HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 42 LEGAL.pdf6l*t lyan , /ff 5s -*+)- ccr$tAt!-Y tr\€LoPttE$r Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fag 97A.479,?452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: KNOEBEL ADDffiON Project Description: Project Addressr Legal Descriptionr Parcel Number: Comments: DRB ilumber: DR8050148 Addition to bedroom of 81 square feet on lower level; deck and roof changes to accommodate. This square footage is deducted from the 250 addition available to unit #42. Pafticipants: owNER KOELBEL, WALTER A. 05/08/2006 5291 E YALE CIR DENVER co 80222 APPUCANT MSLAND, GALEN PO BOX 383 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001670 ARCHMCT MSLAND, GALEN 05/08/2006 Phone:970- 05/08/2005 Phone:970- PO BOX 383 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001670 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Locauon: COLDSTREAM #42 Loh 53 Block Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO 2103-121-0804-2 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION ActiON: APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/11/2006 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lape and beome voH one (1) year follodng the dat€ of flnal apprwal, unless a buildlng permit ls i;ssued and @nstruction ls commenced and is dilfuendy pursued toward compleUon. Cond: @N$08030 All materials shall match oristing CoM: @N0008031 No consffiucdon parklng shall occur withln the right-of{ray for the duration of the project. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fec P!ld: S3OO.0O Additions-Refidertial or Gommercia ocprtnent of cqnmutty Darclopmcrnt 75 Sqltr ftmrag! Road, val, Cobrado 816t tef: 970.479.2128 tu Cm.479,2152 wcE www.wilgpvrom Garel ftf,ornrrfon: Oercipti<n of tho ter^o Location ofthe Prcpo.at Lot:Co PftpblAddruss:bt6 Peref ro.: Zlo3V)fro&(Contact Eaob Co- Asses6or d for parcd no.) G€uocr6u6 TRosf ?22- $50 E9S $1,0o per 4rte fBt of btal si{n arc.. 15 Fce 1660 tu caEtsucdon ot a ncw buEing a dcnro/rrbdld. Saro tu ri dditbn whr! squi! fooGg. B .ddcd b -ry rrdd.rald or dnrnqrcJd brldlrlg (hcrud?3 250 eddtonr & }|Efxr csrycrcorr). $250 Fq mind cfiarEes b buldlngs and cte lmforemcnts. qldl 6, n-roofing, painting, whdow addiuont l&|(bcaCng, fencca and retaining walb, ctc. 120 Fr minc drEng.lr to h,*in!F and gE lmrowfl|cris, srh a5, rc{oofrlg, prh6rlg, wldow tddlioB, Irlbcmhq, &nces and rctrhho walb, ctc. f20 Fq r6/bNons to darB already aFwed by Plsmhg st|ff or EE D€sign Revlcrr 8otd. l{o Fec o r o \rc E-m.ll Addrt r: TyFc d Rsvlcw and FgG: tr SgrE B Carcptual Review tr New Cons!|tKtbn X uuiuon tr Mlnor Atcr*ion (mdtl {aml V/commlrcla D El iurs AlEration (shdc-frnily/duplcx) tr Char€cs t0 Approwd Plans n ScAaraton Requcst \ Applkation lbr Design Revlw Al protrcE lequirirE dlcliign rcvrcw rru* rccelvc rFovJ p|ior D s{.afiirttirrg a hriHrp pctdt applcaBdn. Pleas€ r€fbr to tp'gimiaal reqrirunatr for rhe padcutar ryro/d thd is rcq(EEd. Atr apptcauon br DeCgn Rsriew carvbt bc acepted undl dl f€quilrd hbfmatton b rcc€ir.d by thc Co.flnrniv D.r Copfllcnt Deprttlcni The projett may .lso nccd O Oi rwiescd by tftc Town Corndl ad/or thc Flanning rd Frl*onmatat Co.nmisslott. Docign rcrirn approrrl hpccr unlccr I bufdi'|e pTtdt b irr|.d end conrtrcdon corrrrc #r|n onc yG.r of t||. rpprovrl Zor-ng: a9Q ilrm{r) of Owncr(r): ItlaltingAddrcs: tlrn of AFlk il: UaIIrg Addrcrg: tlt ri rr -.- _]7F-- lnl - e L 't'=,R l]l ;r r lnl MAY 0 8 2006 ;l /l Uil A IOwN or vnrr_ O*n:r(r) Siglrattr{s): vAtL 1d 9!eg-g/rc/6 puBlsv ueleg dto:to 90 e0 IsW tl.'*fl'3*'i{r*t*'}**ll't***tf+**l*+f+**{'r*++*****+f**t+*+l**ir'}+++**a*t+**t**t*'}*r**aa*a+**at+*it'* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment +*lla+ttl'l***ltl+f++*ftt'll+*l*l*+*+***a++l'f*r*+++**r*f*{'r**l**aflaf**a*tat*a*tt*taaaa*af***+ Number: R060000536 Anount: 9300.00 05/08/200604:21 PM Method: Check Init: dlg Notation: 7204/GHNE Statement Palment KOEBEL Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreas : Location: ThiE Palments: DR8050148 2103 -121- 0804-2 1475 IIESTHAVEN COIJDSTRE.M #42 $3oo. oo Tt4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA DR VAIL Total- Feea: Total AIJL Pmta : Balarce: ACCOUNT TTEM LIST: AccoLnt Code DR 001000031t2200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES $300.00 $300.00 $0 .00 Current Pmts 300.00 4 vAtt cAscADE coNDoM rN rtrMS Mry4,2fi)6 Comrnunity Dcvclopmcnt Townof Vril 108 Sonth tturngc Rod W*t Vail, Colorado t1657 To Whom lt MryConccrn: ThcColdgtrcam Condominium Arffrcirtionhrs epprovedthc owncr's attechcdpluts lbr remodcling of Coldsb€urt 42. Plcesc contect mc if pu bavc eny qucetions. 'g',n//r/Ah/r|.<_{/a- DonMacl*hlen Cencnl Manegcr | {7G V|,lflt't0r,f,r lrdE' 'vtif (:oltf,l, 0r 6l' - -qflIfl6.tf06. flh.5al.{t0r . trr rt (r,.|lhil'}|l to'd OB6t 5Zt-OZ6- I Lf,eA - cP] s.lJl L !/ZOSSO 9O-?O-,(En 05/03/00 12:02 FAI t0t_75q 0032 KoELBEL & C0 |(cc|bcl .tra GqnDlrll 629l East Yale Avqrue. Denver, Colorado 80222 Phonc: 303-75E€600 . Fax: 309756{632 @oor Flx TmHsntsstotr To: Galen Aasland FAX: 1-970-47&5355 Frum: Marilyn Peter Pages: 8, including cover page Date:May 3,2006 Re:CS #42, Walt & Gene Koelbel Mr, Aasland, Laurie Chahbandour requested that the following information be sent to you. 1. Schedule A and B of lhe Title Polioy. 2. On February 6, 2006 they transfened ownership from Walter A Koelbel to Walter& Gene Koelbel Revocable Trust, Reception #200602982, Eagle County Clerk & Recorder. This information can be accessed on linewith Eagle County- lf you need anything turther, please call me at 303-300-8831. Thanks. Marilyn Peter lbrfrnnsmiscioa, ailt6nyr,ccott pan@@tllrrnk.may@ahinconffiat/ntinfontwttot tr,laltittgbilr- *ruW, The lnfoilt'E/ lon ls m&.H dru tor tl'E ue of fie incMCua!.nfry aamd &oyc. Il yw aa nollhc h*etxt'd tBcipienl dfosafinfua dtte conlbnts is rtricaty p*ineA. O3/01/oO 12:02 FAI tO3 75t EO'z FOELEEL & CO TI l'? Euners For'm r,-:JJ.Z F!ie No- v0l3a$ E.THEDULE FI !D ooz Pai icv t{e" AIi23F:'.' Anrourrt g:4lr' Srlc - orl' ACdrss s I F=l icr t-:xtcl JULY 2;t, lvB(.t 6.i t)r OD A.9'1. Narie cf Irrsrtt'ed! Wtll,.TER S. iir:rEL.AEL. The estate or inter'esi in th:, larr,l descr-ibed in uhich is ar'ctln'herec{ bi' thls ro'l i':y is: A FEE Title tc, ihe es.tate or interest rovered bv ttris h€reat' i3 \.,!3tcd irrr WALTER A. F;OELEEL The land ref arr'ed to in thiE roi irrr is rituet*rd Eo l tr'ador ar,d r.:-o described ls f ol ! cusr thir Erchedu lo and palieY at the date in FASLE Cc,urriYr or.-rNggplt*trl.t L|NIT :|.2 toLllsTREAH cgNeot.llNlut'ts ANIJ pARfirNs uNi'r li2 f,ctuRDlNir T0 THE tlONDOt'tiNIUt't l,i.qp (THE .'r!:ip,') THERETTF, RECIJRG!0 JANUAHY ?, T,?P(I iI'J BOCIH Z?A AT PAGE 725 AI.{11 ACCAFBING TO T!{E f,ONUgl4IltIUH lliiF.PHASE iI (THE "l'tAP-II") ffeEOSlED FifiRDH 3r 19t{o Il.l BOOH 299 l+T FraGE 544, AS EI'IHEF: iilAY EE rrtPPLtCAFi-E, ANn flE ETEFINEI| iN 'Tl{E CONDOhIhlIUt{ DECLARATIDN (fhiE "DEcLfiRAf lrll{"} REt:trFttlEIl ,JAl{LiriRY 2' !9BO IN BOOIi 294. A.T FAffE 724 A:5 SUFPLEI'IENTER EY SUPFLENENTAL DONDDI,IINIIJ',l |IEILARATIOI.I ( TI+E "SLiPPLEFIENT'JIL BECLARA.TIBN.') REc[RDEij l'ffiRCH 3, 1960 lh\i BDlti( "99 AT PABE 343, JiLl- IH THE FECSRDS SF E*frLE COUNTY, EOLUR.\trD . Faae I Thia Poi icv vei rd *nlv i.f Scherlu !r F ;.c sttachsd. 05/03/00 12;0J FAtr, 303 ?58 663_?__ KoELBEL & CO [D oor Till Orlrre,n Ft,t'a .2J1.3 File N,:= V;i3t-)g 56g5Err-tLE B i't 1 ! c -- l.li. r.tZ I i..i':.t.f .r 'f his pol icY cJoes not insr.ii-e aSq,irrrt i o:-E s:- Canii:e l-r'r r'e;!sorr Bf the fci l i''u; i n; ! t. Riel'rts ir!' f laiFrs ,rf p=r.ties itr pnssess.ir,n ntrt shGu,rl L,v tire i'ui;l i€ r'eE+rd9. ;. Easemc'rrts, r-r r c laiinti +ir e*r.€'mci'rt*, not -c-h+rlrr by the i:'ui: i ir recr:r',1 s. i. ttiscr';:par;cies, corrf lirts irr L'otndari' lintE, ghc:-teee iri ar'ea., encroachrllnts, and arr'r' facts which a cr:rrect sur'vs1 .:!nd irrspecticn ,1f the premi sr*s uotrld disrlase and urfrich ar.e nr't ..1-roriJn br ttre ruLl ic Fetr,:rrdS. 4. Anv j:en,l tr rlght i,t a ! ien' f ar seivig€E, I *,ber., trF fltaterial theretrrf or'e or' l'repeaf ter' iur'nishrd, impr:'sed br lau and nrt sh+un !'t the PUblic rrrconds. 5, 1,.,iAI] IAXES i.ILIT YET IjIJE AFID PAY'ABLE. L. L1EN.3 FDR UNPAIN O.JATER AND SEI.!EF: f,I-IfrRtfES, IF AI,IY. ,/. RIEI.{T OF LIAY F8F DITL:}IES FiNO IANALS T:E,N31 RUIIET) SY THE I-ILiTHI)RIIY CF THE LINIl.ED ETATEE. F!I. RESERVEE II'I UNITED S,I.ATSS SATENTE, RELURT.'ETI BEt:El,tEER 2?, 1e,,2r.r IN BDt:tK 93 AT FAtiE 42, ALt6Ugl"1r:, r,70? IN Br-Joi;43 AT P/rGE 54.2 ANr, C|C'TOBER ?, l94b rl] BBgK 1:{? AT FACiE 405. s- RFB€R'/trTItft{ A5 Tn THE NtJ 1/4 EE ii4 BF gEilll0t.l r?, TBi.rNgHIP 5 iiLrUTH, RANTiE El I.JE3T OF THE RIGHT OF THE LINITED SI.rATEST I.I"S PERI.IIT'TEE O'T LISF:N9EE' TO ENTER I.IPON I:IuI::LII3V ANN USE ANY FART I:IF ALL L1IJ EAIN LAND FOR THE PI]RFBEES PRSVI!]E[] II..I THE AL:T OF JUNE 1O, r?++ (41 ,;TAT. 1OA3}, AS REEER(.,EN IhI THS FATENT REf,I]RIIEB t:Ic.rDBER .:,. 1949 iI.,I ['c!L.lK 13? AT PA6E 4OS. -:!. R'ESTFICTM COVE'IAF.ITS' t"lHItjH lltr fleT CCTNTr'{IN A F'IRFEI'|URE OR REVERIEE i!-r+UgEr AS: r:Ol.iTAIl.lED lN INSTRUI'IENT RgtOREEil APRIL 04, ipTd iN Br:lifi.: zbg AT FAGE ,5Y8. i(,. tli.rDlREReur'lD RisHT aF HAY E,lfrEl:{ENT GRAI-I'rE! To H0LY llRos$ ELECTRTC ASSOT:IATII.]II. IFII:. BE INSTRU."IENT RETj0FTIEU uuTr]BER IL,, i9"/'? iN BOL'I{ :Z'?2 AT .eAGE 79?. ,.L TWENTY FCrCrr SET BfiCf( EAeSHF:N'r- AS gFtghJN CIN rt{E coNaoi'tlr{Ii.lt1 FlFlp HECDRDEB JANUARY 2' T9SO It.{ tsSI.'F; :?6 AT PA$E 725. AND CSNBOI4iNJIUI.I NAP F'IJASE II REC|fRDEII I'IARI::H 3, 19gO IN BLISIi 299 AT FATrE 544. 12. TERI,tg' PROVISIONLC Ai.JD C6NoITlflh:s coNl.AINEo IN THE L$NEoIVIINIUI4 DECLARTTTION FECFRBEN.IAT.{UARY 2, T9.3O IN ETOOK 29{, &T 9GAE 7!4, AND SUPFI-Ei.IEFITAI- CONBi-iMINIUt"t DECLARATION RE|]URDETI MAxCH 3, 199.i] IN 3UOIi. !? ?99 rtrT PAFE 549. LRfrIlrll:DE EASEI'iENT A!-r SHIIWN Ott lft€ },14R[:H ?' T98O iN BBOK 299 AT PAGE NEED OF TRIJST NATAD JI-ILY 17, 19gt) Faee ? |]DNDCII.IINIUi,I HAP PHASE i I RECORDELT s44. FRUFI I.IALI.ER A. }.-*Ei BEL, IU THE 1+- 0a/03/oa 1t:0t FAI t€_!!.!_-9$2 f,oELEEL t C0 Eoor . TIl.l Ourntr Fo:.n 2313 Fiie Nc. VOISOB Poiicy Nc. ifEi23t37 r:T:HESULE B PTJH-ID TRUSTSE EF EACLE CUUI.ITY FDF THE UgE OF .THE ET.IPIRE 9AVIN55' zuILDIT.JG ANB LOAN ASSOCIATIS'{, Ti 9EcuRE 'fHE SUI'I tlF tl0lr2oo.O0 RESRRTIED .JUI.Y ?2, 19AO IN BI]BK 3O5 hI PAGE 787. Part 3 0J/03/08 12:03 _F.{!_.lQt_!!!. 06t2 KoELEEL & c0 Eagle County Governmcnt - Property Asscssmdrt ald Tax Infornration @ oos Pagc l ofl hEp://fcs. eaglecounty.r.rdpatidindex_coalent.c6o 5t3tz006 0i/OI/OE 12:03 FAtr t03 758 8632 KOELBEL & CO @ ooo COLDSTREAM CONDOMINIUMS Notes PARKING SPACE 112 Subdivision Subdivision PHASE II Lot 42 GELT & GRASSGREEN 303 E 17TH AVE sTE 910 DENVER, CO 80203 Document Code ABANDON MENT (BANKRUPTgY) ABANDONMENT OF MINING CLAIMS ACCEPTANCE ACCEsS RIGHTS DEED /t -F IJ: i:' i'.: lc.' J Grantor/Grantse Name Farst Name |.st Name/Company Walter Koelbel $ eottr Q erantee @ Grantor Recording Date Range fl one Day only Document Status Q rot verlfied Q Verified Oa/.0.3/06 12:O{ FAtr..303 ?5E 06t2 f,0ELBEL & C0 IaOOZ PrhtablcD€ieils Pagc I of2 Accoum umber: R013142 Prc.l iluntben 210312108&2 ' luA'ra: SC125 llill taly: 58'5650 Orn.r t$mrA.Hrr:t: WALTER & GENE KoEIAEL RBr'OCABLE TRUST 4 C}IERRY HITIS DR ENGLEWOOD, CO EO'I10 LlsnlDerstleton: CONDO:COLDSTREAM@NDOMINIUMS UNIT:42 DESC:PHASE ll PK SP t12 R2m602982 BSD 01 -13-{10 PtryslcJ AddtEr: m1476 WESTHAVEN DR Unt I 42 vAlL AR'EA Acrrt: 0.15 Prcpeily Ta Valuetlon hiormgtim Actu.l Vdue Asattad VJur v€l||r trnd 119430 9510 lmprovenrnls 878860 8!X160 Totrl 908290 70470 Srlc Hircory n c.ptlon Numbcc n/a Eook 0305 Page:0785 Sale Date: 0/17/19EO Salc Pdcc: 24950o.m Deed Typc: I'',ARRANTY OEEO Cr|arlor tya Rrrertr: n/a lmP.evgned lnfiormdion Residrntial &rildings: 1 Cormercid Mldings: 0 H.rbd A't.r ]r{AtN FTRAREA 765.000 oNEsroRY 1023.000 ot{E sToRY 882.0$ Totel 2470 Al Atrs ]ilAIN FLRAREA 7EI'.OOO oNE STORY 1023.000 oNE STORY 602.000 BALCONY 132.000 GARAGE ATTACHED FINISHED 242.0$ Buildine ChTrctrrLticr (Firrl lmpnrvrnnt ln AccoonQ ABSTRAq{-CODE CONDO.TAND ACT-YEAR-BLT 19EO AIR@ND NOf{E http://fcs. eaglecounty.rdpatieft rintable_details.oft t s13f2w6 PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alt-1 1-23-2005.d0c tll23lz00s r I n W Page 6 of 13 . Location of all required parking spaces . Snow storage areas,. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Planr . Scale of 1" = 20'or larger . Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. r Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed, Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. . Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction,. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. . The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted, . Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures,. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . REPAINT PROPOSALS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which cleady indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERl'1lTs\Planning\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.doc Page 5 of 13 t71231200s May 11,2006 Mr. Galen Aasland Galen A. Aasland, Architect, P.C. PO Box 383 Vail, CO 81658 (fax) 970.476.5355 Re: Coldstream Condominiums Partial 250 addition application DR8060148 1476 Westhaven Drive/Unit 1142, Glen Lyon Subdivision SDD #4 coFy Dear Galen, Thank you for submitting an application for the enlargement of an existing bedroom and the appurtenant extension of the roof overhang and installation of a deck support post at the north side of Unit #42. I have approved the application with the following conditions: 1. All materials shall match existing 2. No construction parking shall occur within the right-of-way for the duration of the project. Additionally, please be aware that the entire Coldstream Condominium complex has exceeded its GRFA (which occurred as early as '1990), with the Town's records showing the construction of 66,898 square feet upon a site allowed only 65,000 square feet. Therefore, this addition of eighty one (81) square feet will actually be deducted from the "250 addition" that has been allotted to each unit within Coldstream Condominiums. As a result, only one hundred sixty nine (169) square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area will remain to Unit ll42 going forward. Finally, please note that the approved addition of eighty one (81) square feet has decreased the remaining allowable site coverage at the Coldstream Condominiums site from 30,274 square feet to 30,193 square feet. I have enclosed the design review action form for your records. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. ,// Best rpg{rds, VIt l"r \ Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure o z E =t llj o- o ro o't U',) UJ uJ t4. tr =E uJ e&l Lz ro 6 rt,(\I o) (o L == (5 UJ rf) @ (o C\I Ol <= .E >, t -:z =o 6'F !e.f IU 6 (E e I z z z al) uJ o z o = = @ .6 =z ) uJ o =I t.l- ol !r at o () 6 E1 o, q -c]. cl (! Q'I' o c =f dl E =l -i o) (! ; .9 o 'd (D ! si o o .9 o o (5 '= N -o 'o F o .c P o (E g a o .2 = o (6 ar; '(5 -'- () '= lD ('l *'-o E8E coo e; I EEE F'5 E O YE cEo '-o .8:5 *60 =!F € >= c:" dE] EEA ==E EOO .9;e F5 c .=- (5 o-(u o- FEE o- o- =€:E6:EE E o(!=>--):eE i _ o..lz ;a s -c; o --E oP-9!Es -Eit !6>. .Y=E 3i8 >: '.i bo;9-o-o qEE -r- o ct) rJ) F. rr, C\,I rO to N sl F E TIJ o- z =o Y o UJ o z o- -) o F C)u, uJ z 6 )o- J z o LIJ = UJ uJ z tr uJ (r LU 'g gJ z 6 UJ F uJ (L z IJJ x uJ o U' UJ uJ t! = UJ o- J F o F z F IJJ J llJ z 6 =.J 9 z o ilj . NO[Vn']VA c to (u (,, : (F .E =att -j x o, : = - 3 ZZtL i o- 4=X f >Y i I of, .nOE Z;O ^ t. rn X Y r.lJ lJ- <ot i Er.? ff .5 a HNO >G + + I z tr ) {r o tu o- rt)ol - IL gJ E ) z o E o o x z tr E t!F J ; UJ z a t z f z tr * : F z l z =llJ 3 o u) alJ J (! (I : 2 z F I tr L I ult -l at >l *$ l'i al r!l zl 9l rl I .-l -l I l I 2l :-. I ql al zl akr I ll $\$YEd ++''h T\ E.K -Jefttl ta4 l+rt t+{-TeTll tJt tl qlSl*ll :l;lHll F l F 3l 2l zl .. >l o uJ o UJ uJ z o = tr ul J z E o o Il 'l"ll srsll !--r--]l il ll ltl slill "ll H..ill -ogll (f) I l*-r{ cv GJ O IJJ tr <t) dt o a z o F o tu Y uJ o t- tr llJ o ttl ol E€I o\l | -\l ' Orl HH 25 z ,,' 9 ze 60 =z O- lJ- EE= A;E t uJ o- IL o uJ o z o L o F (r 9 TL JF ul-h= o- uJ >o-Ol!9o xa!:> ul J J tr ul c0 o c o E ct -9 o a 'E t E E o (, i\o rIE (D >E =E =*s€ E =E.lrl o-z 9 F () D E,F a z o o trn! 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I t. l--J.l.J t!,I:J l(-l-1 l/d/It - t--4 | ..t l-31 1-l a/l ,.\| r7l -1'l .,1 rjJ I >l <l zl col -l -l t O I lJ I tBt I tfrt I ruJr gq I al efl dl H 'tct ;l :r nl >|6 l.l ."1$r* 3fiE* JTIfi M] =l , t -'1 ol | -,1 \) ----1 *l J Jil r':'l 1 tzt.l >l Bl ull dl ol dl (!I FI FI ltl tl tl tl \el +El sl a-l lil lol tzl ts31 u]Eol tr rll Fl F ll tl tl tol tzl $ql -\l 3l I ll-l lol El Fl il lll l"l $:l t6t I Fl El ill I I I "l z) ol uJl 5t <l >l t!l it ,Ol !,r FI F =E tr J <O aa L! LU u-l z = F LU F I E <F l!<zE I.IJ F <JZ <o C)F :< ;F =z u.r O ^-o lrX ZY =<z.t fF :z o <; :iF z<)sf iz >E 0l =Oz -?1 ><.x. COLDSTREAM ... A TOWNHOUSE VILLAGE IN THE EUNOPFAN TRAI'MON. 9/L6/ 85 Dear Town of Vail--Building Department! The Coldstream Condominiurn Association approves the irnprovement as described, awning addition to Unit 42. Sincerelyr TQ hfip Abe Andrew D. Norris President VAIL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BOX 2941 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303.470.0838 $ L- tt ss t=- t_ s FE f,$dg z$l * *[g 1eq1ea tl $F 'F z = $ b i 'dI ,l 'z 4_ --\\_ a --: rl -s \ L N J il_ !. i c>4 I .i .t. 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I I {, t'il A. $_a \t )\ - - --t- 5K f0 \+.F -'v i_-)I- ^--\\}d\:s 70 \0 d \ :\ s ]E \-l \ a, $ I Lr i+ 0+rLg N.'(rtl \ ,irl xR -\ \t a t- - ')r N tr0 i8 Fi \r--r .N lII R( ./, rll _l {I -:t:t A n N = s lt +$s d--It NK $I *.'l \:z x-9 -o I-+- rs_F{d:Its- -T ll I T r -J \n {