HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 7 LODGE AT LIONSHEAD LEGAL.pdf'w"""i!;9tnLg_"li:J 9..e qt!6:!Jia$;-1f!i Date: Subject: 09121120OO 3:18:03 PM RE: Lodge at Lionshead Phase lll Thanks Warren tom ---Original Message---- From: Warren Campbell [mailto:WCampbell@vailgov.com] Sent: Thursday, September 21 , 2006 10:52 AM To: lbieker@4240arch.com ; tom @braunassociates.com Subject: Lodge at Lionshead Phase lll Lou and Tom. Here are some thoughts I have had since our meeting and after showing it to several people. 1 ) As discussed the View Corridor will be an importanl facet of this application. The design will be reviewed for how view corridor 3 is created/protected by your project. 2) Eagle River Water and Sanitary District wanted to point out that there is a sewer and other utilities along the rear of this property and the oeek which will need to be addressed. They wanied to raise the concern in relation to the tree relocation in this area. 3) Any improvements to the driveway access would be encouraged, however, a varaince would be required as a part of the application to maintain the -16% slope. 4) The planning department, as mentioned at the meeting, will have concerns over how the pool in the southeast corner will relate to the public spaces around this area. 5) When drawing elevations show adjacent structures and how your building will relate to those structures in terms of height and spacing between buildings. 6) Staff is still reviewing the impact of the Gore Creek Corridor on the site and buildings along the corridor, but initial review indicates your assumptions of only the southernmost building being impact to be in keeping with the spirit of the text. I have given copies of your plans to the Fire and PW departmetns. lf I get any comments I will fonvard lhem on to you. Regards, Warren Camobell Page 1 t ' fq"[ Nr.c:rr.-, ', Lot61 Blk 11 Uq;l LansheilfrarS . From: U 'Tom Braun" <tom@braunassociates.com>- To: "'Warren Campbell"' <WCampbell@vailgov.com> I |l - CnapreR. 8 AncsnpcruAl DnsrcN Grimrui.rss Ski Yard and Open Space Frontages This paragraph applies to the portion of any property not meeting the criteria of the Primary Retail Pedestrian Frontages section above, and fronting on the ski yard or the Gore Creek corridor. Due to the unique and highly visible nature ofthese areas, building faces fronting thern shall be limited to maximum initial eave heights of 48', at which point those faces shall step back a minimum of l2'. It is critical to note that the 48' maximum initial eave height does not allow for an unarticulated, flat building face from grade to 48'. The horizontal and vertical maximum unbroken building face requirements, as well as all other guidelines contained in this chapter and the Master Plan, shall apply. Remaining B uilding Frontage Building faces that do not meet the special site criteria of the sections above may have a maximum initial eave height of 60', at which point those faces must step back a minimum of 12'. To the extent possible, all new and redeveloped buildings in Lionshead should avoid "tuming their backs" on other buildings or important pedestrian corridors. However, it must be acknowledged that very few buildings have prime frontage on all sides and almost all buildings will have different programmatic requirements and visual characteristics on their different faces. Toward that end, a building's greatest vertical mass and "back ofhouse" functions should occur on the frontage with the least volume ofpedestrian traffic. In addition, components of a building with the greatest vertical mass should be oriented north-south to minimize the blockage of southem views and swrlight. It is critical to note that the 60' maximum initial eave height does not allow for an unarticulated, flat building face from grade to 60'. The horizontal and vertical maximum unbroken building face requirements, all other guidelines contained in this chapter and the Master Plan, and DRB review and approval, shall still apply. ll/al I S u rfoc e C riteri a Notwithstanding the previous height and setback requirements, there shall be no vertical wall face greater than 35' on a building without a secondary horizontal step in the building face (the horizontal step may be a cantilever or a setback). This requirement is intended to prevent large, unbroken planes in the middles ofbuilding faces, to fuither LtoNssne,D REDEvELopMENT MASTER PLAN Page 8-19 Department of Public Worl<s & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2I58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov-com MEMO To: From: Re: Date: Warren Campbell, Senior Planner Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Lodge at Lionshead Phase II Conceptual Plan Review to/o4t06 The Town of Vail Public Works Deparfrnent has received the Lodge at Lionshead Phase III conceptual'oTown Staff Project Introduction" redevelopment plans. Based on the conceptual plans the following are cornments that may effect the design of the project We reserve the riglrt to provide additional comment during theDRB Process, civil engineering submittal process and the Building Permit review process. 1. The existing Town of Vail storm drainage does not exist within platted easement. Please re-align storm drain or re-platt easernent. No permanent structures may be placed within easement and placement of hees should be minimum and subject review. The storm sewer shall be upgraded to Re-enforced Concrete Pipe for those sections that run beneath heated driveways or walks. 2. T\e existing drainage way crossing the property shall be included in the environmental report. 3. The re-aligrred path shall also be included in the environmental report and shall not impact existing reparian area. 4. Show the 100 year floodplain, the path and all construcfion shall be outside ofthe 100 yr floodplain. 5. The port-cochere shall be completely within private property. 6. The proposed accesses shall meet Town Development standards. 2% slope across walk, 4% for the first 30' from edge of road, then a maximum of l2o/o (if heated). 7. Internal garage ramps shall be a maximum of l2%o and meet all parking garage standards. 8. Is one SU-30 loading and delivery bay adequate per code? 9. A haffic study drainage report, geotechnical report, environmental report will be required. 10. Implementation of a portion of the streetscape masterplan will be required to be implemented. 1 1. Shoring for excavation shall be required to be maintained on the property unless otherwise approved from adjacent property owners. ol *l NI !+l fx o-a 3i l:( =€) u, (E -c o-tt G o U' o€fE _P lF\3 \azr t oi cDl E#Q;JE ol \tl +l f, P. Rt qE H,r I t4 Eg E 9 z 3 = E 2 !e9 qF E-- -7 E9 a c)() o_ Q o rL * -7/ lt '/I ___--) o a ,.ox tot ,o< )))ll ittt I IAi r.' l,,,lii ii I iii' lt lr o.t ro ct rf!i'UtF t{t 'd -___j,ii ,_{l gl NI +l 2 x I' e! E*E- E t t I E E t 3i oi 3d 33 :l :3 i,q Dr C'FE EE P3 Rfi .:.o |.---{l- I Ol t--{lLl o Ll tl l: i! tl ;i, 'll , d t I : I to a c\* c :- c.) 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E E I I oa EE H.r t EE -:a E , E =I d eg Bd J' c)cll o arl c = o_ E 3 o r$!.p o6r.q. t|ld.nPq.rro'n g I /+l -st 93 5o eg tA6 6 ; ; : ID I (J C,llt" ' 625bb ORICIIVAI Ri't''' 0411 1L ll CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Receipt funds to,: Name: t- tonbH6 Legal Description: Lot Subdivision: Address: R d C-e r I N t\t C=€r Cz, asa TI. Developer: Project Number: lmprovement Completion Dale: Tv,l lS 2-odl ER IMPROVEMENT EM NT ,r- -^W5 O L br,t THIS AGREE and entered into this 3A Oay of Df,.s^2003, Town of by and among u (the "Developer"), and the Vail(the "Town"). WH Develo condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate ot i-r\r\;C-c, r'-,,.A\ in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: '1 . The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ day of S:nE lf , 200{ The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Flcdev\Bjll\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash dtaft_121202.doc Page 1 of 5 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow ageni, in the amount of $ l25O (125% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateipl originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to.guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement an! the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative becurity or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable on', responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified'jh.this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor ariy] officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injure{ by reason of .the nature. of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are helbby assumedby the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Tci"in, arld any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees rnay become subject to, insofar a9 any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in reSpect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer herqunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town. for any and all legal or other expenses r€bbonably incurred. by the Town in connection ivith investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liab-ility or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my.have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply forand the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Cerlificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Aqreement. F:\cdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash drafl_12.1202.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to cornplete the improvements refened to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a vielation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 14 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. B. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Ficdev\Bill\Projects\OlA\OlA Cash dtaft_121202.doc Page 3 of 5 t ,i Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE ----^-\ ---->t4?:&'.s/ rzYt"".--+r-,rqsAe='t;-- - .+:-'5*a>-iTf 4-\;=-.-.'.!-r( !,'t'\ ff>:G<-,.,4.14---\ Developer My commissiofl €xpireS: "lt t vt'""'-''---'' ' - " " SS. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this S"rtiayit Prcr,qiae ,zobiby Sy Au^;,*+L Witness my hand and official seal. t/ My commission exOnes 1D/aq,/OG STATEOFCOLORADO I )SS.COUNryOFEAGLE ) The foregoing Qeveloper lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this i5 o'ay "TSs=^..-.*=-, zor]ltov 9.-ou-(-n- ur.iLo,- Witness my hand and official seal. r\r'naamiocanavnirao llYc0illts$illilflnE${18iB:" Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash d?ll_121202.doc Page 4 of 5 ATT F:\cde\^Bill\Pro.iects\DlA\DlA Cash drafi_121202.doc Page 5 ot 5 llov 26 03 O3:5?p Hollyrvood Seruiccs lac. VdYdlry RoetiryFo* POBor49Ol PO Bor 2473 Vdl, CO 81658 Basdt @81621 97G7{84??5 97V(ffJ-33Y2 Ho I I yruood Serv i ccs I nc .9?O?480??O P,I Estimate ICC Cupay AtrcndoD: Rkh Ilox 3{l Aton CO 816Z) TERMS PROJECT Change Oder # Upoo necciE Ladge et Lionrhcad OESCR|PNON Outndaty I COST I AMOUNT I Extra TOTAL Sod l,ayed SprinHcr Rcpair & Additioos r*H i H:$750.00 ?50.00 WebSlte HollvwoodServiccslnc. com Th? todge at lion5Flead November 2l,2OO3 TO: Town of Vail Plannine Comrnission ATTN: George Ruther FROM: Lionshead Itr Condominium Association To Whom It May Concern: Please note that as of lI/21/03 there is approximately $1000.00 of landscaping to be completed at Lodge at Lionshead Phase Itr in the spring of 2004. The scope of this work is contracted and to be completed by KC Company. The approximate breakdown for the work above is: $750 - Sod Replacement $250 - Sprinkler Repair sincererY' t^-Sgw€ Lionshead Itr Condominium Association Prolessionally Managed by Peak Resort Services, Inc. 380 East Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 (97o\ 476-2700 Ilepartment of Gommunlty Doyelopment 75 S, Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Name: I -d | --,l€\Receipt No. Project:Date L l/ o, 0( Please make checks payable to the TOYYI{ OF VAL d.t 001 0000 001 oooo :t. iz cl c:: e 3 z --l r i-l 'a Li 'r -6 nj .:r i' -:r I l!n,s .-F.a]m r, :-: .r fi ' ri o O! 6 (-lcr (-' Trl :a1,ts-l ri ,' f'., = Lrl rr, F :a: 'r, r- :: .: _-Ir* r a,' ai =J E -J 001 0000 001 oooo 001 0000 001 0000: 001 0000: 001 0000 I 001 0000: 001 0000: 001 0000 I .se:,e 001 0000:. 001 0000 :. 001 0000 :- 001 0000 3 001 0000 -? 001 0000 3, 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 1 0000 312 1000 Assess.-Restauranl Fee to Co.Deot.Rev. 1 0000 319 3100 1100000314 111s .001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.4% (State) . Tar -001 0000 310 1200 -1 150000310 I200 chsck# S-Z+ / R€coinsdry: Le rFl .o OE FI t5z .o F "z s9 FF zo d&r .J F o E FI gl F o FT !4 F 4 F1 o o9.oo .r oo rt)HO OQ F. a& o.l E OFl F J t! F' AFr 2Z EO F] E &4 FI FI FFr ZA Nb EO FT p 62 dD ,o FE FI FT E2 oo AE o A]tr |.] F tc 2 o E!) 2A =c o oar F, 40 o() FI f'l FI v F Fl a ; <, E> !d=q.r c4 0 ao i Flo 3 tsc o tbign Review Action Ftt TOWN OF VAIL catesoryNumber oate '1 t thl "roi"o*^ "ta,,{'L.At,- o+ L,o,^,l^-.,f, p^..nr:_ n**r.'^,1r,.*/*. Building Name:1t,a-€ Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: *T1^€ L r-,J, < - / 1,,,."r^ e.-.'1, PLra l. fT- Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: k, t F, e lr|s , F,.l)c. or,e ,f ^r . Q. 0. Ao< 132 | AJaq, {o il,lL.'' O 845- 4o,/4- FovX49- '} c-,,o ? LegalDescription:Lot G elock 3 I Subdivision;r,'i1,,-.rio^.-l ,-'^ zoneDistrict llitlFfttpt'lf Project Street Address:iYO Fo,rl l-i,nsk,--.t (,rt le Motion by: _.\ Board 1,8{att Action -,\,.,:=_--____ Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval f,statt Rpprovat Gonditions: O Llt,,ie Sr,. \er ,.,, l. { Crr,'i ir"-l i-,.,.- ;. Town Planner ao TILE COPT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 April l, 1997 D e p arnne nt of Comrnun ity D eve lop tne nt Mr. Ric Ficlds Ficldscapc P.O. Box l87l Avon. CO 81657 Rc: Parking rcdcsign and landscapc plan for thc Lodgc at Lionshcad Phasc 3 Dcar Mr. Ficlds: Thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt has approvcd your plans for rcrvorking/rcgrading thc parking arca and thc landscapc plan for thc abovc rcfcrcncecl propcrty. Thc approval ofthcsc plans is subjcct to thc condition that thc proposcd boilcr bc relocatcd to an arca outsidc ofthc front sctback. Thlnk you for your paticncc in thc proccss. f f you havc any qucstions call mc at4'19-2148' Sinccrcly,-A) 't I 0n L-1J l\',\a^ l-Kp Dominic F. Mauricllo, AICP Town Planncr {g *"n"rrrruo COPY FIL I 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Conmunity Developnent March 6, 1997 Mr. Ric Ficlds Fieldscape P.O, Box l87l Avon, CO 81657 Rc: Parking rcdcsign forthc Lodgc at Lionshcad Phasc 3 Dcar Mr, Ficlds: Staff has reviewed thc plans you submittcd for thc improvcmcnt of this parking lot and your proposcd landscapc plan. Thc I'ublic Works Deparlmcnt has indicated thc following conccms rvhich should bc addrcsscd on the plan: I . The Town of vail has installcd landscaping, a fcnce, and irrigation along thc cast portion olthis site, at thc dircction of thc Lodge at Lionshcad, Phasc lll. Your iandscapc plan shows grading and othcr improvcmcnts in this arca. Plcasc rcvisc thc plan to show that this arca will not bc changcd or disturbcd. Staffrccomrncnds that you pull your proposcd rock rvall and othcr improvcmcnts back bchind thcsc improvcmctrts. Plcasc rcvisc the plan accordingly and provide thc appropriate notcs. For your information, staff bclievcs that thc swale you are proposing would function morc appropriatcly at a2'/o gtade. Plcase considcr this issuc. This not a rcquircmcnt. The proposed drivcway grade shown on thc plans is based on the ultimatc rcconstruction of thc roadway. You nced to provide a phased plan that shows what will happcn in thc intcrim. Thc proposcd plan will crcatc a grade problcm in thc intcrim if constructcd as shown on thc plan. lt appears that it may be bcst to phase thc construction at the 8,141 contour' Also, plcasc changc thc saw cut elevation to 81 42.43 instcad of 8 I 42.3 l. Plcasc providc a plan which clcarly addrcsscs the intcrim period. Pagc I of2 2. 3. {P *""'t"o '*"' !: .;..1 r,1 I ' I U .&.J t the plan shows drainage being providcd via pipc to the "existing drain." If this drain theu connects to the larger line provided, then this can be approved. Ifthis is a dry wel[, then you should not connect to this drain, but rather, connect to the larger drain provided on-site. Please indioate the invert for each drain connection. Thank you for you patience in the process. If you have any questions call me ar479-2148. . Mauriello, AICP Page2 of2 5. A request lor an inlerior remodel, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 548 s' Fronlage - RoadlWestwind Condominiums' Unit #305' Applicant: Jim Beedie, represented by Mike Haselhorst Planner: Lauren Waterton STAFF APPROVED 6. A request for a setback variance to allow for a snowmelt boiler to encroach 5'5 feet into a sideyard setback, ioiat"O at 2049 Sunburst DriveiLot 1, Vail Valley tfth filing' Applicant: Landon and Mary Hilliard, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JULY 8' 1996 7. A request for a conditional use permit, a density and !o1t sehack variance to allow for a Type Il EHU "oou" tn" "iisiin-g git"gi, located at 227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13A' Block 7' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Steve Kirby Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JULY 8' 1996 8. A request for a worksession to discuss a parking and retaining wall height variancq to ^^^ allow for tne consiruition of a new parkin! areait the Lodge at Lionshead, located at 380 iast Lionshead CircleiLot 6, Block 2, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing' Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JULY 8, 1996 9. A request for a conditional use permit to construct a trailhead parking area, located at Fled Sandstone Road/Parcel A' Lions Ridge 1st filing' Applicant: 1Oth Mtn. Division/Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest *'THDRAWN tiltttltttl 10. lnformation UPdate 1 1 . Approval of June 10, 1996 minutes Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificalion- Please call 479-2114 voic€ or 479-2356 TDD for information. Agenda last reviscd 1U96 9ala PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MondaY, JulY 8' 1996 AGENDA Proiectorientation/Lunch.CommunityDeve|opmentDepartment12:00pm Site visits 1:00 Pm 1. Messenbaugh - 970 FairwaY Court 2. Vail ChaPel - 19 Vail Road 3. Lodge ai Lionshead - 380 East Lionshead Circle Driver: Qeorge Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p'm' 1. A request tor a Setback variance to allow for a snowmelt boiler to encroach 5'5 feet into a siO"VirO setback,loiiteO at 2049 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Vail Valley 4th Filing' Applicant: Landon and Mary Hilliard, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: George Ruther Z. A request for a worksession to discuss parking and relaining wall height variancesto allow for the construction oi JnL* parking area ai the L6dge at Lionshead' Phase lll, located at 380 East Lionshead Circlellot 6, Bloak 2, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing' Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello 3. A request for kont and side setback variances to allow for a residential addition to the - vesdenbaugh r.riJ.ni.,located at 970 Fairway CourVLot 5, VailVillage 1Oth Filing' Applicant: Robert and Hildegard Messenbaugh, represented by Mike Guida Planner: George Ruther 4. A request lor worksession to discuss a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail chapel, located at 1 9 Vail Fload/Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant:VailBeligiousFoundation,representedbyNedGwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello 5. A reQuest lor a conceptual discussion of Lionshead redevelopment' Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by Dave Corbin Planner: Susan ConnellY IILE COPY MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 8, 1996 A request for a worksession to discuss proposed parking, setback, and retaining wall height variances to allow for the construction of a new parking area at the lJOgJir lionsneao, phase 3, tocated at 380 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing. Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I, DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST The applicant is requesting several variances in order to reconstruct the existing surface parking area dri this site. the rec|nstruction involves removing the existing carport which houses 3 paifi"g spaces and spreading the parking out.across the lrontage of this lot. Both the proposed inO tn6 existing contiluratioricontiin six-parking spaces (see the proposed parking plan)' The specific variances include the following: 1 . A variance lrom Section 18.58.020 (C) Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Screening to allow a retaining wall in the front yard setback in excess of 3' in height. The proposed wall is up to 5.5' in height. 2. A variance from section 18.20.140 Parking and Loading for the High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) district lo allow 5 parking spaces. in the front yard s_qtback (ZO'). No parfing is all6wed in the front setback area of this zone district. The iroposed parking spac€s are up to 3'from the front property line' 3. A variance lrom Section 18.20.140 Parking and Loading for the HDMF district to allow less than 75% of the total parking on-site to be completely screened or enclosed. The site is currently nonconlorming with respect to parking. There are currently 18 parking spaces tocateO on-site. The required parking for this site is 25 parking sbaces (z ier unit, except for Unit 12 which requires.2.5 spaces)'. Th6reforel 1b parking'spaces (75%) are required to be enclosed or completely screened. This requ-est provides for 12 enclosed spaces and 6 surface spaces (33% of the parkin! provided). Currently there are 15 enclosed spaces (83%). II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: HDMF (29ol" ot lot) and MDMF (71ol" of lo0 Lot size: 0.9822 acres or 42,784'63 sq' ft' Allowed/REuired Existino Proposed GRFA: 18,076.51 sq' ft'' 20,M3 sq' ft''. N/A Parking: 25 spacas 18 spaces 18 spaces Enclosed parking: 19 spaces (75%) 15 spaces (83o/") 12 spaces (66yd Landscaping: 30o/o ? ? This figure was de rued trun intormation in the file regarding the 29h171T" zoning split. These figures wote applied-to the density limitations of each district' .-This tigure is an estimate of th€ units based on informaiion provided by Jetf Bailey, Manager' lt does not include iny common areas thal mi;hl qualify as GRFA' il. rssuEs FOR DISCUSSION Parking Layout rnJ ipFr[iirt has indicated that the reason for the reconfiguration of the existing parking is to ioiu.l'Orainage proOrem in ine existing parking tot and tohake the parking_T9J9l-11.^1911 ._,^ The proposal iircieases the amount of paving and spreads the parking across the trontage oI Inls lot. Staff believes that the parking could be reconfigured in substantially the same configurelion to "oir"Ct1ne"" problemd by im-proving the driveway grade-, possibly heating the drive, and iOeqriieif addressing Oiainige on-this site. n6o, statt does not find a.hardship which justifies me tjfacerient of a rei-aining wallgreater than 3' in height in the front seback' Enclosed Parting The proposal incr6ases the amount of parking which is not completely screened. The total number'ot exis1ng enctoleO parking sfaces ii tS (eSZ) and the proposed number of enclosed spaces is 12 (66/"). Staff believes that a decrease in the amount of screened parking, especially in the this area, is unicc-eptanie. The Town is attempting to improve this pedestrian route, through public . imJro-"jr"nt", and this proposal ii worfing igainsl the objectives for this area by reducing landscaping. Straetscape r/€,stet Ptan The Streeiscape Master Plan recommends methods to soften this area with the introduction ot finOJcaping iri order to screen parking areas and make the area more inviting for pedestrians. A paver sidewalk is proposed in the right-of-way along this frontage' Staff believes the introduction and exposure of parking along this frontage is inconsistent with the SiteeGiape Flan for this area. The variances would ilow parking spaces up to 3'from the right- ol-way and the ProPosed sidewalk. |:bveryone\pecVnemos\lodglion. S l-andscaping ft'li."O-dii"irires that 30% of this site be landscaped' The proposed plan reduces the amount of landscaping Provided on-site. Staff is unable to evaluate this requirement at this time as the apptlcant llq not provided a.site ir". ii tni ".riie iitJ. ir'id ieqrilrent wirr be addressed priortb the PEC's final review of the proposal. IV. CRITEBIA AND FINDINGS The code criteria for review ol such a request are provided for your information' Since this is a worksession, staff has not addressed the specific criteria' A. Consideration of Factors; 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitY. 2. 3. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interprelation and.enforcement ot i sf&irieO regulation is necessary to achieve cornpatibilitv "tqililgit1iy of tt""tii.r,t aroni sites in the vicinity or to aftain the objectives ol this tifle without grant ot sPecial Privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population' trinsfonation and tiatfic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety' granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a granl ol special privilege . inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district- 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimental to the public health' safety or wetfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity' 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physicalhardship inconsistent with the obiectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that doe not apply generally to other Properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other proPerties in the same district. B. t :bveryone\p€cvnemos\odglion.708 V. STAFF RECOMIIIENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed variances at the Lodge at I ionsfiead' phase 3, statt wiri noi Oe providing a tormdl staff recommendation at this time' Statf will, ;til;"t, provide a staff recommelndation at the 1me of final PEC review' f :\e\reryon6\pec\m€moslodglion.708 <l -l --o \ <l I -F. l- PSt:L- o 00 o FF$$i'rFn c^o ,p i t gt .. aD!a ,$EIF I htF F &IF E5I$ x F t oi $ii[[ h z b s ! iQu iFF ri $ R u P b E _i I d I' ;l al F. 6l i \', Qi ()ol f, c\2r q li il (\' u i \rI a: CE gB **oo,ui)ii t t I R 5 I 11 e A t E I i otR rKi ts9 xnr 9r $t l;i{t) 'ttffifl 3$ F$, $3 { zo !t-i g'* { 4rli - Uo9,? l*"..i$ o iu =a 2 o -l t {J (t o o J ill =F 1 d a 2 d a I a z, a z =I t :I d t 5 t ar t /'h \t/ i B;S""94-,,X!?"'SI I I ladrcsplalJ opBroror',t1uno3 a13es'r!'A t'"r;t"dill,.,j d:peaqsuoll un,o u,r,,unra ^reu rurrraJd I /,/ ,/ ,r'' ,/ 91 . "a..._ \( \ ",\',\\\ Ii",ll\, ti \---. ,l i=!: !ll rI t ' $! i|' it_ a updated 4ll7l95 APPLICATION FOR A VARIA}{CE GENERAL INFORMATION This procodwc is rcquircd for any project rcquesing a variance. Thc application will not bc acceptcd until all tho information is submitlcd. BREIF DESCRJPTION OIT PROPOSAL NAMEOFAPPLICANT(type orpnil) Qt6 Ft€L6 ADDRESS P.a. :t'/. lb?l PIIONE-,ffib:3-4b- CITY, STATE,ZIP A./otl , Lo bilp"a NAMEOFAPPLICANT'SREPRESENTATTVE Lop{# @, Llo}.tqr-l€Ap Ft \MEot^Irl@\ A€ld ADDRBSS boo -eJ6i Llc,tlilgD Oe-<tE PITONE-41-?:-4@-- Clry. STATE. zIP uAtt . Lo bLb61 D. NAME OF OWNER(S) (typo or ,-r, J"v'. A>!4 ,\-io,--\ owNER(s) STGNATUR-E(At=cnT- ADDRDSS 3 uoNs_____i1=_ 31D: CITY, STATE, ZIP \i r=., r--\tvr51 E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:3c4,o t . t-, o,--:\t-r-.-,c\ a< LOT______________BLOCK__-rirLrNG STREETADDRESS 3too f- r-, . ,"..11-1L,\ <-.( CITY, STATE, ZIP II.. FEE L r/o-.-. (_.3 AtU:? $250.00 PAID---CK#/z-1-bj-Bv dorle'tl€*p I I I zo*too a=+' t-i . The foe 4gg.! be paid bcficre tho Community Dovclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt will accopt your proposal. IIT. ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIFICATION Stamped addressed envelopes of the namcs of owners ofall propcrty adjacent to thc subjcct propefty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of thcir namcs and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. rV. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conferonce with a planning staff mcmber is strongly rccommendcd to dctcrmine if any additional information is nccdcd No application will bc acccptcd unlcss it is complcte (must includc all items requircd by tho zoning administrator). It is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to mako an appointmcnt with thc staffto find out about additional submittal rcquircrncnts. V. SUBMITTALINFORMATION PLEASE NOTE TIIAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS ITOR YOUR PROJI.rcT BY DUCRIJASINC TIIU NUMBDR OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TITAT TIIE Pt ANNING AND ITIWIRONMINTAL CoMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATU. ALL CONDITIONS OI" APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WITII BEFOR-|i, A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUID. 7r ( \ \ B. c. a FOUR (4) COPES OF T1IB FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTEDJ A. A written statement oftho pr€cise nature oftho variance requested and the regulation involoved The statcment must also address: 1. The relationship ofthe request€d varjance to other existing or potential uscs and structiros in tho vicinity. 2. The degree to which rclief from the strict or litenl inteprctation and cnforcernent of a specified rcgulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of featment among sites in the vicinity or to attain tho objcctives of tlis titlo v/ithout grant or special privilege. 3. The effoct ofthe variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, tansportation, haftrc facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your rcquest complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. B. A to,pographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least l" = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensod surveyor including locations ofall existing improvomortg including grados and elcvations. Othcr elcments which must bo shown arc parking and loading arcas, ingress and egresq landscaped ueas and utility and drainage Gatures. C. A site plan at a scalo of at loast l" = 20'showing existing and proposed buildings. D. AII preliminary building elwations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimcnsions, general appeamrce, scale and uso of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the 6ite. E. A prcliminary title rcpolt to verify ownership and easoments. F. lf the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in zupport ofthe project must be r€ceived by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning adminis0ator. i For interior modificationg an improvement s:uwey and site plan may be waived by tle zoning administator. VI. TIMEREOIJIREMENTS A. Tho Planning and Environmcntal Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A cornploto application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must bc submitted a minimum offour (4) wceks prior to thc date of thc PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as detamined by the zoning administator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or a{ter the designed zubmifial date. B. Atl PEC approved variances shall lapse if consouction is not commehced within two years of the date of . approval and diligently pursued to complefion VII. OTIIER A. If this application rcquir€s a soparate rcview by any Local, State or Fedcral agency other than thc Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. E:ramples of such reviow, may include, but aro not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 4M, etc. B. The applicant shall bo rosponsible for paying any publishing fees which ara in excoss of 50% of tho application fee. I[, at tho applicant's requost, any mattcr is postponed for hearing, causing thc mattor to be rc-publishod then, the entire fee for zuch re-publication shall be paid by the applicanl C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Dcpartment to have significant dosign, lmd use or other issres which may have a significant impact on the community may require reviow by consultmts other than town staff, Should a determination be made by the town staffthat an outside consultant is necded to review any application, Community Developmcnt may hir€ an outside consultant, it ehall estimats the amount of monoy necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by thc applicant at the tirne he files his application with the Community Developmont D€pafiment. Upon completion of tho roviow of tho application by the consultant, any oftho funds forwarded by thc applicmt for paymcnt ofthe consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be retumed to th€ applicant. Expenses incunrd by the Town in excess ofthe amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by tlte Town. f:\everyone\formsVariance.4 I 7 V. Following is a list of variances requested by the Lodge at Lionshead as they relate to the Preliminary Entry Grading Plan prepared on May 17,1996 by Fieldscape Incorp orate d; 1. Variance to regulation i8.58.020, Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Screening, regarding a wall in the 20' front setback of greater than 3' height. The wall proposed is both a sign wall with a project identification logo and address attached to it on the street side as well as a retaining wall which is 5'-6" ht. maximum on the building side as is only as high on the street side as required to hold back soil and mulch (approximately 4" height). As a sign wall, a 3' height is insufficient, as snow will cover the sign with relatively little snowfall season long. The wall acts as a retaining wall as it is traced to the east. At its maximum retaining height, 5'-6", the wall poses no visual obstruction to views from the street toward the Library; it simply retains soi-l on the downhill side. It is the view of the Owners that this is a conforming wall in that it is only 4" high wall as it relates to public land. 2. Variance to regulation 18.20.140, Parking and Loading, regarding parking in the 20' front setback. The existing condition is a non<onforming sihration as 2 of the 5 parking spaces are within the 20' setback. The proposal consists of placing portions of all six spaces within the setback. The Owners feel that no other configuration of drive aisle and parking can conform to this regulation. The spirit of this regulation/ as we understand it, is to minimize the exposure of asphalt and automobiles to public appearance. The proposed configuration is far better than the existing configuration, as all views are screened to parked cars; the existing condition, or a modification thereof, presents a situation where all six cars, the entry drive, and asphalt area between the spaces area clearly visible from the street with no opportunity for screening. 3. Variance to regulation 78.2A.1.40, Parking and Loading, requiring 75o/o of all parking spaces for a project to be covered or concealed from view. The total number of spaces in the property now totals eighteen; six below ground, six above. 75o/" of 18 is 13.5 spaces required for screening, leaving one or two above ground subject to this regulation. The existing condition also includes a car port which is neither functional nor aesthetically pleasing to the Town or the Homeowners. Part of this effort is to improve this condition by eliminating the car port. As described in #2, above, all spaces will receive landscape screening by positioning parking spaces next to existing mature spruce and aspen as well as transplanting those trees affected by the reconfigured entry drive to areas between parking spaces and along the road, effectively screening from view all parking spaces from public view. We feel this orientation exceeds the regulation by concealing at least four of the six parking spaces from view. 4. Variance to the standard pertaining to drive aisle widths. After review of the proposed plan with the Town Engineering Departrnent, we have resolved that the required 22' dive aisle width can be suitably reduced to a 20'drive aisle minimum, a standard incorporated in the plan. Concem over access to two of the six spaces was expressed which was addressed by a widening of the drive aisle to 2'l'-6". lNe feel this regulation is not in conflict with the Town Staff. o THIS ITEM o RTY MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPE PUBLIC NOTICE NoTlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environm-erta.l commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a pubtic heiring-in aicoiOanc" witn Section 18'66'060 of.the.Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Juty B, 16U:%lz?d;.rfr. i""ti'. i.*n'ot vair Municipal Building. ln consideration ol: Arequestforanexterioradditionutilizingthe2S0ordinance, locatedatTSl PotatoPatch/Lot21' Potato Patch. Apolicant: Sissel and Richard Pomboy Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello Arequestforaworksessiontodiscussparkingand.retainingwl|l."js,htvariancestoallow|orthe construction ot " n"* p*[ild;.;;ilri. L.dde aif-ionsneiO' located at 380 East Lionshead yDircle/Lot 6. Block 2. Vail Lionshead' zno Flllng' filpticant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields v Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A requesl tor front and side setback variance to allow for a residential addition to the Messenbaugh residbnce. tocated ii gzo rai*ay courvlot 5, Vail Village 1oth Filing. Applicant:RobertandHildegardMessenbaugh,representedbyMikeGuida Planner: George Ruther A request for worksession to discuss a conditional,ulq,q,t-t1it.1^o.rS,Proposed addition to the vail Cha6iel, located at 19 Vail RoadrTract J, Block 7, Vail Village l st Frllng. Applicant: VailReligiousFoundation Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, a density and front setback variance to allow for a Type ll EHU above tne exiJiing" ga,-.S.ito.iGJ"1227'Rockledge Road/Lot 13A, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Steve KirbY Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a setback variance to allow for a snowmelt boiler to encroach 5.5 feet into a sideyard setbdck. located at 2049 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Vail Valley 4th Filing. Landon and Mary Hilliard, represented by Larry Eskwith George Ruther Applicant: Planner: llllllllll Sign language interpretafion available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communttv Developmenl Deparlment Published iune 21 . 1996 in the Vail Trail. revised MEMO To: Lodge at Lionshead Phase III File From: Dominic Mauriello, Planner Date: June24, 1996 Re: Existing Conditions Lodge at Lionshead Phase III This memo is intended to clarifr some existing site conditions' Zonng: ThelotiszonedHDMF (29%)andMDMF (71%)' Lot size: 0.9822 acres or 42,784'632 sq. ft'. Units: 12 units on site GRFA: The density and GRFA for the site is determined by applying the density provisions for each zoning andthen addingthe two' HDMF (29%of lot) t2,4O7.54l sq. ft. ofUIifUFarea X 60 sq. ft. of GMA./ 100 *q.ft.oflot area= 7144'53 sq. ft. ofGRFA MDMF (71% of lot) 30,377.O8g sq. ft. of MDMF area X35sq. ft. ofGRIA/lOosq. ft. oflot ar€a= 10,531.981 sq' ft. of GRFA Total GRFA allowed = 18,076'51 sq. ft. Existing GRFA = 20,043 sq. ft' This catculation does not include any cornmon area above the 35% credit (6,326.78 sq. ft') allowed. (According to Jeff Bailey, Manager of the Lodge at Lionshead, 5 units are I ,65 I sq. ft., 3 units are 1,546 sq. ft., 2 units arc 1,569 sq. ft., unit ll is 1.944 sq. ft., and unit 12 is 2,068 sq. ft.) Density; 19 units allowable Parking:Existing=l8spaces(l2underground,3incarport,and3surface) Required = 25 sPaces (19 enclosed) f:\dominic\wpfiles\,rnemos\lodge3.wpd o o TOWN OF VAIL DEP^NT]TIEI'T OF CO}I\IU}SITI' DE\T,LOPIIIEI\T ADDR.ESS DATE I PRO'ECT :. Q CHECXS MADE ' YASLE TO TO$T{ OF T'AIL ACOOT T-\O. 0l 00004t540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0i oo00 424 i 5 UMFORT{ BUILDING CODE 554.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBIn"G CODE sJ9.00 0l 0000 424 l 5 UNIFORM N,lECHANICAL CODE s37.00 0l 0000 1211 5 LTNIFORI,I FIRE CODE $36.00 ,I 0000.12415 NATIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE s37.00 0l @00 4:415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41i18 BLUE PzuNTS {N{YLARS 57.00 0 I oo00 424 12 xrKox L0PlLs s0.25 0l oo00 42412 S I UDII,S 0l 0000 42412 TOVFEES CON1PUTER PROGRAM 5t.0u 0l u)00 4li7l PENALTY FEES i R.E-I}iSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN RE\IIEW RE.CHECK FEE fS4O PER HR. 0t oo00 423i2 OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 11,112 CONTRACTORS L]CENSES FEES 0l oo00 41.11i S,IGN APPLIC..\TION FEE s20.00 0l 0000 Jt4l3 ADDI I IONAL SIGNAGL, FEE IS I .OO PER SQ.FI 0l 0000 42-1-10 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0000 41,ji I PRE PAID DESIGN REV]EW BOARD FEE 01 tl(}00.4li7l INVh,S I IGA I ION fbE I BUILDINC FI ;l i 1 0000 .1_s I l0 TOV PARXING FUND 0l ooo0 2:027 IOV Nb\\'SPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 0l 0000 21112 T;L{ABLE@JJM * 0l 0000,11010 r,L\AtsLE (4 d.0Z (TOWN 0l 0000 42i71 BUILDlNG INvESTIGATION I IILR PEC A-PPLIC.{,TIO,r- FEES 0 r oo00 4l 330 ADDITION.{L GRFA "250 s200.00 0l (X)oo4tjiO CONDITIONAL USE PERNflT s200.00 0l 0000 4l i30 bXI ERIOR .ALTERATION LESS T}IAN lOO SO.FT.s200.00 0l fi)0041ji0 h,.\ I IruOR ALTLRATION N{ORE TI]AN IOO SO.FT.s500.00 0i 0000 4lji0 SPL.LIAL IJtvtLOPIIhNT DISTRICT In*EW s 1.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR A}{END s1,000.00 0l oo004l3i0 SPECIAL DEVELOPI\,I ENT DISTRICT IT4INOR AT,IEND S2IJU.UO 0t 0000 41i30 SUBDIVISION 0t oo00 41i30 VARIANCE s250.00 29t.ao 0l 0000413i0 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0l 0000 413_r0 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER :OMME\TS: lror/.L: 75bO0 CA55 I t cx.'M.OL] o O ls 'rEM "irrair,fftlYouR PRoPEo NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on June 24, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 2943 Bellflowerl Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant:Frank Bannister Lauren Waterton Planner: A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the alteration ol the Vail Transportation Center, focated at242S. Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Public Works Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request to construct a trailhead parking area, located at Red Sandstone Road/Parcel A, Lions Ridge 1st filing. Applicant:1Oth Mtn. Division Russ Forrest Planner: A request for a conditional use permit, a density and front setback variance to allow for a Type ll EHU above the existing garage, located at 227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13A, Block 7, VailVilldje 1st Filing. Applicant: Steve Kirby Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for an interior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 427 Forest Road/Lot 4, Block 2 Vail Village 3rd filing. Applicant: Planner: Henry Kravis Lauren Waterton A request for. an interior remodel utilizin-g the 250 Ordinance, located at S48 S. Frontage RoadArVestwind Condominiums, Unit #305. Applicant: Jim Beedie, represented by Mike Haselhorst Planner: Lauren Waterton I regqest for a minor subdivision of Lots 2 and TiBlock B, Vail Das Schone #.l, located at2446 and 2450 Chamonix Lane. Applicant: Karin Scheidegger Planner: George Ruther 14 request for a worksession to discuss a parking and retaining wall height variance to allow for the - ]^^struction of a new parking area at the Lodge at Lionshead, located at ggO East Lionshead Xrcle/Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing. fpplicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Fic Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello Sign language interprelation availabte upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-21 14 voice or 47g-2356 TDD for informalion. Community Development Deparlment Published June 7, 1996 in the Vail Trail. Prinbed bY Dominic Mauriel lo 8 /95 2:54pm From: Dorninic Maurieflo TO: Dominic t"tauriel1o, Gregg Barrle, Terri Martinez' Todd oppenheimer Subj ect : IJodge at L,ionsbead MECOPY ==-NorE-==- 2/ 08/95==2:54Pm== CC: Mike Mollica r just wanted to recap tshe with Ric discussion Fields of from our meeting 2/8/96 - 1, The two entrances to Ehis properEy cannot be combined to create one drive due to extrene grades anCl trees' rt was agreed that two entrances could remain, 2. The plan as submitted was unaccept-a-ble. Tt. was agreed. by staff that the existing configuration of the parking should be moclified to inprove qrades and Clrainage- The Parking 6tructure could be removed. Regradingi of the landscape area should occur to improve drainage. 3, A variance for parking in the front setback could be supPorted due to ilrainage and grade problems on site for reconstruction in the exi s ting configuration (i.e., west portion of rhe siEe). T believe ehis sunmarizes the major issues and decisions maile a! the meetr-ng. Dominic o o 'T 3JR .J. -t,o DATE AIPINE ENGIN ERING, INC.PACE ,I oF I PAGES PROJECT o I Edwards Busincss Center\P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 PH: (970) 926-3373 (e7o) 976-3390 FACSIMILE TRA}i To: Co: Fax #: To; Co: Fax #: To: Co: Fax #: From; ! I Nunber of Pages (including cover sheet): i Trrnsrnitted: for approval for rcview and commcnt for your record To: Co: Fax #: To: Clo: Far< f: To: Co: Fax #: I ;+- i F-'r t t ..-\ i.^-- Zll<- bv<ta C- Datc: J:7-? a revierved otber tbr vour use Renrrks: Con,Edcntialiq Sl{tementi i This facsimite rransmission snd any ar:r,ompan},ing docume s contain information belocging lo the sendcr which rnuy be cont'i<ienrial and legally privileged. ihir-infonnarion is inlendcd only for thc use of thc individual or qbrif_v to u'hom this facsirtrilc transnrission was sent as indicsred above. lf you orc nol tbc intended rccipient, ariy discloswe. copying. distribution or actiorr ra.ken in reliance on lhe contents (,f rlc i:I:x'3li:l-."-l.i:j.t:i::A'-{::'."::..,.-: i-::-=i{y yl:',:i$::9.-..lf r::,.,-.1,.;.: :.:.:.:'-i:::: ::t' :r":i:p:::-.'.^ ALPINE rNc 7t (E DeT o RetUm tO Lauren llaterton Town Planner INTEB.DEPABTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUB of e, DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: -z-lz-t l1 t BHIEF OESCRIPTION OF. THE PROPOSAL: AaJo t/rynoN DF Dt2-{U@r^rft./ , .t\trp +{6il -rp DAUE A fYt>D' L Lftr.\b5cAPr NG._ 4a'=---- .c5' Date: / '/ '/' /' Comments:o 7 a"'-=2,>'''z S ti.d t lriYg? FIBE DEPARTMENT tavir.A 8/L7 /91 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPI.,TCATION . TOWN OF VATL, DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: t*t*rt*!att*ilIIilJ E\J. t]EPT D I. A.DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEWT New ConsE.rucE.ion ($200. 00) ADDRESS: 22 Addit.ion ($50.00) .-" l(inor A1 teraEion -,,/ Conceptual Review D'FTnhr.Lot lock ll is described by a meets and bounds please provide on a separaee sheeE.i.cation. ($20 . 00 ) t$0 ) --., e D.LEGAL DESCRI Subdivision If propert.y description, t.o this appl 1egal and at.tach F.ZONING:MDtte NAME OF APPLICA}TT:Mailinq Address: i-t * \E -\ l-^Jw -tr Nlr v/-v \ l+:5 Phone L\-1 Lo-e7(?(=)A\L-r (-o l(r51 NAI{E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : hTO PE,I)/- , FTTI.s>C' 'I@.uuitins tddr"""' ,f;:j fr! iTit F;;;; E ;;;:a NAME OP OWNER (S) : Iltez Ld>tr?. p Lr tri+l eA) A+^12- lll fb^r.P.'-\JElA4- 4<a). QWNER(SI SIGNATURE:Mailinq Address: Phone APPLTCATTONS WILL NOI BE PROCESSED WI,THOUT O'{NER'S STCIUT?UR8 Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid at Lhe tj-me of submittal of the DRB application. Later, when applying f or a building permic, please identify t,he accurat.e valuaLion of the proposal . The Town of vail will adjust the fee according to the table befow, to ensure the correct fee i c n: i d FEE PATD: $ CHECK *: DATE: BY: FEE SCHEDULE: l-t- I. J. VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,.i i", n''ji $ 5U, ./ $ 50, 001 $ 1.50, $1s0,001 - $ s00, $500, 001 - $1, 000, $ Over $1, 000, FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200 . 00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE"AR AIIFER FTNAI, ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION 000 iiiiu 000 000 000 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIT EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NLESS A BUIIJDING PERMTT IS IS STARTED. rI ,*"-o""orto" r"ur-*n, A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to det.ermine if any additional annl icafion information is needed. It is che applicant ' s syP44v$v+v--responsibility to make an appoinEmenc with the st.af f t.o ' determine if there are additional submiEEal reguirernents. Please noEe that a COMPLETE applicat.ion will screa:nline the rewiew process for your project. III. TMPORTAIfT NOTTCE REGARDTNG AIL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must. stake and tape the project site to indicaLe property Iines, build.ing Iines and building corners, AII trees to be removed musE be taped. AI1 siLe tapings and staking must be compleLed prior to the DRB sibe visiL. The applicant musE ensure thaL staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicancs who fail to appear before Ehe Design Review Board on Lheir scheduled meeting daLe and who have not. asked in advance that di-sr:ussion on their ite$ be posLponed, will have Lheir items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as Lhe item has been ronr rh I i clr oA The f n'l I nwinn i f omq n:w e I tho digqf gLiOn Of the !r.rYfLLrll9ll|9.' zoning adminisLrator, be approved by t,he Conmunit.y Development DeparLmenL sLaff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may noL be reguired): Windows, skyliqhts and similar exterior changes which do not alLer the existino plane of the buildinq; and b . Bui lding addi tions not. visibl-e f rom any other 1ot.or public space. AL the time such a proposal is submitteo, applicancs must include letters frorn adjacent property owne:s and,/or from the agenL ior or manager of any adjacenL condominium associaLion stating Lhe associatj.on approves of the addiLion. F If a properLy is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche. rockfal1, flood p1ain, debris flow, wet.land, ecc.), a hazard sEudy musE be submiLted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing Lhe hazard report prior to Lhe issuance of a building permit. AppLicants are encouraged Lo check wit.h a Town Planner prior to DRB appl j.cation t.o determine t.he relat.ionship of f he nrontrrl-v f ^ a'l 'l m=nna,:l h5'afds .vHvr9jrl!g}J}l,gg..9! For all resi.denLial consLrucLion: Clearly indicat.e on t.he floor plans the inside face of the exterior sLruct.ural wal1s of Ehe hrr i ldinrr. and b. Irrdieale wiLh a dashed line on the siLe plan a four foot distance from Lhe exterior face of the bu:-1ding walls or supporcing columns, c. If DRB approves the application with condit.ions or modifications. all conditions of approval musL be addressed prior to t.he applicat.ion f or a building Dermr, c. D a t fV'*"n .o**r*u.on" A. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped by a CoLorado professional Licensed Surveyor, at a scale of L" = 20t or larger, on which Lhe following information is provided: 1. IJot area, and bui.ldable area when d.if ferenE than lot area. 2. Legal descripLion and physical address. 3. Two foot contour int,ervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, S 'conEour inuervals may be accept,ed. 4, fxisLing trees or groups of t,rees having trunks with diameters of 4" oi more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. 5. Rock out.croppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittenE st,reams, al-.. ) 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),cenLerline of sLreams or creeks, required creek or st.ream setback, and 100-year flood p1ain, if applicable. Slopes of 40t or more sha11 be clearly delineaLed by cross hatching. 7. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landnark or sewer invert. This information must. be clearly stated on t.he survey so Ehat all measuremenes are based on the sane startJ.ng point. This is - particularly important for determining buildinq height, and dri.veway slope. See policy On Survey Information, for more informaLion regarding surveys. 8. Locations of the following musE be shown: a. Size and Cl'I)e of drainage culvert.s, swales, efa. b. Exact location of exiscing utility service lines f rorn eheir source Eo Ehe sEructure,includinq: Cable Tv Sewer Gas Telephone Water Elect.ric c. All utility neLer locat,ions, including any pedestals Lo be located on site or in t,he riqht-of-way adjacent to the site. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing. e. Indicat.e all easement,s identified on t.he subdivision pIat. 9. Provide spot elevations aE the edge of asphalE,along t.he.sEreet. front.age of the prope-.rf-y af.twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the loL. B. Site Plan 1. Locations of the following must be shown: a. existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. Proposed driveway, irr"lirrg percent slope and spot elevalions at the property line, I qarage slab and as necessary along the cenLerline of the drive to accuraLely reflect driveway grade. d. A 4 ' concrete drive pan aE. che edge of asphalt for driweways Ehat exit Lhe street in an uphi11 direction. 2. A11 existing improvements including sEructures, landscaped areas, service areas. storage areas.walks, driveways, off -sCree! parking, -Ioading areas, reEaining walls (wittr Eop and bottom of wa11 spot elevaLions), and oeher exisLing site improvements. 3. In order to determine proposed building height,s elevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves when determined necessary by the zoning adminisbrat,or, shall be indlcated on the site plan with exisuing and proposed contour Lines shown underneatb. C. Landscape Plan (1" = 20r or larger) - 3 copies reguired L. At, a minimum, Lhe followinq informaEion must be provj.ded on the landscape plan: a, Location of existing Erees 4" diameLer or larger, b. Tl4)e, size and locabion of all exj.sting and proposed plant. material , c. Locat.ion of all lrees to be t.ransplanEed, d. A detailed legend of all proposed plant material including conmon and lraEin narnes. 2. The location and type of existing and proposed . watering systerns to be employed in caring for ptant mat.erial following its insEallat.ion. 3. Existing and proposed cont.our 1ines. ReEaining waI1s should be included with t.he conLour informat.ion with Eop of wa11 and bottom of wall elevaLions listed. 4. CompleE.e Lhe aLtached landscape maLerials 1isE. D. SiEr of f f rom each utilitv comoanv verifying t.he Iocation of ucility service and availabiliLy (see at.Lached utiliEy verification form) E. A prelirninarv tiLle reoort Schedule A and B must, accompany all submittals, Eo insure property ownership and identify all easemenEs affecLing Lhe subject '.\ra17167'F\t F. ArchitecLural Plans (!/8" = 1' or larger, 7/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. Floor plans and all el"evations of the proposed developmenL drawn to scale and fu1ly dimensioned. The elevaEion dlawiiigs rrrusL show boLh exisuing and finished grades. One set of f loor plans must. be rrred-lined" !o show how the gross residenLial floor area (GRFA) was ca1cu1at.ed. Exlerior maLerials and colors shal1 be specified on the at.tached mat,erials 1ist. This mat,erials list must be completed and submitLed as a parE of the applicaEion. Color chips, siding samples etc., shall be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. DeEails including, bub not limit.ed tlusciu, trim, rairings, "nt." cap, meLer locations, et.c. must be shown grraphically and f u1Iy dirnens j.oned. G. Zone check list (attached) must be compleEed if the projecE is locaEed within the Single-Fami1y, Primary,/Secondary or Duplex zone districEs. H. PhoLos of the existing site and where applicable, of adj acent. s trucE,ures . ' :ff^?3:i3g 3p$ii:t3::I ;t3#: 3*#iI":equ-ire Lhe specifications, samples and other mat.erials (including a model) if deemed necessary to deLermine whether a project will comply wit.h Design Guidelines. V. MTNOR AIJTERATIONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BUILDTNGS. PhoEos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and Ehe locaLion (site plan) of the redevelopment.proposal may be submit.t.ed in lieu of the more formal requirements sec forEh above, provided al1 imporLant specificaEions for E.he proposal including colors and materials Lo be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RESTDENTIAI OR COMMERCTAIJ A. Original tloor plans with all specificat,ions shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/gtt = 1r or larger - ll/Au = f is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with exi.sting and proposed grades shown underneaLh. D, Elevations of proposed addiuion. E. Phot.os of the existing sLructure. F. Specifications for all maLerials and color samples on materials list (atcached) . At, the request of Ehe Zoning AdminisErator you may also be required t,o submit: c. A statement from each uLility verifying location of service and availabiliry. See atEached utility location verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stanped by regist.ered Colorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I. A preliminary title reporL, to verify ownership of property, wbich lists all easements. VII. FTNAT STTE PT,AN Once a buildinq pe40it has been issued, a.nd coust-rr-leEj-on rs underway, and before the Building Department, will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement L,ocation Cercificat,e survey (rLC) scamped by a regisEered professional engineer must be submiEted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building focat.ion(s) with Eies to property corners,i . e. di s t.ances and angl es . B. Building dimenslons to the nearesE tenLh of a fooE. arr ulity service line as-builJ7 srrowins type of material used, and size and exact locat.ion of lines. Basis of bearing to lie to section corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvenent survey. All easements. carage s1ab elevaLions and all roof ridge elevations wich existing and proposed grades shown under Lhe rid.ge l ines VIII.EONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW A. SubmittaL requirements: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by t.his chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by Ehe Design Review Board to the Department of Cormunity DevelopmenE,. The conceptual review is intended to give Ehe applicant a basic underst.anding of the compatibilicy of their proposal with the Town,s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recomrnended primarily for applicaEions more complex t.han single-family and t.wo-fanily residences. However, developers of single-family and two-fanily projects shall not. be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitt.ed 10 workj-ng days prior Co a scheduled DRB meet.ing. fhe following information shall be submiE.ted for a conceptual review: 1. A concept.ual site and landscape plan aL a minimum scale of one inch equals twenEy feet; 2. Concept.ual elevat.ions showing ext.erior materials and a description of the char-acter of the proposed structure or s Eruc bures ; 3. SufficienE information t.o show the proposal complies with the development standard.s ef the zone dist.rict in which E.he project is t.o be locat,ed (i. e. GRFA, sit.e coverage caLculaEions, number of parking spaces, €Ec.); 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, t.he Department of Community Development shall review the submiLLed materials for general compliance wj.t,h the appropriat.e reguirement,s of Lhe zoning code. If Lhe proposal is in basic compliance wit.h the zoning code reguirenrenLs, Lhe project shalI be forwarded t.o the DRB for concepeual review. If the applicat.ion is noE generally in compliance with zoning code reguirements, the application and submittal maEerials sha1l be returned t.o the applicant wiLh a writt,en explanation as bo why the CommuniEy Development DepartmenE. st,aff has found t,he projecE not. to be in compliance wiLh zoning code requi.i:eroerrLs. Once a compleEe appliCat,ion has been received, Lhe DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review applicarion and support.ing maLerial in order lo det.ermine whet.her or not. the projecE generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vot.e on conceptual. reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be presents aE. Lhe DRB tlearing. c. n G. I' A. IJfST OF I'IATERIAL,S NAI,IE OF PROJECI , (*b .pE>b*-^T Do.lq,Ar--,A,> LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT- BLOCK ST'BDIVISION STREET ADDRESS z 4Op E2k;f uoJ:'.\eao o^rt-, The foltowing informaLion is required for submitt,al to Ehe Design Revj-ew Board before a final approval can be given: BUII,DING MATERIAI,S: Roof (izlinzr Obher wal1 Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReE,aining Wall.s Exeerior lJighting TYPE OF MATERIAI,COI,OR OLher LA}IDSCAPING:Nane of Designer: Gv. hec*tr.Phone: O4s.qoa+. PIJANT *r"*l-,r, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Boianical Name Cre f4euhl. PL{^JodL, PoA^5) OuanLi tv Size*, *Indicabe caliper for deciduous trees. Min-imum caliper for deciduous t,rees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heicrht for coniferous traoq ic 6 foat **Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is E rral'lnn TyDe Square Footaoe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI., C. LANDSCAPE LfGHTING: If exLerior lighcing is proposed, please show Ehe number of fixtures and locations on a separaLe liqhting p1an. Ident.ify each fixture from the liqhting plan in E.he space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe of light proposed, lumen ouLpuL, luminous area and a cut sheet, of the liqht. f ixture. (Seccion 18 . 54 . 050 .T) a a<>Oe.2\prr*-p. r Utu e=r+r-' lpphOt1 , z)-4' Teu-. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swiruning pools, etc.) Please specify. rndicate heights of reEaining walls. Maximum heiqht of walls wi-thin the front setback is 3' . Maximum heiqht of wal1s elsewhere on the property is 6' D, te.ttBed 8/L7 /9a JOB NAI.{E TOWN OF VAIL UTILITY IJOCATTON VERTFICATTON FORM SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FIIJING .frJJUJ(.tr 5 5 The form is used E.o verify service availabirity and location. This shoul.d be used in conjunction with preparingr your utiFity pran ana scheduling installations. For any new consiruccion proposal , Ehe appricant must. provide a compret,ed utilit.y verificacion- form. The locat,ion and avaitabirity of uLilit.ies, wheLher t,hey be main t.runk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by che following ut.ilities for the accompanyinq-iite plan. All authorizing signat.ures need to be originals. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 9 49 - 6735 Gary Ha11/Rich Cooley HoIy Cross EIect.ric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering DepL,red Husky/Uichael LaverLy **TCl Cablevision of Lhe Rockies 9 49 - L224 Mark Graves **Llpper EagIe \./a11ey Water & Sani LaLion Dist,rict * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Has l ee NOTE: *tA siEe plan is required. physical locat,ion of knorvn ut,ilit,ies must, be shown on the sit,e pran. utirity locations may or may Dot offer service to tbe property line. Any utility exteasion rEquired shall be the responsibility of the property owner. 1. If a utility company has concerns wiEh the proposed construction, t.he utilit.y representative shouLd. not directly on the utility verification form that, there J.s a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in deEail in an aEtached leteer to the Town of vaiI. However, please keep in mind t.hac it is t,he responsibiliEy of Ehe utiliEy company Lo resolve identified problems. 2. If the ut.ility verification form has signaEures frorn each of t.he ut.itity companies, and no comments are made direct.ly on the form, the Town will presume that Lhere are no problems and that the development can proceed. 3. These verificat.ions do not relieve the conLractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from t.he Town of VaiI, Department of public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diooino rn any public right,-of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permi_t. must be obtained separately. 4. Install.ation of service lines are at the expense and responsibility of the property owner. Single Family ZONE CIIECK Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS /Secondary DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot _ Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: abz> tP;i u a-l-4?_4r.. ct hctE OWNER PHONE L*)9tuQe- ARCHITECT &rtA hbcoz.,, PHONE e+f.gr4^ 7 rt\lEr I-rT <rnD T1.rn PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE BUIIJDABIJE I.JOT AREA Existinq Proposed Total o Primary H.iqrrr |./A TOtAl GRFA MA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA s e t.backs F'ra1n l- Sides Rear Qi Fe f'n'rrararra T.and <r'-an i nn Reta-ining $Ia1.1 Hei_ghts Parking (:.a ra.ro a 16A i t- Drive: Allowed (30 ) (33 ) VIA + 425 = tq{ + 425 = 2g' 2E L3'Lo w, 20 ss70 anmn l i pe wi Fh n a\ \7 T.i.r]''i i na rrr-A '_- *rnance Water Course Setback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Environmental,/Hazards : 1) Flood pl-ain 1t lRl PanrA (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope lb t proposed Yes 2) PercenE Slope (< > 3O%) Pl* 3) Geologic Hazards .,a) snow Avaranche NIA b) Rockfatl illt<c) DebrisFlF - .,t,r 1t H,Fr ian..iq r!!!t!il-! , View Corridor Encroachment:Yes- No_ Tl .\ o c t.his request involve a 250 Addition?Er{r.rso u rllv\Jf ve, 4 zJv fl|rlLt.tLJ.ull' _l:.:_ \How much of the allowed 250 Addit.ion is used with this request,? \Prevj.ous condit.ions of approval (check properLy file) : \- '_llllll-- ,(b + i^ lt-l5ttlyau- Enc I .'t .-Slope .+ qilAl. No No t/ ela 10 FILEMPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 9 7 0-479-2 I s 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-24s2 Dep artment of C onnrunity D eve lopment February l, 1996 Mr. Ric Fields Fieldscapc P.O. Box 1871 Avon, CO 81657 Re:Design Review Board Submittal for the Lodge at Lionshead Dear Mr. Fields: I have reviewed your application for a conceptual review ofthe above refercnced project by the Design Review Board (DRB). The plans sbow items that require a variance (i.e. parking in the front setback). It is a staffpolicy that no DRB review can occur until either, the plan is changed to conform with Vail Zoning Code or a variance is approved through the Planning and Environmental Commission. An application for a variance has bcen enclosed in case you wish to pursue this avenue. There are numerous issues with the design of this site that must be resolved before a variance application can be processcd and a design review occur. The following is a list of comments and issucs rvhich nccd to addfL'sscd: td rcllL.ctcd or't lllc \ltc Dtcrr: l.Please submit a plan showing the entire site. Thirty percent of the site must be landscaped. I nced this information to make this determination. Please also provide a calculation on the plan ofproposed and existing conditions for: total area; area paved: area containing structures; and area landscaped on site. The plan shows parking in the front setback (20') which is not permitted. Please correct the site plan. Please provide a breakdovi'n of thc square footage of all uses on site (i.e. residential by unit) and indicate the number ofparking spaccs provided on site for this building. This is needed in order to determine number of required parking spaces and to cnsurc this site mcets the 75%o enclosed parking rcquircmcnt. The walls proposed in the front setback cxcccd thc 3'hcight liuriiaiion which is not pagc I of3 2. 3. ,.t. {p *"n"uo'u"^ Tqffi \ 7' .o-t---" 5. 6. permitted. All walls proposed elsewhere which are over 4' in height must be e;rlg" by an engineei (piofessional seal required on plan)' Please revise the plan accudingly. The.parking area extends beyond the indicated west property line. Ple-ase provide a note on G plan that exphLs the use of this property and its ownership' Also' the two parking spaces in this area are angled in such a way as to encourage backing into the right-of-way. This should be corected' This plan is not consistent with Public Works drawings for the widening of the streets adjacent to the site. Please contact Greg Hall, Town Engineer to discuss potcntial impacts and necessary revisions. Tbe Town of \rail Steetscape N{aster Plan, dated November 20,1997, states that ..the Lodge at Lionshead should be encouraged to consotdate their driveways along East Lionshead Circle. This would firrther reduce pedestrian/vehicular .ordi.tr on East Lionshead Circle." Staff believes that this is the appropriate time to address this issue. I have been out to the site and it appears that this can be accomplished. The existing drive to the $'est of the drive sho$rr on tle plans canld be widened to accommodate ingress and egress for this site. Please revise the plans accordingly, Staffbelieves that the parking area could be redesigned to reduce the amount of paving on site. The parking could be concentrated on the west side of the lot' leaving the east as landscaped area. The plans show a sidewalk provided on East Lionshead Circle. Is this to be accomplished by the lodge or others? Make a clear indication on the site plan' Please provide a legal description on the site plan. Please indicate any proposed lighting for the site on the plan with details sheets (cut sheets) attached. Please indicate on the landscape plan the location of existing trees, the location of tees being relocated, trees being removed, and the size and type of all trees' Provide a current siped and stamped survey of the property showing spot elevations (2 copies). Aisle u.idths must be at least 22' for parking lots and drives' Please revise the plan accordingly. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. page2 of3 15'Youmustshowprqlosedcontoursintheparkinganddriveareaontheplan. i6.Aturnaroundneedstobeprovi<ledintheparkinglot.Itmusthavea20'centerline radius from the closest parking stall' 17. Todd oppenheimer of the Public works Deparbnent has identified sme potential errors with the contours shown on the proposed grading plan'- He wilf b; producingad.ditionalcomm€'ltsandyoumaywantto"6al2glhim.directlyto discuss those cornments' please revise your submittal and indicate to me what your plans are colco:ring variance issues' These comments must be addressed before this item ianpioceed any further' I recommend scheduling a meeting with me and a rqresentative of tnJpublio Work Deparhent to discuss issues identified in this conespondencJ. tf you have any questions call me at 479'2148' A schedule of meetings and submittal dates has also been enclosed for your information' 'ffif il,*t4 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner Susan Connelly, Director of Comnunity Development Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development Terri Martinez, Assistant Town Engineer f:\ttc6llic\erpftL!\lctttf!$olrn N-v,Pd page 3 of3 MEMORAI\IDTJM To: Dominic Mauriello From: Todd OPPenheimer Date: FebruarY l, 1996 RE' Comments on Lodge at Lionshead zubmittal' Post-it" Fax Note 7671 D-ate:14;/1L ll"lL"> u I Tot . I L r.i t-'Pl,t'> Co./Dept.Co. - l-: ., I I A\r Phone #Phone # r^' * '/15 - 1ct ','^"n AJL;hi.-l hu^s-t1 l.SubmittedprojectreliesontheTownsproposedprojecttofirnctionasdesigned.Theextentof the improvements on E.Lii cir.l" hn' not yet-teen'fn"iiJ*a is dependent on completion of a ;t"d; "*aisal on the RoW easements needed' 2.PermyphonemessagethereisabustinFieldscapescontorrrs.Itappearsthecontowlabeled 44 at the top of the ct ot" snoordo,t be there 1it ir u"'""t ul. The contour labeled 43 should move uphillabout2,5,andconnecttothe44contourcrossingthesidewalk.Allcontourstotheeast would drop 1 number. yoo can pass this utoog to Ri. is a preliminary comment but I do need to discuss it with Engineering' 3.UsingtherevisedcontourVelevationsthedrivewaygradebecomesa!9ut7.5%ratherthanthe 5% indicated. Existing;;;;;t;i2% so itis stilian impto"ement' Verifo grade requtements with Engineerin g' 4.Theseplanswillhavetobecoordinatedw.iththeTownsplansforthestreetimprovements once the contour probl.r. i. .esotued. Initial check indicatei that the will probably work out okay. 5.Iwouldprefertoseethisparkingaccomplishedwithlessasphalt.Combiningthe4spaces alongE.LH'Circleandplacingthe.landscapingateachendcouldhelp.S'Drivewaywidthsare beloiv standard' Refer to Engineering for specrttc concerns' 6. It appears there is not sufficient snow storage space allocated' The changes proposed in comment #6 could helP here also' 7.The7'+wallheightisexcessiveandwouldrequireaguardrailatthetop'Thewallisalsoto close to the sidewatt toallow sufficient landscape spac.e31j tt"Y Y-igt The bottom wall elevation shown at the east end does not .orr.rpood with the contours in the area' The correct elevationisprobablyz,lower.Thediscrepancyinthecontoursmayeffecttheoverallwall heights. 8.Nativewindflowersarenotanappropriategroundcovermaterialalongthesidewalk'If flowers are desired th.y JoJa t" ,nairrtinealerennials ( and no the Town is not going to maintain them), The r6', Colo Blue Spruce errcroaches onthe site distance triangle which needs to be maintained. Sp*." ,not'td not be any further north than the end of the fence' g.TownplansincludeaStreetlightatthetopofthechuteaboutduewestofthegate.This lo"otioo conflicts with some shrub material shown on the plan' FEE}-S1-slEi IO.E3 FROM.'''if r GUARANTEE VAIL ID! 3@3 476 4534 - t-t I LAND TI TLE o /r+g|rt ,F tLt f-r G'i.a {)"E ll t rrl at a..l{ e (J 3t B 'lt cE I a u !lN I i FO OO f|ir oer E\!s tu {c, "'clt ot||io rt :B al.o o tro 8r ot It THETIDIO BXI|IIT? A 80 mllmillxlut DEclanrTlolf toR tII' IPEIE A! I.TOilEHltD PII,ttI III ttaa TICAL trt€rl lt '|lt l, Vall/t lonlhrad n ,| J t Ft :r8 c o ': i IrE l, r rrruElvlrlon of l.t l, llocl -.GorC flllng, lhglr Corrnty. colorrdo Prrc.I lr 'lfE.ctr t rnd J, Yrll/Llonrhrrd tlrrt Fltlng, Erglr County' eclor.do , trDt.ct to tlr tcllorlngt 1. llrcllrrnt Lloruhud Ptrrrr lllr lnG'l.Jolhrd by .Llonr-hert llrmr fri conacrlnlui rcnrg.!.!F liroclrtlon' -tnc.' h'rory illiti"I"-tf,;-rcrl,;il-6i-r.t-dnlniao pter tt - condonlnluf, tnaolr- Eiiii,-rrc. ;--th.it;ftilr;il;-iiaii. inc atrlenr, rn lrrnnt lor iilliri r"i rgr'r-ti-ittr iaiSr rt t lenth'di on loot or by frriicir, upon-rnd rsroll-tiic€r r id ir, vrtl/Llonrhred ?lrrt iiiini,'riii- eilut[ ,-iotiilioe.rtrd lpgn -rna -ierofr- thr drlv*v lertrd thirron, tor th. tolloillnq prit& rnd upon thr tollcrlng cflralSlon.t I' frlctr I rnd ,ll, rnd llhr drly!!!I -thenon'-crl9l; - n Ut lrloilrC io-iionlft.rC lfr1r.tt. tn 1e?5-Fh6r Il lnrt.ll" r sltcol h.rtlnt rt;iil-i;-tir drtvrrrt-lor.th'-E!P!?? "l rriolnc lt trrr of'Ier-rnd iior. fn iirf, tn co-nnrctlcn rlth thr ffi5i'fri"iioi-Ji i'ioiitroc-nritr trr, -iracir I rnd J' ltrcludlttg il;-a;Filii,-ifr dmdrd to Dhilr lll bt Plra|r-rl bocrur'' Jithc,rt snii, errrr.-iii-r"iicc -iurrlcirnt land-to procmd rlth c6niinrction. rn irl"in-iJi ptretc lttr dr.d ol ?riotr I rtld t to Plt|r. ItI, on or r[oit-llciluir fz,. l9?7, Ph.rr tII grrnC'd th' lnqrrlv.grm. luulnt-gricifurc ibovl io Fharr rl Araoclatlon' ililud'E-€o-iir Conforlnlur Drclaratfon tor tht Phcm III Condo' fiiiil'-ir"i."-d, in'-iGtiil ri(rl, vhlch ruthotltos Phrfr Irl ito riliuf fii-i"cl6r-cr.i[-ut-ttiti iira otnrr rarrf,rnEt rntl'/or rlghtr Ii-iiF-6n-InL-irf,i-iircii[.a' rugvr tn prrrgreph e_ rconrllt|nt Iiti-ln.-ioniio.inilr-ovnrirnlp ot -thf rlctrct !?! t]! l""t fillriltr ot rll cf-ttri Otniri rnd thr-trioclatlon ln ordrr t'o ilil-o.nr.;- ani 0ifGl-ttriougho.t l,lcnrhrad Fh'- I and ll.i b. 'I"fp rdrlvrurltr rhell bc eenrldrrr4 lor all pur- Dor.r Cc t;;fuai--thr eorppir rtr rrplurntlry th! north-routh -iif,toi-t ifi;i''-rt e'[ Llonrhred Elrele (thr .t'_of ths T] fii-.il iei,cnr-iirotnr rnto rhr therr tr rhd phur lll undcr- 316 -PAGE 2 |{o tl 8 lr i4t i ',f i'd i., I FEE-O t -StE 10'el4 FROM'LAND TI TLE GUARANTEE VAIL o rD' 363 4?t 4534 / PAGE 3 tt I |'r !I dr |l N o r! 19 l,r €(., o It F |! 6 F grourrl gtr.g.r. uD to thr doorr of thr rrtprctlvl garagrr (tho rr'rr ot thr fl ' c. Thlr rertncnt;htll contlnue slthout Ilrltrtl('n lor lo lcng er lrionrtrceO Phrtr tl CondollnlUil A;foclrBlon, ltrc. oayt to Lt6nehcrd Pharr ltI Condonlnlul thnrflrrnt Araoclrtion, iiil. -"uiiil;a-g; rirrtnq by Ltonshc.d p'hnrc ttr condonlnlur ;;;;i;;;;;;;;1.;i;i, in.l. iro thlrdr o! th. cort ot !u'l ur'd -t;'fi;t-t;.-a.ivirey. ind oni hrlt o( rll orhc? cort. lncurpd by ii"nrtrseO Phe11 ItI-GOndorlnlurn fianage;Gnt.lrloclit ion, lnc., Iirflli-to-I[i-aiivrJiy or rny portt5n thcraofl lnctudlng but not iltiafu to rclntrnenerl upt4!. rnoy rrnoYrl and Sprovcpnt, lt ni.ltrirv. Fhrrr IrI inrir bi rrrponrlbh tor an6 rhlll .ptcyldr Irti-rii"it hartlng' rrlntanrncr, upter', tnou-reroYal rnd lr- ;;;r;;;a-oi-iti iiitv.t"y, tor itr-bGnillt tnd th. btncllt or thf fi"iOrir o! thr rrr6.nt,-iubloct only to tha rhrrlng-ol cortr lp.iiitra rtovr. Ttrh iarcrint nay ic tonlnatod only ttpon oieurrrncr of th. lolloYlngt (ft Irlttrn hotlco ot.lallure to p'tt, rlth rtrE'- rant of llountl eurar-iini'-$;'u.s' rrll, Fortrgr lrlprtd' errtl- iila iitnrn irerrpt irqrrertci, to thc lrrt lnoun rddrtrr ol lionrnraC thr.. Ii Cond-orlnlur Arrocltttonr Inc' t (lll Frllrrrr to pay rtounEt du' rr 'trtcd ln th' noglct rlthln rri oiyi oi rmrlpt ir rush notlct' lr r'fl'ct'd on thr rrturn rrcrlPtl and (tlll ftftnq by thc Pr'rldGnt of Llanrhrrd Phrrl III Gcndotfnfur'*iiiglilnt-reioclatlon, _ Inc. ot, en rtlldavlt rrllrctlm rtt frctl",ieeor-di"i-irrrtnitton ot th. crloncnt vtth lii-iiiir-rnd n.aorirr ol lagtc eounty. colorldo' l. Trxrt lnd othrr Prrlodlc Gharqcr hvlrd ogrlnrt thr .uDtfst proD.tty not yrt dur or Pryablr' t. tr.arang tcr utlllty purPolat ar ahosn on thr recordrd plit ol r|ld r.ruHlvlrlon. f . Rctalcilonr rlrlsh do nst,conGaln r torlrlturl or rwrr€ir c-iiur, bui orlttlng rrltrlcllonr, ll rQYl bf:ta on r'G' ;;i;;;-;.rt;til; oi-nitionil'orlqln, il cont'aInrd- ln thr lnrtru- iiil-ircoidid oitolrr t:, lt?lr In noot ?tl tt Prgo 9r9' S.RlghtotthrProprlrtoro.avalncrlndetoortract rna rliovr-iir-oii thrrrlrin, rhould tha rrns-b! tound !o p!n3- tirtl-oi rnciirect [ti--piirric! hrrcb], grrnrcd, rnd 8l9ht of rrv. tor dltch6 Jnd ..ni'i. Eonllructrd by'tlir ruthorltv o!-tht unlteC Statrr, rr rr.rrvrd ln unltcd statar-Prt'ntl rccord'd.xty 2rr ii6il-ir-noii-ii ii ilsi r0r, end Efpr'brr r, lerr, ln BooI el rt Prgr 9t. It C'I o .lt It AND TI TLE o FEE-et I -gEi 1E'. Ct5 FROM ' L /r ,J,ir ff I t4 FI $+'rl 'i.l GUARANTEE VAIL ID. 3E ?Ei 4534 34 o l. tmttlctlott. rhlch do not contrln r (orhlCu!. er r.vfrtar clrurr, but oilttlng rrftllctlonrr lt rny, bilrd on faco, Golof, rcltllono cr rlrtlonrl orlgln, aa contalnrd tn lnatnrrrrnt rrcerdrd Aprlt li. lt?o ln toolt tlt rt prg.6tt, JuIy lu. l9t0 ln Eool llf at Prgr lJl rnd octob.r lt, l97o ln Eook 'lt .t P.g. lgt. t. turrtl|tr rr rhoen on thr s.Bordod DIat of Vrll./Llonrhmd ?lnt ftllttg. cttto. B-it? P'ttl 01126191 0l:ttP PO I ot 3 PAGE t ,?,.:# .l'L FEE-9l -ElEi tA=Eg FROM: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID. 363 4?Ei 4534 LAND rrTLE _tren.rxrnn connplkv 108 South Fronhge Road West #203 P,O. Box 357 Vait, CO g1652 (970) 476_22st Fax 476-4514 1;^,1eS lLJ € . rrrr *b€rvr r r*_-rt 4'- 1.n.61g--+.gq.-3!) PAGE 1 Sb, 4ufifltf== Date: To: Fax #: From: Number fl:t -zlsz._Phone:?lq - z.rr-rr of Pages (including cover sheet): ,se contact the sender at (e70)476-2251 Message:(^-ezt+z-< c)f lfiF\\---tg*s*rr !EirE*+,r r e. r r .'5A> r^_+.r=__-6q, Z< ; T-€;6<..'g.3,F<rJ For the thinl year in a row, our undemyriter, OLD RE,|IIBLIC NA1ONAL T*U ,fG,colvIPANy, is the onrv.,irtt *ari)iirr'to ,eceive o rtoiii-poyng ahw mting o! A+ fmm standard & poor's ''tne h4niit ,niiig ;'i"rn by s&p ro ooy tir,, ,nrur* to ctate!!! .t^119.1:rh itrDcc trr}gl! Wcrr ,fjrr.l \.nil. CO il6J7 (970) a?6-rJ5l ptD,E (q7r,) 47#4j34 lir ml-B:thrult Rod ,1216 Avon, co 81620 /Strt nr.r .8 , - vHltl, PUBLIC_ td0RKS o 054792166 JHN 31 '96 13:06 N0.001 P.01 I Dtpattmcat ol Pillr WcsblTttatpetntioa ?f Scrrl Fronttgc Rotd ' Vtilt Qolorsto tl6tz ,0t -11 9"2 I t il Ftx t0t.419 _2 I 66 TOWIT OFVAIL TO: COMPAIIY NAME: Ccr* Dat . .., .,. EAX P}TONE NUMBER:4?*zqsz 8l;r PBOXE r.RrHSUrrIlI-i SHI!! L)od\if\ {, }4quf I llo FROM: DATE !TIME I t:logrn N0. OF PAGEB IN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCIJUDING CO\IER SHEET) r._ RESPONSE REQUIRED?i TJo SENT BY: TOTfN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/IRANSPORTA?ION FAX PHONE NUMBER: (303) 4'19-2L66 hfiilnic: tre*eare.tw. ot$<var*5 qf terl..rrcexra-rt5. P \e/r.c E trrar\ taA Opg+*refetor ,r$d Add \ut (n {lvl-$.r \o ttE t6l<rOQ g+\rr<..+Urfr' (€t{ftrf\r{\fs \A*fg, f"nrrwltcvl nwnr .n ' A\ro, (reo.\ta\\ ra+oq5trtd o p,tcr n-"c,{ \+g:r Q i"a;n>g \*ele, We 6t€, 4.L\d.&?rrt \! r\€{+}r(^4nlJv._$t rui gxogct+-l c$r\(jr (Trh;\S\c ffnF$\+ 5G',,1 <.nrtctrtefrcA\rJ . ndtl'l hlr $6 h-t'f&Pfier?'lt*ll- gfrry,rt'{' ,i,e.} beu€vg5 }trats tl\(r'ta (rrs twog:P€n l€tte\tes ie tt'telf dg,B€Plr1€trt Srssrc) n()Y \!t.*8il oN oA$r(\f.st\e 9(t)t€r\$ &viLc {{1F a ' olru \t jld tnava a;r{ q$crrti.'r,, t !D I iQ 3t t9',2 '91) ( t- lr.qe SOlurn lo LlllRtlll tA?ERml -.-_rsffrffi;Ei PBOJECT:(:r.DATE sl,i,E[#f,t'8#Bff BRIEF DES-CRIPTOT.I OF'7|-IE PROPOSNL:Ecrrava.t,,;r, if 'd.i6,^,"a, \T{tufe clr+,*.lo , 1/.il a'dd l\!a+ {o g,rrrr,-e .{arvlo,.,.tltn6 r L,,,$en- - r )got ap,rorrr.r "e..tc!\ lmffiii:iT:,1.*,:,T;1,;-1Jxn;r-*y':",.;Ht;,:G;HU;",* {tr6rr (*Y l vta :'"::*fi" :*:*th o' ,{r w-r- r(r^\r (cI bq.} t ^ntJ{hr'r (vr\ ur,A\\o.n,rd.l,l I w.il1 ,,,,{r 4,}dO ftur,i t.*...rq\f+dl4crrtd gf * m , - L4y.arr,dur .,r.r k l}. *U,.,...rr,* , ['t"r,t o*rr.U .(:.?rrurt |^ rtv. It *.."r*,.-l;" E F Ftva /'tt ild orYq''. A lu r n Ato,unA |\.rds ro [f: + t r rgrB rirrc rrrrorrrx ,*,u., ".,.3,1)'"]:_," t-, lf ,rca,, |o Hr.,i...{ 2,0 r ' ll\9 c.\x1!! *a.n {..,:c pun ) :\jrr\.f 5,.Jr) r.tu l|ltt (AnOtoC) l-ll .ltr ' . ,, L DATE SuBtr,ttm PIIE oF PUBLTc trHEim" OOMMEMT$ NEEDED BV: BHIEF c olnmonE: Lrrt{c.n - I ----r---DES€RIPTION OF TI{E FHOPOSAL:tsr,npv4'[,srr nf driver^]av\, d,dd hpart fu *{rr,r' rr-^rtr're- l. - -,i' . , , Y', \T(qt'urie clr+,*r,o , O47l larc/1*n a.ir'tur_, u rrrrr gruyi . icY. r tt+i', \rr Cr1:\Adr it- iurvoi -d *11't-"'rt.a'\ YJrrErt'th '*r/ th(.\.-l rr'v\r nr. {rrp,rr (-..r1rca . -'-''='l - ll r\c tzn rJtl sr,rn+Yt "''u.O {rcr,n ord? 1,. n r t}trtl)Snfgrq3lo"e1..q-er..- a fcAoroc) l.l? 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I rn lha lo h, 1! rrcd', ra tvr,'r-.r., zb +19rld ufls trrtrufia). rndrvt o ot Cg lt\*i Llu{e''} *an {,*e €t*r ) rrra.y \rt. ,r{r lwt rr.cratanrlvr&rEufi€epEn*ia?t7aoa "l EE{I€trrlr{tr RTIWEEDI'€XN tlotznrdRE ,€rtu-]otot?"E EETWEIE artLEE A fEltol,€/ /- I REn'JTZV}ENT,GICD **ar@%E DI'EUIU|OE vomDE*@ca EEe@gEtl (-' I ,I I qr*,"/wE ttoEaEtwED,VAGNETTIYLqA,'DX DaDr{fEDVmror/g,tl gn€afE?r"',lf'H DA|Orrt'rf Etgftrfkirp ,/(\Nb t\\'"\' .ftDN,,,,LAND\ THE LODGE AT ,o(b I I I -W IEWEEDOAA,EIJE --{3rr rl ,fu+x*l ,FnJil,o -J-E+.= { ( tl II ll rl d 4arr\\\\\ LIONSHEAT)CE'AYE EI'II6 Elnt FE'T'/EE'AN*'@,,o'ETE'/TO e I !t ' FILE C0r'i TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Octobcr 30, 1996 Departnent of Connnunity Development Mr. Ric Fields Ficldscapc P.O. Box ltlTl Avon, CO 81657 Rc: Parking redcsisn for thc Lodgc at Lionshcad Phasc 3 Dear Mr. Ficlds: Staff has conccptually approvc<I your dcsign submittal of Scptcmbcr I 9. t 996 for the rcmoval of the parking structurc in front of thc Lodgc at Lionshcad and thc rcplaccmcnt rvith surfacc parking. A variancc for parking in thc fiont sctback is not rcquircd as thc proposcd parking docs not cncroach furthcr into front sctback and duc to thc rcduction in nonconformity ofparking on thc s itc. You nccd to submit your final construction plans and landscapc plan for final approval. Some issucs rcgarding slopc along thc roadway nccd to bc discusscd with thc Public Works Dcpartmcnt (Todd Oppcnhcimcr) bcfore final submittal. Thank you for you paticncc in thc proccss. If you havc any questions call mc at479-2148. cc: Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works t\.vcrronc\dom\l€n€rr\fi eldr.ol0 {g *'"""'o '*"' APPROTJEDJUL 8 ' f$ PLANNING ANO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 8, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Galen Aasland STAFF PRESENT: Susan Connelly Mike Mollica Dominic Mauriello George Ruther Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m.Public Hearlng The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a setback variance to allow for a snowmelt boiler to encroach 5.5 feet into a sidey'ard setback. located at 2o4g sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Vail Valley 4th Filing' Applicant; Landon and Mary Hilliard, represented by Larry Eslwith 'Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request. He explained lhalJ_ay Peterson was here in placJof Larry EsXwith to represent the Hilliards. He reminded the PEC that they voted unanimously'at the June t Oth meeting to table this item until the Geologic Hazard Report could be reviewed. On July 1, 1996, the report was submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departinent, along with the revised site plan. Staff continues to recommend denial based upon the Consideration olf Factors on pages 3 and 4 of the staff memo. Should the PEC decide tb grant an approval of this request, staft would suggest that the approval carry with it the conditions listed on page 5 ot the stafi memo. Jay Peterson stated that he is here on behalf of the applicants and in place of Larry Eskwith' Th'e applicant has looked at alternate sites and has come up with a good plan. Jay had nothing further to add. John Schofield still believes there are alternatives suitable for a solution to the location problem. Gene Uselton had nothing to add to his comments from the last meeting. Greg Amsden had no further comments. Diane Golden said this item was a tough one. There are special circumstances with this request. Jay Peterson stated the problems resulted because of a misunderstanding on the part of the appticant. Planning and Environmental Cornmission Minutes July 8, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Gene Uselton Diane Golden John Schofield Henry Pratt agreed with Diane that there were special circumstances surrounding this request' He would however, like one more screening tree and a V-shaped yll!-qs a condition for approval' H""sreoifstaffneededtoverifythefinalscreeningorwou|dtheDRB? Mike Mollica asked the pEC if more screening should be done with landscaping or with a wall' Henry Pratt stated a tree is a better screen. The equipment cannot be visible as you come from the golf course side of the Path. Greg Moffet doesn't see this request any differently than at the last m.eeting' The applicant did how-ever, spend a lot of money ielying oh the Town's go ahead' So therefore' he doesn't see this as a grant ot special privilege because of the circumstances' Henry Pratt made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo, noting for.the record tnai this is not a grant of special'priveledge, because of the circumstances of the applicanl i"r'ing on th" rdwn,s (pu6ic worxs oepirtmenr) information. He would like to add the lollowing tw6 conditions to the three in the staff memo: 1. That at least one spruce tree' as approved by staff, be added' 2. That the new mitigation wall be designed and stamped by an engrneer' The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. The motion passed by a Vote of 5.1, with John Schofie|d voting in opposition. 2. A request for a worksession to discuss parking and retaining wall height vailances.to allow for the consiruction of a new parking area at the Lodge at Lionshead, Phase lll' located at 380 East Lionshead circleiLot o, gtocx 2. Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing' Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the worksession. He Stated that staff had concerns with tne parf<ing. Statf ii not sure if it reduces the required amount of landscaping on the property' sinie tne ipplicant nas not ptouiO.O a site plan of the entire site' Staff also was concerned aOout it tottbiiling the Streetscape Master Pian and being compatible with adiacent uses in lhe neighborhood. Ric Fields, representing the applicant, said that they are improving the drainage situation' They are making an attempt to tesien the grade and direct the water away from the retaining wall' The owners want the carport to go aiay, as it is not attractive. They are aware that there are issues about the enclosed parking. They feel the proposed plan solves the problem. John Scholield asked if the drainage was a major concern' Ric Fields, using renderings, explained the drainage' John Schofield asked why all the drainage couldn't be drained off in one place under the existing configuration. Plannin g and Environmental Comnission lvl inutes JulY 8. 1996 Ric Fields explained that one side is substantially lower than the other. Dominic Mauriello said the Town is putting in a curb and doing some work to improve the drainage along this roadwaY. Ric Fields said this plan works with the Town's proposed Streetscape Plan' cene Usetton asked il he 5-112' height of the wall is acceptable. The Zoning Code limits it to 3" because of obstruction to traffic. Ric Fields said the only place we are raising it above 3' is along the sign wall. Gene Uselton asked how far from the property line would the parking variance on the east side be. Ric Fields said 6'-7'. Gene Uselton stated that it might be enough to plant trees there. lt would look like the other buildings to the'west. Greg Moffet reminded everyone that this was a v\rorksession and invited the public to feel lree to participate. Greg Amsden asked if the drainage is the main concern, why doesn't the Association change the drainage plan. Greg feels theie is a lot of hard surface, regardless of what you do with the landscapin-g. Why not i-mproue the existing situation. Greg feels there is excessive hard surface. Ric Fields said even though there is more asphalt, landscaping breaks it up. Ric said there is a tremendous amount of buffer now, which improves the situation' Diane Golden agrees with Greg Amsden that there is more hard surface with no gain in parking' She stated she Eould understand the proposal for more asphalt if there were additional parking spaces being provided, but there were not. There is not much aesthetic gain. Ric Fields said there were limitatations with the underground parking and that we are working within the parameters. Henry Pratt asked if anyone has successlully used grass blocks. He is less worried about tratfic damage, then he is about snow Plows' Ric Fields said the sod doesn't stay put on grass blocks. Henry Pratt said he feels it is too close to the main street, but it seems to be consistent with the neigtiOors. Henry asked about the east end where lhere is 5-1/2 ' ol planting on the-inside of the wail-. He asked why you can't move the planting to the outside of the wall and therefore, move the wall further lrom the street. Dominic explained that the drawing being presented by the applicant is in fact different than the proposed plan. The proposed plan has less green buffer along the frontage. Planning and Environmental Commrssion July 8, 1996 3 Henry Pran, in reference to the 5-1i2 ' retaining wall, suggested putting- a .b9rm along the ,ii#siOJ. He said to gef rid ot the island andlover alllhe parking with this berm. This would allow the applicant to meet the screened parking requirement a1d give you something to look.at tom tne stidetsiOe. He gave the Athletic btuO ai an example. There would be no view from the OuifOi-ng sidJ.but that is?rot his concern. Henry suggested the applicant look at this option. Ric Fields asked the PEC if the applicant did this, would the request be looked at more favorably? The Commission unanimously said yes. Greg Moffet reminded the applicant rhat if they are going t9 sgti,sjllhqggmmission' they need to piovt i naraship showing tndt tfris is not a grint of special privileg.e. lf th.e applic-ant uses . L"nw'i suggesiion, they"couh add parking-spaces and decrease the variance' Right now I s-ee - iie#ovaL6iranoscapin'g, i; i"crea;, in aiphatt, without additional parking and being within 3' of the right-of-way. Greg Amsden said he doesn't mind the parking being side-by-side spaces' He does however' rani to see a reduction in asphalt. He also wants it all to be screened from the street. Ric Fields asked if joining the 4 spaces would be befter' Henry Pratt said it wouldn't get his approval. Jusl doing that will notr be enough to.get this ieqr,is tfiougn all the varia"nce criteria. He reminded the applicant that they need a bigger gesture. Greg Moftet said the drainage presents a hardship, but not to the level of asking for 3 separate variances. John Schofield asked it the height of the wall would need a railing in the future' Ric Fields said that no railing would be necessary if there was substantial landscaping' but he would have to further research that issue. John Schofield said at some point, with a sidewalk, a railing might be necessary' Henry pratt said Ric Fields is right. A railing is not a requirement if there is substantial landscaping. Greg Moffet asked it the Lodge at Lionshead Manager had anything to add' He did not' 3. A request for front and side selback variances to allow lor a residential addition to the Mesdenbaugh residence, located at 970 Fairway CourVLot 5, Vail Village 1Oth Filing. Applicant: Robert and Hildegard Messenbaugh, represented by Mike Guida Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request. Code allows decks to encroach up to s'.into the side setback, but the apiticant ls proposing' an encroachment of '14" Staff is recommending Planning and Environmenlal Comrnission Minutes JulY 8' '1996 approval, referencing the PEC's decision lor approval in 1975. George stated that the same riil"tio"r eiist toOayl Staft however, thinks thi'applicant.should reconfigure the new stain'vay' Staff woutd like an additional condition that the exierior lighting and building siding be brought up to code. Greg Moffet asked lor any public comment. Frank McKibben, representing Dr. Philip sheridan and Dr' James Bowen, adiacent ploperty owners of the applicant, itate? there were three basic concerns. Most ot lhe houses constructed on the north side of m" "ir""t encroach into the front setback. This presents a problem in.the. winter with parking r"6.'fnii prJsenis a very urban looking street. lt all comes back to allowing Jeul-foprentin fh"e front s"tUa&. He said t-ot g is an example of development happening *itf'orf "n"toaching into itte ttont setback. The property v€lues are.a lot higher now and any Oeuetopment must 6e tooiieO "t u"ty closely. .f rinf sUied that coming towards the street is not the answer. This won't i;trda the parkin{ situation. From the side you get the feeling of a.row of townhomes. ge teers iiiaigris iJ i pooriolution. I find the design criteria hard to follow' He stated that just because something occurred in the past' is not enough reason to go foruard' Mike Guida, representing the applicant, said the front yard setback doesn't increase parking. Greg Moffet asked the Commissioners for their comments' Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt appreciated Frank's comments. Because there iS no impact on the ground level, Henry had no problem with the side setback variance. Greg Amsden asked it the applicant is planning on using T-111 siding' George Ruther said yes. lt must be removed and real wood siding used. Greg Amsden agrees with Henry and has no problem with the GRFA extensions' He does have a oroblem with the stairway on the west side. Mike Guida said the stairs are to access lhe second level deck. They could put a masonry wall leading up to the deck. Gene Uselton had no further comments' John Schofield does not support the stairs. He also agrees on the T-111 siding issue' George Rurher said sraft added lhe additional condition to bring tfe 9{gr_ol building materials and t'ignting up to code since they are adding more than 150 sq. ft. of GRFA to the structure' UnOeicnafiter 1 8.54 in ine oesidn Guidelinds, and per staff policy, when adding more than 150 sq. ft. of Gif fR to a structure, the building must be brought up to code' Henry pratt asked if we can impose bringing the. building up to compliance for both sides of the struciure. lf the neighbor says no, you are denying them their property rights. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes July 8, 1996 Greg Moffet asked staff, regarding the siding issue, where it is lound in the code to bring the entire building uP to comPliance. Mike Mollica said in Chapter 18.54.050, plywood siding is not permitted' Additionally, slaff . OritteO a policy tor cnanging out siding, ioi the undergiounding of utilities'.etc' Any expansion ;";;1!0 5q. tt. in rir" *iiiinistiinginb the bu.ilding into comflianc":..1.9rp1"I lot is considered on" fot,li iar as the Zoning Code. Tt ii up to the aFplicant to work with his neighbor' In some situations, the neighbor can be a big stumbling block' Greg Moffet asked if this has been in place tor a long time' Gene Uselton said we only discovered this provision today' Mike Mollica said it would be rare that the PEC would get involved with this' This is generally a DRB issue. Mike Guida asked what would happen if the applicant goes for solid wood siding and the neighbor doesn't want to do this. George Ruther said the entire structure would need to come into compliance. Mike Mollica said that both halves must be brought into compliance, or there will be no issuance of a building Permit. Mike Guida said il we comply with the regulations, I don't see why we won't be allowed to do this' Greg Amsden gave the example of how the applicant is subject to the party wall agreement' Mike Guida said we just found out 10 minutes ago that this was the case and we haven't had a chance to address this issue. Henry pratt made a motion for approval in accordance with the statfs findings' with the additional recorirmendation that the side siair not be allowed as proposed' Greg Amsden seconded the motion. Henry Pratt amended his motion with the 4 conditions as proposed by staff and no additional conditions. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 4. A request for worksession to discuss a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to tne Vail Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Planner: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Dominic Mauriello Henry Pratt excused himself from this item, as his office is submitting a bid on this project' Plarming and Environmental Commission Minutes JulY 8. | 996 Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of this worksession and Stated that Ned Gwathmey' Lutheran Minister Rev. Walker and Rod Slifer were all present' Greg Moffet asked for public input. Ned Gwathmey explained that they are looking atthe Chapel from a. ph.ysical side to make it pia"ti"iirr ttr6 neit zO yeari ano'to also brin! it into compliance with the new code issues, ADA lnO iighting. They have'been directed not to dlscuss changing the appealance' Their plan- inuoruE"i"iing th6 existing offices out of the basement. Parking has not been a problem. The . Oanf. piiO ior [arking with-ttre agreement that the church would use it on weekends and the bank OJrinj tne *ebX. WE can't lower the building, because ot the 100-yr. lloodplain' We need to hear the major concerns from the PEC. We still have to raise the money to meet the needs. We are therefore testing the waters with the PEC. Rev. Walker stated that 6 congregations are using the chapel and all cong.regationr are growing. It is a very heavily used tacility and we see the continuance ol being heavily used' The usage has been spiritual in nature and tfre faditional look will be kept. He also mentioned that there are four offices downstairs. John Schofield sees no problem with the request. Gene Uselton is impressed with the proposed addition. He suggested making the drive come under the building to miss the 100-yr. floodplain. Greg Amsden said he wanted to look into the GU Zone District for assurance that if the church cami into hard times, the use could not be converted to commercial use. He stated that he is supportive of this aPPlication. Diane Golden also supports the application. She asked if the offices in the existing chapel would be eliminated. Rev. Walker said yes, the otfices would be eliminated. Greg Moffet agreed that more room was needed. lt is a great asset to community. He didn't see any significant problems with the request- Rod Slifer stated that there are two components of the fund raising. There is endowment money to make improvements. Endowments ensure that the chapel will be maintained in the future' which answers the "hard times" in the future issue. Diane Golden asked if they had determined the cost of the project yet. Rod Sliter said it would cost apploximately $1-112 million in rounded numbers. Ned Gwathmey mentioned thal a memorial aspect was being considered for the grounds._lt.will be a beautiful irea. A walkway was suggesteb with a small place for memorial plaques. This is not the intent with this application, but iihas been felt by some of the members that this could be an assel. lf it happens,'ii could be beautiful and only for ashes. A low wall with plaques was suggested for the memorial. Planning and Environmental Cornmrssron Minutes JulY 8, 1996 Diane Golden asked how many souls could be accommodated' Rev. Walker said that this is not a new idea. There are 25-30 such memorials in Denver- Gene Uselton asked if this would be a part of the fund raising plan' Ned Gwathmey said Yes. John Schofield said all things are possible, when they are done well' Gene Uselton gave his approval of the idea' Greg Amsden had no objections. Diane Golden had no objections. Greg Mofiet agreed with John, as long as it is well designed, but he did mention that there would be s-ome political aspects to address regarding the memorial' 5. A request for a conceptual discussion of Lionshead redevelopment. Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by Dave Corbin Planner: Susan ConnetlY Susan Connelly introduced Dave Corbin to present the conceptual discussion' Comments trom the PEC members followed- John Schofield likes what he sees. He strongly encouraged using Gore Creek as an amenity to iti O".t advantage. His biggest concern is fr-e-existing buildings that remain. He would like to *"" "ncouragerient tor alio-t Lionshead to follow VA's lead for upgrading' This proposal is Oetiniteiy goiig in the right direction. He encouraged staff to be flexible in order to bring about the process. Gene Uselton agreed fhat it is very attractive. He questioned the compatibility about what exists there now, with what will be changed over time. Dave Corbin said they are looking at a 5 yr. time frame. The minimum would be 18 months to go through the approval process anJ t g months to go through the building process. The time frame needi to Oe rbhtistic ih order to do it in such a way that it would notinterlere with ski seasons. tolncent other buildings to enhance their properties, is the most difficult part of this project. One of the topics of our study is to meet with Jdff Winston regarding the Co.urcheval incentive progor. We feel we aie on a path towards. a better woiking relationshiq with the Town and iogitn"t we could find reasons'for surrounding properties to conform'. We have to find a design that will mesh, as surrounding properties choSe to bnange. Can tacade treatments be done with iinancing mec'hanisms tnat w-outC 'encourage other properties to do the same is a question.we ire iskiig. Perhaps lree market density c6anges wouid be an incentive for properties to change' We neeOio give ni.ritOinis i ne* set of iesign-guidelines, so that they might do it on their own' The Associations involved are financially able to do it' Planning and Envkonmental Commission Minutes JulY 8' 1996 Bob Lazier gave an example of the Lifthouse Lodge-as being constructed of pre-stressed concrete wlir'ch lends itself to this redevelopment. Condo Associations arc eaget to pick up property values. The incentives are there. We need staff agreeing that they will not put up iuiertiiiat blockades; such as the Fire Dept. says one thing and the Electrical Inspector says another. Dave from Design Workshop said that the fabric of Lionshead will change. The opportunity is there lo give everyone something. Gene Uselton agrees that he would like to see economic incentives. He agrees with Bob Lazier that a spirit of cooperation is needed with the Town. Greg Amsden is supportive of the ideas expressed. lt seems though that the pedestrian distince, with the new parking structure, is increased. He feels that the North Day Lot housing offices and employee housinj'is not its best use. He thinks VA should use the Holy Cross site for offices and em'ployee houiing. He asked if there will be retail in the Sunbird with condos above. Dave Corbin said they are thinking about an interval time-share producl above the retail in the Sunbird Lodge. This will add a mix of lodging enterprises in Lionshead. Greg Amsden would like to look at a new zone district, such as a special development zone Oistiict for the redevelopment of Lionshead. Incentives are needed to encourage any low-end buildings riding on the tail of a high-end neighborhood' Diane Golden said it is a wonderful idea for Lionshead. She pointed out that the parking struclure is being viewed for additional ice surfaces. Dave Corbin mentioned that the east end of the structure is being looked at for ice by Phil Hoversten. Henry Pratt said Gore Creek is an important asset to tie us back to the earth. The North Day Lot's-best use is not for offices and employee housing. He reminded everyone that when you cut otf the sun with large buildings, you will replace the sun with wind tunnels. lf there is any way to have this completed by the '99 Championships; that would be great. Dave Corbin said it will be in progress during the Championships, but not done. The North Day Lot has blocked views in troni, witn highway noise in the back. A condo project would not be well received as a saleable product, since it would be without a view and burdened with highway noise. The North Day Lot would make the most sense operationally by keeping an employee group close to the core. Greg Amsden would like to see a greater skier drop-off in that vicinity. Henry Pratt mentioned that the development rights could be traded for public use where additional development rights could be an asset. ls an ice rink appropriate at the end of the structure. He sees the applicant trying to create a great plaza. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes July 8, 1996 Greg Motfet doesn't see an impediment having the development stretch from Dobson to the Holy Cross shops. susan connelly said Larry Grafel thought the redevelopment study area should extend west to Cascade. Kit Williams said pedestrian traffic across l-70 needs to be addressed' Dave corbin said they hadn't thought of the increased demand on the pedestrian bridge' This is " uatiO i.tu" il it's beihg maximized now, it does need to be looked at' Bob Lazier said that the Enzian and Vail Glo Lodges need pedestrian help' Dave Corbin said north across the highway is a new problem' susan connelly said she heard that Red sandstone school might be lor sale. John schofield said the Timber Ridge to cascade area might need a study' 6. A request for an exterior addition utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 781 Potato PatchiLot 21, Potato Patch. Applicant: Sissel and Richard Pomboy .Pianner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JULY 22'1996 7. A request for a conditional use permit, a density variance and-front setback variance to alow lor a Type tt iftU a5ou" the existing garage, located at 227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Steve KirbY Pianner: Dominic Mauriello WlTHDRAWN ilil//ilt// Greg Amsden made a motion to table item 6' The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0 8. lnformation Update . Request for endorsement of Vail Tomorrow Planning and Environmental Cornmission Minutes JulY 8, 1996 L0 susan connelly introduced chris Motfet and Robin Litt as part of the coordinating team putting together Vail Tomorrow. Chris Moffet asked the PEG for its support ot Vail Tomorrow. The project now has about 20 p"opf" to initiate and get it going in the Community' .fhey a19 tog,finOjo-r-input from as many community members as poisiOti. They will be reiching out to all members of community to get inlut from'titeratty everydne with what ihey tant Vail to look like in the future and how we can make that happen. ft'. " uiw ".1on oti"rit"O proiect. They plan on coming up with specific . "Jion pr"nr.'-fo" would tike io ask the pEc to say yes tnai you will support this organization by your participation in tocus gr.i,Jt, 6f source otiniormation and that you will se1ously consider iny dt tne outcomes that come as a result of this process' Robin Litt had nothing to add. chris Moffet said she would like to have a PEc endorsement today. Susan Connelly stated that so far she has received support from every organization in Town and will finish contdcting organizations within the next month' Chris Moffet again said we need the PEC endorsement so we can be assured the outcomes will be seriously considered. Susan Connelly said the community is deciding on a vision with implementation ol that vision. Sn"?roliio that Levi Sinoriero, a member oitne nign school, was to be present today' but something came up and he was unable to be here. Greg Amsden asked how can we support this proiect without knowing what the outcome will be? Chris Moffet said this is a valid question. Of course you can't endorse every outcome' Th-ere are Jome gtornd iules. tt it goes ag'ainsf your mission, you have no obligation to support it' We just ask that you support the outcomes if you can. Susan Connelly said part of the process is a cost benefit analysis or financial feasibility. The iommunity will'be involved with ihe feasibility, so there is accountability involved and will happen by educating each other. The process is a product' Diane Golden asked il this will be a lunded group. Chris Moffet said there will be fundraising. The TOV has committed funds, along with VA' susan connelty said the TOV has given $50,000.00 seed money and the Vail valley Foundation has endorsed tne program rith a c"ontribution of $5,000.00. She reiterated that it is not a Town program. Gene Uselton asked a question regarding the flow charts. Are we at the tirst step on the flow chart. Susan Connelly advised the PEC, that we are not using the flow chart in the handout. She stated that the 'low chart listed is old. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes JulY 8, 1996 11- chris Moffet said starting July 19th we will be rolling it out to the community' The first Vail Tomorrow meeting witl be July 22nd' susan connelly said there will be 10 focus groups or cornmunity round tables' we will be accommodatin! as many people as want to be involved' Greg Amsden made a motion to sign a statement saying the PEC will endorse Vail Tomorrow' Gene Uselton seconded the motion' It passed unanimously by a vote ol 6-0' 9. Approval of June 24, 1996 minutes Gene Uselton made a motion {or approval of the June 24' 1996 rninutes' John Schofield seconded the molion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Greg Amsden made a motion to adjourn the meeting' The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0' The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.m. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes JulY E' 1996 'J,2 To: From: Date: Re: revised MEMO Lodge at Lionshead Phase III File Dominic Mauriello, Planner June24,1996 Existing Conditions Lodge at Lionshead Phase III This memo is intended to clarifu some existing site conditions' Zonng: Lot size: Units: GRFA: The lot is zoned HDMF (29o/o) and MDMF (71%). 0.9822 acres or 42,784.632 sq. ft.. 12 units on site The density and GRFA for the site is determined by applyrng the density provisions for each zoning and then adding the two. HDMF (29o/, of lot) 12,407.543 sq. ft. of HDMF area X 6O sq. ft. of GRFA/ 100 sq. ft. of lotarea= 7,444.53 sq. ft. of GRFA MDMF (7lo/o of lot) 30,372.089 sq. ft. of MDMF area X 35 sq. ft. of GRFA/100 sq. ft. of lot arca = 10,631.981 sq. ft. of GRFA Total GRFA allowed = 18,076.51 sq. ft. Existing CRFA = 20,,043 sq. ft. This calculation does not include any common area above the 35% credit (6,326'78 sq. ft.) allowed. (According to JeffBailey, Manager of the Lodge at Lionshead, 5 units are 1,651 sq. ft., 3 units are t,s+o sq. ft., 2 units are 1,569 sq. ft., unit I I is 1,944 sq. ft., and unit 12 is 2,068 sq. ft.) Density: 19 units allowable Parking: Existing = 18 spaces (12 underground, 3 in carport, and 3 surface) Required - 25 sPaces (19 enclosed) f: \dominic\wpfi les\memos\lodge3.wpd tsign Review Action r?t TOWN OF VAIL category Number \i i; \i,, -t5 Date Project Name: i Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: -r . ' I ' Legal Description: Lot t' Block \ Subdivision , i ' - Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Boafdl Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval .1! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid rawiaoal e/L7/e1 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPIJICATION . TOIIN VAfIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: t**!r****** INCOMPTJETE APPI.ICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCEEDWED FOR REVIEW. ***!r*a!aat* I. A.DESCRIPTION:Q)a rL5 C*+<c {fr9-1- ta+t t,t/is'i-.' B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,ruction ($200. OOI K rqinor AlteraEion ($20. OO)Addition ($50.00)Conceptual neview ($0) o OF ADDRESS 36O . Lto,*s Cruc-u t617 t87 T\ E. IJEGAIJ DESCRI Subdivision If property descript.ion,to this appl ZONING: ION: Lot .-frTL is described by please provide ication. Block a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and aEtach NAME Mail OF ing lu NAME OF Mailing La. H. NAME OF OWNER(S) : APPLICA]T]T:to/vj Address:ct7 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address:5 Phone +1 6 - 21@ Phone /)t I. J. OWNER(S) SIGNATT]RE:Ast.r(i- Ma.iling Address: Phone APPLICATIONS WII.IJ NOT BE PROCESSED IIITEOW OWNER'S SIGTiIArURE Condomini-um Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t.ime of submittal of t.he DRB application. LaEer, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurat,e valuaLion of the proposal . The Town of Vail wiII adjust Lhe fee according to the table be1ow, to ensure t,he correct fee is paid. t f',r l ('l FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 A .l ^ ^.r.t a F^ ^^^+ J.u, vvJ. - ip JU, UUU $ 50,00L - $ 150,000 $l_50, 001 $ s00, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNLESS A BUTLDTNG PERMTT TS IS STARTED. ONE YE.AR AFTER FTNAIJ TSSUED AI\TD CONSTRUCTION >t /I.'-tt, - @-t" $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 o o LODGE AT LIONSHEAD PROPOSED EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEME RArLrnre I €tt? rDdtrr Srar?5 A\n" STUCCO STUCCO FIELD ACCENT FASCIA &TRIM A'ff Florrf Fcrrr:S t.'.D t jl Ar -, Or:n:--\ i)-r,^......"< E EX IST ING EX AMPL E o "-rdtl, d;{ ?/t3 d$'rfiT*'. tfr'.*1'{ &rf drJrrt? Y-r*&qi I d-n r{,r 'l'tl t a 4.1184 US HrcHwAy 6 . PO Box 1624 . AvoN, CO 81620 303/9.19-3302 . 303/949-5121 F,rr LODGE AT LIONSHEAD, PIIASE M BUILDING REPAIR & PAINTTNG ON SITE MEETING TO CONFIRM COLOR SUGGESTIONS AfiENDEES; JEFFBAILBY&TMKEHOE May 8, 1995 SUGGESTED EXTERIOR PAINT COI.ORS ( Clarification of Color Rendering '8" ) NORTIIELEVATION l) Wood Windows Privacy Fenco aod Proposed Cap Dmrs Cirorlar Emergency etairs & Proposed Cap 2,) ArcdizodMaalC'p 3.) Circular Stairs - Stcel Rril & Pickets Stool Cohmn & Tresds EASTELEVATION 1.) Stairs - lilood eiling at rail & Proposed Cap C€oter Divlling Wsll at Stairs 2.) Maal Pipo Raib at Balcony Anodized MAat Cap at Balcony 3-) 16' diam. Concrcto Columns 4.) Doors & Windows WESTELEVAIION 1.) Garago Door Lockers Vertical Dividing Wall h Stairs 2.) Steirs - Wood Siding at Rail ad Proposed Cap 3.) Aaodized Meral Cap SOUTH ELEVATION l.) Concrete Colurnns Wixlows "') Doors Caps at I-ow Site Walls Timbers at Sandstone Pavers 2.) Metal Pipe Balcony Rails 3.) Anodizd Mefrl Capo at Balcony POOL AREA l.) Rails & Caps NOTE: Seal Existing Balcony Decks and Painr CRAY/ TAIJPE NOCHANGE GREBN GRAY/ TATJPE GREEN GRAY/ TAI'PE GREEN NOCIIANGE GRAY/ TAIJPE GRAY/TAUPE GRAY/TAI'PE GREEN NO CIIANGE GRAY / TAUPE 6REEN NO CHANGE GREEN GRAY / TAUPE o o TOWN ()t'VAIL rlr: r ^ RTM ri,IjjrSrtoafirt uN r'r'v rrr;vlir.of DrENr A4-2./-4"-N^M$./:(- AlrDR-Ess- ?ROJf,CT ctrF,cKs tltADr, pAvAtl,B't o'll)lvN ()rYAll, o 0000 4 540 7-ONINC AND N I)DI(IiSS MAI'S $5.00 0 0000 424 5 U NIF'ORMI}UI LDiN(; CODIi ti54.oo 0 oooo 424 5 _UNIFORNIPL UN'II I NE C5 D I J $39.0O 0 0000 424 UNIFOI{M M IiCI INNICAL CODIi,$17.00 0 0000 424 uN|lOrtM tjllU; coDIi $J6.01) 0 0000 424 NATIONA L liLlrCTl{lCAl, CODI $17.00 o 0000 424 OTttl:lR CO|Jli U(X)KS 0 0000 4 548 l'tuIiTI{INTS i MYLARS)$7.00 0 0000 424 2 XIiROX COPII'S $0.25 0 0000 424 t2 S'IU DIIiS 0 0000 424 2 TOVI'-ltlrS COMPUTIiR PI{OCRn M $5.00 0 0000 42371 PliNn LTY I;liUS / Rli-INSI'IiCTIONS 0 0000 4 r332 PLAN RliVlliW l{l'l-CllliCK Flil': IS40 Plrl{ IlR.l 0 0000 421t2 OFIJ IIOUILS INSPI,CITION l;lilrS 0 0000 4 4 2 CONTR^CTOII.S l-lCliNsliS I"l;I]S 0 0000 4 4 -t Sl(iN APPLICATTON t"11U $i20.00 0 00004t413 TDDlTitlN LSICN eiti;lrli [$ |.0(t Plr.l{ sQ lil'.] 0 0000,!2440-'TC ART PI{OJIJCT DONA'I'ION 0 0({L4l33 l trI.PN ID DI;SI(;N ITIiVIIiW I}OAI(D I;I:I:I k z1) 0 00ooTznT INVtiSTIGnTION l. l..lt ( llul r.DrN(;) J 0000 45 |0 IOV PN ITKINC FUNT) 0 0000 22027 TOV NI,:WSPA t'I1R DISPIJNSI'R I'U NI)I 0t 0000 2l t2 T XABIEIr) 4'l" GsTA'l'lt)* 0t 0000 4t010 TA,\-ABLfinr 4% ('fOwN) 0 0000 4237 |IUILDIN(; I NVIJSTICATION )1'tililt 0 0000 4 330 ADDtTIONn L (;Rl.A "2s0 $200.00 0 0000 4 130 coNi)lnoNAL usI l,lil{MIT $200.00 0 0000 4 330 ljxTltl{lOR ALl'l,l{A'l'lON ILl:SS 'flln N l(x) SQ.l''l .J t;200.00 o 0000 4 330 lixTt.)l{loll n LTliltATloN IMol{li TIIAN 100 SQ.FT.]$500.o0 0 0000 4 310 SPIjCIn L DUVIiLOPMIiNT l)lS'rRIC-r INI:w]$l 0 0000 4 310 SPITCIAL DliVliLOPMliN'l' DlSl'Rlcl' IMAJOI{ AMItNLT $ I .000.u1 0 0000 4 tJ0 SPI;CInL Dl:Vl:LOPMIjNT DISl'l(lCT IMINOR nMIrND]$200.00 o 0000 4 tl0 SUBDIVISMT 0 0000 4 330 VARIN NCU $250.00 0 0000 4 330 ZONIN(} CODI] N MIiNDMIJNTS $250.00 0 0000 4 330 RIi. ZONINC $200.00 o1'r iltR OTill;rt ITOTAL: \"Y RDC. DY: 'J mLr.r.or-r o o Project Application Oate 8l? /FQ Prolect Name: L0D(;E AT EIUl.iStiEii! ir;i^tjil I I I q Iilil Or^;6^f nAc^ri^ti^n' Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date .r- ' (i-4 . L.Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL ,) DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Plan ne r E Statt Approval ,l-/r 7 7+' I t't 't lov -r*'b-u- ( I 'rtt )-u( {2 e17t<c44n--, .// -L.c, tc6-. /-4 -"t v The Lodge af [ion5Head lll 360 east lionshead circle J .- tat ' '.t. 't'ttl lu llal 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-701',t0 April 17, '1984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners RE: Sign Appl ication Requirernents Hhen applications for signs are submitted, the follorving is requ'i red: ofllce of communlty developmenl i nformati on be located. sign is to be located. l. 2 Site plan sholing exact 'location where the sign is to Photograph or drawing sholing the building and where Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly (b) the sign itstrl f is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of appiication. as sign will be) a. lli (over ) \ ' : r't t..' I -f '' "7, Appl ication Nunber Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Name of Project fl{E LoDcrL Ar LiOI{SHEADJ Name of Person Subrnitting phone 47 Description of .Project Pe-r vAT.E =or.ip!-,S l'|//.u-'-/ ta'L1og The f o'l 'lorvi ng i nformation i s requi red f or to the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal 'by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sign Material C€Ctr.)oo D r STAc-raED' .l uAM rIJA]-LD B. Description of Sign N/ ADr)SS C. Size of Sign Length of Cgrnrnents 'ru Lo-a<a_ MAT.ERIALS SUBiIITTED WITH,APPLICATION Site Plan Orar.ri ngs . shiilTng?act 'locati on Photographs shorving proposed locaffi- Actual sign _ €oilored scale draling _ F-+< t7 Photograph of sign I 2 Approved for DRB Submittal Diiapproved for ORB Submitta1l] /,'aa-: r{A A// fi,s "/€z--L St ,/;.-aC =/ / t' /l--xana/Q / town n 75 soulh fronlage ral. vail, colorado 81657 (303) il76-7000 ||flI February 15, 1992 This is to certify that the attached is the official certificate of occupancy the the Lodge at Lionshead, phase III 2-- department of commun ity development Notay'y Public My Commission expires October 31, 19a2. llal vail, colorado 81557 (3031 476-5613 July 8, 1981 Jim Meehan 380 E. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: At the July 1 meeting of the Des'ign for modification of existing disp'l ay of Vail was given final aPProval as department of community development RE: DRB Submittal ot 7/l/8L Review Board, area at the presented. your submittal Fjnishing Touch Peter Jamar Town Pl anner PJ:df .$ F =ul rJ,/ IE gJ z F (J F 7 trJ z Irl f z Ll CH 1Z az ZA <; laz q=x9 t,{ t'l < <t F. IJJ z s F z q, E ul ul tr CE u,t J t'|. lu G F J J <( F o F UJ J tt a o F L $a N p il K h u x E i i E ! .E =|T =E 0. l&oO =,2 =q l-l f o .J \ ul =x LIJ z F rl.lt z J F v, u. F lLt o z t!J a o u, IIJ tt v uJ I (, z J ul z F z IJJ F z J llJ v, F z ut J ut uJ C) t! ut F = F t! z F ul o ul u- 6 ut A o ut I Y 2 E uJ E ul E o z F tn G o z o F A o 2 o F !r Q (J z A J tt F IIJ q z z z -t z z F o lt o IJJ F !c J = z J E Y .J @ III C !f rr =@ t-t < z o F 9q n6 FC t4(,x> :z 6f ul)o- (J >o -ni Y G.o\ = z tr E u,o v,rf \ ul o J u, o o a = I ?- -a l v Y rll z J 2 Eo kg ()L I3 o.(J ur ()z 8:qF. N-w s + F z |i|2 ' Li F 2 3H:E*$:ir; - k Q,'9 < :. y z F =FF<u)Fiq.-F EbHIi 5 no9Ig : z - <3 ;<oza iF:Ei a<O <OIr)2;rFii:3?6'? H=958 IF,<c O> -o SBE?c<'J + E E cr ul uJ z -< tr { llJ ac o l! ut F F F G ) tr. J F F F z u,l 5 u, l-q It. {.Ir J "{${\L tr ul 0, Lr-c)o -:€, -. =tt G;' I f ul i)f.. l,r L: ,lir !:i.J \\/ ,$- I!r"\r 1f- )< t t t -l -4. Y 3 o z 9 g IJ |rI J gl z o9 -o t Ye< 6 !- |2- 9 9* FE 9o =>:z :< A(J >(J FO ; .', o. \(, .'t o o zl,7{ a5,50_ 5;L,zi t I t t I I I I L- RECOnD OF lEi,EPHOllE CoNvEIlsATroN tl SHEET I OF I DRtn:--tz-rs-i; - TIME: li3o FROi'i: NAl,iE: D<r'..-,u- -Rn .-*,.r 8 o COMPANY: Getr.rrut=uu F e- ParTFc-Trc\l v(J TO: ;\ IIAME: M'.t. Ht.,- t/l recE - CoMPANY: LtrY 0F yAru - sLoc-ffi SUBJECT: Luorte Ar Lto^"tt'=,oo Ptrns e lf\-- TOPICS OF ]ONIERSATION: r-! .r '--T--Lt ?-pre\TFATFTru(r l,1j-- l-AcT IMT llJE -AgsExicE oF o^/E- Fletr l-loss clot.FT hrtuu fuoT ?pevr,vt 0ccu?rzNcf oF -fr+e_ }T 15 u Ftzr- tvolzgTouD THA-t TttE |//2"'/-J4,u-tc /)<rsE oElr, yELuF z _Aato 2//2" 7tE Cnh/u/T lu/LL BE /.1/574/'LEa bS 5o'r4./ nS PoJlAtl -ltmrc %n { F.JZ, CRII'INEL'L FIRE PROTECTIOI'I SYSTEI'IS COMPANY' fNC. Dlstrlbutlon: Cr*"r, *o.APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT hm 1. xcava a Wonk is fon (ci::cIe one) water sewer gas elec. tele. CATV Trench width I Dt length 1.8'_ depth 4 tt _Lineal feet of saw cutting - O at_ per foot Square feet of pavement a\ at per s.quare foot. Equipnent needed to be s[pFIIea btTOT Nal-tE Permit fee ($5.00) TOTAL COST 9. ALl material must be on the job site before the job is started.10. Anything in the stneet right-of-way must have compaction lifts of one foot,the last eighteen inches will be road base. Signatune below indicates neview and utiLity location. Vail Waten and Sanitation Distnict Bighonn Water District (949-5274) Gore Valley Water District (949-52 (476-5613 ext 230) Uppen Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District (SIS:5Z7tr) Public Senvice Company (9r+9-5?81) Weste::n Slope Gas Company (Si1ve:rthorn Holy C:ross Electric Company (\76;527)) Mountain BeI1 Telephone Co Vail Cable TV (476-5377)Vail Fine Protection DistFi Rubber out-r"iggers on equipment are a must when obstacles can be put in place of r:ubber.f certify that f have :read all requirements of as amended and will abide by same, and that all Police and Fi:re Depar:tments have been notified Special Conditions Drt:u€ltt'ov t_1. 4. q ., 8. L2. 13. 14. orking on oil. No other Ordinance No. 7 (Senies 197+)utilities and the Vail as requined. tr:!6r I srlSiggaturts ,t -..-f i- o 4rr' '-'L4. trl_l_l_ Appnoved Dept. of Public Wonks Inspection Remarks SKETCH PLAN OF Show streets with names, buil-dings, and WORK BELOW location of Dash Lines Fo:r Cut cut Use -_- Thts tg WHITE - Public Works '1 NOT a slreel c'ut pormitl PINK - Contractor YELLOW - Finance t: a DATE OD t irFF?n!r\l/r.I}ll,l: I Ir\\t . o pEs:cN nDVIEIY DOARD Septmeber 22, Lg'i7 Bill Ruoff IIEIJBERS PRISEIIT.: Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro TAKEN BY BOARD: APPnOV.ED: X DISAPPROVED: Lodge at Lionshead : ABSTENTION:_-_.-- SECONDED BY: AGAINST: landsca.pin ACf,ION SUITIIJARY: TAP PERMITWILL NOT BE ISSUED U L TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNITS ,**"o"2V7ffi) ^ 4 =aoa5,-, ba t-h7L€ Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Ltc. No. 7 - I s''/7 4f,^ n(.4 ?i^-l w ?/4q9 Vv= sg Date Billed Bldg. Dept. _ White; - Wat€r and Sanitation - Gre€n; - Public Works - Canary; - Contractor - Pink; - Accounting - Goldsnrod Town of Vail FTT,F:CTRICAL PERMIT N9 433 Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Date Paid...-... Job N Date or Apprication.... 7/ /e.......-..........-..-r qz Elecrrical con o"ror\=rfukf2.. F AZreiC APPROVALS BuUdht Ofilclal THIS FORII T3 E FOSTED 01{ JOB SITE DURII{G COI{STRUCTIOI{ 24 HOIJRIi ADVAI\ICE NOTIG REQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS t"/*/r= a!,, !tNvrr ! lDa9t oO PLUMEilNG/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL "*;;BUILDING: lrn oL"n tnilttttz cLASS oF woRK: M n eoorrron D nenaooel E nepntn /l /, tJ DEscRlprloN oF woRK: /r*, ./t/, O/ltnbtn o Jfn /fu- ,A,U Ud i0 knil,o ,/ 4l ,/, /ln7/ranno m ,{n""- 6 MEGHANICAL: NUMBER NG: NUMBER VALUATION $ALUATION $ REMARKS: PERMIT FEE TOTAL FEES: $ E orseppRoveo // '^" /g/#7 |lnl udt box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Mr. Chuck Anderson The Lodge at Lionshead Vail, Colorado 8f657 lnurn n ll|till u off ice of the town manager June 2, 1977 Phase III Dear Chuck: Pursuant to our conversation of June 1, 1977, the Town of Vail is preparecl to make the following statements regarding issuance of a Building Permit for the l.,odge at Lionshead Phase III. The Lodge at Lionshead Phase III is designed, as modified, in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, l-973 Edition' as amended by the Town of Vai1. It has also received formal approval by the Design Review Board of the Torvn of VaJ-l, as described in Article 15 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to subrnission and approval of a landscape p1an. This landscape plan approval may occur after issuance of a Building Permit but must occur prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The project is in compliance with the zoning regulations and environmental regulations of the Torvn of Vai1. It should be noted that the project is not within the lOO-Year Flood Plain as outllned j-n the Hydt'o-Triad report of the Gore Creek Flood P1ain. Upon payment of all appropriate fees, a Building Permit will be issued for the Lodge at Lionshead Phase III. Sincerely, DBPABTMENT OF --"-.-. COI$IUNITY DEVELOPII-./t' i/ J /.h \//--'-1/f 1 a, ar.^"---7,a {-----t/ t$;il-l-j-am F. Pieree ^ Building Of f ici'a1 wI'P/ j ek .i I i al .--.', '- I "g.*- - e ll o.(t;1/..i iic i p Fex*::; .flJ:* !nf' / t t t'.^''at\t e tr:) t .,-v\..r Ji;:s.L. 2, It s'i: ?nd 1:'i..'. {ltli 3. iJa:r ' .'L St: '---' //-:.: t4 a.t F )r 0 "2i; -.,-;f_:?:- 2.ttc\. 'l'i;r'l ci. Cocrl- r:::s arrC'..ta'lic1' fourri:ili.::s ii rrr.l l+ i:l l it'::r). t; 'i )r .1..$ 1; 2t':tj i. llas j'trIl. Ila'rh (Sno":t:: c:"fltl,, S+sin, Toilet) >:0.25 :: /r a.r.i ,'50 5S .ti s.oo = '.J14-no t4 t4 1.oc = .Q*.9.9- >l 2. S0 = J.. LtC = 35,m Wl Xi t- c)r,::n s Co;;";;rct'c.il l I)ir;irr.rl ritc r. I,lrttt'trlt,)/ lir:ll j.tJctr [: .'i.l-]. )rr.';, \ J,1 1i 11i.,-1., $clt i;r,g j- t1 .\ o.5o ::: -(:.Q('-,., S;rtt:i;t i'{. L'\:: r, .t.t,'t: 77Fi7f- ^ \ 11411-J-ll-tit<t 4_r//ild/_ ::)i:,l.iiJitiJlllL xtn y{-!l[-* Pa:; l.st 2nd 3rC tttlr lia:;, 1c-f 2rrrl illd ll r-lr lln s 'l .: I' il rrrl '.1.(l 'I lr t4 ..'lL c' y.*,"- - -'t,.F t I t" I I I '11 .t-"I Jl;l; l/ltrl 3:"rl lla . t I I 13. l.r{ . t-5. ,LU ? rr -'. Il 'i )r (tr 'i.llt: r;!;l'i. t::- ( :;., . ri;.r:,-'t;t oj <;nc ) 0u: jj j.dc Sir:':. n):).els firc: Iiosc Ca];-inc';s Sclvice S';a'r:i.on Sr.ri;r,;:rj.ng Pool ))c:.. jt e r's; olt T0li.riL l'0:fll!lS l.tl " Ott J.'o:i::ts ): ): 2 .00 :: ): 1.00 x30.00 t . Otr 'l lt _ U-- - - - -----.-:--- - *---- I 5.00 = 3,ao /x llii s .l- s't: 2i,t 3::ri tltlt Cor.r,c:rt ;lon Ce:'ltc:: ?i. 0 .1.0 =' fc.-i:a-.1. U:ri'ts .l:crlll-o'.ri:rg.1')re cot;:'r:Le'r::ior-r ()f c:cri'ls'i:::itc-lic:l of .-rll-'1- ::er;-i( Ct-.il;:ir.-r'c.idI s'cl:ur---i'.1:''::!l . 'i:t,u gl:r'i::':i.c:'l slla !..1 pe:l:::o:f;.r a j f:pr:,.:t;i<:it of a.Ll. p:: e:;ri..': e s to ce-ici-i,', j.tre t.':c- :rtll::,!:c:: of pci:'.'i:s to ]ie rrssr:r:;ci ;:cco:-rj:ii:g to 'tire llat-cr' a:rcl S'::'.;c:l J.'.1 ir i-cn. c:::<i l'?::. i i: SC7i,.1rl..ll-.: , f:S iitiCJ)(iC:d i a-tlC ';]'il: D-i.s;lr i c:i: S;:::-i.r- :ti.1]iC i:ll)' ad jUS.l'::l'-,:'1-L:.; ,)ecesil.i:.1/ in tlle rr:-i1;i;.r;rJ- ialt f e-c l>:.i<1 . Tirj.:: rn;l--ec'J:r(1;-I sial...l- aJ-Ercl (i.3'icl::.i nc t.,tie b ui -)- ci.ri-tr g, o',1:rt:;lrs Lt.1tc]' c.nci se'".'cD sct'i'-i'c:c: L;t.l(a!i:;r:-. 1"' llo...::cl of D-it-cc'.o:':;Vail \'Jtr'ccr- and Sai-ri'.,-ation 2"'717-'7f,-R', ,425 r, zu.,e5 !J*3-!]so J- a;r,:l c:rL:ir^ Di. str.-.-ci r.icl-r-i.: PIerce Brlnel & Fltzhugh Scolt lnc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-3038 Dare l4ay 5, 1977 ro Mr. Bill pierce Town of Vail Box ]00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re Lodge at Lionshead .tooHo. .|599 Gsntlemen: Wearosending toyou: ^ - herewith _ undersooarale cover - by messenger - toryourapproval A - for your use - f or distribution toyou r subcontractors _ as pef your requesl - approved as noied - to be corrected the following on lhe above project: Structural Ca] cul ati ons. Very truly yours, Ray Story PIERCE, BBINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT INC. - Destroy or mark "VOlD" any prints previously issued to you not boaring revision date of - as noled in the revision column. GRINNEIt SYSTEMS COMPANY,INC. EXECUTIVE OFFICES PROVIDENCE, R. I. GR I NII ELL 6e 52M NORTH BROADWAY DENVER, COro. 802r6 TEL (303) 573.8711 TELeX: 45-861 llay 4, 1977 llr. Bi I I Town of Bui i d'i ng Pi erce Vai I DeDartment P ail, Colorado 8L()57 Lionshead I I I Condominiums 8r Parkinq Garaee Gentl emen: Confirming my teiephone conversation r,rith you and lir. J. Ruoff of the Fire Deoartment, on llarch 29, 1977, it r,.ras mutua111r arlreeable that the tlvo (2) 4" standoipes could be of the combined vret-pipe tgrpe, each r,,rjth 1%" and 2!i" valves. This to be acceptable in lieu of ]ltr" r^ret standpipe and a 4" dr.v standoipe. The reasoninq behind this beine both stajr',relIs and standpipes are within the heated building. These r.lould be supolied also by a conmon fl',r" v ?Lr" x 4" fire deoartnent siamese connection, accessible on the urest end of the building which will also supply the dr;r-nioe snrinkler s.ystem in the parkino qarage. You advjsed plans have been revie'leC by ysup department and that Mr. J. Ruoff concurned on the above standpipe arranger,rent. l.le expect to subrnit shop drawings vrithin thirty to fort1,6617s, pendinq receipt of a contract. S'i ncerely, PROTECTION FIRE PR0TECTI0II SYSTET4S CCllPAl{Y, Ii'lc. L. R. Cleary Sr. Contract'i ng Engineer cc : Plr. Ri cll St.urm Beckett 8: llarmon Engineers 7456 t"l. 5th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80226 JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers PBONE (3031 444-195t uv JXQ oarcd.Bl-2fu. neo urFr.l/.I 4rt EA4.' SHEET NO / OF L1T",'A -_ ,, - ^;'tr.,,i/ t t')i'ir)/9. CHKD. BY- OATE PROJECT PRELIiI. 25PSF ! rl1 r ',/Pl,olthHdah.: ht/ ,t,/,/.' ' /"Lry7N44ti. .?z/X/ , n 2Y b,u,t//. ,1 n O k'FT Plo zsil- 4 = 2,2> 14' , S - /r72 or43 f:/,/6. I Av ^*r/n uhrww Aara/ uur/:/,r/tr/, fio*y ,,ttu"futr ) b*Urw a'^il,4/ "o/a/n-'-/1n*' t 6R'E sT/FFEt/ERS cA!]A tl/10 x//,b* 1r'./rt*ug c*k*rQ,aUil.Ja,a tO ,,/ 6g,E k 6^/ 6 u/ -/otir, 6st,tt{rt,ocs/olovB : ^/ -/ \)t. , n(?+zytg) A7, + */ t/s 7 I I I JOHNSON-VOILAND-AnHULETA, lNC._ Consulting tnsinS *)Yq- oor.{ftL-uE- rcBr /1,5:i - .HKD. By-DArE paotecr l/0111,'!'i'' P,+l{Jll //,/ - PHONE {303) 444-1951 SHEET t{0 / oF-- eaettu. Y 9tTfuVy' lJ.-s cuenr li FII{AL n ,{-y)- IJ , 3,?3 5 Mo' /,70 G) ^ 3,fifi,:,,'-) =-,7 /'l,tskfE,1,p 1 y = rg,7Y,c) = /,J7 /,-,-.- //.r | (, t rtl J^Jl:,' k= lb,./? /.t t,.t.,,,/l: , .6,. . \' . t1: tf, ,t,:ll /7'/5 = 4J K r tl i'- //-t /i/..-tt) a)- r j n /w,|u,rr,r"*/'l* /-b "/ tv*=0,rr)O,i.)= t,31'' r"Frfr' k = 61,7 y=,0012- 4s = ,08b /,,y f +a)l(ity.:,,il it.t',, tt,ttf ls 1 //ry -y'&{,tc0/6/ [( ,ju /+i,e,r 6frt\.-, i /tu,/r= LIf at'l{q14/6" vel- rto t.f s a /[" u/ I y' "'"1!,' rn /( = (), t f )5*,:ti)/rz\l-?,rz:,,)'= 3/,7 31rye; n7={=6 /= .0008+/g @(10" = J'/4-\' rr<ca f-iCf er,:Et,1o/, ar /-t^';, d ' /,/"i'J 6'62fl,i= /6* '0/2 i A'/il = ^ .,/fm: L2a',fiI f ' ' "oo4t n/- 'q - ,/.5rz iTtr //c. r: ' .,/,,i'/ .' ',',1r" ,t4o t]. n /y "o*,1 JoHNsoN-volLAND 1RI - sY JXq o^rEEEfrA/-E- CHKD. BY- DATE ULETA, lNC, Consulting Engineers pBoNE r3o3) 444-rs5r Joat /br\'9 - O sHEEr r{o /, oF- eaotecr t/,ot/c, c1f a- t 4 . '1 .C htJ,l!F-f-PRELIM.---._-- FINAL r'clrerr 4 s\E fso/L r./00 +.072+ {, 1a 1\i1J pf, colO, .o7g = ,7t/7 KLF r!-0 cAfti/t i,tf€F.QlM0r /""tl]N; eor, - -/0q f 100 =+fi Vs[ €urir . floq t loa z 301 7s,1 rfP/c4 l- strcn7il SEC770,i/ AT g/'.1 f.EFEE EilcF S//€Fr # O : !'Uaor>/tt/- = '247X 3= ClJFC/: ,7/ *tF STA,4/lt) L)VA'F., qln4t'E t'.,itt!tv, i r ,2-/H = .r/0a )-ft = z/.72 r-Ef au/rtc e,,4 y'y' :/g ,0 A'FT ADz/V2 p,e$74rl S5 FZ/cp ltER 3!0 il/wl=t/2t)'t o.-l,n/= 1.25" e*ax o.rri/ = 3,875lt str 0K, $ tro sr -T6., + t,58KLF I | 1vt'z tt'I i ', ./'I i, ",,,/ , I li;t: i I lu"' i I I ", 1 Itt 1 ,.'I r ',vt --- k't -.-- "YorlL . i-zr\ | .,nr41. ( 'z) | ou,, 'i a ,,/'l I z. ot' ' ,f''r |,1, i q nrttrl I z,t"t, :r'1."1' I 'A I h71"|' /romas(nuttlb *i'itD "'";*'" """ r "" "i.tt I t")r' | ,53 |rEH | - p.6,'t!4 -ty | -rff +M |,"0 ; Lof l+rt,4 '? tetf | -15 t'72 t'rop fofr | | ,|t -3 t t ,..::\[, ,. J^ P, J ('l'7.t .//0 JoHNsoN-vortol: 1u BY UX/./ DATE t/:.4 t/,// CHKO. BY- DATE - ULETA, lNC. Consulting t**r: ,oao lbBf pnOJECTIt0/^./i.t/.'/ 11 t.'i^iL - ' '. \'^': :;: cuewf,R.rF,9 PHONE (3031 444-1951 D nrl ,' SHEET 1{0 7lc.'', , oF_ PRELlttl. - /"'FII{AL 'n lt,2'' -l:';;+lhtQ lq,0 lt2 .8h /b,t t/trorl L - 2/,1 {,:in 7/ '' 3.57t/ 5 '"1ri i -t-rf t. r-t:/2,2 ;- 28,8 Ttfl l=z.z7,s,l /-k='{W / f='oozs x4/t t utSl r fir/xt,5T= 110 ,003/ /9 , ae,,i,/tt ,* p 7f a;@1u/r,, e1. #q@'/'/f $tt,q t,8 n JOHN SON-VOILAND-ARCIiULETA, lNC. Consulting Engtneers pHoNE 1303) 444-resr BY ',-l onre r ', O ,ou, I sHEET No-oF- .HKD. By_ DATE _ 7,.g1gg1 tl",?tt, t .t' , r'r, /it',i - pRELlM.'--------=.--=---.-- CLIENT 7 F/'S Tt"ritt t 0!LCt//tit tar t5 Q' Elsr t>:i'! ,t '/tr!.' ::f,,'l/ 7 : rU ar ibl tE')vlr|t,,,t r'<rG .Jt€z'/ot-l i 4', 'llTt ,r_,, Jy__ 4" v tr'771/t/t,ttti Tllis ';7"-^"r '.'.t'./ - FINA L 1r.,.),/ -/,;u f"/I, t,{-RtlhaD:7t 7- f.r .', i=/(tr ) I /z , 2 /,35 ttt./ti (7/) ".f , t /i \2 | (4x /L I 11 \, -" I '(.."-..,t ," P /.) ltt"' - \ , -+ r \ l-. ;. )(3 iL" .;-,(o\! .!,1 . t: ?-/',r' '-. '.;; :' .' / l',/'l -_t)^)l_),-,r//c) 7b ,4-/ , /,45'/:t:r ( z"un ,ru;i:- L/.t./t^' ,:,:l .7/ rt "'x, i1,{, .!''.:':,a tj ' /s( Ln/rt ,bi{trlr''., r'-1 Z9-' 'uti-, g:;a '"y'r r t -.r\.{t., | -1'l / i i, t <....'.'ll\"tl''' z/,6'r i:/ilt'. ::ll;I::l'l " -5' H l:-,r"" c onsut'r ns Enei nT .r*0. ,r' DATE enoncr u0 tD!: a','' Ct)t t' f - f/:'i"'il- tI ,//0 rcr /-G ,ll 7 ktF l,-A. B\LT rhrrt (i,,a(bIlr) t,t/6F ,tse /8 Xz/372,41t u,v//t/ay''e\,' *FLD EA E//D , cuenr E E" F.5--, PHON E (303) 444-195r ETTE/Fh?f, SIfEET l{O- OF tIA 1.:{'/'" PRELIM. FINAL v' /^ - f 'al 'i1 +_ 4\tr' 1t F t.l l2l vr t tSF PLAN XN) cfu,l t,,q,,,ls,y l-,,b ! inlYs)= ,,,=,220 //=,zr-"(1z!)/'e -,z / * rr. sr,t4i/ = z,7S 9;.r ply,v1'./, t t,l/ .'l; - R = ,35 /( rc[ 3 - /bei r/4.U.,} 41/',y7 ,:.t /4,,1),/,i .' -t, /"r/. : t., = [z't 5'( z'ti/: /: = , // 4 ,/' -7 1,f : ,/.t/f 1,,! t /t .. ,/Zf :-,x- /,bE 1-':Yf = S,/z/>'7 /,hi'|Llk'. /0r f ,ut/ fu; /::, t"t ht',.t."/ : f( = .tzs> (.' t"Dhi il =, 1 / /<-Fi/tf sr= [tt [1.--\fi; bl =, 6 k7 9x^*n,/.,603M3 gAf 0k s/t/eF RtlL/-/ HlVF 6/,ry/i/ E'tVl:t/'iE " //o'rF:f4tt/ oF FlcE Pl/S //U97 ,eE VFRTICI L . llsE CLtrA/ER Lb zxz-x/3 X216t ,rf/,ift;r: H = .zr5(-:1.) f= .34 = r/rr 9v=,zbl(', r)/zt 6 =,zo/ r/3/,tlj!^)t Raq/-e /!l,rl, 'tn.L /Sfs /-Er.st//)firT. o/c , ;/tiii/,'ait'a:;fii::,b'd|o A//su,t /s/ ar{rl, n ,'(it, !/ "rll7tut lnwn box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 €{r3l 476.5613 office of the town manager February 17, 1977 Mr. Ray Storey c/o Pierce, Briner & Fitzhugh Scott Box 2299 Vail , CoLorado 81657 Dear Ray r On February 16 , lg77 I completed a plan check of your subnnission oi plans for the Lodge at Lionshead Phase III. Investigatlon of and compliance wlth (but not necessarily limited to) the following items wilI be neeessary j-n construction of this building.(Please see attached sheets) Sincerely, . Pierce Official o LODGE AT LIONSIIEAD PHASE III ITEM 1 Gypsum board ceilings used in conjunction with fire resistive assemblies should not be supported at intervals exceeding 16" (Tab1e No. 43-C, itern No, 27) ITEM 2 All structural parts must receive one hour fire protection. ITEM 3 Overflow drams or Section 3207 (c), ITEM 4 scuppers must he provided in accordance with There sha1l be no enclosed usable space under the stairways i-n an exit enclosure, nor shal1 the open space under such stairways be used for any purpose (Section 3308 (f)). In that the area for elevator equipment is impossible to relocate this use will be permitted if there is a three hour separation (including door) between this space and the exit enclosure. ITEM 5 Door 113, 134 ln that there exit doorways ITEM 6 and other doors to storage areas must be relocated sha1l be no openings into exit enclosures except and openings in exterior wa1ls (Section 3308 (c)). A1I doors in an exit enclosure shall be protected by a fire assembly having a fire protection rating of not less than one hour where one hour construction is permitted.,,Doors shall be maintained self-closing or shall be automatic c1osing...(Section 3308(c)). ITEM 7 A stairway in an exlt enclosure shall not continue below grade unless an approved barrler is provi.ded at the ground floor level to prevent persons from accidentally continuing into the basement (Section 3308 (e)). ITE}I 8 AII required interlor stairways which extend to the .top floor in any building four or more stories in height sha1l have an approved hatch openable to the exterior (Section 3305 (1)), provided that a ladder is lnslalled in an approved location 1n each interlor stair conformance with Section 3305 (n) will not be requied. Provi-ded that compliance with Section 3305 (n) ls achieved, ladders wl11 not be ITEM 8 cont. requlred. ITEM 9 Fireplace hearths are not constructed in accordance ITEM 10 A11 F-1 occupancy must System in accord with shown on Sheet lll-1 is connecti-ons, types and ITEM 12 floor plans but must be 3707 (k).shown.on the with Section Unless south wal1 of the mechanical rooms L22 and 123 provide a three hour separation door, 143 must be A label and of course self-closing or automatic closing, ITEM 11 be provided with an Automatic Fire Extinguishing Section 3802. Greater detail of larzout necessary for review. The Fire Department location must be approved by the Fire Department Dry Standpipes and IYet Standpipes must be provided in accordance with Section 3803 and 3804. This building sha1l be classified a 4-story building for fire protection purposes in that Section 1102 (a) a11ows classification of H occupancy as a separate building for the purpose of area limitation, limitation of number of stores, and Type of Construction, ITEM 13 Exhaust systems must be provided to garage with cfm ratings stated. The entire ventilation system must be in conformance with the provisions of Section 1105. ITEM 14 Except for miscellaneous interior parti,tioning, the entire building must be at least one hour construction (Seetion 1302 (b)). This is intended as a general note with no specific indication presented. ITIIM 15 These wi-ndows must be used as emergency exit windows in accordance with Section 1304. ITEM 16 Doors opening into corridors must be in compliance with Section 3304 (h) ITEM 17 Elevators must be vented in accord with Section l-706 (d). ITEM 18 Exit doors shall be openable from the inslde without the use of keys or any special knowledge or effort (Section 3303 (c)). In that hardward sehedule was not submitted, conformance cannot be verified. ITEM 19 Glass in skylights must be wire glass or protected by wire screen in accordance with Chapter 34. ITEM 20 o inches of the floor subject to human impact or any stair landings must be tempered g1ass.Glass witbin 18 other glass at ITEM 21 Structural calculations must be submitted. Also enclosed is a copy of ny standard plan correction 1ist. If I can be of further asslstance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF '-\. Building Offic,ial'. rrY DE:lr*.ry Juftionor.......\AlL.'.C.(?L$ . ". . GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST z Fire Zone No.-...--.-..V.Stories..-?.-f Occupant Load civ...%itr.. State. Tofal Allowable rrcor erea ..2$ O4/.. ....Sq. Ft. Basis for Increase ...Lfu.P.ffim..fusa4, .ta./a(ne.a) .t. / aa %* (a. p-e (h)) mutn ob*v COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS: ,Fn Corrections checked below The approval ot Plans and State Law, are to be made on plans betore permit is issued. specificat,ons does not permit the violation of any section of the Building Code, or other City Ordinance or GENERAL Unobstructed yards of :..........feet Valuation should be $ .. ....... Grourid elevations should be shown at corners of the building and at chantes In ground sloDe. The ground el€vatlons should be taken at the lowest point between the exterror wall and a point 5 teet out or at the proDerty lrne, rf closer, where the exterror wall rs parallel to and within 5 feet of a publrc srdewalk allev, or other public way, the ground elevatrons should be the elevatron of the publrc way. The number of stories in thrs buildrng cannot be determrned until this data rs futnrshed. (b) Total width of all openings limited to 25 per cent of the wall length in the story under consideration.(c) All openings protected with fire assemblies having a fire-fesistive rating of one.and.one. half (three) hours. (d) Oucts through area separation walls should be avoided. lf allowed. fire dam0ers on each side of the wall are requrred. Sectron 30.102, U.8.C. Standards. A fire.resistive occupancy separation in conform. ance with Table No. 5.8 and Section 503 is Horizontal occupancy separations should be sup. ported with a structural system havrnq eourva. lent fire-res6tive protectron. Sectron 503 (d). The build rng ts limited (.... . . ...... -.-. feet an structure- Section 507 and Table No. 5.O. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Show job address on plans. Give name of person responsible for plans. Submit fullv dimensioned plot plan. Give all dimensions on Plot Pl3n, ABEA LIMTTATIONS ANO GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS The total floor area is lrmited lo sourre tcei. SeclrJns 5C5 and bc maintained otr .,. ............. ...,, of the building tor area Purposes. s hou ld sides Section 506.Type V (lll.N) (lv.N) in Frre Zone No. l. Roof covenngs should be 1603 (a) or 1704. Oetails bu ildings are not Dermrtted Sectron 1602 (ai. fire retardant. Sectron or specrficatrons Com.(e) are rcqutred. Provrde detarls to show that .hour Jrea seD,rrJtron wSlls should Sectron 505 (c). (a) Ertend vertrcally from the foundation goint 30 inches abov€ the roof. toa t 3. g with Section 32O3 N t5. +.'iil"Jl1,!111?" :?' I ?i ; ;; ; ;; ;;i,l'.it :l Section ........,........... 03 (a). N1 16.Openings in extenor (court) walls within ....,,...... feet of property lines should be protect€d with three-fourths-hour fire assemblies. Sectio.l ............-..... 03 (b). OE t7.Usable space under the first lloor except in Group l(J) Occupancres shouid be enclosed as reguired in Section 1703. OL 18.Fire'resistive constructron for structural elements in the exterior wails snould comoty ?rth Foot- note No. I of Table No. l7.A and Sectrcn - . - . . . . : . . . . . - . , . . . . . See Section l702 tor clar)ltcatioD. /)A t9.Building paper should be applred to extenor walfs as specrfied in Sectron L7O7 (a). 20.Enclosures for floor oDenrngs snouid comply with Table No. 17.A, Sectron 1706, and Chapter 30. Oetails should cle;rly indrcate thrs. o( 2t,Slrlctural members carryrflB masonry or con. crete walls in buildings over one story In height should be protected wrth minimum one"hour llll'_ltilillll T::t:t I1'" .-..-..........-..-........-.. NH 22.Nonabsorbent finish and backing for torlet room walls and tloor should contorm wrth Section lTrr (a). e/23.Shower stall walls should be finished wrth a hard. nonabsorbent surface to a hiight of 6 {eet. Section 1711 (b). 24.Doors and ganels of shower and bathtub en- closure should comply with Section 1711 (c) to (e). nA 25,Parapet walls not less than inches in height are required. Sectton 1709. OK 26.Eave overhangs and similar architectural pro. i:*: *: ::i:'l::li :::lll llll fii 27.Metal roofing (siding) should be bonded and grounded in conformance wrth the local eiec. trical code. Sectron 1715. NA 2A.Projections beyond the extenor wall should con. form with the least restrctrve ot the tojlowrng: (a) A point one.thrrd the drstance to the property fine trotn an extertot wall. Sectron 504 (b). (b) A point one.thrrd the drstance trom an as- sumed vertical plane located where trre- resistive protection of openrngs ts tirst re- quired due to locatton of ptopeny, Sectron 504 (b). hz 29.Envelopc ceilings should satisfy the following conditions ISectron 4303 (b) 6.1: (a) Should not be used to provrde trre protectton beam and Sirders supportlng more than 0ne lloor. (b) Columns should be rt.divrdually fire protected. (c) Duct and oultel ocenrnes rre ir"r',led to 100 square inches rn each I00 square teet o, ceilinS area and should be Dtotected lytth approved tare dampers. (d) Electrical outlet boxes should-be ol steel and not greater than 16 square inches In area. m L Gypsum bcard cerlrnqs rn coniunctton wrth fire' resisttve assembtres shouid be Supporled at intewals not exceeding l5 inches. ltem 25, Table No. 43.C. ld stripping or suspended wood systems for Tpsum board ceilings snould be not less than -inch nominal thickness. Section 4704 (b). ISection 4703 (b) for wall stripping.l Final partition layouts and details should be sub- mitted prior to Installation to justity complianig- with occupancy, tire-resrstrve, structural, i exrt req u rrements, Justitying test data in conformance wrth Section 106 or an ICBO research recommendation is required for ,l3. Rooms in which rubbish (,jnen) chuteg terminate should be separated lrom the remainder of the building wjth a one.hour occupancy separation. Section 3003. Openings into rubbish and not be located in reouired ways. Section 3003. SPECIAI. OCCUPANCY REQUIREMEHTS Group B 8.3 Occuoancies should be ot one-hour tire. resistive construction if located in a basement or above the first story. Section 702 (b). B-2 Occupancies with an occupant load of 1000 or more should be in Type l, ll, or l/l one-hour buildings. The assembly room should not be in a basement it it cantains this high occupant load. Section 702 (b). The main entrance should tront directly upon or have a 20-foot wide access to a pubiic way at least 20 feet in width. Section 703. Light and ventilation should comply with Section 70 5. A one.hour fire-resistive occupancy separatior' ,- required between the boiler or central heatrng plant and the rest of the building. Sectton 708. Exterior openings for rooms containing a boiler or cenlral heating planl should be protected with three.fourths.hour fire,resistrve assemblies that are fixed. autornatic, or seit-c,osjng it lo- cated below openings in another story or it less than l0 feet trom other doors or wrndorys in the same buildrng. Section 708. Group C Buildings housing Group C Occupancies should be ol one'hour fire.resistive constructron throughou[. S€ction 802 (a) and Tabie No. 5.C. Use ol rooms' should be clarilied. Note that rooms having an occupant load ot rnore than IOO and rooms used tor kindergarten, tirst. ot second grade cannot be located above the frrst story above Srade except fi Type I construc. .tion. Section 8QZ (b). A one.hour fire.resistive separation is required between laboratories, shops, storage rooms, These areas should also be seoarated from other classfooms. Sectron 802 (b). ?q line n chutes should exrt corridors or stair- 41. 42. One required exit should front direclly upon, or have a ?o.foot wide access to, a public tyay at least 20 feet in wrdth. Sectron 803 (a). Sanrt3ry facrlrties should be provided ance wrlh Sectron 805. In accoro' Light and ventilation should comply with 805. Shcct No......?......of........6..........shclt3 -3 Sei il.;. - 44.o,lli;i.Tlli',iJi;i',L:i.'i'3i?,iil"f i13i,ii Dtant and the rest of the building. Section 808. Group O 49.Group D, Oivision I Occupancies should be of Typ€ | or ll constructto.l unless complying wr:', the Exception In Sectron 902 (b). 50.Group D, Division 2 (3) Occupancies should be of one-hour fire resistrve constructton through- out. Table No. 5 C. 5l Lisht and ventilation should comply wrth Section 905. 52.A one-hour lire.resistrve occugancy Separation rs reouired between the botler or central heatrng glant and the rest ot the burldinS. Section 908. 53.Exterior openings for rooms containing a boiier or central heatinE plant should be protected with three.fourths.hour frre'resrstrve assemblles that are f ixed, automatrc, or self 'clos nq tl located below openings In another story or rf leSS than 10 feet trom other doors or wrndows in the same building. Sectron 908. Group F 54.Motor vehicle service Stations should be of non' combustible or one.hour fire'resrstive construc' tion. Section 1 10? (b). 55.Storage areas in excess ol 1000 square feet in connection with wholesale or retall sales should be seDarated from the pubiic areas by a one' hour tire.resistive occupancy separation unless the building is equrpped throughout with an automatic tire-extingurshing system. Section tt02 (b). 56.Light and ventitation should comply with Sectaon lLOs. '/S +q shall b. t4kelr CEh cro{lrd€, 57.Exhaust ventilation at or near tloor level i5 re' quired by Sectron I 105. 58.A one.hour.fire'resistive occupancy separation ls reouired between a botle. room or central heat' ing plant and the rest of the bualding. Section 1r08. Group H Itll It 59.A Group H Occupancy mor€ than two stories In hei8ht or havrng more than 3000 square teet above the tirst floor should be of one-hour fire.resistive construction thtoughotrt. Section t3o2 (b). '''t'V @.The following rooms should have wlndow areas as specitied in Section 1305 (a), one'half of :Ti:::::r::ii . 0Y 6r Mechanical ventilating system in bathrooms ShOUld Orovide 5 ["ic sou': aif Change directly to the outside. Sectron 1305 (a). fn 62.Windows from .......... ............ should not be considered as turnishing required light or ventilation since they do not open to a yard' court. or gtreet in accordance wrth Section 1305 (a). nft 63.Couns bounded on four 3rdes tJith walls shouid be at least 10 feet in length. For courts more than two sliones in he,Anl. lhe tequired v/rotb should be rncreised by one foot and the re- quired length by 2 teet for each additlonal story. Section l306 (c). /^ Group J Occupancies are limited to 1000 (3000) square feet in tloor area and one story in height. Section 1502. 72. 74. Exhaust ventilation quired by Section a garage are re.openrngs 1f,u4. Garages shoufd not open directly into a room used for sleeping purposes. Section 1504. An approved noncombustible material is required tot Earcge tloor surfaces. Section 1504. Asphal. ::: ::T::l: :::l l_"i lril'_ EXIT REQUIREMENTS An occupant load sign is required in classrooms. assembly areas, etc., having an occupant load of more than 50. Section 3301 (j). See.,.,-....... Conlorming erits are required lrom the areas below as specitied in Section 3302 (a). Exits should have a minimum separation of one. tiflh the oerimeter o{ the room or area serveo, Section 3302 (c). Note that "penmeter" is along the outef boundary ot the room or area served. ............ No point in the building should be more than 150 (200) teet from an exteflor exrt, hor20ntal erit, enclosed starrway, or exrt passaqewJy, measured in the direction of travel. Sectron 3302 (d). Exit doors should swing in the direction ot egress. Sectton 3303 (b). See doors ...........,.... Double acttng doers are not allowed where serv' Ing a t butary occupant load of more than I00. Sectron 3303 (b). Exrt Ccors should be openable from the rnsi':e wrthout the use of a key, lgectal knowiL'o.,'..1, . r eftort. Sectaon 3303 (c). Note also that flush bolts or surtace bolts'are grohibrted. itable rooms in cellars are not bita ble room" delinrtron an intent is to prohibit such allowed. See Section 4Ca rooms tO be se pa ra t ion or central buildinB. formed with retaining walls. ' ii;;;' ih; ;;;i.,''l"iii,i'c" h;'#iT"o';;:.":i Section 1307 (a). ''riiu'J' i '.inlm"n"' i J pliiliJi' i, J8'"i ;:"":1 square feet. Section 1307 (b) A toilet room should not open directly into a kitchen. Section 1305 (b). €.4Fpr,o!: Eff rciency. ^d\r^elling unrts should comply wtth tecuon I JU6. A one.hour fire.resistive occupancy is reouired between a boiler room heating plant and the rest of the Section 1312. Every dwellang unit and guest room should have comfort heating facilities as specilied in Section 't ?l I rl.r //7n') oy a2.Exit doors should be lf*imum size of 3'x 6'8" with a minimum door swing o{ 90 degrees. !'ection 3303 (d). ............-.....- Af- 83.The net dimension (clear width) at doorways should be used in determrntng extt wrdths reguired by Section 3302 (b). Sectron 3303 (d). In consideration of door thicknesses' panrc hardware, door swing, etc., the requrred exlt widths have not been futnished. See door dlL 84.A tloor or landing not more than 2 inches belo"/ the threshold is required on each slde of an exit door. S€ction 3303 (h). 6y 85.Ooors should not proJect more than 7 inches jnto the required corndor wrdth v/hen fuily opened or more than one-half Into the regurred corri' dor width when in any positton. Section 3304 (c).,................. AL 86.Revolving (sliding) (overhead) doors are not per' mitted as exit doors. Section 33O3 (f). .* 87.Exit doors should provrde immedrate access to an approved means of egress. Section 3303 (S). Exiting through another room does not comply. ap 88.A landing or floor that is level or not more than 2 inchei lower than the threshoid is reguired on each side of an exit door. Section 3304 (h). el< 89.Corridors should have a minimum width of 44 inches. Section 3304 (b). o/1 90,Corridors serving nonambulatory persons shou-ld have an 8-fooi mtnimum wrdth. Sectron 3318 (c). al 9t.Dead end of corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 330'1 (e)' Oll 92.Walls and ceilings of corridors should be of one' hour lire.resisiive construction. Section 3304 (f). An architectural section through the. corri- d6r is necessary to determine how this is accomplished. Ole 93.Exterior exit balconies cannot proiect into an area where protected openings are requrreo. ::-*:-*1:l: o/1 94.Interior openings into corridors should be pro' tected as set forth in Table No. 33'8 and Section 3304 (g). o// 95.Openings located between the end of an exterior ixit balcony and the neatest statrway should be orotecte'd as requtred for corrrdors. Section 3304 (s). o& 96.Stairway a minimum tvidth ot inches' Trim and handrails should not proiect more than 3Vz inches into the required wldth. Section 3305 (b). o/1 97.Risers on steinvays should not exceed 7 r,/z inches and runs should not be less than l0 inches. Section 3305 (c). o( 98.Landings on stairways should have a drmenston in ths direction of travel equal to the wtdth of the stairway but need not exceed 4 teet. Sec' tion 3305 (f). 7 99.Easement ponion ol starrways should h6ve an aoprcved barfler wh€.e conttnuous to u0per flobrs in an errt enclosure, Sectton 3305 (g). otL 00.Vcrtical distances between stairway landinSs are limited to l2 te€t. Section 3305 (h). )lL l0r.Jrails should be placed not tess than 30 ifiEhes nor more than 34 inches above the tread. Seclion 3305 (i). Two handrails are re' quired where stairways exceed 44 inches in width. ?/L LO2.Guardrails for stairs. balconies, and landin?l should conform wlth Section 1714. Note t maxrmum clearance between intermediate fa, - is 9 inches. dr tn?Ooenines in exterior walls within 10 feet ot exterro-r stairways should be protect€d wrth self.closinB threeJou rths-ho u r fire-resrstlve a3' semblies. Section 3305 (k). f\1 / 104. ,I Enclosed usable space under interior statrways should be protected on the enclosed srde as reouifed for one-hour fire'resistive construc' tion. Section 3305 (l). 0u NoncombustjbJe exterior stairs are required. Sec' tion 3305 (m). 0v IUO.Exterior stairs should not project into an area (yards or courts) !yhere wall opentngs must ba orotected. Section 3305 {m). lvn 107. b One stairwav should extend to the roof. Section 3305 (n). li must be in a smokeproof enciosure in buitdines over four stories In heiSht. Sec' tion 3309-(b). oll 108.Six.toot 6-inch minimum headroom clearance for stairwavs should be indicated on plans. Section 3305 (o). Note that this is from a ptane tangent to the stairway tread nosangs. np 109. t1A ll0.Surface of ramDs should be roughened or of a nonslip material. Section 3306 (f). lrF IE, nf) trE l/Fa 111. 4,15 ft8 ,17 t* Stairways should be enclosed as specitied in Section 3308.(") O;; Goi-t'our fire.resistive walls are 4{ ouired. (b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures. (c) Doors should be labeled one (one'and'one' half)-hour fire assemblies. (d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground tloor extending to the exterror. Fire.resistive construction should be as re' auired for the exit enclosure, includrng pro' tected openings. Only exlt doors are per' mitted to oPen Into the corrldor. (e) An approved barrier is requrred at thq gfound floor to prevent people from accidently con' tinuing to the lower level.(0 Usable space is not allowed under the starrs. ?//I12.One exit from the building should be a smoke' qlo91..q! 919.s^u,-9 gol'lply,I F_ y'Jl- Sect io n 330e. f{- 113.Openrngs into exrt courts less than 10 feet wtde should be protected with labeled 45-minute fire assemblres. Sectron 33Il (e). Also see exrt court" detinition In Sectron 3301 (c). Ooenings more than l0 feet above the coun floor are exemDted. 0/ 114.No openjngs othet than reguired exrts are 9er' mitted in exit Dassa8/eways. The passageways should be ot .. ... I .hour frre.reststrve conslructron. Sectron'3311 (a ). n4 ll5.i Exrt illumrnatron and signs shoutd be pfovid€d In I conformance wrth Sectron 3312, rv. t t5.Arsle (cross aisle) In audrtonum should haFl minimum width of ........-........-.-..---..-...-. Secr,o,' 3313 (b). Section 3313 (e). Shcct No......{.......ot.....-..6..........Sheet3 r I r\ n tl7. , Panic hardv/are rs ret 'Ed on exrt doqrs servinq Group B Occupancres hav'ng an occCoant load of more than 100. Section 3316 (a). In lieu of this, doors shall have no locks or latches. rh rl8.Main and side exrts in cQnformance wrth Sec' tioft 3315 are required tor 8'2 (l) Occupanoes. Section 3316 ( a). ft rl9.Cofridors of Grouo C Occuoanctes should have a width required by Section 3.302 plus 2 feet, but not less than 6 feet. Sectron 3317 (a). ht 720.Each lloor above or belcw the ground t,oor level of Grouo C Occuiancies shourd have no less than two exit starts. Sectlon 3317 (c). fit tzt.Exit stairs servrng an occupa0t load of more than 100 in a Group C Occupancy should have a minimum clear width of 5 feei. Sec on 3317 (c). Exit doors cannot bg mote than 2 feel natrawer than the required corrrdor width rn Group C Occuoancies. Sectron 3317 (d ).ft 122. ) 04 123.Exit doors trom schoolrooms should swing in the direction of egress. Sectron 3317 (d). n,4 124.Rooms ot Group C Occupancies used by pupils and located below grade should have one exrt leading directly to the exterior of the building. Section 3317 (e). NA t2s.Panic hardware is required on exrt doors servrng rooms containing more than 100 occupants and in corridors bf Group C Occupancres. Sec' tion 3317 (f). nt ,26. I Everv room in a Group D Occupancy should have access to at least two legal means of egress. Section 3318 (a). /)t t27. I Doors from bedrooms and wards of Group D Occupancies and all exit openrngs where non' ambulatory patients are housed should have a minimum clear width of 44 inches No oro' jections in this width arc atlowed. Section 3318 (b). fit 128.Panic hardware is requtred on exrt doors servrng more than 50 occupants in Group O Occupan- cies unless there is no latch or lock. Section 3318 (f). lt& 129. 11l{ Every.sleeping room below the fourth floor should have one openable window or exterlor door conforming to Sectron 3320 for emer' gency extt or rescue. FLOOR, ROOF CONSTRUCTION. COVERING' SKYLIGHTS. ROOF SIRUCTURES Cft 130.The space between wood lloot constructton and a susoended cellrng below should be dlvrded intd aieas not exceedrnS 1000 square feet' Sec' tion 3103. 131 Attics of combustrble materlal should be divrded into areas not etceedrng 2500 (7500) square leet. Section 3205 (b) o4 132.Roof drarna8e should be conducted under the oublic srdewalk. Sectron 3206 (e). 133. \3 Overflow drains having the same size as toot drains and on Indeoendent drarn lrnes are re' ourfed. In I'cu ot li 5 :.'f ira.,/ scJccers tnree times the srze of rcol (1r-:rns shculd l-'e rnstalled in parapet walls. Overllow systgm snould have inl€ts located 2 inches above the low polnts of the roof. Sect,on 3206 (c) ,IL 134.The aecrecate alea ol penthouses and other s[ruit-urei cannot erceed 33% per cent of supporting roof area. Sectron 3601 (b). roof tne o i^ ^,ll' ? aIf#P{eH :: : :i1: ::i: ii ?"lfi [ I Section 3801. This includes blind spaces en' closed wholly or partly by combustlble con' struction. U.B.C. Standard No. 38.150 (k). Drv standoiges are requtred in burldrngs more stories in herght. Sectron 330'1. Wet standDipes are required as specified in Sec' trons J5u5 ano Jdub. Fire.ertinguishing system plans should bq sub' mrtted to you to determtne compllance wrtn 3ppficable building, plumbing, and fire codes. .EXTINGUISH'ING SYSTEM FIBEPLACES AND CHIMNEYS imneys should com ply with Section 3702. Fireplaces and barbecues should comply with Section 3704. FINISH WORK STRUCTURAL tttu I lJt,l"( 138. u r42. 144. D td-I r43. vq The interior well and ceilinB finishes should be specified and comply with Table No. 42'B and Section 4203. Gvosum wallboard (interior lath and Dlaster) can' ibt be instalted on weather.exposed surfaces. Sections 4705, 47LO. See Section 4?4 fot deft' nition of weather exDosed surface. skylights should comply with chapter 34. Plastic skylights are allowed only under the condttJons soecitied in Section 5205. Glass and glazinB should comply with Chapter 54. Type and thickness ol glass should be specified. ,1'-r) aTATe <:t-r\4t '.-T, Gfass and glazrng in hazadous locations should comply with Section 5406. 146. an aDoroved fa bricator. 147.Soil ctassification in conformance with Table No. and -.........,--.....-......... pounos p€r square soil bearing value used in desrgn should be specified on plans. Sectaon 2803 (a). Special insDection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the folJowing work: (a) Structural concrete where the desrgn rs based on an ultimate compressrve strength in ex' cess of 2000 pounds per square inch (b) All welding except where done in the shop of The foundation investrgation report mentioned,n olans was not included tn data forwarded to us It should be submttted for revrew. 151. wood members may supoort loads from masonry or concrete only under the condittons 5pecrtred in Section 2510, All masonry ot concrete elements reststlng selS' mic forces should qualtfy as retnforced ele- menls. Sectron 2314 (k) 3. Precast concrete wall panels are limited to an h./t ratio ot 36 (25). Section 2622 (t). Slructural calcuratrons should be subn"rti?1 :') lusirfy the adequacy of the StructurJr s'/s":-. in resrstrng sersmrc and wtnd loads, and sup' qoftfrng dead and live loads. This includes foundations. ,TI shcet N o.... -..5-.....o1........ F........ -. sneets ) ) Installation of high strength bolts. Prestressins work.oF a! Ri.;.{\.o &9 q'r,-D.a <-'.rl I ir4s.ta)(j rl I I 150. ot4 i-/ 153.'tii!?i:,':l::l:lt:lu :::::li *l: :: :::: iI t54.2t Roofs shall be desiSned for snow loads ot ....65............. pounds per square foot. Sectro' 2305 (c). /hl//p' 155.The roof should be designed tof upltft wrnd pres' sutes with due consrderatton lor lateral support of compression flanqes of flexural members. u 156.Floor load should ccnsrder a 20'pound pe' souare foot gartrtion load. Sectron 2302 (b) tf.157.Marquees should be desrqned for a 50'pound per square foot lrve ioad. Tabie No. 23'A. ls8.Garages for the storaqe of onvate pleasute cars should be desrgned for a mrnrmum 2000'pound wheel load. Sectron 2302 (b). f,A 159.Live load signs are required. Section 2309. See ttA 160.Glued-laminated lumber should be fabrtcated In accordance wrth Sectron 2513 (c). A cenificate ot inspection should be submrtted to you. Sec' tion 2513 (e). l6l.Allowable stress in glued lamrnated mernbers over 12 inches in depth should constder a depth reduction factor. Section 25f3 (a) 4. i), t62.Cross grain tension in wood is limited to approxi' mately one.third the allowable stress rn shear. Roof and tloor ledqers should be justtfied for this tension resulting trom a 200.pound per lineal toot horizontal force specrfied in Sectron 2313 in combinatron with dead loads. both causing eccentric moments, ill 163.Bolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 per cent of the allowable load under Drotected conditions. U.B.C. Standard No.25.1711 (c). il i'r t6/.Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should comply with Section 2313. 0l/r65.Plywood grades should conform with Table No. 25,C. 166.Justification is required that sufticient slope or camber is available to assure adequate roof drainage after long trme deflections. In Iieu of this, roots must be desiqned lor posslble pondin8 of water. Section 2305 (t). tl i L67.lils on stressing method and hardware along Flh justifying data are required on prestressed concrete work. This data should be subnrrtted and approved prior to orderrng of mateflal. Note that all tendons should comply wrth Sec' tion 4303 (e) 3. for fire'resistive purposes. ott lo6.Welding data or details for steel decking use.l a diaphragm should be provided lniormJtro,. should comply v/rth a spectfic ICBO researcn recommendatron or test data submrtted In com' Dliance wrth Sect ro n 106, ai 169.Details should be provided on rocf (floor) dra' phragm connections that indicale how the shears are transferred to vertrcal shear'reslstrnq elements. Connections should be justrfred wrth Structural calculations tor compliance wrth al' lowable va lues, 170.Nailing for gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) used structuraily on shear walls should be specified and comply wrth Table No.47'1. t-I t7l q Shear walls utilizinq gypsum board (lath. sheath' ing board) cannot be used to resrst loads rm' posed by masonry or concrete walls. Footnote l. Ta ble No. 47.1. Railings should be designed to withstand a 20' pound per toot horizontal force. Sectron 2304. l/<' r 73.Ceiling ioists should be desrgned for total load of not less than 10 pounds per square foot. Section 2304. (k t7 4.Interior partitions should be justified structurally lor strength and deflection critena specrtied In Section 2312 (b). I with a specific ICBO research recomrnendatron or iustifying test data should be submrtied In comDliance with Section l.06. r /b.*=.on""l f : I"T ii ;l l"J: :,,S"'r"rtg (or i. c o n c rej{ '4 I'PIans should indicote that foundations exterrd below the frost line. 178.Provide complete specification in conformance with the design for ldditional Cortectiotrs: thr3a thr.tr r,. . Patt of thr pl.nr and th.ll tam.rn .ntch.d th.r.lo. Rechecked and Approved..... ..... .....-..,.-.-......,,..., .. Oato..............,.... lcrrn 200.3 Corractionr r! rbova indicatad will bt comDliad with. D)tsIcN ntlvll':\'l I}OARD DATN OII MUITINC: MEi\IBERS PRISENT: SUBJECT; ACTION TAK]IN BY BOA MOTION: ,, VOTE: FOR: SUIIIIlAI]Y: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTNNTION: ,/ APPnOVED I L/ DISAPPRO\IIiDl /b8 a : -""- i\- i: \.-- fbr j' s?" ll rrJ 'r ,, $-\rf il$uil il$[n :j ilt .r il\UtS 1? l: r\ \{ ,\i \d\ \ tt\\!S ,a-l r.n l'. \lka $s **,- lh rN -.lr_ s R -'1..5 -{r. $l\ \- \ \ ll a \ \9 N \b rcr S rt ll v\ \t.t\ |).r{' \ r{ ll s \c{-i lr \\ o \ !'l o() a{ sI \* \ t\ t() l1 j ,. 1 'ry1 E; e:; AJ n r( \ rl v \l $l t.9 NI <\ + -.- I cro t. :*ai * I -^ +il .*\l*- lll i\*i,{ lli ; 1 lll o f illi: €I ili i sR ?o'ili i-s-\i lll R { iilir q,g tilll i r*i iil ,i\ a lq* il] :*,, ii | . ili \:i s\,: '; rll "i\*.-. $ l-- lii i=tlrli l"^lFr-f-I " iiis*ri *ijlil ie-.111-- $l---:^f ii I ofi* \\\ tl A >< T{ \.-' tl -<- I I I I ,t I l I I I I I I I j t'1l t,I,t'll l :f-t 0 -l sl -z 0 o .\l $ 1i ,--l I ,l I I .il ,I {,1 tJfsl' rOl -j q$ui \=j .ni rnl ttl I 'i r,l -\|!+l Q: n L .\l)\i t f i; ,, !)o o ^ fr-,td V. t' /')r,i, ,' r>- 1.'r " | ,t?.r,- p"u)lL p'uy( ' -..\ fi?aoe VLF*4 f q Ysnrs @44 __ _dho__+ tnrsr N= ,2ltl x-rr/rr X. 210,1 /\ z xtl /1iI - fi 379 ' lr= 4,olg Ve i . IDf/q uL!/ tr4A@+',0 EICL fr r per. e, raiirc, i F nz'*rlqil "t"ifr' i l/€.r;ttu-lrtrE, narJ|'ltilf i IY^!',"]eW2l--"--l llrt['*t*ttt> ttr ,)rt* $qq ---J I I I I I I . ...,l I I i I --. -,1 i I i I l i I .l N. \l rD I I I I 4r t,tt n a MaiNllile U- | Ai'a:-ce"'_N*,-!* q)Lifi'i nf{ ITKNEK-) tfr,l'-rt" o - REIIIF; a \ /-M =(a)(,03)lz\=,'u :'' '\'J 4 l(. z[ ,i r,,.r'o-*l y#f) O6 i" N . -- t,w G) = l,o5 k-rr ,1 Mp -r ol,5/ o,k' ff -'s ,rA ''9&]'3ff,' 3,7s(*) = ( '25 #4 @ /b' P/ atz"- i:.,r\' ,,1;rr''i-1. r ;' z''.') [l' tSl .V ,,..1.r,y:-.. lats, tu: r\ :"fr ,(f,flSN,!ufi .;itU; Ier ao'-:i'i hi p.]LD'I4 -*.toi Lrt'dJ,;e{) lor* ue*1,nr,J ( tAEeT b- ?4 luf4tr t 1t-ou /:ltC?-- n i!, o,e*e, utrte*, { itzdA x}1i ll, *c4''r * LTl tt<E,' d!-ar.lt l'il11 'rvAt,u, t L'ffg/p lrt czl , |-,cJ4la*,\O ttl J crr*hq4 JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers CHKD. BY- OATE cuew Pr4, F,S rrnet PHONE 13031 444-1 95 r ev r lXf oott ,orr /1"35 J sHEErNo / *"ilrhea ee,orccr LtoilS9;;4tl P/,@ lE eaeuu. n C//t/ C, H6,/C€/e - l/E)lft toc, €D / ,., - a1= J,23 + fl/fu = 3.08 KLF t I ryt tit,1r7= 3,0t (t,gi) + ,Z 0,Y) ' ,5,06 Ettr L= g:gt ,lr^ ., = , orf ;r/g = ,{0,, k-r, l=u',WM,X,' c'uoL oJ /I L ' ltr8 p-,0027 As= ,4g+i*^ ' unT z-#€r T+ ts ,4r-,bzo{' 4. ttLps I ui,, 6,iay,o)/toXty,,l = /oB 7sl i', - Ar= 5o(t{01/5P= '6762 da #s a /o'r J'"(, ow - i CHKD. BY- DATE FHON E (303) 444-t951 , LATER4L SHEET NO / OF LO4TA PRELIM. -.--- JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, lNC, Consulting Engtneers av JXq DAreoEc 28//a '!J":, c,y1jff P, E, F,S.FINAL n r/oor n W///D / ttSr-wesr ,: D/,eFcr/04 csl ' 2t,55 USF 25 PSF K <_t,.. j ,, , /4,7 '' ri I l.n''o: / "l ( Bogs etQ'D= 4tty' gotr@zl/ 74Ru )u4tL es,8E /ao'216ytxtc" /387rt/,uirts nqb.a/,,uA/Ls @ 4" n E t,I JOHNSON-VOILAND-AReHULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers pHoNE(303)444-re5r ev t Q oneprc.tp,,* $sr th85 ) sxeerHo 2 orfl|fift n CH KD. BY- DATE wrilt>/ tvo,er,q- s0url D/PEQr/o/u, uftbs/ifrF;AoE PRELIM. Ff t{AL /r/ ?.zB r- 4 - ilo Ptr '06 y7p;57 tfl(Lo l-!:/*8,5 JOtb 17, I ?7'1, 57, l t8, b 18, 6 55,78 ?1,8! ti: rz?,? 6 I .21 'f n0 q,5!: ,78 t.F ?126 ',,, a& ,L3 x,/5,6 /,BE ,t */& r*1 f\uoL %"'/ ,2€to tuL?D€R -lcrurtrED >RA/E p/fvs q7t/ o1 7oa.f - 6r'iu/ t'"o. "4t/. TrP/ClL. pRorEcr 1tt\/,/cq-'14 Co/1.)0c P/;;'4SE rT JoHNSoN-votLAND-oofrLETA, lNc, consulting Lng'ine FINAL 4 -UFJ- P-74:::-t ,tEV/ (-d^I 17till |/'/ 'ik^l ; 144',". PHON E (30 31 44{-i9sl n r. i-SHEETNO F OF I,/ PRE LIM. lt/:1..,n'1" UP /r,tP dlu'/ DL t( (' 1" ':. f LL' l4'7 t "'r'-1ta1 ;t' I 4) t! I .-t \$l \ {I ",'i,1"' I t:"i' ;.,,t tZ37zf .f -i T |RA///f to/0 , bo/ tnlorr,t/, 247 PS F /L/7 PSF 'r n /<'r/ 7,75 " ,/arE tt/a zF t/ ly' rprr. 4 nr,./ /-7,p,s 17 q r,e,ftrt (u | ?,t,t j,i w- .... tl I ! '^, 1(,' .t,"a (,'-' ,!t"' . ',r)t/'l r . . \ i.f,.:,(, t.t . 7"t(,'::i..t.'l )',rrt ' \ cp,:-. !.: ) A'l ll= ], 'J/ti I L'o.-t t IP r\ i i__ Jr t ^'i 1, "1 t<l.F k1-..(t tyli;r ,, ,' /'"; , -'r1., 'A r r t'i, ^ ''n ?,(nol fI,, E .', ,,.,, Iit ,il , t-l' 1'f i' ''' /,1 ,'.,' /ln'/ 7'l L.t r -rr t ,;: tt / Sttf* ttr' i 4-,4 /,5.- /,7€ , 3cs t< E't t t.,i,::; -,r'l' l' tt 0r':f tr/ :1<r'/ 15h.o euJll oercD,lt-P,/'lih nat, /195 cnxo.JrTcA rar, //+Jn enotecr /J0//:'1.1/^ f't'l'':;!.:' i'ii''"-' if t. n/ i:),'ax/, I C LIENT u/Ek'a).E - - - '\i llCt t tt:: 's Ll8 , r la.th.4 t- - -;:t n PHONE (303) 444-1 95 r SHEET NO /4 OF P, I . PRE LIM. FINAL t/ (./t,t 1 t)/l/) t=/crcR=/,50 i)il,/11//// /04 1)t' .,',41Y .. l'f0 /,/ !:,,n, ,, .9',' DR07:St6.O 'l "f Ft-1 /\ ,-/l/ tt'7F BFIM ttylyENrs 4r B// d OF ( I \ l ,l .,;tSir,q) r tgt, rr :il::),,Mro".!nd --/,r7 n-F' g(,i'') | - 3)t5" n4,-F1d1 | +q,b'/ ,i,'t1,;tt, | " 1t"55 +3,3/ +/, 655 :,El'/rt | -t0.6 zt,l | ,t',2 /-/u | ,r., -;'/ ;n'i +/z-2 Mru,tan',/ 17,3( 17'r/ lt,5:i:.i ';i :," I a,aEs" 6,ti" e .75'/ //"1: 't,t | , , r, ', t 'ot 2c , Pt't (/l 6{--ffi'*l {l ib stl $,1-{,'o+ a{ 'ltt+iti zo / l,oz' 20 / r,,.p(r)l tt 3/ ?l ,. '"/s ({r' ;t, I na [ ,7L (t '/1" /) l-q/, , , I t,?/i tt J7 h'3'/ ti,r,/f{:.+,t /?,(,/ /3,7 /t/,7t'r' Mu ntf l'81 o,t1 6:r: ', zib' 'tr.;/t/l,i1 l.:rl t 1t'/6 Fs,;lfrrrl,) qo. s i,'= i r,B , ,11,t.,,,",',1 ,,-lrl ,/B /tt ) \ /' I fl2 -% /u, +!,1 / '2a,/ '.iift.nt) -//,rt ,=flt.r r/-,!; " /'2 2 - t0'B /3a t ' (Jo ()!/ //t4 F lt /.-q 7 i;"t tShf t2.S 2, 'tt lr-r,${ U ttil I t+vul Ir fcr/ Fu k-Fr 34,0' ot JoHNSON-VOILAND-nQrur-rrA, lNc. Consulting Ensine(l evJXA oarc /t-7-7L :oar /("3li 6HKD. By-DArE - pRoJEcr L/0,'/.lii:i/' c2,,/n):") - Pflti)f IL L'S /: \ \ l I 1 I cuew F. fi. F,!;' J OI-IN SON.VOI LAND.ARCHULETA, INC.C on s u l I i ttg l:,ng t ne e rs PHONE 444- ! 951 t30 OF /tz7/, av /zn oerc /,:/z/l) CHKD. BY- DATE -- Jhni A t. ,l I,L 1/LTrtnrlrt'- FAr- tl a 1= JoB,n //-tq< O sHEEr r{o .-" pR1JECT L/n/ /:- , ,/t t ) Ct1y' lL..'-',: l t l/\. L .llr- pRELt t. - clretr 7-, P.l ', f-.1 FTNAL - €/,1 /E' LAI/L.,/t/G /-211 /1:-q' ltllal- (*=tart (:'a:At4 FoL S:11'5- t.n'."." '/"r) /ttt/or,,//r = /7Sr+r(24 {t-+\ ,/t 2 41/Tzr- : -Lzz,/',-- l4*/r{ C/i.T S-/,/:/t/f.)u::,. = /7-< " r (( - /'17t!t I /! r' Y ' 1;;-,7.-,7'1-7 ,l Aj,-,,1. i , /-7: (',.-7 l' -.\r/t \7-.t . /77o Lt-. . .c 7{ lzr Srsc (r,s7\ = /2gr7 y.7-7s '- /z ,g /1 -t: t" = /53.i1 1e - y,l /.' 67s(7,7i, 1t:-.t .1.t,i': rl\ .2 + /f7o ( ,\ ' 44'l(,1' V: . */s*' 54o t - (75x -,-t | ' '--" t'/ '1t.t\l' ('(-r-nttr:- .,i'!,. -- /: /i-'. -- /z'/-<{ -/.-- .: / U' x=i'(- / il6 = StSt Fr-L4 ,'i -/: ,t' l.tt : L ' (tt f 4s i'r,o,.s I tn ''\t,7/ taa ) t \./ /,b /--=: r,o./--\i ri -' "lr( /-: I ,,,-. '/l n u5e L' ,tlUrrr-fer .<LAti, lvl."tlt 4t! (ro':" 8o ('5,s)" P = ,cnl? = .?(L .i/ 7 z -'sS Ttty. -t-E'( 1," L " "l- s,5o' ( /ss.e (ro)' t-( i,izg- = /?8 A, = ,oo31(//,szs) e +/z r:rlr.s) 7!8, 7L+ fir1r6uD €DG€r; 7.1^7,/'-'./7,33= /,o1-S / ,o.14 r/,742 i( l:,.,)= .r,4 4(tre=)Z oiY 3.4/, H-FT ' */.{ p -a/ 3,iz t, -r,i-* :e,9.5 f'-./4,r *x= n /, //,/s //1/Al, /.ttt/r. A, - ,oa-,Syflo)(S'= ):' .2zo J o HN s oN - vol LA* o,-1u, LErA, ay FcA D^rE /L /7 /7(- roB ' -PROJECT f NC. Consulting Enginee, to,4.L"tl ( "lb Cot fi"')1 I 7 surer ro 4 or 7I/rt',1 F! enrrw PRELIII. PHONE (3031 444-1951 C LIEIIT CHI(D. BY- DATE n Tfa,/ 5,1 fpE TEklE /3, ,oata(*/s,s) ;.4t< t/-lz r ea,vvlt{ g4e /-,,L/^7, ll:,t; CAst sterilGap:us 4t+ 6)80 bt/e,F 1//€cE {SatlrV .glet\l ( e' ,4 fliptr. s(//)/'b/:7 (= 4/41 -,0</'37fl,"\ -tr, 3.&t /ls{,es) e !1:81 k- ,6d( a, k, - n J O HN SON -VOl LAND-AilULETA, BY lY oare!2:Z:fu-- nto PHoNE (3031 4'14-l tst CHKD. BY- DATE PROJECT sxrer ro 7 or P' T, PRELIiI, n AT EKIEQI?R- udttl 'r,l/t- Ftc>37 EtuLl n VrrnA L Nrrnt lVpne 4rta,l Ftne /lYlt arsqto. 4---Jt - q 4= d yl z/-n , I -,tl {8 -----..-'= 9<2'E b r-rr 'hqy /<'Fr .{""*- * - r/r{ ft1rc-c7' ),,. rq.0t' i.r7. 1 on*-Ff 1,25't - 26,.9 r l'26') /^' JOHN SON-VOILAND-ARAIIULETA, INC' Consulttttg L,rrglncer-'1 et .l[fr. oarc /z- r,-/F] JoBlt !hi:2-- . Q 'HKD. By- DArE - pRoJEcr Lt0,+'^,, Et"ll cl),il!.)?l -/X)4SE-E PHON E (3031 444-1951 SHEET lio , O? li i PRELtttl. _ |,r''cr-terrr 4 F ITIA L /-, 6 / rtt ';/l lLF Au)/Y L L 0lC 6 7 0,2 /''r'l .,. //u 4at/7/a/T0 t2l'Zt! 0/f towtttP / st'EFr rrrL ll,L V rrAL DTA L fus{irot tu /n/'/ Vrar ' ;/{fpeas F. E,// , -n { rof lert frqt k,t I Irn ftro/ il at/ t: .: ttt' ,1,1'-" lr' - tl\ *-NI!'yl;iiI ,tpo ,at// ptril" a/'/.,1 oyt, T, e (,2&)-lZt,i = /4n/ 4- Z, t,TF t, (.t/tlTt)/,--\t1r7-' 3,'tl:t' ,1- -LJ c 1r/l/r su/r?r/.a = "/or,o'14,pc # 5 x20''CO . t i "l ul/-- il ',,' Fn,T !; 2 ,r'i ,,ttr., r i :f )1,U,b' i znt 3r(L' 4/'f;.,.41 V,0l */,1" /|.| _ ; 7. t'!; (tt /t:""..,i!,,..'. : 202^/t,'fttVr ilz I z,bbo ,1, 6,i't 2.+ iil # )r,'z iq) ut i - aF,t.j)itn,t tt^,0 ' l/.', t7,l ln.h7, i . .: .\,t/-5'j,! t?.C17 ;.!.,- :..t ?,rr-l h{,7,t - :1t, | -!0,5i t,qag,j j1:i. t'/5, +, J;:i ', +abl\ t*+rfi| "i,u lie+tqn/t.tjh _/qj4t). illtrr,, - ",/ -2 tzTg ??.i {b: ///b <1 "',t "/'---.. li'):(z3zf;irl 06f . .74 -!;'- --'En;( d nt/,t st.p.t/s2i' ' "";+i "''Y,3 - - .t// ),1n q ll a4+'rl \ '/n' r7:tt n J O HN SON -VOTLAND-AUIULETA, BY T(11 D^rE /2,/3.ii','-v roso /'(8s J Consttlting Engi*f tNc. ,i \,I '^r /" /#* -4*<-4:7 -"-"- @tt l*1 /t;a.' /7 .- PHONE {303) 44il-19s1 sneer iro / or ::-' CHKD. BY- DATE PROJECT /trtaL.., i1.;t2 a'r /t-oi PRELIII. C LIEI{T FINAL n JL .vte /rl/Bh/ (trt.(i: /4lstr! , C/ a/rr. F/-@"-. t-Sa/r.f u @ /,, nr'/t t- tll /., 52 4/rr 7 lL or"t':e /.52;r' = n,|5t't'(A' ;,"'1:a;7 v:'/Ji3LrS'-,4 v)r/tt- (-or t L)' tVg4/rf '/- /;lb (oa ..7 ,o83 tn/ a): /.tz /Z;.: ,/r /+--,ttG ,-- _-:' /6/ t,t/ /za4 /p; - . /:a3,"t -t=;-_-T -r/ 7 L.: Jf) Ttf tLlE/Jr) t,,' IJ t\ k06 , ,/4-\.,,. n?/-a5x t-t\- -,/ / *5'?- Y, 4 / ' z\.4 {(, /7s ) ('--'t i' - \./ .184 (v?./ot )(/08 )- '\ _/\ ,,/ ( !g ;7ytt/t t./e-'./2,8 rr- - JE--r :;t)/ s.(,zto\(sd1 ..1 -€e 60o g+(t1 roa) z | ' Z9,a) ..,,t / rL(a,D. r- attn (J' /LIPF .' , 3 j {'!/FT -/ (n1O r\ .- / -- --\r . r-td > (, _': s, )\6t-,/ #4Gq,/ol)e) A> Z. 57.4,^/ + In[ e y' zo PHONE (303) 444-1951 OF SHEET iIO PRE LIM.cHKD. BY- DArE - PRoJEcr y'-/r't/'t ? /)u ( h/ /1h3 CLIENT FINA L /otJt:S: {rH".S/|zr-a 3fD = ,6;;'l' /r.F 2'<tD '. i',-5',,ii:')-r /r!,(fu'r- / !r;f-':, ,)v/t:r',' 5ky'1 /6tliZ ; ' (/ 4/p7, r ,'o r't1q ' eruJi'r, /,1= (to ( s't7)' / E = €'73 a- rr apa;/€3 'd') 'l/H f' :.,,'''-' aa/i./ '.,2-g t,:t7,"'7\ 7k/ -( - I/( ; /; =/€ 7r'r ?' t':; { ..,.t,2 ,-- /. ! t,/tt !.i 578{L L/^/12:Ls la/)u @.7e t G9!41'! 8.r-7(12\*-t i J*ze , /gS,/ tu4 /attartr ///sbV tJ Jilrl"r/ ,', i:' 7.33' 68,78 L'I ,t: - .tn-[ Lt (n(tzt)"/a ' 'i' .,. .,1., ..t :\- zxe.e -./ ..1 ., ti .'.'r,t ri . tt '4-- //'- /1J Wtz a3 2 ) i f- .14 g{.u:X 7'=}I,: t) =.i1a7(.z7,pt) A /,-, )t t7 | 'i' 14 s(0o\ ! 681 -iq-(:l/t,'')t -88 ,t& tq .,(z '7t7,, :Y (:- ,47,,,coa LlLf ; il ,1tzE trWcAs7 LttttE-L:IA , ll , rt-/ >,.-rr)' 14.1 !-r+' ,'1.-4nl-r: /(f ,1,r4117) ,4( l,Szs)' /,57 (r,o :-/L -!l rt, T" f . .' ,' ' ''", ; 't|7-'.). , -:/ t,. ).? n Consulting Engineers PB I< n J O HN SON-VOILAND.ARCHUIETA, INC. BY J\ q oare //'2>'7L lolr /A 3 cHKD. BY-DArE- eaotect L/?il''HE4/ C0t/|)9 * Ar c7/u///YS s ulWW? srA/R iltAR L 0 t Consulting Engineers PHOIIE (3031 444-1951 / D* SHEET r{0 (z OFl, /r PRELli,l. Fll{AL ,-/ I 7l'- (,) 3t- ii 2t!8 F BAUICE v qu. ,4 AE A^401/E Dp. 'ii*-4|:f /r L0,409. t( ,(-tl'l t/.2 {t 5,5" 5tt - n JOHNSON-VOILAND-AREHULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers o",\'y'C norll'2a,-//a ro'o /h,l/'; a av J'/E oerctl-2:'-/D na* /htl.li- * PHONE (303) 444-1951 ij'7 sxeerto .? oF l,// 6HKD. BY, -. DATE - 1aglEg1t t tJ' :' r' 4'f c0 t't: ')1 r//'4 \'F 'U PRELTM' :' - cuenr /) r:, € E s, ,rnot ts --7-" 7 I ef w//L q' c\L M ',1,s47'1- t/tlF-@' I I ro,ot"t n /' l';-,-/27'| '6r''' "u | ,"' fuorr"ttt | -zes nf / qY | ,,./ l^r, rolrsi ,q//,'/ frly,F cg frrcQ"l'*r,r{uqo,t,7 po,if /oo,/s lrQ I tBBT,stl' | ,,' l,7rr | /qB'gt I I l; | ,,8" | ,^" I lr^u'*|*/ I rl)P' I l{,*o I '/sz - t+ ls u l lk;*,, 1:, 'rb ,1t tF:"' I l-.,-^-.r1,:,^,1 lilllt:Eront -,yl),..s// ox I I lrr,. ', tt t,l 4 i\g) -t 38 I l{ur,l,,^' l, 'r/5 /1, rt4 | I i ,"/ vJ" ncttL'w EE"'':E: flt/xittp 10r'6'rz" li,:"ll I I I I I I I PHONE {303) 444-1 951 JOHNSON-vOILAND-nfluatrn, lNc. Consultins Ensinel nn av JY7 oarc /t-23-76 :rre* ft85 sxEer ro i or fl / ' .**o.6r-DArE - plorEcr///,4/qlJE'!n cn//,:.1/)+' /hi't'-tpRELtM.---__--- cuew p,E F,S, flxat L/ A"r t,vllL 0N LtNE a/,gzFtF/rt+J53=,21j xcr -',1{O rro IW r$r /4u { Aapt //t/E (9 , It- t 4!.8//,P' T- -;,;,- - lt | :::,s 1 ) 'Ji, ,ft ,,i;i _ { R+uLr./ i | ,z'17 | iitttif/ t t t,i ,.e! ] krF | ;i7i *t *- |'a,ttlt,,ru ul , /,g7 r v | "'ihl, "r, I t/rrar. i, )biiz"r ,, I I t rurt=lt , ,,),/ . t/iz { t,ll':"ro1 I r-trr ',rL,lzlr/sr3tl' I i f/,1 1 32'*'/'s i ttiP I r" :t 554 i72- ttl I ,,,i,/rl rfir,/' y''/ n,ar,t, &/b" \ f',iijil!' I srr<A7l/0 .t)4/Tfr2N J /c.F f/41f 8/911 F7i T/f/c/L EXfA'c/0f t.h,i-- .; . /,/,//,:ti,, ,.,e q:.nrI.;l,lr_"!if;r"rf :;f!,:::l,r, t): us9 9,4rltr /',^7',ti::/'.i' '4r-: 17 L/,4/te/)lY// I 0,4 t//YF JOHN SON-VOILAND-AryULETA, lNC. w J )'C D^rE //-.;'3 -'/ (-- ns t /A I 5 Consulting Engineers o PHON E 13031 444-1951 ', .. 'i' SHEET O 4- OF / ,; / .HKD' BY- DATE - PRoJEcr l/")'(ii]" cugrn P n I't'/ LL oil t/'4'.F o:nt4trt Ry' f?/ t. "rr',41' /.),' :)/,2.,v''. z,'!* FINA L IT ,7|'J: '1.( h r' I r,4 :"; h=0 i',.'r__*- _ '-- | ti r1' ,/,L/ED /t-1 k 'tf (,2' rL I 5,7 4' ul o\1 LO,4LC tt 't 2tl g /00 Y't lF lP0nt 254 0 torlL AtO nef t#fl?,urt, 17sFSF * 's (r'f topf)Nty'.rca t /79/"5/' f '3 (/'/l!ufl/f,) i I ;. t lpns /,,,,: t,:l;,Tl!::,A I\"!;,:;, *,1',,;,",lhl, i,,/,ny ' I,^t,.-,'^ ., 'oi'Lc,fOy*dtj'!{,' ;;'. gv,7 4 'i'E / 727 u0 M,7 5-:) F/,4rr"r, '!D rri ^*,,r",r/{r, ve ,t:i ot';:t///4ulo M ,',sr \i,!oi,! r,rrnr a24r + /Y//t,' f^ p r, l .lil ,, 1 ,, ; I o')n ' 3,6t," .., ,,..- /.((' . F,E,tt, I C'/+t',r,lzzr I f^, .t|r' 7^5r 80x (!'r I l-/Jit/tl tlr'll I anot'd " 3'bb" 3'nt't -t4 wl I I r u,6/ z4,hl il 'A' ,i: ze i't ; 'r'Ap; 7 6;6; p.r, | ,ill , r | ,-' I I a. ,-,,,,1 '. 3,66," .,, ,,.! /.(/' +r/r),/( | 12,17^-" .".,1 /,1-t illnrt l"u(r,.tf .t1,0 "" I il nt.tr. I ' es',t 7,0 {rrr,Ull /t= -//+ ?8 | I J 5i,, | liq,L rrnp,all dt= -//+ ?8 ll I 5i', r/5.1]L I 'i;;;::r, -ltt, uE vt ll',,,n' '20,0/6,0 I :" ':,:l i 'ilct: ll :.,, z,o 2,,a i iorfofir' | ,i no-e - qi?- (,tq ll n ?,$ - /8,0 ft,n i qr*; ra!, l,i --2.;y lQjt) gS il *" ,. |j +q/ +i,'' 7. /!,', l' (r*truo, --ri'c.ar oz l|,f;,! -.,\ :lii 'lil _,'iil, !.',,,11!./{aD F/ Acf [ 'lt t " (\ o /z , llr'1p 7r,r.t, ': { 1t7g -ty '- ' t03l t.' ' t : 'Y: '' ,>' 0 v - 40,8 ^ JOHNSON-VOILAND-AeiULETA, lNC. Consulting nnsin{ JoB# 1635 eaotecr t//lilgilE/lt) (ttni'),') - '/:"i):ir.:,E J2! , l//F ev .lXy' orre CHKD. BY- DATE pEr,ttCEt) q,\/t)/rY 4/ t'C orTo/:pnl lpr{ ft,t c. SHEET I{O PRELIM. PHONE (303) 444-1951 z- or P,T' tl FII{AL A q- (l \t{i'-------;.*i - a!.Ia14lE*srl!:l!gzi_ -Llt'ilqil 1,. /'t t Y. \\ ,,/\ ('{if,,) ,tohi,' .i) \ ,^' | ,,, .t.fr /,7/'.\ \ f,4,.,, | -zt 1lz1,t 1,, lq*r,l ',# filfui i11 '5 ( ,!ry,t 'i ,'1,1,,/,,,i | 'ii,.tru) r'nft ilt \ \ ,'t*nf '1 lil:'", '"'i,fr,,' t/,1,/ ir /li | *i,i ;*i ":!,:l fli "1, | :,1/^ i1.' ilt' :,1 lJ;,'/: | +;:: ,1f f+?{"l'ifir ) :1,. I ri,rnri,,rt,r11 'r;l:,1 |" I 'q'3 \ Ar,,ul,l ,/iit'l ,tl frs ' t I vl,'F, | /1.i Ar,,uil ,fit;l ,tl I .J. I: ,.- ",^ | :];1i il ttt ny F1on' F/A t't)u'i)r,tt. j'ttF' Le i4 , ''- u ,,7.|' nnx.:ll't ,|':)if I M ./- hoP I A:S qF laoTrtkt r(ptl,: ti) ,))rrr).'lt -l(-t -:'ttt =' / h / ly aunY'.ttl t'i / ,t/'i'^zti -/t5* /0(/ /'5 ,,L 1al 5;g7'7 0' ,2i"' 7,6,1'" ::"" r'''''l tJ - i't / * -'' I t(y t -ri'// - /,b? .uJ,.t, tt/-,.1 o.' v-^ -! 7_,-.a\",,otr.t <.y,, : tt- ,lo9't.,: Flil'' ssl stt ,qi' ( ,,!!Ar, '_5+ :,: ,?',''J )'-,,1'!:(,i,t:NF kL ttl .- /- n, I " t,17 S ( tru bo eli | --T.l/ur\ | -_-!+ i'r I ,{, o,tt liill '"'f $ i I ')i,P';S I ,tf (./if { / P;' ?ilq * \\:,,;,',.-'.:'ll r,tt:rY/ttc..4/ EXTE{I/:', lL:iL, i lrrP L'.fu */r, ,r' "15;-or crt!, 'eEi.,/-"r/r/L'sE f'A/7f.e/,/ ii::/i-r:'r!'/'r - cLtEttt ,/', l=,,. F.|, /lVfEE )0/< BY'/X JOHN SON -VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC,Consulting Engineers PHONE (303) 444-1951 ,or, il\V, jL,O CHKD. BY- DATE o^,- n o'r lfit P Ro r Ecr lJi t/ S I : ffi --e oy' l!)iS PRELIM. FINAL efro EVEL L/I/E t:-LA.el.- .-lp*.4(XtQ= "l tctc L^E T ^ O'/ / - )zl Z -11.4 ' Qzt<u= t o'u .. .)!lJ 0 736'' -l,vl ar./ 20.8 ,t, 7,)tr K t1 BTI'' , t,0 '.4. O ,0 l,b 2,6 -73 .0 t) O//tflE S{A ^l tl, aq//q -20,1 t0,3 7.V 'u! -/2,2 22,1 ,b9# rt nlWpt 7 - n{ril4x ,,v tlLfl'-/ L//1!) i | | AU) a c'3 lr u 4l ?\,fi6(26'J):1V i rJX l . ' 'f rtq! Al "-mlw I ,gt,ktE C LIEI{T 11t/"b3 (4,y/)=n,0/ rOE ?NX +/40il: ' * litx ufilFT -/y=21,/F'T sx=1.0/1,,3 9t Fr '23.,#t'ff st= //,7 usF tu l0 x /,5 usE wl0 x//,5 @', -r1',8Y(11"zrl, ' /?,7 rFr .tz U t,l usE Ylt2x/6 JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARqHULETA, lNC. Consulting EnSineS ayJlA oercNll/,2trt :rls* /b89", cHr(D. By-DA'E eaotecr Lt0//3"it''/'0 c0llD99 ,l',+f3'sfr PHONE (303) 444-1951 . c/tFt( 0A/ Sxeer tO 2 gp 5 .':'5 PRELIII. r^cuew P. E F,.9't,l Ff NAL u/ D )L:VEL 2 0R 3 : Df PqsT/0 tullfr/9 - 't '/,rz0DfL,z' 8'31^5 L 7z.z;/7 tlst w/0 x//,,y' (qr){,r,;ile,F7,4/ar L8,35 (t/z , ull4r tr cnL 7D / -nr' f,ft1tl/tultl ,?e/!;E- MnesAr. ,tr cot /) ' [rft)TJ/.r]!:ti //,yo"o-.low,v / , B,3nr' /< t . Ru/t/F/ 4T 7D = 3,3/,f .=,y'/t,Z ' ,25 /< u.,o.ar/try ,27,0'of/u.u(, turuw!- wil ;, t'/f i t,n*lt//tr:'tl i LrrVE Fy' VS Ex= clttct lssLt//a (/PL/Fr HttX. # *Ttquf Brc / WE8 }T/F4F/JEES AT CCIS:Pq/= e'/.7k nM o/ *(tni, */ /ss(//vE 7//17 4LL raFFRr\E. C)L L?c//7/p/',/s T0 /l/ //F ///FE sr/Fr.n *t/. 6.//t =.t f (,/,9D = !,.1'4l - .p(n'ro)/,ar.1 )/a': rl,,5..-,2il(zi 2.r_)-,/72 / /" 12 - ,lr,gE ftisrm= /i,t7rs( Enrr- /J,/7Lr5)0,8) = Y/' f*nJ 'Y't1aXzt)= 2/,94 fit- ,r.lg ot, .za(ad)=ZZksl tl| !/'7 = ,ft(?+t j) ,qil ,//,3 t ^o,t / or,1 (lm = th? tL // aci ok- . . /r,j < ,/s(6"t +75) sr/FFEl/.ARS ,/Pf ,<8pb , n Bylxq ,o',rfuz+l)o'r //85 .. .:-^a sxeerro/ 'HKD. By_ o^rE ___:_ pRoJEcr utUJ\,, Fll: C.f /),aS ,o4,tg--{pRELrm._ FINA L VERT/CAI" LOAOS O,V -PIUPS. Il*,j, zK b@/+ ^xre/6' 4y6A/2" 1,57 ' ? J7l ?,571 /700 '17/ r<si ,572 ,38 t J O HN SON -VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC.Consulting Engineers C LIENT PHON E (303) 444-l9s l s7lD oF.Ee.( D/ilf . (nSsw)r('' PLl,vE oF M F. t7 00 /70p a/- x,53/furoD ,701 ,ql3 /,0/7 6,/ :, ,E 7 L, /' > L,/( JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, lNC, Consulting Engineers PHONE {3031 444-1951 , F FT,l /A/ ',t ,ttfi//Yr),i ,, )'JoBa /bdi-t O sHEErNo / oF.al!J-Lt:- . CHKD. EY--'DATE pRoJEcrt/0A,.9/,i:,1^ C0,V/.-/1,:,n,\){t:/,:.ry pRELtM. J:z ',,FINAL l/''n ?v\tru/:ltil/ r lr/0'2,ttLtbF 8,35/ ./ 9 a,l 70 /i/ Q r' CilWtauEeEt.t 4r:1(,)'r r)if u/ / I ', 4 E1::?'l /l b:i r Pt /,67 f,, ,B P -74 3.'/Z /tpL 3'0 P 4Ll DA n ,8!; 'l'05 x 3,8I L.'r) / hil.r . u t"7 1,j2, 2,gq .r\i *t t /R -O /, z- T'' ' ./q /. 'l Tt r0,//= /8,i1 ' /,3 lvc . 'U ^,//0,0 f.t,= "'-/8,r= /,7/ 0e. /,'rb Xc(iv,3-t,$.,t' /,?7' 1..4 / n'4)/ 7".1': 1''^- ,7fi'.a //y,3 , ?-L =,rr(fuj^\. /,65Kst, 3 .',( /./: t'\ 't ,Ll/5 T,F DESq4/ i d'8,5" //FEI pEs/F,t/: ^/ 14,= tt.S ::'(r) /z (t,2,) = 6,?, r-n r As= ,23 /.14 - -. -t/ / \/4a, [9.](il/, (/,//- 6,/z r-rr /. ,00// P/)= ,00/ C- /s=,/8 ',t/' t=,0t/7 rrL t,(itzZ /'t"'ci4 ,:i /0// J= n t.1" r- Eg LL tVt^- - -* .. /1 // -1- _'1/4,I_t_g_/_q_4__ K.67 n n J O H N S O N -VOIL AN D -ARCHU LETA,tNc,Consulting Engineers PHON E (303) 444-1951 , cot u/v// . SHEET I{O / OFFISA\ A 156(' PRELIM. -- CHKD. BY- DATE ev JX4 orre t"" 6trsE A JoB r PROJECT CLIEIIT 5/,7 E *a/ FIIIAL CgFCK EN c0.,uH/f: sr,,)'y= ztllz =:,4''e il forf )y€E BUCEUN?sE/|)EATI &* ,r/.74 , t',,73 , N=/2" )K =Jf'/ 9/,7 = = /vfi,<s[ L7, fy' 27,rst ,zt(z*,zi) ^ja J,uu^n "4ttut ao ,nh ary4?y. ,^tl *'11/t JM. - $shu) ) s'zr ./r= ,zt(y.s.)= z,ztt tt/r_' ,,2h//7' //,L ro o/lp, ^ /t,B fo /b,, - n,t[(+)(d]*["zfu,rL,tX - q/ /< N,Q, ,1 j3.7 hy L' ,f srr*ayrps' *n-"i;{,![(sal,) /z/'E snrral)Fns 0K ts stttttt'lr ti ''l i fr tz'x 6ktL! ,4 - /r,, X4t H,lS x 8 "x /'O v,, t6B5 Inte'national Conference of Building officia RESEEtf,(tf rommtrrEE EEr0[nmEn0[il0n Report No. Jnnuory. , , !::1, j; ;;;i'1;.1;l'i],,1';;llli:,,,,11,:r,,, r.t,.. | !_ i:,,,,,. ,r,, , , ,, horrr li, r, *i,t,,,,.,1,,,,t,i, 'i.,1,,"'r'r Ir('r'v .lirri(lr I|,.'rr''r,|,,r tlrr, ,,r,,.. li"',..',i'tl,'ll;;,;:lllllt;,;:;illiiijil;ilTlilililli'i"i;:,{':J',Ii,l;li:Ii; il:ijjji:;1,.lli:ili.jt,,ii;, \i;;,1t,;,l:,,i.1:lt,l,tl;:t,iii,llillllt;,1,;l: ili:Iiln rjriil'riih,iill i,,]{liiJ'ilii{ *iirij:,,ri^ff ," 11J..,,' li,,:;i;,ll* ,,'iiir i'''.i,,,,,i,1,,1;,..:':,i:Jl,'l;::,;i,'];,;, il::"i....,,, i ilfff # i;l.llii'll ''rrr.,r|r)r, IIr hiqh r,,rrty srre'rrtr ILt,,r,r. t0.5 r.,ll,,iis,,{ rirrr r _. )rl'cr.nl l(l:trr (o ir,..lrr. rL.rrsilr ol i0 l,,rrrrxls pr.r r rrlrit:Ioot .r,1,", l..'ilii*111",.,,f..,,1,,';;i,,"n t.rrs,rr. ;,,,t .,,,,"" ,f,,i,r,"*., ,i,l ,ni11,,,,. i,i;ili"'',*.,,r,.....-.... - . ..'. ,,!ltiiliiillll I o;rrr1. ... . . . .. , ........ ... ...- 31t.3.1,,llorr* l t t.-.A R t.,cfi F: n.; coN.lit it.t.r j_r t_.^r.r. A l([, rrr,,,,,,,,orr,riJool"')ltcli.s ANt) I"t,(x)fi s zz[ \1 t..s t. \v1..51.1,.I I. Ll) A\ nl1r1.H(rsLLl,E pA lt K, NI..\r, JI.jttsIi). o7:(,{ ,,"1;,,I1::;;l':'ii'':l;,11j..,,11"',,;:'l:',", .r'rrrr.\r,.,rrr (i,ri,r,r,r,,u, 1i'ln"il;i;l;iili,il,;i:j :fi;,ili:iliJi':i'lilllill':';,:l':ll;,1li:i,; f:;i":li;,,ill;;;l;,ii',1;,iiiiil:lll,ll,riillil.lii;,,illi,,'1,1,11;;i'll,l:;li, .l'irrrlr *i<lc hr 2l irrclr lrrrr,, .r x,,, r.n,- i.,,, ir-,,, i,l"lr'il'il. lJ,l:li,l1,:;liil,l'_ r;}, :;:i:;;,,):li::.::1, ilrr 'rDr111 .rrl rii <h rrc,r. rrr rir.rr or l;:illlli' l::i::;ll;,,:;il",,illl:,1,,i;;';' f,:' ;;,'ii,,i,'"'irl" ''' ,1,1';,.,'';ilil,,'l;ll l;,;,,,-;:'?::1, ", rroorrr^s sc^i'g , *l$t**' i;uilll- ili*i::ffi : Ii ill;l iii;i;i;:,i[r'*, *:,,,*l ",i*j,,;jiil 1ii*i,,,,,'ji, rflr jr, *il"*,,r I r;i,.,' +:;'ilii"'Nll:.,Ji.], l i.r l.r' r.rri'l lorrts 'rr. nr srr f'rttr t' ltl,1I'l'l:)i;'1,;;,tlirrrhritA,rr ('i,'\r,,rcri('., rtrc fo dr'irrg I,t"' ;]i;l';li',,[:'rl itrtlrlir atiotr rh,rll <orrrptl *irh rarr (h) A,..rr,rrri,rrurrr ,,.1 2 i,,.1,.r .l ,|xlrtrr.eiglrt <rrrrcrctc I iii;ii,'iJ,,";;;,.,;"' ,1:lll ""'" "r trrc conrrgerionr ror ' tt-:ui'.i',i'iilll,i'li i*i,w'i*i,- j TIir r<,<rrrrr rrrerrrl.rt irrrr i. IAE| t n0 \"1,t,,t tr, .,,,.,,r.r1 rc.r.t;rrrrirralior,. | . rrt l.x I I tr..ltrt {1, Dcrrsig' ....... .. .. . ' 'lr"i _- . .,...7.j r.rrlri<,[r.r,t r,.l' I ;,.1;: i ll';i"i;,1'.iil:: "1;il :. l"l,::,, ; :;;,il., il il :;* l'" "t'''' rt'. ijinn-'t,""t't,,1;;:',:il. li:il"",,ri",r i.,x,.il,;i''".,it':i'i:i..i::;;iil'h;i';,:;'l.lil iili:l,1;i:ll'Tl;,f :l';'r,,i'v ;;'r'r,,i;;;i;l ;1xl,J: .'ilil i'"'"i #?,,ilf :u"i'i. .ii,',1'i"Ji.L':iill'1111,il'i;"1*."ii:l;l [ll: Rccommenclation , IV. Rlconrnrcrrrlntiorr: Thrrt ,f,.. ir,,",,1_ , l;;1ru;,',',;,.;i*',,,,,';",ili'.lliil',,if.i,,lJll'li,lil:.,J;?iii;;'1"'i,l..tf;i: L ll'horc. urcrl irr .lrc,, o[ lil lrL'ili:ini',1'T tl'ir.'' t':'ll' tiil['*,,i;",' l'"'t"'r't'' -''"'' t" ) J.l";":'i;;t ;'?l'.:,'i;;:li,;1i1,,;: rccrrs rhart bc ri*rirr.<r rrr ' o, Lu*f, :: ll:".11 ilx',li;r:';ul; ;l il::i;)";:i,f iiil,.:l .lurull'l it;ii'*;*iii:i;]itffi;,','"'iffi ;iffi 1,,, i, * Il | ili,h r*r*r**[il: C coHXtC 0|l 0t5t6tt 0fi 0r scn rpr Inrr,!r -Drr., ,0""*.-liii-ll-- s UPP0R I ttC trt M8tR5 lirrrr 1.rslrr,1,,! pr.r..lrr.r.l ";,,,, ;[]'-.,..l- \rrrrr,,rl-u.Llir'l;tliruti,tr.,;;;;,liij'c"*-__-, \r'llllllr.l .rl <.rl,.rir,r .,,^-,.... Norrrrirl \\i.l,ling I t tllr11111111111, \lt.hlirrg I lclr'1 \\t'lrlins lL j'il r:i:illl,:i,,ll l,: i .lr:lit;1,,, li Hf, ",,t: ii :'l;lltJ.-,; l':l'l:;1, T:l:,,;11,,illl:,,,,, rrrpper,r rr 1'11l t,' I, Page 2 ol 2 Report No. 1347 rA8 !t t, t. I I - Atr-oitAB Lt t' ^,tJli,:ll iill: "i::.51 tN PoullDs PrR !ltlE l- t00I' llTAcHMtxl l0 3uPPonl lNs Mttillttsr ---ltormrt I Inttftnrdrttr I ll'rY, l Formut.a lo CDmpllt lllortbl' 0rrphrrtm Shlrrr I cauGt lx0 slst Mt rll, IHtcrxtss (ln I nchttl c0vtR nr0IH (ln lnth.r) l NluuM SfAX .1.' r0 c0MPUlt OIA9INAGM !lrAR9 (ln t..t) 465 | 8l0 { 97;} | ---- 1396 r- | l. I.t2 t )u/ 9l:ll + 532 :j670 + il' .t9.15 + 553 t. t :- ,01 79 24 r : .02jll) 4 ) !)7(i + 2(; I l, I (i9{l 1 3(I) t, (i | 690 + 273 t. 2u0()+ 3ltt t. 3940 + 315 22 t, .o:l)9 32 l{) r - .(1359 32 !.12(|+ 27i l. ,The:rll'qablc.lrcrr r:rLrer llr"rl lre f r Nrl(L\l trtlirLlrrrtt\ rr rlrttr;berl in'l 'l'lr \'! l' 'Sr" Tnltl. No. I lnr ltr. llt'. trrvl rrrrhr 'r rrl 'nrt (lrrir't't'n\ l"r t'rth rL'rl !rtit tr' \rtt|lxrrtinr In'nrlnt\' ,r, - .n.'n in fcet. bttstcn rrrtrnherr rr'l'trrrtioc tlrlir il l0ii(l\' IAB[T NO. III-N[IOWAI}LT SHTAR PER fO(T AI MARGINAL fAsltttlf{Gs PAnltt-t1 10 otcx sPA rABu N0. lv-stcrloN PRoPtRrlts PfR f00r 0f vllDrH sPAC|l1G Ot ll/ASH[t wtL03 (ln Inchl!| sASt MtT.lL rxlcxritss lln Inch!i)lllorrbt? Sharr .r)lr]1) cruct stcll0l{ H00uru5 lln I nc hlrl H0i{xr 0t lttnTll lln Inch.r) 2tl t! 2l) .{t9.I .l:ll .l(;ri .g{r,l .0(t(i .t)!tl . .l Consttlting Ensinel sxeer ro / PHONE (303) 444-1951 F00r//,'tr,': 604D05 sxeet ro / oF ./ PRELf ir. t/ - S'N7 FINAL RAF. F00f///C sa4fyefA/,ELEVIF,TT? s,!,{F. r- I $l "l ! RE.t,ttF - 5,4"'r/' ,' !-: ''tU. ! n RF/ilf - Lo/iq D,tP. i /4/X L?lfl C?///j/4,fD= 1{,/ tln6 t 25',/ + 1i,i ul/ =l/ *o C nntu-, ?/7'3') = v.zs ,iy'.'.0'az /l/,= .oot0.ss)G,t(),1d" = z,L kr' /= /,':r ' K) /qV f=.0039 ,4r.,255n-/ft ^ah#s_gj!!)_ .PYl Mr,* ,e'n 0,og2.tit('5i = /1- /b0 /=,Olst A, j,j! WUIfC 5,i,i R'FT ,r/=57!, . . ./^ ,*.,,/i t @ /:* /^ J O HN SON.VOILAND-ANH BY JYq o^rE^)2/ g /(f7Z CHKD. BY- DATE - ULETA, lNC. Consulting nnsineS rca* /hB 6 pRoJEcr unhg/lf,lo Io/il.:tzs /"//4#Z PHONE t30 3) 444-t95r ^^ Fqla///r' SHEET NO , OF W4 / / PRELIM. - CLIENT U FINA L n PRESSUEF 0// soJ'L CUF fO 0/f;erUEt////f : X= (ll,/ -tt,D/yp,yg = 2' ' , zxr: b) x 8' 'oo. ' Mrw /4Hrt{L(- wt*.aL/ . ?+ -- 7-te@ = 3,4? tcs,c /V,f ,I x {-^ ' fdo|" r;./,a- : (/ rt- {z t,n t/6,q ,.//,0 n #5 a3" c/rEH r7E{\ )i ))'2' tF/, tzl-J/f tf ) ' K"= f4-." /-,d/)/q[%.)s ,002f ,4s=,///i/ #4 Op'/ -tt -2 J,, ,.i r,,7' : i.L x--(lt,l-n,ly'l,tz= 2 ^. a,,/3 n;'n/f m"/t/ r,iut^Ai ? (]$o'' ;,lV EsF i74.' ,i, -)r.r/+ \/, _\ la. t- x-nr , tr:l1t en asgtqNt fnn' (49,U1:Xrt,t7X.'t*/,7i = 37,2"' .. ,^/ d=/0'25 lcw€r ,rrtrir, L L ,ql '' /=:0#? ls = ,8^Q'6 ;y't rct-# a yXpgqn . f - : / \z/ rz' \ , )) 7By uvtrf 8!0 ) /,ln= cpfugtJ ( t)-,tqzlu) '= f' / / x-r7 il' (,2 d " f= ,rT-1)- ,00/y' isa,!(5 usl#5 yFnE e/0/_ L r::'l'I i'l '] p#/0//; pr.1aXs)?/. 0) = 23 F'Fr t //,gt I )L-'!t rt | ,,,= t/ Kx trl p'.0/3.*' , ,4s? ,47;^ 'fg fnrugP:0-., il t, i t,'l l. . r l. flFFL Dts/r,y; rv, =|s.oz)(.D(ofl.kd = 19'6f'F/ o/= /f ^" .. i ' I , .r , i.l,'. : : .,i r, ',r' ', ,t , ; o^t/dp*tt,/ /,rtr/fr / /we a/-/v"e 4 l'l*fufi,t'un /,"#t ,,',e(*)' fu= / 0 I (,') ftA/,,r'm, =ry, b 4 ? ingr(.r'te) o/,M = /s " h I /s'/n o o JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers , Br Jyq D^rENoV 8, /) lceo /63b' -, , = ?==: cHKD. By- DArE - eaotecr t/hilsl,Lt4D r 0/Io9 PHl9Ffi CLIENT wl LL* s uPlNrEp rhP d p7Tr : //-- ?g'/'' PHON E (303) 444-1951 R.FTA)xINO SHEET NO / OF WTLLS, PRELI}I, rnat ! 1, \", $l r\{E)3 st tf,l I -(ACr/il( r0EcF9 I-w"caz+ __u//2L!_E* .A +5!\l sl tfr l r 'a;l rrl GI o{l sl il :L A/U/lO7'f' 4o,A lclptg /Q,,-V/F aC1/// co/yq/rn// r/ttl'! artt//??/ 'bo VSE '7ol totPS stEl& o o JOHNSON-VOILANo-AReHULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers , av J^g ,orrrur,n, r) Joa* rh6,t J cHKD. By- DArE - ,^otr", ttql's//tlo C2ilt'r9 P/'/ASF tr cr-teHr 4 6.EPES/qr1/ ct/Y c' W4l)/ ///YfE ?ccUES /4f i PHONE 1t03) 444-1951 ^ EV4tu/'t/q sxeer o z oF ttlLls PRELIY. FINAL I/ E/.€t1 7?!z ,i 47 fis/DF FACE #4 @ r/0 tontz. n tQ , ,'lL t,o!), AssU/f//, , /'1"*{ = 'l! hy 8't wo// /t'0037 (,,D(v,sf= 4,o//"" o/= 6,r.r" K. |fi/ 6l-MmD,/ U,r.r Lt A a As=.278,;"=/ftW ,N5FCT -tK ;.r l"r'l t$Rl ld1\I -1 \t^ I lll 7,01i n JA ^) rrcr/Eggp RFTA/,VA g_ w h ' cytL = t2l ncr ,o Ts ts.' lP, ,L -t'u -,1 t7r4 o V I f ] !'ql ,!':!,t -7?'7*-0,Hp= s,gb (5.55) = 18,1',-', Mai f / _ t%, :)i ,K n 6?7- D 4 IJ.'1 t.2 1'v v ' -K-Fr tt 4 | 2'" ^ ^ K'rT'*' 3'45 - ,nkrT C. AV - rA* ,vq /,5 ) b/ 'o' l a,5 fr lot | ,t | ill /!o rt tup/t I 'f .n 6,63 6.5 f, z.0d 2 '5'r, /,[0-. 4' iN,', i:;t!,(: vi d'-';:"i:]";';' L-I sF:/,v F lTil s'F' ='/fi34; ' F-FT 370 l',': r,e'=/'7 p,,:,, ,. , ha/ n tb o o ,:,"#;"*":::ffi;H Consulting nnsineeS ULETA, INC. neo /b85 PHONE 13031 444-1951 c0l/ C, sHEET Nol' -- oF ct1|//M,i,!, CH KD. BY- DATE enorerl Lt7lJSilEAD l1A/D7i ea*w. ctrcw P/ffff 6e//Ep, F[r'/|u1,4 sC07T nnat n P,tax = /?iK x /,55 ' .1??! utn lr, tolo n glfn tbl - 8t/ = ?t-7t /<.t,g 7 t= ,2i (ft)= q'- /t,/rt, ' - / hly'= rhr/s= zz E' 34 - GD = Yb s/ilcE A7 c /8 , s/e,ukt//4ss e#errt myvle ?orly', ly rot/ cah': c7ttrCK */" b'- rty /t'y'/' ,zl(tz)' sr k//r=3b <lb' /2'/ c/ *,4 .-ln J,iA ruuil J rtP (/f n(o i, '.tt ,/ ,ly?/"'1. ,z%;'= aft?' (.0 . PU/vC/y/,4/t s/tF,f /tT T}P -7 2/xt7' 75. f t/ , n/r12r!ap-, -,//rfr ,,ttl ,ab,/,u/14 fu rk*r/U r i' ' ,Ytk / o't ; 4//0117//" t/= Or rcrf coa: / 1,,r. = ht6+ fl)/2. /B5vsi fr, = (trdp 1v/)(r,.rt - z) = s.r E ipr.sO ' =/0,0[il = 0,76'/ n,aft)'l'l'*26,/5' 4.5*' zol * o,zg G,g+TpT+ r 000 - /5?,0 f Mq, ,3 ,< t85) +ta,t n J/t3ox,r'?/,2" d= ,r.7J" *.g6!)'l', tr"t,r= /4,2 x tz,7( (t,5 /0 00 s/eF oF c7/.t)//// cAP/Tol * 2 gftu|b -/8, / = 28/( '' ',;i;';;: ite* ---', = e7,b" ,sp4iof ' hrs1'@ +,s7es)) 4 usr + !0 fr x / aenrlp.> pt,y?t p, ? col. r t t t\ t\ 'rltuarv, s/vtd/p rnsss e l'/ecfs / ) ,- t / ,,ie o1'- rp 14 cr/r, / s/g or o i/:ir'rl1'y;l' : le oR._, q/u4 eailJt/ s, g,ar t,, Guy's' /"t/ /ngyt / 70,,il /, tt.rgt' 41 ;.?1 ' ryttfu.X' (ut {ven +'s ( p s)) + ft 4lt I t1.'t". 7/,2 r/q.ff I ))+let . i)o't wr >z V(.,ry'/ 'yri::g,,/rev7ty' vad t ftoE;: /ry lo /up r/ , 'lrr=tiuvst t*( /2.714 ,-211t2x natlE /g6[p rfi 6oP) +8, t = 3228 ytr. f7c=/0b7si r\U ,v/ cdL t {r,w''.#Jt (l,t ,{va-T +,aQgb)) * /6,/ . 37u-- ulr. > 2 f 4/ 4i/ '!/;!'l:l&i',;t !i; rilf .t",t oE. N > r,r I <F4d rr.5r]-k9, i*: ? odaQ .,1 U)tH ao9Z |'iz - <z:2 7 :9<;YF,!.o a<a <Ol'lZ >l:l E*;9 =<L)fi9o-i -Fe<o>*<of r(<B : ul ul z l llJ z s F ct u,l G o o l! ui J a u.l J J F F v,F z t/l E UJ t tr lrl 0. o z -o J -f o LL o = =e F -l a I t NOrrvnlvA z o9 t-\ < o I cco 9o ;> .2 *< dc):q ;.i I9 >(,(t : OA v B u. z tr E (J u,l u,l 2 uJ ^ d o N N t R \ rd a DESICN NNVIT,$I ROAND DATE OI.' M]I]]TING: MEIIIBERS PRESENT: SUI]JECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BO MOTION: VOTE: FOR: APPROVIiD: DISAPI'ROVIiD: SUIIIilIARY: SECONDND BY: AGAINST: 14" ABSTBNTION.: JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC' Consulting Engineers at J'lti o^rE /0 -27Q llar /b8 . CHKD. BY- DATE PHONE (3031 444-1951 P0 9r' SHEET NO / OrfErtC/,)tyE/; eaetw. 1 stla curetn PEr-C€, 1t.t,l'f,F, f,:fil\..D', Sl4TTruat sLtE rfliCL7/t!;i B,y s pAN -Fr;r'rh RAT/09: ( vO -UE) /,/Ax s,p/1/V 6,t-s ) " l-t /- / r0 c,L d : (,q'/ r,j 5,7// LOAi ) Ll. ' 75 tT_;r 3,t.tl)'17 ls LL = q) Fs F + /,6 kLF /4/,4t\. L//,ttrMALi' s pL' /00 pSF SJ/L S DLE 25 PSF + ,t/Ft<u. t/.^).,.'.': t,1,, stAB DL- 7,5,'',!',F -)- B " t; Lit' gtvCE r7V,L,,'..':,F i L rtlE r0 Ltv/NC u///rr=[),t,7f1t'16.s1 rqL "r0-]' lgr WL:MJC-eqruE - _!)jJ4QG - Ar E//D EP Q tYlLL l/l LL e DL Y/ff 44Pi l.|trtf ,+,ul)r,r+ 4Qltr 'o fi rsr * lb^!' ' /,() >> ,7{/rt/.)' rt'nlLln/ st,/' ,':,,,.'i,,/ ," AC? 315.77 sECT /3,1,/,8 l,it Y ttl)F L't.E SPL ,qtt LL sil\l/ solL 75 t /90 q{ \ii f /00 /,vg,hol to/q/ area t lat/ t 4 zzt[rf): R5rrucgt> ftcl, tL= 'ED 4//.9: 30'l ,,/i/ vsr tLo/,t tttf l frP' LL .atruu +)ib rtF eigs DL 9 Ult /2 / x3 . 3b..,{f ' 2.9 P,F t p;tt3p ?,rs/ttr,tr,/t *tts ' 2?q PsF f,,5 " a6,538 za6 ,275 fSF r(tr/L /75 PS,c o (/'- k 2b,53' t76 psi { 1 l4/4t q. Mry F (,r) r/A rst I I oK4 rrotecr-t/?il!. //.1,/', C0//il 4S t'y it/,t,tcri,tr 1t5 rtf i '1,v5 ' j I j I I vt,'t0 6n -or -2fl -t q V '6,2'li -:08i I I Q/^/1 \vvt i I I I l I i I s (i'",h1' n' ,,.,r(!,.) = uBin3 I STFF::jE; I O -----;--|-'u/1yt' r rr/ t I z1'/t-/5'= 1/77 s{ tt',,tt D,L.l Xipsf, K i8 I I D,t-, (us1 rn) lt,tt I I ,s o f,Ett, p,L',"!. q'; ', . I,fg 't -'tf ' sllrPl; I t',Elt, T,L:' i4,r-/ +6./7 V,5/ l,-,.r,1 1,.,1. . _i1,2( '-3.h2 (,6i) y6,77 t+q.& t +,5q x.75-/75 - nail,,l{ z57tf I /,0 -qrr -?. Q 1r/l -u Et *l/,'5 0 f ft'st,lt ypltyltt:f,) = 5/2i,,t at atwficfr,m ,/wfrugtt -r1,ck I I,!;#"9 vry :;i;t['it a* /''AX, No il, f ,p," I b,i7r,,t, 6,t3 -so8 8b0 (- nilY 'n(*o tenim nft.l,,,. 1"4'' s a oy,si uuF nilrn =,) t'- =+rzu\f'si '> z,{i'--1rnru, i, ls=,optc ('t(';,1)= ,1t1y,ii/€t o't. r. t{rt . gJ)!}) ",v214'xp 4ir> 4 (s sil - 3, ? ,/rr ^,,;/r/:-A, ' z,//.r(t t=,/z;,y't' ,,"i ,t"- .riYq,;y' {. u,t'c f?@/& / v 'L)( 1,77 v CHKD. BY- DATE ?ra/F/tolat tt rb/q/ilwt /o "a(:' r e\m2),( /tTJ a/ttul^/nu ey J Xfr. oere p,tt^ril'no&: ,/F 70/. /J-'' e ab/,o ^,t ql% *a,/ *?Ar5[*,r, 'flftt'fio,fl,n*o, 'o;'tu +'o/ fyh/rttci,y *36/rSF 2A0 PsF 6nrau/lI t0/09 t', RY aAtA,yc/ilr I ', fru, t OK, FR7F4E Ar cotqfl/w suFPoET/NQ reW filD sL,lPA,c tsf rfP/}1L cr,e,'l/YD PilrE/gN p/u,,|/ce L Lma= t, ?b rN,f f,6 1,7 .,.ft' tnTE t/,olr JOHN SON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC.Consulting Engineers JOE # enoteq lt1l9//tlJ) C0rlo05 enettu. l,/ FII{AL IQ ,,k / 70' f7F o/<. pHoNE t3o3t ffiJssl sxeer no I s7-rE'q.l,o/Yft , ,,/ S L/yU (JR,FILF AT E/97 srA/P Tntlp. 279- FSF /758r n a,"r'"/ !y JOHN SON-VOILAND-ARe HULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers ey r)A+-oo-rr,,-.--r D ro'* /vt).t . . O .HKD.By-DArE- pRotEcr LlLlgiE4D coyDc?- /'/kx fr PnoNE (3031 444-1951 SHEET l{0 / oF fi / ' PRE LIM. - Ff NAL t'- ttsE-l r!.!i:'- TY:2!L:-72!S F ' ?ti r r^rrcaE-cot''ttErfl'v oF s wf'q ;' CLIENT - rR 0 t/ rEE L/H, s//t'Er /) f1 -ls tl?UR f/FE ErtutllC ntQ'DJ "v_04f.H_:_ s Qo/_ _ ft!z!. E s_ &aax R EDt)CFt>y'. Log, dq/ Uw r.)/ 'fR E rF..ry'S , SndX F/A 4 rtpq/t; STE nvl TTTA I /7, F. F,E,l'/7t ,/ (4) i,y/e H ,tf zlJ--- A €a,;> 5K/P 3,s/f " " " )florn //e//n ^ t ^ j-, I -:-; /l Ytl / / A= 16k' , tr' 180;i.1a f= 5/zirt/ft 7-t375au s=/28^t/tt s=tt7?;n\ (.- = f{rs)a,1 ,hrrrl 7.,-((* = 60tr p , :;h'! ?-e ) /n z0l PsF xrr! /7, PSF /0,3 K'rr 7,'/'''17@fsr to,'€',<-rI 'w, jt;,/ ' ?t.29, 1t zt ^/, + (. /l {qK/Fr 3/,1 -,.. 5Qzpsi)\'L +__ /ssUNF $ w'ttts sLAt3 /c///fE)> T0 C?Ls. f pTQ:;) laok,r*si) nw trtprn o/h"r,i'/rn'f hr:/,'/rci,,l ; 2 fi" tz6psi ar hsr,n 0.1/* ,/ tpn/tt'r:t;f't rr4T' = 3nE07s! o*/ */.o//*r'' a, lf Tuwotrrrolu/:,3 fc' = ,tz0frsi, mlw qvt7 nfu*r; oy'111 s'iri. ; ,,/n r t- aA ( Ft ttz m)n As rTP/CA L i2",lcgusr,ti cE/ttv' l'arEFK. ztt-_g ttlrl -d q ) \\J tolD/ilf A/gf /yEc,eS-S,4d f ' bv lCf 3/g-7/ stcTt3,y./.S !'Nlcr r rt' o:i./it !ul7t5f7;E ,;.,69g ,t'Ol,:: S I fues t;gg1-:;7 t/rA!, t r.. F:.tiE 'oF H/d. J _j l-r, n.-t- -" t + : r =-n rt .r tt{i, ; ; r,, i ;,ir.6 F r r. I I N'TTE: ot'c T LoEc. t,/ tlrh r ,/|'le' = t6007sl JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, lNC. Consulting Lngineers CHKD. BY- DATE cuzw 7. Et- , F ,5 rntau n 'P/Z.EDD Fa)nA/G9 rc,'; coi/Ge7€ Gatz a u/5 Pl{ oN E (303) 444-1961 < a\ F(j) ool lo/tltO ,orr /Lt+rrrrr*o 4 or -f pxsls61 L/a,tl, ,J/AD ,:e,</rsos Vt+t'i * ,^.ttt. 6!/, q.1a,pp = /?3 t nzy' 4c atles 4,*r @.s\as1,)t _z_7rr!_. (rcco)= /3o,1 //L///qtrE - /.55x 173 = Lqq,zL /,/L7'/lltrE - /.55x ,/tt',3 = Z"/"/, zq?.2 /ig.s\z ' 4, /4 2/rr-,\ f 1'/8" Bna A =" 'rvarr/,n- (.zo)(:.rr,) =. ft7,6ra/, at A. 1t (/L)h , zo/. / 4t- USE /t /' >rt) eoLututr./ ZZS.J p-p7 Z7/t ,l L-ra./ Mn= k. roz (nz)z //s€ /Z 4C zw f /'lS" FdE I /13 a ,. aa 53 /2 - f./ (,8 iY-,1 a,/1 , d,/4, /t/D.6 <Q I ,ens/r4 , 4,71- o/n* /4,, ,ra Cq.-u *r*/ (,0.) q'mrs) , E,h/. /4rf, y' AA t'tz n Ela <,c, 6-o 34, 7la tl* , I As' (,{' s., /73,,? {/.ss.) = 76q< L 7Fy #/ z 7 /. lg" /r,ss ) . zolE hr de e i/- u' _ z24S',2 lroaa) = //!i. z b7 A*=4,zr (s.") ( 4/;= /87// Fr-z / - ZZlg,3 u./-E As=(*)(n zs\ = 4,6{//- #.4 ak/ tlQ:)-(N. z i *r.sy'r = 4r/ .\ , /1t9 'c (o'tz \lt/ - >--- ^' 84- ( /z,z.s)'? = /52'z 3,43 hs€ I - +l €tx/. Rai' " ) /62/42.2( ' 4i3 z,&rr.,/ = /oo, l !, /a!:" , ( '"":)- = /zo/,o /at-p Os) (E'qs)' /f?,? rr-e /?r1.o tu-L /\\aazs(B+)(rz,zS) = re Q,sQ -- E3 4* , t.as-(t 1\( 37)' , ,/O4,5 (ze)(tz.zt) (+s -r+'s)(n-)(4,e) lro = s4.J 613 / /+,25 /a z)(,ar) = .4/ 6k5/ r {Gd= -'/(,a* az})-f++I[C+,+1 = zTzB z- '' )7r,' B / a sllso,r4(nls) + . . E-Tsr o /X5 :. .ooz t .= z,gl usE f !{ 6 n/, pr JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCI-IULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers , e't 4cH oor, "'rt,D Sn)//-,hD Fo/.)f, .1 ,b .562 ((o'1/7. ) /{,sx /.ss = ,!."+''a/a.zs ' 4 17 e-G?'rc&@ z,-, ( A5"9" FHONE (303) 444-1981 " /3,2 Z7.73at-tt- ,' ,D68 *s,r a.L. CHKD. BY- DATE crrenr P, B,Ll , F. -6 rtnal A3 = ,ooo4- (s.\(e,zt s) = ,,/aa /^/a' Wl ttA./,tr€/L/ /r'oPct:/) sEcrto'+f (zz,zs)( l) I .- Z,3l ,pr-k = 27,73 nrt-P- : ,a3q ESl l.t/azs1 = Z/,42 @ CoelcP s.E,f Z/,4.x /'f5' 37..17 t '1 " I J'al L,T 6)I S ,l T OA LL , /E7- A= il l , /.(lzaaa ,. (a/utttil /('")(,=f Hntts : 3sro:7/PE /- I -:- f-l/ 3 )P ttL v ..-e ;TZL {"' ' 3@>o lry|3,t: - z:z:l/ //6 4 - //,!il- u"( ''t: v(toq&T 2 .A./1 - ,4o ta/. s4{ zz t l' 4-z,tc/, .Saot.t/, =-- ltt\ V /.ss (zz,zS= = /4,o5 tt/L Qr' ' r1< ,l,l t 42,/6 3't 5u .i 1.. l I rl, , [= ('t"+f,) L -Z Z. JOHNSON-VOILAND-AR&HULETA, lNC. Consulring Engineers pHoNE(303)444-resl sy t-cl'l oor, '' / -'D )oBt /.i..t '- = O ,, -,,rslEgtlo oF : cltKD. BY-DATE pRoJEcr / /"),t / !'! y''li '?""" "' ' t'/" t" t ''t P;ELiM._-_- F" t :,i,. t,.. v l/l L L|r FINAL \a/AI-.1- Sttrr-, l, ' :..r-l'. " ,// 4 r ' 't, ,-' t 'l fr:r'!S1t - -J/,CqsE'* | d4,-.-- -/'n'/ 4. " t,r/rh! YE .4-/5,5 JJ,,tt . :iift 1 lc4l.>3 i l: ri -.;- (;:':t'. V/4L15 ? ,fttrtltrt16' : /i! /r 7 lan'ri"i t 33#/rr 8,5 11 1l, \, .',-- .,.!.:|Jr/r r tl (/)-'-.9 az //4,3F ,: l,l k ,(f.i,t"l"r -,, 't/a6-1.:-,irttj -E/,, 1:r, il Ill :1 l"tl ', 1,4(,.1. y.-.f- .,,-".-.-:..". .rk.- 7 Z/ ,!, r.-n t'' l.L}f_'|'r _:-,-:.Ai_- !l ,trtflE i"'l-4 , /t.,. ., .'\ :'','( t,:,' . l i --^,I-t, ,'Ai I.',1-' ':-:-::-:- ' "l ' :: /.) 1l ; t-.-,. s/'f F ,t Z : C v// lrE ,r' ?.i rl z" (ttrr: )i':'t.f L I i . " I nL l -14 "_ /,\1,,- ti,'f t c a. l'l- '-? t 1 8-0 "_r, _--_- "_.-i t 8t u'/, r 7'/t ..:f-." li i i;;.";::a'\dv _{rt *a-r7..(7'*--'-*:,) Sf,it ,"' / F,v r) \z- JWS z.zsLu'€ 4.o7oF'F I ,i,qm "u ./.a?2 ,"LF t**Jut**Y'M I a-l5,oF,'u E 4C,zno n=t 4n./ k/u=t,B Y-l L,| '\ \ ,-- €,r:;i:X1,".,i:i. ) : /Lb,r l, - z.ofi t,,-.r fi. S.7oE f-,7 . r> t,t./ t DE f'Ttf --) rv -r'!- 4:',7% ' t,'l' -"3 n JOHNSON-VOILAND-ABqliULETA, lNC. Consulting Lngtneers av . .r-,"r ,^r. ,.1/i'0"-"rr ' ti,qt -? -.,o.;!.+BErr{o -r- ... , f'Lf:I::'' cHKo. By_ DATE - pRolEcr L//t^/'-/lL /)D (b/;r" ')(avA/L PnELlM. PHON E (303) 444-1951 OF ..-.- 1k'<:'-', I l"t- 5 lo sd, ari.'. t'i ;.: '. | ,,,,* 6,rf, I I . 4'34.@.' 54(..q.4v5)"? .,.-. : y'-'-41,i,4'3 41s 4:a .gG/4:t' tol:?, t <otL ;'.r:I=s.. ' -g'@o t:$F j c- t.+ (zs.t) + 1.7 (aa.7) = /aa.1t /3+.3/n.a= /.sg r / /r:c 4 411as;s'y'1'tt'-r tl F '/t€':r' 56,./'r.4'' sc,lF' 29.3v 2-L t 2a,gLt>t- r,a( 2".8) t t7(tt,z)= B'r,t'-v 4!:,s'i 1= tz" 't:.-t&A - fr?,rs/,ar(zo)(z.o) " ,\,u- 'LlLNl?I*r, , 567,aF- y= ,i!:;l- - ...t""-,'-) ' '/,4c, u/t ' -ru-y' 8 "* 6" 1t- ; s,7, t3/ esf 4,1.1 nlL t tlLt\|.: ', M^-- 2- 4.,4o/4.s)( z3/rc) \-j->---:- =343V k-fr 434.4p-nt /': ' ::' 214' /+ )/t' ;)'7 'T 4) f,' , /-, tr l .Jil 4o) /a<t'" -r f/*, I fl( g4 e 4) /5 2- (4 11 ' ,A _g+ ,V- ,* t t\,2- t a7, ;.'4 <,/ l3 ,ts1: 1.,:,-l ,a htj ??- 1,,' CV ,+, t8, .T = - t.'./(. 14.< 7, :-- I t5- = ',, )0 ,l: 4t 'i '"Fr .-.:/, .t. /,. V ( ( \1,'- [8,!8 8n,1/, ^r = /J( 7 ))- t 'l"t/ Llctt l^/C, I As =, coz3(sa-)(e.zzs) + /,4? nr * I tz't 5 */F3 *.:r'\' wa Y t /a4'3Y sLtENT 72,7tr<\F,S FTNAL y::,--,-;7t t.(;r ' "- ]t-4'.'i,42'4',Stom ,+.etl:y /l'Plt <o/L ,7^r:.t=s.. ' -g'@o t:$F 4.r/F/rr-|.i.:llt- rt lli J-i,-: v ll - r:t' r'la, (ssz.z1(rc)a i^ |e, i;zs )'= /2q <d. 50 /a/.r/. ,--w:o A =-""/t=(.7o)7z,oe) - -rE/ 8"YE" l;ase."lla : /.€,8k .4a'7ft- r = 3 .tt'.v, /z 3 / ZSrrT Q ?--o p'F t' 7e;.o' ,sz (zs\= /tet k I tn'/:s " 44!t , 1o4,2 /zs = . /,17 n/, , = .7.!.! t: 4.- ,: ;71-^, . ' :, 1 -pc-,t.lr;r Ak-:r ,4.. ' t.€ittlL' JOHNSON_VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. By Tl A D^rE /pf rlfa na, /Ul:- PHONE 1303) 444-! 951 SH_EFT No - oF - CH KD. BY- DATE 4-o srp , f-6'"\l I) / /.\(1 ; M.t' 44.oF = z4,okLL, :-70,o enotect Lt't,':!-. '' r' 't^':: - ''-'i " CLIENT PRE LIM. FINAL G8.8/r6 =4-.3o */rr-DL n /,+(zo)t /.7(24-) = c8.6 t'' *S'.' e: / , /z ' ta:@C1zi)-2, !'lf,'a r,t/ i- ,t' lls 7 -7/ a ). A ,'-'':+ /'.0r q'.27|,-,1. :ir .- ',r r:.',/ 7 " :4 7i " 'f!;* y : AtJ,=!'t):, 3/,{ 49 q;. 37'.'i' As ., osr-:;3 (<a)h 7'752- l'34t1!2 ,lAa,E lS .tt ,5 t::,2\.t:L -*A:Ar/, = Ze ,l e-rr -- fo1.2-rtJ-p EDJ|t,le 46^rD/T/aA/ /,2(n,t)' r,a(u.a)+ /,4(,(s3) 7.-.'l'1:':.)Q ,oS = 5 . /.417 /:',E /,'" 3.449 kltr = G znr'-<t = -/5L+ z,c?i .,'+/. ' * llt,o (zz'r)-7rJQt,')/r. - [,snG)/,-)(9=) - tcl,rtf.a\(<.1 L , 57.,1r- r! , aB.,A t' /lu = * Z/a77-ra . QroYr')(f1''-.70d n ry \rALL: /4/D t<"/o?zt -Jl -'//zY crlsE *J a.lqqui F/Z2 t Ccutetz ti 't - z'fr11-'/- '. tn /2 - /2,9 *1" - - |-/o 1c"f7 -244?x -,r,ot7- / 86,? -o ,zu tt 3/r- -2// tz -t=7- /,7(z t,L) : tt(ze.a) = /,4..q 7r. s /54 ?.7V7,,2. 6...76 t.<-, r' L=-_ I I 7,.: iV' = G)v V"= '= zo'? ll, = -2,.1??x.'/, - .o" Y7 = _i/g r-rk r B(.f(x-,=,) Frzr?, Ftl*f : hr' 'L,atf X7- ' = .rtaiQ(8)*5 = /.4<r rti> ,: 4':.--,: /. . i), I . Consulting Engineers /1 (l ,= t tttY = JOHNsoN-volLAND-ARCHULETA, lNC. consulting Engineers pHoNE(303r?4tjl:rssl av JXQ oarc/n:Z-E--Tl- rcso /IE-I -, -, Q sHEErilo 3, or*!o' 'HKD. By- oor, - ,^orr", liL,ili,jE4,^ cL''t n od , -y'^e''*' '/ cuew Hff-E FIIIAL -- ln,€09/-b % ils/,;J,,fv es/ ca/vpr/r,///&assCtna- /00 'Hprt 7 t7z'o 2P2,5 #t :8,25" i4''5" r6L zt ,, *.t'". lb?.t) 8,25" 202'5 //" r8/.8 rzt{ /87'3 t,25't P tt/J q{vq;l. fr^to', 'rr bnl /008 'h ,/e * Pel + B tr1 int'I/*li{;l 3.7i"3,76" f f,'l'{ ,A @i J ?tpsL dF. I s" ilfu ,h/. ffaut frJL @* n,q, saET) ,605* '' $:,'r I "iilli Tti il 1r'-o l. tt!.o l. /t ,t,'" t.0ta9,1rl i,gr' i:!1 7H chen and'associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS sottttouxDlilot e€ s. zuNl . DENVER, COIORADO t0223 ItOltlllllXG 19,14 EAST FIRST STREET ' CASPER' WYOXltilG t2601 Prcparcd for: PIERCE, BRINER s FITZHUGH SCoTT ASSoCIATES vAlL, coLoRADo 81657 303/7'![-7105 lyJ7t2g-2123 sott nxu'?ouNDATtot{ tNvEsrlcA F0& LIoNSHEAD C0N00f{lNlul{s '\ PHASE lll Job No. 13702 SGptcnbcr 2\, 1976 .arl .t !i TAELE OF COMTEITS coltctus | oltls SCOPE PRoPoSED C0ilSTRUCTI 0ll slTE cor{DlTloNs suBs0lL collDlTloNs FOUIIDAT I ON RECOI{I{EI{OAT I ONS INTERIOR FLOOR SLABS RETAINING WALL UI{DERDRAI I{ SURFACE DRAINAGE H I SCELLAI{EOUS FIG. I - LOCATIOII OF EXPLOMTORY HOLES FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLOMTORY HOLES FIG. 3 . SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULT5 FIGS. q THROUGH 6 . GRADATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUI{I{ARY OF LAEORATORY TEST RESULTS I 2 2 2 3 3 ll 5 5 5 6 coilcLus | oNs (l) Tho rollr erc .rr.tlc bocru:r of thc pr.r.nc. of nen-nrdr flll on thc north Gnd of thc rltc. In gcacrel, bolan thc flll end toploll r nrdlun dcnrc grevclly rend occurs. Thc wrtcr teblc lr ebout 8 foct brlon tho qrntcr of thc rltc. (2) Tho bulldlng rnry bc plrcod on tprcrd footlngr dorlgncd for r mrxlmrn roll prcrrurc of 31000 prf. (3) Grenuler tollr cxtcnd to r dcpth of .t lcrrt 40 fcct end thould not bc cxcosrlvcly dlfflcult to drlll for thc clcvrtor rhaft. -2- SCOPE Thlr rcport prcscnt3 thc rcsults of a soll and foundetlon Invcgtl- gatlon for the proposcd Llonshcad condomlnir.rms, phase I ll at val t, coloredo. Thc report preronts thc most dcslrablc and safc typc foundatlon, allowablc soll prcssurcs' water tablc condltlons, and dcslgn and congtructlon dctrlls. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Thc bulldlng wlll bc approxlmatcly 4 storlcs hlgh wlth thc lower floor stcpplng up on to thc old roadway to thc north. Thc lorcr portlon wlll bc concrctc wlth thc uppcr portlon wood or st..l frarnc construct lon. Thcre wlll bc tvro hydraul lc clcvator! nelr thc cGntcr of thc bulldlng. SITE CONDITIONS Thc sltc llcs to the south of Llonshead clrcle In Lot 5 *'frlch ts a subdlvlslon of Lot l, Block l, vall./Uonshcad 2nd Flllng. At thc tlrnc of our Invcstlgatlon thc slte wa3 vacent. lrmedlately to thc wcat l! thc cxlstlng Phasc llbulldlng Lqdgc at Llonshced. Thls bulldlng ls a 4-story condonlnlrrn wlth a bascment. An lce rlnk ls under constructlon about 30 fcct northclrt of thc propGrty. The north sldc of the sltG ls apparcntly the old Hlghway 6 anbcnkment. Flll has a maxlmtrn depth of about 12 fect. Thc sltc slopcs dovrn stccply to th€ mlddlc port lon of thc bulldlng and thcn rDr€ gcntly to the south. Gorc creck llcs about 200 feet south of the 3lte. Thc south half of thc rltc ls covcred wlth grass, brush and wscds. -3- SUBSOIL CONDITIONS subsoll condltlons wcrc crratlc becausc of thc pre3cncc of flll and thc vorylng typcs of undcrlylng solls. ln gencrall thcy conslsted of up to 12 fect of flll In thc north cnd of thc slte to no flll In thc south sldc of thc sltc ovcrlylng loosc to fi'cdlum dcnsc gravdlly sand to thc maxlmun depth drllled, 40 fcct. Swell-consolldatlon tcsts ihown on Flg. rollr wlll scttlc moderately undcr loodlng. Flgs. 4 through 6 Indlcate npst of thc solls aflpunt of gravel. Frcc lratcr wes m6.surcd at dcpthr 8 to 17 fect after drl I I lng. FOUNDAT I ON RECO}IHENDAT I OIIS consldcrlng thc cubsol I condltlons and tho propolcd constructlon, ne bcl lava thc nrost dcgl rablc typc foundatlon r,vould be sprcad footlngs placed on the naturel granular solls or rcconpacted flll. scttlenent should bc wlthln tolorable llmlts, approxlmatcly I lnch total and 3/4 lnch dl fferentlal lf thc fol lowlng detlgn rnd conltructlon dstells arc obscrvcd: (l) Footlngs should bc placcd on thc natural granular roll belou the top3oll and flll or on flll whlch has bccn rccompactcd and dcslgncd for a maxlmun soll prersure of J,000 prf. (2) 0n thc north sldc of thc arca whcrc thc exlstlng filr rr deep, we reconmend that et leart 5 fect of thlr materlal bc removcd and rcplaced und6r controllcd conpact lon condltlons. lf the matcrlal ls part of thc roedway anbankmcnt, lt may have bcen placcd undcr controllcd 3 Indlcatc the flne gralnad Gradat lon analysls rhown on contaln an apprcc I abl e -4- condltlons; houcver, w! do not havc rccords of thls r€rk. Whcre the flll ls dcep, lt mey not bc neccsslry to renrov. ap of ,t, but at lcast 5 fcet of recompacted fl, shourd be provrded belou thc footrngs. The remalnlng flll should be lnspcctcd careful ly to sec lf lt li sultabrc to support thc newry comp.ctcd ftr. Thls matcrlar shourd thcn be rcplaced cornpacted to l00t standrrd proctor dcnslty. cont rnuous foundatron wafts shourd bc werr rernforccd top and bot tofii to span an unsupportcd lcngth of at least l0 fsct. Al I foot tngs should bc ptaccd below ,lrrost dcpth. ff groundwatcr ts cncountcred ln thc excavat lon, clcan gravcl may be placed In thc bot torn to facllrtatc pourrng concrct.. rf watcr rfscs to thc bottorn of thc footlng, lt should bc ptrnpcd down fron bclow thc bottdn of the cxcavatlon untlr concretc has rcachcd rts rnrtlar curc. I IIITER IOR FLOOR SLABS Thc exrstlng flt ls probabry satrsfactory to support froor srabr. Thc moro organlc portlon of the topsoi I should bc strlpped. 0thcrwlse,thc natural solls are capeble of supportlng llghtly loaded floor slabs.Floor srabs sholdd bc separatcd frqn bearrng war rs and corumns to mrnrmrzc danagc duc to srrght drffcrcntrer settrcmsnt. Froor srabs shourd be ssparated to smar I srzc unlts and rcrnforccd. rJe rccqnrend a mrnlmum 4-lnch laycr of clean free drelnrng gravet to hclp dtstributc thc load and break thc rtsc of caplllary water. (3) (4) (6) -5- RETAlIIIIIG I.TALI llhcrc the floor lcvcls arc spllt at tht rlsc of thc slope on thc north, r retalnlng well wlll probably be rcqulrcd. Thc rctalnlng wall mey be dcslgncd for latcral forccs cxcrtGd by an cqulvelent fluld wclghlng t5 pcf. A draln should be placcd at thc bottom of the retalnlng wcll laadfng to a sulteble gravlty outfell. Slldlng frlctlon cen bc tlkcn r! .45 tlmeg the normal dced load on thc footlngs. UNDERDRAIN tf the lotcr floor of thc condomlnlqns ls wlthln 4 fcct of thG present watcr table and should bc protcctcd by en undcrdraln systGtrr. Thc undcrdraln systcrn should conslst of a pcrlphcrel dreln on thc lncldc or outsldc of thc foundetlon wall wlth a draln plpc about 2 fcct bclo'tl thc floor lcvcl. Thq draln plpc ghould conslgt of a 4-lnch pcrforatcd or oPen Jolnt plpe surrounded by clcan frec dralnlng gravel whlch connccts to thc gravcl bclovr thc floor. The draln should lead to € sultable gravlty outf.ll or a sunp wtrlch can bc punped. SURFACE DRAINAGE The follorvlng drelnagc preceutlons ghould be obscrved durlng con- 3truct lon and malntalncd at al I t lmcs aftcr the condornl nl r,nrs havc becn qqnplctcd: (l) Exccrslve wettlng or drylng of thc foundatlon cxcsvetlon should bc avoldcd durl ng construct lon. Q) Backflll around thc condqnlnlumc should bc nplstcncd and conpactcd to ot lcast 90t rtenderd Proctor dcnslty. (3) (4) -6- Thc around surface surroundrng th6 extcrlor of the condomlnlumc should bc sloped to draln away from the condornlnlums In all dfrcctlons. Roof downspouts and dralns should dlscherge rell bcyond thc llmlts of al I backfll l. I{ I SCELLANEOUS Our cxploratory borrngs wcrc spaced as closery as feas rbrc ln ordcr to obtaln a conprehenslve plcturc of the subsol I condltlons; ho$,evar, erratlc soll condltlons may occur batwccn tG3t holes. lf such condl tlonc are found In thc exposcd cxcavrtlon, lt lr advlseblc that r,vc bc notlflcd to Inspect t cxcavetlon. RCH,/mbr cc: Johnson, Vol land, Archulcta E Assoclates 2305 Canyon Boulcvard Eouldcr, Coloredo 8O3OZ N P roposed Dr i vewaY Relocatlon \ \ \ Scale: l/l6'' E lr0rl Hole 4 o 4 .-2.- \,V \ \ Exr st lne \\ \\ \*: \\ \\,",,., \ Phase \ Bur rdl \er, l \ et-tot \ \ \ App rox i mi Limi ts of Fll t Ing Drl veway- -/ ====:-- rlsting rase ll rl ldlng ll: Fi rst Floor l-100.0 Assumed \ \#t3702 Flg. I LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES o @ [.o o co 0,oF tn L!' Cl .,, o oo o -E N x.-.rro ,-. O r^ L de z LCL Eo- C'I rf < a{|| x c vuoE ordEU!PPVCO g) C -O LC iU> O. OF P +, >-(F! C-9aJ {rF O t,l- C l-E L) C (, O : (r- u u! aD LO+rL c o oa,O- +r >.Da G LF .|.r =oa- |oo >v| tr lo rDo o t-C (JO-N lJ4 =OO- | Gl a.\ L o{J GT E.E -E+,\ru ..t -c c,IJ\!E -CL o r!40 E OO >\t lr v}o s!qrF O U! C Et-a)O F o-t O tu cl rt ctc |,| 'O tD-L, l- tv Pt'llN o3 o- -EOL Ct IOF lD L Ur o! 3 0 T'vr 0, =:f ul c! L a, >rnoE |!-co'o .ct r-+, U ur C ! EOC O O E.- O tt u -, +, s o c, o+,ur ! sr ri Tt o Ll, o l,a) trro> a O !, O C- L () {t |J- 1- =-.--!, +,! \r Tr- U|C CcOO ->-rF +, o q, vr o 9r IJ It !o () /\o =+r .J O|,| o-8 =o 0)F'o a)i5 ql9 rt)-9E c |!0 |J tr o L o c o UI i, o t) o (rl o.o F \O F\ .. . tl\O irsN . I --or!ZO \t I lo \OC'O-N (\r=6o- | \o f\ ..1 or.c - crl O r.- f r | | ' | | | I I I ' | | | I I q\o (rr o o |J\o LUT o5 40 E:oc o. +,{'c vro u T'oL Fo -a,LE !ro e, 'ct L o-c !u 'CL ln- O tu I ct, -+ 3 Oo to fL +, -c tu t^ut 0.- O Flo U'I lrl I FI ol zl o y|5 1'L L |! (J a)(,o L 4 tt o o r) e) o E !o -c io ..i€ F.! tt\ t, o\- - +l OT -. t o, a)6 o .t- . a., o\Fl o.=-l! c! .:r rtr o N a, or Fll o. -F trl o N..T |)01 Fll o.--| T rt\ (\l rro ol -. l..J E 3g I o o1 rl | | I | | ll o o rt\Cl t o (\I co Fig.2 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES lrrrrlrrrrl #13702 |{ I c 3 gt vl a, a l,L' CHEN AND ASSOCIATES APPLlgg PRC t!UFt - r.t 9rel l-Conrcl idotion Tert Rerultr ta I c I 6 ll t, e F 0 I 2 , Fls. 3 l{olurol Ory Unrf W.rqht - I l0.l 9cl Noturot Iorrlurl contanl - lll .3 garcant pth 9' }{olurol Ort Unrt Wa'ght - 9ct l{ofsrol lor llurr Co^lanl r plrClnl APPLI Eg PR E SaUR E - t.t 113702 l,rrr rxo Asro.,^r* I Conrulting Soil ond Fqrn&tion Enginocr !a I I t a !a a t I t a ao a<) to ! !o c !a I I o t I c ! I a - I cL/|r rt!^tr,cr to trLY tro_ r!.lr1cl 6R,.\'€L 39 Llctulo I lM I 5AM Pt € c,a To t^"o 55 d t1a G ravc I ly sand o/o sr L r aNar a!-a!' PLaa rtC l ry tt oe^ NP raoxr HOle I 6 oio 7c at dcpth 9r0r' coaalII I aoaa an .rr -T -t lil CL t ra Soulrl O|fir a rrra cLly irtltt'cr lo ttLT rrq-.t.lr'cr GFAVEL 23 o/o s,exo J/ 0/c 3r L r aND cLaY LIQIJIC' LILIII 7O FLASTTCITY INC,ET s,.MpLE o. Grgvcl ly claycy sand zioM Holc I '\'i't t'a ao to to nt ao cotatat 20 % % dcpth 20'0" Fl9. lt ca- 2 113702 GRADATION TEST RESULTS at HTN Cooulti4 CLIY,rrllr,C, tO tlt.l rto- tLrlt'c' Assoc'^Tts I Foun&rion Erpinom AND Soil ond c I a I I u I I t !a a t I a)i I a !a I I o I i,!a a I t t a coalrIr .R^VEL 27 To t^r.,,, 47 Lrcluro LrMrr o/o saMFL€ o/ Gravcl lY cleYcY 7o sr Lr aND cLaY tLAa rlc I rY lNoEx sand , " o,,, Holc 2 26 1o T, .t dcpth 9'0" cL^Y rr!.ll€l to tt!t rrc- tL.lt cl .RA'EL 55 % saNo 39 7o slLr ^xo cLaY 6 Lreurg LrMrr % PLAStlcltY lNoEx s..MrLE oF Sendy gravcl tno." Holc 3 at @aall I -lo % dcpth 4r0" f13702 GRAOATION TEST RESULTS Ff gi-15 !a a I I t a !a a t t I I HCN ANO Conrulting Soil ond CLty rtLrtt'cl ?O lrLt tlq-r!.lt'Cr o,R,,v€L 32 To r^^,., 63 !f cluf o LtMf , olo s-aMP!E or. Gravcl ly sand Assoc'Arrs I Foundo tion Erp inoo coaaLl a c !a a ! I a a a !a I I i a % stLr aNo .LAY PLAarlct rY lalo€x TRoM HOlc 3 5 olo T, at dcpth !r0r' ao to to T cLlY rr!^l'rcr to lrll r.q-r!^lr ct cFt,^vEL 27 1o saNo 66 % slLr axo CLAY Lf outo Ll}.tl t 0/o PLAsTICI tY II{O€X saMpLE o- Gravcl ly sand ,"on Holc ll GRAOATION TEST RESULTS collLat 7% % at dcpth l9r0'l Fl9. 5 ca.2 113702 I u lrl c J o ar, E C c ( e a (, 1 c .o C o UI t, o () o o C, tt c o vl .o c o o (, o a5 E c o JI o o (t l^J lrJ v, F(:rO --o (, t/t ev, .uJ<o GAZ: \o c J GI \o rn .l l!e.^ vl u', E o. tf,V,C !<n :- o- U' r9 =- -o : ax.o F ; lrJ o o F 6 lrj e, LJ al, J ; a F I I _l 39-z6l:-5p;i o o. aS :Eb _l o ;r--- :l-3iE =J F G z,_l _l e o> EZ,-'Pur: l 2) t\ (\I 0l\l o F N l J|rJ <c -l:S <o z, \o € \O]jl { f Cl'\(\a l ti. T,,o5 o O1 o o o qr o - o c\ o Or ul o ! N .ir (\a o t\ o 2 o o ? 6 F J l o lrl E F .r) A 9u,'x F x x -c ;o o uF : ?r z)-o Zl EJ ;qL uo tr' f,o DESICN NEVI]iI\/ I]OARD ACTION DATE OF iIILETING: IIEMBIRS PRESENT: VOTE: FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: -"'APPROVIID : -. 1/' -DISAPP]iO\ILD: SUNIIAIiY: o MEMOMNDUM T0: Planning Commission FR0M: Department of Community Development DATE: September 2, 1976 RE: Lodge At Lionshead Phase III Building Bulk Control Variance and parking Variance Lot 6, Resubdivision of Lot l, Block l, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing Charles R. Anderson, representing the Lodge at Lionshead,has applied for a building bulk control variance and a park'ing variance. The subject site is located in two different zone districts, HDMF which comprises 29% of the site and l'lDMF which is 71% of the site. A legal decision has been made to allovl an averaging of the development requirements for each zone district, ie. 16 GRFA for 29% of the site ana .SS GRFA for 71% of the site for the aggregate total allowable. The same process was fol'lowed for determining permitted wal'l'length, iiercentage of.required covered parking, Based on these calculatjons, the permitted maximun wall 'l ength wou]d be .|39.5'. The applicant has requested a wall length of 148.5'or 9' in excess of the ailowable length. The applicant has further requested la parking variance to allow lZ covered spaces and 3 uncovered spaces. The requirement is for 14 covered spaces and l0 uncovered . spaces. The proposed building consists of l2 condominium units of approximately I '400 square feet to ,l,850 square feet each and a total GRFA of approximately '18,000 . square feet which is the maximunt GRFA allowable on the site. The zoning would al low approximately 35 units of a smal'l er s.i ze. Page Two o lJe have asked Eldon Beck of RHB&A to review the proposed project, both from an aesthetic standpoint and to review its relationship to and impact on S.ite 24. Eldon's review is attached The Departntent of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Section 19.600 of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclusions are as fo] I ows : FACTORS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other ex'i sting or potential uses and structures in the vicin.i ty. A. Building Bulk Control The proposed structure is direct'ly adjacent to the proposed ice arena and conrnunity faciliiies structure. There are no other similarly zbnea vaiini sites in the vicinity except the Clinjc/Hospital site which is zoned MDI'IF. The applicant states that the Lodge at Lionshead I is lzg', phase II is ]60', and vail International is-240'. The proposed ice arena is approx.imately 200;. it,e applicant states the following'in support of the bulk coni:rol variairce: " The physical configuratjon and natural beauty of Lot 6 place definite design hardships on the development oi the site. The southern half of the lot, adjoin.ing the bike path, is heavily treed and provides one of the most beautiful scenic corridor!in the area. The northern half of the lot is sparse'ly vegetated and generallyunp'l easant in appearance. It js the opinion-of the owners, their architects and the Town of Vail's consultant (See Eldon Beck's Memorandum) tfrat it is preferable to contain develop- ment to the northern half of the property. ' Therefore, the proposed building was designed. within very l.imited parameters. l,lhile preserving open space and the natural quaiities of the site, we have been able to compiy with all aspects'of the appl i cabl e zoni ng except the maximum l ength requi renents. The current design js slighily under its allorvable height and GRFA requirements. In rnany areas the proposed structure complies with . low density multi-famiiy standards -- specifically: number of dwelling units, height, most bulk requirements, s.i te coverage, useable open space, landscaped areas, and parking. More significantly for this site the proposed design has S6i( less site coverale than allowable and l40ii more landscaped area than is .requ'i ied under MDMF standards. Our useable open space is a'l so significantly above the requirements. " Page Three o B. Par$g-!l1j-c-!9e The applicant states the.folIorling'in support relates to other uses and structures in the vicinity' of the vari ance as it "l. The Town of VaiI has informed us they may ask for an easement across the northeasterty"poil]9n-ot 9!1,,pioBertv for inproved access to and from SiLe ?'4' If we comply with Article 14' we cannot grant such an easenlenr' 2, That portion of our property fronting Lionshead Circle has a maior v.isual impact o. ti""'uni.ln."lio-slte.i+. It is the genera'l opinion'6i_tno,bwrrotrave-si,aie.ltr.e.area,thatlandscaping .utr-,"i'.tiin"i,i.ri"g -",ri u."p'.ierable. (See Eldon Beck,s Memorandum ) 3. The present conceptual plans for Site 24 indicate begjnning a p"""!t.iun".;;;-i; irr. i.'r."sunL.ir-irea where our parking lot woutd be feedins into Lilnsrr;;l"b;;ti*' creatins llqfil:1:l traffjc vlould seen to be-lontra-productive to the pedestrlan area ' " 2. The degree to vthich relief^from the strict'or literal interpretation and enforcement of a spe.ltili"r"griition is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity-ot iieatmelt'9Ton9 sites in the v'icinity,ortoattain-treibiec;i;;;oith'isordinancewithout grant oi sPecial Privilege' A. Bu'ilding BuIk Control Theapplicanthasthefollowingobservat.ionsinsupportofthe variance: "1. rhe visual impact of the rtngll.tl l!: P::lottd buildjng' where ever possible, trre uuitaing has been'rtiort"n up and landscaped to de-enrphas.ize jts r.r!il."ih;; ii-particularlv true of that potiion"'[i-ihu-uui t oi ns"iuii ng i!:..ii:.t1":etback whi ch has no "uri'ion!.'"ir'un-zs-r.etanoisheav.ilylandscaped. 3'Thattheproposedbu.ildingconfigurat.ion..isthebestposs.ible alternative to preseru!'it.-iluni. beauty and open snace-9l.lle area because to reduce"tf't-f tnsif' 'v1o1ll^'cleate far more serl0us ramifications in the urei-of Uiitaing height' bulk' site .d;;;;;;'ianoscaPea aeras and Parking' 4' That granting of the requested variance has been recomntended by l'ir' Eldon Beck' tt"iliti"'ntir't:it"ti and consultant to the Town of Vail' 5. That the design is cons'i stent with'the Declared Purpose of the Town of Vail Zoning uiai'J.'J- in.iiir.".r, Sectiorr .l..l00), which states ',TheSe reguiatilnS..u.. Jnuitud for.the purpose oI:': the coordjnated and ttuirriot'io" developntent of the Town rn a nlanner that would .o"r!.u.'ino .nr-lun.i, itt nutuial env'i ronntent" ' " Page Four o Strict. design.conrpliance with the ordinance would necessarily move the buildjng further south and require great site coverige,thus unnecessarily destroying parts of the scenic corridor.', - B. Parking Variance Two parking variances, Lionshead Lodge II and Vail Internationa12 have been granted in the immediatd vicin'i ty to pieserve landscaping or to ij'tow for additjonal landscaping. The Tovrn of Vail ii not providing iarling on Site 24,also in an attempt to preserve the natural beauty of ihe area " Therefore we feel that such compliance with the ordinance would clearly create 'pract'ica1 difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships'inconsistent with the objectives of (the- zoning) ordinance (Article .l9, Section l9.ld0),' 3. The effect of the requested variance on light anc air, distribution of population, transportation and traffjc iaciiities, public facil ities and util ities, and publ ic safety. A. as it allows There should findings: t. B. Building Bulk Control Variance The proposed variance vrould have a posit.ive impact on light and air a greater portion of the site to remain open and in its natural state.be little impact on the other factors. Parking Variance Traffic as related to Site 24 and the proposed Lionshead Lodge project should be improved by granting the variance. Theoniy area available for iaaiti6nat 9n:!i!e parking, without encroaching on the heavily iorested area south of the bui'lding, is on the east side directly adjacent to Sjte 24 in an area where the Town.of Vail wili probably seek an easement for bus and pedestrian movernent into the Lionshead area. Public safety would be promoted by granting the requested vari ance . 4. Such other factors and cri teria as the Conrnission'deems applicable to the proposed variance. Perhaps the most'important factor which should be considered is one of aesthetics. The building could be made conforming to the Zoning Ordinance in all respectst however, the appearance of the building and the site would be less desirable and in conflict with the master plan for Site 24. The Department of Community Development has considered the following That the granting of the variance wijl not constitute a grant of special privilege 'inconsistent w'i th the Iimitations on other properties or improvements in the same djstrict. Page Five o We feel that since the building could be constructed wjthout the need for any variance, there is no special privilege involved. The applicant has,.in_requesting the variance, honored the integrity of the Site 24 plan and the physical beauty of the site. 2. That the granting of the variance wjll not be detrimental to the publ ic health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. |^le feel the publjc health, safety and welfare is best served by granting the requested variance. 3. That the variaRce is t'larranted for one or more of the followinq reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretat'ion and enforcement of the specifi'ed regulation would result in practical djfficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wjth the objectives of this ordinance. . !"" the applicant's statement under Item I of the criteria. A physical hardshjp is created t'n an attempt to make the building compatible with pians for Site 24 and by the attempt to nraintain the integrity of the site, b. There are exceptional or extraord.i nary circuntstances or cond'itions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general ly to other properties.i n the same zone. The site is the only heavi1y forested lot in the entire Lionshead area with the exception of Site 24 and is therefore an extraordinary site which warrants special consideration. The Department of Conmunity Development reocmmends approval requested variances in view of the fact that physical hardhsips exist difficulty is created due to the proximity of the proposed ice arena facil ities center. of the and practical and community MEMOMNDUM T0: Planning Corrnission FR0M: Department of Community Development DATE: September 2, 1976 RE: Lodge At Lionshead Phase III Building Bulk Control Variance and parking Variance Lot 6' Resubdivision of Lot l, Block I, v;il Lionshead 2nd Filing charles R. Anderson, representing the Lodge at Lionshead,has applied for a building bulk control variance and a parking variance. The subject site is'located in two different zone districts, HDMF whjch comprises 29% of the site and MDMF which is 71% of the site. A legal decision has been made to allow an averaging of the development requirements for each zone district, ie. .6 GRFA for 29ll of the site and .35 GRFA for 71% of the site for the aggregate total allowab'l e. The same process was fol'lowed for deternrining permitted wa1'l length, iiercdntage of required covered parking. Based on these calculations, the permitted maximum wall length wou'ld ]39.5'. The app'l icant has requested a walt length of 14g.5'or 9, in excess the allowable length. The applicant has further requestedia parking variance to allow l2 covered spaces and 3 uncovered spaces. The requirement is for 14 covereci spaces and l0 uncovered spaces. The proposed building consists of l2 condominium units of approximately 1,400 square feet to .|,850 square feet each and a total GRFA of approximately 1g,000 square feet which is the maximun GRFA allowable on the site. The zoning would allow approximate'ly 35 units of a smaller size. be of Page Two ' He have asked Eldon Beck of RHB&A to review the proposed project, both from an aesthetjc standpoint and to review its relationship to and impact on Site 24. Eldon's review is attached. The Departntent of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Section 19.600 of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclusions are as follows: FACTORS: l. The relatjonship of the requested variance to other existing or potent.ial uses and structures in the vicinity. A. The proposed structure is directly adjacent to the proposed ice arena and conmunity fac'i lities structure. There are no other similarly ti,n.J-uuiuni sites in the vicinity except the Clinic/Hospital site which is z6ned MDl.lF. if'"applicant states that the Lodge at Lionshead I is .|28,, phase II is .|60', and Vail International is_240'.. Thg proposed ice arena is-appioximately 200;. The applicant states the folIowing in support of the bulk conii,rol varia-nce: 'l ltu.physical configuration and natural beauty of Lot 6 place definite design hardships on the deve'lopment oi the site. The ' southern half of the rot, adjoining the bike path, is heavily treed and provides one of the most beautiful scenic corridori in the area. The northern half of the lot is sparsely vegetated and generally unpleasant in appearance. It is tire opinion of the owners' their architects and the Town of Vail,s coniultant (see Eldon Beck's Memorandum) that it is preferable to contain develop-ment to the northern half of the property. Therefore, the proposed building was designed within very limited paranreters. hlhile preserving open space and the natural- quai ities 0t the s'i te, we have been able to comply rvith al:l aspects of the applicable zon'i ng except the maximum ieigth requ.i renrents. The current design is s1 ightly under its allowable height and GRFA requirements. In many areas the proposed structur6 conplies with 1ow_density multi-family standards -- specifica'l 'ly: numbLr of dwelling units, height, most bulk requirements, site coverage,useablg ope.n space' iandscaped areas, and parking. More sign'i ticantly for this sjte the pfoposed design has 56ij less iite coverage than allowable and 14oii, more Iandscaped area than is .requiied under MDMF standards. gur useable open space is also s.i gnificantly above the requirentents. " Page Three variance: B. Parkjng Vari ance The applicant states the.following'in support of the variance as it re'l ates to other uses and structures in the vicinity' "'l . The Town of Vail has informed us they may ask for an easement across the northeart"riy-poiiion of our_pioperty fgr-improved access to and from Site,z|q. -lr we comply with Art.icle 14, we cannot grant such an easement' 2, That portion of our property fronllng^tionshead Circle has a majorvisualimpactonineLntrancetosit;24.Itisthegeneral opinion'oi-inotb wno naie-sirai.o tt'.,urea that landscaping rather than parking touii [e-preferaut"' (See Eldon Beck's Memorandum) 3. The present conceptual p'lans for Sjte 24 indicate beginning a oedestrian area jn the lame general area where our parking lot ivould be feeding'i"il'-Li"tindia circte' Creating additional traffic woutd sJem";; ;;-;;;iii-productive to the pedestrian area . " Thedegreetowhichrelieffromthe.strictorl.iteralinterpretation and enforcement or "'rp"iiriLi-r"srtat.ion is necessary to achieve compat'ib'iIitv uno uiii6ititv ot tleatmelt amons 1lt91 ln..!n" vicinity, o. to ut,uin-if'" i'ul"ttives of th'i s ordinance without grant oi sPecial Privilege' Bu'ilding Bulk Control The applicant has the following observations in support of the ".l. The visual impact of the length.of the proposed, building where ever porriur;: ;h; uritaing nui'u.uir broken up and landscaped to de-emphatit.'iii'f""gtn' Thi: 'is particularly true of that portion of the'uriioirs"iiii.ns the front setback which has no wall longer tnun-is-it6t and is heavily landscaped' 3.Thattheproposedbuildjngconfigurationisthebestpos5ible. alternative to'it"i"i"t lt" ""nit utu'ty and open tput" :l..il': area becaus" totr"ir..'trre-length would create far more serlous ramificat'ion, in' inl"it"i-or-uJitaing height' bulk' site ;;;;;;;;; ianasiaPea aeras and Parkins' 4. That granting of the requested vari ance has been-recommended bv Mr. Eldon slck]"ittOitip" Architect and Consultant to the T-own of Vail. 5.Thatthedesign.isconsistentwiththeDeclaredPurposeofthe Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance tnriiiie i ' section l'.|00)' which states "These ieguiations u" "nuittd for the purpose of' " the coordin.t"l';;;-;;;;;;ti;;t developnrent of-t!g.|T1yn in a manner that wo;t;";";;;;";; and enhance its natural environment""' 2. ,t Strict. design.contp'l iance with the ordfnance would nece5sarily ' move the building further south and require great site coverige,thus unnecessarily destroying parts of the scenic corridor.', B. Parkinq Variance Two parking variances, Lionshead Lodge II and Vail Internationa12 have been granted in the immediatei vicinity to pieserve landscaping or to ai'tow for additional landscaping. The Town of V;il 'ii not providing irui[ing Jn ijt" zq,also in an attempt to preserve the natural beauty of i:he area ;" "ll":i::iiiil:!l rit:.:y:1, .:Tilt :ti;, :t': #""il: ::3!::,physical hardships'inconsistent with the objectives of (the-zoning) ordinance (Article .l9, Sectjon I9.100)" 3. The effect_of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic iacilities, -public facilities and utjlities, and public safety. A. Building Bul k Control Variance The proposed variance ttould have a positive impact on light and air as it allolvq g greater portion of the site to remain open and in its iatural state.There should be little 'impact on the other factors. B. Parking Variance Traffic as related to Site 24 and the proposed Lionshead Lodge project should be improved by granting the variance. Theoniy area available for iaoit.ionat 9n;1tlle parking, without encroaching on the heavily iorested area south of the buiiding,'i s on the east side directly adjacent to Site 24 in an area where the Town.of Vail wii'l probably seek an easement for bus and pedestrian movernent into the Lionshead area. Public safety would be promoted by granting the requested vari ance. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Corrnission' deems applicable to the proposed vari ance. Perhaps the most inrportant factor wh'i ch should be considered js'one of aesthetics. The building could be made conforming to the Zoning Ordinance in all respects; holever, the appearance of the building and the site would be less desirable and in conflict with the master plan for Site 24. The Department of connnunity Development has considered the following findings: That-the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent w'i th the limitations on other properties or improvements in the same djstrict. Page Five for any has, in phys i ca 1 granti ng l'/e feel that since the building cou'ld be constructed without variance, there is no special privilege involved. The applicant requesting the variance, honored the integrity of the Siti] 24 p'lan beauty of the site. 2. That the grant'ing of the variance wili not be detrimental to pub'l ic health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to or improvements in the vicinity. l^le feel the public health, safety and welfare is best served by the requested varidnce. the need and the the properti es 3. That the variaRce is warranted for one or more of the follow'ing reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specifr'ed regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objeltives of this ordinance. . 1"" the applicant's statement under Item I of the criteria. A physical hardship is created in an attempt to make the building compatible with piJii ior Site 24 and by the attempt to maintain the integrity of ttri site. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circunrstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general ly to other properties in the same zone. The site is the only heavily forested lot in the entire Lionshead area with the exception of Site 24 and is therefore an extraordinary site which rnramants specia) cons'ideration. The Department of Contmunity Development reocntmends approval of the requested variances in view of the fact that physical hardhsips exist and practical difficulty'i s created due to the proximity of the proposed ice arena and community facil ities center. o I t I u2 t1 'P E >x o o z d ,( J! rd > r Et 5 x 'o al z d. {o .? (D ior f.\1\ ,1 ?*ffiE l*ruH*#ffig at, I e teEa?EaciiEta'#Hi Ffr kei"i ls;ial6-=Ez" h+ Hq F;at:af*e?a*li El \ iIr[aiEEeaAai?;iar e ? F: \ha e a E*eEigEe? e -F? ?FiE?-??eE'*li ?\; :?lie eeEqiige?J\= :F*t; Ag1?AEE*a * \k €?ila Ai?eqai;;! x eEEfa ?gi*;asrE 9E Ptr lDu; ^:.;ic oo Y. D'ge 7 el _6' 5 ..5 5 7,'6 ls t\A ts.ti- 6 ls-E ^o t-te I t3 rk, lbE 'tdrx 1i 3. i* t\\i(tc-- i;' a 11\ l.- i -.,llir fJt 9 \\_) I * lt\tr IT. IE =l'S, I .i iic\ Y EiS' *.o ;tt r. ;F[ IN: I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HERBBY GMN that Charles R. Anderson, representing Lodge at Lionshead, had applied for a building bulk control variance from the provisions of Section 5.506 and 6.506 and a parking variance from the provisions of Section 14.601 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No.8 Series of L973, in order to construct a 12 unit Condominium building to be located on the Lot 6, Resubdivision of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Second Fili-ng. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 21.50O of tbe Zoning Ordinanee, Ordinance l.lo.8, Series of 1973, on September 2, 1976 at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning Commission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town Council for fiual decj-sion. Said hearing wi-11 be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN O}' VAIL DEPARTIIIENT OI' COMIUUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail August 13, 1976 Wichita, Kansas August 12, 1976 Mr. Chuck Anderson Anderson & Martin Lodge at Lionshead P. O. Box 1868 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Chuckr Please consider this as required pertaining to Vail in connection with Phase III, Inc. Very truly yours, Albert L. Kamas, Secretary your authority to execute all d.ocuments the application, etc., with the City of the planned project known as Lionshead -= !{n Jt xqro o =o*l 9 x,X 5 ar I\)o) F gEFS d {r (,r { = T{ar J5 x(Do o q.e,g ; s$gg d <rt Ol { APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And/Or CONDIT IONAL USE PERMIT Ord i nance No. 8 ( Ser ies of 1973] o Pub I i cal ion Da-f e App I ication Dafe August 10, 1976 Hear i ng Dafe Final Decision date for Town Councll | (we) LionsHead Phase III. ILrc. Heari ig Fee $100.00 /.1. of P.0. Box 1868 I I i I i l ! t I T (App I icant) t- (Address) Phone 476-27A0 _q- . Col orado Vail ( State ) do hereby request pe rm iss ion to Comm iss ion to req uest the fo I low (C ity ) aDpea r be fo re the Vail Planning i na.|,,Y. cle 5 Seciion 5.506 1^ x X Variance f rom Arti Zon ing Change from Park ing Va r ianCe Conditional Lise Pe rrn it to allow i n MDMF/HDMF Zone. For the following described property: Lot/ tract 6 , Block Fi ling Number €l&44-oot+l-t:t- 4 Lz;r + Stot< /.^ tz4rz/Ltat<.tt -sGC.<>^)a .Ez / rN(it- -€o clearly state purpose and intent of this aDDlication see attached. What do you feel attached. is the basis for hardsh ip in th is case? See Signat PARKING VARIANCE Purpose and Intent of this application: Under article 14 section 14.601a we spaces. 14 covered and 10 uncovered. to reduce our covered parking to 12 are required to provide 24 parking l,le wish to be granted a variance spaces and uncovered to 3 spaces. Basis for hardshio: This request is not based on any hardship to the owner. However, in fight of the possible development of site 24, by the Town of Vail, the spec'ific reasons for this requested variance are: 1. The Town of Vail has informed us they may ask for an easement across the northeasterly portion of our property for improved access to and from site 24. If we comply with Article 14, we can not grant such an easement. 2. That portion of our property fronting LionsHead Circle has a major visua'l impact on the entrance to site 24. It is the general opinion of those who have studied the area that land- scaping rather than parking would be preferable. (See Eldon Beck's Memorandum) 3. The present conceptual plans for site 24 'indicate beginning a pedestrian area in the same general area where our parking 1ot would be feed'ing into LionsHead Circle. Creating additional traffic would seem to be contra-product'ive to the pedestrian area. 4. The past history of the operation of Phase I and II of The Lodge at LionsHead would indicate that 15 spaces should adequateiy fulfill the parking needs of Phase III. 5. Should there be any overflow requirement from the building, the main LionsHead lot could easily satisfy the need. Therefore, we feel that this request is in the public interest and con-sistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance, Town of Vail, Colorado, Ordinance No. 8, (series of 1973). VARIANCE FROM ARTICLE 5, SECTION 5.506 PURPOSE AND INTENT Under Article 5, Sect'i on 5.506, the maximum iength of a MDMF building is 125 feet. Under Article 6, Section 6.506' the maximum length of a HDMF building is 175. Based on the average of the two zoning districts which apply to our property the maximum iength could be 139.5 feet' We are requesting a variance of 9 feet to a total of 148.5. BASIS FOR HARDSHIP The physical configuration and natural beauty of Lot 6 place definite design hardships on the development of the site. The southern half of the lot, adjojnjng the bike path, is heavily treed and provides one of the most beautiful scenic corridors in the area. The northern half of the lot is sparsely vegetated and generally unpleasant in appearance.It is the opinion of the owners, their architects and the Town of Vail's consultant (See Eidon Beck's Memorandum) that it is preferable to contain development to the northern half of the property. Therefore, the proposed buiiding was designed within very limited parameters. While preserving open space and the natural qualities of the site, we have been able to comply with all aspects of the applicable zoning except the maximum length requirement. The current design is slightly underits allowable height and GRFA requirements. In many areas the proposed structure complies with low density multi-famjly standards. Specifically; number of dwelling units, hejght, most bulk requirements, site coverage, usable open space, landscaped areas and parking. More significantly for this site, the proposed design has 56% less site coverage than allowable and I40% more landscaped area than is required under MDMF standards.Our useabje open space is also significantly above the requirements. Additionally in designing the building and requesting this variance, we have taken into consideration the fo1 lowing: 1. The visual impact of the length of the proposed building' Whereever possible, the building has been broken up and landscaped to de-emphasize its length. This is particularly true of that portion of the building facing the front setback whjch has no wall longer than 25 feet and is heavi 1y landscaped. 2. The relationship of the proirosed bujlding to the surrounding buildings. The requested length is consistent with the surrounding buildings. The Lodge at LionsHead (Phase I) is 128 feet, The Lodge at LionsHead (Phase II) is 160 feet. Vail International is 240 feet. 3. That the proposed building configuration is the best possible a'l ternative to preserve the scenic beauty and open space of the area because to reduce the length wouid create far more serious ramifications in the area of bui lding height, bul k, site coverage, landscaped areas and parking. 4. That granting of the requested variance has been recommended by Mr. Eldon Beck, Landscape Architect and Consultant to the Town of Vail. 5. That the design is consistent with the Declared Purpose of the Town of Vail Zoning ordinance ( article 1, section 1.100 ), which states "These regulations are enacted for the purpose of...the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town jn a manner that would conserve and enhance its natural environment.,." Strict design compliance with the ordinance would necessari ly move the building further south and require great site coveragen thus unnecessarily destroy'i ng parts of the scenic corridor. Therefore we feel that such compliance with the ordinance would clearly create "practical d'ifficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent w'ith the objectives of (the zoning) ordinance (Article 19, section 19.100). o cfitut/NT,o^E g-7-76 -- lt44q.'?6 tu l,4bg.5 fr lft?-q.58 q--+t4-' - l'17bb r4il', Y (,776b f-aq-' lt+1A.6b +1*--'' I,+t5.75fr ++? -- - l,V 7zb +*t f ,737fr+<+ = l,4t5.7qb r \+ lJq3.5tu <+t l'u - t,717.5fr * 4t llbtl.75 WrTrl- (*1.' tflnp_EaP- fetauAl lh,oel .1q a '4.tr &frk. Nrf No-l [t0.7 }lo'5 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.6 No'? No;o No.// l,44l.za t,166-9 1,473.5 I,*zo 1,420 l,+?7.5 1,451.75 1,97b l,v7b l,+n.75 [,8?t.z ha47-5 -z -- 0n to (15 July 28, 1976 Mr. James F. Lamont Director, Department Community Developnent Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Design Review - Lot 6 Dear Jim: July 21, L976, you and I met with Chuck Anderson and Tom Briner review the project on Lot 6, adjacent to Site 24. My comments are fol I ows: The bujldable area was proper'ly defined as being the north port'ion of the site. Retention of the trees and relatively natural qualities of the lower part of the site are essential . In final adjustment of the bui'l ding, it may be necessary to remove one small tree. This is acceptable. To respect the site constraints, the choice was made to des'ign a building slightly longer than Town ordjnances permit,. In my opinion. this should be permitted. 0pen space is gained, and the fairly cornpl icated building appearance effect-ively so1 ves the visual inrpact norrnally generated by a iong structure. The nrost diffjcult site problem is that of accomod-ating parking. There was a possibility of tilt'ing the bu'i lding to create either more underground 1. Llnclsc.rg: drehitocts: l.r r r r,l I'l;rnnirrl I irb.rn l)csrgn Rrrl ltl;rrrrring l :rrvir','rtrlr'rtl.rl ltl.rrrrtirrr: ltinciprrls: R,rl'r'rt Rtr|rt,rn l:.\Sl \ Asx I i.rt,tnr('t{r..\SL/\ l:L|r'n llrt k ASL,\ Nr/r,r \i! r \\l .\ lortir (i- Allct \lA lhlrici.r ('irrlislt,\sLA Assrx'iirlt's: 125 lr'lillcr Arenuc lLrroltl N. Kohrtr':rrlri ,\St .\ \lill \r:rllcr' Rrrirr:rt i'. llattenon rtSL,r Citltlorrrur l,.l9.l l (i.\'n:r' W. ( iirr irr .tSL,\ 4 | 5 .181-:900 R(\ltrt S. Scn.r .\\l \ Mr. James F. Lamo t nt -2- or surface parking in the northeast corner of the site. Tom agreed to study this possibility. i personally-would prefer to see open space ietained and a parking variance granted rather'than remov.ing trees to gain parking. 4. The design concerns were: a. The quality of ,,front door,, and entry needs further study. perhaps extended wa1-ks,arbors, or other techniques would help. b. The plant boxes on the north builciinq face are good and should be extended to include the center stepped portion of the building,top floor. Greenhouses on that roof surfjce seem workable. c. Wood trim, wood framed windor,,rs, perhaps woocten stair towers, are all desirable i-n aci:ent.ing the stucco wall surface. A1 though I didn,t'think seriously about thjs jn th6 meeting, a total vrooden st.ructure vrculd be handsome] The building proportions and extent of glass would seem to work equally vrell rvith vro6d siding. It is expected that Site 24 will be primarily constructed of lvood, 91 ass and stone, and it could be pleasant to see these materials used on this adjacent property. d. A landscape p1 an vras not developed. The north side requires particuiar attentjon. 0verall' the building.design was quite nice, and except for sorving the park'i ng problem, the des.i gn direct.ion is sound If there are any questions concerning my conrments, prease ret me know. Sincerei y R05T;i,i, HANAr,10T0,f,r? a bh cc:14r. 1,1r. Mr. Tom Briner Terre.l 1 J. i"linger John A. Dobson Jily 28, L976 a - ..'a *The todge at lirfFlead May 1, 1976 Mrs. liana To u g hill Zon j-n g Adnj"n is trator Town of Vaif VaiI, CL 81657 D=ar Diana: Re: Lot l/Bfock f Vail- LionsHead Second Filing You wi-LL recall that you once suggested that r,le have someone determrne huw much residential space could be buj-.Lt on Lot I in accordancd with the zoning of the old subdivisions frorn which the ijresent l-ot was drawn. We gave the job to Richards Engineers, and they have conc.l-uded that the zoning will permit .}8r095 of net residential fLoor area. If you concu.r, would you ,Iease direct a l-etter to me indicating that this figure is official as permitted by the Town of Vail. I would also like to know that in the light of ihis limitation what the total allowabl-e square footage of th= building coul-cj be. ,re axe getting ready for design wurk, and we want to be sure that our basic assumptiuns are cortect. Throughout the design processr we stay in close touch with the Town inasmuch as we want to cooperate in eveiy way i-n the developnent of Site 24. yc urs , POST OFFICE DFAWER 1868 VAIL. COLORAOO 81657 PHONE (303) 476-2700 o o A SU,gDir//5/cN wri/c// JF? FI -&EJ td -_--.::*9 --- '- "o-#:3_< -rA:fi7;7=-Q34 /€A tv ,?,,ED/ i z";ot 10-,251.t. aJt 25?. /A//- Y/L/ AGE F1,E€r E ,ECOA'D F,/.flECTrorvS 6f 7, T?WNSH/F g gcUT 7/E 6Th' F,M -TCI4/A/ CF VA/L )E, *-: I .\t,I 5 ,gtf- G-":i*fgx- - Jjfu-.-- 5,i \\R - ---:1-'4rtfu D:.ans : a.t (+ -+Ss,- - /O/VSggAfr '/)ea, t r<Ep U, ,ry 90' e'@'E ./H.90 o I I 1i I -,- ^.r -r r- -.i t |.- --:-lt-! ('-' ( \ i( ': 1. I ,l lr- /r'i )- .r -r [ _. ,_-\ t--- 't' I I ! _.r I t; I 'lj- t, -:-7 !. - - _;-- |/\ / t. r I I /--\ L- )t I \ l . \ - > l-- i,. ! A t - c' l\/* | L r' ''."{- ' r i'--> ,, ). aZ ,'- ,- r1-l- l- )\' ,( /'. r i./+ ,f i ..'-,(:'. r-r Il -l 11r:tt:111 /a - -r ,, *: .,,}.,/ / /-/-, ,l'i I i -"1 J-1-,.' , .i r'--'(, t -r' ..'.' -V tL 1 ''i" IQ i 'l " . k''-t- L Y; r't -JL-' l lt K.'l t 'a' .--- lt-,_t1./l ,'t ', | '/..,:)'{'/'' . /.; ,,? .; 1 ,ri /.t..1 . "11 \ " L." i1 +, i, (..i t -'t --t ,. .f / .. ->I i .- .l ' w"..) rl 1 r-,1 z'r L f,[ll - Lt )| "-- t .)-: .,I r' L-. i 1 DATE JOB NAM MON CALLER TUES INSPDTION REQUEST TOWN oE AIL // AM PM WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DISAPPROVED . APPROVED BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOOTINGS i STEEL tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL MEGHANIGAL: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr ROUGH tr SUPPLY AIR tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPE INSP}TION REQUEST ,.N, TOWN OF VAIL CALLER .,u.t k/.TUES WED THUR ,e7//-/ "/DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING POOL i H. TUB N FINAL NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PPROVED CORRECTIONS:I D^rE 5/4,?. / ?? DATE I JOB NAME /1 TIME RECEIVED- AM PM €tll€f, E orHen COMMENTS: INsiPCCfrru FIEGIUEST TOWN OF VAIL rl /) ./. fl pnnrtau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR f}*p+-nov-Ep- - -----.,--*.fl.o+sAr.PRo'vt'D -- ' ' -El ntfi{sP€€t.- E- upolrl -lg e +oL+€w{N&€oRRE grtot{s:--- CORRECTIONS ', -",i' .tt -'. INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E : 328-6339 nusPEcfloN FTEouEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AI,'I PM CALLER florHe n n panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM crir i.t l,V D C S. InJ(JI.,U ;;,.FARTIAL ll.ecAnoN: :.. . :..i. B eppRovED fl DtsAppRovED ! nerNSpEcr EI ueor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR 'NG DIVISION . rox 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE INsFEc?oN EAGLE COU FIEOUEST NTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER flornen n pnnrral.LOCATION R EADY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR TUE FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: flnppBovED n uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsAppRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: I nerNSPEcr DATE I NSPECTO R o rNseeilroru FtEtluEsr TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME ,L n{. n/-,. t r-} i /i IME RECEIVED AM PM "orrr a*;L" - i'r,,^, ,' ! orHen ! pnartal.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ' TUE FRI AM PM fl areRovED El. uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: f]orseppRovED ,[] netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS --'; '/,1 ;)l ,- -.t t;." -; i.., , ,, 1,'/ 7.? (:, j..t 6--,': 7 DArE i A-- o TIME RECEIVED-.-..- AM PM CALLEB ','...'.- FTEGIIJEST VAIL." nvspEclorv TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME n orxen n pnnrrll LOCATION THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE WED FRI-AM PM i { f,lnppRovED ! orsaeeRovED fJ nerNspEcr f] uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS i DATE INSPECTOR oloo o" -]ururno*u gq**oroOo, sHEEr I or' I OATS: tz-rs-;7-TIME: t'. 3._- FROi4: NAI4E: D.rtu- Rn c,*u B n COMPANY: Geul,,rui=l-e Fres uT rc11s \./ fo rFn . NAME: Mre. Brt-.- P1 rece OOMPANY z Crtv ()F V at. - Br-or- SUBJECT: Lorecre Ar Ltu^r.,.t=loc, Pr-*or r= m- TOPTCS OF CONVERSATION: R e ,rsh1frrru ? lr* ---fH n1 Tt+ e DS 3F"ae * "c ouE- FteE l-)osE C,+e)^JFT lllrLL fuoT ?EvEiva 0 CCUPAN,\{ 6 F -T E+E ftBdvE 14r=w11rN€D BL')c-, l5 {./-voFelTou} Tt-t1+1 TttE |'/2" /Japo /4osE 7eE OEP7., y',ELur AZE /,UtZau.t,St) .4/vD T/re //tE C/tOt.vLT A//L-t- ,GE_ /I/ST-?LLEa hS Sog4/ E S p7J-S/ GRrI']NELL FIRE PFOTECTTOI,I SYSTEI4S COMPAI{Y, INC. Dlstribution: rNsrteCrclN DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED--- AM PM CALLER florsen n pennal LocATroN MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THIJR FIEOIJESiT TOWN OF VAIL fforsare RovE D Ruporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS D nppRovED E nelNspEcr DATE rNsFE.lo* TOWN t:,'';t ,t FIEGlU€ST VAIL onre .')'," i| -f " €'? JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florxrn flpnnrrqL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR TUE FRI MON COMMENTS: AM PM ! neeRovED D orseppRovED D nerNsPEcr f] uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: coRREcroNs 'ii:--ii: 1.;1, .-.- ,Jl;d.7i.a.:.,.". .(.. ..7'' t'/' , ,' D,ATE INSPECTOR j9P UESiT I-I OTHER MON COMMENTS: n pnnrtnl LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FBI AM PM TUE ,i F{tFP RovED ! otsnppRovED ! netNsPEcr tr]upon rHE FoLlowlNG conRECTIoNS: coRREcTloNS l'.-,-z a !'a- ,,^' -/ -;.1-A/,.,-- . i' :'-ltir-t-.r,4 4== tNsPEcooN TOWN OF FTEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornrn E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: TUE n appRovED n uporu rse CORRECTIONS ! otsnPPRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: ! netNSPEcr DATE IN SPECTOB ilusiPEcoN TOWN OF '': t. FIEBUEsiT VAIL DATE { "-i TIME RECE]VED I AM PM CALLER florHrn flpnnrrnl.LOCATION JOB NAME 1"" MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI ' AM PM THUR I eerRovED E orsnpp Rov E D fJ nrrNsPEcr f] upoLr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE tNsPEGaCtN OWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED-- AM PM CALLEB E orsen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnnsl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION - WED THUR AM PM FRI flneeRovED fl uporu rue CORRECTIONS ! otsnPPRovED FOLLOWING CORFECTI ONS: !REINSPECT DATE 'INSPECTOR tNtsiPEcoc'N TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n oruen TUE WED I pnnral.LOCATION THUR FRI I?M PM MON COMMENTS: il npp RovE D n orseppRovED I nerNspEcr ! upolv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS ,'i DATE INSPECTOR DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER JOB NAME tNSPECC ctNl FTEOUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL n panrtnl. LocATloN E orHen READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI .PM MON COMMENTS: TUE E nppRovED [-l uporu rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: ! otsnpPRovED ! netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNsPECOctNI TOWN OF '-.:: FIEGIUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB ! orHen MON I pnnrtel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR firne Rov E D n uporu rxe CORRECTIONS flotsaPPRovED FOLLOWI NG COR REGTIONS: ! netNsPEcr INSPECTOR . ., .:.. ---. ... .,.:.'.:ri* ..i,.i:,,,r.-F!,,ri,l - "'la:.{.i'-;l-.':!r'h. ., . - -'- 1^1-.;''''_i'r ' - :!-'_i" ua': _ - _ ri' DATE lNsFEcooN FTE(lUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orH:n MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE E panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM VAIL ! nppRovED ! orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr fl upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG conRECrloNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ,")" (i ' f-7 INSPECTOR ilusiPEcoclN TOWN OF FIEEUESiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen n pannel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR TUE FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: n nppRovED I uporu rnr CORRECTIONS ! orsnee RovE D FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: LJ BEINSPECT DATE INS PE CTO R DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ,. AM PM CALLER I orHen TNSPECocTN FtEBIJESiT TOWN OF VAIL I pnnrtnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM FRI TUE EappRovED n upotrl rHE FoLLowlNG coBRECTIoNS: I otsaPPRovED I netNsPEcr -€-i{ CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR TNSPECOGlN FTEGIIJEST . / i,' TOWN OF VAIL ,. : :,) ,,,D,ATE JOB NAME -lt tl-, //r: t j/ TIME RECEIVED -- '- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON TUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED fiUR --..0:)4-.i FRI AM PM COMMENTS: . .F_J.aern ov e o n orsapPRovED t-l ,LJ.UPON THE FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: coRRECTf ONS .v -:. I nerNSPEcr INSPECTOR DATE ilusPEcoctN TOWN O FIEBIJEST I VAIL ', ';JOB NAME DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM I orxen TUE I pnnrral LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,", ,." .,' ;' ' AM PM MON COMMENTS: ! nenRovED I orsnppRovED n nerNSPEcr I uporu rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE nuseeOroru TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! panrnr-.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEO THUR FRI AM PM n npp RovE D I uporu rne CORBECTIONS n orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNSPEcr DA TE INSPECTOR rNsPEclroru FrEtllJEEir f] panrrnl. LoeArroN MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE AM PM TOWN OF VAIL oor, ?'r4'Ff' J9BNAME Tf ME REcEtvE o -1-ii5:t_ AM pM CALLER D orurn READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR "8,[etRovED D orsnppRovED fl ner NsPEcr D upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DArE '?" ldl ' ';'" ? INSPECTOR rNseetronl FIEOUEST VAIL OF E ornpn ! pnnrrll LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION - :,\WED THUR . ;-+' ! appRovED florseppRovED fl nerNSPEcr f] uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .- t t r--DArE '- r' / !, - .-i::J'---------7- ----- rNsPEcfrru FtEouEsir fit TOWN rJ -:X VAIL OF {"!| L/l DATE TIME JOS NAME . , RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florsen E panrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR El-xP'p Rov E D I otsRpPRovED n nelNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE nusieecilpru FIEBUE€iT DATE .:.. ./ , T|ME RECETVED -;' , --" -1 AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAI L /.(. .t / ){ &i-t; r E orHrn I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM f l't r. .t l- '- .'7 l)t t ....i1.,.,'-, .-. ..'/rr1 ,....,n ..,.. J.!,-rt ; iz- ./ ,' ,r-J._!_{!tzt.('.--.2----------.- ,,r:.f'sPEcroR , i. { ur. ",n,o,*, DATE nuseeerGru FIE(lUESIT vAl L -)TOWN OF JOB NAME CALLER It n orxen I pnnrtal. LocATtoN W{irRovED READY FOR INSPECTION WED ! orsappRovED t+,rnr l{J.r'nr-,''i*'Pt, E netNsPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowtNG coRBECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DArE f^/-rz rNsPEcGrv FlEelJEEiT-* F VAI L o WN - o T T|ME RECETVED ,' AM PM CALLER f]orHen I pnnrrnu READY FOR INSPECTION I nppRovED ! orsnpp RovE D f] nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: 99RfiECTIUNS----**--- D orHen JOB NAME PM CALLEF READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rNEieecforu FIEOIJEST flpaRnnr LOCATION .,--t.-( rvr-o-rv ).. ,./ COMMENTS: TUE FRI ffnerRovED ! or sarr Rov E D fJ nerNsPEcr N UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS -'-a /-., INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE 1) 'r) nt6 e"t-c,?to N Fr E o u E s r €ffiF+OJJ+I-TY { JOB NAME TIME RECETVED- AM PM CALLER n orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE I d'4€ flpnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUF FRI AM PM flnneBovED I uporu rne CORRECTIONS LJ DISAPPROVED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: !nerNspEcr DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME TIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen COMMENTS: INSPEcTOTu FTEEIJEBT n pnnrrnu LocATroN RE.ADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR f] pt snpp RovE D fl nerNsPEcr APPROVED n upon rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS t ,.t 'i:;. .ti: r,'1. rS; -. -_ t, DATE 7'7 -7 rNsieec(foru HEBUE otte 'Z. TIME RECE D- AM PM JOB NAME I orHrn COMMENTS: TUE n pannal. LocATroN - READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM LI-APPROVED florseppRovED EnerNspEcr n uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE n\rsl'EcrGru FtEBlJEsr E panrral. LocATroN florHEn MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 't/ ,fD,*(-_'y FRI FPRo.y-€D ! orsnReRovED ! nerNsPEcr a=/''III UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS:\ coRRECTIONS ' i r'..i:,, :':1 \/:.r"t.= rNseecfbru TOWN OF FTEBUEstT VAIL _-. DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM n ornen ! nppRovED I uporu rse CORRECTIONS I pnnrrnl.LOCATION FEADY FOR INSPECTION E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr CALLER TUE WED DArE *,'-llt.- ?/ CTOR tNSPEeGN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL - florHen MON COMMENTS: - -")DATE. ' .. ', JOBNAME TIME RECETVED- AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION TUE FRr_*,ll_, flpnnrrnl E eppRovED I uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! orsnpp RovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: tl nerNspEcr DATE ilvsiFEcTlN TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED-.---- AM PM CALLER ! orxrn fl panrral.LOCA TION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED D uporu rue CORBECTIONS ! or sarn RovE D FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNspEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcforu FrEeuEEtT T'OWN OF VAIL trnne Receivel- AM PM CALLER OOr, .,, t .,; r ,' JOB NAME E orHen TUE fl panrtlu LocArloN READY FoR !NEtEeI!eN WED THUR MON COMMENTS: U nppRovED ! ot snPPRovED ! netNSPEcr E upottr rHE FoLLowlNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS t DATE'.",i./ tNsPEcrGN TOWN OF FtEBUESiT VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER .l DATE '' . E orHen TUE fl pnnrtnu LocArloN READY FOR TNSPECTION WED THUR .'' Moryi COMMENTS: E nppRovEs i n olsnpPRovED ! netNsPEcr fl upol,r rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen lNSPEcr(DN FlEOUEsir n pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRt .-' AI)4 PM TOWN o '. MON':WED THUR TUE COMMENTS: EJ npp Rov E D fl upou rHE FoLLowlNG coRREcrloNS: E otsePPRovED ! netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS rurlbpecrod DATE ItusFECTGN FIEGIIJEST V.AIL DAiE - /' - JOBNAME j: OF -./ TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxeR I pnnrtrl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON GOMMENTS: FRI / AM PM TUE E nppRovED ! otsePPRovED N UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: f] netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ' a...,- /" .. .*-' INSPEOTOR RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen I |NSPECTIN FIEBUEST TOWN ....,'';.-'' ! pnnrtnl. LocATtoN dEApy FoR lNsPEcrloN "'@l JOB NAME ; ,,-z DATE TIME MON COMMENTS: THUR FRI EIepp Rov E D ! otseppRovED fl netNsPEcr D UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS / DATE ' i';:t,;','' )., -_--7_----7_i INsPEcGN HEEIJEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME --*----] TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen ! plnrtnl. LocATto READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: TUE ! nppRovED ! orsereRovED ! nrtNsPEcr I UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS Il I ; DATE TNSPECocrN FtEGluEsiT t TOWN OF VAIL ''1'...-..., JOB NAME PM CALLER I ornrn il pnnrtnl LOCATION THUR FRI AM PM TUE WED MON COMMENTS: TIME RECEIVED_- AM I ot snPP Rov E D E nelNsPEcr il aPPRovED fl upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECrloNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR i'.; t. f'tNsPEGGN TOWN OF FtEBUESiT VAIL. JOB NAME DATE-_ AM PM CALLER TIME I pnnnnl'LOCATION'I ornen READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM, MON COMMENTS: TUE RECEIVED'----.- flotsnPPRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTI ONS: ! netNsPEcr flnppRovED n uPoru rue CORRECTIONS DATE a INSiPEGTItsN FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen I pnnrtal LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: TUE ! otseeeRovED fl netNsPEcr D nppRovED fl upotl rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE