HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 6 LEGAL.pdf6.iGl,Fdrr *v&srr[hT Deeign Review Board ACTION FORH Department of Communlty O€velopment ?5 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 faxl.9vQ,479.2452 web: www.vallgov.com Project Name: Wagner dead tree removal Project Description: Participants: Project Addrcss: 5158 GORE CR VAIL 5168 Gore Circle/Lot 6, Block 3, Bighorn DRB Number: DRB070433 Location: Final review of a minor alteration - Wagner dead tree removal owNER WAGNER, JOSEPH E. & JUDITH 80812212007 PO BOX 17620 DENVER co 80217 AppucANT WAGNE& JOSEPH E. & JUDITH BO8l22l2OO7 PO BOX 17620 DENVER co 80217 Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block 3 Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDmoN Parcel Number: 2099-182-0300-4 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 0812412007 Cond: I (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner:DRB Fee Paad: $O.OO Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81 tel: 970.479.2!39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building refer to the submittll requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An a one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Application for Design Review 'frce cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The project nray also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' burign r"ui"- approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within lil lF- (O ii=l ll \V iE h1 A.,G z',zooT LocationoftheProposal: tot: d elock: J Physical Address: parcef No.: ?cc|'l I ,p "lo sc"v+ (contact Eagte co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s); Mailing Address: owner(s) Signature(s) :/"1". Name of Applicant: tr ?"0"ry N D \ o t ;-o Phone; O,Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tl Conceptual Review D New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration *lO-' (single-family/duPlex) Changes to Approved Plans $20 n Separation Request Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as' reroofing, pairiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as' reroofing, pairiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 r ! ')-t .a.r) j For Office Use OnlY: --Tgg rdrq. Application Date: No Fee qr L:'"- J"t l' ;- fllt f-: l ,.''U t4 rq -'f""* -f -\{t. BE POSTED PERMIT .00 .00 .00 100.00 ?76.25 L,. JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 89s-02 68 l-1 i- i f ,t) /' .; |>- Bui Ldi ng-----> Pl.an Check---> Invest i gat ion> l,i l. L cal,l,----> Job Address: 5168 GORE CR Location...: Parcel No.. : 2099-182-03-004 Project No.: APPLICANT SORTLAND CONTRACTORS P O BOX 1168, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SORTLAND CONTRACTORS P O BOX 1168, AVON CO 81620 OWNER WAGNER JOSEPH E & JUDITH B PO BOX 17620, DENVER CO 80217 Description : REPLACE DECKING AND JOISTS Town of Vail Fireplace lnJormation: Restlicted: #Of Gas AppIiances: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD Restuarant Ptan Rev r eu--> Recreation Fee----------> C Iean-up Deposi t--------> BUILDING DEPARTMENT DAN Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT DAN AcIions APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT DAN Action: APPR PUBLIC WORKS DAN AcIion: APPR Nunber of Dwelling Units: 000 Ad justed Val-uation: 5,500 #Of Gas Logs:#0f good/Pa t Let: ON AI,I, #: StaIus...: APPROVED Applied. . z o8/29/199s rssued. ..2 08/29/1995 Expires..: 02/25/1996 Phonet 3039494785 Phone: 3039*9lf*&t-- 105.00 6E.25 .00 3.00 TotaI Catculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE OUE---- Item:05100 08 /2e /ree5 ftem:05400 08 /2e /ree5 Item:05600 08 /2e /ree5 Item: 05500 08 /2e /ree5 See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,l, the information rcqui rcd, compt.t.d an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y vith the infornation and p[ot plan, to compl,y with atl, Torrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the To|,n's zoning and suHivision codas, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AI 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI'I E:00 Ail 5:OO P vv6- 1yi,? r 276.25 .00 276.25 .00 ?76.25 DeptI BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt: PUB WORK Divi-sion: **************ffi*#***ffi**ffi**f*******#*** FEE SUfitttARY ****t**************************ffi**ffi*ffi**t*** Send C [ean-up Deposit To:SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OIINER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 895-0268 as of 08/29/95 Status: APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied: 08/29/L995 Applicant: SORTLAND CONTRACTORS Issued: Oe/29/L995 Job Address: 5168 GORE CR Location: Parcel No: 2099-182-03-004 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. HANDRAILS AND GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 AND SEC.L7T2 OF THE 1991 UBC. luttn TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: 75 south l?ontaEe road v.il, colorado 81657 (3o3, 479-2L.38 ot 419-2L39 rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for any person to Litter, track or deposit ani ="if,-riri, sand, debris or nateriaf, incruding_trash &unpsterl, poti.ri" toilets and workmen vehicles-y9on..anV street, siaewait<, ;ii;y or public place or anv portion theieof. *r" iighi-;i;;;-;n ar.r Town of Vait streets ina.I3.g= is afproxir"t"iv-s-it.-iri pavement.This ordinance rill b". ;i"_i;ilt"lnforced by the Town of vair PubLic works DeDartment. perslns found .ri6fifini this ordinance will be siven a 24 hour rriii."-'""ii""-ti-;;;;;;t="id rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes not--;;;ply with the notice within trr3--ze nour tirne-sfiecified, the pultic works Departmenr wirr remove said nate;i;i-;r-irrJ'""pli;e of person notified. The nrovisions-or--irri! orar.nance sharr not be applicable to cinstruction, ,.irrl"rrurrge or repair projects of any street or alley or any utiiiires in the right-a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of :::i"::ii3i"g.":f,if*:*.::-'";;i" a copv- rirani< vou ror your ottlco of communlty deuclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS EURRENTLYL REGISTERED WIlrH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOIIN OF VArL pUBtIC WORI(S/COUMTTNITY DEVEIFPUENT l{aRCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,IATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, ohrner) 75 south ,rontrg! rold u!ll, colorldo 81657 (9031 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlcc of communlty dGyclopmcnl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TI}IE FMNE If this permit reaui.res a Town of vair Fire Department Approvar,Ensineer''s (pubr ii {:*_t) ""vi"n "na ipi-u.i,'u piiiiiir6'b!parunent review or Hearth Departmint review, .ni'a-""uie" fv-tii."iuiiorng Department, the estimated time fo"'u-totat ili;yl ;"j"Li!'., rong as three weeks. All corrnercial (larqe or smal.l) and all mu]ti-fami.ly permits wilI have to folrow ttre iuove rn"nti6n"J-*iimum requirements. Residentiar and small projects shourd take a teiier amouni of time. However, if residential or smailer.projects inpiii the various above mentioned lifl"lr:nq. wi!f reelfd to-necess""v-.eui"*,-;h;;; ilJi".t!"ruv also take the three week period. - Every attempt will be ,lgge by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. - rv s^t'E\" r's erl l:,j|. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time trame. .\ Cormun'i ty Development Department. t *n ?roperlg Vb*gn,rlt. i *FILI COPY 2A77 N. Frontage Road, West, Suite 114 Vaif , Colorado 81657 . 3031476-2952. Fax: 303/476-9642 September 7, 1995 To Community Development, I hereby authorize a permit transfer from All Environments (Ken Sortland) to Cadillac Construction. A permit had already been issued to All Environments for repair to the rear decks at 5168 Gore Circle. This permit , however, has not yet been received and will be picked up by Cadillac Construction as soon as I am notified ofthe transfer. Enclosed is the permit fee. (art- .'.=) Sincerely, "N-\-Qd"-S Mchael O'Neil Vice President ar{-': PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT THUR FFI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: I JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED APPROVED dORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS C] FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o -it.1., T] FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL DATE INSPECTOR f o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF 479-2138 ./h-LA al\fuad, '' he u.,ill #e13c CALLER - lft MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR 3 o c tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PROJECT oor= /o /0, JoB NAME READv FoR rNSpECroN: (JQ rrr, -wED THUR FRt ----@ pM LocArloN: SlbS -6ore cr rcl v ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH BUILDING:. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND C] FOUNDATION / STEEL - D ROUGH/D.W.V. B FRAMING - tr ROUGH/WATER rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL y 0rPoir - dpcLq n tr FINAL tr FINAL ROVED ORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR "nt ?rope r lg % b*gn*n Di * 2077 N. Frontage Road, Wesl, Suite 114 Vail, Colorado 81657. 3031476-2952. Fax: 303/476-9642 September 7, 1995 To Community Development, I hereby authorize a permit transfer from All Environments (Ken Sortland) to Cadillac Construction. A permit had already been issued to All Environments for repair to the rear decks at 5168 Gore Circle. This permit , however, has not yet been received and will be picked up by Cadillac Construction as soon as I am notified of the transfer. Enclosed is the permit fee. QfrU .'.* ) Sincerely, "u-*edn.s Michael O'Neil Vice President , I o o z o {F c () {o z ! FT 7 =-{ --- -.1 @ m Iq !-o t-'.h E l<x f IHE A 16 ,-. t I; X -'lT= g IIE s l-: rn =f--rct i5 o.<1o.dP ;9 (io CE >e 7E i'i 3 .ll m ="1 =FF oliF z== e>"'t- nnE 3P z= Z2 oo z z c m o I z o t- Oa tz t---{ c P< JZ (J6) s?z,^-{x 3: -r c)o> o 2a lm vz >m -{> o T =m -l t z m I (D z =m a'l r rn -t z. ,Pf,uiA o>'t- i F, I (!r I t-z J 1 cf m t-m l€ lz to l'r!t<t> lF II tm lgt la I i m -m b l= F o l - fl z l 3 { m -m -t {z I .t m ft z I v OJ = 9J o - t< l= ln ! = .-t (D o 5 -t m t- m \o 5 LO I N) N) tl li €z 1l a- m z N)(,(, F 15 F F br tr P E)tr TD r )J ! F *.1 \) I \)\) ! B D F r p p V t" o X F f\)\| 'Tl = -n o -a)l rD c? 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F3 6' o '!1 o t z m o o o z -{ + 'tl o =a m T 1l z 'r m €z m m '! z r I z =z r m ="1 z m m m i [-,t-l'= t--_ttz I lr I It t- tq t:1>IF | (tt I l8 I I z U> t- -t z !m -l I z n a t-c m q€ 26 'z f ah z>9R 'n ii !=u< >o ol m=9ro z c z (h z m € |- -.1 m z _f z m ! --l m .Tl l- o z Or\rF 3: 81 o-'i oH ']- to ^rP :l =s 22 u(.)ul f o I E '-*6< Sb s3 - d Enzz '€ 7 t< = I (, L ('t v, P 2 I 'a) 11 eP {Y 7h ,ffi r- L/ 7V w 4 E -4 tl v I z A +'leo @ 5 z ,o tZ o { m I X I Eol >t Ft zl gl ol >l 2 ,F o(tt 5h, Yb zr lk ."L 9fD :1i u >'3S r-t-tr Al' F)r -i I= F+ !,e k+15 YD '|-.' tlt t,o P r@ bo r- '.\'! oN o r"\ >\- lco ;po fr,- ,-ll I o -{r .I m =-t -n m m U> c (t m { x t-m z ! m { m q z m s m € tn o m I ;z .tl m m 3 m :E z t- t-c 3 z m t-m o 6 t- l- z o m 7 z o !m 3 T m =-{'Tl m m (n VALUATION !m F =-{ z o 3 m z t- =q z m t-m o 6 t- @ |- = Ol O) (tr . F(HI (rl h F \o 5 N)('r N (n O D \.|*-l \)5 (, @ (At 35-elb ,g lt /9s -n ,(' ) o INSPECTION REQUEST -TOWN OF VAIL AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAI E CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEEB .- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E FOUGH D EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr tr FINAL b'nppnoveo . CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR lheprinl.rt va,l I ;<_\11 \ l!1-r1---\ | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST.TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,t ./2-r, / ,,25 JOB NAME t-, CALLER TUES {ui;READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:c, MON THUR FRI .:!) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB F SHEETRoCK NA|L tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr at+flAt tr FINAL 4-APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR /) / / ") /"/|a-' PERMIT NUMBER OF PRgJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST. JOB NAME BEADY FoR INSPECTToN: MoN ruES w9P rHUFt @-|) - ----@ t, LocArloN: J"lt/ (tNJ (''rt,'--- NSPEQTION. REQUII tL, |/- Le ..1zd LLc '+ BUILDING: U FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER fi rnavrruc - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWoOD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o r-1 tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR]CAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o Ft {AL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED -d fi rrruspeonoN, REeu IRED CORRECTIONS: (_.> - -'&r.1.--. DATE .i: 2. INSPECTOR O INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W"V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL o o f] tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: .tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o N HNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * INSPECTION )t6L I REQUEST.pERMlr NUMBER OF PROJECT t r owN oF vAlL crl(le/ l-r:acl(n./lz DATE JoBNAME- l '''2t' --,w" J CALLER TUES PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL C tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D g ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED coRRECrygC INSPECTOR *iFsxop '2 G S.'-7-t r -t /r.\\ =l// r,\:ItU. -.r I \__)/ <tro _l-'a -2=7 YF r D+Il+rXl D<I XI U4J ftftFr Oz -_{Y m lr t-l po l.| a'\ r< F/\t; \om @= -t J @ m x m 1l -t o z o (D =m c)o z q n c o {o z T FI 7 3 -{ + m Ia l,- o l --r :-.i O l<x f IEY:lmb 6 l9s 1 l-oi g IIP o 14.lr.O l<- r l=F -'ke I= o< dE r9 i;o ct >l AQ i'i =1l 1'm =i /t -Tl -L .. Or- t' z= 2= , 66)z o Zal o 7 x< ZA ra, >6z -r -Y> z; p< o=1Z so 1; >= -to o>nt- 9.n nz >m -{> - m --{ €z m (- z =IT -a z aJr m rrl uia o> t- -t @ t-r E z '6 l8 PE ..t m -m =z -n I a' m z f -+o €z o I =m 9)z I l.J \.| I Ltt \l a H td r r 3 H z -t :z 'n I r m a z F. I ro \o \o F( \o I €z o : - l, B z :l;tl l- I z H H f! trl rr tq H -l 'n l- m '.d :*.'E t t/ ld l€lz lo II l> l-l! lB lz t: ls- It l- I = a FI E E F 14 F H t- a .E I D n f F' I - 3 z o 4 m cr1 Y F :1 tr. G] z m c) F F !! : i:t-a z a P ;;; d 'o9d 36pg o-^:! ^.dHe* :i:o o :.<ot o{ P o-+=il8 ;.*6(D (,(DY= C=**E3i:a:rz - 3o> o :;r- ci:9.- f (e =.ro9*o *96e -o o!rd==t-=+ii ;t a 1. a''1r i'= coll= ueis - =.: E a'^, I l g .:.L o lt. = 9ior6 =- sr -.<o-f '0 aP o- :J;=l ^=;ot Seii=$Ua5 -'qRA n A Yl) =-i.-U9P= o rljo >5.za ,_{;; ot -! (JO o c = 5 g. 3' o o)f o -t + _n =a m r-'Tl z I m {z m I I a>--r O oO z r. -o m tr) =-l a z m m m 11 l< IP lc +- I l I I z U)c a' -.1 z -t f o z I c m IO T€ -z 1>: z>e8 ]O ,<T< >o ol ml @o z c z -.1 t1 I I I z m € --t m -t ^z I z m a X D< --l m c ! o c i z c)N Tor fi a*r !.1 ;P bo =2c)iiiqo o<z n 89 ! l1An ;- c: X zat o6 o 'nz2 € I f,t< F H 3 |4 H FI P 3 fd F! F trl I 5 I I 8 z d 11 Fl Y E F Fl .) FI X FI 14 z 2 o F ID g r z z -t m a =t-zt. o =:g 6 Y lco o = IF< I z:: ;'9 F lrx :IY i,i l08l I lo or 4 ll ;-l I P K z .U 5' 6 r6 -.l r m =-"1 _r'l m m (/> (D m -t o ITI z c o m = m 2 m s m € m o m . ^z 'n m m m I z l-c 3 z m f-m i o z - aTl g t- z -tt m = m ; 'Tl m m (t VALUATION !m F =-l 2 o H H F =m o z t- c 3 @ z m m o =- g l-0 z 5.t\) NJ u) RN$$ $\ o o F It INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE . JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Ct ITISpECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ! AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o noucH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D D tr FINAL tr FINAL E] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN o SPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLywooD NAIL|NG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION .,tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR r-t tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATIOIJ tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN o SPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CATLER TUES PM READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL ,[l.FINAL O APPROVED t.l// EI' HEINSPECTION REQUI RED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR IN o SPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr t-1 tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS; tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -r,rt: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL tr o tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r_1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH O CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -INSPECTOR FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 sdr4T* €r-EV. (n*n)?lbg @Ke 6ve<,ue @uEsollq fr€s. - Stbb @Ke aK-Le tou(* ELev. k€AG)Fz ,wgru _EFs. 6t6b ffi 61qc,Ltr-,. fuaues<s\ar fl€s' \,.,1lrr* Y,IEZ'T EI-EVATtcn\ o Project Application ij ,',/ ,l a'! !'.Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot iJ , Block Comments: Filino '\'' ' ' . Zone Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval . LIST OF MATERIALS NAME 0F pR0JECT: Addition to Foglesong Residence LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: LOT 6 BLOCK 3 FILING Bighorn STREET ADDRESS: 5168 Gore Circle vail , c0 81567 Subdivision, DESCRIPTION 0F PRO Fifth Addition- existino residential structure' The project will include an upper master bedroom and lower family room. Al I new work wi I I match the exi st ing deta i I ing. The following information is required for submittal by the appijcant to the Design Review Board before a final approvai can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Cedar Wood Shake Shingls5 (match existing) Natural Si di ng (Match ex i st ing mat r l . E col or) 0ther Wall Material5 Wood Trim (match existing)Dark B rown Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows VJindow Trim Doors Door Trim Ceda r Wood (match existing)Natural Plywood (match existing)Natural Wood Casement (match existing)Dark B rown Wood (match existing)Dark B rown Wood - F ren ch Dark B rown Wood (match existing)Dark B rown Hand or Deck Rails Cedar Wood (match existing) F lues Fl ashj ngs Chimneys Metal (match exist ing) Coppe r l',leta I (match ex i st ing) TraSh Enclosures None Greenhouses 0ther Non e Natural Flat Bl ack Natural Fl at Black Non e B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: _!!9Ie phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name ConUqn_llglg Quanity Size* PR0P0SED TREES None EXISTING TREES T0 None BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. (over) PLANT MATERIALS: Botani cal Name common llame Quan i ty sf ze (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS None TO BE REMOVED Type GRoUND C0VERS None Square Footage SOD B I ueg rass 750 sf SEED Rye 750 sf TypE 0F Hose/Sprinkler I RRI GATION TYPE 0R METHOD Qt Burlap E straw 750 sf EROSION CONTROL C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, s|^/imming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. None UTILITY LOC,\TION VEIII I: iC.."TION SUBDIVISION Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition JOB NAIUE Add i t ion to Foglesong Residence LOT 5 ADDRESS 5168 BLOCK Go re F IL ING C i rcl e P.0.Box 1121 Vail, C0 81657 The location of utilities, r,rhether they be rnain trunk Iincs or proposeri lines, nust be approved and verificd by rhe i-ollowing utilj-ties for rh: acconpanying site p lan. Authori zed S'iqnature Da te Mountain Bell I -634-3778 [.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Publ 'i c Ser,l'i ce Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagi e Vai 1ey 'r,later anci Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verifications cio noi reli-eve the ccntracror of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perr,rit fron the Town of Vail, Departmen! of Pubiic ltiorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way ox easemen! in the Torvn of Vail, A bui.lding permj.t is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This forn is to verify servicc eveileblity lnd locrtion, This should be used in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new const please fill ou. ai:3aneo snee: - ZOIiE CHECK FOR SFR' R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESMTMM-N: Lot 6 Block 3 Filing ADDRESS : 5168 Gore c i ET;- P. o. eox t 1zT- va'i tl co 8t Ot,lNER PR0POSED USE Res ident ial r-oi srzr Hei ght TOtA'I GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining Wal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Al I oled_ (30) (33) Proposed Same; no change. 20' 15', 15' (30)(so) L) to ( 300 ) (600 )/^^^\/.^^^\( vuu / \ r.zuu / (50)(1oo) (25)(so) (2oo) (4oo) Existing; Existing; Existing; change, change. change. no no no 152 Sod Non e .=.---1--...----Lxrstrng; no cnange. Existing; no change. Non e Mechani cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: S1 ope Permitted Envi ronmenta l,/Hazards : None Slope Accual Existinq; no change. Ava I anche Flood Pla'i n Upper Gore Creekl no chanqe. Sl ope Existinq; no chanqe. lletlands Upper Gore Creek: no chanqe. Geologic Hazards_ None Corrnents: hone 4/6-8250 Phone 687-1164 ARCHITECT R.A.Kalkowski, AIA Colorado: Z0NE DISTRICT Residential Zoning: Approved/Disapproved .. Date: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION I'lEETING: A pre-application meeting w.i th_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Ae'teimiinb if any aOaitioial informat'ion is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it.i s complete (must'i nclude all items required by the zoning administrator). ii is ttre appticini;s iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addit.i onal submittal requirements. Please note that a COl'lPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approvat tirat the DRB may sti'pu1ate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a bui lding permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIoN; An addition (14rx24') to the existino residential structure at the rear southwest corner. The project will include an uoper level master bedroom ' APPL I CAT I ON DATE : DATE OF DRB ]AEETIIIC: lower level family room, enlarging existing wood deck, repair work and some minor inte r ior remodel I in exterior work wil I match the existin materials and natural col ors and deta i I ing. R LOCATiON OF PROPOSAL: Address 5158 Gore Circle P.0. Box 1 121 Vail, C0 81657 Legal Zon i ng Descri pti on LOt srx tbJ Block Three (3)Fiiing B ighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition. Mr. E Ms. Charles Foglesong NAME OF Address Addres s APPL i CANT : 5168 Gore Circle P.0.Box 1121 Vail, C0 81657 tel ephone 476-8260 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATiVE: tel ephone E. NAME OF OWNERS:Mr. EMs . Charles Foglesong l-'-.-/ | 5168 Gore Circle P.0.Box 1'l 2l Vail, C0 8155 ge4ephone 476-8?60 be paid at the time a buildr'ng permit is requested' FEE 0-$10 ,000 q ]n n .t)Lt^fuLt,!Si gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUAT ION $150 ,001 $500,001 $ Over - $ .5oo,ooo - $1,000,000 $ 1 ,000 ,000 $100.00 5200 .00 5300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. It9.t- that will be removecl snoria also be init[i,0. This work must. be completed before the DRB visits the si te. ?. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings oi-tne Desjbn Review goarJ, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval ' to appear before the Design Revierv Board at their scheduled have'not asked for a postponement t'tiII be required to be 3.People who fail meeting and who republ i shed. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEt^l C0NSTRUCTI0N A. Topographic map and site plan of site contajning the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, 'i ntermi ttent streams , etc . ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood plain and slopes 40% or more, .i f applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts, swal es, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service l ines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cabl e TV sewer gas Tel ephone water el ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. AlI easements 8. Existing and fjnished grades. 9. Al'l existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, servjce areas, storage areas, waiks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (wfth existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availabil.i ty. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership ''""and all easements on property. D. Landscape P'l an (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees, other shtubs arid'nat.ive olants tha are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas with-" the variet'ies and approximate s'i zes of plant materials to be planted. i. " 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above jnformation as possible should occur on the site p1 an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetationai characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board- They, howevei, have to be firesented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. |4indows, skylights and similar exteri or changes that do not alter the existing piane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or pubiic space, which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium as soci ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. 8.. Architectural Plans (l/8" = l' or larger) 2 copies 1. Must include floor plans and a.l j el evations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both exi sting and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materiais and coiors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Conrmunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. The Zoning Admjnistrator and/or DRB may require the drawings, specifications, samples and other material necessary to determine whether a project will cornply submission of addit'i onal plans, (including a model ) if deemed with design guidel ines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as 'long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL r.. [. 0r'iginal fioor plans w'i th al 1 spec'i fications shown " B. Floor plan for add'i tion - 2 copies "/C. Site plan show'i ng ex'i sting and proposed construction - 2 copies topos " D. Elevations of addition 'E. Photos of existinq structure F (nor i fi nr* i ,-*.,ons to" ufl materiais and color samples on materiais list available at Department of Cornmuni ty Devel opment the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: Statement from each uti 1 i ty veri fyi ng I ocati on of servi ce and avai l abi 1 i ty. See attached util ity location verification form. ,./H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Prelim'i nary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the fo.l lowing will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Buiiding Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. 8, Euilding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. A1 1 utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 I property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge eievations. fcr r sFR, R, R P/S 7()tlE Elock 7 DISrRtCrS Filing t"l ,.. \r\L,v v \Legal Description: Lot \Or'lIlEF l::i-r 1..-\'..,-.'( - lone Ul Stri CI '-t F Lot Size -'--' I i:] l-lei nhf To'r-al GRFA .i --_ P+ina+v GRFA Sec-ondaryJRFA - Setbacks: Front 5lCeS Rear l'la ter Cou rs e Si te Coverage Landscaping Parhi ng Cred its: Gara,oe llechani-cal Ai rl ock Si.o ra 9e So'l ar Heat Stora ge Drive: Siope Permiited Envi ronmen'.a'l /Ha za rci s : o )t,^ Ar-chi tect Proposed Use jr f ,,,''.- A'l I or.red ( 3o) ( 33) \i I lri ,rl 1l Propos ed ,\.\ / | - _ -.- ,.; ----\ I .-_-------=.-1 ?o'. l5' 15' I -a ,.(30) (50) i1a' ( Eoo) (ooo) (soo) (r2oo) (so) ( t oo) (2s) (s0) ( 2oo ) (4oo) J \t 1., { 5( if, t ( 'irt, €-Slope Actual Avalar'che Fl ood Pl ai n 51 ope f- /:--:::nl <'"""-"-i' ; o \oc.suto oc'- [1o,^- t\",r \_---.---._.-- 3(r 3g G^5 lo x lG ltcc 3 7,- fJ y5l ,6 3c" l>bl A.leJ ts$.Jy' {--,r}r1i1)<-rs- ).1*,[*S 2)r 37 CJe'*Ot5 . ''ttoat(/\55'' ( n*r ) 5c+.es :--- 7Y3 -: )l onc,v7 A U \'c aeG I#s {d4,u^ Z-- ct\ ,'1t'{ t,,,s\, 7r'5 : 171.5 = fr l,.j . 'd 3 .rti,V its..-, t511 ' -,- /vr,n tG36 b,-.'-w,r tfll ,535 6zrsl,\ - 7qG pa< F --> a23? fifl A4or,y&g tJ 7r5tf o o z a {F c c){o z IL o t o -.r f lr6 rtt : ;o :o ,..:.: o .\t = =i c 3 o-o g o tt .D nnn trCtr <I@ m :.- (- tn= YP t- -n!Or- z< >= o"'z o z r- 7 4T x3 zi i,>62.--{ F Y> z;--l c P< -1 Z.oo /-.1-IrTl vcJ ;: --l O o> o z. t,-{m nz >m of,,i> T =m -.1 I m t-\o ,w z =IT th U t{ It rq o b It H. or-a'd o>'r Tt r-r-Y zl C)l I l-tl FI ilo or-E,x rl tl (nl F! ls)HI tl tl rl = - m _n F o m (, 'n F TI B D a t> lo E rl = F P F m (t u F l" i/ E'K t-, h= t" 'n u =H k g, 5 = r 3 t- m = I B D = z D E l=P.H : E T m n ={ O I \] -l m lo F. l@ l-'\l-n l(o I T n o (- m o -{ z o =lct @ o U) m t l-z --t m t- € --l m 7 6 i --t n m m € m r m -m -t m x-{t-H=8 '?u t- z. U'c t- --l z oz:Eooo 338 3+E :I,v+=>r- 9P=3 3 *ilr = ==- 3 a llrlr rttttl cz(!at(!>al i 4 q R :e=>6:TEF TP5 U.,?=-E i ;I t = -6 =_llll|. z m € t--{m =z. =z f- X ,o m m a c I' 'Tl t-c =z. \: tY E tl il o RP R ,< 5 Hl x {r s :.f 3 5 OJ ;o >'n zo oo <2 A@, F z =-6 6 s ln 2 ) N N o m z.m t- m o n { z 'Tl € --l m I o x z m c m l, "l }F il :l I l,i\it rI -l "l ^l +l tl .l il il -l I I { >tt +c>- <tr > =_; r'69 - n>= ?rf:=::_z n o>Q>o 3 r-lx r>6< =2zt z c>:> - zin =;.i 1=32 ':;=z -:-: > o5>-: <.r=;l=5 t. \-N \X \* )Y z i_-\ r'Ne \r-E $:'..f; \;\;5; a o z z z z --t m o Fr 81, i. iiY ol t\--C .A n P r r I al R \ fo ol z 2r ol ol ll z ur, I 4l dl 'l I ol 4l -l -1 o -t t- m =-1 'Tl m m CJ1 F H..t o g E<F.o o t-m >z m q, -1 m q. z m m € m m --t z 'n m m m o - z l- l-c z m l-m -{ = t- z -m x - = m = = m ='T1 m m a VALUATION T m 7 = =z o m I z t- 1'l- z m m o r z 3 H b 8 H cn A N' srt 6 )f { a J T ts @ b t { b {ctl I DATE INS|}CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME -CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED , THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL O FINAL EL tr o tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsccrroN REeuE sr& TOWN OF VAIL tl'/ 5 c'zt-',6;.2,7;DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FBI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECT}IDNS: INSPECTOR o F (, ;o z . c z a \42 r al Q;j Y Zt ,.' z ; u.-i zY '<a )za Z FJ < e5 F !* azi =\=7,)=Q< ,^ li)-Jr,l o i=o 5<< };r :c :- F z F a ,t i irt ; I F J t z (.) F = cc ^ Y I (.) z 2 *H :o" o UJ o z f o z s cc z =uJ Q UJ F ul E -J lc F =F {ul cc a F J a L .E =tr =H LL oo =,2 =q l- rr f !t NO rlvntvA :- t< 2 ur9 z F 33 9o ;> :z :< c(J >o ;N 3 z o J tc z ul rc3l-rHcuv /jl-i! - ( j.l,!K for SFR, R, R P/S 7(JI1E DI SIRI Lega I 0vrn€f Zone Description: Lot r) /vr d' -aql (3oo) (500) ( eoo) ( lzoo) ( so) (1oo) ( 2s) ( 50) ( 2oo) (4oo) oc.._" NJ'+ 5o ?s *2) &.. t)PlJc,--- Sl ope '/^ Actual tr-+i Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope o cTs 6L b"16 b Btock 3 Fif ine 0,{^*^ 5** Archi tect District '1F Proposed Use Lot size ?Z lS7 Hei ght Total GRFA rr#r|qnrn S*rn*ga++--GRFA Setbacks: Front ' Si des Rear llater Course Site Coverage tandscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts: Garage l'lechani cal Ai rl ock Sto ra ge Solar Heat Stora ge Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Ha za rds: Al I or.red ( 30) (33) ?5% @t Co;;en ts : t I o I'NSPEC.ON TOWN UF FI EGtJ ES T VAIL DA TE TIM E JOB NAIV]E RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen f] penrral LOCqtroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR TUE FRI AM PM MON COMM E N TS: FOOTINC FOUNDATION FRAIi!II{G ftf{tL PARTIAL LOCATIOITI: SHEETEOCK VENEER-_ ROOF PARNAL LOCATION' STANDPIPE FIHAL W Q C PARTI*I LOCATION: E appRovED ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS r--^,^^L-I DISAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: L_.J RETNSPECT DATE INSPECTOR o iruseecOonr TOWN OF FIEOUESiT V-A I L DATE TIME JOB NAME , .' , RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florsen fl panrtnr.LOCATION BEADY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED E otsaPPRovED N UPOI{ THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! netNsPEcr DATE INSP ECTO R I /71,' q 6,'6 irusFecaclN FtEouE€T TOWN OF TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D orHrn I pnnrtar-.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM MON GOMMENTS: \I:1)FRI p'nee Rov E D E orseppRovED E nerNSPEcr UPON THE FOLLOWING CORREGTION€: CORRECTIONS ,l DATE ,// ., -;j ,- a' ,.,;i . ---., ,a,.t'' ,. .,, ,at .z*., .'?- .-. .(-( - -rrus'picron ih. Pdnr..t/val ltvsiPEcaoN FIEBUEST VAIL TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVEO- AM PM CALLER n ornen I prnrrnl. LocATtoN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION ].WED THUR AM PM MON COMMENTS: FRI E nppRovED ! orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uportr rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR UAIT PLLJMEilNG.' wl ECHAMCAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL DATE / I'4 - ToBNAME \/..//LL ,./OHNTW ,QES, owNER wL/,- 'JffiNsnN o*^*Eloffio5*-t coNrRAcroR SAlnE pnone4TL- /O2 36/ .-/ (3trql, APPRovED fl otsnppRoveo ToTALFEES: $ 22 5o- OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E("r* E noorrroru E nennooel ! nepntn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER 7? F MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN s 2!fi622 VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMfT FEE FZZ ,5o-r"PERMIT FEE =/7^,t..rt.l ft/ %/,2 C,rza k*L opr:e //'4'77 ,rusr=crlbru FIEoLTe,.BT r2wN oF vArr DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER /. E ornen n pnnnel. LocArtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM APP ROV ED ! orseeeRovED I nerNsPEcr p'treoru rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTTONS , .:,: rfuspecron DATE .1" -- e6 al:il3 f; htr " oF lo - HE os l-z !5 =o EII e5 9o EO F? t\ rI .: -l i l:\t: ^f: \\: -?\i rl trt !\ ; o Q (B tr 6 ',< () EI c TJ i ! a N i (, z ,a ,-) : Hra vz EO bF 29 SH z2 tx ?E Ul A !a td PE '.r ol i lrl NE at)d &I I 8l 4G CD o)sf, Fr E := frl stu ,rr rl o< =i tsFr C) rd c to E6 2 iE -t g boJqE.9S tr.;lr=O EiFEF E# S E o iruseecOoN FtEBuEsr JOB NAME n ornen fl pnnnnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM li,;,'l MON COMMENTS: TUE -EI4P.P Rov E D ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr n upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE Town of Vail FX,ECTRICAL PERIVIIT Nq Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $..-..-......-.............". 8129- $........---.-......--.-..... 468 Date Paid-...... .?t /..:.2..2. Received ", 6f- Krcf:/q / Date or Appricatio...- . ....?-.: /-b^.: 7.7....-....tn Erectricarcontractor.....^AZAcfu :-...VA/L.. Applicant.-...-. 9llDrhrrr APPR.OVALS THIS FORi| Ig TO BE POSTED OI{ JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTTON 2I IIOI,'RSI A.DVANCE NOTICE REQI,JIRED FOR TNSPECTIONS saatpny rxs r. r. F!rrrlr co., !rrvra rr0as2 rruseeclclN OWN FIEOUE€iT VAIL of JOB NAME ,.; "'DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornrn I plnrtal.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED TH UR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E nppRovED ! uporu rHe CORRECTIONS n otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOF I E c =-l r e'u-z-,Oo -l p t!l 3'I NJ o :. 5 ..\F -l { I 1'l m -l r r -l m n t- o D m ! = |n q, fi 3 n z i z o m Ill !;z o m {> 8: iql F l)t--E l\a t, )a l<i 1---:r Y rS 7t {ln .lt D !- I z { |n n z vt -{ c i z = ! <, ;t o o m n I A ,t o 2 o z ft t- o |n o { z n € x 3 P t- o m |-x \J\' n |- m n z m F m c z -{ p n :{ o 3 3 m I t r n =5 z z z 9 1l (tt t m 9' -{ .tt r I m !t z 2 T |n o (n ! m 9 f m o o o o z o m F i 2 |n o fi =o z D z ! m |--{m f o 2 o o =z :! m !t m -{ z n -t o 'n { ! 7 z 6 ft x -l |n o iIN i T\ IIT ! il\\* {,.l\I rr t t:* i r-\'s .s\ -J I I a z i t z o z + o ,l Des ign Rev iew f "u --*--l PRoJ rcr Joh^son R e. >i J o a ce ; ARCHrrEcr R,obrn+ Peiufsa,tt, LEGAL DESCR IPT ION USE ZONE StrR &t Date Paid LOT S IZE SETBACKS: Ground Leve I LANDSCAPING: Required - $, PARKIhIG AND L0ADING: No. Required ZON ING CIIECKL IST S Ut4MA RY Required - Front eO ,5ides lO oPosED usE <s> S; n ql" Fa,ni lY #owz t ; FROfrrAGE -l3O €;.+ - t PR sq. ft., Actual - Rear _?Q , Rear a6 t ++ ++ d- l() , Actua I - Front VO *, siies ,q ag , D ISTANCE BETWEEN BU I LD lNGS: Requ i red ,/TA , Actua I HE|GHT:AverageGradeHeightA||o9ied-,Actua| G.R.F.A., ,h{ Ratio, Allowable sq. ft.Az-*rra | <a le sq. ff .C0NIMERCIAL FLOOR AREA: Percenfage allowable_r Allowab Actua| sq. f-f. _; BU|LD|NGBULKc0NTR0L:A||owablemaXimum|ength,Diagonal-, Reguired 0f f sets , Actual length , Dlagonal _-__--; SITE COVERAGE: Altowabte e A _%, A:towabie Sq, f t. *9f55I, Acr uut _-.g__fi Actua I sq. rt, ltflY^ i t USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Requi red -- sq. f t., Actua | =-__sq. .4^- h, uommo -. _cL- ft t I , No. Acfual | , Covered Re- quired O % - O No.; Covered Acfual O , O fi ZON ING APPROVAL Zon ing Admin istrator DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL Cha i rman, Design Review Board UTILITIES APPROVAL ENV I RONI"ENTAL I l'lPACT APPROVAL Town Eng ineer Mayor Da te Da'f e Da te Da te Date S ubm i Date S ubm i Date Submi Extens i on by Secl-ion C0[4f"lEN't-S: for Zon f o r Des for Env ng Rev iew g n Re v i ew rc)nmen ta I tte d tJ'ed tte d oI Dead I i ne Dead I ine Da ie Da te lmpact Rev iew 1-o Dead I ine daie B (Sories oJ 1975) item o f 0rd i nance lrlo as permitted o o Building Information: Lot 6 Block 3, Bighornrs 5th Addi.t'i on Builder;- 0wner: William N. Johnson l. All Framing material to be construction grade Fir or equal. 2. Sheeting - to be 25/?2 Biltrite or styrofoam sheeting 3, Roof - Sheeting - l/ztt C.D.X, - shingles - 7/2" x 3/\ Hand split cedar 4. slding - Exterior to be lttx 8t' J € G v-Groove clear Redwood 5, 0utside Trim - Clear Redwood, left to weather natural ly' !tindows and Doors, to match 6. Decking to be constructlon redwood - left natural 7. Landscaping - l.t e plan to return the s I te to its natural s ta te. We feel additional pl ant ings are unnecessary as there are many trees on this lot. We hope to : - sltuate our house so as to make unnecessary the cutting , down of any trees. The trees are all marked on our site plan. o PRorrEcT No. 534 2 Auausr'1974 Tsgt son[lc r-qgA-ttoH pLnN Lor 6, Blocx ) BlqHgRN SuBolvfsloNr FIFTH FILING EAGLE CouitlYr CoLoRADo P/L No. 2 I PRoPoseo RESI DENCE / SCALET lr r 30 1 PRortEc? IlORTH Q tnorcA?Es TEsT BoRrNa LocrTror{ F t CURE NO. I PRo.'Ect No. 534 0 NO. F bl U t! 10 .a F o. rd o .F .tJ ht Ir. ;10 t-A !l ., o 15 20 LoosE To rrED I uu oEilsE t BouLDERSr L I cHl llol8T To r{0TEs O ; .Iggl-99.8!-us-t$. O HOLE NO. I f] roesotu - ffil srno - l) Txc tEsr BoRtNcB tr€RE DRILLED nlrH A coNTl;luous FLlcxl powEn Au6EB (&r ole,) oN 31 .tuuv t97lr 2't THE, Locg SHor APPRoxllrAtE BouNoARlEs BETIVEEN THE vARloug STRATA AT THE OATE9 AND LOCATIONS INOICATED ANO IT.I8 TIO' ;ARRAXTEO THAT THEY ARE REPREEENIATIVE OF gUBSURFACE I FIOURE NO. 2 SLIEHTLY EILTY TO,CLAYEY' oRAVELLVT s'lTH CosBLE9 AND VERY r|Ol8Tr EROIYN. INoIGATES CROUND lrAtER LEYELi Ar tlHE oF DRILLING. INOICATES LEVEL AT WH'CH T€8T EORINO CAVEO. INO,ICATES REFUSAL TO FURTHER PENETRATION ON BOULOER. coNol TloNS Ar oTHEn LoCATloNS Al{o TlltEE. ^l z o .E o(/, T a .nan <(J JV'o= o z (' t! (.' qUr) :F II.l fi;:l L I I J (L I t J J I I ;f ()(,) Egt u<rL(L a o o c\ @ N N \o (\ (\ r 1 @ c'\ \tr (\ GI L\ (\t lr,>.rdo -z a o (n =@ +ts +t r* o ++h lh (\l +- a a o o o F o I I z o a J !, o o F ut J C (, o o .o N o o\ -t NO o\ <\l @ o\ 6| o\ a\ o\ t\-o (\ o o\ o\o o o o o ooo rrNo o o Yd l|| l3 u3d oo ooooo ('\ J !'\ \o| (\of,HtYlSu lNSculd Itl <)io oo @C\ o oo o t GI I I I .:! o rt r N o ql (, I :It G o L, E t <,o 3 L, J o c, 4t J z tt ur a J !(o l,1t E o c' gl LT E t, tD tJ Ll gl o e o z F (! c| t t t o LJ t gl (,z 6 tl E , F vl at J z E tr,F !J :l o E o I o o c o > z -o () t (t tU (t z ., b a F sl x t I td G z o ql > o o f a z tr o T (, @ x (,o ) @ a \o F C' td (,z bt o a frl oi z 9 F o o J lrJ J o. = aD It '(\ .61 @ L, LJ G |.r>IG =o =.F vr< E .O lrj d .T' 'J IJ o IO ts(h o ZL,F F (,o LJ ?o E cl- .o . ' (Y'l 'I .l ql -l I F o. lr,o lrj c = U' "l o 2 u J o I I tJt J z z 9 F =@ .E 'F (n a Lr,N a ul J 9 F (r c +t\ 'o--\ (\ .o lr, ,c '= !(D td F o !J - TD <9 o C) UJ F v) 3a !; :d 3g rt -V o E o c|I o 2 Cn fr, O c, !, <n tro <z c cn (, tL e3 K t.rbq l91 :r o\ s; f 6E[,t :, o tJr o Fg It ii \c. 4 I \(J I I t \t J I lrl !C > -tt f c srO F O :3O. zo . ,l .t { ,tJ aq i f * Ig d .O (\| trF F arj I lrl u, ra o o c\I o tl ie N a, 3 7' Jll j ll 5f,t i = r{\l 1 = .t.+:t .3!1t . \.1 o 6t-.-\ -^l .C(}F ..''tC) = '? tr,30F =8.-sO -. DESIGN BEVrlil\I BO48q o SUBJECT: TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOfE: APPROVED: Lo+ L, SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTBNTION: /tJ r.t'a/- il t utL DATE OD MI]ETING: I MEMBBRS PEBSENT: ACTION DATE OT MIJ[lBERS lrtllETING: PRISENT: ACTION AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: APPROVtrD: (Lt<Q,tt-un oa-L- "- ABSTI]NTION: DTSApPROV\D, ___=nn,t " l+-ii-nv'- ,2 \_l SUI\IIIARY I ';( I ,'.rl'-t-J,,ffi L ..1 | t\ ir I \r\<- (:-r-J --./ r- t :{ti tO (.}a-,-^-4t"2'"^ (=L -t\ l .i fY{trr^".{, X,nu d <53 t{ o June 24, 1977 Jo Kramer Town of Vail P 0 Box 100 Va I I , Col orado 8t 657 Dea r Ms. Kramer, We bought a lot in Val t in Harch of 1976. We plan to build on it this fall. The legal descrlption of the lot is Lot 6, Block J, Bighorn's 5th Addition. I called you to ask you if you would present our plan to the Board of Review and you stated that you would do this for us. l'le rea I ly apprec iate this. Enclosed with this mai I ing are our floor plans with elevations and our site plan. Also please note the attached information sheet. 0ur address is as fol lows: l'lr. and l''l rs. Wi I I iam N. Johnson 59 l0 Game Farm Road l,lound, llinnesot a 55364 ff you need more information, please cal I us at 612'\72- 1960' Phyllis Johnson,'(tt rs . wm.N. ) You r ve ry o Bullding Information: Lot 6 Block 3, Bighorn's 5th Addit'ion Builder r- Owner: Will iam N. Johnson l. All Fram i ng mater i a I to be const ruct ion g rade Fir or equal. 2. Sheeting - to be 25/32 Biltrite or styrofoam sheeting 3. Roof - Sheeting - 112" C,D.X. - Shingles ' l/2" X 3/4 Hand Split Cedar 4. Siding - Exterior to be lrrX 8rr J € G V-Groove clear Redwood 5, 0utside Trim - Clear Redwood, I eft to weather natural ly' W i ndows and Doo rs ' to ma tch 6. Decki ng to be construct ion redwood - I eft natural 7. Landscap i ng - We plan to ret u rn the s ite to its natural state. We feel additional pl ant ings are unnecessary as there are many trees on this lot. We hope to j situate our house so as to make unnecessary the cutting down of any trees. The trees are al I marked on our s i te pl an. oo o t o Project Application jnGu\)ac/'t R "t i Je,ac/-- Date Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 6 , Block ,r^n 6'Je''o--,-^ <L' Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board o^r. ?//-n Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL n a '..--' ( Summary: :iltr ;24.;+ O^ Vz-v'-At-t ---.. Zoning Administrator I ti r1/4 1 ,," Chief Building Otficial rN*crroN REouEST TQWN OF VAIL .WED .,' THUR" FRI - AM PM DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER n tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ELECTRICAL: C TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: . --,.- .- , .J DATE INSPECTOR box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47es613 Febna^:y 28, Ig79 Sincerely, / department of community development William Johnson 5910 @rrE Farn Fd. l8rund, Minnesota 55381 Dear Sir: It has cqre to tbe attention of tbe Ttomn of Vail Britrting Offrcial that a final ilspection and Certificate of Occrpancy haq 1qt been issued on your tqilding located at b16g Gorc Cteel( Dr. and that lt 1s being occrpied. Tlre 1torn S-rifding Code requires that atl buildings be issrred a @rtificate of ftcupancy prior to lsing ocqpied. ptease contact tbe Tocn Bullding Office p tbat arrangarent carl be rmde to i_n- sPect your trqifding. Yorr prurpt attention to this natter wiII be greatly alpreciated. z/a.1zd.Az,za Itark I[. I{arc}us ftlef hdlding OfficiaL Ml{[,]: cq j DATE JOB NAME INSGCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI - AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: O UNDERGROUND O BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING N INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr E tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . 4fr,-t.A t :/*fl)- LUttt" A/t 7 7 fi,pp/zr> <-n- ) ut-tit Af!- /','ul 6v T M- c'Proiect Appllcation 4- t4 --rt^oate / //'/Y Project Name: Proisct Description: Own€r Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block 2 e G P-/ u9&,Fitins d rC),/Zl ?+ -I Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 7- /9- zq Motlon by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Qlo?F I p,ou^l {o,r G^o.ro '4 ns 'l'"['-n ' tl "Tl' /l't 'tl-en)<.U 4r': 'l/ r-*4r ' Chi€f Building Otficial \,1 i l i< BEFORI THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Objection of Mn. Robent Osbonne (Ready Mix Conponation of Colonado Spnings) and Mr. G. E. Johnson (G. E. Johnson Constnuction Co.) to use of Lots in Block 3, Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition for an5rthing othen than single family residential lots. Geddes, spanks & Mac Dougall, P.C., attonneys fon Mn. Robent osborne and Mn. G. E. Johnson, who are ownens of single family dwellings on Lots 1O and 11, Block3, Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition, Eagle county, colonado, hereby enten thein fonmal obj ecti on to the use of any lot in Block 3, Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition, fon an5rthing othen than a single famtly nesidential lot and nespectfully nequest that the Planni.ng Commission of Eagle County deny penmission fon any such use upon the following groundsl A. The Planning commission at its meeting of June 19' 1974 denied such use and the matten has been decided; B. As shown by the evidence intnoduced at the Planning Commission heaning on June 1g,1974 a maj onity of the ownens of the lots listed in panagnaph G of the Declanation of Pnotective Covenants fon Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition, want to keep the lots single family lots; C. That thene ane no standands set forth in panagraph 3 of the afonesaid Declaration of PFotective Covenants to guide the Planning Commission in deciding whethen to grant peFmission to use a single family nesidential tot fon multiple family nesidential punposes except the genenal punpose declanation in panagnaph 2 of said Declanation. The gnanting of penmission to use of any of said lots as multiple family nesidential lots would not pnomote the genenal punposes set fo nth but would instead oppose the genenal punposes; D. That panagnaph 3 and panagnaph 2 of the afonesaid Declanation of Pnotective Covenants must be intenpneted from the language theneof and not fnom any pnesent statement of the Gnantons intent. Unless the language is cleanly ambiguous the afonementioned panties object to the admission of any evidence concenning the meaning of the p notective covenants ' Wrenefone, it is nespectfully nequested that the Planning Commission dery any application to use any of the lots listed in panagnaph I of the Declanation of Pnotective Covenants as multiple family nesidential lots' Dated this 17th daY of JulY, 1974. Respectful ly subm itted, GEDD tii-a - HBFIE 3EilEgEEi ;:gEgiFiE ; # iEg !l!; 'i#iillliii lt J 6e I J f, 8. r-lr I t, ir I t: /t. l t" t: z x 'il fl (."y*- .,fsr, b' t--*-* ! !^ruo :rgoo 't3 l o o 6 z 1.8 z<o Nlvrl C. r. ;tF z :i'xu -t 2rt :z =-" ;i zr5 tz o< E -*E .-t sq ;a f;: aH I I J t z.t .i .d x! r'3 fT \-rrt*rt rmt t, q.r rorr|lr.,o| \r":;zr, a't;r \\ l%E a\ 6)'',: -.,-< { 'r---l '\r*,i,gi,* L /////- 4..i;L* t ', ^*11'--t/ - -oF'e- -c - - \- - n .at\ DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR BIGHORN SUBDIVISION l.IFTH ADDITION EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("Grantor't), a Colorad,o corpo-ration, is the ownet of all that real property within the subdivision narned Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition in Eagle County, CoLorado, the plat of which was filed with the Glerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, on Novernb er 25, 1966, under recepti.on aumber 105002, and recorded in Map Case Z, Drawer I of plats. Grantor hereby makes aad declares the following lirnitations, restrictions and uses upon and of such real property as restrictive and protective cover.ants running with the land' and as binding upon Grantor and upon all persons clairning und.e r Grantoi and upon all future owners of any part of such real property, so long as these restrictive and pro-tective covenants shall rernain in effect: I. DEFINITIONS: As used herein, the following word,s and terms shall have t6e f ollowing rneanings: Subdivision - Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. Lot - A lot within Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition which may be used for residential or cornrnercial purposes, Siogle Family Residential Lot-Alot rvhich canbeused for residential Durposes only and upon whic h onrl' one si.ngre family re sidence building together with one outbuil.ding rnay be constructed. Multiple Farnily Residential Lot purposes only and taining not more outbuilding rnay be Outbuilding - An enclosed, covercd other storage purpo s e s ture which it serves. - A lot rvhich can be used for residential upon which only one drvelling building, con- than trvo apartrnents, together witb one c on s truc te d. bui.lding to be used as a garage or for not directly attached to the main struc - Gornmercial Lot - A lot which.can be used for apartments, retail shops, . service shops (excluding, horvever, automobile service staticns),restaurants, hotels, lodges, professiona! offices and rnedical clinic s. i I , I 2' CENERAL PURPOSES: These covenants ar'r made for the purpose of creating andkeepiffiof.araspossible,desirabIe,attractive,beneficialanc suitable in architectural design, materials and aop€arar).e: "nd guarciing againstfires and unnecessary interlerence with the natural beautT of the subdivision; all for the rnutual benefit and protection of the owners of lots in t'he subdivision. 3. USES: Each lot in Blocks l, 1A, ? and 3 of the subdivision and Lot l, Block 4,t'ot 9 anaTdl-nlock 5 and Lot l8 and Lot 19, Block ? of the subdivision shall be single family residential lots; provided, however, if permission of the Planning Commission of Eagle County is obtained to use one o! more oI those lots as a multiple family re si<iential A ,}, ( lot, then tlre lot or lots,for which such perrnission is obtained may be used as a multiple farnily residential lot or lots. Lots l, 2 and 3 of Block 8 of the subdivision shall be com- mercial lots. All other lots in the subdivision shall be multiple family residential lots. ' 4. dPPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS: No building or other structure shall becongtrrsha11anyadditiontheretoorchangc o1' alteration therein be made until the cornplete plans and spe cific ati.on s' (including' bul not lirnited to, the floor, elevation, plot and grading plans; the specifications of principal exterior materials, color schemes and the location, character and method of utilizatior of all utilities) have been submitted to Grantor and by it approved in writing. At the tirne plans and specifications are submitted to Grantor for its aPProval, th€ pe1son or persons submitting such plans and specifications shall also submit to Grantor evidencesatisJactorytoCrantor that the Public Health Department of the State of Coloradc or the appropriate official of Eagle County, Colorado has approved the complete plan: aad specifications of such person or persons for an iadividual sanitary sewage disposa Bystem. Each building or other structure shall be constructed, erected and maintained in strict accordance with the approved plans and specifications. . ln passing upon all such plans and specifications, Grantor shall take into consider' ation the suitability of the proposed building or other structure and the rnaterials of u'hicl lt ie to be built to the lot upon which it is to be erected, the harmony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of the building or other structure, as planned, on the outlool from adjacent or neighboring lots, Grantor agrees to use reasonable judgrnent in passiog upon ali such plans and specifications, but Grantor shall not be liable to any person for Grantorrs actiong in connection w'ith submitted plans and specifications, unless it bt ehorvn that Granccr acted tvitir n:alice or wrongful intent. 5. EASEMENTS: Easements and rights of way are hereby reserved as show'n ot It i.I 1 ! I I I I , I t 1 ! J degcribed on the recorded plat of the subdivision' reqerved in the right o{ way of each road for water and There are in addition easernentr all other utilities. 6. FENCES: No fence, wall or similar type barrier of any kind shal] be con' structec', "r".t.d or rnaintained on any lot, except such fences or walls as rnay bt approved by Gt antor as an integral or decorative part of a building to be erected on a lot. 7. SIGNS: No signs, billboards'or other advertising structure of any kind shall bt erected, Eiiii-r,tcted or majntained on any lot for any purPose whatsoever, excePt sucl comrnercial signs as have been approved by Grantor either for identification of residencei or places of business or other commercial uses. 8. 'WATER: Each structure designed for occupancy or use by human beings shal connect frItGGr facilities rnade available at any tirne in the future by Grantor. Nt private wells shall be used as a source of water {or hurnan consurnPtion or irrigation 9. TRASH: No trash, ashes ot other refuse shall be thrown or durnped orr an' land v-ithiilIf,Iubd.ivision. There shall be no burning of refuse out of doors except i: incinerators installed with the approva! of Gsanior' Each ProPeriy oll'ne r shall provid' suitable leceptacles for the ternporary storage and collection of refuse and all sucl receptacles shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbance. .t ! !-z-n I I 'ir 1P':'-lVt *" ..'i*-'. \ IO. LIVESTOCK: No anirnals, Iivestock, horses or poulty (except dogs, cats and other pets f;;EoG;1.16td enjoyment and not for comrnercial purposes) shallbe kept, raiscd or bred in the subdivision. ll. TREES: Trees naturally existing upon a lot, except to the extentnecessary for coost.uctioi-frr-pose s, shall not be cut, trirnmed or removed from the properties, except that Grantor rnay aPprove some thinning or trirnrning if it seems desirable. be no general rule for the location all actual construction sites shall 13, LANDSCAPINC: All surface areas disturbed by construction shall be returned promptly to their natural condition and replanted in native grasses; but Grantor may approve construction of gardens, lawns and exterior living areas. 14. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: No temporary structure, excavation, basement, trailer"r@esubdivision,exceptasmaybedeterrninedtobe necessary during construction and specifically authorized in writing by Grantor. I 5. CONTINUITY OF CONSTRUCTION: All structure s comrnenced in the subdivision shal1bep'andsha11becornpletedwithintwelvernonths of cornmencement unless some excePtion is granted in writing by Grantor. 15. NUISANCE: No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on within the sub- division, n6i.ft"ttl"ything be done or perrnitted which shall constitute a public nuisance the r e in, lZ. SET BACK REQUIREMENTS: There shall - of improvements with relation to property line s, but receive the advance approval of Grantor. I?. EFFECT AND DURATION OF COVENANTS: a tipulatio., provisions of this instrument, it shall be larvful for any property in the subdivision to institute proceedings at law visions of this instrument, to restrain the person violating and to recover darnages, actual and punitive, together rvith auch wiolations. The conditions, re strictions, shall be for the benefit of and person or persons orvning real or in e rquity to enforce the Pro- or threatening to violate thcnr, re a s o::able attorneyts fee s, for any one of the provisions of this instrument iu nr wise affect any of the other provisions binding upon each tract in the subdivision, and each orvner of propertl' therein, his suc- cessors, representatives and assigns and shall continue in full force and effec! until January f, 1999, at which tirne they shall be autornatically extended for five successive -terrns of ten years each. 18. AMIiNDMENTI The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, agreements and covenants ;""t"i""d h"tein shall not be rvaiwe<1, abandoned, terrninated, or arnended except bywritten consent of the owners 'of. 75To of the privately orvned land included vuithin the boundaries of the subdivision. t9. ENFORCEMENl': If any Person shall violate or threaten to violate anr* of the 20. SEVERABILITY: Invalidation of by judgrnent or court order or decree shall which shall rernain in full force and effect. -3- /'t H.APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Seclion 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivision Regulotions | (we) hereby opply for exemption from the provisions with soid regulotions os to my (our) proposed development known or .9gg.tyS.11 .u.''.d. F.$ry. Locored: . .I-p.t 6. .Block J. .Qrgh.o.r.n. 5lh.4dditi.o.,. a I o0e-half ac re Ano compnsrng .... ... divided into opproximotely ..i:'.". . interests for the following reoson ..4ttgl% It is understood thot ony oction by this Commission gronting soid request for soid regulotions exemption opplies only to ihe proposed development os shown on the sketch plon or other informotion ottoched hereto. x Douglass Cadv Cossrvell . ..K. f..... J\-tt(*G"d k aa + (ar*'.*:'tq : i;#;;;;;; ;!; il;;; (Must be signed by oll the record owners of the property) Doted . ... ... Received By.... RESOLUTION . Coto' Chai rman The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord this . E 4..*. . doy of 4J- ..... lg 7./. which finds ond delermines ihot fhis Division '// of Londs is not within lhe purposes for which the subdivision regulotions were odopted ond therefore soid Applicotion isJ (denied). Boord of County Commissioners : iliJ.lill ; ii?l.li il'a5tffi ysp: at the i r regu I ar meet i no on 1e June 1e74. i'if,' i - 'r7+ il Pl,,innrtl3 & DBr€r' Poge 3l By ft|ftsIl .-y' 2 5. c: cz '4*/ Recommendation confirmed at lhe )7 July 1974 Meeting' ftnh 4,y',y' o = " o f,r = - "? FH*:.:il['I*" " r vtpvr e Nr,,I "cbunrFrousE. i , 'P'. O.'Box'?s9r Phond SeA-63sb' Eaqle, Cof oraf,o . ; 8t631 26 July" 1974' Mr. Eouglass Cogewell P. O. Box 177 Vall, Qolorado 81657 f. t' ; .t' Re: Flle No. Se-67-74 Excrnptlon Cogtrlvof lfrary At their speclal rrnetlrlg on 26 July 1974, th€ Eagle County Bosrd of County Cornmlssloners d.nled your plledlon for Excrnptlm from thc Eaglc Corty Subdlvlelon Rcgulatlons and etated the fol lowing roasno for cuch dcnlal; (1) Town of Vall letter of Juno 19, 1974 lndlcatlng a daalre to ne thr lotg rrrnaln slnglo famlly roldrntlal l (2) dtacmt propcrty or/ncrs dcglre to havc the lots rsmaln elngto farnlly; (3) crltlcal eanltatlon problrrma; (4) Eaglc Cor.nrty Maator Plrr whlch ls deslgned to dccreese dcnsltlec. lf you have my q,netlonr, plcsro contact thelr Sccrctaly, tha eoJnty Clerk, thlo offlce, in the Cotrrthoue€. Reeoectful ly, QuentlnMitchol I, Jr. Plannlng Aesletant oM,/kt cc: Board of County Commleclorerag Technlcal Rovlew Oommlttec oncl. Copy of €xemption Applicatlirn ,i .RECEIVED ' [uL 1,. E i9i4 qLh'&H:br"BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF EAGLE COUNTY, coLoRADo Objection of Mn. Robent Osborne (Ready Mix Conponation of colonado spnings) and Mn. G. E. Johnson (G. E. Johnson constnuction co.) to use of Lots in Block 3, Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition fon an5zthing othen than single family residential lots. Geddes, spanks & Mac Dougall, P.C., ateonneys fon Mn. Robent osbonne and Mn. G. E. Johnson, who ane ownens of single family dwelli.ngs on Lots 1O and 11, Block 3, Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition, Eagle count5r, colonado, heneby enten their fonmal objection to the use of any lot in Block 3t Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition, fon an5rthing othen than a single family nesidential lot and nespectfully nequest that the Planning Commission of Eagle County deny penmission fon any such use upon the following gnounds: A. The Planning commission at its meeting of June 19, 1974 denied such use and the matten has been decided; B. As shown by the evidence intnoduced at the Planning Commission heaning on June 19, 1974 a majonity of the ownens of the lots listed in panagnaph B of the Declanation of Pnotective Covenants fon Big Horn Subdivision, Sth Edition, want to keep the lots single family lots; C. That thene ane no standands set forth in panagnaph 3 of the afonesaid Declanation of Pnotective Covenants to guide the Planning Commission in deciding whethen to gnant penmission to use a single family nesidential lot fon multiple family residential punposes except the genenal punpose declaration in panagnaph 2 of said Declanation. The gnanting of penmission to use of any of said lots as multiple family nesidential lots would not pnomote the genenal punposes set fo nth but would instead oppose the genenal punposes; D. That panagnaph 3 and panagnaph 2 of the afonesaid Declanation of pnotective Covenants must be inter'pneted fnom the language thereof and not fnom any pnesent statement of the Gnantons intent. Unless the language is cleanly ambiguous the afonementioned panties object to the admission of any evidence concenning the meaning of the pnotective covenants. Whenefone, it is nespectfully nequested that the Planning Commission deny any application to use any of the lots listed in panagnaph 3 of the Declanation of Pnotective Covenants as multiple family nesidential lots' Dated this 17th daY of JulY, 1974. Respectfully submitted' GEDD By, PARKS C DOUGAL \ri.,oo eo.ooH ;; i; a2 tl r- I i I' l- I / I i t" ta. i_ { 3E EHt g bd ; EI '2=E si 6.=e piii '-dq j i=H E g3! fr =!< E !:e;[E t ,E- sHfi t <!.-i ::s "t jo# e egfr E i:=i2 .d- 't' i.i- ',u&sr s5P r i; 5iB i ;H rIi t2 14> o56 : :F ;X:I i! sii 3 ic ii-Z i E! EEa 'fu#'iiE ;*i:lfE:; t, 4l* { ;i i; iil Nrvn 'r ;i oti a_ J [3. o iluo0 /;/H{i- n$*'i'&i --Y \\i.\"-tu -\J ' ":'#\s'*w ffi";'/ n""u .d !z< - t' ---- ei 6, b'e 'l.:V1" r^ruo -,th '' ir gE ztt >z -=-.. ;U ;' ZO ,2.o< ;,F ox o 1r^ 'o^ ;y^ z t -o.,^'o9- '1,^9 "c '\-. lrl' 10: -^c? .ot .n'i,/.* E -lr C 2-f -.].*8 iG-c'B E: ;H I I I I t9 's a z z-i !E ;s;;: r'3 ri"; 6!r':" = i.{", -l d't'-l1 l-t ':( d/ ol '.' ('l ;i l. izl 'i>l It \r , ii",l \a\ n' :>i/, l,l q \ r{Ir$r-r r.ir!4 rf - o.rJd*n|o,o' \1 ''>a' :,"*-P \;:i;.1 'r?E .>-b.. , .o?-(-t g\ 1A, e t1{uali ">ot--S bt c '/, ./t/ -n q +/"t /r r4-// ,,, {r '\_ '-\ .r.'i -+:'.i .l+ r''.V"-'. ____il .t q3 -ir tir 97t L__ A rta DECLARATION Or. PROTECTIVE COVENANTS t'oR B EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("Grantor"), a Colorado corpo-ratioD, is the owne! of all that real property within the subdivision narned Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition in Eagle County, Colorado, the plat of which was filed. with the clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado, on Novernber zs, 1956, under reception number 105002, and recorded in Map Case Z, Drawer I of plats, Grantor hereby makes and declares the following lirnitations, restrictions and uses upon and of such real property as restrictive and protective cover.ants running with the Iand' and as binding upon Grantor and upon all persons claiming under Grantor and upon all future owners of any part of such real property, so long as these !estlictive and pro-tective covenants shall rernain in effect: l. PEFINITIONS: As used herein, following rneanings: the following words and te rm s shall have the Subdivision - Lot - Single Family Multiple Farnily Residential Lot purposes only and taining not more . outbuilding rnay be Outbuilding - An enclosed, covered othe r storage pLrrpose s fure rvhich it se rve s. Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. A lot within Bighorn subdivision Fifth Addition which may be used for residential or commercial purposes. Residential. Lot - A lot rvhich can be used for re sidential purposes only and upon rvhich onl1' one single family residence building together with one outbuilding rnay be constructed. Gomrnercial Lot - A lot which-can be used for apartments, retail shops, . service shoPs (excluding, horvever, automobile service staticns),!estaurants, hotels, lodges, professiona! offices and rnedical c linic s . - A lot rvhich can be used for residential upon which only one drve lling building, con- than trvo apartments, together with one constructed. buiLding to be used as a garage or for not directly attached to the maj.n struc - a { { : 1 I I Z. GENERAL PURPOSES: These covenants aril mad.e for the purpose of creating andkeepiffiofaraspossib}e,desirable,attractive,bcneficialand auitable in architectural design, rnaterials and appearallce; ard g.uarciing againstfires and unnecessary interlerence with the natural beauty of the subdivision; all for the mutual benefit and protection of the owners of lots in the subcliwision, 3. USES: Each lot in Blocks l, IA, 2 and 3 of the subdivision and Lot l, Block 4,Lot 9 attdTdl-nlock 5 and Lot 18 and Lot L9, Block 7 of the subdivision shall be single farnily residential lots; Provided, however, if permission of the Planning Cornrnission of Eagle County is obtained to use one or more of those Jots as a rnultiple family re siciential A t I I : t I l 'I a I lot, then the lot or lots.Ior wlfch such perrnission is obtained rnay be used as a multiple family residential lot or lots. Lots I, 2 and 3 of Block 8 oi the subdivision shall be com- 1nercial lots. AII other lots in the subdivision shall be multiple family residential lots' 4. APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS: No building o! other structure shall beconst'ursha1lanyadditiontheretoorchang€ or alteration therein be made until the cornplete plans and specifications' (including, bul not lirnited to, the floor, elevation, plot and grading plans; the specifications of principa) exterior materials, color schemes and the location, charactet and rnethod of utilizatior of all util.itie s ) have been submitted to Grantor and by it approved in writing. At tbe tirne plans and specifications are submitted to Grantor for its approval, the person or persons submitting such plans and specifications shall also submit to Grantor evidence satisfactory to Crantor that the Public Health Department of the State of Coloradc or the appropriate official of Eagle County, Colorado has approved the complete plans and specificatlons of such pe!son or persons for an individual sani.tary sewage disposa. 8ys tetn. Each building or strict accordance with connect with rvate r orivate wells s hall . ln passing upon all such plans and specifications, Grantor shall take into consider- afion the suitability of the proposed building or other structule and the rnaterials of rrhict it ie to be built to the lot upon which it is to be erected, the harmony thereof with the surroundings and the elfect of the building or other structure, as Planned, on the outlool from adjacent or neighboring lots. Grantor agrees to use teasonable juCgrnent in passing upon all such plans and specifications, but Grantor shall not be liable to any person for Grantorts actions in connection with submitted plans and specifications, unless it be ahoren that Granccr ac ted s'ii.e r:lalice or wrongful intent. 5. EASEMENTS: Easements and rights of way are hereby reserved as shorvn or described-;;If,;-;6rded plat of the subdivision. There are in addition easetnentr reserved in the right of way of each road for water and all other utilities' 6. FENCES: No fence, wall or sirnilar type barrier of any kind shall be con' etructei, -"r.cted or maintained on any lot, excePt such fences or walls as rnay bt approved by Grantor as an integral or decorative part of a building to be erected on a lot. 7. SICNS: No signs, billboards'or other advertising structure of any kind shal1 b( erected, |liliigc ted or maintained on any lot for any purPose q'hatsoever, excePt sucl cotrun'ercial signs as have been approved by Grantor either for identification of residence: or places of business or other commercial uses. 8. WATER: Each structure designed for occuPancy or use by human beings shz'l other structure shaLl be constructed, erected and rnaintained in the approved plans and specifications' f acilitie s rnade available at any time in the future by Grantor. Ni be used as a source of water for human consumption or irrigation 9. TRASH: No trash, ashes or other refuse shall be thrown or dumped on anr l"r,d oithii-If,i-subdivision. There shall be no burning of refuse out of doors except i! incinerators installed w'ith the approval of Gr.inior. Each properiy owne r shall pror-iC' euitable receptacles for the temporary storage and collection of refuse and all sucl receptacles shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbance' -z- A \ ff':."vt ^: "lt .it-- lO. LIYESTOCK: No animals, livestock, horses or poulty (except dogs, cats and other pets ir" ioGEft"fa enjoyment and not for comrnercial purposes) shall be kept, raised or bred in the subdivision. ll. TREES: Trees naturally existing upon a Iot, except to the extentnecessaryfor corrs tructioffiifoses, shall not be cut, trirnmed or removed frorn the properties, except that Grantor rnay aPProve some thinning or trirnming if it seem s de sirable. lZ. SET BACK REQUIREMENTST There shall be no general rule for the location of irnproveffi prop- rty line s, receive the advance approval of Grantor. but all actual construction sites shall 13. LANDSCAPING: All surface areas disturbed by construction shall be returned promptly to th;ir natural condition and replanted in native grasses; but Grantor rnay approve coostruction of gardens, la*'ns and exterior living areas' 14. TEMPORARY STRLICTURES: No temporary structure, excavation, basement, trailero'@esubdivision,exceptasrTraybedeterminedtobe necessar.y during construction and specifically authorized in writing by Grantor' 15. CONTINUITy OF CONSTRUCTION: All structures commencedinthe subdivision shal1bePandsha]1becornpletedwithintwe1vemonths of comrnencernent unless some excePtion is granted in writing by Grantor. 16. NUISANCE: No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on within the sub- dirrision, nor shall anything be done or the r e in. permitted which shall constitute a public nuisance L7. EIi..FECT AND DURATION OF COVENANTS: TIre conditions, reStriCtiONS, stipulatiorr shall be for the benefit of and binding upon each tract in the subdivision, and each orvner of property therein, his suc- cessors, representatives and assigns and shall continue in full force and effect until January l, 1999, at rvhich time they shall be automatically exten<led for five succe s sive -terrns of ten years each. I8. AMIINDMENT: The conditions, restrictions, stipulations' agreements and covenants c""t"i""d h.ir:=in shall not be rvaivecl, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by written consent of the owners 'of. 7 5To of tbe privately orvned land included vzithin the boundaries of the subdivision. 19. ENFORCEMENT: II any pe r son shall violate or threaten to violate any of the provisions o{ this instrument, it shall be las'ful for any property in the subdivision to institute proceedings at law rrisions of this instrument, to restrain the person violating and to recover darnages, actual and punitive, togethers'itl: such violations. person or persons olvnlng real or in equity toenforce the pro- or threatening to violate thcrn, rea sonable attorneY's fees, for 20. SEVERABILITY: Invalidation of by judgrnent or court order or decree shall which shall rernain in full force and ellect. any one of the provisions of irr nr wi se af f e ct any of the this instrurnent other provisions -3-/1 East Vail Property Owners Association, lnc. P. O. Box262 o Vail, Colorad o 81657 JuLv L7, L974 Eagle County Plannlng Conrnlsslon Eagle, Colorado Gentlenenr At the JuIy 15, L974 neetlng of the Boarril of Dlrectors of the East Val1 Property Orners Assoctetlon passed a resolutlon that "The Board support the owners of l)fi of the property ln the Elghorn subdlvlelon, Jth ad.dltlon, rho favor slngle fanlly resld.ences, and authorlze a statement or letter to be sent to the County P1annlng Connlsslon l{eetlng on July 12." Ue, therefore, urge the Eagle County plannlng Connlsslon to be responslve to the rlshes of the naJorlty of the property owners of the Jth addltlon. RECEIVED JUL 18w4 *'il; ffil1;rXd"". Board. of Dlrectors East Vell Property Owners Assoclatlon tL*"t -l 6]-a"-a-- Carol S. Rlcharrl.s Seoretary ,2. ) )'t)^>+ e r,-r,)i.f W\ ,Tt- OS.-C>-1+;?.) 7 it-1 r g )r/, F^ t t ,F The pupose of this letter and information is to expediate a decision regarding duplexes in the Bighorn 5th, which the majority of Lot owners are opposed to. Enclosures:1. Copy of covenants.2. Copy of survey sent out to lot or,vners 3. Copy of letter from the town of Vail 4. A comparison of pro and cons of duplexes in the Bighorn 8th. EU.oLt @tlourf Pt-R\\t$ttr'$G Cor*c*t sst oF*J RECEIVED JUL 1 8 1974 itsDL Of pt.nning & D€vel \|hrgrw. coro. DECLARATION OI' PROTECTIVE COVENA}ITS FOR BiGHoRN suBpIVISigN rlrTy AD9JTIOT i! .?/i.{i.r-x cour.ITy DEVELOP},48I\IT CoitPoRATION ("Grantor"), a Coloracloui. corpora;i.:a, ig the o..r/ne; of all thai real property vrithin the subdi.vision rrarned Bi.eir.oi-n S-"1ucli.'rision Fifth Addition irr Eagle Countyn Col.orado, the plat o! rvhich vras iil.eC r.,'iti.- tie Cjlcr-k and Recor,ler of ilagl"e County, Coloracio, on Novernber ?'>, L966, urr*le:f :'*c:r;ri:iOn nu:trber 105002 o an4 rocorcled in Map Cuee 2 , Dro'rre: I ;:' Flatc " G:a:rtor hereby rnal^<e s and declares the following limitations, restrictions and uses 1p1,n aad o{ such real properiy as restrictive and protective covenants running ..rith the !.ancl, ancl as bincling upoa Grantor and upcn all per sons claiming under Grantor ancl gpc:r a1'[ future ownetrs oi any part of such real property, so long ab these resirici]ve a:.,.4rr:rr!..:ctivecovenaniseha11remaininbffectl i, DEFINITIONS:As used hereir| the following wolds and terms sha1l have the .foilcrzinil'ineanings: S.ub{ivision - ' Lci- ,,! . Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. A lot within Bighorn subdivision Fifth Aclditioo r,vhlch rnay be used for iesidential or cornrnetcial p.trposes' ''\ gsmily Residential Lot - .A only and upon which $/ith one outbuilding lot vrhich can be used for'.,':eqidentirl purposes only one single family lesicience builciirrg togeihor may be constructed . }'iu]'tiP1e'FamilyResidentia1LoL'A1ot.lvirichcanberrsediorresidentia1PurPo5es. , ortry and upcn which only one dwelling builriingr containing noi rnore than two apartmente, togeiher with one outbtlilding may be construcied" Cc:ir:aer cial Lot - A lot which can be used, for apartrnents, retail shops, se:vice . ohops {cxcludlng, horvever, automobllo servlco aia-iions); r€sla.u!.anio'. hotels, lodgea, professionaL offices and mcdical clinics' Or.:tbuilding -. An enclosed, coveled building to be used as a €larage or for "t}:t.. .. slorage purposes nol directly attached to the main structure rvhicir it ccrvoS. z, GENERAL PURPOSES: These covenants are made for ihc PurPose of creating ,..nd k."p1r,.l-lliE-Ii6E$fi$illiiorat as possible, desirable, attractive, beneficial and suitable in ar clr.j,te ctr'rral design, materials and app.alance; and guarding against fircs an4 rinnecessary interference with the natural beauty of the subdi'rision; all for the rnutual i:eirefit a-nci proteciion o{ the owner s of lots in the subdivision- I f 3. IrSES: llach Lot in Blocks 1, 1A, 2 and 3 of the subdivision and Lot 1, I nt""i 4, frf-9-and 10, Block 5 anf Lot 18 Ld l": 19, Block ? of tirc l'-rbal,vislon , shall. be singl-e farnily f esiclential lots; provid.ed, hovrever, if p.ermission of iire f Plor.rrritrl CJrurr.eission of Eagle County is obtained to use one or mo:'e of those lois as I a n:ui.lffa fa-nily resid.eniial lot, then Lhe lot or lots for vrhich sucir pexmission is ob' t:r.i-necl l:ley b.3 usad as a multip!.e {;rmiIy re ciclential lot or lots. Lcts 1, 2 and 3 of __- ' t--- (Oc Dear Bighorn 5th Landor'rner: It has cone Lo the attention of scveral land- owners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several duplexes are to be presented' to the Eagle Collnty Planning Cornmission on June 19th. Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be built on al:e zonecl single family, accoraing'to the Bighorn 5th covenants, it is our intention to stop these duplexes from being approved and built and thus pre- serving the area for single famj-Iy homes as was the intention of the original developers- Blocks 1, 1A, 2, and 3 are one of the few areas in Bighorn that remains, at this time, zoned for single family homes. Duplexes.double the number 6f c.rs, leople, pets, etcl-and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area with as ]ow a density as possible- Legal1y, a contractor can build a duplex on a single family lot in the Bighorn Sth under the current covenants if they get perrnission from the Eagle County Planning Commission- We hope to show the commission that the landowners -'of the area wish the single family lots to remain as such. ; Tn an effort to stop these duplexes from being approved we are asking for help from current tlndowners. Please fiII out and. return the short questionaire below so that we may present your opinion at the June 19th meeting. with your help we have a good chance of stopping. these and future dupJ-exes from being built in an area originally designed for single family dwellings ADDRESS LOT ADD t4 y't t"r, I am in favor of keeping lots -in brocks l, IA,family as prescribed in No, I am not opposed to duPlexes. Additional comments 2, and 3 single the covenants. 8L657 i .' r-t ':-t l4 & Oeyel. Colo. Please return to: B.Voliter eox SG 88\Vai], CoI. n4 ir-l,t : I Y" "l;*1;k;';; o(o( box 1 00 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 off ice of the town manager June 19, 1974 Mr. Robert Voliter P. 0. Box 881 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Voliter: This letteris in regard to your inquiry concern'ing the Town of Vai'l proposed zoning for the Bighorn 5th Filing. The Town's proposal for the area in question is residential , which allows for duplex structures. However, the final zoning process will not be completed until there are pubfic hearings on the matter and the annexation proceedings are completed. It is the administrative staff's policy to consider and evaluate any requests for mod'ification of the zoning proposal . The staff's evaluation will be forwarded to the Town Council and Planning Commissjon for final action. In dealing specifically with the 5th Fiiing, it is the staffrs position that a single family residential zone, jnstead of the proposed residential zone would be desirable and consistent with the Town's policy of Iowering buildable unit density. However, in this case where the con- cept of a residential area could be fulfilled by ejther zoning class'ifi- cation, we would place heavy credence upon the desires of a maiority of the property owners in the area. ,qrc:t\,,,:D JUiv Z a ig/4 "*""1: ?';l;;;;*", Si ncerely, E Assi stant JFL/nmm Pro a-nd con of building duplexes in the Bilhorn 5 th PRO 1. The parties can not afford to build a single farnily 2. The duplexes planned, claim not to damage more than a few existing trees.3. The architecture of the building is supposed to be fitting for the area. coN l-. 73e" of the lot owners are opposed to duplexes in the area.(it only takes a vote of 75 & to change the bylaws to eliminate the exemption clause completely.)2. The above percentage and the following were both taken off a survey sent to every lot owner. Copy enclosed. 100? of the lot owners who have built homes on same are opposed to the duplexes. All these homeowners are represented here tonight. 3. Less thab I? of the land in this valley is designated. single family residence,so lets maintain what little vre have left.4.The people who have built homes, built with the assumption-theat that the area would remain single family.5. The covenants intend the lots to be and remain single family unitess unless the people of the area wistr them to be changed.6. The town will zone the area according to the nrajority of wihhes of 1ot owners in the area. The majority wish it to be zoned S.F.7.8.V'P.O.A. (Easf VaiI Property Owners Association) is opposed to duplexes, becaEse f,t supports the majorities wishes.B. there are other lots v/ithj-n a half mile that are on the creek,zoned duplex asd seIl for a cheaper price.9. Duplexes bring in renters, which do not have as much respect for property as do home owners.10. So far lhere are only 5 houses built in the area. AlL have invested considerably in same and do not wish the area to be turned into any-thing less than a beatiful area.11. The parties wishing to build duplexes do not own the J-and, so denial to build duplexes on that land does not obligate said parties to puchase the lanil. WITH THESB COI'IPARISONS IN MIND I FEEL THE PI,ANNING COI'TMISSION ISOBLIGATED TO THE PEOPLE OF THE AREA WHO ARE CONCERNED, TO DENY PERI'IfSSION TO BUILD THE DUPLEXES. ?F:*'.t i:,{<1u;-g; i*'": -R *:* V O.- \\:: R* P.e irvEt JUN z 7 1974 DePt, 0l I'lanfing t' trc"el' \rfEgls-0lutrly, colo' L DououAS HoYT SurrE | 632 | 660 LrNcoLN STREET DENvER, CoLoRAoo aoao3 303 . 255.3463 RECEIYTD J\JL I B tst4 *'Hry;;1,* June 24, l9?4 Board of Gounty County Building Eagle, Colorado Gentlemen: Cornmieeioners of Eagle Gounty 8153I Mr. Thomas W. Sachs ig the current owne! of Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, 5th. Addition, Eagle County, Golorado. Mr. Douglaes C. Cogswell is the owner of Lot 5, Block 3 of the same subdivision. The legal counsel for Messers. Sachs and Cogs- well has requested that I state in writing the reaeon that Lots 5 and 6 of Block 3, along with a Limited nurnber of other lots in the 5th. Addition, were each restricted by the protective covenants to a eingle farnily uee, while all other lots in the subdivision vrere perrnitted a two- family use. I have been asked to comrnent on this matter due to the reason that I was the preeident of Eagl,e County Developrnent Corporation, the subdivider, at the time the subdivieion was created. In 1966, when the subdivision was being planned, there was no sewerage systern constructed which could pro- vide sewerage service to the north-east end of the Gore VaIIey. In accordance with the applicable regulations of Eagle County and the Colorado Departrnent of Health percolation tests were made of the proposed subdivision area to deterrnine the adaptability of the soil for septic tank treatment of domestic seqrelage. While it had been initially conternpLated that all. lotg were to be ueed for duplex units, the percoLation teets revealed that certain areas, such as Lots 5 and 6 of Block 3, did not have soil conditions which would accornrnodate septic tanlc treabment of the domeetic sewerage for more than a one- family structure. In negotiatione with the Planning Cornmiasion of Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Health it wae concluded that Lots 5 and 6 of Block 3 and other lote which '! had a similiar soil condition,would be restricted by the pro- tective covenants to a single family use, rather than a duplex use, until such tirne as the Planning Comrnission became satisfied that adequate sewerage service for the higher density was available. (It should be noted that at that point in time Eagle County DeveLopment Corporation had pledged to the Planning Comrnission of Eagle County and the Colorado Department of HeaLth to work toward the creation of the Upper Eagle Va1ley Sanitation Dietrict. Initial work on the formation of the district had been comrnenced, but the date service would be available to the east end of the Gore Valley rernained uncertain. ) If I can furnieh you with any additional inforrnation on thia matter, I will be pl,eased to do so. your8, S*-_el,-r'\t- FRED J. PFERDESTELLER FREO W. VONDY JAMES i, HARTON ANTHONY L, WORTH SAMUEL C H UTKO\& OF COIJNSEL AREA COOE 3O3 PFERDESTELLER, VONDY, HORTON & WORTH PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS ,|T LAW EX ECUTIVE CLUB BIJ I LOI NG 1776 SOUTH JACXSON STFIEET AI IHE VALLEY HIGHWAY DENVER, COLORADO AO2IO | ,-*'- James R. ,/I./ 'Jr/' I t .t/ RFCF/I/TD "/fr'./r")/,t.15 lM 'x,'cOIO. July 1, 1974 The Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Attention: Michael S. B1air, Secretary Re: Eagle County Planning Commission Meeting of June L9, L974 Dear Mr. Blair: I would like to order a copy of the Minutes of the Eagle County Planning Commission Meeting held on June 19, L974, relative to the following variances: Item No. 10' FiIe No. Se-67-7A-Cogswel1/Frary and Item No. 11' File No. Se- 6 B- 74-s achs/Evans . If you would please prepare these and submit them together with the statement for services to me prior to the meeting to be held on July 17, L974, it would be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, nW^, Horton JRH/nms JUL -e !.tr:', fnek uli"' ' '-""unt!, 1974 ''\-\^o t^t o County l.tr. ltichael Blair Eagle County PlannlnE DLrector Eagle County Courtlrouse Eagle, Colorado Re1 Cogswell - SachE ExenptLons Dear Mi.ke I An lnquiry has been trrad€ as to whether the restrlctive covenants running wlth tbe land on which the proposed duplexes are to be constrEcted prohibit the PLannLng Comnission from granting the requests for exernption. In my oplnLon the covenants do not prohlblt the granting of an exemption. tleither do they inpose a duty on t.he Cornmission to gtant the exemption. ahe applications shouldl therefore, be cons.Ldered in the Iight of the regulations lrithout regard to the provision in the covenants. Very truly 1'our6 I O f Gounty Commissioners-Eagle Colorado o The Board o gRe:aa c.: li Crlosky EAGLE, COLOBADO 8.1631 Phono 328-6377 ' July 15 | L974 DANIEL F. KOPNJ'{I{AN District No.1 a.F. 'ar oRLosl(Y Oislrict No.2 CLAUOE L. GERARO Dist.ict No. 3 o 1A4r/-t"la-/^-- Eugh R. Wardetrt County Attorney RECEIVED JUL 1 E tgi+ DBpt Ot ptarn,ng & D:vel Egte County, Calo- HAXVTELL R. BARZ - Counly Glsrk HUCH WABDER - 4...:r-1 j.'..r'.el Meeting ol Bord. First Mondry ol llonth FRED J. PFERDESTELLEF DENVER. COLOF'ADO €'()EI(', FRED \^/. VONOY JAMES R, HORTO N ANTHONY L. WORTH June 25, 1974 The Eagle County Planning Comrnission Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Attention: Michael S. Blair, Secretary J t(H /NINS cc: Bob Voliter e 7/"6-fiTCryiN"'[D JUN 2 7 i914 0€Pl, l.i1 l'i,-: nrng & De./el' Eagle CountY, Colo' " tt" ," , "''/,fr' Re: Bighorn Fifth Addition Eagle County, Colorado Dear lvlr. Blair: I am writing to you on behalf of Mr. Bob Voliter,is the owner of Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Fifth Addition, my wife and myself, who are the owners of Lot 9, Block Bighorn Fifth Addition. Mr. Voliter, my wife and I desire to state for the record that we are opposed to any rezoning or variances of the single family resid.ence zoning which currently exists in Blocks 1, 1A, 2 and 3 of the Bighorn Fifth Addition, Eagle County, Colorado. _ \- We would. further request, if at all possible, that you give Mr. Voliter and us notice of any proposed rezoning or ' variances in said zoning from single family residences as follows: Bob Voliter P.O. Box 881 Vail, Colorado 81657 and James R. & Barbara L. Horton 1311 South Edison Way Denver, Colorado 80222 Any cooperation which you may give us in this regard would be greatly appreciated. as we do intend. to appear and to oppose any such variances or rezoningi. Very truly yours, who and lre R. Horton t MPAI{I-Y J. E. TITUS CO INDUATRITI. ^tTD CIOIf,If,ERcII! PAI!f,fING OOMTRACNORF' NOTE NEW PHONE rffi,xrEortr)0Exrgrffi NO. g9l- 1100 HOUSIION, IEXAS ?70'}4 May 15 , L974 Mr. Douglass C. Cogswell P. O. Box I77 VaiI , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Cogswell: Attached is original and one (1) copy of a letter addressed to the Eagle County Planning Commission authorizing you to file an application for exemption from Eagle County Subdivision regulations for Lot 6, Block 3, Bighorn 5th addition. The sole purpose of this application is to authorize the construction of a duplex on this lot which is now restricted to a single dwelling. If I can be of any other assistance in this endeavor, please Iet me know. Very truIy yours, IET:sr RECE!\'ED JUN 2 0 1974 Depi. 0f pjanning & vevet. faglo County, Colo. 10436 UOERE ATREBT I 41 (lu w V 7" o AAI'Y 't- J. E. TITUS COMP INDUATRIAL AlrD COMMERCI^r. PAEq'INYG CONTRAGTORS 1(}436 UOERS STRXET rffirdaxrrsnpofiE NOTE NEW PHONE NO. 991' 11C0 EOUSTON, TEXAS 7ZOA4 May 15 , 1974 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Eagle, Colorado Gentlemen: I am t}te legal owner and deed holder of Lot No.6 , Block 3, Bighorn Sth addition and hereby autJrorize Mr. Douglass C. Cogswetl (p.O.Box IZZ, Vail , Colorado ) to file an application for exemption from Eagle County Subdivision regulations on my behalf. The purpose of this exemption is to authorize the construction of a duplex on this lot which is now restrict- ed to a single dwelling. Your favorable consideration will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, Before Me, the Undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Harris County, the State of Texas, on this day, May 15,1974, personally appeared J. E. Titus, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me tlat he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This l5th day of May, A.D. 1974. =LLz-2-ZZ Selma N. Roberts Notary Public in and For Harris County Texas My Commission Expires June l, 1975. I R:i:IVED 11 ,1' rri'l r n 1q7r L, rJ.rii /''r u rJl? DePt, Ctl Pci'nrng & Dcvel faglc CorntY, Colo' lr''lr ur'4 DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CORPoRATION (rrGrantorr')' a Colorado corporation, is the owner of all that real property within the subdivision named Bighorn Subdivieion Fifth Addition in Eagle County, Colorado, the plat of which was filed with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, on November 25, 1966, under rcccptlon numbcr IO5OOZ , and rccorded ln Map Carc 2 . Drlwcr I of Platg. Grantor hereby makes and declares the following lirnitations, restrictione and uses upon and of such real property as restrictive and protective covenants running with the land, and as binding upon Grantor and upon all person8 claiming under Grantor and upon all future ownerB of any part of such real ProPerty, eo long ab theee re6trictive and protective covenante shall rernain in effect: l. DEFINITIONS: As used hereiq, the following words and terrns shall have the following ffi;tngn- Subdivision - Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. Lot - , Single A lot within Bighorn subdivision Fifth Addition which may be used for residential or commercial purpose s.\_ Family Residential Lot - A lot which can be used for -osidential purPoses only and upon which only one single family reaidence building together with one outbuitding may be constructed. Multiple Family Residential Lot - A lot which can be used for reeidential PurPoses. ,4:. only and upon which only one dwelling buildingr containing not more than two apartments, together with one outbuilding may be constructed. \\ . Commorcial Lot - A lot which can be used for aPartrnontsr retail ahope, sorvico rhopr (oxcludlng, howcvor, automobllc lcrvlcc atatlonr), rottrurantf, hotels, Iodgea, profeseional offices and medical clinica. Outbuilding - An enclosed, covered building to be used as a garage or for other storage purposes not directly attached to the rnain structure which it aErvea. Z, GENERAL PURPOSES: These covenants are made f the eatin keepingt@ d-sible, de sirable, attractive,beneficial and e in architectural desi aPPearance; ano guar again6t ffTnterference with the natural beautY isubdivision; al} for the mutual benefit and protection of the ownerg of lots in the subdivision, 3. a =t USES:Each lot , Blo 2 and 3 of the subdivision and Lot l, 8 and Lot 19, Block ? of the su vls 10n JUN Block Lot 9 I e 3Tngle -lamily re s ident provided, ho1ve1er, ng ommrsslo is obtained to use one o! more o P ;T]ililv "."-identiai lot, then the lot or'lots-foy v/hi"Cn-6'G permission a multiple family residential lot or lots.6 L, 4e bb- 1974 %4 { RreElvED 20. rn /E-use4 as tta 7 TLll'dfiif ;,i:,', .l Block 8 of the eubdivlgion shall be commercial lots. All divlsion ehall be multiplo family reeidential. lots. - 4. APPRQVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS: No building or other atructure shall be constructed, rerected or maintained on any lot, nor shall any addltion thereto or change or alteration therein be made .until the cornplete plans and specifications ' (lncluding, but not limited to, the floor, elevation, plot and gradlng plans; the specifi- ' cations of principal exterior materials, color schemes and the location, character and method of utilization of all utilitiea) have been submitted to Grentoa and by lt approvod ln wrlting. ) At tho tlme plana and apeclflcations are submitted to Grantor for its approval, I ';,tho person or Persons eubmittlng such plane and. specificatione shall also submit to Grantor evidence satisfactory to Grantor that the Public llealth Department of the State of Cirlorado or the appropriate official of Eagle County, Colorado has approved the t. cornPlete plans and epeclficatlons of such peraon or persons for an individual sanitary aewage dispoeal system. Each bullding or other structure shall be corrstructed, erected and malntained in etrict accordance with the approved plans and specifications. In passing upon all such plans and specifications, Qrantor shall take into con- aideration the euitability of the proposed building or other strucEre aiTthe-rnaterials o trre sto rmony thereof wlth e etlec er structute, as planned, on .r other lots in the aub- e qg[qq\ gom a{iacent or neigh_boifru:Ib reasonable J[dgment ffi pasBlrrg upffi-"Iffiffiications, but Grantor shall Peraon for Grantorre actlons in connection wlth submitted plans and It be ahown that Grantor. acted with malice or wrongfut intent. 5. EASEMENTS: Easements and rights of way are hereby reserved'as shown or describea;m;;aed plat of the subdivision. There aro in .add.ition eaaementa !e- served in the right of way of each road for water and a1l other utilities. 6. FENCES: No fence, wall or similar type barrier of any kind shall be con- structed, EiiFor maintained on any Iot, except such fences ot walls aB may be ap- Foved by Grantor aa an integral or decorative part of a building to be erectod on a lot. 'i 7. SIGNS: No atgno, btllboards or othor ad,vertlslng structure of any,klnd ahell ' be erectedlffietructed or malntalned on any lot for any purpose rvhatsoever, e)copt such commercial signs as have been approved by Grantor either for identlfication of . lesldences or places of bueineee or other' commercial uses. 8. WATER: Each structure designed for occupancy or use by human beings ahaU cottriJ;ril;f, $,ater facilities mad.e available at any tlme in the future by Grantor. No private wells shall be used as a source of water for human consumption or irrigation. . 9. IRASH: No traeh, ashes or other refuse shall be'thrown or <lumped on any land withiiJElEbdivision. There shall be no burning of refuse out of doors except in lncineratore lnatalled with the approval of Grantor. Each property owner ehall provide suitable receptaclea for the temporary storage and collection of refuse and all such re- cePtacleB shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbance, \_z_ not be liable to any epecificatlone, unleag i : rrf I 'l t'r' :l r r0' Llv'Esrgg!!: No animars, livestock, horses or poultry (u*copi d,ogs, cats and other pEGffiousthold enjoyment and not for commercral purposes) shall be kept, .ralsed or bred in the subcllviaion ll' TREES: Treee naturally exleting upon a lot, except to the extent necessary ,for conetru;G;TurPrglses, shau not be cut, trimmed or removed. frorn the properties,except that Gr?nior may approve some thinnlng or trimming if it eeems desirable. 12, SET BACK REQUIREMENTS:. oftmpro""@ty -. recoive the advance approval of Grantor. 13' LANDSCAPING: A11 surface areas disturbed By construction shalr be returned promptly t"EF"*tGaf condition anJ replanted in native grasses; but Grantor may aPProve conatruction o{ gardens, rawns and exterior living areaa. ' ^ 14. TEMIORARY qTRUCTURES : No temlorary structure,traller or tent "lffisubdivision, except as may neceasary during construction and specificarry authorized, ih writing | .. , . 15. c-gryTll{urrY oF coNsrRlrciloN: All structures commenced in the sub-q'rvralon snau be proaecuted diltgently to compLetion and shall be completed within twelve months o{ commencement unleeg some exception is granted in writing by Grantor. There shall be no general rule for the location lines, but all actual constructlon sitee ehall excavation, basement, be determined to be by Grantor. 16. NUISANCE:subdlvteton;;El;if nulsance therein. No noxious or offensive actrvity shall be carried on within trre..anythtng be done or permitted which shall conetitute a public the provisions of this instrument effect any of the other provisione -..-..'^11:- EFrEcT AIYD DI{RATION oF coVENANTs: The conditions, restrictions, t stip.ulatlons'agreernent"inffinshallbeforthebenefitofand binding upon each tract in the subdivision, and each owner "lp;;;;r;-itJi"*, his suc-cessolst rePresentativee and assigne and shall continue in full force and effect until January r, L999, at which time they ehalt be automatically extended for five succesaive terms of ten years each. : ' 18' AMENDMENT: The conditions, restrictions, stipulationsr agreements and |c covenants ;onEGa-I;areln rhall not ie waivcd, abandoncd, tormlnatcd, or lmondcd 'eTgept by wrltten coDaent of the owne!s of,.lSo/o of the prlvately owned land included wlthln the boundaries of the aubdivision, --^--,-11:-+$o3gEyExI: t dn-r p.tror, shall violate or threater. to viotate any of the Provlsrons of this instrument, it shall be lawful. for an1, pei'son or peraons owning real property in the subdivision to institute proceedings at iaw or in equity to enforce the provisiona of thie ingtrument, to restrain the p"i.or, violating o" ih"""t"rring to violate ::::""T1:"^,"::::." damagee, actual and punitive, together with reason.Uf" "ttoi""yL reeg, tor guch violations. . , -20. SEVERABILITy: fnvalidation of any one of Dy Judgment or court order or decree shall in no wise ,which ehall remain tn full force and effect. 1' 4 i'8 -ilo }G z. ui :; r 8 taor"" ' 'Ut J'P .r'.l -o iii-:!o? 1n z2 ii- , HrE i iE EiP ; :eil[;:igF;;:F s;??;r;Fi:i35e y;9[rii qi,:g lfii i E;iE:i;ii f?;""?[F3 g 3Pgrsj'-f;aH! 6r:;?:rdF3 Ir ii 1r; 1', I 8' ia J. @ /-f-o- os d^r,,(l- = i t: ir 'S 3AlU0 s o 'o r) - I ht- :s sg ! zo :{ I 8 3 z lrj F r!o 3 R (r v;9o 'o "1 <-c 29, =o Fct l* >:''F Zz a() 3 5*o (r|!@<O G- tt ol g _aH .or I Av,otj 7-.<J $J <(-o-20 hz bil !*F 7rD z I a :(] (I) a li 3UO9 NIV'I ! ls_rr-O_O; '"'l ox r..; z [-r f''.Fi\i ED ,fr e t:) :t:l =-t -,f; b a;_rr 9 rH; nfr 2-- o- ia [ ",# ^ ,l) \:l'fr,, &"''i'''},". -.ttJ n .',/ i "J.,:,t__!,,:{i -",f/'h7 \,"4 { ,/t.'! ii -#1'd z?'"jlli* 'Yi. -1i r':"-*, {';"',;}\ ?-91 s r?$ <-' I iI\ ')/'" \,/4 " i 7 .F ,3; frr- i(o .Zg =z o<FG '.,-.fr*o.*]"o-J'") o eohnddn 8 c?narua Qa'vpnnattnn I4ay 30, L97 4 Mr. Bob Voli-ter P. O. Box 881 Vail, Colorado 81557 Dear Mr. Voliter: Since our corporation is owner of sj-x lots ln the Bighorn Fifth Addition, presently is owned single family, and also holds lots of higher densities in the Fourth Addition and the Gore Creek Addition, r.re would like to maintain the single fanl1y zoning of thls prestigious location. It is our opinion that so few good single family lots exist in this area that the imediate surroundings can best be maintained with the original density specified in the covenants. It was with this assumption we purchased these lots and will do our best to achieve high quality single residences in this ar ea. It is quite obvious to any observer there are plenty hlgh density areas surroundi.og Val1 that can better meet that particular need. Colorado Bighorn Corporati-on is the present owner of the following properties: Lot 1A, Block 1A, Bighorn Fifth Addition Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Fifth Addition Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bighorn Fifth Addttlon Lot 5, Block I, Bighorn Fifth Addition Lot 10, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addltion In addition to the above in the irnrnediate area, we have two lots in the Gore Creek Addition and one 1ot in the Bighorn Fourth Addition. Sincerely, ^1 4,t' C. \-lledlund, President Colorado Bighorn Corporation CH:jg RIC-,, ,l) ^JUN z o tgi4 "tdj&?t,d,,"",* ORADO CLUB BUILDING, SUITE 1OO7 O 4155 E. JEWELL AVE., DENVER,coLo.. 80222 . PHONE 303/758-3335 I offlce of the town manaoer box 1OO vail. colorado 81657 (30s) 476-s613 Mr. Robert Voliter P. 0. Box 88L Vail, Colorado 8i657 Dear Mr. Voliter: This letter is in regard Town of Vail proposed zoning for the June 19, 1974 to your inqu'iry concerning the Bighorn 5th Filing. The Town's proposal for the area in question is residential , which allows for duplex structures. However, the final zoning process will not be completed until there are public hearings on the matter and the annexation proceedings are completed. It is the administrative staff's policy to consider and evaluate any requests for mod'ification of the zoning proposal. The staffts evaluation wjll be forwarded to the Town Council and Planning Comnission for final action. In dealing specifically with the 5th Fi'ling' it is the staff's position that a single family residential zone, instead of the proposed residential zone would be desirable and consistent with the Town's po1 icy of lowering buj'ldable unit density. However, in this case where the con- cept of a residential area could be fulfilled by either zoning classifi- cation, we would p'lace heavy credence upon the desires of a maiority of the property owners in the area. fi:i tjiiaD ."lui,i ,? 0 ,gi4 orr, Lri p/,..- ., o -*.ru a...,*rl ai,olu,u,. Si ncerel y , F. L ni stra e Assi stant JFL/nmm Dear 5th Landorvner: It has corne to the attention of several land.- o'r.,'[€is in t]re Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several cluplexes are to be prcsented to the Eagle County Planning Commission on June 19th. Eecause the lots thai: the proposed duple>:es are to be built on are zoned sinEle family, accord.ing to the Bighorn 5th covenants' it is our intention to stop these duplexes from being approved and built and thus pre- servj.ng the .-.rea for single f an.r. ly hones as lvas the intention of the original developers. Blocks 1, IA, 2, and 3 are one of the fer,+ areas .ln Bighorn thal remains, at this time, zoned for single f an',ily hon--s. Duplexes doubLe the number of cars, peopler pets, etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area v/ith as low a density as possj.ble. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single fani-ly lot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. lie hope to shorv the commission that the landowners of the area wish the single farnily lots to remain as such. In an effort to sLop these duplexes from being approved we are asking for help from current landowners. Please fill ouc and return the short questionaire belorv so thal we may present your opi:rion at the June 19th meeting. With your help we have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed. for single family dryellinqs. (eifn LCt family Yes tn as , I am j-n favor of keeping lots blocks I, 1A, 2, and 3 single prescribed in the covenants. No, 1 am not opposed to duplexes Additional comnents Please return to: B.Voliter Box .6# $t \\rail, CoI. 81657 tt , It ( lr t_ a4 _t"-i{ j0i3i.1 t,il ,_j-.,.i.1 a C.,:"{, Fagie Cou,1ty, Cgle, ,. 4 'I cl ADDRESS L.:,7- .,! / \. Dear Bi.1J rn 5 Lh Lanclor','ner: It has cone to the attention of several l.anC- or,/ners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several duplexes are to be presented to the tragle County Planning Commission on June Igth- Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be built on are zoned single family, according'to the Bighorn 5th covenants' it is our intenij-on to stop these duplexes from being approved and buil-t and thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as was the intention of iire oriqinal developers. Blocks 1r lA, 2, anC 3 are one of the few areas in Bighorn that remains, at this time, zoned f or single f anily ho,nes. Duplexes double the number of cars, people, peLs, etc. and it is our oesire to eliminate this so as to keep the area with as lo\{ a density as possible. Legalty, a contractor can build a cluplex on a single family lot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. ltre hope to show the commission that the landowners of the area rvish the single family lots to remain as such- In an effort to stcp these duplexes from being apprqved we are asking for help from current Iandowners. Please fill out and return the short questionaire belorv so that we may present your opinion at the June 19ih meeting. lvith your help rve have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area origj-naIly designed for single fanily dwellings. ADDRESS LOT ADDRESS 3 ! q,s- Fr--1t\*'.-t*- X Y"", r am in favor of keeping Lots in blocks 1, 1A, 2, and 3 sinq.le fj*tll as prescribed in the coven-ints. * t+o, e Additional comments Please return to: B.Voliter Box G88\Vail, Col.81657 s L +g3*-\;* I 4n ,'t'" l*u' tt ':.0 JUi'i 2 0 tg74 D:it.0l Plannin3 { Q".y6l. ratls Counlyr Coto. Dear Bighorn 5th Landowncr: ft has cofire to the attention of severa I land- oi.Iners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building lseveral duplexes are to be pr:esented to the lagle County Planning Comrnission on June 19th. Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be built on are zoned single fami-ly. according'to tlie Bighorn 5th covenants' it is our intention i:o s-"op these duplexes from being approved and builL ancl thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as was the inlention of the original developers. Blocks 1, 1A, 2, and 3 are one of the fel.r areas in Bighorn that remains, at this time, zoned for singJ-e family hornes. Duplexes double the number of cars, peopler pets, etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area with as low a density as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single family lot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. lle hope. io show the commission that the landorvners of the area wish the single family Lots to remain as such. In an effort to stop these duplexes from being approved we are asking for help from current landowners. Please fill out and return the short questionaire below so that we may present your opj-nion at the June 19th meeting. With your help we have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed for single fanily ,4,,^ 1 1 : --^lrwgrr-LrrY>. NA]4E ADDRESS LOT u4u", I am in favor of keeping lots in blocks I, 1A, 2, and 3 single family as prescribed in the covenants.. .fpL a.-a- No, r Additional comments am not op-posed to duplexes. Please return to: B.Vol-iter Box ffi S8 Vail, CoI. \ 816 s7 Y/ 44 REcstvID JUr,i 2 0 tgH "'L;;?;fi;:.1,:.,". ( o".r sitn 5th Landorvner: It has come to the attention of several lancl- o\rners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several duplexes are to be presented to the Eagle County Planninq Commission on June 19th. Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be built on are zoned sinEle family, according 'to the Bighorn 5th covenants' it is our intention to stop these duplexes from being approved and built and thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as was the iniention of the original developers. Blocks 1, IA. 2, and 3 are one of the few areas in Bighorn thaL remains, at this time, zoned for single family homes. Duplexes double the number of cars, people, pets' etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the' area with as low a density as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single family lot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eag1e County Planning Commission. i^/e hope to show the commission thaL the landowners of the area wish the single family lots to remain as such. In an efforL to stop these duplexes from being approved rte are asking for help from current landowners. P1ease fill out and. return the short questionaire below so that vre may present your opinion at the June 19th meeting. with your help we have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed for single family dwellings. .--:\ NAME ,!/1r. QyycDEon Yes, I am in favor of keeping }ots in blocks 1, IA, 2, and 3 single familv as prescribed in the covenants. No, I am not opposed to duplexes. Additional comments Please return to: B.Voliter Box tF5 B I Vai1, Col. i n4 I JUii ,J - jt, t ...r .t ,; "-LJ 0 lei4 I Dept. Ot .fagie I 816 57 Vf l'i;;;';,o*.'. { oear e:-glrn 5th Lzrndorvner: ft has come to the atbention of several land- or{ners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for bui ldinq several duplexes are to be pr'esented to the Eag1e County Planning Commission on June 19th. Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be built on are zoned single family, according'to the Bighorn 5th covenants, it is our intention to stop these dqplexes from being approved and bu.i1i: and thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as was the iniention of the original developers. Blocks 1, 1A, 2, and 3 are one of the few areas in Bighorn that rernalns, at this time, zoned for single family homes. Duplexes double Lhe number of cars, people, pets, etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area with as low a density as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single family lot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. We hope to shorv the commission that the landowners of the area wish the single family lots to remain as such. In an effort to stop these duplexes from being approved ive are asking for help from current landowners. Please fill out and return the short questionaire below so that we may present your opinion at the June 19th meeting. I{ith your help vre have a good chance of stopping Lhese and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed. for single family drvellings. RTCEIVEU $lgY ? 0 l$T4 G. F Jr.ir{rlti C"raFtrurifco Cc- i:c:iy[] ADDRESS /' '/a'*cc4/ 2,14:D..9"a:c'.o.Sapo/ LoT ADD 54' .r/Ao,'/ 2<Yes, I am in favor of keeping lots in blocks 1, 1A, 2, and 3 single family as prescribed in the covenants. No, I am not opposed to duplexes. Additional comments Please return to:B. Voliter Box €&5 88 ( Vail, CoI. 8L657 / J.JNzarct4 'tl'l,ulf '.';;;; * 0,,o. .4'I I/'IY r Dear Bitrn 5th Landorvner: Tt has come to the attention of several land- onners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several duplexes are to be presentecl to the Bagle County Planning Cornmissi-on on June 19th. Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be built on are zoned single family, according'to the Bighorn 5th covenants, it is our intention to stop these duplexes from being approved and built and thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as was the intention of the original developers. Blocks 1, 1A, 2, and 3 are one of the few areas in tsighorn thaL remains, at this ti;te, zoned for single family homes. Duplexes double the number of cars, people, pets, etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area wiih as low a d,ensity as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single fanrily lot in the.Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. We hope to show the commission that the landowners of the area wish tbe single family lots to remain as such. In an effort to stop these duplexes from being approved we are asking for help from current landowners. Please fill out and return the short questionaire below so that we may present' your opinion at, the June 19th rneeting. With your help vre have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area ori-ginally designed for single famity dwellings. NAME AL'IJJ(ll) J Yes,. I am in favor of keePing lots -in blocks L, 1A, 2, and 3 single family as prescribed in the covenant.s. ' No, f am not opposed to duPlexes AdCitional comments Please return to: B.Voli.ter Box ffir 891 Vail, Col.81657 Pr"-* - )e4 6oef> '1'l jiii\ ,l o r-l .;J ii /4 Il -'-,.. :,,, .'- ./.- ; '.. 4',U ^lJ t o"o.L;;;;;; *,o.,., i It has cone to the attention of several land- o!{ners in:Lhe Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several duplexes are to be presented to tire Eagle County Planning Commission on June Igth. Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be buili on are zoned single family, according'to the Bighorn 5th covenants, it is our intention to stop these duplexes from being approved and built and thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as was the intention of the original deveLopers. Blocks 1, lA, 2, and 3 are one of the few areas in Bighorn that remains, at this time, zoned for single family homes. Duplexes double the number of cars, people, pets, etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area with as low a density as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single family lot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. We hope to sholv the commission that the land.owners of the area wish the single family lots to remain as such. In an effort to stoP these d.uplexes from being approved we are asking for help from current landowners. Please fi]-l out and return the short questionaire belorv so that vre may present. your opinion at the June l9th meeting. Wit.h your help we have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed for single family dwellings. NAME ADDRE LOT ( near niqln, 5th Landowner:a n Yes, I am in favor of keeping lots -in blocks l, IA, 2, and 3 single family as prescribed in the covenants. ,a,4 / ^zi , ,21(at-<-7f J,aj/"^"-zr*4/) No, f am not opposed to Additional commenLs duplexes. -a--.''^a'r",r/'- iI:CTiVED B.VoIiter Box .ffi 9€ |Vail, Co1.81657 ADDRESS Please reiurn to: , t1,rl Jul{ r o lgt4 { ':'ff:'ff;:;,j*" ( oear Bilrn 5th Landor.rner: (o ft has eome to the attention of several land,- owners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several duplexes are to be presented to the Eagle County Planning Cornmission on June 19th. Because the lots thaL Lhe proposed duplexes are to be built on are zoned sinqle family, according'to the Bighorn 5th covenantst it is our inLention to sto,o these duplexes from being approved and built and thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as vtas the intention of the original developers. Blocks 1, 1A, 2t and 3 are one of the few areas in Bighorn that remains, at this timer zoned for single family homes. Duplexes.double the number of cars, peopler pets, etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area with as low a density as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single family l-ot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. IVe hope to shorv the commission that the landowners -of the area wish the singte family lots to remain as such. i In an effort to stop these duplexes from being approved we are asking for help from current landowners. Please fill out and return the short questionaire below so that we may present. your opinion at the June 19th meeting. I^/ith your help we have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed for single fanily dwellings. ADDRESS LOT ADD t/ Yes, f am in favor of keeping lots in blocks 1, lA, 2, and 3 single family as prescribed in the covenants. l No, I am not opposed to duplexes. *onal comments B.Voliter sox €ffi 88\Vail, CoI.8l-557 'Y)4 ,,t-v-{9 )1 n,1'l . l,t' Y .i , ,', ! il ..,),1 ,- ,r :: -.1 oe;i. c,; ;"^,_ ^ .. ,,_ c. ueyel :*5. _,l tj..t:]./, CrfO. PLease return to: W r o.ur aiqjn 5th Lanclorvner: It has cone lo the attention of several land- oir'ners in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several duplexes are to be presented to the Eagle County Planning Commissj-on on June 19th. Because the lots that. the proposed duplexes are to be built. on are zoned sinEle family, according'to the Bighorn 5th covenants, it is our intention to stop these duplexes from being approved and built and thus pre- servj.ng the area for single famillr homes as was the intenbion of the original developers. Blocks l, IA, 2, and 3 are one of t.he few areas in Bighorn that rernains, aL this time, zoned for single family hor.res. Duplexes double the number of cars, people, pets, etc. and it is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area with as lorv a density as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single family lot in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenanLs if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission- Itie hope Lo show the commission that the landowners of the area rvi-sh the single family lots to remain as such. In an effort to stop these duplexes from being apprqved \re are asking for help from current landowners. Please fill out and return the short questionaire below so that we may present your opinion at the June 19th meeting. I'Jith your help we have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed for single family dleIlinos. NfuVE ADDRESS LOT ADDRESS i \,/X Yes, I am in favor of keeping lots in blocks 1, 1A, 2, and 3 single family as prescribed in the covenants. No, r am not opposed to duplexes. Additional comments Please return to: R.Volit.er Box 686 -s? |Vail, Col.81657 t?FcrlyED 4' 44 Jui!t otgt4 "'l;:?;;;;.;,0,*,. Y F- ro \o r{ @ Do.tl Oo -.{o, o .: H'.+6.O'{F X'.r .ord rcrc> o {J }J p q) fr o a rd a) m lJ OO. o rJ r{ o (J ttt.ll X t!\ a{ a{ c'.1 (d A -.{ Oq Or o]o5 q) cr, > d 0)o J4d O O c{J q{fdc,o3'd r.lr 0)kc\t a oco > \ '.{ O{(d4 O{q{ r-{ € O c)tr..Q lr ..{ r{.rl o l{g ErDO (6J4 o E oc) (6 HOH '{ g. H \Ja aa oc(d 0 .f"?\l td I t\, '\\ _,cD l(n Itrl Etft EO <o z4 it I ) / I oear niqOn 5th r,anclor,'.,ner: i o It has come to the attention of several land- orr'n€rs in the Bighorn 5th area that plans for building several cluplexes are to be presented to the Eagle County Planning Commission on June 19th. Because the lots that the proposed duplexes are to be built on are zoned single family, according'to the Bighorn 5th covenants' it is our .intentj-on to stop these duplexes from being approved and built ancl thus pre- serving the area for single family homes as was the intention of the origi-nal developers. : Blocks 1, lA, 2, and 3 are one of the ferv areas in Bighorn that remains, at this time, zoned for singl-e family homes. Duplexes double the number of cars, people, pets, etc. and iL is our desire to eliminate this so as to keep the area vrith as lorv a density as possible. Legally, a contractor can build a duplex on a single farnily lot. in the Bighorn 5th under the current covenants if they get permission from the Eagle County Planning Commission. We hope to show the commission that the landowners of the area wish the single family lots to remain as such. In an effort to stop these duplexes from being approved iire are asking for help from curren! landowners. Please fill out and return the short questionaire below so that we may present your opinion at the .June 19th meeting. With your help we have a good chance of stopping these and future duplexes from being built in an area originally designed for single family dlellings. NAME ADDRESS r,/ LOT ADD S{4 ftnD EN-Tof, l,//)rL-.Please retuin to: B.VoIiter Box @ 8A\ Vail-, CoI. 81657 Yes" I anr in favor of keeping lots in blocks l, fA, 2, and 3 single family as'prescribed in the covenants. V /\ No, I am not opposed to duplexes.---l--\- | Additional commenLs til,*fi,'/ fl/e f4/tf*te cy:LAU| P ffiyutf /' R[c:tveo JUtt 2 o tg74 ""'i,J:?;;;;.r;;** l,tike Blair, Plannlng Dinectcn Box ?89 Eag1e, Col-oraCo 81651 )e ar L{i}< e I The Cogswel!/Frary neouest for Eagle Cou-nty Soil Conservation Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 June 10, 1974 exeinpti-on was submitted to the Dis tri c t for. re vi erv and Lis ted belolv are our corrunent s: iVe lp uld. sugEest that the oirrners srrbmit the type of drai nage sys tem tha t i s to be us ed-. .,trat measures vril-l- be used to itrevent erosion and se:liment pollutj.on to Gore Creelc? IOO year storm information shor-l1d. be supplied 1n relationship tc Gore Creek. A nevegetaLion pLen should be subnitted. r:tra b measures have been consi-.lere,l- concerning size of cr,rlverts and roa'1sitre Crainaget d'e vuoul-C suggost bhat a scale of ttre plan be submitted so as to shovr tLre location of the buildinqs and- Goro Creek. l-. 2. 4. q Sincerely I t ../ ,y'' l' / -. /:- ? ,t //r",", Ross E. Charnbers, Pres iC.en t ; -.:JVED JU'J I 21914 utti. Li i ,-,, i.r" ragle Co/]orfJ^ & D€v€|. @q o States Department of the In o ed Unit IN TAPLY TEFBI TO 1785 tenor BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood Springs Resource Area P.O. Box 1009 Glemfood Springs, Colorado 81601 June 5, L97 4 Michael Blair, Planning Diriector Departnent of Planning & Develotrment Eag1e County P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: We have reviewed Douglass Cogswell rs request for exemption for the Cogswe]-l and Frary Duplex (Se-67-741 and have no eomments or objections to approvaf of tlre request by the Eagle County Board of connissioners. Si-rrcerely yours,z./,/hoa%Z Stehrart A. Wtreel-er, Area Manage r RTCEIVED JUN 7 - 1974 Dopt. 0f Planning & oovlL E gtc Counu, Colo. c /-v gAgQ{e*u sU€, JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Governor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATUBAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILOING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLOBADO 80203 PHON E 892-?611 GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST... KEY TO THE FUTURE csT ?-,-- JOHN W. ROLD Dirgctor Juo,e 4, 1974 l{r. Michael S. Blair Planning Director P. O. Box 789 Eagle, CoLorado 8l-631 Dear !1r. Blair:RE: FILE NO. Se-67-74 C0GSWELL/TMRY E)GMPTION A revien of ava11able lnfornation on thls project leaves some unanswered questlons. We feeL answers are needed on the following before we wouLd have no obJection to this exemp tion. l-) PositLon of the structures ln relation to a l-00 year flood on Gore Creek. 2) The amount of expected surface runoff and what neans wiLl be used to prevent erosion and sedlment pollution of C,ore Creek. A subdlvlsion plat showlng eristlog structures near this lot wouLd be helpful ln evaluatlng thls site. Sincerely,g/ML? L. R. Ladwig Associate Englneerlng Geologist LRL/crs cc: Land Use Conmission RECEIVFD JUN 7 - 1974 Dept- Ot plann,"t e, .,rtcrc couni cnti, ", !'i ii jj., iti Eagle County Planning Dept. ?. O. Box 635 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Gent lemen : We have examined this eime Western has Please note that does not reflect our DLr/jr ()neParkCentral - l515 Aropohoe Street P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (303) 534-1261 l(ay 3L, 1974 Re: Preliminary Plot Plans Gordon Exemption Lougharan Exemption Alpengoo Apartments ExempEion Almond Exemptlon Big }Iorn JuncEion -/-Cogswell-Frary Exenption -/ Sachs-Evans Exemption Eagle-Vail Golf Club Condominium the above captioned pLot plans and find that at no facilities on the land to be plotted. we are a gas transmission utility and our approval ability to serve subjecE subdivisions. f\, Very truly yours,\\ /) i ii \ \" ^ i1 /'-<1-t r,'i N(lr-ql/ i\.' ]f[.li{L,u{___ Daniel L. Tekavec Assoc , Right-of-l,Iay Agent li ::.'-'j -:'! J': f " !llAl o vv,r tr _ lJ/4 !: j,L Ci r i;,,,, , r.g,u a"r.r] c";ol- ' .'. fikf-r/t tngin:zzt, a -0*. Kcnneth E. Richords KER:1m cc: A1 Flewelling, Supt. Janes Collins, Mgr. U. E.V. S.D. Douglass C. Cogswell , Ovmer CIVIL ENGINETRING . PIJ\NNING . SURVEY5 SUBD|V|S|ONS . WATER & SEWER SYSTU'\S Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 Rcgisiercd Profcrsionol Engineor: Rcgirtcred Lond Surveyors l{ay 29, L974 Mr. Michael- S. Blair Director Planning Departrnent P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Flle No. Se-67-74 Exeqtion Cogswell/ Frary Upper Eagle Valley Sbnitation Di-strict Dear Mr. Blair, The Upper Eagle Val1-ey Sanitation District has existing sewer l- ines in the street and in an easement across Int 6, Block 3, Bighorn Fifth Addttion, the Cogswell/Frary property. Service can be provided by the distrlct upon payment.of the standard tap fees and service chbrges. With our treatnent plant expansion rndersay, there will be no problems in serving these additional rmits. SincereLy, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. {-,__f,ttf*Z_4 Kenne th E. Richards Engineer for the Distrj.ct f,i-'"-,. ,, ^. - ""i i€c) .UtAY ^ Dept or',,'1 I lg74 .&g,,u "'^' ,t -uiJnt!, t :/. 4t: t Box L77 Vall, Colorad.o Itlay 17, L9?4 Eagle County Plannlng Connlsslon Eagle County Eagle, Colorad.o Dear Slrsl f would. llke to request an exemptlon from the Subd.lvl- slon Regulatlon of Eagl_e County on the enclosed. slte plan known as Cogswell/ Frary Resldence for the follor- lng reasonst 1. l{e are keeplng 1n I1ne wlth the proposed. master plan for Eagle County ln that se have more than the 81000 square feet of land per unlt requlred. We have over 111000 square feet for each unlt. 2. The bulld.lng ls set back nore than 2J feet from all propertY llnee. 3. The maln sewer llne of the Upper Eagle Vall-ey Sanltatlon Dlstrlct runs through the property. 4. We have two parklng spaces per unlt for CBTS o 5. The Tonn of Vall has thls partlcuLar property zoned for duplex on 1ts pro- posed. master zonlng plan for when and lf lt becomes annexed to the Town of Va11 . We w111 appreclate your conslderatlon of thls matter. Thank you very nuch.0*qn* 0, Curyux$ Douglass C. Cogswell RECEIVED taYr?tm 'Iil. C ?brari*'S'. osDt. NC/me 17-*Z*/€/ rz/z/ o= "|,r = * "F ::'^=. S,"^,:.fi " o= )'o" t - *, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8163'1 2'l May 1974 Re: File No. Se-67-74 Exemption Cogswel | /Frary Appl icant:Douglass C. Cogswel I Box 177 Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 19 June 1974. ln accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.OO 1972, you have 24 days from date mai ledwithin which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely apprec iate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire addition information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much J,4,//./ t-. .' / / 4,/ ,,///---z-J r:/,6h'/) M,ichael S. Blair D i rector MSB/kt Phone 328-6338 ) ,\ t \ ,r ( *rr \\ Nt\tx\ s \ {N \}}'lil\\ \ \\ {J\*NNN i i\ \\\ t t\tr , \i a N$ t\$\$ Nt ii \N jt\l+ r \$\ \t il\Nq\*lrN N$N NxR$N"iNNN