HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5E LOT L SONNENALP LEGAL.pdfflrr r/*!r .t'/Int Project Appllcation fon Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addres and Phon€: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Town Planner E statt Approval f,iw.€ift?-\tht_L ,/,, 'n{q nJ,tFfvR e ?L&7d-+1 -_4',-{ -t/ '\:tl I FRrl4Ar.Y F^NKILlo OTESF,LOW PARKJ}J€ ------ ffi 6RttK rl4ryd --:t\(T) SlTf ?,1$1,{ ,r,-.*,, L!fit.llj ftrlS&j#t-aa,ffiar-l Horc,l €+Fla*lALF CI Frvil xsaN? gw $, \\t\t\ I \ I I I \.l I I I 'D.h srruwJ wUvalo natLvzl e*lyil)'a1 APPLICATION DATE: 31 March 1986 DATE 0F DRB llsErit'te : - 15 Aprll t936 _ DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI|IATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app]ication meet'ing with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning adminlstrator). It is the applicant's responsib'ility to make an appointment with the staff to flnd out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streanline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. AIL conditions of approval rust be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0N: In 1984 Sonnenalp was glven approval for two restaurant nenu boards--one at the entrance to the hotel on the Drlve where the pedestrlans walk, the nenu board ls vlrtually loposslble to see except bv hotel suests enler14g. an*-lea:rln$. Sonnenalp would llke to relocate thls nenu board to the planter B. L0CATIoN 0F pRoP0SAL: around the flags whlch 1s located on town of Address Va11 ProPertY.242 F,a.st lvleadow Drlve North sld.e of the bulldlnF. and the second bv the Easp sld'g -ln - a planter located on town of Vall property. Drre to the hotel nqrktncr 'l ot trel nq betweeh the hotel entrance and East l{eadow Legal Descrlption Lot Part of Tract C Bl ock Zon i ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Sonnena}p Propertles Inc. Va1l V11]age 1st Filing PA Address Post Offtce Box 700 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Sldney Schultz Address E. NAME OF 141 East Mead.ow Drlve OI.INERS es Fassler te1 ephone 4?5-5656 tel ephone 4?5-?890 Post Offlce Box 7OO telephone t+76-5656 be paid at the time a building permjt'is requested. FEE Si gnature Address r.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,oo0 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,5o0,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. .2. The review process for NE}J BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled rneeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 14, 1986 The Hotel Sonnenalp Mr. Johannes Fassler P.0. Box 700 Va il , C0 81658 Dear Mr. Fassler, olflce ol communlly development I am writing you concern'i ng the menu display box for the Sonnenalp Restaurant which is located aiong East Meadow Orive. Oue to a recent requests and numerous violations noted by Town of vai] staff members, the Conmunity Development staff is currently enforcing the Town of Vail Sign Code uniformly throughout the community. As a result your menu box hai come to my attention. At a Design Rev'iew Board meeting on May 30, 1984, the Sonnenalp received approval for two menu display boxes, one on the north side of the building and one on the east side of the building. The approved locat.i on for the menu display box on the north side of the building was immediate'ly adjacent to the main entrance of the hotel . This menu box was ejther 'improperly instal1ed original 1y or relocated at a'l ater date to its current location immediately adjacent to East Meadow Drive. The current location of the display box is in violation of the Oesign Review Board appoval and therefore in violation of the Town of Vai'l Sign Code. The menu box is in fact not even currently 'l ocated on sonnenaip property, but is within Town of Vai'l right of way. I am seeking your cooperation in removing this display box from its current location and replacing it in the location approved by the Design Review Board. I would reguest that this action be completed by 12:00 p.m. Friday, March 21, 1986. If you have any questions on this matter, please feel free to contact me. I thank you for your cooperation. n er w Yc I l{n aq siryre (,t Ric[ Py Town Pl Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol i' . . t-r Block .: .l . , Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,.] .-1. Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Su mmary: 1rit,i- Town Plan ner | 1..i. iii\ lfitiii E statt Approval .'}t' E ;{J, Proi€ct Name:{ Proiect Description: Contact P€rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: l.llv! ' Lot --,-- Design Review Board o"," lYifi..\ }D i'r\''l 0 i o,ror""orr*f ''" Motion by: \.. , Seconded by: APPROVAL ,, \, ' i .; .i. , .r tiiri\t t,' i..rl'l :.l,ri l',-.'t , t\l r\ tJ ' t' t F. . . a \ \\(. 1 ') !r\i ' 'r' l! ti\^r\ \ ii.rr' Town Plann6r in . *),,\ rlir>l i lIl,rr t \l )n"+.. l' 'ill." /\ l :A'l t; E statt Approval '^iii lnltn u 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7O00 t''larch 14, 1986 The Hotel Sonnenalp l'?r . Johannes Fassl er P.0. Box 700 Vai l, C0 81658 Dear [4r. Fass I er, offlce of communlty development I am writrng you concerning the menu disp)ay box for the Sonnenalp Restaurant which is located along East Meadow Drive. Due to a recent requests and nunerous violations noted by Town of Vail staff menbers, the Community Development staff is currently enforcing the Town of Vail Sign Code unifor"mly throughout the cornnunity. As a r"esult your menu box has come to my aitent i on . At a Desjgn Review Board meeting on May 30, 1984, the Sonnenalp received approval for two menu disp'l ay boxes, one on the north side of the building and one on the east side of the building. The approved locatjon for the menu display box on the north side of the buildjng was immediately adjacent to the majn entrance of the hotel. This menu box was either improperiy installed originally or relocated at a later date to'i ts current Iocalion immediately adjacent to East Meadow Or'ive. The current location of the display box is in violation of the Design Review Board appoval and therefore in violation of the Town of Vail Sign Code. The menu box js in fact not even currently 'l ocated on Sonnenalp property, but is within Town of Vail right of way. I am seeking your cooperation in removing this display box from its curreni location and replacing it in the locat.ion approved by the Design Review Bcard. I would reouest ihat this action be compl eted by 12:00 p.m. Fridar,. l4arch 21 1C86. If you have any quesiions on this matier, please feel free to contact me. I thank 3rou for your coopenation. llfir l/t,/li \tl \ Ri cll ioiw 1 Pl anner 'F''t^ rb, ^,*"\ 75 soulh lrontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 17, .|984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners RE: S'ign Application Requirements ofllce of communlly deY€lopment When applications for signs are submitted, the following information is required: Site plan show'ing exact locatjon where the sign is to be located. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of application. t. 2. 3. ;\-- Application Number Fee Paid #zo ,*SIGN APPLICATION o"r" 14 ftlnf 'e4 Phone 47o.zost Name of Project Name of Person Subrnittinq Location of Project -/lOla Descript'i on of Project The f ol 'lowi ng to the Design Sign submittal information is reouired for Review Board before a final fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sisn Materi "1 (LEAR ?NL B. Description of Sign C. Size of Si gn q D. cornrnents .(upu,r*, /s fr< Twa IJW ll4attv BoUas MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1 . Si te P'lan 2. Drawings shoffi exact location 3. Photographs showing proposed locaTJ6fr-4. Actual siqn 5. LO toreo SCate drawlnq 6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittai Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- )rgn Aomlnlstrator t Sign Administrator Application Number Fee Paid --fl|sa*.] SIGN APPLICATI0N ,rJ-. . ... - o^r. 'fefure'Y Name of Project ftOkl ?NMEl,r-cP Name of Person Subrnitt'ing ?IVIW C " tUtZ phone 4:?t",9ry Location or project (42 e tleaAt, Df\rr+ Description of Project The fol'lowing information is requ'i red f or to the Design Review Board before a final Sign submitta'l fee is $20.00. submittal by approva I can the appl icant be given. A. Sign Material B. Description of Sign C. Si ze of S'i gn k., , . k r lfu{.[- 1"5 fr D. Corments . MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Si te Pl an 2. Drawings sFowlng-exact location 3. Photographs showing proposed loci'TJon-4. Actual siqn 5. Colored scalE-?EilJnE-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittET- )rgn Aomtntstrator Admi ni strator 4.o&o,4 rW+rl %^dF' ?*er tlbr,r- 11 v , { >ttwv^rlp Ncnru htoar yA<{ WN^/ 1.61 * 5.66 h 4,4 d 1.?s +2,4 { \ 6.7 d / fiens t br" .ln€54ana^f, n |'{o{*l* h *raU^ nntt^ Y hra- Pgf3an"f," (nE*c: Jurr S*+ \ ,t4Efut Fod{^ hrd{,| -loht t+"1 bar?6,rr,0,>*Uordft.r,L y',2 + f["+A idc^nt$.atle,^-49.22 6 "1 '+ nu\\,m!!. la/fq l$ o,-N ! \ 1\ ,- t * l.^ \ -r'\'r tQ .r'-t I U',Jt t6"OI )',Jr,i'-,,. ]ffi t..,t.y.) r,l.:r\\ '"-) I 0 l(f'b ('0) 6,Tn^' )f'bL "/.--'L>-( ed)' ,-/ ;), 6 V ,\u{br*,rE