HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 16 LEGAL.pdfGUtVr., | /,f Og Design Review Board AGTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South FrontaEe Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 faxj. 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com cctfri-8.drY trlElm|Erir Project Name: FLOWERS ADDffiON Project Descraption: Pafticipants: VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 Proiect Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL COLD STREAM CONDOS UNIT 16 DRB Numbers DRB050444 Addition of a total of 67 square feet GRFA to front entryway and back deck; new fireplace; removal of existing spruce and addition of landscaping at front entry. OWNER FLOWERS, JACK S. c/o cuNrco coRP 0Bl26120os PO BOX 9010 LONG BEACH cA 90010-0010 APPLICANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHiTEC-IS 081 26 | 2005 Phone: 970-47 6-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81557 License: C000001402 ARCHIECT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECIS 08/2612005 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 Location: Legaf Description: Lot: 53 Block Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO q^O/v\ tld Parcel l{umber: 2103-121-0801-6 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motaon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dunning Dorward 4-0-0 ACtion: APPROVED Date of Approval: 09/2112005 Cond: 8 (PLAN)I No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB apprural shall rct beome talitl tur 20 days blloving the date d apprwal. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this foject shall lapse and beome rcid one (1) year tullorlng the date of flnal approwl, unless a building permit is issued and @nstnrton ls ommenced and ls dlllgendy pursued toward compleffon, Cond: @N0007575 Pdor b final cerfficate of oopancy by the Gommunify Development Depaftmenq Ste applhant shall plant (3) three inch aspen trees at the front of the unlt. EnWt O9l22l2W5 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f3OO.OO I Application for Design Review Depatment of CommLtnity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within oneyearortheapprova'. _^ f |kg \A"UW Description of the Request: rtTfFl-tlK- r_(|(-,-/= physicaf Address: '47d, '.lE r+v+vrni t-)g- , L-l*ir*//r parcel No,: 2lOblLlO?)Ollt (Contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:',/ 7zJ <'- -bt ' r/,LoNL E*r*r.t*C 562 Vz7-4621 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:3r)) Mailing Address: ZZ'T# *r o lrt 6t o t {-c' .,:;V)3)X Location of '7':)4!l J 4F4I-1 clJt-^{- f U C;LENLy.^,1 Proposal: Lot: 5? elock:- Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by. Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee '"{c Type of Review and Fee: tr Sions C Conceptual Review E New Construction Minor Alteration (m ulti-fa m i lylcommercial) Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 n tr I **+** **+**aa* *f** * **** f** * ***+*a++t+tf****t*t****** ** ******t*** *************** ******* ++**+* * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Staeement Nuniber: Palmen! Method: PIERCE R050001385 Amount: check $300.00 08/26 l2oosoa Init: Notation: :25 AM ,JS r.3238/FRrrzr,EN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addresa : Location: Thia Payment : DR8050444 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA 2103-121-0801-5 1475 WESTHAVETiI DR VAII., COI,D STREAM CONDOS UNTT 16 Total Fees: 9300.00 Total AlIr Pnts : BaLance 3 $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 **** * * a** * +*++ * * *+ + tt*+++++++++ ++++ + + + * *****+** * * * ***** t** ** * ** *** * * * * * *** *** * + * * ++** * ****+* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current PmLs DR 00100003tr2200 DES]GN REVTEW FEES 300.00 VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS August 3,2005 Community Development Town of Vail 108 S. Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It MayConcern: The Coldstream Condominium Association has approved the modifications to Coldstream 16 as presented in the attached plans. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. n . .A'/l .'".4/%LW DonMaclachlan t' General Manager 1476 Westhaven Drive .Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.6106. 800.543.4801 . Fax97O.476.4946 L,NrT /b )Za<-e 37t'AEAn'**#fu/oa t \ 'l Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material rttrflaa7- cVir N6/E1z lx ttrz a/-r4,A cr ltAr.tttFt-Ar lY.- t-L /.,1, Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Zx tlz- SIEFL / /.+,l*o> tl Please specity the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of l2ll2/o7102 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PRoPoSEDTREE?rc.;l{+l*orgs Xe#t-t a 3" - 3/rz" croL AND SHRUBS DCSENG TREES TO BE REMOVED , T Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i,e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) S{r$r{F+- PageT of 12/02107102 Sent By: CUNIC0;15627334641 ;Aug-29-05 2:09P[,1;Page 213 Rcturn lvlail ()perati(rn!j PO Box l(r3bt( I)es Nloirlc!. IJ\ 50306 030$ Jack S. F lowers Po l)ox 9010 214 N. Hawaiien Avenue lnng Beach CA 9Q8l0 CONFIRMATION OF l.()AI\ PAYOFF RE: Client l-oan Numbcr Mortgagor'(s) Property Address pay the rclcase the end {o1 3084107 Jack S. Floners 1476 Westhavcn l)rive Vail CO u1657 Date of Nolice May 6. 2005 conqratularions! we ar-e pleased to inform you that we have proccssed the furtds llecesssfy to ir:;'i;;';;;;t,ii;g itti i.tt,i*l"g i''iormarioni.t nddress an,v q*esrions you maY have and to let through the loan PrYoff |rocess- If y1u arc changlng addresses_. please call.us immecliately at (800) 423-502I. lt is.verv imnortant that we hive vour' correct mailing adclress ln ordcr ro send documents, year-cni tai infnrrn.t,on and ani' reflnds which may lre di're' pay your loan in full. ytru know whet to exPect If you are enritled ownership of lhis is establishccl. according to your sftte guide_lines. .ln order ,iorro*ingirceiji6tftsatisfierl:.L)funrlrpr,cviously1e9etlef u.'i.i#"Jtlt,rned lry the.institution upon which thev are f.:i1",-ii9^2),1"i.9t^::T::t]:1i::ti:j,pi",:*o rllav llol l;;;;#ili*;; #"';d-i;;'l;-iii. re';A;pon limsfr;,me wetls.Fargo i{sms Morrgage } TTtnI!!q-l? (8 Cr We rre oleased to have been ot solutioni. lf you ale interested er*ry.WellsF argO.com. Wells Fargo Hotne V()rtgage to an escrow rgfund, a check will be issued to you in approxirtralcl1. 15 days. lf you are lerainin8 propi.ii, y.. are ohiigatcd to pai,futuee tax ai&or irtsulatrcc premiurns unless a new cscrow account loan iir full rnu!t be reccived in the agreed uPon timefr:lme wetls rargo llome lvlorlgaEle 15 coIlsrtiLE(r Lu rhe liens on the loans ir services rhal al-e ar:curarely paicl in full within the ap_propriate. stalulory tramcwork ,.t' rhp weer .,,,. will also mail vou an anrlual tax arrd interest statement for IRS teportlnA purposes. to AT ;;i,h.'t*t, *; will alio mail you an anrlual rax aid interest slatement for IRS reportirrA purposes. :fi;ffi;y: 6' AM i"'riipM, ri'ihay 6 A-M to e PM and sarurdav, ft AM to 2 PM sen'ioe to you and wtrr-rlil welconrr tlre oP-Portunity-ro provide fuiure finoncing ln-tcarning ah,",ut proclucts and services <iffered by Wells Fargo, please visit us at ) 4'23-s02 16; WcJ:s fu'g., Homc Morrt,tc i\ t1 Ui\lsio. ol Wcll5 l !r8u Bonk. l';, A O:lxl'l Wclls Fiir'(' 83![ ){ A All irghrt rcqcwed Eir tYtu;ufii. 1.,'.1 Page 3/3 15627334641 ;Aug-29-05 2:09PM; +Egi-s *EisF Pc€f E 383;E 3 Hi.,u I HgHEE. t:t g{ ;ciu3 nF€i E :'F.,k H.:i E< --c27 ;_E; E* i*€:n :^FH€" F H u'\J u f;'a+i EE F"€E b# e F'J; t Ffji;I F:+ Xf I -: E =t =l^. -0 -.9 -:E -l.F gEE53 el! pd{=- =:iE Es:i al.s X &j: j EIF €*: p+l* €t*€ E I rf ;:;t EtlEi=f,5Ecii ,.tr-c(!{lE t9gbSH TE*i-qx : E;:T;X - : P tr.!-ir!i.'!;4eviii 6 sp!46 E t'E l: o €x l"^:E '! c tr.:cE c I!3;-E*.$5,1 s s =H+-e "*g P Ii:$jE 6"r; y EE iEEifig -E; lrt E { i El.E- tr{retr!c:.9 R=5 H .!- E:d g,; €EE Efl EZ E; E=-*.H rEE#-=u F RHi"HE x I ! c)() $t (E {) E.s HE [<t F,E 9lqJ E# s9 E€P9 trL 9* v.= #Is -It3 SE c) * I t\- \0 rc (.) GI 0) {r (-' >'F g o )( c{ >' 2 o F € I V)t-{ a) F lr a '!4 c) h q, r ()q, Li O bo (t bo !J t-{o I C) f-'{ts H \J FF H-{ v bD t-.t qt fv t-{ a F{ . q.) h'> e 1 r. q R From: To: Date: Subject: Mike Vaughan Elisabeth Eckel 09/1412005 3:57:44 PM Re: Coldstream Condos Hey Elisabeth...couple of things. We are not able to get to that file from Vail fire. We have let lS know a couple of times, but no progress yet on that front. Thanks for the heads up, but we really dont need to Eee it unless 1ou have some oonqem. Take care, Mike. >>> Elisabeth Eckel 0914/2005 3:51:35 PM >>> Hi Gentl€men: I had one other project that I negl€cted to route to you Mo foda$ Coldstream Condos Unit #16 is adding -30 square feet to the front and back of the unit. I put it in lour boxes if 1ou care to take a look. lt is going before DRB next Wednesday, September 21st. Meanwhile, it is saved in the DRIP file as Coldstream 1 6_09'1 405. Thanks a lotl Elisabeth I Coruuru tt rw DeveLopMENT Roun ruo Fonut X Approved with conditions I Denied Status: ffi Approved Routed To:Fire Date Routed:09t14t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:09t21t05 Description of work:Addition of a total of 67 square feet in two locations: front and rear of residence Address:1476 Westhaven Drive, #16 Leqal:Lot: 153 Block:I Subdivision:Glen Lyon Subdivision Comments: Fire Date Reviewed: 9/20/05 nt lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Department. 7- ''o (n (rl t\ I I I I I I c) D) r. o !t 3 E 3 a h Dl al ol a a t* I \ \ i I I I I^ lOl tc \D ,-\ l N)l 1 I I tl tl ll 'l I \ r) I I I I I I 6- r. !t ;al \1, N'c rR .n o .l I Nrr l$tl I tt o t I I I tl tl ll 'nl (rq I \ N at N at 5. r. N c) f.o qc) a (,t) Y c) r' I I I I I + G i..-) \.1 I I I I I I I ?. 3 a) IJ o g .j .f o qo + f.J o\--l t Oi { tl t)' l., N {* tJ e IN p lz, lc: 11 lr=l r)tn I l.r,ttt l' r 14.tt:luo I @.dfU'd FE * X o ol I HEN l.l\.b I t\t I l\'{l I I'.il I lNl ll*l ttt lti lli .N)I lsF I ls-..H I I\\ IR I t\'* i,Np I lN"I t\.t. \ I INH N)N)/ NI \N lNl *l ot <c oo (rro Ei o 9I o { i'J c) e o st-- 3 h- I l-"\ \ h,. - < \lN' *lNc tE. l\rr €Lv\: L!\ :l Ni' S-ls ' l-\tt\ts.- tt\| - t\\I\ IN\t-.... | -ts- I 'tN I r\)r I tvt Irl lP' 't\\N R\.l^V.)t\\ t>t\\1\ l-"r$ S.N\ n € o o s. t- qa 5 5 !o a) f, I ,/.- \ I al 7 .6' Io-IE lo,\B \6- p' n, T r$ T (.,| $r I I t5 \r \l I \x r1 tl V t I \ -i 1 o o o. "c|-o er C) 7l -a o TJ .l '-l C) 4 o o =o' (J o o. s NJ 3 o o g e. .9C ot o ^:. Ra 4(n ldt I.,lr | (,r ti-tl tl tl tl II tl II tl tl tl tl tl tl -t..1 tl tl tl A' c/) o !l C' = o E ttrrS ttt t"-t-l tf;| | | | | | l{ ;tl'ttrIrF{t!(n E g F Z s e P €.3 F H FF .?O; H.H 8E - 't - :'. ).. .8 6.o o q E. D' = llrl rttl S=lg,t EfiEa-5-Pc)g iE E'Fg 6uU,Fr. (2 Hs B.r U)E o o o qt cL o 5 trtr. F<h g ;F lglttgrrrr o I gttrxttttlg flrgggUEfsEtr>",g293"5r'**3.'E -fi 9 F g'H' 6 trB .oF 'd o ()B cl a E .(A o trl ltrf'r t!tFl ttt>t frtZl ' rrt Sig,8r ==5(ACc .9x* F ;!:l.XE F:E gPa 6'h8r A.:' t |:r o o o o ||ltl FF:f5s3s e H sE g;t -n'F.a F $ flFg$f,Es-98 EB A€ 6- -L' U) )-.1 h.l ll I l- '!tt\I t\>.z tD cA co qt 'ao (rq g. 09 Il=.. 1 g?s, 6bH oFa 3 iig. A'E €9 ltl rt_l FPT,1 :t c,E $8 g Fg ii=.E X'8oi -ut U' r, ! .'6 o =t o lllrtll tttttll F?g?fr,3 F 1E E g a g:aii .*E B ,F - € F Ffi F R '0e 3 at a,a D ep artment of C ommuni ty Deve I opm ent 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 22,2005 Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge, C-1 Vail. CO 81657 Attn: Bill Pierce (970)476.4901 Eric Smith Associates 2241 17th strcel Boulder, CO 80302 Attn: Tom Jarmon (303')442.4745 fu coPr Re: Coldstream Condominiums. Unit #16 Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision Addition proposal, DRB0504,t4 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your patience leading up to the Design Review Board's unanimous approval yesterday of a proposal for additional GRFA and some landscaping changes at the aforementioned address. The application was approved on the following condition: 1. Prior to final ceftificate of occupancy by the Community Development Department, the applicant shall plant (3) three inch aspen trees at the front of the unit. Again, thank you for your time and patience in what is not always a simple design review process. I have enclosed the appropriate design review action form which will be needed at the time of building permit submittal. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enctosure ilp *".r.r"u rr"^