HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 Lionshead Centre GarfinkelsI Category Number _o.DeEign Review Action Fo TOWN OF VAIL J rm Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot : Block- Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: CYW;NKtr: Seconded by: n Approval n Disapproval ! Statf Approval ,rl4 q+- Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid lir \ , d ri ENTvz+NL€ io 84*'Ftrt t<{'c:J INCANOESCENT ll6w K8S6 8'BOLTARD H GH PRESSURE SOOIUM 5OW KBRS 5OS 7OW KBRS 7OS l00w KBRS lms r50w KBRS lslls METAL HALIDE l00W KBR8I00M <- MERCURY VAPOR 75W KBBS ?5II IOOW KBRS IOOH INCANOESCEI{T r50w K8R8 | SHIPPED INSTAttED St Single Fuse 1120,277,347V) DF 0ouble Fuse (208,240V) CB Corrosron.reststa nt Frnish PC Polycarbonate Lens H24 24" overall Height (Min. height avarlable) 30 overall Height 36 overall Herght Festoon 0utlet w/0uplex Beceptacle Festoon 0utlet w/0uplex Ground Fauh Recepta cle A0B Anodize 0arl Bronze (S onlyl For 0ptronal Arch tectural Colors, sae page 207 SH IPPEO SEPARATELY 565 Hall-shreld l6 bollard) S8S Hall-shreld (S bollard) Site Lighting KBR Features Housing: Extruded one'piece a luminum,0.I 56" wall thickness. Top cover is a weldment of 0.156'wall extrusion and 0.250" top plate. 42' overall height standard. All external hard- ware is stainless steel and tam perresistant. D a rk bronze polyester powder fin ish stand a rd with optional architectural colors available. Architectural Class 'l dark bronze anodize finish available on 8" bollard. Lens: Clear seamless 100% virgin acrylic. %0" wall, flush fitting. Gasketing: Closed-cell EPDM. 0ptics:Achieve IES cutoff. Hydroformed,tluted a nod ized upper aluminum reflector com bined with soun aluminum anodized flared cone standard. Cylindrical lower reflector avail- able as an option, in lieu ol flared cone' Ba llasVElectrical System: High power factor ballast, copper wound and 100% factory tested. Electrical components are tray mounted with quick disconnect plugs and accessible through bottom of bollard. Medium base socket. Anchor Bolts:(4)%'x 1l'with double nuts and wa sh e rs. 41/z' b o lt c irc le te m p late included. Iisting: UL 1572 Listed suitable for wet lo c ations. CSA certified. 6" and 8" Round Bollards, HID/lncandescent k,rv- Use for walkways, plazas or pedestrian areas. Example: KBBB 100M CYA 120 CR Catalog Number KBRS I()OM I i Designation ,l I Reflector I I Voltage CR --T- 0ptions 120 CYA H I ,\{.1 ll t.---]'r-rl-t 5" BOLLABD |IIGH PRESSURE SOOIUM 35W KBR6 35S 50w KB86 s(}S 70w (BR6 70S i--------- \METAL HALIOE I iow (BR6 ?oM STANDARO FLAREO CONE R5 Type V 0islributron {0ptional) CYLINDRICAL REFLECTORS CYA Specular Alzak CYB Black Alzak CYG 6old Alzak CYF Flat Blact 120<- 208 240 217 341 50w i5w KB86 sOH KBR6 75H H30 fi36 f0 fG v'].1 ') t '-V L.- | ./ ,r ,f,,nl 't.*/+rn 1 l20V only on 35W,50W and Incandescent CANA0IAN SHIPMENTS: Add CSA suffix to catalog number 1120,277,347V only). NOTE: For options, see pages 207-209. DIMENSIONS KBS6 KBSS Dianeter 6' 115.2 cnl 8' (20 3 cm) Height 42 (106.7 crn) 42 (1067 crn) Also avarlable In 24'1H24). 30'(H30)and 36', (H36) t t^ ' trt^ti I | | t1l tlVtA I llln t ttvtl K8R8 r'---)t--l H H tl |l LJ KBRS \f--'l I ttl t,ti ri t|l tti I ti I t/ |/L) lih l:f, ',11 i., :,ii ';!r"s ,\ 205 ravi aaa t o BOARD APPIJICATION - TOI{N DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *tlara*ttl** ,-F,l.t&ANL6 DESCRIPTION: E t o 8/L7le4 DESICtriI REVIEW I. A.Lrcr ttTtd (fDr{ -t6 4\a-?tts t<su' ! B.TYPE OF REVIEV\I: New Construct j.on ($200.00) Addition ($s0.00).Minor Alt.eraLion ($20.00) izlconceptual Review (90) c. D. ADDRESS | =3L tO. I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Block If property is described by a meets and bounds 1ega1 d.escription, please provide on a separate sheet and atLach Lo this applicaEion. ZONING: LtoNJFt€f{; 5 BtK 1-Lot F.APPLICANT:Qft(e'^lr<rd S Address:r.J L--{oJ NAI{E OF Mailing L.a "',\ { L- H. I. J. APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : L..l . CaRe l{-)6 '7476 NAIvIE OF OIIINER(S) :rrt4€L + OWNER (SI SIGI;IATT]RB: Mai 1 inq Addres s : -93-C L^J ' ,--.t ! ^J5 kts€)rqrr) /!'\'t-c-(r iiLrc- c-or-oe"A.,2o 8t{,5;7 phone 4'76 1-87 APPIJICATIONS WIITIT NOT BE PROCESSED WIIHOW OWNER'S SIGNAI1CTRE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittat of t,he DRB application. Later, when applying for a building pernit, please idenLify the accurate valuat,ion of t,he proposal . The Town of vail will adjust the fee according to the t.able below, to ensure the correct fee is paid../) /".' /.\ FEE PATD: $ . CITECK #: DATE: i /L 'i'BYZ NEE], FEE SCHEDUI,E: VAI,UATION $ 0-$ 10,000 ,rr .t a\ ^n a |? rvrvv4 v -tvrvvw $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Ower $1, 000, 000 DESIE{ REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ BI(PIRES APPROVAI, I'NI,ESS A BUILDING PBRUIT IS IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAI, TSSUED AIID CONSTRUCTTON NAME OF Mailing ! pRE - Appr,rcATrotETrNG : t o . rr. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. IE is the applicant's responsibility to nake an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submitt,al requirements. Please note that. a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your projecE. III. IMPORTAIIT NOIICE REGARDING AI.TI.T SI]B}IISSIOI{S ![O IIIIB DRB: A. In ad.d.it,ion to meeeing submitt.al requirenents, ttre applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. Al.1 site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must, ensure that sEaking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIITDINGS normally requires two separat,e meetings of t.he Design Review Board.: a conceptual review.and a final review. C. Applicants wlro fail Uo appear before the Design Review Board on their schedul-ed meeLing date and who have not asked in advance Ehat discussion on their iten be postponed, will have their itens removed from the DRB agend.a unt,il such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning adninist.rator, be approved by the Comunj-Ly Development, Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a.. Windows, skyl-ighLs and similar exterior changes which do nou alter .the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addit.ions not visible from any other 1ot or publj-c space. At the time such a proposal is submiLted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacenc condominium association stating the association approves of Ehe addiEion. E. If a property is locat,ed in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wet,land, etc.), a hazard sEudy musL be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to ttre issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged Lo check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application Lo determine the relationship of Ehe property to all mapped hazards F. For alI residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural waLls of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the ext,erior face of the building wa11s or supporting columns, G. If DRB approves the application with condiEions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a building permit. t NEW CONSTRUCTTP rt o . rv. A. Three copies of a recenL topographic survey, stamped by a Colorado Professioaal Licensed Suneyor, at a scale of 1r' = 20, or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1. Lot area, and buildable area when different than Lot area. 2. LegaL description and physical address. 3. Two foot conEour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 'contour intervais may be accepted. 4. ExisLing trees or groups of t,rees having trunks with diameters of 4n or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and ot,her significanE naEural features (Large boulders, intermitLent streans, etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), cenEerline of sLre€rms or creeks, required creek or strean seEback, and 100-year flood plain, if appLicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall be clearly delineaEed by cross hatching. '7 . Ties t,o existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or ser^rer inverL. This information rnust be clearly sEaEed on the survey so that all measurements are based on Lhe sane starting point. This is part,icularly important for determining building height and driveway slope. See Policy On Survey InformaLion, for more informat.ion regarding surveys. 8. L,ocations of the following must, be shown: a. Size and tlDe of drainage culvert,s, swaLes,etc. b. Exact location of existing utiliLy service lines from their source to the structure,including: Cable Tv Sewer cas Telephone water ELectric c. Al-l utility meter locations, incl-uding any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. cl. Property lines - d.istances and bearingrs and a basis of bearing. e. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision p1ab. 9. Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt,along the street front,age of the proDertv aE twenty-five foot. int.erval-s (25,1, and a minimum of one spot elevation on eiLher side of Lhe loE. B. site Plan l-. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. rt c. lopo""a driveway, incruainff,ercenr slope and spot elevat,ions at the property 1ine,garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the drive to accuratelv reflect driveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit t.he street in an uphi11 direction. 2. All existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-sLreet parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top and boLLom of wa11 spot. elevat.ions), and other exist.ing sit,e improvement,s. 3. In order Eo determine proposed building height.s elevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves when det,ermined necessary by the zoning administraLor,sha1l be indicated on the. site plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. Landscape PIan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required 1. At a minirnum, the following information must be provided on the landscape plan: a. IJocation of exist,ing Erees 4" diameLer or larg'er, b. Type, size and location of all existingr and proposed plant material, c. Locatj.on of all trees Lo be transplanLed, d. A detailed legend of all proposed planL material including conrmon and Latin n€rmes. 2. The location and t)Fe of existing and proposed watering sysLems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 3. Existing and proposed conEour lines. Retsaining walls should be included with the contour information with top of wa11 and bottom of wal1 elevations list.ed. 4. CompleE.e the attached landscape materials list. sign off from each utilitv companv verifyj.ng the location of utility service and availability (see atLached uEility verification form) . A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B must accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and identify all easemenEs affecting the subject properEy. Architectural Plans (L/9" ' 1' or larger, L/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Floor plans and al1 elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fu11y dimensioned. 'r'ne erevacaon drahrrngs must show bot.h existing and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to show how Lhe gross residential floor area (GRFA) was caIculat.ed. 3. Exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the atuached materials list. This maEerials list must be compleLed and submitted as a part of the application. Color chips, siding sampLes etc., sha11 be presenEed aE the Design Review Board meeting. Details including, but not limited D. F F. rt to t.t., trim, railings, "ti*rrtap, meter Locations, etc. mus.t be shown graphically and fu11y dimensioned. G. Zone check List (attached) must be completed if the project is located wiLhin the Single-Fami1y, Prinary/Secondary or Dup1ex zone d.ist.ricts. H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. I. The zoning Adninistrator'and,/or DRB may require the submission of additional pJ-ans, drawings,. specificat.ions, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will compLy with oesign Guidelines. V. MINOR AIJTER.A,TIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUIIJDIIIGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the locat.ion (site plart) of the redevelopment proposal may be subnitted in lieu of the more formal requiremenEs set forth above, provided aIl important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used are submitt,ed. VI . ADDITIONS . RESIDEIITIAI, OR COIIITERCIAIJ A. Original floor plans with alt specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = 1r or larger (t/Att = 1, is preferred) c. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicat.e roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addiEion. E. Photos of the existinq st.ructure. F. Specifications for all rnaterials and color sErmples on materials list (atuached). At the request of the zoning Administrator you may also be required. to subnit: G. A statement from each uLility verifyingr location of service and availability. see atEached utiliLy locaEion verif ication f orm. H. A siEe improvemenE survey, stamped by registered Colorado Professional L,icansed surveyor. r. A prelininary LiLle report, to verify ownership of property, which lists al.l. easemenls. VII. FINAL, SMB PLAtil once a buildinq permit has been issued, and construction is underr,rlay, and before the Building Deparement wilL sehedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Locatsion Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitEed. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. rt ALI uti1iO".tri." line as-builrs, "rtrrrn rlpe of material used, and eize and exact Location of lines. Basis of bearing Lo tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set, and staLed on improvement survey. All easements. Garage slab elevaEions and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge tines VIII . eONCEPlrUtIr DESIGTTI REVTEW A. SubmitLal requirements: The owner or authorized. agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapLer may submit plans for concepEual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development.. The conceptual review is intended to give Ehe applicant a basic undersLanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Townrs Design Guidelines. This procedure is recorunended primarily for applicaEions more complex than single-family and bwo-family residences. However, developers of single-fanily and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity Eo request a conceptual design review. Complete applications mus! be submitted l-0 working days prior to a sclreduled DRB meeting. The following information shal1 be submiuted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceplual site and landscape pLan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials . and a description of the character of the proposed strucEure or structurest 3. Sufficient, information to show the proposal complies with the developnent standards of the zone district in which the project is to be Located (i.e. GRFA, siEe coverage calcuLat,ions, nunber of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB application forrn. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general conpliance with the appropriate requirements of Lhe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic cornpliance with the zoning code requirements, the projecL sha11 be forwarded to Ehe DRB for conceptual review. If the application is noE generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a writ,ten explanation as to why the Conmunity Development Department sLaff has found the project not to be in conpliance with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been received, t,he DRB shall review Lhe submitted concepEual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complies with Ehe design gruidelines. The DRB does not vot,e on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his represent,ative shal-l- be present at the DRB hearing. D. E. G. H. t o IJIST OF I,IATERIALS NAI{E oF PROiIECT: 6.RAP,*lt<gUS IJEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT_I BI,OCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: rt o The following informat,ion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDTNG MATERTAI.TS: Roof Siding OEher wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Peck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wal1s Exterior Lighting Other regr-rired for submittal to the Design approval can be qiven: IryPE OF TITATERIAI.,COLCTR Designer: Phone: L ^ts.h B.I,ATiIDSCAPING: NAME Of tt rt PLAlifI I{ATERIAIJSI "oa-rrr"-, *"." ".'rron *#Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES AIVD SHRT'BS *Indicat.e caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnurn calioer for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heicrht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.**rndicate size of proBosed shrubs 5 qallon.Minimum size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footaoe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ C. L,AI,IDSCAPE LTIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show Lhe number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the liqhting plan in the space below and provide the heiqhE above grade, tltpe of light proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheet of the light f ixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,I) \ \ Fru.c-ss Kgp-€rll3 lJht|i-rn/ -10 r^l k8P.6 l\^erA{- t\ftLr0 6 OTHER LATiIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retaining walls. Maximurn heiqht of wa11s within the front setback is 3 | . Maximum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is 6' D. rt o TOI{N OF VAIIJ UTTIJTTY LOCATION \/ERIFICATION FORM t o tevLsed 8/L7 /91 JOB NAI.{E SI'BDTVISION I,OT BI.,OCK FTLTNG ADDRESS The form is used to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your util-ity plan and scheduling installations. For any new constnrction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utiLity verification form. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main.trunk lines or proposed lines, muat be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. All authorizing signatures need to be oriqinals. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. west Comrnunications 468-6860 or 949 -4530 Public Service Company 949 - 613s eary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/ruichael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -1224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagr1e vaIley water & sanitation District * 4',16 -7 480 Fred Haslee irA slte plan is required. Pbysical location of knora utilitsies must be sbowa on the site plan. Utility locations may or may not offer senrice to tbe property line. aay utility extension reguired shall be tbe responsibility of the property owner. NOTE:1. If a utiLity company has concerns with the proposed construction, t,he uLility representative should not directly on the utiliLy verification form EhaE there is a probtem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter Eo the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind that it, is the responsibility of the uLility company Eo resolve identified problens. 2. rf the utiliLy verification form has signatures from each of Ehe utility companies, and no cornments are made direcLly on the form, the Town will presume Ehat there are no problems and that the development, can proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of vail-, DeparEment of Public works and to obtain utilitv locations before digcrino in any public right-of-way or easement in the Towrr of vai1. A buildino oermit is not a street cut oermit. A street cut permit must be obLained separately. 4. Instaltation of service lines are at the expense and responsibility of the property owner. trt offio s i ns I e Fani I y o" " L1:if ?, Jr"frl"fd pr ima rvl s ec onda rv DATE: . IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot - Btrock - Subdivision ADDRESS: O$INER PHONE PI{ONE ARCHITECT . ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Secondary GRFA + 425 = seLbacks FronL 20'Sides L5' Rear Si t.e Coverage Landscaping ReLaining WaIl lleighLs 3'/6' Parking Carage Credit Drive: BUII,DABI.,E LOT AREA Atlo!^red Existinq Proposed ToEal (30) (33) / 15', Height TOf,Al GRFA Primary GRFA +425= Reqrd (3oo) (6oo) (900) (1200)_ PermitLed Slope t Proposed slope % EncI Complies with T.o.v. Liqhting ordinance Yes No Water Course SeLback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) ' YES NO EnvironmenLal,/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain 2l Percent Slope (< > 30t) 3 ) GeoJ.ogic Hazards a) snow Avalanche_-b) RockfaII c) Debris FIow 4) weElands View Corridor Encroachment.: Yes No, Does Lhis reqiiesL invoive a 250 riddiLir.rn? llow much of Lhe allowed 250 Addition is used wit'h Lhis requesL? Previous condir.ions of approval (check property file): 10 o o z 9 n c o =o z T FI n ={ --!-t E .1 H EE ls re l: H E 3= l* E I i= lil 3 3 .li q I l=E 5 rE=i ! -t ei\ e :.>- \"-d P ;=$# a t*'--9 \N$J\= Z6 an R<ZA r'>6z --r ^o; 9e ic 3<2^@ da il z'^i: >; -lc)o> o 9.n nz >m i> o I =m --t €z m b\ z 3 IT c)F 'fl H z ,{r ts z --lm Ll la 9)lo> I I .z 5!zt- 12 r!s- l- --.t 'Tl t-z IH lz Kn l> lu F r = I m t-m lc lz lo ll t> lF l H lo l€tz le l<t>l.trt lm lo lz I {! n NJ I t! -{o €z 'n : m o z t- @ \o I .! l c) z c) F9 H E f!c) z c)F I- { m -m 5' I s' t-{lo l€ lz l-n t<t> lr tm lo lz I lF IT l* "Tl r {F rn P,: F rI: F rt H v, t P m !4 T,\ ,X \ l{ l_n lci E l€F lzli l: IF lI tf l; tfi ilffii ,frI{ = !I '\o 5 Ln tJ 5 m E F P X r t-i X ts oBE :Ft=bl-Eb HF l!4 P<rP(1l I<H IH lf)tr-rth 5't F -Jl W o\ | f'l ttH (rl A --r I p{co | tr-r \ol f 9z tq mil ()l Fo E9 ,;< x9 m =r ;<5,f I m x m Tl -t z (- @ 2 -{m .-.l o -J O 5;E: q is;s.g ! o^ X ^.Ea9[+<-;-l oY=oo o :.< c) 5 ta=EF r = 4 oi ,;i -;'+ d.o :r (/, (D =J Hb io -i€i 9r =ox- <deili oii - oR OO^.(/,X o =X ==3,8; l; n O * iiP =*9Dq ( d.3 -B +q;31 =s, ll= F de4e e,i:gB dBedi ?edEi t R5 o,6 ;=o--'E-0:aP d oYfcj or-g)=: F3 i 3X a$u a =q!'33d 9*ol:9u9R=' Ci [-t:l z ?1 a H Fa H 7 () a r 6 i/, i c m o o o z o { .tl I <lt m t--r! =z 1] m =-.{(t z m m m l< ' z z :; -l .D m m m o II 1q (t r l:l- IP lo l9 I I t_ I itr €7a tr - zz 'I o o o o z q z : z I t m o m -") --t I z ln t c m z i --{m 4 o z { <- := 2 : m _0 --t m C P I c --t z )c) N F ,m iz x :.a x n 'i s 3 >_n :x z o iut q o -z n')., rf o 6 n 10 = E b i2 a i-n z z i.a x N@= Nm= n< F r tn rc F l' F z H z F { c)q € H a z H 3 G]2 H E Fl z 2 9o . 2 2 o I m (t 3 a - F-r o F tr c) 2 .q K r9 F tr t- =z z 6 -1 -i --l m ,..2 =^ZA F-l > I r\) I A' o m H >z F z t{ I I! s. -t i t- m -{ 11 m m UI €H tr1 r c) rr r,1 a m { x o l-m z m m 2 c)z m m € m m I o z 'n m m 2 6 t- c =a m m --l o t- z r I c 2 m f .\, m =_Tl m m a VALUATION m =..1 z o 3 m z t-c z m t-m o ,o ; z o .- 5' ! F - F. F' X X P1 X s' v r3*4oi"t/y .L r C::' .-:_- . ^' -ri;r;? l" ., '- Iro* ", {:r.coNsrRucrr", 4 '1,'rr-n n.ro4n )PER}.IIT /I PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE:- a 1 t "aa) APPLICAIIOh Ut'dt BE FTLLED OUT COITTPI,ETELY OR IT I4AY NOT BE ACCEPTED V t/$Q-Building J\3-erumring lf]-Electricat [ ]-]techanicar I j-other \ /l - Job Name:C".fi"k"f'" e"r "dd n Job Address:536 W. fi""=te"a uall Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Mitch Garfinkel Architect; Colorado Autocad Tech. Address:Box 728 VaiI CO 49-s324 General Description: Sma11 Bar addition .q Work Class: [ ]-New Exl-Alteration I l-AdditionaL [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurober of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet VALT'ATIONS ******** * * * ** *************** * **** fi t"7 | -CTRICAL: $' / >u OTITER: $ TOTAL: I eIOR INFORITIATf ON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BUILDING: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Block_ Fit Address: Gas **** ELE White River Electric , Tonn of Vail aeg. No. //'7-4 Phone Number: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Town of Vai.l Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number! Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE * * * * ******** * ** * *************** BUILDING PERMIT TEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: I.IECHANICAL PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB FEE: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: Cornments: CLEAIY IP DEPOSIT NEFITT'D Plan Review Based on the 1991, Uniform Codes NAME: GARFINKELS BAR ADD ADDRESS: 536 LIONSHEAD VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ll-lHR DATE: lO-12-94 CONTRACTOR: ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK l. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The foltowing is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR BAR REMODEL ONLY. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTITI AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 2. 3. 4. =-..'"... -l t f'ri| ,ri.:Atq{{rr :_',r'. -,'ttl\pf I { i"",*:. ,;' i ;i' }Y Y '..-; I L- i ''1!* ':' .:.':-"^{)'}'}'- /o'/z Ey' 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 To: From: Date: RE: Departrnent of Comnrunity Deve lopment MEMORANDUM Dan Stanek, Building Inspector Paul J. Reeves, Environmental Health Officer october 24, 1994 Garfinkel's Bar Addition Plan Review There are a few items that I need to know before Environmental Health would approve this addition. It appears that this will be a full service bar, if so I need the following: 1. How/where is dishwashing to be done? 2. There must be a hand sink with soap and towels. 3. tf there is to be a soda gun the cold plate must be integral with the ice bin (ie. not removablel. 4. All lights must be protected from breakage. 5. Any equipment to be installed requires a cut sheet be supplied to me. 6. lce bin must be indirectly drained. 7. Flooring must be smooth and easily cleanable *-Liqucr \ic.:r..<< ^r.\ Y>g- -i^o.\1ficJ lf there are ddestions please contact me at 479-2138. All bf the above shall be answered prior to Environmental Health approval. CHECKREQUEST /"-L-ootr, t/zy'fa PREPARED BY: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CtE t2 4r,"- aziZt.t ACCOTTNTNU\{BEk 01 0000 22002 a. AMOUNTOFREFU\rDI :,/A2-/) DATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: s{''-' \-'t ra-- \ F\ailt i''t- F-,:{ \t t lt' ' .--!]I-2 f\'$ .'J'- - .t . t tr.l -{,r l.'. 1". I U.':'l ,,, L, FfI E C0;Dy 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Octobcr 30, 1996 Mitch Car{inkcl 536 Wcst Lionshcad Mall Vail, Colorado 81657 Departnrent of Contnunity Developncnt 6*r;,*'ert RE: Thc proposcd watk-in frcczcr addition 6*- &ta I laf 5 , Dcar Mitch:\*il tio{shs.c Encloscd plcasc find thc submittal matcrials you providcd to thc Torvn of Vail for thc proposcd rvalk-in frcczcr addition. As you arc awarc, your application is incomplctc. In ordcr for your application to bc complctc and bc schcdulcd for rcvicw by thc'l'own of Vail Planning and Environrncntal Commission, as a rninor cxtcrior altcration. thc application must bc accompanicd by an approval from thc Condominium Association. Oncc you havc rcccivcd Condominium Association approval, your rcqucst can bc schcdulcd for rcvicw. Should you havc any qucstions or conccnls with rcgard to thc intbrmation addrcsscd in this lcttcr, as ahvays, plcasc do not hcsil.atc in giving nrc a call. I can bc rcachcd nrost casily during rcgular officc hours at 479-2145 Sinccrclv. 3lr tl rl ,,.'-) IJ"-..^.'f"-' ("*lu'l Gcorgc Ruthcr ]'own Planncr GR"'jr {P r'"""o'*'* a o T*o'H ;;-;;r-L Hisc€llrpqrs Caefl 89-t6-96 tilB4l?6 Receipr * ?6A56 Bccounr.* CK*l4gf 6RRF II*ELS\EXTER fl-TERFTIO}I ftuomt terdered ) 2g&;B Iter paid hor"rlt F|id 0tB@e4t35@s ffi.& Chwrge returned > g,O0 'FFtFtls( vGt.t Ysur caghier RERTIfr oegn Review Action folr TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef 7-oae -Vt'vw 17,4b \i Project Name: Building Name: I lorl+'w,,rl Untle Project Description: NL .l') ffv,flr,t bot Owner. Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Doscription: Lot - Block- Suooivision l|',[0ftt h fr.,l Cor..-*re-, zone District Project Street Address: Comments: *G-*- '..@/ Motion bv: Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval 'Pl- Statt Aoproval ,t , ' ,/ /Conditions: *kt:;>tt>,faA ,79 EltL,rMrll</f Town Planner -*..a t DRB Fee Pre-paid-qF I z OO Fd ?: APPLICATION DATE r[t ruu- 1",1.€tlq UBMITTING €=rw*q NAt PHONE n-76 :+2(, 1/r Iz .rvi$d l2l9/93 ( Please NAME OF NAI',IE OF ADDRESS Print or PROJECT PERSON S Type ) LD NAME OF OWNER ADDRESS 2,p *fi c, rtL /-Ala Jut r SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT "/44FPy.e-L'5 t ltN EvJi-8t6(€ AtL PHONE k16 31g:' 6a,+?-+c t-t-. /uea|'"tA THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, PROJECTING/ ETC), INCLUDE SIGN HeNl 6oroo MESSAGE jryAl.\ ')lNi'D qlo*.Q, DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT " hr*t'tczZ',lo4 o B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, 12t' rN LETTERING AND LOGO SIZE OF 30" D. E'DEScRTBE LTGHTTNG (ExrsrrNc oR pRoposnol lNTftpa- utq'At' -t O Srt'tE //\e-Nq. ,. I u tt 3n lqo 20' HEIGHT oF 5IGN AB9VE GRADE F (n, G. LENGTH oF BUSTNEss FRoNTAGE (Fr) Ntt CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: 5?9.00 PLUS 51.00 PER SQUARE FooT oF SIGN AREA. PALD ")i cHEcK No. ,:. Y DATE ri -, \i : REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION ", ? 4. 5. 6. Site PIan Elevations showing exact location of sign awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Phot,ograph of sign if available Sign Administrator or TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following I information is required: 1. A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2. A site plan shovting the exact l-ocation where the sign i-s to be l-ocated. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing whj-ch detaiLs the desi-gn of the sign,as follows: a) Col-ored exactly as sign will be,b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint, etc. )c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size, 5. ff an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and horrt the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not aLLowed to shine through the entire awning which caLl"s undue attention to the business. Lighting nay spotlight only the actual sign Iettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2, Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction nay delay the approval- of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, the applicatj-on fee shall be j-ncreased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permitsl Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shal-l- be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's reguestr dny matter is postponed for hearj-ng, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Cornmunity Development Department to have significant design, .l-and use or other issues which may have a significan! impact on the community may require review by consul-tants other that town staff. ShouLd a determi-nation be made by the town staff that an outside consuLtant is needed to revj-ew any application, Community Development may hire an outside consul-tant, it sha1l estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hin or her and thj-s amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant, at the time he files his application with the Cornmunity Development Department. Upon compLetion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consuLtant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shal1 be paid to the Town by the appJ-icant within 30 days of notification by the Town. 86184t1996 69:58 3836685232 Sh"rrrrcF I)rre^i N1,gf,l^\ trwg -LAtw\ Cttrtl-cdFTcD. 3o"r?u" or$IGS HOUSE EF SIGNS PAGE 61 ho$ out(-rrrpr,, ITT}JU EDX 3, ' 21,,(tt) lt{Lt jg D tNf.} \^rtOD arrT$ Pt6trGt^ll D00fL lhtr\ tltortLg gohtrD nu r e.t" (tF) l^,g{tto rl*rrD t^/|too wrrr ll$trr\Arl bo\ -'-..-.\'_-_.F.. __;L_.*"- Po*r O#ice Bar 2501 . Jl9 3rd .Srcrr . Frircn, Coloreda R044.1 ,970-668-3?-3?. =r--' t{ I =lJ r I t' ,a l,.^' a l,t! l. iI\ {" d il r '"<-')at , crntg 4'- :; '. ' vi.r-1 * -;";*-*v o o o o L,J ,o o I,J.J TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 81657 97 o-47 9-2t38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: ]NSTALL 2 WINDOWS OccuPancy: R1 Type Constructj-on: II TlPe OccuPancy: Valuation: F'ircpl,ace Information: Restricted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ADD/Ai.,T MF BUILD Job Address Location... Parcel No'. Project No. BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT A]-'L TIMES PERMIT Pernit #: 896-0050 520 LIONSHEAD MALL Status" ' iior,rsHneo cENTER #201 Applied" 2101-071-03-017 Issuecl' "ExPires. . rssu9D- - o4/{e /Lee6 o4 /te /tee 6 ro /16 /Lee6 .00 ?16.75 2t6.75 .00 GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 2672 A Kinnickinnick Ct., Vail, CO 81557 GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 2672 A Kinnickinnick Ct., Vai1, CO T J T CO INC T VAIL HOME RENTALS 143 E MEADOW DR N-90, vArL co 81657 MuIti-FamilY 1-HR TyPe fI 1-Hour 3, o0o #0t Gas APPI'iances: 81657 Add sq Ft: .00 20.@ .00 1m.m 216.75 Phonez 970 476-t69Q Phone: 970 4'?6-1690 fof l,lood/Pa t Let: FEE SUITI1ARY 216.75 fof Gas Logs: Tots I Calcutrted Fecs--> Additionat Fees----> Total Pernit Fcr---_-> Paynents_---_-_> el.LAxceoue---_--__> Bui Lding---> Pl.an check--> lnvcsti g!t ion> uitl, Cat l,--> 75.m Rcstu8rrnt Plan Revicv--> t8.75 DRg Fcr-------- .0O Recreation F.e----------> 3-m ctean-Up Dcposi t-------> TOTAL FEES--.--- lten:05100 04/19/r996 Itbm:'05400 04 /r9 /t996 It'en:'05600 04 /te /L996 Item:'05500 04 /te /Lee 6 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DAN ACtiON: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT DAN ACtiON: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT DAN Action: APPR PUBI-,]C WORKS DAN ACtiON: APPR DePt: n6rr+ . RANDY APPRSVE;' N/A Dept: Dept: BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Divieion: Division: Division: Division: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPply to this pernit' D E C LARAT ION S I hereby acknovtedse that t have read.this apqti:"tloll fl!l*,?"1-i:-1tt :h:^::1":f:H,l"3lll1i."?l?::Hr:l:::"ii:i 3[:i,'!ii"3h"!ilil'il:: :ti',i"'i;;"iiliilil'i.liiii"ii-'ilc'iiJ-ii-::l;::!r .i-:':::^::,::''1Y.il'1":5.'l::iH'l:l llil?l?I.'3,\""'ii"l;'iti ;;il'"il';#,'"ff#;::'":;i:.:l:'i;;.,-il'l; ty;t;-rli: :!:'::':..:':::,1'll^i:":li.':il::,:"nine .nd subdivision :L;lt;:";il'.il* ilp;;;;; uiiroii iuiioi"e c6dc and other ordinances or the Tosn appticabtc thereto. REoUEsTsFoRINsPEcTtoNsSHALLBE|.|ADETIIENTY-FoURHoURSINADVANCEBY Send Cl.!an-Up ocposit To: GMY-SToNE 479-2138 0R AT ,, SIGNATURE OF FOR HIIiSELF AND OIJIIER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Pernit #: Be6-oo5o . "!"ii''i7+ZtZ:-- atus: rssuED *****************iiii**************ii*ii***'***i********************************* Pernit rrrpe: ADD/ALI Im IY1-!!-:ERMIT ^?::i:3; jjl,j:2f,j:22"j '=olpiii.i'"il Ine?-s?gltr;o"ttRucrroN ro ixpirer to'/t6'/tee6 Job Addrees: Location: Parcel No: LIONSHEAD CENTER #201 2101-o 71-0 3-017 Descripti-on: rNsralr., 2 wrNDows t"f t; i;13' r*, *r.*, or s llE-- ll gu :*P, ^T,: " t13i*,131*!oot 2. ALL rBt'er*ii6ii-i-liEell.,i' cstr.,rNes'AND FLooRs ro -' wirn AN APPRovED FrRE Y4TP11AL'3. sMoKE orrt"'i6ni-ein nro9119D, rN ALL BEDRooMS AND As PER ssc.izro oF THE-1991 uBc' 4. FrRE orpanrfreNr APPRovAT' rs REQUTRED COMPLIANCE ' BE SEATED EVERY STORY o **i************************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-O123 Anount:226.75 04/t9/96 11:55 hit: DS Payment Method: CK Notation: *5219 **************************************************************** Perrnit No: Parcel No: site Address: L,ocation: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 0r. 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 896-0060 TYPe: A-MF 2101-071-0 3-017 520 I.,IONSHEAD MALL I.,IONSHEAD CENTER #201 ADD/AIT MF BUILD PER 246.'t5 246.75 .00 Anount 7s .00 48.75 100.00 3 .00 Total Fee6: 226.75 Total ALL PmtB! Balance: Deecription BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEA}IUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL fNSPECTION FEE X'';;;ir ff :l ;, 3 T::":: : : i l0 ",H;128.8540 for parcel /F TOWN OF Alo l' o-l / -03-ot7 pnnurr VATL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATTON FORM PERI'IIT /I D4-Buildins^t J.;frunfile t l-Erecrricar [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Jt4,t uj,lK€s -)ol Job Name: LioNs d QeJ Job Addressz i2O Legal Description: Lot BIock Filing owners Narne: -J, rr4 W ,l (e-., Address:€o (,o4 o lrn. ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration ffi-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other - .---_(- , t t t-Architect: J''@ Address: oerxz "tIt7/?6 , APPLICATToN IIUST BE FfLLED oUT CoI,IPLETELY OR IT t-tAy NOT BE ACSEpTED U x***** *** * **** ** *** * ******** ** PERI.IIT TNFORMATION i****************************nl T E1ectrica1Contractor:,v/,4$QL.ao(lO.Fnr.rnr.€,,-*,oF Address: - ::1:^":.-Y311 R"s' No'- 4(. cl* . _ phone Number: 77u _ /aT Phone Nurnber:,r//,f Plunbing contractor: N / rT Address: T:T^"[-Y:ir nee. No.- Phone Nurnber: qt L/l Mechanical Contractor: rv | lf qr,rr.,h ^5 r,-:1 ?r--..evr.sr.rrJqr \-LlrLrcrt.;LLrr; I , I Town of Vail Rgq. No.Address; - nt-^-^r,---i Snone Number: ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT TEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PIAN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: CLEAT I'P DEP,OSIT REtrIIItD 75 roulh tronlage rord Yril, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlce of communlly developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITTI TI|E TO$IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLrc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnraary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, track or aeposit. any "oif,-rJ"i', sand, debris or nateriaf, incruding trash h-rp.t.t=, portabre toilets and worknen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewaik, ;il;y or public pl?:"_:I any porri-on trrei"o;:--;i" risht_of_way -on arl_ rown of varL streets and-I?"9= is approxlnateiy S ft.-6ti-pavernent.This ordinance wirr be rt"iElry'-lnforced by the Tor.rn of vai].Public works Deoartment: --;;;;;nJ found, viorating this ordinance wirr be given a 24 hour rrii;;;";otice to remove said rnateriar.rn the event the perso" r"-""Iitied.ao"" ,roi-Joipiv with the notice within ttrl_,ze rrour tiure-ifeciriea, the puLiic works Department trilr remove saia uriteii"r ii-[n"".-i.i]e of person notified- The provisions-of-'ltri] o"ainance snirr not be applicable to cLnstruction,-riir,t"r,ur,9e 9-r repair projects of any street or a]ley or any utiiiir.= in the right-a_way. To review Ord.inance No. G in fuI1, please stop by the Tohrn of :3:i"::ti:i"g"Tf;i*mlt"::"";;;i" a copv. rira,,i you ror your Rea Y d and acknowledged by: 75 routh tronlrge rold Y!ll, colorudo E1657 l3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 ottlcs of eommunlty devcloprnetrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII{E FMME If this peryit ""qui,lil_? Town of Vail Fire Deparrnent Approvat,Ensineer "s (pub) ic r,rorks) review unJ ipp"ouai,"i piiiiirli6'blpu"ur,unt review or Heatth Deoartment review, .n['a-""ui.; ;i-;i;;";rTioins l,ert[H3',1;"g: .'.i'.ted time rJ"'a-lotar ".ui"n-iluy"i.il'i, rone AlI commercia'l fia'oe or smarr) and alr multi-famjiy permits wilr have to fo'lrow itre ibove menti6ned mixiru, requirements. Residential and small projects should take a't esier-arnount or time.'Hoiever, if residential or smailer,projecis irpici the various above mentioned departments with reqard to-necessiiy-.eui"*,-ilr.i. i""i".il' ruy also take the three weet< peiiroJ. Every.attempt wil'l be Tgge by this department to expedite this pennit as soon as possible. ' l:-Il. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time trame. {A r Comnuni ty Devel ooment Departrnent. l TO: MEMORANDUM O ALL CONTRACTORS FROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 9, 1994 BE:WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: p3te: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properly? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs different access needed to site other than exisling driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affeAing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit'. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained."Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's officE or at C-o.TTrlity Development. lf you have-any questions please cail Charlie ojvis, ine rown ' of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above queslions. NO Job Name Contractor's Signature Oite PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check tist provided with a buildino oermit apptication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questons ttren a "public way,' is required, You can pick up an apptication at either community Developmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utitities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. sketch_of work being performed must be submifted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control ptan oi a lite plan for the job. Submit co_mpleted application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of VailElectricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to pertorm. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. you will be contacted as to the siatus and any thai may needed. Most permits are releaqed within 4g hours of being received, but pteasi allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building permif'to be released. please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Building permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: : Ih9 ?b9fe process is for work In a pubtic way onty.* Public Way Permits are valid only unfil November isth.* A new Public way permit is required each year if work ls not complete. 4) s) 6) 7) cd/Frvay 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 30s -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 rrfFORilA:tTOt{ ITEEDED I{HEI{ APPLIII|G FOR A D e pa r t m e nt of C om m u n i ry* D e ve lo pnr e nt uEcr|Af,rcnL PERt{rr HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FI.,OOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOI{ }'ITH EOUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCAIJE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAT ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM. FATLURE ro PRovrDE rHrs rtFonutrroil nu.rJ DETJAT YouR pER}trr. 1 2. 3. 4. t 75 ioulh tronbge rord vrll, cdor.do 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) {7$213S olfice of community development NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OIINER BUILDERS Effective June 20, L99L, the Town of Vail Buirding Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new Lonstruction sites h-ave adequately establ-ished proper drainage from buirding sites along and adjacent to Town of vail roads of sLreets. The Town of vail public works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vair roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent curverts at access points from the road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must _be obtaineci prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vair Building Department for footings or Lemporary electrical or any other inspection. prease cair 4'l9-2160 t;request an inspection from the publ-ic works Department. A110w a minimum of 24 hour noti_ce. Arso, the Town of vail pubric works Departnent wirr be approving al-1 final- drainage and culvert instal_iation with resul_tinq road pacching as necessary. such approvar must be ontain"-;-;;i";-;;Fi.naI Certificate of Occupancy iisuance. o .l .,' (' rt N €r aLo !q tl ll E:--: n 5-(a J:t- r, t. i \l I T E x \Ol \ I €r t., C. cl c(v qJ ;\ "1 ( v') z z I r'l \o \\ I t-- & :r z z lYl .-9 X 1 *9 i\ z t- U) a-1 l"! z Fl rii U)z X r r'l z F () U)lYl 7 3 F 7 \ Y F T. I t -f 'c \i I r-- /) I I ttl z c.l c.l c.l J z z F 7 D ail F z (A i' t-l rrl .-- Proiect Name: Category Number o Des ign Review Action Fot TOWN OF VAIL ,rI- Date Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone:: Legal Description: Lot Project Street Address: Zone District Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action ' Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid ' .l o$Ign Review Action Pol TOWN OF VAIL Category Number I Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: i \,r. i fir:,-,. Owner, Address and Phone:',i ii 1 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ,' Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: ..'',--Aoard-fstaff Action .\ Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval ,l.|taff Rnnrovat Conditions: I, A. t€v\saa Alll/94 V DEsrcN REvrEw BoARD AppLrcATroN - TowN otor", cor,oRADo DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: TYPE OF REVIEW: Ne\^r construction ($200. OOI $lainor AlEeraLion ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) ' - Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPfI Subdivision If properLy is described by description, please provide Lo Lhis applicat5-on. Block ,. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and at.tach NAME OF APPLICA}TI'S REPRESENT 6"tbAL H. NAME OF OWNER(S): Mailing Address: APPLIEATIONS WILL NOIT BE PROCESSED WIITHOW OWNER' S SIGNArIInE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL t.he t.ime of submittal of the DRB applicat.ion. LaLer, when applying for a building permit, please identify Lhe accuraLe valuat,ion of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjus[ the fee aeeording to the table below, lo eRsure the correcL fee is paid. FEE PAID: i CHECK #: DATE: BY: 'iiiiy Address:I I. J. ********** ZONING: NAME OF APPLICAI{I: Phone FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, ool- - $ 50, ooo $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500, 001_ - $1, 000, 000 $ Over $1-, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ IINL,ESS A BUIITDING PERI,IIT IS rS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ so. oo $100. 0Q -t $200.00r/ $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ TSSUED AI\TD EONSTRUETION o o Tfirril-l cF rJtrt I L l'liscel I anesug Cash tl1f,-t:r4-?8,t:ti,tt 1414i Fl*c*ipt. # 1:r+5;i fi.':!:,r-ir,t S !::1. # 4r1;f F:iE tiHLE.FF,ir tiFjEr FE[:. 1ltur:rr-rn I t.*r!dF re,j .: il:i. Etr:i I te.fi Faid ffmount paid fi 1 tlrlrjtj4l if, 1 rJBt:1 r-r:i , r:1lj ih.3rr,J* re t.Lrt'rreC .. r;r . 1t; -THRFI|{ iJOLI 'rr,:r-r;' c.=:fri+r Jf[,i.' \ ----""--:" DaB.ASPI&TASION - lOIIn GF lIAIt, DAIE APPIJTC,A:TION REE4I\}ED : ITASE oF DRB MEEIIT{Gi **aatt**-rti TEI$ .ESPI.TSXIJ@ NII.L EO'I! DA T,cgEEtrtED I'$EI':I. AI& EEOTr{RED IIIE.CIRICS:Ed IS ST'E{EIIiiED {****a*r*- w49-1996 qL. 72: A3Pl1 n FRON EUSTAOUIO CDRTIMI 4?549AL P. E7 .sfDE-AF I.F49,irEcT ItirFoRr{AIIoN : A- DSScRrPrroN: E. "YPE OF RElItrEgr: - New Construction (SZOO-bOI :ddditior ($s0.o0) X tdinor iqJcerat.Lon (520 ,00) Concept ual Review L a rlreeta arrd. $6q146 IegAI on a ceparate Sbeet ,.Yrd fr ADDRESS: r.i'ear,DESCRTPTIOH; SubdivS.Bl-oE, r.oE - 5 L6l€Hgn E.l-ock T If plopertsr is _desc.rjled by descriptionr 1:Jease ptovide attach to rbie appliiatJ,on. ZONIN6: CdnA€ECtnL AeE E. F ,t. K. t-oT AREA i If requLred, 3ppli.cant starrDed sur'sey show.{ng' Iots area_ .AJ?PL,!CS1\1.J, s Address: tnuat trrrovide a curre.nt J,: b!4- Ple.Ed# PrrrD: E'/-O,d.) G. Il. NAt'c or. MaiJ-J'ng RA!dE OI'uailing .APPI,TC!,XT?: Phone ?IIAME OF q$NMER,S: *slcnrN'lxtRE (s] :uailt-rr9 AddresE] Conctoui4lr.lur 5-f applicarrfe. enaure the correct' fee is paid. t 0-$ 1of00o $20.00 sf0,001 -$ 50,OOo g5o_oo 9- s0, Q91 - 5 t 50, 0o0 gloo. o0 s150,001 - s 500, ooo $2oo.o0 ssoo, oo1 - $I.,0o0, 000 ${oo.0o $ over $r, oo0. 00c g5o0.oo DRB EF.E| DRb'f_ees, as sqos4 above, aro t,o be paid at Ene E1&e of, subnitta+ oF DRB appi.tcrtioa - -Late.E, vlrea alrplyl.ns for a brrrlrirg_ perert;-pteast iaeneiiy-ii. -- acgurate valuatf.on bf [llE prop;sal . T]re Towra af va:iJ y_r-lL ad]Psr c}te fee accorclJ.ng to tfre tat,te be1ow, tO TEE.-EEHEDIII'Ei - Lv +vurtfr.=_B1-._vAr,nArroN r-Es fr,\z lpe+_'P1g11_)$1 $ o-s 1.n-onn qr^^^ I 97e4?F,4*i.L P.@ .l3l z0 1ffi -rcu*taA, ew.e, awElaU -waitEffi 4sa 'i DESrdf ntgrslc EqrRD anFpEsrz$L EETRES oxE tE5B. rE[sn" 6 ;i5F8gvA! rErLEba 4 EotjSpag'a t3rlc5 qEer€ED.lsreggEE'}l[De956uc8rc[rls *TsIO,hgPLrc'ATtrON ITXT.I, E(E PROCESSED WIgECrry? @-Le-L996 11 : 45Ct'1 TOTAL P, A1 o NAI'TE OF PROJECT LIANSIIENP LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: tOT_!_ BIOCX / SUBDTVTSION STREET ADDRESS Z 92A UAAEIJPAD /KALL u6w+a l{ DESCRIPTION OF PROI7ECT:RE6/O9N7-/+L ADtsn'taM The following infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia soffits Vlindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail_s FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE PF MATERIAL . col.oR 6H )N5tz +' apt.'tsc p lnoO u. vztrnl4L ti xJ-t\ [<- - bKN. To rl,tm+l dv. lAt(r (Il NP, 7-z 7A ,4l,+fzrl r\eNe ADDED N/fr LANDSCAPING: Name of Desisner: pf,one: PLANT MATERIALS: Bot.anical Nane PRoPoSED TREES N,Nb Common Narne Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Il0A/E *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous.trees is 2 inches. Indicate 4FrK rtlilwlotb , A^toeTanp urPpg NONE ADDED N)NE AoDro E,rees.height -f,or coniferous a o corron .,t ouantitv Size* N/a. t.t#. of proposed shrubs. Square Footaqe rt/a PLAIIT IIIATERIAI-: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOIED *Indlcate sLze 5 qallon.. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.LAIiIDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterlor lighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures -and tocations on- a ieparate lighting.plan. Identify each fixture from Uhe fi'gnting plan on the list below and provlde the wattage, height-above - grade and type of llght proposed. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaini.ng wallsl fences, swimrning pools, etc.) Please- specify. Indicate heights of'retainin!walls. Maximum height of walrs within the frorrt. setback i6 3 feet. Maximum height of waLls el_sewhere on the property is 6 feet D. rt t r00'd ttlc'oN xu/xr 9s:9I s6/72/20 €t2-22-198b agr3SRt't FFm{ EUST,IGIJ|C Coprif.sr TR IlIGlfL P.,f: Fritzlen Pierce Briner Frhrl.y 20. :996 j Dagtofcoar.DGrctorur t Toua cf Vrll i DerTs qAer Mry ...o||cat: r T[e l$sd.crlurdrort .r.,!.!|tl'',T ++rmolertm ryprrlwr ofGr rddtislrtg lla inltj ?0g, X09- jOE, rd ,0g rs pr,ryud try ftlrrlsr Ptc lrk r|,r*ircrr qa ibcir ,frrwir;r &td{ lf_95, .fuy? EcsqrdoCordl Prrlld tor,la 3JU:Ild ilAlzlltd .'..G B';8I 6/ZA/ZA Beceptloa No...l?8-6J9--..--. --*--U.4re1l.-B-.-..9gf.-2,--.--.-rocorder. Trrs Drno, Mado thh 27Eh dey ot october , 19 70 r betsera VAIIJ ASSOCIATES, INC. r corporatloa duly organlzeil eod erlsting under ond by vlrtue of tho lrrr ol tbc Stalc ol COlgradg VICTOR CATS T'ARO ol thc firat pait. ud t Rccorder'r fltamp tm ltcfltnffY [I DartJ o( the lirst part, for ltre[ a* ot (9-e:1.',(,." , ViCe- Preslilerl and 8€crotart ol r coraoratlon. ol the .(bunty ol of tho aeconil partl rnil State ol WITNESSETII, That lhs rnld patty ol the Jirct part, for and ln conslderation ol the rum of TEN . . DOrTLARS and other good and valuable consideration Uoutreffi, to the rald pattv of the flrst iart.ln hand pald by the raftl perty o! tbs recond parf the recelpt whsreo! ls here. by confersed and achrowledged, hath granted, bargalned, rold and conveyed, end by these presentr dolh grant, bar. galn, rell, convey and conjirn unto tho !8id par! y . ol the recond patt, his hcln, anit rrclgnr tor. srcr, all ol tho followlng dercribed lot or parcel of land, gituate, lying anit being In tho County ol Eagle end State ol Colorado. to witl Condominium Unit #_gqg_, VArLILTONSIIEAD CENTRE CONDOMINIUM, according to the map thereof filed for record in Book 2l-B at Page 902 and according and suu56ffio the Condominium Declaration therefor re- corded in Book-_?fl'at page 9Ol , Eagle County, Colorado. TOGMEEI! rlth oll rnd rlngular tho hercrlltamcats and appurtenrnces thereuato belooging, or ln enrrkc rppertalnlng' end the tcrerrlon ot rorenlons, remalnilerr, rentr, lssuea anrl DroJlts thereoti and rll the estate, rlghl dtle' lnterecl. elalm and demand whstsoeler ol tho utd parly of tho lirrt part, elther ln lrw or cqultn o!, In rnd to the abova bargalned prenlsel Filh tho heredlbmrntr and appurtenrncer. TO RAVB AND TO trOLD the rald premlrer aboro bergolned and descrlbed, wlth ths aFpurt€nBneer unto thr rnd ltr rucceslota, doth covenrnt, grant, bargaln, end agree to snd with tho rald part y of the recond par! hi5 helg rnd earlgnr, that at ths dme of the enseoling and dellvery ol these presents lt ls sretl rclzcd ol the premlser above conveyeil, ar of a good, rurc, Derfect, absolute and lndefeasibls estate ol lnherltance, ln tew, ln fee rlmple, and hath good rlght, full power and lawful authority to gr8nt, bargaln, rell and cDnvey the ramc ln nranner and lotrn aforesaid, and thot tho ssm6 rrs tree and eleor lrom all tormer and other gronts, bargalur. raler, llens, tsrer, asleremchtr and tncumbrrnces ol nhatever kinil or nature !oeve!; srtcject to general taxes and special assessments for 1970, payable in 1971 and alr subseguent taxes, and subject, to the protect,ive covenantsf easementa and restrictions of record, rrld part y of th. lecond Drrt his vAIr, ASSOCIATSS, INC. H. NOIT bcln and arrlgrr forever. And the rald 'rtl0 tle above bargalneit premlses In the qulet anil percerble posaesslon of the sald party of the recold part ;.; r:his belrg.anil asslgns, against all and ovarT Der€on olpersons larvlully clalriing or to clolm the whole ot iny p[rt ther€ot, th6 lald party ol tho Iirlt Dart chall and will WARRANT AND FoREVER DEFEND.I iit lfffffnss lyEEllEOF, The aairl party ot tbc lirat part hath causerl lts corporsto name to be hereuato ;lubicrllicd by llr V!ce- ^President, and lts corporotc leal to be hereunto sffixed, atlest€d by lt! :qpc.dt4rt, thc day and yerr flrat rbovo written.'ir.-.ri i // i QI mo thls )7+( JOtilrl B.TI^fEEDY rt i! rNc., tty roterlal cormtrrtoa rurphr 4''*'/ I lZ Zl Wltacar uy hand end olllclal rebl. -v_sl Il...as.s.gg_.ras.E s"_J.t{.c.,.....-_d..-.4.n!._. t+ ''---/- 3 to77 /b') '*-i/+ l{O, l0B. iJ|I"RANIT DEElt-C.rrorruo!.-Ererlloti ltblhllnr Co., tlr}lf 8b!t !!.c.t Dor.?, Cotor.do-t tO v Itecordcd lloccptlon Tus DEED, Made thtr bctsecn LUIS G. AGJILAR, ,,| . County of Eagle , rErg ol the end Stato ol Colorado, oi the firet part, and TRANSCON II{VESTMENTS, INC., a panamanian corporation,whoaelegaladdrceyta c/o Augustine e n.iiiieia, rrr erm st.,ot thc CitynoSr.no, Couniy of San Diego, snd State of Cal ifornia 9olqlsdr. of the recond part: condominium unlt No. 309, Vair/r,ionsh6ad centre condominiurns, according to the Map thereof filed in Record Book 218 at page 9o2 as amended by anended nap in :::l_:1:.":_lls. 140: and.accordJ.ns ro r.trc condominium o..rui"tron'i", ".iri iit-"rl".qI-iri] ^^'rh!t! ^F F--l county of Eagle, state.of coliiradt, subject to the terms, .".Ji.i.i!-i"u nrl-vi-sions of said condominiurn Declaration and First Amendment to condominium Declaration, Sl€O-k$e+q+ 1c ctreot anrl nrrntrb-gf ToGE:IEER with all and rlngular the hereditamenls and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywlgc appcrtsinlna, and the reversion and reversions, remaindcr and rcnrainders, rents, issuer and profits thercof, and all the GstBte, righl, tltle, interest' clalm and d.emnnd whatsocvcr of thc sald party of the first port, either in lo\e or equity' of, in and to the above bargained prcmises, with the hcreditaments'snd appurt€nancca.To uAvE iND To BoLD the aaid premises abovc bargainctl and described with the appurtennnces, unto the anld party of the eecond part, igs hcire nnd rssigrrs forcvcr. And the said party of tho first part,for him relf his beirs, executors, and administratols, docs covenantr grant, bargain, anrl ngrec to ond e'ith the sald party of the second part' its hoirs nnd nssigns, that at the timo of the cnscaling and delivery of theae presents, he Is well aeized of thc lremiscs rbove convcycd, ns of good, sure, perlect, absolute ontt indefeasible €ctate of irherltance, in law, in fee simple, nnd has good right, full power and larvful authority to STan t, bargain, sell and convey the same in manncr entl form as aforcsoid, ard thal the same are frce and clcar frorn all former and oth€r 8!&nt9' bargains, sales, liens, tnxcs, assessments and encumbrances of rvhatever kind or narure 60ever) excep. deed of Erust recorded ln Book 21g at page 622, aad t curren! real property taxes and assessnents. and the above bargalned premises in thc qulet end peaceablc possession of the sa.id part y Its helrs and assigns aga.inst all and cvery pcrson or persons lawfully claimihg or any part tbereof, the eald party of the first part shall and w.ill WARRANT AND WITNESS WHEREOF, the aald part y ot the f irst pnrt has on the day and year flrst above rvrittan. iitod Matidil geiliii IN and rcal Tte foregoing inltrubent was ecknowledged 19 78 ,by LuIs G. AGUILAR, JR. My com.rrlssion explrer hereunto 80t F c 'I I I I I I l E r.j J*. before JUL 2 5 1978 and official eesl, ':?-'OHN F; ioe Consul of tho.Untted A 7r-f-* $Iillt 000lj[Illlillll lft .NAV, /5)tV[ of the second part, or to claim the whole FOREVDR DEFEND. hls hand wlrNEssETs, That the aald party of the firat part, for and in considergtion of the sum o{o4u |,arry er rne rrra[ pan, tor ano ln constdefation o! the sum o{ one Dol}ar__ ( +J. . uu, _______ ___{|rarNvsrr|q,xloo{Jdo$(to the said party of the first part in hand paid by caid parry of the second pert, the receipt rvhcreof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has grantcd, bargaincd, soid and convcyed, and by these prcsents does grant, bargaln, lell, convey and conrirm, unto tJre oaid pnrty of thc rccond part, its hcira nn4 n.:sigrrs for.cvcr, all the foltowing deecribed lot or pnrccl of l:rnd, sitrrltc, lying nnd bcing in thc County of EagJ.e and Stota of Colorlrlo, to rvi!: rdcral Dlrtrtct I tt ;r M;;i;; - (; ,r,,,"*; ;;;; d.Rts ff .cmomoo a tcr of Arncrlcr ih,.rrrty or NO. t32. tlfnAt{Tt DEED-por pb.t j".!N. R-..ori._!rrdfori prblbbh., C.., tfrk6 gt ot 6 !r."rr D.ar.r. Colo"rdo _e.?? z//tr,/zy -.h,- ", 4tfis-s'/254'>"sz g/sr's- @r Dsp.rnnasNtoF, E9re.TE FI CEFITIFICI1TE OF flUTHBRITV ccrFlPgF.lFlT I0l.l. TO C,nnmrlcAT'E. ,/, u.Lnr ESTILL BUCHANAN, geaph,ru a/ sfkk o/ fu glak o/ go/a4a/o /oap/tf 4y l,tal {,/"e /tztvtetTaArfiet fu, l/,p dw.uarzce 4 ha aafrftbak /ca'ae lcon, l"E/k/ 'r^ uorrT/,*r oe witA /aao a'n/ ata @ to "orrfa,u* A lailt,' "{cca,Llirytf , il*' *il"'w/,ic/, iy ah,hoe t/ il* "*lt*ihl o*k/ rm rne /ty /a*, /rerLtk t)uaeo TRFtftSCOl.{ Il'lVESTt'1El.lT5, Itltl. , Ft Pfll.lfll'lFt DATED:SEPTEI'IBER 29, L97A Vca^.. AA* *-*U.,n- srare ' 1..c r l.cr t.l rtt.i. 2, i ll .. APPLICA'TION FOR cERTTFTcATE oF AuTFronrry Fll t'i'r lL_L- i.l OF ro tr,, s,.*ro,y ;; ;;;i".- -.........T.n+N.:.c..9.r-..ir.y.P9..T119'llT9.r"..II'-c-.:'...'....... .. .....2'g..i{p 'irl of thc Stale of Colorado ., ,. ,, , Pursuant to thc provisions of thc Colorado Corporation Act, the undcrsigned cbfnOfittjo!] llqrg.bf annlic,tL-r0 for a Ccrtificate of Authority to transact business in your Statc, and for that purposcl'sElJmits 'lhb fdllpl:ipg slatemenl: FIRST: The narne of tbe corporation is......T.ranscon...Inv.es.tr$e.n.1s.,....Inc..-............... :::' : *:.:--'::::::::::::-:.:'":::::. ":':" " l:-""-:":1" ,J;;;, THIRD: lr is incorporared undcr the laws or...!-h.9...8.9P..9.9.1.i9..g-f...P.9n.9.1L9.'..-....-. FOURTI{: The <iare of its incorporation is.....4Pf.ii....i9.r....1.?.1-9,......................and thc pcrio<J of its d u r a r i o n i s......P.9 LP.-e..9.11.?. 1.,............... FIFTI l: 'l'hc addrcss of its principal officc in lhc statc or coun(ry undcr tltc laws of wlriclt it is incorpor- ' arert is..Rip.ard.o..A,....D.ur.Iins.,...Via...Espana....L2.g..,....Pa.rld.rlli....l,...8.9pu.b].r.e..iqf...P+.n.qra t tt principat placc of business in Colorado is.....c./o....,Ioh.n...M.r}.].s-r....P..'.Q.,...F.-9.I...6.?..3-,....Y..eil.,.9.q].9.' 816 SIXTI{: The adclress o[ its proposcd rcgistercd office in Coloracto is...P.'.Q.'....H9.X....6.?.?.r...'V-q.i.].,.'..". .......Q9l.q.r_9.99_..j..9.1.q.5.?.... and rhc nanrc.of its proposed registcrcd agcnt irt Colorado at that addrcss SEVENTII: The purpose or purposcs rvhich it l)rol)oscs to Pursuc in thc trarrsaction o[ busiucss in Colo- ra<Jo are....rPB.I...estre.Le...-o..w.ne..r.s-h.tp..-3.nd...9pe-r.a.!.19-n'...-'.....-. .Sa n..Die.go.,.. .CA..... 9. 2.1 0.1....'.... .Ianres.'.['....Rohin.so.n.'..........'........Dj.r.e.!or..'...... Sec./Treas tl EIGHTII: Thc narlrcs lrnd rcspcctive addrcsscs of its dircctors and officers are: NA i\I E OFFICE . ADDltf.s:'; Sharon K. Rose NIN'l'l"t:'Ihc a-cgrcgatc nuntbcr of sharcs of sharcs, sltirrcs withou( par value, and scries' wlrich it lrls autltoritY to if any, rvitlrin a chss, is: issuc, itctnizcd b1'clitsscs' 1r'lr lrlrtc Plr Valrrc P!'l SIlill c | 'r Slirtcttrctrl lll:ll Slt;rtcs a1c \(itlltllll - l';r r Vltlrrc -- $1,00 par value Scrics.Nrtnrhcr of Shircs I0,0oo Anfrlir:aliort l:iling Fce S60,1)0 Liscnsc ljcc . $.(0.00 -lo'f^l. dtlJll0s f O.t , { t) Srrlrrrrrl rrulttirlir:itll common Scrics Pnr .Valrrc pcr Shl rc or Slatcnlcnt thill Sharcs arc withorrl Par Valuc . ELEVENTH: This application is .acconrpanictJ by ,n. copy of its artjclcs of incorporurion und 1ll arucld-nlertls therc(o, duly authcnticatcd by thc propcrstarc officcr of the stat6 or country undsr thc laws of wlrich it is incorporatcd. o atea......&fh./.....t.................., r e....zf (Notc 2) (Notc 3) STATE O F..q A -L-I F.9-.8 I.I I A 1,,. )couNTY oF...s.a,ll..D IrGO. .k $1.00 par value a notary public, do hcrcby ccrtify tlrat pcrsonally appearetl beforc nrc, ....Q'.o-I'l on this r e..J-9., l:9.::.l-i.t.:...3.f.9....9.1.1L9.1...5.:....S.99-9.................., rvho, bcing by nre rirst rruly s|orn, dcclarcrl tirar rhheY rr'nFFSilgn..r thc forcgbirrg tlocunrcnr ns..PF.9.S.t.(i9.n.L...+.n.g...F.egF.eF.ery..................or thc corporarion, and tjrat thc slatcments containcd thercin arc truc. In witncss whcrcof I have hereunro set my hantt and scal ,hi"....bl............d^y ot...frdrJ!v?./-.......-..-..., ^.D. ts.?.t... My c o nr nr i ss i on .rpn'r....1K{.,.....? :f t.... I 1.1..t...%/ /^*- Nutcs: l, lI tlrc Dnnrc of lhc corPrrration (loc$ not contair lhc r,i or "cerl)ulal;r)n," "tortpirrry," or an abbrcviation 0f onc ()f suclr words, inicrl thc narrrc of tlre corporatiorr witli{hc it clccts to add thcrcto for usc in this Sl;ltc. Eract col?oralc nanlc of cotpr)r:ltion nraking tlrc applicution. Signaturc and titlcs of officcrs signing for lhc cornoration. Paragroph Elcvcn nrcrns onc original ccrrificd copy of sll cerporatc docunrcnti lrom montlrr ol (lllng dotc, (Xcrox cupicr nor Accctthlrlc.) Subnit in duplicrt! ., L 4, Nutrry Public "irrcor por irrcr.l." rrr "linritcrJ" rvord or irbbrcvi;rtiun whiclr flirfc||l Statc .hrtcil tvitlrin xrx ^... -i-ti:l ll, i1,: l$,Q^,I:T,,::1,^,,,1 ,tr:lr-r-rg sl'rrcs, ircrnizcd.rry].r, piu valuc of sharcs, slrarcs wirlr- , out par valuc, and series,l any, within a class is: Numhcr of,' Sharcs ----', Clais conmon 6# My Commls OFFICIAL SEAL CHRISTA BROWN NOtany r,(,8Ic CAL tf OnNtA PRtNCtPrlt orFtcE tN sAN OIEGO COTJNTY slon Erpires Feb. 25, 1979 .- 1VARAANTV DEED THrs DEaD. uad{,'ltc ?rh day of July, rrrz, botvcfrE rHRt:1i CoRP., . TEXAS CORPOFATION ol tho County o( lDr{/.s-and Si,atl| tt4'e grantor, lnd JosE LUIS CIIAIN AND CAF.:{EN FAJEn DE CIiAIN l,hote ?n rddre.r ir canlno grnta T.rres! 87?, F.dragsl, Noxlco DF l{020 ,- l1--l county o! __- and 6tatc of uextco, grrntsa5t t{ilxBssgf8, Thlt th. grantor for and ,ln concid€rlclon of tbe 6uu ot TdlJ DoIJ,Anll .l,}rD qn lR-cooD AND VALUAELE CONSIDER,|I8IOrI thr rccslpt And .uftlal.ncy of vhlch la h€rsby acknoul.dgod, hEa grant d,btrglln.d, aold lr|d csnv€y6d, and by thos. proJcnta Go.rE -grcnt,brrgaln, raII, conyay and conftrn unto tho grant..., tholr htlE! drd rrrlgn. f,or.v.r, not 1n gonrDcy ln connon but' ln Joint teneaoy. aII roll prog.Ety, tog.th.r vlth lnproventnta, lt !ny, sltuata, _lylng rtt4 brlng tn th. county ot E!gt. and 8tat. ol colorrdo d.3orlb.6 at folloc.t 1 , condorlnluE Unlt No. t08 v fLlIrtOlfSHElD CENTAT CoNDOI{INIUHS lccordtng to lhc t{.p thoraot flled for r3cord ln Book 218 rt Irsgo 903 ra rB.nd.d by AD.ndod |{ap ln.Boo* 225 .l Prgr ?{0 rnd locordtng to thr Condollnluu Declaratlon lor vlll/Llonrhcad Ccntra Condol1nlu! r.oot'ded !n Book 218 at P.g! 901 !t aDondad b! iirrt J|! ndrent to condorlniun Dcchration Eesorded ln EooI guNE9n9 ot Ir,i{a,lrgal o! tho (,\,,: C) U b K Q,I tli E. T a t tfi -{i I a-r.{ il oc toc f3a.50 225 at Pog. 741. SubJoct to thc terEr, condltlonE rnd provl.lon. of 3r1d condo[furlur D.ghret1onrndrtr.tA!.ndc.nttocondoE1nlu!Deolrra!lon. COUTTY O! EA,CLT 81ATB Ot OOIIn.IDO i ;f roh.dul., OoO331l "r',4*J rr lnryn by rergat rnd nuDbor ar! 520 E. Llonth.tcl clrcl. I 2O8, ,V.lI, co E1657 TOcETttEB ulth all ond elngular the h6r.dltrn.ntr and rgpurtsnonca,gbtrrto b.Ionglng, or ln |n!&llse appartllnlng, and the r.v.r.lon rnd ravoralonS, roulnd.r and reroalndrr., ront., laru ond protttt tlroroot, and aII th! .rtatc, rlght, tltle, lntercaF, clslE and den nd rrhltroovca of tho grrntqr, qlth6r ln Iar or cguity, of th rnd to tha rbov. bargoln.d pr.!t.Gi, wfth th. hcrodtt.!.nts tnd qppurtonanc.a,a To HIVS lltD So ltotD thr rald preuirc. rbovc bargalned rnd do.calbadt vllb tlra rgDurtt$no.a, unto th. gr!n!.., hll hrtrg and arolgnr tot3.r.t. Aill tha gErntor, for bln.3lt, hll helrr, and D.rEonrI r.pr.tantrttva!, dg.a covsnant, grantf brrgraln, and agrar to and ultb th. g ntca, bb hrlrr and r'rlgns, that rt th. tlEs of tha .nr.rllng rnd drl tvory ot th.3. praront., hc lr urll r.la.d of thr praDlaaa abovr aonvayod, hr8 goo€1, surs, parfaotr Bbooluta ond lndslraetblo aatrt. o! lnherttance, ln lau, ln toa slaFlo, and h|r good right, tull por|r and lauful ruthortty to grant r batgeln, '.lI rnd convry tha rar. ln llnnrr and tor! r. atoratrld, rnd thtt lh.rala rra fraa tnd ctacr fror rll for[.r rnd othor gnrntr, btrgetnr,oal€!, llana, tlx|3, laaoasDontr, encunbrancaa and rertrtction3 ol rrhat.v.r lclnd or nrt,ufa aoov.r, .xcept '!hor. rrttara r3t torth tn Exirlbit nAf attrch.d haa.to and Erda ! prrt h.r.ot . Et|. grurtor rhell and vlll WARRANT AllD rOREVEn DgFEilD th. abovr-bargrlnad pra[lr.i ln thc qulet and p.aaoabla trorsa8.lon of tho grlnta., hlr hrtrr and ..rlgno, agalnet all lnd .Y.ry p.rron or D.r.on. l.gtully clrttlng th€ trho!3 or rny Dort Charoof. thr rlngulrr nunb.r .haII lnclude tha plural, th. plurrl thr rlnguler, rnd the u.. ol rny gendar ehall be appllgabl. to rII g.nd.r.. IN WITNESS tHlruOl, th. grontot har sx.cut.d thl. d..d on th. dat. .ot,torth rbov.. THE THREE TIUNTERS CORP., rl TEXAS CORPORITION t e^a.'rr-C V*B): .l,r||('6 li. l)iiy, ,r.. pr(' ,\lf'rrl traf.rt lilla cl a.gta C.t tr. 1.. i: :r E ..r lir] i ,r,/:, (!- , jiii lfi,ij, ''ri;, t ;di*j{t,; Jl:.i, r. ., \]r.v,'.Lili.- .r.,,.*i,l r-errr-.l r ]t 'I I .l l$,':.'tJ. .;.iii:.I,r... .r.' r'tql.r j...,. ii;., {,r,-. .,;&J Cr;rr;t.,-, l!,, l9I!,,.i| fi_:\l l-1, lil" ,,' ir Lnertt . .', rt;u . rL3ti:.,gr l"g,.r.;r.rr: j.r.r,, qi.*f,f i li46 ,,t .)r, ,: i',r. Lrrrl.r '. :-,lr !?r..i1, Sr:.,.'u ,;f r]:lirr!rr:,1:..'-f ii .it.t, '1i ';;' .-'lt F ''.iti SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 92007747C2 THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWTNG UNLESS THE SA.I{E ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTTON OF THE COMPANY: 1. RIGHTS OR CIJAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SiTOMT BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS. OR CIJATMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN By THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS rN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANy FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVSy AND INSPECTTON OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, L,,ABOR Op. MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FTJRNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS,IN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLTC RECORDS OR ATTACHTNG SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTTVE DATE HEREOF BU? PRTOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD I'OR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMMITMENT.6. uNpATENTio ururnc.cLArMS; insnnverToNs oR nxciprrons rN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZTNG THE ISSUANCE THEREOF,. WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. NOTE: "MECHANIC/S LlEN'r AND/OR ilcApr PROTECTION (EXCEPTToNS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) MAy BE AVAILABLE WITH AN OI^INER'S POLfCV OF TITLE INSURANCE ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UPON COMPLIANCE WITH STEWART TTTLE GUARANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS TO THOSE SPECTFTC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. 7, Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, of record, reserviirg r)Rights of the proprietor of a vej-n or ]ode to extract-and renove his ore therefrorn and 2) rights of way for ditches and canals constructed under the authority of the United States. B. Utility and drainage easenents as shown on plat of said Subdivision and as reserved in instrument recorded July 30, LgTo in Book 218 at Page 335 as Reception No. 113926 9. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color,Continued on next page CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDUI,EB-SECTTON2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NTIMBER: 92OO77 47C2 religion or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded May 18 | L97O in Book 218 at Page 334 and as amended by instrunent recorded October L5, 1970 in Book 218 at Page 899. l-0. Set-back restrictions, as shown on the recorded plat of said Subdivision. l-1. Terns, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations as contained in the Condoniniun Declaration for Vail/Lionshead Centre Condoniniums recorded in Book 218 at Page 901, as amended by First Amendment recorded in Book 225 at fag6 zar. L2. Easenents, restrictions and rights-of-wiys as shown on the Condoniniun Map recorded in Book 2t-8 at Page 902. L3. This company does not insure against. and shall not have liability for any action for actions taken by the state of Colorado or by the United States of America. l-4. Rlghts, remedies, Iirnitations.on liabilit|,i foreglosurer or other recourses, to dr by the insured, as same may exist on behalf of or be claimed by the present or.r/ner, its successors, or those clairning for or on its behatf, by and under existing or future agreernents or treaties with the United States of America,or by and under the Foreign Sovereign fmmunities Act for 1976,P.!: 94-583, 90 Stat. 289!t et seq., as same may be amended,rnodified, supplenented, or superseded. Pursuant to Senate BiIl 91-t-4 (C.R.S. t0-l_l_-L22) Notice j-s hereby given that: a) The subject real property rnay be ]ocated in a special taxing district; b) A certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obt.ained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurerrs'authorized agent; c) fnformation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts rnay be obtained from the board of County Conmissioners, the County Clerk and Recordert ot the County Assessor. Continued on next page J ORDER NUMBER: 92007747C2 Fursuant to Senate BiIl 92-143 given that: o CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTTONS (C.R.S. 10-11-L22) Notice is hereby A certificate of taxes sha1l be obtained from Treasurer's authorized due listing each taxing jurisdiction the Count.y Treasurer or the County agenE.. LN .-, -4.-t r, n TOWNOFVAIL NECEIFT NO DEPARTMEITiT OT CO}'MTJNITY DEIELOPMEFiT ADDNESS PR(}IECT CIECXS M^DE FAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL - TOr L: 0t 0000 41540 ZONINGANDADDREffi s5.00 0l 0000424t5 UMFORM BUILDING EODE $54.00 0l oo@42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE-$39.00 0l 0000424t5 I]NIFORMMECIIANICALTODE $37.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 (,1 m00 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $t7.u)0t 000042415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41544 BLUE PRTNTS (r\4E4R![$7.00 0t 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0l 0000 42412 STUDIES 0l oo0042412 ToVFEESCOMPUTERPRcEm $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTYFEES/RFII'ffi 0l 00004t332 PLAN REVrEw RE-c HECrFEE _[!4TTERTRJ-0l m00 42332 O FF IIOURS IN STFCTIOFFEES 0l 0000 4l4l 2 CONTRACToRSLICffi 0l 0000414R SIGN APPLICATIONTEE s20.00 0l m00 414t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER sqTTI- -c ART PROJEqT DONATION 0l 00004ti3I PBf PAtp pESTCN REVTEI{ BOARTFEE-1,t\. (-AL@9q4ItF ITWESTIGATION FEE ( BUILDING} 3l 0000 45t t0 TOV PARKINC FUND 0r 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 0l 0000 2lll2 t4(AEqr@r4l5ffi * 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE@4.02 (TowN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDINGINv_EsTffi OTI]ER il 0l oo00 4t330 2s0"s200.00 01 m00 41330 ONDIIIONAL USE PERMIT 5200.00 0l 0000 41330 tsXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SO.FTT-s200.oo 0t 0(}00 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATIOhI TMORE-TTRtrTOOSOFTT-$500.00 0l 0000 41330 sPEclAL DEVELoPI\,IENT DISTRITI IXEWI-s I ,500.00 0l 0000 413io SPEC]ALDEVELOPMEW s1.000.00 0l 0000 413t0-SPECIAL DEVELOPMFNT DIW s200.00 0l 0{}00 4l3m SUtsDIVISION 0l m00 41330 VARIANCE s250.00 0t firm 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0l 0000 41330 |RE.ZONT $200.00 OTHER I OTH_ @ I I /, | /1 t'^ rl *,**,^, Lionshead ( px\+yu (pa'dxnh^Q kdd, :l)Li7 _ QISE I t cx.r1 !{.OLr *".."', Lul ,r -r r. a.r ----iltt BF .,*rr- $iscellanes's Csh S2-??'56 1E:?9:ET EeceiE,t * 1?4ZB? --::::..:"* f,H.*67&B ::;1T";"' trTEpiE. BFIIqER\'FPu f F.I I .-LL' '! -- f,rrc,r-rn t t'ende re'tr trRF FEE5 76,8s Item Paid Bl886S4133tEB6 f,h.ange ret'urned i Hror.rrri Paid aFJ"6E1 E. Eff THgF.ll< vc!-l RECEIPT - e Tovm of Vail .,4itn N9 l?812 DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Permit l{umbers *wP o o v o I 4 *.74* 13.1 - sf e-/-.,ut--- 3325,-z-p- t>&=J-o &4L/4 l- ,/c 1e;;rl o o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 14, 1993 A request for a joint worksesslon with the Design Review Board and Planning and Environmental Commission for an exterior alteration for Lionshead Center to allow an addition on the southwest corner of Lionshead Center and to discuss a parking issue related to the current commercial expansion, located at Lot 5, Block 1, Lionshead 1st Filing/520 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen DESCRIPTION OF THE BEOUEST A. Alfie Packer's Addition Oscar Tang, the applicant, is proposing an expansion to the Alfie Packer Grill Restaurant entrance. This area is approximately 514.3 square feet. ln the approval made for the Lionshead Center renovation on December 7, 1992, the area for the Alfie Packer entrance was approximately 300.2 square feet. The additional area has been designed in an effort to make the space more financialty viable and in an effort to satisfy the concerns of the owner of the restaurant space. ln addition to expanding the entrance to Alfie Packer's, the applicant is proposing to relocale the public restrooms for Lionshead Center. Currently, they are located on the interior of the building. With the proposed addition, new restrooms will be provided on the west end of the building and will be more accessible to the public. These restrooms are approximately 276.5 square feet which makes the total addition 790.8 square feet. The areas are shown in the table below:' New Alfie Packer entrance New restroom area Total new area 514.3 square feet 276.5 square feet 790.8 square feet Former Alfie Packer entrance 300.2 square feet B. Provision of Enclosed On-Site Parkino for the Cunent Commercial Remodel Another issue which the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) should review is a request brought to the statf by Charlie Crowley. Mr. Crowley owns a few of the tenant spaces within Lionshead Center and requested that he and Oscar Tang be able to provide parking on-site instead of paying into the parking fund. Staff has researched the issue thoroughly, consulted with Larry Eskwith, and has concluded that applicants may provide parking on-site in the CCll zone district. This is not the case in the CCI zone district. The parking regulations for the CCll zone district require that 50% of the required parking be provided within a structure. As long as the total number of spaces within the parking garage does not exceed more than 50% of the required parking, any additional parking may be provided within the interior of the building. The applicant is proposing to create two compact spaces within the garage by removing curb and sidewalk and restriping four spaces. Staff believes that this is an acceptable proposal and will reduce the total parking pay in lieu fee by two spaces or $16,000 in conJunction with the current remodel under construction. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zone District: CCll Lot Size: 0.923 acres or 40,205 .9 square feet Proposed Addition: approximately 790.8 square feet None of these zoning statistics will change from those shown in the December 7, 1992 memo. The addition will be located above the Vail Associates Ski School operation on the existing deck of Alfie Packer's. Due to its location above existing floor area, there is no change to site coverage or landscaping. Allowed Existinq Proposed Building Height: 48 tt. 47 lt. 24 feet Setbacks:North 10 ft. 20 ft. 50 ft.East 10 it. 4il ft. nla West 10 ft. 5 ft. 10 tt.South 1 0 tl. S tt. 36 ft. Site Coverage: 2S,135.7 sq. ft. 23,8277.3 sq. tt. no change or 7O"/o or 59.3% Landscaping: 8,038.8 sq. ft. 6,432 sq. ft. soft no change or 20% minimum 1.607 sq. ft. hard (max. hard 9,039 sq. ft. total landscape is 1,607) GRFA: 32,155 27,916.1 sq. ft. no change or 8O!" or 69.4i1% Required Parkins: ffiffi#[:f;"]"J".0 restaurant entrance) does not generate a parking requirement. 2. 3. ilt. tssuEs FoR DtscussroN Statf would like to focus the PEC's attention on five different issues. Though staff supports the proposal in general, and believes that the overall improvements that are currently under construction are excellent, staff is looking to the PEC for direction on some of the details regarding this addition. 1. ls a flat roof over this addition the most appropriate roof form? The applicants are proposing to use a tar and gravel roofing material which will be identical to the roofing material used on other portions of the building spot roofs. Staff believes that a llat roof of this relatively small magnitude is a reasonable design solution. Should a portion of the deck be removed? Approximately 790.8 square feet of the existing Alfie Packer deck will be removed by this addition. Staff believes that the current deck is much larger than what works functionally or aesthetically. The deletion of this deck area is not a problem, in staff's opinion. What is the best way to handle the transition from the front of the building with its new contemporary facade to the back of the building with the older cedar siding facade? Specific elements to focus on include the zinc facia band and the window treatments. Staff reviewed this issue with Jeff Winston, and believes that blending the various elements is the best approach. The facade that has been used on the new commercial addition is designed to wrap around the new Alfie Packer entrance and then transition back into cedar siding. The facia band would continue beyond this point and wrap around to the south elevation where it would stop at the first indentation of the existing building. Staff believes that this concept works better than the alternative, which would be to change from the new to the old at a single point. ls the proposed awning compatible with the building? Staff is concerned about the amount of awning to be constructed around the Alfie Packer entrance. We believe that an awning that would be located closer to the building, that would be more consistent with the other awning forms on the rest of the building, would be a better design. This issue was discussed in the previous review, and was determined to be acceptable given the location of this entrance. Staff would like to revisit the issue and discuss it with the new restaurant operator and new restaurant space owner. Menu boards and display boxes are allowed for the restaurant and will help with the business identification. How will the walkway from the front doors of the restaurant to the back deck function? Where are the improvements going to be located relative to the existing staircase and the edge of the deck? 4. 5. Stafl would like clarification ol these issues insuring that there will be adequate room for pedestrians to walk from the front of the building to the rear, without having to go inside the restaurant. Staff would also like to understand where the changes in materials will occur. The wallcway up to the restaurant will be constructed with brick pavers. Staff believes that these pavers should continue up to the deck. IV. EXTERIOR ALTERATION CRITERIA Statf will evaluate the criteria for the final hearing. A. Helght and Masslng. B. Rooflng. C. FacadFwall/structures. D. Facade - Transparency E. Decks and Patlos F. Accent Elements G. Landscape Elements H. Servlce and dellvery. V. SUB-AREACONCEPTS Three sub-area concepts, numbers 10, 11 and 12, pertain to this area of the Lionshead Mall. 10. "Planting islands relocated to improve store accessibility and to expand dual mall passage for peak skier crowds." This addition will not affect the pedestrian traffic. 11. "Commercial expansion (one- story) to increase pedestrian emphasis, scale of mall and improve shade-zone facades and accessibility.' The proposal complies with this sub-area concept. 12. "Opporlunity exists for expansion of buildings, arcades, awnings, etc. to improve scale, shelter and appearance of commercial facades." Staff believes that the awning will add color, and variety to the building. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As this is a worksession. there is no staff recommendation. r-1 ll tl lr . ".1. -_ .l_ __ fi I -*" t4afr:,. >.,,. . A- 612 ea,FT, I \ 0l tut _I ( {l $ bl lu, $ I I I I I I I I I I i I I I . I I I I I I I [ :i 12 ;r ;o i; l--=^,l- is r<l '>i ,lIJ I iJ,r ,'.14 ;Fr 'i (r) I |.JJ l= j i'Z:t lO ^F:* ( UJ J u .T F :)o (t) I $ ,& "*:t | - +/,2 |-r.t_-1-\/-) ,,ry , ,,) / 7 tr .$ s \0 )L \g lll $_ E rlr r R,/ t''1N*uu g'''.,$Er{i\NF\\ 4'?ll N,tptt%;toN 6. Kristan Pritz stated that the public benefit with regard to this project needed to be defined. Jeff Bowen stated that the employee housing units were positive and that he felt parking on-site would be difficult with regard to getting in and out during the winter months. Greg Amsden suggested that the owner consider moving the employee housing to another lot in town. Dalton Williams said he woutO trate to see it moved out of the Village area. Diana Donovan stated that she did not o"nt to see upper end housing that did not otfer parking. She added that she did not feel that this was the best use for this propefi, maybe the best use is open space. A request for a joint worksesslon with the Design Review Board and Planning and Environmental Commission for an exterior alteration for Lionshead Center to allow an addition on the southwest corner of Lionshead Center, located at Lot 5, Block 1, Lionshead 1st Filing/s20 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen (r Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that there were two parts to the applicant's request, parking and the design of Alfie Packer's entryway. Andy reviewed the five points about the design made in the staff memo. There is general concurrence from the PEC members and DBB members that the proposed addition met lhe exterior alteration criteria. A concern raised on-site about the width of the passageway from the front to the back of the site as well as a concern about the location tor locating the transition of new materials to existing materials were presented by Bill Pierce. Since the site visit, he and Ray Nielson had modified the design, creating a notch in the side of the building. This revision was supported unanimously by the staff, PEC and DRB. Concerning the parking situation, Andy summarized the research the staff had done, concluding that parking could be provided on-site in CCll, as long as the provision regarding 50% 0f the required parking being within the main buitding was met. Because of this slandard, staff said that they only supported an addition of two spaces, which would be located within the interior of the main building. Bill Pierce said that was acceptable to the applicant but that he would like to revisit the issue and ask for additional spaces to be located on-site. The PEC agreed that locating the two spaces within the main building was reasonable and the fees to be paid into the parking lund could be reduced by $16,000. Planning and Environm€ntal Commission June 14, 1993 t o 7. Bill Pierce then proposed a new concept of changing some of the curent exterior spaces by including them within a garage, He said the appli€nt would be willing to do this if they were able to add exterior valet spaces on-site. The PEC discussed lhis in general and generally liked the applicant's proposal to construct the garage, but had mixed feelings about adding exterior surface valet spaces on-site. A general discussion was held concerning valet parking and the pervious site coverage available. Bill Pierce stated that the parking spaces are currently deeded to particular condominium owners. Andy Knudtsen stated that it may be necessary that the applicant appeal the staff interpretiation of the code. Andy lurther stated that though the garages may-be attractive, and may decrease the degree of nonconformity of the parking situation on-site, that adding exterior valet spaces may require a formal appeal ot the staft interpretation to the PEC. A request to amend Section 18.58.020 of the Zoning Code to clarify the height allowed for retaining walls in setbacks. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Tim Devlin o Tim Devlin made a presentation per the statf memo and stated that this request consisted of two parts: 1.) that the word 'front" be added back into the Zoning Code because it had been inadvertently deleted, and 2.) that research conducled by staff concerning 6 foot retaining walls in the front setback on sites which exceed 30% slope. Tim reported that the Code Revision Fleporl had found that the variance process cunently in place seemed to address these situations adequately. Kathy Langenwalter commented that houses with walls exceeding 6 feet in height was a situation due to steep sloped lots. Tim Devlin stated that the PEC can attach conditions of approval to variance requests, but if wall height is only addressed by the DRB process then these conditions may not occur. Kathy Langenwalter stated that when a ga'age is located in the front setback in an area with a slope of 30% or greater, that a 6 foot wallshould be allowed by right. She added that if the walls were part of the structure (garage), that a variance can be avoided. Dalton Williams stated that he telt that Kathy's comments made sense. Planning and Environmental Commission Jum l* 199t1 L TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen January 6, 1994 Lionshead Center Parking Requirements Below is an outline of the history of the parking assessment for the Lionshead Center addition approved December 7, 1992. 1. PEC approved acommercial addition to the building on December 7, 1992. Total commercial area was calculated at 3,925.2 square feet. This includes all of the shops as well as the Alfie Packer Restaurant area. The resulting parking fee was 13.1 spaces and was shown as such in the PEC memo. 2. April 18, 1993. Charlie Crowley wrote Andy Knudtsen a letter requesting to review parking supply alternatives. lt was his goal to provide some of the required spaces as valet spaces or to provide them on-site by restriping the parking lot. Andy Knudtsen worked with Charlie and Ray Nielsen for some time on a variety of ideas and layouts. 3. May 7, 1993. The Town of Vail issued the building permit for Phase L At this time, the project was broken into two phases, and the Alfie's entrance area was separated from the rest of the development. Andy Knudtsen calculated parking for the building permit of Phase I and determined that there was 3,637 square feet of commercial floor area. This translates to 12.1 parking spaces. Later on, when the building permit was issued for Phase ll of the development, a parking requirement was not assessed. The staff reviewed the space and determined that the public bathrooms and the entrance way into the restaurant did not generate a parking requirement. 4. May 12, 1993. Andy Knudtsen prepared a tive year parking payment plan based on the 12.1 spaces. The verbal agreement with Ray Nielsen, Bill Anderson and Oscar Tang was to pay for all of the spaces for Phase l, knowing that discussions would continue regarding alternative striping patterns or valet spaces which could reduce the parking requirement. 5. Late May, 1993. Notes in the file indicate that Andy Knudtsen had done further research with Lany Eskwith regarding valet spaces. lt is clear that restriping the lot or providing any spaces on the exterior ol the building was not going to be allowed by the Town. Later in the development, removing the loading dock in the interior parking area generated an additional two spaces. On December 14, 1993, the planning staff met regarding the Lionshead Center parking and loading issues and concluded that: 1. Removal of the existing loading facility was acceptable since it did not meet the standards for a loading dock, nor was it allowed to be used as loading by the condominium owners. 2. Providing a new loading space off-site to the east of the building was not necessary as it would be located next to the existing public loading dock and would be redundant. 3. Credit could be given for the two additional parking spaces which were created when the loading area was converted to parking. 4. Parking would be assessed for the commercial floor area gained when the elevator was removed. The conclusion of these points is that there have been two spaces created on-site which can be deducted from the 12.1 parking space requirement. The parking calculations are shown below. The result of these changes is that there is an outstanding parking fee of $316.72. 1. Original Parking Assessment: 12.1 spaces paid into fund amount required with increased net increase: 2. Elevator space converted from 14411518 = 1.2 3. Total of outstanding parking fees: 4. During review of options in 6/9^3 and 3;::li" :'r:'"::':o n inol o/e3 qs + tri I Parking fee credit of: (2X8594.40) (12.1X8000) fee (12.1)(8594.40) common to restaurant area (1.2X8s94.40) = $ 96,800 = $103,992.24 = $ 7,192.24 = $ 10.313.28 = $ 17,505.52 = $ 17.188.80 - $ 316.72 - $ 316.72 5. Difference 6. Outstanding parking fee: '{nd &*q r D+in r\nfu {, *l o- 0{ \ -,,,*'g 4 Wq PlrN Und "cl +0'^r.v\ , ) 5i;o,u, rrPirk:l U'i ,.or.l !r- ubr,, r'd b r fEC Utr.r:, f.rrr * irr['''i[\[il : 3 !;1,^" ,r,r',yoitt/if,- ( 6o/i^.Lilc {ort' rt/vr^at A\\lo.'r - ()rrq. f\r0 fr,.""*.r"n'inerO ARC HITECTURE PLANNINC INTERIORS l,6irr ' L r1.1; 11-3-9 3 Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Community Development Dear Andy: Attached you will find a plan that shows two additional pai:kiirg spaces irr the struct.ure at 1-ire Lionsheaci Centi:e that were created as a result of elj_minating the exist-ing concrete loading dock. On behalf of Oscar Tang, I am requesting that the parking fee be reduced by $16,000.00 due to the creation of these new covered spaces. Please let me know how this is to be processed,I will give you the address to send the funds. ff you Iike, I can meet you on the site and show you the new spaces. As you know, the elevator and the loading dock have been eliminated, and the stocking of the retail stores will be done by hand cart from the 20 minute loading zone to the northeast of the building. or Bill Pierce if you have ques-to arrange a site visit. contact myself Please tions, rd!,/t , i. t ,., 140 /5 .1. \ 6u''' ' , iL,r', '''' I i'' u ' , ," 1:'t' ., /ilttl \,/ l'Page 1 newprk. doc 03-Nov-9 3 POST OFFICE BOX s7 1000 UONSRIDGE L00P VA|L COLORADO 81658 303 476 6342 FAX3034764901 fitictrn12!tNrN( Archit'ecR ccfile\Q6car Tang & h \ \ ..F Ir *\S 'rli lll $ +\ q T.: $$ NN ss €--*--N vt \ \:,\s {\r $ $$ $ I I 1..".-'t- r Fr iiz lrr,1 P i Grce Er i niFr.?6499 t o 3834 P.BI U) I wssr F|rIlJJ-J-Dctt't I.e JlElclf yLJur L;(JIIlmenf, !t fegafo]-ng Ene ./ / ,, /t "loadlng dock', at the Lionshead Centre. -Ae the exieting P6' '2+' 't 18.52.090 of the zoning code, thls area inslde the building ls noc a berLh aB detined by the zontng ordi-nance. AlBo, thls building was buill prlor to [,he sec-tlon.of the zonlng code pertaining to off-etreet, loading requirenents. A6 a practlcal matter, this portion of the buiJ.ding was no longer functional for a nurnber of treasons. Firit,the hallway eerving the elevator on the second level'(lvhfcn would serv6 sone of the retail spaces) had to be eliminated, due to building code' requlrLrnent!. The' cor-rldor $rasr a dead-end corridor that_ was ln excess of I twenty feet, and was elirnlnated for occupant safety t"u-h, ..., . / i sons. See Lhe attached dtagran A. The 61evator c6utd U/ ( !k( d- I orrly serve one tenant and was in a iocation that w6s lm- ,1 . i pract,lcal to serve even this tenant. As for the ,,Ioad- ''J ' V- i lng dock" In the garage, thls area of the building can- , ,,4 / ,. n- . ,,__J,not be accessed by_any vehicle ln excess of Z, hj.ih, l//'l JV'-'z t -,precluding any typteal delivery vehicJ-es fron usiig'it, '.,)_ r* i ind nist,oircairy]'the conalo association restricted acj' ,/v :^ '! I cess to thls ar3i for securiiy i.ison". The door opon- _rzr l d.- I ing La gated and ig only 7'hlgh, the accees to the-area I could only-occur when the on-eite nanager was innedi - /*" J.', l_ : ately available. The stockLng of stores would be done vra Ltre front of D'r"7al 'n-o?.the etor;;, ""i-t[. srores on the west wing of the butrcl- . ,// t ,, k 4 lng only have front doore. There is not a rnanner 1n { which the etores can be stocked from a ,'back door,,. /t<-...7( - (/ i The soluLion for etocklng of the slores will be done bv -Srq-Jn,-,'/L hand cart from the 20 nlnute loading zone located to thlt,a ,, /northeast of the bulldtng, not unliie the nethoCs usec' ri t ' I in the village or the rest of the comrnerciar areas of I D€?^"+ C4,&J 11-23-93 Dear An,iy, I was eurprlsed to hear you /24.,' I /'1 ,/o. i j Tk', Page 1 LOADOCK, DOC 2 {-Nov-9 3 tzlenPlerceBrlner ARCH']EC1!JRE PLANI.iIN€ IATI RIOI5 Andy Knudtsen-1 Town of Vail J Community Development Depe.VaiI, CO 81658 h - fol n,*1,5 rL_ fztt u't'': 't^ ,1f /'/ J LLn-' 't-<'Z,at ./-.I t t 4),L"La__, / ./- | L /\-'/ r7t d Lui. ,7 , l f/v 11 za 1 )'r,vGt',c @ flo /.1//z-, L,cNs irDG E Loop vA. coLoRA r"'ffii#r rH : #, ^, #<s*<'?o5r oFfrcE 9()x 57 1000 lan PiGr6G Er- in.F 3934 tzlenPienceBrlrrer rTe cTU(E ?(At1 f\tN6 lf{tERt0i: tho Town, If the lndivlduals that make deliverieg do not obey this requlrement, it should be treated like other traffic violations. For speclal large-loads or sltuations, the method his-lorically used waE Lo rnake prlor arrangements to off-load ln the east parklng area and cart in from there. Please, underst,and that, thls area of the buildLng is an lnternal , non-functJ,onal element that now can have a porttlve, viable use ag a acreen trash rernova} area and additional covered parking which Is directly beneflcial to the Town as wel.l. aB thls developtnent. Fr i!:I ff Ancil ?6494 r o PIeaEs ne6d to let me know lf there are any further Eteps Uhat,take to regolve thLe lssue, Page 2 t oADocK. Doc 2{-Nov-9 3 Slncere cc file/Oscar Tang posT orFtcE 80x 57 r000 U0NSR|DGE tocp vAlr c0r.0RAD0 81558 303 476 5342 FAX 303 476 4901 rr..r |trr(\ xc lir tillut| ,traa rirrar P. A2 |}rita.opio""n ireoilov 2e lees ARCHITECTURE PIANNING LNTERIORS Andy Knudtsen Town of VaiI Community Development Dept.Vail, CO 81558 Page I LOADOCK.DOC 24-Nov-9 3 / 11-23-e3 ' *rt? Fq tt z+'qfl ( Dear Andy, I was surprised t,o hear your conments regarding the "loading dock" at the Lionshead Centre. As the existing dock area does not meet any of the criteria in Section l-8.52.090 of the zoning code, this area inside the building is not a berth as defined by the zoning ordi-nance. AIso, this building was built prior to the sec-tion of the zoning code pertaining to off-street loading requirements. As a practical matter, this portion of the building was no longer functional for a number of reasons. First,the hallway serving the elevator on the second level (which would serve some of the retail spaces) had to be eliminated, due to building code requirements. The cor-ridor was a dead-end corridor that, was in excess of twenty feet, and was eliminated for occupant safety rea-sons. See the attached diagram A. The elevator could only serve one tenant and was in a location that was im-practical to serve even this tenant. As for the ,'Ioad- ing dock" in the garage, this area of the building can-not be accessed by any vehicle in excess of 7, high,precluding any tlpical delivery vehicles from using it,and historical-ly, the condo association restricted ac-cess to this area for security reasons. The door open-ing is gated and is only 7' high, the access to the area could only occur when the on-site manager was immedi-ately available. The stocking of storea would be done via the front of the stores, as the stores on the west wing of the build-ing only have front doors. There is not a manner in which the stores can be stocked from a "back door,'. The solution for stocking of the stores will be done by hand cart from the 20 minute loading zone located to the northeast of the building, not unlike the methods used in the Village or the rest of the commercial areas of POST OFFICE BOX 57 1 000 LTONSRIDGE LOOP VA|L COLORADO 81658 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 490'l AIRLr rRndN ft( o3^ nmtrir PtrR( r sRrN[ a Page 2 LOADOCK.DOC 24-Nov-93 lhiorenPierceBtinet ARC HITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS the To!,rn. ff the individuals that make deliveries do not obey this requirement, it, should be treat,ed tike other traffic violations. For special large-loads or situations, the method his-torically used was to make prior arranglements to off-load in the east parking area and cart in from there. Please understand that this area of the building is an internal , non-functional element that now can have a positive, viable use as a screen trash removal area and additional covered parking which is directLy beneficial to the Town as wel-I as this development. Please let me know if there are any further steps that need to take to resolve this issue. cc file/Oscar Tang POSTOFFICE BOX 57 1000 LIONSR|DGE LOOP VAILCOLORADO 8?658 3034766342 FAX3034764901 r!!Rcr f R!rzrrN rNc DsAtitEtEN ftERca sRrNrR /\hz.r\l tbzt) . /a4,3?r* I o tt/11/e3 Lname Parking Fees Address >=4/01,/e3 Page Zone Date Comment6 Alpenrose Window 100 E Meadow Drive American ski Exchangqfzzs wall Street Anderson v 2478 Garmisch Drive 1st Bank of Vail 7-11 Interior Lighting 7-lL Tnterior Remodel A Autrey A Place on Earth,/Britt AbeI Aboumrad Ackerman Adams Adams Agenberg Mechanical Agneberg Al-exander Alfalfa's Al-f alf a's Ext. Mod.A1fal-fa's Market Demo Alf al-f a's Sprinkler Sy A11 Seasons 82 ALlen Collection Alpenglo Condo Assoc Assenmacher Assenmacher Assenmacher Mechanical BageI Shop Bagel Shop Demolition Bald Mountain Townhome Banker Remodel BarLett Bart & Yet.is Ba6s Bauer Behren Bellevi-1le Bellflower Trash Enc]o Bellows/Boyd Berkowitz Bernardo Furnace ;;;-N-;;;;-;;8/30/93 Divider wal1 to mak 8/3I/93 Replace existing in 9/08/93 Interior Remodel 6/08/93 Stairway to loft 6/25/93 Install samp cooler 8/I0/93 Replace window in d 4/20/93 New kitchen, washer 6/28/93 Demol-ition and addi 4/19/93 Move non bearing wa 8/L3/93 Remodel existing ba 5/12/93 Mechanical pernit 5/07/93 New residence 5/26/93 General remodel. l0 /I8 /93 Remodel grocery LI /02 /93 Exterior Modif icati 9/28/93 Remove shelfing, st LI/02/93 Sprinkler System 7 /30 /93 Remodel- 6/08/93 Add\f6na1 rofr spa 7/73/93 Repldoe gas logs wi 7/B/93 Retr/lace gas logs wi 4/29/93 Remove closets, r€p AnsfieLd Ant.Iers 410 680'tionshead Place #41 Antlers Condo #40L/93 680 W.Lionshead Cr.Antlers Condo #608 Apollo Park Apollo Park Lodge Apollo Park Lodge #D Apollo Park Reroof A&B 442 S Frontage Rd E Araham - Hot Tub Elect 874 Spruce Ct. 227! N Fr-ontaqe 227t N Frontage Road ViIla VaIllhalla #8 1*-r"M6adow Drive #A12 1635 Golf Terrace #27 595 E vail valley Dr. 1 716 Forest Road _ffi ffiiorrs"he ad'.?t ace'- . 84 WilLow Rd. +755 1083 Lions Ridge Loop 2585 Davos Trail 400 E Meadow Dr. *2 141 E Meadow Dr. 141 E Meadow Dr 141 E Meadow Dr. 141 E Meadow Dr 434 Gor\ Creek 143. B -lte\oro Drive. #210 5I 15 Kel. Gar Lane 680 w Lionshead Plc #60 442 S Frontage Road Eas 442 S Frontaoe Rd E 4455 Glen Fall-s Lane 4455 Glen Fall-s Ln 4455 Glen Fall-s Lane IOO-E' Mbadirw 'Dr.--* 100 E Meadow Dr. 2350 Bald Mtn Rd 595 VaiI Valley Drive#1 1886 W Gore Creek Dr. .-5.51 E'Lionshead CircIe 345 Mi]I Creek Cr. 1881 Lionsridge Loop #2 2633 Kinnickinnick #5 4440 Glen Fal-Is Lane 2923 Bellflower Dr 327 Rockledge Rd. 315 Mi]1 Creek Circl-e 2982 BelIflovrer Dr rc/f5/93 Remodel- bath for ha 4/26/93 Repair work 5/04/93 New service and rew 5/26/93 New service, rewire 10/06/93 Reroof install timb 6/08/93 Electrical permit f 5/07/93 Single family res w I0/27/93 Burglar alarm and f 5/25/93 Mechanical permit f 9/2I/93 Remodel- of Blano's 9/07/93 Remove interior waI 9/10/93 Reroof 4/08/93 Re-wire bathrooms a 8/03/93 Add garage & 3-1eve 4/30/93 Remodel of public b 4/06/93 Permit for snow mel 1,0/1,1,/93 convert wood f irepJ- 8/06/93 Deck addition. 8/I0/93 Single family resid I0/15/93 Trash encLosure 9/!5/93 Add 250 sf and outd 4/07/93 Remove top floor, i lO/15/93 Repl-ace electric fu 3094 Booth Fal-ls Road #4 / 27 / 93-Deck en;dlosure Antl-ers #4I0/L993 Remo 680 W Lionshead Plc Antl-ers 203 *-tr-+-rriolrsh*e:iil-FfdEil #zo LL/rt/e3 Lname lr.ror.,g Fees >=+/ot/gt O Address Page Zone Date Comments Bernhardt Blickenstaff IJO tOOn I r lJO l-OOn I r tJ0100n l-_L uo-Loon I -L 1 Bonetti Bore.l- Rra\/ Brillembourg 2695 S Frontage Road 2935 Manns Ranch Road 4223 Spruce Way 4223 Spruce Way 4223 Spruce Way 4145 Spruce Way 600 E VaiI valley Drive 1588 GoIf ferrace #42 434 Gore Creek -Dr. D5 -6-oo vait Val-lev Dr. F7 Brown 5040 Main Gore Pl #F4 Buffehr Creek Chalet # 1722 Buffehr Creek Road Camelot Townhomes Rero 2S0L Basingdale Capstone Town Homes 1817 Meadow Ridge Rd Cascade Crossings 1031 S Frontage Road Cascade Village Gradin Cashmere & Cotton 143 E Meadow Dr, #235 Casolar Duplex 1121 Casolar Drive E Chamber 4264 Columbine Way #12 Chaminox Chalets-Roof 2456&2457 Chaminox Ln Chico 1650 Vail VAIley Dr.Chico 600 Vail Valley Dr.#D41 Chotin LB35 Sunburst Drive Christiania G Vail - 356 Hanson Ranch Road Claggett/Rey Gallery 100 E Meadow Dr.Clair 777A Potato Patch Dr. CLeaver's DeIi 520 E' Lionshead Cr.Coates 2199 Chamonix #9 Cogswell 794 Potato Patch Drive Cohagen 160-.Gore -ereek Dr #12 Cohagen 360 Gore Creek Dr #12 Coldstream Condo Assoc 1476 Westhaven Coldstream Condo Decks 1476 Westhaven Colegrove 5L35 Kel Gar Lane Collier 1557 Gol-f Terrace #45 N Concert Haf L P]aza 6+6-lC,--Lionshead'Cr. Concert HaIL Plaza VA 616 W Li-onshead Cr. Concert HalL Plaza-V.A 616 W Lionshead,Cr.Conners 2485 Garrnisch Drive Connors 2427 Garmisch Drive Coperthwaite Cordell Fireplace Corporate Office Remod Cortina Chalet #7 Cortina Chalet Mechani Cortina Chalets #8 Crawford Cummings Cummj-ngs-Temp Power Curtes Cyranos Remodel DaIy 1a] -W Meado\d-.Dr, *1.02 935 Red- SaEdstone Rd 600 vail{onshead 2662 Con{ina\Ln #11 Ln Road nr. 7 /20 /e3 7 /28 /e3 6 /oe /e3 8 /3r /e3 e /27/e3 8/10/e3 6 /08 /s3 4 /26 /e3 e/2s/e3 e /07 /e3 t /1,e /e3 5 /1.4 /e3 e /1.6/e3 8/03/e3 4 /2s /e3 4 /22 /e3 to / rL /e3 5/B/e3 I /12 /e3 4 /30 /e3 4 /21 /s3 e/14/e3 6/!1./e3 5 /04 /e3 70 /05 /e3 7 /r4 /e3 I / 1.2 /e3 7 /r3/e3 6/04/e3 6 /25 /e3 e /24 /e3 lo /or/e3 e /ro /e3 7 /02/e3 e / L5 / e r 8/r7 /e3 6 /1.0 /s3 e /07 /e3 7 /20 /e3 6 /28 /e3 5/r7 /e3 e /16/e3 5 /28 /e3 't /02/e3 I /0s /e3 rr/02/e3 7 /06 /e3 e /24 /e3 ro /06 /e3 6 /3a /e3 to /01" /e3 6 /2r /s3 New sfr Replace vertical sj- New duplex. Fu11 electrical per MP & PP for new res New Duplex Instal-I hardwood fl-Addition of bedroom Gas 1og insert Interior remodeL Finish out basement Sing1e family resid Reroof Reroof Rewire florescent f Remove fill on site Alterati-on of windo New duplex.Reroof, game as exi- Roof repair. Bathroom addition/r Remodel bath, kj,tch Install boiler for Replace domestic HW rnlerior remodel Remodel of existing Tenant Finish Replacement of 9000 Move & replace boil Install 3 new windo E lectrica.I on remod Repair of failed re Repair snow damaged Colegrove re-roof Construct wood deck Reroof same as exis Remode] Offices Remodel offices-mec Temporary Pohrer New primary/seconda Gas lo.g insert Convert wood firepl Add file storage, m New sfE'In-floor heating fo Fire Protection spr Deck extensj-on as p New P/S Home Temporary Power for New sfr Cosmetic upgrade of Exterior deck addit 2672 CorLina Ln 2672 CorLina Ln 1670 Sunburst Dr. 2109 Chamonix Ln 2109 Chamonix 1483 Aspen Grove 298 Hansen Ranch 782 Potato Patch 17/rr/e3 Lname O"urt l.,9 Fees >=4/o!/s3 O Address Page Zone Date Commenfs Dancing Bear Demo Pern Davis Davison DeValasco Devaney-Roof remodel Dekyne Devoy DiDio Dietz Temp Power Dippy Distelhorst Distel-horst Dominick Dominos Pizza Dominos Pizza EP Dooley Doomas Dulude Dunahay Deck Dunning Eagle Pointe PooI Hous Elliman English Englishnan Fine Art & Enzian 318 Epstein Epstein Erickson Espejo Remodel- Esrey Evans Farcus Fiel-ds r'-Lnn Finn Firstbank of Vai-I Firstbank of Vail Site Fitch VaIley Retaining Forbes Electrical Four Corners French .E'T ICK Friedman Frierson Fun&Games0Crossroa Fun&Games0Crossroa Gamez Gamez Garfinkel Demo Garfinkels Restaurant Gartner cateway Lobby Remodel 22lINFrontageW10111 1881 Lionsridge Loop #3 4420 GIen Falls Ln 416 Vail Valley Dr. 2505 uorErna Lane 2635 Larkspur 1620 Sunburst Dr. +27 5035 N Main Gore Dri-ve 2675 Kinnickinnick 1616 Buffehr Creek B17 4582 Streamside 4592 Streamsi-de Cr. 452 E Lionshead Cr.Vail Run Building 1000 Lions Ridge Loop 595 Vail Va1ley Dr #242 2636 Davos Trail 1464 GreenhilI Ct. 4257 Nugget Ln 1461 Greenhill Court 1500 Matterhorn CircLe 14?5 Aspen Ridge Road 83 willow Pface, 3rd fl 1*3-E-lffiow-*Er- '#205 520 - w -.lionshead 1461 Greenhill Court 1461 Greenhill Court 716 Forest Road 600 Vail valley Dr. #20 1314 Spraddfe Creek Dr 4840 Meadow Ln 556 W Forest Road 200 Vail Rd #494 21388 Aspen Lane 2865 Aspen Ln 1/ Varl ROaO 17 Vail- Road 1516 Buffehr Creek Rd 362 MilI Creek Cr. 1310 Westhaven Dr. 2935 Manns Ranch Road 4268 Nugget Lane 400 E Meadow Dr. #s/Tyr 4 1517 Vail Valley Drive L43 E Meadow Dr. 143 E Meadow Dr. 133 Willow Road 133 WilIow Road, #630 536 W tionshead Mall 520 Lionshdad MaIl i''.' 1179 Sandstone Dr 12 VaiI Road Demo of non bearing Instal- l" new boiler New sfr Add laundry washer Roof remodeL. RepI Repair damaged deck Installing sllding Remodef of study en Temporary Power Remodel with 56sf a Trear down unit 4, Install- gas firepla Kitchen cabinets an Build office into b Wire new office spa New kitchen Remove wing walls, Add deck and instal Deck addition Major remodeling of Add redwood deck & Single family resid Interior face lift Interior only Instal-1 new wi-ndow Major remodeling of Instal,I new furnace Demoltion, foundati Remodel- of existi-nq New sfr Addition of work ro Replace woodburn w/ Rep.l-ace kitchen cab Remodel-Install new boiler Demo asphaLt & inst Retaining waI1 Replace driveway & Repair service cut New stairs. Install addition wi New single family h Remodel master bath Remodel master bath Remodel & bring spa Fire Sprinkler Move 2 baths, kitch Interior remodel, 2 Demo for investigat Interior Remodel- of New sfr Remodel staris insi 10 /re /e3 t0 /0r /s3 ro /06 /e3 6 /25 /e3 6 /04 /e3 5 /04 /e3 6 /08 /e3 6/16/e3 1.0 /1.e /e3 "7 /22/e3 4/08/e3 7 /23/e3 4/08/e3 r0 /!5 /e3 10 /2r /e3 e /22/e3 8/0s/e3 e/t7 /e3 e/16/e3 4/Ie/e3 4 /22 /e3 4 /30 /e3 4 /07 /e3 10 /07 /e3 s /07 /e3 4/re/s3 6/r7 /e3 6 /28 /e3 e/ro/e3 to /05 /s3 7 /26 /e3 e /13 /e3 s/L!/e3 5 /71/e3 6 /14 /e3 e /to /e3 7 /02/s3 6/04/e3 ro /12 /e3 e /21./e3 6 /25 /e3 4 /20 /e3 4/06/e3 5 /r7 /e3 5 /73 /e3 6 /08 /e3 5/27 /e3 s /to /e3 e /t0 /e3 e /24/e3 7 /27 /e3 e /2r/e3 rL / Lr /e3 Lname Oe"tking rees >=4/o!/93 O Address Page Zone Date Conments Gauger GLadstone Wood Stove GLatz 1e GIatzIe Gold Peak Childrens Ct Gold Peak House Golden Golden Peak Restrooms Goldfarb Window Remode 4595 Bighorn Rd. #6 4295 N Columbine Dr. #1 2317 Garmisch 2317 carnisch Drive 498 Vail VaIley Drive 278 Hanson Ranch Road 4220 Spruce Way 458 Vail valley Dr. 4051 Bighorn Road #11-F 8/27/93 167000 btu boiler 7 /02/93 Instal-I EPA approve 9/24/93 convert wood fp to 7 /L3/93 Convert wood firepl l0/06/93 Reroof same as exis 5/2I/93 Remove sidewalks an 8/05/93 wiring sub panel & 9/10/93 suild public restro 6/28/93 Window remodel-. 9/1,5/93 Retail shop in old 9/27/93 Tenant Finish for t 8/3I/93 Interior & exterior 7/13/93 Heat tape and new s Io/13/93 Create halJ.way betw 5/14/93 Plumbing Permit & E 4/23/93 Renove old boilers, 8/05/93 Add entry, master s 4/30/93 New Duplex 4/A6/93 Excavation for foun 9/24/93 New kitchen doors a 70/13/93 Add snowmelt boiler 4/30/93 windows 5/26/93 Mechanical permit 5/26/93 New sf residence 9/09/93 New single fanily r 7/02/93 Rebuild deck & inst 7/20/93 Remove roof, instal 7/29/93 Redwood deck to rea 7/02/93 Remodel 2 bathrooms 8/06/93 Add basement bedroo 4/I4/93 rnterior remodel, p 6/22/93 Addition and renova 4/07/93 Heat tape on roof, 8/I7 /93 Reroof same as exis 6/29/93 Build Deck 5/13/93 Deck expansion & ne 5/14/93 Primary/Secondary r 4/27 /93 Bathroom remodel. 7/21,/93 Move Laundry walI, l0/26/93 Replace wood burnin 9/22/93 New kitchen, doors l0/26/93 I2o/2L0 100A servic 9/I0/93 Mechanical permit f 5/14/93 Remove oLd roofing, 5/20/93 New sfr 8/IO/93 Insta1I new 150000 9 /I0 /93 Stucc.,a exterior/new 6/o8/9>ra,ke out old staigs 5/10l9\curtin HilI sports 4' / 2 2' / g 3 - HEau*ret rofit:5/2f/93 Replace slider, add 6/21/93 Replace gravel pati Gondola Sports @e-fiorlEhead -MatI Gondola Ticket Of f ice -604-{r'ionsiread -ITat-} -Gonzales 1628 colf Terrace Gonzales 994 Ptarniqan Gonzales Mech Room Gordon-EP, PP Gorsuch Boilers Gould Grace Grace Excavation Grainger Gramm Mechanical- Gramshanmer Grand Traverse #21 Grand Traverse #21 Grand Traverse #22 Grant Green Reroof Greenberger Greene Griffinger Grinberg Grisanti Gund Gund Gurrentz Hajim Deck & Entry way Ha11 Hank Harmon Harrison Hathaway Head Helberg Mechanical HeIen Hellberg A&B Hes s Hicks ttt lD HiIl Hinchman Boiler Hochtl Hodgkins 1815 Sunburst Dr. 2632 Cortj-na Lane 263 E Gore Creek & 232 800 Potato Patch Dr. 1210 Westhaven 43.3..8-Gore Creek Dr #9A 303 W..Gore Creek Dr #9 2 3*-*E^€ore -'ereek Drive 1550 Lionsridge Loop 1550 Lionsridge Loop 1500 Lionsridge Loop 3988 Lupine Dri-ve 4166 Columbine Dr. 4230 Spruce Way 380 E Lionshead Cr. *20 1588 colf Terrace #16 9.l-S*W"ti on'shead -€.!: . 2039 Sunburst Dr 3100 Booth Falls Ct. 3100 Booth Fal1s Ct. 5047 Ute Lane 100 E Meadow Dr. #503 2612 Cortina Lane 2009 Sunburst Drive 5117 Main Gore Dr. 1030 Lionsridge Loop #1 s95 vail Valley 248-250 325 Mi]l Creek Cr 355 Forest Road 2415 Bald Mountain Road 355 Forest Road 1881 Lionsridge Loop #2 225 Forest Road 2923 BeLlflower #12 3005 Booth Falls Drive 890 Red Sandstone Cr 4061 Bighorn Road #12D n/n/e3 Lname O""rri'g Fees >=4/or/s3 O Address Page Zone Date Conments Hodgkins Hollenbeck Home Outfitters Horst-Reroof Howe Howenstine Howensti-ne Demo Hughey Hussey Hussman Hyatt lndian Creek #3 Interlocken Heat Tape Jackalope Jones Jorck Jordan Josey Kaiser Kandel-L Kauffman KeiIer KeIley Kennington Kenny's Double Diamond Kinnington Renodel Kiss Addition/Restrict Klein Klein KnowLton Remodel Koenig Reroof Konterski Reroof Krause LaDaw LaDow Landmark 301 Landmark Condo Assoc. Landmark carage Repair Lang Lapidus Bathroom Lashovitz Lauterbach Laycob Laycob Leseur Leseur Lif thouse Condomoniums Lifthouse Gas Inserts Liftside Liftside Construction Lions Mane If Lionshead Center 4061 Bighorn Road #12D 4575 Streamside Cr. 1031 Frontage Rd w 874 Spruce Court 600 vail Valley Dr. #A1 2754 S Frontage Rd. W 2754 FronLage Rd. W 5038 Ute Lane, #B 5116 Main Gore Dr. 327 Forest Road 1200 Ptarmigan 1139 Sandstone Drive 295EWSFrontageRd 2161 N Frontage Road W 1710 Sunbrust Dr. #B 1838 Sierra Trai-1 483 Beaver Dam Road 95 Rockledge 4916A Juniper Ln 4259 Nugget Lane 636 Forest Road 2975 Basingdale Blvd 3966 Lupine-West Duplex 400 E Meadow Dr. *2 520 L,ionshead Ma1l 400 E Meadow Dr. #2 261-5 Davog Trail 1710 Sunbrust Dr. #7 1710 Sunburst Dr. #7 1527 vail Valley Dr #B 2516 Arosa Drive 1796 Gore Creek Dr. 2614 Larkspur 2625 Larkspur Lane 2625 Larkspur Ln 610--Lionshead -Cr. #301 6 10--W-*tionsh6ad Cr. lSSL Lionsridge Loop #2 174 Gore Creek Drive 1780 Sierra TraiI lS50SFrontageRd.W#8 4791 Meadord Lane 1 4791 Meadow Ln 100 E Meadow Dr. #2L5 100 East Meadow Dr. *21 ffi-B-Lionehead Cir 5-55 4-"Lionshead 1275 Westhaven Drive 1300 Westhaven Dr. C1 1063 vail View Dr. 520 Lionshead MaIl #1 Kitchen & entry rem Additional- bath roo Afteration Replacing shakes Bathroom addition- Demo existing secon Interior demo Run gas line and in Tear-off exiswting Rebuild 2nd story d Kitchen remodel, ba New sfr Instafl heat tape o DJ Booth Finish basement as New sfr Plumbing & Heating Snowmel in driveway Move service out of Remove new portion Reroof Repair of parking s Replace wood firepl Install gas firepla Tenant finish-inter Add bar sink and on Existing res. is re InstaLl gas fired b New bedroom & bath Remodel and minor a Reroof Remove & replace ro Redwood decks to fr Reroof New boiler Remodel kitchens, b Convert al-l units t Replacement of fail-Install new 150000 Batshroom remodel Reroof existing res New single family, Hot !'rater boiler Deck expansion pati Moving wall Move gas line and A lnstalf gasline to Installation of gas 27 Unit Condo w/ 2 Commercigl renovati Rebuil-d 3\xisting MP & PP fola-Z aaa / 6 /25 /e3 8 /27 /e3 e /27 /e3 6 /07 /e3 4/30/e3 I /06 /e3 4 /30 /e3 5/05/e3 5/07 /e3 e /07 /s3 6 /08 /e3 6 /16 /e3 t0 /0't /e3 6/30/e3 6/r'1/e3 8/0s /e3 7 /13/e3 t0 /06 /e3 I /23 /e3 6 /23 /e3 t0 /06 /e3 ro /27 /e3 8/t7 /e3 6 /r0 /e3 7 /76 /s3 6 /25 /e3 e /27/e3 4 /2e /e3 7 /B/e3 e /oe /e3 e /28/e3 I /25 /e3 5 /07 /e3 6 /1.0 /e3 7 /13 /e3 e /27 /e3 s/27 /s3 I /23 /e3 e /.07 /.e3 5 /21/e3 8 /L2 /e3 4/08/e3 4 /0't /e3 5 /tt /e3 4/t5/e3 4 /23 /e3 6/L7 /e3 7 /re /e3 6 /08 /e3 e /24/e3 e /2r/e3 6 /ro /e3 \. 7L /71/e3 Lname Address Lionshead centre ---- 1";;-;i;;;;;;;;tt-----Lionshead Ctr Phaee II 520 E Lionshead Li-onshead Ctr-Electric 520 Lionshead Mall Li-onshead Gondola Cafe 6$O-E L.ionshead Cr-. Lionsmane Phase II 1063 Vail VAlley Dr Lionsquare Lodge E BId 6ffi-i{e6t" Lionshead PI. Lionsquare Lodge Gas F .6,60 W l-.,ionshead Pl-' Lodge #362 t74-5, Gore Crk Dr. +362 Lodge 0 Vail #366 L74 Gore Creek Drive #3 Lodge G Vail #516 \74 Gore Creek Drive #5 Lodge 0 Vail #516 1,74'.eore Creek Drive #5 Lodge G Vail Archives L74-^E.Gore Creek Dr. Lodge at Lionshead 380-E-Lionshead Cr. Loper Residence 784E Potato Patch Drive Manor Vail- Mezanine 595 Vail VaIIey Drive Manor Vail Trash EncI. 595 Vail Valley Dr.Maruyama 2925 Basingdale May 1119 Ptarmiqan r.[ay 1119 Ptarmiian Road Mayne 141 E Meadow Dr A5 McCl-ean 1881 Lions Ridge Loop #McCl-ean 1881 Lionsridge r,oop #4 McEachron 1455B Aspen crove Ln McEnnally Gas Log 141 W Meadow #5 McKinnon Renodel 695 Forest Road E. Side McMahon 1612 Buffehr Creek B21 Messenbaugh 9708 Fairway Ct.Metzger 1820 Sierra Trail Meyers 200 Va1l Road #794 Mikell 740A Sandy Lane Mill Creek Building 312 Hanson Ranch Road MiLLrace III 1335 westhaven Drive Montaneros Condo Reroo 64rt"W Iiohshead Cr. Mountai-n Haus Reroof 292 EasL Meadow Dr.Mueller 1753 Shasta Place Mueller 4816 Meadow Drive Mueller Gas Fireplaces 4816 Juniper Ln Municipal BuiJ-ding 75 S Frontage Road Nail-or *68-0-.w-lionshead #112 Narrod 1620 Sunbrust #20 Nelson 960 Sandstone Drive Newman 660 W Lionshead FJaza 5 Nicholas 303 Gore Creek Drive Nolan Hot Tub 385 Mi]I Creek Cr.Nordstrand 120 E Meadow Dr. 2E Norris Gas Log 14L W Meadow #2 Northridge Condos 2447 Chamonix Lane Northwoods Condos Bldg 600 Vail Valley Drive Northwoods El-ectric 600 Vail Valley Drive Northwoods Reroof 600 Vail Valley Drive # Nourse Remodel 304 Bridge St.Nozawa 2211 N Frontage Road O".rrins Fees >=4/or/s3 O Zone Date Page !lTll!l-':, B-2 Addiricjh.Addition to' ext b1d Remodel Trash dumpster encl Replace failed wind Gas fireplace inser New kitchen cabinet Remodel- bathroom Remodel bathroom Remodel kitchen & b Remove wa1ls, build Instal-l- gas piping/ New sfr Instal- l- roof mounte Trash enclosure. Bath additi-on to ex Mechanical permit f Demo house, new sf Greenhouse addition Install EPA approve Install new 167000 Deck for hot tub Gas log insert Instal-1 gae inserts Reroof Remove existing roo Interior Remodel Roof over patio. New sfr Remove old gravel, Demo on two smal-I r Garage and entry re New duplex Install 3 fireplace Reroof of Existing Add second doorway Wood deck, new pati Add window to livin Replace existi-ng sk Addition to residen Wiring for hot tub Add ceiling lgts, r Gas log insert Reroof buildings Replace electric HW InstalL wiring for Reroof Building F Minor remodel & add Repair & refinish s 5/L2/e3 I /oe /ei? I /23 /e3. e /24 /e3 ro /or /e3 5/1.2/e3 I /37/e3 6 /oB /e3 s /2r/e3 s /2r/e3 s /2r/e3 5 /12 /e3 4/t5/e3 e /03/e3 6/ro/e3 4 /30 /e3 4 /26 /e3 7 /02 /e3 4 /15 /e3 6 /r7 /e3 6/25/e3 I /10 /e3 e /21./e3 8/72/e3 e /10/e3 8 /31/e3 ro/oL/e3 e /20 /e3 I /ro /e3 6 /2r /e3 7 /02/e3 6 /23 /e3 e /ro /e3 e /20 /e3 5 /03 /e3 6 /}0 /.e3 70 /18 /e3 s /27 /e3 70 /13 /e3 7 /.r3 /e3 5/07 /e3 B/05/e3 6/0s/e3 7 /27 /e3 e /24/e3 I /12 /e3 6 /04 /e3 6 /23 /e3 7 /02/e3 6 /L7 /e3 e /10 /e3 70 /L3 /e3 11, /7r /e3 Lname Parking Fees Address >=4 /Ot /e3 Page Zone Date Conments One Vail P1ace 244 WaII Street Ore House Awning 2J2 .Bridge Street 4 Owen 2695 Davos Traif Park Meadows 1472 MaLEerhorn Cr.Parker 4511 E Meadow Dr. +702 Parker 4511 E Meadow Dr. *702 Paterson Remodel 200 Vail Road #678 Pazzo's Window & Deck J.2_2 E Meadow Drive Pea6e 454 Beaver Dam Road Perry - PP & EP 1063 VaiI View Dr #21 Perry Alteration 1063 Vail Valley Dr. #2 Phillips 2696 Davos Trail Pi-ckens 197 Rockledge Road Pine Creek G Vail #1 2765 Kinnickinnick Pinkin 200 Vail Rd. #478 Pinos del Norte 600 Vail Valley Dr. Potato Patch #3 950 Sandstone Drive RKD Mechanical 3378 Lupine Dr. RKD Residence 3946 Lupine Dr. RKD/Aspen Basin Office 1000 Lions Ridge Loop # Radisson Fire Sprinkle 715 W'Lidnshead Cr.Ramsey 680 W Lionshead #203 Ransburg 463 Beaver Dam Road Rapson 2572 CorLina Lane Rah/son 660 W ti-onshead Cr t*207 Regal Res. ,,A.' 1079 Sandstone Dr. Rega1 Res. B 1079 Sandstone Dr.Reisher .,.17 Vail Road #3 Reiss 2627 Cortina Lane Rican 7408 Sandy Lane Ridgeview Sq. Bldg 2 4506 Spruce Way Riordan 483 Gore Creek Dr. 58 Riva Ridge North 133 Vail Road River Bend Condos 4800 E Meadow Drive Roberts 4545 Bighorn Road Ross 1881 Lionsridge Loop #3 Rufino 1925 Sunburst Drive Russe]l's Restaurant --228 BrLdge Street Ryerson 4859 Meadow Drj-ve Salad Garden 292 E Meadow Dr. Salad Garden Demo 292 E Meadow Dr. #1 Savoy ViIIas 1100 Frontage Road Schabacker 3015 Booth Falls Rd Schmidt 2430 Chamonix Ln Schultz cas Log . 141 .W-ileadow '#1' Schultz Heat Conversio 5056 Main Gore Dr Schutz 600 E Vaj-l Valley Drive Scotch on the Rockies 113 Willow Bridge Scott 1150 Casolar Del Norte Scott 5075 Ute Ln Scott-Electric 5075 Ute Lane Serrins 2520 Kinnickinnick M2 4/22/e3 4/16/e3 I /25 /e3 8/23 /e3 I /18 /e3 e/07 /e3 5/re /e3 6/Lo/e3 e/16/e3 r0/re/e3 r0 / 04 /e3 e /03/s3 6/10/e3 e /20 /e3 8 /to /e3 - t^- t^^a/v r /y5 6/04/e3 70 /oe /e3 8/06/e3 L0/07 /e3 5/rr/e3 5 /06 /e3 1o /21 /e3 7 /02/e3 r0 /0t/e3 e /03 /e3 7 /20 /e3 8 /27 /e3 5 /27 /e3 7 /02/e3 7 /27 /e3 4/30/e3 5/re/e3 5 /27 /s3 I /12 /e3 8/17 /e3 7 /2!/e3 5/Le /e3 6 /30 /e3 ro /2L /e3 ro /07 /e3 e /20 /P3 to /06 /e3 5 /25 /e3 I /12 /e3 rr /02 /e3 s /25 /s3 s /02 /e3 8/3r/e3 rr/02/e3 6 /08 /e3 I /25 /e3 Reroof Permanent awning ov Remove shake, insta Add ranges to 11 un Bath & kitchen remo Plumbing fixtures I RemodeL interior Remove front window 250 GRFA Addition EP & PP for interio Enlarge entry, reno Replace existing st Remove wood wal-kwav New sfr Interior Remodel Tear-off exiswting Repair damaged wall Mechanical permit f New single family r Tenant Finish Fire sprj.rlkfer remo oemo\i,./on and addi Wire,rie\pumps Reiry'sta 1l-\Iatt i ce/s Repair New sfr New sfr Interior remodel ki New sf residence Studio addition. Reroof Add shower to exi-st Drywall attic per V Repl-ace cedar shake Tear off and reroof Insert in wood fire Roof heat tape. RepLace windows w/Instal-I gas line to Remodel restaurant Demo permit for ten Phase I, 8 units in Deck over atrium, e Completion of lower Gas log insert Convert from eLectr InstaII RC1 metal & Adding bay window Foundation repair/p Change electric hea Install wiring for Deck alteration fi/Lr/s3 Lname Orurri.g Fees >=4/or/s3 O Address Page Zone Date Comments Shapiro Sherberg Shirley Shone Sick Siegusmund Simmons Simpson Sink Reroof Sitzmark Lodge Spa Ski- Museum Landscane Slifer Fountain S Iutsky Snow Solar VaiI Fire Repair Solar VaiI Fire Repair Sonnenalp Phase II Sortl-and Spaeh Spaeh El-ectric Spaeh-Mechani ca 1 Spraddle Creek Caretak Spraddle Creek Subd Me Spraddle Creek Water T Spraddle Crk Electrica Spruce Park #F Spruce Park #G Stabinski Stanl-ey Steep N Deep Steinberg Stephens Stevens Wood Stove Stout Sun Vail IV Sun Vail Phase IV Sun Vail Phase IV Sunbur6t Townhomes Susich Sweet Life Syl-vester Sylvester Sylvester DupJ-ex Deck Szpiech TOV Fire Dept. ToV Municipif nfag TOV Sunp Pump Testwuide Texas Townhomes Thomson Thrifty Car Rental Tivoli Planter Boxes 1163 Cabin Cr. 2637 Kinninnick #D2 366 Hanson Ranch Road l-785 Sunburst Drive 122 East Meadow Drive 2 4542 Streamside Cr. W-1 413 Gore Creek Dr 1813 Shasta PLace 781 Potato Patch 183 Gore Creek Drive 24]- E Meadow Drive Bridge Street 380 E Lionshead Cr. *40 380 E l-,ionshead Cr #130 501 N Frontage Road 501- N Frontage Road 20 VaiI Road l-881 Lionsridge Loop #3 4173 Spruce Way 4173 Spruce Way 4173 Spruce Way 100 N Frontage Road 100 N Frontage Road S. Spraddle Creek Road 4515 Bighorn Road 4515 Bighorn Road 380 E Lionshead Cr #110 1816 Sunburst Drive 675 West Lionshead Cr. 1022 Eagle's Nest Cr. z5+ | Arosa Dr_LVe 3901 Bighorn Rd 2E 4034 Bighorn Road 605 N Frontage Road 605 N Frontage West 625 N Frontage Rd. W 1825 Sunburst 4425 GIen Fal,l-s Lane 520 Lionshead Cr. 2730 BaId Mountain Road 2730 Bald Mountain Road 2730 Bald Mountain Road 2445 Garmisch Dr 42 W Meadow Dr 75 S Frontage Road 241 Vail Val}ey Dr. 898 Red Sandstone Cr. 483 Chalet Road 2005 W Gore Creek Vail Parking Structure 336;lianson . -Ranch- *Rd Snow melt Deck addition/exten Add two windows and Convert wood to gas Interior Remodel Replace undersized Rearranqe interior Replace root w/ Pro Reroof Re-do existing spa Landscape Repa.i? work to foun l{g9r r/ z Darn. Rdmodel oemolition perrnit t Fire damage repair Phase II, addition/ convert wood fireDL New duplex Temporary Power Mechanical perrnit f Gatehouse & caretak Install meter for p Bury concrete water Install neter for t New sfr, Refer to B New sfr, Refer to B Re install- 9 'x10 ' w Repair walls damage Suspended ceilj-ngs Remodel and additio Remove gravelr appl Removal of old wood Bedroom, bath & dec Temp Power unders La Underground plumbin New 12 unit Condomi Replace pipe snow-m New sfr Interior Remodel Lower redwood deck Wiring for hot tub Two redwood decks t New single family r Install outlet & ta Install new A/C uni Install-ation of sum Addition to existin Reroof same as exis Alteration. Add three receptacl Rock face and pLant 6/21/e3 1/13/e3 6 /23 /e3 1/13/e3 5 /27 /e3 e /20 /e3 ro /26 /e3 6 /04 /e3 e /2r/e3 4/22/e3 4 /15 /e3 e /20 /e3 I /1.0 /e3 Lo /2r /e3 to / 75 /e3 to /2r/e3 4 /22 /e3 ro / rr /e3 5/07 /e3 6 /08 /e3 6/08/s3 t0 /2r/s3 s /or/e3 6 /28 /s3 e /08 /s3 10 /04 /e3 1o / 11/e3 1.0 /28/e3 5/re/e3 6/71/e3 e /07 /e3 7 /r3 /e3 to /01/e3 5 /1.8 /e3 I /r8 /e3 8 /7e /e3 e/22/e3 6/n/e3 6 /30 /e3 8 /ro /e3 6 /16 /e3 7 /02/e3 6 /23 /e3 e /ot /e3 e/or/e3 I /!6 /e3 1o /08 /e3 5 /27 /e3 6 /r7 /e3 70 /06 /e3 7 /1,3 /e3 7 /30 /e3 Lr/rL/e3 Lname Parkj-ng Fees Address >=4 /AL /93 Page Zone Date Cornments Town of Vail Fire Dept Toymaker's Trail Entry Trail's End Reslaurant Tyrolean Windows Urano Remodel Urdang V.A. Antenna VA Fleet Maintenance S VA Landmark Office VA Shop-Propane Transf VTC Art Project vTc Ski Storage WMC Air Conditioner WMC Eagle Care Unit WMC Human Resource Of Vail 21 Condo Assoc.Vail Athletic Club vail Chapel Repair VaiL Chiropractic VaiL Enterprise Partne Vail Food & Deli Vail Food's & Deli Vail Maintenance Bldg Vail PoLice & Muni Add vail Potato Patch Unit Vail Racquet Cl-ub Rerr VaiI Rec District Vail Skier Services Vail T-Shirt Co.vail T-shirt co.Vail Trail Chalet #3A Vail Valley Ace Hardwa Vail VaIIey Foundation Vail ValIey Med Center Vail Val.l-ey Med Center Vail VIy Found Tent Vantage Point Vantage Point Vantage Point #106 Vantage Point #402 Villa Cortina #145 Villa Cortina #360 ViJ-lage Center Condos ViJ-lage On Bighorn #5 vilJ-age on Bighorn #6 Vlaar Vucich WaLl- Street Heat Tapes Webb - AntLers #407 Webster Webster Weimann Mechanical l-23 Meadow 1 2r.-Aast-Mead-ow- Dr i ve 600 Lionshead Ma1l 4 8Q--8.-Me_ada-rrr Dr . 5033 Snowshoe Ln 3944 Bighorn Rd. 812 Potato Patch Road 862 S Frontage Road 6SO.-Lionshead MalI 862 S Frontage Road Wes Ski Museum 251 S Frontage Road l-81 West Meadow Drive 181 W Meadow Dr. 181 W Meadow Dr.52! B I'ionshead Cr. 352 E Meadow Drive l-9 Vail Raod 38O E Lionshea.d"-Cr. #c- 1031 S Frontage Road 14 Vail noad l-4 Vail Road 75 S. Frontage Road 770 N Potato Patch Dr. 4690 Vail Racquet CIub 700 S Frontage Road 52"0.-w-L-ie'nshead 470 E Lionshead MaIl 53O-Lionshead MalI 433 Gore Creek 2111 N Frontage Road 953 S Frontage Road 18L W Meadow Dr. 181 W Meadow Dr. Ford Park 50& E liionshead Cr. 50&-E..,1,1"ttshead Cr. St*B-'Lionshead Cr. mA-E Lionshead Cr. #40 22 West Meadow Drive #1 22 W Meadow Dr. #360 124"Wil"1ow BridEe Road 4250 Spruce Way 4240 Spruce Way 2963 Bellflower 4957 Juniper Ln East Si 225 WaIl'.SLreeL.,- -68.Q U__Llqrrg-[p-9d f, !.0 7 1875 Sunbrust Dr. 1875 Sunburst Dr. 2682 CorLina Lane Insta{I mptal edge insta\qtion of gla I /t2 /e3 6 /08 /e3 to /2r/e3 e /16/e3 1r / 02 /e3 I /27 /e3 7 /20 /e3 I /27 /e3 5/t7 /e3 5 /te /e3 I /23 /e3 Lo /26 /e3 6 /r7 /e3 s /oe /e3 I /0e /e3 4 /22 /e3 6 /02 /e3 4 /2e /e3 4 /08 /e3 4 /2r /e3 e /24 /e3 e /07 /e3 4 /2L/e3 e /2t/e3 8/21/e3 5/tr/e3 6/08/e3 8 /2s /e3 e /23/e3 8 /23 /e3 6/08/e3 5 /26 /e3 e/16/e3 e /01./e3 e /r0 /e3 8/rr /e3 5 /le /e3 e /07 /e3 7 /2r/e3 5 /re /e3 s /21/e3 8/Lo/e3 6/08/e3 6 /17 /e3 6 /17 /e3 ro /22/e3 e /27 /e3 5/rt/e3 5 /06 /e3 e /07 /e3 e /14 /e3 6/25/e3 Expand fieating area changifig \indows on Basem€nt Rernodel Fix roof, change wi Meter and service t Expand fLeet mainte Interior Office Add El-ec svc to propane Install wiring to s Remodel existing te Addition of Air Con Remodel for drug te Remodel old surgica Replace boiler and Boil-er replacement. Replace existing ha Office remodel Interior partition. Freezers, €pr remod Install glass door Wiring for natural Addition and remode Addition of dumbwai Remove, install ins Add 2 electrical pl Provide wiring for Add office to exist Lrgncr-nlJ & recepE,ac Bath addition, fl-oo Repair and alterati New interior non-be Fire alarm for Huma Reroof med center Tent for temporary Maintenance & repai Add additionaL heat Add new circuits fo Kitchen alteration Add 2 new doors, de Interior Remodel Stair remodel and I New sfr New sfr Interior remodel Reroof Run feed to roof fo Install- sJ-iding gla Ne\d P,/S Residence Driveway constructi Mechanical permit f 17/Lt/e3 Lname Parking Fees Address Zone Date Corunentg >=4 / 01/ 93 Page 10 Weiner Wendy's Flagpole white White Dormer Whittmyer Wilkins Will-iams Reroof WiLl-ianson Wilson Wilson Wi-sebaker Reroof Wissner Repair Wollard Wong Ga6 Fireplace Wood Younger Generation Zele Coffee Zyman 5026 Main Gore Drive 2399 N Frontage Road 1881 Lionsridge Loop #1 lSEL Lionsridge Loop #1 338 Rockledge Road 1390 Greenhil-l Ct. 302 MilI Creek Cr 344 Beaver Dam Rd 792 Potato Patch Dr 792 Potato Patch Dr. 153 Beaver Dam Road 5002 Snow Shoe Lane 2550 BaLd Mountain Road 2329 Chamonix Ln 2488 Garmisch 52f'E'*ni"dffshead Cr. 7}1'*triorstetsA.Ti: 103 Wi]low Place Move bath. Embedded alumi-num f Add dormer, extend Add dormer above di Reroof with shakes Primary/Secondary r Tear off old shakes Rebuild redwood dec Add additi-on for li Add bath & add to b Reroof existing str Costmetic upgrade f Enlarge living, bed Instal-l- gas firepla Deck railing replac Interior remodel on Tenant finish(old n To remove wall and 6 /r8 /s3 7 /27 /e3 e /28 /e3 rr /02 /e3 e/28/e3 8/25/e3 ro/26/e3 8/05/e3 e /24 /e3 e/16/e3 Lo /27 /e3 7 /15 /e3 e /27/s3 70 /7e /e3 to /15 /e3 7 /27 /e3 6/02/e3 e /20 /e3 Project Application Pro ject Name: Owner. Address and Phone: Contact Person and Phone Architect. Address and Phone: 7'),t A8 L Legal Description: Lot J ' '-' Block f Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date /i .'(' '/ 3 Motion by: Seconded by. ,r- '1 --------/ APPROVAL \ \,,-,-.-,'fo D ISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Stafl Approval o In order to compJ_y with the current buj.Iding code requiremenE for guardrails, the exlsting guardrail is proposed Eo be removed,and reconstrucLed to be 42" high and have glass panels to courply wlth Ehe 4" space requirement. TAq/PAcUulSS ? " ptpE (ft*te) Z"at?6tNfuGrv' ln, { ,.1 ilr'b [, L' ,;ita f r 3 A,'i"A,4 revised 9/4/9L DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAI!, COIORADO 7,22. ls ****t***** TETS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED tNTII. AI.L REQUIRED TNFORIiIATION IS SIIB!,IITTED *********t DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: ts.TVptr ^tr aE \/T r.rrr . New Construct i on (s200.00)1," c. D. Addition (S50.00) A.UUtti)5: LEGAL DESCRTPTIoN: LoL Subdivision Minor Alteration (520 . 00) Conceptual Review ($0) BIock a meers and bounds legal on a separate sheet and f f propeny is described bv rlocnni nf inn ^t^-:v L -! vr,, yrcoS€ pfOVide attach to rhis application. E. zoNrNG , Cc lT LOT AREA: If requi:eC, stamped survey showing H. F. G.NAME oF APPLICANT: /r4/TC//EL applicant must provide a currenL l-ot area . Nlk Marling Address:Lftu Fhcne NAME OF Mai I i nrr APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATI\TE :Address : Pa . &* 57 /,/A Phone NA}{E OF OWNERS: J.Condominj-um Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Llter, when applying for a t,uilding permit, please identify the accurate varuation of the proposar. The town of vai_l will adjust the fee according-to the tabLe below, ii-2,h /n ensure the correct fee is paia --- ^.--;"'r,.:"flI+'//'ft FEE SCHEpuLE: ""o'ot s ,J('l-' ( @), 'k+d ' X":utttofo, ooo , i8loo ' "1 5\zx s 10,001 _ s 50,000 s 50.00 s 50,001 - $ 150,000 $100.00 s150,001 - s 500,000 s200. o0 s500,001 - $1,000,000 $40o.oo $ Over 51,000,000 $500. OO * DESTGN RSVIE}I BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL EPPROTTAI UNLESS A BSTI.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}ID CONSIRUCTION IS STARTED. SIGNATURE(S): MaiJ-ing Address: Phone **NO .APPLTCATION I{TLL BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER' S STGNATT'RE PLEASE MAKE CHE TOWN OF VAIL D EPART;\{E)iT OF COM;VILINITY DEVELOP}IENT . S.lLES ACTION FOR:\{ N.\}IE FEONTAGE RO RADo 8r65 zcl\D{c .tu\D A DDR.ESS [iA]S 0t co00 4 t510 UNN:O R.\ { B UIL DL.'*C CO D E 0t 0000 {24 r5 UMFOL\{ PLUIV(B 1.."C C OD E 0l c$10424t5 uM FOR-\'[ IfEc H/r.Nl C/. L CO D E 0l 0000 42.r I 5 or oooo {?{r5 | uxtronrt EIRE coDE N.\TIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE 0l 0000 {2{ t5 OT]IER CODE BOOKS 0 l 0000 .124 I 5 0l 0000{t54s B LUE PRL\TTS CU}ILAI{ 0l 00co.t2412 >:EROX COPIES / STUDIES 0t 00co1237t i PENAI.TY FEES/RE.].,..-'SPECT0NS ol o0c0{t332 i pl,rxRr,vtgrvRE.cHEcxFEE (s<0FER }iR. 0t 00co {2323 OFF HOURS DiSPECNON FEES CONT:{,l CTO RS LICE\S ES FE.ES 0t 00c0{{12 OT}IER FEES SIGN APPLICAT]ON TIE 0t c€00{t330 .01 c\?00 4 t1l3 ADDITIONAI- SIGNACE FEE ISI.OO;'8.q, SO.IT.0l 0000 4l{ l3 0l 0(s0.{2{-r0 }TC ART FROJECTDONATON PRE P/AJD DEslGN REVIE1V BOARD FEE OIOOlo424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI 0 4t010 TAX 01 0000 42371 rNvESlrGATroN FEE (BUTLDTNG) l 0000{1130 tcoNDI'noNALUSEPER\tiT EXTERIOR ALTERANON ILESS THAN ]OO S 0t crmo1t 330 EYTERIOR ALTERATON lllORE THn"\ lC'0 SO.F|. AL DEV 0l 0000413i0 TSPECLALDEyELOPI1ENT CT tl,{INOR /\j\{E\D 0l c\100{1330 lz C CODE 'c"VE\Dl'lEr{TS * * * ,. * * * * * RECEIPT- flrfin of Vail I .-' V t )ATE , lg--:a- |-4 --,'I N9 4,1236 GCEIVED FROM TDDRESS e '-._ PermitNumbers+ HOW PAID-C*h-Check Police Receipt Numben By N"' -rffhlF{ OF Lrtrt I l_ l'liscel lEneous Cash f,:,- ;_;:',':rf,14: 59: itl :1,::,,::,: i. i:, I. i+ i f,l;1;15 .i::, :.. i. i ,. ii L:1, ++ 5:lb r -i: i i; ::_ ili t ! F 1. f F.:t:8, Bt: I tlEFi...tiFlE: FEE r; i, r.. : i f :,-rJ* f 9'l .:' :€i. t{g I i.ehi p€id i:'l i;:'r,.r 'i"i i l-:i r:tt:lij tl h.,t.:,, r: r'i..jr.t -!-lF,J .i Fhnqrnt ptsid it:1. F_rE O. FB THJar.{}-i \f01J 'r\:trr :;:l-rie r FiEgl'HH Lt Project Application o^,. /r-////qs ttr a (l (,Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and /-t -( (/t.:t,/t,.q 6i,r t ., /,/ Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot f , Block Filing l./., / / ,, ,, r /,,," 4-Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board o^,u ltt /ry/r c Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: ffir^uApproval ,7 it.zlen Pierce Eriner 38347 6498 L P.A2 Fr o li7 t"*t;trt, ,|va/:n7 ffi*n, \r'fi ''.1 i., " , Fri?zlen PiercG' Briner 3934764941 oo I I fr,dlfe6,ad N I +- 67, e/4aAhu/ax*+ 'r{L*o1/.oa+he* \, ----.-.- Aa,rr*11 ,rJ k Tkbv*ll frext@E 6"+ pd Fast'e /a"*O *#"n /'m4h/ M l?r,/'b* ,l f "),"\' t-"J,tl ril ... 1'"\ i n n't1 ( vl ,y' ltl D,A 20'"i h,+Ll' ', .. r_ ,r).,- ..*: no(l' (''-1 "1 ' ,r Fn /.- y':2; y'rt\-r ff- NI .- \ ?7t',;cfo'?z fy't;,/ ,'/ ,u // /r- tL kJzz- / 1/4.., /' I /r" ryy'."- u.z,y'rtn\*s liili iii___ill l]:=:::--"-t 1 ',|/1rt -- --.-:= I ) ri 'i,;r 'ta l ^Tffit'f;'fff Yl/+s * .., { );k '/ t' (l 0) (3,t I * 'l .lr's i I L ) Lt r ,, ,t'f J )i' (."^"I I ltn" t . L''11 I ',\' \ t,J l.' r/9it"' ' f e" L.'(1 t , !', "t6' "'l''t*- ' f -J -' / ('L' "J'ltt"v I / ,^', L''h ' ll (&;r 6t a l.lr.' PLEASE TOWN OF VA]L D EPA RT;\{E)i T OF CO rvl;vIUNITY D EVELO P}IENT S,\LES ACTION FOR}{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C0L0MD0 81657 ,\-,\ ) lE ,tCcot-'1,{f,Nb: 0l 00004t510 ZCIT\O ..L\D A D D R.ESS I'{A}S 0l c[-30424t5 LJ-i\Tf OR-\{ B UiLDh'G COD E UM FOR.\,I PLU!'6 I,\"G C OD E 0l 0000 J?1 I5 0l 0000 42.1 I 5 uM roR-\ t r{Ec H..r.\'Ic}.L coDE ot 0i30 {1115 | uxlroa.rt FIRE CODE, 0l 0000 {2{ 15 | N,wo}'rAL ELEfiRJCAL coDE | | . s-'r0.00 o) 0000 {2115 | on;ax coDE BcuKS 0l 0100.r!5.13 | BLUE PRDTTS (]\|YLAr{s) 0l 00co r2112 | ):ERox coPEs / s iuDlts 50.2J 0l 00c{ r2371 P!:NAI.T}' FEES i R:.i\5PECT]ONS 0l 00co.{t-132 i PL,,.v REVJn'/ RE.Cllicx FEE ISrO i:ER F;R.} t 0t coco {2321 OF} IIOURS t\isPEcTlO){ FEES 0l 0003.t1{}2 CONTL\ CTO RS LICL\S EJ FI.ES 0l c400 .{ 1330 | ^-.-^ ,-.--I t i.itK rtsr:J SICN APPLlCAT]Oi.I FEE .01 ol00 411t3 0l 000041{13 ADDITION^IJ SIGNAOE t;E ISI.OC PER, SO.IT. 0l 000c 12i.10 \TC ART FF,O'ECT DON,\TON 0l 0000 .il 331 PRE P.AJD DESIC}.{ RE\4NV BOAR,D FTE 0l 000042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI'IPUTER DI 0000 41010 TAX (42 OI OOOO 4237I INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) TOTAL DUE:aq?t, 0l 00Orll330 ICONDI'6ONALUSEPER\flT 0l c90J4t330 EXTERIOR ALTTRATION ILE5S TH,\N IOO 0l 00c0 n I330 EYTERIOIT ALTIIRAT]ON II,'ORE T]J.!..}.I IcO SO.FT. 0t 0000.1t330 SPEC'AL DEVELOP.\fTfT DI SPEC]AL DEVELOP}IENT I'LAJOR AM 0l 0000d1:!30 TSPECLAL D LOPT'I,NT DIS htrr,-'\roR. .^]\l E\1) 0l 00c\] 4l 3i0 ISLE DIV'ISI .r Ii30 ;vARLT,NCE 0t c\?00{1330 tzoMNc coDE n"vL\DMLvTs 0l 000041 F.E. ZOMN'G ,, .,( )l r '.':S.:'CO)l ivlE: .h * * * * * * * '|,4,---=---i EAIE. i (./r r/ Permit Numbers How PAID--cash -;re N9 ,351o1r-52 45160 I i. I Police @.qipt Numbers .T $4+7qa. "0 r,-!!,:t : li- '-:ii-" ':.:, ''1 '-' " -- ' =::i ' Tt-ir it l1 : '."1-i; I |.' : DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 2nd day of September, 1993, by and among Beck and Associates (hereinafter called the "Develope/'), and the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy granted by the Town of Vail for the Lionshead Center Redevelopment located at 520 East Lionshead Circle, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide an escrow account with the Town of Vail sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish an escrow account with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount as set forth below, such escrow account shall provide security for the following: 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total IMPROVEMENT Banner Pole Construction l] Two 2-inch caliper aspen trees in Landscape Area C D 6lL ,/ Sandstone Base/ UL ilL Two amur maple and one 2-inch caliper aspen in Landscape Area D Easement for the public utilities located by the restrooms COST $1000 --- $2go r'' ./ $10,000 - $245' $0 fL ,, Ground cover in Landscape area A (both east and west of walkway).r' $250-''' Paver cap to be added to staircase in Landscape Area A ,rgz- $+OOv- n f ^ Repair cap of planter in the Skier Sculpture Landscape Area. t/ $1OO -/ 0y- lnstaff a 2-inch caliper aspen and two deciduous bushes in w/ AL $145,-' Landscape area E $12,430 NoW, THEREFoRE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and 0l - oro0- z70 zb agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete said improvement, on or before November 1, 1993. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced govemmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. The total estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of $12,430. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: An escrow account with the Town ol Vail. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion ol those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the wok specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemni$ provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall auhorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Bank for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as relerenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any ol the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance wih the plans and specifications set torth in this Agreement on or betore the date set forth in Paragraph 1, the Town shall have the right to take whatever action is necessary to obtain and use the collateral provided by the Developer in accordance with this Agreement to complete the unfinished improvements. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town ol Vail property or on road right-oFway. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Chris Meister, Beck and Associates STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ?ecr 6sy ot Sipttixtter ', 19?Jby The forggoing Developer lmprovement rent Agreement was acknowledged before me this (lu iS tr)eis/er lnct Witness my hand and official seal. HOLLY L. McCUTCHEON NOTARY PUBLIC STATT OF COLORADO l','ly Ccri"nrr:ror lxgires 01O7,95 ss. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Ail day ol Sttrtmbtz ,19ltW LAAet 6. GAaFt/- Witness my hand and official seal. Mycommission expires: "ffi unl.9S c:\anq^adrnin\llonshoa.agr I '. n s,r .-tflr ,, f5 t lt!W-! jlrt 1."a] BECK &$EP-t-93 IIED l1r25 AS$OCIATES P, 02 FAl( N0, 303 LIONEHEAI' CTTVIRE MDEfINESUMMARY arJcntiT:m, $93 Ar{DY KHIIDSOII, nAY NTH.SON, nnr- A!{DERSOI{, CHARLIE DA\/IS Andy agrcod that r T.C.O, could be lr$Fd to T{hfut sbop once thp hldr i! complne - on nbrtrnHnlly corqil@, cspedatty at T-rhirt rhqp, ulbcd rhrc frrcin bqghs, Andy mnb f-lbtrt rhop complstcd firlt. Baffi€r polcr arc b bo done 1nr Ray'l dnwlngs, at afirovud by Touu of VEiL Ctulie to chccts oo rbrc used il Lionrtead cilfty fu banner pole. l1ey uay lrarrc rone rtonc ia thdr yard. If Dot, Bcck and AsroctalEs wtll nrfh ar e;lo*ly ar posrible. rqndrcr[E Ar€E C - l-li*d 2 - 2" fupc{l Anily would ltLo a hunp betwtar Arpor st &Er C - Beslc and Assoc,irEs lo prwldeif podbla tldrcap€ Ar€s D - 2 AmurIt{aple and I - 2i Afilur w tWlrrr- d€fld Aflped. ChffIic ydlt ilFet at db nith Chrir l&{sg atrd Iohn Aloe on p*ven. BiIl Tvlnh a Torn of Vait tpprwal of pcvcn fir frll, md dofl rct rnil to wdt undl witrg. Andy rnfed that Tbrvtr of vrilAtMflcy war worHng m art Eassrilt A$Hn€nt frr socegs ts Towrl of Votl efeftbal gear, uftIch b now mouilted to Llonshffd CEnEc buildhg, Itil Agrcemeot rvsuld bc dgnd by Town of Vall asd Condo Asrodatton. fasftcryArcs A: 1. Gtfltrd wvu wlll go down at wcst dde, but €act ddo wtll trot IrsFFstr until aftet Surdgbne shbr htwe bccn afisctrEd b buildltrg. 2, Andy docr ffit Ub thc lmts of conpr$ rissr at wcst stalrs. nsy b woilr out dchlb to goften thts afia. 3. ItE Bollnd light$ * pth, elthorgh rypro\Ed vis D.B.R, arp not whnt rAfiantlcignH, Ray F $trtout soneptandng o roften the 2 ltghE u DEth eilry to pslb. g4g 4335 o DAB PRESE$II: I. 2. ?. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. $EP- 1-93 l.lED ll:28 I FAI{ N0, 303 335 s4g 4 o P, 03 Llomshead Ccone lfeefug Srntrfitrt Augurt n,lW} Page 2 u. 12. 13. 14. 15. Landscape Afta C - Psvers b boul&w arc hos and lped to be re,cut and lnchll€d" Ite concrce qp at the €drdng ffittr bilrurpole locfldfi will bo frrcd by Ecct and Asmishr- I.adscapc ArEa B - Town of Yalt shff worild Uls to rm roorthing norc verdcal, 1.e., Argrcn. nry ftl work olt deutls wlth Twa dVeil ang teoant. Bill'l rchcduto lc O htvp all lhr raguired for Ccsdficeb of OosrryencV coq$!*cd Slr fill. HII sxted ebout Gadnhl Buildlqg lbffdt, Andy satrt lt c'ftld be sr/Eitablc when mmsmhlp ugr ddo4 eul Xay ba{t dEtaib submibd on cartlrt}', fign{ge, ilEchtolcd, rlcc{rical, rnd rfus'bnl. f,ay il proceedtng wtffr tle -a[sye. iili noted th$ omerslte u,et dependEnt on SwEruber 9I&uor Boafit hearlry. \**-, , -,r- v'{0-'---'' ,,,,.j, \ )".'-'i- 'l r ;i'; ,)iLu I . ,v,. 1t'I n r,,.,1..r ^'-, f'* '"rt 5J.lf s' l' f ,:V::::'-Yi , |,-1..4) r'i' Ll .tr"'"j"*-r 'i !-'YT ' I ^ 'a''a l''- D /tr't 0 /'ln .nl^ n ; 'l- A^ .1 A, ('tt n r f n/'-\ i ^ It'"i4 l\ ( l '"o'tl ,\'*11'' L" ,,Jlf '# lllfo #11., .uHl#l?1'g'*,tu *t*iolTUt B:06 Ho.olro2r,o, tliotlBfir zlqnal rgrr& F$ilttro '!E In lnstrllnentE after drte, for value recelved, r prdniee ts pay tp the order of the Town of ValI at ehe Off,icc of th6 DlnanCc Director, l{unicipal Bui}ding, vail, Colorador Ilaro Down PaynenL 8 lq,362.oc with lnterest of Len percent Fer annuln on the unpatd balancc, payable 5_n yearly LdsEallnents as fo11ow6 I Fir6t Lnstallnenu of Eecond ln6talurcnt 9f Third ln6taIlfient of g!.+,+.3+2l"due irld gayalrre a\ f.-/..k?q , , . i?l,tSo,ok due and payable c$ I 24,-l-t: otldue and payahie Feurth lnsralirnenr of p z4,43e.dg clue and payable on&* on l-t z.q7 It ls afreed thaL tf thie noa" ," not paid when due or deslared due hereuncler, the prtnclpal and accrued lnterest ther€on shall-drar lntoreat. at t,he rate of, 18 percent por snnutn, and that f,ailure tO nlls0 lny pEltn€nt of prinsipal- cr inter6eL when due or eny drfrult urrder any encumbrantro qr agrccncnt eeouring thie note shall caus€ th€ whslr notc t,o beeorne due at once, otr tf,e intereel:to bc ccunt€d as pslnolplelr, et the option of the hslder cf, the note. The nakqrg lnd cndersEre hereof €evera1Iy weive paolonLnent -for peym6$9, proteat, notice on nonFeymenL and of prots8t, and agree lo eny extension of tirge of ilalnrent and psrthl peaento loeforel f,t,r 9{ after maLurtfyr-alrd lf thlc notc or i.nt,erest thereon le not pald uhea duer or eilit to broughtp agroa t-o-pay. eII reaeonable cooeo ot collecLlonr inctudlnE rqa8onable attorneyrs feee. Dqto:M,ay 12, 1993 ''PY/+tc' From the desk of. . , / O fa-*.-.--- /-L-- z A41t /4r nVtL- cn-tJ ,./4-r4'f7- a-"v.l_ Z df ,"n,0 / Zo ,.J *T-v- --fL- f = iL,/r+ -/ c -../ r '-!9----*'-* h44--\ Tgztcn{s (K Az,7a?-vt-+^'/ t^^{ f awr-s 4 o"l/*, "J ,4. o {o 0 .. h'/; /r-'<- Anily Knudtsen f*-L ^"^ t w-t- el i. . Vail Associates, Inc. Lionshead Arcade Condo Assoc. Treetops Condo Assoc. P.O. Box 7 c/o Robert and Diance Lazier c1o Vail Home Rentals Vail, CO 81657 P.O. Box 627 143 E. Meadow Dr., #N-90 Vail, CO 81658 Vail, CO 81657 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Slatoloa- % S"t-rr cL-Lh qfiU J THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUB PROPERTY Dl lal l^ Ntr\-rrrrtr | \., uLt\,/, I t \-,, I t\Jt_ NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 14, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A determination for the revierv periods of the Exterior Alteration reouests in the CCI and CCll zone dislricts: 60 day review period 60 day review period 90 day review period 90 day review period 90 day reviel period Sunbird Lodge Tim Devlin 90 day review period Gondola Building Andy Knudlsen 90 day review period Cyrano's Mike Mollica 2. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration, a setback variance and a site coverage variance to allol for the construction of an elevator tower located at the Enzian at Vail Condominiums, 705 West Lionshead Circle/part of Enzian Condominium Association, Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Enzian Condominium Association Planner: Shellv Mello A request for an exterior alteration for Lionshead Center to allow an addition on the southwest corner of Lionshead Center, located at Lot 5, Block 1, Lionshead 1st Filing/520 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Oscar Tang Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a modification to PEC conditions of approval for the revised development plan for Vail PoinVl88l Lionsridge Loop/Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge Filing No. 3. Applicant: Steve Gensler/Parkwood Realty Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request to review the Management Plan and Master Plan for the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Malterhorn neighborhood. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen L'Oslello Shelly Mello Lionshead Center Andy Knudtsen Enzian Shelly Mello Lifthouse Lodge Jim Curnutte (Pizza Bakery) *' o. 1 c'. A request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Rd. A request for the establishment of an SDD to allow the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of three Type lV employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A part of Tracl "8" and a parl of Mill Creek Road, Vail Villag€, First Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Norlheast corner of Vail Village, First Filing; thence Norlh 79'46'00" West along tha Soulherly line of U.S. Highway No. 6 a dislance ol 367.06 feet 10 the Nonheast corner of said TIact "B"; thence South 10"14'00'West along the Easlerly line of said Tract "B"; a dislance of 198.31 {eet to the Southeasterly corner of said Tract "B"; thence North 79'46'00" \ryest along the Soulherly line of said Tract "B" a distance of 100.00 feer ro lhe true poinl of beginning lhence Nonh 09'10'07" West a distance ot 41.67 feet: thence South 88'27'11" West a dislance of 75.21 feet; thence South 27"13'37" East a dislance of 77.37 teel.; lhence Nonh 57'?1'0O" East a Cistance ol 55.11 leet, more or less lo rhe lrue point of beginnlng. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request the north Applicant: Planne r: Steve Gensler/Parkwood Realty Andy Knudtsen David Smith Jim Curnulte for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a residence located on half of Lot 5, Matterhorn Village, 1711 A Geneva Drive. Carl Fauland Tim Devlin A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 to allow for the development of the remaining portion of the Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at 1100 North Frontage Road, more specifically described as follows: Thal part ot the First Supplemenlal Map for Simba Run Condonrinium, according to the map therool recorded in the otlice ol the Eagle County, colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at the most soulhwesterly corner of said map, thence the lollowing three courses along ths weslerly lines of said map; 1) NO3'33'01"E 160.79 leel; 2) N12o50'33'E 144.72 teet; 3) N17056'03.70.60 feet; thence, depaning said weslerly line, S13"16'03"W 157.26 feet, lhence S76'43'57"E 91.50 feet; thence N13'16'03"E 35.00 teel; lhence S76"43'57"E 72.31 feet 10 the easterly line of said map; thence the following two courses along lhe easterly and soulheasterly lines of said map; 1) S24"44'57"E 52.38 feet;2) S52'50'29"W 272.50 leet lo the Poinl ol Beginning, containing 0.6134 acres, more or less; and That part of Sinrba Run, according to lhe map thereot, recorded in Book 312 at Page 763 in the Oflice of the Eagle Gounly, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning al the most southerly corner ol said Simba Run, thence the following lour courses along lhe southweslerly and nonhwesrerly lines of saiC Simba Runi 1) N37"09'31"W 233.28 leeli 2) 334.57 teet along the arc of a curve lo lhe letl. having a radius of 1771 .95 teel, a central angle ol 10"49'06', and a chord lhat b€afs N42"13'20"E 334.07 teet; 3) N35'48'48' E 201.36 feet; 4) 15.96 leet along the arc of a curvs lo lho right, having a tadius ol 428.02leet, a central angle ol 02o08'12", and a chotd that bsars N37"52'54' E , , ''- 15.96 teet lo a corner on the westerly boundary of lhg Firsl Supplemental Map for Simba Run Condomlnium. according to rhe map thereof recorded in rhe ortice ot the Eagle County, Colorado, Cletk and . Recorder; thence lhe lollowing four courses along said westerly boundary; l) S21"51'28"W 69.90 teet; 2) s17"56'03"W 181.17',leeri 3) 512"50'33"W 144.72Jeer;4) S03.33'01"W t60.79 teet ro lhe soulheaslerly line of said Simba Run; thence, along said soulheastorly line, S52o50'29"W 113.08 feet to lhe Point of Beginning, conlaining 1.560 acres, more or less. Applicant: Simba Land CorporationMalid Said Planner: Mike Mollica 10. A request to amend Section 18.58.020 of the Zoning Code to clarify the height allowed for retaining walls in setbacks. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Tim Devlin 11. Update on Sweet Basil's deck construction located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/part of Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ned Gwathmey Planner: Shelly Mello 12. Update on the Smail/Connely variance located at Lot 5, Bighorn Estates/4238 Nugget Lane. Applicant: Michael and Sally Connely Planner: Shelly Mello 13. Discussion with Greg Hall regarding traffic studies for Vail Road. 14. Appoint PEC Chairperson. . a "far*tds' U,prlh &fu. W e Poh ft*-t*e- fa'" I'v't C*ff*r') 42 West Meadow Driue Vail, Colorado 8/,657 t0t-479-22t0 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Vail Fire Department * | + * *lf,EuoRANDUU* * r * * Andv Knudtson Jeff-AtenciofiA August f, 1993 Lionshead Center Addition Landscape Area C +a+****+**t Landscape Area C in it's current location as proposed by Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner & Associates will not allow for Vall Fire Department vehicle access into the east entrance to Lionshead Mall. Ifyou have any quesUons or concerns, please call. Thank you. y* ;[' ,rt/ I A(P", ', -QEIK;BSS0Cr RTES TELO .476-s6s1*1se *urO ,gt L4:j8 No,oo1 p.o2 ,.tLrLv' 33. l9)93 L'AJ T.: AWNINC} SI6NE(;Ji 5NO E. I,]LINSIIEAI.') CT]11,8 I,] ONSiIIEAI I €NiNTRT: BL]] LD] NG vArL. d0. 8165:,7 Tu WH(Iq l'l' MAY CU/VC,'IW' I7'lsTHEFullt:,(ts!;01'T?.LfiLETTEI?TLlrioI4tulltNI(':ATETHELtESIfrESANI\ INTEI+ESI' OF ,rHE nilrili pToRE CIWNErr# CCTJVCE/rWINCi 'fHE PROPC)1L',|.) AWN'TN6 4:(ttrEritrGE AT THE fiO1,:wian 1E1y1IIE BL1.T1,DING. THE lNlT'lAL PLAN C)F plg.)ttll,,rqL7 P. wlpDIN'1'ttii lnat' w7til,n fi1; 1Lt1;PENt"tED y41TII1N 7v1:" 7t6t1tR W'AY orr EA#r r(r.:TA11, siiii; jias nnm ME:\'wrr"tr L,trTr,ti: ENT',tilttitA!;M, rr .tt; L.^r:NERAt,Ly I1ELIEVE:1-fult.r'T'1Tt1€; r'R1tpQl:it7"J()N ll(jur'l.) ttRA::'l"lc:Al'LY I'rMl'l r'l'll;: vISAEILITY r'tF ltlTati'' .rnn'nl't1'Y 'f() rlIE lrllfrl,l(' Ai; ol"T'EN Ot'(:'LtHEsi I'AR(::li, NLry"ItiliRl oF Fno..]',i ilt,t l,'|,(tw THR(L|GH THE MALJ' Altl:',A. l///.r]:fi' TtlE rl)()nEN stGN IIRoI)}sIT'toN.4 ;i;l?s't)Iv W[tL.t].D ltIRT'LtAr'Ly NEL'I ro EE AT l'tlE D)oR 0F AN ESTAI,LIflHM1:NT ttt t,fU,fl IP RiJ;CCIGNIEE I'tlFl NAMI| ANt't 5'E'ltVlL'l;':'(; WHIUI -4Rf,' PR()VIDT,}T). Wi.ANLZ"Z:fT TIII7 fi N('7' T}IE BE'1T WAY 7\1 L:TNERATE IIUSTNESS ANil MEET THT' NfIiNs OF THE PLIJLJC ' tlll BII$T ALTEI',Nil'I]VE lli SII4FL| '.rO t'oLLt:tw TllE (oMIutoN Ft'll)ry'It.!*-!:r' r,jiFLAyrNG srortl iii;,4-i,w fnt: erilt'tlttc; r.,ci:trz'n AE(tvE 'ltIE P;N't'n-RAN(vi 7t' EAn,t RtiTAIt, sFAlr:""Iilug'. nEl:AtL JDENT'ITY I5 ACCoMt-1Lt:iHEr"l wllll llLtctl iHEATER EAttE. rnts-:wctbi,n ni; rUnnnn ENIIANrI:h 8\' nArl{ LIGHTING 'tHI: t-.lirrEHIN6 eN TtIlE iwt'ttiuc; AT NrcHT'wtc:n vI-ILL (:REA'I'E A wAItM ATleIoSl'IIEI+lt: AT NIGIII'. TM IiZ; AIL STARII OI'INERS HAVL,' UNANIMOIJS\LY ENTJORS.EII TTI]S IT'AN' AI'Iil wgN I7' TO hn mtrlfiiinrrn IN THE t,'TNAr, PLANI cr(:wc!'filrt{ Tt'lf" RE'Jult^tDE:t,ING OT' 7'IIE I..]ANSIIEAN I,:NrcITN BUTLDING, I'HANIT YOLI /|OR :}'OLIR ATTh'NTION IN 7:I]IS MATI'ER. ?e*/4/z/VA.f L 't1"1HIllT t:()l'PANY' (LEAVTIR "9 IIEI,] vAl. l, 5Kl riR $,L'RVI t::85 BE{Kq,RSS0C I RTES TEL a.476-s6s1-rse nug O9s 14:J8 No.oo1 p.oJ JW"r-[ GALA .TEWL,E'LY SWEE'L' I,IFE' ta ,/-^\itL^rj|-U---- {nF.,Nrv},, s nouLEE, uj AMoNt) stir,qHaF, YOLINCT T:R G E NT: RA T I ON THE hrlt *y fl) a/84p,/t fa,ttuf lplua':'/ ' 'z/''47'7t:::'t" " \-y u'vr' 1- ' . ^*"' I . t ta lnt ,J ,t'\".o )' t- V'o ,d n'' ,,\.'ul"L i\' ",[o*,,f --J i Y\' ' L'- qt'' l' uflt ifl ,f ;* ' . o-"" r, tt*, .,., [ "' r ,,, ,*'u .. \- r u .,r l' luctV .,. ,'u' t t , ( '-\' ' ? ,e) tI \* ,fl \' ." *L' ,"* i V -,\ ei ,/ (t' dn J' l,- ./ u , ,'- i-) ,r \p' $.- tr ....r _/\ 1.,\* '..nt 4 -.O {v _-!' v n"to*04 r. i"fl ..'J r b 0". ',P t u'{ \f v .A rer ,- '.4 s r11 l" tl k.'I \41' .+' \aot f q\ | t ' "''\3 .,\h1 iti' \n\'\ \'$t b . -\' a'\=' t/' .), '\tt r\ '' i,*)9 \w 'r" /,v /' ,\D \v DI da (ql \ './\*/' Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: 1 ; ,. ,.-, l. 2., ,//- Legal Descriptio n,rct @ \. etock I , riting ,/, ll,,.,l-.*Il d t ,'a Zone ---13!- Commentsi Design Review Board Motion by: o^" 6f'/ /'/ > DISAPPROVAT Seconded by /r,,1 (.no- APPROVAL \ - __/ /l / ,/r \l Jltr,, ,i/s , I Town Planner I Date: {"o,,Approval o k* 4 ft?s -U A% "f{k-"/ J" c.J:r',- ,t-p.-' b'4kFk'o C , )rg,,=lLo,, IPPSoYSD BY THE TOWN OF VAIL oesrot'r nE,\nEW BOARD 1yrrit- AAqj il a'1q= ^\,,1a^ 7: -(-,*f.l o v 1,-. t vt lttgtt > f-. //il/, nrr ryealy f,"*Tqt ry*+ rf'6'-L*Faa Fd-rt* Htu rrr*'f 'fiaYE ltiiffhat h4 il,ilr/, #P, W rut''tfuf ub d &r'?aoPt' ru e,atftf /4"k4' .ofufrYAry7PtL Fdh fn 7ua4 ftfu#adir E tttl' ;;i a,,/f'&?flc Pdrtc,tt-fu*a'l CHARLES R. CROWLEY P .0 . BOX 430, VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (303) 476-2420,5008 o 3D AP;l ; .; D,,ri April 18, 1993 Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Andy , As a result of our recent conversation concerning an abaternent of c erta in fe es associaLed wi th the LionsHead Centre redevelopment project, I have communicated with Oscar Tang, and we desire to discuss the matter further, and in effect, request an abatement of some fees. I am under the impression that you will arrange for an opportunity for me to discuss this proposal at a Vail- Town Council work session in the near future. If y<ru would be so kind, please call me at 47 6-2420 or 5008 at your convenience and we can discuss this further or you can tell me when it would be appropriate for me to meet with the Council. Thank you very also for your thi s pro ject. much for your help concernine this matt.er and assistance during the procees and development of S ince re 1y yours, Charlie C rowl ey I PF(OPF.F(TY LIO&5ttZ44 ( faizr RO.'ECT DATE 7//r1'r /2, /'/'iJvaLr, colorado TOTAI PARKING FEE 9 tz/'. kia.au In installments after date, for value received, f promise to pay to the order of the Town of Vail at the Office of the Finance Director, Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, lz I s )//({)E{,t7 6 'ta Xtt z' . oz>Dol lars a--l ark Down Payment $ ^n f h6 rrnnr i rl l.r: 1 anna urrIr'q+u First instaLLment of Second instal-l-ment of Third instalLment of Fourth instal-]ment of 7+/Yl/V/'/,/ 4rz fJ7.,* izssz fi'-'i nf aracf .\f i- an Y --.. percenL per annum in wcer'l v insi^IIments aS fOIIOwS: s 24t+3D $24, +3,:.,'k due S 24,4 Sr /ra4_due S Zzl ,4 \o lV due and payable and payable and payable T-rz.,it 5 -r7-iL" on on It is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate of L8 percent per annum, and that failure to make any payment of principal or interest when due or any default under any encumbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principJ-al, at the option of Lhe holder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, and agree to any extension of time of payment and partial payments before, dtr or after maturity, and if this note or interest Lhereon is not paid when due, or suit j-s brought, agree to pay all- reasonable costs of coLlection, including reasonable attorney' s fees. -l . Post-lt'' brand tax transmittal memo 7671 ( ol pages > / '" -/5., f,1Jr, s. ,1 Co.t)'.. /co. -r, | . /'I Dept-phone f /,7 ft : t3i 11 /{.i-./ sS r "'u 47//,2 y's 2 Toulrl gF VHIL Col{-DEv TRAOING+TOI{N OF VAIL COiI.DEVi*to noi*$'tff' r,or *o.ot#p,or u *t nfi Yj le'-i'J lfutfd,no r n$l$TJgf,, i 5-12-93 i 3t40Pil ; ffirt trtrril. l|r t_frt*JsWll ln tnrtrllilrntr t_ftrr Cstrr for. vrtur rtgqlyec, I 1rr. dniee te Dfy !p th9 orde_r cf.r,ha rop 9t VelI sr ttri-oiifii'si Ehilinrnsr Dlr.ctoF, llunlelpal lulld{ag, vrlll gflesr.Io, -- ffi- - .#*t -t Zn,Ltt 4,+tr {tr Cororedo fLrft lnrbrLLmtsb ot trcoad latttlutrafit gf ?ttlrd lnrtellmrnt ot teurth lnataltnent o! lley 12, tearp,l terr psl'el3 en lF4.1;ill___, pcv*lr er k:t_. Dilrblc on ;f;51!g-. Dryrblr 04 J:jgtjl_. D,ir":"ffi lt.t#fr ##@,o.""il*nrPl:llil?f ,!$rBiii!"l,oi$ritg.'T I tf'+s?i3ua rad l4,t!rq Cur mC i.{rl,E$rrrrs arc a-'ErJ'l4,frdue rflt trt lt EcEoqd tDat tl tllr aote lr rot petd rrhea due os dsolend dtr hgruunchrr Ehr. ptl$c!.Drr and roenr-ed tnrarrrt EhrrroD rblll dril lnt.rlrt rt Elta flto 0f IE DaEcofil Dor rnsu$, rnd iLat tellurr to Er*. uy pryrrnt of piJnclprl'or inidri fuJn- i,lc or r$t_t rrurr uld.t_ T9 toswbrrnct cl llsruf$t |'tcutlng thl| noto Inf,ll ceuEc tFi rholt notr te b|cocc dEs rg 0[0lr or b5. J,$trilrt,ir_br row.trd^rr prlnctprrlT, rt rhr cpricn-ci ili norois il gtrr tlOSar tha lr*ttl rrd tndolfrrr berc0i trvorrliy rrgvt Dr.!.ni:iaDt -tor prlncaS' ltctrrtr liotlcr cn ncndrvucou rnrl g! IrroEorE, tn6 rgtil !o rny anE.rtlon sl El|to ol nrlncnt errl Dr?Etll Dtytrl|lrtr bllosr. rtr gt r_lr.rr mturltyr-rid lt tttr n.tr or raErttt3 Emroen Ir BgF prlC- rtrll asrr or_lulb fu broughtp 51._!l.pry- rll m;eoqrbh cortr ot cotrirottonr fnoruilni lllfonlDlr lttornryrS ;1s1 . Ir t .. .,".' : ; ZOIJt\r$i ;, .., . ;., .; 18.52.150 Credit for multiple use loading facilities. . I , ,,, -, Where'a single off'street loading facility sewes more than -.. .. : gne use, the number of offstreet loading berths may be reduced . .. in accordancd rvith the following schedule: Reduced Requirement With Multiple Use I berth 'r I berth v 2 berths 2 berths 3 berths 3 berths 4 berths 4 berths 5 berths .\\, (Ord.8(1973 $ 14.703.) 18.52.160 Exemptioru. iesolution may exempt certain areas from the off*treet parking and loading requirements of this chapter if alternative means will meet the off+treet parking and load:ng needs of all uses in the area. Prior to exempting any area from the off*treet parking and loading require- ments, the council shall determine the following: I . That the exemption is in the interests of the area to be exempted and in the interests of the town at large; 2. That the e.xemption will not confer any special pridlege or benefit upon properties or improvements in the area - to be exempted, which privilege or benefit is not con- ,A l'erred on similarly situated properties elsewhere in the (*iW ,. i?rXlin" exemption will not be detrimental to adjacent f {.7 . properties or improvements in the vicinity of the area to W)7 -\ be exempted;,'' Sv 4. That suitable and adequate means will exist for provi- I A\'- sion of public, community, group or common parking , F facilities; for provision ofadequate loading facilities and a6il (Vr z.sr) Nf"(\.r''\o $ 4'l' 442 OFF.STREET PARKINC AND LOADING ', or applicants shall be required to consibute o fte town parking rcdevelop a parcel of propeny within an exemPt area which would require parking and/or loading areas, the owner or applicant shall pay to the town the parking fee hereinafter rcquircd.' l. The parking fimd esublished in this section shall receive and disburse funds for the purpose ofconducting parking studies or evaluations, corumrction ofparking facilities, the other indebtedness for parking facilities, and administrative services reladng o parking. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant shall be determined by the town council provided in no event shall it be less than one thousand dollars per space, and in addition, that owners or applicants similarly situated shall be ueated equally. If any payor's funds are not used by the town for one of tlte purposes specified in subparagraph I above within five yean from the date of payment, the unused ponion of the funds shall be reurned to tlte payor upon his application. In accounting for the firnds expended from the parking firnd, thc finance depanment shall use a first in/finr out rule. 4. If any par*ing funds have been paid in accordance with this 43 flril a-7-92) ZONING's '..' i-z:' -. .: - : ' ' . __:. .,.. ..,.._-j-, '.. . ._.. -... . _.-. - _ ..5. The pa*ing fee to be paid by any owner or applicant is .. . - hercby determined to be eight tbousand dollars per space.li': '- .: I -, .,, , .. ,: lhis fee shall be automatically incrcased everytwo yea$ by . :, :'.- ._ Penvglhasincreasedovereachsuccessivetwoyearperiod.' .' 6. For additions or enlargements of any existing building or changc of use that would increase the otal number of pa*ing spaces required, an additiqnal parking fee will be '. requircd only for such addition, enliigement or change and not for tbe entire building or use. No rcfirnds will be paid . . .. bythe town to the applicantorowner.... oy ure Iown Io Ine apPucanr or owDer. 7. The owner or applicant has tre option of paying the total parking fee at the time of building permit or paying over a five-year period. If &e latter course is ta&en, the first payment shall be paid on or before the date the building permit is issued. Four more annual payments will be due ' :. to.the Town of Vail on the annivenary of the building permit. Interest often percent per annum shall be paid by .- ttrc applicant on the unpaid balance. If the owner or applicant does choose to pay the fee - over a period oftime, he orshe shall be required o sign a "' . promissory note which describes ttre total fee due, the -schedule of paymenc, and the interest due. Promissory ' note forms are available at the offices of community .. . \ 8. When a fractional number of spaces results from the applicadon of the requirements schedule (Section 18.52.100). the parking fee will be calculated using that fracdon. This applies only to the calculadon of thc parking . - . . fee and not for on-site rcquiremenE, (Ord.6 (I99I) $ l: Ord. 30 (1982) $ I: Ord. 47 (1979) $ l: Ord. 8 :. (1973) $ 14.800.) (v.il 4-7.92) 444 OrUtztenPlerceBrlnl ARCH EC TURE PIANN INO INIERIORS l4ay 4, 1993 Andy Knutson Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 So. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 8l-657 Re: Lionshead Centre Dear Andys To facilitate issuance of a Building Permit for the Li- onshead Centre Addition I am subrnitting the following information. The attached are all landscape areas, including J_and-scape area D, located at the northeast corner of the building showing five addit.ional 2,, caliper aspen trees.The sign program is need of some review by the tenants,thus I an hoping that you will allow me to provide the sigg progran as a condition to receiving Cei$ticate of' . Occup_aniy:. P}ease let me know if this is a probl-em to \Estie €he initiat building permit. All awnings will be made of canvas and no bright yellow ,/color will be used. Al-1 wood window stops wiII be stained the light color shown on the Color Board. Any l/accent painting will be limited to the door frame and doors only. Please let me know if this meets with your approval . Sincere <-.'=- l-sen n Pierce Briner Architects PosT oFFlcE BOX 57 1000 LIoNSRIDGE l-00P VAIL C0L0RAD0 E | 656 505 476 6342 FAX 303 476 As}l Attol tErlti t(. ooa ttrxltr pFct la|ttl N Ez Page I tov0504 . doc 04-May-9 3 riL l* t' ,- I TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Rood Vail, Colorailo 81657 I 0t -479-21 1 I / 47 9 -21 t 9 March 19, 1993 Oscar Tang 100 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Re: A request for an exterior alteration and Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Circle. De partmcnt of Community Deuelopment setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Lionshead First Filing\520 East Lionshead Dear Mr. Tang: Enc|osedisacopyoftheminutesoftheDecemberT,lgg2P|anningandEnvironmenta| ip'eCirr",i^g;t *ni.n your uariance request was approved' The attached copy of the in".tii,g minuies will serve as your record of this approval' Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion' or if the use for which tfre fermit is granted has not commenced within two years from "pjro""r to.cember ?, i95ti. ii ipirovat of this variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideiati6n ov ihe community Development Department statf and the PEC. lf vou have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. SincerelY, " ,/ ,-/ /,/J-/ /4 ,G.- r' tr,-7 N1:{ /' L Ancly Knddlden Town Planner Enclosure The minor subdivision plat shall be completed and recorded prior to the release of any building permits for either project. The minor subdivision plat shall include the conveyance of property to Cornerstone for its parking located below grade, the Town's public access easement over the underground parking area in lhe current cul-de-sac, and the relocation of the bike path on the Waterford site, and the public access easement across Westhaven Drive. 4. The DRB will review the proposed landscaping in the areas of the retaining walls on the west and east ends of the site. The DRB will review the north elevation's architectural details. The applicant has also agreed to review the possibility of eliminating the skier access on the east end of the project. However, the PEC felt that if the applicant could significantly decrease the retaining walls necessary to buib the access, the skier access could remain. Waterfo rd/Corne rsto ne 1. The general condominium plat and declarations shall be reviewed by the Town Attorney and the Community Development Department. The primary concern is that the parking be made permanently available to the users of the project. This includes the permanent dedication of those spaces allocated to commercial areas as short term public parking. All proposed required parking associated with the uses shall not be conveyed, used or leased separately from the uses. Public parking on the third floor of the Cornerstone project shall be made available to the public for short term parking within the building. The wording of the agreements listed above are also subject to the Town Attorney's review. These items will appear in the proposed ordinance for this amendmenl unless otherwise modified by the Town Attorney or the Town Council. Jeff Bowen motioned to approved the request per the statf memo with the above mentioned items, seconded by Chuck Crist. The vote was 5-1 with Diana Donovan opposed. 3. A request for an exterior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Lionshead First Filing/s2O East Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented two revisions: the fascia band that was previously only zinc now included copper; the entrance to the condominiums had been made more open by reducing the commercial area somewhat. Andy pointed out that there were three conditions per the staff memo. Prlor to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall: 1. ldentify a new location for the banner pole or poles which meets the standards PLANNTNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMTSSTON MEETTNG MTNUTES 12-7-92 g of the Town, including the Public Works Department and the Town Clerk. Any public access easements shall be dedicated, if needed. 2. Revise the landscape plans to show a 2" caliper ash tree located in the Alfie Packer planter north of the edge of the new addition. 3. Revise the landscape plan to show an additional six shrubs to be planted on the south side of the planter by the condominium entrance. Kathy Langenwalter motioned to approve the request per the staff memo with the three conditions and added condition that the employee unit be restricted if possible. Dalton Williams seconded the motion with a 6-0 unanimous vote. 4. A request for variances for wall height and site coverage for paving to allow the development of three single family residences located on lots 7, 8, and 9, Block B, Vail Ridge/2662, 2672, 2682 Cortina Lane. Applicant: Hans Weimann Planner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin reviewed lhe variance requests for paving site coverage (exceeding 10%) and wall height for the three lots. Tim explained that since the previous PEC meeting (11-23-92), the applicant had modified the building plans and no longer was requesting a structure site coverage variance. Also, the request for a landscape variance was no longer being requested and the applicant met or exceeded the 60% requirement on all three lots. Steve lsom made a brief presentation and reviewed the variance requests with the PEC. He expressed that to build on the lots, the proposed solution was the most reasonable and aesthetic. Jeff Bowen opposed the variance requests because he felt that the lots should be built on in accordance with the rules for lots exceeding 30% slope. He also stated that perhaps only two houses should be on the three lots and that what was proposed by the applicant was too much for the sites. Jeff stated the safety concerns that he has with the proposaldid not allow him to vote for it. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she agreed with Jeff and that too much GRFA was being proposed for the sites. She stated that she may be able to vote in favor of the request if the applicant would agree to change the similar appearance ol the three houses proposed. Diana Donovan opposed the request because she felt that the site constraints were too great and the paving still too excessive. Also, the similar design of the three houses bothered her. Steve lsom responded by saying that he was willing to alter the architectural design of the Lot 8 house. P|-ANN|NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMTSSTON MEETTNG MTNUTES 12-7-92 g f FHtzlenPlerceBrlnf AR,CH ITTC TURE PLANNINO IN TERIORS IJETTER OF TRANSMITTA]-, To: R;g's DEC I 1tgw Job No. q'z/D se t l-/ DLI# r+p C=., - tt f.'r: Attn: Attached Please Find: _ Progress Prints _ Specifications Plans Other Item No. No. of Copies Description Date: The items listed _ For Review and _ As Requested Other abover are: Conment _ For Your Use Returned After Review Rernarks: Page 1 TRANSOOO.DOC POST OFFICE BOX 57 IOOO LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL COLORADO 6I656 flrlt Dttui a6. ta rtlltr Fttc Fg. ::- Y ' I '1 sy'. /.U Copies to: Shop Drawings 503 476 6342 FAx 303 476 49ol B-v*; Reich_&_Tang o Fr - 9-S2 ;12:25PM; l!tl9n P lcrcS Br Inrr rilruo-, 8984764901 3034?04901;S P. e2 1992 DRE APPLIC,AIION * TON{tt rcvlrrd 9/tlSt otr VarL, CotsnADO -." 1\, ..\.i\..U --.-.'-_ ,*. ,.,',':: -DATE A9PLICATIQN RECEI\IED : DATE OF dRE MEETING: tt*t***t*t EEIS r'PDIJIC,I!IOtr lnl& ilOT aE AccEpTED UNTIL tlIJ RIQIIIRED ItTlORlGTxoN IS suBI.tIrrED rt*** ** * ** PROJECT. TNI'ORMATION : ?\. DESCRIPTI0N: TYPE OF R.EVIEWr Netl Congtructlon ($200,00) )LAddttron ($50,00) i. IIDR.ESS I 1 D . LEG.\I DE9CRtrPTION t I]oE Subdivision f, rl property ls descllbsd.by a meeto and bounds legal cescrlptlon, please ptov{dit on a separate sheet a;d artach to this applicaLlon. zONItrc : CC Z Mlnor Alt,eration ($20.00) conceptusl Review ($0) Elock EI\o^e +1a A&Z__ a LoT AREA: If reguired, appllcant nuet puovide a curreilt Eramped survey showlnq IQf area. NA]'jE OF APPLICANT I Mei I ing Addrees i lt.NAJ'{E QF Mai l lng AFPtlC.[}r?' Addrerr I NA}.IE OF OWNERS ! rstolu,Bofir (g) :llaillng Address I Condomlniun Appreval lf aFpllcable. DRE FEE: DRB tees, a8 shol,n above, are Lo be pald at thE r,1me 0l oubmlttel 0l DRB appllcation. Lat,er, Hhen spptylng lor a building p€rmlt, pl6as€ ldencify the accuraLe valuatlon of the proposal . The Town irf yail wi}l adjust the fee accordlng to the tsble below, Lo tt r.nV ensure the cortect, fee 1s paid .j_. a, y'fl 2l-r 't fEEPID:6 -lz'-/-- t I FEE SCHEDULE ! r_rr._r-q'.lr*jx___(.Lr __(W t\ t,lQ_z J. *atttt - The Town of Vail ,rnL? N9 46975 DATE RECEIVED FROM permitNumbers -;ffiW{ HOW PAID-Cash ( LIST OF I,IATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT ? BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION. OF PROJECT : 1 4',7- A, The following infornation is Review Board before a final BUILDING I'IATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials reguired for subrnittal to the Design approval can be given: NON tr NartE rTTn r*l ARt4 .E^JT- FhJl#+ /-/oNE Eyternb TY,PE OF MATERIAT - COLOR *1/JAg rtEvn*fr-lE '-eE V-P*.-t-4c'7-' CE:-.+R AHbbLE /Xb l%. ce^ma.- tn,a rr*l Fyta lb 1?mmeectnu 6ft'E &,JFF Sattrr+tx>1,tg Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Flues FJ.ashings Chimneys :y;g:a-] lvtl* aAfr)E?,4<r:t4-17- eCatrrmE;3Z,,tAL Rails co*mw.r ,rn Fe. '1 Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other NANE ' Pr1*/a ffi &,1fu/LE ALuNrtlacz - ppan"= _ ern* FFdyl t''tt-+ 4rNNeY LVAt't I c A 6rco 664 f?l$Atrnlua EXIS?ING TREES TO BE REMOVED L.WUAre Nfuntb .B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designerz /nllLt,'t'trn fter:rg Phone: 47a LHZ. PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical. Nane Common Nane Ouantitv Size* pRoposED rREEs tu&ffi.ateg- &re*l 3 ?/r?/t Wffi*- 'a fu,' ALuE4frlE 7 t (et4a46p1 *Indicate calJ.per for deciduous trees. Minimurn caliper for --6m/2-\t^r|W retZ a<UAt r .) * l,].T-^'1 t- t et)e trees.Indicate height for coniferous PLANI *rr*lr: &!.es.!.s..L@.Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS PT MNAA_ WJEA-Zl 5AL @n^tzt^ 'e 3 keqrt 5AEWel 7 ,l -Errsffic"-sn*U!€ 1ffi/ffi-@ _TO+E-RE$E$ED @Pa'ea** 7 F@pm,-@ qlt-ernffiE L /' Mininum size of shrubs is tt ll WK#" *Indicate size 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION of proposed shrubs. SJBE soD F' fuafr 4ilP Faf-uPlJEaOt TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If eXterior tighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identlfy each fixture from the lighting plan on the tiit Uetow and provide the wattage, height abovg grade and tYPe of light ProPosed. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal}s, fences, swiruning pooIs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining i.'aIfs. Maximum height of wllls wlthin the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum helght of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. D. : .E \ \ Project Application on" /i'' /a-f z Project Name: Project Description; Contact Person and Phone Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot J Block /2., 'L^/ Ct*#frrV 4 Filing Com ments: '/tt'tt '11' gr fu'ti ,' Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: 4 /,ta//.<l/ k ,loo-, 7 Lon;'*"ro(L //r*W ,4ar4f *'* /.11 eislj s."/., 4-c DISAPPROVAL lu,tl il /o*r'4 O azla L2-.*<.h *4 o^,", lz ltb I qu E statt Approval t*o"--s / ---11 (O t4fr4znvN4ry iI) EFEVts, (d Ayw, fl;.//H hz)Uftfz" w7b:tl b^7bww ?t,\ ?E?wv- W2Y^W C) trxxv ^qasq G) w u?.ou ';', %).vel4 u)AFo rT, (6> ?aTaJluA @ wz arcF lc-\:l s \ii .Z |\3 t\$t\ i1 $ 'tt\ (z) p72n (A TaTWlJ-\,\ wuaDTrz'? -.friWCiY7 AFEA, 6 . Ye,i, r&P ,\) N $ N N \A \ a A \N vl i T!+ $ q. $ \o N \ '\.\ )..1 \ N N R rJ N .N I-. \ .\ \ -(\ { N ,r\\-- I I / I I l I $s IN$ $ $$I$ I Nr $\$Ni $\N s,t\ N $ N NI {\NN\ NX$N$N S$N$\{[ ,l .-r (l xI NY ll Fil r- ll I Ft(sI ll FX *ll )t ,! ll h-t) drt )l rrl( o It w6b P"a*A Trztv 4/a,& :'a27a TlYv .-"' "-\--$ [ua/tur -qrcAr+flti/r%, -Ztna *udr/a? €tt'1-Tn *J4v"1 e fr4r/4a* ii:iivil\ , ,t lllljltrIqll "\ .:::Y ,' ..''.J ;;Ii'r \:-tiy . : :.,1i SYNCRO VISA rrrar l5 \\' rrlrr ls9W rrlrr lr9\\ nrar lrl6Wr2D Luminaire lor exlerior lighting comprising of: r body and visor like screen made of die-casl aluminium . dilfuser made oi pressed glass, ':cnical shape inlernally mat s nslallalr0n optr0ns. ri:t0ssed, sen'rr.recessed and surtace rnu u n ling. iilstaliation on malchrng post (up t0 2 liimlnarres) ...:' ,|: l\ -.'-t;r. I l .. S!rrcr\) Vrra 75W wllitc S) rrcro Vrsa 75\\' blitql S!rrc(, \'i\r l\9W $hirs \fr(f{, \ i\ir l\.)\\r blllrl S\ n(n) \'isll l\YW whilc S) rro Visl :r9\\' black Slrlro \ r\iL 16\\ ll) \rhirc Svn(l) \'i\] 16$':l) black 3 ACCESSORIES l(,l l ';) tlcro lr()sl riirll Sll|ero l\)!i white black o,i r"4.,' $ilil *T. rr {:.'',! Srainless steel 43/q"b or 6%"d sizes Asymrnetrical iight distribution lntegral transformers Suitable for lvel locations 20-50W tungsten halogen light sources. ilrg t9 PAR 38, lOOW M,V.Bronzg 6809 Blsck 6810 U)E tr !,? !7? l'\ Mlni h -l-l ll R14. 25W. 12V 1141t1156,18W.'2V FJ4.25W B',."il" 33:l EHi" 3ffi1 Msdium --a TT EE TI ! 141/r 156. 18W. 12V Al9,40W mar Bronzs 6845 Bronzs 6847 b Black 6845 Elack 6848 s |. PAR 2i gronze Blrck o o a = Product Selector Guide !r?F? T4 TH, 50W max., 12V gronzo 58lI Elack 6812 !'?9'? 114 t/1156. 18W, 12V Eronze 6813 Black 6814 I T4 TH. 50W max., 12V Bronze 6817 Elack 6818 1 141/r I56. 18W, 12V Bronza 5819 Black 5920 PAF' Bror, B lac tt) U) tr D q) o U) O) o o,: (! q) a p o Irg Irg f T4 TH. 75W max., 12V Bronrs 6801 Elscl 6802 PAR 36,25-75w, 12V Bronra 5803 Black 6804 -3 II I i T4 TH, 75W max., 12V Bronza 6831 Black 6832 PAR 36, 25W - 75W, 12v Blon3o 6865 Black 6865 Lr('HT()r-lEla 30 ilt t't:., l-J..'!,.:,r,I ,,, $ii r lf: "''f a' L, i-:,, [:1;;a'/ F: .,- t! tlr, : t9! ,q i'-" H,l+: f; a !i r,. ,!.4 [.i i $h1' *ij"'"riF I 'll' ,: \i ii i',' :i , iiil, H"b-r riri{ stu, 1.1 . ",H ;;r'I r'1 ^. i..t .. lri !r' fli{ t l,.'t 'I i:; ',t: ,' r!!i i".l u{i il f: l: ',; , ,' R-8825 1800 ll0uN0 *\IrsW*\\tt \i-"'' ' rl 1 ,_lJ lrir' l rfl! rri. i .: n'ir,l FJ-8827 IB()O ROUNO fi-88?i-A1 l8U' R0UNtl A60rV t*..'*."**_"[.',ryk-,.\?-*:.' ,..=---a::,: NP'., t y', r1,,, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 7, 1992 Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen ,,!/)/r'z I i- \v llto' t: l '1 " fv' t'll A request for an exterior alteration and setback variance lor the Vail Lionshead center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/S2o East Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: DESCRIPTION OF THE BEOUEST Oscar Tang, the applicant, is proposing to expand the commercial area of the Lionshead Center Building by 3925.2 square feet. The proposed one story retrail addition will be located adjacent to the existing shops fronting on the Lionshead Mall. The condominium association would like to add 817.6 square feet of common area on the south side of the building by the pool and on the north side of the building by the condominium entrance. They would also like to add approximately 333.8 square feet of GRFA. This is to be converted from existing common area and to be incorporated into the manager's dwelling unit. The proposal requires an exterior alteration and a setback variance. The proposed setback along the north property line would be 1 f00t where ten feet is required by the CC ll zone district. The exterior alteration review is required as the addition to the building is larger than 100 square feet. When the proposal was reviewed earlier, at the July 27, 1992 and September 28, 1992 work sessions, the PEC members commented on the entire proposal and the applicant made modifications accordingly. Later, the applicant returned to the PEC on October 12, 1992 and November 9, 1992, to discuss different aspects of the proposal. At those work sessions, the PEC gave clear direction to the applicant that the locaiion of the building was acceptable and that the elevation design and the awning design were also acceptable. The key issues which staff identified in previous memos were as follows: 1. material selection, 2. window groupings, 3. awning design,4. the northeast comer of the building by the skier sculpture, and 5. the tascia extension by the Allie Packers entrance' In general, staff believes the applicant has addressed all of these issues well. The last two (the northeast corner of the building and the fascia band extension) have been eliminated. The first three have been modilied in such a way ihat statf believes that lhey now meet the Lionshead design guidelines. II. LIONSHEAD CONTEXT A. Hlstory ln discussions with Jeff Winston, the Town's urban design consultant, stafl has reviewed some of the background to the design of the Lionshead Mall. For example, prior to the development ancl construction of the mall as it is today, large planters had been located adjacent to the buildings. These planters were curvalinear in design and flowed through the plazas and courtyards. Concrete curbs were used as a border and a wide asphalt walking area was provided between the planters. One of the goals of the redesign of Lionshead Mall was to relocate the plantings and put them in the center of the mall to improve retail visibility. This redesign allowed pedestrians to walk closer to the shop display windows and entrances, while still providing large landscaped areas. Goals In 1980, the Design Guidelines and Considerations were developed for the Lionshead area. The goals underlying the guidelines include developing vitality at a "pedestrian scale within a contemporary architectural expression;" strengthening the "ground floor visibility and attractiveness such that it re-establishes a sense of pedestrian scale throughout the mall area;" and reinforcing the 'pedestrian nature of the Lionshead Mall." Staff believes that expansions such as this one, or the recently completed Banner Sports addition to the Lifthouse Lodge building, meet the goals stated above. |il.ZONING ANALYSIS Zone District: Lot Size: Proposed Addition: Allowed Building Height: 48 ft. ccrl 0.923 acres or 40,205 .9 square teet approximalely 3,925.2 square feet Setbacks: North East West South 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. Existino 47 tt. 20 ft. 43 ft. 5ft. 8 ft. 2 Proposed 22.5leet 1ft. 43 ft. 5ft. 8ft. o Site Coverage: 28,135.7 sq. ft. 19,235.3 sq. ft. 23,827.3 sq. ft. Or 70o/o or 47.8/o or 59.3 % Landscaping:8,038.8 sq. ft. 6,432 sq. ft. soft 6,432 sq. ft. soft or 20T" minimum 1.607 sq. ft, hard 1.607 sq. ft. hard (max. hard 8,039 sq. ft. totat 8,039 sq. ft. total landscape is 1,607) GRFA:27,587.3 or 68.6% Required Parking: IV. EXTERIOR ALTERATION CRITERIA A. Helght and Masslng. A majority of the mass which will be added will be located on the north and west sides of the building adjacent to the mall. This is the commercial portion of the project and is one-story high. There will also be small additions (approximately 800 square feet) of @mmon area. One will be located next to the pool on the south side. This addition will include a ski locker for each condominium and will be one-story high. The other common area addition will be located next to the north entrance of the condominiums. The applicant will be modifying the lobby entrance, not only by expanding the common area, but by also converting a portion ot it to GRFA. The reason lor this is to expand the manager's dwelling unit. The common area and GRFA's addition stay within the basic form of the existing building. The commercial addition will be the one which will have a significant affect on the mass of the building. At one story, the height is consistent with the architectural guidelines for Lionshead. The height of the addition was reduced from 12' to 1 1 ' during the review of the project. With the reduction in height, ttre PEC believed that the mass of the addition would fit better with the pedeskian area. The Lionshead Urban Design Guidelines call for the vertical elements which enclose a pedestrian space to be half as high as the width of the space. The space immediately adjacent to the building is 22 feet wide, and the height of the addition is 11 feet. These dimensions reflect the proportlons described in the Guidelines exactly. 32,155 or 80% 27,916.1 or 69.43 13.1 additional spaces or $104,800. B.Rooflng. The Lionshead Design Guidelines state that the ,connections of roofs of existing buildings should be respective of any existing strong architectural lines.' The architectural elements of the addition provide a strong connection to the existing building, and the roof shape is acceptable. The clerestory roof elements which provide light into the commercial space reflect the rest of the building design, in staff's opinion. There will be a flat portion of roof over the addition. lt will be covered with gravel. Facad+walUsl ructures. The Lionshead Design Guidelines call for a range of materials including 'concrete block, glass, metal, stucco and wood.' Staff believes that the changes to the materials that have been made recenily improve the facade of the addition significantly. The staff believes that bringing in natural materials such as the sandstone and maple, soften the appearance of the building. The applicant has recently decided to reverse the side of the sandstone to be used. The exposed side will have greater color variation, will provide more texlure, and will appear richer. The maple is proposed to be treated with a clear finish. Though the commercial facade will not be as bright as it would have been with white metal mullions (as originally proposed), the addition will still have a very light appearance. staff believes this will be a positive contribution to the mali. one component of the material which has been discussed several times is the fascia band. At this time, the applicant is proposing to use zinc for the majority of the band. However, the change the applicant has made since the previous work session is that he has introduced copper into the design. The metal strip to be located between the maple mullions will be made out of copper and will extend up through the fascia band. lt is intended that this copper strip will break up each section of the zinc fascia band. Another change made since the previous work session, is that the applicant has removed the bolts that were to attach the fascia band to the building. The fascia is now attached to the building on the underside at a location that is not visible to pedestrians. staff believes that this compromise is an improvement. we think that the copper will add the variety needed to give the zinc some relief. lt will also break uo the horizontal quality of the fascia band. The change in color, from grey to copper, should also provide more visual interest. D. Facade - Transparency The Lionshead Design Guidelines call for transparent store fronts as they are 'people attractors and give a pedestrian, open, public character to the street." The guidelines also call for glass to be grouped into banks of windows complimented by common trim and mullions. As discussed in the most recenr work session, staff believes that the design for the elevation meets this guideline. We believe that the storelronts have been designed in a way that: c. 1. Provides more vertical elements that will establish a better pedestrian scale, particularly at the lransom level. 2. Provides many small window panes to reflect a "quaint" theme, without duplicating Vail Village design elemenb. Staff believes that the Lionshead Mall context requires that the design reflect the contemporary style of Lionshead. We believe that this type of construction, with the incorporation of small paned windows, is a good combination of a contemporary design that has a pedestrian scale. 3. Frames each shop in a way that provides a viewing area for pedestrians into each shop. 4. Uses color appropriately. The applicant agreed in a previous meeting with statf to restrict the use of color to the area immediately around each entry. This will help accentuate the individual character of the shop entry. Staff believes that limiting the use of color to entries is a good balance between individual character and maintaining a coherent tacade design. E. Decks and Patlos Not applicable F. Accent Elements The accent elements which staff has identified during this review include awnings, signs, flower boxes, paving material, and light fixtures. Since the most recent work session, the applicant has responded to the PEC comments by making all the awnings a 'gable' or 'arched'sgle. Though there are only two shapes of awnings, the applicant is proposing to use a variety of colors. Staff recommends that the colors be limited to deep blue, green, red and possibly yellow. Statf believes that this simplified shape will compliment the building better than the previous design. With the current proposal of shape and color, staff believes thal the appropriate amount ot color and variety will be added to the design without making it too complicated. At this time, the applicant has designed the signs to be located immediately under each awning tor each store. The signs will be parallel to the building and will extend below the awning. The sign board will be made out of copper and store owners will apply letters to that base to create the signs. Over the course of the review, the applicant has decided to eliminate the flower boxes and reduce the area of the crescent shaped paver pattern which was to be custructed at the base of the building. The applicant has scaled down the crescent shape paver pattem and is now proposing an approximately 8'wide course of sandstone at the base. Staff believes that the previous crescent shape design was a bit random and that the scaled down version is a better G. choice. Staff was concemed that the building would not appear integrated into the mall lf lt were separated with an extensive amount of a different kind of paver at its base. Conceming the flower boxes, statf believes that they were a minor element that do not affect the project positively or negatively in a significant way. The applicant is still planning lo remove the five lights which are located in front of the existing row of commercial shops. These will be replaced by lights within tree grates which are to be located approximately at the mid point of the new addition. statf believes that this a step in the right direction. when staff walked the area at night, several weeks ago, the mall appeared to be over{it. By replacing some of the lights with upJighting, and by relying on other existing lights that are located in the same vicinity, staff believes that there will be adequate light for pedestrian traffic. The location of the banner pole will be moved, since it is currenily located within the planter which will be removed. The applicant has studied the issue and believes the best new location is to use the north east corner of the building. Staff recommends that, as a condition of approval, the applicant be responsible for providing a new location which meets the standards for the Town, including the Public Works Department and the Town Clerk. Landscape Elements Staff has identified three areas of the development which involve landscaping. These include the Alfie Packer area, the planter by the entrance to the condominiums, and the trees to be planted in tree-grates. Goncerning the Alfie Packer area entrance, staff believes that the applicant has reworked the design nicely. The applicant has incorporated the concepts from the recently completed Sundial Plaza project. The area is now proposed to have boulder groupings, a flagstone walkway, ground cover, plantings and bushes (instead of sod.) All of the trees in the area will remain with the exception of the blue spruce and a silver maple. Staff believes that the spruce does not fit as well as the other trees in the area and that removing it is not a problem. The applicant is proposing to replace the silver maple with an ash. The stiaff believes that it is important to bring some landscaping out in front of the addition in this area. Cunently, pedestrians can see the landscaped area from the east end of the mall. After the addition is built, it will block this view. By planting the ash just beyond the line of the addition, some of this view can be preserved. Another landscaping area is the planter in tront of the condominium entrance. It is to be constructed out of the sandstone rock which will match the sandstone used at the base of the building. The concept is to have the sandstone seating area terrace up from the pavers. lt will be arranged in a crescent shape and will be built for people to sit on. Behind the seating areas, lhere will be 3 aspens and 9 shrubs, which will soften the appearance. Staff recommends adding 6 shrubs on the back side of this planter. The third landscaping area is the three fees located approximately mid point of the north elevation. The trees hera will be large canopy trees, similar to those planted at the Vail Das Schone shopping cenler. Staff believes that the placement of trees and grates at this location will benefit the building as it breaks lt up in the middle. We believe the use of tree grates is appropriate as the concept for the Lionshead Mall is to keep the majority of the landscaping and planters away from the buildings. The applicant has submitted a cut sheet for the tree grates which include pockets for uplighting. The goal is to have the trees and lights be similar to those outside the Cascade theaters at the Westin. With the landscaping designed as it has been for these three areas, stratf believes that other landscaping is not needed. We believe that the design effort that has gone into each of these areas is of a high quality and unique character. H. Servlce and dellvery. The applicant has described the delivery system for the Lionshead Center Building. They have indicated that there is a servlce elevator within the building and that deliveries can be made through the garage of the building. V. SUB-AREA CONCEPTS Three sub-area concepts, numbers 10, 11 and 12, pertain to this area of the Lionshead Mall. 10. "Planting islands relocated to improve store accessibility and to expand dual mall passage for peak skier crowds.' ln general, staff believes that the addition does not impact skier passages. The 20' fire lane should accommodate pedestrians adequately. 11. "Commercial expansion (one- story) to increase pedestrian emphasis, scale of mall and improve shade-zone facades and accessibility." The proposal complies with this sub-area concept. 12. "Opportunity exists for expansion of buildings, arcades, awnings, etc. to improve scale, shelter and appearance of commercial facades.' Staff believes that the awning will work well to add color, variety, and texture to the building. SETBACK VARIANCE The setback requirements for slructures in the CCll zone district are 10 feet for the front, side, and rear setbacks. The applicant has designed the commerclal addition in a way that encroaches 9 feet into the front setback. There will be a one foot setback from the property line. Please note that here will be a22 foot access way between the addition and the planters in the cenler of the Uonshead Mall. As discussed on the vt. October 12,,,1992 work session, the PEC believed that the location of the proposed addition was appropriate given the context ol the Lionshead Mall. After staking the addition three dimensionally, the PEC requested that the applicant reduce the height of the addition one foot, changing the height from 12 feet to 1 1 teet. With that modification, the PEC said that the proposed location was acceptable. However, at thls time, the PEC must consider the addition in respect lo the variance criteria. The setback as proposed are shown below: Allowed Existino proposed Setbacks:North' 10 ft. 20 ft. 1 fr.East 10 ft. 43 ft. 49 ft.West 10 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft.South 10 ft. 12ft. 12ft. 'The applicant is proposing to encroach I teet into the 10 foot setback, leaving a one foot setback. CRITEBIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail MunicipalCode, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the rcquested varlance to other exlstlng or potentlal uses and structures In the vlclnlty. Staff believes that the proposed addition will improve the relationship of the Lionshead Center Building to the other buildings in the Lionshead Mall. The one story addition at this location will help to give the building pedestrian scale. lt will also help to make the proportions of the mall a more comfortable space for pedestrians. 2. The degree to whlch rellef trom the strlct and llteral Interpretailon and enforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty of treatment among sltes In the vlclnlty or to attaln the oblectlves of thls iltle wlthout grant of speclal prtvilege. The standards for setbacks in the Commercial Core ll zone district state that the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations can be used as criteria for variances to the setback standards. In this situation, subarea concept #1 1 calls for a one slory addition at this location. Because the benefib of this type of addition o B. have been ldentified and lncluded in the Vail Lionshead Urban Guide Plan, staff believes that a variance is wananted. 3. The eftect ot the requested varlance on ltght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populailon, transportailon and trafflc facllltles, publlc tscllltles and utllltles, and publlc safety. Staff has reviewed the proposal in respect to transportation, traffic tacilities, utilities, public safety as well as pedestrian faffic. lt has been documented by the applicant that the proposal does not affect transportation, or utilities. Fire truck access will be maintained as well as bus access. Though buses do not cunently use Lionshead Mall, staff wanted to make sure that this addition did not preclude that option if the Town ever did decide it wanted to bring bus service through the mall. Utilities will not be disturbed, tre applicant has found. Some lights will be removed as discussed above, but staff believes that there will be adequate light and pedestrian safety will not be rsduced. Lastly, staff looked at pedestrian traffic patterns and believes, that with the spaces on either side of the planter, that pedestians walking to and from the parking structure and the gondola will have adequate space. fhg Planninq and Environmental commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially inJurious to properties or lmprovements in the viclnity. 3. That the variance is warranted lor one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal inlerpretation or enforcement of the specified . regulation would result in practical difficulty or unne@ssary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives o, this tiile. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstiances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance hat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of he specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privlleges enjoyed by the owners of other propertles in the same district. vilt. coNclustoN Staff recommends approval of the requested exterior alteration and setback variance. Concerning the exterior alteration, statf believes that it meeb all of the crileria listed in the Urban Design Guidelines for Lionshead. ln addition to the Guidelines, staff believes that it fulfills the subarea concepts. subarea concept #1 1, calling for a one-story commercial addition in this area, has been a part of the Urban Design Guidelines since 1g80. Staff is pleased that the applicant has proposed a project which fulfills the sub area concept. We think that the addition will benefit the Lionshead Mall and provide a space that is more friendly to pedestrians. We appreciate the applicant working closely with staff and the pEC during numerous work sessions on this project. We believe the applicant has been responsive to concerns raised at the meetings. Staff also recommends approval of the proposed variance. We believe it meets the criteria as discussed above as well as the findings. Specifically, statf believes that Finding 1 is met as there is not a grant of special privilege regarding this request as it has been identified and documented in the Urban Design Guide Plan. Concerning Finding 2, staff believes that there will be no impact to public health, safety, and welfare. Lastly, stafl believes that Finding 38 is met by the proposal as this site has unique circumstances associated with it. Specifically, the lact that it has been called for in the Urban Design Guide Plan. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall: 1' ldentify a new location for the banner pole or poles which meets the standards of the Town, including the Public Works Department and the Town Clerk. Any public access easements shall be dedicated, if needed. 2. Revise the landscape plans to show a 2' caliper ash tree located in the Alfie Packer planter north of the edge of the new addition. 3. Revise the landscape plan to show an additional six shrubs to be Dlanted on the south side of the planter by the condominium entrance. 10 o 6l.i BI !4 I Idl I E5{ =il EI g$ I o $s z s tr tr 14 ut $ $ ! fi fi { o r{a+'6tb'w lv.b z i .r $ s: tl o s !: o t 1, tl il { F E ?ha+, 6qt-tz,---- //,/s-?z o //.lz'zz o //,/3 .?z \-- - 'cQ -1 'il,i .,::.it .t rt .1 .l . .a' i t I d'tr t*t&or}El?{rI, rr ICVU i'*?m g g s $ o F () E,F - F-!=6t*'=i- -".-E*,' FI'-} : F,;--- F. ?,F !?o' l:i fiE- ;lE ' I .I Fi iF :6 t 4t :a't)-)-r ri*Er* l. 5 a a h t-l;? -rr- j I l,' i.5r c tt tJl \ lfr o a /LO ,_O*-r**, A e,^^, g'nz/J ,-.^,/ s.t/_*t.{ Q /"- rl .^*A>ed/ 4 /1 /-r*4r //^*/J, J y-.. ?4'/ /-, / ,/ /,.^.-r" Lo I e-rt* { e 1 /k,A.*, A /r1,4/?v<_ /p.,^.. s fuz r't4.ez.{.2-1, zi ,// r.-^ /"r{n, .. / , L -;;: '414/'>/ 7-ou:1 u-'/ ZLl /L l/,fr k- D- C I .T v ,/.ri- h"u c,Lef, alL Par'1/,, N s $ \ Ir, - -',' o N \ Cq \ 1 I j I -1 I '1 I t t- kt+t:---f : qr -$ lN R[N Nlx 'N- () \*'s \+ \N K-- "s*F s $ o a //'/s.tz //'/3 .72 //./z.tz Fr o Itzlah Piarc; BrIncr 764991 P-A5 J I tz I c r'r P I ersc Br I ncr 76496L P. A6 P. g7 64901 347 o 3S It=len P larqe Er lt'rcr Fr o $ Frltzlcn P t..oJ "r,..r.t ol I c634764991 o 9_ .0 '< o-odv'*\D\\- F' f lffii' il lL $ tu- i; N tl- $f tr z.u H t $ ! F \ I ) E ,fi I * fl fi 3@34764981 d\ $ s_ 0 \a N il t. IJ 5 z $$$ $$ :, $ ii t $ P.Oi itzll'n P I crqe Er Ir.rer 3A347649AL Fr o s' $ \ N' \ $. $f N u \ \r\ i{R $N \s $$ R-8827 t800 R0UN0 ( For me/1y R 8624 C) ?-=- YR'4624c) lluagw ..q\{" tFF-, R-8825 t800 RoUND (Fornre' Ly R'8630) ILI.USTRA]ING HALF SECMTNT Srnall ciranreter parallcl t)ar !ype Non_elpanciablc AvJr al)i. wrth ldtrricated siec angle lrnorc rl rectuLred Werght Per 5et 80 DoL: rd5 B-8827-At ,l800 RoUND (Forrnerly R 8624 B) fo' L"c wrth sJo 6 d r" r!'rl'n{- rr"l l4( Lul,'.1 rJ 'a prales. Non-P^0anJJl . A!a' rblc wrrh 'abr'c l il il \e' 1r';i frame, rJ reouiled Weight per sel l50 L,uLroil:l N -*n, \\\S -.r-'///r ''rt\)-s.(?lt..l\$)\*:"/ / / \ \ Y )- 4r twot er e . . dre i/it h c: p.r naahle Iree opcnrr B Avdr'.rulL ^ r' .rbr'c,,lcJ .-lFFl 1^gle Ir.l|' e .t reqL,r'ed W.:qhl tL'r !e1 105 Dc,unds //,t37"NEENAH FC)TJNOFIY CC)MP'\N Y .t----a"-i-".. ,iill,',,fl.llllh\- (l'\)A'v:;. .{ll=-\ lir rli rri l-jruir,-; 5lrr_gIj HAIT PLAN ANO SI CI ION s_g%::r = --= ' .= %ei,f =.2 :-.-l HALF PLAN ANO SICIION 2t) HAt r PIAN Afl0 5tCIt0N eUtztenPlerceBrtner| ARCH ITEC TUR,E PLANN II.IG INTERIORS Andy Knudtsen Town of Vaj-l Corrununity Development Dept. Re: Lionshead Centre Addition Dear Andy: On behalf of the parties involved with the l-,ionshead Centre Addition, I am responding to the concerns of the Public Works departrnent as follows. L. Any snow that may be shovelled off of the proposed roof portions will be dealt with by the owners of the building. In fairness, it should be noted that every sqfuare foot of additional space will relieve the present burden of the Pubtic Works Department with regard to snow removal . The snow, ice that builds up on the north side of the building will no longer end up in the mall,where the snorr removal was performed by the Town his-torically. 2. The electrical circuits will be maintained in order to allow the remaining lights to be functional . It is not precisely known at this ti:ne what, exactly will be necessary to do this, however, be assured that no more or Less functional system will be in place at the conpletion of the project. 3. Heated roof drains will be provided and the leaders shall run to the storm drain system in the center por-tion of the Mall . 4._ Any pavers that are not the same tlpe and durability of the existing mall construction wilf be maintained bt the o\,mer6. No known utility lines will be altered. 6. Since the turning radius of the Town busses are srnaller than the largest fire truck radius, there will be adequate turning and maneuverability for the bus ser-vice. 7. Construction staging witl take place from the east-ern end and will maintain adequate liretruck acceEE aE shown on the accompanying diagram. Page 1 ISSUES.DOC 13-Nov-92 PosT oFFlcE Box 57 | 000 LloNsRlDGE L00P vAlL coLoRADo E I 65E 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4g}l ptact titlti ,(, Ea |ttttti ptllq FrtF eut"tunPlercegdneO A RCH I rEC rURE Pt ANr'l tt'I6 | NTERtORS Fire Department Concernsl 1. Shops that exceed 1500 square feet in size will be required to have 2 separate exits. 2. The amount of sprinkling that is necessary is yet to be determined once the building tl4)e, materials, build-ing code and fire code issues have been finalized.There is adeguate time in the permit process and con-struction docurnents stage of the design to address this concern. It is premature to finalize the sprinkler is-sue at this schematic stage of design, but be assured that the sprinkler system that may required wiII be in-stalled in accordance with the codes. H-...-.- Page 2 ISSUES.DOC 13-Nov-92 PosT oFFlcE Box 57 1000 LIoNSRIDGE L00P vAlL C0L0RAD0 81658 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4gO1 A$ta draar ft, DlA arut Ptct ltita ''Zone District: Lot Size: -Proposed Addition: ccrl 0.923 acres or 40,205 .g square feet approximately€rB64A square leet /auilding Height: ,,Cetbacks: Nortr East West South ,- Site Coverage: " GRFA: -f;equired parking: Allowed 48 ft. 10 ft.",' 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 28,135.7 sq. ft. or 70o/" 8,038.8 sq. ft. or 207o minimum (max. hard landscape is 1,607) 32,15s or 807" 3,ct z9.z Existino <grt. 41dl 20 ft.--$ftr' 5 ft.-. v e.ft.- I lL7;.31He tgffi sq. ft. or QWb +1,3 /. Itrrf$sq. tt. s.1 1.607 sq. ft. hard *#pq. ft. total or Z*A" l 7 -7 . ..'> 7 ., #ore6 **q/- '/ut'k' Proposed 22.5 teet . tjfr- l {'t. //' &ft. a< )i / 5 ft.-. T{eft. -,' 2@r. Offi7" {,fl{5 sq. ft. soft 1.ffilsq.ft. hard 9,ff{? sq.ft. total dt2a6% L l, <1t A, I 99F*F or 74.3Y" t' 7 4e Rd t?. I r*l2 additionalspaces or $10530r /VZ3s.l b L'Q. x J,tzs.z z s,Ez) \ >.1 - l ")'t.t/ J rP tv. Helght and Masstng. S1c1, 1..2 At one story, the heioht and massing is consistent with the architectural guidelines for Uonsh-ead. *(snN q o Itn zrl 3na 4t'' GprA t7 q 3. / cL(fA /tb3s.z er(fA trto ?. ? G,Prn z 444, L z7<tz. = C <tv't ryvtn\ U,^/l/v..^-.-'t^- C dlru<,---.t C'dl^^.a n'.. C ,./Vv,*.*t, Ctw-"--n-r.r,J ?4ff .f + E*""'-I a/s+ o /UL1") 4Zc;?,G - lEUSt.t .dvv1-6"-1 367,q/ zdTlr/sts-. 1= 3d?9.3 c rwt^=.,,.__t_r_--, .J 4 ZA 7. L< b *rr-rr----^g & d b. y C re4r4 Cou?/yrL,,n 333,9 + /sD,y Ct-"-""..-.,-J 3?z g, z f .c- a wr r-r/\ Zl S& Z_ Cdyww(J ,3 + D I o+b b.Q = z?.'Ee,3 q 46,1r1YtrP t t 61._ I j 6 Ss.. I 20AlE,lz-3- qz QFC'ir \ otrl 5 tg ilP{ *il,:l?*H:r,?fi ?,Tlr',."-t -n'll N LETTER OF TRANS!{TTTA], To: Attn Attached Please Find: Job No.4t to Il t0 4'/.Date ! Re: Progress Prints _ Specifications Plans _ Shop Drawings Other ttu {,rot Review and Vas Requested T other- fuIM, N, OKrn /oo arlo Cornment 1fu C+l"r{rQ ElUattnt trl tl QKLJI ^d%lK/er aue: t--OtI For Your Use Returned After Review The i Remarks: Page 1 TRANSOOO.DOC POST OFFICE BOX 57 t {ra- brale CuX 6l^d. brU"v^^^+ " l/V[ua!PWr/- -l ' o Avtr Vdb^,ry h! Nat1r144 \ Vurrl*, /oa Flarrfta^ (Cr"*> ) tt.ttiz | ?n %!z Calo Oa-fana. t 000 LloNsRrDGE Loop vAtL cotoRADO 6 | 65E 303 476 6342 F AX 303 476 490 I E|ct lt| lli af,.6^ itt tr ftct nilt Item No. No. of Copies Description By: TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX PHONE NUMBER: FROM: RESPONSE REQUIRED?_yes SENT BY: Jeff Winston Winston and Associates 449-6911 Andy Knudtsen EXT. # DATE: NUM. OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET):_II TOWN O['VAIL FAX PHONE NLJMBER: (nr 479-2157 TOWN OF VAIL REGULAR PHONE NLMBER: (fl3) O9-21* Jeff, Here are fte revised drawings from Bill Pierce. After reviewing it for all of 30 seconds, I think he did a preny good job. What are your thoughts? Our Planning Commission memos need to go out this aftemoon- any charre, we conld get yorr commenls this moming? Thurk yotr for your time and your flexibility. 1 l?zlen F, I crc;€r Brlher 4@34-76494L P. Ct3 o €m q $ ft 4/q ts '+p\rr 4-zL-*4. eu-4 /-w -t@ -eLaf^.d - rjr- tt-u/ -*b"=A-v*l, --ot-L-..-- - / . {, aoo-,'/. I TOTWN OFVAIL t5 touth trpnt.g. ro.d v.ll, color.do 81C57 I ,,l. ' t-' FAX PHONE TRANSMTTTAI.I SEEET TO: 8AX PHONE NTIMBER: FROM: 1n coMPAlrY NN'IE: f ,' .f 15 4f (n-{/a / DATE:/t., 1 z Y "f TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCTTMENTS (NOT INCTUDTNG COVER SHEET) 3 RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY:EXT. # TOVIN OF VATL ]PAX PHONE NT'MBER:(303t 479-2157 TOWN OF VAIL REGT'INR PHONE NI,I{BER: (303} 479-2100 -5 ,/( 7)i.r,u tlLE C0Pt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cdlorado 816f7 J0t -479 -2 1 3 I / 47 9 -21 19 October 27,1992 Department of Commanity Deaelopment Mr. Bill Pierce ^ | FriElen, Pierce, Briner / pf A tl t PO Box 75 \ ,r,lb Vail, Colorado 81658 q BE: Summary of outstianding issues for Lionshead Center Dear Bill; I have gone through my file and complied the comments that have been generated during this review. I focused on comments from other Town of Vail departments and issues that are technical in nature. I have not included many design issues as I think we are familiar with those comments. A. Zoning Conformance L4'. Please provide 1/8 ' site plan drawings showing site coverage and landscaping areas. [,2.Please identify on a complete set of floor plans where additional GRFA will be located and how much will be constructed. Pfease provide 114' or 1/8'drawings of the floor plan of the new commercial area. Based on a parking supply requirement of one space for every 300 square feet of commercial area, please determine the number ol spaces that willbe required. As this project is in the Commercial Core ll Zone District, the applicant must pay a parking fee of $8,000.00 per space. Please provide, or identify from the Town of Vail records, a complete set of floor plans so staff can do a complete GRFA check. v4' ,rt/'4, Page Two October 27,1992 Pierce B. Fire Department Concerns 6lL t. Do any shops require 2 exits? t )lL 2. What amount of sprinkling will be required? C. Public Works Concerns 1'Discuss where construction staging will occur, ensuring ihat fire lane access will be maintained. ,,-f. ldentify any utility line relocation that will be required. L)3. Public Works is requlring that any snow that is shoveled off of the roof of Lionshead Center be hauled away from the site by the applicant. V'4, Public Works is requiring the applicant is assuming all of the maintenance of the pavers to be installed at the base of the building. v4, ldentify a plan for maintaining the electrical circuits to the lights ln the center of the mall area. Since several lights will be removed as a result of this construction, Public Works would like to know what work will need to be done to ensure that the rest of the lights in the mall continue to function. The applicant will be responsible for doing this work. 4. D. Design lssues dL D L Among several other design issues currently belng studied by your office, two come to my mind which lwant to bring up at fris time. Please discuss how the edge ol lhe scallop pavers will be set and please discuss where color will be used on the facads mullions. ltt.t---' The applicant is required to provide heated drains from the roof of the addition directly to a storm sewer. On a site plan, please show an access lane, with appropriate turning radius, which can accommodate Town of Vail buses. Though not a need at this time, the Town would like to maintain ib options for possibly provlding bus seruice through Uonshead Mall. Page Three October 27,1992 Pierce E. Banner Poles 1. Please identify where the banner poles will be relocated. Currently one is adjacent to a planter; however, I believe this is a planter which will be removed and redesigned. The new location of the banner poles should be set so that they are integrated into the mall. Thank you for looking inlo these issues. I know that you have been working on some of these in the last few days. Would you please address these and provide written or graphic responses to them to staff prior to November 2, 1992. Sincerely, A-'A/-.//*='t Andy KMsen I Town Planner I a q ,1- /r' t a fitt COP Y ll Greg Amsden added that he would also like to see mock ups. He stated that the mock ups should be in place for the initial PEC site visit instead of having to go back a second time. Chuck Crist suggested that satellite dish antennas are unattractive and that the Board should look closer at their locations and require screening. Dalton Williams would like for the satellite dish antennas proposed at the Sonnenalp to be screened and agreed with Chuck Crist that with more and more requests coming before the Board, that they be looked at carefully. Jetf Bowen stated for the best interest of the Town, that possibly only one satellite dish antenna should be allowed and that screening should be reviewed carefully. Chuck Crist inquired that two dishes could service all of Vail. Diana Donovan repeated that the item should be tabled. Dalton Williams moved that the request be tabled until December 7, 1992 with Chuck Crist seconding the motion and a 5-0 unanimous vote was taken. 3. A request for a joint work session with the DRB and PEC for an exterior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/520 East Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Oscar Tang Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy discussed the issues of the request with the Board and the DRB reviewing some of the issues from the previous work session such as the proposed awnings and window designs. After a brief discussion of the materials, Kathy Langenwalter began discussing the awnings. She believed that the different colors for the awning were good and the fact that they were bright helped the design. Dalton Williams agreed that the bright colors helped the design but believed that the facade was stilltoo much like a "strip mall". Jeff Bowen pointed out that the character of the addition, needed to reflect the character of the rest of the mall and the building it was attached to. Bob Borne, from the DRB, mentioned that the addition should be designed to be softer. He believed that the zinc fascia band would be a problem as it was too distracting. Greg Amsden said that the building, when seen as a three dimensional design, would have more relief than shown in the elevation drawings. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING 11.9.92 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November9, 1992 A request for a joint work session with DRB and PEC for an exterior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filingi52O East Uonshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen l. Scope of PEC Revlew Similar to the previous work session on this project, when the applicant presented a single issue for PEC discussion, the applicant would like to return to the PEC again to discuss one issue. For this meeting, the applicant would like to review the facade design. This will include the organization of the windows and the design of the awnings. ll. Analysls ot the Elevatlon Deslgn During previous work sessions on this project, the PEC expressed concern that the facade needed to be less horizontal and more vertical, that the mullion design needed to be of a pedestrian scale, that the windows should be framed to provlde a focus for pedestrians and . shoppers, and that il possible, a 'quaint' character be provided for each of the shops. The architect has been working in this direction. Staff met with Bill Pierce and Jeff Winston, the Town's urban design consultant, to discuss the proposed design of the elevation. The current design: 1. Provides rnore vertical elements that will establish a better pedestrian scale, particularly at the transom level. 2. Provides many smallwindow panes to reflect a'quaint'theme, without duplicating Vail Village design elements. Staff believes that the Lionshead Mall context requires that ths design reflect the general style of Lionshead. We believe that this type of construction, with the incorporation of small paned windows, is a good combination of a contemporary design hat has a pedestrian scale. 3. Frames each shop in a way that provides a viewing area for pedestrians into each shop. 4. The applicant agreed in a previous meeting with staff to restrict the use of color to the area immediately around each entry. This will help accentuate the individual character of the shop entry. Staff believes that limiting the use of color to entries is a good , balance of individual character while still maintaining a coherent facade design. Please note that the applicant has worked closely with tenants and believes that they prefer not to have any of the facade area blocked off, except in two small areas. Statf believes that the'current design follows these guidelines. Staff would like to see minor changes made to the windows in the clearstory elements. Staff also believes that each entry would benefit if it were flanked on each side with small window panes, and if two shops in particular had the range of windows styles that the rest of the shops do. With these minor adjustments, staff believes that the facade design meets the Town's standards. lll. Awnlngs The awnings have been redesigned since the previous PEC work session. The proposed concept is a traditional awning. lt will have a black metal frame completely surrounded with oanvas. The applicant is proposing a variety of awning shapes to be located above each of the shop entrances. In addition to shape differences, there will be a variety of colors used. The awnings are designed so that they are all at least as wide as a double-door entrance. Though many of the shops only have a single-door entrance, the applicant believes that a larger awning would be better proportioned to the rest of the elevation. Staff believes that the new awning design is less 'industrial" and more compatible with the Lionshead Mall. We also believe that the use of color and the size of the proposed awnings are good contributions to the elevation design. Please note that the Alfie Packer's courtyard, sign, landscaping, and awning will be discussed at a later meeting. lV. Concluslon Staff believes that the proposed design strikes a balance between providing individual character for each of the shops and maintaining a coherent design that relates well to the rest of the building as well as the Lionshead Mall. d[G Ctr \o >ct z,a H lL I I I.I'l, rtF 6 g r(D o -et Fr B lr*j $ ls$ l*o te t+ l$ lir e 9 . 04tl !4 l!41 o o @fir'- t o o o o O D -p HL+JI sl* rtN -ls. <l$ El* $tt TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANryM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 9, 1992 A request lor a joint work session with DRB and PEC for an exterior alteration and setback variance tor the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Uonshead First Filing/520 East Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen l. Scope of PEC Fevlew Similar to the previous work session on this project, when the applicant presented a single issue for PEG discussion, the applicant would like to return to the PEC again to discuss one issuE: For this meeting, the applicant would like to review the facade design. This will include 'the organization of the windows and the design of the awnings. ll. Analysls of the Elevatlon Deslgn During prevlous work sessions on this project, the PEC expressed concern that the facade needed to be less horizontal and more vertical, that the mullion design needed to be of a pedestrian scale, that the windows should be framed to provide a focus for pedestrians and . shoppers, and that if possible, a 'quaint' character be provided for each of the shops. The architect has been working in this direction. Staff met with Bill Pierce and Jefl Winston, the Town's urban design consultant, to discuss the proposed design of the elevation. The current design: 1. Provides more vertical elements that will establish a better pedestrian scale, particularly at the transom level. 2. Provides many small window panes to reflect a'quaint'theme, without duplicating Vail Village deslgn elements. Staff believes that the Lionshead Mall context requires that the design reflect the general style of Lionshead. We believe that this type of construction, with the incorporation of small paned windows, is a good combination of a contemporary design that has a pedestrian scale. 3. Frames each shop in a way that provides a viewing area for pedestrians into each shop. 4. The applicant agreed in a previous meeting with staff to restrict the use of color to the area immediately around each entry. This will help accentuate the individual character ol the shop entry. Staff believes that limiting the use of color to entries is a good , balance of individual character while still maintaining a coherent facade design. Please note that the applicant has worked closely with tenants and believes that they prefer not to have any of the facade area blocked otf, except in two small areas. Statf believes that the current design follows these guidelines. Staff would like to see minor changes made to the windows in the clearstory elements. Staff also believes that each entry would benefit if it were flanked on each side with small window panes, and if two shops in particular had the range of windows styles that the rest of the shops do. With these minor adjustments, staff believes that the facade design meets lhe Town's stiandards. lll. Awnlngs The awnings have been redesigned since the previous PEC work session. The proposed concept is a traditional awning. lt will have a black metal frame completely surrounded with canvas. The applicant is proposing a variety of awning shapes to be located above each of the shop entrances. ln addition to shape differences, there will be a variety ol colors used. The awnings are designed so that they are all at least as wide as a double-door entrance. Though many ol the shops only have a single-door entrance, the applicant believes that a larger awning would be better proportioned to the rest of-the elevation. Staff believes that the new awning design is less'industrial'and more compatible with the Lionshead Mall. We also believe that the use of color and the size of the proposed awnings are good contributions to the elevation design. Please note that the Alfie Packer's courtyard, sign, landscaping, and awning will be discussed at a later meeting. lV. Goncluslon Staff believes that the proposed design strikes a balance between providing individual character for each of the shops and maintaining a coherent design that relates well to the rest of the building as well as the Lionshead Mall. o dB c>dti € >.ct z a :H dF Cf\g ro o -ct E' IF l*l.r IF I 'i- [* ts IT t* E tr i4 q .H J4L 7'"4 (a,,./, /" 16 ",/ Ztr ,./. , ,,J, fl',,.. /lt J,-,/.-, t:l .: ( ..L.7 2 | "t. ( @ftfr'- t - t< L/ t S L ( ,- "-a \- ( 't.t ( _<.,r,* ../ /',t .6( , -:,l t /,/ lr't / ,'u /l L.,,.)"."r /".., c/ )tr/. lt'L1 .<( ) \ . ) ,/'' /;.t l- ,,/\'( a 4 (<-.,, ,.)< ?'l ,/ /1,',.. _cl.,,L /ar,,,t,/ ,'.1r, t "r, / .,:,/ :/ /. //' -L fr-", 1- .1.2./ L("','' I '7 '' f ('' JJ t r'r, '.^ { (,/ ,l rt^ ,t t(. ,/ ( .1 1\ , .j- --,./ ' 't .:1 "/ r/,/.J ('L:7L, / .7, y'o ., I -..l:,-L ,4, u ',..--_--_-_ r'c, , i' , la, f.( ,:.',y'._,- /.,f).; (/, < ,,tu t./(:..,/' ,.1,,,^ (irrr r ,)t J-,), ,/,,,,// .t',t/ ,r,,,. ,l lz/{r -,/ / / //;'t /..cI /..,,, i.<, a,rt,\ / )ib-t','t. o y't,C.-/ r/rz r//,.,,l"- "/ '(r' ,, r',,_- ' ,1" .. . ..4 un ,, ta.-;,/_ ., /.t ,, '/ <'. -.. (", t,'/ '', /'.,.!,/ /, (., / ti i a tt 1' t /... ./,, >.'|- 'tiL l /i h'tt/ 1,t /, /t," / ;1 , . /'.^,. ,,,, /' I / D C-fVt.t r.nn" ,o1 ( r>(4 - ,, ,y'r,,, , .- /)t-S 4 ,)f,*tJ.brn ,/l ..-- )-2,, /(*( (1 ..-) L^=:- (A-- 'k-A"{6 zt< a'1< ,., 1 ,l ' 4-az I euc A---- /-.{..-,,-- /l-zu, 1. .\_ 3 tJ ,- / 4-/"1 / Lt ;s <r-z .--_ -*, /,r/ /a,rG <:o , r(+..I ) (/7.-A ^,- r'4 (.-\ \rl / J Krkit ,-Lz /tL< /'>,r 64^-1 i -P i-I ts {( N <( IA \ r.l 9.t\t.- lu J $i -Jr {. E s FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAL SIIEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX PHONE NUMBER: FROM: Ray Neilsen Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner 476-490r Andy Knudtsen DATE: NI.]M. OF PAGES IN DOCI,JMENT (NOT INCLUDING COYER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRED?_no_ SENT BY:EST. # TOWN O['VAIL FAX PHONE NTMBER: (303') 479-2157 TOWN OF VAIL REGULAR PHONE NLJMBER: (303) 479.213t t) ,WI 'V/i rtbrc s tu i/"^: /t/ fi'^"1 0 lo tc 3 Se*arol $ft:rS &l*,vr,l F o rltElah P isrqe Brin('r 36 6499L 34? o P. BI .,(!,,, ".: ^Aarp*aa Qertlto WAnnoetattao 5?0 W. Lionrhead Mrll r Vatt, (blotado 8165? r l'1014i6'3651 october 23 1992 ALui lilr. rtdy xnutBon t.o.V. RLi : Dellveries ab l,lonshead centre B|rlldlng sir, l.lost of arr shop deliverles are hrought to the 6hoP ibors iV tr* way o{ a hand oare crr casled by handr leaving their vehicle at the ten minute unloadlng zone next to tle buo stop at the east enC of tlre tloflshead MaIl, For .larger dleLiverlas r tnrcke are brought dcthtn our drive way avrd wrloaded' til the ccnnercial parking lot, tlren stored in the J.crurer North end of our brrllding, mtly ttJo shope do 8o, they arei charlles Gondola Ski shop ard t<errrrtee Dorble DiatlErd skl shop. Please teef free ne if, yotr have any guaatlons. Robert , Reslderrt l{anager of Limshtad centre Srrdcrnlniwns D6L I J'n'u,"* MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 12, 1992 iol'-\ ttz TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: Oscar L. Tang Andy Knudtsen ,.L b"l-6' Ii&ttr 't J4W Jfl tw'tu A request for a work session tor an exterior alteration tor the Vail/Lionshead Center Building, located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/ 520 East Lionshead Circle. l. Scope of the PEC Revlew The applicant has requested a work session with the PEC to discuss the proposed setback encroachment. The architects, Bill Pierce and Ray Nielsen, are currently revising the architectural details in response to comments made at the last work session, September 28, 1992. The applicants will return to the PEC for a full analysis and discussion of those issues at a later date. However, if the Planning and Environmental Commission could not support a proposal which encroaches into a setback, the applicant would like to know that at this time. ll. Analysls of the Varlance Request Staff spent several hours with the applicant and Jeff Winston on site. The applicant had staked the proposed addition with upright 2" x 4" boards so that statf could better understand what the three dimensional building will look like. Staff believes that the PEC has expressed two primary concerns about the setback proposal: 1. That the encroachment may not allow sufficient pedestrian access through the area. 2. That the proposed encroachment may not be appropriate for this area of the mall. Staff believes that it is important for the PEC to see the three dimensional staking in order to evaluate these issues. Statf would like to provide additional analysis of the project to the PEC (vebally) in the field during the site visit where the PEC can see the staking. lll. Modlflcatlons Currently Underway on the Proposal Staff understands from the applicant that the following changes are being made, or will be made to the proposal: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The addition has been reduced in height by one foot for the entire length along the Lionshead Mall. This results in a height of 11 feet. The north elevation encroachment into the setback will be reduced by breaking up the longest expanse with an additional offset area. The window groupings will be redesigned to be more vertical and to show more detailing through the use of mullions. The circular form at the northeast corner will be completely eliminated and the addition will be brought back away from this corner. No changes to the skier sculpture will be made. Additional trees will be incorporated into the planter design by the condominium entrance. Uplighting will be provided for all trees. The Alfie Packer fascia band extension will be eliminated. The scallop paver design at the base of the building will be redesigned so that it is focused at activity areas. The area of the sandstone will be reduced. The awnings will be redesigned. The applicant has eliminated 220 square feet of floor area. o 10. lv.Concluslon Staff would like to focus the work session on Monday on the setback issue. We believe it is important to point out that many of the concerns brought up on September 28th are being addressed. lt is also important to point out that stafl has emphasized to lhe applicants that all of these issues are interrelated. The setback issue cannot be isolated without understanding the design details of the addition. There are many ways to provide a high quality pedestrian space of this part of Lionshead Mall. Notwithstanding the need to see how elements such as materials, the window groupings, the mullions, the awnings, etc. will be designed, the applicants believe that in order to proceed with the project, resolution of the sehack issue is needed in order to understand what amount of encroachment is acceptable. ' .'/ // / / '> !- L . . ( t o o o -^.r ., IllI Ih -r- L! tTn.'\,.t {"F', _._ ;-, E# frq I. ti I ",r'n' tEl-*-.*- ^, -F ,! ; --,€---- --,-------r ri" I a \ f,.t -.l.l - r.Tt{| 8:l "r ::- I L rT-- l, I }J 'r\l ''." ; h,"\:r p.t a o . | _a\., ,{r, I irFi I ,,a-= t3 rL l H'= tf';.,. j t i t ar\ ti I flr5 II - TO: MEMORANDI.JM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Deparrnent December 9, l99l A rcquest for a conditional use p,ermit for an outdoor dining patio for the Gallery Building (Russcll's Restaurant), located in the C-ommercial Core I zonc district, 228 Bridgc StreeVa pan of Lot A, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Ron Riley/D.R.R., Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica ,! FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: hof'l .-...... I. DESCRIPNON OF TIIE PROPOSED USE The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for a 173 sq. ft. outdoor dining deck at Russell's Restaurant, located in the Gallery Building in Vail Villagc. The Gallery Building is in the Commercial Core I zone district, which requircs a condidonal use permit to add an outdoor dining deck. The deck is proposed to be locatcd along the west elevition of the Gallery Building, and would be located entirely upon public right-of-way. The applicant is proposing a "winter venion" of the dining deck, as well as a "summer version." The winrer dining deck would be perrnalent and would extend out 3'-9%" from the existing face of the building. This is the same distance that the two existing Town planters extend out from the face of the Gallery Building. The proposal calls for a "temporary" dining deck for the summer season. The summer dining deck would extend out a total of 6'-9" from the face of the buildingr or an additional 2'-llr| beyond the winter deck. At the tightest point, thc summer deck would reduce the width of Bridge Sreet to approximately 13'-6". The summer deck would include a removable steel railing system, as well as a rcmovable floor system for the deck. Both versions of thc deck (winter and summer) would be contained within a 3tA-foot high steel railing systcm. The floor system of the dining deck would be located at rhe same elevation as the existing floor of the interior of Russell's Restaurant. As it relates to the elevation of Bridge Sueet, the floor system would bc located approximately 2 feer above the existing asphalt. Rekord doors would be added to the west elevation of the Gallery Building to provide access to the dining deck and to create a more open, airy feeling to the interior restautmt. The applicant has also proposed to wrap the sur."r deck with redwood flower boxes. Additionally, a free-standing bench would be added to the area ar the sourheast side of the covered bridgc (to comPensate for thc rcmoval of the bench on the wcst clevadon of the Gallery Building). - Since the November ll, l99l PEC worksession, the applicant has modified the proposal in thc following manner ' The deck has becn pulled back, from the cntrance to the Gallery Building, by approximately G'0". A ponion of the existing Tgwn planter, which includes the Gallery Building's fire dcpartrnent water connection, would rcmain. (Please see attached site plans.) ' The northwest corner of the deck would be angred morc sharpry to funher reducc the decks inrusion into Bridge Snect. Jhe floor gea of the proposed dining deck has bcen reduced from 207 squarc feet, to 173 square feet. II. BACKGROUND on october 22, 1991, the Town council (by a vote of 6-0) unanimously approvcd Ron Riley's request to proceed ttu.oueh the plannine process for a condjtionut use permit. This initial approval was required because all of the proposed improvements for thi outdoor dining deck for the Gallery Building would be located within the puUtic ;gttt-of-way, and on Town of Vail property. Staff has measured some of the existing dimensions of rhe "usable right-of-way', along Bridge Street. The results are as follows: l. Existing inrerior width of the Covered Bridge = l0 feet.2- Existing width of Bridge Strect between the Gallery Building (includes Town planters) and the pocket park = 16 feet.3. Existing width of Bridge Street between the Covered Bridge Building steps and rhe Slifer Building steps = 27 feet.4. Existing width of Bridge Street between Pepi's Bar and Resnurant entrance and the steps at the Gorsuch Building = 24 fwt,5- Existing width of Bridge Street between the Gorsuch dining deck and pepi's dining deck = 2l feet, The PEC initially reviewed this request on November I l, 1991. This was a worksession and the draft minutes of the meeting are attached to this memorandum. M. RELATED POLICTES IN T}IE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESICN GUIDE PLAN AND THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Thcrc are no specific Vail Village Urban Dcsiga Guide PIan sub-area concepa which apply to this proposal. Howevcr, the Vail Village Design Considcrations specifically addresses dccls and patios as follows: "Dining decks and patios, when pmperly designed and sited, bring pcople to the streets, oppornrnities to look and bc looked at, and gcnerally conributc to the liveliness of a busy smet--making a richer pedcstrian expcrience rhan if those streets were empty. A review of succcssful decks/pados in Vail reveals several common chancteristics: - direct sunlight from ll:00-3:00 increases use by many days/ycar and . prorects from wind; - elevated 2 fcct to give views j4 the pedestrian walk (and not the reverse); - physical separation from pedestrian walk of 3-5 feet (planter better than a wall); - overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter. Decks and patios should be sited and designcd with duc consideration to: - sun - wind vlews pedesrian activiry" The Vail Village Master PIan does not contain any specific sub-area concepts which dfuectly relatc to this proposal. Howevcr, the staff belicvcs that thc following goals and objectivcs, as stated in the Vail Village Master Plan, are relevant to this proposal: "Goal #l - Encouragc high quality rcdcvclopmcnt whilc prcscrving thc uniquc architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Objective: Encowage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commcrcial facilities. Goal #2 - To foster a srong tourist industry and promote year-around economic : health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.2.1 Policy: The design criteria in the Vait Village Urban Design Guide Plan shall be the primary guiding document to preserve the existing architecnrral scale and character of the corc area of Vail Villagc. 2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of a new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.2 Policy: Activity that provides night life and evening entenainment for both the guest and the community shall bc encouraged. Goal #3 - To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. 3.1 Objective: Physically improve the existing pedesrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policy: Private developmen t projects shall incorporate stneetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 4 3.3 Objective: Encourage a wide variety of activities, events, and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. ' 3,3,2 Policy: Outdoor dining is an important strectscapc feature and shall be encouraged in commercial infill or redevclopmcnt projccts. Goal #6 - To ensure the continued irnprovcment of the vital opcrational elements of the Villagc 6,2.2 Policy: Minor improvements Qandscaping, decorative paving, open dining decks, etc.), may bc permittcd on Town of Vail land or right-of-way (with rcview and approval by the Town Council and Planning and Environmental Commission when applicable) provided that Town operations such as snow removal, sbeet maintcnancc and fire . depanment access and operation are able to be maintained at currcnt levels. Special design (i.e. heated pavement), rnaintenance fees, or other considerations may be rcquired to offset impacts on Town services." IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Secdon 18.60, the Communily Development Depanment rccommends denial of thc conditional usc permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. As stated in the zoning code, the Commercial Core I (CCI) Zone District is intended to "provide sites and maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixturc of todges and commcrcial establishments in a prcdominandy pedestrian environment. The CCI district is intended to insure adequatc light, air, open space and other amenides appropriate to permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with rhe Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prcscribe sitc development standards that are intended to insure the maintenance and prcsenation of the tightly clustered arrangement of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public grecnways, and to insurc continuadon of o ,) 3. the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." Gencrally, the staff believes that the applicant's proposal complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guidc Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan as indicated in Section trI of this memorandum. We bclievc that outdoor dining decks, associated with a rrstaurant, arc an appropriate sitc development in the Village corc. Thc applicant is proposing to add rriwood flowcr boxes amund the perimeter of the dining deck, however, one Town of Vail planter will be lost in its cntirety, and another partially removed The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. It is the staff opinion that the proposed outdoor dining deck will havc no negative effects upon any of the above listed criteria. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. It is this criteria with which staff has the most concern. With the summer deck in place, Bridge Street would be narowed down, at thc tightest point, to a width of approximately 13'-6". The staff is very concemed with further constricting Bridge Street and with crcating a choke point at this very heavily used arca of the Village. This section of Bridge Street is considered by staff to be a transition zone for pedestrians, bicyclists and rollerbladen accessing the Village core. Narrowing the width of Bridge Srect is a concern and pedestrian safety is a major issue, especially given the wide variety of users in this arca, and the fact rhat the western edge of Bridge Street drops off into thc pocket park (ftere is no guard rail). The Public Works Department maintains that stre€t swccping will become more difficult with the proposed summer dining deck in place. The Fire Department concerns and issues, which were identified at the PEC worksession, have all been resolved. C*^.*1 tb' " ,r\ W'(,2'') 4.Effect upon the character of the area in which the propoced use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Thc staff is still conccmed with rhc overall acsthctic appcarance of the dining dcck (during the summer scason) and its potcntial for panially blocking vicws both up and down Bridge Strect. Wc arc coniemed- with the potential for blockinl'' vicws of the covered bridge (from thc south). Wc believe rhat with the curvc of Bridgc Srect and rhe anglc of the covered bridgc as it crosses Gorc Creck, that the castcrn ponion of the bridge may be partially scrcened wirh the proposed dining deck in place. The staff believes thar the addition of Rekord doon to the Gallery Building will bc a very positive addition, nor only to thc building, but also to the Village. Rekord doors, by increasing the visibliry of dining activity, will add to the street life and yisual interest. Thc addition of a bench, adjacent to the iovered bridge, will be a positive amenity and will add to the pedestrian environment and character in rhe Village. B.Findings L That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the sitc is locaad. That the proposed location of rhe use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or matcrially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with cach of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. ) 3. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff is recommending denial of the applicant's request for a conditional usc permit, as we believe the request does not meet findings 3 and 4 as outlined in the ' above section of this memorandum. Although the staff cannot suppon th'e applicant's r€quest as prcsented, rhe staff would be able to support a scaled back venion of the proposal. Wc believc that a dining deck yhich extended out 3'-911" from the west elevation of the building (to the facc of the existing Town planters), woutd be acceptable. This type of expansion would have no impact on the existing pedestrian flow along Bridge Street. We believe that an outdoor dining deck in this configuration would allow for approximately threc to four, rectangular dining tables. We also feel that a dining deck in this conhguration, with the rctractable Rekord doors, would provide thc outdoor dining cxpcricnce that the applicant desires. The staff would also suggest the addition of an awning, on the facade above the retractable doors, to add more color to rhe face of the building. If the PEC approves either the applicant's request for rhe outdoor dining deck, or the staff's suggestion for a scaled back version of the dining deck, the staff would recommend that two conditions be placed on the approval as follows: l) That the applicant agrce that the dining deck will not be cleared of snow onto the adjacent Town right-of-way, and that the applicant work out some arrangement to have snow privately hauled from the site. 2) That the applicant install 2-3 aspens in the planter nonh of the proposed dining deck. + PEC ru"4<\)\.-, f /^-J rkaoe ';lr*ppt I r"ti;or,- j tto" .b ' lar4r't*!d +t'art.Frffit- ti r/ ri V & U q/ Y o A \J 6hse Bl.lJ. ;::!.jsfiFg C*l-:€$r e *rL:|lHO eussl|-!-'3 aEs?AiEArf ?Pe?ae?> +17:-_ @E!ED DE!:C* DTJT.$9 a Iil uI .u_[ oil t-ll F iF -tr.F nl,i H! ztb 5tt f' li5 n13 il[E 0tr \[+ .Lti 0l' ttli E o lrailer, Mr. Matthews repeated he would only have 40 trees on he lot.D[IAFT Richard indicated the trees to be sold would be attached to rebars which had been pounded inlo ll? groYnq. In response to a question from chuck crist, Richard inoicatea the banner would be attached to the trailer. The stale requires the trailer be set back 50 feet{rom th6. North Frontage Road right of way.Basgdgn hg 9i!e plan, it appeared the salesiiailer woutd be approxtmatety 50 feet from the road' Gena whitten believbi it looked a little iight.' sne requbitJJ tn" ,esr of the survey be presenled. Kathy was concemed about knowing where the p'roperry tinl *"s, so that rhe commission would know where the traiter was actually proposed to be located and lo Insure the business was located entirely on west viit rexac6 p.prrty "iro *i in me state right of y.al.or on adjacent proprtyl Kathy atso asked how trd tehce wouto u, staoitired. Mr.Matthews said it woutd Oe ittactred to T_posts by black ties. Diana Donovan believed it was important that everything be located on Mr. Matthew,s property, ancl lhat the trailer be removed as soon atter dnristmaJLs possiure. Diana suggested all material be removed from the site by December 26th. [tr. Manhews stated he had no intention of leaving.anythino up atter chrisimas but he *1. reirciant to committing to removing. everything lrom the site by becember 26th as inclemeniwlainer coutd make it impossible for him to comply with thjs deadtine. Jillreminded the PEc that based on ordinance 43, series of lggl which wiil allow plant producl businesses in the Heavy service Zone Districl, the site must be cteaned with 72 hours of the date the conditional use permit expires. Kathy asked that the fence be kept in a straight, vertical position. She thought it would be nice if the trailer had a red door. Mike Mollica presented the request. As this was a worksession, no staff recommendation was given, but staff raised several issues for discussion. Applicants Ron Riley anct Mike Slaughton were present for the discussion. Ron Riley pointed out that the. deck wo_uld only be used for 90 days in the summer, and did not believe it would obstruct views on Bridge Street. He believed a summerlime encroachment of 2''11%' was minor, skesiing the fact that tower gridgJ sreet was .sterile,. ancl tha! lhe_ dining deck would add interest tdthe area. He betieved that, due to the popularity of outdoor dining, a restauranl was almosl required to have a dining area outctoors.Mr' Riley advocaled the deck since othenrise there was no visual penetratioriinto tneGalef Building' and because of that, people could not tell there was a re5tauiant contained herein. Ludwig Kure was concerned about narrowing Bridge Street, stating it was easily one of the o most congested areas a great deal of the time. He was not convinced this was the best use of public land. Mr. Riley reminded the Commission that this request was only for a 90day period each summer. He explained that, in lhe summer, people walk more slowly than in the winter. , Jim Shearer was concerned with the use ot public land. He wanted to get Pete Bumett's opinion on cleaning the streets. Mike said he had spoken wih Pete, and Pete indicated that, il the deck was in place, he south end of Bridge Street would require hand sweeping. Ron Riley said the distance across Bridge Street would be 13 feet. Mike Staughton said the Town did not clean the streets every wee( but only 2-3 times per summer. Mr. Riley said he could build the deck so it could be removed tor street sweeping. Jim discussed the sterility of that end of Bridge Street. He asked what fre Town ot Vailwould gain lrom the proposal, and suggested Mr. Riley.could do something to make the area more inviling. Chuck Crist agreed with Ron Riley regarding the sterile look, and liked the concept ol a removable deck. He was concerned with the loss of two Town of Vail planters, as well as the bench.between lhe planlers. He indicated the bench had frequent use. Chuck also was in favor of narrower streets and the proposed rekord doors. Ron Riley was lrustrated because no service trucks were allowed on this end of Bridge Street, and indicated the upper end of Bridge Street became much more restricled when service trucks were making deliveries than his proposal would make he area. Gena Whitten believed that this was an imporlant entrance to he town, and Mr. Riley could achieve the transparency with a 3-foot wide deck and rekord doors, which would have the feeling of an outdoor deck without going onto public land. She felt this was very valuable space. Kathy agreed with Ludwig and Gena, stating that rekord doors would give better exposure to the outside and better planters could be designed. Kathy could not support lhe construction of a deck on public land, not wanting to furiher constrict the area. Ron Riley indicated the location of the restaurant's restrooms created an interior constriction, and rekord doors alone would not achieve his objectives. Diana could not support a deck on public property, but suggested pulling back the deck. Jim could also support such a revised proposal. Jim reminded the Commission that the Town was running out of Village restaurants, and believed undulation on that side of the street was important. He strongly supported retaining restaurants in the Village core areas, especially restaurants at street level. However, in this particular situation, he was concerned about potential bottlenecking. Ron Riley indicated he would investigate other possibilities to ensure he did not restrict the area and would look tor a proposal which would enhance the area. He suggested a 90-day trial basis. Chuck supported this use for public land, as it would increase the vitality of an area which was RD I lll lr'1 lii\T' ' UtJ IJ-J tl tl uLt BM t .., :,cunenlly 'ugly and dead.- Mike Mollica summarized the Commission's position and stated some ol the members had difficulty in supporting this use of public land. 1. 9ommercial Core lll zone district. 4PPlt@! Peter Jacobs of Davs lnn Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented the request. statf supported tre proposed amendment. chuck crist asked il this amendment would allow more han one agency per property. He asked for a simplification of the wording. Diana Donovan was concerned with the wording regarding the term of the lease. she requested that section be simplified. She believed landscaping should be required. Kathy Langenwalter did not think an amendment addressing landscafing would be necessary, as it was. addressed in the parking section ot the code. AnOy pointeo out that the parking iection dealt only with new parking lots. Diana believed the Towh should have the afiitity tdrequire additional landscaping for this type of use. Chuck Crist moved to reicommend that Town Council approve the request to amend Section 18.52' Otf-Street Parking and Loading, of the Town's zoning ordinance to allow car rental businesses to lease parking spaces in the Commercial Core lll zone district, incorporating the Commission's concerns inlo the ordinance regarding the ability ol the Town to require landscaping, allowing the length of lease to range from 1-12 months, and limiting 'each property within CClll to a maximum of one agency with s ma;timum of 15 cars. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. lt was unanimously approved, 6-0. Applicant: Vail Vallev Consolidated Water Districl Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica explained the request. Statf recommended approval of the request wlth the conditions listed in the memorandum. Discussion ensued regarding whether the proposed structure should become a shelter for golfers or a utility building which disappeared into the willows. Kenl Rose, engineer for he project, indicated the proposed building was 14'x 24', and the size was neceJsary ln order to Attn: Planner MB/GH 4. MM 5. Mike Brake Greg Hall Pete Burnett Todd Oppenheimer Mike Rose Jetf Atencio Mike McGee Dick Duran Ken Hughey Larry Grafel Pam Brandmeyer Caroline Fisher Martha Raecker Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Tim Devlin Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Jim Curnutte Russell Forrest Gary Murrain Police X Development Review Team Communlty Development Large Conference Room Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. September 30, 1992 Please Be On Tlmel MB 2. Sullivan 2645 Larkspur X \n nVs}/r-iofu Comm Dev Special Events Permits X Chalet Road Vacation X update Goncrete planters @ the intersection of Vail Valley Dr./ X MillCreek Dr. Lease with We X ^ , (rJ'" rl^'"xx llt,/'t, l,r-'u ,' , ,_rl \r "u- x x ( /t' ,1",'" , z 7 ,''',r 4tr)l'l ,nJ -Lt,\*i',, /'": /.r' ' ,'" o ,',' 'r , i,l )l , l,*' .rrvl ''t t'' , ,^-"t,' '""- t ,,1r,, il'- rtiz-) t, rlptr Fire PW 1. X X X X X ^ Recycle/parking -AK P.r fQolddn'Realrhous \-/ \' cdqidor s\dey Fio TD 8. Weimann-3 new houses X SM 9. Cornerstone SM. 10. Willows SM 11. Everett JC 12. Vlaar X X X X t | /-rd,/Vqz W ,J^--*4*,- Q.+^.^€.L G...1-Y7A -*-<f "(,P 4( 4r.,ty.- p1"^&-- /v ,"/r"r/h"*pd- h:^"" fo4 ;J /a&--A.- Lf-- €e^-44-7* Qr^: o^ *",f- €4,/>) #r"f ,*. 1"4 ? ,[ t/ u 4/ lal".nr*., " 7 A"* rX.- dk &*dr 4/' + ^A/nt I e \t --4 V1z-,Lf s 5-A 4t2 =,0 ,q \/) r-o-1a W h 4" /i4-/"2- / fl| '*o oovT r-v' ( w-f *u' 7 '2 '\'/'-'2-t1 34 >> -'c'e , J"2 ,/ ->\/? 4,rt r- -H ,rq )/-y* rr-- "3 ( l, ,-a y.z-'ntn., .ry h"--7 , ^-7, /"-- I D7A>4 /Y/ 7 'Yv'" \-'W/D L,l/ f4 4 7)4! f-zy J>/? -/Fn "vA /- /-P >*e @ O ] ,frl.Zi o/ (,ir!*- Ev 2,1/"r'-n H9"L -' f ,uL,^ ,j o ".)-' ,4-' t/o- .{.u1- I l*u ^qr-t # *,.2"J.- K o** /,/.. ?(+-.t t)Jo,.-'f lfr .i//-;*/ Y X ,^--"{t H ,.1 L^ -{ ( t.,-i/,/\ /tt-ruAa-d/ /ec' t{. //t ,r-Ar,Jh (e<-ty-c 4 /r,rr.n /r7 - -/ -s/l=r Se..r^ A---_-zs:U3a /< 6 ^" /.t,5,.r. w;// h&c 6 /|//.t ft.1 J" *# u---. / 6 'r--/a-s"t-* -s.,---fr-r4o"- tJ "-rz/+ t/. .'.cy---r,<-oR * .l I fr-^' 7T*.^ 6^-/ q ,4*g 6-,.- 1 ct.r^-/ 6utf.u-4--. run y.r-1.- -/ *6r*A 'c ra- / /(/t &-<- /./,--Lh */lo -/ ,4 /..4 o-k 5r'x'.-, I o o F*g ",'ryt 0 0 ^ ,fuy tr,, +=r,v *- -,;>.*7 Wd \7tr-,v -'/,--v * r(fr" @ f -*-! ^--'l+t y'n= 7 ,"4,2 r'r"* tYln/ %4 -'>v,rt \ f) 9 yP. /- }7 t nif /-*V '>r't.p-'/D 7 //.'fl 2-----o/ /;t t :1et */ /r',.f, d | _.tr-tzll ., /./-: X l.,r/ t-n @ *-r/ //:.'2 * I L)n,l-soJ 0*fo4 )$, RTa roPs 100s REc/cLEo la/ K*t01 lr l 0(\t L"*0tW,;,rr{U,r&pe fucatt e'r 116^$hK-L r\qrJ (I^,\i, U u t)r*ol*ili,,'r,rn1r( ,'&u \\^P\d4A+ t i +.,'n, I ,,nn,l be- ok--&ffii w'wdari rhe-'c\^ttoat,\obi xfrwQt. I TOPS lOOft F€CYCLEO o ,T',L [ 0,],F y Present Diana Donovan Dalton Williams Jeff Bowen Gena Whitten Kathy Langenwalter Greg Amsden Applicant: Planner: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 28,1992 Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen Staff Present Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Tim Devlin Shelly Mello Jim Curnutte Susan Scanlon Russell Forrest 1. Starting at approximately 2:10, a joint work session with DRB was held to discuss a request for an exterior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/s2o East Lionshead Circle. Andy Knudtsen summarized the issues of the request per the memo. lmprovements to the proposal since the previous work session included: 1. changes in materials, 2. changes in landscaping areas, and the 3. addition of scalloped paver edging. Andy discussed further that, per the staff memo, there are five areas of concern:1. Alternative fascia band materials.2. The window groupings. 3. The awnings.4. The northeast corner of the building by the skier sculpture.5. The fascia extension by the Alfie Packer entrance. Bill Pierce explained the proposal as a crisp addition with the mullion element adding brightness, and providing a system for ski racks, plant hangers, opaque panels, clothing racks, table tops, etc. The proposal also included the addition of maple wood, 1 1/2 deep on window mullions, flower boxes, and awnings for signs. PLANNING AND ENVIRONI'ENTAL COMIIISSION IIEETING Seplemb€l 28, 1992 Gena Whitten believed that too much square footage was being proposed in the pedestrian area and that the addition should be pulled back. She also thought that the materials were 'urban' as opposed to mountain. Gena went on to say she liked the awnings. Jeff Bowen liked the idea that improvements were proposed at the Lionshead Center. He said that the walkway is heavily travelled, and that encroachment into the mall area would hinder pedestrian flow by closing the area in too much. He suggested that the colors should be toned down to make the appearance less urban, and that the awnings be redesigned. Jeff further explained that the area is dark at night and that the existing lights should remain. Lastly, Jeff described how store fronts in the New England area are quaint with individuality and that the store fronts should be given individual treatment in this addition. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she felt the facade should be pulled 3' back to follow the Lionshead Design Guidelines. The northeast corner of the building needed to be pulled back or the skier sculpture completely redone. She further explained that she is not comfortable with the proposal for Alfie's end of the building. Kathy felt the entire proposal is oriental in nature and not appropriate for Lionshead. The window mullions need to be vertical, not horizontal. She liked the proposal for the scalloped edge at the base of the building, however, did not feel the awning design was appropriate. The zinc fascia band appeared to be loo crisp and slick. Diana Donovan stated that she likes the base material and scallop proposal. However, she believed that the proposed grid of window mullions should be improved. She believed the extension of the fascia band of the Alfie Packer area was not appropriate and if possible, Alfie Packer should have a mall entrance. She said that both ends of the building were tight and that what Kathy Langenwalter said about the skier sculpture was her position also. She believed that the Northeast corner lorm was a nice shape, but that it needed to be made smaller. She thought that the landscaping in the Alfie Packer area should be brought out as stated in staff memo. She also believed that there was too much being left open to the tenants concerning the organization of the mullions. She believed that the architects should create the individuality for the different stores. She also said that the building should be pulled back somewhat. Dalton Williams discussed his concerns about tourists not liking high tech aesthetics in Vail and that he does not care for the metal-zinc-wood materials, but would prefer "timeless'design that did not depict an era. The awnings needed to be improved but the color variety was good. The Northeast corner of the building was nicely done with the curve however, it needed to be pulled back and used only for a display window. lf the applicant wanted to lsave the curve where it was, a complete redesign of the skier sculpture would be necessary. The fascia band extension by Alfie Packers was a problem to Dalton. He further explained he likes the concept of the planters with lids in the winter for seats, that the park concept is good with additional up lighting. He PLAI'INING AND ENVIRONIIENTAL COMIIISSION ilEMNG Soplcmb€r 28, 1992 said that it is critical for Alfie Packers to have a mall entrance, but did not care for the oriental concept as proposed. Greg Amsden felt that the tacade was too hard, too commercial, and agreed that the store lronts should be more quaint. Greg lelt that the northeast corner ol the building should be curved. He felt that the north side needs to set back 2' not 4-6' as discussed. He feels that attractive signage is needed for Alfie's and that a center mall entrance needs to be added for Alfie Packers Greg further explained how he felt that the store fronts need to be more individualized to do away with the proposed massiveness. The stone material was acceptable to him if the window groupings were changed; however, the zinc was not a good choice a of materials. George Lamb stated that tenanb should not be relied on to be compatible in window concepts and displays. He also stated that the developer should create a sign program instead of allowing the tenants decide on designs and to set firm parameters. The stone was acceptable, but the design was too cold in general. Ned Gwathmey, representing the Design Review Board, suggested that the proposal needs more residential materials instead of industrial grade materials. Ned agreed that it is a positive remodel idea to improve the building. The fact that the building edges were brought out to the same setback was a problem to Ned. Sherry Doruvard, representing DRB, stated that the materials could be used in a rough hewn fashion to represent a mountain style. She went on to explain she had no problem with the setback encroachment but was concerned with the windows and awnings. She would like to see the tascia raised and the windows framed to distinguish stores from each oiher. Guidelines should be set for merchandise displays and lighting techniques. Sherry also explained how the window mullions should not be at eye level and that she does not like the paving as proposed, but rather the pavers should be used to accent activity areas. She believes that Alfie's needs a ceremonial gateway at the end and that it could be a sculptural element. Bill Pierce explained that the process started in 1986 with a lot of parties involved and that they talked to store owners to see what they wanted. Bill explained further that they did not want a "movie set" appearance either. Dalton expressed that design continuity was needed. He further explained that the windows need groupings for displays. Bill stated that the 'system' proposed allows for window displays. Dalton disagreed, that a "system" is not what is needed and that window treatments needed individual character. Sherry Dorward added that the project needs warmth, which could be achieved through proper use of lighting, displays, and landscaping. PLANNING AND ENVIEONilENTAL COIIIII$SION II EENNG S€ptambd 28, 1992 2. Kristan Pritz stated that the project needs better window treatments, and that the detailing issues could be determined by the architect, lo create a pedestrian scale. Diana Donovan summarized that people need to be able to look into individual windows and shops and that a "system" is not appropriate. A request for a work session on the proposed 1992/1993 Environmental Work Program. Staff: Russell Forrest and Susan Scanlon Russell Forrest presented the Environmental Work Plan for the 19921993 fiscal year. Russ presented the goals and objectives of the plan describing the need for a balance between development and environmental protection. Since Vail's tourist industry is directly linked with the areas natural resources, achieving sustainable development in Vailwill help ensure long-term growth that is compatible with the areas environment. The initiatives proposed in the FY 93 Environmental Work Plan wilt provide a frame work for sustainable development by: 1. helping to ensure compatibility between development and the natural environment, 2. taking steps locally to address environmental problems of global importance, 3. reducing costs for environmental compliance through proactive management, and 4. providing a better living environment for citizens and guests. The work plan includes both ongoing projects and new initiatives proposed for 1993. Ongoing projects that include a woodburning educational program, nonpoint source water quality management program and the in-house recycling program. Susan Scanlon presented the results of a recent suruey of Vail lodges and said that most lodges would welcome educational materials for guests on clean woodburning practices. Dalton Williams suggested that Public Service should become more interested and play an active role in the conversion proposed for the valley by lowering rates or giving mass conversion discounts to whole developments, when applicable. Kathy Langenwalter suggested to include in the Work Plan an example of the process and possible related costs to help educate the public on converting to gas. Dalton Williams expressed his concerns for the individual not recycling as much as the PLANNING AND ENVIRONUENTAL COil]IIISSION MEEnNG Septamber 28, 1992 I MEMORANDUM , " ,r't'a'< r, ,r+--.-,\.tr(" o"6ft' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 28,1992 A request for a work session for an exterior alteration for the Vail/Lionshead Center Building, located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/ 520 East Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Oscar L. Tang Andy Knudtsen DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Oscar Tang, the applicant, is proposing to expand the commercial area of the Lionshead Center Building by approximately 4,000 square feet. The proposed one- story retail addition will be located adjacent to the existing shops fronting on the Lionshead Mall. The condominium association would like to add 400 sq. ft. of common area on the south side of the buibing by the pool and by the condominium entrance on the north side. They would also like to add approximately 330 square feet ol GRFA. This is to be converted from existing common area and incorporated into the manager's unit. The proposal requires ar(-exterior alter4lqnld<aJeback varianc e. Tbeproposed setback along the north piOpsrty line would be 0 feEI, Rhere lffisgt-rs required by the CCll Zone District. The variance criteria will be analyzed in a later memorandum. The exterior alteration review is required as the addition to the building is larger than 100 square feet. Since the previous work session on July 27, 1992, the applicant has made the following changes: 1. Materials. Instead of white metal mullions and a white metal lascia band, the applicant is proposing to use maple mullions with a clear finish, light colored sandstone for the base of the building, and a zinc fascia band. 2. Landscaping. a. The applicant has provided a cluster of three trees in grates, located approximately in the center of the north elevation. b. The applicant has redesigned the Alfie Packer landscaping area, in a o ,l manner that is similar lo the design concept of the recently completed Sundial Plaza landscaping project. c. The applicant has also reworked the crescent shaped planter in front of the condominium entrance adjacent to Cleaver's Deli. 3. New paver area. The applicant is proposing to use large sandstone pavers in front of the building. There would be a scalloped edge of pavers using the same sandstone material thal would be used on the base of the building. The key areas which staff believes need additional attention include: 1. Altemative lascia band materials. 2. The window groupings. 3. The awnings. 4. The northeast corner of the building by the skier sculpture. 5. The lascia extension by the Alfie Packer entrance. Statf will provide details of these issues in the criteria below. l(l(-( LfN i;41'\'"v In discussions with Jeff Winston, the Town's urban design consultant, staff has reviewed some of the background to the design of the Lionshead Mall. For example, prior to the development and construction of the mall as it is today, large planters had been located adjacent to the buildings. These planters were curvalinear in design and flowed through the plazas and courtyards. Concrete curlcs were used as a border and a wide asphalt walking area was provided between the planters. One of the goals of the redesign of Lionshead Mall was to relocate the plantings adjacent to the buildings and put them in the center of the mall to improve retail visibility. This redesign allowed pedestrians to walk closer to the shop display windows and entrances, while still providing large landscaped areas. Goals In 1980, the Design Guidelines and Considerations were developed for the Uonshead area. The goals underlying the guidelines include developing vitality at a 'pedestrian scale within a contemporary architectural expression;' strengthening the 'ground floor visibility and attractiveness such that it re-establishes a sense of pedestrian scale throughout the mall area;' and reinforcing the 'pedestrian nature of the Lionshead Mall." Staff believes that expansions such as this one, or the recently completed Banner Sports addition to the II. LIONSHEAD CONTEXT A. History Lifthouse Lodge building, meet the goals stated above. Though staff believes the current application needs some refining, the concept of bringing out a one-story addition for commercial use is excellent. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Zone District: CCll Lot Size: 0.923 acres or 40,205 .9 square feet Proposed Addition: approximately 3,964.3 square feet Allowed Existino Proposed Building Height: 48 ft. 46 ft. 225 teet Setbacks:North 10 ft. 20 ft. 0 ft.East 10 ft. 43 ft. 16 ft.West 10 tt. 5 ft. 5 ft.South 10 ft. 12 ft. 12ft. Site Coverage: 28,135.7 sq. ft. 19,329.5 sq. ft. 23,421.6 sq. ft. or 701" or 48.1o/" or 58.3 % Landscaping: 8,038.8 sq. ft. 7,845 sq. ft. soft 7,845 sq. ft. soft or 2V/" minimum 1 .607 sq. ft. hard 1.227 q. ft. hard (max. hard 9,452 sq. tt. total 9,072 sq. ft. total landscape is or 23.5 o/" or 22.6 T" 1,607) GRFA: 32,155 29,509 29,844.9 or 80% or 73.41" or 74.37" Required Parking: 13.2 additionalspaces or 9105,600. IV. EXTERIOR ALTERATION CRITERIA A. Helght and Masslng. At one story, the heighl and massing is consistent with the architectural guidelines for Lionshead. c. Fooflng. The Lionshead Design Guidelines state that the 'connections of roofs of existing buildings should be respective of any existing strong architecturai lines.' The PEC pointed out at he work session on July 27, that the architectural elements of the addition provide a strong enough connection to the existing building, and that the roof shape was acceptiable. The clerestory roof elemenb which provide light Into the commercial gace reflect the rest of the building design, in staff's opinion. Facadewall/structu res. The Lionshead Design Guidelines call for a range of materials including 'concrete block, glass, metal, stucco and wood.' Staff believes that the changes to the materials that have been made since the previous work session improve the lacade of the addition significantly. The statf believes that bringing in natural materials such as the sandstone and maple, soften the appearance ol the building. The maple is proposed to be treated with a clear finish and the sandstone will be very light. Though the commercial facade will not be as bright as it would have been with white metal mullions, the addition will still have a very light appearanoe. Statf believes this will be a positive contribution to the mall. Though staff is very pleased with the modifications made to the materials for the facade, we believe that more study is needed for the fascia band. We are concemed that the zinc may still not be the best material to be used for the fascia band. We are concerned about the exposed bolts and that it might look too "industrial.' More importantly, we believe that the use of wood here may continue to make this building softer. The lacade of the commercial expansion could be improved by making it more vertical and less horizontal. One of the Town's goals is lo have the elements of the facade contribute toward providing more of a pedestrian scale. Statf believes that changing the material to wood and introducing some vertical lines within the fascia band would improve it. Staff also has a concern with the fascia band extending past the building to the Alfie Packer entrance. The model of the project shows that it extends west beyond the Younger Generation shop and then turns the corner at the property line and extends to the south for a short distance. Stafl believes that this element is not integrated wellwith the rest of the building, and separates the landscaping on the west end of the building from the public. Staff believes that the Allie Packer Restaurant could get just as much exposure with a nicely designed menu box located at the corner of the property which is integrated with landscaping and lighting. .* ') i"W \ \^";;i*'^ D.FacadsTransparency. The Lionshead Design Guidelines call for transparent store fronts as they are 'people attractors and give a pedestrian, open, public character to the street.' The Guidelines also call tor glass to be grouped into banks ol windows complimented by common trim and mullions. Staff believes that here can be more detail added to the window groupings (i.e. smaller panes, more variety of window size, more vertical mullions) so that each store front has its own individual cftaracter. Staff believes fiat the cunent anangement ol mullions makes the facade too horizontal. More vertical mullions should be incorporated into the windows to improve the pedestrian experience and break up the facade. Variety can be a{ded to thls baslc pattem with larger panes of glass for display and smaller panes around entries. Though the applicant has made some improvemenb immediately around entrances, the staff feels that the overall facade needs lo become more vertical to provide a stronger pedestrian scale. At this time, statf understands that there will be no portions of the facade which will be blocked otf on the interior by commercial tenants. Decks and Pallos Not applicable. Accent elements The applicant has provided drawings for accent elements such as awnings, signs, and flower boxes. The flower boxes are intended to be located at the base of the building at various points along the elevation. They are to be constructed out ol sandstone, to match the base of the building and are intended io be approximately eight inches deep. In the winter, these are intended to be capped so that they will not become collection areas lor trash. This is a possible addition to the design. The applicant has submitted a model showing a typical awning and sign for a shop entrance. The color and varieties that the awnings ofler is positive. We believe that there may be a solution that may be less complicated. The staff would like to see the applicant explore a range of alternatives for signs and awnings. Though staff likes the idea of using a variety of awning shapes for the addition, we believe they should appear to be more integrated with the building. Concerning signs, the applicant has proposed that the signs be attached to the awnings. The applicant is proposing that all signs be parallel (instead of perpendicular) with the building. The signs are intended to extend approximately six inches out from he outer face of the building. This results In the signs being located at the property line. Statf recommends that prior to final approval, the applicant propose a sign program for the building lo ensure adequate sign area can be provided for each tenant. This becomes important due to the proximity ol the building to the property line. A d{'b {C \\ F. G. Another important accenl element which has been added to the plan since the work session is a crescent shaped paver border made out of the same sandstone which is to be used at the base of the building. statf believes trat this scalloped edge of sandstone paving is an attractive element which would be an improvement to the Lionshead Mall. ln addition, it provides a boarder lor the mall which curves and breaks up the linear appsarance ol the Lionshead center Building. The edge which will be used between the sandstone and the rest of the mall pavers will be a series of small sandstone pavers. A suggestion is that the edgiry be used only at shop entrances to break up the facade. The standard mall pavers should extend up to the base of the building to reinforce the prssence of the mall and ensure that the sandstone pavers appear as an accent The existing light poles that are located in the mail north of the Lionshead center Building will be removed as part of the addition. staff has discussect this with the applicant, and the applicant believes that there will be adequate lighting in the mall without replacing the light poles. The shop windows are to be expanded and the thought is that lightlrom the display windows will illuminate the mall. After storss close, and lights are turned off, the four free- standing lights located in the planter in the center of the mall will provide some light. statf believes that these will provide the minimum level of liiht needed in the mall after shop hours. There is potential lor up lighting the r6es by Alfie Packers as well as the cluster in front of the addition. tt oone as successfully as the tree lighting at the westin, it could be a very nice accent element. landscape Elements staff has identified four areas of the development which involve landscaping. These include the Alfie Packer area, the planter by the entrance to the ' condominiums, the skier sculpture, and the potential for trees to be planted in grates in front of the addition. concerning the Alfie Packer €ntrance area, statf believes that the applicant has re-worked the design nicely. The applicant has incorporated the concepts from the recently completed sundial plaza project. This area is now proposed to have boulder groupings, a fragstone warkway, ground covers ani bushes (instead of sod). All of the trees in the area-will remain, with the exception of the blue spruce. staff believes that the spruce does not fit as well as the other trees in the area and that removing it is not a problem. staff sees the potential to bring some landscaping out in front of the addition. currently, pedestrians can see this area from the east end of the mall. After the addition is built, it may block this view. lf the applicant were to extend the planting just beyond the line of the addition, some of this view could be preserved. Statt requests the applicant to submit 1/4' scale drawings of the area so that it is easier to understand the details of the design. lt appears that a portion of the design is on Vail Associates land. permission from Vail Associates must be provided before these plans can be approved. Another landscaping area is lhe planter in front of the crndominium entrance. It is to be constructed out of he sandstone rock, which will matcfr the sandstone in the scallop edging and the base of the building. The concept is to have the sanGtone seating area terracing up from the pavers. lt will be ananged in a cresc€nt shape and will be built lor people to sit on. At this time, the applicant has shown approximately two trees as part of this planter. staff believes that several trees could be planted behind this crescent shape to bring more landscaping into the mall. A 1/4'drawing will be needed to tully understand the details of this area. The third area of landscaping involves the skier sculpture. At tris time, the applicant is showing he semi-circle of flag poles and vegetation shifted around the sculpture. As stated during the previous work session, the Town believes that any alteralion to the skier sculpture must involve a comprehensive re- design. At this time, the fire lane between the skier sculpture and the proposed edge of the building on the northeast corner is 20 feet. With the redesign of the area, the fire lane requiremenl would preclude any landscaping on the south side of the sculpture. Staff believes that the building may need to be pulled back to allow some landscaping around the sculpture. The last landscaping concern involves the potential for trees in grates along the front ol the building. Staff believes that the applicant has suggested an excellent idea for creating a pocket within the building for a cluster of trees. The space for the trees should be sized so that it can accommodate three or four trees and lhat they should be set back from the property line enough so that the branches do not encroach too tar into the public right-ot-way. Statf believes that the trees to be used here should have large canopies. H. Servlce and dellvery. The applicant has described the delivery system for the Lionshead Center Building. They have indicated that there is a service elevator within the building and that deliveries can be made hrough the garage of the building. V. SUB-AREACONCEPTS Three sub-area concepts, numbers 10, 11 and 12, pertain to this area of the Lionshead Mall. 10. "Planting islands relocated to improve store accessibility and to expand dual mall passage for peak skier crowds.' The addition ot planting islands, or the removal of such, should be based on the need to accommodate pedestrians walking from the Lionshead parking structure to the gondola. In general, statf believes that the addition does not impacl skier passages. The 20' fire lane should accommodate pedestrians adequately. 1 1. 'Commercial expanslon (one- story) to Increase pedestrian emphasis, scale of mall and improve shade-zone facades and accessibility., The proposal complies wlth this sub-area concept. 12. 'Opportunity exists lor expansion ol buildings, arcades, awnings, etc. to improve scale, shelter and appearance of commercial facades.' Staff continues to be concemed about the awning details. VI. SETBACK VARIANCE The applicant has not shifted the location of the buiHing from the previous work session. In the ccll zone district, there is a 10 foot setback required on all siiles of the property. The concerns of the Fire Department and the Public Works Department need to be addiessed to their satisfaction regarding this setback variance. However, it appears that, in general, their standards can be met with the building located where it is. At this time, the applicant is proposing to extend the sandstone crescent boarder onto Town property. This'was a concern to Public Works regarding maintenance and liability. Staff's posiiiori on the setback request is that we would like to have all of the issues resolved with the Fire Department and with ihe Public Works Department before linal review of the project. VII. REI.ATED ISSUES In addition to the CCll exterior alteration criteria, staff has other issues which should be addressed: A) The Fire Department has reviewed the applicant's drawings showing the fire lane and has the lollowing comments; 1. Applicant needs to show right hand turn for a fire truck at the northwest corner ot the site.2. Fire lane width of 20 feet is acceptable. Any dimension less than 20 feet is not acceptable.3. Applicant should show banner poles.4- Uniform Fire Code issues must be addressed. Are two exils necessary for cerrain shops? How much of the buirding will need to be sprinkrered? B) The Public Works Department has the tollowing concerns: 1. Applicant shall reinstall conduit to ensure that the public lighting system in Lionshead continues to work after the free standing lightslre removed. 2- Applicant shall show a fire lane which meets the minimum tuming radius required for fire trucks and possibly future buses if the Gondola Building is redeveloped. 3. Public Worls requests that the applicant provide heated roof drains from the roof directly into the storm sewer. 4, Public Worls requesb that the applicant haul otf any snow that is shoveled otf the flat roof of this addition. 5' Public Works would like to understand how the construction staging for this project will occur and how a fire lane will be preserved through Lionshead Mall during consfuction. 6. lf the proposed san.lstons scallop edge is installed, Public Works will require the applicant to provide all future mainlenance of the sandstone paving. VIII. CONCLUSION Stafl believes that the overall plan to provide a one-story addition of commercial space in this area is good. We would like to continue to work with thb applicant to improve some of the ct€tails so that it conforms with the Uonshead Design Guidelines more fully. We would like to emphasize that the changes made since the previous work session have iignificanly im.proved the appearance of the projecl and that the materials proposed at ihis 1meiave addressed many of the concerns raised by the PEC at the work session. prior to scheduling this item again for PEC, staff would request that the applicant address the issues outlined in-the memo. C:\PECU,€ MOSUHV l-LCT.E2s