) The effect upon light, air, distribution of population,transportatj-on, traffic facilities, and utilities would be none. The impact upon public safety woutd be positive because the use of the fence is for the sole purpose of preventing my dog from running loose in the Town of Vail.Currently many dogs run loose in East VaiI and are a potential danger to residents safety and also to wildlife in the area. 4) The only place to put a fence on my site is in the side,/front yard. The area is part of the core Creek ftood plain/riparian area.The only place to put the fence is out of the flood plain area. This, f believe complj-es with the VaiI comprehensive plan and allows for famil-ies with pets to 1ive and use the valley without interference to wild life, neighbors or motorists in the area. There currently are many dogs running Ioose in the area. The reason for the extra 3 foot in heiglit is because of the snow. Anything less and the dog would be able to just wark over the top. (please see enclosed pictures) I Ft rfl[ : TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 47e-2 I i9 FAX 303-479-2452 D e pa r tm e nt of C onntunity p eve lo pm e nt January 7, 1994 Mr. Robert Shonkweiler 2005 1Oth Street Boulder, CO 80302 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Unpermitted fence at 5118 Main Gore Drive Dear Mr. Shonkwiler: On December 1, 1993, I sent a letter and application material for the unpermitted fence at 51 18 Main Gore Drive. At this time, the office of Community Development has not received any application. I am writing lo inform you that a variance application for the fence in excess of 6 feet in height in the front setback must be submitted to our office by January 24, 1994. lf the application is not submitted by this date, our office will have to cite you for noncompliance with Section 18.58.020 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code which states: "Fences, hedges, walls and landscaping screens shall not exceed three feet in height within any required front setback area, and shall not exceed six feet in height in any other portion of the site, provided that higher fences, hedges, walls or landscaping screens may be authorized by the zoning administrator where necessary to screen public utility equipment. No barbed wire or electrically charged fence shall be erected or maintained." We wish to work in a cooperative manner with you. In addition, a Design Review Board application, will be required for consideration. Should you have any questions, please contacl myself or Randy Stouder at 479-2138. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Randy Stouder Mike Mollica xc: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 s 03 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX s03-479-2452 Dep arnnent of Comnrunity Developntent December 1,1993 Robert Shonkwiler 2005 1Oth Street Boulder, CO 80302 RE: Unpermitted fence at 5118 Main Gore Drive Dear Mr. Shonkwiler: As we discussed, an unpermitted fence has been erected at the above property. An application would need to be submitted to the Town of Vail Design Review Board, which you will find enclosed. Chain link and materials of this type are prohibited. ln addition, a site plan would need to be submitted which would verify the fence location and property lines. lt would appear that the fence is within the 20 foot front setback. Fences in excess of 3 feet in height are not allowed in the front setback and fences in all other areas of the property may not exceed 6 feet. Enclosed please find copies of the applicable criteria for an application of this nature. Please contact me at 479-2138, should you have any further questions regarding this issue. Thank you. Sh Mello February 25,lgg4 lvfr. Randy Srouder Community Developmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 61657 Dear Mr. Stouder: Notice has been givcn to me as ro a public Hearing on February 2g, lgg4. I will not be able to attend this meeting, but Item #5 regardiry ihe fence at jl l&6ore Circle is of great concem to me. I am the hcrmeowner directly across lhe ste€t at 5 I l9 Oore Circle and can se€ this fence fiom anywhcrc on my prop€rty as wcll as frorn inside my house. A lisr of itcms I anr concefiicd with is as follows; I ' Thc combination of materials used to sonstruct the fence is more appnpriate fior farm animals than a home in Vaill 2' The heighr ofthe fence, as you stand 0n the road, gives rhe illusion Oar the feuce is eighr feet high. 3, The area of land the fencc sunounds is not proportionately appropriate for thc sizc of the lot is is Iocated on, 4, Tho fonce is locqted too closc to thc aucct. 5. Thc esthetics of the fencc effests the property value of the wholc ncighborhood. fhank you for this opportunity to express my views on this matter. If anyone has any furthcr qucstiurrs, plcase call me at (303) ?45-18j8 Sincorelv.H4t- o - Erik L. Criss o o J. E. WAGNER P. O. BOX r76ao DENVER, COLORAOO AO2I7 February 23, 1994 tRtc'oFEB 25lgrt- Plannlng and Env ironrnental Connisslon of the Town of Vatl Vail Munlclpal BulldlnE Vall, C0 81657 Dear Menbers of the Comnlsslon: Thls letter ls ln reference to Iten #5 that appeared ln the Publtc Notice of your hearlng on February 2gth at 2:00 P.ll. I am sorry that I cannot appear at the hearlng, but due to conmltments that take ne out of tom, lt slmply lsn' t posslble. I trusr thar thls letter will bear sone weight at the hearlng. My wlfe and I own a house at 5168 Gore Clrcle, whlch is two houses east of the Schonkwller resldeoce that is requestlng a variance for a fence. As I arn sure you are aware, the fence has already been erected, though not totaLly completed.I can unders tand !1r. Schonkwller,s deslre to have a fence for hls dog, but the fence as preseotLy erected ls totally out of keeping wlth the nature of the neighborhood. The helght of the fence, materlals used and its contour make It very unslghtly and out of place ln the nelghborhood. I slncerely hope that the comnlsslon denles the request for a varlance. Very truly yours, 'l (?"{, /L)-az+ru^--'t/' J J . E. lJagner JEIJ:dp Nowell R. May 5188 Gore Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-7621 FAX (303) 476-1645 January 3, 1994 -l:^,f.. ' ', :tr{il Community Development Office l.'own ot va.rt 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail CO 81657 Gentlemen/women : Enclosed is a petition signed be some of the neighbors on our street (and near it in the case of Main core) regarding an illegal fence recently conetructed by one of our neighbors. I did not write this petition and not all of us agree on the wording but we al-l- do agree that it is inappropriat,e and no variance should be approved and the fence removed. P.lease advise me when the hearing is to take place so that we can be heard. Very,truly yours, Nowel-I R. May JANUARY 1, I994 hrt TOWN OF VAIL COI.I}!UNTTY DEVELOP}IENT We the underelgned nletr to Btate ou). pogltlon that t'e sre total.l,v appoeec to Eny vBrlEnce beJ.rrg grEnted to RoBERT sHoNHtirLER ttrat rrou-Ld a--ll-ov hlrn to lnrtarl e 6 Joot hlgh fence on hLe pr.oper-ty located at 5118 Gore Cl'rcle, Va11, Colorado. Sald fenee, uhlch hge al,r.eedy been 1netal,ledr l.e etrr neyesorei tc,the enti-re nelghborhood both 1rr lte r13e end 1n 1te: creslgn. l!r', shorrkvller' 1e krrowLedgeable sb.fut bulldlrrg Ln the stEtF oJ Colorado and 18 aeere of epprovB].E requ1red lor l.netalJ.rng eomethrlrrg thet rou.}d requ:.rF a var-iance. Hj.e complete dlet egari for hlE nelghbore 1r evldent 1n the manner 1n whlch thle fence nae installed. NAI'IE PRINTED NAilE STGNED ADDRESS PHoI.G 6J 4rt -'5?,/ t:K, c_ /ti .f/?4 lh,,t G^./71- lgzrt - / !.1 j--/7/ f-/ ,tt,. - t : , ,.t/. :'2, w LL^^n -+zt/-^-{,--,.. r ) L-l> t3 Il,/ ? ,a .,,/ c,,- .]{, / | , ,_ -.f I 8. Andy Knudtsen made a brief presentation per the staff memo. He said staff was recommending approval of this request with the four conditions contained on Page 7 of the stafl memo. Andy added that staff felt this proposal was positive. Kathy Langenwalter stated she had spoken to Todd Oppenheimer about the 35 foot tall spruce tree and that he believed this tree had a 50-50 chance of surviving the transplant. As a result, her clients wdnt lo simply replace the tree with a 16 to 18 foot spruce. She felt the posting of a bond to cover the cost of replacing this tree if it dies was inappropriate. One of the conditions which related to small pane windows was discussed briefly. As this issue had been thoroughly discussed during the Covered Bridge Building review. The conclusion to that discussion was applied io this project. The requirement for adding small panes was left up to the architect's discretion and DRB. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a major exterior alteration to the Creekside Building per the slaff memo and the four conditions with Condition 1 being modified to read that the 35 foot tree be given lo anyone who wanted it and a bond not be required to be posted as long as an 18 foot spruce tree would be planted. Condition Q was modified to leave the design of any small pane windows to the discretion of the architect and DFtB. Conditions ! and L, relating to parking and landscaping, were included in the motion per the staff memo. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote approved this request. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Curnutte TABLED TO MABCH 14,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the March 14, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this request until March 14, 1994. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Sth Addition. o Applicant: Planner: Robert Schonkwiler Randy Stouder TABLED TO MARCH 14, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the March 14, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this request until March 14, 1994. Plenning lnd Envhonmonlal comni$ion Fob.uary 28,1094 12 revie.ed LQtstgZ O Application PEC MEETING H[C'D JAN 2 4\gg4 ,,-_ iAN 2 4i294. Date_t-24-94 DATE rl I IPPLIEI'IION FOR .I \IARIINCA I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAI.{E OF APPLICANT Robert T. ShonKwiler ADDRESS 2005 Tenth Street Boulder. co ' PltoNE 303-444-5050 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS NAI'{E OF owNER (S) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (type SIGNATURE (S) PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_g_ BLOCK-.1_ FILING Biohorn. Fith Addi ADDRESSLIIS--Gerc-C.irere vait co @ ' E.FEE $250.00 PAIft*d€CK#t,,::t BY \-.\:--r \ \.',-u.u,{,,-,u'- ;1 :' '- ' -i- THE FEE @.:! BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL, F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and nailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-applicati-on conference with a pfanning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must incLude all items reguired by the zoning administrator). It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addit.ional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASTNG THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI THAT THE PIANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAI COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMTT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWTNG MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST AISO ADDRESS: 1.. The relationship of the reguested variance to other existing or potentiaL uses and structures in the vicinity. t . ?ueaTTddp aqf Iq pTpd eq TTer{s uoT?pcTTqnd -er qcns .roJ aeJ arTlua eq1 ,uar{1 ,peqs;1qnd_er eq 01 rallplu aq1 6ulsnec ,6u1reaq :o; pauodlsod s1 ral?eu true ,lsanbax srlueclldde aq1 1e 'lI .aal uoTlpclldde ar{1 Jo tgg Jo ssacxe uT are qcTr{A saaE 6ulqsglqnd .6ue 6u1ded :o3 alqlsuodsar aq TTpqs 1uec11dde aqg, 'c1a ,t0? sraaul6ug ;:o sdro3 r[urv ,slTul:ad ssaccv Aearqblg Jo luaul.redaq ope:oTo3 :01 palTuTT ?ou are lnq ,apnTcuT treur ,rrrataar r{ons go saldruexg .00.OOZ$ Aq pasea.:cuT eq fTEr{s aal uoTleclldde eq? ,TTE4 Jo uAoJ, ar{f upr{? :eq1o Icuabe Te.repag .ro alp1s ,TecoT due Iq AaTAax ale:edas e serlnbe.r uoTlecTTdde sTrla II 's .A 'v 'uo11a1duoc 01 pansrnd r{11ua6ltlp pue leaordde JO elEp ar{1 JO rpad euo uTr{lTr{ pacuauuoc lou sT uoT?cnr?suoc JT asdeT TTeqs sacupTre^ paaordde Csd TTV .€I 'a1pp Tel?Tuqns paleu6lsap aq1 relJp ro axoJag Jfels 6u1uue1d eql ^q paldaccB aq TTTn (rolerlsTuTurpp 6u1uoz arll Iq pauTur.ra1ap se) suollecgldde a1a1dr.uocu1 og '6u1reaq cTTqnd Cga aqt Jo alpp eq1 01 :o1:d s)teal^ (t)rnoJ Io unuTuTur p pallTurqns aq lsnu (e^oqe peqrJcsap se) fpTxeleu 6ullueduocce TTp pue ur:roJ uollecyldde alalduoc 11 'qluour qcpa Jo sr(epuogal q1t pue pug eq1 uo s?.aou uoTssTulluoC TelueuuorT^ug pue 6uluupfcl aq& -V srNsnssrnosu snlt .AI '.ro1er?sTulupe 6u1uoz ar{A r{q paalen aq deur ueTd elTs pue .{aarns luauaAordurl ue ,suolleclgTpour :oT.raluT rog 'xolerlsTulupe 6u1uoz ar{f r{q paulu:alap se uo11ec11dde ag? Jo AaT^a.r er{f xoJ trressaceu TpTre?pu TeuoTlTppe Aug 'uoTxeTcossP pres foJ ?uabe pazTror{?ne Alnp e rlq penlacaf, acle lsnur laa[o:d aq? Jo lroddns uT uoTlpTcosse aql urorJ lelo:dde ua?lTrlr uaql ,uo1?pTcosse ,s:sunoauoq e spq qcTr{A luaudoTeaep ITTureJ-TlTnut p uT palecoT sT Tesodo:d aq1 g1 'sluauesPe pue dlqs:auato .t;1:aA 01 leodar aT?'FA A:eu1u11ard g ' 'a1Ts eql uo pasodo:d pue 6u11s1xa saceds pue sbulpTTnq TTe Jo asn pue aTecs ,acue:eaddB 1e:aue6 'suoTsuaurTp aq1 elecTpuT 01. luaTcTJJns sueld rooTJ pup suoT?pleTa 6u1p11nq ,{:eulu11ard TTv 's6u1p1;nq pasodord pue 6u11s1xa 6u'gnoqs toz = LT lsP3T le Jo aTecs e fe ueTd aaTs v rrrrrrn pue s'exe padecspue.,"""'83';I:"3"3:EXI'::"$: 6u1peo1 pue 6u1>1:ed ere unoqs eq lsnu qcTrl^r sluauaTe raqlg 'suoTle^aTa pue sappr6 6u1pn1cu1 'sluauraao:drug 6u11s1xa TTE Jo suoTlecoT 6u1pn1cu1 .ror(aa:ns pasuasTT operoToc e Aq paduP?s .r0z = rT lseaI le JO ATPCS e le ,{aa:ns lUeUaAO:du1 rolpue CTqdB:6OdO1 V 'ueTdI aalsuaqarduro3 STTTPA r{?Tfl SaTTdtuoc lsanbar rno,{ nog 'v 'Alages c11qnd pue 'sa111113n 'sa11111ceJ cTJJpJl ,uo11e1:odsup.rl ruollelndod Jo uoTlnqTrlsTp ':1e pue 1q6Tf uo a3u€TreA eq1 lio lceJJa aqr '€ 'a6a11a1rd lelcads Jo 1ue:6 lnoqlTA aTlTl sTI{l Jo saallca[qo aqt uTpllp 01 ro .{11u1c1rr aq? uT salTs 6uoue 1uaurlpa.r1 go IlluroJTun pue AITTTqT+eduoc a^aTr{ce o1 r{ressacau sT uo11e1n6a: pe13:lcads E Jo luauacroJua pup uoTaelard:a1uT Te-ra1TT ro 1cTrls er{l ulorJ JaTTar qcTrlr{ o1 aar6ap aqg 'Z '9 J1 .E 'c 1g ./ c.3:31l;in"i.t:T:o"?Llli"::ru::n:"I:i:oil::'""other issues which may have a signlficant impact on the communLty may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Conmunity Development Department. Upon conpletion of the review of Lhe application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the eonsultant shall be returned to the appllcant. Expenses incurred by the Town ln excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. \ J. E. WAGNER P, O. BOX t7620 oENVER, COLORADO 8Oet7 February 23, 1994 JEW: dp $tc'D FEB ?5 i)r1 Plannlng aad Eavironmental Conrnlssion of the Tor,rn of Vail Val1 Munlclpal Building Va1l, C0 81657 Dear Members of the Commission: This letter is in reference to lteur /15 that appeared in the Publlc Notice of your heariog on February Zgth at 2:00 P.lr. I am sorry that I cannot "fp"." .t ti," heariag, but due to conni tnents that take ," out of town, it sinply isn,t posslble. I trust that this letter will bear "or" ,"igia- ' at the hearlng - My wife and I or.rn a house at 516g Gore Circle, which is two houses east of the Schonkwiler resldence that is requestlng a varlance for a fence. As I an sure you are aware, the fence has already been erpcted, though oot totally conpleted.I can uoderstand t-rr. Schonkr+iler's dlsfre to have a fence for his dog, but the.fence "r p""r.rriiy-.r""a"a is total.ry 9u! of keeptng with rhe nature of the ieighborhood. The height of the fence, materlals used and its contour make lt very unsightly and out of place in the neighborhood. I sincerely hope that the commission denies the request for a variance. Very truly yours, t*.$f'.rtCr,t/l15q LEWIS S. MAZZUCA GLORIA ANN TEMME ERIK L. CRISS 6137 E. PRINCETON AVE % JEAN SCHMIDT 355 HUMBOLT ST ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 495 SILVER LAKE DR DENVER. CO 80218 DANVILLE. CA 94526 ARTHUR & MARCIE KITTAY MICHAEL & DEBORAH SCHNEIDER 9525 PIHYON TRAIL LtfiLETON. CO 80214 LINDA C. FRIED 5124 GROUSE LANE vArL. co 81657 P.O. BOX 2158 vAtL, co 81658 ROGER & JEANNE TILKEMIER MONTGOMERY MATHIAS P.O. BOX742 P.O. BOX 51 vAtL, co 81658 VA|L, CO 81658 a laslq4 -ctt{oo-rr\s tSa-ntCcut Q ( ft l.t.o =,k r\ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEFEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwillhold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on March 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ' 1. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots '16, 19 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY 2. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreevPart of Lols B and C, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Rod and Beth Slifer Planner: Kristan Pritz 3. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow lor the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a worksession for variances to allow for otf-site parking, GRFA in the front setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: George Plavec Planner:Mike Mollica 5. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain Schoollocated at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block2, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant: Fred Otto, representing the VailMountain School Planner:Randy Stouder 'ffi A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback located ,$:- at 51 18 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Sth Addition. Applicanl: Robert Schonkwiler Planner:Randy Stouder 7. A request for a major exterior alteration, site coverage and setback variances for the Lifthouse Lodge commercial area, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing/S49 West Lionshead Circle. Applicant Bob Lazier Planner: Jim Cumutte 8. A requesl for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 1 0% located al2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 1 0 and 1 1 , Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Planner: Andy Knudtsen LEWIS S. MAZZUCA 6137 E. PRINCETON AVE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 ARTHUR & MARCIE KITTAY P.O. BOX 2158 vArL, co 81658 ROGER & JEANNE TILKEMIER P.O. BOX742 vArL. co 81658 SLr+c ruLw 1 i-cr2r GLORIA ANN TEMME % JEAN SCHMIDT 495 SILVER LAKE DR DANVILLE, CA 94526 MICHAEL & DEBORAH SCHNEIDER 9525 PIHYON TRAIL LITTLETON, CO 80214 MONTGOMERY MATHIAS P.O. BOX 51 vAlL, co 81658 ERIK L. CRISS 355 HUMBOLT ST DENVER, CO 80218 LINDA C. FRIED 5124 GROUSE LANE vArL, co 81657 afq lqq - .rdSoorrs {r-q'il- cd Qfft\ ,, lJr,^ kror,{#t:^h ^u^uf* . ^o (ouJ, P5 fiw|('- [ ,_ d4'*" 1 L r,,:,::.,? "..1x., ,T - THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request lor a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part ot Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jose Guzman Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for a variance for required parking to be located otf-site for a single family residence located at2842 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Hans Wiemann Planner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 8% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 1 1, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Planner: Andy Knudtsen ' ' 5. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback and a .. variance to allow alternative materials not listed in the Design Raview Board Guidelines , for a fence located at 51 18 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Sth Addition. Applicant: Robert Schonkwiler Planner: Randy Slouder 6. A request lor a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence located at2757 Davos Trail/Lot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Juergen Krogmann and Monica Roth Planner: Randy Stouder 7.A request for a minor subdivision and lo Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, specifically described as follows: rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more A p.rcel ot l.td h lh9 Southwold O€ne. ol Soction l,l. TownshF 5 Sodh. Range 8l Wg3l ol tho 51h PtindpC Metiti.n. molB p.nicuhny dssctbed |s lollorvg: Boglnnlng et a point yirhon.! a brass c.p 3et ror a whness comor lor th€ W.3t Ouadea ol tdd Sodlon 1,i, boats (Nonh :€ dogle€s 28 mhutee 5l secoards W*U tOi:.Og t"a OceO) (Nodh ,t3 De9r9e6 l5 mindes 02 seconds West 915,96 lset Meesured); Thonco Nonh 7,1 degloes 05 rnln{ro5 19 s€conds Ee51. ,t0.76 leeti Thonco 183.62 teet slcng the .rc ol . qrrvo !o the dght whbh are suhen& t chod be.ting Nodh 88 degle€c 12 mind€3 30 secondr E15t, .lgl.76 l.d; Th.ncr South 77 degrses 40 minutes 2t soconds East, 62.77 l€st; llonca l47.4il lo€l rlong lhe rrc ol a curve lo lhe lgtt u/hich arc subtonds . cfiord b€artng North 86 degr€.. 36 mlnule3 t7 6econds East, 145.60leet: Thencs Nodh 70 degre€s 52 mhulgt 55 s.conds E.51, 406.55!ee1; Theoca 54.10 led atrng the arc ot. curve to ths iigt{ rvhich $E subland! . dlod b..!ing South 47 degre€3 m minde! 37 3econds Esst, 44.20l.9t; -nl€nca Sodh 1'l deg..eE 25 mlnrnes SO.oconds wesl 110.5t fesl: Thohc€ Sauth 6E dggtrrs 18 nlnulgs 91 69con& We3t,320.m lo€t: Thonc€ Nonh 19 degees 07 mlnulss 05 3.cond! West,50.00leel: Thance South 7z degress 48 minules 41 seconds wesl. 160.18leel; Thencs Soulh l0 deglt.r 53 mlnutas 33 lecond6 w6!t,36.48 tesl: Thonce Nonh 87 degree 40 lninuler 06 seconds We!t, 337.7219t1; Th.n6 (Nonh d€glees 52 minutd l3 6econ& E.sL 130.00 le€l Deed) Nodh ll detroei 55 rnldno6 31 6€conds Ea!i, 129.75 leet Msas|,ted) lo lho POINT OF BEGINNING. Bosring lrom c.L.O. rocord lof South hrlt ot Sedion llne belwegi Sgctlonr 1415. (G.L.O. r.cod Soulh 0l degrcgs 30,2 minutes Erst) (South 01 degrEst 38 mhdes 32 goconds Esl M.Eurodl 8. L A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40/o located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Curnutte Walter Kirsch Randy Stouder A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. TOWN OFVAIL '' /1 ARTMENT OII COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,,-/t .DArB / ,2 4, 'l y' CIIECKS MADE PAYABLE TO'ruWN OP VAIL ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS UNIFORM BUILDING C-ODE $5b50lt UNIFORM PLUMBINC CODE UNIFoRN.MECHAN ICAL EODE FIRECODE ATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE OTHER CODE BOOKS BLUEIBINT!1lvlYLABs) XEROXCO SruDIES TOVFEES COMPUTER PROCRAM -INSPECTIONS FEE [$a0 PQR Fr\l_ _ ON FEES CTORS LICENSES FEES ACE FEE [$I.OO ART PROJECT DONATION AID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE * 01 uDO 4101 @ 4o,1 (TOWN) INVESTIGATION 0l finO 42371 ,GRFA CONDInoNALUSETERMIT oR ALTERATIoN [LESJ Trl4N=!00!Q.Ff,l _ g,ts_ALTEtsAIr o_lJ tMoRE TE4!L100!Q{LL - DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI SpecrAL nnvELoPMENT DrsrnrcT AMEND] AMENDI SPECIAL DEVELO I ON IANCE DEAMENDMENTS RE - ZONING OTHER OTHER 01 finO 4241 01 0m0 42415 0l 00m4241s 0l fixx)42415 01 0000 42415 01 fixn 41548 otoo00 42412 10000 42412 01 (n(n42412 ol u)0042332 0l 00cn4141 01 fixn4l33l * 01 00m 21112 0l 000041330 ol fixn4l 0l 00m 41330 0l 0000 41330 0l moo4l 0l moo 41330 Mo#r 1.*osfQ5'"",",/_ay/; r/ T-i j i-i r.,! l.- 1r'I-.r[--.! ilt t TOWN OFVAIL | '-i (- v')t-' 't)-) ) 1,.L.t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/,657 303 -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D eparnne nt of Comrn uniry D eve lo pnent December 1. 1993 Robert Shonkwiler 2005 1Oth Street Boulder. CO 80302 RE: Unpermitted fence at 5118 Main Gore Drive Dear Mr. Shonkwiler: As we discussed, an unpermitted fence has been erected at the above property. An application would need to be submitted to the Town of Vail Design Review Board, which you will find enclosed. Chain link and materials of this type are prohibited. In addition, a site plan would need to be submitted which would verify the fence location and property lines. lt would appear that the fence is within the 20 foot front setback. Fences in excess of 3 feet in height are not allowed in the front setback and lences in all other areas of the property may not exceed 6 feet. Enclosed please find copies of the applicable criteria for an application of this nature. Please contact me at 479-2138, should you have any further questions regarding this issue. Thank you. Sh Mello Planner I -I-+-- =J / r.-)\g{t3) ls8 l* 6,a c o {6 z ! -r rn r-l F 3l=Hl= -{ m TrrFrrFr I o UIX|${ F T =ns l-. B { Hni lR B i Ml9e r Fp" lil F I '- l=q : ,---,--,.'- l= I = uuW ; !.I rr 6 q 6== 3 r 8 9g n *F 1= C E rlj =!, > I g E9 Eil =--l z o i m I o o ! o .Tl !m :0 ={{o @ m x m T -{ o z g o @ 2 { m l-{ P z att l-{z (n F € VI ts F I..J \o c, -{m O (f r N) Fl I I z.O --{t+qn o 9p 1a- 3= J2 CJc) m t-m o -t E o t- .(-o @ z 3 IT z x =F r. ll| rl' t( rll x H FN z H z H F z rl { l-t mlO rl= l3 H |(f, l= t; t; lF til le, F { ts z t. t H z s i.)o\ I N) NJ llrn lsF EL DA |;H liH t2w IXH I;F 19 !., LE INts trr) l'l o\o\(Jr I \o o\ U) z H E fd E z H rl,(n H z r E H Itt 6) z H u)B t< F ! F+. s.t\) I l\) =t m N) ljl I € Fl r +5 s. I o\ =o o ct D o F t o t o o (o o 5 D =t o o 6 D o 6' D E p. 6' AI a.o i o o o 5' = =o f o 3 s a.o f d -o g. 6 CL o o 3 !t d o o D f It o o c d o E o p. F -= A' cl v, D o =D g J o 5 o 3 p *.o f !t o s. CL o o. o q, o I|g. d cl lt o o o o - o GI d o o o o 3 p. { t o f o 3 D *o D o. F t I E =o. o o 5 o, =v, o c o (D B o C)o g t @ tlF a IIE E +l.-! O +IT E Tl= o ...o \r-rb"o XLc "r{ -l ,r 3 J s-@ -t o c S.-a h rG **i5' {o,'(D h'c-: Cn c\,' a's a- 1t ! I a,llt r rt fio<>1!l z t- m =-l a z m m m l<" lz lz lr It lr- tn =x z t- o _-t z .D { o -t X N X X z - z -l I x z m (/, a -t-c m I tr I -{ z l z I m !- o 8 €m |-!z o c z -t o B o =o =z c 2 a z m t {Itt E _-t z : tn n I t- =2 rll X H z H H z EIO N F.tr9o{ai R;sf, EB a>n H=26 XB e9 =:o6).n E3: e e =22 - =-oo o >nz2 za. u ,dx EI F>_ ldlNo=IN Hto,,,= Hl r=e Xl !<l= I I I I a X =z t- m !z E s F{ F P z z F: m E' a=oz FO HF 2e o: 6E PZ 9o H6 =il t-O H z H H ts z z o 3 z ra t m =t-,9 EE 'rf, irP tl cL! FP CJ \o oo m z o w F H u) UJ \o -{o -{ t-T m E =-'n m m (n o m i x |-m z !o m E a { o tll t2 o z F m :<m { @ 7 u m v m 6 z "t1 m m =m o - 2 c) !f- a g z G) m l-m .) -.1 3 o |- !f- z o -m o , F I 2 o !m F 3 -{ T m n =i 'Tl m m U' VALUATIO'{ !m a ={ -9 H FI P F 3 m o 2 d - 3 g 2 o m -tn o !2 o F o -o 2 o F' o o N & hJ s.\o 5 $'l.J Ot q "$\ \\-\ I 75 soulh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 ufll luwn u TO: FDAM. DATE: CllEt TFri.F r oftlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TI{E TOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT I{ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it, is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or nateri-a} , including trash durnpsters, portabre ioilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sid.ewaik, arrey or pubric p1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-*-y Ln atl Town of va.r.r. st.reets and.59ads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavemenr.This ord.inance wirl be strictty enforcld by the Town of vail Pyfli: works Department. persons found vi6laain; this ordinance r/rlL be g'iven a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, ttr" p"iiic works Department will remove said nateiial at ihe expense or person notj.fied. The provisions of this ordinance sfrlff nor be appricabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a_way. To.review ordinance.No. 6 in fur1, please stop by the Town of vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. ledged (i.e. contractor, owner) it 'L =l /rt\ =JV}) o o z (n {F c o {6 z ! -r lfl -l F *l=ml 9l -{ d (! m FEE F eo EsFI$i1 ,--,"'-r,-- l= q i UHH ; !,e r3 d q E== 3 r gq= E e" =9" ; t Ee Li!!: m =-a 7o "'1 { qii 3 m o 2 T t- =@ z c) o 2n -{m -z >m C)E i>or 7 (-o @ z =!T z €H E- F F. (A H z € r o -l I H F z H -{ t-{mkf, Ft= t: F I !!I u) z H E rc z H t4 u) I a 3 v) '..3 F z 11 rq E H rq 3 ! o o T m n €F Fr z H u)H o -.1 r !Is-A'l9 I l.J z =m F Eq z €H ri F =:|- o !m o arJ tJl I F.3 (n H a 1 F F !I 's\ s.s' I o\ o\ '1, *o >'ll -l Q tm I lf,i lo 't trl --l € t-t- aD 'n r o F.l F F H ts t\)o\ \o 6,N-fr E;F io E Ae 2. 22 3: e H 2U'o6 5 nzz {o -x F>_ N@= B m= gtI- $-<io< = H z r g H r F< l\) <n H {ts Fl u, z H D E r{I a rll o o q o o - o :.o o (o o tr =o o d D o. J v, o o p. o 0l *o o o t = J o =o o o J d .o c o CL o o 3 E.o o CL D J 0r o o c E o 9 o g o -f D =o. v, 0t o E g ID @ o o o o o p. !. o o o 3 o AT I o. E o E.p = sg @-o <o D'!t o. Ea fs td oo 1g s.9 o.=5'o Glo oB oo 84 3E o.-oo 4=go t o d o n $-i cA r\ '8' 'n $r\r $H Hf.i\ s$s N 'n o t I =o m r 'n J o D 6' E o s.o.o ct !r v, a II g. d o v, o o o o F 1g NE 9--5't.33 lo o-,ll tr E:A oi'f6 A()xo 6'(,('E -5 o. o.Eg 6'9 fo - m , 2 { 2 n a @ Cr z H t \o @ \o IE ,t t: IF c! IE lo I 't lP l"u lg lg I I o =2 q v E m F @ F I z o z o -{m v! h F4 lE lo E F lFrl t!'l E lc) lH l;.i H z a F F F F z tJ |l f!u, €Ei H F P t! F z FI H H z o -.1 -!m t ='lt m m o tn o m 6 z n m m X 4A N) o\ @ \o !\) N) \l o 1 ffi ffi n B e f\l }t t+\a*f H -. Hl tr t=l 'rr 3F !1 =H g3 Er- :-.ar 1f FF .EE t9 Fee lt f-f lee =3.8 =Frtr3 l+'l1 gt f+.Fl ra ,ts \- !<c)t HEE* HY;O gui* aOXl Y>rr-r1 HETS EETr s9=B E="8 8t=E E,j = zai F=O X>{F6*Ltrl*tqG zrfo o;s =3R :}'> EEE xa;"/ ?E ,-./1 Fl \J 6<l E}H r:-.t>^F{ a. \--Ar^Z '{ \', Et \l r^r rh ivA r^ 7 \,:FP >>E zzc \., tJ rr a-,' F b =sR FTR _-iv cJHH z (h z E ti F EI F F t{v, lli|z ct !{ v,H z o t:t5 t4 E H F * 0a z a io \. vt -l !E:s qx Ao z9 H6 in=F3 I o 0o t F F o tF IrJ 3 =o"? ;i ;i o-r!+!!a Fo Fei+i Fi :I ; ipF i:EiE I 3 +'e a i z liiil:?2.='i | 4 ! iFii;'<D:;c9 qEici:i ?'qFi9 i ;iiini iit.iif I n N il !o o a o z o 6 o r o flt CTION REQUEST TOW OF VAIL READY FoR INSPECTIoN: MoN rUES wED THUR afiD ^ -- AM pM LOCATION: S-/ IF QOTC-- LT"'L E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISA tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALTEB BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEET FRAMING .- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR niisnop T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL .a , nr. PERMI DATE I I Y I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:' - .'. ('-, CALLER TUES WED THUR 'FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB FOOTINGS / STEEL i tr tr tr tr D tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: EI HEATING B tr o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL . s-\PRnoveo . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME rNs tt MON CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI ",.. AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER '''/.rtr FOUNDATION / STEELi .^.'--' tr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING fI INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr INAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPTY AIR tr FINAT tr FINAL ,-EI-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME ..,1l.---!-r'.- t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i 1 i'; JoB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES TA'E N THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL B ; ''-" tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 6 Appnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nl snoe f-ss+\l: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON rues i -wro rHUR ' ,. \-. FRI AM PM PERMTT NUM"NOT e{OreCr oerr '.i ) - \-'. -- 'l\' .roe f--...-r --\\\ - i ) BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAT: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,[. xiftg,,tr D^rE 25-'/c -[? rNSPEcroR ,Zz,Z1 *Ii.rry,tl$i". "'N1., "'1 JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBJF OF PROJECT /., | ^ DATE READv FoR tNsPEcrror.r.".fi$) LOCATION: REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: yi'D DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED I DATE-INSPECTOR niffisl"p ' )t 1,,,1i tNs --PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL at INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI WED PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr IEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'i/'r 'Jfc' * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF t)/1041, FRI REQUEST VAIL 't DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTIoN: , MoN ,ur" /6*) tn, -{tti JiLt i t,)t,/rt \--l BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL R (/ n EI tr tr tr D ROUGH / I ROUGH / GAS PIPI POOL / H D"W. WAT ER-FRAMING W N(tr tr D tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING VA t\: TU <-7* -.,,//,)a-- a-t ._-. INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: U TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL FGPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ( oore { -z {-/d rNSPEcroR ''r>f] nJ t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,or, ,'l ? L JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: ( LOCATION: il PECTION REQUEST tNs TOWN OF VAIL ( (- a'',, \ -.-- CALLER TUES WED THUR ^'@ Bl, o D tr D ( o tr ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr - E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAI]O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR lxq'r il "^"S'T\i'jtit,i"' DATE -J 'U \W JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:.--. . \\,'''\\,'\ ''])t r '- i INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR , t.\, PM FRI AM f tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTTNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER E] FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: oo* f '/ /- ?/ rNSpEcroR n!fts',o" js1-1 a PE rNs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ll oor, +lT?- JoB NAME INSPECTION:WED THUR C __€)PM READY FOR LOCATION:( fi/teeaoveD ,,/+.--c', -' c-F'APPROVED ,/-t).-r,,,, ,<'r- tr DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS BUILOING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL .r .) (r .)/' DArE // " -7 /L/ rNSPEcroR ;t i:'l t '7 . /J ,' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '/.').DATE ;. - *' ,.'.'I JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .t- THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D-W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr N FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL FAPPRoVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR i ., ,fr.fni.1+r.,,",r1 ,;{. 4,,'4Kq fa |l -I JOI I INSPECTIONREQUEST "*, lDl L5 JoB NAME INSP TION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: OVED CORRE TIONS: / MON (7t <u7 e.w,ltL^- , TOWN PF VAIL ')( t,,_n '1 ( Le..-r,_ l:J__ J ^_al&,-u .ALLER 7)t'l-eut '''t,l'ct 'f t"e l" (- r..yFS . wED rHun Gn? - AM PM ' ())) tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ') BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr D FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR niEs"- fr;5l t+ff:tqrqrqFvl.# INSPEATION: MON ' Cr\9, r :)llL -,l 'yl .,, n :1rr". *r INSPECTION REQUEST T6WN OF VAIL JOB NAME € hornl rrdr-- tL{.Lr-.'-r READY FOR LOCATION: 5r.-,' Fn-oCn17't " AM @. t7'11 ,* PERMIT NUMBER DATE BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB CK NAIL El FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP., POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL XappBoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRE TIQNS:{'tC -3a ^ 9a ^Za - ZA) INSPECTOR DATE o o Amr INSPECTION'S COI,TPLETED U The lteros below aeed to be cooplete before glvlng a perralt a final C of 0. Please check off 1n the box provlded. o f-i FrNAL PL.MBTNG tl FINAI. MECHANICAL Y 4=fu2d FINAI BUILDINC EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: TEMPOMRY C OF O p(CERTIFICATE OF OCCUP DAIE: 1o - 26- W I"ANDSCAPING DUE DArE: /A-ZC-?a FILE NAME: \%\\ \\\]A Prolect Appllcation ' Date { * ont ulut r Ler< lzsg 1Bq:d (e t Proiect Name: tuL ln89 ProlectDescription, :57 Contact Person and Phone 5 t cs*t Owner. Address and Phone: 6c,,r ar ti ii? 8e::3alZ ja3' rl14^(L,cdzz Architect. Address and Phone: .<7,. R/;,.) LDE:{e ex-,3at"z-2- d'zt3 Legal Description: Lot 3 , gtoct 3 , F'ring BlbHoRl-J €T# , zon" SFK Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: 1"--to- DISAPPROVAL ,;u-ZbalI , ,J u Town Planner E statt Approval ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: fl. at.t7 LEGAL DfSc-R-fPTmN:-GT- 3 ARCHITECT AKLnr lrLr Phone ZONE DIST PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Block i ritlng B,i[,nN 54 Height TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,Jater Course Al I owed (30)(33) 4,uI { Proposed 32'-6 & 2v,6,k^:trf, 6,tffiq^,,)x/+N/4 - l,/ ta ,ttt r --7- E- 3?zt/z\ ---------:/ 20, 15', 15' Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage site covera n" Qlof) Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : Conments: 41W + bo?o 2 l.quirel (300) (600) (eoo ) ( 12oo) (s0) ( 100) (25) (50) (2oo) (4oo) (sd t lo'/z ----7- 7 % nax.Slope Actual 2 7o Avalanche e< Flood Plain 0K ../Slope fA Wetlands i OK Geologic Hazards OK Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature o 1,, t APPLIcATIoN onrer tl alo,L tqgg "€€ DATE OF ORB MEETII{G: DRB APPLICATION , *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEITING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to determine ir any"aiiiii6iui inro'haiion is needed'. !q ltplig"!i9l-1i11-9:.1:::t!:{ffiili'J'i; ;; Jilpi;;;-irliit .il-.!yq; alt iiems required by.the zon'ine adminisuator). : ii it-tt" appiicant,i responsibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find It is the applicant's responsrDllrEy Eo maKe an dPPUrrrurrtrrrL llt'l:::^i:::'^::., ll irt iUoui abaitionat-submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE gPPlica- r", ii6n-*iii iireimtine lhe approval process for.your proi99! by decreasing the number ii-loniitions-or approuir lirut the'DRB may sti.pulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before i uuitaing pennit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:O[J,=a'itt t L R--S t D=FJ<-E OF PROPOSAL:B. LOCATION Addres s It Legal DescriPtion € (-rRz-P-rJ 5r'1 ^Filing 5rtt Lot 3 B'lock 3 Zonins S"f < St+ep/w C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. MME OF AppLrcANT,S REIRESENTATtuz: Sr*pleaNlasat GoLpBeelc E. NAME OF O Si gnature telephone +4+4'odo Address'7Q-h"t*Luc 8a,<7) f,ojcrz-telephone 444-cntZ 5H ou VALUATION FEE $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:5o,oo1 - $ 150'ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000'000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requiremeints, the_app1 icant must stake the site io inatcate prop""iy iinei ana building corners.. I"9"1 that will be removed should atso be ini.[la. inls work must be completed before the DRB visits the . site. Z. The review p"o."rs for NEl"l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meet'i ngs oi-tne Desi!n Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . Address F. DRB FEE: 3. People who fail meeti ng and who republ i shed. telephone. 444-Ao4b The fee wil'l be Paid at the time a bui'lding permit is requested. to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled have'hot asked for a postponement will be required to be $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100 .00 $2oo. oo $300 .00 . -r.i ' '.1-$ -.-:d .+..*-+ o 4.presented The following items no longer have to be iiiey, trow"vei, have to be presented to the Zoning to the Des'ign Review Board. * t Administrator for approval : a. [indows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the building; and b.Bui.|dingadditjonsthatarenotviewedtIoT1nyother.|otorpublicspace'*f,iit iiirt had letters submitted from adioining property owners approving ihe addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceed'ing. MATERIAL BE SUBMITTED I.NEt.l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic maP and site Plan - L. Licensed surveyor's stamP. - Z. Critrtour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted' , 3. Existing treeS or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4r' one foot above grade. sewer gas water el ectri c v' B. TO 14fQ of site containing the following (2 copies): :L acres or or more .a X-l . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams ' etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 4O% or more, if appficab't e' 6. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther usGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: ___q. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts, swales, etc. ,/-b. Exact locations of alI utilities to include existj ng sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Ut'ilities to include: cable TV Te lePhone ,.2'c. Property lines showing distances and beari ngs and a bas'is of bearing ,.. d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations v/, e. All easements "''t0 . determine height of building. A statement from each uti'l ity verifying location of service and avai'lability. To be submitted w'ith site Plan. Preliminary title report to accompany all submitta'l s, to jnsure property ownersh'ip -and all-.easeqents on ProPerty 8. 9. Exi sti ng and fi ni shed grades . All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas' service areis, storage areas' walks, driveways, off-street parking' loading iieas,-retaining walis (with spot elevatjons), and other site improvements. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to -'c. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees, other'ghiulis.ani-iiatiVe.olants thi are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape.areas with the varieii"s inJ approximate sizes of plint materia'ls to be planted. i' 2. Complete landscape materiais Iist. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost' NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan' so that tne inter-retition of tn" various components is clear. The landscape plan should be , ieparate. The existing topographic and vegetational character:lliq: may be a separate mab. The appiicant muit stale ltre site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that wi1 I be Iost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. o E. Architectural P'lans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies i. Must inc'l ude f] oor plans and all e'levations as they.will appear on complet'ion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades' Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submjtted for ieview on the matirials list available from the Department of Conulunity Develop- rJnt. Color chips, s'iding samples etc., should be presented at the Oesign Review Board meeting. ! F. The Zonin-g Administrator and/or DRB may require the- drawings,-specifications, samples and other materia'l necessiry tb determine whether a project wilI comply .. l .-j. 'j submission of additional plans, ('including a model) if deemed with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the Iocation (site plan) of proposal may be subm'i tted in lieu of the more formal requirement! given above, as loni ai they piovide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and 'materi al s to be us ed . '- III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original fIoor plans with al1 specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site p1 an'showing existing and proposed constructjon - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Corunun'ity Development At the request of the Design Revjew Administrator you may a'l so be required to subm'i t: G. Statement from each utility verifying Iocation of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. S'ite improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor' I. preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a bui'lding permit has been issued' and when the project is underway' the following wiii U. requirei before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department; A certified improvement survey shot'rin9: A. Building locations wjth ties to property corners, i.€. distances and angles. B. Building dimens'ions to nearest tenth of foot. c. Al 1 uti'l ity service lines as-builts showing size of lines' type of material used' and exact locations. 2 coPies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E, Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. Al 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. A'l I easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: o LIST 0F MATERIALS tutt lEfZ P5751 Ps'Pz^e 3o 3 <2 DESCRIPTION OF P The following information 'is required for subm'ittal by the applicant Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. EUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MTERIAL Roof Sidi ng Other l.lali'Materiais Fasci a Soffi ts [r{i ndows llindow Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or Deck F'lues Fl ashi ngs Ch'imneys 1ee*rZ Ceoxrz- OL-no \rvoor2 9Llb, Rails to the Design Pk/,/L4L7-2,-rE- c-L-*o wuoo W L ATln-ol-t a.lrz --(AltJ@ Wooo Alr-t6ep NAz'tznL7eatq C-e'c,a,e- krTaonLTe''a 1e ft ArZ l./fiea-al a'e** €JsL.lGc:*l t//JF/*ttj4e,- Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses Other >tr ?e5eQ StAl.ztt-q L''T?*re l-JwuztLaep€ B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name ?o0oLt/.T&EA!!QJgE- Common Name Ouani ty -7 AfPe,.l -a- Si zei zlc; -EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED 7.t2tt:'reaT*T0 /-a'r,;cL'*.l-eobc0tl-lw \7 4o'pUtS *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indlcate height for cohifers. ' (over) o . PLANT I.IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED .'''J' GROUND COVERS Eotani ca I Corrnon Name --...-r..+Quani tv ; Si ze Name 'l I Type Square Footaqe s0D SEED N{'Tt Vt= /-tZ.+4 $ose t3Jb TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Rer* t u px-r-,.:ri*L 1-dattitrt Zc:yterz C. 0THER'LANOSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirrning pools, etc.) Please specify. o ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ?ilEiW Block 3 Filing 6t4AaotJ STH ADDRESS: 5I I Ob,INER ARCHITECT ZONE DIST PROPOSED LOT SIZE He'i ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/ Reta j ni ng 'ilal 1 Parki ng Credi ts: Garage one Phone ' 4'A@ - ezlz Al I owed (30)(33) Proposed 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) Heights Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Env'i ronmental,/Hazards : (3oo)(600) (eoo) (1200) (50)(1oo) (2s) (so) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Sl ope Flood Plain lJetl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Comnents: Zoni ng: Approved/Di saPPioved Date: Staff Signature 1' ') '1BDLyLSLON F 1{,A€R x) toz ulmx S .l-l oLs tL tzt t LaR z BLocK Z FILING r'-7't-r rooxr.ss Sltb Grs<Q CtR"zL€ UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION The location of utilllles, whether they be nain trunk lines must be approved and verified by the following uci1j.!1es for site p1an. LOT or proposed llnes t the accompanying Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. 1800 922-1987 llarry Moyes Public Service ConpanY 949-5 78I Gary I{aIl Ilo ly Cross Electlrc 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Assoc. Laver ty {1/ et I{eri cage Cablevision T.V. 94 9 -5s 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley I'later & Sani.cation Dis trict 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee Aurhorized DaE e "- /q- Y) ic.r Lagr.r€- A{L€-u- NOTE: These verifications do not relleve the concractor of his responsibility to obcaj.n a screec cuc permlE froq che Town of Vail, Department of Publ,ic Works and to obcain utility locacions before di.gging in any public righc- of-way or easemen! in the Town of Vail. A building perni! is not a screec cut permiE. A sEreet cut' perni! urus! be obiained separaCely. This forrn ls to verify servLce availabilLty aud locatton. This should be used in conjunccl.on sith preparing your ucilicy plan and schedullng i.nstallarlons. , *(P1ease bring a site plan when obcalning Upper Eagle Valley llater & Sanitacion signacures ) TIM Owners For|n 231.2 Policy No. AZZ55191 r|" n". v1266o *ountO ggo,ooo.oo SCHEDULE A Address RECEIVEDAPR , 3 ,986 1. Policy Date: January 13, L989 at 8:OO A.M. 2. Name of Insured: ROBERT T. SHONKWILER 3. The estate or interest in the land described in this Sqhedule and which j.s covered by this policy is: A Fee Si.nple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: ROBERT T. SHONKI{ILER 5. The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE county,Colorado, and is described as follows: IOT 3, BIOCK 3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PIAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF col.oRe,Do. Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. .er Form 2313 FU No. v12560 SCHEDULE B glicy No. A2755191 This policy does not insure against loss or danage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easenents, or cJ.aims of easements, not shown by tbe public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachnents, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the prenises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, Iabor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, inposed by }aw and not shown by the public records. 5. TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1988 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. 6. LIENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. 7. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I'DE TO EXTR,AST AND REUO\/E HIS ORE THEREFROI'T SHOULD THE SAT{E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSEET THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber 13, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 8. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI..S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber 13, L9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 9. RESTRICIIONS I{HICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIAUSE, BUT oI,IITTING RESTRICTTONS, IF N{y, BASED ON RACE, COIOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL oRIGIN, AS CONTAINED rN INSTRII.TENT RECORDED NOVEUBER 25, 1966, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. 10. UTILTTY EASEI.fENT 5 FEET TN WTDTH AIPNG ALL TNTERIOR IPT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. 11. UTILITY EASEIIENT 10 FEET IN WIutH AND PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 20 FEET TN WIDTH OVER THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT, OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFIH ADDITION. Page 2 ( ( t 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 Robert Kennev Vail ttationai Bank Suite 300 108 South Frontaqe Road Vail, 6e. 81657 - Dear Mr. Kenney, 0n 'ctober 5, rgg3. the Design Review Board approved the Kenney Garage Addition as submitied. ..The'1r""'iijr."rt to the garage must be protected from constru:lign, activiiy"oy-meanr of a fence, if that tree is damaged or rost it must oe-"epia'iei'uy *rree ri, ipru,i"'ir".r. Si ncerely, lbtk )a otllce of communlty deyslopmenl 0ctober 13, 1983 JiT Jim Sayre Design Review Board Town of Vai'l 75 South Frontaqe Road Vail, Co. 81657- JS/rme loT ho, ' i3; J