HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 11 COMMON ELEMENT LEGAL FILE.pdflrttvrmwtlittnt Idf ll t blL '/ " Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Developrnent ZS Souttr Ftontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 teY 970.4n.2L39 fax| 97 0,179'2152 web: wwwci.vail'co.us BOARD/STAFF ACTIOII ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of APPloval: 08/03/2005 Cond:8 (pl-Al,l): No changes to these plans may be rnade wnhout the written consent of rown of Vail s6fi and/or the appropriate review aommiteqs)' Cond: 0 iidtb; DRB apprwal does not consurur€ a permit for bulldtng. Please consult with i** o:r vair siritotng penonnel prior to onstruction acttvities' @rd:201 il-ne iiJ,.;*r shall not become valtd for 20 days folowing ttre date of apprortal. Cond: 202 fi'irJriiir nr projcr sha[ tapse and become votd one (1) year followirp the daE Flojectt|ame.DRBl{umbenDRBoso3g3 Proicct DescrlPtioP: ASPHATT SHINGTE SAME FOR SAME REROOF PartlclPants: i owNER SONNENALPPROPER|ITESINC 08/03/2005 20 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT PI.ATH @NSTRUCNON 03/03/2005 Phone: 328'5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGLE co 81631 Ucense: 1.18-9 PI.ATH @NSTRUCION o$l 03 I zOOs Phone: 328'55 15 Prciect PO BOX 3357 EAGI.E co 81631 Liense: 14SB 27OO TARKSPUR CTVAIL Locauon: 2700 IARI$PUR LN Legal LoU 11 Blodc 3 Subdlvision: VAIL WILDERNESS TOWNHOUS 2103-143-160G1 Partel llotion Fy: o *nnal appffil, unless a hrl6lng permlt ls lssged and con-sUuOon b ornened ard ls dilliendy pumtred buad complethn. Warren Campbell DRI Fql Pald: l0to0 ttnr l.'-i--:k-r Oi- -.,J(; |-sap i:r !:, Eii .i' i ''t rj: i1 i . f' 11; .j:,. ' i. t: 't' " Appllcation for Deslgn Revlew O.s.rtmnt ol Cott tu,|lf DJ'doFF.l TtSErtl Fronlsg! hd.\rd, ffi t165r il: f70.rl702tS hn 070.{7e245c rEb: xttd,vr|.ccrl GnrrJ I nlornrtlon: Crn l.itr ta'f.hs d..lsn trbo mtt .ntf, Fgilinl Ddor !o l.nnhq '.h{lt! flf ?kt:f' tc" liri djor .tnrt|d qrrrrrlrmr br rhc pdbdrr rp.ural lrd b trqrrltd. Ar rFplcdor !6 ql$t rul4tw ;flrn-;'G1 it- uni 11 riCrtnd filgji5io.r r ii41rC Dt rb Coililnlt D.tElogtmdl OF.lm.nL Dx ,,91g ntry d;, r,c* o tc ntiirtaC W lrr T69r CclrCt.rni6r 1a.mmhg 19 +,L"161tbt Coffibo11. ffii iifii .9ptwa rrprJ-nnlii r u.ta.tg t rlrtr b hrrd .trr| clnrtarclon coinorcrr rlihin . crr trr gf thr rnP|!Y.l. O..cadlrin of rh. R.q{.31: , r Locrffcn ot tho Propo.al: Loh - Bloct:gadr,gi.n: Ptyrb.l Addr.rr: Futd llo.:'llDt t{3 t6 oo (Core adc co. Affiot .t 970''3izB{04o bt plcd tto.)I 2 TIFotLvieu|ndF..:. Jgrl $60 Pt! $l.O.Pt -qj.|r fd of fghl Jon at.' . CcrqtgdRrtlrrr Noh atSO Fotao tru.ddr of I ncrv htldiry r ddEtrrbo!& 1il0 For m rddlflon 'r,tcn rs.rr bc|o. h d.d b trcikdal or I cmncrdal uf,Org (l.drtd!.25orddilo|r a hdor dlY.rsbG)' l( W fun*ror drgrbh*lmr ad c t||orcvrmrc' rrt rr, \- rroofrE, 9ririne, r*dil .ddllotr. Undrrhg. |lttc.s stld I rirhhg r.lt' ab. |e, F tfior du|3r. b hrldngt r.td dbhtP.oYqrr'{t' rdr J. lrrolng. P.tnt E l||dil gbq hnd$.d{tS Lrsi rrd rad|*g udr. rh,&P fu ''*bil b dlt crro sgto|rd by Flzxiq 9a[ o rhs In$Rt5|rtar(L lSFi \LTo( - o33 b \' zohlng: turr(rf otownirrt3): -4 H 4, t-L€ ll.lllr|e Addlr.|: Oilr.rlr) tign.tur.(r)i l{.m. C rDpllcfit!: ||raure Addn aa: E mdl Addno:' . ltwffirJcjo.l . Addlon -------_--'-./'-*urrfrlffit \\{(JglH.tlv,qttnnaddl' . lt rALnlbtr (cqtr{.r{ryraphd . CtrjOrsAfp|elrrukr . spr|t|onR.9lc.l ' 4-'T!.l>o{0311 EAGTE COUNTY Cornrnuni ty Devel oPment C P.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMr55toNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50 R Ext 202 EUILDING IN INSPECTI O N Ext 226 o( 229 CLER K & R ECO R DER Ext 2l7 CO U NTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PU RCHA5ING/ PE R SONNE L Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | socrAL SERV rCES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 June 26, .|980 Al ice Parsons P.0. Box 674 VaiI , Colorado 81 657 ' Re: File No. Srn-188-80 Vai l !^li l derness Townhouses At their meeting of June 25,1980, the Board of County Corrnissioners approved your minor subdivision request for a triplex. Upon receipt of the required filing fees of $10 a page for the mylar and $2 a page for any other document, this office wjl'l file your final p1at, If you have any questions, please contact this office, Respectfully yours, y.-/lt*na,t) fiotu /,t t Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning TBIJ h cc: Board of County Commissioners EAGLE COUNTY o Co[ununity Development P. O. Box I79 EAGLE, COLORADO 8I631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 | BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSStoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 SUILDING IN I N SPECT ION Exl ?26 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l l Basalt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOC IAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | June 19, 1980 Alice Parsons P.O. Box 674 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: FiIe No. Sn-188-8O Vai1 wilderness Townhouse s At their meeting of June 18, 1980, the Eagle county Planning Conunission reconulended approval of your minor subdivision subject to receipt of party WaIl agreement anil or covenants. This recorsnendation will be forwarded to the Board of county Commissioners on June 25. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, w-//tc,nrao '11. '-'- y't+r Thomas Boni Assistant Director aF D1 rnni na rB/jh cc: Board of county Conunissioners RICHARO O. LAMM GovERNoR COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SUBVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (3031 839-2611 June 13, 1980 ! i' 1"-'!l!\ ii:i\.L.r,rl_i :--.'' : | 'l.l ' Ull '- L r_JU !i .'r:. ij i ., ... . .i t,!/cl- ;.,air. d,,unrr", irto. JOHN W. ROLD Director //4w Mr. Tem'iI1 Knight Department of Planning & Deve'lopment Box 179 Eag1e, C0 8163I Dear Mr. Knight:RE: MIN0R SUBDIVISIONS sM-I83 THRU 188-80 SM - 183,]89, 185, 186 and 188: |,{e have no objection to the approva'r of these applications. SM - 187 - 80; Arlene Ranch: A review of the. general and engineering geology of this area indicates the potential for probrems associated with witir poiiution'iu" to rap.ia-[er_co] ation rate and high water and flooding along the noaring Fork. The gravels upon which the tract is situated will more than like.ty be unsuitable for standard leachfields due to their trlsh iniiiiration rate-. -- - . Contrary to Attachment B, the flood limits on this reach of the Roarino Fork have been defined (colorado water conseryation Board,-isiej d;-u;;il;:mately 3 acres in the sw corner of lot 6 are within the 100-yeai ttooaiine.Given this condition and the fact that lots 6 and 7 are diisicted by itre access,it might be well to real'ign this area of the subdivision. . ..If-these. problems.are addressed by competent professionals prior to submittal of the pre'liminary plat, we hlve nb objeclion to ipproval or ir,;s prel iminary appl icat'ion. JLH/SP cc: LUC Yours tru'ly, Engineering Geologist GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST , . . KEY To THE FUTURE o iiICIIViD r l;: i :rj30 t'ol :' , ,,, ,,:.1 i Drve,.rag/e, Courly, Colo. Inter-Mountain Engineering r.ra. ilune 13, 1980 Mr. Terrill ltuight Eagle County Departnent of Planning & Development Box I79 Eagl-e, Colorado 81631 Re: Your File No. Sn-188-80 * Alice L, Parsons L,ot 11, Block 9, Vail Internountain Subdivision Dear !lr. Knight: we represent the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District, which supplies sanitary sewer service t,o the above referenced property. We have checked our records and found that the tap fees have been paid and that service is being provided, If you have any questions, please ca1l. Very truly yours, UPPER EAGLE VAI,LEY SANITATION DISTRICT J+ ty^O lL,\,'6[te.w0?- INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. Engineers for the District Jeffery M. Spanel Vice President JMS : cjn cc: ,fohn Amato Jim Collins Jim Bailey BOX NO. C-100 AVON. CO 81620 949-5072 DENVER 893-1 531 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 232-0158 ? m P LEa U t fFri u uu (a \ r/l IA:v':(= 3 7z:ff4i H<i (6)t \-z I Elo I OI @l I =ll @t ral I 6Hl -)t 6\l l--- I qtl <,{ | -)t l 2 I o - J.r.t = c10 0 c1 3€40c)0c)1, .1c, J.c| d{> nt 5o 3 lD < o I f o 3 o> 5 rro < r - o.> (< --ro-@ r -,r t d+50 :t€ > -rD o o lD J.lDc 4loJ.z .o-loo-lo--l -.lD:c :ru<o.d ! n1ac, lDrDaD.f .D o 5 rD t ri J..D c a /.o r. .Doa o5:!o,.D! n .Dc) J +ei -1 el(, o,:' - o-f |-'clD d oo.o r..rr.= .| o.D I oro D, cr 5 <, o o :'cr 3 c .+ xvr d dd5o< d lDc =ldo @r. co o.r..D .'ioo.ior- o-4lD r- olDd oo(r rD.;E aD {m .Ddxrn o o,Jd= ci al o, <ro.f )< *-rro ol.r lrl *lD4r r.o-t.D.Do,. +lD|!.. oon <Oorc| .r c|OlD-.o 5d .D !t.. r! qt5 co o o, a.td t.t\ n.D -.(, oo<Ito '3 5 += !.10 = J € 5 (D Ol O.t'l!CO .+O !o1f I c)ei- | alD lDiOEJ ti. C, ct'rO'tct- a -4 1 <-t Jr1lD o -rtor.. o-too, @ o-io@ €(o (,o!.3 - o d toE J J:.o o J,f | ' .D -ro-.r5 .D. 1rNlDcE o,o!,cD d:rD? <do.D o <(+€o Jl(D cr { ' cr.l.. aD .DE.; oo @ o iJ. o :iD J.o d.+ +a'(o r.o ooo5 tr! 5--r51c E lD oE --{ J!.|5O O .t rO c|.t J_O.O J. lD 1:r !OJ.D 516 (D C < |D.r+ d a J(o r,.D @t,3 o.io c-i 3ro,o =odJ . oJ o -r ro o |n .D o| cro(o o r, o o lD 5 t o o.o J o = J o *r x =a t o .r *3 0E *o.oo- a=ca,D 'rr -l!r h o l.)'t L t, r.d€.ro .+lD - l! -oro.+ .+-o +ro o -r l!O 5 -.o O O: n O t !r! -.t olo o- o <ao- oa10/'.Drd o.oa,.roo o:t oolJ o-f !. fsolD O.+ O.ro.r.D r.lD .rdo t, r.E. lD@(1 tr r.ar O-l 5 +.D q| 5 .D .D o.i .r_o o.|o-{(,3.} rDi a1o'! o .) o :t r! 1, J{.o r <k O.lO =Ab o F'r O(o O.-rr :' J-i o+ 5 r oo 50r. o J o,!od6 .|.| lo o, F-!J c\c 0, lr, i o o o ro{ ,r o 6 E *h o kd .D'! o o r o. --t ol > - cr= i-ao .- e; 6 (+E ar @ -i-JJ.<c:rro F o, rf >'oaD!,r> a: iD E .rcr< Fr'ror- -6 (D J. rn .D -t .b c o--r c! q=3! r, O',OF l!!t.rl)..' 6-|^a-- J:tfr/ r J. E *o o drr .|: { r q, e -r .D.rr A| o i.E rooorr .r .rz .Dor, -!e r d*o OJ .DE' 6JJ L O .DO--{||, o.zJ,E :' o ': o o: < qJ (alD € .|coo(, |D'.to-L.3 .'O O o o 4 0.o arJ'! q .tO I o(,|E I saro(-'ri i€o d-.n 3.r ql qCrJC O- -rr =-3O F O.t 0.r d.-r r o !, r .t3 5:E ! @ CctorD (<'E@ c't I .D CtO .D H O' O co xf- 5!ro 't.+.ro F a, r.. r' lD !,o c)$J.rd.. lDFr{'t.D J. .D'!5_e..+Ho .D llo )tt cl.. :t c L- oO I o 3< -nd 5. lD O dor(cl t/|'D orO l!.rc ' ' :1f I o! cri .lo.D 5 0l .D J'o -!J .i O oo .D:raD --.t (o J !, or! o-- 5 0r oool 5 r!.D4.d-n rrtc c a) J.o, o r !, o.r.'- o(El 0r '! o .D .rO r< qo (< .D o o !..D - o JOr' Jf o,{fo Ji I F9 q >.ia F 'v =6c-=cL i> 3,!-,-- L'.6 cE --- > - =- a .q = r - -= 3! -w-. - >!c e z =----t - : c, ! c a:-./ i -" q . = o, er r .! 9t .' :-:= !lc ,==!. t.',.'' i'i=: L: EE- ! 9E ^ E {: c- c-a- o ar!<:F d t- c E .c. G E c o N 6) ! O'r-@o . o r - A! u ll)- >1- ar aJ -- |,1 ! o i c u-o L a -- u= L u !F E CO o E.] = F o.-+- oF 4t . =v, - a c,1) a o'- +-. u ,r E ]:cs'oo>cr>r o '-oj .E E €U oCcoE.'C -- !- c u f, 5 0 0-< d c 6 c- c c (l, ic.ior.3>, c'(>l+ > F -j o oiE 3 6 s .- \ -t:-'E ' 6l -l! €'c€ oFE C, Ci-o!oiE>, l-o L €rc-o.rc,l-.,D > =r-cro E olo- .-..:il o uLo-tr- c. o-cLf- < =:-!t- Ll:4+) o c;olE o dlo e = >orcl 6!E o o r!.la6- E L.l6 J th E !tr I E- EiE rr !-t ; ol +o !4, -l =l ECI .l >l oei 'E a . clc .-i -.-! cl9i _gl -- 6 : $lr I rl rF ci ol 4 !oF col c Etd r! o...@ Elu \ol F lla of- .ol cld (rla -i .- >lrrl @l< | |+rlolE dlu =l 4t'-te t6) .4, cJ lEi q- l{J I dlolr drs olo lc !lc =l etE\o t tc oll .=l ^. 7 ;;c 3 0+ c,C ; te -.5 =t :i '-5 -3 ":3 .:l r''iF'E i TE E- :J :E-.E5 3 -.:.9( l=rLcei o ?i=--uJ =l (c c 4l o (.) e= --l u ct r-> 6 ';:.t;1" :j ;F:El: :-- c.-iE el .- i t o d-!,9 ;=;€[ -l ;FE€iE -o crlt .ol ! C,ls\ co e;,r 3lH slE;F E[ s clo ulo -l alc eF -,:rts13 Elb. =l ;rel" 319 i 4;!16 fF al v:-lt | 6 uldl el I cl=lu\-l>5 =r:r< +i- .i =irra sP Er:r: sl; 9l EIHIU:lh :.x::e, j @l= i Etelc.^lE art a) FI rll <r! (l ol ;l PI -=1 <l *i Sl il TI .ol E]:l ;i -l i! c- t t:, -E-c oo rc0) E ,,raE.-:.L ''i;ci-r<- !.t.- - a<t a clE _i! a O F O J Erc - 6 o = o E;c >-F-.rzErc,cq !!- 3lo o, -.=i-col o. Lll!-;P.- 'cr E olcr-oE!rcco :r!ro Ll -.-ci6r!.rlc>d e\@a-4|=e+ 3l il -l =i =i :l 6l "il c.l ,l ':i ol =I E 6 i EE :-_c--i--':- =ra-)i \=/ le a -:i p =oE o . H e re=p! ", 5.:.9 i oe :, :== Eig:c ,le it;rg E"i,: ! .s.i E.l€ iliil l:i f ii E l: !i = ::' z: €.s :;-BE "."i -z-;E .:.:!s u_ €r r;e :-.:.E c == E.i: Ei :. i s "j ;: si ;Fq ;;;;: ! 3; = r=:; c r -e i,Ei ? F ;iF !;;fE i;; :: ; iil :;i:-:r:- ;- cr.:=i*;i iii _cr.;_ - :n!gt ;:j: s 5 , .:: ! :i 5FE =, 3 !: !: :EE t i:!: ;, ,-=;5 i: E =,:E:i E e+ I ;l*;E ::,EJi i i ^,8:,7E- Ej .;.iE ri:s i ;; s;:*- :l:te :':i; r*'-;: se-;'e ;l+H,;; ii ei; -:i=+:s:E:+s i: i:;';=::;i :::li:i: ;::a:31': i -:3;e E,icj Ii3. :t'- : :-:r-:: :.:it "';i i : ---:: i;is- i ii= :n-r;:; =S:-'"::.': 1:'3-- =, _E. 3 -."-: ::E--: : -=l I i--=-:-f q. -i.:=, =' -:;=i; -;; Ff ! -,:-:=:.!;.=c :,::3 -; r:-:; -'i--:=5":=i:_,t ==',= _ :' _i,=:i::;:E :: _i= .:::i; rj lii=i!5::i!; ; Eq li ;i-: j;=,i;,:!:r a i;; i=:=i= gi'";;ie: ti;I:"==F "t;! !i ilailitt-=-ig :tri: i'==.:* ol :-;=-'- =, 1*:ii: "-:' r,:::'=+;ti=;.5 5,'.,=.1 ;:=i3a -i :.;iE-!-:-:=.iF *l'=.-i !"t:::i::fi i.=,! ,:.i:i l;,1rJr; : "::-i :l -.;;'..', ;: i:::i:=i€ = --:: i-1r 1'"!i-:- . :,-., i i _.r :i::, i-:":::=ii :i; '.i i!.::.!* i:: g .: 1;=.;!iE I;ii,!a F,--;=s = j:;:i:.;=li s i.:.ii-",s=j-=i !,.:=,:*;!, :.:_o.- , E=.;q.. -.: ;*;:-:,t.;_.! ! -1;j.,I:;:::;;; =1 Sf;l-:: h f,.; ; !l :; ; !i :; r Ii .r r ii ..u FAGLE E*UNTY Pfunni?Department of Bui'l dinq & \3X ) / -q EAGLE, COI-ORADC 81631 'iELEPnONE 303/328-731I BOAR D OF COUNTY coi,.ir\4tsstoNERS Ext 24 | A DM IN IST RATIO N E xt 241 .. AN IIJIAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BU ILDING IN ii'iSPECTtON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK &qECORDER =vr tl't COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 24? ENGINEER Ext 2 36 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 E XT: ].I5IO N €xL 217 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea 9le Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 P LAN T\ ING Exl 276 or 2?9 PU RCHASING/ PERSOhINEL Ext 245 ROAD & B R IDGE trxr z) / SHERIFF Erg le Ext 2l I Ba 5a lt I2 7-3 244 G ilma n 82?-5751 50crAL SERVTC€5 T 'i:ASU R ER Ext 201 June .l0, .l980 Alice Parsons P.0. Box 674 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Enclosed p'l ease find a cooy of the Eagle County Surveyor's Office review of your final pl at- it is the applicants' responsibility to be certain the items listed are changed at least 10 days prior to the County Commjss'ioner's meeting. You or your agent may the necessary changes. p'l ease cal I me. come to this office and make If you have any questions, Sincerely, LG__-=_=- tnoras bon'l Asst. Director of Planning TB/sg Jchnscn, Kuirkel & Associates, lnc. LAl.,lD SURVEYll.iG. CIVIL E NG INEE R lNG. MAPPING June 9, 1980 Ivlr. TerriIl Knight 'Eagle County Planning Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re:Vail Wilderness Townhouses (sm-188-80) Dear Terrill: lrTe have checked the plat of and have found it to be accurate lowing exceptions: -l+i. 3i i.r-.. t a !,,{,, frije, Courb. C-rlc. Vail Wilderness Tor,,'nhouses and comolete with the fol- 1) A plat restriction is necessary. 2\ The scale (in the Title Block) should be 1":20r 3) The site, as shown in the vicinity Plan is in- correct in both size and. location. ff you have any questions, please call Kenneth L. Longi ,at Johnson, KunkeL & Associates, fnc. at 328-6368. Sincerely, enneih L. Long P-O. F-l: >: 4 L'9 il31..st 4th Siieet . Ez.;le, Cotorarjo 81631 Phn^D. t ?n2l r ?q-A 1r a REcEr JUN I ilgiiiO lbeit..$ti{lsflr'rg&' Ddvil' ESEL(c'CountY, uolo/ COLONAOO OEPABTMETT Or HEALTT 12r0 EASI ttrH AvENUE. O€NVER,COLORADO 80220. pHONE 320-8333 Frank Traylor, M.D., Executive Director DATE: June 5, 1980 SUBJECT: NON-STATE ASSISTANCE TO: REVIEW AND COI,I}IENTS Terrill Knight Eagle County Planning PROJECT TITLE: Vail Wilderness Townhouses, File #Sm-188-80 STATE IDENTIFIER: COI4MENTS: (Due June 18, 1980), Air Pollution Control: The Air PoI1utioncontro1Divisionhasexpresffig1eCounty in the past with respect to the relationship between growth and air quality. Our concerns remain unchanged in the case of this proposal . We are confident that Eagle County is aware of these concerns and is working toward incorporating them into land use planning. Noise Control: Upon reviewing the site plan, it is noted that there will be three lots created on a one-acre site. Therefore, medium-high density housing will be available. We recommend acoustical construc-tion applications be made where common walls from trrro adjacent units exist. Insulation, isolation, and sound absorption materials are avail-able and are considered very effective at a reasonable cost benefit. ..1- -l -<'4 'Nane, T Steve Kelsey Environmental SOC-3, Jan 79 Planning Coordinator a\ -..t o laA C ''l '..rEo .uo3 GU O :t'F{ cico > E'd h \ OCQJ rr Clr f, !c<-r O-J 5 ! O'^i - otr}H5 o hbu qr.|J5 cco E Q) AJ -J O l{E+J (B E O '-l o<(a U +.r O r-q +.r slolJ B qx :ag r{!E It{ O '.r -l O -^l +r a0 '.1 '-t5U 9{ O --l aJ >{!. lr(3 OIJ '^l -q iotr>.u oo !-rJ|E -1 = c€r\ = \ ln : O QJ -i tr C O 14 ='-l |! +.'ci tJ o = ru <C -OqJ E1 A A. 5E o b Ot 'i :! F) \! I so tl Qco ob r-.i Fl tl .: z U c .q A ij q) e. g >. _^| : (J .'," l5 q+r .,1 {J v,< , .L.i hc <l .:t\+c -r:a :.- i € .-,| c) : 14 '_1 { ::< i i o o 3 ru! i_ ,.' '--l :i, "l rt- a i- I !-_i Box 386 li il ! 'l 'J;l r6ii ''i.rr" ?A I cArr -+! *_t 1/w : l--.J Cr'-l:-- :-- ;'l . r---ie :: The Yail '.iiiiel;e,qs Toi,.:-.,rrcu se s rr.or slbii v-i sia,n re.".-:esi :.ra.s s..r,Li[-,d,r.ted ''-c ',.he l:-1e i:ii:-- Soi] Co:: s:irv=.: i :,:: -r. si:.= c",, f "i. ;""i,, lnd "o..,"nt.l-'e ,'...-r-r: t =c.::- ::-.i t.l::i iol iir _l,e i_--,':,s ,L:, .-: :lis.;..-:l=.t. a l{ -i5g,-p1::- .:-::'^: :-:V€: =-L:ti:., -l.r \e 9...:-- ,'rl..,r,l-.- " - ' "t ' ,-r_.1=- =_ . ''t "--l . ,) tt:i .'. . .-: L. a. n,d a.i -40 :.^--j,r-.^- Eagle. Colorado 81G31 rii I T. r't .IC-ARD D LA t',IM ,_1:.,ei.nor -I- A DANIEI-SON Sla!e Ero.r=e. Di:,li- {il.l i . -:.e!g*?r l;r::ly. Ci l:- DIVISION OF \&IATER RESOURCES Departme nt ot Nalural Rescurces 1313 Shermari Slreet - Room 818 Denver, Colcrado 80203 Adminisiralion (303) 839-3581 Ground !!ater (303) 839-3587 Ivlay 28, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight, Director Xagle County Depar-tnent of Planning and Development P. O. Box i79 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Vail Wilderness Townhouses File No. Sm-]88-80 Dear Mr. Knight: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivision. The VaiI Intermountain Water District has been designated aS the source of water; however, nO letter of commitment for service has been submitted. Information available in our files indicates that ihe Disirict rnay have sufficient water available to serve this develop- ment. we w-ould reconmend approval of Vail wilderness To'.t'nhouses contingent upon the developer obtaining a written commitment for service from the District. Very truly yours, ,1 //- " /.,1/,2 D 'a; I D Si'=n"nn. Chief vr),'t2Jv." v. Wa ter Managemeni Branch ]JnQ //:n\I. rn . r!!'U9J|vv|.|ttaL cc: Lee l:-.ert,old, Div. Eng' t ^-.: ?:^^ /-'^**!d: rir L' 5c \,,!,irrrrr. f,i-'"jl= {#Ui'=:TY tO _- ;_:-_-. -1:.1'a.'. - a.-:- _r:-; t,'.'.':'.r. -: 5 :::'a;-tr.':;.'.'l :-,':',J : +/j L :- LiJ l.-U iIALJU ii 1 o3 1 i3t.|tirsTR.ATtoN ;.I;:.:A:5JiLT=R ECARD OF C O U I{TY cci.i:.lr55ioiiaRs 32e-5509 F.5S:55 c) R 328-9593 ts May 14, .1980 r-;-Ie r,'o. Sm-188-80 - Vail Wilderness Townhouses .ip-t.trC-I,"IT: Al ice L, Parsons P.0. Box 674 Vail, Colorado 8]657 :-nclosei hers;'ith is an appl i caijon and p)an subrnj tted tb i\e Eagfe Ccu;rtg Planning Coi;i;nission fot revie"t and recom- n=ndation at t.beir regu)at meeting on 18 June .1980 ' In accordance wixh C-R-S- 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 706-2-34 'i953, as a;:ended and EagTe Countg Subdivision ReguTations' S2ction 5.O0, l-g72, as amended effective I August 7976' gou le'.'e 35 da':.s lton date lrajleo' within '"'hich to respond or tt2 requ=st :;j-?L be deemed to have been apptoved bg gour age:tC9. The Pfannjng Cori,:rr s si o n wouTd sincereTg appreciaxe gour crr:r-.€-r t -< ani reconnendations priot to tbe meeting date" I! ;c: i=s::: :aCiijona.l infonat.ion or time' please advise _.-:=..:.:.. lhank gou verg nuch, EUILDING iiiSPECTION 3 2 6-6339 cr_5 F.K &FiCCiD:R ia:l: 326-5377 Ezialr 921 -3?14 c.i u i'i TY A;;ORi, -Y ENGIN5ER 328-6337 EN V I ROI\*l.l ENTAL 3?8.7716 EXTENSION 328-5370 L:BRARY PUBLiC i'i = A LTH Ea ole 32A-5594 Vail 476-5a44 Fi_ANi'JING 323-6339 /t-; a.t_! ,- -_ " . _-lLJ:--r2a-5!9 ! 5'-iliFF :i --,? r:.:.:5 | | Ba ia lt 927-3244 Gilman 627-575'l socrAL 5: RV ICES .IFEI,SURER J-:9 -0 J /O *{;4 {,/r-f,- TerriTL Knight Di tec toE t I v- 1- c5:;a'r c!.tr3'Lc3 Su'\eY V/' :- :.rc. !.'.:'!-trr 'r Hrri:r <'lr.r..-'..c' yr' .. :j:,:::-rry s:.,r3-,er t,'t' :, ::::: C:-ir, :^;i.:.. ,t/' -- !' \ '''er = '-j:r': i33'r i/,-' 3. U-=- S.il c:.serye:::' 5:'w'.e ,t/ s- u-=- =-::z':' -j-: \':- lr---: --;2-,o- c: ( ':i ' 'd: '/: e: '': i I -:- | /.' 11. a !- :' .'.: .r ='-:r::"! : l.^.:!,.:i .-: ^:::tr t ; -::: 5- =3seli IJr:r aire Disi' 6. =::=l::!.i.t a'c SE^i::: 'r Cisr' 7. C:i.'e=. DiYis o' ol 'rrrcii:e a. U,9 - a:'e.:i:e"ise 9. r.'.-.:3,.:ell :.ie=n':e C:' 1:. irri-.'."'. lj?'Jr3: 'e: f . ic,:. .1 ::: e ?. ::j e S:_r.:r;.' Eielr:cr 5- =:; e \r:rrey:er+tr.ne Co' 5- 3::-';'ir'. ir a:Jr:r C:s 't, S:_::r t,.:'::: a=::J ?- ; i:!_-i.9 i;.r:!=_i:irfe 3- S:-;.; :,:::i.::=iJ .- E:::lr war.r Cr':\'' :isi' i. i:r-a rr :-:r::r:r 2. ;rr-^.t n:: Ciirl .j- !.::i::-: e !E '1 :ai' ais!' 4- :::.e-.: | '-'e:'. :isi-'ci :. ::- a.::. '.-- ' e:: =sr_l: -3 6- :: -:: : ::-:: = =::J - ,G -. .: ..,i: € 3. U. S. -::.3r:er..i -o- \1ir. =:il-ere..r'+ Cr. r3- P!:!;. Se'vi.: Cc. 't !_!l:' S.r:o E 3:.rc: A=:;J 9. C.>i..3:: C1!i5ic'.j \irlo :'; u. S. a:':;l 9e.v'c! l. S.-:.1 t'51' t: ==:!J i- :-, :- : i: 'i::-=:=--::----i,.trj1'=:" ^ " ''':' '!, S,:_:rr C ':''r. I iZ::i 'i. :.;': €' C)::rn 2. =::!r C.!.::r tifro': Ai:'c"rY :. ::i:'::" 9ivision ci "'/!ic;:'' 4. U.S-:.r:_=t 5e.v'.. 5- =-.at. \,/ette'/'ieiec_o.e co- e. =..ii ii'i.- rr?'J'31 G:3 3. u: ..'.:: =-^-, .r a='-1:.) r. US :.'..i E..''.: i:ii ::-r') EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT' CASH tT EN4 3u ild inq Psrrr'it Fee Application For Su bd iv isio n Ap licat ion Zone Change Cond itional Use Spec ial Use \/ariance Appeal Fee !g!: €l:dirg) (Z;ninc) {SubCivision) AMOUNT Ail ,'-:.:r:, :.c ^^.^ r., -o- t ^f l{e , :1e,! a: 3iry ! leiri. €3S5 RECEIVED : i '=i.rcr. citt), a.O :hrS reCtip.i sl-, e li be car,celied tor -F' Eagle County Subdiuision Regulati-ons TI II, WTI.DT'RtrISS TOITIUIOUSES Address of Applicant p.0. tsox 6?rt- Vail. Colorado gl6b? 1. Iocation of Parcel Lot 11. Bloek_g_'fa:!1 Iutarmountain Subdivlsioa 2. Size of parce3. to be subdivi.ded 1.OB4O aeres 3. Nrulber of lots to be created S Z I 4. Zone disirlct in uhich the parcel fies n4li' 1 !trarce of llane of rf to 9. F\rrnlsh euldence mailtenance. (t-ay Ue 2. - fwenlf-tr.n (22) copies of the application forn, site p1en, and information sharl be subnitted by the fi.rsf vrorkday of thi month.nill- be revier'reci at the regular plaruring connission Revier,r meeting rnonth. al]- The the related application follo:ring Date submitted 6. An or{ginal and five (5) copies.of the Final Ptat with all required signatures shall be sub;ritted at least ten (fO) aays pilF:Eb:fre Planaing Cormissionlerrierv neeting. Date subnitteci -rrrtra .l r ae^ Refer to S"ctlo 7. rtrrnish evddence of adequate r.rater zupp1y. (r.ay ue attached. as extribit A) B...}li:h evidence of adequate ser.rage disposal system. (tary ue attached as exlll orl l'J r Eaala Vall Sanltation Dls'brlct of access attached to a county rdaC vrtrich has been accepted for as extribit C) 1-t=f Application Form I,tr}IOR SU3DIVISTON Section j.ZO ot Proposed SubS-,rision Applicant Oraner ? Ies appricant is not the or',ner-@ce of affiffi zubdivlde property. !a11 Internountain iTatsr District rt 10. ipptication Forn - nJ,f Ihrnish additi.onal information as required. (tfay Ue a. If th-is is a resubdivisi.on of property r.*rich has divided and recorcied in accorCence-r.rilh Eag'le Gounty aaggle{ $eptg,qrber 5, \??Zor later, jnCicate na"re ai-,d subdivision. aL'"ached as exiribit D) been previously sub- Subdivj. sions Regulations recording data of said t'i i ,l T*+ b. If 1Oa does not appl/,sites for the proposed uses (f) Soil conditions furrri sh erridenc e of with regard to the adeopate and safe building follordng items. (2) Geologic conditions (;) Topographic and slope conditi.ons (4) Drainage conditj-ons (:) Elood hazard potential (6) Source of fire protection 11.- rlrrnish utility and road-p1ans (lrhere applicable, refer to section 3.20 Eagle county subcr-ivision Regulations) (i.Iay L; attached as exiribii-ii ---- above i'formation is correct and accurate to the best of my lcror.iledge. 'Wzru< /,, /Q(o /ldaLe) For offi-cial Reveived by Accepted for the Review Fee Paid - <-',-2- - PJ-aruring Commissj_on Rernlcr,r meeting $ecording Fee Receipt lrlumber 1.2 -' ];tr',rl f.tta,t.''T-1'- - ., / eL'L.-.-4 / I nateLt;gJ1_Jci.t l /- - t.') -,f^+!3 =-,t.<+z/LL/ tu(l-,t t u].str].ct I OI{NER OR Prope rty Address Phone Phone ,l ll, .- zt z.gr__ Account No. USE: Address t t/o{!, Qctl, p,t.sI TAp (use) FEE; TAP CONNECTION CHARGE: TOTAL MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGESI APPLICANT SIGNATURE PERMIT APPROVAL 6 r(,$ -RaoO - $ 4/s-cLe- Dat e Date Tap On $ Sooaa,- agran Date of First Occupanc ocatron Be 1ow F*,o o-He*K { So'/7 rAP srzE /*'t Czn"p L/c a' // / S CUSTOMER ACCONiTANT }T{NAGER f(na D 1 c: r-\ Copies Eo: I Date i L'L\'u, I.J J .t'l t!-^f,;t OI{NER OR DEVELOPER:BILL 1*.-$ame PropertY Address Phone Addres s Account No. TAP (use) FEEI TAP CONNECTION CHARGE: TOTAL MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGES: APPLICANT SIGNATURE PERMIT APPROVAL 6O $.1qo(), -, $ t,:ao1 /fu't c-le''*q, /tscc"":i'- 6U $ as-sQ - $ :te. "10 ate Date Tap 0n Date of First Occupaqg o cat 10n t r ll TAP SIZE 7 a-1-.sa rl t,' Y-- L"uu/r C/t (See Reverse h // /5 CoPies tol CUSTO}IER ACCOU.'i'fANT }ANAGER SUPERI)! TE):1ri::;T ' /-s-co / o s-c-r Qn,rl oF[u:c- KF C r o Fin'o C-rlric* *;# t D/uor -* rtJ'u 5loel BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX I79 couRrHousE, EAGLE CO. - pH. (303)328-6339 APPLICANT Al ice Parsons BUILDING PERMIT orre October L9 $ 79 pERMrr No.1567 AO DRESS lcoNTR's LtcExsEl NUMBER OF OWELL ING UN ITS a.(PROPOsED U5E) $ duao rv rs ror Intermounta i n o EutLolNG ts To gE -- FT. wtDE By _ FT. C; Lor--11- BLo"* 9 "tPJ. LONG BY FT. IN HE IGHT AND SHALL CONFORM I{ COI{STRUCT IOX USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT IOK r at ra.trsl =o ;o- penvrr ro Resi den8e (-) sroRy {TYFE OF IMPROVEMENT} r IO TYPE I I o ZONING AT I LocAT IoN )D ISTR ICT (No.l (STRE ET ' AEThIEEX AtID (CROS5 STREET)(CROS5 STREET} rt --lrtrl rcu!rc/ 3Qo^n€ fECt,ESTIMATED COST 70.7s $-i++-so- J!-!se Parsons BU ILO ING EY o.t r.v.6. ridt of opplicotion to b,c complefed by oulhorized ogenl of owner) o m t x o { .-.z m m u, lffi'ffi iffitr Itrffi itrffi tffiffi * iHEff ; iffiffi ,F lffiffi stffiffi trrffi'ffi .rilmffi ,, *iffilffi '?tiFdFd ffi{ffim I iffiE qffiffi a a WJ4 E* FoRM No. bOcA - sP t969 t1 o 7': Orfl ddr 'l!t_€9 RoF iios :=6 dss i pS rO7i '- oZ aOn 5xx t, {t .N ca 6.r tr,(.t \!| !m a = -{|-<o ;2 -_o {o . , ttl -l t E a o z '' @ '\t ' rl I I I I i a FI o c t '_. < \ z '. .. -l --' ..{ r o z '- o '. '-l z Y rn E x =i I T1 e z. -{ z i l3 ls e t: lol l(tl F I oz ;: -m =n 6'O c'n = I I I Fr o z -a o z 3 =o z t -.i z - 6 6 z I |{F'FT [! t'11 EI lo E E F F, |. I I I I I I I I I r 9 I i..r I (! T o I t I I' I I I ut'- *-9 Ft' DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE of' OCCUPANCY and COMPLIANCE To be filled in by each division indicated hereon upon completion of its final inspection. if eermit No /dbr ...-,...1 I Approve<i by D^b 7- /l-d Remarks - PLUMBING Approved Remarks ELECTRICAL Approved by3z Remarks :; '' OTHE Approved by Remarks 'OTHER Approved by Date Remarks- /'rb 7 Dlr- 7'//-, Permit No. o.ao TEI,lPOR.ARY Certificate of OccuPancY CountY of Eagle Department of Plann'ing and Development Bui ldi ng Divi sion This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various resolutions of the county reguiating building construction or use for the foiloling: NATIE Use Classification Modular - Triplex Group R-1 Build'ing Permjt Nor 1557 Tyoe Construction V 0wner of Building Alice Parsons. P.0. Box 674, Vai l, Colorado 81657- Buildinq Address Lot 11. Block 9. Vail Intermountain Building Offi ci al Fire Zone 3 Use Zone RSI{ NOTE: This Temporary C.0. is for issued, the aPPl'icant must units 1, 2, and 3. correct braces on Before a final C.0. can oe balcony from second f'loor. Al i ce Parsons ,. Applicant to complete numbercd spaces only. oo I BUILDING PERV1IT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of. I OaSCi,Yail Iqbernountqin Devel offiH'Sut8itllilon 476-1282 MAIL ADOT ESs PHOrlE aicHrtEcr or oEsrcrfr M^rL AOOi E5 S PHO}.€L"k,-(,tl MA|L ^OOFESS ' Proira 6c,s - I zsr MA|L ^OOr a sS lt^||cH u5E Or tur LorNG 8 Class oI worK: E ruEW D ADOITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR tr MOVE O REMOVE I Describe work: D<qavate and pub in footers agd four foot foundatloa for a tripl*. Stltch togcthcr the tripler whioh rriII be built by Boiee Casoade in taf,ayetto, Co. l'-esv, -u$l0 Change ol use from I I Valuation ol work: $PLAN cHEcK ree 7O,PE RMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (Totar) Sq. Ft. Fir€ 9prinklrrt cequireo [y.r [po APPLICATIOI{ ACC€PIEO EY PLANS CHECK€O AY APPiOV€O FON ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPAC€S: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AtR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOF A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COMMENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATTON ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND COR RECT. HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SO{L REPORT OTHER (Sprcifyt WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS tS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. Form 1OO.I r'77 4 q'* fl.--r/*''tfz INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL Firsle T'IiRIIIIT rob Name......... 4.l.i.ge. i_ef.t.g.!.-s... ..... . . 27C4 Larkspur Lane, Intermtn. Sub. Date of Application.....-...13-.11ay...... ...-..-......--.t9...9.q- Electrical Contrac ro r...... .. R.o..s_s... E.l.e.e !f .i.e,...1.n _c.,P.0. Box 1503 Vail, Colorado 81657 Applicant--..-.. Stgnature APPROVALS Ne 1814 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee -$....12..00 $...12.n0 Date Paid..-....13. 14ay..1980. . Plan Checker t tJ\,. ... A*.. Da+t.e.,!.e. _--. chtef 96ildinS offlciaV TJ $ $ $-. .l3..il{ay...1999_......... Date I - \ll l Reccived ny.?tlt lt,: 4,..'.Building Perfni't #1567 t THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT.IIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Receipt #6400 ELEcTR'?rt PERMTT orr'&,oN Jurisdiction of eplicant to complete numberd sPaces onlY. /n Zf-r- /)7 7P Jr4d I ISE E ATTACXEO sXEET) '/.'tt. Q.o.o Stcsz t/fu-<s'o COI{TiAC'Oi MAIL AOORESS PIIONE LICENSE NO. 37o,s ttl -. ./ tt,- fSot /Stsf 0p,.. O oto ?/?- '//5s' "C ARCH I T ECT OR OESIGNEi 4 MA! L ADDF ES S PHONE LIC EI{5E flO. ENGINEER LICEN3E NO. L EIII O ER D usE oF aurlDrNc 8 Class of worK: D NEW tr AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR BECEPTACLE Ourtets SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Total LIGHTING Fixtures F IXTU R ES PLANS CH€CKEO 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. - NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LIPOLE SERVICE E r.r ew D cnaruoE OVER 6004 PERMIT ISSUING FEE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 6P tsot fycu,yl '/r-6y'.o WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATEO {IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION M.O.cK.M.O. INSPECTOR \o"7t^- \ County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Job Name-.--...{ l..i.ce- .Parsons .V;i j iiiiainitn: '- 'Loi 11 ;' Bl otk' 9 Dete of Application.....-1.0..rlu.n"e.-..... ......... ......19......-q-9..-....-... Electrical Contlactor.....Ross...EIec.tr.i.c.'.. Lnc......... P.0. Box 1503 Vail, Colorado 81657 Applicanr.. -.-.. SlSnature APPROVALS Plan Checker Ne 1852 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee *f ' Total Fee $......... .................. $-....-.......,..........-... $.......36..O0..-...--.- $-...............-.... ...... $.......36.,.Qq d* ,\-rtn* chyt Buttdine oyai^l ......16....].u.ns...19.9Q Date THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ,18 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ipt #6569 PLU Oo MBIN G PERMIT APP cK. M.O. CASH Oo LICAT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION \f,Ccr7)f ,- U 1r-3D I roN 4,L,*+" WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PE RM lT VALIDATION cK' INSPECTOR Jurisdiction of. Appticant to complete numbered spaces only' r'-1. <krfer-mo,-r'.."tctn 1!se e etrecx:o snl ttl I oE5Ci. lr C fu-.-to'-a Lqq h't trrt"S ttcax3E xo. Ir qLP\- aicH I YEC T Oa O€3r6nE Ltc artrSE t{o Ltctir3c io. USE OF IUILOIr|G 8 Class of worK: EfEW O AOOITIOIV E ALTEFATTON D REPAIB 9 0escribe work: Typr ol Fixtur. o? lirm WATER CLOSET (TOI LETI SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORV TRAY APPI'CAI)O'I ACCE''EO BY CLOTHES WASH€R WATER HEATER U R INAL NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISTONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-.SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK cAS SYSTeMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PI' Form lOO.2 lt-73 FRoM: INTERNATIoNAL- coNFERENCE OF SUILDING OFFICIAL5 ELEcTfrAL PERMTT APPLTATToN ' Jurisdiction r'- 7,/<a' ''7? ' .r-] 8, " WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED llN T@ PERMIT VALIDATION 'S.: ri L:', !srr rrrrc"r: r-t r. of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only' J /O/,z /1r m2 r'J 5"re /s1 7 ?./- t a lL t(Da /c..o L 1, ENCINEER USE OF BUILOIN6 7 8 Class oI worK: D NEW tr AODITION O ALTERATION N REPAIR 9 Describe work, S t.-.2.. S,n- a., J ) t fL O rJ /f2c O L/ I 4,^- y'/, ,.t-2 /L 4at -- Total RECEPTACLE Ougets SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Total LIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURES APPROVEO fOR ISSUANCE 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HERETN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 2r6fi^ru iE or corln DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH' SPACE HTR. 5TA. APPL' Vr H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER SERVICE E new E cxnruce PE RM IT ISSUING FEE CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH E^r"-14-15/47 *- (v5G/ rNspEcro* +>,,-f^ OFFtCtaLS ' r,x!t?!E'' ca|.lt' totor ll-73 TNTERNATToNAL coNFERENCE oF BUILDING EAGLE couNry "r,OC"ERMrr AppLlcArtoN FINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPLCTION FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing q Rerouting fu,L (/"ro,* Applicant Permit No. J*t M,1 V";"Mrtn^- t 'J,4, Location Plannirrg Commission File No. Review and return to the County Building Official within 6 working days D ate Ref erred P lanning: Complies with: Subd i vi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Co,-nments: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No E tr tr Yes tr D n D Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : n tr tr D D n n f, County Heal th; Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: R ecommend Approval : n n tr tr n E tr Final Inspection: C/O Becomrnend Approval Comments: nn Firral Inspect ion : Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ng n C,/o lssued Final Filing Date by Date IAGI|-E eCUlsrY a o DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING "!ir:5:Uitli;, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARO OF COUNTY cotllMtsstoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN IN5PECTION Exl 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENS I ON AG ENT ExI 247 TIBRARY' Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 ..rVa il 4 76.5 3 44 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 9 2 7-3 244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVtCES 328.632B TREASURER Exi 20 | RE: Application for Building Permit in Eagle County Lot 11, Blk 9, Vajl Intermountain. - Denied The Eagle County Bui'lding Dept. requires that applications for Building Permjts in Eagle County be routed to the Eagie County Planning, Engineering, and Environrnental Health Departments for their comments prior to issuance of the permits. Your applicat'ion was routed on 9-26-79. Listed below are the corirments and recommendations which were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any quest'ions or wish to get further explanation, p1 ease contact the appropri ate dept. October ?3, 1979 Al ice Parsons P.0. Box 674 Vail, Colorado 81657 ENGINEER - Not approved - Size of culverts and demension acces ways. 7( ii L,E 0*"*// Me lton Atwe | | County Eng'ineer it rvould be to -vour advantage 'i f you begin requirements as soon as oossible so as not bu'ilding permit any longer than necessary. resolve any problerns and/or delay the issuance of your to to Les Douglas Eagle County Building 0fficial LD/sq EAGE: COliillTY I O DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNIFIIi EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrssroNERs Ext 241 AOM IN ISTRATION Ext 241 i I ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SE550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N SPECT IO N Ext 2?6 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTO RNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER CXI ZJb ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.3844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSOI\NEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2 | | Basrlt 927-3244 G ilma n 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | 0ctober 11, 979 Al ice Parsons P.0. Box 674 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Application for Building Permit in Eagle County Lot 1.1, Blk 9, Vail Intermountain - Denied. The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that applications for Build'ing Permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering' and Environmental Health Departments for their cornments prior to issuance of the permits. Your app'l ication was routed on 9-26-79. Listed below are the cornments and recommendations which were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or wish to get further exo'l anation, please contact the appropriate dept. PLANNING - Approved- Before perniit can be issued pians will have to be .5igned as to changes (like moving building to west ,.to get parkino in correctly.) 0K'to build triplex with slopes taken on site. TOLL FREE I{UI4BERS: x:Iil?0il36,, ing Inspector ENGINEER - Not Approved - Access ' pl an. Easements for to tripiex must be detailed on site uti'l ities, 'i f any, must be shown. It would be to your requi rements as soon building permit any advantage if you begin as possible so as not longer than necessarY. resolve any problems and/or de1 ay the issuance of your to to Les Douglas Eagle County Buildinq 0fficial hi'.) Mel tron Atwel I Eng i neer LD/Sq / EAGLE couNry BUTLDO C**,, AppLtcArloN lo FINAL: C,/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE lNS.{'ECTION FORM Review Houting Form ( ) Primary Routing ,p(] Rerouting :-t=t-/ - Permit No. Locat ion Review and return to P lannir rg Commission File No. the County Buildirrg Off icial within 6 working days Applicant Date Ref erred P lanning: Complies with: Subd iv is ion Regulations Zoning Regulat ions S ite Pl an (Landscaping) Cornmerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No E n n Yes tr D D n Date: County Eng ineer: Roads Grading Drainage n n tr & n tr tr tr Recomrnend A roval : County Health: Water S an itation Perc - test Comments: Recommend Aooroval r tr !T u u tr tr tr Final Inspection: C/O Recom.-nend Approval Comments: nn Fir ral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ng Df, C,/O lssued F inal Fil ino Date by 7 couNrY BUrll\E c/o TNSPECTTON, Routing Form ( ) PERMIT APPLICATI ON lc LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM PrimaryRouting ( ) Rerouting E.AGL= FINAL: Review Permit No, :--e.-/ -Location Plannirrg Commission File No. Review and return to ihe Couniy Building Off icial within 6 working days ?-e&-"7 Date Referred Applicant P lanning: Complies with: Subdivision Regu I at ions Zoning Regulations S ite Pl an (Landscaping) Cornmerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : -?{ i Recomrnend Approval : Recommerrd Approval : No tl t_J tr tr tr tr il X tr D n x Yes tr n r d I:.J n tr tr tr Date: <lr.i County Eng ineer: Roads Grading Drainage -T6 nreL Comments: lJ '-r:.1; County Heal th: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: n n I tr /o .- //_ 77 Final Inspection: C/O Recomrrend Approval Cornments: trtr Fir ral lrrspect ion: Landscaoi Recommend Approval Commerrts: Tt l-r L_t t_l C/O lssued F inal Filino Date oy D ate oo rNsFEc;li" jE r ,-1 /r@/ FIEBUEST NTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE .-..i.i JOB NAME EAGLE COU rrnne neceiveD t ,a --r, $l pM CALLER ! ornen n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED @ COMMENTS: THUR ffirRovED n uporu rne CORRECTIONS D orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: n n e rNsPEcr DArE 7-r- fu Oo rN=r=.l$lu /_Af FTEBUEST BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY / - "J .',?\DATE G -j'i'.. u JOB NAME rME REcElvE s .: '3c-evr6 't "o, BUILDING FOOTTNG i FOUNDATION FBAMING ,/u/tmat:tri,,,p.U.a. : PARTIAL .LOGATION:,.' -X/"//17) /-a.Lsnur D s . ....-_. rt-.. , PARTIAL LOCATION: lrr--/I ''..,. Lbt /t, 6U. q .i .:...'l'l' Ll orurn L-l PABTIAL.LOCATION .,?tu' fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS COMMENTS: t\ -J) ;. ,l /(k .A+ 4&'-- -;i=DATE Er* 61p7 FTEBUEST BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 AGLE COUNTY oare s'/ f/tft JoB NAME _ TfME REcEfvEs 1=,'g),ttvi)fu cALLER \_-J/v E orngn D panrrnl. LocATroN @ COMMENTS: R EADY FOR INSPECTI ON WED THUR THUR E"eppRovED p ueorrr THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS:. CORRECTIONS ! orsneenJveo f] ner NsPEcr ''t / DATE lE zt; - / -sD.)-----'-:-- 'tc 7 t 5 hrrr- ncfaa ffi€€ex 'J7r:"; /6 , ;si 1.. ,i l.,l D.i ."> lljrli rS _,r: ^, ,) -i)fif i- rs rlr, .'"... -/ ,! c L rlLlL L.,.ur1.-g lcc,r.t) ,lS% Sr-.rpii 2-rl Y" sc-,-rp€- cP Ift.s Lil- 4 7(1-?cEx, (2) (%) :LoP€- -il erJir ,/@.o "1 t1 -;-;--JJL'" u (,u F| lri tl st% rNSo=.ftih, FrEq J:!,BU lLD l rr'; -- ' r'lslCfil P. O. er-,/ ' 7't PHONE:'Z/'t'Bg DATE : = .JOBNAME TIME e==:veo t" (avtlv .ALLER EAGLE COUNTY COMMENTS: J or*e, . MOli l-t-',/ n penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED t, f u*l ) P4e?aovEo I orsnePRovED fJ netNsPEcl L u?oN THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS: CORRECTIONS /l DArE (:-/n-ft BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME Or rNs"Cfo' ":KJ:i EAGLE COUNTY CALLER BUILDING FOOTING t I *€c/qnatf Pry FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL ..t,.c -;:.- :] PARTIAL LOCATION: t ,..,.,:i. flAL .... : 1'j-1. ,1', .:i:,. . i::..:,1 ','. , , Il'l . .... MECHANICA ..,ilrtr-i:-lF VENT]LATION '' "ror,*o'' X HooDs i#1 ." -f l Iffi .'.''' LoCATION:-tES Tt.v //l1n tt. '',;' ii-t'-'::',1 :''.-''..-'tir't.. n orxen ! penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,{"::,^, 1" 4/ ^*@- MppRovED n uporu rne CORRECTIONS f]orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNSP Ecr COMM E N TS: --- ----- EUrLolNG OIVISION P o Eox 17s , p-9=--iii' U\l=t=?|lo*i 5b7 FTEBIJE OUNTY PHONE:328-6339 OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! oruen EAGLE $,9vf ir ,,',*,,.F',!,. 1t-:' i : SMOKE DE ., '',**;,:,' "'::::l PARTI MON COMMENTS: o'o /1;:) -,/, ! peRrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR fl nee Rov E D D uporu rue CORRECTIONS n orsnpP RovE D FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr z'7 ..2 t DATE '..,.r- -.- :- . -..'....{i.* '.',,1'-' : - +l,l;.';:i-, j.-:: .,i*,#;;il,,i-.,.,. ..1,f'::::-i:i;: Hf Ft \./ao $1\ IrE\ -Ft\- 4t ,ll:t lh:l :li'i $t it I ti tl rl \ :y'? )K \ ,!:tt] _,{\)= \i')F\ \= I C:' siii..} '-.=:-1' . t-l : .=:!:'.:;* +.-t 'i I I 1 : I --1- l -\- I i I I : ; --Lj it THIS DECLARATION, made by Parsons-Green Joint Venture, ant". this _ day ot hereinafter called wir i cn i.'lc ! i..: t't.cttrl. shall mean such portion of the . O'wners ,rf Un i ls si':l-. j a:ct here-such Drivcway f,ase;nent for sLrch ilies and aDests. ,s 3 . '' Dr i v eway Ea seme n t',l'r'()'i-,'il-ii' so Ccsignated on the plat to sh.:]I l,e entit,Ied to use:nv of i,jr,pose, for t-henselves, their fam WI TNESSETH : THAT I{HEREAS, Declarant is the Owner of certain reaL property and desires to create thereon a residential cornmunityt IITHEREAS, Declarant has constructed a three unit buil<i ing on such property; IVHEREAS, .Declarant desires to provide for the admini- -stration, preservation and maintenance of comrnon facilities on such property and to this end, desires to subject such real prop- erty to the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter set forth, each and all of which are for the benefit of said property and each Owner f rorn time to time of property sub- -iont l'orotn. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that the real property described hereinafter is and shall be he1d, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, restric- tions, easements, conditions, uses. limitations, charges, ob1 iga- tions and liens (hereinafter ca]1ed "covenants and rest.rictions") herein contained, which shall be deemed to run with the land, shall be a burden on and a benefit to Declarant, his successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning any interest there- in, their grantees, successorsr heirs, executorsr administrators, devisees and ass iqns. ARTICLE I ,@ RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION FOR VAIL wILDERNESS TOir'NHOUSES The following words when used in this Declaration (un- Ir--:;s'.he context shall prohibit) sha11 have the followinq mean- i n:::.,: i . "S ;i.,:r'ct Pro,,..rcrty" or "the pro-;erty" shall nean the i i...i i,t u[r'-.t'Ly <i,-:scr ibed as follows: Rl <rcL 9 r Lot 1! , vail Interlrountain Subdivision Fi ! !no r:o. I, Fag!e Count.,,, Colora<Jo. i':'-ii-' ar ":.1:jr.l' shall ;:r{:.in the Final pLat of VaiL ^:: th ., an engineering survey of the Subject prop- h.r-s had prepared and proposes to record or the Clerk and Reccrder of Eagle County, Colo-:i-< Li:e cr.:tsiie ililensiLirs of tle S,_:l;ect 'l ? : 'e i;ttc :i i.je i i. .i:':: -;.-.: se lf ts ijlji a Cr,;;.-i l.'L ,' i st-; tielri(jLS a rlrivt'^.:v e.tscr,e j-tt ac.ross l;t-s anrl ihe location of all improvenents , 1980, the "Declar- 4. "Lot", "Site" or "Bui1ding Site" shall mean any of the three portions of the property designated and numbered as a Lot on the Map. Each Lot contains an individual residential im- provement, vacant land and a Driveway Easement. Title to any such Lot sha1l be held in fee simple. 5. "Residence" sha1l mean the residential improvements constructed on each Buildinq Site- 6. "Unit" shall be comprised of the Lot, together wit-fr all the inprevsmsrts ihereon and all appurtenant rights, interests and obl ioaf ions thc-efo inr-lndino fhose nrrrsnant f-o this Declara- "ion, and an appurtenant undivided one-third interest in the Com- mon Area. I .: 1. "Owner" shaf1 mean more persons or entities' of the the record owner fee sirnple title , whether one or to a Lot. to the area des- in common. 8. "Common Area" shall mean and refer ignated on the Plat as being owned by the Owners ARTICLE I1 Archi tectural-Aesthetic Control I. No exterior additions tQ or alterations of any ex- terior improvements, no new exterior improvements and no changes in fences, walls or other structures, sha11 be commenced, erected or maintained until and unless plans and specifications showing the nature, kinti, shape, heights, materials, floor plansr exterior color scheme and location of such structure and the grading plan and finished grade elevations of the Lot to be built upon sha1l have been subrnitted to and approved by all the olners. No land- scaping shalf be done until a landscaping plan shafl have been submitted to and approved by all the Owners. Any Owner sha1I have the right to refuse to approve any such p1ans, specifications' grading or landscaping which are not suitable or desirable in such o',iner's opin ion, for aesthet ic or other reasons, and in so passing uiron s-.rc)r ol ars, s):ci I icat icns r grad ing and ]andscaping plans 'anv Owner shall ha';e the right to take into ccnsideration the suitabitity of the propcsed building or other improvetnents and of l'-he r,'at-el:ials of which it is to be bui1t, to the oortion of the Fro?ertv r-:i'on wl'r i cb it i s ::ronosed to erect the sane ' the harnony thereof 'rj th Lhe s'.:r-r-oundi::rs, the topographl' of the land antl the t: I lt:cl- of llra-' s,;5iqir311611 , s !.-:. .-tc t- u r': or oti;','r i lr:,rl'.'i::lent as ilr'o- ;;sei o; l.hc ar'i j;c: r'r: )r n'-:ig::c:rin3 i'r-J!,jrti', -:I:i witn t-!;e ')':r!?r- :L r,-.s ici-nce plan r"-, ! thr.: I-roi)err-y. hll sul.'Se.3ur:n t arldiL jc't:S tO cr chan315 or al ter;rr-ions in any l?esidence, fence, wa11 or othgr* ::tr:rctrrr-r, in:lu4 in1 cx.trri'rr 5s\e-'s;r1 .lnd all sut'raeluent arldlriona ..\ 2.r- :-t..';.t.t,./ t,t .l t..:;:: !.-.,ii:- it, ,tnV -rf ,t,l: ri{ Of l,-r;: ilr--at:ir:'; ;-'!.:rn:l : l.,rl l \..;- ',1,-..f l,' t.!r" i,:-i'i:: .::-.:'i-?'.':! +{ l-hr: rlu;:r:rE. r -..:., .- - . i -,- -, ^zr .rt "is exri:nse, '..' l.:lrrrlille. .:r nl ac:'l !-i. - I 2. i;,:;,C ii,! r bi' D,:ci;:-a'n1-- r !:,1 O.r;-..: t- S -' l. l'.-' it- ,.; li: ,::'-': ,:'f "i ,-'iJr)q.-1i Of .:1I C;. .- rS, ,j :: t, ir'I iCr r':.;tl e.,'i. s i.cn or otlier iy'pe of ;i^;L€r,ii3 shal I inlr.rir'rr rncrf thg e1e,-,:t ion Of ";hich i L .Jv L t irrg roof so tha stich .1jti-,r:-.rra ins'.e.1 lati other Unit or f ron tlre *.: Lar:i:t_s. c'.li€r ::.prcl'el* i"i!5'::':ctr:d shal l iierr:a f ter be :na !n- i. i. -: -:,,-t,,,1 :.::: :-:t.t ,') d raiio, shcrt .;ive, teL- ire r rL i t- t-r: d €):ce.0t on c:o 1c;-e r than the surround- is not visible frorn anY l^ cn 4. No tanks of sla11 be erected, placed t--:."se initially installed cc:-s en t of the Owners. any kind, either or permi tted upon by Declarant, if elevated or bur ied,the Property, e x cept any, or pursuant to the 5' l{o clothesrines or incinerators shar-1 be permitted or ;aintained on the property without the consent of af r. owners. 6. A1l storaEe pi1es, €guipnent, furn ?:i=t perscnal property shall be concealed from oi-:,3r Unit and f rom thE sireet. 1. lJo house trailer, tent, shack, detached garage, barn or out buildinq of any kind shall be permitied on the property wil-hout the consent of the Owners - B. Without_prior approval of the Owners, no house ll::..::^:?Tli:t trailer, uoai'iiairer, haulins rrailer, camper vvur' ' runnlng gear or boat or accessory thereto, sha11 t" p.aX"a stored or inaintaindd on any r,oi or the streets adjoining the sub-ject property. 9. Declarant, its successors and assigns, its employ_ees' representati.ves, agents and contractors may maintain a busi-ness and sales office, construction f a c i l i t i e s , ' ),u r,1" , trucks,::ll 1lT9"f, parking areas, mor1el residences, display facilities,ao"'ertising signs, disprays or other facilities'reasonably neces_sarv, appropriate or customarily used or acguired during the con-struction, developnient and salei of the Residences. 10. I,Ji thout the consent of the orrners, no sigr_rs of any kind shall be displayeo io ih"-prnric view on any Lot except one slgn of not more than 6 square ieet advertising ihat unit for sale or rent. iture, tools and v iew from any . Th: approval or.disapproval of any reguest or subriission ds reguired bv any orovision" Li-this Declaiuti,in, snarl be re-'ruirid in wriiino, siraf : u. J.iirrurec 1-,= r.*senaIly to al1 cw-ner-s, or ;;,';; r'r.rl Lo anv Own,:r at such arldress as r:ay eppear in the recorrjs ,,t I i-..- C!.,::!. ,:nrl :,.) .::: .lr .r i:l; 1_...;1.; ,.1-' t"' 1.'t of Eagle count-v-, coiora,jo, rn the even t :'..r-.:i"i,i;,;.,:;:i;";;,.ii.l"i"ii.:,.=ffi1.:. ?;"1;: :;::;.::; ti '''".i:r f'rr!s to arprove or diroppio,r. a rubmitteo wlitili"i"l,ilr.-rr-1.1:t .i+ !ldy3 oi..-.,f...r.,*-a"iirliir', ,ait ir_.: ;;-;;_;ing of such " ':'-r r :.t _i,1 ,,r.,._- /...... i r, , lr ;r.; i;,; i . . l ' . , . ' ' , l o - _ ., ._: r. e ;rti ,-lesist "'i i'.'::.,, ir: .,, : i i.:l i :., ,rlrl I ,.,,-,., .: -::_.,,:,..,_r. ;...,: i,.J of f,1rii:d,: .i ! :; ir,i: r;..,,;,i: i,.t: r):.t Lh._r,:of ..if w: :i:; _ _1 C C:"i.s ci co;:i;e:_rc j:iirent ,.':.'.';;--,...!- ri('r j: ir: 1..,,_r:r, ..,r-,;,.,r"_i'r*ii1 ,rrt be r-icuire,. ARTICLE III Owner Conse n t ,._ _.-,__r .l: i::: .:_:,_- ixcept as - ijere in seh f orth, no Olvner rnay bind any other r)^nr:r or such bwner:_'s -unif i" -rr-rIr" rn any expenses for services (') i: ::"it'"r-ia-ls f urnish.:d on "r-a""Irru property ,"ri Lhout. the writt€n r'')"'-;r t of suc' c1re5 t" ?i .i J.ina, except as pro'iced here in or ty.l,:l!!'. Iiny Oi;.er r.;ho suffers l,lss or rlanage by vi.rtue of the i,rt-rci'r or defautt cf anoth;;-;";;;'i;'r,;;i.;;onroi the forecoinq sen''-ence s!-:a11 have a right-oi'rltion against such cu,,ner for alr j damages of any sort occasioned thereby together with costs and attorneys' fees. ARTICLE V Ea s ements 1. fts6'inrnn:1 F:carnan+5. The DeClarant hereby reserveS ror irselrl- itffiis";;-"-;;;;;-;r way and ea-cement over and across the Lots, Common Areas and Residences,for tbe installation and continued operation, maintenance, repair, alteration, inspection and repJ-acement of utility facilities,including but not Iimited to, meters, electric, warer, sevrer r 9as and telephone fines, television cable. antenna ]ines and other utility l"ines and equipinent incidential thereto, as reasonably required on, over, under and across that portion of any lot situate between any Residence and the street adjacent thereto or the location of an easenent in which utility facilities may 1ie or be placed. Perpetual reciprocal easements for the continuance,construction and naintenance of such utility lines shall exist both for the benefit of and burden on all- of the Owners, provided hcwever that after the sale of a Unit by Declarant, no disruption of the surface thereof or of any improvement shall be permitted without compensation. 2. If any common utility line or driveway on the Con(mon Area is destroyed or damaged, the Owners shaIl endeavor to cause the same to be restored forthwi.th and a1I Owners served thereby shall share equally i-n the reasonable cost of such restorationi subject, however, to the right of any Owner to damages from another Owner under any rule of faw regarding liability for negligent or wilfful acts or omissions. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Declaration, any Owner who by his negligence or wilfful act.causes damages to any utility line or lines shal1 bear the ccst of res'toration thereof, and any other damages allowed by law. The right of any Owner to contribution or damages from any other C'rn'ner sha1l be appurtenant to the land and shalI pass to such Ov;ner t s successor in tit1e. ARTICLE VI Party l.ial l , Roof s and founda t ions 1. I-ar: iv ilal I Ea:C,it..--nt.s. lvr:i ,ral rr-,^ i nr-^^-1 --^-E^Fr-F ; :'.-: r:r : . 1;.i .=t:,Si:-.=''.;i;tC;;'.firn nr.r.=n';;;";;:;; ;:iil:";;.n'.'. l'ri:'^..?en resirlences which reciprocal ease;re:lts shill be for :nr: tt:.:1. ::i;lport and shall be governed by this Declaration anc more t'.:rtic'.r1;:rly the sr.:cceeding Sections of this trrticle. Every deed,rri,.i ir;_.r- ',r' ',1 't ',rl r.,lSli' ::(.) :;!_:l:i:t*, :;'1",:1-i |g zlnq;ed tO .:,--.:1VeV ant l.', i ;' ,' .l :,,,-t- r'.-r .r,;i.-l: r./,.ii r ir,:.r1 e ;-, r . r :-, , , : : i : . S,::i c; l,-.:,_. ll_s siu L1 ,ri ',., .::,,rriy .riLir t,-,--rr,:ct tO ro.-.r iS r ir-'.-:t i nca .:nd f()UndatiOnS ^a-..'.: Lt_ t,c <,.r,:1: 1: i::y -'.-311s, or ci':;.:r*'ise -:xi"ting co:.ncniy with i'.j -.:i,a(: L rO LwO ,rr i.:uL e F e s i ri.: rr c r_. S . ch: I I ,: - l:'l ':-':l:;1 j1 l-, ::;'' l '1.' i':'r':i" t.;':..). ,.j . i: . - . .. ,'.-, ,i , .,:,_-i -' st-,aiad ._-.1 -:I11..1 \,y '-i,r C*:;?rs '. l-r e r:rtsc cf I -.r, -rd r.r ;ho r.ai-.e rise of l,; -:''.;i iln '-'> I I o l-lji: r {:a:.; u a 1 L ..{-.- -:,-,-.rtL: v I,rv 9_r vt:rl tr-\ :._:l-i t-r>' --. -a Ilgrtr,:ct i_on by_ Fire or Otl er Casu-;!_!a. If a ;,ariy rooilr fcurlf ati-cr is .tcs'.-F.f ,lr- e,iiaged Uy iire or ty, any Oi\'ner wiio has r:sed the sanre ir,av restcrrc i t ot!,er- such or+ners priorwrirten ""ti.3 ;i-i;;;.;i;"and tl':e cther Ci;ner beaefiled by the sar,re shalI con- ag ct 3t tl t i!l+ -: g: Or tribute. equally to the cost of restoration thereof, provided how-gyrr' that the parties may agree to other apportionment and fur-ther provided that ..,y sulh 5rn..s may carl to. u larger contribu_tion from the other owner under any rule of law regarding riabiri-ty for negligent or willful acts or omissions. 4. RiSl,t to Contribute Runs with Land. ?he right of any owner to c naer 'ris Article sha11 be appurtenant to the fand and shalr pass to such ov,,ner, s successor in title. Declarant shal1 record the plat in the office of the clerk ancl Recorder of Eagle county. col0rado. Any contract for sale, deed, 1ease,. morrgage, trusl'.r;;;;-;;ii "r"iar,"r insrrument may IegalIy describe_u. iol by the Lot number or other rjesignation shown on the Plat and by reference to the plat f ireci for rr:cord and by reference to thii necraratigl. eu"ry-rr"i oescription sha1l be goori and sufficient for all purposes-io-'serr, convey,transfer, encumber or otherwise affeci "tt ""rv-tie <iesignatecr Lot but also the riqhts and interests appurtenant to it (incruding the undivided 1rz3 interest in the Common Area) that comprise the Unit.No right, or interest comprising a Unit,iy Uu-coirreyea or trans_ferred apart from the Lot to which it is uipuitununt. ARTICLE VIT ARTICLE VIII fnsurance Each Owner, whether or not such Owner,s Lot is encum_bered by Deed of Trust or other rien, sharr- "i-ni= cost and ex-pense ina inta in in f orce at all t imes a f ire, hazarrl anri perscnal riability insurance poricy with respect to the improvernents on such owner's Lot with an insurance cornpany, the financial rating of which is acceptable to the other owner!. r,lo insurence p:l icy sl"al1 be acceptabre if it does not provide for ten day rrotice of c-ancef lation to tlie owner and the other oirners. The minimum ccu_er-age liinits of each policy sharl be such rr*iis as the owners mav estab'l 1.1 uy appraisal from time to tine, but in no event sharl such I irr it for an)- unit be less than nray be from tine to t in,e re_qui r"-'d in wriLin'- ':,iire-ssed to the owners in question bv ti:e r.ort-',:;t')i:r> Cr r, )rt,: z.]{:er, r,C.'ld!ng <3eedS Of tr,JSt ,f,"n lfr"J" J;f .'f ,i,i'.fl-.r.i:e i;;;u;bc-red. L'o r--r n the. rerluest of any o"nLi, eacn owr,t r ::l.al1 f ::ni:ir c.'irii:nce oi co'r,pl i ance -"itn the insurance rr-rr,r i F,.,-6_f , F.r t_hiS CO,.-f,n;nt. qDr-s . qgur tciile;iEs OE r'l 1 :''.r.1 l ' .',. ,1 ,' :--,:.- -:f,,. l-,.:- I ii:-_,:r: .=,:-.: e a,:,a..:,! i.l ', _. :..', :,::,:ll l,c .),./iJe( i,__tr;:nt to at_.d s:r all ':".:.y ,nit by v i rl_r_:e of such Ownership. l-c F ;r::-i-c x c I us i ::'-- r i.i,':t _- r ..; s rr::.:d.":,:r: ss wi th t!-:e -5- 1, Definitions. For the purposes foJ-lowing termslhE11 be-def ined as follows: l@ ( a ) Animal.or wild anirnal or pet. (b) Anj.nal Af :,nchF,'l f a) : nor-qnn Frr -a _- * r_beside a competent person. r,and, or (4) not in a cage (c) ty; fr ARTICLE X Animals c1 this Article, t:e any other dome s t i:Any <iog or cat or at Large. Any animal either (l ) not chain or leash, or (2) not at "heel"or (3) not obedient to a person's cor_or similar confinement. Violating Animals. (1) Any aninal at large on the Subject prop23_ (2) Any animal except one dog and one cat 1191.Lot on the Subject Property by virtue of such animal's ownership by the Ov;ners of any Lot subject hereto, or by virtue of the pe'r_mission of the Owners of any Lot subject hereto. 2. I.li thout the prior wri tten consent of al l Owners, 66 Owner shall have, permit or allow, or allow any guest, tenant gs other person Iawfully on the sublect property to have, perrnit og al-low any violating animal on the Subject property. 3. The Owners or any of them may, without compensation to the owner of any animar, undertake such actions as they tieern advisable to enforce the provisions of this Article, includinq taking possession of and disposing of violating animals in suih manner as may appear reasonable from tine to time. ARTICLE XI Gereral Coirc it ions, -ct ipulations and prolect ive Covenan ts ?he fcilowing general conditions, stipulations and pro_tective covenants are hereby imposed upon the nroperty. 1, Al-1 Lots shalL be subj,-ct to l'_he restrictive cove_nants previously i;nposed upon the subrjivision in which the proper_',-y is located. 2. Except for the business of the Declarant in conneq_t ion with the 'Jevelopment of the prcperty, no tratre, businu=" oi activii-"' s!-:;ll i;e c,--,nrJucreri, cai:ried on tr pracr-ice-.d o ir. any Lot -r-;r ir =rr1' 1.,5 i,1;-;,- 1,;.3 i:,.i-tSa l-,:,::eC th.:r:eOn, ::d i-_he O.,,,;er Of anv LCt shaL l not suilf er- o:: Dr::-1-,ri: :nv ,!e. i d+nce erected icerecn i"-b;;seil cr i=npl ,:-"ed for ar:v rJur DOSe that will constitute a nuisance in law or thal "ir1 ::r:i-act ircm the r€rsidential varue of said Y'.it- .j1- ;.'r;.' ?r-1,.;:a ::lit. 3. 'li-:: ,' ._\ .,' . j it :: :'. -* : .-:,1 I r :, L r - r: L I c,-:.s of Li,is Leclal.tLiorl :lr.ll1 l:ii-,;ith ;':,d i:inrl il',= S,jb j r_.qi ?roir,:r:ty, and stiall inure i,:i li;e benciit of arrc be enfcrceable by tha De;larant and the owner of any r,,ot subject to Lr-ris Decraration, his respective reqar reii-rF-'s'-:nl-rt- i';r:s r hei.rsr s.,cce.lsors and assi.-1 r-rs, for a tcrm of tweni*;.-'ars f r.--,fi tlre date lrcrer:f , af t-er r^rh ich iiine said covenant" an"i!be auto;,aticaIly e>:tended for successive periogs of ten years -h- unless terninated by the same vote of Owners as would be required for amendnent, hereinafter prov ided. 4. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration rav be ane:rded by instrunent signed by all Lot Owners. Any alrend- :r:ent must 5e properly :-ecorded. No part of the Declaration may be a;r,ended in such manner that it will adversell' af f ect the ex isting rSght of any nortgagee of a Lot. Fcr t,he purposcs hereof, each iot shall be entitled to one vote so that if a Lot has multiple Owners, such Owners must provide anrcnq thenselves for procedures ',o Cetermine their one i:ote. Similar-1yf an Owner which is not a na-.-ural parson shall designate in writ i. i-,g a natural person to ex- ercise such Owner's voting rights. 5. Any notice reguired to be sent to any Owner under the provisions of this Declaration sha}l be deemed to have been properly sent when mailed, postpaid, to the last known address of the person who appears as Owner according to the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, at the time of such maiting. Any mortgagee may, -by notice in writing recorded in the records aforesaid, provide an address for notices which shalI be similarly bind ing on al-l parties 6. Enforcement of these covenants, restrictions and other provisions sha1l be by Declarant or by an Or,,'ner by any pro- ceeding at 1aw or in equity, either to restrain violation and/or recover damages against any person or persons violating or at- te,'rrpting to viof ate any covenant or restriction, and/or against the land to enforce any lien created hereby. The omission or faifure of the Declarant or any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction set forth in this Declaration sha1l in no event be deemed a waiver of the riohF to do so ti'rereaf ter. 7. If any of the provisions of this Declaration or any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or tbe application thereof in any circumstances be invalidated, such invalidation sha1l not, unless bv such invalidation, affect the validity of the rer,a i nder of this Declaration. B. r,1:ienevei. used herei.n, un l ess the coniext sha11 otherwise provide, tbe sinqular nu;nber shal1 include the p1ura1,the pluraI the sincular, the use of anv c?:-rder sha11 rnclude all genCers and the capitalizaticn of rporCs slall have no effect in tl;eir construction. 9. In the event of any dispuLe arising hereunder, the natter sha11 be handled by arbitration oursuant to the rules of tl? .ir-,,er-ican Arbitration Association. i:o !ega 1 act ion wi th re-::':cl -..f inv srrcl-. Cispute s):llI be cc_-ri;i._i,c:C or rainlained until 1'l .,> 1: 1- ,-; , ' z- j ,-. r.- r: s :l- e:---inder have been ?xi:ausl.:d, I){ iilT}i!SS i.rqqa{EOF, Decl ara n t r;s dulv e>: ecuLed thi.s l'-:cl;retion to be eifectiue t.he dev ani -,'i:ar first ebcve written M i chael G reen STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE !r dy \J L The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this , ]980, by Alice Parsons and Michael Green, the partners of Parsons-Green Joint Venture. Witness my hand and official seal My commission expires: I.lotary Publ ic -o-