HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 18B LEGAL FILE.pdf/rrf"rrrwnf*, /of /fB c$\n*$rr:'r trEvtL@ilrx! Design Review Board ACTIO}I FOR]4 Degartment of Community Development 75 Sor-rth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 tax:.97o.479.2457 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name! HALEY CHANGE Proiect Description: DRB Number: DR8070051 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO CHANGE PAINT COLORS, CHANGE SIDING TO STUCCO Participants: OWNER HALEY, MICHAEL S. & MARLA M.O2IT612007 2854 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL co 81557 APPLICANT HALEY, MICHAEL S. & MARLA M,O2IL6I2OO7 2854 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 2844 SNOWBERRY DRVAIL 2844 SNOWBERRY COURT Location: Legal Description! Lot: 198 Block 9 SuMivision: SNOWBERRY DRIVE DUPLEX Parcel Number: 2103-143-0105-7 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsr Dunning Dantas 3-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz O3l 07 l2OA7 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 03/08i2007 By: RLF Action: COND 1. The applicant shall utilize stone for the base of the garage structure and stucco on the second floor to match stucco on the existing house. 2. The applicant shall screen the utility meters with a timber enclosure that matches the wood on the existing house. Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. i cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications, Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: l2O.O0 Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: of the Proposat: t-ot: | 'letock: Physical Address: parcel No.r i\03-\4lr-.)1O5-'l (Contact Eagle Co. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):A&,ur Mailing Address: Owlrrer(s)a €tt,r. Name of Applicant: ng Address:tr_" 5'l\ ?lp-8ro 4;r+8 uI/L $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association r/ fi) w @, \, o 0 I ))\o- Type of Review and Fee: rS Changes to Approved Plans For Officg[se.Qnly: Fee paid: <-\J an".* *o.. Z. dcsYav: MeetinsDa*t 7"ZI 'Q F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approved-plans-liage-05.1 1-2006'doc Dapper Tan '| OYY 55/163 Bonlour Beige 20YY 49/176 Waler Cnesi|rut 30Y'Y 6?,,127 l,/c_a ]OINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of tfre plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for tfre proposedimprovementstobecomp|etedattheaddressnotedabove.Iunderstar+halt\e --^-^-^Ai*^.^.,^r6al_c in.llr.{a' O \proposed imProvements include: (S ignao.re)(Date) Additionally, please cheik the statement belpw which is most applicable to you: o .t undentand that minor modificailbns may be made to the plans over the cou6e of trle review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations' (Initial here) n I request that atl modifications, minor or otherwisq which are made to the plans over the course of the revErv procesS be brought to my attention by the appliant for addihbnal appmval before undergoing further reutEw by the Town' (Initial here) ++++***** *** *+*+**+++*+++*+*++'t + +{' * +* * **+******+* *** ***{.***'}t**+* * + t * *:} + * + * ** + * * * * * *:} * ** * ** * TOWNOFVAIL" COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R070000178 Amount: $20-00 02/16/2OO709:45 AM Pa)'ment Method: Check HALEY Init : iIS Notation: 2004/MARLA M. Permit, No: DRB070051 TlItr)e: DRB - Chg to Appr Pl-ana Parcel No: 2103-143-0105-7 Site Address: 2844 SNOMERRY DR VAIIJ Locatsion: 2844 SNO$BERRY COURT $20.00 Total Fees: Total AIrL Pmts : Balance: This Paymene: s2O. o0 920.00 $0.00 *********+*************tt*******************+*+**+**'1.**,f**+*:t***'l*****+**+*+++**+*+*+*+*+**+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accorrnt code Deecription CurrenE Pmtss DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Marla& Mike Haley 2854 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 720-810-2278 February 13,2007 Town of Vail DRB Dear Joe & Warren: I am writing in reference to my approved garage addition at2854 Snowberry Drive. Our garage sits in front & below of our newly remodeled home. The garage is at street level and is the most visible structure from the road. We are asking to make some minor changes to the garage exterior. We would like to have stucco on both garage levels witl wood trim as stated in the drawings I have included. The stucco color would be slightly darker on the bottom level and the upper level would match the house exterior stucco color. (see color chart included with the new drawings). This would give the structure a more updated look, yet it would still look as if it matches aesthetically with the upper building. The garage doors will remain the same with wood planking. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Regards, Marla Halev - rj \1,. - r\1l t\, 1r l tnnl , Luul l, i i" !*'!T i ,','t l, I ;il , , I -,,j,'.] FEB I I j--.- J'ft"i,' ''.---J .r\ &},r":F I -A*r* fi-'..r, "A'^/\ -Y< ,u*t Lz^. ,,,)"-a', ; , ? J'g-tttan; cLli "1^ t' "L'f \* ', f) -)' r0}fN 0F vAn 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-47 9 -2138 / 47 9 -2139 F4,X.970-479-2452 March 8, 2007 Marla Haley 3037 Sun Creek Ridge Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Re: DRB07-0051 Haley Residence Lot 19, Block 9, Snowberry Drive Duplex 2854 Snowberry Drive Department of Community Development Dear Ms. Haley, Thank you for your design review application for a change to approved plans for your home on 2854 Snowberry Drive. The purpose of this letter is to conhrm that the application was approved by the Design Review Board on March7,2007 with the following conditions: l. The applicant shall utilize stone for the base of the garage structure and stucco on the second floor to match stucco on the existing house. 2. The applicant shall screen the utility meters with a timber enclosure that matches the wood on the existing house. A DRB Action Form is included for your records. Please submit a revised set of building plans along with the building permit revision form that is attached to this letter. If you have any questions or concems, please feel free to contact me. It has been a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to working with you again in the future. Planner, Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Attachments: l. DRB Action Form 2. Buildine Permit Revision Form Rachel Friede FILE COPY D epartment of Cotnmuniry Developnent TOIW OF VAIL 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 September 24, 1996 Levis Pcnnock 6523 Vista Drit'e Yountuille, Califomia 94599 RE: The proposed reaining n'all. locatcd at 2844 Snou berry Drive,/Lot I 88, Block 9. vail Intermountain Dear Mr. Pennock: Thebesign Reriew Board (DRB) has reriewcd your conceptual plan for a retaining rvall at tbe above referenced properry.-Tbe DRB performed a site lisit and does not necissarjiy bave-a problem with thc usc of Gabian ietaining rvatls. if adequatc screcning is provided- The DRB has staed that you should-mitigate for eees whicb .r,ittai.]U^s.aontheioil's.onrp..i'onaroundtherootsystenls. Inaddition.theBoardhasrecommendedthat substanrial landscaping be placed d.irecrly in fiont of the ietaining l'al ls to provide screening from off-site' This should be a combination of aspens. ^s ,.'.ll rs evergreen spccies in order to prolide adequatc scrcenin-s. This screening is in addition to the existing rees located on site. In sumnrary, the following items need to bc addrcssed: . Thc retaining nalls must bc no greater in hcight than 6' and must hale a l:l la1'back. Plans for the retaining rvalls must b4r rhe seal of a stnrcrural enginccr.. in ordcr to veriff stability. The plans. as shoun. f,avea l0'drop-offar scvcral locations. Site grading cannot exceed2:l slopes. please resubmit a proposed landscape plan showing trees s'hich s'ill be impacted by the retaining l'alls- ntitigation for rhoie uees being losi as u,ell as screening rees to be placcd in front ofthe reuining $'alls' plcase also note rhat rhe driveu,ay mustbe paved. Yousill need to proride dctails as totbe.paring ofthe driveway and horv drainage nill be accompiished offofrhe driveu'ay and drough the rctaining rvalls. lnclude a -oading plan. o You need to indjcate areas \\'bere snow storage u'ill occur. Snow storage shall not occru g'hgre trees ars being ptaced to screen the l'all. unless adequite space is proridcd so that these trees are not impacted due to the snow storage. Once these reyised plans are prorided. a determination rvill be made as to whether this necds to go to the DRB or not. If it does not necd to go to lhe DRB, staff has the ability to approvc this f}pe of proposal. Ifyou have any additional qucstions. please feel free to call me at 479-2148' '-t)"'K(!trJ& noffnicY Mauriello. AICP To$n Planner DFN,tiir ?l ,rn'"r,to r,.o*!t TOWN OF VAIL DEPART}IE\T i./\, \L,tE br''S l/€'(/hLL DSZl UiEa Vpe ,Von+V,r le tl 'qu'ri o^n cf , /d , !f_ CEECXS }I^.DE 'AYA.BI.5 TO TO\IT{ OF \'AIL 4l ToLfh{ CrF Lrtrl f L l'liscel I areous Cash rJ?- 1 1 -.1r.1l: 1 1:5f, F;*ceipt. * l0f,:l€,4l: Fl.:cc,unr. S r:l.i # 111:1 j FEl.lt.l[r]t:\.trPEr FEE Flnrc,un t. t.*nde red ::B, t:18 Hmount paid 4t:I1€fi Faid B l EBFE|4l l: I ffr-rB [:henge r* t.urrned ]r :-8. Et:1 -rHHh{K l/ctl-l ;TS:_ rfq'st''1s3:hiE,r' IcEHTHH CASE T r cxel i//Z/ ,lt.oLl TOIIN OF VFIL COII.DEV ID:505-479-2457 I!,m.-IIWr sEP 06',96 10:56 No.004 P.01 "'sro't 5'* T *"':ru.il:" . ?,***'t (f lFl ticltltnt ataaa.aa Ruro rtc- Azen unPb.,bfrEJ{f t. t. lfqrl Ol BtVIlIr G. D.ffi"!3 It FrysEy le (hlgrtbed by c F.E. ..i tourdr l{.l alcrortDBlo. Ollla Drwldo on a iqrSrlo rIBt aad .lcr{b 3o thl. .D9llcatF. - . reil Cournptln 1f200.001 -Ffss rllcsslloD {lao.oel . rttSrlos tllO,ool ,-.,tElo+turr r.?1r (fol rEmgr lolrllt*h xm|r 0t nlllrC tnn Of lDFl,ICllt'3 tllltlDfl! llUll nlffDt rildrc.f nc or {ffirtt, I .rrl&lell* @' m ra r?GW *WE ffirt ,Imtnr gordotBltr ,iF*rr l! .Fuoebrc. tf,l tgt Dll t(tfi l| |bflo rboso. rtf to b.' D|id r! tho Bts o[ nb]ttrl cG th. nt rDt'uailfii. t toa, {i8 {DrytDs lor r blldlag prrrtt, plafrt ldontlty tlc fcsur.ts yollt.ltrDn ct Ebo DroDcrcl. t|i trn rt Yru rllt rdlfut Ebs 1.. .dccrtlat 3C tDO B*lr !nlr, tD l|ur. lt. 6rr6t 1..b prtd. trr ECtIlltFfT! "iliE}trlil | 0.f 10rbo0 l10'001 .l 80,000 lto,oot-l l!o.0oo ll5or0ol ' | 500.000 fsoo.ocl . llrr)00r000 a onE. fr,0OO,000 ?IIl! rayrrr EE rprarilr. Erlrlf It ltrr rrtl ]ilr.!!!|Gr_g&||t I Elm rmr :| rffuD rn idrluilrml It flrriD. L t. o. n' I. at. trlt I t0.00 I 50,00 froo.00 fr00.00 fr0o.00 ttoo.00 flF,lar *an|t9F.l 6ttuf#€ a a T I FILE CO" 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D eparon ent of C onmunity D eve lopment March 20, 1996 Mr. Levis Pennock P.O. Box 981 Avon. CO 81656 Re: Proposed Parking Deck at 2844 snowberry/Lot l88, Blk. 9, vail Intermountain Dear Mr. Pennock: The Design Review Board at their lV{arch 20, 1996 meeting reviewcd your conceptual proposal for a parking strucfurc. I have summarized their commenti and have irovided additional cotrrments based on our lr{arch 18, I996 meeting. The Board statcd that you should attempt to reduce the impact of the existing smcrure on existing vcgetation (i.e., Aspens). It was suggcsted that you attempt to movc the parking sfructure closer to the house jn order to avoid these trees and provide the ability in the future to attach a garagc to the house. Thcre was concern expressed over the safety oftle existing deck/patio area which may need to be addressed on the plan for the parking structure. The Board stated that you should provide a landscape plan rvhich provides for scrcening thc parking structure and a tree mitigation plan for those trees bcing removed. In order to adequately review the impacts to existing trecs, an accurate survey ofthe existing trecs must be provided. Also, providc a plan which sbows existing trees to be preserved anJ those trees being removed as part of this request. This plan must i-nclude trees located on Lot l8A which may be impacted by the paving of the access to the structure. To summarize the meeting between you, Ed Evcrett, and myself, Ed did not seem to have any problem with you removing the existing retaining sfucture on his property (secure a letter). Ed was also agreeable to you paving your access from the end of the paving ior his driveway (approximately 60'). It seems to be his desire to have paving as far dorir slope as possiblc. As a result of this meeting, you must rvork out the location of the paved access to the site. you must submit a revised plan which shows the limits of pavement and a complcte plan for a Page I of2 It Rtcl cltb P.4PER '*ilfn ariu"*ajlin&uding, proposed grades, any cuts and retaining structures, and etc. (i.e., a complete grading and paving plan). Please address these comments on the site plan and in written form. This item has not been rescheduled for review by the DRB. It will be rescheduled following a re-submittal of information. If you have any questions call me at479-2148. Sincerehc I //)dr[l - or.,\,/.=I l\CI,{d)(J4 Dominic F. Maiiiello. AICP Town Planner cc: Susan Connelly, Director of Community Development tMorridc\wpfi I es Je[ersbEDDoc12. wpd Page2 of2 FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8]657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artm e nt of C ommunity Deve lopme nt March ll" 1996 Mr. Levis ?ennock P.O. Box 981 Avon, CO 81656 Proposed Parking Deck at 2844 Snowberry/Lot 18, Blk. 9, Vail Intermountain Dear Mr. Pennock: I have reviewed your rcquest for Design Revierv Board (DRB) revicw of the proposed parking deck on the above referenced property. Prior to submitting this proposal to the board for review the following comments must be addrcssed: l.You must submit a lcttcr from the orvncr of lot | 8A allowing you to remove the existing retaining wall locatcd partially on lot l8A. The Fire Departnent is requiring that the stair labeled "optional" on the site plan be provided (otherwise the structure would have to be sprinkled). please revise the plan showing that thc stair will bc provided. The code requires lhat a driveway or acccss to a parking area be paved. Due to the scale of thc improvement, this requirement must bc provided. The owner of lot l8A has approved plans for constructing a driveway within the access easement to the house locatcd on lot I8A. You should coordinatc with the owner of this lot in order to continuc paving to your proposcd parking structure. Revise the site plan to show the paving of the driveway and the limits of paving on lot I gA. Please indicate how snow will be removed from the structure and where snow will be storcd on sitc. Are snow and plow loads accommodated on the parking deck? (contact Terri Martinez, Public works Department for questions in this regard) The Public works Department has indicatcd the need to review a soils report for this project. The area has a history of debris flows and therefore a studv must be Page I of2 Re: 2. 3- 4. 5. {2 r"'t"o'*'* nn nI I r-1 . performed addressing the stability of the area and the proposed improvements. This report will be rcquired prior to obtaining a building permit. Terri has also identified the need foi a complete topographic survey of the entire site in order to accurately evaluate the design of the structure. Contact Terri Martinez with any questions in this regard. 6. Are any landscape improt ements being proposed to screea the structure from the neighbtring p.oie.tiei and the public right-of-way? If so, please indicate these imProvements on the site Plan. Please address these comments on the site plan and in written form. This item has been tentatively scheduled for review by the DRB on March 20' 1996. However, these comments must be addresied prior to the meeting. If tbe item remains on this agenda the proposed structure must be staked on site and the proposid access to the structure also staked by I 1:00 am on March 20' 1996. The board will be making a site visit prior to reviewing the item at the public hearing. If you have any questions call me at 479-2148. -A-'-ZJI ll U.($'t aq.M- Dominic F. Mturiello. AJCP Town Planner Susan Connelly, Director of Community Development Terri Martinez. Public Works fMomiaic\wpfi lesueEerstsenEocLwpd Page 2 of 2 tl'Yaaraa l|t r rrrt DBSrqs RtUIEtf NATiE OF l'tatling APPI,ICAIT DATE DASE OF DRB ttttrrt tftlltt ptsrSGD rr0FoRt{Alror.r: DESCRIPIIOI{: - Nen' Constntction ($200.001 Lddition ($50.00) ADDRESS: I,ECII'IJ DESCRIPTION: Lot Subdivision ff property is described by description, B1ease provide to this application. - Tc,tw oF O.. EIVED: MEETltts3: raa r. A. c. D. E. F. I. TOV"COtt4t{1, D[V, DEPI B. APPI-,TCA$T: Address I G.$IAME OF !htllng APPIJICANT' S Addlress;a H. NAI{E OF OWNER(S}: Of,IER fdl S!(iltlrfDlEr llailing Address:_tt, APPIICt?r@g nI&& rmlp 88 Coadoniniurn Approval if appti 14. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as showr a$ove, are Lo be paid at the tine of suhlttal of the Dns 4ppltearion- Later, wbea aDplylng for a breiJ.dlnq pernrld, please identify Lhe accurate valuat,ioa of uhe proposal.Iowo of vtil. nill adjust, the fec aceordlnE to the table be is pat(I.ow, to ensure thc correcb fec u.t2(( FEE SCnEpgIA: t VAIT'A?ION 0-$ 10,0 FEE f 20.00 $ 50.00 s100.00 s200,00 s400.00 ls00,0o q!{8 I:EAR llln EMe! rrtutD rm cd|3![tnTr6ffi $10,001 -$ 50,0 $50,001 -t 150,0 l l.50, 0ot - $ 500 , 0 $500,001 - s1,000,0 I Over S1,000,0 DgSI@f REltIEfl BOIID APPROVAIT rlPnovl& uv&Est r Bullourc P Ig l}!!lmBD. 0 0 0 0 0 IRBS r18 TYPE 08 RETITE}I: ,X ..uinor Aleeration ($20.00) _ __Coneeptual Review ($0) stock eI tc anal bounae 1ega1 and a separaLe gheet at,tscb Phone -lpJ- dI+<- als,s Fa^Vq-nt6 M",. q!.q -02?6 Phone _. -?on. n4l:-aqA, vItMoUD omvERrg stmlxnE tt** 11". I.,IST OF MATERIAIJS a NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUITDING MATERIAI.,S: b€ tru-Lv sidfug Couv|4tJb Other wa11 MaLerials reguired for submitE.al approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAII t.o Ehe Design Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim ftand or Deck Rails -FlrrcG al Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wal1s ExLerior L,ight.ing Ot.her LANDSCAPTNG: Name of Des igner: Phone: COLOR B. PLAr{:r "ot"t"r,PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name _.0. Ouantitv Size*"o*,t *u,n. *Indicate caliper for deciduous brees. Minimum caliper for deciduous Lrees is 2 inches. rndicaL.e hm heiohL for conif **Indicate size 5 qal-lon.of proposed shrubs. Type Sguare FooE.aqe GROT]ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exLeri.or right.ing is proposed, prease show the number of fixt.ures and rocations on a separaE.e light.ing plan. rdentify each fixt,ure from the liqhtingr pran in Lhe space berow and provide the heiqht above qiade,-cype of liqhE. proposed, rumen ouEpuL, luminous area and a cut. sheat of the liqht fixLure. (Sect ion 1g . 54 . 050 J) OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming poors, eEc.) please specify. rndicate heights of'reeainini walrs. Maximum height of warrs within the front setback ii 3'. Maximum height. of walls elsevrhere on the proterfy is 6, D, E Inter-IHountain - Engineeringua- March 20, 1996 Levis Penr ,rck P.O. Box 981 Vail, Colorado, 81658 RE: Proposed Parking Structure Lot 188, Intermountain Subdivision Filing No. 9 Project No.96-0561G Gentlemen: The undersigned has visited the subject site on several occasions. We have also been shown a copy of the plans for the proposed parking structure. We understand that the parking structure is to be an elevated concrete deck supported by steel girders and concrete columns. We also understand that a conventional spread footing foundation system is planned. We understand that slope stability is of some concern at the site because a slide occurred on Lot 18A, the lot located immediately to the east of Lot 188. Based upon our knowledge of the slide on Lot 18A, the slide occurred after a cut was made into the native slope which may have caused some instability. The parking structure at thi; site should not substantantially decrease the local stability of the slope in the vicinitT of the parking structure as long as no deep cuts are made into the existing slope. Footings should bear a depths of at least 4 feet below the ground surface. Surface and ground water drainage is an important consideration to any slope stability. Water should be well directed around the residence and proposed parking strucliJre. rihourd any subsurface water be encountered in the area during construction of the proposed parking structure, then Inter-Mountain should be contacted to visit the site and evaluate the conditions. Open excavations should be carefully evaluated by the geotechnical engineer. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained in this letter, please contact the undersign. TTMetcalfRoad,#201 o Box978 o Avon,Colorado81620. Phone: 970-949-5072. FromDenverDirect: 893-1531 l420VanceStreet . Lakewood. Colorado 80215 . Phone: 303-232-0158 Richard 6. ni.Kp. Geotechnical Enginedr Printed by Dominic Mauriello ts /96 9 :23am From: Terri Martinez To: oominic Mauriel lo Subject: Pennock ===N6TE==== 3/L8/96==9:12am== r just met wich Levis about the proposed parking deck' I agreed to feL Lim- qo wiln tne survey he had' r al-so told hin to have a geoEechnical engineer check the soil stability in the Spring. I think he is on his way to taLk to you. Page: 1 >Lt'l )q r ;.7 EACEI'CTIT ACnlEtcrfl thtr AgEarrat rr Gnt'lad lnLo Lhlr =-..:-dtY ol JAnutrY ' 11t6, by and iqtYrcn vAJL tllTErurc't{fAl:',t'ss&TFfts' ' LlrltCd iilll.il"ipl "".i-,irrrzrsrtr'xl"rorrlL aANx ' r n.t10'''t b'nll'ts artoclaCtOn. r I THtSggfU t yll?ft^.s, V.t I lntlrxrrlotrln ArtoEl'-tet-o'rttrt t hr F'rccl of proy-..f "ll-.Jcrr tn tr91t county, stctr of colorodo' lsrc prrlr- lr,iiirv',l.r.ttb'rd ar lircel l0 i or tpt !l' rIo<t 9' v'il In(er- ioun!. ln olcrr"Int-.nt s,ruri" t ti"n. - rtti rtrlart i " ton Ptrt |tciaq f i l'd J.r1 5..,;9stl tn i,tt o(flcc if-ift if.ti aDal lrc€EdGr of H'9lc Cc'rnty' iii."'..i' i-i.'t.,-,', ittt.iniitii rct'rur..r La rE rsrcel lF Ati 'nd l{lltR!A:i. Jnl vct. I ty I!tloF' I ntnl st'lr-:hc proPtrty - lEttcd l" r.el;;o;;;, -iieii .'r'cotor'do' xnon i:.Pltt:t re r oI r'ot lt' Fl.sr. e. v.r l rlrt"no.n." t;-D;;;i;;;li t*9t:llt:l ' rrld tubalvltlen pi-- :.:,j rl\Ft lor...-iJ ii th-'otttcr e! ttx ctcrk ind tecoid'r ir! Eectc Courry, St.tF or'ioIor.do, r-.ri: 3!e ntrtrcularly rtdscribtld .' f oi 1.,-' , E oinntrlg tt !h! SD!r:ttt'rt Corncr o!. r'iC L'€t lE' (r,?or; N le'.6'19: ;'t;i.ri i"ttt t hcnca H 34'56r'1' Ef{.!e[;e'';ttr'n"bi'ii'i.'"i-iio"gtLttt"nl'7!'0ofoot'r.dluE curvc a" an'-tighi' th!'6h rrc rubtc^dr ' chord b.Arir'9 !{ ]t'21'OO' E If'06 !"t;.thance.5 ?6'lo'{l- I 2a. !0 fccti trrrnec 5-liliiist' r t\o' tt- t""t; thcns3 s 5o't2'oo' r '17'fo'tl"i't"-trtt p'oint oc bcainnlng' 'uontrin- tn9 0-lll ."ro" *il-ut-icii titcrrinrttcr tEf'rr'i to t3 Fr rt'.1 I8 b); rtlal h'uEiEts, thc ortl?(' of P'rectc ll A.rnd I8'E 'tctlr' ro proYrd€ tor inst.', r+grcrr .n(t i igli t"- iii- pirtir ie E to snorboirv i'r ivri bv rc|nl o! rn ciSil'lcnl ovtr P33ccl r' ^i Hct, 1HEiEFoRE, r"r l,l rntcrxrttnt'in Arte€i't'! ql'rnt'3 rnd conyryr to U4iv.!tlctf ftii"t"t B'nk ' pirpogu-l no:l-"xclutrv' ostr!- ..n1 ivrr r ttriP or rrni;iile:il: -lilrrl1if t:::t"^ ot Prrccr re A' .uch rtrlp et lrhd brlnq r'rtn tt' fc'tvlda' t'n t!!t on e!$h 'Id! of r center ll,lr 4{scritad rr tollsvtr cfl'lFncint rt Lhc xerth"rt qornor of .!'ld- l't li' thcnce south la.tt,0{. r.ii'iii"g-ttrr rrrterlv.lln' rrt trrc tAr lE, l6-'3 rttt to'il-ii"I iiiti ir ucitnniner Lhensc 12'90 fqlr rlonq 'nt ttttJi i-ii'i'o foct ndiur cuivc to th€ tiltht vhot. ccnttrl "ngio-it-ri:iiiti; ua rhorc Lor't qtprd b"rt s{sth 0o'21'rt' tllt-il'il-ia't' to.' Potnt o( tangl^ti thcn€i lfarth Bt'nt' ,.- i!1.''"a-"iong rrfa Lencrnt l0'00 f"t' t5 t polnt qr curvrr tt'liir ii'ii-iiet 'lottg-thi rrc ol a ?l'50 f.,ot r.drur ",rt".'Io-it't l'tt rhrr" cql!:lf rnglc'lr-t7tl6't0' .Fu vh.r.. rong cnoii u"irt-i""*r !1:11:t]- r"t 2l'{8 lcct to a polnt or t.nrot'il't tilo! ilJiii il'ic'ol' r"rt A',d 'lors -t ir'' tAno.nt 91.50' lc'irti"piiint if lcninut-on th' Ertt'rly llnc ;;";;;; piiiir ii ;;- ;;ili-p;;"; b'rne-south rI'2r'30' t'it fr* tlr- t;ottn.rrt;;lY c6rnir ot rrld-P'rG'l l8 t'' ?r.: !:s:--^r h-r.tw olrntcd {lnrt convrtd i. IoT..:t:-:t,::.::::t:r:::: lf qb. o-tr.. oI P.rr.l la E ll(t 5'lr)ibr "and rlisrc.r !o ?.lcol "'i'- iiGoiiitf iatrontt'o'nlr rh'rl I b' 'ntrr;4tr ro so,,rtr\:et "rrd ..rntrr,'-L -;;;:ll sira -tn r'iit "'Gnt rnd *Y inrtrll r srtc rt tn. ti'it-t '..ttiii--tr- iiia-ttttt'nt rltlr thr larE'tly but'{,t.\Y ol Frtcol ll l' iur( I Prtr.l t lga t.t. ll bl ...r lsf rla al rb.''! F thc "t rrcot"'d t! !''ot 211 't .iI-...".,1. ol E lt. CouEt't' Color'dc' !I9Vd besb Et4b EoE ,O I 'r M 3IIINVAVnC glr lr CIN\'-I 'rlouJ E I 'to slE- r r - uvt{ - ; ff :; '' , rl'i *'::' lltili : :iil' il " :rl P I ;, I : ; : :i il!l;.,' ItJ A and I8 D or "", t';;*; lf'tttot' and rhrll Li ''{it!d't<l rrnd h rr!nrlr (t rrlx)n rhc u.l.'rl'.'ili;;;;-il-r;-.ltp..tiu" hcirr, pcrranrl ! fJirr'r:rjrrnt,rt i vr-"$ ,rlld s3!lgnn - rtjHTHt-ruroRt:, it ir crprersly agreed chat Uoiv*rr-ity [lElonrl Itrnk (rr r tr rlslgt]r ar rubtcqucnt cvnerl ol 'pit"tf te n eey t nrfcr .rnd, ,--r)nvry v1g5 tLarcli is ;-i: ""I-?i:: tlrcrri'of ' to it' grlitrcr' HhL.thr,r 6ns rts !Err?, the rlghts' p""r t"g;"; anrt uentf itr acerulng Lo ir $rtrlFr t'rtr s ,r'llee*ent ''luhjett f'"t'ii"i ' to' t ttt btrrdGnt dcrcrlbrd hr.rr\n J:i Ht:'ltt?ss lnREof , cl* prrurel havr Ex'l----ii:i --I'!! AgrGtrBt ,rs r,f ih.' t1:ry 'rnrJ yr:ar f i rril' ;lsve vrrtten' vr\.I L I NTEF T'x'ItlrAlll aSSOcIATAs Eyt Ac knov I ed-gme tr t r $'r-t ]'t; Ur' uOI.{)i$ lX: ('l'i'Y AI.iu couNTY ol' , DF:Ii\E R ) idr tnes-s my hanrl and qf f icial 5cal' tiy corrission crPires : !-tAtt 0t cOLOr m cttlr r\ r{ tAsLE Tbc forcgotng lnl LrvriqL l,rrl rckngrrlcdgrd b+(or t ,lry of lcbrurry, !q7b bY Ttrptry }-t-e!!J.9E-!!ctn+rrl J. 1-l!, 1,, t..r'?:.qg4!.!49-lr t! | --- 'Ji'-i'icrr =)' rrtrt'i 'r'ti uiii!i'l i'a:' !?i (lc-:lr: i ^F FrPlr'$: ) st t EI 'BO gE_II-dVN UNIVERS lTY I(ATIOilTL ,. \.' : ,'!.*Ls&-i lriil{c.',l{ot.rll 35Vd bE9t' geb Eo€ 'oI .I I VA 33INHUVN9 EI'II I I ONV'I !{ot|d dF-t't J1 'l LYJ6 i,rtvr 6rl, r: .:' ':: ^:;:=--t'-::: ';! llr:l ii:!rlr'r'r;l il^E, Lz, | 17 f ,-.-- --t--U -"_''_._'"t.--4 ;l ll I I 'l :l ,;l ,l r..-td.r ' t i$1.' ".tr}<I-t'r I-' ' Y''r'ch ??' -', :.;- H'*rII !t' !{-fz Ifi.||'&' t" ]1))tv ' ' ' ' :'j-' i :: :::-i; lj = -:: -- -'-=-- -t =t:- =- -- [ = Trrr l}r.p, rr" tbi' IQtlr {" d f F'brurrF ' lt '{,' I k.er tltilt't'nSlTY rlAl't('ii^l SIJ{X t I Hrt'lo:rrl irrtrhlrr" i A: ?,.,c I r( | on i 't tL' Cttt rnd I rad lrrtr of Cdrr'., J tt' firrr F ! rr' I r,.drt d !,r. iii t' ! I t.t:\'l:; v. ft:sli(t A I "t tl,. coottt o! ! r; I t .'l !td' 'f L i; (:d" 'q {' !b' r'"-v' -n: 'r ,...r..iiFiii^ i.-r.; ,-;..i u-i r.. i: * *l-o-:-:-:=:'::':.:":i 'f .b' r!:1 *"' ';'- . i-,.,; Jr;;';";u'Ls:lll'U*ffi*;*"":":i1ilH;ffi:l, i ;:;:;;"."l -''o-'r.'r''' t:'|ffi d u. ry* "T--,,I '* I ;;.: '-T.,1..-r'':J"fl f* :Li"" T';. *;. lrir'r rr-r !d'rr h ir* \ e ! ilJJ l:f -' * J r"" "r c.."t"'t' '$: l,^p(tL 0lti ran rrf Lor. 1tl , B,locr q ' 'itiL ,l:;' iRFf :lTtl't rir iiul ilil fi I ihi .fii I ilJli'i;J'l-l* I :i' n,l ; I'i':u l?'tll rlo il' ;;;;;';;"il'';l::!';i' i.'sl'ii*u "-::l:T:i l1'^:nt::: 1':1,,'tnlt,.i ;lt;" lil ll ;t l:^ll ;'1;.1;; I p:' ; :i!4', {i, i"lul;i.:' i:l,: :ii :' i,*l}rilti, ;^ 71 ri. r**nuii, .u.rn to th0 right'"ii,:li."i-ri.i:-r:::::,to. beqir.FirQ. counry a' 7o" 7i;nn' 1 ..1 *.1"1't ;",lri'?lii.'r'ir'.'i" i,+i. r n rhe pci n r r lln.6! feet ftl l ':o)' ' stii'n'ni tuiuv 'rio' tlgi#ii;{d+,F[!Hd;H#lfl'I#ffii;1,,, ffiffffffi$ b 30vd bEgb gLb Eoa 'crl .Ilvn aEIIHVEIYn9 31III ONV'I .llotlJ bI.Eio ElE- I I -t{V}l ..t ,. trrgFf;E .it rE l{ d.# *. }.|{*r.-ia. .ta rirfr-..r |lt-* l*a.r' r b rFtr .-rr.r'ia. ..1 ||. rE- .J trt-. -* -a '-.rr-\ t-. b- -i trJfr tHt I 'A rr. -.. ',H{ rr!b, Ll6* .g .ta a*a .}^rry" { t| -la xtl t { iE l'rt F'r' & r E' ' dt, 4 b .J L ib.Dtrr hrrr.a t -t rl|LbJ_'d *- ?O tlrtt lJ|t tp rl1l rr. -ra r-L- .htr Ela.J -a lsa.a r t ||Fr3' * *' -ra F,r y I|r # Fr. hfr f*i rtl r*r tt t-. Ad tL .sa F r y " *'iHFr' t- lr dl, tlr rrrr'.r*G .. i**r a al lfi-' Itr, b'lA 'J ItF r r datrbIFr s J ttr r..rd rr{,hll lrt { -lfH, *i * at' th. 'a $. -r* -f }i|El| d tb r--. I t I r -.0 ri.a .l rf. ;!i- tln '-rt'l' - J t* Fr ''(_|r rl'Lr' "'LIdL r- J $.rlr.+, h h', r t- tdl .d t t td rttu fr! t# "a Ldr, '*rt * tF-, L.t-r r{ -a.-? rL - lr -.rr ra t[ r d'r-l( tr' tLt lb r- ur b|. 'r4 d- t- *! tr-..4 {r- r-i" tltrb' rf-, l-. t{-' r.#L *' r-Lr''r { tbltr' lh: 'r re -. f.rcrp( lrr:6 Grrt(trl ?rot.!ly Trx.r7 .Ird .ruLttq|rltli ),ri1r rr{.t''i1ftl! .nd r.tlil(l ler i:nr'.n.ntl nf lacotd s{ ||..r- F fr\a rflh $ t!. r*.t tl -rL '{r{|- d t' '{ Fr t d rb -' F,l' hlr f.-r r.i -l(i rllin { -t -- r Ffi br4rlt 'r'Lla '{ tt 'bl lh r*'L -.rt F.l rl-J.rr -r. Fr t {|l. l]'It 'll r' t$ tlftAfft lFD,torrvf bltli'b' f i-rrnrrr| tlrftF)t, rr. -! F y .arhtrtFnlr 1 lrrrr ittt H " r.a 5l rt { ta rr. fi.r .h.. ?*ai EtAlt (tt L1lJ l,r.llallo. (;1tt rnd O-tt d D?nY(r ll i ll ir l; li I tr. (ktrl h.lrsi-l '.. -rt ddFa L,||r D llb ,:r,, . !' , J xl1!lff^I,,., frcr*,tl ton .r Pfrrld.nl rnd ! tt a4.l-a tl{as. - .... l--.- -,-- .. ---.- --: ij--=:.: lra. l] r.-'.rt |ll!.t,|tl|lal*t -,i |.at t- ra+. b h, arr e-- 30ud bE'ib s,lb eel ,qrltvA :IelNvelvnc g'IIII ONV'I ',r^IoeId Dl'Eo gEi-l I -8v!{ o o ?;izu':%. -+I '\) r#),, . F€t,ecs77 €Wa oc NLt,> 4.(2 'NE,L, Aup.1 ,.' r\..:-" '' 'ir.r 'olii ..- -,!- ' I ,tIJ(2 $?€ttNo oto 1'u 1o'-o t7.p.qt --/ {P /-.\ Nzfi6"pt*t' '\ t cFvl-1 s?? \r ''€ -\,-i. 5. 1r \.. ,de- ? Z-LL\M. =-=-- f 'o' ^o{c lpsyg z @?o v -- eebz*oz ZJ,ti'.{ e-A''Ab eztg'r M A_. @^^*-\ o^ r?,* Ognz.f L-+ IPA . t. MeeJ lafuue Ihe (rf s*^ka/ # Sho,*t 1,,-,lg "+ € /r"b 3/ 2 /a"t b:j , ft\^*G 70 q* ll',60,tn- . - a.Ld Dnt c4.t (ed/: A Uo 9e*b^-cL Qp4'ilvL ') sA s"tV'gt@g-\ ontr. ?t,.,e nole {*---+' ,p"d-\ bUA)rr^ /eflrr ,-hf IYA aU/kn z1 o,fe,J r€twe eytrti yefi)a,q o.a7/g1,.,,,an F n , J r E -, r L-+/PA.-1.Tr^€ (;te fup^A,^arl+ ?l tr4,tli5 l. o stz,,is i .. ! rrr , I t ( ,\rfla\-^g t\ og\i"ti^*(', u-uv^ ",W+, L-ve dccryS ,1 G +. /2, q ar.Arw\ \^e- ,\tllt \w(, - r-r^ereA (Lev,sc p\a^,n+ bgse,,^^*ui"1 Le uonl toph, li (L"-L F:le- (L..L fkz-,tL Qarc drire llcett' 6 eleuokd f"'\ a,rc^\- 6he/c bL b^&*"/?"W,1" t bg c)uye b"zeA"n v EJ 9,/erst/- pWJ- / /D, A un* < 1- T.,e /*rhs-, 4 /e4 7a ut* tv6 ,a."eo6- (el / aL paed ,r,v["-t*1) , 4t neL{o 7^r /t"7, r ,Ja,ie r6n' t".+ 1larhi{ oi lue ?-a+-erue^f 7''nfti,'> p,n jo sed +,> crL y)"uYd b"1 t^e 6il/\g( 0 i- t o* 18 -&, P,.or,Jt a b*tr frn A"'onn". olLt /7# 4ufi-)+',, lue e"lu dl aau tbYYr /af - o I t Jb dxr.rg TCO:r o--1 )rna,\ u"h'l a (driel La"-*c."pz ( U^" l.< svb"^l#ec{ . -$ J''-, Corn,fite- bouurk-'- lllare S'fnLfr./e a,r 46**/* a)sl'4 *,*-{ru *<gfar</b/ e- - l'lry- ae /zd+-{- /an7-c*T,ree-g- -4t(*- (\^ule D"-L L\S ja'ora.- J^Je- da yart-; g S4r',utve-^ 0^r\ O4vqiwre [1A,( be- L,s,d"d 'as r Qgr.r.le s4,u,Hre -.^-J -fW6r- Ve c,a,nep{P-L $ eXllf 'a Iw.,<e- 4v It ^r*- ele--"Itt, 7ug-- L\trre1 b ,a*r,u+\-'-->'J0rd {'q^"rJe h ^a^.ra\\e- Community Development Plan Routing Form Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Routcd To: Dominic F. Mauricllo, Community Dcvclopmcnt Rcturn To: Datc Routcd: Pcnnock Parking Dcck Projcct Namc: 2844 Snowbcrry Projcct Addrcss: Lot 18. Blk. 9, Vail Intcrmountatn Projcct Lcgal: proposcd clcvatcd auto parking dcck and rebuilding and rcducing in sizc thc cxisting lowcr lcvcl cast and north wood dccks' Projcct Description: Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) \. Approved with conditions f:\evcryoncuomvoutform Community Development fhootiog ro.ro Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) 7,/- Approved with conditions \t\ \\ ,l^.'-}...\ \ N \ \ (\) Greg Hall, Public Works Ti:rri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire D','rninic F. Mnuricllo, Corrtrnunity Dcvclopmcnt Rctunt To: Pennock Parking Deck Lot 18. BIk. 9, Vail fntermountain Proposcd elevated auto parking deck and rebuilding and reducing in size lhe lower level east and north wood decks. ,1 'lAirll 7/e tf - ltr'L ') nt(f +t. 4'ra clelh trt^vrl tnor'n ) /-r",' erlune .r"'f fn5 tt/ lt t'r', /-ke to Eo nF ler r l^(/r,,c L4"- O(/( (\1>1ar e5 (et ant) a.r (a r^id6+? ot) t/ f'uo D.r* \.:\,..i.\" -', \v,\\ '.o\ tt:-"1 ) <:tl Date rcvicwed: Z ' Lq - lrflj o F F.l t: !! + '.!a !r .!a EI = EI TOWN OF VAIL RECEIPT DEPARTTIIE\T OF COI'II UI\_ITY DE}T,LOPMEIiT '.(> ADDRESS "^rr-_L ,Z 1o ,flr^ CEECKgMADE PAYABLE TO TOTN OF VAIL PRGIECT acc|omiT:\o.rIEl! - ' N{'. -- TA* - OaXrTE . Tt!T^r- 0l oo00 4l 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0t 0000 424i5 UMFORM BUILDING EODE s54.OO 0l 0000 4241 i UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s39.00 0l oooo 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 t firuO 424t 5 UNIFORI\{ FIRE CODE sJ6.00 ,l 0000 424 | 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0l 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 415.18 BtU s7.00 ot 0{J00 424t2 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0 I oo00 424 12 STUDIES 0l aoo0 42412 TOv s5.00 0t oo00 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l oo00 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE TS4O PER HR. 0l oo00 42332 OFF I IOU RS IN SPEETIOFFEES 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTOR 0l oo00 41413 SIGN A}PLIEATMIIFEE s20.00 t)0()00 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER A lTovNi lf*n l,liscellanesug Cgsh rrmll EUILDI fi?-l:i---'E tr: -=:f,: 1t OTITER ,= Fl*ceipr # t'_r4:15 +:3lg g,:.:nunl. # r::1,' S f,i,Br-r CONDI tlfrl.ltrfrtr .+EXTER - r.lELttELL.-FF'tr trFE: FEE5 EX_TEI Hrri':,LrB t. t.er,,Je rpd .a IE. tlE I pEeI r renr paid ArftL-1un t p P-EEI LIBDI rtrIElliEru4I f,;ilfirl!3 !::,_1 ARN dNN l.frar,oF r-,, 1.! ! Fr,-,-r eid [rL:! I ING OTHER OTHER @ "",_ ,* -kV4,{LtcI, @,{Vinq dOC.L- I GISH I I cxol M.OL]REC. o o -lo1 q'QQ€<{ -a - E tntcr-tttountain llEareineeringI..a- Decenber 13, 1995 Levis Pennock Post office Box 981 Vail, colorado 81658 RE: Proposed Parking Structure r.ot rg, Block 9, vail-Internountain Vail, colorado Project No. 95-0561G Gentaemen: Ttre undersigned visited the subject proJect site to perform a soias and foundition report for tne pioposed elevated parking structure to be located it tfre residence. I{e understand that the proposed parxing structure will be located on the northwestern side It if"e existing- residence. We also understand that the proposed parlcing structirre will be a reinforced concrete structure with conwentional sPread footings- Inter-Mountain engineering had proposed to dig test pits in the vicinity of the proposed- residLnce. However, because of lirnited acc6ss to the-siie, test pit(s) could not be dug. The recommendations presented in this report are based upon our inwol-wement in similar projects in the area. To help in evaluating the subsurface conditions' _we looked at the soils eiposea in a roidway cut along Snowberry Drive and_ found the soils to consist of brown silty sallp wtricn contained rock fragnents ranginq in size from gravel to cobbles Based upon similar geotechnical work in the area, we recomrnend that the foundations be prelirninarily designed for a_.bearing pressure of iOOO psf for . footings bea-ring on the undisturbed -rfightfy cfa'ey SefrO containing tfie ro-c1..fragrnents. Because of p"tJ.iilf .r.iiitiotrs in subsurface conditions, we recomnend that ihe soils "*p"="a in the footing excavations be evaluated when the excanrations are completed.. t-nis is to ensure that the soils exposed in ift" fo6ting excavations are consistent with our preliminary assumptions - Footingsshouldbearatdepthsof-at}east4feetbelowthe ground surfice. The footings shoutd also be located at least 10 ieet away fron cut-slopes, i6., roadway_cut slopes, or the location of the fiotings with -respect to cut slopes slrould be reviewed by the geotectrnical engineer. TTMetcaltFloact,#201 . Box978 . Avon,Colorado81620 | Phone: 97G949-5072. FromDenverDirect:893'1531 1420VanceStreetrLakewood'Co|orado80215.Phone:303-232-0158 rt o o shourd variations in subsurface conditions exist, then the recomm_endati.ons presented in this report should be rbviewea ry rnter-uountain Engineering,- LTQ., an{ changres nad.e be ""c""""iv once the foundation excavatl_on is evaluated..- should there be any guestions regardingr this report, prease contact the undersigned. Richard O. Ricks, p.E. Geotechnical Engineer