HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 7 LOT 5 LEGAL FILE.pdfJuLy 27, l98I Mr. Bill Andrewz, Town Enginer Town of VaiI Box I00 VaiJ-, Colorado 81658 RE: Lot 5 Block 7, Intermountain Subdivision, ROW Encroachment Dear Bill: As we discussed d.uring my visit to your office on JuJ_y 27, T. am pJ.anning to construct tjmber retaining walls and stairs, a portion of which encroach on the Townrs street right-of-way. I understand and accept full_ IiabiJ.ity for any damage to the walI and stairs that may occur as a resul_t of the Townts performance of their road maintenance, snow pLowing, or other municiple functions that affect the road ROW. Further, I understand that various utility companies may require access to their utility Lines and that modification or damage to the retaining wall and stairs may result from their actions; I accept futl responsibility for the costs of the repairs necessary to the wall and staiis in this event.I shalL not attempt to seek any damage awards frorn the Town or the utility companies having services Located in the ROW for any damage to the retaining wa1l and/or stairs that have resulted frorn the performance of their responsibilities.This commitment shall be accepted by all future owners of the property. _ Based on my conunitment to this issue, it is my understanding that the Town planning connision, through your approval.,is willing to al.Iow me to constuct these wllls and stair on the Townrs right-of-way. Thank you for your prompt actj.on and am looking forward to the Design Reveiw meeting on Vilendsday. Andy Cohen cc: Rudolph Cohen, Joint Tenant :11 lv Projoct Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Project Appllcation CEsTo owner,Addressandphone: Ilof 3otf l/h'., co 81e,rt ,{26-=?7'l Architect, Address and Phons: Legal Descripti on:tot { , gtocx 7 ,ririns J]rtr-.,r',{='h , =on" Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval o ll,t' lhr. l'ol i,rr'. irt,l irri'rrr;r.rl- irrn .i.:; llcrard bt.l or'(: :! f inil l ap1:rovir l A. lll,I l,l,Jii(; i.t^,T't:RIAl.S Roof Siding Othcr llall l"latcri.als Fascia Soffits I'lindows Ittindovr Trirn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chinneys Tresh Encl osures Grecnhorrses Other B. LANDSCAPiNG Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name rt'tpr i rr:tl for sulrr;rit.t;rl by thc apltl.it:;rtL to thc Do:;j11r li.crv j cr.r crr rr bc 1; ivcn: 'lypc of l'i:r tlr_1j:! 6Ur 1+iSrLt st^,^ul Conrnon Name Quantj ty Size r rl I Din'n'-s(TREES Qs&::I.-qj--^!,brlg5 QN.+$sf q:'''-l- SHRUBS J.rn\pr.u5 ijitri.,,r,:airj \J;llon lo / Gnuc,"i - GRCU'l'r0 c0vil]5 SEED --i\c o SQL',,rtE l'00TAGt SQUARE FoorAcE 3{D s?, th !*.1 [e sc.,c s0D -r l l'\ rl I TypE 16fu"ae):, a\e la-lhrci ao'"{,.:r 1. '--, /-l SQUARE F00TAGEa(# u tC i*,---.i_ crf 't((,u rvt st TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL MlgLcH )^t( {.ln1 {tt Sti;r;1p rlt?f r5, (retaining wa'l ls, fences, swimming poo'l s, etc.) Please specify.C. 0ther '( Landscape ... -., ,i: 1. r. . Features t )f- ,-ti @ ( SFR, .R, ZONE CTIECK for P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS R Lesal Description: Lot '{ aro"* 7 Fi o,^u, btl€N a"il.t GRFA:. A]lolred ! QOX I GRFA: Primary Ailowed Landscaping: Parking:. I ing Zone'District Proposed Use Lot Area Setbacks:Fron t- nequ i;;d Zor--pioijls e a Sides-Required l5' proposed Rear -Required '15, proposed lrlaterccurse-requi red 'proposed Secondary Alloved p /->' Secondary 7 Site Coverage: Aljoived Required Required S).ope Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposcd Propc: ed Actual Drive: SJ-ope permitted Environmenta'l/l.lazards: Ava'lanche Coiinents: Flood Plain 7o:r'ir:1 :D;i*: NEW CONSTRUCTION DRB SUBMITIAL CIIECX LIST '4 /? Chccked by- ,/_J:_t - / / /i 1'Date ta/"1 - l. Starnped topographic naP (2 copies 2. Site plan shorving utilities (2copies) 3. . Utility location verification 4. ' Preliminary title rePort (f copy) 5. Landscape "ran (2 coPies) . uJ 6. Architectural plans (2 copies) (al1 floors and all elevations) Materials list {1 set) Color SarnPles (1 set) Subdivision agreenents b-- oo *,( 7, 8. 9.(if t,."' applicable) I.IINOR ALTERATIONS TO TIJE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS l. Photo or sketch shotr'ing alterations (2 coPics) 2. Site Plan (2 coPies) 3.' Material specifications (2 sets) ' 4. Color sanPles (2 sets) 5. Lette, of approvnl til,#li:ji:;". ADTjITIONS - RESI.DEI'ITIAL OR COI'J|{ERCIAL 1. Starnped toPograPltic suiveY 2.. Original floor Plan (2 coPics) 3, Ncw floor Plan (2 coPics) 4. Sitc Plarr (2 coPies) 5. Elcvations (2 coPics) 6. !'trotos of cxisting structul'e (1 sct) 7. l'lrtcrial spccifi.cations (l sct) 8. Color sanrylcs (! sct) I I i 04603 HtsPAt{o Interior & Exterior 04604 OUSKY BROWN Interior & Erterlor I.IST Ol; tlA'llilllAl,S ,i'z:rpl! li.i;,,r*ii ,\,r, )ii*r*r,rl# irii / ; .f -l LEGAL DESCRIPTIONT LOTj)-BLocK-- / F1LING DESCRIPTION or pnorncr l'tii rn 4l; , /- ': ,t Ihe follovring infornation is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof \^ I !.', t,' l\,,ir rl , il \,r.,,: B. Ird:ateriaLs includi-ng Common Nane Trees, Shrubs, Q.uantity and Grorurd Cover) Size s.:l \ siding trat=m"gr Other Wa1l Materials Fascia Soffits Windor,rs l{inclor't Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirmeys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other PTANT I'IATERIALS (Vegetative, LandscaPing Botanical Name I 1..I -_,',, .,11tt"1 .\, required for subrnittat bY the can be given: Type .of Mat-erial applicant to the Design Review Color I i., ''.r rl., i.r. i.), UTILITY LOCATION VI]RITICATION JOB N^ME ^/ -.,-,LoTSBIOCK/FrLrNG_r ^DDREss ,3D rJ B-ffi.-n-A . - The location of utilities, whether they be rnain tiunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accorpanying site pLan. - \l^, 8'-P A,,fi' 12 Mountain Berl SUBDIVISION lfestern Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle VaIleY I'later and Sanitation District Date tu l'l,t'6t[ -' ?,P,N,,8 r.ll q/z '1!J1fr./ r( {ra/i, ^Vrr/(/ NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Torva of Vail, Departnent of Public ttrorks and to obtain utility locations before digging j:r any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tottn of Vai1. + /rch4 is a/@.t/a.+o rl,,/ ier! ,etu- COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of [.ANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 CHERRY CREEK NOBTH DRIVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80209 Telephone (303) 321 -'l 880 - n ._'.--9 Cou ntersrqned:q/ i i sJ 4);..t' -z-- '---) . | - : r-': -d-<<i* \ra"'oat,ng Lrrr'cot I Representing: ': '.o9o Lrrr,r r"r rrFr ENrC' SLIHEnULE A : Appl icati,:rr N8, VO3g=t6 F,rr lnf ,rrnrat icrr Bn l.r - ll:harseg -lllurnc-r Po 1 i cr $lC,E;. :?0 Tax Er."rtif. $E.r-tr --TtrTAL-- *1I.1.:7(J l,tlith tsur remittarrce l'leasE rEfEr ts V03:OE. I. . Ef f estive ftatE: tlEr:El'IEEF Ld., LFBO at g: OO Fi. pt. :. Pc'l icr tt he issued, an,J pr.c,posed Irrsurc.,l: "ALTA" fturreF"s F'rl icr' $Lil , F{rL). C)t,Frr.rr B-1..t7O (finrc.nded l,O-17-7r:l) FrC,pr:rSed I nS r:red r RUETTILFH LBHEf{ ANII AhIl:lREI^I EIAVIII t]trHEhI 3' The estatE sr irrterest in the larrd described Er refs-rred tn irr this tlonrnritnrerrt arrd ravered hereirr isl A FEE tl' Title to the estate rlr' irrterest covered herr."irr is at the sf flartive date hc"rerrf vested i rr I tllLLIAl'l T. H,qliAt!, .tR. and Judith D..Hagan,.as Joint Tenants 5' ThE i a'rtd r€fe|*r'ed trr in this f,ommitmerrt is descriL,ed as f r, I.i r,ursl L'fT 5, ELTICI{ 7, VAIL INTERI"ITIUNTAIN IIEVELTIPMENT SUBIIIVIEIBN,A[:t:']Rttlhlr: Tn IHE REr:rlRnEB pLrlT THEREtrF, t::rluN.l.y frF EArrLE, STATE trF rltrLErRAEttl. 5I:HEBULE B-1 .(Recuiremerrts) Appl irati,rn No, Vt:rltt)A t'h{3 f t:'l I 'ruirrg are the resrli renrents to L,e cr,nrpl ied rrrith: 1. F al'nrs rr t ta r:' t- f c'r the acc,turri c'f the slrarrtars or. nrrrtsagor.s *f the rul l carrsideratisrr f 'rr. the estate Er inierest tq he insrir.e,l , J. Frnrer instrunrerriis) cr"eaiins tlrE esiatLa f,rr i rrterc.st ta b r-r insured must be e'dEcrrted arrd dul.r filed f ,rr rscard, ta-uJi.i: ;. . RELEIISE OF TIEETI NF 'TFU5'T fIATEft .IUNE (,4." 1?B{,, frRt:II"l JUTIITH TI. HF\IJT-\hI ANU I.,IILLIAI"I 1'. HfiGAf{ 1'B THE PUtsLTI: TRUSTEE UF EAGLE COUI.{TY FI:IR]-HE U:iE I:'f: V'llL NATItrNAL T'AN},; TII g:ECURE THE E.UI,I I:'F $I.4.,FOEI.CIO rtEL:LrftXEu .rUI.lE Oi., L:i,30 lhl HtrUl": tot r,lT pAr:E 7:|1. 4. W/{HHAI!.I-Y UEETI FR'JT,I 'JILLIAFI T.. HAEAN.IR. ANn.II-II:II'IH Lt. HA6AN TU HUllllLf.'H l.L'HHhl ':\Nil riNL'rtEtJ fiAVIEr t:trHEN t:r:tNVEyINrj gUE-tErlT FRLIFEHTY. Nr:r'fE: 'lHi5 FRfiPtsRTY f'tAY ErE gusJEtlr rE THE BEAL ErjrAt'E TRANbFER T,il{HY VIRIUE nF Ihl':Lll5I[N IN THE Tr]t"ll{ tiF VAIL. PLEA€,E t:trNl'A|:'f THE Tr:rt"Jht .LIF VAIL I-|IFI SAIII AE::IE5!;|''HNT. ' ALOA L.or'r r.r'iFr ENrO " SIHEEULE B.? .(E:,{sc-pt'inns) Appl icatirrrr N(. VOI:Oe, r'h€ taol ic'r ,rr p': I icies t,l t'c- issrJed uli I I cc,rrtairt !:r:{Es:.titrns t'tr the fcrl lrruirrs unlc-ss thc. same ars disp'rsed sf trr the satisfactirrn r,f ihc. t:firrPart'f i f. Etarrdar.d Er:cepti,:rrs I throuErh 5 printed c, rr tlre rc'ver shr'et. h" 'l al'ic. s arrd a.ssessrr€nts rr r-t t 'fst drlrl gr pal,abl c. arrd sperial assgssrrgrrts rrat 5"et certified t,r the Trsasrrrer.'s effice. /. Arr'r r:rrpa.id t-a:,"ies rr r. &ssessnterrtg agairrst said ,land. gl. LiErrs t':'r. urrpaid uat'!ir. arrd sgu,er cha.rg€g, if an'r. !i. TTJIJFi i'UF- FF(|JFIRIEI.ilR 'JF A VEIN ilR LI]TIE TIf, EXTF'IL:.r !:'hiE REfifIvE HIE.ARE THEREFRL1M 5H':'ULL' THE E;AFIE BE Ff,IUNTI T'] PENETRATE BR INTERSET:T ].HE FRH[1I5E5 A:3 RE5HRVEI lhi UNITEIT -si]'ATEE PATENT tlF R€l:trRll IN IhiEiTRUt"tEt'JT . REL:ERLIHT' Af]F1L I.g, 1P34 IN BIIEI"I 13} AT' FA6E 3. 1U. RI']H'I'E lJF t{f.1Y FI:IR L'II'L:HEE UR f,ANALS I::BhISTRLII:TEB FY THE AUTHEIRITY OF .f.HE UNII'EII 5TA'TE5' F1E FiEgERVEfI IN UNITEfI E;TATES; F.ATENT REI]I-]RNETI F)FRIL 1rr, l?34, IN Frllrfi t3l AT pALiE i. 1I.. RESTRIT-:I'IUN!, TJHIL;H r.r'l NrlT Er:ri\tTAIN A FTIRFEITURE lrR FEVERTER f:LAUgE,BUT Et"lIfill'it: llE*'Ixlt-.Tlrlrlrl.i, IF nNY" HAEELI Crhl RA[:E, tr]LER, HELItlIBhl,I:IR NATII:'Nf.IL EIRIL1IN, Ag |::I:INTAINEB IN II{E.TRUI",IENT REI::ARNEII SEFTEFIEER ilt, LP'rL IN Eljr:r]':: Jil A'f pArlE :irtg. I.:., NIITE f:'-]NTFllNIEft EIN THE REI:IIRNELI FLAT AE FCILLEII{5! r,1N EA:iETIENT rF FEET II.J I.III]TH, L:L'N5I5I.II.I'] t]F A ,.;TRIP t:lF LAI{II 7.5 FEET IhI tdInTH" ALftn|tj ,-lLL.EIfiE LnT LINE5 ANfi A !.TflIF ftl FEET IN I,JIETTH ALErNrr fjrLL FAI::I: LtrT LINES, I:: l]EnI[A]'El] AE A t-lTILiTy EAEET'IENT FrlR UE:E nF FUFLIL: ANlf FRIVFITE UTILITIEFJ ANT' TIRTIINAEE HAYFj" O6 of COMMITIVIENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the officebf IAND TITLF GIJARANTEE COMPANY 3665 CHERBY CREEK NORTH DRIVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80209 Telephone (3031 321-l 880 - ;) <_ * . I Counrenisned: tJ 4-W.2.- -> . i-1., . .-l+ I o Representing: Jrrr-e Irusuna*ce flor,rear.rv or f/lrruruESorA cclHl'l \l SCHET'ULE t A 1,_--f _r+. /4-=_-_, Aepl ication No. VC,?259 For Irrforrnation OrtlY - Ctrarees - Cturner Pd'l ic'r' Lerrdec Pol icY Tax Centif. --TTITAL-- $?O.q.60' t$20. oo $5. OC, *,233.6D l"lith vour F€mittarrc€ Pleaee iefer to VO325B' Effective Datel FEERUARY 02' lgEl at glOO A.H. Pol icies to be issued' and propssed Irrsunedl .,ALTA' [uners"'g Pol icv 1i47'OOO.OO Forrn B-197O (Amended tg-I7-70l Proposed I rrsu ned: I.IALTER L. BROER E:CIN9TRLICTION' A NEBRA'dNA CTTRPI:IRATIEN "ALTA" Loan Policv lL97O Revision) : Prcrpoged Irtsur€d! EIT{NNY K. HT.IRFER ANN ERUCE I'{. f,iILLIE $39,5t)O, OCt The estate or irrterest in the land descrlbed or nefenced to in this E:omnritrrent and covensd herein is: A FEE 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested inl vAILINTERM0UNTAINAsSotrIATES'ALimitedPartnership 3. The land referned to LBT 5 ELOGh{ ?T VAIL TB THE RECI]RDED PLAT in this Connritnrent is described as follous; INTERI'IOLINTAIN TIEVELtrFHENT SUBDIVISION' ACCORDIN6 THERECIF, CDUNTY OF EAELE' STATE t-'F COLORATIO. 5. FIENT o( SCF{EBULE- FJ (Requir'ements )Aepl ication No. VO2259 fol louirre are the requirements to be corrpl ied uithl Payment to tor for the account of the enantons or nrorteaeons of the full corrsideration for the estate or intc'rest to be insured. Propen instrument(s) creating the estate or irrterest to be insured nust be executed and dulr filed fon necond' to-uit! EVIT,ENCE SATI9FACTTIRY TO THE CBIIPANY THAT HALTER L' BRI]ER CLfNSTRLTCTICTN IS A NEBRA9KA TIORPORATICIhI IN GOOD STANDINE' DEED FFBI'I VAIL INTEFI'4OUNTAIN fISSBtrIATElf A LIHITED FARTNEFSHIP TO DAI.'INY K. HARPER AND ERUCE I.I. GILLIE CC'NVEYINI3 SUEJEtrT PROFERTY. uARRANTY DEEtr FRAM DANNY l:. HARFER ANB ETRUCE W. EILLIE TO WALTER L. BRDER CONSTRUL:TIOhI, A I\IEERA9HA CI:IRPL]RATIEIN CL]NVEYIN8 SUBJEDT PRfTPERTY. DEETT DF TRUST CURPORATION TB EIANNY K. HARPER fiNn snucE W. GILLIE TCr E:E[:URE THE SUt'l crF $33'500'oo' NT]TE: THIS FROFERTY HAY BE SUE.IEtrT TO THE REAL ESTATE TRANEFER TAX Ey VIRTLTE fiF INELUSICTN IN THE TOWN OF VAIL. PLEAFE trONTAtrT THE TCIkJN OF VAIL FL]R gAID A5!TESS}'IENT. FROH I,JALTER L. BRDER EtrN:{TRUCTION' A NEBRAFKA THE FUBL'IC TRUSTEE TIP fflGLE trLlUNTY FOR THE UEIE OF ,a-;ffrf;1-]i-' -HEELILE E-Z ; -. ( Except i ons ) -J1---.-L'r' o( Apelication No. VO225B The pol icv on Pol iciee to f ol 1 orrring urtl sss the same CompanY! . 1. Standand Exceetions I thrc'ugh 5 rrinted on the cover sheet' 6. Taxes and assessnrerrts not vet due or pavabl e and special assesstrtents ttol vet certified to the Treasurer's offise' Arry urrpaid taxes on assessnierrts against said Iand' Liens for unpald uater and seuer charges' if arrr" RICHT LlF FRSPRIETOR I]F A VEIN OR LI]IIE TO EXTRACT AND REI{DVE HIg tiie"inEireFRc'l,t sllourLp THE EAHE FE FcruND To FENETRATE aR rNTERsEcr rHE pTEHises As RE,.;ERVED IN UI.IITEE STATES PATENT BF RECORD IN II{9TRUMENT il;ijR;En APRr!- 18' le34 IN Eo'f,K 123 AT PAL-iE :{' be issued tli I I contain excertions to the ane disposed crf to the satisfaction of the 7. e. P. lo.RIGHTSoFt^|AYFI]RE'ITCHE9E|RcANALstrtfhISTRUtrTEDBYTHEAL|THBRITYBF .-. ili UI TTETI STATES' AS RESEFVETI IN UNITEEI STATES PATENT RECORT'ED oFnru rs' 1934r 'rN FooK 123 AT PAGE 3' 11. RESTRIeTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH tI6 NL1T trEINTAIN A FEIRFEITURE BR FEVERTER ELAUSE, A'S trONTAINED IN INSTRLII1ENT REI:CIRNEE SEPTEI'IEER O6' 1972 IN BgoK 225 AT PAI3E 315. 12. UTILITY EASET'IENT 7.8 FEET IN HIDTH ALLIN|S ALL SIEIE LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE PLAT AND A 15 FtrBT EAEEt4Et''lT FOR RTIAFHAY' STRLTCTURES' PARI.iINB AND PUFLIC flND PRIVATE UTILITIES ALCINC THE NSRTHERLY LLfT LINES AS SHD!{N ON THE PLAT. COUNTY PLANNING col,iMisstoN COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 E"91,:, C"|"."J" atOSl '.27 July . 1973 i.: Frank Day 6570 Olde Stage Rd. Boulder, Colorado 80302 Re: File No. Se-21 -73 Frank Dgy Exemption I This off ice has been requested to notify you that at their special meeting on 26 July, the Board of County Commissioners approved your request 'for Exemption from the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, as submitted and recommended by the Eagle county planning commission. Copy of Exemption Appl icatioh is enclosed Phone 328-6338 .lt is recommended by the Planning Department that the and the Condominium Declaration be recorded. Certificate of Srrvey lf you have any questions please contact their secretary - the county cterkr. or this office, at the Courthouie. ' : Fespectful ly, Robert H. Barr Planning Assistant RHBIKT cc: Board of County.Comrnissioners ftl'"t e.Q DeD ADX F_-t,7- l6^7t 8rn "Yl ,o,I I l. r ! I ii r I I g !l i To: The Eagle Ccuniy Planning Commission Re: File No, Se-21-73 Iot 1, Block / neasu-:'es is too sial-I 'r,o diviCe Therefore r+e a:r:end our An elenption appljcation request by Frank B. Day to difide a twg fagi!.,renta1 into a two family owirershlp.L6cation: Iot I, U15 7r Vail fnteruountain- Subclivisi6n At the 20 June neeting the request was tablecl pendlng the answer to the follordng questions: 1. Tj:e strueir:re cones vithln trrro feet of the East ].ot line.and therefore encroaches upon the uiiliiy easement be_ileen lots. Answer: The overhanging balcony comes withln two feet of the lot li"gl bgt.:.! is 9, 6'r frorn the corner of the bulldlng t6 ihe Iot Iine, and iherefore 1ega1. A1 so. there is no recordea uti-iity easenent betwEen r_ot ?.ifrrJiiri-r --i;he subject iot and Iot p, Block J. Illu3trated Exhibit A. The parking area encroaches upon the street right of 1{ay . Answer: The-parirlng.1ot does not encroach upon the right of way as il-lustrated in Eylibj.t B photogrlph, Our iailroad - tie crib does extend on to the road ilght of uay by necessity. to_provide a drlve lray accest from th6 pirking area to the 1evel of the roacl. The 1ot is not large enough to divide lnto two separate '1 of s. S'OOO sq. ft. We agree that it lnto iwo separate tosn house Lots. reouest as follows: haiher ihan divide i;he duplex inio two separate tolrn-rouses ire p:.opose io condominiurize the property so that each pa:iy will hp-ve an '.mdivided conmon interest in the lard a::i. cot:rncn elei:ents of the bu11ding. The agreenent r,.rgui.-d provlde that in the event of flre or other-casualty i;he building would be rebr:LLt sirnilir to the.eristlng configuration. The lot r'ion] d tren renain r:ndlvided under a ccxrmon oltrn€r-ship. 3. 2*-1.*2>.j-- \ 6?-2/'tt *t. t' l- I 5 l' t i H. APPLTCATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY 'UBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuonf fo secfion 6-01 of the Eogre County subdivision Regurorions r(we) hereby oppfy for exemption from fhe provisions with soid regulofions os fo my (our) proposed devefopment known o, . .lg!. .l r. .B.l.gglc. I. -... .Vaitr .f nterrnount ai n. Subdi-vi sion Locored: . . .vl.ec!. .oI .yg].t r . F.aelp. .c.qrll!y. And comprising . .Qne. dupf ex.d,gelJ_ing. divided inlo opproximofety ......!ryg. ... interests for the following reoson .See attached sheet ll is undersrood fhot ony oction by this commission gronting soid request for soid regulolions exemption oppries onry io the proposed deveropment os shown on the sketch plon or other informotion ottoched hereto, 6 g z o Oepa- iraGe_ AA . -r;-t:.---z, --- r; ,l), n 'Q+o,-v a a, ..'.o o"r"1 . . ....-"- (Musf be signed by oll the record owners of the property) Doted ...4ay. .2.1r.!-9.73. .. _ Received 8y RESOLUIION The foregoing Appf icotion hos been considered by the Boord thi, ...L.6. doy of "'Y--)i' -' - - 19 1.1. -- which finds ond derermines rhor fhis Division of Londs is nuo t wiihin fhe purposes for which fhe subdivision regurorions were odopted ond therefore soid Applicotion is gronted (dea*d). Boord of County Commissioners i. "lj.{" couqV er . i:.*:-J.. .t, . tirS+*-*: y. . ... Choirmon Amended appl ication Recommended for approval by the Eagle County p lanning Commission at their regular meeting on ig July lifer, Chairman Poge 3l se 3/'?t il Addendun Subci ivi sion Proposed is the division of an existing duplex into two -r,ov"nhouses each to include one-half of the duplex, di-vided by drawing a line down the center line of the duplex, plus approximately one-half of the Iot. An exemption from the Condominium subdivision r"egulations is requested for the following reasons: . (1) The building exists presently as a two family rental unit. After division it would be occupied by two families, each an oltner. There would be no change in usuage or dwelling density, only in the nature of ownership, (2) There would be no affect on neighboring properties since the two family usuage rnould continue the sa;ne. (3) " The units are side by side, there are separate parking areas and stairway entrances. Thus a simple linear division of the bui-lding and lot would suffice, an un- complicated procedure. (4) In this insiance, to follow the norrnal subdividing Application for "*"rofit;lr:i?tr:rrie cour.,ry 'il. I ? BT]LERADtr ROEERT .J. tr OTTLE DIVIgIDN MANA!3EF PUELItr SERVIEE EDh4PANY trF P, O, EOX 9?3 LEADVILLE, COLtrRADO 8046I Sincerely, i-r. r-rchael S. Blai:'. Plarming Di-rector l, - u. !;c>: / cY Iagle -. Color-ado ifr{:bk ll!N i I 'a7?-+/ t.f ^ 4 r!IJ DrFt. g! F3rliPg & Devol. r- -!- r-. -. fr,. Jr:ne 8, 1973 We would like to conment on Frank Dayts application for exerrption from subdl1,ision regu'lations. The existilg building presently has one gas serrrice going io two meters which are locaied on one side of the duplex' ii ti,. hiuse-was made i-nto 'uwo properties, the or,mer of the property uith the existing melers could conceivab]-y reque st that the omer of the adjoinrng property remove his meter. In this case, Public.*serui.ce company ,oirld h"iu-to-charge the owner of the adjoining properiy $t-.00/ft. tor a new servj-ce from his property line to his new meier location' Addifional expense would also be- inlurred from a p1::nber 'r,o move the fuel lines inside the house in order to tie in to the new meter 10cation. ff we nay advise furLher in this matier, please give us a calJ-' ujr^-rJ ,f;-,^,X" trrh Watson, Jr. Gas Engineer REcnvrD |.E,IJNTAIN DIVIgION 1 .., S ub ject: App I i cat i on . from Eagle Dear Mike: box O.O . June l, 1973 I'ir. Nl ichael S. Blair P lann ilg 0i re cto r Eag le County P lann i ng Commi ss i on by Frank R. Day f or Exemptl en"'-:: li-l :l-. ].: :ll', .:' : '., CountySubdivisionRegu|ations.;._::....*_''.-..:- The Town of Vail feels -that the subdivision of Lot l, Block 7, Vai I Intermouniain Development Subdivision wi ll result in lot sizes that are too small to maintain the continuity of the subdivlsion and may tend to set a bad precedent f9r future subdivisions. lf the structure were 6ver destroyed by f i re, etc. the resu lti ng lots wou ld be nonconforml lig , ' under the Subd i vi s i on Regu I ati ons and wou I d not permi t rebui lding. Yours.. t1u ly , . .-. TOhlN OF VAIL R. Rose, P.E- Engineer' Kenf Tow n dt ,t -i v EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COM COURTHOUS€ P. O- Box 789 E-91", C.l"J" 81631 G MISS se?/','4 toN Phone 328-6338 May 21 , 1973 Re: Exemption from Subdivision Regulations Applicant: Frank B- DaY 6570 Olde Stage Rd' Boulder' Colorddo 80302 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan Submitted to the Eagle County planning Cominission for.'review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 2O June 1973- ln accordancc with C.R.S. 106-2-9. 106-2-33 and 106-2-34' 1963, as amended and Eagle county subdivision Regulations, section 6.oo, 1972, you have 24 days within which to respond or the request wi ll be deemed to have been approved bY Your agency. The Planning commission would sincerely appreciate your cor.nments and recommendations prior to the meeting date- lf you desire additional information or time! please advise this off ice. Tharlk you very mucht %Ae--"-Michael S. Blair Planning D irector MSB/kt S'.>t/'?: ..--'G N.. 23194 County Treasuret's Office, Eagle County, Colorado EerriurD fi Z>-aJ,' ^pl}tb;ca; ie? $ $ $ $ $ Cash Book Page 3-{ d;-* txr c a. Borara! co.. D8rrr (? !) s < ."/ -73 lr l; i U,: l- l-\-, t a_ \t \c s-- G <t,--- =- .1- TR*+ E='f=- coa" <.d dw r'i< Cf 0.<, iiD oot !_fr C' PE-R.-; ../_ DLr,r: \o!\-r-\NL F\rere \^/ATER 1,0r- ( ;;;- --i -".--\oo !,^-=.. 1a=s_o,i\l \ uo--\q =dF. iF \i^r=*F.i{r- Fa>rr \ql'* ##":H#.85',=s \rry Lo-r e ),-\i \": \EAs=p olp <:<==.s Ji- .6N> l> l'\l trt ii} |IJ l!tl lr t,:tt.\ ,-?i ttr.L t\l \ s-=vs',t I t-<l I =l i r--i:, I ;-+-r. I =FS { . lo(-).o:\,_\ ' i->AR K I n-r .----____..\ / .AF<__A ( lR.rt u r-=-.=.--i--_=ilE5)__z_+l=< !=- r r Ft _ O\^,zeR_bet17+ ih:-: js co ce;:iiy lhar on rh:s 23;C Ja;1 oi Janvary, 1973,i :--:je : su:vel' oi ior 1, !l_ccL: 7, .,':11 :i:ie;nounia in Dev-e1.''::+:i: Subdiv'-s j.on, Counly of Eagle, Sraie of Colo:ado; e::j iourC ihe slr3ie siory 1,rg iiou:;e io be lcca:ed eniirely t'i:-',i:: :i:e .L,c'::.ia:y 11nes of ihe ;ii-'o';:-descri;eC p;ope:;y .!= '-r:)^?. o;r ihls 21:t. T;=,e j-o:l;ion :::j d:.:el-:icn oi aiL = ul bu-i -' d l:3s, i::l-- :r-::: =;r :S, e.? S ;:2:: : S : :.,j :i E:a:S-o:-..,.a;r L;evi--::l:e o:' l:no;l to ne ar'td entroa.:5:-.u nts by or on the ;i::: ;.=e ;r:cu::1i:il' s'i':cwn. aut>.v\--:r LOC.K D=V'=-L '7 o t.i-lc?fto f .- ., '; -1 rrY FiSi5if :-:if, LA!9 SURV:Y,3.?S VAiL -f i-1DI1OV=M=N-l- Lo-l- !s i F, . is -i i--_ i:1 Yi c LJ l.J -r -A.. I N =utJl)t v i= 1c 1.=t \ l...s P;.,1=r.j-i- ?5 JA\.l. \9-t3 E F I li i.: ; F t: f-i h F ir() 3 CoLORADO:r'iliiE P.O ai;\ 669 6LEN'/vOOD .jt'i. ir.r6S. COt-O?AOO Bt6Ol l03-945_69t7 l, Katherine Terry, do hereby certify that on the 21st rnailed to the following agencies material submitted Mountdn Bell Telephone , Dillon, Colo Public Service Co. of Colo Vail, Colo Town of Vail Upper Eagle Val ley Sn. Dist. U.S. Forest Service, Minturn Soil Conservation Dist, Eagle, Colo School Dist Re50 J Colo Mountain College, Glenwood Spgs, Colo Holy Cross Electric, Co Glenwood Spgs, Colo Kris Moser, Vai I, Colo Erik Edeen, Eagle, Colo Colo State Engineer, Denver, Colorado Colo State Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Colo State Dept of Health, g)enver, Colo Colo State Forest Service, Steamboat Spgs, Colo Western Slope Gas Co. Denver, Colorado Day of May, 1973 to us by Frank Day. €? //'?'