HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 1 LEGAL.pdfOxfrdb qrc-€q-il- T++Jsleglh:*v{J C€tt=r -i13 3g-,ii--[f+*r,"ga,f Sl}iU dlST OF I'j,\TLRIALS NAI.IE OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION:FlLING DESCRIPTION OF PRO]ECT The following infornation is required for subnittal by the aPPlicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be Siven:. Color I LOTTB A: BUILDING I.|,ATERIALS Roof Siding Other h'a1l }laterials Fasci a Soffits l{indous l{indovr Trin Doors Door Tr irn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flaslings Chirnne;'s Tlash F;:c.r Dsu,r'es Gr c:rtrcus es Ot !: er B. PLiliT l.i{TERlALS (\:eget at i','e, LanC-sca'ring l'-::tf:-t'-l:-ttlg fr.e.{..^,l-ls ??.-:=r' =En tz o e. -*ilt--..-Cr-iTogryffir.t9*-::--+3_ - I air+'!L3- \-).t. _pjor, Elu{sa_ Tfpe of l'laterial l'tat erj als including C crr,rc n Ji a ri e '.frees, Shrubs, and Q.=l!ig Ground Cover) -si ze -Q,E'"J,JA---_-2- _L_ -k"J-*.t-P*'- _L_ __ )€-," _&-;! _"4/8 --&J -l s' 3' d -:|.t--t-l .( ''..-s,kt Sf,+L \}.{X^4. t--*-rf,- Ah*_C"i*{-- -Id"J .<y -_r "@ + .i I t t l I i 4 't OTI{ER LANDSCAPE FEATUITES (Retaining Walls, Fences Swiruning Poo1s,Please specifY. t- € = t :?- i s l'h. lociition of ui j ! itles, lfhether they )i;rrs., ;;r::st be :-,;lp:'oi'cr! an..l vcr;ficd b1' ..,-. ,r -r:: nv i n l sito r,l 3n . , - t >l)K t ''u5'1') t t - lrlount ain Bel 1 I'ie-siern SloPe Gas Public Service ComoanY Iloly Cross Elect:'ic Assoc - Vail Cable't.V. Uppcr Eagl r' Val I e)' '!"ratcr and Sanitation Di strict l-, r.. nt itr tfttnk :he fc! lotrrillg I incs crr proposed utilitics ior the -22- gt Sefv!cg NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his resPonsibil j.ty to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Totr,n of Vail , Deparlment of Publ ic l'iorks and to obtain utilit)' locations before digging in any public right- of-riayoreasenL.rttintheTol'nofVail't.buildingpermit is not a stl eet cut perrnit. .{ street cut Pexnj't must be obtained sePalatelY. This fo:rn is to lerify service availablity an <i location' This slrould be used in co:r-iunction r'rith pr cPilr'ing your utility plan and scheriuling insrallaticns. Aut hori:cd Jrru l*tLrRANcE toopANY "t [\{rNNESorA . i] -:'l TITLE L.-SUR.{NCE CO\tP.{:.-Y OF \IINNESOT.{, a \!ir'ne.ota corp-oration, hcrcin rslled th.. C'rtr\ranr. ro, " .riu"6.. .c::sideratiooJerebl. r.omrriits to issue its ;r,lic3' or policie.s of tiilc insurance, as identified in sch.ilrrle l"'r" i".., "i tr," pr"p**a i"i.ri.8 r,"-.d in Schedrrle A. as-or.rier or tnortg3gee of the estate trr intrrest c<tr ered ;'!r'"b,' ;""ffi #j;;;ild o, i.r.rr.a to irr Sc}<-dule .{. rrpon ta}'nlcnt o-f tiiprcmiu:r:sand ihaigtx tli.reiiri: all ;f;iloiil ptori.ions of Schedules A and B and to tlre Corrtiitiuns and Stipulat-ions.liereof- This Commjtnrent shall be effective onll's.hen tbe identi\' of _the p-rop^osed Insured ar,d the atrlounl of the p.lic3' o, pii;;.:;;;6i;;h;;;t"* it r.ttuo in sc.bedule A hereof b1'the comlanl', eitler at ihetinreof.the iss.aDce ;ifi; c;;;ilent or bv subsequent endorsement' l. The term..niorlgage.-, u-hen used herein, sball include deed of trust, trust deed' or otber securitf instrrtrlrent' 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual loro$'ledge of an1'.defectJien' encumbrance' ad\'erse claitu or other matter affecung the estate or interest or mortg3ge thereonio','"t"d !I this Commitment other tban tlrose shou'n in sc.hedule B hereof, "rd ;-"I-iJio dlr"lor" *ilt"t-t o..'l"dge to the cb-p"nf in *'riting, the companl' shall be relie'ed from liabiliq.f"r ""ll-orr? a"-"ge ,e*ltin-g lrom ai1' act of r-eliarce- liereon lo the er-ient the Conrpanf is prei'diced b1. f ailure .f ,h. ;;;;;;;J rr.,,i"ai. i" Jir"lo." tu-"h kno* ledge lf the proposed- Insured.shall dis< rrse i;;ir'i;;..j;;";ro rhe Co-i"iil.i ir tr," C"-p1"1'other*ise ac<;uires a-t',al knor.ledge-of an1'srrch defect, hen' ;;;;;;;rar"r*""t*|riori,ihet nr"tte., theCompanl'at its opiion mal- amend Sc}rrdule B of this C<'rnniitnrcnt ;:;;t;;[;;t,-ru"h "rnd'd--":* -if,.l ".i r'elieve tire Company from iabilit-r' previougb' incurred pursuanl to- ;;;;;;t''i oiir'*" c"'aidons an d Stipul ations' 3. Udbilit]. of the Companl, under. this Commitment shal b.e oritl' to-t]re nalrred proposed Insttred and srrch oarties included .nder tr," iif#u"t"Ji;*J;il; io-t- c,i p"ti"l' oi polieie-s committei for and onll foi acnral i#;;;;ilr"1,;ilh";;;;; undertaking in good faith (a) to compl-v *:it}l the requirements}ereof 'cr {b) to ;;;;;; ;";;;i;or,, ,to.."i in S"fr"aJ" q, tJ ("t,1 acquire oi oeate lhe estate or interest or mortsase thereon covered by this Cornmiu"*ii" ". """nt shalt ;ch IabiIiS erceed the amount slateil in Schedule A for the polici'or nnlicies commjned rn, "no'rr.i1 ti"lir - i .rU;*t ro th" ;ni-i"g prorisions and-the Condrtions and Stipulations and il ;;;l;i"* ;;;;-C^r;#"fiil"1.;- "t pii-1"-"f '.t"s c.o-rirmitted for in fa'or of tbe proposed Ins"'gi ''iric'h ;;; i;;;b;;,,rpor"Ld bi reference and made " prit of tJris C'nr'ritnrent ericept as express\-:.ocifie'c l'er-cin' 4. Anv action or acboDs or rights of action that the propc.,sed lnsured may-lrave or rna)' bring against the - c";#:;iJnJ ""1 "iir*.,"tus of the titje to the "rt"t" ot'lt"r"st or the stahrs oftle mortgigeiberam cr''.'ered b1' ' Ir*'8"-;-*",.n-,--r.t be t,ased.on and are subject tc the provisicns of this Comrnitment.' sT'ANDABD EXCEPTIONS Exceptions l througlr 5, of Schedrrle B.2 on the reverse side hereof, are as folloun: i. n;gl,a. o, .l"irr* of parties in possession nol slroun b1'the public rectords' 1 Eactrnenis, or r"!:iins of eat":srents. no! sbori'n b;- the publie records' 3- l)lscl eJ:;.:-,cies. r.,.,i:i:cL< in btrurrCan' lirres. shc,rtage ir, trea, en cro: c'i;rnenls, ar,d znl facls rririct, a '-'o'recl -' .,,.,."..'r"a i"-,.g,."tioi of 1he pre:,ri.es rvould disc-.!ose 3nj u'hic'h are nol shr)\\'n b1' the puLiic r.cot&' 4 .{nr. ,;..rr- o, ,t!ht to a lierr. foisen-ices. labrrr or rr.atcri;J t}retetofore or }rerr,afler lurnis},ed, !rnpo'-:d bf iau' ",,d r'ot sLo\lt h)' l!,e public -rr-cords' 5. L"i,-f|r..-s. !i,-rrs, ,:;,r.r.u:,1,: zr, r.es. ird\ i.rse cl;iinr-s irr r,i]'c: r:';:,itcts. if an1'. cr|ated. iirsf ap-prarrJlC in tire Itr't'iit- ; ,., r,-1s t::ii;r].rf - ri.'....,;,r,,nt rrr the tiirctire r:"rr i,.:rrr,,f Lut grit,.,l it, ljrr il.ic ii,r p;r,1.rr-.'r'j :-..-;r; . .;'.ir1-. 1i rr:.,rai i,,r r..l,,- iili 1'.1:,ir i,i ;;;t(ii-!i r;; i,,.,i:-!ij-!t ii./(;r-.,1r c.,-.r::'.:'i Li !!,is C'-::::..ji; ''.:': l\ \., I'I\ESS \', ITEHF-,OF, Title Insurarrce Ct,llrpalrl of ),li:,rrt'sola h:,s c;iisrd it-r cc-,rporale narnr:;rnC sra! to be 1,..r.,r 'r., rflit"JUy ;u. a "f 1. aui!:orized of ficers oo tl,e -dati sb ourr in Sctedule A, t o be vtd 1'hen c'ount-crsign''d b1' a validating olficer Lr o*rer' authoriz-ed signatory. - - . : -. ---' -- {f lr f ofi r,t :: I C eer. ana @ ITLE AS.SOCIA;lOltt COI:1i;ifi'ilEruT - 1970 Rev. #, DT .-' a Stock Company of Minncapolis. Minnesols cozuDlrlolus AruD oi.,'iiiR's TiTL: POLTCY t:i:; i:.isEr rr ir- e Folic {rur [ru ,lL,l, _-_ :1' --:lC Err. i'16 irR cc;',iltlrMEhlr .{p7o Fev.\/SCHEDULE A Fffc;rir::Dzte: Aug',rst 16, 1373 F e':C0 A-H. Po!c3 or Pcrlicies to bc issucd ar,d pr: 1"scg i:sued: OI1INER'S POLICY cu ec xJ-"m rLE c u ARD" f ,l;X5,str Ll,.g o:'*E I I ':'.a11A" ou'I\iER's I'oI-lc]'Form.B,r970-. (-Amcndcd t Gt7.70) Proposed Insured: PEHII L ICFFERI lSbi-*D i lil{()t'sH'illE O}r. 'f :I Eg GCRE \,'AI-LEY TITLE oJt,:Jt vAtL. coLoRADO t1657 PHONE:47G??51 AC-303 Applicaticn X".lL?4??( s 44,700.G1 LOAN POLICY. J- . 5. . "ALTA- LOAIi POLICY,1970 Rev- Proposed Insured: p*Uf f' VtJ{ HiliHLE The follouing a'ie'the requirements to he I . Pal ment 1o or for the accouirt of I-he ?. Properinstrument(s) 3. Partial Releese s The esrare of interest in the land described or referred to il this com iiti. io tft. estate or interest covered herein is al the effective date h The land refered lo in this Commitme'nt is ilescribed as follows: Lot I n HI&ILAHD WAFHS, accordlng to of Eagle, State sf Colorado. , s 35,760.€X, ard covered herein is: A FEE ed in: nts the full consideratibn for the estale or interest lo be insured' - corperatfonr to FLI IUTT and Jfff rUD IIC (rrr, leclr&d February ia Bcpt ?57 at 4. 3.:ad aeit ssffiglffit Desd fn.oe PI{'- T. vFfi l{ll{KLE to PE!fTI s''::ject PrcF€rry. 5- leed sf Tnst fnsp PC{TI g. TOFFERI €e of PAIJL T. gfe HI}{KLE ts $eerlre ed must be executed and dull' filed for record, to-wit: t Frtm HIG,{ C0UKfRf DEvEL0PliErf G0RPOMf l0f,' a Eee of tJ:e Cernfy of Eagle' for the usq 9f (IiRE^!. hi-ren ant-s' to slcure $b,oOc' m' datgd. January- -8'^ 19-76, ;r.ot egZ ai Page 95, and es recoded February ?7r 1978, L TOFFERI' c"nYeylng to tie fub't{c Trustee of Fagle Cowrty for tJte gri sLe of $35J50.9,. clause, eg at Paga 143 ar'd SCHEDULE B-2 E r:t;:icns -i;rr p;,;c-t o; pci;::es lg t'e i5Stj:a iiill c:r::::irr rr;:F:ion! rC li'e h'ilc oit'-r unlesS the sanle aIe dis;'osrd Ofto the Satisfaclion of:i: C:r:::znr': l- Sl.,;:";: L),::i1.!n; I -";r:r-:i' 5 p:in:':d r-'n tf \f rsf silr )'r reoi' i-,. T:^;,:.,1'::,:i!::. r-is t,"'-''--,'-t"= o: :'3-\'3lll: ;'r'd s;r:c:z! 'lrresstnents nol -'-el cenifird ro the Trez'urer's uffice' -- _ I l.-.,, -. r::]s:::.,j '1.i. tTr,-::.:':r's Jr:-.;i:::e oit::.',s due !rlsi,r:n t,:d:lecl). - l.-.-.-:,, :":': -:'''.''t'-t-'-' '''l\" g. i:{.3-\t af t.he Prepi-le+st of a FelD or iilb ic exiract-Eid l-a::ove &ls sie tsfrerefrer, sL*i"O'ti.re t* be fornrd t9-nelretrltg or Intemect tl'"a nr99ls91- - #;;;';;;bd,';-;;".*rd !n tinited states petent rgcarded Argrt lI,-JryO.' in Er--:& &3n'at PaEe 2's5-' : l0- i:ig.,it, ef +J,e Proprle-tor-of Veln sr t-od:8o ettrasi-a,id reFsve hfs ore therefnoa :t,:::jd t.. e sae-G-gu*a-io p.netrate or {ni-ersect t$e prw'fse! .hireby^sranted .=--i*rrug iE t:r{ted States'Faterrt recorded Ctt{'b€-r 4'-'1918, ltr Book 93 at ::. :.,-]'.ti.J..s" :i!'- Ct rrt ;':tltn a forfef i:r;e cr re?erter l"-i=ii'-'a in-ii,"';i-"-+r,i iec;,-clad j:;e 15, 1978, -dn i'e-c'k' 271 ".;;i,J.-eaE t't :;id r::i::icdmsr not ]et nerorC:d' e 9>a Fa..o Y* & 1?. 1? .- | 7..r foge Two Schedu'l e B-Z conti nued: Deed of Trust from PAUL T. VAN IIINKLE to the Pub'lic Trustee of the County of Eagle for the use of HIGH C0UNTRY COP,PORATION, a Cg'lorado Corporation, to secure 5700,000.00, ciated June 21, i978 and recoFd-ed June ?2, 1978 in Fook Z7l at Page ,a45. Deed of Trus-r- from PAUL T. YAI'I I'IINKLE -uo the Pub'l ic Trustee of the County of Eag'le for the use of HIGH C0UI{TRY C0RP0RATI0N, a Co'lorado Corporation, to secure 564,1'i9.63, daied June 21 ,1978 and recarded June 22, 1978 in 271 at Page 347. Easement and right of way for t'tater pipelirre purposes' as granted to 6ore Trading Ccmpany, a Co'l orado corporation, by RiEhard }rl. Elliott, in'instrunrent recorded June l'l , 1974, in Book 235 at Page 63, said easerpnt being'10 feet in width lying t"lester'ly of the fo'l lovring descrjbed'line: Beginning at the SE corner of Section ll, Townshjp 5 South, Range 8'l l'lest of the 6'r.h P.M. ; ihence l{.07"35'55" l{. 95.8.l feet; thence N.43o45'2.l " l,t. .|37.86 feeto more or less. .15. Utility and drainage easement along the rear or Easter'ly'10 feet as reserved on the plat. '16. Ut'i1ity and clrainage easenrent a1 orrg'uhe Northerly and along the Sou'.her'ly 7 1/2 feet as reserved on ihe P1at. 14. fl EZ t; E g tt lii ri F ? tr F Ij t I E t l, - C'ts'J^\ Krsb ' zoHE crilcK for sFn, .R, R P/S ZoliE Lcaal Desci-iption: rct f 8'loclr L orncr flMf,OI,! Architect DISTRICTS Fil ing JW 6ob€ Setbacks: lla terccu rse-requi re d Front-ie qu f ie d-Zo r-*Fiojlos e d Sides-Required'15' Proposed Rear -Req.uireC l5' Proposed Proposed GRFA: GRFA: Al'loued .Primary Allovred Secondary Al I or'red Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking:. Ilrive; Slope Permitted Enl' j rs;1-.^1al zi lla;ards : F.r,i'l a nche . Fl oc;d P." a in ' -S'i onrt Primry Secondary Atlorved ^-% 3?7t Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Required ^k" pr-oposcd EA Required l/Propr;: ed 8% .trr-:n'i.s : Slope Actual l);ir.: l. SubJir''ision L o'.. ll i,ii: filing 3.Sourrce of l"ii;iliiies !,d:':i!lg_!_: :ri.r (/r) Tr,po l'iap (u) site f't;.n (c) uti'li'r.;,rlan (D) Tit'l e ll.:pc-;-t (E) Subdivi s ic:; i.,urcener,t f n.inrra*'i'r.' r. ^ -:rr.ng;1tS (A) cu'lvert Size ( B ) D r i ver,;ay G rt, <iE-l 8!3 r,".a;.rt-(TETtell-; z - +B ?" (Acceptabl cl t,roa Acccptab'lc) / (ri apprlcar)re, 2. A B c D E r E'lectri c u(t 5 Seirer I'la't.er Tc1 epl;crie T.V. S reocPr:>- 7o Po-4. CorLnents: Approved: Di sapprot,ed: Der;a r rr. :-r, r c,il[u i-i i?l',oFt-s- Bi-I1 .hr:crc:.:s e4 box '100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.s613 August 25, 1981 Pentti Tofferi Box 893 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Pentti: Peter Jamar Tovln Planner PJ:df department o{ community development RE: DRB Submittal of 8-19-81 At the August 19 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submitta'l-for a duplex ivas approved with the fol'lowing conditions: receive Department of Publ'ic Works approval, submit detai'l .on retain'ing wall, attempt to use drip system irrigation' protect existing trees with snowfence during construct'ion, change in shrubs as notei, tree sizes be increased as noted, existing pine by wal'l be saved. Approval was for a dup'lex with a tota'l of 3845 sq-ft. Froject Application J';1./;:.1 ^' a " ''- t-- -.4:!,1 y'L/."'t L- n i),e, r 7T/1 -r- ;z J-.;r;-i:1_-: {-! ,_,t .-: Deslgn Revlew Board Motion by: 1;te j'a- DECLARATlON FOR 1r HTGHLATiD IIEADOWS FILING +1 RECITALS 1.SIERRA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND IOAN ASSOCIATION OF DENVER, (nDeclarantrt) is the owner of the real property situate ln tt".county of Eag1e, state of colorado described as Lot 1, itgtrtana Mea-itows, in Exhibit. A attacheil hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The building which has been constructed on Lot 14, is a building consisting of two units designed anil intended foi use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designated herein as trunit 1A" and "unit lB" respectively, which are some- ti*." referred to herein separately as "unit' or collectively as tunitstt. 3. Lot 1A contains unit 1A and Lot 18 contains unit 18. 4. Declarant desires to and does hereby establish a plan for the ownership of Lot 1A and Lot 1B as estates in fee simple. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, reiervations, limitations and obligatioos shalL be deemed to run with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, its personal representativesl heirs, successors and assigns and- any person acguiring or owning an in- terest in the real property which is described herein and im- provements built thereon, their grantees, personal iepresentatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1.DIvIsIoN OF REAL PRoPERTY. (a) Lot 1A and Lot LB are hereby divided into'units" as follows: (i) Unit 1A consisting of a fee simple estate in Lot 1A, together with the improvements r easements and rigtrts located thereon or aPPurtenant thereto; (ii) Unit 1B consisting of a fee simpl-e eState in Lot 18, together with the improvements, easements and rights located thereon or appu!tenant thereto. -l- (b) Each unit sha11 be inseparable, and , rnay be leased, devised or encumbered only as a dwelling unit. (c) Title to a unit may be held individu- ally or in any form of concurrent ownership recognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownershipr each co-owner shaIl be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of all the duties and responsibilities of an 'orrner'with respect to the unit in which he owns an interest. For all purposes herein, there shall be deemed to be only two owners, the owner of Unit IA and the owner of Unit l-B. The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such un- it shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an owner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall from time to time desi.gnate one individual who shal. l represent such entity or concurrent owners in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pu!suant to this Declaration. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall- give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice shall be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or owners baving designated him in favor of the other ownet or any pelson who may rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed, Iease, deed of trust, mortgage, will or other instrument affecting a unit may describe it by its unit letter and by reference to this Declaration. (e) Each unit sha1l be considered a sepa- rate parcel of real- property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. 2. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of Lot 1A and Lot 18 norrt encroactres-upon-TEE-other parcel as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the naintenance of the same so long as the building stands shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, sha11 be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for sucb encroachments and the maintenance thereof shal,l exist so long as the building shall sta nd .(b) Except as provided for in Paragraph 8 below, if, because of any act or omission of any owner r aDY mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of noney shall -2- 'e fired aqainst the other ouner's unit or any improvements ' cherein or-thereon,_or -9ui"JI-Jnv "t'r,"r-;";;i iwhether or not such lien or order. is vaiie or en?orceable as such), the or.rner wbose act or omission forms the basis ro, "o"tr-iien or order sha1l at his owD cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharsed or record or Londed ;t-? ;;;";;"';"mpany reason_abLy acceptable to such other owner, within z'o oays after the date of filing thereof, and further sharl i"J"*nrfy and save the other ovrner harmtess from and againsr .;t ;;;-;ir costs,expenses' cLaims, losses or damiges, in"i"Jing-ieasonabre attorneyrs fees resuJ-Eing thererrom. 7 - INSUR]{NCE: !a) Each owner shalr keep his unit and.al1 fixtures TEerein insured against loss or darnaqe bv f ire and exrended coverage p", i t s ( including .r.nJJI i;r-;ffir;.;i_cious mischief) for the ir-"'i*r.rr replacement-vaiue thereof. Any owner may on 30 days'written noti-e., at any iirn. on" year or longer after the- last appraisar of the units, obtain a written appraisal of such units irorn a competent appiaiser, charging both owners with the reasonable costs ttrerlof. such appraiser shall be a disinterested and independe"l-thi;; party who is un_related in anv manner to either owner whether tirrough joint business adve-ntures or otherwi se - fgrce ror_the n,o."iflo" ";";l,::ff'r:nllr";:;ii: i?ioliit"rl"u - property damase.occuring in, on or ufon hi" ;;;;;i ;;;;;-in''rEI'simple and the improvemlnts thereon, in a liirit or not ress than F3gg,00A in respect of bodiry tniury ;; ;";i;';o'"ny number of persons arising out of an accidept-gr di.saster, or for damage to property, and if higher limits =h:lJ.-t .ny-ti,i.-u" customary to protect againsr possible rort liabiliiy,-;;";-ilqher l.imits -sha11 be carried and each ownei-si,ari-;;.;-;;""iir,", owner as an additional insured party under such policy. owner certiricat::_i!!g:1"!:;n"iI.:;":l:::".::;:i:":..lni..lliI ried under this paragraph z, """.tr. containing-"g=rJ"*"nts by the insurers not to "unc5r.i'r r.aiiy rhe po1i"i6s-iilnout giving tbe other owner written notice or ai least 30 days. Bach olrner sharl have the right to inspect ana copy arl suctr insurance #t;;H;ofi: |ff,::ler owner a.,J iequire-evioence or the f.y,.nt sharl prevenr .n"^:iii:: ll:ili:i::i;":*:,:l"jn:",?:lil';31,",to cover any one or more of th6 hazards iequiiJa-rn this para-graph to be separrely insured against uV-"J"tr-J;rr;r. 8. -^ltg"t,T9 "rEI. (a) rf an owner, ar any time' shalr neqlect or ;ETuse to perform .t ;;y-;is share of any obligation,reqrlired hereunaur, -ti',. other owner may, but sbarr :?:^::_:llisated to, after 29 days,.,rilt.i"i"ti'll ,rnr"ss ttre clrcumstances require immediate Sction, *ua" =u"i-payment t oEo on beharf of sucri other- ot"n"r ' -""p".,a irr"t rr*-u" .ry be neces-sary to perform such obligation incLuding, but not limited -3- rr, th2 !:IT?l: :: ::I ' jl onilertak ing of anY - ltv -- i -!.tution or .*?i"::"?""t'ilnt in and to that Part ieasonauty necessarY for insurance premiums reguired bereunder or work requiied hereunder for repairt rest- and suCh other owner shall have an ease- of such defaulting owner's unit as is such rePair? restoEation or l-:=F': Fri Srl P-1 v., l'i t=E r; F: F-'F' ts E E F E F tJ ts F I E F T t I I I I I I I I l ma intenance. (b) AII sums so Paid or,expended by an o$ne!, with. interesi th"r"on at the rate of 18 percent Per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable bv the ovrner so faifini'to perform ith" "d"faulting owner") uPon d-ernand of the other owner. (c) ALI surns so demanded but-unpaid-by-the defaulting owner shali constitute a lien on the unit of the de- i"oi[i"g 6*rr., in favor of the other owner prior to all other Liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for-taxes and spe- cial assessment; and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first ileed of trust oi record encumbering such unit. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due ;;;-;"t be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real ProP- "iiv "iron ti,e recoiaing of a notice'or cLaim thereof executed by the nondefaultini o"n"i ""tting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, th6 nane of the defaulting ownerr _and a ilescrip- lio' or the unit. rn any such foreclosure the defaulting owner "triif-be required to pay the costs and expenses of such pi""""ai"gsr- including ieasonable attorneyrs fees' (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinatetothelienofanyfirstmortgageordeedoftrust' incfuaing aII additional advances thereon. SaIe or transfer -of any unit-as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, fore- .i6"or" through ltre puuric trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, includi-ng the transfer of a deecl in lieu of foreclosure, shall exfinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or iiir,=t.r, but shal1 not relieve any former or.rner of personaf- . ii.uirity therefor. The mortgagee of such unit who acquired ti- tle by wly of foreclosure or ihe taking of a deed in lieu there-of, lhall not, however, be liable for any Past due assess- ment and shall oniy U""or" ii.b1" for future assessments on the itate it becomes thl owner of such unit. No sal,e or transfer shall relieve such unit from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof' In the event of the sale or traisfer of a unit with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a defaulting owner, excePt transfers to a first mortgagee ii "o.,n""ction-with a foreclosure of its Iien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall Le jointly and severally liable with the sel1er or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. (e) IJpon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prosPective mortgagee, Purchaser or other Prospective transferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit sha1l issue a r",ri tten statement setting forth the amount he is or"red under this -4- .'..-- z--2/aerapn., if - any, with- respect to such unit. Such statement is i1 .. t:_ ,.',-,.'--i f,inaln9 upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may '| -r - -' = _i:'- rely thereon il good faith. Unless a reguest for- such stateme-nt .,,i- -l:a11 be compl,ieil with within fi.fteen days after receipt thereofr alL unpaid sums which became duL prior to the date of making such reguest sharl be subordinated lo the rien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. 9. USE RESTRICTIONS. (a) Each unit sha1l be re_stricted to a reffig ,r.rit as a permitted use, and sucb use as well as conditioned and accessory uses sharl- be as defined by the Eagle County Zoning Ordinance. (b) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave,television or oLher type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, either elevated or burried, or clothesline or incineraf,or of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal prop-erty shall be permitted or maintained on either-unit wittroit ihe prior written approval of both owners. (c) No animals, livestock, horses, or poultry of any kind sharr be kept, raised, bred or maintained in, on_or upon either unit, except that each onner may keep and maintain within his unit dogs, cats or other domestic-atedl irouse-hold animals not to exceed two in number; provided, however,that such domesticated animars are kept under control at ali times, do not present a nuisance to the otber owner and are kept and controlled in strict compliance with aI1 Eagle County ordinances that may apply to such animals (d) In addition to the parking restric-tions set forth in subparagraph 4 (c) above, eich owner may keep no more than two automotive vehicles permanentry on tris u-nit. - Parking of boatsr trailers, campers, motor homei, ATVts or recreationsl vehicl.es on either unit is expressry prohibited.Parking of more than two automotive vehicris ry Eitner owner or his family, agent or invitee on such owner's unit for more than a 48 hour period is expressly prohibited. (e) No "time sharingt'r ,tinterval ownership" or simil.ar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis shall be establlshed on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and all lienors hording a first mortgage or first deed of trust of re-cord on any portion of tot 1A or tot 18 whicb approval shall be ref l-ected in a docu;nent of record - Ig- NOTICE. Each owner shall register its mailing address with theEhEi owne! and all notices or demands intenEed to be serviced upon owners sball be sent by certified mail,pos'rage prepaid addressed in the nar:re of the owner at such reg-istered nailing address. rn 'uhe al+;ernative, notice may be de-livered if in uriting, personally co owners. -5- 11. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision con-':2.-' -':'=-- --i*;r':':={' ed in this Decraration whicT iE EiEject to the laws or rules -:^'', ri'l - -:= l.:5r in -:;, ,.:.: . :-.1.-'.,,i-..irtin'es ref erred to as tbe rule against perpetuities or the :'.;,j:,.-';-,.:'=:.=5:iJr".p.'or''l:t:::-l:'::"::il1:^:::t:::'::.::."::::":::?^:l:11-.-:i,=€. iJnrinue and r,emain in f uIl f orce and ef f ect thi s Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided. All other provisions con- tained in this Declaration shalL continue and remain in full force andl effect until January I in the year 2ALL A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of 10 years each; unless at least l year prior to the expiration of any such 10 year period of extendeil duration, this Decl.araton is terminated by recorded instrument, directing termination, signed by a1t owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of re-cord on any portion of Parcel' A or Parcel B. 1-2. .AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION This Declaration mav be amended or revoked only (a) by DeclErant so long as Declarant owns both Lot 1A and Lot 18, or tb) upon unanimous written ap-proval in recordable form of aII owners and all lienors boJ.ding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of tot 1A or tot 18. 13. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each pro-vision of this oe ovenant and undertaking to iomply with each provision of this Declaration,and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title,estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Decl-aration: (i) strall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument; (ii) shalL, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of tot IA or Lot 18 by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal- covenant of such owner and, as a personal. covenant,shaIl be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and, shaLl be deemed a personal covenant to, nith and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of Lot 1A or Lot 18; and, (iii) sha1l be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Lot 1A and Lot 18. 1{. ENFORCBMENT AND REMEDIES. (a) Each provision of this DecLaratffi by any owner by a pro-ceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are insti-tuted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies proviiled in this Declaration, the prevailing party sbatl be en-titled to recover its costs and expenses in conncection therewith, iocluding reasonable attorneyrs fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees ihat any and all actions in eguity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the courts of Eagle County, State of Colorado. -5- (c) is Declaration shall pailure to enforce any provision not operate as a waiver of anY such enfoice such prov i s ion thereafte! 'this Declaration. of or of right owner I s 9rant-unrea- use of L5. EXERCISE OF RIGffS' Any exercise of any qranted bereunder by one owner wr€F respect-to the othel il;;';;";;ii"i'-u"t 'not linited to the use of anv easement ed herein shall u" """t"isecl in a manner which shal1 not ;";;i;-;;t;J;; ; i;P;;-;; - i'po"" upon such other owner ' s his unit. =Irovision, the right to iny other Provision of 16. provided herein, shall injure to heirs, Personal IN V{ITNESS raration thls dll daY 1 WHEREoF- Decl a r ant ot '- /('l';:: ' has ejiecuted this Dec- , r98_> . SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS' Excep!.as otherwise iffir be bindile oPol ?19 ti"-U"nefit of Declarant and each ohtrler and the ;;;t;;;;lutiu"", "u.""""ots and assigns of each' 17. sEVERABITITY' .Invalidity or unenforceability of anv provision of ThTs DecTaration in whole or in part shall not :;i"Ii";;;-".riai;;-;r-;;iorceabiliry of .any other provision or liv-i"ria-ana entJict"urt part of a provision of this Declaration - ls.cAPTToNs.Thecaptionsandheadingsinttrisin- strument are for ?onifrienc"-onfy ind shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration' 19. CONSTRUCTION' -When Decessary for proper construction, the--fiEEEEITEE of any word used in this Declaration shaIl incluile the feminine or n.oi.t genderr and the singular tlre Plura1, and vice versa' SIERRA FEDERAT SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ATTEST: Subscribei anC sworn before 1985 bY Glenn A. Solomon, e"ufrTf v. ernold. Assistant L JFTI.'a^y of -7< ['-\,-,aL 'Iz:,day of t, t'-\r<a.r*t [iEE Presideirt and t me this Assis-.-ant SecretarY. wi t.:ress rnl' hanC and seal ' My conmission exgires liriv f,crrtrnl:l''-'.. ",; 'o" l''t;. 24, i!?.g , - -| -'-. )V I ., -.'t .. --.-- , / .i --1 ,-..,. +4 ']/ '. a-J ^-,,'(1C-'/t-' Nota r'-r' P/b1 i c L Highland ii"t tf'"t"of as EXHIBIT A Y::d?"=.Fi1ing No. 2, according ro the final rlled wrth the Eagle County clerk and recorder. a/k/a 2ALO Yermont Road. It E I f L .:J ::i -.& :€ -t, I I I I I {J r I I i a i I .t t I I I J I ctt c{ "l I uJ F o .J z z zQ =z Jo (! rr J z.E =U lE tu F< F< trD o EI o o o' : Ert EEI : al. I C' ;I :cl O iLl -ol ! rul ; o-l 5>l L- FI o, E ts E q tr! o. e ! !.r 'l+(r,i.-J G F (n z o () I _t --'l t\-- l 'l ;l I I o z '-F =t ltJ o- F () tlj -r o E t! €laht I I ,F t<r6 I I I I I I IF t<gi=i3 Q> -rz ;EE?rr<'-: z =(Jo- Fo 2o 9>!,, o 9z rl<oo.H3 >c)Fc) E UJ z,lu A frs x ;e;i;g ? H P S 9=EsE2=sll|sfl llll t!ut F .! 2 u, E UJ ! J o z I l,t l | | ll I t*tl I lell I totl I IEII r lSll -'=ll dEil 6 lfll E l(,)rl O l''- |l= | .r,I l+t :i "l.E -'4lE o =l --'', *l .- lqJ l>J .l< j <.)lzl 9 9?l ol - -1..1 | I I l-iE I I I 4l aa l|J[EI ctt drl E .rf --- l fl I d rlJ z 3 I I I ir la I I I atl ar, l t4t I Ell cll ql J>l g;t I I i I I I I "l att 14 EI ct q a :E vl 4-rl qrl -I cl .-l ol -l I E ll ll lli lla Il ttl lil ttl l{tl tual tu, I tH I t<t I EJ>II q <l Lll iJ E -ll I I I I I I lr I I I I lal <l ll >s! : L = UJ E E T F (, UJ F o Ep # eg f=Ftt=;6il-6i=Eii " i -.'lo <F (l() r.! <zE.r!F oz / -x=A \''iE ..v--_/_ = a :i = = : !'-=rt.=a= -4 --=:= =- == r= - --===--= =_:::-=:ri=-=== , a = =-, i = :.= :==!=?->'----=a_ ;-- =.. a --!r-=-a z.! --.- =- 1 a:: =- - = r::= =-! = a--:- == i'-- =:aa2::' I i. =--.ii==: ! - i _-r:.. j - z: = 'r= -:a=7:= (r) I E. i rEt +,c c,-(t OJ d .:: x.o CL :t,ol I u'rl L; 9,, i o.tZ,l d., I I I =z ^-Y -:-:-)- ..:"=>'..-_Y:--<>x :-' I .. =zz =-<-<_ ..:<,-i :<\,.Y^t- iU=.=za sIr= =52 :. -a - 'ri \. - c< .-s=z Z;x -l-..: f==<'4 =.-- :.a .. - ...: \J 3= z j-= =Y=:-- 4 :i r-<Y ? >,< - "ta 2,.:-:- :i- - =?a --\.-'.-is=--\:-,\=:..-I :=c> 4v 4:--_>=:gl s=?< =ie=v:\^--,-== =>o:I;=i u=x= '-i-- ====:.-;:-]:-:-\-r':- :---: , :*i.+:.:..-.- ..aa AEr!::::'..: ...- :l -t' . I :]: i,J .: - _-1 a u J l o 9 G. z o (, ; o 4, '; E is FF : r H.: $a lla ii :rr u .j b5 t; IF t- *i 'tt r:*;' - !.4: in @ g) i : GI =o .d = c gr. -t I ti I -rr I bt -rl .t'o J -c, E |It gl c ,E v1 .d 5- d,:o cr,t!i rO:!l !l o,i an ,, A. *{ +{ i-<. O+ FFI tir a F F*4 fld tE F q4 fl\Frq' td +4 F{€r+e4 E te H €t 'l*! H E & {-a !4 r4 ffi\ € q4 E e4 q=+ ffi f*+ f lbd !-4 .+d q*+ 14 B+ ,€ :-..'1= o t-t\ .:t':.= '= -: 'l ='==a2-=:-a3- =='z =>a=-;^= : =-t"r' ffi.{-<ei hY-.=. ,r PER MIT NUMBER OFFROJEET DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON .' -- '-:-w€D dG) '4,READY FOR LOCATION: CALLEF TUES JNSPECTOR I | =-' ; .i-: i.: . .' -ril3-.==.- + *-^ .a A-,_t: F : ! ,!-;=+€j-i=-: - t, .t-.-r:i:i aiz - t : I'.l-Iiri t=iZ: t1 ;'11 : i ><i lt': =;J,,:R-ri ::;:\'iA{\l:i!!il: I Ji,-,l - -i -:- | . ,*_j i ,1 |;Ftlll ii I_L I cl I atl ul uJ u- =2 ul o- vt Li tl| "l c\"t = CL z 5 ;l':itl *{$illl rl *l .l h\ n/r rl F. l \ll I ql \ I -l r.Jl \t1 - *\$ rlll .: I rl t{ ,IE 'H t! rj It ,ill '-l :f I r,l j"l t t_'L t'eiit I I I I I 2 ;7 Z: \-'l ,::<n(: l: t | !- '- -\- I :'i ii.. i =i;:i::: .i:-g3F! 1-: < ! < i.ia.a i -. r.l :=-':! l: I I s a UJ lo t;t<l!! !()lu,loa I : z u, (L 2 a) tl I v)rl !+{ ll l! Ftl 5rl rJ,l c'- N S!F-l ol FI l;"ll i- lEl I 15 tgl ; E IaIE rE l:l:t= -zl z :3 l9ls (j :o J ilo 9lz .2 1= 3l= g z { u] = <l :iil.(st (; ol F zl () il d t< 'Jl(J =l==15 ;IE .:r tl fl -l NOI rVniTA F z o a :l-#ffir ??+ tll ldr N ts fr -N z 9 F F ,l , \l <l \..l \{ t\4 t- I I .,l E z z 9 t- e o- f;r E I uroo-l E 7 3 n E l- E E E E q IA I t I I I la I | | | .l t- 3:'uE I I 9 -F UJ F =ctNl J ca o ]'z Z tt-6 qo ; ^ 97 i) = >!l 2-o 6F '.^ .. (r sl \\_l \ r[=: =<ll o ill?^ltl - I zll I -il {;i! P,H[ zl iil ?: I < f-i- rl J+l i il F F a = t: I { 1\-\J I v ia'e ll |lc il'J eeu-8r8 u,rl!H r{ill \FG -;':l il IEE=E 5sH98 lt {s I l.: rl .i-.f t Hq-:\l ,l o fldl : | ''l i..l al 1l -fd:J-l !4 I -\+ aa \ A (1 x g t /f. (g at nF I I I I J I I I 5 J z. z ..' 9 =<>z ll JO nnn =l rl :p? rl =:!\t' ; F (J cl UJ F lo vt.- =2.;!- <:v z>- ':<2=)t- <o (, * 'J- )()<F \J= t-- U l: I a: 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 475-7oO0 off lce of communlty de March 28, 1985 Mr. Bil'l l.lusse'lman S'ierra Federal Savings and Loan Association 2730 South Uadsworth Blvd Denver, Colorado, 80227 Dear Mr. l"lusselman, I have ta] ked with D.iane Meehan this morning when-she picked up the C".iii:.ute of occupancy on the Robin Roberts Duplex. The contractor iri-n neuetopment Cbmpany is no longer a regt'stered contractor w'ith us' therefore, I do not hbviany address to send the c'lean uP-depo!1l !9 in"r. They did pay for the construction perm'it and. this inc'luded the ;i;;; rp;;posit, irt,i.n i, refundabte at the time the permit is closed. Djane said that you should be the company to have the 5200.00 refund- P'lease find the theck enc'losed- If you have any further quest'ions, please feel free to call me. S'i r-re€relY,.// 1--2 '-'z' --/ '\o. S o' -----" a==-=._ ,' "Reg'i na Erl andson Buiiding SecretarY -... .'---. :+!:_:=4.!i::a': .. I TOWN OF VAIL DATE REINSPECTION ;.. ---! "= -7F] -::;-: 47-- '{9 CT'ION REQT.IEST TOWN OF VA|L DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED rt THUR INSPECTION TOWN OF ai RE-QUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: :"'':i,r.!.?.t JOB NAME MON CALLER TU 4rr/-- {B-i rrusFirpp*eff, $fi.cus$r, t JOB NAME MON WED THUR DATE CALLER . TUES. 'L,r -, /--a r.lc IruSFEETION FIEQI.JEST DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLEF TUES WED THUR FRI PM AM OF VA]L LOCATION: BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr u tr tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL ffiry.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL .\tr FINAL -\ tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: p,forsaeenoveo / EINSPECTION REOUTRED t r // ,or, /c/tf}- JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION:MON CALLER TUES wED rHUR e AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEB tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr tr Vr"uor- ,///).7 I/ trFINAL . ELECTRICAI-: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT Et SUPPLY AIR u--_- tr FINAL E] FINAL tr APPROVED ) coRFEcTf oN ", l, lL ('-'9 G,sopptouto \ 1perrusnecloN REoUIRED INSPECTOR J ::? : rhts &{€' PE CTICN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME DATE CALLER INSPECTION: ..JJ-,.-: 7 - >O€:iF.f *=l =. .--: r..==---.,.. .-... .'rr_.4: i-:.:';..s1'{ {-.q Lr ,-.-;t ENdSFEET'IOft$TOWN OF REQ VAIL" DATE READY ' :. JOB NAt\r'lE MON ,; '-'-:- Q- -i. u-s \ry ITdSPEETICN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY ..'- LOCATI JOB NAME I o T F o CALLER BUILDING . . PLUMBINGj :-= *'=-;=:i:.,':.-''-:- :.'. - -,-':- :=ll- ) -.=1-':': :1r,'a B FOOTINGS'/STEEL-:.-.F-'I]I!DEFEE-qqNP- trFOUNDAT|_ON_/ST_EE|--=:-[]'BOUGH4D.W,y: tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER _ Fr ,1 ACr rrta'ttt!^ !_l u \rr.tg - Ftt ttrlJ - tr POOL/,H.-TUB IYat\JLrr r rlrll LJ tr -.**'-l tr HEATING ELECTRICAK MECHANICAL::_- tr TEMP. POWEB IJ I.J EAr|AUb I NLJUUS SUPPLY AIR tr tr I : .' :': LJ LJ.TII\'\L OATE € PE INS CTION TOWN OF nrbuesr VAIL DATE .- t -'.' ' -- JOB NAME t,, CALLER --l- INSPECTION:1,40N THUR FRI \ lr.lSPE€TGR.: @ Dtr !F{S CTION REGUEST TOWN OF VAILE DATE JOB NAMEj READY FOR l. 'z,'t *i i t': ,' INSPECTION: CALLER -.4><-,. MON , fUES .,:\'--/WED - THUR FRI' DATE- ,' : !-. ue 1= u9 INSPEeT',l0hl TOWN OF REQUEST vn lL BUILDlNG:PLUMBING:i--- E fOOTI NGS / STEET=.-:--trUNDERGROUND_..; tr FOUNDATION / STEEL _ROUGH / D.W]l'.-: ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB -"- tr FRAMING .tr tr tr tr H trusrr-ot'o N - FEf- 2"" 7- 't; -flsHe-rrnocK- NAIL . !u{t'- ;. "- 6 _-- --- -a .--'.-.- fi -=--- i i,t.il*-.t, ri,'-,,i,-,'h,, i'-:---:-i{:==:-^-:-.. ;---.-^-,-=---:-,---: --:-::,-.----.,-.-l'------=-=--'. :-,;*.i,-'.- ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: E tr B tr HEATING CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS TEMP. ROUGH POWER lo tr FINAL EI FINAL r== .- :_: '=r:": .- REQUEST VA!L ET'IOFJ TOWN OF # PE !$ds JOB NAME CALLER N j* o M 'FBi'.1 \ .J .i _ ,{3APPROVED :::-:-'- t :' j- CORRECTIONS: DATE t, i,!\*i/ PF rhxs ETIOFI REQUEST TOI!'N OF VAIL DATE , .','. u JOB NAME READY ,tr_LO!NDATjO,NZqI!:EL:!__BgU_GHr/D.\ry.V;l tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ' INSULA tr GAS -PIPING, tr-SHEETB 1-==.*-T-::-tr: i " 4-t- s:1 +:3..= ELECTRICAL:MECHANTCAL:--- --- -'-'-' ---- tr HEATING tr FJNAL E .--. tr FINAL G Eit !ndspEefloN TOWN OF REQI.,!EST VAII- DATE , -,' ; - :: .-- JoB NAME ii,;.zi-r-f-E IJ_FOOTINGS",I STEEL-r-l I lNntrPiaEl.tI lNn .-'.'.--'''--;+r:-r'a*l:i':-'--';-: - -=:-: tr FO UN QAr_!_QN r_S-rEEL_T'1 Artt tt:u / n l^l \/ D FRAN'IING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION_ tr SHEETROCK-NAIL - t.-3.-_. LI f-l .- _ .. _ - ._.-_ -_...i_____-_"_-_ trfINAL Lt r tl\lAL ELECTFICAL: " ..:MECHANICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH d€xHAusT HooDs tr CONDUIT tr suPPLv.AlS-- '--' --: t]tr tr -4 tr F'NAL FINAL 5-'=. I :_l .'l .:--; - |::l 'I ':-: I I I -.t -. I :--- . Jf - -zt z -:: - -'g D!s_lllFq\{E?'"f !,' F,FFrI1{F?E-_CT|ON REOUIREq -' COFIRECTIONS: - INS /:+r qg ptr crl T9W CIhl NOF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:, lt-JCB NAME THUR FRI itI ,t" .-1 p /CALLEB ;-.--_ r_..t::9.--_, )_J______1L)",_,_--V.-: - i .. "--\- /,- )- ,---.-\\MON TUES^ I'WED ,tt--.-.4' f'.E -. .,g.APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED - . --l - j ). -*;.'--;.. - |'t i iJAtE * '"' ' \.:F' Ftr ersoFd TO\,VN OF . 'r: . ::. REQUEST' '.\/A rr v ,1t t_ IB.EE !gEr-4 DATE READY FOR .,_ _. LOCATTON: JOB NA[4E MON CALLER TUES WED.. THUR \--rrla-! . FRI in-Eo===l .JNSPECTOR Lr- r.B ef DE 5-L rzus CTION TO\ryN CF FIEQUHST VA!L DATE READY FOR DISAPPROVED ." CORRECTIONS: Il 6j uc spE IN ETION REdUEST VAIL -'TOWN OF DATE ];,. r,',.. JoB NAI"4E il READY CALLER TUES /-'.wED THUR ._FRLj MON l!' L' '--j ; /rh \{iP FE CT'ION TOWN OF RESUEST VAIL ooaE ,-:-_ . ,JoBNAME /-{ INSPECTION:MON Y - - -- -- -a?'.-- - '':. DATE JOB NAME !EIEf,TI NEET fI !-i& s.,t l-r.J I VAIL l{.b It:,rq \+y spH ETION TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATTON:- B FFTAMING INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES D ROUGH/WATER T] INSULATION ELECTRICAI-: -.MECHANICAL:.-- =---i---='-.-, tr EXHAUST HOODS . "-SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL COBFIECTIONS: '- :-. --_ _--!-_i= E ::5 r[ssflEe T$ohu TCUJN OF REGUES-i \/n ll .1 v .F|t t_ DATE !; READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUB 'rnt l rn. FniFl /F Ef cfioh TOWN PF IF{SPE mdeussr VAIL DATE -:'--., -- -' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION:, INSPECTION: :-:i i::: - -::="i'=l -:;.*-i;;; '-:i:;:: : neduesr VAIL; L9 PE tfl'$S CTiOf.t TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR a "-.). .:'ii-]-'.':j - 'JIECHANICAL: tr FINAL tr HEATING -. ] CORRECTIONS: DATE J\Jl' I\AIVItr i MO ii N :1 t.\ INSffiCT$Gru RHAUEST TO\A'N OF VAIL i'_ :.!t-,'J EruSFE CTION TCWN OF DATE JOB NAlvlE CALLER TUES WED { t11-- & .,, tnili- iu t vn - _ 'E= ti:+ E=;f'.-:* r NSFECT!oN mEou.lesr -E TCWN OF VAIL \ - rnssffiemonu REeu TOY/hI OF VAIL F I. TNSPECTlON: JOB NAME MON