HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 7 LOT 1 LEGAL.pdfFILE COPY MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department May 6, 2008 d-'"fe TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: trrb"l+ \\.$' " I\ o(. {.''D d{ou' * n'o . ",)r /o il. A proposed addition to the Town's Official Avalanche Hazard Map at 4768 Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn 5'n Addition and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Bill Gibson DESGRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Larry Deckard, representing the property owner, is proposing an addition to the Town's Official Avalanche Hazard Map in the vicinity of 4768 Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn sth Addition. BAGKGROUND The applicant, Larry Deckard, representing the property owner, has submitted a site specific avalanche hazard study for the subject property. The submitted study clarifies the delineation of the avalanche hazards on the subject site. A site plan (Attachment A), an excerpt of the current Official Avalanche Hazard Map (Attachment B), the applicant's request (Aftachment C), and the Avalanche Hazard Study prepared by William Klauber, PE (Attachment D) have been attached for reference. GRITERIA FOR REVIEW Pursuant to Sub-section 12-21-13-H, Additions to Maps, Vail Town Code: "lf the applicant estab/ishes at the hearing by clear and convincing evidence that the information contained in the site specific geologic investigation is reliable, the town council shall direct the Depaftment of Community Development to keep a copy of said sife specfrb investigation on file in the Depaftment of Community Development and available to the general public and shall further direct the department of community development to notate the appropriate official map adopted by this chapter so that it indicates that said site specific investigation is on file with the Department of Community Development." STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends the Town Council approves the proposed addition to the Official Avalanche Hazard Map in the vicinity of 4768 Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn 5'n Addition and setting forth details in regard thereto. Should the Town Council choose to approve these text amendments, the Community Development Department recommends the Town Council pass the following motion: il. tv. ; ,l i ., .,,3.f $,,r . ti f ;r V. "The Department of Community Development shall keep a copy of the Avalanche Hazard Study for 4768 Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Btock 7, Bighom { edAition prepared by William Kauber, PE dated September 15, 2007, on file in the Department of Community Development and available to the general public; and the Depaftment of Community Development shall notate the Official Avalanche Hazard Map to indicate that said srfe specitl?c investigation is on file with the Department of Community Development." Should the Town Council choose to approve the proposed addition to the Official Avafanche Hazard Map, the Community Development Department recommends the Town Council makes the following finding: "The applicanf has esfab/lshed by clear and convincing evidence that the information contained in the site specific geologic investigation is reliable." ATTAGHMENTS Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Current Official Avalanche Hazard Map (excerpt) Attachment C: Applicant's Request Attachment D: Avalanche Hazard Study prepared by William Klauber, PE dated September 15,2007 Attachment A Attachment B ^=- $!,:;iHq =EE Hfi F.='tr:# ov-F(s LLorq=ffi 6c!oJ:-.E-,S,i+g E EE#HF s lllu Attachment C Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. P.O. Box 725 Avon. Co. 81620 P (970) 569-3 r02 F (e70) 569-3103 TO: Bill Gibson 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail- CO 81657 tOtr9t07 P. (970) 479-2173 F. (970) 479-24s2 RE: Avalanche hazard studv for 4768 Meadow Drive. East Vail. Dear Bill, I am submitting to you a new geological avalanche hazard study provided by William Klauber, PE for the determination of the classification of hazard levels at 4768 Meadow Drive in East Vail. He has redefined the King Arthurs Court Avalanche Chute to reduce the high hazard red zone area- The owners of 4768 Meadow Drive want to remodel their home for more garage space and a pool. The pool may act as a dcflection wall at the avalanche side of the home and the garage expansion will expand the footprint of the home to the West as illustated in the report. The design has not been finalized so the report offers concep areas only. The actual design configuration will be detemrined after the Town of Vail has accepted the new Geologic hazard study. The owners of this home are excited to proceed with the remodel and look forward to your input on the proposed design. Thank You E lnl ECEJI Vi'E ., ,, Z[{i7 TOWN OF VAIL n ia Attachment D September L5,2AA7 Larry Deckard, Architect 21 West FoalCircle Edwards CO 81532 Re:Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn 5'h Addition,4768 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr Deckard: At your request, we have performed an avalanche hazard study regarding the addition of a garage structure to the west side of the existing house on subject property. Following are the results of that study, which addresses only the garage addition. SUMMARY The addition falls within the blue zone of the King Arthurs Court avalanche chute, as redefined by Mr Art Mears in January 2003. An avalanche diversion berm and/or structural fence shall be required between the garage and the south and west sides of the lot, exposed garage walls along the south and west sides shall be designed for a direct impact pressure of 4fi) psf or a reduced oblique impact pressure pursuant to actual design, and the garage roof shall be designed to resist uplift and to accommodate a snow load of 200 psf. BACKGROUND The subject property is located nearthe bottom ofthe King Arthu/s Court avalanche chute. Earlier Vail avalanche maps, circa t973-t976, had placed almost the entire property within the high hazard Red Zone. A detailed study by Hydro-Triad in L975-1979 defined the red zone to encompass only the western portion of the property and the blue zone to include most of the remainder. In 2003 the avalanche hazard zone was locally modified by Mr Arthur Mears, PE, to shift the avalanche hazard zones slightly to the west and to significantly decrease the size of the Red Zone. The effect of that modification for this property was to remove the property from the Red Zone entirely, and to extend the Blue Zone only to the west edge of the existing structure. This allows building to occur in the western portion of the lot with appropriate design mitigation. THE DESIGN AVALANCHE The watershed in which the King Arthurs Court avalanche chute is located extends from the top of the ridge at 11,100 foot elevation to Gore Creek at 8,520 foot elevation, a drop of 2580 feet overamaximumtotaldistanceofapproximately5500feet. Evidenceofavalancheeffectson Deckard/4768 Meadow Drive/Avalanche Hazard Page2 vegetation extends as high as 10,600 foot elevation on the west side of the basin, the lee side from the prevailing westerly winds. Destruction of vegetation extends from that point downward along a broad hillside into a narrow chute, thence downward along the stream to a point just above the alluvial fan on which several houses are situated. Below 9200 foot elevation the grade decreases substantially, around 8700 foot elevation the canyon makes a radicaljog to the northwest for 250 to 3(X) feet, and at 8600 foot elevation the canyon opens out onto the top of the alluvial fan, after which any avalanche would be laterally unconfined and the fan topography would tend to spread it out laterally. It is clear from vegetation analysis that most avalanches in this chute are rather narrow, laterally confined, fairly shallow, follow the stream course, and do not reach the fan at all. At the creek diversion to the northwest, there is a clear diversion of the avalanche paths in the same northwest direction, with avalanches stopping before they reach the stream segment which diverts back to the north. There is evidence of some overtopping of the northwest- trending diversionary ridge at this point, but relatively minor in extent and with only incomplete damage to trees. The straight-ahead path directly north to the alluvialfan is blocked by a relatively dense forest of older trees, indicating that events large enough to fill the diverting valley and proceed directly north overtopping the diverting ridge are infrequent in their occurrence. The King Arthur's Court avalanche chute was defined as a potential hazard area by the town of Vail, requiring avalanche studies to determine acceptable building areas and structural design parameters. Predicted impact pressures greater than 500 psf or predicted recurrence intervals less than 25 years define a Red Zone, within which building is not allowed. Predicted impact pressures less than 600 psf and a predicted recurrence interval greater than 25 years define a Blue Zone, for which engineering review is required and structural mitigation may be required. The first study of the chute was performed by Hydro-Triad, Ltd., in the 1975-1979 period. This study hypothesized a major avalanche from top of ridge straight across the diversionary ridge at 8700 feet and onto the fan. lt identified the red zone as extending across much of the west half of the subject property and the blue zone as encompassing most of the remainder of the property including the house area. In a letter to the owner of the subject property in 1982, Hydro-Triad recommended an oblique design impact pressure of 250 psf with an earth berm of unspecified design. In 2003 Mr Arthur Mears, PE, performed an avalanche engineering study for the owner of the adjacent lot. Mr Mears used a regression analysis of extreme Colorado avalanches with known runouts combined with localterrain features and observations of major local avalanches to determine a slightly reduced runout limit for the KAC 100 year design-magnitude avalanche. Using the new runout limit, he then used an avalanche dynamics model to redefine the Red and Blue hazard zones. The redefined red zone now extends to approximately the same elevation as the southwest corner of the subject property, but slightly to the west, and does not impact the subject property at all. The redefined blue zone extends through the western portion of Deckard/4768 Meadow Drive/Avalanche Hazard Page 3 the subject property, as far east as the west wall of the house. Those zones are delineated in the attached Figure 2 from Mr Mears' report. Reviewing Mr Mears' report, along with aerial photographs and topographic maps of the avalanche chute, but without reproducing the entire study, the redefined zones appear to be reasonable. The redefined 100 year design avalanche starts at a slightly lower elevation concordant with vegetation damage evidence, it takes into consideration the changes in course and slope and the confined nature of the chute, and it considers the effect of the natural diversion berm nearthe bottom of the chute, resulting in a more detailed understanding and analysis of the avalanche dynamics. lt is therefore used as the starting point for this report. DESIGN PARAMETERS Using the geometry calculated by Mears, including origin area, chute, red zone limit, blue zone limit, and type of avalanche, a PCM model was used to estimate impact pressure at the garage location for a dense dry flowing snow avalanche. At this location the avalanche is decelerating and widening, and the angle of approach of the snow mass to the planned garage is estimated to be approximately toward bearing 030 degrees, the distance past the red zone boundary to the garage approximately 180 feet, the flowing core depth approximately 7to 2 feet, and the velocity approximately 24feet per second. The perpendicular impact pressure at this point would be approximately 40O psf. As drawn on the site plan, exposed portions of the south garage wall should be designed for minimum normal loading of 4fi) psf and uplift and shear loading of 200 psf, while exposed portions of the west wall designed for normal loading of 200 psf and uplift and shear loading of 200 psf. Earth sheltering integrated with the new pool and redesigned backyard landscaping may be an appropriate solution. The garage roof shall be designed to resist uplift pressures of 200 psf from impacting snow under the eaves, and its plan area shall be designed to support a downward snow load of at least 200 psf, or more if required by code. An earth berm, earth bank, and/or reinforced concrete diversion fence, singly or in combination, shall be constructed from a point 50 feet or more east of the southwest property corner to a point directly west ofthe northern extent of the garage structure to deflect the bulk of the threatening portion of the avalanche mass to the west. Stopping the flow with a perpendicular wall would require the tallest and strongest structure, with heights exceeding 10 feet and strengths exceeding 50O psf, so an oblique orientation is recommended. As drawn at the oblique angle shown on the site plan, toward bearing 345', the structure would need to extend at least 9 feet above avalanche path terrain at the south property boundary decreasing to 7 feet at the north end. Greater heights are encouraged if landscaping permits. Design normal toading on the fence should be for 250 psf or higher, and shear and uplift for 2fi) Deckard/ 47 68 Meadow Drive/Avalanche Hazard Page 4 psf. Other orientations of the barrier may require different design loadings and heights. The southwest side of any earth berm or bank shall be at a 1:1 slope or preferably steeper. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS It should be understood that the present state ofthe art in avalanche engineering is such that what is called the 100 year design avalanche may actually have a recurrence interval anywhere between 30 years and 300 years. lt should also be understood that a larger 500 year design avalanche could occur at any time, including next year if climatic conditions were unfavorable then. Though the 100 year design avalanche should be adequately handled by this design, the design parameters specified above may not be adequately protective against larger avalanche events. lt is therefore always prudent to build the maximum practical degree of protection into the structure wherever possible, allowing personal and structural survival through a larger than expected event, rather than building to minimum standards. The design elements of berm and strengthened garage walls are to some degree redundant, but not entirely. A garage excavated into the slope with concrete walls can easily be strengthened, and an earth bank or berm seems appropriate for this site. Therefore whatever redundancy exists is not considered wasted. lf a particular design requires some modification to these elements, then a review and some adaptation to the avalanche hazard mitigation design may be acceptable. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this service for you. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bill Klauber LLC lr, William Klau Box 909 Leadville CO 719-486-0202 Ki:':!')rs,>oaqs--l.\c, -*''oNq\-vl Deckard/4758 Meadow Drive/Avalanche Hazard Page 5 Eagle County Assessor Aerial Photo with Avalanche Path at Lower Left Decka rd/4768 Meadow Drive/Avalanche Hazard Page 5 FfGURE 2. Avalarrfrc zorlc mq of he tenainwifrrin ttrc runofi zone of the'KAC'avalandn oedh. small mdiMionsto fnese hazard zortes ftom pravbus sfudles resfi fron applkfrnn ot anert procedres aN meflwls. IDe rasrtence at 4nE Meadat Niw is lrcated immedidely to ttre ea{ of ilrc hazard zone. SCATE: 7'= 7,0@' ffi N |l),u King Arthurs court Avalanche Runout Zone as Redefined by Arthur Mears Deckard/4768 Meadow Drive/Avalanche Hazard PageT I t \. Y I ffifi N - 0 ffi 0mtffitrff, SCPL7 l" = IOOO' Vll Klauber LLC Leadville, Cdorado Krnq Nthurg Curt, Avalanche Ch,he .- Deckard/4768MeadowDrive/Avalanche Hazard 9rJ7 l0l'17 ? orqtl,le r1 ,/ crft) 5tk I t \l ?72 7C\17 .,''| 'l': i 11l' l '" i;: )' : BO 7ILL KLNrTK LC Leilvrlle. Cdorilo 0 eckNd 6x qe ? eaq ? roiecL 4768 Meilow?rive cdlfi"ilw trl,EuF$*{I Design Reuiew Soard ACTIOT{ FORM Depaitment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax;970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: MCARMGA REROOF Project Description: Pafticipants: OWNER Project Address: 4768 MEADOW DR Legal Descraption: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060550 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A RE-ROOF SAME FOR SAME WOOD SHAKES EAST VAIL REALTY HOLDING LLCL2IA5I2OO6 PRIVADA DE HORACIO NO 10 MH(ICO DF MEnCO 11510 Location: Lot: 1 Block: 7 Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDmON 2101-131-0400-1 APPLICANT TNT SPECIALTY CONSTRUCIORS, L2l05l2OO6 Phone: (719) 487-3014 PO BOX 2370 MONUMENT coLoMDo 80132 License: 813-8 CONTMCTOR TNT SPECtALfi CONSTRUCTORS, 12/05/2006 Phone: (719) 487-3014 PO BOX 2370 MONUMENT coLoMDo 80132 License: 813-B 4768 MEADOW DR VAIL . Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt L210512006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buildjng permit is issued and construction is mmmenced and is diligently purcued tovrrard complefion. Cond; ll3 All daclopment applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinane 26, Series 2006 shall be subJect to the pending employee houshg regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that lf the Town fails to adopt the pending empbyee houshg regulauons W Aprll L5,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to sudr dernlopment appllcadons. Plannen Joe Suther DRB Fee Pald: Minor Exterior Alterations *ffi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 tax:. 970.479.7452 web: www.\Eilgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to *re submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An applietion for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' besign review approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Application for Design Review Description of the r-' Location of the Proposal: Lot: I Block: I Subdivision: +1bb Mr-hsou 9P-Physical Address: Parcet No.: 2 l e):3to-1 c€t)(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailins Address: /1 C I lu '= Av "' (J O- Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Nameof Applican* -fi.ff 5ff C\FLT/ c-d$)TP{'-iToFS/ TtS* Mailing Address:x ?3'.70 NiONUt"l8tt{ phone: r7l )tl' 3o d- 3i) Y'w o r a .r.u? 2 Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction tr Addition D Minor Alteration $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). ,r', ffiI For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,\W re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and 6, ' retaining walls, etc.(ffi- For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Separation Request JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal f., -.v*t, description) 4ti provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include:sA * vtr- -l I ,l AS ExtsfiQ' (<-f,,oa,,( Srihoq . I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 1lnlo( (DateJ F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb-minor-alt_1 1-23- 2005.doc ttl23l7o0s F-Nv; yH L, <€ Page 2 of 13 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color pl(At"tr 41 c^r"on,a Jouo'- 5 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Window Doors Door T Hand or Flues Flashing ch Trash Green Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Plannin g\drb_minor_alt_1 1-23 -2005.doc 1!23t2005 Page 5 of 13 . Location of all required parking spaces . Snow storage areas,. Proposed dumpster locaUon and detail of dumpster enclosure.r Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A delailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height,. Delineate areas to be phased and appiopriate timing, if applicablg . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20' or larger . Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed irnprovements and grading.. Indicate all existing ground mver and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and @nstruction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Eiisting and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . LighUng Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area . Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. e REPAINT PROPOSALS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . @lor chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie, siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, Etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMiTS\Planning\drb-minor_alt-11-23-Z005.doc Page 5 of 13 1112312005 Bqh-n -6-'=t?' '7o+ /, ltloot-7 ,,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: EASTVAIL REALTY DECK DRB Number: DR8040512 Project Description: Place trex decking over existing patio; projects into setback, but not more than-3 feet; new railings on rear will match those on the front of the home; project had begun before receiving approval and was red-tagged by CE. Participants: OWNER EASTVAIL REALTY HOLDING LLCO9/2712004 PhONC: PRIVADA DE HOMCIO NO 10 MECCO DF MEfiCO 11510 License: APPUCANT TI M BERFALLS MANAGEMENT CO. 109 | 27 | 2004 Phone : 97 0 - 47 5-2522 4496 E. MEADOW DR. VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 4768 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 4758 MEADOW DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 7 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210113104001 Commentsr see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 09/30/2004 Conditions: Cond: B (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced ,l and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006719 The applicant shall leave no exposed ends of the Tro< decking material on any part of the deck Entry: 09/30/2004 By: ee Actionr AP Cond: CON0006720 The applicant shall apply railings to the deck to match existing railings on exterior of front of home Entry: 09/30/2004 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0006721 The applicant shall not encroach any further into the side setback than the encroachment that existed at the time of application submittal. Entry: 09/30/2004 By: ee Action: AP \ Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO T0i4,m ]lnor Exterior Alteratlol Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 9.7 0.479.2139 f ax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All pro;ecLs requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description orthe Reque tt TCaci: 1UZ.i. &lr- &Df Pc h)o Locationofthe Proposal: Lot: /elocr: t Subdrvision:Btata<, ftril toa4t;u € Un' (X-rn fuqt*-UC --.-MairinsAddress: ^tqb E 4opa. Oe A/ttz -UrYLGJlfl- physicar Add ress, - - fi 6-/W-e.l- .^fuLtll-- Parcel I Zo ni ng: o,(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Name of Applicant: Maili4g Address:7o'f/rtor**, /'/".t.llqt Owner(s) Signatu 2- srrl-$nv: On- Tlrpe of Review and Fee: C Signs E Conceptual Review C New Construction ll Addition I Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) 6 t tinor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Reques! qn'qrt Jrzt- already approved by Planning Staff or ?r the , ll ,ir ' ,l i. !' Ll-"'c'r .- tt t,r''' t' 1 t' t' , Vfttt, 0, I lct>Phone: Fax:E-mail Address: .$50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or comrnercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rei-aining walls, etc. $20 F i x'';rtor changes to buildings and site improvemenLs, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Bcard. No Fee I i: ',\,, I Page 1 of L2lO4/28/04 o ****r.*tt r.t *r.r.t *t r'r.*r.*****,r*********.r**'rr.{.t ****'*****'t'*'t***1.*'(.************l.'r**'**********r}***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ,* * * * *** * * * * +** * * * **:t* ***** * *!*** * * * *** * ** *'* * *** *** * * **:t * * * 'i*** * *** * * * *:1.** *{.* ** *:i* ** ***** ***** Statement Number: R040005754 Amount: $20.00 09/27/2OO4LI:35 Alt Pa)rment Method: check Init: iIS Notation: *7242/E;AST VAII, REJATJTY HOI.'DING CO Permit No: DR8040512 Type: DRB-Minor AIts, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210113104001 Site Address: 4758 MEADOW DR VAII, IJocation: 4768 MEADOW DRM Total Fees: 520.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ArJr Pmts: 920.00 Balance: S0.00 ********:i*+**********t *+ * * * * * * * * * ** * * * {.*'** *** *!F:} * * {.t ** * * **** * !r* * * * * *** * * {.** * *'1.** * * * * * * ** *** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnenl Prnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVIEI^I FEES 20.00 - tr.t-,:89"53'21-Y .01 vl N \ $ ,-3ew. // t- r xtr $) B R iv lo IB lr W,t N W,Lir llr**- o o JCUnf l4ot4 S4r,z c;,q,-1-S T{ =r 'rqfl * €nsr futn ?lL.'-o O o o 4768 Meadow Drive Historv of Activitv June 28, 2004 o At JR's request, I checked on possible illegal construction at this site. They are building a larger deck in the rear of the house. After checking Permits Plus it was determined that there are no active approvals or permits for this site. June 29, 2004 o Went back to the site. No one on site. Took pictures and hung a Red Tag on the deck. July 12,2004 o Went to the site. Additional work has been occurring. Red Tag was lying on the ground so I attached it to the front of the deck again. Workers at an adjacent site did not know the workers but said that one of the workers was named Bob. July 15,2004 o Went to the site. No one working. Red Tag has been removed. I pulled up owner information on the County website. Owner is corporation from .Mexico. Per the State website, Jay Peterson is the Registered Agent. I called Jay and left a message. Jay later called me to state that he is not aware of work going on there or who is doing it. August 09,2004 o Went to the site. Red Tag has been removed. I spoke with a worker from Bumett, who had just moved a wire for the new hot tub, and he stated that Bob Ruder had hired him. I was also approached by workers from an adjacent construction site and they stated that they had told the workers doing the deck work that they could not remove the Red Tag and needed to contact the Town of Vail to discuss the deck. I went back to the site later in the day to take pictures to show that additional work has been done since the job was stopped. I called Bob Ruder, spoke with the secretary and asked her to have Bob call me ASAP and gave her an overview of what my issues were. August 10,2004 o I called Bob Ruder (he left a message for me last night) and spoke with him about the deck. He stated that he had hired a contractor to do the work. Mr. Ruder was aware that a Red Tag had been removed and had advised the contractor to go to the Town of Vail Community Development Department to straighten it out. The contractor did not do so. I asked Mr. Ruder to supply me with the name of that contractor so that I can contact / question him. August 12,2004 o Mr. Ruder had a pre-application meeting with Warren Campbell (Planning) and outlined what Planning needed as submittal requirements for the deck. Mr. Ruder also asked about some otJrer proposed changes the owner would like to make. August 26,2004 o Charlie Davis asked about the deck work and what Mr. Ruder has done to comply. Charlie also stated that the Red Tag has been removed again. After informing Charlie of what had occurred since the fust Red Tag and . contacts with Mr. Ruder, Charlie requested that I issue a summons to Mr. Ruder (since he is/has been acting as the owner's representative) for the violations that have occurred. I went to Police Dispatch to get the personal information for Mr. Ruder and filled out the summons. I had the Vail Police Deparknent serve the summons for us. r August26,2004 o Mr. Ruder came in to Community Development to discuss the summons. Vail P.D. served it to him yesterday. He is stating that he should not be served because he is tying to conect what is wrong and cannot change the past. I explained that we were glad that he is now working with us to resolve all of the issues but he was summonsed because of what he had caused, as agent for the owner, in the past. He then provided me with the name (he said that it was all he had) and a phone number. I called the number that he gave me. Not a valid number (no longer in service). -David Rhoades, Code Enforcement Officer Town of Vail, Dept. of Community Development t"s.\0 ) aoa4 q)R, )se Ll'l bB lf\e&oo.,: De-r're. 5,^nr. 49.,2oo9 /\o ^rG. ^r $JF r d-')d\ tl ?trg /I)enoo,o De-r ue 5u*ru. A9,2oo'/ 0R, 752 \^7i'b ltrleama0erue o I '4"'\. A\-r\ h,-A , t+#_J ToriN?r vAr/my fit*n Reviewactit Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Klawiter Residence Project Number: PRJ00-0237 Project Description: Deck addition Owner, Address and Phone: Wolfram Klawiter, 4768 Meadow Drive, 476-9596 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 4768 Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision 5'h Addition Parcel Number: 210113104001 Buildine Narne: Comments: Project#: ,I,IIIPLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTNIENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES _ 479-2325**** Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffDENIED Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Title 12, Zoning Regulotions: Chapter 21, Hazard. Reguldions; Section 10, Development Restricted, Subsection A, of the Town Code of the Town of Vail states: " No structure shall be built in any flood hazard zone or red avalanche hazard area." Town Planner: Bill Gibson Date: 8/18/00 F: EVERYO\lE.DRB\APPROVAL 9nI DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 hprt Or E c'r/F,I Department of Communiry Development 75 South F'rontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 Lot Size: Zonng: Standard 21735 sq.ft. Two-Familv Primarv Secondan' Residcntial Allowance (total)Existing Remaining May2-2000 Karin Scheideggcr 2436 Chamonix Lane Vail CO 81657 Re: Development Potential for Lot 1. Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision sth Addition / 4768 Meadow Drive Dear Karin: I am rcsponding to !'our request for information about the Klarviter properr,"'* located at 47 68 Meadow Drive in East Vail. According to the infbrmation in our files. the follorving critcria will appl,v to any proposed fufure dcveiopment of this proper[ . GRFA: 5274 sq.ft. (includes 2x425 bonus) 4160 sq.ft.* Priman, Unit 3079 sq.ft. (6096 or greater) 3006 sq.ft.* Secondary Unit 2196 sq.ft (40% or less) I154 sq.ft.* 1114 sq.ft.x 73 sq.ft.* 1042 sq.ft.* Site Coverage: Setbacks: Landscaping: 4347 sq.ft. (20% if slope < 30Yo) 20 ft. (front) i 15 ft. (sides and rear) 13041 sq.ft. (60% minimum) *subject to verification with stamped architectural plans Two other mechanisms for increasing GRFA on the propert_v include: i. Constructing a Type II Employee Housing Urut (EHL.,) rvhere it is possible to receive a -500 sq. ft GRFA bonusr or ii. Adding up to 250 sq. ft. per existing dwelling unit under the 250 Ordinance (once all of the remaining GRFA on the property has been utilized). {g *""r"ruo ror", .f The property is classified as a geologically sensitive area because it is located within a moderate hazard debris flow area and also lvithrn both the red and blue avalanche hazard areas. Prior to approval of any development plan where additional living space is proposed- the Communitv Development Depanment rvould require that a qualified geologist or engineer conduct a site- specific geological investigation. Development approval w-ould be contingent upon the recommendation of the geologist or engineer and could potentially require mitigation measures. According to the Town of Vail Code- no construction is permitted in tfie red avalanche hazard area. This area occupies a large portion ofthe propeqv. Structures (including the cristing duplex) may be constructe d in the blue hazard avalanche area providing that proper rnrtigating measurss havc been taken. You also requested information regarding the orvnership ofthe lots adjacent to the subject properf,v. To the west, Mr. Klarviter's lot abuts proper6, owned by the US Forest Service. Tract C and D, Bighom Torvnhouses to the northrvest are propeny'of the Torvn of Vail. The propeqv to the south is privatel.v owned. A1l properties adjacent to Mr. Klar.r.iter's lot located within Toun of Vail boundaries are classified as geologically sensitive areas and are. hence, subject to similar development limitations. I hope this information has been of assistance to 1'ou. [f vou have anv further questions or rcquire clarification of the issues that have been raised. olease contact me at 479-2128 or akj erulf@ci. vail. co-us. Sincerely, ,'/.t ,)' : - UJtt$pLgY Ann Kjerulf / | / Planner I \ | Town of Vail W' ZONE CHECK 4,1 - ^ I Dttc: l"l\'l L lLetD Lcgal dcscription: Lot I Block ? Fi[ns Addrcss LllttV, ,!\E rnriru h,: . Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable arca Existing /ilbo + . Proooscd Total Rcmaining ut4 +3 lol L_ (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Y;.L ( fi eU "t iu,^'n"rtr"ft_L:J_4a.t) 20' ,ls' l5' Minimum 3',/6'. Requircd Encloscd (300) (500) (900) (1200) Conrplix Mrh TOV Liglting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs Icss rhan 2:l (50%) Environm cnial4Iazards Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc); Att \ Architcct Zonc distcict Lot sizc rorarGRFA 414 * #b7 -___@l_ PrinraryGRFA AbFt +ezl162{1=_}pa4_ Mb * Sccondary GRre i ??o r (121 (ry(+) =L19_L t if4 * * 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? llorv much of tlc allorvcd 2i0 Addition is uscrl with this reoucsr? Sitc Co\.cragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall I{cights Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Pcrmittcdslopc % proposcd Slopc 4 zr Ycs__- No Ycs No I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Geqloeic Hazards /.- b) Rockfall c) Dcbris FIorv abdtu+r€ llfr- ' ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: .4) O P"O ql,ftN7vt)N F)iL DESIGN FJ,VIE}Y CMCKLIST Projcct: Q sti-RvEy Scalc Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription LOr ilzc Buildablc tuea Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn hl Hazrrds Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations -.-..__ I Scals Building Height Encroachmcnts Setbacks Site Covcrage EavcVovcrhangs (4) DecksiBalconics Carage conncction Site Gradc\Slopc Rcbining Walls Fcnccs Tuming Radius Drivervay (acccss and grade) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss Q FLooRPLANS Scalc CRFA 250 additionat GRFA CrarvlWttic Spacc FIII T Q BULDING ELEVATIoNS ScaJ e -:- ColorWaterials Roof pitch Q LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing fccs --- .Proposed bces Lcgend MISCELI-A.NEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (.A. & B) Utility.vcrifi cation form Plotos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Vcrification SunLShade Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vierv Corridors. Varianccs PIat rcstdctions Q SITE PLAN FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Rotd Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t-47 9-21 1 I / 47 9-21 1 9 D c p aftment of C ommunity D ea c I opm e nt July 29, 1992 Mr. Wolfram Klawiter 4768 Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: PEG Meetlng June 22, 1992 - A request for a condltlonal use permlt tor a bed and breakfast located In the prlmary/secondary zone dlstrlct at 4768 Meadow Drlve, Lot 1, Block 7, Blghorn Subdlvlslon sth Addltlon. Dear Mr. Kalwiter: Encfosed is a copy of he minutes of the June 22,1992 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use permit request was approved. The attached copy of the minutes will serve as your record ol lhe conditions of approval. Please note thal the approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obfained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (June 2'1992). lf approval of this conditional use permit lap6es, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Depafiment statf and the PEC, lf you have any questions or comments regarding this intormation, please do not hesitate to contact me al 303/479-2138. Enclosure Jilt reviewed tra request with the Commisslon, staung that this was merely a requsst lor a2-year extenslon to he variance prwiously approved by he Plannlng and Environmental Commlsslon. After some discussion, Dalton Wliams made a motion to approve the variance request extension and Chuck Crist seconded the motion. A vote was tiaken and the molion passed unanimously, 6-0. 3. A request lo sxtend for 2 yearc the June 10, 1991 site coverage varlance apqovd lor the Stanley residencs located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Lot 1, Vail Valley 3d Filing, a Resubdlvision of part of Sunburst Applicant Jack Stanley Planner: JlllKammerer Jill reviewed this request for the Commission, stating the roquest was lor a two-year extenslon b a site ooverag€ variance as previously approved by the Planing and Environmental Commission. As thers were no changes to the request, Chuck Crist made a motion to approve the request and Jeff Bowen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanlmously, 6-0. As the applicant was not yet prssont for item # 4 on the agenda it was agreed to movs to ltem #6 on he agenda. 4. A request for selback variances for the Grubbs Residence, 1031 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block l, VailVillage 8lh Filing. Applicant: G&S Parhership Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill reviewed his request for the Commission, explaining that the setbach variance was being requested in order to allow the oonsbuclion of a sloping roof within he rear, east and west setback This was the only change being proposed by the applicant. The staff stated fiat a hadship dld exist in this case due to the small lot size. Secondfy, when the residence was originally consfucted, it was bullt in the setbacks. After some discussion a motion was made by Dalton Williams to approve this rsqusst and Greg Amsden seconded the motion. A vots was taken and the molion passed unanimously, 6-0. 5. A request for a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast located in the primary/secondary zone disfict at 4768 Meadow Drive, Lot 1, Block 7, Bighom SuMivision Sth Addition. Applicant: Wolfram Klawibr Planner: Shelly Mello The Commisslon felt the owner should be required to place a sign on the property Indicating which front door was to be used for the bed and breakfast and that there should also be mention of the avalanche hazard on the sign. A concem was raisad as PLrmho .nd E|whonmfitrl Conmbbn M-hC. .ln 22, t$ll o to hs applicant belng able to use additional space for the bed and breakfast other han that whlch had been approved. ltistan Pritr stated that the whole bed and breaklast issue was on an honor system and hoped that the applicant would abide by these rules. Shelly stated that all adiacent property ol^rners had been notified of this request and there was no opposition. Ghuck Cdst then made a molion to approve the request and Gena Whiten seconded the molion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 6. The next ltem to be discussed was #7 on the agenda, a request to amend Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residenfial Floor Area, of he tvlunicipal Code relating to Employee Housing Unib. Applicanl Town ol Vail Planner: JillKammerer Jill Kammerer, Senior Planner, rsviewed the request with ths Commission. Greg Amsden asked if passing fiis request would allow an applicant to add a third unit to their property. Jill stated under the previously endorsed affordable housing ordinance code amendments this was possible, depending on the size of the lot Primary/secondary and two family lots under 15,000 sq. ft. would still only be allowed a maximum of 2 units while similarly zoned lots greater than 15,000 sq. ft. in size would be allowed to construc't an EHU (a third unil). However, the code amendment under consideration today related only to he 250' chapter ol the code. The stafl felt that thls code amendment would be effective in providing employee housing. Greg also stated he was concemed with the impacts an increase in traflic and parking would have on the neighborhoods if density is allowed to increase throughout ths neighborhood. There was discussion relating to the enforcsment of his request, including the possibility of short brming these units. The staff stated that only Type 1 employee housing units could be sold. After fufiher discusslon, Chuck Grist made a motion to recommend to Town Council to amend Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code per the saff's memo relaling to the 250 ordinance and Dalton Williams seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-1, Greg Amsden voting opposed. Kristan Pritr asked Greg to state his reason for opposing and he stated that he was concerned wih the impacts increased density could have on the neighborhood. Greg Amsden felt that the Town would not be able to keep up witr the problem. Diana Donovan then stated that the PEC needed to go into Exedtive Session with Town Attomey Larry Eslnrith to discussion legal issues. Dalton Wlliams made a motion to adjoum the meeting and Greg Amsden seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. The Planning and Environmental Commission meeting was recalled to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan after the Executive Session. Plhhe .rd En lronngrhl Commbbn M..!rg , ,ttt 2, 19Cil + Or" ltu) ,^T tr* fu^ PUBLIC NOTICE NoTtCE lS HEFEBY GtvEN that fie Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 22,1992, at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request to extend for 2 years the September 9, 1991 front setback variance approval for the Krediet residence located at 224 Forest Road, Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: John Krediet Planner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request to extend lor 2years the June 10, 1991 site coverage variance approval for the Stanley residence located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Lot 1, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, a Flesubdivision ol put ol Sunburst. Applicant: Jack Stanley Planner: Jill Kammerer 3. A request lor a minor subdivision for Lot 5, Block?, Bighorn Firsl, 3916 Lupine Drive. Applicant: Marty Abel, President of Sable Lupine Partners, Ltd.Planner: Mike Mollica 4. A request for a minor subdivision for Lot 4, Eidge at Yail, 1452 Bidge Lane. Applicant: Frank McKibben Planner: Jill Kammerer 5. A request for a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast focated in lhe primary/secondary zone district at 4768 Meadow Drive, Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn SuMivision Sth Addition. Applicant: Wolfram Klawriler Planner: Shelfy Mello 6. A request for setback variances for the Grubbs Residence, 1031 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing. Applicant: G&S Partnership Planner: Jill Kammerer 7. A request to amend Ghapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area, of the Municipal Code relating to Employee Housing Units. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Jill Kammerer The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town ol Vail Community Development Department Published in he VailTrail on June 5, 1992 Rr ^v f\v \,NW \n\\r' !.'I t,il revined 9/4/91 o ?4'w> Date of Applicatio.,R$'l-!{'+ - i:iggz Date of PEC Meeting 6.2?,72- APPLICATION TOR CONDITIONAI., USE PERMIT This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional- use permit. The application wil-1 not be accepted until all information is submiLted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT /(/z -','1, - AUUKI!JJ >6 t2 Ytl :/" n'//t )PHONE B NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHONE c.NAME OF oerNER (s) ADDRESS OWNER (S) (print STGNATURE (S)/u1 6 )' /4'" or type)/t/i,/f -.,^ K/^ _, ; t'<_ PHONE 6-o 'rfq tt,ttQi' LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL:LOT / BLOCK 7 TTi,TNC ADDRESS 4 v 6t' r4e^,/".- A- V.:/ t"Tpttst u : E FEE $2OO. OO PAID cK#BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WTLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of aII property adjacent. to the subject properLy INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planninS sLe_tE_msmbel_is strongly suggested to determine if any additional in:Fo-mation is needed. No application will be accepted unl-ess it complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) . It is the appJ.icant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addi-tional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WTLL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS TOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TTIAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WTTH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ]SSUED. Four .tr41 copies of the following information must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatibLe with other properties in the vicinity. The description must afso address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. b.?r.". of t.he use on rigr't td air, distribution facilities ' ' recreation facilities and PubIic rl ? q of poPulation, transPortation utilities, schoofs' Par'<s ano facifities, and other Public facilities needs ' c. Effect upon traffic, with -particular reference to congestion' iuio^oti"e and pedestrian safety and conienience, traffic flow and control' access' tin.rrr.t"uiiiiy, and removal of snow from the streets and Parking area' d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed ,r""-i" to be located' including t'he scale 'rrt,O Uuff of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least 1" = 20' shol'ing proposed devetopmeni of the site' including topography' buildins ro.uttonll-piiring, traffic circulation' useable open space, Iandscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans' A title report to verify ownership and easenents' If the building is condominiumized' a letter from the condominiu. u""o"iation in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff Any additional material necessary for the review of the apitfication as aeieiti"ed by the zoning administrator' ** For interior rnodifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator I IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmenlal Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Moldays oi "i"n month. A complete.apPlication form and aII "".o*punying-rit"iiuf (as destribed above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior.to the date of the PEC public neiii"g. No incomplete.tpPll"S!i91" (as dererrnined by thJ ""iii"S .O^ini"tiator) wirf Ue accepted by the plannlng stair-u.ioit or after the designated subnittal date. A11 PEC aPproved conditional use permits shall lapse if construction is ";;";;;;""ta "ititin one year of the date of ;;;;;;;i-""o oirig;"iIt pursued to completion' or ir the use for which tne apiio"ir'ii granred is nbt commenced within one year. If this application requires a seParate-revieY P-l ""V local' SLate or Federal-;;e;;i oLher than the Town of Vail' the application fee "nirr Le increased by 5200'00' Examples of such review, may-include, but are nol limited to: Colorado ;;;;rt;.;i br High*iv a"t""s Permits' Arnv corps of Engineers 404, exc. The applicant shalI be responsible for paying aly publishing fees which are ii-"*"""" of sot of the lpprication fee ' !f' at t.he applicant's request, any.matter is postponed for hearing, causing in.-iiii"t to-be re-published' then' the entire fee for Jt;;"t;:;"uiication snltt be paid by the applicant. ft. B. A. ool-r.r""ats deerned by the co*nunitleveloprnent Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which nay have a significant impact on the conmunity nay require review by consultants other that town staff. Shoutd a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any app1icatJ,on, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it sha11 estimate the amount of noney necessary to pay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for paynent of the consultant which have not. been paid to the consultant shalL be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. o A}IIJICATION FOR CONDITIONAI., USO PERMIT tsTD & 8REAKFAST LIst of the naroes of 4768 lqeadow Dr. L,ot2blockTBlghorn 4778 Meado$ Dr. Katherlne A Cboppln Mlke Choppln ouners of property adJacent to 5th addltlon South Ibst dorth West' r,ot 1 Elock 5 Blghorn 5th addltou 4816 Junlper lane Wllllaro Schoen tracked D Blghorn townhouse Sub. Mlke choppln , -...5552 TJ CedraL -L,ongbeach Caltf. 90815 L-.--l{1111am Schoen TOOAdnlrallty Parad'e Naplesr Florlda ttgt+O town of VaII 5 .Ly'? L APPIJICATION I'0R CONCITI0NAI USE PERMIT (sno t BRaaKFAsr) I II. I. I have been rentlng nY house to and a couple downstalrs. Bo lhe relatlonshlp and lnPact of sane as lt ls now. three room rnates ugstalrs use would be baelclly the b. the effect of u6e on llght & alr would also be tbe sa'me as lf I had rooruoates or tf I rented out roons by tbe week. The bus transportatlon woul,d probably be used nore frequently wlth a bed anii Breakfast. the utllltles would be about the sane as lf there nere pernanent renters or weekly guests. The schoolg would aot be used by tourests or weekly gueBts' The parks and recreatlon facllltleswould be used the Sane rlth Bed &Sreakfast ae nlth nonthly or weekly reuters. c. The eff,ect on trafflc nay be 6reater, but not slgnlflcantly There ls enougb parklng on Elght (6spaoes) plus J 1n garage that there would be no congestlon' plug nlghtly SueEta are apt to get up later than the worklug people In the nelghborhood.. the 8no$ renoval ls already ln place and thre ls enouSh pafklng for 6 to 9 cars- d, the area ls a reeldentlal area on the edge of blgh denslty wlth a Park across tbe street. Theamountofpeop}ethatwouldusethehousewou]'dbe the sane but the people tould only stay a neek lnsted of a nonth. Sone of the houses ln the nelghborhood are rented out weekly by rental agencles ard owtlsfsr , t./ ' '/t/L#-2;44 orlru ot .f Ur i.ond D|'l drt ol .t41,11111, ,ltl, . I nlnal6;2q ri.:t.F: .nd .lah .t rr|.l ttrta ol Kl.ArtIn:'n, l,ot I ll I nn l. t lllp,ro"rr I i r r . r r I I , , | - | , , , t t,.f.,i.cnr.(fltrr to tlr,, r' ._, ' - ll I l.rr, rnrrnrt ,,i .;,,i.;, 1, " , .,.,t,',.1';.t.or. lLttrnb tn xt htt x..m. rurr ".riiiri;:ffi , L. I I I I a z t ? a I W10i &/t0.1-i{rovt qndtf tntLt XIftX q\I^W olft lat jh{tALtu'D( Vlzzl qe- A request for a conditional use permit lor a bed and breakfast located in the Primary/secondary Res'rlential Zone District, at 4768 Meadow Drive, Lot 1, Block 7, Bighom Subdivision sth Addition. Applicant: Planner: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 22,1992 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Wolfram Klawiter Shelly Mello ll. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE In December of 1989, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 31, Series of 1989 to allow Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of Vail. Ths definition in that ordinance states: 'A Bed and Breakfast means a business which accommodates guesb in a dwelling unit in which the Bed and Breakfast proprietor lives on ths premises and is in residence during the Bed and Breakfast use." The Klawiters have applied for a conditional use permit to allow them to use 3 bedrooms in their home, which is located in the Primarylsecondary Residential zone district, for a Bed and Breakfast rental. The uea lo be used for bed and breakfast contains a total of 500 square feet. 2 guests could stay in each bedroom for a total of 6 guests. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review ol Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of fie conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationshio and imoact of the use on the develooment obiectives ol the Town. The Town.Gouncil encourages Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of Vail as a favorable type of lodging for tourists. I 2. The effect of the use on liqht and air, distribution of pooulation. transoortation facilities. utilities, schools. oarks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs- 6 guests can be accommodated at one time, and it is unlikely that there would be more than 3 guest vehicles. There is a Town of Vail hls stop In the vicinity. lt is felt that the impact on the use of parks and recreation facilities and on transportation facilitibs would be minimal. 3. Etfect uoon traflic with oarticular reference to conoestion. automotive and oedestrian safetv and convenience. taftic flow and control. access. maneuverabilitv. and removal of snow from lhe steet and oarkino aIE as. It is likely that there would be 3 additional vehicles driving to lhe Klawiter residence. Staff leels that this would be an insignificant impact upon traffic. 4- Effect uoon the character of the area in which the orooosed use is to be located. includino the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunoundino uses. The stafl feels that the character of the area will not be negatively impacted by the addition of a Bed and Breakfast in this area. No exterior changes to the residen@ are proposed to accommodate he Bed and Breakfast. 5. Bed and Breakfast Ooerations mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified in Title 18 ol the Vail Municioal Code lor Ordinance No. 31. Series of 1989. Bed and Breakfast Operations shall be subiect to the followino requirements: a. Offstreet desiqnated oarkino shall be required as follows: One soace lor the owner/proorietor plus one space for lhe first bedroom rented olus 1/2 space for each additional bedroom rentecl. The Klawiter property contains 3 enclosed and 6 exterior parking spaoes. The parking requirement for the other side of the duplex and the Bed and Breakfast is 5 parking spaces. b. Enclosed trash facilities and reoular oarbaoe removal service shall be orovided. The trash containers will be housed in the garage with regular trash pick-up. c. Removal of landscaoino for the orovision ol additional oarkino is stronolv discouraoed. I There will be no removal of landscaping. d. Each Bed and Breaklast shall be allowed'one resldential name cor!9. A name plate has not been applied for at this time. e. lf a Bed and Breakfast ooeration shall use orooertv or facilities oaRinq soaces or a drlvewav in duolex subdivisions bv wav ol examole and not limitation. the written aooroval of the other orooertv owner. owners. or aDolicable onners' assooiation shall be required to be submitted with the aoolication for a conditional use oermit. Not applicable. IV. FINDINGS The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a conditional use oermit for a Bed and Breakfast ooeration: A. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the dislrict in which the site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to he public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. C. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of this application for a Bed and Breakfast operation. Staff tinds that all applicable review criteria and findings have been satisfactorily met. o o z @ {v c o =o z T rrl n ={ --- --{o @ m Is LO l=8 E Ilo 4 l"i9 e fPe l l!-i g ItrP o liq I l=t i I- o.<4o-d3 9,t ctl >e z?5 !): .r1 m = EI @ =0 z E m t-m - r tr m o - z t- n+ ar' R<zx 3i oz. 9> c c ; ! t- = = $!q () ..) - --l c)o>iD t- o 9, -l rrl 7z :afi of,t --t >or- T =m o €z m I 2 =T = -it -5 o =x q,{ n (D - E .D x EF o> .l1r t- \,'i zl "l I l-,l lFl 15 (D lo t-I-'E l=l t('r I lcl- l\'l l-l tl tl rl m t-m ld l€ lz le t<l>I- IH l9) lz l = -l €z '11 -:o m 9'z o I ld t=lz le l> lF II lm t0 lz n d =z o I ; ! m gt d €z o .tl F ft m F)z I I = € (1) -5 i I t- I'l I ,) = o f = l- m z 3 m t D!8. -n -t Or z= 2z oo z 0z tq m; L lol l.r. o t59 l,i :l-o | '"1 !m ft =-l -l o @ m x m .D -{ o z c o o U' -{m cr C}l+H (-r,r 5 (cIO-d3E o9d 6Pg R 6s is;+ =o o .<R€ 1(g lF3 f-*o:1 f -,o 9)f *- *!-i d= =-f2 3oo Q 3.a r9.B aH= O *s, sd€ E IrE 6'= =-f +i; 6 9.3 8 3'1 ?rJ(D .<=go =9P fx, -.srdr =< =JF=5 gf jE9. o-l aR d' lci iEg s;9 iq€ ll'o=' !r =o ni O)<.{ 'nat at :l EO. cio fo s=-to oan fo P5 =-- Og o8 oo F4 33 o.*oo 3*qe o-{ 33 9ai ON .oo vr=o5' -(cl fs {o. 3e fEr ,o*1, S_E@. 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Vtt'".':' - j,- .;:' 1 !.r 'i .'';-. '. " 1-t' 5rr "S gH:lA: u: '. RlD6[. Ctty - / 33' .\ o iti rlii '" ' '-'llli*-- t i HYDRO.TRIAD. LTD. Lokewood, Colorodo I I I I I I I I t I T T I I I t t I I I t I I I oo ao KAC AVALANCHE IMPACT PARAMETERS WOLF KLAI,IITER RESIDENCE BIGHORN 5th ADDITION SUBDIVISION VAIL, COLORADO February, 1981 Prepared for: l.lolf Klawiter P.0. Box 255 Vai1, Colorado HYD;':O.TNIAD, LTD. 12687 West Cedar Dri ve Suite 100 Lakewood, Col orado 80228 (303) 989-1264 I I I I t T t I I I I I I t I t I I I or lo KAC AVALANCHE IMPACT PARAMETERS t.lOLF KLAWITER RESIDENCE BIGHORN 5th ADDITION SUBDIVISION VAIL, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GENERAL IMPACT PRESSURES AND FLOW DEPTH . DEFENSE STRUCTURES CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE I: KAC AVALANCHE IMPACTS - WOLF KLAWITER RESIDENCE t I I I t I I t I t t I I I t t t I t oo oo HYDBO.TRIAD, LTD. February 27, l98L Mr. Wolf Klawiter Post 0ffice Box 255 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Klawiter: Enclosed is a copy of the report on the Avalanche Impact upon proposed residential h-ouse locateil in the moderate hazard zone for hvaianche Runout Zone in Vail, Colorado. This study was performed authorization provided bY You. If there are any questions, please contact my office. Si ncerely, HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. your the KAC under the eh/Rfr4n Ronald L. HalleY, Jr. ' ,.r. ./ Pres i dent RLH: mgk Encl: Report 12687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE - SUITE 1OO LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 PHONE 303-989-1264 t T I I GENERAL oo oo KAC AVALANCHE IMPACT PARAMETERS l,lOLF KLAWITER RESIDENCE vAIL, C0L0RAD0 t Subsequent to the preparation of the K A C Avalanche Study prepared by I R. L. Halley during the spring and summer of 1975, and the following review I of impact pressures on one of the proposed KAC Townhouses (Si I ver State I Unit), a specific request was received for the probable impact pressures and I flow heights that can be expected for the proposed res'idence on Lot 1, I Bighorn 5th Addition Subdivision, Vail, Colorado. I The scope of work for the original study included definition of the avalanche parameters and the runout zone delineat'ion. These items were I presented in detail within the original report and are not repeated herein. I t Examination of the probable impact pressures for the proposed residence r was based upon the probable snow densities and velocities from a large I ! (approximately 100 year recurrence material) avalanche. t t I t | -1- I I I I I I I oo Damming Height (m) (ftt 620 Since the building is skewed regard to the flow vector of the avalanche, the damming height can be estimated to be about 4.0 meter I (13.0 feet). The norma'l loadings on the unprotected southwest face of the proposedresidencewouldbeapproximate,'@whiIetheloadingon I the southeast face would be about 1b/tt t I t I I T I or I I IMPA'T PREssuREs AND FLow DTPTH Computation of the probable impact pressures' flow depth and danning I heights requires defining the velocity of a dry flowing avalanche at the I building. This has been accompljshed based upon a major climax avalanche I that would run to the limits of the rnoderate or infrequent runout zone. The recurrence interval of this type of event is on the order of 100 years +- I Avalanche Fl ow Characteristics at l.lolf Klawiter Residence KAC Avalanche Vel oci ty Fl ow Depth (m/s ) (nph ) (m) (lt) 7.0 16 r.7 5.6 -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I ol ol DEFENSE STRUCTURE OR TRAINING DIKE Since the loadings on the southwest facing wall of the proposed resi- dence are rather large, the option of providing some type of defense struc- ture for the building was evaluated. A structure to protect the building would need to be as'l ow as possible, in order to be economically or aesthe- tically acceptable. This can be accomplished by a training dike on the south and west of the proposed residence, having: (i) an angle of impact as low as possible; (ii) a t horizontal to L vertical slope on the uphill face. The damming height on the dike has been estimated to be about 1.8 meter (6 feet), yielding a total design height of: - flow depth + danrning height = 1.7 +1.8 = 3.5 meter (f1.5 feet) In this case, a safety factor 1.0 can be assumed, since it applies to a moderate or infrequent runout zone. A suggested dike section is shown on Figure l. -3- t oo I c'NcLUSr'Ns AND RE''MMENDATI'NS oo I t The proposed residence for Lot l lies within the moderate or inter- I mediate hazard zone of the ava'lanche runout area. The impact pressures that I would result from the running of a major climax avalanche (dry flowing type) t on the southwest wal'l of the unit (without a special defense structure) I would be approximately 203 lbs/ft2. The snow would pile up against the wall I (assuming the wall withstood the pressure) to a depth of approximately 13 I feet. The recurrence interval of this type of event is on the order of 100 years. The location and configuration of a training dike is shown on Ffgure I. I The critica'l factors in the configuration are its orientation to the ava-I lanche flow, the upstream slope (1 horizontal to l vertica'l ) and the total I height of the dike (11.5 feet). t.tith the training or defense dike, the I loadings on the structure drop to essentially zero. The windows of the house r on the southwest and southeast side should be double pane and one pane I should incorporate wire mesh to minimize danger of flying glass in case of a I powder avalanche pressure wave. I I t t I t I -4- ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED g REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN * SPE , . -.+ir f.' CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr o tr )1r,*o.-FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL--7 tr FINAL :-,aa {p6' oveo N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON ,!i CALLER UR UES T 'v( WED \/ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMINd r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr o tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL MAPPBOVED otLo**="r,o*r' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I ,*rfr"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o D tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEH PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - I ,*rt"toN REouEsr DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING O INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr POOL/ H. TUB O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*.G"rroN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT,ION:MON .:i.' . CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUG|"+/ D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr OD tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E ;,'' o tr FINAL D FINAL . g-appnoveo -,CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR f=: ,*Jf,"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE 1 ,.: INSPECTION: JOB NAME ,'MON , CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER F FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK. E FINAL tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr CONDUIT ,F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON .I .. ., -,.: TUES WED THUR .AM: PM FRI LOCATION BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/ WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOLi H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELE Ql trF trC tr- O EXHAUST HOODS TEMP. POWER O SUPPLY AIR tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr,REINSPECTION REQUIRED Jl .": ,,it, DATE INSPECTOR DATE ,*r?="rroN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t tlt g.httY/vail ,*rt"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ,WED THUR .AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER t] FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL p APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L LJAIE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED -T-HUR PM FRI AM BU trl trl trl I trl l trl r,i' ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH n tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR t1 ------- -'7 tr FINAL =.'' ,1 FINAL '') tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 4''PPROVED 1:, ::-)PECTION REQUIRED ./ .'- l' /' ,.D^rE 47L<t_/=-E- |NSPECTOR ,*.t".oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME INSPECTION . TOWN OF ;, ., / | ./!,,'t f | 1 :,tr REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLI INSPECTION:MON t*$ES-", ,.. "--.--- / 7..oa AM.PMi t/\/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION fl SHEETROCK /r-t' POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR *t INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL DATE a)-)',r'-'5 SP {r JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES /-:, \ . rr1r l WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF ,4 BU trl tr tr trl Y Etr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr #-_tr tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME INS : t PECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI WED AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL d''rnnnlttrue - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr o FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D o tr tr ROUGH tr n D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FlNK(FINAL .-..-,81, APPROVED ' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIHED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF ',.^ ,, ! | REQUEST VAIL L'AItr INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER JUES,READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR PM FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. F RouGH / wATER joi l"-/ tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n_ r-l O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-r _ .'-i oFTNAL+ FRAMING tr r-1 tr D o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr D tr ROUGH CONDUIT EI FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ;; ; / .,a/t .fifrD SAPPROVE D -,,,.E--RE I NSPECTION R EQU I RED DATE INSPECTOR. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAiL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR (I3;)PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING F tr tr ROUGH n o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ''RppRoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO 7'\'coRREcloNS: DATE INSPECTOR t PE t. l tNs tl CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ., CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELE ET {r EIC tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tl tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR F,'i ' Uulto*lt ,Z- ( INSPECTION TOWN O REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME )rd r/ (,(ar CALLER INSPECTION:MoN (J_gE-s-,THUB FRI l-a{)t,f- WED 4AE \],^l/-\ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL E tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL 1.,*o' tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D rl tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F4,PPROVED coRkcroNs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 75 soulh ftonlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ,Ju1y 1l, .|985 olflce ol communlty developmenl Wolfram Klawiter P.0. Box 255 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Vol leyball Court at 4768 Meadow Drive, Lot I, Block 7, Bighorn 5th Dear Wolfram: Recently the Town organized several meetings with residents of the B'ighorn_area to discuss possible improvemeits to Bighorn park. Due t9 lhq-fact that your volleyball court is partially located on Town ot vatl prgpgrty, the.Town and neighbors would like to know if you would be willing to share that volieybal'l court with the generai publ i c. Please let me know what your opin.ion is concerning this request. I have tried to call you several'times but have beefr unable-io rina ar\yone at home. Please give me a call as soon as possible. Si ncerely, Krifun ?^t Kristan Pritz Town Planner 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 3, 1984 offlce of communlty development Wolfram Klawiter P.0. Box 255 Vail, Colorado 8.|658 Re: Volleyball Court at 4768 Meadow Drive Lot I , Bl k 7, B'ighorn 5th Dear l^lolf, I have'looked at your new volleyball court. It appears that a port'ion of the court is on Town of Vail property. In order to verify the exact location of the court, I am requesting that you submit a site improveirent survey of your property from a certified surveyor's office. The Town needs to confirm the locatjon of the court for liability reasons. In addition, if the court is on Town property, permission r^ras never obtained from the Town. I would like to receive the survey as soon as possible and no later than July 25th. If you have further questions, please call me. cooperati on. Sj ncerely, rt | 0'l 1irifiu",tnt? KRISTAN PRITZ KP: br Thanks for your o o z U) -{7'c o =o z E FT F ={ q,z =q m;Ir t^IHv lzo loI lz"'lZ 'n >a -m l$ .^r F<-= F{€o t-@ m x m .t.| -t z f m EI - -.1 o (D m Iq LO l-tt -{ l-.; o <x f m: 6 Cla:;x.+ri g mP o a)irO <-{ t -:m=-'rJ 3t o<To 6P -.D q= Ct,>t i9 'n m + t<tf tT: D<J L ]LJ 3trP zn= v=r x f lt-Fl . -. - 94 5 - 'r.'{ A:* >=E os, F lz 4z i O O CN ct) t- z H |I] m c)- z. = o z --.t -l o O-p Zt- A= -1 2 .i= l-m o { ; r- z -{ o -t Za nz >m --l > o _T- =m --l 'Tl =z t*t2 I I lul l'{:.tl IF I I I I z T ^t- € H (t o 0 fi 5 E { r F I 5' .)o Z.\ an c)E =l>.F E H I I I =l I I I ll l{ lz lo li r-l!lm l6-,lz IJ ld l€ lz le t<t>lr ln lF,lz 5 -J o\ I 5 @ I -.r mlO rlt le t<l> t: IF la I I I ld l€ lz le I<l>l- lB lz I I l--r to l=to l'r l<l> lF II lfl 7(o O'r =:r5 \e !ao 3 6gg o^ X ^._ x *: Y =gr O =.'< R €o{Eo =+ai,;i ; :66 o,(DYf. F 1:l \r5o (D x- <lnrO =.tlr of9*3 *o f (o9+@ O *=E -:+dt -J =-o'6 '". o't^== v'J-i= 53ils 5 E.; E D",^f ? =i =g ':.L --ts=9oQ- =tgJ Xforo <o-f 0:aP o' -q)=i a:Ei' Sua=e33Q O-O--! o o { q) ! o c l a 3 c- s f (o o o l o. J \o c\ ^ a\- r | \.R )i; \to Y-r ril a r\\ t {-; \ \\0,tr o I'o >u>z^ r> mc 6n YM zO m-n €z m I o z -t o --l _n I m r _Tl i!oa =" l I --T-- XX @lv)-t--{>t = 2l-r :6t -l z t> IT t<l=l@ li E m o x i< l= -i= I fro<>n-!-.1m c:iei IJ o { 0 l0Tnr-n ; = i9 ii lo r-r----T--- iil ll .--.f iz z I I c € a D c =-l o o o o q c c = c -I o-o P] P',l ;l l z i --.1 m --l z , =z I _! ! c c z ol rql >l HI rrl Fl rf; ::",6 F {-N- =Pio EP 23 sg ?9 o <Jr.lrr- *;B6= <3 '"1294 - "r lrto o O ni= z >o z4 u> "ri ->l No=anlNm=t-v)l cr' a fdl Fl tr<gl =.t I I I \) o z z z 6 -i Fo HZ F;FA tq@ zc x2 Fl u, HZ z1 m Fs2 bl |q c) 8l tt FUI FI HI >l ol ;t I I _c zo Oz !- 'n >.n zo v;tt:t r- ts z a F'P z 7 z FJ ! -{ t- m = ='Tt m m c (/, m o z C m I m I z m € (D m --t z m = I z o t- c - m .)--l .) z o I tn x @ c = m = m 3 =-n m m VATUATION m 3 =z l. l:lL ln l+ l' Fj rJ Fi 3 m o I z l-c 2 m m o ^ g 2 f) NJ 5.}. t.J LN s (;.) &5 F. (])(])s. C{E'6'l @lzlqr 4.6 .r.-lt^Irt /<'yJ/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT p onre l) 3 I / JoB NAME -- /<?rU, CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED {sl E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: /'-'-\rutrJ \ vvtrty BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL A'\N tr 4 qH trtrEl " PLYWOOD NAILING F GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK )l T1 N POOL / H. TUB NAIL o o . tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ! HEATING tr tr D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr n FINAL DATE INSPECTOR st/r' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST' VAIL JOB NAME ^l DATE READY FOB LOCATION: AM 6r'l-l''\r___/,P BUILDING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL D UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER " Eitfi;"%tJ*'iL-,*o t',oo, prprNc /A{V- I o TNSULATTO* - D POOL/H TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL - D ' r-l ! FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHAI|I.CAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING EI ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT l-1 tr FINAL tr FINAL ,! neenoveo O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF SPECTION: INSPECTOR The ltens belort glving a pernlt Please check off INSPECTION' S need to be coEplete a flnal C of 0. ln the box provlded. CO}'PLETED before tr tr [] FINAL I{ECHANICAT. DATE: I t5 IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: FINAI ELECTRICAT DATE: II II II FINAI BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TN,IPORARY C OF O DATE: I i CERTIFICATE OF OCCIJPANCY DATE: I I I LANDSCA?ING DI'E DATE: FILE NN.TE: Planning and Environmerttal commission FebruarY .l4, .|983 PRE SEN T l^lil I Trout Diana Donovan Dan Corcoran Jim Vjele Duane Piper Jim Morgan ABSENT Gordon Pierce STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Peter Jamar Larry Esklith D'ick Ryan Betsy Rosoi ack Donovan corrected the last sentence in "Perhaps have each developer grade and to h js property. I' the second to the last paragraph to read: have ready for paving the bike path adiacent mi nutes Janua r t. Donovan moved and Pi r seconded to a rove e minutes as correc!e1!Vote was 6-0. uest for a hei radu lex which extends 2.2 feet above the on. cant: Peter Jamar #pla lion, ddding that the structure was built .7 ' be'low existing gr{de, making varjance request one for 2.9' rather than for 2'2 feet ;;:;;i;jr;iTv-6"ji.u"4. He showed improvement surveys and elevations and exp'lained that the imp-rovement survey th;t had be"" submjtted to the Town had been altered to Fred Arrner, a neighbor, said that he had no obiection to the extra height. that he did not feel cutting itrow a different slab elevation than actually existed. In checking with the surveyor' ii-wai iound that the fin'ished grade of the structure was actually.lower than existing orade. and thus the need for the increase in the amount of the vafliance. Dave Green, iepreienting Klawiter, stated that Klawiter recognized that he had made an erro|i n heiqht, but-had no financial gain to make jn the-error, He sajd that the neighbors gav6 fivorable replies to a 16tter, arrd the DRB members were also in agreement. Scott Edwards, another neighbor, felt the same and added the top off of the house was a viable solution. Donovan fel t not have any settjng, She zon'ingi code . hardship, and act, and that that hardship that thjs was a difficult situatr'on because although the neighbors did objections, it was poss'ib1e that E'I'anting the variance woul.d be precedent added that variances were to be granted only upon the findinqs in the Viele asked. Eskwjth if this could be considered an unnecessary physica'l Eskwjth answered that deciding to grant the variance was a balancing perhaps the board would consider this hardship self created. He added was not the only criterja to consider. va riance franr Klawiter PEC 2 /14 /83 Vie] e felt the reaction of the neighbors was irnportant, since the code was written to qive protection to neighbors. He was in favor of the variance, since the cure of rirod jfying the roof I jne was worse than the ill, Piper asked for an explanation of the height differences. Green explained that the lot was fjlled to have adequate drainage, and Klawjter took the existing grade to be the grade after fii1. Klaliter stated that he had made an error in the distance frorn the slab to the ridge of 2.2' in framing. Jannr added that the slab was not placed ypon fill but was in fact .7 feet below the existing grade, making the error 2.9 feet because the height is measured to whichever grade is more restrictjve Piper felt that the neighbors' input was important and agreed with the DRB that the existing building was better than taking chunks off of the top. Piper moved to grant the request for a varjance to subiect property and hjs findings , safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, and that the variance was warranted for the reason that the strict or I iteral interpretation and enforcement of the spec'ified regulation would deprive the applicant of privfleges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Morgan asked if the house !(as restricted to part of the lot because of the avalanche path, and Klawjter answered that it was. Larry Eskwith explained that Piper needed to make the additional finding that the granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege, etc. Piper r'rithdrew his motion. Morgan moved and Viele seconded to grant the varjance of 2.9 feet in hejght with the fol I owing findings : That the granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propert'ies classified in the same district. That the grant'ing of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materjally injurious to properties or improvements in the vic'inity. That the variance was wamanted for the following reasonsl There are exceptions or extraordinary cr'rcumstances or conditjons app'l icable to the site of the variance that do not apply general'ly to other properties in the same zone and The strict or'l jteral 'interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulat'ion would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. The vote was 4 in favor. 1 a g9-us!-(-q*qro-v-er )and I abstention (Q.Sr_c. eran)._. Dick Ryan arrived.3. Discussion of..construct i on robl erns l Dick Ryan stated Conmri ss ion rev i ew the Council would of currentrpol icies I ike to receive the th*would I jke the Planning and Environnrental and various recontmendations. He added that recolrnrendations by t'larch .l5. t Planning and Environnrental Commission February 14, 1983 2:15 pm Site inspection 3:00 pm Public Hearing : 'l , Approva'l of minutes of meeting of January 24, 1983. L Request for a height variance for a duplex which extends - 2,? feet above the height limit of 33 feet on lot 1, block 7,Bighorn 5th Addition. App'licant: Wolfram Klawiter !g Oiscussion of core construction problems. 4. Request for an amendment to Section G Views and Focal Points of the Vail Vi1'lage Urban Design Guide PIan--Design Considerations to include language which protects views whose deterioration could be caused by development outside of the Commercial Core I Zone District.Applicant: Town of Vail Published in the Vail Trai'l February ll,1983. MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Department FROM: Department of Community Deve'l opment DATE: February 7' .1983 suBJECT: Request for a 2.2'height variance upon 1ot l, b'l ock 7' Bighorn 5th ACdition. Appl icant: hlol fram Klawiter DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant requests a 2.2 foot height variance from the required 33 foot maximum he,ight altowed in-ttre Resideniial Primary/Secondary zone district' The jf,;j;;;r;;iui"i tnit ttre reason for requesting.the variance is that an err6r was made in the .onii"uiiion-oi tn" building which result-ed in the roof ridge tlirii'z.zi"hil;";-t[u"-.ip"ou"o. The ridse-heisht is 35.2 feet. CRITERIA,AND FINDINGS review of criteria an@ of ET the Munic Code The relationshi of the uested variance tS-q$er.-exj$j ntia'l uses and structures in the v ci n r l.y. The'deqree to which rel lqf flqn the strict or ltqlql interpretation qnd enforcement of a s ation is necessaryIo achieve ccxnPat 'it in tle vicin tv or to attain ob.i ecti ves The duptex is currently under construction and is adjacent to Bighorn Park.on ili" *"ii-iide ina u iuirii-oi1 iht-east side. There is no sisn'ificant nesative impact of the lncreaiel't"ight-upon the adjacent properties and a'letter has iiEi-""iiiil ;;-iG-;*nI"'6i-o"b hatf of ine dupiex to.the east statins that_ he has no objectiont io ii,.-""tuested variance.'Many other property owners within fh";;;-htvd atso stateiinaiiney nave no obiection to the variance request' One of the objectives of the zoning code 'is "to provide for adequate I ight and air" and another is ito'"n.or"ig. i harmonious convenient workable relationship i*bng-iind r;aa." ffre-ieieiopmeii itanAards within each zone district are meant to be a means by which certa.in standards regarding the location and bulk of UriiJingi iie ""ttiUfished to carry out thes6 obieitives and to promote harntonious and coordinated deveiJpr"ni-"iir'i-n each area of the Town. The g,ranting of the ru"ii"i" to enable ihe'.ppiiiiant to u*."ed the allowable height'limitatiorr within the zone district would constiture the granting of a.special privilege and r'rould not be consistent with the object.ives of the zone code: actors: rtawfrl -2- 2/7 /83 The effect of the re_q-qgslgg rsl_t31l_c_e_an l'!ght and air, distft_bl_Uglpl_pp_ptt-:-.----:..-..---_lation,, tr!_!!po!:!_q!on and traffic facilities, public facili;ies and utilitie3, ano puD Irc sa ref,y. No significant impact. Suc[ other factors and criteria as the commission deems appJ icable to the proposed varlance. FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Conrmission shal'l make the fo] lowing findings before granting a varjance. l'hat the granting of the variance wi'l 'l not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the Iimitations on other properties classified in the same d i str ict. That the grant'ing of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretat'ion and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practica'l difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent With the objectives of this tit'le. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general ly to other properties in the same zone. The strict or 'litera'l 'interpretat jon and would deprive the appl icant of privileges in the sarE district. STAFF REcOiT4ENDATIONS The Department of Cornmunity Developrnent recommends denial of the requested variance. Although the ?.2 foot increase in the roof ridge height does not result in any s'ignificant impacts upon adjacent properties or the cormunity, any practicai difficulty or physical hardshjp was created by the app'licant and is not suffjcient reason to grant a variance. enforcement of the specified regulation enjoyed by the owners of other properties /u^-;-fi 2 5t' g/4ty D"o' 77-n 4-/'"2/ t) P#,,^ / /"* /**4 /-U o l,'* ).-.- tt/J 1/t-za. zZ 4/f -J".2-- / s3 tr ^*.a---U /"^ "''' ' '* Z'"'-'- Z4 /*JZ^ -/ *:/2, // '.-^Z/ /2"-*/ /--^ ztJ/d , 2. /^-"- /"- z?./ // / z'z''u AZ .4-4. /_4*' zJ /"* " /t -, E o, ,* ,keaz aaz-'lzr7,4/ 4*- ,4 .y'a a =-e-- 44 -n /1 ,.// .///"-**U,-" z' " " "/// "--,4 /- ,J* JA -.1^ ^/J 4or-..- 27e /.-)t2't/2-2/'42 /- a\ ' r*d 2-_// 5 r7Z/ , '6n.---7r-4f G. 8-ao zo - /-'-' lD /qa? - ./.1 '\r 'ti.1,f r.am K1a.w i l, :-'i 63i4eadow uy: . -.J. aoK Z>) -;: r- Vail r Cc . lr Iast Vail pe;:-,.i_-nce & prope:,:-- _...rners: r (l,Iolf .an ilr-aviter ) harre r:.- i.r- a home on the corner of 'j:;niper and' Iuread'ow Dr. r have iaie an error in the f ound.ation t's:i ch nakes the buir-d.ing 2ft 2in. over the hight restriction of 33ft. So I an trying to get a r,,ariaace from the town of Vai]-to al-J.or the extra highF If you d.o I{0T opject to tbe extra height ptEASE sign belov TAANK YOU. ".44 ,/ 4- .K a-//h-e;r*A/^?Z \&* 6cr {* Zp / \ l'ft q4o /4:4 */.g-/ffif7 z,trz,./-1 /t*#z-r tlLfifiilr,<:.nfuV -./Z"r ;' i 44 fu --- i!2, M*a 4rzr'fliZu4u, or- -''' &z>>r/rr; (t4 A/ (A [/h;-tt , hL --f/,/-q 1,o(4. r.,y' ,f / / F : /D,/ 7y3 Wol-fram Klaviter 4768Meactov Dr. P.0. box 255 East Vai1, Co. To East Vail Residence & Property Owners: f (Wolfran Klawiter) have buitd. a hone on the corner of ,;[uniper ancl Meaclov Dr. I have nad.e an error in the founclation whi.ch makes the builcling 2ft ZLn. over the hright restriction of 33ft. So I am trying to get a variance from the town of Vai]- to a]-]-ov the extra highF If you do NOT o!,Ject to the extra height PLEASE sign belov THANK YOU. SincerJ.y Wo]- fram ? &*ss lo:'^' D3 Fl,ar pe,ss fitc- alv'n<-'y4,ns ilt'l dM( ru'.3h[d" T' h^t' roPralb\t' l'7 --l .r{f&^*l- 'lf/6 f,un,'7n.- ,t n. aAat< no oileJ);n , +rrp fu +7q? Pr"-l'"", h,)u, 9i* \tpzt+,2 4trt2. *,,ro --/a'a'' *, "5 ff ?-*"';i,r..^nQ>-' l]tl2 fiu-t--rt1- ' u' *iyzcnu,'- :,Af"W 2zz2+2 --) n/)-t n A ,x - , /) i !\obi"*ou+ rf. aK*4- L-St,t fts,e a.#*rf &J rf|-A'r*p"^^,'*X{ lLi' 0i;td7,rL "} 'P, u' Uudr: l-!il *ft6w'1il7i A",r /d*_ z&tz,- &rw' / 4?"n w; '{lf*nal>/ r--.- I L-'/ i r 'J- Qa,le.- a-bso/u a- /@r; 5a/ Cv, €- ).)-..-" /L),/?83 !Jo1f ran Klaviter l+T6SMeados Dr. P.0 . box 255 East Vail r Co . To Xast Vail Residence & Property Ovners: I (Wolfran Klaviter) have build. a home on the corner of i[uniper ancl Meatiow Dr. I have mad.e an error in the f oundation vhlch makes the builcting 2ft 2in. over the hight restriction of 33ft. so I an ttying to get a variance from the tovn of vail to allov the extra high. If you do NOT olject to the extra height PLEASE sign belov THANK YOU. ot c4^ Sincerly Wolfram Geeat fu]- K]-aniter z 2h/ ? 0r'.rtg {o =' eS Wu\L Pr*t fi^o- oin* 'rl'^'A 'o' M*l dtl ru5hL" L h^z ra p'a!tms' wltL. ,4-2 ,7u,la7:i'-.'i {' 42a4" -2ifi., a,,:() -=€/U..j' -1/' -tZl -z<-czg J |to*,- r* {j DATE RTilPr-i} rown of vail o o Ne 22148 l9--------.---- RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS DOLLARS $ Permit Numbers HOW PAID-- Cash -Check - Bv Police Receipt Numbers oa oO PUBLlC NOTICE NOTICEISHEREBYGiVENthatthePlanningandEnv.ironmentalCommissionof theTownofVaj]wi1]holdapublichearingjnaccordancewithSectionlB.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on February .l4, 1983 at 3:00 pm in the council chamb'ers in the Vail munjcipal bui'lding' Public hearing and consjderatjon of: l.RequestforaheightvarianceinaccordancewjthChapterlB.62oftheVail mun.icipal code for a duptex which extends 2 feet z inches above the height :limit of 33 feet on lot l, block 7, Bighorn 5th Addjtjon' App'licant: l,lolfram K'lawiter The applicat.ions and jnformation relatjng to the proposals are available in thezoningadministrator'sofficeduringregularbusjnesshoursforrevjew orinsPection bY the Pubf ic. TOI{N OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR, Zoning Administrator Publjshed in the Vajl Trail January 28' .l983 APPLICATION This procedure is required The application will not be AppJ-i-r:;r ti.on iloRl\t l'(lii I- VARI1.^rr*Cil for any ir;'oject i:equesti.ng a \rariance. acceptr.jd unLil- all i.nfonnation is submiLted. {2 A. B. NAl"JIl OF ADDRESS APPLICANT p PHoNE +)( /rgt) PHONB C. AUTHORIZATION OT PROPIJRTY OVJNNR SIGI{ATURE ADDRESS D. Pp .8o* ?tf )/";l Cu K)/r-g pHoNE Lzl tt So LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ,tl ADDP.ESS 4 76I fl"^/u- O. E^r/ t";/ _ /block Firing B, o/ o, ^ 5t^ ^.il FtrIt. $100 - 00 pl us an anoLrn't equal to the therr clrrlent f ir:;t-class postage rate for cac.h property owner to Lie not if icd hereundc:.. . A list of the nanies of owners cf all property adjaccnt to the subject property and their addresses, PoT Dtn"s5 Aro-r, Y y'o,'/,C. 8/|sg R"lr,t UP"/r.3un ) jS 2 Mtsse,/ tou.t 8,uo,.,d,.il goo2o fls,K Bryon 3?Ol Ta>z Ar,-c 0,. 0.nrer,t,> gD27l | +-.J o4 a' / I c >-, t J t o^st 8or 62 6 t/ ^,'l , to I . 2o?? 1/'rr4 fro^/t1.F, )"/^ n. n.Aomt Fer',a^/., 2t Vt.lfl,tun/,ti^ LEGAL DESCRIPT:TOIi lot 2 E. F. $to,l7 Lol Lo f LoT Blo"(5 Lat I tot t7 8to"(L Lot I 2 ? c ) 6t8 R".J v'.'l - 4)o /{. o *, --/!/2,^' ;Ie' TIAME OF APPLICAI{T'S REPP.ESEN'IA.I]1VE ADDRESS n1 ,:&"1 rl,tl t) froy,.l,., Brx 389I l'/")/ f'1" 8tlf g r'' 8|(r7 alrplicatiorr ror*$ v;rriance page 2 ."<1 TI. .Fottr {4) copies of the following information: A. A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation involved, and the practj-cal diffi.culty or unnnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wj-th the objecti\/es of this Litle that would resuft from strict or literal inter:pretatj-on and enforce-rnent of the specified regulat.ion. B. A site plan showing all existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary, pbrtinent to the variance requested, incruding site boundaries. required setbacks, building locations and heJghts. topography and physical features and similar data. c. such additional material as Lhe zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the applic.tion. IfI. Time requirements . The Planning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accom-panying materiar must be sr.rbmitted four weeks prior to the hate of the meeting. II. .}?" /0,/7s2 Hight Zoning Restriction Maximum high alloves for 33ft building elevation fron existing gracle or f inishecl grade (vhichever is more restrictive ) t'o top of riclge. Town0rcLinence Section 18. Ol|.170 & section 18.12.080 I roulcl like to request a variance of an extra 2ft 2Ln in high be granted so 1 can conplete the builcling. Builrting is presently constructed. antl is 2ft 2in over previous gracle, Anerror .14'as madsbetrreen the existing grade, the foundation and the top of riitge. It voulal be inposible to Lover the founation and cutting off the top gable r,rould cleteriorate from the looks of the builcling and- would. involve alot of work antl expence. il4-"2"J A. t II. | % /ctrr3 Blgbt Zoa!,ng Brrtrlotlon ldrrlnun hlgb rllovet for 33ft bulkllng clcvrtlou fror rrlrttlg gFrrlc or f,lnlrbo& grtdc (rblabrvor ir norc rcrtrlotlvc) to top o! rtilgc. lovnorillnrnor Ecctlon 18.0I .1?o & rcotlon fE.IA.O80 I vould lllo to rrquort a vrrlraol of, rn utra Q,.tt 2tn ln bleb bo gr"utril to I oen corgt.rtc tbc bullillng. BulLdlng 1r prctoatly conrtruatc{ rnil 11 2ft 2ln ovtr prevlour 6reib. Aarrror uor lril bttrrrn thc crtrtlag grrCr, tb. founilrtlon lnil tbe top of rldgr. It vould br lagotlble to loror tb. founrtloD rnrt sutting off thr top grblc roulit dctrrlorato lron tbc looh ot tbc Dullillng etrC nould lavolvr elot of rort, tail !rl,tno.. il-(*^4 A. b-.- /o,/2"y3 Wolfram Kl awit e r l+T6Bueaaov Dr. P.O. box 255 East Vai1, Co. To East Vail Residence & Property Ovners: I (I^Iolfram Kfaviter) have buil-tt a home on the corner of ,Juniper and Meadow Dr ' r have mad.e an error in the foundation which makes the building 2ft 2in, over the hight restriction of 33ft. so I am trying to get a variance from the town of Vai-l to a1lov the extra highF If you tto NOT opject to the extra height PLEASE sign belov THANK YOU. ein^avlrr vrrrvLrfJ VIo 1f r arn h/tfz'-''"'-' Geeatful Klasiter z ?cJ ? &*ss tos^^'e. W*L pz.ss fi^c- oXt* '*y{'us nrr'l dr( /i/[htd" T'h^a rop'oltrns^ )'i . J *{{.'{L=J"'/1/6 T,'^,/"- Ln , 4t t -J A1i< 'ro Ol.rlge/1c t1 . 2v'e,- ltli or |'t 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 7, 1983 l.^Iolfram Klawiter P.0. Box 255 Vai1, Co'lorado 81658 Dear Mr. Klawiter: RE: DRB Submittal of 2-2-83 This letter is to inform you that at their February 2, 1983 meet'i ng the Town of Vail Design Review Board voted 5-1 to deny your app'l icat'ion to modify your roof. The DRB stated that the application was not jn compliance with Section 18.54.070 of the Town of Vail Mun'ic'ipa1 Code. Section 18.54.0708 states that "structures should not visually dominate the townscape or call undue attention to themsel ves unless they are of civic importance and occupy focal sjtes." PJ:df O D ero;""t Application O O t/ j ,,/ ztt tn , / {,. [),,,, /. , /.L./ir^n".Proiect Name: Project Description: ,a,.) " ,,/" ,.. ,1., / , ^ l. -Contact Person and Phone 42/g 4...1^, /). ,t.,/ tL.,Owner. Address and Phone: il, '"'/f ,,,-)(/on,f".tz t'&1( Er-)Architect. Address and Phone: , 'rr,iJ Legal Description: Lot Comments: Filing Zone - Motion by: Seconded by: Design Review Board APPFOVAL ---a-.' \,-I ( orsnppRovel ./---__/t- Qr, SZr ftot(l o I d I ;1.{ proj.ctName: 4"/{'"-' /(/o""/'- lu"ro/"' proj€ctD€scripl,on' 47 At ,y'/o..y',"-' o" E '' t l/..'/ Prolect Application Owner Address and Phone:'L/ ./-\ C "' "<)) f /O-/<{AL/ /,/, ,'/ f o/, Kr 4 f r Architect Address and Phone: L6gal Description:Lot / ,glock 2 ,rfing Btt/o'^ -<d olJ Zoning Approv€cl: Deslgn Revlew Board Dato ) .a .,t ';{:'.1 ,: fr I 'I l I I I I Motion by: S€condod by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 4*lAbE H. Et--EJAroA 'tv 4aAHlG Dcn,fz- ' Summary: .l .{oi ' t h) olfr" -, '--K/ o -'' t" .' LFuY /4e^1,- D" a:!V't:l(eX,/l E. 'l y'^i / 0 o, tz' Pr "il t33 l"(v 5'>' '.ri l'A-l*ral, . A ft' =s'/i ,I tl ? % fi lD.-:! [LEV =t3:'. d' ;- J- - t., 6'- _1..i , ,i i{ !, ..,,^,'.' t-i -J r, itI .: l tuUt rL / "'"h*n '{W ir"'o hf.Pto ,rrnf FIYDftO-Ti1li,*, [-TD. June 1, 1982 e73-eg--o l4r . l,io I f ram Kl arv i te r vost utT l ce box rf,5 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear l4r. Klawiter: At your request, we have examjned the revised location for your residence to be constructed on Lot 1, Block 2, Bighorn Sub- division,Sth addition. l,le have the folloling comments pertaining to the potent'i al avalanche impact on this structure 1. The house itself will be located entire'ly within the moderate hazard zone, for the MC Avalanche Runout Zone, in Vail, Colorado. The hazards associated with this zone are fully defined in the KAC Avalanche Study prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. in 1975 The western rvall of the retaining wal1 patio to the south- west of the building is located slightly within the high hazard zone. Sjnce the wall will function partially as protection for the remainder of the house, we assume that it has been desjgned to withstand the avalanche forces. The probable impact pressure on an unprotected uphill face of the residence wou'ld be approximately 250 pounds per square foot. This pressure'i s nitigated somer.rhat by the protection of the retaining wall and the orientation of the uph'i11 walls. The probable impact pressure associated with the wall's orientation should be incorporated in the structural design for that wa'l l. are glad to have been of service. contact us. If you have any questions, Si ncerely, 2. pl ease R Jr. ///'?z'A Dtr - -.HYqR0-TRrAD, LTD, ,' ) /,,..//l ->'.<-0 v, yr t,4' Ronald L. ltal'ley, Pres i dent '1 26t'lWt sr ctDAt?DRtVt sr.riI[ 10t)LAK[\/OOt), (:or,oRADO B0?28 Pl-loNt 303-989-1264 box 10O vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-5613 October 5, 1981 }lolfram Klawiter. P.0. Box 225 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submitta'l of 9-30-81 Dear blolfram: At the September 30 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for'a primary/secondary residence was given..final . approval with thb folloving stipulations: examine N.l'1. roof lihe for possib'le revisions, prior to build'ing permit letter needed to verify ava'lanche protection, roof to be shake shingles' use topsoil on aisturbed areas before seeding- fpproval-qgs for a primary/secondary residence with a total GRFA 6f 4020 sq.ft': 2866 sq.ft. primary and 1154 sq.ft. secondary. .),.-'/l PeteY Town P Jamar 'l anner Pro.iect Name: Project Application Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Summary: lrrt./n U, i:t',' i i"\(:i'.4,:; y'/_,."' ,', n ,' ,-' ;:' /1 t' ' :t (,7-,/ 'd/f ,,t' .tl/,fiI,r,* 7,, ,. t,, ,.-ii','itll ... ,"i. i r, ' ( '.n--.. ', ..- - ToWn Planher ' ../ i .!,' E statt Approval box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September 22 ' I98L Illolfram Klawitei P.0. 8ox 255 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear l,lolfram: Peter Jamar Town Pl anner PJ:df department of community development DRB Submittal of 9-16-81 Lot 1, Blk.7' BH 5th At the September 16 meeting of the Design Review Board" your submittal for a primary,/secondary residence was tabled with the following stipulations: receive engineerrs approval on avalanche haiard mirtigati,on, attempt to have one driveway access' 'look at a'lternative rbf material, eliminate extra fireplaces' submit a model of house, more'i nformation on materials, more work on landscaping. (', d^"- \--} Project Application ( .it Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ,,. .'t , ^.-, .4 "" -. ,/,-,. i',,.:. Eu* ) 5':- l/u i Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block 7 ,r,t,ng ,,..,-/ .n 4'a^.11,/.7sn. Com menls: Design Review Board o^," .l', 7/',, ,, t / Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Tft'la 4' 4//zirW- Summary:/lL 4<lw177,/?-//ntA 6/, 't tOU? 4, O///,6a/Pg4flA/6 rh477€//tr E Start Approval 7_0t'lE cilt,cK sFR, for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS R, R Lesal Description: L& f sloru a-Fil ins o*.*" Wd-te4m fi-ft.rltz4Architcct Zone Distri rt - R ?/S proposcd Use R. f, Proposed Sides-Requirecl l5' proposed Rear -Required l5' proposed . t,laterccurse-required ---_ proposed GRFA: GRFA: Propo:cc 'loqP * f -Al l oued i'rinar3, Arlor.reo - HWdASt Prinrrry Propcsed leQg Secondary Altor'red /7hf Secondar5, proposed _flfr Site Ccveragc: A'l'loived ____A9_%__aR Landscaping: Parl<ing: Drive: Slope permitled __ Sloi>e Actual Environ:tii:rtta'1,/i!.-rzards: Ava'lancfie Fiood Plain Cor'nterrts : Required -_A*_- : proposecl Required ---A Si ope 70:t inrt l).i t i:: a a q7{0 /^1/q (at If -. tNGI l'l[[R ] lic Clll:CK l-i ST Etr^ir,e^'Subdivision Lot B'lock Filing .grH 1. Submittal Items (A) Topo l'1ap (B) Siie Plan (c) Util'ity Plan ( D) Ti tl e lteport (E) Subdiv'ision Agreement 2. Engineerjng Requirements (Acceptable) (ltot Acccptable) t./ - ,'-" (if appljcable) , ^tl (A) Culvert Size l.Q. ' (s) ori ver.ray Grade-l8E-fiEli-mcTuaI) =3. Source of U';i'l ities (A (B (c (o {F (F El ectri c Gas Sei.lel l^la ter Tel ephorie T.V. A Conrnent:;: >7, Approved; Di sapproved: 4an<11:' BtO<atq4 ;c,st 22, l10L F DApErTncliT o? Bill Arrd:'cr*s ( I I I I I tur lo I I t I I I I t(J It- to t(J tz r6 r5 ;:!:{ =-ib;-a-"i :i:;: .,, Il.: ";:ii :<32:azl=-:iF::; a,J. z=ri:ii :<v <!!=ii lF" tc 3> -3 <: it a-=<:<t-: d F F I z G F =J lcill 31 9ll - F(l az d p.?i r?F oz:r^(r-4=<HEEH pSHba o (J-z<) oct zz kga HA f iE,nj € iEE iio:FIFX S i oZ :< cc o 3 ZZtt-ra a1 () F ^ 6z q 5 >e E I of, thoG Z!(J Po n i* o og i P;icr i6 g -<\t(, NOIVn]YA ci z. t tu (L z F o t!_-t o E u.r F o d C, C u.l \{, i|q \l '\\"t^,l\; :t a .il\\l al .^--\ I w:.- )t l1l \I;t_- | (l la l'' !l :,' \ \ a \ \l $( sd (t z J t! :< tr! 6 * J z o z._o l) :-zz ccO >z O. LL ufrr_rl >l "ff| "3i bl =Fl:fl;3i 'hr ti qt E o ': l E E o -.'. o c ::o_;;.,) - -- _(f t E E, lrJ (L z o F (J E F a z o O o o ca c t (4. l- rx il <.1 ll VF]IH --i:l I ; : :- | F-oi ,io u) ;. i: CT (,o Zr- o-O )fY <()OF a. <) Lrl r-J cr JO .{ l"'cr a) t! -( ul l _ a) F trl F :r: O a: LrJ 7 (t o .r: () li! ri s \\\ ^-$ I o \l ll \l \l I \l ql \l I ^.'l \l \l I I V,U\ a <l -,| t:l \r, {\ I \ \ \ \i lt l tl tl ,.1 "tl q"tl !:l \ "^l l-l 1d aFl tc{l<l c.l .:i \\s I {\ PoLrcYNo. z 367?44 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY Secretary EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: L Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the chamcter, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant;(b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulthg in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. I A FoRMB- 1e70 ^/ \ ,rtte ruSURANCE OMpANy OF ,Tj |NNESOTA fl ft 11 trLE NSURANCE r,OrupnruV OF iy|INNESOTA Authorized Officer or Agent a L atilb Form 121 6/71 1OM Vtr' Copyright 1969 American Laod Title Association a Stock Company, of Minneapolis. Minnesota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCTIEDI.JLE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPTJLATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attomeys'fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such titlel 3. lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the poliry to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. President J (do[ )frry aptut uo panmtuo1) ^llrqerr ll' farnsur qcns ol sE ueql '^r"f .qr ol, uear8 eq rou Ilaqs eJllou tduroJd qcns JI 'elqala)treu.tuF-sE palJefer $ 'peJnsur se 'tseretu! ro ot€lse aql ol €llll JI ([l) ro ',t tod slll Jo onu!fq olqgll eq ,{etu dueduroJ aql qcrqn roJ etsruBp Jo ssol osnBc 1q3!ur qc!q^\ pu? 'pomsul s€ rlserelu! ro alelse eql ot etul oqt ol osJe^pE sr grrq^\ lsajalul ro allrl Jo ru!?lt duE Jo rapuneJeq peJnsu! se ol otuoJ ltBqs a8pel^roul aseJ ur (!l) 'e oqe (?) u! rIlJoJ l.s se pesodrelq sr esu.Jap ro unSeq sl iupaeJoJd Jo uollce ^uE asec u! (r) Sullu r u! ,lltdruord ,(uBduroJ erll IJllou lFrts p€rnsur aqJ (q) '^JIIod srql ,(q lsulDEs parnsu rallEu.r roqlo ro'aJuerqtuntue 'uaq 'lJeJep pe8alle ue uodn papunoJ s! uolleSlM qtns leql lualxa aql ol 'puel pres ur IsaJalu Jo alslse eql Jo ales e roJ Itsrluor € €croJua ol uorlt€ ue ur pernsur u9 lsuleS€ pasodlalq osuoJap a ro 'pornsur qcns tsulEBE pecuaururoc s8ulpearoJd ro suollf,B Jo turlsrsuoJ uorleSrlll ltE ur pernsur ua Jo asueJep aql roJ epl^oJd ll?rts 'dElap enpun Inoqll,vr pue lsoJ u^{o sl! ts 'dueduroJ aql (?) lueu|lelC parnsul u? Aq uo,\l6 aq ot urlelc lo aclloN * suoll3v lo uollnrasord pue asualao '8 'paJnsut qans ol ue,\r€ o3?3 oru deuour esEqcrnd E,(q pernJas ssaupalqepul eql ro lseJolur ro elElsa plEs raqlre Jo pernsu! qcns r$orJ rasEqctnd ,{uE Jo ro^EJ ul ocroJ ul anul}uoJ tou lleqs {Jrlod slql 'ta^e^aoq 'papl^ojd :lseJelut .ro elelsa qJns Jo oJupie,\uoJ ro ralsusrl fuB ur pdrnsur qcns iq ep€tu ,{luellea Jo slueua^oJ Jo uosear fq ^lllqelt e^eq lleqs parnsu! qcns sB tuol os ro .parnsu! qJns tuoJJ JaserlcJnd " ,{q ua !3 siE8uolu ,(euou es?qcJnd B ,{q perncas sseupalqopu! ue sploq ro 'puel eql q lseldlrr! Jo alelse u€ surelar parnsur qJns sp Suol os peJnsur ue Jo lo]\€J u! icllod Jo alsc Jo se aJroJ ul anurluoJ II?qs dcllod slql Jo e8era,\oJ aql alul lo aJus^e^uoc raue aJuelnsul lo uollEnutluoc .z 'o.r"rfor r,ro",er sralle,., Jo ""11o,, "i11r.,r1"uol l.r€dut! ^{€l ,{q qJrq^\ spro]er osoql :..splo?er cllqnd,, (J) 'lue(unrlsur lluncts reqlo re'poep lsnrl'lsnrl Jo peap 'o3eSlJoru :,,o8e3lrou,, (a) .,(crlod s!q! Iq peJnsu! s! puel eql urojJ pu€ ol ssecce Jo lq8u e r{Jrq^ ot lualxe aqt lrull ro ,$rporu eqs ureJeq Surqlou Inq 'sdE,^{Jele^{ ro s,{8,tr 'ssuel's^elle'senuo^e'spror'slooJls Sull]nqe u! lueuoseo ro elElse 'tseralul'allrl'lq8rr ,{ue rou'v elnpaqrs u! ol paJJeJer ro peqrrcsap Ilpcur.eds sale or{l Jo seull aql puolaq ,{ odoJd ,{uE apolJu! lou saop .,pusl,, urral .ql'Je^o^roq 'pepr^ord :Iuedord IBar aln+rlsuoJ lr|el ,{q qJ!q-{ ola..aq} poxlJJB sluoule^ordlur pue 'V etnpaq?S ur aJua..aJaJ,{q Jo dlleculJads 'poqrrJsap puBI eql :.,pu€t,, (p) 'sp.roJJJ crlqnd IUE Jo uosee.r fq pernsu ue 01 palndlur eq ^eur qJrqa ejllou Jo e8pal^ ou)l a llrnrlsuoJ lou 'a8pet^ioul Ientre :,,e8pel^\ou{,, (J) 'lepunet0q r8€uep ro ssol 3ulrlllett patnsur ue i,.lugul!€lJ pelnsu!,, (q) 'sJossor?ns ,fuPrrnprJ Jo elsJod.roJ ro 'uD[ Jo lxeu's3^ll€luasoJdaJ leuos.rad 'sro^[ rns 'soeswp 'saelnqlr]srp 'srreq 'ol palluq lou lflq '3ulpnlcq esEqrrnd tuorJ par{srnSqlslp se A{el Jo uorl?rado dq parnsul qcns Jo lsaJolur oql ol paercns oq^{ esoql 'pernsur psurgu eql lsulegs peq a €q ,{Bru iueduroC aql sosuaJap Jo slqSll ,tus ol lcafqns'pu?'r{ elnpoqcs u! peureu pgrnsu. .ql :,.pernsu!,, (e) :ueeu ,{r!lod slql q pesn uaq^{ sulrol 8ur \olloJ eql surrsl lo uolllultao 'l SNOIIV'INdIIS CNY sNottIoNo) .l, TIM Ownors Form 2312 -v Fif e No. GV-1320 Poticy No. Z 367244 Amount$ 9'500.00 SCHEDULE A 1 Policy Date Apt^il 3, 1973 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Name of Insured: REINER ttl. KLAWITER and Id0LFRAM G. KLAWITER 3. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: A FEE 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at t}re date hereof is vested in: REINER t{. KLAWITER and I^J0LFRAM G. KLAWITER, in Joint Tenancy 5. The land referrqd qo in this policy is situated in the County og Eagle State of COlOfadO and is described as follows: LOT I, BL0CK 7, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. 4.This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. TIM OWNERS 2'3 FORM 23t3 File No. GV-l 320 SCHEDULE B Poricy No. Z 367244 This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: I . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. General or special taxes and assessments required to be paid in the year lg73 and subsequent years. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. Restrictive covenants, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in instrument recorded November 25, 1966 in Book175 at Page 445. Twenty (20) foot easement along the Westerly lot 'line as shown on the p1at. Five (5) foot ut'i lity easement along all interior lot lines as reserved on the pl at. Reservation contained in Patent from the un'ited states as fol lows: subject to the right of the proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted; and there is reserved from the lands hereby granted right of way thereof for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. Deed of Trust dated March 1, 1973, from REINER t^J. KLAWITER and hI0LFRAM G. KLAbJITER to the Public Trustee of Eagle County for the use of J0HN A. C0ZZINI and ARLENE cOzzINI to secure the sum of $7,600.00 recorded April 2,1973, in Book 228 at page 445. 6. 7. 8. 9. .|0. 't't. A (Continued from inside front flop) of the Company shall ceas€ and terminate in regard to the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; provided, how- ever, that failure to notify shall in no cas€ preiudice the rights of any such insured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by such failui€ and then only to the exlent of such prejudice, (c) The Company shall have the right at its own cost to instilute and without undue delay prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or inte.est as insu.ed, and the Company may take any appropriale action under the terms of this policy, whether or not il shall be liable thereunder, and shall not thereby concede liabilily or waive any provision of this policy. (d) Whenever the Company shall have brought any action or interposed a defense as requiled or permitted by the provisions of this policy, the Company may pursue any such litigation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiclion and expressly reserves lhe right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from any adverse judgmenl or order. (e) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosecute or provide fol the defense of any action or proceeding, the insured heteund€r shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in such aclion or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of such insured for such purpose. Whene\€r requested by lhe Company, such insured shall give the Company all .easonable aid ifi any such actiot or proceeding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or prosecuting or defending such action or proceeding, and the Company shall reimbulse such insured for any expense so incurred. 4. Notice of Loss - Limitation of Action ln addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b) of these Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in writing of any loss or damage for which it is claimed the Company is liable under lhis policy shall be furnished to the Company within 90 days aftet such loss or damage shall have been delermined and no right of action shall accrue to an iflsured claimant until 30 days afler such statemenl shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. 5. Options to Pay or Otherwis€ Settle Claims The Compafly shall have the option to pay or otherwise settle for or in the name of an insured claimant any claim insured against or to terminate all liability add obligalions of the Company hereunder by paying or tendering payment of lhe amount of instJranc€ under this policy togethet with any costs, attorneys'fees and expenses incurred up to the time of such payment or tender of payment, by the insured claimanl and authotized by the Company. 6. Delermination and Payment of Loss (a) The liability of the Company under this policy shall in no case exceed the least of: (i) the actual loss of the insured claimant; or (ii) the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A;or (iii) the actual value of the estate or interest of the insured claimant in the land described in Schedule A at the time the loss or damage insur€d against hereunder occurs undiminished by the defect, lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy. (b) The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in litigation ca.ried on by the Company for such iflsured, and all costs, altorneys' fees and expenses in litigation caraied on by such insured with the written authorization of the Company, (c) wl|en liability has been definilely fixed ir accordance with the conditiofls of this policy, the loss or damagg shall be payable within 30 days thereafte.. 7. Limitation of Liabilitv No claim shall a.ise or b€ maintainable under this policy (a) if the Company, after having received notice of an alleged defect,lien or encumbrance insured against hereunder, by litigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encumbrance or establishes ihe title, as insured, within a reasonable iime after receipt of such notice; (b) in the event of litigation until there has be€n a final determination by a court of competent iurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals lherefrom, adverse to the title, as insured, as provided in palagraph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settting any claim o! suit without prior written consent of the Company. 8. Reduqtion of Liability All payments under this policy, except payments rnade for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shatl reduce the amount of the insuralce pio tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for €ndorsement of such payment unless the policy be lost or deslroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. 9. Liability Noncumulativ€ It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance uirder this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any policy insuting either (a) a mortgage shown or refered to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the eslate or interest covered by this policy, o. (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured \r.hich is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy. The Company shall har/e the option to apply to the payment of any such mortgages any amount that otherwise would be payable hereundet to the insured owner of the estale or interest covered by this policy and the amounl so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured ownet. 1O. Apportionrnent If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or mote pa.cels which aie not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting one or more of said parcels but not aU, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under this policy was di\rided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequeqt to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of lhis policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. 11, Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement wtenever the Company shall ha\€ settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which such insured claimant would have had against any person or propefly in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Company, such insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies agaiost any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company to use the name of such insured claimanl in any iransaction or litigation involving such rights or remedies. If the payinenl does not covea the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the proportion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss. lf loss should result from any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation, 12, Liability Limited ro this Policy This instlumeot together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereio by the Company i8 the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whelher or not based on negligence, and which a.ises out of the status of the title to the estate or inlerest covered hereby or any actiol a$erting such claim, shall be restricted to the proyisions and conditions and stipulations of lhis policy. No amendment of o. endors€ment to this policy dan be made except by writing endorsed hereon o. attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Sec.etary, or validating officer o. authorized signatory of the Company. 13. Notices, Whore Sent All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to its Home Office, Minneapolis, Minnesola 55401. Note: This policy valid only if Schedules A and B are attached. lrlu.d ih.ough lh. olllce of: TITLE INSURANGE POLIGY AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 GI|RE YATLEY IITIE, I]IC. VAIL, COLORADO 81557 Phone:338-5947 AC 303 ['., :' ri!i- '"i .' ITLE .NSURANCE , 1 q a PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a recently pre- pared avalanche report indicates the following described properties are located in a major avalanche path and struc- tures nay be subject to destruction: Bighorn Townhouses located on Tracts A and B, Bighorn Townhouse Subdivision; Tracts C and D, Bighorn Townhouse SubCivision, Section 12, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Va11, County of Eagle, Colorado. A portlon of Lot 2, Block 7, Bj-ghorn Fifth Addition I(ing Artb.ur's Court - A portion of the property more fully described as follows:r,9 rLa,t-J-J A'parce'l of 'land situated in the SE 'tl! of. Section '12,- T5S, RBOI{ of the 6th P.l'1. lagle County, Coioraclo Inore parti cul arly descrj bcd as fo'l'lotvs: Beginning ar a point on the south lllg gl.said sect'ion -12, whence lt''l lqt Southeas t loirrg. oi said Sectlon 12 bears S 89o53'24' 8,532.00 feet said point-bein coiner of said Sectlon 12 bears S 89'53'24" E,532.00 feet sa'ld polnt-Delng ;;,il;; witt' o parcel conveyed to JACK A. llITKill and recorded in Book 2.11, Page 520 Eag'le CountY records; Thence N 89o53'24" l{, 335.25 feet to a point on the l{ortlier]y 'l'ine.of Lane said point being-cn tlre arc of a cui^ve to the left haVing a radius feet and a'chord beaiing I'l 74o48'48" l'1, 96.260 feet; ,)uni per of 185.00 Tlrence on the arc of said curve 97.38 feet to the P.T. (Point to the P.T.; on the Northerly of TangencY); 'line of Meadow Drjvei of said }litkin Parce'l Thence N 89o53'24" ll, 16'1.6.| feet to a point on tlte East line of Uqqdp! Drive, s.aid poini-Uelns on the aic of a cirrve to thb lcft having a radius of l08.l0 feet and ivhose long-chord bears :N 30"55''23r' l,l, I11.46 feet; Thence on the arc of said curve l17.l0 feet Tlrence N 62o04'00".1.1, 248.64 fcet to a point Thence N 27o56r{)0" E,482.'10'to a point on the Southerly line Tlrence S 88"07t38" E, 49.B3 Tlicnce S 68'.15127" 8,274.54 Thcnce S 43"58r05" 1-, l7B.BB Tlrence S l9o5i r 52'r E'' 195.00 Thcnce S 09'02r44" t, 203.85 The.nce S 67"26 | 02" E, '1e3.29 fonf. feet to the polnt of beginning'' County r feet; f ool'. fee t; feet; Eagle, Statc feet Copies of of Colorado. with the Department of Community Development, Nlunicipal Building, Vai1, Colorado. DEPARTMENT OF COIINUNITY DEVELOPNIBNT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator