HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 17 LEGAL.pdfTOI,r'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sonth Frontage Road, Vail, Cotorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us ProJect Name: BERG REROOF DRB Number: DR804fi50 Pr0jet Description: REROOF 9CME FOR SAME CEDAR SHAKES Paftlcipants: OWNER BERG, ERIC M. 08/30/2004 phone: PO BOX 3002 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT BERG, ERrC M. 08/30/2004 phone: PO BOX 3002 VAIL co 816s8 License: _ Proiect Addrcss: 5195 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location:5195 MAIN GORE DR. SOUTH Legal Descrlption: Lot: u Block 20 suDdivlslonr VAIL MEADovrls FIL 1 Parcel l{umber: 2@919220010 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:08/30/2004 Conditions: Cond;8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constuction activities] Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 da),s following the date of approvat. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is isued and colstfu*ion is commenced and is diligenfly pursued toward completion. o DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Planner: :oeSutneO Cqino, Exterior Atieratidl r-ffi.' Application for Design Review -^.,^,ffiry#} " 3i"{{fl'T6;3#E;ggiffi,{,Tt" R E c i ; I il I U l,V,\ Ut V AILW web: www.rrailsov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requtrements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untir arr iequireJ inr*irition is received by the community Development Department' The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town council and/or the Planning and Environmental commission' Design review approvat r"prur rnl"rl a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. Description of the Reque sr: RzFnnNc, Sinte't Fin't/ -Rts ae"lar- PhysicalAddress: ltqJ l1* --::2 Parcel No.: \oqq ieA2oo I o (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') -;:> Toning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: er-narrbo 8/{.d7 Owner(s) Sig nature(s) : Name of APPlicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs n Conceptual Review E New Construction O Aciditlon E Minor Alteration (gulti{amilY/commercial) Ef Minor Alteration (single-familY/duPlex) fl Changes to ApProved Plans tr Separation Request eooo $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tctal sign area' No Fee $650 For constr uction of a new buildinq or demo/rebuild' ;t00 For an addition where square footage is added to any residentjal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting' window additions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 For min-or chanqes to buildings and site improvements' such asl +4v 4+ffind, - o-i",-tlnq, window additions, Iandscaping' fences and \+6f;igwalls, etc. $20 For revisioirs to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee 8tt-8{Phone: '/3t;Fax: L of rzi04l2\l04 o oI (. PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Co'(o- 5,l'.J-il*-uo*. Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specifu the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiU Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXIfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" C-aliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape Features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) yu-{ar- lr VAIL TOWN COUNCIL l.lORK SESSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1987 2:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Locai Liquor Licensing Authority Board Interviews 2. Discussion of Easement Vacation - Lot 17, Vai'l Meadows Filing I ( Bers )---_---.---..--- 3. Discussion of Vail Village Truck Loading Restrictions 4. Discussion of Booth Falls RockfalI Mitigation Proposal 5. Discussion of Alternatives to Street Improvement Districts 6. Continued Discussion on Marketing of Vail Business License Fee Formula 7. Informatjon Update 8. Other ,l rotJco,rr,"ir Conmunity Development Novenber 23, L98-t Vacation of water and Meadows filing #1 Applicant: Eric Berg Department road easements on Lot TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: 10'{r_!qJ-r , \l&tcc 't ' REQUEST r>The owner of Lot il3 is requesting that the Town Council approve the vacation of a water line easenent located on the westeily 25 feet and the southern 20 feet of Lot l_7 as well as a road easenent located on the westerly 25 feet of Lot L7. According to Stewart Title, both of these easements rwere vacated by Eagle County, to whorn the easements were granted on the plat, by resolution, recorded May 13, 196g.11 Hohrever,stewart Titlers counsel has advised the or^rner that in order to avoid any possible confusion, it is appropriate for the Upper Eagle valley water and sanitation District as well as the- iown of Vail to arso sign off on the vacation of the two easements.Stewart Title has stated in a letter that rthe waterline easement should be vacated by Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District. This is due to the fact that the plat states, rWaterline Easementr and not a general utility easement. The road easement should be vacated by the Town of Vail . It Enclosed is the letter frorn stewart ritle, uEvwsDrs approval of the vacation, and a Vacation and Abandonment of nxisting Easement agreement for Town Council approval . BACKGROUND ON THE REQUEST rn April 1'287, the council approved a sirnilar vacation reguest for the adjacent Lot 18, Vail Meadows Fj_rst Filing. The council asked that staff contact the owner of Lot 17 to see if the owner would also like to vacate Lot 17rs easements. The owner decided not to proceed with the vacation process at that tirne. Post Oftice Box 1248 Vail, Colorado 81658 1303) 949-101 1 Fax# (3O3) 949-7713 o Sonctity ol Contract STE'WART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY October 23, 1987 Ms, Kristin Pritz Town of Vail Planning Department Vail, CO 81657 re: road and water line easemetrts over Lot 77, VaiT Meadows Filing No. I Dear Kristin: This letter is in reference to the above easements r,rhich are rnore specifically defined as a rraterli-ne easement lying upor. the L'esterly 25 feet and the southern,2O feet of Lot 17 and a road easement upon the westdrly 25 feet of LoC 17, as shorm on the Plat of Vail Meadows Filing No. 1. Both of these easements erere vacated by Eagle County, to whom the easements were granted on the p1at, by Resolution, recorded May 13, 1968 in Book 262 at Page 790. It is Stewart Titlets opinoin that the waterllne easement should be vacated by Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation District. This is due to the fact that the plat states waterline easement and Dot a general utility easement. The road easement should be vacated by the Tovrn of Vai.l. e?ruk VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF EXIS'IING EASDMENT rIIIS INSTRUI{DNT is rnade this 3O day of {6_F;.t i^$... 19Sjl, by and betweelr ERIC BERG, (hereinaf uer referrecl to as ,,Owner,,), and IIOLY CROSS IJLITC'r'RrC ASSOCTATION, MOUNT^TN STATES TELET,ITONE nND TI'LEGRAPII CO}IPANY, d/b/A/ MOUNI.'AIN BELL, PUBLIC SEIIVICE COMPANY OF cololtADo (f or iLself and as assignee of or successor in interest to, cAS rAcrlrrrrs, rNc.), the UPPER EAGLE vALLtrY WATER AND sANrrATroN DrsTi{Ic'I , and IIERITAGE COMMUNICATIONS, rNc. cl/b/a/ TTDRITAGE cABLEvrsIoN (hereinafLer collecLivery rrEasemenl- users"), ancl Lhe -TowN oF vArL, a municipal corporation. WHBREAS, a certain easement of record to be abandoned described as a road and water easement 25t in width along the southwest 1ot line of Lot 17 and a water easement 20' in width along the south lot line of of Lot 17, VAIL MEADOWS, FILING I, AccoRDING To THE RECoRDED PLAT THEREoF COUNTY Qf EAGLE' STATE OF COLORADO, allowing the Easement Users the use of such easement for a road and water easement, (hereafter the "Road and Water Easement" ), and, WHERBAS, the easemenL is not presently used for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of a road or utilities; ancl , WIIEREAS, no future use of Lhe easement .for the construcbion, maintenance, and reconstruction of a road or utilities is contemplated; and, WIIEREAS, the Owner realj-zed no beneficial use in allowing such easement to remain; NOW TlItrRitFOR, in consideration of the rnuLual promises contained herein and the nrutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as folLows: 1) Basement Users and the Town of Vail on behaJ.f of themselves,their successors and assigns. by this instrunrent hereby forever abandon, vacaLe, release and Lerninate that portion of Lhe Road and Water Easenerlt as now described as an easemenL 25 t in width along Lhe southwest lot Line of I,OT 17, VAIL MEADOWS, FILING NO.f, ACCORDING TO TIIE RECORDED PLAT TIIDIIEOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, Easement Users hereby convey aff Lheir right, title, and interest, in aiid to that porLion of the Road ard Water nasenr3nt. vacated above, to O,rnrer. 2) 'I'lris Vacabion and Grant Lo the benefiL of the successors srATE OF COLOITADO I couNTY oF BAGLTT I "t The foregoing Vacation ancl Abandonment of Existing Easement was acknowledgecl before rrre Lhis A* u", ot. Oc.lobn- , LTBT by ERIC BEllG, as Owner. Witness my haltd and official seal . shall be and assi- bj nding upon and parties 6er, ./a4/. : tlcuA,?o Ett tS "'l'ti"' "' jiiri')' Alq l'o - My conunission exPires STATE oF coLoRADo )) ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) L98 7 by Sanitation District. STATE OF CoLoRADO )) ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Vacation and acknowledged before me this 198 by UPPER EAGLE VAILEY WATER AND SAN ATION DISTRICT BY and Aband of Existing day of Easemtn was , My commission exPires HER]TAGE COMMUNTCATIONS I rNC. A/b/a/ HERITAGE CABLBVISION BY Abandonment day of of Existing Easement \.ras r ds - - omm[nTEEEionsl--Tnc. Cablevasaon. Witness my hand and official seal. My commissj-on expares TOWN OF VAIL BY STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss The foregoing Vacatj-on and Abandonment of Existing Easement was acknowledged before me this day of , 198 by dS r Witness my hand an4 of.ficial seal. of the Town of Vail . Witness my hand and official seal-. My comrnission expires l 3r !5 9s ta i::i #u[ r!.B 5 rt tr I I t^ 'l EiiiiiHiT:i ifii;i;i i:i ii:iiiiiii : iii ii *i t b I !b cii s 7,fr .F f. __)--- "1 I z :S:E -o39 EEs', EF:rl lrsE :EETJ' IT;H it:ti AFEB 3ilL{ ?E iE iEEW liig ':-il EEt;EP H;g El lr itiliIE .{3 e IE: 1.._: rl 5:i :".ii. Esr s. i g c: :-i i t: i:i .: i:3 i b: i'F .t.:.i!. 15: iill :le E 3 i 38365n tr-c -t\4 -9<j--d T; f *.{ ffi =o - -om l'eePti e n3c Ei ;eBF;;:lA qil6 = o I g ! .r/ /.!rt!. lfr'fr.r:ajtit'f rr':lrrV --\<p/ /-t 4- ?F /\ Drexel Banell October 5, .|987 A description of a _st1ip of land, 20.00 feet in width,being that portion of the waterline easement Iocated along the.Southerly Iine of- Lot 17, VAIL MEADOHS FILIIG N0. l; ;Subdivfsion in the County 6f Eagl e, State of Cot oraao-except the East 10.00 feet thereof, to be vacatea for e"ii Berg. Engineers/Surveyors lncorporated Eoulder, Colorado Springs l70O 38rh Srreet Bouldcr. Colorado 80301 303 .142 4338 Thence POINT LEGAL DESCRIPTION along the Southerly line in the County of Eagle,thereof, described as All_of that portion of the waterline easement located or Lot t/, yAIL I,IEAD0I,IS FILING N0. I, a Subdivision State of Colorado, according to tha recorded pl at fol I ows: gEgilqlq at,the^ Southwest Corner of said Lot 17, thence reeE atong tne southwesterly line of said Lot l7 to the South 20.00 feet of said Lot l7; Ihg'l.S l'189:37 '001'E, 9l .15 feet al ong the North I .i ne of the said Lot'r7 to the r,resterly line of the Easterry ib-.oo r""i Thence 503"54'00',E, 20.04 feet along the Hesterly Iine of feet of said Lot ll to ttre Southerly"line of said Lot l7; ^:89:11.i991:u, 83.e8 feet alons the Southerty line of OF BEGINNING. N23"og'25"1,1, 2l .69 North line of the South 20.00 feet of of said Lot 17; the Easterly 10.00 said Lot 17 to the (tt. Rosin 2734L1 :l :. - !t. r-.' - 4365-8A - . -.'sr, -H Engincers/Surveyors lncorporatrd Borrtder, Colorado .Springs 1700 lSth Street Bouldcr, Colorado 80301 tol44? 4338 Drexel Banell October 5, l9B7 A description of a strip of land, 25.00 feet in width,being that portion of the road and waterl ine easement Jqqq!"4 al ong the Southwesterly I i ne of Lot 17 , VAIL MEAD0WS FILING N0. l, a Subdivision in the County of Eagle,State of Colorado, except the South 20.00 feet thereof, to be vacated for Eric Berg. This legal description revises one dated September 29, 1987. LEGAL DESCRIPIION easement located along the N0. l, a Subdivision in the the recorded plat thereof, All of that portion of the road and waterline Southwesterly I ine of Lot 17, VAIL l',lEAD0l,lS FILING County of Eagle, State of Colorado, according to described as follows: BEGINNING at the most l,lesterly corner of said Lot 17, thence s23"09,25,,E,5IO.TO-Tee-t- a-l-ong the Southwesler'ly lr'ne of said Lot 17 to the North 'line of the South 20.00 feet of said Lot l7; Thence N89"37'00"E,27.11 feet along the North line of the South 20.00 feet of sar0 Lot t/ to the Northeasterly line of said road and waterline easement; Thence.N23"09'25uw,33g.33 feet along the Northeasterly line of said road and waterline easement to the Northwesterly line of said fot i/; Thence southwesterly, 26.4a feet along the Northwesterly line of said Lot l7 :11-..1]-?.19 the arc- of a curve concive to the Northwest to the pollilr 0F Egglff,^_t_,tid. arc havins a radiui of 4s.00 f;el-, -; .*t"rr- ffi'rJ ro-+z" and being subtended by a chord that bears s50"44,03"}.l, 26.02 fiet. :1r., (H.Rosin - 4365-84 - 2728L) .- *i.r';li.-.' ,@ Itnited Stateg Departmeut of Dear Peter: The Fotest Service feet in width along l. Fores t Service has no oeed for the the eouthwest lot White River Nat ional Eoly Crose Ranger District P.O. Box 190 Agriculture Foregt Minturn. CoLorado 81645 Reply to: 1560 Date: October 30, 1987 l,[r. Peter PatteD ! Director Co-tnunity Developmeut Department Tom of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81657 eaaement described Line of Lot 17, Vail as a road easement 25 lleadowg, Filing I{o. t-' Coordination with the Mr. George S. Laub on apprec iated . Sincerely, DAVID A. STABK District Rang er Forest Service the matter of by Ms. KristaD ab andonment of Pti-tz of your office aod the easeoetrt wa8 FS.6200.2Ar7.n?l VACATION AND AEANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEMENT THrS TNSTRUMENT is made this 3 a^y * t/owr&1., 1987, by and between ERIC BERG, (hereinafter referred to as "0wner") and the T0WN 0F VAIL, C0L0RA00, a municipal corporation. WHEREAS, a certain easement of record to be abandoned described as a road and water easement twenty-five (?5) feet in width along the southwest lot line of LOT 17 (Exhibit A) and a water easement twenty (20) feet jn width along the south lot line of LOT 17 (Exhibit B), VAIL MEADOWS, FILING N0. I, ACC0RDING T0 THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F C0L0RAD0, allowing the Easement Users the use of such easements for road and water easements, (hereinafter the "Road and Water Easements"); and, l.lHEREAS, the easements are not presently used for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of a road or utilities; and l,lHEREAS, no future use of the easements for the construction, maintenance and reconstructjon of a road or utilities is contemp'lated; and, I,IHEREAS, neither the owner or the General Public realized any beneficial use in a1 Iow'ing such easements to remain; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Vail, on behalf of the General Public, has evidenced its intent to abandon all claim and interest in the easenents. NOIJ, THEREF0RE, in cons'i deration of the mutual promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1) The Town of Vail on beha'lf of the General Publjc, by thjs jnstrument hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terminates that portion of the Road and Water Easement as now described as an easement twenty-five (25) feet in wjdth along the southwest lot ljne of LOT 17 and a water easement twenty (20) feet'in width along the south lot'line of LOT 17 (Exhibit C), VAIL MEADOI{|S, FILING NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE 0F C0L0RAD0. Easement Users hereby convey all their right, title, and interest in and to that portion of the Road and Water Easements vacated above, to Owner. 2\ This Vacat'ion and Grant shall benefjt of the successors and assigns be bindjng upon and inure of the parties hereto, to the STATE 0F C0L0RAD0 ) COUNTY 0F EAGLE ) ss The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment of Exist'i ng Easement was acknowledged before me this ,{ o^, or M0aUlJ,ll,t-t, 1987, by Bm,**tt / <Aw,ttps , as Tl,ut* tllo,u ,xru--, of the Town of Vai] . l,litness my hand and offjcial seal . My commission expires 3.s,88 Notary Publ ic foregoing Vacatjon of Easement. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Pame'l a A. Brandmeyer,'Notary 75 South Frontage Road Hest Vail, C0 81657 MY C0MMISSI0N EXPIRES: 8-5-88. ribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of November, 1987. Eric Berg ss. J''441UPI.6WAmtl*t---z 'i;--i--o---ffi -Xrruntu-r- {Ll o write will be o taken verbatim for the Expanded Agenda. &,&"-Everything you Request form must be Thursdavs. II. III. Tor^rN c0ur't!M!!_N_QL ! .I given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. ouru, IJaJ.3,\QK] 0.0..,0,r,n. &vu h?f' Meerins 0"r", 43 Hork sessionr-L Evening Meeting:- I.rtbm/Tobi;: ' Llarufrit td t}, llo.( nnchtts Action Reouested of Council: r , I r t ; r'";;",*{$ .*ti' "l[ \ WflR'ff ',b-{ \ruf 'F al.rq o. food u&J,n.',tnC \,f\ \'ts u)eeh\y" aSu{cfi i{bi \+, I I \l ' '.,1 ^ ffir, r'iffi' H*tY w: ^*i ;\ ffi,ril :'J;]l , il t{ d, oo,n,.--].. i -+i.J i\ rs t\;[t ,vcuun.v+u*+': +]o- wuru't"\','g-ua:tr-t'\t -s:*.-.*\i;ftifi ''ffi 'mi$H,f*$fr ILIS a.r,:r\t uAi\r\ r tm**.+-Toqd M$t'ro.d t\o'dd h.vqqo'(ed L\ >''t- -'lar* {' IV. Staff Recommendation:.\n Ai.ti-ur d_V il Assurances. (__ Legal , _ Engineering, _ Finance, _ Outside Prof ess'i onal ) v. ,-Slifer&uompany October 30r I987 RE: Vacation of Easement Lot 17, Vail Meadows, Filing I Dear Kristan: After quite a bit of effort, I have now attached the last documentation you reguired relative to the easement vacation request. You will note that the letter from the a copy I picked up today. The original referenced was sent to Peter today. If you need any additional information please contact inmediately, Agai-n, I am very grateful for all your Most sincerely, Forest service is as per attached or input from me, assistance to date. 230 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 (303)476-24Z| -..Slifer&\-,ompany October 26, 1987 Kristan Pritz Tovm Planner Town of vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81557 RE: Vacation of Easement Lot L7, Vail Meadows, Filing I Dear Kristan: I have enclosed the following information which you recently specified in terms of your requirements to vacate the above mentioned. easement: 1. Vacation of Easement - Upper Eagle Valley 2. Steward Title letter noting their requirements to vacate in terms of who to sign off and the number of easements. I also met with Dave Stark of the Forest Service. The letter you require, if it has not been received, will be sent to Peter Patten. I have also enclosed a vacation form to be executed by the Town if the Council is agreeable to same. Attached to this document and the vacation by Upper Eagle Valley is a formal legal description of the property and the easements is question. I appreciate all your assistance to date. If you have any questions or desire anything e1se, please do not hesitate to call me. Most sincerely, George S. Lamb enc. 230 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 8 1657 (303) 47 6-2421 -,Slifer&\,ompany October 20, L9B7 Kri-stan Prj-t.z Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 17, Vail Meador.rs ni1ing 1 Recjuest to Vacate Easement Dear Kristan: As you may be aware, I am representing Mr. Eric Berg with the sale of his home located on Lot 17. I realize that you have had several conversations with Kurt Davis regarding a request to vacate a 25' easement along one portion of his property. Given that the purclr.aser now requires that easement be vacated prior to his accluistion and due to some confusion I have as to the status of this request,I am now taking a role as coordinator. A letter from you to Mr. Berg on April 22nd of this year inquired whether he would like to vacate the subject easement. A similar and adjacent easement had just been vacated by the owner of Lot IB.As a consequence, the requirements which Mr. Berg and I should follow and. tire process for same should be in place. The opinion of Steward Title is ttrat this existing easement would be for the sole benefit of the ?own of Vail and Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation. I have attached two letters from the title company to tiri s effect. My question at this point in time is to determine from you what additional information you may require from me or any other source to complete the final process of vacation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Most slncerely, 'a- George enc. Lamb 230 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 (303)476-2421 Su .:dly oJ l:orllr.tct STE\,V.ART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY Post Otlice Box 1248 Vail. Colorado 81658 (303) 9491011 F8x.f l3O3l 949-7713 October 20, 7987 Ms. Kristine Pritz Tcn"n of VaiI Planning Departrnent Vail' O 81657 re: road and water line easenent over Lot 17, Vail Meadcms Filinq No. Dear Kristine: In reference to the above nentioned eassnent, and my letter of October 12, 1987, I am writing to rectify my forner letter and restate ortr opinion on this easenent. At the tjrre of ny letter of October 12t)1, I had failed to note that the eassnent was also a road easenent as designated on the p1at. Therefore, f must anend nV feelilg on this easerent and say that the Tcnm of Vail r,rould also ha've a right to it. I hope this helps you in any vnay to clear up this wtrole matter. If I can be of help in anlnray, please call ir€. Tharii( you for your oonsideration and tfue. Title Exarn-iner a o UPPER EAGLE VALLEY COXSOLIoITEO WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . vAlL COLORAoO 81657 (303)475.7480 october 14, 1987 Mr. Kurt Davls Brandness-Cadmus Real Estate, Inc. 281 Brtdge Street Val1, Colorado 81657 Re: Easenent Vacate - Lot 17, Vail Meadows, Filing I Dear l{r. Davis: tle have revlened the request for vacaLl-ng the easenent on the above referenced property, and flnd that rle have no water or sewer lines in thls easemenE. SLnce our future plans do not lnclude uslng this easement for wacer or sewer malns, we wlll recomnend to the Upper Eagle Valley Consoltdated Sanltation Dlstrlct Board, in October, to vacate thl.s easement, and anticlpate thelr approval. After the Board meetlng, I will have the Vacate of Easenent forn slgned and forwarded Eo you. Slncerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT t",ril /,"J Davld Krenek, P. E. ODe rat l-ona Director DK/ng ,^. II PARTICIPATTNG DI€|TRI€|Tg _ ARROIIYHEAD METRO WATER ' AVON METRO WATER ' BEAVER CREEK METRO \]VATFR I' BERRY GREEK XETAO / CLEAN \ O\ wArER ' EAGLE-va'!L MErF'!o wArERv'.H::ff;J::; #::Ti:,1';H';:'"T,:,ii,fi: *'LE vaLLEy sANrrartoN ' varL @ Post Of f ice Box 1249 Vail. Colorado 81658 (3031 949-1 01 1 Faxlt (3O3) 949-7713 Sl'nclitt ol l:ontroct STEIV.ART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY October L2, 1987 Ms. Kristine Pritz Town of Vail Planning DepartmenE Vail, CO 81657 re: water line easement over Lot 17, Vail Meadows Flling No. I Dear Kristine: In reference to our phone conversation today concerning the above referenced easement, I am r^Triting to state our opinion of this easenent and its vacation. The plat of Vall Meadows Filing No. I recorded December 9, 1966, as Reception No. 105077 shows a water line easement lylng upon the westerly 25 feet and the southern 20 feet of 1ot 17. I^Ie feel that slnce the plat states flwater line easementrr it is not a general ut.ility easement. Therefore, the only utility that would have any use of this type of easement would be Upper Eagle Valley l'later and Sanitation District. Eagle County, to $rhom Ehe easement was granted on the p1at, has vacated their right to lt by Resolutl-on, tecorded l.{ay 13, 1968 in Book 262 at Page 790. If you should have any additional concerns, please contact me. Thank vou. G. Willlans Examiner Tirle 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ot communlty dcvelopment AprLL 22, L987 Mr. Eric Berg Vail Racquet Club P.O. Box L088 Vai1, Colorado 81558 Re: Vacation of the 25 foot easement on the northwest side of Lot L7,Vail Meadows #1 Dear Eri.c: on April 21, L98'7 t the Town council approved a reguest from the owners of Lot L8, Vail Meadows Filing I to vacate a 25 foot wide road easement on the northeast 1ot line. The Town councir reguested that the staff ask the owners of Lot t-? if they wourd arso be interested in vacating the easement on their lot line. As you are the olrner of rJot L7, r thought r wourd try to contact you to see if you wish to vacate the easement on your northwest property line. please understand that l:n no way ?re you reguired to vacate the easement, the Council just felt that it night be reasonable to vacate the road easement altogether. rf you are interested in vacating the easement, please contact me at the community Developnent Departrnentt 476-70oo, ext ll1. r !,rould be happy to help you with the vacation process. SincereJ-y,l/. I n,\t-,./L. - |, -|Fr -f\l lrt/ln Yrtt+llrrrlvlll rlrrl Kristan Pritz- Town Planner KP:br -!- #ro8r91-r'lrecl fonfcond: Mav 1311958 at l':0!'M' ::'':-'):'' ":iC'{ .::--:-.i-'-t, V;iI i-c::Cc'../J, ;:-c., i Color;,:.io corporaticn, 'Jhc gv'ngr ou -,o;: i7 ::.c 13. V:r.fL -.lJ.rJjI);, !':L:;lG :IO. 1, )l;gle Coung}'' CoIo::.:-i, !-;-::, 't';1 !);titian C:u-; i,'u;ruli;y 31. 1968, r*;ques'!id r'^ i - r -.--;l r-e-r !: -vb-rJ e\:, vbr-ib!. '.!'i:L': rc:rd ca -cl:.J.^.; Iy ir':3 u!)ot'r tile ea storly 25 r..,:;u o:l l:::l Lc; 15 lr-3 u;olr the wr:sterly 25 ieJ: :'r:C ti;: lo'J,til'-xri 30 fc.rt o:i said Loc I?, ir.C tl'--! \r*t;r lillt cili"'1ent ]yi:rg upqir '3i:c ru+::i:riir 15 r;:':u end thr'r gouth;in 3C f-i,t oi :rJiJ Lei:. I-l; ancl :i--l r,:.::; .:;ving l;gi;.: r:.:-:g ul::-; :*;r:: e{scrJintg gre !:gg bcing us'id ':ti''_":_l"_'v i-vt ..vev-e--i. a- -- -.--J;-V:) :}::: c.:., :oIl-orr-:-., - ..: .. .,. .-.- ,- ^.: /ral r.-., .: n v< -Lt,-\/, riebiU \ra. \,\JIW-bbu, b..g :e:ic',r-;, to-rvi;: ;1,.J:!r'.i.::rtl: siu\:ete ir. che Ccunty l;:c:ro pl:uicu).u::IY dcscriLl* is l':]E LC:iliD Otr COUIi';'g COI:1I99IC:J]:RS c.,r' L:.jL]j COUNIY, COr.O:UJJ ( .//'/'4 / '\ rr,rt.i.-ll rr-.-1,-.l . i)l I[l t]-J. fr.v .?ii '-'l'-;r; rold c:.:J.r..i:.; Iy::'.; upol|li:e cEtierly I j :cc c, cr3 !o i: is ;;.a t.i-:o:: ',;'-'- c \tj! i:srly 25 :;i; ;:r:g tll - :ou.:;.i.jj, :;0 :c;i pj: Lo'c 17r :-..; C:'.i; r'r:!-5 .L !.--.; '--.rl -i...1:t i1z !::g UpOtr Ch; !,'i:.r':!:'Iy ':u :-t: a:-i -.,-; ccu';l:irrl'. 30 f;ct o: "c; i7, iii at) \l'-rl.- ---::;Lit'J, -'r!fiiG .rg. 1, ^. t ..:-) -- CgLi.J:' / U j:gl:-.i'J, :*n: io trcl-rbY vec;;i*. \.1 .r' . , L. D. I96e, b:/: 'r:ai -l F t/\a aar e5 -. t1 l /i ii j'-;-tr;-. r i.../i.r (//,ir'/.:r \. .: , ..t' r' / l! lt ,\..,.. .i. .(./(-I t I L' ( :\ --a 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 otf lce of communlty developmenl March 7, .1984 Eric M. Berg Box 1088 Vail, Colorado, 81658 RE: Building Permit #350 Berg Residence - Lot 17 - Vail Meadows lst Dear Mr. Berg, We have checked our records, and they'indicate that the above referenced building permit has had no actjvity s'ince April 27, .l981, therefore, the permit has expired. In order to resume constructjon on this proiect you must contact this offjce for a new build'ing permit. It js also very important that you contact this office fifteen days from the date of this notjce. Fa'i lure to reply will result in further action. Si ncerely, ,tU 4zq- Gary Mufrain Building Inspector GM/ rme \ o o z Q -{F c () -{6 z T m 7 =-{ IL o g o tt 3\'o\tl { !m o -rt !m 1 = <!!9 m:- L-oliF -Vo 1=z Fp"r !!E nl,oF'cC z=O(!z2 oG,z o z - ; itl i{s TJ s E 7 f. 0t o -t l* l* I @ r -z c) rf l5 H FF tF t: l-[ EE FE FI $l tl |l tl tl EE FE Ela HIH flr t[F ls lg IF I tl s l. F Etr D@ FE bt tot EF llE h-! la t1 tl ll"tl ll I Etr |>F FF Fh IF I lr-tti IF l]tl ll l<E FF lH l5 vtl llp lt*tt-llF tlts ttts t{l l;l lrl t-1.ll I (t -{m lr ti -t- €- m cc z 6 J -{ m m f- € m l-m -t- m m =1r-HFg t- z a r l F z oz-a)oo fi;9:IF Zo-o *Hr=-,8 i" 3 -d o --r llrll.l l^'l"lll:-1"ttlttl c.z@r(D> =e\833 Pd=r89 !EFT33 Uut?.=-9 I Eq 4 z2=oc,a ll'1"I l'r zl El -l >l il sl }I =l el :l o lz l> t: t;{m t>II :-l a:l m p J l. x<X!Ei;>n zo c)o <2 ot4 6 z @= tl< = =o o z N N Dr- (r, D m z m |- m t J o z o -tl =u 7 1,.t:ls l:ll t-' l,: lr li lr I I m d x 2 m i) t- m t.{>:!>:!rat ;i?g r> "=_3F;;i gE:Ei , :z Iro>., Q>e E!;:l EYE:=6:;3E r*fli!;: .a,r t.,>.r;E -'gtli ;"3;-?;tl;r;!;;. \. \\ I \ \ F \\t \ Ct s !t 1 \ { \ A O I t, T -'- C,z. lZ.,'=l 3 l3F =r ; l=t' gl tliEri ll"l.l llti llrl ll,ir lllii 1 o { r m n =i 'Tl m tn a t-m z m 1 o m gl z m m I o m m I =z 'n m m m o z t- t- =@ z m a-m -l o !|- z m o 7 @ c t- z !m == T m v = =-Tl m m a VALUATION T m 7 =-{z o 3 m z. ,- -E f- 3 I z m J-m 7, F o z G') .. .-i '-l i) \] l,) T v o g m o { z o (^)(tl ct o PRoJEcr OWNER'S P}IONE # ufil box 100 vail, colorirclo 81657 (3031 476-5613 The following' are required to complete Department for review: department of community development additional information or corrections the Plan Check which is now in the Building lnitn n r , '€erc ztt et , ,btr /7 'Vr,- Muoa<ts /4 tflA.,,u &e- @',27a- .--Ggqtvrs ---.c-orz- /2- 3 4.5 x // -z = 29'19 zz v/o 1-z ? lto /&s6{I rt y zo = z?-O loOaz67l 4 lL ,Zo /7 X Ze, . qLlZ 3b ' // x 7,s-z = sz,sD , //,i x /? ) se x "2,{ - 8SS, tC *F.o.'1rt f2apa D-3 iizt xzL = qb? .- -t3eso.,tutr "r|!'L @y'a = 7i AZg C742D{zE zLtts; = 462 @z{ = //55O. Vgcu-s. / szgeg /oo,- 3 ?re. t,9 6x?z Ito < s z3^ s lL/ x l3 ,lrl x r-!z- .S lz6 zOxrl EtEc, z3z'7 @ G ,.\ '5Q-7C) -7gt @_ ,t s -I-*)P ?A^.4 € Itl (/ 8o )gL Ll 7- >v lqu 3qq. & € tl,bo lo/.a a 24o.. g a \85 @ € t?s= 'Bz 4 ^6a tz- 3?zS. lorz"z I T-L-l> 4660 €8'so /z @ <&= ?faa @2so = 37o5-O F P = ,/oao f/orf - /aa o T4U- , Qao .ao02 ,44ecrz Je ?9= s7& LISl' OT TIAl'IiIIIAI,S NAT{E OT PNOJDCT LECAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJT'CT LOT /7 BI,OCK D^L--/p/Jg/zzf- .FILING /7' //oqe B. ) PIANT MATERIALS (vegetative,_Landscaping }lateriars incruding Trees, shrubs,and Ground Cover) B'*"1 *^L Bot^ - alrr^., hoolln'os Uf J the Applicant be given. The following information to tbe Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATDRIALS: Roof Siding Other lfall Materials Fascia Sof fit s \f indows lfindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys is required for submittal by before a final approval can Type of Material Color ,1 r 713 Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Eotanical Name Conunon Name Size /'-1" /o'-/z' tztD,),n_ -)ee s;/ P1,, - /,r"n lou 4"::t4f,1':(1" /r,*< lt//0. , 6* ,rtt /orl, f'o,0,tQ(vminom Quantity 6,r/,,),/:;il *:(1 1'o" an,(:""/';r,H#;,riq";': as a o I Prolect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Project Application o!/t^.-* on {-t}- a 7 Architect Add ress and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: tot / 7 , etocx Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Olficial O /l,jirit*j,t! A {yZ t:n, R, ,, r,/1"1u,.'. Dlsrttic,"s { ZeZ3Z Lcaal Dcscr^i!tiorr: Lot L|-B'lc,ck -.- Fi 1 ing __ J trt r-ff f L\;uL - t-44 J -. t-r_D._--.---- R-fl$,roposecJ use . / zrf? - Zone Di strict Lot Area &att--ZZ---:teight Allor.recl 30' Proposecl ,fr;< 6z & Scconcla.rl, A't1or,red --19e2 q secondar^.y Proposetl //a^n al //*t la"4 Al j crwed /4 Rcqui red ' Requi r'ed Setbacks: Front-l{eqrirJo 20;'-- S.'ides-Required l5' Rear -Required l5' l{aterccu rse-reqtt i red Site Cor,erage: Landscaping: Parl<'ing: Drive: Slope Pernitted" Envircnmenta'1,/Hazards: Avalanche Fl ooci Pl ain Al I ovted Pri tnatl' Al I otved 7ft?{ |Pri mlry Proposcd Proposcd Propo: ed Slope .trctual Proposed I --.7.-__ Proposccr A(95" - Proposed Proposed Propo s ed Propcsed (iRi:A: GRFA: A/< Cor'rnents : Zoni rrg : 4/zsr lt ** 1 I ss-.,r Approvcd,lll i si ppt'orred : I i Dcr lc : 37s7) tSTO f6z I t 7b J{/ ffi /trll:ri n i :; I r';i1.or -a /ba*; f$r@fr 4-tF'37,ri x Zl,7{- fLl 2?., zf,x 2Cz5- * ,O/ - 6 t /e/X //, >f = /r7, d //,zfr.ii;)- > 3l t- Tztxzt +L = 8/.SZ izs, 16,z f = /o Z, 6 tu & k)t.>i e (>f ,D /B.zf 6r"*.f /* {x -y' = }fg -2 t33 .Y7 I - {g..zJ- \-\ )Ygv.7Ld lnun Eric Berg Box 1O88 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 1?, Vail Meadows Filing #l box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 (3{r3l 47e5613 Dear Eric: This letter is to confirm that the free from any Avalanche Hazard area. Your 1ot of .947 acres is located with a maximum allowable GRFA (Gross of approximately 5,300 sq. ft. department of community development 14 September 1978 lot listed above is in a Duplex Zone Residential Floor Area) Sincerely, CI .. Lr\^-r.L //rrru 5 t{ v L/ames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR/gew vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476€613 l.liChael Da\,ttson Byron Brown Real Estate Box 547 Vait, Colorado 8L657 Ref : Lbt 17, Block 1, JRR/gew ENC department of community development 18 Julv 1978 Dear Mike: This letter is to inform you that Lot 17. Block 1' vail Meadows Filing No. I is a legally platted lot in the Town of Vail and is zoned for a two-family dwelling' ' I have enclosed a copy of a recently approved.speqial restrictions for steep tots. These restrictions require more detailed studies, but in no way restricts the actual development' of two units on the lot. Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 If you have furttrer questions please let me know' Sincerely, M,,*ft. ?J;-'- H*"" R. Rubin Assistant Zoning Administrator I|flI I i ll l1gru ,#i{ *'?i iii lil irulliilliEEl at F o o t E A o ct )a t4 l,nt f;' do O.t'l 'i() (,o{, >l uo -I \,\\\\N \\ - ,\ \,,. i .Oo o \' r\ q ,tru\aLt-4.1eo \ -,o..6, lll,q a o \. a)CA *3.i 3? r-i- o .r ocdo naE I Ar.c O' t.r 6 }, nt 9uat t, oE a4 .) tte ]oY rf a6,.| O .., 0 r trrr (uo |, O t/o d ('!- o E a. C{n oo gt o _.r c\66p .,E0 CAF -oOOrr* -r -r,i -a!dO ilC ,{o l.DiU .r4!c c.Jt ! re!.n o i 9€?o3". 'tf o3.t"gt.!"i, irEel',s ;63 "3'fl,.j9 a"'€a,, oao0tr! d.J qr ,aoao , d(r ; Pi 5A; S 5 5 6 c () (, o O |-E ., o orc .a "J r -O a QU o oo. ^ Oic '6 G- E n o9(, E,t' a C A'1 E6!'Il t{ O,} io oat r t G 0.t 9, 3 n * o o! o .3!:t" eef€E A.aO r.€ a ! '.. t, . € r.>r o O r dt€ o O.r > a OO O a r.r O O'. al o'{ -arrv lro crr.r t oo ., tr . !o a E o .(| |. o 't crtEa ^J .u.,{ 4Q .rrt ooo lt r.r a o 4 crtrac } Q t! rr -t o a9 -,.., !.rq < at E 9..r !rrq<, O 4 J to t tll r, a.n O da, a4! -{O- -l OOtuO t >ff O.r(,O..rO O .r-rE tld| >tT. rl (o=O,lr6> C -. ll, 6 ttntO qa|!EE.t E od& cl. AE ct 4tr{ Cqt .o0 OO. .r cu-{ 6 nl> t q .c C }., t.r.| .r<lo OO. -{Olr!|Clf,.l Ortl, Or O|r. rrO > rrr.n -rdOr. -. }-. E |-4, O.rO...{l-r4O-o l{ O.lr 6'rJ O.d O.J .a tha o <tc! .ct .Ji-o| !r€ 0. !.r Lo -.rJ-. e o.' it -r 4.{i1.a cr.r l, c rr at !9 a, oal ' eo.o .- Er E >oAt .r -{, q{ <t '.r li.rt,'ot.i -'{ @a, oro. !(, 'E c!rrD}o!to> o cq d '! oo ono oru- lu.€.!?<CqC)6 ra(,rd.C O,C-l C '! C O .d O.-. O-c Er-cA aF .ag d EO. OarHEF,qqCOkO rt ir.r'f (r aa o@ ! >!.rt Enr rl'.c n c l! arJcu l! c 0. tro qr c cokad u6|l)o c (, r.r -r < c -.r ! cr.J! or ! >tlt'.{ i r5 c .io k ut 'u 6,.-1 6< rn o o-c -.{ >'! E ot -.r ato oo r{{, -t r..o c ocrtrsr or i r!o q Q||l. >r{ o,{.{ E.r J r.oo(|6!.,c-{E a.a ol{ c,3 sr c, qrrs o.{ o r. o lar. o r, oo !'rt -nlr.o Itor.q 0'!a) ..<cE c-.ru! 9c, (t o g.tt -{ c, r. (ro ,a r! o..a ELo.coqrooo ocrtl' o oa, orin ! >rr. € oodrrt!>. tl rrx r, r. o. !3c1 36{.(4 '{,...{.J-.. iO.rt-l 2t a4 g C, !l O!.O r .rd-.rOq.OEOO O { .rEC OE+(| q lnr.r!c 'rorr n|Ji oos{ ! .o.{ >oE. aJ! ..r lr!-. c, {rqc ! |g . .r !l'.0 rralL ooo.. (,corr.{uo.rctJ<) '!.o o! u! L>r tg .4t t, i.i!rar>u .-r c q qrt o q < r it o r. uer .{o OEq....OEO.{OO 1' ! (1, .r lU ,O!4, O trl E.l l, !.o rr Ora 6 --. o Or C-ar, r>.c3t €<c'r,.'{ o-r €(,r -rq o... t€ 9.r{ olr o>otr !!r ct9.-.trct o.o r.. c l| o .,rno E.oo.r.r crr a-..i ,tr d\o 0, n ac .A t |r c-,.r o.,{ o.ccrSo 4t or 6 o-.t > E{l (D r. r! ui .c.r-a ..r '{ >l. >!. o! >.o d Oc -t E'a or a aE q, O..o a, o \q c a4a O !c(,) qr!oct s..icE rO jq |.ar! <*et !. 1J <I aoed EO or H€{r!o(, aL- U r. <o a!O< i!t oO o}.!EaO.n.c!t nl t >rO l, o r.{ E Q{, }. {l It o-lOdEO (t€ _iOr Eq ,lEElt.) Ot'{,(l tll fEt d rdC O-O!r. CO O.t r. oi! r.dr > (J OOt'r. I O. brca.. 6 .t., !l-< !, r.- CL kctrq q !o ( {, o ' itruo o o o>.(oc6'! r. r. (, o.tr eo d! rlcoa vr O r{!OarO|.O drJuO {.-t k t kiO rrd > ri!oO4tarq Oq ai, {, HO {\rt JOOO OEOC ck rau o.\a (L croj? .Jdtu ono, <t4 rc, o r.d a.t.c -c !. r. t -l c.o {! c-{ri !i ., r.'<.c{ r..Q d O.lri i6O,o O -. r..i aOrU O.r> !4 O{r.}.!{rrdt (, O' .J{ |!.tl O>ltl ,<, O$Ut..,I E{>uoaEdrd ..{ d 5r-{ oi,)tr (!6Fi uc rro<l , o !., ! -. .r.,{ Nti {oraEca!.oa'.o a o ,. i .r r. ro {, E r! o o.cri a .a o-roH a0t tDoiEo o{, .ar. tuui ate o> ooc .itu>cr-{iCEudU|o .{ oOrr.! tOO! ., Or., 'n !.O .r(t. 9>erJ! !| +0!m l'! O O C.J^rO O O{-{ o o.c E..r .rurra|J r. E o.cc at11 u.4 .i,q@d|o{o.ic q aE a Ee}. crNao E r.r. |{.€o..rot '!6., c\o r.o <ll.tla lk.rc <r.i|. ua |4(.J|.-.iEEE6(t <.o <uo <6 erqt.|. o.{.rz.roo.oora r.rr!ll .cooRlo aJ o.i o!aJ.qu O..r>0|OC tro r. a .4ricJcrloqo€l.o -. il ra r,t ro F o or o er.rACENgg.oOo '. o ro o I JOB NAME CALLER ._ INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR ,,':",{ rt!-.' .. /,,', ,,-/ ,.-:.11,1:,1. ,/.;.,./,:I1 I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST' DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: I FRI ;PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,{ orsaReRoveo REINSPECTION REOUIRED )4 ,'.-'...''.'a .t.d. i DATE INSPECTOR t il ,"#"rroN REeuEsr" tt TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR -LOCATION: JOB NAME MO CALLER TUES WED, (, INSPE \tY}/ FRI -'l<-----"\-__________{ AM PM )\_,___.--, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /f ,-_/ oor, 4- ?* f[ rNspEcroR - r v ,*#"roN DATE JOB NAME MON, 6,, CALLER TUES REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL fl.( t"at t) ..1 WED THUR 6D READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION.: ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL E" APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL N POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL INSPECTOR.. O ,"rbroN REeuEsr" JOB NAME MON TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER N INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL - O POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: fI DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR !t r"rt"TroN REeuEsr, TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME .MON CALLER" READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr El tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 'tr nppnoveo COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR , tcnolr REeuEsr , .- TOWN OF VAIL rNs CALLER TUES n'<-, JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON DATE READY FOR LOCATION:t) I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,{ rnnurruc tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o rrrrstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 'hM DATE JOB NAME MON CALL TUES INSPECTION:PM THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL trt ei.r trl trl tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING FRAMING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED F REINSPECTION REQUIRED / .t-. INSPECTOR rt o rNSdroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON WED 'inun INSPECTION: ..t:- ,z :7 ';.:,. I t )(i", BT n o E tr tr tr ILDING:PL o tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. HOUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: -EI-DISAPPROVED - tr- REINSPECTION REQU IRED ,. ,i I tti DATE L' i'1,) " INSPECTOR ti I t ,*rd[?ro* REouEsJ- TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ,. -7' MON /:1gf$ . WED THUR AM FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE_ PLI trt dr trl tr( DI tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr,.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo JOB NAME o CT ION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTBICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IT.TSilOION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUB a PM AM FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: CI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr D FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL i H. TUB o o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .Er o JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI lr.rstcrroN REouEs,J TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: I] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR v v READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: o JOB NAME MON I CALLER TUES THUR FRI ITTTSTCTION REQUES,J. TOWN OF VAIL DATE WED AM. PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL i H. TUB tr tr N FINAL tr FINAL EL tr E tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH fI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr AFPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' :r"' DATE INSPECTOR -oo rNsPl#roN REeuEs"T. fr '/oare ,'1-4- /Y JoB NAME t1,,(p, CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rr,rstlrroN TOWN OF REOUEST. VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI ----@ FM tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \noucn / D.w.v. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;fnecrtorus: DATE INSPECTORT -l i',V tt o , | ( 1, rrustcnoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL BUtr9lr{9: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER E}-FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING N INSULATION N GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL ig APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rr.rstcrtoN REouEs,T. TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - _l '\ ///J\,t DATE ./ V T JOB NAME ,/ rrustcrtoN REQUE$T, TOWN OF VAIL t., CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .it i i/ r; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .r.-1 ..t'P|i,(|t?!{,i+tD:H.l E\rr.€[:{*i,r.q.,'"!-'lr.rFrsr|FlFlE'r|'aru|ltFFFlltFFlFlr'cr ,*stcrroN REeuEsr. TOWN OF VAIL -4 /i-> i-t -2, --T---'l<U>('v NAME .DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: J9B ''''_-..'-.'c'1 LOCATION: CALLER TUES AM BUILDING: orfolorrrucs / srEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. , tr\RoucH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNs#troN REeuEsrL DATE JOB NAME CALLER ,'/------\INSPECTION: MON f TUES )./WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BU trl trl trl trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING NSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: EMP. POWER: - tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr E] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL gu*rlflovto CoPRECT|ON*. _ ' ' D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR