HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING 1 GENERAL LEGAL.pdf! t,.. ,r Rocordod rt-.- -..--...orclocL-..-....--.M.. RECOR,DER'8 Trnq Druo, Mrdc rf,ir d.y ol bctrcra Vail Ci ty Corporation, March r corporrtioo duly o4eoi:cd r.ad gi.tiog usdcr rod bt virl,lrc of tha lawr of rbc Sbtc of COIofadO, of ttrc firrt prrl nad lligh Country Corporation, r corporetioo duly orpahcd gnd sirting undcr rnd by virtrc o[ the tewr ol thc rutc of Colorado, of thc rccond part; WITTiESSBTI{, That tbe aaid perty ol thc fint prrt tor rnd ln considcntioa of tbs rus ol Nine ltundred Thousand and no/IOO ($900,000.00) _____DOLLARS to t-hc rald prrtJr ol tlt firet parl h hand peid by rlle laid partt of tle rccond part, th! mccipt whercol 6 hcreby confcs:td and acknor'lcdgcd, helh gr:ntcd, bargainrd. sold lnd conveycd, erd bt thrlc arclcnt! docr grent bergein.rell, tonvcy and confirm, uoto lhc reid party oI thc rccond per! itr rucccuorr end ruignr forcvcr. elt thc tottowing dtrribcrl or garccl g o[ land, lirullc. lybg rnd bcin3 in iftt Cosnty ol Eagle :!d Strtc ol Colondo, terit: Pr-lit aL STATE OF COLORADO. Vail Vi11a9e West, Filing No. 3,and that parcel of land described on the document attached hereLo as Exhibit A, RTCEIYFD tulAR 2 3 g78 '""*!*ry1g"* TooETHER. wirh all and' ringular thc hsediamcorr and apgrrtcn{rccr thcrcurto belonging, or h rayvirc epptrrr'ioin3, and thc rcvcrlion ud rcvcrriorrr. rcuaindcr urd rrmaindcru, rcnts, isrurr and prolitr tlcreot; ud rtl lhc ctt'tg right, titlc. intercst' chia snd dcEund *hatrocvcr of the reid per! of the fint Drrl. chhc, h bv or egnity, of io and to tlrc elovc bargeincd prcmists, vitb tic bcredit.urcnts .'d rpptrrtcnrncGr To HAVE AND To HoLD thc said prcmiran ebovc bergeincd and dcacribd sirh 15c rppurlcDancc, Ento lbc add perty of tlc rccoad prrt, itr ruccellort and auig.nr forcvcr. A-ud thc eeid Drrtt of thc firrt part fdr itscll' itr ruccessorr and arrignr, dotb covcDen! gEn( bargai! end egrec to r,,d witb thc aeid gerty ol tht stcond par! ilr rutccrsorr end a.rrig'nr, that rt thc timc of thc carcaling and dctivcry ol lLccc arcr-cnt'r it ir ecll rcizcd of tlc plcaiser ebovc convrycd. es of god. rurc, pcrfcc! nbBolutc uit ildcfcariblc crtrto ol inhcritaatc. in law. in fce rimptt' lnd hath good rigbt futt gortr end lrwlnl ruthority to gr-art, b:r3ai1 ecll and conrcy tbe seEc in manncr ard form dorerid, and tJrel tbr o:ue erc frcc gnd clca,r froar sll former rnd orf,cr grrntr, l'e'rgainr' ralcl lienr' le'r.!, aiscltE.rrtr end incrsrbrancer of rvhs,lercr kind or nghrc eocvcr: :l:.ll eenerar propertv raxes for 1978 payabre in rgz97lnddn"ti3Jo.t"*ror easements, rcstrictiorrs and reservali;ns of iecord; atd $e 8bore bargzined grrctrircr ia rle qtiet aud paacceblc ;rcc*rrioo of r}e raid pa:-t, of tlc reond, Dsr! Is,qc-cclorc and lrrignr :5':iorl ell and cvcr;r p.rson or pcrroor larfully claining or to ctaim tha shotc o,r rn, Fn tlcrcol, rbe '"id garr-w of r.be fi.t parr obr end will E'ARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. 74 I lN'wITl;ESg WHER-EOP, Thc eaid party of tlc first parr hsth crnrcd ltr oorDoratc Br.lrG to bc bercrnlo eub- |rcribtd by itr p*rid.nt rnd its corporrlc rat to ba b'rEato rt.rrcd, atlcatcd by rb I !t.rrtrrt, r-hc Cey aad y err lira! al,ovt qrittca. A tlctt: ___vll L _ c.]J.l:_ coj..t,9F-drION______ J "''' Thc lorcgoinj ia6trlrDcnt rer rcl'ovlcd8ed bclore mc thir .by d.ey ol It tt Prcridcat a.od Slcrcbrt ot r corporetim" Xy notariel comgrirrion crplrcl Witaclr my hrnd gnd olficiel rcel, Not^rr PErlL. lio' ?57' n e nna srr DEED---4're-.:Lr r. c.rD-r.tl- -B'.dt,''d 'uur.ht!, ca- ra?r-.6 sr,o! gt,,d. D.nrrr, coto.do J.?o -.. :.._ j Dtr <17 ,>t tg, , ) .- . /fs.at,r7 4 P., i(-. t EXHIBIT A Part. of the Southwest one-quarter Section 12. Township 5 Southr Ranqe 8.1. vtest 6th principal meridian, Eaqle County,colorado, more partl,cularlv descrLbed as folrows, to wtti.- Beclnning at the Southeast cornet of the southwest one-quarter of tbs southwest one-quarter of Eald section 12. which is also the soutbeast corner of vair virrage westl Ftrlng f3r as recorded on January ll' 1974, in Book 232 aE page 900 of the iagte county-Clerk and Recorderg record, thenee along the east ltne.-of the southwest one-quarter of the south,.reet one-guarter of sald sectLon 12' along the east boundry.rine of said vati vtrrage r{est fillng 83, north 01 degrees, 04 minutesl 36 seconds east. 646.45 feet f.o ths southeast corner of vai.r village weat, fJ.ring 111 thence contlnulng along the east line of the southwest 6ne-guarter 66 the eouthnest one-guarter of said sectlon 12 and along the eaet boundry llne of Vall vtll1?9 !9s!, rillng 11, norrh 0I degrees, 04 mJ,nutes,36 seeonds east' 409.94 feet mor6 or lese to a point on:-the eouit.rty boundry flne of ltaterhorn village, f tling f l, t'hence departl.nq sald east llne of the southwest one-guarter oi the eouthu€st'o".:gi"rt"r and departlng aaid east bouridry-Ilne of.Valt Village west ftftng-if,and forLowlng the aoutherry boundry llne of u"i.it6rn vrira;;-iiri.g ll south 8l degreee, 31 minutes, r1 seconds eaBt, 447.r7 feit, [t""departlng eaid eoutherly boundry line of Haterhorn vlrlage eouth 05 degrees, 57 minutes, 3 seconds eaet, g75.50 feet, thence eouth 130 feet hore or lees to a polnt on the south llne of the southwest one-quarLer of sald sectlon 12, thence along eaid south line of the southwest one-quarter north 88 degrees, 5{ minutea, 39 seconds westj s53.0 feet to the polnt of beginning. said psrt of ecuthweet one-quartet of eection 12 contarns 515,291.6 Eguare flet, or lr.g524 acres r'ore or lese. I EXI-iIBIT I'A'I Comrnencing at .a point that is the point of intersection of the South Section line of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 l.Iest of the 6th P.M. and the northwesterly right of way l-ine of that particular right of r'ray easement granEed l.Iestern Slope Gas Company by Pauline Elliott by instrument recorded Nowember 3, 1966 in Book 200 at Page 399, Eagle County records; thence N. 48' \l ., 237.5 feet to a point; ihence N. 28o l{., 45 feet more or l-ess to the c€nter of Gore Creek; thence north- wesLerly follorving the center of Gore Greek to a point that is N. 18o 2l-r 45rt W,, 90.67 feeE, and N. 36" 27r 15r' W. L35.90 feet, and N. 59" 08t 30" \^I., L45.70 feet, and N. 26" 32r 30rr W., 70 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 8L lfest; thence S. 26" 32t 30rr E., 7O feet; thence S. 59" 08t 30" E., L45.70 feet along the existing fence line; thence S. 43" 45t zL't E., 50 feet more or less to a point on the Northrvesterly line of the right of r.ray easement granted. l,Iestern Slope Gas Company hereinabove referred, to; thence S. 52" zl.t E. along the Northr.resterl-y line of r.raid l{estern Slope Gas Company 287.5O feet more or less to the South Section l-ine of said Section lL and the point of beginning of the tract herein describe{. County of Eagl-e, State of Colorado. -AGLH rEOE"'F€T Ileoa rtnent of Planninn 6 Dox 179 EAGLE, COLORADO S1631 ,n I []eve I e;,':en t Hay 5, 1978 Hlgh Country Development 1850 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Fl le tlo. 9p--s7-73 Prel iminary plan ' llighland Heador.rs Subdivision Lt their public hearino on Ir l{ay 1978, the goard of County Connissioners conditionallv aprr rcved the rrrel iminarv subCivision plan and master olan ror zonino nurnoses r.rith the condition that Alpine Drlve be oaved to County stanCards from the nresent end of the pavement to the intersection of Verncnt P.oad and to pave Verrnont Road to the subdivision Soundary. Also, ninor chen.Jes in the covenants soecifvino that future'coven"ni chenoes shall be subrrritted to the Countv for aonroval and a correction to the nunbered duolex lots. A subdlvision agreement nust be sub.mltted _,2 concurrently r.rith a final olat. - -- lf you have any ouestions, please contact this office. Terrl I I Kniqht P I anner Roarrl of County Cor':-ll ss ioners Ti rn Ga rion Leroy Tobler !- f ., t BOARD OF COUNTY coMM rSsr oN E RS 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 32A-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 9494292 ASsEsso R 328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECTI ON 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaole 328-63 77 Bzialt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-5674 ENG I NEE R 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 32A-771a EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaale 328-6594 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661I Baialt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5751 50ctAL sE RVr C ES 328-6328 T REAsU RE R 328-5376 I I E E t {".llf- -...------ _ _ jF<, -t= EAGLE €@U$STY DeDartr,ent of Pl ann i ng Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 88fifi'?'8,'o'GHg'" 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 324-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 9494292 455ES50R 328-6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-5339 CLERK & R ECO RDE R Eaqle 328-5377 Ba;alt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENG I NEE R 325-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-771A EXTENSION AG ENT 328-6370 LI B RARY 328-7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-5594 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328-5338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328661 I Ba ialt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575t soc I AL SERVtCES 328-6328 TRE ASU RE R 328-6376 t- 6 Deve I opnent To: From: Sus an sv/j k t{arch 20, 1978 Johnson e Kunkel Land SurveYing Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Please revlew the enclosed legal descrlption to determlne whether or not lt overlaps the property Inc'l uded ln the Hlghland l{eadqls (formerly Val I t'Ies t Ri dge) prel lmlnary plan. lnitlal revlew susgests"a' problem in ifrl legat descrlptlon enclosed' j*/a / o.i - i/^ql t/Ql Vauqhn / 7 2, GOR,E 'fRADING COMFANY Bclsy Co sgrif f . President P.O. Box 9 13 Lcodville, Colorodo 80{61 (303) 486-2688 March 10, L978 RFCET\./rD l'1AR 15 i97B '-; -. l. -i,':, Ccs:ii, C-:lo.E8g:e Mr. Terrel Knight Eag1e County Planning and Zoning Coimrission Courthouse Annex Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re: Highland Subdivision (formerly lJest Vail Ridge) Dear Mr. Knight: Tlris is to advise you that Gore Trading Conpany owns the property described on Exhibit A rvhich is enclosed with this tetter.It is our understanding that a plaE has been presented to your departnent for you revies covering property bounding Gore Trading Cornpanyts tract on the south and rvest. Gore Trading Cornpanyrs tract is not and is not to be included in this subdivision. This is to advise you that Gore Trading Company has no objection to the present plat as proposed to yourcommittee as long as our tract is properly excepted therefrom. It is also our understanding that reasonable ingress and egress from Verrnont Road rvill be extended co the boundary line of our property. If you have any questsions, p1-ease direct them to the undersigned. Yours very truly, GORE ING Betsy Cosgr /ech cc:High Country COMPANY Com;rcncin1 ax a point that is the point of ' intcrsection of the South Section l-ine of Secl-ion 11, Torvnship 5 South, Range 81 i{est of the 6th P.u. and the norEhrvesterly righc of rvay l-ine of that particular right of rvay easement granted I'lestern Slope Gas Company by Pauline Elliott by instrument recorded November 3, 1956 in Book 200 at Page 399, Eagle County rlcords; thence N., 18" I{., -237 '5 feeE to a point; Lh"n"e N. 28" I'1., 45 feet more or less to the cdnter of Gore Creek; thence north- ----> \.rester1l' follorving the celter-.of Gore Creek to {EXHIBIT ''A'I a poini that is N- 18" 21' 45-'l w-, 90.-67 t:?:, "rra X. 36" 27t 15" W. 135.90,feet, a9itN. 59" oei ad"-r,l., l-45.70. feet, and N - 26" Section L4, Torvnship 5 South, Range 8L I'Iest; thence S.-26' )2t 30't F., 7.0 feet; thence S- 59". OBt 30" E-, l-45.70 feet along the existing fence line; thence S. 43" 45t zl-tt E', 50 feet more or iess to a point on the North''tresterly line of the righe of r'rey easenent granted llestern slope Gas comparr)' hereinabove referred to; -thence S. 52o 21r @) aLong the Northrvesterl-y line of r.:aid I'Iestern Slope Gas Company 287 -5O feet rqore or less to the Souch Section line of said Section lL and the'point of beginning of the tract herein desc-ribed. County of Eagl-e, State of Colorado. 30rr v =>1'c -. gJ o- -1 -.o c,(D J- o m -tt 0,'ar -7t o: a-)o3-ca,J- -<a It cr t' v -tt -nt €, 1 O? O O- O.)-'O rO O A - !, n -a O -r o, c O -r O --'--t r? r-r o -. 1 o O, - o= : O-:l'O cLO O rt O '.c t O O: 5 ... -a--' d n o'o O 'tr -o crn u -, o -O E'.aa, -o t -'< O -aD 0, o J -.o -!1 :t O -r C Ct a, { -d tr O OO .tFr13 a :tdf a -tO J --t 3 - O X O d. -a-o 3 C o -o- c o o.--t f -n3 - cL.|o t :rc- oit=<-t-"t:O -OO u - - | r! -:t rt o o :'a, <!-.i- J-J.t i'-tOJO<0tOdrtJ=a i .2- crf -a J c o -cL o 0, \tt o o- no'a t t n o Urxs< o. a .'l -C't n-. O= -O:r <O dO i er Or -O -s-C r-! O o, o -.o o o cJ c : t o ^-1 .t qC 1O 1 € O -O irC O 3 O = Q -'{t -tl <O c!rt', O g t f rn :n A ) tt io.r -0, !1, a'o- :, .t e1 .. t!'n 'C C O - U| O 3 O'9 - -=t, F {r -r O O -n- -+r r-" O O an CJ 1 C 7 -t - a, ncr ft -. --{ JO C r" O c)t5' Nl -O c O =o t O < .-^, -. O -r r -?a-i € o -rf ta O i,Vt o o $ C)-< -t 1 Ot= .. r-t 'r1 O.. l,-t,,! -. O'< C \J.t tD O-t a -n a, - -! ta. 3,o Jr ar .< !1 O?t . o.r.t 5 J N-OO t- O. O dc a - J -tr ul .? .t 0, -.O ...t o - Ji<.} -1'lO 'O q '..l' =tllVf t o o =rr f : .i u'9<'o 5 o o'<ooct - O C -O Co J rr'.O 3 = -.{ 3 o o @-- oO,rn u! --f ^=9 0ro O-1 -n a- .n at J o 2 x a't -g :. l !. ! c, Cl Z. .r tv o o t.o f .bo o O\^r(rf,"r -o f J -C --.cr.?f :t L'O7 rl (D :o . Fll 0, o,O- U|."..lr n \.tl r',6r t-o o t o \50 (D o @l z !o o c-) 'a1 1n'''ooof-(D o no tl..t (U tn .t ,-t (D f,-:t o o o =c f:o-1 (lO'1 :t OO.-"O 3'1 0, tro -Otc,O O -U! -lr a au 't! o tt < -o'o, \n .r o- -.]\a- = z.fr <c c0 (l- 1O O n.i = \^r f,- <d oco o O. cr: 5 f n--oo\o :<t Cd o n-.O--lt J Ct rt .a O:rl,1(!to o3-o o- c-alc 1 1 att o =(D l'o \ro (' -:o.-t o-O a? \, o il, '{J TJ o- --:l --tr vr g.() O -_. :t -- .t ;l o :ro = -o J 4 J3 fr J tlO..5. O t\, ,.1 .r C\ (/t f,_g so o -'h o\f o co ooFo O it ',,c _,-ritNO ur o rb- O=6 sr o €N !O - \tl _._, O =o=|' 'Jt m o!o f O- .tO\O J'O J O cl . 0rF trrl ! tn 1GO oJo Xn.t -o 3r|oo (D z, =2zz,f zz,F (J +\ \r, 0, ar, -dt -.-l { ul L'! {o o c oFt c o O .f \., C O i, -O .-l \r, .:o -r \tt'g.t \tt :- iJ i\J -< c N { .E'\r, l\, -E- Nt m rn m;:1 -.;t| tn - - - - 5- .T l\)NJ!..t\r,-Irt _s.o - I .rO t\) . . . O Cc Ca . ot - "E- -tr. .Ni\).lc r'.o!\'r € o\ rF -'tr n n 0,-tr O O O-<'nar oooo oo Or'it.f-OO rt.. '. -. -?rn t ..- rtO.t oo It o J-o o o-o o -no o-f -5 rt -r!o o eo J -. !!7 l''Ort o no o z, c arl O 10,-t ul FtO.t r oo c-t -tr rr1 .<:to o vt-t o,.-nJ. at i't 0ro -tl cLl 20,o'<1 ai t OJ 0,o tr .+O _tt \.Fl {oo _-tt -h U'1 oo rr:',a ri 0,O(o fo 1 ro cl CL rl o :o o o ,o o il, CL rjt:l -!--l g ta.'i o o in --{rJ'o (D o f- f| o f-no o, :- O< o -r - a o f -'o - -r t !r -0, :) rt O-:cpc--o f =o - a -ro:t j- 3OO-1 :trro ai .a i, o _o Ul o c o 6 O- !, f, -.- -'= z.eC Cr- "r O:l O al .f ie \.^,?,.-zetOO_.rr1-t.IOi * gg';; o'R"'oo --: Cr'O a U.tr -O Nt O<sr-t-Cn- - rno- llt t <o f ',!, ', rt -d', (t, - ?r 5 at o i 'o o, c -i- -(D =j' O =I -a o-O - O r,l 1 <co - l. rr €r <o) O - \tl (,t..OO-|,Ce-al'\1O rr cL -t C '! 3 3 -' = -a, tt-' O O O o| -= J ('(D 0r o No o r o iE,a-<J aE'!of F.r ni i f c- o'J oft.. O - 0r.rz ol oOO O- l, 1 {5 Ct.litel ;tr O -O-f O{ --f'itt - nrrO vr 3-.O-C 5 ^c.-to r" .-r-tc3f O -EitO -.t - :O O -'O .3:r(nO -n-6 m (Dr O- -J- O r.r al . |t |n C at -.t 5'n',O .r rt a O - t \rr tto - rlo or 3 J O. cai\,f 5 o a- r'r o 3 5 -'hoo o d l- 6 f -. !.O-r Pr"' -1(! {.r t, c 0r n -o ?r \r -< t f-- 3.< O c'r \!'rO rl -O o- O -t O\O O vOg.|t/|J OOrro:Q -t O o -tor-. o rn:X- | j --r -r n F-rr - '+ 5 3ti Ul \^t O 'r -. O\G O EO, O -.3 f- Cti 1 f :Fo?C= OO.t' -O- OTtOOO -r:f J-r, -t--trtO :tri(l O'\O:U Ot..ilrlr' O-.O: O O aC f O -'rr -O r,^r tO: Orr(/)OOg O t\t.t 1.O O l-f O -i -t O:tO O O.tZ.?c. I o 1 :! 3tr = o.t\ al o a\ -o -ro oNto o -r i.r, frl (t t O \r.t O O oO -l r.^, t .< < 3 o -Nf o €o': 5 -i f l.t .". -3 rr -E vrO O ---(D 0, O - __ :\Jt f -.t -O-(f t\r-mNC O Cri \r, -e N :-.O O a- =S\rinf F C .r O rfl -! - 5 -'::r - 3. Nt rt -r 3 O r-of :o vl €t lU rt <tr0'g ,E.O . (n +r('\O O (,.rO: Oo0, O JJ o t o l\)€o -n2 (r g O O - - *.\o..? O O 0, oG -'\ \ o|,-t -o3 rt\? nf .rr! =r" -3 t! :t'to O - rv'l f OO- O1 a O-.r Of f o- Jr"0rO o J 3 it'(l O T O t\).+-qn.odoltoc\. a - oo f O:O r? (n(^ -P rr O n o !.tr 0|-r: c l0 '.tt i' \tt '{O.t--t =EOl+O o1 :-m -Ot \^l-O.i -Nt c, 0, o @ \Jl'< J :t '-o f 1 coo J.trIO \tlrri J e. ' -3 O tu \n-.t .:9 I O !' CL :J O .t .r S tlt f -t € rno :t J-' -i (L 0, - O O .tr o'J <r- \tt\I: rU O O o-1 m @ o+'o 9g 0, 0J -tj; 1=f|o 1tr'o -r-ri O o)O < .t (r - .r! -; X \tl 3 o:ro o o;:o: - ort -OO- rOH 3tJt-O 1-r .tJ: i !, r..,:E qcr f- F!,l rr -g 3 -.f O O < O -=,E =ro - N- FJ I -n O E r!-O :.O .tO0, 1 O{-'o''l-. icto -.5J-q.l q O- lf \lO.rlr-ii ct O .'! o o s'O r.? f.. O r. l -o O -n"n-ca O -+r (D -'!.,: o ;;"oa.n) }UJN- NJ J f t,I ry/ €nn* /r7 ( ^e r/ro z,rz*-az e RECEIVED i 5 i978 i,lii:ll€, t{ lrevgl' County, Colo. wll-l-Aly E.I'ANN c{t. e t a crJTrvl oFttclt April- 14, 1978 Ms. Maxine Daley Bills and Kurt Daley /4,t .-L ; Date: constitute your desire to a PttD Sub-division near be a co-applicant for the T.PR !ri/:. "i tugie Your acknowledgement of this letter will plat the Highland Meadows Sub-division as Vail, Colorado. You.are agreeing to the platting and will r:'lrng and will sign the final plat. .'i,, .. /-6- ,..6.. LrrJrt,l \ rrtsrcvl P L.E'!X: J. C:OPFTAH. Ji. ?Er.{f LOPI IT LTOH COFTNA|. 6.leuff ad 0l.gftnsr ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT IJW l9 [aaT cf i{TEF gTttE? roaa. UTAH oa!!t ltl.EFraort 6! -tta-tfiol ApriI 13, 1978 DAAWEi J toll. UTAr| cartl P-- Stephen Narans 1860 Lincoln Denver, Col.orado 80203 Dear Stephen: I am enclosing an acceptance of your offer by Ray,together with a rnore forrnal acceptance prepared by me. I am concerned about the valuation of the property at Sue's death and added the lasl- paragraph for the judge'B enlight-enment. fn the letter agreeing to sign any zoning appl.lcatlon f elected not to specify type of zoning change l"n order to give you the broadest spectrum to work. Ray has asked ne to inquire about the probate proceedings i.n Colorado, if they wilI be started there, and what, if anything, he should be doing. Yours very truly, 'f ta- at-olFrt J. corrxata. Ji. .AXTLOFI DALTOII CG'F'I'A" Cnffinrr Ed CI.gffEurl ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT TIvr, !9 ?A5T' CAXTER STREE Loat. ('TAH 6.!!t laLtrForat aot-tDa.crot .April 13, 1978 DRAIYII J lro^8. itralt aslat High Country DeveJ.opnent Corporation 1850 tincoln Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Mr. Narans: I'1r. Ray Branscom. Jr. has asked me to write to you with respect to the sale of the beLow described property: That Part of parcel of land lying and being SoutheasterJ.-v of Gore Creek, in the l{ortheist quarter of Saction pourtcen in Township pive South, Range Eighty-one West of the Sixth PrincipaL Meridian, Colorado, and nore particularll' described as foIlows, to-wit: Beginning at a point whence the NE corner of Section l-4, Tp 5 S. R. 8l W. 6th p.M. bears lt. 73o04' E. I340.7 feet; thence S.47"32' I.I. 109.0 feet,; thence s 42"29' E.200.0 feet; thence N. 47"32t E. I09,O feet;thence N. 42"2E' W. 200.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing one-halt (L/2, acres more or less. Together wjth alI huildings and improvements situate thcreon or in any manner appertalning thereto. Also Lo_oethcr with all ditch and r,rater rights belonging to, appertaining to or appurtenant to said tract of land. F.- ll f Page 2 He has authorj-zed rne to accePt your offer of szo,000.00forhj.sinterestandtheinterestofhischi]'dren.This rnoney is to be paid 55,OOO.00 down, uith the balance of S15r000.0-o to be paib in annual pa)'ments not to exceed five years, with interest at 10$- Inasmuch as Sue Bransconf s esFate was never Probatedt it is his understanding that Proceedings will- have to be commenced in Eagle county to appoint him conservator to convey the interest of his chillren. Accordinglyl tltg-dtstrlbutlon """:.a be $11,668.00 to Ray Branscom, Jr't $4,166'00 bo Tracey gr"""."r, -.rra Sa,166. OO t; Heidi. granscom. I would therefore ask that the down Pa)rment be credited to the interest of Ray- gr.rrt"o*r.tt. itt.=it.ritt as he ie not yet the conservator of hl' chililren. It is the opini.on of Ray Branscom, Jr' that at the tine of his wife;s delth, the property in guestion had a value far Iess than what r am now tc""ptit'g- pursuant to his directLon' High Country DeveloPment Corporatron April 13' 19?8 PDC: llc The above letter has been written pursuant to my direction and expresses 'ny intentions' ,,4 7 .t'.../ , rt " lir /'-"'''* -.,"'h hay Branscom, Jr. 6.sfbngr rri Gctrnrnr ATTORNFYS AND COUNSELLORS AT II\^, 69 SAAT G:NTER ATNEE roaa. uTAx a43!t ilL9taoLl aol.ttt.liol LDI|.f J. CJOFT|.A'{. JI tzxrLoPt DALT9I{ corTratl ApriI l3 , I978 Dn rvEi J 9041. ItraH aalll Uf. Stephen Narans 1860 Lincoln Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear I'1r. Narans: Irtr. Ray Branscom, rvho was the husband of Sue Branscom, deceased, and is the father of Tracey Ann Branscom,age 9 , and Heidi Ray Branscom, age 6. has asked me to wrlte this letter expressing his intentions with respect to the following property: That Part or parcel of land lying and being Southeasterly of Gore Creek, in the llortheast guarter of Section Fourteen in Township Five South, Range Eighty-one West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado, and more particularly described as follor^'s, to-wit: Beginning at a point !,rhence the NE corner of Section 14, Tp 5 S. R. 8l I.l. 6th. P.U.bears N. 73"04' E. 1340.7 feet; thence S.47q32' vl . 109.0 feet; thence S 42028r E.200.0 feet; thence N. 47o32t E. 109.0 feet;thence N. {2"28r If. 200.0 feet to the point of b.-.:9inning. Containing one-haIf (L/2') acres more or less. Together witlr alI bui ldings an'r improvements sj,tuate thereon or in an)' manner appertaining t her eto. AIso together with all ditch and nater rights beJ,onging to, appertal.ning to or appurtenant to sai.d tract of land. t Stephen Narans April 13, 1978 Page 2 ft is his desi.re and by this let.ter covenants that he will sign as a co-applicant any petition for change of zoning of the aforesaid propertv, and wilL sign any pre-limlnary plat and subdivision plat tendered the authorl,ties in Eagle County, Colorado, filed by High Country Development or its assigns concerning the aforesaid property. He wiII sign these documents in hls own rlght and as guardian of the minor children. He further wl.ehes you to be advised that he wiII assist and expedite ln every way the probate proceedings undertaken in Colorado and at such time that he is appointed conservator of the children he will again sign these same doculnents if any of the municipal authorities so reguire it in that capacity. truly, pe D. Coffman PDC: Ilc q Yours very ',1"..L,,r \ (llrs. ) Pen l;[ The above letter my direction and expresses my has been written pursuant intentions.to ALL AffiEffiECARI RHALTY, BrT . PHONE 259-6493 oP 239'Sl2 4 5O5 NORTH MAIN Apr11 13, 1978 STEVE TIARA}IS !lq! Co:ntrV Devetopnent Corp. 186O Lirrcoln Street Denver, CO 8O2O3 Dear Mr. Narans: Total 920,000.00 $5,000.00 dor+n w j th balance of 1n annual payments not Lo exceed five tsoise Cascade l-lomes (AUTHORIZED DEALERI P. O.80x 9tl6 MOA8. UTAH E|4532 $ 15 , 000 .00 to be mde years. fnterest at 101. This is to purchase Heidi Branscom have in the Sincerely, 1 //-' I -/ .Z /o. 1:r:, L-. .,., \ .; ; . Balr 3ranscom, Jr. the interest that Fay, Tracy and property located in Vail, Colorado. ( LEGAL DESCRIPTION VER}1O:{T ROAD BETWEEN HIGHLAND YEADOWS SUBDIVISION AND ALPINE DRIVE A roid right-of-way sl.tuated in SecEion 12, T5S, R81W, of the 6th P.M., saLd rlghr-of-lral/ to be 50 ft. in wldth, 25 ft. each side of the followlng descrlbed centerllne: Beginning at the StJ corner of Section 12, T5S, R811,,, of the 6th P.M.; rhence N 18002'19- t.I 90.90 ft.; rhence !i 36027r15'Id,42.55 ft. ro rhe rrue polnt of beglnnlng; thence easterly along sald centerlLne for county road ease- Dent the followlng etght (8) courses: (1) N 40()49'14- E, 135.98 ft. to a polnr of curve; (2) Along said curve to the rlght having an arc J.ength of 81.02 ft. a radlus of 250.00 ft., a cenrral angle of l8o34tO6- to a polnt of taagency; (3) N 59()23'19- E, 265.79 fr. to a poinr of curve; (4) Along sald curve to the rlght havlng an arc length 68.57 ft., a radius of 138.91 ft., a central angle of 28017'00- to a polnt of tangency; (5) N 87040'19- E, :.27.2O fr., ro a polnt of curve; (6) Along sald curve to the rlght having an arc length of 49.87 fx., a radlus of 288.48 ft., a central angle of 9o54t2o' to a point of tangency; (7) s 82(}25'21' E, 45.30 feer to a polnt of curve; (8) Along sald curve Eo the left having an arc length of 139.87 feet, a radius of 90.89 feet, a central angle of 88010'20- to a polnt of tangency, sald polnt belng on the cenrerllne of Alpine Drive. Sald road easement to be dedlcated free and clear to Eagle County, Colorado, with no encunbrances. Said easeoent w111 be for county road purposes, Lnclud- lng lnstallatlon of utllltles, dralnage faclllties, and all other necessary appurtenances re gu i red. LEGAL DESCRIPTION F.'FC:JYiD f,fAR i 3 lEtg Dttl Ot Fti.ilc/ne €, Devel ^8gr€ Colrtyr CotO. VERMONT ROAD BETWEEN HIGIILAND MEAMWS SUBDIVISION AND ALPINE DRIVE O.o"a right-of-uay situated in Sectlon 12, T5S, R81W! of the 6th P.M., saLd right-of-way to be 50 ft. ln width, 25 f.t. each slde of the folloulng descrlbed . cent erllne: Beglnnlng at the SI.l corner of Sectlon 12, T5S, RBll{, of the 6th P.M.; rhence N 18o02'L9'W 90.90 ft.; thence N 36027t15" W, 42.55 ft. Eo rhe rrue polnt of beglnning; thence easterly along sald centerllne for county road ease- aent the followlng etght (8) courses: (1) N 40()49114- E, 135.98 fr. to a polnr of curve; (2) Along sald curve to tbe rlght having an arc length of 81.02 ft. a radius of 250.00 ft., a central angle of 18034 t06" to a point of tangency; (3) N 59023'19- E, 265.79 ft. to a polnt of curve; (4) Along sald curve to the right havlng an arc Length 68.57 ft., a radius of r38.9L ft., a central angle of 28017'OO- to a polnt of tangency; (5) N 87o40t19' E, L27.20 ft., to a polnt of curve; (6) Along satd curve to the right havLng an arc length of 49.87 ft., a radlus of 288.48 ft., a central angle of go54'20'to a polnt of tangencyl (7) s 82o25'2L' E, 45.30 feet ro a polnt of curve; (8) Along sald curve to the left having an arc length of 139.87 feet, a radius of 90,89 fee!, a central angle of 88ol0t20' to a point of tangency, sald polnt belng on the centerllne of Alplne Drlve. Said road easeBent to be dedicaled free and clear to Eagle Counry, Colorado, with no encunbrances- SaLd easement s111 be for county road purposes, lncJ.ud- Lng lnstallation of utilltles, dralnage facllitles, and all ocher necessary aPPurtenances requl red. t GOBE TRADING I \-CO}IPANY ? Bersy Co sgrif f. president p.O. Box 913 Loodville. Colorodo g0461 (303) 486_2688 March 10, Lglg RECflVED MAR 15 1978 *"';;;,'i;;;;r;'*''.Mr. Terrel Ihieht I"el" counry planning and Zoning Cornmission Courthous'e Annex Eagle, Colorado g1631 Re: Highland Subdivision (formerly l{esr VaiI Ridge) Dear Mr. Knight: This is to advise you that G-o:1 Trading company owns the properrv described "" n*r,irirJ wrricrr i" ""!rJJJr with rhis lerter.iiiiff ."?::';::"::tF;;a:: :ir1" . t; ;-b;;; -;:1..,. " u,o vour companv's tracr-on tr,e-"o;;;=;"Tto::::"tt" bounding cor. ri"Ji.g Gore Tradin in rhis - ;d;;;ilf"::'"ffI" ", ""::'" ilrl!.r".1o.i,,j.'1. to be inc ruded l3"r:lr"3J":::'1, to rhe p'.".'i"p1". ." ;;;;.; ro yourco,.r..."-,",our -,,nder".",,Jrii'l;" I",:::ff;ii" ":::f t.i *'"'"i'o*. _rr is a lso Road wilr be extlnded ro ;;;;ffiolli'iii"":i ;f;""" r.o'n v"i,Jir property. rf you have any guestions, please direct them to the undersigned. Yours very truly, coRx/ryADING COMPANY /ech cc:High Country Betsy GO[r"{W nnteroffnce mnemn@remdumn 1o:. George Rosenberg, County Attorney fnn I"-Ut, County Engineer ,..-.2 5ubject: .Highland Meadows pUD From:Terrill Knight, planner File No.: Sp-9?-?8 Date: 23 March 19?8 ltre .enclosed documents are additional to this office,. by the- applicants of the Preliminary plan (pUD). information submitted Highland 1\{eadows There rvill be a Public Hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on 2? March 19?g, to consider this Development. We rvould appreciate your revierv of this material prior to that date. Thank you ,%;---<-2 I t rA- |t\ t -t .l q i-.:'1-S/ ;-: t !::',.a _*? fi.{. t( c'( (f'-\' I t-" t't. T \ d '{l ll .l t 3 1 ,t -----..',,f !r L---f // 'AGLE EGUhITY 16 Febnrarfr 19?S Depe-:+,,nelt of Pla:::rlrg P.'O. Eoi: -^79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY c o h,r.4 ts5l oN e R 5 32a-6809 AOIV'IIN ISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R 328-5593 BUILDING I NSPECT I ON 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328.6377 Baia,t 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.6574 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-771a EXTE N5I ON AGENT 328-5370 LIBRARY 328-77A7 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaale 328-6594 Vail 47 6-5 844 PLANN I NG 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6s91 SHERIFF Eaale 328-651|Baiall 927.3244 Gilman 827-575 | 50ctAL SE R V ICES 328-6328 TR EASU RE R 328.5376 ard !.:velopnenl the Veil 11.:i'l P. O. Box 10 flgi'l , Col-orad.o 8L6|T Re: Notice of Public Hear:ing Board of County Commissi.oners 27 Marc}. 1978 Please pu.bU-sh the attached Notice of Public Hear5rrg as a trlegaa Noticett in the 2J Febm.aryr 197S zublication of your Paper. Please bilL anil send affidavit of grblication to this office. Tttartk X@r /a; C r,: r,r -d ,.F w i r tr: .a .€ jj 9' 5 3 !:! €FE * F E ;iEo F.€ F'-o. ra * rT i: in i5 H t.9 €S rErh - !"HEe dpEE = ""go e b-<5 .,'rr. o.r 8;FP I ^1.= .FUs = =ltrfi e 2Xi.E .9 8.f 'g i ;r;, F s-:t sBEA t E;HE E ::r; -.b. p = *E;< f EUES 5- r H e :';:U ; fl=ir EE! b,b F'9HE i EEg; Efig'[b $=b: b s:=l 6EE-E g i'gf t ::,;E RTSI ;;;FE s :sF6 iSeE " gaP; n E;i: .ie.H',g =:bE i; i.Fp .TtE6 E :H:: *E Eg{Z dE#€irEe*i *E :sig H8;g E =1gZ1:_z o: '.io* HgiE E ?3E;i; E3 isss €t;; H -P toGH 3* l'.-Fl a- &srrz E= t: F:!- z E Of 5 d =P5>"U iiP |.BIF .ild8 E ?ii;Hr 3z !;:l SE'd*u:E==5=5 ;i ;1;F :*t:88f;:t:i;= =3 Hlae F.FFAY#-3 ,eeF E 6p =;i; t .l e eR :El1a:: rs ;iifi q*Hs+_'€r.iEicos: :il EgU: 5"'3PPa 8: -r.F 8' -:<..'o 838f,Fd ;'6:EB= .4 rtE= 5ALHfi.9 i oi t.J o -,: o*?or ' ZEaizi ..sz ..t:=s E s.5.-t:H =; il:gE iii brsE 8r;u .E'E € :S .;zE uz-5 - .'.i F|EE l-SBZ fi i E B: t 3s erEI Fx=:-I*E:;B € x E --H fr :ii f::; E=;illnl[:: 5 ;H t' A :*oHFH o'*3'-t0-,*F=Fo, t'fl c'd. E eg E5-=x :;i ;I:l afa=s 5'g $ ;€' g =-c. - - !_'u_', urr,_ (r |:: - c €.i.t o !E 8;r:= et6??i; s-Ei : ; E $E ;9i i:E-= F.i. fi;EE?,-?"-;q ii:s=::; x:3:6Ei; { b tr gi " c):- =C,L, lrJ I:=- Ec3'la -='9.,u,'".o.H -B $ fi ' - :g :=:[; l-=i irrr isi 3 A fi € ES 9; 9ciE= -.---:c L;'-a 313 _-3p ::il-; iilI itii i;tE l^ ia E i bi:H;;3 !!F l;?;bu!: ff'H s'6 ?l2!-;::-^ "?:") 'il3 "S'E rt- z-- -,r q: F: -F. < ... ..t ?r:: l- r,t ._ 3 t 6 O f i?ii;[s izt? ;f{:f <=a.-o,.- -.(i-.. EE$ BR otD .{-: a! q) S{o E 0) b0 ( () Sr o)il lq -l 6 {J..tr(')0)B 3q r--l Or{ {J ql .{J d cc)o)-o 3'd '-) (t .d11 60) rc| 5n Ht{(d tr{ r{oa o -C ..1 -D .D 3t{ v, p. 'rl -p (6 o tl o\o. r c rJ CE .rl C{r dtr rl(l, .r{>tn I{ O)cJl{ .rJ -{i E cr\'rl N Er 3{O o 3J: EO)rsE OA Eq .J G'q>dt a)a b! .rr ..{ .rl l'- C)Itrt')F- C C)c\.Et{l.{t)o.o. d a z t'7 .l O'.rl 6) o€t{ .r{iD .o q 'rl o-oto a .r{ t-- O E 6 .rl E r'l +) i)-Cr.{oo >l{ (D .:J (s a) C r.- t,:) c! q c-.. C 'E ooo N -J KE aS.JJ -q< E OO xo o t r-l rJ F-l t! c):0c=;J .l-'l --: h0 g t--r .r{O.rl O 3 -gdH rJ.c CJ E0 O r,-l =Cr-r {) .-l O ft QE tr6O+)O Ct .rl >=-pa!.r]l()E (5cro3 .rl t2 rl t"i -I r 'v ..rr }{O5.r:.rl t{A.J o 3r{ =t!.-{G) .rl o rct o 3 ..{ r{ tr o.db9 O fr .rl .lrJotr {J -i o 6 O.-l (J O 2>clt:i .- l.t :- l- '-: b t-t $EFAAUI'TEHT McDonald Bldg. Fa R- -: t6 OF PTIIHHIII$ AI{$ 550 Broads'ay P.O. Bor. 1?9 Febmarry 19?8 BEVETOPi;8fftr Eaglc, Colorado 81631 KathLeen IelJ-, Editor Eagle Valley frrterprise Eag1e, Colorado 8L631 Hlease publish the ln lhe 23 Febnrarlr Re: Notice of Publli-c Hearing Board of Courby Commissfensr€ 27 March l7l8 attached Notice of Public Hearing 1978 Erblication of your paper. as a ttl,egal Noticerl PLease bill- and send affidavit of pru.bllication to th:is office. Thank y<nr, .4--z/Z,aA-> Miihae]- S. Etair Director MsB/1<p Itl:rnning I)c1r:rrtmcnt ,lrl:rnring C,rmrnission: Subdivision. tlrzoning. Applir.alions lnd ttevicw 1303: 3284J.trC lluilrirni: ()ffici:rl: lluildinli t'r.rntits :rnd lnspt.clion, 2rrning .ildmini.:11;1il11 ljltt3| 33r-6339 EAOTE OgUlTT Ei \ -,f"- cl o E !{(, F -z I! o F I H &.o z 3J)t:'l ,U'OE r)FO gs t!z L||'<:al:<E &r ld ltj E{Faz r! Q trl lrl o uu <,2 tt: 't: cr U=- Fl z: F <<rD an F .\t ..rr- F c,ti tvr !: z O = tl O Glr.:<r9 @s &: !a -t 'l:: .(J o!l .o z rtr (J ..r l€-z=.t L.: E. F N=O olr Fl rr: l<o.-L) L:U:.a z L:i4 < E E] TrU u z.h z oH !:l:: qo g =E< O E (J< (, -u)B EI F:o zo\0 !: F. rr| ot 2<- Z = q}\D H z otJ OE o rt E O< !l tg !r o. .q gJ z <\ !l u .-r B: (J 'At-Z E I': IJ: L: F <<= <zl.rr =tt=F.-x <.tF o oz,E-z llic- l-.t It t:: \F Q.{ co E: -F o i-sUrqr -l<|n2 LJC z=9.OFOF }'r g z FCt::Fr uzc)o a 2,L (/:-€< =3 <oFur r. Ho <Lc)F o\Or o jg ri-\ o c- R9p (I' - a-l r-l o ('$HS '5 ag .-{ @ ,{p.! ;r{_.r|@ h3 (UF{-Dr.Cinn 'd -r- (i) 3 .FS, BS ql- oH H8 58 O{ q{ o b0.d tr6 .r{ h 5.r O qt rJ E()!:o Fr! <(,':z E:3 om .PO tJ- C-{ C{oo c ro u; nr -9 b gI i5t stf;s lt-E In3; €P5E ;:;: ?E r $ =;;g sFEA .rosrF€F.lre sr .-.s H i:9il? ?,oi :t:E sf fi f,i:';E R;f l .:Hg -* P o ?i:s -$.,9?€f;cif E E! C i=== : Frfi ;aiF E;*s $ ;lHl q;EF *iiER sI*S E eB.='<gESd: EiFI s H:*3$ :3F,8 Pfr:5x;'Eg$: 'f,;fi ffs 3 ;fui sgEFe';:=; g r;{l .Fi;; .q p,: .3Fi p;:E €t$:;fi :Ei: 5E#$"8 -r=l if$#e$:iua f;l'd,e iii: E;ffE€u .:2g sgI E" '..T'.3 ._,i?Hs LT;: EgE H.e :alF ;erEi ;;;i t-!eI9 :: il:.r '^ ;Y '^ *: o d i":l: ;g€'sfi i:.<,.r 'E$$ 3R E- >. Fi3.--.-F -r: = | FiF!: | &. !- t!@\5F ali 1\9.= ool\t.\. . (i sa.D .F@r.r . . .at O <i G -.r Ctr st t't a,', Faa 6t 6l ::L: t:.F l::l:.!:: z2< 2zz2 <<!:1 <<<< I-FI-FFF co< oo6c a!€ J (\ir f. -r a\a! ci < a\r aJ -ir rrl .'r 6 t:J @.it\C -.r N Lt or-r s al o c :.oo6 o F|'t!: FF.-<a <(\, = rrt-r o =Z=t- Z,7aZZ d i.rr -. at .a = <t Olnl:lg: Z (J- .\l E -.1 .-. O ;r ri o! L':U'&o - ';:a-'rL:F:io =<i- O O i-rl.lz,at- o!:='<- t- u.c llJ .-Fr 3 =.c!:oF e-E-E-i <!: =-l'ar'a.(,l!s\!^-J z .a:rr rr c\- J i:r'rcFi :a .t\ r-1 L uo1 6u ll .. !r. t\r =E-1 OzF A (, F x U: m F rt o F 3 z FgJ 53 (r? !: lnO Hq) =<ta zt 3l: FF s(t z ol F!6 U< I Or.zE'<E ,--,4 c< :l zc oo F.E F =7-!a F. &.e \) -1 '2. E--=3O ,) <.: tr. L: J-Z t;J < <H t-:<= 4Jd (J .rl .d t{-r) c,€ql aE -o F>,I t-l Hh (tr C-r '-{OF C,d ar i{ l-856 ()(a p. a5 tr +i (D 3 .{r og rdo (oE orl =o rl .6d)tr>oc).-{ A b0 -r:.rl r-l ? to .d E- c)1C O\d lr{p. o.U) Za rJ tt .Jo qld t{ .r{cr6 O .r{..J lD-r .rl t\- o E O. .r{Er-{.1: ()-qrl xHB trEE 5 or--@ ()c! q .,r g'E ooo .N .o l{= b,lE . -t-)p< il rr-t 5 oo ho o {J ..qo o otc C) -+) cJ (dtsl .-J bt 0)boc-c.. .S'C {' 9 H )< H .t-t (I).rl O I -qbo0 *'gdH {J.o (o bOO q-r {J .t-l O t.t C .c tr.L o+)P o .rl >!!+ o 8"3E - .rl V) r-{>5 r-l c)-o -a -c c 9F+'rl l.{ p{ .ri -0) B r-{Eqtr{O .rl ID€ O 3 .rl r.{ C o.Ub0 v H .r-l .rl rJ O f.l 4J rJ o 6 .O .rl o 0)z = 6E q>s 'rl {J zo C) z,<|r a.rg a ,-. . :; .:,. ij.l;t'.; hes i:.,,:-:-ev.:ed -the _c..r-,-:. .i .lir.a,:y .:,1a'! ,l' i rr.rnr 1- ili : --;,..: sgr!;.i) ie C i i:i a:ia : , :,i:.,,:l i ".e aad propos ed buildJ-,r1s " -l: . ,ii !_ the '.? .-,: .:ha t . \-:, o-, -(t,a-tL. L/". '-L. ' . '..'r,' ' n^h-it r * t.'Uv- r4r(J u. :zrjn_3el-(:i Sr. - ; -:!,+ -^-: .,^.- -,<) .. .,..: {, : l:r.,:, 1 lr. .. -,?,, -,'.a.i' i (_ K:'I- r': i',.' c t !icl,aL r l-. " Can: uliine Engineers Jaruary J-6t I97B Mr. Terill Knight, planner Eagle County Dept. of planninq anil Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 91631 Dear Mr. Ihight: we are submittinq the attached additional inforrnation on Fir.e No.sp-97-?8 Highlani Meadows planned deveropment submittar-. Refer-ence is made to vour l_ett"i aat"a January g, L97g on the T.R.c.meetinq- 1.a ait-"fr"a is the detailed filtration gaLlery. l-b fhe design information on particle size removar and. capacit-ies is on the above d.esign d,eraiL. n;Lt;;;ce wilt be by the apartment manag"r "ttd ovr:ners or tire--apa=L"nts. 2' The drainage study submitted is.for-L0'-year design frequency.The storm drain across the lqrking 1ot oir-tt-"t A wir-r- cErrry the rO-year storm with overtlow cirriea in-pirking rot swar.es.A1l- other storm drains and sur-vett"-*"iir-p"!l trr" 1.0-year storm flow- A11 design is consistent witir-"o,rrrty standards. 3.TLre non-buir-d areas wirr- be designated common open space on the final pJ_at. 4. TLre colorado state-Geologicar survey, charles s. Robinson and Associates, and_ crT,/Ttromfson, rnc. r-have inaicated the duplerr lots on the southwestern side can 6e constructed on as pre-sented.in the preliminary p1an. Please refer to the attached.proposed pranned Deveropment Reg'trlations to be recorded wilrr -trre project ior-siatements satisfactory to Mr. Lew Ladwig "i th-e c5ror-ao-sGte Geo'ogi-ca1 Survey. 8' Road side ditch erosion contror- wilr. be handred by each driveway culvert instarr-ation. This const,.o"tio' is not sim-ilar to r-70-- L'ndscaping wilJ- u" i"e"i.;;-;" each lot with rgl"y being praced with Aichitecturar. -contioi conunittee for ar1 lancseaping costs on each site prio;--;;-;pp.ovar of each l:...-:1r:/ Dept. of Pl-anning E. 'revelopmeni' -2-,. Januaty 16, 1978 duplex site application. This will al-so aid in erosion con-trol . The Town of Vail Planni.:ng Conrnissionrs letter refers to tJle one cllrve in the parkilg area of the apartments being assured of a 68 grade on the inside surve. The attacheil drawing shows ttris im- proved design. The area of the lots not ilesignated open space are the only build-ing areas where permanent buildings can be pl-aced. We agree with the Town of Vail that landscaping wouJ-d be improved by adopting the 9 ft, x 19 ft. parking spaces. The 22 ft. r+ide road surface and 2 ft. shoulilers with no parking allowed woulil certainly reduce the impact of the one major fill and cut area. The cross country ski easenent, which is part of the common open space will be ilesignated. on the fj"nal pJ-at. UtiS-ity easements will be provided for those designated util-ities wben they have completeil their firral" design. These easements will be placeil on the final plat. Additional information to meet staff recommendations to the Eacrl-e County Planning Conunission: 2. fhe proposed maximum height of buildings to be 48 feet. Re-fer to attached proposed Planned Development Regulations, ftem 8. Ttre Supplemental Planneil Develotrment Regulations maximum height is 48 feet. Ttris reduces ltem 1-4 previously submitted which was 55 feet for the apartment buildlings. The duplex sites are stil-l- reconrnended for 35 foot maximum height. 3. The planned development as submitted is designed, with two parking spaces per living unit. lflris was in Item 14.b of submitted Proposed Planned Development restrictions and dec- laration of protective covenants, Exhibit K. 4. See ftem 9 of Supplemental Regulations which states sigms nmst be approved by the Eagle County Corrnissioners. 5. No dogs are recomrnended. in '"he apartnents and dogs in kennels only in the dupLex areas. Ttris will be included in the sup-plemental area. feuC+_? 6. Those variances required to the Planned Development Regula- tions can onl-y be granted by the Eagle County Coimnissioners with a reconrnendation of approvaL from the HighJ-and. Meadows Architectural Review Conunittee- Dept. of Planning f.- Jevelopment -3-Januar? 16, L978 JL 7. A11 dupler< sites 26-*l shal-l- trave detail-ed soil,s investiga- tions prior to issuance of building permit. Please refer to Item I0 of the Supplemental- Planned DeveloPment Regul-ations. 8. wildfire areas are minjral and fire breaks are being providecl similar to development in all Core Val1ey. 9. Prior to final plat a final agreement with one of the water districts will be presented to the county. Both water dis- trictrs board of direc-uors have indicated the abiJ-ity to serve. TLre developer is desirous of rneeting the needs of the C;ore Val1ey Utility Authority which woul-d be in the best interest to continued development of a water system in ttre va11ey. 10. The Highland Meadows Planned Development proviiles 488 useable open space. The open space indicates the extension of the vail skier Trail, meadow areas, additional stream area, and access to the Forest Service lands to the south. fhere is no definition of useable open space. ft is the devel-operr s opinion the add.itional oPen sPace meets the needs of tJle re- guest of the Coloratlo State Depari:nent of Fish anil Game anil does provide useable open space in excess of the minjmum re- quirement. There is no slope restriction on this required oPen space. Mr. xnight indicated to us on field trips the proposeil oPen space as shown on the preliminary plan submittaL should be acceptab}e. Especial-Iy if the Vail Skier Trail was exteniled across the property and a small park or oPen sPace area just above the apartments area. No indication was rnaile at the TRC meeting regarding this matter. 11 . Build areas 2, 3, 4, and 5 aJ-J- reguest aPProval to build on slopes greater than 308. Subject to the detailed geotechni- cal investigations as suggested in the Srryp1-emental Planneil Development Regu3-ations. The buildings wiJ-I have foundations on fl-atter slopes or on fill-s that buttress the steePer slopes. 12. A11 roads as submitted meet the countyrs design requirments' The road system desigm is consistent with the Town of Vail and all development to the east. {he county has not enforced this regulation since its adoption. 13. Reassurance of vegetaiion is the Architectural Control Corn- m'ittee which will reguire escrow of money as outlined in Item 4 of the Supplemental Pl-anned Development Regmlations. L4. Revegetation plans are to seeil al-I road and utility construc- tion vrith the Alpine rnix as suggested in Ttem 2, Supplemental Planned Development Regulations. Dept.of planning r [. _-velopment _4_f Januarlr 16, t97g f5. Build area.on-Iot 25 is lgr000 square feet. The average srope on the 10t is 1g peicent- a bi-levei structure can be situated easily on this "ii".16' The attached. drawing shows the r-ocation of the recorded 20 foot easernent a10ng-the western s10pe, s gas line easement. L7 ' on the field- lrip to the site Mr- Knight was asked specifi-carly if parking could r" i""ria"a'-i""ti""ilr" creek stream set back easement- He ind.icated this r""rJ'be acceptable.The st_ream set back "_="rn"rrt_.1r"o;;-;;I-n-Irnr, bridges, ir_rigation structures, rrooa- contror ana erSsron protection de-vices' The pLan ptopo=""-"pg:?Iy"teJ-y_1-2 parking spaces or portions thereof so ieet oi dri.r"ray ana driveway bridge ac-cess which is felt to be consistena"i{h lil" ,r,t"nded use of tlre open space. l-8' Apartment buitd area Number l_is directry r.rest, across Gore Creek, of th3_e1_tr:..rr" n<x9n Station. r-n" p.op"rty directlv ro the east is on the so"ir, u"rrtT;"c"r;'Er:ek designated oPen space. 19' A smar-l detention pond ten feet wide and ten feet 10ng will be constructed at Lhe iti"t- structure to the curvert under the parking 1ot. If you desire additional_ information, please contact me. Cordially yours, ,1 F7---\ "--" C ! /r |- J.--E'-4', t-u;(^Leroy Ei rbbler-- I LET:et'Att.:Filter Desiqn curve oesigi Supplementary planned Development Reg_ulations SUPPLE].1ENTA], PLANNED DNVEIC'PI{ENT REGUI,ATIONS HIGHI,AND }IEADOWS SUBDIVISION (The following wording to be adopted) 1. The Eag1e County Engineer will malce all necessary construc-tion review he feels is necessary to' assure all roads are constructed in accordance with the final- design and specifi-cations approved by the Eagle County Cor'.unissioners at the approval of the final plat. 2. Construction scars created by road and utility construction will be reseeded. with an Alpile seed mixture within one year of completion of construction. 3. Road. construction cornpaction and. unilerdraining wiJ.l be de-signed in accordance with a licensed soil engineers require- ments as reviewed by the Colorado State Geological Survey. 4. Each build site will be required to escrow funds with the Highland Meadows Architectural @ntro1 Conunittee for all ap-proved landscaping plans prior to approval of the site p1ans. The escrow funds wiII only be returned upon satisfactory com-pletion of aLl- approved landscaping. 5. Building Areas 2, 31 4 and 5, shall have cuts no greater than recormended by a very detailed geotechnical- investigation for the finaL building design. ftre design for Build Areas 2 and 4 shoul"d be on control filL sections which buttress the toe of these steep slope sections. Elre soils engineering investi-gations for these buiLd sites shal1 define ground water con-ditions, depth to bedrock, s3.ope stability conditions, and provide design parameters for foundations and subsurface drainage requirements. Foundations should be keyed into bed-rock if possible and the design must withstand lateral loails as determined by the soiLs investigation. In the event that buiLding design for Buil-d Areas 2, 4 and 5 cannot rneet the above requirements by minor reLocations of the build areas, a major revision to the Planned Development plan shall be made through the Eagle County reguLations in force at that ti:ne. 6. The intercepter drains shown on the preliminary plan shall be constructed with the sanitary sewer. The upper drain across lots 4, 5, 5 and 8 shall be installedl under the direc-tion of a licensed soil-s engineer. These drains must be com-plete in place prior to the completion of any duplex units. In the event Apartnent Bui1d Site 1 is constructed prior to the underilrain system in duple< area, this spring wiJ-1 be piped to Gore Creek. It is anticipated. that the dupJ-o<siters r:nderdraSn systern will dry up this spring. l'laximum building height - 48 feet. Signs must be approved by the Eagle County Conunissioners. A11- duplex sites 26-4L shal1 have the soils investigations prior to issuance of building permits. The soils investiga-tions for these build sites shall define ground water conili-tions, depth to bedrockr slope stabil-ity conditions, and pro-vide design parameters for foundations and subsurface drain- age requirements. 8. 9. 10. d t: N *-- \I t rf t\ s t €5 = € iu-l' =-E !: i iE !EE i, a tr;o :b E;= E€ g:? =s €:l =oE' ;€I = 6 -o tV -=s Eee 96 E :.- EE q :* rs;--5 E;E = 8 EE E i or :ZE == := -I p ;;E ;FE 5;5 E:C E:; Eglue;g s! $:-5ee o e L t'.a Le -c DrO >& = 5P In o€-r-.I aZ lD Fo 5 ;N = 9..: 6*F N6 z ze 9o E t!< Jro \ \ ,'}-:- \ \ { t3 \ { ( $cl d g ;3 I € ti o E 53b u €E:5 sfl5 j o!t+6 :Eg c O.Er Q ' lo3ts t co !.<=94 q 0rF o F E5F.: egig :' I I - e X -lt'9N !., d! oE .2 E,;-.EC ;E -d;g ta4 g*zA.iE&.jtrFei..5 t;6vtrco *;;l:9i ">-.:o:-l!-rF;5r Fa-e..-sE5 i;FEi 5; i. EEEEE,^ r!< 6 Lt j :Fr. ; =! ;t5L r o € Fs ;;*i" EE';I F !' !rA EZ'---,.QJ -., l 5' P =;<E;> =5-!!E : iE€:i Esi i ; c o \-: "'o !a t' -= :*D o f : E 9 3 ; E::;e E€g?; 3. ;'i:: jls; G o oo!E.J= i:trt 6- e *: d.E g :;i- >,?rB H!:gF;.i;E -i: 1-=., q./c-oL El: t?zEi;ii:*F:EJYi3:I.'r!Ef +j-:?li3:€.4r3:-= tF$ 5Fi;:€;r;:;:.q | 9-'i:: c.i j scE-e"r..dlt:3:Fse9'l?E?:i=. F:; t:+...i.iZ:zaclii!o !;t'-F,i;!,5 g EZiE;. f;if iiF;liiF;j $. iEE E r €: r e 5 g i ,E ; ;; : E F 3 f. is ; 5; i E i : * €l € s; a"; i :gi iifi d g E= ;i; i !s"5 gsE; E,; Fi li; i lri *riF !i ".e ;: 5Es F;;i5 €l;El;;€i,i:,iri !e::; EitE;;i " =i;;ig:Fi ig;Ei Ei;i'tE ; :oE5;?c;Et ;::;: ;i:!;Ei g i:;;;;;f;i;iiEr'ilig;gi E ii?t'?eil=Ea E ';&28-=A*E ;i ; .Ef d ?r :ct n '9!, \.r l;i F;; t;; i';iF{ iEI :Fi ;EE,E:g Fcf gE€ EEg gF.; gF.; sF; gF; :i ;iE E; ;eA _ g ;Ee EE ;E F Eg :EF 5g iEE €E EEE EF EEE EE s!: gs sei i; i;* ;i iFg FE ::i ii i:i +; i:€ i€ =i:*€:EE +E aEc +!.:EE q!.iEE :gEgf;E :iEf;;E :iggi;3 iEEg;*s f+ .' d *; d d *r d d *; d d d.;i* -o.8=.xP o r'g i_E.Eh 6:EtCs s; rr I .E .9 x or:E. c!, = vi<9E\9 x F :-996 -9€x E>E -g; ' ---' e >;Fo.E 9P o L- - -: : a 'cs?! E EF E ;iie i I!di € E.€- o 6 6 r' 6 rt;P ? "=ieo ;a;i5; glgEE 3:; i?"9 ;;i:E U= e P 6 -':- o : ;iEsgi i*sii '-: :'.s:Fg ?lii{t rl5:gE 55;EE = 763.958 i..:o": gfFE:E *i scs E EErs;5 !g!;g 3o : d d ;{d d aDa I +es g?;5 E€ <E d;s= E< :::,r 5t t: EE =t E!.E! E! ;; 3r 3! €_..3 i E*e " l! s s tgi:aE +Ei E F Fg lpEff F F;"3:.c EF E!u;E€ "IigE Ei i E ei Ei#ei : iiii;.gi; F e t iE aiEii;: : =l:i:i*tsi i :i :; Ei:Fr:sEE;i;!F=fiEiei F : ;€ B E s! E3iii:iiiE ?!!i:e:iii EE F i u E; i;E!:i6i5i r;i:iEiE;z li E E ; ;5 iiE;iFE;E; ljli;;l:;; i; = l c i ;:,i:5iil:i;ii;gi:irig; i'E g i I 7 gi;; ; ir; .; *: ZlLA E oo; J ; E !: 3 t E-4,Eit ==F-o GTI E:.{:>Ed !=l cl ?2,< E5'a, =,=,<! a{A. Er-C' E- ar= tr< < E4E E' --.. Ts, Barlie Mountain High school Minlun, Colorado o 949-4490 Miniurn ll idCle School Minlun. Colorada c 827-5721 Red Clif t Elementary Red Clift, Colorado o 827-5832 t Eagle V,rlley Jr. - Sr. High !,chool 524 i511 . Gypsum, Cetlorcdo Eagle Valley Elen,r,n12ry 315-6981 . Eagle. Cotorado McCoy Elenrentary 926-3636 t McCoy, Colorcdo Special programs 827-5775 . Mintun, Colondo Meadolv Mountain Mintun, Colorcdo Elemenlary c 949-5343 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE ^OJ 328-6321 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Ottice ol the Supeintendent February L6, l-9?8 Mr. Tim carton Vail- Intermountain Associates P.O- Box 7O5 Vail, Colorailo 81657 RE: Highlanil Meadows project Dear Mr. Garton: Pursuant to our conversation regarding school Land dedications or cash i-n lieu of and after working out the formula used bl' Eaole County for same,f have determined that the land dedication would equal 1.Ol acres or simply, one (1) acre. Since one (1) acre is not nearly enough land to develop as a school and in view of the fact thaL Re50J has no intentions of placing a school this area, we will require cash in lieu of the land. Your offer of $5,000-00 for school dedication reqarcling this project acceptable to the School District. If I rnay be of further service, please contact me- Sincerely; Edr.r'ard Manager of Buildinqs anil Grounds cc: L-A. Harnnock, Superintendent ".Pag!e County Planning Department: EJK:pe !:CFI\/:D FIB I 7 1978 -'- - -- ' ' /r&i 6, ./eieL ECie Coury, Cob site , in is Mr. Mike Bl-air f{o H o (, .9 d |!l o)rl <) >,-r)ii a C) o t-l ts!6 ts] !{tr a Et J (,) =H E E. I I : I t ) I I ) (o (i\ (f\ lt to(ol or o{ I o\c*r{ x I o p. o d d l{is io rc) !q lTo 6 ,li I t>u(o J'd )d ,.9 5 :.'il >o rl r(\Err\ d q d rl q.l o t o I $ H p. c)F >r 4)i;I o (J cl(c r-l (f E0(f ,s'5 t(cro Sc. +.! .d( .tJ J 3o JJ O-oc .6" I 4C r(1) 1fi, I pa ) 5.) t/l I I Cl .;g ob iE to j<, : .r{ix ra D .ct +9 .T kct O -rJ .o oio H-3h IE )JJ fx 1E o"E{O u-l co,p>F{ o)pa ta d r6t +t q,q gF od Oo<a gr Hlo flr co 6F r{f A{F crc .Cc lJtr P!I-{ ..ts .c i:{:i .-l{ r0( EI \r .O- t' Frr OJ o Fl O ..,q q gl J)il o, e o .pr i6 P (,l q q, +){i ts ,00 iq, l4J t,r.H 'E ,p rU {gl 6 .^h 1s.DO ) a, bi ) .rl nk DC)L:E F o .r{ .t F H o Ct ;1 h iu +) F lta t (D' +l{o 4)F (D .rl -c 4i +E +tr .50 Ct 60d C 'rl 'do diu 0)t q+)o. F{oF lta h .d -rl 1.. C qto E5 F 9S !)O -30 .F d!.r 4JF cr Cts Fr o C'((r+ o:e5 o.{.{J ra €.1 ol :-rl I '9r ,tsi . |'n 'c>cFl l6 I r.P rql )c):e l9 tt{') ) ..J ){J t {c io 5c )o .r{Dd|i ..{j(,(,qd -d d dh -t c)o ot -l (,r-{ trt qt C{.cd gt ro tr ..{.r{ O t{ 'o or('' o v, gt .r{ t<-c ru tso{ Q+.a .rt {)t{ .It o d60 oq o'd |-l oq)F{o (o0 __b br =lr '13 6 q.fi fio o+tf\!nC -+tll E0+.dF c9 rJi rl( ao tr(OJ a(ot 5 I c\C) 'l l{l \.r E o €' +(', c) =gl l{o o .r{ m (D .-l o o o) 1) 5 d r{(D c).o r{.-l 6 gt h0 c .rl H o) t/t .r{s ti{ rll|,s !l ui o U l.l aza _ .-.4 n 9' '' E .'|rrulo o irl >r ..qrc'cll|l ^l\ = nrqr<o =<=Y tn -&J - ll N: ll',-. i: r- 'n tr = u aa s Y=-U ;- F- !: ,- <:- JC.:.-oor Y :- 1l--;- .J UF! O - !.l =tn (!' < = ^ !:l'l -.t H LiX c:^ . aa z .- o =-H = \o <t z v(\ .. 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"' :: :'. c< c;i c'- e o99:ts O - . caE@ .rl zO !.i9o\c D -O Z(J- c\in ;< c: .'1 "';i Lt oF.nor J:6 E4.9"-=i Fl 9X.-it =;;^-z:r'.3 v -_:,_ - '-- 55=o3 > =3uLi zt r.i:Hi -5 d L:=.-_-A6 z =r'!:^ ^" lr: - .-F{ =| .-s i Ot_oF t; ;' e' 'u ul<'J - Z e- F !t - -,: k,i aH-li " - u!i.,1no ..i J t6_'-: OF:t': - i' J cz "t La (o lJ - t': l_i 'r fr' t'r 5 < - Q 'i O:: t' cl\o\ rn o tn IJ .;{ .-l .r{q {it dc r-{ <)A€.rl hql lr O)dt{ .it -+ .E S,6r.t{O O{ C-l m F+2 os d0) oPr Eq rt c)F: >(E()r-{ tf bP +? (o€ F- q)lc C.- q O\(u I r'{qtr.(t) O .{J 7,m o)o5 r{(r .d c) ol Fl 'r{o(s gqu)O .rl .r1 (l0- ,rl C'- q E O. '-l Er{-P op o -C .-l oo -b.H 3 FTE 6e- uo ()N q c{ d'E ooo NN ,9 *t P.5 f ;i,H E*.F o.rl o F a\*'8dx .rJ.O i6 bO O c'{ -dgd +) .r-l .O ' F{ tr-c d (0 o+r OO.r{.h=t3 t.3 3 ,E -ts'd c H 9 F +?'-l d*'E--t itr d .-{O 'rl d!d CJ F 'nd H oo 3=?f;.F{ r-l O 5{.p l-{ o (s €'g ss Ede g< 3 oo .b?'Ho q 5 r'{ ri O bt)t€FE o h0 "d c(o .Hlr l.{o d r-l oo ()-.rf C)Jd p:n q{ q{oo c)oh .r-l P {rtr o:t 7O C) I u. s.F - s. Box O Minturn, Colorado 81645 . ATTEN: Ernie Nunn B.L.M. P.O. Box 1OO9 GLenrtood Springs, Colorado 81601 Pauline Elliott Box 7L lrlinturn, Colorado 81645 Richard Elliott Box 873 Vail, Colorado 81657 Claire & JoY Elliott Box 822 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Maxine DaleY ?24 lfestrvood Avenue Moab, Utah 84532 Daniel Murray 7o Hugh King Jenner & Block #1 I.B.M. Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60611 Gore Trading Co. % Peter Cosgriff Leadville, Colorado 80461 Vail CitY CorPoration 1OOO1 E- Evans it69C Denver, Colorado 80231 Colorado DePartment of HighwaYs P.O. Box 598 Minturn, Colorado 81645 The followi-ng are adjacent properties to iienlanO }teadows Subdivision i"Er" CountY, Colorado f E (1 $F F[fiFIiiilfffi AI{D ItcDonald Bldg.550 Ilroadr*'ay P.O. Rox 1?9 Eagle, Colorado ltlG3l 16 February 1978 High Country Development 1860 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 File No. Sp-9?-?8 - PreliminarY Plan Ilighland Meadows Subdivision At their regular meeting on 15 February 19?8, the Eagle County Planning CommissioD recommended approval of your preliminary plan subject to the completion of a firm tvater agreement and an agreement on the connection of Vermont Road to a County road. ltris recommendation wilL be forwarded to the Board of County Commission- ers attheir Public Hearingon l\'Iarch 27,1978, beginning at 10:00 A-M- in the County Commissioners trleeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle' Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. /224;-z Terrill Knight Planner r n/JK cc: Board of County Commissioners fim Garton Leroy Tobler Irl.r::::i:rl IIL'tr:r::rr,.n: I'l:rnrring C,rmmi"'ion: Sr,l'division, Rtzoning. .,1pg,lic;rl ions and IL'r'it,w {3(l3l 3:ltl-6338 iir.ii.ijr,r ()iii,i;i: Il'ii,ljng I'r rnlils :rnJ Irsl't'cli,rn, Zonir,g Admini:trrtjon {303i l3!{'6339 EEF&NTi3 Ei{T Dgvfi t0Fi::1HT EAEIE O8[iTY A E-..' F.iJ Ei' E !l[$EtfiF:lfiiiT PtAIJigii{e &aTiiEi{T EF fi i{B ItlcDonald trldg.550 Rroadway P.O. trox l?9 25 January 19?8 Eagle, Coloradr, 81631 Iligh Country Development Corporation 1860 Lincoln St. Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: File No. Sp-97-78 - Highlaad l\lteadorvs At their regular l\'leeting on 18 January 19?8, the Eagle County Planning Commission tabled the plan review of Highland \[eadorvs until their meeting on 15 February 19?B in order to bave the following items finalized: 1- water sen'ice plans and agreement u'ith specific water district;2. Filter design for runoff from parking lots; 3- Plans for recreation and park facilities rvithin the common openspace areas;4. Plans for provisions of an emergency egress I'road" from Vermont Road to the I-70 frontage road; 5. Revised road plals to include revegetation plans; 6. Determination of school land dedication payment; ?. PIan revision to indicate no construction within the 30 foot stream setback;8. Correction of covenants involving fences, building heights, and Board of County Commissioners requi.red action. The Planning Commission also recommentied that the plan be amended to indicate parking space sizes of gt x 19t with the area saved by the reduced paving being committed to landscaped openspace, and that the road shoulder width be reduced to 2r on each side. The final plat should shoq' the ski trail as a pedestrian access easement. If you have any ouestions, please contact this office. /t 4 t/ J.z. / /,/-234|{4 j(.". 1a-{/- --L i^'ih/14 ferritl Knight[ /Planner tt TK./kp cc: Board of County Commissioners; Lerot Tobler. KKBNA I ' I ; r : ' r , i r r r ' - i t. :.:rr r:r.nf t'l;r nning (-.rmmissir,n: Sulrdivision. Rezoning. _{pplicrtions and ltevicn. (30J} 333-633g llui:.!r: r: llli:'i..1: l'- ll,iini t1.:-rnirs ;rrrd In.i,r.clir,r. Z ,rring r\d::ri:ri.i:rtirn ijt13i .!:\ 0:i:.!g E4ntE [00i{TI Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 fe11i]'l Enight, Asst. County Elamer % F'egle County Elanuring Dept. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado gl'63l Jararary 5, 1978 i-i-'- - ' '.l) JAN 'r i 1978 I'epl. 0l li;:',n! - . ..,,, Esglr i,r,rn:), Ccil. Terr{'l 'l : The llighlanil l.leadows prelirn5lary plan rras sutanitted to the r'.agLe County Soi]. Conseryatf,on District for revlew and corrnent. trfe have the folJ-ow5lg corents: 1.) I{e r+ould suggest t'}rat the entire slte be planned for e 1OO year stots. This woul-d irlclude cu.lverts, drairage area, and bui.ltltng sites. 2.) Erosion control measure and/or rip-rap should be placed j:r tbe proposeil draj:rage dltcbes uhich vdll- nm alongsS.de of the proposedl roade. Tbis wj-l1 help to prevent gp1J-yjng and sedimsntation. 3.) If at el] possible, .cuts proposed should be at least 2:1 lnstead of the proposed 1:/ this wil-l- a]low for a better chance of establ-ishirrg the proposed revegetation process. 4.) As written on the propooed dralnage p1al, constructlon of lnter- cepiion subdralns wjII ocqrr at ti.ure of constructiag mads and utii,itLes. I{e lrould suggest that this be deftned prlor to flrra3. approva-L lrt order to overcome possible problem,s of locating roads.utili-ties, as well- as 1ot 15re changes and changin of briJ.ding sites. 5., ?he 1@ year stom dralnage'area should be defined for the rnaJor dra::rage area abctre Traet B. TL'is r.roul-d help to deter:r.i-ne jJ there r.rorld be arqr conflicts with blri1di-ng sites in neigh'ooring 3_ots. 5.) As i;he grading and drainage pian indicates, the naturql- dra5rrage channel nrrue5lg ihrough Tract B and above Buil-ding Area ) $r!l-l- be J-efl open. Tiri-s couLd possibly creat problens rn':ith ssrere guatyi$g, esrrecia'i lv with the amount of r'=.fer runoff than can be expeci:ed a-nd the steepness of slope p:'esent. It coul-d al.so pose a problem wl'"h darger to the bu.5J-dirrgs bel-crrnr, as a vol-ume of water for a 1OO year storm projected for this area r"ror:J-d be hard to control, especi''I ]y in al open channel. 'iJe i'roul-d s..igesi tlai "he crrarrnel te pipeci unrierground e'l'l the ralr from '*he ;irop:sed v'oad i.,in ?ract ts to the gr"avei iilfer aiier the pro.co sed parklng 1ot area next to Gore Creek, lde r.nr:ld al_ so augest ,.-- , ., tha'" the size of the pipa iie 24tr for the enii_re CIB:ance. .-. 't-t'' -,a t. '_ -:-,9ud Caies, Fresident RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN I!. ROLD Diroclor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPABTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING _ 1313 SHEFMAN STREET DENVER, COLOBADO 80203 PHONE {303) 839-2611 January 13" 1978 RECJ:'.'FD lnrr r - .'.-.- -!rii',1 I I tilo Michael S. SLair Eagle County Dept. of Planning anil Development P.O. Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear l{r. Blair: Dtf,! i,i 1,.;....;i; Es6ie C:u..t.r.. ?.E : SP -97 -7 I IHLGI{LAND UEADOITS/P3EI. PLAT{ Colq lile have revl-ersed tbls Plan 1n <letaLl anil have also gone over it with Leroy Tobler of KIGNA aod Bill Gallant of Charles S. Robinson and Associates. I feel that baseil on an excellent geologic inves tLgatl-on and cortiDued con- sultation wl th the soild engineer that these proposeil plans are very coupatible for a difficult site. There are a few areas of conce::n that w'l,l-l needl addf.tLonal investlgation- 1. Ttre deep fiLl on Vermont Road will requlre a detaLled site l-a- vestigation before constructlon anil close supervision by the ilevelopers solls englneer and the county eogLneer. A11 construc- tlon testing (ilensLty tesrs on fiLl) should be reported ou a dally basis. 4. 2.A11 areas of no builtllng shoul-d be outllned on the Preliuinary ard finaL plat. 3. Aoy structure placed on BuildLng Area 2 should not cut into the steep s1ope. A note should be placed on the final p1-at that in effect paraphases the stat-eaent in the letter to Tim Garton froro willian Gallant, dated Decemb er !' Lg77 ' as conceras buil-dlng sLte 4. It should also be stated that a site specl-fic investlgatioD may iDdicate that this site is not feaslble and that the P-U.D. uay need to be altered in this area. A11 intercepter and other subsurface drainage systemq neetl to be installed and inspected by the solls engineer and the cormry eDgiDeer. This phase needls to be finished before any developEent t.akes place. GEOLOGY S]OE\,' CF TH: PASi...IiEY TO TFiE FUTURE 5. (.\- ]l:::-:e1 S. Blair Ja:- -:arr' 13, 1976 Page 2 6- Devel-opnent of the r{est-upper meailow r.s feasible but like all-developneots wtLl need good construction supervision. rhe c-G.s. wil-1 be g1-ad to work with all partles on this project as it for.-ard. L. R. Ladr.'ig Engineering Geologist LWt/dks cc: Tin Garton T mountain moves SincereJ-y, (. EELGFaAEStrl FEPAffiTMF&ST ffitr F4FALTB+ 421A E.11TH AVEI.4JE DENVEFI e,cla?'o PHg\rE 3AA-6111 EXT- 329 ^NTHONY ROBBtNS. M.D..M.P.A. EXECUTI\/E DIRECTOR DATE: January 13, 1978 i . ^'=i'.':D .iAl'i i ; igl8 ic,,i. !,: I,- ;.l'- ''" Esgle C.'intY, Colo' NON.STATE ASs I STANCE REV IEI.' AND CO!{HENTS T0: Michael S. Blair Eagle Coun ty Planning Dept. 550 B roadway Eagle, c0 81531 T0: NA PROJECT TtTLEl Fi le No. Sp-97-/8 Prel iminary Plan Mea dows STATE tDENTI.FIER: NA COHHENTS DUE BYI I/18 - Highland 5 UB J ECT: Yes Yes No HO EJ ls this p roj ect consistent with the goals and obj ect i ves of th i s agency? I s there ev i dence of overl app i ng of dup I i ca- tion with other agencies? ls meeting desired with appl icant? A l5-day extens i on is reques ted. u fi tl v., l-i Hoiil Yes l-l H" Li Comments: Water Quality 6 Engineering: The Division has no objection to this proposal inasmuch as water and sewer service appears to be presentl y avai lable through establ i shed r.ra ter and sewer dis-tricts. In accordance r,ri th Senate Bi I I 35, any development serving more than 20 people must receive site plan approval from the Water Qual ity Control Commission before construction of sewer extensions wi I I be al lowed to cornmence.Any const ruct i on undertaken shou I d strictly ad he re to an app roved eros ion and sed iment plan i ncorporat i ng mea s u res designed to minimize possible contamination of area waters. f*'+rxc x xI I R I * x Fx f *pnrx Ron Simsick, P rog ram Administ S0C-3, Feb J7 ATTACHMEN rator EAGLE E&UNTY \. E}WI RON$IENTA], }: :;IT}i P.o. Box 8so EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 I BOARD OF COUNTY coM M tSst oNERS 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 324-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 BUILDING I NSPECTI ON 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 Baaall 927 -32M COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-5337 ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTEN SI ON AGENT 328-5370 LI B RARY 324-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAO & BRIDGE 328-659 | SHERIFF Eaqle 328-551 I BaEalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | 50ctAL 5E RV ICES 328-6328 TR EASU RER 328-6376 XEMORANDUU 4tCFri,^ '-t ;'/ |- , r - ''-U ,";:," r 6 B?/ **,tX;;,;,0",", TrO:Michael S. B1air IROM: Erik W. Edeen DATE: 14 December 1977 SUBJ: File No. Sp-9?-78 Highland ll{eadows High Country Development Corporation 1850 Lincoln Denver, Colorado 80203 COMMENTS: 1. Lot 13 does not appear to be provided with an easement for a gravity sewer tap. 2. The drainage plan is inadequate. li{ore detail is needed on the quanti.ty and velocity of surface runoff. Iyhat sediment particle size, are the gravel filters designed to remove?lfhat type of maintenarrce progran will be provided for the sedirnent filters. Performance analysis & design criteria should be submitted on the surface drainage filter systems. 3. Water pollution load from road cuts and fil1s should be calculated. 4. Impact of sedimentation levels on Gore Creek caused by this project shouLd be determined. 5. The large surface parking lots appear to be located too close to Gore Creek, a buffer area is needed. a^C. ) /i.vci "'Un /f t' 4lka.,z-- ERIK I[. EDEEN, R.P.S. ENVIRONIIENTAL HEALTH EWE: sac /: _,Ai{ - : iJlB U.pi. !,i r,_.ij.;jA L Uevel f€8ie Colnty. Cola. department of community development January L2, L978 box 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5fl3 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Courthouse P.O. Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re: Eighland Meadows Commissioners: The Town of Vail- Plannlng Cornmission has reviewed the Highland Meadows proposal and recommends approval rvith the following sonditions: 1.) That great care be taken in the construction and revegetation of tbe roads on the site. We suggest that sufficient money be escrowed or that performance bonds be required to guarantee that the landscaping and drainage is adequately compLeted. l{e also encourage the County to carefully supervise construction of site improvements. The cut fill situation caused by Vermont Road crossing the large drainage in tbe center of tbe property combined with the severe cut situation immediately west of this drainage,at the intersectiou of this road with Vermont Court, creates a higb visual impact. Extreme care and supervision of road construction and reveC;etation in this area should be exercised. Easing the 1 to 1 banks along Vermont Court to 2 to 1 may help ensure a more rapid revegetation. 2.) That building envelopes be placed on al1 steep lots and that these envelopes appear on tbe Final Plat and in the protective Covenants. Page 2 3. ) That adequate fire protection be provided. The Vail Vj-l1age Tilest ffater System cannot provide fire protection to tbe Upper 14 lots because of their blueline at elevation 8080r. The applicant has indicated tbat the blueline for the fntermountain Ifater District is approximately 8,170'which would be _ adequate, but should be verified- 4.) Tbat the 42 ineb. fence reeommended by the Technical Beviern Corunittee be dropped. Ile feel that this fence will do little to protect the deer or eIk. fnstead of this fence, rve would reconmend that no dogs be alfou'ed in tbe apartments and tbat dogs be allowed on the upper lots only witb the prorzision of kennels. There should also be strict dog control measures provided in the Protective Covenants. 5.) That the size of required parking spaces and road surfaces be reduced to al1ow for less pavement and greater landscaping. ITe suggest that the parking space sizes be reduced to 9 feet by 19 feet and that some aLlowances be given for tbe provision of mini-spaces. lVe also recommend tbat the roads servicing the duplex lots be reduced to 22 feet pavement widtb witb 2 foot shoulders on each side and no provision of parking, curbs, gutters or sldewalks along the sides of the road. The recommendation assists in minimizing cuts and fil1s. This reduction makes it extremely important that accessible and adequate off-street parking be prorrided for all of the duplex lots. 6.) That the radius of curve leading into the main parking area on the l-ower part of the site be increased to allow for better accessibility into this parking area. 7.) That a cross-country skl trail across the site be provided by the developers. An easement for this irail should be provided and shorvn on the Preliminary P1at. 8. ) That all utility easements be shorvn on ttre Preliminary Plat. Page 3 The Vail Planning Commission feels that tbe densities have been reduced substantially and are acceptable. We are confident that this development can work, but urge that extreme caution be taken in all phases of construction. lTe urge that the developer and the Coulty take all measures necessary to insure that as little destruction as possible is done to the natural environment. Sincerely, VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION ED/di ii'o"{* chair'iGn F C.J. KUIPER State Engir,eer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Department ol Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Street - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 892-3581 Ground Water (303) 892-3587 January 6, 'l 978 RICEIVED JAN i a 1.978 '"'\;I'lii;;r &;*"'. Mr. l4ichael S. Blair, Director Eagle County Dept. of Planning and Development P.0. Box .|79 Eagleo C0 8163.| Re: Highland Meadows, File No. SP-97-79 Dear Mr. B'lair: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivision. At present, the developer is uncertain as to vrhich water district will serve the subdivision. The Vai'l Intermountain l,later District and the Vail vi'l lage west l^later District have both agreed to serve the development if it is annexed to the district. Informatjon availab]e in our files indicates that both districts have the resources avai'lab'le to :grvg.the 234 proposed units jn Highland Meadows. We recommend approval of the Highland Meadows; however, we wou'ld appreciate notifjcation when the deve'loper makes final selection of a water district to serve this deve'l opment. Very ruly yours, Jeris A. State Dani e'l son Engi neer JAD/GDV/pJ.I cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Conrnission 'I( (.{ ()neParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe street P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) 534-1261 R[CI!VED JAN 0.1 iil8 l,eJt. r,r r,;;;,r :rts it !!i9t. flgte Co:rniy, Coto. January 2t 1978 Michael S. Blair Director, Departnent of Plaruring anil DeveloSnrent P. o. Box 197 Eagle, Colorado 8l-63L Re: Highlanil Meailows Dear Mr. Blairs western SloPe Gas CornPanY has of the above captionedl subdivision l-ocation of Building Acres 3 and 4 facilities. revised the preliminary plat and has sorne question as to in relation to Westernts Please be adlvisedl that Western wil-I be represented at the regular meetirrg on ;Ianuary l-8 r 1978. Very tr:u1y yours, t-, .. -:-^) _-1:-.{ tE-. .,-,--a -":,-.-"<:i;-r_if Donald J. Brungardt S enior Right-of-way Agent otB/Ic EAEIE $8UNrr ii[;"i:]T:: E i;T I:tl tJE Itlcf hnald llldg. 550 llroadn'ay 9 January 19?g P.O. Box 179 Eagle. Colorado f,lri3l llczonin13, ,4yrllicrtions and lt,vitw {:}tt3t 32t.613\ .,1rinrr:r r<r r:tl irrn l3U:J) J:lti-fi3J9 FTAIJ[J E if fi AI'IB EEVETff}:JEffT High Country Development Corporation 1860 Lincoln Denver, Colorado B02Og Re: File No- Sp-9?-?8 - Highland Meadows ltre Technical Revieur Comrnittee for Eagle county (a group of technical advisors from various public agencies) reviewed your application on S January 19?g. They offered the following comments to you and the Planning Commission for consideration of approval and use ol the property: 1' Ihe drainage off the parking lots in the high density area looks tike it will flow directly into the creek. Therefore: a- there shourd be detailed, engineered firtration galeries,b' there should be submitted information concerning the galleries!capacities, maintenance and'vhat witl be removed, such as particle size, oil and anti_freeze,c- perhaps run-off courd be channeled into grassy meadows-2. The whold site should be planned for a 100 yu*" .tor*.3. The unbuildable areas should be identifiecl on the finar prat.4' It is not advisable to include the upper lots in the southu,esterly area of the property, beeause of the road cut across the major drainage area. perhaps that southwesterry area should remain open and crensity be increased elsewhere. 5' There should be no dogs allowed in the high density area, and there sbould be either a no-dog provision or a strict requirement for kenneling in the low density area.6' the southerly and easterly boundaries shouLd be fenced rvith a 42,, fence with a 12" kick space.7- Building Number 4 is in a zone 5 georogic hazard area, and the charres Robinson retter recomrnends against a cut in a zone b area.a- The area needs more detaired geologic information before a building can be located there.b- If the building is not feasibre because of hazards, it should be relocated or dropped at preliminary plan stage.8' some sort of erosion control , such as those measures used in Vail pass ' construction, shourd be used in the ditches alongside the roads. I'lannirre I)r.prarlmcnt,'I'l;rnning Oonrn.rr.,.ion: Suhdivi,.irrn, lluil'lirrA ()lli,.iel: liuil.lirrg l,(.rlrirr. rrrrd ll:1rr,cri,rrr. Zr,nrrrrr s -2- 9. Ttre school District cash dedication must be made, if it hasn't been paid. These comments w'ill be forwarded to the County Planning Department commission for consideration at their meeting on 18 January 19?8' If you have any questions, please contact this office' Temill Knight Planner rK/jk already and Planning cc: Board of CountY Tim Garton l,eroY Tobler Commissioners : : i I 4 {I i i i .t 5 .: fi F I] f, ft ri I I fI | ? rfi Gri&l.iitB g,lIA{ A i\lcDonald Bldg. i'1 &F FtAliltgffG &FtE E.q!'Etfir;iHi{r 550 Ilroadway P.O. Box l?9 Eagle, Colorado El63l Re: FiLe !lo. Sp_g?_?g _ Highl_and iieadorr.s Eeld,ronrental Inpact Statenent At. their ieetixg of lecenber 12, r?72, '"he 3oard of county co;r-nissioners deternined_'-ha'" ihey. r'.'ould. acce;:'" '"i;'environrenial i:,ipaci staterent, on Decenber !2, 1977,'.;hich date ii one..t.ur r.{e."-;; Ja;ior, ihey as}:ed that vou be ar..are 'Lhs'r, lhere is a chance thai ihe ir_;;;; conni-seion nay not recelve al"1 sia'"e agency conments because or ',,r:e iate sub:rii',ai. If you have any furbher ques..ions, piease con',,act .'.i s oiiice. furryq Terr:ill '/oag;hi/ Planner / ligl 9:,-t:y Deveioprren". Corporation IOOU IJNCOIII Denver, Colorado 8O2Ol 1f Decenber 1!ff Rczoninq, A;r;rlicati,rns :rnd Ik.r,it,w 130:lr :J?\433S :'rrin:ini.stratirrn 1 :irJ;rl :l:S"(ilt:tg I i I I -l ! { EA&TE EOUNTY rK/3k tsoard oi County Conni ssioncrs Tim Ga:.ion Leroy lobler PlanninlJ I)('l,artr,r:1t'Planning Commission: SubrJivisir:n. lluiidirrl ()ffirial: i.-ildin:: Perrniis ancl Irrs;rrcti,rn. Zt,nirrg E[$rE 00miTi \ 1-:'l | :.? '.? t '--tl I.J l'1.r.,'::.l::-C l-i l.-.:L0 Ld i: i.a L.,l EE P,{I3IJ E;IT;frF UI F. t.? 11 tl rll!el tt lJ' ni?lt)! !-; ': ":nr:rr iJU t; i_rfi.lrl ...:...i. t hlcl)nnall llltlg.550 llroarluny l'.O. llor 179 December 1977 lirrt{lt', ('oLrrlrl,r rl ti3l Tim Garton c/o Vai I Intermountain Associates P. O. Box 705 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Waiver of EIS At their meeting on 28 November 1977, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners denied the request for rvaiver of the environmental impact statement requirement in the PUD- The Board indicated that no prior impact statement had been submitted and that the project did warrant such statement. have any questions, please contact this off ice. 'erri ll Knioh Planner TK/kp cc: Board of County Commissioners Leroy Tobler, KKBNA I'l.,r,r;nli I)r.1r.rrtrrr.rrl. l'!.rrtritrlJ ('rr111111i'.irrrr: .\ulrrjiii.,j,rn. I;.i.:!fi:r;; (l!ir,. rl. l;.:.irl :r:: l'r r:')r!-\ lld t:r..l,r'cti,rrr. 7-r,r:i:rli tlrz":rinl:. .r\ plrlic:r l irrns lrrrl lir.r,irrr' {3tt:tl 3:l}i{;3Jf .lr r!ttlrrist I:rl ion {;}tl;r, :j::;t;::Jl F,ECFIVlD FEB t 5 ?978 Dept. tt: i e,,, ,. rrsr" cornrr, c;,j.",", OPENING IN CURB FLOI'I INTO FILTER l0' SQUARE PARKII{G LOT 1.5'GRAVEL 4" SAND 6" GRAVEL BLANKET DESIGN DAT z7?< l>Bzi:r Z,r- 2(-c--2" / f-7an-S ,a,/1 .,/.4 f-? //re/' .-a Et /'*e Sa. t-c<= \TYPICAI GRAVEI- FILTER GALLERY (1) (?) (3) APPROX IMATE 10 MICRONS. APPROXIMATE APPROXIMATE ,'- ea--a MAXIMUH PARTICLE SIZE THAT CAN PASS THROUGH FILTER: RATE 0F DISCHARGE: 2 ga1 ./ min.,/ square foot. ST0MGE CAPACITY: 2000 qa I I ons. 270-? t('r/ azs e ,/(,/-t- /*' ; ir-- S;7- TO CONTROL GALLERY OVERFLOI,I FROM MAJOR STORM MINOR STORM RIP MP SLOPE ROTECT I ON 2no 5 7D./- GE\IERAL PARTNERA: KOSRT E CARTON. JR. DAWD CARTON. JR. TIMOT1IY R. GAEITON AFTHUR M. KELYON. -'F. OFFICE: MILL CREEK CoUFTT P. O. Box 7o5 vAtL. coLoRADo 8t657 476- S075 February 14, I97A Mr. Ed Ke11er % Sehool District RF5OJ Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear bIr. Ke1ler, I bave been doing some research on our Highland Meadows project to determine the value of the one acre of land to be dedicated to the school district. There are several methods which are available: 1- High Country Development Corporati.on purchased the land 4 years ago for approx-imately $4,000.00 per acre. 2. Last year High Country Development Corporation purcbased an additional 3! acres of good bottom land for $6,500.00 per acre, whicb is now part of tbe High1and Meadorrys project. The overall land in the project contaj.ns approx-imately 2O acres of buildable Land (40%of total). This would indicate that the price of $6,500.00 per acre is a bit too hieh. 3. The third method would be using the assessed valuation of $2,351 .O0 per acre which is in my opinion too lotr. I rvould suggest a compromise figure of $5,000.00 to be fair. frA t NTERMouNTATN AssocrATES Best regards, .--7'- - f ,/( n rla/1+- Tim Garton ?G: cd HIGHIA{D MEAMilS TRACT A REVISED PARI{IIG LOT DRIVB,IAY UIEST OF BIJIID AREA 2 t-= 50 FEET 2. CONTOUR INTERVAL I.iC(IES: NLI.GER OF PARruIiG STAIJ,S ORIGTIQL TAyOUI: 305 NtX\tsER OF PARKIIG S.IALIS RE\IISD IAydlt: 300 NUI,IBER OF UNTTS: I5O OPENING IN FLOW INTO CURB TO CONTROL FILTER GALLERY PARKiNG LOT OVERFLOI.I FROM MAJOR MINOR ST FLOlll RIP STORM ORM RAP SLOPE ECTION IJ 'l'It T E. L 4' SAND 6" GMVEL BLANKET TYPICAL GRAVE[. FILTER GALLERY DESIGN DATA (1) APPROXII,IATE HAXIMUI'I PARTICLE SIZE THAT CAN PASS THROUGH FILTER: 10 MICRONS. (2) APPR0XIMATE RATE 0F DISCHARGE: 2 ga1./ nin./ square foot. (3) APFROXiMATE ST0MGE CAPACITY: 2000 gal1ons. "-':f .JiiT f"tfi 0 i :j-} ,:{ i,1 r", KETCFIUM . KONKEL " BA.RFEfi o t,,j!Cl-:El_ o AUSTIIJ, rn.. + Ccnsv/ling Englneers Decerrlcer 2, .1977 F! LE # --S,e=- ?-?*..?f- -..,.,-*EAGLE CO. !:I.AN. OOMMI REC;l.l-.f C?iY r lltl r'ii'.I C'; -/tr--G,,*t,1,/J 1/ Dlike Blair, Secretary EagJ-e County Planning Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: Transmitted herewith are 22 sets of a Planneil Development Com-bined Sketch/Preliminary Plan Submittal of Highland lleadows Sr:b-division in Eagle County, Colorado. The property is located on $re souttr side of tJle West Vail interchange. The property is zoned. Planned Development. The sketch,/preliminary plan submittaL is for 42 duplex lots, J-50 aparirrent units and the open space for the proposed developnent is 25.7 acres. The prelininary plan filing fee for the submittal of 9L,940 is transmitted with this letter. Cordial-Iy yours, '-_, ,- - -a: @ December. 2, 1977 Ketchum, Konke'l , Barrett, l,licke'l , Austin Consulting Engineers 7456 West 5th Avenue Denver, Colorado.. 80225 Attention: Mr. Larry Sward Subject: Highland Meadows Eagl e County,Co] orado Job No. 3967 iEl CTL/THOMPSON, tNC. C{ TNSULTING GEOTECI !NIC,...- A\]:., T.IA-'E*:I;\.LS E'\JGINEFRS Fl LE # . - -.57- :--2 2: -28-............,, EAGLE CC. Plni.i. CCMM. RE:CE] Cf,FY Is:;T;ti3 0F Gent'lemen: At the request of Mr. Larry Sward we have reviewed the preliminary p'lan for Highland l'leadows, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our review r.ras to update the report prepared by our firm for property occupied by Highland I'leadows in July of 1973. Our report No. 1232 dated July l'1, 1973 was prepared for a different site plan with an entirely different system of identifying various portions of this site. The purpose of this 'letter is to reference our opinions in our report No. 1232 with the current methods of identification of the property. In addition, we have presented some additjonal comments regarding sjte development be- cause of changes in concept since our original investigation. Our firm name changed from Robert !1. Thompson, Inc. to CTl/Thompson, Inc. in 1977. The original report No. 1232 was submitted under the name of Robert lrl. Thompson, Inc. The areas formerly known as Block I and B'lock 2 are designated as Building Areas I through 5 on the present p1ans. As indicated in our original report, we be'l ieve build'ings can be constructed and fairly intense development can take pl ace in this area with only normal consideration of the soils and foundation conditions. Building Areas 2 and 4 impinge on steeply sloping ground. For these particular building areas fairly con- prehensive investigations and site analyses wil'l be necessary for con- structjon. The types of investigation in these two areas will be con- siderably more extensive than-the type of investigation for Building Areas l, 3, and 5. Constructfon geotechnical investigations for Building Areas l, 3, and 5 shou'ld inc'l ude the usua'l analysis of problens with localized sett'l ement, a'l'l owab'le bearing capacities, pressures on basement r.ralls and protection of the structures from ground r*ater. This is rather typical of the type of investigation required for any significant building. For Bui'lding Areas 2 and 4 construction geotechnical investigations must include an analysis of the irnpact of the construction on slopes and a iTOI SOUTl-l FaCIERAL €ILVO. - SUITE D . DENVER. C'OLORADO 60219 ' {3O3) 931'y73 ' i - -,-- .- rrs +. ; t, . :. ,;.rii: -,_.-_-- _-_ l r_ ;y careful stabilitv ana)ysis of the structure, both during construction and after constructi-on "it-n-respec;";o';;" sloping area. Tfrese investiqa_tions mav cost 2 to 3 timei'ii-rr.r,is a stuniu"o-iounoition investiga_.. t-ion- in the vail area. L.,rr'crr tr ruurloa In our originar report vre recorr'nended drainage of spring areas in the upper part of Brock 4 and berow Broil s. rhese areas have been re-designated as sites 1 throultr-ls.'-dr. concrusions-rlritii-""rp"ct to de_vetopnent in this area.are essentia|ry.the ,;*-;; ir,,ii irr" area can be safelv deveroped proviced.;&;;i;-;;!inus"-i.-iirtJi'i"a. lrre assume that sone forn of inteiceptor drainag"-,uiir u""p.ouio.i';;'#; uphiil side of this area in the.;icinitt';;"iol; 5 through 9. R suuiurrace drain shou'ld extend from the .ri-i"-sri-on ir"uaor-'"i"" o"r""iirougn Lots rZ and 16 to contro'r an area or tnown-ii;gtr-giouna rit"i." iiie ratest map furnished our firm indicates l,irliriiii;r"i,;;!;.;;";i'L"ii 4 throush b,and l9 to 25 are restricted-ri-op.n"ip..". rnese restiiit;on, are within areas described as high hazard iin"r-in our originai-invJstigat.ion. ,ue believe the open space.as oesignarei on the plal should be maintained and building i-estrictea rrom-iies"-Jr"ur. In our origina't report,.we indicated that.a'r1 gf B'rock 5 might not be suitabte for develbpment, consio"ii"s"gril-;t"[ir;;;";; lrp"nr" of sotu_tion of stabi r itv pi^ob)ems. - il;-;;;;tantia.r. rear.iioi"in'aensity which nas occurred betureen.the-original piin.una tn" p""i""l iiun ,uy,.r"deve'ropment within_this area-more reiiilte.. pri:sent p)in snovs a sub_stantial portion "l !:!: zo *rroug;-ii.utni.cn.;;-;;ei;ily aesienated as B'tock 5 as beins restricted i"dri urriJi;;.'t;";i;illil,l or u.."rs into this area and to tie rnaiviJrur'rii"i"uppears to be a potentiar problem.As a minimum we suqgest tirat-lotl'iE-t|,rougtr 42 be spetified as zones re_quirins a comprete seotecrrnicii-inu"riigution iniiyii"i'rJtn the stabiritv of foundationi and ii,. riuuiiiiv'l,i-irlividuar sitLs ai a criteria for development in this area. Logic indicates that development wirl pro.bab'ry proceed from the east to_ward the west with lreador.rbrio[ ;";;;'ufo v"rr-on't R;il-J;;tructed initia.r.ry.As additionar access uecorei-ivJiiuir"'"to tr,e iid-w" ;;ii;"" there may be a potentiar for sunstaniiai-;;;;;; to the orvner by doing additiona.r soils investisation ana anitysi;-;i"i;. proilems Jiroliri"o ryith construct_ing Vermcnt Road in the area-r:ril.;;u;;iy above Tract B. 0verall recorrnendatlol:,il_?yr^ original report include lirniting site grading to a minimum-and recor,menoing-itrat construction plans t.ake ad_vantage of the relatively rrat areil"oi'tt" terrace depoiits. The de_tailed criteria oresentei in our origi"ur-report shourb be observed for preliminarv conclptuar pig;;.--;";;;i;l'site_studies of individuar construc_tion sites mav indicare'trrii aeei;;';ilr or fill-wiit-re'tJcarty acceptable. -3- This type of study shourd be conducted-on-a site-by-site basis as con_struction plans are prepared by individual owners-" -'-- In our opinion' building foundations r.riil not present any unusual pro-.. b'lems for the most part throughout thir ur"a. l{e berievL most of the foundations wiil be. supported-by teiiace aeposrii ;;;;';"" primariry granular materia'rs. _1.{e anticipite the qajority of the structures wiil be constructed with spread rooiing iounouiions: -D";;"-;ressures r+irl probabrv ranse from z,ooo to in eiceii..o; d,d00 pii,'ilipSioins on the location wiihin the overail oevetopmint. tots zb tt.orgh 4r nay require more expensive foundations, but thlre is .-p"iriuiiiiv-iii.t bedrock rnv be shallow in these areas. Drilred. pier'roundiii;;, *y be required or-footings may extend to relativery-shiilo* u"J"oii]"-pilo.ut" bearinq values will be relativeiy high. t,li"".o*"nd careful "".r,iil.iri;i';#_sideration in building olsi9i to fit structures-to'ir,"-rii" to minimize the.possibi'lity of criating-ro.at iiope -instauitiiy."-Iiaiuiorar access road locations shourd be cirefuily piinneo to avoii-unilriutfing existing natural, reJative'rv steep .sl.opes.- hnitysis or-il,"-p"op-ii!o u.."=s road locatjons shourd ni ;ncrlaea-Ii-iq"i"or the indjvidirar' seotechnicar studies in the steeper portions br if,e ,ii"- -'-" r-Y-' rsv considerab'le discussion has occurred between our firm, the previous en_gineers, the present parties planning deu"jopr"nt,:i"i i"p""rentatives of the various state bnd-ro.ui ug.nli"i. r,re have a complbte record of various comments in our_fi'res. at inii -p.or:"ll';";.;;li:=if addirionar copies of either our originat repori'or inr6rmation-"usuioing various detaited schemes ror. drainas" uni-oir,." i;;;;;i;;";;;ll" detairs become necessary' we would be happy to provide this addiiionii-inro-ation. If we can clarify our opinions in any way, please call- Very truly yours, cop i es sent) CHAR / LES S. ROBINSON, AND ASSOC., INC.Consulting Geologists and Engineers 622 Gatdenia Court .Golden, Colorado 89401 Phone: (303 ) 279-OO2A F I LE # ----Sg-:-92:-?-{- EAGLE CO. PLAht- COI\4h4' RECORD COFY December I, L97h,leeflNe Of ./t-ft4--z.t--.- I'Ir. Tin Garton Box 705 VaiL, Colorado 80657 RE: Highland lleadows Property Building Areas 2, 3, 4. Dear Mr. Garton: The prelininary p1an of the Highland I{eadows Property indicates apartnent structures on areas designated as 5 on the engineering geo-logic classification map notably building atea 2 and 4. It is our understanding that in area 2 the building will be terraced up the slope so that no cuts are rnade or that they are ninimaL. This slope does show evidence of surface creep and high groundrvater conditions. Surface cuts shouLd be avoided. AdditionaL subsurface soils investi-gations will be required for foundation and subsurface drainage design- The use of a filL on this slope should not cause any adverse slope stability probLems in this area. Horvever careful cantrol of subsurface drainage during construction with a recornmendation of the use of a previous blanket under the filt to assist in the subsurface drainage of the area. Foundations should be keyed into bedrock and designed to witlrstand lateral pressures as indicated by a soils investigation. Building area 4 is sinilar to 2 except that 5 to 8 feet of cut nay be anticinated. The slope has evidence of surface creeD and evidence of a high-groundwater tab1e. Building of structures at the base of this slope nay not be feasible in its present l-ocation and will require very detailed soils engineering investigations to define the ground- water conditions, depth to bedrock, s1,ope stability conditions, and soils engineering paraneters to design foundations and suitable sub-surface drainage. Foundations should be keyed into bedrock and should withstand lateral, Loads as deternined by soils engineering investigation. An)' construction on this slope rvi11 require constant inspection to i dentify adverse groundrr'ater c^onditions and slope stability problerns that nay arise. Excavations shouLd not be left open for any length of time and should be protected from the inflow of surface water. Building area 2 occurs prinariL,v in a 3A and 4 area. Multiple story units are feasible but detailed soils engineering investigations ui1l. be required for foundation and subsurface drainage design. .- -.ldt"tse groundwater or slope stability problems were not identified rn the area but should be watchbd, ror-during construction. cuts shourd be mininized. If-requirea inel'-rh"urd be designed in relation to the results of the soils investigations. lilr. Tim Garton Decernber 1, Ig77 Page 2 WAG: rt Sincerely, CHARLES S. ROBINSON, AND ASSOC., INC. ,=/.A'r;*,"t 2 -&zZz-d- Ittillian A. Gallant-Engineering Geologist I!.IPACT STATEI{ENT IlIGHLAND }!EADO$'S Eagle CountY, Colorado I. Project DescriPtion 2. Economic InPact ^. HnPloYment b. Cost & Reirenues to Eagle County 3. PbYsical lmPact a. Geologic b. Biotic c. HYdrologic d. AtmosPberic e. Noise f . l{aste 4. SociaL lmpact a. PoPulation b. Housing c. Schools d. Visual Effects e. Traffic Pattern F] PROJ:CT DESCRIPTION Ilighland lleadows is a 53 aqre planned developmr:nt located immediately south of Gore creek opposite the l{est vail rnter- change on r-70. The proposed development is compretely residen- tial- and is composed of 234 units; 42 duplex lots loeated i.n two high oeadorn areas, and 15o apartrnent units located in a Lower acrea adjacent to Gore creek. Forty-eight percent of the site (25.7 acres) will remain as open space. Eigh lrleadows will be compatible rvith the surrounding development. The proposed apartment area is adjacent to r-?0, a service station on r-70 frontage road and murti-faniry builclings north of Gore creek. There is a commercial shopping center north of r-70' Vail village lfest, Filing 3, is immediately east of the high meadow area. Nati.onal forest land is south and west of the proposed development. ECONO]IIC IMPACT There are t*o major areas of economic impact - employment and governmental cost and revenues. E'nployment: The intent of the project is to provlde long term housing in the vail area. since there exists a demand for this type of housing in vail, this project w111 generarry serve people rvho are presently ernplol'ed in the area and it wilr not directly create an]' ne\r' jobs- The incre:rse i-n the number of people living in Test vair wi1l, however, increase tbe demand for 1oca1 service whi ch rnaf increase emp) o1-rnent in this area. The facilities for a1l services pr-csent11. esist near or adjacent to the site. The temporary direct construction emplo.v*ment is estimated to be about 128 job-yea1s (assuming 16 full time equivalenl jobs per $1,ooo,000offinalsales).Inaddition,therewillbeanother 2O% employment of cl.erical and sales people associated with the construction and marketing. over an assumed five year buildout period, total construction activity would average about 30 ful1 time equivalent jobs per year. Depending on the general level of construction, these new jobs might be filled by new people or merely provide employment for construction people already in tbe a-tea'. Cost and Revenues to l3g-1s-!ourl}J.: The following is a 10- year projection of county and school revenues from the project: L978 r979 1980 1981 r982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 The follouing tions: CountY $ r , 670.88 5,O72 -64 7 ,640.64 12,896 .64 18,r52.64 20,780 -64 23,4O8 .64 26,036.64 28,664.64 29,959.20 assumptions were made for School $ 5,569.60 16, 708.82 2l ,o24.OO 38,544 . OO 56, 064 . OO 64,824 -OO 73,584. O0 82,344 .OO 91 ,104. oo 99,864 . OO the above Project- conpleted bY Nov. 1974-(1) 50 apartment units -2- r \ (2) Estirna.ted assess,'rl vll uc each hal f dunlex $20,000 -84 units Estimated assessed vaLue each apart- rnent $4, O00 $1 , 680, OoO 600.000 Total assessed valuation $2,280,000 (3) lrlill levy: County Services - 13.14 mills School - 43.8 mills 4) Current assessed value of 52 acres $ 122,160 Current taxes 1976 9,456 County services required for this project include road main- tenance and snow removal, solid waste removal , and schools. An addition of 0.72 miles of county maintained road will be added to the present county road system with this pro.iect. This will be an increase of o.r7% to the existing 430 mile system. The apart- ment house area will be served by a private road which connects to tbe f-70 frontage road. The sol.id waste generated for the landfill site is estimated to be 4O tons annually under ful1y developed conditions_ Using Lyons, Collins & Company, Inc.'s update memo to tbe schoor district dated June 2, lg7z, we projeet the folJ.owing num- ber of students from the Highland Headows develorrment: .44 students per duplex unlt = 36.96 .08 students per multi-family uni! = 12.00 Total students -3- = 48.96 I i str ibut ion : ElementarY School Middle School . Senior High School PHYSICAL IMPACT 40% 34% 26% 19.6 students 16.6 students 12.7 students This section describes the phvsical impaets on the land, water, and air j-n the vicinity of the project' Geologic: The project site is generally covered by alluvial and colluvial deposits of varying depth, overlying the Minturn Formation, a thin-bedded gray to brovrn shale and sandstone. A comprehensive geologic investigation was prepared by Charles S' Roblnson and Assoclates of Golden, coloradO. The site was class- ifiedintoaleasofvaryingdegreesofdifficultyindevelopment from the geologic standpoint. The development was laid out to avoid tfie area with a high degree of difficulty and to avoid poteDtial hazardous areas. Al 1 detailed geologic and soils infor- mation and reports are contained in the sketch/prelminary plan submittal . The site was designed to minimize cuts and fills to the ex- tent possible. cuts in high hazard area were avoided. A11 cuts and fill over three feet high uill be revegetated to prevent erosion. Biotic: The IIighland t{eadou's propert-f is cornprised of ter- use of the race meadows and wooded ridges- The only agricultural land is occasional grazing on the meadows ' -'1- ','ar.v-ing nix'r::res of lodgepole pine, spruc.:, and aspen cover rnost of the upper slopes along the south side of the prope.rty. llajor species along Gore Creek and the face of tbe lower terrace are spruce and lodgepole pine. The drainageway bisecting the property supports grorvth of spruce, aspen elderberry, willow and alder. It[eadows are dominated by tufted hair grass, wheat grass, blue grasses, vetches, aspen peavine, conque foil and sage. llost construction will take place j.n the meadow areas and the open area adjacent to Gore Creek- Disturbance of established trees rvi11 be minimized. The Colorado Division of Wildlife maps indicate wildlife in the Highland ileadorvs areas to be in categories 3, 4 and 5. lfhile there are occasional deer, elk and other animals within the areas, the wildlife maps indicate the area has a less than average pro- portion of wi-ldlile habitation. The deveLopment will have a be- lorr' average impact on wildlife. The wildlife major migratory route is more than one mile south of this property and the pro- posed open space gives us an additional buffer zone away from this major deer migratory route. Trout population in Gore Creek is well established and in- cludes species of rainbou, brook, brown, and cutthroat, The pro- posed Highland Meadows will have no adverse effect on the fish population. '[fi, 1df ire h,azard classes in the vicinity of Highland trteadows were prepared by the Color-ado Division of Forestry. The lower portion of Higbland rlerador'.'s and the two meradorr areas are classified e as a !'Lo$ hazard", l.he southwesterlt c()rner of the site is in the Lodgepole Plne area rvhich is classified as "severe hazard". The new road across the site will provide a fire break to the southwest area. The project is similar to most other areas of hone construc- tion in Vail south of Gore Creek. Hydrologic: There are no special drainage or hydrologic problems associated with the site. One major intermittent strearn traverses the site from southeast to northwest and has surface flow only during periods of high rainfall or snow melt. There is only minor surface runoff across tbe meadow area. Culverts, drainage ditches, and storm drains will be constructed to direct surface runoff across the site. Hieh ground water will be hand- 1ed by a system of subsurface drains. The Gore Creek lOO-year flood plain has been previously de- flned and is shown on the preliminary plan. A 30 foot set back between the lOo-year flood plain and any building construction will provide a visual buffer along tbe creek. Gravel settling basin will be provi_ded to filter surface runoff from parking area prior to discharging into Gore Creek. Atmospherie: In December 1973 the Gore Va11ey air basln was st.udied by Dr. Va1 R. Veirs of the Physj.cs Department of Colorado Co1lege, Colorado Sprlngs, i,n rvhich he identified arrd quantified the major polJ-utant types and developed emission rates of the major pollutant sources- These ernission rates were used to -o- determine the qrantit]' to be generated by the Tbe emission rates following table: Source Particu-lates ( lbs/day ) t of major l)c)l l.rtants rrhich can be residents of llighland Meadows. expected Nitrogen Hydro-Oxides carbons (lbs/day) (1bs/dav) and total loads are surnmarized in the TABLE Carbon ,!.!onoxide ( 1bs/daY ) l?ood Burning Fire- Places Unit Emissiou 0.64 Project Emission 159 Fireplaces 101 .8 Automotive Unit Emission Project Emission 2556 mi 23529 601 .4 o.22 35. O .00515 13.2 o1765 45-1 Total , Ib/day 101 .8 601.4 4e.2 45.1 fn determining these loads it was assumed tbat elec.tricity will be used to beat the units, that each duplex will have a flre- place and one-half of the apartments r,vi11 have f ireplaces, and that each unit will generate l-.5 vehicle trips per day averaging six miles per trip. Thls project is intended to provide close in housing and to fill an existing demaod for long term housing. The maJortty of the peopJe that ryil1 reside at this <ievelonnent probablv are presently employ(l(l in tlrr. Tail area and now travel greater clis- tances to rvork, thcreforc, generating greater amounts of automobile pollutants. The effects of cJose in housing may have a mitigating affect on air quallty in the Gore Va11ey- Shuttle buses and pub- lic transportation betrveen Vail and lfest Vail will also have a beneficial effect on air pollution. Noise: The greatest factor contributing to high noise levels in the area is the traffic using I-70. The Colorado Department of Higbrvays has estimated the maximum r-20 noise level in the vicinity of Vail ranges from about 55 to 60 decibels with- in 1oo feet of the highway- Variations in rand configuratj-on and natural or man-made barriers between the sourse and tbe llstener rvi,11 alter the amount of noise transmitted. Since there are no residences located in the immediate area of Highland lleadows, constructj-on noise should not become a critical factor. The project will generate additional traffic which will be le-ss than five percent of the existing volume of !-To. The noise generated by traffic from this project should be insignificant since it will be low speed passenger vehicular traffic. itaste: All domestic waste from the site wiLl be handled by a sanitary sewer system and will be part of the Upper Eagle va11ey sanit.ation District. There will be no contamination of surface or ground water from domestic sewage- The site is within the boundari-es of the sanitation district and the district has adequate treatment capacitv to handle the wastes from this development. -8- f --' SOCIAL I]I{P.ACT i Population: The project is estimated to generrr te 147 residents in the duplex lots. The apartment units ar.. pranned for zzo square foot size. This will be one bedroom efficiencl, type apartments which will have trco persons per unit, or 300 persons. The impact of population for the ultimate desired p'pulation of the Gore valley growth management plan i-s 1.g% of the desired population in the va11ey. B. Housing: The duplex units are e>ipected to be 'ery ni.ce, above average cost units in the Gore valley. These units will be extremely desirable because of the physical Location of the meadow areas. These areas will receive winter sun better than any other houslng sites on the north side of Gore creek and should resur.t in a high demand. The apartments are sorely needed to meet the ernpl0yee housing demand which is virtuarly unavailable. The units are pranned for one room efficieney type and as the student projection indicates, very few children are anticipated to live in these apartments. However, the apartments are ;eeded to satisfy an existing need. C. Schools: The school middle schooL: impact is for 49 students: 19. and 12.7 senior high. The Vail 6 elementary; 16.6 Elementary SehooL -9- \ras designeC f or this i1i'r-!.;rsie. The ]ieadorry Mountain and ''{inturn complex are designed to |1nrl1e tbe middle and high school students. The tax revenue to be received from thls projec't will sig- nificantly aid in retj"rcment of the school distrlct's bonded indebtedness for the new schools just being complei,ed. The annual increase in school district receipts will be $g4,2g4.40 more than current recei-pts on the property as it now exists. D.Visual Effects: The high meadows are not readily visible from Gore Creek or T-7O. They are buffered by a tree group along the north edge of the meadows. There are no properties which can built to the west of tbe duplex area and this is projected visually by the forested areas. The site is visually protected from all areas. The apartment buildings are broken up into six buildings whlch are placed in areas wbere they will not be easily observed. The buildings are planned three stories in height. Tbe parking areas are designed to meet Eagle County environmental health requi-rements for surface pollutants. The slte is designed for landscaping which should improve the appearance of the existlng site. Circulation and Traffic: Tbere rvj.Il be no public roads added to the county road s1'stem for the apartment site. The normal driveway access to the Colorado State liighrvay Department's south service road will be designed as shown in the preliminary plan subnittal - The proposc'd access rviIl be centered around the -10- t centerline of llre underpass under I-7O. A strur:t.ural1y adequate two lane bridge rvill be provided for ingress and egress to the site. Tbe bridple design will be large enough to pass the pro- jected 100*year storm runoff in Gore creek as calculated by the Hydo-Trjod report on Gore Creek. The new proposal for design on the property eriminates all com- mereial uses as are proposed in the Eagle County luaster plan. The apartments projected, tberefore, aid in a major reduction in future traffic at tbe Interchange thereby aiding in lessening of future traffic foads at the lYest Vail - I-?O Interchange. Traffic projections are based on 1.5 round trips per d.ay per apartment unit or 225 trips per day. The maximum hour traffic, based on state highrvay traffic projections, is z? vehicres. This maxlmum volume occurs from 4 to 6 p.m. after the peak skier traf- fic volume of 3 to 4 p.m. The remainder of the voLume rvoul-d average to be 14 vehicles per hour. The apartments will be sat- isfying a need for employee housing. Therefore, the residents in the apartments needs for transportation will be for access to and from places of employment and for normal acquisition of necessities to maintain their life style. The impact on tbe tr{est vail rnter- change maximum hour design capacity will be less the ten percent- The duplex area will be accessed by county road, vermont Road, and Alpine Road to Gore CreeP. Drive. See attached systern map. The duplexes are projected to average 1.5 round trips per day per duplex unit or 126 round trips per day. using colorado state }iightay design capacity criteria, the rnaximum hour traffic -11- L 1r'i11 be 15 vebicles per hour. The average vehicles for the traf- fic otber than the peak hour is eight vebicles per hour. The projected traffic volumes will not create a significant increase in traffic volume on the existlng county road system. vermont Road will require lmprovements through vail village west to the intersection of vermont court and Alpine Road. Alpine Road is constructed to county standards and maintained by Eagre county. APPENDIX The supporting maps, data for this Environmental fmpact statement is the Planned Development submittal which has aIl the detailed reports and exhi,bits. Please refer to the attached surunary for Exhibits for the plan submittal . -12- w .\\_. i-: VICITS6TY FSAP HIGHtAhJD fuIEADOWS Fg6n! F Flt^ 11ts*.{pt--El u*,*itgF$Y, COtG N sv s 'r//; sooo- €; f, {. The followlng are adjacent properties to Eiehland I\lr':rdows Subdivision g"ir. countv, colorado u. s.r'. s. Box O llintotn, Colorado 81645 ATTEN: Ernie Nunn B. L.[{. P.O. Box 1009 Li"ooooa SPrings, Colorado 8160I Pauline Elliott Box ?1 Iai"trtn, Colorado 81645 Richard Elliott Box 873 V"if, Colorado 81657 Claire & JoY Elliott Box 822 Cnttni.ott, Colorado 81230 Maxine Daley ?24 lfestwood Avenue Moab, Utah 84532 Daniel llurray % Hugh King Jenner & Block #1 I.B.M. Plaza bni.tgo, Illinois 60611 Gore Trading Co- % Petet Cosgriff i""arriffe, Colorado 80461 Vail CitY Corporation lOOO1 E' Evans #69C b.t.rr.t, Colorado 80231 Colorado DepartmeDt of Highrvays P-O. Box 598 laiotlr"o, Colorado 81645 UN f:L f tfi -: Srarss DEPARTMENT oF AGRlcuti, JRE ; FOREST 9ERvlCE WHtTf, RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Minturn, CO 81645 January 10, 1978 t'l atPt-l REfaR lO: 2340 Terrill Knight Eagle County Departnent of Plaming G DeveloPnent McDonald Bldg. P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Terrill: " 6. Provisions for on the east and BLM I have the following cornnents regarding the prelininary Plan for the Highland ltleador,rs Devel.oprnent, Fild No. SP-97-78' 1. there is no Plat showing that a legal survey was nade for this subdivision. 2. ilhe prelininary plan shois the subdivision bordering National Forest on the south and rr'est ' Our naps and records shorvthisbeingBLMlantl.NationalForestlandborderson the east. S.vexrnontRoadcrossesadrainagethroughsideslopesthat are in excess of 409o. Retaining structures should be used to protect the road structuTe aad preserve the.esthetic features of the area. 4.TheGeologicRePortstatesthatcutsshouldbestableat !:T2ofeethigh.Duetothedepthofcutsshownonsonealeas of the road profile, it will probably be necessary t-o go to a 1:1 cut slbpe, and if so it will be-]rard to meet the criteria for rcvcgetation on cuts over 3 feet,'-since it is nearly inpossibie to reestablish vegetation on sloPes greater than ti:1. Due to the steePness of the terrain, it appears that road construction wil.l create a detrirnental inPact on the area esthetical ly. 5. Lots 35, 36 6 37 border a dense Lodgepole pine stand' classed "s high fire hazard. Consideration should be given- to fire control either by fire breal< or hydrants located near the 'l'acli of the I ots - .R[Ci:!\'5D -Jnn t 1 1978 lrepi. - i':r,,, ..' " -'1- fu;'€ County Colo' it .d _ ::.ll . - -., '-t a- :l .,; : : ar -t: '*. .:..8 ., 1 i j .l a access should be allowed into the Forest land land on the south and west. 7. I an concerned about surface turnoff fron the parking lots polluting Gore Creek. It was stated in the prelininary plan that gravel fil.ters will be used, but uiL1 they be adequate to do the job. I understood their Engineer to say that the gravel filters wiLl not remove the oils etc. and if tbis is the case, naybe other neasures need to be taken. Sincerely, ,&'r/d i ROBERT D. BISHOP Zone Engineer ,l ./:- llnglo Cout't1' ' q cullTltrlcA'l'u I r Ccrttflct,tloll l- irct'cl;y nrutlc lhol o irf " H". wns ('ntcrcd itrto tltc [l's' colry trf nn rrplllcntlon 'suLrntttcd nnrt tllvcn thc ot'U V ta ^ir'., .t' lrtrntf tlcl l'r:rcr l' on't't?=-1'4=:'---J4 io it,u otri ""t/l)clsons ns ll:-,tctl lon. pngcs-of ns nrnrl'crl by thc lrrittuls ,/:- /- ' orado Ccrtlf lcr's SlgnBturc: - lrush cresk to Edwards: ti.Appt icotions in Englo--t- -.-AAll Applicotions rcfercd to: 1' Town ol Eagle J:"pz-r. cororoo" Gcoloeical s.urvov - 2. Eagte sanirotion District uTZf= 2. coto- Dcpartment t: t::"n ". ."i"r"* Division or witdliro " t - /,/ 3. cof orado state Engincet v # -1. U-S- Forcst Servica "l-/r/- 4. Eagle county sanitarian ' t -/ ./ - r= ^^16 a':.*rntv Enctineer ,/ ' ,y'lr/-^ 5' Eagle """"t] t":::t::5. Eaglo Valley TclcPhone Co' ,/'/l-.5.EagIegourrryL|'y,'.--.6.Roct(),Mtn.Natura|Gas -/ - ' n= 6' HolY cross Electric o=1:.t..-y'/ 6. Holy cross Electric Assrn ' -17V- ' .-^r^rq.l. tr'rtn- cotlcge Di:-- --// 14 7. coloracc tltn' collcge Dist' / Z/7=-s. u. s - soi r conscrvatto: t"*t":_, G.APPr ications j"r:fi:r?:::#" "'/E-/:, u' u'o' "' 1. Townol Mintum ' ,-7V 9. u-s- Bureau ot Land Managernent v ,z:-+;---'- ... . , ^-^-,, rr;qt^ 2' Towi of Red Cli ,t-.8{/-*; : f i. 'Oi"- of rslater Besources 4. Eagte-Vail Metro District . tag ' :' ' Dist' (none at Present iime) B.ApPlications in Basal t.T:11, r 3' UPPer Eagle 'ADDlicat'ons In D<'>@' ' "'--' 5' rt''{r rsr v' 2' Planning RePresentative :' "' ^ --^^r ni clri ct RElJ 2. Planning HePreselrrer'-= -, ..!^t6radc Division of Wildlile ' 3' Schoot District BE1J F ' - .! 6..-6t g:i.a Dist- I .- s' Basal: ::1" l'Dist' 10- pubrc service co' or coto' t . s. Basatt water arid sanitaiion Dist',. ,; - '-' .--,-r"z;-:;.-;'--/z*u;4 E : .vi--e / 'FZ;-"'w"=t"'^ sloPe Gas / j ,.. -8- U'S'.Fore='="',r","ono,..,."o. /E 2. Town orvar. d i." 1O' Rocky Mtn' Nalural Gas I " i 10' HocKY 4. Lions Fidge water = .: i ------------7--?, ! e-Applicarions t"-13^':lj[1; / ,,{/n 5- Vail villaee vrtest Fire . .- r ^t^a^?-:. 1- Town of GYPsum - -7*.- 1' Town or \:yP>u.r rrait l^larrnountain Water i; . ' -- 6. Vail lntermour . . i"-' i 2. Eegle County Airport Authority j ..',*' i, -:' :::^-::.:,"::";;;;;,"' . 2 z 7. Vai, sanitationDist': ' ' - .i. 3. Colorado Division o{ Wi ldl ife -"I i / ,'r'/- 8' school District RESoJ i -- "/ '( r 8' scnoot rJts\Irel "Evv- i --4" u-s' Forest service -,-7V 9. cororado Di*isionof wildlife i 4. Lr-D- | v'!!" -- y'rrt' g. Coloredo Division of 5. Eagls ValleY TelePhonc Co' | --- t //,/ 10. u-s. Forcst servicE ^ -r--. rr+^ N;rlural Gas J ^-' 't . i - ^ .)^Fr.v Mrn- Notur;r Gas J -9. /:-=-' "' ".', ! _ 6. HocKy rvrr'r' "" , l-/'P 11. tvltn- Bell Telcphono Co. '. .t, l--t- Sctr"'cl Di:rlrict RE50J. . ^ u.#712- pubtic Servico Co. of Ct : 'i:-- 1. Sctrc,cl Di:rlrict.RESOJ /'4, ;fa2. t,rutt" Setvico Co' of Colo' : ' l:;;.i:,"i$y3t'iil'.1:':?,."':''.i"t' ur#F-l;. U;;;G,o varrcv san'': ' ,,- .==r-,.,9-i.tc'J'tY]irr"iiii,i iii.':- -/rc:3- uppcr Eagro varrst """ f ':t'FFpt 1. school Di: trict FiESoJ r' '-:: .l . .: - 1. >ct rt"r ' '. | .--. ? : i- s.r",oot District ll 1 .i ':::, ::i:',::ff:::;::l' Ei"//4//**r ! - 4' US Forc5t 5crv'cc'\'Y'r'rr'rr!' / t / ' - 5' Errr'rlo Vntlcy Tcle?hono Co'i t 5. ElltlO vnrrcy rur'-i"'""- -- l I ., .r-.. r:l^-trlc { c' Yorr''Pa VrtlcY [: rc'.' '- i-- I . .\t!^r /.'!^ncics (rvlrorc:5'prcpri:rle') i n'--" 1, Cc'lor:rtro Dr-irl' of I li'.ilr;'r:r)'3 r n anr^- l,l;r',c. f :,r('1 1 5'-f t;co : r I I I i )f l -: =:t.:-_- f.'\ $ to The following are adiacent properties ilEui "i a-y::e"X:. 3;:t:"' ='o" Eagle CouDtY' uur '* i u.s.F. S. Box O ilii."t", Colorado 81645 ATTEN: Ernie Nunn B.L.M. P.O. Box 1009 Glenwood Springs' Colorado 81601 Pauline Elliott Box 71 iaiit.ri", colorado 81645 Richard Elliott Box 873 i"ir' Colorado 81657 Claire & JoY Elliott Box 822 ;;;";;;", colorado 81230 Maxine Daley 724 Westrvood Avenue v""u' ut"u 84532 Danief !'lurraY % Hugh King Jenner & Blocr< #1 I-B-M' P\aza Eit."El','r11inols 60611 Gore Trading Co' q,-Peter Cosgriff fl"lEiiir"l-6otoraao 80461 Vail CitS' CorPoration IOOO1 E. Evans #69C 6;;;.", colorado 80231 Colorado Department of Highn'ays P.O. Box 598 ;i;;";;-; colorado 81645 {.' - ! McDonald Bldg. !.e: File No. Sp-97-78 Pre'1i:ninar]' Plan - Highle:rd l.leedorys f *-1.i ^-.*r. ui ah Fr-:n+n. :-\:-.-'1 A-ia-+ ,.t^a^i-+i^-fI.rrPI- L d; r 9; ; l-*5rr vUlJ-eri -:r s-rL-v..:=-.u v\IPu] -- L/:\,-l 1850 Lincoh De:,ver, CoJ-cra'": l32oj &rcloseC herewith is a copy of ar application arlC przn subn-tied to the Eagle Cor:aiy Planning Comnission for rerriev; and recom:rendation at their regular neeting on 18 January L97e. In accordance with C.R.s. ta6-2-9, 7c6-2-33 and 105-2-31+t 1963, as amsrded and IagJ.e County Subdivj-sion Regulaticns, Section 3.C5 "-rC l.Of, as anendei efiective 1 iugusl 19?6, y'ou are recu'i re: to r: c:'ive i,!re p1an, and yerl have 24 Cays f:'om date;r"ileC r,,iihin ''rhicir to r-:s:crri or:he plan wi-ll be Cee:ired io have been al:iiroi,.ed by your agency. fne Planrring Comnission rgould sincerely apprec5.ate your cofflents and recomnendations a fev; days prior to the meeting date. If you Cesire a<i<litional infornation or time, please aivise this ofiice, in r.lriting. fnank you very much, ! .4 -./ '!-7'7' :' /2 '.,-7-Z ..L---€ .'/ /fi.'/ itichael S. Slair Direetor, Departnent of Pl anning arli. Developnen'r, !{sB/jk .r' . i _o-nrr T.r'ir'l or- llannirrg f),;;,a:-rnrent,''Plan:r;ng C,:'n)nissi,,n: Suldiyision, Reztrnilg, Applirati.,ns :,nC Rt.',ie$ '3(13' 3?8-633E L:il'i:,'rg r,iifi,:i.,j: 2:iljing l.:;ir!:s znC l:.; - ti.':., Z.:.:t,g .id;rr::lr',;:,'..,,:, :;i i ';l\'l;:-l:;9 tsEFAEI.HEiiT OF FIAIfiIIiiF f,iiD B[TEIOFEfiEB$T 550 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado El63l F''- E #- -...Jc .:.1 -!.:.?--!-...**.--,* ll.,r-l E. c-3. ;.:_.r,.ii. coMl/|.1l December 197? i :[i.i .'.] a';;'{ EAOTI ECI[NTT t EXHIBfT I'A'I intersection of the South Section line of Section 11, Torcnship 5 South, Range 81 I'lest of the 6th P.M. and the northwesterly right of way line of that particuLar right of rvay easement granted l.lestern Slope Gas Company by Pauline ElliotL by instrument recorded November 3, 1-966 in Book 200 ac Page 399, Eagle County records; thence N. 48" rt.r 237.5 feet to a point; thence N. 28" l{,, 45 feet more or l"ess to the c€nEer of Gore Creek; thence north- westerly follorving the center of Gore Creek Eo a point that is N. 18" zLr 45rr W., 90.67 feet, .trd N. 36" Z7t 15" W. 135.90 feet, and'N. 59" 08t 30't 1'I., L45.70 feet, and N. 26" 3] I 30rr W., 70 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 l{est; thence 5.26" 32t 30'r E.r 70 feet; thence S. 59" 08r 30" E., l-45.70 feet along the existing fence line; thence S. 43" 45t z1-'t E.' 50 feet rnore or less to a point on the Northrvesterly Iine of the righE of way easement granted Western Slope Gas Company hereinabove referred to; thence S-'52" 2Lt E. a1-ong the Northwesterly line of rqaid tr{estern Slope Gas Company 287.5O feet more or less to the South Section line of said Section 1l- and the'point of beginning of the tract herein describe{. County of Eagl-er ' State of Colorado. :t ,Ebgle, Colorodo , - .. E.h.:z.u-....7"{:::tcto. REcErPr AMOUNT Bu ildinq Permit Fee Application For Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Code: (Buildi (Subd ivision All items are received for collection no-payment ot any item. Ne 3060 only and this receipt shall be cancelled for RECEIVED sJ s it\ € a-!a .a o o l\) }J -)l.; i-- I g: li t; t; l: lo lc, t-l;r t; t; t- '-1 -{ t o o .l J | ?..ll l;IF t* t-; t- I+ 1\.'I ll tFl t:t tt j l-i h E F' F t:t l-F t z z z,<ra I: N) .D AJ @ '.c c) qD F.r r!cl -i r N'o\ o i\) C'\ c g\ o l\)o\ o ;o\ o ;c\ o 'i'!t I i \o e \4' ct '.o q' vt @ 6 .F aI r$ .:\r{r a o J '9 c) qt vt frJ a3 ,!i 1T rftr 7 :" --1 r-. \.o co \l 6 t5 l.l!,l t L- r tr a -l tr |- a,l1 = _'t , t { tp --:t !l !t ! ! i'EE i i FEiiF I F: r: ll'lr Irl tr a- tr I EI c)6 I i 6 =o z o o T ! o 6 -t E D {E t t r ri a t t t T 3 3 B I t rl 5 :t 6 : t I I ,I t a I t 6 I a t t t g 9 a t a H t o- a t g 2 t I ?! g t r I =t iiiii it: !s iilgi Eliii -- f t O <G t -q :o iiii :9q: iiii E3?.t i; ii fg =i o t a !t o t : -I a I -t ? t :o a =c t 1- L r..l 6'a r-E A e tr il E if c, tri , a :. 'l g a2 - rf o t o C g t d ? C t t o t a 9 6 = a o t t! e U tr LJ t 9 o ! =a I a ! a c o a o tr9 i8 -t =i t!ct 5r 3i E. eEg ,dn It il EF :I cl i tl ,f i rl LJ rl t-l t o o t i C I t t! E :a J F c C I rt t aa t E I : =:t a o u ra I a =c t .F BL ?F :f,rb .F t: ;fffi - tI r+ii3|\:[-/ ! fl [s*--s ct t! =te a iit Ot! -a .n1?_'r J o 3-o o: -fl .tg J -.1 ool al l:i li "l lsd oct a= c)1O o.i! F3 o',a t Ol o- -1 ol td tl tl t- .. l-'t |i l?' Fq lFt l- i' lri ls l:= t-cl to -l l(r a1 l'l | -l | .tl | 3l tl 1 9.1 Ca d; f,3 ol 7ta a- -l 1l I F t z z.1J r: NI ED ct gE\ 1-t .o-croe t -{?ct-!rO -€ ro o- oi cp r(o o-<o o€ tis!-i r l\)o\ o N,cl\ o \o o t i,i ,q I' i \o @ \o c, t\,zI ro ..-l o o o o\rir I o N' IJ .l s$zzl rI \{2 @ @ lJt \ct I 'l it 1 6).l a J { ) 1 ) .. ,r'l c,_-t r0r t< :r- , ,-.<0, 6'.t o ! ,t t -t 1 t I l.' 6 I o a o o E ! { 6 z D 2 t {-t t 7 5 q A t t I g a 4 I t-t C f - o-o I- o o 8 t t C t !li t a a I t 3 a t F I I t< lr lc, lo t-t E t t g !t o a ! a ,t a -i t c !E a l t o t e I t lz, ti . ii::E ! i:; i iiii; it;3s t:lii ;€:;E trt:s fiiit -- r t C c6l -3"it i!ii :tg! iii: iiig lrl! r335 i;ii -.<-51 i: =i E| D'ir :t Li l!, = t:t;li l3 t:ti :t { It ) c t t :c ; =C t t o E =|'2 i5 t a t al f a t tr a t a -t t d t l l q 1 :I : a o.I(l i8: =-=8 ti3 6l :rl t !.3 -t =Is II =o -6B .l' .l {t o g ra l - 3 !t o o t i -!t ! i'J IF 10 lo 10,lq lo t: o o 1 1 o o t, o 6- ct 3 ; ; 5 ls lr l-t- li o o .I o E z ro' o o 0,o l3 lu li l*lr l1 ll t: la c.o E :L JF :E ;? < {.p t< f- I I {_ t Br a t t 9 f cgru Lv':. ,'.:: c.:i.T:s Co6., I , . n; !' .; i r,:. i.:l S?ll ond Fo,..rndatim Erqineoring 0 a E a ! a !t t I t I GRADATIOI.i 2't % rarr,o 3l FE-q,t Y< 5I L' AT'O CLAY _.,o Llogro !rr.r- 27 % F!.3ttclrY !'rDE\ rrotgrurf - PEicf ir r- cr DR\ wf,tGxt .. 2t \3 10 \% ?3 j ! a a g I o F. 3 i.q hri a*n .Er 'h v 3 g-ahtrq! tl!,!l.o i :Lltr fOvaef O*frrk|t .,* .ra'4tc ." i .. ! \. ,r. J ,.J D,.rtr!r 6r eraft'lt ,. r,",'ttir.r ll3.tl tq.3 -E !- P.:taf::!,-r ASTr,r D6g8-70 f{ethod C acrra^: - - l;r,;r,:'' = '.::,.i. :t?j -r ':'iir'.e G'avetl'; Soncy gllt ? lr,: rrCli lli iE€'T RESULTS ', '! [ /?E JT srt''tct olt'!r.r I cLllr lou^rt cfi r,r .F..cata ia F .. rr' \' 'r f !'f t!a-a€re a8r- ar- .ail rt- ' .. .'-.{[."-.: :':;:F : l$ Cr':;:ti14 i-'.; !r't +;s f.il ond Fe;n&tico Ergineerirg c I ! l' a a I !t I , t ca9 0a c!. ct. { :r^tatta Of !,nc 't .{!. .l i,l r ,.!idf'tcl I'11 zat Il tr 01- tlrr I tta 3alD!tI C.RT.3^.TtON TES'i ?=SULiS t't at rjr r t F L I I LlgaJlO Lt!' t t gt L- AxD CL AY ql PLA9'l C l TY lt{EEt 25% \2%'lo \ t 3 I a o a o |t.cl!?-.( - tl-tcrNT 07 wElclrT 3 v:.: Fi. :] T i'l'ir i::;:':i:---S c.4,,: -.-! -t.'- >b..( .:--a{. ASTH OL':9-7C gerhod C ' !;';;e I l'; '-.- :: :i ?.:'a.=:'r-i,:i Flc.2 5.'ii o",c' iorndctior' En5ir erxing otl gi.rr't\rlr<L - acF sE a -l o a !i , o i t ;Q I ! al E rlt o'. I !!t_t t l'.'iruf, ,. -1..'.}i"r..'' Cq4SF.TICN TEST R=SIJLTS e^\o 51 7o 3l Lt ArrD CLAY % PLAsrrcrrY rrr.Ex 'I rl tl CO!3! t I enavc!- li % LroJt0 Llra f : 56% To t t, a I a t o 3 o ll_____=_=_.2 r4. I :.'it=,. L- -.t Ti:,: i,;:. ':- S -- !.. . rr AST}| D€=?.-70 herhoC A C,'a'' r.,./Cc:. 3ravel .ft_- .-crapac.i9r -!.r. !^r,ELr .r Sar.Cr ,e),.. Hi;h!;-,J laa: a.--,i (., c![a! t9.rU!. aa .ts..J.f .. Fr .r \. \- .i J ,-J rrOltt!,af - Pf l|Cf Xi Ot bqw !\f tGxr : ,,-i i. ?\s: :8ffi ota tD a-CD o z o o : I l- l,: l*l t r'. I lr f = E g FtlF.: Fli i : lilllF li''i -{c -a t ".: o F F 0, o =r l 6) t1 '- o -v _t! o .n d : o o ( ,-_! 3 r 7t o 6|r 3 o J L-t -i F t r a, J 'n ,:/ ,j ,--l l:F 7t !-l.1 t' l1 IF l+lJ | '. I I '-.t-, I t F d 1 m = o G' =t o F I z, i z,z,z,rt 6t F rIt 6't C-' 3\\tr r !'!-i r \o o o ) o I\J o|\ o t\ I -\l <t\'!'i 9 I i tv N <t o \tt @ s '{ Or if; 3\o !ci\ !\J .r !3 f.t rEr t o \J t9 {,,ro .t\ 8T 231 rt ct \.'o o \3 \o \rl ,l 't, c) E-l ro -r< o F- -r': t-= I c> -l IJ :J "t-.: .1 . 67 1 a) o : _I o- 1 : lJl ): tr- 1 6l .t o :.r t-1 - :]J J ! r) 6 J o z o o r I o -{ o z ) F -D {-!t r t "l 3l 3l El :l il FI .ii:ii iriig iii$; Fiiii 5:iF lils iili ;i35 igig Srll E3F3 iiii . '<- 5 I f : =i n I c !t t o P =rt I a ? :l t t v I =o b =o t a I o D a tl { - t A E i { € t 9 i l t 5 I { o a €I c t t F lI ls li l€ t: IF t; ld l6 l+lvt to to lE lul re o ;) L 3 a - o =o : o t t { o t a t 7 o- a a o =t :oF aig ili Eir iii _!F a o ,c! ,2 q ta .l o C o o F CI o il- o .f -l o F , o c t gt FI ! tl t t t A t g o t a 9 I I I {o at o J .l OE o.a o.a _t 3''50 dq i3t 33 'o3 .l o 3 9 o .l (! f o '1 ft (- F E ?t'! l(- Jle :li t-ti-'[i tt t o ! '9 {]:', Z ii ,'. t--l ! r' : g +: i,'. T I : Cr-n-,*lt.'-: ir-,; i',i r*. Soil ond Fcom': iio+, Enpinee"ir6 GR!.DATION TEST .QESULTS i9 % earrc 25 % srLt afrD claY LtclUrD Lr-rr 3l tlo FLAgrtCtT.'. lfi{oEx !{ol!tual - PEFcENI o- oRY Wf t6'{1 ,5 ?a 19 r--__--+ - - i '--- ' cceE^a _ -ri - z t' >- taa 3u-a A9TF DigE-7O r{ethod c o I ! a a r I 4 !a I t I t I rp' ts 3CA?L I I oFr - r'f l- i 'ro I I 3 a g qt a € F : jr,F!r i-raveily 2, .;z t'' i "'e O-, F. -- a .i_ : - rcEr i . Sano'y C i ay ,{ F r - A EAr-Yg i C-gr! tO.rltt u:: !riJ.'ir !r5r&rt I lirr" Iouap[ cpgtrEl,:te 'ts'..as .. !.r D,rnl I I t ;, fi PhlI,n',', .9f1,,0"rtl I Ita i-.-.r=ac ::1,. tl-:T fr=5uLT5 3/ 15 ii1 Fio.l:''' :... .. .. :.. ..: i r :. ,,i. :. 3 !: r" . ': ; '-. i:..::--, j: i*; i:5in: 'i Scii c"'l Foun&tion Enginee."ing ! E { ! I t o a rl u 3 a a tDAJfttl ot trr P{ r. c ,t ti.tu"tl I' :a!!!lt orav.L 56 LIC!JtD LIM: ? IRAD.iTION T=ST EES.U:TS T, saio 3ll , s. !r ..io c!a.Y % p-asrr-- j:v r\Ef x ic l0 NP 137.6 7.6 l! I 3 I ? c a ,-. Y,l! l!!3tlr6l | . 3 l'.rr:^"r it ! :r+ i gllre lgur'a oDtlr.€t a i'.a .a Br a- .Fr .e: .6o ',oC .ta'-aas .. A r. b' \- rt! t !-|l raollTurl - PttcEr\r oF !at \A,ilG.<l a:t'{ oaaTlOr'- lsST Ci-1-:-;5, ::vGA-, -.." .rei 'r:-!:.f,3u'r ASTtl D69E-70 hetiod D :f.:h . r. r.,!t . _ wl-/" 6 +31\tr l*aterlai Feplaeed i/lj -: i-' E:1.J at -l o o- :.J h,t T.J or o E8 ''O Ix -a :g -a raI oct o=rfD E tt E It a o t.) F' a t) o @ z o g ; c :z FI E t O ct 7 t d I TlD t i r tl trl { t-o i t, _i -c .:'s :c- -r)!r< !r-t' =r .)o -c :^ It .J-€,rt< tn<c-6 a: ;> _. at 32 tq : (1 -?:, t 1 r, g) -rt -4,r'r < s).<-|1 -,r --l +o o o -t o 0,c\ o\+\'r c -t I J o Lts dH *q'Ka*g'- $ "+ wre ;-o 6 o o o -! 5 Z t -, ? E I A t :t F e E t I l-t C t i f- E ) L t !F G a I It 3 -! 5 -:t o g E l-.r fJ I: h ,o t a E g t o t a .l t t c-t ; la I a t € :t a a D' i o : o , c 6-a a I Q a t o : PO =!:Bli reg ItE -l= ttE Ele Fl3 3li t;IE It li t:t;,c\rF )a :i 'f r A s a J t t t I I dsi iii tt ! :r t rt 0 u ra ?-=c , rl a -t 'tr t: h iF il=' 'L :l=t- L:- I t-'t.t- L a ;ll G.{ I 5 iiiii iiIii ii{it Fiig :99! iili r13E i;i i .-= 3l Ig =i !, O-_ll I I I c o al o 'F ;! =t rd -I o fD p r r e t') F (?tt, t2 o o z a!c ? :z o 9 -tr EI t O E:b h;6 ;rl E6[ iFI :ii : l."I rF = 1 : ::- t;l- t; t-lL?lc It l.:-l- lr t 'l {za <a' -<a (1 { = f c't ..1 l J o CE t\t -! 1 r a. =!, o o l\) C, o o 1 7: o o- .J a ! ta,o ! 6 c o o r Y o 6 Z ) i t A 2 i t g I 3 I t C t ! ii il l:aa i:FI cl ll tt .l!3:t:a!l!a'tl 5i Ii tl lnl t= | tl!l t1 t;ll le l-< t3 l3 1:|"t lo t9 t g I g t 9 I I I ,o t t a t o t o(' 5a t E;E els 1' 3 r l-t = l;=;r;t l=!: l-a f e,r a i Fi el 11ts ol5 -lar ot=tl6 2 -l rl al *a3 {i E 6,a € q aat :er,'?il:i; @tJ>.1 iiii:i!i:i ii; sE lilii Eilii 5:at iEig :g g: isE I iiii qt?f ;=:i :331 iB =e = .1 T t I Po o=o=)- =l e.-er ll lr .I i g D =:t -c e a 2 - , o ! I t o g a 2 tF 3- 3 D t -,t 6 z a t I t o, I :t o I t 0 o t rl (t -t nl t o t i-u '--/ l"t'Y I Dear Mr. -Knight: This is to advise_y-ou_ that Gore Trading Company owns ttre property described on Exhibit A which is enclosei with this 1_etter.rt is our understanding that a plat has been presented to your department for you revie'r covering property bounding core t-raJfug Companyrs tract on the south and west. _ _ Gore Trading companyts tract is not and is not to be lncruded in this subdivision. Ttris is to advise you that Gore Trading company has_no objection to tshe presenr plat as itopo""J to yourcomnittee as long as our tract is properly excepted therefrom. rt i.s arso :"r.n"gglstanding thar reasonauie ingress a.a .!i."s from vermont Road rsil1 be extended to the bound"ry lirr" of oir properEy. March 10, 1978 Mr. Terrel Knight Eagle County -planning and Zoning Corrrnission Courthouse Annex Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Highland Subdivision (formerly l.'fest /ech cc:High Country GORE TRADING COMPANY Betsy Cosgrifl, Presi danl p-O. Bor 913 Lcodvillc. Colorodo 80461 (303) 486-2688 HECEIVED [,AR 2 3 l97g JEr'.. rt Flanning & IrilroL EEEI€ Qoufty, go!5 VaiI Ridge) rf you have any questions, please direct them to the undersr-gned. Yours very truly, GORE TRADING COI"IPAI$Y Betsy Cosgriff, president, , ,€GLEF.€TV itment of planning Box 179 ,LE, COLORADO 81631 qq^Ro oF couNTY crJrrlfv SSlONERs $D8lt$!srRAIoN fJlr#ALz SHELTER f,'f.E;;g* BUILDING rlflercrton FEEE[S,"La gte 329_0372 uasalt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY 328-6674 5$j$5.* EEXiITgN',irENrAL 328-771A EXTENSION 328.5370 LIBRARY 328-77A7 $Y,f,'"-x['Eie!" 5i*$i[,IG Srgt?r.iBR|DGE #i'i""**.:'*, soc tAL 5E R V ICES 3?8-6328 INrlgrg^t^ 6 Deve I opment Harch 20, 1978 To: From: Johnson 6 Kunkel Land Surveying Eagle County Department of planning and Det e |opment Please revlerv the enclosed legal descrlptlon to determine whether or not lt overlaps the property included ln the Hiohland lileadovrs (iormerly Val I l'/es t Ridge) prel imlnary plan. lnitlal revlew suggests a problem in the legal descrlptlon enclosed. *//-, /*,/^- Susan Vauqhn / sv/jk d 'll II I ll I h I { 3 I t ft .{t'l'i \r i' ( n--/:(- L---:P [,ti tl il lt i1 ;l il ll il .: I i --* -.*.*;--: -n*'. .r\"\\--t - -..ts.. -i;1? EXHIBIT I'AII Coi-snencing at a poinC that is the point of intersection of the South Section line of Section 11 , Township 5 South, Range 81 trIest of the 6th P.M. and the northrresterly right of way line of that particular righi of way easement granted, hlestern Slope Gas Company by Pauline Ell-iott by instnrment recorded Novenr6er 3, L966 in Book 200.at page 399, Eagle County records; thence N. 48" W., 237.5 feet to a point; thence N. 28" W., 45 feet more or less to the cdnter of Gore Creek; thence north-westerLy follorving the center of Gore Creek to a poi-nt that is N. L8" 21t 45tt W., 90.67 feet,and N. 36" 27 | 15" W. 135.90 feet, and N. 59"08r 30" tr{., L45.70 feet, and N. 25" 32t 3orr W., 70 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 1-4, Township 5 South, Range 8l- I{est;thence 5.26" 32t 30'r 8.r 70 feet; thence S,59" 08r 30tr E-, !45.70 feet along the existing fence line; thence S. 43" 4Sr ZLn 8., 50 feet more or less to a point on the Northrvesterly line of the right of rvay easement granted trJestern Slope Gas Company hereinabove referred to; thence S. 52" zLt E. along the Northwesterly line of r,raid l.Iestern SLope Gai Company 2g7 -SO feet more or less to the South Section Line of said Section lL and the'point of beginning of the tract herein described. County-of ealle,State of Colorado. f i-*-<- RECORDER'8 -'.i-''14 .l- r' March ,r978, and b7 drtuc of lbc lur pl'rt lrDd end by virtuc of thc hrr recond pert; Vail ViIlage l.rcst, Filing No. 3,and that parcel of land described on the document. attached lrereto as Exhibit A, RttEIYFD tfiAR 23 /9/8 - 0ki,,l. ttt ,_ F_:;- ,:snnioc & h_.^, : i ToGETHER. *ith ell end eingntrr thc hcrcditamcatr errd eppurtcaenccs thcrcunlo bctonging, or h r-oywire eppcrr:.ining, a,nd thc rcvcrsion a.nd rcvcrgion3, rcoaindcr and rcmainderr, rcnts. issuer and grofitr ttrcrcof; end ell lhc ctbt€, r;8ht' ti c. inlercst, cleim and drmand Bhatlorvcr of thc seid prrty of th€ first garq cltltr ta teg or cquity. ol, ia end to tlrc alovc bargaincd prcmists, sitb thc bereditrmcntg snd epDurtenrncca.To HAVE AND To HoLD the seid prcmiscs ebove bergzincd anrl dtacribed, wirh thc eppurlrnrnccr unto ihc *id perty of tlc rccood p..rt, ilr ruccc5rorr end areignr torwcr. Aad thc erid . iart' of thc fitlt pirt fdr itsctf. its ruccesrors and arsignl, dotb coven:,n! gran( bargei"o !.rd agrcc to lrd Eith thc rzid per$ of thc rccond DarL ils cucccrsors end asrignr, th!.| rt thc timc of thc cnacaling ald delivrry of lhcrc prcr.cnb it ir ecll rcizcd of tbc prcmircr el,ovc convcycd, as ol god, rurc, Dcrfcr! lbsotutc .od indcfasiblc cltrtc ol inhtritaucc. ia lar. in fcc rimplc, nnd hath good righl fult g,owcr and tawfut euthority to g:-arf, bergain, rcfl end cotivrr- tbs rr'me io u"eJt ntr eqd lorm aforcs:id, aod ttel 6c r:-oc erc frce urd clc-er from ell lorurcr r,,d otbcr 5nntl, Lur5ahl, aalcr, liclr, t^rc!' rgrcllmdrlt rrrd ircuqbrancer of irhelevcr Lind or nlfure gorrcr: !:*:"itt gcnerar pro'erty taxes for 1.9?8 payable in r9?rijfun"ti:;f""tor casements, rL-stri_cti.ons and resefvations of record; urd tle nlovc sargriocd prcmircr in Lbe grict end pracceblc po.rrcrsiou of the Eaid Dertt of thr aecond parg ltr tt::rors and nesi8rl as:a;nst ell and cvcr; tcrton or perscnr lawfully ttrirning or !o ctaim the wbolc ot uny thrrtol, tbc aeid parlr of the firgt lurt rbalt anrl will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. - - -V ry.T- [,. - c_ 1. T.y _ CciI a.FJ]r I oN_ _ _ _.-. _ _ - - ,r6/Au"t> c5-.E LtrroPf ;=,r; _.,Counly o?l-. '' _- Thr lortgoing in5truracnt war ectnowtcdgcd 19 ,by dz7 oI a3 t! Prcriilcot rnd SccrctarJ' ol r corgora tic'a" Uy noteriel cnmmirrirm erpircr \!i!etrr my hand and otficiet rcrl. Nc',r:t Prbrlr Tr.tq DgsD, !trrdc rlL &l o{ bct*cca Vail .Ci ty Corporation. STATE OF COLOR^DO. brfort mt thir I (orporriica dull orguircd ra{ -.i.1fug oo6., of tbc Strtc of Colorado, ol tlre tint lligh Country Corporation, r corporrtion dul; orgaal:cd ud crialing undcr ol thc rrrrc of COlOfadO, of thc IVITNESSETH, That thc said prrty of thc firlt psr!. tor rnd in cortsidcntioo of the rurn of Nine ltundrcd Thousand and nollOO (S900,000.00) _____DoLLARS lo thc celd pertJ' ol thc fir3t Parl in hand paid by tlrc said partt of i}c srcond par! thc rcccipt whcrcof ir hcrcby <on(tstcd:nd acknos'lcrlgcd. hrlh grentcd. bargeincd. sold and convcycd, a.od by thcrc prclrnb docr gran! brrgein,rtll, contcy and conlimr, ulto tht nid party ol thc rtcoad perl, itr rucccsrorr and urignt forcvcr. e1 the tollowin3 dcrcribcd or prrctl g ol land.. siruatc, tyin3 and bcing i! thc Couaty of Eagle and Sbtc ol Colonilo. to-wit: ,EC' part Ili 1ltItl{9SS ltrHEREOp, Tbc aaid parry ol t}rc firlt pert }latlt c.rurcd it! coryrontc Daurc to bc hcrcuto eub.lcribtC by irs PrGr;drn! and ils corprtrralc rerl to ba b6cuoto llfi_rcd, attcrlcrt by itr ttctt!2rti tl,e da;, rnd ;'tat firrf rbovc writtcn. A:':!t: I No.:97. -! i :^'.:-t flFE!-{-ric-d,. r. aGrra.,rr-! -Dredt-;d IuLlirt,tol C.6- l[:{,ia S!o!r g!,*t, Drn!.r, Colo.r.Io -_+.tO - !-/ lo 6- /l t@4 J1--r ^-; -,/ i \ l'-i * -> Lly nohriel cornnir rion erpircr Witrrcrr rny haod and olliciet ccal, ny5/---D--+-"--'-ql:-.Er-E_o:Le_____ / / .P,-|l 6L Dc<alrttt,o.) ,- 4Fstrtr 4 P.t ,, ( | E):HlBIT A Part of tbe Southwest_one_guarter Section 12. Township 5 South, Range 81 l.test 6th p;incipal rneriair",'E"qf" County,Colorado, hore particularly descrfbed ;;-;l'if"r], to wlt:. BeclnnJ'ng at the Southeast cornet of the southwest one-quarter of tbe southr.rest one_guarter of aaid Secti";-it,-which l_e also the southeast corng! gf vail village w""i,-iffirrn ,r, as recorded :1":i":;fl^ll;,lrtnr in Book 232 ai p"g"-eo-o-"i"ir,".iaer. a;;;;;" eou rhw e s t ""._ n" : i l" I'5?'.u; ". :: l:;_ : l: "3"..1;, : : ::, t:l ";: f . * :: ; ""12' along the east boundry rine or said vari-vrii.g.'rest filrng 13, north 01 degrees, Ol .i""t"s, 36 second, "u"1, 646.15 feet to the sourheast colner of vail viiiog" Hest, flii;; lI, thenie contl'nuing a1on9 the east ri.ne-oi-ir.,"- r""itr;;;";""_quarrer o6 the southwest one-quarter of said section r2 "r.,a-iiong tlie eaet uouna-ry llne of Val1 vitlage west, riri"g fl, north ol J"grees, 04 mLnutes,36 secondg east, 409.94 r""t-i"." o:.1:." !? ; ;;i"t on,:i1,.-ro,iir,"rfy boundry l1ne of Materhorn-vifi'"sl, flllng lI, tt.r,.e depart!.ng sald east line of the southwest or,"-6,r"rter of the eo.. --hu€st one-quarter and departlng sald east bounJ.y'rrr,"_ot.vail- viiiug. west flllng lI,and foltorlng the eouth"try u"irtiry llne "r uii"ir,orn V'rrage firtng fl south gl deorees, :f niiut"",'-li secondg eaat, 447-17 feetl then departins'eaid eour;"tiy ;;;"iiv ri"" or uareiioin vl11ase eouth 05 degrees, 57 minutes, - 3 -seconds-iaet-, g75.50 feet, thence south 130 feet !.ore or I'ees to a polnt on the south rlne of tne'ro,rttrwest one_quarter of sald secrion r,r:_!f:1";-;i;";-eaid south r,i;; of rhe sourhwegt one_quarter north gg degrees, 54 miiutee, 3g seconds westr 553.0 feet to the polnt of beoinning- 's.la p..it of scuthwest-onc-quartet of eection 12 contalng 5lEizgt-C'rq"i"-rI.i, o. 1I.8524 acres more or ]ess. riCTc-oa- y' fw J i: -:u STATE Ttrr forcgoing ,LI d.y ol at A' Preridcnt a-ad Srcrec,ry ol r corgorsticrq" / Nt'r-,-r P!blll E*r--tr rr. oF COLOR-{DO. I 'i coun ty of-.------.- -.... I t" instrumcDt eer echnowttdgrd btforr mc rhir No. ?6?. q ! gntliTt Irf,.ED--{-rF.,!.:.r t. Ce.l-ritt-.-I] ,tf..'d lg!,:i!!,to, C!- tr:!.!i :-, ,!! Stl-a. i.n,.r, Catc & -_+-?! t '-: ='{<RECEf VrtD ti'try' ',t ! l';L:,. ., Caair!- AGREEI.IENT FOR EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of this day of March, 1978, by and beEween }I$(INE DALEY'BILLS (herein- afEer called Bills) and HIGH COUNTRY CORPOMTION (hereinafter called HCC). WHEREAS, Bills olrns an undivided 75"L of a certain I acre tract of Gore Creek, Eagle County, Golorado, described as follows: That parL of parcel of land lying and being Southeasterl-y of Gore Creek, in the NortheasE Querter of Section 14 in Township 5 South, Range 81 liest, 6th P.M., Colorado and more particuLarly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at. a point whence the NE corner of secrim 14, T. 5 s., R. 8L W 6th P-M. bears N.73" 04r E. 1340.7feer; rhence 5.47" 321 1,t. 109.0 feet; thence S. 42" 28' E. 200.0 feer; thence N. 47" 32' E. 109.0 feet.; thence N. 42" 28r w. 200.0 feet to the point of be- ginnlng; (hereinafter called VaiI-); and, IIHEREAS, Bills is desirous of exchanging her interest in Vall foi certain connnercial property consisting of four dup- l-exes in Moab, Grand County, Utah, described as follows: . I-ot 1, Block A, Kerby Subdf-vision and Lot 1, Block B, Kerby Subdivision, City of I'loab, County of Grand, SEate of UEah; (hereinafrer cal1ed Mcab) which is presently enc':mbered by a trust Ceed dated December l, 1975 r"ith an approximate unpaid balance or.ring Ehereon as of this date of $83,500.00, provided such exchange can be accomPlished wichout adverse Eaxable ef- fects to her; and, l"ltEREAS, HCC (or its aBents and assigns) presently has licab under ccnt.ract to prlrqbste dated February 27, 1978, and is willing to ev.change I'loab srrbjeet to the trust deed re- ferred to in the preceeding par-agraph for Billsr interest in \.ail upcn ihe t.er:is, conCitlcrs and understandings herein con- --:---:Lc.r rrlgs. tJiE L beqi. Co,q t:trt al fsile :t rt a ,l :1 € ; mlses of .,f o11or": i li ; .ln Vail 6 NOW, TI{EFLiORE, i.n consideraEion of the rur-rtual pro- the parties herein contained, Ehey hereby agre'e as : l. Convey by general to HCC, which ProPerty BILLS SMLL: warranty deed a 75% interesE shall be free and clear of all I t,liens and encumbrances on the date of transfer exch'ange excePE as follows: (a) 1978 general property taxes. HCC S}TALL: 1. Convey by general warranty deed Moab to Bills utrich shal"l be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances on the date of transfer exchange except as fo1lolrs:. (") TrusE deed dated December 1, 1975, executed by Harold E. Egan, Jr., et al., as TRUSTOR, Delbert O. Oliver, as TRUSTEE, and J.E. Kerby and Irete Kerby as BENEFICIARIES, recorded Deceinber l.2,L975 in Book 238 ax Page 270-272, Grand County Records, which en- cunbrance BiIls will assume and agree to pay accord- ing to its terms. The parties understand that said note and trust deed is not in default at this dat.e,that the same can be assumed by Bil1s, that the appro- ximate balance as of this date is $831500.00 and that all pa1'rnents due and owing on said note to the closing date vrill be paid by the present owners of l'{cab, and I Ehat the noEe and trust deed will not be in default. on the date of'closing. I (b) Taxes for the year 1978 on the real and sonal property of Moab. (.) Existing leases and rental agreements on duplex units of Moab. Per: I I the (d) Building restrictions and rcstricEivr: cov- r €Flsnts reccrded June 22, 1961, in Book 400 at page ,542, utilicy easement and easements shown on recorded plac of Kerby Subdivision. BOT! PARTIES TNDERSTAND AND AGREE: 1. That the conveyances referred to above shall in- i clude che subject properties together with a11 easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto, al-l- improvements thereon and arr fixtures of a permanenE nacure currentry on the respective prernises; and further, ic is understood thaE markctable title io the 757" interest shall be conveyed by Birls to HCC of vail, i and rnarketable title shalr likeroise be conveyed by HCC to Bills cf lt:ab, subject to the above referred to exteptitns, limiEatirrs :rd encu::rbrances. 2. Currene tltle co;nrnitrnent.s in an amount of $80,000.00 for vall and an amounr of $160,000.00 for lioab shall be -furnished by che respective parties to each other 9n or before April 15, 1978 wirh the transferor being obligated to pay for che title insurance premium on the prop"rty ihe or it is transferring, which tltle commitment shall ih"r rn.."hantibLe title in the transferor subject to the above referred to exccp-tions, limitaEions and encurnbrances. 3. That Vail and l.loab will be exchanged in rheir present conditions, ordinary wear and tear exceptcd. -i- f. .. 4. fhat both properties shall be damage with extended coverage provisions in rtre value of the inprovemenis thur.on from closing daEe. insured for fire an smount equal fo this date unEil the 'and pro-rated 9. The parties r,rnderstand that outstanCing 25"L intcrest. in VaiI which is as fol1or.rs: 5. That rhe following irems shall be apportioned each to the closing date: (a) The general and property.personal property taxes (b) Interest, on encumbrances assigned. (") Rental deposirs and rental pa;rments and/or prepaJrments. (d) l{ater rents, sehrer rencs and other utilitles. : 6. Ihe closing shall be on or before May l, I97g in ;jMoab, Utah-or ar the offlces of High-Counrry Corporation, i ,l::":::_?olorado, rhe tocarion and rime ro i"-"gi..a upon betsween , the pa rties Y-asgg \rPett t'EL I ' l. The possession of these propertl_es shall be de_.llvered on the closing date. ' 8. In rhe event either premises shall be damaged by -t::"_::^"ll:: :::"aLry prior_ro. rime "f .io;i;r] ," an amounr of not more than ten per cent of the total prrr.f,"i. price, the :'":"r of- damaged premises shalr be obligared to repair the same before the date herein provided for deliv"ry "i i""a. In rhe 'evenE such damage cannor be repaired wichin said trme or if such .damage sha'rr exceed such sum, thi" "orraract may be cancelred aE option of other party. Shouid the other party..i.., to carry ouE this aBreement despite such danage, af,"-rln". parEy sl.aII 'be entitred to arr the credic for thJ in",rr.r,." iroc".as resul.-ing fron such damage, not exceeding, howe'er, th; total purchase prlce- shburd any fixtures or services fail'between Ehe date of thi's ag'ree:nen. and Ehe-date of possession or the date of derivery of deec, whichever shslr be eariier, then the .owner shalr be resPcnsible for the repair or replacemenL of r""ii fLxtures or services r,rith a unit of similar "i"., ,gu ""a-qJ"fiay, or an equivalenc credit. there is or may be an presently vested :' .and , tng Kurt Dalci' - 4-177" Ray Bransc:.n, J:-. - 72.57_ Tracy irnn Brarrscom - 4.L7%lteidi Branscom - .4 .L67" BilIs agrees to r.rork with ana cooperaEe this outstanding interest.with HCC in acquir- l: 10. The parries further !,rnderstand andgree that icertain title curative work may have to be undertiken prior to 'the closing to properly vesc citie rc vail in HCC. eills agrees to ccopera Ee and r..'ork r.rith HCC ;-iLlr rc-spect to such tiEle cur-ative v;ork and to e):ecute any n.'c.-,ssary or requested dscunr:nts r -3- . ""-r . . ) I I !a".ar or.affidavits for the purpose of perfecting iBills, however, shall noE be releonsi!:t-l:t-::{^ title in Vail. legaI, courE curaEive work ot prrbli.ation costs in connecrion with any title ot th. VaiI or Moab ProPerties' as escrord holder. 11. This contract can be specifically enforced by leither party. I ll I tr. The parEies recognize that by reason :f-lt9:" i .contractual obligations lvith the Present o\tners of Moab an I arrangenenc difflrent than that atove set forth may have to be I ,"ir.r.i.rr.d wieh respect to the acquisition - of _Iloab and its trans'- .fer to BiIIs. Such arran8ements may take the forru of Hcc acqulr-i i;; ;;"; for $160,000.00,-with-a $30,000'00 downpav'elt and the : i"i"r,." of $fiO,OOO-OO paid under contract providing for "ToI- I li""a ncnthiy instaltments of $11242'36 over a 15 year period' in*,i"f, p"yt.rri" to include interest at the rate of 8% per arulum and Eo bL made to the First Securlty Bank of Utah, Moab, Utah, rovided: Bil1s would conslder consenting to such an arrangemenf any real es ta te transac Eton (a) She is not obl-igated in any Banner to Pay any party on account of her acquisition of Moab more thanthe-balanceoftheexistingfirsttrustdeedon the property as of the closing date, and (b) She receives adeguate additional collateral to insure the pa;rment and perforroance by HCC of its obligatio',t"p"ythepresent,ortnersofl'loabthedif. fereice benveen tt. present balance of the trusg deed dated December I, 1975 and $130,000'00, and ln this regard sle deems idequate additional collateral to be anirrevocableletterofcreditfrcmarecognized iending-institution in effecE guaranEeeing HCCrs Pay- menE of the additional amount' to the Present owner of Mcab over the trust deed daEed December 1; f975' i :- 13. Bill-s shall not be responsible for co:anission payable or asserted on account of this providing for the exchange of Vail and Moab' V, I { I I f I ! J I i ,l I i 2 :| I T 5 l IN I{ITNESS IfiEREOF the parties hereto have signed uhis agreer:renE as of the day and year firsts above lqritten. IHIGH COTJNTRY CORPORATION a i : I I i I -4- I l I i , PROTECTIVE COVENANTS A}.ID DECLARATION FOR HIGHLAND PARK TOWNHOMES EXHIBIT 'lAN TEGAL DESCRIPTTON Final Plat, HfGHLAND PARK ?OhNHO!{ES, a Resubdivision of Tract I and fract II,Highland Park Filing Number 1t according to the Final Plat record- ed on August lg, 19gl at Reception Number 2241Sl in Book 327 at Page 789 of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder I s Of f ice an-d con- iaining 3.67 acres, more or less, County of Eaqle, State of Colorado. EXHTBIT NBN I,ot A (Cornmon Area) which consists of all of the Property describedt in Exhibit, "An except tots 1 through 12 as shown on the Final plit for Highland Park Townhomes, County of Eag1e,State of Colorado, containing Z:Sfi acies,more or 1ess. t; f s { : MINUTES VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER t, t977 3:OO P.il. Present: Dudley Abbott Absent: Scott Hopman Ron Todd Pam Garton Ed Drager Staff Present: Diana Toughill , Al1en Gerstenberger Gerry White Sandy Mills Presentation of Bedevelopment Pl-ans for Gondola I and Gondola II Buildings t* tr.***ion of the redevelopment plans rras made by Mr. Gordon Pierce. At this time he wanted to get comments, r€- actions and suggestions from the Commj.ssioners about the reno- l'atloD plans for the Gondola I and Gondola II terminal build- ings. Formal plans will be submitted at next week's meeti-ng. Gondola II Building - The main purpose of redeveloping this @force the commercial areas, clean up the service yard, make the terminal area more eonvenient for tour- ists (tickets, ski rentals, toilets and restaurant facllitles) and to keep all of the offices of Vail Associates in Lionshead. Comments were asked from the public and the Commission. Gondola I Buildiqg - Vail Associates proposes tbat the present ffi building be replaced by two new buildings. There are two main objectj-ves for the redevelopment of this area: Use it as a support facility for mountain operatlons, and to use it to make money for VA. Ski school , ticket windows,publie toilets and commercial space are to be located in tbese buildings. Condominiums will be located on tbe upper floors. VA assured the Commissi-oners that the structures will be pleas- 1ng because VA wants the village to remain a pedestrian exper-ienee for tourists. The Coir'niissioners had no objeetions to these proposed plans,but they were concerned about the parklng within the Village and access to tbe proposed buildings. Minutes (Continued)-2-liovember 1, 79Zz Sunburst - Name Change A letter was submitted to Diana Toughill from Blair E. Ammons,agent for Fall Ridge,- Ltd., requesting that a narne cbange be initiated for the sunburst project. The new owner (FalI Bidge,Ltd. ) would tike the nrme ebanged to Falr Ridge condominiums and requested a name change from sunburst Drive to FalL Ridge Road. Dudley Abbott made the first motion that the name change be accepted- Ron Todd seconded the motion, and it rvas voied on unanimously by the members of the Commission. Approval of Minutes Dudley Abbott made tbe first motion tbat the minutes for the September 22 and October 13, LgZ? meetings be approved. The ootion Eas secoDded by Ron Todd, and it was voted on uuanl-mously by the other Commissioners. Ron Todd nade the first motion to adjourn the meeting. pam Garton seconded it, and it was unaninously approved. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. '--}. Denartnent of Plannino 6 Develooment Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 EAqLE_e@UNTY BOARD OF COUNTY cot4 M rSst oN ERs 328-6809 ADMINI5TRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328-6593 BU I LDI NG I NSPECT I ON 328-5339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 Baialt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENG INEE R 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-77 | I EXTE N SION AGENT 328-6370 LI BRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaole 328-6594 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIOGE 328.6s91 SHERIFF Eaole 328-661| B,aielt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 50c rAL SE RVICES 328.6328 T REAsU RE R 328-6375 27 flarch 1978 Kathleen Lell. Editor Eagle Val lev Enterprise Eagrle. Colorado 81631 Re: Notice of trublic Hearing Board of Countv Cornmlssicners 3 Yav lg78 Please oublish the attached floti ce of publ ic Hearinq as a lllegal ltoticert in the 30 !.la rch 1976 oubl ication of your pape r. Please blll and send affldavit of oublication to thls office. Thank vou, : ilichael S. Blair Di rector HsB/j k .P o cro a)\-c c, c .e\ _ or]_ o g.o-q-i! o o-c . t_ o .-c €o-? o o+, oeo -N.J 0:' rJrr C .(' E OFcc.F (g +, l-uJ cj_t-\ o t-(oo+'t:= (, - €cr c- o ia- t E -$ -C{ -grc0)bF o - o c E- E :- +, ?rg_C Cjl .- O_tr.q.6 :=FP L L O -rr E Si o3 -.! (r-+ro -:o:O !, O-C 0,C(r\ X :-{P - O.re )OCo O }-r- O.OL O)U=: l- :N- O f0 5O o. {-: o oJ ll: |!.tr O o :- c\r . At O aD :rt\rn -.o C 0, c lJz q1 rF o o - fD'E +, =E 0, rrJ 3 L c tn s.p+, c, c: !ooc e -E-lJ\ f0 O Eb ..^EsFrJ|l oan+rc ooo _ r- LE ci\ E c >r o:l c, (o .E (\l.- +, o-(f\ -c a-llJ F c Lo c, aJ 0' O_: t-- v oN rr\ c rr\ o c E.Po tf\ o rL o .tJ o-- vt t a, 0: o - c Oa, . E \OOTEqBO .(n-u N U -c u E', +,, C C o or0!c .('cco -:f 'O &, LO -tlOE Lr'\ - O Cl--c 6 E- .|J = rJ +r rJ CQr+, EA_ L ulq) Rr- !O ft'o o+J-E,\.. - Fooo U t'. r}- O-N a! .t O cc !.; occ co{J6 O O \o ir- (,r . OIZ s- . ||rr a (o t >9 16 C3 rJ\ O Crr (, E L +,N.c 2 .cC .- C,F F\- lJ O +, 3 -Y (:l{(fr3: .!r O Gr.-: a\: O- a.r -C,O f N lrj--(\t C-A-ti C rt\= -- - O lg O .J-- O Or'\ \rJ E- .s N c: r,L -{- c:q)ocN- o E>>.EG r- oo o Qr afr c E-ouF! L OONO(,-f -O- \g O.(.: \co cu, d, r- o I !s=cc o o o-ce L ir- O .....c O qrl- aJ 6f O ooar(/r+r(, coc (v1 u rr aJ C - Cg. lU o co.-o +r{Juco d co\oorJ-c Grr'!L-c .-(fi-E C E+, 0rOGteO !F.r-r0ro :-: c-o-c c L \Or .rtr E.- c' OA O O r.O .-. +, (r afl g| Cj C +,!-J !a L l-- C I J ctu o.-fDt- o c L iJ: cr+roo c|/|mu,^ !,(,\O L O .o O- l, c^.n(J o >-E .- -g c >-l\ L:6J- t+- nt J rt +., !,.O--E('\ O =2. .t E sNLOi .-C !J .x !o OOIF E.. € C ..r! O C cN(J , O C E @ !)6 3 OCS lt\ | .< O C rr +. O |/) r+-€ +,- (.) C Ut +, . L:.|J O -C- FO ctUrrJCrr-OrnCE.0).- U O-- - -c- O-oG-otrccLp +r c'.J =v c,eO.-C (a Os u' G -!-- :!o cE.- O lr.l O aJ r- Cr g= l- |/DE qro.o IEZ{J.E o '. rro c. cJ -El c L N .r! cco E I - >:.ol,() O l-O O c.J O lU !J -A C E- .B o q) u(^u- E - E c o-c) t- -t, +, o (.).(.)Ect/|.- oo&ru rt\ -tJcJ> -Os-J'() |; C(: U E'E (i O > r- .a O - - O_O C- Z : O -= a)- - r.- f ,f, G X O(5 €i'+, C-.! |! ir- t'|| E |!fF. E O> -C G -0 !.i E -ra-O.--ur>O sr O- -9. v, C O.ll C -O (0O O BC .-:!o r- c, c 6- L {o o >\9OrLL.J. -6rO+,] !(f\ s c(J o c g |.- lt .o-0 = C- .J.- C G -O ro c., :f 6J u o.- c, ul u. o cucL€)oc :trccoL o - O> c O-.oto cE.rJ (: |-gE (i.J'|L o- c 0, c - r_ ag >o -E .o Ort--c O 0J € O O Oln F|,()Orr#-o Fo--E|'r .f c o .J (, 0,1' !+-o +,t: .D (,.c {J L o z ;la $-o o c E L o z o 3 .P c o p E o c o o .D a! atl 6t c o rD q)o E .6)E P 'u a!o L C'g, o .P 'o L rt- o t\I r-o c,c o I r|-o !+t Lgr o >.U| -L L3 0.r o .r,9 ai ts i-E3 o G' r{- .P 0.c c.-c3 o E1 .-o C rr-E !)P loor!o+rE !)-(, aJux c oico ooL r- 9- -c cL .l.+ro-.fo -C (n..P .+rO X - O-c ctrc)e v, arn 15 -o c 0, o,o .E +t l! o-. u :cc tt- o t\-o L.- o -o .(\r-...P (\i> tE ul grD:o O F€o C tn u1 - =F.U O @ 0J -? 6l o uo c)C, C \C i.l- O g. oco 3 E .a r, \o lJ .c€N G o'6,.. u o.. c - +,, cFF -c.. c o- '.rJ I,| o_c o J3 E+, --C O t >--un- C.-= O o -f rrr q-u. O E--rr--o c- c. trt\_c - r,r G oarl+,-C l0 ()-o U| e€J c-v ul uN cJ 3 a t' (:= c OE ?v IL L F.- L O <-:L ...F (J -lJ - c (, -9 st .o|EQ.iL F G, ul.c O 't ci +, (.:, c c$o >- - o .- r,l-0, pc {J L -C \- C,u.! \oc,!)F -- q- c:V,= S u F !r -.1- F 'rC - Vt- t-c+, c t! , o |o L o oco.p rc --C.n C F a +t irt 0)O L -U o o c>E r- Vr== E C O \cb .- E E..f lJ\ G tP *\- vl U O ll -rO (jc U| c0.u-t - .lJ o c 0 .r- n- C rF -l1 o |! \C. -O cra .E I L4 cO g€Oo O-c c L U () -rJLOCC .P !- O= cr c)l-O (, -tr-c OF O!r+r CO +r -c C> v7 aJ .. .-lD (E .J -:y',- qr u- o (J c>- sca,G)car tt \- L -CLLL)G) f o ci F\-c O Z c@ q| .It G) c c.. o c o E u o-t a3 re- at rn -cr.ttl.-aa aJ rr -o r+- lrt .l, .Dtll o c,: o - C -CCr- C -E Csc'-O O .- 3- F O.- c O- L L .() C i/' rv.t G,fr.- lc .!J C l- g. (, cc c ct o-co o <:E .D +tZ.,J r'.l'L-oo EV'oc (/l.o u -c l- -co o o E tx'- E E q\+' c O- t O -(J q,>O tt g. >l?u) +t C et o a!c&c-c =o1 :' o oc.L l-)cc o o.- o a_,9-c-c O.O ar =N c c t' . .EO r- c- >, -E il aJ o-- rO 6e oo c t,| >c-c aErnJ >-o -'3..oLL+r..r- !. >FLt (E Ut rrl .-' O +t c.t- G) ? : C J O- Et\r-: c ! ci. o-u (.r ra- aD F L .c o |! Lr..i O O +r tF - O (, !-tF :- - (t- O o- O v!> c'. c. c-c .. tt ,r .E C- .i aD- +r O anE L. rrj c c ] ot ./: P-E'rL ct-.- o E o E 0J c: cr- o = -c o t_ c_c o t tr c |E o o u.-!J eC.lr- O-.D(ttL U > -co- = O -.u - .|-, 1t . o >-f T: ./t ri c G o,o r+- 'E o u\ .u q,O: -c. E- co E Z C +J- O t0 >C)CJ l- C-g -.r-r>t: >.tr G O }, .c- tl, t -tl 0.- ti.c!-L >=Pq; .-= tC (g (,'g E Er+--(j U O f -s- O f -vt- cO O X U -o-a.c c r cLP!O=..,'- N,lO:!-Lo-= c'.\- C-O O Q 7- t lL .E t', ct ::o o O '- .J,|,)-o o t F- C C o(f,g, c{J o O-C-Q C Z tt U l.,- O +, -F O L O J (E }J- u (a - o- iJ O- lJ Cr .- A, O z 3 co- b_ d. J a)tt c.P o +,O c tu aJ .- .. .- r. fJr c) O|- +, +,, +, G,oo crGJ o c)\- ri- >- cJ GJ o ra- ao rF q- q- cO \9 f rtr |-\ o\ | oc)NN . . !- -I- -CO cce O ' . .N C-- | - O'-- rJ\ -Fet\eNGt *- |... - LL' Lr- l! l! N .5 Oi .f. -i ,"\ N C >-. s{ f.{ -- U\ r-1 ut r- €.. .4 l\ o - <!.J o c .'t € o c o aJo c o o F- rj\ ra t\F-co| -(\t .! f.l_3 CJ-S =7.Lr:z.=Z.Z -f\ - oJ rt-t+ ridge is characterized by an oislar,do of aspen in an area other- wise dominated by evergreens, indlcating a probable higher noisture conditlon here. Soils Eazards: Frqm a solls engineering standpoint, the site solls possess variable engineerlng propertles. Although nost solls probabry lrossess bearing capacities high enough to support ligbtly loaded structures, moderate to high loads may result in some settlenent or consotldatlon of the soils. Areas of rather low density high mol.sture content solls nere found in the test borlngs (particularly Test Borings No. Z, 4, and 5). under these conditions, even rightly loaded structures may require special foundatlon conslderations. Slnce the majority of the surficlal. ileposlts contain at.least sone clay ln slgnificant quantitles, expansion of the cray soiJ.s could arso be considered as a poten- tial hazara in lhe suMivision area. Expansion pressures on the order of 900 psf were measured for both soil types encountered ln the test borings. The basic soil conditions for individual sites should be taken into account during the individual investigatlon for the structures for each lot. The logs of Test Eoles and Soil summary sheets for the soirs eocountered are provided as Figures 5A and B and 5A and B. .1 -20- Debris Flows: Review of the GeoLogic-Rapid Mass wasting proceas Map (a conponent of the comprehensive plan, ?own of vai') indicates rhat the two tri'utaries of Gore creek which cross through the sites have been mapped (by Arthur r. Mears) as possessing a noderate debrls flow hazard. rhis map described these hazards as rareas lncluded within this category can experience property damage, including flooding, erosion, inun_dation by nud, and irapact by snall boulders. ft is unlikely that lrfe will be endangered in Level l areas except at the very erratic and infrequent intervals of unpredictably rarge rockfa.Lr and debris avalanche events.o The debris flow hazard areas as indicated on this map are shown on the Geologic Eazards Map accompanying this report. Seisnic Risk: rhe subject. subdivisions are located approximateJ.y. six niles southwesterly of the Gore Fault. ?his Faurt is considered to be potentiarry active (R. M. Kirkham and w' P' Rogers' lggl) r and consrsts of a complex fault zone about 70 kiloneters J-ong and up to about 4. g kiLorneters wide. Because of the proximity of this lrctentiarly active fault in addition to the 5rctential earthguake hazard in this region of cororado, the site is considered to be in Seisrnic Risk Zone 2. Thls should be taken into account during foundation and stability analysis for eonstruction in the subdivisions. -2I- GEOLOGTC BAZARDS DESIGNATTONS : ?he geoLogic hazards pr€sc11.- __.r_si Ee have been categorized based on geologic unitr topographi: _:erring,and surface and subsurface drainage conditions. The hs:.rrJs desrgnatlons are shown on the Geol0grc Eazards uap ('n -cockeE).The following discussion r.rill serve to descrlbe these classifica_tions' For the nost parte these debrgnatroDs correspond ro .hose napped by prevlous investlgations; however, they bave been modi_fied based on the additionat geotosic ,.nn;r; ;"d analysis con_ducted as part of this investigation. ft should be nore,j rhar the hazard areas and s10pe stability characteristlcs are based on theoretical analysis. site specific studies nay conclude ihat hazards are either ress or greater depending on srte specific geology, slope, noisture condltions, etc. Eazard Area 7 _ physlographic Floodplain: These areas rie within the physiographic fl00dplain of Ehe core creek drainage and its tributaries' rt should be noted that al0ng Gore Creek considerabie construction has occurredr and man_ruade features have oblrterated the pre-existing physiographic frood-plain which probably existed in thls area. ft is our understand_ing that Federar rnsurance Adnrnistratron Maps exist which show the floodplain linits along Gore Creek. rhe floodplain linits on these maps should be checked in order eo verify that buirdings and lots are l_ocated outside the floodplain. Hazard Area 5 _ Eazard Area 6 generally consists of :":::T and aerasrabte slo.oes in active eroundlrarer areas.designation generally characterlze =r ^-- - --'53q!-L=rlzes areag of very steep to Thi s steep sruall slopes, active seeDs rn^ 6*-r__ - --rr -LE=n. LL eps and springs, accelerated creep, Iocal - ZZ- srtrnps, and/or past novetnent. This designation is nainly limited io mapped landslide deposits. Investigatlon of these areas for construction is rikely to be guite expensive and uitigation iikely to be quite extensive- Depending on specific consrruction ond conditions, deveioSrnent may not be eccnonical . on other por_ tions oi the property bordering these areas, investigations for construction should analyze the effect of constructlon to these sropes. Adequate setbacks from these areas shourd be naintained. rnvestigations for stability will probabry rnvolve off-site ana- lysi s. Eazard Area 5 _ This area designation conslsts for the nost part of netastable slopes. lhis area designation is gener_ ally characterized by steep to very steep slopes and accererated creep. Local seeps are arso present within these areas. con_ struction in areas designated as Eazard Area 5 witr require a very detair-ed and probably expensive geotechnical investigatlon, and probably very extensrve rnrtigation. Depending on specific construction and conditions, devel0lment nay not be economical . eonstruction pranned adjacent to the Area 5 deslgnation (both near the tops and toes of slopes) should evaluate the effect construction will have on designation 5 area, and effect these sl0pes wirl have on construction. rneestigations for stabil_ity 'oiil probably involve off-site analysis. Irazard Area 4s - This area designation consists of those areas napped as possible active solifluction zones. These areas are characterized by probable high groundwater, and possible slow ic acceierated creep in the forn of soiifluction. Slopes in these lreas Eeneraliy range frorn gentre to noderaie. rn these ar3as, -23- detailed geotechnical investigations will be necessary in order to anaryze groundwater and srope stabillty consiiterations along with foundatlon recornrnendations. rn some cases, nitlgat.ion wirl probably be expensive, dependilg on site location in relation to other hazarc zones, topographic setting, etc. rn extreme cases, deveropnent may not be economical . rnv€stigations for stabillty and groundwater condttions wiLL probably involve off-site anary- si s. Eazard Area 4G - This area designation consists gener- a1ly of tr)otentially unstabre slopes in active groundwater areas. This area designation is characterized by noderate to steep slopesr local seeps and springs, recent but snall slumping, and./or moderate creep. rn these areas, detailed geotechnical investiga- tions will be necessary in order to analyze groundwater con- ditions and slope stabllity conslderations along with foundation recommendalions. rn sqme cases, nltlgatlon r.rill be expensive because of the height of cuts needed in order to provide access and building areas, steepness of slope, and rateral pressures due to creep. rnvestlgations for stablltty nay invorve off-slte ana- Iysi.s. Eazard Area 4 - This area designation consists of 5rcten- tiarly unst.able slopes. These areas are generally characterized by moderate slopes, possible creep, but appear to be fairly 'dry' at the present tine. ft should be noted that, aLthough areas uithin this designation appear to be characterized by low noisture condi tions, excavations for access or foundations may encounter subsurface seepage. rt is, lherefore, very inSrcrtant ihat individual site geotechnical investigations be perfcrmed -24- .-l 1 t'I Prior to construction, and that slope stability and subsurface drainage condltions be emphasized in tbese investigatlons. Eazard Area 3G - This area designation consists nainry of rnoderate to gentle sropes in actlve groundwate! areas, These areas are cbaracterized by active seeps and springs or possibte shallow groundwater tables, and/ot trrossibre past solifluction. Detailed geotechnicaL investigations are recommended in order to assess past or potentlal sollfluctlon, subsurface drainage con- ditions, foundation conditions and slope stability. Eazard Area 3 - ?his area designation consists generarly of gentle sropes characterized by apparent row moisture conditions. lhese areas nay be subject to local or seasonal groundwater seeEF page. rndividual subsurface soils investigations with enphasis on subsurface drainage, slope stability and foundation conditions are reconmended in these areas. where the designation 3 area abuts against higher hazard areas, the effect of construction on slope stability should be analyzed. Hazard Area 3A - These areas consist generally of utoderate to gentLe slopes, generalry above the permanent ground- water table of Gore creek. These areas may be subject to Local or seasonal groundwater tables and possible flooding or debris [iows- For t,he most part, these consist of the alruvial fans in the streamside area and the northeasterly portion of vail vilrageT Filings r and 2. subsurface soils investigaLions are recon&ended for these areas with an emphasls on foundation con- dttions and subsurface drainage considerations. rf deep cuts are Flanned in these areas, they should be specificalry anaryzed for stabil-ity or retained. J^ -25- Hazard Area 2G - This area cesignaiion consists cf f1at, Lo gentle slo;res in active groundwater areas. These areas are characterized by variable solls condltions, and by a high per_ nanene water table. Enphasis ln these areas should be directed :owards subsurface drainage conditions and foundatlon conditions. It should be noted that the hazard boundaries, as delineated in this report (and otirers), are gener- airy drawn at approxinate breaks in slope and that setbacks for t'he buildings fron hazard zones should be based on the protrnsed construction and individual geotechnical analysis, not !branket' setback distances. - a D- UNS"ABf,E FTLI, SLOPES: site is rhat or poren*alr" "::::n::.T'::"::: T::::"j::possess potentially unstabJ.e fill slopes appear to be located, for tbe nost part, in Ei,ghland Meadowsr Fillng g6. 2t and ln vail Village west, Filing 1 and 2 along Alpine Drive and sierra ?rail.rnspection of the roadways and paveuent revear.ed numerous areas in whrch rongiturirnar cracking (crackrng paralrer to the roadway)was observed' The nost obvious area in which Ehe cracking was observed is in the halrpin roop of Alpine Drive rn uighland Meadows, Flllng fqo. 2. fn this area, it appears that the road fill is either settling and/or noving dorn the hillside. Another area of srgnlficant cracking is l0cated on the nortberry side of t.he roadway near the cul_de_sac of Seguoia Drive. N,rnerous other areas of longitudinal cracking were also noted along the roadway of Eighland Meadowsr Filing No. 2e €rnd in vaiL Village West,Frlings 1' ?his rongltudinal cracking wourd indrcate either (r)that soil naterials in utility trenches are possibly settlingr of (2) fir'' sl0pes created as a part of road constructlon are either settling or creeping downslope. Unless the fills were pro;rerly pJ'aced (with proper strrpping, keying, benching and conpaction),tbe fill sropes should be considered as potentially unstable. rt is Srossibre that these fills rdere not properly conpacted and,/or 1ie on an unscarified surface of o1d topsoil and vegetation, and thus the fill wedges are prone to creepr sllrmping and settlenent.Build up of subsurface drarnage behrnd the firrs (excess gnre pf,esure) or saturation of the fir.ls by seepage would arso reduce the stability of these fill wedges. Even if the fitls were keyed, ; I I I I - z t- benched, and conpacted, if placed within the creep zone of natural soils on the s.Lopes, noverDent could occur. Vermont Road (Etghtand If not properly placed Potentially unstable. In the area of tbe cul-de-sac for park) a fill of substantial height exlsts.and compacted, this fill rnight also be ST'BDIVTS rON EVAI.UATT ON At the tine of the writlng of this report, nost critical references rcere avairable for our reviep.Revrew of the subdivrslonrs rayouts rn regards to prevl0usry napped geologic hazards eas accompllshed. Based on our review of the available references, arong rlth our fleld reconnaissance and "Ja"" of subdivlsion layouts' the following discussion is pre- Vail Village West I and 2: In the case of Vail Village lilest,FiLings' No' 1 and 2, lt is our understanding tbat tbese sub divislons were platted prlor to any regulrenents for geologlcal or soils reports, and therefore, no previous geologic hazards investigations have been accouplrshed for these two filings. Eighland Mead.ows, Filing No. .l_: The ssjsging subdivision layout, as it pertains to originar geoJ.ogicar studies and previousry napped hazardous areas, appears to have been pranned with due regard for site conditlons recognl.zed at tbose stages, at least to the satisfaction of the various consultants and reviewing bodies.Most consultants indicate in retters that at least the prelrni_nary plat had taken into consideratlon known conditions. r.n,._ r An area enconpassing portions of -v.D 1 cnrough g' !2' 13' 14, 15, 1g and 20 0i Eighland ,eadorrs I I I I ras apparently not part of the study area in the c. s. Robinson and Associates, re;rcrt dated Novenber 2g, L977. but was part of the R' w' Thonpson report of July' r'g73. rnspection of this 1g73 study indicates that portions of the building areas for Lots 6, 7 and g lie witbin his 'Eigh Riskr zone aJ-though in a letter to KKBNA dated December 2, Lg77, Thompson indlcates: ,The latest map furnlshed our firm indlcates substantiat portlons of L,ots 4 through 9r and 19 to 25 are restricted as open space. These restrictions are within areas descrrbed as hlgh hazard zones in our original investigation. we berreve the open space as desig-nated on the plat shourd be naintained and building restricted from these areas. r Eighland lteadows, Fillng No. 2t fn Chen, s L972 reporr for Vail village west, riling uo. 3 (Flgure IE) Lt shows i portions of Lotr -s oq'q' an area lncluding s 1 through 5 (Elghland Meadows, Filing No. 2) as "potentiar sltde Arear. This bazard area is arso shown on the Sketch plan Subrnittal Map (Sheet 4) for fighland Meadows, Fillng No' 2i however' the boundary differs somewhat between the two naps. Chenrs June 30, I97g, retrrcrt lras apparently not accon_panied by a sinilq' napr and therefore, ,;-;"-;;;-*."r. frou whar the hazard area on the Sketch plan subrnittal is based. ?he Sketch pLan Subnittal is dated May, 197gi Chenrs report on Eighrand Meadows' Filing uo' 2 is dated June 30, 197g. To our knowredge' the prelininary prat does ::ot derineate this hazard area on lt. rn conclusion, it appears that portions of the I I rl c:r I through 5, iPotentlal SIide fn Sumnerlee,s 1974 report for Matterhorn Vil-lage Subdi visic includins por*otls ;;;";"";onr Filine No' 2' it shows an area t L6, L7, Lg, L9, 2O and 32 as his Area No. 4 (o...a very high risk of slope tnovenent associated with any construction cuts and fills.,) and Area No. 5 (oThese areas are presently very steep and unstable due to actlve collu_vial movernent or rcreepr'!). These areas boundary is shown on the sketch plan submittal for Eighiand Meadowsr Filing No. 2 as 'Eazard Area!- portrons of the building enveropes for Lots 17,18 and 19 lie nlthin this dEazard Arear. This hazard area is not on the prelininary plan for thls filtng. rn Eighland Meadowsr Filing No. 2,the road system is such that it rs feasibre that access could be obtarned fron either tbe top or bottom of tbe 10ts. rn the case where high cut sl.pes erist on the 10t, this creates potential probrerns in that if access is on the downhill (cut) side, con-siderable excavation will be needed in order to access the buiJ.ding area. When accessing a 1ot fron the top portion, it is usually the practice to construct a building on a cut and fill pad' By doing this, fill could possibr-y be pJ.aced c'ose to the cut slope which forms the downhill boundary of the lot. The surcharge of fitl sl0pes above cuts could have a detrimental effect on cut sl0pe stabirity. rn the case of raore than one 10t between ttro streets, such as betr D r i ve and vermo". -:.;;;"; " -".."_ ::, :l:T.";:::;:: :: ":: .,. building Eighland Arear. envelopes for s:ne of Meadows, Filing Uo. 2) these lots (Lots Iie wirhin this - 3I- -32- t slopes could have a detrimentai effect on the construction of fiLl on the uphiLl lots couid effects on the dosnhitl lots. uphill locs and have detrimental Highland park: The Highland park Subdivision is a replat of Aighland Meadows, Lots 26 through 42. This area was covered under the Thonpson, lg73 and Robinson, 1g77 reports. The Preliminary plan for righrand Meadows (incruding Lots 2G through 42) was apparently reviewed by both Robinson and Thompson and by the colorado Geologlcal survey. The generar concl_usion in the colorado Geological surveyrs letter is: lDever_opment of the west-upper meadow is feasible but like aLl mountain developments t*ill need good construction supervision. n To our knowledge, nelther Thompson, Robinson, nor the cor-orado Geological survey have reviewed the HighJ-and park subdivision plans. By overlaying the 1977 Robinson nEngineering ceologic classificatlon Map! onto the nighland park Grading and Drainage plan (Revised) dated ApriL 2Z, Iggl; and .olotting the landsride area indicated by Jerry Klug and Associates in his retters of Novernber 5, l-9g0, the following conclusions can be drawn. r) Four planned unrts (which have already been built) iie within Robinsonts Engineerrng Georogic classification 5. 2) portions of Ehree planned uoits lie within a rand- siile area as identified by jerry Klug and Associates. Critical Areas The identification of critical problems and potentiar. hazardous areas due to construction is conpricated by the fact that the trpe, size and nature of as yet unbullt structures is unknown. Tiiere are arso difficulties involved in evaluating the effect of present construction because we have no idea who did the subsurface sorls investigations for the indivldual buildlng sites, what they found, what they recom_ mended' and rf the devel0per folJ.owed the recornmendations. Eighland Meadows, FiJ_lng fo. 2z The first exaruple of a trntentlal.ly hazardous area due to present construction is the area of LoE z of Eighrand Meadows, FiLing No. 2, This Iot is ln an area of possible solrfluctron- The northerly part of this 10t ls an area of metastable sl0pes- rn tbe area of Lots 41 and 42 0f the vail village West, rillng tto. 2, construction has created high retaining walls and high steep unretained cuts in this srope. The combinatlon of these factors results in a higher hazard potential for instabilities for construction on this rot. Severe gully erosion was noted to be occurring at two nain points- rn the Lot r- area of Eighland !4eadows, rillng *o- 2 and in Lot 5 of Eighrand Meadows, Filing No. 2. rn Lot 1, surface drainage is directed down a netastable sl0pe and the saturatron of the soils has created a gulry and slurnping. rn Lot 5, gully erosion is occurring around the area of a nan-hore and sener Erench excavations and some mud is beino _14 -33- wasbed down the swar.. continued erosion of this area courd cause slope instabilities and/or deposition of the erodec soirs eould occur in the house area innedlately beLow the swa1e. Vail Village tilest, Fillng Wo. 1r Anottrer criticaL problen area is the Lot 22 of vail virrage r{est, riling trto. l. rt appears that niti- gation of the landsllde which hag occurred on this rot will be guite expensive. Dependlng on hor nuch money could be expended Lo salvage a buildabre Snrtion of this rot, the rot may have to be abandoned for building purEloses for the sake of stabirizinq the slope and road. potentially hazardous areas exist within the unstudied vair virrage, Firing No. 1. rn this sub- division' entLre lots have been mapped as being on metastable slopes- These rotE wirl reguire very detalred site evaruatrona prlor to constructl.on, nitigatlon probabry being quite expensive. !IighIand park: The area around Vernont Court including portions of former Lots 27, 2gr Z9r 30, 3ln 33 and 34 is another critical probJ-en area. rn this area, Robinson recognized a landsride. subsequent investlgatlons by Jerry Klug a:rd Associates delineated a slide area encompassing portions of Lots 29, 30, 31, 33 and 34. A reconnaissance of this area during our investigation arong witlr the excavations of Test Boring No. I -34- f indicates this area to be a landslide. we would consider the slide napped by Robinson and the slide napped by K1u9 as the sarne feature and tbus cornbined and expanded lhe Ewo siice areas. This sllde area ls consldered to be in our Bazard zane 6 and nitiga- tion of this feature would probably have to involve a conbined effort of aII lots involved. It is "onn."a"U that the gighland Park suHivision pJ.an be reviewed by the prevlous consultants and the colorado Geologl.cal survey for their comments on the proposed development in this area. Eighland Meadows: fn the Streamside area, although not a part of this studles a!ea, lt appears that previous investiga- tions recomnended fills in the area to buttress tbe landslide, phile present con-struction has undercut the toe in part. ft ls not known whether the exlsting gabion and retaining walls in these cuts were designed as buttresses. cutting of this toe (without retention) could have negatlve effects on stability of the lots in nighland Meadows above this area. Regional: The most critical area lies in the poor subsurface drainage conditions which exist on the si.te. This, however, can probabJ-y be miiigated or substantially reduced by an extensiye subdrain system. .d' -J5- Eighland !{eador*s, I'iiing No. 2 & Vail Vii-lage West, ?i1in9 No. 1: 9, 'The stabillty of cut slopes in Eigh1and Meadows, filing Xo. 2 and Vail Village West, Filing No. I is also a crltlcal area. As previously discussed, many of the cut slopes in Elghland !,teadows, !.iling No. 2 er:bibit slurnping, : seepage and erosion. These cuts will continue to fair if not ' stabiLized. The prlnary nitigation technigue recomrnended for this area is to lnstall a subsurface drainage systen ln order to intercept the subsurface seepage. It ls lrcssible that buttresslng . or retention of some of tbe cut slopes will aLso be regulred. -1, -36- MITIGATION Many dlfferent tYPes of uncon- solidated surflcial deposlts underlie the site and various problems and combinatlons of problerrns affect the site. As pre- viously discussed, sLope stability on the site appears to be controlled by three main factors, the. topography, both surface and subsurface drainage, and the geologlc units. Due to these many variable factors, the tlpe of nitigation used on any par- ticular site or problem area will depend on its site specific characteristics. Depending on the type and extent of the hazard, a joint effort may have to be made by two or more lot owners in order to rnitigate the hazard and reduce the Srctential for insta- bilities on their lots. fn t,he case of small to nedium sized Landslldes, mitlgatlon could involve reuroval of the slide debris and replacement with conpacted fi1l, drainage and buttressing of the landslJ.de, or- ln the srorst of cases, conplete avoldance of the hazard. In the case of possible solifluction, this can probably be at least slowed to an acceptable level of risk by a systen of drains which drain the water fron the deposit. In the case of gullY erosion, sinPle installation of drainage structures which are non-erosive would prevene gulLy erosion. In the case of the slwuping observed in the road cuts, a carefully planned and designed subsurface and surface drainage system would be the first mitigation neasure for Ehese areas. In some of the cuts, stabillzation by buEtressing -37- or retaining structures rnay also be required. Depending on the arnount of maintenance which can be tolerated due to skin failures, and rill and sheet erosion, slough walls or slough catchnent berms nay be necessary. In reference to the possible movemen! of road fills, nitigation could include conEinuous naintenance of cracking, stabillzatlon by sone sort of retalning structure, or in the worst case, conplete renoval , stripping, keying, benching, compaction, and drainage. one problen with the sorution of con- tinued uaintenance and cracking is that lf the fill noves to an extent that it reaches a water or sewer llne, a slnllar failure could occur as has on the Bitetto property. The prinary nitigation technlgue which should be lnvestlgated, planned and designed for the site is a subdivislon-wlde dralnage system. This trrcint cannot be enphasized enough. This drainage system should be instaLled based on a detailed subsurface investigation and analysis of the groundwater. conditl.ons on-slter analysis of the exlstlng utlll- ties systems (sone utlllties could intercept subsurface seepage and if not designed to do so, could increase the problerus), and careful design. Critical problern areas should be investigated ln more detail- as soon as possible in order that solutlons can be found to these problerus. We hope this has provided you with the information required. If you shouLd have any guestions or reguire additional clarification, please feel free to contact L incoln-Devore. -38- ) \ ) =-,i'X:;. ./ l.i+.':- '- 1ll---, r i.--..-_-\\\\\ \ \\:j-;\ '\ -. \..,\. ,'.\N=4\:.;..:'- / Ai'=.t l'-+- , ., -(:) t--.,\'.)li-.^N, Si://l\-rP !F, ' :, -l :.\F\\\ t tR92. ny--,* z p *-:"i':, : r:IT1:,\_ _r"""_1/ ,l .4,.r.,.r i) = 1 == l', /,{r _.-a -v'--/ /-p '^."= rI l, N .') ' i.=.,-!i;Ni\f@ N:,\.Nl'\1'192-A: {O )t-.---"'zC .\.--j : 'el , I )^-=:t/l F;*;':e MKrff[' .,/.,lt'f.:- ..,='/fi v-=-. \ \ ERar- glre LocATroN D,A6RAM Ylalrlp MF,ADAN1 $T HOLE No. I ELEVATION 54t rEr- aeRo& -- a- AFTEF & FPA6PETYT, Sata( 6ttr, A/?atetl4 lr,53121, t, n*ral'tr 'Petf'//8, €Bl EaaLoER tt)rLleo AF7e&9 ataree,Art'. a2, €zA/, 5.t75'.atr) ?eD-aelcL FtQ.rt, mortri ExPttvttra .gf0AEt .roeE SAJ,O de&rE, '4AOEXtlr'l SeaE €24' aFTEE 6 Na u47&-Af F'€AEE -<4 DRILLING LOGS 62, Czel, ttt7t 6ca77, FEA-EFILt 5/z43enD, C4r62el, tlrnltSAetn 6PerELl ?e2-8&.r., .Aozrft F/&tAt DEAS|T, EXPd.utlr1 ,tottc a/t. ;etorlad€ FPA6*r6tv7!t BAAC& Czef 5oF7) tYEt a,c6tulc 6.at 5e/(D4 t/L7y, mit Ftam, .,ttatrr:f 7o ttET COLORA DO ' COLOEADO SPRINGS. PUEaLo , aLENWOOD S PRIHGS , oRAND JUtlCTtos , HoNTROgE 'WYOMING; ROCK SPRIT{G5 LINCOLN DeVORE ENSINEERS' GSOLOGIST9 HOLE NO. ELEVATION 6lr6zey, rttTt t€e7r, aeerEts, ,utoEf 2€et 7rr) .€xPt ttrE FIF.AEE DEJ'lED 7.2 a ,Vo at4reL F/€uz€ 58 DRILLING LOGS 621 6Ley, w7456e77 634t815, t.7r)5aro1 F/l?/rrr.?rarrri EtPatrarr€ rct?l taFTj Z.lrOedttta 5e.rDt 62,6.e\ tralt ta77 6P4vEz€, ,rt r 'atol J .rtarg7, FnPAtsrr€ v&rt7rF4 o€tt 7, e /?'. cla02zGt DZtl!-€o a Na dutez weTa/? YEiaf 5.rFr, wEl /.67aFF, oaattTl Llf'lCO L i{ DeVORE ENGIHEEfiS. 6EOLO6ISTS COLORA DO: COLORAOO SPf,INCS, P'JEBLO , 6LENWOO D SPRINGS, GRAta0 JUdcrroN , Mor{TRosE t WYOMING I ROC fr, SPRINGS ,1... SUMMARY SHEFT ::,! 1 : ". . :1t -.t it Somple A2, azar- 5/.7r/,,tatoy cotion rvtcgtata taEaaawg szEoty. iinS Nb .-rc.!-bpth e'rycraez lple No. ./ :esi'ro.- 447ad-6t Dole Test oy Nqturol Woter Content (w) 14.? "/"Specific Grovify (Gt)_ IEVE ANALYSIS: 'eve lrlo .7o Possing t hrl '4 ___ -?tt 44 2 )_ ao.l ln Ploge tensiiy 1f'; ocf Picsric Limit P.L-/6.2 Liquid Umir L. L- zz4 o/o Plosticity tndex P.1 . lt.? o/o Fiow lndex Sh:inlcge Rciio Voigr.etric..il',ange o/o Lirreo i Shrinkooe Ccnsoiidotion % PERII,IABi LI'i'i: unoer psf ?fior- \ Rofic 5u ifotes PPM. ?/o o/o n 64'n_ 54.7 YDROMETER ANALYSIS: toin size (mm) aege-___!re€___43-O ?5.1 __=lt€uze 64 % nnOiSILiR: DFl'iSiTY: ASTM i,4ETHOD Optin"um nloisfure Content - wo g-4 o/o Arlox irnum $ry Densiiv - rd-pcf Ccii?ornic Beoring Ratio (ov)--%Swelf, ./ nsys-A-Zt-o/o Swell cgoinst€€4-psf Wo goin o/o BEARING: iJouse i Pe;.retromefer (ov)____,osf U'rccnfinei Compression. (qu)-b.f Plote Be.:ring: isf Inches Seft{ernenf- K (of VOI d I fdo,o - Ll NCOLN-De VCR E TEST! NG L,.{BORATORY COLORADC SPRINGS, CCLORADO sotL ANAI.Yst5 { )l SomPle 62, dzerr- aP6.4ra /AzeaK I No.Tesi Dt-:ie Tesi 44708-6:' 7-30-82 oy ln Place Density (ro) pcf Pf qsfic Umit P.L- ?o.??/o Liquid Limit L. L^ 3E.l o/o Plosticity lndex P "1. 12.2 olo Shrinkoge Limit FIow lndex Shrinkoge Rotio Volumetric Chonge-96 Lineof Shrinkoge' o/o MOISTURE DENSITY: ASTM METHOD Opfimum lripisture Confent - v1o /47o/o lvloximum \ Densify -r'd-,ocf Colifiomio Beori ng Rofio (ov)---9o Swelf . / noy< O.22 oA Swell ogoinst@9-psf Wo goin o/o BEARING: l-buse I Penetromeier (ov)--,osf Unconfi ned Compression (qu)-psf Plote Beoring:psf lnches Settlemen Conso lidofion under psf PERMEABILIW: K (ot 20oC)- Void Rqtio- Sulfotes ppm. Ll NCO L l'l-DeVOR E TESTI NG LABORATORY CCLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO SUMMARY SHEET 'cotion /atragz erua lrrEeOat'f' ''/Aarn No rn-? Depth ra' e Nc. 2 Noturol Woter Ccntent (w)-zeZ % Specific Groviiy (Gs) IEVE ANALYSIS: ieve M.o/o Possi ng t/2 |l loo.o I q6.7 tr 2ne YDROMETER ANALYSIS: toin size (mm) o/o --LO?OC) ! F/qu,z€ 66 SOIL ANALYSIS a c c € I !=:!- t:-!=c- ; :::rir i = tr! ii:: ii:E : E;i. illti iilii litil b I t t t B E E t g t c- !a C ra 1l 6 rtl lril iilil F e 1;I F :ttl : I _l :l 63 tl d C - r I a I E I ra C 9 :l,c i C E C t ro = i I C t o .€ o d G a t t 5 !,a ta -9 ! C o .a IE t,!t A rD C !.a a 5 - s C -s o g o F-E= 6:E: e! J t G I F J a, -Z 9 F I t o o I f- 9 -1 (, t- t- Or, {): l-X J .u a E t a C a 3 o a o a t & T I )I a t P c a t E t !I r-a I , G ,C t a, tt ! 5 t I €t o ,I j I T t ;! o |a ,-- C t c G 6 c L o |q s u I I I 't :l a 'l I r cl \o l_ rr. o t a (J _-! -E taz a) -o 9E <)Ao eEz .6 3 =E =F €f G €O (, (, t"- u -l ,-.l ;l: 3l: a5 d'-' !t r- iu 3 : P 'Jl :-l :1 ,-l :l r I L ( -a,lr E 0 o a. E ra t {a D o t g E a- 6 E I a A o a € = t o c € tr,x C 3 a 0 E a 3g rt II !g a: =o -o Ir !=e.!- t.-!:::rirE r trE ii:: iiii iilIi fil:E iiii; t o ,a 6 B t €a .8 s ri E-9r a?g.:l :l 5l !l ;l sl Enl E:I i^l ;sl =.1 s_l 5!l c_t: 5c :, { C;C t 3 D a 7 l, E : a o a o t A a C !a a E - !C t o s o L L) = o a )E c = I I I ! I o !C 7 t I I 3, a a ? J E z I a (l .if -! C t t T €a a t E t 9 J J (t F t .a ,.o b 4 o (.)r I F () :(J :l I 'l I ill ili s;l | | l:l:ll g=i -i I o:l :! |;=i ;i I ;:t ;l I :.i =i I -r]t-ll ;ill T 1 ! = >L --rJ {}>r <t v1 o L a5 ,t L e:t @ ct o T I.F.g\co Crt € ort r€ {: i=, z AA I6 €Er ol.! c ilr o € f\o o c\lft \o IJ\ c,l sl €F.. { $ lr .\l (\sr <\l C! N ct cl !'\ o (\ tt #gt tf*." 3 e#q {$r (t gr o.. o 0r\ o q\e. r\I 6 W a3 ttl ct a <t (, atl co (5 alt (:t I N ct (Et ai a3 1t7 tt\ 5:tE-,J E:ffiI- 'EE:€t-- -aE- EI z.z.z z z.z.2 l; I o rtt c{+ o o I o L c o +r.o E e. c L !g ol +i: -: rl !r I I ^'I -l I q il :l l a ]l 6 t -I a o e ? I I I o I -l I F t 3 I =l _l o F E o t ( =o I I .-t _t ,I =1 I : o ra r o a ag o G ( at I z o 3 o z F J I o (, (, (u € a,o l1r v, E3 g 9., a, j--:, in c, tr Lr -:. cr1 tl ,). !,' r-'-I;i, rr 'r-. lt, {:4' Li fi .:r I tl I t-' tr L] r. Li i I z a ;i i-i^ tr1 ii ---r F:..=z4 ol tr .,1 ; eto i- !'3 l,J oo O AF j:.: :E r i;- ; itf V.t -i v :! -i :: Ll i I -'\ i : : CN !c UJ ut z o o :-r_ D | ) :a f-r :-L-i !-r t:.' fi -i i.l ,r -i l-i -.1 i tr i --; I l-\ o rl i a-:ori i >i Eli , ol E>r 3iE-n;1-3* l-- t-- c t-. >- {: !- _) - N:J J it ftr il :;. ;- r--,!.i_:l r-r-- c -: r-! !-::; -'1 ..-l a> CD =! I I F |r'gJ I at I F.tl I l z 3 ! :x 9:;:.' i>!;:-eJ :.'1-"_ i-:'::;- _!E a- rt o (It v, !- ro .B :' : = q o a :! a I o If? J. L = I ao l-. 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'x ':f !o '. lt '. rr' \: !r' J ..J ttl I rr.' itrur-a at{ totar rr- aar rF ot ,.4 ttt _r_F . rl _l|la .l D'rrtrtl or rrlt]!ut,r u,.-Llrrtrt cc,vD^ci'4,r. '..ve-a :,t f e. COMPASTION TEST rr 3r Drocrc'.,"r ASlf |ttiJ-,-3 5en i t' ira.,.: i ' i a',t i -.: :'. ='.' -:- , .::."..r-li-" RESULTS i',ei;,.-ij ;;,-2" + j,/l', laleriAi F,epi;Cec F:' :J L J € d, € L- aa (u E\ <rr fl.;.\ !\.. r!,-\: 'a : L i\ .-o ., Ft a6l ? : zz, ; ; *A . :vr .a'..o > tn O !J O.O J ^ cn -t'. L -l Y ? t'c Fs - U 1J-r: -.lr') :l = --j (J : :-a )' tr = .a glf F < l- O = : .t-"- (-, 2: ;:1 : r-'r :{' 1-: -,-=-ii :-:; , r <J :-:<:5-:: 'E ; i ao q\r i- .-o ,@ 3f <.{ $a ji ,t ,'\ -rJ dt o I I I =l -T I rl- a! <J o i I J |\.| o UI t-q, rJ I E UI o t-, C -o L- =l!t- >1 o :,- T- A1. ) i I I I I I I I I I o, o oJ1 ++c\ 3.] .90 \o i{(t q' cl JQ c .J >o <aI' .c!-so t!_t _ ., L' UD o)- =l-t::> .'-) -1 : .r ; .--.3 a I t e$ ,##r I T- I I I I I i ->' t- l) o -o .rt a - !.1 - 3i;-J:J J' cc =3:r :l-.€) NF ':- - 24t :--r- =: =a : :'E- ,L' -:Uo a :; =:e - --2 : a:ttl ': -< : :':;. ...- o u 9r q,o- --.i ,1 I -l F z f-) = : : .: _ ^1 t ttu .J '.'!r€ >: i-! a= il J -rJ ._ >l !. a4 r.1 o =!r oe == -il-g :..J, - Ct): o- :- .,r i xl r ao i Yu 'i Yc :n l:., 'i ' _: _b -: --g ; ' : i- !=-{=-c _ : -€ !::= :- tj-: I qr tr c\, ql ,5 (\ 'al ic; .,- 8rt 9r 6:5-e::,'5z (-J I z ) ,;-: = : < : _ rao d:l cEl i. -'- i t: ll t: I \'N U c'r JO =co >.c < _t, eO {1- .r (J ut t- )>| . r ., : :; ft- /l a' :i<;%'*)il "R*\-iW fu,iR#ry ; __! t- -" L J-- : u E =- .u J- -1 '- J t:{ :r- -trI >- J-1 )tn !-g !-J< f-r tJt €-,t l't,r Jl-.= ! 'J ao- - !r:11 O> c,Llt - L .n -ao ie "'r g -j .r it -t '-€o := U I i i a e (-, f,q (J :t'rl .J c .2 E f o,=:oi tt J}-; z F llJ F 4 z ; an r3 J ! F a Lll o .l q i ; |l.l Itt .l I l\ F lr {n, -l ;,- i \o U)o 6t I t4 (n 6Cl K U d2 .= ur ut i! i -- z J f, z o trt t:E:g:r!5: -l 'z c (- \.o 6l sl o @ ol TI ol -l ot (Jl I t-l I, t='l :),l U :t c crl >l .i _-: I ..1i gi EI .l a a t5 : rn olooo ..t .C \IJ € \O a{ e{ .n cJ ..1 \rOr1J\OO aO F\ (3 cO cC 3=: = c. c. =g!.rrY.J -ooc ta=ri:-i giro a r.r.\, !.\ O i t\ .-{ i.j1 i+++\.o r\ .5 ,t -{rr. I <,J (n q) d a (n € € 6 o) (J I I I l\J : a\a iJl 13 rl >.o !ro lJ'l - ,.1 r=ul tjj -'a 1 j 3 l o rr:l l-\ !)u\ L1 or l'r q\a'l :J 6r .J\ .--t -1 '-1-.E: I ' (E u,l tll -: ; rtt tJ ! €.' !,'t .j\ .3 aa <3 a3 cc-J3 al - c.l t= 9 3 =< 9 F ) l z o o €t- -:.J ,' (, l: - :-a _il -.L a-a -.::) a :_{ aro 9r 6:$i )o 64 cc4po all It Lrut! -tt)ttaa :J ':.J ,: 1,'. E ; c] z:l Erj r.! rh o I.{".- q .giq ."*/aanNtet"^Yzar l/c €t )\9 3:4aq --\'% o ..f- K;:,i ' '-= l-----.: I I .: @ : F- t- !c rg a (r' I ;{l ./ti >t i 6- i ?! -!: )-no n:'9 =(J -=j.3 i sr, :' =-r Oi t)-ta) : {J r-rJ cn, :r :- =.t trl *r ; rd ri1 cct .{O It\oor I ) .J i <5 z I i I <t a)o !- 5 L "J cq-- a--=)l =o=o atr er- i- =--:€::-a :-?4 : -'3 € : 9=- : .: = -r : I I rt- .t-:o- ;E -. Io-l t< 1: : :ooo c, r:.l --\+++a.l rr{ c{ c'l !-l aoo a1't l I \o (l <\l l'o JCO 9 >o < '\t aJo L1 _ .J t_t !r->1- a -: -I' -3 ; .-- :-: >rff"sv.^ h s @ )..\o ,r* z * 6lH ;(5 ?e. :- _ _]-_ I I I i ':-t- u ! t..rlja!3 tJr .ro .E c.de ..l--lll.a to- -- .aa rtl Ot { rrt - [- F r 't -Ell .l t.I rtr lr trt DrrraT t I o|' trr friz Lt rl rrLLl'{I ttrt a !a r I (,I a !t t a T t l j 1' l I t a a t t o t a Cxeru aruo AssoctATes Co'*r.ul tir6 E4 ir'aa*r Soll ond Fo+radot ioo Ergiae+ri ng cLaY t.lrllcl l0 ttlt !s-hratrcl GRADATION TEST RESULTS crAY.:- 28 * laND 38 % ltLT axD cLAY LrcutD Ltratr % tlasTrctrY tt{DEx )aotatulf - FEic:xT or 9iY w:lgHT €tllo lll % I tG I oO CCrr-ACtaOilia 8a., FLt O.a- -^t terr, t '| It COA'iPACTIOfl TEST Yr. r ?.ocrovFE AST'I 0598-70 GrEvally Sllty 9and CraeL Dr|vo DE, rr. REsULTS H.thod C -2!rt 3/ln 8/?2t79 rorll9ta - !ar 9artrrt c,rrltlS rr rJ -+-_t{-- l \-i -;{ I I L 18,756 l{eterlrl Roplacod cr -t g I t .:n.g r,l \-.!oo i. t dE :!j*" ;-; *':' otrr.(tir ot lra t lt rr lLrjr Yllt Cxerq ANo AssoctATEs Can*.rltira Eng incen Sail oad Fen& tiotr En6ine<it'tg a I .o!a &l 2 t roC t t ! i I I 3!at lrlrltal Fo |||$ tno-'r.rrr'Ct oravtL Ll€lulo Llt'lY GRADATION f raxo ZG 7' Lot rfutlE - tEic'xY rt TEST RESULTS * ttLY axo cLaY 55 tLa3TlcrrY lxoEx '3 DiY W€ IGH T dl % % I I t d '|I I !I N {I fl a lil ;l I --{ il 't I 1 I I t ,it i 1 roo : : llo 3 tl a O a J lta g a a tl 6 ro a o to+'r"octlol, TEsr REsuLTs ASTil 0638-7q Hethod A c'OMPAc'"tclt' Ttgr PIO€fOUtE ra r. r'r-e o. VarY SendY 5l I t ,1"-iitit*, l9 Yarrmnt Soed rorrrgrc - o.lr Dertrlr c!lvls l8'756 gltlx gt2zl79 cA-f -l l*iI .Ct '=:D I t l5 lE lf It l- lH li iF I I I I C'e l o 1 cl o o I a o @ o N l\,o\ I ffi [etr#@ gQ.a6 F!1 =P 7' -* 3p a8 =8 FE'r- Fl =.8 =='rnJ gP c/) :E :t 3l 9E F(! rO mI EL !b -{l ZFI eHl LI f"l gl rn0 st l-m lr tb :FI ,i\.-N ,to il I ^lP EF;1.ob C -5 rn oF o D{C! trl rr ob- =cl '-3B ^3F f;qFi 3H e sFt .K= E3 36 tt m Q 3 o =z o o 3 ! o { o z F J m I t- 9 a : t 3 <f o o o D f 3 o s l icl : o. ' E ;:;:-'=33 : i; 3i a::38 Ji5a.,: ;: e gg =3*Fi aiEsi f;;iEF Figgs E'o i o-|oa;g 6:? x -r o =o { E.EC :; q: $3 3i 6 : :--;;9i atsii tO Ja a3g"€o =a J gt:i rr<69 €a ={ o l 9 ootr 1c,1!!-o -:=io :lF2 :5& EPB 9=o =6'@ 58 =o a _6-uf r': I o o o 9 o t o ln U'o t nl !o {l-lo I' l;ln le IE Ilr la l"ll l*t; E lo lt: t: ll l-r tq o o I =t, ;t I {t t 3 3 o o J I a.a : ={o .t o v,D r o t .l o !t ,o o t l :o a.o o tx -lO olD .rl< -lo o 1."t l-rlo :rl5 !lt rla ata alO o It It a l.r .'a I .r1."ato ol tl6t oto al1 .lo IT lo lo tr lo l1 l;li I t-lo l!l.a IC lr- I lo lf IA lo-lo lf lrt c\ c 3 o o o o 3 It E o z t o o |D I a' o I a , 8 I o q CI :t o_ t o l o o l o J o f c o 9 t o =CI o o l o 3 o o tt o g = =o t o f ct c|e c\ CT { I 3 (t o ! l1' tt c-l ol -lr I -el 1l ol '<l .l 'l c_l ol =l :l Fl ol Jl I d '<l a o itn .(!o (D 0 J (!o I'o o o E o t f CI o o o CI €t (n m !!t o fn o o. t o o,- cr o o 3 o (D d Lr. I I cl -{9 I ?! E F I i. I 5 vr ;o\t{ a ,c t tn it .c o C't t o 1 at o o a a CL o o o ir ht or (? -(D d DI =B D'a (t o f) al FI (!a -ra -a -t f? c,(D z vt =z,a a rn o rrl -)-z.6 z.C, z.m rrl U' rQ :;:I :l o @ 2 o c' -{ln l-t\ lo t\i* I FF F E -15.o Fo t D{rn rDE - !oh-= o cl , !rFb: :Fg r 0pilN 5H d ',r &F1fr F4 t ,6 1l 12./FO ln IL ll ll D J CL D a (n Irl I .n 6'{ 6 z o o 3 ! o 6 z F -.1 tn I r tv,lvr lao I lr l.t t3 I5 IA Ir l1 lo-I l1t la lo lo l.t lo l.|I IA to It lrr l"t l<I I E at o f al J c t cr o a o 3 o a l --t o F Ct f J e,o o o o f E D o a a : ? I z 5 o ID l1 ta 3 lc l; o- t o o l!t I 6. o =to 3 o c o o o crc.o -{.| El=:: ieif,;3id33 ir:lg 5< t o-6 i:esg =3F:g e3;g;ii:fI Hgi:e if,r;E ' i:j33 E'o f ^-,o*oPE oE:' A iEP ;s: i ;d3i _ro=e; ^=; : aiE :"98 'O J J G -O -qFEF @:-6 J grgE .r€6 9 ?a =E t o o t, J o : (E'o a @ o_ 3 o 6 =o o o : I l g o o o ct C' o o o9 :t6it =3e 3:\aeg 3 ue'g 13i tl-l=g ts=:IC\nt8 =t6 Clr =lo :'l el:lo t;IE t.D to l6-to t=t;lrt IE l6 lf lcr' eg qr Cl lcJ :J .< d ct o o 3 o e { l od i5'-) =i :ol 6g o9 X6 q?is 6' a. ,o ott on Fo- au-o=r: -o tt JI .|=a5 I o 1 3 o q D o F .t .Il |.l E o o m al C" !m I o !-{ o UI m m l, G !Ft !F :h Ar-:9.H:-!qc '<2 E or< @ a-t t tct i o7) @d E- .tr, tJ r4r -r!lErcoElGtcl| i r;: . al, -t ,: "-- :: I '1 A .: ,-:L-;o lr' :-t: 'o- >:=.-: -fc .=. :r .J- :- J-,1 6 --9:--:C tJr 'l1 .l ,J 1.a.\' L, rrr t, I -rcoc _:1 -rf I Q9\;-.cl :n .J- :- J-,1 6 --9:--:C tJr 'l1 .l ,J 1. 1- .\ 'L'ljrl'-rcoo _:1 -'- i J1 ,1 = I E .C COrt l,r a)COrc.tL cc et=f:-r Lr = -.-_ ca : :, -r 1 i! o, aa aE6 == -t- O: .s- -: .l- c- aJ --1 Ga-3 vr t--no a: 1 : I i I I :: - :: ! I :' ----- : -tl <ii t; I I -ili ^ti --------r-J I rl 't ri rl rl al -l =l <; ri :;:E '!3 t6t rar ! :a ..t c- _! _'! C. _'l c- : i.; tl \, L, (, clc i.o(.3ooo ca e AJ t-' ^: 1 = .3 ''-.t : rt x € c,ltl J OJ c o o : {o E- I- o- 'g -T l,/r { _t = :a (n a: \..i c\ fi : g r-sr<>i 'ur1 |1o ', :_F :;<-{-j -in I ,4 Q ''9 z j : I (-c ,c I r)c 1 o- I i I I I |.: 1Ir \l 0,,f o- 6l "t o a' --._i_ r \_: \t -N r.o ro \o \o |\r 5- \-l 5- vr ::= ! rt c-o 1 o _- -a :'(- q 1 k*i%r e(i v,'? rF^ E C€?Nt'"tt1 _ ._i I r-l ,l :(p v 'a --.; ,:r-L. .(! ].1 :j- lct 16 '!oi i- :L': 'dn i.r ,t ldr : o.: '=r c-: :.e .6 '6\ : :J' ; co :f 'i:;t\: '! ! i ++:L-:Oi o l \.c| +o t: a) f, D c- _! 1 3 ''- _1 tQ :: iF -g =i , ot?;s rh -t CE] ig :rx lJ |\l f- N'! c-.:: : = r-- i < z -<P a: ? -p<_1 P!; Q i'= -O '- 1 O!lU:riL-:!tr I d lc'. f.f, 1l ::.|. E '.,:.1 o 14 2 '-- | i rO bail F=i)E'UI'F-z:l-al-.=k-rnt,Fa-4a v i'; p --: =4. a c t: I -l -":;, -a c-z (o \J \o \i (- co l'lt ::a o- L-.1 C <- "t - --{ .' c .: (-. (-) = WT !/=r fi 3r 8\"1 B f 1)p","?*t C-v: l';rJ Pale ! Jt! lerlelPri ,,\/t + 2,,t' 3 Po''ilarl 5l- t>_j= E t C' t : ! ! I ar C ! dlr cb ob c: tl J,H9la/$ ,\riO JO ./!FtaIl.a - llnlatOhl x3or.t altrrlfy-].. % rtFt-l otnc't't Ay-rr of.v r.-r 16 % .e(. orrvs % 16 rlavuo sJ--'tns3u IsSl_ Notrvovu9 I d a t c e a I a o I D D ! g Ou1reeu1&g uollapunoJ puo l!@S s.,pe.1u r 9u; €u1;1n*_:3 5il7l3.? :r"": 6;;'7 F-1; -{-j 2'3 a"i:'sl^t^t ^ rrlr to ^ao-ttn!sLo. t.lrlI|]rrtl lr l'l l.r rsl|' r, ' or lra io !tl!trro ,r r .r' .rr ,\ !. rl ii rE.E o,.la'rr.o lW^Ot rrl r, I irtf ,r!0 OtrOrv-r,8 3 n rtar l.r t tta tF.. ]|ra t D' t! dl '-J o E l 0. 2 E E a ,c o rt a o E o tl tt o c € IJ .a !c lrl 0 a t-(:t E F !o F c o o. 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I gc co, | 20 I c.rl ho HJE-,<u O u.l € 'tt I r za li 3;l;{ se Hl ^r f;E rt Y @€ -1 ; gg Fl G. -i I I i; , u,t F6 o Cr ()-z > g-c o J ai o'q5a= E!i:gr :;a! .J'ds aE aJL) .t= .a'2 c)*{Ea -J .d< .E=t=ag 61 3 EZ e= E=22 Oi5 ffi ffiB$Lwr-#Ml z ail I lll p a; 'J -l cl EI EI ol 'l iI |r-!SJ ol ?l !o (D c a, t, rrj o E L 4 CE ul ul o TD o E o a |D o o o -- ql OL E"r! a,'6-o:gpg E(D=ct.g; E:! ?'0 66P ;€E o== -:=Ed,i o eto E= s! E P:"'i;!E E 9E c, s;eE - o- @ F E O5 Epga E:E=l'!!$ =o.u- =o6:;EF; Ese:xE c o 6g b E !: q.o :Eo9 ;FEig E-;p€i s ii: ! $s;re 5 eE!=ig; ie O(,OYs 9eErE EiEg€e! 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C o c CL o o o c .g C !>U'q >- (, o >e ae 42, s, 9 F :3 a o +o o qr \o o\rtl qr qr co cl Cl cr q: a--t tJ \o oo (\l tjr ca (n gr raa o ;5e -z a o qr N CT o rO ..f rI1 r N € CP o r< a 38 .{ arl 6l N FI 6l N a{ GI 6a {\I G' N .{ iurt <t Or o Or o or o ( T o cr ct oi ct qr z Exi i o j- ct C, _- a:,G o (t c,3 qt c,e 6 a:t g-l ct e I G'G I @ {,lL -z z - z tr t t o P E o C' ct cl +rt\ E +t t o U' o 0 +ot L a a,c I IJ ul G'+€o c f o ul o ct +or € a o 9a C'u\+6\ I c t C' ? a € ct r/n +Gtt Fe -t .\a G' r5| G'f\a E G.ol N L o .,u o L L J s IE UJ F €z 9 F (, o (J z 9 F E o uI o-at ;i t.'!c.,lz-s J EA b tl;t! a 1fi'g E =^i,?| =rno nl f dt 9 HE'F :dc E. -i lJ o = arl o o- * ci (J utFdl cE C' 'l O I H -r? 3;=i ,r o\t\ 6l Grt F o I I I .ol rr\l Nl €l -l o z o Iat t=!r T- ir .!;T: (/)ds IFI IJ.J .-=gz i, -J .86 Ut z.o.AE 61 3 rBo -C)a=gj 92 ?8 ffiry g€hEH [ffi^:d ffi## ,r9l -I ,B \oI G|I NI ol @l I ol !l !l ol "l LI arl >l cl ol ol I I I I I I I 3l :l CI ol I al ,11 t nl fl \Ai ut Fi 1 I 3:;io ,q J; le qF lo- {"t E a €i rg 6cI o >'l Ed EJ s!pl 3E I Ei I s I El € | E:.9 | o-1 E I Ed 5 | ;€9I:.7 E IE AJ ;II H : ltr€d: EdEEEfii :E=,gFFE ob6trdd E= g.E 6 P-|o iE!E E PE q'f;rs E F O! Eesi E:E'is!s Ei E: E ge: €rE e ':a@ =:ool 3E-B :5;;H EE€gE t -=.o 9 E or: o P E5-;iT :ssiE E;:IE 39c>P E i€ AE q:?9- =E;Eb t3:er ;E 3E E -5<f E3 g F OE! O IJ -rl ul tl Fi I LI oi ui ol I o t 6 E o E tt D a 0 t o e o = o I t @i L, ri qi Or Ll I al <l o o I -o E z ui ol Ol bi -l e]arl o's U'i r\ I I = o !,a a. E o o tD ! c c a F d @ I' e () tt s 6 g I a t) E o ct @ o E t! 0 CD =i o s CI o o ; at Li ai aJ af L at !,r1 I rt I I I Ct); E E .l o o o c t C tt E o F :a c o t L 0 u u e L I'I Ll al !l 5l .4. I .l I o0 l rl orl J s E ut F 4 z o F o o- =o z o F I g IJ lll ltt o q o t- ! E c .D>ara >(, 3 >ar a- o g z 9 ,(, -:ilF :o a,gr qt tr Gr| qr ot o o cr ct iO 9r 53_Ai'-g8 -|l- o Cr 9r \a o r aO ct r3;\o r\l \0 GI rr.| rtl rJ'r OI -t O!-a E F @ E8 rJt rrl rtl N Gl N |\I arl GI t\I N :!> ir Ea ;-H- ct \o ct \o o \o C' Cr o CI ct qt o Or z EgiE O si* .5 e,lo <:,E E (:t 4 -6 €f' .t c,a 39 & -- c,E,o rtl C9 E ta =-z --- 2 o t o 6 ct +dr E t-t o I d,'! t .E C'6 +ID L o E o (, a e $ t 3 t o + E, t o 4, o tl d'r I a tl a ct +rt .na ea atl rA cal gr ft o !I L o o C' c t o (J q, 9l €lr, ;l >l ;!!l fl arl .l 6t T'I @l oi =l I T'I cl .l c'!, -l -l i I t= -lF lat lut FF S.IZ 2o tn|F 'tg Itr ^o :{o 10 E-r Pi utF EO -g 3A U) td t!,z. (5 z.u., _J (J z.-(-) l!,l-o rr,at <5 =F -):)(t')z o (-) gr F. (\j 6 1r,F o I I I rOl trr I l\l -l =l o I tr TN c)*J c! ?) C) 8 qt 'et cl c) (J Ei !r $: ;: \o 3t arl ct (D o t a l-o 0 a, L. €t c o GI E.tl ci Eti <; -cl el rr.|: I t|.l .l 3l ,l I r5 rJ\' i I I 't I I I I 4 E 4 i o F t I 5 d>-c@ €s -IE ,Jt a {? I I {H qE t I g !g g€ :6 68 bo 69 6E 6ti o ': E E o P -a: Eat *E {|e EI -l i'l ol ol cl ol =l !!l l)l '6 1 rLl -l E l'',EIE -lo ol=.13 3 t=-lo i lg. =l.o :=ld, F IE .=tc .s-"a .r, t,o:9 3E3 _;gF c o G ?o D o @ E o lt o G .9 I'C o € ,9 o l) tt o CL o E 5 d c I o =c.o E o g n F E o 4 u, &.o at, UJ ar o o o- o E= g.E 6 9.>o'i;!f i PE 'gieB J O- o C F O.C sEEe :.5iH Eg6o EiE: 6l '|F gbE= EeEF ':ao = : :'g ..,i EEEgE 3;E3E pi;:; i93tE 5 ei3= EE :;:Pesr! gs5$E iiPsE dEto? ;83!s -EC)OC/ e FCE.0C ., -: o E al 6 tt a o E =o ,19 -g (' a o i E z I I c =t e CT E o i, o o E c C c! l .= c o E E E a o o o o E a 9 c 3 o. F J .:< Lu F ra z o tr o 4 :o o z o F IJ E 6 IIJ o. l,t o ! @>.'l Gi >- (, -€o >..,a- 5vt D a 9 * 38 I o t, \o CA oo or c,C'GO or oo gr C'cl ct C' EI 4it- 98 F\ o 16 GI G'F ct ql qr Lt ct !I^irr''E -z ri GD gr \o rO o G{ .+ \o \l or cct ql o F r< 38 a\| N ,GI (\| GI N .{ .\I 1\rr| l\l .{ N :> =iEE ;-B* €t .'r o qt o 0l C' ot o 0 ct gt ct ol z 0.;: < I IJ E E a{ l:,t ,a g & +l a:t C 3 G. It d !! rrl a:,G,ra c,G 6 z -z,z,z,z L o C o C' rtr (\.+r.D z ; t L t. o 6 .? 9i L C 3 .J o IJT +ctr g c 3 .J o I co t ol {4 cl et rJ I Irl Fi .I.l -i L o c o 1' ct rJl + (Y @ e IJ €D I t G'r{ 7e l:a G' -{r -a €€r .rt rO 2_ 5, :",2; f :ii zslo 3 ;i-b t ils Hii ; 9 €i;I It - :ls Fal O-l o P ti --a pi tr {-: Q d -l',J I I c{l I I l! i I rrl I I F ut UJ I at, I .r'tl 'l 0 z F E 'o 4 ui E J UJ F o (t)ej$aal lJ.l .= z. -ct gG 9-,6r*rrE <)z e-AE F8 €e c. <t F=si 92 E8 ffils3 ffime€ 3;ffil r:ffil! 3l rl c!ol >i {; =l I rrl -l ol ]l I @. .9,I I I I I <t ED' 'l o F qr a\il co rO rtt 6 o z @ o a \D .rl ca o @ :I :l:tt(q d.<l€4;r €g {P IG to- To >[e q et ?a l {(l dt! +* qE E =1 o 3 o o E E (D .o t o c C o !t o o '- q o. o lt> Etl qE E9 !rq 9 1.9 : 19 dlE .lct I 16 E I: =to E I;E lc I 16 s t9 s l"I 16 :ItD €lc ol.t slo oto <! lE : l=_CIE oto E ].E 8:8 \:s :!'o 6o c.9g oo F o G uJ IE o o llJ (,o E o. p-9 o=.9;iH Eo := 9t ut!oo c o (il t|o CI o o E @ ii o o o E= s5 6E:- s"!E E 9E o s;s; - o- o E E;: iiEi FBI: ;EE; Ess =i9 S : -:Eia =ov;:E@= EEEiE 3EE€E Ei;;; :g:€E ;;:EE 39 c >F Ag: E: -7 7 2 -a gi =*g E tctcrq !,F Otr-o o |, : .!o E C!s tt tl o 9 o E o o o c .g o CT o 0 tl E :z l o (,€- CI E o ., .0 3 I o I I I e =C )o ,; o € E I o o 3 A € I o, F J s E tll F .at z o F o o- C)z tr tr - UJ at o E c €>!ao tr C, F.a 3 >t t- 5'', a 9 F lJ .;fT t o (, o o @ ol gr I l cr q - I ol c,o sfr_ ga'.lr o gr 0 @ I \.Y o \0 c, ir@Z ^z 4 o o or \o (tr ril tJl or { C' ct ct G. E o F ';! !3 oe arl FI ({ a{ c{ N F{ N (\a t\| ({ GI iua. o CN ct gr o gr o 0 o g\ ct or z ,o Eri? o ur- 6 e:, C, @., 1:' E att a:,G,9 'ta at OE I rO a:,e -- t9 c,? z z,z z ; I o ttl +N AI t G'+ F{ ua N + c-( o .\l +@ C'l\'+o F| .,' o Ez .t trl rtl rA Itt @ rrl at|.at I l gE ;?;t.;;€z aa e 4-b 5 *s H €;I S:-'i lJ = Et O !J- CcJ 5j,o ttt st -: qo' = -i G d -l u, c/, lJ-!l.!J =<)z. lJJ -J c) z.-(.) ar,F o lrt a a5 z, -) U)z. Q I ^.l o _l *l F uJ tl,I o -l "l o z F E.o g UJ t j o (J E u2 c)t, GI t a 6| G'E c€ -q) -c) gtl .+l 6rl E'I I I ul F o \o rtl oo o z @ o a tl .,E=i:ga :;5r !O 6l a.{o c<t o -1 a L 3 o (, L g c ct o f c 3 ul a,-o \o |.! I I I I I I l =@ { 6 a; J I 16 v> rt- # ,s f +itt i+t, -D I I I'!5 aa- E3 ? I -;a o G c 9 f o c o ; 3 =!.: rt 6a BO oL €c .=c :o EJ dt E al .rl 3l Fl F CE o o- uJ E tn lt ul o o o- 9 o t c o E o E I o n 9 =3 -<Eot IEE EI ;l 6l ,'l .:l €l (r! ut ctl -l ol ol EIE =lY I tE -lo (tt= R16 i 13. =l =lg EIE -ertl o-:9 \E B x--!E;on E= E.E E 9]a i;!E E gE 's;€s -j c)- o EEOS Eega E:E' igE s =(D.o- =@,r:3Er; E 5E:xo et o ;o:tr s: o-(D 3: O Eli 3E"'B EEEfE E;E3E eii:i 5s:re 5 eEe= ="'s=ig ooo:_ Ee==P sE: fri 13:oP :egEg -:ctocl rJ >- oEo o lr -sl tl ti t-l Fl Li ol +rl lgl 3l I !t rl al I Ir r-l tl 3i -i I I it l 6 E o ; E o E z =o c .g E f.ol r-i -t :'I crl ot LI I GI <i o o ! E :z u o o ra-!.L c -g :1 I I C 3 lJ E o (t o b d E c lD F tt L.o; o.i !l Ll 9i vrl I !ol l ; = o t o E .E r!o o a a : t C c u.9 @:9;;o i6 - _at Eo EP ctE d,?qtr ci C (D a t o l!o tr 5 a c .9 (, E iD o o E > lD o l! = tr-9 .s o o c o I +&f rt <l I I rl 1 rl o r{.{ I !u I 1I q q rl rl I r{ lJ|ol J s E u.l F 6 z 9 ts o C o o z 9 F E 6 u, at) c 3 a alt -9 F (r? It- =I o (f o +o o o o @ o c-!g! o C' Ez Ei3- 98 gl € o (r,| o o o C' c, ti;6Z q o G. @ ul N 611 l- cto ({ \o t ci tfl rO €t GI o F tr o o 38 N FI n. N a\a a\a a{ GI (\a .\| N C\' GI |\' lurt o o\ o or o CN ct o- o CA ct or o (n z Ex: i o r|J- G (:t e.B a9 c.I a:t E v ttt (:t e. CO (:t E '_@ c:t E .E |\' a:t a, Q, z, I -r- 2 o o o r s|+ c-a l,n 6a +rJl 6a ttl +\.} GI t +rO tJt GI +qt C'r'|+ ul + (!| Ei .rf €o gr ct l'r rtl GI i.rl a |'r I I i I I I I I I I .t ot EI el Ll 9l oi (-!l .l >.1 .JI cl fl o1 "l ol oi €l lr, I I I I =ci = C)l oal F>l .a -l =Ei :a Jl F Vtl <l ?ei uJ ,{I rn :,1 6sl -- El tr rrl Ftrl o€l IIJ FI sg Ut -l I o{ I ll.o I I F u,u,I at, .ol "1 ct z F t P UJ fr J o Ol N -t ci 6 u,F o \o trr GO o z @ o ? E!i:e:j.gr ctt citr ar l!.- --sE *, -J .eE t=8E €83 -to s<5 c8=tri 92 c)6 ffir E5%@E kwg W ol fl CI art al €l *t arl il rol rtu .+l ry I ,l I z t2 t"! o tll o CE 4.G E G tu a ct o o t, 6 C o a C E I a F 3 L L c ? a +, a o TJ E a = I I l l : \t C1 a .\l 1I' a fr 4 1l o a o (, (.,a a i!,E z.o t ta IF o o C't, =o C,r L o o a €g .{rf 1 rtl r{ 1 d g I 4 q ..t q 'i +L1 ? E I E I e rl a rrl q o 1 q rt r.l q J c g s o L 3l -l ol 5l 3l 3l I =l !t :l "l sl -l t r-l .9 ol FCI E ,!l !l :61 Erl EJI "' fsl c|ll I El E:I E =pl *E:E EEEE E € Etr o:=c =5=p FRgA o jl ta o 0 lD E e (D ll o E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f'l \q -l I t ({rq -1 o ct 6 o D E o .tl (, c c 6 .9 6 (D E o EI o :o t o c f ll ID tt € € .9 r! lD (D o E e o 'a o o ; | | | | E=*.E I | | | E€er | | | | EE=; "l C ll :E:E st g | | E5::I a | | lcEo ti $ tt H:E: ii I | | #:; 5l g ll E;E;.l E | | ;F"P €i 't ll i::r el E ll E€rA :l I = | :EPE" i i e:l EgiEE i Es;i Ei;;3 f E:i I E$!:E : iq J cE:t;: ;:I E gE:".E E E 1 € gE:EE iEEE g:gEg- ,-l vl rl CI 3l !l I !l ol a, I |,l ol LI .-l I !l Ll .l !l 5l vl rl o"l L\|orl J E ut F {z I F.(t C o C)z 9 F I 5 () uJ tn o 3 c e vt o a at i,a t z txi?o l* €-t t! o c t -rF o I o a .if tat .l q o I c f - .F o a a L, ol El 3I Ll ol 0i ol >J el el JI ol "i o1 ?ol arJI c,o u, ltt lt J v, a !o I o - E c o Ctl o =F ctt ut F .d z 9 F sl an J J tr h UJ -) u, ll ll tl o{ -J N \J r! .{l I !l €ol I '{rl FF Ou II l.',t tl I r.{tc.l tl .ol ^K:.lF cr,| ( l0-ll! z>ol g5 </, r,rj r.rJ z.6 z,trJ -t (-) z.-r o u.J t-o ul =-J (/>z,o c) a c,E (n (u *, 6t o a GI E € E q) a-q, t: $:Rr ;-i: rO Fl N o CD o at .!L o o C' L c c o a o J g |, E t,lJt {It o =\a La\ I I s J F 6L/ntlc PeeH laaj I eJog Jo qlnos,05 eul I J arags ,ror. r t t t lpueS 'o t'ld r.t trs gEt'el 3-€xldt€ V P€i{lqil 0I-869{l !{lSY r..,ortor.. rrrr ror^tviiot s.tlns3u rslr t{oli-f,vd}fof, I a oot c al I : or I |-3 ? I tl t ot! 3 t J oa 3l .l'lotI/* Aro JO J,talarlJ - dN rroNr Al tJrr,rv.tJ t e9 .r,Y-r. o.rv l-rrs % oxYr % srtns3u rs3J. Nou.v6vH9 tul.reeulaq uol1ry€J F.o ltq ueeul&4 eu1tjnaJo3 trtYtfossv cF{v NaHS luatt a toti % rtFt-'t 6lnol1 'l!r\VlO lrrrltla -€nl llL Cl Ittlr.r.l rt.le i I rt I I D I a a t 6'trr''r''"'"-'- "'tt^tnt ^tra.t0 rtO - ltnttrO. lrlrt,rll'!r, rr l1?!,ltra ,€ rtlttrro r& t-tl rI rtt |.t Ir rr[' rtr *T"lS F r.g -t i-, t. -t(ta l-!t -Dl ?l aJl |D .. I >.1 C' lal 5le Els €l>olo -Iff t" EI rFl tl 3 3 3 t c o q 3 o 9 E e -c 3 4 a (t o I !o 3 F ltl t\+ro !t a o ol +l \ol cl o ul ot tl EI g! o ll g : L 3 a E =q- IF o tr 3 E o u C o- .t, o x L o E t,t .| to e E l c o (Jl E= g.E E9)o !EEE i EE "f;rE - o- @ I E o€Eu o-:cEo UEPC iE!s =!,.cr - aD 6= E; E: E gs: €E: E -; q@ ::ool o ; -P E E 5"=E gE8;E E;E€H Ei;:3 :$s€E C)EO=o E+,== EE 5;: E;E Ai ='€ E E e 33:e: :E3iE rg:gc, rJ F CE4 C IJ Jl ('l :i r-i Fl r-l t3l =l I it ) E €o C tt a o It o s ! 2 = c g E I -l tt !al L! I -l <l o. o -o E 8i bl al ol ol 3i <r at' I ?i o. o CI ei 'i o c{ o =l!o E o I o ,6 E E tt c o, F I i 6 .L E u rn \d i :c Ctt c o E .c a a o t ts E E c a e q F z I F o c t o C'z I F 9 6 ut o. 1A -g o &, c o L q, c o =l '0 1 ol ol ,l l.l .El F g. ' o E o o -o D tt e o o- uJ IE 3t,o uj lr o o c o a o o E !, o'5R ='o-ts:9 o.E I =>!!;ut F-EI ?to d,69 a6E Els o c at II It o c! .9 t g !!! c o 6 ! at o !) E o |a @ o tt = E. .9 g c\o s a o o tt o ao ll tt E o I !e l,o o E t 4 o c a CD = -9 c CI o o g >I C'I ;l cl 3l !l I r-l ol c,l I'I ol Ll -a- |sl Ll rl .ol sl al lrl 'l ,91 utl srl I J s uJ F =5 i i-!Tl itr ia>thQ t-l>(J l-.a lo l> +, 13 -lL-Ir, ./r : ttt >1'E a v, L o c a?>t!, d >.r.' - (al o >a,a- ?J V' o Z 9 F (, .; a<F t o t o o a o e or aO ('r o o oo Or gr 52-_Eit- 98 gr o a{ o al qr or ?!'-v uE: o gr c,N ct .f rtt .,!t -+ o rrl .:t .\o a{ o at o o 38 r|l l\f (\l a{ lJt .. t\| ca til d n| .\l GI iuE t ct qr o gr C' \o o gr ct ol o qr ct gr z bb; !o sr- (:, G. @ at 3 GI (!t e 3 ({ 73 G E e:,e E (:t c o, as e -- -==z.--- : L o c o t ct I rY L o E o t, C' CO r{ L o E a a, lat +@ N ! L o t\ +€o nl a L o rn + l|\I L o C o IJ ut + G' t a lal +cO t\a o,o -'t I sl I r'r \o !O \o \a ED rF @l riD ct dl !I ol l-l ol -l ol ol .,1 el sl >l oi (Ji dl sl ci lr, I cl 3i .tl -l >l -,"-l -ol Jl -l al Bl OI Dl .l ol rl I EI 6l -l sl q rl aJl s*l r; t\|! tl.\l O coi I g ll -' -l h 6F:tilx lr;lel : Hd8 col k -'l -l R-,U'F oEo z>P oJd q6; l!!r !:i: at)dtr ' a{ lr,.== u\2 G) r.|-l 9-,6t=oxY Qz o.8Y €3 a- (9 E9 6t=tr3 Q) .tt cJE5 ffi@ Hee€!t- rt€-=. r:t I tw#iB- .G--,!'g?ffil \O1 N1 r\al oi @l I ol arl ol LI ol -l ol "l .''j Or >i ct ai I I I i I o =c @ E st o o @ l,\a t\ -:\ ) d, 1 ol F .;l ::l E all -t(-g! qE 4r d rl sl l.l rt ? o 'o E e cl t o E T_-T tl ll tt tl tl II tt ll ti !c a vl I a L (!t tt (B €(, (, CI o o g o l_t E= 3! 69-.-i;!E E 93 o gi_:E - O- o c E o.g EgE= SdFc sEtrg _q:Ea EggE 5Ef; =cL o ; E E: EeE:s Y o-o f:oal : E @; EEEfE EEESE Pii;B EgEIE EEi€;o.o: a=o (, og -99c>P gE: EE =EEE6 XU=p 3 ;e gE e _tc:oal. o F C!t'o O I o t o E. at e tt J o cb .9 E a ID t)o o = .!o-n It t .9 o t € rt o o TJ o o E : 6 e C! o E o l o c o J s gl F =5 z I F (t G o () z I F 9 tL o ul TL tJt F c o o-lu t (t,(tl tr,l o o G,o- C uE 3E iH 6o 69 dc :=S=3A oo (J o CI o (D E tt c o tt o ct TD ci c ID o c C (, c a o o 0 "o E z t c o (,t! CI E o IJ o c a : c € ct ; C a c o E E a o E tt c e o .t ol .El g ol ?i (t .t x lrl cl fl ol "l si qt tl lrll ll ll c{l I ol to.'tza ;.-8;tr d<-a6l lFrt!col <l 1*g ci E€ =58 k -.t {r4=l X *.tC ulFq EOq > P=i se O tr!3l 9\ ut GO u,t- o \at rJ\ @l I o z o -' ctt .E Q) u.r ri LU .=z 17-:z_c)* -a -J c!t .-=a) z.o.av c'lE €(5 act (€= E=92 E8 ffi1;Elt,gaer€ ? ;FiffiHE t =Tffi^VE E :BPHI i-H_.f€€s*3 E I G'E4-rr'r.!r€ r- - ll tl tl tl tl tl l3{ta tol ta l=l I ajl 1"1 'lJrl tal l3l t>l .sl -f 6i trl :al €l rl Fl o'I FI I it :.- a)J3:-.1 j''= 9F-l- (a- (!- o- J ou1,,-, .Lr lf j" ar'f cj=r ;- 'r.?:') r- ua eqlu-o-j;(F>OJ :i./r=,<<J L.s 3_.-rU (I ,ra lL a o-{J-,al e-c?|g O- if -uouu '-u= ilTJ: .rrl!r-ilc 6s€ -J 'F @ <lrc,tr'tr tr fil tr'E'tr 'Ct t-t F a:: a-9 ,,ctLr(16=El.EtrtrtrtrtrEiT]d21E=aEgsl trtrtrr'utrntrtr ;=qq=8sEi trtrntrnf!trnfr gGXttrqS? E! trr-rr-If-iIII GN t\ € o (-' ttl :xl I:. :I ':-r :n :-r -{ qt -\ trj :l _l _ ':q ';-i rn !t |l,rur=F>.<ru--r cr .! a :gi :24 triOq -vl -, .( : ^' > :: -:. i 0(! - ':') "f, L J ; x gC ._ _ _, =i o .:.LJ .--) ._ = -tr r--c ,r > t>,-',:---;: : ; =-o H d 6 Er o J\ \Jal CN \_) o r.{ <\l KI< co co 9- 9.oo \o \5 c.l l.{ 6(f ct cct .q1 L) r- |ll 'tt 2 :J +:, o A ,.!o c€= €F zJo : , (-r .r.r :iracD 3.oq.l oo .rg.! too Lt-.! r{.- € atl L q:l q| !):J : .: -t i) Ou - Lr- : il -3 t-o u o (L -l l-.:-a i? EI E:E;:;a. i2: ; I I .ci (\{l .ni crl col I ntr oi ci (Ji -.) ,: 9r,|nvl 'o.o i ut tlt , .-\ 't- 1-1 #Lrft .i{! ,?:^=19 &# o-'n o-l .l.-r.,) l rrL-': I :, E'-e 2 'J- =tt =l:-t LU cl'E= tu .1!' Y x r-L J,U NN oo oo L- q|!-.r cs-o !:JF IJJ =4' co r-€ lr- d j€ !- , -J ::.Lt : a -.€ c*o ;:.8 :-:J -l-: t4- .It t-(5 !: € I ^lo ruJ nz aul at) .i a 6g= =z ;o <)o x C T' t-o J t-o- !t- 'il EE:E j E p p SB.'ss sfIX F D 5 5 Lt_t_rJ- tJ_ l! u_ 33BB ?+{-4-ilHh* 5555 !! zi ti il ri lr il tl lt l\o i ,(!l Nl oj ,oi rl iol , lul tU; .t-l -j -:.i i,J 'l) g1 t) r-) I- tJ1 ':\ ,O t:1 . c1 :\ .-. ,.\ ::t; I (, .5 Lt :: -: 2 v1 i//' tlr i9J-3.= ;i rY.| 8('t:i:!;:;5a t.:i ;i\: i a lF =:'? lne-4.r irtg a |l a a ! L ao o tt I a I I |'a f cttt tr!r!.('! t& 3,.- ,d.'-,,, -r, ' -'.i" *" t -ltt .l or paeFl.. ! ,r l _-rJt rtrt ''!, -ii5];iESULTS 5:!t 4{(r Csar ttr or. Dt4al r a t Ilt I'tll |tt co!trtt onr.vrL 5 LleJlb L,!r il UA I t. ttlOr!t!RE - Ft.RCt.rt 'i1 ora .'/s P-a: r!ctTi trilEx cr- OPv wElclr' ?c b6% b10 ?l F t I a f a t r o I o aarrr^:rr5n -f, i. p> - . --JFt ASTIf r,!,e-r c. C!:..'e. 5an j, Sllt ..-,, Vern:.: i:a: ..::i:,., '_ "-'.' ,i !t-ct i." lr _t t),1 ;,i'-r:. .,* ', t"f ::I;'. 'j.:!-iJ'" l:"-.rA*r- *i:'----)4 '- -/rC 'i5)3-7O r'er11oc A ,.-a. ] '..: .-.. , t'r.. :'.".ir;..,;1 Soil or'd Fe'-.rr#cl ion En"pine,+rirg !t a E I II r ao to o ! u t l,a a t9 t,rrtrt oravrr. 9o !. r. \: LlclrtD Ltr4tr l.i ie t\ o:,Sl!'l D.N::-rl 147 aCl0!tt -to tL45:lClr\' t\!Et 27 -/o taOlltUrt - Pt.iaf rT Of OPw w[ tc|"i I al i! "I lCi.r.i{.i -i ! ''" I ll I t I c z o + +---+-_-.1_._ -- i sg{.art o-trEi ,ra , r-4, ^trgr|lrDE E9.a Sra a- . r.r :i \r^iU,. { ti :-{ r 1> ! ?ESULTS co!.,!=":1i:1.,r, < !,!4t^3 ? r.\ 'E9t r-^,:l !.r,s?! ASTH s&v!-' - ' Gravel !y SanCv Ciay 0698-70 t'tethod C '. ,'r:?+ -f .-lnFF-l.. .,-. l; .ti ( ; lJ o. rit a-"-LL; 1Et,- r- c L- ,-g .. C, O '+ O'.-).- lJ +, -t]| t:-> u ar .;r!>F--L' AO 6EE ocrq,uLl-r!r- J , qr-rLooo J r.- O :-UL l!q .O r3 c!-+. t- t, 3' cn 1., : =:l; o. r-F)r i .. -El = 2-e = utl .,r <( ,-i ^ UJ -Y :'e 3;6 : o g: E-l(J C =?L * Ci -r!FO>C i) -'.r - ') --? =-c . :: *u 'I ..c r ('t i ' 3 (3: =,>o all I , ., oi rn' -i I .,' 3l ..'.' :.: \:f .99 Ln 5: i\ 3, d2 .= ru L|l,vrz c)rP fl .gi (Jl! .t) arl € "gF cEf (n T.z a)u i-r \o l\. \o o\a{ \o c't (rr !' \o crl o o o o L!-t-qroc, -LL ooo t-, 'J rJ L't tt lrr .!oo lroq) lJ :- t- !-J.fo F !E a = !J 'J' U O U Lai-cLc r+- |! ra- €r- i:l-r-L !)J=J=:.)!t:arcJc l- ,J L t!: .- ::tl a| .r = a= = = = lo Eo .! C' d ,-=-=-= : .,0 +, rO .J rrt .r :.Btt|D l4 ,ia. p r,t{r6OlrrO,)r! 3,t! -r o ati lrJ = tJ.l E tr, -J A1 L CTJ LTA '.!o@ o.o .' J.-x:< l- ac) J ri1 a3 c I _o L o o _Ct q- tt th oo-JC):.- :-l a ..O :l_ Ei i:Ei 3 jo €g ca? o -) '- Oo .- t,()F cL+ ..oo !rt!$t-ra- O q- OUL- Dr ln .] trF,E+ L- gO -tr .! >c'L |'|tE !r;J'v = ' c i o \t ao L o (J c o (-) ,l rial i,-.'|-': ct.,i' |l ul .a.l != !'\ :l:'-:iv7 uJ I .",'i -i FF;> < tl cl;€-Jl =zt a^J j l=.J'Fl 'i;c ;_g FqJ ^YrI.u H : A? l'\ ' ; J --'l e Jo'1*r r!Frlll a, c. c-..- '-:-;: a q-' :-a.i;- ? ttt .= r! -r a2 q') 'J !.,; 'Ar .q r €z o t- =, .:. .-. z -t I i- €)a *.2 E '.-)cJ(J F: !r 3t =a 6! \-_t ' ta ,Lt I .. E c !l o:._-? '- €,t- !J .? a ! gJ c ut o g! o. -o LCr J+ = ) -i\ o@ j .rl fr:r' I c' :=oi Ft * '__1 '' I " lt!:.-l '_l =l.F>;; :il -Tt ;'^9 -i\J7 ,i;.ltl iltl<i' -l > ctO 1 ; 3-E \O ' = O, ,i ltl c - gL z : loo co, = - €C i J lL),F :U -' ! t 3;Y * Y - e.r a.>=t-- = = - Et-a < : -, O ..1 c.i 2 .= r! r llr vtz g {-l rl <4 [' Vt .q cu= €F sl =z UU ., ar' aa): 3t:: '-) Ol ,,9,i 9, r::) ah' i = ...3 .- Ni o: an- rD o l' !'l 1l 3, I ;- | : :-- ' :' :' --'-= i--_-_T'_t!i .- o' i r I !> 1 tL t ---_. - Ii I l' I l' i,ll I Ei f,r g: :;Er 3_ rt\'-,=)+=rtl C) CD {-r-,Or^z E Ct cqOd .r { u '..r :J !/., :- + !) .E =Jo:-::=La1 rJ - iJt rr- -r"rEa uroJ--c '{, -g CIt O - lJtr oca -ll C+,rrl-lrEF c- O o \- )-E >-9at|LC.) - ,u 3gr L j L tt :r s-Co'Dir-o- oc ct E r-o r O c- --o -!- oo - g 6 .r|/|l+|.J f o_o ,J.tcoN l! .J Eg r_tc(ro u Lt tJ tr_ .&, = '!3 rJ O C! rJ t't EU09 '{ 3J Q 4e .aLX Lq,>EC E O -o . aJJ o -q--.vrEor_ |.'G'. .- > o! E El-Ot- - 6> t-o -fri_tl.= at : ol >:o ll _- r! -'o tl ct u x L.lJ r - .1 -an c qt r.\O C-r l'\ f\ NO rt) O tt- '-_'-: N N a0 o L-\ \n ({ C\. (]-r : I 't I I I 8)l rr - l:tl i r!, . - -l ::, :- -l = trrl '.' ,;>l < uJ _ -l C) t) € -9: IA.\Jl | | = .ttt,I I F lr i.ol 3 oi o t-l t Bl!, ii o,o )9: I g ;i6 :rl 4 (1 cr'-> - E:O €'' H I ol"-i [ ' c: -IliJFa!>c 3 )=-_: ': : e'5 9. c- 7 =Lt ci2 .= [rJ ..ul az o qJ sJ qrq w es= rtF fil)o -z EV u() | ' \cl,. ,a-.1 , I att c i>i o:<. E'r t t9;ici L;j9 cll ro et 3L .=.I?>@lttc ,:r: -a O X:\.3 'i' :el.! .3 !D O !r- |ii o.s t- U o t_ q .g ! o o It r- Ct 9Ct r.l |, c) tll i; c,-Ji o!-JI : J rJ E:F:t;:;G! L! ir r.I iI) D1 3 o:; r ar .^ =E 9F F rts. t+-. t- .J L]L.-ooo .fc)al s1 a\a .-r t-:'.i Job t{o chen and associaies. itrc. CONSULTIryG E.\]GIIdEERS 9{ 5. ZUtrr - DE\ "'EF Ca.'-Os t)a 9a??3 3t::d4':tr35 rc KKE:iA lr55 Uest th Avenue ver rado Attn: Hr. John Flatt PEFCEXT ccMPACT rO sorL TV PE I I r1 lj03';,6rtheast of liiel i *ate:' Line ,'i re r.:h S,00rliortheast of ll ',ia ter Llne tTrench 5pcc,f .cot.c. co'rgoctro.r I rno,rrrol 953 standard Proctor dens i ty he ! '., e re n c:1 LOCATION DEFTH OR €I- EVATION TEST TYPE LABORATOFY I FIELD TTST H AX DEN (pct) 0ExstTY I MCrSr uRt (pcl) | (o/o') Sllty G rade l50rliortheast of Loade r 'tpr I l rpr O ilrgr"135 l+l?.hod s! ta .Or !h rrrOv"!g tqUrEm!n,t No of cotr'oacr,on rou,gralni Cne Vlbratorv Sheeosfoot Cr One Foot N'Jmbar Ot oEsrer o3d'no iortrurt l!ul red Pr 93r311 P;9 e11 All tests locat lons measured from !ii ffi ?>": -.JJ Ii :l ;-c:.;i i€(, i i, f-;1j-!.1:ro9t the line. Test ie .sets gtrecif ig;;igng. f-]Lj t-- t--l t_J n :X I P2.tDg.: r.r!pcctron! !rrrg acn.rF!rG6 ',.:lr3! :6r i66 c:r,?r't? l./li : Fo !rDtryit Cn 9. ..!l plC:atri"nt bi ng co,r.,helO ,a oe' rD'nrgn lha t, I ncr Dcan p,ocrat O!CO' d,ng tO rnO roliltoctorrlt In o!'? CFrnroa tht t;l! !z3srrbtd obova doat |rol |'!rat Ur ii3ii?d: Th? ielr.er!or nor D!!n c6r,!aO rEeji,f',":6 lrrt'Clg 0dr,186 3:hOr.rtt rPrCll'tat rGq!rra,icntt Ond rnO,Jtd gatlotttr rgoCilrco!,9n i3q1,y6;,3n1t on6 thcutd F,ri6 Engrisar F,... L f q -I' "'-''r' E-- ',.i---. --I rrrr | | s)veE.a L?C,ay.4 It je6; - o., -, -a:i.t . _,c assoclates, iric. :-?lSuLrr Nc ENGr,{EERS st S ZLJ{| . tENVER. COLORTDe g0?23 :t:,7d!_,7tOg - .--,: . ,C ! irrrrt #*{b,bo- -\? s(i utue $)' o,viiF-:1ro M.i Job No Dotr to,l!- 7q56 ,;est 5th Avenue SublrGl F ILL coNr a5,1 t-,i ,.i S.;l;r:i. Co I orado. uenver, Co I orado BCZ26 Do t It Rr por I tlo ?f5T NO G raie r---+- 59aCrt,Cg:,on cornpOC!rOn E notcrrol l?q.I l3+.I rl 5l ty vell tl LocATtON DE PTX OR ELSVATION !ASCRATORY FIELO TEST PERCENT LOlSr URE IaCv PAC T IO SOtL 1y p g M AX. DE H. (pct)DEXSITY { pc | )Zi:'ilg; t---;;:-= Leli "=i*r :ine i C;-"c" Ilc No ol tor lh nrovrng Gqurgrntnt ot co.n0oclron GQutp.n!Dt t,tt 1r pr & Tror B lltrCtn?rl M?tho6 ot odO rn9 rv.r3,g1rta li-mDrr ol gsssaa P'oo tc r r Rc aor I t-;i^ ! t---l l! tr T Prrrs611 rn:Foclrant Drlng Eontinu!6 sar.rt ocv s!d lllts,p,,go Fstl r'pr6 !_pEi !;!, la Our ogrnr96 ;;11 rot'ttoctorrl, In ost oprnign tha b? rar!oraC ySt on of fttl 9;ocorhrir bG,rg ::.. ru6d trll hor b0an procrd occo,tl,ng fo,h! frlt.drtc',bad abova (roBg Dof ,ne rt conlrocto. lot bctn 6ov,seO Ja,l.t! qdrr!Cd !rFer, sa tFcr,trtd rGqiJrrer!nlI gng torcrtrc otroF .r q,./ r,! nirnrt 3hO{ld pat tOrnr ont !ho.rl6 F,a .d g.i,natr A.-.- -. -____-.-:" _ €xex AF*rD rt-ssectA?Es F Lr,:_jdt:i-,- l;l_ , - -_ fuil o$d Fwn&rion Errginoerirg o I a t I u ! ! E E a t g t--6 tttl lort t-E a ttr |E 9!lr tr!.ltct t!|ttLt r* 2! lttrCl GRADATION TEST RESULTS otravtL 2?, 7, s^*o !4 7o etLr alo clr.v Lrerrlo Ltxtr % pL^.sTrcrry tNoEr r'aOlaYUttf - FEiCf ,rt OF Dr|y Wf tGHT t3 20 COlt!(t %t() '/o irP j E I a ; t e a c ccr,,PAa.rro^l r-E !7 s^ L4 PLE so Sl I tY .--,, L'ater Line YarCs Fr:'- COMPACTION TEST P r ocE DUF El qT!.i ni 1?-". Gravel fy Sand I UU ,, rq(':F :.rf 5:rr.t t2il ?ESULTS r,"-.-A l^ -_'..i.=;,::uu t- -_ L -)i_ i. a..=riai ie:,r,:e: lJ I 8-,rhorrD 6trrgt.E T er-f er fCrs.er :lG 'ts'.o.i! ra '1 \' !' t'- - i-,c DrrttTfl ot ?rr YrC t a 't rrL!l'rltrttt aorlrur I - ori D! rt,r r c9av13 I j.1 .t tn r It :::, o o g a a ttt c E -? ro o c r_: E o o o ct L o -L XG':> Ed 3E =0t E*i. .L, ITF iEi iii->=G 5EF DEtI ; o I t I o t B Pu' vl o F c I E |' E .a a a I I e =a a F E a -9 D C c -9 a,; 7,&l e E o C E E G I -s :G g o 0 s b - a lf E a c :!a,IE T a o G €i a a t O C o C A o : g o It a(a!a, G c N o tt ID c E. o C {9 I= 3.t . t5- ;: i:r:Ei E ii: 3€ E: Eii: E EE: €E;E G:6.3E"3 - I Ft Cl c G -- E EEEE lelE*C EF Q Y e5It5 E BI!i 3E g:E igEFi F: --E;;a:5; . -l I I a E t 3 o E 6 a a rq ;l t .D L q) o SJ rrr CL o !)E tl', 5 t -I ?I ID I I t a d q -l I :l a I ;g F I €I a a I t e t- t 7 , F _t !!a lt ; J 3 t it i? ra z o tt a.I o o a I F i (J rl -l .t .' =l O :,1 Ic"l:_ --! - i | : -..! d: jl zz1 .i 9;l *l :!l 9 E€I F ::l ! F =l - (, El r 3:i = a' =l < l:'r O q - l C I It -ffi E\E- B ^6)W o (, lra E:E- 8-rl E: f il P tl I (J o I t, I r.o c'.i\ cr.o\ Or ct'l TT iE' (\J l\t sE r r,c ct 9, F I 5 b $g N t\ .s I\F.t\ I'i' (\r ao € t c\l CC {\t @ GJ @ i)'it f- o I -|? -c--tr a u Fti .-a Ir--c v, ac \o C'U -c_ :lE u _ta .- c-lr--c tr z z z =z. i t l,lo I1 l.- l-,,t;la l- t!r L o i> .'r l, L p t; F l,l r IF lE I p t+o 9'. c J ;: {J Cl Lt c, I I t- t;t-lo' to li g.; t-lo ltJ\+t,:.:.J =:j ,tc a-g |'t Lr h tq)E I ls l! F l!', t-*r L br l\ I D +.o r.. G Fd E4 r?- GL u tcJ t)> L o c c,c) t- |lE I t-'l l.t I tLl t- |lo I l-l l-: I l5 =l ;+ El - ^-:l -l :f,;q -l C) I -l 'i i cl o 7 ia o (J v,o, 6 (.I It)tA cc8 c) (, -) EI E -) F G'L.r}-l 0)-t -t' t t! L- r: r+- L tD u n o 0,g, ! fo r!: t-ol ul al r'l EI 8l G o =.a t a o o a s g 3-I != t!i!is E:::risE r trE gTEF 4E; E * i!: E?i: =a,a i5E:lofB 5gi€!; ac ti"s - E Ot OC(-- gFFi;-E;EE EEiti c t Q a-- ;€1E;*9?a= Eiru€ F:;!: ;E gi F . a E a at t Gi a g I t A -o l a- 0 b t t c t E e I !t o a- !! C ra a o E o e G II a(ra J'3 c .P a I t ra a t I t = o o C A D a t I E ( ta C .9 a I I G\ o o C t D C I -g A o o .s a I I I =d 3 B \c l\ e 3 E a a -g ! a C o |l r,E B 6. o a ; t 5 - E C t A g ql N o J q UI $ o e, -EF iEi ;€.is!aEb,i=(.iEF Clr,L Ll ol ol -l drl 8l $l cl :'l =l -l g C ? C G t !c, ;I a E G I t a:l -l i; e t F E E €L.t I E C J q i;I_Io Jtr,rc, L o o t t- tB UI ae -I I' o,I o (, a 9 F :(J tt .i J il il i *iJ ; J*l li irl rl;::l I : Ejl s J d-cl e53:f 6'.""q-N g: 5E t 9. |i L <J L -:_ ID rn tt ro I $, !t\,(t\t\o, Ti iE' {\ c. G \.:o N C\t aEr rO o o l'-o t..l N ! I I lr F\F\t\@ ( F.€ a:48'lui' 3\,f\r CD {\t 6 o \o AI lrt Br F=D-t: fi: l.l ill -l=i Fa ::2 EO (JU -T ['! ! a t:(,15 6 (.' to EI =z. I I c :] .-I ;l l-, I I jl ,tl EI ;l :l ;l q,c J L G F q, s |_vi tq,lc IJ I li t;| 0,)ILJ I t' I- IE ll-io l>a + ;F l.i l-lL lt l t6 |l"l l:l t'e I E L o I.'\\+ F rl rj) F\ B o C r 9 9 g -o T tt c o o A A gl t- -: t0 $L 6CJ -- t)aG't>.e !U =/- El-=c E:: a,G 11 l- )I o 6 c t t B t a- D C ra g. tl E 3 3 c l la o C ! >A !t I !s a a C o a I =t a o a f 5 t a G't s t t o .s sl q -c t ;, D rt a ta !f !e c :tl c o ra E t)e g e a E .> a c t - C o c c o t o C I != 3! ;i::rirE Eg!; iE;i sE6:sE:i -: a.tsi"3 ;eii; c=-E8F v5lr5 igtii gEiii ;ETiB ;t ;f =l ;l =l I t E F -:h !o a € E a E t at C a {t E EI -l il il |nl <l i a a A tt l I e fl 3'l E t ?o ;I I T t ;l 5t ;l F G t F .T €t a E I t t I ! c L.I !t L.3-' E !- a L' J !G F { .|| z I It ..r a :o F o i-; A 'L F G l-rt 3 -3: !a=v(J E(J &E _t !a ET ;a -D 3o =a r€ C-a5 ua c I a I t a a G !a o =a ut o oEltt ]J o;l l9--l rid FFICI ;;"1 i 3d ti? ;:g : bH i 3g o [. .,rt t\o\or d\ \o o\c\Tl\ Crl \o (Or Ir Eiz $8 C-r t\ 9.. ,{J !-. o @ \D @ \o cct c9 Egr o C\l f\l e' N \o \0 o\ \o o c! rfl t ts H rE r( J Iz c. o' cc CO q\ 6 g\ CO a co o\ t\ I'i' o \9 (\i \c (\ o \.c FJ \c (\I o \o (\ o \o C\T GT @ ,8- t r[e!! - f,. l: c,-dc <-$ x(j ,-- 91 o,-o.c <-s x(j C r.)L6 a-AI\<"\ x(J OVt t-6 a-o- rtl { a.r x <-:Ov,LCD o,- < a'r xu Ov,Ltb a-o -tt <|-\ xrJ c alr Ltt o- Al\l < .,a x(5 ElrI r- co o"-oo D-E:9r |tr E:tlo t: l* " lt =lf :lt =l:it--lli -a;' J- z o (t EI 2 z,z z z. E t I 'tr J Er- =.J Li: >iJ _ :.j l-r I c 3 6r -c N t, IE .= o o ! E,-J oq)>lJ' ;.. -:<L f c t o ic! c;>e .\. L <tr -a'{/, (.: I lo lG g rE |-- z:* L c >a) !-- ar. L <=-tu o le l|? L tn rE E c I !- c gr F r! E o E q' o c O! F u7 tl & a E L o c I g\ F ua c o L o?FI 5 \-:C arl (i. ct o ll: F\ e o F o at (tt G) 6 (J U) .e, r*e 'g € c) q, c o a a a o Ii -l F- o I F ID F ct E I o to 0, o a =ta a D a E r -a,o3 l- F -o f. IJ ( --ts 4 0 o E I -l t:5t .3 to !g t-3T 99 g a c 1 ra a f !a o =a o c t o 3 .}I !;-a 9.!1 rl -l .l CI ol -l 9l rl EI E-l !-, I =sl 9l g q: :; st .6 !a z c E .l cl ol !I tl Gl EI 3l ial Ecc I >co I = -l !81 h-l = -l --- |t-l Er EE 3t ct CI F -E ( e,3 c N 0,5 I vl o & I =.:.I E l9: ; :::ri: i E ErE gEl i Ei;: E E6: €g;!gErs iiEti EilIi C t € 9E oGr[==EiIsr 6;d8: E;EFf F;Fi;83:r:IgrrF ; a a c -c E EI El ;l el el f a q o t A c o ? $t I t g a l o t F o lt L a,N o cl ,t L t-u tn l\t !-g e ! 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I < t< I j l_'t r'..- 1., PIE ! ll o f o + l.c cD lc:- t-< l<F IF vr a|.',!ll 3ll ir' I t- I -:'l jI - ! .- ! :- ".- i rt.l =,. | :r. | :=c l- tg ? a t (t !9 at E f (t g Cr:gu ,;.-lLr '--.i. ,...1;.t.; --.;', - a Soil or'd Fernbtion Enginec"rirg !. ral at{E.- t- . -a ,-t a a t 2 e ;t o a I E a 'F i"l II rlL ll 91^rltla ot tt! COSgLfl GRACATTON TEST RESULTS oravtL % sato % stLt af'o cLaY L,c!,to Lt.'1lr t 33 % PLl'stlctYY lrioEx l.ollttJRf - PEtrcExY or oFtY tr/ElotlT .'l ?9 6g* 11% l! ltr,aDra I clrri agu^rf ott.r,rca i..\'\'dtr'a rurt - !t! Olr! 'r c-rrfs I _ - .-----1----t--- : :: t. F----+ ! !^- -.:.r .t -q_ .. .ci: lrf " Sa"dl' fllv . . .,- 1. a. -./ ;-.1 -- --_.-,,i-. ,-! - F' :r,. ::'"'1 =ACfl':ni TrST ?iSJLTS ASTH D6t9-70 F,ethod A .q- g-19 :r-3 3 c a a G a IJ E || GI 6 c E E c o - F 6)L o t c d- t D :9 ,o C,.-I G a F 3 o t-ll --t tf ('o a- C o a I o o c e =r a 3- F -l t=;t a; 8,c EE g=5E (Ja o 3 ! a !- I I rD s a 3 I ta E c a a at E o C CI at € C I s t I o .g o 5 !t a e I =,a o af tat . 8. o E - a 5 c C -9 E t 3 s o 6 :l ;l FI ;l ! C 5 F t G €ll ; t: E 3 t .a a 4 z 9 tt a.:o C' a I 9 :(, et e. I I :t ::.t fl I I C 9 0 -s $ t a B I a I = RO E= 3.1 E!F: : i::;iE-r = ErE gEEI EEiI C.r-' la =a,a EEE" €pEe - ! Ac t:oo o= I - ts Ft o F s -! :ieEE i i;}3 tBr---!-3gEI Bi::i E;EFi a!sIl Ess*;s r Pt i :?;:s " @ g I E a F (D llEll liill 'l B f -. -a : o I [. \5 \o r.r\0\a\r ( Ti ii'f\\o (\i E!T (>rt Cl'r a\l c-l l'.. a\;cJ 6 t b a J 9r cc o, @ Ol @ 6t @ er I'E'€ o \.e ai c \D a.i o \D trl o \o C.r _6 $'i t 3 a \g (:(.: r& (.:) cc .-tr F,l tF .J l> -a 'tz -o :o 'ffi€ t.T,EE],-!#= t! '#FtrHi Effi-o #[: l,l, lr: ,'l ,1 , .:l -J : - | --'l I -il el ET z E T c J L c o (J L L o a F J L q) G)L' L l. & t- lL l> I lo lL- l- I t< o J lb c !.l (, ,. L o o + cf. F 9'7 I c IJ 6 o r{ G' o E >: c- rt e) c,-J CL E+r >cl rnri-!\c +*:: <-F! e) J L o e,(J i c- = c E L a 0 s -, F vl Fg \3 I E a E €a ! C e (l T a I j t\ -!|:a," qE F'lt d' 3 F G o q. lll g 3r,u, H o o E !! e o o o o = ql o- q( C !9 q=.9;iB bo -o 8;o(o c .9 € .9 o o o E o o ii Er o o E o ! o l o It o o o I .cl I o .C c a I!t,o C .9 D g ttl E c .9 €t a,l9 o. o o E o c 0 o = .9 .: o o c E trl r!(t,o o o \,a o .9 E s € a 9 o l: E lD o o .>E o c (D CD = i .9 g CI o c, c !.|T' t-o .-r t o t- o- T'l- l!T'c .U 6€tn ('\ J s u,F 6 z I t-o { ; E ill c- o E== 3! 6 9io i;!E E 93 o s;eE - o- |D F E O5 gEEE EE; g l:;s 3 Hia Ee ei 6gbE -: c.@ !E",E :EF;E gEE;E r3EBH Ei: e; :3Sis E E€:=eF:!!€es=8 $:;fr8 -ai e ! i 66=': YIJ;9 :;i:: " = q, I I I I o t,€a o o tr D z I ,- o o t E tt o E t t E G o @ E f 0 o + o 4 I ci o +l .q I J I -t I _,_i iua. z r 9- 8533 o Jd- -lll tll iedJ I z -ol .l 'r 931 H 1fiHi r 99 fl I =gs H bg J > P -cl <J;qte 3 il=l fi o z o 2 t\ (! ct IU F o \o |\\rtt E! $:i: cn .E gH da-.l=;2 c) rr.l *J -J .eE e)z e.AY cl 8 €o s(5 €!=e3 Qo F<-(.)i5 I===E4F:E!?5-=l:ti!Fs.lf?t tT-.E 3re,E8 i#vA \tt=ryA"€L.#;15 -seli=:=:i:Et=t r.ol .{c{q ?.4 ra q o <-' : o' ci ei .cl "t ,J Er I rol 14 I il o o ct <l zl aDl .tl o (J ra a (, z J t E o o € e (D a I a o d I I I I I I J q el o o t t, q € c o € (D (t c e o o o c,o CI o f o .x .x E= s! 6 9:- :EiE i 93 o s;8s .j O* o q E o4 EEe;U6FC !,=co 9:Ei =o!- =o6:;EE;:ct o ; E E:3eE! \: O.! iEEiE E;E€E ii;:f ;r:ie = a I A=E::l;&33gi 99:=E !EE;!iE:it +r r:: -=Z::a 3i:i i -l oJl oUl '3 il s .-l t r-,9l E9 rr !'Li gl .- | tEl :l >l ^9 1 o 6. A <r 6 iE 39 !;c.i E6 ;E : (1,z> I , I r.l a, CL r!r.l u n .f I !, ct g ul .t cl a <.{ |/;, t C o l! E o E 1! E o F t-l crl ol ,gl q ut vtl I \Ol l (t ;o c q, o u o : (l F >1 *l l'l cl ol =l t-l ol !l ol 9l 6-l 3l r-l .!l rcl 4 .\d *l "l =(r UJ F .a z 9 P o IL () z F *o qJ 6 € {,L a {o tr E o f o r- o U a)E o o t {, €L l u (J G I := ll, lt o F u o I t)'lJ I =u L a o c E o t)J iu ru T'o L c, o o t! o € o o '- ll. o 9 G :(,o FE vte 69 e9 :o o:-c =o t!-(J ^J(rr r1k ct c o t tt 1D <J u o € <J @ o o = o o CL o l o o a g u, 1' C o .t L t It c 6 ',, >€ >L' -.4 o >.., aF lb- a:t vl u lal !c €at, L o a 9 F lr=rc t o It t\o\c\c, C'\ r.o o\t\(n gl a Crr ga 6i4 98 GI U1 l\l (\l co l'. (\a CN >i; o r^ (\ t\ rn o lt\ \o (n U\ o o O\ o G o r<G,o €I gE 6 rt (\a GI (\a .\I rat i*at o \o c o g\ o ('f o q\o \4' o \o 2 -o is!i o g- (.9 e (5 aE.I .+! (! at G 3 (\l (:t G,.(t (:t c_ EI -li (\l (.:t c.I (\ ct e.6 -*r (\l =z z =z z z tr (,o 4ro E: trl l"l tsj lc l8 t\Itu l-l (r\ ctl rl *'l ".1 .tl -1 !_ _l rt\(\ t L a o c o. o rJ\+@ L ct q, c + (\I + orr (3 +.= (J c 9 t- c, lt\c\+ o co ao (\l @ o \t o L o o (.t c a o (J j ctl o tg rl J-l \l E \ol O'*l I E-E Hl E;<t o tr, -!tiFs l=l ;! H;q!ISEE I UJ F€.) G Cl- qEg3 ctt aE,l!Itl =<9 z,UJ -J L) =-(J trl o tJ-l <5 <5 z.F .J =v,z.o <J I I I I l- 9il El co t d; "1 5 40 d(J l "lJ ge F{c l'I,la 'l q ..4 '1 ct F q,a - 0 c):f 6l o a a 6l € G' -l €) -e) Al'tr !r 5-Er :;8r o uJ o .c o.c u a o , |D o o o A t :o .c o F o d_ul o 6 ul CE 0 o. nl o o o E 6 L TI B€.g;:;6g 6o 69 i'!c :'; L=(rl (J lr-otr o o =(J c o o €o (D = o o c o tt 9 c € .g a s dl I IE ,g =o o ct o I E o c o o It =i .9 ct o : g o c o o g !g a tt (l! c o 6 o o o o .D CD 9 c o o c 6= i9 siia ::_o E:,8.sigs - o- o c9('E EEgi SsEs =E A d ;!;s 9 !.- 9 (6 C 4F EiE=SsEE -: a ilr ;a;i:;:o3:pEE€E lii:f is;Eg EE:E; o(Jo;- € e s =E E5E3E 3i;E:::=ec 9ri-,r ;!giE Fi:;S 3 o c o 1 o E (D 1: o o o E z =en J€ of >:96 Ed ;6 oo oO -ol| :: e7J c\ ql FF uJ F z 9 F o o z ; 9 =t! tn iuat z -o is5 !o 1- L a -l o o L A 7 o ro (, = o .\l + -tt D 3 I I I I I I I ol EI .ol LI I ot (Jl tr ct of L)t -g o ol lr! I I *l I l!o lo *l =lfr PF H{8.6 Itr el S -r fr qE F.c. -,Ri utF G()rH =6 6A rl :l DI trl F a \o t..r o dl o 1 .lt G,tu LrJ z,6 z.lr., .J C) z.:E c-)lr,F o lJ-l <5 at z F .J =cl,z. C) q, JI -l (A €){rr (t! E' a 6l .trt E' CB -c)a-, C.) !rt lr 6::or c:!.r Er E >{ 1 I r-l "1 !,1 ,l ql .d r'.1 1 'l l I i1.q o I. It (\a € c =t! t 0 -.!a' =t g€<cl 3L o OE 9- -o :J do oF a t € o (, o E tD (D .cl o J o UJ G ul <n 6 o 6 CL o (J e .! = 4)r E-o *:I ,E E I;€l=6loa 616 6le ; 19 .9 lE ; l€s tg E le r l€ E IE O16 cto oto 3 t: - l-i ti oto = -.=3;s f-l o;o sEc go E= 3E 6 9:- !;!E i 33 o s;eE ..,; o- o FEoS Eeea 3d!c a!; s =Flg E=i!€ E F E: i9s9 o:oc : ! 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(\a (\a a\a oi .\I N (\I (\l iu;t o e o Or o Crr o < c o o Cr o <n a ?o 853!o g- (5 &,E ,5 c. alt ct c.3 (J e,cl 3t aa) att c.EI .+r z =z z z - z 9 a o L e J L &! a C E c rt + t-o z, l-c! o 'D ,- o o + L 6 o f o o +ol a o + ''E = ,o gz J €q I qr a.l at\o i;l6-.I- o tt €L o (J LJ o C' a0 t! tl l-{r.l I FJrl.:.1 O col loc 6al | 2 0 il -l Ev = h F>i T ;:li 9; l=l f;; H 3 q$ ; En:oJcicr I5;= t: !r lr :;lr U'ds -rI.1 .==,;2 (l)- aa -J .E€t=AE tr! g €o aC5 F=e3 92 e)E5 ffi @tr tu..# \o (\.l (\l o G' g |v L o o L' t- c IU 6 sl 5l >l ol "l .1 ,il 1A =i \q I v ! o F o o ul o E I G E, uJ CE uJ o o o 9 ,t o !o o 5 o E o o .lt 9 t o a tt c .! c o 6 a a o E f o o- .ar E o a!I tt E .! a c o (, (,o CL I o o @ o tt E o C o o c o o €@ (t o tl c a € C o o t E o o o E =.! o c o @ =i .9 .E l o ; F E o G u!E o at l!E at o- c E.g EE =dt Bo 6P c-o.(J r! o E t (,o o 0 E E (D tt n 0 E= 3.E iigE i 9E o *zoEE' -,; O- o F E O5 Eps; #s;?E E "EEEE EHi; =c! o i E g: g;E E :! 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Eega u,!Fc isEs :=3X::iE:o r!F l'i FeP iEi: xEdo r: c|.o EEsg EEEgE !FE3H.EieiS :3:38 E:€E;ClC:l^=oqo:- 99s=E Ei:si *: ,:c 1, c :ctrco 33:eE ;egjE EE;33 U !(j il I Li ol €l ]l ci a o CD 6 ! o E|o 6 E o o c !t,ol !-l -l ri crl qri e, l I r':(r o o ll E z !rl ol oi "t',o.] tJ,ol <l ttI I cl: i J o (| o o o o e c,* L (ri o;r-l ui .t, 1, q l ED o E !t o o = I I >i .{ 4 11 rl q I v'g (l q q o.l J H q 1I c q !l 4 I +q lrl q J g UJ F "(t z 9 (J z F '9 : ul a t J o 6 !cF €o ar, >la >r (:, o >..r l!- a:t .r, !c €t, l, .U L (:t \,E-lEo .a, >t >cl c >ar 6- a5 .ll a I t-:e t o a, €E gl \Ct g\dr IJ\o\.g c,t\ @ t\cr _82 EIr iu F.aj't q\ rn r<t @ r\ t\ \(, ;E;-z c o o t\ -f o (\a CN o ct C''l or co o t\ qr o (E o ,' o (a I !e (\a |\l rt\ o c F a\ a\ (\I sl GI N (\ iu; t o o\ < -if 6l o o qr ct ot o ('1 o CN 2 ?o E53 !o 9- L' c! cl cl c. alt a\ (: !! ar a5 e, o (,e, Gl! o (t G,!o o <5 e,I o ct tt z.z,=z.z.z.z. z (,o o o + L o z. +sl (\a o o + (\l (\' ? 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UJ o G o o o o E c r!C o -o gE :E -E 6o -o !!E :; 3'i oo .9 .r., 6 (D o, o o tr It o (E ii o -o p rD cl o o € o IJ o CT o € o g dl o E E o g a o f o o o .Cl t ID € .9 E ;6 c ,9 q (, ti o q (E o E l t @ c CD = C .o .c (I o o ; J ut F .o z 9 F o o. o o z I F 'i 6 L! u, F o ul a,a uJ cr (,o .E ct c o E= 3.E 6 9]r,1 i;!E s;es i o- @ FEoS EE3;E:E'i!is I3l *:: E: :o. o EE3: ;E g 9 o: o c i: O.c !c3q igggE I=-pgi pi;: I ;s;€E Ei€:=E.5: lE ooo:_ 9 9 e -P !EiEE ai E 3 c ::=s"5.i; ':1 ;C3EE €Cf ,:u O" q FOlAO (J c I (, E e f o E = tt @r cg ;.9 96 -o.:5 oq oo t€J€ 0o 3e 3E E;!c e5 23 I !o t CF tg !,V't >a >t:t >.4 o >9 c- ct va )E c 4 L I =t C o ur>€ >u c >rJ €F <2 V'' o 4l t I ar? .tE I o I o q\(n @ d.16 (r\CA o o E! a2! 98 F tt o c Itr <! F. F' <\a :6a o !t c F F c 1|, F (3 \o F. -:r o (n G o rf o 4 I 3e v Itr (1 (! 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E =I {D ct (D o o q o o o o o a 9 o o g 6 o tl q o €o 6 € o c! o q (T o o C o F (o t.t c <n (t u,l o o t o.9 3E :o E3 6o 69 *tc ::C=d,i (J IJ q t =t q ID o E o = g ct o d o E= S.E Eii€z=-o E 93 o s;es - o- o 9EOE FEgE H=8. 93 e; =ol!d ;EgE q6.o- o dtF i,t : E E:SpEE o: @ =:E$$: E o5 E9laE ai;:f ECr-v= :3;EE Ct9ll=E:TE;a6: ^5 oooY_ 9 9 c >P gEIEE d! 6 d e tn=eE ;E3EE FE3B3 3 (D iJ .g J s r!F {z I F o IL o C)z F =o Lu o o o E tt c E q o o o ! 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GI \o a:t e,EI ct G,lr! <t E EEt ct c. co <\l (:,e.I (\ 4t4 z.z,z,z z.z. z F 8 L o |J c o I..r +ct GI +tJ\ o t\.+ o o + o o +cl c.l o + a\l + f;\. Ee CP N (\or (! (\I o ta (\I a\ (\l o !d L o o (J c 3 o L' o ctr €lrl I J"l sb f,".l E ".F! li *J z fr qFt tutF 2 E q @=(!9o*a q, G,tu IJ z.a z.l&l -J c) z.-C)tri o ll,l <5 ct z. =-)=u)z.o <J I -a-! 8 € GI I a 6t €a -€ lt q) .A c, t: t: I I -l N cl 1 q II ftl rt q q I t g q >l ql cl I I (u 3 c o rJl ru =\o tn r'- .A v v F - tJ I o t! o .E o-.L E o c E.o -t F a, l.- t)-) €H=l J ;:l I { o'l I | €t .la til g {=l { iel fl glH s'l 3l I EI;I H :tst 1 :t"l q e &l!l fl tr;Eil! ;E;H:]I E= [.E 6 95o i;!E i EE.g;eE - o- o F E o5 EE€a Y:atclc EEEe _o:E; =OCo-looi :iE:cl GIF g':o, c ; E 6: 69!9 o:o=s: O.o :; o9 : E @i EEEEi s;E3!Ei;:f ;s:iE 3:E!=EilSg 383ei 9 9 q -9 E!;i:qi9-j- -=zl-- , 99:-a z 9e si: I gcf :ra o FOo.3: o o o I o !,o o E l9 o A tt o 6 c o lt >.Eo :E 9E E I;o l.=6lo €l€3lE E ls e 16 E I:I 16 F le .olct E IE -lc E te tDlln cto oto cD lu : l--Ets I t9 .=-.=r:3 !:L t-t o;o 5gc oo J (J f L F L o (E = =o (o (, -b o,r-i rl ('l 1llt vri <l I 0 c o E z !l d cl ul ct ql q I at I l o (J dt CT E o o 6 : o. v! tul ('l t-l ul I CD ;o E o o E I a t- c o ! L o (J o L G 'q L .! ag 1'l d9 tf\ Cfr !D f 6 E (! : o t o E o z s ut F ad z I F o o-z o (J z ; I uJ CL o I !o !c @ at>I >Gr o >r e; <:t q. E c € L o o g a 9 tr=tr t o IJ c c F (r co <t o o \o <t\ <n CE'c1 qlF 56_ EE' CT c F (\I N o F\ (\l .:' <\a CO aEa o c € Q tr F o q\-f €r'r ( o .- IE o F r< o iD I 3e= oi a\(\ a! (\a GI Itr rt\ iuE, c o c o c o o o ol o'l :] o rO o \(t 2 ,o Esi E o 5- (l r,6 c 3:)&o (.:t G, G' (.!l E EI (\l at c..lt ct e e. lEt ({ L:'G I t\l z z,z z z.=z. z ; I L c c c Li o a o o ru o +(f q =o t-ct 15 o : a,vt I L ct {,c o ++ a o +o o jrt c.t (-f o{(!c! (! at (! (\J t o o o + I o vr +ql 3 I o gl I J B ol '1 x ',|EI :l ol crl I r{ F rJ I sl >l b :l -l fig iiii lr|rIS c: E*I H i;2I E!q s $3 ti t:.rl 5: cD CJE - IJ.J 7a 2'.-l =;2 a, rr., J-l .EE t=AY €!8 €o sCJ F=cj 92 <J5 Effi FffiET N=rya#l ffi I J et al <t 1 g tl, -{ I ,!|t cl 1 o c c {J ] F. 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I a .{ (!,lJ ET q; d .!y : , I J o oq 1 I 1 t i I 1 I H <l = .-l a I q t rEl >l E],r'I ol :l .l q)t Jl 13l "l $l :l .rrl vrl fl l-(r o 4 UJ G ct ul IE o o E o- I a lo tt o o E E 6!E"€ e 9-3-6 r 5:*3E :!rlD E:*?ro 5EP aq|E q:=:5=iI(}u- o Ito coi ol col Ci o x t o t I o 9 3 c o a .o E t o E a Orr g.A :B ..J.;E IE . 15 elr 6la E I:E 19 9 lE E l! ts li 5 l.E IE Etc E IP olo cto oto (D lE - t- CIC olo E ]E 3;3 ]S:o;o s ci oo( E= s! 6P:- !E!E E g: o garE -.: c}- o -cEo5 Eega u6!c isEs !3X: :Ef; g E E: xEtqtc :9 a6 :boE i E o j cl c c -cl ;tsita-c EEaE;;P;HE € si; q Ea-o: :s;€E 5:Ee= FE;;:ies=E EiiEE =': E g E <99:- o z 9ceEE g ECI(DCL (, FOf OO .J I I !.t ul JI r-l Fl r-l ol trl €l =r 'q; : o- E CI ; a o o ; E o lD t (, ! cf -|l CT 4 I o .a (l f z I rl o o q vt ct al |l va I -1 i !d o o d CI E o (, o 0 c F r-l !rl ol Ll ul .tt I I $rl t : ID ;o E o o c o 2 c o ct F >-l .rl '-l vrl cl rDl 'ol I !-l ol t'l (,I ol Ll a-l I 'tr I *l +rl (rl I 6el lJrl orl J E u.l F :.t z I F (, c.:o o z o F 9 =o t!q ,J, I F g tl E lg ur> >(- rll >.gF gv ) ( L a t c ( ) a )t!L (t \, {vt> .E >(J o >Lt €F tit vl o g t I (r? 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J 9:z. IJ lrl F o t!<9 (9 z F -) =C'2 z.o (J CJ a,tl a c)I 6t 8 6l rt F 6t €)d c, E: t:ii \c a\o o E L o o (l |-J q a qJ J c 0) E 14 q) ! .-o r4 l. <l tl o L t I' 3[ I l TI 0,I L o !)L 9r r!| a,L o C o a a o D o E - 9 b 'I o 8 o .E .?t PI - t':t E,I a. -r E'tC',a il ;l ;l :l !l il ,l il .l it :l :.r I oN I DI 9sl I =r.^l c-Nl 9l a9 oci Ec o ;gg D( D.,rt 9,!l o 6 .5 a E -g !t o =o o E\ o o E o'c. 6 0 o a = c- .9 'a o J o c c o l|- L- a ...:-' - \':I _\>.-l :+i . it-:-' L O\J , | !q!.- - (r-6 E a! .a g o (, t!J lo lo, la l6 to lE t>l=le to lc 1O lo tc.1.9 1C tcL ll lo t-Itr >l +rl -l 6l sl arl €l I Ll ol rrl (rl ot l-l o-l I !l r-l ol 'c, I cl r!l !, I |al c€l rJ1 I €rr'J s ul F z I o c 2 o o z F I u,?ro !2 o;l zol E;i UJ- |F>l ,2 Ot ;.1"fr urO (oT' E3 .22,J c:5i u- ci st a= ol >l o o q) ;l ol 3l ;l :t F E o qJ CE CN o UJ E 0 (E E;sE Eo EE :; 5F EXO E=s!=EEA? o^oo 2Z-'l E EE "s;rE E E-"8 EEi:E9ch E-o i. ;ssE e?i o 6 EF6 =o. o eEE: !€aA !ElE' AEEE=s E'r; €E ti;iT :3giE i;::E 'E: E i€ i;E:i Z :EgE: *- EC:OJA C' FCEo0 aJ tl tl tl tt tt tl tt ll tl tl tl ll dl ]l ql tl ql fi -l -l ol ?, 1 !'l C 6l 5 r-l 0J !r tr rgl '1=l qit !l=dt l9 gE 9o AE 0o BE E6 z2 o t o c o 6 o I o C|' o o E tt o 0 rE al o o (t)E IJ.J tr, =(,z t! 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F gEg;E : P: o 8 Ei:3s :$;re E E{€=:E=u€6-Ed9: 199 = > 9 ; =: |!;6 != + Z t e --'.,=iSril -=7Y^ ::,:- dr u:=:: =a=a= ,all L ':iIJ (!z +r;o, q- vl qt c, t, N an t-o E' ao o J Gl q t- c, o o C\I lrt J IJ J t- F L o =. o o E ! o o c o t G'4 ul o. o E z cc :::o -cl ib tD(, EE o ocl \ +r .ll !l .1 o q zd Or-.- rE k! =(! ={J or^ LIJ aa9 or +Jl (tl cl !rl =i r-l ol +Jl ul ol !-l o-l J uJ E 4 z F o- o (J ||- -Y u ru lt o. o 6 _tt c .D 3 o E t9 C q a ,t L (: tl tl lr .l =ETt tJrcc orD T't. GF v,oo L.!r!OLL >, Ll .5 tt (o v, o r0 (-, I I t> lo lt, >lo rlo .i- .D IO ,r> +,,ru -lu -ls tt () !2^:eg cr c'r @ \4){tl l.l C'1 C'1 .''l o q-r tn o\ g2 E:€ 98 r o F- iO @ o or ( r^ \t) =;F .a' g\ a\ \o @ c \o o F r< >8 rt\ ct Itr o rt\r c, r o F |Jr N (\ iuEt ( -t- a\l (tr (! o \o ot (\I Or .ir (\a o o o C'\ z a!< g o rrr - (!t cc I a:t d.3 at G. cat F\ (:t 4 @ (9 c, att at @ (:,E Gt F IIJ (,'E z.=z.z z,z.z, z (\ CN E Lr o l- q, tU I rJ f L! o @ I I .l +i + c,i El ci c -t Er f, ol , o c; c !-l L gi g q, ' 6.t L.|-r. \o t, I (): (J I E! =.Jl r{.lot o =l z. rtr o I (\ ct)c lJ- 0,c L o =!,o |Jl I .J E r! o =tjt GI CN c u- o tr t- tU 3 tU t, I rJ € ql o o IL .J c o q) vl o lrJ o c L 0,3 t)ttt I I EI € rr- lrl v, o (! 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Fl = Ecf:6. o ' o E o @ .tt o F o ct o T'o t-o o (J tt c o (J o ctl ag l! tl -tl ;t j s"Ei IF.al Ilt-l d l:l 4 6;i *l ;al F:i|uJ F Ol cr O -l I Hgl E ;=l lU F o v,ar lJ-,lrJ z c5 z trl tD o - CJ --a tt (l, I 63 cT v, qr \D |Jt Eo c =t! o @ E .oc .Eo .g o- 4o9 E@=ag;EiH F--O YrO 6::(D .nFE =oE iI()G trtro @ o I p ; .9 t! o q, E o c .o @ €(, (J o) E @ o 3. 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F o 5- N * ttl c lr- ru c L c,3 tU vt col @i *l *l I I I I I i I I -91 ol Ll ol ol "l a EI JI ol "l ol a |ul rrr I I 1 ll.oj: | 2-E .1 i-d:: 4 =rA C 3t | fi9 : q! t-i R t: H b3 : 5=o' E H= <n C'\ qt trJ =ct z,IJ -t o z.-r c)lt,l o tJ-l <5 z.F .J =<t',z,o c) ul F o ln o 1 a CJ -l 8 +r GI I a a € ,E EI cl -,EI (9 -,rE (.) \o Itr q, :rt lr Ii ;: lll ltl I td I 4 Hg | ff 13 I a g- I I .d.A | f;.H3 l!3i I a l=tlu gJ 9:.q tjl d+r !4 5 dr!J r- T 1'tli ,lll oll Ftl I t1 t3 l# l- EI l-l r.r- J U o & G'c L o P @ 3 .o L -q,EE E' 9.5 o Po' =g -l!bel aLl -t l $<P I U|l ol Fl EJ Eg c'uJ .Or?o- F i.1 =H l.'-; @ o o E o oo 6Ea -;ll EsE 3-'t €ro ctl,; t9.6l clul ol'o 3 | .-, El@ 9lu !t5 ol qlot :_t E ;$ E $.1 E s@l dl iNI E ';-Au 6-:9 t-E"d Es; Ef, :6 E= B.E 6 9io i;!E i 9E "V: 4,, o 5 2S s' E EA3 qDo-b=99 o':L F9eE ;se; c;6-oEF; 9 F gF ;YO- ,E:! = E *1 ; cJ ":' :::.:1 .- =O>u):a€Ee;;:6*i ;:=--.Floifr SsisE E:fE::;-"i; 5! 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F () IU 3t, I -l I tI.o -l I F ul u, at, J "1 ci z F E o o- uJ _J o I I I -l f\l .nl orl F I I I I -l rl r!d -t t o z o - 4 E: t:i: C,) c, i; - tJ.,.== .(9 az.c) uJ rlJ -.1 ct=._=?) z.o.8E crt E Its trs3 grt= tr=22 CJ t5 trry 1{ff-EwE 'i:r - 'tE!t#t Ef I {A#gwt r k.*ir.--l€ r .A H.#€t=i#nfirrEry I j (!r{c,.9 J T'g a o 't J o c o g I I I I I I ql a c!!l I 14 .l t4 E .d r4 "r a a I z, CD SZ :a I I o "ll ;t I ;t I El I €t I qt Et I -l I gl 3t H-l :El rr{El lcl ..1 .ol !Hl gl Ll ol rdl €"'1 tst IEI =l e-l -v,l HI -ol rl ft ol 6l :l t-l f;l 3l cl -l cl ol JI ol -l 3l -El F (f P ul o tt LU (r o G '= nl rD -o o = rd Ett .; (! .g =(J-o:*P.:qig 6>:;E9 E62 : E6 d69 aGltr =5;2F Eco E= s! 6 9lo :;!E i 9E o ta.6 s e o5 (.r-;L !EEq -3:gi =or!a - n -==;::ct :=4E 5Hi; :!f-,; v C B: : 5 F"-^e E!FE;;:5H:{;E3!Ei-:f ;i:iE :i{:=:E=uE d-6 o'3:::==>.: \=:a-^'?:Ei: !-:-:. a -. ,- '! :-z=a!.^==!'- :=::1 a ilJ o o o o o f o ltl ut U'gt o o 6' aq I 9 IJ o E q, = tt iD dt .J tt =(l o @ E (D (D C" o IJ ,l :i url oi :l ol +rl ol 0l Ll o-l rl t-,(!i c rgl lnl I dq rJt "l J UI F !{t z q z :.( +l q o :o o (D Ji lll =i LI Fi r-i o'.lJ I (ol =i I q; 4 iD () CT q 5 tn ttt o o:r,t-: gt' CL o tU .E .J' 61, t/; =g - o () o c f o € c! F u!L t,'t'. tui or J, 6i. = t o 4) o = = o- {D >- i,/': :- 66 z2 o t c .g ut>.! >L' -tl o >+,oF a5 vl 'tt c o vt>It >cJ |l,>+a4> ct .r T'c (q vt> a >-(J tU >t (!- at .a i I -l >t !rl cl (ql .5> lul > (-, F (dl qJl >q g= .5q tr o ul>o >Lt -rd !,>+,o- l3 .n €i cl ol !a )l €l >Lr I Iol (rl > lrl 6-1 r- -l a6l '9 C o qr :h .g >r (-, F ..!(u >.,tE- <3 .t <z_ie4 (J Itr qr @ (n CN (\o (n rfl (n ('\(n 5,i _ :;:d =A-xE (\a \o (\,l \o t.r\ (n N -f o rJ\ PAA -z o t\ N o F IJ\ co o ct o \o or *.o F '< 5 (J-t3 { (! 3\ (\I ({ N N N (\ (rt (\a (! (! iuat rc (.i \= o or \e F r o ( o <n o (rl o C'\ z i'ci 6 (:t e at! -tr c, cat -fr att E I.(\ (5 e aEt (9 .A r{ ct c. cn alt c. E) =z z.z,=z.z. z C' +J c o E t- ru * cD c lr- (,c L It 3 {,tn z. I F I all C.'P c o e t- tU gr u- o c L {)3 U' Irl I F\I al + ot tr LL o L (, P rU = e. {E o E t-o o u\I c! gl c tr- L o .P |! = !d. t, o t_ o o +t\- P CJ 4 C o t- q) ql c lr.. o l- 3 o) I t\ t EI - +o I F I 6 E -1 "i {)l 5 --{Li a,v CT 1 q !t-l q 't arl ll 4 I 1 'oo a-z CN N u1 6\(\a \o (n (\l Fr 61 (\{ @ cl r\(\I LJ tll ttr .'.l li J.t i o' "5i i | =;l I ; E;l d 4 6;i .E nl 3El 3 d BEI i F.t{rc iEl g O =- cl (4 c*ol ul F-l Ol GO-clF >utglcr J -'-l fU 5;-l '1 ut F o I I I I I \Ol |Jrl t\l €l -l t z @ o 'a a\E, \. 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J! ts:iE !l le =ie = A ; I F - lc -l lu -:ls -i li:-rLF!r--lL-i r- f ; ; G tn Lr ta I o ul o uti. 'J u'i<s 'tt au. I F,l h rl Hl ei3 \o qr 5.3 ^ E-e,- <.tl co -fl o a\l N I.|.\ Or rJl (n <\T Ega t\ N rtt F F a\ .l (\a I Fl o l-- o o J o^xf, 6l N (\ N N 6l GI (\. al 6l N (! a! (\ lr. I F- =EEE iE o ( o 61 o Cr o or o (n o o\ o CA r 9- EE-s3 o 9- a5 e aEt (\I a9 & ca L(\ a5 e EI l.fr a:t c, CO -f at c,Et t5 G, clt a5 e Et (\ F lrl FF z z z,=z z = lr. t'l{l"lE 'l r.r I |t c :I C 'l-:l i !rl + n I Jt 1 .l c I Jl I 2l I -l (rl rl : I cl I {!r ?l i\l ttl ttl l.t.l l"l =i rl cDl El|l5l ri 'l-l 'l e1 Fl i"l"i rl 6ll Ol :l cl cl 't-t-i -t -l -l .l !-l Ll ,l qrl crl Jl +rl +rl tl EI El lJrl zl El El "l .,1 *,l flEi eI el 91 9l tl J-l il31 e +l +i +i1l t\' i \5 rrl ca <\a lJ l\jl cn *l c o)l -ct -=i"-l (u u-l c "1tr cl t- -l o ;i a ori i,+, I 6l =l..:l c' a:t | .l €l i +rl f cl I 9! I II ol >l :-l r ol tft i c rl r-l ;ol , I D I I o a9 6ro qto 6tl .. <t <l Hl hl 5 6ll (\r I .r.\ (\l o I I I I I I I I d g I ?q >*al a a CJ I q a o r.l I I I I I + q d >l tt a 4 ,4 ,tl T o .tl iq {l 4 t tr q ?q T o z F an nl F €z tr Lr.t o (!o J t! F LIJ -t CO l u, ct7 LtJ t! =<5 z.u,l -)!:z -q)lrl o <9 c,z.F -J =ctt z o c) I I _l "'l I t!o *l I I F lll ul tn I I -?l 'l o 2 F .E o llt J o Q a TI cr,(u +a 6l (J o cn C'cl € fil q) t-() I I RI .3 I <l -l ul F o I I I I .Ol rtll J\I -'l -l I o z to o rt r t .l a EFffig ffiE}E ffi-+ffi4 tlr ltt I IXI I i3l I a-l t(ul | >{ ot | <El I t(dl l!r-i I +1 0l I rrt-1 i rOl I rl (Jl l,/tl I cl -l I lLl A.Q>l d rtt cl :4 -ri !v l-: o .o tF I .l ! I (D ut o G,C :(J c, I 6 o a tr o -l ;l ol Ll rL1 r..l ol ?1 E (u !o o o o 1 E o € .9 tt c ct =9 o a ct (D c o i o f o E=-?!69io E:C; E:!E E 9S c, =aEd .J O- (D F E Og Eee;g:E" iseg Eo€q - (I' o.|:o:86 5E#; ! 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(D o- ,'. cr!c o c o J IJJ F o6 z o F-(J : () o F E uJ |l IL F 6 tt, I i> IE l|!I,>.l|! >r CJ :,.o >+,|!-L-3Vt l> lc lo lut >lol l>ul I _€l ol >q o-l LEI (5l,l I,c o -l >i ol >l t!l Ll ctl ! |u -l >l ol >l (ol LI €l l>- l\EIE c lc |q l€l/, >lV) :x rEi o >o l>cr - r.r l- ra 3.,19 -.E -io _L -lL -<J r,f, t<j u,, r i.l>iE,lc iH-lo l>cJ FI F tal lg -l le=l P ,t, I () {Ea (g\a <t q\rt\o\\o g\vt CN vt ( gz ait 98 N <! t\\ol @ --i (\l rtl (\{ .F iae -fi:3 o q,\o .ir (n o (n r..-! .a -.1- 1rl E o F '<o @ J ie c! 6l ( C \ra l,to tn o (\ (\a 6l (\l GI iur, o or c (F (t o (n o (n o o\ z ,o tr-i-cx<9 o rg* clt E EI (:e 9 -F (5 e @ (:t CE (:, GI 13 e.el tJr (:t c.ct (\a Ful FF =2 i=z,z.z.z, ]_----r----T-ttl lll lll ttl ttl lll l.t.l loltlrl iclcl l-l-l l"lEi tst9l I crt Q I l.nlvrl t-t-l dt?t?t,cl r\lr\ | || | , l-il-l- l;!rtrl= t(sl=l= l.Sl-l-lj I ct o I -l c., | |31 3l=ls f i .-r | - | +-:r I E I (\r ,G 6lr(l-lG .r .l sl sl 3 -l-Ft -t _t-l LI L arl orl o El $l s -l -l Ol ol rJ\NI OI *l el $a\/ I (\ll (\r z tr u J t ;T:;T-- i; :i_1 el..l;.nl -f f.t I t.r F.t!, o Hz c o ;l ;l :l ;l ol tl !l 5l -l !l cl r!l =l o z tr an UJ F 6 z o F ?t, (D o J J tt F C)ut -t cl (tt I t I -l I rl o I I *l F ul u,? 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C?z.l! -J C) z.-<-)u-l F o lJ-l <5 z. -J -cta z,o C) lrl lt I $q $al gJ qHr qcrg a [T ri ql dflE ,.l 11 ttl Il x l.i, q) tri ct,qJ !, Gl I a GI r€ -l cl I q) .I q) T: !: !- 9- :;6: z 6 I tJ o lt o E e. o" G :! ul u, (n +t +t CL ?L' E .ul =l =l o E TI C Rg .9;iF -t|6o o::=E=d,i otr E 'g @ tD EE ui,'E9 (r€EI cl '-l 6l ol ol ctl 4rl ol e l2 ^:IG (,(,t|i: .l|J :to d =l.n --t6 6t9 *ao d:E :!E ;s=tro E=.€"e-6Flo :E!E i 93 o s;ss = P= 9 E c e= : qE o E:E" :.sEfl ISXs "=qtlf E3E; al c'rF g5E= xoa(D :@:c s: o- l,fHoor J E ot5 o tr c - 'rl =E*.-3E gEeYE ;Et HE S;E€9 ;F;iE EE€€=i F: "-E 6'6 5 o -99c>9 qo€;9 n:r9!a.: ? 9 --72Y\:= .,::gc GCfela-FO:€O 6 l I o E ct) : J E =o o ;r .g t. (| :_ ,1 J aL :l .r: F= ,n gt t l, .o tt ql o (, CL q, o, o ol c o o l o tr J s ul F €z tr o (L o z = E l! 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F: T c,ttl CA o o F r{ J >.a o- |J.\ o (\I 6l (\ c! .\l (! i= r, qr --N o < o 'gl c, gi 7 f,xi i a:,c,6 'Fr <J e ct (:t E EI (\ att e,6 FF z =z.z. z F CN c I! o c L o .lJ o 3 (f r..r + + c,E "l crl cl Ll tl ol 7l I I,U trl ?l t-l 1l \ CN c lr- C'c t- tU o = rr ra +t\ \ <lr tr Ir- tl,c L o o ] o o +\.o : o -f fr-? @ ( I I I I I ol 'ol ol LI q a I l d q 1 al of q I I I I I 5l ;l >l ;l Itl fl vtl I tAl 3t ot !l ol ol -l €l cl Gl Fl c'l =l |l lc.rl Rl I col o sl,-l 2 "'lh EE:"rrz l-,9 lnl 3 - t-'t ff FI 2 E "il Er -l P i JUJF oco z>q @=d 95A t:I:t::;5r vt cJ i;aE lrl Ez'.-= ur'2 c) El {ra -J gll ^<.-=t=AE €s8 Eg Fc3 Gl= E=92 E8 ffiryE E{ffiFrEl ffis F'!--.€ lll I l.d l*l H Itrt I I qrl I IA€tl€t4t rl H€| +'l Lt l ti l ICJL lll tJ <l lai :el \q )col rrl d :zl d d ''i -l 1 til '.J | |F, ll d 4 T n d fl:cl- -cl cl SE 'lo lcE H&*< ,$t -l I I tt r{+l q i! 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FF z z.z z.z.=z, 2 o F * ctl c tr- 8'c t-q,.lr .u = o c,+\Ct CN c l& I L.o +,1 = o €+\l E')c t! {,c L ru .L, (o = o rr.l + (\l gl c L!- o E !-o 3 tU v, I -E .P o !l z.:(\l (u c L {)+t |o =o o\+tf\ x t o-o GJ tt o L {-,o 3 c lr- c t-o +)(u = rtr (\J + cl l!l I ol cl L.l ol +tl (di =l I ol col +r lJ\! 6O qz o <!--ln \o I I I I I I ol -rl ei ol 'j t tJl cl Jl ol 'l qrl a ,gl ol -l :l >l lrl rlt Jl .Jr I (,ll ]i ol Irl |[l ol =l I Trl cl (gl sl -l v, CE tJ-t tt, =<5 z.t! -)q) z..r C)lJ-,t-o tJ.l c5 (9 =F.-,=v,z.o <-) tt o F ut ul I an .-l ^l o z F o ut J o a CJ tr (a q)s € ()o ra (n cl 'E c\l s, -l (l) A g) |r,F o qr ('\ (n o z tr lt ul F €z I F lE ul a dt o J ! F tll _.' l ut \(, r.fr co o z @ o - t: ;-p; :;lt. lJ I q <ft q a@l cllq {l l-t >otJ <.1q I tal 4 5Lt O r.l q el "1 E I r,l q U sflE d+l t!l I ct .{\d>tq sl cl ..t ..ri (I .{Tt 1 ttl |ll trl 9! k r I ll cl { ft J fll Clr 4l o n { E H sl I !I E o 'o o o lD E E c e o ID '= E ao o- o E9 >: =at bo gE := 6-(.:) l!oo o (J o (D o (D o A 9 @ o o o o € o iE '= rJ o o 6 (D (D c ol C o c u F E o o- uJ o o uJ o G g o o c o o o ct o E= sE ; q, >-Y5E; 9e:E E g= c,g;EE r O- o ..sce=Eoo- EEEE i=E.E9cE =E d o ;9#E c5.o-o qF o' =a @ € tr 2i-ii6 .cY::o51H e!ig 3 F:;E =;i:-!:ETE:! E;E€A E ie:1 i:.i:E !iE:=EE:i'P o(Jo=-i9E=E gi;sE :i=: ! t; l {:=!; o o o : . t9 o ;'i E:O E=3U OO s9 AJ i:! :x J s Lr.l F sat z I F o o z tr : CL a 1 ,4 'E 2o €s o,;EE -o E6 zz !o itttl ttrl -t-t-tl ElElEl:l E - ei- d- ei ,fl ,; >crl >crl >.o! N > : I? !?;l :l c ts a.;;lE;l ;l ; s4= *F-l_'_l .,., i-r ".l qr \o o\ 5i_ EA' col -. 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FF I z,z.z z | .l I -l = l+l i :iotl < | ct E B l=l I - i -l I t-l lllr Iq|(I cl ( | -l I r-l l l(,l !i;t r I =l : tl t-l lol t col L I +! .l | ,r\ I j t?'ll fll c :l - 'l tr .l )l a 'l -l L Dl q ,l .!ql (rl f I )l u ^l F Fl .{rl F tl ll(!tt\tl tto ttc ll tl | -i LL I +l llo rl cnl tr I cl l-l '| -l L ,l -l o .l tll 3 llo ff (rl ql :i cl .l t-l t ll ol ,t +, I rl (ol :Bl =i tl \l 1r\l ( \l (\ |-l +l v 1l f.\ | -,| Y2 a\-€-r' ( IJ\ I I I I I I t ol q rq H .9 q '1 i >+.1 q d "l arl ? 3l I I Nl I b lo lz 'l E Ei =2 ttt o Itr NI rJ\'l rfi 2E FJ xrr u!F E(J Jd <l A.n qr l\ C'r (n o I *l rrrl \l €l -l I l o z gl o clt u-t ll.J z 6 z. 1! -J <J z,:t <J u.l o LIJ <5 <5 = -J =<t')z.<)c) (, E .- cn €)!t 6l E' a grt E a €€ e c)-aart (J l!i:!:l= I I I J 'o -l I 5 o 1 ,t Ll 1 il +.1 F z (trt !v t. ., I tr3 q d= co q5 IF -tE >l q Ll rFl q-l q ? I I I EI :l 'l ol ol +rl ol 'l ol =l dl JI LI 9l El ;l tl ol (ol Ft ol otl !-l .o o E q)L t)o ] nl ,"1 a, I nl f,l EI :l u|l rul -l cl -l Fl (ot -l ;l ;l =l F H o- .9 5 o-sxl ; 6 =@:*E:o9;;>!;i!Y^F6-6 ;bo .EE g g?i:.= =oE I()u-tr eFtr E= S.E 6 9io :E!E : o= -. s;eE .J O- o F. E 05 EE o- FEEP HEEp oY 0J; =E E - = o ta::iE: IEH: i E or5 i;E;E :?pcE :!l-H'9.}'-: - :3;is cl4'o=:::E! :: = a >=c-o:=:..t;;(D {=v' E=t =':gl!t--7 = = = a.: -6 E ;g=iE i = f E i -l=a; =:!ou 6A 3t= 9 L.l 5ql |! ET 0,c.''i q2 o E *1 or EP =- iDY L:2i a !,o E J u ag co a\! P o I.F CL 0) 0, g, =t, qtl >= :o E6 -cl ;o cc l!t! t-q N o q J 6 t-!, 'E au o J J 3 o t o o E E o E tt c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ol rrt (.I I I I I t I I I I a a l) E o tq ll ll ql o o q, E c o o = o o-o o e'. G llJ uJ o o .o !l o o E c o 6 o o o @ E -6 ctt c o EI I I rJl ':l cl .)|!l rl ol aJl rrl ol l-l o-l i'!ol cl .gl !|l ('l I del utl orl I J s {E UJ t- 06 z 9 F () o z tr 9 = uJ L o q, 6{N 3 ru 6 ilJ v, T'c G vl L o .t-l v, It c o v, L o !, t^ T'tr o vl L o tt tt -E C o v, !, ! at !E @ an L q) c o ]n o |!o ct aJ o >:of Lr ct( c o an 6 $6e o t\l gi lfl (tr rtr o'l €o\(ra F or .{.('r EE'c F rf rt 15 (t o N eca o \l c c c o o c tJ-i IJ\ <> O1 t\ o o t-r< Tr?o- ln l'r rtl t.ri g\F € t\ iuat o \o o gt o \o o \o o \o N € (\l € z EF?E B-q= 35 e rq (tt d,to (:t G ctt .5i a:t E @, (,G 6 (\a (9 t.ro t\ (J E r!a F !,1 ot|l trl>2.=z z.z.L= I z, z I t) o c t-o a! = o o + (,c t- 0),t)o = o o + o,c t-c = +o + ft)E fr- {, !-o 3 o I o z rl-o rrl GI ct)c u- o c t-o tU vt t a5 -= o -a' N + E!c Lr- t,tr L o 3 0) art I ! =l.t-o = AI + CN It! L lo Itr l=lr-!!)IB tct tvt I if l< I i=lu-lo i=t-t6t !z I I :N Irf lrJ\I rJ\ I lr5 I r.r\t\. I 'u\ tl lt tt ll il .n Cl I >ol I E-:l I f:l dl F;l !l fsl E HfI J gEI E -l l:t = Trl o ucl (Jl FOll O-l ql uJ -cl -{a.g t d-1 1 lr o F ltr UJ r tt,-l 'l ci z F (E o a ul ! o or N o (\ Or F o I I *l ql c0 l -l I t o z o ti i: ;: cra citr - lJ.J .= z. t;2 6t rr, s-J fi3t .l:t=AY cll g €.5 F(9 e= E=22 ()a5 LE=re1 ['f*=*--€IPffi€I FtWz=d FL=--ffi 5i€+5,f.;@ I I I \q 6l ({c, -t cq >.io o3 'g rd3 rio Oca o.rJL l= tJ ql -.>C q!q+,a<, 0rr Cl <l .El .tl "l t,li oi =,\Oi rJt t\ z lEc r!, o o Lu o lr q-q (J € 6 c o ul E E o -: F a,L r!o ? ta J''.|. 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E 4F =96- -Yo.!: E o9 : E o5 :5: _aE :E€;s s;E3! s ii: t Ea-o{:s;iE Ei#:= FE:;: 9 9 c -9 i?". I2 ii.-::i3 r- ii X --==l= :!.=-a ;igEE ic:-!5. I €l-: +a o z. Lt L () f L F u {l t,6 = : i @ l '6 :: E o o E (D I I q (u vl E f : +rl Oi r+-o o ru E'rn. (! 9 (l IJ o 1'o E : o- crl l-i ol !rl (!l oi Jl (\rl tal L c, Nl CJ $rl = ot ; E €t o '1) : q|€ o a o, o q, o E t lD !, t -o t, qt o (.t q. c o (D o o c x +rl (,'ll c!ol 1Jl I Ll ol +rl ol ol Ll o-l -l !-l @l |ul !rl url I oel 3J\l ql s i! 4t z tr o c z tr c () LU c o o o o c o t it 'rJ c U1 C E L c o ) fi (! 'o .o o r!L c) tt c €.n> tg >u F.O o >u o- t3 u, tt tr o ./t > >tJ Fta o >.r €F <5 ttl T'c o (/, >q :> c, -.4 o >+,d-L- <3 vt I l>-irt iE |!l'r>irE l> c) l- ro lo l> ]r o-L-a5 .,t :z -:eg €(o GE o F c @1 I "l r.ll o\61 g2 air- 98 \o C\ rt\ N r\ (\ IJ\(\I q,c' 06:' @ c!(\a (\ o\ o (!N -- r^ t\l -f ral G o r< 5 ()-at r.t o lfi o tJ\ (f (\ N (\a\ 6t 6a N (\a iuE, 6r .s a\ ( .f (! .(n -:f N o (tr o or o ( o o\ z -o ET? E t"q = t.t c.r| @ a:t c,(lI a!,c, aa (,' e, at! (! a5 d,6 t.r\ ct E GO (.5 e.I lrr>=z,z,z.z z = z I t (\t l! tU c L ru 3 Q)U' I -- r{- (\ gl E !- q,q L tU 3 tU 14, .+ I I - l+-o z, (\!* Ct! t! q) t-o =o ?1, I =E 1.|-o z, 6l + (tl c 14. (u c l- c,3 (,tt -f I -.z. r|-o = (\I ct)c lr- o t-o 3 (, at I -E l+-o = ctl c Lr- tU g L (u .l, |! = o o + ctl lr. (u c L (u =c,tt t\ I cEt E =+t c (,o q2 \o \o <!\o \o {,rjl \o 14)F o !.o L o L' +,c o (., tU C'o UI E5 hra tr: rtl .q 2A at: = u'l F 3o a*e rn It o€ :€l's -c h€q! ov, F llJ ut I m al ci z F o tu ar J a o U' LJ-t lJ-l z,(t z, lJ.i -t C) z. 4 c)lJ-l F o l4J CJ a z.F -.l =ctt z,o C) I I d 6{5o cq >-lo d=g Cl4 r{o qcE ?.cl t-l=t H (l..lc q!cl +r 10 I I I I I I I I ol fl EI qrl rl trl ,fl rrl ui ol =l \(}l fl z ct! 1Y t!o qr t\a g\ u!F o I -l 1r\l Nl €l o z ql o -'t e, -l .\ c)ia cl t tt (t) GT €t E GI tr (t) rI c) t: !r E.:;5:r ai: d- *@ c o: E)4l 1) .L l-:- o t-r|.rL o a o9 96 =t^6o ::o ,Y .: LI LI .}lD E a =>3 '13 "'==3=;, -I 6I :l cti ol ol 6'l o, l ltl ol qlt,EIF P IE -io Pi=xlo _t= i lg i 6'o ^-.:6t \E3 ^-:4= tro o o '- l. 6 o- o o o o o lD E o o tr o tr J LU F oat z tr 2 o z tr g IJJ 6 ql o (n o F G o o-ul o ur o o qi (D E='t:1: i: E E -> ,,, L= =;is3E i 9i:giEs -: o- o EEo= -s qE o 9:EE looi 9:85 b 9t:; €: rt t->==E.j9= ;a:c : -- o q'r u i n! =; ir e :i€;E {;E t 3 F=- +gi':; sFi;E 'nat:- E:X== =E;iE 5669:9s:r: r: r --4: --: ^:>+-1iY_ -=l!=ii=-'i6:o ! d - n(D --3:=:=L:!q l o f o E o o i I I D a .: o!J =o =o r!O oo F ID 3 c (!vr>a >(, F ..1 o >!o- a5.A tr an ! C o ao o .! .J ,t !t C o ttl o o L) I I t>-|t,lc l#'.l6 | !(J l-€lo l> r,lA-lL-lo ,r, T'C r!.4, ) n >i( o >r lE-L-(5 t/ t;lE lc l€F rrt ),( l>c iI"tc,tr:>G I o- la5,t d <z ^=of,oF (r'6r \o C,r ta 61 tt\q'r F (rr o\or \o (n EZe oo to (\l ({ @ a\co a.l (\a t\ (! ]n o C\' rEa F \6 o ...o 3 rtt ral o (\ E o F r< o gl 5 o^tt o- C! (\a t\ rf a\ t5 (\ (\I (\l C\N ar\ o iua t o ('\c o o (f ('r o Or o g\ (n 2 ,o f,FE E o 9- at e, ao tJ\ (j d .E €d I t..l <:t c,6 (\I <t c. @ C\| <:t c. Gtt $l (t e. att (\a F IlJ FF =z 2 z =z.z. o F (\l * ctl c lr- o c l-o 3 (u v, I c, -f rL o EI o lfr * tn c Lr- {,c L ru t,o .= o +q\ * (tl c lr- (,c t-o € = rf\+@ * ctr c u- {,g L c,.lJ ao = o +@ -v,o o l- A o E .!{,t c o o o +ct c, o tt att ac lLt o \ or c l! o c L (, ,g f o t4 +a I (J E =|! o lrJ o F lro sz \o \o rn {t \o \6 6 \o <f f\ c o o TT It = o ,o !,l! 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F6.A i;f;ra t fffit vE Eq- ,G!i4:€E5=+-5rEFt r=:re{ tl tt tt .ol I NI ot -q col >l t.q 9{|u!!q ot {Lrl Ll l=.1 |q.l >t cl q9 q+J :1 it ll tl tl crl Jl cl ol >l <l -l sl ^l trl tal C'I =i I <rl url \ I I =rEt )Z u o tt a;j,= ..1 :">l @l .l 3t::l; 315 ;l$ >{<ol ;'l r+- {,? 13 'q o o E (D o ll 1: a E {(L o 9 p q a CI o c o ct E (., '= o lll =(, o (D <t gl = llt ul at (0 o F E o lu a UI lll (t o- o9 o:.9;iE r!.E oe o: E-95 lJlJ-oo o o (l o o E o o t! o o tr o o o E= {-i 6 Plo i;:3 i 9I.r =aE 6 !:;: Y- E :b:E 93Ei;E'j:; Q =',nts-: :i I .-i :5 29 - E -: -3 = =;q :oi:= :E€;E e;r€E Ei:aF 9r::E =:io=? =;:=FEiJE d539: ;,: i = >: a=-' aE ^_:-'i'-::::=::--:t - -:::; a: ='j: :: -=F:=:,: l ? !a E o (, i ott ;o ;6 !q !€ or.:| Ft- J s I! IJJ F 06 z tr (L o () z ; =o rrJ t/7 I o ,n 'a c q tl L o ar vl c a tn L' !g ru vl L o T'c ur>(q >Lt F(o a,>&,ag- l-- aJ v, t/t =,.o v, L vt 'o |E q, L o ,J1 T'E .!v, t- EJ .J gt d 42 -iee @ (n \&,@ (n g!.rf 6\CA <t\qr _Ez aEt 98 rJ ro (t tf N lfr ro TJ\ tf| F;;sfil: \3 IJ (t (' \o o o \6 aO @ (f,@ o o r^ .E F r< o 5 ()-:t v v IJ c.l r..t trr IJA i=a t (t \o o \o \4 (r o \41 o \4t o \(t z -o EFE E CJ c -o (! cl IE (J d,at E 3 ct E EI a:t c,3 FF z.=z 2 z.z.z. z o tr- TI G l,c 9 e tU o o +@ G, o tu .tt L o l,o 3 c (l,t,3 tt (u aEt * Er tr b- It)g L o ar G = o rt\.+t\ t g!c L o c L o .L, tu = o u\+(, * gr c tr- ct c !-o 3 o v, t\ I ct =o .fJ +t q, IJ o E i E ;q lU q .-1 ! CI .l-f d t o 'd +'\g ct c lr- q,c L o +,o = o tn +r\ * c L o c t-o t,o 3 o lrt +\o 4Z t\(1 r\N t\ <i ('t I <l (\l t\l -l t\ tl ll -{l u _El I Bll I l:l sl 6;1 5l 3sl 3l H€I .I ;i ot >{- 0rl l,l :-t E +tfl jll ol q Cl crl F.!I I O-l el uJ -cl -l Hfl.q t!o I -l "'t F ttl Itl o -, 1 ^l o z F o o-ul J a o RI Aai qrl lr.l F o \o r.r\ cl t: !r l- Er :;gr o z @ o - q,.G (]ur a- lll -a 2D .-=rct gfr ia -J .EE 3=AE cr3 EC5 F<5 E=E3 92 t8 ffi Hle-a,srGl ffig etffi e€-'=-,!:+g tl JI NI q'o l cq >l lol qJl cl!l H3l a .l qLl l=t t+l (, .. I > cl c!l {, }rl g<l ti rl ll ll tl I I I t I I a z,l CEtr vl '-i 'l 'o :t o IJJ o o- qt d. @ E o ln c E o F tu t-I $.o - t {D @ tt E o e g n (J C' c o o EI (D o @ o g c o o o *q -o :s o6 s9 tr lJ c o o q tD (D 6 @ cl! C o J s ul F 4 z o F o o z ; 9 * L! g.l CE, <n (D o F cc o o-tu ct att ut r( (9 o CE o- -o o=.4;i; do d'i trtr o €(, o o o E tt (D l! E o ] d o E= S.E E I io s!!E c:- o g;EE i: o- @ E5:5 :gr:to g:E. ::!-o -oE E i =(Doi E:t€ E 9i; 9.E EF :YO..;E;;E ;o:.g:o-D t:oqr : E d':o E.= -P EgcEE I=-s€q Ei;: f ; g; i E C z 4 o=9 s::= ^s^E;,JP aud9:3I c >9 i:58€ -==Y= f,i: o 9 ) .. ^t:;E-'iE =,::do- o E o, (J E ; o orl .a: =.cro -:= H 6 .tl !c o v, L tU I t-l> ;13 lc fi-lo l>(.' i- .€ l(0 l> +,is-[--aJ .t T'c a ('r> q >. Ll o )r o- ct.L ul *z -cot o'tr- o o CT'(n \o (n *z 62t- 98 o o )65 -z<t @ rtt o o r< o 5 >J tJ\sl ({ a! N iua' (l \at o (n o 6r 2 +o Exf E O rlrt - a5 t 9 (jt E a3 c. EI r!>FF =z z. z o (J o + =l t-l ol cl Ll o!+'l (gl =l ol rt\l +l r\l *l orl si rr- i I ru!EI -t Ll (lJl .r! OI =l -t oi 9i 7 l*-' <i I orl El I1 r.r- | I {Jl Ll oi ol ]l I ol Lni +\4)r I €l f\l Ez (D F I lJ\l F-i (rrl i i ll il tl tl il acrl zot I tr 'ai I u-t I H:l d d!l !l =€l g Y vrr q ( ,ni oi fiti I HEi *-Ei 6 rll _l €i q '! c, cI FOt I O-'cl Ul -Cl -i Es s dE|El tr-o F ut UI '.u, I grl rJ\ | I ct F CT o ul J o 6r (! qr gJ F o o z o o a T: !r tr gr :;€r \o Lar @ U' c.i fr .-Ul .-= sH :, -r .sE r=8Y c!8 -<5 A<5 a=EJ 92 c)Ei Eryr ffiF;ffi€ c lP I I I I I l\O l({t(\l qo f,@ a,>to <!l|E El-+{o rrl -to {(-' ul ql->L to \(t>rJtc l\o z @ Y l)z ci i- i\ NE $l $' C't\ N: 'N ; N tu ffi \wl .!F:te{rc rF-.-> o o o st O! !. F{ o o o sl.or>\t{,-l .u q .d t Fl F{o t{A .tJ . .d C .dO oo Eo qO oo rf OG) o r H '-'l Fq . Cl 4 O to Ft oFl e,o..t rD Fl +JO €..1 .Fl +J oh c o fn g ,-l sr C.p r- d .tt $to rl r{ '{ ft: $F{AA N r rrl ' o oo lo o oo lo o oo lo (D O FtO l.q O tn F{$ lor N - l-ro "-t l-{nt ,zii iiE ll its I :2, 'F,l tz ii tt(J ll it!D it" il 1l--lt rl(a ll nztl Ioll ilE ll rtuJ tl il" ll iil iltl ll ra !l ,tril ii"il litl !r-lt iill i|l iltl iltl il.,ll ll:r ll l, !r ll rl< ll i> ll tr u, tl t'-ll ti-tl iltl ilil lIl iltl iltl tT-t ll'"ll otl llzll ll u,ll ltrE tl ilHti ll|rl ll ii"ll I tl tHl ll-ll iikll iio li iltl box 1O0 vail, colorad'o 81657 lsr3l 47e5613 department of community development January 12, 1978 Eagl-e County Planning Commission Eagle CountY Courtbouse P-O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 8l-631 Cornmissiotlers : The Town of Vail Planning CornmissioD has reviewed the Eighland lleadorvs proposal and recommends approYal rrith the fol'lowing conditions : 1. ) That great care be taken in the construction and revegetation of the roads on the site. T[e suggest that sufficieut money be escrowed or that performance bonds be required to guarantee that the landscaping and drainage is adequately completed. We also encourage tbe County to carefulLy supervise constructioD of site lmprovements. The cut fi1l. situation caused by Vermnt Road crossing the large drainage in the center of tbe property combined witb the severe cut situation iuunediately west of this drainage, at the. intersection of thls road with Vermont Court, creates a high visual impact. Extreme care and supervision of road construction and revegeration in this area should be exercised. Easing the 1 to 1 banks along Vermont Court to 2 to 1 may help ensure a more rapid revegetation. 2.> That building envelopes be placed on all' steep lots and that ttrese envelopes appear on the Iinal PIat and in the Protective Covenants. Re Eighland Xeadows 3.) 4.> 5. ) 6.) 7.) Page 2 Tbat adequate fire protection be provided. The Vail Village lfest Water System cannot provide fire protection to tbe Upper 14 lots because of tbeir blueline at elevation 8O8O'. The applicant has indicated that tbe blueline for tbe Intermountain lfater District is approximately 8,170'whicb would be adequate, but should be verified. Tbat the 42 inch fence recommended by the Technical Review Committee be dropped. We feel that this fence will do littIe to protect the deer or e1k. Instead of this fence, we would recommend that no dogs be allowed in the apartments and that dogs be allowed on the upper lots only with the provision of kennels. There should also-'be strict .dog control measures provided'in the Protective Covenants. That tbe size of required parking spaces and road surfaces be reduced to a11ow for less pavement and greater landscaping. Ife suggest that the parkiug space sizes be reduced to 9 feet by 19 feet and that some allowances be giveu for the provision of mini.-spaces. l{e also recommend that the roads servicing the duplex lots be reduced to 22 feet pavement width witb 2 foot sboulders on each side and no provision of parklng' curbs, gutters or sidewalks along the sides of tbe road. The recorrnendation assists in roinimizing cuts and fiIls. This reduction makes it extremely important that accessible and adequate off-street parking be provided for all of tbe duplex Lots. That the radius of eurve leading into the main parking area on the l-ower part of the site be iucreased to aIIow for better accessibility into tbis parkiDg area. That a cross-country ski trail across the site be provided and maintained by the deveLopers. An easement for tbis trail should be provided and sbown on the Preliminary Plat - 8.) Tbat alL utility easeFents be shown on the Preliminary Plat. Page 3 Tbe Vail PLanning Commission feels that the densities bave been reduced. substantially and are acceptable. Ile are'confi.dent that this development can work, but urge that extreme caution be takeu in aLI phases of construction- We urge that the developer and the County take all rneasures necessary to insure that as little destruction as possible is done to the natural environment. Sincerely, VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION Ed Drager Chai.rman ED/dl EAGLE EGUhqTY "EAGLE, CULORADO 81631 TELEPHOT'IE 303/328.731I BOARD OF COUNTY cor,1r., 55ro N E R5 Ext 241 AD}' IN I5T RATI ON Ext 241 ANI!',AL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550R Ex7 202 BUILDII'IG IN INSPECTION E tt 226 ot 229 CLERK & NELL,XIJE.l( Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 24? ENGINEER Ext 236 ENV I RO N I,l E NTAL HEA LTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT E\t 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagl€ E rt 252 Vzil 476-5844 PLANNING E 1 226 or 229 PURCHASTNG/ PERSO NI'IEL Ert 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilma n 827-5751 50crAL SERVIC:5 328.6328 TREASURER Erl 20 | July 11, 1979 l(athy l,larren David Pee'l P. 0. Box 3370 Vail , Colorado B'1657 RE: Fi'le # G-56-70 Determination of Setbacks, Lot 10 Highland Meadows #'l At their meeting on Ju'ly 9,1979 the Board of County Commjssioners determined that you may have an 'l 8 foot front setback for the re- ferenced ]ot instead of the standard 25 foot setback, because the Highland l4eadows covenants do not, as yet, address setbacks and because your 'l 0t posseses unusual characteristics. All other set- backs shall be 12.5 feet. t/ nA*-- .\..'.;--?,2-* Susan Vaughn r' Pl anner SV/cp cc: Board of County Commissioners \ q 3 f 3r'(,, Davld 11. ?ee1, Kathy'l'trarren, P.O. Box llJO Vail, Col-orad.o 3o3 l+76-l+506 Architect Designer 8a657 Boa=d. of Cor::ety Conmlssioners i:gie tcr::ri; P].euing Depert-eni D n En'v 1?O I::1e, Cclo=e.do 81531 i?Tll: June 28, 1979 RECEIVED JilN Jg t979 . :,.n, It utsnning t De,si ;;rta. Cr-q1sfu. ilgr. -. - -:_ R9: Lot 1-0, Eighland Meadortrp'I' Eagle Or.'n€FSi i'!r. Jeff Eouston and }fr. Dear Board. of County Cor:r'rrlssloners; end Mns. Jls Cotte:r.- !1ease l:lclude the abor;e :nei:iioneC project on the agenda for ';::e .Tul"y 9, 1979 meetin6 of the 3oard. of Corniy Corraissioners.-;.'e '':i,sr: to discuss ttre minlnun setback reo-uirements of this Plr:red Unlt Developnert er:d the posslbilliy of obtainlng a setback varlance, lf necessary. fhe site, i{hisb is long and Road, ru::nlng the length of seibaclr is required., making narrow, lras a Local streetr Vermont - the site. 'f:rerefore, a front yard the e-l-Lor.rab1-e bullding rvidtn excep- tional.)-y ::rarrol{. - Dre to the deslgn a-:ed Location of the proposed buiiding'a:ecl-' '.--:-=--:-:'':'. tbe d.eep roed cit elonc the slte, a f:r'bnt- setback varlance wll-L ::- i . ' noi have en edverse affect on the-adjacent prope-rii-e.sr..4o.4,o4:,,---::-!a ---i.r.- ;3.e 'r'e:ricul-e:. treffic on Ve:'sont Road.. A1 so, because L'ot 10 = ,:,.^,:;-ls tl:e only siie 1n llighland l'ieadotrs I, rvlth thls conditionr ald. since the site ac?oss Vermont Road is open spacer' a_.f1ogt's-et:,. -.. ., -fi-- b:cl: rr=:"ir-nce r.rill not e.lter the intent of the l'lester P1ari.-i' l:^-:-,1: --oi-: lor your consideration. .j :. .' .\ '*qg-:'' }lIGHLAND I,IEADOIIS FILIIIG S2 COST ESTIMATE FOR ROAD COIISTqUCTION ITEI.I DESCRIPTION UIIIT QUANTITY UNIT PRI CE COST I I 3 4 5 6 7 Unclassi fied Excavation Emba n kment 19" csP Gravel Surfacing Asphalt Concrete Ri p Rap Revegetati on c. Y. rY IF Ton Ton c. Y. s. Y. 9,300 9 ,300 .l50 4,600 'l ,31 0 6 6, 500 I l,so 'l .00 '18.00 5 .00 25 .00 20 .00 1.00 TOTAL $13,950 9 ,3oo 2,700 23, 000 32,750 120 6,500 s88,320 FtlrF-# EAGLE nEconD MEETINO ' i-l I (:lll-..i'.;D )!;ADOI.JS ItOA!WAl' :;PECIFICtrTICNS SECTION lrOO - EXCAVATION SPTCIFICATIOI.S PAGE 1 t 1 I I 1.01 DESCF IPI I ON IHIS IJORK CGNSISTS OF THE EXCAVATION AT'ID DISPOSAL OF ALL fiATERtAL l{HICH IS ENCOUNTERED IJITHIN THE LtHITS OF THE tdoRrr NECESSARY FOR THE COhSTRUCTION OF THE ROADHAY IN ACCOROANCL. IITH IHE SPECIFICATIONS ANO IN REASOI,jABLY CLOSE COT.TFORNITY hITH THE LINEST GRADEST SLOPES aND TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS ShOhN 0N THE PLANS OR ESTABLISHFD Oh THE SR0UND. ALL EXCA- VATION YILL BE IUNCLASSIFIED' AND tILL INCLUDE COHHONT ROCKT SHALET llUCKr B0RRolJ EXCAVATION AND GRUBBING. 1.02 COT.JSTRUCTIOI{ REOUIREfiENTS rHE EXCAVATION FOR THE ROAOTJAY SHALL BE FIT'IISHEO TO REASON- ABLY SI{OOTH ANO UI.IIFORN SURFACEST NO I'tATERIAL SHALL 8E KASTED gITHOUT ThE PERFISSION OF THE ETJGII,IEER. IXCAVATION CPERATIONS SHALL BE CONOUCTEO SO THAT IIATERIAL OI,TStOE THE LINITS OF THE SLOPES HILL NOT BE NIST|.,REED EXCEPT I.JHEN SPECIFICALLY ALLOIJED BY THE ENGINEER. PRI0R TO TFIE c0n- I.IEIICEhENT OF EXCAVATION OR BORROI OPERATIONS II{ ANY AREAI ALL NECESSARY CLEARIN6 TN THAT AREA SHALL }.IAVE FEEN COFl. PLETEO. lHEh RoCK OR SHALE lS ENCOUNTERFD IN THE aASE COUPSC. ELEVA- TION IN CUT SECTIOTVST SUCH ROCK SHALL 8E EXCAVATEO TO AT LEAST THE BOTTOII OF THE PROPOSEN BASE COURSE. IJHEN OVER- EXCAVATION OCCURS IN THE COURSE OF RETUIOVING ROCXr THE EICAVATION SI1ALL BE BACXFILLED LJTTH A SI'ITABLE EITBANXI'IEI!T F,ATER IAL IN ACCORDANCE IJITH SECTION 2.O2T I EtrBANXFENT C0NSTRUCTIOI.J REeUIREI.IENTS I r BCRROI{ NATERIAL SHALL NOT BE PLICEO UNTIL AFTER IHE ROAOI{AY EXCAVATION HAS BEEN PLACED It.I IHE FILL UNLESS OTHTRL ]ISE DIRLCIEO. IF THE COITTPACTOR PLICES IiORE gORROb.ThAI.j IS RE- EUIRf O AI'JD THEREBY CAIJSES A !ASTE OF EXCAVATIOftJ !4ATI.RIAL T IHE AI{OUNT OF SUCH IASTE UILL BF OEDUCTED FROfi ThE BORP6I VOLUI'E AS NEASURED BY THE ENGIT\IEER. ALL BORRC} AFCAS SHALL BE CESIGNATED AND STAKEO BY THE ENGINEER ArvD CRoSS SECTIOiTS TIUST BE TAKEl! BY THE ENGITJEER PRIOF, TO THE EXCAVATIO}.J OPERATIOI',IS. THE FTT{ISHED BORROIJ AREAs ShALL BE ExCNVATEo APPiOXIFIATELY TO LIT,IE ANO GRAOE ESTABLISHED A:',ID SPECIFIEDT A?'tO SHALL 8E FINISHED SFTOOTH ANn HIIHOUT DEPRESSICiTS THAT l'3Y COLLECI I{ATER. =_. __ :_r€. -. . -=._. AI"Y EXCESS EXCAVATION SHALL iC T,NSTCO ON THE SITE IN AtI A'if A OESIGI.,IATED tsY THE ENGIIJEER. \ !i E I 1.05 1,olt A. SPEcIFIcAIIoTTS PAGE 2 |IHERE EXCAVATION TO THE 6RADED SECTIOTJ RESULTS tN A SUB- GRADE OR SLOPES OF UiTSUITABLE FTATERIAL T THE ENGINEER IIAY REOUTRE THE CONTRACTOR TO RE!4OVE THE UNSTABLE IIATERtALS ANO EACKFILL TO THE FINISHEO GRAOE l.;ITH APPROVED NATERIAL. SUCH OVER-EICAVATIOT\I AND ETTBANKiIENT SHALL BE NEASUREO EY IHE ENGINEER ANO PAID FOR UNDER THE EXCAVATIOIJ ANO E'{BANXIIENT ITETiS IN THE COIiTRACT. FINISHTIJG FINTSH IIORK SHALL BE OONE Ih PROPER SEOUEiICE IITH THE OTHER 0PERAIIoNS INVOLVED. IJHEREVER PRACTICABLET CUT SLOPES SHALL 8E ELETJOED |ITH THE AOJACFNT TERRAIN BY ROUfuOING OR SHAPING AS DIRECTED. SHOULDERS ANO DITCH BOTTOTIS SHALL BE CUT TO ETIIITNATE UNEVEN OR RAGGED LINES AND TO ENSURE 6oOD ORATNAGE PATTERl'IS UTTHOUT DEPRESSIONS OR HUIIPS. BACK SLOPES SHALL BE TRIHTEO TO ELIIIINATE UIUSIGHTLY DE- PRESSIOi'jS OR HUflPSr AIJO SHALL BE BLENDEO AT PIPE ENOS aND OTdLR STRUCTURES. HHERE PRACTICABLEI THE FINISHING OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONOUCTED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SLOPES. SUBGRAOE FOR THE ROADIJAY SHALL FE IIIHIN 0.2 FEET OF IHE PROPOSED gRAOE. DEBRISI BOULDERST OR REJECTED I,!ATERIAL SHALL FE REI{OVED AF{O DISPOSEO OF AS DIRECTEC. FINISHING TJORX IS CONSIDERED A CUBSIDIARY OPERATION IO OIHEF ITEHS OF IIORK ANE IiILL NOT BE P^ID FOR SEPARATELY. TIEASURE!{ENT AND PAYNENT NEASURENENT . THE ORIGINAL TERFAIN HAS BEEN CFOSS SECTIONEC BY THE ENGINEER ArlD THESE CRgSS SECTIONS 1ILL BE USEO Il{ CONPUTIN6 PAY VOLIJF1NES. THE ORTGIT'IAL CROSS SECTIOT{S IJILL BE FIADE AVAILABLf TO THE COI.JTRACTOR FOR II.ISPECTION. I{EASUPE- P4ENT FOR EXCAVAT IOf,I ANO SORROI/ OUANT IT tES IILL BE TO THE ',JEAT LINES AS STAKED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER. VOLUI'IE S TILL AE COHPUTEO FROI1 THE CROSS SECTIONS BY THE AVERAOE EI"IO ARE A TiETHOD . AUTHORIZEO EXCAVATION OF UIISUITaBLE FATERIALS BFLOtT GRADE ANo 0F nATERIALS REHOVED Il'l AUTHOFIZED BLEirDltlG AND SHAPING OFERATlONS iiILL BE T'EASURED SEPARATELY AF.IO VOLTJIIES COITPUTED BY THE AVERAGE ENO AREA IIETHOD. .'1 -$glt- =" "A ..-) 4- " ': - 3-- PAYT{ENT . PAYTIENT FOR ALL UORX INCLUOEO tN TI{IS SECTIOi,I ITLL BE hADE AT THE COTTTRACT PRICE PER CUg IC YAQD OF 'UIiCLASSI-FIEO EXCAVATlOIJI INCLUDEO II{ THT 8ID SCHENUTE CF THE CONIRACT. .:€,+;-.G'-=', B. t- SpECIFICAI t 0;rS PAGE 3 fHE PE'r CUBIC YAkD PRICE FOR UNCLnSSTFIEO EXCAVATI0N TJILL lNCLUOE EXCAVATINGT RIPPIIJcT HAtrLIfuGr SpREADIt;Gr FI|l.'ISHIr,tG At\]D ALL NECESSARY EoUIPHENT r I AgOR AND f,lATEF IALS T0 COHPLETt THE tdORX. -*, l: SECTI0i,, 2.F,TGI 1 SECTION 2rOO - EhOANhHIENT 2.C1 OESLRIPTIOIJ TIIIS TORK COI,ISISTS OF EItBAt.IKHENT AND coItPAcTIoI{ oF ALL HATERIAL ITECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROADUAY IN ACCOROANCE dITH IHE SPECIFICATIoNS AND IN REASoNABLY CLosE COIvFORMITY t{ITH THE LltlESr 6RADEST SLoPES A}JD fypICAL CROSS SECTIOfuS SHOI.JTJ ON THE PLAT.IS OR FSTABLISHEDT THIS IORK IN. CLUOES HAULINGT PLACItIGT IJATERING ANO COnPACTING AL-t TTATERIALS IO tsE IT{CORPORATED IN ROAOI'AY EHBANK!'lENTS A:JD OTHER BERNS AND FILLS TdAT TIAY FE REOUIRED TO BE CONSTRUCTLTJ ANO ALSO INCLUOES PREPARATION OF SIJRFAcES ON h'HIcH EPBAhK- fiEhTS ARE IO BE PLACED ANO IJASTING OF FATERIALS UI\JSUITABLE FOR USE. 2,02 CONSTRUCTTON REOUTREPiET.,,TS TRELST LOGSr BRANCHEST STUIIPST FROZEN EARTHT HEAVY VEGETA- TION OR OTHER UNOESIRABLE IIATER'ALS SHALL t'OT BE PLACEO IIJ t HtsANKl'tENTS. EXCEPT rHERE PERIIlTTEO BY THE ENCItf ER. THESL tJilDLSIRAELE IIATERIALS I{AY BE PLACED IN THE TOES OF E'JEA'IK. PiENTS THERE THEY ARE OUTSIDE THE POAD PRISXT IJHIC}I IS DE' FINED BY A I'IIO l SLOPE PROJECTTO FROH THE SHOULDER OF THE ROAI]I/AY! PROVIDED THAI THEY ARE COVFRED BY AI LEAST ONE (1I FOOT OF EARTH. ALL EXCESS OR UIiSUITA3LE ISATEhIAL THAT CAitI'JOT BE USED IIV EHBAIIKI.'tENTS SFALL BE DISPOSEO OF AS D I RECTEO. TJHERE EI'TBANKIIENTS 0F Lf SS THAN THREE (51 FEET BELOb, TOP 0F SUBGRAOE ARE IO 8E fiAOEr ALL SODr ROOTST STUttpS Ar,rD VEGE- TABLE t{ATTER SHALL BE REHOVED FROI4 THE SURFACT UPOiJ hiHICH THE EFIEATIKI'IENT IS TO BE PLACEDT AND THE CLEARFO SURFACE SCARIFIED TO A OEPTH OF AT LEAST SIX (6I INCHES. THE SCARI- FIED SURFACE SHALL THEI{ BE COIIPACTED AS PROVIDED FOR EfiBAIiKIIENT COI'IPACTION IN TFIIS SECTION. IhEIT EP{BAI'IXFTENT IS TO BE PLACEO ON I.TILLSIOES IJITIT NATURAL SUOPLS THAT AF'L SIIEPER THAN 2 rO 1r THE ExtSTIrrc SLOP: ShALL BE FEI.ICHED EEGIi.t;IIiG APPFOXII,,ATILY TEI,J ( 1O ' FLET IfJ- SIOL THE TOE OF Ti.tE SLC.PE AIVO COIITITJUIIJG'..ITh EIGIIT (A' FOOT IJIDE BENCHES L'P TO;ARD THE SHoULDER OF THE FTLL. THT EXCAVATED I'ATERIAL FROII THE BENCH ST{ALL BE TJORKED DOh?J TOHAPD THE TOE OF THE SLOPE ATIO CCI'IPACTED AS SPECIFIED ITI SECTIotJ 2.05. THE LCCATION Ar'{D ExTEhrT OF BENCHII'JG SHtILL BE OETLFFINED AY THL EIgGIIIEER. UHFREVER BENChI'T6 IS KEBUTREDT PAYfiEIiT FOR T,XCAVATIO[1 AND FBIIAI.jX|1E'TT SHALL BE FILASUREO TO .] IiI,AT LINES OF THE BEI.ICHED SLOPE AS OIRECTED BY THE ENGI'JEEiI . I.HEf! EhSAI.;FIIETIT IS 7O BE PLACED BY EIrO OUI{PINGT THE SLOPES CF THL OFIGIhAL GRCUTiO SH!LL BE PI.Oi-EI] OP EJPP6P ITJTC FRJ.3d TC LfdD DTJTPIhG HATERIAL. ! 2.05 2. 0t A. SECT1ofu 2. PAGE 2 IHEIC LHIIAITKFEIrT IS TO RE COTJSTTIUCTt,C ACROSS IJET r SITAITIPY GROL,TJO f HAT trILL NOT SLIPPORT THF tJEIGI-tt OF TRUCKS OR OTI{EP EgUlPltL.NTr TFiE LOIIER PARI OF ThF FILL SHALL BE C0I{STRUCIEC BY DUilPING CRI EARTH ANO GFANULAR FATERIALS IN SUCCESSIVE LOADS TO A UNIFORFT THICKNESS THAT !ILL SUPPORT ThE EEUIP. I1ENT. PRIOR TO DUIIPIN6T OVER-EICAVATION I{AY BE REOUIRED AS PROVIDEO FOR IN SECTIOI.I 1.02. COI{PACTI ON EI{BAN|(IIENTS OF EARTH I{ATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN HORTZONTAL LAYERS OF APPROXI'TATELY EIGHT (EI INCHES TI.TICKIJESS LOOSE I1EASUREHENT AI{D SHALL BE COTTPACTEI} BEFORE THE NEXT LATER IS PLACEDo EFFECTM SPREAOIilG E0lJIP,'r'ENT SHALL BE USED Or,l EACH LIFT TO OBTAIN UNIFORFI THICKT,JESS PRTOR TO COI4PACTING. CON. STRUCTION EOUIPI1ENT SHALL BE ROUTED UNIFORIILY OVER THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF EACH LAYER. THE EFlBANKFIENT ITATERTAL SHALL BF COFIPACTED IJITH SUITABLE ECUTPI,IE'{T UNTTL A jJNIFORH DENSITY OF NOT LESS THAT.J NINETY- FIVE (95, PER CENT OF 1X6 FAXIIT.IIIFI DETER}III,JEO BY AASHO T-99r FtETH00 rCr r lS ATTAINE0T AT A IIoISTURE C0NTFNT OEf ERIIIIJEO BY IHE ENGINEER TO BE SUITABLE FOR SUCH DENSITY. THL IATEF, C0NTENI SHALL BE IiTCRFASED OR 0FCREASED OURING THE CoF- PACTIOI'I EFFORT AS NECESSARY FOR PFCPER COI,IPACTIOhI . IHEN THE EXCAVAIED IIATERIAL COT{SISTS OF ROCK FRAGFTEIJTS OF SUCH SI2E THAT THE MA'TERIAL CAIJTJOT BE PI. ACED IN LAYE'IS OF THE THICINESS PRESCRIBEDT SUCH TqATERIAL nAY BE PLACED lli LAYERS trOT EXCEEOItyc THE AVERAGE SIZE OF THE ROCFSo EACri LAYER SHALL BE LEVELEDT SHO0THE9 ANO cOr'lPACTED AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION A.03. THE ENGINEER |JILLr DUPITIG THE PPOGRESS OF THE UORKr fiAKE TJEIYSITY TESTS OF COI{PACTED F.ATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE IITH AP- FROvED FIELD DENSITY IESI F|ETHOnSr Il'lcLtJDtHG THE USE OF PROPERLY CALTBRATEO_11-.-!.0^ rESrlNG OEVTCES. T,EASUREIIEfTT AND PAYf'iENT IiEASUREIiEI!T - THE ORIGiNAL GPOUt,,D CFOSS SECTIOIJS ATJO IHE NEAT L'i$ES OF THE REOUIRED EPBAI.JKPENI SHALL BE USEO TO EOI.IPUIE PAY VOLIJHT.S BY THE-AVEFAGE END AREA !IETI{OD. I'{E GRI6IITAL CROSS SECTItTftS IILL BE f{OOiF IE0 THERE AUTHORIZED OVER-EICAVAIIOh OR BEI{CHIt'IG IS FEGUIRfD. PAYhtltT - PaYpTENT FOR ALL IdORX r?ICLUDED lN THtS SECTIOhI '.lILL BE HAOE AT THE CONTRACT PRICE P€R CUBIC YARO OF IEI4BANI(FIEI{TI IIi THE AIO SCHEDULE OF THE CONT9ACT. Br SE CT I0tJ 3.PAGE 1 SECIION 5,OO - CULVEIiTS AI..ID DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 5.01 OESCFIPTION THIS JORK CONSISTS oF THE C0i\STRUCTION OF PIPE CULVERTST RIPRAPT AND OTHER APPURTENANCEST INCLUOING ALL EXCAVATIONI BACKFILLT BEODING ANO OTHER NECESSARY IJORK FOF A COI{PLETE INSTALLATION IN ACCORDANCE IJITH THE SPECIFICATIONS ANO AS SHOIN ON THE PLANS OR AS ESTABL'SHEO BY THE ENGIIIEER. 3.02 fIATERIALS THE CULVERTS SHALL BE EITHER CORRUGATED STEEL OR ALUI{INUN' A, CORRUGATED ALUITINUIT PIPE 1HIS PIPE ANO COUPLIIJG BANDS SHALL CONFORf{ TO THE REOUIRE. HENTS'OF AASHO iI196I ANO AASHO FI97 FOR UNOERORAINS' PIPE THICI(NESS SHALL BE DETERITTIJED BY THE APPROPRIAIE TABLE ANO OTHER REOUTREF1ENIS OF COLORADO HIGHIIAY OEPARTTENT STAI.JOARO 11-603-il. B. CORRUGATEO STEEL PIPE ANO PTPE ARCHES THESE CONOUITS AT{O THE COUPLING BANOS SHALL COI,IFORN .TO THE REOUIREI{EI'iTS OF AASHO 11 55 EXCEPT FOR T'{E FOLLOUIIi6. 1. BASE I.IETAL FAY BE HADE BY THE OPEN HEAFTHT THE BASIC OXYGEN OR THE ELECTRIC FURT'JACE PROCESS. 2. CORRUGATIONS AI.JD !II|'JII{UI'i GAUGE OF "IATERIAL FOR COfuOUIIS ANO EIYD SECTIOhIS SHALL BE AS SHO*II ON TI{E PLAI'JS OR OI{ COLORADO HIGHTAY DEPARTHEITTT STAITDARD P-603-TI . PIPE ItITH hELtCAL CORRITGATtONS FORHED tITH A COhTiNUOUS LOCK SEAI{ SHALL CO}JFORr, T0 AASHO t/t 36 UITH THE FOLLOLTIIJG ADO I TI ONS. ThE SEAF'lS SHILL BE FABRICATED ltl SUCH ilAt\,il,lEF AS:rOT TO AFFECT THL SHAPE OR IICPINAL DIAHETEF OF THE PIPE 3F IVOT LREATE AI,I ELET'Et{T OF hEAI(IJESS TN ThE PIPE. COlvtiECTIrrG BAT.DS F0R HFLTCALLY cORRUGATEO PIPE St.IALL CONFORI{ TO AASHC DTSiGNJATIOIJ F{ 156. C. THE BUTT-;ELOED .JOITVT IILL BE ACCEPTABLE IF A GOOU IiELO tS PEFFOR!'IEO ANO JAiTAGEg SPELTER COATING IS SAT]S.i' :i . F'.: FACTo.RILy REpATRED As "spEcrFIED HEREtN. D. SIUEO ETVOS AILL BE PERUJTTED PROVTDEO ALL BURCS AFE FEI'OVED' 3. A. e. E. SECTI0\,r. PAGE ? THE AI'J6LE B€TI'EfN THE COFRUGATIONS AIJD THE LOI.,JGI- TUDINAL AXIS OF THE PIPE SHALL RE ITOT LESS THAT,J q5 DEGREES. PIPE I'IAY BE FABRICATED IJIT}T RESISTANCE SPOT IJELDS IN CoNFoRhITy tITH AASHO DeSIGI{ATInN m e09 HITIi ThE foLLOUING ADDITIONS. THE IIETAL SHALL BE DRAIN TIGhTtY TOGEIHER AT THE SPoTS THERE yELDS ARE HADE. THE SPOT IJELCS FOR LONGITUOINAL SEAITS IIAY BE LOCaTE0 ltl THE VALLEYS OR CRESTST OR CN THE TAI'IGENTS 0F EACtr CORRU6AT I ON. $o Ar 8. r- I.: : j Cr O. IJHERE DOUELE UELBING IS NECESSARYI SHALL NOT BE CLOSER IHAN 2 SPOT IiELO NUGGET CENTER IO CENTERE AT LEAST 0.6 OZ. PER SOUARE FOOT OF CoATING SlrALl- BE RETAINED ON THF SPOI IJELOT BY LABORATORY TESTS. AOJACENT TELOS OIAHEIERS FROI| THE SPELTER AS DETERI,I]INED E. Fo THREE TENSIOT{ SHEAR TESTS SHALL BE NAOE FOR EACH RTPLACEhENT OF IIELOING ELECTRODFT FAgRICATOR SHALL RECORD TEST DATA t.ITH IEST iTTJHEF}TT TJATET SHEET GAUGET ANE BRANO CN A liORK SHE€T ANO HAVE THE SHLET STGIiEO BY THE HELOING ITACHINE OPEFATORO FAERICATCR SFALL I,IARX EACH LENGTH OF PIPE FA6P, I. CATED UITH THE IDENTTFICATION NUFBER OF THE CORRESPONOIN6 TENSION SHEAF TESTS, COTvNECTING BANDS FOR STEEL PIPE FABRICATED FROfi 3Il'l . X 1 IN. CORRUGATIOh f{ATERIAL SHALL CONFORil TO THE FOLL3dING TABLE r G. 5. PIPE OIATiETER 3O IN. ThRU Eq IN. 90 IN. TI,PU 96 IN. 102 lN. THRU lCB lH. llINIf|un lJIOTH 0F BAl,lD GAI IGE 15 lrt 72 1r. llt.20 Iig.20 It'l . SHOP-FOKTEO I.LLIPTICAL PIPE SHATL BE FURNISHED TJHLRE SPECI- FIE0. FILLD ELONGATI0IT !JILL BE aCCEPTED aS At! ALTEFTATE r0 SHOP ELOTTGATIgN IHEN OONE IN A T.:EAT SOFTTIIANLTXE !1ANNER. ,SPECtAL FTTTITJGS AT,ID ELBOTJS FOF-THESE'COIiDUITS SHALL BE OF THE SAHE GAGE AS THE COI{DUII TO ltFICH THEY ARf JOIiIEOe aND Sl.aLL COhF0Frt TO THE aPPLICABLf REOUIFE'C''lTS 0F aASHC !t 36. 3. 03 SEC T I0lJ 5. PAGE 3 LXCAVATIOT{ rREICHES AND CHANNELS SHALL BE FXCAVATED AS SHOI{N ON ']THE PLAICS OR AS O t RECTEO BY THE EiV6 T NEEF . UNLESS EXCAVAT X ON I S REAUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A BASE OR BEDDING }IATERIALT OR THE ENGINEER PERI{ITS EXCAVATION BELOI'I THE BOTTOfi OF THE PIPE FOR FOUNIDATION IFPROVEtIEllf . IHE TRENCH SHALL BE EX. CAVATED TO 6RAOE SO THAT THE PIPE OR STRUCTURE I{AY BE II'JSIALLED Ofu UNDISTURBEO EARTH. EXCAVATION FCR STRUCTURES SHALL BE }IADE HITH APPROTIHATTLY ONE I1) FOOT CLEARANCE OUTSIDE OF fHE FOOTIITGS OR iALLs. EXCAVATION FOR CHATTNELS ANO DIICHES I.ITH SLOPIIT6 SIDES SHILL B€ CLASSIFIED TUNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATIOTJIT ANO INCLUDED IITH THAT I,TEil IN THE BID SCHEDULE. li ii I IHERE POOR FOUNDATION CONDITIOI.IS ARE ENCOUNTERED AT CHANNEL OR TRENCH EOTTOIIT THE ENGITJEER I{AY AUTHORIZE fIOt'tAL DEPTH OF EXCAVATIONT ANO SUCI{ SUB-EXCAVATIOiI CLASSIFIEO AS IUhCLASSIFTED EXCIVATIONI. EXCAVATED FTATERIAL IIHICH CANNOT BE USED tI{ BACKFILL Tl0l"S SHALL BE INCOP.P0FATEO IN 0THEF P0RlIOIJS 0F THE OR.!ASIED AS DIRECTEO 8Y TrJE EI'JGITit.ER. THE ADDI- SHALL 8E OPER A - r ORK r AT LOCATIONS rHERE SIAIIDlNG OR RUI'JNING l{ATER lS PRESET'lT IN OUANTITIES hHlCFl |OULO INTERFERF IdITH fHE PFOPER ItuSTAt-- LATIOil OF THE STRUCTURE OR SATURATE THE FOUI'.JOATIOU FATERIAL. tHE SITE SHaLL BE DE-l{AlERE0 At'lO TFIE EXCAVATION FROTT CIED FROIi DAI.lAGE. 3.Oq FOUfuOATIONS AND B,EDOING IHEREVER PRACTTCABLET AND I'l-iERE BFDDIfTG FIATERIAL IS NOT SPECIFIEDT THE INSTALLATIOf': SHALL tsE I'IADE ON UNDISTURtsED ttAILRIAL. TJHERE CHANNELS OR TRENCHES HAVE BEEN EXCAVATEO EELO! TqE BOTTOFI OF THE STRUCTURET BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACEO IN LAYERS OF APPROXIIiAIELY EIGhT (8) INCHES IN THICXTTESS ANO EACH LAYER SHALL BE Ut';IFORFI Y COIIPACTEO. THE LAST SIX I6I INCH LAYER OF ITATEFIAL EELOIj THE BOTTOF OF THE STRUC.' IURE r 0R PEL0b' THE BOTTOI. 0F THF FEf DI i'lG IATEFIAL IF Rg- EUIREDI SHALL BE CONPACTEO TO A OEIVSITY OF NOT LESS THAh tiIIILTY (9OI PER CENT OF itAXI$UT. DEi.isITY AT OPTIF'IUF FOISTURL COhTENTo BEC'OING FtATLRIALT THERE RfCUIREf, aS ShOft,'l Orv IHE PLAr.'tS 0R rHEKE SUB-EXCAVATION IS REOUIREi BECAUSF OF POOR FOUI\OITICTI COI.JOITIONST SHALL BE PL!CEO AS i.) IFECTfD BY THE EIJ6IhEfE AIJL IILL B€ CLASSIFIED AS ?BEOOING gATERIILI. THE HATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED ROCX OR PIT RUfu GRAVFL OF APPRCXI!'IATELT L-L/2 lilCH ICAXII.!Ul4 SIZE. 3. 05 3. 06 Ar r n? B. LAYING AliO r0Il{IrjG COt\jDUtT THE COIJDUIT LAYIT.IG SHALL BEGIN AT ThE DOHTJSTREAH ENO OF THI, CO'!I.JIjIT LI[.JE. THE LoUER SEGHET',IT OF THE CONDUIT sHALL 8E IN CONTACT IJITH THE SHAPED BED THROUGHOUT ITS FULL LETiGTHI FLEXIBLE CONOUIT SHALL BE PLACEN TITH LONGITUDINAL LAPS OR SEAI{S AT THE SIOEST AIID JoII.JTS SHALL BE TADE IJITH CoUPLING 8AI.JOS. CONOUIT SHALL BE II.]SPECIEO BEFORE ANY BACXFILL tS PLACEOT ANO ANY PIPE FOUND TO BF OUT OF ALIGNFENTT UNDULY SETTLEOI OR DAI{AGEDT SI{ALL BE RET,OVED ANB PROPERLY REPLAcEL. EACKF I LLI NG BACXFILL HATERIAL BACKFILL I{ATERtAL PLACED ADJACENT TO AND OVER PIPE CONOUIT AND STRUCTURES SHALL BE FINEI REAOILY COT1PACTIBLE JOB EX- CAVATEO SOIL HATERIAL OR GRATJULAR FILL NATERIALT IT SHALL NOT CONTAIN FROZEN LUFPST CHUNXS OF HIGHLY PLASTIC CLAYT STOITES THAT HOULO IhJURE THE STRUCIURET OR OTHER OB.TECTIIN- ABLE IiATER I AL. PLAClI.IG AhJD COTJ,PACTIN6 BACKFILL BAC^FILL SHALL BE PLACEO IN COTIPACTIBLE LAYERS OF APPROXI. FATELY EIGHT I8I INCHES LOOSE I'FASUREITENT ANO EALF LAYER COIlPACTEO TO THE OENSITY SPECIFIEO TiJ SECTIO?{ 5.OI{. CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED DURIIJG BACKF'LLING OPERATIOIJS TO PREVEI.JI DAICAGE TO THE STRUCTURE EITHER THROUGI{ UNEOUAL PHTSSURES EXERTEO ON THE SIDES OF THE SIRIICTURE OR BY BACKFILL dEING OROPPED DIRECTLY ON THE STRUCTURE. BACKFILL AOJACENT fO OR OVFR PIPE CULVERTS SHALL SECTI0i. j. FA6E q 8E EFUUGHT UP SIhULTANEOUSLY OTT BOTH SIOES OF THE PIPE TO AVOI' LATERAL DtSPLACEIIEhTT BACXFILL UNDER THE HAUI,CHIS OF THE PIPE SHALL BE TAHPED OP RA!'I"!ED 'N'O PLACE BETI{EEN THT, PIPE ANO THE CHAhNEL BOTTOPi. THE PUDDLING ilETFOC OF BACKFILL SPALL I.JOT BE USEO EX. CEPT iJY'TRITTEh PfRiriSSl0ri CF TirE EruGJl',EEF. RIPRAP AND SPtCIIL FIPFAP ItrLETs RIPFAP FOR ITiLET AIJO OUTLf,T CHAIJlf LS r AS SHOI.J?J O't II{! OLTAILS IN THI. PLATJST SiTALL BE FL!CED AT THE LOCATIOT.S S}iOJT. (.rh THE PLA].IS CR AS DIRECTEO 9Y Tr{E ENGITJEER. THL LT }.'GTN r OEPTH ANO TIDTH CF EACH RIPRAP Il.iSTALLATIO\ SFALL BL L'E. TERHI TEO TN THE FIELO BY T;.{E EIJGINL,ER 3.06 At SECTICTJ 3.PAC.[ 5 t"tLAsUREl,lENf Al,l0 PAYTENT nEASuREnENt FoR ITETlS CF TJORK If'.ICLUDEO IN THIS SECTIoIJ HILL tsE NADE AS FOLLOHS. CULVLRTS . IIEASURED PER LIT]EAL FOOT OF EACH SIZE .Ih PLACET AND INCLUDES ALL iJECESSAF'Y TREIICH EXCAVATIONT BACK- F ILL AIID COFTPACT I ON. ENO SECTIONS - HEASURED BI THE N'UFBER OF UNITS OF EACh SIZE INSTALLEO. RIPRAP FOR CULVEFTS . HEASUREO BY CUBIC TARDS IN PLACE' ALL oTHER ITEr,Is oF IJoRK AND iIATERIALS REoUIRED IN THIs sicrron sHALL BE cotrstDERED suBsIDIARY ANO SHALL NOT EE PAIIJ FOR SEPARATELY. PAYFTENT FOR ITEFTS oF IJoRK IN THIS SECTION UILL BE P'aDE IN nlcononrucf HITH rHE UNIT PRIcE BID IN THE SCHE0ULE FoR EAch ITLH AS LTSTED ABOVEI HHICH PRICES SHALL INCLUDE ALL NECES- SAFY EXCAVATIOFJT BACXFILL I CCgPACTIONT IIIATERIALST EOUIPIIEIJT T TOOLST LAgOR AND INCIDET-JTALST UNLESS AilY SUCH ITEH IS SPECIFICALLY I'IEASUFED AI,JO PAID FOR SEPARATELY IN ANOTHi'R ITEI'I OF iIORK. 1r 2, 5. Br GIJAVfL SL'FFncII-G PNGE 1 sLcrlotr r,.00 GRAVEL SURFAC lhrG 4.00 0EsLR lpf IoN GRAVEL SURFACIT.IG SHALL CONSIST OF SCRFEfuED GRAVEL COT!- SIRTJCI[,O ON THE PROPERLY PREPARED SUEGFAOE TO CLOSE COI{FO'TI,lITY I,IITH THE LINEST GRADFST THIcI(NEss AND cRoss sEcTIofi sHorrr: oN THE PLANS 0R As DIREcTEc By THE Lf,rcIriEEx. TIIE SCREENED GRAVEL SURFACTNG S}TALL BE so GRA0EO ThAT IT IILL READILY COPIPACT INTO A DENSE UNYIELDII''JG PASS. q.01 P,ATERIALS GRAVEL SURFACING SHALL COIJSIST OF CRUSHEDT PARTIALLY CRUSHEOT OR NATURALLY OCCUFRING GRANULAR FlATERIALS FROFI APPR0v€D SOURCES. IT SHALL I|EET THE FOLLOti|ING RE0UIREIIENTS FoR GRAOING AND OUALITY. v,PER CEr,lT PASSING 3/t{ INCH SOITARE SIEVE................100 PER CENT PaSSING 1/'{ INCH S0trARE SIEvE.........,.50 T0 65 PER CENT PASSITJG :JO. 2OO SIEVE(.dET SIEVINGt.....5 MAxIHU! SAI'JD E e U I V A L E N T . . . . o . . . . . .......... ..35 tAXIi.Uy 4.02 COT,ISTRUCTIOTJ DETAILS III ADVAIICE OF DEPOSITIIJG THE GFoVEL SURFACIIJGI TFIE SULT3FATJL SHALL BE PREPARED AS SPECIFIED IN THE SPECIFICATIOTJS FO3 EXCAVATITJG IlJ SECTIOI'I 1.00. SCREENED GRAVEL SUITFACING SIIALL BE UIIIFOR!'ILY SPREAD UPON YHE PREPAREO SUBGRAOE I?,J APoUNfr hIDTH AND CROSS SECTION SHOt.lN oN THE FLANS 0R AS t.,,TRECTED BY THE EI.JGI|\JEFR. IT SHALL THEN AE BLADED AI.'JO hOLLLU 6Y EITxEP A SfIOOTH-WHEELEO POIEF RTLLER OP Bl A PhLUMATIC-TIREO ROLLER UNfIL TlrF PATERIAL SllOlJS A Ut!IFORr,ri GR AtJ I tJG . tf .03 nEASUREHENT GFAVIL SIIRFACItIG EILL gE FEASURFE BY THf TOIJ AT ThE POl'.7 0F L0A0IrJG. 4. 0r{ PAYIIENT THL UNIT COtiTIACT PFICE PER TOti FOR.GRAVEL SURFACIt,G. ShaLL B,E FULL COHPf';5l1IOu FOR ALL CCsTS AI,JO ExPEt{SE NEcESSAFY FOR PRLI'ARIrrG THE SUBGRAOET FURtJISHIfi6T SCREENItTGT LOA0Itl6r hAULII'J6. SPRLaDIIJGT BLAOII'tG AhD COjv'PAcTIUG OF THE SURF0CI\6 . : P.ATLR I AL ' SECTI0N 4. ASPHALT CI;'C:IETi FAVEi4ENI 4.01 . - "Materials": 4'01.1-..M.inera.lAg9regate'':shall.conforrirtotherequirementsof Section 703.04 "f i;;'ii.i" nighriy Specifications. with a sradino E 'iob-r,rix forrnu'la i.Ot.Z - "Asphalt B'i nder": to be mixed with aggregate shall be stearn- refined paving.rp-niii-.onforming to ine requiiements of section 702 of the state Highlvl'y'ipiliti.uti6nr.. un]ess otherwise spec'ified in the spECIAL conorir"oni, paving asphalt shall be Penetration Gradev' 85- 100 . 4.01.3 - "Prime Coat": sha'l I be ]iquid asphalt-conformino to the re- quirements or se.ilon'toz or the staie Hii[riqv sFaifications- un'less otherrvise specifi"A-in' ihe-SpECIAL C6NDIT1SNS, I iquid asphalt for iiitu .out sha'll be Grade MC-250' 4.01.4 - "Paint Binder (Tack-Coat) and Foq Seal": shall conform to the requirern"nrr-ot-i"tiion ZOZ.9! lhe Stite Highyav Specifications for Slow Setting ivpe-i*'tsion (SSI)' Grade 120-150' 4.02. - "Aspha1t Concrete": sha'l 1 be-proportjoned' mixed"sPread' and comDacied in u..oroui."""iir, ine apptiiable requirements of r-he state Hjohwav Specificatii"i' "'i"pi as *boiried herein' Base course to re- :;;il"i.il;ii ;;;;;i;''"1-'pirication, oi-prime coat' Pnint binder and foq seal sha.l I be i"-i..oiuuice with the abp'ljcable requirements of sec- ti6ns 301 and 702 oi ln"-Siute Highway ipelificutions, except as rnodified herei n. 4-O?.)' - "Prime Coat": sha'l I be applied to areas of untreated base to be surfaced, ano-io.-tne face of the concrete gutter which will abut the aspha.lr.on..Ji"l"ut if'"_iute of-O.i gall6n per s.quare yard of sur- iui",-bt as Airectee by the Designated Authoritv' 4.A?.2- "Paint Binder (Tack Coat)": shall be applied at the rate of c.l0 galion per square yard of ru.ri.e, or as directed by the Desi-c- nated AuthoritY- 4.02.3 - "Fog Seal ": snal 1 be-applied to finished surfaces of all as- pha.l t concrua" ri'il" rite of 0.b'5 gailon per square yard' 1.o?.4 - "Rolf ing": shal'l conform to Col.orado State -Higlluv Sn"1i.f- cations. Et:- -. + 4.02.5 - "Compaction": the Contractor wilI be required to.obtain a minimurn of 981- laboratory density deternrined from'soecimens r,rade in accordance with the HVEEFI or Marshall l''lethod of Test. surface smooth-ness shal'l conform to Item 40] .?0 0f State Highway Standard specifi-cations. 4.03. - "Base course Preparat'ion": the contractor sha'l I be required to fine grade within_10.05 feet finished grade, water, and compact the base Eourse prior to p'lac'ing the prime coat. The base course shall be com_pacted to at least 95i of naximun'density determined by AASHT0 T180. 4.04. - "l.lanholes, Valve Boxes, Etc.": alI nnnholes, va'l ve boxes, etc.,shall be set to grade by the contractor after the paving of the streets. 4.05. - "Resume Paving": when street paving starts again, cut back exist_ing surface until stab'l e materia'l s are met. 4.06. - "M'isce]laneous": applications of aspha'l t concrete shal'l be in ac- cordance with the requirements of Sections 301 ,7'JZ l,401 of the State Hiqh- way Specifications. 4.07. - "To'lerance": the finished surface of the asphalt pavement shall corform to the smoothness tolerances as stipulated in the state Highrvay specifications. The thickness of the finished pavement sha'l 'l be not tiss than the planned thickness at any point. 4.08. - "Measurement": unless otherwise stipulated in the spEcIAL-c0NDI- TIONS and in the Bid Schedu'l e, the quantity of asphalt concrete surfacinq will be measured by the ton. AlI other nreasurements for prime coat! pa'int binder (tack coat) and fog seal shall be by the gailon. 4.09. - "Payment": quantities of aspha'l t concrete, measured as stated above_and accepted, will be paid for at the unit bid price(s) which price(s) and payment(s) shall constitute full compensation for furnishino all 1abor, mat.erials, tools, equipment and incidenta'l s necessary to com-- p1 ete the work of the asphalt concrete. Prime coat, oaint binder (tack coat) and fog seal shall be paid for at the unit bid price(s) as itateo a bo ve. 1'10. - "i.leight 51 ips": re-cardless of the unit specified for measurement and payment, the contractor shalI deliver to the Engineer certified weight s] ips for each'load of asphalt concrete delivered to the work. G,*-,',r,,.o't'tot:lNst'RA\(:l G hl\tPLO)'[RS INStIRAN(-[ OF \\/ALTSAL Co. , Inc. /.r'c,'/ lo'ms rn use by lhe compqny hove been rrsved, or ertend the coveroge offorded by ony policy )\,) /'^ Tirrs rr lq *rrrly rhot lhe inluronc.. 1'ol.<icr lclrscribed L't'lo'' by o policy n''''nber) writien on lhis certilicote ir nol o policy or o binder of inrvronce ond does nol rn ony *oy crller' omend relerred to herein. ( ) Thit sertificole renewt or reploces lhe <ertificore previously issued' Nome ond oddress oI In:uted r Schnid r Tiago Construction P. o. Box 487 Arvada, CO 80001 -t Represenlotivel.lo.: 1290 Ploce, KC Dote lss,-,ed, IOll-Ol79 Region: DEN, KC L _J l,'rd ol Co'r"ogc I rpifo!'on Dole 'Unlesr oth€eile rncj'<oled. thil polr<y ollotdr lull <o'eroge under lhe Worlerr' Compenlol'on lows ol oll stole! lrr(ept :toter where coveroge (on be Prov!ded only by srcte tund!, ond Cooodor onci or cicrrgnored ih lhe polkt ood endorreoenrr lor Coieroge B - [mployerr' Iiobthty timit: ol liobility Prope.ly Do'nog€ ConprGh.nrG Gc'rool ltobrtrty O-ner'. I oncnordr' ond lrnontr' t rob'lrrt )Qf Hi'ed ond Nono*ned Auror !!p<;l.cd A!,rot Onlt Re: Roads, drainage structures, water It ls agreed that this pollcy \trill not Biving at least 15 days written notice. S'ngle limil Ioth O<r urrence Sinsle timn $ s Single Limil S & sewer lines for Highland be cancelled or rrateriallv P"r A(arde^l Per A((rdent loth Otcvtren<e Aggr€9016 P.odlxtr - Complercd Operol'o^r lleadows SubdLvislon. altered LrithouE 1(F1-80 P'od(tr Co'nC.rcd OP..o!.ont: Sl r"<t"a.l Crmt.o(teol All Wit!.n Contto(trl8 ldlt,ded 0720-00-046571 O E'<l"ded ! Not Covered 500,000 Eo<h O<<urren<e Ag9'egolc s Lou, r 100,000 Eo<h Orcrrren<e Aggregote I oth Orcvrrec<c A dgrcgote I o(h O,:,:u.ren.e Aggtegole Cor,ro(!!ol l,ob,; rt Dn,Bnor.d Coot'o(tr Onlr Aelorlob;1. Irob,l,lt Elafl O,hrd :,tor Unbrcllrr tcbdt|t t o<h O:tvr,erxe Slx 'ol Pro'ir;onr ,/ to<otionr covered by poli.''e. liled in rhil .ertilirore ," Specilied Auror, Colorado il;on ol onY (ontroct or olher do<um.ni ,ith .e5peal lo w (h thi! t€rrrlKot€ mov bc rsroed or mot ptnorn lhe tnlron'e ctrot'lcd ro oll ol rhL rerms. er<iur,onr ond condirionr ol rrrh pdry (pola(;ati do.rn9 lhe rermirl rh€'eol. Itht !!hrt ol o n!'nbrtn ?h!r .olsmn msoni rhot the .overoge ir ollordcd by rhe compony dcsignotcd by the rom€ numbe' lgvcd lor llest Yail Developnent Associat.es c/o l:J S:A Consultlng Engineers 7(56 1". 5rh Avenue . Denver, C0 80226 lssued by (X,) tMPLoYtRS MUIUAI- LIABlLllY ll{SURAtiCt CoMPANI (2.r lLl.lN0tS tMPi,OY[tlS INSURANCI 0t WAUSAU (3.) IIAUSAU UNotRwR;ltRS INSURANCI CoMPANY (4., \,Y0tiLDlTlD t UNIJT liwRl TIRS I r'lsu RAn C[ CoM PANY WISCONSIN 7A. ,r-t;lf,i {-?7 c, t: - l:g {: A \:!!*-: o '\.\: z . :\: \: t\: tv: \J.:.:q: : \t: -.:sJ: rli J: {' )\ ? A ! e (, :t ffiffitiiii: ;giliiiiiiiiigiig iiii;iEii i*iiiiir iss ii iiiligiffiigd E tr'l g c 4 4 u,F 2 4l c) trl F o 1: !: 1t: : \: : \:l: .:,: sx:\: : : q: \: .si z 9 (, 4 o o o A vt 0 to :<O lrl O4 trO ur=53 ;o au E : ] !B E o ! (D u) z. AGEIiDA PLANNING COI.IMISSION January 10, 1978 t.Infornal consideratf-on Unit DeveloPment to be on January 18. of propose Plauoed heard by fagle CoG?j l-nnlng Cottt-ission 2. J. Approval of Minutes of November l, L977 Discussion of pork session agendas EXHIBTT C PROJECT SU''MARY IIIGHI,AND MEADOI{S Eagle Cor:ntYl Coloradlo siohtand Headows is a 53 acre planned development located inunedti- ;i:i;-;;"fi-"i c"=" creek oppolite the t{est Vail Interchanee on I_?0. Ttre proposed developrnlnt is composed of 234 units; 42 ;";;; iot=- lol.ted i-n trlo high meadow areas and I50 apartment iriir'f""alea in a lower area ailjacent to Core Creek. OBJECT OF DEVEINPMENT Anre intent of the project is to provide rental aPartment units ;; i;-;;".'ia" nonr-e sltes ajrned it ttre higher-economic levels ;f-th; inarket. There has long been a demand for long_term_hous- i;. i; tft" v"if area and the i5O aPartnent-units-should help ?iif -'*rtt"-"""a. with tl.e limited lvailability- of home sites i-n il;-ir."elite vait area, the 42 duplex units should help rneet tie need also-- I,AND USE A planned unit development procedure for tlris site was chosen in o.b"- to best utilize the buitdabfe areas. Ttre nild slope -area aaiacent to C'ore Creek is best used for higher density aPallment ;*it"-ritfr-tf," flatter area used to obtain the reguitg !r9 park- .ing-staUs per unit. The high meadow area is nore suitedl to low a.iri{v-aopi"x lots. The ov5ra11 density 1n t}e proje_ct-is J""l-i.a istits per acre with t1'e number of units per build- able acre egual to six units Per acre. tfhe proposed development has 25.7 acres of open 9n3ce-w11:l.Y-ill Ue &ailated to the county. l(his open sPace wiJ-I. be pruqarrry ;;"t;;;;iking/riding triits. Ttre-vail cross-county ski rr?11 tr"r"r""" tJre propertf tfrru ttre open sPace ar9a. Access to the national forest io tfrl soutlr of the property is al-so provided ;t-;;; of public oPen space- An eassnent across Tract A vrill bL provideb to givL pub).ic access to Gore Creek' The oPen slnce wili be develog6d an-d maintained by the proposed recreation dis- trict or the Highl-and Meadows llomeo-w-nerst Association. Highland lleadolts will be conpatible with the surrorurding develop- ment. Ttre proposed apartnent area is adjacen! t9 T-7Ot a ser- vice station on I-70 -frontage road and rrnrlti-farnily building north of Gore creek. Ihere is a conurercial shoppi-ng ceDter ryrP of r-70. val viiiage 9lest, Filing 3, ig i-nune'1-iately east 9f-.tl''hlgh r:reailo\.r area. Nitional-forest-land is soutS and west of tlte propo sed development. The Eagle County lraster pran shows this area as suburban-mediun density with a general commerciar.center adjaceni to r-70 front_age road' The proposed uses and densities-iie cJmpatible with the rtraster plan and this pran removes all conuner"i"t uses from t11e site as projected in the l,laster plaa. DEITELOPI'1ENT SCHEDUTE The proposed proj-ect.u'iu be plattgd_il two phases with all pubric irnprovements tentative-lv s chedu led roi--"o.r rtruct ion in rezs- Dupler rots_ wirl be soli i;ei;i;;;1i;'r;;; buudinc construction probably occurrins over a-five y".:r p"iiii].,rrt"apart:nents will probably be coistructed in b^ro phases with construction occurring over a t\^ro year period. IJ.IPACT ON CDI,]NrY SCHOOT SYSTE},I Using th9 Lyon-Cqllrl" & Company, Inc.school district dared .rune 2-, iiSiZ, ..students ! .44 students per duplex urit .08 students per nulti_family r:nit ltrta1 students Distribution: EJ_ementary SchooL _ 40S Middle School _ 34t Senior High .school_ 26t |s update memo to the project the following = 36.96 = 12.00 = 48.96 = 19-6 students = 15.6 students = 12.7 students 0'72 miles of road service to 42 dupl0r units wirr require snow removar in winter which is alout o.ize "deiti";-io trre 430 rniles ::.H',fffT:t,.#lllul"il {;;;. }dormar. mainrenance or paved The rmrtti-rainitv-area is serviced.by a private road connection to rhe south r-?o servi;"-;;;;ii"-n i"'r"r.i],i"Ia by the counry. The solid h'astes generation for the randfill site will be 40 tons annually when fu1ly a".,"i"p"a. ESTTMETED DEI.TANDS FoR coT]NTY SERVTCES: PROJEC?ED COU]TTY TAX RE\/SIIUES Estirnated assessed 84 units Estimated, assessed S4 ' 000 Tb:al assessed value each duplex 9201 000 $l , 68 0, 000 value each apartnrent 600,000 A. B. valuation $2,280,000 ltill levy: County Services - 13.14 mil1s School - 43.8 miLls current assessed val.ue of 52 acres Current taxes l-975 Schedlule of Projected Receipts: D. F. $ 127,150 9 1456 1978 L97 9 l_980 1981_ t9 82 19 83 19 84 t9 85 19 85 1987 5, o]-2. 64 7 ,640.64 t2,896.64 l8,152. 64 20,7 80 . 64 23 r4O8.64 26, 036. 64 28 ,664 .64 29,959.2O L6,7 08.82 2L, O24 . O0 38,544.00 56, 054. 00 . 64,824.00 73 , 584. 00 82,344 . O0 91,104. 0o 99,864.00 Assuming 50 apartment tnits completed by November 197g. 6li 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7o00 September 15" .|983 Jil'l Childers 5caria Fedrail 2730 South lrladsworth Denver, Colorado, 80227 Dear Jil'l : lltre is Indemnification and Hold Harm'less you to have signed by the ol'rner or ot{ners' ! have enc'l osed two (2) copies; one is for olllce of communlly develoPmenl tltE you and one ;nd must be notarized. This must be done before we can issue a certificate of Thank you, Gary iiurrain Bui idi ng Inspector Tc,r+n of Vai I lai1, Cclorado that we need is for our fi] e occupancy. Aoreement form oi ,1t'e''' MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: KE: Highland I'leadows located directly South PLANNING COMMISSION DEPARTI'|ENT 0F roUMr{NI TY -^,(___ )JANUARY 10/ 1978 )lL-,/ HIGHLAND MEADOWS 7T for 150 apartment units and Project Surmary). is a proposal for of the l.lest Vail Planned Unit Development terchange. ..The proposal is 53 acreso (See Attached After reviewing this proposal , the staff has the fo]lowing comments: 1. The density is considerably reduced from what was previously submitted, but might need further reduction to sat-isfy concerns ouilined be'low if they can not be dealt wi.th adequately. past submitta'li naa proposed densities for 496 and 346 units respectively. 2. The renta'l apartment concept for the lower part of the site seems desirable. 3. The following areas were identified as technical problens with roads and parking that need further study and so'l utions: a. The road cuts a'long Meadowbrook Drive and Vermont Road are ex-cessive. A l:l slope ratio a)ong the banks of these roads is much steeper than the 2:l maximum ratio recommended bv State Highway Department, a-nd the i.75:'l maximum ratio proposed for Beaver Creek by Vai'l Associates. At a l:1 i'lope ratjo, revegetation of the disiurbed banks wou'ld be extremely difficult or impossible and serious erosion cou'ld result. The proposed road Daaa 2 Hi gh1 and l'leadows January '1 0, 1978 grades in conjunction with . the indicated l:l bank s'lopes renders serveral 'l ots inaccessable (i.e. ]ot 26 which w'ill have a 23 foot bank off of the proposed road). b. The grades within the parking lots for the mul ti-fami'ly units appears to be approximately 8% and access into one of the 'lots is approximately 6fl with a 90 degree turn with 8? grade direct'ly after the 90 degree curve. l.le fee] that use of these ]ots wou'ld be difficu'lt in the winter. c. The parking 'l ots as proposed have approximately 10' difference in elevation and approximately l0' separation between them wjth no - retainage indjcated. To minimize erosion and caving from one parking level to another, retaining wa'l 1s would be necessary. The landscape plan indicates heavy landscaping between the park'ing 'lots, which would be impossible with the l:'l slopes as proposed. 4. The sjte is extremely visib'le from the north sjde of I-70. There are several significant'l andforms which wil 'l be disturbed and heavily wooded, steep s'lopes and 'l arge meadows which are encroached upon by nassive cuts and fi'l 'ls. Site improvements cou'ld cause destruction of these important environmenta] assets and create a negative visual impact. A ]arge natural drainage course is proposed to be crossed using fil'l for an area approximateiy 300' in length and 30, .i n depth in the center of the drainage wa.v. Drainage is provided by culvert under the fjl'l . A significant number of large trees wil'l be removed to cross the drainage and to construct the west end of Verrnont Road. The removal of the trees, compounded by tremendous cuts and fills could have a significant visua'l .impact upon the area, both frc';Tl ni'Lh'in and wjt,hout. Page 3 Hi gh1 and Headows JanuarY .10, .l978 5. The parking lots for the multi-family., together.with lhe uiiitlii,gi tn the western portion of the'lower site' cover ipproriilutely 31.. to q-ulrbt with impervious surface d'irectly ;fi;;;-6-"ooii creet in a hi9h1v visib'le area adiacent to th6 South Frontage Road- The water system, if suppljed from the.vail Vil'l age west system' .i,"ili-"rt iiequiiety iei.ve the upper 14 'lots jn ihe proposed i;[O ' ir"ii,"-Uir.iel j n.] for adequate f i re protec'u'ion i s at ihe bOgO;-ui"uuiion ana the uppdr e'levation in the subdivision ;;-;pp;;;i;it"ly etso'. rhe appfic.ant has indicated that i["-[ir.tine toi the Intermounth'in water District is ;;.;;;;;iliy'a2ooi n6ich cou'ld be adequate, but should be veri fi ed. Sue Smith of Co]orado Division of Fisli-and Gamd has'indicated io-orr staff that the upper meadow area is va'l uable both as i-g"ii;ng-.nd m'igratory'irea for both e'lk and deer' The project could create traffic prob'l ems at the l'lest Vai I Interchange. 6. 7-