HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 3 LEGAL.pdf( Inwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development June 26, 1981 l.tike Lauterbach Dear I'like, This letter is to confirn that Lot 3, Highland Meadows Filing No, 1 is zoned 1s6 family Residential and has an area of 14,810 square feet which would illow a totaL of S70i square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area. PETER JAIi{AR Town Planner PJ:bpr Lot 3, Highland c 75 soulh lronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 3, 'l 983 offlce ol cornmunlly developmenl To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to confirm that lot 3, Highland Meadows Subdivision #]of the Town of Vai'l is zoned Two Famity Resjdential. Current Town of Vail records show that the square footage of this lot is l4,gl0 square feet. Development of this property is subject to all applicab'le Town of vail regulations at the t'irne of applying for a building'permit. Si nce re ly, ,/, .- /-2---- ,4'.<-./- - r' -7<-JIM SAYRE ' Town Planner JS: br t { .\ i'. I I trl tl ---^--t'\| --'\ \taa-l I ||/ ./t I I t/ / t , tz,at lr.t (\_.' i'; -; 7i e gngi;r.-.Flrl ng. I r tC. '143 e mecdow cir. suile n-10 ci'ossr@ds shopprng cenler ',roii. colorodc E1657 303/476-2170 April 15, L982 Mr. Peter Jamar Town of Vail i75 south Frontage Road :vail, colorado 81557 'subiect: Lots 3 and 26, Filing Number Hightand Meadows Subdivision' 2 ( Dear I'lr. Jamar: This letter wiLl confirm that this office'is performing the slructotal design for the Tri-Mark Duplexes to be constructed on the above-referenced sites' Presently, a soils investigation is not possible-for these iit"r dul'to trre aiiricultf of getting a piece of equipment through the snow to make tie telt bores' Therefore' for ti.riiinary purposes' lve are using information from a soils ;;;;;i for'r,6t i,-iiii"g 2,-Hiehlind Meadows subdivision bv irrl.t^oor,tain Engineeriig of Airon' As soon as possible' irr[.i*o""tain rnii""uii"6 will perform soils testing on these iwo sites. fhis'oifi." ri'iff tttEt review the foundation de- sign fased upon the findings of these reports and make any modificationi to the design that night be necessary' If you have any objection-to'this Process, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me' SincerelY 'I!vlBrlcdb ( box 100 uail, colorado 81657 €031 47e5fi3 August 10, 1.981 Michael Lauterbach P.0. Box 3451 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Mike: At the July 29 meetlng of the Design for a sing]e family residence with a final approva'l as presented. depsrtment of community development .RE: DRB Lot Review Board, your GRFA of 1549 sq.ft. Submitta'f ot 7l29l8l 3, High'land Meadows #1 submi tta'l was given Peter Jamar Town Planner PrI:df Si ncerel Profect Appllcatlon Prolect Name: - Prolect Descriptlon: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:'' zoning Approveo. "t ''!' q 4 * t "' -' t ''-' t -t t i: Pr*'!L'f, -7-t3-g I Be*d) DISAPPROVAL : a ti - .''l { 't T ]- Date: -4t, .;..1":+ Chlef Bulldlng Officlal ENGINEERIIIG CI'IICK LIST appl i cab'le) r' 6nn*fi-U.o-z-''93a6 f \Subdivision 4rc/<4*n /llaoo-s Lot n-3 B'lock Fi'l 'i ng fual l. Submitta'l Items 3. Source of Utilities (Acceptable) (ltot Acceptable) t- (A) Topo Nap (B) site Ptan (c) utiliry P'lan (D) Title Report (E) Subdivis'ion Agreement (if 2. Engineering Requirements . .-t - l'/' (A) Cu'lvert Size /Q" C^e (B) Dri vei.ray GradElEFlEi-fi-ilaT)- ez n t)t, c t)I r E'lectri c Gas Se'"rer l,later Tel epl:crie T.V.oK_ oK 4. Conments: Approved: z/az/g/ sr*-,*, ^ ;.o+nt!:>,7. c.4.,F4;>----_--_,_- D'i sapproved: Eill Andrei,rs H Fx C ZONE CIiECK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS r) Description: Lo$- Block Fil ing Architect Landscaping: Required Parking:Required 1- Dfive: Slope Permitted Vu/o Slope Environmintal/Hazards: Av.llanche Flood P'iain Sl ope ( Legal Owner Lot Area , Lltgl; Height Allow"d gl; Proposed !25' Setbacks: Front-Requi rJa- eo i'-'?roljbsed Sides-Required'15' Proposed Rear -Reguired l5' Proposed l{aterccurse-requ'i red GRFA: AI'f or,red ! .'4AZ- 164 GRFA: Prirne'ry Allowed Primary Proposed Proposed Secondary Alloned Secondary Proposed Site Coverage: Allowed 2P y 77-t Proposed Proposcd Pr opcsed Actuii /n7- + Con'ments: --"^---)loning : - Approvq4/Di sapproved .'/'''.. \----" 1 Date: (( NE!,r CONSTRUCTION Proj cct DRB SUBMITTAL CIIECK LIST JZ- \{. l',/ la r'-' L.'' Chccked Date Stanped topographic naP (2 coPies Site plan showing utilities (2copies) Utility location verification Preliminary title rePort (1 coPY) 'Landscape Plan (2 coPies) Architectural Plans (2 coPies) (all floors and al.l elevations) Materials list {1 set) Color Samples (1 set) Subdivision agreements (if applicable) I.IINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE l. 2. 3.. 4. .. 5. 6. L/ -:,/ 7. 8. 9. EXTDRiOR OF BUILDINGS l. Photo or sketch showing alterations (2 copics) 2. 3. 4. 5. gite plan (2 coPies) ' lrtaterial specifications (2 sets) Color samples (2 sets) Lettet of approval from condo assoc.(if applicabLe) alFrroNs -. RESJINIAI. 1. Starnl:ed toPograPhic sutveY 2. 0riginal floor plan (2 copics) 3, New floor Plan (2 coPies) 4. Sitc plcn (2 coPjes) 5. Elcvations (2 coPies) 6. t'lrotos of cxisting structur:c (1 sct) 7. l.tetclial spccifi.cltions (I sct) 8. Col or sauqrlcs (l sr:t) =ffi F.i 1 ?:i 't.,i : I i l4 f, C uTll,r'tY l,ocAiloN vliuIFICATIoN SITIIDrv SION lushland Meadows F11lne 1 JOB NAI\IE Lauterbach Resldence LOT 3 BLOCK FILING 1 ADDRISS 0055 Meador6rook Drlve The location of utilities, whether they lines, must be approved and verified by accotnpany ing site plan. be nain trunk the following lincs or proposed utilities for the Date z Mountain Bel1 Western Slope Gas Public Ser',rice Conpany ,,HoLy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley ttlater andzSanitation District v-p 4/ L,zgt tur/ NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street :ut pernit fron the Tom of Vail, Departurent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenrent in the Town of Vai1. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. LlSl ('f r';t I Lt i ',..5 lu\ilii Ol; l'lii).;i,C't','.1 LauterbachC.isidence Ll:GAl, l)l:sCl{ll"l'10)i: 1.01' Dl:scR I l'1'l 0:'l oF l,ltoj l:c'l' 3 llt,ocK I.r t. liic Hre!'1e99_MegqgIx _1 Slngle Fnm{ 1 ResLdence&?CarGar The fol l or"i ng inforrnat ion is Board before a final approval A. BUILTJINC I,IATERIALS Roof Siding Other ltall Material.s Fascia Soffits l{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimel'5 Trash Enclosures Greenhotts es Other rcquircd for submitt.al by thc c:rn be I iven : apPlicant. to the Design Rcview Type of trlatcrial rGlfford HllLt SteeL Color Grayish Black (Sanple Enclosed) Ball-isters Raillngs Dark Gray Masonlte iap S dlng (Sanple Enclosed) 2x12 S4S Fir To Match Roof l" Plynrood To Match Siding rPellar clad Whlte None (Butt sldiag to wlndow frame) rPeachtreer. Steel Whlte Wood Brickmold Whlte 6x6 Rough Spruce To Match Roof 2x12 S4S Ftr To Match Roof Triple Wall GaLvanlzed - To Match Rogf To Match AdJ acent GaLvantzed Surface(roof or slillng) Sldlne To Match Sldlng N/A N/A B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: PLANT MTERIALS TREES MlchaeL Lauterbach Phone : 476-6602 Botani ca'l Name Conmon Name {gPsn -- Blue Spruce Blue Spruce 0uanti ty 22 Si ze 8r to 12t 4t to 6' lOt to 12r Black Sanple Eoclosed) SHRUBS None GJi0rrriD tcvIRs sqtif r{'.rr'AGE s0D SQUARE F0OTAGE 3'600 sf I TYPE SQUARE F00TAGE 3.300 sf SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Natlve Grasses Manual TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wal1s, fences, swimmjng pools, etc.) Please specify. Planter-boxes to be lnstalled b dl.s turbed 13) 4r Diameter Boul-ders Flower beds to be lnstal_led C 1."( l' NAloil, rll' PR0.lICT c DIIS ICN R[viljlll Bo^nr) (:ilticK I.IST LUGAL DESCRIPI'ION LO'I'DTOCK A, Buildlng Considcrations Prelin. Final Approval Approval Bldg Location on site Bldg Configuration Appropriateness with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forns Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideration F IL ING Conunent s Disturbance of Natural Features Snow Renoval Access onto Site ' Vehicular and Pedes- trian circulation Landscaping Plan Grading & Drainage Erosion Control Irrigation Systen Exterior tighting Retaining lval1s Accessory Structuxes C. Miscellaneous Considerations D.Othcr Corruucnt s FINAL APFROVAI. 8nfl t urc MJB/^ b (o . AMOUNT PREMIUM olvNER s- ro,-9-go'-9.9-$ tl:'99 iliiiricice i_--e o-.oso-lo-$ 20 - 00 ADDTTIONALCHARGES $----:=- b-oJCor-r.c.xcERTIFTcATE $ s'oo SURVEY COSTSi $- ToTALS S- CC's To: Mike Lauterbach P- O. Box 3451 Vail CO 81658 Your Reference Korchowski No. a qtl C Sheetlof 5 t ! vacant Land .'MMITMENT To rNsuRE I i4htr*i*h,**q;ll#f f#*fi;j$:*it$ffi ?$t;g#tionsshownontheinsideofthecover' d I , r, l CustomerContact:-Sandy Capell-,2]clh t!" Jil1 Childress e f -'- Phone: ffi "r@Fl I'he effective itate of this commitment i, June 24 ' 19 81 atr 8:00 A14 Z I Atwhichtimefeetitlewasvesteclin: i I il"":m:f.sKY, DoUGLAS WILLIAII4 WALKER and DAN PURGETT' a: E Jt"I It SCHEDULE A 1. Policies to be issued: (A) Owners': !4IKE IAUTERBACH (B) Mortgagee's: 4105075 sanqy_qePeflAIh 476-5922 Fortr No. C-ta2.l tacv. ?'t'?6 41050 75 Sheet 2 of 5 SCHEDULE A-Continued 2. Covering the Land in the State of Colorado, County of Eag1e Described as: Lot 3' HIGHLAND MEADOWS, according to the recorded plat thereof. C 4105075 Sheet 3 of 5 SCHEDULE A-Continued REQUTBEMENTS B. The following are the requirements to be complied with prior to the issuance of said pblicy or policies. -' l"Votfr""i""-t"o-"ttt"u"ifi"a subsequentto the date hereof may appearas an exception under Schedule b; ih; p"U.y to be is"uea. Unless otherwise noted, all documents must be recorded in the office of clerk and recorder of the county in which said property is locateil' Deeil frorn ToM KORCHOWSKY, DOUGLAS WILLIAI',I WALKER and DAN PURGETT to I4IKE T.AUTERBACH. Deecl of Trust frorn : MIKE TAUTERBACIT to the Public Trustee of the County of Eagle, ---for the use of : TOM KORCHOWSi(Y, DOUGLAS WrI-'I,rA!',l WALKER and DAN PURGETT : $60,000.00 A. B. to secure For'E No. C-t{2.1 ' 4105075 Forrn Xo. C-l{2.a ttte. {-18-7E SCHEDULE B THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED HEREUNDER WILL NOT INSURE AGAINST: 1. Rights or claims of 1:arties in possession not shown by the public records, Z Easements" or claims of easements, not shown by the public lecords, B. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of tl're plemises would disclose and which are not shown by the public recolds. . 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for seriees, Iabor, or material heretofore ol hereafter furnished, im- posed by larv and not shown by the public records. 5. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge or lien imposed for water or sewer service, or for any other special taxing district. 6. Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove his ore therfrom, should the same be found to'penetrate or intersect the premises, hereby granted, and Right of Way for Ditches and CanaLs constructed by the Authority of the United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded in Book 93 at Page 30I. 7. Restrictions and easements as shown on the recorded pJ.at of Highland Meadows FiJ.ing No. l. 8. Order including subject property in the Vail Vil-lage West Water and Sanitation District recorded August 27, L979, in Book 290 at Page 237. 9. Order including subject property in the Vail Village lVest Fire Protection District recorded August 27, 1979 in Book 290 at Page 238. . Subdivision Improvements Agreement between High Country Corporation and the County of Eagle recorded June 15, L978 in Book 27J- at page 145. 1I . Order including subject property in the VaiJ- Intermountain Water Distri recorded Marctr L3, L979 ir Book 282 at Page 838. 12. An Agreement between Eagle County and Paul- T. van WinkLe recorded September 25, 1980 in Book 309 at Page 936. 13. Ordinance including subject property in the Town of Vail recorded Deceruber L8, 1980 in Book 314 at Page 987. L4. Riglrt of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom shouLd the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as reserved in United States Patent of record in instrument recorded August l-I, 1900 in Book 48 at Page 236. 15- Restrictive covenantsr which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter cLause, but omitting restrictions, if anylr based on race, color, religi or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded June 15, 1978 in Book 271 at Page 143, and as amended in instrument recorded, August 17, 1978 in Book 273 at Page 575. ((.4105075 Sheet 5 of l_8. @ SCIIEDULE B-Continuecl EXCEPTIONS CONTINUED..... Rights of way of Mountain states Telephone and Telegraph'cbrniiny to construct, operate-and maintain ils lines of telephone ancl telegraph anit appurtenanceJ .rrl-t" keep the-r*" "f""reil, ai granteil by an order of the District c";;a of Eagie County in Civil Action No' 1509 recorded JuIy 26; Iiez-i"-s5or zos "i l-g" l-93_and bv instrument recorded. .fnauary'f7, 1969 in Book 2l-4 at Page 501' Easement and right of way for the right' Pt+Yi1:y" and authority to constrrr"t, op"J.!E ."-a maintain gis or oil pipelines-togelf:-*ith theright to entei-upon saia premis6s to Western Slope 9": ::ilily' a coloradlo corporation, by laulin"-riri"tt in instrument recorded November 3, 1966 in Book 2OO at i"g"-Sgg and re-recorded December 7' it;t in sook ztt iI e"9" 718 and ai shovrn on the pl-at' Emergency ingress and egress easements as shown on tbe recorded plat of laid subilivision. Easementandrightofwayforsewer]-ineorrnain]-0feetinwidth qranted to Gore Trading company, a colorailo corporation, by Richarcl ;: "ii;jl;;-ir,=irot"it re-corded June LL, Ls74 in Book 235 at Pase 63 in which tn"'=peciii" ro.-tion of the easement is not defined, said easernent to be ov-er and across trr.-property_described in Book 224 at page 12 ro reaclr-il";;";eiiy aescriu"-a in-soor 222 at Page 933. Right of way easements granteil to Holy i"!. rv inslruments recoriled November iie t"-.otded october 11, 1979 in Book. Cross ELectric Association, 13, 1979 in'Book 294 at Page 292 at Page 491. z:+- Deed of rrust from : ,l-om Korchowsky, Douglas WilLiam Walker, and Dan Purgett to the Public Trustee of the County of- Eagle for the use of : PauI T' Van Winkl-e ' to secure : 936,328' 00 dated : August 31, 1978 --recorded : septe#"i'ff ' 1978 in Book 275 at Page 30' NoTE:AssignmentofRentsrecordedJanuary2,lgsoinBook296at9 ;;;-b'6s;-;i;";-i, .or,r"ction with the above Deed of -Trust. Fortr No. C-l{!.5 C ugiu#EqFBffiugi {(t It igaz ffi,E qEE E5gi ryig ;iig ryi aEig *iig e9 ==o ro =o 23 ; qt ?D='a3 rvo rr= o'4 =o o |r o UT 6 c o a.tt \ =J CD -'CD EA )q)x3 og.oo lA)6{0r=a6- Jl,J -l l-{ = -l'oqr P=:a)B'qt E= CD =C'gt 5J s ^ o -. 9q;B' o e- d =;e 1 ie ' I is F i: <E iii' ;iii ;Ef gl eii. sidi eii, ;i;i, ;iir lf ii ;iii ;ii; iFiu tr;E' ilrii'eir*'iillr rlir Et:i,Eul :F=d: q:i , E E: *="i =i' -E.i u:t- -li uEi i p -r i c - .' -?#