HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 UNPLATTED WATER TANK LEGAL.pdf, ,^ frl'lkI V*J"'*t"' ttt- COMMT]NITY DEVELOPME}fT POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TTMES PERMT Permit #: 898-0356 ,fob Address: 5004 sNowsHoE LN sbatus. . . : rssIlED Location. . . : EAST VAIL WATER TANK 5022App1ied. . zLLI/20/1998 Parcel No. .: 2099-aB2-00-005 Issued...: t2/L0/L998 Proiect No.: Expires..: 06/08/L999 Description: INSTALL AVAI-'ANCHE RESTRAINT SYS, & ACCESS Occupancy: 84 Tlpe Construction: I FR Type Occupancy: ValuaLion: 24,750 Building-----> Plan check- - - > fnvestigai ion> will call - -- -> TOWN OF VATL DEPARTT'{ENT OF 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2138 Add Sq Ft: .OO ToCal Calculated Fees---> 539.75 50 -OO Additional Fees---------> .O0 .o! Total PermiE Fee--------> 519.75 1OO - oo Pa)rm€nEs-------- 63t.73 639 -75 BA!A}iCE DUE---- co NOTE: THIS PERIVIIT MUS'I BE ADD,/ALT COMM BUILD APPLICA}TT COIilTRACTOR ObINER EAGLE RTVER WATER & SAN. DIST. 845 FOREST ROAD, VAIL CO 8L657 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAN. DTST. 846 FOREST ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 TOW}'T OF VAII, 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 lho lho Co .O Dr eposit Refund ne: 97O4757480 ne: 97O4'767480 mm. Dev. Cfe P rovn an-up T.ApDfunount 295. OO Reseualants Plan Revies--> 191- .75 DRB Fee-------- .00 Recleation Fee----__----> 3.oo cl.ean-UpDePosir--------> TOTAL FEES- -.. - date B4 T)pe I Fire-Resistive ITCM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPAR'I'MEN'I' UEPC: 11/.2o/.1ee8 silaBuE A.ction' NQEE PI,4NS_-T9_CH+R!IF Dept : BUILDII\TG Divisi s r-on :ITCM: O510O BUILDING DEPARTMENT Lt/.2o/.1998 SiIABUE A.ction: NQE ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: IJUILU]NG UAVISAON: LA/20/1998 CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO CHARLIE r^'ta7'ti tt)2 cIaRLrE A-etion: APPR MAKE N3T: 3l n1.71T,.REPRT iEbmr' o54oo-Fr,A rNs DEPARTMENT Dqpt: PL,ANNTNG Division:rEbmr'05400 PIANNTNG DEPARTMENT - -Dept-:- PL,ANNTNG 7112o/1998 CFIARLTE AcLion: NorE PLANS To JEFF H 1t'/o9'/i,s9g JHUNT Action: APPR 50? fu1l : avalan season a2'/ 09'/1,esq JqqNT ACEiON: APPR 50?IIaM:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T t!/20/!929 CSABI-,IE __49!_1on: APPR N/A Dept.: FIRE Division: Division:rEbm;'05500-PIJBLTC woRKs Depts PUB I/'loRK 1,L/20/L998 CIIARLTE Action: NoTE NOTTFTED TERRr P See page 2 of t.his Document f or any condj-tions that may appl-y to trhis permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno$ledge that I have read thie applicatio:I, filled ou: in full the information requiled, conPleted an acculate PloL ljl-an, anil state chat all the infomation provided as required is correcE. I agree to comply witsh Ehe information and Plot Pfan, tso conply eith all Tovn ordinances and €EaEe lars, ana to build this stluctule according to the Town'B zoning and subdiviaion codes, de6ign leview approveal. Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinanceB of the Town apPlicable lhele:o- REQUESTS FOR.INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MA-DE TI4ENTY-FOTJR HOURS IN AD\TANCE BY TEIEpHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT Olt? OFFICE FROM g:00 AM 6:0o Pu i)|.,.,,,c-.ii jxrl E{ \ [:D-- srcNArrRE "n"- oR co*rRAcroR !'oR HrMsEr,F AND owNER sFnd cLean-Up Deposir To: E.R.ll.s.D ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 898-0356 as of l2/t0/98 StsaEus: ISSIIED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Applied: LL/20/L998 Applicant: EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAN. DIST. Issued: l2/LO/L998 9704767480 To E>qgire: 06/08/1999 ilob Address: LOCAEiON: EAST VAIT, WATER TANK 5022 SNOWSHOE LN Parcel No: 2099-182-00-005 Description: INSTALL AVAI,ANCHE RESTRAITff SYS. & ACCESS LADDER Condit,ions:1. FIETD INSPEq|IONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. water tank t.o remain at 50* full during avalanche season. TOlllN OF VIIL. COLOP,AI)O 8t tscllnt gcat6rnltu Nurrb€! | REC-O{8/l ABount: PayEenc Method I CK NoEaElon: 10102 679.75 L2/LO/95 L3.L2 IniE ! JN PereiE No! 898-0355 Tlpe! A-coMM .nDD/Al,T coMM BUILD P Parcel No: 2099-192-oo-oo5 si!€ Address: 5004 gNOwsHoE lN LocaEion: EAST VAIIJ 'IATER tfNl( S022 SNd{SHOZ lil rrrrrrrr*rrrr*r D.scripiio:r Pal.lreac 6L9.7s Tocal AIJJ PoEss Balance: AccounE Code Toual Fees: 63t.75 BP OO1OOOO311].1O0 BUILDING PERI4IT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIGII REVIEW FEBS pp 00100003112300 PLln CHECK trEES AmounE 295. 00 30. o0 t9t.?5 100. o0 AD D: -DEPO8 CIJEANUP DEFOSITS WC 00100003112600 lllLl, CAIIJ INSPECITON PEB ?|oiz .o 3 q <; gl ll o B |r o 91 . {,H && (nCl E rF.6a .o OE -b dD d8 8. 88 CN t,a E E. E ltl -o F. I U E o f{o FI (J t tr E H E a i (,F o d E F. E d (, tJ er a .o I au EX F-q4 c g ,{ EE FD E9 laa 2, lrE az fB F-H4 o E A 8. F.Hia EX !{'4 E H H z F z o F tac :(l au,ZE a la o gts lr EA v| '{O D IE(J UU A ll :r U ts I a E1 a a FI a F. w ; -> !0 E rrl 44 0 a(, q lqO t uc o PERMIT APPLTcATToN FORr\I . DATE: t!?pfEb { APPLTCATTON }fusr BE FTLLED our coMpl,xrEr-,y oR r" rtay }1or B3 ACCEe?ED x*x**' * * * * x * x * 'i * * x x r'' x * * * * x * * x * PERI.IIT rNFOR_,"{ATro}{ ,t * * .i * ,r * * * * * * * * ,l /! vrs*a.r\J.,r ^. _x_xx,+it)r,k****,r***i4,irh1j"l;_, [ ]-Building i J-plumbing [ ]-nrectrical [ ]-Mechani-ca1 tfi_orn"!.Job Narne : fui<.:ntu c'.<rrt. r- L-E; -fi .ru Job'Addres:^:. S>ZZ 3JD - _lwt J >tTeE r,egal Description: Lot. Block--.- Filing_ .,,"nr,,r"r,S.USDIVISiO}I:Ea.rar E Atae. vJa{_E P- . Ownefs Nane: _lAn4a!-fa-TI- Lt i><r-bt. r lrtrtra * x r:.>r* t * * **x* * * *, x **x *.)e rt * x * * * ** ** 0ffice lf.l;i, ." vArL coNsrRucrrp PF9\rri /, Address: lol,'n of Vail Phone Number: lown of Vail Phone l.{umber: FOR OFFI CE USE *****:L*x )r**x**********:r* ****:z*, E-r.trrt^rEep. r ----r-4= -Ar*i*"e€r: Bsre,a_Ere,._-- Address, ry". nn. ?i]I-General De scrj.ption:,;ffi I Num-ber of Dr+e1 ting'Units, Jo *rr*.,-_.. L I Number of Accorrunodation Il - {pmber .ra rvp. ;; ;;r";;.J;o-".= onnriur,")Y"' or Accorrunodarion units, AJA U:::, "1': :"::.:t u""ntacesi , _.- cas Loss_ r,roodlpeJ_1".- fi* * * o n * * tk * )t it* * * *rt * * ,* ** * * * ** t,. * x * *** VALUATToNg **** J; * >rr * * * *.r****rtrr * *** * rr * * x * * * )i ,.* :Y.r:?llc: | 4,1#,oo ELEcrP.rceL: $ + Addresd: fuu trf-t:Town of Vatrl neg. l;O. 1cZ_ B Pnone Nunbc r. 47U.144;-El.ect:-icat contracror: B1b- O35Q - - - '7 'r'- I '-^.... / 416 i------,r\.1{.,-i=s5 - Town of Vail Rec/'ir;Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Do/^r l\7.,.\LY. rt\/. Mecha:rical Contractor.: Addre: s:Reg. NO. EUILD:NG PNR}4IT FEE:PLIi}ID NG PER].IIT FEE: ME]iIAI TCAIJ PNru,II? FEE: ELJCTI ICAL FEE: OT;{ER IYPE OF FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: Mr{BrNG Pr,AN ci{EcK _FEE:MECHANTCAL PLAN CHECK FEE:RECP€ATTON FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSfT: :orAL nu*'Ddfd'Fccei BUILDTNG: SIGNATTIRE: ZONTNG: Conments: VALUATION ,'? n=PnCT'r Dr?rlrnr F^'----:' -.41--iji'c u;ru ru: SIGNA ived_--_ ] -.!::,ir !r ") 75 sorilh lronlagc road va ll, colorado B 1657 (303) 479-2 1.38 or 479-2t39 TO: Fnn\f. narE: CIIFYET-'N. olllce ol communlly dcvelopmen I ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYIT REGISTERED }IITH THE TOIfN OF VAIL TO'yrN oF VAIL pUBtIc IioRKS/CO)I.IUNITY DETIELOPi.IEIIT ]'tARcH l-6, 19IB CONSTRUCTTOI{ PARKING T, }TATERIAL STOzu.GE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 stai_es :!-1t i!^is un].awful for any pet'son to Iitter, track "r a"lo.it.any soiL, ro"i:, sand, Cebris or haterirl, inctuciing tr;=;-;;;.psters, portable toilets and vo) )rmen v,:hicJ-es. r,rpon any streerl "ia""aiil -;ii;y or pubt j,c pri ce or ilnv porriln th;;";;--*ir,u risn!:"i-iiv*;n arr Toi.rn of Va I stre,:ts anct.roads i= afproiimul"iy-s"it.-irl pavement.ilh ; ordinance viLl- be =trii[iv-'enforced by the To.*n of Vail puLtic ' r'?orks ouparimentl--p"irlns f ouncl .rii,r"li'g this ordinance vrir] be s'ven a 24 hour r.itl"n""otice to*;;;;;"rsaid r.aLerial-.rn the event the person so notified.aou=-rii,,,I"Ioa' r.,,ith the notice r+ithin an:_31 trour.tine-lpecified, the p,,rtfi. .ltorks Department vrirl rehove said rnateiiut ut tr.,"..""plise of pgr.s6n notified' The provision=-"r- trri= .ordinance srrlrr not be applical:'|-e to ctnstruct:-on, niintun-.". or renair projects of any strc:t or alley or any utiiities in.tne ilgti_"_ruy. io reviei,r..Ordinance Nb-: 6 in full, please stop by the Toun of X3;;"il'ii3i"3"";fli:T:ii":a "u[]'n a copv' rhan], vou ror vour R V eao and acknorrLedgecl by: vsft :i li ( i . e. contractor, o.,rner) 75 soulh lronlag c road va ll, colorado 81657 (3c3) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 olllce ol community devolopmerrl iuit-orNc pERr.iIT issuAucE TIr,rE FMl.rE If thi.s perrni.t requ jres a Tov,n of Vail fire Department Approva.l , ..Engineel''s (.Pub1ic l.{crks) r"vie*'unl:upprouui,f" ei'Jii,iin!"bepurt . nt revi er'r or Her'r th Deoarrment. ievievr, -uii-u-iuui.; ;y"iiil";rii oi nn DepartmenL, :he estimated time ror'a-io*r revrev, may take as ronc as threg wee:is . r I sv I Ey. ldy LdKe a . A'l'l commercii:i'('turg:^gl T.l] ) and a.lt mut ti-fam.i1y permits rrit.l have to foli.rr the abov^e.rnenti6neJ *ix.irur requirernents. Residentiar and smarl prr jects shoujd i;k"-;-i";;er'amount of tjme.' However, .if residentfal t r sntaller.projects impJci-the various above mcntiohed departmcnts r., ith reca.l!' to-ne.esiaiJ-i"uiu*, these projects may also take the three-week period Every.attcmpt vri'l 'l t "" made by this permrlt.as. s.gon as pc,ssible. I, th. unders igned, understand the Trame.. i departnrent to expedite this' . plan checlt phocedure and time .8.. Ag reed &o.=. o",.'J/sfr?/ff,, ,0.*u , ',u ;*'Comnruni ty Devel opmnnt Department. TO: FROM: DATE: IIEIIOFANDiJI/ 'ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC ItAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPAHTMENT IS REQUIRED Permit": NO --'1) .) Please anbwe-r th: follovling questionnaire reg ariJing the OlWay Permit" Job Name;p6s1_Date: tlzo /qa _-T-|-=- need {or a "Public Way YES Date ls this a ner^r residence? ls. demoliti';n work being perlormed lhat requires the use of lhe righl ol way, easements or public prope;ty? - ls rny'utility rvork needed? ,ls .he orivervay being repaved? Is diflerent access needed lo site oll-er than existing drivervay? ls ;tny clrainage wor'x being done aff,;cting the ri(rht of way, easemenls, or public property? 4) c) 6) 7) 8) ls a "Revor;able Right required? A. ls the right of public property to be parking or lencing? v/ayr easemenls or used ior slaging, B, lf no to 8A, is a parking., staging or iencing'plan required by Communit! Development? I you answered yes to an-'of these questions, a'Public Way permit" rrrtbe obiaineci, " )ublic Way Permii' applicalions may be oblained at the Public Wor,x's office or at co.1n11u1ity Deve.lopmenl. . ll you have any questions please.call charlie Davis, ihe Tovrn ol Vail Construclion Inspector, at 479-2159. I have read and answ,rred rt^-^l\6lllllj the above questions. Contractor's Signalu re April3, 2003 Mr. J. R. Mondragon Town of Vail - Building Department Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 ft;ir.o#v Re:East Vail Tank Rehab Proiect Dear Mr. Mondragon: Bates Engineering, Inc. performed periodic visual reviews of the work in progress for the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District East Vail Tank Rehab Project. Mr. Dave Woodward, PE, performed this work in accordance with the agreement befween the District and Bates Engineering. To the best of his knowledge the work was completed in general conformance with the project Drawings and Specifications. Robert T. Bates, PI c: Mr. Ron Siebert RTB:rb 6i,'^;'P Bates Enginee.ing Inc0rporated 7175 W.lefferson Av€tlue, SLrite 38oo LakewooC, Colorado 80215-2321 303.980.1212 Tel. 303.980.6100 Fax. www.bate5engineering.com C OIVS TBUC TIOil DRA WITIGS I0wrr ul Vatt 0omrnuntt, DovoloDmEil thn Budd Hsatflt Ftre I An qDofov€r' D ELIJ n n 0onEd fl tr : i-. Vailotly ol permit Sec. 303 (c) t9 U.B C. rhe,rssuancc 0r granting 01 a permit 0r approvat 01 pi3ns arir iOcciticalions shall not be construed t0 be a 0ermit ior. ol. ,.,, approval of, any violation of any ol tne provjsions 0t ll.lts coor rr 0l any olner ordlnancc 0f the iurisoication. The issuance ol a oermrt based upon plans, specifications and other Oata shar,,rri orevent tho building official lrom therealter requtflng thr x,rreclion 0f orrors in said glans, specifications and otne llta qn-, 12- /a-7A FOB THE EAST vAtL rEtD0vS 504000 CtLL0t TAtK lrPEOrEflEIlTS Iil EAOL E COUilTY, COL OBA DO Date Received il(lv 20 rcgg Eogle River Woler ond Sonlolion 0blricl 0ennk Oelvin 0islrbl Hanoger Ron Siebed Honager of tngineerhg Seplember, 1998 BfA- 63sG {llt lonnr 6qe &ed 9c frchity TOCANON TAP hdc tL IS t lJ '' 5 50A000 6olloo lonl O , UG Cmdcb fonk O WdMfY il/AP kde: lt.IS. DRAWING INDEX SHEEI NO. TITLE M SHEEI t. L&Allot ttAPs PlAtt Alt7 aRAflAtG lt(EX 2 IIT! ETEPI& WDER J. fanoA at A Qt&S Ncr ctlsiv loddq trislng 21' mqrrol {tislhg t2' lnlel/Atltel -,_,_\, t blirg lclenclq/ '*colhodic prclec h;otl ctrclosures fxisti.g 21' mqtray SOO,OOO ALLON TANK PLAI'I n,,u. t/2'= t'-o' Nolc: locolioos ol lonk lcolurcs se oppro notc. tz -u tnvoe u@ne(e/ }I IT Ii I$ a I q g t t { I Il \ s*s $R$i $h $ [\ ! PROJECT NO. 9a.156 SHEET 10F5 9 vl !i ? o c ld& wlrq 6' nox J' x t/' Sors Upt:cot J't t/'Hry J' X l/' Bors l)picol 2 l//2' ntt J'r lr/l' Hq l'-l l,/2' Rodius t'-, ,/2' Radius ttislhg lodda dtd hdtN lmt roof not shoml lsp. tdds lo sttdl s _l 2-1'r9'tJ/E' @rC.s td& lo&t b(dels O 1'-0' not I A. Yry/ ffcnoil & 0t2J trE-------i- J', t/'Hry s .l s .l sfcnov l, ZL 0t2J trE--- s s s \ I l//2' ,ch. a0 sleel phe rolti,tg noot plole NOIES: ,W EXTTHOR UDOER TLEVAIION 024 tsrl---F! foundotim roll 1'r l/4' loe boa4 2 si4cs Cmlroclu shdl tqiry @rk hei?hl ond possble modilicohons requtied fq it lcl/erence dlh exblirq @gJrlm@ces ftisthg exlanu loddd lo bc rcnoEd. ads cnne&ig loddd lo shell shol be g(arad 0ush tith sleel. Lodd€ ofld sofelt coge sholl cmlorm lo 0SllA. 29 CfP A1 xll / londi,tg plolldm shdl bc cdtslrucled ol celcd sled t Nfliized sled qolhq copoble ol susloirirg o 200 lb ,vlicot lood Loddcr sholl be prine cooled i,, cmlumonce lilh specinco4cn Seclin 05515. lq ol qotirg (see Nolc I,J. L W 021 l!{r--ilr--rq J XJ T J/O onqes JfE lodhg cotq 1 97 1' x J/8' x 2 t/2' t":l '' 'l I F--- Lr\\17, 18'long sled \lodtu rungs \ Usc delqmcd bu. \ i! ill Ii I$ ilil1 'l ! I ,t g t B !t I I Il $u r$5i 6 ol ,6 I s I ! t .t ! .o 8 t - t-- HF 5t SSuS ERN$ F<- Hs sk N({j \(! 09/96 0Art: DPII 0€slottD: GI mln 8Y: PROJECT NO. 98. r 36 SHEET 20F5 t 6 , n 5 t}t Ionrn ,t6 - r r//1' r dtdtt bo s o t0'up F 1',-6 ,J/167 See 0elol /'7\ ty Erisliry cancrelc la.ndotin rcI -l Foundotin dl he4nl is 1'-6' io lhis de. Andrt dnbcdrrart ,i 1'-0' hsleod ol 5'-9' R25'- 7' FOUilUNON YAII PUN 01Et2t6 trtmr d ----- u 0t2 trEr-rl kde. J,/t' = t'-0' 0esion Crilcrio: fatodotim onchoE desEncd lo cmslroi| tonk shell lo foundoh:ot ro duriog lhc l@-por otdutdtc eprl silh lhe lalk cmply ol rcter. lhe lolol tolsd lood lrqrsnilled lo lhc lonk b 57E,0O0 /bs. odd ol o heighl ol 85 leel bosed a lhc owlonche slud/ peltmed by llr. Arlhur lle{s h Apd, 1998 lhe ,cilrl ol lhe enplt lonk ,os ossumed lo be 158,M hs. dtd lhe coelfcbfll ol slidioq lriclim, 0.2 Suckling ol lhe shdl is ptbouc dtrirq lhB ew1l. J/8' hdt ptotc l,loles; qelols ol eislicg loun&lin tdl lokat han uigitol design dratirgs, fxislitg lonk plole lhbtnesscs ei relds ore ossumed. orllicq ol eisliog concrelc slrdl be pdlumcd ia o m@ns o@rod bt the fngheer. Anchor bolls shqll be ASIU A J07. kul sholl be uosl$ Buldqs Concrecie Posle lPl ff eqrimlen| Cot lroclu sholl lil one hou ol thc hdc rilh ya.tl using @ i2ieclioo lube ond lhen push lhe bott honc'so thol groul qpfurs ol lhc lq ol lhe loundoh:ot| ,olL foundoliot oodrors $oll bc poitlcd rilh e div lonk coolirg s)'slqn lq crr$im prolcclion. Any etlerir insulolia olo@d lqndolioo onchqs should be rcmoGd lo ollor lq fulur. rcfib*. J. ib litg hotizotl lol reia lqcirg 4. 5. slc€l ilol nol bc cul e$q)l os Wrod bl lhc fngircq z 0rJl ad gntl I ftislhg cuecle Scote' l/E- . ,'-0' J/6' Sotlotn shdl plole. I Canlalhe moy nol moldt I latndolim ,aI carladiae I in dl locolins -\\ | zDAd ,l -t ;d a t tl'bdl nul ond lock togtU gin plole, J' x J- t l/' J//t6'v N t/' tns ,rg l/- filel rclds - t/1' noot ptote - \ {au 5't s/6'x a /2',lI ,ith|5/,6'hde lNt 5'x J/1't ,r .tft'? y cul os shon I //-Hotch noq ptote os 'l ./ rcquied, nol closd lhon f t'hon shdt ptotc '1, i/l l' Crarl origitoly qecilicd, bul nol @sqtEd Erbli,tq chonlel 2dl hole lr )t dbmelcr 2 | 6 t tl'bdt nul @d loct rodtcc pc€r, tot, lhrcods lo pretgrl ranotd [ 5't 5/6'x 4 t/2' l5'xJ/'xttJ/8': Scde: J' = l'-0')cole J =t -u i$ Ii I$ ,tllJrr g s ,t t B €I t Ltl € $r r$ao os o - 6 , E 7 2 I I I I t 6 I t- HF li3 $Ss$ s$Rs Hs sh S\J \| 09 /96 0AIf: oPw oEsorE0: GT o8^tt| 8Y: PROJECT NO. 98.136 SHEET 50F5 7- "o,,2,,, 0t:!3 C30U0300 BAIES ts{GrNEas O Eoor sEcrloN0|Dr0 ADI'E!{IIUM Colorado Strte Eaglc County AdilendumNunber Octoh€( 12' l9E Prcicct: Oruer: FaEt Vrit M€adows 5$,000 Gallon Tonk loproveocrts Eagle Rivcr Woter and Sanitgdon DisEict Rcririolr to Drrwilgr: Sbe*3_NrrmbcroflT..inchdigsctEfarchorsbolts$h8tlborcdrrccdfron36.9lOeto24@15"(@ 6,-10 %'). Minimum -on"J"ir'"r" d"P'b lq lT J;;"g ft-ddtt rvdl-io-bouom of hole sball be rcduc.d ftom s.-9- -d ;";J;;;;-0';t dl 21 b:lp. txilr b-otc dianapr may be rcducod to 2 inchcs urovidcd rh,{ cooplete O"",'*ii", "f O! *Urya J*T.t t- U" *tticvca' pritt anglc shall bc ir,creascd frorn 3o op to rd?t,n i-c""*tiJ t ooia *fre;is@ reiirtlcqs ccel ia tte fourdation unll during &illing. Th.-br;;;ildttll tr. *n"ff U" o-minimril of 2 inches cle' frorn the insidc lboe of the foundation vall' lnDesigncritcrianoto,.ViththctankemptyofwatcPsha|tbechangedto.withrhctarkhalf.frll(16. foot watcr lwel)." Aclnowlcdgnent: AcknowlcdgD€,ntofrecoiptofthisaddendum(hillb€mrdconthsBidSchedu|c.Fuilueto acknowlodtP r€ccipt of d;?i*at^ -"y be causc for rejcction of tbe bid' Tho coutract Docometrts and constn*tion spocificstions shell not bc 0ltorod and/or cbangad in any fi;;; "- ;-hsrtofot€ indicstcrl end/or sprccified- Barcs Engbccring' lnc';-; *..1,,Wm/Derc: to lsz I q b E!{D OTSECTION Eacle Rivcr Watcr md Sanitgtion Disrid t v.if f*At"ao*r 500,00ll{alloq Tadr lmpmvcntcns Sccbon ffi910 - Pngc I of I