HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 19B LEGAL FILE.pdf,-L r' ln IuTno,qFtA lft qa, bbtf -Drwrt*ntof communitYDeveloPment 75 Sourt Frcntage Road Tail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,vailgov.com June 3, 2005 Bobby Ladd FUAL Architects PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax 970'926-4969 Re: Primary/Secontlary rebidential addition Zib+ Sno*Uetrv tjrive, Lot 19, Block 9' Vail Intermountain DRB040392, PEC050006 Dear BobbY' congratulationsontheDesignReviewBglrj.s.rlnanimousapprova|thisweeko|aseparationrequest,the addition of Gross nesioenfiaj'ir-oor Area (GRFA), "n1'" r"-plih1 nrop.osal at the Haley residence in the |ntermountainsubdivision.Theapplicationwasapprovedwitnthefollowingsixconditions: 1'P,?ortobuildingpermitptansubmitta!,.theapp'llcantshuny4|!?,",dbegnntedaRevocable Right-of-way P;;k:ft";tie Town of vait PubticWorqs Department' 2'Priortobuildingpermitplansubmi|tal,altutilwcompanysignaturesshallbe'ocPvivedand submithd to the Town of Vail' 3'Atthetimeofbuildtngpermitplansubmittal'theappticantpry''A?th"TownofVailwith orcfessionatty-engineered and stanpea aiiiigi'ir ii*utt" on the site that are ptoposed to be 'greater than four feet in heighL 4. Atthe time of buitding permit ptan submitta!, the applicant shatl agree lo a staging plan with the Public Wo rks De P aftme nt' S.Atthetimaofbuildingpermitsubmittat'theapPlicantsh?!:ub!-it"newsite/gndingplanfor approva! by the Planning and Public W*i" 6ii[iiing' which speclfies revrseJ gnding atthe south and southwest of the qa(dge' 6.Priortofinalcedificateofoccupancy,thaapplicantshat|9ns'ugflitatalltightinguponthebuilding compties wn-iiiiwn oivan ilgiung ngit"ti;ii "p"cifiect bv Titte 14, vail Town code' PleasebeawarethatIhavewithdrawnthealsggi?lodP|anningand.EnvironmEnta|commissionapp|ication whtch was submitted "" :;,;;"fidf ;iibirlFEc'o5ic,i,o6t' d; i; the amount of staff time invested in that proposat, the Community-cj""-"iiJtglt b"pgn*".ii]il'ott ti*-uf" to '"t-'1d the associated $500 fee' Finallv' I have enctosed tn" "pprJu"it*m ,"ni"it *iti Ue neeOeJ'"i in" tit" of buitding permit submittal' Thank you for yout time and efforts in this proiect' .lt was a pleasure to work with both you and Marla Haley and i'piX f6iua io seeing the fruits of your labor in the near future' f,,g """""""o o""t 10m{0rw enclosure cG iibs. Mike HaleY 3037 Suncrcsk RldgP Road Evergreen, CO 804:19 Fu: 303.298.8152 Edd a \/^z lnfurrnlvrrf*o / oflfsbrt-f I0l,{4\r Project Name: Haley addition and separation request Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8040392 Addition of 730 square feet GRFA onto both levels of east side of duplex with all materials and finishes to match existing; separation request to construct a bi-level garage at north side of property with 570 square teet of addtional GRFA; removal Pafticipants: owNER HALEY, MTCHAEL S. & MARLA M.0B/09/2004 2854 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT LADD, BOBBY PO BOX 1805 EDWARDS co 81632 OBlO9l20O4 Phone: 926-4448 2844 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Project Address: 2844 SNOWBERRY DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Location: Loti 18 Block: 9 Subdivision: SNOWBERRY DRIVE DUPLEX 2103-143-0105-7 Comments: seeconditions Motion By: Second Byi Vote: Conditions: Dunning Dorward 4-0-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actioni APPROVED Date of Approval: 06/01/2005 tl I .-'qIt I a5 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completlon. Cond: CON0007147 , Prio, tb Ur,ilg permit plan submittal, the applicant rhuilpofy for and be . r ', granted a Revocable Right-of-Way permit from the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Entryt 0610312005 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0007148 Prior to building permit plan submittal, all utility company signatures shall be received and submitted to the Town of Vail. Entry: 06103/2005 By; ee Action: AP Cond: CON0007149 At the time of building permit plan submittal, the applicant provide the Town of Vail with professionally-engineered and stamped drawings of all walls on the site that are proposed to be greater than four feet in height. Entry: 0610312005 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0007150 At the time of building permit plan submittal, the applicant shall agree to a staging plan with the Public Works Department, Entry: 05/03/2005 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0007151 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall submit a new site/grading plan for approval by the Planning and Public Work Departments, which specifies revised grading at the south and southwest ofthe garage. Entry: 05/03/2005 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0007152 Prior to final certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall ensure that all lighting upon the building complies with the Town of Vail lighting regulations specified by Title 14, Vail Town Code. Entry: 06/03/2005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Application for Design o Re vtew RECEIVt't 1) . Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must re@ive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiiements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by thL Town Council and/or lhe Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued qnd construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of rhe Proposal: Lot: Q an,c*, n suodivision:i&'1$I9d,- lAddress: Z-lori49OtO5 {Contacf Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zon ing: Name(s) of Owner(s): -b@.' M a i ri n s Ad d ress : ?q? --fo&'gv&-fur-s"- W*- LO P h o n e : JZp- -b!9, -??i b. -- - Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: MailingAddress:fti-gX--lD5--F-Ple-?--&\E1L---ffi Phone: 1Za 4 0,/ ;-,n"ilAd;;""", UarrarxAejegudg-----Fax:----ftr'' L1y-L---_ fi/'r'ic4r" t --'------ ,-/ r/*E-mail Address: Y4{rAE{l{_e__Y4{!raltdl_____Fax:,_lt{t' !-!:_L_ Type of Review and Fee: " /:fr t'-;"c". QD 2i! , Signs $50 Plus$l.oopersquarefootof total signarea. @ f ; A 7,2,-?itl \ ''" , 'i : i"ffi:flffi tlJJ ,o. "onsrruction or a new buirding or aeno,eocurl{) -izo g 'o zz'l'" ', , /-ffi -s300 ) For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or +commercia|bUi|ding(includes250additions&in1eriorconVersions). Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, r ,,\ (mutti-family/commercial) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining 'i .'\\ walls. etc. ' ' i ' ,,.'.\ l\ilinor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, . r . 'ly (single-familyi duplex) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining ) r' walls. etc.!. Changes to Approved plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design . Review Board Separation Request No Fee For Office tlse OnlY: Fee paid: 3 60 -_- Check No.: l,4eeting Date: q -f dl t9( Planner: N-,G l..i* (" e 3 Dl Description of the Request: Page '1 of 12104101104 ,r*ffi dascrtptionl .K)INT PROPERTY OI'VNER WR ITTE}T APFROYAL LETTER ', (orint n"-.)-G!!Bg{til!l--C-rceng a ,oht owner of propertv localed at (address'lesal provide this tetter as written approt al of the plans dated . -Ei'-4C-fuO! ---- whish have been subrnitted to the TdArn of Vail Communlty Devalopmenl Department for the propoeed improvements to be oomDtsted at the address noted above. I understand that the pmposed improvem€t s include: J,F. er't C ^ G--**ffid.-gr+p|s4&- rn4$-qi+g{*-s.a^-hq-t!a{-'s*-ro'"' qf .a-.l) fi ^*'-'-it- .#,tz. dr^l<.9oe,"cd ;;S s orso.,''{B ut i*\ :T }"'{ 1"''}.8) y *t'"fi'a 6y*#tilF"'?"rsilj. ;{.4it uitt rrb leL t''l04 && )*o r.t1"*i*- YYr{nn€f{. l further un&rstand that minot modifications may be made to lhe pltns ovet the course of the revia'/ groc€ss lo ensure comphance with the Town's epplic€ble codes and regulalions' tl 6l q lo'l (Date) s lrl', Page 2 of 12104101lO4 ***'*r.{.r.*l*,t'r.*******r******,r'***'r!t*':***{.,t****r.******{.'t'i***{.,1****'r****'}t ***********,r******+**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement t****************'fir*t *******:t ******t}**!r**+*i.rr.***************+*t *';****:|*+:+:l:l**:l*l.**1.******{.* Statement t{uriber: R0400053?4 Amounts: $300.00 08/09/2OO4L2:34 Pl4 Paymene Method: Check fnit: iIS Notation: #1181,/MARLA HAI,EY Permit No: DR8040392 q4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210314 3 01057 site Address: 2844 SNOI{BERRY DR 'tlAIL, L,ocation: 2844 SNOI|BERRY DR This Payment : ** ***** * * ** ** ***** * ******* {r {. ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: 9300.00 Account Code Descri ption DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Total Fees: 5300.00 Total ALL Pmts: 5300.00 Balance:s0.00 * * * + *** **i.** * **'r.** ** * * ** 'r***+* * 't r. *** *!t ** f, ** +* * * ** Current Pmts 300.00 Rug 04 O4 1O: 29a ""T Hales ( 3o"Ts8-8152 p.2 land Title Guarantee Gompany Date: November2l,2002 MICHAEL S. HALEY AND MARI.A M. HALEY 2854 SNOWBERRY DRIVE vAtL. co 81657 Enclosed please fird dre title insurance policy for your pmperty located at PARCEL A, SNOWBERRY DRM DUPLEX The tbllowing endorsements are included in this policy: Deletion of General Exceprions 1-3 Deletion of General Exceprion 4 Please revicw this policy in its entirety. In the event that you find any discrepancy, or if you havc any qucslions rcgarding your final litle policy, you may cotrtac! Phone:970-476-2251 Fax: Please refer to our Order No. v2774O4 Title Depaftrnent Should you decide to sell rhe property described in this policy, or if you are required to pwchase a new title comnitmcnt for mortgage purposes, you may be entitled to a credit toward ftiture title insurance premiums. Land Tide Guarantee CompaDy will relain a copy of this policy so we will be able to provide future products and services to you quickly and cfftciently. Thank you for giving us lhc opporfutrity 10 serve you. Sincerely, Land Title Guaranree Company Fug. O4 O4 1O: 29a '"u Ha I eg r3orTq 8-81s2 p.3 ^M ERIC^N TJ\ND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY (r0-17-92) Policy No.72106- CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THF- CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, CH]CAGO TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY. a Missouri corporation. herein called thc Company. rnsurcs,asof Date of Policy shown ir Schcdule A. against loss or damagc - not ercccding thc Amount of Insurance strrcd in Schedul: A, sustained or incurred by thc insured by rcason oI: L Tirlc ro rhe csuuc or inrcrcst dcscribcd in Schc*rte A bcing vcscd other than a-\ staEd tticrein: ? Any dcfect in or licn or cncuntbrance on the tttlc: .i Unmarkctabilrty ol thc tittL'i 4 [-ack ol a righl ol'acccrs to and from thc land. '[-hc Company v,.ill llso pay thc cosls. lttorncys k'cs and erpcnscs rncurrtrj in dcf-ense oI thc titlc. as insured. bur onl)i 10 tbc crtcnt providcd in the Conditions antl Stipulations. ln w.t <'ss llthcr<'of, CHICACOTrILE II.iSURANCE COMPANY has saus!-d this policy to bc signcd and sealed as (!f Drrc ol Policy shown in Schcdule A. the prrlicv k) become val id Whcn tfiuntcrsigned by an autlrorizcd signarory- CI'ICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By: &r!f r R.ordcr Form No 825d (Rerrrinted lS0O)AUIA OwBcr's Policy ( lO- l?-02) P. 'l (30".894-8152 Rug O4 O4 lO:29a Bnian Hales o LTG Folicy No- CTAI2774@ Form AO/CHI Our Order No. V277404 Schedule A Amount $275.000.00 Property Address: PARCEL A, SNOWBERRY DRIVE DUPLEX L Policy Datc: October IO, 2002 at 5:00 P.M. 2- Name of Insurcd: MICH,AEL S. HALEY AND MARLA M. HALEY 3. The eslalc or intcrest in.the land dfscribcd or rcferred to in thls Schedulc and whicb is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to thc estatc or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: MICHAEL S. FIALEY AND MARLA M. HALEY 5. The Iand referred to in this policy is dscribed as follows: PARCEL A, TOGETHER WTIH AN UNDIVIDED I/2 INTEREST IN AND TO COMMON PARCEL C, SNOWBERRY DRTVE DUPLEX, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED FEBRUARY TO. 1984 IN BOOK 378 AT PAGE 375, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. This Policy valid only if Schcdule B is attached. Land Title Guarantee Company Represcnting Chicago Title lDsurance Company Hug O4 O4 1O: 29a t"T Halesl (3o"T8-81s2 p.5 LTG Policy No. CTAI2774M Form AO/CHI Our Order No. V277404 Schedulc B This policy does not insure againsl loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: General Exceptions: l. Rights or claims of panies in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easernents, or ciaims of e:sements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shonage in area, encroachments, arrd any facts which a cofiect survry and inspcction of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, tbt serviees, labor, or materid hercofore or herc&faer t'urtrisbed, imposed by I*w and not shown by the public records. 5. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO2 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. 6, RIGHTOFPROPRIETOROF AVEIN OR LODETO EXTRACTAND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECTTHE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 18, 1934, IN BOOK I23 AT PAGE 3. 7. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UN]TED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 18, 1934, IN BOOK I23 AT PAGE 3. 8. RESTRICTIVECOVENANTSWHICH DONOTCONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX. HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMFT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF TTIE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGA}NST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTA}NED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 06, 1972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 3T5. 9. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSANDNOTESON THE PLAT OF SNOWBERRY DRIVE DUPLEX RECORDED FEBRUARY IO, 1984 IN BOOK 378 AT PAGE 375. 10. TERMS. CONDITIONSAND PROVISIONS OFTOWNHOUSE DECLARATION AND PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY TO. 1984 IN BOOK 3?8 AT PAGE 3?4. Fue O4 O4 I O:3Oa ""e Haley ( 3o31Ls8 -81s2 p.6 LTG Policy No. CTAI2774M Form AO/CHI Our Order No. V27740d' Schedulc B I I. DEED OF TRUST DATED OCTOBER 09, 2002, FROM MICHAEL S- HALEY AND MARLA M. HALEY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF DISTINCTIVE HOME LENDIN'G, TJVC. TO SECIJRE THE SUM OF $15O,OOO.OO RECORDED OCTOBER IO. 2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 8IOO38. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL ]UORTGAGE INC. IN ASSICNMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 10,2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 8IOO39. ITEMS 1 THROUGH 3 OF STANDARD EXCEFTIONS UNDER SCHEDULE B-I ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO,4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPT|IONS IS DELETED EXCEPTASTOANY LIENS RESULTINC FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF MICHAELS. HALEY AND MARLA M- HALEY- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 ]'38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwtt.vailgov.com May 25, 2005 Bobby Ladd RAL Architects PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax: 970.926.4969 Re: Primary/Secondaryresidentialaddition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Block 9, Vail lntermountain DR8040392, PEC050006 Dear Bobby, Thank you for submitting plans for a new garage and associated retaining walls at the Haley residence. A few items remain to be addressed prior to the final review of the plans by the Design Review Board at their public hearing at 3pm on Wednesday, June '1, 2005. o The proposal will be presented to the Board as a "separation request". The following section of Title 14-10, Vail Town Code, describes a separation request and the review process that such a request undergoes: Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use of unified architectural and Iandscape design. The presence of significant sife constra,rts may permit the physical separation of units and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the Design Review Board. Significant slle constrarnts shall be defined as natural feature of a lot such as stands of mature trees, natural drainages, stream courses, and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural features, and existing structure that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. lt shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the Design Review Board as to whether or not a site has significant slte consfra,nts before final design work on the project is presented. This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the site, a detailed suNey of the lot and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). The duplex and primary/secondary development may be designed to accommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one structure if the DRB determines that significant slte consiralnts exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlined herein shall be required for the development. In addition, the DRB may require that one or morc of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site development. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permrt and the associated fee must be completed and submitted to allow for the existence/construction of permafSt"ropouernants (i.e., retaining walls) withrn the Town s right-of-way (form attached). ''r tl,tl Please note that the rear setback width within the Primary/Secondary zone district is fifteen feet ( 1 5'). The plans currently show a twenty foot (20') setback. Please indicate the height of each portion of the retaining walls which is located within the right- of-way. A/t/z/r/ -2Afu'/tL// Please designatd'ihe elimination of any parking spaces not located within the property line. Please submit the paint colors proposed as part of the re-paint. Please indicate all vegetation to be removed. Please indicate the material of the driveway and whether or not it will be a heated or unheated surface, which will, in turn, dictate the amount of snow storage necessary for this lot (10% of the paved area if heated and 30% of the paved area if unheated). Please indicate the proposed slopes on the driveway area. Please obtain the signatures/approval of each of the utility companies listed on the Utility Approval and Verification Form (attached). /o 'ji^ / v'/ tcr o Please provide a curb cut of more than sixteen feet (16') in.width but less than twenty four feet (24') in width. Tta^rttitl lZ ' o Additionally, please note that if the average slope of the lot b-eneath the building footprint is at or greater than thirty percent (30%), walls of more than three feet (3') in height will be allowed within, the front setback. Though the current proposal seems to work quite well, if this is an option that'4y7t, you are inlerested in pursuing, please let me know and revise the plans accordingly. ,u't' o Finally, please ensure that the site (garage footprint and general wall locations) is staked prior to next Tuesday, May 3'1, 2005, for reference by the Design Review Board. A brief conversation with the PublicWorks Department this morning yielded the following information: o Retaining wall designs stamped and designed by a Professional Engineer will need to be submitted as part of the building permit submittal. o Prior to or at the time of building permit submittal, a staging plan will be required by the Public Works Department. The staging plan may be coordinated with George Chalberg at the Public Works Department: 970.477.3507. Please submit plans which address each of the Planning comments listed above by Tuesday, May 31't, at 8 a.m. in order to keep this item scheduled for the June 1"'agenda. lf that deadline is not generous enough, please let me know and we could discuss conditions of approval or alternatively, delay the hearing until June 16'n, allowing more time for each issue to be resolved. I will look forward to seeing you at the Design Review Board meeting one week from today and will fax you the agenda for the meeting on Tuesday afternoon of next week. As always, feel free to call me with any remaining Mrs. Mike Haley 3037 Suncreek Ridge Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Fax: 303.298.8152 ,lN) 970.479.2454 D epartment of C ommuni ty D eve I opm ent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailFov.com May 11,2005 Bobby Ladd RAL Architects PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax: 970.926.4969 Re: Primary/Secondary residential addition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Block 9, Vail lntermountain DR8040392, PEC050006 Dear Bobby, Thank you for continuing to pursue design options at the Haley Residence with an end goal of providing additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for the Haleys while achieving compliance with the Town's regulations. Because the Haley family has recently purchased the adjoining duplex and preliminary plans have been successfully drafted for design review, p/ease plan to submit any final materials by June 1, 2005, which need to be considered for review by Staff, the Design Review Board and/or lhe Planning and Environmental Commission. This deadline will allow the Town to finalize (and hopefully approve) as soon as possible the original and amended applications, the completion of which will likely prove to be beneficial to both the Town and the applicant. lf further meetings are needed with any of the Town Departments, please let me know and Joe Suther or myself will be happy to arrange such meetings for you. I will look forward to reviewrng the final proposal in the next couple of weeks. As always, feel free to call me with any remaining questions or concerns. ',' '/ Mrs. Mike Haley 3037 Suncreek Ridge Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Fax: 303.298.8152 f,-p ^t"'""to "t^ From: To: Date: Subject: Elisabeth Eckel mikhaley@netscape. com 0310412005 11:44:38 AM Re: Hello Marla: Bobby and I met on Tuesday, along with a member of our Public Works department to discuss some options for your lot. One thought was to excavate slightly on the west side to accomodate two spaces and then to plan for a garage on the east side that would need less space behind it, since two spaces would already exist to the west. One of the issues then, is that we would need to deal with retaining wall heights on the lot. The Town has several regulations regarding what heights are allowed where. I think the best step at this point would be for the excavator and Bobby to meet and figure out the practical/feasible/design issues. Then, once Bobby has a plan in mind, he can submit it to me, at which time iwill review it with the appropriate departments here and we can decide what kind/if any type of variance is still needed. As always, feel free to call anytime. I will wait to receive new materials from Bobby. Meanwhile, I may table the application until the March 28th meeting. Does that sound allright to you? Thanks, Elisabeth Elisabeth Eckel Planner, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970,479.2454 otc 970-479.2452 fax >>> <mikhaley@netscape.com> 0310412005 11'.19:02 AM >>> Hi Elizabeth, Just wanted to see if you and Bobby had a chance to meet and discuss parking options. lf so I can call an excavator on Mon. to give us an idea of prices.Marla Switch to Netscape Internet Service. As low as $9.95 a month - Sign up today at@ NetscaDe. Just the Net You Need. cc:Bobbv Ladd sltV LaVEFftaE #,Alq<- UNE 14vr( Tb l^TtuT, tfi1u{l0e * ^wl trr ,Ww N wr oo Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com +I0Yvhr1IV1.ILV General lnformation: All projecls requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenls for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the fummunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permil is issued and construction cgmmencls within one year of the approval. :lf A-\3,7^,)1' nqr e.--V6.fii\^"rz! ? - nil is is :* P* isued and construction commencas within n \o"^,a{ ;ts-c n:Jaft"!.,'z! Q - ''v"v+<}.5 Cls\ :t'\4.1 [eot..t r , -r- ebck:4t on of t-h e Requgst: Location of the P Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(S| Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: ailing Address: E-mail Type of Review and Fee:. Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/ /\-S-D Ct.'o' :t F-- No Fee $6s0 $?00 $250 nrng wal sucn as, landscaping, fences and by Planning Staff or the \,-L (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: LN 3.^,r\Phone: (or Fax: bs6 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or For an addition where square footage is any residential or building (includes 250 conversrons). For changes to buildings and site such as, fences and painting, window ,/*i.a. Minor Alteration I (single-family/du{lex) I Cfnnges to Apprqved Plans Separation RequJt Page 1 of 12lMl01lM Page 1 of2 Elisabeth Eckel - Fwd: Large Pine From: <mikhaley@netscape.com> To: "Elizabeth Eckel" <eeckel@vailgov.com> Date: 0511212005 11:31 AM Subject: Fwd: Large Pine Elisabeth, The tree next to it is looking pretty bad too.Bill said as soon as we give hiim the go ahead he will schedule it to be removed.Thanx Marla -- Begin forwarded message: From: "Bill Huber" <bhuber@Holycross.com> Date: Mon,31 Jan 2005 07:19:51 -0700 To: <mikhaley@netscape.com> Subject: Large Pine To whom it may concern: The large pine tree in the driveway of 2854 Snowberry has a lot of the root system exposed on the south side. This will cause the tree to topple over into Holy Cross Energyd rus single phase line. Holy Cross Energy feels that this tree is a hazard to our power line and equipmenl which should be removed as soon as is feasible. lf you have any questions feel free to contact me at Holy Cross Energy (970)945-5491 or 9970)9475494. Thank you Line clearing Foreman Holy Cross Energy file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW) 00002.HTM 05/1312005 View Hail Previous IINBOX Repty Reply All Folard Delete Move message to,.. Show Full Headers I Printer View I Add Sender To Address Book From: "BillHube/'<bhuber@HolyCross.com> To: <mikhaley@netscape.com> Subject Large Pine Date: Mon 01/31/05 09:19 AM To whom it may concern: Page I ofl Go To Page... Attachments me Type Save 1 texVplainSave Part 2 texUhfnl Save The large pine tree in the driveway af 2854 Snowberry has a lot of the root system exposed on the south side. This will cause the tree to topple over into Holy Cross Energy's single phase line. Holy Cross Energy feels that this Aee is a hazard to our power line and equipment which should be removed as soon as is feasible. lf you have any questions feel free to contact me at Holy Cmss Energy (970)945-549 1 or 9970)9475494. Thank you Line clearing Foreman Holy Cross Energy Bill Huber \ Delete Move message to.,.Reply Reply All Folard Previous IINBOX http:/imail.isp.netscape.corn/email/scripts/view.pl?EVl:11163764987365787 5/1712005 i j I rl n I *'"' d-.c{,Tr." La.-!c'C ctl "Ao-rr1 &') TtlK ji , t.t-,lo ,'i( ,\aa l, ;) '- "r r[\ c i- cf lv 'tL'tL\ 'r)l'vrtt'"q *,L-L+Y\ , ttt \ rl' r tl r t l,r"eL< f'\c(,;,1 Page I of I Elisabeth Eckel From: <mikhaley@netscape.com> To: "Elizabeth Eckel" <eeckel@vailgov.com> Date: 0410812005 12:36 PM CC: "Bobby Ladd" <ralarch@Vail.net> Hi Elizabeth, Well, We did it ! We bought John Greens side.We would like to now designate unit A as primary. As you know we are now pursuing the garage.Let us know what we can get this through the process. We will also need a permit for Holy cross to remove the dead trees.l don't know if we can include that in the pile? Thanx for all of your help. Marla Switch to Netscape Internet Service. fi Ie://C:\Windows\TEMP\GW) 0000 I .HTM 04113t2005 From: To: Dater Subject: <mikhaley@netscape.com> <eeckel@vailgov.com> 02101 12005 10:31 :'l 1 AM Fwd: Large Pine Hi Elizabeth, Here is the info. from HolyCross about the tree that needs to be removed.Once it is removed the hillside would need to be shored up . We thought this would be a good place to put in a parking space. Please let me know if you need any further info. from us to plead our case. Thanx Marla haley -- Begin forwarded message: From: "Bill Hubed' <bhuber@HolyCross.com> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 07:19:51 -0700 To: <mikhaley@netscape.com> Subject Large Pine To whom it may concern: The large pine tree in the driveway of 2854 Snowberry has a lot of the root system exposed on the south side. This will cause the tree to topple over into Holy Cross Energy's single phase line. Holy Cross Energy feels that this tree is a hazard to our power line and equipment which should be removed as soon as is feasible. lf you have any questions feel free to contact me at Holy Cross Energy (970)945-549 1 or 997 0)947 5494. Thank you Line clearing Foreman Holy Cross Energy Bill Huber Switch to Netscape Internet Service. As low as $9.95 a month - Sign up today at http://isp.netscape.com/emreg NetscaDe. Just the Net You Need. Status: I Approved oo Couuuttffy DEVELopMENT Rourlruc Fonn tr Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To;Fire Date Bouted:02t09t05 Routed By:Planner Date Due:02t16/05 Description ol work:662 square foot 2-story addition on northeast side of home Address:2844 Snowberry Leqal:Lot:19 lBlock:19 lSubdivision:Intermountain Comments:Date Reviewed: ment lssues. Need addilional review bv Fire De 'c <L/ z//,24--'22", Couuu o NITY o OUTING Status: I Approved DeveIopMENT R Fonu n Approved with conditions ffi Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Bouted:09t22t04 Routed By:Planner Date Due:09t2404 Description of work:-800 square foot addition, amendmenl 1o plat, parking issues Address:2844 Snowberry Leqal:Lot:Block:I Subdivision: Comments: Fire Date Reviewed: enl lssues. Need additional review bv Fire D Show driveway and parking location on survey and site plan. Will new addition require addition New proposed tie wall doesn't meet TOV standards, min bench ol 4 ft is required. adjust and revise drawino from a license PE for retaini Show limits of dislurbance fence. lsandoval ARE THERE ADDITIONAL PARKING OR RIGHT OF WAY ISSUES. LEONARD? co"rrt "DevelopMENT Rour a ING Fonrvr n Approved with conditions fi Denied Status: I Approved Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed:11t03t04 Routed By:Planner Date Due:11t10t04 Description of work:parKrng rssues Address:2844 Snowberry Leqal:Lot:Block:Subdivision: Comments:Date Reviewed: 1'l-10-04 rtment lssues. Need additional review Fire Deoartment. Show all required parking spaces keeping mind that out of the 4 vehicles required 2 vehicles need to have clear access out. Vehicles must be within property boundaries. Show limits of disturbance fence. Show location of snow Provide 4' bench on new retaining wall or disturbed wall and provide stamped engineered drawinq from a license PE. adiust and revise. Provide Revocable ROW it for existi rki lsandoval D ep artme nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 MX 970-479-2452 wvw.vailgov.com December 17,2004 Mrs. Mike Haley 3037 Suncreek Ridge Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Fax (303)298-8152 Re: Primary/Secondary residential addition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain DR8040392 Dear Mrs. Haley, Thank you for meeting with me on Tuesday to continue discussing the currenVtuture development options on Lot 19. I have outlined below a few of the options which were discussed at our meeting: 1. Adding less than 500 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) would allow the proposal to qualify as a "one-time exclusion". This means that the lot/structure/parking could remain non-conforming with the exception of one totally conforming parking space (forthe amount of the addition) and a density variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission. The designation of the primary vs. secondary units would also be needed in this case. 2. A proposal of any more than 500 square feet of additional GRFA would generate total compliance of all four ol the parkng spaces needed for the lot. This may mean excavating to build a garage or in some way providing full size surface parking spaces al the end of the existing driveway. A density variance would still be required from the Planning and Environmental Commission in addition to the possibility of a wall height variance fot any eafth stabilization that would require walls higher than six feet (6') in any area of the lot or three feet (3') within a setback. The designation ol the primary vs. secondary units would also be needed in this case. 3. lf bringing the parking into total compliance with the standards is deemed impossible, it would be necessary to apply from the Planning and Environmental Commission for both a density variance and a variance from the parking requirements ot the Two-Family Primary/Secondary district. The designation of the primary vs. secondary development units would also be needed in this case. The Planning and Environmental Commission holds bi-weekly meetings on the second and fourth Mondays ol every month. The submittal deadlines occur approximately three weeks prior to each meeting. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. Thank you for your proposal to upgrade this property and your continued patience in the design review process. Best Regards,- .i..1 , v,, \..- , ...)trt.'( /., t"- Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 ( 0'ot'( D^h!.,, r^.{,.t rJu. LJ\JUUy Lctl!.|lr PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 flp ^".r.r"o ,tr"^ o a1 Mr. Jonalhan Greene 213 Mitchell Street Ithaca, NY 14850 t- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 8, 2004 Mrs. Mike Haley 3037 Suncreek Ridge Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Fax (303)298-8152 Re: Primary/Secondary residential addition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain DR8040392 FILE WPY Dear Mrs. Haley, Thank you for your continued attention to the application for a residential addilion which has been submifted for the above-referenced property in West Vail. Lot 19 is within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District, which requires that the development potential or Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) be divided into an unequal 60/40 split, with one side of the duplex, or the "primary unit'containing 60% of the square footage available to the lot and the other side oi the duplex, or the "secondary unlt", containing no more than 40% of the square I footage available to the lot. Therefore, the primary unit on this lot is allowed 3,538 square feet (60% of 5,898) and the secondary unit is allowed a total of 2,359 square feet (40% of 5,898). Currently, the units are similarly sized, one unit containing 1 ,027 square feet and the other unit containing 1,085 square feet. However, due to the fact that there is currently no record ol which unit is the primary unit and which unit is the secondary unit on your lot, it will be necessary lo receive and record such intormation at the Town and the County in order for the application to proceed any lurther. This clarification will provide for the correct allocation ol square footage at the time of any future additions. I have provided the {ollowing statements of agreement for youi .scnvenience : (printed name), property owner ol parcel A at 2854 Snowberry Drive, agree that Parcel A, or the northeast side of the duplex, shall be the secondary unit on this lot and is thereby allowed up 4Oo/" (or 2,359 square feet) of lhe Gross Residential Floor Area available to this lot (5,898 square feet). (signalure) I,(printed nane), property owner of parcel B at 2854 Snowberry Drive, agree that Parcel B, or the southwest side of the duplex, shall be the primary unit on this lol and {p ^t.".rto rtrr^ is thereby allowed 60% (or 3,538 square feet) of the Gross Residential Floor Area available to this lol (5,898 square feet). (signature) Finally, as we have discussed previously, because this lot is smaller (13,416 sq.fl.) than the minimum lot size standard (15,000 sq.ft.) within the Primary/Secondary district, the lot is considered to be "preexisting nonconforming". Any enlargements which are proposed on a structure located on a non-conforming lot require that a Planning and Environmental Commission application be submitted lor a variance from the Non- Conforming section of the Vail Town Code (Section 12-18-5:B): B. Density Control: Structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only it the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the prcexisting nonconforming structure. The Planning and Environmental Commission holds bi-weekly meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of every month. The submittal deadlines occur approximately lhree weeks prior to each meeting. Therefore, the submittal deadline for the January 10, 2005 meeting orcurs on December 13, 2004 and the submittal deadline forthe January 24, 2005 meeting occurs on December 27, 2004. Finally, as I have written previously, the parking issue remains to be resolved and the submittal ol an amended plat will likely be required in the form of a condilion of approval to be lullilled on or before the granting of a final certificate of occupancy, which would occur at the time construction is completed. Please submit original copies of your signature to the Town. Meanwhile, please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. I look loruard to conlinuing to work with you on these and any other issues that may arise throughout the remainder of the proiect. Thank you for your patience in what is not Elisdbeth Eckel 970.479.2454 cc: Bobby Ladd PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Mr. Jonathan Greene 213 Milchell Steet Ithaca. NY 14850 Eagle County Clerk and Recorder 500 Broadway Eagle, CO B1 631-085 Lorelei Donaldson. Town of Vail Clerk Following our conversation lale last week, lthought it would be helplul to clarify in writing the dev..elopment potential that exists for the above lot in West Vail. D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wtwv.vailgov.com November 22,2004 Mrs. Mike Haley 3037 Suncreek Ridge Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Re: Primary/Secondaryresidentialaddition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain DR8040392 Dear Mrs. Haley, Fttf coPl Existinq Prooosed no change no change no change no change no change 2,812 sq. ft. no change 1, 1 1 6 sq.ft.(8%) 1,429 s7.ft. ( 1 1 %) 12,304 (92%) 11,987 sq.ft.(g9%) 1 space 1 space SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Current Land Use: Lot Area: 2845 Snowberry Drive Lot 198, Block 9/Vail Intermauntain Primary/Secondary Residential 13,416.48 sq. ft " Development Standard Allowed/Required Setbacks (min): Front: West Side: East Side: Rear: Density (max): GBFA (nax): Building Height (max) Site Coverage (max): Landscape Area (min) Parking (min): zu . 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. lunit+1EHU* 5,BgB sq. ft.(entire lot) JJ II. 2,68s sq.ft.(20%) 4,02a sq.ft.(s0%) 4 spaces ' > 30 ft. > 30 ft. > 30 ft. I ft. 2 units 1,tr1>q.tL. ' denotes a development standard that is currently non-conforming with the Town of Vail's regulations. As you will notice from the analysis, a substantial amount of gross residential floor area (GRFA) will still be available for ihe entire lot following this proposal. The house is located in the Primary/Secondary zone district, where each lot (larger than 15,000 square feet) rs allowed up to two units. with 60% of the square footage aflotted to one unit and no more than 40% of the square footage allotted to the other unit, thereby creating/preserving a "primary unit" and a "secondary unit". Therefore, the primary unit on this lot is allowed 3,538 square teet (60% of 5,898) and the secondaty unit is allowed a total af 2,359 square feet fta) ot 5,898). {! "'""""' "-o"to o Currently, the units are similar in size with one unit containing 1,027 square feet and the other unit containing 1,085 square feet. However, according to the Town's files, there is no record of which unit is the primary unit and which unit is the secondary unit. This is the decision that all homeowners within this district are forced to make at some point. ll was mentioned that Parcel A has always been considered the A unit and was therefore assumed to be the primary unit as well. However, in the Town's view, the A unil could still be the secondary unit in regard 1o lotal square lootage. Please submit to the Town a;written statement of the primary vs. secondary designation that is agreed upon with the neighboring homeowner. lt is not necessary to retain Parcel A and the A unit as the primary unit, allowing it 60% ol the development potential. Parcel B and therefore the B unit could also be designated the primary unit and allowed 60% of the development potential. lt will be necessary lor lhe Town of Vail to receive this inform4lion in order that the remaining square foolage may be allocated correctly at the time of this and any future addilions. Finally, because this lot is smaller (13,416 sq.ft.) than the minimum lot size standard (15,000 sq.lt.) within the Primary/Secondary district, the lot is considered "preexisting nonconforming'. Therefore, it will be necessary for your architect or another representative to submit an application for Planning and Environmental Commission review ol a variance lrom the density standards of the Vail Town Code, Section 12-18-5: B. Density Control: Structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the preexisting nonconforming sttucture. The Planning and Environmental Commission is the Board that is responsible for reviewing zoning regulations (and related variances) within the Town of Vail. Review ol a variance request can take up to six weeks. However, it is my hope that this item could be scheduled lor the December 13th agenda. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. I look forward to helping you resolve these issues as soon as possible. May you enjoy a very pleasanl holiday. Eckel 70.479.2454 Bobby Ladd PO Box 1805 Edwards, COB1632 Mr. Jonathan Greene 213 Mitchell Street Ithaca, NY 14850 D epartme nt of Community D eve I opm ent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wtt w.vailgov.com November 11,2004 Mr. Bobby Ladd PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax 970.926.4969 Re: Haley Addition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain DR8040392 Dear Bobby, Per our conversation yesterday, I am writing to summarize the remaining Public Works and Planning Department issues regarding the proposed Haley residence addition on Snowberry Drive. The most significant outstanding issue remains the parking requirement. The current parking area is legally non-conforming in regard to the provisions of the Vail Town Code due to its location within the Town of Vail right-of-way and the insuJlicient number and size o1 the existing spaces. Due to the amount of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be added as a result of this proposal (over 500 square leet), the property is required to come into conformance with all Town of Vail parking standards, according to Section 12:1 1 :3, Vail Town Code: C. Nonconforming Sites And Structures; Effect Ol Design Guidelines: 1. Buildings and sites which are not in conformance with the design guidelines, due to annexations or changes in code provisions (i.e., legal nonconformities), shall be requhed to conform with the design guidelines when allowable gross residential floor area PqFH fthe GRFA that is permitted by the density control section ol various zone districts), commercial floor area, or garage area credit is added to any existing structure or site. 2. From the effective date of July 21, 1998, there shall be permitted a one-time exclusion from this provision lor an expansion to single-family, two-lamily, and primary/secondary residential dwelling units. This one-time exclusion shall be allowed lor a single expansion of five hundred (500) square feet or less of allowable GRFA or garage area credit per dwelling unit. ln which case, structures may be expanded without requiing upgrades to entire structures and sites to contorm with the design guidelines. The addition itself , however, shall conform with the design guidelines. An expansion which is greater than tive hundred (500) squarc feet, or any subsequent expansion to a structure, regardless of size, shall require lull compliance of the dwelling unit with the design guidelines. As submltted, the requested addition of 700 square feet causes the compliance o1 all lour spaces with the Vail Town Code. Compliance with the Town's parking standards includes paving, number, driveway width, distance from the right-otway, snow storage, and a number of other guidelines outlined in the Development Standards Handbook, Title 14 ot the Town Code. However, please note that up to 500 square feet of GRFA can be added to the residence without altering the existing non-conforming parking. After review of the topographic survey submitted, lhe Public Works Department has identilied several concerns remaining to be addressed. Please submit a revised site plan reflecting these changes: 1) Show all required parking spaces keeping in mind that, of the 4 vehicle spaces, 2 spaces must have clear access out. Vehicles must be within property boundaries. ilp ^".r.rro ,,,"* j''Jtt trEtr I 7 2) Show limits of distubance fence. 3) Show location of snow storage area. 4) Provide 4' bench on new retaining wall or disturbed wall and provide stamped engineered drawing from a licensed PE. Adjust and revise. 5) Provide a revocable Right-of-Way for existing parking. Depending on how you and your clients choose to proceed with the application, the first comment may need to be revised. I have enclosed the revocable right-of-way form as well as the one-time exclusion form, which will be needed lor documentation purposes should the owner choose to add less than 500 square feet of GRFA, thereby allowing the property to remain legally non-conforming in accordance with the Vail Town Code sections outlined above. Also, it may be helptul for you to purchase a copy of the Development Standards Handbook which contains the parking requirements previously menlioned. Please let me know if you have any remaining 970.479.2454 enclosures questions or D epartm e nt of C ommunity D ev e lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwtv.vailgov. com November 5, 2004 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Haley 3037 Suncreek Ridge Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Re: Primary/Secondaryresidentialaddition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 18, Block 9, Vail Intermountain DR8040392 f: iI-E EBPY Dear Mr. and Mrs. Haley, Thank you for inquiring about the status of the design review application for a residential addition at the above address. Hopefully, the following description of the design review process and the brief summary of the development potential still available to your lot will be helpful to both you and your neighbor going forward. Every improvement within the Town of Vail that includes an increase in the amount of square footage, known as Gross Residential Floor Area, or GRFA, requires a design review application. In rnstances where the additional square footage is within the current boundaries of the home or in instances when the proposed square footage does not remarkably change the exterior of a residence, the application can be approved at a Staff level. However, most proposals for additional GRFA within lhe Town of Vail do not fall into this category. Instead, they are subject to approval by the Design Review Board, a review committee composed of five appointed members, which is responsible for ensuring high quality development and redevelopment within the Town. The Design Review Board meets bi-weekly to review all such projects. The application that Bobby Ladd has submitted on your behalf falls under the latter category. Additionally, every submitted application is reviewed by Staff on a number of levels, including but not limited to review of GRFA, site coverage (amount of land area covered by site improvements), height, landscaping, parking, driveways, grades, environmental hazards, lighting, retaining walls, and the amount of conformance, or non-conformance with any/all of the above issues. In the case of your lot, several issues needed to be addressed prior to final approval by either Staff or the Design Review Board, including the parking issue and the grade and retaining wall issues, each of which are currenlly being addressed by your architect. Like many lots within the Town, your lot was annexed into the Town from Eagle County, and is therefore non-conforming in relation to several of the aforementioned "design review criteria". Of more consequence, however, is the fact that even after the current proposal, a large amount of GRFA will still be available to your lot. Your house is located in the Primary/Secondary zone district. Every structure located in that district is allowed up to two units, with o/o60 of the square footage allotted to one unit, and no more than %40 of the square footage allotted to the other unit, thus the name "primary/secondary". Your unit is considered the B, or secondary, unit, and is allowed a total of 2,359 square feet of residential area, which is %40 of the total lot area: 13,416 square feet. According to the Town's records, your unit is currently 1,085 square feet, which number will likely rise to 1,785 square feet following the 700 square foot addition application that is currently in progress. Even after the additional 700 square feet, your unit wtll have'574 square feet remaining to be used, should you ever decide to pursue further additions. f-p ^r"".t"o ,u""^ The neighboring unit, or the A or primary unit, is allowed 3,538 square feet. According to the Town's records, that unit is currently 1,027 square feet, and therefore would be allowed an additional 2,51 1 allowable square feet before it reaches it's maximum of %60 of the site area, which includes the A, B, and C parcels. In sum, your application to add floor area will not affect the remaining square footage for his unit. My hope is that this letter did not further confuse the issues, but rather helped you to understand how many criteria are evaluated as the result of even a minor application submittal within the Town. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any further questions or concerns. Of course, you or your neighbor are more than welcome to schedule an appointment with myself or another member of the Planning Staff at any time. May you enjoy a fantaslic season! 970.479.2454 cc: Bobby Ladd PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Greene (no address on file - please forward) D epartment of C ommunity D eve lopm e nt 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com October 12,2004 Mr. Bobby Ladd PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax 970 926 4969 Re: Haley Addition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Block I, Vail lntermountain DRB040392 Dear Bobby, In the absence of recent communication, I am sending you a summary of the design review application for the Haley residence. Currently, the proposal is scheduled for the next Design Review Board meeting on Wednesday, October 20''. However, if that is to remain the case, I will need the following items by this Thursday, October 14''. 1) Please submil top ol wall and bottom of wall elevations for each of the retaining walls that factor into this proposal; 2) Please submit a parking plan verilying the existence of, or the proposal for, the four spaces which are required tor this duplex. Also, please nole that through the addition of the 700 square feet that is currently being proposed, the parking must come into conformance with the design guidelines, i.e. must be paved and located out ol the Town's right-of-way, or a right-of-way permit is obtained from the Public Works Department il no other options exist; 3) Finally, please note that prior to final approval, an amended plat will be required by the Town oJ Vail to reflect the change in building locatior/expansion onto the common parcel, Parcel C' Please note that a condition of approval will be aftached to lhe application in order to verify that the illegal floodlights will be removed prior lo issuance of the linal certificate ol occupancy for the residence. I will be out ol town from Friday until the morning 01 the 20'n, so please let me know before Friday ol any changes in the status of the application. ll I don't hear from you belore then, lwill be forced to table the application once more unlil the November 3- DRB hearing. I hope you are well. 970.479.2454 {p o"""o '^'"^ ,I l.'n t, r.f b Department of Community Development ) 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 26, 2004 Mr. Bobby Ladd PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax 970 926 4969 Re: Haley Addition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Elock g, Vail Intermountain DR8040392 '8py 1 ) According to the new calculations of Gross Residential Floor Area, spaces higher than 1 6' must be counted on two levels as GRFA. Please submit a cross-section ol the home at the northeast side, through the proposed master bedroom space so that Stafl may verify whether the space above the proposed addition is an attic or vaulted space; 2) Please submit wall drawings or another site plan indicating top ot wall and bottom of wall elevations. Please note that all walls "shall not exceed 6'in height in any other poftion of the slte" (besides within setbacks, where walls no higher than 3' are allowed) (Town of Vail Code, Section 1 4-1 0- H-5); ,,/ 3) Please submit a parking plan vedtying the exislence ot or proposal tor the four spaces which are required lor this ' duolex: t . F^llp,4) Please submit a lighting plan or provide indication that the illegal lloodlights will be removed prior to any approval w, ol tnu pi'oJisal; I rl 5) Additionally, the Public Works Deparlment identified five issues that need to be resolved prior to any ,flJ{ approval being given by the Town. l''0W- 6) Finally, please note that prior to linal approval, an amended platwill be required bytheTown olVail to reflect the f change ;n building location/expansion onto the common parcel, Parcel C. In order to thoroughly present the project to the Design Review Board, I will need lo verify that the appropriate changes have been made and the necessary additional materials submitled. Please submit each ol the requested items (except item #6) to the Community Development Department no later than 9am on Tuesday, August 30''. lf you are not able to assemble the remaining inJormalion before then, simply contact me and I can easily table the application until the lollowing meeting, which will occuion September t5'h. I wiil tooi< iorward to seeing you at the Design Review Board hearing on Sept6mber 1'r in the Town Council Chambers. Best Regards, N/ Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 encrosure Dear Mr. Ladd. Thank you for submitting an application lor an addition to the duplex at the above address. Per my previous letter, I am in need of some additional inlormation and revisions prior to presenling the project to the Design Review Board at their next meeting on Wednesday, September 1''. '/y,/fuprt1 ,B,A"ra ,"f*7 dtp *""'"'""u "t" From: To: Date: Sublect: Good moming Thanks, Mike. >>> Elisabeth Hi Mike: Mike Vaughan Elisabeth Eckel 0812412004 8:14:34 AM Re: Haley residence Elisabeth, oootrr, yep you are right. We looked at it, ifs close, but we are okay with it. Eckel 08/23/20U 4i41:01 PM >>> I got the Haley plans back ftom Matt G. last week, which I had routed to Fire (JR) on the 11th. The routing form didnt say anything. Can I aesume that there were no issues? This was an 800'se@nd story addition to an existing home at 2845 Snowberry - DR8040392. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Elisabeth ,Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 16, 2004 Mr. Bobby Ladd PO Box 1805 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Haley Addition 2854 Snowberry Drive, Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain DR8040392 Dear Mr. Ladd, Thank you lor submitting an application for an addition to the duplex at the above address. I have reviewed the applicaiion and scheduled it forthe Design Review Board agenda on Wednesday, September 1"1 at 3pm. Currently, the proposal seems fairly straightforward, with a few exceptions. Please review the following items and contact me with any related questions or concerns: 1) According lo lhe new calculations ol Gross Residenlial Floor Area, spaces higher than 16' must be counted on lwo levels as GRFA. Please submit a cross-section oJ the home at the northeast side, through the proposed master bedroom space so that Staff may verify whether the space above the proposed addition is an attic or vaulted space; 2) Please submit wall drawings or another site plan indicaling top of wall and boltom of wall elevations. Please note that all walls "shall not exceed 6' in height in any other portion ot the site" (besides within setbacks, where walls no higher than 3' are allowed) (Town of Vail Code, Section 14-10- H-5): 3) Please submit a parking plan verilying the four spaces that are required for this duplex; 4) Please submit a lighting plan or provlde indication that the illegal floodlights will be removed prior to .' dny approval of the proposal; Additionally, please note that prior to linal approval, an amended plat will be required by the Town of Vail to reflect the change in building location/expansion onlo the common parcel. Please feel free to conlact me should you have any questions or concerns meanwhile. I will look Jorward to seeing you at the Design Review Board hearing on September 1'1 in the Town Council Chambers. Best Regards, '/, ^u t/ ElKabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 f/t{ @py fip or.rtr"o ,n"r^ Fiti,,s (/// /Nfyqsoulvilhr/ Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Allorved Existin e . proooscd Total Rcmaining rotarGRFA +-.- =tZ!2_ Lttb __ lMn = 3/lb ffiL t/.^lr fr primarycRFA _+try.w__fti,ij lllz _ 'lfua = /rzL /ltb UNttBsrcondaryGRFA +cor.trsrr,-.l-ZJ5f lqtl * 0 =''1q+ l3b6 Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcig!ts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:I (50%) Enri ronmcn taVllazards Pro'ious conditions of rpproval (cbcck property filc); (30)133)/ 1--".' Front Sidcs Rcar /,\ Minimum {tr/lfuIL t ZONECHECK Addrcss Ouncr Architcct Zonc Lot sizc i + 6'15 = 425 crcditTlus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? l//h ------=--:__ . ')6' .t5, I5' ak tt,Nlc,laz ftw/nrlpAnn W,, I 'S'oot.o'oot a Prnnnsnd Qln^^ l) ol - ./6 Ycs . No-_-- Ycs-- No_ > 2,^,,/l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) ,-- r . 2) Floodplatn 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (j0) IVA 5) Gcologic Hazards c) Dcbris Fiorv Pcrrnincd Slopc l0 Z" C,0NP, comptics Mrh ToV Ligbting Ord.inancc Horv much.of thc allorvcd 250 Addirion is us\wirh Ur r"qu"rtl ly'/rt sitccovcragc (ZrJ@ lOpA * tldf = ZZZ| ' (300 a) Snorv Avalanchc t* : - b) Rocldall- NA i Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: t DESIGN REVf,EW CIIECKLIST i-l c TIR\T? , -.--:-- ;v :,/,-/ -,/V - Scalc Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Buildable Area Eascmcnts Topogrzpby 100 1'r. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback FLOORPLANS u, T.ScaJc GRFA 250 additionat CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc a U BUILDINC ELEVATIONS \ _7 :^*"*cntatHazards 7;';,oca,ions J ,rorctcvahons Family Legacy 00YY 4€/196 Dapper Tan 1OYY 55,163 Desert t' r -rt :"1 'r' ii' I:'l vi :l Buiiding Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Firc Acccss + | / . t I t--Vo{lnhnonTavt t6flgtbllLl ProiectName: HALEYVARIANCE PECNumber: PEC050005 Project DescripUon: PARKING VARIANCE, DENSITY VARIANCE - application withdrawn due to substantial changes to the proposal, thereby negating the variance request. Pafticipantsl owNER HALEY, MICHAEL S. & MARLA M.01/28/2005 2854 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT HALEY, MICHAEL S. & MARLA M.O1/28/2005 2854 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL co 816s7 ProiectAddress: 2844 SNOWBERRY DRVAIL Location: 28,14 SNOWBERRY COURT Legal Descriptionr Lot: 18 BIock: 9 Subdivision: SNOWBERRY DRIVE DUPLEX Parcel Numben 2103-143-0105-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion 8y: Action: WITHDRWN Second By: Vote: DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond: B (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel PEc Fee Paid: $500.00 TON'Nffi General Information: Council and/or the Design Review Board' Type of Application and Fee: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a buildini permit application. Flease refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requestecl' nn application foi'Rlanning and Environmenfdl Commission review cannot be accepteil until all required information is reiiivea by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commissi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970'479'2139 fax: 970'479.2452 web: www.rrailgov'com tr Ll D n n tr tr tr Rezoning Major Subdivision Minor SuHivision Exemption Plat Minor Amendment to an SDD New Special Development District Major Amendment tllr SDD Major Amendment ldlSDD (no exterior Description of the Location of the Physical Address: Parcel lo.: Zoning: Name(s) Mailing s) Signature(s): Name of ApPlicant: Mailing Address: $1300 $1s00 $6so $6s0 $1000 $6000 Alteration Alteration $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 a Develooment Plan Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') RECH!VHD JAN Z I ti'5 TOV-COM.DEV. E-mail Address: Meeting DatF: Paee I of 6-04/28/04 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemert :t 't 't ***{.***,t t {.,}***,}****,}************d.************{.******'},}i,}*****,t,i't'},},t,*******{.,t *****,t *'t 't:t *'** Statement Nuniber: R050000059 Anount: $500.O0 Ol/28/200503:38 PM Palmert Methodr Check Init: ,JS Notation: #1369/MARLA IIALEY .''.------:'---- Permit N{ PB995o{'o6 TIG)e: PEc - varia-nce Parcel NQ:-?I03 143 0 1052 Si.te Address: 2844 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: 2844 SNOWBERRY COIIRT This Pavment 3 $s00.00 *tl.t l**'***,i********* * ********* ***'i,*'************** *|l* * *** **+**+t++***** * * * *+***++**********.t* Total FeeE: TotaL AlIr Pmts : Balance : $500.00 $s00.00 s0.00 Current Pnts s00.00 ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code PV 00r"00003112500 Descripcion PBC APPI,ICATION FEES Jan 2O O5 I O: {2a v Jonathan Greene p.1 JOIiIT PROPIERTV OWTGR wR]TTEn 4ppp6q7a1 t€rTER r, tprl,t r-n )-Jll -4 So"o{t-v Gceerg, a Fht oilrr€r o, prop€rry b@d sr (ed*sregal d€scription) provtutehbfetterrwdtten4proarofbeprrrs.tarcd 2,klt I wfrk !,ra,€ beeo submithd to th€ Toul of vgil communlty Developrnant Depertnent b. the prcpced inprovornenrs to be comdebd ar the addr€ss nobd abore. I undectand that the prcped imprlnrementrs indude:tz flr I further undersiand that miDr anodlficarirns nray bs mads to uE pH[s o,er the course of oE r€,vi"w floes8 to cnsrirc ofryIarEe with the Tostb apdbabb @&s and ,egulalirrs. I l nnyvt ' DuDlq owners: 2854 Snowberry Drive - Michael S. & Marla Haley 3037 Sun Creek Ridge Rd., Evergreen, CO 80439 Desciption: Snowberry Drive Duplex - Unit A, Block 9, Int 19B 2E54 Snowberry Drive - John Greene 2L3 Mitchell Street,Ithica, NY 14850 Description: Snowberry Drive Duplex - Unit B, Block 9, I-ot 19B Contiguous Propertv Owners, Addresses & Leqals: 2864 Snowberry Drive - Robert McClain P.O. Box l372,Yail, CO 81658 Description: Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision, Block 9, Unit 19A 2865 Snowberry Drive - Clive R. & Louise Reeman 2865 Snowberry Drive, Vail, CO 81658 Description: Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision, Block 9, I.ot C, re-sub. of lots 2 & 3 2E44 Snowberry Drive - I*vis W. Pennock 6523 Vista Drive, Yountville, CA 94599 Description: Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision, Block 9, I.ot 18 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communily Developmenl Department forth details in regard thereto. Mike ano naana f,] oRapr (J. ,, RAL Architecrs, February 28, 2005 A request for a final review of a variance from Chapter 12-10, Off-Street Parking and Loading; and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, lo allow for a residential addition, localed at 2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting Applicant: Planner:EI Eckel SUMMARY The applicants, Mike and MTila Haley, represented by RAL Architects, Inc., are requesling a variance from Chapter 12-10, Off-Street Parking and Loading; and Title'14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), located al 2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot '19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Though GRFA remains for the lot, the proposed addilion of over five hundred (500) square feet generates conformance with the Vail Town Code of the structure and the site, which is currently non-conlorming wilh regard to parking. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, lhe Community Development Department recommends denial of a variance from the parking standards of the Vail Town Code to allow for a residential addition subjecl to the findings and conditions noted in Section Vll of this memorandum. II. DESCRIPTTON OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a variance from Chapter 12-1 0, OJtStreet Parking and Loading; and Title 14, Developmenl Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, as the result of a proposal to add 642 square feet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to an existing primary/secondary residence located aI2854 Snowberry Drive in the Intermountain Subdivision. The additional floor area is proposed for the northeast area of the secondary unit and consisls of a sufficient amount of square footage (over 500 square feet) to require conformance of the lot and site wilh the development standards and the design guidelines outlined in lhe Vail Town Code. The addition requesled as a part of this variance request includes changes to both the first and second floors of the northern unit, resulting in an expansion of the living and dining area on the lower level and the addition of a master bedroom, bathroom and closet on lhe upper level. The applicant's request, architectural plans and elevations, and photos of the structure have been attached for reference (Attachments A, B, and C). lt r.BACKGROUND The existing duplex was built on a 13,370 square foot lot prior to its annexalion into the Town of Vail in 1984, at which time a duplex subdivision was approved by the Town. The existing residence and lot are legally non-conforming In regard to many requiremenls of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone districl, including parking. Requests for both a density variance and a rear setback variance were approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission in 1993 as the result of a request to expand the living area of lhe residence to the east by 120 square feel. Though the applicant at that time (a different owner) failed to commence wilh construction for reasons nol made known in the Town of Vail files, the density variance is still considered valid upon this this lot. The density variance was granted in 1993 because the structure was non-conforming in regard to density, with two units located on a lot of less than 14,000 square feet in size, which is the minimum lot size requirement for a duplex structure within the Town of Vail. The Planning and Environmental Commission voiced no particular concerns with the variance and both requests were approved wilh a vote of 5-0 based on the same findings which are listed in Section Vll of this memorandum. The amount of square footage requested by the applicant does not increase the total parking requirement for the dwelling unit. However, the parking is currenlly nonconforming with regard to number and location. A revocable right-of-way permit was granted to a previous owner in 1987 in order lo allow for lhe continuation ol the nonconforming parking spaces, a rock wall, and the driveway within the Town of Vail's right-otway. The permit was issued as part of the applicant's effort to improve the non-conforming driveway by removing a trash enclosure and replacing a failing tie wall with a new boulder rock wall, which still exists today adjacent to the conforming parking space. The drivewaywas also widened and paved at this time as part of the applicanl's successful effort to remove parking from Snowberry Drive. Currently, the lot contains only one entirely conforming parking space, The existing space is located directly adjacent to a steep grade (approximately 63%), which is relained by the boulder wall granted approval from the Town in '1987. There are two easemenls and several substanlial trees that exist along the norlhern property line, which inhibit location of the required number of parking spaces on the lot. Afier study of the Town's "lntermountain Street lmprovemenls", Staff noted that many of the properties within that Subdivision include substantial portions of the Town of Vail right-of-way, parlicularly lots 16-20 on the south side of Snowberry Drive and lots 2 and 10 on the north side of Snowberry Drive. As a part of this application, the applicant is also proposing to construct a two{iered boulder rock wall on the north side of the site to slightly expand the driveway and thereby partially relocate the three nonconforming parking spaces onto the private properly, consequently lessening the amount of non-conformity which would be continued. lt should be noted lhat a variance was granled by the Planning and Environmental Commission in 2004 for a new primary/secondary residence on a lot of 48,000 square feet (lot 7) lo allow lor parking wilhin the right-of-way. The applicant is being required to bring the required parking into conformance as a resull of Section 12-11-3, Design Approval, Vail Town Code (detailed in Section V of this memorandum), which requires that a site and slructure be brought into conformance with the tv. design guidelines when any addition (excluding interior conversions and 250 additions) of more than five hundred (500) square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) is proposed. The referenced regulation was approved in 1998 as the result of the Town Council's request that Staff clarify exactly when a nonconforming single{amily or two-family structure must be upgraded. Prior to that request, the Town had allowed applicants to add up to one hundred fifty (150) square feet without requiring conformance of the site and structure with the design guidelines. In addition to parking standards, the design guidelines also include aspects of development such as lighting, the "undergrounding" of utililies, and the use of prohibited siding surfaces. Since the 1998 Code amendment, any single{amily or lwo{amily slruclure within the Town of Vail is allowed a "One Time Exclusion", each dwelling unr| one addition of up to five hundred square feet without compliance with the design guidelines. In sum, because the applicant desires to add more than the amount of square footage allowed through a "One Time Exclusion" (Attachment D), the applicant is requesling a variance from the parking and loading standards of the Vail Town Code. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, variance applications and exterior alleration or modification applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for f inal approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapte( 12-'17, Variances, Vail Town Code; and a major exterior alteration or modification application, in accordance with Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance application or major exterior alteration or modification application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval wilh modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, delerminalion, or interprelation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff : The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application malerials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and f indings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modificalions, or denial. V.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS Article 12-6: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (in part) 12-6D-1: PURPOSE: The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sites for singlelamily residential uses or tvvo-family residential uses rn which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The twolamily primary/secondary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two- family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards. Chapter 12-10: Off-Street Parking and Loading (in part) 12-10-7: STANDARDS; AUTHORITY TO ADJUST: Parking standards shall be those provided in title 1 4 of this code. The standards set out in title 14 of this code, shall govern the design and construction of all off-street parking and loading facilities, whether required by this chapter or provided in addition to the requirements of this chapter. Minor adjustments of the dimensions prescribed in this chapter may be authorized by the administrator if consistent with generally recognized design standards for off-street parking and loading facilities. 12-10-20: SPECIAL REVTEW PROVIS/ONS: Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12- 10-18 of this chapter, the planning and environmental commission may approve a reduction to the number of required spaces specified in section 12-1 0-10 of this chapter, provided a report documenting the presence of unique parking characteristics is provided by aqualified consultant and the following findings are made by the planning and environmental commission. (available upon request) Section 12-ll-3: Design Approval (in part) C. Nonconforming Sites And Structures; Effect Of Design Guidelines: 1. Buildings and sites which are not in conformance with the design guidelines, due to annexations or changes in code provisions (i.e., legal nonconformities), shall be required to conform with the design guidelines when allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA) (the GRFA that is permitted by the density control section of various zone districts), commercial floor area, or garage area credit is added to any existing structure or site. 2. From the effective date of July 21 , 1998, there shall be permitted a one-time exclusion from this provision for an expansion to single-family, two-family, and primary/secondary residential dwelling units. This one-time exclusion shall be allowed for a single expansion of five hundred (500) square feet or less of allowable GRFA or garage area credit per dwelling unit. ln which case, structures may be expanded without requiring upgrades to entire structures and sites to conform with the design guidelines. The addition itself, however, shall conform with the design guidelines. An expansion which is greater than five hundred (500) square feet, or any subsequent expansion to a structure, regardless of size, shall require full compliance of the dwelling unit with the design guidelines. Chapter t2-17: Variance (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity._Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. Chapter l2-18: Nonconforming sites, uses, structures and site improvements (in part) 12-18-5: STRUCTURE AND SITE IMPROVEMENT: Structures and site improvements lawfully established prior to the effective date hereof which do not conform to the development standards prescribed by this title for the district in which they are situated may be continued. Such structures or slte improvements may be enlarged only in accordance with the following limitations: D. Off Street Parking And Loading: Structures or site improvements which do not conform to the off street parking and loading requirements of this title may be enlarged; provided, that the parking and loading requirements for such addition shall be fully satisfied and that the discrepancy between the existing off street parking and loading facilities and the standards prescribed by this title shall not be increased. Chapter l4-1: Nonconformities (in part) Nonconforming sites and site improvements lawfully established prior to the effective date of adoption of the Development Standards may continue, subject to the limitations prescribed by Section 1 2-18, Zoning Regulations. To encourage redevelopment, there shall be some flexibility granted to existing nonconforming sites and structures. However, wherever possible, compliance with the Development Standards shall be achieved. The paving of existing legal nonconforming, i.e. unpaved, driveways shall be allowed without strict compliance with the Development Standards. However, a reasonable attempt shallbe made to adhere as closely as possible to the Development Standards when paving existing driveways. A structure, which is substantially demolished or reconstructed, as defined by Demo/Rebuild in the Zoning Code, shall be required to adhere to the Development Standards. Chapter 14-3: Residential Access, Driveway and Parking Standards (in part) Location: Parking spaces, aisles and turning areas shall be entirely within lot lines and shall not encroach on any public right of way. No parked vehicle shall overhang any public right of way. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Legal Description: Lot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision Physical Address: 2854 Snowberry Drive Zoni ng : Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Lol Size: 13,416 square feet /.308 acres Hazards: Slopes of over 30% Standard Allowed/Reouired Existino Proposed Setbacks:Front: 20 tt. 70' no change Sides: 15 ft. 34' 25' Rear: 15 ft. 7' no change Height: 33' 29' no change GRFA: 5,898 sq. ft.. 2,1'12 sq. ft.. 2,754sq.ft..(+6a2sq.fl.) Site Coverage: 15'k (2,012 sq. ft.) 8% (1 ,116 sq. ft.) 10.6% (1 ,437 sq. ft.) Density: 2 dwelling unit.- 2 dwelling unils 2 dwelling units Landscape Area: 60% (8,0a9 sq. ft.) 87% (11 ,709 sq. ft.)*-87'/" (1 1 ,709 sq. ft.).-- Parking: 4 spaces 1 space 1 space (- 3 spaces) " lncludes both dwelling units Or 1 dwelling unit and a Type I deed restricted employee housing unit Excludes 591 square feet of driveway/parking space Surroundinq land uses and Zoninq: Land Use Zoninq North: Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary South: Open Space National Foresl Service Land East: Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary Wesl: Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary VII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Variance: 1. The relationship of the reguested variance to other existing or potential uses and structUres in lhe vicinity. Slaff has determined lhat the requested parking variance will have little impact on existing uses and structures in the vicinity. The 1987 improvemenls to lhe driveway and parking area were sufficient 10 remove parking from Snowberry Drive. Though all bul one of the existing parking spaces lies within the Town of Vail right-of-way, the steepness of the slopes on the lol and the location of lhe house atop the hill preclude feasible 2. locations for conforming parking spaces. The Town's use of this portion of its right-of-way would likely not be altered regardless of whether the existing parking was brought into conformance. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without a grant ol special privilege. Staff believes that lhe granting of a variance from the parking and loading standards may be excessive in achieving uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity and could constitute a grant of special privilege. The site and the location of the structure lhereon do present remarkable conslraints. However, the One Time Exclusion was designed to allow a degree ol relief or "variance" from the nonconforming sections of the Code for situations such as this, which included relatively minor additions yet may have involved major nonconformities with the site or slructure. Furthermore, the addition as proposed constitutes a 59% increase in the size of the northern dwelling unit, due to relatively small size of the unit. Staff is requesting that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission consider the example set, if, in an effort "to achieve compatibilily and uniformity of treatment among sites", a variance was granled for a moderately-sized or large home within the Town of Vail for the same "degree of relief". The effect ol the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic tacilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The continuance of the localion of the parking will not have an elfect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facililies and utililies, and public safety. Such other lactors and criteria as lhe commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planning and Environmental Commission may find it valuable lo thoughtfully consider or reconsider the importance and scope of the One Time Exclusion in regard to this and fulure applications. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitv. 3. 4. B. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretalion or enforcement of lhe specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with lhe objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or exlraordinary circumslances or conditions applicable to the same sile of the variance that do not apply generally 1o other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of olher properties in the same districl. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the request for a variance from Chapler 12-10, Off-Street Parking and Loading; and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, pursuanl to Chapter 12-17,Variances, to allow for a residential addition, located at2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and selting forth delails in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon lhe review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented and the following findings: 1 . That the strict, literal interpretation or enforcement of the setback regulation does not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town Code or the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 3. That the requested variance deviates from the provisions of the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District regulations more than is necessary to achieve a practical solution to the applicant's objectives. 4. There are no exceptions nor extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicableto the site that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 5. That the granting of the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance request, the Community Developmenl Department recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Furthermore, should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose lo approve lhis variance request, the Community Developmenl Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with three conditions, the applicant's request for a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, VailTown Code, from Chapter 12-10, Off-Street Parking and Loading; and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19, Block 9, Vail lntermountain Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this variance request. 2. Prior to the granting of a Final Certificate of Occupancy by the Community Development Department, the applicant shall provide the Community Development Department Staff a final copy of the signed and amended plat, to be recorded at the Town of Vail and with Eagle County, and properly indicating the revised A, B, and C parcels upon the lot. 3. Prior to the granting of a Final Certificate of Occupancy by the Community Development Department, the applicant shall cause the exterior lighting on the entire structure to come into conformance with the lighting regulations detailed in Chapter 14:10 Design Review Standards and Guidelines, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code." ATTACHMENTS A. Applicanl's Request tx. B. Architectural Plans and Elevations C. Applicable Photos D. One Time Exclusion form E. Vicinily Map 10 o nc.RAI Archirects, i Jonuoly 3,l, 2005 Vorionce Request Holey Residence Addition 2854 Snowberry Drive Lot l98, Block 9, Voil Intermountoin Subclivision P.O. Box 1805 Phone: 97O.926-4449 Edwords. Colorodo 81632 E-Moil: rolqrch@vqil. nel l. 2. Vorionce Description Density Vorionce The siructure is on existing Primory/Secondoqy Residence (PSR) on o lot iotoling 13,37O squore feet. Per Town of Voil stotutes, o loi must be o minimum of t 5,000 squore feet in order to build o PSR. This structure wos constructed prior to being onnexed into the Town of Voil in 'l984 ond when it wos onnexed, it wos port of on opproved duplex subdivision. The zoning regulotion restrlcting PSR lots to 15,000 squore feet or greoter wos odopted ofter the construction ond subdivision of ihe lot. Since the lot hos odditionol GRFA to be constructed, imposing o siricter zoning criierio on the lot creotes o hordship since the lot wos opproved for two residences when ii *os onnexed inio the Town of Voil ond no chonges to the number o[ residences ore being proposeq. Porking Vorionce The construction of the odditionol GRFA proposed *ould result in requiring four (d) totol porking ,poces for. the property. Currently, there ore three (3) porking spoces ossocioted with the propert/, of which o portion of two of ihose spoces encrooches into the right of woy. The fourth odditionol spoce is being cdded os pori of lhis proposol ond olso encrooches into the right of woy os proposeci. The porking requiremenis siote thoi oli porking spoces must be wholly contoined on the lot. The exisiing topogrophy of the lot creotes o physicol hordship, moking it virtuolly impossible to olter the site to fit oll four (4) porking spoces within the properl"y boundories. The site slopes up towords the house ot opproximotely 63% g.ode, ond the house is. locoted opproximotely 35 leet obove the porking oreo. Cutting bock into the hillside to creote the porking oreos would creote o significont cut thot would not be oble to be consiructed within to*n of Voil stondords for retoining wolls ond would rusult in the consiruction of o woll thoi would greoily exceed the ollowoble height limit. In addition, the fronl poriion of the lot contoins o l5 foot utilify eosement in which public utilities ore locoted. Excessive construction ond excavotion within this eosemenl .ould result in significont disruption of existing utility service serving the surrounding community. Jonuory 31, 2005 Vorionce Request Holey Residence Addition Previously on November 2, 1987, o Revocoble Permii to Erect or Mointoin o Structure on o Public Right-of-Woy wos opproued for this lot. The description of the structure or item into the right-of-woy wos "rock woll - porking ond drivewoy." This opplicotion gronted the oppliconts opprovol to use o portion of the drivewoy locoted in the right-of-woy os porking. The relotionship of the requested vorionce to other exisling or potentiol uses ond sfuctures in the vicinity. 1.The properties locoted immediotely odioceni to this property ore olso zoned Primory/Secondory ond ore similor in size ond chorocier. The residences ore locoted on steep lois ond ore modestly sized. This property olso borders on ihe White River Notionol Forest, immediotely to the south. Due to the sloping noture of mony o[ the properties in the oreo, o lorge number of neighboring residences hove unconventionol porking spoces locoted immediotely odiocent to the street ond within the right-of-woy. The degree to which relief Fom the strict or literol interpretolion ond enforcement of o specified reguloiion is necessory lo ochieve compotibility ond uniformity of treolmenl omong sites in the vicinity or to ottoin the obieaives of this title wiihout gront of speciol privilege. The density regulotion requiring o vorionce wos imposed on this lot ofter it hod been constructed upon, opproved os PSR, ond onnexed into the Town of Voil. The proposed oddition of onfl folls within ihe limits ollowed on the lot ond will not chonge the chorocter or noture of the structure, ond the structure should be ollowed to ottoin its originol, opproved development potentiol. Mony of ihe neighboring properties hove similor non-conforming porking issues, ond mony would olso oppeor to be o greoter encroochment into the right-of-woy thon whot is being proposed with this proieci, forced by o hordship creoied by the noturol sloping topogrophy of the oreo. 2. L 2. The effect of lhe vorionce on light ond oir, distribution of populotion, tronsportotion, troffic focilities, utilities, ond public sofety. t.The proposed density voriqnce will not offect ony of the obove criterio. The proposed porking vorionce will not negotively offect ony of the obote criterio. Cutting out o portion of the hillside to force the porking onto the lot could impoct ony , Jonuory 31, 2005 Vorionce Requesi Holey Residence Addition utiliiies thot ore locqted in the l5 foot utility eosement ocross the front of ihe property. Since the drivewoy ond porking oreo ore currenfly existing, ond the proposed qdditionol spoce is exponded into ihe lot ond owoy from the right-of-woy, there will be no chonge on the impoct of the other oboue listed criterio. How the request complies with odopted Town of Voil plonning policies ond development obiectives. The proposed oddition to the residence complies with oll ospects of the Town of Voil Code except for the vorionces requested herein. The Town of Voil Code creotes Zoning Reguiotions for: "the purpose of promoting the health, safely, morals, and gen"rol w.lfare of the Town, ond to promole the coordinoted ond hormonious development of the Town in o manner thot will consetye ond enhonce its nafurol environment ond its established chorocter as o resort ond residential communily of high quality." ond "to otherwise provide for the gro*th of on orderly ond vioble communily " The proposed oddition to this residence folls within the originol development potentiol of the lot ond is on opportunity io upgrode ond improve on existing structure to reoch current occeploble livobility stondords. Per the Town of Voil Code, o reoson for teeking o vorionce includes: "A procticol difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship moy resuh from the size, shape, or dimensions of a sile or the location of existing slructures thereon; from lopographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinily; or from other physicol limitotions, sheet locations or conditions in the immediate vicinily." Lostly, Section 14-1-4 Nonconformities, in the Town of Voil Code stotes: 'To encouroge redevelopment, there sholl be some flexibility granted to existing nonconforming sites ond strucfures." The conditions thot require this vorionce request,, ore oll pre-existing conditions thot hove been lorced on the lot through physicol hordships creoted by the topogrophy ond from omended stondords implemented ofter this property wos initiolly opproued ond constructed upon. Dear PEC Committee & Design Review Board: Myself and my husband, Mike Haley purchased a one-half duplex at 2854 Snowberry Drive in the fall of 2001. We loved the location and looked forward to expanding to take advantage of the great lot, once finances would allow. This duplex was built in 1973 and was, at that time, included in Eagle County jurisdiction, and later annexed into the Town of Vail as a non-conforming lot, as remains so to this day. Parking for this duplex was established on the existing location over twenty-five years ago. Due to the constraints of this very steep, odd shaped lot, several past owners had attempted to improve this property, but had given up when faced with the myriad of problems involved, and eventually built elsewhere. As stated in a recent TOV meeting, one or two of our four parking spaces appear to be on a Town of Vail right-of- way. This parking lot has existed since original construction. It is documented that in 1984, the Town of Vail approved the paving of this driveway and parking spaces. Since the parking area has existed as part of this duplex for at least twenty-five years, one would think it should fulfill the requirements of the Town of Vail in order for us to continue with our small addition. We approached the Tom of Vail DRB in August of 2004 with plans to build a simple 700 square foot addition, to be built on the east side of our Unit A, with no impact to trees or neighbors. At that time we were told that there were no real issues with the approval process. The parking issue was not mentioned to us until November of 2004. We have the full support of the owner of Unit B, John Greene. His acceptance of our project was contingent on us allowing him to have primary status, which includes over 1/3rd more build able square footage. We agreed after his threat of legal action and the withholding of project acceptance, even though our unit has always been considered the primary. We have racked-up considerable expense to this point, including surveys, architects & attomey fees. We have received bids from excavators on creating additional parking spaces, and there are few viable options due to the steepness of the lot. We do not have deep pockets, so expense is a major concem. Expense for additional parking spaces would be ours alone since the owner of Unit B is financially unable to contribute to improvements involving the lot. In summary, please consider our lot challenge when making your decision. We are not changing the housing density, we are simply trying to expand an already small duplex on a beautiful, but very steep lot. Our proposed improvement will benefit the neighborhood and spruce-up an old looking structure. We appreciate your help and hope you can help us fulfill our dream of going forward with our project. Sincerely, Marla, Mike, Trevor, Dillon & Cade Haley I I -*- !flil il 'cl Er ??i qt\ -ri ;E3 iq s;i {: 9ii ": ;sF ?: 1 B 9 a I I t i : : : 9 g T! THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERry PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on February 28,2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-OD-8, Density; Chapter 12-1 0, Off-Street Parking and Loading; and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, to allow for a residential addition, located at2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mike and Marla Haley, represented by RAL Architects, Inc.Planner: Elisabeth Eckel Report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving a request for a minor amendment to SDD # 6, Vail Village Inn, pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the approved building plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N and O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Waldir Prado, represented by Daymer Corporation Planner: George Ruther A request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 , Yariances, Vail Town Gode, to allow for a variance from Section 12-78-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a final plat for a major subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the Lionshead Core Site, located at 616 Lionshead Placei(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a major amendment to a special development district (SDD), pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, for an approved development plan of a new condominium building, located aI 1325 Westhaven Drive (Westhaven Condominiums, aka, "The Ruins")/Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mirus LLC and Wright & Company, represented by Pylman & Associates Planner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published February 11, 2005, in the Vail Daily. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERry PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on March 14, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for final review of a final plat for a major subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of the Vail Mountain Park Subdivision; a final review of a variance from Section 12-8A-5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of a new lot less than 35 acres in size, located at Tract E, Vail Village, Fifth Filing and a part of Lot C, Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing, and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7G-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an accessory use (soil and ground water remediation system), located at2313 North Frontage Road/Tract B, Vail das Schone Filing 'l , and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: West Vail Shell Planner:Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6D-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use, located at2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a text amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Section 12-21-14, Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, to increase the amount of allowable site coverage on lots with excessive slopes from 15% to 2Qo/o, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Helmut Reiss, represented by lsom & Associates Pla nner:Matt Gennett A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on a proposal to establish Special Development District No. 39, pursuant to Article 12-9(A), Special Development District, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of Crossroads, a mixed use development; a request for a text amendment to Section 12-7-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, to add a definition for bowling alley; a request for a text amendment to Section 12-7E-4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendmenl, to add bowling alleys as a conditional use; and requests for conditional use permits to allow for the construction of an outdoor operation of the accessory uses as set forth in Section 12-7E-5 (ice skating rink); a major arcade to include indoor entertainment; a theater, meeting rooms, and convdntion facilities; multiple-family dwellings and lodges; and a private club to allow for the establishment of a for sale parking club, pursuant to Section 12-7E-4, Vail Town Code, located at 141 and 143 Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Vlllage Filing '1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Crossroads East One, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group Planner: Warren Campbell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published February 25,2005, in the Vail Daily. 1 ,J 'e ,/../'/,/' '.,. '// '*-;;-: SJ E- -'!,rr I12i - EE!--. TF !F -..rrt a liE--iL_=.. - - t.- --4tr -{r --:; E' h' It tl lr l' TOWN OF VAIL ., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD -VAIL, CO 81657 910479-2138 o EVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NTTY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: NlO4-0252 ',.-t t<3 , B\g'1 Job Address: 2844 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location.....: 2844 SNOWBERRYCOURT ParcelNo...: 210314301057 Project No , PrJ u4 _ D+I t \]:\ i+-.,*" Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : lll03/2004 Issued. . : 12/08/2004 Expires . .: 06t06/2005 OWNER HALEY, MICHAEL S. & MARLA I:[..11,/03/2004 Phone: 2854 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL co 8L657 License; CONTRACTOR R & H MECFaNICAL LLC 11,/03/2004 Phone: 303-543-9894 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD BOUI-,DER, CO 80303 I-.,icense: 184-M APPLICANT R & H MECHANICAL LLC 1I/03/2004 Phone: 303-543-9894 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD BOULDER, CO 80303 License:184-M Desciption: BOILER REPLACEMENT, MAKE UP AIR TREMINATION Valuation: $5,500.00 Fireplace Inforrnation: Resricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 r* * *;* * * *,* i. r *r(* **.** Mechanical--> 9120.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 50.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5153.00 Plan Check--> S30.00 DRB Fee-----------> 50.00 Additional Fees-----> 50.00 lnvestigation-> 50.00 TOTAL FEES---------> 5153.00 Total Permit Fee-----> 5153.00 Will Call---> $3 .00 Paymerts*---------------> $153 ' 00 BALANCE DUE---------> S0 . 00 t*'t *,** ** *:t* ** ** ** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12 / O1 /2004 GCD Acti-on: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR 15 REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 ilMC. OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUPACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER B AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1.997 IJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 TMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond:31 ie,,oc. ) : BoTLERS 'HALTJ BE rtr"o LTSTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. TINLESS FLOORTNG. '(BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. :l r.*'l r*:l * {.r.t 'r*::*:l a * * * * *:t* ** + 'i * + it,t:},} * ** r** *:} r,**:r *,r r.* r'r. POSTED TN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY sEc. 1022 0F rHE 1997 uMC, OR a,t)t*ar{.t:r*a,t **,taa*:}t a:r:}r t'}* *,r,1** * *r* t!r,}t *,r a:},r* * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, flrlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TVr'ENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT OM 8:00 AM - 4 PM.-z- OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER +**********'t***{.******,ll.**********************+*++*+**+++++***+*+*+++**++t****************** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement f***** * f*it*** l.******* ***+***** ** ****** ** *****+** + ***:*+f+* +*t+:t ** * * * *:t* ** *********{. ***** **** R04000?239 Amount: $153.00 t2/08/2OO403:41 PM Check Init: LT Notation: R&H Mechanical / Statement Numlcer: Pal.menc Method: cKl.5J /1 Permit No: YI04-0252 Parce1 No: 21031-4301-05? SiEe Address: 2844 SNOWBERRY L,ocatsion: 2844 SNOWBERRY Thi s Palment :cl (? nn Tlt)e: MECHANICAL PERMIT DR VAIL COURT Total Fees: ToLal ALII PmTS : Balance: $1s3.00 $1s3.00 $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 120.00 30.00 3.00 ArroN wIfL Nor EE ACCEFTTED rF rNcoMpLErr or urrrrsneupAJd { - dzTB R"r,A",t\.fie. t^l*na*,^ i',,",ifr;,*,,Hjj; *,^_;q__ozr-<_ o{- oz ?g Mechanical perrnit #: /t6y_ Ct 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (InsPections) TWITOPUAL 75 5. F.ontage Rd. Vail, Coiorado 81657 Equipment CuVSpec Sheets permit wilt not be accepted without the following: 3zsat Town of Vail Req. No.: TroN FOR MECHANTC^IIEBMrT Parcef#^lC3l47a rob Address: fi5{ SflA uliefr, r-ot,ffff WorkClass: New()'aoditioni ; Alteration( ) Repair(-) 9l!1 ffi.^ Eru e"st rt this.locAtion: Yes ( ) No ( )Boil"r Locauo^, lnterior ( ) FjderiorL ) other ( ) ilv( ) Contt"ttit' ( ) R*b":nt! l otht( j tto, of Ac.otnmodation Units in this building:il-o. of e"isting o*elling units in this burlding: 'Z f\fonype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (@( ) \^/oodBurnang (NorAt'LowED) ? Yes( ) No Iilhls a conversion from a rrood burning flreplace to an tl . Contact office at 97o' * * * { d.t * rF'i + + rts** :1.'F* * *++ *,t*FoR ar visit for Parcet # LY*+ 'F:r**:1.* ** +* *** *****.**** ** * ** t'XNHS 0?/16,2001 NOV t. TOV-COM"DEV' \Wiril\drr.\cd€v\FORVSUPEILVII Silvl !Cl IPEtu\i. DOC \ \ \ + 't- \ -o-L =\ .-t ?.' sr$ r, r:{ or-: b.ti .K'b ,\ -J ,--'lS t_5_eJ, R \ it\R ^uey 5'J $l :n31 d H;3 APPRO\{ED o tr MWNOFVAIL -/- \] R \TI Rb F f F .1 \ \ t\\,q -<q j/] o + 3 ,3 $a e \ .\-t--..s l\;-cl &i \ -9+ '4-H 'Ed <3 s *.\s g-t- =t i* *LR \:- -- - r*-q \\o {\t:i : \:.I AR $si w -KV* "c'D, or303 7s1 7s62 # 1/12 llodelz GAS'4 Thie product is designed for use wath any nafural gas or LP buming fumace, ureter heater, or boiler wlth a 24 VAC oontrol system. lt may be used with a mitlirrolt porrvered system with addhlonal hardware. lt may also be used wlth more than one applience. The CAS unit mechanioelly draws air into a struc'ture and dlspelses it near the combustlon air intake of an appliance, lf an optional Vacuum Rdief VaNe (VRV) is used, lfie incoming air is tsnpered bEfore enterirry the struchrre's airspace- Refier b Diagram A and B tor guidanae in setting up me CAS systrem based on the slze and length of tha connecting duc{-work and the input rating of he appliance. ITEMSfNCLUDEDUi|I0T:^,.1 r-L 1) moffiett Btovnr YruVt4<- UaWple]4_1)4'EafveniadinH<eairVentHood r I I i l) MouMntlryckelslpsecurelhe cnS bawatt JlASlfk^CtlOhS q 2) Wrelqnduitconnecto(s) ..-1 I I l- --'; i1 +1x 6 pipe tn&sei itfung (kJCda-tlor,r,s Ef S-t ttp 1) 6" Orlfice Rtng -, | - '- ! r). i1rl|non giea- _ Br Snspea*lalLs . 1) HighlLow Mdor Speod Swilch PoatifFarNoie 7gl1 z5B0 ntpn nog. l6fHqr Nc 28501 FtbE:52€22.3031 . frlK z5a€2{2il Tilfl,lirld@ntRlEff DO NOT OESTROY THESE INSTRUCTIONS MUST REMAIN WTTIEQUIPMEMT 'j GI} 1e- l-01i 2t00PM;Mccav saa 781 TSAZ EENERAL SYSTEM OPERATION 1. |he hermostat (wall thermoetat, or aquastat) calls for heat and energizes a relay whlcfr adivates the CAS unit- Afier the CAS fan has come up to speed, an intemal air pressure switch oloses and completes the clrcuit io allortr the burner b fire. lf the appliance is power vented, the venter and CAS aaivate Eimultaneously, After the CAS clmes up to speed, a presuftt swltch In the unit closes ancl altot'rs the applianoe to fire- Z. After the heating requirement has been satisfied, lhe thevmostat circult will open and deactitrate the bumer and CAS unit- 3. For power vented systerns with a post purge devlce, the pou€r venter and GAS operate for a period of ttme after the bumer has shut off to purge remainlng flue gases from tJ?e venl system. INSTALL/ATION SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CAuTtOt{: This devie musl be lnetalled by a qualifred indaller in acurdancd wtth the mdnufec'ut'r's i n sfal lathn i n slructl ott s. 1. This oombustion air system muet be installed by a quallffed installer. "Qualified Inetallef shall meen an individual who has been properly tained or a llcensed lnstaller. 2, P)an tre system lsyout beforc installation to avoid the possibility of accidental contact with conoe€led wiring or plumbing ineide walls. 3- Disconnec't power supply before maklng wifing connections to pruvent elec'tricsl shock and equlpment demage. EIZI{G AND SETUP Diagrams A and B and Table 1 shonn the maximum equirralent length and size of dud pipe tnat should be used vuhen installing the CAS system. Using these charts wlll help ensure thal the proper amount of air is drawn lnto the strus{ure as needed by the applhnce. The defined regions shown @respond to the CAS's airf,olr, characteristics when using 4' and 6'dlamebr sheet mstal duct pipe and the included orifice ring. Follow the guidellnes below to propedy size and setrp the CAS. 1. Debrmine the input firing rate of the applianc€, or the btal fidng rate of multple appliances that will be used. 2- Position the mdorized CAS unit according to the guidellnes In tha olnetallation'sec'tion- 3- Detemino where the Intake air vent hood will be locat€d based on tne €commenditions in the "lnstallation" sestion. 4. The CAS is equlpped witr a Hlgh[ow motor speed control switch, When calarlating fte maximum equivalent ftet, determine whictr speed is approprlate for the applicaton. (Refer to Diagram A or B or Table 1) 5. Calculate the total equhralent length of duct ptpe inclutling elbora and fittngs needed to sonnec't the CAS unit to the vent hood, (Refer to Dlagram A or B or Table 1) 6. On Diagnam A or B, locate the point that oorresponds to the firing rate along the horizontal axis and the equivalent length of the duct pipe along the vertical a<ls. 7. The point Ehould Tall within one of the tlrrce regions on the table. Each reglon conesponds to a duct pipe diameter ol F,4" using the offioe ring, and 6n reepeclively. lf ihe point fqlls near the rightward border of a particular region ihen the VRV is not neceseary. lf the point falls avvay from the rightward border, then a VRV ls needed to reduce the amoutt of air dret rn in. It z/ 12 i) t I I L, P,ae2 12- 1-O4i 2roEPM;Mccov SU oisos 781 7362 # 3/12 8. Draw a horizontal line on Diagram A or E that passes through he point boat€d In step 5. The position sf the poir{ along this line relative to the left and right borders of the rugion lt ftlls-into indlcates the retatine posttion that the balance we[ht of the VRV should be adiusled to. tf [e point falls near the leftward border of a region, then the VRV balance welght should be adjuated to it's minimum posltion. Thi€ conesponds to tuming lhe balance weigtrt scranr as far counEr- clockwlse as pos6ible. EIGMPLE: A gas frrcd appliane fring at 100,000 Bruhr wherc the CAS unft needs to he pleed ?A equlvalent f*t fiom the in/e'lre hood- From Diagnam A or B, the point at 100,000 ETU/Hr on the'Gas Firing Rate" scale and 30 equi'ralent feet hlls in the '4 inch Dud, Hood, and Odfice Ring" r€ion. The point ie appoximately 2F of the horizontal distance beween the left and right bounoary or te rcglon. The lefr boundary is the edge of the graph, lhe rlght boundary is the diagonal line that says '4 inch Duct, Hood & otifce Ring" Therefiore, place the Orifice Ring inb the lnlet of the CAS so trat it slls on the ledge above the fan. lt does not matter which way the Orifice Ri.4e is tumed as long as it is pushEtl rtorvn against the ledge completely. Use 4' diameier pipe t9 conn'ec{ he vent hood and the CAS unit, hstelle VRV-6 and the includ€d 4x5 inch lncreeser on top of the CAS unit and adjust the balance weight to 2Al of he distance of it's full adJustment range from il's minlmum setting. The minlmum setting is u,ith the balanceweight tumed allof the uny oounterdockwise. r) lf Table I H'LOW HI l;Pw 'iii 'LOW 50.000 300 300 300 300 900 300 75,0m 300 3{t0 300 400 900 300 100,000 300 s00 300 300 3{t0 900 125,000 300 220 ao0 20 300 300 150,000 174 t0E 232 118 3fi)300 175,000 ss 4A 152 B3 300 300 200,000 52 14 102 32 300 300 225,OOO 20 NA 68 13 300 285 250,000 NA 1.lA r|$NA 300 r50 300,000 t.JA NA 16 l{A 3rr0 53 360.000 NA NA NA NA 193 E 400.0m NA NA NA NA 109 hlA 450.m0 NA t.tA t.lA I.lA 50 M Page 3 os03 78r 7462 # a/12 12- 1-04; 2r08PM;McCov S ITIISTALLATION PTACEilEiIT OF THE GAS Uilrf The motorized CAS unit should be located on a flat horizontal surface wifrrin 3 feet of the combustion air intahe of lhe eppliance. Two mounting braskets are proviried for securing tte.unit sgeinst g solid structure, such as a wall, column, or the side of the aPplianc€ ibelf. Use the included scrervs to atactr the brac*ets to the CAS housing as shown in Figure 3- Secure the brackets b a solid structure wifr appropriate fasteners. lt is not required to use the brackets as long as the unit is located so that it may not be bumped, rnov€dr or tipped over. The optional Vacuum Relief Valve (VRV-O) should be plaoed direc-tly on the ah inlet of the G,AS tmit. (See Figure 1) Reftr to Diagram A to determine if the VRV ig needed. The VRV{ should be oriented so that the axls of the swinging gate is horizontal. AssEI{BUilG THE WEIOHTS Oil THE vRV.6 Refar to Figure 2 to assembfe the weight assembly, hex nut, and knurl€d nut to thE VRV gate. After the weight is conectly posftloned, tight€n the hex nut against the gate to prev€nt the weight assembly from moving during operation. ImAKEAR HooD LoCATIoN The 4'gontanized wnt hood should be locaEd on an oubide wall maintalnlng minlmum olearances b other intake and exhausil vonts in accor{anca with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANAI 2n3.1, manufacltlrefs recommendations and/or local ood€s which are applicable. The hood should be located at least 10 feet from a powervented exhaLtst outlet and should be on tfie same well. . INSTALLANON OF IiTTA|GAR HooD After determining the locatiqn of the vent hood, ct t a 6 inch rcund or squarc hole in the wall. Insert the vent hood and secure with approprlab fasteners. Take precautlons b avoid inFrfurence with wiring or other plumbing in the wall b be cut |Nsru.unoroFDucr Refer to Diagram A or B b determine what size plpe is needed. Conneat the duct pipe fom the top of the CAS unat to the Vent Hood in the rvall. lf usir6 4" diameter plpe attactr the provided 4'x 6" Pipe Increaser Fitfing to fte bp of the cAS unit (or the VRV€, if Installed.) The duct should be suppofted with apprcpriate rnounting srtraps fiom floor jolsts, walb, or other solld strucfrrre€. The straps should be placed so as to keep the duc{ work out of passagewa}e. (Soe Figure 1) TrcrDED urr^ITAdfrD COI.'NIERBAI.N5IG lrEl9HTtslGrY o 'tE -nguo-2 Figurc 3 i 1 t' .rfltfito NFT,IJIR lltttC' !UCIPIFE nv (di6r ) cf8 lilf Flgure I Paqc 5 SlantfEn" GAS.FIRED CAST IRON BOILERS FOR NATURAL AND L'P' o f'S' fffi)\9.\ry, PROPANE GASES -TM GAIAXYifr,Yfi 85fl#t1f ifl Bfr &"fli*t?5ll*,"*".'**"s*gf coorr'no CONTENTS """""""""'PAGE Hatings, Dlmensions, Dat4.,.,.,,,,,.. """'""""""'2 Installation Requirements: Boiler Location... """""""'o Boilar Foundallon """"""'-3 Otrhnqy R3quirements..',, """"""""""""""3 Minimum Clearance.'....'-... ""'-"-""'-""""""""3 Venl P1p1ng,........ """""""'4 Gas P1p1n0..,....., """""""""'"4 Electrical Controls and Wiring....'..*...,.'.,,' """""""""-""""'5 Boiler Room Air Supply and Ventilation""""""""""" '""" '""5 Dratt Hood Installallon,,."...,. .'.-"'-""""""""5 Piping at Boilar-Water Bolle16.,,."'-"""""""""""""""""""6 Steam Controls Assembly and lrctallation -""""""""""""""6 Piping a Steam Boiler......'..'..,..." """"""6'7 Vent DampeL.'." '-"":"""8'9 Operating In€lructions: filtingind Ventlng Wat€r Systems.,....,....',. """""'-'-"""""'-'9 InlilaiSlart, Sahty and Lightlng Instructions""""""" ""'10'1 I Burner Adjustment, Checking Gas Input.."" """"""""""""1 2 conlrols, Salety Check ..... ",.',"""'".'"'""'13 Low Water Cut.otf Cheok-Out,,,.,.. """""""""13 Pressure Contro! Check'Out.......--.....',.*.....','."""''"""""""'"1 g Blo ring Ofl a Steam 8oi1er....,...,.-.....'. """""'14 Care and Malnlenanc€'-...-- "-""""'-""-"""--"'15 Salety Ched( lor Conrrol System-- """"""'16 Protecllon From Fr€€zing..-. .,.,"""""""""""'16 WaterTreatmer. "-"'-"'--'16 Sequenc€ of Operations,',.,. """""""""""""'17 wiring Diagrams ."'""""'1E 24 Pump or Vatve Zoning-Water tsoi19rs........-...,.."""""""""""'25 Troublsshooting Guide.,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,, '-""""""""26 Piping a Heallng and Cooling System....,,.,,'..,,.'.. """"""""""'27 Rgplacsment Psrts.,...,....'...,,,,. """""""-"""'27 Appendlx A.....,,,,,.....,........ ,.'.....'..."....,...,"'."28 READ ALL OFTHE FOLLOWINGWARNINGS AND STATEMENTS BEFORE READING THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS WARNING LIQUEFIED PETHOLEUM (t.P} BOILERS lnstallalion locetion ONLY as psrmhred In pqraqraph enfised 'uoueneo FETFoLEUM (L.P.l PROPANE GAS-FIFED BOILER LOCATION' on page 3 ol this intlrucdon book' Th" -u-" ',".tning doc6 6ot apPly to NATURAL gas'li|€d bollats. Thr lnrlrllatlon mugl conlofitr to ltr€ roqutrGnFnls of the authofi- tv narlno lurlEdletlon ot,In lhe tbrence ot Euch 'aqulttlns lt lo rtle lalonat fuet Gae Code, ANSI Z2Al.l'latort cdnlon' Tne in"r.lfafon tua .!E€ conlotm lo lfie addltlonal rcgullrm€nlc ]n thb SlanUFh helructlon Book. In addltlon, wherc requlted by the authorlry havlng lurlsdlcrlon' . iirJinaarr"rron must i:oniorni to Amodcan soolEty of Mechanical inglnaors Salely code for contrcte 6nd safety D6vlce' for AnomrtlDelly Fll8d Bolll|€' No' C.SD1. Thts m.nual must E left wlth owner ind should b€ hung on or adlacenl io the boller iot ret€i€nce. Boller lrodel Number WARNING thls bollor, gar plPlng and aoce3gorle3 must be insltlbd' con' neaad, serv-tccti ind rcpelrcd by a italned, Experl€nc€d Ttvlce teqhnlcisn, lsmllLr wllh ell precaullons tcqultcd for gas-ll|Ed aqulpmoni and llcensed or othetwlse qual' led, in Eomplitnce wtth the sufiofity h6ving lutl.dlctlon. Heatlng contraclor IMPORTANI Boiler Serlal Number AddreaE Phone Numbel lnstallatlon Dats Pftntrd ln u.3.4. 2m Fefl No. {1.{t549 FUgLTCATION OO{0 RCV, G V v GALAXY 2- ' dilto' sqplv Ges valle ORIFrcE 3trES lrdlcsbd fof Ses L8\relsre hobry Inrtqll6d ln boll€r unl65s ettFrwbs sFdff€d bry fte local qJho ly Soe \41, Folo 12 tur b(|ntr inpd adluilmBrt GAS VALVE COiINECTION Sltr lS 112' Lp.t tur oll cz!6 r-p b End IrEt dln$ GG225 !n( GX{?5. Larncf loitsl3. 9€6 vflh/os mEy be g/4' or 1t2' (bpcrnvq uFon co|llillmto(l Ingttaal, L.P. 5tardlng Pllol llo]. COMIUSIIBLE FLOOF KIT lnc€e8s6 sl neEht dlmen8lonB Dy l'. RAI8ED SI.AF . \^/h€n movntng bqllsr en s lrhed dah rhe elsb nrd a(bnd al ban 2' beylnd ho bdbr csbln€l on rll rH€3. ctrlrNErf lErcrrn t5 i, nlninr,fn fiom ddt tlood ski.t lo to9 of chlmn€y. CHIMI{EY INSOE IIAMEIER mllsl bt Rofta ar olmol} slon 'g' o. bgsr. Lstgs dbrfl€te? snd/or Hght msy be rcqiEd I tr,'o or moea bolo,t or a bonel and Nmher aPpn8nca at€ wmad tD 8 Cngle d mney, FIGHT SIDE oc / ox(ltlFr Irllbo cbntrol \ (llD Eoller€) Fldme Follou! SE eW Svdtch FROIIT VIES al GG rnd GX{H} RTiHT SIOE ox(HFFA+2ZT RIGI{T SIDE GI(r|}PZ GG SERIES HOT WATER BOILERS. DIMEI{SIONS IN INCHES GX ANO GXTI SEFIES STEAI' AIID HOT WATER BOILEBS. DIMEIISIONS IN I}ICHES FMNIVEW AIIGG 'rnd qX (X) TAnkle6{ Haolrl JP#ffFffi;Ii: FI(i{TSIDE GX (HI.PZ.FrI.PPA cG-tsH GGTOOH GG.123H GGtSOH G6-17511 GG-2MH Ge-225H Gtr25OH GG2'5H GG.300 GG.I?5 6G.t50 cri.!50H GG.t75tl r:G-tagr A B c tev 13'l I tsx l3'/, l9)r 13r ?3 16r 6 zl 10't 26't a9 t z6k 20 egrt 23\t ,91{ F 33't zEU E 33lr 26r, I 3(il| tv 0 36r 30 0 36y, 30 t0 l6s 3{t 10 D E F o ,l8l 53{ t3 I 1t 53r 53ll 13 ST 1rl 531{ 11,[ 57[ 1t't 1"( lrtl 1'l't 1{ 5Sl 17 13 1S 5Sl 11 att 1C 5Sr r lll ls 66lt 17 1,lll 1* 66{ 22U 1\ 661 18t 1S 591 t! 1tt 6Zt 18 16X 1I H J K 'u 2U 9li( 2{ I'A 1X 2* It 1lt 2\ 9'n 2T 9'/, 'It 2X 9t lll 2\ I'l 'l,t 9't 2\ 9t !lt 2't 9l 1t ea 9,t 1$ ?r s{sL t,, ?\ s{ llt 2\ 9X GIH-l05 01H.125 Gr]t-l50 ctH.l70 GXH- l90 ct -t10 GX-t2g cxHt30 Gl(-250 GIH.25O Gll{.276 GIl+IMH A E c 18S 1E]l E 2g,I 1 26't 20 7 26L 20 1 z$l 23t 291 2tr 29* 23r 1 29X ztv n xz\ 26 7 32U ?6 1 32r ?6 q D E F d ,t8r 6t 8{ II 53r 0lt 1{ 55V 14 11r,( 1V 55{ 1a 't{ 55Y la 1$ 55r l{ 11ll 1T 56fa 'la 55lr '14 1* 56* 14 IB 55., 1r lan 55't 1,1 1at 1Ul 5gtt r41 1[ H .J K L z'a 3U gI zl 9{ z'6 3'16 g9 v zr tt sl|r 2't 0ll t z\ 3t{ 9|l t 2\ 9t l)T * 2A 3I s*t 2Y lU 0t 2' 9%t 2v, 3t 9l Fullslln Srdlntlll TEFTSDE Al OC snd cX (H) nErargm oc/rrx (Hl.Fr 'f.ot L,P Prgpnne 9a6, cmsdl lh.tory Vv3 INSTALLATIOT.I BEAUIREMENTS The install lon must conlorm to the requirem€nls ol the author- itv havino iurisdlolion or, in the absence of such requir6ments' t6 tne ruidonat Fuel eas Code, ANSI 2223'1'lalest edition' This installation must also conform to the addilional f€quirE' m€nts in this Slan/Fln inslruction book. Installation and sgrvice io be performed by a qualifisd installel 3eryice agency or the ga$ suPPliGr. NATURAL GA9FIRED BOILER LOCATION_ Provide a lev€|, solid toundation for ihe boilar' Location should be as near ths Dhimney as po$lble so that the tlue piPe lrom boiler to chlmney is short and dlrecl. Aulomatic gas ignition sydem oomponents shall be inslalled so inliJ comionuits wilt not be subieoted to dripPing water during installation ot service. WARNING LIOUEFIED PETFOLEUM (L,P.) PHOPANE GAS'FIRED BOILEH LOCANON HEOUTRES SPECIAL ATTENTION Llquefied Petroleum (LP) proPane gas E heavier than dlt' Therefore, propane boilers, piping, valves should NOT be inslalled in looations where ptopane lEaking from d€Fectiv6 equipmeni and plplng will 'pool' in a basement or other spsc€ belovt the leak. A spark or flame from ths boilet or other source may ignite the acoumulated propans gas causing an exPlosion or lire' Provlde a level. solid loundation for the boiler. Location should be as near the chimney as Possible so that the flue plpe from boiler to chimnBy is short and direct' THE uNlFoRM MEcHANICAL coDE may be In e'tfect In your gEographlc atea. ine tdtlowlng'precautlons are cited by the t 994 UNIFoRM MECHANICAL CODE, section 304-6i "LPG Appltancos. Liquetied petroleum gas-burning appliancss shall not bB installed in a pit, basemenl or similar location whele heavier-than-air gas might oolleci' Appliances so fueled shall not be installed in an above- grade under-floor space or basemeni unles3 such looa- tion is provided with an approvod meens lor removal ol unbumad gas." Consult Chapter 5 ot the 1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE for design criteria ol the 'apProvEd' means lor removal ol unburned g8s. CHIMNEY REQUIHEMENTS_ A, Galaxv boitsc may bc venH into a masonry vitrgour lile' ttneO dnimney or til LISTED T\tDe 'B'V,gnllno:slrstam Nor FXPoSED tn the OUTDOORS belo$t the rcot l|ne. Ventlng ;nO slzing of wnting systom must be in accordance with Part 7, Part 10 and Appendix G of the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI 2223,1, NFPA 54, 'latest sdition which will be refened to as the National Fuel Gas Code. Local codes aPply- lf a masonry chimney is exposed to lhe outdoors on one or mors sides-belo$, lhe rool line (enerlor chimney)' ONE of the following options aPPIY: 1. Chimney mu$ be re'llned wllh a UL LISTED metallic liner' When this is done, lhe chlmney will be considered NOT Exoosed 1o the outdoors and the requircments ol the National Fuel Gas Code lor NON-exposed ohimneys and/or local codss will apPly. 2, ll an expos€d lil€.lined chimnBy is to be used WITHOUT a UL LISTED metallic lino( ths boiler must tirst meet the requir€ments cf the following tables and paragraphs of the National Fuel Gas Code: l- For Singl€ Galaxy Boil€r ' Paragraph 10.1.9 and table in ll ll,For muhiple app!lanoes - Paragraph l0'2.18 and table '1 0.12 (or 10.1 3 if aPplicable). In addition, all lequirements of Part 7, Parl 10 8nd Appendix G of the Nalional Fuel Gas Code and/or local codes apply. B. lf 6n exbting boiler is removed from a common venting sys' tem, the oommon venting system may be too large lor prop- er venting o{ the remaining appliances conn€cted to thE common venl. Follott, the tost pmcedure shown in Appendix "A" on page 28 ot this manual to insure ProPet oPeration ol ventinE system and aPPliances. C. Inspeoi lor propel and tiEht corctruclion. Arry restrictions or obstruclions musl be removed. An existing chimnsy may reguire cleaning. D. Chimney or vant must €xtend at least 3 feet above lts pa€' sage through a rool and at least 2lset abo\re any ridge wiih' in 10 leet ol the chimney. MINIMUM CLEABANCES FRO[' COMBUSNBLE CON. STRUCTION _ A. Minimum boilsr clearanoes shall be as tollowsi BOILEH FOUNDA11ON A. Provide a solld, level {oundation, oapable of supporiing the weighl ol the boller fllled with watet, and extonding at leasl 2" past the iacket on all sides. See dimensions ol boilers, page 2, B. For installqtion on non-combusiible floots only.' C. lf boiler is to be localed over bulled conduit containing elec' tric wires or telephone cables, consult local codss or the National Board of Flre Unde/wfileB for speoilic roquire' ments. ' Thc Combuctlbl€ Floot Kh psn number prlnted on th8 bollor tdlinl llBts i€ thg only onc to bF tBG{ whcq Inrlolllog gn cqmbus0ble lloo.r, Tht bollgt mu5t NOT b€ In€Ellsd on asrp.thg. DO NOT glacs bollsts Ebove lloot E16. clntolnliE mdlEnt tublng. GALAXY GG SEHIES MODELS GG-75H I MODELS GG.25O THROUGH GG-225H. I THROUGH GG€SgH. MINIMUM CLEAFANCE I IVIINIUUU CLEABANCE FOH COMBUSTIBLE I FOR COMBUSTIBLE ooNSTBUCTION. I CONSTRUCTION. MINIMUM CLOSET I MINIMUM ALCOVE CLEARANCE. I CLEARANCE.Fronl 6" I Front Alco\€ Hear 6' I Rear 6' Left Side 6' I Left Siae 6' Right Side 6' I Bight Side 6" Top 36" I Top 36" Flue Connector 6' I Flue Connector 6' Type'B'Vent 1' I Type'E Venl . O o uo'o', GALAXY GX and GXH SERIES MoDELSGxH-tos I MoDELSGxH'z1oro THRoUGH GxH-l90 I oxn'soos' GX-225ro MTNIMUM CLEARANCE I GX-250. FOF COMBUSTIBLE I MINIMUM CLEARANCE ooNSTRUCTION, I FOH COMBUSTIBLE M|NTMUM cLosET I coNsrRucrloN. oLEAFANcE. I MINIMUM ALcovE Fronr 6' I CLEARANCE. Flear 6' I front Alcove Leit Side 6' I Rear 6' Fighr side 18" I tett stae 9l Top 36' I Risht slde 1q: Flue connector 6' I foP 36" Type'B'vent l" I Flue Conneoor 6' TYpe'B'Vent 1" B. Provide acoessibility olearanoe of 24" on sldes requiring 3er- vicing and 18' on sides used for passage' C- All minimum clearancss shorvn above must be msl. This may resull in incrsagEd values of some minimum clBarances in ordEr lo maintain the minimum clearances ol others' D. Clearance lrom steam and hot waler pipes shall bs 1'. " '- At polnta whsE hot wEtet or sBam pFes enrelgE itom r lloot' u,tll o! criF lng, dle dssirnce Et the openlng lh.ough $e llnlshed tloot bosrds o' $nll or c€l||ng bo8rdE ]nay be not le!8 ihgn l/?'. Each EUdl op€nlno thlll be clvsr€d wilh a plEtE ol noncombuEdble mEtsrlEl, SAFETY_ KEEP THE BOILEF AREA CLEAR AND FHEE FBOM COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. GASOLINE AND OTHEF FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND LIOUIDS. VENT PIPING- A. Vent piping insiallallon must be ln accordance whh ANSI z223.1.latest edition, National Fuel Gas Code' Parl 7, Venting ot Equlpment, Olher local codes may also spply and musl be followed. B. tsoiler \€nt pipe must be the full diameter of the boiler draft hood outl€t. See dimensions. page 2. ll a venl damper is added, lts dlameler musit be equal lo the hood outlet and must be located pasl the hood outlet, See instsllstion lnstruorlons turnished wlih vent damper and in the seclion 'v€nt Damper Installatlon' of lhls Instructlon book' C. lf more than one aPpllanco \rent6 Into a oommon brccchirlg, lhe area of the brseching must be sgual io the area of the largest venl ptus 50% ot ths ar€a ol the addilional venl areas. Vent conneciors serving applianaes vented by natural draft shall not be connecled Into any poflion of mechanical draft sysiems operatlng under posltlw pre3sure. Horizonlal breeching ot vent pipe should be as high as PossiblB, con' sistent with codes, so thar venloal venls lrom applisnces will hai/e I high rise abo\rs draft diverter openlngs. All horizontal runs musi slope upwards not lss€ than 1/4 inch per foot of run. Horizontal portions ot thg venting €ystem must be suP ported to prelEr sagging by securing each loint with melal .screws and by providing hanoers spaced no glealer than 5 lset apart. D, Vent or brcechlng Into ohimney should not be inserted past the inslde wall of the ohimney liner. E. All venting means should be ingpected frequently. See Care and Maintenancs and sEParate Use/s Intormation Manual' GAS PIPINT A. Local inslallallon codes apply. The plpe Jolnt compound used on threads must be resistant lo the action of liquefled petro' lsum gas€s. B. The gas supply line to the boiler should be run direclly f rom the mst€r ftrr naturat gas or from the fuel tank for L.P' propane gas, See page 2 lor looatlon of union and manual maln shut-off valve that may be specilied locally' Selecting pipe size tor natural gas: 1, Measure or e$imate the length of piping ftom th€ moter lo the lnslalla on slte. 2, Oonsuh gas supplier for heating mlue of gas (BTU/cu- tl.)' 3, Divide boller rated Input by heaiing value to find gas flon' in plplng (ou. fi. Per hou4. 4. Use table belovv lo select proPer PiPe size. Example: Boller model GG"30o is to be installsd' Dlstance lrom gas meter lo the boiler is 50 tt. Hoating \alue of natural gas ls 1 020 BTU/ou. ft. Select ProPar PiPo size. Gas flo/t/ = 3oo.o00 BTI'l/ho,rJl = 294 cu. fL pe, hou? 1020 gTu/ou, fL At 50 ft, length of plpe, match rEguired caPacity ttom table belol (ohoose higher capacity, in this case is 440 cu. ft. per hou0, Requifed pipe size is 1"1/4". lmPropBr gas plpe slzlng wlll resull In pilot tlame outages, insuflicient heat and other insiallatlon dliflculties. For morE inlormation and also il other appliances a€ to be anaohed to the piping syslem' see Appendix C of Natlonsl Fuel Gas Code ANSI 2223'1'latest edltlon, C, The boiler and its gas connection must be leak tested before placing lhe boiler in oporation, Use liquid soap solution for all gas leak testing. DO NOT use open flame, Thls boiler and its individual shut-stl valve mu6t be discon- nected from the gas supply piping system dufing any pnes- sure testing sl that syslem at test Pressur€s in excess of 1/2 PSIG. This boiler must be isolated lrom lhe gas supply piping sys- tem by alosing its individual manuat thut'oft valve during any pressurc lesting o, the gas supply piplng system at test pressures equal to or l6ss lhan 1/2 PSIG. D, All gas plplng used should be inspected thoroughly lor cleanliness before makeup. A sedlment lrap must be provid- ed, as illustrated on page 2. E. The minimum and maximum gas supply pressure (at lhB Inlet of gas valva) are shown on lhe boller rating plate tor th€ rype ol gas used. Gas supply pressure should never be l*ss than mlnlmum or more than maximum prcssure when the boller or any other appliance is turned on or oft LenEth ol Plpo In Feet Gas Flow In PiDinO - cu. fi. per hr. lron Plpe Slrc (lPS) - lnchea 112 3t4 1.114 1-1t2 10 20 30 40 50 50 70 80 s0 100 132 92 73 68 58 50 46 43 40 s8 275 '190 152 130 115 105 96 90 84 79 520 350 286 24s 215 195 1E0 170 180 150 1050 730 590 500 440 400 370 350 320 305 r 800 I 100 8S0 760 670 610 s60 530 490 460 -vs ELECTRICAL CONTFOIS AND WIRING- i. The elechical Fower to the boiler must be on a separately fused and live cimull. B. It an external alectricat source is utilized, the boiler' when installed, rnust be eleotfically grounded. in accordsnce with the requlrements ot the authorlty ha/ing iurisdiction or, in . absence of such requiEments, with the National Eleotrlcal Code, ANSINFPA No' TGlatest edition. c. Basio oontrol wlrlng diagrams are given on pages 18'25' othel oontrol systems may be tactory supplied' sse lJsels lntormallon Manual and Instructions packed with control sysiem supplied, D, Afttsr plaDing the boiler in operation, the safety shut-ofl device musi be t$ted. See page l3 satety cheol<. BOILER ROOM AIB SUPPLY ANDVENTILATION An ample supply ol air is requlted to obtain combustion and ventilaiion. Riom temperaturs ovBr 100'F may oause nuisance tripping ot the Blocked Vent Salety Swit'ch' ALL AIB MUST COME FROM OUTSIDE, directlv through wal openings to the boilel or through unsealed openings.€ntuno windows. doors, etc. in the whole building' When buildings are insulared. caulked and weather-stripped, now or latsr on, direct opJning to outsid@ may be requlred and should be provided' ll the boli-er is not on an outside wall, alr may be ductad to il lrom oulside wall oPonings. The National Fusl Gas Code, AtrlSl z:223'1'lalesl edition sPeci' fies openlngs for air undsr various conditlons. Local codes may specliy mlnimum opsning sizes and locatlons. The lollo/''ing racommendation applies to buildings of enefgy-savlng oonstruc' tion, fully caulked and weather'sldpped; Pro/ide one GRILLED opening near the floor and one near the ceiling on an out3ide wail neaithe boiler (or duct.lrom such op"ni-ngs to lhe boller), EACH opening to !9 " t't1lT 91 0n" square-inch per 2OOO Etuh input to ALL APPLIANCES in the area, For a iotal appliance inPut ol 200,000 Btuh, eaoh open- ing will be 1 00 square inch@s. A grilled opening 1 00 x 1 0" has 1ob square inohes ol area. lt fly scrEen must be used over openings, double the alee. and insPect and clean the sDreen trequerfly. Openings must NEVEB be reduoed or closed, lf doors or win- dows arE used for air supply, they must be loc*ed open' Protoct against closule ot openings by sno\ and debris' InspeGt lrequently, NO MECHANICAL DRAFT EXHAUST OR SUPPLY FANS AFE TO BE USED IN OR NEAR THE BOILEF AHEA" The flow ot combuslion and ventilating alr to lhe boller must NOT be obstructed. DRAFT HOOD- The drali hood supplied is part ot th€ listed boiler assembly' DO NOT alter the hood. S€e dimensions, Pege 2. Alr Ellmlnallng Syslem a.OrlvcoNTROt vllrG. rF 1J6ED, FLOyr@|,rrpl 1(, FElt iES -- vALvE tF US€o r|.ttF r'rl€IEIPEFIIIG YAVE\FtttP LooAllol{ 3'I' AELEF crl. A€IGF VILVE IL iIJTOMA'E WAIEB FEEO VAYE Arjlg lF corPAEsSFil t^r(EI\T I$I[lA' t€llEe IJEltl WAIEA IE€OA D ?FESSURE REDtEIiIO VrLt/G (8v OI{ENSI co{Str{A'|oN II pl{tr6rl @flPFEgEtoN TANI( Fl-( u LlrE ^trcnNAIE /IL'IEFI{AIE FU'W@ lrcL v LVE (t!. ro hnhbr rot arlltt w tEF t wlIEF FEED|NO PREAgIJhIi F€DI.EII.,o v LtrE (tY olHEitl PNESSURE NEDUCIIG v tvE lgv drHEFg AI{' PRE88T'iE SEtrEDA varG ov ol{Eist !OE: brdlt|lrF|tt! rlvl bSf clu tri.a hh lo l!.sLr, SPECIAL FLUSHINo N TNUCf|ONS tnEtellldon ot nevr boller may bresk looee s h€8vy sccumuladon ot s€dlment 8nd 3a51" llom old FlPlhg 8nd radlsbrs, o l$ rsnemdy lmFo lnl lo blolr dawn your MnDonn ll Crn.ot F7 lnora lrtquFolv It|e lh6t f,s6k. FilslYreok-3tines Thorealbr - at lsErt onc€ E L,€ak ' Frcegtlon: McDonnell Cutofl 4eA must be blown dorrn dally, Sea "CAFE aND MAINTFNANCE" fo/ Instruslhn6. O O GALA*Y 6 Aflach lhe hood to the boller flue outlEt' Conn€c-t tlue pipe full "ir" oi 'nooa "tuet. ll a wnl damper is addodr it must be in.iaff.J "" tt " o,rtlet side of the hood' Seg Vent Piplng' on page 4, PIPING AT BOILEF -WATER PIPING I. CIRCULATING SYSTEMS ' e.F""rig.O water boilerc are equiPPed witf a..wal€1.!ircu]1t- ing puilp, mounted to return the water Inlo the boiler' For so-me installalions, the pump should be on ihe suppty main. See PUMP LoCATION' below' II. AIR CONTFOL SYSTEM '' A.OfApxaaOM-TYPE COMPFESSION TANKS are used to ' "Jonirot system pr*sure in an AIR ELIMINATING SYs' .IEM: an auiomatlo air v€nt is used to REMOVE air lmm the svstem water' See illustrstion on page 5' ii "v.t.m pressrte ne8ds turther oonirol, add an additional tank or Inslall a larg8r capscity lanK' Locate the tank near the boilel, as illustraled' An automallc air vent should be Installed in ths toP of the boiler. See illustratlon on Fage 5. B.PUMP LOCATION - Locating low-head pump(s) on retum lo boller ls acceptable lor smaller boller sizes in res- idences ol ons or two stories' The alternate Pump loca- llon shoryn in illustration on page 5 i6 required in large, mutli.siory building installatlons, especially when high- head pumps are used. The compreEsion tank must, be at the boiler or between boiler and supply main pump(s)- C.On a hot waler boiler installed above radlallon level'the boller must be provided with a low waler cut'off device al the llme ol inslallation bv the installer. Flow Conllol Velve: When domesdo hot uGtel tanlGEt heat€r i€ u8€d' . ffo", *ntrJt vatw should be in$lalled in supply plplng to heatlng sys- lem, as shorn in illLlBtl"don on page 5, INSTALLATION INSTRUCNONS FOH GXH LOII' PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS EAU]PPED WTI}| TANKLESS OR PRO/|SION FORTANKLESS AND itcDONNELL & ttllLLER TYPE 67 LOIII'WATER CUFOFF. STEAM CONTROLS ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLANON INSTRUCTIONS Steam kil componenF lor Galaxy packaged modsls are Packed as lollor rs: A. 1 . Low water out-off conrol 2. Fittings 3. L.W.C.O, instruction sheel B, 1. Pfessure gauge 2. High Pressure limit control 3. Water level gauge 4, Flttlngs 5, lnstruotion sheet and assembly drawing 6. Steam safety valve and 3/4" street couPling 7. Draln cock 8- ThernFslal Assemble above components exsotly as shown in steam.oon- trols a$sembly. Two 1t2'tapPings are on right side ol boiler lor this assembly. Two holes are pre-punched in iackets. For con- venience, siart asEembling in tho tollowing steps: 1. lnstalf 112'x5-112'bftlss nipple Orto teg ol L.w.c.o. 2. Mount 1t2'x5-112'brasB nipple irio loryer boiler tapPing by rstating low wator cut off. 3, Assemble 9Oo brass tubing to tee adapter and L.WC.O' 4. lnstall 1/2'x 6' brass nipple and 1f2" x 5lE adapter tee In upper boiler taPping. 5. Install syphon, high pressure limit and pr€*eure gauge with 1/4" btass rifiings. 6. l;stall urater tn,il gauge (wlthoul glass) and 'E l!tl!q8' i, i"ii"li water larcl glasi, and matk the Ela$ 2$1'Iz" fromthe - Uottor ol thE steel boller base for the water level' (The . . ifeel boilet base should not be confused with a combustiblo ttior fn wnen making the 25-112' measurement') A. Orain cock will be inst8lled in return tes al ths lo"er riEht side ol castlng. s. satsty valve anO 3il+" 6lr€et couplino should be Installed in 3/4' tapping on top of boilsr- PIPING A LO\IY PFESSURE STEAM BOILEF boir.i" iru"t Ui plped with good engineering prsollae and must ctnform to the iq'uirements ot ANSI/ASME Boiler and pt"r"uru Vessel iode secllon lV and to thB authority havlng jurisdiction. I{OTES: i.-StanVFin makes no recommendation, nor does Slant/Fln imply ihat One Plpe Parallel and Counterflow Gravity C<iniensate Relum 3ystems shown on page 7 are tha Pr€- fened systsms. Thsse systems are merely lwo examples of many pissible systems. Dstermination ot the proper system ts uasio upon the apPlication and is therebre beyond the 6cope of this instruction. 2. The tE'minimum h€ight shown in liEures 1-3, is the mlnl' mum height between ihe top ol the jaoket of the boller ,and lhe 2-1t2' x 12' h€ader c€nt€rling in the supply piPing lrom the bollel. lt must NOT be confused with th€ minimum heiglrt befi een the water level and lhe lowest return bgnd ol the-seam supply maln. Thls helghl is "H" as shown in fig' ures 2 and 3. The minimum heiEht ot "H'' musl be at leasl equal to the sum of the plessure drop cf the s]rstem plus 16t"s 1lrngs the lriction loss of lhe wet return, but not l€ss lhan 18'lor a sys" tem with a 1/8" psi steam preseure drop and nol less than 28'{or a system $/lth a 1/2- psi steam ptessure drop. g. Modeh sleam bollers are gmaller ln waler oonlent than the boiler thal they replace, therefore a mechanical return sys' tem (pump, receiver, etc,) mrct be employed ll condltlons exist-suoh that unitorm oondensate return llow lo the boiler cannol be maintsined. Pocketing ot cond€nsate and th€ inability to mainlain the corrsct minimum h€ight b€tween thE st€am suPply main and the urater level in the boiler arc but a few of the many oondi' tions that indical€ the use ot a m6chanical return Systsm' Any use oi a receiver and pump musl bs c€otdinated with the makeup water and controllod by the boilor wator level conlrol on ths boiler. This description is typical ol a boil€r fe€d pump as opposed to a oondensate pump that pumps condensate regardless of the water level in lhe boiler. 4. In any steam sy3tem one of the requiremenls is the romoval of ali{rom the system, A mechanical return system in most cases has an ail vent on lhe leceiver' A gravity teturn sys' tem has no rccelver, so provisiom tor air remo\ral must be made on the plplng ltself. A one pipe system has the air vents on the radlallon, lhe heat exchanger and noar tho end ol lhe steam 3upply main (see tiguros 2 and 3)' Main alr venls should be located fifteen inches lrorn the dilp and il possible eight inches above the plpe so that walor hammer does not damsge lhe vcr and render lhg veni inoDerable. For more intormation on alr venl3, aheck with any manufac' turer of stgam accessorie3 (steam traps, boil€r lsed pumps, alf vents, etc.). 5, Pfoce$ water aPplicatlons Involving steam boilers requires e- the use ol heat exchangeF. Arry proce$s appllcation thal ... ffiffi.iy;;;;ittn *-.rtt into a steam boiler can and will riljl" ""ir-"s "ith deposits lorming in the- boiler and sur' iornOfng pipi-ng, rnis wlll damaoe the boiler' It valves are used on the supPr/side of the boller' the-valve pri ii"*"s must be the same size as the surrounding HECoMMENDED PIPING FOR A oNE PIPE PAE4!|-EL-.. . ii6il'iiivi in-rssuRE srEAM HEAING 9Y.qr-EllgH A ilE'bi rihi cnrvrY (see Note t{o'3) coNDENSAIE iETUNI.I ANO A HAETFOFOI LOOP. See Note No. 1 on Pege 6. Fipe. irutt itor', tYPe. valves') r, Fip,"n'.nl rii' il;id" ; melns or :,:.:11s-i*'^*3-,7 ;J;ffil#;iire sediment tor safe' €tJicienr op€ration' A Hrruoltl LooF lt rlcommgndEd tol lorr ptEsEurs sbam tytlrttr. Y'l0l treldly conatGnttls rEutnB. Fiil'iroi rno"n .to"a fol Hentod LooP arE ltoornnondld by . stiirntn, no't r."rt, "srbln lccal c6.t!! mly tsqullo le|!o? PlFc tlzc!' CoFrult wl& local rulhoflnGt.il;.q;lJ;;;;t ,tid bo rut rrr tmm fre 8i.em Pplv to t]'o oP€€$ng wltgr lorr!1.iJ i,iiiiiirr rt Ptcbr.bl!. Fot luro fbsdltltla 3!r rEnulacula/a lsch' nlcsl lnolructlonS. . Hot wEt€r tltl ls F|Efbrrbh, but not tsqollsd' Fot luto ledlng' t3' 'll.nl}lrclur./€ bcinlctl tntlrucdonr. FIGUFE t Cosfitsr lbf Dfdnq lt sltcd on. plpc ttle hrgEt th8n a pstslhl torv plpln9' fnE aFrra adcin rD ttt !l |n onr dlllcdon whlls the condln'eiE $ltrGu In fniofnot a-l..lon. tilt rlong wlrh r sieeP.r plbh lE e mu3t bt 3afe' olll' cllnl oD6tdon. FIGUFE 2 Al flning !lt!r eEme llEul! l' lbrr|larlY b tidhlo^ E4tryF +,IT tl vl l-l-I ,'lo' ,.'r' I FTGURE 1 IGAOCF?A't It'ro G MlMr.t A id'Mrinun 214 grrcv J__ r In Flrg I he{ Au! .{ Bun fll wsl.r iupg|f 7' .g--- { tte cocr -T-'-t-r rl ,l+ Eoul|'r fhn O|! Fblt IrI F qura Sl.|rlr ltltal tr i,f VENT DAMPER INSTALLATION in"-*ni iimp", relerred to in the lollolving instructions is the SlanvFin Corporation venl damper. -L This darlce is design certitied by A'G'A' lor-use elLl :l FDecific Slant/Fin Corp, gas boiler models' These Doll€ct ;r"t ;6 b; €quipped wlth a Plate whlch stales thalrha ., boiler musl or may be used with a slanuFin corp' aulomallc v€nt damper dariie and Indicates the proper venl dampel .oJtf-nutO"t This device cannot be used with mlllivolt iottition svstem or boilers with input d 300'0o0 Btu/hr' or g''teater equippad wilh continuous pllot' rr. i.iHdiAiGiioN rNSrFUcrroNs BEFoRE \ou srARr TO INSTALL 1, Ftsad this installation manual, the "DANGEFll plat€ atlachEd to lhe top ot the boiler, the "WARNING" on the wlring diagtams. wnt damper carton and operalor cover. z. F.ioit pro-installstion insPection as required by ANSI speolflaation 221 .66. s.frm off all el€ctrical power, gas supply and wait Jor sys. tem to cool (lor Pre^/iously installed bollerc)' +. ileci i pt+"r, 'oonrenlent location (see Jigures 4^and 5)' s. Ctrefufry unpaok the unit' DO NOT FORCE lT OPEN - On CLOSeb. Foroing ths damper may damage the gear llain and void the warranty' WAFNINHANGEH Once vou have begun vent damper installation prooedure' DO N6ir6"to* electilc power and gas supply ur il installation and in8o€clion have been completed (ln otder to pr6/ent lhe .marn bu-in"o trom operatlng)' DO NOT operate the boiler unlil-th€ - u"nt au.prr nirness:irrcEPTAcLE B' is plugged Into ''MALE piuc' ta" descrlbed in the instaltallon instructions), and ihe vent dairoer lnstallation and checkout Procedures have been comoleted. Failure to observe this warning may Greaie a haz- ardous condition that could causs an exploslon or carbon monoxide Poisoning. B. I . Thls derrice must be instalted atter the appliance dratt hood (between the draft hood outlet and tho conneolol to the outdoor chimney or vent) as closs to the dratt hood 83 practlcable, and without modification otthe drah hood orths damper. (See ligures 4 and 5') 2. The lnlet siee of the vent damper musl be the same nominal trade size as lhe ouilet ol the dratt hood' 3,Thls devic€ must be located in a verfing system or sec' on of a \rsnting system so that it ssrves only the shgle aDollanoe lor which it is inslalled. (Se€ tig' 8') +. iliaranoes ol not lsss than 6 inches (152mm) must be maintalned trom combustible materlals, with pro/isiorls {or aoo€9€ tor sErvice. C.NOW, PFOCEED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Remane the trorit covet of the boil€r sxposing the wirino @mpartment. Wlth all electrical Powor to boiler off' locaia 'MALE PLUG' (lf boller has an inpul of 300,000 Btu/hr. or greater, locale 'Receptacle A') (see witing diagram aitached to boile0; a cory ot this lay also be found in tnis manual. To flnd the correct wiring diagram in thls manual, match the number lound in the low€r righl hand corn€r of lha boller wlrlng diagram wilh lhe id;niical number on one ol the diagrams in this manual') ll th6 boiler has an Inpul ol 300'000 Btu/hr. or grcater' cul ths FIED wile oonnecled between numbers 3 and 4 of "FECEPTACLE A" (ihs only wire cnnnecled to lhls receptaolg) and then disconnect "RECEPTAGLE A" hom FIGUFE 4 vrriul lhl|rllrllon FTGURE 5 EXTER AI.on^tr Hooo wno a LOCATIOII ff'lql.q#i*Gmdtr*fffi $ffi tr,"" ePGFNTOH' RGUFE 6 r/r'HOLE- slDE vlEw OAMFEN SHQWN IN OFEN POSITION '||ty !a PEnln *h *t!.FErldd. d,lLY Ibd.r b.qdlDtd !|m tr||mrt4t lgnlbr FfrL TAELE 0 tilPB rHoltt lll clotE! P0tm0[ Y. Sh.t0' A ovlo't oslra rtvro'tzt rs'tssld llvtt't 6Er'ro FIGURE 7 ""'"'HH'ffi#f$$ft^. ttyj,ffi ,iJ."{1ftiFf','38" aFPostrE rflE oFtnAToR -uv9 adiustable hgai antloipator and hss previousll,l::l-.,- I ven damper' then see P.ublication VD'FTGURE I I adiusted wlthout s rmo|,6 lti l6'ioi.o*a tr"omt.l req,irettnt toott fot tnt vett iarpei u""0, lf room theimostat has not been adjusted' connect antire system lo lhermoslat and tun the gystem whtte-met=uring the curr6nl dla$/n through lhe thermcclat wlres. Set the heat anticipator at the value of cur€trl a""irr"o. For more inlormatlon, see SlanUFln Jamoer ln$allation manual, pub' vD40' and lhe manulao- rw"is *nt damper booklet shipped with the vent damper' -MALE PLLG-. Remove 'RECEPTACLE A' lrom iob 5l1e and discard, z.Sep"iai"tn" ve pip€ directly on top of the draft hood of dh,€rter and place damper in position as sho n ln rl9' ,i"i + - s. The rcni damper must be installed 30 that iht O"tp"t position Indicalor i3 in a visible location after insftff.rib" (iree llgure 7) tor posltlon indicator descrh' tion. The arrow imp nt on the damper shouldpoinl |n Oittction ol \€nt gas tlol, (towards chimngy)' Re- ".r"tUfa ff," ,reit plplng.-ge sure the vent damper is well seat€d and {astened with 3 sheet nelal scr6!vs' Screuri stroun be no long€r than 1/2 inch' Ses figure 9' 3. Bs sure that underEized vent pipe does not bloo* move' ment of damPer Yane (see liEure 7). 4. Boile€ thal rnay hav€ vent damper are lactory vurco wiih Dluo 6nd 'RECEPTACLE A'. To install the \€nl J"tnotritt tnat i€ required is removal of ths 'RECEPTA' CLE N and oonnection ot the vent dampsr hamess to the boiter plug. tsoilers that must have a v€nt damper "re tactory wireO with plug only, (Flemove "RECEPTA- CLE A" from lob site and disoard.) a)Anach the ilexible rnetallic conduit wnt damper har- ness to the right hand side of the jack6t by passing the ftee end st iho hatness through the 78' diameler hole in the top of lhe iacket, and using th€ Bx-con- nector at thelree end oi the metallic conduit, tasten to jad(et, b)bonnect "RECEPTACLE B" (tree end ol vent damPer 'harness) into 'MALE PLUG' (see correct wiring dia- gram foi botrr oontinuous and intermitteni Pilots)' 5. AlislanuFln Gorp- Galary steam bollers equipP€d with. intermlttent pilot ignition and contlnuous (6tanding) Pilot systems are lactory wired except br thewlres to the io\r water cut-off and pressure cut'off, Wire thosa conltols wilh wire provided wlfh boiler (sse boiler wiring diagr€m on boller), Then follow previous instruclions shown in #4 above. 6, Festors El€ctrical por^ret and lurn on gas supply. D,AFTEF INSTALLAIION: 1. Operate gystem through two complete cycles lo check for opening and closing in proper sequence, and. ploper burner operation. DAMPEF MTIST BE lN OPEN POSF TION WHEN BOILER MAIN BURNEHS ARE OPEFAT' ING. 2. Porform installstion chooks as required by ANSI specili' cation 221 .66- 3. Replace the tront cowr of the boiler. 4. Check th€ troubleshooling section i, Problems srise with the installation' E,THERMOSTAT HEAT ANTICIPATOR AAJUSTMENTS It the 24V room thermosal thal conrrols thls bollel has an GEC]ION FEIIOVED TOSl.O t st{t[rED AFFJ cAunoil oPERATING INSTRUCTIONS' BASIC tsetore tiring boile( make th€se chscks;-'1. Relielialve ls ln8talled. lnslallation of lhe rellel valvs shall be conslstent with lhe ANSI/ASME tsoller Ptessure vessel Code, Valve opening is NoT closed or reduced in siz€' 2- Draft hood is installed and ventsd to chimney' 3, All wiring is completed, lollotfling applicable wiring dla' grams. +.ir i vant damper is added, damper is in fult oPen posi- tion- See instruations tumished with wnt damPet' 5, U$ing soaP solution, oheck br gas leaks in all^gas pipinq fromhetor to boiler pilot and manrtold' DO NOT use open llame. I. FILLING AND VENTING WATEH SYSTEMS A.Flll the system with walBr- vsnt or putpe oll air' B, Fire the boller as soon as possible (see lollowing warnlng and hstructions) and bring watel temperature to 8t leasl '180 degrees, while circulating waler in the system' C,Vent air and add water as needed to achisv€ oP€raling oressule on boller gauge. Pressure must be betw€en ipproximaety 12 psi (oold water) and 25 psi (at wat€t bmperature setling ol hlgh llmit aontrol), for boilets equipped wlth 30 psl relief valves- Boilefs rated lor a high' er Dres3ure and equlpped wlth a matching rclief valve may operale at a higher pressure, bui no higher than 5 Psi belo'Jv the rellet valve opening prcssure. D.Chock for and repair any leaks belole plaoing system ln seMc€. Maks sur€ thal none of the automatic gas ignition system components are exposed lo water' II. CLEANING AND FILLING A NEW STEAM BOILEFI Bebre using steam boilar: A.Check boiler to be certain it is ready lor fiing. DO NOT FIRE into an empty boller. &Be prcpared to heat raw water to al leas 180' F as soon as it is introduoed into the boiler. This procedure will remove dissolved, corrosi\re gases. C,Frovide drain line, with valv@, lrom boiler- Use a bottom tapping. o R11=.09 Heet Gatc Worlrshcet Rl9=-052 R30=.033 R2--8=.357 AREA SQUARE R VALUE U UA DT BTU's REG OUTPUT FLOORS eno p'//,ry Jp-2 /r"162/ CEILlNG 7a//'2a . o53 a-//ao 4/24 WALLS 4//o r/f ,052 ///a2 7a'7a7/f,3 WINDOWS dab F2/.d57 /lo fr"/4 fuo INFILTRATION 76,f,oo 4 ./ 1000 F 6r.ts %,,2"6/u aDDRESi: /O ,365/ 6o4er( JoB NAME: //4 ADDRESS: #,t//// //2FzS- ALTITUDE: .7/2- TOTAL BTUs INPUT Spec.Equipment {nar^//,/,,42/ ,tz 12-14-?OO4 7.02 am Pags27 '..' @ l l I l l I Requested Inspect Dats. Tuesday, Decembar 14,2004 ' Inspedtion Area: GCD Site Address: 2644 SNOWBERRY CR VAIL ?844 SNOWBERRY COURT AJPID lnformabon ActMty. Corist Typ€: Oivnea. Applican{: ConlrBctor: D€scrlption: Comment: Mo+O252 Tvp€. E-MECFi Occupaircv. FiALEY. MICHAEL S. & MAhLA IT. .J; R&HMECHANICALLLC R&HMECHANICALLLC Sub Typc 6Px1P Sbt':: tsSUED Us€. Insp tuo.' @D PtFn : 3i}}il3'989i1 Phone; 3OlS4&9€9a BOILER FIEPLACEMENT. MAI(E UP AR TFIEMINATIOiI SPEC SHEETS AND INSTRI.jCTION MANUAL SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO GREG DEh}CKLA - JSUTHER Requested Tlme: Pnon€: W Rerruested Inspectlonlsl !tem: 390 MECH.Final Requestor: R & H MECFI,ANICAL LLC Comm€ntE; {rill call ol|€ hour ah.adlllli Assiorrsd To: CDAelt - Action: Tirrr€ Exp: !n!!9s9!'*l-!ii!99 Item: 20O MECH.Rouoh ftem 310 lvl€CH-Ftea[no tlem. 315 PLMFGas PiFhS ft€rn: 320 MECH-E:hausl lloods tt€m. 330 MECH-SuppV Alr tiem: 340 MECH-MEC. Item: 39) MECH-Finnl Entered By: DGOLDEIi K or:uu* 0rlt 471-5677 -orr 970*32& 2699 p'4 Illi DiFI -: 1 Run Id.: 2648 o ? ard \ = Design Review Bo ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Peterson/Greene Residences DRB Number: DR8020121 Project Description: Re-roof from shake shingles to asphalt shingles Participants! OWNER PETERSON, THOMASJ. &SUE 1.04/30/2002 Phone: 2854 A SNOWBERRY DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT PETERSON, THOMAS J. & SUE L.O4|3O|ZOOZ Phone: 303-569-5427 POB 656 Georgetown CO 845-2555-Fax 80444 License: Project Addressz 2M4 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 19-B Block: 9 Subdivision: SNOWBERRY DRIVE DUPLE( Parcel Number: 210314301057 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovalz 0413012002 Conditions: @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO rarar Itt atata .:.1 lolal ApR. 23. ZEAZ 11:49Afj NO.67A P.1/7? IOI4/1V Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 F'li 970,479.2139 f ax: 970.479.7452 web; www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projeas requiring deslgn review must receive approval prlor to submitting a building permit applicatlon. Please refer to the submittal requlrements for the partlcular approval that is requested. An application for Deslgn Revlew cannot be accepted until all requlred Informatlon ls recelved by dre Comnunity Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envlronmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a bullding permit is issued and constructlon commences witfiin one year of the approval. tt.'t"*t fJrJ-lI\'r) Physical Address;'tr51 lptuq*ti DrL Description of the Request! Parcel No,: 'Lti'j (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoningl Name(s) of owner(s)! Maiflng Addressl f'l+r / Owner(s) Signature(s)i I \ Name of Appllcant: _ \ t't"lllng Address, _ tr X C f.l Phoner e.5')\??C C - tt55 E-mailAddress: Type of Review and Fee!tr Signs D Conceptual Review D New Constructlon tr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-famlly/commerclal) Minor Alteration (slngle-famlly/duplex) Changes to Approved plans Separatlon Request $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of toEl sign area. No Fe€ $650 For const rction ofa oew bulldlng or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addltlon where square footage is added to any resldential or c0mmerclal bulldlng (lncludes 250 additions & interJor conversions).$250 For mlnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofingr palntlng. window additions, latrdscapingr fences and ,a- I retalnlng walls, etc.( i2V For mlnor changes to buildlngs and site improvements, such Bs,\_:t- rerooflng, palnting, window additions, landscaplnq, fences and retaining walls, etc.920 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Deslgn Revlew Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: feu,e.tO, RPR.23.ZO8Z 11:49RN NO.678 P.?/7? JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER r, (prtnr nur"l T[t* /g,tp(5fiJ , a joinr owner of propeny located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated . whlch have been submitted to the Town of Vail Cornmunify Developrnent Department for the proposed improvements to be comoleted at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modificatlons may be made to the plans over the murse of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. il"/n (Date) Page 2 of t2102107102 APR.23. ?OEZ l1:49Rt1 TOI4A'M NO.678 P.?/72 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER description) # 2551:b 5*inA6g&l DA r, (prtnr nur") Jov.J,^ll"lan, Gf gt rq, a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated wh{ch have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Developnlent Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvemenLs include: I further understand that minor nrodifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable cpdes and regulations. Page 2 of t2loZl07l02 |-1rK. c-r. <44( 11 : 5!JHf'l Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterlor Lighting Other Notesl PROPOSED MATERIATS Wpe of Materlal NO.57A P.6/!? Color l.2g9c *P.ttut sttttxv (to\t")BWtrwy lrG l6nitr1evr14 rvrAe# ellsf. Please speciry the manufacturer's name, the cotor name and number and attach a color chip, Srt'a* = ELF , (tc<t(L rrApEvJtiD Page 6 of L2102/07/OZ + ** t**f*t* * ++l'f ++{' * * ***t|* ** * **f*++r** ********* i*+* * * * * +*f, * * * I + t*t * | + +* + | +* t*l' * * t 1*rr* | ++ *+ + + * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-30-202 at 09:20:45 04/lr0120i0/2 Statement * +***++t **+* +**+**+++**tt*+***+***++++ft*f**t**+*fa*a+******ttt**+r+ta*ta+++*f**t*+t*+**t+r+ Stat.ement tilumber: R00000224? Arnount I $20.00 O4/3O/2OO2O9:1G AM Pa).ment Method: Check Init,: JAR Notat.ion: 1788-Tom Peterson Permit No: DR8020121 fype: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parcel No : 2103 t-4 3 010 5 7 Site AddreEB: 2844 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL IJocation: Tolal Fees: $20.00 Thls Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 +l' f*t+**+***+l'i,i*+**+t*t+****a*+r+++**+t*+* ***+******rrf+++****+*+**ii**r**l+***l't+'|t**lt+*r ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESicN Rtvrthl FEES 20.00 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 November 9. 1993 D e par tm ent of C omm unity D eve lopme nt Ms. Millie Hamner 2854 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Rear setback and density variances for the Hamner Residence located at 2854 Snowberry Driveilot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Dear Ms. Hamner: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the October 25, 1993 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your variance requests were approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of these approvals. Please note that the approval of these variances shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years trom the approval date (October 25, 1993). lf approval of these variances lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely,r\ l/ ,{r'ro'l' L*r .4TD ( Jim Curnutte Town Planner Enclosure t PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 25, 1993 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Bill Anderson Greg Amsden Kristan PriE Jeff Bowen Allison Lassoe Jim Curnutte Diana Donovan ShellY Mello Kathy Langenwalter Dalton Williams 1. A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an expansion to a residence located at Lot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain/2854 Snowberry Drive. Applicant: Millie Hamner, Chris and Mary Ball Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of the applicant's request for a density and.a setback variance with the condition that the duplex plat for this lot be amended to show the new property lines prior to the issuance of a TCO for the addition- Bill Anderson stated that he felt that the space seemed to be naturally made for the addition and that he did not see any problems with the request. Diana Donovan, Jetf Bowen, Dalton Williams and Kathy Langenwalter did not have additional comments concerning this request' Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request per the staff memorandum including the condition on Page 6 with Dalton Williams seconding the motion' Diana Donovan stated that the motion shoutd be amended to retlect that a physical hardship does exist on this site. Jeff and Dalton amended their motion and second accordingly and a 5-0 vote approved this item. Plannlng and Envlronirsntal commlsslon October 25, 1993 Ft{. f g$P y c4 pyApproval Ce*s+.4 l nDisapproVa|.:'....,,iu*'i,*"i:',l..i.i'...........*i*...,:'.:.'.'']..''...'.=} MAKE CHECKS TOWN OF VA]L D EPA RT;\{E)i T O F CO ivl;VILiNITY D EVELO P}IENT' S,TLES ACTION FOR}T 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CoLoMDO 81657 ZCI\T\:G .tu\D ADDRISS !'tAlS 0t 0000 4 t510 UNT.EO L\{ B UTLDh'G COD E 0l 0000 {24 15 UM FOR\,I PLUI'{B LT-'G C OD E 0t 0000424t5 uM FO R\.f ,)rfEc H,l$] C,). L CO DE 0l 0000 4 2.r l5 0r co00{2{15 | uNIIotu\{FruCODE ot oooc42{t5 | N.TIoNALTIECTRJCALCODE OT]iER, CODE BOOKS 0l 0000{24r5 BLUE PRDTTS OJYLAI{S)0t 0co0.il54s 0l 00ol {21l2 >:EROX COPIES / S''UDIIS 0l 00co1237t i PENAI.TYFEES/RE-j',..-'SPECTIoNS 0t 00c0{t-132 i pL,L\REvtSvRE.CHECKFEE lS..0pER HR. 0l ao00 42323 OFF HOUR,S DiSPECTION FEES CONTL1 CTO RS L]CL\S ES FELS 0t 0000.{l{12 .01 0000 {11)l SI6N APPL]CA]]ON FIE 0l 0000{l:.30 ADDtTtONAI- SI6NAGE F;E tSr.00 PER SQ.lr.0t 0000 4l{ t 3 0l csc€ 42440 \TC ART PROJECT DONANON PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0t 0c004r33t BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI"IPUTER D 0t cN042412 *.01 0000 41010 T x oi 00oo 4237I TNVESTTGATT0N FEE (BUTLDTNG) I rorAl ou", 0041 { 1330 0l c0004t330 0t 0Co0.l t 330 | LYTERJOR ALTER.'\TION lIiOR E THl"\l I ClO SO.FT.I 0l 0000 .11 0t 0r]00!r330 rsPEcLAL D 0l 0000{t330 ls 0t c\)00.r1330 * * * * * * * * *' -> l-*l--Jt-t rlF L--!la r 1- i-'i i =-E i l ar€'f,u=- i'3=h 1.,i , '::, -i llfrl-Ert. '',-'!11 -l r" l.-' 'r': ,ii. i:ir'r r.{r|{d-rfi i lal'f t-1, 1ll:1 N1,4?986 nrceweo rnoill ADDRESS Police ReceiPt Numbers Permit Numbers ,/" How PAlD-cash-chetl t 5tr61 BY ' t , l- ,1.olign Review Action Fen TOWN OF VAIL on" tr/r /q=Category Number Building Name: Proiect Description: / "(- .? as Owner,Addressanapnone' /vi, (1,< //q*,,t* f i A7-i7Z/(,t) 4zC'lZ6cil.\) '/G5'( 9t,o*L ,, f /) )u. vci, c Cc, Q G,3 Architecvcontact,Addressand Phone:' -+ A o' t,*,)<r,' l'( 1 "'/ / 7 / Legal Description:rct lcTtl Block 1 Subdivision ^ /^ Zone District f/', lJ/,u Project Streel Address:O rt, k, --i 1.€ t'r4 <:5t (* 7' 9 Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: S- C:' Seconded by: E.Approvaf ',.,*l.i D Disapproval ! StafiApproval Conditions: O ..rrt". d gltlgL DRB APPLTCLTION - TOttN Otr \rnrL, coIoRADO DAiE APPLICATION RECEIVED : l**'r*ltt** TSIS APPLTEATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED uNTrrr .eI,I, REQUTAD* *t*T*O*HJTON r S STTBUTTTED RffiO AUG 5 1995 DATE OF DRB MEETINE: F PROT]ECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (5200.00) y/Addition (S50.00) ADDRESS: Alteratlon (S20.00) tual Review ($0) Minor Conce n E. F G.e,( Phone NA-I4E OF Mai ling LEGAL DESCRTPTToN: T,oI L\6 Block 9 meets and bounds leqal a separate sheet and Subdivision Vo.i I frf-{crnr Scrb divrs, on If property is described by a description, please provide on attach to this application. zoNrNG: fri,"rarv lStcOncl^rV IGOt.{0) LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing 1ot area. ,)m AUf<_, NAME OF APPLICANT:ilri Mailing Addge^ss: ? Vo-rt, (O clo, APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :S+ei;e,Ri de,e Address:\/^it, ( I.NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Phbne (rc,a) 3bt1 J.Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at.the time of submitta] of DRn applicatton. --l'"1.r, when applying for a building permit, please identtfy tire accurate valuation of the proposat. The town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the tabl_e below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHED'JLE: FEE PAID: 3{A.04 VALUATION K. FEE ,43{ ( PLEASE TO}VN OF VA]L D EPA RT;\{ENT OF COM}II.I'iITY DEVELOP}IENT' S.\LES ACNON FOR}{(- -. t ., 75 sourH FRONTAGE RoAD ,,,t i, t, , -^ pAIL, C0L,0MD0 81657 s,*tt-/. i LILLL l)!J: 'N \ - a) ./. DATE''I( I/..) yi:t' :,'y\;(!:r:.-:.Jd:.:ilr'.ccoullT:No: zcNA'G .d\D,r.DDRESS liAis 0t 00c04t510 0l c$10{?415 1 qlnrgprt I LTLDh-C CODE 0r ol00 {2415 I UMFOR-\{ PLU!'4DIG CODE 0l 0000 42.ir5 .l u:\'rFoR.\t I{Ec H,rJ."]C.r. L cODE ol oooo {2{15 | uxtronrl FIRE coDE ol 00ol{2{15 | N,rloi+.rlrlEcrpjcAlcoDE 0l 0000{21r5 ONjER CODE EOOKS 0l ci3,10{t513 BLUE PRDiIS 6JYLA.IIS) 0) 00c{r2jjt I PENAI.TY FEES/RE.I,.'-'SPECT]0NS 0l c40J.. t-132 | FL,L\ RE\,]w RE.CI-IECK FL! [S:0 PE.R :iR.l I 0l 0091 {211 2 }:EROX COPIES / S'iUDIES 0l 0000 123?3 OF; I-IOURS DiS?ECTION FIES CONTJL\ CTO RS L]CL\S ES FI.ES 0l 000c.1lr l2 0l c'000 { 330 SION APPL]CA]]Oi{ F;E .01 0300 114 t3 ADDITIONT1I-SIG)..'ACE;;E tSl.O3;';R, ol c{0012.1{0 Iv:cenrPRoEcTDoNAnoN 0t 000c 4l l l3 .u331 lpngp,.-lo DEstcNR,EviLlvBoARDrEE OIA000TT6T2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI'IPUTER DI IOIO TAX (42 OI OOOO 4237I INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING)TOTAL DUE: I 000,1 I 1330 CONDI-NONA SE PEL\flT EXTERIOR ALTERA']ION ILESS THA.}.I IOO 0l c00141330 0l 00J0 .11 330 STTE RIOR, A LTiiR ATO){ II1OR E TH,A-'-{ I CO SO.FT. CIAL DE OP.\{E.r;1' P15 0l ot00 .r I 3 5 PEC }A L DEV ELOF.\IE.YT DI STRICT I hl^ JOR AJ'1 E 0t 0c00 413 0l 0000!r3t0 SPECLA L DEVELOPT1TNT DI CT lltu:.^OR A.NI A\D SLEDIv'tSroN I 0003 41330 0l 0000 .r I 3i0 IZOMNC CODE fuVE\D}'I 0t 00004r330 :.:S.i: COIIivlE\TS:' * * * t * * * * RECEIPTaFo Town of Vail \/ ,lo " 'DATE N9 4?98? RECEIVEDFROM DOLI.ARS Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers IIOW PAID-Cash-Chpck *' t >By 1;el-.-ltl t:!F t-,-rt= i ! ' r- -. F i I .i _-r_H j ! Jl 'tsjr'_t:-:_ :_..=: I i . ,-; j.,-": i, ' r. l,-.,-i..,ii i:i i..:. 'i l:I;- '',i -,--l.f ..=i;'. "i : -i,.:,,;ri. i,:l ,, r,., ii., i t +.-.-. -.-.i.-i r F=:!, l-'= r ,r --rj. a::i:'l tri i -- - ' i ' Firrior-.rr i p,a: ,: i-i-ii=l-iii'-.rr=:-i ZONE CHECK $, *, n prloloN" orrr*r.rl DATE: l{s/ uti<3 LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOt IC] iJ Block 1 ADDRESS:S q );-,esu ARcHrrEcr i.usL-J<r ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE FlS **LOT SIZE Filing V:o, ( Lfr,J<f h.orrrr)'f"d ,tr+rafo - !t-i:€&C+-.PHONE PHONE Pls AIIowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed -3,'3tl j + s Ll,)q S 4e r" tec etBA ,A;t'rl l,oic l^o ltlgo I elc.^"t -- \-. Totaf ^,/)-tt Height. TOtal GRFA Primary GRFAiJ; t Secondary GRFA4! Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: rl.- 425 425 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) .-,1 d,,b( 1 ;:eg,'V .,i,c,*J 1) 2l 3) ,tf4 ttfn / bl4 q,- ,/l ^)//f T t7F N/tr .--7 )_ ,-"{1.-d 1nfic1ca ','"P'g+w'{iP l,&? )?,w> 3' / 6'. A p.eqta Pernitted Slope rgl Date approved by Town Yes NO Actual Slope Engineer: .> .> .,Vi.ew Corridor Encroachment: Environment a1 /Hazards :Flood P1ain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Aval.anche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Prevloue conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the alfowed 250 Addition is used wi.th this reguest? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are 1ess than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dweIli.ng unit. The Community Development Department may glant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-tern rental unit for fuIl- time employees of the Upper Eagle Val1ey. Lu REC'O AU! J ii,t5 Lo/slsz o This procedure variance. The information is A. NAME OF ADDRESS Application Date IPPLICATION is required application submitted. 1'PEC MEETTNG DArE__:J4tl3_ FOR A\TARIANCE for any project requesting a wiII not be accepted until all Lotq6'' [\[ocK9 - . pnowr V'ct-t t J r r{<rrr1o \r rltT^s^ i et\-: d ( v r Sr Ll -\ B.NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATI\iE ..; ADDRESS PC BO< 32fl Vo-. \ NAME OF OWNER(S) (type or pr j-nt ) OWNER(S) SIGNATURE (S) ADDRESS *o*rr *(G vr^il p"o*"@"4 D. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: r,Or 146 /\IIT .1.I. q E TT T\I/: FEE i $250. OO . baro .-.'--.--cK # {qt)"".-@-ru@-- THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a fisL of theiT names and mail-ing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addj-tj.onal information is needed. No application will_ be accepted unless it is complete (must include all- items requj-red by the zoning administrator). ft is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment wj_th the staff to find out about additional submittal resuirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDTTIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AII., CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION TNVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. Ir\."-.1P*-W \.t vr5r D r-) I?il:?'i:.::"::i :i,::' ::5 :;t:fi"";" ;'"n-> B. specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportatj-on,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies with Vailts Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and,/or improvement survey at a scale of at feast 1n - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shovrn are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, Iandscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at feast L" - 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. AII preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. A preJ"iminary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-farnily development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of the project must abe received by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoninq administrator. For interior modifications, an j-mprovement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIREI.IENTS The Planning and Environmental- Conmission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate revj"ew by any Iocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Coforado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaLl- be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. ff, at the applicantts requestr doy matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. D. E. .r IV. TIME A. A.v. -|} I ( i 3:i *:iT ": "T:T:o"?l"l?? "::y:::n:'I:i30T::'.,other issues whj-ch may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants othdr th-rt town staff. ShouLd a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consu.Ltant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shal1 be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. l{ I MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commisslon TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: Millie Hamner Jim Curnutte FHLI fiCFV Community Development Department October 25. 1993 A request for rear setback and density variances lor the Hamner Residence located at2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCES REOUESTED A. The applicant proposes to add 120 square feet of living area (GRFA) to the second level of the eastern half of the duplex located at 2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. The area to be added is located behind an existing bedroom on the south side of the structure, which is adjacent to National Forest Lands. The western half of this duplex currently encroaches into the rear setback approximately 12-112teet, to within 2-l12teet of the rear property line. Although the eastern half of the duplex does not currently encroach into the rear setback area, the applicant's proposal is to locate approximately 23 square feet of the addition 6 feet into the rear setback, 9 feet from the rear property line. The applicant has requested a variance to encroach 6 feet into the required 15 foot rear setback. B. This site is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S). Under P/S zone district development standards, not more than a total of two dwelling units are permitted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on lots less than 15,000 square feet. The existing duplex was built on this 13,370 square foot lot prior to Town of Vail annexation of the property. A duplex subdivision was approved by the Town in 1984. Section 18.64.050(8) of the Vail Municipal Code. states that: "structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the preexisting nonconforming structure." This duplex does not conform to density controls because the lot on which it is located is less than 15,000 square feet. Although the lot has additional GRFA which could be used, the number of dwelling units on the site (two) exceed ' tl I ' what the cunent Code allows. The Code only allows two units on a lot less than 15,000 square feet if the secondary unit is restricted for employee housing. Since the western half of this duplex is not owned by Mrs. Hamner and the duplex subdivision was approved by the Town, she cannot commit to restricting it for employee housing. Therefore. a density variance is required in order to allow for the construction of anv additional livino area on this prooertv. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Site Area: 13,370 sq. ft. GRFA:Allowed: 4,193 sq. ft. (includes two 425 sq. ft. credits) Existing: 2,012 sq. ft. (1,012 primary + 1,002 secondary) Proposed: 120 sq. ft. (proposed to be added to the primary unit) Total: 3,132 sq. ft. Density:Allowed: 1 unit (on lots less than 15,000 sq. ft. in size).Existing: 2 units Proposed: no change Site Coverage (20% ot total site area): Allowed: 2,674 sq. ft.Existing: 1,092 sq. ft.Proposed: 128 sq. ft.Total: 1,220 sq. ft. Height:Allowed: 33 feet Proposed: No change Setbacks: **Rear: Required: 15 ft. Existing: 16 ft. Proposed: I ft. Parking: No additional parking is required with this proposal. * Density variance required in order to allow for the construction of additional GRFA.** Area of requested setback variance (All other setbacks are unaffected). I'III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variances based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ot the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Rear Setback Variance The new addition will be built on the south side of the existing structure. Due to the steep topography of this lot and the screening provided by the existing structure, staff believes that this addition will not be visible from Snowberry Drive. Because of the way the existing structure sits at an angle on the lot, the western half of the duplex effectively screens the proposed addition from the view of any property owners to the west. The owner of the western half of the duplex has cosigned this application and has no objection to the requested addition. lt would appear that the proposed addition is only visible from the lot immediately to the east of Lot 198 and from National Forest land to the south. The addition has been designed to match the existing house and will be compatible with homes in the rest of the neighborhood. Although staff generally recommends the addition of landscaping to bulfer the effect of additions similar to this, we do not believe that, in this instance, it would be effective or necessary. Densitv Variance The properties located immediately to the east, west and north of Lot 198 are zoned Primary/Secondary and are similar in size and character (tairly steep with modest sized Single Family or PrimaryiSecondary units constructed on them) to Lot 198. The propefi to the south is White River National Forest and is not currently located within the Town of Vail Municipal boundaries. Statf believes that the requested setback and density variances will not negatively impact existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity ot treatment among sites in the vicinily or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. J Rear Setback Variance Staff acknowledges that the proposed addition could be constructed elsewhere on the site and not encroach into the rear setback. However, any proposed addition to the existing southern bedroom could not be expanded to the west, due to the existing duplex property line, nor to the north, due to the existing structure. lt would appear that the addition can be shifted to the east and outside of the 15 foot rear setback area. This shifting would allow for the expansion ot the bedroom desired by the applicant without encroaching into the setback area, however, it would result in a less functional configuration of the bedroom and is not the location of an expansion desired by the applicant. Staff believes that it is reasonable to consider the existing residences location on the lot (on the setback line) to be a practical difficulty warranting a rear setback variance. The applicant is requesting a variance to infill an area of the lot that has been previously disturbed by construction of the building and is delineated by an existing retaining wall that is in need of replacement. The proposed addition would act as a retaining wall as well as allow for an expansion of the southern bedroom. Locating the proposed addition behind the house is not only more sensitive to the existing site but also provides more effective screening, due to the location of the existing building. In addition, no landscaping will be removed to allow for the expansion. Staff believes that the degree o{ relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the Code is appropriate. Densitv Variance The site has sufficient GRFA to allow for an addition to the building without exceeding the allowable GRFA on the sile. The density variance is necessary only because the existing development exceeds the allowable dwelling unit count for the lot. Because the building was constructed as a two lamily residence prior to lhe Town's regulations pertaining to lots less than 15,000 square feet in size, stafl believes that it is reasonable to allow the structure to maintain its original development potential. The zoning established to restrict a secondary unit on a lot less than 15,000 square feet was adopted after the structure was legally constructed and the lot was subdivided, which creates a hardship for the property and causes a practical difficulty warranting the requested density variance. 3. The effect ot the requested variances on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traftic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Rear Setback and Densitv Variances: The proposed addition will not effect any of the above-referenced criteria. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: B. 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested rear selback and density variances due to the fact that a portion of the existing slructure is currently located in the rear setback, and the structure was constructed under Eagle County's development standards, prior to the Town of Vail annexation of the property, creating a physical hardship. Because the lot has available (unused) GRFA, staff believes that it is reasonable for.the applicant to use the GRFA. Staff believes that approval of these variances does not constitute a grant of special privilege bscause the Town has approved similar variance requests for the Bighorn Townhouses in East Vail, the Shanley duplex on Lot 12, Vail Village 9th Filing and the Vlaar duplex on Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Although the Bighorn Townhouses in East Vail are not exactly identical to this request, they are similar in that there is available unused GRFA on the site. The Shanley and Vlaar duplex applications, however were very similar to this request. Staff believes that approving the variances will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. Staff believes that the variances are warranted, specifically because there are extraordinary circumstances related to this lot that are not generally true of many lots in this zone district. Specifically the history and documentation of approvals for this site and its present location within the rear setback area sets this site aoart from other lots with areas less than 15,000 square feet. Staff believes that the location of the proposed addition, within the rear setback area, is acceptable considering its intended purpose, minimal impact on the site, and screening opportunities due to the location of the existing residence. As a condition of approval, staff would recommend that the duplex plat for this property be amended to reflect the bedroom addition prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. c:\Decvnemos\harnnErl 0.25 luouaso3 06oulol0 'o o. FI 5 J a!s E a. r 'x v<Nc|;iz ii t-oo f- ..o 9!o>6g OP o-> Ir ta l.*rt i' 14 ts lr\l{r ril d A' a-E $I !'+l_ It_ll *R,t| li{l firit] ${..Y$ z -t\\'ll-!n i-{r Yb " -\t Ir .-l ftqr ll )4 N,5 r(d c-. \s' t- E) >R ;=q\- \ ociq \ /'r"./\ )fi T E t .: J ".*q" 6h) J Gl Cn sg TF rfrrs H\ 'E rlc. >s $i I L ff x J. _-l E. s. { 7i { I J la t:..i1; '.:1': : .,,:'"'t t"; ., ,,: Si,,r'*,;..' ' ;t':,;';i-.. ';':''' " 't , 'i. i;' 1,;,;.: i :,i.:.1.r '::,' ,.. i,-';i'.; .,;:'i::', ' jj':r,..-':. li,.:. l., r;1 .;..,.'. - i-:i'.r.i'.,'l' ' ,:';ij,i ; ,'. ;;f'ri'l r;1':' :n;ir'ii.,, 1, ,' ;i,,.'',, '" -i. i;ii,:.,,.'1:;.. ., .. ., ::'. . '.,' ' ,t, c' ,!t', O : ,1, i.: ...: . ' . ',r i. '. r lN r-- I i i l. I :I I I .I r:11 (- r\t < fIi t',- - i$ii ''jd c.q. "7f Ii5 $s )1'F $i F\' $$$7 c.\Fs(F$T (\ )( .t\ -t tr sl' \ N 7i lx !" rI A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an addition to Unit 28, Tract B, Bighorn Townhomes/4718 Meadow Drive. Applicant: Planner: Jerald and Mary Lou Kocak and John and Julie Mork Jim Curnutte TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 5. Dalton Williams made a motion to table this item until September 27,1993 with Jeff Borven seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27,1993. A request for a density variance and a sqlback variance to allow for an expansion to a residence located at rrbrelrDr!r Millie Hamner, Chris and Mary Ball Jim Curnutte TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 Dalton Williams made a motion to table this item until September 27,1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27,1993. A request for a minor subdivision for Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filingi3Sl Beaver Dam Circle. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: 7. TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27. 1993 Dalton Williams made a motion to table this item until September 27,1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27,1993. A review of a request to lift a deed restriction for the Todger Anderson residence located at Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lionsridge 4th Filingl1775 Sandstone Drive. Leo Payne Jim Curnutte Todger Anderson, represented by Tom Braun, Peter Jamar Associates Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27,1993 Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Shelly Mello TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 Planning and Environmental Commission September 13, 1993 x Dalton Williams made a motion to table this item until September 27,1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27,1993. A request for an amendment to SDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVLot45, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. 14 RECO AUB 5 1995 TO PARCEL t2103- | 43-Ol -057 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS 049: Levis Pennock 2844 Snowberry Drive 050: Robert McClain 2964 Snowberry Drive P.O. Bov: '1372 Vail 058: Chris & Mary Ball 2854 Snowberry Drive 033: Zach Meyer & Cynthia Lum 2850 Basingdale 416 30th Sr. Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 062: Joan Eggerichs 286 Basingdale 4777 Grandview Dr. Peoria. lll 616i 4 035: Stephen & Catherine Matousek 2865 Snowberry Drive 7600 Waterf all Trail Chagrin Falls, AH 41022 061: ioan Eggerichs Bureau of Land Management P.O. Box 1009 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 fiffroAuo s teesro rdr!lrrr'ili1n-lngr F.Lr. Bc>: 31 5'l 2*54 jnowberr;"' Drtve vail, CO Bl65i Exj.i,a.nrtln-Pf4eSt-C-O-al: to e>:pand the upslairs extra beciroGnr an acjdttional i00 square feet and allow access to the second stcry deck' fu_Sle_c_!lDes--S-tipI-Sn: Lot I I Blocr 9 of ihe Vail iniermountaln Development Subdivision was subdiirided into two separately owned pr0pertres as per the enciosed Townhouse Declaration and Part'l V/all Agreement registered with the County on February 10, 1984. Since this date, tne Droperttes have been annexed into the Town of Vailand have been zoned primary/secondary {60140). Althouoh the Town's formula for buiidinc e:<pansion 0n the existing lot (.308 acre) would alicw for a struciure wtth a totai of 4204 square feet (present total is approximately 22O0 square feet), I have been advised that a =onlng densityvariance is requrred ny the Town since the separate 0wnership of the duple:r dces nat meet iown zoning requirements. Approvai of rhe project has been granted by t-ne owners of Lot 19 A (the west section of the duplex) and is rnciuded ifi this proposaL The prcposed e:<pansion Wouid neceSsitate encroacning into the iot's setLlacK whtch borders on BLM land. The west section of the duplex was built rnlo this set-bact< (see ILC survey, encloseci). i have been advised that ihe Town requii-es a request f or- variance w'hen building into the serback' Tne prcposed p,rciect, at the back of the house and bordering BLi'4 land, .annot be seen from the front of the house, by any neighoors, or from the sireet. Besides allowrng for more living sOace and sccesS to the deck, strengrheninq the bacK retatning ,rvall and beautifying the back cf the house would aiso be accomplished through the completion of this proJect isee :nclosed Pho'.os). Ciirrs an,J f',lary Ball 2854 SncwberrY Drive West Un it Vail. CO 81658 Juiy 21 , 1993 Attenrion Town of Vail Communif-y Development: As owners of the west unit of the gncwberry Drive duptex (Lot 19 A), we are aware oi the expansion proiect to be undertaken by Millie Hamner, owner of the East Unit (Lot i9 B) at 2854 Snowberry Drive. This project meets with our approval. Additionally, it is our understanding that the East Unit (Lot 19 Bi represents the portion of ihe propertyzonec the primary unit by Town of Vail zoning standards' 3 incere i7, Chris Batl I .// tr // //,'rir, /.t/t44 Mary Ball it\*^-"-*\-.Jt r I a sh '.O''z'o -N '?nu ..'d .rid -v-{:.'$' ss r'; :rt$ ),;::, J I .C'i uot >l z E 4 a a 5 a.i .!E lrt rad FI c;!iiiiiii:ir ifi;iiii!iiii iiiiiiii:ili :l t _!: ;!':f 6F ; ^_ !9 iii Pi J Fg i.: 5:-" 5= Pli ;e r:t !i i;- n-!r! Fi ti" E.q :E'ti .'i: "i !"''! ij !3s i; €;! iE !Ei:: : 'i ^ a F;t =i". ;Ei: : .EF ! 5 -!o 6 j f:E Is a i;; b: i J6r !r ; E55 ;;: t!'+s * ie3 rr .. " !!; b: -$ ! a;r :;9!BB,iE E;;!; iE 5.a 6 37 I-E9 F&- t ig!d" E I i Eq < z 2 "d - r r it 23i2=- f I ::9993.;;; 13 g E e E. c I i, 1,2 "gEE:EEE6 tza6 t;l= 6666 g F\\\$\\N \s t s \\ N \)s \ S s a ;\i\ n s * \ \ I e. t). 'o2', 'a -7,'+ \ W3"2.""a^ lJ) Pn0 n llllll I I 2a.a6 +l '.- U o 5R a \ 6B aE l'l o v, o. (J I q5 :;li I ei:!ta! i i!!lll! i ,l: Ii i;i l{ irii!iar: I :!!i:il: i: ,a/:ir' { u----->{o o f H;u " gsl;1"..2 N,ii W")# i I I I I I i I i 3i i .l it ;l il rl ,l q {.1 ,l I _t -d !: 1l t i t a i h ;l ii ii il 6,tl it. ilE ll' t;l | :l t-l tl It rl it ul rl IL iii iii ii; lii tt I a o t t H tl l.l t IJ x '4 c'9 o n ) E j. I lt8 u :l I I I ilr.ti''ll' i1 I I i I I I I I -) , i 0 '.".1 '.t 1,.ti ll ir I I I I isi i .4 ..' /l /l /(l Ei '* il \$!,([ i $$l firt) |\t I l-_l r'l {. !it'\al 4t.. ii A"d 1,4 .r .l;. i t I " .',' t 1---- 2 .)---' r!{w g ,'\i n$i,iit 'r4 $t-l HI $5b il ir /l a{t XI # e g, t'r. . /' f 5 q .J I I F ! l t t I I I N NiiLlllllll N , lltlillrt *l s=liiilil' Iiii I iriilii N i;iilii s li $6. "r(/" iil '\\; lili r\Vi \\\\\ ';{{t{N{ lli \ '),'1 Y+z\,, ,, '. 'ttt.l ;i d&,,"'',,i ,Ait'""d ,,/ 1,.\/r J' 9.".I i. r----- i{ \ $:rrai '-----\ 9!i?gz .tllrf Bl nl I I i I TIk Uortg aqe 2n3Torn .:t ------ -tl'rrgI/ lTCt. E\ztoqqJz Anount $81,500.00 Loan f Address Order No. V19350 SCHEDULE A 1. Poticy Date: December 03, 1992 at 8:00 A.l'1. 2. Name of Insured: NORTH N.IERICAN IIIORTGAGE COIIPANy , its successors and/or assigns 3. The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is encurnbered by the insured mortgage is: A Fee Sinple 4. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: MTLLIE ANNE HAMNER 5. The mortgage, herein referred to as the insured nortgage, and the assignnints thereof, if any, are described as follows: DEED OF TRUST DATED Novernber 23, L992, FROM I.IILLIE ANNE lIAl'tNER TO THE PI'BLIC TRUSTEE OF E.AGIJE COUNTY T'OR THE USE OF NORTH AI'IERICAN MORTGAGE coMpANy TO SECITRE THE SI,li! OF 9S1,5OO.OO RECORDED Decenber 02, L992, IN BOOK 595 AT PAGE 536. 6. lhe land referred to in this policy is situated Ln EAGLE County, Colorado, and is described as follows: PARCEL A, TOGETHER WITH AN LNDMDED Llz INTEREST IN AND TO COMIION PARCEL c, sNowBERRy DRM DUPLEX, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED FEBRUARy 10, 1984 ri soox 37s AT PAGE 375, coLrNTY oF EAGLE, srATE oF cor-,oRADo- Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. / TIII Mortgage o gTIRB Pl"V-rru. €Gt€-'rr3? forlo 2331 Order No' V19350 SCHEDULE B-I Thispoticydoesnotinsureagainstlossordamagebyreasonofthefollowing: l.Rightsorclaimsofpartiesinpossessionnotshownbythepublicrecords. 2. Easenents, or clains of easements' not shown by the public records' 3 :i:::::nffil;!, liillill;:ii":lkti"::ii:*"1#;:3""*ii"::::'::''n"ii"tit"= rrourd discrose ancl tJ 4. t?\ll3li.:I ;i?*"13u? l$:!"3";r"iil'$:'"llo3;;'i'ol'H'"';l"s:'::::$: ' 5. 1992 TAXES NOT YET DUE tnnasunnns oFFICE' OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSI'TENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE 6. RrGHT oF PRoPRTEToR oF l-vIIN ,,. iii-iirnorq sHouLD rHE sAuE-BE #;ft;nnED rN ItNrrED srArEs PAGE 3. oR r,oDE ro ExrRAcr AND REI9y9-H:s oRE FotND to "**" di'o'f iNisRs9gr THE PREMTSES pArENr REC.RDED #t;i iiil-igle' rN BooK 123 Ar **ENDORSE!{ENT 1OO-zg** r-Hl-9ol'!PANY HEREBY TNSI'RES AGAINST !-O-1S--WHICH THE rNsuRED sHAr,r, iui,ieiu ""-**roi'fi iiiiiaEi io-.niistruc Ir'rPRovEr{ENrs ' rNcltDrNG r..ewHil-siiiiiesenv o*-''i*i^"'l'-nni9l.1ge"iiou tnn ExERcrsE oF ANv Rrc'r ro et! iii ;ilil;"" o'-#1":H"-[?:.itl :li$:iif"f'1il*T""'ENr oF ini"irneRAts iiceptnD FRoM-rHr niitsivArrox rrl scHEDI''LE B-r ' 7 - RrcHr oF r{Ay FoR DrrcHEq-ol-.cSALS coNsrlgclPP BY THE AUTHoRrrv oF THE rrNrrED srArES i-s'issnnvED rN,tii-eo-rreres parrili n-iEonoED Aprir 18' Le34' iii-ioor 123 Ar PAGE 3' ***ENDoRSEI'IENT tol' 1**l Tgl-:oMPANY HEIEP-J-INSURES AGAINST-IJoS-S oR DAr'IAGE wHrctr ,"" ,nii*io-!ner,r, "urroi'oi'iii-r-nnsull 9j"'ffi ii-nncrsn-oF rHE RIGHT oi usE oR uerxriiilrEe-o*n" *rilnfii iiniinnED ro iriovr--ovnn oR rHRoucE sArD I il"';'""* :iiiHq#il:#*Iq*iHffi:1il^*liiililqiii*iffi;.#,':BUT OI,IITTING NATIONAL ORII iiioi zzs Ar PAGE 31s' Page t TIl,[Mortgage Form 2331 "t"v ro. =@irn32 o CTIRB Order No. V19350 SCHEDI'LE B-I g.DRAINAGEE,ASEI,iENTIoFEET-IN^WIDTHAIpNGTHEWESTERLYLoTI.,INEoFSUBJEcT PROPERTY AS S;;;ii OII tHT RECORDED PI,AT. :..- lo.REsTRI'erIoNCoNTAINEDoN-THE.RECoRDEDPBTl:-rolLows:||BYVI.RTUEoFTHIS suBDrwsroN, 'ilE -3- iors-ol PNi;;;' ;nsArEo nnniiv-wrlL Nor coMPLY l{IrH LEGAL rpr REa;;nnaeNrs q91-99iIffi;cdoi-or e-siiliri-irurrv RESTDENcE' AND' IHEREFoRE,nci-iiiiipiNcllryIT';It;;;-;8"*ry1ry-iv-rnncot'Nrvo-FEAGLEFoR sucH A smucrvni-to sn 9-o-rytly;G;-oi-tis suryn""i i6t' -inn-coNsrRucrrbn or o*r,y oNE z-ro'riiv REslDENcE--sniii-sil'pim'*mso-;N T"; ..MBINED ARE"A oF rHE 2 rprs "**tiJ'iv tnil-iugDrvrsroN Pr.,AT'" -' '-' ll.EAsEr.tENTs'coNDITIoNs|RESTRICTIoNS,ANDREsERvATIoNsoNTHERECoRDEDPIAT. 12.TERMS,coNDITIoNsAND.PRovIsIoNsoFToWNH99:.E.DECI,ARATIoNANDPARTYI{ALL AGREE{ENT nni6iiiiu}"ni,r.ry ri,"r6ia-iii soor 378 Ar PAGE 374 **** *:l tt***ENDORSEI'{ENI 335 ' 5*********** rHE INSURANCE AFFoRDED 9I---ryIS ENDORSWEII--I: oNlrv EFFECTM rF THE r',AND rs Hi3""S;ii,'l,,ti3fl"Er;:ip6itiSl'i!{li5'31 ;ffi33"3u"o'*ED BY RE"AsoN oF r,AcK or pnionrry oF t"t oiit 6i'rii-rNsttRED MoRTGAGE ovER: (A)ANyENVTRoNIIENTALPRoTEcTIoNLIENwHIc!:-ATDATEOF-POllq'ISRECORDED INTHosEnsidRDsEsTABllsHno^fiiui'-3iein_statffisl..etparn_oFPoLIcYFoRTHE prrRposE or iFantixc collst*u"iiiil xorics or ltATTins nn'atlNc To REAL pRop'Rry ro'-puncH.lsERs_FoR v;id-d6-r{r1qog-ill6wiioes, oR-FTLED rN rHE RECoRDS or TIrn CLERK oF-Tll-ffiiinii'ireiss-orsi'i'idr-couir Tgjr-rHE DrsrRrcr rN wnrcH rni--r,eNo rs r.,ocArEol"iiEi"i-iii-lnr roiin rN scHEDItLE Bi oR (B)ANYEWIRoNI'IENTAI-,PRolEcTIoNI,IENPRoVI-DEDFoRBYA}{Y-gIttESTATUTEIN EFFEqt ar pein or por,rcv, -g1iiil iwrnolnannrai' in6rnitro' LIEN' PR.'IDED FoR rHE "" fti ibr'iowixc srArE sTATurEs: NoNE THISEI{DoRSEI.iENTIs!{4-D_!-1^SARToFlHEPglIgIANDIssuBqlcl.ToAT"I,oFTHE TER}ISexopndvrsroHsTllElt?IANo-or_axvryIgIfr-ponsn,rnNTs$rERETo..Excepr ro rHE nxrsili-siPnnsslY tTtT#;"ri-n'errn4^uiioi-riss ANY oF rHE EERr'Is AND pRovrsroNs iii riii *o"r""_o"i"iirv-inion sNood-d'siG,- Non D_oEs rr EXTEND rHI EFFEcrrvE oi,in-or rHE Polrc! ffi iiii-pnion rxoonsm'rilNrs' NoR DoEs rr TNcREAsE srri-Fein AI'{ouNT THEREoF' Page . 2331 *;TIM Uortgage Forn #**$-**+1::*qm*nl$jqili1$t'-,i{lii'--5ffi iii: AIITHORIZED OF: IAWS. SCHEDULE B-II In additi?"-!",11,3"33t'il'd:"::fl"::"fi'":-:'":"::5":"t:utl"i"ll3"tl'l"t!" the estat" "I tllii=iJ"r;["ir, if any be shown,.:":-::;.'l'J"i"[""""t r"subjecr to the ,"ii;i.s natters,'ii-i"i-u" tt'own'-f,il-trt" conpany insures that tbe lien or cnarge of the insurecl iit[giq" upon said estate or int prior to such matters' NONE ef"y No. .ffi-- order No. V19350 SCHEDT'I,E B-I Page nt1::,'| a .l 27188 rn 371. .*-a1t__ t Itir. 1l: J0r{Ir€tTE tfiltttt flclr c tY. rEcoittr PloFrtt l-auDfacE PloPlrEt , .rEu.Er rrr Lrrc !we'rLt v' r"'t' vi-'- ii totoiedo, t6 rltr LOT 193, ltocf, 9, REPLAI OF tol 19, DLOCX 9 VArL irlrunroinmun DEITELoF TNT soaDrvrsroll, AccoRDlNc lo lsE iiconoro prAt rRrREoF, coultY oP IAGLE, 6IATE oF coIrRADo. lOtfi{tloo8t DBcLAltATtoR ArD PAilr rALL-AGRlniENr -ia l0 4 tf7ltt#?ol ?he Enorbcrry Drlva DUPI'I Ldt l9a' aLocr 9' vArL rrrrRiounrAir DgvEr,ori[tlt solDlvlcron' TCCOIDIXG IO tf,E RECORDED PLtr TEERDOP' ' i' @unTr or !AGL!' STATE Or cltonADo ' lftr ER!.48 r DGrn. !. slrgrnt, cota J. s.lgcntt iten'! !' Elyhusrt, Judltir D. leyhurit,-rnd 11llll.t tr. Roudrbueh ('Dcclrsrnt'l ;;1I;;--;a;l-in rcc itnplc of th. lollorlns dcrcrlbcd rcal piipJitl.(..ubJ.ctp'opii[i;r-irtij.t.lntha-countyo!h9lc,8t|t. WEEREAS, th! TG r bulldtng conrl.t lng scprrrted bt a cotmon a! a 'prrty v!ll', lnd hag t'c.n conltruct.d on thc subjcct psoPastt of tro dvclltng unlts' Yhlch unlta rra rrll, rhlch hcielnaftet shrll bc sefcrt.d to WFEREAS' Dccllrant rl8hes to Provld'c for th€ 'cparrtc ovncrenlf ot suah unlt! and ! dlvlslon of th.land lnto tro !ap!r!t. GatatGs ind to crcatc eaacnantb r.lrtlng to thc ccrtaln 6cP'l!t'ly orn.a-ptop"tty rnd th. party *all (Placcd-cqurlly-dlvtdad on thc ioiirnon' uoirnoa i tce rcparitln! thr unlte), thc footlng' undcrlylng .uch plrty vlll and Lh. roof ovcr guch Plsty r.Ilt NOfi THEREFoRET ln consldcrltlon o! thlac Prlhlle!, thc Dccl!r.nt harcby nrke!' publl.hcs and dcclrrca thc follorlng a;a;a;i" ino rlctrrctio;18 rhlch .h!ll hctGlftc! run Ylth thc land inO lc Utnafng uPon lnd lnure to th. bcnrflt of D.cllrantt ll3 auccclso!B and tBaign8 foreve! i I tt I. DIVISTON OF STI8JECT PROPERTI. dlvldcd lnto thrce p.rc.l3 rs follorra: thc 6ubJ.ct prop.tt: !! h.r.bt Parcel A (gcncrally th. Erst.rn Drclllng Unlt) Parccl F (g.nclally th! rc!t.rn Drclllng Unlt) Ptrccl C (All ot th. .ubjcct prop.sly 'rc.pt Plrcclr A and E, tald Plscal b.lng 'cofinon lsala.', Such prrcela b.lng |!or. Pr!tlculrrly darc!lb.d ln th. llnal Plat ol gncb;rry Dsrv. Dipl.r, i r ubdlvlrlon ol l"ot l9!, ltock 9, vrll iniirnouitefn Dcvciogncnt Subdlvtrlon, rccordlng to. th. s.cordcd oirl tncreof, countt of E!91., strt. of colorrdo, vhlch Flnrl PIrt tos Snoucrrv orivc oupicr la incotporrtcd hercln by-rrfes.nca .nd-uhtch pirt ,ee'racoralcd in thc record! -ot th. clarl a!4 nccord.r of--Ergla Ei"itil-ciioiiao tt'. 19. dav ot J-sA,----, re8:4. ln aook IJLI et Pesc L71. 2. CRfAttOt{ OF SBPARATE EgTAll6. Tha lubjrct proPcsty' tog.thc! ylth rll lnProvcn.nt! thcr.or, l. h.t.by dlvtalad lnto lro taparttc aatatal al Iollors t urtt A, corslsTrtitc oF PAnCEL A, AtL rltPROVEllSNlS tlllRlt)r, llt EASETETITS AIID RTGHTS-OF-NAY APPURTENINT TIIRE1O A6 PNOVIDID NIRTIN NCD AN UTDIVIDED ONE-TIATF IN!8R88' IN ATD TO PARC!! C ATD TN! 8.As!I(TNTE AND RTGBTS'OT'TAI APPUNTTNETT TBEREIO. ut|tT 6, colStSlttsc oF PAnCEL t, ALL lllPROVli4ENl8 TUBRIOn, l&t 'I .; r$!rrrr8 N|D Rlctr?8-o?-lAt ADPUnAlrEit !r!ng!o A8 DnOVTDID- BIRBIN ArD rr orpivioip orr-sAr,! rrrrR!8t li lrD ro PAnclL c rxD tPt 48!tt!rl8 Ar|D ntcrrS-O?-rAr APPUn:lIilI" ltlllfo' loth .uch r.p.rrr!. ..tab.r rhall be h.ld .ubr'ct htr'lo rnd lry loi r:l purpo...'ln convoyri-ind ciicrtlcd r. unit A, Snorb'try DrlY' ptrprii ' - i""or'Jing thc'linrl Plrt thcrcof rlcordod In Sooh - rl. i;;:---;-;- illili-ivrri6n-oi-iot -tii, ilock e, v!11 rnt'rrounl'ln iiiiriEiiit-g"uar"illon, icc-rdtng to thr s.cotdGd pl'r thcr'of' Eoriiti-oi irgic, sirto it coloredo, rnd onlt !, Snolb'rsy Drlv' Di;iai, iccoiarirg to tha ?inrl Plrt th.t.ot t'cord'd ln aook - "D.;;- ' .-i-iliuf,civlrfon oi iot tgcr llock 9r v'l'l tnternounlrln iiiiip"inl ilbdt;lil; accordlns to th. r.co!d.d. plrt lh'r'ol'- Counir'o! hqla, EtrBa o! Colorrdo, pur.urnt to tht! D'clrlrtlont iijiiiti""ril--6octr-iiprirlc crtrtie- rhrrr bG ln!!P'rrbl' lnd iifinii-e.rirl A no! piicol r .hall b. convoycd ot-nostgrg.d rlthout iii-iiiriti"iit-uiiarviara lnt!tclt ln P.rccr c' nor 'htrl .'lth:r.-- uiiafviirca lntcrcrt fn pJicif i bc convcycd o! Dortgrged rlthout th. rptlllcrblc Prtcel A or Parccl B. 3. roflllEn. DEFINED. .Oyncr. rs ur.d hcreln' unl.!! a contrlty lntcntton cl.rrly rPPcrta, shrll ncrn althes the Pltty ol iiiiill'liiii-'iq-i-itri lo funtL-r or thc Prrtv or parttcs hordlne ittlc to onlt 6, a! thc c.r. aay be rnd 'othcr orner' ahall DCrn Eh' prili or paitfci holdlng titlc to lhc oth'r such unit' a. PARII IIALL DECI,ARATIoN' ?hG stld Prrtv Yrll dlvldlng onlta A and ! lr harabt d.clal.d to b' ! Palty rlrl lnd rhall D' iiiniirii"C"i. -a -pe lti riff-uiirccn .uch toinhoir.ir undcs thc IaY. ot fi:-;ilaa oi coiore&o .rccpt es epcctt lcrllv P!ovld'd hGrcln' 3. EASftiE T. lrch oencr .h!ll hrva a pcrpcturl r'clpsocrl .t!.DcntlnrndtothltPlrlofthclubJcctProp.ttyoln.dDyCn!..otr,ii'orn., and on rhtch--ita p".ty yali la iocitcd, tot p.!ty uall puiporilr-includlng nllnt.nanc-, tcpalr rnd in3P"ctlon' n'lthCr irrni r rniff altcr os chrng. aald paity vall rn lny nann'r'.lnt'tlot iiliirllon-"iioptra, end irld periy ritt !h!ll tlY.y! rcrrln ln th. rraa locrllon el vhrn rractcd. 6. i^tl|lrilAlc! Of PARTT xA&l. ?hl co't ol nrlntrlnlng th' p.rty ,.ii r'niil'-[l 6oini rquelty by. borh orn.r3. ||rlnt.nrnc. ol &toinrl lpPartrnca rnd o! iootr'rh'II bG und'rtalen ulth th' iiiiiio". -E6rlint of both orncrr rnd rr rhc .qu.l .rprnrc ot tolh ornlir unfctr tha o.n.rr unrnlnou.ly !grc' to th" cont'ltfy ' 7. DNTAG E m PARfI IALL. tn the rv'nt ot d'nrg' ol d'truction oi rafa trll fson tnt cturtr olhrr th.n tht ncallganc. ;i-;i6a; party thcrrto, rh. thGn orn'r' !h'll' at Jolnt orpohrrl ;;;i;-;; iiuuira reld iellr .nd .rch 9rr!v, hl' 'uccelror' tnd llfiii.l-rlirr-tivr ltro rtgir! to thr lull u" of r'l<l rrll ro ;;;il:i oi-iluriti. tt rithrr P.r!v'r n'9lrlrrnc" rhrlr c'ur' iiillii-co-or-6rriiuctton o! ..td rrll, ruch ir.9ltg.nt p.rry .hrll rrli-int .ntlr. cort o! s.p.lr or rocon.!ructlon. -ll cJth.r. prrtt iiii t -iilciicr - or rcluI ro-p.y htr .h.r.r-or .ll of ruch co.t. ln iiri- ol - iicr tg.nc., th. olhit'Perty nty hrvl. ruch,rrll r'p'tr"! ot iiiEoiio"iio-ir|lri-ur.nrtrl.d to hrvr. !r.ch.nlc'r ll.n on th. iiliiii. o! thr Frty.o frlllng to PrYr lo! th' 'nount ol 'uch fiilriit";-p.iiti l- '.t. of !h? toFrlr o! s'pl'c'tnant co't' lnt's'rt iiiiiiii"it-thi'trtr of 2{r prr annun, cortr rnd rttorn'v'r l'i" f. DRILLTNC IHROUGH PARTI i{ALL. lllh'l p'tty rhrLl hrv. th. r19h; lo tilii ihrougtt thr plriy urll lor lhc pu t tlotr of '.': 'i}{ -1 I ;s r.trl rtnS to lh. ob lonal!lon CiDftr O! ot rtrtctlnt |.trlrlor r.tlt I ol oth.l utllltlarr rubtac?ltrtlcr to i.rlota r.ld trll to llr Pr.vlour .iluclutrl ra hlr orn .rD.n!. .nd thr prttrntr !o !h. rdtolntng trt 6rragor naglltantlt Gaurra !h.3.Dy. lr t$lftol DlCOlAtlOll Ot tTluglullt. io orn.t rhrll rrlr o! tu?t.r .tt rttultut.l ot d.rl9n oh.n9. (lncludlnl ool0l l!!!!!t--ot ang tvBr at nriura fhatar.t !o lha .rt.tlor of rnt llPlov.t'nB en tha DioDaitt flthout obtrlnlnq lh. Ptlot rrltt.n con..ni o! tltr oitrri-r*arrl rhloh oon..nt thall noi br unrrrronrblt-rllhh.ld 0l dalataal. tlo arttrlor l:tuoturaa or .ntrrttcllr ln rddttlon lo lllo" Dlroad thalaon rcoordlhl Eo th. rrchllrcturrl plrna on rhtoh tha. Sulldtnar ar. conatructldr ,hrll b. add"d !o althtr dr.llln9-unlB .rlthoui-thr conront ot all 6t thf ornrlrr rhlch oonrant ahrll nol D' unraraonrblv flthhrl6 ol .l.lr!.dr lhould rtth.t orn.t lall cr iliuii-Co-il1 [ti pionorttonrir ihrrc o( thr co.! o! .nv d..otrtlon ot atruotuial c!.tnirr-thr oihrt fin.r thrll b..ntltlrd t0 hrvi r irotrrntctr ltrn on-thr Planl..r ol th. orn.t ro lrlllng to pryt.lor tha rtount o! .uch 6.t.ultln9 ornera lhlt. ol th. coat, lfitalall aoctulng at tha rrta of lll l,cr rnnt| r ooflr rnd rtlornalrl lltlr r0. DliAol ol DttTlucttot 0t fffitt lll0 ulllT. ln tlro .v.nt o! d.rtruatloh ot Unltr A .ndlor fr o! rnl Pottlon th.trotr thf atl.lllne ro d.rlroy.d rhrtl br !rrtor.d.! ih. ,.rtnt rnd aqurl arDanaa of th. or"rart' rcco16ln9 to a unltoln lrchlt.ctuaal PIln an! ttitlahl ll r,ry du.Illng l. but plrtlrlty d.rtroy.d ro thrt th. oolt of r.atorlnq ll Ir not aqurl Lo thrt ol r.ltorlng th. rdrolnlnl unllr thrn !h. rnounl rh.lI br rFlnrtlonld rocoadlnq to lh.ln6lrldurl oort. It tha or.rr1 ot ruch drnrgfd lnDteeltant. dorr not oodranca lrDtlr or rrconrttuctlnn rtthln l0 dryr lroit tho drta auch dtnlor oceuir, thr othtl ornrt hry tlo rot Provid.d, horavltr lhlt ruoh roprlr ot ttcon.truotion rhrll not b. undrr!rrrn.flthout prl0r notlaa io rny holdcr ot a tlrrt nort{rga or flrrt dt.d 0t tturl anou[barlhg ihr lnlrrovr;rntr d.irqral or dtatfotrd rnd luathar Dtoyldid lhal ruch nGttgre.r .f, bt !arronrblt notl0lr lafula l0 oonmnt to auch raFlll ol raplfcrn.n!. colrr ol anl tuoh trlrllt ot raconatruotlon, to tha ortant lxrrllllo, rhr,ll bt Prl6 tol bt lnlurrncr rFpllc.bl. to thr drn.qrll lfrProvta.ntr. It tha soal ol rrPalr, laPlacan.n! of raconatructlon ftca.dr auch lnau Doa, tha arA.ra rhall b. prlat tos by th. ovn.t of tha alrlag.d lrtprovatantr. .Should rny ornar lrll o! r.fu.. lo pay hl. proPoltlonrtf lhrla ol tha cortr of raprlt or r.pl.caa.nt. tha oth.r orn.r i.f rrla DrgrQntr .nd rhrll b. ontltlfd to h.v. | [cchontor llan on th.-prirntrrr o! th. prrty ro lrl.lng to pry, tor th. rrount ot .uch dalrultlnl prrttra rhrra of thr rrPrlr or taplacanant coatr lntaralt aoorulnl rl th. srl. ol ltl p.r rnnuor coatr rnd rltornat'a l?aal ll. txtuR^Ncr. lrch ornrr rhrJl obtrln rnd [rlntrtn rt rll tlnat lnaulrncr rgrlnrl lorl or drn.g. bt llr. rnd ruch oth.! hrrrrda lt lra grnrrrlly covrrad ln thr rr.r un6.! rt.ndrltl trtandal covrrre. Drovlrtonr lor al la.rt lh. lull larutrbl. r.Pl.c.trng oort,o! thr - lnirr ov.n.n!t on th. aubJ.ct prop.ttl ornad thfr.by. Drool ol - fuch in.urrnsa .hrll b. rupgll.d bt olch orn.s upon lha taaronrbla raquart ol thr otha! ornar. Th. lnaurrnc. rh.ll provlda thrt lt gannot b. crncallad bI alth.t th. lnrutrd or Lha ,n.ulrnc. colPrnt untlt rrltt.n rotlc. brr b..h sant to th. othcl ornfl. E.ch orna!tay obtrln vhatcaar rddtttonrl lnrurlnca hr ao daatsaa. l|ch ofnar i.ir r! rny tln. on. yalr or longc( rfla! lh. nolt lacrnt rpprrl[lr da.rnd ot thc oth.r ornar rn rpprrllrl of lha thprovanrnt. lor lnautrncG purpotc!r or nty hrva ruch epprel l frldar ln cata of rnt ruch rpgt.lrrl, the plrtlca rhrll !h.r! tha co.t! thclcol agu.Ilt. ll. o!f!fltl|. I ruturl ..r.nt lor th. loottlon'Inrtrll.tlon, ralnt.nrhcfr, rrprtr rnd r.rov.l ol uttllW. t.cllltt.f (ln€ludlnt but noi ltrlt.d !o-.?rt.;rr ltn.rr DlDrf, irir||, lrtftlnl lnd dlrtrtbutlon afvlof, tot car, ralat, a.r.rr .l.olrlclty,Ind dlrtltbutlon afvlof, tot Cat, ralat, a.r.t, .l.otrlcltr,lng !llSltDUllOn lfVlOf, tOl Clfr rllllr l.Illr alaot,ll,Olllr lalaphora fnd t.lrrlalon purror.rl tr h.rrbt irritrdr tot.thtt rl:h lht rlght of Ingtart lnd alrrra th.r.torar onr rbovaf ov.? aod lhrough tho auhlrot tropfrly rnd th. lrproy.r.ntr coh.truotad thrrronr aubl.ct lo tha obJ,lg.tlon to r.atolf .r nartty r. po tharaon, aubl.ct fo ah. oblig.tton to r.rtolr .r na.rty r. poaftblt trld ruDj.ot paop.rty .nd liprovrr.atr. lll r.lnt.n.nco rnd raP.lt rllh lrrp.cl to rrtd utllttl... rhtll b. .cconDllrh.d rt th. ,olnt arpa . ol bth orn.r l. ll. Cov:ffl|'8 lufilt[c llTlt tttf LAllD. lh. or..rfni. .nd rarttlctlonr hrr.by er|.t.d rrr .nd !h.tl b. prrpaturl .Dd oonrttuad ta ooy.nrntr runnlnl rlth thr l.nd rnd ..ch rnd rvrrf p.raon roo.plrnf by d.ad or othtlrlD .ny portlon of th. rubr.ot progalty thalt ba daarad to hrya .cor9t.d th. no rlth th. \.ndarrtrnlllng thrt hr la bound horrby rnd lhrt rrch .nd tv.ry oLh.r purchrr.r la rl.o bound hrrrbyr .nd thrt h. l. rntltl.d to thf b.r.fttr h?r.ol rnd t,htt Inf othr! plar.nt or futur. orrn.r by dred or oth"rrlra la rlrltrlll bound hrrrby rnd .ntlll.d to th. b.n.llt LJrrol, rll lo tha aana ateant at t,hough ruch p.rron hrd rlgnrd thlr lnrtru[ant. ?ba undarflgn.dr ln rrocuttng rn,l dallv.rlng dacdr to th. daacrlbad Pratllta trty gsovl6a, by rct.r.nc., ln t.id cohvttrnGtrr that gha ttta lta rubJact lo tha Larira' condlttont, ?..orvltlona,r.atrlcltona lnd cov.nrntr htr'1n cont.ln.d, .nd n.y d..tEnata tha bool Ind grgr ol tha racord ln rhlch rhlr ln.f,tutr.nt lr r.cotd.d. ta. I,ANDSCIPI 116, SxFtNslli AND l-lA!lLITY lttr PARCEL C.lro.Dt a, oth.rrlr. tpocillc.lty provldrd ln rrltlng, .rch oln.r ,ahall ba r.rponalbl. lor onr-hrlf ol rl I .rp.nr.r, ll.brlltlra rnd lanarrl uDka.p tarponrlbll lt 1.. rith rr.t|'ct lo Prrc.l c. Tha ornarl lhall undartala tu.'h lrnrhcrl)tnq rn.l {.n"trl ('utdoor lrproYanrnta m liry ory untnrrourly tlrr'rr lrol,rl ler lhr h.tionfoua ltgrovatantr o; Prt.ral c. ?h. {Jrn.rl rhrtl on or l'.f ola tht tttlt 6ay ol Iovoibor ln aach tarr rrtrbllth I rrttt.n l,udq.t b.r.d on tha atltnrtad coat of lllntr!lrlnq th. p.rty rrll rnd parcrl C tor thc nart calandr! yatr (thr rcofinofi f,rpant.r'). connrrar lrp.nr.t ahalt lnotuda but thall not ba lltilt.{t to, lrl!.nrrr ot nrnao.nrnt, trraa and rPa6lrl lltatairDtt, unlrrr r.t,r1.t.ly rar..rrdr prrnlunt lor tnrurrnca, rnor plodlngt lrndrc.nlng .nd c.rr ot qr0undrt Ilgntlng rnal hartl,ng rrcapt ar r.par.t.ly i.trtrdt r.prila .nd r.novltlont,trrth Coltactlon., ylgrrl ritar charq.rr r.g..l , rccountlng and oghaf profaa.lonrl tollt rrpcnrr. .nd ll.bllltl"r lncurr.d by .lth.r Ornar undar or b? r"alon ol thlr D.cllratlont rn, d.ticlt ralatnl1g lror I prGvlout parlod, lhr crGrtlon ot ! rGrronrbl,. contlng.nct or oth.s ralaret or rurplut fundr aa r"lI rr othrt co.tB rnd a.p.nl.r ralrtlng to lh. prstt frll. Arrrr.r.ntr tot thc budg.t.d conr|on lrganrar .hrll ba payabl. rnnu.lly ln .dvanc.. No unbudg.tcd arpandltur. tn ..c.rr oI 12\0.00 rhrll b. D.dr by rlthtr clvn.t rlthout tha prtor rrlttan conr.nt ol th. othrr orna!, .rc.pt ln tha Otra ol an orargarlcy Lo gr.vrnt darnlg. to rny l,rrcrl. l:rch ounar ahrll htva !.clprocrt rlghtr to ur. Prrc.l C l('r lhc putl)or.r ol tccaat, lrndratplngr lr!danlnq, rlcrtrtl.)n, lrrhtnq, (or all putForar raraonrbla rlth taap.ct to any .aaro.ntr, utlJlty rarvlca llnat ot oth.r rlghtr lnctd.nt to Ptrcrl c.nd trtt .l,l oth.r raaronabla PulPorarr ll balng rp.cltrctlly undc!rtood '.1'.t .och ornatrt raaprctlva urr and inJo? cnt ol Prrc.l C rhrrl ) Ut tltronrbla rnd ba ararclrld tn tuch nlnnra It to not conrlttuta a nulatnce nor othtrflra rubrlrnllrlly lntrsttrG rith th? oth.3 otnalrr ura and anJoyh.nt ol lrrc"l c. .l ll. rratDENltAL ult' Th' unltr rhrll b' urtd fo! r.rld.ntlrr Purpor.. ;;; i[lir it-tit-itnrr trr urrd ln contorrlly' rtth cov.n.n!. ot ,.ol'ri iiii'6rirniiiri o! ieolr counly ot tn! otn.t gov.rn|.n!rl .utnorrii'ir,ii'i li.,iil- i,,.i r Jurliiict ton. i,nttr A .nd r rhrll b. occupl.o .ni'uili-iv lii-rr.po"llvr orn.sr onty " 9!lvrBr , dr.lttng. lor !h. ori.il-[rl'trnilyr. i.nrnt],-ina-loctii guritr' rna . tor no oth.r PurPo!.i-iic- iu"tt u"'rhrtl.b' ln 'ccord'nc' rno colpltrnc. rl!h t'h. loiiig-oilriinci oi tttr countv ol E 9l'' rnd 8!rh o! colorrdo. ii"oiri. i thrll 1..p, .llory on th. Pr.nlt.t, ol borrat rny doaottcrtoi iiiiiirtorJ tntari ' -othrr !h'n r dott''!tlcrt'o hour.hold rntrnrr ovnli l;i;;'o;;"i; hlr'fani!e' t'n!ntr 'nd roclrr su..trr rnd ln no .ulltl"liiri"lrtti" ut rll;$ io uc tcpt' bo'sdrd Ei-iiritl'in.o on tn.-piltitJt-rnott th'n. tro (2) don'lttc!t''l bour.hold rnlhalr for-lictr dr'll lr'g unttf ^rnd lor th' PurPo"'ot thl. D.clrr.tron, . ioiilirciili rr6uett'oid enlnel rhrll nc'n lhc tollorlng' to rltt ;;;;-ffi;;;i:"to9 9ll: (arcludlne Dountrln llon' tlg.r' llon' .tc.l, ;i;e. No oth'r ."nlTlr thrll bo tllor'd-to-b' iiiil'uiiraia, ot ropiiia Ylthln n dvelllng unlt o! upon I prrcorr unl... rrtrrGn "on".f,i-ii Ilri"oJ".t ot-itr.'oltrlr drclitng unlt rhrll iiiii-ui-out.lnca, eni piovtaca thrt 'uch Gv'nt t' 1n conIorn'nc' .nal cotnPltrncr vftn lhr'ionlng rrrolutlon of th' County ol Drglrr Bt.!. o! Coto(rdo. rtl'ril'iilifir pirccfr .h.ll not b' rcFt'd by th' o.n.tl th.trot ror tirnitiit or hoirt purPo"t' rnd ruch pYlpol'r iilii-ui'olirnr,t cr'iintit to 'nY tndlvldu'l' group or tntlty iii-ini-p.ii;J rorr irtln-ono vcoi durlng rnv crl'ndrr v'r!' oth.s :hrn tnr rorrciii; 6'dirsiit"^i' tlir oincrr ot tht Prsc'lr rhrll h.v. 'frr rUroiuil'light'to lrr" rrtr' Drovldtd lhrt th' l"r' lr naltr rub:.ct to tii-"in'ilnrntr rnd rcrtrlLtlonr con!rlnt't ln thl' D.cl.t.tlon' rno rr'ii iiii'iiiiiir;icr rlth th' ronlng tGrolu!ton ol !r 1Ia countY, col orrdo. 16. A||!ND!{!NTS. Th"' 'rtolntntr.'nd r'strlct'lon' nly b' .r.ntt.d or !.vot.at Jiii'uy-i"-i^iiiunont ln vrltlng durv tr.cut.d rnd rctnoul.69ro uy'iti oinrrr ot !h' rulrJ'ct psoPtrty.rnd.rll---- i|iolil""i-i;ioiali ttiri norrsrqrr.or tlirt d..dr ot tturt th.t.on, Iii-ui6n-it'i iicorolng ot rrld rrrrndlnrl lnrtrutiGnt' J?. lEVrnAitt tTY. tt rnY Provtrton o! thlr Dtcl'trtlon ol lny lactlon, ,antanca, cllulrr l'hrrrt.ot ror\t' ot th' 'PPttc'ttcn th.r.ot tn tny crrcr]iitii"J, ir'helrl tnvrl ld, th. vrl t.ltty ol tlrr iiiiliii.i""i Ir,ri riiti,ilrni ina ihr 'pel.tcrtton ol. rnt provlrlon' aoctlonr llh!thcor Jfrurt, phtltc or vbrd ln rny olh'r cltouttlt'n0'l rh.ll not b. rlt.ct.d th.r.bY. IA. GENNRAL. r) Any lt.n tllrlt by tn oun'r l.tuTr!:l! tU tnl' D'cIr!rtlor rh.ll ba ruboidlnetr to th. ttrn ot lny 1n'tltutlonrl llttt nortgrg' 6i-ii"iitutionai ttrrt dr.d ot trurt on tho unlt' b) should .tth.t P'rLy bl requlrrd t'o trl' 'ctlon to rnforco, Ly ilgal procrralirgr "r othrtrlrr'.rny condltlont r.rtrlctlon' cov.nrnB oi ottior slght or obllg'tlon toF'rd-Du!'urnl to !htr D.el.t.tton' tni prrvllllng P'rtY.'h'll b' 'ntltl"! to ;;;vai Itr oott. .nd !..tonrbt' 'tlotntt'' lo"' c, irch oln.t rhrll t.9lrt'1 ltr nrtllng rddt'rt rlth thr othrt ornrl rnd rll notlaai or 6rnrndr lnttnd'd !o b' "rv'd uPon iiili.-liiiir-uJ ll^r bv t.9t.t.s.d or ctrtltltd nrll' Porttg' iiiiiiicl"laotcirrtl ln Itti nrno ot tht orntt 't 'uch r'91't'r'd fiifi;;'.ee;;il.--ln th; .lt.rnrttv?, notlc'5 nrv b' drllvrrrdr ll ln rrlilng, P.rron.llY to oYnorr' '1-_ i,r' +f ." o dl ttorp.otlr. Dusoh...rr ol unlt. rh.Il b. .n!ltl.d to oaEarrlna ll a a.lllng orn.l lt tn dalrult rtlh rarDaot to rny nrlnt.nrno. obttertton ol oth.l obllgrtlon rhdar th.r. oov.n.;:. bt d.lteorlnl a rrltton tnqulrt rllh t.tpao! thalrto to tha oflnar o!!h. cth.t-unlt. r no iorD6nrr lr r16rlvod to ruotr-tniufii--iittrin l0 artr ot th. drtr illa natlo. lr r.o.lyod, th. nont.Iltni crnri l0 artr ot th. drtr illa natlo. lr r.o.lyod, th. nont.Iltni c rhall lr d..t.d to h.y. rrlv.d .nt clrt; ot ll.n or cl.lr ior .u cllr eI rn. sll. ralE notlca ll trorlvaq, 3na nonlalltnl CUnal rhall lr d..t.d to h.y. rrlv.d .nt clrt; ot ll.n or cl.lr ior irnlgrr th. arlt!.no. cf r rroorird notloa ot llrnr homvrrr rhr dlnlglr Th. .rlr!.no. cl r rroorilrd notloa ot llrn conrllluta noltor lo . DrorD.otlv, Durohra.r ol a o olnat of th. oth.r unll, rn(l ihrll not br-rll r.quo.t tor .lnlori.tlon. a, lt any rncroaohi.nt. by lha lrDtov.aanta nor lolatad on thr rubr.ot Drop.rty, or rnt rlnor anorolohi.nt d.rlvlng !ror r.Plaoarant or r.p.l1 3h.3.o1, rrlrtr spon eny ptrcrll r vrlld .rr.[ant th.rator. rnd tor nrlnt.nrno. !h.r.ot rhrll artrt. tf All ofn.rr ot rny lnt.!.rt ln !h. prop.rty bt roo.ptlng I da.d to .ny lat.r.rt lh.r.io frlv. !h. honrrltrd rr-nrgilon oi rnf oth.r .rripllon ot th. ttala of Colorado or .ny l.d.!rl lar only aa r.lrtod to rnl ltrn ftl.d by rlrt ovn.! purrurni to thta D.ol.railcn.Otharrlrr, ruch hon[tard .r. ptlonr rra not rrlvad hataby. rtr.Lauf yr aa|'nt ltgtrvtI t ptorp.otlv, purohra.r .l a olrli bt rn .h.ll no! b. rtt.ot.d by th. tor.g6lne rhrll tI rt?ilmt Ifllllot, .lhr undotrlgnrd hry. .r.cutod lhlr ln.lr[i|.nl thlr ljl dry of Ll&lrrlrr*-,,-, ItrJ.,ifii ! :UJrl*r.!c.b lt^Tt 0t color^Do,)8!couItt or :40!r ) lubtotlb.d Ind arorn lo b.forr no truoa D. Chrp rn, Attorn.! ln l,rct 8trgang, itrtr.. l. ll.lhu!rt, aludlth fi iSlliSlll; .'prr.,, r"J6b?Xltna.r ry hrnd .nd olllct.l rcrlr '(t rl, rhtr Ef,lrv or &.4-, trrr tor D.anr t. t!lgantr Corl 3. Iryhus.t, .nd |l tll lrn bt J. Notr I y Adds.rr r Ctt I /]/y (r ?/04o ,,,: ': 'I ':' !l' ( t-rt!..t t t-, l4r^ t\A,\n b /:Llr.olnr-Al*lLLffii-*ttrrJar-9t 'i;rlt HH-E&..+&Tt fhr,r{uEr- CHRIS & MARY BALL 2854 SNOWBERRY DR. vArL. co 81657 JCJ ZACK MEYER & CYNTHIA LUM 416 3OTH STREET HERMOSA BEACH. CA 90254 ROBERT MCCLAIN P.O. BOX 1372 vAtL, co 81658 JOAN EGGIRICKS STEPHEN & CATHEHINE BUREAU OF LAND MGMT 4555 GRANDVIEW DR. MATOUSEK P.O. BOX 1OO9 PEORIA, IL 61614 7600 WATERFALL TRAIL GLENWOOD SPGS, CO 81602 CHAGRIN FALLS. OH 44022 LEVIS PENNOCK 28,14 SNOWBERRY DR. vAtL. co 81657 lcl " l"{s .% SL!'r o--Ltr Sl\ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of lhe Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on October 25, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: *' A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an expansion to a residence located at Lot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain/2854 Snowberry Drive. Applicant: Millie Hamner, Chris and Mary Ball Planner:Jim Curnutte 2. A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow a bay window expansion of Gotthelf'si1 96 Gore Creek Drive/Lots A, B, C, Block 5-G, Vail Village 'lst Filing. Applicant: Paul Gotthelf Planner:Jim Curnutte 3. A request for variances for setbacks, density, parking in the front setback, and a driveway which exceeds the allowable grade for the development of a condominium project and an employee housing unit to be located at 44 Willow Place/Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Frederick H. Larson, Dorothy H. Larson, Lawrence K. Larson, Frederick A. Larson and Lance V. Larson Shelly Mello Planner: 4. A request for a worksession for variances for road grade and wall heights and a major subdivision (Trapper's Run) to creale thirty Hillside Flesidential lots to be located on Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Ftange 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner:Jim Curnutte 5. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Fload EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant Vail Valley Medical Center Planner:Andy Knudtsen 6. A request to relocate the helipad to the west end of the snow dump located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/an unplatted parcel located west of the Town of Vail shops and east of the Spraddle Creek development. Applicant: VailValley Medical Center Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for approval of the Cemetery Management and Master Plan Report, for the Town of Vail Cemetery to be constructed in the upper bench of Donovan Park located generally southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood and west of the Glen Lyon neighborhood. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen 8. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant Rod and Beth Slifer Planner: Kristan PriE BOBERT MCCLAIN P.O. BOX 1372 vArL, co 81658 CHRIS & MARY BALL 2854 SNOWBEBRY DR. vAtL, co 81657 ZACK MEYEB & CYNTHIA LUM 416 3OTH STREET HEBMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 JOAN EGGIRICKS STEPHEN & CATHERINE BUREAU OF LAND MGMT 4555 GRANDVIEW DR. MATOUSEK P.O. BOX 1OO9 PEORIA, IL 61614 7600 WATERFALL TRAIL GLENWOOO SPGS, CO 81602 CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44022 LEVIS PENNOCK 2844 SNOWBERRY DR. vArL, co 81657 cilql.i :- n'd7 Sl .r{ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on September 27,1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ot Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use to allow a cemetery in an Agricultural Open Space zone district and a request for a variance from the paving standards to allow a gravel road lo be constructed in the Town of Vail Cemetery located in the upper bench of Donovan Park. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner:Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a minor subdivision, a request for a rezoning from Agriculture Open Space to Greenbelt Natural Open Space and Low Density Multi-Family and a request for a variance to allow parking in the front setback for an unplatted parcel located between Tract C, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch and Parcel B for the purpose of allowing an employee housing development. Applicant: Vail Housing Authority Planner:Andy Knudtsen 3. A request lor approval of the Cemetery Report, for the Town of Vail Cemetery to be constructed in the upper bench of Donovan Park. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner:Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an addition to Unit 28, Tract B, Bighorn Townhomes/4718 Meadow Drive. Applicant: Jerald and Mary Lou Kocak and John and Julie Mork Planner:Jim Curnutte A request for a density variance and a selback variance to allow for an expansion to a residence located at Lot 198, Block g, Vail Intermountain/2854 Snowberry Drive. Applicant: Millie Hamner, Chris and Mary Ball Planner:Jim Curnutte 6, A request for a minor subdivision for Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/381 Beaver Dam Circle. Applicant: Leo Payne Planner: Jim Curnutte 7. A review of a request to lift a deed restriction {or the Todger Anderson residence located at Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lionsridge 4th Filingl1775 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Todger Anderson, represented by Tom Braun, Peter Jamar Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 8. A request for an amendment to SDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVLot45, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and LOan Planner: Shelly Mello L A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for a new residence on Lot 18, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing/32s Forest Road. Applicant: Timothy Drisko Planner: Andy Knudtsen 10. A request for the establishment of a Special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, and more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land in Tract B, Vail Village, First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, mo.e particularly described as follows: Gommencing at the Norlheast corner of said Tract B; thence N 79"46'00" W along the Northerly line of Vail Village, First Filing, and along the Northerly line of said Tract B 622.86 feet; thence S 06'26'52'W a distance of 348.8:l feet to the Southwest corner of thal parcel ol land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle Counly Records, said corner also being the True Point of Beginning; thence S 79"04'08" E and along the Southerly line ol said parcel 200.00 feet to lhe Southeast corner thereof; thence N 62"52'00' E and along the Northerly line of that parcel of land descnbed in Book 222 al Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagle County Records, a dislance of 66.78 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said parcel of land; said corner being on the Westerly righlof-way line of Gore Creek Road, as platted in Vail Village, Fifth Filing; thence N 27'13'37" W a dislance ot 77.37 leet along said Westerly right-oFway line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89"29'22" W a distance of 12.80 feet to the Northeasterly corner of thal parcel of land described in Book 19 1 , Page 139 as recofded January 1 0, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records; lhence Northwesterly 26.51 feet along lhe arc of a 37.50 feet radius curve to the left having a central angle of 40"30'00" whose chord bears N 53.40'00" W a disrance of 25.96 feet 10 a point of tangency; thence N 73"55'00' W and along said tangenl 166.44 feet; thence N 85"10'21' W a dislance of 50.40 feet to the Northwesterly corner of the Mountain Haus Parcel; thence S 02"18'00" W and along the easterly line of said Mountain Haus Parcel a distance of 100.00 feet lo the Southeasterly corner thereof; lhence S 45'13'53" E a dislance of 38.70 feet to the True Point of Beginning, conlaining 30,486 square feet, more or less. Applicant: Vail Athletic club Planner: Shelly Mello ROBERT MCCLAIN P.O. BOX 1372 vArL. co 81658 JOAN EGGIRICKS 4555 GRANDVIEW DR. PEORTA, tL 61614 LEVIS PENNOCK 2844 SNOWBERRY DR. vArL, co 81657 CHRIS & MARY BALL 2854 SNOWBERRY DR. vAtL, co 816s7 STEPHEN & CATHERINE MATOUSEK 7600 WATERFALL TRAIL CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44022 ZACK MEYER & CYNTHIA LUM 416 SOTH STREET HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 usf5 B/abl9S -ac)g SLrrt c.xf qj tri OD SPGS, CO ,L THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on September 13, 1993, at2;OO P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for an amendment to SDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesULot 45, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Shelly Mello 2. A request for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, a zone change, and an encroachment into View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, C, Block 2 and Tract E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicants: Golden Peak House Condominium AssocJVail Associates, I nc./G PH Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville, I nc. Mike Mollica 3. A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an expansion to a residence located at Lot '198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain/2854 Snowberry Drive. Applicant: Millie Hammer, Chris and Mary Ball Planner:Jim Curnutte 4. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for a new residence on Lot 18, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing/325 Forest Road. Applicant: Timothy Drisko Planner:Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a minor subdivision, a request for variances for wall heights, construction in an area with slopes in excess of 40% and parking in the front setback and an amendment to the approved development plan for the for the Briar Patch development located at 1398 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot F, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 2. Applicant: Briar Patch Condominiums Planner:Shelly Mello Planner: Planner: t. 6. A review of a request to lift a deed restriction for the Todger Anderson residence located at Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lionsridge 4th Filingl1775 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Todger Anderson, represented by Tom Braun, Peter Jamar Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for the establishment of a Special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, and more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land in Tract B, Vail Village, First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner ol said Tract B; thence N 79'46'00" W along the Northerly line ol Vail Village, First Filing, and along lhe Northedy line of said Tracl B 622.85 teel; thence S 06"26'52" W a distance of 348.83 leel to the Southwesl corner ol that parcel of land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as fecorded January 10, 1966 and liled in Receplion No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records, said corn€r also being the True Point o{ Beginning; thence S 79"04'08" E and along the Southerly line of said parcel 200.00 feet 10 the Southeast comer thereof; thence N 62'52'00' E and along the Northerly line ol that parcel of land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagle County Records, a distance of 66.78 leet 10 the Northeasterly comer of said parcel of land; said corner being on the Westerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Fload, as platted in Vail Village, Fitlh Filing; thence N 27'13'37" W a distance ol77.37 teel along said Weslerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89'29'22" W a distance of 12.80 feet to the Northeastefly corner of that parcel of land described in Book 1 91 , Page 139 as fecorded January 10, 1966 and liled in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records; thence Northwesterly 26.51 feet along the arc ol a 37.50 feet radius curve lo the lett having a central angle of 40"30'00" whose chord bears N 53'40'00" W a distance ol 25.96 feet lo a poinl of tangency; thence N 73"55'00'W and along said tangent 166.44 feet; thence N 85'10'21'W a distance o{ 50.40 feet to the Norlhwesterly corner of the Mountain Haus Parcel; lhence S 02"18'00'W and along the easterly line of said Mounlain Haus Parcel a distance of 100.00 leet to the Southeasterly comef thereof; thence S 45'13'53' E a dislance ol 38.70 teet lo the True Point ol Beginning, containing 30,486 square feet, more or less. Applicant: Vail Athletic Club Planner: Shelly Mello 8. A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an addition to Unit 28, Tract B, Bighom Townhomes/4718 Meadow Drive. 9. A request to amend the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan and a request for a landscape variance for Tract F, Vail Village 5th Filing/458 Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Plannen Jerald and Mary Lou Kocak and John and Julie Mork Jim Curnutte Vail Associates, Inc. Andy Knudtsen 10. A requestfora minorsubdivision forLot 1, Block4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/381 Beaver Dam Circle. Applicant: Leo Payne Planner: Jim Curnutte C,o z (n {F c o {o z T trl 7 ={ E -E o (I' m Is :.- o ; 'tt -r:o <x 1 tY :l m: 6 9o I qP o ,ho <JI "-m=-rca o.<1o-dE ;g -oO ctt >l 16 m-l m lt = ftflxl =pF t=z = \ / r//YF t- T - T-- r--_l t lLlI l F.)@ -n! o. Of-+- cc z=U gqt g "t= =\J $iz |/9 F q)z =q mil lr lFr lzo lz:lon rH; Frm ootr G-r \o --l FO tI, m x m TI -l z (- (D tA l-{irn tF := 'H z P H l-i O> \J !t ,/ T1 [ll -o 'f =m €z m z m 3 c)c) tr{F H z c) --.{ l* l\o I' t: 'Tl t-z H z Fl IN t< tz lFl IF lFr tz .)|<E =FE <l= l'> E IEd Ht; to rr|fi lEd l@ lF!I NJ]I oolS I o\ lc)I s. ic)liF l(rl>I ZIH t I olz r l€l I u, l J r{l t'dl IF l<l tl lrdl o 2a --1 m vz >m c)n --{ > O-n z;-lc p< -1 Z Qc) l-m c)--{ F t- z --{ o Za) >;n 3 m .)I z 6 o z -l --l Ol<II .Elr -<rl< FI t0 l tol BI tl tl III ll tl l6 l€ lz lo ll I> lF t:, l-r r-n l€ l=lzl 19 lo l; lE lm lH l= ]F I F"l ll'tt tl tl tl tl tl s. ! I l.J l.J ld l€ t6 l<t> IF lr ln lz l-.1 'n lo l;l= l=lzl tol pt t>l lFl trl lBl lal ll ll I tl -l -l mlO Il€:' tz le t<t> lF lfi tF, lz le I I I I I ;.;E:q 5 .e:ao ;3699 !o^P^.Ea![* .o :.r< R {r-o€ I o-J+3d.o +=, =6 O (/) +'u - -=-oo) 55 Aa - =(i9;.=(D;i- < oii 5 crR f?aH=i16o *6'ox96o #f2 ?f s==F #31? edi::o*1. : r, ci d* E'ffi,3aE "?L-,3 i i 9 c Zl,:4, -@ =^ * sl xiSP;;;9l ^r 1l r6-:-:lil I I e.'F;cill' 5;!:T zlt ^.o_Jx'.-'r l :=.\'' ='il/ !e 43 d' :ll r 6 =.J :ll 'Fs i s:cj|I =Rii a 5 1l d-6 q r a ;l 6 3 g F ! @ :z o li n--i-T;t=-F-l*i ---T---T- lli a z o a rn o o<n-o m 31F ; rtr -9 d;a al I rg --l o1 o :l ^z">r -9 m =a zl m E];l -l -i iz i-r tr l t- I I I X !rn o lr lI - i€ l; iF I (tl =t= a ;L ! €xa v .t 1== zz ; iil :z oR !* t 4t E ;o t)tn1 u.:ao .z ic <;l Fi ml r I I z { --t m _--t z *i{X o _3 z : :c ! --.1 m c ll c =o z c)N 2xa !xt 4):m F io -)'Tr =zat i, qo o<z Xo 6P ^Z c h zan o5 o 'n2z € - -I n< N X rt]z z rt,X H H H z A I p( FI ET z = c F I z o z -t m o z . z 6 g -*9 Zz <T =6' F c) *. O ;: > \o \o z rl F z ,{ l'.) --{ t- m ; 'Tt m m at c (o m o m z c ! m -9 = o I z € Ir I z m m m I z c) c ql z -i c) z o I m c)x c z ln --t m I =TI m m VALUATION !m u z o =m o z c = m m ^ c & @ |.J l,)LN ae#- Tu/& o o z o {n c o { 6 z !m n =-{ m Eso 8(ci ol :g ig m=,2 !i.o<3i aJ F! =,iri =I !m = !ln o !m - = !fla !oc EfrE ii;|- 9|z=0@ Z2 6o z z o -{m I ,o o ! o .n !m t = o @ m x m ! o 2 o @ 9,-{m I m o 1o ,+ (1;-o t 9a flI gE o 9p -{C *E g6 gE -{x 3!-{()o>vF o tct =m ,z >rn o! oF E u o E an o o t z m a ,l 6l @l zl >l 3l 11 | -\l o n |t.s s \ F a - 7 fiF o> s\ tq 'I bt FF tn 7 m o {z o .lt F tl P z o 3 o {z o tt F Itl o z o !!3 ?2 o I -t n P 2 I {o f 2 o F ,tn P z o !! B o €z o -,|n I z o B ! a a !- :EF rR I $$f c)N-i c:3 is P to ->!:zo H ?9 3 2 t- !n ! o 2 n rn o tn l<' 12 l= t>l- fi ,z m - |n z o { tn o {z fi ! o t o o z ! o o t o t T 3 a n a l!r, ,E lli 4:1\ !m ,- -o \, 75 .outh lronl,rg! rotd udl, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 omc. of conmunlty dovoloPmcttl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this permit requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval , Engineer''s (.Public llorks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Hea'l th Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as 'long as three weeks. All cormercial ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Res'idential and small projects should take a lesser amount of t'ime. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three. week period. Every attenpt will be made by this department to exped'ite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Development Department. '\ t' tS routh fiontrgr .ord r.it. color|do E1657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlcr ol conmunlty dcvcloPmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED IIIIIT THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMIJNITY DEVEI.OPMENT }IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING E UATERIAL STORAGE fn sumraary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to-Iitter, track or deposit any soil, rock, qand, debris or naterial , lncluding trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour nritten notice to renove said naterial- In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the- 24 hour tine specif ied, the Public lilorks Departrnent will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to c-onstruction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Toltn of Vail Building Department to obtain a coPy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Proj ect II ^c/ lr,- 14 I Date / (i.e. contractor, ovner) 5,J) V;e,ut sri t:p , ui,nn,, L/ro-ut -1oP V -: x'=1 '/'t ' :'+b ..-- '/ I'":'-k 1 -r*"K l//., 4lenfo1, I 1 t4 t' 1n' : v I v v D-/ \ o <1op v L/t ot^-t a- 1 I 1 I I I r1 1n' {, t F, ,T , )o-, \ l 3' L /rts'4s-. i ,n*, o' \/ /z ADDRESs: \ PHOI{E #: COI.PTNY: CONTMCTOR REGISTRATI O{ P REQUAT I F I CAT I ON FORM l,lust be recelved and apprcved prlor to issuance of reglstratlon' *submit to the Torn of Vall Buildlng Departmnt' PLEASE SUBI,IIT COPY OF AI{Y PERTINENT REGISTRATIqI HITH APPLICATION' Type of registration being app'lied ton a-vr"r/ L*t\t(*< Application made bY: '7 >- REGI STRATI OIi FEES Excavation. " :n*h 0wner/Builder.... ' rv'w7 IT,IS IMPERATIVE THAT LIABILI ! Option $1,000,000 ln the aggnegate for Bodily.Iniury ir,ooo,ooo in the a6gregate for Property tlamage Conbined slngle'llmlt of $l'000'000.0! Regular Cost Renewal Cost General Contractor A or Construction l4anagemnt (viiriiiii o'i'-$r,ooo,oooi' '$175'00 $12s'00 Genera1 Contractor B or Construction-Management ,'s"s'| e' (vlir;i;;; ,tiii li'ood'oool 100'00 75'00 P'lunbing. 75'00 55'00 ltechani ca] 75' 00 55 '00 f i"ctti ca] . . . No FEE No FEE !;;;i;i-ii'iiro.i drprall, sliss' masonrv, conrete' lll]lllt ru.* 5s.00 Excavation. 'j-l$ 55'oo ,r - 50.001 ll0TE: If you are purchasing an e'lectrical or plunbing rtgistratlon' you ry! provtde " .opv'oi-i"fuii.i iiiisiration'frcm tfie Siate of Colorado' Thank you, Janeil Turnbul I TOV Building Dept. iffiE_:s_it€+#}fr+.*=-_,I ;iii'i6t-niii itte io',n ftiute for anv accldents' At..^ \I iri.'tiil vou-rriri iomone iou witt piovlde us with llC. ) 0ptlon #2:. !toRKl{EN'S SATION a ift... l. ".. ? r':r'. , aa A Corporatfon A Prrtnershlo An tndividuai ' t'tl 8y: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...aaaoaaaaaaoaaaaao Principal 'fflcg: r ' o r ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W (AIA Docunent Nurnber A-305 79 Edrilon rnay be .L-.Pl^l.nv vears.har-flf-grg.ntzailon been ln bustness as a 'contractor under your piesent tuiiniii name? . aaaaaaaa a a,a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 2. Hor.r many y...t.:]p:l].ence in.the-proposed type and size of construction work has your o"ganiiitiSn .had?. o"a. a.aaa.aaa 3. Llst the nost rgcent_plojects your orEanizaHon hrs had In construction work simi lar' tn-typt ini'slze: Type and llhen Class of work Comol eted l{ame and Address of 0wner Oaaa.a aaatraaaaaaa a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a ra a a a a a """"""".t".."""o"""aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .......'.1...rr.... t""t"'r"t"t"""""""""'aaaaoaaaaaaaaaaooaaaaaotaaaaoaoaaaaaoaaa a. a... a a a a a a a a f a a a a. a a a a a. a. a. a a a. a a aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaoaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4.. Llst nunlcfpallties you have llcenses and curent status: """oo""""".."t""t't"aaaaaaaarraaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaoaaaaeraaarraaaaraaaaaa a ia a. a a a a a a a.. r, a a a a a. a a a o aa aa a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a aaa a a a a a a aa a r .lj'f t 5. : l.lhat other lnportant projects conpiEted? Type and Class of work of slmilar nragnitude llhen has your orianization, Nane t Address of C.vncr ...a.raaaaaa.aa.a aa.aaa ...aaaaa.aaaaa 4..... ....t. .......a 6. Have you ever failed to cmplete any work anarded to you? If so, r.rhere and why? . 7.. Nene the Surety.Conpany, bonding capacity,and the narae and address oi the tocil alency you expect to use:..........:.. 8.- l.lhat is the construction and experience of the principal individuals of your oreaniiation-ana tnose Inclvlduals to be directly invotved ln any piojeit-in-'ttri-forn of iail. Conll eted Individual's Nanre ' Present Yrs. of Con- Pos i ti on 3tructi on or Office lxoerience l'lagni tude & Type of ln tJhar llork 0a oe ci tv? """" """t" t " " " " " o a a a a a a . a a a a (l a a a . . a a a a a a a a a a r, . a . . a a r, a a a a a a a a a a 9' Do you hold any ""ria ticenses, r:.-. i.tastcr pru$er, Architect, Erectrical? ...!Q.................................. . o... a a aa.aa a a. aa a .a a.a aaa a a. aa aaaaaaaraaa a a a. aa a.aa a .+.--_-.{ :'\3 .L,13. t .'4' . t - . t'-"' . ..'t I t O ll;r.li:l.ltl::.'f;-::ntrasts which vou. or our .o,no.nr, o,.ura t we re i nui i,.I'llv, f lirliijlnJtrut:il:ii. tii"'liiii i..,.,, t t t t t a a a o a a a a . a . a . a a a aaaaa..a.aa.a aaaaa.a.a.aaa. .aaaaa 15.. Trade References t 6o B. -'. ? n '8. li'..I|;,.i:l ::'11::. t:, I:.: :lt,.ontracts :lj:!-l:"r, or ),esr company,party to..during the previous flve iS) yerrs.rl ^l rercentage of projects cornpleted within schedule. ..............; X" x*' How sruch otilr work.wtr 1ou .do dfrecty compared to sub-conrractors? .Bankins n.i#JJ..? '] a. \hl\ lu.^\i=^^\ B-.k 8. 16.. Have you ever had a lfcense ln our arer unoer any name that uas: A) Revoked 8) Denied C) Suspended tf so, please explajn: :.............. ............... ..aa.. l7) lf registrant ls_Corporation or partnershipt please strte appl icant rel ationshipf pbii tiini """ .aaaa.a '18) lrfhat is your postion ln this registration? A) Officer B\ Stockholder lal r'r . -tL/,/ rrinclDal g/' . D) other . or lny other area 4 le) social securtty r: ..?!h.L.Q..33S.9... 5''c,7 I PERMIT PROJECT NUMBER OF laf,tqt INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . t) t ( DATE JOB NAME MON U, CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:irues <9) rH ,.'. r,*'_ 5,.1 : .. t, 1_^ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING E ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -O FINAL tr FINAL $PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^.-.: .l=,-., .7/DATE ,'' 1..'' ,' ' INSPECTOR .t- .a' T JOB R OF PROJEC t4 t E INSPECTION . TOWN OF ( (-,t /tl, - --- t_ ai REQUEST VAIL r .tr a ll 1 tr !. PERMIT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:[/oN -u€9,.)THUR WED ! /-1 .L /,t.'t \,e MB t-+ NU !t)NAME CALLER FRI LOCATION: .t) /'-1. ! .,,.v. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FIOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING ) .': c'L ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR I] FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeu=rr,TOWNOFVAILa..d rrl AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ' ,' : 'i,.: JoB NAME lLl ,... ,_',; 7,1,,, /.i:t. r< CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR f Bl--'READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr ('*o.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL FAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE i ': ':) o o z (t)+n c o {o z T m n ={ -.t (D m Ia l-- o t.-., h. E l<x f t! )l t lm: 6 la) ^ =f;x -lri S lmP o l'u ir o l< -r I l-- m =| --r t J It o< :to (J< -o iio ctl >I 7-e .Tl .D m { T-t T-t f:t L lL l L-.t =FF 2== YF l- DID a'z -lY ttt -l m lr l!-.l-o t,- o l:- .It f<Wo f,:.: 'Tl .It +m -:D r:l 'r -l @ m x m ! -l z ! u')m=n rri s -r z:'o '-; j -; :: o!(! :*B z=-'a o 0 i o z t- _o m l, =(n z m m m l< fro<>-n-0 -im ,.2 -.m t> -tn .o ,-<)zu,"'o 5 i:'n z :€ r\.r t- X-g io > .Tl ZO ?g oul F z r- n< = i =q q z 6,(,,Q5X t .u:ao ;3d99 e rJ- ^ x -.! x gx d6ig;a -o :.< Q { -d€Eo- =;:d6 P51;r =:FXd=O-= I r tD =o;- <.:- *Ot (,-X;r-o i.t j oR b'4:r- ^. a -O J 569a4' =-1aor9 ;JD=^'rru,r+i5 9i*6F +:;1:;1 --v (J +-,-..:@A_=d "i i a oo*-=u 0) I - ='^o; !.5 E ' :to ^.: l o ?:Y ='i[;a=r F5 o,6 r E6:3.n 3 orJor=:Fsisi 4$u a 5 9-,ERd 9+ai€eu9R=- VALUATION 2l=l er 3 l5l' ii'F lOr :l o l!1. Yr C lz fl t- lthl yl o l=r-z | ;;. -t.O l:rt:u, t^: r-z lZ.. I o I l:rtl 1 |ql I Project Name: Project Application / (,:- L 6 1-,u D.. /,- o^" ?r/.zr/q; ' , Pro ject Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone:</f L- 6z-oz YL Y Sno,,k--Dn Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Description,tot /Q /3 .Brock ? .ru,nn*/enr'/n ,zone- comments: 4t,'f irt lrr? c,t.(, 4..r.;f ,a c./Z'((( Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Town Plan ner .7 i- = ,/Ql Date: / / * ' / /// -A'a,",, Approval v DRB APPI.ICI,TTON - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: reviged 9l4l9L COIORADO *t*t**t*** IEIS IPPLIqABION TIILL NOT BE ICCEPTED ITNTIL AI.L REQUIRED IIIFORI{AIION IS SIIBI.IITTED *t*rt*t***t I.@: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construclion (5200.00) LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: Mail.inq Address:.-, 1/ X Uino. Alteration ($20.00) n Addition ($50.00)conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: t ot rT ii BIock Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING: H.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: applicant must provide a current lot area. REPRESENTATIVEi -,-,/'- i I' l- '11 ti ' ,(ub, hY Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: , *SIGNTTT'RE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of subnittal of DRB appli-cation. Later, when applying for a building permj-t, please identify the accurate val-uation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: $ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000 s 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 $500,001_ - $1,000,000 $ over 91,000,000 r ,la.t1 s 20.00 s 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 * DESIGN RE\IIEW BOARD IPPRO\TAL EXPIRES OITE YEAR AFTER FTNAI APPRO\TAI UNIJSS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS TSSI'ED A}TD CONSTRUCTTON TS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION I{ILL BE PROCESSED }'IIEOI'I OT{NER'S SIGNATURE APPLICATI0N IOR REV0CABLE PERMIT T0 ERECT 0R MAINTAIN Fence onrr ssq-y as,1?t+A s?'u*',il^: :ii::: -,TI-': illilr.,. d.{i ';li:l+, oWNER 0F PR0PERTY__(lypg_p1 print) br,flie t t-\or\,J.(e> 1 tlL,-riL|U,_( J Ca t.l--L{ -NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF (If necessary, attach Corner 'l ot \,ic,'Ji c t-l PROPERTY TO description Inside lot SERVED: separate BE on v' LOT LOCK -SUBD. r,,' s heet . DESCRiPTION 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) INT0 RIGHT-OF-WAV ?u* i'utl -Pr.n1Q,,..q ',!WrU Attachpiansshowingencroachment,propertyline,sid, meters, manholes, any other affected apurtenance jn the project area (to scale'or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist? llc' *( Proposed date for commencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indjcated, appl icant agrees as fol I ows: t. That the structure herein authori zed on a revocable permit basis sively to the land above described. That the permit js limited specifical 1y to the type of structure appl ication.3' That the applicant shal 1 notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty four hours in advance of the tjme for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town.4. That the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from and against all claims, suits, damages, costs, losses and expenses in any manner resulting from, arising out of, or connected wjth the erectjon or maintenance,of the above identified structure. 5. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determjned that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constjtutes a traffjc hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structur^e exists is requ.i red for use by the public;or ii. may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail.6. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit.7. That the applicant agrees to maintajn any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accompl ished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the prbperty and collect the costs of removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected.9. That the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued solely to the undersigned appl i cant..'|0. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this appl ication.ll. Special conditions: ic,DATE gna nt owners p, bot si gnatures Date u I rector or ruDIIc works is restricted exclu- described in this perty Date / / Town Manager Date o 1^ Dc=,qR T o, u. Tl-\G LcsrDeurs tJAl t- !orer?-ntor-rrfiAr-r.) Pertr-rtSSto,o T<> unPAorrC. Tl+g gXtsr(,u6 D/ZtoG. (-JC" Pr-\^) oA) (I€ADtflG Lr? T\{G Ptzp-,,- 6fr Out"rt PBo?erzr? 13? p&.ow1p6 THe TLn34 stts-.-e?, AG (l4r,rnrB<-t*t-(> 7le L^:At-c- flpf) brsTntLtlJ< * LnpD3c19Dr,4 ttt4Ttarzylt R-ocX- :D{+LJ_- .-Rr.- Ar-rDP.Gr^rS fli,tg n4l\\X, * Sttt- U*eU< ApO RecOrn.rr-rga;,)G,e * /.f,n LALu€ej- AT- 1PL- MOg 6rat1 &w-;:rzf+t*g: tqvt\rf) TllG tiTrLri-,(+ AurJ Dfu+4prKs<'- GAfJ+ll.teltT-, *e- AT?'}A€J+gD LE'n-a,rZS. V1<? /-/eLJ DZa66- Lrtr-(- tsC- L"-rtfts/< T1te,^.: 71tC G<LsTlr.rG r$ doles Tb gotJtAtq Tl+e Res,Og^rf.S PerzettC c),rr akc N4pgeTi P,*tz+C-rZ- VlQo o/\) Sn:a*>6e{Ze? Dettrg r]Aee.c- -Ttrc DrM ?ete,eVr6 Lte:.- T*A,rLVsvy f.U-- Vo,nrZ_ fthe,Ari> ti= ?br+ *eoe- */r? Qxrailar.-x a'g-xe cor-'i-ta<.-,4b, Stp <pe-ec.9 Bor loz2 u.+L(* , (--t,rc;g q? 6 - €s27 ',,P1\(_+L=LL4- C"a,l , -.-- t c>z(_ (l'?a _ tblt .\ P.O. Box 1077 vail., co 81558 June 5, L987 Mr. Jeff Eughes Heritage Cablevision P.O.439 Avon, CO 8L629 Dear Mr. Eughes: Lot 1.98, Block 9, VaiI fntermountain Subdivision is in the process of upgrading and enlarging an existing driveway. we are asking for your permission to continue the usage and encourchment on tbe utilities and drainage easenent following under the proposed driveway. See attached drawings. Sincerely, \L)- Lla*-<",.-f+s (earl ,c-t D. Douglas Cahill. DDC,/rn jc o'*6-5-t7 7Z/.U-2-*-v:Cablevision I ., ).* -^ |7- n -rej'7a2'2" , - -1= 15 D q) :l ^'^'4 " j7 u*^"- ogfi - / '* "" 'l'lii":Xlii,'l i:r'urrrot2r-u vtctNtrY MAP _j< \ NoT fo scaLE -<rc tsr' I ', v,..-\A-\ D- -4'7 -x\- v ?q\?u ffiffii" ,J,E#t{',' ivo)' oo' ,r/ _r^,. Connon Parcel C 1?. ai2 so. f a. (rJ \ (o \ C a^hii{ P.O. Box 1077 vait, co 81658 ,Iune 5 , 1987 Mr. Gary Hall Public Service Conpany of Colorado P.O. Box 439 Minturn, CO 81645 Dear Mr. EaIl: Lot I9B, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision is in the process of upgrading and enJ.arging an existing driveway. We are asking for your permission to continue the usage and encourchment on the utilities and drainage easement following under the proposed driveway. See attached drawings. Sincerely, )- )a-.ot+< (.o4tc' D. Douglas Cahill DDClnjc o^r.-fuA7 Pub1ic Service Company of Colorado "l ,\ P.O. Box 1077 VaiI, CO 81658 ilune 5 , L987 ilr. Ted Euskey Holy Cross Electric 4126 U.S. Eighway 6 e 24 Avon, CO 81625 Dear Mr. Euskey: Lot 19B, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision is in the process of upgrading and enlarging an existing driveway. we . are asking for your permission to continue the usage and encourchment on the utilities and drainage easement following under the proposed driveway. See attached drawings. Sincerely, D- Do.^"-=t (Z,a',e ' D. Douglas Cahill DDClnjc HoIy Cross Electric P.O. Box 1077 vail, co 81658 June 5, 1987 Mr. Dave Krenek Upper Eagle Valley 846 Forest Road vail, co 81658 Dear Mr. Krenek: Lot 19B, Block 9, Vail Internountain Subdivision is in the process of upgrading and enlarging an existing driveway. we are asking for your pernission to continue the usage and encourchment on the utilities and drainage easement following under the proposed driveway. See attached drawings. Sincerely, \.\/2 !).L)a^<i.at (eaq_+__ D. Douglas CahilI DDC/njc --t**-?4"oate i=t---7 7 Approved By! Upper Eagle Valley O*trz'(a tZ+fu dt/4.e e4//dfa-r.<'d^f_ tr) a t. a 'i .t :l I 1i D :.I {.q 11. !r ? \I ii \ \ J I l,:t\i $ NDE I * -- ntrtr -{o o m I4 l-o .:E l-r :l O t<x f I -tt Y =lm: 6 19* r hi g ItrP o l^r hr O t< --r =I=m =t-rcJ o< dE a!l iri O ctt >t .-6 () 5 mFa 'n m = =FF !m-- 2=7 gE"', c)o z (n {7 c c){o z T m F =-{ .TI E z= >= =O z q)z =3 l-r lEe t<- t l@<l+o t'n !m I 5 I -{o (D m x m -It i z o @ q, I m O O P @ (-^) C, -r -r m t- z =!T a, 0 rD o = o=3bi o>'t- \J -o z. l-iC p< 1Z m t-m -t o l- z o 2n -tm az >m -t>cn m _T- z o o z --.t o --{ =cr (D =o g cf 9'| = z 3 m E o c)Ea =D <F F |a lo <|n cm -l lcP Flo {lx orl lN)| (tr f l@ t-(Jtl (Jrl !l !l I I E l'n flE F13 bl p lc)trf to F l=- H l-j lt-ln lc)BI;rD lo,I lct I lJ.llo ll-tl tl tl tl t-.1 lo l{lz lo l'n l<l> lH -t :z 'tl t- m o z =0 (D o { t-l mlo 5t€'lz t: l|-t! F lz I' I I l-{|o l€ t6 l<t> lr Irn lF,lz l{ t-n lo l;l= l=lzl tol |;I lFl t!l lnl tzl tol ll tt ll tl r E;tss ;369.9 E ls il <-;') :3:- E F 3*i*e HE ar -iSiss :ai33 IiaH=3<69-ta'lag{€ + -e. rrp-qd_3;F oi*6i' 3=g31 HBgaE a,= 3s g d3'-D 1 -ro:= c 3 Fg$= 9aif;;F3;Ej F8Aei +Fi;a'5 st3q8 9U9P=. @c)oJ xo :*3 lftc 'I \u v /r. I 'l< cf /Ot O c G) C)q, = v o c i r \J {..l- I t >a ZA -t> >m m'n I'^{z m o z { o I -n I U' m a--tl IT ffi =z t- _o m ft =-l (t z m m m l< . lz (t J o c -l tq l; r L L I I IP IE I z a c l- =z -l m --l I lo lx lz l3 (t, ir t>lr-l- I' T q a I --1 2 --t I z I m (/t o €m T-tr z c z :a o o o _-.t z c z (h z m € - m =z =z t- m -9 I m 6)u t _n c --t ^z c)NF -'c,fr 6 i oF :l ri -F io ac- > 'rr JH2ct odiqo 5C)-z TOUl 8-!g E E o=;o +tt li99 2 F€ x N6=S.n=,.{c-\ r "gG (, o =z ts -t-l 2 z I m g, z z o =z 6 -.t -.t m 4 uE crii 0t +d--a'cl' N \l F -.t m c)It .5 =E -t T 9, N)o @ 5 ..l o i r-!m F =f 'Tl m m U' a m -l o m z c m ! q -{ m q, o z m m € m o ,m ; 2 m m =m z |- = = m t-rtl o o |- z I m 7 t- z m m ;-n m m a,t) VALUATION !m 3 =z 9 m 2 t- f' z m t-m o -{a o l- @ F 2 o \., s $ \ Ot \.1 \|(tl o ><x x (c N (Jl (.r) (t!o f6/7,5 EV 't4 /14 .=-/^.. =J /t1)\ =lll-4, \ =V-.- l K5/ o I 4 U f @ @r -i -l o m Io -..h E <x f "'{(!9p 1 --Y o :*!.,i F o is 8 -tF I <=!i t=.6g 4o-dP ag oo ctt >:16 tit o .tl !m I { ADB !D! ;flP TYs z== ex"t- 3P z=o@ 2Z oo z C) 1o 3 m z c) z () vE z.r -JC 3= d=^ zj,i L.,3:oa!-{o o>iD l- aa az >m i>or t =rTt (- z 3 !T N \l t r U 0, e ^ 0|-mm aO o>'r- F l- l* I I l-{lo l€ lz t:t> lF l!lm l9j lz le I I I tn |< lcr [L f\ le. l{^ F h $ \ F F F b,l0 p EO rn Y D' lsr lc,, liA IF, t" lo l'- S i 't\ o\ J^"of iqt e, -i@ o -;aiJo !=o Ct r\J=<tQ Ht 'l=r- _:J='=n, o :<R{.{ E o-.=:rO.-J9(o '-(D O o =t =--.d9- =qrf :.r? =or o d': -i o(D reR o6=! -A'd3'--!E o!F== -r +i;6!3 oo- p.3 R =ge =s.=lF= = o=foo ^ -' =';:3 si5 I :r=:Q=x s;'u;5 3q3 odS. o --E i= a- ,io L:- =i-rf | <tt 'o .o to o "4 l f _-1 :€ Nr ;'i (ol fl o) a:?r !.r rl o: X( aa (,r: € o c f 3 c c) tl J o :o (D o i € = |I)g f o C0 z -t I m o €z m z m € i th i z o ^l zl >l o =z t- m { z m m m o ! I |. o z { =z = loN ba F ffi: E;; e lo6 lnz f-1 € lc9 lx hr ;: Fl *6 ll l-1 Ir rl t_..S.rgl =Nrril l\r lt F t- z z {m a, -.t -l r fn =--! 'Tl m m tJ) m I z m € ID m ,n --{ z m m 1'm n _Tl m m U' PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM B tr o o tr o tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING o tr tr BOUGH fI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL B FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffir P.O. Box 1077 Vail, CO 81658 April 25' 1985 q \()o Mr. Gary !{urrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road vail, co 81567 Dear Mr. Murrainl with the deannexation of west Vail in effect, the completion of the Cahill Deck Remodel on Lot 19B Intermountain will need a new building pernit from Eagle County. In order to clear the books with the Town of Vail, I am requesting a refund of the $100 clean-up deposit. We will thCn be able uo go forward in the completion of our project with Eagle County. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerely, ,X"^4l,r,t Douglas tot 198 t^ail @e Cahilf Vait Intermountain I |.t /\ I ' ' ,,/t rr; Proiect Application oate 4-zz'bcl /^ i4& i*.s..Project Name: 7'- '.} I ' ' '-2 L'<;\- -F=. Project DescriPtion: Owner, Address and Phone: t_ \ Contact Person and Phone I,L'.1- C-'lf t, LL l.tl I6 ('('?a \ 1-- 'i'}'':'F,,l \.- ft.r,i ".r-l , r- .l*ir')f r-,,.41 . Lq rr,' /P' 2 t- ', I ..''- s Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -19--&- etocx ? , Fiting 1 )Ta--' (l f,{1)'.{ {r-.-l , .-J , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ""," 1#t6\ DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL ti I r) I d'11r i', ,,-, I i 11"! Town Planner o"", ,,,I ]? 5, I li. tertt t''l r f, statt Approval i? B ur,ocx q _l; r r. t :;c_- r !14Mt:5$ P __ _ _:.__ The fol lorving inforrnat j.on is lJoard l;cl'orc a fina I approva I A. BUILT)Iii(; ITAI'IRIA.LS ioof Siding 0thcr Ifal l l"late rial s Fasc ia Soffits l{indows lVindow Trirn Doors Door Trirrr Hand ol Dcck Rai 1s Flues FLashj ngs Ch ir,uiey s Trash [nc.l osures Glecnhor.rs e s 0 cire r' rcquircd for subrnittal by thc apl)lic.nt to thc Dcs-i6n l{cviclv clrn be g ivcn : Irf_gl__tllt_criel //A (lo 1or z/F /y4 ,t/4 n/a ,//+ B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name P!+ Common Name Quanti ty Si ze a4 SHRUBS --- oO c. ,AMEs s. lAcoBsoN DRUCE D. CHAPMAN December 19' 1983 Tor"n or Vail lilr ik"E r8'u r'o.*un i cY Re: Lot IgB', Bruck 9r d -varl Intermountain oi.-rii" No' 536'o WtLh regard to-the abuve ii""f "ii"wine dwcuments C"i*tnitV DevctoPment: ":::l:i-:l'"3i'l?;'313i*' re f er enced. P' ?P:' il;"":;ti"":i #;.Y l*.1':l for review bY tne DeveloPnent 1. rownuouse-:::13rr?::oBuilt*lu"t the Snowberry WarI Agreement for 2. APplication for DupIex Subdivisron Review' 3' 31"!l.Tl ;ou ?-1', ":;:T 1f,1"""3i l?' liiS';nil'!li'311"' 4. Two mylar-copies or the subclrvision plat for the Snowberry Drlve DuPIex' - --^.'i ^E , P'C' AJ.J, BY: Bruce D' BDC: rm enclesureS oo JACOBSON S CHAPMAN' P' ATTORNEYS AT IA\(/ I43 EAST MEADOV/ DRIVE' SUITE 498 v^lL'coLoMDo 81657 303/470-0075 lrrrvE rr'sY-v'-- A^"rrments until we provide Arcer review, prease do not f:"::u.|,l:";r!f,::ffl"inli*-too-r'or voo' ;;-;t;h the Povrer ot AttorngY-:?' iooperation ancl "'""i'"tlit"" in- tni" matter' EDMUND H. DMGER"JR OF COUNSEL Co,,roll;J8ii i 3T,['[, u,,, NAHE OF APPLICANT James B. Hayhurst A. l,tA rt rNn AnnaFqc 997L E. fda Place Englewood, Colorado 80111 p116rpg 303-694-4236 8.APPLICANT'5 REPRESENTATIVE Jaco,bson -&,{Jh.ap4an, t?,,gr-, A DD R E S S I t*-i--il .- i.r eadqv.i--D r,,, S urJ -e -lg$, V ai ]_r_ qa___t 1_t 5_Z PHONE ( Jol) 476-0075 or type) As per [xhibit A attacired hereLo. NAME OF I'1AIL ING NAI-IE 0F PR0PERTY Oh't{ER (print OIINER'S S]GNAIURE PHONE MAILING ADDRI.SS u-LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT 1 9g__BL0CK__9_* _SUBD I V I S I0N - _VarL I n Lef nroqn!.a1q F]LING E.FEF $r 00.00 F. MTTR]AL TO BE SU3I.1]TTED l. Trr'o rny)ar copies of the duplex subdr'vision plat follorving the requirements of Sectjon l7.l61 30(c) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,.10,.l1,13 and l4 of l.he Sul,division Regul ai.ions. 2. The plat must contain the follorving statcrnent: "For zoninq pur-poses, thc tvro lots o'cat,c'd iry Llr js :;ubdivis ion are to be trcated .rs one entity wiLh no tiiore i.han one tr.ro-farnily residence a'l lorved on the contbined areas of the trvo lots." The stateinent must be modified accord'i ng to the number of lots created- 3. A copy of the declarationg and/or covcrrants proposed to assure the rnairrtenance of any conrmon areas. G. APPROVAL PROCTSS, REVIE|^l CRiTtRIA These can be found in Chapter 17.?4 of the Subdivision Regulatjons. H. FII ING AND R[CORDING The Department of Coi:munity Developrnent will be responsible for promptly recording the p1 at and accorripanyjrrg docunrt:nts rvith the tagle County Clerk and ficcorder upon Tovrn of Vail approval . lt PArD i2-llq lt3 '--/ 't - !o EXHIBIT A (pr i 997I E. Ida PlCce tt o James B. & Judith E. Havhurst NAI'{E OF OWNER ' S MAILING PROPERT SIGNATU ADDRESS pHONE 303-694-4236 Engl ewood Colorado 801 l l NAME OF OWNER I S MAILING PROPERTY SIGNATURE ADDRESS E. Euclid Place Englewood, Colorado 801f 1 NAME OF OWNER 1 S MAILING PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS pe)Willian K. Roudebush -.pHONE 3O3-773-L470 S. Yosemite. 1t343 Denver Colorado 802 ---NAME OF pROpERTy OWNER (print or type) MAILING ADDRESS PHONE