HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 24 LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9 -2138 Bui Lding-----) PLan Check---> Investigation> tJiLt Cat L----) Job Address Location... Parcel No,.Project No. 5013 SNOWSHOE LN 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE 2099-182-19-013 PRJ97-0099 I SSUED 06 /13 / resl o6 /13 / |ss7 12/ro /ree'1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DBVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT permir #: 897-0160 Stat.us . . . Applied.. fssued... Expires . . APPLICANT HASELHORST CARPENTRY & REMODEL P O BOX 912, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR HASELHORST CARPENTRY & REMODEL P O BOX 912/ AVON, CO 81620 OWNER JOST THOMAS J 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE, VArL CO 81657 Description: ADD BOILERROOM,INSTALL FLOOR JOIST SYS. Occupancy:R3 SingJ.e Family Residence amount date Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Val-uation:6, 000 Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace lnformation: Rest ri cted:#Of Gas AppI i ances:dof Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pa L l,et : ******t***********t***************************************t FEE SUt!llARY *****r(**************************************************** 276.25 50. o0 326.25 326.25 276.25 BALANCE DUE--__********t******************************rr********************i************t*********i************************i******t************** Itqm: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divisioni 06/13/1991 CHARLTE Acrion: AFpn cnenlrE DAViS ItQm:' .05400 _P!,ANNINc DEPARTMENT Depr: pLANNING Division:o6/13/1997 CHARLTE ectionl -ApFn ron DIRK MAS6N-Itern:'05600_FIRE DEPARTMEN Dept: FIRE Division:o6/73/7997 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A rtem:'05500 puB]-rc woRKS Dept: puB woRK Division:06/13/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A ****i************************************************************************************t************************i*************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovledge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in ful.L the information requ.i red,ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with the Phone: 3039263'1 28 Phone: 3039263728 TOViComm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved c!* '105.00 Restuarant P lan Reviev-->6E.25 DRB Fee-------- -00 Recreation Fee---------->3-00 C lean-lJp Deposi t--------> .00 Tota I Catcutated Fees--->.00 Add it'i onal. Fees--------->.00 Total perm'it Fee-------->1O0.O0 Payments------- to compty with atL TolJn ordinances and state taHs, and to buitd this structure according io-the Towni codes, design review approved. l.rniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabl.e ttpT compteted an i nformat ion zoning and accurate p lot and ptot p Lan, subdivision eto - OFf I REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE Send CIean-Up Deposit To: HASELHORST CARPENTRY ANO OI,INER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-A160 as of 06/L9/97 Status---: rssuED ************************************tr*******.************************************ Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT epplied--: O6/t3/I99'l Applicant--: HASELHORST CARPENTRY & REMODEL Issued---t O6/L3/!997 3039263728 To Expiret 12/LO/7997 Job Address: 5013 SNOWSHOE LN Location---: 501-3 SNOWSHOE LANE Parcel No--r 2099-182-19-0 13 Description: ADD BOILERROOM,TNSTALL FLOOR JOrST SyS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD ]NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *********.******************************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0289 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notationz #7309 326.25 06/ts/97 0B:1?rnit: cD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code **WAIVED FEES** 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description WAIVED FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALI.,, INSPECTION FEE 897-0160 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PE 2099-182-1_ 9 -013 5013 SNOWSHOE LN 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE 326.25 Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts: Balance: 326.25 326.25 .00 ************rk*****L********************************************* Amount -20.00 10s.00 70.00 68 .25 100.00 3.00 c; ; o2 .o OE j F ov .o E.-z {o HEr zo oo 14 U B E 4 t F E ril F U F o Ci 6 l]F a EO o,u d or -a it (, FEI F laP U -ro j Fi o E< AF vz 9tE H4 E FI FF vz =o FIE b€r az 4p ro HE 9 FF HZ oc)AE FI b F F z i E(J 2t'l Erl1 UO a H FT F FI d z D FI o o ; ,; =>BTE(r g4 0 at, d E] 0 ! TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9? 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit E: E97-O2L8 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 5013 SNOWSHOE IJN VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 2099-L82-1.9 -013 PRJg7-0099 Statu6...: ISSUED LoT 24AppIied. . : 09/L8/.t9s'1 Issued...: 09/24/1997 Expires..: 03/23/1998 Phone: 9? 09 49 L4O3 Phone: 970949L403 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P o Box 1118f AVON CO BL62O CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P o Box 1118r AVON CO BL62O OWNER JOST THOMAS J 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE, VArL CO 81657 Description: INSTALL BRANCH CIRCUITWIRING IN LOWER LValuation:4, 5oo . oo *i****ff***ff*ff***ff*******ff*ffi*********************** FEE SUlll'IARY *ttfid*rtr*rt*rfiHrrnffir**fi*rtJrt*****rrtlnt**ffi**ffrttffi**tt*** Total ca[cutated Fees---> 93. O0 Etectri cat---> 90.00 oRB Fee Investigation> .0O Additionat Fees---------> Tot!t Permit Fee--------> PaYments------- .00 93.00 95.@ .oo Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: FIRE Division: Ui LL cal,l.----> TOTAL FEES---> 3.00 93.00 *ff********ff****************tr*************ff****************************ffi**rhtrt**ffir*fi****************t**t**f,tr*Jr**trtr'ffint Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/23/1997 CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR It'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT os/Iz/1sst CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A ****ffi**ff*****ff*****rrff#t*ffi*tr*ffi*ffi*****ffi*t****t********************************tr**t**l*t||*trtffiffit|t*ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **********t***ir****li***************ff**ffi***#**lHl****************************rrtrl****#******r**********f,***it*|tffiffirr*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in fult the infofmation required, corpteted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that al.t the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty Hith the infor4ation and Ptot P[an,to compl,y lrith atl, Tor,rn ordinances and state taws, and to buil.d this structure according to the Tosn's zoning and subdivision codas, design review approvcd, Uniform BuiLding code.nd other ordinances of the Town appticabte therrto. TELEPHONE REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0332 Anount: 93,O0 09/24/97 ]-2t00 Payment Method: CHECK Notationt 817752 Initl LRD 897-0218 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2099-L82- 19-013 5013 sNowsHoE LN VAIL MEADOWS FIL L LOT 24 Total Fees: 93.00 Total ALL Pmts: Ba.Iance I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 93.00 93.00 .00 Descri-ption ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Permi-t No Parcel No Site Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 0l- 0000 41336 Amount 90.00 3. 00 t @oor PERHIT ' "'J n"L, PIIUBrle PERIIIT EJE: UECSA}TTCAL PERI{IT FEE: BUILDING FEruTT r F$E: T ITE: Lotte.t- - I v,BUILDING: I ToTAI,! t t*t *l lta aar I *a r ****ir **CONTR$CTOR INElO![ilAf ION * **tr ** t | :] * * * t t i | | * t t !r ** tt'l * Totln of Vail ReE. NO- Pb,one NuUber: Elect$.eaaref caI,llosa of Vall Phone NnFhers kl#;PHfr, Phone /Nuuber! I Totn df Vai1 Phone llunb€r: Res. No._,tFl6 +a+7- tws Reg. NO. oFFICE USE * * *** ** * *rr* r* rr r* EUTI,DTNG PtAt{ CEECK FEEI PLUIITBING PIAN qEECK TEE3 I,TECIIANIEAIJ PI.,IN '^'''CK FEE: RECREAIION FEE! * ** rt*t t tt* CLEIN-UP DEPoSI:I: TOTAI, PERUIT FEES:I l[ rurrorrc; lrsrcNAruRE:I zoNrNG: I SIGNATIIRET iwq+ -a011 APPLICI'TIOX l.fitsT BE FILI,ED OIIT COUPI,ETELY OR IT UAY }rqr BE ACCEPTED *l***t*ttl*rl**ttilt*t l-Butlding t 1-Pr c*lc,b- Job Addles6s 5ol 3 $rro<-r5hoC- l-.-V- lhqad.a4g +1a-bLA a r f*r* PEllltrl llllomnlfoll rttt*t rt ttt.rt rtt t'rtt*t*t l.lt ltl ngr fvf-Electricat [ ]-uechani'ca1 [ ]-other Eloct ' rifing- X - suBprvrbroE' ydL /}l*^doq .ft Jos*tAddrees:Sois Saor-r+,Aac.laar, rn. chitect:N/a * * t arlt t * rlt *t * **t*il!t t I Address: Pltrubing Address: llechanlcal Contractor r *** FOR Addressi 4t r,'t tal- ,;!t r i, -/ G- trJ-Additlonal [ ]-Repair I l-otheE of Dwelling Uni I lulber of Acc{modation UnLts: 1rd rtee of r ! Gas Applianc ces lpgs_ I{oodlPellet ll * r r * { vAtUmIoIS * r *i r * *r r rf r.r * i r *r r t * * r +r r r a * **r ELEcTRfcAL: | *- brn.9 ttEcEAilrcs,L:3.........- I Offffn: I NTUf,D TO3 s\r -1\- ! J i.:,i{ 'Fl \ -i/ J{ \A lJ -?.)Yli Q'J {i, vr ri wal ni4 I I I 'I /'/ =J*:' -4C : i ro ti .{ :/Cl F r.!{ e.s c i'u-\!2.:.i g*t\'/ €3\ff (I €ss i .-'. rl ,/. -\) J *'er 3v)-.\<E \..- \\ ,.i I -::'ri". U. l Y I I t"'."I I I I I I 1 :*(o v {7\<,:7- ' .----\ \----l .-.-/ ' V=; ru-a-,..I .:7 r \ ./-\ ,..4--\) t-,''.-)(,_) , --7 X >L-) + J_. Br u -{J ^o lL< sE^,-rr..,,0 rVCG f'tt'; I I I I \ I I I I i I '/-\t'c$: i t <A \" ^r *L{' \,,,, .;\'1'/'u't \ r-ft't-l "" L'"4 \ \ t \ I \ I \ ! \ \ \ | .' -' .-\L O'^.,5 oto, co c ?'z 7sz i-',e PPL't. - ?*rrc L-'-L?( Dol, 6.4t {7 $t tl (vfur- L-- L(.0..-r:f Lpfu /-1,/'\I xe --a I ) {",;:, i lii I -l5 tooo ' / ,-'-' 7\0r44 a , ,u.,,?-,--.- ..irrt l\ b#5 I o Town of Vail OFFICE COPY t,f 91 4 &d t4) c \ X A \\ c -() -a 6 { 0 q I 5 i -t I I I I I -l *%l 6.1 a( J *7 ' ,l / tt | -+>4 t r -r ,? 1y 4) s t 'A u { -)J $: 1j s a v\.3 \)( !+ X \ fJ-)c s s $l { t :5 = I 0/ --0[ .Oi L'r -\.\ trqr r/ '6 OJ hq \ 'D vl Y L -o i-t\v -r ( ') oS-t-'o-+ /\.', 11 _:r'; o [#3 q, 4 \, s U s -\ A) \J --k t, , t\\-.;,+ \ .i !} \l (l I : : 6 .) 5 s {q/3=T O tr\'* & --\.t) .r-2 e tr { n 1,J o ,.) .l {, -t) .t' .1 -( -s 5< an S \ nr q) -:in .>r|'J \Jr o (f {'\r lL tn t\ r U \J C) { c 0 a s V :- 0 d + vt o )t Y tt X.$ s $ qJ fll - IJ f : (' TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2I38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No...., Project Number 5013 SNOWSHOE LN 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE 2099-182- 19-013 PRJg7-0099 I S SUED oB /26 /tee7 08 /28 /|es7 02 /24 /reeB Status. . ,Apptied.. Issued... Expires. . Valuation: fot Gas Logs: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit *: M97-0I52 APPLICANT FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRISCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRISCO CO 80443 OWNER JOST THOMAS J 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE, VAIL CO 8165? Description: INSTALLOF GAS STOVE & GAS INSERT conversion F i reo[ace lnfornation: Restricted:fof Gas Apptiances: 2 Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 3036683760 3,533.10 fof l,lood/Pa I I,et : ********************t************************************** FEE SUtfi.lARy ********************************************************** Iechani ca[---> Ptan check---> lnvestigation> 103. OO 8O.OO Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> 2O.O0 oRB Fee-------- .OO TOTAL FEES_-___ 3 .00 -OO TotaI Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees---------> -103. OO '103.00 Total Permit Fee--------> .0O Payments-------Ui l. L ca l, (----) ItE[! ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/28/7997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Ite{ti'.Q56Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:0B/28/199'7 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. GAS PIPING INSPECTION REOUIRED ALL DAMPERS MUST BE RbMOVED AT THIS TIME ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appt'ication, fitl,ed out in futL the information requi.ed, compteted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that atl the information provided as required- i-s correct. i agree to comp\y vith tire iniormation and pLot pLan,to compty with al.[ To],n ordinances and state [aHs, and to buiLd this structure according to'the Townrs zoning and subdivision codes, design rev'iew approved,, Uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,e thereto. REouEsTs FoR lNsPEcTIoNs SHALL BE I'|ADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT oun oFFIcE FRot't B:OO Alt 5:oo pr.,l 'TGNATuRE oF or,rNER oR coNTRAcroR FoR Hr'sELF ^ND .'INER O I I t, "Q- J_ ;;:ii; :, ff :l ;. Er::',:: : ;" t"J;,K oF vAr L "o"",*u",,O IPARCEL ll: .ir,'.1( I I S;-. 1..t t,l !, - PERMIT APPLICATION FORM lV DATE: 6 z'(, 'i /lv'm'*rr# I APPLICATfON MUST BE frLtED OUT Co!'|PLETELY OR IT l,lAY NOT BE AccEpTED I****************************** PERI.IIT fNFORI.|ATION *************rt**************rl [ ]-Building 6 l-plumbing [ ]-Erectricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: l)c'l ', ,jr,., Legal Description: owners Nane: Architect: Block_t ot')tl Filing Address: Address: Ph. Ph. ceneral Description: Additional I Nurnber of ,\.,', ,,f i,. r-l- Acconrnodatiqn Units: _ Work Class: [ ]-Ner,,r g,{l-aft.r"tion t l- Number of Dwelling Units: Electrical Contractor: Address: I ^ rypnber and rype of Fireplaces3 Gas Appli"rr""= ,-2 cas Logs wood/perlet_v rk********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* ' I (,:rrr,r'.1,.)BUILDTNG: $ ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: i ,.i1.',.. It r pLr,rMBrNG: T- - l,rEcnAN-ia;ii t-r.n;- rorAL:v l*************************'t* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************f Eeneral Contractor:Address, ,._r. Town of VaiI Reg. NO._ Phone Number: Plumbing Address: Contractor! Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: trl / 1!" town of VaiI \ Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor:1. . _ U\"\1 Town of Vail Reg. 11s. ict-fl Address:Phone Number: (,.t.s - :,tir.- ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE *******************************BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERI'IIT FEE: MECHAN]EAL PERHTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI"AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'{BING PI,AN cHEcK fEE: I'IECTiAI TCAL PI,AN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.{IT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLBA}{ I'P DEPOSIT REPI'ND - TOWN OF. VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-419-2138 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number 5013 SNOWSHOE LN 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE 2099-182-19-013 PRJ9 7-009 9 I S SUED os /1.4 /7se7 o6 /1.3 /ree7 72/1.0/rse7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit NI +. ALL TTMES M97-0075 Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expi-res . . APPLICANT MOUNT MASSIVE P.O. BOX 702, CONTRACTOR MOUNT MASSIVE P.O. BOX 702, OWNER JOST THOMAS J 5013 SNOWSHOE Description: RETRO RADIANT HEAT ADD 2 F i reptace Information: Restr.icted: N llechani ca [---> Ptan Check---) Investigation> Lri Ll. cal. L----> PLBG & HTG MINTURN, CO PLBG & HTG MTNTURN, CO LANE, VAIL 420.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev i e!i-->105.00 DRB Fee--------.o0 ToTAL FEES----- 3.00 Valuation: GAS LINES FOR FIREPLACES #0f Gas Appliances: 2 tof Gas Logs: Phone , 7 L9-486-7012 Phone: 7I9-486-LOL2 21,000 . 00 #0f llood/Pa l. Iet: 81645 81645 co 81657 *********************************************************** tEE SU|||MARy ************1************t******************t************* 528.00 .00 528 -O0 52A.OO ***********i***i***********,(************irr******************r**************************lililii-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill*** Iten: .05100_BUII,DING-DEPARTMENT nept: BUILDING Division:06/13/1997 CHARLTE Aationl--ApFn Cnenr,rE DAvrs IIbm:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. E',TELD TNSPECTIONS AgE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.?. CoMBUSTTON ArR Iq BEQUTRED pER SEC. 0OZ 0r' rHe-rS91-uMe;-'--' 3 . TNSTALLATTON_IIqST_qONEoB!4 TO MANUFACTURES rnSinUetiOll-s -Aro TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. qAS APPLTANCEE_SFALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMTNATE 4S EPECTFTED rN SEC.906-OF-rHE--i001 0udl-s. AcqEss To HE4!_rNq EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WrrH see .sOs-lil,ro 703 OF THE 1991 UMC:6. EqMES SHAL_L EE_M_OINTED QN qLQQRS QF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST._ ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNT]NG ON COMBUSTTELE-FL06RiNG.- --''--' 7 . pEB!{ r Tr plaNg ^ANQ gqDE ANAlys r g _t{IUSi - BE-FosTsD-'ii.i-MEcHAN r cAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTTON REOUESi: __ -----'8. DRAINAGE OF V-ECEANIqAL ROqMS.qorytAiry NG HEAT]NG OR HOT_WATER SUPPLI BoILEB.$. $HAL!, BE EQUIPPED_WitH- A FLI'OR. DRAlII-.Fsn''.fiEd.'2119 OF THE 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS / I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,! the in{ormation required, compteted an accurate plot .00 Total Catcutated Fees---).00 Addi t'ional. Fees--------->528-00 Totat Permit Fqe--------> Payments------- plan, and state that atI the information provided as required 'is correct. I agree to comply Hith the information and ptot ptan, to compty with atI Tolrn ordinances and state larrs, and to buil,d th'is structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes/ design revie!, appnoved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabie thereto. REOUESTS rOR INSPECTToNS SHALL BE l'rAoE TT{ENTY-FOUR HOURS rN eOfiCe AV TELEPHONE AyLTg-2138 ow oul oFFrcE F Rol,t 8:OO A[ 5:OO ptl STGNATuRE oF or.,NER oR coN rRAcroR roR HrrsELF AND or,JNER ( U q- t -- 0 I *!$*************************************************** TowN oF vArL, coLoRADO **************************************************************** o *********** Statennt 528.00 06/I7 /97 0B:14 Init I CD Statemnt Numberr REC-0287 Amount: Payment Met.hod: CHECK Notation: #1539 Pernit No Parcel No Site Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 47372 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 M97-0075 Type: B-MECH 2099-LB2-L9-013 5013 SNOWSHOE LN 5OI3 SNOWSHOE LANE MECHANICAL PERMIT TotaL Fees:528.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 528.00 s28.00 .00 ***************************rt************************************ Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 420 .00 105.00 3.00 PER}IIT // , APPLICATION MUST BE T'ILLED OUT COMPIJTELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Prunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-}lechanibat [ ]-other I Job Namet f, o. t Job Addrer=, 5OG Srtc,,^, SAoZ /1 tt '(A€g,doa:s n.Lesar Descripti on LotALt nlock_-]"Kii'i'ilgtU"rBDryTSroN: owners Narne:M Address : 50/ 3 Sq.,r- Sl^oe Ph?!tr:sdr Archi-tect:Address:Ph. v. ^ ltpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances [****rr**************************/\ ., *****n***********.. "of;sTs'z " f;ST3,7"-.Qp.?.?. * * * ** * * * * * * * * *** * * * -; ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-Neh' lcT-ALteration [dfAddftionat [ 3:nepairi i6f"Z; Number of Dwel-]ing Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Lias :()oq9 GqF Logs Wood/Pe11et iy.*tirq'EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG:MECHANTCAL: $TOTAL: $ csntractorr\\a s'rl h,t CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON *************************** Address: A,d-s Electrical Contractor: Address: F/63i Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEEs MECHANICAL PERI'{IT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: _bo Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ITTECHANICAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT PEES: Town of Vail Reg. NoB-.,|fA_ Phone Number: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: 4 S€lho r'.goy 0'? 4 tjdaa.uds Fr 63-L CLEAN I]P I}EP,OSIT REFTIND TO: tl *.* Contaci [;f.;loo t Eagle 28-86 fo tceltl . TOgtN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON PER}IIT 'I J , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED oUT coMPtETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEPTED x************** * * * ** ***** *** * * PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************ttl\-\/-t l-Buitding ,\laplumbinS [ ]-Etectricat ,X-uectrani-ca1 [ J-other \/ Job Name: !x- rt46{*xc/€-#:)iffiliizW*Legal Description: Lbt_ Block_1." ti15s ,uuorurrro*,f . V4 L owners Name: 1'Of.4 lFcf Address: SO[3 Slte,Jgbe- Any pn@ Architect:Ur\Address:Ph. l(A&- :Alteration I l-Additional- [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:'I Nunber of Accommodation Units: I ,fmber and Type of FirepJ-aces: Gas Appriun.=)2> Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_Y lk********************************* VALUATIONS *********************************'l ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: f MECHANICAL,+@ TOTAL: I coNTR ACTOR INFORMAUON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New tDb (*sfrrzM Reg. NO.Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: BUILDTNG: $ ?LUMBING: lTdOCI D J***************************7l Eeneral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address r Req.1,1 oFFICE USE **************** BUTLDTNG PI,AN C}IECK FEE: PLUI.IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIJAN CHECK TEE RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIE FEESs BUrI,DTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: l2*Plunbins contractor: fll ll/r6ttp P+t+ ,tw<-Address: _ _ ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAIT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: No. Z.ok jP qaFTdr- CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REPIIND TO: | ::. .r..:: ;;..1 i:.i.'l? -f -' ,-'i':. ,;i, ...er :.i.ri, ,:r. r-:: {'i1E !"::l ' a "' :.r,: r '. i.. i;.1 ',,1-.i : . : ,i :, ; iri,i.;.i i.;j,:.rf, ,_;, ' -r'. "1r .:- -' -i r,':'r I i1 .i::-.1,.i:, _i,:i .,-; t...rl: r tj, ri . i,t :.: r:, : .l'-- r i,! ,' '-t -:,. , . ..:", _.: .:n1'ri .,-i ' -.' -.Li :..,ji. :i.i.r""" i,"rr.r;: :-: i1 t.;.':il ir_-.:t ..i.,1.1 r.:-il ::. li1ir ',i !:S i,-'EL-l ,;.,i!: i".,.:a i-ri ia'.:.: t.a..-, t i:.r iir:.::: iA:trt,{-Ui ii!,.-,i,,i til+ 'i2(+.1i rfl .rr 971i3':t0 cBi;tl - .: !, _ . j, ,-\::lt l):t{ ll :.-t. ',,, r,r .. .:-,;,. i: ' ...i.il ': ' '' t '.'' t.l! '- t'i' j::i':-'i:' ;:-.ir,.1i - r.: 1 ,, 1r':r:'r .,1:..;_r I I - , "'l: i :' ,, i-: :. i ',l,i. t 't ' '': i;: :,:-l .1.-'j--ilrl r'r ::' ji i*, ,,r."..'._ l:i ' ''. .- i '',i'..':-a ',i;rj-21 rrl.i:: : rj,.t:-'- i:i,1,; li, ,:,li l,i' ;:r/ ,; ,,i:...:;i--'; ir,'l:: ".- il:l .-- ),-,:: ,. . .Ja.,,: .,i :.:riI ,r:r; : .:! :i ,. - '/.:,:.. . r.i :,. - "..'- i :i i.: , filirf.-,:- i. : 'l: , a..i iil9rli:i:,' .'\t':'rr''l'"'l;: : 1.:-,;,t. :ti ':lr_ i.r.i-:r'ii:l .i,,,;:rti !i'; :,-!,r. 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'i i ! :: -.a :rrl,'. .r{ iirt o o oo // y^Jirnq^d.t^o til I daY REPT131 TOI{N OF VArL, COLORADO PAGE 6 AREA: CD OA/IA/9A O8:O5 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION I{ORK SHEETS FORz 8/L8/98 ==================================================g======================t==E=-:a Actlvity: B9S-O153 8/LA/9A Type: A-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Conetr: ASFR t Addreee: 5Ot3 SNOWSHOE Ll{ Locatlon: 5O13 SllOt{SHOE LAI{E Parcel z 2699- L82-19-013 Deecrlptlon: INSTALL l{EW I{ETAL ROOF Appllcant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Onner: JOST THOI'IAS J Contractor: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Oc,ct @@@7 Ueel V ll Phoner 97@949L9Q5 Phone: Phoner 97@949L9@5 Inepection Request Requeator: eteve Req Tine: @Lz@@ Itema requeated to @OA9O BLDG-Final Inforrnation..... Phone: 949-19@5 Commente: clean up be Inspected... Actlon Comments Tine Exp InepectJ,on Hletory..... ftem:Iten:Iten: Item: Item: Item l Item: Item r Item:ften: Itern: Itern: Item: OOSLO drivevay grade flnal AOO L@ BLDG-Foot lnga/Steel O@O2O BLDG-Foundatlon/Steel 0652A PLAN-ILC Slte Plan OAO3O BLDG-Framlng OOA4@ *tNot0nFlle** ,/ OOOSO BLDG-Ineu1atlon OAO6O BlDG-Sheetrock Nall O@OAO * * Not 0n FlIe * * OOOTO BLDG-i1lec. O@O9@ BLDG-FlneI @0536 BLDG-Tenp, C/tr O@34@ BLDG-Final C/O 't I i Oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMIT FEE SUtr,IMARY ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: B9B-01-63 Qrrc"a-1 Status...: #EEDD Applied. . : 06/L9/1,998 Issued...: E>cpires . . : Phone,. 9709491905 Phone: 970949L905 TOV/Co Clean-uP TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descri-pt.ion: INSTALL NEW METAL Occupancy: Type Const.ruction: ilob Address: Location. . . : ParceL No..: Project. No.: ROOF R3 VN , o'to 501.3 SNOWSHOE LN 5013 SNOWSHOE I,ANE 2099 -1,82 - 19 - 013 PI,ATH CONSTRUSIION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO BL62O PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 8L620 ,JOST THOMAS .I 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE, VAIL CO 81557 single Family nesiaefrPeProved rype v tton-Rlted amOunt Valuation:- 22 Fireplace Info!'rnatioD: Re6Lricled: Add Sq Ft: Sof eaa Appliancea: date *of cas Logs:*of wood/Pallet: Building-----> Plan check- - - > InvestigaL ion > wi I1 call----> Redtua[ant PIan Review- - > DRB Fee--------- Clean-Up Depo6it---- ---- > TOTAI FEES-.-.. - ToLal CalculaLed Feea- - - > Additional Fee6---- -----> Tolal Permi E. Fee--------> Paylnen t s BAIANCE DUE---- 2'7 t -OA 17S. ?5 . oo 3.OO . o0 50.00 Loo. o0 606.19 606. ?S . oo 20,o0 596 .75 Recleatsion Fee- --- ------ > .Oo rEem' .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDING Division:O6/L9/L998 JRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED JRM.ITCM: -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEIfT DCPT:O6/L9/L998 JRM AcTJ-on: APPR APPR PER BRENT ITCM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT DCPI:05,/l-9,/1-998 JRM Action: AppR N/A rTEM: .O55OO PIJBLIC WORKS DEDT:O5/L9/L998 JRM AcLion: APPR N/A PLANNING Divisi-on: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoq,ledge thac I have r_ead tbis applicaEi.on, fiIled out in full rhe i.nformat j.on requit:ed, compl.eEed an accurate ploE plan, and 6Late that all lhe informaLion pr:ovided ao requir_ed i6 correct. I agt-ee to comply with lhe infofination and ptot plan, to colnply with all Tov.n ordinanceo and sLate laws, and tso buiLd t.his structsur:e accor_ding Lo tsh€ Town,s zoning and subdivision codes, d€aign 1jeview apploved, Uni.folm Building code and other ordinances of ehe Toyn applicabte lher-eto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIII' BE MADE TATENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OPFICE FROM A:OO AM 5:OO PM Send c1€an-Up Deposit To: PLATH SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSSIJF AND OWNER ao DEPARTMEIiTT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELO NOTE:THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUII-,D PERMIT ilob Address: 5013 SNOWSHOE LN Location...: 5013 SNOWSHOE I_,ANE ParceI No. . : 2099-L82-L9-013 Project No. r Total calculated Fees- - - >606 .7 5 Additional Fees--- ----- -> .oo Total Permit Fee----'---> 5o5.75 Payrnents-------- 20.00 BAIANCE DUE-_545.75 ON iIOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES Permit #:898 - 016 3 4zZzr.zzl Status...: A@D Applied..: 06/L9/L998 fssued- . . : E:,cpires . . : Phone:- 970949L905 Phone: 9709491905 *Of Gas Logs:*Of Wood/Pallet: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8a657 970-479-21,38 APPLTCANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: TNSTALL NEW METAL ROOF Occupancy: R3 Type Construct.ion: V N Val-uation t 22,646 Fireplace Information: ReaCricted: PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 8L620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 ,fosT THoMAS .f 501-3 sNowsHoE LANE, VAIL CO 81657 Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: #of cas Appliances: Building-----> Pfan Check- - - > InveBtigaLion> wilt call----> Restuarants Pfan Review- - > DRB Fee- --- -- -- Recreatsion Fee-------- > clean-Up Deposit -------> TOTA], FEES- -' 275,00 r7g,75 ,00 3.00 . oo 50 .00 . oo 100. oo 606.'ts Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTI,IEIfT O6/L9/L998 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVED ITem: O54OO PLANNING DEPART'I',IENT 06/1-9/1-998 iIRM Action: APPR APPR PER ftem: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMENT o6/1,9/L998 JRM Actj-on: APPR N,/A Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS o6/L9/L998 ,JRM Action: APPR N,/A Dept: BUILDING Di-vision: JRM-Dept: PLANNING Division: BRENT DepE : Ff RE Divj-sion: Dept: PIIB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any condit.ions that may apply to trhis permit. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknowledge thae f have read this apFlicatsion, filled or.rt in full the infortrtation required, compl.eEed aD accurate pfot pLan. and 6cate thab all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to conply e.ith bhe information and plot plan, to comply sith all Toltn ordinanceg and sbate lat{6, and to build t.his aUructure accordj,ng to bhe TowD's zoning and Bubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of lhe Town applicable Lher€tso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE Tt{ENff- FOUR HouRs IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT ollR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM send clean-up Deposit To: PLATn SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONIRAOOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ao Page 2 *****************************************************:t************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0163 as of 06/1-9/98 Status---: APPLIED ******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: O6/L9/L998 Applicant--: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Issued---:970949L905 To E>cpire: ilob Address: 5013 SNOWSHOE LN Location---: 5013 SNOWSHOE LANE Parcel No-- : 2099-1,82-19-013 Description: INSTALL NEW METAL ROOF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndit.iOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.I,210 0F THE 1991 IIBC. v -artrf ar+arta.rrarar rartrrtirrf *rat tot{N oF vrrL, coLoRrDo o Oo . Staterrtrt. gt,atseEnt Nulrbcr: REC-0417 Anounl: P.l^ncnt M6Ehod: cK NocaEion: 21611 586.7s 06/23,/98 10r23 fnit: l,lA Pcrnis No: E9g-0153 TyEc: A-BUILD IDD/al,T sFR BUILD PS Farccl Nor 2o99-192-19-0I3 8its..Addrcs6, 5013 SNol{sHoE Ifl Location: 9013 SNOI|SHOE IJANE Total F6e6: 606.15 llris Pai/B6nE 5A6.75 TolaL .ALl, !}!rt6: 605.75 Balance: - o0 tti{*r**iitrrrt De6cripEion AccounE code BP OO].OOO031111OO BUILDING PERTiIIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESI(aJ REVIEW FEES PF 00L0OO0311230O PI,AN CHBCK !'EES AD00L00002403100 CLEANUPDEPOSITS TIC OO1OOOO3112AOO I{ILI, CAII, INSPECSION FEE Arro!nE 2?5 . OO 30.00 r1e.7s 1.00.00 3.00 t ^-^LOntact t ^-^ ^I aE V tU-J w oo OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERI-IIT il Block_ Filing SultrvrSrOu, \ho n-Kr \sst Addr"""r pn.1.Zb5eg t/<-,< f Address: ceneral Description: tea.<l-/-rze.b.a L))/)(1 fa.-..t1_/ \Jtaln11,/,,,9,,.23!-. / y \)/-1e_{ f(q>y L work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I l-Additiona/ [ ]-Repair i llotn", Number of Dwelling Units: _Number of Accornmodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* OTHER: $ I'IECHANICAI-,: S----TOTAL: S *****INFORMATTON **********************azJ--'f ta.frl,r,t, Town of vail Recr. No.Address:Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Erecrrical contracr"r, gqtr - Ott g-- Address: Plunbing Contractor! Address: CounEy 0 for gle -864 E 1 a 8 Parcel /l . TOWN PERMIT APPJ,ICATION, FORM DAfE. _bj!J€, EY , APPLfCATToN MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY oR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PEIIIIIT INFORMATION *****************************rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibar t l-other L Job Narne: .-k Job Address: Legal Description: Lot _-n Owners Name: \hO fllq::, Architect: FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE! Conments: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PIAN C}IECK FEE: RECREATION TEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REPTIND TO: VALUATION ao TOWN OFVAIL Proiect Name: Jost Residence Project Dcscription: Re-roof Owner. Address and Phone: Thomas Jost, 5013 Snowshoe Lane Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Plath Construction, Drawer 5920, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Addrcss: Legal Dcscription: Parcel Number: Comments: 5013 Snowshoe Lane Lot24, Vail Meadows #[ o Des ign Review Action Form Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: N/A Conditions: Board / Staff Action N/A N/A Action: STAFF APPROVED Re-roof to cover entire fwo-family residencel new roof to have a glare-proof matte finish Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: June 18, 1998 FIEVERYoNEu)RBVIPPROVAL\98VOST.6 I 8 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 iI\'l s\ o t t,. Oo L TEAROFF/MISCELLANEOUS:ll Tear off existing cedar shake roofing and remove all debris from the site. ( The existing cold roof batten svstem on the maii house will be left ii place) Plath Construction will keep the iobsite as clean as possible ahd sructical durine the construction. and a tlioroueh cleanins of Plath's work aieas will be perfonried upori completion. Flath Construction wilt take all rEasonableirecautions to protect the interior of the birildine fiom water and weather. However, Plath Constructioir will not be held liable for any interior damage-sustained from leaks caused by suciden and/or unforseen storms that occur during the tear off ohasJof this work. Z1 tnspect tte plywood for water damage, and replace as needed.**This work, if required, will be an additional charse over and above the contract orice. and will be chareed at the rate of$ 2.50 per square foot. No additi6nal charges will be incurred withoit prior notificatioi of, and authorization from, the owner or owner's asent.* + 3l Plath constructio-n will provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of VaiI Building Deoartment. Price for work as specified above: Exclusions and Qrialifi cations: Included in the price below ll The following pricing assumes that the chimney will be taken out by others, and it will be gone once Piath starts the j'o6. U. DRY-IN/SHAKES/FLASHING:Locations: All pitched roof locations on main house.+* Roofing at the garage is excluded from this proposal. ** Specifications as follows: lJ Install %" cdx ptywood over the existing cold roof batten system. 2l Construct new ridge vents at all roof ridses. The vents will consist of vertical 2"x2" covered with %" cdx. Install aluminuir screen at the vent ofiening. The vent top will be roofed with VMS shingles as specified in item #4 below. 3] Install "Jiffy Seal" Water and Ice Guard by "Protecto Wrap" over entire pitched roof area and ridgevents, according to manufacturers' specifications. Extend rnembrane up walls a minimum of 12" at rooAto-wai I iuncturei. Use mastic as needed. 4] Install "Riva Select" metal shingles as manufactured by Vail Metal Systems. Install trim and flashing pieces as needed for a complete sys'iem. Shingles and flashingto be fabricated from 26 gauge, kynar coated galvalume. The painted finish comes with a 30 year limited warranty. Color to be Old Town Grey as selecied from a standird color chart. 5l Install 26 gauge Kynar 500 flashings as needed, including valley, step, and endwall flashhg. Install 26 gauge Kynar 500 drip edge flashing at eave and rake edges. Price for Sections I and II:$ 22.646.00 Exclusions and Qualifications: I ] Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see obtion # I for pricins on this item. 2] Miscellanebus fli'shing not associated with the roof system is excluded from this proposal. 3i G utter and downspout-is excluded from this proposal. 4] Deck waterproofiirg is excluded from this prbposal. oo May 12, 1998 Roofing Specification for Jost Residence Pag. 2 "[ 3, Rooling P.opo"ol lor /ost Residence, M"y 12, 7998 Oo oo III. GENERALNOTES: 1l Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatility of the market, material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 days.* Please take note that a "letter of intent" received by Plath Construction, Inc. within the 30 day period will allow us to "lock in" current material prices even if actual purchases are made several months later. 2l Plath Construction carries orooertv damase liabiliw insurance in the amount of $ per oicurrence. Plath Constructi6n ian6s autoJnsurancd in the amount of$2,000,000.00. Piath Construction carries aoorooriate Workman's Comnensation insurance throueh Colorado State Compensation. No further insurancb'coierage is included in oui price, and ifrequired, thE additional cost will bd added to the contfact pnce. 3l Upon receipt ofthe contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing r<iofrne asaindt leaks due to flaws in workmanshio for a period of two years 'from the dati of roofins- complEtidn. Leaks qualifuing under the terms of said wiLnanty will be-repaired promptly at no cost-to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage that may occur. rv. OPTToNS: I I All pricine in this proposal assumes that the roof will be scheduled in such a way that the roof can be completed bt Septer;bei30, 1998. Ifthe roofwork is delayed beyond Plath's confrol, additional charges will apply to cover our added costs due to doingthis work under adverse winter conditions. ti5;;;';i6ilii'#;;il'i;ij'il;ii];;;il;;ffi'h;i;;iiAilil;il'ii;;1il;;;riliA;ffi;;;;;;;;i'iiiiiirv oi property damage.. l5'clips will be needed per square ofroof area where snow retention is required..- - Price for Option #2: Add to the base bid $ 9.25 per clip ** Location-s to be determined. Puge 3 o{ 3, Roofing P.opo"rl for ]ost ResiJence, May 12, 1998 JUH- 12-94 FR r S9 :24 A1'l THOHAS J JOST-+Ffr, qttc$tcns? ilr .' rcq'rirE1mnts A 8. c D. OFTHE OTOWNER(8I MAILTNOA stcttA OTAPPL MAILTNG + t/t O$ REVIEW AND FEE: Now CotEtruttioa'$200 Addilior - $50 y'* {r. SHONE D n trD P- O1 ICALADDRESIh PHONET Project Application o^r" (i -/z -?7 I \ Proiect Namel -\OCf - 4atn '"rz o.') Pro ject Description: Conlact Person and Phone {or r <4-.Owner. Address and Phonei r'/.^k r o tz{<v qz( - <o, r &k*ddressand ,non"' /V.'Io 4."/A, "/ Po 'F,*.* jr 7 zt\,,,rr,f,'-. co {/6ez ?z<'g2?? Legaf Description'.:d 27 . etocx ,rtnn /U t/&^!o*,s // . zon" 7 commenrs: fcl /7 .7/r,_u.- ' o //r ,,o- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVA L Su m mary: o^r. { rzZ -27 Qucstions? C.rll tlfrning Staft'lt 479-2llS APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAI- INFORMATION TSis application is lbr any p[jcct requiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsig' rcvi*v t.ttst rcccivc Dcsign Rcvic\v approval prior to submitting for a uuliding pcrnrit. For spccific information, scc thc subnrittal rcq*irc'lc'ts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc afiplicatio' cannot bc acccpted until all thc rcquircd infor'ration is subnrittcd. rir" flJ.1.'*, ,'ttny also nccd to bc rcuiciv"tl by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Pliinning and Environnrcntal commission. ti.sign n.ui.rt Board approval cxpircs onc ycnr aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrntit is issuctl and construction is startcd' A. DESCRIP]'ION OF TIIE REQUEST:l OL. Inl\c-^-,.,r. d- t'sl._/Q .J 3J TOWNOFVAIL LocATIoN oF PRoPosA t: ror: 2 t/ BLocK:- F'lLINc: l). D. Ii. [. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 4-ZONINC: NAME OF oWNE,R(S): MAILING ADDRESS: owNltR(s) Sl GNATLRD(S): NAME OF APPI-ICAN'I': MAILINC ADDRESS: 163 G. I"YPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: El Ncrv Construction - $200 Cortstnrction of a ncrv btrilding' ___; o Att6ition - $50 Inoludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comtncrcial building. o Minor Altcratio1 - $20 hrcludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc i ntprovcntcrrts, sttch as,. rcroofing,painting,windowatlditions'landscaping,fcnocsandrctaining walls, ctc. D Conceptual Rcvi$v - $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to nrcet with Dcsigr Rcvicw Boardtodctcmrinervhcthcrornotthcprojcctgencrallyconrplicswiththc dcsign grridclincs. Thc DRB docs not vote on conccptual rcvicws' DRB fces are to bc paid at thc timc of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building perntit, pleasc idcntify thc accuratc vatuation of thc projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fce accordirlg to the project valuation' PLEASB SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMDNTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI\{ENT oF CoMIVIUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, TS souTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, coLoRADO 81657. Uldated l/97 o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: vna"tc(! e /\ - fnna..l <-[.r f f COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other tl ffi-ffi- cl * Please speci$r the manufach'rrer's color, number and attach a small color chip **AllexteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. tl tt ACKNOWLEDGMENTS State ol Colorado County ot ) )tt oy The foregoing inslrument was acknowledged belora me this day o, My commission oxpires: -....-...........---_-a_- ' \ illn€ss my hand and ofticialseal O k ) ) tt' Ths torsgoing instrum€nt was acknowladged before me this -=--=-_- day o, State ot Colorado County of by as of/lot My commission expirss:Wlnsss my hand and otficial soal. i--SemDEiEA-i HlDgIl TILTNG o. 1,fl" :::::u:a liail-iue"eor, A160 klordn by street and trunber as: 5Ol3 snowshoe LaDe Si;${dli#itflj;ilfl#iilf"#fitrj'$j:1'H?"?dll!"fil.!,$.8.*ffi:3:iliit{"*x"ffiHiosj',*":***er*,r,rep,op"nva.hepresen, lgI^3l:_yAIL MEA^Dows, FrLrNc ilo. 1.:::::.rr"g to the recorded fii"li-iuli uouDry of Eagle, stat6 of b;I;r;;;: ***i*uft;g.l#$'iqs.,$,{*+ru*Js,*s$-qifr,fi,1$ffi r'sliip lheretor: and l_P::g of_rrust dated March 'IX"3i'sifolSSSeo5outrtv ror J ilost to th€ public of VaiJ. to aecure the rqrcar€o walor rlghls and unoer wel permils Esugd 4, 7996 the use fror tbonai of FirstBaak rHIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: FiTStBADK Of V8iI, 17 VAiI ROAd, \FTER RECOSDIiIG RETURN TO LENDER AT ITS ADDRESS DESCRTBEO ABOVE.PCosldE ForrnA on Technotogie6, Inc. t4l /94) (ooo) s37-g79s Vsil Co 81657 o A}TALYSIS OF THE S{OI[ AVATANCEE HAZABD TO LOT 2+, VAlt MEADoWS SLDDIWSIoN, VAIL, C0L0RAD0 hep,ared for Dr, Torn Jost Arthur I. Mears, PE Gunnison; Col-orado Itiay, 1979 o INTBODUCTlON ?hls stud.y respond s to a request frbm Dr. Ton Jost for an analysls of the snow avalanche hazard to Lot 24, Blghorn subdlvlsion, vai-1, colorado. The inf,ornation contalned. ln thls report results frorn fielcl- l-nspection and stud.y of the avalanche paths d.uring l{ay and June, !)lJ, IIay, !)16,October, 197?' artdlnlay, L979. rn add.ition, three previous studles consid.ered the avalanche hazard in this portion of the Sighorn area j,n detail: treats, 79?6i Ha]ley, 1977 i and. I{ears, 1977. This prrevious work provid-ed. an assessrnent of design-avalanche characteristics in the avalanche pa.ths known as "Va1l Mead.ows " and- "Path 2." These avalanche areas are shown ln Flgure 1. The present stud-y conslders all the infornation contained 1n this prre- vious work anil evaluates the avalanche hazard, in detail , on LoL 24. SUMMARY OF DESIGN -AVALANCIIE CHARACTMISTICS The clesign avalan che 1n the Vail Mead-ows path results a! an average return perlod of approxinately 100 years as j00,000 to 400,000 cublc neters of d.ry, soft snow ls releasecl frorn the upper portlons of the avalanche path, The avalanche reaches a rnaxirnum velocity of approxlnately 40 rneters per second in the channelized- avalanche track, 1s defrected by a zJ-neLet high hill into a J00r000-gallon water tank, and. decel-erates, stopping on portions of lots 2I ,22,23,2+t 25,26,28, and l0 of Val1 Mea.d.ows Subd-ivision, (Mears, 79T6). The J00,000-ga11on water tank is located approxlnrately 200 rneters sbuth of Lot 24 and ls directly in the runout zone of the VaiI Meadows design avalanche. Halley (19??) concl-ud.ed that irnpact by the clesign avalanche would cause probable rupture of the tank if it was less than BM fvrl at the tj-ne of irnpact. However, it is further concluded that the effects fron such rupture woulcl be "inconsequential" to any buirdings in the nod.erate hazarcl zone' includ.Lng Lot 24, rt is further concl-uded in the present stud.y that 'l deflection of the flowing snow by the water tank would not have any adverse effects on l,ot 24. Avalanche 'tPaLh Z" was studled tn detail by l{earsl (19??) and i.t was deterrnlned- that design ava"lanches w111 not affect Lot 24. AVALANCHE HAZARD TO LOT 2I} The eastern portlon of Lot 24 1s crossed. by a sma1l interrnittent strean that servi as the approxirna,te western boundary of clesign avalanches in the Vail Meadows path. It is expected. that avalanches w111 reach the l_ot at average return periods of 50 to 1OO years ( correspond-ing to a 1 to 2 percent alnual probability). To Ue safe, it ls reeornrnended that any building intended. for winter occupancy be 1o cated on the flat, treeless axea to tbe west of this interrnittent streann. Within tlr-i s area lmpact fron the design ava-1an che will not be a. problem and special building d-esign will not be necessary. If buildlngs are intended to be built on the eastern portion of LoL 24 they should- be d-eslgned" for avalanche irnpact. Such d.esign woul-d. requlre ad-ditional consultlng. Respectfully subnitted., }dl*r.l Wa* REFEREITCES I"lears, A. 1. , and McDowe Cox, Dynanlcs Study. Unpubll report to Ha1ley, B, 1., 1977, \aLI Mead-ows Avalanche. the Gore Va11ey Water Dlstrict, 16p. Arthuf, I. Mears, PE lnc,, I)15, Vail Mead.ows Avalanche Mr. George Rau, llp. Unpubllshed report subnitted- to Mears, A,L) 7977, Analysis of the Snow Avalanche Hazard. to l,ots 30 and.3I ,Vail Meadows Subdlvlsion, Vai.1, Colorad.o. Unpublished. report to I1r. Robert Nott and Ms. Mary Senac, 6p. ffi}.1.#"h * ii"14216"l:" Q&r$# .a 7'-/oo ll I I tt tl \r lt =.=\ t \..- -=-\--.-/ | \--=---\ \ - -..t- - t'...-\- }\\*.--...--\..-- ao \\ tl n tt tt _-...- -J I It I t- \r n 33 1 | \,/ )|.\ /\ 3l ,iR \t -/ -nt(r'\ -/. *{ \"..t\ !i?. ^ n r-v i,\ \/--/ .. tl>\: t.'l - frY Uz-( )vl-' \ r <t I --{ Y:-r r \- .lI\\ -76t38 Figure 2 o The two snow avaranche paths in East vail considered. in thls study are shown in this pho tograph taken in Ap.r.'.r, r)lJ. Approxinate focations of the extents of design avaf a,nches in the vaif Meadows and path z avaranches are indicated arong with the approxinate boundaries of Lots 24, 3a, and l1 .The d1'nami c arlalyses of avafanches in these two paths were the sub.jects of the previous studies referenced in thls report. : RIVER IONAL FOREST -----' N ros FILING NO. I HEATHE OF V AD FILING NO.2 IHIS ROAO OOTS NOT EXIS T AT THIS TIME 5t75 UNPLAT T E O /rin,n _,';tEE ,r.'\ I ll r,^L^>)_ - soso , t,linsE 2 ---''\ -_.-_].- 8/' | ^ I -15i-s L- 6r {*-2-,*'\ . €n \"1 | ../5t4a.' MEAD'WS FILING NO.I ZONE CHECK Lcgal dcscription:Lot 21 Block_ Filing /,/ ^4 //n //nxD.,.. # / Addrcss 5oz s S,Uo.^r<.rk F- L4att: Owncr ?-4,{ {osz- phone 1?6 - -{oz{ Architcct Phonc Zonc disrict 7;Proposcd use Lot sizc Buildablc arca Allorved rotar GnrA /6Zt_ + gso =5a%_ Primary CRFA _ + (425) (675*) Exisfine Proposed 3t?o = ,/7 - Rcmaining Z?s ? Z Encloscd Total 323 2 Sccondary GRFA + (425) (6i5*) =_ _ + * 67 5 = 425 crcdir nir rq 250 addirron Does this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? A) o Horv much of thc aliorved 250 Addition is uscd irith this reoucst? ,/\ Sitc Covcrage (Zoy S Hcigbt Sctbacks UatA,rapi"s(5O/Minimum Rcaining Wall Heigtrts Parking / 7f7 2o6z += ?o5', z 6ze (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear - /9 /7JR9 '-------1 rrs 3'/ 6' t? I <' 1 <l /1eq r.\\,{luu 9LI.,- Garagc Credit Drivcrvay Complics rvith TOV Liglring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) EnvironmcntalA{azards (300) (600) (e00) (1200) \,r^- \t^l lJ_ t'tu Ycs_ No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) ,u4 f, Ja plon, 4/ta +la ,o a r-", l^;h .*tei.,,,a<o -7L *-., r,Lu -Jr.rp -fi. ,^.s,,&,"* .k [.* . <hV4t_FdU g1a PFffi;l'|^, (l^^^ o/ ^ erulril-lr urvuL /o Proposcd Slopc _% 2) Floodoiain AJA 3) Wetlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) ^'< 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall lJa c) Dcbris Florv Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck property fiic); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Describc: -{r -i I!m Ia 1-O t-'.h B t<x t IHE 3 l9s 1 l.ui g llE s l=E =<c T' o.<1o,d3 E3 CE >t =E iri =o .I m f c) Z a"\ x<z\ !>6z Y> v-o zt-ic 3B /,= u ] =T 3: -to o>;p t- o 2o nZ >m -t> T =m -.t o €2 m J t! z. 3 IT c- -{ m ^ t_;in uiA o>'r- r- --t lr (!t- .T r-z 0, =o 9, € U1 (-l' i m r m t-t lo t€ l6 l< t= l* I -.t €z o 11 a- f, m z I 3 d €z l.Tr F E m ft IZ I I €z 'n F l,m o z l-{lo t= t;t<t> l- tm lf) la I = I =r D p p m a V I u = I -t I { 's .{ Ol I 5 \l m U'@ z tn c - o w CJ g =FP 212 =oc)YF f--_tr-_IX t lLlD< tr!! o o z o {F c o {o z -o FI 7 ={ Tr 1l Or- z= 2=oo z q,z tq mil lol ls8 Ir .It loo <l-o I.lr lii I lrv 'YI fW ,rg /^o ?i !m F = =z o ()(f ht cf,ts tr=og 4i-z6 .2 = z c r- -{ z =z m =-t u) z x<iif Elj >'n =a uz oq o6a = =b |,-.{6o z2 N@= Nm= 5-<n< m *t;t- (Dn o6 -! i z 'rl { x m -l z =z f- m ! 'n :iD o -#E3d - (DEdi iiF:6gIi 9=DO =:EF = 4;.*; 16i6 o, o:1 5 <-OOt 3 i;: Siig ",aoro i I e6 3aB=ro9*@ *oii o)o-=E *E qt It il.s=F ;69o' 5e3"1 IgaE i=9I = =<:i e;f= Esilq <o-f 0:aR d :t = =. -l -i:6 3 i iin F# a =.,ER6 eai€)x (r, o =.,;!r-o o (D { q) t 3 a (! g. f o o €z m I 3 (t m t-'n z m €z m ]Z',a eli rk 9t='t-r ..; lo,tJ. I I l1 ll r@ | ^, rr> Et 5i."\-r r- =z =z 6 --t i z 2 F (D F o z z o {m - (D o -n 5 a+ qJ c'l- € 7i -{ -{ t-'tt m n =-l -n m m a.r> m g z tn m t |- z m u =. T m u = =-n m m (t /o'ea $vovwQ-) Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ;-{ Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: { ,ou Approval o o z o -{F c c) _{o z !rn F ={ -{ E m Is LO l--.. E E lie 3 lm: 6 19q 3 l;x s ItrP o liq 9 l=E i !5 o<Te d3 a9 ?8 >a =fli I !m !?{ =!9 m'- s 9ci- -2 =Z =oo !) >Pt-t- ntr! I! z= z2 oo z z,O U-r >; =m o I z o o z J o -l o rJ -E zt--{c 3= A= zE --r x Pi 62 -to o>,D I- 2o {m nz >m ()T -.t > n o f =m -{ (! z 3 IT o (D I o +) 'Yl =z o, =(D 0, o €u, c)E =D <F b lo E fn xh r I I -l rl I I I I 3 = 'tl {l{mlo '|a t<l>l- lm lF,lz lo t' I I I I I ld la t<l>[-lr lm l6-,lz l-r to l€ lz lo l1r l;' t; I-{lo l€ lz lo l1r t<t> lF IT lm lo lz I = a.) r+ o =UI c+ IJ to l€ lz lo l-n l<t> lF l!lm to la I .I DtrE --I E 0z 40 -.i -{m tl l,- | I?R t\;lr' <lRo l'- -n l,m 1 =i -1 o (! m x m i o z C-o ID U'I m c c-,l-''H (I' CO o-O-3E E-o (Dct d'<O. 0)s*Jf oo P€ -O :r O, i'io ==OD !-0rJ -f2 oto o.o oP dif +O Xo =tt OE l6'+a) :.6'ff o<. =(D oo, gg df <= tr=(D o.=0ro o-. o=€Y L=;6 63' 6'= Rd -@ o d o o o 3 =. o o =o !t o. 9.o d -f ql {I AI 5 o- o o E. o- o' c o o AI o 5' o J (D -{ (D s.o € gt E E o o -o.c =: 3 TD c. 4 =(c) o o D J c\ o J o o 'tl I o m -'n z -.{ m €z m t =. =J o {:J o s It o ,o b,:o- 0t o =.f (o !t f o. o c q =.(, 6' ct -(,o (D 9.(o U' € m rn I m PIP H;g 6 z t, J- I o 2 ztooo ?B 9*f *I;'E P> 3 6 nlr z ut2:1 a-' tttll ||l co@> = Pg8 EggE i= ;ez a z m € m t z =o 2 m x i !m c o n c z Otu-f; E;F Eo =Zat I ?9 aoq. d3: g H *33 -d i3= z t x N@=S-=Ch-:g€ F I (.^'_q m o z m n t-- m =z F E F s z o z {m o zl ol EI z 4l tl 6r 'l I I I PI -l I N I I I -{s ]- 1'm n .=\ m fi ctl o m { x o t-m 2 c m m I z m m { @ o I m m --l z '|m m m z o t- t- 3 (D z o m an o 6 t- f z o m o x @ F = !m a = !m D =ll m m (t) VALUATION a m n = =z o -J n m o I z c) a- !t- = 2 m t-m ^ t- 2 F F {tl (tl O o o o O ur r\)(tl ol P"l ,c-27- F2- 6.o.c(2042( r f f,[. I $i tl 1i t $li '* \! 1 --l'yl r-,F ljfif I D lt ll tl ;t ,' fr F\t :..c,D +v+1 --, Z- 7-_qF .2._-s*vL i I I I I 5\ g- T C\rl U \T b.)0r-t= ttR ,il o' E. $h $r .ds '-F U $l't'i] 'of. E. $ $_s -Fps $d$ .N T" T)- X$ F-t + ,"'(D' )t fl- -+ I I I l .\D c\( \$" \- $$ LF ti Ti $ cri -;'x {u *: .t -? 'i$ ,,t *f; lP x. \1, I t\\ $N rlr '.iI i\\r, t\.l N j '- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL LJ''\ I E .-- JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON l-t CALLEB TUES WED AM PM CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ! tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAt tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-r, ,,./r? , , ,.. ,.F, rNspEcroR Project Application Proiect Name: I i\ '' r Proiect Description: i ; Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: nFpnovnl DISAPPROVAL tr- 12 / *Ji Town Plan E statt Approval o-o E .o l--{ }l<=l!6 a lo lTo t-t-: o t': o t^) :I<=l== ; (D g o tt 3 (D EL-tr Iflta z --l o =PP >=z = t ) \t YP t- 'n 1l z= >= z z t- l< ll t>Ir l- l<l>l tol tol lan I r o o 7---s :il-\ .y o +o z T m 7 ={ Bgrt 1fitE =3 6 1= i 3a O=-E =Orrl e 't| 3 rn 2. -l =r-m t><cc)-s .E' o 1- rrt mmo 'oE' a.l't -n z. -J -lm .-\n z. r']c|'rl c =(f atr le lN lo lo o @->m I <,/' =>@-\>(tz O@ 3fn ln ,. !=zz ! I m I ho It l(o It po lo I I a o (- m --l z c).) =o =z z i c m T'r r- m rrl aA o>'t- zt) nz >m -i> o 'T' --t m --{ z.O n 7 Zt- T< l2 m c) :E z c) c)o z --l o (D z l! -{ o 0,It CJ o U'ct F (D tJl d (D 5 o (D l"fr I @ t- '71 a z K B t-l= l.D lo,le to l-l-I{I l-. I I O|< =t>.F t> lo F r I rl I I z -l I 9,tn CJ CJ o ul cl" I r- o m o x f\)!N)! : o, c)o I +\o) I o F ! = o a I o =5 - l=F F lg IU m l-m o --{ - t- oL<--r l> t>p p ln lF l6 fi z m bF tTl OY L=(,j o (D6 a ot =^ 2 =Y :-€r.o o 0r3 5^ N)ts oj c "' zo -<z ;z VALUATION I I I I ol >l or I I r!:t-lt =: a i: -:;: - t r, ; c " : .i; |r:a i -3-.a-i= .1 r a) - =>1+--,J-=? >=iI-,a.:a> ",-=l .-';:. DISTRICT COURT, COU irii: r; I i i i OF EAGLE, STAIE Or COLORADO o NTY Civll Action No. 82-CV-53 SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM PAT OSNESS d/b/a PL a int iff, vs. THOMAS J. JOST, Defendant. Internountain pLowing and Excavatingr THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO: TO: STEVE PATTERSONI GREETINGS: You are hereby ordered to attend and give testirnony in the Eagle District Court, 551 Broadway, EagIe, CoIorado, on ltonday,January 30, 1984 at 9:30 orclock A.M., as witness for the praintiff,Pat osness. Bring arr official records in your possession concerning Town of VaiI inspections, approvils, 6ertificates of occupancy or other rerevant docurnents Lo tire construction of the improvements on LoE z4r vair lireadows_, Vail, Eagre county, cotoiado,arso known as 50r3 snowshoe Lane, (the .rosi .e6io"n"") r''iail Colorado. And this you sha11 in nowise omitr under penarty of the r.aw. Dated this 26th day of Januaryr 1984. JACOBSON AND CHAPI4AN, P.C. Osness ' Suite 498 Jdmes S. Jasdbson Attorney fdr Pat 143 E. Meadotd Dr.Vailr CO 81658 (303) 476-0075 boyle engineering, inc. 143 e meodow dr. suite n-10 crossroods shopping center voil, colorodo 81657 3Cf,/476217O Decenber 12' t98O Iown of Vail Building DePartment P. 0. Box 1OO Vai1, Colorado 8t557 Re: Garage floor structure 5013 Snowshoe Lane VaiI, Colorado 8t657 Gentlernen: 0n Decernber 11, 1980 I macle a visit to the above noted structure and did a visual inspection of the sane. I then ran calcula- tions on the components of this structure to check if it would rneet the requirements of the Uniforn Building Code for floors supporting vehicles. ldore specifically these requirements dictate that the floor shall be capable of handling a 5O/l per square foot live load and a ?000# point load distributed over an area 2.2J feet square. I arn pleased to inforn you that this structure does fulfill these requirements. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter please call me at 476-2t70. Sincerely Timothy l,i. "nt,nn /.f -' I ;. .l ', ..' f AppLICATI0N gn1[; Ausust 18, 1986 i *****THI5 APPLICATION }IILL DATE OF DRB MEETII.IG:Sraff DRB APPLICATI0N r i NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A. PROJECT OESCRIPTION: . I pre-applicatlon meeting with_a planning staff member is strong'ly suggested to a'eieimiii! ii any aalitioiat information is needed.- No application will be.accepted unt"rr it is compfete-(must ilg'!y{g al'l iterns required by the zoning administrator). il ii-tne appiiiini.s iesponsibility to make an appointrnent wjth the staff to find ,:out about abittionat submittal requirements. Please note that a COI'IPLETE app'l ic:- iion *iii itreamline the approval process for your proigg! by decreasing the number of conditions of approval ii.rat the DRB may sti-pulate. ALL c6nditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit'ls issued. Entry Deck B. LocRrloH oF PRoPoSAL: 5013 Snor+shoe lane Address Legal Description Lot z4 8l ock Fil ing Vail Meadows #1 Zon i ng C. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT:Thonas J. Jost Addres s D. NAI4E OF ' Address 5013 Snowshoe lane tel ephone 476-0417 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : Box 5560 Avon, Colorado Piper / Architects te'l ephone qLq-loltt Thomas J. Jost E. NAI'IE OF OI,INERS: Si gna ture Address F. DRB FEE: The fee wi.ll be paid at VALUATION telephone 476-0417 the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ $ 10, $.50, $ 150, $s00,$ov 0 - $ 10,000 001 - $ 50,000 ool - $ 150,000 001 -'$ .500,000 001 - $1,000,000 er $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMP0RTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'llSSIONS.T0 THE DRBi 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements' the_applicant must stake the site to jndicate property lines and building corners. lrges- that wil'l be removed should also be harfla. 'ihis w,rrk must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. ?. The r.evi!,,..' prec€s: 'iir f,iii tsUti ulilGS r.iill normally involve tt/o separate ireeiings of the Design Revievl 80.",'d, sc pian ori at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fajl co appear before the Oesign Revierv Board at their scheduied meeting and who have not asked for a postponement vrili be required to be reoub i i shed. No. l?9. suBPoENA DUcEs ,""rltfr"rr, A( rloN - Bradrord I'ubri'hina (:o l)tn*'r,."uf- 't'" rNTHE.....p-I.s..TRLC-T.....-.......COURT IN AND FOR TEE .--........-.----...CoUNTYoF...-E-4-G..IJ-E'. AND STATE OF COLORADO CMIr acrloNNo....9..?.9.-v-5.3.........DIV...... SITBPOENA DUCEE TECI'M TgE PEOPI..,E OF TIIE STATE OF COLORA'DO -. Robert Graber; Building Inspector, Town of Vail 'I O -_.---.-.--..--.-... You are hereby ordered to attenil and give testimo1y in thc--.-DiSt'f iC-t"-"Court of said County or.....8391g... --....--on the---3.Q.th.--.-----.--aav of--"'Jantrarr"""""', 19'e-4"'' at"-'9-;"Q'0'clock .A.:.ttl.. as a rvitness tor. D-e-!9.It.ifl[!.r...P-E''.---Ih-p--$-e-e..-J--'--'-rT-q's't""'-""" """'-"' in an action between...... !g.! -.9:-l-9.9-9.r-...-e-l.b-l.e-..LF.!..g-f-na.Unte.f-n...P.labling--.........---.-., plaiutiff-----"'' & Excavating, and also to produce s1 ssifl time ancl place...-TQFln...a.f ...Va.i]--'fiLe....On.'Jost'-'r'e'sidence""""" now in your custoclY or control. A-ncl this ygu shall in norvise omit, under penalty of the law' lr-t 2/: tqU/D ated...../.:7€k".1^ - -- - - - -2- = - -.. -. - - -. - II lt tt (Seal ofiCourt) ' ' '-' b,;;i; "i ;;li c;;' Deputy Clerk Attorney.--..... f or.--De.f endan t 3 &"Ja Bxl", -,ilmaal ir ;;t""'' *" 4722 " - " P d'ffi";tuforrre'"""" This Subpoena "*&V;V1,#fut9,9)rsuaut to R'ule 45 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure' Court Filittg StamP (sos)328.7t78 I i' -.1 r Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Owne44ddtrtss a'td Phone: 2./.<::-7 * ''/..nt,. /..'t',t- Architect Address and Phone: I i / l,ar t t_/ ft .i //LL*-!o u-, _t ' Lot ! )/ , eto"r Legal Descripti Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,"r" ,i l"/,/)'/ //' DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official . ..,t' L -."1 ., .1br.Ja{:,i{. .r ibl- Proiect Nam€: Pro. i€ct ProiectAppncation tj - o .t.*$ l l Own€r Addresp and Phone: Architect Addross and Phone: '/7/o'o Kavz777 r Legaf Descriptio n:bt Jy'-,etock Zone: Zoning t)lhtc. ,, -ztd'* ,t' Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board 7-z-Fo OISAPPROVAL Chi€f Bullding Ofticial o department of public vuorks box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 June 25, 1980 T0: DESIGN REVIEI'I B0ARD FROM: Ernest Freggiaro, Town Engine ", {...f RE: 0'r'. Thomas J. Jost Site Plan 0n Tuesday, June 24, 1980, I met with Dr. Jost to review his proposed access and drainage. The 12' wide paved access meets town requirements for alignment and grade. A 24" diameter corrugated metal pipe sha'll be installed along the ex'isting drainage and channel. Length of pjpe shall be 21' long, extendlng 4te' each sjde of the paved.travel vtay. I would appreciate hav'ing all utilities stubbed to property l'ine and the culvert installed prior to framing the proposed resjdence. This alleviates major problems which can occur in the publjc right of way p"'1 uttng to open trenches arrd nunoff. cc: Dr. Thomas Jost Box 2727 Vail, Colorado 81657 I rot Z/' atocu J ,//r/1/ ,4/e?fu274 Fil ing Architect Zone Districtfuroposed Use Lot Area Setbacks: GRFA: GRFA:Primiry Al l or,red Secondary Al'l owed S'ite Coverage: Al I oived 7a"2o Landscaping: Parking: ZONE C}IECK for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS fl D sFR, Description: R,R Legal Owner /-, lrlaterccurse-required ,(l Proposed Arlovred i ?Hfrt .Proposed Primary Proposed Secondary Proposed ed 211-Propos Requ'ired 6a ?o Proposcd {f- - Drive: Slope Permitted 7n Slope Actual '-a Environmenta'l /Hazards: Ava] anche 4?a/-a"t**-t Flood Plain Sl ope .,//r{ -y'q Corrments; Z c:r'i n g r ar, p;--'Gr rl'! s i p p r'o..' c ti ,t4 t "rJ \J/ LIST OF MATENIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DDSCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ;+tt"rcir /ra/fluila' {l FTLTNG The following to the Design A. ) BUILDING Roof Siding informat ion Review Board MATERIALS: is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. 46-&rz 'i/ "x /a " $itl Other TfalL Materials Fasci"a Sof f its Ifindows Tlindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other E.) PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscaping Materials and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Comron Name ?',)e - 6/'erb J"f including Trees,Shrubs, Size Quantity d f.a{Eh4fu- to l- 0\f ' /o ,I AE/arz- ' \---l I '\_).(I Plant MaEerials Continued Potanical Name O Page 2 Cormron Name Quantitv Size c.)OTHER I.ANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Walls, Fences, (Please Specify) Swirming Pools , etc. ) /t,,lh/"' /* bL /*.e huzurb {rb'o ola,zz, 8.4/'Z /%4,.2 /r/,h re VE Pr'N,4BODE CEDAR HOf\4ES Stondord Lisf of Moleriols for PAN ABODE Pre-Cut Buildings os Priced in This Document. BASIC HOUSE PACKAGE 2 x 10 flem-Fir Std. & Belter. 5/8" CDX Exterior Plyrvood- 1 /2" lir plywood CCX-PIS (Kilchen-Bath) 1 /2" particle board (all olher areas). Western red cedar (2 & betler-sound tight knot) 3 x 6 or 4 x 6 Pan Abode wall limbe.s longue & grooved, "lock ioint al corners, custom cut, labeled. wrapped, and ready to assemble. Douglas Fir (No. 1 & Betler) size as required. 4 x 8, 4 x 1 0, 4 x 12, 4 x 1 4, MACHINED, WRAPPED, & LABELLED Selecl Deck 2 x 6 T& G. KD Hemrock. Asphalt composition shingles 235 pounds (Aulumn Blend color) 1 5 pound lelt. Other colors avallable al20olo extra. Weslern red cedar (2 & belter-sound tight knot) 'l x 12 Base Trim, 5/4 x 10 Barge 8oard. 5/4 x 6 Fascia. BASIC HOUSE ACCESSORY PACKAGE Windows: Interior Trim: Ooors Exterior: Doors Interior: Floor Joists: Sub-Flooring: Underlaymenl: Walls & Partitions; Rool Beams Rool Boards: Rool Covering: Exlerior Triml Ouf bu lding rs desrgned lor varous pounds per sqoare foot wind pressure load p ease ccn:aa::'e bui ding departmenl in the County you are building and nolrfy PAN ABODE as to 1ne ag!i cac € v; .c roao Wood Sealing & Waterprooling Package: Miscellaneous: N OIE: Windowvisions. wood double glazed insulated sliders. Frame only for slopped in g ass. Cedar casing lor all window and extefior door lrames, sized as shown, quarter round lo linish between roof boards and walls Cedar Slab or 9 Lite C/ B Pre-Hung in lrames complele as follows: 1-3l4" Nine Lite Cross Buck with lock sel. Wood sliding glass doofs insulated with screens. 1-3 /4" solid cedaror mahogany slab doors. Models under 1 ,OO0 squate leet (single walll Mahogany hollow core flush 1-3/8" doors set in lrame wilh hardware Models ovet l,0OO square leet Gingle wal!) Solid cedar Tru-Fit, 1-3 /8" doors #780 Georgian. Closel doors-all models-fulllouvered bilold w th iamb. hardwafe and casing. Exlerior: (1) Walls-Behr Super Liquid Rawhide Tinted No. 13-lifsi coal, Behr Rawhide Plus 10 Clear No 80-2nd & 3rd coats. i2) Oecks-Behr Deck Stain No. 706. Interior: (1) Walls & Ceilings-Cabots Stain War 1101-l coa1 (2) Kilchen/Balh/Ulilty-Cabots Danisr Oil 1,o0o-2 coals (3) Trim-Behr Fawhide Plus I0 Semi-i.ansparenl siar.- 1 coal. Nai s: Comnlon-{inish-lloor-roof ing Spikes tof siarler logs bean\s Pack ng: Fiberglass lor exleflor doorjambs and at wi:rdows Flashing Exlruded base I ashing, rool valleys, gable w ndows & coofs Velal Bearrs straos. bearr hangets. Scotch G.io Wood-Adhesrve 5210 to glue tirbe's lo Ic'r -eace's. B ddle Latex Calk-Tan Compress on Weather Stripping. Our bLrilding is designed lor various pounds per square 10ol !\' nd pressure load. Please conlact the bu lding deparlmenl In the Cou.l! yo'r are building and notiiy PAN ABODE as to lhe apolicab{e w nd load yffi'L i e c Projecl Application Date 3-//- 3o Project Name: Projsct Description: Orvner Address and Phone: 'i 16 - a/t7 \ Architect Address and Phone: nJ Legal Description: Lot -/- './ , Block Zone: Filing /aL rlfuala.u.a- /,zf Zoning Approved: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ! 1, Chief BuiFing Official i Date: j I ,?-Proiect Application . l t, *p on" '/a-?:.7? \ b- Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: L€gaf Descriptio nt tor, Design Revlew Board o^. /o- /?-n OISAPPROVAL *%!r,, i t lf I li IA IY if T Q{;, i, / /g Prolect Appllcation o"," I ' ,} Proisct Name: Project D€scription: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legal D€scription:tot ?( ;ElotH Zoning Approved: Design Revlew Board DISAPPROVAL Motion by,& SecondC by: Chief Building Off icial UINUTES OT PI-ANNING N ENVIRONMNTAL COMMISSION MEETING OF 9-24-79 , Not Yet approved by the Board Members Present Members not Present Jack Goehl Sandy Mi11s Ed Drager Ron Todd Jin Morgan Gerry Whire Staff Menbers Present Roger Tllkeneler Jftn Rubin Dick Ryan Petet Patten 1.; Development Plan for Phase III of the Vail Village Inn locared on LoEs o & P, Block 5-D, Vaj.1 Village First Filing. Jin Rub ln explai.ned that the appJ.icant has requested that thls iten be tabled. Sandy Mil1s rnade a rnotion !o table this item to October 8, 1979. Gerry White seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 2.) rgs_ulg:qt-ql_qf-_L_qgd_gc_a_p_igg_P_1_qg!99 the j".!ebe: _sgildr"g._ Jlm Rubin explaln that Craig Snowdon, the architect on this project will be coming at 3:30 and asked that Ehis ltem be moved E.o the last lEem. The board agreed. .3.) Amendment to Special Devel t District Localed on Lots C1-C5, Lionsridge Filing No.l to a1low a Manager's Unit in lhe Recreation Building. . The applicant had not arrived. Thls Ltem was uoved to later in the Agenda. 4.)Setback Variance for a new Residence to be located ort Lot 24 Vail Meadows First F11ing. Peter Patten explained this iten. Dr. Jost, the applicant, explained his reasons for the request. Ile said he would li-ke !o move the house back to the forest service 1ine. He does not feel Ehat it impacts anyone. It vould be Less excavation for hin. He would like to stay as far away from other buildings in the neighborhood as possibl-e. The slte plan was presented. PEC.Mlnutes 9-24-79-Page. Tuto 4.) Jost VarLance contlnued Sandy M1L1s said that the Board cannot conslder an economlc hardsh{p so tbey cannot consider the excavat lon issue. Peter Patten polnted out that the issue here is that there ls Dot a real hardship. The Board discussed the vlew corrldor. Gerry Wtrite sald the vlew corridor is not a hardship either. Gerry Whlte mqde a motlon to deny the setback varLance for a nes residence to be located on Lot 24, YaJ-L l"Ieadows First FiJ.ing. Sandy MlIl- seconded the notion. Four people voted for the denial. Ed Drager voted for approval. Jin Morgan abstained as he was not present for the presentatj.on of this ltem. Ron Todd explalned to the applicant that he has 10 days to appeal ' this decision to the Council. Item No. 3 was presented at this tlme. 3.)Amendmelt to Special Developrnent District Located on Lots C1-C5, Lionsridge Filing Ng. 1 to aIlow a Managerrs Unit in the Recreation Bui_lding. Jim Rubin explained this iten. IIe nentioned that the developer has agreed to change the plans to a two bedroom aod aud two bath unit rather than the plans presented. Jin explained that the reason che developer would like to add this unit j.s so that they can have a central location where they can have mailboxes, fl-re alarms, laundry facilities etc which is supervised 24 trours a day. With the rnanager J-iving in a separate unit, this would not be possible. Jim mentloned that the restrictions that apply to the encire project (cannot be condominlrrmi2sd or short termed for 20 years) would also appJ-y to this unit. It would only be used by the manager. Jay Petersou, representing the developer, explaj-ned that the unit would be used by the mFnager and his fanily onJ-y. They hope to have a n:rnager who is a family person. It definitely would oot be used by several. indivlduals. The board looked at and dlscussed the plans. Ed Drager nade a motlon to approve the Amendment to Special Development Distrlct Located on Lots CL-Cs, Lionsridge Filing No. L to a11ow a Manager t s Unit Ln the Recreation Buildtng. (Revised plans were for a two bedroom, two bathroom unit approxinately 1080 square feet.) Gerry Whire seconded the memo. The vote was unanimous. Jay Peterson asked if thls needs to go the Design Review Board. Ron Todd sald it can be staff approved. ' TO: FROM: DATE: RE! MEMORANDU}4 Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 9-20-79 Request from Thomas -:IggE :Eqr a rear setback variance On Lot 24, YaLL Meadows Ist Firing. Consideration of Factors The request is for a variance to intrude seven feet into the 15 foot designated. setback on the rear of the lot' The "orrr"r of the Uuifaing would go seven feet into the setback area while the deck w6uld extend to the property tine-the National Forest service Boundary. The applicant feels the setback variance is justified bEcause he claims there would be no impact on otheis due to the 1ot abutting National Forestr i"".r trles would have to be taken out, there would be less excivatiOn and it would allow setting the house in a natural opening. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of criteria and, Findings, section 18.62.050 of the t'l'unicipal Code, the nepartment of Community Oevelopment recommends denial of the requestei variance based upon the following factors: The relationship of the requesled-l.rari+nqe-!o other existinq or ffitures in the vicinitv. Since the rear ProPerty there are no imPacts on and structures nearbY. line abutts National Forest Land other existing or Potential uses the degree to which retie{-frqm the- stTict.or lit-efgl--il!e5P!9!1!ion or to atta ectives o s title with out grant o The applicants stated reasons (above) for the variance ao notl in the staff's opinion' justify sufficient hardship to approve the variance- Upon staff inspection of the iot,.it-appears that there are other suitable building areas which would not reguire a setback variance and rem5ve very few, if any' trees. Also, simply because the setback reguest is nexl to National Forest .Land and would not impaCt others is not sufficient cause for approval, in the staff's oPinion. privilege. -PEC I'temo--Jost 9-20-79--Page The effect of the r ested variance on t and air distribution ation' trans rEation and traf 1C ac ties and utili es, an Iic sa et There would be no significant effects on these items. o Two Such other factors and criteria as deems applicable Eo the ProPosed variance. . There are none. FINDINGS: The Planning and qqYlronmentai Con is findings before granting a varrance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute ;-;;;a-oi speciir privilege. inconsistent with the lilnitations on other properties classified in the same district. Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotbedetrimental io trr" prr6ti. heilth, safety, or welfare' or materially injurious to Properties or improvements j-n the vicinity' That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasonsr (A. ) The strict or literal itrterpretation and enforcement ofthespecifiedregulationwouldresultinpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship incon- sistent *ith the objectives of this title' (B:) There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions ippl_icable to the site of the variance that do not appfy general1y to other properties in the same zone. (c.) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthespecifiedregulationwoulddeprivetheapplicant of priviieges enjoyea Uy the owners of other properties in the same district. PEC Memo--Jost O 9-20-7g--Page Three RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings, the Department of Cormnunity DeveJ.opment does not feel that a legitimate hardship has been deomonstrated by the applicant and that there are no extraordianry circumstances that apply to this request. We, therefore, reconrnend denial. clt PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT Thomas Jost has app'lied for a Variance for a new Residence to be located Vai'l lt'leadows First Fil ing. App'l ication has been made in with Chapter .|8.62 of the Vail l,tunicipal Code. Setback on Lot 24, accordance A Public Hearing will be held before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Corunission on September 24, 1979 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vai'l ltunicipa'l Building. Said hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Vail Municioa'l Code. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I ^ ^(T A I) I/ ,fr,"<o ft (tu------ d/mes A. Rubin ?on'ing Administrator To be pub'lished in the Vai'l Trail on September 7,1979 -f't-' .Y<tr-n N. $$lrl* /-- ,a . rl ,/l$+ eo -#5t55 6rren /c"y' lltne+q b' -o,.O tl.n. irctez, Fl / '&ox /?3r fr;k *,"f{ir, A er -* 5or^ Slme n€ /41 #4 p, Tflamls *t/'7tni'o 5. k^T Box Qgd, U.ti/- b 8/Cs7 .,./t . Geqtb Fltc , 8m a, EttsT &tr'(Et y'/ o.r8 3a'- ^"l,;a* Sora o*tr '*daz* sosa 5:"'i:#'r\lftg HV* /7 /p,7 ,ffi,,/ s+ %l& ,lfu f,(4soss €t;k &'?at 3?a Feenkl-'a sr 2z-'( f, ia, #sv_{3 rH,Z F b*T#o.r,f:%:!tr,,no.6,rosa. ,/ cb u, n dt, 3{ { fff': i r-#i^::i #*ffi,e, &2oz /./ ?r#*so^.{.W# ?,,frf,?/fr" W ''' '- /a,V)or7'*&*)I/^ek Ti6iete- aJ* {n ut;/ b' / ---',fq.r.a. rL eryr7 , ,&x E , t{lcztrb.rS/lao \ W 2/4So 7s- L" // . r) - fuaryb)c * bk, Dnnn *att/(er, et t/ {/rtdk ,*4 A v{o33 'ery //7o , &e//er ?i C.a 2,7/t*/Q ./ *nrf a* Fo^c*f H * Ere '8' '1'/a7T' &ax 7t h'/'b' 7t/9 '''' zt/a # so s 7 { 9t/ lf,fffi , Gfir%'o. Fo tua. / #, /3';/./ F /-f/tJqf /Z./)a,e// /'ilTi-'2i*J7n"z, &%, b', 8o*4t, 7 TOWN APPLICATION OF VAII, R VARIANCE Application Date Publication Date Public Hearing Date Name of Applicant Name of Owner if different from Applicant (t."o PIn-^ *ft.'" c(i ,) Mailing Address Telephone Legal Description: Lot 27,Si:osk___r Fiiir,g If property App 1i cat ion Sect ion Town of unpl atted hereby made submit for a mtes and Variance of the is ID o scr pro lc s th ci 'J/, nd m ni u u 4 bo fr M de e pa pt is de 1 0ll ions for as exhibit ) of the Vail in order to allow: " laf 24 Lna Signature of APPlicant APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED T]NLESS ACCOIUPANIBD BY THE FOI-,LOI{ING 1. Hearing Fee - $fOO.OO + $1.40 for EACII addressed envelope' 2. A LIST OF THE OII'NERS OF THB PROPERTIES TVithjT] 3OO fCCt iN A Single-Family Residential; Trvo- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residentiai- Zone District; or adj acent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list sha.ll include the names of all <;wners and the IegaI description of the property orvuecl by each. Accompanying this list shall be pre-acldresscd envelopes along with . certificates and Return Receipts properly fi1led out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the u.s. Post office. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Admjnistrator. (This is to be submitted at the time of nrrhl ina*i nn ) 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include an explanation of the specific hardship. ) c'.')a aj o (r- AF. \J 'o r{ 3 ,ig.;^,i4(b*r. District | /iD - '"tt"noN nebuesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,,/i6K i'//,. u't' -:, WED THUR FRI PM ) BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D-W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o tr O FINAL tr FINAL N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,"rilcnoN nebuesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL D FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r*silcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI / ., nnII PM LOCATION: DATE JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE ,"stcnoN neouesr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER 'TUES )WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL i H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D D tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT U SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL 'E RppnovEo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstcrroN REeuEsr DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON /,IUES_.,',WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D-W.V.ON / STEEL tr n tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL EL tr o tr tr ECTRIGAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I I T.rNstcnoN nebuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM PM <-7', /.s WED L BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER 4 tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4 A -t, 4 5 t/4 ll'l DATE INSPECTOR '"stcnoN neiruEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON .-' ) i )DATE ,.): t i READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: . ,-t t -i, CALLER TUES WED THUR (.i /i il 'rnt -, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL T1 UNDERGROUND ,4 ROUGH / D.W.v. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FBAMING C INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: E TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED r' / ','' / ': 1', BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK t-l tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICALI O HEATING ?EoucH tr T'l D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL O FINAL D APPBOVED y'orsnppnoveo 6/€EINSPECTIoN REQUI RED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INS i).. ) at. CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t PE DATE t'a) ..JOB NAME ! INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR AM i FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL .tr ROUGH / D.w.v. - il.noucx / wArER - tr GAS PIPING -tr POOL / H. TUB -n_ tr FINAL - MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR -r-1 _ tr FINAL - FRAMING EI tr tr tr NSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr o tr ROUGH CONDUIT D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstctoN TOWN OF rrl REQUEST VAIL oor=J:'.2-s/ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME THUR FRI PM ,FZ4 <{-5t 7/z'4ta; t:' UILDlNG: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND EROUGH / D.W.V. EI'ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION D GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc o_ tr HEATING TEMP, POWER D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rNstctoN TOWN OF 4aa REQUEST VAIL OATE JoB NAME ''--$it' OALLER /--=-.i -. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON r-7-. .V- r'. \ TUES ,l r'' .",?,t *'l ;,'i9 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDEBGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING BOUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D o CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED - /?/DATE 2 /-7 <-- / ./'INSPECTOR irL i.. ff"r,o* TOWN OF 9ae REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: PM AM WED THUR --l-'-f NS --J z?5 7- CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOI / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL .-Ef,olcH i D.w.v. !'B/aoucni wATER GAS PIPING ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR D FINAL N FINAL tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNs#ctoN tt4 REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:AM ts,) . !_ _. . _l-1-, TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr D tr n FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK E tr E GAS PIPING NAIL POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT FT I. tr SUPPLY AIR n -1 n FINAL -tr FINAL D APPROVED F DISAPPROVED , REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL -4 ,/i,DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING D SHEETBOCK NAIL N POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE ul DF trc h ',',. CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,"#"toN *rbi,ir, , VAIL FRI DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:()/ JOB NAME MoN ,, @) *ro rHUR l-^r,. Or \ / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr E tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr_ D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH o n tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR d rrrunl tr FINAL tr APPROVED /orsnppnoveo ffienseecroN REeuTRED CORRECTIONS: oor, ?t2?- f( rNSPEcroR t rN#croN *=oii* TOWN OF VAIL ,/- P^l,i' ,"rf -------l@ PM t- DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LLER ^-i''.''no-, JOB NAME LocATloN: So/S @@ rHUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr o tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n b FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o o o n TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr O FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: U orsRppRoveo \D REINSPECTION REQUIRED a /1'. :,-/11 ,' E: P ,' ;11: ,4 a,f .. ^-1( \i 1 DAIE / 4/ TNSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF 9*.n REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED -THUR FRI -- AM PM F*' BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr D FRAMING INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB u tr tr FINAL O FINAL EL tr tr o tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"roN TOWN OF * .r REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: "'i CALLER t /'! ''"'' t,t -'. ,,. = -ls*ti.. .\ .t^ -' ,INSPECIoN: \NN: -iuesl wED rHUR FRr - ai,rt , pM ......-. ,-. ..._ .,a..O,= _ -__ tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: i -.>Q REINSPECTION REQUIRED ). i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ,,u$I"rroN neouisr" DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL i H. TUB \/ /i r)FFINAL i'ie/ trFINAL ,'\ I t t' ELECTRICAL: C TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED --ErREINSPECTION REQUIRED ..,t " t a t INSPECTION TOWN OF - r,b 4i REQTJEST VAIL !' , DATE JOB NAME - READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: :,1 r CALLER \MON \TUEg ."-----)- 2 ', THUR (-- FRI : ,11 i. BUILDlNG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING " tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB {rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED H nerruspEcrtoN REouTRED Ft^lA-t- p& z,ad tze( t.pf </<_ DATE _g- f- ?/INSPECTOR \ 6///tNs o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT WED '"'* @ PM AM oor, 4/a JoB NAME - ? € INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES READY FOR LOCATION:50. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROUGH / WATER f-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr D FINAL ELE trl trF o( tr CTRICAL:ME trl trt r.I( tr CHANICAL: TEMP. POWEB HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: