HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LIONSHEAD CENTRE UNIT 306TOIiIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 APPLICAI T CONTRAETOR OWNER SWAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS 7OO WILLOW BROOK ROAD, BOI]I,DER, SWAIiI HOME IMPROVEMEITTS 700 WILLOW BROOK ROAD, BOI]LDER, PRESSON ROBERT A _ BYRD DEBORAH Phone: 303 -449-222t Phone: 303 -449-2221 Phone: 303-443 -9349 //////det d ltolt*%'I / frsal DEpARTT\irENr oF coMM'Nrry DEVEL.'MENT /otfl 8/4 / l/" /io,rss/r%J /€tr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON \TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AI,T MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmiE #: B99-0247 ilob Address: 520 LIONSHE.AD MALL Status...: ISSUED I-,ocation. . . : 520 LIONSHEAD MAL,L #306, .epplied. . zIOg/22/L999 Parcel No..: 2l-01-071--03-01-9 Issued...: 09/24/1999 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0275 E>rpires. . : 03/22/2000 803 02 80302 co Description: BATTI REMODEL Occupancy:Tfpe Const.ruction: T11pe Occupancy: ValuaEion: R1 Mult.i-Family III 1-HRrype III 1-Hour Rertualant Plan RevieIJ- - > RecroaEi.on Fee---- -----> Cl.€an-Up D€po6its---- ' -' Add Sq Ft: *of 6a6 Loga:*of wood/Pallet: Building-----> Plan Check- - - > Inv6Ebigatsi.on> wi 11 cal.I----> Tot'al Calculated Fees- - - > AddiLional Fees----- ---> ToEal Permig Fce- -------> Payment'a- - ------ tsAIANCE DUE. - -. 145 . OO 94.25 . oo 3.OO 342 -25 . oo 342 .2s . oo . o{l . oo L00 . o0 342 -25 420 CTIRISTTIAS TREE DR, BOI]IJDER CO 8O3iTOV/COMM. DEV. Clean-up D approved amount date 9, 500 Fireplacc Infomation: ResExicted: yES #Of ca6 Appl.iances: FEE ST,MMARY Refund Item:05100 09/22/]-999 09 /22/]-999 09/22/L999 09'/23'/L999 Item:05400 09 /22 /L99e fLem:05500 09/22/L999 rbem:05500 09 /22 / L999 BUILDING DEPARTI\iIEMT KATHY Aclion: APPR KATIIY Act,ion: CANC KATT{Y AcLion: NOTE CHARL,IE AcLion: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT KATI{Y AcTion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT KATHY AcLion: APPR PIJBI.,IC WORKS KA']iHY AcLion: APPR ROUTED ooPs ! ROUTED GIARI.,IE N/A N/A N/A DEPT: BUILDING TO CHARI.,IE TO CI{ARLIE DAVIS Dept: PTANNING Dept: FIRE Dept: PIJB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appfy Lo Ehis permit. DECIARATIONS I hcreby acknosLedge chac I have lcad thiB applicacion, filled oul in full bhe inforrnacion required, conpleted an accurabe plot p1an, and 6E.le that al,l Lhe inforraEion provj.ded a6 required iB cor.ract. r agree to conpl"y $iEh the infornat.ion and plot plan, !o coEply eith aLl Tolrn ordinancas and stale 1ar6, and t.o buj-1d thie cErucEure according to the To$n'B zoning and subdivision codea, dediEn levia$ approved, Uniform Building code and oEher o-dinanc.s of Eha To*n applicabl6 lhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPE(JIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTy- FOUR HOURS IN ADT'ANCE By TEI,EPHoNE AT 479-213S OR AT OlrR OFEICE FRoU s:00 A!! 5:00 PM send clean-up Dcposit. To: swAN HoME l""*f*" ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************PermiE *: 899-0247 Permit T149e: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant.: SWAN HOME IMPROVEMEIiITS 303 -449 -222L CONDITIONS as of 09/24/99 Suatus: ISSUED Applied: 09/22/L999 Issued: 09 /24 /L999 To E>cpire | 03/22/2OOO Job Address: LOCATiON: 520 LTONSHEAD MALL #306, LODGE AT LIONSHEAD Parcel No: 2101-071-03-019 Description: BATH REMODEIJ Conditions:1. FIETD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AI,L PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3, SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F TrrE 1997 I]BC.4. FIRE DEPART!,IEI{T APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED IF THERE ARE SMOKE OR FIRE AI,ARMS LOCATED IN TIIE WORK AREA. THIS WILL PREVENI FAISE AI,ARMS. 5. Plumbing materj-als used must be cast or copper per 1994 IJPC sec 701 .L.2 &, 903.L.2 Statefinl Nuliber: REc-0565 .Alrount.: Pa!.nent MeEhodi CK NotsaEj.oni 342.2s 09/24/99 09 tSa 5084/PREESOI{ Init: ,lN PerniE llo: 899-0247 lype: L-MF ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PER Percel. No: 2101- 071-03 -01"9 Sit. Addr.s.: 520 IJIONSHEAD UAtrL IIOCAT1ONI 520 IJIONSHE.AD UAIJL #]06, LODGE AT IJIONSHE.AD Payment 142.25 Toral ALL PnE6: ToEal Fca6: 342.25 .00 Balance; AccounE code Descripcion BP OO1OOO03I111OO BUILDING PERI'IT FtrCS PP O0100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEAS Attrounc 145.00 94 .25 100.00 3. 00 AD D2 -DEPO8 CI,EANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOO031128OO WILI, CAI,I, INSPEC]IION TEE &(9 o o C) o 0 o 0 0 o F F !l T{ e &I o x ar t' O. l. E T E R &A t H IE.|EA EF. Eql t8 E "E E F l. S eo -;a e na lo rt9 U nac oo f o H E :a E E t6 E5 EE l.la il rrH 28 *l B E e FIH Hlz oc frE ob o5 .o ts d ts T H o O.&E ? E E lr l.l qt o E e c) ,-= o ca a->l!-lra Eao .E s8! trtrp o o e o I tl F df, A c lr I{x iB 6 €8 ri E:. H Hat aal!:8 ,r Ets\c,Cl0 ct PzJqq - oa15 rowN or vlrNoNSrRUcroN pERMrr n{rcnroN FoRM INFOR]VIATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTD Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-326-8640 for Parcel #- Parczl# @ citot -O-1t-O3-Ot9 Date:<- - L') 'r:-C,.\fp-7. rOr !u Permit # Rqq -0e4rl \ | lt .a | . . r I r' r" | . ++t ',''as ftea.tl at J..Jla mnaarcss: 5)l) ii,v,S dru4 t_,rclt *.1)(c L-ooqe e Lronshe3rL Job Narne : Building ffi Plumbing ($Electrical Q{Mechanical ( ) Orhcr ( ) Legal Description: Lot 5 Block rrns-+ 3o/o suuoutsion li ^ I ( - ilo,as ftrqe0 fir.#, Orvners Name: Architect: : ), I ^ f)o - i< i,, -^ -q S Descnption of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alteration }{ Number of DweUmg Units: O Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLUMBING Addilional ( ) Ione VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ScJ"tl MECIIANICAL $ Phone # . Address: Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: I Gas Logs ADr Wood/Pellet \ Su>qn +\rme \rn \( r'!t< Electrical Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Rcrdstration No. Y,i,l (c), zo_ \--:::'. ,,- l PQq - ottt rownof VaitRegistrarionr.ro. /r-<- P-ryStlrnon. o/,q>o: ,i1q- lZriZ Address: Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: sEP 21 1999 OTF{ER: $rorAr L4w _ n(> ,,,.$L u General Contractor: Ar''';rl Town of Vail Regislration r.ro. Z O 3 - B SIGNATURE: erve TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE c. D. CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIjBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITED A. Unlawful dcposits: Subjcct to subscction C thcrcof. it is unlawful for any person to litter. track or deposit. or cause to be littercd. tracked or dcposited. sand. gravel, rocks. mud, dirt, snow, ice. or an-v.' other dcbris or material upon any street, sidewalk, allcy or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Noticc: Abatemcnt: The Director of Public Works may notify and rcquire anv pcrson who violates or causes anothcr to violatc the provision of subsection A hcreof. or who has in thc Director's employmcnt a pcrson who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel. rocks. mud, dirt, snow. ice or any other debris or material rvithin trventy four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by thc Director of Public Works. In thc event thc person so notified does not comply with thc notice within thc period of time herein specified. the Director of Public Works, or othcr authorizcd agent" may cause anY such sand, gravel, rocks. mud. dirt, snorv. ice. dcbris or any othcr material to be removed from anv str€et E. or allcy at thc cxpense of the notified. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicablc: I . Within the immediate aroa of any construction. maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main. server main, electricit.v line, gas line. tclcphone line or any appurtenance thereto: Z. To deposits of sand. dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to tie noticc for removal provided in subscction B above, any pcrson lvho violates or causcs anothsr to violatc thc same. may be issued a summons to appcar betbre the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder bc punished as provided in Scction l-4-l of this codc. Notice; Pcnal\': lt is unlarvful for anv person to tail or refusc to comph' rvith the noticc of the Dircctor of Public Works as providcd in subsection B hercof. and anv such person shall. in addition to pa.vment of the cxpcnse of rcrnoval incurrcd by the Dircctor of Public Works, as provided in subscction B hcreof. upon being lbund guiltv ofa violation hereundcr- be punishable as providcd in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (199? Codc: Ordinancc 6 (1979) Read and acknowledgcd by: Position or Relationship to Project:Ct"-/tt(, )f o^rc, Q- /1-'t'i (i.e. contractor or owncr) TOTilN OFVAIT Departme nt of Community Development 75 Sauth Frontage Rosd Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME F'RAME {f this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparhnent review ofHealth Deparhnsnt review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total rcview may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary revierv, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check proccdure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I tail to do so it may affect futurc permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name ; Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Dwelopment Dept. {g*n"*rruo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PLIBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A..PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED /i"^< Hr"/ lsoo J. 4. DATE: q-l <-qq - PLEASE ANSWER TIIE FOLLOWINC QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': L Is this a new residence? YES NO 5. 6. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being rcpaved? Is demolition work being performed tlut require,s the use of thc Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_. NO X NOV -1-- YES No( Is a dillcrcnt access needed to the site other than thc existins drivewav? YES NOX .7- Is a *Revocable fught-of-Way Permit" required? YES Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO Y *o/- A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ _ No x B. lf NO to 8A, i(4 parking, staging or fencirg plan requircd by Community Devclopment?YES_ No ,Y * If you urswered YES to any of theso qucstions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applicarions may bc obtained at the Public Work's office or at Cornmunity Dwelopmcnl. If you havc any queslions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at.+79-2198. I HAVE READ Aj{D ANSWERED AIL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. 7. 8. nhdctor Signature Comoanv Name 1. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November I st and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a proj ect itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 2. J. A 5. 6. 7. D TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81_657 970-479-21,38 APPLICAI{:T CONTRACTOR OWNER VALIJEY WIDE PLTJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON, CO 81620 VALLEY WIDE PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON, CO 81520 PRESSON ROBERT A . BYRD DEBORAH 420 CHRISTI,IIAS TREE DR, BOULDER CO Plumbing-----> Plan check- - - > lnvestigat.ion> wiIl call----> Total Calculated F6€s- - -> AdditsionaL Fees---- ---- - > Total Permit Fee--------> Palrdentss - - -oo 40.50 40 .50 ,00 40.s0 40 .50 DEPARTME}IT OF COMMIJNITY PME}il:T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLT]MBING PERMTT Permit #: P99-01-11 ,Job .A,ddress: 520 LIONSHEAD M^ALL Stat.us...: ISSLJED Locati-on. . . : 520 LIONSHEAD MALL #306, Applied. .:Io9/22/L999 Parcel No..: 2L01-07L-03-019 Issued...: 09/24/L999 Project, No. : PRJ99-0275 E>qgires . .; 03/22/2000 o DEVEI.,O Phone: 970-949-i-747 Phone: 970-949-L747 Phone: 303-443 -9349 80302 Valuation:2,000.00 30.0o . oo 3 .00 rTEM: O5]-OO BUILDTNG DEPART'IqENT 09/22/1-999 KATHY Actsion: APPR ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTIIENT 09/22/1-999 KATTTY Acrion: APPR Descript.ion: PLUMBING FOR BATH REMODEL FEE SI'MUARY ResEualant Plan Revier- - > TOTAI, FEES..-. - - BAI.ANCE DUB---- .OO Dect.: BUILDING Division: APPROVED PER- KW Dept: FIRE Division:N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE.2. PLT]MBING MATERIALS USED FOR WASTE AND VEI{T LINES MUST BE cAsT IRON OR COPPER PER L994 UpC SEC 701_.1.2 S, 903.1.2 DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno ledge tha! I have read thie applicaticn, filled out. in full Ehe inforrlation required, completed an accurat€ ploE plan, and state t.hat a1I the infonnati.on provided as lequired is correct. f agree to conply l{iLh hhe infonnalion and ploL plan, tso.iompIy with al1 Town ordinanceg and statse lalJ€. and io build this structur:e according Lo the Tolrn,s zoning and subdivieion codca, dc€j.gn revier approved, Uniform Building code and oLher or:d.inances of the Town app.Iicabte t-tteret-o. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BE IIIADE T'!{EI.ITY - FOIJR HOURS IN ADIENCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479,2138 OR AT OTJR OFFI AM 5:00 PM FOR HIMSELF AND O9{NER mtd Ol vlII., C€tORADO gElt.ntre itrlriirttt*trttttaarrrrt!r.r.'a.rtjrartlfi rir*arrtaa*r*tirttrtrrt.t.t gC.ts@rt' !fi.ub.rr REC-O565 lEouat !1o,5O 09lTllts 09.sg ?4!m.ac llcrhod! CR llotreion ! sog{/PlAgg€N Iolt ! itt{ P.nit llor P99-0111 lYi.: B-PLI|B PLITIGI:'E PI II Frlc.l t{o ! l1o1-0?L -03-019 glt. lddtrar: 52O LIOISHEaD Ll/ Locrllotr: 510 IIOIISAEAD ltALh *306, IOITGE AI LIOltgH&rO Thi! Palnmnt Tottl te.3! {0.50 80srl lllL PEIE: Erllncs: 40.50 t0-50 ,00 l[outrt 30.00 7.50 3.00 ta t t t'' ttri tt*tial i * t'r'l tt I i *t ttt t ttri ti.tlt*tt t t *|r ttt**ir, rlr| * it I t* * lccount cod.Darc!ipEiorr pP 00r,00003111200 9LutGurG P!i!{tI rEEg PP 001000031r.1300 Pr4lf otEcK FBB9 rc 00100003111800 r .! clIJ& I!ff pBcTIoN FaB EPARTMENI OF COMMTJNITY PMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0203 ,JOb AddTESS: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL StsATUS...: ISSUED I,ocation. . . : 520 Lionshead MaI1 #305, Applied. .:ito/t4/r999 Parcel No..: 2101-071--03-019 Issued. --: L0/t8/1999 Project No. : PRiI99-0275 E>cpires. - : O4/I5/2OOO RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. PhONE: 97Q-949-5095 21-07 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, CO 8011-0 RrvrERA ELECTRTC, rNC. Phone: 970-949-5095 2t07 w. CoLLEGE AVENIE, ENGTTEWOOD, CO 80110 PRESSON ROBERT A - BYRD DEBORAH PhONE: 303-443-9349 420 CIIRISITVIAS TREE DR, BOI]LDER CO 80302 o DEVELO o D TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICANI EONTRAETOR OWNER Description: Electric for new panel installation/3 nvaluation:s 2, 000. 00 FEE SUMMARY Elec':rical--->50-00 ToEal calculated FeeE_ - - >53 .00 DRB Fee .0O . o0 3.O0 Addi.tional Feea---------> .oo Investigat.ion> will call----> Total Pelmit Fe€--------> Paydantsg- - - --_-- 53 -OO 53 .00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 BAf,ANCE DUE----- .Oo Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division: 1,0/L5/L999 KATHY Action: APPR Approved pef Kw --ribm;'o56oo-Frnn oepARTMENt -Dept: FrRE Division: 1,0/L5/1,999 KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tha! f have read thio application, filLed ouC i.n ful1 the infol.rlaeion requir:ed, completed an accurate PIot p1an, and sEaEe Ehac aLl. Lhe infonnaEion provided as required is cor):ect. I aglee !o comply with the informatsion and ploE plan, t.o eomply r{ith all'fosn ordinances and staLe la'rs. .rnd Lo buj,l.d ihis rts:ucturc acc,:r-.ding Co the Toun'3 zooing and subdivision .:odes, desi.gn r:eviet,r approwed, Unifor-m Euilding code rnd ocher or-dinances of Ehe Torn rpplicable thcreco. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TUADE TWENTy FOUR HOURS IN ADIIANCE BY TETEPHONE AT 4?9-2134 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:00 AM 5:0O PM **ot.rrrarr'rtttritar.-.r.r',tara*"*rtr*rlrr*tr?rt*rrrr-r, AorFf OF VI!L. @LoRlDO gcrr.€lir !r!ratrr'tl}rrrtatfi ri}.rt.trarttw!r*rraltatrtr+*irtr**a*r*rrrxrrrr gg.t@19 lilulbar. REC-0517 Arlounc:53,00 10/18/9e x0:40 PayEenl U.Chod ! (lt Xotatl.otr 3 l9fl/nfVIERA Iltit r iDf llrqiE !|or rrt-o2o3 Typt: !-ELEC ELaefRIClt plRt{tT P.rc,el No: 210r-071-03-019 Sitr lddrc.!, s20 lltqtaHalD llrl, Locau.onr S20 Lloa.h.rd f.ll *306, Lodg6 le Lionah.rd Tocal Fsee: 53. OO thi.P|lrd|rne 53 . OO tocrl llit Prlts: atl.ttttatrl!lt!atitttttttttt**tttl*ltttrril!lftiittattrtrtratr**intttti lecou'g Cod.Drrcrlptlon lP 00t00003r.11400 ELEcm,IclIi gERl|Ia PEES tfc 0019o003rt2800 rfIL! et!! aspEctloN FEE Bthtrcc ! 93.00 .o0 llornc 50, o0 3.OO Deboreh Pressonhof 520 Uonshead circle lil08 Vail. CO circull devico name brtf sizs brls slze ctrcuh ds\rice namo REFRIDGERATOR 2OA1P 5{,A2P RANOE Tn.t DISPOSAL KITCHEN DISHWASHER LIGI.{TING LIGHTING 24 SPACE flONlOV 126A MTED PANEL 3 NEW CIRCUIT BREAKERS FLUSHMOUNTEDPANEL 2.2OA1P ANDl-2OA2P IMA MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER zPOLE ND f*!' /1"daQ- ;| ,urt c^;,t w'*tk)r iA ^l't f,t, l- 20Alp 20A2p wesxdnntidiiliEvui {- 20Arp 20A1p spA/TUB crr pnorEcieD NEW,+- BLANK BLANK BLANK BI-ANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BI.ANK BTANK BIANK 2OA1P 5OA2P RANGE 2OA1P 2OA1P LIGHTING 2OA1P 2OA1P LIGHTING 2OA1P 2OA2P WASHER/DRYER (NEW) OCT 14'99 10:11 No.007 P.02 k VANTTY MIRRoR (NEVq + *#:# 0rJi:r{ fibPv ';;'iil;;:iiai-i"i'r IJ'''^" 'cT 14'ee 10:10 No'007 P'01 *;,t a;' ao'ryid:3is-bT:H{i,i1liffii"F3#. O *1#JiJq- Bqq- oz41 ,l APPL,rcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED ouT cor{pLETEr,,y oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEpTED K****************************,t pERl.trr rNFoRr.tATroN i!r***************************tLt [ ]-Burldtng J 1-rrurnbing gff-Electricar I J-Mechanibur I.egal Description: Lot OwDers Narne: :******rtrl****************.******* fOR IUIIDING PERXTT FEE: 'LUMBINC PERUTT FEE!. IECHAIICAIJ PERMIT FEE: :LECTRTCAI. trEE' THER TYPE OF !TE: RB FEE; Filins .. suBpr_vrsroN.: Ph. Ph. Itl-Repalr[]-Other Nutllber Appllances_ of Accomnodatlon Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet Phone Nunrber: \ddress: ntA^v 16t13 4lfd--6-T45- ,.Phone Nunber:. Town of Vail R@g, NO. ..._- _Jhone Number; _. . Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: OFFICE USE *** ** ** ********rt********* *** * r* BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI.AN CITECK TEE:MECHANICAL PIAT{ cIIEcK FEE 3 RECREATToN FEE3 CLEAN-UP.DEPbSrr: TOIAL FERUTI FEES; BUIIJDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: 8XGNATURE: Archirect: dl+ ----.rddreee;ceneral DescriptJ.on: l|fn$O -ECSr_Qrdc-, - l,laJ work claeb: J I-New dC-ett.ratlon I J-Addltlona Numbor of Dbretllnq Units, | .- {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gar / ?Iunbing Contractor:\ddress:. I {echanical, Contractor: rddress: .rcrlrrl dl uerlL.cluLur,. mown of Val1 Rrag- NO.lddress: ;i.--- -,--*. Date Recetve LEAII UP Dl?oSIt SElllxD ltO: ocl 14 0gg 75 routh |ronhgc roo.l . vrll colondo 811157 (30t, 479-2L38 or 479-2139 ocT 14'99 10:11 N0.007 P.03 ottlco of communlly doyolopmertt ID: BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAIIE If' thts perm{t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire oeptrtment Approval ,Engineerts (.publ ic. H!$r) review .na ipbrovat ,'a piin,iin6'ilpirtment review'or Hea'rth Departnrdnt.ievfew, ail'a-review by the duiiting Departnent. the estimated time tor'a totat "e,iiir-ilay"iu[!'Ji'rong as tllree weeks , A'll commerciar (1arge-of ryaJl) and at murt-fam{rv perrnits wtI have to follow the ibove.menti6neo maiirrm requrrements. Residential and sma'll projects shourd take a 'resscr imourrd or timi.-xoievlr, rr rcsidentta'l or smaller.proJects impaii tie various "iln. iriliiiir.o departnents.writh regard to necessai.y r.vie*, ttrese piojec;;;;;,also take the three week period. Every attempt w{lI b9 Tlg. by this departrnent to expedite this pormi.t as. s.gon as posslble. - I, tlle underslgned, understand the p'ran check procedure and time frame. Corrnuni ty Devel opment Departrnent, ID:tvrErvrl,nANUUm OcT 14',99 10 : 11 No .007 P .04 TO: FROM: DATE: FE: ar-fbrurnAcroHs TOWN OF VAIL PUBL'C WORKS OEP MAY 9, 1994 o ARTM WHEN A'PUSLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) 2) ls lhis a new resldence? ls demolition work being performed lhai requires lhe use of the right of way, easements or public propedy? ls any utillty work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site olher than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done alfec{ng the right of way, easemonts, or public propefty? ls a "Bevocable Righr CI Way permit' required? YES NO >< Y v ( x X K 3) 4) 5) A. ls the right of way, oasemenls or public propeny to bs used for staglng, parking or fencing? B. , It no to 8A, is a parting, staglng or fencing plan required by Communlty Development? lf you answered yes to any oflhese questlons, a "Public way permlt'must be obtained.?ubric way_Permit' apprications may be obtained ar the'puliJ-Grr,. office or at cg.qmulity Deveropmen! ,rlryq h-av_e any,quesflons preaie crr criarru Davis, rhs Tow;ol Vail Construction InspeaoC at 479-21S8.' I havo read and answared all the above questions. 8) X X 47wr23o P.Ol ^*taafzad )t** M r+.rrt"ram, 520 W. Lion":hcrd Mell r VeiL Colondo E1657 . 1.9704?63651 Septcmber 20, I999 l'own of VaiI Commudry Dcvelopment 75 S. Frontagc Rosd west Vail, CO E1657 RE: vaiUlionshcad Ccntre #306 remodel. Lrdies & Gcntlcrasn. Thc Boud of Dirccrors of Vailrlionsbead Ccntre Cond{.}minium Association has approved the remodel of a bathruum located in uait #306. Should you hav€ lny qus$tions, pleasc do not besitate ro call, Sincerely, lAG',!" SEP-2A-1999 11:46 FRON UNIL HOI{E RENTR-s, II{C. Fred Br.x;k Manber . Board of Dircctors Date Received .5hP 21 1999 TOTRL P.El nEFTr3l T0t^|N oF vAIL_, nOLORADO F.ffGE 4 AREt:l: CD II/E3I I959 IZIT;38 FIHGUEFTS - INSF'EtrTN I.IORH SHIETS FOR: I T./T;,/T999 Ar:tivityr F,99*rZr111 Il/"c3l19 Type; B-F,LMB Statr.r*r ISSUED Consbr: QAI-,7 Adclressi. : 5i1ta LI0N$HHfiD f4AL.t. l--ocation: 5PO LIUI{SHEAD MAL[- S3*6, L. IONSHEfiD IHNTER Fral-cel : 3t.fil-tZt71-O3*raf S fic'rr Use r Des{:ription: F,L-U}4BINB FUF BATI-j RE|4ilDHL. Appl ic;rnt: VALL.EY t^,IIlE FL.tJfrlBIhl| &' HHAT INE Ffione: 47fi*949-1747 f]wner': FRESS(]|'I R0$ERT A ^ BYRD I]F-BfiRnH Fhone: 3O3*r+43-!349 finrrtrar.:*nr: \tALLEY l,JInE t'L.i-.ltilFl.Nti & Flti:Al-IN$ F.'hr'ne:978t*T49-.l747 1n s pe*t j on Reclrrest Reqr.lsstor': .IEFF Req Ti.ne': lZtBrtZtO It ems request Fd tr, ao;::cia F,i".f'18- F i na I Inforn;ition".. 5t"lflFl5TRnM f,ori ments: LJNIT be Inspect r:d. . Ehone, 476-7491. I^JIL.L [AI,"L 386 - ,1r t :i. an f,ornilent Artion: 6ict i on; Time Exp Inspect i Iterm It eu Item Iten Item Item Iben {ln llietor-y,. " ". et0f: l tzt F,L..lYlB*tJn d e r. q r. o r-rn d UilZr;:8fi F,LFIF*Ror-r gl'r,/D. tl, V. 1 1" /VE:/99 Inspeetorr IJD tZtUi-j3tZt F LI'18*Ro r_r qh,1l,Jat E r. l1/6e/19 Irrspentnr': D ftfiij4tr F,L-fiB-6as tri pirrq g'A'ia:lfJ F'LMB*F'ocr I /Hot Tr.rh Ulgl;:::64 F,LMB*lrl i sr:. grzr;igtfr F,LMF*F i na I firjF R FLOI^|TEST FERF'ORMED FII]F,R STREET F'flESST]RE I j : ;i !.i il t!!It; -i3 '$' 'lfir REPTt3l TOrn OF VAIL, COLOnADO OSlOSt2OgO OTt53 RECUESTS - IIISPECTII IORK SHEETS FOR: 3/ 3l2O PAGE 1 AREA: CD Activl.tyr 899-o247 31 3/2O Typer A-llF Stetugl fSSUED Conetr: AltF Addresar 52O LIOIISHEAD IIALL Locat1on: 52O LIOIISHEAD IIALL '3oi6. LTdnSHEAD CEIfTER Parcelz 2lOL-O7l-O3-Ol9 Occ: Descript1on: BATH RE|IODEL AppJ-lcant: SXAII HOIIE IIIPROVEIIEIITS Phone: 3o3-449-2221 Orner: PRESSOII ROAERT A - BYRD DEBORAH Phoner 303-443-9349 Contractor: StAll HOIIE IIIPBOVEilEilTS Phone: 3o3-449-222I Use: III I-IIR Locke, Holde, ACTIVTTY llotLce: and llotl.cea. ... ROUT1IIC DELAYED DUE TO IIICOIIPLETE INFORIIATIOII lnapectlon Requeet Regueetor: JEFF Req Tlnel OLIOO ftere requested to O(ngA BLDG-Fl.nel Infonatlon.... Colrente: UilfT be Inapected... Phone: 476-789L 3(M, IILL CALL, LIOIISHEAD CTR Action Coruente Tine Exp InepectJ.on Hlatory..... ften: OOOSO BLDG-Frarlng IOl27 199 Inepector: JRtl Iter: OOO5,O Bl.DG-Ingulatl.on Iterr G,9;ol6,0 Bl.D6-Sheetrock llal,l llt04/*l Inepectorl JRlf Iten: OOOTO BLD6-ll1gc. ften: II/0,O9,O BLDG-Fl-naI Action: APPR APPROYED TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiMAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -479-2138 o .,4/i,%#y DEPARTIIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELdPMEI.M - NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSTTE AT ALL TfMES ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT Permit #z 899-0220 .lob Address: 380 E LIONSHEAD CR Status...: ISSIIED LocaEion...: 380 E LIONSHEAD CR #110, Applied..|OLO/27/L999 Parcel No..: 210L-064-06-001 Issued...: LO/27/L999 Project No.: E>cpires. -: 04/24/2000 APPLICANT SHEARON ELECTRIC Phone: 970-949-6456 P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81-520 CONTRACTOR SHEARON EI,ECTRIC PhONC: 970-949-6456 P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81-520 OhINER SAND & SNOW PROPERTIES INC 2526 NV{ 2ND AVE, MIAMI FL 33A27 Description: ELEC TO ADD LIGHTS IN LIVING RM/BOTH BEValuation:t_,200 . 00 FEE SUT{MARY El.ecerical---> 50.00 TotaL Calculated Fees---> 53,00 DRB Fee InveBtigation> .00 l'ot.a] Permit Fee------_-> 53.00 wilf call----> 3.00 Paymentss- - - - - - - - s3.oo TOTAL FEES--.> 53.00 BAI,ANCE DUE- ,OO ItsCM: O6OOO EI,ECTRICAI, DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:LO/27/T999 KATHY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KW ITbM:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:Lo/27/L999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEEK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorledge that I have rcad thie application, fi1led out in full the information required, complGted an accurate ploh plan, and stsatr that all the information provided as requircd is correct. I rgree to comply i'ith the information and plot plan, co conply with al,1 Torrn ordi.nances and state lawo, and to build lhis slructure accordi.ng to the Town'e zoning and 6ubdivi6ion codea, design rcview approved, unifonn Building codc and oEhcl ordinances gf lhe To*n epplicabLe ther€to. REQUESTA FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE MADE TfiENIY-FOUR HOURS IN AD1TANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:OO AM 5:OO PM SIGNATI'RE OF OWNER OR COIITRAC'IOR FOR HIMSELA AND O}INER TOWN OF VAII-,75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI4EIIT OF COMMUNITY DE1IELOPMENT NOTE: TIITS PERIVIIT MUST BE PosTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT iIOb AddrESS: 380 E I.,IONSHEAD Location...: 390 E LIoNSHEAD Parcel No. . : 2LoL-064-05_001 Project, No.: APPLICANT SHEARON ELEETRTC P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81520 COIVTRAC1IOR SHEARON ELEqTRIC P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SAND & SNOW PROPERTIES INC 2626 NW zND AVE, MIAMI FL 33127 ON iIOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permj_E #: E99-0220 / T-rsctgo/cR status...: YtPPRffiED CR #110, Applied- .:O1,0/27/1999 rssued...: L0/27/t999 E:q)ireB. . ! 04/24/2O00 phone: 970-949-6456 Phone: 970-949-6456 DCSCriPt,iON: ELEC TO ADD LTGHTS IN LIVING RM/BCINr BEVAIUATiON:1,200 . 00 ,r rrrrrrt,rirr *r*a,ar*r i** *.rr pEE guu}rA.ny Electrlcrl- - - > DRB F.c hv66tlgrEi.on> t{ill Cill----> TOTAIJ FEIS'-'> 50 .00 .00 .00 3.00 53 .00 5f.00 . oo 53 .00 53.O0 .00 total Calculalad F6sr- -- > Additslonal P.6o-' ----- --> Total Pclelt 8ee--------> Prytenla-------- BArAlrcE DUE----- r*ir*arr'rrr**rJr*ra***ra*rr*.o**.*rrtrri*rr* ltr**r*rirrrrrr* It,EM: O6OOO--E4LqfRICAL DEPARTI,IEU|'T___ DEP!, BUILDING DiViSiON: +g(A; / bZ"8' *Tffi "; "ffi F+ffi iill' ff:.ovED PnF'ftw ; ;;"' ^ " i i.-,, ",. ",,LO /27 /L999 *rr'air***Jirrr*,trrrartrt**rrrii**,r***rr*,r***** i r**r r I irrr*i * *tr a** * * CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1' FTETJD rNsPEcrroNs ARE RBQUTRED To crrEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE. DECLARATIONS r h'foby rcknoulcdg€ Ehe! r hrv' r.ld ghl'! rpplicrcLon, fill.d out in futr Ehs lnforEaclon raqulrGd, coupr.tad an accurrcc ploc plan' rnd E!'ro Ehrc art Ehs !.nforurtlon p"oiia.a er rcqulr.d lB corr6c!. r rgrcc !o couply rlEh thc Lnformacion and prot plan,to cohPly YiEh '11 Totn oldlnqrc.E and stsaE. 1lvg, and to buila thi. .tllrclurc according io !h. Toirn,! zoning cnd .ubdivigion codc6' d"ign revitr aPProved, uniforn Buildlng codo Bnd obh€r oldinance! of th. Torn apprLcrblc Lh.reto. REQUESES POR INSPECiIIONSI sIfl'JIJ BE UADE EWENTY-FOT,R HOU?S IN ADvtrNcE gY EELEPHoNB AT {?9.213. oR AE oUR oPFIcE FRo!4 a:oo At,I sroo P,., * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **?* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * *l* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArr-,, COLORADO statsemnt *********!r***********************************************!r****** Stat,emnt Number: REC-0581 Amount : Payment MeEhod: CASH Notsation: s3.00 tO/27/99 11:15 SHEARON EIJECTRIC IniE: KMW Penluit No: Parcel No: Sit,e Addrees: Location: This Payment 899-0220 Tlpe: 2101-054-06 -001 380 E IJIONSHEAD 380 E LIONSHEAD B-ELEC ELECfRICAL, PERMIT CR CR #110, IJODGE @ LIONSHEAD Total Fees: ToI,AI AtL PMEE: Balance: 53.00 53 .00 .00 ******t******jr******!t!t*****:r*******t*****tl******************!***!t Accounts eode Description Amounts 50.00 3 .00 53 .00 EP OO1.OOOO31114OO ELE TRIEAI. PERMIT FBES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WII,IJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEB *2->-" , !f,v..t Lnq- u/62 oRlvrATroN vrusT BE COMpLf,TE OR THE.\ppLrCATrON Wrr.L B Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328_8640 for parcet # Parcel;i 3 (O( oGt C\Ac.., I TOWN OF vAtrONSrRUcTioN pERMff AeJcATtoN FORM .roo uarne: Tnif rf I lo Building ( ) Plumbin Lega.l DcscripUo n: Lot a owners Name:f icha.\ 'ltnil + tlo &-.E,rl F.r,l"nr,-iob ed&ess: ( lnt # tlo u,rr-llq|g. ;_Y -58o €,,{r1vrskad Mechanical ( ) Othcr ( ) C, rt^sJAt!Z/&{_bL Subdivision Archrtccl: NO PEJ+ Permit # s( ) Block ( Electricrlpf Address:Phonc# Address:Phone# Description of Job: Work CLus: Nerv ( ) Number of Drvelling Units: Alteration ( ) Nrrmber and Type of Fireplaccs:Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLIJMBINC General Contractor: Toru of Vail Rcgistration No. Torvn of Vail Regisuation No. /2 I € Plumbing Contractor: _ Town oi'Vaii Registration No. Vlcchunical Contractor: l^\ $ $ ELEC'I'RICAL: $_l+j1('o P- _ O'[HER: $ IVIECHAMCAL $ TOTAL $ Additional ^g{ Repair ( ) Ottrer ( ) Nunber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Addrcss:{ 1/ s +Aa+_a__Elazs _ {ddress: _ Phoue # 'l-,xvrr L-.l'\lri Rcgistrltion rio. _ Flu;lc :: FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: pttoret_zfQ- 4-156. ,\-ddrcss: SIGNATUR,E. ocT 2 ? 1999 ^ [trs 6\k' DEPARTMENT oF coMM unt orurro;#i*t, L'1 TOVTN OF/AtL 75 S FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 Job Address.: Location......: Parccl No....: Project No...: OWNER BOULDER CO 80302 CONTRACTOR SWAT{ HOME IMPROVEM$TS 7OO WILLOW BROOK ROAD BOULDER, CO 803 02 License:203-B APPLTCANT SWAN HOME IMPROVEMM{:TS 7OO WILLOW BROOK ROAD BOULDER, CO 80302 Desciption: DECK ENCLOSURE AND REMODEL LOWER BATH Occupancv: Rl Multi-Family Twc Construction: II l-HR Tlpe Il l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $7.600.00 Fireplace lnfonnation: Reslricted: Y r ofGas Appliances: 0 tis f- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT J20 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL LIONSHEAD CENTER UNIT 306 Permit #: 800-0283 #'#ff:oovz ISSLIED l0/09/2000 l0/2312000 04/21t2001 PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD. D!0/O9/2000 Phone: 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR I0/09/2000 Phone: 3O3-449-222L t0 / 09 /2000 Phone: 303-449-222L TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Depo;it Refund appr0v6d If(\.\ "-'.-.--- amount date Add Sq Ft: # of Ga.s Logs: 84 0 # of Wood Pqlla: I FEE SIJMIvIARY Building--, Plan Check-; lnvestigalion-. Will Call--; Tot&l Calculatcd lrees-> Additional Fees_--> 'l'otal Pcmil Fec-_,' Palmenls----.._--> BALU\CE DLIE---_.: 9125 - 00 Reslu.uant Plar Reriew-> 9s1 .25 DRll Fce-.-----.--- $0.00 RccrciltionFee------- 53 .00 Clean-up DePosit-- TO',fAL FEFS-----] $0.00 $20.00 584.00 $10o,00 5413 .2s $0.00 9413 .25 s413.25 Approvals:It6m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMETIIT l-0ll-9l2000 JRM Action: Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI{:| LO/L2/2O0O ao Action: Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT IIEM: O55OO PIIBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. .J PAGE 2 *+*x!**t + * * *t!*** l.*:t *:*+ * ****:** ***{. *+* * ******:s** **** ** *f ** *** {r** * ** * * *{. ***{.'* * * * * ** * ****** * **** *** * *i*i* * *** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: 800-0283 as of l0-23-2000 Status: ISSUED **:*+*****i*{t*****+*+*****+***+*****f*+****+* *** ****+***************{.{t***+*************:tr*****{.*****'tr+*,tr** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: t010912000 Applicant SWAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Issued: lOl23/Z0OO 303-449-2221 To Expire: 04l2U20Ol Job Addrsss: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: LIONSHEADCENTERLINIT306 ParcelNo: 210107103019 Description: DECK ENCLOSI]RE AND REMODEL TJOWER BATH Conditions: Cond: 12 FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CSIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 14 ALIJ PEbIETRATTONS IN WAI-'LS,CEILINGS,AND FI-'OORS TO BE SEALED WITI{ AIiT APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI . Cond: L5 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF TIIE 1997 I]BC. Cond: 1 FIRE DEPARTMN\TT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all iown ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to tie lowns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUES'TS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADI' TWENTY.FOLIR HOTIRS IN ,\DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT .I?9.2I38 OR AT OTJR OFFICE FROM 8;OO AM . 5 PM.s.nd Cleln-up D€pcit To: S\IANSTROM ./ r / OR CON'I'RACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNt * {.'t*+***** **'r* * * *t* * ** ** {ir.* *** * *** * * *** +r' +* ** * *** ** * ** * * * ****+ * * ***,} ** * *+ **t** *,t***:***,t{.+*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternenr *****{.******+***r.******'t*+*********:lr*******+***:******!r************+** *{.+******************** SEatement Nurnlcer: R000000103 Amount: 9413.25 I0/23/2OooO2:41 pM Payment Method: Check hit : ,Jl.{N Notation: SWAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Permit No: 800-0283 Type: ADD/AIrT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel- No: 2l- 0 L0 7103 019 Site Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MATJL, VAIIj Irocae ion : LIONSHEAD CEMER ITNIT 3 0 5 Total- Fees: $413.25 This Payment: $413.25 Total ALL pmts: s413.25 Balance: $0.00 * +**** ***** ******* ** * + ** * *********:l* +* 'i *** ** *** * ** * *+* * ******* ** **** *** * ** **:t+ ** ** * ** * * * **'*{. ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code DescrjDtion Current Pmts AD Dz-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS iOO.OO BP OO1OOOO311I1OO BUITDING PERMIT FEES 125.00 DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,.J FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 8r.?5 RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES 84.00 t^Jc 00100003112800 t^tILL CALL rNspEcTIoN FEE 3.00 TOVNOFYATT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colora'do 81657 AppLrcATrornLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplEil* u GNED Building Permit #: v Separate Permits are requircd for elcctrictl, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or yisit www.e,far Parcel # Parcet # .lo(-07 l - 03 _oi 4 1'*l1Pr ssotte q( l)a;l- Drl.Job Address:o D E, AronsL"o"( Cc"*.*sa Legal Descriptic,'lnt' (BIock:Firins: /l/,4 subdivision: ll/1f owners Nu*tt Rolu-r.l Dttr,.o,Address:<no Clti*( v,es t* &*J,llfhontt :,co- rJ/ s -c,s 4 q A'chttectlDesisne'I) 'lA1\ ,u,,hll^ddres'l<'\ y)4ooo/*on -511fP1oi-' vBa4q-44vq Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: T- ,k Er,rlosur<- WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel Sf, Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both P{Does an EHU exist at this locaiion: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) tvlulti-farnilylf Commercial ( ) nestaurant ( ) Other( ) 5- No.ofExistingDwe||ingUnitsinthisbui|ding:<No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinS: ?D Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: GasAppliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NoT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: tr*V No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ; wo Q1,[ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: S 4 htne ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $]-orAL: s r'/.000't RIFI]ND CLE,\NUP DtjPOSll'rO: itaf$ fl^-nr64<t4 . POO l:^:i [o,..*r,az,k ''&r^lo!^. (0, golr, CONTMCTOR INFORMATION ?( F'-'l'1' Q Contact and Phone #'s: t **********t *************tr**^!**********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***r'.-r:r***ri.**r,-**Jr*i***J.**r** !o$gl_Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm i Type ofConstruction:@ i Date Received: fficDocT022000 mwN0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81557 ApplrcArroNf,LL Nor BE AccEprED rr rncoMpLEr0n u Buifding Permit #: Actt^ 97 O- 47 9-2L49 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAII BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electricll, plumbing, nrechanical. etc.l Contact Eaale C'Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit www.for Parce! # Parcel # p tO\ - O?t *C S-O tq Job Name: Pa"s"o,r. 4-t \ )a', \ - Ba{hrocr"'"0 oo1"*' Spo r, l.io^sln*l c"^t .*ta Lesal Description ll Lot: J ll eocr: I ll nirins:Subdivision: owners Name'Rdo.r+ Pn ss,Addt"tt' 4l D cl^.i.+ w".<-truc,Bo.ft f none : {go3) 4 4 3 - q st / q Architect/pesisner:Vrq. .14 Dn k .dtloor"*'/58D NIoo.h^, e,tl"onon"f 3r:il udq -qq?3 Engineer: il /f Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: lor-rl.s?a',rs ho,/.rdo^.,. r*-tJ"l WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) nemodel |,{ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ).{ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes I ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity ft) Commercral ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )',\' No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 5 No. of Accommodation Units in this building, A.0 Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances [ ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq 0<J No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: ves ${ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 0d COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: S 2,g,OOg ELECTRTcAL: $ 9009 OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG: $ 5!00 v MECHANICAL: $rorAl: s j,b00"! REFUNI) CLEN NL]P DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:Town of Vail Reo. No.:#aos --s Contact and Phone #'s: 70-Ll7/2--or(sot\4rlq-le? Contractor Signature: t r.*****************i*,t*****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********r.****************: I Accepted By: I Planner SIS!:gffi F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm RECDoCT0?2000 , 5eP,-?g-26s@ 13141 FRo|OlL HoNE RENreLS' lf'lc' September 29' 2000 To..n.of Vail ComnrunitY DcvelopmenL ?5 S. frontage Road rv' Vail, C0 8165E TN 13057UbHJz)r.uJt ffi" **1eil, c'oto'ndo 8165? o t'303'476'1651 RF.: lv{inor rctnodcl at VriliLionshcarl Ccnrc Lnir 5306 - Bsth'room' lentre Trr \\ihoru It lr'taY Concent Rob Prcsson 'Y*:-:l::[':,1'ffJ:'iX*ff'\:i::!"''"'lIlJ[:i:Xi':ii]""111*".' ** (-'ondominir'rm f*:l1l::,;,Jd;i ii r,]r ou""r"irs bitrhr.otrr' permission to do a mulor rc I or rna3or plurnbing changcs. The l{u hls srated rhar rhere arc to b!:1'rT#:*Jill'iff;;;;l.r affecr an',' comuton "lemet\ls ,r qsriciation has no Prooter ,;;;;. sFucturol rnodificatton' Sinr:erelY, /,!rrlL. gu'wr Lanv G. Barnes N'laoaging .Agent : ToTCL P. 01 I I I MM /aealaa &tetru 520 V. Lionshead Mall o Vail, Colorado 8165? . l-303'176'1651 Scpteutber 25, 2000 l-owrr of Vail Department ol' Community Developmetrt 75 S trontage Road W Vail. CO 81657 KH.: Vail/t,ionshead Centre Condoniniunr Association LJnit #306' Dear [,adies and Gentlenren, A(theBoardoff)it.ector.smeetingheldonMay2.lgg4,approvalwasunanir.nouslypr.ovidedfromthe Iloar.cl of Directo* tu rh. n,.rr-r'i'.t itip-t" "'"rJr. irt"ir balconies. l'he materials used must be of lhe sat'e or fla*fl" q"rfity as long as it matches with the curlent ettclosures' ].heou'tterwishingttlencloseabalconyrnustobtaitrl.ownapprcrvalandmustalsopayaolretimet.eeof s 1.500.00 to rhe associarron. -wi.n the balcony is fully enciised. the owner will also be charged additiottal ctuarterly condorniniuut association fbes that are figured on a pro t ata basis' SincerelY. 4*"4 &* t.alr1' G. Barnes \4:rnaging Atent I MENT I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P00-0138 Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Lionshead Center Condo's - Unit #306 Applied . . : llll7l2000 ParcelNo...: 210107103019 Issued. . '. llll7l2000 ProjectNo : Expires . .: 0511612001 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLILBING IL/17/2OO0 Phone: 970-82'l-5736 P O BOX 340 MTNTURN CO 8164 5 CONTRACTOR ifERRY SIBIJEY PITtMBING L7/L'l/2000 Phone: 970-827-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTI'RN CO 8L64 5 License: L34-P O!'INER PRESSON, ROBERT & BYRD, DEBO77/28/2000 Phone: 420 Christmas Tree Dr. Bou1der, CO 80302 License: Desciption: Plumbing to install new tub and shower valve. Valuation: $600.00 Fireplace Inlbrmation: Restricted: ??4 ofGas Appliances; ??# ofGas Ings: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SI IMMARY Plunrbing--.' $15. o0 Rcstuarant Plan Review-> $3 - 75 DRB |€€-----------', So . oo TOTAL FEES-------------. s3.00 S0.00 Total Calculaled Fccs--> $0.00 AdditionalFees-:----' 921,.'15 Total Permit Fee-----> Pa]rynenls----------> BAI,ANCE DI IU----.> 9ss.00 i15 .75 s0. oo Plan Chcck--;, Investigation-,, Will Call---:' Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Ll/77 /2OO0 KJftttt Action: APPR Approved rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requircd, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with thc information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design revicw approved, Uniform Building Code and othcr ordinances of the Town applicable thcreto. It CONTRAC'IOR F HIMSEI,IJ AI{D OWNE *** *'f *tt *** + * ** ** *{. * ****** * * *** * * * *'}* *{.**+**** ****** * ++* 't**** * *** +* *****+ **** + + *** * * +** * ****,* TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO Statement ***,*'f*+tf*+*'*:tt'l******,t**i**t ,iit+***********+f***+***+**+'f:l*+**:t{.+:******+**++*'}********+****** statement Number: R000000222 Amount: i75.75 lr/17/2oooo]-:49 pM Payment lllethod: Check Init : Kl{W Notation: permit & lic renewal for plumbing Jerry Sibley Permit No: P00-0138 Type: PLUUBfNG PERIT/IIT Parcel No: 210107103 0 00 Site Addrese: 520 LIONSHEAD I{ALIJ \rAIIr Location: Lionshead Center Condors - Unit *30G Tota1 Fee6: 576.75 Thia Pa)ment t $76.75 Total ALL pmts: 576.75 Balance; S0 .00 *********,*'1.***+***++****+i+****t++***+****+*++****f****+++****'|t************,$'*,t,t *+*,t****+**** ACCOT'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts cL 00100003123000 CoNTRACTOR LTCENSES 55.00 PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 3.75 PP OO1OOOO31i12OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 15.00 !']C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Contact Assessors Office at 9 {te-au>visit for Parcel #Parce|#(Requiredifnob|d9.permit#isprovMwe'@ 'dogecT, PRe=soxI 3l+,r4.>=\-t=r*'c*-Job Name:18#j'i',?i"-r#ffiffi Lesat Description- ll iot, - ll ero.r., ll ririns,Subdivision: owners Name:.!#fr*#iI#lf Add ress :Phone: q-1b --lfi\ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work:!>h\ rv=r,o tu\)\1*z A\tt,s j Ll+\U( WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alterationfrg Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Sinqle-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family() Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ I C,,(I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbino Contractor: ,.*;,rv, l Town of Vail Req. No.:&| P Contact and Phone #'s:d.;.LJ LJ;,1\ Ezl-sr3o F/everyone/forms/plmbperm RECD Nov 16 2000 :'tt:;. -fpeifi. !'1,\ | ., ., \' r HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? {'t ' lj..;](I',' .:ttjit.f, ToYm of Vail Survev . €ci'finiiiunitroeoeloiment D epartment ;: f,F?0)I79i"2139 | Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contacfl Building _- Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB Was your inilial contact with our staff immediate no one availabie ? siow 0r L 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your prolect reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no. why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A 7. Please rate the performance of the staffperson who assisted you: 54321Name. (kncwledge, responsiveness, avaiiability) Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenis you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. 'a - 't.,-, .,irQ ', :, ,.).' ; ,1 r,, '\,L't f . o?oor'u*r oF corurulN,r" orurrot*TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIIVIES ELECTRICAL PERIVITT Job Addrcss: 520 LIONSHEAD NIAI-L VAII- Location.....: 520 Lionshead Mall - Unit #306 ParcclNo...: 210107103019 prqjectNo , TKnS-Olf/ OWNER pRESSoN RoBERT A - BYRD DEBo11/10/2OOO Phone: 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR BOULDER CO 80302 CoNTRACTOR PREMTER ELECTR.TC CO., INC. rt/]-0/2000 phone: 970-949-9177 P. O. BOX 3839 AVON, CO d_Lozu License : L49-E APPLICANT PREMIER ELECTRIC CO., INC. LL/]-0/2000 Phone: 970-949-9377 P. O. BOX 3839 AVON, CO OJOZU Desciption: miscremodel,lighting Valuation: $ I .000.00 l'EE SLa{Nl,\RY Electrical----' DRB Fce--.---. Investigation-- --' Will Call------.' 1 oT.AL !-Eris--- Additional fees---- -> Pemrit #: E00-0240 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : llll0/2000 Issued. . : llll3l2000 Expires . .: 05/12/2001 5s0.0o $0.00 s0 - 0o 93 - 0O 90.0o 'fotal Calculated Fces-> S53 . 0 0 s0.00 'folal Pcrmit Fee----> S53 ,00 Paymsnt!i.-__-,- S53 .00 BAL.\NCE DTIE_-_-> Aonrovals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT LL/I3/20O0 jrm Action: AP Item: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMfl$T CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Entry: 7I/10/2000 By: Ic Action: NO routed to JRM DECLARATIONS I hereby' acknorvledge that I havc read this application. filled out in full tlrc information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation as required is correcl. I agee to comply with the inlbrmation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lalvs. and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes. design revicw approved. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Toll. applicable thcreto. REQITIISTS FOR INSPECTION SI-l.Ai,L BE I,I,\DE |WINTY-FOI'R HOI"'RS IN.\DV,\NCE ll\' 'fELt:Pl{ONE A1'479.2138 OR AT OL]R OFFTCE FROM tl:00 AM - 5 PIr,t. Si[iNr\,I( * {.* *** {.* ** ****,** **!r** * {.* **** * + ** '}*'r,|t ** * {. ** * * ** ** ** *** * * * *** * *:*** * ** *** {. ** + ** ** * ** * * * * ++ * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAD0 Sratemenr *:i+ * )t ** ** **,**t(* * *** * * * ** ** *** * **** ***+*****+*+ *** * **+****** * * * *t******** *** * *** *++* ** * * **** * starement Number: R000000206 Amount: s53 .00 r1/13 /20o00L I 09 pM Payment Method: Check Init: JMN Notation: PREMIER EIJECTRIC COMPANY Permit No: 800-0240 Type: EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 210107i.03 019 Site Address: 520 LIONSIIEAD MALL VAIIT Locat.ion: 520 Lionehead lrtaLl - Unir #306 Total Feee: 953 ,00 Thie Payment: $53.00 Total AI-rL Pmtg: $53 .00 Balance; $0 , o0 ** * ** * * **** * ** ** + + +'l *,F** * * * *:f * * * * 'i*,F** * ****!t* * * 'l** ** **** *r.** * * ** ********'l** ***+ **'|!* *+ * ***** * ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31i14OO TEMPORARY POlnTR PERMITS t^,C 00100003112800 I^JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50. 00 3. 00 r i ril. '. Ci. .- - I t_.J i ., ,.,! r. ApPLrcATroNt,- "ot BE AccEprED rF lL i.u..,;!:., 1 :l..i TNCOMPLTTE P(sq E--cz-"1_ o2E^3 o 75 S. FroDtrge Rd. vailr Colortdo 81657 coupLETE sQ. FEEf FOR NEW EUILDS and VALUATION9 FOR ALL OTIIERS (tabor & Materials) CONTRACTOR IN FORI,IATION Ftectriel Coniracrpr:-lhe mte P (-,tectPtc Town cf Wil F.ql, f\io.:, tqq-€ _ ContrSdor Signature: -'_- -- :_-'-!-_'-+=-!!!lt +t*r,ri.r,&*r*rr*itr**r.rn+.*r*i.nd,Jj;,.t:ta+i++FOROFFICEUsEONLY"*tr$***Fts**'?tri'it':**tt;t1rrt?ilr+***'!'t n) Job l,|ame:Job Address: f A0 L I a N.> rt€t) t) t) ) nU #\Wo Leget Description I tot: ] eiocr: [ ,=iling:SubJivEior: LtOxlslenn Engineer:-iloore]c -TtZt.zcr Zo t "1ffi1-f!1e:ffiofi?woi(T || '-;' ffl t:,c . Reirc'clel +jb1 Lr-ql,-li--,- Work Class; llew ( )Addrdor i ) n-' RerrKdel (l ) iepair ( ) 9enrp Pouver ( i O$er ( Intenlor (|.) Encrior ( ) Both ( )Work Type:Does €" EfU e^,$t at fr,-s ioiEtior,: Yes ( ) rvo t/ ) irpe of Erdg.: gngtef6r,rity { ) D.,rger ( } iuultFiarnil} i ) Com:rercial ([) Renurant ( ) Otlter ( ) No. of Existing Drvdling Units in thrs ct.ilding: )$tl3. of Acaamnodatiorr Uf rit-s in this b.riiding: is thts Dermit for a hot tubl Yes ( )-- No ( X)ffiiEiEfii#E-.\ffirar_rer :.iiiem Extst: v.t_L{L_l9l ETECIRICAL VALUATION: $ I AI@UNT CF SQ F lf'l SI.RUCIJREI E-,.r,,..A..v'\i/t^.t< /.r/lf.an ov .o 'F .o oE ; q (, F ..24 40 OU FFF za EN 6Q A U J o 2> srE F FF zz EO FT DF az F;E AZ oo A' F o F z EU !l !t o oFt er o o T> Elo ! .,a , TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTACEROAD r r rr SL VAIL' co 81657 ' J cr-'r' \ L' \r \ -970-479-2138 L.j, i -r_ , B1(( \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0108 Job Address.: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER #306 Applied...: 05/13/2003 Parcel No....: 210107103019 Issued...: 05/27/2003 Project No...: Expires...: 11123/2003 outNER PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD, DO5/L3/2OO3 phone: 420 CHRISTI{,AS TREE DR BOUIJDER CO 80302 Lricense: coNrRAcToR swAN HOME TMPROVEMENTS 0slL3/2}03 phone: 7OO WILLOW BROOK ROAD BOULDER, CO 803 02 License: 203 -B APPLICANT SWAN HOME IMPROVEMEIflTS 05/]-3/2003 phone: 303-449-222r 7OO WIIJI'OW BROOK ROAD BOI'I-,DER, CO 80302 I-,icense: Desciption: FINISH POWDER ROOM/BUILD PLANT LEDGE INTEIOR Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $8.500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 F'ireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs; 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 r r i * {.,i,t + * * * * r **,f * Building--> 9157-25 Restuaraot Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated |ees-> $2?8.96 Plan Check-> 9108 . ?1 DRB Fee--> $0 . 00 Addilionsl Fees-> $75 . 00 Investigation-> $0. 00 Recreation Fe€----> $0 . 00 Total P€rmit Fee--> 5353 - 96 Will Call----> 53.00 Clean-up Deposit-----> S0.00 Palments---..-._-> S353 .95 TOTAI. F'EES---------> $2?8.96 BAI.ANCE DUE--> $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 05/1612003 .rRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNfNG DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIJBI,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 :t*****f*'|:},F:|{t'***tf**tt't*'{.'|.t+'t*******:*{.****{.**'i+*'*,}'t.*'t*********:t**i*'t't**'|t*!t**'|t!tl'*'t,t'tlt|i*'t***:&* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0108 as of 05-27-2003 Status: ISSUED +*'}*'f't'}+'}t'.:|t'f**'|t't****'t'}**+t|**'}**'t****'t'i**'}*'t!****'}***+******l'***'|t'i********'t**t**'t't*:i**+*!t**+t***f******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/t3/2003 Applicanf SWAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Issued: 05t27/2003 303-449-2221 To Expire: tl/23/2003 Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER #306 Parcel No: 210107103019 Description: FINISH POWDER ROOM/BUILD PLANT LEDGE INTEIOR Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge drat I have rcad this application, filled out in full the information rcquired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect I agre.e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiructure eccording to the tovns zoning and suMivision oodes, design rcview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applioable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY IELEPHONE AT 479.2 I49 OR TOUROmCE FROM E:00 AM -4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF + f,* *+f+'** **t ** *f* **+* t * *'+ + +*t** * ***t ** ** + + t*****t +t' ** *f * f,t * + ** * * * +* * * * * + *+ * * * |.* * * + +* * * * * +* * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Starement f* + +*** + ft+ ++ t****+ * * ** * * i++ +lt 'i * * * * ** ** ** ++ * t* ** i f ** * * t *i t * * * * * * * * +* | * ** * I * * * * + * +** * *t* * + + + f Statement Nunber: R030004041 Amormt: 9353.96 05/27/2OO3L1 :51 Atrt Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Swan Home Improvetnent s 1.3 84 Permit, No: 803-0108 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Parcel No: 210107103 019 Site Address: 520 I,IONSHE;AD MAIJII VATL IJocation: 520 E LIONSHEAD CEIITER #305 Total Feea: 5353.95 ThiE Pa)ment: $353.95 Toral ALIJ pmte: $353.96 Balance: $0.00 * * * * * * ** * + ** * * * * f * * * * i * *+ | ** * * * * * +* * ** **++ ** * f* * * +* *** *t *++* *** ** **** ** **a*** *** +* +*** * *+ +*+ ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Cunnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PTRM]T FEES cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCT0R LICENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I^IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL iNSPECTION FEE t67 .25 75. 00 108.7i 3. 00 ll lfore \ R INF own of Vail Req. No.:and Phone #'s: Email address:rts+-ot4 wD{\4-^1* . q BUILDING:$ /.0O0 ELECTRICAL: $ < OD- PLUMBING:$ 9.OOa '*MECHANICAL:$rorAl:S *,EOO noN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEr;i":,r#r'm03=o lqb BuitdingpE 97 0.1.7 9 -21 4S (lnspections) etc.l ILDING PERMIT APP COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & *****r****!F*******1*!r.r*************r+FoR oFFlcE usE oNL Parcel For Parcel # Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-g28-8640 or visit &.tot-t:zt-og-otq Job Name:--n , l I .--- Yrt-SSo^< C( UaJl ' f-ou/U"- fod"*JobAddress: .-^,'- r /^ I rt n Abb 6du t, Afa^.< Lr.a& 7;o4t, Lesar Description ll tg. 5 ll alocr: 1 ll ririns' /t/ I ll sroaiuirion' /.Uns k-/ owners Name: f{ob#+ Q.rssr^Address: 4 Ao Ckr ta{r^^+ *,rw, Br*llAf'non"(uzV 4s - a3 4q o"n n""oo"t'n n"ti l^ il^ F ,nl.oo6lL naar ess lt, o wm tnon"r.or4 44-qq)3 Engineer: W lA Address:Phone: / Detailed descriDtion of work: tntsk Po*Lar rooYu'. Work Class: New ( ) Addition (I nemJoerp{Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ffi Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity ftI Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ? O No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 96 No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (V No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes () No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 00 \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PER MITS\BLDGPERM. DOC I B*t 4qry fit -t Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: -i-n sso,.< 4+ lo> I - 7)rr../.u .oo,.*. Project Address: r' This Checklist must be completed before a Building permit application is acceoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrinq Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fa;ily) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: _!\hy'$\aD" tr E LI o D D IJ U o o u u a tr B F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) WECKS. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proJects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by; Date: F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 Print name Sito /-io^s\,*A Ce^!re #30'o -Sob Dusc cP tr'on'' Po'J*. Ruou^ I' T"*4^ll /,>ote| pl"*Lt"Y d'( ilrai,. ,-,! /)' 6updY JM'e' 2' I ^thff gl^*bd,y frX4'n< - rii^l< 'foikl' *wo, k perFo."'-J by I ftc'nsto( p/-"''lu< ' ,t'7/'Work gor&ot*-'.( b/ C on *rc'clav- 9 -u'1. *loot- 9 i^<fo/f +r;'" ,rntt'rons a*&' d'Ju*(' ,l or)'Lr[o,,^t[*K lv-ilgt- ' ov<r k/ (-oo*' 4 s " B*t 4 rou tvrg {' lV.ilql-, \v-of L{i '*, ov-or e{is{i^5 '[10{V, Pou/*r roov*\ hr < L<en opp ro*o( t / *la a<6oc[a(nn in pory' ?u,--*(E. 4-J iL roo""- is epf e'!d-6" -/o>[a( f?o"6A a.*( €s^al t,or k M-- ^// 4^/ fs n#/*/ . ?["^4 Io"/4 ' B;tr{ i,rt r tf b,"-Ll (9?0) 4?6-2221 oiri.. ' ipl'o) a7*?68'l Fax ' l-800'525'!t809 1 " -' c-rtrair; vail-b omc- rcn'trls @ toslii com ' http://$'ww't!'rski ' ",\l " OWNEA OF L'IONSHEAD CE),ITRE' #3-06'IIA5 RECETVED iiCaFsoirltron ro Bt,rLD A slidArt, PLA'Nr LEDGE IN rsrscoNDo. 'l lrf3 Eest I'tcadow . .suite lg'l ' Vail, Colorado PLEASE CONTACT lv{E. r<a THANK YO{J FOR SI{I]PPINC uf,rt VALLEY AcE HARD*ARE YOUR }IELPFIJL HAROIIARE FOLKS ! 21tt N Frontaleaoal#Ft *'" t srANSTRot't *tttl[r8* n, 0 *illl$?lft,no*8II ttl'ffi* B,1|1 - 8gs'o' *r, s.se Sales Tax D.Yi' q? SIGN .SS P0ttl cAR0NAl'tE=SllANsIR0|l JEFFERY D 6.52 EXP DATE=060784388523009690947^ CARD t'lUl{=43s8523009690947 AUTH 016799335018780 TOTAL CHG CARD . 8'52 uq$E;*:r:hlkrdHicHrnoe'rotn. SIGNATURE TYPE: CREDIT CARD O€NNIS B. 12'll5 11:38 16-0ec-03 -*;-. {, +- -3{'' 3 o \ o& ''.eA*' ,\--\ .-o\-"-! $tt- 't '^- "',,t'^'( 'tc*-xA (t- S, o- *".,\u ct.L-.-! )"^-' '\t--&\ ,-.- \(-^ .^"-<-^q t\ '} K* \\'a\'{2 \'r-"4t--- ,,' w S,W,ou Darfcrc{ a\./t.4)- TowN oF verr. DEpARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DEVELopMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0083 -3o3-o to K Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER #306 Applied . . : 06113/2003 Parcel No...: 210107103019 Issued . . : 06113/2003 Project No : ?fi-t 0).Or.rO Expires . .: 1211012003 owNER pREssoN, RoBERT A. - BYRD, Do6/L3/20o3 phone: 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR BOI]IJDER CO 80302 Licen6e: coIflrRAcToR MR. ETJECTRTC O6/L3/20O3 phone: (97O) 947-9449 PO Box 2 662 Glenwood Springs, Co 47502 License:329-E APPI-,ICAM| MR. EI_,ECTRIC O6/L3/2003 phone: (97O) 947-9449 PO Box 2662 Glenwood Springs, Co 816 02 License : 329-E Desciption: lighting for plant ledge Valuation: $750.00 **:*:* * 'l'l * * 'l * *,1.t*'l * Electrical----> 95 0 . 00 'l otal Calculated Fees-> 9 53 . 00 DRB Fee-----> $0.00 ,{ddilisnsl psss---> $0. oo lnvestigation-> $0.00 Total Permit Fee----> $53.00 Will Call----> $3.00 Payments------; 553.00 ToI'AL FEES-> S53 . OO BALANCE DUE-_-> SO . OO *tt l t +:i l t * *,i ++'i* a Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06,/13/2003.rRM Action; AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI 't,tt 't* *+*lt r r *tr *t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. a +l l +'l ++ l*ll. { l l la DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +++ t ** * * * + *+* * +** * * **t * +** * ** * ** * * * * *** * *** i* ** * ** * * * ** * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * + * ** r * * ** * * ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******** *** ******* ************ *****'r ********t*********+*******']*****++*r**+*t*+++*** #*f***++ Statement Number: R030004169 Anount: 953.00 06/:-3/2003t0:34 Atr Payment Method: Cbeck IniE.: DDG Notation: Mr. El-ectric L137 Permit No: 803-0083 I:De: ETECTRICAL PERMIT ParceL No: 210107103 019 SitE AddTEgS : 52 O IJIONSHEJAD I'/IAIIIJ VArIJ I.,OCAt1ON: 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER *305 TotaL Fees: $53.00 This Payment: $53.00 Total AIJI, pmtss $53.00 Balance: $0.00 *+*++ ** * * *+f ** * +* * * * *at++*** l* + ** *+ + * * ** * ** **+++ ***i * *** * +*f* * * ** * * *+* + + +lt *** * * *'t* + +* + * ** * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts IP OOlOOOO3liliOO TEMPOMRY POI,IER PERMITS t^ic OO1OOOO31128OO I^IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #: - -at(o MWNOFUAT. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMPLETE FOR NEW and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Reg. No.: t( ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Contact robAddress: 6;10 e_ Ldn Prut t* Work Class: ruet ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel () 'Repair( ; TemPPower( ) Other ffition, Ves( ) No( )I s<terior( ) Both( ) Cornmercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: florct n mtmodation Units in this building: l,lo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: it for a hot tub: Yes ffitlNo() ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********************'t************** \\VAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PIRM I1'S\ELECPERM' DOC w D6n002 o o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker oanel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another, Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #B will be Dermitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a buildinq permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is reouired. n If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. q ! o U r lu /d: Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mailand the inspector will callyou back. ave read and rstand the above. HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Tovm of Vail Survey Commu nity Development D eparfnent Russ ell Fonest, Director, (970)479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin Plannino DRB PEC Was your initial contact wiih our stafrimmedide_ slow no one avaifable ? 4. lf you were required to waif how long was ii before you were holnari? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was tiris your firsttime to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54321Narne: {knowled ge; responsiveness, availability) Ovet ail cffecilvertess oi titu i-'' uri't Ser viuc Courrter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank ycu for taking the tme to complete this survey. We are commited to improving our service. df 8. TO\^,TN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0155 ,1ir.; (r lO& Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER #306 Applied . . : 12/03/2003 Parcel No...: 210'107103019 Issued . . : 12/05/2003 Project No : ? R-:o:S _ O tf O Expires . .: 06/02/ 2004 owNER PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD, DL2/O3/2003 phone: 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR BOI'LDER CO 80302 License: COMTRACTOR .IERRY SIBI-,EY PLUMBING 1-2/03/2003 phone: 970-827-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTURN CO 8154 5 License:134-P APPLICANI ,IERRY STBIJEY pT.lt MBING 12/ 03 /2OO3 phone : 970-A21 -5736 P O BOX 340 MINTURN CO 8164 5 License: 134 -P Desciption: FINISH POWDER ROOM/BUILD PLANT LEDGE INTEIOR Valuation: $550.00 Firenlace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: ?? # of Wood Paltet: Plumbing-> $15.00 Restuarant Plan Review->90 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $2r..75 Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> witl call-> SO. O0 Additional Fees->$0.00 $3.00 BALANCE DUE---_>s0.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT L2/03/2OO3 JRII Action: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{| CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plary and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and S3.25 DRB Fee---_---> $0 . 00 'IOTA[. FEES------> $21 .75 Total Permit Fee---_-> l2r.7s Payments-> 527.75 . JSP IhE.Fax:970-827-5234 Dec 5'03 8:05 P.03 YL/>--tt>to Iot Phn".to conply with dl Town ordlnancs rnd ctile laws, and to build trls stnrctue aeordftrg to the towru zodng tnd suHfi{sion codes, destgr revlar apprrovod, Urdfour UrOafng CodJ-a "e,61.raf"-r"*.f ihe To*1 epplicable' hereto. IDQT.|E}Ig FOR IN€FIC.IION SIIAII BE MADE T4'ENTY-FOIJB HOUNS N ADVA$ICE IY Itd.OFFTCEFROMT:mAM -{ OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII\,ISELF AI{D OWNEI JSP INC.Fax:970-827-5234 Dec 3'03 t2:42 P.01 APPLrcArrot{ urLL Nor BE AGGEPTED r rncoMPLf;ffil xw ' A - '-' ^r Buiidlng Permlt #,DB-u- I Contractor: coilPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUiIBING PER.MIT (rabor & l'laterlals) Job Address:5?o 4 1 6^gprsao ttaz* 4o r Job Name: Trc Workclass: Nar( ) ROOtttonp( ffientlon( ) Repalr( ) Other( ) Cornrn.rAat ( ) Restaurant ( ) OdPr ( ) G-tisrog.of sldg" single'hmtlv( ) Duplex( ) MulU-famllv ilo. of nccfinroAaHon Unlts in thls buildlng: I'lo of ExlsUng Dweltlng Unlts In Stls buildlng: rr*********tt****l*****tlt*t*********rrFOR OFFTCE USE ONLY**l**i*****i***'l*lr*********ilt***** F/ev.rlone/brrts/Plmbpetm {:t '.,\ -**f '.n *l .1 k(r,,,,, y,t- P.2/tr/< O (acT 7af t il W'; '1' Inspectlon Request Requested lnspect Ortei Tgesday, tlecember 16, 2003 Insp€ct on Area: JR Slb Mdresi: 520 L|OIi{SHEAD HALL VAIL 520 E UONSHEAD CENTER il306 AIP/D lniormadon Acth/lhx H)$Ol t)8 Trroe: A.MF Consi Tw6: Occuooiftv: OIfrhT: PRESSON, ROEERT A. - BYRU. DEBORAH A,. JT Shl|s: ISSUED frspAJ€a: JR Applkrni: Conbactor: D6crlplbn: Comrnent: SWA}.I I"IOit|E IMPRO\IE ME NTS SWAI".I HOME IIIPff OVET|ENTS FINISH POT'IID€R ROOiJBI'ILD PI.A}IT LEDG€ INTEIOR ROI'ITED TO JR FOR REVEWAPPROVAL . DFLORES Phon€: 3034492??1 R€ouested Inrpacdon{sl tbrn: 00 Bl-Dc+lnrl Roqu.6ior: SWAI{ HOME IMPROVEMENTS Comn|3|rb: wlll crl147&7891 Ardori.d To: JttOilDRAGOl'l - A.flon: Tlmo Erp: ItEm Coorm.ntl: It'FtFt'I'IRERAU- REOD To BE gtffi fnloecton HfebrY OU 791A {C) F' Item: 226 FIRE D€PT. I{OnHCATI{N Itdn: 10 B|-octFooihrg8/Strol It m: 20 BLDGFonn6iiorvsteel lbm: 3[) BLDGlFramlng - App.orEd "0d1(y03 lmpctor: GCO' Co||rments: ADD 2X6 AS REOD PER Fllr.l. R.qucrbd Tlme: 08:00 A'||Plpna: 3(f4,{Sm1 er- 476. ?891 Enirr€d By: DGOLD€N K TO /rlauta1 ffff44 ///2 tz// (a 21r1-/d r- ' B 4i7 O/r.tO7d'.;z ,**7A /?{ Eran+24 OA11/03 lm9.dor; GcD Acton APAPmO{,ED Commor s: CCTRRECTION MAD€, lifo fi.fSUUTtOil ltlSPECTlOftt REOD. Ot( TO eYP.BLDGIfituHon BLDGShefiocf lg$*Apprornd -qq?009 Irtlpector: JRM 12/0fltr! lr*Dedr: GCD fi n€nts: STEET ROCK TN Coflnn€nts: STEET ROCK INBATH BLDC'-MbC. BLDGFtnd OTlVzlf}3 Inso€clo.: GCD Acton: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Commenrs: TOP OF GuARffiAn- REOD TO BE 36' t til Pl,At+lLC Found.Uofi Phn PLAI,|.ILC Sfe Phrt 2z-7r {7a'\ n r:60 Item: 60 AcTIon: APAPPROVED Acilotr: AP APPRChGD llsm: 70 ft€m: g, Its||: 21 ncm: 22 ,dtF,rz"r€j A.tro.r: CR CORRECTIOITI REOIJRED REPT131 R]n lal: L475 r if .It h' : '/ '' l'' il ]ilff1-- "'Hf"HffiJ#,"t?*"s Pase2' RcquG3H In.pcct DrF: Tucadry, Dec€mber 16, 2{X}3 Inslec'tionArer: JRfl Slb Addrca!: 520 UOI'ISHEAO HAlt VAL 5IO E L'O}IS,HEAD CEiIIER fiIO6 ArPrD lntorm.0on AclMtrr: FOI{XAB ConC TyI6: rypr: &PLHB subrlH: AxF Ov/nr APDIhlnt JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBIT.IG ConIscIoI: JERRYSIBLEYPLUMB$IG Descrlptlon: FINISH PqIVDER ROOII/BLILD P|jltlT LEDGE [.lTElOR RequesEd lnso€atlon(s I ltem: 290 PLilB-Flnll Requ€$or: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMEIIG Comn nE: willca[47&7891 Stdu3: ISzuED h!pAr..: JRM Plrone: 970'827.5736 Ptono: 9?S847€736 RequesHThc: 0Erfi) Ail Phom: 970r'827.5736 -or. 47& 78Sl [dn: 21O PLll&t rxle.qound lbm: ?A) PtMSRoug[y'D.w.v. *Ao9roryld- lzoryoit h:p*Ue ocd Artbn: APAPPROVED Cornm.ril3: NEW Dt ,VFOR WATER CLOSET. FLOlll TEST lbor 23O PtMlRou!ilvlrvslsr "AogroFd"1?05ng hspt<lor: ftd A.tion: AP APPROI/ED Comm.ntt: }IEW WATER ST,PPLY FOR WATER CT.OSET STREET PRESSTJRE Itmr: ?40 PLM&G03PHm Itdn: 250 PlMlPooUFlirlfub it€m: 260 PLnB[ftc.]Hn: 2!n PtM&Fln l REPT131 Rtrn ICI: 1415 ^&eoaancaA?t rr* Qo"d"r**:at r.,4aaraa*;etuos October 8, 2oo2 Town of Vail ColTrmuntt.v D eveloP melt 75 S. Frontage Road \tr'est Varl, CO 3l(r57 To Whom It \'[aY Cencern' I am wiiting to inform vou the close: dcors in hrs unil lfyou have anY qucsirons, Sincerely', Vail, Colorado g 16:7 o 1.970.47b.i65 I that Bob Presson. ou'ne,. riU:til #iC6. lia-s pei'nission tc i''(ii arrd add a cun,ed, r.cr'- il liiclural hallu'av r.''all nlease do not hesitaic r' :l',.1 Larry G. Barnes !lanaging Agent d ]OWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 Uc"^\ Lc,-r--lL-.( \ DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT -rt 3C,(o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PErMit #: BO2-0352 Job Address.: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER #306 Applied...: t0/2t12002 Parcel No....: 2 I 0l 07 I 03019 Issued ...: 1013112002 Project No...: ?Ry)^ { i'i'j- Expires...: 04/29/2003 o9rNER PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD, DL0/21_/2OO2 phone: 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR BOI'I.,DER CO 80302 L.,icense : CoMIRACTOR SWAN HOME TMPROVEMENTS 70/21/2002 phone: 7OO WILLOW BROOK ROAD BOI,ITJDER, CO 80302 License: 203-B APPLICANT SWAIr HOME IMPROVEMENTS aO/2L/20O2 phone: 303-449-222t 7OO WIIJLOW BROOK ROAD BOI'IJDER, CO 80302 License; Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL ADD WALL AND CLOSET DOORS.THE POWDER ROOM WILL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITH THIS PERMIT Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: ?2 Valuation: $5.500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace lnformation: Resfictcd: y 4 ofcas Applianccs: 0 # ofcas tngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 * * * * *:lt 'l,t )t *,1* *l l. * Building--> $105 , 00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> $0 . 00 'fotal Calculated Fe€s-> $1?6 - 25 Plan Check--> $58.2s DRB Fce-----------> $0.00 Additional Fees-> S?5.00 lnvestigation> $0 . 00 Recreation Fec-----> $0 . 00 Total Permil Fee*----> 525r.25 WillCall---> 53.00 Clean-up Deposit---> $0.00 Payments-------------> 5251.25 TOTAL FEES-------> $1?6.2s BALANCE DUL > $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT Lj/31-/2OO2 CCD Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBI-,TC WORKS * * * t t * ji 1+*i rt t + t * f.-^.+a [--'.-,.\ Cr-^l-t PAGE 2 'i** '1. * ***,$*** *,* * * * '* * ** * *,i* * 't r. * * * * *:* **'l * ** * * *'****,f *****r(i.*rt,s,***tt***,t:t****'|****+*'***'t****:t*****{.********'t,t* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#:802-0352 asoft0-31-2002 Status: ISSUED ***,i,|.* **'f *'l* *:t+**:***d'***+*** !**+*,t*:t*****+***** ***'*+* ****d.** *+** ***'t '*,********++*,i* ************'*,f ********* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: t0l2t/2002 Applicant: SWAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Issued: t0/31/2002 303-449-2221 To Exnire: 0412912003 . Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER #306 ParcelNo: 210107103019 Description: INTEzuOR REMODEL ADD WALL AND CLOSET DOORS.TI{E POWDER ROOM WILLNOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITH THIS PERMIT Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ++**++*** *'lt********** *****+**********i*****+****+********+++*****+***++****++{.** **** ***+**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-31-2002 at 12:33:52 10/3v2002 Statement +t****+*****+***+*** ******++****++'r*** *****+***+**********++***+*++****+**+ ++*r+**+**,i* ****** Statement Number; R0000033G2 AtnounE: 9251.25 LO/3I/2OO2IL:50 AM Pal.menL Method: Check Init: iIRM Notation: Permi.t No: Parcel No: Site Address : Irocation: Thj-s Payment : BO2 - 0352 210107103019 52 O I,IONSI{EAD IIAIJIJ VATIJ 520 E LIONSHEAD CENTER #306 Descri pti on BUILDING PERMIT FEES CONTMCTOR LICENSES PLAN CHECK FEES t.lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE T}'pe 3 ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMTT Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : q2s1.2s $2s1.2s $0.00 $251 .2s ***************+***'*i+*** +******+**** **+ ***** ****+*****+*********+*****++*+*+*+****+**r.**+** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 cL 00100003123000 PF 00100003112300 |^lc 00100003112800 105.00 75.00 68.25 3.00 Pe.r'41 :. .ga '{t un !t .-.ia rtr ...f t't.,I *,'.-,.ir*ll -)'1*. p'le,'r,'-', ".1'{*FF w:f,-' ..+ r\rd t ':i *5 ,,a il -l'"* *.-.*i ' ':.., -l . rn.'. . -'r.r', 1]{ . .-,r/ | "j'1" Joh Description 520 Lionshead Centre #306 Bedroom Renovation l. Build hall wall with curved glass blocks 2. Move existing bedroom door and install in new hall wall 3. Trim and Paint 4. Remove old closet doors and shelves 5. Instdl new shelves and closet doors 6. Paint and trim bedroom 7. Install new carpet Powder Room Finish f"S-upply line Performed by contractor 3. Tile floor 4. Install trim mirrors and shelves !y licensed plumbers 1 . Install tolldt-Dbubi 2.Jpstaf '-lumbing fi xture s in $i,{*"r1irir. ',l{ iI ridi* i li: r+*on irr* 't;il.il,", f.i: 1 ":,:jil,ljiri !F ;: arir .! i i',t tr+u, r'":,i: ii ,i"';'l#r.l .riiirt "j,,,!!.,ri{i,i a:art: lri,* llClt:Li- i n:. 1_:,:1; i !.:gi:3 ri11;r1 ; it:ri. ,l:b ii it?i i-;r-.tj i :.t{. i ii :i:.','r'il^r i ll4i.r: *'ri l:lL lln :.- fj ta i t:. r,,; 'rerrr: ::{"i SLIrlr !;llt.:l*!.,,-.. r iti!h'i: fii LILLl;:-iirt.'*iJ ' i'' Iiiti; " i;[;r,;'rr-r;'' i i t i , ,ii, _;t,{ a:i it,r ..J!fi'i , r^:3tf.:..i .-....,;,'t';.,, l-,, L: - ji i ;.,;.r : 1 1,:,,'_t'j rfii;lri:.r..! . .1., |.jl iiB!",r ,'ir EL.i*,i s,ilr'.i :ii ar' *:., i\LP'; r:r;i, ::eri. .,l' iitl,q,t j i.: i:1, ':..1;1;,; ;. "1;i It?p 1 .l: :irlAii,i." l. iji.. :r j;,i rn:. A-'c:: r -f . -r,. .:tL . ii,:i. t *9-1:; i r- j., jj l"'..:' jil i: ii r-i.l".ir,rr u'-',,... . :,rri I I.J!] .,, :: rr',,.-. :irl1r.'t r ;i: i ifi;,/i r ; ? i ft iti;tui,Ij r,!,:.1T i:.:. .i,ri:, ji4.t.;:....-.l".fi ::r\:i.; 1.rq,0tt Ai;/f i:irr..l:r. ; l!j,- iilj.! tf,ier4-r.:t :3r', .,;tli-ifl!.1 t{ ,9 '.;,,r j r i'.i',. ,'r,1. ri: li,'1 ir r ts i\ir,t:!i r; r ,Jcl,:t.tl i:.r ..;,1n"i:;idt;jr1r' i -+ri:i11ir{',; {. { JltiYi!,'ii. i-{$rj'lqgijq-!j-."f c' ji !t5 : : itgr' iilt i!i- j'. i I rj/i{i; gte-n'.$e,';1,.t .1 ,'';r'..i ; r,-',I'ti: rhji;rfiall{. il.1;r'i; ; ( .i),'{ir rir. .^ti !/t,t, .iir .asiitialt." rr. r'il'.e,ii t.L 1 ,tci,,:'1.t:'.; t. i: t:; , '..'il ;.-i' j i";i.r::* ii:': ri {].!,lr: _li r: j . ('u* F"un i,J: SL}S o cArroil **t 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 .t(.--:1N6r-\-ld General Contractor: 5,--ra,r-rsfnc,r" Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 44q - ,.22 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ ,5,0ooe ELECTRICAL: $ 6OO9 OTHER: g - MECHANICAL: $rorAL: S Q_SOO"a S Conbct Assessots Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcell# (application willnotbeacceptedwithoutparcet number) 9lOl -0? t - D3 -O n JobName:1 - | tt 1 /oruJ,t-roa,n Yr(f,l(t\vt< al Ua"\/- ku)roo,--,JobAddress: "ro E, AionskrJ &n/rf: Leeal Description ll Loe 1! ll elocr<: I ll ririns:Subdivision: Owners Nuru'nobr+ D Address:42) d,t,isl,*.o< *ne , Ra,-,//ur Phonef*r1447-sR4q nrcnir*ttoo,ignr)h'l^T hiIA r4e>z Engineer:Address:Phond Detailed description of work: J44 Ff-Lt io V!-.a0''..-tv0L Darr -^4J ?ai*P - CanpC-l doer4&ons -# - WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet XJ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ffi Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU o\ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single.family( ) Two-family( ) Mutti-tumilylq) Commercial OC Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 2 a No/Typeof Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet( ) Wood Burninq Xj Nofl'vpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (O) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buminq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes 0O No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoPQ For Parcet b ** ***** ******!t** ** * ****** ***** *** *** ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********** **** ** **tr** * ** ************* * ui\e5} !h"r s,ef0 1. ffi t', TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-419-2138 \)cr-^( Lr- ol*..4 | DEPARTMENTOFCOMMLNITYDEVELOPMENT l_^o,,,^_o.Q_.*.\ C"4[,_r_ +-t 6OG NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0243 Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 520 LIONSHEAD CENTER 47otu, Applied . . : ll/0712002 Parcel No...: 210107103019 lssued . . : 11/0712002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0510612003 owNER PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD, D]-L/O7/2OO2 phone: 420 CTIRISTMAS TREE DR BOI'IJDER CO 80302 License: CoNTRACTOR BRjAD'S ELECTRICAI_, SERVICE, ItL/ 07 /2002 phone: 970-984-3508 P.O. BOX 707 NEWCASTLE, CO a]-6 47 L,icense:120-E APPLICAIIT BRAD'S EI,ECTRTCAL SERVICE, 1]-L/07 /2OO2 phone: 9?0-984-3508 P.O. BOX 707 NEWCASTIJE, CO 81,647 License: 120-E Desciption: add 2 switches,2 recessed cans Valuation: $1.000.00 l l 'l i** l l t*'l *:t:*:l * 'l El€ctrical--> S50.00 lotal Calculated Fecs--> 953 - 00 DRll |ee---> 90.00 Additional l:ees------> 90.00 lnvestigation--> $0.00 Total Permit l:ee--:-> $53 .00 Will Call-----> S3.00 Paymenls----..------> $s3 .00 TOTAL FEES--> S53. Oo BALANCE DUE----> $0.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEIIT L1-/07/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT * * **** tt t t * * * t rt * t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPT,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intbrmation as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. SICNATTJRE OF q OR A l r)UR ()l:ljl('l: |-ROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET **+**********'l*** *** ********f,*****************t'******************++++******f *+*'tr**+********'t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Starement *************t*****|*********I***f******+*+**************|*+*++*f+*+*++++*+**************t t * Statement Nurnber: R000003395 Amount: $53,00 1,1/07/2002L2224 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #11573/Brad,s elect,rical srv Permit No: EO2-0243 Type: EITECTRICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 210107103 019 Site Address: 520 LIONSHEAD !.{ALL VAIL, Location : 52 0 L,IONSI{EiAD CENTER Total Fees: $53.00 This Payment: $53.00 Total ALL Pmts: $53.00 Balance: S0. 00 **'*****+t ++++***+*+**'i******'trl{t*********** ***t*********+f +*+*****+*+**+**lt+**'r***** *** ***+** ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POhlIR PTRMITS hIC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 APPLICATION OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) NWI,IOFYATT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 coMPLETE\I FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materiats) '$12465 tthc Town of Vail Reg. No.: lLo L rtact and ftAo qno AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: S /O OO l5eeF :)rob Address:Q1O/*ons /.^,1 6rt-4 Detailed description or*orr, E0/ f* a^-; fzLr9, 2 r_p(c,.psrp WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel l() Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior($ Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) Assessors Cfllce a \ O7n-2ao-AAnA at vic,i*far Dzraal t9 **********************************r!****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************************+* Other Fees:Date Receivedr DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC 0'7 t26/2002 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurel Plopert)'Search I Assessor Subset Query | Asscssor Sales Search IJasic Building Characteristics I Tax Inlbrmation Sales Detail I Value Detail ResidentialiComnrercial lmprovement Detail I Land Detail Parcel Number Account Number 210 r 07 1 030 19 RESSON. ROBERT A, - BYRD. DEBORAH A.-JT 20 CHRISTMAS T'REE DR ULDER, CO 80302 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation lnformation Actual Value Assessed Value Land:82,870 7,580 lmprovements:6 | 0,520 55,860 NDO: VAIL LIONSHEAD CENTRE CONDO UNIT:306 BK-0242 PG-0093 wt) t-tJ LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL AIL LIONSHEAD CENTRE CONDO http://eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2 I 0107 I 030 I 9 rv07t2002 Piircel Detail Page 2 of3 ll rut.r' Il oq:,rqoll ol,+aoll Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential Buildin Number of Comm/lnd Bu Rcsidential Buildins Occurrance I Characteristics MAIN FLR AREA: BALCONY: LOFT AREA: NDOS-IMPROVEMENTS ABSTRACT CODE: NDO-I,AND ABSTRACT CODE: ACT YEAR BLT: AKLN JI ILIl: BEDROOMS: ONDOMINIUM BUILDING TYPE: CONST OUAL: EFF YEAR BLT: WD SID AVE EXTERIOR WALL: HEATINC FUEL: BASEBOARD HEATING TYPE: DRYWALL INTERIOR WALL: VAIL LIONSHEAD CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD: EDAR SHAK ROOF COVER: ABI,EiHIP ROOF STRUCTURE: STORIES: USE CODE: WALL FIN: VAIL CORE CONDO SUPER NBHD: http://eagle-counly.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:21 0107103019 nt07t2002 Pdrcel Detail Pase 3 of 3 rl tl ll "r.^rpn^pn^.|l'* Tax Information $ l ,974.3 $2,035.78 Tax Ycar Tax Amount $ l , 194.6 1,194.67 Tax Amount $ l ,301 .6 I ,301 .67 Tax Pavment: Whole Tax Pavment: First Half Tax Pavment: Second Half l op of Page Assessor l)atabasc Scatch Options I Treasurer Database Search Options The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good ' the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any ofthe information herein contained. Copyright O 2001 - 2002 Good Tums So{lware. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Cood Turns Software. http://eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210107103019 11t07 t2002 UIH i"i \ o DEPARTMENT OF COMMLJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRQNTAGE ROAD vell. c'f ftos; 970-479-2t38 v TOWN OF VAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES L-,..1.-r L. . \ C,e-4\\L..\ ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Pcrmit #: B0l-0t85 Job Address.: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: LIONSHED CENTER UNIT 306 Applied,..: 06/2812001 Parcel No....: 210107103019 Issued ...: 07/20/2001 Project No...: i,,().- (-.,, r_\i ,, , Expires...: 0111612002 owNER PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD, D06/28/2001_ phone: 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR BOTTLDER CO 80302 License: CONTRACTOR SWAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS 05/28/2001 Phone: 7OO WILLOW BROOK ROAD BOUI-'DER, CO 80302 License:203-B APPLTICAIfI SWAN HOME IMPROVEMNTS 06/28/200L Phone: 303-449-222! 7OO WILLOW BROOK ROAD BOTTI,DER. CO 80302 I-,icense: Dcsciption: KITHCEN REMODEL AND ADDITION OF POWDER ROOM Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: II l-HR Typell l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $26.500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y H ofCas Alplianccs: 0 Building--:- 9329. oo Restuarant Plan Review--' I'lan check-- - 5213.85 DRB Fee------------ Add Sq Ft: 0 I ofGas Logs: 0 n of Wood Pellet: 0 50.00 Tolalcalculaled Fees---. 5545.85 So . oo Additional Fccs--.s0.00 90.00 Total Permit Fec_--> 5545. E5 $0.0O Paymenls----_;, 95{5.85 90.00 FEIJ S( INININRY Investigation- Will Call--' go. oo Recreation F€€---------. 93. oo Clean-up Deposit------ TOTAI. FtiHS----.---.---S545.85 BAI,ATICEDLIE-.._: Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMBTI 07/02/200:. CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIiIT It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMmilf Item: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS *alal,l**tt+ltl*t*atl,t'lltt*llltttt+tl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. ., al i1 o,, PACE 2 !t* || * * ** 't't +f t t{t {.*'t** * {t* * {.***tl * lt**** * 't * * *++ +++ +* * t* * tt {! 't '} ** * * 't** * 'tr * ** * *** *** +* + + + +*** * * ** 't** * * * * * ***tt,,i !t * ** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0185 as of 07-20-2001 Status: ISSUED *l'i ** ** *'*';* f *+*'l**l I f* + +{r't * * ** *** *'t * * * * ** *****'}** * * * * 't,t 't* * *ta* * ** * * * *** ** r fr * * i * * ** * * ** *** * * +{r***** * *,t *,t Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicanr SWAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS 303-449-2221 Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: LIONSHED CENTER UNIT 306 ParcelNo: 210107103019 Description: KITHCEN REMODEL ANDADDITION OF POWDER ROOM Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI,ANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS R-EQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Applied: 06/2812001 Issued: 0712012001 To Expire: 0l/1612002 \q DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurato plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the informationand plot plan, to comply withall iown ordinanccs and state laws, and !o build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign ievicw approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOLIR HOT]RS IN ADV BY TEI-EPHONE AT 479-213t AT OttR OFRCE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. Scnd clean-up Dcpcil To: OF OWNER OR CONI'RACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE .\ rii ,j r, + + + + + * * * + + + ++ * * * * * * *'i********** ****** ***** ****+*+* *** ********* ** ** **** **,t* * * *** ** * ** * * *** ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-19-2002 ttl5:21:29 0411912002 Statement + * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** ** **t *** ** ************ * ***** ** * * *** **** * *,1* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** ** ***r. Statement Number: R000001102 Amount: $S+S,95 07/20/200101:43 pM Payment Method: Check IniL: DF NoEation: CHECK# 1899 Permit No: 801-0185 Type: ADD/AJ,T MF BUILD PERMTT Parcel No: 210107l-030L9 Site Address: 520 L,IONSHEAD MAL,L VATL I.,ocaIj-on: I.,IONSHED CENTER IJNIT 3 06 Total Fees: 5545.85 This Payment: $545.85 Total AlIr Pmts: $545.85 Bal-ance: $0.00 ********* * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * ** *** **+ *****+* ******** * * * ***** ** ******* ***+ +*** + * **+*+++++ ++*++++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERM]T FEES 329.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 213.85 l4IC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPTCIION FTE 3.OO ,t MWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 o TION N$i)$^r o APPLICA WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: ttgOl- O I Building Permit *; . ?O/- 97 O- 47 I - 2749 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required lbr electrical, plumbing, CON'I'RACTOR INFORMATION Generai Contractor: - /1.-)L\+' eur"-6!t-"' Town ofVail Reg. No.:* 2oz- R Contact and Phone #'s:f tos\ q4€'aaa I ContractorSignature: /U .5-.*- ^ COMPLETE V ALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMfT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ AD,[&oe , - O.t ELECTRICAL: $ 1,500-OTHER: g PLUMBTNG: $ 5iW':MECHANICAL: $rorAL:s 2b-50a99 For Parcet Other Fees: DRB F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm # Conhct Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit www. l"*:f # 2l0l_ oz/ _ 03_on-(application will not be accepted wittiout parcel number) robName: ,:P;LJg,ts ct( l/ar/- /i//,',,rob ^d&esst 5'2 D f , / ;o,sL"J Ce"fu ,fig Legal DescripUon Lot: ,J Block: /Fifins: /l/,4 Subdlision 1l// owners *u*"'R j'l Pns<on Address: 4 A,D ci"r;</ p,o < lrft . llrJJLtrphoneltD.l ) utz4 3/q ArchitecvDesis n r, I Joi /o Do" l< ^,/)V*iWJ,/;tnon7Sa\ ildE-q4zJ Engineer:Address:Phone: Debiled description of work: t< f /./retL re-ilo"fe I u or!/rl,-^"1 o{ hu^/,. rai\v,--- WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet $q[ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Wo1! Tvne: Interior ftf Exterior ( ) Borh ( )Does an EHU existatthis location: Yes ( ) tlo!O Tvpe of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famityp(1 commerciat ( ) Resraurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Exlsting Dwelling Units in this building: ('No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinO: 2X No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffypeof Fireplaqpf Proposed: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurnins(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Erist: Yes ftJ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 0d -coM.DEV. 't***************************!r*********FOR OFFICE USE O *+***************i l'znq ')JS 'x:' Lb n^plpp?rsrp-J 3ous,szd 3AtC 4+,-l 3€ -r_sour S3ngvurydeg rrvn4-l?V *O-11 = ,rE(?-lvi*.'vv]<i eooll '1L'a'J ZO 3l euq€Iao) -mcl^.{ 3f fsntil St4rn4 -}?-V s?vr I -zqa rs|ri el\o|€Dt._,_r)rou2oarsn? aH-l [4LL ___t_ or' . og^qRH phis t,A $iI sH9 0\ a3<tva/./ 73Hsv/}{t+9t< ,,zr(V - rQ l_ 01 I I I Y'\t\..,tJfar 39q:-l l':.r:.,. l: qa<l€raa 0l N -ll.t9fi adcrrr 39.V99\r'J '-----.--v.'llaL =9<r=l -aoj T)ly3-tvn aeur ,,2,11 '<q'a,?/+- ehYz)yra ------l | ;rB?H/;t; I I f /l fel rl l- -----l +r--+ I | -rr*s7'.,.p rl t4ocD<4? -F---.1-L u-'ldv7- "'" /'xe'rd a-adnJraL,,8 xtf f ----'T - t'' 'uollclPsL i | - ^ l!{rtl.l L:F! i.rrA t5ounal.ql I "^@4e '-l I f -Il+9nl>gto d cpoc rro Jo uoltulo!^ cr urq,t rtPunartql I .U/ f,t frii[ l-q";;a toli ro'nrp ra$o Pur suo{t'crj r ; j|nit"ti an Euum-bcr 'rageatalt t9{ qryl i 'qt-:ftT$Iiffi#Hffi I __1_ ---rl I j-----$w*r;r-ruU .T ,I \l -r- |-T I I ?#:f;ttr::rlmgrm; iTofi3", B Aares 'utPun'luaulUedoO iuaudo;cnca Iltunuu:o3 Oglioii",JrV va?or'r'l+ FX'gn rui OA OV :c u) :$H^YlY IV 5fr$>;L r\-l sg f"lt \f;,fEE i't''::= | illi ' I ll ,, 3" r ;l 'd 1i^r li I r+ ,r ls rlo" ll 'o ItPor f ' JS dOMOJ p + a $ C lV >.F n m (/) K lll : tf lfi rl 0' sr -0 X}XY !$fii -0rH 0v' E ft- N A \o I T .o ).1 LN F ; rN r\.K "l I a 1 o Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2.10: DEPOSITS oN PUBI.-IC wAYs PRoHIBTTED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof/ it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rock, mud/ dirt, snow, icef or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Dlrector of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice. debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who vaolates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. D Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or. refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section t-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-1 AND 7.3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC &IMPoUNDMENTAUTHoRIZED s' No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. Z(196S) ! 1) u Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or <:ruse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(196S) S 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F :/everyone/fonnVbldpermT Lon4rac ?ar I t DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Tow.n of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depariment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. a Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancv issuance. Print Name Project Name: Date Signed: Do"s noQ *vi/ to {L:< i'b Agreed to by: F:/everyone/Forms/bldperm6 Signature \ "1, ttt (l Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 m!l'N Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This checklist must be completed before a Buildina permit aoplication is acceoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included ( refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 seG of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: D tr D o o a a o a tr O o o o a o r l'ilI F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russeil Fonesl Director, (970)179-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Oeparfnent(s) did you contacil Building X Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning" DRB--PEC 2. Was your inilial contact with our stafiimmediaie X sbw no one available ? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis{y@No lf no, whv not? 5, Was this your first.time to file a DRB app_ pEC app Bldq Permii V N/A 6. Plqre rate the performance of fre staff person who assisted you: ,Q)1 321Name: lknowlecige, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overaileffecliveness offre FrontService Counter@ 4 S 2 1 8. What is the best !-me of day for you to use tre Front Service Counter? a. I L Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are commifted b improving our service_ 0r lf you were required to wa( how long was it before you were helped? \A O . t ', )l tl TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t3rl ot*r*r"r oF coMMr-rNrrv oevrrcpkr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0210 Job Addrcss: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: LIONSHED CENTER UNIT 306 Applied : 09121/2001 Parcel No...: 210107103019 Issued . . : 09/21/2001 ProjectNo ' '\V_SL\ \ -(JZTj Expircs. .: 03120/2002 OWNER PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD, D09/2L/2oor Phonel 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR BOI'LDER CO 80302 I-,icense : CoNTRACTOR PREMTER ET,ECTRTC CO., rNC. 09/2A/2OOT Phone: 970-328-9377 P. O. BOX r-418 GYPSI]M, CO 595 LINDBERGH DR. EAST GYPSTJM, CO 81537 License:149-E APPL,TCAtiIT PREMIER ET-,ECTRIC CO., INC. 09/2a/2001' Phone: 970-328-9377 P. O. BOX 1418 GYPSW, CO 695 LINDBERGH DR. EAST GYPSTJM, CO 81631 License:149-E Desciption: KITHCEN REMODEL AND ADDITION OF POWDER ROOM Valuation: $2.000.00 |llL St rN'llvlARY Dlel;g-isxl-..* ' DRll F'ee....*> Invesligation-r, will call--:. TOTAL FEES-> Total Calculalcd l'ees- - Additional Fees-----: Tolal Pennit Fee----> Pa)menls-------------.- BALNNCE DLIE-__--> 9s0.00 90.00 90.00 s3.00 ss3-00 $0.00 s53.00 s53. oo s0.oo Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiIT O9/2L/200L df Action: AP It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information rcquircd. complctcd an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with thc information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structurc according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved. *;;*, code and other .*-?**. Town appticable thereto. REQTJE$Ts FOR INSPACNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOT'R HO1'R8 IN ADVA}ICE 8Y OR AT OUR OrHCE FROM t:00 Alvi - t PM. OR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE ** *'i I t f * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * a t} * * +* + * * * ** ** * * *+ t * 1+ ** ++ + * * **t'* ++ * + +l* * * + ** * + ++ t + * t +t * ***** + * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-19-2002 atlS:22:47 0411912002 Statement *********1.********** *********++*+*,1*lt+*+++***+*t*+*+*++*a****** **+*****+*******{.**'}**{.*'t*** Statement. Number: R000001419 Amount: $53.00 09/21,/200L72:58 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: check # 3 6651 Permit. No: 801-0210 T)T)e: ELECTRICA! PERMIT Parcel No: 210107103 019 Site Address: 520 j,IONSHEAD MAL,L VAIL, IJocation : IJIONSHED CEIiEER I'NIT 3 O 5 Total Fees: $53 .00 This Palment: $53.00 Total ALI, Pmt63 $53.00 Balance: $0.00 *,i **** **{.,t* * * * * * '1. * * * 't* * * * * * ****** **+**++* ***+**** * * * * * * * + * + * * * * '} * * {. * * * * + f,} * * * * * * * * * * * *****++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TIMPORARY POhlER PERMITS lJC OO1OOOO3112BOO I^J]LL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE s0.00 3.00 rF TN..HPLETE oR l:rr_:f Fb l: !_?,e3 Bu lldlng Perfl it #, -J5 Q.!-: 9. Jl'.i+- Etccr|cal Prgmlt*: glIF;Vr-zL$'- 1 lt|fprctlol|f) flxrrufi @HPI.EIE SQ. FEEI Fon' t{Gw EUILD'6 end VALUAIIONS FOR A[ OTHERS (rabor & uaternfs) }r'..rr'.illitlt}1.+L.l.a*Jl*1.1.,''^***.FoRot'FIcEUSEONLY*rr'fi*}*.cr,l;i+q'?.rrlil*r:*+tc|i't:|i E.,A,!^dr.rr^.,t,rd-rz'tm llfi;Bf$ff"*$i""7t II;D/A"m : B nroYider I qbove) IES rob rame: L' o nr <ueqD-C;.*-e{ :d"iobAdirss: 5ZO L-IOF,|SH€AD fYlnue Leg.t qEI'tro!--[_!!!giocic Fnir,g:si:bJiv6lon: 'rJgrU Acidr€ss:Phcnc:On'rts t{afi|e: - E|neen - [ nodr€tt: _-==:_-:,:- Detallcrl dcrcrioGon or $,onc ,, - ,'r' It '4. '' n I .-. , ^^-^- I-.., \ ^,,/'Ai.t**t, I ntfi<dc{ A/, n ---- llPtpne. -- 'tJtu eoair f ) TenrP Fowsr { } (}ncr ( i ..-wclff, Lrcf,t. tr€t! t .r E[.t,ttisLxal*t Y6(: ) No(iQ _r.__5E_ffi;Fil Ec.'or( I aos( ) --'-- Does on Erl! R.6u€nt ( ) Othcr ( ) _e..ii--E-:didr'r"c-b-,rt lu'rsj j_I{ft lotJ9=l tnn€fcr.ll t ) --11 't, ttt-- lllc:=e.tst'ng p^te|lne unG |nth't 0uildxBt Pll!4.U, -- I Nr. of *scrnrnoaatorl Unilt ii '-. tlltS D.xnrr / \ i.r^ A #i#ffiHd i ETECTRICALVALUANOI{: ' 2, DOO ' O AlrouilT cF SQ F- rl'l srRUc:..l.JRE: coNTn cToR r?{FonltlArrot{ Sn61 lnd Fhc1€ :t:i,pltt 3:rg:1n 200 lz00 'd 900e#?z:BI T00z'0T'dss o o q rh F.-o- "'f L,f -C'C+ (Jl\n {ri#"# o,?*rrr*r oF coMMrrN,r" orurroril*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location.....: LIONSHED CENTER UNIT 306 ParcelNo...: 210107103019 ProjectNo , Ql\}O(, C>T?3 I;lrI Str[,lltlARY Plumhing--> S15.00 Restuarant Plan Rcvicw-:' OWNER PRESSON, ROBERT A. - BYRD, D09/L8/200L Phone: 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR BOULDER CO 80302 License: CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBI-,EY PLIJMBING 09/L8/200L Phone: 970-827-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTI]RN CO ct.Loatf License:134-P APPLICAIiilf JERRY SIBI-,EY PLUMBING 09/].8/2001 Phone: 970-827-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTURN CO 81645 License:134-P Desciption: KITHCEN REMODEL AND ADDITION OF POWDER ROOM Valuation: S1.000.00 lfireolace lnformation: Restricted: ??! of Ga-s Applianccs: ?? TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---:, 53 ' ?s DRB Fcc------------;' s0.00 TOTAI-FDIiS---------> $3 .00 Permit #: P0l-0101 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 09/18/2001 Issucd. . : 0912012001 Expires .: 03/1912002 # ofGas Loes: ?? # of Wood Pallel: ?? S0.00 TotalCalculsledFeis--:' S0 . 00 Additional |eec------ > S21 .75 'lotal Permil |ee---------:' I'a)'ments-------------------:' BALANCti Dt lE--------> 521- .15 90.00 921. ?5 90.00 Itsem: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/20/200\ DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENr CONDITION OF APPROVAL uono: l-z (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information requircd. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with thc information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structurc according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanccs ofthc Town applicable thereto. r, l -.,\XLr^a\.o t\1Uti. "t t, 'N. 't '1. * 't * *,* * ** l.lr**** * ** lt******+ ** + ******* ** *+****** *** *** *** * ***** *** *** * ***** **** ***'l** ******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-19-2002 at 15:23:23 04A9t2002 Statement ** **** * ***** * *** ******** *** **** * ******* *:t** **+* *** *++***+***+*** +** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statement Number: R000001414 Amount: $21.25 09/20/2OOIII:36 AM Palment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: CHEKC #2 8 572 Permi! No : Pol- - 0 101 Tl4)e : PIrUI!,IBING PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 7103 019 Site Address: 520 LTONSHEAD MAIrL VAIIr Location : LIONSHED CEIiIITER I]NIT 3 O 5 Total- Fees: $21.75 This Payment: 52f.75 Total ALL Pmts: 52L.75 Balance: $0.00 **+**++++ *+****++* ++****** ** ** ++*+* * *+*+** *** ******** * * * * * * * * * + * * + * * * * * * ** * + + * * * * * * * * * *** * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Cunrent Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHTCK FEES 3.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUI4BING PERI4IT FEES 15.00 I/lC OO1OOOO31128OO I^JILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 3.OO s TWNhFWhIy 75 S Frcntage Rd. Vall, Colorado t1657 atUATrOlr FoR PLUI4BING PERIiIIT (Labor a iltterials) Tovur of Vall Req. No.: 09 Conbd EasE Countt Affits otllle at 97G32&8@ q viflt # Parcel # (Requlred lf no bldg. pernlt # is pr€vided above) rob Nameh'Jaf fiqssonr JobAddrEss: t t t (J 6 Lr,,^xhwJ MttW # SO f" l-egal Dcccrlpdon I Lot I atoOc I Flllng:Subdivldon: O{ rneE Namei Address:Phone: Phone: D€tailed desslptlotl of work: nova, fwl- Tounh ( L 4J/ A*o- rr^*1,t workClass: New() Addftf*! I' Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) MultFfamny( ) ComnnrciallQ Restaunnt( ) Other( ) l,to. of Exlsdng D,welling Unib in this building: ?No. of Acoommodation UniB in this building: Fh,se ll device? Yes ( ) tlo (X f*r*r.ii*rit* ataa.t t***l at* ***t *i t*ft rtFOn OFFICE llSE ONLYtrr I tilr**'*r iilttt*rrtttillttt'rlt' *!t F/erreryo.refo.tddmbp€iln o I ' .,1"'.'' ici c -lgq {rl. it.t b r'raraafaA eer,ttnp (fu flaaacCafea+o 530 Lionshead llall . Vail, Coloredo SIb;7 ' l'971r-+76'36i1 Jrine d. 100 I BoL.' Presson -ll0 Christmas Tree Drive IJerLrlder. CO E0301 RE Rernoclel in Lrnir ;i06, \'aii'Lionsiread Ce:t:e DeJ I Li ()D. .\t the Bolrd criDtreciors meeting heid to<1ar1" r'c':r a':ciicattclr toi'aoprcval citl:e rcr'nociel insrile or''.'our unit tues a*:rrc''ec Tle BcarJ 'il-:dersiands rha; vcr-l are reducing tlrc .iz.' rli'\'DLlr Iilriiien iLi:c acidin" a :': bath rlcjr'cei:i :o ::e kitchen -l-ire rrppr.o\'rrl is cOrrriiiionai to pror, icin.: \'a:i I-{c i:. e R'::rais ""i:h coples cf 'ril luilciir-c ucr:nirs. elecirrcrl & plLrmbing inciudeJ. anf ian:'.ce.rro€is 'r5,d r'oc:-c'"ei r--or ':r' Tc"\'n lurc copies of all raspection reDo-s' lrLr:tlrer.nrore, l:ir erec:rrcili '.,..:les:::et a:e e\pQs3G rl:ll: i3n-,cis, rrccess :n"ls: JJ tL:i Irt!rl ctl n.ilt it. Bi preselttirtg thts lette:'tc ine T.-.rvn iL-. r '.ct-:: ;r:f rc'.:-i l:,--a3sS. ' Ct: 3:SJ :L;kno""lec'-i: rj:,tL'r',,,, rre iesponsiu'le :tiiij it:ei 'c:'^nv iet:nirgs :itr: nrll'' :e ':iusec 3',' lire ':nit'dei' irrclLl.iirtg anr tirtlrre probiems .'r irll oiu::'birg slk; 'i::i: ';t":i" Sincer'clv. /7 ./'1 f,atur fr. /9a^'"'^e 'u L:irr'r' (1. Barnes \ l.trrrrginu .\rrerlt c c,' il le Bolrd oi Directcrs .r, :.' tr- . *1-'. *t L { In$frecfl $n Requeet i{Bpoffing - YP.IL-CA-:.I.O!?I{ oFr. Fage 4 518J {tii l|l5 lllt,lf N$l-|i,,'(. i'trALL VAIL lGli5lJqi:, fFf+IEri UNlf 306 ? 's;r-rE[r Pcrrm Pr4ur ? EO trt i$lgslsnlllsq) lts'i' 3C Bl. |:^,,-;.riJiri,i,,J *' App{or,etj '" ifi tS i1 kFD€rlor: CDAVIS llem: 50 BlDGhsulsni,n n3m: {i0 SLOG-Sheetrj)f* Nall lo/c?;r-r.r hspocb.: JRI 'Jsmmer'!.. APPRO\€O KIICHEI.I T-,',,. ';. hem: 70 SLDG'Mlsr. i!am: 90 ELDG-Fir*:l A.l,\,rr'J tif l-i,lAi \ - l,/nrj ...ix; .jr,tj. iyi+ JMF .llatl'.; r-:.!r1 I .T{- I (}iT,tpancy r-,1ie' ll l-HF ln,:p !,r1a itdr-:--t ') j it I ?-i 'l f :lJJ _'t cJ iy,11c; i)i,E:;5i?i.i. Ri)BEFiT A. . €YRD. i.]f *,il?A!-.t 4. il ll.;njta.r'Jr. 5 ;!.11j fioIlf lrrm iivFr{f f ff S ADoirt'sni: 3 v'r,rAti I.CME lirirPROVil*iEllT.l,/ i:ti,xre l:l';.i-.1.43-2i AppiK'sni: 3v'r,rAtiI.CME li,rPRovi:tuiellT.l/ i:ri,xre l1].r-i49-?22i l-'\f.::...;.t i!gi{'i i t(i i'rli-ltl FEi,l.-iDEL rr,i..li-_, ADf,rt'Iii],f.j aF Fii'r"VD{-li Fir);l ..")ri:orrririr |i .-'i. tA,3 iif Cl-lii'lllE - !,.:lrik,ili t *- ti l ?1 'jlrl3 ii)Cr,.;t'tiu-i.t:,e.;I' ^ A ;) .,,ff // J rl ^ l. /'*,"sy-'-{- --Af/ (/,ffitil u/t"/ ,,.(,{s'L}G-st,e,Jqo.n uu1. - ' Nil Jt /( / .{,.*u*r* rinle : r)8:o0 AM ,,' iiwAf,r HoMr nrmovEMEr.rrs l'Y,7 ' /- /)'7"2*p:niii" idii6'zez' .lLSoET DR'iMrAt.t- KrTCI-rEtJ Ftu*A?F?ffifc;r f /.7 r:-DA\4s .....^*-/+.__--V f t/ Fm*reof3y LrFLoRt$ r irorfl: .80 eLDG..Flnal // ,4-./ Phoie s01449222 I L L/ Fn:*red flv tiFLOqeS r /u I ' i?c.o,.regts;J ii;n*. 0E;80 AM Ph$lir. :rc'$ r149,?21:t i Enlor*d Rt' DFIO|IES h; r:lt,iAi 47Fri091 lifrt*{/r#}n vr )((,,f:#,ilr/7"t t/,,,' '/ flt)l)nrt o"1u/ a/t' r..r'.{r. AF AwRouEo la / ,-- / ^,.;t1ln: FAPAfiI ,r*rOr(*f t/ U ,/ 3p n-F:Ij'f 1 {..,':. \a.^n - OqP\ . | , , -)r o ,l lr' '. *fff 0?-0r}2OO2 Insp.ctfon R€qucst Reporgng 6:53 am ,__ --_ - UruL qQ-:IOWt{ bF FequrenO lnspoct D, ste: I{esd!y, F€b|slrt 08. 2002 tnspac on Af€ai CD Slb Address: 520 UONSHEAD t ALL !'AlL USilgHED CEilTER UMT sOC Page2 AED InformetloJ! Activltv: BO1-D1 85 TvDo A-i,iF Conrt Typi' Oclrpsh'cy Prcat: ?101t'J71dHX9 O*NEi: PRF$SON. ROEEPT A . BYRB, INB{JRAJ4 A." JT Csntr*clor: SWAN IIOME il'PROl/E ITENTS ljplkarrt. SWAilFIOITEIMPROVEiffiNTS Phcne: 3{X}.rl.l9-2?21 De$irip0oo' KlTlFEr.J REMODET AND ADglTlOtl OF FOIJI D€R ROOit Cominsnl: FI-ANS TO CHARLIE - CDAVIS Sub l rrF: AMF tJ3r: fl 1-t{R $tahr*: ISSUED lnrp Arer: CD 89SU9S$CJ4!ecfCr{$l Item: 90 BLDO+anll Roqmdor: SWAN l-lCllIE h,IFROVEUEMTS Cofii[€nE: 47F7891 J€lf AsslonedTo: COA\nS * Acton: RcouestFd l'lme: 0l:00 F't ' Piron€: W&tn| Eiltretl By: OfLORES Ac{ofi. PAPARTIALAPPRO/AI TiF.Ery: InrJ9cctlon Hisbrt ]t {il. ito BLC&Fran$nd - ADoro _ q9/ffi41 -filfpoctor: COAUS hom: 80 Et0Qlnlubtm,'tbm: 60 B\Deshsotcrf hlatl ""ApFroved"r : '{C#0?ol hsp€Ett(: JRM : \$uaJql flrsp€crt{: JFftr I , Cofims{D: ^PPROVED KrCHEN OfiILY '-j " 12/0e01 hso€€ior: GRG Acrion: APAPFRO{GD 'r.. coffi61 itffiattri l2l0e01 hsF€cior: GRG Action: APAPpRO\,ED {tm.nts tbrrvall kr prrurtar roo{lr Dpororrecl. h,| $h p.rt 0f pfolact lo bo abcxlonett unil nsn rpdng, pat corrhrcbf . 70 BLD&lfftc B0 Bt.DGFlnai Itl06i01 |n69rclor: GFG Acfion: DNDEIffD Conilnanr3 Afl 6thcr rfttt cofiiplttF. b{rt nD ptrtm$ng fhd |Pptotd ttrttrs. r$ te gEp hr &htEsh€t tfi!ffr. v'qf-*v Y'-t: w.,ril /\1" npt ved -*0,",, ^"^""")*" , ry' REPT131 )_ Run Id: 1312. ',r I ti!: '