HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TERRACE UNIT 17 LEGAL.pdfcsi***drif Grf;tffi*{f Design Revi*w Soard ACTrOlt roRl4 Dsgartment o{ Cornmunity Development ?5 Sauth Frontags Road. Vail, Cdryado 81.657 tei: $78.479.2139 tax: 979.479,2452 web: wrw.vallflov.tam Project Name: SHERR ADDnON Project Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA Pafticipants: OWNER SHERR, HOWARD P. & VIRGINIA O2I2OI2OO8 210 SUMMIT BLVD ENGLEWOOD co 80110 APPUCANT SHERR, HOWARD P, & VIRGINIA OZI2O/2OO8 210 SUMMIT BLVD ENGLEWOOD co 80110 Project Address, 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4257 COLUMBINE DRIVE-UNIT 17 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN TERMCE Parcel Numben 2l0l-122-l40t-7 Comments: DRB Numben DRB080038 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 (PLAN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson Conceptual Review Application for Design R Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorddo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Physical Address: Zoning: lh D nt e Name of Applicant: Parcel No.: a/o/ 1.1 A /V o, ? (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) E-mail Address: Mailing Address: So - "Phone: 3o3c7G/.7!f e. Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee v F c'J o &o o c^, CP Type of Review and Fee: ! Sions E/Conceptual Review n New Construction - Addition ! Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) ! 14inor Alteration (single-family/duplex) I Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request EGEIViE FEB 19 2OOB I_O]ryru oF vAtL Description of the Request: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): C-D /v\ ca-{+. n e +- For Office U;e-OeltE Fee Paid:Check No.: r'-- Bv:5-.>B-^'Meeting Date:3 Planner: h L- project No.:o8- *)3 '! ?-*8 i:F \ {,L1 r.c _c$ {f-: {\ * tt*i qf,3 PoucYNo. AZ 393776 AMER ICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER,S FOLICY FOBM B - t9Z0 (Amended 10-t?-?01 ",J\'/.)_/ -*^5 .ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE E)CEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDTJLE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS A}.ID STIPULATiOXS TTSREOF, TITLE INST RANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insurcs, as of Date of policy strown in Schedule A, aginst loss or damage, not €xceeding the amount of insurance ,tri"O in S"n"Aui" l, -A t"rtr, ,iiJ",.ir, f*.and expenses which the Company may become obli[ated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned Uy the insured Uy reaion of: I . Title to the estate or interert described in Schedule A being wsted otherwise than as stated thercin; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. I:ck of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketabgry of ruch title. lN wITNEss WHEREOF, the said Title Insurancc Company of Minncsota har caused its corporato nrnrc rnd roal to bc hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the dltr .t o*n in Schcaute l, ttre pilicy ro be vrlirt when countersigred by an authorizcd officcr or agent of the Company. ITLE NSURANCE ,'OMPANY OF ..lINNESOTA President Secretary EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly exclided from the coverage of this policy: l. Any.law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances)restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, oi regulating ihe charactei dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erlited on the land, or proh'ibiring-a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimension's or area of the land, or the effect of aoy violation 6f any such law,ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercisc of such rights appears in the public records at Date of policy. Sn t 3' Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the iniured claimant either at Dale of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by- the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insuied clalnrni became an insured hcreunder; (c),resulting in no toss or damage to-the insured claimant; (O) attactring or creaied subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in toss or damage which would not have been sustained if-rhe insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. Form | 30 2/73 3OM Copyright 1969 Am€ric!n L.nd Titlc Associalion Authorized Officer or Agent ',"..ir? i . i {\ t.r|li,r CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS "+. 1. Dofinition of Tsrmr The following tcrms when used in this policy mean: . . (a) "insurcd": the insured named in Schedule A, and,subject to an-y rights or defenses the Company muy'hore nao agalnst the named insured, those who succeed to the interest of such insured by operation of law as distinsuished trom pu-rchase includhg, but not limited to, heirsl distri_ Dutees, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of Kn, or corporate or fiduciary successors, , (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming los or oarnage nereunder. . .(") "knowledge": actual knowledge, not constructive Knowtedge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason of any public records. (d) ."land":. the land described, specifically or by relerence in Schedule A, and improvemen-ts affixe<i thereto wnich by law constitute real property; provided, however,the tcrm *land" does not incftde any pioperty beyond the lnps -of the area specifically descri6ed ,jr r6fenlA io'in Scnedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate or eNse-ment in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes. wavs or waterways, but nothing herein shall modiiy or liniit ttre extent_ to which a right of access to and from the land is rnsured by this policy. .. (e) *mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed,or otner security instrument. . (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notice of matters relating to saia Una. 2. Continudion of Insurance aftsr Conveyance of Title _ The c_overage of this policy shall continue in force as of Lrate of Policy in favor ofan insured so long as such insured retains an estate or interest in the land, or-holds an inJeUt- edness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a purcnaser lrom such insured, or so long as such insured shall have liability by reason of covenant 6f wair-tv maOi by such insured in any transfer or conveyance df such estat€ or interest; provided, however, this pblicy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchiser irom such insured of either said estate or interest or the indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given to such insured. __ 3. Defenra and Prosecution of Actiont - Notice of Cllaim to be given by an Insured Claimant (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue de.lay,. shall provide for the defense of an insured in all lrtrSation consisting of actions or proceedings commenced agatnst such insured, or a defense interposed against an rnsurec tn an action to enforce a contract for a sale of the estale or interest in said land, to the extent that such Iitigation is founded upon an alleged defect, lien, incum.orance, or other lnatter insured against by this policy. . .(P) The insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing (i) in case any acrion br proceeding is'Uegui o,qerens€.ls nter-posed as set forth in (a) above, (ii) in case Know-leoge slrau come to an insured hereunder ofany claim ol tltle or inrerest which is adverse to the title to thi estate or interest, as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iii) if title to the estate or interest, as insured, is rejected as unnrarketable. If such prompt notico shall not be given to the Company, then as tb such insured all liability of the Company ihall cease and teminatc in regard to the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure rd noriiy sh4l in no c:se prejudice the rights of any insured under this policy_unless the Company shall be prejudiced by such tarture and then only to the extent of such prejudicc. (c) The Company shall have the right at its own cort to institute and without undue delay prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other act which in its-opinion may be necessary or desirable to establistr the title to the estate or interest as insured, and the Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this iolici, whether or not it shall be liable rhereunder, and sliall nbi thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this policy. . (d) Whenever- the Company shall have brought any action or interposed a defense as required or permiited by the. provisions of this,policy, the Corirpany miy pursuc any sucn lugation to final determination by a court ofcompe- tent jurisdiction and_ expressly reserves the right, in its sAle d$creuon, to appeal from any adverse judgment or order. , ^(e) ln all cases where this policy permits or requires me Uompany to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, the insured hereunder shall Tcye tg the company the right to so prosecute or provide cel€nse tn su.ch lction or proceeding, and all appeals therein, anq permlt the Company to use, at its option, the name of such insured for such purposc. Whenevei requested by the L-o.mpany, such insured shall give the Company all reason-able aid in any_ such action or proceeding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or pro. secuting or defending such action or p=roceeding, and-the Company shall reimburse such insurdd for an-y expense so incuned. 4. Notace of Loss - Limitation of Action In addition or the notices required under puagaph 3ft)of these Conditions and Stipulations, a staterireniin writing of .any. loss or damage for which it is claimcd the Company is liable under this policy shall be fumished to the Com-pany within 90 days after such loss or damase shall have been determined and no right of actlon shall iccrue to an insured claimant until 30 days after such statement shall have been furnished. Failure to fumish such statement of los or damage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to such los oi damagi, 5. Optionr to pay or Otherwire Settlo Claimr The-Company shall have the option to pay or otherwise settle lor or in the name of an insured claimant any claim insured against or to termiante all liability and oblirations of the Cornpany lereunder by paying or tindering piyment ot the amount ot' insurance under this policy together with any costs, atlorneys' fees and expenses incurred up to the trme ol such payment or tender of payment, by the insurec ctrimant and authorized by the Company. 6. Detgrmination and Payment of Losr (a) The liability of the Company under this policv shall in no case exceed the least trf: - (i) the actual loss of the insured claimant; or (ii) the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A;or lContinued on inside back tbp) (Continued from inside lront flap) O) The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs inrposed upon an insured in litigation carried on by the Company for such insured, and all costs, attorneys' fees and expenses in litigation carried on by such insured with the written authorization of the Company. (c) When liability has been delinitbly fixed in accor- dance with the conditions of this policy, the loss or damage shall be payable within 30 dayr thoreafter. 7. Limitrtion ol Liabiliry No claim shall arise or be maintainable under this policy (a) if the Company, after having received notice of an alleged defect, lien or encumbrance insured against here. under, by litigation or otherwise, renoves such defect, lien or encumbrance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonable time after receipt ofsuch notice; (b) in the event of litigation until there has been a final determin- ation by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposi- tion of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title, as insured, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or ruit without prior written consent of the Company. 8. Reduction of Liability All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endonement of such payment unless the poucy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the staisfaction of the Company. 9, Liability Noncumulativo It is expresly understood that the amount ofinsurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com-pany may pay under any policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereofwhich is a lien on the estate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter execuled by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payrnent under this policy. The Company shalt have the option to apply to the payment of any such mort8agcs any amount that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and the anrount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner; 10. Apportlonmcnt If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuancc of this policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. 11. Subrogation Upon Pryment or Settlemcnt Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, dl right of subrogation shall vest in the €om. pany unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which such insured claimant would have had against any person or property in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Company, such insured clainrant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subro. gation and shall permit the Company to usc the name of such insured claimant in any transaction or litigation in. volving such rights or remedies. If the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the proportion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss. If loss should result from any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any Iosses insured agafurst hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Cornpany by reason of the impairment of the righ t of subrogation. 12. Liability Limited to this Policy This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not bascd on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and con. ditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsenent to this policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon oi attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secre. tary, as Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or author. ized signatory of the Conrpany. 13. Noticer. Whero Sent All notices required to be given the Company and any staterlent in writing requircd to be fumished the Company shall be addressed to its l'lorne Oftice, Minneapolis, Minne. sota 55401. Note: This policy valid only if Schedules A and B are attached. TIl"l Oulners Fonm Zll2 A FEE 4. Titl e hereof H[I.'ARA ' Pase Name of Insuned: HOIIARE P. SHERR and VIRGINIA SHERFI, The estate or intenest in the land urhich is covered by this policv is: Fol icy No. 42383776 Amount $87,OOO;OO Addness as Juint Tenants desccibed in this $chedule and File No. VOOO5TTG SCHEDULE A Pol icy Eate:NOVEHBER Ogr lg93 at g!Oe A.H.l. 2. 3. to is P. the estate on irrterest cc,vered by this policy at the dete vest€d in: SHERR Arrd VIRGINIA SHERR, AS r-IOiNt TENANTS ,.i s' The land neferned to in this poricy is situated in EA6LE rrountv,Col orado, arrd is descrited as f ol I ours! uNrr 17' BTGHTIRN TERRACE, AcErlRnrNc rD THE t'lAp RECBREEE trcrDBER l3r I?67 IN BL]EK ?11 AT PASE 474, EXCEPTING riNi TNNTITIN OF FROPERTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COf'I|'IENCING AT THE NE CCIRNER (EEING THE EASTERNMOST CORNER) ErF SAIA UNIT 17' AND THENL*E N 36 DE$REES 35 T4IN'iiS_+O SECUND.S I,I ALONIJ THE NORTHERLY LINE CIF SAID LINIT 17 A FISTANCE FF + TEET; THENCE S 45 DEGREES :T7 MINUTES 40 SEI:ONN:J L' A DISTANCE OF 9 FEET, THENI]E 5 36 trEGREES 35 HTNLITES 40 sEcsNfis E A DTSTANCE BF 4 FEET H$RE OR LESS TLr A PtrINT AN THE EASTERLY LINE CIF SAIB UNIT 17; THENCE N 45 NEGREES 37 MINLITES 40 SECI:INES E A EISTANCE OF 9 rEir MONE EIR LESS TO THE PI:'INT I]F EEGINNINE, COUNTY OF EAISLE. STATE .ir-COICINNDO. AND INI]LUEIING THAT PART CIF LINIT 18? BIGHI]RN TERRACE, ACCCIRTING TCI THE HAP REC0RDED 0ETDEER 1r, 1967 rN Eotf,K zrr nr pnae-+z+, DESCRIEED As FC'LLGWS: COI'IFIENCING AT THE NE CORNER OF UNIT Ig (BEING THE EASTERNFIO$T INRNER) OF 5AID UNIT 18 ANII THENL:E N 36 NEUCEES 3F HINUTES 40 SECONDS I^I ALCING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAIB UNIT I8 A DISTANCE OF 4.85 FEET THENL:E S 48 DEGREES 43 I,IINUTES iC, SECCNNS W A FISTNL'E L]F so' 37 FEET H0RE ttR LEss To THE IJE$TERLY LINE-c'F UNIT 1g, THEhtcE F Fo DEGREE$ 36 MINUTES OQ sEcLlNnS E. A nI$TANIT IIF +.85 FEET, HilRE I]R LEssl To rHE $c'urHERLy LrNE gF LINIT rB, THENTTE N 4B ETEEREES 4g ].IINUTE5 3CI 5E961,195 t.' A BISTANCE OF 80.ts7 F-Ei; MERE t]R LES$, TD.THE PorNT oF FEGINNINS' cBUNTy crF EALILE, srATE-oF'c:ErLErRAficr. This Pol icr" val id c,rrlv if Schedute g is attachad. TIH Oulnen Fannr 23lB File Nc'. V0OO5773 SCHENULE B Pcl ic.* Ns,. A2343776 This policy doeg not insure asainst loss or damase f ol I errring: 1. Rishts on claims of parties in possession not records. ' Easements' on claims of easementsr trot s h orr.lrr Discrepanciesr confl icts in boundaFy I ines,errcroachrrerrtsr and any facts rrlhich a correct of the prenises uould disclose and uhich are recc,rds. bY reason of the shoun bv the publ ic bv the FUt I ic records. shortase in anea,survey and inspectigrr not shoun hy the publit: 2. 3. 5. '6,- 7. s. 9. 4.Anv lien' c,r risht to a lienr for services, latorr or material theretofore on hereafter furnishedr imposed bv lau and not shou,n by the publ ic records. 1983 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYAFLE. LIENS FOR UNPAITI I.'ATER ANN SEhIER CHARGES, IF ANY. RIBHT OF PRDPRIETOR t]F A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT ANN REHOVE HIS ORE THEREFRLII'I SHSLILD THE SAI'IE BE FBUNn To FENETRATE oR INTERSECT THE PREI'IISES AS RE$ERVEN IN UNITED STATE.S PATENT RECtrRBEU NEGEMBER 17,1902, IN BOSH 48 AT PAGE 49?. RIGHT CIF I.JAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTEB BY THE ALITHCIRITY OF THE IJNTTEN STATES AI3 RESERVED IN UNITED STATES FATENT RECSREIED TIECEHBER 17, 1902, IN EOOK 4S AT PAGE 492. RESTRICTIVE CDVENANTS, I^IHII]H TIO NET CONTAINiA F$RFETTURE |f,R REVERTER CLAUSE' BUT OFIITTTNG REsrRrcrroNSr rF ANv, EA$ED oN RADE, coLBR,RELIGION' OR NATIONAL trRIGIN, AS CONTAINEE IN IN$TRUFIENT REEORNED TIECEMBER 20' 1962' IN BEOK T74 AT PATiE 4O3 ANII AS AI"IENIIETI IT.I INSTRUHENT REC0RDED APRIL os' tp6g, IN B0BK 1zF AT PAEE gi. t9 ro. RE-qERvATItrN 0F A TEN-PERCENT NQN-PARTIGIPATI0N RoyALTy IN ANtr To rHE PRocEEtrs DERIVEE BY THE $ALE rlF ANY |"IAIERIAiS, TNtrLuBINE, tJITHguT LTHITATICINS' 6RAVEL, sANfr, oIL, ANfi 6AF 6F I.,HATSCTEVER r(INtr ANE NATURE FRfrNUtrED AND HINED FRtrFI SAID PREI.TISES AS RESERVED IN T,\'AFRNTY trEED TO THE EAGLE COLINTY TIEVELOPHENT CCIRPORATION, A[{TI ANY AND ALL TNTEREST THEREIN DR ASSIENI{ENT$ THEREOF ns neicnnEn OCToEER zo, tl&z IN BQOH 166 AT PAGE 4O7. 11. TERIIS' CONNITIONS ANN PREIVI$IONS CIF PARTY I.JALL AcREEHENT REcBRDETI . . MAY ?9, 1981 IN BUI]K 3I3 AT PAGE 7P6. 2/18/08 la ; y CJ ^ ,., .., ,,'.0 l)- * Submittal Requirements for variance: Fee $500.00 Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list ofthe property owners adjacent to the subject property. Title report enclosed Written approval from condominium association and joint omers: not applicable written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulations involveo: A request is being made for a setback variance to enable construction of a bedroom addition of approximately 100 square feet. The addition is to be a second story structure entirely above an existing structure and no change in the building footprint will occur. The rules for property line setback were developid and implem"it"d uft", our properfy was constructed in 1968 and have made the dwelling non-conforming. Any construction lo "nl-g-: the dwelling and utilize the new GRFA rules is not possible without a variance. Practically speaking, this situation makes it difficult to improve, modemize and beautifi these units. This is one factor why so many of our immediate neighbors have constructed nearly identical renovations after requesting setback variances. The use for the proposed additional living area will allow for a study alcove and will not increase the sleeping capacity of ow unit. This has become very important to us with our recent retirement. The new construction will face the parking area and does not block or re-strict thg view of any surrounding unit. In fact, our lot is unique when compared to others in the area in that it is a comer site and faces the parking areas on two sides. There have been numerous other variance requests granted foisimilar projects in the same Bighorn Terrace development. Because of this, we do not feel that the approval of the application would be granting us a special privilege. In fact, the comer iocation of our lot makes our request somewhat less objectionable than prior ones. A partial list of these requests and their outcomes is included for review. A written statement addressing the following: a. The relationship ofthe requested variance to the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity: The setback variance will not have any negative impact on the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. b. The degree to which relieffrom the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniforrnity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives ofthis title without grant of special privilege. As discussed above, due to conhguration of the lots in this subdivision, it would not be a spec^ial privilege to gant this setback variance. The lots and improvements are non- conforming due to construction in East Vail prior to the adoption of the setback rules. Therefore, many variances for similar projecis have been requested and granted. c' The effect ofthe variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety: No negative impact would occur upon granting of this variance in these areas of concern since the construction of this addition would not increase the use of this residence by additional people. d. How the request complies with adopted rown of vail planning policies and development obj ectives : W_e believe the request for the setback variance and planned improvement complies with ToV planning and development objectives by improving the appearance of ourunit, being mindful of our neighbors and not increasing the population density of the area. Exterior materials: Siding: Construction of this project will allow the siding material to be upgraded for both appearance and performance gain. The present siding ofrough-cut pine board and batt is unathactive even when freshly painted. It warps, cracks, and is attractive to insects and woodpeckers. This is an opportunity to update the siding and appearance of our residence. Our options in order of preference are as follows: - 1' Hardiboard 8 % inch cedar lap siding with a stucco border on the north side adjacent to our duplex neighbor.2. Hardiboard stucco on north side, with cedar lap siding on the east side.3. Hardiboard stucco on the north side with east side covired with a combination of 3 feet stone veneer and cedar lap siding.4. Hardiboard stucco on the north and east side Color: To be decided at a later date. Roof: Gravel and asphalt. I Co s e r)'.e t'1- c e9-ro'':s /'o rt{L^la-".- dr, ndo-' P--.i -dv r #r} I I \ir :;: !s ,s.It: SLJ^,rI | /r\ "rt,i,i Ti . .rtt^ i (;'' $l,'i , li' r. CA( rr\ l'cL'r -) 6n;+ r"'/ a r.r G/t,,, L,n, 7n t^/ cm = rJ-r* Page I of I f ]t !.ci uson :, l. = "o1"..pT11':':",,y From: Bill Gibson To: howginsherr@comcast.net Date: 03/27|2OOB 4:13 PM Subject: Re: conceptual review Hey Ginny, In terms of design, the only concern at this time is how the proposed door overhang will interfaces with the existing chimney. In terms of the variance, there's probably a 50/50 chance for approval or denial. There are arguments that can be made for both outcomes, and it will be up to the Planning and Environmental Commission to determine to consider the facts and apply them to the criteria outlined in the Town Code. Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (s7o) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452 fax >>> <howginsherr@comcast.nel> 03/2012008 11:14 AM >>> Hi Bill, Is there any input from the conceptual review process concerning our proposed addition at 4257 C.olumbine Drive? We have been waiting to hear from you before proceeding with the variance request. If we have no hope to a slim chance of getting the variance, we would really like to know before paying the $500 fee. Any thoughts on the matterr Ginny Sherr howginsherr@comcast. net 303-761-7450 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47EBC... 03/2712008 o o z (n {n c o I o z T ln 7 ={ d m Ig LO t-'.h E l<x f IHE ; 13c i l3d s l-]fl=f.-E =T5 o.<4o-d€;!g 1;o FE =E iii 1l m = =FF r:io 1n> =oo YP r rag -n.I Ot- z< 22 oo z t- z =IT (t) rrl 7 J o z. Qo m c) ^ m r m o {n t- o 2n -{m vz >m of,l -t>or n =m o Z .-\ 4T Pfr =m -r z o z { o -l 9p --{ c 3=o=d3 a 'Tl =z a c) lo l= ld t>l(-) lm I |- m 5 t\)(.'l \ =c)o ==cr 5 (D = o 5 \J Or I o F I 3 o € o -t =.- m N) U>c = c? o = rn = .D €o o o c)I F !Ol I !5 (tl l-.r l{ lz lo ll l>l-lft t: l{ tg 3 = c)o -o 5 m €(D c) 5 U'cr t-l to l€ l3 lI l> l-l!IM le,lz le IJ lr\)ll l- I I 5 ! Or I (n s t\)o + l-l mlo rl= lo l-n t<t> lF IB r lz le I I I I I li t€ lz lo ll t> lF II lm lF,lz 3 E t]ntr 9z 40 -l m Ir l-E 'Nc,lro t-e, T l-- < lo' o | 'Tl l,m t =-.1 o @ m x m !-o z L o @ a -{m O cl N)O f\)(5 ;H3d - ogd 3d9g ;q si s€iB =:EF *i*e' .t, O ===-.oo)s *;= 5:5 { ^-=qto H s ap 9s'96- 3aB =(og+@ +O K ot o *=E *E gr ! d-3;s ;'a I.3 { o l.r f-o o *q,3l= EE4 & i=gP @3ol Por6r = =< =i;F =s5;A <o-f q: aPo' 8Hs* 8ijt a =.,HRA fra;€ o gt o I €f 0,g o a z J m .tl o €z m o l< ! 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The fcturn roc€iDt fa€ will orovide vou the name of thg Deraon doliv€r€d to snd the datdot deliverv. For a lol 1.Show to whom ared, data, and (Enra clwrye) RBstlictad Dslivofv (htm chone) n 3. Articls Addrs$ed to: ,OWARD SHERR 2IO SUMMIT BLVD. ENGLEWOOD, COLORADo 80110 - 4. Articlo Numb€r P 156 IO2 362 Typ€ ot Sewica: ! Regi*ered ! lotursd g conrflEd ! coo D Expresr Meir fl L"lHi:,!n'33f,:" Alway! obtoin tignoturo ol !dd,o8!€6 o. asent rnd q\ILPE!!!!!e. --*|ff""ft"*)(,e-,+.Addrsssee's Address (ONLI' t/ rcqucsted and fec pa l) t|. 6. SirnCrure - Agont x 7. Dat6 o, Deli,ory u//t//rt DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Ps Fomi 381 1 , M'r. lg88 t Form 3611, Mar. 1988 r U.s.G.P.O. 1988-212-865 UNITED sTATEs PIOoTAL AENV|CE OFfICIAL EUANESS Prtrt your nma, addroa .nd AP Codr h th. roac. b.br.. ComDlrtr lt mt t. 2, 3,.nd 4 on th. ravaatc.. Anrch to troni o{ ldcL lf !prc.pcrmhr, orher|br lfflr to bcc* ot .rlldr.. Endorr. llcla ''naturn BG.lDt Rlq[atad" rdtsc.nt to numbar. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usE,9300 iltl Print Send€r's name. addroaa, and ZIP Cods in the spacs bslow. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, coLoRADO 8I657 (JLT) LL] ('l a ll F,'rl il I I -7 tE_ ,x 0 X n U '/0 I L /o a a < L9-'ao jj > *iB F r|'n/ + 't o p rl _{F Q 1(t\og" P 2<, p 3g(Ecr ,Y a9 D --3 c =€ 9 0t 1 t CD lt qt = n trLJE {" .\-.- fs \ ??? 9 EI o 19 rFf .\ 7 e Y 1a ?9 f1 9v i'L ;q ()-l t 9 I ox ll ,q' a ll P 6' J q +I , I 2 )7 P e t@ :::qa ,.o '<D --r7 (i) $) j <9 :q -6; v l" 3 Ttt) I Do t ;o, -f e-:qJ r' -:a oq x cl '- 1f nq I --l - :.j:, o ;{it ).' a F.- a :--'i r,.-r a', i; <e r49 i6-e )-) ) t". "* -- f q'o sE= 6oc aHs . :,t -.; s' 4."t"'n -R-o=a .:'-j : :'',: r' i:'' i:. c e;q;.- 6d 29'i.-=q :$Jc- ;4 g' ao* I -q'2 trsE a'4 -!* <D -8a E [?o ,:" ir' t ''1: : . ;.= + ?. .e.ai);.D3w'9.3a Ee-B -p' : -:, - 9;e 1z"n <:) I ';i =.r r-6 !!.3.-= '; .)jint Q =a I ,r '< *e43 = R< rlrqr:aat - lo ', rY-r:.5;,'i@ = oq.r.Pbi 5o);l 2t.aP. =gg .' 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Lf-- ,-'""" I t= \ll \i \.1 I tl I 1 I \l \1 \,i \l 6) U +)A- 0 t .t c/ l --r \ ll ;\t L l r'117=t -I* ,/' '';V't ';:? t-.7t ,F )< c'9r --' - -1 t-) / \ .-.' .- ---\.n c -'-) ''r'3i i1^a _\,/ f I |l .) '/ (i (- --..: '.\ I i I i i / t,_..___.___ _...--.,__\ a6 i c- ao ,l il tl Y.t -----------J s- (\(1 ( \1 '-D,' c9t - - ,..:;( I 5- I + tl (_ (- ---.: -; a t I I .]-l.^ _-: J -v I t / ,a1 . -'tl o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT . JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE AM PM REAOY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr D tr tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr1 OF tr( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m !,l -, INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT '- ..r !-'',r. ,/ , I \/ JOB NAME MON.WED THUR FRI AM .PM READY FOR LOCATION: BI o tr fr tr (. tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL g..ROUGH / D.w.v. I FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr EIT{AL O FINAL .d.Appaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED tffir DATE INSPECTOR DATE PEHMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER 'i. INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: B o n tr tr tr tr o UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED :1 DATE TNSPECTOR _____....- t[hp] PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,j DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUFS WED BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / S tr FOUNDATION TEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n_ r-1 _ D FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIR - n O FINAL cl o tr o tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: d'orseppnoveo - € REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT , JOB NAME CALLER I INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER t PLYwooD NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D E' tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL g FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED tml PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,t- i- TNSPECTTON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPTY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL E} APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffi DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL cALLER U '( cr nti, :\-u."''.- -- ?/76-/71.r MON ("*)WED THUR FRI INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: (i,l BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING * ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL J ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL }.neenovro CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR dFsroe o o o o luwn u 75 south fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Howard and Virginia Sherr 21O Summit Boulevard Englewoodr Colorado 80110 Re: Lot 17, Bighorn Terrace Dining Room Addition Dear Howard and Virqinia, After reviewing your building plans for your additionr I wanted to make sure that it was clear that we aLl understood the approved variances for this addition. A side setback variance on the east side of the property for 11 feetr 6 F€dr setback variance of 13 feet, and a front setback variance of 3 feet were aLl- approved in order eo construct your addition. T want to emphasize that it is very important that the dimensions of lire aqdition on your property correspond to these var ian ce s. fn the past we have had several problens with contractors who were unaware of var j.ances that had to be respected in the layout of a project. Please inform your contractor that it is very critical that the addition does not extend at any point beyond the aLlowed setback variances. f hope your construction project goes well this spring. Good luck. I|al Sincere I ,/ \ 1ttifu1 Kristan Town Pla Yt n\ V.'-Y'l NItF Pritz nner KP: br UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDMSION Di,t ^-------- .orl4r.r(.,fn Tefface JoB NAME ^ ^.r.i + i. ^- - ",,,,-r,rt.rn and deC tm_lJ____:BLOCK IILING giah"r" Tu""""u ' ADDRESS lrzrZ n. Cof,*ti"" n-f, The Location of utilities, whether they be rnain trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authori zed Signature Date l'lountai n Bel I 1- -244-4151 llestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes 1-468-2528 Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.ileff H.Ughes. ;949-5530 Upper Eagle ValIey llater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek 6-/?-/5 * For new const please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. { buitding pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernj.t nust be obtained separately. t This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. SUBDMSIoN Bighorn Terrace ,o UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION JOB NAME aildition and ileck extension tOT 1T BIOCK FILING Bighorn Terrace ' ADDRESS--Le:tg,-gsfunbiae Drive, East vai.1 , co The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed Iines, rust be approved and verified by the following utilities foi the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Signature Date Mountain Bell 1- ?44-+rs7 llestern SEFe Qas <- | r ', d;:;fi{li: 8.,,,n.m. z.rs-F{ Public Service Company Gary Hall * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cab'le T"V.ileff Hyghqs,i949-5530 Upper Eagle ValIey tlater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: lhese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torrn of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. i This forrn is'to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new const please fill out attached sheet. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME ad.dition deck extension orn and toT L7 BTOCK FILING Bighorn Terrace ADDRESS \2r7 E, Columbine Drive, East Vail , CO The location of utilities,lines, mrst be approved and accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell r- ?44-+1,57 l.lestern Slope Gas rtit?-i!'/a" Public Service Company Gary Hall be main trunk lines or proposed the following utilities for the Authorized Siqnature whether they verified by Date s.n 4---. Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.Jeff H.yghqs ;949-5530 Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new const p'lease fill out attached sheet. N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut perurit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. ,This forrn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling inst4Jlations. (- t/.^^-,/ 2.. 9?tznzu'l'r"r"-/ /-/.U @a"*ta-*t'l t ,"/ f,Y".,,e-ff*)^**T SUBDIVISION UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION Bighorn Temace JOB NAME add ition and deck extension tOT I7 ELOCK FILING Bighorn Terrace ADDRESS \257 E. Columbine Drive' East Vail The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, m-rst be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date Mountai n Bel'l t- ?44-+rs7 lJestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes l-468-2528 Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Jeff_ Hyghqs i949-5530 Upper Eagl e Val 1ey l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek < - - r1v * For new const j L-1 t) please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perm.it fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any publ.ic right- of-way or easernent in the Tovn of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit urust be obtained separately. I This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction vrith preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION - Terrac e SUBDIVISION JOB NAME Adtlitlon and deck extenslon toT 1?BTOCK FILING Bighorn Terrace ADDRESS I+25T E. Colunbine Dr5.ve, East Vail The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines, nrust be approved and verified by the following accotnpanying site p1an. Authori zed Signature Mountai n Bel I 1_ ?44-+ts7 l.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moves r-468-2528 Publjc Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/l'li chael Laverty Vai'l Cable T.V..|eff. H3rghgs ;949-5530 Upper Eagl e Vall ey l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek li.nes or proposed utilities for the Date * For new const please fill out attached sheet. v"2{^s5 NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building perrnit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separatety. I This fonn is'to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION sulDrvrsr0N JOB NAME acltlltion and cleck extension LoT--1p-PL0CK-_FILING glehor" Terr.g" ' ADDRESS \257 F' Colunblne Drive, East vail The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed lines, tmist be approved and verified by the following utilities foi the accolqranying site plan. Authorized Signature Date Mountain Bell 1- -244-4t51 llestern Slope Gas ,1%?-l!'/r" Pub'lic Service Company Gary Hall * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.Jeff. H.Ughqs ;949-5530 Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new const please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his x'?t-r5 ) responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Pub1ic Works and to obtain utility locations before di.gging in any public right- of-way or easetnent in the Town of Vail. A building pernrit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit nrus t be obtained separately. I This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Marcb 2?, 1985 2LO Sumlt r'.nglevootl, C0 8011-0 Kristln Pritz lovn 0f Vail- Vall-, C0 8L657 Dear Krlstln, Enelosed are drawings of the drainage and gracllog plans anat tbe retalnage along 'w1th a cover letter addressed to the tovn engineer. Woultl you please d.lrect these to the appropriate person. lle have a contractor rea<ly to apply for a bulLdtng pernlt as Eoon as these fev Ltems are completed. r'J/**, I _**-_' ?/qw March 27, 1985 210 Sunnit Blvtt. Englewood, Co 80U0 Town Engineer Tovn of Vail- Box l-00 Vai.1 ,Colorado 8t6St Dear Sir, Erclosed ls our proposed dralnage plan and rock parklng lot boraler for the planned adtlition to unit L?, Bighorn Terrace (\zSl n. Coh.rmblne Drive). With respect to drainage, the existlng drainage pattern vll-I be usecl and iraproved. No changes will be made other than to add a perforated clraLn as shovn antl to lncrease the slope away fron the strueture b;r returnlng the parklng Lot tlirt back to itsr original site vhich over the years has been pushecl out by the snow plow. lfhi s v-i1I be only about 5 inches antl concerns only the east parking area. The soll line w111 be kept approxinately one foot below the top of the proposed foundatlon. A parking area rock borcler is to be built on the south (front) of the property. Ttre material is red sandstone vhich is laid without mortar. Ihe height will be approxinately 2! inches at the steps tapering to Sround level on the southeast corner. It ls a border and not intended to function as a retalnlng rall . The outside border rrill not interfere with tbe existing drainage on the road. shoulder. I hope the above answers any questlons; should ar\y occur please call ne at, 76L-7\ro ln Denver. I Slnc erely ,4/ t /t/ t t -/t /LJ f<e--r /' ' (/ Eoiiart*$err t: lNrr February 26, 1985 2L0 Sumit Blvd. Englevoocl, Colorado 80U0 Chrlstln Prltz Tovn of VaiI Box 100 ValI , Coloratlo 8L6r7 Dear Ms. Pritz, Enclosed are several nerr clrawings ancl several fllleil out forms for the Design Revi.ev Boarcl. t hope I have tlone lt rigbt tbls ttnelt If not, please call ne aE 751,-7,+rO. If possible rre vould llke to come before the board on March 20th as the next neetlng ls not a posslblllty, Thank you so nuch for your guidance thus far. Sirrcerely, ,(-.-l'-, '/-lU. !J-t\r a ,JA.n +,'-, Vlrginla Sherr l, COPY BIGHORN I,IUTUAL SANITATION & RECREATION CO. 1700 Bnonownv DENVER, Cor-oRRoo 80290 September L7, L984 Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Proposed Variance Bighorn Terrace Unit No. D-17 Dr. and Mrs. Howard P. Sherr Gentlemen: The Board of Flanagers of the Bighorn Mutual Sanita-tion e Recreation Co. have been advised that Dr. and Mrs. Howard P. Sherr plan some remodeling of Unit No. D-17, Bighorn Terrace Subdivision, Town of Vail, which wj-ll re-quire a variance. The Board has examined into the plans Dr. and Mrs. Sherr have and raise no objection to the re- modeling and the granting of the variance. If the consent of the Association if required, it is hereby given. I'Very truly yours, KH: tp KarI Hoeve President l.,f T0: Planning and Environmental Commiss.ion FROM: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: February ll, i985 SUBJECT: Request for a side setback variance of ll feet, a rear setback variance of l3 feet, a front setback variance of 3 feet and a GRFA variance in order to construct an addition to a residence orr Lot I7' Bighorn Terrace. Applicants: Howard and virginia sherr DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The.Sherrs-are requesting these variances in order to construct a dining room addition of approximately 85 square feet on the f.i rst floor of their unit.An existing bedroom would be converted into a dining area. The additional area proposed in this request would be used for dining space. The applicants are. also request-ing to extend their existing deck in itre' iiont oi-ttr'eir unii-to tn"east approximately 7.7 feet in order to cariy the deck around the fiont oi in""house and back to the new addition. Unjt 17 is located in Bighorn Terrace sub-division. The lot configuration is laid out in such a way th;t the z0 foot setbacks that are required for the MDMF zone encroach onto the structures on each lot. In thjs situation, the Z0 foot setback encroaches on all sides -.of the sherr's unit. 0n1y a smal1 portion of their unjt js actual 1y within the buildable area outside of the setbacks.The following table showi the GRFA and variance statistics for this prooertv: Unit .I7, Bighorn Terrace (east half of duplex) Zone: MDMF Lot Area: .1790 sf Site Coverage: 806 314 402 Allowed GRFA: ,627 sf sf allowed sf exi sting sf proposed 431 sf lst floor Dr . 395 sf Znd floor It_' -826-T- 1e411 sxi51i'nq GRFA Ilti 1gy - 6?7 sf al lowed GRFA 199 sf amount over allowed GRFA 826 sf existinq GRFA 911 s1 - 35 sf bedroom area that already existed 876 sf Total proposed GRFA - 627 sf allowed GRFA Z49-silmounT over allowed GRFA 199 sf existing amount over allowed GRFA --i0- sf proposed addjtional GRFA over existing J Sherr 2/lll85 I. 2. 3. Setbacks:20 feet front, side and rear Request 3 foot front setback in east--mai ntai ns Request ll foot side setback .in maintains 9 feet Request 13 foot rear setback in maintains 7 feet (Please see site p'lan.) orcler to extend an existing deck to the 7 feet from south property 1ine. order to construct the dining area-- from east property 1ine. order to construct the dining area-- from north property 1ine The applicants have stated the folIowing reasons why they feel that these variances are justified: uWe respectfully request variances for setbacks and GRFA for our proposed addition and deck extension for unit 17, Bighorn Terrace. This property whs'purchased in.November, .|983, for personal use on1y.. .The property is'appioximaiely 20 years old and is in some respects.unsightly a-na in neba bi "ipai.. This aevelopme'ni was one of the original projects in east Vail and subseiluent to their construction,the-zoning was changed making the units nonconforming iiiuctures, both from a GRFA and a setback criteria.-,Any change to the builiing, however minor, will require a variance.,- Th'is. explains why-so many have beei-requested and lrinted with more undoubtedly to be requested in the ?uture. Therefore, it ipp6ail---reasonable to us that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcbment of the GRFA and setback regulations would result in iracticat Jiificuitv-iJ itre improvement of our property. The proposed changel do not materially-affect- narry properties and, in fact, the adjoining oiners have constructld nearly ident'ical additions. Our Bighorn-Terrace neighbors have lent their support-to_ qlr project and enclosed are signed copies-of their agreement. The'board of directors of the Bighorn Mutual-Condominium Associati5n have reviewed our plans and futly_endorse our proposal. t^le hope you wiit ioot iivoiiutv on this proposal . It is one that will mean much to our family,s enjo;rmeni." CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Criteria and Findi Section 18.62.060 of the Munici al Code o recommends aDprova l o ues kr variances a enral of t var't ance . Considerat'ion of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses t* l" -!e." r..r-r. the GRFA variance will not have any negative impacts on the existing or potential uses and structures in ttre-viciniiv.'- -3- rno The deqree to which relief from the Strict or l.iteral inte retation and orcement o a sDec ulation is necessar e conDa u!ifo$ity gf treatment among sitm attai n e without qrant of s or rnrs t'itre wtthout grant of special privileqe. Front Side .Back Setback Variances and ti ves staff feels that'it would.be a grant of special privilege to approve the GRFA variance. The desire to increaie the d'ining areh for tfiis unit'does not conrtitrte l_,qly:]:ul hardship on the site which woutd-warrant the g"ant.in9 of this enrn addltIon. The following chart shows variance requests wFich traie been reviewed in the past for the Bighorn Temace Subdivisjon:' Staff feel s that it wou'ld not be a GRFA Variance Mar 77 Benysh GRFA I30 Setback I May 78 Rowe due to the configuration of the 'lots in this subdivision,special privilege to grant these variances for setbacks. VARIANCE REQUEST HISTORY OF BIGHORN TERRACE SUBDIViSION oo" oo""o*' II[5rSf 0XRYXil,P' *rr3ilil[fio*,0,', o3l!0,'. July 78 Alder sq ft ft GRFA 473 sq ft Setback 7.5 ft GRFA Setbac k Setback 7 tt GRFA 177 sq ft GRFA Setback 75 sq ft Denial 8 ft Denial Aug 82 Odum Aug 78 Aug 80 Sep 82 Nov 83 Turnbul I Curfman 0dum Houston Approval Denial 122 s9 ft Denial 18 ft Approvai Approval Approval Deni a'l Deni al Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Tabl e Appro va I Approval Approval Setback for 18 ft Airl ock App ro va I GRFA 80 sq ft Denial Setback 16 ft Denial -+- ]rr ?/11/85 The chart indicates that granting the setback variances wou'l d not be a grant 9! specia'l privi'lege. However, it does show that the granting of the additional GRFA would be a grant of special privi'lege. The existing GRFA of the unit without the-addition is_presently 784 square feet. The allowed GRFA for this property is 627 sq ft. The existing unit is now]99 square feet over the altowba enfR.This non-conforming situat'ion would only be increased by the approval of the dlning room addition. With the new addition, the additional GRFA over the allowed would become 249 square feet. ffect of the uested on li ht and air ri but lat transDortation traffi fac ities c fac ities an uti itie s afety . Both variances would not have any negative impacts upon these areas of concern. Such other factors and crfteria the commission deems l icab'le to the varl ance . FINDI NGS fh9 P!4tn!nF arld Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before grantinq a vari ance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special priv.ilege inconsistent w'ith the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That.the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public hea'l th,slfgty' or welfare, or materially injurious to propert'ies or imprbvementi-in-ine vi ci nity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretat_ion and enforcement of the specified regulation w9y]d.resu'lt in practical.difficulty or unnecessary physicat h;idship iniJniiitent with the objectives of this title. - There.are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicab'le to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to-oiner propert.ies in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation -Youl9 deprive the applicanl of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. -u- Q""" ?t11/8s STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approva'l of the setback variances. There are extraordinary circumstances on th js site due to the configurat'ion-Ji il," iot 'linei. - ir,"-i.vi'rt of the lots makes it nearly impossible to d6 any type oi aaoition io tne itruiiu.e without requesting setback-variances. GRFA Variance Staff is recommending denia'l of the 50 square foot GRFA variance based on the opinion that there is no physical hardship which indicates that the dining ioom area is necessary and therefore deserves i^elief from ihe-st".i ct or ljterii -- interpretation of the GRFA requirements for this lot. o Lot 'l 7, B'ighorn Terrace UN IT \, 18 "t\ CENTER OF N 36 o 35 ,4O,, W UNIT I5 INC LUOE D PARCE L POLTcY NO. AZ3ef +- 3o oo .do,PARTYWALL :"o.,OUTL INE OF (9 6i,t ooE,!"""*Tr" coq OtzOt|€ +N $o N -"UNIT % d6. oQ/ h€ = \r -\t o o lo lN lo )z ,) WESTHALF""'1 4.85. (LEGAL ) 4 90'(cALc ) &nd t., I PARK ING EASEMENT ,"o -\ hr };k l-/o'*- 36o 35'4O" W 485 U NIT I5 i;,::?"-"'t' UN IT OUTLINE OF ''..-**-"u;*3o oo 9o. PAR TY WALL lo.. +. N sf o;(\J = \r _<t o|o lo IN to lz oo % % i /tt i t I , ,.U N IT oQ/ u€ '"o ,s \Y WESTHALF''"iI 0056 oo E '4.85. (LEGAL ) 4 90' (cA Lc . ) f \:XZN1,DE.K Y ,Y \4 )"'.**""2,14.X PARX ING EASEMENT &trl o Lot 17, B ighorn Terrace 35o 35'4O" W 485' UN IT OUTLINT OF IB oo 9o. to36'ooE,4 ,uo -,b ..' u U N IT = (r -il o o lo lN lo lz "o, o,,ryo/4t€ N st cr,N o+/ b€ +\ut [" ' \D' ?o.. & UNIT I5 INC LUDE D PARCE t POL tC Y NO. AZSF wEsrHALF""'';l 85.{LEGAL ) 9O' (cAL{<. ) :%ffi'.,a) o., o.e)h f (). ?1 )i \ DECX D St EASEMENT ?e. *r,r'..-&. o) ,"o October L5. 1984 2L0 Sumtt Blvil. Englenootl, CO 80110 Christin Prltz Town of Vall- Conmunity Developneat Departnent ?5 S. Frontage Roacl Vai.l, C0 8]..65'l Dear Cbrlstin' Horard and. I nouLd tlke to postpone our request for a variance vhlcb ras scheduled. to be heard thls coming Monday until after the ord.inance proposal rvhich we discussed on the phone rhas a chance to be passed' it iU.t tine re rrtll ask to be rescheclulett aad rrill request the necessary set back varlance . Sincerely,C,* \,1* (ws. nowdrtt Sherr ) INTER.DEPARTli,|ENTAL PRO.]ECT: DATE SUEMITTED: CO!.O4ENTS NEEDED 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROP PUBLIC t.lORKS Reviewed by: Comments: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING oK FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comnents: Date POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATI ON DEPART},IENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date II. Tvo coples of the follovlug Lnforzation: A. A gtetement of tbe prec!.se aature of tbe varlance requested. We reepectfully request varlances for eet backs and GRFA for our proposeil additton and cleck extension to Unlt #1Tr BlSborn Terrace. lbis property ras purchasetl 1n lfovenber, 1983, for peraoaal use only. The property ls approxlamtely 20 years olcl andl ls 1n sooe respecta unstgbtly en<l ln oeecl of repalr. ltis developnent vas one of tbe orlSlnel proJects ia Esst Vail anct subsequent to tbelr congtructLon, the zoBlng vas changeil ua,klng tbe unlts aon-conforming structutes both fron a GRFA aacl set-back crlterie. Any change to tbe bullitlog, however nlnorr 1111 require a varisnce. Ttrl s e:cplains wby lto DaDy heve been requestecl ancl grantecl rlth uore undoubtedly to be requested lu the futule. It therefore appears reasouabLe to ue tbat tbe strlct or llterel lnterpretatlon anit enforceroent of the GRFA antl setback regulatlons voulcl reeuft ln practlcal dlfflculty to the lnprovement of our property. fbe proposed changes clo not naterlally affect nearby propertles ancl, ln fact' tbe adUolnlng orners have constructed nearly iilentical ecltlltlons. Our Blghorn Terrace nelgbbors have lent tbetr support to our proJect and enclosed are signed copies of tbelr agreenent. Tbe Boarcl of Dlrectore of the Bighorn Mutual Condomlnlqro Assoclatlon have revleved our plaas and fully endorse our proposal. lhe proJect riII lnclude renoval of the porcb eaclosure vhich bas been used as a betlroon antl tvo out-bullillngs t one a ilogbouse and the other a shed. The 85 square foot addltlon v111 be one story hlgh ancl q]'nqst half rill fill ln tbe existing receas ln the east vall. lbe extenslon uill be flnlsbed slniarly to the current exterior end leadscaplng added where none curreDtly exlsts. Ingteadl of a bedroom, the eDcloBeal spece rlll be usecl es a tti.nlng area for our famlly of four. lEbe ner construction fBcea the parklag area anal vill not block or reBtrlct the vles of any surrounding unlt. In fact, our lot ls unlque vhen conperecl to others ln tbe area Ln that it Ls a corner site aad as sueh faces tbe parklng alea oD tvo sitles. Since lr{arcb, L977, aeven aeparate varleaees heve been granted as ve are requesting in the sa,ne Bigborn Terrsce tlevelopnent andl therefore ve dlo aot feel ve are asklng for a prlvlfegecl decielon. Moreover, ve feel tbat tbe corner focation of our lot vltb at[oinlng co@oD aree nakes our request less obJectl.onabl-e tben prlor oaee. Tbe deck extenslon vlll be used to connect the froat aacl back tloors aad is tbe minlnun area needecl to acconplJ.sh that purpose. It v111 be at the level of tbe e:lstlng tleck vblch alrea$r extencls 2.5 feet lnto the front setback. The propose<l a<lclltional {eck rrlll face the street and extend ! feet lnto tbe requtrecl 10 foot setback for a tlistance of ?.7 feet encloslng less than 32 equare feet. I{e hope you vlll look favorably oa this proposal. It ls oae vblch rlll uean much to our famllyf e enJoynent. B. Tro coples of a Site Iuprovement Survey by Eagle Valley Fnglneerlag ead Surveylag Conpany iE enclosed. C. the requestecl acttlitional naterial encl'osed 1g: 1. ltrro site plans shoving the proposed ailtlltlon and deck la relEtloo to exlstlng structures . 2, Schedule B of tbe Title Pollcy. 3. East, nortb enil south elevatioa dravinge. !. Floorplans for the GBFA. 5. Proposecl adldltioa floor plaa. 6. Letters of approval fron acfacent Blgbora Terrace proPerty oYDers. '1 . LiEtlne of Yariances requested and grante<l slDce aaDeratlon in the Blghorn Terrace. Vs,riance Request Elstory of tbe Bighorn Terrace Subtlivlgloa DATE APPLICANT rIP8 OF REQUEST AIt{0ttNI OF STAI'F PEC VANIA.I{CE RECOI.IMtrDATION ACrIOIV July 78 Alder Mar 7? May 78 Aug ?8 lue 8o Aug 82 Benysb Bove 1\rabuJ.l Curfuan 0dun GRFA Setbeck GRTA Setback GRSA Setback Setback GRtr'A GRFA Setback Setback for Alrlock GRFA Setback L30 sq ft 8ft 4?3 sq ft 7.5 ft ?5 sq ft 8ft .t ?+ 1?? sq ft 122 sq ft 18 ft 18 ft 80 sq ft 15 ft ApprovaJ. ApprovaJ. Denlal DeniaI Denial Denlal Approval DenlEl Dealal Approval Approval Approval ApprovaJ. ApprovaJ. Approval Approval Approval ApprovaJ- Approval Table Approval Approval Approval Sept 82 odurn Oct 83 Eouston I Application Date I. APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE Thj-s procedure is required for any project The application wil1 not be accepted until A. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT Hovarcl & Vlrginia Sherr 210 Sunnit, Englevood, Co 80110 NAME OF APPLICANT IS REPRXSENTATIVE ADDRESS C. -NAME 0F OWNER (type or print) Hovard & Vlrgtnia Sherr requesting a Variance. all information is submiLted,. pHoNE 't6L-I\jo B. PIIONE - SIGNATuRE ,, ).. /n-J t' .j4...- ADDRESS_ 210 Sunnlt, Engtevootl, Co pnOwe T5r-?1r50 D. LOCATION, OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS \25? E. Colunbine.Drive, VaiI LEGAT, DESCRrprroN tor 1T block tttno"lrT"rTt"" - ----.9 FEE. $100.00 ,, F. A list of the names of owners of alt property subject property and their rnailiqg addresies E. adjacent, to the Lt 20-4 Blghorn Subdivision Gunter L. Grothe \2, Colorado Road Golden, Co 80b01 I,ot 18 Frederlck HaLternan Box 2631 Vall, Co 81558 Ipt 1U ALexls Lubchenco 2!0 Kearney Denver, Co 80220 ,/r,-L./ r,/:7'f/ tjj/r, T.a+ 1( Ralph & Beverly turnbuLL De1 II. & Ann Elizabeth Blogk --- /.- J," lor fe+mkqr C- 8 5- \n bc'.^-1--" se€r-*rtdrrfio'ri'de-'33b32 -Det'-: h E-o J-;9 D+- Ralph & BeverlY turnbull 558 S. Pontiac Way Denver, Co troLiY application f|n for a variance )page lr II . Four (.-l-) copies of the following information: A. ' A statement.of the precise.natuxe of the variance requested.,the reguration. i"""i""ai-""i- ti," pr""ti.ui"iiiricurty or unnnecessary phvsicat hardsh5-p i""""!:.!tJnt wi-th trrE ot:eliio.. of this tirre that wourd resurl ii;--;;;;i."i-iit"i,Jr-iiilipretation and enrorce_rnent of the specified reguiiii"". B' ' A site "l1l.showing arr elisling and. proposed, features on the site' and oi aajoining'"fi!"-ir_necessary, .pertinent to the variance requested, incluilinS iite boundaries, reiuiied setbacks, building *:l:."". ana heigh;";-;;p;;J"pi,v-""i ;il;i;;i reatures and similar as the zoning administrator may pre_submir pertj_n6nt t" tr."-"piii"liii". fff. Time requirements The planning an. Envi.ronmental commission meets on the 2nd. and 4th Mondays o! e""r, tu""til...'ol "ppricitiorr"iitr, the necessary accom-. panying material must be ,olritt-"& f-.".---r""ts prior to the &ate of the meeting. C. Such additional material scribe or the appficant may- fI. Ttro coples of the follorlqg lafomation: A. A statenent of tbe preclse aature of tbe varl'anc e requeste<l. Ue respectfully request varlances for get backs and GRFA for our proposed aildlltlon and deck extenslon to Unlt #17t Blghorn Terrace. Tbis property vas purchased ln lfovember, 1983, for personal use only. Tlre property ls approxla,ntely 20 years old end le la aoae respects unsightly ancl 1n neecl of repalr. 1!hls alevelopnent ras oae of the orlSlnal proJects ln East Vall and eubsequent to tbelr coastructloa, tbe zonlng ras cbauged nalrlng the untts loD-confornlng Btructures botb fron a GRFA end set-back crlterla. Any change to tbe butlillag' bovever nlnorr vlll requlre a verienee. llris erplains v\y so naDy bave been requested aail granted wlth nore unitoubte<lly to be requegtetl 1n the futgre. It therefore appears reasoaable to us tbat the strlct or llteral luterpretatlon and enforceneat of the GRI'A ancl setback re8ulati.onE rroulcl reeult ln practlcel illfflculty to the inprovenent of our Property. lbe proposecl cbauges clo not uaterlally affect nearby properties antl, ln fectt tbe acUolniag onhers have constructed nearly iilentlcel eililltlone. Our BiBhoru terrace neighbors have lent their eupport to our proJ ect end enclosedl are slgnecl coples of thelr agreenent. lbe Boaral of Dlrectors of the Bigtrorn lr[utual Cond.ontnium Assocletton have revierecl our plans aud fully endorse our proposal. fhe proJect rlll lnclutle renoval of the porcb enclosure vhlch has been used as e betboon antl trro out-bulldllngs r one a dogbouse and' the other a shecl. Tbe 85 square foot additlon nill be one story bigb end q]'n6Et hatf n111 ftll ln the existlng recess ln the east uall. The extension vl]-l be flatshed sinlarly to the current erterlor eatl laadscaping aiklecl vhere Done cu:rrently exlsts. Instead of a bedroon r the encloseal space vlll be usetl as a dinlng area for our fa'nlly of four. Tbe nev construction facee the parkiag area and will not block or reetrict the viev of any suroundlug unlt. fo fact, our lot ls ualque vbea corapared to others ln the area ln thet tt ls a corner slte sncl as such faces the pafkLng area on two sid.es. Since March, L9'l'1 , aeven separate varlances have been granted as we Ere requestl.ng ln tbe eane Blghorn llerrace development and tberefore ne d,o not feel ve are asklng for a privllegieil 1 d'eclston. Moreover, ve feel that the corner locatl.on of our lot vlth edJolalog co@on area nakee our request less obJ ectlonabl.e tbea prlor ones. The cteck ertension rrtll be used to connect the front aoal back doors and Ls tbe ulaimun area aeeded to acconplisb tbat purpose. It rl11 be at the levef of the exlstlng tleck which already extencls 2.5 feet lnto the front setbacts. The proposed eddltlonEl <teck vlII face the street and erteacl L feet lnto the required 10 foot eetback for a distance of ?.7 feet encloslng less than 32 aquare feet. t{e bope you vlll look favorably oa thls proposal. It ls one whlcb will uean nuch to our fanllyre eDJoy[ent. B. tvo coples of a Slte Inprovenent Survey by Eagle Valley Engineerlng antl Surveylng Conpany is enclosed. C. The requeated adclltlonal naterial enclosed ls: 1. lno slte plans sbovlng tbe proposed a<lilltion and deck ln relatLon to exlsting structures . 2, Schedule B of tbe fltle PollcY. 3. East, aortb anil south elevatlon drarlngs. \. Floorplans for the GRIA. 5. Proposed aildltloa floor Plea. 5. Letters of approval fron ac[acent Blghoru Terrace proPerty oYners. 7. Llstlng of variances requested and granted slnce aane:atloa ln the Blghoru Terrace. Variance Request Elstory of the Blghorn Terrece Subilivislon DATE IPPI,IC$T TTPE OT A!.TOTIflT OF STATF REQUEST VANIANCE RECOMMEITDATION ACTIOI Mar 7? Benysb May 78 Rove July ?8 Alcler Sept 82 Odurn Oct 83 f,ouston Setback Aue ?8 I\rrnbult Setback Aw 8O Curfnan GRrA Ar.rg 82 odun GRFA Setback ?5 sq ft Denlal I ft Denial lpprorial rDenlal r,t\ GffA Setback cffA Setback CRFA 130 sq ft 8ft !?3 ae ft 7,5 fr 7tt 1T? sq ft L22 sq ft 18 ft ApprovaL Approv8,l Denlal Denlal Approval Approvsl Approval Approval Approval Approva] Approval Approval Table ApprovBl Approval Approval Setback for 18 ft Airlock GRFA Setback 80 sq ft 15 ft Approval &r^lo0 ^epf*o{ 558 S. Pontiac Way Denver, Colorad.o Dr. & l{rg. Eovard Sherr 210 Strtttttll t Englevood, Colorado 80110 Dear Dr. & l,lrs . Sherr, We have revieued your planne<l renovation antl adttltion to Untt 1f, Bighorn Terrace and support your proJect. WE feeL thls vouLcl be an overall inprovenent to the neighborhoocl. 250 Kea,rney Deaver, Colora<lo 80220 Dr. & !.trs. Eorard Sherr 210 Sumtt nnglerood; Colorado 80LL0 Dear Dr. & lilrs. Sberr t I bave revleved your pJ.anne<l renovatlon ancl addlltlon to Ualt 1?r Blgborn terrace ancl aupport your proJect. I feel tbis voulal be an ovcrell luprovenent to the nelShborhood. Respectfully,.\ /' /) , /\ l,t tt t A&1,, fi-t$.-L.* c* l[rs. Alerlg Lubcbenco Y/k^/* ,L*/^ ?-42-r (a-\ 9u-L-- H^l- /6tA JM";,-- i A , n rA U) ,#*.ou ) d r|zL'L-<- V-a*ct a-g k . .u a (/" -!ou h a,^.ar-^* 'rl^-t J L'---11- '/o-L' ft^J '>n ./ ' J \</"rt',tj #. /.1,.a GQ's 6. Grrras' c-.L, St- lobffi+ry- @2 D cr,,v."z- ,Qo. €oa.Ft Dr. & !!rs. Bovaril $herr 210 Sumit r:nglwoorll Colorado 80110 Dear Dr. & !4rs. Sberr, tle have revl.ered your plaanetl renovatlon ancl adill.tloa to Unlt l?r Blgborn Terrace and support your proJect. We feel tbis vould be an overall lnprovenent to the nelghborhoocl. Respectfully, "*,1 Yh*m{&"cz Box 2531 Vall, Coloredo 81558 Dr. & l.Irs. Eovarcl Sherr 210 Su@lt &rglerpoil, Colora<lo 80110 Dear Dr. & !t[rs . Shcrr , I have revlered your plaaned renovatlou antl acltlltion to Untt 1?, Blghorn Tenace, anal support your proJect. f feel tbls vould be an overall Lnprovenent to tbe nelghborhootl. Reepectfirlly, B;/'A.JK-- Frederlck Eelte!:nan B,-/- "W, &--J,- ,(t- ,t^^t%L A\\ V/& )'^t!- .t ,t^r--r4- '&'- T^ 75 south lronlage road vail, colorcdo 81657 (303) 476-7o00 March 22, .l985 Howard and Virginia Sherr 210 Sunnnit Boulevard Englewood, Colorado 80.l10 offlce of communlty development Re: Lot .l7, B'ighorn Terrace, D'ining Room Add'i tion and Deck Extension Dear Howard and Vj rginia, 0n March 20, l9B5 the Design Review Board gave fina'l approval for your additr'on and deck extension. At the tjme of bujlding permit, the Town Engineer would like to see a drainage and grading pian, a utility veri- fication form, and more detail on the drawing of the retainage area in the front of the property. The Oesign Review Board also suggested that you 'look into how the landscaping located below your roof may be affected by potential snow shedding. It was also agreed upon that the ra'i ling around the front deck could be changed. However, the railing should match the other sjde of the duplex. Congratulations on getting through the PEC and DRB review processes. Please calI me if you have any further questions. S i nc.erely, --f- - ' ./t'/C.-.L,2L(t)'- Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: br diltu har{' -lrwt 4,4 ->r-- '-)o Project Application Dale Proiect Name: Proiect Description: --: ;il -r io 801:-0 Contact Person and Phone i. . ,'i.J t: i -t'j 1 Owner, Address and Phone:.iC''^'rr, f,iL i:.1' l Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone Comments: Design Review Board l[,,, I^ 1:r l;ly'r Dare l''\i " v.. Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: stafr Approvar V 'i;rt l! Li !. \ti.Date: I r rsr oF r'lATERrArs NAt"lE 0F PROJECT: addition and deck extension =, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT r? BL0CK =__=-.FILING Biehorn Terrace STREIT ADDRESS: U25? colunblne Drlvet East vail DESCRIFTI0N 0F PROJECT: Dinins roon adalition, deck extension and Landscaping The fol 1oi^ri ng i nf ormat j on i s requ i red for subm'i ttal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I4ATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review Roof Si di ng Other Wa I I l'lateri al s tar and gravel COLOR natural board and batt roughsavn 1x8 Behr Russet (dark brown) none Redwood 8 inch clark brorm rough savn plywoocl nhite Peachtree netal clail lrottx50tt dark brovn Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Gree n hou ses Other deck Rough cut 1x1l-rrr ced.ar dark brovn p"""irt"e$7"!$t"f!f 32rt netal door 1 Brick noldins reclwooil 2x6tt caP 2x2 vertical natural none galvanized netal dark brovn none none 2xl+ tt redwood natural LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani ca I llame I{owarcl anci Virginia Sherr 303-T61-7450 Pi cer Frrn€len< Polt' l rt S t-t"ernulOf dgg Connon llame NO I Ot arlo sprUsg A epen vuo|| r Ly ____4s'e_- Size* 5-8 feet EXISTJIIG TREES TO BE RTI4OVED *Ind'i cate caliper for deciducious trees' Indicate height for conifers. {3 PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common f'lame Quanity Size (con ' t) SHRUBS Prunus besseyi Saqd_qhglqt- 3 5 ga1 1on Klnnikinnick Bee$egX_-- 3 Mahonia Repens C{seging_Mahgnia 2 l- salLon Rhus glabra cismontana smooth sumac 3 cuttlnEs EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED fvpe Square Footage GRSUND CSVERS Blue Grana Bfqgdroql-JUgiper 5 5 gal lon SOD SEED Fl le Gr.orro TYPE OF IRRIGATiON TYPE 0R METHOD 0F Moss Rock os sLope EROSION CONTROL C. gTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining rvails, fences, svrimming pools, etc') please specify' Sandstone Retaining '.!. ' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI^' PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: O Q(n,-aao 42.,a &4or^t Q.a^-A\ul o J/6> rF t c *1'rto"t l5**" ttt - '/ /?or_ ^-a"1 ." " Un <r fZ A)"r" ft,t PUBLICWORKS , t ,e;;;L*"J/k Comments: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING r,4^J Le{ J.,r* d€e:A FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: t+Date il6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The Sherrs are requesting these variances in order to construct a dining room addition of approximately 85 square feet on the first floor of their unit. An existing bedroom would be converted 'into a dining area. The additional area proposed in this request would be used for dining space. The applicants are also requesting to extend their existing deck in the front of thejr unjt to the east approximately 7.7 feet in order to carry the deck around the front of the $(L house and back to the new addition. Un sub-division. The lot confiqur ouE in such set are requrr or the MDMF zone encroach onto the str tures on eae1l-tor '.of-fh€-herr' the bu'il dabl e and variance on, t'ne zu roo cK encroacnes on a sides s unjt. 0n1y a sma11 portion of their un'it is actual 1y area outside of the setbacks.The following table shows statistics for this property: within the GRFA Unit .l7, Bighorn Zone: MDMF Lot Area: ]790 Allowed GRFA: Site Coveraqe: 806 *tU- - 3r4 402 Terrace (east half of duplex) sf sf all owed sf existing sf proposed 431 'l st floor 2nd floor 826 sf existing GRFA 85 sf dininq room addition 911 s; - 35 sf bedroom area f t 5 s sf al lowed existin that already existed ilft inrrooq- Sherr 2/l I /85 Setbacks:20 feet front, side and rear 1o{-i . or,rcrcar hr,o*f ri_l lru_e{ Request 3 foot front setback in order to extend an existing deck to the east--ma.i ntains 7 feet from south property iine. Request ll foot side setback in order to construct the din.i nq area--maintains 9 feet from east property 1ine. Request l3 foot rear setback in order to construct the d.i n.i ng area--maintajns 7 feet from north property line (Please see site plan. ) The applicants have stated the fol 1ow'ing reasons why they feel that these variances are just'i fied: "|lle respectfully request variances for setbacks and GRFA for our proposed additjon and deck extension for unit 17, Bighorn Terrace. This property whs iurchased in.November, .|983, for personal usi on1y. The property'is'approximaiely 20 years old and is in some respects unsightly airo.in nebo bi ripai..'-rrLirjd.joifuii t. 1. ? st Vail and GREA.and a selback criteria. Any chanqe toJhE builTjnq,-however mi;q;lw1Tl require a variance.-JhTs-EfpTaTr,s wtrv so many nave oeen requETEFand--g'Fintted wrffitv,iJ"u5"|.6.jlji'!i''i",il3"},ilI:.'"iil.i:?iill.i..l3'3 reasonable to us that the str.i ct or literal interpre or drrffrctrs-F the Bighorn Mutual condominium Association have reviewed our.plans and fully endorse our proposal . we hope you wiit look favoiibly on this proposal. It is one that will mean much to our family's enjoymen-t.,' CRITERIA AND FINDINGS n review of Criteria and Findin Section 18.62.060 of the Munici I Code qpartment of Commun eve I opme n recommends approva setback variances a of the vart ance. Consideration of Factors ,tJa{,ox\.,p b o\\0, <re( , d&-\ *. \$l 1 qi r Both the setback variances impacts on the existing or and the GRFA variance will not potential uses and structures have any negative in the vicinity. The relationship of the requested variance to other existinq or potentiat uses and structures in -3- snerrf/l t /es The deqree to which relief from the strict or literal interoretation and en- orcement o a spec u lati on s necessarv to ac eve compat a un i form of treatment amon sites n the vicinity or to attain the ob ecti e wl f,nout gran spec Front Side Back Setback Variances Staff feels that due to the configuratjon of it would not be a special privilege to grant the lots in this subdivision, these variances for setbacks. GRFA Vari ance t1 Staff feels that it would be a grant of special orivileqe to approve the GRFA variance.Thedesiretoiunit.doesnotconstitute a physical hardship on the site which would warrant the granting of this GRFA addition. The following chart shows variance requests which have been reviewed in the past for the Biqhorn Terrace Subdivision: SUBDI VISION VAR I ANC E APPLICANT HISTORY OF BIGHORN AMOUNT OF VARIANC E REQUEST TYPE OF TERRACE STT.FF DATE rLL ACT I ON REQUEST RECOMMEN DAT i ON Mar 77 May 78 July 78 Aug Aug Aug Sep 82 Nov 83 Benysh Rowe A'lder Turnbu'l I Curfman 0dum 0dum Houston GRFA Setback 130 sq ft 8ft 473 sq 7.5 75 sq ft 8ft 7tt '177 sq ft 122 s9 ft 18 ft 18 ft 80 sq ft 16 ft Approval Approval Deni al Deni al Deni al Den i al Approval Denial 0eni al Approval App ro va I Den'i al Den i al Approval Approvai Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Tabl e Approval Approval Approval GRFA Setback GRFA Setback Setback GRFA GRFA Setback Setback for Airl ock GRFA Setback ft ft 78 80 82 The chart jndjcates that granting the setback of special privilege. However, it does show GRFA would be a qrant of 784 square febt. The existii Thi -4- U'2/11/85 variances would not be a grant that the granting of the additjonal The existing GRFA of the unit without I lorl SFA for this property orming situation would onl! square -feet ovlr the al I owed GRFA.++€r€a€#fhe aooroval of the se*-$r-fhe approval of the additional GRFA over the allowed dining room,-EdCtlion. With the new addition, the would becorfiq 249\uare feet. Ife effegt,gf the,rgques=led vafjglge on tjglt qnd,gjl, disttibutjon of poputation.tra-nsportatjon and traffic facilities, public facilities andffic s afety . Both variances would not have any negative impacts upon these areas of concern. Sgqb_qlher factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposeo varl ance. FI ND I NGS ine ?lanning atfd Enfironmental Commission shall make the fo1 lowing findjnqs before grantjnq a v That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of spec.ial pr.i vilege inconsistent with the limitatjons on other properties clissified in the same disirict. That.the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,safety' or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or imprbvements in ine vi ci nity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretat-jon and enforcement of the specified regulation wgYJd. result in,practical .difficulty or unnecessary physical irardship inionsistent with the objectives of this t.itle. - There-are exceptions or extraordinary c'i rcumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement -youtI deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by in the same district. of the specified regulation the owners of other properties -5- sn"Ozlt tles STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Front Side Back Setback Variances The staff recommends approval of the setback variances. circumstances on this sjte due to the configuration of There are extrao the lot linEs. The layout L---el:F-+l€-+ots-fftRes it nearly impossible to do any type of addition to the structure without requesting setback variances GRFA Variance Staff is recommending . opinion that there is area 'i s necessary and interpretation of the denial of the 50 square foot GRFA variance based on the no physical hardship which indicates that the dining room Tfi'ereforeTeEF\nfflelief from the strict or literal GRFA requirements for this lot. 3036'oo E , Lo B ighorn Terrace o t .|7, * g5o35'40"w UNIT I8 \t\ CENTER OF PAR TY WALL OUTLINE OF 6 ,a /^ | -lo fod b' /.^+po *" t")S \t6. = (l -<r o o lo lc\i lo lz oJ % coq ohOt|€ GI rf o| OJ O+/t € ?o oo 9o. :"o.. UNIT I5 tNC LUDE D PARCE L POL lcY NO. AZ38f +- .'U N IT wEsr HALF "r r,,rl 4.85. (LEG AL ) 4 90'(cALc ) "ooouott ..'i --' D,o "+l r,1 tr 'q: h ,/ 1 a?r, ("'?/;'u'9i \ DECK "... .g9-;trs Nltr/ 17 ;$t "rt'&f 4' /c x PARK ING EASEMENT Ps, {r*\ 6) &ra t.. I ,"o Planning and Environmental Commission February ll, 1985 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane P'i per Howard Rapson Jere l,lal ters ABSENT Jim Viele Duane Piper, chairman, ca] led the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Donovan moved and lJalters-seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 28. Vote was 4-0. t.uest for a final lat review ubdivi sion a rev i s ion of Special Develo nt District rema 1 n into II duplex Iots.pprrcan soc 1 ates Dave Peel , representing the applicant, requested tabl ing unti I March I I .uested. Vote was 4-0.son moved and Walters seconded to table as 2.uest for a setback variance and a concurrent GRFA variance in order to enlar enclose a hot tub area wn't cn v',ou 62 square eet en arqe an ose a hot at 83 ace on ot3 Block 6 Vail Villa lst Filin i cant :ard fl. lorris Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Tom Braun made the staff presentation, explaining the request and that the staff recommended approval of the setback variance, bui denial'of the varjance for GRFA. David Peel , representing the app'licani, Rjchard Torrisi, give-i-presentation and explanation of the request. variance in order to rounds of denial. 3.uest for setback variances and a rrent GRFA construct an uare Toot a on to a res ence o p | 't cants:and Virginia S Kristan Pritz explained the requggt for setback var.iances on three s.ides of ll"_:]i: and the request for a GRFA variance of an additionat 50 squar--teet 1n order to expand the dining room area of the structure. The staff recorrnendation was for approval of the setback variances and denial of the GRFA varianie. Vai VWoods Ul".'rtu '2- Richard Sherr, applicant, spoke on his behalf, explaining his overall plan to upgrade the structure and property. The Planning Commisiion discussed the hardship in.the,Bighorn Terrace units, precedence set by others in Bighorn Terrace, and other items. Donovan moved and n . TFe- voTe -was,t- 0--1 n f avor. lonoYan qroved and Walters. seconCed to gpprovg the request for a GRFA vari ar{ce. The findings were that "the strict oF litera of the lpecified regulation would result in practical difficu'l ty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the title, and would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the' same distict. The ygte !v1s 3-l i!=favor wjth=Piper votinq aqainst approval . p.iper's reason was that historically he had always voted for denial of this type of request and campaigned for an ordinance to deal with this s'ituation. 4. Beques,t to amgld the zoning code by the add'ition of paragraph 18.22.030N ln order to allow as a conditional use, eating, drinking, recreational , Inc, Kristan Pritz gave the staff presentation and explained that the staff was reconrnending approval . The applicant's presentation was given by Art Abpianalp. The discussion by the P'l anning Commissioncenteredon the need for the amendment,the conditional use process, and allowable percentages of GRFA as commercial space. RaPsol,movgd qld lEllgrs sgconCed to recommend approval to the Town council accord.i ng to the findinqs in the staff's memo. The vote was 4-0inTavor. 5. on the Spraddle Creek Subdivision proposal and requested hearing date to March 25. Donovan moved and Walters date as requested. The vote wEs-3-in-Tavor with Rapson 5. Update on Parks Master Plannjng Project. Pritz and Donovan gave the parks p'l anning update. ll' The meeting was adjourned at 4:46. ubl ic heari n zon't n raddl e subdivision. Patten gave a motion to seconded to aga i nst. an update change the chanqe the c)o z g n .c o {'o z E *E - { (D m Iq L-(D .Ltt l:H 3 IHE ;19q I lii : s ls* 8 l=il l l --r c J 1E ft o.<To 6P aL -aO ctt >I 6g mra .Tl m 3 -.t <!E m i._ (- tn= =oo YP f- !TT rr ll Or- z=o@ 2=oo z. 9z tq m; lr l@ I l\s I;I loo |-n 'o m ft =i -l o (D m x m .It i o z C-o TD L +m TtrE T m 7 ={ O F @ (,(, Pf,uiA o>'r-2 =IT a T rrl F v = =.a o = z- Pg cJ=A7 m f-m o r o z -t , --.t o 2" 7z >m c)E -{> I]+ m -r z z --l o { @ (O ,o t- t: l(D t;lo l(D 'Tt =z gFl**Fl= P l=to to tr t::Bl(D l"l ll 'll ll z 11 =q)- AF -t o, v .D .J - .)B =l><F F iflP "E Qlf,dV =l o lN)ol-.olo I c-> lv,otc +l= -: le+orl -l@ ll-\l<5lo (tr I ol I o € =(D a l-r to l€ lz l9 l<t> lF l6 lz Id t€ l6 l<t> lr lm lo lz l-r lo t€ lz lo |.n t<t> lF l!tm le lz t-{ l=lz lo t:l> lr-II lm lo f 12 -t ll mlO 'l! la la I I I P. = Fo) c) -x;H3d :siEg EFqil 5e'e.iB :=: g F 3.;1BH f s, o:aJ Hb ar - +5i59 d r *g I oii 5 oR 99or96. {;.;1;o*of,(o ^O*=E zal aaFir Eif :9;*i ;tl c!:*i =tt l@ fo L al i3s: l 6F- 3 Fg*=il saas + :l i; f 6 =.J il tBd*g *l g;*;t mt ,='ar -o nl = o --* -t z z l z l- m =ct) z m m m l< ' lz lz IF 3 o q l t- l m J € t-(t IP l9 I' z @ t- --t z --{r z m -c g€otr +F z6 -z i z>9R nd r<!.I < >o c)>ad z c z : z m € i tTl - ^z =z t- m { 1'm o c b _n l F z o 5 (n o c c+=€g, Or.r-:H FI +E €3 =s = 3 sE ?9 -toul g:E E H =.63 'd -'n Z z o-€oo l=*tsi - llN@=lrl Il=l-'l s -15 l v <Hl g H.l HI FI I o) v !('r o (D x u\ c+ >si l-2 z l.ro I"I F t=F t9J:- lr'z lo laz tr -4 lr'm ltJr a t(Dt lol tl l€l tot t-r I lxl tl lc+ |lol tl lD, I lci I r)l t-l tl II tl tl (J z = :z 6 -t m Fr -r 3lc,O i, ql = ul.: e ri;=.rE t:. \\|r$ .@ r\) l\,' l\)@rS F '\\ ;.F --ll lnl -{o { t- !m n = ='n m m at, U'm -{ x |- tTl 2 m g. m I z m m € @ o m m i 2 .r| m m 3 m o - z 6 ! 3 @ z m t-m --t ^ t- z o -m o x (D =z o m , . m ='Tl m m a VALUATION !m u = =z o 3 m a) z.o a- t- = = m t-m c)I 6 t- t- z \l !ctl l\) !(tl ! N)(tl F (tl o UK # e,qs cts/27/ g4 V =E ;i* i =rB\I =lll-1\3e7 : lc-3ly $l;. -{o m F t-,m <x "'{Oo 'Tt o -o<m! <l !!D ;fl8 "t- \,;.;=Y z==9I "', t- rf) f (o (or _I <-t i '-m= <=r= 6€ d€6:l cto c!,>t 16 t, t 'rl m ! ={ !trD dP z=oo ==66)z I -i m ilt c) -i€9=i Q: E '" Yo l=oc leF<'Q ii q,iYeS .;-f ::-o o !'< R { ''=.E q':+d,F i-(D (D o:a= l-- . d'p_ - :-=?i- or o 6f-5 0. sD *o J P -6'dJor -=c ! !)E ii== -5 +3 =-5' -- o' Oo- !.3 P < =.-<oo qr6: =s.= 6(D- = o= l$o Y;l :q9 x s;' vrat) aq3 ."dc. o -_B ;d s.{ r,J jo iq <- =i- >o ls) )ol to ,o la r(o' : *'f o -.'| :€ U; Nr ;:'(o : f: d. :( 9.c Jt R; ao { E (D c =. g. 5' f( :'c}l (D( o:.i O(€r =a;o: !a( o)E =o o)(' o (D (D CN z .J m 'n €z m o z --t o {o 'rt o -I 6 m t-'n z -a m €z m rfl€9F zd .z f U' z>eR n6 P<+< >o o>E;z c = ll ll tl tl tl -.{r 6 -z m ! c m .., iii l< 1' lz z (n c t- -t z a-m J € |- :r i @ -l z z an lz tm l€ t-t>Ii ls tl lo z. =z r m _9 \ I t.-,. lu lc) l3 lc I lq) l.'n l> =z i\, :O-{c)<3;-!O =a {9 66 e 3!<c:;!\'t x= >r,_{'P; <\\\n \i .) \N .'\ Iit) qi' Slsl Fir W, +F3 tra \n= r 1" l-{ -t t- rT 5 l .Tl m m (.t) (t m -t X ln z m - m =z m m € o t m m z n m m =m z l- c ID z m |-m i o - P IP > t=zl= - t2 r lo x lr; l=t= !m =n m m <n VALUATION 3 m I z |- l- =o m 'r m o (-1 TD 2 lr tt l" lY,rls Nl ('\ rrl S o o z.O ;* =m o _r z o z --{ {o o 9p -{c 8E g'6 -{x - --l a, aJ ic)o> o 9",im nz >m =m -.1 (- z =m i5 ' '-.1 ;l v: l-- tJ-rl .'l- i I I I tr z $ J rt ls I IF Irt t.t$ IF *lg lo t:l> lF lr lm t; I I I EE lzl tol l'n I l< kj't> t\lF l\blJ F lr\ |;I tl tl ll tl lr Fn Fl- la- lN l* lJ lQ l" 16 l tl I tl l-.a fn loF t{F EI li l.lI l,r:tm tY p tt 16 I ll tl tt l-i tn lo l;t€E 15 1,, l; ts |r lF t! te lml tol lal tl rl oFl-:Fl=rl pl E lr' Fli tl ,ll -ll I II .: t- (-., J (.\ o o qaQ ''-v "%;w r,) ({) .<r a;ao \2 l_ I I I- I \ .lP s i f\ 3 l I I l q; Dt r''j N t =+g ig:gg ifHqttg iEuags€ us $i{ I I l l \\ r r:l Project Application Project Name: Pro,ecl Descriplion: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Lt Staft Approval Town Planner June l-9,L98! 210 Sunnlt Blvd. Englerood, Colorado 80LL0 Tom Braun Tolrn of Vall box L00 Vail , Colorado 8165'f Dear Mr. Braun, Enclosed is a sketch of tbe frontof our unlt aI' \257 Columbine DrLve Ln the Bighorn Terrace area of East Vail. We request approval to remove the large slngle pane vindow and the plywood panels to the right of the front door ancl to fill in that area with rough cut siding as ls used on tbe remahncier of the buildlng. We also request approval to install a lr8 tt tV 93tt Peachtree dark brown aluminun clad bay rindolr to be centered as shown in the enclosed sketctt and installetl vith the top of the window at the sarne helght as tbe remaining windows. Peachtree windovs, as you can see in the brochure, are double pane with an aluminium exterior for 1ov rnaintenance antl a vood interior for attractiveness. .Ihey are an attractive, quality procluct vhich will enhance our building. We intend to roof the bay window in a manner siloilar to our next cloor neighbors with shake so that our units vil-1 blencl together. I hope this is al-l that needs to be sent to get approval for the bay window. ff there is more, please call rne at 1-?51-?L50 or clrop ne a note . fhanks, e'-+ D*^.-. ( l'{rs . Howard Sherr ) -f G-+: 8-l ^, (/l tt t tn iF' x e r t) e/ -_ -* '--'*'- l 6. tl-t . -l | >/'I'dt" I \.-i s-'1, (' '/ /'-t'\,tl -.-'1 --\ >J _t *t YO 'l= Fa ft >3_ t '12 t J> O''<t2 -J xt <-l .F t v