HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 5 LOT 17 LEGAL.pdfg'jt* f,lliYC€l,E|.0Fd€tlt Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, ColorEdo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.rN79.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: VALEAU PAN Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: owNER KATHRYN C. & ROBERTT. VALLE0S/21I2006 REVOCABLE TRUST 4839 MEADOW DR VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT KATHRYN C, & ROBERTT, VALLE0S/21/2006 DRB Number: DR8060378 FINAL APPROVAL TO REDO THE CONCRETE PAN NEST TO MEADOW DR. AND RELEVEL THE PAVERS IN DRIVEWAY Motion By: Second 8y: Vote: Conditions: REVOCABLE TRUST 4839 MEADOW DR VAIL co 81657 4839 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: 4839 MEADOW DR. Lot 17 Block 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON 2101-131-0200-8 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0812412006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Condl 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008392 That the applicant will make the driveway pavers level with the concrete pan and the heating system for the last four feet of driveway are on a separate zone prior to CO ' from public works & planning. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer t6 tne submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. besign .eview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apProval. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www,vailgov'com Proposal: Lou 17 gtocr: Description of Requgst: Location of Physical Ad Parcel No.: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) ry d w o o Physical Address: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: 'rc \^,v o Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) il* Minsr*ltcration / (gingte-f amilild uplex)\- -/- tEiEdS6 Approved Plans ! Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Boarc. No Fee l'****************************************************t+***+*************t *,1. 'l * *{. * ** * *:* {. '} * ** * * TOWNOF'VAIL, COLORADO Statement :***+***t*+*+*****************t**+**+*********t+**************+******++*+*t********r( * ******** Statement Nrunber: R060001265 Amount: $20.00 08/21,/200603:38 pM Payment Method: Check MASONARY fnit: ,JS Notation: 7333/TAXA DRBo50378 T]t)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP 2101"-131-0200-8 4839 MEADOW DR VAIL 4839 MEADOW DR. $2o. oo ToE.al Fees : TOIAI ALL PMIS: Balance: $0.00 * * ** * * * * * ** * *** * * ** ** * * * **+ * * ** *** * * * * * * * * **'* ** * ** * ** * * + * ** * * ** * * * ** ** * * * * * * * ** * * *,t * * * *,| *,8 * * ACCOTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 00100003 t12200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Permit. No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: s20.00 $20.00 Des cript i on MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS*T .4 Stanped Topographic Survey*y' Stte and Grading Plan* 4 Landscape Planx - J Ar chitedu ral Elevations* /Q Exterior color and material samples and specifications. -4. Architectural Floor Plans*tp Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures /E_-fitle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* .-fu1Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. )C Wtitten approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable ' y. Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* 7 The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,' specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Pleasc submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*)- **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed }TWN OF VAIT OESIGN REVIEW F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb-minor-alt_1 1-23-2005.doc 171231200s STAFF: Topographic survey:. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor . Date of survey - . North arrow and graphic bar scale . Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20J . Legal description and physical address . Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain). l-ies to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey . Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information,. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.r Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rocffall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure, Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas . Telephone Water Electric . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc,. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"=20'or larger . PropertY and setback lines . Existing and proposed easements . Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the propefi line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. I A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an ,, uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structu res,. Prop.osed Surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas.. lotatjon of limits of disturbance fencing .: F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005 doc Page 4 of 13 rt o rt ? 7,22,99 VALLEAU RESIDENCE LOT I7, BLK. 5, BIGHORN FIFIH ADD, MATERIAT S AND COLORS roof stone slucco wood siding clod windows window trim soffii floshing ond gutters cedor shokes moss rock Dryvit western red cedor Hurd ceoor fir, 1X6 t&g copper noturol brown to buff #479 Seoweed noturol cleor wood finish off-white noturol cleor wood finish noturol cleor wood finish polino Iir*''n Project Name: Valleau Residence Project Description: Addition and remodel Owner, Address, and Phone: Kthy and Bob Valleau 6l Silver Lake Dr. Summit, NJ 07901 908-273-1094 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Duane Piper, Piper Architecture Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 970-949-7074 Project Street Address: 4839 Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn 5o Parcel Number: 210113102008 Comments: Building Name: Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action:Staffapproved with conditions l. Submit an exterior lighting plan (22 exterior lights allowed) Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 717199 Project Name: Valleau Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRBWPROVALS\ 1 DRBAPPR DRB Fee Paid: $50 Qucstions? OU,. l'li.:.ning Stai'i'xi.l ,'t-- i:il APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Revicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific information, see the submitial rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all thc requircd intbrmatiou is subnrittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environurental Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. TAWNOFVAN DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B.LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: LOT: l-J BLOCK: b FTLTNG: PFIYSICAL ADDRESS: E. F c. PARCEL #t ?10 il <19+o0b (Contact Eaglc Co. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: EI Ncw Construction - $200 H, PHONE: PHONE: Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments, such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls. ctc. $50 $20 Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) MAILING ADDRESS: y' a,aaition- El l\{inor Altcration - DRB fces are to bc paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcnnit. pleasc identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projrct. Thc Town ofVail will adjust thc fcc according to the project valuation. PT,EASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTA.L REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CON1MUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO EI657. BTJILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Sotilts !Vindorvs Windorv Trinr Doors Door Trirri I land or Dcck Rails Flues F lashings Chinrncys Traslr Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr LIST OF PROPOSED i\TATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: ee4 *wuea Q^e(?eF. tt:^rlot*S I*bc@ It^€4 FhcK /yufte eeo+ COLOR:* dcrrv(rL- e+Y. ,.,/[ Gf f . Ft< tx* ka+ 0l^ - tl/* Hog frf. aT Sraq< * Plcasc specity the matrufacturer's color, nurnbcr and anach a small color chip *+ All cxteriorliglrtingntust tneet thsTorvn'sLighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). Ifcxrerior lighting is proposcd. pleasc indicate tlte nutttber of fixhrrcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. ldentity cach fixture fypeandprovide thc hcight abovc gradc. lunreus output, lunrinous area, and attach a cut shcct ofthc lighnng fixnres. Updatcd 6/97 o Conrnron Nanrc Otrantity Sizc+ PROPOSED LANDSCAPTNG Botnrrical Nanrc PROPOSED TREES AND SI{RUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minitnunr rcquirenrcrrts for lantlscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc-Eootagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fenccs, swimrning pools, etc.) Please specify. lnilicate top and bottorn elevations of retaining walls. Maximu- tt.igttt of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of lvalls elsewhere on thc property is 6 fcet. 6-24-lsNl tt&Pt't mtfEB co\sTRrcTro{ e7a e4sp41 I 6.28.99 HAXTRANSMITTAL To: ALLISON OCH$ Fax#4792462 From; Duone Plper / Archlteclue fox #970-949{263 PogBs: 2 COMMENIS: Tho ocoomponylng ctortlng b fo lnclicoie tho 5 porkirlo spols taqul€d bY ou neM, clesign. Abo, l've irdicoted o wkler ocoes for the fr6 fnick. H6dse revbw ond see lf fhls comfonrs wlfh your tequest P-I \r \-1 ''){, .--.---.--. I i tr o x lt o ul o s o z I * 6 z ,1 v --e _f O p r a o \o o_o 5.27.99 Allison Ochs Deporlment of Communlty Developmenf 75 South Frontoge Rood West Voil, CO 81657 Re: Vollequ Reoidence 4839 Meodow Drive Lot l7,Blk. 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Ffth Addiiion Allison: Pleose flnd enclosed the followlng informotlon in trlplicote: 'l ) Certifled topognophy 2) $te plon wlth new groding 3) Proposed loyouf of porklng 4) West elevotbn showlng new ond existlng grode. Pbose revlew ond let me krpw our nexlstep. o 2 o J o o 0 o o o o 0i €t FILEcilpy TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 GRFA Site Coverage May 10. 1999 Piper Architecture, LTD. PO Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Valleau Residence at 4839 Meadow Drive / Lot 17. Block 5, Bighorn 5th Dear Duane: The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Valleau Residence. located at 4839 Meadow Drive. The following coflrments and revisions must be addressed and meet the approval of the Community Development Department prior to final apploval: L Please provide a grading plan. 2. Please submit a stanrped survey. 3. Please include all proposed ridge and eave elevations on thc site plan, along with all existing and finished grades, so staffcan determine buiiding height. 4. The increase in GRFA will change the parking requirements of the Valleau Residence. A total of 5 parking spaces are required if the Valleau Residence remains as 2 units. as originally approved. If the secondary unit is no longer a sepalate unit. the par*ing requirement is 3 spaces. Please denote all required parking on the plans. Staff has evaluated the Valleau Residence based on the Primary/Secondary Zoning. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size: 21,954 sq. ft.Zoning: Primary/Secondary Standard Allowed Proposed 5.295.4 sq. lt. 4,391 sq. ft. 4.312 sq. ft. 3.076 sq. ft. {g *"uoror"* The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Valleau Residence on May 5, 1999. They have agreed that the addition/rernodel can be staffapproved once all conditions ofthe Community Development Departrnent have been met. Please submit all rcvisions at yoru' convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369 . Sincerelv. furrr;, IQL Allison C. Ochs Planner Town of Vail ZONE CHDCK Datc: Ad&css Orncr Pbonc Architcct Phonc 41 o Zonc disu'ict 0-hoposcd usc Lot sizc 2tq5+Buildablc arca Existin s 2$t+ \ P.i.ary CRFA - + (425) (675+)=_ lb6 + Lcgai dcscription: Lot 5 rirn s Plhotn 5*Block l-? lcaAatD Total GRFA A Ilorvcd = 5215.+ Proposcd t{9q t2bv Total 4X12 --_ 2qtl 4501 Rcmaining qx3,4 no =W 4Ul {io4it2 Front Sidcs Rcar raa 1E ,+rrttt 2 *.c\aa.rt Encloscd (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Pcrmittcd Slopc _% proposcd Slopc _% Ycs_ No Ycs- No I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Watcr Course Scrback (30) (j0) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall 2 Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (cbcck propc4v filc); Tn 1n+ Sccondar.v GRFA + (125) (d?_<*) =-- 4OO + 7m @Ihhwa (n" chmy) *6.i5=425crcditprus ,rffik Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition?nuth+ ie4ll "li6;A. Horv much of tlc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd rvith this rcqucst? Sitc Covcragc r rr-rliur Sctback - 3o1b 7D1tp 20' t5' 15', Landscaping Minimum Rctaining Wall Hcig!rs 3', /6', Parking Requir Garagc Crcdit Drivovay Complics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) En vironm cn taL4lazards Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Ftow llD Prni^^+. DESIGN REVIETV CMCKLIST fI SURVEY \.rri^ _...:__ Bcnchmark t --:- Lcgal dcscription i' Lot Sizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Counc Sctback Environmen tal Hazrrds Trees Utility Iocations Spot clcvations tr SITEPLAN Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Site Covcrage Q FLooRPLANS Scaic GRFA 250 additionat CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc Q BT'ILDbIG ELEVATIONS Scal c - - Color\Materials Roof pitch Q I-ANDSCAPEPLAJ\ Existing tccs proposed fex Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DecJ:srBaiconies Caragc connection Site Gradc\Slopc RctainingWalls Fcnccs Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (access and gnde) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Uti lity.vcrifi cation form Photos of sitc Building material samplcs C.O. Verification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilities (urdcrground) Vierv Corridors vfianccs Piat rcsricdons P.2 o o 's PoucY - POLICY OF TITLB INSURANCB ISSIJED BY STE#-*F.T"SIfiLE slJBIBcrroTI{BEXcLusIoNsFROMcsvERAGE',TITEBXCEPTIONS-ryqYcovERAGE rN scITEDULE B eNn nrn doiniiirrjirs exo srpur'inoxs' lp*-*Int-.1o-y-T*-::y"#:*ilr}ffii:rfi illi,o *TJ o"a;p.;y, h"r*"- re of Drre of Policv rhovro in scbed'le A' agriast lose or not exccediog tho l.o*t of lo*r"*u .tit i i" S.ld,rfu e, *"t"i"uO or incuned by rhe in$rd by rersos ot l. Titlo to rhe e€tate * i"frJ a*-lt* in Schedule A beiry veened otber tlrm as slrted tbcrob; 2. Any deft ct itr or lion or eocurnbraooe oo tts title; 3. Unmr*eiobilitY of the title; 4, lack of a rigtfof access to snd ftoD ftc hod' ,r :- r^.-* ^i.{s }:rta oo innrrsl I *rt#L;ttr%tfftr":# ffiffr'ft * expen*s incumd io dcfense of rbe titlo, as iuured, but onlv to thr gtrte[t provided in the Cooditiotrs rnd Stipuhtioosl IN WTINESS WHEREOF, sterurt Titb Grunnty coryany h$ cELEed this policy !o bc signcd rDd sooled by ib duly arrnorizxf offrcqs ss of thc Date of Policy rhorrn in Schcdule A' STEWART TIT OUATANTY COMPA}.IY dlai rfiaar of thc A83nr ID ,060OiE EXCLIJSIONS FROM COVER.AGE Tlrc following mltrcrs arc axPr'lsv cxctudcd 6;-ti; *to.gc oithi" policy anrt tho ConPooy wi[ Dot nly lo!5 ot i'qr'rto' soc' i:ffiilJin:'"Tlffir:Iffig,rffiilllo trncruaing rur nor rhir.d to buidi.s aa 11,^nins la'""- ordinrnccc' or rcsulatioar) rordcingi, rcgulating, pmbibitirg oiielering o- til rfc ric-opcmi' ".oj.}';"y*; "i:tfr"ittO; (iD 16i ct'rctcr' 4imcosio!' os locltk!tr of ooy .Eprovc.nenr now or nc$E,.!t erccrci oa rtrc lud; <iill . *po.rnio-. il"ii""r"itp "!i J.igi in u" dimcd.b* or lr€a of tto lald or erv oarcei of which tho laod ir o. i*ip"tq-"t tful *i;}ot9.11i; ptJttttl"i' ti-rli "ffoa of aiy Yiolation of 11o.o ltwt' odia1reat or mv;{Dncnrd rcSutationr, ct .?t to'if -aGlt rf*-i'oJii* of O. *ioi.-*ti'tiorcof or r rrotico of adof,oct' lkrr or coaunbr$co tqultiog tffi -'ilffi ;?ffi ;n;i:':*..S#,*;*,':-^mr#,.*;:i',**tf; .""H:ttTH"-irctlcrcororanoticoore ",9t"*nl#-g:fiffi;frffi#f"l'",tfii#Xi;ffif k5fffiilfr'h;.;".#frT'il#'iiirl"irir"rti; f ?ttft * eninqnt do'rin ud,"r notic, of thc exrciso tbtoof ha3 bd rocordod in tho pbl'. rccodr d Dort of Foli"' bu lot actudi4 fror cov."gc *y nr.ioiirriJi'b.";*J;I; o-p". "i;:"rfil"ii'i t"orabi udai"3 oD tha ri8lrt of a Purtllsr fo( YdE a,iriou lopwledlp. 3- f,tcfcctr. licoc-, eocutnbrunca, rdvcrsa claiFs ot oocr mllto.3: niffi*nx'g#rffi#*F,"t""1,H:ff;Ddoofp"riq/,burktrowrto.roingncdcroiuotaodnordirlorodiB writi!8 tD the conpany ty ,r,o io-t "il'rffi.p{1i,i;;-o; t" in-rJ olrt *iu*..o rn insncd urd€. thb Polieyl icj-rcsutting in do tors or aamagc m tbc iaruTl :llinint; i:i m"Tf,mfig#*ff""i"?iP;g- ..*aincd rrho i&urod clainant brd polt valuo ror tie Ent",o or intanc hrurcd P illrtilil; *ah !ri!.G out of rtc tr 8ssti'o.n v-Gdirt io,Y-I:'l:*P.i-:T:|*:;nt!re* i"utrd bv tri' pot'ct' bv $aron of tho opcartbr li rfiii,iililt*iiiffi ;;t;*;J"; 'i-'u.. "'"at6n' cgnll b'r', thar ir berad on: (s) thc trulrctlotr ".!d118 O. frit It n*t* l"-t a Ui+f pof-tttltiog dtt,otd t frt"d"lcnt ccrwc{ttrcc or f.Ddulcat tr'dca; of &) rto rfurcrion .r-ti"g ,h, fiii i, rrtiii urr-a 6 tlir'por6 i"ili d;;; ; P'of-*lt"i-rrur*cr oxccpt whcrc ht-q-g- 'anifer rerutts frorr thc fdtusc: tfi-ifr*fy-G".4 t l"-,t "L..t .if dn.Lrl-or (ii) qf ic[ rccordatior to i6p11t ao'dce !o 4 purcbts€r tor LE i zcd countrrsignaturs 'ANT TTTT-E OF EAOTJ COUNT!{' INC. P.6 ENDoRs:ENr F.RM r1o'r *"'t"tl"oo*sEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE A 'ART OF POIICY OF TITLE INSURANCE SERJALNUMBERO-9?01-32602 ISSUEDBY srEwART--IL.TLE - CUANANTY COMPANY HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY Order No.: 9?O13896-c2 Said Policy is hereby amendod by deloting parsgrEphs 1-4 , incluaive, of Schedule B' This endorseocnt i8 msdo 4 part of the policy and is zubjecr to atl of thc terms md. provisions thorcof and of any prior endorsoments ther€to. Ercept to-the extemt expJy r"*a, i neither morlifies ary of tho tcrms strd nrovisions of the policy ano any prior codorscarcnts, n"ra"olii"rc"d the effective dete of thc policy and any il;;;"t;;I", o- aoo ii incrcorse tlre frce enoutrt ffrer€of' SignedrrndersealfortheComprny,butfrisgndors6rD€6tistobovelidonlywhenitbearsgn authorized countersignahrr€' EWART TI GUARANTY COMPANY TLE STEII/ART TITT.E OP EAGLE COUNTY' INC' Age ID *060058 I zed Cot lteisi3lttature Scrirl No' !-9851'32795 P. rt Ordcr I'tttnber: 97 o 1 3 I 96-c2 scnBDULSA LEGALDESCNMON r&T 77. gtpcK 5, i.r.woa* sItEDrvrEroN t ErF!'! ADD'Trotr icotalng xo the tccotded PIax theteot @oFr:r oE E:|.ctLE sgLrB Of @I,.RADO P.3 o ALTA OWNBR'S FOUCY SCHEI'ALEA Order Number: 97o 13896-c2 DacofPoltcy: F.btaaty 25' 7997 at 3zjtP'tt' Anouttt of Inswance: $ 525 'ooo 'oo l, Nwtu of Insvred: 8OB8RT !. YALLEAU a'|d 'Uufmrll C' Vetrt,tila 2. ,Ihe estau orbterest t^thctandw,,tcl|is coveredby kispoltct is: FEE S.II{PI'E 3. Tltle to thc estate or lftqest tn tl'c laild i's rusted tn: 'd,I,E'.T !T. VAI'T'EAO A'ld N:A?fla'rtd C. VAIJLEAU 4. Ihe turd reJetred to tn kis policy ls descrlbd asJollotttt: SAE AITAC'IBD I'EGAL DESCnSPTIOII Policy l'[o. : o-97o r-s25o2 P.5 *il,rourEsn's PoLtcY SCHEDIJLE B Order Nwnher: s7o138s6'c2 PoticJ I'[o': o-g7o1-325a2 This policy does tnt it sure aSainst loss or dwnage (And the cot"pary witt 'tot pnl eosts' ottom€ys'fees or etpensetl which arise bY reason oJ: I. Fagttts or claims of partles ln possession' not shown by tltc pttbltc records' 2. Easemcnts, or claims of easemews ' not s'rllwn hy thz ptrblic records' 3'Discrepanclzs,conflictsinboundarylitus,-slortageinorca,,encroacltnents'andanyfaaswhichacofrect sumey and t rpr;{;';;;;;;;t;t-"tid;itrttii ta whtch are rnt shown bv tlv public records' 4- Any lien, Or rlglu ro a lten, fur servlces, labor or natertat heretofore or here$er fwnkhed' itttposed by ktw '- auit rct shawi by tlu publtc reutnls' 5. uwatefted mining claims; resefvadans of qcepfwns in PateMs ' or an act wtthorking the issu&nr'e thereof; waur rights, claims or Ink to water' 6. faxe€ for the tteat lggT ' nox yex a tien ilue anit payabla ' 7. rhc ettec- of inclusions in any genetal or apecitlc flaxer consewaney ' fire ptoEection ' soi! eonservaxion ot othe,. di'ttict ot itcTusion in any ttatet Sefvice ot axr€ex ittpfovg nont area- g. R€setvati-ons and e*..,eptions ln patentl, or Acts authotiziJTg xhc iss',ancs theteof, including the te ervaxion of xhe righx of proptie|.'o,- of a vsin 9v Tode toexttec:_andtemov€higotetheteftonshouTdxheeanebefoundLopeneataxe oETntetsectxheptenisa|urt"""irr.dinanitedstaxelPatenxrecordsdgcPtembgr 13, 1ga2 in BooN 48 ax Paqe 49I' g.Ro'3trictionsaeeonxai'redirlin trufienttflcor]lledNovembaJ.25,1966inBook7v5 ax Page a45 as Re,cepxion Na' 7O5Oo1' 10. Eaae'DeAas, teBx:j]lcxions and righxE-ot-cays as shoun on xhe Prat ot Btghotn subdiviltion fiftt Add.itj' on tecorded as rrecePl-ion No' 1o5OO2' 77. Dec,..,e of rn.,l'a io(, ia the Bl,gho t Fite p'.otection DlsXticX ' aS resotdcd as RecePtion No. 718234 ' 72, Decree of ''acTusion in the elote Valtey ltaxet Oisxrict. as tecordad as Reception No- 109835 . 13. A Deed of T':uax dated gEBRttAAt 74' 1997' executed by ROBERI T' VAnr.EA't and KATdRn{ c. vBLrrEAIr, xo xhe pubric Trusxee of, Eagre covnxy, to sedutre a}2 j'rdebtednessof$3oo'ooo.oo,infavototeilAsEti,ANflATT,uroRtGAeEcoRPoRAT'oN recotded ,"u^o^ i trl'',- 1;;; r" sook 719 ax Page 325 as Receptl.ort No' 615297 ' cornortity Development rhn nouf,g Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Retum To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:4/2/99 Retum By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Valleau Remodel 4839 Meadow Drive Lot 17, Block 5, Bighom 5th Remodel and addition Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions v ? ,1.,ar-r ! t.', REVTSED 5/6/99 DESIGN REVIEW BOABD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, May 5, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE PHOJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH -TOWN COUNC1I ChAMbETS MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce (left at 5:00 p.m.) Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1. Vail Interfaith Chapel- 19 Vail Road 2. Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road 3. Adams - 765 West Forest Road 4. Dobson lce Arena -321 E. Lionshead Circle 5. Scalise -2567 Arosa Drive 6. Lot 25 - 1854 Glacier Ct.7. Wiley- 1538 Spring Hill Lane 8. Valleau - 4839 Meadow Drive 9. Shaper - 2645 Bald Mountain Road 10. Lot 4, Gore Creek Sub. - 5166 Black Gore Drive 11, Kinzelberg - Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates Driver: George 11:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. The Marriott (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle i Marriott Mark. Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE 3:00 pm George Dominic 2. Lionsquare North - New awning. 660 West Lionshead CircleiLot 8. Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: LionsquareNorth Condo Association MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED -Subiect to final staff review. BEVISED 5/5/99 3.Adam residence - Conceptual review of a proposed remodel. 765 West Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Villhge 6th. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Henkes residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 2824 Snowberry Drive / Lot 17, Block 9, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes MOTION: BillPierce CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Wiley residence - Conceptual review for a new primary residence and Type ll employee housing unit. 1538 Spring Hill Lanellot 1 4, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Valleau Residence - Conceptual review ol a remodel/addition to an existing residence. 4839 Meadow DrivelLot 17, Block 5, Bighom Fifth. Applicant: Bob & Kathy Valleau MOTION: Bill Pierce CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Brent Allison Allison Allison MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19, 1999 Vail Interfaith Chapel- Remodel/addition at existing facility. Jeff 19 Vail Road / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Scalise Residence - Conceptual review ot a new primary/secondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1"' 4. 5. Allison 6. 7. Jeff 8. Jeff 9. Applicant Dennis Scalise CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Waterhouse residence - New garage 285 Forest Roacl/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE Shaper resiclence - Review of a new garage. 2645 Bald Mountain Hoad/Lor 10, Bb;k Z, Vait Vittage t 3th. Applicant: Steve Shaper 10. TABLED UNTIL MAY 19, 1999 REVISED 5/6199 1 1. Kinzelberg residence - Conceptual review. Jeff Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Harvey Kinzelberg, represented by Hans Berglund CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 12. Grand Traverse Lot 16 - Final review of a new single-lamily residence. George 1800 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 1 6, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED PER REVISED PLANS 13. Lot 25, Glacier Ct. - Conceptual review of a proposed new primary/secondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 14. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review ol a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiumsi Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 15. Dobson lce Arena - Conceptual review locker roomiloading dock expansion. George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead zno Filing. Applicant; Vail Becreation District, represented by Odell Architects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 16. Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision.- Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence.George 5166 Black Gore DriveiLot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Greg Amsden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Statf Aporovals Brooktree Condominiums - Stainray/landing replacement. 980 Vail View Drive/A portion ol Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: BrooktreeTownhomesHOA Burillo residence i Northwind development - Revised landscape plan. 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 1 6, Block 1 , Vail Village 1-' Filing. Applicant: Northwind Development Rizk residence - Bedroom/dining room addition. 740 Sandy Lane/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing f2. Applicant: Oscar Rizk Brent Brent Brent REVTSED 5/6/9!) Axelrod residence - Exterior repaint.George 2578 Arosa Drive/Lot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Art Axelrod Ketcham residence - Changes to driveway. Allison 4i]01 Glen Falls Laneilot 1, Forest Glen. Applicant: Linda Ketcham Bemdt residence - Site plan changes. Allison 756 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Bemdt Maclean residence - Interior conversion of crawl space. George 'f 330 Sandstone Drive, Overlook, Unit #121G-4, Vail Lionsridge. Applicant: John MacLean Walzer residence -Addion of stone veneer to deck rail and chimney. George 333 Beaver Dam Roacl/Lot 41, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: George Schaeffer Construclion Co. Timber Falls Building #18 - North side deck enension. Brent 21459 Timberfalls Ct. #1 8/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: Timber Falls Phase lX Association The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. -7\tl v --tt,Y | *..._ t) 4.,tt I \L/::-*" ( _\_--.- () \-_-.-r.....i () Pleose ocknowledge these colculotions ond f indings' .'l ,'ii ('t1 !|f 0. I i;:l il. i,) '"{' F' t.';t. Q\ ::r F- ft ,!] "0 h u i! T ()s rf, |r, x o I) u :{ x o u CI > o q) A o €t 1,29.99 Deportment of Community Development 75 South Fronloge Rood West V€il, CO 81657 Re: Volleou Residence 4839 Meodow Drive Lot l7,Blk. 5. Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition Stoff : t,m working on o remodel of the subiect property ond wish to verify the GRFA ond site coveroge. First of oll, I believe the zoning is duplex, However, if it is primory I secon{dory therequir.emer*sore noi going to chonge nor will I be close to the 40% secondory unit oreo. The lot is .504 ocres or 21,954 squore feei. Allowoble GRFA is 5.295 s.f . not including ony considerotion for the 250 bonus per unii' Actuol GRFA is os follows: (Pleose note occomponying drowings) l_-_ z1 'r il.r \l_,/ -\._l_ O_ Moin house / rnoin level Moin house / upper level Both House Conioge House / moin level Conioge House i uPPer level Totoloctuol GRFA Site coveroge is .l,988 s.f . ot 9%' 1,184 s.f . 461 269 515 385 2.8]4s.f . Duone nity Development Plan Ro o utin g Form Approved -V Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions o mu Com Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:st28t99 Retum By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Valleau Remodel 4839 Meadow Drive Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorr 5th Remodel and addition Re-submittal. I'm worried about parking. 5 spaces are required (2 secondary, 3 primary) , 7, 4 A a,l .1.0 / ,zt^,/-<.r I i ray'iirs. :-- '? ^-L,-* A-4,-u-z- . 17- /a o'^ e -7- 2 ,;Oo s-. -? ,Eo. /lt ,- 2u-// ze.r ).o k.fr o ..--, ,.n - st E e 4-{2 D ruue ..Q h .t f;.a*,. /t''*t * ht zS r :\EVERYONEIDRtrtROUTINCn93ROUTNG'IPLBLICWO\ I i,[4S'IER.FRM FITEQPY TOWN OF VAIL Depanment of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97M79-2138 FAX 97G479-2452 June 8. 1999 Piper Architecture, LTD. PO Box 5560 Avon. CO 81620 RE: Valleau Residence at 4839 Meadow Drive / Lot lT,Block 5. Bighom 5'h Dear Duane: The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Valleau Residence. located at 4839 Meadow Drive. The following comments and revisions nmst be addressed and meet the approval of the Community Development Department prior to final approval: 1. Please show top and bottom elevations of proposed boulder walls on site plan 2. The increase in GRFA has changed the parking requirements of the Valleau Residence. A total of5 parking spaces are required (2 for the secondary unit and 3 for the primary unit). Surface parking spaces tlre 9' by l9', while enclosed parking spaces are 9' by 18'. The parking for each unit must function independently of the other unit's parking (i.e. one unit nust be able to park and exit the drive without affecting the other unit's ability to do so.) 3. Please provide an exterior lighting plan. 4. Fire depaftment standards require that all portions ofthe residence can be reached by a radius of 300 ft. (the mdius of the fire hose from the fire department staging area.) Because the fire staging area will be on the driveway to make the radius, the driveway entrance needs to be widened (or the island made smaller). The following are the fire department pavement access requirements: 29' inside radius 44' outside radius 36' centerline radius 20' cross-over width If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact JeffAtencio at the fire depanment. tp *"n"uo'^'o rr'o r ,-- G. Staffhas evaluated the Valleau Residence based on the Primary/Secondary Znning. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size: 21,954 sq. ft.Tnntng:. PrimaryiSecondary Standard Allowed Prooosed GRFA 5,295.4 sq. ft. 4,312 sq. ft. Site Coverage 4,391 sq. ft. 3,076 sq. ft. The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Valleau Residence on May 5, 1999. Please submit these revisions at your convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact \re at 97 0 47 9 -23 69. Sincerelv. //t ^&-Allison C. Ochs Planner Town of Vail I --B I0I4'NM Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Valleau Residence DRB Number: DRB000022 Project Description: move spruce from undistrubed areas to areas within line of distrubance and to increase screening to house on east side. replace 6' Participants: OWNER KATHRYN C. & ROBERT T. vALLEL0/LL/2000 Phone: REVOCABLE TRUST 6I SILVER IJAKE DR SUMMIT N.J O79O]. APPLICANT FITZ & GAYLORD LANDSCAPING, L0/1"I/2000 Phone: 970-476-3479 P. O. BOX 1315 VAII-,, CO 8L551 Project Address: 4839 MEADow DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: l7 Block: 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDITIoN Parcel Numbe| 210113102008 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 1012012000 Conditions: Cond: 8 No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0004432 Tree (i4) not allowed in the utility and drainage easement without approval from easement holders. Must submit approval if received. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Questions? Crff fprrnning Staff at +zg-ZtZe MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE ERERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITIAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. .x, A" ! ! ! tryl BUILDING MATERTALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other * Please specify the manufasturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip x* All e)derior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-51. If exterior lighting 'ts proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a sepamte lighting plan. Identify each fixhrre type and provide the height above grade, lumens outpu! luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. Botanical Name: PROPOSED LANDSCAPII{G Common Name:OuantiW: Size*:C.l'Sf"'.," 4 a-loq+PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping:deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fence, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. UTI LITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.5. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 (Ted Husky;John Boyd) T.C.L 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signaturs from each of the utility companies/ and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resofued. The lssue should then be detailed in an attached letler to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obbined before diocino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. II. n. v. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2L28. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set fonh in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. ff a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submitbl of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. c, Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown, 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed.2, Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All olans must be at the same scale.3. Graohic bar scale.4, North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description.6. indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7 . Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates.8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers.10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways.12. Plan legend. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. ff the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved orior to the issuance of a buihing permit. E. D. V,STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final appmval by the DRB. The following types of Design Review applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addiuon to an existing building that is consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to modify an e<isting building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and ls generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to ofterior building finish materials (e,9. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dishes, windows, skylighb, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvemenfs or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, removal or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. Ifthis application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access PermiB, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publ'shing fees which are in excess of 50010 of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entre fee for such re-publicaUon shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Develgpment Departrnent to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the anibunt forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the appllcant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any o(cess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. VI, ** f*** * 't *{r* * t,i***'l**t **** !t*'* ** '} *** * +* 'i ** * * * +* 'r** * **tl *** **'}* * ** ** ** * l *'* *,1.l. '} * * !* * ***,1'+***'l'}{r'l++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcpdnted on I0-l l-2000 at 15:19:18 l0/ll/2000 Statemetrt *'t"t**it'tt{t**'t***+***trr********t+*** ** *** *** ** *+ * i( *,*,} *** ****,}* *+ + ** ***'f* * * * * '*'t * ** {.'t{' * ***'f ri'}{t'l Statement Number: R000000046 Amount: $20.00 LO/LL/2oo103:17 PM Pa)ment Method: Cagh In j-t : I-rC Notation: cash from contractor Permit No: DR8000022 Type: DRB - Minor Alteration Parcel No: 210113102 008 Site Addrese: 4839 MEADovl DR \/ArI, IJocation: TotaL Fees: S20.00 fhie Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 tt+*'t't't+t*'lr{r**t***'}'}*+ | * {.,1* {. t !t * 't i( * 'f ** **'f* ** * * * *,s *** *** ** *tt+{. *** * * ** * ** * * * * ** * ** *** * ** * * * * * 't t* * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1()OOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 I' Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Valleau Residence Project Description: exterior lighting Owner, Address, and Phone: Kathy and Bob Valleau 6l Silver Lake Dr. Summit, NJ 07901 908-273-1094 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Duane Piper, Piper A.rchitecture Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 970-949-7074 Project Street Address: 4839 Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn 5tr Parcel Number: 210113102008 Commcnts: BuildingName: Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 5ll9l00 Project Name: Valleau Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APP ROVALS\ I DRBAPPR DRB Fee Paid: $50 5.r 5,00 Allison Ochs Deportment of Communlty Development 75 South Fronloge Rood West Voil, CO 81657 Re: Vollequ Resldence 4839 Meodow Drive Lot 17,Blk, 5, Bighorn SuMlvlsion, Fifth Addltion Allison: Pleose find enclosed o cuf sheet illustrotlng the light flxture the Volleou's would like to use, The fixture will be found os woll mount In five vorious locotlons ot exterior doors. pi per/orc h itectu re, ltd. 48 e, beover creek blvd, box 5560 ovon, colorodo 81620 970-949-7074 fox 970-949-6253 date Hecerve. llAY 1 7 2000 d w L. ::.: rgl:iJ ..6*"wxt4t/l'tt 8* exl l- t00r,v e. &$s 3"9?2:$. .-8%"wx17%"x .\ lAh" $l (-' I 2&wc*wunt : )\l t1..fi:: , !:r..ji.;1ii,I. 54 .Plotinum'$ 57 . Romon Bron:e'' ' : ,'.i: I .1,! it i ;-; ',' Solid 8ro:s Construction r' Colt Bross Accenls ,.. Mouth Blown Seedy Glo:s ,; Mulri Step Chemicol Finirh /'i $l r rr.r r 8822-54 882r-s4 b-€=t I *; 8826-54 9J,av 9V (^f I -l- tb, .fOBSITE AT Permit. ALL TIMES #: 899-0188 R lt.- h ttr rn , t \/\o 'a'/ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO,IECT TfTLE: VAL,LTEAU REMODEL ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT APPLICANT CONTR.A,gIOR OWNER ,Job Address: 4839 MEADOW DR Location...: 4839 MEADOW DR Parcel_ No. . : 2101-131-02-008 Project No. : PRif99-0180 GRAY_STONE CONSTRUMION 23698 US HWY 24, BOX 721, MIIfTURN CO GRAY- STONE CONSTRUCTION 23698 US I{WY 24, BOX 72L, MTIf|IIRN CO VALLEAU ROBERT T & KATIIRYN C 61 SILVER I,AKE DR, SI]MMIT N.J O79O]. Status...: ISSUED App1ied..: 07/20/1999 Issued...: 07/30/L999 Expires..: 0t/26/2000 Phonez 970 827-523L Phone: 970 827-523L 81545 8L645 Descript.ion:IIilTERIOR AND EXTERIOR REMODEL Number of Dwelling Units: 00i- Town of Vail Adjusted Valuat.ion: 400,000 Fir:Gplace Informatj.on: Rescricted: Y Sof caa Appliances:*Of Gaa LogE:*of Wood/Pa1l.et.: F'EE SIJ!.,I!IARY Bui.l,ding-----> Plan check- - - > rnveatigaEi.on> wilI call--- > 1,940.00 1,261 .00 .00 3 .00 . oo 200. oo t77 .48 500. o0 4, 081,45 4, Ost .4s - 00 4, 081 .45 4, 081 .4s . oo Restualant Plan Revies- > DRB Fee--- -- -- - - Recreation Fee- -------> cl6an-Up Deposit ------ > TOTAI. FEES--. 't otal Calculaeed Fee6---> Addicional Fe6a -------> Total Permit Fee--------> Paynentss-------- BAIANCE DUE-. - IEem:05100 07 /20/Les9 07 /29/t999 Item: 05400 07 /20 /t999 Item: 05600 o7/20/L999 It.em3 05500 07 /20/L999 07 /22/teeg BUILDING DEPARTTVIEMT JRM AcI,ion: NOTE GGOODELL AcLi.on: APPR PTANNING DEPARTMEIff JRM AcLion: NOTE FIRE DEPART'IVIE} T iIRM AcLion: APPR PI'BI,IC WORKS ,JRM LSA}IDOVA Dept.: BUILDING PLANS TO GARY Dept: PLANNING PI.ANS N/A TO PI,ANNING Dept: FIRE Dept: PUB WORK Division: Division: Divisi-on: Divisi-on:Action: NoTE PLANS ro LEoNARDTOV/COmm. DeV.Action: APPR APPR.'ED clean-rrp Deposit Refund epfti'6ved"'-: See Page 2 of this Document. for any condit.ions thatafR]gulb]y DECI,ARATIONS date I hercby acknosl€dge Eha! I hav6 lead thiE application, fj"lLed out in fu1l tshe infolrnalion rcquj.red, cotqrl.€t.d an acculatc plots p1an. and scaEa eha! aII tshe infor atj-on pr:ovided as rcquired is corlecE. I agree Eo comply t,,ith the infonration and plot plan, to co6pJ,y l.ith al,t Torn ordinances arld staec IawB, and Lo build this str.uclure according to ch6 Toen,s zoning and Eubdiwigion cod6€, design r:eviet altproved, Uni fore Euilding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn applicable thereto, REQUESTS fOR TNSPEC{IONS SHATL BE MADE 1?aEr{'ff-FOUR !{ouRS IN A-DVANeE gY TELEPHONE AT 4?9 213S OR AT OUR oFFICE FROM e:00 Atil 5:00 Pl4 j As ar tob Narne: \1ALL Legat DescriPtion: Lot rwners Narne: Wlkt*o, ecerve( op ate R lonca ac 97 ff" rrs b t-2_ E !to ll v- BJ sc ce ,-i ;T t P I un fo ,3 :o Cot 0:?l T] cc 0-3 0t. AE Offtce TOWN OP VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERHIT APPLICATION FORM DATE FILLED OUT z_7-12-4 '1 A -'//u q9-ctp COMPLETELY OR IT MAY'NOT BE ACCEPTED PPLTCATI MUS t* *rt * **rt rt ***** tt * * ** ** * * * * * * **/.b ee nbgt- t{l -Building 1 I -Plumbing t L a 4oo,06O I,ECTRTCAL: $ ECHANTCAL CTOR INFORI"IAI ON t^dT.:'i * * * * * * ** rt * * * {by, : * rt :l :l rl rt :t :t rt * * * tt rt * * * * * * ,r * * tt * * * * * * * FOR IUILDING PERMTT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHA}IICAL PERHIT FEE: 'LECTRICAL TEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: lomrnents: Ea 81e 2 8-86 4 zlol JUL 12 lggdt*'" /r---_- '; PERMIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )} l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal ( l-other Job Address: BIock ri'l i ner ;ruorJIVISI0N:,l,..ttt T */ Aathy VaUAUt, Address ,bt ttLVAaJy, tp 5unnf t4 in'.?6-zt3 -toA4. \rch i r ec r, ?J"e;? / &48+ qrzrugE Ad d re s s, :q{/€4f, p.,. .g4g - 7 01 4 leneral Description: a.'.lork class: I J -New tS -af t".ation t)<l -Additional I t] -Repair [ ] -other lumber of Dr.telling Units:Number of Acconrmodation Units: lnber and Type of Firep)-aces: Gas App1i.r,""=. / Gas Logs A *ood,,/Pe11et t * * * )r( ,t rt * * * tr * * 't tt tt 't * rt * * {' * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATf ONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,! * * )]UILDING: ]LUMBING:I OTHER: $ 1* rt * rt **** ** rt* tt Jr * * * *'** **'** r\ * * CO leneral contracbo r : hgAv'Stouc tddress: ilectrical Contractor: iddress: )Iumbing contractor: iddress: lechanical Contractor: tddress: Town of VaiI Reg. No. l7l^B Phone Number: €27-5Zzt Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. No. OFFICE USE * * * * ,< * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt t\ tt tt tt * tk * * * * BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLI.'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT IEES; BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP VALUATION '?E}I UP DEP.OSIT R.EFTIND TO: S6nd Cl,ean-Up Depogit ?o: GRAY STONE SICiRTURE OF OWNER OR CONTRASIOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVA,L Pennjj-t. #: 899-0188 as of O7 /30/99 StaLus: TSSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit T\pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT Applied: 07/20/1,999 Appllcant,: GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION Tssued: 07/30/1999 Job Address: 4839 MEADOW DR LOCAI1ON: 4839 MEADOW DR Parcel No: 2l_01-131-02-008 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 UBC. 3. QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER TO PERFORM "OPEN HOI-,E" INSPEETION TO CONFIRM SUITABTI-,ITY OF FOUNDATION DESIGN TO SOILS FOI]ND AFTER EXCAVATION. ENGINEER TO SUBMIT STAMPED REPORT TO THE TOV BLDG SAFETY DIV. ttrlirt*tttl.tttattt!a!rftial*itl*ltaa.attt**irirt!tt*ttarrla'rttrrrtlrt IO!t{ oP llltt, aOIfRlIIO Sr.E.one taatarralaa*9rr!rrrtltr''ttrl,rl|rtn}rrr.ri*ir*r*rrrit\l*r*aatir'rr*r Srrglnnr ru&€!: REC-05{6 Lrounrr 4,08r.45 o7/t0lt9 oe.91 ?.F.nt Ucehod: Ctr tloeatlolu 7?20lm:Lt-STONE I[ig r .]l{ p6rlic !ta: 899-o1lr Tt{rt 3 A-Eg&D 5DD/t!? sFR BUlt,D PE PtrsrL gor 2101-131-Oa-ooS SiEG A.dr.sss r ag39 CEADOn DR I'ocstioni {839 f,ElDOlf DR Tocll Feos: 4, O3t.45 To&a1 ll'tr fu's;lhis Pryt6ne Ac@oune Cod. BP 00100003t 11100 DR 00100003r12?00 9F O0100003112300 TD D2-DSPO8 Rr r.11oooo!rr2?oo lfc o010000311?soo 4,081. {5 {, 061.45 .00 at}*it**ttttt**tta*tt*attt**tratt*tt*itttt*+artti*tr**!artt.*.rtfi r B-I'eltda a D.Bcripsl,on BU:I,DItrG PERIIT TEES DIAIEI NE\TIEA FEES PI.}![ CFECT PEES q.ErltUP DAlosxlg TECRSAAIOtr FBEII rILL cllitJ rtrsPl(rloN Fla aiounE t.9{0,00 200.00 L,?64. OO 500.00 L71.49 3.00 o 75 south lronlage roa d va il, colorado B'l6 57 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROI'I: DATE: SUBJECT: of llce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI, REGISTERED WITH THE TOI,IN OF VAIL TOIIN Op VAIL puBLIC WORKS/coNnruNITy DE\rELOpt-tENT ItARcH 16, L9B8 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In surunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any Person to ritter, track or deposit a;t-=lirl"rJck, sand, debris or naterial, incruding trash i,-,n.p=..rr, portable toilets and workmen vehicles. upon any street., sidewalk, alley or public place or anv norti6n tneieorl --,i!" right-of-way on ar] Town of Vail streets ind.roads is approximately s ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wirr be ;i.i;iit"enforced by the Town of VaiI Pubtic works Deoarrmene- --F"i='""; ;;;;J-"it"rJii.9 rhis ordinance wirr be given a 24 hour written notice-to*;;;;; said rnaterial.fn the evenL the person so notified.gg.= r,ot comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the public works Department wirr remove said mare;i;i-;;-th;^':";;;=e or person notified' The provision= "t irris ordrnance sharr not be appricable to ctnstruction, *uint"nunce or r"pui. projects of any streer or aIley or any "iiriai;;"i; i;"';i;ii_"_""y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fu'I, prease stop by the Town of :::i"::ii:i"3,":fli:'il:ii":i""iilin a copv. riran'x vou ror your Read and acknow'l er:trrort l,r, - r;/#r 2/ /qF iili acknowledged (i.e contractor, owner) '11 of f lce ot "ornrunity dev6lopment 75 south ,ronlage road vrll. colorado 816S2 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII.IE FRAIIE If this permit requi.res a Tov,n of Vail Fire Department Approval r Engineel ''s..(.Pub'l ii Hopks) reyiew and approvai,'u pj'i",iini'b.purt .nt review or.Heatth Department.review, ani'a reufe* ty-lii driiirins' - Department, the estimated time for a total review-i,ay iaie'as t6ng as three weeks. ll]_.gy:lSial (.large or sma't't) and ail mutti-famity permits will nave to for row the above rnentioned maximum requ.irements. Residentia'l and.small projects should take a 'l esser amound, of time. However, if residential or snraller projects impact the various auove mentionea 9:ll"llgnt:. uith regard to necessary review, these proje.t, nruy also take the three week period Every.attempt vril'l be made by this departnrent to expedite this .pet'mi't.aS s.qon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and time f rame., .Jul 0a te l^lo Sheet, was ttfrned into t Communi ty Development Department. TO: FFIOM: DATE: FIE: MEMOHANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED ,soo Nane.: VAI/&U' ?{:?tMUcF Dale: July 6, 16V)6 Please ans#'er th6 following questionnaire regarding lhe 'Public Way Permit': NO x )< x ..)< ls this a nevr residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public proper;ty? ls any utility rvork needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls dillerent access needed to site other than exisling dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no lo BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community need {or a YES Development? . lf you answered yes 10 any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained, "Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, al479-21ffi, I have read and answered the above questio Vzl/taq %twr.€ 1) 2) \7) 4) * Y r 6) 7) B) ns. d Job Name traclo Signature /E 3,17.00 Alllson Ochs Deportment of Community Development 75 South Frontoge Rood West Voil. CO 81657 Re: Volleou Residence 4839 Meodow Drive Lot l7,Blk. 5, Blghorn Subdivision, Flfth Addltion P[JQ'0lBo Bqq. 0tlg Allison: Pleose find enclosed drowings illustroting o chonge to the deck roillng on the subject resldence, The owners wish to go to on open kon plcket roiling in lieu of the previously submiiied solid roil design, The metol will be pointed o dork ollve green, #2142-10 piper/orch itecture, ltd. 48 e. beover creek blvd. box 5560 ovon, colorodo 8]620 970-949-7074 fox 970-949-6253 o o R/ArDlUg PIPE 1 \-/ ONLY PIPE P*AIL CONTINUE9 THRU CORNER 6',x10'x1/4 gTL. ?r.W/ (4)v2"BOLJe D=.C< RAILING I l/ 2 t.L). /t/E =.A.tL. PAINT P?OVIDE 3'LONG SADALE rcR?PE RAIL 1/2 Xl" gTL. B,A\?TOP AND BTl-1. 1/2" 9Q.. 5TL. BALLUgTEF-9 4' 5TI.gTANDARD 8-O" OC. Y|A.X. N60 A-Ll' VALLEAU 3.6.2000 Tc.vn of yril (t-|"i":T n \n.\ .',..,- t-.'\. . kxqq. otBo Bqq. orSE uoueou TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/AIL BUDG. ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: D99-0024 APPLICANT GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCIION Phone: 23698 US HWy 24, BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION Phone: 23698 US HWY 24, P.OX 721, MIIiITI]RN CO 81_645 OWNER VA,LLEAU ROBERT T & KATHRYN C 61 SIT,VER LAKE DR, SIIMMIT NJ 07901 Description: Demo of inE.erior partj-tion walls only .Tob Address: Location. . . : Parcel- No. . :Project No.: 4839 MEADOW DR 4839 Meadow Dr 210L -131- 02 -009 PRJ99-0180 St,aE,us...: ISSITED Applied..: 06/]-8/L999 Issued...: 06/2L/L999 E:<pires . .: 1-2/18/1999 970 827-523L 970 827-523r #of wood/Pal ler: Occupancy: R3 T)pe ConsEruction: V N 'I:pe Occupancy: Valuation: Firrplace Infohalion: Reatrictsad: 5, 000 #Of Gaa Appliance6: Single Family Residence Tl4)e V Non-Rated Add sq FE,: *Of eao Logs: FgE SI'}'MARY Buj.Iding-----> Plan Check- - - > fnv€atigatsion> wiLl call----> 95.00 .00 3. OO . o0 20. o0 . oo 100 .00 . oo . oo Restuarant Plan Rcviev- - > DRB Fee--------- Recraalion Fee----------> Cl6an-UP Depoait----- - -- > Tolal Calculat.ed Feee- - - > Addiii.ona-L Fee6- - - - - ---- > '!ot,al^ Pernit Fee------ > Paymenc6 BAIANCE DUE' ftem:05100 06 / L8 /1999 IEem:05400 06 /!8 / L9ee rtem:05600 06 /18 /L999 It.em:05500 06 / L8 /r99e 05 /1-8 /L999 ILem:05700 06 /'J.8 /]-999 ILem: 05900 06/1-8/L999 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:KATHY Act.ion: APPR Anproved per-Kathy PLANNING DEPARTIIEIiIT -Dept: PLANNING Division:KATITY AcIion: APPR N,/A FIRE DEPARTI,IEI.IT Dept: FIRE Division;KATIIY ACTiON: APPR N/A PI]BLIC WORKS KATITY Action: NOTE KATHY Action: APPR ENVI RONMEI\ITAI-, HEALTH Deot: PIJB WORK Division:Lebnard Der Kathv .DepT: HEALTH Di-vi-sion: Division:Dept: CLERK Routed to Approved KATI{Y AcI,ion: APPR N/A LIOUOR KATffY AcLion: APPR N,/A See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions thaL may apply t.o t,his permit DECLARATIONS I h€r.by acknoxledgc Eha! I hawe rcad ghi6 .pplication, fillrd outs in full th€ i.nfornation requilcd, coEplcted an acclrrat€ plot. pl.n, and sgNCe !hat. all tho infomation Provid6d as lequired j.s correct. I aEree co conply yieh the inforhacion and plot lrlan,to conpLy r'ith aIl Tovn ordinances and stat€ lars, and fo build thj.s struceure according to the 'forn,s zoning and subdiwision cod6., desi-gl| rcviec approved, onifon Buildi.ng cod€ and otshG! ordinancca of the Toen appli.cablc thereho. S.nd Cl..n-Up Dcpolig To: OlryoEonc ***!t**************************************************************************** REet Esrs "o* ,r"""airo"" ,HALL BE *" ,lr-"o* HorrRs rN ADVAN.E By TELE'H'NE AT Permit, #: D99-0024 EONDITTONS as of 06/2L/99 Permit, I)pe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applicanr : GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 970 827-523A ******************************************************************************** ilob Address: Location: 4839 Meadow Dr Parcel No: 2101-131-02-008 Descript,ion: Demo of interior partsition walls only Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTI{ETiIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIiIY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE R-EQUTRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.3. Demo permit is for intserior partition walls only. No structural or ext,erior wall surfaces will be disturbed pending DRB approval . St,acus: ISST]ED Applied: 06/L8/L999 Issued: 06/2]-/L999 To Expire I L2/L8/L999 |rottttrrtttiii mna O! Vllt ' /I U a!atttattrttt.t+ttal|l**atttttaJtaiJtaatltra''attta, col€Rllto gtrsadrE at Eaurrt lftroba!.r Rlc-oE33 &ounB: F.l|! nt fcthod3 Cl< Not bLon! 10207 279,75 06121199 Lc r"2 Inlt: iltr P.llir !|ot D9r-oo2a tYP!! l-DAtO Prrcal tro! 2101-13:.-02 -OOg gltr trddrc.. ! a83, IEIOO|f m LocttLonr ae39 tl.adoy Dr D O. OF PlRr/r&t, Ert Itia 9ryurnt logsl Faar r z'r9-75 ?oc.l t'l! lracr r 8altnc.: 279.75 279.75 ,o0 ttttirttllalrl!arttitttrtrrt!rtirltrrarritrt rf r'fi arl'f rrr'tarttrrt lccounc Cod.DGrcrLpt lon l? 00100003t,11100 trEIrDDfc Dlnt|rT FEEa DR, 00r.00003112200 Dlsxof RtlrIBr' slla Pl 00100003112300 PtNa cHBcx rElg .lrcunt 96.00 20. oo 61,75 100.00 3.00 .lD D2-DEtoa C&All 'D DEPOSISS ||e ooroooo3tlrroo |flx'I. clllt ll|Splc[Ictf FBE :oncacC Eaglc CounCY Ass esso rs cc 970-328-8640 for !a-r-cd /.Offlce TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON \RCEL '( 328-8640 for Parce.l z 2 ).61 l7l ezda0 f, l-Buirding [ ]-PLunbing t ^ APPLICATIoN MUST BE FILLE-D oUT coMPtETELY oR IT llAY NoT BE AccEpTED I r* * )t * * * * * * *)t** tttr * ** rk** * * tr ** ** * rob Name: vAL!€Au eettDe$cE Legal Description: I,ot /1 Block -={- ritins suaowrsrox, Be@^/ ifrMihl Jwners Name:W Address,ot t,""*r0"" * o*,f ultK.@zzZZgZ+ \rchitect: "t?€? /AW\T€eW€ L'TT: Address :W55bO A\bzt co Stbzo p:n.949-7o74 PzJqq - bt80 PEP.\IIT /] PERHIT APPLICATION FORH oxraz lL,u€Jq /l/7 Dq - ooa.J- PERMIT fNFORHATfON )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,l I -Electrical [ ] -]techani'ca1 [X] -other DFt"tO leneraL DescriPtion: lork class: [ ]-New I lumber of Dwelling Un I -Alteration I its: 'lumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances t -' t * * * * * * 't * * * 't * * 't tl :k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS ) leneral contractor' CleAY- 4o \ddress: ilectrical Contractor: ,ddress: l-Additional I J-Repair tX]-otherDE!?q Number of Accommodation Units: O Gas Logs_ Wood/PeI)-et ******************************x** techanicaL Contractor: \ddress: *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No. Itll-R Phone Nunber: pz-523 1 Town of VaiI Reg, No. Phone Nunber: Tor.rn of VaiI Phone Number: .t.OWn Or Va It Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. @?)e*e-- TOTAL: { Reg. NO. rrtrt* rr rt:trt * :t***** * * * * ** tr ** * ** ** ** *FOR OFFICE USE tI* * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * *'l rt't )t * * *,t * * * * )Iumbing iddress: onments: Contractor: }UTLDING PERMIT FEE; )LUHBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRICAIJ FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )DN FtrF. BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP VALUATION , CI FAN np DFpnsTr RFFTTNT To: QrOqsiocte- o TO: FROI'I: DATE: SUBJECT: 75 south Iron lage road va il, colorado 91657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 o fllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI,TN OF VAIL TotrN oF vArL puBLIc woRKs/coFtruNlTy DE\rELOpl.rENT IIARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to rirrer, track or deposir ;;t-=;iri"ri.r, sand, debris or material, inclucling tru=n-f,u.psrers, portabre toilets and workrnen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or anv r:ortion ttt"i.""il--rn. righrt-oi-;;i-"n arr Toqrn of Vail streetl ina.roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wifr te ;t.i:Ii;^enforced by the Town of VaiI Public works Deoartment. --p".=lns found 'ihuling this ordinance wirr be siven a 24 hour r.iti-.,"r,otice-to*;;;;;; said mareriar_.fn the event the person so notified.g?.= not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time ipecified, the public Works Departmont wirl remove said mare;i;i-;i*ih;":*;:;=e or person notified' The provision=-.r-iti= ordrnance sharl not be appricable to cbnstruction, r.int"nunge or repair projects of any street or alley o. .r,y'.rliii.r."" rn the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fuLl, please stop by the Town of :::i.::t1:i'3,";f;i:'X*"::""iili" a copv. riranl vou ror your ii:i Read and acknowledged f#y"€ /E /r27 (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 routh lronlage road Yrll, colofado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 of f lco of .orrunity devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE ll_i!i: t:rgrjt.5gqulres a Tovrn of Vail fire Department Approval ,:lg:l:ui:t,,llllli: Horks ) reyiew and approvat,' a planni ni'oepartnent revlew or.Hea.t th Department review, and a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estinated time for a tota'l review-iray iuie'u, i6ng as three weeks. ll]_.gTr:iSia1 (.large or sma'lt) and ail mu'tti-famity perrnits wi.l.l nave ro roilow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residential and.sma'l 1 projects shou'l d take a'l esser amounti of time. However, if residential or snraller projects impact the various auove mentionia 9S?l.lT:!,1, r,ri.th resard to necessary review, th";; i;;j;r'ti nruy also take the three week period Every_attempt vrill be made by this departnrent to expedite this per-mit.as. s.qon as possible. I' th. undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. V. V4ttfuu z&re@.e t-- ProJect Name tu<rE U,I Date l.lork Shee was Cornmuni ty Devel opment Departrnept. TO: FFOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale: JoztF /,9, /4 Please answer the fdllowing -questionnaire regarding the need lor a "Public Way YES Permit": NO x ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easements or public propeqty? 3) ls any utility rvork needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls dillerent access needed lo site other than exisling dnveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? B) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public properly to be used for staging, . parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? . lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may bs obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. vll,t&Lt 49//)e/c5 Date 1) 2) Y >{ v Y v x Y Job Name tracl 's Signature O tocr{id 5eo'ooRnmcni zAt la DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPME}IT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLT]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0133 Job Address: 4839 MEADOW DR Locat.ion...: 4839 Meadow Dr Parcel No. . : 2101-t_31-02-008 Project No. : PRJ99-0180 CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, INC P.O. BOX 1l-65, AVON, eO 81620 CONCEPT MEC}ANICAL 189-P VALLEAU ROBERT T & K.A.THRYN C TOhIN OF VATL 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81-657 97 0 -479 -2L38 CO}TTRACTOR APPLICANT OI,INER Description: St.atus. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. ISST]ED 1-0 /20 /a9e9 L0 /2L/1,9e9 os /1,s /2000 Phone z 970-949-O200 Plumbing for remodel,/replace bat.h Valuation:10,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-----> Plan check Inve€t igation> wi.11 call----> Reetuarant Plan Review- - > TOTAL FEES-----. Total Calculated Fees -> Addieional Fees- -------> TotaL Per_nit. Fee- - -- Pat1nents 150-00 - 00 3 .00 .00 190.50 190-50 .00 190.50 190.50 .___.._"":iH::.?yi;.;:;;;;";;:;;."".....__...::_"_ IICM: ,05]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMEMT DEPT: BUILDING DiWiSiON:LO/20/L999 KATHY Action: AppR Approved per'KW ITCM: ,05600 FIRE DEPARTT,IEM| 'DEPI,: FIRE DiWiSiON:LO/20/!999 KATIIY AcEion: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEEK FOR EODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno{lcdge that I havc read t.his application, fiLled out in full the information regui.red, coftpl.eted an accutate pIot. plan, and 6tsate thal all thc infolmation plovided ae requitcd is cofrect. I agree to comply lvith Ehe infof,nation and plob plan, to comply ritb alL Town ordinanceB and slaLe laes, and Eo build this eCructure accolding tso t'he To\"rn, B zoning and subdiviEion code6, design revi€!, approved, ljniform BuiLding Code and other ordinancee of Lhe Tor'n applicabfe lhereEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPE(rIONS SIIALL BE MADE TWEIfTY - FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPHONE AT 4?9-2L38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM e:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER :l.tr.r1l.';t:rJj( ...T lt v.,c. : t-i" ll .i o61661t999 26-.23 976-949-s743 ERIC DO.IIERO PAtr 6L P.o' Bo(5?t1 vdco. Et65E PPJqq- orEo tsqq- ol88 Pqq'ot33 EGtiii l!E FEB 1 0 2000 TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2138 APPIJICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER JOb AddrESS: 4839 MEADOW DR I-.,ocation...: 4839 Meadow Dr Parcel No. . : 21-01-131-02-008 Project No. : PR,J99-0180 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TrMES PI,TJMBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0133 SEaEus.. AppIied. Issued-. E>rpires. ISSI'ED r0 /20 /L999 LO /21"/t999 04/tB /2ooo ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT SERVICE PO BOX 5761, VAIL CO 81658 ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT SERVICE PO BOX 5761, VArL CO 816s8 VALLEAU ROBERT T & KATHRYN C 51 SILVER LAKE DR, SUMMIT N.J Phone z 970-524-0743 Phone z 970-524-0743 Description: Plumbing for remodel,/replace 07901 bath Valuation:L0,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Plunbing- - --' PLan check- - - > Inwe6tigatsion> wi.11 ea1l----> R66cuarani PIan Revierr- - > TOTAL FEES ---... TotsaI Calculahed Fee6- _ - > Additional Fces -------> ToLal PcrtniL Fee--------> Pa)4[enta----"--- BAIANCE DUE 150 .00 37.50 .00 1.OO . oo 190.50 190.50 .oo 190.50 l90. so . o0 Item: 05100 Lo /20 /1,999 Item: 05600 1-0/20/1999 BUILDING DEPARTT{ENT KATI{Y Act.ion: APPR .Approved FIRE DEPARTMENT KATHY AcIion: APPR N,/A Dept:per- KW - Depts: BUILDING Division: FIRE Diwision: CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECI,ARA'TIONS I h€reby acknot ledge thac I have read thi6 appl.icarion, fllled out in fu1l Ehe infor:mation required, codpleled an plan, and Ecatc t-ha! all the infornation provided ae required i.9 :onrec!. I agree t.o conrply lriEh the informaLion acculatc PLoc and plot plan. subdiviBion to comp].y !'ith all, To\rn or:dinancee and staLe laws, and ro build Lhi€ slrucLure according Eo che To!'n's zoning and codeB, de6i.9n rewie* approwed, unr.form tsuilding cod6 and oLher ordinances of the.Town appl REQUESTS FOR INS'ECTTONS SHALL BE MADE ''!iENrY FOUR iIOURS iN ADVANC' U" 'U"rrn*r !' nrrr/U 2^,. /;AT OUR oFFICE FROM s:00 AM s:00 S TGNATT]RE CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOlf oF llllt r @IloRfDO gt t.ErE attAOl,*at,rttalrritt'rallttftttrttlaa+*art*r*ttl**rritiAll*lrtillaattat gtrgrmt lunbarr REC-057' l[ounl:190.E0 10/21lt9 10r56 Pat/rrnt llstlFdr C[ Sot.tion 3 2969/RICa DRrllf Inlti .tf, PGr lt !o! P99-0133 :tYp. t B-PLUB PUTIIBIUC g8Rl|l:r Prrc.l Lo: 2XS1-131-O?-0O! SLE! ldd!sa!: as3t tGlDO|| In Locltion: al39 rardo, Dr Eogll !r.!: 190,50 ToEil lIiL Dqta:Ttrle Pryr.bt itdi:gunE COdt BaIaDce: .00 , j,tralr arartrrttrta!rrr|rirrlt'riaratarrr|rrll'trtiir***atttlrirrrr*trrrt D.rcllplion 190 .50 190.50 lEount :,30.00 37.50 3,00 PD OO1OOOO3I1I:OO DI.T'IBIXC PEBIrIE FEAg tl 00100003112300 PlAr{ e8!€r regg llc 00100003112800 mlJtr cll! ufs9EclloN tEl PE qq -ol8o rowN o, uo,CoNSrRUcroN pERr,rr a#[lcAroN ,o#q - ot 8l INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contad the Eaglp Cottw Assessgrs Ofl^rce 9816g e74328-8640 for Parcet# Parcel i Date: to -tt'1 ot Permit #Dql -ooal nal,ane: Ltql leau REt soa raar"rr, ffi (heodout > o,u e Mechanicat( )413q otherl .;Building ( ) Lcgal Dcscription: Owners Name: Plurnbing pJ Lot Block Ua,llOqt) Electrical ( ) Filing__ Subdivision Ig?q Yvteado,J W, Phone# Descriptron orlou:- Rer"rooe-t 4 Cha,,.l t nzr, f, y r,.-r rc ( Work Class: New ( ) Alteration (j Additional (X)Repair ( \4)Other ( ) Number of Drvelling Units:Numbcr of Accornmodation Units: Number and Typc of Fireplaccs:Gas Appliances Cas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ Architcct: BUILDING: PLUMBING $ l0 ,ooo -MECHANICAL S OTF{ER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Torvn of Vail Resisuation No. Address: Phone # th tnTurzn g?1 S83 I Electrical Contractor: Torvn of Vait Registrarion No ___ __Tqq-O#pphonc #_ Pfumbins Contractor: 6Qtc\ \ oHa C'Hco.:T Addrcss: Town of Varl Rcc.istration No. ^51 -P Phone # Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Resislration No. ?.O Slel Ua,ct eo 39e ' ?5)> - {z v-ol% Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE Date Received ocT 2 0 899 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ' -t .1r", ,., { ic TOF1VOF vqil colalado 81657 ,970-479-2120 FAt(.97U479'2i157 PAGE , 6 AREAI CD REPTI3I TOril 0F VArL, C0L0RAD0 L2/23/1999 67150 BE0UESTS - IIISPECTII IORI( SIIEETS F0Rtl2/23l1999 'EEE===a!aat-!tt!tr!ta==!!==Egg!E-a3!Eatat=-t!!ta=t!!3-t=-3gE!!ttatta!=-a!!E=i=st!!BE3 Aottvtty: ll9!l-0155 l2l23ll9 Typer B-IECH Statuer ISSUED Congtr: ASFR Addresg: 4839 llEAD0I DR Locqtlon: 4839 llEAD0I DB Parcell 2101-131-02-OOB Deacrlptl.ont UIIDER FL00R BADIAIIT HEAT ' Appllcant: R t H IiECHAIIICAL LLC Ornerr VALLEAU R0BSRT T t KATHRYII C 'rContrsdtorr R & H UECHAIIICAL LLC Inepectlon Begueat Inf,ounatlon... . . Beguectorr DAVE HATHA|AY Beq Tlne: 0lr0g Connentel Itere requacted to be fnapeeted... Actlon Connente Ttre Exp Occ:UEe r Phoner 303-543-9894 Phone: Phoner 303-543-9894 Phoner 827-323L Inapectlon ftent Iter: Iter l Iten: Iten t Iten l Hletory.. .. . OO20O IIECH-Bough 00240 PLIIB-GIa Plptng O03lO fECII-Heatlng OOilzO ilE0H-Exlrauet Hoode Oe330 llE0tl-9upply Alr 00340 IECH-[lgc. lll12/99 Inepectorl 6FG f,otesr LISTED GAS FIREPLACE EXTEIIDIII6 FROII UPPER LEAST 2' CLEARAIICE TO @390 IIECH-F1naI Actionr APPR GtS FIREPLACE FLUE... IIITH CLASS IAt SOLID FUEL FLUE LEVEL OIILY THROUEII ROOF. HAD AT COIBUSTIBLES AS PER LI5TIN6. t i..t. :i l l a.Itel: ;r r *'B a ,rtlil FEIflTTAIIOECOFT 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2120 FAX970479-2157 REPT131 TOIITI OF VAIL, COLORADO PAGE 5 AREAI CD 12/23/1999 07:50 REBUESTS - IIISPECTII I,ORK SHEETS FORz12/23/L999 =::-:==::==:-=::=:,=!==::======:==t:==:====:3=::==:=====:=====::=====:=======:==E Activlty: P99-0133 12/23/Lg Type; B-PL!'!B Status: ISSUED Conetr: ASFR Addreee: 4839 I|EAD0I DR Location: 4839 lleadov Dr ParceL: ?LOL-L3L-O2-AOa Deecrlptlon: Plumbing for renodel /replace Appllcantr ERIC'S DRAIT{ & HEAT SERVICE Ovner: VALLEAU ROBERT T & KATHRYN C Contractor: ERIC'S DRAIII & HEAT SERVICE Finance Department Occ: bath fixturee Uae ; Phone: 970-524-0743 Phone r Phone: 970-524-4743 Inspection Requeat Requeetorr DAVE Req Tirne: 0l : OO Itene requested to 00290 PLIIB-Final Inforrnation,, HATHAUAY Commenta : be Inspected. Hietory. .... 00210 PLI'IB-Underground OO22A PLnB-Rough/D. f. V. IL / 17 / 99 Inspector : JRI'I llotee: CARE TAKER UNIT 00230 PLIIB-Rough/llater lL/ L7 /99 Inepector: JRI'I lloteer CARE TAKER ONLY OO24g PLnB-Gae Piplng Ll/t7 /99 Inepectori JRll 00250 PLIIB-Pool/Hot Tub 00260 PLl'lB-iliec. 00290 PL|IB-FtnaI Action: PA OIILY UI{DER PRESSURE lp Action: PA Phone: 427-5231 PARTIAL APPROVED PARTIAL APPROVED Time Exp I nepect i on Itern: Item: Iten: Item: Item: Iten: I tern : Actionr APPR APPR 15 t AIR TEST Co nnents REMITTANCE.CPPY PEPTl-31 Run Id: 264 12-11-2400 Inspection Requq+t Page 14 Requosted lnspect Date: Itonday, December tl, 2000 ' Sita Addtrr", 4939;fiEADO-if DR VAIL ,i/PiD lnformatlon Actrvrf'/' M0Go131 Tvre: &MECH Sub Tvge: A$FR Sratus iSSLjFLl Corrst Typ! Occupaiicy: 0se. lnsp Areu. Gancr: VALLEAU ROEERT T e f.nTHRYl.l C Contraftor": MOT,INTAIN HIGH pLIJMBING Phone: 970'.949-4500 ADDlicant: MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING Phone: 970-949-4500 Descriptiorr: install snowmelt on driveway Commem: 1ur2lnu rcaed to uharlie tb proccss or routc accordingly. lc - LCAMPBELL Ff cor ractcd Incn...tl.rnrcl Item: 390 MECH.Flnal Requesled Tlme: 08:00 Aftl Rcquestor: Bruce/Grayslone Conslruction Phone: !r0+'i J3U Assisluri TL': COAVIS / \ Eltered By: KVnARREl.l2 K -Achon: TimeEp:r--J-l l\ nnn \'//n / I -hi I /h( O" '" r./ lnspectton tllstorv [-,- \t- \/t-I \\ \Itah lnn llE/^lJ D^,,^tr I /n^li^^all Item 310 MECH-Heafino iOirtionaii s ADoroved "- -iiltizido Ynsoector: CUAV|S-' -'' '-Action: APAPPRovED Comm€T s: SNOWMELT TUBING FOR ORIVEWAYANDWALK WiiiSBO TTJBING TESTETJ A'T g4#AIFTEST nE{| lvlAll{r> |Er>| EIJAl rCtttAll'( | Eitl Oel,rlEllrEn OlnTl ll)trC / OA\rEc)C lllcTAl I En O9lr\O Tr.l lllqDC,"Tl^nlr ADbC/|OC Tn COMPLY WITH THE MANI.IFACTIJRER R EOUIREFT ENT.S PE'D.F1 ?1 Run 264 12-11-20A4 Requested Inspect Date:' hrsperjiiorr Area; 9lte ,Qddress: AIPID hformatlon Activitv: M9M135 TYPg. &MECH Const T.,pe Occupancy: ADnli4anl R& H MECHANIC.AL LLC 'bvmer: VALLEAU RoBERT T & KATHRYN C Contrastor. R& HMECHANICALLLC Dcscnption: UNDER FLOOR RADIANT HEAT Reouested lnsoectlen(sl Sgnday, December 11 , 2000 4g3C MEAOCI'\' DR VAIL 4839 ilEADOW DR Sub Tgrre: ASFR Phone: 30154!9894 Phone: 30354$9894 Requested_Tlme: Pnone' Errtered By: olutu!. Insp fuea: I'JOUEIJ CB 08:00 AM !,0+1:r3rl hrroectiolr Historv Item: 200 MECH-Ro'rsh 02A0nA Comments: O'//1BNQ Comri|€rts. 0223/1)0 Comments: 02nvao (.;omments' ln90eclot: PARTIAL ' Approved " Action::PA TIONS DONE. OO PSI GRG Action: I.IR NOT READY FOR INSPECTION Inspector: GRG NUi 'iEADY A ' NOON l-laa'.. Item: Itcm: Item: Item: 390 tSECH-Flnal Rcouestor: Bruce/Grayston€ Construction Assiori;rl To: CDAVIS -- A..i^^. Time rtam comt)'?-'n:[l: 6iF6'r onF- P€P?131 Run ldz 264 12-11-20A0 lnsoection Reouest Reoortino Paqe'18 -:L3.ct_ar'_ ' Vail Co'- Cifyr Of - Requested lnspect Oate: onday, December 11, 2000 ' llrspediioll Arsa; CD Slte Address: 4839 IUEAOOW DR VAIL 4839 Headow Dr lVPtPldornoatls! Act;vity: P9+0133 Tvpe. SPLillB SUL Type. ASFR Status. I$SUED Const T',rcc Occucahcv. Use: Incp Lrea: CD Contrai{nr: CONCEPT MECHANICA.L. INC - Phone: 97CL94$0?00 Owner: VALLEAU ROBERT T & KATHRYN C Applicant: CONCEPT MECHAI.IICAL Descng on: Ptumbino tor remodei/reDtace D6th fi)dures COiiJIIVIIt, RECD LETTER FROTVI ER|CS ORAII{ & HEAT TO BE REMOVED AS THE PLUMBII.IG COI{TRACTOR OF oEt\,/'\on ocAcclrfttEn Tat ^arltr.EoT rttrl.u l/ATuv Reouested Insoectlonlil Itern: 290 FLhIB-Fhral Requcsled Tirrre; 08:00 Ad Reauestor: gruce/Gru'Jttgnc Constructioq Phone 904 1330 Assirlned To: CDAL/l,S - Entr.r€d Bri.- l{ /ARREN2 K."-''-'ACtrbii Trme ExD: a A /"""''G;=F,--;:]i;- ----7---_f- tt | | | 11i17&g irrsr,eclor: JRM Actiol. pA PARTIAL APFROVAi- ^^hnanl. DAOTtAr AOE}O^\/En 11l17qq Insoecto| JRM Action: C.O CERTIFICA.TE OF OCCI-IPANICY CommEnts: ADDTL COMMS - CARE TAKER UNIT ONLY U}.IOER PRESSURE I Comments: AODTL COMMS - CARE TAKER UNIT ONLY U}.IOER PRESSURE | 03/07/00 lnsDoctor. ART Action: APPR APPROVED I L;ommonts Aobroveo Pt-Mti-R/DWV ----ffir€-reirwsrer - --lwmiiErt ---Eprs?y€i t1l17€! In:ooctor: JRl,4' Action, PAP^RTIAL^PPRCVAL Comm€nts: PARTIAL APPROVED ltemcommonts: fb-rehuofrlV- -n 7; \ "-reif=- ApppryW V Item. 210 PLM&UnderdrounL \ (ootional) itdm. 22u PLMU-.Rlugriu w.V ,_ ,_.(.Optiondt) " Approyi.q '.^ Comm€nts: PARTIAL APPROVED 11l17Bg Inspector: JRM Action: cO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Comments: ADDTL COMMS - CARE TAKER ONLY wioll0o lnsD€ctor: Af( t Action: APPR APFROVEU Cotirttretts Appr Frcss Tv:t 59#Itefi; 240 PL|,49 Ga: Pioiic (Cctronal) - ADoioved *' 11n7ng Inslector. .JRNI Action: APPR A.PPROVED COMMCNTS: APPR 15 # AIR TEST 03n7 N0 lnsDector: ART Commoms: Appr Pres Trsr 15#/15min PLiyi&Puul,lHst Tub (Optiorierl) PLt'19 hiirc. (Oetional)Pl-M&Final (Fequired) 12D3199 Inspector: ' C0 Comments: for'ehu only Itrni. 250 It4m: 290 Aciion. APPR APPROVEO Action: PA PARTIAI APPROVAL I t l.\ REPT131 Run Id: 264 -1 [equqgt A/P/B lnformatlon Rcquest€d Inspect Dat€:' ltrsoedliqr Area:glte Address: l ondatf, Dec.mbar 11, 2000 CD 4839 f$EAOOW OR VAIL 1$9 ilEADOW DR Sub Type: ASFR Uce: V N Phone: 9?082?-5231 Phone: 970 827-5231 Activitv: 89$0188 Const Trni:Annliiint: GRAY-ST('D'\,vner: VALLEAU Contractor: GRAY-ST( De$cno$on: INTERiOR $atui: ISSUED ln-- Araa l^h I trt, t resr vv Fc.|r r.staal lncrta.li.r.rrcl Item: g0 BLDO-Flnal R€que$or: Bnico/Greestone Corrnrll'dg:9O4-1330 Assisned To: CDiVIS - Action: fime fremr 531 PLAI|-F||{AL CrO ReouEliof . Brucg/G ayilone Conslrirc{ion Codmerfs: 904'1330 - Asrlen?d To: CDAVI.S - Action: Ttme lnspecllon Hlctorv Itcm: 10 BLDcFootlnoslsteel (ODtional) 0E/11rgg lnssector: CD' Actlon: APCRAPPROVEDICORRECTIONREAD Commonts: APPROVEDTCORRECTION REOD 'H oz .o o: H o2 .o i ^z fe tv tiH Avl 20 trFt OA t ts U tr (,) E 6 I ll) o I'I H oo (,El 6 tit E rl o ft m o :d F]li (J () k oEi z2 EO EIE FI E. FFI zz EO HE Fl az dp 'o tsE o FFI HZ otD oo A= i4 rl 2 o !tu zg tEl t/l .lo UU vt D o k D H z IT I z> dd o orll e Fro t dc o Proaircoo Inc. P.O. Bor i 79 WHE^' RrDo6. CO 60034'0'79 (303) 206-1209 AIiAIYSIS: Analysls ras perfomcd by polarlzed ltght microscope as per EPA : neth-ods I{ACS Labs In Santa Clara' cA. RTSULTS OF AITALYSIS: See enclosed anrlYsls report. Jahn, B. Taylor, Envtfonnonta'l Chemlst colo. cert lto. 453-70-7583 ACf4 fOCATIOI{5: The tan sheet vinyl (orlglnal sheeting under the nerer-speckeded ..rnrter6l) is very-posittie for asbestos. Thls materlal ls under tne kftchen iloor, the'Iaundry closet floor, and the hot water heater closet f'lobr. I The mq,terial dld not appear to be under the other vlnyl $heeted areas' , honevei, a total cutttirf up of the newer material T{s not-performed so a check-should be made of ill areas *here sheet vlnyl is fn use' : $ubmitted By; 2. I JUH-16-99 Ot t l.l All Numbsr: 05512 Orlve f Srnipls Number f Arbntor ? llAOtt Lab, Ino. 3gl?f J[?["{''3lH8o.,6o, (40il 727.9727 Eulk Asbcrtor Analyrtr Rspqrt ptM Ptrrcn lo conladi Mr. John Ttyhr contasphonr: 30S_45E-0P60 FAX phoner SOg.15E-0e64 Juno 15, 1e00 d:roi48 Cone$ondlng Inrlglcr numbe r: Iltl6 *.._(_ o P. Ot lsb0rslory Ffbec prc$nt Job teb$r L.7l11i.l 't O{f .whllc homoe$aouf llnotrum. Brlrrrc ?7o Fibergfaee ot mmpld ls po,ymgrand unapeclfled non.fhrous milerlat. 17o $ynthetlc Sheet vlnyl j t. 6heel vlnyll : : texlure coqt 177415.6 Tcxture coil i ' 10olo Oellulore 1 1% Crllul0Se Hemail<a lrrple 16 polynrsr and unlpeclflerl non.flbroug msttrfaf. 8tmpl9 lr polynrer and untpoctfled non"tlbrou! mAlorlal, non-flbrouc rnilodal, N.D,.Ncno Drtraad p0.polnl Countcd 177415-3 I +Ocp+ she€t vhyr. 27e Flberglass :l:lmple ls polymtrano unspocltled i : av, syntileiiq- non'flbrous rnsrorlsl' L} Bdsnoo ot mrple lr unsp€ciltod n0n-flbroun mrl0rl8l, whlle homogoncour folnt corhpoutld. Befeloe ots8|rpls ls unspocf,,od i*.}IhTrg$ffi tf,srd'?ff tffi '' f F ot fry. $anq f t Uic U.S. OorLfttD.nt nry b. nol tolltua lef ttlrrlt ol t|| q olhat mir/lirh )||b| rr apFor, t"t \I Envlrdnmental. Chemletry Ino, PO Box 179 Whealridge ; CO 90034 P.go I ilAC9,Lab, Inc,o 2070A Walsh Avenue Sanra Clhra, QA 86050-eg4e .. r, :, l40g'1727-9727 ,' ,r,* aroito, Anatyrtr Rrport Remafie Whlto homoeeneouc phelor. Bg161106 of nrnpl0 16 uncpromec non-tl0ou8 rlrEt€rl!|. Balanco ol Nimplg ls Urrtpgcnod mn-flbroug mflorlsl. LrbSamplo Nuilrbot, L7?115.1 Otywall , Texluro goal i m":?,$yjlb.' lj!,!;Lln Frb.il proe.nr 7 1r. ?7o Flborglaes L7?115-8 4S{9-A N.D. 17o Oelluloge ufhne honreoneoue Flnt compound. 1774r$-9 Tsxtufe ceat L77415-ll Sheot vlnyl v741n.12 OrFvt'l mud Tsxturogoat i Tcrture coal : Whlto honEgtnffu! ,ofnl oompound,galfico qt 3rfipfa b umpgdflod non-lbrou8 malor,ol. I L77{t6-10 ,0899-t0 Yar 2E% Ohryfolll9' lmwn lrcmogrnrou. llnoloum. Batancc ol i, sheer vlnyl , 10% collulose 11Tfl0 lB poryrn€r rnd unspeclflod non.llbroue mrlerlrl. Otl.whlle homogsneoue lholoum, Balanco ot $mple It polymor |nd unspoollled non-tbroer m8lrrlal.2% Rborgtoss 17o $ynthetlc Whlle homgcnoour foht oompound, 8Nlsrco of Earplc Ir unspeclileg non-llbrouB rn$erhf. Drpvo$ mudl i ayo Flberglag$ rtnple ls unrp€clfhd mn.tlbrous matorlal. +n-iirs.ra ; Btllnco ot ttr?|e lg ungpocltlsd Drywallqud , *n.flbrous matorlst. , i ,,{- , , -. -lzzltf-rS +ad,g-rE Bilsnco of sanple te unrpecilhd mn.llbrous mslsrlcl, -F--atrr!.r tt idnroo of rlrplc ls un8pgdtled mn.llu{ous rn3trrhl, l|ACg Lob, Inc. t0t0A Waleh Avonue Bulfr A Anrlyclr o rbertor santa olara, 0A 96050-2542 l4o8t 727.9727 L$ Sampl'J cliont gtmplo Numbsr Nurnber ind DoB0rhilgn 17t415-'t7 orylflsil rud Ltt4rS.t8 9tuol vhyl Whlli homogrneouS lolnl c\)npourld. B8lanoe ol sarTplo b un8pocillod mn{lbouD rnglerlal, 0f ramplg Ir polymcr and un$poolfl0d non-lluorrs nulerlal. Beport Flbrlc prcrcnl Fomafto 1% Oft.whllc hornogenrcuf flnoleum, 2% Fiberglass 1% Synthetic '' L7Z4IS-.|0 48dg-lg N,D. t % CellUlOee Wh[o homogcncou! lolnt oompouhd Trxturc coat r Etlanog 0t lgrple lB untpoclllod n0n.llbr0uf mil0flat. 2%Fiberglem Whltr homog6n0our plador. Belanco ol |.rple lc unspocfioo non-llbrau8 fintsrtat, L77416-21 Fooling folr 2% Synthetlc Elsck hornogoneour roollng, Balenco ol oenpl€ ls orgtnlc bhderc and unspocillso non-fibrouB maloflaf. End of ropod. 'chrytotilc. Amoilc,orocldolhe, Tfcmori||. Aotlnolltr, rnd Anrhophyllltr ur ubillor thon.N,D,'l{cnl Oetoctrd PC .Polnt fu untrd x) nx N\f[A$ Prgr3 i b. Xfvdtt tnry t o' oth.r mrrriitr Proairco, Inc. F.O. Bor 1?9 wHr^Y RiooE, cO 60034-0179 (303) 206-1209 June 16' 1999 l{r. Russell thrasher Grayi$tone P.0. Box 7al Mlnturn, Colorado 81645 I RE: Examlnatlon of a house for vlslble/accessable asbestos containlng materlals. L0CAII0I{: 4839 l.leadow 0r.. Vrl'l' Colorado SURVTY:Per request by ltlr. Thrasher, on 6-14-99 sclentlst ,lohn Taylor perfonted a lllrit'erl lnsfection of tha center house for materla]s whlch could be impacted duriirg an upconing renovatlon. The fol'lowing samples were taken: Flrst Floor; l. Speckeled sheet vlnyl (top layer), lnslde laundry closet. 2. Tin sheet vtnyl (bottonr'layer)' inslde hundry-closet.3. speckeled street ilnyl (top layer), kltchen' reftg. openlng.4. Tan sheet vlnyl (bottom layer), kltchen, reflg' opentng.5. lfall texture coat (paint layer)' laundry closet.6. llall texture coat it{htte poxder texture layer)' laundry closet.7, 0rywall, laundry closet at drain plpe.8. lail texture coat' front entrance area, under dirmer stitch. 9. tlall texture coat, hallway, E. side betwe€n closets. 10. Tan sheet vlnyl' hot water heater closet.ll. Speckeled shebt vinyl, halt bathroom, rt shower sta'l |. 12. Drywall nud, bsdroom, I. side. 13. Orywall, bedroom closet. 14. Drytall rnud, ltvlng room wal'l' near slde wood deck. 15. fail texture coat, bedrocn bathroom' near tlall heater. $econd Floor: 16. Iall texturs coat, S. bedroom, closet trall.I/. oryxal'l mud, 5. bedroom, closet wal'1, 18. Specke'led sheet vinyl , bathroom, near d00r. 19. f,a1l texture coat, l{. bedroomr dup'lex box below windows. 20. 0rywall, t{. bedroom' <luplex box below rlndorts. fxterlor of llouse: Zl. Roofing tar paper, small shed under front porch. l. Printed by .Ioan Nolen J3/00 10:24arn O From: loan No'l en To! - FINAL INSPECTTON Group :gi::::_1!*-tf Tfll9l______________ ===NOTEE===-==========t/03rr : 0=X0 : 24am==. For Tuesday, L/4/0O morning 899-0188 4E39 Meadow Dr, Gray-Stone Const ructi on/cont ractor Val'l eaulovne r Interior & exterior remode'l charlie denied the first inspection on L2/23/Sg because of the EHU. Txrw- o/sa Page: l- REPT131 TOHIi OF VAIL, COLORADO O3/IS/2OO0 O8rOl REOUESTS - IIiSPECTN nORt( SHEETS FtlR: 3/l3l20 PA6E 2 AREA: CD Actlv{ty: 899-O!AA 3/L3l2g Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED Conetr: ASFR Addreee: 4439 }|EADOU DR Locatlon: 4839 IIEADOU DR Parcel : 2J.O1-131-O2-OOB DeeerLption: IIITERfOR AllD EXTERIOR REI|ODEL Applleant: GRAY-STOIE COIISTRUCTIOL Ovner: VALLEAU ROBERT T & KATllRyll C Contractor : tiRAY-STOllE COIISTRUCTIOII Occ: Phone: Phone: Phone: Uee: V ll 970 A27-523L 970 8'27-523I fnepection Requeat Requeetor: Dave Req Tlne: OBzOtD Infornation. .. at lirayetone Phone: 476-6L27 Inepected... Actio ALft tilsu+ r949-8862 Items requested o,o,o30| BLDG-Fra Inapectlon ften: _____hr___r___L_____Hletory..... VUOwt OOOLO BLDG-FootingA/Steel Uut APPROYED Tlne Exp gAlllf99 Inapectorl CD CTIOII REOD lloteg: REIIOVE ALL SATURATED IAI.S FROTI FORXS PRIOR TO COTICRETE PLACEIIEIIT ftemr OO02O BlD6-Foundation/Steel 6A/16199 Inepector: JfRll Act1.on: APPR Iteu: Og52O PLAII-ILC SLte Plan Iten: o,o'o30 BLDG-Franing e/,3/07 16g Inspectorl ART Action: APPR Appr except as notedr llotee: APPROVED FRAIIIHG UITH THE EXCEPTTOil OF THE BEARIIIG FOR TH SAilCTUARY ROOF AIID THE BEARII|G gF THE DC'R}IER OF THE BATH BEDROOTI 12. HE}IT OVER PROBLEII UITH KEHHEY. CORRECTIOH APPROVED BY ARCHITECT REAUIRED (STA}iPED PLAIIS) REIIISPECT Item: o,o,o.50 Bl.DG-Insulatl-on Iten: o,o;o,60 BLDG-Sheetrock lleLl Iten: OOOTO Bl.D6-lliec.I.ten: o'A332 PH-TEIiP. ClO lter: OO533 PLAII-TEI{P. CfB Iten: OO53O BLDG-Tenp. Clg 12/23/99 Inepector: CD Actlon: DII for ehu l{oteg: inetell egrcrEs hgrdrare on vindora in bedroonGr, the clear net opening for theee rlndors nuet be a mLnlmum of 24r to comply v1th requl"red ares of 5.7 equare feet rebull-d etalrg to a nln vidt,h of 36r and lnstall- proper handrail.g remove all conetdtrctlon naterrlal fron unlt 6L/O4/AO Inapector: JRll Action: PA APPROVED EHU OttLY llotes: CORRECTIOilS COIIPLETE. OK FOR TCO EHU OXLY Iten: 00g96 BLDG-Flnal Ttvzooo Q t:tz eu Bq?- o rgg 2. I 3.00 Chorlie Dovis Deporlmenf of Communily Developmenl 75 South Frontoge Rood West Voil. CO 81657 Re: Volleou Residence 4839 Meodow Drive Lot l7,Blk. 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition Chorlie Dovis: I wos qsk lo review two froming deficiencies discovered ol froming inspection by Mr, Houglond. First, o point lood in fhe eosl end of lhe librory oreo missed o cross beom in lhe crowl spoce, I Instrucled Groyslone Conslrucllon lo odd (2) 2X10's lo lhe eosl side of the beom to ollow for tronsfer of lood fo the beom. Secondly,loods direcled downword from dormer froming in bolh #2 on the upper level did nol occur direcilyover floor froming members , I osk thol cross blocking ((2) 2Xl0's )be odded fo olign wifh lhe looding for solid froming contoct ond tronsfer of looding to two floor joisf members. Besl Regords; Duone Piper Architect D'.t/1 Statement d.**.t '*'t r*,t't*++*******'l**** *++*****t *'k**'!*'i+***'t+'*'i'k'k****++*+********'I*++:k{.*******'}*!F+,t**{r,1.*'lr* * Statement Number: Palment Method: REc-0509 Amount: $128.00 03/03/2o0oL0:25 AM CHECK rnit: KMII Notation: #2401-/Mntn Top Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Addreee : Location: This Payment: A00-0008 Type: AIARI4 PERMIT 2101-13102008 4839 MEADOW DR VAII 4839 Meadow Dr $128 .0o ****{(*:tr t * * 1. * {. + * * * ** r! 't *,r {r * * * '1. * ** ** {. * * x * 't * **,} *** *. *. * *,1.,* {' * * * * '1. + * * * * {. *,1. d. ** * * ** ** * * * * * 't* * '}!t**+*+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts Total Feee: Tot.al AIrL Pmts: Balance: $128.00 $128.00 $0.00 cL 00100003123000 EP 00100003111400 t,,jc 00100003112800 CONTRACTOR LICENSES TEMPORARY POIilTR PERMITS WILL CALL INSPTCTION FEE 75. 00 50. 00 3. 00 a RIQLIBSTS ITOR INSPECTION SHALL B}' MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLIRS IN ADV OR AT OI.JR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR HMSELF AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816_57 970-479-2t38 orf,rrr^r oF coMMUN'r" orurror,r,t, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: A00-0008 Job Address: 4839 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 41t39 Meadow Dr Applied. . : 03/0312000 ParcclNo...: 210113102008 Issued. . : 06/05/2000 ProjectNo : PgTqq. OlgD Expires. .: 09/t l/2000 AppLtcAr{T MOUMTATN TOp ElimERpRrsEs. rN03/03/2000 phone: 910-926-L804 P . O. BOX l_171 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 I-,icense: L73-S Also is CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR MOIDffTAIN TOP BflIERPRISES, IN03/03/2000 Phone : 910-926-t804 P.O. BOX 117r_ EDT{ARDS, CO 8A532 License: l-73-S AIso is Applicant OI{NER VAIIJEAU ROBERT T & KATHRYN C03/03/200O Phone: 61 SII,VER I,AKE DR SUMMIT NJ 07 9 0r_ License: Dcsciption: Smoke Detectors in remodelod arcas Valuation: S1.250.00 FEE SIJMMARY Electt ical__ J DRB Fee-----> Invesligalion---> will call-._.> TOTAI, FEES-> ss0.00 s0 - 00 s0.00 93. o0 ts3 . o0 'I otal Calculated Fees- 55 3 . Oo Additionul Fees..__-__:, g?5. OO .fotal pcrmit Fe€___-_ $128.00 Paymenls-------;' 5128.00 BALAIICE DIIE-_->'t0.00 Approvals:ItEm: 06000 EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT 03/03/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR N/A Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/03/2000 KATI{Y Acrion: NOTE Routed dwgs/calcs to MM 06/05/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR VERBAL PER VAUGHN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge lhat I have read this application. hlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agrec to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codcs, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of thc Town applicable thereto. : MTN HIGFI PLI.JT48II'.IG FAX |{o. : 97674ffi46'4 MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING P.O. BOX s47, AVON, COil6n 4-' -' 3L ?M U"44Pn P1 o oct. FACSIMITE TRANSMITTAL SHEET Mo,u.; fu"^z COMPANY: FA)(NUMBER DATE TOTAT NO. OF PACFSINCLTIDINGCPVEE PHONENUMDER 9EhIDETS REFEBFNCE NTJMBE& 7?-atst YOURREFERENCENUMBEE RE ,/1 lfrn * /"!* nuRGENr 7fuo*ruvuw tr PLEA5ECOMMENT tr PIIASEREPLY tr PTEASERECYCLI NSTE5/($MMENTS ...4 U* /aAar,rv-6 ra U 4. * da't*r'y Srror^tl* P.O.WXs7 AvoN,co 8i520 c7v%9-1ffi ' 970{27-584{l FAx FRON : NTN HIGH PLUT'IBING FRX NO. i 9-78 ?486464 Oct. 31 2AZA A4i 44Pn o fYloo-ot3t V o-aU"t* fl-n*dunct- 4811 lhtaLod >V*2 , u trltrs1 ' ttlb'unt Pr,tEQ lnu5T 9E uscffin$ g* iri",-*^ oF t8'(4'w1 koo{L k?h 0/a',,te:o at'#';+c,icer EsqtuaatT F'rrttt DlWl+cL- &ru i26rlo&t'O QnRqA€ tds' < l< Ll3 C$Brc Fr€f 6fi2ie'2 '<' iJO curr,rz 6F Slftc,e OUWttA Tlt't'kAr Lbn/y.cg EovtP*r E rr fO r-\ laor9rl4g't"i )S ,,.r- cofu.aPP0 *+cZ Con *t L Deorjtrearrc".rrs oPedrCa: ,\t E*t . dvfLL ru.rst bE /oa JiaLltaE t!.vr''t+Cs lhtP'''ttq o ,##y 1t Towr.rt blfl ilFFtcr e0PY 4-. Indoor/Outdoor Inlet Ouflct lop ** Cast lron sya, Bronze 2ya *++ Vent dantper required only lor U.S. indoor inslallations of sizes 175,250 T-L,--r ffiflrF I lllffi] \+t -'-; (279) '. .:_|--/ Indoor --r I B Cast lron 11rs(289) I I 58 i' It lr 17 (432)(1060) (102) Sidc Outdoor Sizes 22OO-45OO 40,/'6(1030) or] I 40 01 l-- (1 l-20.(s08'r_ Dimensions shown are inches (mm). Outdoor Indoor Models lndoor Saze Input' MBIU/h KI4l Output' MBTU/h KW IBR Net Ratingl MBTU/h KI4l Gas Connection: Size - in<hes NPT Natural' LPa Water LOnn.. 5ize inches NPI Dimensionsrr - inches (mm) c Shipping Weightr lbs. kgs 175 2s0 325 400 175 51 325 95 400 n7 142 42 203 60 253 77 324 9s 123 36 176 52 229 67 1'lz 1tl, 11lt l8 457 27 ltrt 686 2311, 5g7 6 152 22'h 572 31111,1.i800 24ln 629 7 t78 26\. 67e 3sriii$igos 25,h 657 a 203 313h 806 40,/j itr [1035 26't, 683 s 22e 255 116 255 tt6 325 148 360 163 500 600 715 850 1010 1200 1430 1670 1825 500 147 600 176 715 210 850 249 1010 296 1200 352 1430 419 1670 489 405 1t9 486 143 579 170 689 202 818 240 972 285 r 1s8 339 1353 396 1474 83 32s 95 423 | 24 504 148 599 176 7't1 208 84s 248 1007 295 1176 345 1245 377 1 '1,-t 1 .lc1 11h 't-1'to 2 2 2 2 21lz 2'1, 2't, 2t/t 2t/t 33't. 854 4syjilir4g 23\ 600 'tO 2s4 ':,.3A5h ggt 50tl4 t 1276 2216 575 '12 305 44'h 1124 5531. 1416 225h 575 12 305 sosh 1286 621h t5B1 2'tsh 549 14 356 58 1473 691h 1765 205h 524 16 406 66'11 1683 771t. 1975 20'ls 524 16 406 76 1930 87th 2223 19sla 498 18 457 as'h 2169 97 2464 19'1" 498 1A 457 92th 2140 103'1. 26i5 19'h 498 1A 457 612 278 702 319 750 340 430 377 945 429 995 451 1080 490 1175 533 1270 576 1639 480 2009 589 2501 733 2470 841 3321 973 3690 1081 4100 1201 55'lt 141O 55'1, 1664 7A 1981 88 2235 100th 2553 11011r 2807 123 3t 24 73 I854 83 2108 95th 2426 10itlz 2680 114 2997 124 3251 140'11 3569 2q'lo 6t6 24'1, 616 24tt, 616 241h 622 2411, 616 24'lz 616 24th 6t6 14L5 17 47 2175 2496 2888 3209 4t I 731 446 940 1045 s59 610 660 711 762 813 834 24 28 30 32 34 t Notes: 1. In put a nd output must bc derated 4% per 1 0OO feet above sea level when installed above20O0feet altitude.2. Dimension5 dre nominal. 3. Unitr with pumps: Add 20 lbs. (9 kg) to sizes 175 400 and 5S tbs. (25 kg) to sizes 500-1825.4. when two gas connection 5ize5 are shown. thc smaller applies to the standard gae train, while the larger applies to optional trains. consult factory for eract specifications. 5. vent damper required for only u.S. indoor installations of sizes lT5250,Forventdimensionwithoutventdamperadd5,'(127mm) forsize'175.'i' Deduct 5'ld" (133mm) for size 250. 2000 s86 2450 718 3050 894 3500 t026 4050 1186 4500 131I 5000 1465 11tr-z 1'1, 2 lttl 2 1'lt 2 Lth 2 2'1, 2 21h 2 1815 823 1950 885 2100 953 2237 1016 2s55 | 160 2150 1249 3050 tJ85 Outdoor Models Outdoor Srze Input' MBTU/h KW Outputr MBTU/h KW IBR Net Rating' MBTU/h KW Gas Connectionr Saze - inches NPT Naturalo LPa Conn.? Size In<nes NPT Dimensions, - inch€s (mm) B c _ Shipping . Weightl lbs. kgs 175 ?.50 325 400 175 5l 2s0 73 325 95 400 117 137 40 195 57 254 74 312 91 119 35 170 50 220 65 271 79 1'lt 1'lz 18 457 27 686 14'h. 357 6 t52 22'\/, s72 31'/a 794 1A.h 473 7 178 2611. 679 35% 908 19lU 487 a 203 31'1. 806 40'11 1035 22.1e 575 g 229 255 n6 285 129 325 148 360 163 500 600 715 850 l0l0 1200 1430 1670 1825 500 147 600 1/6 715 210 850 249 1010 r 296 1200 3s2 1430 4t9 1670 489 1825. 535 410 120 492 144 586 172 697 204 aza 243 984 288 1173 344, 1370 401 1497 439 357 105 424 125 s 10 149 606 178 720 211 856 251 1020 299 1191 349 1302 382 1 1 1 1 1 1 't, tq ? 2 2tlt 21/z 21ti 2'tz 2'lz 33'1. 857 4s'14 l l49 187. 984 50'h 1276 M1l4 1124 5514 t4t 6 50'h 1289 621/4 1581 58 t473 69'h J16s 661t4 t6B3 77It 19 /5 t6 ts3o at,h,.:hizz ,iv.'a5ttt 2t72 97 ' ?464 s21h 2343 lo3vilir$FJs 751 341 821 373 906 ,4.11.!. 1000 .454 945 .429 1185 5lB. 1330. 604. 1490 676 l1eso,no, 2200 2800 3200 . 1600 4000 4500 220s 646 2745 804 3l50 923 3645 1068 4050 1187 4500 t3t9 1746 523 2223 651 2s52 748 2952 865 3281 961 3645 tO68 1553 455 1933 566 2219 650 2567 752 2853 836 3170 929 '| 1t 1'/ 2 2 1t t,-7 1't2-2 2 2-211t 2't1 2tlz 6s,t, 1664 A! : 1108 78 ts1t, ts'lriitglaza , . ,t * .: i _r j 88 2235 1051h 2680 100t1, 2553 118 . 2997 11011, 2807 128 3251 '123 3124 140th 3569 | * 2300 1044 2670' 1212) 2150 1249 i3175' t 44i:' 3380 153.5 Istgo tzzt: Oct-26-0c} os ! 48P EIARRY o O. ENGLE'qAN SDTQWMETT CALCULATIONS SQ FT B'l-uH BOILERINPUT BTUII FEET OF TTIBE LOOP LENGTH # oF LooP$ TOTNLCPM GPM PERLOOP PD (FT)LOOP PD (FT) sMs & sMR TOTAL PD (F.f) SMS & SMRPIPE SIZE AREA TUBE SPACING AR.EA I 1700 195500 362037 7250 250 I 13.0 t.4 l0 6 t6 7-l/4" 10,' TUBING PIPE $IZE =SiE" P. O1 DATE; l0/23l00 j ' . r-i.r, 6-21-1995 2,13Aitl o Building Permit #: b- Mechanical Permit #: 'Y\ 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOWNWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: Mechanical Room Dimensions n Combustion Air Duct Size and Location n Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location r:: Heat Loss Calcs,r Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www,for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) tob Name: w&oo-JobAddress: 4rc7 ??Ual"a Dn Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fiting:Subdivision: Owners Name:fi. hl&oo_Address'y's'g Tryka,tau> D . Phone: ,rr, _b tSt Ensineer; ) /f+ ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of yvork: n ,,futet o-z-t J tO t rn^z.p-t -.c,- Vi WorkCfass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other(/ISnonzE Boiler Location: Interior ()tJ Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No PQ Type of Bldg: Single-family QO Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restauranr ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: - No/TypeofFireplacesExisting: GagAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( --I COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $t00.oo CONTRACTOR INFORMATION RECD OCI 2 7 ***************x**r(****xFoR oFFIcE USE ONLy******************x********** Other Fees:Pfanner Sign-off: Accepted Bvz . *4--- DRB Feesi Date R€ceived! i Mechanical Con tractor:lt;/-n-,"+h Town of Vail Reg. No.: t37- p and Phone #'s: d* ,/ai/- aqo -ss, Contractor Signature: --Aan Zr.1'=t+- F: /everyone/forms/mechperm * * !t*'|( * *** * *** *x********* x**il,t*,.********* ****{.***,t**:t't + * * * * * * * {i * * * + *,t* ** * * * * * * *:k * * * ***** ***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********* x ************* * * * * ** * * * * ** * * *;i *:t,l.l. * * * ** * * * ***rt'k****'t* {.** ** **i( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statement Nurnlcer: R000000145 Amount: $253.00 )-j,/01,/20O0L2:46 pM Payment Met.hod: Check Init: JMN Notation: MOUNTAIN HIGH PL'JMBING Permit No: MoO 0131 Type: MECHANICAL pERMfT Parcel, No: 2101131-02 0 0 8 Site Address: 4839 MEADOW DR VAfL L,ocation: 4839 Meadow Dr. Total Fees I $253 - 00 This Payment: 9253.00 Total ALI-! Pmts: 9253.00 BaLance: S0 .00 *<** *******,1.+,* * *+********++*d. **)k*** * * * d. * * * *:t:* {.:},};* 'i * * 'i *** *x * 'r***:f, ********:}***,t ***,,.**********+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Current Pmts i"lP 00100003111300 MECHANICAL PERI'1iT FEES 200.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 50.00 I,dC OO1OO()(]31128OO I^IILL CALL INSPECI]ON FEE 3.OO Cond:29 ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITI{ CHAPTER 3 UMC AND SHAPTER 3 OF T}IE 1997 ]MC. lla^n/l. 21 BOILERS SIIALIJ BE MOUNTED 0N FI.,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS IJISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. ?^iA . 1. ) PERMIT, PT.ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQUEST- DRAINAGE OF MECHANIC\I. ROOMS CONTATNING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALI., BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1.022 OF TI{E 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1,004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fillcd out in full the information requircd, completed an accurate plot p1an, and state that all the hlbrmation as rcquircd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state larvs. and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE IVIADE TWENI'Y-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 213E OR r\T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OFO CTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE o AND SE o F 1n.1 1 nF 'T'rrE 100? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-179-2t38 Job Address: 4839 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 41139 Meadorv Dr. ParcelNo...: 2l0l13102008 ProjectNo , TRfr/-O/90 OWNER VALLEAU ROBERT T & KATIIRYN CI0/21 /2000 Phone; 51 SILVER I,AKE DR SUMMIT NJ 07901- CONTRACTOR MOUNTATN HIGH PIJUMBTNG 1,O/21 /2OOO Phone: 970-949-4aA0 P.O. BOX 547 AVoN, CO 6J-OZU License: l-37-P APPLICAIIT MOUNITAIN HIGH PITUMBING 10/27/2OO0 Phone: 970-949-4500 P.O. BOX 547 AVON, CO 6LOZV Desciption: install snowmelt on driveway Valuation: $9.500.00 Fireplace lnformatior: Reslricted;4 ol'(iils Appliances: 0 ! ofcas Logs: 0 l.'Lr,i st ,f UARY l\'leshanical-:-' S2o0, oo Resruaratrt l'lan Revierv-,'S0.00 Total Calculated Fees---- $253.00 # of Wood I'ellet: 0 sso. oo DRLI |ee-----------; S0. oo Additional Fees------.-' 90.00 90. oo TO1',U. }llilis--.---------:' $2s3.00 Tot{l Pennit Fe€--*-*', $253 .00 Plan Check-- -' Invosligation-' Will Call--:-.s3 .00 s0.00 Ttem: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMB{T n /oa/200o cdavis Action; AP see correct.ions on plan It.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIfl| CONDITION OF APPROVAL ?aaA. 1) FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE, cotuBusrroN ArR Is REQUIRED pER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 701 OF TItr 1997 rMC. Cond:23 INSTA]-,I..ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CTIAPTER 10 OF THE ].99? UMC, CIIAPTER 1-O OF TIIE ].997 IMC. cAS APPI-,IANCES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 O!'T}IE 1997 UIVIC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF TIIE ].997 IMC. ntr'rrror oF coMM'Nrry DEVELoptrr NOTE: THIS PERMIT VflJST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-0131 Status..,: ISSUED Applied . : 1012712000 issucd lll0ll2000 Expircs . .. 04/30/2001 Pirlmeltls------------:' BALAI{CI] DL,rE-_ 2 Sent be ! RH I'lECHnN I CnL 0ct-28-99 A5 ! 17 llcrt GeIc Worlsrbcet R19=,052 Rg0=.033 R2.6a.357 3 6 5s s4 1 0 7 7 ) 3 0 35_51 1 !U-Z SNOWMELT .F+?t-r- ri11=-09 noDness;V$J PERMIT#; Equtprneil sp€afi M /y,q'(: cJe-,- 8nf R VAIUE_4UAKE U m DT $TUNREF6IJFIIT 23or il t07 (W 9a 3,/ oo 30 e7J td 7o 71") 7tn tf ,6L nf 70 ,- laf 2L gtD ?{ftf tu 2b,o;; '??,65e- x.75 7o I ffitlptt fpTAL BTUS INPUT t+re 5enl, be: RH I'lgCHnNICnL Oct-28-99 05 ! 17 o f ron 585554 1 477 >343554 157 7 o Ve!!-ert^, {"*- W fl.6ww ffi -ffiffi 1t% \\1 /(t $4+a,rn Ll' *fu*rrr,"r*t n PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits 1. Fill outourcheck list provided @ If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. 3. A construction traf{ic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4. Sketch of work being perfbrmed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length. width and depth of work) This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan forthejob. 5. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offrce for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. 6. The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be nceded. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. 7. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Wav Permit" with a "Buildins Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 150'. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: DATE: MEMORANI}UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PITtsLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQT,IIRED PLEASE ANSWERTTIE FOLLOMNG QI'ESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TTIE NEED FOR A *PUBLIC WAYPERMIT'': 1. Is this anew resrdence? YES NO 2. Is demolition work being perfomred that requires the use of the fught-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NO ].Is any utility work needed? YES Is the dnveway being repaved? NO A YES 5 . Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway ? 1TS 6. Is any drainage work being done that affects the fught-of-Way, easements, or public properly? YES NO 7. 8. Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public propeity to be used for staging, parking or fencing? NO YES NO B. If NO to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan requircd by Community Development? YES NO If you answered YES to any of these qu€stions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Comrnunity Dwelopment. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. IHAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Date: Company Name TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pcrmit requires a Tor,rm of Va.il Firc Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) rcview and approval, a Planning Doparbnent revierv of Health Department review. and a rcvicw by the Building Departmcnt. the estimated time for a total rcview may take as long as thrce (3) weeks. All commercial (largc or small) and all multi-family pcnnits will have to follorv the above mentioned maximunr requiremenls. Residential and srnall projects should take a lesser amount of time. Hou:cl'cr- if residential or smaller projccts impact thc various above mentioned dcpartmcnts rvith regard to necessarv revicrv. thcse projccts may also take the three (3) rveek pcriod. Every attempt r,vill bc made by this department to expcdite this perrnit as soon as possible. l. the undcrsigned- understand the Plan Chcck procedurc and time frame. I also understand that if the pcnnit is not picked up by thc cxpiration dats. that I rnust still pa-v the Pl;ur Check Fcc and that if I fbil to do so it mal affcct ftrture permits that I apply for. Agrccd to b.v-.: Project Name. Datc: Work Sheet was tuned into lhe Community Devclopment Deot. {P ou"'"u"n'"' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PLitsLIC WORKS AND COMMTINITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLICWAYS PROIIIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subjcct to subscction C thereof, it is unlarfrrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snOw, ice, or any othcr dcbris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereol B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violatc the provision of subsection A hercof,, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand. gravel. rocks. mud. dirt, snow. ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by thc Dircctor of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein ' specified, the Director of Public Works, or olher authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any othel material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: Thc provisions ofsubscction A hcrcof shall not bc applicable: t . Wittrin the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any strect or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appudenance thereto: 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safery; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of thc Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. E. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or rcfusc to comply with thc notice of the Dircctor of Public Works as provided in subsection B hersoi and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the cxpense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as providcd in subscction B hereof. upon berng found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Codo. (1997 Codc: Ordinancc 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: Date: (i.e. contactor or owner) rowN o, uo,CoNsrRucroN pERr,, otl.rcATroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST Bf, COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL Bf, REJECTED Contact the Eagle CounA Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parceli Pennir# \?1 - O 19.< ownersNune.G(t/ gfaur /o"rrr laaress: P'O. iJ..o,y 7f,-t /4inr,^rrt phone# b2>-S: 2Tf Arctutect:Address: Building ( ) Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )MechanicalhL Other ( Lcgal Description: Lot Block Filinc Subdivision Number of Accolnmodation Units: Dcscription otsoa,-Ar\ &. t, "^ .Lur l:/.,, Ag,dtl,.t lle ot An "no'hr -Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dr,vclling Units: Altcratiori()Additional ( )Rcpair ( )Other ( ) Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUAT]ONS ELECTRJCAI.: $ y' O.IHER: $ / r,,recrj,rr.iCnL $-frqra::-- iorai $W CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: BUILDING: $ PLLMBING $ General Contrnctor: Date.-26- q JobNarnc: UoIto.u A. s. Torvn of Vail Rcsistration No.Phone # Electrical Conlractor:Address: Torvn of Vail Rceistration No Plumhing Contractor: Tou n of Vail Rcuistratiorr No Phone # Address: Phonc # Tor.rt of Vail Rcsrstralion No ftrt gu wt i_Xoo Su3- q Phorrc#_1O3- tql-7gg a< < CdllLrhen c€{mrtrs r FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: Datc fteceived SIGNATURE: ZONING: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: o TO9IN OF VArL, COLORADO Stac€ilnE dumber: REC-0588 Anount;42s. DO tL/).L/99 lI t20 Pa)4nenr lil€ghod: 7s2g NotsaLion: GREYSTONE CONST Inir: JN PefitriC No: M99-0156 rype: B-MECH MECHANICAIJ PERMIT . Parcel No: 2101-131-02 -008 Site Addrc66: 4439 MEADoW DR LocaClon: 4a3 9 I{EADOW DR ToEal Fees: fhig PalrmenE 424.00 Total ALL PIILE: Balance: Accounts Code Descriptlon 428.00 428. OO .00 AfiOUNE 340.00 85.00 3,00 HP 0010000:111300 I{ECH/WICA'r 9ERMTT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES wc 00100003112800 WILL cArL lNsPEcTIoN FEE DECLARATIONS f hereby ackno*ledge thab f have reaC this appl.icatioE, fil.Ied our in full lhe infonnaCion required, conplcted an accuratc plot plan, end stat.e thae all .he info1:matioa pr:ovided as required is correct. I agree to conply wigh Che infoinatsion.nd plot plan, to conply with aII Tolrn or:dinances alld siate laws, and to build this strucEura accolding to Che ?osn,6 zonl[E and subdivigion codcs, design reviel' approvrd. Unifoln Building code and otheL orilinances Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTfONS S}IALL BE MADE !;1,{E!ITY,7OT1R HOI.IRS IN -213€ oR AT OUR OFFTCE FRot'' e:oo Al'l 5:00 Ft, STGIIETURE OF OWNER OR CONTI'ACTCR FOR HfMSEI.F A-IID OhNER TOVJN OF VATL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8J-657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAT\II| COIqTRACTOR OWNER Descript.ion: UNDER FI-,OOR RADIAIV| HEAT Fireplace Informqtion: Flestrict.ed: Y DEP-ARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEIVT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .TOBSITE Permit MECHANICAI PERMIT Job Address...: 4839 MEADOW DR Location : 4839 MEADow DR Parcel No... ..; 21"01-131-02-008 Project Number: PR,f99-0180 Status...: ISSUED Applied. -: tL/05/1999 Issued. . .: LL/LT/L999 Ercpires . -: 05/O9/20Q0 AT A]-,L TIMES M99-01s5 3 03 -543 - 9894 3 03 -543 -9894 15, 500 . oo *of wood/Pallcl r 424.00 R & H MECHANICAL LLC PhONE: 1047 CHERRWAI_.,E ROAD, BOULDER, CO 80303 R & H MECHANICAIT LLC Phone: 1047 CHERRWAT_,E ROAD, BOIILDER, CO 80303 VALLEAU ROBERT T & KATHRYN C 61 Sr-LVER LAKE DR, SUMMfT N,.T 0790L Valuation: #of Gaa Appli ances:+of eas Logs: ToEal calculated Fees--->MedhanicaL -- -> PLan check- - - > Inv6stsigation> WiIl calI----> 340_ 00 95 .0c .c0 3.00 Re6tuarant ?1an Review--> .00 .00 428.00 Additional Feee---- -----> .00 Total PemLt Fee----'---> Pal|ments- -- - - -- - BAI,ANCE DUE'- -- - 429 . OO 42A.00 .00 **""';;,".;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;ffi; ".'o"o,: BUTLDTNG Division:L1"/05/1.999 LCAMPBEL ACTiON: APPR APPROVED ITbM:' 05600 FIRE DEPAJ?TME}fT DEPI: FIRE DiViSiON:L7/05/1,999 LCA.rVIPSEL A.crion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS AIiE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON AIR IS R5QUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 TJI,IC, OR SEC"TION 701 CF THE 1997 TMC.3. INSTAI,LATIOI\T MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CHAPTER 1C OF TlLE !997 l(;'{C, CHAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 TMC.4. GAS APPI,IANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORNING TO CHAPTER 8 AND-SIALL TERM:|}]ATq A5 SPECTF]ED IIV SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER B Or- THE 1}97 IYIC.5. ACCESS TO II:JJ\TING EEUIPI{ENT i\4UST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND sEc.1017 0!.' Tl{E i.'))J r&tc -AND C!{APTER 3 0F THE 1997 rMC. 6 . BOIi.,ERS SIALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LTSTI]D FOR MOUNTTNG OIi COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG 7. FERMIT.PLANIJ AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO ,A.\ TNi,]ECTION REOI'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF I/ECHF.NICAL ROOMS COIVTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER Suppr,v BorLERs STLALL EE EoUTPPED wrrn A FrJooR DRArN PEB sEc.lozz op rHE L997 uMC, oR gECTroN a004.6 oF THE 1997 rMc. ***********************t**.k***************************************************** rowN o, uo,toNsrRucroN pERr,, or?,.o'o,uffi -.'180 INF'ORM \TION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APP!-ICAfIOXfILILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-6640 for Parce! # Parcel lj Zlbl' l3t- oz' ooB o"", it/ / /€'l Job Name: V a'Lle-ou 7 u ""L<n <:- Building ( )Plumbing ( ) Block Permit # ntecrrical( )Mechanical ( ) Filins Subdivision Address: Job Address:14?t fvtezL,,.t Qr Ea>t'Vn I _ Other ( ) Legal Descnption: Lot Owners Name:E.,b.rf V ail e-ap Architect: Pf,phone#Address: gt J,lw,r IuA- P. Description of Job' ?'c'lwP C^i+;?"2,r\r,nrt-- Alteration Cd Additional ( )Repair ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces:Cas Applianccs Gas Logs VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: 6 ?o-.P ":: -OTHER: $ TOTAL $PLUMBING $MECHAN]CAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Work Class: New ( ) Numbcr of Dwelling Units: Town of Vail Reeistration No. othcr ( ) Wood/Pellet Gencraf Contractor: €rnustu o- (2,,"t:9+ ' Address: iZ36.19., d rq-,...l 24 h Torvn of Vail Resistration No. -/iA aa r.Q Phone # fi>z ' i2--> i Torvn of Vail RegistrationNo.______gn-€egq Phone# 6Lz' 1 't\"?Electricaf Contractor: S r,l>.' Eleo*-< aa:Address: o1fi'l (6tTrntooott,. f"'; M C,:tf;,t -,-JZ Torvn o[ Vail Reeislration No 226 -E Phonc#-_ ??o J,-2"-(- 7'i1o Plumbinq Contractor: f4a.r..-{ '2,.t-l . Lzt Addrcss: Phone # Mcchanical Contractor:Address: Torr n o[ Vail Registration No.Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Date Receive, NOV s 4 1999 TO9|N OF VAIL, COLORADO StaLeonts Nuuber: REC 0588 AmounE:363.oa 77/7L/99 rI t20 Statennt' PalmenE McEhod; 7g2s NoEarion: cREysloNE coNsTR Init: ,IN P€rmiE No: 899-0239 Tl4>e: B-ELEC ET,ECTRICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-131-02-OO8 SiEe Addrese | 4839 MEADow DR Location: 4839 MEADOW DR Total Feeg: 363.00 363.00 ToLaI ALL PnES: 363.00 .00 tt * t t * t * i t t * * * i, ftliE Pa)4nent Accoune Code Bal.ance: EP OO1OOO031114OO EI,ECTRICAl, PERMIT FEES 9rc 00100003112800 wrLL cAt l, rNsPEc'rIoN FEE DeectipEion AmounE 350-OO 3 - 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArr,, co 8L657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMEI.IT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT JOb AddTESS: 4839 MEADOW DR Location. . -: 4839 MEADOI^I DR Parcel No.. : 21-01-L31-02-008 Project No. : PR.l99-0180 SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSI]M, CO 81637 SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYpSUM, CO 8t-637 VAI,LEAU ROBERT T & KATIIRYN C 61 SILVER I,AKE DR, SUMMIT N.f O79O]. ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: E99-0239 status...: ISSIIED Applied..: aL/04/L999 lssued. . . : LL/1-L/1999 Extrrires. . : 05/09/2000 Phone z 970-524-7970 Phone: 97O-524-797Q 20,000 - 00 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRTCAL BE POSTED PERMTT APPLICAI\fiT CONTNAgIOR OhINER Descript.ion: ELECTRIC FOR REMODEL * r * r| !r r t t , * * * * r r * r * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * t * r * * * * * Valuat.ion: ElecCrical -->360,00 DRB Fee .oo .00 3.OO 363, OO AddiEional Feee---------> .00 totaL Permit Fee---'---_> 353.00 PaymenC€- - BAI,JANCE DUE----- .OO InvesCigaCiol1> wiLl call ---> TOTAL FEES-_ > Tot.al CaIculaLed Fees- - - >363 .00 r*ir****ir*r**r t * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * a *, *r i*r ** r t t * r * *. * Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:1,1/D9/L999 KATHY ACLiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KW Itbm:'.05600 FrRE DBPARIMENT Dept: FIRE Division:Lt/O9/I999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAI., 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS AF"E REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *t *t* * * * * * * * i * * * * * r * * DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknolrledge Ehat t have r:ead th-s dFoli.aE.ior, fi1led olrt in fulL l-he infomatj"on reqrjired, comPleLed an accuraCe plol p1an, and sgate that alf irhe inrorm.lrior1 plovided as r-quireJ is correcL. I agree fo conply qiih t.he inforinatj.on and p1ot p1an. tso coftpl,y wiLh all Tolrn ::.ianarr.reE and =tatr lans. 3rld lo build LhiE: scr:uct!:e accoriing Eo the Town's zoning and subdi./i3ion codes, design r:evi.ew app,,_,v--d, Uniror ori rdirg code nnci other: ordinances of the Town applicable thereLo. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHAI,I, EE MAOA TTENTY-POLIR HOUR.S TN AD NCE EY I 7 2 J, A .,i. 5 o. PUBLIC WORKS PERIUIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used This plan will show locations of all traffrc control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.) This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work) This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but plcase allow up to one ( I ) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Cornmunity Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itselt. NOTE: The above process is lbr work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5'r'. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED t- J. 4. D^rE: Js,_J8:21__ PLEASE ANSWER TT{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TT{E NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a ncw residence? YES NO -/ 6. Is demolition work being pcrformed tlat requires;hc use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES-- NO--:- Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO -/ Is a diffcrent access nceded to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? \'ES NO Is any drainage work bgrng done tlult affects the Right-of-Way, easements. or public property? YES NO / A. Is the fught-of-Way.easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO /g. tf l{O to AR, is a pa4.ing, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO ,/ If you answere d YES to any of these questions. a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Wny Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Communitv Developmcnt. If you have any questrons please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at :179-2 I98. IHAVE YO*,ISWERED ALLTHE ABO I ////h- /,/b,_7-- Conuactor Signature Darc: / o-/e-71 -/NO/ 7. 8. vE QUESTTONS. €ete '9 1patn h f+<eT 9oz..t'tzc Company Name TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CoLorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERJ}IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit rcquires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) rcview and approval. a Plarrning Deparment revicw of Flcalth Departmcnt rcvicw. and a review by thc Building Deparrrnent, the estimated time for a total revierv may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (largc or small) and all multi-family pcrmits r.vill have to follow the abovc mentioncd maximum requirements. Residcntial and small projects should take a lesscr amount of time. Horvever. if residcntial or snraller projccts impact the various above mentioned departments rvith regard to nccessary revierv, these projects ma-v also take tlre thrcc (3) week period. Evcry attcmpt rvill bc made by this dcpartment to cxpcditc this permit as soon as possible. I. the undcrsigned. understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by thc expiration datc. that I rnust still pa-v- the Plan Chcck Fee and that if I tail to do so it ma1, affect lirture permits that I apply fbr. Agreed to bv: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was tumcd into the Community Development Dept. {P *""'""'o 'nto TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMLTNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHTBITED A. Unlawfrrl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlau'fuI for any pcrson to litter. track or deposit. or causc to be littcred. tracked or depositcd, sand. gravel. rocks. mud, dirt. snow. icc. or any other debris or matcnal upon anv strcet" sidewalk- allev or public placc, or any portion thereof. B Notice: Abatcment: Thc Director of Public works may notity and require any person who violatos or causss another to violate the provision of subsection A hereol or rvho has in the Director's emplo.vment a pcrson rvho violates or causcs another to violate the samc. top remove such iand. gravel. rocks, mud. dirt. snow. ice or any other debris or material rvithin trventy four (24) hours after rcceipt of said notice by the Dircctor of Public Works. ln the evcnt the person so notificd does not comply with the notice within thc period of time hcrein specified. the Director of Public Works. or other authorized agent. mav causc any such sand, giavcl. rocks. mud, dirt" snow, icc, debris or any other matctial to be rcmovcd tiom anv strcct or allcy at the expcnsc ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not bc applicablc: l. Within thc immediatc area of any construction. maintcnance or rcpair projcct of any street or alley or of any watcr main. scwcr marn. clectricity line, gas linc. tclephonc linc or any appurtcnance thcrcto: Z. To dcposits of sand. dirt or materials necossary tbr the protoction of the public saf'etv. and 3. To public arcas designatcd for thc dumping or depositing ofsaid matcrials. D. Summons: Pcnalqv: As an alternative to the notice fbr removal provided in subscction B above, an-v pcrson r,vho violates or causcs another to violate the samc, mal bc issucd ir summons t0 appear bcfore the Municipal Court of thc Toun for said violations. and upon being found guiltv ofa violation hcrcundcr be punishcd as providcd in Sectron l-4-l of this code E. Noticc: Penaltv: It is unlarvful tbr anv person to tail or rcfusc to comply rvith thc notice of thc Director of Public Works as provided in subscction B hcreof'. and any such pcrson shall- in adrlition to pa) mcnt of thc cxpense of romoval incurrcd by thc Director of Public Works. as provided in subscction B hcrcof. upon bcing fbund guiltl,of a violation hcrcunder. bc punishablc as pror.idcd in Scction l-.1-t of this Codc. (1997 Codc: Ordinancc 6 (1979) Readandacknorvledgedby-: -t-fu Position or Relatiorrslrip to Projsct: - Il!!!* 6 Gl (i.e. conlractor or owner) la -tt 41 TOWN OF VAIL Department af Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February ll. 1999 Mr. Duane Piper 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Valleau Residence 4839 Meadow Drive Lot I7, Block 5 Bighorn Subdivision, 56 Addition Dear Duane: I have digitized the plans you submitted for the above-referenced property and can verify that your siteioverage and GRFA calculations (for both existing and allowable GRFA) on the attached letter are accurate. If you would like to discuss this property in more detail, please contact me at (970) 479'2128. a Sincerely, u4,..,.---7f \_.---- Brent Wilson Planner I $"onuor^o" p e _) O p c a o \ C)o-o 1.29.99 DeBortment of Community Development TSSouth Frontoge Rood West V€it, e.o 81657 Re; Volleou Residence 4839 Meodow Drive Lot 17,81k.5. Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition Stoff: l'm workingl on o remodel of the subject properiy qnd wish to verify the GRFA ond site coveroge. Firsi of oll, I believe the zonlng is dupl€Fx, However, lf 1+ is prlmory I seeondory therequirernenisore not going to chonge nor will I be close to the 40% secondory unit oreo. The lot is.504 ocresor 21,954 sguore feet. Alkrwobile GRFA ls$295 s.f . not including ony conslderotion for the 250 bonus per unit, Actuol GRFA is os follows: (Pleose note occomponying drowings) Moin hotse I mo+ft]evel Moin house / upperlevel Both House Corrioge House 1 moin level Conioge House / upper level TotoloctnotGI?FA 1,184 s,f. 461 269 515 385 2,&l4sJ. Site coveroge is .|,988 s.f. or T/, Pleose ocknowledge these ccilcuilations ond findirgs.u .:o t o o 0 o o o o o o rt { @ m Ig !-o .Ltr | -.r l-.: .D l<x f t! )z I lm: 5 l9n )l-oi g ls* I 13 -:J 3 l=r 3 r5 o.< dg ;!I (60 ct,>l =E i'i =n m I I -n -O z= z= z <mco >n- YP t- UDD{ nI! !m F 3 { 9z -l ..,1 tn '1 m l,.t r l"- | ll- a IrU l\o r lo<lo | 'Tl n m t =-1 -l @ m x m 1'I z L o rn I -{m ^ ltl l,t O F.(r) C\) N) o o z @ {F o {o z t-m o --{ x r z -{ o ! o aa nZ >m --{ >or- (D t- 'n =z TD z 3 IT E N o Ft 2 m B H' N o FI c)B =D .<r t>p lo ID rJ, I ls.loo I(/)l\o I It - lo lo l€ I lu In lP.t<to 0q d t't 2.1 m o - z z "_l i z; 33 tz oo B ltr Fl= HE HTD tFl wl tb It!F to n IX F luf I o'l t-l II tl tl = .t 6 tr I ! = ts.P ts F o lJ to l€ lz lo tl l> lF t,lm It, la l-{to l{ lz lo l'r1 t<t> lF l],lm lo f lz lo I I Ir-Its I l.)ll I r!, I I I A F'o o o F o rt rl F.o I ={o F r-t l-l l{ lz lo ll t>l-t,IM lo lz le I lH l!li lte s'! I }- -l t-r mlO Et€:tz lo l:l> lr- lF lz le I I I I I l-r |o l€ lz lo ll I>l- lB lz ?ro o --r ;d30 ' o9d i 6'Rs *R iiP 6isi+siil :.-< P {o=.9 P 43qiro-;*6(D q, O:1 f c).*- i3: =-h:.=E P*3: YD=O. 3aB=to9+o -OXo)o*=E *E=-" i ?e) ;taE 6 { o a-r r,o o * w,5-i= 53i.&l<gc @3oL : =<:3 e;f=s=;e <o-= 0.aP o'e;E i 3d8i 8ua:..ERA a i Y-o =-i F ::(/'o=. f o --- { A)E o o c l f, = =o o o A'J o =o)f o t, -l { (> f\<<.\ B -.-CN c 5<o f, P\Y )) \ .\:\t \ ho )..,\: \ z -t I m {z m m _n o {z m o ! o z + o o _n f, I vt m -n z a l- I z I 6 z ll -q m =z t- m =J a z m m o m -, lz 12 lr t s7 :r q !I I --{o<rt _D m (,tm >o - X 'l' ft o i € o , rt al rt rf t-l d f..) IO q€9F =l 'z = I Its I o'l lFhl rt z>9R rii I<Lj.l < io ol m @o z c 4 -l z m { X ..t m ^z o j-l z m !m c I n =z (?:r -=o6 = c)NF ,. fn ^[fr E =::.n -Fio :- > 'rr lY 2 0 +ut c) o '<2 \'= Y -J 5I o 6 z :x = c : :2 @ - --l 'nzz {o x I (, o fo n H.o |-l 3 Hr r-t pt F. N o ,&E o6) 3"rF l.E \€-o * JZ OY l;ya ol '.il "l ol HI q ol K xl 6l d 4 ol I I I I z z z --t i i m w EF H.; 6A <o :...n H:J P.> 0) iJr_ '|.;Om I \o c.r o z rl rl ts o I }. I -.1 o --{ t- m -'n m m at a m J x o m z a m q -l m I z m m € m m ^z -n m o Fh m I z o f- |-c = = m ln -t ; t- !t- z -m o x = m = m ='Tl m m Q) VALUATION T m v =-z o 3 m z t- 'o .. = 2 m m '.t ^t- t- z I.J t^)s. t\)(Jr lJl s.Ul u)s s s. N) R.$ -+$\ \ "l "\ ., l ?5 routh l?ontrgc tord U|il. colo6do t'|657 t303) 479-21.3E or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEc1l: oltlc. ol communlty dciclopmcnt ALL CONTNACTORS CI'RREIflTLYL REGISTERED WIITT TIIE TOWN OF VAII., TO!|N OF VArL PUBLIC WOnKS/COITMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING I MATERIAL STOR,AGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soll , rock, sand. debris or naterial, J.ncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and sorknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion ttrereof. The right-of-way on all Town of VaiI streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent. This ordinance will be strictly enforqed by the Town of VaiI Public l{orks Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinance will be Eiven a 24 hour written notLce to renove said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the PubLic Works Departnent will renove said Daterial at tbe expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the town of vail Building DepartDent to obtain a copy. thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by:, 2// prZJ Fo-itfonlnelationsbip to Proj ect f - s - 22 Date (i.e. contractor, ohrner) t -\ Jr t\\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER Tr rtrs WED THUR FRI ';rlli;ii' rNstcnoN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL AM PM o N ,.M \i. BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, OOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYT//OOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED E 5:5 a7b INSPECTOR It v rt rt \=--t-i*ei n rti l,t ltv yn{" F------- i'I $ ,\7 UV i_o?-it7 FOUND No. 4 REBAR n4'10 $'" .,i- :.'e" s\"t- t-('.).!.i \or--. RX'". SCALE: I NOTE, THIS "t 30' SURVEY IS ON THE BATH HOUSE ONLY,\/.-\ r, '-9 \I hereby certify that thls irprovenent location certificate }ras prepared for the mortgage lender dnd the tltle insurance company, that lt is not a land survey plat or inprovemnt survey plat, and that it is not to be relled upon for the establishment of fence, bulldlng, or other future improvement Iines. I further certify that the inproveflEnts on the above descrlbed parcel on this date, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel , except as shqrn, that there are no encroachments upon the described prenises by improvenrents on any adjoining premlses, except as indicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement c"ossing or burdening any part of said parcel , except as noted, This certificate does not constitute a title search by ln ter-lilounta i n Engineering to determine ownershlp or easements of record. For all lnformation regarding easenents, rights-of-way or tltle of record, I nter-filountai n Engineering FOUND No.4 REBAR R = t35.OO'v7 A=17" 08'47" L=40.40'$ relied upon the Finol Ptot of Bighorn Subdiviston c =4o.45'(Ptot) N.33"44'24" W. %i \$h --\ +-z $ -j i_o?- /6 '\r\.\t-q, J NOTICE: According to Co'lorado law you must connence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first dlscover such defect. ln no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be comnenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon.[r1;zN<K N+ I"4 #" ("".. *-ft#'fr '\-,/ ./v/^ o !;!;"ll'?1i.*,.o^o fiInter-Mountain ,::l'i^,i3:ilSiiSib:;3if" AEngineeringrta. '^."i$3i!L33il3 I IoAIE RfVtsroNs IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE OSED 8Y:PRO.EqI fo go3o4 s PART OF LOT 17, BLOCK 5 EIGHORN SUEDIVISION FIFTH ADDIT-IOAI TOWN OF VA|L , EAGLE COUNTy, COLORADO urri o. s.E.L.DA1E fss'ED' z/23/go re*r w' L.w.p.8.u' l" = Jo' pprtvS-W *E itEET Lc,toFt OF PROJECT PEBMIT NUMBER INSP CTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL DArE u/l JoBNAME READY FoR TNSPECToN: 6D ;t; wED rHUR ,r@ LocAroN: 1S rt\ t "V.-'ro r-; \)r- [ , -c ,ii' ;' ,c-, tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL DATE INSPECTOR prffisno" '*i*ril"roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT oora \ READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBE ROJE Gx rt OFP r*- JOB NAME INSPECTION:\_\Y)\ON N ES WED THUR FRI t AM PM 4/6 -/ qic) CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ffi"o",ro -h-lp.g:^*:l.q:l GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNsil'oN _ .r TOWN OF f,f, I rz.i.\( (PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR PM L \.1'),. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING frrrusur-nrrov d K. tr PooL / H. ruB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEFI MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FAPPRoVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED )(" oere 7-/J - Fc, rNSPEcroR / 1"., <- -')4 ',, / (--"'rNsilnoN REeueSr PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT ,t JOB NAME CALLER TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr n D tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIEAL:MECHANICAL: n rFNtP PowER Q,AouGH - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL pl neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR u ., I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON TUES WED rNstcnoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL ,"rr (rh) --_@ PM f 387 DATE CALTER BEADY FOB LOCATION:lt/r,RilA BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL X APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7'2o - ?a INSPECTOR niGsao" T NUMBER OF PROJECT '..1,' rNstctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ',q t voL q PERMI DATE oO- 7o-3D rca r.rnrr/,le [,1tZruFK 'f { : 1l o.eE - (r)rus-iTltn .., ,J CALLER TUES READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: >?-(v2 THUR -d JxE FRI f z:>'/.AM 1 PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '.: DATE INSPECTOR +39 Z PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNstctoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE oA - 77- q@ JoB NAME H lell€R- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES MF4d BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL |.-l ! FRAMING ROOF & SHEEFI PLYWOOD NAILING K D D D D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: AHEATING tr tr o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL d APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR pniFsnop JoB NAME fl ' i irS} a REQUEST VAIL .a rNsilcnoN TOWN OF PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON CALLER \'-r--._-.-i \TUES J PM WED |., THUR FRI AM)READY FOR LOCATION:.\:-- t. ttl BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING AS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Xneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I r drr?.lt PERMIT NUMBEFf OF PROJECT REQU yArL /NI oF) ,\. .,tz' ebr a. ( -{!, - t '.1 DATE JOB NAME CALLER I READY FOR TNSPECT|QN:. ,-MON. ,+fiS) weo r .ulF' FRr F\)A-)PM 1 / . ('l 'T': r ' ':' /LOCATION: -' ''-''l rl /i /{r(') L/I ' BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR rNsiltoN REouEsr PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT NUMB /c ROF )JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TU8 tr SHEETROCK NAIL B tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH -O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D tr FINAL finnenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORBECTION INSPECTOR nFs** IAI. INSPECTION'S The ltens beLow ueed to be cooplete glving a pernlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provlded. FINAT PLI]MBING COMPLETED before L] DATE:tl FINAL T.TECHANICAL TMpRovEMEM SURVEY t"i(e- /'1,"''Jn'* f "t ' *rrrD. NAME: h l,> *ar" DATE:7, 2-1. '/ c w --T- m L-l I TE},IPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY li ti t-72 Q /lrArE: | <- - I I LAIIDSCA?INC DUE DATE: FILE NAME: o o z o {n c o { 6 z T |rI n ={ J m l*.Llt llP i tHq 3 f9* 7 l-oi S Es 9 f-r c J ac 3t 6€'1e dc a&CE >l z6 fri 3 ..t1 s = 3gq m:- s tn= =^a\eE"'r !u! -r'l T)Or CC z= 2=oo 2 i4r-- D<JL-JL-J o z. e.-lm nz >m OF -t> v --l {D t' I r-z H z \.'I ll L-o z =IT E H N z rd F E P z H F:r c)t =F <F F l0 p ln u <l > ts.H lco r{ l(, I'o IE lftl TIF l= I l?u r I I =m z o z -l -1 r =E z t-m -{ t- z.o cn t-{to l€F lo t't1 l<II |r IT tm l9r tz l-i to t5 lo t; F u le I J l--l mlO F15 IT t>lr l:o lm lf,lz le I I I I I F{ rn tsE lzl tol l-n I t<l t>l IFI lr lt/2 tm tr-l ttz E lrn tt<I li!lF lo IN IE Ir l>lt tz t3 tH tto ttP lF ll l-l to l{ V F t<tl t; tfi la E6 mt c{l 11 c)i<o -!bo<Yo ..'n !o!\om otr =J -{ @ m x m -l o z c o o g -{m O +-ri !ro- E3d o9-d d *.? 3 *s l=F Y!, O :8s.iE8 ]H€ -O!) = *a i6=f".P =oo Q 3.a r st aB= E +(,sile E orE Ar -:'_: +i;6:q o =. --oo* l-i= e4s +:g ordr =< = ".F =s Fq o-J tci H d*ii a'5 ERA ('o=. o -o o -.- gt a I !) ct = J 6' v, o 0r c, o. to o { { si N o 5' @ o o { gl E o o -o-c f (I' E. 5'(o o 0r o o o o o >a)z^ -t> rflC n!t"'20 m_n €2 m t o z -.{I J .r'l T =a m t-.tr l z r- !m i tn z m m m lz t>lf trl m ! z o @ (r,J z o J c -l X X X X z (t t- -t z -t f o z m c m m I -l , -l I l a m 'o r o m €m |-z o c z f o o o -l z c z -.t m d -t m I F(X -.1 z |- m -tt m ! 'n l- P F z =w.x Otse =x<:ii o3 F Eo aD'n XzcJ ii;oo ()'<z 2 ?2 lo 6 !6s- S h ZQ - J '11 z z. 5 t F>_ N)@= Nm= !-<v< = H z CA Ff F ti r{ Lr) F tt) z F a)rll €H r-l |.] I z H F g t P.z H v F N o >z YZ c)F 9o EE FZ .o Ffr r"l trl I Hl ol zl I o\l ol Fl I r':d I I t-3 | trl I I 2 z z .-t 4 m @ f.(2 2 n l o ; o I ; 3 H ,{ € H H P 2q C-l tr. F( \o \o \o I o -t |- !m 4 =i 'Tl m m a m -l x m 2 m -{ z m m t tn ttl z 't! m m m - z o t- z m l-m o x l- 2 m 7 7 o z o !m = !m =-{ -tl m m U' VALUATION !m -3 z o =m 2 6 |- =(D z m m o 6 |- o - 2 o {,} \,t tJl $S R$.* :1. ?5 .oulh frontrg. ro.C I.ll. color.do El657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECI: ottlc. of conmunlty dcvolopnrnl AI,L CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WI$T THE TOWN OF VTIL TO!{N OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIpP}{EN! ITIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STOR,AGE In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that Lt is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sandf debris or naterLal, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and uorknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of VaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.Tbis ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of, VaiI Publlc llorks Departnent. Persons found violating thls ordinance wlll be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said rnaterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with the notice within the 24 hour tirue specified, the Public llortcs Departrent will reroove said naterial at the expense of person notified. llhe provLsions of this ordj.nance shall not be applicable to constructlon, uaintenance or repair projects of any street or a1ley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of Vall Building Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you f,or your cooperatlon on this natter. 5/,- Positicin/Relationship to Project (1.e. contractor, owner) Project Application o^r" 4'W'E Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: LesarDescriptio",.* ['] , ero"r f , ,,,,"n 6S1Afd 4 , zone - Comments: Design Review Board Nl-C-r,sll.a- o"," 5-lJ'Si DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL ft\D-\J Summary: Date: Town lanner Legal Description: Lot [-t B'l ock owner t4tzr.,(iR ZONE CHECK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Archi tec Firing Br1,-l^ *\ ' l,l-A, ,\, h/- Zone Distri ct 'W5 Proposed use lf1 Lot Size Zt liD *iO'+i Alowed propg5ecl L-*L Proposed L,.*h "' |,^4.)&{\-Heisht (30)(33) ---a-Total GRFA qVV3 )'lsl + l?53 \ Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front 20' Si des l'5 ' Rear 15' water course (30)(50) Site Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts :Garase (300)(600) (eoo)(1200) Mechanical (50)(100) Airlock (2s)(50) Storage (200) (400) Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted - Slope Actual - Envi ronmental /Hazards : Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Comments: Zoni ng;Date: PLANT IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROUND COVERS Botan ica I Name Common Name Quan ity Si ze Urue"urc<1w.Srrg c^trr'4la ltu,'^ Type Square Footaqe 4/O Ofangu^lS fiU,n9 Seiln^- I s0D lJbt t< SEED TYP! OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please' soecify l'\^h"'j\"J44= .Jr APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII{G: '-r :DRBAPPLICATI0N , - .::;,'.*. . -: :?[.: *****THIS APPLICATION I'IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIiTTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: :." , ' :'. . A ore-application meeting with a planning staff member.is strongly suggested to . a"i;;i;!'ii-i"v-"aJit'ionut inforiration is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it is compi'eie (must include all items required by the.zgnilt9 administrator). ' ii is ttre appt.icini,s iesponsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out aUout aiiitionat submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- :' lion will streamline the approval process for your projgct by decreasing the number oi ionditions ot approval that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before'i Uuttaing perm'i t is issued. '' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ooo."r, f&,31 rrtA tt,s+.", CF . Legal OescriPt'ion Lot r1 B'lock Address D. NAHE OF Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : E. F. Si gnqture Address - DRB FEE: The fee wi l'l VALUATION . $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $15o,ool - $ .50o,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1'000'000 tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ so.oo $100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremelnts, the_app1 icant must stake the site to jndicate property iines and building corners. lrges- that will be removed should also be inartia. This work must, be completed before the DRB visits the . site. Z. The review p"o..r, for'NEl,l BUILDINGS wil'l normally involve two separate meet'ings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval . 3. People who fai'l to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have not asked for a postponement will be requ'ired to be republished. Filins Kl6qaFi & telephone. alt't48-' terephone&#]1al+ ^T NAr,rF nF nLJNFRS(: la+,1.. J(pKa'F- [MrzNJq(- Zonins $^{*# = , C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: 9F, 'rLuf r e i/ntZrJeh -\5 a -::r? '> :::.';J r.* t+-.+ 4. The following items no longer have.to be. presented'19,!|. Design-Review Board. .." ..1 They, however, nive lo Ue iresented io lhi Zoning Administrator for approvai i a. lJindows, sky'l ights and simi]ar exterjor changes that do not alter the existing p'lane of the building; and b. Buildjng additions that are not viewed frory lny other lot or public space' which have tua 1"tt.rr submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;-"nJlo" approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomin'ium associ ati on You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard check with a Town P'lanner before proceeding.5.Studies on your property. You should LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF P|IOJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRiPTION OF PR The follorving information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revjew Eoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding 0ther lJalI Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra'i ls F lues Fl ashi ngs Ch imneys Trash Enclosures Green hou s es 0ther LAN0SCAPING: Name PLAIIT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: phone: BotanicaI Name tlut f,F f* nrpr{g,q flrT. trlwrc &ttrqumt rrlr t'\r UAqd,o1ti\. _ p/o R Common llame Orreni f rr t EXISTING TREES TO M,*J{; OL KCI'IU V LU for coni fers. (over) Si ze* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indi cate hei ght Des lgn Oate Pa PROJ ECT Rev lew Fee id ZON ING CHECKL I ST S UMMA RY t-7 ; FR0tITAGE Actual sq. ft. : Allowable rnaxi ; ARCH mum lenoth lencth sq t+ /t ^-r..^ I r | . , a\L I ud I -%, Commo n <.r ++ Anirr:l 'x. ITECT LEGAL DE SCR I PT I ON )o Z- lu I lra \RE re I I D (, A it 'tt ,/ ul //1 , ua ,1,, / EN /-) ,q,U 14/:T Ll Utt 'EE 'ao r/ Re Ac ETI^i t:lt D I STANCE B HE IGHT: A 47 -rt e . n.i fni ,? COMMERC I A L LDINGS: Recuired , Actuai _; de _ Height Allowed , Actual _; atio, Allowable sq, +t.41'tf3 , Actual sq. ,rZ49S' F LOOR A: Percentage a I lowab le_, A I lowab le sq . f t ,i. , Di , Actua I agona agona Di SITE COVERAGE: Atlowable --'./1; %, At lowabte Sq. tt.., Actua | (? % Reo u i red 0f fsets Actual sq. tt USEABLE OPEI'l SPACE: Req u i red Ground Leve I d- LANDSCAP PARK ING I f.lG: Req u i red _% , AND LOADlllG: No. Required No. ; q. ++ -- 'T ' ' q u i re d ZON ING APPROVAL DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL UT I L IT IES APPROVAL ENV I R0Nl','TENTAL I MPACT APPR0VAL l/t, / ;l' : . /.,.i ,/ r I Zon'i ng Adm in i,s trator ,1 ,t Chairman, Design Re v iew Boa rd Da te Tow n Eng ineer Da te Mayor Date f USE ZONE ; PROPOSED USE( S ) LOT 5IZE S ETBAC KS : BU I LD ING BULK CONTROL - Fronr t,l.u. , ::0"' /%- J+-,aearJo4-, - Front +-, Sldern+; , No. Actual // I , Covered Re- Cove red Acf ua I '', Date Submi Date S ubm i Date Submi Exte n s ion by Section COMMENTS: f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi n g Re v i ew g n Re v i ew ronmen Ta I fte d tted tte d of Dea d I i ne Dead I ine Da te Da te lmpact Rev iew ?/\ Dead I ine date of Ordinance ' ., , t973) item 8 (Series of as permitted t/1 I I ,'' , .,i/ ,fe tl ililq yL a rD o J?t tz /,'1 &.tr2- ;;[ 4 50 f I l(/ (tt s /.s-/3 tr,t'z a/ I '-"zQ. /t /J ''r --'1 /r'o.J, ( [ /( x z-- /C 't /3, s tb r /d, {az -7{,( t I ilrJ a(, i4 ll = 1/,(x /{( ( Or 1,( l, (/3 3/L- J+ llO/\ftu t2{ t{ 4(_. l -'t / I /z!UU r t 3z{ t7c 4^)u ------i-:,- T ( J /f lu, (/ /3{ 204 /D -----1---- ,+0 r '2r0,( 3.J_ 3s7 4s f ,zs' /3, I s' 4,( f/ni/ ) 2(t /3 rl x {,< /3,( r z - 3J( tqq ( 111 -_4 530, ( -24 ('t z- - 4f - ,. ,/27\/0,t 2f3,( Xxz. /4 ,.- /l /,, --------=_ /an/'Z {77. o /l ( s', s- /{74 (fn,/ltti / o e f!|' a't tr{r -l Ht (*) r-1 gt F+ {\1 tl Hl A (-.'\E F,f r-f Fl H **gt a+G+FI ,IJ \- cl t1 aJ i-E a+ -A E9 +{l }J L.{gt fi1 Fr H a- -ir F w a{r F?:l tEl E fvl r'}+ 93 |t l.+ |r* {9 lr+ f-.t s" Ssts k HiEs If, FEFI l* *itUN lf, !iRu l$3$FE I I$E*I sExE lsE$s I = FiE | 3sS I :RF I sq!I sBe IiEil I XN.i | !$!I HFH I xEq I SSr I lFrE .D o 5 F o a |-. o o ?' o p, r-t 0,q o gq (! z H @ to I ._l -J E.{ =(!olro A.Y oo. ttr 3 F @ (., ro E o gt I'o { u rt * o I NF IH I$\ F 1,5 N t' ,F Nr lN I I .-. I G=l sEl aTAl {ry1 I I lc,lr IH l"lor tt ld r-l lJ ='Yl .o 6 bl\t O t@ =ts I I I I I i o o o o o n tq o trl B P. N p r-t B t, H I C{ o N o <D N o u -! z > o z 6 c lrl T .o m .F? O MEMORANDUII TOI Planning Commission ttrtrtrt. t\^F^e+F^-l- ^+ rt^--'.-i.Frr rta.'a_l ^FF^h+.elavnl. UYPAL Liiieall L Lr.L \,guuriUllLty ,.cr Er\-rPLuclr l, DATE: May 5, 1977 RE: Dr. George L. Idizner, Variance from Section 3.505 of the Zoning Ordinance for Lot 17, Block 5, Bi-ghorn Sub- division, sth Addition Duane Piper, representing Dr. Mizner, is requesting a variance from Section 3.505, Density Control, in order to construct two separate single-famity units c'.1 a 1ot zoned two-family residentlal. The ordinance, as determined by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission, requires that two units be in a single structure or that the units be physically connnected by comrnon walfs. The proposed.project comprises a prlmary residence and a garage wath a simall rental unit above, connected by a walk- way. The basis for hardship is the topographical configuration of the site. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant is in an area rvhere there are a number of garages separated from tlre dweltlng unj-t (see pictures). 'Ihe proposed structule rvould have uo morc irnpact than a garage sep:rrated fron the pr.imaly.residence. T[ere Are sevel'a1 residences Collstructed in the golf course area with the srune type of conflgut'ation rvirich lvere built prior to the existing ordj-uanee . 2. The degree to rvhich relief from the strict or literal interpletatiotr and enforcement of a specified regulation is necess&ry to acheive compatibitity .and uniformity of tre:rtment among sites iu the ' vicinity, or to attairl the objectives of thls ordinance witlrout grant oI special privilege. Strict interpretation of the ordinance rvoulcl dcstroy a significcnt rock otttcroltping a1{ require cuttintl oi scveral large trees. Tlte guideli nes -[or thc Dcsiiln licvicrv Do:rrci spccif icll1y stotes that O Ilizncr Page 2 every effort should be made to preserve significant natural rock outcropping.s and preserve the natural vegetation. IVe feel that the possible environr,rental clamage which could result from connecting the two units is justification for separating these units as requested. \1|e therefore feel that qrant.ing of this variance 1s not a grant of special privilege. 3, The effect of the.requested variance on light and air, distribution of pouplation, transportation and traffic facilitjes, public facilitj_es and. utilities,and public safety, We foresee no ad.ver.sc cffccts oa these factors. The srnall rental unit and a primary residence fulfi11 the Town goal of reducing overall population. The Iot could sustain a large mirror inrage duplex. FINDINGS: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties i-n the same district. See Item 2 under Consideration of Factors. The geologic and topographic considerations dictate placement of the proposed duplex_ 2,That the granting of the variance will not be detri-mental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vieinity. IVe foresee no adverse effects in granting of this variance. 3.That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: (a) The strict or literal interpretation and 'enforcement of the specified regul.ations rvould result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent rvith the objectives of this ordinance If the applicant did connect the trvo clrvellings, the appl-icant rvould be forceci to increasc the height of th6 present Unit I and the bulk of the project to sucb a point th:rt in order to_meet the setbach reguLatiot'ts the house would probably torver over tlte presently existiug trees which in our vierv rvould be aesthetically unpleasing. In addition to that, it l,ould be inrpossibre to bring a drlveq'iy up througlr the rock ledge to the garage so that the applicant rvould most liliely have to hlrve the garage as fl separate builcling dorvn bcfow the house rvhich rvould result in practical di.{f iculty and rvould serve no purpose as the visual inrpact wouLd be tlre sarne. a t Mlzner Page 3 The the Department of Community Development recommends approval of vrrarrnqad rrari e nne P.r -\,ii'J r -, s I -t e ==, E s t-I z o N z I-trl 3 i I -i |- n - -t -|- -l D .n t- m = z -l OWNER ABCHITECT N- o< cm >;z; <Y a6 !-t SE -l 2 et -l i" o "z^ sI ;z m -i m ?1>F >=irc4 €+c>{r- <u ijioa.,r :-!ic ii;i1 :ZF:a>"' Q)-o 6O -.1 X =2>-7 -222Y uzlr:v>.- zi-c'<;aa ^;;"tc =- ia- a7: .> a: a-o"ot-ll3-:6 ^{'!l>I;I;; a c c z c i c i c z ttl m of Ir-YO ;> z z o I o \!-\-F' m = it \atr m - m o , z n E x VALUATION \O o I I €'/"n*""-"--'/2 rz"-,"-;t fu*-(l/ da/ / -lazttztr'*'-'f "c t 1-y) ,l , /rj/'/az,*n -r( V t On* 9; ,/ **,,-4#^'/ 'V* -''U a' 4,**. irn _fur"#r/*"-tro 6'p* .-dkd**L /*-'' '6 & /'"'k"'*--* 4/ Jlil** J* z''f tz s-ez /z!flo .f;'r-t*t /a''aaa.-'''-*/,fo+'' 4rr/-7*!.* 16*/qryf4 fu//.JJ+ /' d,z;"^f/-z' 4) /^*V /,,*,%-:-q o.fu qa4agv-- f/""r/ f -"'"/b" * /*,'* a'Lr-T!?'4 ^*t/**,** *2^f ,/ fu -4^d"nj A;4/*44dil* /'/";& ; "H- o l*;, v ol ;1uq'/, './..t.-/-//ryLtr r9 6, hT4 MV f/"* i","f* f!,1'Z'/ / / DT /', ;lQ/'{;e,/4u,- s7L oa PLUMEIING.' MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: cLASS oF woRK: n ruew ! noorrroru ! neuooel n *Epotn SCRIPTION OF WORK: I nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PEFMIT FEE ! orsappnoveo DATE l') : o< cm 2: <i d6 55 I z 9> z^= N 'tl (^)O $I ARCHITECT VALUATION -{e ==o .?l - |- E 5 l-I z o D m ! 3 -{ l a r'{>F >3!!r'J €;o>(/1- <o F> =-3F;;i > -->: =A Y;tr ;i;i*;2fia>", Q>o caot'lX SI > o =.YZz>Uz U >:r":;61 !tIgFi 7'tI.r 17t'-> a{, c I -4a?1il ^l i-r>i;TE; -{ t- 'n t- > I -T Irl 'n r m -l m |n =m z i c z o m 0 o!m i-_;r 2 ;z fi -l m z i c fi o z z o o ->z - o 7 f. m -t L, '!,et3.', r INsPEc{bT FTEoUEsT TOI,VA O F DATE L-I .'l ,z rfME REcEfvED__/__lz_ AM PM I pnnrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION E orsappBovED E nerNsPEcr APPROVED E UPOT.T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: COMMENTS: CORRECTIONS af %* |i.rtt\ INSPECTOR . .J.a rNsr=.fr*FIEOUEST F VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER- E orHEn n pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FBI AM PM E eppBovED ! uporu rHe CORRECTIONS Fl otsaeeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS I nerNsPEcr ., .:, f DATE -'{... . -}NsPEcToR ,\ rNs"=.tt TOWN O VAIL iF-! , i- .. ti 't" FIEIIUEST F * READY FOR INSPECTION .,.-;+- '- - -t--:-<.- TUE.:';" wED q" TtluR--;-.. _-__-... _-r'FRI-AM PM COMMENTS: EI nppRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr Queom rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .'-.., ,'r*/.. ..2-. ) ' i.a^-*- A. ' lNsPEcroR orrm.rylvr' o ,'')1".t n panrral.LOCATIO READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR I ,. --. Tj-Q-WN OF . -- .r;F, /:l -TiT=f# +,4-r;i-i€-> '! 1^ i-:a FIEOUEST VAIL OATE TIME iog NAME *r"s;yEp i,, . ja I em iervr CALLER florHen MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM D appRovED ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR lrl u)9Z EE 2 ro,lllE (J(,zz EE <fr uta &ta 5C 8B SE ea I AF tr(,trD OE R'l HE og ?= 29, -a EFI e; 9n -o F? v2 o x I I i {N .+*i \u "\i \i N : \ rl >i R-: ( V ri l-i 7i ot:-vj :! () ?(,) k ts o) Ei i fi..i lwB la s,i i Hi l'-ii l#p+ I ugu I Ni s I ,siiE l'K' f-;t l=H I IEEI l-l i io ia ta iE :!l iat tr 6 o A V\ : ui t/+e f- C\I to E trr c o F tro :E at d5(D oizFfl z, s= .$ I E'g E.q !EFE .=oEE 6En o rNsPEc?roN FtE.luEsr TOWN OF VAIL .." DATE ,. '. i Tf ME REcEf VE D ' ,' " ' *,' n orsen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnl.LOCATION. FRI TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ! nppRovED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS ! orsnpp Rov E D fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNSt="io* TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL -. , ,t J ,..). :: ::,.4:*. \-..;,., iJ,.",.r DATE TIME RECEIVED . JOB PM AM D orHeR MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED I uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsaeeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS. D nrrNSPEcr iruspecton DATE a- ,dO8 NAME AM, PM CALLER n orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED n orseppRovED n nrtNSPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS j INSPECTOR .) ,,' DATE t' o rNsFEcfl.,N JOB NAME TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen ! prnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEO THUR TUE FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: D eppRovED D uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! orsapPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o wu$, Town of Vail NT,F]CITIICAL PERMIT Job Name. Electrical Contractor Date or Apprication---- -..-..."...../../-..:..-3-... .. . ................ts..7.V*. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 503 $-.----..............--...... $..........,................. t*Q-4 APPROVALS Plar Chacktr Date Paid.-..--- Received By..............-....---..-.... ,/7 Gkrut4..-%a //-:3:?7 /7f.jfrP'vtt t'is ortrcrrlr Datc THIS FORTI 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIJRSI ADVANCT NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS iH. r, r. r{0rcrr! !o,, ttllvll tl0a52 rNsr=.to* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER f]ornen E pnnrrnr.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM ! appRovED n uporrr rHE FoLlowrNG CORRECTIONS flotsnneRovED CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR /' ,i JOB NAME i' / INsPEc?IclN rtEEUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,' ,; ,':;;, .!t.. i -. o DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHrn E pnnrtel.LOCATION READV FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM fl appRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG f] orsnpp RovED COR R ECTIONS: fl nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rrrrrdnbry/varl a INSPECTIClN ' TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ! orsen E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR TUE FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: D eppRovED ! uporu rHe CORRECTIONS DorsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o rNs"=ato* FrEGllJEsr DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM JOB NAME, -, CALLER n orHrn MON COMMENTST TUE E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED n uporu rHr ! orsappRovED FOLLOWING COBRECTIONS: ! nErNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR B,A t /67 PLUMEilNGi.' MECHANTCAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL n otseppnove t € OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: Wnew D noornon E neuooel E nero," RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBERAS E-MEGHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATIoN $ 7 %)D.3 VALUATION $ REMARKSI REMARKS:,/ \v, PERMrr rrr/'#Lr)* fn A(PEFMIT FEE lilfl- {r,l t1 , O."/ ''-\-TOTALFEES: $ (?(-/ rNsPEc|loN.-'FtEsuEsr TOWN OF VAI oor, fr'\T"7? JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED----:- AM PM E orxen ! pnnrtal LOCATION THUR MON GOMMENTS: TI IE FRI AM PM READY FOR INSPECTION E(eppRovED E otsnPPRovED ,.'' E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr q-ii.rr Fia-l}qrrF O rNsPEStoN FIEBUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME AM PM CALLER E orxen D penrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE APPROVED I orsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr D upolu rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS o. JOB NAME L_I PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION rNsPEc{loN TOWN OF t..t j FIEBUEST VAIL i, i DATE TIME RECEIVED .' .'AM n orHen CALLER 1 ,,. r.,j. TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: flappRovED II UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS f]orsnpPRovED ! netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR I I : !.t i 6i r-m >;z^ <Y o6 , -.t v=;- =z 9>So oo 2d= :Q - fi o i I z .n =o 7 VALUATION -l et - -, e -l <D t- E E l-I z o E m r 3 -{ |- ?o n D .1l t-o m >I o m m =m z { z o o rn m ;z o m a I 'l r ,l €z o It z t -i FI a d !t z 36 I ffb l-f OE OF co 2 HE os ts2 s5 -a trl{t; : :\;l\i ti \,i NI:\i q I lo): |. ;:A t\.:: trl U)az EO ZQ qH 90 zz ?9 p8 pc xo, SH (n d o &a & 9o IO F? ii t;{i . li dj n '"?:\ t-l \4 i :-IG I Y:ts | ,'io I t\:r | \\r!| -+;I / :t lr / ie II: I I U !l F,r E tl != ri fit hl cr rI o< F <.r Eit -- =l FF (J r-'t .! trI >\\\N R. i- tr /-ri L ;.q raqJi l\:\<iro "".-\;(,i r...Ni\ -i --: L <ib i\ d z \i yi N:-t @ : ; l'l -t:_i ?<:. \.:\.\ : ,f,i sl -l\-; ! \: -w:\.j | ^:t\ I j \t t-.\: o C) (g @ (r) rit i Ni l'-i --:tl t \i ll !: | -l : tr F.9 .= .P org*E Z,F'E ".! fi E .F'i.:6 E! F H.68fi.E f\,/l oa Ei zz -l lr tco t-\ 41 t,|lt R rli = H EE XO r5 I' *-- o EI at,P'g F ts Fl z I = { F' D 5 la lc IC t6 ltv r'-l a t. € (D 0t I .D ao I ! 4 IEBIrgiE;: e +a* r: s;;; f fgi[F?iFl e FEFgiIg$E i'[EFEiEiI EliiIEi?E o a a ID o lD ..t C' € ;{ F { rcl .D (D I I I I I I o D o o x I I I t-{IA ld IF l. I I t-tq I i-{t l.-(IJ I o l!IE Itr t<o I rD,t./L gr. I-\ | O ld< 5 l[-lio It lc I|in o l5 a-6 t'D F,6 lGr t-l _.l5 6' I el q € rcl (D .D IL { a d if l! o ,p o E o B s & q lrn o o I I I t l'+t(\ lr t- I P ; ao ll ld I tr, ID ;(9 N v P fz 6- P P tr tr n F',\-.1 -i bt I E o o ll It o 5 .D x i' u .F <':t c,E F. v. E L l<,trt 'tr' ro P FI E I:t! de (o L H z , t'i ' Tie*liiliilii g i := ::si:a3isi;ii: 3 ; $iC iril;airuii$' g ifl;; ;n*3:'l3i;;iii F PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASX TAKE NOTICE that Mr. Duane Piper, representing Dr. George L. Mizner, has requested a variance from Section 3.505 of Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973 (The Zoning Ordinanse) in order to ar.a/r+ +rrl7r rtr.r.r.\rlnar.f arl <rin<r'l a f qrni 'Irr dtrra] 'l inrrcr nn Tnf 'I ? R] nalr 5 *"ei44Ebs Bighorn Fifth Addition. Application has been made in accord with Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Pu.ilic Hearing wi-11 be held in accordance with Section 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance on May 5, L977 at 3:O0 PM before the Town of Vail Planning Commission. Said hearing wi]1 be held in the Vail I{uni-cipal Building. TOIfN OF VAIL AETI'IENT OF COMMITNITY DEVEIOPMENT n(r,u- i-shed in the Vail Trail April 15, 1977 Dl;fiICN nl;vIl':1'l tlo^Rr) DATE OII rrr?\rDIlnS lrlLtrttue..v I,IUETINC: PB]]SENT: SUBJBCT: ASIION TAKEI{ BY I IT1OTION:- VOTB: APPROYITD: DISAPIIiO\'1.]D : SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ,ABST]INTION: (irrltlt l | !\' '\)\JlrtrrrJr.r r t E oa2 7t 3H oEl trt R EIV XU H hF o6 E --.- o 4' 9rg l!F o Fl z -t 3;K+g39ag s : ?€s;Eifili ts 3 AE:s;s*F; lI 3 *t so'E-39 !, l.;ii .€-,89=€5*;' li:li F'r9[i*sr* l$ e ;a*tii:;; i F *5ifr aiiae E e iEtigiSSt t ? grlF.+r€gc ;F d6-!3+=A== >U b"tsi5*E*{a*? F ? ie;sii:; lt E 3 f?E;5=f f E i[s€ Fg;s H E gEg;a*;* g i E:iiE*tF e F +etiiafr €e ilas5re,9 s E o e a o G o -Ft 5 €o 'Y o € E E 5. I I I I I o o D F CT o 9' F €q, o o € .o !t! ot .D a. I I I I k ltt tr te la I I l(/\ I I .E ;(0 N IJ 6' !t F E|. (D { o (o !D A { ! (D $ .D t! o I I IF t> ta I lq t !t FI tr I I B Il\ lF t- I P ;(o tl H 3 o 9 5 E E:.o )o x E .{. f':t {t E 6.ut It P t<'iJ llt r A'F'r: ,.H ao 'l t-j,cc I I I I € A' :' E a tu D o lrt o .q tl v I 5'n 13 := -rf .; <o 3 E;d D ;,,f E -;1=i z ; rSle s itli :. i-.rnr j{ rl ,l rl ,l St= at ah =cf b8 s* ()CL go o5 Eo t?;3 't6 Kr$ IG s;<3 OY r^{ €F r 6 tE-E'o e o r$EI o o iiiiiiffiillil ;a*5:';Fp;:iFi o PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Mr. George L. Mizner, has requested Ordinance No. 8, Series of IgZ3 o PUBLIC NOTICE Duane Pi-per, representing Dr. a variance from Section 3.b0b of (The Zoning Ordinance) in order to erect two unconnected single farnily dwellings on Lot rr, Br-ock b,* Bighorn Iifth Addition. Application has been made in accord with - Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Public Hearing will be held of the Zoning Ordinance on May b, of Vail Planning Comrnission. Said Municipal Building, VAIL OT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT in the Vail Trail April lb, 1gZ? in accordance with Section 21. S0O 7977 at 3;00 PM before the Town hearing will be held in the VaiI TOWN Or' ,.'',t' PUBLIC NO?ICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Mr. Duane Piper, representing Dr. George L, Mizner, has requested a variance from Section 3.505 of Ordinance No. 8, Series of Ig73 (The Zoning Ordinance) in order to erect two unconnected single family drvellings on Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition. Application has been made in accord wi_th Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinanee. A Public llearing will be held in accordanee with Secti.rn 21.50O of the Zoning Ordinance on May 5, 7977 at 3:OO PM before the Town of vail planning commission. said hearing will be held in the vail Municipal Building. VAIL OF COIUMUNITY DEVELOPMENT in the Vail Trail April 15, 1977 TOWN OF o o GEoRGE L.MtzNER,M.D. 9gO3 EAST ORCHARD DRIVE EN€LEWOOO,COLORAOO AOIIO aREA CODE 303 771-1513 ; l'\ (ir.L.t ti \ , (rl1-l r rl f 3 /' t.'J LLarte\ \ 'i fr^ i lV.h\+n.k D,^ O \.\r. \)O\f- €-(vO /tvs-,.^ , C-51" ttbzo D".or,- T*{-"* *^8 \ki".., a , ) -{,.o.c ["1 4'D \r. tf*.-.r\ ,i-, cl, ur C,-IC{ or'^rl c[lLr.{-1"{1 ^- a,r..-\ r)-'rc\i^'k.f",.#J fix ,r-.', +"1 nr'yttt\n*.-"\ *-e (jl $^A gl-.-L u4 ).^*t, o+*g-L'-V l'r" wXaQa) ' \ q /v-L --(- *f W;l-t-^ U"! -[ *i* " \ tl-.1 o'.- *"'\ t''uo$q.,ts Ce-.<ar wt-u.r 1 {^c Qr.'^itA..t' "-\ o. $uyloa bt4;/e'.f l? r{-.^"Sn'*G)* uLoF \-1 , APPL ICAT IOil t ol{ vAll i ^ilct'And/()r COIiD I T lOilAL U',-L Pttli'l T Ordinance llo' B (Scries oi l97J) Avon (Address) Phone 949-4337 * do hereby reouest ){)rr ':s lon t: ar'oear Comm iss ion to reou')1, 1 ihr-r 'iollcvtir'G: Varioncc f rln Art t Zon ing ilhanqe f rcnt Park inc Varilrce Conditlonal U:e i't: rnr i t to allo\1 Zono.ln For the f ollowin!t descritrcJ pr'rpcrf y: lol/1ract t7 ' Block (c i cle 3 , Section 3.5O5 io tv ) t,ef ore the Vail Planning Filing iJ umL,er Clearly state Ehe intent is purpo.,c anri inie'n; cf tfr is .lprl to orovide a harmonious develo i ca t i on Tn genprnl, enc of structure Eo slte. Cur requesE is to_'a!1ow variaqqejo fe-p4E-at-g-a -s!!4!1er-dwelling ur:.j-t,-:ait h garage f lpsl-4- largc'1--1114i n-rrn j-L- becaus-e_6f-thp rnPnppapbic- f eatures 9f the site. ---- Application Date April ll, 1977 Ptrbiication Date APril 15, 1977 Hearing Date May s, 1g77 -fl earinE Fee $1oo.oo Final Decisicn date for Tcwn Council May 170 1a77 I Lra r 'r'Jheeler - Piper / ArchiEecEs of Box F-IOO (APPlicarrt) Colorado -' (Statc) lJhat do vcu f cel is tl:e t:c:.i:, for lr ,rr.lshio in this ca:;r-: ? Basis of {e wish to: (1) maintain. exposure of granite rock outcroping. (2) arroid ramov:l of rny trees on site -(3) remain clear of, drainage @ oF site-- (A)---avoj-d ewcessiwe chen nd fil-1) to existing rolograPhy- S ignt r:t ADD licant Duane Pipe rchiCect / Architects d';ffi WheeLer-Piper - _ !rt3 ,l MEMORANDUIU TO: Elltr\rf .I' rt\-4!r . DATE: BE: Planning Conmission Department of Conmunity Development May 5, L977 Dr. George L. Itlizner, Variance.from Section 3.50b of the Zoning Ordi-nance for Lot 1-7, Block 5, Bighorn Sub- division, sth Addition Duane Piper, representing Dr. Mizner, is requesting a variance from Section 3.505, Density Control, in order to construct two separate single-family units on a lot zoned two-family residential. The ordinance, as determined by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission, requires that two units be in a single structure or that the units be physically connnected by common wa1ls, The proposed,project comprises a primary residence and a garege wath a simaIl rental unit above, connected by a walk- way. The basis f,or hardship is the topographical configuration of the site. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS : 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures j-n the vicinity. The applicant is j-n an area where there are a number of garages separated from the dwelling unit (see pictures). The proposed structure would have no more impact than a garage separated from the primary residence. There are several residences constructed in the golf course area with the sarne type of configuration which were built prior to the existing ordinance. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to acheive compatibility and uniformity of treatment among si-tes in the vicinity, or to attain the objeetives of this ordinance without grant of special privilege. Strict interpretation of the ordinance would destroy a significant rock oirtcropping and require cutting of several large trees. The guid.elines for the Design Review tsoard. specifically states that [!izner Page 2 every effort should be made to preserve significant natural rock outcroppings and preserve the natural vegetation. Ite feel that the possible environmental d,amage whieh could result from connecting the two units is justification for separating these units as requested. we therefore feel that granting of this va:ciance is not a grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested varianee on light and alr, distribution of pouplation, transportation and trafflc facilities, public facilj.ties and utilities.and public safety. We foresee no adverse cffects on these factors. The srnall rental unit and a primary residence fulfill the Town goal of reducing overall population. The lot could sustain a large mi-rror image duplex. FIi'{DINGS: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the same district. See f':em 2 under Consideration of Factors. The geologic and topographic consid.erations dictate placement of the proposed duplex That the granting of the variance wil_l not be detri-mental to the public heatth, safety or welfare or materially injurious to propertles or improvements in the vicinity. ' we foresee no adverse effeets in granting of this variance, 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: (a) The strict or literal j.nterpretation and 'enforcement of the specified regulations lvould result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thi-s ordinance. If the applicant did connect the two drvellings, the applicant rvould be forced to increase the height of the present unit I and the burk of the project to such a point that in order to meet the setback regulations the house would probably tower over the presently existing trees which j-n our view would be aestnbticatty unpleasing. rn addition to that, it would be impossibre to bring a driveway up tlrough the rock ledge to the garage so that the appli.cant would most rikely have to have the garage as a separate building down berow the house which would result in practical difficulty'and would serve no purpose as the visual impact would be the same. 2, Mizner Page 3 The the Department of Community Development recommends approval of nr.nnnsad rzqt.i ennc oo CN C .o o U E U C) o_ Lr) o {u 0 I o U) t n\\1,/l- _C \-/!*_n \ 11\\l-l n \./o i C)a\\l/n\\l-l _C 7 7 !i .g ,g e 0 L o L o g o .0 o f{o o o Two-Family Residence for Dr. 4nd Mrs. George Mizner Project No. 7705 INVITATION TO BID. PROJECT Duplex Residence for Dr. and Mrs. George Mizner tot Ll, Bighorn 5th Addition, Vail, Colorado BID RECEIVING DaLe: Bids to be received at office of Architect on or before June 16 ' Lg77' 5:OO p.m., t'l.O-.S.t. A single bid w'ill be received for entire contract plus alternates' Bid s[all name mechanical and electrical subcontractors. CON]RACT DOC1JMENTS Drawings and specifications will be availabl-e at office of Wheeler-Piper/ ArchitecEs. Three (3) full sets of documents will be issued eaeh general contractor. Additional sets are available at-.co-st of.$l-8.'09 per -set.., -- Unsuccessful bidderi shall return all documents wiLhin seven (7) days after bid receiwing. SPECIFICATION INDEX General Conditions .. o ... r, ..... r..... ' t. ' r Supplementary General Conditions '..."'o'to' 1 DiVision 1 - Generat RegUiremenEs .. ' r. r... '............. '. ...... 2 DiViSiOn 2 - Site !,IOfk .o...o..... ...........'o.. ...... 5 DiViSiOn 3 - COnCfgtg .'.... . o . . . . . . . . . . D ' . o . | . . . . o o . . . . . . o . 8 Division 4 - Masonry (DoeS nOt apply) ....'...o'.,'o.........r.... 13 Division5.Meta1s(DoeSnotapp1y)........o..o...... Division 6 - Carpentry ........... r. o. ' r............ '. ........... 15 Division 7 - Moi stufe Protection .. '....... ir...... o.. r.... ....... 18 Division 8 - Doors and Windows o. ........... r. I o o o.. ' '........... 2I Division 9 - Finishes . . . . . . r . o ' . . r . . . . . . . . . . ' o . . . o . . . . . o . . o o . . o ' 23 Division 10 - Specialt.ies 'o.....r.. . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . ' . . . 27 Division 11 - EquipmenC . '......... ' r............ .......... . 28 Diwision 12 - Furnishings (Does not aPply) ............,'....o..t. Zg Division 13 - Special Gonditions-(Does not aPPly) ,'r..... 30 Division 14 - Conveying Systems (Does not apply) :. t..... 31 DivisiOn 15 - MgChanical . . . o . . . . . . . i o . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . 32 Division 16 - Electrical ,r,........'....or.. ....:.:.:.:.... 36 Page I ARTICLE 1 . GENERAL CONDITIONS The General Conditions of the contract for construction, A.I.A. Document, A2O1, T\celfth Edition' dated April L97O' Articles 1 to 14 inclusive, shall become a part of these specifications the same as if herein written. A copy of these General Condicions may be exami-ned at the office of the Architect. ARTICLE 2 - SUPPLEMENTARY GEMRAL CONDITIONS 1.GENERAL The SupplemenLary General CondiLions modify the General Conditions of the Contract and shal-l- form a part of the Contract. l'lhere Articles of the General Conditions of the ContracE are amended, voided, or superseded hereby, provisions of such articles not specifieally amended, voided, or superseded shall remain in effect. 2. CHAI{GES AND STIBSTITIIIIONS AlLernate materi-als or methods from specified will be considered by the substitutions rmrst be authorized in start of work. those shown on the drawings or ArChitdct. Proposed changes and writing by the Architect, before 3"TAXES Owner shaLl pay all sales, consumer, use and all taxes reguired by 1-aw. 4. CERTIFICATES AI{D PA]IMENTS TO THE CONTRACMR On or before the tswenty-fifth (258h) day. of each, month, the General Contractor shall submit an itemized estimated value of work completed to daLe. The Owher will, upon issuance by the Architect of a certification of this esEimaLe, make paymenL in the amount of ninety per cent (9O%) of the value of Ehe work on-or before the tenth (loth) day of each monEh. No certificate issued or payment made-to the contractor, or partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the Omer, sha1l be an acceptance of any work or materials not in accordanee with this Contract. The making and acceptance of the final paSrment shall not constitute a waiver of any claims by the Owner. 5. CORRECTION OF TrcRK AFTER FINAL PAYI''ENT Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provision in the ConEract DocrmrenEs shall relieve the contractor of responsibility for faulty materlals or workmanship and unless othenrise specified, he shalL remedy any defeets due thereto and pay for any damage Lo their work resul-ting therefrom, which shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance, 6. PERSORMANCE BOND Each contractor may be required to gualify for a bond coverin! hii faithful performance of the Gont-r3Ccr. agd lhF p"ytnSn! of -all -obligations arisi-ng thereunder, in such form as the Ovrnei may lrescribi: dnd with such sureties as he may approve. The premium shall be paid by the Owner. 7. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS Work shall conform to all Codes as adopted by all applicable National , State and Local codes EagJ:e and County, Colorado, and ordinances. riil- z,r\t-.i( Page 2 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 14 - SITE CONDITIONS 1A-1 MATERIAL STORAGE (a) The building site will provi-de an adequate area for storage space. Contractors are expected to confine storage to area indicated as asphalt paved drive. (b) Keep materials covered to protect from weather. (c) Check all maEerials for damage in transit and replace if damaged, LA-z TEST HOLES A series of test holes has beenmade-over the site, The soil log is on file in Ehe Architectrs office, A report covering the condition3 found to exist is on fil-e in the office of the Architect where, it may be examined. The 1og and the report are believed to be accurate; however, neither the Owner or the Architect guarar_rtees the information contained therein nor do Ehey guarantee that Lhe conditions indicated to exist at the locations of the test holes lrill prevail at other locations on the site. SECTION 18 - TEMPORARY FACILITfES 1B-1 SANITARY PROVISIONS The Contractor shall proriide-and maintain, in a neat and sanitary condition, adeguate Lemporaily toite't facj-lities for the use of any and all employees engaged- on ihe work, iil strict compliance with the requirements of all appl-icable codes, regulations, laws and ordinaces. ELECTR.ICITY The Contractor will have insLalled on the site a metered source of electric service. apd will pay- lor all_-electric current nec- essary for f-ights aiia pdwei .as. nigy !e-1e[uired on tlie work. The ConEractor sha1l furnish all temporary wiring necessary to transmit the currenE to the points where=it is reguired by him on the work. After the work is completed_to the _extint thgt the_pe:manent ririring and fixtures are installed, th" Contractor _na:r use-s€rme-as may be necessary to compleLe the work within the building. The ContracLor shall pay for all eLectricity used up to the date that the buil-ding is accepted by the Owner. The Contractor shall provide all lamps necessary to light his work in either temporary or permanenLly installed fixtures. TEMPORARY HEAT Provide all temporary heat for protection of drying out the work. Installed and operated iir such a nranner thtt the finished work will not be damaged. If the p6rrrianenc-heacing system is apploved by the Architect for use as'temporary heai, the General Contractor shall pay all costs until acceptance by the Ovrner. tB-z 1B-3 O Pase 3 LB.4 WATER Contractor shall provide water supply to site at earliest possible dale. Water consumed pri-or to occupancy of owner shall be paid for by Contractor. SECTION lC - SHOP DRAWINGS 1C-1 GENERAL Shop drawings will be required only where necessary to facilitaEe selection of color. In these cases, three (3) drawings plus two (2) color samples of each color available will be required. SECTION lD . CONTRACT ALTERNATES ID-1 CONTRACT ALTERNATES (a) Alternates hereinafter specified are not a part of the base bid and thei-r acceptance or rejection rsill be at the option of the ohTner. (b) Work under each of the alteinde6s-shall include labor, rnaterials and equipment necessary to construct the item complete, and the price shall include the revision of the work of all trades. (c) Scace on proposaL'forrn the amount to add to or deduct from the base bi-d for accepLance of each of the following alternates. AlternaLe #1 In lieu of redwood deck, scate the amount co provLde fLr 2x4' decking. Alternate #2 In lieu of 2x4 exterior wal-1 construction w/foam insulation, state Lhe amount to provide 2x6 @ 24tt o.c. €Xt€rior wall con- stsructi-on w/n-tg blanket insulation. Alternate #3 In lieu of the electric baseboard heating system shown, state the amount to provide electric-sealed water units. Al-ternate #4.In lieu of the electric baseboard heaCing system shown, state the amount to prowide gas-fired water boiler with hot water baseboard distritnrtion. Page 4 SECTION lE - CASH ALLOWANCES 1E-l CASH ALLOWANCE DEFINITIONS (a) Include in the base proposal cash allowances for items listed below. The allowance totals shal1 be used for services, materials, and installation and be exclusive of overhead, profit and other related expense. (Except as noted in the specification for each item.) If the costs, when determined, is more or less than the allowance, the contract sum wil-l be adjusted accordingly by change order, (b) Include these allowances: Allow for utility line placement for gas (by alternaLe), water, sewer, telephone, and electrical from service location to a point 5t outside garage building. Included in this allowance is that material and labor required for all utility ties between two units, the amount of: $3, OOO. A1low for concrete footings, foundation wall , concrete piers and pads, reinforcing steel, garage concrete floor slab, all excavation, and backfill required for installation of such, the amount of: $g, ooo, Al1ow for carpet and miscellaneous floor coverings, the amount of: $5,OOO, Allow for wall tile and hearth tile, the amount of: $1,5OO. Al1ow for kitchen cabinets, ba-hioom vanities, desk unit in master bedroom" shelving cabinet in living room - Unit #1 and cubicle storage at stairway of Unit #1 , Uhe amount of: $5,5OO. Allow for appliances under Section l-1, the amount of: $4, ooo. Allow for electrical light fixtures (fixtures only, cost of installation and wiring to be in base bid), the amount of: $1,2OO. DIVISION2-SITEWORK SECTION 2A - EARTHI,{ORK 2A-L 2A-2 2A-3 EI(CAVATING Excavate the slte ings, and piers, to sol-id bedrock, I'rr4!r iir-\ .?age 5 of the buLLdings as reguLred for walls, foot- Excavati6n-for fbundation'of Unit #1 shel1 be Clean rock of all debris. AND BACKFILL SCOPE The work under this section i.ncludes the furnishings of all l-abor and materials and doing all- excavating, backfiJ-ling, fil-lr stock- piltng and replacing aLL usabl-e topsoil and gradlng indicated on the drawlngs and specifted or are a necessary part of the fore- goi-ng. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Contractor shaLl carefuLly examine the exlstlng condltions at the site, where conditions are Lndlcated rs-ith reasonable accuracy on the drawings, and shaLl- thoroughly famillarlze him- self with the condLtlons whlch the site rrilL be in when the work under this contract is started. ?a-4 COMPACTED FILL ALl lnterior floor slabs whose bearing surfaces are lndicated on Ehe drawlngs to occur 1b-ove exf itini4_ giade after stripping and all- exterior concrete iLibs oceurlirg- over filled or backfilldd areas, shaLL be constrructed over compacted earLh fill as herein- after specified. (a) l'traterial - MateriaL from the building excavatlons wlth the ex- ception of topsoil may be used t6r tilt material-. Any additLonal fill material reErired sha1l be oir imported materl-aI- approved by the Architect prl-or to hauLing. Fil1 raateriaL shaLl- be solL havlng 1OO percent finer than 6rr with no rock ln excess of 3rt being used wi.thin the top 5ft of any fi1-L" .(b) Preparation of Natural- Ground ; The excavated surface under the area to be filled shaLl be scari.fied, molstened and compacted ln the manner specifled beLow for subsequent I-ayers of fill-. Vega- tation and topsoll shalL be removed before beglnnlng preparatlon of natural ground. (c) Placing FtLL - No bnrsh, sod, or other perishable or unsuitable materLal shal1 be pLaced Ln the f1L1-. Distrf.tnrtlon of materiaL on the f1LL shaLl be such as to avold the fonnatlon of l-enses dlfferlng substantlalLy from the sr:rounding materlal . The materlals shalL be dellvered to the fl]-L surface ln such naffrer as to result ln a well and unifo:m1-y conpact,ed fil-1 . Before compacting, the fil-l naEerial shaLL be spread ln approxt* mately hori-zsrftal Layers'riot greater- thin 12rt thlck if compiction ts by surface wtbrating equlprnent, or not more than the length of Ehe vibrator head if compaction is by l-nternaL vibrators. (d) (e) (f) 2A-5 i"ll-Zi\ild Page 6 NOTE: LZn LLft is satisfactory for surface vibrator of th ton compactive effort or beEcer. For smaller surface vibrations, the lift thickness shoul-d be decreased as the easiest method of control; i.e,, a Jay tamP, hand held, should be used on no greater than a 4tr l-ift. Moisture Control - The mat,eriaL, while being compacted, sha11 contaln the proper moLsture for compacLion, distributed uni- forrnly throughout the layers' If necessary, soll, shal-l be blended with grader, dLsc or scarifier to obtaln uniform moistrrre content. Compaction - Areas indicated under (f) below shal-l have soiLs deposited ln layers and eompacEed by surface or internal power .drivert vibrating equipment t9 a_density not Less than 957" of rnaxirrum ProcLor density as determined by ASTM D-698, method as directed. Compaction.density wtl-l- be'teited by a tesLing labora- tory empl-oyed by Lhe Owner. Any dreas not meeting the specified densLty reguirements shiLL be removed and replacbd or reworked as directed by the Architect. Areas to Receive Compacted F1LL - The foLlowing areas shall receive compacted earth fll-l- as specifled above: (f) Backfill on both sidei of foundation walls.(2) Fill under all intbrior concr6te sl-abs on'grade.(3) Fill under exterior sidewaLks.(4) Fill- under foundations-wfrere wirgin soi]- is below the . bottsom of the foundation. GRADING The site shall be cut, f11-1ed, grad'ed bnd fine graded to the grades lndicated. CoordLnate gradlng pLan with site and land- scape plans. Graded surfaces shaLL be clean, free from rubbish of any aature and reasonably smooth. ?Ihere f1L1 ts reguired, lt sha11 be com- pacted as specified in Section 2A-4. 23^-6 EI(CESS MATERTALS A1L excess material from excavatlons and grading noL reused may be disposed of on the site by spreading evenl-y at Locations dlrecEed by the Architect" The resuLting surface sha1l be left smooth, cLean and even to grade, to drain and to flt into sur- ror:nding te:raln which"is undlsturbed. Stockpi.Le aLL avall-abLe top soil. 2A-7 EXISTING IJTILITIES Any sewer, water, gas, eI-ectric, or other pLpe 1-ines or conduits r:ncovered durLng the work shaLL be proteeted from daurage until they have been examined by ArchLtect. If such lines are found to be abandoned and not in user.they shalL be removed as an extra cost. If such l-lnes are for:nd to be in use, they shalL be care- fully protected at Orrners expense and work carried on around theur. If Grner deems it advlsabLe to rnove such 1ines, Owner vrill pay cost of moving. , l :.:-i..,.. Page.7 SECTION 28 - ASPHALT CONCRETE A}ID WAJ-KS zB-L ASPHALT PAVING Asphalt paving includes the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipmenL neeessary Lo complete aL1 asphaLt paving in accordance with the drawings and as herein set forth. ZB-2 PAVING CONTRACTOR Paving Contractor shal-l- empLoy a competent instnrmenC man and shall- rr:n all lines and grades and set aL1 grade stakes neces- sary to the compLetion of the work. Shoul-d he di.scover any discrepancies or errors ln the existl-ng or final contour llnes or elevatlons shorcn on the drawings, he shall- notify the Architect before any excavati-on has been started. 28-3 FINISH GRADING Finish grading sha1l be completed to Levels shown on drawLngs with the use of cnrshed graveL 4rr in depth under a1-1- asphaLtic concrete. Compaction of base coufse shal1 be to a denslty of 90% of Standard Proctor (ee- siio-Tgg). Existing soiL may be used lf deLe:rmined suLtabLe by Architect, and Town of Vatl Butlding Inspector, 28.4 APPLY OVER Apply over the gravel baser'2tt'oi Asphaltlc Concrete.to fLnlsh grade, avoidlng low spots or Bockets which would prevent full drainage of the area. 2B-5 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE Asphal-tlc concrete shalL-condain a miniuum of 6% asphalt wlth a L}O-15O penetratlon using a 5l8n rnax'imun sLze aggregate, and l-ess than 3% rnaEerial smal"Ler than .02 miLLlneters. (a) Asphalt shal-l- be l-aid using- a sel-f-propeLled |tl,ay-Downrt l,Iachine and rol-led with fLat wtr6et roLLei w'lth mlnirm:m of slx passes over the entire surface. The asphalt shalL be hand isorked with a hot Lron and hand temped adjacent to concrete work. (b) Entlre surface shalL be smooth and free from truarps and depressions and graded as shown on the drarrlngs. SECTION 2C - I,A}IDSCAPE zC-L SCOPE Contractor shal1 grade slte as per Sectl-on 2A-5 and seed exposed areas wlth native grass seed. Cover seeded areas wlth moisture retatning materlal. Page 8 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 3A-1 3A - CONCRETE FORM WORK SCOPE Work under this section includes the furnishing of all l-abor, eguipnent, and materials, including installation of concrete assessories and block outs. Coordl-naLe block outs for mechani- cal and electrical services rrrith appropriate subcontractors. 3A-2 FORIUS (1) (2) Concrete shall be cast in pJ-iwood, masonite or metal fonms whlch shall- conform to exact shape, lines and dirnensions reguired, be properly pLaced, tied and securely supported so as to withstand the placing of the concrete and maintain their shape and position. Joints shall be rights to pieveirt ioncrete from leaki-ng through jointss, and if such does occlJr, rough surfaces shall be removed. Removal- of Forms: Forms shall be removed ln such a nanner as to insure Lhe qomplete safety of the structure. Fo:ms shall be thoroughLy cieaned before reusing and none that have been darnaged, warped, or othemrise declared unflt by the Architect shall be reused (3)Forms shall- be either oiled or wetted as directed by the Architect. Oil-s that will interfere with bondl-ng of any finish naterial wi-1-1-not be per-rnitted .&11- neeessary forms, cbnterlng, recesses, ctrambers and molds shaLL be buil-t to the shapes, lines and dimensions shown on the drar,rings. JoinEs in all- fo:m work shal-l- be so arranged as Co be vertical- or horizontal-. Provide and buiLd into p1-aie-in-fo:rms, all wood strlps, blocking, mouldlng, metaL frames, ducti, cuibs, bnchor bo1-ts, nasonry anchors, ang1e ironS, lintelb, 'etc., and do al-I- for"ming as called for on the drawings, and as requlred by other trades. Set all Sleeves. (4) (s) SECTION 3B - CONCRETE RETNFORCEMENT 3B-1 SCOPE Work includes the ftrrnishing of all 1-abor, equipment, and materials necessary to constrtrctLon in accordance with the drawlngs and here-in specified. 3B-2 SHOP DRAIIINGS Sub'rnit shop drawings showin! bar schedules, bendlng diagra"urs and steel placing and do not begin fabrication untl1 same are approved. 3B-3 3B-4 3B-5 3B-6 Page.9 REIMORCING STEEL Reinforcing steel shall be as noted on the drawings, of sizes indicated, and shal-l be free from dirE, rusE, mlllscal-e and any other foreign rnatter that would reduce or destroy bond. IE shall be deforrned (ASTM-a-3os) and shall- be made of new intermediat,e grade billet steel (AStt4-A-615) grade 40. Spllcing of bars shall be made as close as pracLicable to points of mlnirm-rm stress, and shall be a nui.nimurn spLice of 24 bar dLameters. WELDED WIRE FABRIC Wel-ded wire fabric shall be 6-6x L0/L0 confoming to ASTI"I 4185. Install- on1-y in Locations lndlcated on the drawlngs. SPLICING WIRS Splicing wire shall be #18 gauge black annealed wire. FORM TIES A}ID CHAIR CARRIERS Ties shaLl be as approved by the Archltect and such that when forms are removed, they leave no metal within one-haLf lnch of finish surface. SECTION 3C - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 3C-L SCOPE Work inclrrdes the furntshtng of aLL l-abor, equlpment, and mat- erlal-s including aL1 concrete accessorles; and the const::trctlon of all plain and relnforced concrete work necessaa'Jr to construc- tion in accordance with the drawl-ngs, and herein speclfled. Work and material-s also include, furnishlng and pLaclng of grout and dry pack wherever caLLed for on the drawings, firrnishing and pl-acLng enpansion joints. 3C-2 CHI{ENT Cement shall'be standard Portland cement and shal1 confo:m to all the regulrements of the Standard Speclflcations and Tests for Portland Cement of the ASTItl, SeriaL Deslgnation C-15O-61, I)rpe I. Gement showing evid6nce of any damage whatssoever or of being green w'iL1 be rejdcted. 3C-3 FINE AGGREGATE Fine aggregate shall- consist of elean washed natrrral- sand having hard uncoated grains, free from lnjurlous amormts of elay, dustt soft or flakey parti-cles, shaLe, alkallr organlc natter, I-oam or other deleterious matter. (a) Sand shall- pass a Ll4tt screen, and shaLL be weLL graded from coarse to fine. Not more Ehan 757. no l-ess than 5O7" shal-L pass the #8 sieve. Not more t,hart 257. no Less than 15% shalL pass the f5O sleve. potable, free of deleterl-ous matter. 3C.6 ADMIXTURES Add air entrainlng agent Lo all concrete exposed to soil or weather. No other admixEures will be allowed wlthout approval- of ArchtLect. 3C-4 COARSE AGGREGATE Coarse aggregate shall ASTtvI Designation C33. 3C-5 IIATER Water shaLl be clean, (d) Concrete shalL confonn IJrpe of Maxirmrm Construction Slze Coarse Aggregate I Ll2n t Llzn conform Lo all reguirements of current Top size of aggregaLes shalL be L-Zt'. Page 1O made with sand and gravel minl-rmrm compresslve strength f oLLowing requirement s. Sluurp Cernent MaxLrmrm I'{in:irm:m }pe 3C_7 CONCRETE (a) A11 cast in place concrete shall be aggregates and shall conforo to the r-quirernent ax 28 days (see below). (b) No water shal1 be added at the job unless absolutely essential for workable consistency. The ConLractor shaLl keep an accurate record of the addition of any traCer above that of the design mLx. (c) An approved air entrainlng agent shal1 be used. ln a1-1 concrete. The absol-ute minirmrm air content, for 3OOO psl concrete shal-L be 4>27. ! Lr;/". A11 concrete not confot:ni-ng to thl-s specification sha11 be rejecLed. to the 28-Day I'Iinlrmrm Footings Slabs & Walls 41 zrt I or 5n 3rr I or II II Strength (psl) 3000 3000 3C.8 PI.,ACING OF CONCRETE (a) Before placing of concrete, water, dlrt, residue of any kLnd shall be rernoved from trench and/or forms. Dirt that fa1Ls into fresh concrete shaLL be removed before concrete pourlng contlntres. (b)Goncrete shal-l- not be placed on any frozen or frosty surfaces, or in any trenches or forms contalnlng surplus water. (c) Imediately in advance of pLacLng concrete, aLl- excavatlon, fomt reinforcements, lnserts, etc.e wiLL be Lnspected by the Archltectt and work for:nd r.:nsatisfactory shall have aLl- defecEs remedied before concrete work proceeds. Notify Architect at Least 24 hours prior to al-L concrete pours and obEain hls approval before placing any concrete. Dampen, as directed al-l- surfaces to receLve con- crete slabs jusL prlor to p1-acing concrete. Page 11 (d) Concrete shali- be handled from mixer to its respectl-ve place of final deposlt in a conLinuous manner, and as rapidly as possible. It shal-L be deposited in the forms Ln l-ayers not over 24tt deep and as closely as pracEicable to its finaL posl- tion to avoid rehandling. Spade or rod or vibrate concrece so as to secure a solLd homogeneous mass. (e) Before depositing anry concrete on or agaLnst previously de- posited concrete whlch parLiaily or entirely set, the surfaces of the laEter shal-L be thoroughly-roughened, and cleaned of all foreign matter, scum and Laitance. Fo:rms shall be retlghtened and surfaces of prewiously deposited concretse shdlL be slushed with grout of materials and mix identicaL to those of concrete to be placed, except thal th6 coais6 bggiegate shal-L be omitted. New concrete shaLl be deposlted before the grout attains lts initial set. (f) Retenperlng of concrete wlrlgh has bein aLlowed to stand 3O mi-nutes or longer after mixing or which is parti-aLLy set or hardened, rsilL not be pennltted. -. Pennit all trades eveiy necessary-t6st of undergrorxrd of, €n- cased pLping, condult, draLnsr.etc.r- before pouring concrete. (e) (i) 3C-9 (h) Do not bury conduiEr.'plpe 6r bthei mriterial-s in sl-abs without , prlor approval- of Architect r.rrless such items are speclficall-y indicated on the trrLans. ExpansLon, construction and control- joints, and scorLng and tooLing in sLabs shaLL be l-ocated as caLLed for on the drawipgs,or as approved by the Architect. PROTECTION ATiID CI.'RING (a) Concrete pl-aced in forms shait be rnaihtained in a molst conditioa _ for at least seven days-afteq pLageqegt by wetting of for:ms, A11- sl-abs shal1 be sprayed luiEh curl-ng compound as soon as possibLe after finish is appLled. (b) Care sha1l be ererclsed in nixinge^placlng and protectlng con- crete when ternperafure Ls bel-ow 5O-. Suitable means shal-L be provided^for malntaining the concrete at a CenFerature of ats l-east 50- F., for a perLod of seven days after placing. Methods of heattng the ingredients and protecting the concrete sha11 be subject to the approval of the Archltect. Housing, covering or other protectl-on used l-n connectLon with curlng shalL remaln ln place and intact at least. 24 hrotrrs afEer the artificial- heatlng is discontLrru,ed. (c)A11 ftnish fl-oor sLabs shaLL be protected for the durati.on of the job against oLls chipplng, damage of any kind. 3C-10 (a) Page. LZ CONCRETE CLEANING AND FINISHING AND FLATIIORK Cleaning and Patching - Irmnediately after stsripping form work, and concrete has been inspecEed by the Architects, strike off all burrs and form joints fl-ush with finish surface. Patch minor defecLive honeycomed areas. Ftl-l- holes before concrete is thoroughly dry. Chip areas away to l-tr depth w'ith edges regular, perpendicul-ar to surface where reguired.. Thoroughly wei .tra" to be pat,ched including aTea aE least 6rr wide entirely surrounding it just prior to pl-acing patsching morfar. Fill holes left by removaL of ends of ties sol-id1-y wi-th mortar. O Page rr DIVISION 4 - MASONRY (Does not appl-y) Page L4 DIVISION 5 - METALS (Does nots apply) Page 15 DIVISION SECTION 6A-1"SCOPE Work rmder this section includes the furni-shing of all labor and equlpment necessary for the installation of all extserior doors, sltding glass doors, windowsr'wood floor aird roof joists, sheaLh- i-ng, framing, exterior slding, sc.affolding, and any and aLL other labor necessary for the flnal framini inspection.as performed by the Tourn of VaiL Building Department, aL1 as shown on the drawings and herein set forth. 6A-2 !ilORKMANSHIP ON GENERAL CARPENTRY A11 work shown or reason€rbly understood to be carpentry work shall be performed ln the best known nanner of the trade by the carperrter. A11 work shalL'be erected pl-r:nb, Leve1, true, and in accord with the detalls. Joinery shaLl be neat and trrre. Carpenter shal-L in aLL case6 arranige for hls work to be properly l-aid out to receive other work in connection wLth salne. (a) InstalL alL necessary blocking for aLL trades and a1-1 fl-re stopping as required by codes. (b) Exposed surfaces shaLl be milLed to profil-es as detailedr and shal-l be smooth and free frorn rnachine marks, ALl finlsh material sha1l be Ln as long lengths'as possible. I,Ihere joLnts are necessary, they shatl- be mitered, unless othenrise shown on plans. Nail-s shaLl be either box or finish, properly set and puttied, and all- surfaces shaLl be free of haruner ^rks' 6A-3 FRAIVIING LTJI4BER A11 framing l-r:mber used throughout shall have maximum moLstrrre content of nlneteen percent (t97") at, tlme of install-ation and shaLL be thoroughLy seasoned. (a) Joists, pLates, nallers shaLL be grade stamped standard or _ better Hen-Fir or eguaL of sizes and spacing as shor,rn on the drawings, Studs shal-L be stud grade Hem-Fir or egual, 6 - CARPENTRY 64' - ROUGH CARPENTRY Beams and girders shaLL be rough Douglas Fir wtth allorvable bending stress of L550 psl, Dense No. 1- or better. PLYWOOD Plyeood shalL be DFPA tested quality as fol-lows: Roof Sheathing - 3/6rr c-D EXt-DFPA Group 1. Install-ed with face grain across supports. Floor - combined subfl-oor-underlayment 3/4tt T8rG C-D plugged, touch sanded with exterior gLue. Glue to jolsCs and each other. " (b) 6A-4 (a) (b) O ?age L6 6A.5 WALL SHEATITING Exterior face of studs of exEerLor war1s shall- be sheathed r,rith LlZt' sEyrofoam insulating sheathing conforming to ASTM C79. Provide diaphram support wLth. LlLt' C/O ply. at corners. 64.-6 DECKING Deck shall be 2x4 redwood, consLr. heart. Place boards 1/8tt dist. aparE and set with galv. finish nails, (see Alternates.) 6A-7 ALL WOOD FASTENERS ALl wood fasteners unless oLherwise specificaLly shown on draw- ings shall- conform to tshe rrNational Design SpeclficatiQns for Stiess Grade Lgmber and. iLs Fasteningstt, L962 Edltion' as pub- li.shed by the NatLonal Lunrber ManufacLurersr Association. SECTION 6B - EXTER]OR SIDING 6B-1 SCOPE work under thi.s section incLudes the furnishing of al-l labor5 materlals and egtr:ipment ndcessary for the furnishing of al-l- exterior slding as shown on the drawlngs and as herein set forth. (a) Exterior sidlng where indtcated'on the Architectural drawings shalL be rough surfaced cedar Lx6 Channel' (b) Exterior sofflts are same as wall- sidlng. (c) E>rterior trim shalL be-l x cedar ln sizes indLcated on the Architectural drawlngs. SECTION 6G - FINISH CARPENTRY 6c-L SCOPE Work under this sectiort lncl-udei the furntshing of alL l-abor, and egutpment for the insEalLation of all bath accessories, al-l interior doors and trim, and finish hardware. " 6C-2 INTM.IOR WOOD DECK Those areas referred to in finish schedule as wood ceil-ing shal1 be 1x6 Channel rustic.pine siding. Use random loaia lengths of 8t-Otr minim.rm length. Butt jolnts shal1 be 45o laps. 6c-3 INTERTOR STAIR MATERIAI Interior stairs shall be closed constnrction rrrith 5l4u fir treads and 314't pine risers. Handrail- shal-l- be 9l4ttx6 red oak. Ease edges and remove any rniL1 marks, Stringers shaLl be ledger styl-e to stud waLL. ;;"-;, 6c-4 MILLIIORK (Allowance) Thefollowingmillworkitemswl1lbebyallowance: (a) A11 kitchen cabinets and countertoPs (b) A11 bach van:ities (top not inctuded) (c) storage shelves and cabinets, Refer to dranving Ln Sheet 6, shelving el-evation. (d) Cubicle storage at stalr of Unit #1 (e) Desk in master bedroom of UniE #1 6c-5 WARDROBE, SHSLF AND ROD sheLwtng to clothes cl-osets shall- be 3l4tt particle board with l-eading edge mlLled. Rod shal_l be L-Ll4rdia. with rod-shelf comblnatLon supports. Max. span sha1L be.4r-Orr' DIVISION SECTION 7L-L 7 . IqCISTI.]RE PROTECTION 74. - BUILDING INSULATION Page 18 with aa R value of Instal-l- behlnd trvisqueanrr SCOPE Work under thls sectlon includes the furnlshing of all Labor, eguipment and maLerlals necessary for the installation of al-l- buttOing insuLation as shovm on the drawings and as hereln set forth. 7A_2. WAIL INST]LATION Watl insulation shalL be foarned in place 17.5 Ln total- of 3r2rr deep wall cavlty. vapor barrier. 7A-3 WALL INSI]LATION (ATTER,NATE) 7A-4 7A-5 Wal-l- insuLation sha1l be fibergLass blankets hawlng a minirutun trRil value of 19. Blankets shaLl be made wlth asphalted Kraft paper vapor barrLer with fol-ded natling flanges. InsEall- in -ompliance w:iEh manufactrrrbrr s speclfications. Cover with ttvlsgueanrt vapor barrler to lnstde. R@F INST]LATION Roof insul-ation shal-l- be flber glass bl-arrkets hawi-ng a minlmnn ttRrr value of 30. Blankets shaLt be made with asphalted lGaft paper vapor banier w:ith folded irailing fLanges. Install- in compliance with manuf acLurer I s speclficatlons, PERIMETER FOT]NDATION INSTJLATION Perimeter foundatsion irisularion shal-l be expanded polystJrrene insulation board hawing a value of R-5. 7A-6 DAIt{PPROOFING Bittrminous dampproofing shal-L be rolled on North and West walls ' of garage. SECTION 78 - ROOFING 7B-L SCOPE Work under this sectLon includes the furnishing of aLL labor, equlpment and'materiaLs necessary for the instal-lation of aLl- roofing. 7B'2 INSPECTION OF ROOF SI'RFACE Imediately prior t,o startlng the appLtcation of roofLng, .the roofing Contractor shal-l- careftrLly lnspect the surface_to whlch the roofing is to be appLlbd as'weLl as a1-1 fLastring- cants, roof drains, et-., and shall-ieporE-to tfie Generbl-Contiabtor any conditioa" rht.h might intLrferb with thb proper compldtion of tshe roofing. No roofing shaLL pr6ceed untiL the surface to be covered is in first class conditlon and ful-ly accepLed by the roofing Contractor. 7B-3 MATERIALS Handsplit cedar shakes shall be certtfled No. 1- Grade, Ll2 xo Zl4 b:utt thLckness, 24 long witsh 10rt exposure to the weather. shakes shalL be Laced with 3o lb, felts. Apply over 1x4 spaced sheattuing on 1x4 nail-ers. Apply 15 lb. felts over plywood deck. All- materials sha11 be best guality obtaLnable for the various reguirements, deJ-ivered at building ln unbroken packages bear- ing uakert s l-abels. F1-ashing - Cap flashing shall- be appl-ied ln strlct accordance . with roofing manufacturers s-pbcifiiations for detalls shown. Ventll-ator crrrbs, vent staclis, 9t9.: projecting through the roof shall- be fLashed in cornpLtance with the roofl-ng marnrfac- Eurers specifications and instnrctions. 7B.4 HANDLINC A}ID STORAGE A1L materials shalL be kept dry and cLean. Ro1ls of fel-t, etc.e shalL be placed on end and the roL1-s of felt properly covered. Stock piling of materials ori. decks shatl- be controLled and dis- tritnrted to prevent defLectlon of deck strructure and ln guanti- tLes for the days appl-icatlon. I'traterial-s may not be stored in the buil-dlng, and must be keptat Least 50 feet from all hdld- ings except durLng actuaL lnstallatlon of work' 7B-5 GUARATITEE The subcontractor who-installs ihakes shall guarantsee that portion of the rooflng, and.certify'thac any repalrs or repl-ace- ment necessary due to material .faiLure.or faulty workmanship wtLL be made at the installerrs e>rpense for a two-year period from the date of acceptance of constrruction. SECTION 7C . CAI]LKING 7C-L SCOPE Page 19 Work under th:is section incLudes the furnishing of al-l- labor, eguipments and msterials necessary for the tnstalLation of all- cauLklng as shown on the drawlngs and as hereln set forth. MATER,IAL Gaulking shaLL be gun grade, oiL base eLastie, unifo:rm meeting or exceeding Federal Speclflcatlon TT-C,598b, $pe 1-o t{arch L965. INSTALLATION Surfaces to which caulking is to be applied shall be cleaned before applicatLon ln compLiance with cauLking manufacturers recorouendatLons. Carefull-y caulk at aLL poLntss where metal- meets with wood, other metal., where noted on the drawlngsr and wherever water or aLr eatrinCe mfjht occur.' Caulktng shal-l be worked into jol-nts and finlshed smooth and neat' 7C-2 7C-3 l,il./-iitrt Page 20 SECTION 7D - SHEETMETAL 7D-I SCOPE Work rrnder this section includes the furnishing of aLL equlpment' labor and materials for Ehe instal-latLon of all- metal flashing' gutters, downspouts, and meLal rrlaLerProofing, as shovrn on the drawingso and herein set forEh' 7D-Z MATERIAL Flashing shall be a rnLnirmrm of 26 gauge gal-vanized iron, unless otherwise noted hereLn or on drawl-ngs' 7D-3 INSTALLATION Sheetsmetal shalL be lnstaLled ln'sirict accordance wiEh the best recorrnendations of ttStairdaid piaicfie'ln Sheet Metal t{orkrt, and shall have proper seamsr.6xpenston joints where required, aI-1 made perfectl-y watertilht. Al-i .finish_work stral-L be made event free from waves and objectionabl-e jolnts or buckl-es and Left perfectly cl-ean wtth a1-1 gaLvanized lron ready for etching by painter. A11 joints shaLl- be lockeil,'gn$ exposei edges lreuned. Exposed jointlng sha1l be worked out on job as approved by the Archltect, using as Long l-engths of materials as possibl-e, o Page.2L DIVISION 8 - DOORS AI{D ISINDOWS SECTION 8A - ITOOD DOORS 8A-1 SCOPE 8A-2 8A-3 Work under this section lncl-udes the furnishlng of all- equipment" labor and materlals for alL wood doors and frames- EXTERIOR WOOD DOORS Doors shall be 1-3/3rr sol-l-d core door wiCh rough cedar paneling set to both sides rrrith waterproof gl-ue. Edge in cedar. IMERIOR PASSAGE DOORS Doors shal1 be rotary cut red oak veneer doors. Note flni.sh and door schedule for floor clearance. 8A-4 FRAMES Frames shaLl be ptne jambs. Trim-doors wLtiJn 2-3l4x3l4n W.P. screen stock wl-th uitered corners. 8A-5 GUARANTEE Doors shall- be guaranteed ln accordance r,yith Ehe standard one year gaatantee of the NatLonal Woodwork l4anufacturerrs Associa- tlons. 8A-6 BI.FOLD DOORS Wardrobe and cl-oset doors shaL1 be Nord pine wood bifoLdlng, flush face, doors. Complete with track and mlsc. hardware. 8A-7 GARAGE DOORS Garage doors shall- be Overhead Series zOL, 7r-Ott H.x9r-Orr, single doors, 6 panels wide. Doors shalL be faced rstth 1x6 Channel- rusLic cedar sidlng. Gl-ued and nailed to door raiLs and stiles. SECTION 88 - SLIDING GI.ASS INOR Slld.lng glass doors shalt- be Anderson or equal-, Units shall consLst of fl-xed panel and one operatLng panel-, and be ful-ly removable. Door shaLl- be eguipped with sLl.ding screens. GLaze rrtth 2 Layers 3/16 tempered glass. Insulated beads shall be ruarine type, wFap-4's'o*rd soft wlnyl- type securely sealing the glass in the frame. See Schedul-e. SECTION 8C - $NNDOWS 8c-1_ SCOPE [^Iork under this sectlon includes the furnishing of a1-1 egulpmant, l-abor and material-s for aLt- wood windows. See Schedule. MIZNER Page 22 8C-2 GI,AZING AJL gLazLng for windows and sliding glass doors shall- be hermeti- cally seaLed, based on IJBC area requirernents. The uniLs sha1l be Ll2u- or 5/8" thiqkness. The Ll?tt :unLt consists of 1/8rr DSB wich 1/4tt spacer. Th5 S7g" units conslsts of 31L6" float both sides of Ll4tt spacer. SECTION 8D - FINISH HARDWARE 8D-L SCOPE Work under thi.s secEloir iircLud'es firrnlshing all laborr mater'als and equ:ipment necessary to complete al-l- finish hardware and re- lated items. MATERIAT (a) Hardware shaLl- be Schlage A S-eri.es, satin chrome fLnLsh. . Style - Ba11. Functlon - as per schedul-e. 8D-2 MIZNER Page 23 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES SECTION 9A - GYPSUM DRYI^IALL 9A-1 SCOPE 9A-2 (a) (b) (c) 98-2 98-3 (d) Finlsh a1-1 gypsr:m board wal-L surfaces with USG spray texture for a spray applied l-ight stippl-e texture. 9A-3 INSTALI,ATION (a) t{ood Studs - Single layer ur6thtld appl-ying wal-lboard horLzontally and directly to studs spaced i6tt o.i. using USG Slngle l-ayer Installatlon Applicatlon Technlgues. In double layers app1l- cation top layer to nastic appLied per USG reconrnendatlons. (b) Underside of Joists - Single Layer method applying gypsum board directLy to and across the framing mernbers. SECTION 98 - PAIMING 9B-l_ SCOPE Work under thls section lncludes the furnishlng of alL labor, eEripment and materials necessary for the installatlon of a1-1- gypsum dr5rwal-l as sholon on the drawings and as hereln set forth. MATM.IAL A11 gypsun wa11 board shall- be Llztt USG sheetrock (or approved equal), tapered edges of the slzes indicated on the drawlngs. Use USG accessorles, No. LOO corner relnforcement and No. 2OO A edge tr.lm (or approved equal). treat fiLLed jirints wlth Perf-a-Cape and jolnt compotxtd and flll nait- or screr,r holes ln aicordrince with mamrfacturerrs dlrections and ASA speclfLcatLon A97 L-L968. Work r:nder thls section includes the furnishlng of all labor, materiaLs, and eguipment necessary for all- painting as shown on the drawings and as herein set forth. COLOR SHIPS AND SAI.'IPLES The Archttect wllL prowide a color schedule ln four (4) copies to the Contractor lLstLng all paint colors selected. Color selections.shall- be made from col-of, systems of Plttsburght Pratt and tambert, Cook or Komac. If materi.al-s of other manr- facturers are used, col-ors shal-l- match those sel-ected. MATERIALS l{aterlals reguired for painting shaL1 be delivered in unbroken packages bi:aring the brand and name of manufacturer and shall- be subject tso inspecEion and approval . Materials shall- be ordered sufficiently in advance to be on the -rob when needed and shal1 be del-ivered at the b-uilding in sufficient guantlties so that the work wil-L not be delayed. No cl-aim by the Contractor con- cerning unsuitabiLity of any rnaterial specified or his lnabillty to produce flrst-class woik with the Same will be entertsained unless such claim is made, in writing, to the Architect before the contracL is signed. MIZNER Page 24 The besE quaLity naterials as manrrfactured by alY of the fol-low- ing Manufdcturers or approved egual- materials of other manufac- tuiers w111 be acceptabl-e for use on the wori<. It is the intent of these speci-fications to prowlde a Type I Standard job as described in the_latest, edition of Paintlng speci-flcations pre- pared by the Pai.irting and Decorators Contractors of Anerlca. irlh"r" more strl"ngent regr:irements are specified herein, they shall take precedence. 98-4 9B-5 98-6 (.) Pittsburgh DuPont DuLch Boy Mcl4urty Pratt & Larnbert, Inc. Olynpic-Stain Shend-n-Williams Cook Devoe PREPARATION OF SIJRFACES Flnl-shes on wood and metaL surfaces are to be carefirl-l-y sanded between coats. Use extra fi.ne sandpaper to avoid cuttlng che edges when sandlng. Futty or spackll-ng shal-l- be appLied after surfaces are primed and prlmer is dry. WORKMANSHIP ALl workmanstrip shaL1 be of the very best with alL materlaLs evenly spread and smoothly'fl-bwed on wi-thout rtms or sagglng of material-s. If the surfaces'are not lrr proper shape for palnt- ing, they sha1l be repalred, rebrrilt, or reflnished to the satisfactLon of the ArchiLect Uetore proceeding with the work; otherwlse, the Paintlng CoirtiactorwLll be hel-d responslble for any poor work caused by improper surfaces. The appltcatl-on of the first coat by the Paintlng Contractor does not relieve him of the r6sponsibit-lty for the base. A11 surfaces to which flnish is to be appl-ied shalL be dry and clean. No flnishlng shalL be done outside in extreme cold, frosty, foggy or damp weather. Spaces utrst be'elean before finishlng is started. No finisMng shal1- be done Ln rooms or spaces where nrbbish has accurmrlated or wtrile rubbish-is being removed and no flnlshing shall be done ln dusty rooms. No nrbbish shall be removed whll-e flnlsh is fresh. No coats sha1l be applied on elther damp or wet surfaces and ln no case unLess the preceding coat is dry 6nd hard. FLnishing shall- be done when the temperature ls 50" F. or over and all surfaces absolutely dry. AL1 finish sha1l be evenly spread and thoroughl-y brushed out. A11 work shall be sand- papered between coats. In no case wil-l exterior paintLng be allowed while dust is bLowing. Finish coat shal-l be !n color as seLected by Archi-tect. Each coat prior to the finish coat shall be in sLightly different coLor, all building toward proper base color to receive flnal coat in coJ-or as sel-eeted. APPLICATION SCHEDI]IE G54psum ioard (1) First coat - laLex paint (2) Second coat - latex throughouL. in bathrooms only. Latex enamel-semi-gloss MIZNER ?age 25 (b) Ferrous Metals (1) First coac - factory priue coat (2) Second coat - exterior metal finishing paint (c) Rough Saqrn Wood Trim and Stding (1) To be I-eft natural (d) Interior Oak Doors (1) Apply one (L) coat staLn (2) Seal with satl-n fintsh seal-er (2 coats). (e) InEerior Wood Deck Ceil-ing & Beans (1) One (1-) coat OLSmplc stain (f) Interior Bl-fol-d Doors ._ (1) l\ro (2) coats semi-gl-oss al-kyd enarnel (g) A11 Door Frames & Trim (1) l\vo (2) coats sepl-gl-oss aLkyd enamel (h) Zlnc Coated Metal - all exposed flashlng, gutcers and donrnsPoucs (1) Clean with mineral splrits (2) Erch (3) First coat - oxide-prLmer (4) Second coat - excerior metal finishing paint 9B-7 CLEAI{ TJP At the completion of work, remove all surplus rnaterLal-s, staging, rubbish, etc., clean'off a1-l- paLnt, Varnlshn stains, etc., from floors, glass, walls, hardware, etc., and l-eave the premises l-n good condltLorr. SECTION 9C - RESILIENT FTOOR COVERING 9C-L SCOPE I{ork under this section includes the furnLshing of all labor, equiprnent and materials necessary for the installation of a1-1 resilient fLoor covering as shown on the drawings, as herein seL forth. 9C-2 MATERIAL Wtrere lndicated on the drawings and schedul-e to receive sheet vinyl- fLoor covering, furnish and install .Ogotr gauge, 6 fx. ra"ide sheet. vinyL as manufactured by Armstrong or approved egual. Color and pattern to be sLected by Architect. See allowance. mzNm. Page 26 9C-3 INSTALLATION No floor coverings shal-L be laid until- floor ls compLetely and thoroughly dry. The Contractor shall- carefully examine all sur- faces to recei-ve-floor coverlngs and satisfy hinseLf that no condicions exist Ehat would prevent a first-class lnstall-atlon of the floor coverings. Any r:nsatisfactory condltLons mtrst be corrected before fl-oor coverings are lnstal-Led. Floor to be Leveled by fil-Ling and grlnding where required tso prowlde a completely Level- surface. Thoroughly cl-ean al-1 fLoors b6fore applying floor coverl-ngs. Remove a!-L rough spots and any foreLgn matter that rnight be ewldent through the floor coverlng. Adhesives shall- be strlctly ftt accordance wlth the recomendatlons of the manufacturer of th6 tlle for the condi.tlons enLsting ln each particular area covered. A1-1 tll-e shaLl be l-aid by authorized representative of the narnt- facturer. AJ-1 jotnts sha11 be s'Eraight; tight and fLush. A1l- tlle shalJ- be tightly cernented to fl-oor. ?atterrrs shaLL be carefully worked out for each floor area and cuts rnade agalnst al-l- wal-ls so that cuts on opposlte sldes of the area are of same width. SECTION 9D - CARPET 9D-1 SCOPE t{ork under this sectlon includes labor, egutpment, and materlals necessar)r for install-atLon of carpet. See Finish Schedule. AL1 carpec wiLL be stretch instal-lati-on to tackLess perimeter ' strips. Note that hearth of tlnit #1 and interior stair treads and rlsers of both units receive carpet. 9D-2 ALLOWAI{CE Carpel pad and carpet to be chosen at l-ater date. Note al-lowance for material and Labor. SECTION 9E - TILE 9E-1 SCOPE Work under this section includes labor, eguipment and materials necessary for instal-Lation of all floor and wal-l tsi1e. See drawings and schedules. 9E-2 A].LOWANCE An allowance has been set asl-de for maLerlal and labor for Ln- stallatlon of til-e. 1'trateriaL to be chosen at laCer date. I.{IZNER Page 27 DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION lOA - BATH ACCESSORIES 1OA-1 SCOPE Work r:nder this section includes the furnishing of a1-1 materials necessary for all bath accessories. l_oA-2 Items shalL be Nutone manufactured. or approved eguaL. (a) Mediclne cablnets #268R as shown on pLans. Ilinge slde of door tso back walI of va4ity. (b) Towel rlng #HM-486 Qrantlty - (1) (c) Paper holder #HM-486 Quantity - One (I-) per water closet. (d) Towel rack #Ht'1'-495 Qr:antity - (7) at 18tr l-ong.(3) at 24rt Long. (e) Door hook #HM-481 Quantlty - (5) (f) Mirrors - plate glass in the foLlowlng guantity and size: 24tt x 6otr - two (2) 32tt x 60tr - one (L) 42tt x 60tr - one (I-) 56tr x 6ott - one (L) 'Mirrors shall be directly adhered to wall:uithno trim reguired. trlhere m"lrror is bordered by walLs to both sides, unit should go from corner to corDer. Verlfy size in field. (g) Shower rod - Frowi.de adjustable, screrd tightening, rod. Chrome _ flnish. Quantlty - (1) 1OA-3 FIREPLACE Fireplace shall be Heatilator #t23c complete with f1ue, ducLs, fans, fla3hings, storm co11ar and top cap. o MIZNER Page 28 DrvISroN 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION ltA - RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES 114-1 APPLIANCES: TJNIT 1. Dishwasher: Maytag wU 4o1 Disposal: Was8eking 28OO Lar:ndry Egulpment3 Westlnghouse rsasher and dryer Oven: t{estlnghouse I(B 451 25tt w.o continuous clean, bLack gl-ass doors. Cooktop: Jerrn Air 2380 EGS, removable grill, self-contaln vent. Refrigerator: I{esEinghouse 3-door, 2! cttoft., wlLce maker- LLA-? APPLIANCES: tjnrLt 2 Dishwasher: }#yxag WU 2O1 Disposal: t'Iasteking 260,0 Laundry Equlpment3 G.E. washer and dryer Range: Westlnghouse I(F 335, seLf-clean, 4-burnerr Pan storage. Range Hood: Westlnghouse 3orr uni-t w/3t4x10 duct-horiz. Refrigerator: G.E. 2L cu.fx., w/lce maker. I.1.A-3 INSIRUCTIONS (a) Onmer to furnish alL appllances of 1LA-l and 11-A-2 aE job slte. (b) Contractor shall prowide all necessary el-ectrlcal- and plurnblng rough-ln and shall- instal-l- appl-lances. MIZNER Page 29 DIVISION 12 - FI.IRNISHINGS (Does not apply) I.TIZNER Page 30 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Does not apply) a MIZNER Page 31 DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTE}4S (Does not appiy) MTZNER Page 32 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15A - I{ECHANICAT SPECIAL CONDITIONS 154-1 SCOPE OF WORK Work covered shal-l consist of furnlshing all labor, equipmentt supplles and materf-aLs and in perfo:rml-ng a1-1 operations neces- sary for the installatl-on of complete and operating mechanl-cal systems. Prove satisfactory operatlon of all- egulpment and controls to the ArchitecL or Englneer on reguest. 1,5A.2 CODES AIID STAT|IDARDS The installation shal-l conply wlth a1-1 appl-l-cable codes, specl- fications, state laws, l6ca1 ordLnances, industry standards and utLltty company regul-atlons. 15A-3 PERMITS, FEES, LTCENSES At[D INSPECTIONS ALt- pe:mits, fees, licenses- and lnspectlons for this Dlvision shal-l- be pald for by this ContracLor. Include these Ltems in base bid separate of al-Lolcance. L5A-4 SHOP DRAWINGS Shop drawlngs shaL!- be submitted on all substltuted eguipnent specified by B or C nr.rmbdrs. Eguipment speclfied by name and model nr:mber does not reguire shop drawlngs. 154-5 STESTIT'T]TIONS (a) Materials or eErlpment specified by manufacturerfs name is used as a basis of standard." Mateiials of egual guallty nay .be. used i-f approved before bidding. (b) t'traterlal-s or eguipment l-lsted by several- manufacturerts n€rmes are intended to be bidderrs choice, and any of the listed manu- facttrrers may be bid. 154-6 EKCAVATION AND BrcKFILL Excavating and backfilling reguired by the work ln this Divlsion shal-l be done by this Contractor. An alLowance ls provided for lnstal-Lation of water, sewer and gas (alternate) from outside butldings to connection at existlng city service. Do not incl-ude any cost for thls work in base bi-d except for aLlowance. T5A-7 FOTINDATIONS AI{D ST'PPORTS (a) F\rrnish and install all foundatLons, bases and supports for mechanical _equipment. (b) Furnish a1-1- hangers, anchors, sway bracing and guides for various piping and duct systems. 15A-8 t'llZNER Page 33 VENT AND WASTE DIAGM],I Mechanlcal Contractor shal1 prepare lsometric drawLngs of the wastse and vent system he proposes Lo tnstall, and shal1 be responsible for oltain:ing approval of these drawlngs by the inspecting authorlties prior to issuance of tshe building permlt. SECTION 15B - PLUMBING 158-I- FD(TIIRES (a) A11 plpe at the flxture exposed to wLew shalL be brass chrome finish, flntshed wtth'chrome cover plates where they project from waLLs and floors. (b) Stop vaLves shalL be furnished at alL fLxtures and rough-ln locations L5B-2 SOIL, WASTE Ar{D \IEM PTPTNG A}ID STORM ?rPrNG (to 5r out- side tnril-ding) (a) Cl-eanouts - Fu1L sLze cLeanout pLugs shal1 be installed wherever pipe change direction or othenrlse regulre cleanouts. (b) ldaterial.s, Soll, Waste and Vents Piping - (1) A1L waste lines buried beldw gror:nd and at bedrock shal-I- be standard weight cast tron soiL pLpe and fLttings. (2) Al-1 waste 1lnes above grade shall- be stsandard P.V.C. piPe._ PiV.C. also allowed bel-ow grade at soi.l conditlons free of bedrock. (3) A11 vent piping 158-3' WATER PIPING (a) Watef, Servlce - shal-l- be standard P.V.C. pipe. (1) ProwLde meter in accordance wlth the governing bodyrs regulatlons. (2) .411- pipe outside the buildLng shal1 be type rrKrr hard drawn copper using hard solder having a minLutrm meLting polnt of 11-OO degrees. (3) Piptng outside the building shall have not less than four feet of cover from flnished grade. (b) Piping (inside bullding) (1) Piping from lnside building wall shall be type rrKrr hard dranrn copper water Lube for all buried lines, type rrtrr hard drar,trn copper water tube for all other, using wrought copper fittings and hard sol-der having a m:inlmum melting point of 11OO degrees on burled lines, 95-5 sol-der on all other. MIZNER Page 34 158-4 FXKTURE Al{D EQITTPMENT SCITEDIJLE (a) water closecs - lrlhite" vitreous china, si-phon jet. Universal- Rnndle frNew Venusn #4046 Complete w/trim and whlte seac. (b) Bath tub - I,lhite; enameled cast iron tub. UnlversaL-Rundle trNeptune IItr #1118-2 (right outLet) or #tLl9-2 (l-efc outlet). (c) Shower - 48rr l{trlte, fi-ber gl-ass shower, Unlversal-Rundle +t6946 with #5945 top and misc. trlm. (d) VanLty tops - Bradl-ey inperial- marble cops. Wtrlte on whlte as folLows: #46O-C254 25tt1?2tt t rinit #46O43t4 3tt:>Q2': 1 uitlt #46O-L424 4Zt 2ttx'22rt I untt #l+6C-{,544 54t zttxzZt: L r.urit #460-B.:604 60t2t'x22tt L untt 3tt high sldesplashes to be used where top is against l,m1-1. Contractor shalL verlfy openin! iiimenslon for top. Adjust waLl-s to allow for correct fit of tops. (e) KLtchen sink - Stainless steel, Just #tIDD-2233-L-GR (R). (f) Prowide washerless kttchdn, lavatory bnd bhower faucets complete wlth necessary pop-up stoppers, strainers, etc. By Delte-Delex. 158-5 WATER HEATER - ELECTRIC Electrlc, ilndezrrrlters listed hdater couplete wlth 23O vol-t 6O cycLe 16 phase heater and'contioLs, lnsulated gLass lined tank, errameled steel- jacket, anode rod for tank protectlon and drain 'vaLve. Lever handl-es ASME, T & P relief valve wlth automatic resettlng, pipe dlscharge to fl-oor drain. 5 year tank warranty. 4O gal-. tarrk; 600O watt element; 24.4 eaLlhr recovery lOOo rise. Rudd RP 4O-L . National N4OC State Stove XR8-42-1 158-6 FLOOR DRAINS Cast lron drain with double drainage flange, adjustable Nickel- Bronze strainer and top, trPtr trap. Provide flastring clamp device where pans.or waterproof membranes occur. Josam 3OO .Snith 201OA Wade W11OO .t MIZNER Page 35 t5B-7 IilALL I{YDRANTS Anti-freeze, cast brass, 3/4r' hose end wall hydrant with vacuum breaker, loose T handLe, polished bronze box face. Josam rafo-lrw Smith 55LO-VB Wade W56O6-1-VB Zl.trrr Z13OO 158-8 H(HAUST FA}I Centrifugal FC fan Ls sound Lnsul-ated cabinet wlth neoprene back-draft damper wlth 85% fre6 area grill-e and Ll25 hrp, lL5l6OlL Eotor wlth overl-oad protectlon. 9o cfn at L/8rr S.p'. Penn Zephyr 2-6 wlth wc-Lo waLL cap 158-9 SHOIIER AI{D TI'B DOOR.S Shower door shaLl be Keystone #[JR-2OL4. Tub door (2 thus, both in Unit #1) shalL be #A-l-O5-5 for 5t tub. SECTION 15-C : HOT WATER BASEBOARD HEATING (Alternate) Mechanical- sub-contractor shal1 establ-lsh a performance design of hot water baseboard heatLng with a singl-e gas-fired boil-er (located ln Unit #2 mechanical room). Beseboard locatlon and gr:antity shall match base .bid design of electric system" ,: .-t,':. ,o MIZNER Page 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECIRICAL SECTION 16A - ELECTR.ICAT WORK 16A-1 MATERTALS AlqD- EQUTPI4EIfT I'Iaterials and egui-Ptrlent shal-l- conform' and be lnstal-l-ed ln strlct accordance with-thL reguirements of alL LegaL1-y constituted auth- orities hawing jurisdlctlon, the National- Electrlc Code, l-ocal_ electric codei, and Power ComParry requirenents. Al-1 e]-ectrical material_s and ;gutpnent shall- confotm to lhe Natlonal Board of Fire llndenciteis and bear their 1abeLo N.E.M.A. and A.I.E.E. wherever standards have.been established by these agencles for rnaterlala and egulpment i.nvoLved. (a) Install- ternporary consta'uctlon servlce of the slze as regulred by the General Contractor. Ttuis contractor shal-l- incl-ude all- costs for such set:vices ln hls bid, l-ncluding all power com- pany charges. (b) Work sha11 include, ht not llnite{ to' the main meterlng sec- tlons, complete with feedeis, breakers, firsibl-e swi-tches, con- duit wiring and pirl1 sections. Prowide a telephone systen as shown on drarsingi, includlrig-conduit, outlet boxes, groundtng, and serwlce condults as required by the serving telephone com- pany. Locate outLets 12tr ab6ve-flnished floor and 4rt above cor.rntertops. Prersire as shorrn on plans. (c) Prowide lighttng and power feeddrs and sub-feeders, f-ightlng 6nd power panel boards, branctr circuitlng, outlets and wi.rlng devices, I-ightlng fixtures and lamps with contactors and relays as shown and specified, and firrnish and install time clock and/or contactors as indicated on drawlngs. T6A-2 CONTRACTOR Contractor shall- obtain aird- pay for aiL pe::mits and fees pur- suant to the eLectricaL *orli iinil dbtaiir flnal inspectlon and approval certiflcates upon-.-conptetion 6f electrical work. Pay- ment receipts for peruits and inspectlon and approval- certifl- cates are to be dellvered to-thd Architect wlthin ten (L0) days following final acceptance by the Arctritect. 164-3 CONDUCTORS Conductors'shal-l- be Unden^rrlters approved tinned copper luith TW lnsulation, T6L-4 MATERIATS Materials shaLL be new and of Fire Underwriterr s approval. backing for all- equipment. qnaltty as speclfled and carry F.urnlsh al-I- necessary support and t6L-6 MIZNER Page 37 16A-5 OIIIT,ET BOXES Ouclet boxes and thei-r covers shal1 be flber or plastie knockout type. Locate L2rr to bottom of box above floor except as noted otherrwise. F1ush mounted boxes shal-l be equipped wiEh suitable raised covers. Outlet boxes for lighting outlets shal1 be 4tt square. tlal-l swltches and other wiring device outl-et sha1l be 4rr square boxes for one and two devices, and special gang box for more than two devices, each with raised cover as required. A11 outsdoor boxes and dewices shaLl be weatherproof wlth neo- phrene gaskets. SINTCHES Sw.itches shaLL be specification grade, L5, 20, or 30 anperes, t2O-277 volts, encLosed bakelite or compbsition, L or 2 pole, 3 or 4 way, momentary contacE, lock gyper_egual to Sierra gulet toggle switches, Serlei 5000. Corrrebted ioads exceeding L0 amps shall have 20 amp *ritches. Receptabiei or convenience outLets shal-L be speclficatlon grade, d.uplex slotted, 3-wtre groundlng type" 15 amps, 125 volEs, -eic16sed bnkellte, egual- to Si-erra #180.2. Plates on.each s'rltch dutlet, pl-ug outLet, slgnal out-l-et, and Le1-ephone 6ut1et l.ndlcated, shall be ivory flnlsh unless noted on the drawlngs. L6A-7 LIdHTING FD(TT]RES Lighting fixtures shal1 be installed where lndicated on drawi.ngs by the Contractor. Lamps'wlil- be'furnished and installed by this Contractor. Fixtured not constructed for attaching circult conductors to socket teriinils sha1l be wired froi outLet box to socket with not less than No. 14 AVA-flxture wlre. Incandescent lamps shall be of the vol-tafe shovm__og lhe grawings and sha11 be genLral senrice ylar4a gr_-E_qilgf . 'yeldfrlm'b3s_e lor lgo--watgs e_nd .. _small-er. Mogul base-for over 3OO watts. Fluorescent lamps shalL ' be cool- white, unless otherwLse notbd. 'Recessed lighting- flxtures shall- be eguipped wtt6 frines bs ipecffied. 4,L1 ballasts Ln fl-uorescent fixtures sha11-'hdva built-in themal protective de-vices egual to C'.n. Bonu6 1-in6r-n.f.l.-- C.B.M:, *itft max. rtBtt sound rating. Purchqse of 1-lght fixtures is by al_l_owance. 16A-8 ELECTR.IC ttEAT (Base Bid) Proviie and i-nstaLL, complete with electric servi-ce, baseboard electrical heaters rated at 25O watts per foot ax 24A v. service. Refer to drawings for size of unlts, miicellaneous toe space heaterso recessed units and thermostats. Baseboard units shall- be Cadet rtVecto-ray Iftt or approved egual. 16A-9 ELECTRIC HEAT - HOT WATER (Al-ternace) Provide and install, complete with electric hook-up, baseboard electric heaters by Intsertherm Inc. Refer to drawings for baseboard sizes, toe 6pace heaters, recessed heaters and thennostat locaLions and number. l,{IZNER Page 38 16A-].0 ALL WORKMANSHIP A11 worlsnanship on this project sha1l be of the hlghests quallty work and will be subject to the lnspection and approval of the Architect and the city inspector at alL times and shall- be to their complete satisfactlon. 16A-1-1 THE CONTRACTOR The contractor shalL be responsible for accurate l-ayout and location of all el-ectrical eguipment and rnaterlal . Shoul-d questlon arlse, verify uith Archltect. L6L-L2 SET EQUIPMENI AIID MATERIALS Set eqtrlpnent and materials.plyn with buil-dlng lLnes' rmless directed othenrlse. Set lighttng fixtures and cei.llng outlets in l-i.nes to achieve patteini shorgn on the drarrtngs. WalL and floor outlets shalL be located bn vertlcal and horizontal 1lnes. Coordlnate wlth the lnstallations'of-othei trades both for ltne and physlcal locaLlon. Rd5trst-woit<'tn cooperation wlth other trades to avold lnterference and obtain firnctLonal use of all outlets. 16A-13 TI{E COMRACTOR The contractor shall- include the work.of other trades necessary for completion of all electrtcal- installatlons except where. specifically noted othensi6e. prowide all necessary sleeves, slots, chases, and oilening_q, and do all nece3sary cutting, patching reflnishLng, resuifaciiig, irenching, and backfllltng associated with the eleitridal- work. -Electrical- and telephone l-ines from 5t outslde buil-ding to cl-ty service hook-up ls by alLowance. T6I.L4 THE CONMACTOR ' The ioncractoi ifriiff rra[ie-'a11-teits requirbd and necessary to ensure the successful operation of the completed eLectrical system. 1"1 (b) Wiring shall be glven an insul-at16n reslstance test in accor- dance with Code, before any wiring is energlzed from the supply. Electrical eguipment sh6lL be ltven operation tests after lt is energlzed fron lts suppLy source. (c) Ensure that the entire electrlcal system is ln proper worklng order prior to leaving the proJect site. GuaranEee al-L elec-trical egulprnent, materials and workmanship furnlshed by him or his subcontractor against aL1 dlfflculties which develop wlth normal and proper use for a period of 6ne year from the date of subsEantiaL completlon. A11 eguipnent, materials and labor requlred for replacement shall be provided at the Contractorrs expense. a" I I chen and associates, inc. C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R S soil.3toullDAllot{ 98 s. zuNl . DENVER, coLoRADo 80223 : II G I X:: N I HG 1924 EAST FIRST STREET . CASPER, WYOTING 82301 mlEhffi SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR A PR0P0SED Tti,0-LEVEL DUPLEX RESIDENCE LOT 17, FIFTH ADDITION BIG HORJI SUBDIVISION vAtL, EAGLE CoUNTY, C0L0MD0 Prepared for: WHEELER 6 PIPER, ARCHITECTS P.0. Box 3t2g vA I L, C0L0MD0 81657 303/74t1-710S sot1234-2126 , I o o o o o o t977 J.] O Job No. 14,394 Aprll I, tt o TABLE OF COIITEIITS G0ilcluslof{s SCOPE PR0PoSED CoilSTRUCTton slTE colrDtTtoNs stEsotL coflDfTtofls FOI'IIDATI ON RECOI{I.IEilDATI OIIS Upper Lcvel Lmr Lavsl EROUND FLOORS SURFACE DRAIflAGE iltstELLsrEous FIS. I - LGATIOI{ OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIG, 2 - LOOS OF TEST PITS FIGS. 3 and 4 - StELt-COllsO[lDATt0N TEST RESULTS FIC. 5 - GMDATIOH TEST RESULTS TAEIE I . SUIOIARY OF I.ABORATORY TEST RESULG I 2 2 2 3 3 t h 5 5 6 a a -o a - a o o o e coNcLUstoils (l) The propoaed uppsr level resldsnc€ ahqrld bc founded wlth oprced footlagr placed on the granlte bedrock deslgned for a nsrlmn eoll prusBure of Er000 pef. (z) The propoeed lmr teval 9ar89s and rosldsnca shcrrld be femdad rlth cpreod foottngs placed on the lclar sand end gravel end grmltc bad- rock desfgncd for o nerlnr,m coll prearurc of lrJd! psf. 0) Derlgn dctells and prccautlong are gtven wlthln ths rsport, (t o a o o a .. a o o a a O t a a a a a o -2- SCOPE Thle rsport presentE tha regultg of e aoll and foundetlor Invcetlgatlon for e proposed tuo-level duplex resldenc€ to.ba csrstructcd et Lot 17, Flfth Addltlorr Blg llorn Subdlvlelon, Val l, Eagle County, Goloredo. Th€ repoft prosonta the m@t dsalrable type foundetlor, ellqrable soll prearures, rrator tabla condltlons, and otlpr soll-related deelgn end congtructlon detetls. PROPOSED COHSTRUCTI('N Ua underetand thet lt ls planned to constfuct th€ duplcx ln tno levole utlllzlng tlrc tcrrsced topogrephy at tle sltc..The upper level cangiructlon wlll conslct of a rerldancGwlth e crawl epece. The leter level wlll bE a gsrsge wlth b recldcncG ebove. Ug_ SITE CONDITIONS The sltc ls on the sqlth slde of a small knobwhfch le sltuated on ths south slds of the bottqn of the Gore Cresk Velley. The grornd eurfece lc In lts orlglnel, natural conflguratlon and posscsres steap to gcntlc clopec whleh form a terraced topography. The ground surface elopee gencrelly do*r to the so{th snd dralne eround to tho norttl}pst st the bottorn of the knob where a cnell dry drelnege cutt through tho eltc. The knob festurs lc controlled by th€ very herd underlylng bedrock, whlsh lt a hlghly to nnd- erstely fraeturedr nredlum gretned granlto. The granlte crops out fn several places threrghout tlre slte. The clevatlo dlffcrenea acrosg the slte lc on the order of 40 feet fron north to southmlt. Thc top of ths knob ls about another l0 fest hlgher then thr grornd at tha north propGrty I Ins. a a a a -3- Vegetotlor sonslst6 of nattvo gr€ss and H€ods and sc€ttsr6d svGrgre6n trE6B. suBsot L coltDtTtofls The upper level of the propoeed constructlon wag lnaccnselble by backhoe. Eosed upsr the large €mount of expoeed bedrock ln thls area, the overburden aolls ehouid be relatlvely ghallovr, of the ordcr of 3 feet or lcs8. Thre6 tast plte wore exc€voted In the vlclnlty of the lo*ar levcl of the propoaed constructtor, as shown on Flg. l. ThE subsolls at the lcnder lqvcl are vsry €rrotle wlth rospect to deptfto bedrock. OenerElty, they conslet of nll to * foot of cley topsoll and nll to I feet of nredlum cttff eandy ellt, and looao to mgdlurn denge gands overlylng dense sand and grgvel ranglng In depth frot I to the maxlnurn depth of Inveettgetlon, 7 feet. In Teet Plt 2 on thc northcrn rlde of the proposed lqrer level conetructtqrr or(treEely hard granlte bedrock ws8 oncountered et I foot depth, but dropped off very repldly to a greetcr depth ts,ard the gouth. Swell-cstgolldatlon test resultg tnalcste that the upper sandg End elltg coneolldete noderetoly to hlghly whan wett€d and loaded, ee ghq',n on Flgs. 3 End 4. The lomr gand and grevel wlll settle sllghtly to moderately upon l€ttlng and loadtng. FO'$IDAT I ON RECOTIiIENDATI ONS upper Level: Baged gtr the large anount of granlte outcropg at the slte, un bolleve the moBt dostrsble type foundatlon for the propoged upper levet eongtructlon le spreed footlngs placed enttrely on the granlte bedrock. t a c a a a Jl a a o a a a o O a . a I ) -4- The follellng deslgn End conetructlon datalla should be observcd: (ll Fogt!4Ss pJased on the grenlte _bedrgek ahould be doelsned,f.gl_g-qg4gtg-" f,_ Under thle pressure, we egtfnote th6t the tot€l settlsnent wlll be less than * lnch and maxlmum dlfferentlal eet- tlenant acrosa the proposed resfdence wlll be lees than * lnch. (2) l'|e understend that blestlng of the bedrock ls not deslred. Thorefore, Pq9- eQ-{J.49=!990-se[-$luct I o . The bedrock eurface under lndlvlduel pads should be relatlvely level. (3) Contlnuous foundatlon walts should be relnforced top and botton to span th6 unsupported dlgtence betbreen footlng pads. a (4) All overburden solls should be removed End ths loorer fracturod bedrock. whlch can bg rernotred elthqr by hydreullc backhoe or hand plck should be rslqed end thc footlngs placed to the lorer, hardcr bedrock. Lorar Level: Slnce sorc of ths solls at the proposed loscr level constructlon tend to s€ttle moderetely to hlghly under loedlng, bre feel that the most deslrable type foundatlon f,or the lower level constructlon la spread footlnge placed on the le€r send and grevel and grentte bcdrock. The follorlng de- slgn end conEtructlon dstalls should be observedl (l) !g-og!Cf,p_!gce{ on _t_!rq.,!st*elsand Bnd gravel an4. grantte bedrock shou!.d- f,- Under thle prec- Burer ur€ sstlnate thst total settlament wlll be on the order of I lndr and moxlmum dlfferentlsl settl€m6nt across tha proposed reeldcnce wlll be lese then 3/[ Inch. (2) Contlnuous fosndatlqr wells ehould bs relnforced top and bottqn to span 6n unsupported length of at teagt l0 feet. a a a (3 o c a a a -5- (3) Local soft pockets of soll fotnd ln the foottng excavatlon ehould be renoved end the foottngs extended to th6 loryer flrrn solla. ('l) Bedrock under footlngs should be rnade relatlvety level. The foundatlon walls may be placed dlrectly on th€ extreoely hsrd bedrock. (5) e1teflel fe.-'!t-0e{.t!gy,!g-!e_ qroylge4. wtr (6) Beceuse of ths verylng settlenent charecterlrtlcs of the on-elte soll and rock, the connectrons between tho upper and rower revers of the duplex shourd be desrgned to torerete sone differenttar novenent. C GROUND FLOORS The on-slte soils end bedrock are eurtebre to support srab-on-grede coflstructlon. Slebs ehould be separated fron all beartng nembers wfth a posltlve expanslon Jolnt end edequatery relnforced. tf flrt re requrred beneath the gerage floor sreb, rt shoutd congrst of a nonexpangrve granurer soll and shoqld be conpacted to st least 95* st€ndard proctor denslty 6t opclmum molsture coatcnt. A 4-rnch tayer of free drsrnrng grover sho.,rd be provlded beneath tho froor stabs to dlstrrbute the froor roedrnge lf the underlylng soils are rmpervroue or lf the froor Ie dfrectry above bedrock. SURFACE DRAINAGE The fol lerlng dralnege proceutlons tlon and mofntalned et all tlmes efter (l) Excegglve wstttng or drytng of the evof ded durlng constructlon. chould ba obsirved durlng construc- the regfdenco hae boen canplated: foundatlon excevetlon should be 'a t a a a a o o o a a -6- (2) Beckflll eround the reeldence shauld be molstened and conpacted to €t least 85E standard Proctor denslty. (3) The ground eurface surroundlng the extertor of the resldence should be sloped to dreln eway fron the resldsnce In ell dlrectlons. (l) Roof dounspouts and drelns should dlscharge unll bayond the llmlte of all beckflll. HI SCELI.ANEOUS Our exploratory test plts were speced es closely as feaslble In the lerer level to obtsln a corprehenslve plcture of the subsoll condltlons; holeGr, crrstls soll corldltlons may occur batween test plts, The founda- tlon rocomrendatlone for the upper l'avel construetlon are based upon the conflguratlon and exposure of bed.rock In the vlctnlty. lf erratlc 'solt condltlong are found In the exposed excevatlon, tt ls advlsable that Tre be notlfled to lnspect the foundatton excavEtlon. cHEil AND ASSoCIATES, l!tc. Revlcwed By tr+% I !o s#4 K@\srEed d ssss E $""^""E o I'bl0l a a a a a a\ \ I sl E sl8 -lt d&Ol-\ tl-t.. v \\ - -- __Apprloxlnete $lope Break Botmdary.,\s --___.\ .a Break Bemdary r Ptt 3 , a ffeadqr Drlve LOCATIO]I OF EXPI.OMTORY HOLES Flg, I Proposed Resldence (Upper Level) "*ertu*. Ptroposed Garage grd Res ldence (torer Lerel) a fl14''394 o I a F Undlsturbbd hand drlve sample. f otrturu.d sampte. Test Plt 3 El.=1001 were excavated on ldarch 30,a backhoe. Sand"and Gravel (Sp-cp), wlth nedlt.m arqmt of cobbles and boulders, dense, sllghtly to very moist, reddlsh bror*n. Gravel (ep-CU), angular, sllght anount of sand and sltt (rest- dual soll), driirse, molst, brorn. Fna (SP), wtth st tshtty st tty lenses, I oose to med|un deose,slfghtiy nrolst, reddlih brosn. Sand and sitt (sm-ul), clayey, scattered cobbles and boulders, medlum stlff , oolst, brsln to reddlsh brosr. a Granlte Bedrock, rnderately to frl ghly f ractured, extremely hard, dark plnk. Test Plt El.-997 Test Plt 2 E | .- 1003 f-0 F t!trl E I g F o-a!,6 o a O a o a a -t -2 -, -4 -5 -6 C -7 -8 -200=66 NP tlC-5.7 DD-69. 5 }lC-6.4 +tp!7 -200-5 F t!trl lL I -l.-q LtJ a LEGEND: a Fl rop"orr (crav) .NOTES: (l) Test plts 1977 wltn a (2) Elevatlons ere approxfmete, hand level, and refer to assur@d elevatlon of plt I equal to 997. (3) No free woter eras encountered In the test plts at the tlne of excavatlon. (tr) VIC e lrJater Content (%) ; DD - Dry Denslty (pcf); ItP = f'lonplastlc; +4-o Percent Larger thafi ,4 -200 o Percent Passlng No. Screen ; 200 Sleve. Flg. 2 a 914,394 IOGS OF TEST PITS O CHEN AND AssoclArEO a a a a a O t ll 9 t0 tl l2 o too o. l ? !e0 ,l c el 'o 6 o g2 i.' . t3 l4 r5 5 6 7 8 a t.o APPLIEO PRESSURE Typfeel sanrple of sandy ellt from Plt I to - tst st depth 2* feet. a Swell - Coneolidotion Teel Reeu lte Fls. 3 CA TA a \ l{oturol Ot, Unif lfcighl r Pcl NolurOl Moisluio Conlrnl ! pcrcCnl z 7 --F (0n t t t( t1 t comprel G33U re glor due u1 to Ntc It 0 ,F t \ I _l fll\,39\ CHEN ASSOC IAT E t{otutol O?, Uril tlcighl c 69.5 pct ofurol lloiltuic Conl.rt o 5r7 " prrclnl a oc0 I c 3t o gt o -1 o IJ a a a a a o a ? ) a 3 ll 5 6 7 8 9 l0 Typlcal saaple of t.o APPLIED eand fron lo PRESSURE - lgf Plt | €t depth 3 feet. Srell- Coneolidolion Teel Reeu lts Flg.4 CA IA 614,39\ o o p o ) Ocrr* oro Arlo.,^r.O Conrultlng Soll @il Fqrn&tlon Enginren t !i I I al c tl f a I ;a t a tl 2 t a a o a o CLIY lr!rlt€l lio tlLl lE-rl.llrcl GRAVEL 57 To s,rNo Ltctu I D Ltl,lrr % eaMPLC or Sandy GfaVel 18 olo sr L? axo cLAY 5 % PLAlrrcrrY rxoEx 7o Tror. Plt I at depth 5r-0rt o ll t a ! I a,o I f a c I .l ! I tt t'f a a strav€L Te c.;1;o - Llctuto LrM a ? lo EAMPLE C'F To arLT aNc, cLAY PLAATTCITY INOEX 7 noM RESULTS Fls. s ca-2 ll:l lI ar| rll 0rltaY fr ot oralt? la or ralficlt rt rtl!flt?trt a fl14 1394 GRAOATION TEST (J LT c F o U' ! I c o aa 3 o ct !c @ !c o g, o o (t !t o =t c 6 vt - F(9Ct zz,o tt lrl-N >a) u, trl tt tt . -r.l < O rr!ALZ \o \0 u\ v,F 6 lrl F c LJ I U' J !x =c F 9U 2E^ =>|! EffE 8E E :Et H(a F'zd+=ul lrl U (.' (t Z l,l e e<.a br<-(O-JFU r t c, ts t =I E Ll o c ur F o f1^;;s -=- .A A z 3r-;iE :i) E ct>-r!^<c)-L gfiE ho 2 ttl 6t \o J tl <G e>^-F-Q ;yt <o zI r s \o Ei 3tl 5! o a.l o rn an'- FO. ) a t t t o o F J f o ld E F ylo :ld IF :XE ;-o ta.u F : dr 2ro (ftJ EIL uo E, T t f o a a ) o. a ? ) a