HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 6 LEGAL FILE.pdfv TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-419-2I38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Location...Parcel No. ,Project No. SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL CO SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO CAHILL DANIEL DOUGLAS P O BOX 1077, VAIL CO 2855 SNOWBERRY DR 2103-143-01-036 PRJg 6_019 B 81658 81658 & MICHELLE 81658 Phone: 3038455656 Status. . .Applied..Issued... Expires. . Description: GARAGE Fi reptace Information: Restni cted: 000 .00 20.00 .00 '100.00 315 .75 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt:II/25/1996 DAN Acrion: AppR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeDt:1,I/25/t996 DAN Action: AppR LAUREN AppROvED Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:1,I/25/1996 DAN Action3 AppR N/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS DeDt:1.I/25/1996 DAN Action: AppR N/A E7.75 oRB .00 Recreation Fee----------> 3-00 Ctean-Up D epos i t--------> TOTAL FEES--___- 345 .75 .00 345 .75 BALANCE DUE---- BUILDING Division PLANNING Divi-sion rt-25-96 FIRE Division PUB WORK Division w@ f9\Wq \/-h^l' IwW DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTET THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: CAHILL GARAGE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Clean-up Deposit Refund Additional lees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> > 315.75 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #896-0355 I SSUED rr /25 / tee 6 L7/25/ree6 05 /24 / resl TOV/CsBnm. Deycssoso ,,0f l,lood/Pa L tet :*********************************************************** FEE SUllllARy *****************************t**********i***************** Bui Ld i ng-----) P tan check---> lnvestigation> U i L l. Ca l. l,----> 135.00 Restuarant Ptan Review-->.00 Total catcutated Fees---> Payments approved 4[U]'SUftLr Town of VaiI Adjust€lgtpaluarig"i i 08t2O0 flof Gas App I i ances:dof Gas Logs: ***********************t*i********t*******t**********************************t*i**************t****************t*i**************** *********t********t****ff********************#ff*********ff#*******************r*******t***************************rff********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pernit. DECLARAT]ONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl.ication, fiLl.ed out in ful,l, the information requ.i red, compl,eted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with the information and pLot pLan,to compty rrith aLl' ToHn ordinances and state taus, and to buil,d this structure according to the To!,n's zoning and subdivision codes/ design reviev approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the ToHn 6ppLicabte thereto. FRo 8:0O A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF AND OI.INER REOUESTS FOR IIISITEC'IENS .SHALL BE- I{ADE TI,,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL permit #: 896-0355 as of lt/25/96 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Job Address: 2855 SNOWBERRY DR Location ParceL No: 2103-143-01-036 **************************************************************************!t***** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIJIJ BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORE TOWN OF VAIL WILL FRAMING. Applied: Lt/25/Le96 rssued. ll/25/1996 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0235 Amount| 295,75 II/25/96 13:13 Payment Method: CK Notationl *4789 Init: DS Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payrnent. Account Code 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 2zoo2 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: Tot.al ALL PnTS: Balance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES BUIIJDING PERM]T FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE B96-035s Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE 2103-t 43-01-036 2855 SNOWBERRY DR 295.75 **************************************************************** 345 .7 5 345,75 .00 Amount -30.00 135 . 00 87 .75 100.00 3.00 rlr oz OE o2 'o .,2 do FU tslr a@ 20 Ut N |!{' dlu at H OA A ao >otl ra o oo I U H F E .A D 9 FI tl U tr 22 &o FIE F 4 FFt z2 =o EAE Fi E{AZ ro F: FF HZ oo A=El ( 6 FI F o X FI z F lqd :EU zFt :lq o (9c Er tra oo FI o F] z F => F{ E rr.{ HO I x& o PER}IIT # DArE: lt-1zr ?{ t APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FTLLED OUT CoMPLETELY OR IT UAY NOT BE AccEpTED x*** * *****t************!t****** PERMIT TNFORI.IATION *i*************************** '\l lf,]-Buildins J 1-Plr'rnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Legal Description: Lo ztoc,k-L Firirs suBprursroN,lN tt,)t_&_ rft Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: fiZ.'4tvt€ 6+rza'bg cu) gls>rtpo- tu*,yvo^) work class: [ ]-Neh' [ ]-Alteration t{l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nu:nber of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: ,JA $r1"" and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances_^)L_ Gas Logslyfup woodr/pellet-_VL_v ^G************:k******************** vALUATToNs ********************************* 'l :yl!?il!g' !^frF-D ELEcrRrcAr"z t_2-ob _ orHER: $pLUr'{BrNc: $ r{EcHANrcAr, $- Toril; $-76b___ r****************'l******+*** C^oI{TRACTOR INFORI,IATION *** ****** * * ************ ****7 Eeneral f6nr'-=n|4.'.. ra,eL1-'($- tr7//#Rf< Town of Vail Recr_ un. Z.f :A-Address: _ '' "'- phone Nunber: ELectrical Contractor: \ p-,1 ,7r.,^\ l:-ri-,._'1-) / 274'-sZ?*-7 LrrA>a-_. rr,_.,, r ,slort stlgJqtznc .(Jrt]rzr ( Town of Vail Regr. No.Jz/_{:-Address: _\!-L-t_l]:Phone Number: 9qq* S Plunbing Contractor: ,F^r^,i., ^r rr-i.r r-r^_addressl --------?\'!' - 3;:1""f.ff11,*"n' No'- Mechanical Contractor:eaaressi I;:1"'$#:1,*"n. No._ *****************************t**FOR OFFfCE USE ******************************!r NA BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: I'fECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PIAN CHECK }EE:I'IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAIT]RE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIITD TO:|5.^,- Ax;,'-) o. Bo* \0?l rJRe , Ca. 7tt(b TOWNOFVAII-' I 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 otrrr*r oF coMMUNr* orurrot*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0300 Job Address: 2855 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: Applied..: 1112511996 Parcel No...: 210314301036 Issued. .: 1112511996 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 1010912001 APPIJICANT SHEARON EIJECTRIC LL/25/I996 phone: 3039495456 POBOX43 AVON CO 8L620 License: l2L-E Also is COIrTRACTOR OWNER CAHII-,L DAIiIIEI, DOUGI,AS & MICH].1/25/1.996 PhONC: P O BOX 1077 VAIL CO 81658 I-,icense: CoNTRACTOR CAHIIJIJ DOUG L1-/L5/L999 Phone: License: Desciption: GARAGE Valuation; $200.00 'i+*****'r**lt'**aal:r+t:t'i,t,t*,i*r*r*,r*****:t'r'*rr+Ni*++:r**rr:r+,rf+++,lr++++,r++ FEIj SUMMAIIY *******r Electrical-------> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> $42.00 $0.00 $0. 00 $3.00 94s.00 Total Calaulated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total P€rmit Fee---> Payments-----------> BAIANCE DUE.----> $4s.00 $0. oo $45.00 $4s.00 $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 1112511995 DAlr Action: APPR IUEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT -..-------l1j:-:/-l:-:-.-"-o-T----***.***.*******,l::-::::-i:::***++t+t'i''i+,}+||+|'t1i**t.ll**'t'}*|l},}**:l:t:}:l***t*t+t'i|*|t++'.|+*i|||i*i* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: CONO003059 :.:.::-:-T--T-:::-::::il::::l-::--:l;.T::--"-:-u:---------+,,,,,+,*..,++++.,***.*,,*,,1*:l,r**1**:l****.,r+,,+,iii,,,,,,+,,,*,,i.,.*,r,,,|*,1* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0235 Amount2 45.00 1I/25/96 I3l.I4 Payment Method: CK Notationt *4789 Init: DS Permit No: 896-0300 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-143-01-036 Site Address: 2855 SNOWBERRY DR Total Fees: 45.00 This Payment 45.00 Total ALL Pmts: 45.00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 42.00 01 OOOO 41336 W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Doug Cahill P.O. Box 1077 Vail, CO 81658 November 8, 1999 Mr. J.R. Mondragon Town of Vail Community Dwelopment Dear Mr. Mondragon: We currently are working with Electrical Permit #E96-0300 for a garage addition. I am requesting that Shearon Electric be removed from the permit. Shearon Electric has completed the power feed connection and I will complete the work and install fixtures for final inspeotion. The garage is near completion and I will call for the final electrical inspection in the near future. Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. Sincerely,#N ,/ qb' " a ',}=^"a (.r.0+r4--- Doug Cahill ldc CTION B *|ew"&'24" aa tr)lx2il+ttj€D, f@'nlJ(2 qLpnaql-olt{O" ld/6'#,e# W+'tiltfi (z fi7F^r) Lrew,'w'a1"i'fffro,w iE+{|vH@ o"- rlW?L AND ta'g?*$5lott uxrE8.ttr'.. AFouND ffilqq?3 l"ttI+' +t bPAb. fEttEA'm wJ___f'-L - e2tAO @?rt\*l ; **wvn* e 2["o,. t..W 1** @. lA'aL *f,pvet- e 21" o,e-ffr l-9" 2-*5*?2 afi' YO? A;sto wrfoH 4-F ?*74 Ar{r, l4lPaEIL PP*s.t @,' *Et^t )-l$l +4 wues a V! o.c-' l*ot Le'lt wd;prye",vt=o, *[ * a l]ne,c +5A\F,O lbt e'c. ?--F 9L?9 co$a.-lo? *NP tcrl-IbH r qvb fta. Fu+l o o o F. F o t ('t o rF b+5 €*3 ortt.' Yo? ,tre A'TIor1 L-tG GlPt @t+1. I .-,r +'4 ftR[,eferR-I eFrH ule\EL .ffi,ft:'o* o d c t-^ d (, L o o 3 E F gl I o o G 9 o () j s Ha fi5 j6 = trO J- LO 6R SECTION A SECTION C, I'f,A1H r rpr o o o o o o o o d .E d (, L o =o E .F g J Hs XE s9 xr,*Sh EdzE Pf"v .L, STORAGE LEVEL FRAMING w o o'g) F F o 3 g 3 (o F S2 oF'2 a!!Fr!rrl. aPagltlclalds f, lo||tdrtlot| itaatgn D$ad spon tr.urad aotl balrlng ca9ldlty cl tooo Fl rtd aqstv.L||t llutda Daaaaur. o! al IEI to Da naltl..l blr .oll. .nfh.tr .t ttra cl arorvrtlo. auhlt oolt cl a.F!C 3a .nglnaal,fl IU toubaatto ,.Ur alotrrt t,.rbat ! ct 9.ra9a aldl lart dnlnr at. lroaC Drotcclon.t) llt ooooaata llrt.ttrln rlrrli|r caDr.rrttr .tr.rEtb ot ,ooo Fl .lt r 2r ary.. DarlgD baa.O r{ED llllDllo @Da IIIPIXI-Ert !* IllfldclD @rctlal (rcl rlrl, lttr.at LLfc.cl||t -t.l l. Gda a0 to! aa.dr f5 bati., 16 b.rr ala |rrrt r .r. Oa.d. 60. Ltntorcl|B plro.rtrt .Datl 6to'r rtt! tlltlt ot lArmlnD tnrcllcr, ltra .. D!.D.rtd rt calr.' tl lll \!rD.f .!dl h Do|rN-rl' ll cr t tt r, .*o.Irg rolr.nl|.d lut r t blch la ld-tlr lr or htt !,at ul elrlq b..D rb.lf !. DougF r (tb-zaoo Ft).7l a!r{.tqr.l at al .bru ba l3a, aiolo8 lclt .Dd lcrtr abdl L 1307,t) nn,. ar{ |lcccLr rs,. .r rtn|tiot|rtrd !y tEg-JorSt ^ oolroNtlllfl, r.. |bolr 6rardtrgt. ^U DulIt-rD ll.tol|!-DaaD -|.r D. llr.d vl,th DL00 .Dd Ddtd rtti I t:otr cl tlffr. .f;i J"ffl,'E ?ff .Fii.ll#'i.iH'. ?.-i! -loltoD, ,) 8h..th ll,oora rltl l,/a. DltYood ot drdrt al .t.!lta lro.lil rlth rlnlrur .D.! Erthrg ot a0l20 or !.tt r al|n tlu. tltb . PLoo. I.tf Dfrroo4 ett! lod I a' e ErL.. ot!.ttl...Foltl.d. oov.r d.cL yltl 2rt t (lo.. utt! 2 .cr.rr t !b.|rlttg Doltlt.lol ihrti rool. vlth 1,4. frltdood o! cltaot C rtl.ld bo.ra eltl dnlDr .f[t a.ttnt cl trl16 or b.tt r .!d 9l||. elth Prioo,trU DIIIE d rlcl |(I | 6. rt Datr.l dgaa ard 12r 6q et 'ht t radlrt aturt .u) aD.rcl rll .rt rlor hll. elth l./r. Dlt,ood or orl.ntad .!r.D.l bo.ra Ylt! rtnhr..D.r r.Llig ol lalo oE D.tt ! .nl . glrE vlth DLoo. LII elth lort l.a. e rt D|I|.! .tlg.. ard llr ca at lnt ardlato rtrdr.rZ) Ll,v| ro..!a r|a.l lor d!|lln--rFl-lo F aDcr. -tlooa-ao Ft liaatdaDltal., {Da-:t F . -t tCxuata-loaa f UIC Itl [l oon tErEttoB co ooT)lyrylur tL l9la unllqrr luudlrg . ccdt (g!ct .. ldopt l !4 tL $06 _ol lt tr h|rldnlg Dq||rt-rnt .$a tla .c.6.!r1 Cdrrutlo a cl tlia CoDtarct lct I (b[.ta{otlcn. (IIA Doq[rt f:Olr. ' ral qnacruat, nl| a. tollar--&.dor-tL f 16. oa. .Io.!t Fcl-ooti .. Dcill. ROOF FRAMING t6) r?) lr) lt, fll b.E, Jcl.t .!d t.tt r. .hrU !..t lrys nIL oE b..r e D. hunt rltt llp.cn 8ttong{L bsEDEr o! rDDEot td .{urlr. tll ooirtr.stts b.Eih.|t u l]Nt.cbrql by llry.c ,trg!t- a or qDfottral aqtr.L.lll atsrEt{ral rrD.r. ala aLrb ln thalr llnal fDatttoo,dEtrt cd.tfiEtlar lt t y ba rE|.gr!l| t! atca tortt$.oa t!. atlratur. rltl- otb.r Frta .r. D.lta ao.t.rrEt d. coDt ct tb. rttrEtr|r.l .trgh.|r loa coo.ultrtloD .. r.$drrd. cootErstor L naDoDrtbL lor rll DoD-qrclll.d cquaotlon ,cont ct atrscbrral attgln.r lcr d.trll. |t raqdtrd.colta.qtcr la to occr{tlata rll Clafrhaag! I,.t|.tratlota (1...,cbln tt|, Dlqlbfurg aaraF, .tc., tbrorr$ rioolr, tlor. .,i.!lollraacton_Ell. vl,ll! aDtalDclata auD-ooDtnctoL. -qdn!!l ooatraotor l. a.aFraIDL tor Danr, -thoda, taclDl$r., aaquanoaa aod 9rocaaluEra r..4ldid rftn tft[3 tt!t.at.lll r.t rl.l!flE ..l to .rt rlol amlor tsl.lu.t. otraltlq!to D. tr..t- t!.ra cor lltlq! (1.a. oblcrf tr.rl-at,.c.iDrrg, {!ig, .tc.t .r F$drrd !y ccd.. !r) | | wla:tol lbr o,c, lrJ .O#o #E? =mtr 1=q e96 46()di rln_l l!r/- 3Hs o o o o l--l g€ o o J 0F23-2002 lnsn€stion Reouest Reoortlna Z;.-oj-ery'. .- ' yAlt-,.co.:to!afl{ bf - S&jde@eu Req'Jested Inspect Oate. inspecHon A'ea: 5l&'Address: BgS0355 Typa a.-Bl-rlLD O,:{:u}4rlfv: SHA€FFER Ci]NSTRITTft)N,i . $HAf;FFEF L:CNS rF{-.rcl ror! CAHILL I]AT{IEL T,()UGL"}.$ S MICI.IELLE AAFNOE I?ursday, May !3,2002 2855 SNSTVBERRY DR VAIL ..jub Tyrr€: ASFR U€a: VN Phon€: i{J384{i5556 Pi1ons 3038465656 Feqsested Tlme: Phsne: Entct€d Br: Acitr.-rr): AP,. hl APFROVED/CORRECnON TE OFOCCUF AhDLEFT HIM SSA€E TO THE APPLICIATK]TI OFT}€ AchvW: Crxret Typ*r: Applicard; Contracto| fiffier: Descrlptlor: Sbtlls: ISSLIED Insp Area' C F Rcguaste4 hrscsc[qqis ] Item: 90 Bl--DG+inal Requastor: S||AEFFER CON$TRUC flON Comments: GARAGE FlilAL 131-.145: A8shnod To. CoAVIS - Action: Tlnl€ Erp: hrne!:tion HlJEry ItBm: 51O drfuaiYrv orade finrl Itern: 10 BL06^FmlinnJSteel irm. ?0 BLDG-FounJAtlorVSt€6|llr$: 52O FLAI,I-ILC Slt€ Plarr ften: 30 BLDG"Frsmrno tl r0l/Yi -lmDestor: comm€nE: sod note 0{:00 Pfii n s7c64+s6T l oFLORES h\ I ^rd [u'^ra p /^f*\P*ry*brfi- fffi.u |'nill!g9 '!:tmrn€nts: finl/s{, Comnrenlt: 90 BLDG+1Nd lntg€ctct. ART A.:tion: dJ CEi?T ADbrL fOrrME " COrilriACl'.OR N.*)t ON SriL CAi C,ALI. ME .I.IO RESF,QI.ISE SO*iE S]'I.'CCQ ITAS BEEN APPEARS TO COMPT Y WIT}I CODE. UNCLFAR AS TO WTIAT TII€ lb'n: II.ISPECfiSN VVERE TO 8E In3pic{or: CD A.riion: *Pe6$PPq1,6P p€r conv€r. wilh rrt / -/-,/ A. .na-t tH T FGPTl:{1 Run fd; 1599 4l olgn Review Action Ftr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date \I Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: I r) | t- ,). LegalDescription: Lot i/ Block "\ Suouivision \!\tCt'ri!/\Ltu\t4-r r,v Zone District l-'-., Project Street Address: Comments: ,] Motion by: --3oarC./@D Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval )rstaff Rpprovat Conditions: Town Planner .LY r- n d.rr I DRB Fee pre_oaid .ipLrL/ , v U;r_{ . F t.rl..d, a/L7191 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPI,ICATION . TOWN OF VAII.,,,;COIJORADO gcl ? I 193i DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:IilE?| I. A. ********** TNCOMPI'ETE APPLICATIONS TTAY NOT BE SCHEDUTJED FOR REVIEW. **tl******* PROJECT INFOR}IATION: DESCRIPTfON: -1-rr t r:> Arf+i ,- - :-i:r ,- Dr'J ,r-r-'.- ,^'l--=l: . ,, ,. ,. EI TYPE OF REVIEW: ,-New Cons Lruc tion r,/ Addirion (950.00) ($200.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00) ($0)Conceptual Review c. D. ADDRESS:1,., - l\J e-t\ / I,EGAL DESCRIPTTON: LoL C Subdivision 'l.:t.l ,, ," r . - /. \ Block (:l If property is described by descripci.on, please prowide to this application. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing -P l-s a meets and bounds on a separat.e sheeL 1ega1 and at,t.ach F.APPLICANT;Address: 'Phone L APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM :'>:) t' ){- H. T .7. NAME OF Mailing Address: Phone OWNER(S, SIGNATURE: \, Mailing Address : ,', ) Phone APPrJrcATroNs wrrJrJ Nor BE PRocEssED wrtHoUT owNER'.9 srct\rAruRB Condominium Approwal if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL Lhe t,ime of submiE.E.al of Lhe DRB application. rJater, when applying for a building permiL, please ident.ify the accurace valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according Lo the t,able be1ow, t.o ensure the correct fee is paid. VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 $ s0, 000 $ 50, 00L - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000 $ Over 91,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRES APPROVAL IJNLESS A BUILDING PER!{IT IS IS STARTED. FETET $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $r.00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 0o ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION 5a 17 rI. PRE.APPI,IICATION MEETING: A pre-appl-icaE.ion meet.ing with a member of Lhe planning staff is encouraged Lo det.ermine if any additional applicat,ion information is needed. rt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applicalion will st.reamline the review process for your project. III. IMPORTAIf,T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THB DRB: A. In addition to meet.ing submitt,al requirements, Lhe applicant mus! stake and tape the projecL sit,e t,o indicate property 1ines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AII site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winLer is noE buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUTLDINGS normally requires two separaEe meeLings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual rewiew and a final rewiew. C. AppLicanLs who fail to appear before Uhe Design Review Board on Eheir scheduled meet,ing daEe and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, wil-l have bheir items removed from the DRB aqenda until such Eime as the it,en has been republished. D. The following items may, at the d.iscretion of tshe zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development.Department, staff (i.e. a formal hearingr before the DRB may not be required): . a. windows, skylights and similar exLerior ctranges which do not alter the existing plane of Lhe building; and b. Building additions not visible from any oEher lot or public space. At the t"ime such a proposal- is submitE,ed, applicanLs must include l-eet,ers from - adjacent properEy ordners and,/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association staEing Ehe association approves of the addition. E. rf a property is located i.n a mapped hazard area (i.e, snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow, weL1and, et,c.), a hazard sEudy musE be submitted and the owner must sign an affidaviE, recogrnizing the hazard reporE prior Eo the issuance of a build.ing permiL. ApplicanEs are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB appLicat,ion to d.etermine Ehe relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of Lhe exterior structural wa1ls of the building; and b. IndicaLe vriLh a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from Lhe exterior face of the building wal.ls or support.ing columns. G. If DRB approves Che applicaLion with condit.ions or modificaE,ions, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buiLdinq permit. l r.. .' IJTST OF IIATERIALS r-,or li I { P..t A.SUil,DTNG MATERIAI.TS: Roof Siding \ OEher walI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior lJiqhting Other TYPE OF MATERI,AI.,COLOR \^ o (\ 'l \1 Y D t" l\ t>'\$ r-\ h I \'\= v s n \,, ) Designer: Phone: ,- /7 NA},!E OF PF(OJIICT. ( {)A\LI (A\E/J Af, IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final SUBDIVISION Dt'r rst:- 7LfiEnY>u,'il,ltx\ required for submittal Lo the oesign approval can be given: {n eT}Ar \----. 6fze,t\ b" LAP Jr nruru na,^o sli,.e (), Cotlk"t-- l}nc 6trx') r , ,',. ;tl fl6 t4 1..-/v?r{)' r .\ / t \ -.I rqL-r ,l AH-7 - I l"r4LL Lr 6l-h AJ Y\- NA ^J^ B.LANDSCAPTNG: Name of _rvr,4-_ o Conunon Name - ''r l Ouantitv. Si.ze't PLANT MATERTAI,S: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name c. *Indicate caliper for deciduous t,rees. Minimum calioer for deciduous trees is 2 inches._ Indicate heighL for conr-!erous trees, Minimum heigrht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.**IndicaEe size of proposed shrubs 5 gal-lon. Minimum size of shrubs is TvDe Square Footaoe GROT'ND CO\/ERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exEerior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting p1an. rdentify each fixture from Ehe lighting plan in the space below and provide the heiqht above grade, tlpe of liqht.proposed, lumen output, lurninous area and a cut sheeE of the Light fixture. (Section 18.54.050,J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATITRES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining wal1s. Maximum height of walls within che front setback is 3 r , Maximum heiqht of waI1s elsewhere on the propertsy is 6' D. 6sE rrryffi': uaszs j+,w 9ZOJ' LOT 4 LIN€ a€ARINC DETAilC€ Lt N7670'4r'W 24.50 \n l8 $DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORO CH EEARINo ct 2t7s'5J' t47.OO 54.s6 2260 54.24 NE64838'W c2 t32J'47' t25.OO 29.23 14.6E 29.'6 N625235-ty LOT 7 scALE t" -- 2O' LOT 2 H (Jt H $ I hercby certify thot this improvemen t locotion cqtificata vos prepored for the Mortgoge Lender ond the Title Jnsuronce Cotnpony, thot it is not o lond survey plot t improvatnen t survey plot, ond thol it is not to be relied upon for the esloblishment of fence, buildhg, or other fu(ure improvement lines.I further certify thot the rTnprovements on the obove described parcel on this dote October 15 1996 excep t utiity connections, ore an thely uithh the boundories of the porcel, cxcept os shovn, lhot there ore no cncroochments upon the described premises by improvements on ony odjoining premises, cxcept os thdicoted, ond thot there is no opporen t eidence or sign of ony eosement crossi4g or burdcnhg ony port of sotd pdrcel, except os noled. fhis certilicotc docs not constitute o title scorch by lntcr-Ilountah Engmeering to determine ornershtp or eosements of record. For oll informotion regording eose- ments, rights-of-roy or title of record, lnler- Houn toin ralied upon the Finol Plat of Voil lntermountoh 0eve/opmen t Subdiision. LEGEND.' cccco - DEt'IOfEs RaCK WALL : - DETYOTES 6' x 6' T|IIEER \ J..)''1:l l rr; ;rr, NO\|CE: Accordrhg to Colorodo low )ou must commence ony legol oction bosed upon ony defect h lhis survey rithin lhree S,eors ofter lau llrst discovs such defect. *9.i:ti,*L C2 ta ln no event, moy ony oc trbn bosed upon ony defect h this survey be commenccd morc thon ten yeors from the dote of certifrcotion shovn hereon. LI SNO'YBERRY DR|W '50'CI AOORESS: 28sS SNOWERRY DR|W LOT 6 a4t A&ES i,f t3 I z. i6 tm /s ,6 /,; s/ /s \r\t\ln- I cH=t44' SPHALT DHVTWAY ---..\\ o 'fiWhrg fiInter'tountain ..^!:s, PH,?I iffi 3ft9;;!* "--tgt ".-t grn *yi$'io%li IMPROVEMEN T LOCA NON CERNFICA 7E LOT 6, ELOCK 9 VAIL NTERMOUNTA.N DEWLOPMENT SUB. \OWV OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO o$@ e': o.o.F. 9ttEf t 2. I OF I v o Doug & Michelle Cahill Garage addition application Design and Review Board Town of Vail DearDRB; We are submitting an application to the DRB to complete a garage structgre on our property at 2855 Snowberry Drive. There is presently a foundation in place for tlis structure which was completed during the original construction of our residence. At this time we would like to complete the project and construct the gange using the same color and materials to match the existing home. Ifyou have any questions concerning this application please give us a call. Sincerely: Doug Cahill Home 476-9599 Work 845-5656 Single Famj.ly ZONE CHECK ' FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS I Primary/ SecondarY DATE: T,EGAL DESCRTPTTON: LoL d/) stock 1 s'-traivision ly'tar'l"o^tt*a' ADDRESS: OWNER PI{ONE ARCI-IITBCT ZONE DiSTRICT 7T5a ao a5D -Y-.---4 qllu Atlowed (30) (33) BUILDABI,E Exi s tinq LO? AREA ProPosgl Total z t' {u M)r^qp lf,-/neishs y'roual cRra Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA y'seb.backs + 425 5l1b 25+q zu=763q 3'/6' +425= 20' 1.5', L5' _ -6r__\r'siue coveraoe( 15'b )3A4- lt4o 564 \a& / t andscaping (r7olo y'R.b.ining warr IleighLs OY"- ,/part<ioq 3 neqrd -Z Z-encl / .l----\/ coros" CrediL (300((600) le00) (1200) azb / Drive: ZXi+ht"L PermiLLed srope % Proposed slope % FronL Sides Rear / complies wj.t.h T.O.v. r,ighuing ordinance Yes X - No ,/wauer coursc sef-bacl( (30) (50, ltl'O "/ Da Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) ' YES- NOj-- y' Environment al/Hazards : 1) Flood P1ain n'O - zl FercenL slope \< > 30r..6, ? 44olD 3 ) Geologic llazards ' a) Snow Avalanche l\'O b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow t^,o 4) wetlands K.rO /view Corridor Encroachment: Yes---No, lA,D /no." t-his requesL invoive .r 2i0.r.rd<iiiiorr? =W,,llow much of Lhe allowed 250 Addi;io., i" useETIT6-Tfris requesE?-O / pre.riorrs condiLions of approval (check properey file): 10 ', 1 f i_ d athaf tCad .rt vrl lrart a rli.lda.rfldr fo fhr r.ld p.rrf..)l tha. tr..t p..t In trfr, palC b/ aha ,ald A,,r'|ll,n ol tha t'c(I! p"l, lh' ?actlpt ,ttrrol lt htr&y cqltrra.d a.yi r;tn .iodgrd, hr 9ryr113. ba.t.l.rc, |{tt l|t cgwlfrd, rrd !'tlt9aa p.ror6r. dc"r |..nt. t.rC.ln, r.ll, convry a d ic.lflri ulto tha.ttd pfti.a o, lha aa.o.id Da.t. t,t.lr hal.r r.rd )rtetr tor.r.r. not lr ?..*v I.a eq|dni hll Ih lotat rl.,rr[r . rtr fctioring ci"cifi.i-iif . or lrectt .l tar,ttlt ..{ b'i^c l^ rh. ttlt'tt co.ntv ii ' a},bi.H - }\d rrlrr or color.do, ro rrrr $ffiH:8$,t#t, mHil ffiW ffiHn'fi , of$fllf'q"t'€,mr FITARS lllD oo/,r0o,s__--_00ttart, .tro ulr.. rtrt r |rrr? 2855 &lq{BEnRy IAHE, tr'a:L, @LORAD() l$tllll rlth rtt ||d alitvl.. ihr ht'rattnnir ard npfr.rr t..{^(fr thafrto balt'llirn, or In ryrrla..pFftrtnt^|, a.i ff1.:i:,1l;g.yl,.i=ty,-11-,=1t1, :f!i, r,,,-i'.w proriti tiriroii i.v ,ri iii'..,.r., ,lr,ir, rrr.n:Jff:.:i:,1ggyt,igy:,":-;i,y-::i ::"1i1 ji.il-;v;;;i,;i;;;Y; L'l,i'fi1':.ffi':iiI tntorui,- ci'tti ;-;;;r;';.;; rr' rlnr'r rtrrrr 'ry Prorrtl lnt'rol; r'{ r(l lhr .rl.lr, tilhl bv, b.rd, |,rd D_{r_ !rrr ,:vg-:j,:r! l:lC -F.tf ot ,t^r rtrrr Frra, rith.r tn rrc ir q,/iii,or, rn }a, to rhr .".r.!.:il"f^trl r.., rlri rhr h..r"Jti;ar-.4 ;;r;,.;";.L$!|I llfl.n::*d-I::I':-:::: T.1.fll ;E;iirturr, rilr rh. .efi,r,r{L.r, u,ro rn. r.,5 Dr.!,e. or * 3fl.?iii;.l.Ll.l3j1,;:l:: i:::::::li.i;;-.;i;;;;;';-in;,;t,:i.,f i;-fr::1,i,';,:T.iil:li::J::.::* 1.ii::':ff:.1,1::pil''..:,il:-lig.lLT..ei..-to -.,rr irii ;;; ;;l;'#li:.';i l;ll;d';J::'i;.ii'ilill #lr:: :).:J ,::,:ra:1-if 3i1tj,i-"y-J.i..i ,ti iii.i'ii"i.i,ll ;.il';i,"l.i;lT1l.?ii,lll'L^lll ffti._lli* illi:,T,lLjl.I:,:,..^lr.1Al:-iui. i,i,i.-oi-iJii,ll.,ii,.ii'riJ,.; ;;.li*:l;':[ ff?_ll1,;:i:!tr: .- i"i,ir"l,iii;itili i,U;r=liil;:i; il':il:,'frI'li3i; l[:,* l},.lfii;if,li.#*.,j::J::.t.1l::.f ,1.:: l::-:,1-!"1:,; ..d-o,f,i,-ei-ii ;;;:i;;'.;il,"i,;:1.fi,':::.::.*il'::l f! tha. tor- b.r9a l ^.d p.rlrar in thl ,Jlrt |.d paa!r&{a Oo|trrrtcr rnr, .r,!r? arrt9rt rrt tha h.lra rnd .trli.la ol rlEh tvrvlvor, rgrl.rt of lo.ctri. th.60lr o? rry/ F.rt rhr..ot,-rhr rrto liiy oi-iir-iirlt arrwJt.? d,rrta. r6rtt |rrllda lha tl|'tl, the itvral 1ir tirletrl, .,s ,taa.t, -._-ll Vlll(ll t ttllor. thf rrtd ra.ty of 3lx ftrrr D.it hra h.rrenro r?| I4.. P,O. mx 1077, vA:L, 03 816tS . Carity cl a.rl ttrta ot Cot e.ddo,thr rrld trfly ot lha llrri trarl, tof nd In asxlCr.rrl; . i l". rlv pt..rtr' THIS DEED . r{d. rhi. lr: |!nh XUML-TH W. I,{,\TIHUdI; Ma), ]fr, 1989 cl I lrr Co(,lry sl trt ttrta ot Eolatri'o. ot rha ti..r '.ra, ul IIA}EEL EJCIAS CA}TIII ard HIctiEIJT .I.'NDI{I]Au ()\}|ITIJ i,a fra m6 I !u TO r r- lJ r. I tr0,ou tf|bo o0r mo o@ tru a <n) ou m * *)or l ara I rddrht tt cl tlrl tt lf tlttl I thrt T}JET'IV IIS.'STND I 3, prr t t ' oo tt thr raco.t al tir .|r c, -r i r.n a x q IJ r! EM or) ffiffi ,Hffi Hi#sns"m,ml'*ffi ilrma'Fnw,h,f B, f\) 88 fi tr ot aald pa.tlar of tl|. rco6d i[.t, tht lr.vlyo. ot _!ll ?tJ.:"!.I r:.!o.t 9! F.rar rd{urty ct.trr^,p..t a.r,a r.rC rtll gtttAtt ln tonivtt D:fart, lia f M ero oa iV f.{t rirl I lt rtpl irrbt I lo .l I rit't f ?c.4 t,tfi qt*brriv'rr In rh. rr...rt or | 4 *oric,a I_ ,'i' '4,, " ,,. ., i -;i?-oi-ea;a;6C--'- i cqa'rot'i*t.L!^' | -*- aboYr (lIl!) (tlrt ) Glr( t t) I lha tOr.gOi|I lnlrtl,rt |.a aatn*l dtad brf Ora I thlr dry Ot ur xEfisll| W, lilmEns lf cc-laalcr a'{tl r.a l,lay 26, 1989 t, 'lt o ,t9 1'1 ,trtrwtt ry n^,1d |{a oltt.r.t .a.1,tr- tt'-?)1ia-t I ' t t' "/ _ tt4 i4:-t_dz__+ _ /(r t !,._4_.:,../ tol rf y 9vDl tC ;a.i 9?lA CCfiPUtt{ rltt^rty trc.a, 13402V 0t €O,t c Jotni lrr'^.,r\litls, 11102 t \ =-N \'*\N \\s f-..-- \ \ S\. \(\ \$ e fv l-t frlr at0 F{l arlf l'l gt fr+f\l fq E .{t A r-,'\E' r-l r-1 -H r1 g F d Fr l>\- el tl a-f-r?a+ -A E9 F{l E A -0 Fr H F -f -f l-'v a-f F d rEl E .g 'f.?g tf t+' H H .9 ts d H -<ol *;;**=-l-H:;O 3;=x ^oZ.l v-o! :trl ;9\; XA-:- <- l-t: --l b -b a-€clR lt:r- '..1 , ;\J ....: -'.t \-g-*=U ,i^>YQZ <-c-{Z;--. =3c X>*r tszI =on:!rfi z =o *?F .-!Cn -t> ;- \- ln YQ2 z:l o:q r'\ Cr': u x-n zi={*s =Zc -,^.2 .i \./ ,i'a\>\J 5-S<>iut zzc - lS -:t -iA Hro --l \, z = c)D F c- r!} H 14 z rr, C o 2. = =. l-IH tz F l- l>IB IH lF{ i*IF lF,lm H ]Y 12 I' a o ! I IF ll l- = z s. (, J a JE F z 3 H el rl r r - o- l t.) a z { |< H P r @ o\lJl ! c. \o \o vr +2=7.i_7 ' i: l:-':.i - i. !='--=1i?? =:=i-:a - f, =;7 - i +: z l =-=1i;-,a 1, F C-i )_?-{ ? = = = t - - -a a : ; i 3-=- .'=? I = = =4 ^ =' :_==a:=J a !:!= - : e ! a-:-: i i:-. : !: =::::;'^ i =r;.1.= =. I ^ 14 F :: ; =. a = ;. a =. =Irz,^'.at)4\ \-)/ o o z cn {7 c () {6 2 T -lm ..l n 3l=Hl= o m l*r-,h 8 lde i lm: -19s ?l:* g lpfi I l< -{ I l=i :I3 o.<1o.d8 a 'l!E€>l fi9 I !m t -{ lFlI TR x9<t< Ff;E FYo 1t= FP"r f9 -tl !@ Or u i=ra O@ 1Z=; =o -v Hz p. trnE 2 o -{m I ft'o ! o .n 1t m ! -.{ -{o @ m x m !-{ o z L o E o -{m c' m @ ,ri z co -1 H F\.r, -F ,r.\ o -ll Ir V'r-t,ti t'l I o 2p -{c 8E at 7 f m i v o r c)2"im az >m on i>or-F g o @ z IT c) H Ei r a H z € H z F] E z H z z =m e1 t tri r.rtl c)P H r r x N \J a -{ P l. !F o\ I (, ! *lg lo E l6 I I E lz lo l1l t<t> lF t,lm le,lz l9 .l {z o TI 2 - m o z o -l o =z o tt r !m 9'z o I ! = (A F c) z (n H z E l6 F til l6 li I s' I or =F :E >l BIF t-Eln lc'r t! to xlz la Nto olz @l co lP IF lc) IEE l' I I o -t tri !I I 5 ;FiigIF [IFEEii IirciEE l[Eiiii z o t- i o z I x z m an a T t-- m f,o<lnP a lm 9 tf;tto Els :t.*l* n m { |-f- 'n o F FI Fi l.,)N) \o l o z - m =-l (tt z m m m l<' 12 lz t-t It lf- I vr,t; l= l- F l m I -l z 'n J z l t !r o m o t- =m =z c z .i 9t l- o o I z c z f ct, I z m €F '<x |-{m ! -{6 2 o 9 =o z |- n m T ! { !m o 7 .ll f- x 2 t AE B;Ei FE Efi Ag Ei" a1 ^6= S b Yz9 -'ooo ea22 #- =9 ral FI Ii= ;ll N m =F:l (r) r 'ql 5 - < >l v<El = EI I (, 1 N) ._.1 \o ! z z 1O ,FF 9o F,o tz FlO rlld r=)a z |l tt z z 0 =z 6 , o u m =-I z -o ffo in !.! n F- 'sE l- z c)H "*g { @ (-. tlt z rl H c)H o\ \o -t o |- ro m t =i 'n m m an c o m -.1 x o -m 2 c g m 3 .2,{ m 2 o z !m s tn { @ u 0 ,m o 5 m ^z -tl m m 3 m o z (1 |- |. 3 E z o tn |-m o -l u o - !-2 o I m o x F 0 z o !m - !m n =-{'Tl m m U' VALUATION !m a =-{ -I F.l H b 3 m o - 2 6 - !t-c 3 E z o m -m o 7 o t_q z o L' ._J i..) 5 L/' s oo \o 5 (Jl F @ 5 5 NJ @ gl qs\s $qs$ rii l. I I - \r l- l/,'\ i'r / \\' {\ $l i ll z '['-I '(\ N L )\ ? ni '(.y, l rl-' !L---r- \\:, i t-'- c) -it. I \l ii ( +- =I z m m r -tt r v f\* l' ri i! 1l \ T i- r E:E N o {o €z o Tl h i-o I il 6'- 6t ,\;l \I'l I.r \i (,' 't IJ,$li \r \$ $r| -l sr I ri $ lo\$ li $ {r'$ ti (\x X{ $ +rl N nt\ti $$$ rF ) $$$ 6r k p'\ lr r 11\ll )6 i'S ,J l; fll .I -J -n t\i \9 :r _l N rj z o fl m m J o z txO s-' -Rc ::- ct :*- '^_.{-Sc\ y:- O, r I r1-------rr l I \ I PT nl €m a){ m .t- m {o z I \) \ tIl !l1 IJ t \ ( \\l\ ,.\'( t)lii' {$ i | 1,, t' 'r li $\ -- tr t r.' I i\!.) *1, l j ill I ;' N \)\- (l -L- T \\' I I I J.,tt G 6 c .F 7 I t -l G p s ? o q I Titr.rir c,{ '.Ja i. l. :15 5. i:;- t:irrt "tq er'i F:nacl '--rai i , llr-,1i:r';rdn il1. &:157 { lj,l:.!; ) 4 l$-}=r:r{:1i:J F ]:irr i+n;rl ;;tii'* t.t ti:l-e*cJ i:iri tfrer l !lil$ Uni it:i-nr -qlti idinct {:rrrl {: Fr-n jr,:-c:t Lii * ile:il..lIl...L.. liE:i:)iilElqci; Addr"*.,'r;lr,' :lili:: SilllklliL.FiFlY IJ[:i: I!/Fi D.=rtt*t Or-:tut:eir i], l9fJT r-.ltll,l t r-.:ictr:ir s r,\KO5A {:OI{ST. l-h:r:r..rp.:rnr:'1: li.:i Ar"r.:hi telt: Ef{Ifili JilHN$UN 1-;.p:;l nf llrin s:it * V--hi [:rigi nlrrr]r-: I'iONil [;'.i. ;in::; Err ami trer'; ,]fJE NORF(M f'l .iF- r: -ffrtl c*cl{r i tr-.irr= .i i =t:r=d in Llri= rF.-,scrrt- dI-El r-rDt i n L ri-'nrj r+d tr: he c-r i:nmpl.fiihe 1:i. sit j. rig n-f rrl1 rur:.sri h1* ccids !'"r.l,rqr.ri rr:msnt:; in tht: 1?fi8 UfI[. it is ;r Llr.ri dtl hr: s,.r.l rc1::e':d .iei:::t-:i *rii:: t.;{ {-fiE: r:nclp" iir:F'i\t,trrT I {.lN niREtiTIl-ii'l Slliii'lilFrftT tr-lFti:ft INt.Ri:,l$t= FiRI; FF{IITEU-i-1ni'J hlilFlTH Fi-,-:lper-t7 i :i. ne &6. i-t Fe*L 66. i-) Fg-'rer1 i-:- i;i 51- Frcll::erly I :i rru ill'' " C F clr*{: ?,/. i} Fmu't iillljTl.l I'r-rb 1 i. q: r.ii:1y 97., i-t Fee i: 7;. i:] Ffils|l: lAlEgl Fraperry' l:!.ne {:il" t-i Fe*t J:}f - i:) F:t}€}t Ar-*::,1 :i. rt r: r- t'.1 '.,r n r,-: cI l. lltJ. {li11l{ 'i:r:r' urtln arF.ir r-, n I *; i clE;s'' " r'L.$c[ I'iAX Fl-il( i\RE:f,i ALI-OhtEt] FlFi lr] STFilll$f.iiit"lI i, Iir,+eil L i. rir3 It:; rf,: S6tl t.,n 1 i ni i. L Llr.l c.r [,: T l"*1. F:fti:i Fl_.ilnF( .J!6t_t rrl i.irritrri rr;.. iJ iirrr:rl 1rnil l{;:i ci f': 1(-i&7 LJril i riii tr,:rj i:}l' TllTrii' Fi.iFi fL-CJilR 1i-i67 i.Jrilimit:r+d fil: 1. lir*el li ng Fi;i: r:l: d:r$li LJnl i mi t e::d ci i.,: T{:rT rii_.. F: i]l.i l::i.._ i'lR Cr6J UnI i m:i t-er,l oi:: Fi..l:ll.l":Il\i[i l-fiTAl'" :S'/{) ijnliiniterj ir;., v l-o{t-{flj ti .J. {l*i:ir: r'evi i:.-r'.J I i:r- i []r'n.ir*-c.: [: Iil " I Lrf-i!i:1. 1..|.... Ff.$] D:::.hl[!i" Fril i:ii"'r,;s.',; I ;'i:::j:.1 SNLli,JEl[:l;iRY fjFi I \'rI rrHt"i:.i{il:jR i.'.tfril.:.. F IF{E: fi'qIIf.tLi5 fif,lli nFE.l.l :lhiff l-:'l1ol-E.lll-Iilf.i l*i:I+ ,i.7*A l l-at:ile fj*A tJt]FiTll firqs I snlJ-f Fl FIF$T {lu[ FF:|' Ni]r.t--i:{Ft$ t.tFf,'Jti r.irF:ti t"t(]ht-HRG nFr.tfi BR{.i Nilr\l*iJR{ri l]Fr.lG FFIIi NnN-Bftfi UFlf.ltj inJi|.l- iilili- l- F'!:tU-f l{}.rl-1" bjfrLl- PRIJI hii{L-L- t'lAt..t.. FrRfiT i,JAt-"L. lrAl*l-, f 'fril"i l1.j i-tj-i r- rJ i"r..-- f'jnne i-ll-r r- (-rfi r- I'li:rie i:lht- r-,iir lr.lar.rs! f,jnr l:.lhr i{orr(t 'i, h* siltr.r- i. r;r r'lal. ] qi. rrav bp r:tf f:I]ltFul]] I Ell.Fi ni;;rtr*ri ':.1 . !i*r: ,I3t:l" l\li.irr* ---- Fi r*r f ir r'r pr-u[:.ec i: i ui-r rt r] r-t.i. rrriml?n Ls f nr u1.lr.'trt.ttq+:. F:'r'*t --.. J:ellrir-rE$. cir r- rn to hE: pi-t:l::r,ict ti*ri mitir IL/4 frr' {ir-g ;ie;sF$ttll i6}ti. s;i:r:li (:l: i,i'rE* av-e.r nF lfi,= u-rall in;+il ! rni-iiii,, sec,.:,::?i-):; . {h) 8i i.:rl:I E: 5*A i'la:r:i rrii.rn *i.rrqltr* brj ndt:i",i :;i:tl is S4 sq"-f t r..rith nu iJi rliensii on filr'{,ir- *t L t:ir- tir*ti l.i ler.,:t. ---- Snc, 4:i;i:l/:ir. il-r } f'itr[:' --- gi r+rr:i. i-r qJ.:i iir'!:r i-iut pierrmi t Ls:d i.n tfii:i !.'r *n 1 :1. , + --- l-hi+';r": utrr.l. .l i+ lrii,ry hFi r-uqlii r. i*d tn havt+ a p;.rr-;r5:ret lJal :i. ;1{l i ncfie*i; abr:ve Lni': r',_rut i nr;" Tira,, par-ap:et w;il. i i:i, r-nc1ni i-riti:l tr:i have Lirle gi*ne {: i r''= t.*i{:i.n!l f;i'-+ i'-he r.+ai 1, lies ser:'L.i o., 1;".,t7. {sr de't;ii i. e .:rnd L"rcEptii {:lns. nTHEF: [rL' J L]i I hiG ELEi'lHhlTgj T"rtr 1 s J.7*il E,l-h.t'li::t.lT t'lA-f F-F{ I ftL F':A-i I f$G r'lnT[::i .[ni:ei-:i,:ir- h{ei+r-:| t1! i.Ja,!. I t-lny i-} lir- Irrtsir-i ni rri:r;-ihr-6 !d,i{l:l iiri.,1 ti irr iti^r.t;: i:. i.ii-.,r I Fr'"irm* Finy r:l h [:-r'Lrlr*i r-"11- litr-Llct i::rlrriiu ftri.: t:] hr' *]il+:: -t r:ol:rrilt-e ++.|' fil-rei: t E.ni:1r,=rrr* Fln:/ J. hr' Fli::r::!r-..'iie:i. li.ng rl*i;*mb']y Any t.! hr Flur.r'f I fl,:: i. I i ng f,!$js.enril l. y Arr;. i:j hi- !.1 l.si r':i AI]',.' Ncna NiitTH: SEle 3+:c " L7i:!tu. ia) -inr llhatf -1. Enci os,itre E:ii{:i:pti ()ri:i. Ffitl T l'lf.l -l-lL{:i : 1) Fli iri. rl r,., rrr run {}ii L.Eri. irf- f,.i,:Jt'.l aL,*n bag;si::l cin g}i LE:r-i. or hr-9, r.Jarl i. r-€?qLlir-emerrt.-." *{: ijUfrft l'J{lY i:,ii:[rff l;:(Ftl- j. fi lrlij tljtj !-r l:':l f" i:..tCiLr l-. F.i:rfl i\nD I1 l: flf'IAl.- ,'--:l[:.f;fil.-iriT I flNS FtiF{ Rf, llJt;1j{.JFAl'Jt]Yr r"x I -i rrinuuiF:il"l[t'Jisr FL i!C:t'i[: i]'-:r":LJFi.\f.'iT f{ur'lLt[F{ E.XIT' FrS,N;r r(fiTfi.i }ilr'!:l FiflTF$ LfiAD RE{]LJ I iiE0 i4I f.}l-j.-{ l-.i L " I HDliFi [nf if-i I $C]li iil.l I hlfi .i ll'.^rgil. l.:i.rie .: 'l i:r. 1 f.lc Nr;: f{.1R Tn"ifll :1; ; i :) ri" J. { 0. i. ) I.Jo l,Jo FliR i+ll :"1 i-irrrr+]. .i. :L n 4 I 1:j, I Na i'Ja N./li l-illi]'i- ri I ( 'i. i r:]., .i {: {)" } ) l"lu I'im I.l,/R 1 llr+*l r i riq ; J. {::r,, il I',ln l"ia N/Fi TtrTAL ;:: .i t 1) {:i"{:)i (i, 1i 1ln Ni: N/R I i:';iqle 'l* .:i Cc:de i- ev i er+r 'F ri- : Fi- c:.i r:r: 1. 1 cJ ,, : ['fiH 1, l."l- ti[l] l llE:l'li:t: i:i rlrir':::i'.':r :'A:;15 5f.ir:lNF[:ftFY DRM- D r:r- gii.n:i rrg i:i ha:-crri i:n 5rlc " .:;.I.i:rri . ttr ) r:i=s:pt- a= notr:cl , fJc-rltp.,r,nt I r::;-.iij i. *. L, a:;+,lr:l cin faL'.1 r"+ .jl1-Fr" l.lt.imh: er u$ r::.r.i [:r ili b.r**:r'ri nn -['ahl e :i;J;" 4:! e;ri:ept Jrii' l-lotE:d. [:i::.it i+:Ldtl-r :i*; h,,r'=E:ri i:r-r 56:'r:. ;i3{)f,, ib) "Tfi* n r.lrrti r..',r'* i.n i ] .ir el i nrl rtrjel nci:irn;:nt L r:acji nflt J:r'c:rii 'i: 1*cir':l ahr:+g thig {.i. nnr-, .--- iri':::r:, j;l;il:.I, {b) i:: il1-l-f t'.tfil E.$ I ::l) ]:i*"r:llyilent* ,,irld f L l:i':rr-:l abr:vF ther ?i-rcl -Fluri:r' i:rre rs(JLti red tn h"-rve f e;.ti tg. - 'Je*,, Li lIi-t.:i; " {a) SgE: E:rtsr:iirrrr-,- *'f ir l. ti: i'JnTilSl: il r.tai.rwali ir: ,s d u.re..l. I j.riq mri*;t hel *ri I s,ast fi6 inchs:: ,,,{ide" '.--- glrsc,, l:.it16. (b) Tf"rr,i trrF....i i. int..im r-i :ir-ii c,+ a .s'{:r*p :i. r, S inch{*!!i ti.n d the iiliniml.{n-r r- l.$-i i..* I r ncf-ier1...--- iiiE:c, ::;r;i_l,i:' " ({:) :llc. *t:L Fr"*vi rJe, .:L h;rridr';.ii l. an r:ner si de, .:i sit;r:. rr"ra;.' i34 tn ;iU i. ncfr(!!i atll$ve thel rro:;i. ng j. { 1;. fi i}i- i: i:a r".ir-;.:r 1: h;ri-r 4 r-:i. g;c-:i-:1. ---- 5*r:. .JJt-:t5, t j j i:r'r:v j. Je ,:r i..1r..rar- d r;'ii. j. r,rherer drap rr-F-f r.; gr-r*.t+:r th;(fi :l;t-i' inclics- lYi *i mltm hc:,1 q;l-i t ,,' li* :L|icilr'jsl r'Ti a:.i i ilr r-r iTr $[ir-irr il.irf $i;ie "= l: :i. r'rfii-ri*'=;, ** lie$, ].;7 1.!.. t.r]l ,:: :l The+ tii:i. tii tiit-.ini h**tcir"Dt:ffi is 1..r -Ft. * [] incfiei;.. --*. IJElr. filit-:i: " ii:] [:riL:]. f]:i i:,--J lt:.;ai::1r: !itj,i:{cF LliideLL jir: s{-airE ji= ;-cqr-ri r-*d ti:, he pi-6i-saiBd ,1E r-iitJLtir-;,(l {*:r- liir' {: i.r'-*--rsriii *i:.:i v* {:nn* [i-l..rf 1:i. r]n " --' [ir"i:] " lif,{iC:" {ni f;iil{ 1i; I iri{i F.:fii]il.i REIf'tEt.iT $ :; :i. i T irr.,.'- i-c:i::{ri. ri'J *; : t.ri.:, !.,i-ri i. di rrr.r i= -rut r-*qL-ri re d l: r-, b* |i.r-s., r-etal''d;i.nt " - - i*ri:1 t+ J!l*'i:.: .-li.,l"it_l!"ii.r'l-iL: i:;F:'l:il.!'\.11.:: i....il.ri: $fF.it"Fl.i'lil:: i:r' l- r:i ll i il F .L F' F:. F.i r: 1.1 t..1 .i itl-. f.J E: N T ii i t{tr-l!.-l* illilfi [i.I l-. 1. lil!.i F ]. i'i l iiii: l.i hliil I .-,:r-i rl r..+,:i. l. i. ni.; 4t ,".:ih r'iii]Li.,r i iil:i arF.: r+qrri r u:,d 1.c: comp1r' hli th .:] i,,,, ': ., + : i-j 4 ,, i i+ ) ii fi ii -f ,..u ir .L ri;, .rl. :.:- .- Et , 1ir'j i-;;rr 1:t":'r: i iril r:ri v';a.i.1.:; *lnd r:uri i. i. riq ;rr-e r-alqrri. r"etcl tn fiave ;r Cl a::E; l. '{: I J.r n; t:r ;p }'- s:l;il{l r-,;rLi rr,.,l " *-- lie* . 4:i:14" (Lr ) i iii:lUl...i.ll L lFi lri0l FSi I J.) All i r-i::r..rl..rti nrr riiatpr'i aL inrlL.rrJi nB f ai:: ingE: ;rra rerqirii-ecl te IravE .n { I anis-- cpr-i;:.lcl i-*Li ni.i l-:1{ 15 rlr- 1+;ii:;* ;-lncl a ih;iiiimt-rin sfllr.r l:: ii.! den,:ij.{:y e:-i 4.5;-i ltnl es;::l i i- ir irt ;r r:nnr*al r:il *pi;ii:u 'tind thi? -i' aci n,-t :is in c*n l:;qct with * i,{al I t:i- c+i. f. i rri.t,, -'* 5*c.: " 1713" {r} l:ii{::, ++: ;i |: iifiiii i:i.L;,rs:,ti.c i n';:it.rl. at:i orrr" ,+t*H r"r:ilr.r:i. rerrl t r.L b*: prni:e*teid. *.-- $::c, 1.713" fjj--rqI i: hlLi i:lI;t,!i.l .l Flf:l1E.l'll 'jj; i) *i1 .i. ii i,a:: i. nE in ii.*.:r.-rrr!r:lLs 1t:r:;iLi.r'iiq;' j.r rtlt:lr-.ri r qiri:J to L:s m{ 8.1+E:ty i;i,e:r:i-rrq ir:,,:Ie;-i,,rI ---- Siic, 54ti:6, (d) o ir';tee ,li 4 i.-Cid,: r.*i.i (j-r t\i "f: i-) i- i i:' r' i: .j r,: r '1.: 1 cl ,, I il {-1 i-l I i... l.-. I;t E: Ll l. tl E hl t: t:. r:]dcJi''cs:; r iB55 5il.lil[.lFFi;;Ry iift ]:'Jli- iiDl : -f I ul lAL FiF.i;tM. ftEr-iEi'lTu : 1":r-,9 fi,:i i:i t::*. r.,rl"J.ii n c: y frl. i 1-:;,r'[ li l r::t:iri:ri, ,, !+i+t i:-r' t]. n:ltl [: f,$rrrpfiI-l::nrts]r'rt.!L, -1.;'Lltndr-."- y-Doili$ J(rl d $i tni i ar' llr {si.iai riita.l.} b* prrv:iije*ij +ril:h fiaf-utr-*1. ..rer,i-rt-.:i. i.;:it i r:rr if a ini''[h".ini. l:*l ventilhtii:ii lly=trlin per 1?nA U,F..(l" cii" .1 7, eelc " .L:;:i]iir) ' i:: i i-r:ri:i l. ai::i: cfi ':rt:''-": cit-L' i-,=i1ni r-t:d i-o li.:tv e: a rni lli 'ltr-iln 1--l-rr 'f ir'e i'-atir,g Lu tt:;: a+: tr.:t riiin;rt j. t:n caP" Fi rr+pi ":rr e", '1: L r-.r*:i pi.pe. ;..:. r-trtll.tir-{...d {:o L: r'-, ;rr i: r: t::i';:i. hl p f ,:r cLearrinq p Lt l'- [i Cj lii el :ii " Ilerr i::r',.,,r{:.:i i.s,r -i:r. r€+pl J{cE1 cI-ii. firr,t.l'y cap*, .i:,c be cc,ri::triicted o-i: ri $ri --c t]fi'lbLi:;t ah .i. i3 trr;lter i *rl :, "lirLy nne* ,,i:,r1icl SL-rell tirLrrri rig f i reFil.ai:€: p*:r' clt+el. 1irig ,-trrj.t i..* *i 1r:wed per- i-i:un i:;r 'u,rj. I ;nurr icifi;r1 ctrdE cii" :18, ifi-tii fl*,.t-r r: ri iio' ::.4 ' lili::pieci g1*::::i.rit:1 anrl :;l:yI i. ght:; tu b* c:tinstrt..tcter-:l anrJ j.n,.it*rL lerrl pe,r -1.988 t-J"[i"(:" *i-,J4" Frl. l. {rie.i. Lil.rlninq.t ..lq i.t:i. piin*:n i: *h;rl 1 b*i i*s:+r..rrl"'r1 *i :llr'F l: j. r:: ient liLLLppl y o+ ri-;iirbr.i*;L:i. i-.in ,eir' tr{.i' L?S{1 iJ"l'1"t] . r:h " i". 'lri i. ;rr.'i:ri. i drrt:*:g3 i:lriri nrEir:hani rerl eriuti l.rmiliit. Eir*ri t hi E: i. rrsi.;:r]. l nd pelr i 1-e i ,:rrii..r'i: a{: i.:Lli-tlr;. I i *1':i. rrq p*r" 19Bfi U"H"C" ch, ::" EeL:. 5{t4" i.i1:i +;ip1i. i.:i r'l i.: irri:i nnr:l mer:h,:ri j. c.*:.1. *qr-.ripnrun'c sih*11 he ac:cesgi i:i. e {c;r' :irrri:rer:ti.Elr-r,, :,Ei-.Ji r*r, |. i*pl,air- aftil r'€i.i. il i. .j c eai1ti3r"i t l.,Ji {:.hautt r+rTovinq] ptjri'ii;iii(,:lit c crn:-;t i- i..r* t i *n " Pelr 19[iS U. !,1" l;:. i.fr, 5, set: " 5i.)5" A.i] l-rr:;ni:: i r"ig *nci (:(:]i:iI ii'ig eqi..i.i ptn*irit i uc*tr+tl irr a g.rr" "tc; *:i arid uJhicl"l il El n ti r r- * l:. i j :i irir U.l.ciL"J. 5!l;tF l: c;r- {.i.a.me shs.l l Lre i rr:lla:. }erj tri t:li thn piiots, bnl-rit*r * ftii{.! :;Hi. h. cli r.,',:,r aL l rila'*t 1U" alrnv* {lcror-, Per- i}A$ U,.H,C, rir" 5, rif l l i:ri.l ,i":r r flrrirl=; r,h;rl I be e'qr,rip;:ec:i u.i:ith a f l c:ur- tlraini Fr!r' 19${:} Li. f i, i:l " {:l"i ,, 31. ,, llr.:t: , : i. 19 " ALi f L.rt-1.1. il ri:; pi- p;i rril sh*rl L i: il i neit*j\L l t.lcl pt+r' f. ilfitl U" Pl" tj,, clt" :l-1: " Al .i. nri;: i. r:t- i.ir'*.: r+lihalirit tJt-rct*; ,::;t-r.r 1 l. tc".i-nii. natE* r::ri tfll i:rri{::: i. iie nf ther hi.ri i d11-rg nfld sf-raill t.re eclr-rippr:d l+i th .r h,:ctr,: ilr-a*t d,:rnpei', d:r.1. I 1:r i:i l- ":il:i I i:: r,+i:l:er sur;ipi y l ir;ali:i shal i 'n* 1:r-cii:ec{:ed kJitlt epl:r-rrve,J Li,ai:l:{.1. i-r'vt iJ rr'.,, il i:r,trii tcl Frr"€rv{*nt crL:}*:!i r:cirinertrr:ri,, i*:r Lar,+n s;::iriril:1t:.r's; .:t ri rJ i:: ri i I r.t* :l Fri trtr: iJ i:ir- {:+ r..r, 'i: Lmnr dr'".,.j. n* ni,ry lnt- he crinrie",r: hed 'l: i: tfiel h.rir.i 1. r{i ng r+a.rEtr.: "*ni:l vpnt 1i rrr_..;:, r_rni *llg ai.l rJ Ari iiFFf..r:-!v{:irl .i ncep{:i:rr- ii: i n.:;{:.r11. t:d, l,icli:ri I'Lrr-r"ri iic,i sl-c.rvc: must. mcpt ${: J]:. r.-' o{ {](1li:]r-:,do r-e,q,-.ri rel-mr.:ni::=, in adili Li. nrr t* :: L;triLi"1r'-i:l ct:cle i-r+nLri r'emerrti;, v F',r n ':- 3,1 f-ii {.ir:r:J e r- i*v i !:it4t J: i:l!'- ; F rr:i-i ei,.i:. L l cl ., : |] AFiI i.-.L RE:S 1D[:F.{i.][ ;lddi-c.rgEr ;j[55 SNni{F[FiRY IiFr IVL. Fi'- r:v:l c:lii+ a i''l i ri citlr'J crt- tJol:]r' tr: i:fre **:.rt*r'. i. i:r r* i: r'i..ini $vqr.-r- y r- c.rc,;ti t"ti::,.[1d f clr *1eleFi.nq. --- {i*+r: " l:(:trl-, A r...i:i. nijsw nir..r*:1. ;:r-nvi.rJ* ;r r:: L*ir rFrnn riir Ei;r o{ ii"? ccl" {t, , .:i t::Lrrar- hr:i. ght ni: *:: li ir:cl-rr.i';1 rilr^ri1 i:| ,:i fnar widIFr i]i: :lJ i.ncha':i; {nii rri rnr-tin) . --- 5erc" 1:t14. i;1. t hiriliiti:it:i.sf i clflrTlji; r'r:r]Lrir-t* cl:; te'ri r:r" g1*::ecl ;rpenings tlqr-ta1 t.ct 1t:.:)"/. tr rnl:re o1: t l-i t.: {:1. rii:ir EF e?.{. ( i.ri ll-! i;q" irf., i ---- 5e*,, 1?t-i5, {i:} i:ii I li*h:it*h je f- r:](]m|'j,; reqr-riF fj i{ri clpr+r =-rll 1.e r:ir{-er i i:r r:perninr;.5 r:qlr;t.i. tr' 5l{ rlr'" m$r*:r r,i-f l.hri+ {.tr:rnr- *i*rla" imirr 5 Flq"+1:" ) *'- ller. " 1?t-iS= {,li) 'J-ii * irri rri iftl.rflr re,,:i 1i rrg :ifr a liebit:ible :;F;ice is l/ f *tir'i- 6 i nchees. ei:cept j,: : !:chr,::r-r:;, li,a.i. 1. iil . $ricl Lf, i3 l- l't s; rn "r '',/ irniv{r 6 i:e:i 1:inil he;iqhl c{ 7 f eet, -* Cl:r-r- -- .. ', -f f .'l I : l Fri::r, i. i:ir-.:r a :imrl,;* rJrterc.tor :. n .El. i irr ei;r.*; l-inr,i rrg rnf f,- €n':ie Lct gI fsE,Fi nlJ Fni:lrii:;. --- 'illriln,, 1iili-:" tai 4" F'r-uvi d6: a sfiiol::fj c!E|tecLt:rr L'lr-| iil I *isc'r"'-:i Lii;*t i$ cilnrrectE:'cl tr: an E-rI iirrTl ar-rilil:i.r,+ irr +11 :::1r:leL,.irie af-€l#!i:. ---- 5r.:c, 1:j j.il , {.r)4, Project Application ,^," ql/o/€b ]" Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot (/ , encx ? , ri,ng /.t l4r/.--,-.--y'r, ,\. ton. P/s Com menls: Design Review Board ,^" {tdro Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL .rcr Staf f Approval l5 narV'(rn^ trA\ I a f*,ru",', i 1990 t 'T\\tg \g -I(V'- 7Pc'oft- "-- vo{* u$/t6 \FJ DRB APPL,ICAEION 71- oeAPPLICATION ITECEI\:/ED : (30 DATE OF DRB I,IEETING: ln ( Ou 'ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL AI,L INFORI.IATION Produ l:ntruc: neeting with a planning staff mernber is to determine if any additional :ded. No application will be accepted Lete (must include all iterns required bv strator). It is the applicantrs nake an appointnent with the staff to find nal subnittal requirements. Pl-ease note cplication will streamline the approval proJect by decreasing the number of roval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL oval must be resolved before a building Application will not be processed Lgnature. PROJECT DESCRIPTIO". .O'.. '' ?C<= 6a-ee,.-: A, B.I,oCATTON OF PROPOSAL! Address ?${-g -S^rt)?..J G;e?R-q Dht> e Legal Description r,ot 6 Block Subdivisi on .t a:rza,-<- r'o-rrthk Zoning c. D. NAI'{E OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: NN,TE OF !,tailing Phone APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: E.NAIT{E OF OWNEF SIGNAII'RE(S): Mailing Address: Phone Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: The fbe vil1 be paid at the tirue a building pennit is paid for. VALUATION FEE S lo. oo I 25.00 $ 50.00 $100. 00 s200. 0o $300. Oo F. G. $o I 10, oo1 $ 50, OO1 s150, 001 $500, 001 $ over - S lo,- $ 50, - S 150, - s 500, - S1, ooo, $1, ooo, 000 000 000 000 oo0 000 Phone (ovER) II. IMPORTAI{T NOTICE REGARDING ALI, SUBI'IISSTONS TO THE DRBS A. fn addition to meeting sublnittal reguirenents, the appJ-icant nust stake the site to indicate property lines and buitding corners. Trees that will be removed nust also be marked. This work must be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The review process for NEW BUILDfNGS will normally involve two separate ueetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two - meetings for a final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled rneeting and who have not asked for a postponement trLll be reguired to be republished. D. At the dlscretion of the zonLng adninistrator, the following iterns may not have to be Presented to the Design Review Board. They, hovever, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Igindows, skylights and sinilar exteri.or changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space, which have had letters subnitted froxr adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or aPproval froro the agent for' or manager of a condominium association. E. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. -J.J o o^r" br/('/' ?'t, Project Application ( ^,/ .,,. (( Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot L atocx ? , rltne ) fet t' 1''t , zone - Comments: L) Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: ,,''' ,7t . l' ,/ ./. _: ./.( _>J t-t n . u Town Planner , /.../o.l Date\''1/r,'t1'v // \,",, Approval o t t PI.ANNTNG The Planning and Environmental conmLssion rneetJ'ng was called to order at 2zAS p.n. Chuck Crist lras Present,for the site vl'sits' and was absent-at the beginning of the meeting. He was expected to return. Due to the rneeting. ftem No. 23 late start, Item No. L was postponed to the end of, the A recruest for a setback variance in ordef to at Montaneros Condolfliniuns located at 641 w. Lionshead Circle, Lot 8, Block 1. Vail:lionshead 3rd Filinq.ABtrrlicant: Montaneros Condominiurn AssociatLon Andy Knudtsen explained that the board had seen this item at the previous PEC neeting for an exterior alteration request. The reason it was before the board again was that staff had not published for the variance' The reguest net the criteria and findings for variances per the staff memo. Diana Donovan asked for public conment and there was none. A notion -to approve the setback variance per the staff nemo was rnade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Jim Shearer VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 3 was postponed until later in the neeting-to allow J1.11 xannerei€o conter lrith the applicantrs representatives. {t AND ENVIRONI'TENTAL COIIIMISSTON Augrust 13, 1990 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer Kathy Warren Da1ton tlilllans Staff Kristan Pritz Mike llollica Jill Karnnerer shelly Mello Andy Knudtsen Betsy Rosolack Penny Perry Item No. 4: A request for a walI height variance and an amendment to the approved access plan for both lots at 145 and 126 Forest Road. Lots 5 and 6, Block 7. Vall Village lst FiLinq.Applicant: Ron Byrne I.like uollica presented the proposal for staff explaining that the appl.icant was requesting a waLl height variance and an anendment to an approved access plan. Mike reviewed a brief history of the project and the criteria and findings for a variance. The staff recommendation was for approval of ttre proposed wall height variance reguest, per the drawings subnitted by Gordon R. Pierce, AIA, dated July 23, L99o as amended July 26, 1990. Staff felt that the curlent proposal \tas a substantial decrease from the original PEC approved variance and was now in conformance with the Townts zoning code. The staffrs recommendation was contingent upon the applicant maintaining a comnon shared driveway for both Lots 5 and 6. The staff recornnended denial- of the applicantrs reguest to arnend the approved access plan. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, presented three scaled nodels for the PECrs review. one depicted the PEC approval, one the DRB approval and the other depicted the proposed walls. He stated that the applicant wished to table tbe reguest to amend ttre access plan. Jay explained that he felt that the current proposal was a better solution than the original approval. The tot-I sg. ft. of walL area had been decreased substantially. A large everltreen tree was being saved. He apologized that ttre applicant had not sought PEc approval before beginning construction on the wall. BilI Post, representing Mr. and Mrs. Mossman property owners to the west, explained that the lilossmans lrere concerned that their vlew would be obstructed and that a maximum height of 3 ft. on the upper wall vould be acceptable. Discussion tlren centered around what grade would be used to detemine the interpretation of 3 ft. by Mr. Mossman, and Mr. Uossman pointed out the area of concern on the model . cordon Pierce felt that he could work wltlr 4 ft. but 3 ft. night not be feasible to design. Bill Post felt that 3 L/2 feet vould be acceptable and the applicantrs representatives agreed. Diana Donovan wanted it clarified, for the record, that the 3-l/2 feet would be above original grade, not present grade. ,Jay emphasLzed that the applicant rpished to table the requested -auren'drnent to the ascess plan and DLana fel.t the PEC could proceed sith the variance as long as the applicant and ilay understood that the accesr plan would be tabled with the understanding that only 1 curb cut was approved. LudwJ.g Kurz questLoned why the two amendnents cane in together and lrtike explained the staff felt the one curb cut was one consLderation for allowing the wall height variance fron the start. Jin Shearer felt that the reduction in height did inprove the area. He rranted to see the landscape plan tied into the approval . Connie Icright stated that lf the applicant wanted to Propose 2 curb cuts, she did want the applicant to be required to cone back to the PEC. She also wanted to see the topo map attached as Part of the rnotion. Diana conmented that she voted against the wall height variance the first tine it was before the Board. She felt that boulder walls, as originalty proposed, were different from veneer walls' as currently proposed. She stated that steep hlllside lots sere not supposed to be rnaxinized. Bulldings on this tlpe of lot shoutd be constructed without destroying the site. Kristan asked Jay what he ecpected to galn by tabling the amendnent to the access plan and Jay explained that he slnply wanted tine to look at the possibl-lities. He felt he night redesign the house on the other lot to ellmlnate retalning walls altogether. He sinply did not want to have to reapply due to tbe publishing tine delay. Jay wished to clarify to Kathy warren that if she voted against the proposal, the applicant could build the wal1s as previously approved. He fett the current proposal was better. Kristan conrrented that the staff supported the variance reguest because the they felt that the current proposal was better than the prior approval as it decreased the amount of the variance. Mike explained that.lf the current proposal was denied, the applicant would have the right to construct the previously approved plan as Jay had explained. A motion to table the anendment to the access nlan to the Septenber 1O. 1990 neetina was made bv Jin Shearer and seconded bv f,udwiq Kurz. VOTE: 5-1 IN FAVOR OF TABI-,ING IIITH CONNTE KNIGHT OPPOSED Connie felt a chance to both l-tens that tabling the juggle the issue as proposed. access itern would give the applicant and felt theY should have voted on tr2 feet above the topo nap of 8/7/90 and seconded bv Jirn Shearer Condl-tions: Presented. Kristan felt that the notion could be per the staff memo with the exception that the access plan was tabled' Ludwiq amended his motion to state per. lhe staff $erno' Yith oriion r'ras tabled with e. Jirn ghearer seconded the amended rnotion. OPPOSED board wished to have final comments on the project stated for record as follows: 1. 2. llhe the Ludwig Kurz: Dalton Wilti-ans: Diana Donovan: He uas not happy that the developer had not come in an appiopriate manner or tining with the project.--He-did feel that the current propisai was better than the previously approved ProPosal . conmented that as he looked up the hill, he did not like to see aII of the walIs. He felt there night have been other $ays'- He encouralted the applicant to look at ottrer options-for the other lot to the east' Voted in favor strictly on the basis that the current plan was bettei than ttre P5evious plan. sle did not believe in height iariances in general and did not feel that the house was-designed to fit this lot' Voted against the proposal for the same r"iJott=-"s Diana statea above. She had voted no it". the beginning of the previous proposal . gathv warren; Jim Shearer: cglrnle Knioht: ften No. 3: Voted in favor because the current proposal was better than the previous approval' He dia not want to see the appllcant before the S"itd regarding the adJacent fot and did not want to iee the sane llrge anount of drive in tlre future. lle agreed witn oatton regardinqt the walls. tle would rather give a site coverage variance than a retalning wall height variance. Connie stated that she had already mentioned her reasonE. Road West.ipplicant: Anoco oil ComPanY. JiIl Kannerer presented the proposal for staff explaining-that aro"o Oil Conpiny-fria not coiniited to the landscape requirenents prer"nt"a in ttre-memo as reconnended conditions of approval .. JiIt stated that the reguest was for a condltional use petmit, a finas"ape variance, and-a setback variance to allow the """"irrltion of, a ienediation systen equipment bullding. Sl9 ;;;i;;e the history behind the-request and reviewed the crlterra ana rinafng for e""i, i"q"i=t. The staff reconmend"d 1P-!I:I11--?I-itre conaitional use periit and each of the variance requestE wlth the lands""p" tt"iian-ce contingent upon,-cond+!i"f?' Jil1 introduced the ar"""-i"presen€ative-s; Mr. BiIl B1ack and Debbie inenicie of Law nnvironiental , Tom Briner, the proJect architect, irra Ooog and Cuny Sterkle, operators of the Alpine Standard Station. Diana Donovan felt that the work session gave the board ? s99d. u"a"isi""ding of-the aesthetics of the building. she felt tbat til;-;;;;;"t- 6i.."rsion should address the landscaplng and whether the Luilding vould be pernanent or temporary' Ludwiq Kurz asked if there waB any indication of the length of Iir!-Ert-"-u"iiai"s would be neededl and Bill-Black.responded that he thought Z yeais r+ould probably be suffl-cient time for the ;;r;ai;€ion slsten io ctein up tlre ground warer and subsoll contamination to acceptable levels. tcistan enphasized that the two year period was. an estirnate, there were no gruaiantees as to how long the syslem would have to i"rii" in operition and subsequently how long the building would have to remain. Jin Shearer asked if the structure would be removable, and Jill stated that the building was being built as a permanent structure with a foundation. Bill Black connented that the applicant wanted to erect a temporary structure, but that staff felt a temporary structure would not neet design standards. Diana asked if the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District trad agreed to water discharge volunes and BiIl Black responded that they had. He had a letter acknowledging the agreement. Diana asked if it was possible to shut down operations during peak periods such as Christmas and New Years week, and Bill Black explained that it was possible but that Upper Eagle Valley water and Sanitation District had given no indl.cation that this would be necessary given the volume of the water to be discharged. Further, maximun benefits were realized with continuous operation. Joe llacy, representing vail Associates, stated that they woul-d Like to see the system underway soon. Bill Black explained that Amoco lras Proceeding without state approval at their own risk. He wanted to emphasize the urgency. Kristan wanted the Board to realize that the staff was in no Iitay indicating to the Board that staff wished to hold up the proposal . cuny Sterkle, operator of Alpine Standard slnce L973' explained ttrat the connunLty Developnent Director in t973, Jin Laroont, had addressed closing the eastern access issue in tgZl and Cuny had resisted the closing at that tirne. cuny stated that he was not consulted by Amoco, the Town or Law Environmental about the landscape iisue until today. The proposed access closing concerned trin. Cuny stated he had a conversation with Jim Rogers of Anoco tlarketing Departnent and Jin was also concerned about ttre curb cut closing. cuny stated he needed the Frontage Road access for gasoline tanker transport truck deliveries. He was also concerrred that Narrowing the Vail Road curb cut, would create a hazard when the transport truck was unloading. He stated he barely lrad room presently for patrons to egress the site when the tanker was there unloading. He wanted access to remain as it was currently laid out. In the summer a tanker could barely fit under the canopy over the pumps but in the winter with ice build-up on the pavement, a tanker could not fit under ttre canopy. Jill asked Cuny to describe the unloading procedure and Cuny described the procedure in detalI. The tankers currently enter the Elte from Lhe Vail Road curb cut and leave the site frou the eastern most S. Frontage Road curb cut. Kathy Warren asked hou long it took to unload, and Cuny replied that- if they were quick' 20 minutes, but it could take 1-V2 to 2 hours depending on products being unloaded. Jim shearer asked how nany cars that were parked at the station were enployee cars and Cuny responded 4. The rest of the cars were cais waiting for work. Cuny stated that he no longer allowed customers to park overnight at the statlon. Cars had to be pJ.cked up on the dly senricJ.ng was conpleted. Further, lt was deducted on Amocors quitity inspection standardE. Parking in front of the easterly S. Frontage Road curb cut I'as not preferred. In response to a guestion fron Jin, Cuny Etated Amoco oit co was reaponslfte for any inprovenents to the bui.ldlng- A durnpster enclosure which was previously located on Eite vas destroyed by trash senrLce. Kathy |{arren asked if it would serve the station to leave the building in place when Arnoco was done with it, and Cuny said they could use it for storage. Ton Briner, the architect, explained that ttre building was being constructed so that it could be taken down. As far as the conditions the staff reconmended on the Landscape variance, he felt that for the loss of 250 sq. ft. of landscaped area, the staff was asklng then to replace it with 4 to 5 tine the amount. The landscape cost would be nore than 2 tlmes the cost of the buitding. negarding ttre proposed sidewalk installatt-on, he thouglrt it would be more advantageous to bulld a sidewalk across the street on the Gateway site. Kristan explained that in reality, people walk along Vail Road on the serrrice station side of the road. They actually cut through the station. Jill explained to the board that the building could be built on the property within the setbacks. The proposed location was chos-en Lo avoid the loss of already liuited high denand parking. Kathy warren conmented that the proposed building would not conpletely abut the property. There was a 2t-3t buffer between the remediation building and the alley to the south. Slre was confortabte with the sidewalk reguest and undergtood the access concern. sbe nanted to see the 246 sq. ft. of landscape belng removed be repl.aced. ln the southeast area of the Eite. She could support this kind of a proposal . Jim Shearer supported the proposal He was not sure how the notLon should be structured. He wanted landscaping but aLso rsanted to see the operation up and running and was therefore concerned with the South Frontage Road access closure and VaiI Road access narrowing. Xathy warren added to her previous cornments that she santed to see the building be teroporary and thought it was appropriate to review the permanence issue when the conditional use perait was no longer required. Jim Shearer commented that he felt that the service station was one of the best looking he had ever seen. However, he did want to see some areas landscaped. He understood the opposition to curb cuts and would like to see landscaping per Kathy's suggestion at tbe southeast corner of the site with a sidewalk and sith the possible use of trees. Ile also wanted to see the area between the station and the Holiday Inn landscaped, and a garbage enclosure constructed. He agreed with Kathy that the building should be temporary. Jim asked ltlr. Black what the chances were of having to do more remediation at a later date. Mr. B1ack explained they vould strut down the operation when the water tested clean and that he could think of only 2 instances where systern operation might be required again: 1) New leak--he felt it was unlikel-y that a zone of contanination as extensive as the current situation would occur in the further. The laws were stiffer now and to help prevent future contamination alarm systems would notify the operator that a leak had occurred. 2) If the criteria changed to be rnore rigid standards, future remediation could be possible. Connie Knight agreed with Joe Macy that the project needed to be started as soon as possible. She dldn't feel that the board needed to take unfair advantage of the situation in a search to gain landscaping against an environmental issue. She felt an annual review was imperative. She also felt the structure should be removed vhen ttre remediation system was no longer in operation and that a sprinkler system in the existing and souttreast proposed landscape area should be installed by the applicant. Connie guestioned the siting of trees so close to an interseCtion. She felt the planting could be a safety (Iine of sight) concern. Dalton WiIII-ams wanted to see a tenporary building and a garbage enclosure. He was not in favor of closing the South Frontage Road access or narrowing the Vail road curb cut. He was in favor of a sidewalk along vail noad as weII as additional landscaping on the southeast corner of the property. He rtanted to see lrnaturerf trees planted to screen the cars and did not think siting trees in the southeast corner of the site would be dangeious. He was in favor of proceeding as expeditiously as posiiule but not as a sacrifice to landscaping. Ludwig Kurz commented that the other board members had stated his feelings. IIe wanted the project to Proceed as expeditiously as possible, however, he also felt landscaping needed to be addressed. Cuny stated he felt ttrat Amoco wouLd cornmit to the landscaping and garbage enclosure as discussed by the board. Diana asked what would happen if the noise was excessive? Kristan responded that staff didnrt feeJ. it would be a problem to add a condition of reviett regarding the noise and that the applicant had l-ndicated they would be willing to add additional insulation if the staff felt the operation of the systen created excessive noise. Diana wanted to see the existing landscaped areas rrspiffed uP" and additional landscaped area as Proposed by Kathy with trees as high as possible without creating a hazard to automobile traffic. She also wanted the building to be ternporary and removed when the rernediation systen Itas no longer in operation. Diana also indicated she felt the construction of a dumpster screen ltas necessary and that if noise J-s a problem, staff should negotiate with Anoco to add additional sound insulation. per the staff memo with the followina qonditions was nade by Kathy Warren and seconded bv Connie Kniqht. conditions: 1. Annual review and approval of the Conditional Use Permit bv the PEC. The Conditional use permit for the remediation svstem shal.l terninate when the unit is no Ionqer necessarv, Annual review to address sound level emissions. 2. Approval of a landscape variance. 3. Approval of a rear setback variance. 4.The building be tenporarv. If the applicant desires the buildinq to renain, the apDlicant must obtain PEC approval. VOTE: 5-O-1 IN FAVOR WTTH CHUCK CRIST ABSTAINTNG STNCE HE T{AS ABSENT FOR THE I,IAJORTTY OF THE PRESENTATION FI II F nn b"*vllH o r/:rn A motion to approve a recruest for a rear setback variance per the staff memo was made bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Connie Kniqht VOTE: 6-O-1 fN FAVOR WITH CHUCK CRIST ABSTAINfNG A motion to approve a recruest for a landscape varlance per the staff merno with the following conditions was made bv Kathv t{arren and seconded bv Connie Kniqht. Conditions: 1. Applicant comnitment to cleanup and uPgrade all existing landscaoed areas per Tor,rn Landscane Architect. Comrnunity Develonment Director and Town Enqineer aporoval. 2. Applicant commitment to provide a curb. qutter and sidewalk off-site alonq the west side of Vail Road per Town Landscape Architect, Communitv Development Director and Town Enqineer anproval. 3. Approval of dumBster location and screeninq prooosal bv the Desiqn Review Board. 4. Landscape area of 250 so. ft. be provided on site in the southeast area of the site and alonq west edge of Vail Road in eonjunction with a 6r wide sidewalk with curb and qutter oer condition #2. 5. To upqrade all existinq landscape areas between the Holidav Inn and the Station per Landscape Architect and Departrnent of Cornmunitv Development. 6. A Tenporarv Certificate of occupancv shall not be released for the rernediation building until all of the improvenents. outlined in conditions 1',2..3' 4 and 5 have been conpleted or a letter of credit is provided to the Town of Vail to cover the costs of these improveurents. VOTE: 6-0-1 IN FAVOR WITH CHUCK CRIST ABSTAINIT--.4 Bvf F s .'C t. Drive. Lot 6, Block 9, Vail fntermountain. Applicanth Douq and uichelle cahill 'i2 Andy l(nudtsen the applicant farnily home. 'rc presented the proposal for staff explaining that & was reguesting a height variance for a new single A building pernit had been issued and construction 10 rJ= ,rrr'a"*.y. when the applicant had the height checked to meet ifr" ilq,tfreientE io. " friiing inspectiolt the height_exceeded.33 i""t-li i.et t".t,-a= r"""ure6 froi existing gradg. 1'wo aspects "i-irrE piojeci wele irnportant backEround- informatlon. Ttrere was "-""ii"-r"ining Aown tire slte, ovei whlch the house had been l"iii which rnade i-n foot difierence between helght neaEured from iinieft"a grade conparea to helght Deasured frol exlsting grade' A-"""""a inportant- fact was ttrit the oltner Ehlfted tlre house "pprotit.teiy 11 ieet after the bullding pemf!-1as lseued ;i-tlt;nt flrsi, getiing approval frorn the-Connunity Development ilFttrn";i. tfre own6rsi-goal nas to save a 4o foot tall evergreen tree. ay rnoving the house, ttre owner located the ;i;;il-;""i-iiag"'over tf,e swale: Andy_reviewed the zoning ""ilfa""atl.ons aid related criteria and findings. The etaff ieconnenaation yas for denial . Given that tbere were other ;;;;ibi; iocations for the trouse ttrat would not likely have i"q"ft.a a variance, staff concluded that there waa not a naiasnip on ttre site. Ludwig Kurz asked Doug cahill why he did not contact the Corr,""iCV Development Departnent-for approval and Doug responded that, upon excaviiion, hi was_disturblna th9 root system for the i"J.. he did not know lre needed to return for approval . Dalton Williarns and Chuck cri6t had no comnents' Kathy warren felt the olrner was caught in a technicallty.^ _9h9-didntt see how the-lroblen had not occurred prior. She felt the swale should Ue couirtea. Nornally she rras not in favor of height variances but felt it was a technicality' Jim Shearer asked the staff, had they been consulted, lthat- would have been the reconmendatioir and was told that staff probably would have recomn"ta"a noving the house down hill as well as west oti of the swale--"o in"t it iould have conformed to the height linit. Jin Shearer asked bow the swale came about. It seened to be ""is"; to the lot. Doug Cahill explained that he was not sure. stated that she had no problens with the variance' ttrit it she felt the nove or lncrease Ln heLgbt had prrrpos" she would not support the varLance' Connie Knight She commented been done on Diana Donovan agreed with Kathy Warren' Knidht. 11 Kathy warren wlshed to clarify the notion stating that there was an exceptlonal circumstance in that the building covered the srrale, and that the swale was particular to the property, and the perimeter of the buiLding did not violate height requirenents. Connie KnLqht anended her notion per Kathyrs statenent and the motlon was seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 7-O rN FAvoR ftem No. 6:A recruest for a conditional use to e:q>and hosoLtal space at the VaiI Vallev Uedical Center on Lots E and F. Vail Villacre 2nd Filing (181 west Meadow Drive) .Applicant: Vail VaIIey Medical Center Kristan Pritz extrllained the proposal and added that the chart on page 3 explained how parking was allocated on the site. She said that the staff recommended approval. Jay Peterson lras present along with Ray llcMahon, the Manager of the hospital , Dan Feeney, John Reece, the architect, and Greta Schultz. Jay said that Kristan had done a good job explaining the reguest and that l(ristan had also asked for future plans. IIe said they had prepared a wish list for her, however, there was no further extrlansion authorized by the hospital at the moment. He spoke in favor of tbe proposal . Kristan said that the hospital had stated that they were decreasing their staff and the parking was decreased to adjust to 5 fewer employees. Chuck asked how they could have six fewer people, and Ray explained that there had been some staff changes. Dan Feeney explained that the department heads had been asked_to project tfrlir needs, and therefore, they had more current information. Chuck then asked about a hospital policy called rrredirectrr where the hospital sent patients to other hospitals and he rras wondering why the hospital had been put on redirect and Dan Feeney explained that it had not actually happened yet. Dalton then asked about the parking situation regarding the bank purchase of 8 spaces but council apProval for only the use os six. Jay explained that the bank had a right to buy 12 spaces and had tle exclusive option on 8, the 8 were out of control of the hospital . He said that the Purchase of L2 by the bank was a worst sase scenario. L2 I The use of the addltional space was then dLscussed. Diana Donovan said that the last tirne the hospital was in for a request, the Planning Corunission had nade it clear that the hoJpital needed to build a nelt anbulance building. Diana said thal for consistency, the parklng spaces had to cone out without a deficit if Iot 10 was renoved. She wanted to see thls norked out on paper. ,fay said that under the lease agreenent' they had a right to count the spaces on lot 1O until the lease was terml.nated. Dlana answered ttrat If Lot 10 was no longer used, the deficit would be made up with the valet parking. Regarding future plans of additlons to the hospital , she did not feel that the CornmissLon could eupport an additional floor on top of the structure and suggested they find another place to add more space. Diana repeated that the arobulance building relocation needed to be a top prl.ority of the hospital. Connie rGight asked if there was a tlne sctredule for the list of hospital, constructLon proposals and Ray li[cl'tahon said that there nas no schedule at that tirne. Connie said that she did not like havlng a learning lab converted to parking and Jay said that the concept was to move the learning lab center and use the area as parking. Connie asked where this plan was on the Hospital Master PIan. Jay replled tbat there ldas great flexibttlty as to where the Learning Lab could be located. Connie asked if there was some other area that the MRf could be placed and Jay responded that other areas had been fully utllized and that many uses had already been relocated. Connie felt that the north elevation was not aesthetically pleasing. sbe uanted to know if the lilRl could be placed inside the exlstlng building. Kathy l{arren was concerned about the brick detail next to the concrete. Jin Shearer spoke in favor of the improvenent. Kathy warren was concerned that continuous infills added to the buitding would have an inpact on the deslgn of the building. She stated ttrat atthough they were mLnor, sbe was not in favor of nany infills, that these desigm featuree had been inportarlt to the Design Review Board as they added relief to the building. Kathy agreed sith Diana regarding the Hospital ltaster Plan and felt-th;t the relocation of the anbulance garage should be the nunber 1 priority. she did not support the addition of a 4th floor onto the new wing. Kathy felt that the I,ot 10 parkingf needed to be addresEed and she questioned if she could support this type of addltion again. 13 O Diana Donovan felt that Kathy warrenrs point regarding the architecture uas weII taken. Dalton asked if the addition extended 3 feet beyond the building or was just an infill and ur. Reece responded that it dld extend 3 feet beyond ttre nall . Xathy said that the elevation did not show this clear1y. li[r. Reece polnted out the 3 | extension of the elevation. This part of the expansion was discussed, concerning the possibility of pulling the extension back and putting in a sidewalk. Diana wanted to know if approving this proposal would weaken the reguirement of relocating the anbuLance bay and Ur. Reece felt that this expansion would not effect the hospitals ability to relocate the anbulance faciLity. He said that this MRI need carne on line nuch guicker than they had anticipated. He did not feel a 12oo sq. ft. expansion should force the anbulance building to be moved. Jay Peterson said that the ambulance buiLding was owned by the Ambulance District. ft was very costly and the District did not want to move it presently. More discussion of the site plan followed and it was decided to not place a walkway near the expansion but to continue with the bollards and to continue with ernergency parking only. A motion to atrprove the recruest for a conditional use permit rrer the staff merno was made bv Connie Knigrht and seconded bv kathy l{arren Diana felt that the conditions should be that: 1. tlhen the l,ot 10 lease ended, the hospital be reguired to come up with additional parking on site to rneet all parking reguirenents. 2. That the next addition of any size to the hospital wouLd reguire the relocation of the ambulance garage. connie Knioht amended her notion to include those conditions as racruested bv Diana and Kathv warren anended her second. Vote: 7-O IN FAVOR L4 Item'No. 1: Approval of minutes from the JulY 23. 1990 neeting. Dalton had corrections on Page 1o that he would dl-scuss wlth Penny regarding his statenent referencing the Rekord doors. A motion to approve the ninutes vith corrections was made bv Kathv Warren and seconded by Chuck Crist. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Item No. 8:A recruest for a naior anendment to sDD Nor 16. part of parcel A. L,ionsridqe Subdivision, Filln<r 2. (The Vallev Phase III) Applicant: Brad & Susan Tiossen Iten NO. 9: request for a variance to the rnaximun oercent qra4e for a road, on a parcel conmonly referred to as Sbraddle Creek, an approximate 4o acre oarcel located north and east of the ltain vaLl I-70 interchanqe and east of the spraddle Creek liverv. Annlicant: George Gillett' Jr. Iten NO. 10: A request for a maior amendment to SDD No. 4. ColdJtrean Condominiums in order to anend Sections A notion to table Item Nos 7, 8, and 9 until the Auqust 27' 1990 meeting and Item No. 1o indefinitelv was rnade bv Kathy Iilarren and seconded bv Ludwio Kurz. VOTE: 7-O TN FAVOR & Associates. 15 o r I '. Item No. 1l: A recruest for a side setback variance at Lot 3, Block 5 Vall Villaqe lst Filino. Unit 3B--Vail Rorthouses, 3o3 Gore Creek Drive.- Applicant: Stewart Colton Item No. 12: A recruest for a variance to Section 18.58.02O (C) in order to construct a 5r high wood screen fence in the 2or front setback at 9 VaiI Road--Holidav Itouse. Lot B. Vail Villaoe 2nd Filincr. Appllcant: Holiday House,/Pinnacle Resorts. Item No.s 11 and 12 vere withdrawn, no action rras needed. 15 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departnent August 13, 1990 A request for a height variance at 2855 Snowberry Drive, Lot 6, Block 9, Vail Intermountain.Applicant: Doug and lilichelle Cahill DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting a height variance for a new si-ngle fanily home. The building per:rrit for the house was issued August 11, 1989 and construction has proceeded since then. When tbe applicant had the height checked to rreet the reguirements for a franing inspection, he found the building height exceeded 33 feet by 4.67 feet, as measured from existing grade. Two other aspects of the project are important pieces of background information. There is a swale, running down the site, over nhich the house has been built. This swale is approxinately 15r wide and nakes a 4 foot difference between height measured from finished grade conpared to height neasured from existing grade. A second fact is that the ouner shifted the house approxinately 1-1. feet after the building permit was issued without first getting approval rr',\,r\ from the Community Development Department. His goal was to ^a z*i!, .*\ save a 4O foot taII evergreen tree. He moved his house down the slope and located his highest roof ridge over the swale. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS 1. Zoning: Primary/Secondary 2. Lot Area: 20,965 sq. ft. I. Setbacks: front east side west side rear Required 20. 151 15 1 15 1 Allowed 4,347 sq. ft. I Proposed 55 1 41r 53 1 551 Proposed 2,590 sq. ft. 4. GRFA: 5. Parking:Recruired 2.5 spaces Proposed 4 spaces III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal code, the Department of Comnunity Development recomrnends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the recruested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The inpact of this variance request on surrounding structures is ninimal in staffts opinion because the distances between structures range from 8Or on the east, to L47 | on the west. The hillside on which the lot is located is forested with aspen trees and coniferous trees. The trees act to screen the house frorn the adjacent properties, I- 70 and the South Frontage Rgad. The av of the site is 4ot. A. ,r--. is d I ( A "" ;.*Lcl t" of l*' tr' " '-k'l ' + The height of the house wiII not stick out compared to neighboring structures because it is 32'-5lt measured fron finished grade. The code clearly states that measurements are to be taken from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. As a result, finished grade has no significance in ttris analysis except to indicate that the appearance of the house will be cornpatible with its neighbors and wiII appear to meet code. 2. The degree to which relief fron the strict and literal internretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessarv to achieve conpatibilitv and uniformitv of treatnent anong The swale running through the site drops to a point where the base elevation is measured from approxinately four feet below the foundation. fhough the height has to be measured frorn original grade, the height from finished grade conforns to the zonl-ng code. The swale could be viewed as a hardship that nay justify a variance. However,staff does not support that position in this circumstance. The swale is a site constraint, but 1..'+ I ^.isr""' <r\ . ,. 1J",, 4ktt ]- A. ) C'w.z 1t 6.v-.1,t (".1 ,.r1 .c.-. hr".L1 B. y"r,.,I< ''> LZ, zl.-3<^-l-^' ,-"'- '\ +tt..-,-,l .xt{ r)'t Y-a' "l '. ,l-,i'0*,,/' n''--t | (. l -..,1 .).1 tlz\ '.t ' .l t\.tTl ,tll -s''xku a" *" "-'1 -r,.l <.-",.,.\.-. # ,.'.-"i , '-t" 4z y,^..1. f 3 IV. FTNDINGS 3. .r does not cover the entire Eite. There are other potential building aites which are out of the suale uhere the owner could have located the house and conforned to the code. .r The ownqr alfr shift{d the lpuse w}thout firs! receivirig apppoval f{m the lconnunf.ty dQvelopifent Departndqt wh\ch credQee a dqlf-inlcsed Qards\in. Tbe effect of the recruested variance on light and air. distribution of populatLon. transportation and traffic faclllties, public facilities and utilities. and public safetv. The height variance will have no inpact on the above referenced criteria. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the Iiroitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regrulation would resul-t in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tit1e. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condLtions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regrulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. The Planning and Environnental Cornrnission shall nake the foll.owinq findings before orantinq a variance: c. -r.; ea1;:;.-o,t1 oL.,'J' 3 VI . STAFF RECOMMENDATION lt, j I i' {, lt ti' >' { t the reguest because it does not findings. i..,. ,r ,r-, staff reconmends denial of meet all the criteria and Because of the unique site characteristics related to the swale, one could conclude that Finding A has been met since tbe variance would be tied to a hardship. However' the site provides other options for the building location; therefore staff cannot recomrnend approval. Finding B is met as this proposal woul.d certainly not be a threat to public safety. Finding c2 is partially met in staffrs analysis, because the site does have extraordinary circurnstances not found on other properties in the same zone. The swale shown on the topographic survey creates an extra four feet below the structure which must be counted in the height measurement (see elevation). If the swale is not taken into account, the height from existing grade is i, 33.67'. This is still over the linit by 8" but the applicant should be able to trirn the ridge and bring it into cornpl iance. Given that there are other possible locations for the house that would not Iikely require a variance, staff concludes that there is not a hardship on the site. In addition, the process which the applicant followed (shifting the house without the Cornmunity Development Departmentrs approval) puts the Town of Vail in a position where we cannot support a variance to the zoning code which could have been avoided and which we were not consulted about. , 1 .r')| ."i 1'-;- il' ,\., t -" '-'' 3 t' ' .! ^. ''i ir;,\ riii"-' l, i'' .;l'' ! .1 il'' I ;l- ?' j 1" ,\,,.-t '^"-,\" rl.- I il'. ,W I LOT 4 -Fad {h 7s50 sfi' tTt fi4d - 7g*'- -79.60, -l I 'l Ttdr 7970'- a 7z 7?------- J.-- _-: -------"----o >;< I 'I I t b 9l 'R g' I E{4,*--" -----;:::._-. . _--:;;:: . : __ .;i;*z;-"'" *:-,_ ------'-" -)--,_j ----- "-*:-' _' . _- . -- - - ----- o9--- ------- - "' ::: - ;:r--;7:--_;_-=): j;-i::----::":;-t.::e-:---*---_-_':::-:---|.'.:-: -+'- "'-_------'o-,:-l-: --: -' -__-- ---;- -- -'-"o,,.-- - - - - - -,.- ;|;:r*-i.:t:i:::;i*:::;*2..-t::-_z:.*-._::::.::.::. .-..g..:;--_J-o..:-o-.;..........%:-----.-&-- ;.---:-- ----------''" .:-'-- ---"' " -: ,. o -.' z' \ l--,i-- ---- - ---'-__-..'t ..-1 --- :-t-, ;5: ; -i: Z : -: j.-";*1;ii. . :-T ,1 f-:-: :' -" -'--' -.---:ft*-----_p__l_$: ._\ ---- i--i,.__ Ot -r- a -."!;-.--i'- ,-'J", "' .--f' --i -' -*'o,_!---4 !.FN l'"''l' i::J-, -- --- -o9---"'---.. t',-A- --' -^'-t-- - -----ii- #;:=t{L g-"'-..'"6---- g -n" --1v---. ',..'&*''-l-- \\ \,'altf -- -- - -_-;.----- -- -7 \ .( i ,YitsTtNq 63'frOs ,y Lf rN6lJsp 6(k0E joutil E:LeY47764 Lt =1 =r . r -.rart o ILEU '79e1b1 ' A 141'-t ffi _%vle l'.Ht'^-'.,r r.s fo[*' o, n*rl *!: i'. . { FqsT ELEYhtlorl ,t'- l1 l,' ): r,--1.. ,:'- l --1 r f,lrr'' '- | ,,*L" [,/ , ,'v'r k?- - O B^., r i"b* sL',, Mnt 2.t.:..4',,4 ;;-1zLtr".r i7-<- n+l A * ,'.t -(/'\1tl[f! k..*h: fL" tt-11,+ luL{*"a C//-,; /** L,',t a '6ru A-r* H '-ot^-.\ f1'z< .A or- P-) "-d '&////1 rLur:atg a4.GrL,J 6,- (4,,3 /, :_,t /it ' ,^ n-, 1 ,.,11 .I^r1,.+r.; t .t4/'( tr a ;{ tc Ltl,.,.t,2.< i":,:l$i!i-,= . t ,4.' rh f>s,s * (/o,L. --/\-/'/7zor, ; 1fu1ful 5 {-r-./-aap( U)Pe-< Uti c {^t}e rot ot)t-t J- r)J , ?p {LgonJs -Je *t< 4. ry/rJ (/*,-ron.e e,D .. 7/a .Ct,t/ ilav*t ) Z Jo ns-J abd=-/ Tz 74 .. (/,4-rrrorz C4 lF C.o-,Je4/ - 4'*" b+ t s/Nl 9 *"!g 4?nd// Adjacent Property Owners : Vall InternountaLn Sub. P.O. Box 705 Vail, Co. 81658 Ms Joan K. Eggerlchs 200 Margate Lake Bluff, IL 50044 Mr Danl,eL J. Frederick P.O. Box 2561 Avon, CO 81620 Davld A. & Judith A. Maurer 736 Kiwt Circle Wlnter Park, FL 32789 Mr. Levls W. Pennock P.O. Box 1166 Vall-, CO 81658 l3J' t o GIV PUBLTC NorrcE t EN that the Planning and Fnvironmental 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY Cornrnission of the Town of vail witl hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on August 13, 1990 at 2:OO P.!t. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A rrork session on air guallty. 2. A request for a conditional use pernit, a landscape variance, and a setback varl.ance for a renediation system equipnent building at the Alplne Standard Station' part of Lot A, Vail village 2nd Filing, 285 S. Frontage Road West. Applicant: Amoco corp. 3. A request for a najor anendnent to SDD No. 16, part of parcel A, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing 2. (The Valley Phase III)Applicant: Brad & Susan Tjossem A request for a rnajor subdivision, to approve the preliminary plan, a reguest for a variance to the maximum height for retaining walls, and a request for a variance to the naximum percent grade for a road, on a Parcel comnonly referred to as Spraddle creek' an approxinate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L,/4 of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, being an Eagle county Brass cap properly marked and set, htith all bearings contained herein being relative to a bearing of s O0 11r 00rr E between the Northeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4' and the Southeast Corner of said Souttreast L/4 of tlre Southwest L/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap properly rnarked and set; said Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest L/4 being the Point of beginning; thence S oo 11 | OOtt E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1.320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5i thence S 89 47' 48rr lt along the south line of said Southeast I/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 a ^Q$stance of 901.00 feett thence N 73 48t 32tt W along -\ilhterstate 70 Right of Way line a distance of 2L4.12 feett i thence N 66 52r 12n W along said Right of Way line a distance of 24I. 10 feet to a point on the west line of said Southeast L/4 af the South'test L/4 of Section 5t thence N OO 2of 31rr W along the west line of said Southeast L/4 of t}re Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1151.66 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 being an Eagle county brass cap ProPerly narked and set; thence N 89 41t L2't E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1rl4 of Section 5 a distance of 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said real property containinlt 39.55 acres, more or ]ess. Applicant: George Gillett, Jr. s* 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. :",::;#' lni"l o l",llii' setback at 9 VaiI Road--Holiday House, Lot B, Vail Village^''2nd Filing.Applicant: Holiday House/Pinnacle Resorts A request for a major amendnent to SDD No. 4, Coldstream Condominiuns in order to amend sections 18.45.090 (B) density, 18.45.100 (B) floor area' 18.46.220 enployee housing and 18.46.23o tinre requirements to convert an existing racquetball facility into an eraployee housing unit, management office, laundry and owner storage area at Lot 53 Glen Lyon Subdivision, 1476 westhaven Drive. Applicant; Coldstrearn Condoniniurn Association. A request for a setback variance in order to enlarge a second story housekeeping service room at Montaneros Condominiums located at 541 w. Lionshead Circle, I,ot 8, Block 1, Vai}-Lionshead 3rd FiIing. Applicant: Montaneros Condominiun Association A reguest for a wall height variance and an amendment to the approved access plan for both lots at 146 and L26 Forest Road, Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne A request for a height variance at 2855 Snowberry Drive, Lot 6, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Doug and Michelle CahiII 10. A request for a height variance in order to erect a satellite dish and a conditional use to expand hospital space and add a satellite dish at the vail valley Medical Center on Lots E and F, Vail Village 2nd Filing (181 west Meadow Drive).Applicant: Vail valley Medical Center 11. A request for a side setback variance at Lot 3, Block 5 Vail Village 1st Filing, Unit 3B--vail Rowhouses, 303 Gore creek Drive.Applicant: Stewart Colton L2. A request for an exterior alteration and a height variance on Lot C and Lot D, and the southwesterly 4 feet of L.ot B, all in Block 5-8, Vail ViIIage lst Filing, 227 BrLdge Street (covered Bridge Building) . Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and Bruce Arun & Associates. The applications and inforrnation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Courmunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Corununity Development Published in the Vail Department Trail on July 27, 1990. i:i :i c\-Itu lli : r.l ;i I t ,i /Isf,-,t: t-z.-?D II. II lr Y I tl/1 J[-II , lpyUtrf ZttJa/4 -U , . l;L* L.,* *L'/H Arv .*4g -,:/L" - - - /1 i / 'rtur J1v. "t 10 tttLt 1 P,)r' fL{* urwxt €++ r 0 @ A I ,t il ri l'i 7./O .fu P/tnz eA fu *tc ,7a/z(azz a/r4 . ,tk Gc. Aar ,V /*;g nsVcchi n ileed /o r?C:/era CoP! / //* ,shodrg /aca#dV 3/ 'rfrzrc/rt'ttt an db ty,ttanrbtr hna. flou<zara*nj) o; 16. .ffi -t ls so.rra/ sha<3 ltdg shaax /oc. '/ bry ae lmryd at/ @ a?e dd4.u-*. 4eeaerhg fuza. ,6 apa.'n- e/era*oV / /zaz --ctccrdt a//a'cail hgt (tt') . /d/o ncoo p/d/il Aa t€ no a'ay 9! ckuqg Errc zr,driafu h tyau/d /.?/z,t //a-^t r';ft/ ,b CDD % 6-^u/atz 62ru*e) ?rs 9o o?/r/ry Cah// au)o(r /7€d 6 d/g' ,'V oK -h a)orz- m rc€/ 3{ azi€ &n,Ar,V ra,,mu>@?frq - A( d/// //zg "Pg ry/e fattrcact) . Ji.. fi ,4 ,/ac. as hrriy' ol4r/*A €qhur //ner .'-Ea,/r.r lR.a\*.,,....,r.,* '-J et{\\f qlLc " 28s r^lrx\s : FE \>csrqr.rs o qol Snoc..*l k:.rs\ trB \ t\"-.e '- \ _- t SL trlrg $, . 1*__=Ig_lolri H :t_!_L?6. I --. .1114 I ', (Ljtr 4'-z-'\ qzt'4" I I I I I r-.J - -: A FIESIEIEN st Yallr Colorado hard L. Crowther. FAIA afchtt€ct '.. ^ -- t' iz<t--- -/'t ' :,1-3Ailr\i '/qr' I or L"v/f REQUEST FOR HEIGHT VARIANCE 2855 Snowberry Drive Vail, Colorado Vail Intermountain Subdivision Block 9, Lot 6 Applicants, D. Douglas and Michelle J. Cahill' request a building height variance to exceed the regulated 33 feet maximurn height for a prirnary/secondary residence. The proposed variance in height is to satisfy the Town of Vail (TOv) height measurement procedure. The existing structure physically measures 32 feet 6 inches from the highest ridge to the ground. This measurement wiII naturally decrease upon placement of top soil and final landscaping. Applicantsr house will not affect the view of existing or potential structures in the vicinity in that the slope of the property is greater than 4o* and places the ridge elevation below that of road level on Snowberry Drive. The home on the adjacent lot has been built in two stages on the slope of the hill, rising approxirnately 40 feet, with its ridge being a garage above street level . The applicants believe there is a question as to whether the height of the home is either 5.67 feet above the regulated 33 feet or 2.67 feet above regulation. The methodology with which the TOV determines the highest point caused a physical hardship because of the topographic condition of the applicants' site. This methodology placed the highest point of the ridge over a drainage ditch, which measured more than four feet below the natural grade located at the exterior walls, directly below the highest point of Page Two the house. It was the applicants understanding that the highest measurement was where the topographic contour intersected the rniddle of the ridge and that this was a fixed point. This understanding was based on the recoromendation rnade by the TOV Planning staff assigned to the project at the tiure the project was approved. Two procedures lrere recommended to lower the ridge elevation and determine placement of the house. One was to drop the finished floor elevation inside the foundation and the other was to situate the house so that the deterrnined fixed point on the ridge intersected a contour line to meet the understood height requirement. The placement of the horne was further deternined upon the beginning of excavation and const4rction of the foundation. The applicant found it necessary to change the placement of the home according to the Design Guidelines 18.54.050 (A.2) of the Tov zoning codes, atternpting to preserve unique land forms and features, in order to save a 40 foot fir tree, Ieaving tbe root system in tact and unharmed. The applicants agree to the misunderstanding of the maximum height of 33 feet, believing that it' \das 35 feet. Therefore, Ithen deternining the highest point on the topographic site plan, the measurement of 35 feet was used in caLculating placement. Thus providing what the applicants believe is the 2-67 feet above regulation. Page Three The requested variance does not affect light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities' utilities and/or public safety. The applicantsr farnily home neets alI Design Review Board regulations, naintaining the natural beauty of the area with a design that cornpliments both the individual site and its surroundings. A urininal amount of trees were removed, Ieaving the house surrounded by nany aspens. The driveway was brought in off Snowberry Drive to eliminate street-side parking. conpatibility of the project has and will be achieved through proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors. Appl ication PEC MEETING ,* DATE I.lnrs wil I A. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The app'l ication not be accepted until a'l 'l information is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS - lcrt I , (Lt l,tlsr< pnouEjth-s,L?7 NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS B. NUNFA T S \ ADDRESS PHONE c. l'1,^.145 0F {type or orint)-llLrtte] bJ-C,k t!- V r.t I (6 W.s V puow V|k's< 71 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL E. FEE $I OO PAID THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THI APPLiCANT t.lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE l,lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO 'DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l.llLL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l^lILL STREAIVILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SY OTCRMSING-THE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST 8E COMPLIED l.lITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUm-. rIr. F0uR (4) cOPrEs 0F THE F0LL0WrNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEI.TENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The rel ationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. noonrss J8Sf, Sruotr be rr[ )r,u LEGAL DESCRIPTION L0T-L BL0CKj|__FIIING J,uIu,ryrtttt,r&etn ,^ \ lJ t vt cK #_.if.tl_ raovludlilJh' Eou*, (nl'tu COI4MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I&II- RCCEPT 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation and enforcement of a-specified regulatjon is.necessary to achieve compat'ibi'l ity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of specia'l privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. IV. B. A topographi.c and/or improvement surveJ at_a sca'le of at_least l" - 20, stamped ' by a Colorado.licensed surveyor including-locations of all.existing irp"oue-nents, including_grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must-be shown are_parking and-'loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areus ind-'--"'.utility and drainage features. C. A slte plan at a scale of at least 1" = 20' showing exist'ing and proposed bui 1di ngs. D. All preliminary building elevations and floor p'lans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed.on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is'located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners'association, then written approval from the association in support of the proiebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. G. Any additional material necessar-v for the review of the app'l icaiion as determined by the zoning adminisirator.. * For interior modifications, an 'improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated subm'i tta'l date. 4. How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensjve Plan. Vari ance on the 2nd and 4th llondays all accompanying materiai .of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- (, []l*,1::i::"',*-ol ,a.D' 1e-, et THIS DEED , Ede this doy oI KENNEIII W. !,lATIlIE:l^lS ltay 25, L989 ot the coulty of Cotorado, of the first part, ard and State ot qs OE :E f.J z ltl zw mo {{Mtd I lt ul -e H{r- F, l I' hJ ('ltt -l m Dg oo r\me r)\o@ z <n, nul m DANIEL MJGIAS CAIIIIL ald MICHELLE JAIIIREAU CA}IILL dlose t.sst eddress is P.O. FX 1077, \AIL, CO 81658 of the Courty of and State ol Colo.€do, of the secord pert: l,JIlllESSETH, Thet the ssid party ot the tirst part, for ard in cdr6ideretioo of the sun of I\,lEIfY $UJSAIID mLIARS AI{D 00/1-00 rS-- and other good and veluabte considerstion to the said pe.ty of the fi.st p6rt in hEnd plid by the said pErti.s ot the secord p6rt, the .eceipt rhereof ia he.eby coifessed aid ackno{ledged. hss grented, bErgein€d, sotd a.d conveyed, ard by these presents does grant, ba.gain, sett, corw€y srd confirm unto the 6aid parties of the secord pErt, thei. heirs 6rd assigns forever, not in tenEncy in cd||mn but in ioint tenancy, s(t the fot toring descri b€d tot or prrcet ot (srd, lying ard being in the rt!t***** couty ol nAGLE 6rd Stste of Cotorsdo, to Hit: I.Of 6, BIOCK 9, IL INIERI.4CIJNIAIN DEVEIOPME.IT SI,JBDTVISICII. AC@RDII.IG TO THE PIAT BEgOBDEP SEPTE{BER, 7, T972 IN rcK 225 AT PAGE 335, CIIJNIY'OF EAGLE, STATE OF coroRAm- rtso kiorr as st.eet nr.nb€r 2855 $ICfiEmRY LANE, VAfL. @LORAD IOGEIHER eith atl 6td singuter the hereditslEnts and apgrrtensnces thcreto b.tongihg, or in.nyyis! app€rtaining, ard the reYersiori 6nd reversions, aeftbi nder 6nd remainders, rents, issues rrd profits thereof; ard stt the astetc, right, tit(c interest, clsin ard demard dratsoeve. of the sEid psrty of the first psrt, either in tse or equity,of, in 6rd to the ebove bsrgair€d premises, rith the hereditdments srd appurtemnces. TO I1AVE AflD T0 HOLD the said prernises sbove bargained ard described, xith the appurtenances, unto the said p6rties of the secord part, their heirs 6rd assigns forever. Ard the said party oI the ljrst part, for himsetf, his heirs, erecutors, ard sdrinistrgtors, does covenant, grant, bergain and sgree to 6ri rith the srid psrties of the secord part, their heirs atd assigns, thet 6t the time of the cnserting ard det ivery of these presents, he is eel.t seized ot the pr€rnisrs 6bove conveyed, as of soo<i, sure, perfect, absol.ute ard indefeasible estate o{ inherit6nce. in la|., in tee simple, and hEs good right, lutt porer 6nd larful authority to gr€nt, bargain, sell 6rd convey the sa|tE in m6mer ond lorn ss atoreseid. 6nd that the seme Ete tree 6nd clear trom 6ll former snd other grsnts, bergaihs, sates, liens, t6xes, asgessmntg snd encu rrarEes of Hhatever kind or ndture soever- E)(CEPT GM,IMAL TN(ES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR T}IE YEAR 1989 AND SIJBSEqJENT YEARS, AND s1lElEq p EAs4,!nrIs, RESffi/MroNs, RESrRrCrroNs, cpvm,nNrs AND ruc[rrs oF wAY, rN DCTSTM{CE. TF A}IY. {d the sboved bergained preiiises in the quiet srd peaceable possession of ssid partles of the second pert, th. survivor ot them, their assigns snd the heirs and assigns of such survivo., sgainst Etl snd every person or persons (al|fulty ctaining or to claim the Hhote or any part thereof, the seid party of the Jirst p6rt shatt snd ritt TJARRANT AIO fOREV€R DEtEilD. Ihe singutar nLrr$er shatt inctude the pturEl, the pturet the singutor, erd the use of any gerder shalI be appticabte to att :|Z,QQ . ...)-, 91,-.,1- t:-,.. iy .ll 6' o TI (rl a rrl so ro EO '!rl r.F = genoeis. lN I.IITNESS IIHEREOF, the said party of the first p€rt ha6 hereunto set his hand and seal rr i tten. i$. L .t?4 \,\'i.f".!{^ day 6rd ye6r tirst ebove (sEAL)sis"*I 11+AAibiel iverea ;n the presence or -ti 4 .tA 4t t- __l "^h?i,"2\ryr1L !,",. The toregoing i nstrun€nt Hss Ecknortedgd before fi€ this day of ttlay 26, a9a9 RH{NETII W. I4ATIHEIiS ry conmissidr ",pi".. -J.)/f AA t-/4_ lb torn 921A Co[.ioUTER HARRANTY oEED-To Joint Tenants Escror # l-3402V Titte# L34O2 ,19 L/7 .Vitness rry hrrd ord officlal. seat. ii _;lri6 vn()L- O .;{{ t DtrPHRrMtrNT @F .tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMtrNT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCA]ION FEES 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 0000 424rs lroqp 0000 41412 lconrnecroRs ucENsEs fEEs 0t 0000 4r4r3 .SIGN APPLICATION C' e,t', Lp-?L ce 11 a t APPLICATIOII DATE: DATE OF DRB XEETIIiG, ,l-",rt: 'i', t /|ti -*.* '":; "'i ..-,\p- ..:_i.= . .: :'!?,;; INFORI'IATION IS SUBIIIfiED*ff*T DRB APPLICATION ****.THI5 APPLICATION !tILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEFIII'IG: '-T] ,'] : .'.; A pre-aopi.ication meeting with'a planning'staff member is strongly suggested to :i' .:E --.. -rr.:+.:^-,r iarnm-+i,.,- i.--^^,r-,r Na annlication will be acceoted :i ielermini if any addit'io;ai information is needed. No application will be accepted i] unless it is comol.ete (must inciude aif iiemi-iequirea by the zoning adrninistrator). 't:i ii it ttr" appiicant'i ieipons'ibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find It iS the appllCant'S feSpOnSlDl l'lfy EO maKe an aPPu rrrurrc L_ irr r.r. r..'|; Jss'' ev I rl out about additionat submittat requiremenii. -iif"ul. note that a COMPLETE applica- f .-{i ;;;"-;iii;i;;;i;;; in. upp"ouui'p"o..ts for your Proiect bv -decreas'ins the numoer -,.-, -.'aI '$s.oi londitions of approvat tirat the'oRB may st'iluiati. ALL conditions of approvai must ,fr: bereso.lvedbef.ore.iuuiiatngperm.it.isissued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: Itt.'-,- !'Lrv\'-Vt\LLtr)t''t\" a'/ :( l"-'r-uLi t'l't'qLt j::';F OF PROPOSAL:B. LOCATION Address '^'/ ,^ ''t LL\-( Legal Description Lot 'tr b B'lock Zoni ng C. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT: Addres s D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESE}ITATIYE: Addres s E. NAI'IE OF Fil ing V!..i Iit k v rvri,r.tr*,ri t! tel ephone. te i echone -i OlrlNERS: Si gna ture Address F. tel ePhone be paid at the t'ime a building permit is requesied'DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 d-50]jo'' $1oo . oo $200.00 $300.00 $10.001 -$ 50,000 ffi $5oo,oo1 - $1,000,000 $ over $1'ooo'0oo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBI'IISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittai requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that rvill be rernoveo shoujd also be martld. This work must be completed before the ORB visits the . s'i te. Z. The revi"" O"o..r, for NEl.l BUILDINGS will normallyjnvoive b^lo separate meetings of the Design Rev'iew Board, so plan on at least tlo meetings for their.approval. 3. Peopie rvho fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meei'ing and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be repubi ished. a ....".'.{r? 4. The fol.lowing itens no 'longer have.to be. presenled,lg-!!. Design-Review Board' '" r-: They, however, n;t; iq Ue iresenteO io in!-Zoning Administrator for approvai: and similar exterior changes that do not aiter the the building; and a. llindows' skYIights existing Plane of b. Bui'lding additions that are not viewed wnich hive had letters submitted from the addition; and/or approvai from the associ ati on . You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your check with a Town Planner before prtceeding' from any other lot or Public space' adjo'in'ing property owners approvlng alent f6r', or manager of a condominiurn property. You should 5. LIST OF IIATE.?.IALS -..lrAl'lE 0F Pil0JECi: . LEell DESGRIPTIoII: ;llEFT'+ffil'e;'' The follolving Eoard before A. EUILDI}IG Roof Siding infornation is required for submittal a finai approval can be fiven: iIATERIALS: TYPE 0F I'IATERIAL by the applicant tc the Design Review COLOR 1 qQ3 rryu9al , 4.€. P. :Po-rt 'ilca,td^& &'u"^ a ; i Other'Jall Materials Fasci a Soff i ts ili ndo"vs lJindolv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Rails F'lashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT I.IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES B. LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani tv EXISTING TREES TO gE REIOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees' Piru.- Falcl.,'*.-. t + a a-- o 7'/ /6 I /, /t/ '// cohi fers . . (over) Indicate height for PLAIIT IIATEi,IALS: (con't) SHRUES EXIS;i;iG SIIRUBS TO BE P.EI.IOVED Quan i t'r Eotani ea I ilame Comon iiame UKUUIU Ligr i.i.J qnn Tvoe h4 Scuare Flotate *__ I IT: UI thlrtt^.-'.1rl lK|(lUi.1| I Url TYPE OR. METHOD OF EKUJ lUr{ LUli I KUL "tfn-,t.ao!* C. 0THER LANOSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swimrning poois, etc.) P'lease specify. ZOIIE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZC:|E DIST,iiC;S n^rr. /' l<lxg ==-ffi LEGiL i:3Ci'iir i rUi{: LoE- AOORESS: O:,JNER ARCH I TECi ZONE DISTRIC PROPOSED USE LOT sI;E Pro oos ed a* ss' nab tgah J6+w rcqo -, 4tl - r&t a'LltL) ' Slta n( Ac\ ,\A._ u,L-.- Slope Actua I Solo Avalanche n4-- Flood Plain ^A- Sl ope n fi-. lletlands ^-o€Geologic Hazards A-A- a(- He'ignt lOEa I ur(rA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front ( i doc Rear l,later Ccurse Site Coverage Landscaoi ng Fence/Retaining '/al i Heights Parki ng Credi',s: Garage Mechani ca I Ai rl ock qf'tFrato revr eJv Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permi tted Envi ronnrenta I /Hazards : ? o/o Bl ock one Pho ne 20' 15' (30)(5c) ( 300 ) (600 ) (eoo)(1200) (so)(1oo) frzf/\ru/ (2oo)(40o) Filing lail lfuitrntt&"it' Al'l o';ted Comrnents: approveo t UTILITT LOCATIC:: VEP.IFICATICI: SUBD IVIS iON JOB NA'IYE nt nal. FT? Tr.n ]i It l,.r \, AI)DRESS The location of ucj.ll.cies, whecher chey be raain trunk lines or Proposed llnes n Eusc be approved and veri-f ied by the f ollor.ring uEililies fo: che accompanying site plan. Auchor:reci Sisrature Date Mouncain Bell 468-6500 Wescern Slope Gas Co. I 800 923-1987 llarry ltoyes Public Service Conpany 949-5781 Gary Hall l{oly Cross Eleccirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted li'rsky/Michael Laveri;r lleri c:g e Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & SaniEacion Dis Erj-cE 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: These verificacions do not relieve che conEraccor of his responsj.bill.ty co obcain a screeE cuc per:nir fron che Toqrn of Vall, Degartnenc of Publlc lJorks and co obcai.n uEiliry locar:ons before digging in any public right- of-way or easenenc i.n che Tosn of Vai.l. A builCine oerrni.c is noc a stleeE cuc DermiE. A screec cuc pernic nust be Thl.s fortl ls to verify servlce availability ard locarlon. this should be used in conjunctlon with prepari-ng your utlllly plan atrd scheduling inscallacions. a' *(Please bring a slte plan when obcalning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanj.E.acfon signacures ) ;( UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION i rticl. nraquTdr rJ JOB NAHE uciliEles, whelher they be nain and verified by the follor.ring trunk lines or proposed llnes, utilitles for the accourPanYlng MounEain Bell)D L''eas' Date 6->--Z 6-a€r 6-=-17 L-a'9? Y'tr,-n\ f[.clCn NOTE: These verifLcacions do no! relieve rhe concraccor of his responsibiliEy to obtain a streec cuc permlc frost the Town of Val1, Departmenc of Public Works and co obcain uciliEy locacions before digging in any publlc righr- of-vay or easemenE in the Tosrn of Vai1. A building pernit is noE a street cuc perrnic. A scree! cut perni! urus ! be obcained separalely. This forn 1s to vertfy servlce avaiLability and locatlon. This shculd be used in conjunc!1on wich preparing your utillty plan and schedullng installaclons. , *(Please bring a s1t'e plan shen obcaLning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanitaglon slgnacures) "o, * 6 BlocK-Z-rruuc t At- Iprcrtnlau"t'iAtlJ The location of must be approved site plan. Authorized S lsnature -AM5{0 c,a1-{,tgb Western Slope Gas Co. r 800 922-1987 Harry ltoyes Public Service ConpanY 949-5 781 Gary Hall - lloly Cross Electirc Assoc.'v/ 949-5892 {/ Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Ileri cage Cablevision T.V. 949 -5 5 30 ..? Garf JoUrtson t" siwL- fl:t )1' Upper Eagle Valley Water & ..,1 Sanication Dis tric! 1fr 476-7480 Fred Haslee -ffi;+on L/Jt. t-.zsl , I::#.1:l record the-daY orf-'A'D' 1e-'a'",*t RECORDER. DEPUTY, THf S DEED . Made thi s day of betxeen KENNEIH W. MAHHEI.JS Yray 26, 1'989 of the Courty of and Stste of colorado, of the first part, artd DqNIH, MJGINS CAHILL AId MICIIEJLE JA}IDREAU CAI{ILL lirose [€gat address is P.O. mX LO77 , VAILT CO 81658 of the cohty of ard state of Colorado, of the second part: UITIIESSETII. That the said party of the first part, for ard in consideration of the slm of Form 9214 CON.IPUTER T.,ARRANTY DEED.To Joint Tenants ard other good ard vatuabte consideration to the said p€rty of the first part in hard paid by the said parties of the secoid part. the receipt rhereof is hereby ccrfessed ard ac knol t edged, has gront€d, bargaircd. sotd ard conveyed, and by thesc presents does gr8nt, bargain, sell, corvey ard confirm unto the said parties of the second p.rt, their heirs and assigns forever, not in tenancy in ccn|tron hJt in joint ten€ncy, att the fottoHing d€scriH tot or parcet of tard, lying and being in 16s **Jr**** Coutty of EAGLE end Stste of Colorado, to r{it: I'T 6, BTOCK 9, \'AIL INIB$dCTJNIAIN DE!I|7E[OF!48{I SIJBDIIIISIOI, AC@RDI}G TO TTE PIjIT RE@RDED SEPIE[tffi. 7, L972 II.I rcOK 225 NE PAffi 335, ffi,JNrY OF EAGrl, SrAIE OF @IORAM. llso kmrn as €tr€et nuber 2855 SllCpilBffiRlf IANE, \AIL' @IORAD IoGETHER rlith atl ard singutar the hereditanEnts and apFJrtenanccs thereto betonging, or in anpri se appertaining, ard the rcversion and revtrsions, rerninder and remainders, rents, issues ard profits thereof; ard atl the rstste, right, titte intercst, ctairn ard defl|ard *ratsoever of thc said party of the first part, either in lar or eq.ri ty,of , in.rd to the rbove brrgr i ncd prmise6, rith thr hereditalEnts rnd appurtenances, fO { VE AilD lo HoLD the said prenises above bargei ncd rrd describcd. rith the appurt.narres, unto the said parties ol the secord p8rt, their heirs ard assigns forwer. Ard the Baid psrty of the first part, for hinself. his hcirs, executors, and ldninistrators, does covenant, grsnt, bargsin and agree to ard rith the said parties of the second part, their heirs 'rd assigns, that !t the tine of the enseat irg lrd det ivary of these pfesents, he is retl seized of thc premises abo\€ convcyed, ss of gpod, Bure, perfect, absotute rnd indefessibte .state ot ir*reritrrc, in lar, in fee sinple, ard has good right, futt pot er lnd trxfut ruthori ty to grdrt. b6rgsin, setl ard cdrvly the sam in marncr ard fonn as aforesaid, and that tha ga|||e are free ard ctear frcnr cll lomrer lnd othcr grents, bsrgains, sates, liena, tsxes, assee$rnta and acurbrences of lftatever kird or natufe soever, EI(CEPT GNERAL TAJ{ES AI{D A.SSESSMENIS TDR IIIE V'EAR 1989 AIID SIIJBSUJBII Y:EARS, A}.TD s'tBlET 10 EASMINTS, RESR1A(nIONS, RESTRICrfONS, @\lEldANIS A}rD RrG[ilS OF l,iAY, IN ECISTBiICE, IF AI{Y. and the aboved bargained premises in the quiet ard pesceabte possession of said Farties of the second part,-the survivor of thenr their assigng and the heirs and assigns of such survivor, agsinst alt sd every p€fson of persms laHfulty ctaiming or to claim the *rote or any part thereof, the said pafty of the fifst part shatt and Hitt I|ARRANT AIO FoREVER DEFEiID, The singular nu$er shatt inctude the plurat. the ptural the singular, ard the use of any gerdec shatt be appticabte to att genders. lll VIIIIESS IIHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hard ard seal rri tten. day and year first sbove (sEAr ) (SEAL) (SEAL ) The fofegoir€ instrunent ras acknoytedged before ne this day of KH.INHIH W. IiGrIHEI{IS Yby 26, L989 IIIENIY IlUtSAl{D DIiIARS Al.lD OOI1OO|S----- DoLLARS, rf' confissidr '*'"" 1?'U-Lt-lL- 2u w Escror # L34O2V ritre# L3402 ,n'// -uitrcss rry hand end official seat- \ : I I{TEP.- DTPARTI'IENTAL REV I El,l PP.0JECT: Gtrr-r-- l*,Or*-..;:- DATE SUBI.|ITTEI): E -?.1 . DATE 0F PUBLIC HEARING 1.5--x- COI!'/TENTS }|EEI)ED BY:t)W- P@*ts- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: a - .fler I tT ,r.-rl tul:o;fzral(l-.}'-)F't' , ,,...J R, zoliE ct:Icl{ for R P/s z0;{[D]STI?ICTS SFR, Lega'l Description : Lot 6 B'f ock 3_ Fi'tin9 $ner LE{4)Architect -:> '/4tL /A1TVZ1gILEA/ zc;le ursLri ct Proposed Use <i /:a Setbacl'.s: Sides-Requir-cd 15, proposed Rear -RequireC 15' proposed ({ liatcrcrulsc-requ'i red 'proposed -l--- t ,.^ t -,'.'GRFA: GRFA: /rl'lor.;ed i *1 5- ' Pri nir ry Secondary Propo: ed Propcs ed Prop cs e d Propos ed Proposcd Prop:;: erd Actual .Prinaq, A1 I ol.;ed Secondary /rl'l ol;ed Site Cor,era ge: Al'loi.red Landscapi'ng:Requi red Itrite: Sl ope permitted En'.'ironn;cntal,/ll,:;.lrrJs: Aya'l.nche 2?uj Reqrrired #"Park i ng : e al -SlLope Fl ood Pl a in flt li'It t{Ot .xflr rrlltrf,Olllltlltrlt tlCa lllt orrfr elr. GICF G ll-E l- lrdl'!3E.ILE r al l |l n:r illlrllr illt rb tt'lf u||llt tlllt lfFlulfirr ||nt&l! llttll. a efrrU'.f cFtl- .a n |la d Obr*r at l|FI Jtr || I bre' r..+ rblL blr* llttl, htl7 €r d rr5 t. tb llr -r - Aa Hclf ;ltrr - rel -eddr lt !r |t Irf to Hl brfrr htL btrcrl+ t$r *n clrrb I t l- .td dlrt rI-attll-rt}.rltr tF - il!lElt drar -Fr..rr d w tuil r srtrr t ailltt tlE[| lLl ls t lIC lda-l- t-r-'I 3 "!It d-l- 4ltta;at - . .(.. ,' i'..i !. t" tb ll|rfti I le Ett t Lt ar .xali b *tr- l. .Clf- brrer d t ...!fila btdr b flr It&or€o t lttt< It' . 11i1. rrrt a[t !zu! Gtl.|flll tll'lE G t;.trnp3 r Ftltsl 166 eLrt ltllt. l'( nilli ,r^'-^ d ot?tctrl nl. a :f P.O. Box 1077 Vail, Colorado 81658 October 20, L989 To Whom It May Concern: I an, building a single family residence in Vail InLer-mountain, Block 9, Lot 6. Due to the excessive slope of the lot, I am proposing to build a garage which will encroach on the utility easement. The Town of Vail will staff approve the building with your acknowledgement of the structure being placed onto the easement. Sincerely. .\.\/U- l)llrt-oto\ (4t1vL, ' D. Douglas Cahill Company w;Jt, q,/E-t67t - (o)1 furu t *l - v?tu'ssv7 w) \ o --4,Date / / J P.O. Box 1077 .Vail, Colorado 81658 October 20, 1989 To Whom It May Concern: f arn building a single family residence in Vail Inter-mountain, Block 9, Lot 6. Due to the excessive slope of the lot, f am proposing io build a garage which tri1l encroach on the utility easement. The Town of Vail will staff approve the building with your acknowledgement of the structure being placed onto the easement. Sincerely, r\?\r'U- l/o,^ 6' {-/+S Q,4slau- D. Douglas Cahill //-< // /(s/ Company P.O. Box 1077 VaiI, Colorado 81558 October 20, 1989 To Whom It May Concern: I am builoing a singie family resicierice in Vail_ fn+..er-mountaj-n, Block 9, Lot 6. Due to the excessive slope of the lot, I am proposing to buj-ld a garage whi.ch wj_Il encroach on the utility easement. The Town of Vail will staff approve the building with your acknohiledgement of the structure being placed onto the easemenE. Sincerely, D- D-'-..r,a. Cal,-.-, ///-/E2tt&-E l:AB \E rr^-- - - ..\. \Jlr(P Cr r, ! y /o - 23- E1 Date D. Doqg1a..q CehilI edged By P.O. Box 1077 Vail, Colorado 81658 October 20, 1989 To Whorn f t l[ay Concern: I am building a single family residence in Vail Inter-mountain, Block 9, Lot 6. Due to the excessive slope of the lot, f am proposing to build a garage which wiII encroach on the utility easement. The Town of Vail will staff approve the building with your acknowledgement of the structure being placed onto the easement.. Sincerely, n\/ D- !}-'.-e,i,X (Apl ta--'--- D. Douglas Cahi1l Acknowledge Date LUPV, 7c1b7' 61 " l,Q b'- lt1 :V7rzs h l eo''e t' ' Y- t-tAlil tJ | ,.g*...,01 It at/,,4 .L'. Iq55.l-l A-q;r tr r_.;.i', iil::.:: :ltl.* i: ,_1 r I I I : Dt*NArg trvrt$ (9rr"D€.n{FrBAo$u Tll€ R\DG& e J r I jr 7c1b7,67 ErfA.{- FVIJ?'Hrr-1Hff $ffi'7e' ,_--'l.--1._ I .l I ,r"'AS , ^)g,.i5*b* lD --a U =t t:\ r \ -t/\.\ r I L.-r- 1: . 'i lt-l{r r'- In WOODS and HYMAN ATTO9N=YS A] LAW co.oeADa ct ue ButLotNG, sur't E 6t6 4I5 5 EAST JEWELL AVENUE DENV€R, C O LOFAO O 8O22a {3O3 75 9. es?O Ar-! N rr/ooos, Pc, JI'FREY A, HY MAN eARC Fl M!5Hr(rtr Mr. Jim Sayre Town Planner Departnrent of Cor,r;nuni ty Development Tou'n of Var 1 Box 100 Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Loren Leech vs Dear Jim: Decernber 20, 1982 Timberland Homes, et aI I greatly appreciate the time you spent with me last Friday, DecenJter 17, 1982, i-n connection with the proposed construction of a Timberl,and Home on Mr. Leech's 1ot in West Vail-. You indicated that you wanted to again review the material to refresh your recol-l-ection as lo the basi-s for your letter of July 27, 1982, indicating that "the staff cannot schedule the project for revi.ew by Design Review Board or i-ssue a building permit.', r 1ef ''- with you the original plans prepared by Ti-mberland Homes, the revised p1ans, the site plan drawn by engineers at lvlr. Leech's request, and the "Answer Guide" furnished bv Timberland Homes. rn addition, r left with vou samples of the wood used jn construction, Jncluding the wood sample which was designated to be used on the lower walls- vrhen you have finished with your review, I wourd appreciate your gi-ving me a call and we can biscuss it over the pntne or I can make another trip there to your office. fn lny event, I will need to pick up the docuinents and ma-"erials which r left with you. please preserve them carefuLlv as they may be exhibits in the pendrng lawsuit between tire parti-es, should the matter proceed to .uhat point. /) - t /,,t Siicerelv.t/ / /-'.-"':+'+'I ''/ 1/t r7 .! /. .i ,'-"-1 it 'Lt'u"t" " v pjr a,zAlan woods xc: Mr. Loren G. Leech