HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 30 LEGAL.pdffirig,, Review,t.f' Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Narnc: Black/Appel Project Description: Reroof Owner, Addrcss and Phone: Marjorie Black and Ted Appel Architcct/Contact. Address and Phone: Projcct Strect Addrcss:5038 Ute Lane Lcgal Description; Lot 30, Vail Meadows #l Parccl Nurnbcr: Building Namc: Commcnts: Celotex Presidential - Weathered wood Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Lauren Waterton Datc: 9-12-97 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approved DRB Fce Prc-Paid: $20.00 ,(oroof % sD?6 U/- hd* ,Ul4rUo,<,a Ern x SOgt U/= htte- /,ril //ua/r,,> # / +7b-+ss/Vtr r- t CD atb57 na.4/*d;D-/za-*) /(rt<,tPfua 6'.,tc< 342'lz- ,/ GJ*1ur ?ru=r/*t' +l .c4 y r, rtfnilr ft i $ snn/","') n ll/etrffreruood t a a (Slrig' Review l.ttn Form Project Name: Appel Projcct Dcscription: Repaint cxterior Owner. Address and Phone: Ted and Debbie Appel,2175 Knollwood I)r., Boulder, CO 80302 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phonc: 5038 Ute Lane 30 Block Subdivision: Building Namc: Both sides of duplex will be repainted Projcct Strect Addrcss: Legal Description: Lot Parcel Commcnts: TOWN OFVAIL Vail Meadows #l Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Lauren Waterton Date: September 2,1997 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff approved DRB Fce Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Catltanning Staff at 479-2128 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAI' GENERAL INFORMATION This applicatiorr is fol any pijcct rcquiring Dc.sign Rcvicrv Rpproval' Any projcct rcquiring dcsigtr rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subr'itting ro,n t'ulitiing p"''uit' ito,spc.,ific infonrration' scc thc subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqricstca. fnt opipii.ution cannrit bc acccptcd trrrtil all thc rcquircd inforrnation is subnrittccl. 1-hc projcct nray also n.",1 to b' "uic*ca by thc Torvn Cotrncil and/or thc Planning and Environr cntill conrurissiorr. Design Revicrv Boartl approval cxpircs onc yonr aftcr final approval unlcss a buil<ting pcrmit is issucd and construclion is slartcd' DESCRIPTION oF Trrll REQUESI': (1," t'p C/'a"^r. U l-oCA-flON Or PROPOSAL: LOT: JO BLOC FILINC: TOlffN OFV/IIL Lr. C. D. ti. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: . '' 3 PAIICEL II: ZONING: ) NAMII OF OWNER(S): MNII-INCi ADDRESS:3 o\YNDR(,s) sl GN A'l'U RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANI': (Contact lJaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 9?0-328-8640 for parccl #) tt;t 1l/ 17 PHONIt: Ll 46 '58/ F al l;. (r. MAILINC ADDRI]SS: B'.,'J,J*, 1a/t, ,Qttjod PHoNE: I.t. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEF,: D Ncw Corrslruclion - $200 Constntction of :t ncrv buildittg' tr A44ition - $50 lnclurlcs any adr.lition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrntcrcial buikling' _k/*inu,. Altcration - $20 Includcs t1rinor changcs to buildings.and sitc inrprovcntcnts. sttch as, . "T "' "'"' rcroofi ng, paint ing. wintlorv ndditioris. lnndscaping, fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of .subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a btrilding pcnnit, plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTownof Vailrvill adjust thc fcc according to thc project valuation' PLEASE sUBMIT THIS APPLICATIoN, ALL SUB]ViITTAT, REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENToFCoMMUNITYDBVEI,OPMENT,T5SoUTHFRoNTAGEROAD' vArL. coLoRADO 81657. // f Ml TYPE OF MATERIAL:CQ.LOB:* b-e utc^ PA,:Uf AtckorlSnoPa Jwrt-J b" lo. &)ur l^)"il^^"l 4.n /*4 aovleo-, BUILDING MATERIALS: * Pleasc specit the manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip . ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust mect thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J)' lf exterior lighting is proposed' plcase indicate thc number offixhucs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Idcntify each fixturc type and providc ih" h.ight ubo"e grade. lunrcns output, lurrrinous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixturcs' Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matsrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Tri nt Doors Door Trint ljand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting+ + Othcr } tb. /t, rT 1,,1a/^J &fu/*al au$o-s Updated 6/97 / |lt( t.trI No._ _- | ) f ; r lt I l I li \- t ( ) t' C () ] | t r ur\.- r n t ) l.: \' t: t.O I t\ | F: i- r i\.\ l\l clIEcKs it^Dri pAyA nLE TO TO\\'N ()lj vAll. -fOWN OII VAII, .,,{ll zoNrN(; ANI) n ltr)RLss lvtA .r r i I irN-r i i i it(iiii irriffi c ; utrf t.(f iiM TL-u N4 tr-al,t(-;leoitil OR :( l L,\Nl u-Ntr'itr(Nl FiRI ^-1 n ) N.^ i _1, l- t:cTn lc ^ItrII,.raettDlI | 0000 421 l -(,1-(-,0n0 42.1 r-5- ll oT-Ixia)o-4r i5 =l-tilTdj0ilq i5-rs- 0I 0000 424 0 I (xt00 42,1 | 2 () | (n00 4l{ | 0r rxrno.1r.i7l 1l (frirrr.r r.rl] 0 ilr0tjd.r u-T.i :. (i i ii()riai ,1 t.1 l.i - t ii ?i0oir .r r .r i .i- r) r rloiifi q r.rl r il0{)()0451t(r 0l ()o00 2;t (j_t /;1r i--di)oo z iTit * ll I 0()00 !t I 0l 0l 0{)00 42 ------=-TE CAI' n_ICITaCI Al)t)t iloNAt_ CiUA CTINDI-I]O,TI-I-IISI]'-i CASE r-t r*'1 l0t€ rlt.ol_l Tgh,N OF UR I L l,li scel I aneous Cesfi frg_12_.J7 I 4: B?t rtg EecFiFt * ZSEEI4 Frctrr,un t # r;F, # i+I .T_T,}Iul r,rffEEtrErE el;cx,.r,ee pEe HnrGUn t t.endFre,J ,,. :E. ta€l I iero Feid FIF€ss413f,ts8E rlharri* returned .,' ffmor.nt paid Ifi.69 s. ss t t - F TOWN OF VAIL DEPANTTIEliT OF CO}I}! LT{TTY DEIELO?MENT '/ i 7 ':/1 DATE I I ''' I CIIECRS MAIIE PAYABLE TO TO\T'N OF \'^IL ITEtt -- "'-'NO; '-- tAX- -- C(x'T l .- ToTaL 0 0000 41540 ZONING AND N DDRESS MAPS $5.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDINC CODE s54.00 0 oo00 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s39.00 0 0000 424 r 5 UNIFORM N4 ECHANICAL CODE s37.00 0 oo00 42415 UNIFORIU FIR.t' CODE s36.00 0000 424 I 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0 oo00 424 t5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0 0000 4l 518 ElVE lRrNTs (MYLARil s7.00 0 oo00 42412 XIJROX COPIES $0.25 0 0000 424t2 STUDIES 0 oooo 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.00 0 oo00 423 7 I I'ENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0 oo00 4l132 PLAN REVIIIW RE-CI{ECK FEE [S4O PER I{R.I 0 oo00 42312 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0 0000 414t2 CONTRACTOR S L ICEIISEST'EES 0 0000 41413 SIGN NPPLICNTION FEE s20.00 0 0000 41413 AIJDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE [S I.OO PER SQ.FT.I VTC A RT PRO J EC'TDONA-TION U oo004tjil PB.E PAID DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE '.t i tn).tlTVESTICATION I- EE ( tsU ILDING ) oo00 45l r0 TOV PN R.}i,ING FUND U oo00 22027 I OV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND I * 0t 0000 21il2 T.,TXABLE@4.5I m * 0l 0000 4t0t0 r-^-\ABLE (@ 4. QZ. Ga!ll!) =I 0 0000 4217 r lJ U I LIf I n*G INVI: ST.lGn TION ',!l 0l -0000-2 2 02 ' DEVELOPER TMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FEES U I tTI, K PEC APPLICATIONFEES U 0(J00 4 tjiO AUDI I IONAL GRFA ''250 i;200.00 0 oooo 41310 CONDITIONAL USE PERI{TT s200.00 0 oo00 4t330 EXTERIoB ALTERAT|ON [LESsTrrANlmTeTT:]s200.00 0 oo00 4lli0 EXI ERIOR ALTERATION [MORE TI{AN IOO SQ.FT.'I s500.00 0 0000 4l jio S PEC I A L D EV E L O PI4 E N TDISTR]ET r-NEWT-s l.)uu.0u 0 0000 4lltO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I}4dOR N{END-s I.000.00 0 oo00 413i0 SPECIALDEVELoPMENM s20u.0tl 0 0000 413i0 SUBDIVISION .,0 0000 41330 VARIAI.NCE s250.00 0 0000 4 r 330 ZONING CODE AME s250.00 0 0000 413_10 KE - ZONING s200.00 OTHER i'l OTHER -- T,l{ REC.BY: ? V C,LI CasEt_) cK.'t "zrr IM.oU 80RAll CRAIE BABBEB co6lf,.fTItl c0.. trc. MEMO JOa / c', SUB.'ECT DATE JOB NO. PLACE 3606 ENTERPRISE AVENUE NAPLES, FLORIDA 33942 (81 3) 643-3343 Bt-u 3gA c,-.r.-('-' *t0' F"*, | (t'' | ,.\: '^rl'l' -.\Lt 'l 3b- C,Z \tt I , ^l' " t.\\ $ \I tls t$ L ^\lI t-,, t .\ TIM E ATTENDING ;':. t O ' I t' t llt - I |-_-- I I I i I j I I i'r'l .", u-,)r',,.-, :,'/-\ .- ,?:- i -:.,, li / '."': ) ri / /) tl_...--4 I'li ll /: Q:(l I 1l ,- : , --. I . -t DKY \s. t \9 i I ---7--€ .*.*- l :i .t / -'-r -i ,\t/ \.L/, RBS suPorv frupANY WHOLESALE PLLIMBINU 1800 G.rmrnercr &rulder. CO 80101 /1n11 ddl. ?A rA rerr/ | l:-. .r. (oro | .r^ 1'f _t. JU r() LloiE-qg.- - - -E:za - L z&-:Jla t _l{)gnA!--- 50 g € -lljs-,-L-r"-, U".; I Cu. 5UI'I'LIES ESTIA'ATE I "+B otrt (o- lZ.-a) z, Pr ---- -iO.a-rvnZ-: tEl,\-=)Q{rf,A z--,-;2-,e7 o -r.":---t- 0."*-l Q' {,rlr" = z-1ot 1- (a L I ----T--*--*----lEalLrss-(r:sae--A!-3ji-:lazlx qo = -tB'\R: rr-lv I _--.9-__o-- lf\-.., A,----- ? , (:-\,.' -, -- {A\- fI,, .,.r' r, a^,, er-..,,\- - --JA.-e-6r::gs- =--.lEyr:-:-1-bil1-r-$, ----l bapo.-gl I !r w - --- -l\ cr* ---:--dqy 1! -: - lJ.s_:1!i!_o_ I --Z!p-[j.r tf + 6plri T*--T- r l- - ---lA--""rt-, -- = 2.,rxl-.- J* I,' iL"t-Uala$:&v-L{! - lz'tf-, 30' "7'/o*a"t " G' i- +i zt-!r+ RBs suPon frnopANY WHOLESALE PLLIMBINU 5UI'I'I-I ES l8O0 O.rmmerce Rlrlder. CO BOl0l ,lnll aiu - 7/' lK f-. ,r. (oro r dA 'f .t.l- Ju l(J ESTIMATE :urLorsl.Ao[\r+--LA (sphrrl"lsb---- .lqt x^r.e--TclltFl-gesrd--- 4,Ja; \, Q, , Qr-z-olx o.t. G-l a- 4 ) Bv ,u_ I -l -t-tt I ---t I l-----t--t--tl tl ifc I '----t-' i-:al .,.Cln. Lt",*:.. Ltgs:- $t1lr-,4r_, ffi RBS SUPPLY ilMPANY W HOLESALE PLI.JM BINU 5UI,I,I-IES 1800 Gtmmerce &rrrldr'r. CO BOl0l / lnll adi . ?/. rA arr-t t f-. rt, (()ro I dl 'tTt. -,u r u ESTIMATE F:r 3 "C & o... G- lz.q? t"el \)n,\ Co\o, -f "-!l'j1 t:_(:r=.t"_' lnbF -)rr:,-,o."L /r"r *r' ,,r*.,{, ___f _i _l_ ---{(lt -r,-ruud\-(l\'-,(... \J,,:i- !.r,,. - l.!-"_J-+!lrrl --- I'G;-iJ""-ulEgSrt=- I-Tl ---f*---t--1 - -r q {- i --c*1.'r" jLt R } - }- - i.l: r 9:rrL- : : 4. - - - .-" "-'-t-- ---1----i- \ci <) . irl"ilFil RBS suPprv 0upANY WHOLESALE PLLJMBINU 5UI'J'I.I ES 1800 Gtmmercr Rlrlder. CO 80lOl ,ln1l 4d.4 - ?41r. f-. .,a. (oro | .rA 'tir- JLr to ESTI tt'ATE !^.\-\35--F\,,- )s- (fs-u'-\ot.lr\-----:&e,-!!!i€- - TdA p6rJ-&s'&- \r.rr,A Qs-1 . Dt ,A o.t. 6-/ L-?2a-."d(!__ :USTOHEF f.e98E9.9- - - -Azo---??r- : -z.!-o_t '-'Ji'l --'----'r --J-+-a*!,, t-/ &LeJ.g i-:uJ+!.:-:-. ------_I f i i I --L + 1.\o-'=-=- 4)\',4;E - -'J r)., c,-G\ v- g r-!\ gnr \ \tLL{4lP+-f - = f?*t'!= -/-evo f.l"=, L":,-----<tuJ-+.,a.- .l ll J-- -]/=.3 eAz,).z1hp ( -a==*-GJ".1-11\ bl1r'r-1'..s.+- I -- ' '-'-t I - - ---t l- ------\:L.Gg".=tr l"t- l-' I I I -'-"--t I *- -'--f--- I -___ - _l ___ j --------.F--- I I I ----'--t-- -1-- -RBS SUPPLY MMPANY WHOLESALE PLUM BINU SUt'I'I-IES 1800 Grmmerce &rrrlder. CO ROl0l I lnll d d.d .7^ rA \Jr-t t Fa^ 444.53i3 ESTf ntATE F3-f"'F ' o,.tt-!q!!lf- r" 4 ;lsr.ouEn .- -&a\0!o*L ( s+.o l^\{-l- !---------_-{et \r*:l A.oe( Qpricj, f.LDEE99.. .- - .__- - -{, Zct-:-12-E :-2 1 0 {.r\^.\loclnoil ut'\:l__ -;r,odr-rls L\\"[*)s\g1 o& q=-:-V /rt{l -Lv-cr"s--tt5-10_ <1, n 6 ", l, 7 " dt::, \ - ) lW^- *t" y-lltt L at-JL,^,1J* fJJ ",-Qu:.1"J!h )\l ':) ) I -t- I -i- I -t-=l--tt I I I -'--'--r---- I -- --t I I -__- - _t __ I I -----t- i -- -'--n---I ----'-.-r" I --.-'--l---' I - - -'-t -- RBs suPprv CupANY W HOLESALE PLUM BINU 5UI'I'LIES 1800 G'mmerce &rrrlder. CO 80101 tln1l rl4.d.?^rA Fa^ ii4-53i3 EST; MATE ;ctlotfE-.- Ad-\"s PI.,""L ($-rlhdrli:\_-_---{9e--!trt---L.:l-Aef!:-\-Ist !L-- toctna!----lAiL- 't! r- "{ t o.r.by:'tJ- "r-.y'd outmhy I D.rcrlpoln I tlrt I c.s lDraoosr I llrl --'---"r-- r-fffi i/,--r\ E1 |I EPt\y c\c...' \J{)'r 1(,*: - t-v,':,\ .n.,{. ,. ,. fi.Z I I I I I | | [-_-__-IJ-r iV) ^,i tli rto,,,-5 n I ri \ I | | I I I I ---l-+ S.-srslad"''-r.o -t_.li glur{u ''.-l "-\o-.\,r.- -- - ] + +-H lt -J-+e!\r:N--I _-,L i s.,-,-*,1..\,,--ILL. I-\lu,c\\u ?.A,\7o /,t t,1 -- t +-!,-,-.n..\,",.-IL \..1 *1'rA\ !U-xA-Lr:.t---- -+ -+ #) | 31,' FP 2--* V\.,. | ! | |---*T-- --f---t*-f---1 A tct I 3lq eYC ?d . ---__?_-- I I I I rA -.-..--f -r$r-S-s:rs--:r*:-le,:s=-.+--I I ---- '.r-- I ----.----ts..-- I I I __. -.__+___- I I I - - *--+--. --t--r-tl I RBS suPotr &npANY W HOLESALE PLL|M BINU 5UI'I'LI ES l8O0 G.rmmerce Rlrlder. CO BOl0l l latt 644.1t rt r- ill (oro | .t^ 't'tT- J(, tO ESTIMATE f'i 7 .lY tl D't.h.fi..L_ syJ44_ rute- -l :"o|Iff ,| ft rr.l-- _- ree!qer---lfa.j- ' T- -- Ouratlty I D||rcrtplloa I Ll.t -It T-- I lf\ll -1 I -_ -_1_l_r^fr"n_Uo__I$!. r'{ _T-_s.\:l t --t-j--ll RBS suPPtr &upl NY WHOLESALE PLLJM BINU 5UI,'I'I-I ES 1800 G'mmerce &rrrlder. CO 80l0l ( 7A1t 44n -1/.rA r-. t/, (oro | .rJt '?f .l- JU t() ?z 8 *F> D.t. (e^lz-17 .yJl ESTIMATE ;cir-otgE-.\.dSr5Qt$ --(s,r.\.-r:V:l-t-:. :r---- ------{99.-!t!lg- -:I!.1-/l+',f")*fu+i"l - I ----_t---- I ,--I ----B.J,=^!t I I --*-T-I i I t r I I *+- I - ----._T- I ---'r I -i I '.-.__.----<_ I ----'---t- I -- -'--t I +-- --l I I I r-- l ------'-r I --'-'-t- t -----f- r_-rt--tlt -+- I o RBS SUPPLY COMPANY WHOLESALE PLUIv,iBINC SUppLr ES lB00 C<tmnrerce Brrtrlclcr, CO 80101 (.r01) 4.{4,7616 F.rx 444-58lil ESTIMATE II o"""-hZ-9f- ry{L_ \.,,i,)"r'!.lo") rR€ss q-7D-q ?./-. f 1(.',< l4}cAnoH _o1 6 \_Ac Ln . Answe! ILL ,luest lons CompleLlT :nt}|y O..cdpfbn I X.t 'I 2. 4. 1{hat aItlt'.rde ls the st--p - i,;r,t^'u-)$ l i.Iha t t'/pe of Hlndo!.rs are belnq useC_ lfhat arg the ';ilI s constr:_rc--.eC of _ '"ha-- '?" val:e a:e ihe ,;alr s- ,r'ha'- "i" vaI.re '-he c LeI l" nq- ') a Are chere aly sicll l-,es- Are any c!ell::gs vau_l te<i- ,Iha'- r,er.:lix3l ( fs llasene.: -- ::1.:..r::trie Is :a::,:e :.;':e ::e.at".c- :f :.ra ! .<:'.: : r) 'vr ra.-- i.h:a -" l::--- a - ^:* .--r .:3915 i e:(c::a:1J9f s lO:::: i. store3e- i 7es or rc ) r. j.;, :;c:::..:lr:lon ( ..,:s cr. :o ) '/erterL .-5!..l roo: or siderra:l- D&D CONTRACTORS, //VC. 2,I6 IRIS STREET BROOMFIELD. CO BOO2O ItID SPECIFTCATIONS PROJECT NUMBER: HOMEOWNER: PROJECT ADDRESS: 3159-1 Ted Appel 5038 Ute Ln. DATE: 10-Jun-97 SPECS. * Master bath is completely new, there is no existing plumbing.* Third level bath is existing except for jetted tub. ped lav should be removed & used in powder room. New stool installed Jetted tub will need waste,vent, copper etc.shower pan sits where old tub was.* Kitchen is all new, sink,D.W., ice maker line, gas to cooktop.* Gas line stubbed out to rear deck * Will need to kill off lines to old kitchen ( where sitting area is )* Bid a double 40 Gallon H.W heater set up.* Bid heating system including the following: New boiler for radiant heat lines in main level floor ( stapled underneath floor system), retro- fit radiant heat lines in main level of existing floor ( where master & study are located), we will remove the lid in the garage for access. We will leave the second floor baseboard heat in the two bedrooms unless there is a problem in doing this. One baseboard heat run in new garage.* As an option bid heat lines going out to the driveway to heat the first six to ten feet of new & old drive next to garage. ( you,ll probably need to add a second boiler for this). " A list of fixtures & faucets will be provided for you to bid. Oflice # 303460-9300 FAX # 303-469€815 Page 1 , 'r'::#{ff -1rk\ l3\., L"J f-- Kqs. k*.', -0 S'1 -- 1., '-- 'r:\ e'rr\ '2 l' ,.1.,:* o f,uc.,'' G''rnj-. 2,.' ) I \\l..-r5' I tf qto '- lu oo Lo^ri 6qq00 b83t 0 /o<lY6o < l^l0(-(o r^, {' t75rq, c"tt {ztooootrn 1\..), t":\ttn.-\*, \\ t,*-r u-,i \\ k^*-*-.Ir.- {+- T,/\-l f\J -{ 8.,.f-"'-.Q'. - /o'.(' Tufo I E"c) Q,1: (r F ) /r/, / -f,,,,',(o (i'.,,,'',t I.- 9t-:oo 81t-r \<,!1., Se^..[\..(.- * f,tas",o--.)\ogl-r rr\tl- Bo\\"- r(\(b(S1- f-' i \of sl sb*-. \ 1r- n bK,,t) iS Crc,-." t., a\v\ 1r....\;'1-*--\' I s\o',.,\J. \-c Lrx.t.,;) ',..., \\"".\- , 'j: [.. clx'vr' c. "rc\' '' iFi oiE o5 .o OE Fi 6i1 OD .o EI g D A 4 F 4l E k E x tJ F d ., il nz (o o lr tr clo 20 clq o }r P ar ql gt a El 6 o Arl q,A a!, }l aEr oo t ra o r-. L li ora (o gtp s8 li 9 AFI uz PD !|O AZ c4 & F. 4 &Fr z2 AD lo I.r E qri{p Fr tr oz {?tr- o til FF HZ oo AX c| ttl ir !i x l. v E1 !{c Ea) &E E t{tt4 o e'E F ga vt do D i6()(J(J o H tt, (J F o I ta e a ts & 9 E o : qD a>cl N-{]E14 O tto t cc o t O o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Bui td i ng-----> P Lan Check---> lnvestigation> uiLL caL L----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT O [,'t 3o V-\ t,n'-."-::s ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 89?-0065 NOTE: THIS PERMIT aoo/alr snn Job Address Location... ParceI No..Project No. 399.75 oRB MUST BE POSTED BUILD PERMIT 5O3B UTE LN 5O3B UTE LANE 209 9 -IB2-1,9 -027 PRJ97-0041 Status . . . AppIied.. Issued. . . Expires. . I S SUED 04/rB/1ee7 05 /22 /7ee1 71/rB/19e7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER f\a c nni rr{- i nn. ADDITION AND REMODEL OF SFR ^^^11h5n-r'. R3 Type Construction: V N D&DENTERPRISESINC 216 IRIS ST, BROOMFIELD CO 80020 D&DENTERPRISESINC 216 IRIS ST, BROOMFIELD CO 80020 APPEL DEBORAH 2175 KNOLLWOOD DR, BOULDER CO BO3O2 Phone r 303-460-9300 Phone: 303-460-9300 TOV/Comm. Dev. 615.00 Restuarant P lan Review-->.00 Total catcutated Fees---> 1,515.50 100.00 Addit ionat Fees--------->.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 ctean-up Deposi t--------> 100.00 147.75 TotaI Permit Fee--------> 1,6'15-5O 250.0O Payments------- ***************************************]?]ll*liii;;;;;;;;;;;***i********li?li;il***-**ilflXi-lY5;;;;;;;iiiiiii************i**** Itqmi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/IB/.1991 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DAN'05'/.06'/.1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE plans topo routed cd 057087199? DAN Action: ApFn ItQm:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Deptr PLANNING Division:04/.18/.7997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN O5'/,O6'/.1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE topa pl-ans rerouted 05'/12'/!997 LAUREN Action! APPR Ite.m:'.05600 FIRE DEPART$ENT Dept: FIRE Division: Q! /IB /\e_27 - CSABI,IE 4cri on: AppR N/A ItQm:"05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: puB woRK Division:04/.IB/.1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N,/A o4'/,Lg'/.7997 CHARLIE Actjonr CANC WATTING FOR TOPO 05'/.06'/.7997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE topo pl_ans rerouted os'/27'/7997 LARRv F Acrlon: AppR ip-- ------ *******ir**ff******ff*********i*rr****ff*****lr****ff**********#'H(*********Jr*#********ffff*******ff1**rrt***lr**t*********rd******** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this application, fit[ed out in futL the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atI the infofnation provided as required js correct. I agree to compLy with the information and pl,ot pl,an,to comp[y uith aLt ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to bui!d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisibn codes, design review approved, LJnitorn BuiLding Code and other ofdinances of the Town appticabl,e thereto. Cfean-up Deposit Refund approved Single Family Residence6mOUnt rvpe v Non-Rated date Val-uation:751000 Add Sq Ft:985 Fi reDtace lnformation: Restricted: N fof Gas App[ iances: 'l #0f Gas Logs: 1 fof tlood/Pa L Let: ***********************************i**************t******** FEE SUH ARy ********************t************************************* R€OUESTS,FOR Send Ctean-Up U INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IiIADE TI.IENTY.FOUR HOURS Deposit To: D & D COI{TRACTonS INC v ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Af 479-21fE 0R AT ouR oFFlcE FRotl 8:0O Atl 5:0O Ptl - /4 8.<- SIGNATURE Of OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTI4SELF AND OI.INER IN Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 0s/22/97 ********************************************************************J,*********** Permit # 3 897-0065 Status---: ISSUED Permit type Applicant-- Job Address Location---Parcel No-- Description ADDITION AND REMODEL OF SFR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. J.210 OF THE 1991 UBC,3. NO PLUMBING, ELCTRICAL OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNTIL PERMITS ARE AQUIRED 4. CRAWL SPACE VENTILATION IS REQUIRED AS PER 25L6, 1991 UBC.5. BATHROOM VENTILATION IS REQUIRED AS PER T205, 199]" UBC.6. CRAWI., SPACES CANNOT EXCEED 5' IN HEIGHT 7. All exterior materials to match existinq. ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT D&DENTERPRISESINC 303-460-9300 5O3B UTE LN 5O3B UTE LANE 2099-182-19-027 Applied-- t oa/L8/L997 Issued--- z 05 /22/L997 To Expire: LI/18/L997 *'*************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL/ COLORADO Statemnt ***** * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * ** ** ** * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * *t * * Statemnt Number: REC-0277 Amount: 1,565.50 05/22/97 11:04 Payment Method: CHECK Notation. tt4666 Init: CD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 0t_ 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41472 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: ToTaI ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CONTRACTOR LICENSES CLEANUP DEPOS]TS RECREATION FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 89?-0065 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE 2099-LB2-\9-027 5O3B UTE LN 5O3B UTE LANE 1,565.50 *** * * t *** * ************** ****** * * *** ** * * * * ** * * * * * * ** ** ** * * * * * * * * * 1, 615 .50 1,615.50 .00 Amount 615 . 00 50.00 399.7s 100 . 00 250.00 L47.75 3.00 t;Lontact Lagrc uounEy Assessors !r"o I ar 97O-328-864.0 for Parcet f. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON iPARCEL ll: )r,ctQ - /L.) - lq - c'i.1 PERMTT AppLrgATroN FoRM | --"'oirii_3.7i if ' PEzuIIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED .,4 x***************rt************* PERMIT INFORMATTON *****************************/l Iv'f-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-uechanibal [ ]-other Job Nane:Job A<ldresst _fu!2 Lesar Descriptio "; h"h-K*;ttfr_- Firins''/n1c- MtvrozuusN/ e owners Nane: @ Address z fuzr utE | ^ ry. vbt ph{ll)1lk:Ztb1 Architectt (hA&rLA l4-,lgt^ofqAJT Addressz lltt ?es-rza-W bcueec_coph. ?^>q(Zm General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New IL.]--Alteration [(+-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Unitsr I Number of Accommodation Units : 9f,( tp%2- Electrical Contractor: iddress: rt********** * * * * ***** *** ******* ** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'IECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PINN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATIOI.T CLEAN-UP TOTAIJ llunbing Contractor: .i.ddress: ltedhanical. Contractor: Address: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: Comments: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REtrU}{D TO: sf, i 0 19si 85129/L997 69117 3034473933 DEVELtPfiENT o PAGE A2 GEBAU lN' Consulting surJcrural EngineEr Nlzy?$,l%)7 Karen Thomas Cobura.Development lTlI Pearl Srcct, 3rd Flooi Bonldcr, CO E03gZ Subioctf Applc Condominium Addition - Proicct #91039 Roof Dcsigu I,oedr . DearKaren: IobnD- President i r.i I HAI 2 g 1$ll i. l ir ;.i.'i\:litrr r.rL i Tltis is to confinn that the zubject strucmre was indeed designed ior ern 80 PSF snow load as presiribed by thc local Building Department" Wc note thst tbc general struch{el notes provided md published were for a diffcreat site rcquiring e 60 PSF snow load. We are providiag ctrpbed a con€ct set ofnotes which rdereoced a 75 PSF load. Upon revicw, u€ find no ruembers that need to be increased for the additional 5 PSF load. We apologize br any confirsios and incorntnieoct 'this may have caus€d. Please call ifyou have questions or need further assistanc€. Sincerely,. $Ii.:6::illifiT:+ ,r:t.:" .'tt;iI ttit${ D'i.ii;fu tt i*r r*:lt9t3 *l G:EBAq INC. IDMr "?dr:t.......-I$f t'.]n*J tQ'A;..tt:t l.t<? : (3031 44,+€94s 954 Pearl 5tre0 Boulder. Colorado 80102 851291L997 69:17 3034473933 Err{f,aaLsilTrrcmr^r.roTss o riE@r.ursaDl $(t\r '7t PriF wnDGEcB(IllcRrrEruD 8?s sE!$|Ic z(lEl FfOm, /aORSF FilDDATNNS. ryrElAill{rsfiilD Yrlmu?El{u}@s s(E NvE 'Iall'o}[ ooi[fitEltrl (lrlsnocErmxA'tl'I4EIEnEx|'STttilItDAfl(nrN(ilf r s(Its ST{NG&T"DEIRTfi{EEIIIATSI.tET$E{ CRtIEnlAffETC'TilffiIATETtN,lEE ilI.I'Il{C S[TE} . FOOr'|(rE gArr E g.r(EDUrONIrNFrir@ rralfilt,S& (n6crcrp mr 1ESIED rxp rFRolrE BY Sm.s Eil(ilNg. Etx,InEsgrR2mra, : rFq.ErJLirtEalL Etr rxBESt[tE @q&v IIGirrlrIDInE$[ae]i,o E$/EL llOT'DETGHIGTEIInAlXP'ER SOIJEIIGI}EE& seB }qs@19 Grlr AVAY !f,ff EII.DnIE- C(n|cErE ffD nErI,lrgRCEMErII siExaE suALL @imBx ro ,FrJcrgl rrlrvErt$ (r r.rfrgir awE(ht ff Actsrol: MIItrIVtrJMIt DAY6|RSS[1'E SfiE'(;Tfi ASFCIJOTI$ AtL C(ItCf,ETA tJO0tS. DEFom@D nEnRncnmfr: 4srra 16rr GIADE 60. TET.OED SIIEFABAIC ASITT l!'. IEDFfiCECNT FrmCA:lED A{D,FL (FD E As x NIJTL tr Sr.$uinD lnACnCE (AcFil'). TY?ICJILFOUIDATION IrQFmC9rlE{rr # IOP,rilD r d1 BgrRhf, sEE r|.irlls rcR OUIERREqTIRE@r|:I, qI.D IPEATEERU.TCAIE'TSIiAI.L MWMTOTTTCT|GISETEn TlNACIII'ritr'/TLCF o(lrcREErarcrrcEs_ . sBgcEErLw , Suggntu,sr4 Asrunr6, ! AtI, S'IIIrcNNTL SIEEL TahICA'ED AIiD BECTED tR AISC s:TEg. OBENTETMil }|AIIUAI- COEI,JRN DEVELI]Pi'IENT lA/OECf f97G9 AlfLE O(DIDO rDDrrl(n,l - vAllr Co PAGE 63 Foulor, nN Emr augur.ctss) g^s ^AsilnE r{nltnD(EEg d fihp rlqN ' NGN AD SEAII E 6NTNTC'-ET SOEA q@!8. A' OWN|EES EXFT, nIN. TO . 651291t997 A!77 32344 COBI.JRN 6,,',.i!a.. f :ti,. ., : . iH{if i 'i'' ' Il;rhF-$b tN lo180? l .f r *_ = Tff.,${,[l,lt,,,Ubt,I giJI,At'{s: 2tFv3DF/DFARcHITEcn EALGRAI}E,0' cA},lEE". I4MINATID \lElERLIJl6g. g.vL) b 166, g- I"S0O.UD FSAMINGLI'MtrR.(MA)gMIff }OISTI'RBCOI.'IENtr I'6) STT'DS -DOI'O.AS FN, STD. itr BETIER RF?l5,lil'. E= t.{00.1x)x)Isrs Douqts lRr*oj . F 970/t 100.8. f,600,{m EAI{S Dolro.lsFn I,().1 lF 1310, Er r,600,000 qI.uMNS IXXXX.ASFnNO-! Ft-lzd,,Fl,6m,m NAII^U{GPERI'MF(XMUJIIIXMI C@EE|rgPT\T'EEf,STf,NE MI,AR(ffi, NNIJI{G $IOWNOI{ DnAWIl,lGl. dL8trFn^FrER$ 'OET$ IRII$ES. SEAMS Ar{Ot(nt TC SuF]mTs WnX t| GA" FRAMII{G ANCIXnS. TnOSS 1() IRITSS COXNECIIOIIIS SECIEIED BY Tfftss sIJPpaEn- AII PLYWWD Rffi SHEATflNG AI\ID S'FI.0M,I}'(; C{AI TEEN(il@@ qADES WIIE (nADE ST fIP INDICAIING AXfaOFRIATE M ;XIIr,Ollr SACII{(; 6 lnDFonf,S 0tPA 52 6I AIJ.E CrEnIX. SflJD WALI.S EI IIE SIIEATfiEDWIS t F E YWg@. ADyL nEQITIRETfiI\ITS FqED ON DW6. (OR PARTTS.E H)AND T,|FORMIFG TO ITEC STANDARI' M). 25.25.) pnovrDE qvrNltrctts u,ALL slltos EACE s[DE oF VALL oPENlNct EQUAL To, ol.lE IrAr.F oR GNEATERGNO!,AEntr STT'DSIIfI! TUTIEDBY OENII{(IS. AIr.wrrt-sTuDs sttar!q col.ffNrjorts FRoMFT-d)n roFL('m,oR rn(n[lloffi,To Rq)r. CntrSRlXEAIIf,qr/$O FIOmDETS lrr\@SP^Itr WEnE SOTIOMInES Xqr nE&vE . DRYWAII ON.OTAER SIIEATIilG. . INOVIIE E(IIDEOCTII(}fr,RIMINS$ ATATIx)ETSUFCENS AT{D 'dSTE{J'S. N,L rI.o(R. AID ROtr-fRIrSS EBACNG AltlD ERIDGD'IG SITCIRED BYT&IJSII- S-t PPUER" :.': rCTEI. OTM&ON I'ESIGNATICi\IS ANE SIMPSON STXONG IIE COAtrAI{lf. GEIiIERAL @IISACT(N TO VERFII EIISING @NDTTIO}{S Pru(N TO ECgJNilG CORRESF(r{DDIG rfiDIFtCAtIOr|S .rilD Si.rlt .],l()flFY ARCIITECT ITIqGDTAIELY IJFOI'I DUi@VERY G @IIDITIOI$] DIFFERNC FROM TIIOSE SIMWX. 73333 o EVELOPIIIENT o PAGE 84 urrl 851291L99? 09:17 73933 o PAGE 61 .FAXCO\|ERSHEET ro; #nrilrl4 OztYre. . ERot* uz-hllae- ,lxy1s. vq+y'++i:zEt- i IdESSAGE: DKTE: PAGT-;# 3. I r:. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMBNT 75 S. F'RONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 910-47 9-2r38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Permit f: 897-0192 5O3B UTE LN Job Address Location.., Parcel No. . Project No. 209 9-tB2-19-027 PRJg7-0041 Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 0e/03/Lse7 oe/04/reel 03 /03 /reeB 60-9300 Status. . . VAIL MEADOWS FIL I LOT 3oApplied.. Phone: 303-460-9300 VaLuation:5 / 000 .00 *r(*****************************)t*************************** f EE SUtll.lARy *****************************i****t(t*******t(i**t*******1** APPI,ICANT D&D ELECTR]C 216 rRlS, BROOMFTELD/ CO 80020 CONTRACTOR D&D ELECTRIC 216 rRrS, BROOMFTBLD, CO 80020 OWNER APPEL DEBORAH 2175 KNOLLWOOD DR, BOULDER CO BO3O2 Description: ELECTRICAL - ADDITION E Iectr i cat---> 90.0O DRB fee lnvestigat ion>.00 lli Lt catt----> 3.OO TOTAL FEES---> 91.00 Phone: 303-4 Tota ! catcutated tees---> 93.Oo AdditionaL Fees---------> .00 Totat Permi t Fee--------> 93.00 Pay,nent s-------- ,00 **'r****)t*J<****'(**************************'r********Jr*'r**/r)t'''(jr*************************Jd*************J.t*t*lt*********i*,* BALANCE DUE---_ Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/03/1997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR Itbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/03/l-997 CHARLIE Acrion: APPR N/A *************rt**************t(********i********rt*)t**************i********i****i**************************************:t************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************)t**:t*******)t********t**************************td*****t*ri************)t**************i***it**********tr DECLARATIONS I hereb/ acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futL the information requined, conpteted an accurate plot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is cornect. I agree to compLy rith the in{ormation and P(ot Ptan.to compty vith a(1. Town crdinances and state [aws, and to bui!d this structure according to the Townrs zoning and subdivision codes, design revir,w approv.'d, Uniform Buil"ding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto- TiEOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOUI]S IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 179.7138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROH 8:OO AIl 5:OO PIl SIGNATURE OT OINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF ANO OiINER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtEMNl: ************>!tr******************************t()tt(***tk*****'******** Statemnt Number : REC-0 3 2 3 Amount '. 93 . O0 09 /'J4 /Sl tZ: tt Pavment Method: CHECK Notationt t2621 Init: LRD Permit No Parcel No SiLe Address Locai-ion This Payment ********* * tr * * * ** * * * * * Account Code 01 0000 47313 01 0000 47336 Eg'l-0192 Type: B-ELEC ELBCTRICAL PEF,I.'IIT 209 9-rB2-r9 -027 5O3B UTE LN VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 LOT 30 Total Fee6 i 93.00 Total ALL Pmts: Ba lance : * * ************ *******.*** ***** ftacnrinl'inn ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES hTILI-, CALL INSPECTION FEE 93.00 93.00 ' 00 ************** Anount 90.00 3.00 PERr'rrr #P6q7/&.lt *.*ConEac t' Ea f 'at 970-328 t^rh^F' .,r-I rr\KUEr, '| :_ V g1e -864 9-o, ty r n o Cou A""u""or"f f 1"" Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATION FORM work class: [ ]-New ffi-Alteration f;{-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: I Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Nlmber and Tvoe of FirepJ-aces: Gas Apptiances-_ cas Logs_ wood/pellet_v D********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************'t BUILDING: $ELE CTR I CAr., : !j.5-<=*=.:_-OTHER: $ PLI,'MBTNG: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address:'Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: ******************************** g6)usE ******************************* General Descriptiont A Srcrr_t/ Anoirlo,4 ta' Contractor: Contractor: Town of vail Reg. No.?81tr {one Number: ac>'< crln +<eO {zown'br vait Reg. NO._ Reg. NO.Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEEs MECHANTCAL PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Cornrnents: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE! CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: DATE: C)2-cl7 , APPLICATTON DIUST BE FTLLED OUT COMpr.iETELy OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** PERMIT INFORI.{ATION *****************************r! [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [>Q-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: Ap* a f?r.s,,rxn* Z Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing sunorvrsror.r: ov,rners Name: I€Address: Address:Architect: CLEAN I'P DEP,OSIT REFIIND TO: VALUATTON TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ co 81657 97 0-47 9-.2r38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No..,..Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BB POSTED ON PERMlT JOBS ITE Perrnit ALL TIMES M97-0114 AT #: APPLICANT MAD DOG PLUMBING, INC. PO Box 5000, 1B-101, Edwards, CO 8I632 CONTRACTOR MAD DOG PLUMBING, INC. PO Box 5000f 1B-101, Edwards, CO 81632 OWNER APPEL DEBORAH 2175 KNOLLWOOD DR, BOULDER CO 80302 5O3B UTE LN 5O3B UTE LANE 2099-tB2-L9-O27 PRJ97-0041 Status. . . Apptied..Issued,,. Expires. . Va Iuation : fof Gas Logs: 1 Payrnents I SSUED 07 /16/ree7 0"1/r6/ree'7 oL/12/LeeB Phone: 91A-926-7 105 Phone:9'1 O-926-7105 nac..r i ni i nn , MECH FOR ADDITION F i rep(ace lnformation: Restricted; Y tnvestrgation> tli tl. Cal.L----> tleclran i ca [-- )280-00 llestuarant Ptan Reviev- > P(an check---) 7O.0O DRB -OO TOTAL FEES-_-.- 3 .00 .00 IotaL catcutatecl fees -->.00 Additionat tees--------->353.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> ,Ot 6as Apptiances: 14, 000.00 /iof l.Jood/Pa I Let : ***************************t*r(******i**************:t****)t** ftE SUllllARY )t**********rr***************t****************************** 353 . O0 _oo 351 . O0 > 353,OO **********r*****)r**r*)r************i*******************************i***************n****?llflli-lli;;;;;;;;;i*iil************i??*** Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept! BUILDING Division:07/16/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 60? OF THE 1991 UMC.3. TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]. OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TBRMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE T99T UUC-._5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC:6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING,'7. P_EBl'!rT.P!,ANS AND CODE ANALYSTS MrUST BE POSTED rN MECHANTCAL _ ROOM pRrOR TO 4N TNSPECTION REQUEST.B. DRAINAGE OF MECEANIqAI- ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER suppl,y BorLEB.s-$HALL BE EQUTPPED WrTH A FLooR DRArN- pER sEe.'2119 0F THE 1991 UMC ********************************************************************x*********** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknovLedge that r have read this apptication, f itl.ed out in futl. the intornation required. comptetec an accurate ptot D[an, and state that at( the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the inJormation and ptot p[an, to compty lrith aiI ToFn ordinances and state (aws, and to buil,d this structufe according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Un'i{orm EuiLding Code and olher ordinances of the Tou.n appticabte thereto. REOU€STS FOR INSP€CTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS f Rol,r 8:00 Afi 5 :00 Pr,l SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR 'OR HII4SELf ANO O$INER ************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO -****************** ************************************************** StaLemnl Number: REC-0300 Amount: 353.00 Pavment Method: CHECK Notation. #L266 ******************** Statemnt ************** 07 /16/97 11:29 Init: cD Permit No Parce1 No Site Address Location This Payment M97-0114 Type: B-MECH 2099 -182-L9-02't 5O3B UTE LN 5O3B UTE LANE MECHANICAL PERMIT 353. 00 353.00 3s3.00 .00 TotaI Fees: Total- ALL Pmts: Balance: ******************************************rt********************* Accounl Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 4t3L2 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 2BO.OO 01 0000 47332 PLAN CHECK FEES 70.00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ' t "-4.-'/ 1 i : " ; ;; :, ff :i ;o 3' ;: :"i: : : ; " ; : ef;,K o F vA r L "o*,,*u' ",ffi ,Uo*.u. tt: \ '.i,- ,tz€m,-,' ""*i'rilplrcArroN F.RM , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PEIII'IIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Il -t l-Building trfnrumuing [ ]-Erectricar ]d-Mechani-car [ ]-other PERIIIT II Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block__ Fili.g sueDTVIStoN, owners Name: Tffl n l, tAft, r a P,h .4 fL, 5 3 61 Architect:pn (j_gfrrgr_"_f.iSl Address: Address: General Description: f Work Cl-ass: [ ]-New g{J-atteration >q;-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units I Number of Accommodation Units : f.n"r and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-ff. Gas Logs I Wood/pet1"tJ/g_ {**********************it********** VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BUILDING: $ EI,ECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ - PLUMBTNG: TTT7,i;t>6- , urcHauiail; $1I-A)E: ;";il;It t r--- fi * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * J. * * * Jr * !t CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************t Y::::11 - contra-cto r 2, pil ( nli.e4(_-r6(Lr. rNr-Address: ilb rg.tq, An@^rttt,t,Z{ fiotLo--- phone Number: iiAirj:rr, Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO.---Address: _Phone Number: Phone Number: ?q2. <i,/ll ,:r,) Y::l:li:"] ^ ","1tt-""to5: Erdp-n og p Lu"v,Ar^)^, Ltl (' :" ''.ul? 'ttlJ T own of Vail Reg. NO. J./s-ln Addressz /o.4o) S.,rri /Z-h-iEnJ&, Plunbinq Contractor: Address: ************* ******* * rt** *** ***** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO.eb1-P Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PT,AN CHECK F'EE: PLUI{BING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: VALUATION ,JCLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFIIND TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 87657 9't o-47 9-2l.38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER PLumbing-----> 150 - O0 P lan Check---) 37 -5O lnvestigation> Ui l. t Cal. t----> Job Address Location. . . Parcel- No. . Project No. 5038 UTE LN 5O3B UTE LANE 2099 -782-r9-027 PRJg7-0041 Status, , . App]ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone ! 970-9 I S SUED 07 /16/ree7 o7 /16/reel ot /12 /resB 26-7 rO5 DEPARTMENT OF CO}O4UNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit # r P97-0086 MAD DOG PLUMBJNG/ INC. PO Box 5000, 1B-101, Edwards, CO MAD DOG PIUMBING, INC. PO Box 5000, 18-101, Edwards, CO Phone. 970-926-7)-05 10, 000. 00 6rD5Z 81632 APPEL DEBORAH 2175 KNOLLWOOD DR, BOULDER CO 80302 Description I PLUMBING FOR ADDITION ******t*****td**************Jr****************************** FEE SUt4llARY Val"uation: Totat Ca(cutated Fees---) Addi t ionat fees---------> Totat Permi t t ee--------> Payment s----*-- Restuarant P tan Rev i eH--> TO]AL FEES_._-_ .00 190.50 190.50 .oo 190.50 190.50 .oo 3.00 *i ri*r,,r****r(* **** * ** ***** *r(********* *********i ***** ******* ***i** )r* *****rr *)r* ** * ******** **?lfllfi-?y:;;;;;;;i***iii **n**** ***** i??* * , Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:07 /76 /7997 CHARLIE Aci-J-on: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Itbmr'05600 FIRB DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ********************************************************i*****************************************t************t****************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. tr*******t***t*******************r(**i*********i********************i**)tt***********t**f,********i********t********t***************** DECLARATlONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLl the intornation required, compteted an accurate p[ot plan, and state that atI the inlornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the intormat.ion and ptot pl.an,to compty !i ith atI Town ordinanses and state laus, and to buitd this structure according to the Townts zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifofm Buil,ding code and other ordinances o{ the Tovn aDpticab!e thereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE f'lAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y 2118 0n AT ouR oFfIcE F Rol'l CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.'NER ************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO *.1* * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * St-aLemnt Number: REC-0300 Amount: 190. Pavment Method: CHECK Notation: #1266 o ******************************* Statemnt ***************** 50 01/16/91 ILz2B Inrt: CD PLUMBlNG PERMIT Tota1 Fees:190.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No Parcel No Site Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4137r 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 P97-0086 Type: B-PLMB 2099-782-19-O2? 5O3B UTE LN 5O3B UTE LANE 190.50 190.50 .00 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 1s0.00 37.50 3.00 oGign Review Action Ftl TOWN OF VAIL Category Number o"r" Mnri^-. 11,1v Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: owner,AddressandPhone'-Taa[ L\Yf \ | r)CBg t']'F-' L '|\ta , V'\\C CA flUr:>'f ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 40 Bbck Zone District Project Street eaaress: 50 Comments: tr,totion oy: lAlu'r{ fr tr Vote: 2- U secondeduv, \oLrr Sc l"-cFie,irl ,\nnnrovar(C t'tr* i.+ ) I Disapproval D StaffApproval I Conditions: l\ l-a'* trt^- ij,,Witv frv-t Town Planner Date: 4: l'7-'1'?DRB Fee Pre-paid I t.al.d, a/l7lt1 DESI@| RBUTEW BOARD APPLICATION . TOIIN OF VAIIJ, COIIORADO DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: A. I. DESCRIPTTON: t*t******!t **t*t*t+** PROiIECT INFORIIATION : B. TYPE OF REVIEW: a meeLs and bound,s legal on a separate sheet and at,tach E. F. G.APPIJICAIIF I S REPRESEIITATTVE: Address: Phone H.NAME OF OWNER(S): I. ,t. APPrrrcATroNs wrrlr! Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow onNER'.s stGiMUntnB Condominium Approval if applica-ble. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shor^rn above, are to be paid at. t,he time of submitt.al .of the DRB application. --r,ilei, wtren applying for a building permitl-please iaenuiiv-lhe a""ur"t"valuation of the proposar. The tovrn of vait w-itt aajust ttrJ fee according to the t.able be10w, to ensure the correct. fee is paid. FEE PAID: I CEECX S: DATBr By: _ FEE SCHEDUITE: VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50, 001 - g 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - 91,000,000 $ Over S1,000,000 DESIq{ REVIEW BOAND APPROI/AIJ BXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUIIJDTNG PERUIT Ig IS STARTBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 OITE YEAR Af,T8R FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D EONS1IIRUCTION New Consrruction. (9200.00) Minor A1teration ($20.00)F naairion ($50.00) concepruar Review (g0) D. c. I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTION:LoL BIock Subdivision ADDRESSz fu?b U(A L-aAV.- Vprc-, Carnrz.aao ZoNTNG: 'fur' ( t 4 FZar-a ,noi-- (.g\ NA}|E oF AppLrcANT, T:i nre. rr,p.- r *-*te *a(r-u Mailing Ad.dress: Aozi -tlrL--6e - NAI-IE OF Mailing If property is described by description, please provide to this application. onNER(1 II.PRE. APPI,ICATION IIEETING : A pre-application meeting witl.r a member of the planning stirr ii- encouraged to d6t,ermine if any additional iipii"ilro"-inrohieion is needed' rt is the applicant's ;;;;ili;iiiiv t;;;k; an appointment with the starr t'o a.lEt i"" if lhe;s ire adaitional submittal requirernents ' please note that-" Eol,rpiire apptication will streamline the review Process for Your Projecc' rn addition to meeEing submitEal requiremenLs' !h' ipplicant. must stake ina tape the 9T"j?t!-:i:-:.::.iirhicate property Lines, building lines and burrcrlng corners. AtI tt-".s to be removeil musb be tsaped' A11 ;it; tapinqs ana-siarcing must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. rft. ippficant must Lnsure that staking at"e-a"iing the winter is not buried by snow' The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separ"t. ."tlings of the-Design Review Board: a """""p1""1 rewiew and a final review' Applicants who fail to appear.before the Design Review nlira on their "ctt"a"f"a ineeting date and who have not asked in advanc.-tfttt' discussion on their item be DostDotred, wiLl -h;;; Lheir itemE removed from Ehe DRB ;;;;e; ;"tir such time as tshe it'em tras been republished. The folLowing items may, at the discretion of the lli"r"s-idt"irrist'taror, Le approved bv the comnunity Developmettt otp"itt"itt-"c"-ft (i'e' a formal trearing before the DRB may not be required): a. windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which ao not-iii"i tne existins plane of the builcling; and b. nuilding addltions not visible from any other lot or public Jp".". -ai the Lime such a proposal is submitLed,-ippii"""ts musE include letters from adjacent Broperty owners and/or from the agent for or manaqet-"i-."v adjacent condominium association sEating Ut"-i""oliat'ion approves of the addition' rf a property is locaEed in a mapped hazard area (i'e' snow avalanche,-rJ;ki;ii, flood biain' debris flow' weLland, etc.), a-fra,ara study niust be submiLued andl rhe owner ^rr". "iq;-i"-itiiaai'it r"cognizing the hazard ;;;";i:ptior eo-ifi. i""tt"t"e of a buildins permit' Applicants are .ttcont"g"d to-check with a Town Planner prior ro DRB .dii;;ii6"-to dets:nrine rhe relationship bt ttte property Lo all mapped hazards' For all residential const'ruction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plang- Lhe-inside face of the exterior structural waLls of the building; and b. IndicaLe wibh a dashed line on the site plan a four foob"ai"t'""""-lto* the exterior face of the buildinq wal1s or supporting colunns' If DRB approves the application wiEh'condiEions or ^oairi."iions, -arr coirditions of approval- n991.be addressed prior to the aBplicaEion for a burlcu'ng permit. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. IJIST OF UATERIAIJS NAMS OF PRO.TECT: I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTI}N: L}TSQ_ BtocK SUBDTVTSTON ?Ee kre4o\+@ STREET ADDRESS:6r The following informat,ion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDTNG IIATERI,AI.TS: Roof Siding Other wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chimneys Traah Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining waLle Exterior Lighting Other Ctunrl M6a I.,NiTDSCAPING: Name of required for submit,t,al approval can be given: rYPE OF IIIATBRTAI, to the Design COIJOR epvn Nq 7 sTe-o N^o (Ennrl- vnrt t l hef-utq*r9 )^(fttJtuh aY #reaz 9tptr$q ,' N.fgLNh11 *Iet t tl vt'p-n C*t- Qrtttnr'r@t AI* AIA r-lA V4/?4- F-ar.* Designer: Phone: ?Y4?T1Ac4. B. rJ l>atun PrJAIirr orotfi,r: Botanieal Name ".,rt""r"PROPOf'ED TREES AI\ID SHRUBS **fndicat,e size of proposed shrubs.5 oallon. ouantitv sizei ;:l"i::::,,:,1:il::^l"T_u:"igloua rrees. Minimum caliper coniferous t,rees. @fu trees is 6 feet. . T\pe Souare Footaoe GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL c.LA'{DSCA'E LIGHTING: ff exterior 1ighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures ind ioiatiois or,-i-i.p"r"r"lighrins ptan. rdenrify .i.rr--ii"trre iior--irr! iiqnrins pran in the space below and proviae tfre teight-'joie-iraae, t14pe of l-tstr! proposed, rumen oirtpui, -r,i*irro,r" area and a cut sheet of the lighr, fixrure. (secri-on ie.5i.05O.r) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATITRES (retaining walls, fences, swinuning pools, eLc.) ptease- specify. i"aicare h;ig;r;-;i r.t"irrirrg waIls. l'taximum height of wirrs-within the front, sebback is 3'' Maximum height of warrJ-ereewrreie ""-tt"-iroperty is 6,. D. Architcct ZONE CHECK 'f,",^ 4-1 n'outc, ft12 Zl,L17 ,r 1- Lcgal dcscription:Lot 2C' Block- riung Vit(r lrly({/l{)Lr"k'h lr tYl I nadrcss 5L,54 L\ic L'-t,lz-' Phone Phone Proposcdusc Z tAftu l,t-l Buildable area i,i/& I -? --7 --. | -'-+ +>5+Allowed -'14/a--_==:!__J__ /rota CRrA =22L ' 'LLiL,r " Printry GRFA _ GRFA + (41114675*) * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition / Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? .] -', / Ho* much of the ailowed 250 Addition is uscd with this reoucst? Sitc coveragc {f otio) Hcight Sctbacks Front Sides Rear 1.4' t l Minimurn | ?t l' I Proposed Total tl +l:.=.,.-' Remaining xry)'ib1_ r'@i).|6ts.l - 22:+ A -otl l5' l5' kndscaping Rctaining Wall Heigbts Parking 3',t 6' Garage Credit Drivcway Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finished grades less than 2:l (50%) En vironmentalAlazards Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck property filQ: r' ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribe: '\ai oofatl Required-f- l, 1. lL rndosed (300) (600) (e00x1200> PermittedSlope lJ % ProposedSlopc_% Yes No Yes- No 1) Perccnt Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologc Hazards a) Snorv Avalanche b) Rocldall c) Debris Flow tt'\u r,\a\,,{v/: Wll'' Project: t/ h14- ;I rlLl I nlq SITE PLAN ,'/ tr o suRVEJ1 ,r/ Y Scalc Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations !'rloonneNs Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Title report (A & B) n]L Utilityverification form '"/ Photos of site lU-L Building material samples Xir t .: BUILDING ELEVATIONS ,/"/ Scale '/ ColorWaterials / Roof pitch B LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing tces Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS ,"i,l)A_ CondoApproval Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Aftic Space EHU C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions ii.r nlL tla- Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST '/ ,.t-t1t- [ ,y' $it ('., Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, coloRADo 81652 Phone / Fax (970) 876"5{00 (24 HOUFS) August 2?, IS96 Ted Appel 1175 Kncrllwood Drive Boulder CO 8O3O2 RE: Hazard Evaluation, SOSB Ute Lane Dear Mr. Appel: I visited the above re{erenced home in Vail recentl y lor purposes o{ a geol,ogic hazard evaluation, as it pertains to debris flow potential and avalanche potential . These harards are shown by the Town o{ Vail'E map€ as affecting your propertyr the debris flow with a "moderate severity' classification. Snow avelanche is shown as a potential ha:ard at the south side o{ the site on the Mears maps (designated as "High Hazard Amended"). There iE an addition planned on the north side of the north duplex, My general findings are that the debris flow hazard is indeed present but is not gevere, and no rnitigation is in order. I woul d take care to create adequate drainage around the home. The topography above your home is forested, with a number of hornes above yoLr. There are also srnal l knolls above you, r+ith a smal I drainage passing jugt south of the other unit. This is where debris {lows niIl liket.y pass should they otrcur. Nith the topography to the south and the number of new homes there, I do not believe that an aval anche can reach this sitet and especially not to the addition site. I see no need to mitigate at this Eite. Soil= investigation for purposes of propErr foundation desi. gn should precede construction. The property does lie in a geologically sensi tive area, butt development wilI not i ncrease the hazard to other property, or structures, or to public ri ghts-of-wayr roads, etreets t easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind. If there are further questions, please contact me. Consultlng Geologist I o; I I I \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ ,/ I i l- a ,l -ot' ?tfloA tqot4 *tTto{ ./ * (&r2e PRPSIT CRNA Af SOTJIHEAST '._CRNER F EI.qCIPICIL TRANYNHER- LOT 3/ SCALE l'= 2O' PARCEL A improvanant locotioa certitlcote vas pregored fr 77tlc Guoran ty Cornpoq4 that it is not a lond anncy ' plat ond that it is not to bc r€lisd upon for tha jding, or oth€ futurc improvancnt lines, 'r)e improvenqt ls on thc obow desqibcd porcal ut }\ arcqa f utility cmncctims, ore antidy tithh Q:1, except 09 s/to*rr, thot thqc o?c no co€oochmats \5 by tnprovcmcnts dt ony odhining premlseq cxcet o is no opptcat cidct cc or sigtt of on! coscmnt NOdE .Acc*titg to.Cotorodo tot I'ot1 must cqrrman.4tT^:I:::lP-f,fl :::4 f.2".t!',,^.._,-L. .--,^^^;, ln no evstt, - moy orry a6tlon Oo*a upq, qry dcfcct io 'lc o.f rccord,. lntcr=-Ilanntoh rCiod upon s OJ CS thts *rvty bc 6*rzmaccd mora than tan Stcts lrom 'rqtl thc dote of cvtlftcotiq *tom hqcoa, Ho.05Ort9E2 ..'\o$\W h:i3 i.1 ?AED 8ta TV F6 Ftfrv o2 I-_:___:.____ __ __ _ "__ tCr_ilOuntlin Tfr'"ff{;frY A'fl (ezo) e1e-5o72 ^aE silrccriryta.'t a@( AD.E o o TOWN OF VN IL Df, TARTi\TF-NI OF CO)III L}ITI' DE\TLOT.\TE:'I ' clrF.cxs lt^rrE PAYanl.E To To\\li of l A|r,.- TAX' '-- COST f-t- TCITAL I 0000 {2.t I ,\ LT \-TII.;S i RE:i NS T, rcTIo 10000.1t0t0 ,/rr I r-t\-r\ I rv.\ f x.,LJ cAsE r-1r*.01 //3 ,y,g1-1 r. . rrr '.i:r .!r!4q+: - " l-Gign Review Action iln TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel 1 Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone District Project StreetAddress: 'i{f--'-. '4 . t r '. , ,.-,, ,,.-- Comments: --..-...---.-* Board i Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval a Disapproval Bi statt Approval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid -i'';, c)()/_u. revt'.d. 7 /14/94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION . TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** I. ********** DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const.ruction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) ADDREss: 5O=3 UTe LL) A Minor Alteration ($20 . 00 )($0)Conceptual Review c. D.Block LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT Subdivision If property is described by description. please provide to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds on a seDarate sheet IegaI and attach E. c NAME OF Mailing APPLTCANT: Address: Phone g0 8z NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone NAME OF OWNER(S):e*, t-luu,t ,tt>Pql OWNER (S) SIGNATI]RE:I Mailins Address: l>o38 Ufe LLI VA[L! co Phone APPIJICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OIINER'S SIGNATURE I. Condomlnium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid aE the Lime of submj-tLal of Lhe DRB applilati.on. Later, when applying for a building permiL, pLease identify Lhe accuraLe valuation of Lhe proposal. The Town of VaiI will adjusE Lhe fee accordi-n.t r.\ tho r:hla helOw, EO ensure the COrreCt fee : ^ '.- i r r- lJcrJ-L,t . FEE PAID:4) CHECK FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION .h n A r ^ ^^^t, v + J.\J, vvv $ 10, 001 $ 50, 000 $ so. 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $1_s0, 001 $ 500, 000 $500, 001 $1-, 000, 000 $ Over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOAR.D APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL IJNIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION FEE + zu. uu $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 rI. PRE.APPI,TCA,T MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of Lhe planning sLaff is encouraged to deLermine if any additional-applicaLion information is needed. It is the applicanL's responsibilit.y Lo make an appointment with the sLaff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will- streamline the rewiew process for your project, III. IMPORTAIiIIT NOTICE REGARDING AJ.TI.T SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB:, A. In addition to meeting submitLal requiremenLs, the applicant must stake and tape the project siLe to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Al-l site tapings and staking must be compl-eted prior Lo Lhe DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not. buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meeLings of Lhe Design Review Board: a conceDtual review and a final review. asked in advance that discussion on thei-r item be postponed, will have their items removed from t.he DRB agenda until- such time as the item has been republ i shed. The following ilems may, at t.he discretion of the zoning adminisLrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal he.aring before the DRB may not be requj,red) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions not visible from any other 1ot or public space. At the Lime such a proposal is submitted, applicanLs must include letters from adjacent properLy owners and/or from t.he agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association staLing the association approves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanehe, rockfall. flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc. ) . a hazard st.udy must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationshi-p of the property to alf mapped hazards. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on t.he floor plans the inside face of the exterior strucLural walls of the hrrildinrr. end b. IndicaLe wj.Lh a dashed Line on the siEe plan a four fooL disLance from the exterior face of the building walIs or support.ing columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all condit.ions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a building permi t . ,.1 n F E. Applicants who fail to appear before Lhe Design Review Board on their scheduled. meeti:ncr date and. wtro have not TOhJFI OF IJFI I t- l'liscel I aneous Cash B'-1-1f,-'-14 t4: titt l,l FiPc'=iFt # 15:i4!5 Bcc,:,un t. # F,EI.J HUGH\.'''F,F:EFFI I Tj trF:B Brri*un t. t.,tnd,: re,l .: ::B . gB Itefir peid An.mr paid E 1 r:]ErEr1r4 1 3i 1 glEt;t :F . EIF L-:h.Bn,lF Fe t r_r rnEd i il , I i-l THET{}< 1/GLI \',ru r r.l:.hrer HE I[rI c)o z (n {F c c) =o z T m 7 =+ rEl --E ntr m ls L-o l.-.{ = o l<x f l'1, >z I lm: 6 lOnt t=x t:; o lqP o l.{J in O l<rl f=m=f-itJ o<1e dP ;!E iio >l <-o .,tl !m ! = m(I, (.1 -a2 r nTt -t] -o Or- z= >= 2 o z,o --..1 ),) _r t; 8=ZA {;62.--r ^9> Oa .z t--tc 3= JZ (Jc) 4E ;: -to o>iD t- 2n 7z >m --t >or- - =m I €z m n tt @ Iz)t>l l<l m l* toq I o l< /lol IH II lr. ll lH. l lb I l'l tl |ll I tl t!tl 'F =3i#o>,r IF .+'< m T z o r -t o r FJ o rt nf r-Y zl a /|-,\lb tr\\ |fv'Fls tlx Il [/l ''t- , I In vl m T m i €z 'r1 t- m z o a -{m t- Fl co ! 6 {z _n r- m p i J \3 f. l= t;t< l- lm lo lz 'll = -{ €z _n F m f,z I !t; l= lz o n l< - I ln f I F r F D p p rn tr ote =Dt><FE F I'*p I N'E E r.H F lMP ot rD t\4 lur I to I lx I tl lrs I ! lF I r lN I ' lll o\l I o\l I col I rt I vt I (rl I Fl I or I oz =e m =l Eo -o ('r -L \o'T|Pl \,m n =I -.1 o TD m x m .It I o z o @ I i m a O ----r o =z t- _0 m =-.t a z m m m lz -l il t>l tFl li I m :r € I ^l >l "11 I € .t F. 0g o ts o t^; z o at \', \)..o a z -a o tt.5': o 3 !rD6 = E b ",2 2 - =i.'n 2 z 3;t: q ieiF: E:I Ii :=:E 3 3;: Be' 5 qr O:af -=-'oot Hh *o - =5i:g '"9 iei Oo^,@X $;.t r;d*Oi(qt aO-it 36h^ il rE =E *:l\idi:s rlNgiEE nl'\'ilPo'dr 9l -{ a .:.4 eh-iHgF= 8li gE,+E i ilr *; H d1 sk F"fr! s; *lt gna;€ mt- ,=o)-o hl t f o --* =l z 6l >I 6l 'l I I 9l ll -l I I 2'ra ilR - tx' -l I I I I I r\l ;'.r^--{tv I I I l I !m u =z o ol ll INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON .---\WED THUR I FRI J CALLER TUES AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL t FPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR *rTrsr.or ol oo FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF i "' i. PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: lt ir JOB NAME MON I NUMBEF OF PHOJECT INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ll THUR AM 'i I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND U ROUGH / D.W.V. f] ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING -$ cns PTPTNG O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL , /nF-Phoveo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .'i.l DATE INSPECTOR 'T ,*. L4 '- INSPECTION REQUEST WN OF ,'.(D, f 3J Ur. { [).. rri" ,Ju J.t PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ,.1 1? NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON /t j-.1-, \ ? tt / | 7 z \t v -)4 c | \r VAIL z/t I l,t TUES WED L c-'r..e- THUR FRI AM PM -'t/ /6/a, /t CALLER BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: I HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, ?r/t -/a / rNSPEcroB o .' iul) '.' .-'.: JOB NAME .,-'^ 4 INSPECTION REOULSf TOWN OF VAIL : -.{i) /' PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:./ ,-' ;' .:1 :' ,,' ;l MON TUES WED AM PM DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEEFT " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr n D FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr o D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL T]. APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,/i t',J .i DATE INSPECTOR ,.l. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OP THE CDM COMPANY DUPLEX This Dectaration is made this 2lst day of January, t9g? by CDM COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as "ieclarant".- !{]TNESSETIT: . WEEREAS, Declarant is the owner of Lot 30, Vail l,teadows Filing I, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eag1e1 State of Colorado, (the ',propErty',) r and .WHEREAS' Decrarant has constructed upon the property a duplex residential dwerling (the Buildingl consisting oi tio single - family units, and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to impose covenants, conditions and restriction on the property. NOW. THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that Lot 30, Vail y:i99"? Firing 1, sharl be held, sold and conveyed subjeci to [ne rorto$/lng easements, restrictions, covenants, conditiois and obligations, which_are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the_property, lnd whic-h shall. be appurtenant to and run with the 1and, and shatr be binding on all !-arties having_any- right, title or interest_in the p.6peity or any part thereof ' their heirs, successors and assign-s, ina 'snarr i.nure to the benefit of each owner thereof. DEFINITIONS unless the context shal1 expressly provide otherwise, the following terms shatl have the iofrowin! meaningsi- A. rrThe properties" rneans all of the rea] esrate legalry described as Lot 30, Vail Meador,rs Filing f , accoiaing to [fre - recorded plat thereof, -County of Eagler State of Col5rado,subsequently resubdivided into parcels A and B, The CDl.t Conpany Duplex, a subdivision of Lot 30, Vai.l lteadows nif ing t, acclrding to the map thereof recorded in Book , page , of th6 records of the cterk and Recorder orTE-glFcouniy,-6fbrEao. B. rrl,ot' or "Buirding site" means parcels A and B as shown on the Map together with all appurcenances. . c. r'Duplex" or "Building" means the two contiguous dwelling units constructed upon the Lo[s. D. "unit" means any one of the two dwerrings comprising the "Dup1ex" . E. "Owner" means a person, persons, firm, corporation,partnership or association, or other lega1 entity, or any combination thereof, owing an interest in one or more Lots. _F. "Map' or "Supplemental Map,r means and inctudes the engineering survey of the propertiis by Dannie Corcoran, Colorado P.L.S. No. 16827, depicting and locating with specificity thereon the Parcels and improvements thereon, the perimeter plans of the units and any other drawing or diagrarnrnatic plan depicting a part of or all of the land and improvements thereon submitted [o ttris Declaration. Such Map shall be recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. ARTTCLE I Description and Reservation _ f"".y Contraet of Sa1e, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed,Will or other instrument shall legaIly describe-a Unit or real property interest as follows. Parcel A or B (as the case may be), a resub-division of Lot 30, VAIL I.{EADOWS, Filing No. l,according to the recorded map thereof and according to the Declaration of Covenants,Conditions and Restrictions for The CDM Company Duplex recorded in Book , page I records of the Clerk and-lc-E6?der of Easj.e - County, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to se1l1 corv€fr transfer, encumber or otherwise effect not only the Parcel and the real property interestr but a1I appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shall be so construed. This provision shall apply to thL properties as said tern (the properties) is defined in this Declaration. ARTICLE TI Property Division 1. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for the sub-division of the Property into two (2) parcels for ownership in fee simple consisting of Parcels A and B. 2. No Owner sha11 bring any action for partition or division of Parcels A and B. 3. In the event Parcels A and B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shal] not apply.- -2- o ARTICLE III Party Walls . l. Fa.rgy wall Easements. Mutual reciprocal easemenrs are hereby esffiand granted foi ar1 pirty wa11s between improvements constructed on the parcels, ;hicil recifrocal easements shall be for mutual support and sharr be governed- by this Declaralion and more particularly the succeeding section3 of this Article. Every Deed, whether or not expressly 6o stating,shall be deemed to convey and to be subject io sucir recipiocai'easements. 2. General Rules of as a part of the original Properties and plaeed on sha1l constitute a party tent vrith the provisions 1aw regarding party waIIs to negligence 9r wiIIful 6. Owner to Article Owner's Each wall which is built construction of the Units upon the the dividing line between the parcels walI, and, to the extent not inconsis-of this Article, the general rules of and liability for property damage due acts or omissions shall apply thereto. 3.Sharing of Repair and Maintenance. The cost of willful acts or omissions. reasonabLe repai ty wall shal}by-the_contiguous Owners equally. If air Owirer fails to maintain his party wall, the other Owner. contiguous to wa]l, his agents, -servants and employ€€s o€r!r ufon five written notice and without cure, enter upon the-parcel the Unit of the defaulting Owner and rnaki the necessary or perform the necessary maintenance of the party wall. owners shall restore it and they sha11 contribute equarry to the cost of restoration thereof without prejudice, however, Lo the right of each owner to call for a ra?gei contribution from the gtlg: under any rule of 1aw regarding-tiability for negtigent or be shared repair or the party days' and into repai r s 4.Destruction by Fire or Other Casualtv.If a party wa11 is destroyed or 1ty, the-.ontiguous 5- ..wgatherpJoofing.. Notwithstanding any other provision of tnrs Article, an owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the contiguous party walr to be expoled to the elements shall bear the entire cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. with Land.The ri.ght of any Owner under this shall pass to such Riqht to Contribution R.uns contribute f rom tEE-EtEer sha11 be appurtenant to the successors in title. contiguous land and -3- ARTICLE IV Exterior Maintenance 1. Exterior maintenance of the Units inctuding, but not limited to, paint, repair, replacement and care for-roofs,gutters, downspouts, exterior building surfaces, trees, shrubs,grass, walks, uncovered parking areas, and driveways shall be the obligation of the owners of the duprex unit in the ratio of 60t as to Parcel A and 40t as to parcel B. Any and aI1 expenses for sno$r removar from the driveway sharl be the separate responsibil-ity of each of the ovrners unLess they otherwise agree. Such exterior maintenance shall not include cleaning oi replacing glags surf.aces, do_ggs, or exterior damage caused intentionatly or negligently by an Owner, his family, guests, or invitees.Cleaning and replacing glass surfaces and doors within a particular unit shalr be the responsibility of the individuar Owner. Repairs of exterior danage caused by an Owner or his family, guests, or invitees shall be repaired by such Owner at his expense. fn the event the need for maintenince or repair is caused through the willful or negligent act of the Owner,-his famiJ-y. guests, or inviteest.-or if a_n_Owner fails to repl_ace glass surfaces, in either case, aftel-Cen (I0) days' nolice from the other Owner, the other Oerner shall have the right, but not the obligation, to have the repairs or maintenance performed and the cost of such naintenance, replacement, or repaiis shal1 be a lien on the interest of the defaulting Owner which may be evidenced by a notice thereof recorded in the Eagle County Records. The exterior of the Units will be painled and maintained with the same color and in the salne manner. 2. if an Owner fails to pay his share of any cost for maintenance, replacement, or repair of an item described speci-fically or generally in Article III or IV and if the other Owner has paid one hundred percent (1008) of the cost thereof, the other Owner shal1 have a lien on the interest of the defaulting Owner for the defaulting Owner's share which may be evidenced by notice thereof recorded in the Eagle County records. The debt evidenced_by guch .tign shal-1 be the personal obligation of the defaurting owner and the other owner shall have the right to sue coll-ect-the debt or to foreclose the lien as a mortgage, and the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to his attorneys' fees and costs. Any sum paid on behalf of a default-ing Owner shall bear interest at the rate of eighteen percent (188) per._annum f rom th,e date said sum was paid by the-nondefaulting Owner. ARTICLE V 1. The exterior decoration and including, but not limited to, color woodlrork, paneling , roof rnaterials. landscaping of and texture of siding, and the the building paint, stone, current -4- exterior landscaping consisting of natural mountain grasses and trees shalr not be changed from that originarly utirized on the pJoperty and in the buiLding without the prior-vrritten consent of all owners. The coror of draperies, shades or curtains visible from outside the building sha11 be the personal taste of the separate Owners but shal1 be maintained in a clean and neat fashion in harmony with the surroundings. ARTICLE VI Utilities Units A and B have separate r.rater, sewerr electric and telephone, and billings for each service shall be the individual obligation of the owner to whom the services $rere rendered. ARTICLE VII Archi tectural-Aestheti c Cont rol .. 1. No exterior additions or alterations to any exterior iinprovemEnts, landscaping or changes in fences, walls or other structures' sha1l be commenced, erected or maintained untir and unless the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind,shape,-heiglrts, rnaterials, floor plans, exEerior color scheme and location of such structure and the grading plan and finished grade elevations of the site to be built upon shatl have been submitted to and approved in writing by a1r of, the owners, which approva], however, shall not be unreasonably withheld. Each owner shall have the light to refuse to approve any such plans or specifications or grading or landscaping the rands-which ire not suitable or desirable in his opinion, for aesthetic or other reasons, and in so passing upon such plans, specifications and grading and landscapins plans, the Owners shall have the right to take into consideration the suitability of the proposed uuiiding or other improvement and of the materials of which- it is to be - built, to the site upon which it is proposed to erect the same,the_harmony thereof with the surroundingsr the topography of the rand and the effect of the residence stiucture or-othei improve-m9n_ts as proposed on. the adjacent or neighboring property lnd with the general residence plan of the pioperties-. Alt lubse-guent additions to or changes or alterations to any unit or the Building, fence, wa11, or other structure, includj.ig exterior scheme and arl- subsequent additions to or changes oi alterations in.any grading or randscaping plans shall be subject to the prior written approval of all Owners. 2. Fencing, landscaping, exterior naintenance, and other improvements erected or placed by Declarant at his expense, sharr thereafter be maintained by the Owners in the ratio oe OO* as to Parcel A and 408 as to parcel B. 3. No exterior mounted radio, short rdave or television or other type of antenna shaLl be perrnitted except on an interior -5- roof., the erevation of which is lower than the surrounding roof so that such antenna installation is not visible from any other Parcel , from the Cornrnon Area, and from the streets. 4. No tanks of any kind, either elevated or buried, shall be.erected, placed-or permitted upon any site, except those initially installed by Declarant, if any, or upon w-ritten approval of the Owners. 5. No clotheslines or incinerators shall maintained on the properties.be permitted or 6. All storage piles, equipment, furniture, tools and other personal property shall be concealed frorn view from any other sites, from the Common Area, and from t.he streets. ?. Any fences furnished and installed by the Declarant may not be removed. 8. No mobile home,outbuilding of any kind shack, detached garage, barn, or shall be permitted on the properties. ARTICLE VIII Easements 1. The Declarant hereby reserves for itself and each of the owners, their successors and assigns, a right of way and easement for the installation and continued operation, maintenance,repair' alteration, inspection and replacenent of utility lines,including (but not-limited to) water linesr s€w€E lines, gas lines, teJ"ephone 1ines, television cable, antenna lines, ind such other utility lines and incidental equipment thereon, over,under, and across,that portion of any parcel , Building Site, or the Properties, situate between any unit and the street adjacent thereto. Perpetual reciprocal easements for the continuance and maintenance of said aforementioned utility li.nes shall exist both for the benefit and burden of all of the owners of units situate within th: PJoperties. 2. If any utility line referred to in this Article is destroyed or damaged, the Owners shall cause the same to be restored forthwith; subject, however, to the right of any Owner !9 fplVes f rorn another Owner under any rule of -Iaw rega?ding liability. for negligent or wirlful act or omi.ssions. frotwit6-standing.any oLher provision in this Declaration, an Owner who by his_negIigengg or willful act causes danages to such utility linl or lines sha1l bear the cost of restoration thereof and any'other damages allowed by law. The right of any owner to contribution or,damages frorn any other owner sharr be appurtenant to the land and shall pass to such Owner,s successor in-tit1e. 3. If aly portion of the Building encroaches upon any other Parcel' a valid easement therefor shall exist for the encroach- -6- ment and for the maintenance thereof. rn the event the Building is partially or totally destroyed and then rebuilt, minor encroachment of parts of the Building due to construction shatl be perrnitted and a valid easernent therefor and for the mainte-nance thereof shall exist. 4. Each Parcel shalr be subject to an easement in favor of the Owners, including their agenti, employees, and contractors for providing the rnaintenance-describe-o ii ariicle vrrr hereof. 5- The owner of parcel A shalr, have an easement for access purposes over and across the Driveway Easement on parcel B as depicted on the Resubdivision map, 1. The Owners jointly shall obtain and naintain at all times insurance of the type and kind hereinafter provided: (a) R policy of property insurance in an amount equal to the full replacenent value (i.e. 100? of current "replacement cost" exclusive of land, and other items normally excluded from coverage) of the improvements located on each parcel with in','Agreed Amount Endorsement" or its equivalent, a ,'DemoLition Endorsement" or its equivalent, and if necessary, an "Increased Cost of Construction Endorsementr or "Contingent Liabi.lity frorn Operation of Buildings Laws . Endorsementrr or the equivalent, such insurance to afford protection against at least the following: (i) Loss or damage by fire and other hazards covered by the standard extended coverage endorsement.and for debris removal and cost of demolition, vandal-ism, nalicious rnischief, windstorm, and water darnage; (ii) Such other risks as shal1 custonarily be covered with respect to projects similar in construction, Iocation and use; ARTICLE IX Insurance . (b) A comprehensive policy of public liability .,insurance insuring the Owners in an amount not less than Three Ilundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00)covering all claims for personal injury and/or property danage arising out of a single occurrencer such coverage to include protection against water damage liability, liability for non-owned and hire automobile, liability for property of others. and, if ?Fplicable, garage keeper,i riauility, host liquor Iiability, and other risks as shall custonarilf be covered with respect to projects sinilar in coistruc-tion, location and use; -7- (c) all such policies of insurance shal1 contain waivers of subrogation and waivers of any defense based on invalidity arising from any acts of an Owner and shall provide that the policies may not be cancelled or substantially modified without at least ten (10) days' prior written notice to all insureds,including the mortgagees of any Parcel . Duplicate originals of alI policies and renewals thereof, together with proof of paynent of premiums shall be delivered to any first mortgagee of any Parcel upon written request. (d) The insurance shall be carried in blanket policy form naming all of the Owners as insured. The policy or policies shall identify the interest of every Parcel Owner (Owner's name and home address atd/or Parcel letter designation) and shal1 contain a standard non-cont r ibutory clause in favor of each first mortgagee and a provision that it cannot be cancelled or materially altered by either the insured or the insurance company until ten (10) days prior written notice thereof is given to the other Owner and each first mortgagee. The Owners sha1l furnish a certified copy of such blanket policy, the certificate identifying the interest of each Owner I to any party in interest upon request. The blanket policies of insurance shaLl provide that the insurance thereunder sha11 be invalidated or suspended only in respect to the interest of a particular Owner guilty of a breach of warranty, act, omission, negligence or non- compliance with any provision of such policy, includ-ing payment of the insurance premium applicable to that Owner's interest, or who permits or fails to prevent the happening of any event, whether occurring before or after a loss, which under the provisions of such policy would otherwise invalidate or suspend the entire policy, but the insurance under any such policy as to the interest of the other insured Owner not guilty of any such act or omission shall not be inval-idated or suspended and shall remain in fu11 force and effect. belonging to an Owner and public liability wi-thin each UOit and upon each Parcel shall of the Owner thereof. 2. Other Insurance to be l.!.aintained b Owners. Insurance coverage on the furnishings and other items lnsurance coverage be the responsibility 3. Reappraisal. The Owners shall, at least every three (3)years, obtain an appraisal for insurance purposes, which shall be maintained as a permanent record, showing that the insurance in any period represents one hundred percent (f004) of the ful1 replacement value of the improvements on each Parcel . -8- ARTICLE X Damaqe or Destruction (a) In the event of damaqe or destruction to a Unit due to fire or other disaiter, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to recoDstruct the UniE, shall be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of atl the Owners. The Owners sha1l then pronptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the Owners to defray the sost thereof. 'rRepair and reconstruction,,of the Units, as used herein, means restoring the improve-ments to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each Unit having the same boundaries as before. (b) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct any damaged Unit, such damage or destruction shall be pronptly repaired and recohstructed by the Owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessnent against the Owners of ttre damaged Units. Any such assessments shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the Unit exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds allocable to such Unit. Such assessment shal1 be due and payab).e not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each Owner and a lien on his parcel and the improvenents thereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the Owners and first mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or damaged Units may agree that the destroyed or damaged Units shall forthwith be dernolished and all debris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the Parcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscapir-rg an_d demoLition_ work.shall be paid for by any and aII insurance proeeeds available. Any excess - insurance proceeds shaLl then be disbursed to such Owners and their first rnortgagees jointly. ARTICLE XI Admin.i.stration and Management nsible - Ultimate Control Resolution.1.All Owners Res -9- Both Parce1 Osrners shall be mutually responsible for the adnin-istration and managernent of the obligations created hereunder. Hohtever, in the event both Owners cannot nutually agree when a decision is required by this Declaration, the impasse shall be resolved as follows: (a) Decision required in year 1986 and every second year thereafter: Parcel A Owner's decision is binding. (b) Decision required in year 1987 and every second year thereafter: Parcel B Owner's decision is binding. 2. Override. In the event any Owner believes, based on the standard oF-E5E-Teasonable man, (iJ tnat an impasse decision has been made incorrectly or contrary to the Declaration, or (ii)that the Owner in ultimate control is guilty of mis-, mal-, or non-feasance with respect to this Declaration, then the aggrieved Owner nay petition the Eagle County District Court for a judicial determination of the controv€rsfr which decision shal1 be binding upon both Owners. The Court may assess cgsts and any reasonable attorney's fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the merits of the case. ARTTCLE XIT No labor performed or materials furnished and incorporated into a Unit with the consent or at the reguest of the Owner of such Unit, his agent, his contractor or subcontractor, shall be the basis for filing of a lien against a Unit or any other Unit Owner who did not expressl-y consent to ot request the services or materials. Each Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Owner from and against all liability arising from the claim of any lien against the Unit of another for construction perforn- ed or for labor, naterials, services, or other products incorpor-ated in a Unit upon the consent or request of such Unit,s Or.rner. ARTICLE XIII The following general conditions, stipulations and protective covenants are hereby inposed upon the Properties: I. Except for the business of the Declarant in connection with the development of the Properties, no trade, business, or activity shall be conducted, carried on, or practices on any Parcel or in a residence constructed thereon, and the Owner of said Parcel shal1 not suffer or pernit any residence erected Termination of Mechanic's Lien Riqhts fndernnificat ion .General Conditions,St ipulations and Protective Covenants -t 0- thereon to be used or employed for any purpose that will consti-tute a nuisance in law or that w111 detract from the residential value of said Parcel or the other Parcel. 2. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration sha1l run with and bind the Properties and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by ihe Owner of either Parcel subject to this Declaration, their respective legal representatives, heirs,successors and assigns, for a term of twenty (20) years from the date tbis Declaration is recorded. after which time said cove-nants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years. The covenants and restrictions of this Declara-tion may be anended by an instrument signed by both of the Parcel Owners, and in all cases by one hundred percent (I00?) of the first mortgages of record. Any arnendment must be properly recorded. No part of the Declaration may be amended in such a manner that it will adversely affect the existing right of any Owner or mortgagee with particular respect, but not limited to,party waLls, unpaid assessmentsr oE the lien of any mortgagee. 3. Enforcement of these covenants, restrictions and other provisions sha1l be by an Owner by any proceeding at law or in equity against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant or restriction, either to restrain violation and/or recover damages and against the Properties to enforce any lien created by these covenants. The omission or failure of any Owner to enforce any eovenant or restriction set forth in this Declaration shal-l in no event be deened a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. In-the event of litigation pursuant to this Paragraph, the prevailing party shal1 be entitled to all costs expended and reasonable attorney's fees. 4. ff any of the provisions of this Declaration or any paragraph, sentence, clauser phrase, or word, or the application thereof in any circunstance be invalidated. such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the rernainder of this Declaration,that the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence,clauser phrase, or word in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 5. ?hat whenever used herein, unless the context shall otherwise provide, the singular number shall include the plural,the plural the singular, and the use of any gender sha1l include all genders. 6. the books and'records kept pursuant to this Declaration sha1l be open to inspection by each Owner and his mortgagee at any time during reasonable business hours. 7. Declarant and all subsequent Owners of any interest in the Property by accepting a Deed to any interest thereto waive the homestead exenption or any other exemption of the laws of the State of Colorado or any federal 1aw only as it relates to any lien filed by any Owner pursuant to this Declaration, olherwise,such exenptions are not hereby waived. -11- 8. Eaeh orr,ner shall register his nailing address r4rith the other owner and arl notices or demands intendid to be served upon an Owner shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid,addressed in the name of the owner at such regiiteiea-naiiing address. In the alternative, notices rnay be delivered, if i;writingr p€rsonally to the other or,rner. prospective purchasers of units shal1 be entitLed to determine if a ielling 6wner is in defaurt.with respect to any maintenance obligation or any other obligation under these covenants by derivering a written inquiry with respect thereto to the Owner of tne othei Unit. If no response is received to such_inquiry within fifteen (15) days of the date said notice is received, the nonselling owner shall be deemed to have waived any clairn of lien or clairi for damage. The existence of a recorded notice of lien, howeverr shall coistitube notice to a prospective purchaser of a claim by the owner of the other unit' and shalt not be affected by the foregoing request for information. 9. Any.first nortgagee of any site within the property may jointly or_singularly pay any taxes or other charges which are in default and which may or have becorne a charge against the Properties and nay pay overdue premiuns for-hazird insurance policies or secure new hazard insurance coverage on the lapse of such poricy for such properties and any first rnortgagee upon the making of'such palrment shall be immediately owed r6iibursinent therefor from the Owner. rN wrrNEss WHEREOF' the Declarant has set. his hand and seal the day and year first above written. CDM Conpany By: ./ /t-z/< Genera STATE OF COLORADO) ) ss. couNTY oF BOULDER) inst rument r dSd was acknowledged General Par tner , Legr. before me by of CDM Company, J(I{i,t1ess my hand and official seal. '' :i' ".,.t{y corunission expires:,,t,1.,., ,. I ir ,/.;1,'1 ',..',>, ')\., '( !'\\'r't) 4L/ Partn'er -I2- ,r ltu DATE APPLICATION FOR OUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW A.NAME OF MAI LI NG ADDRESS APP L I CANT CDM Company P. O. box 1170 Boulder, CO 80306 PHoNE (303) 442-65L4 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Stanley A. Black PHONE (303) 44 2-6sr4 c.NAME 0F PROPERTY OWNER (print or type)CDM Company 'r'1 / . , oWNER'S SIGNATURE / 11-294,442 P{.rLz*_/ Ph]iii MAILING ADDRESS P. O. Box 1170 Boulder' CO 80306 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT 30 BLOCK SUBDIVISION VaiI Meadows (303) 442-6514 F] LING E.FEE $100.00 pnrofrDA DO sy 'il, F. ( date )0].\+5+ MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1.Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat fo1 lowing the requirements of Section 17.i5.i30 (C), I,2,3,1 ,6,7,8,9,.l0,i1,13 and l4 of the Subdivision Regulatjons. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots." The statement must be modified according to the number of lots created. A copy of the declarations and,/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. The declaration and/or covenants shalI specifical 1y address the painting of the exteriors of the un'i ts so that the units wi11 be painted the same color and maintained in the same manner. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl,J CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regulations. Fl . rrLiNG AND REC0IiDING The Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vai1 approvai. 2. l,:t . 0 ,"\ CIt11t"\.!N} 6) a*'io's D\dur '{n ffi^&ttt INTER-OEPlCRTI'IENTAL REVI Ei,I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE suBMrrreo, lilt1 C0MMENTS NEEDE0 BY:_ BRrEF DEScRrprroN qrF;;RoposAl.- fuiQo. l,.]odr r, 1 PROJECT: FIRE OEPARTMENT 0L Reviewed by: Cornments: t POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:- Date Reviewed by: Comments: PUBLIC l,lOR Reviewed by:D^t"-rlbz 0ate RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0a te sTArE OF COLORADO a I COUNTY OFSA6.E OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE FOR TAX YEAR1986 ASSESSED OWNER: 'CDII,I COI{PAI{Y 8 I1A[KER,, CARCT-, N. 1025 GfiNERI BOU )R., COTORADO 80301- L OFDERED BY: 16 ScHEDULE NUMBER P004623 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 1 DATE 2-4-97 Btr.E \A.IiLEY SUFil/EYl}re ,t LEGAL DESCFIPTION OF PROPEFTY HOUSilIOI,D FUR{ITURE I.0I 30 1987 " NOTICE t, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF REALESTATETAXES DUE UPON PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND ALL SALES OF THE SAME FOR UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES SHOWN BY THE RECORDS IN MY OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT RE. OUIRED FOR REDEMPTION. AFtE AS NOTED HEREIN. CURRENTTAXES, 63.58 rOTAL DUE: 63.59 AMoUNT GOoD THRoUGH t 2-29-97 STATE OF COLORADO ilJ" COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER SCHEDULE NUMBER 13945 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 1 DATE 2-4-87 CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE FOR TAX YEAR 1986 ASSESSED OWNER:t- 'G[\,1 Ct[\'lPA]lY a I,GIJ(ER, CAROL N. 1025 Grrnr'.Rr BdJLDER, CoroRADo 80301 L oRDEFED BY: T,Ffi LEfXlNm. m6,E \ALLEY SURVEYIIG LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY r.or 30 P4623 NOTICE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF REALESTATETAXES DUE UPON PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND ALL SALES OF THE SAME FOR UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES SHOWN BY THE RECORDS IN MY OFFICE. FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT RE- OUIBED FOR REDEMPTION, AFE AS NOTEO HEREIN. cURRENTTAXES: 3 1145.49 rOTAL DUE: 3 tL45.49 AMouNr GooD THROUGH | 2-28-87 oerc.L{)J CERTIFICATE DOE OT INCLUDE LAND OR IMPROVE- MENTS ASSESSED UNDE JA SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER, \XES, OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT I t rsaz rNGs HAVE Ncrr Yst BE;f cmrrru.t 'p' --T rf r TO IHIS PEBSONAL PROPERTY T UNLESS SPECI. TOWN ' ,1t,l, ".JOB NAME rNstTroN REeuESr oF VAIL DATE CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,.. ''' 1 DATE INSPECTOR Project Application ,^," //-e7- 7? Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot 3C , g1.6k Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chiel Building Otficial a''u11 zo, \) a-,L nlaadn,n FOBERT G. M ISTLER JOHN A. PURVIS PETER M, VAN ZANTE WILLIAM O. MEYER STEV E C. EFTGGS JA|.lES L. CARPENT E F. J R. Fritz Glade, A.I.A.P.O. Drawer 2239 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Fritz: In accordance with our conversations concerning your construction of an addition to the duplex unit which you are renting from my client CDM Company, please be advised that consent is given to you by the owner to construct that addition as depicted in your plans, copies of which are at-tached hereto and incorporated by reference, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Tt is our understanding Lhat you will obtain and pay for all materials and labor in conjunction with the installation of such improvements, and that you will save and hold us harmless and indemnify us from and against any and a11 liability, includ.ing reasonable attorney's fees in connection with any lien claims, as may be asserted by laborers or materialmen. 2. You will modify the plans to install the glue lam beam further south to a poinL where there can be support below directly off the concrete pillars under the decking. 3. You will instal-l insulation under the flooring to fill the cavity between the decking and the end grade. 4. Flooring will consist of quarry tile matching as closely as possible that which is on the fireplace. 5. The ceiling and roof structure will have an R fac-tor equivalent to that on the existing roof of the building with the understanding that at our opti-on we may request a cold roof after we have obtained advice in the matter to be built substantially like our existing cold roof on the building. DUoLEY l. HUTCHtNSoN ltaaT - .967, ouDLEy L HuTcHrNsoN. JR. (t9r6- r970) T. HENRY HIJTCHINSON STAN LEY A, BLACK OAVIO G. HILL FORAEST E COOK JAM E5 w' BU C HA NAN lf urclrrxsory Br-ecx, Ilrr-r, l3uorrlx,l.N e Coor ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1227 !)atlLJ<:- =rFf:Lt F. (:) rl ox rr7c) BOULDER, COLORADO EO3O6 TELEFFoNE (3o3) 442. 6s 4 October 11, I979 Fritz Glade, A.I.A. Page Tvio october II, L979 6. You will obtain the seal and certification of a Colorado registered engineer concerning the structural integrity re the loading on the roof and the beams. 7. You will obtain a City of Vail building permit prior to construction. B. You vril1 hire Bob Rowland for project supervision to assure us that all construction is of a quality consistent with our existing structure. If the above conditions are understood and agreed to, will you please sign and return a copy for my file, and please let me know if you have_ any questions whatsoever. verf-t{uty yours, ,. st L--",riley A. Black SAB: sn Enclosures 2%t wtfr ee-fl wq,r s(dtwry ffi1 *aw 2HWt4 , - suotlB o bVir 4"li Av) -wl gfti4 tlin? bea6b' 4A4 lurr4u l6u 946 40"'r-lil-q z!le"'re frrrlAae #4 WWflu6 Wfr,o< -/Xt*s+Je, Wrrv aaulr lVe'ft-rtrwe 4tag1 lZ*7 r'zTUOVa)u Lhpatwv A)urlLaarth 4\'(." Mtft-zfe' llal luwn department of community development vail, colorado 81657 {3031 47&5613 lvtarch L5, L979 Mr. Stanley A. B1ack J.227 &ruce Street Bor< 1170 Ebulder, @ 80306 Dear ldr. Black: Erclosed is the oond:itional certificate of occupancy on the Bla.ch, Walker, Cook D{rlex. Please sign and returtr the fo:on and the Buildi:rg Officia^l will sign it and return It to You. If you have aay questions, please do not hesitate to let rrs how. Sineenel-y, Cattrenine A. Ja.r'not erilding Dept. Alde ftrcl. ca.j 5 R'Lsrdr, Walker, Cook D.pls<It3O, Vail trleadovs I Building Permit #023-74 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-5613 Maxc|l I5, 1979 department of community development l',1r. Stanley A. B1ack 1227 $pruce Street Box 1170 Boulder, @ 80306 Dear illr. Black: This Oonditional Certificate of Occupancy will be issued on the above Duplex with the understandjng that the pavirg of the driveray be carpleted by July l, L979 and the landscaping be ccrpleted by the sane date a1so. ff these itsrs are not ccn4lleted, the Torin of Vail Bui-lding Official rIBy cause this to be ccnpleted at your expense. Your cooperation il this nratter will be greatly appreciated' If there are any further questions, please contact IrE. I have read and unde::stand the above condition for Oonditional Certificate of Occupancy. SEAL Subscribed and svorn to before ne this day of , 1979. , .+_ /1. /\( t,",h L'^rnL [--, lwtf-) J Euilding (Xficiril / /(;, See llotary Seal on Reverse Side o o z C',{n c o {o z T FT e -!E= G iL o E o 3 o o o o 3 t CL o !L o o I qEN {m\o l-r +FE Ifr =!; te gP" lfi '- l=l= --\TI T)' 3=z=0@ z2 oo z z r- Sl* NI Tr- r'l l<t> t;tx II' I l<t> D ?13 -r l><F t>lo IO t- YN t,Y I I I !l $l \l NI wl !tn ; z m t- € --l m ao =6 --t --t _9 -Tt m m r n € o m r m o -m --J m : --t t-o€x -rt>; T- z (n t- --t z. c)zaooo ;;il 3iF qp=4,\r * n r F-'d= ^.t' 2 -= Za l' ,$, lu, lyl lNh\| | | | Nt'c.zcDn(''> =els38 ?d= t39 SEF T ?5 u@?=-g ; 9n i * EI E zz!z. I lu' [., lo b l- 2 m € \ t-I m I z =z t- m h{H \d tl --t m c ;--l c z ON Nfr E ;iJF i o lr - > _n f-Y z o U,H ?9 Jl€- 73 NE; = E lo o o \'n z z -,F t: NTT N;i=t. l N m =N\l 6\ r : N''l Y ad FI Y/\ I tl n ={ \i ! o l-m o i + t:) il)\A 3 o D p d t^) _o m I o z m ()l (N N (I n Nt bt $\s e\. N ql :$ (r)I N I \) (! N I ,tt 1 Fl I "\ N I i c m I ,h al : ?{ r$! l\II ;{:l lli tl ^l \l I aai /:J Q>o >6< - 2; lnJr irr l.t:< z a z --t m .-l t- m u = ='Tl m m an 3- >- ; = o t-m z m L m =z m m € @ m o tn I z .n m m z -c =. m t-m .) -.1 = t- t- z o -m x (I'c z m = -o m = ='Tl m m a VALUATION z o m - z t- t-c = 2 m l-m u r- c 2 N l\ lur t{rb !m =z 9 lz. I'o I ls l- I I I>r \ci 5 0 \ s\ (N s It A ( b tr D v1 o N F N ,l \ $' N :t F \ :\ . a\, "9 ( N $ 0 s $ B \ N o )\t q o tl l* NIN ,l I DID { (i N t^l 0 s R S\u .\ \';-\\.<<\.\\\\4,\\ \ \. .\ tt}i+-:-,",---.< - -i(- TIMBERLI o NE PR .-. - v OFERTIES GATLERY OF HOMES ,J/'1,'r::,#i;' P.O tsox 103C, Vail, Colorrda 81657 Lir-rrr;l |';rtl Morrtanere,:r Brriidrng, l{cst End of the Lir.:nsHrad fulilll . 475 2113 Vitii \i'rlla(ti; Corner of tsridgo S',rect & Crrrc Cr.:ek Drive, above the "Deli" . 476'21 13 January 24, 1978 I'js . Di ana Toughi I I Zoning Adminjstrator Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Bl 657 Dear Diana: As per our conversation of this morning, I am draft'ing this letteri n order to make clear the zoning regulations with referrence to Lot 30, Vail Meadours, Filing l. It is my understanding that this lot of approximately 22,000 square feet has a moderate avalanche zone of influence affect'ing approximateiy 35% of the lot area. It is also my understanding that this does not affect the manner in which you compute the elig'i bility for duplex zoning. In other words, jt js my understanding that a duplex dwelling can be built on this lot. It is aiso my understanding that if a house is built any- where within the avalanche zone of influence, the structure must be re- enforced accordingly. If the above is correct and my understanding of this s'i tuation is proper and you agree with this, please sign below. Sj ncerely, G.e",* Ih.G"ef.- Gordon MacGregor Sales Associate REALTOI SINGLE FAT'IILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Legal DescriPtion: owner, L1r'* 'l1t Zone District: R ProPosed LIse: Lot Area ,Q;rtf- Minus '_)Hazatd Area: Actual - Frout (O , Sj-des 41 68 ,Rear qe Distance Between Buildings: Required ActuaL qk_- Heigbt: Actuar iO Setbacks: Required - Front 20' - G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area x Site Coverage: Alloved - Lot Area Landscaping: Required - Lot Area Equals Buildable Area:a,i ,)' ; t-'. ql , Sides tO' +-7.S,Rear2o' +ZS U;]k ^ctvaL3/ l? Y % = OK %=OK q ,l Actual Y I ) */a Stope Actual , J "6 oi_ Flood Plain _ L, {... Slope Distance From Creek Trees Removed comments: /t-/c c cl i l.' - .:.' * -i ":''" ' \ Zoning Admin istrirtor x Parkj.ng: Required Drive:' S.1ope Permitted Parking and Drives tr{ust Be Paved EnvironmentaJ-/Eazatd: Avalanche ._-,t- Zoning Apprcval;/17 7 nt t:J t I t 6 Rtrn - Fl *.{ Mai ^ Luu"l I ,6se ?sx8 =?qXl3-s-- ?"r x f3 --l15X lr =?x 8 = aoo Snl-s 8ar QS7.s l5 UFP.- Lo,-e-) l\ x g= =9/f ,Y = ax zs -- eo)r f3 : lz-s x ag= l>t I ra 8x z = /ax lYx-.t-- - (6x s x-:-) l,u ezsr lo,t 4d>ts ?6o 3\-7., t8[ "., Y ge =-/ 5 jtso 1s6 i tl t-t 6 ?,,. ,'. Brr., Cee- an*r)Q-*rr Gzeoc; 7y'r34 = 8 x/6,9 = /7XqZ = /7 x zZ- Bxll = RSr YtpeQ- 3//X ZG = lZo x /4 = /4 / 3a = 8.zx Zb= f teZ: ZLXZb = t4xA = /4 Y 3O = Ux zb = t- /4x /DX dsgA^S;o - 3sjt $. ,6 @s.ro y'a t* /- sz-so a7- 5?Z llz 5sz 5ZO 351/-.8 @zs = 1zsj7/3 J=7aoa 31/ / 20,6 /e +, a .-/7 TIGL e6aa Z9OO _ ?Z-oo / b , /b,,{.-4z.q o 11b rBz sag zb4 llz lSlL @ zS as4 ztu 1'lb z\s "8 ./67e{ , / ao aoo t8 '= ZSL b'-- a -33 z- @ 3-g l I I ,/- III CEIENI tnD. rri I cAP F-ft!!ul o2550 SCALE : I.= 5C.D9 c -C-\ \9 o. \qo io. r-L' ; .:|, (n fiD Prr t c+P z -t Fto. Prr I clr FXO. Ptt a CAt | ^ -,- , \ ,1 1_ \_) I :-i r_ )-i 25 DEBG"IPrI6 Ldt 30, Val1 lbadov6 pll{ng Xo. }, Scctio 18, toinrhiB 5 godb, Baaee 79 lfest otr tF 6th FtuclDal Frldlan, rltrntc 1n tie $onr of va{t carty of ErgLe, State of colaado and @re partrcubr\y <tegerlbed ar forJ,oner Iort 30, Vall !5adoe Flllng So. t as pf.att€d tn thc Eagne Coaty Court, floure.Cctalnr: O.tZ) acreo, mrte q 183a. SIIRYEKIR'g CEFI TEETE LOT 30 o 5?5Ac. ../ -:: ouDLEY r. HUTCHTNSON (reA7 r967) DUOLEy L HU-rCH I NSC N/ JR.(9r6-r97O) T, HENRY H U'TCH NSON STAN LsY A. BLACl{ DAVID G. HILL FORR EsT E COOK JAM ES W BU C HANAN ROBERT G. MISTLER JOH N A. PURVIS PETER M, VAN ZANTE WILLIAM D. M EYER STEVE C. BRIGGS JAM ES L. CARPENTER, J R, Hr-r,rotrrrvsox, Br-.lox, I{rr-r-, I} r,ro rr a,l+.lrv e Coox ATTORNEYS AT LA\^/ I227 S PRIJC E STFTEET P. O BOX ||70 BOULDER, COLORADO AO3O6 TELEPHONE i3O3l 442 - 5sr4 November 16, 1978 Mr. Mark Markus Building Inspector Town of VaiI P. O. Box 100 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mark: To fo11ow up on our conversatj-on of Thursday, November 9, we have decided that we will be purchasing a buck stove for installation in our duplex on Lot 30, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1. They have given us the enclosed installation instructions and, since the stove is a double-wall stove with airspaces between the wal1s, it is their belief and reconrmendation that t'he column on page 1 of the installation instruction, labeled "Buck Stove". under paragraph 2 (l) , is applicable. If you would refer to our building plans on file with you, you will note that we have recessed the wall in the "A" unit approximately 18 inches in ord.er to accommodate the installation of the stove. Will you review the enclosed material, and 1et me know at your earliest conveni-ence your requirements for installa-tion of the stove. It is our intent to include asbestos and/or sheet metal and/or brick, in a desire to minimize the clearance necessarv consistent with safetv so that the stove will not unduly protrude into the living room area.you very much for your advice and conclusions. SAB: id Encls. Thank yours, BIack INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TOR THE FREE STAIIDING BUCK STOVE TM 1. GENERAI SA.F'ETY Above all else, the Buck stove, like any heatlng appliance, must be installed safely. lte have designed the Buck stove to be as safe as posslble. However,the safety of any device designed to contain fire is only as safe as the lnstallation. The Buck Stove is no exception. The potential fire hazards of a wood burniog stove are as follows: (1) Flames escaplng from a faulty chimney.(2) Sparks and glowing coals escaping frlm the stove.(3) Conduction of heat from the chimney or s tove into combustible material, possibly ignitlng it.(4) Radiatlon from the stove, stovepipe or chirnney ralsing the temperature of exposed combustible material to its combustlon point.(5) Sparks and burnlng uraterlal escaping from top of cirlmey. 2. MINIUT'M CLEARANCES The following clearances are the minimum s recosrnended for installation of the Buck stove next to combustible walls, ceilings, and floors. These standards are the same as those developed by the National Fire Protection Associatlon (urre1 for the lnstallatioo of wood stoves. Although they do not apply to the Buck stove, the NFPA standards for the installation of radiant heat stoves are included in the lnterest of promoting wood stove safety in general. (Note that even the best lnsulating materials are not remarkably efficient .wlren placed dlrectly against a combustible naterial. ) (T) WAJ.LS AND CEIIINGS 116\DODFIN A\€NIJ€ Asl€Vm€. hxlf\TH aAI\cuhlA 20004 7U/25-gn CENTER OF BUCK SIOVE STOVEPIPE TYPE OF WATI OR CEILING Unprotected combustibLe surface 1/4" asbestos millboafd 1/4" asbestos mlllboard spaced out 1" 28-gauge sheet metal ot !12" asbestos mlllboard 28-gauge sheet metal spaced out l" Z8-gauge sheet metal on 1/8" asbestos rnlllboard spaced out l'r RADIANT STOVE 36t' 36" lgt' 19" r2" L2" 12t' L2,, 6tt 6tt 4" 4" 19" lg" 12" 12" gtt .grt o 2. UINIilIM CLEARANCES (Continued) (2) STAI{DARDS TO PR.OTECT FLOORS FROM RADIAI.IT HEAT AND BTJRNING MATERIAL 1. Never place a stove on an unprotected combustible surface. 2. Place s tove on sturdy non-combustible floor that extends at least 18 lnches .beyond the s tove on the sides with doors or other potentl.al openlngs . 3. Sultable materLals are 24-gauge or thicker sheet metal, 1/4 inch or thtcker asbestos millboard covered wlth 24-gauge sheet metal, mortared brlcks or stone, concrete, etc. Floor shields can be bought ready nnade, ot they can be custdr made . 3. GENERAL STOVEpIpi AND CHIt.rNEy REQUTREMENTS (1) qHTMNEY CoNNECTOR STOVEPIPE FROM STOVE TO CHIMNEY l. Steel stovepipe should be at least 2. Secure each stoveplpe Joint with a acretts. Stoveplpe spans longer than six feet should be provided nith outslde Eechallca1 suppor t. Stoveplpe should be accessible. Stoveplpe should be made physically secure to chimrey. (Use htgh temperature cement. )6. Stoveplpe should penetrate through to inner surface of masoory wall, but not lnto flue space.7. Cleirance between stevepipe aod combustible surface must be at least l8 lnches.8. Stoveplpe must not pass through a ceiling. Use fuel chlnney.9. If stoveplpe passes through a wall, lt must be the followlng ways! A. A metal ventllated thimble ls used where diameter ls at least 12 lncheg larger than the stovepipers diameter, giving at least sl.x lnches of ventilated, metal-lined clearance around the pipe.B. A rnetal or burned flreclay thlmble ls used and is surrounded by flreproofing tnaterials (such as brickrrork) extending at leas't 8 lnches beyond the thimble. C. No thlmble ls used and no combustible materlal ts withln t8 lnches of the pipe. The hole may be closed in or covered with non-combus tlble materials such as masonry, asbestos olllboard or sheet metal. 10. Dlaneter of stoveplpe should be no smaller than the collar diame ter tO sssure adequate draft. 11. The stovepipe should be no longer than three-fourths chlmney from flue collar to top. L2. When stoveplpe ls run horlzontally, the horizontal dlstance of a stoveplpe should slope up towards chinney l/4 inch per foot.13. Stovepipe should be llrnited to two 9O-degree turns.14. sectlons of stoveplpe should be placed into pipe belorr lt to prevent ' creoaote or condensate from leaklng to outside. 24-gauge. minimum of three sheet metal 3. 4. 5. only class A all- protected ln one of stovers plpe the height of o O 3. GENERAT. STOVEPIPE A}ID CHIMNEY REQUIREMENTS (Continued) (2) CHIT.INEY STANDARDS FoR INSTALLATIoN OF THE BUCK STOVE 1. Factory built metal chimneys must be designed for vood fuel. ("class A" chimneys ).2, Masonry chimneys should have fireclay flue liners. 3. Stovepipe should not be coonected to a flue that serves a fireplace unlessr the fireplace or its flue are sealed. (Do not connect trso or more appliances to the same flue.) 4. Chiutneys should terminate at leasE 3 feet abowe the roof where they penetlate through it, and at least 2 feet higher than any part of the roof L'ithin 10 horizontal feet. 5. Chlnneys should be inspected for leaks aod excessive ereosote bulld-up. 4. ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS In addition to the previously listed standards, the following precautions shoul.d be takeo: (1) Use a spark arresting screen (1/2 inch mesh) on top of chinrrey when tequired by local building codes. (Keep screen clean. )(2> Use smoke detectors around nood buroing stove as rrell as in sleepiog areas. (3) Keep a water hose or hand-operated sprayer close by for safety.(4) Check with your insurance conpany to make sure policy eovers use of wood stoves.(5) Inspect and clean-stove periodically.(6) Locate furniture away from s tove area.(7, Store wood a safe distance from stove.(8) Store ashes in oon-combustible container or location. Ashes can ignite up to 72 hours after removal.(9) Never use gasoline or other highLy flanrnable liquids to start fire.(f0) Never allow complacency to create carelessness. Garelessness can cause your home to burn. 5. PR,EPARING THE STOVE FOR INSTALLATION (l) Remove the protectlve plastic wrapping from the stove. (2) Open the doors and remove the steel motor cover and the motor box containing the motor, thermostat and viring harness from the stove. (3) Inspect the motor and associated hardware for damage. (4) Position the motor with the bracket over the large round hole in the rear of the stove. Place one noise absorber gasket under each leg of the motor bracket and insert a self tappiTrg screw through each leg lnto the back of the stove. After all screws are Lnserted, thighten mounting screws evenly. (5) Posltion thermostat against the rear of the s tove with the round head lnslrl.r the hole Provi<lerl in tlrt r-trirr' .rf llre slnvr. (I.llee trlcal colltlectlotts rtwuy I t:<rttt slovt,.) Srrt:urr, l lrr, t rrrur; I rr t wlllr lwu ri1r..rl l. scLl tapplng scrcws. (NOTE: soruc thcrrnostirLs nruy be fur:nlslrctt wlth a twlst-lock brackel. In this case, mount the bracket as outllned 5. PREPARING THE STOVE FOR INSTALLATION (Continued) above, then twlst-lock the the:inostat into the bracket.) (6) Connect the wiring harness as shown in the wirlng dlagram furoished wlth the motor. (7, Ensure that motor turns freely and ls clear of all obslructions. (8) Run the power cord connected to the motor through the large hole ln the corner of the steel motor box cover. (9) Peel the backing from the nameplate and aligh the nameplate rsith the 1/2 tnch hole in the top of the box, then press firmly into place. (10) Remove the. lock nut from the toggle switch. Insert the toggle seltch through the hole and secure with the lock nut. (11) Garefully set the motor box dowrr. Ensure that fan is clear of wirlng aod plug porer cord into 110 VAC wall outlet. (I2, If fan does not operate, flip toggle switch to opposite Positlon. Easure that blor.rer operates quietlY. (13) Leave toggle switch in this position and unplug the power cord. Check the posltion of the toggle switch. If necessary, loosen the lock nut aod pgsltion the swltch so that the switch, in this position, ls lndlcatlng "Surmer" on the motor box decal. (14) Carefully position motor cover over blower motor and secure wlth four self tapping screws. (15) Install stove doors and check adjustrnent as follonrs: 1. Wlth doors closed and latched, outside edges of door framesr should be seated flat against seal. If doors do not seal properly, remove door and adJust hinges by carefully bending hinge strap wlth a large adJustable wrench. Repeat until doors are completely seated agalnst seal. 2. AdJust doors and make sure that doors swing freely with no nolse or bindlng. If door blnds when swinging, check the hinge plns for allgflnent wlth each othet. Straighten lf necessary and readJust doors to seal. (16) Check prlmary alr draft control on each doot to ensure that sllde' drafts lock vhen brass knob ls tightened. NOIE: If door adJustnrent is questionable, recheck after stove ls lnstalled and burning. HoId a match or butane llghter about an inch from the edge of the door. Lf lhe flame is drawn in between the door and the seal, readjustment may be necessary. Ex- cesslve leakage will result in short wood burning tlme. 6. INSTALLATION (1) Select an instalLation location within the home that gives the maxlmgm ' area of the space to be heated the best airflow from the front of the stove, ln ss stlaight a line as possible. Ideally, the stove would be located at one end of Lhe home with a clear unobstructed airflow to the remalnder of the home. (2) Place the stove in the desired location, maintaining the clearances recomnended in Section 2, MINIMUM CLEARANCES. (3) Hang a plwrb line directly over the center of the stovepipe collar on the stove. (A string with a weight tied to the end works fine. ) (4) Mark the center'of the stovepipe stack on the ceiling as indicated by the plunb line.' (5) Install the class A all-fuel chimney in accordance with the manufacturerrs lns truc tLons . (6) Install stovepipe from stove to chimey in accordance with the general requl.rements in Section 3, GENERAL SToVEPIPE AND CHIMNEY REQUIREMENTS.(Iustall damper inside stovepipe as close to stove as practical. ) 7. FINAL CHECKOUT (1) Recheck for clearances specified requirenents in Section 3. (2) Remove all foreign mateeial from stove (3) Install doors, open primary air draft damper cornple te ly. (4) Place a plece of newspaper in the stove, light it and close the doors. Ensure that the stove draws properly through the primary air intakes. The paper should burn very quickly with a pronounced roaring sound. (5) Check all stovepipe joints for smoke leakage. (6) BulLd a snall fire in the stove and monitor the hot alr output registers.After approximately 15 nrinutes, the thermostatically controlled blower' should come on. Ensure that all three registers are putting out varm air. (7) Remove the doors and install the fireplace screen. Make sure that no srnoke escapes from the front of the stove with the doors removed. Smoking tndicates a defective or poorly positioned chirrrey. If a thorough review of the lnstallatlon requirements in Section 3 does noE reveal the problern, contact your Buck Stove dealer for asslstnncc. (S) Reinstall lhe doors on your sLovc and poslttorr Llrc draft corrtrols and damper to obtaln the output temperature and Level of fire that you desire. NOTE: Your Buck Stove ls palnted wlth a spcci.rlly formulatcrl hlgh temperature palnt that cures during Ehe first two or thiee flrings. You may obEain a light smoking effect and an odor . of curing paint when you first build a fire. This is norrnal and ls not a cause for alarm. Cracking a window near the stove nlll allow these fumes to escape. DO NOT build a large roarlng flre untll thls curing effect is complete or you may damage the ftnlsh. in Section 2, an.d conformance to firebox. controls on doors, and open 7. FINAL CHECKOUT (Continued) (9) F111 out the warranty card and mail it to the address indicated. CONTACT YOUR BUCK STOVE DEALER IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE INSTALLATION OR OPERATION OF YOT'R STOVE. THANK YOU. WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE YOU AS A SATISFIED BUCK STOVE OWNER. ouDLEY r. HuTCHTNSON (rAg7- rgE7) ouDLEy t. HuacH I NSON. JR.09r6 - 197O) T. H ENFIY HUTCHINSON SIANLEY A. BlACK oavr9 G. larlL FORFI EST E. COOX JAM€5 W EUC HANAN ROBERT G. i'ISTLER JOH I{ A. PURVIS PETER N. VAN ZANTE WILLIAM O. T4EYER gTEVE C. ERIOOS H trrclrrNsoN, BLAcx, Hrrr-, B ucrr e,N-e.ll e Goox ATTORNEYS AT LAW I227 SPRIJCE STFIEET P- O. BCX r170 BOULOER, COLORADO AO3O6 TELEPHONE l3ct3) 4ra2 - lt5l.] September 20, L978 Mr. Jay K. Peterson Otto, Peterson & Post Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 3149 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jay: I am enclosing copy of my letter to is self-explanatory. we sincerely hope a resolution of the problem with him. Jerry Bader, which that you can effect SAB:id Enels. Black -r)t.I/. (_ ouDL:Y t. lrulcftlNsoN (l a 97- 1967) orJoL:Y L H(J-rcHlNSoN, J R- {l9l e - t970) I NENRI HUlCHINSON 5TA' L:Y A. BLACK OAVI O G. H ILL FORREST E COOK JAMES W BI,CHANAIT ATTORNEYg AT LA\^/ 1e27 - F>PrLCa STFiEei P- Q eO)< tl70 BOU LDER, COLORAOO B03O6 TELEPHONE 13O31 442 - 65|'j September 20, L97B Very truly yours' -> (- a)-!'< ROBERI G. XISTLER JOH N A. PURVIS PETER Tt. VAN ZANTE WlLLlAr.l O. M EYER STEVE C- BRIGG5 Mr. Gerald L. Bader, Jr.Attorney at Law 828 Seventeenth St., +600 Denver, CO 80202 Dear Jerry: As you know, your client, Dudley Holmes, apparently utilized some new product in effecting blasting as a sub- contractor for our general contractorr Bob Rowland, during foundation excavation work on Lot 31, VaiI Meadows- This property belongs to Donna Cook, Carol Walker, and my wife' Ivlarge . Dudley calted me to indicate that you were his attorney and to tell me that he had been trying to work out a com- promise settlement with Mr. and Mrs. Nott, but apparently he is not certain this will be effected without your assistance. I have been ouL of town and just received a letter from Jay Peterson, attorney for the Notts, and I am enclosing a copy of that letter with the enclosures from a landscaping contractor. It is our understanding and belief that Dudley is an independent contractor and, accordinglY, we will deny any responliuitity insofar as our liability to the Notts is concerned. We ask that you effect a settlement vtith the Notts in order to alleviate this problem- I am sending a copy of this letter to Jay Peterson so he will be aware of your rePresentation, and' I suggest that the two of you resolve the dispute. Obviously, we are sorry that Lhe incident occurred, particularly in view of some prior misunderstandings with the Notts, but we ful1y expect that you will resolve the matter at no expense to us. SAB: id Enc1s. cc: Jay K. Peterson, Esq. Stanley A. Elack a II INS ON, o & Coo Hurc ouolEY r. HurcHrNsoN (ras7- t967) ouoLEy t, tiu_tcHtN9oN, JR. (r9t6- l97o) I, HENRY H UTCH I NSON SfANLEY A ALACK DAVIO G. H ILL FORR EsT E COO!( JAM ES W BU C HANAN Bt-,Lcx; II t lr-, Elucu.,rxe.N ATTOF.N EYS AT LAW I2Z7 SPR|JCE 5TREET F. O. BOX | 170 BOULDER, COLORADO ao3o6 TeIEPHC|NE (3031 :14e - €r 514 JuIy 28 ' L978 ROBERT G, M ISTLER JOHN A, PU RVIS PETER M, VAN ZANTE WILLIAM O. MEYER STEVE C. BRIGGS Mr. Lawrence G. Rider Attorney for Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Larry: I have been advised verbally by you that my presence is desired next Tuesday, August. 1, at 7:30 at the Vail Town Council to hear a request by Mr. and Mrs. Nott concerning the reviehr of the Town of Vail's procedures in granting us a sideyard setback variance orr June 13. I am not aware of any lega1 basis for this meetinq; however' I will plan to come to the meeting in the event that there are questions of me that the -council may have. Because of the fact of the finatity of the Townrs written notification approving of our request on June 16, and the facL that the time period for appeal has passed, and the fact that statutory time li-mits for a Rule 106 proceeding has passed, and further because of our having expended substantial sums on architects I services in reliance upon the approval, and fin- ally because we have obligated ourselves to a construction contract with no contingencies. and have in fact received our building permit to proceed, we question the right of the Town to withdraw this approval. As indicated above, however, I will be in attendance but because of my 1ega1 questiorrs concerning the jurisdiction to hear the matter further, I want to be sure to preserve our lega1 rights and, therefore, my appearance should be considered a special appearance only rvitirout admitting that there is juris- diction to hear lqr. and Mrs. Nott- If there is any question concerning my understanding of the foregoing position, wi1.L you please advise me immediately. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Iy yours, y A. Black SAB: id .-JJ C-ot-uJc-tt t--,o \J€ rdotru.) U U-e fD es-?e7-=g ' -l-c> {ou- I A-J tr:e<'riJg ioa 'fouJ S,e-t=)c>cls coJ s/b€pa.-r-r'cJ 6c-rc_ To-s*'-rr,<sJ irr .Be3pe-F Tt> -rils G<_ansriil-.g O( A gg1(-ue-tc- VA.c.r'A.*-Jc-.e C-e<-,uesf ]t>e_ HA SrA.s-Ju=-/ E>r-(w- o( E*t:L-b ge- | CE,<-o(=.,<*+ o. ( L-'or+ ONJ surr--r"7 t3T I disi-reb oac- Lor- (f+ =t, [Jpi,- M€,r\c>crrs , l:a tr't-ixJ3) -rO .}iScoLJ€-F u)avet-. B<zing .DoNle- <)r..> flr.e /bi Ac-ar-\)r Lrs-r ( t_o1 + =O) t A $e-r'SFtBoF= Is\fi=c{.+i\)S l-'te TQAI- A *sapar- Va.eJ p.{.}6,€ UAA 6ss s\ Ca-C sF-?rLL/ C"cpr*)1€f> -tq> -rt-1e 6arr..:e-e- a( ro]- * Zo I u€ u-:4g ffiocw>t$ -t6 Boil-g J I-=c>Pc-sY'-C =t.'--{ N-.t e>l A;rec-"7 6*n)T:\c-re6 -Ttr-{€ -l- *( V' 'Der-i-' csf- C'>r--tn-,gt,J ifr }re u=-.rrP r)-J erior A: -1-'d c-r-r r-+? L-r)€- L4j e>'€- t.t.:oJ..-- -pceritrizF Wv{ -fH-t'S C.eqc-te-sa- Bo.i-** G.-'- }|.)br{{-aec-SGc>fLJAet\N-}gSrAI-EdleN-9-(S-nrjb LOU- -!<e".- -l-t+Atr t-a)s p,16y\1€ A Ca2J <)e-^-SriC.-.-lS -Arr:z-rqp..t- T) -re4 7'O EI(-F€2S',.,= Ooe El<-f eu-t-+.e' C.a9l tt-)ase-rJ iS 8" r-*-l=' s-O -fb -T[-+t'S S.1'ru2Ax1rg-a .-5 'TO -ft-t€. t-{s M 6e-es c}€ *fi+€- seP44-J-t\-'t er'.-Srt Sl7^-p'tr AFrze cc'-",^.:si b€-p-A.ra-Lz- conifu"s lo-*: , L^)t Cpttte- ^I*o -'_Lt.a, Q>rJ cL-ugr'eS -l_er A-{- -,'$€i+++€*-t--l ANJ ? Itr;+ 3e-e,ic>-<*S ee-e-a?3 r4lJb O$.1 i Ss lo+Jz-- uJQ-fa-- M.A.\-g g,q v.{-€ -be e^(. o€ coF{ M rJ r.i I "t- Y . s€ ue-r-cP - lie-u:i- Y[+ A.1-*{-'.1-t.c-- 11+ g " l>t-b ', d\ /Ue_.L) OgD,ti),\-x)aia Ur L+ C$M Pc-r e-$ c-ljir-|-t f) rJN orJR- p_r'o\{-tr+ UJe-e-L 6.eor- Z:LJA.t-l Cc!*"-lSioaeE->. Tr{-f5 ?cts= c>oez Ftzt-iJ-Jg Yt-lAl- l1-{ce<- c-Jee-e -}-r,a-ioe*ZrLta3c_s fr.-! -ACc*e r.c-t e-S d uL-tt\S QsP€-ssg6-\144-lO x)S J.-{AbE- 30) 'tJ fl+Z- Cd)t--{N-.ttrUl rL/beuf si*-c-rPM.uar)i S^L\ trF( Mspro -ra eld+ o-'-;,,3 ^ :; S*? -!ifJ =.-"$' 1 *a, fl-r-e +-Acr l-i-l A-I- -l-Lr.€u/ Eclcc.-oui€ t> OO? AoA Qq-LLl*& €rq>el- Foe- rJSe, otr Mar'< -s{.. =$ @-Ct+e-> -tb -ttl,{q gp;dA$c-s A-4-c) U<z-\rr 4 5Ja ut-e- 1Oub lrs Aecr.or ru6 Rr-<luas-T- t+A+Ja tr&bg- u S Eee.c- 1-1-1 dx- '( r-> e t-{ AJ e- fSe'e r) c<r t--{ r:c-e t-€<--i- I(!6:c>re-sb h TU,\'r 'Fu+s UAf:-l'arJC-s 3Llocrcb %e" 2x c-n>rY>=l > se-gS ?t -4u wq, 2--.-[o-=--.J l: ,'Ar--e.^--Q. f-.-g--* .;V--- €^^-k;- .,r.J.,{- t o chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEEFS 93 S. ZUlil . DEr| R, COLORADO r0zt3 . . !0t/7atr-tr03 192f EAST HRST STBEET . CASPCR, WYOHtt{c t2t0t . t0rl2N.-2121 30tt t tourDlllofa tx0rrlllrrG August ll, 1978 Subject: Ins.Dection of Excavatlon fcr Residenqe, lot 3Cr Vail tleadous Subdivi- sicn, VaiI, Colorado. ,lob ib. L5,825 Dovrning-Ieach Arch itects 2305 Eroadway Bouloer, Colorado 80302 Attentiorr: I1r. FYitz Glade Gentlenen: As r3.li,r.-'s r-- -..- , rla r;r:D3ctcr] tire erc:v:t ior at C-'e l;ubjr:t -it c .'rr, July 2?, 1.97:,. .4i Lhat tit:, tirc cxcavation hai heen cut about 5 fee: deen nni Hater ira3 seccinc in al about 2.5 l-ee|. oe 1oi'r Lhe '3roun:' surface. The water was causing a softenirg of the 3rave1 soils exrr:sed in the bott.on of tj"rc excavation. ftc site is cituatcd on an a9/Droxi- nately 16t north facinl sloge ard has a sfilall drainage runnirg through thc west side. A rocl: outcrop occurs on the east side of tlre exeava- tion. The cicntractor was advised that further inspection will be necCcC as the excavation prccecds. lle a;ain visited the site on AuEust 3, 1978. At that time, tJ:e contractor had ahpst finished the excavation ard blasted the rod< on the east siCe tc ncar foundation 3rade. ilater r,,Es still seeping into the excavation. Ttre exposed rnateriaL conSisted of arkosic sanlstone on Lhe east side ard neCitu:r jense sard and Eravel cn Lhe west side of the site. ihe sard ard qravel becqnes loose anJ wet rrrhen disturbed by construction act ivi t1'. Dascd on t}e soils exposed in tlre excavation arid the site crcnditions rc observed, r.re suggest the followin-o recrnr.rendations: (I) the residence nray be foundeC on spread footirys designed for a naxi'nun soil pressure of 3,000 psf. Fcotings at least 15 inches wide sfrould be provioed in the 3ravel area, ard the foundation vrall may be glacecl directly on the bedrock wittrout a footinq. I,lhere the foundation wall is nlaee':l on bedrock, it should he doqreled into the r.ock with reinforci.ng bars. Mditional rein_force:rent shourd be placeci *-ti,"-focting or foundation r+ar.l at the transition betr.rein nearocf* ana tir"-#tu.ui;;i;. (2) Foundation wa1ls shour,i be desii.rnod to resist a laterar, earth Dressure of at least 35 pcf. (3) An unCer'irain syster, shouli be prcvideri tc intercept irater before it ?ets ro rhe_fcunsation tuuii.' o "r ?"=ri"iri"ii'i" attachec.rhis includ"u_l:--.:.-!.?i.niq oiavel "1;;;;-;:.""ii-t the eut slope with a mini'num -inclr diameter.drain at the base. This drain shoulci leac.to a positive fravity outrarr.- fre foun.iation walls for the resirlence-stroulO tr either a nulri-1aye."a, ,.pp.i ; Hffi:f":rJl::Hi?:f"gt.n volclay * ,u::_,1"-.ro""iLitiiy o5 water enrering the tower ]rvel of rhe resicence. te tower i.r"i-iiii'u"^'"tua 8 feet berc*r the original grou.nr =u.ii.o.- rn additicn. a graver layer beneath the floor sl:b :nC u "*.i- are sug3csic. cn the interior of the residence. -liaterstop shcurd be prcviccd between the fcunCat j.on wal_l :r.j L:^ : ilocr :I:r:, or sJ:,.- o:her ri-Ecnr oi warerproofins. Bachfiit bcLween the frec ;r;;;;j,,;;avet- and the fcundatr.on war...s snculi crcnsisr "f r',;-.-;;;;r;i":; rarerials on the sitc' rhe intention is to prcvide tnu ',,,"i- -irpervious soit as backfill in rhis *n. *rt io qrcviJo-u-;;pi;q surface away fron the foundation wall . (4) surfase drainage ;lorlra bc-improved around the residence sc t'at cl positite slope is created atter crcnstruction. [*"port". should discharge wel.J. be,voncl a:i Uacffit:.. (5) other qood crcnstruction technigues whicfr are aoplicabre should also be cbserved. If there are any quc-ctions, cr. if i+e can proviCe aCditional acsistance, please let us know. o Downing-Leach Architects Au?ust 1I, 1979. Paqe 2 RCH,/bn I-nr-' Cc: t.r. ;p;, I.CWI f,n.- 17E4 Akron Street Aurora, Colorado 90010 Sincercly, ,/r'Jt+t; n rtn t vrrlrr !11!l_ F ASSCCTA?trS, nfc. cln r$*?:f g*:i?tgt, i c. ,/ / 30 4.: oorc B-3-2t er4cst CHECKE D-SH EET._--OF- I F a..,lc (i 1t 3dr f'.e€\ ,o" *o/6 8Z t .ros rrri SUBJECT Nol',n( 6.und Suoalc $rJra.iage *'-,h,L Frc< /raranty lra uz/ '.s7JeStz b- )4 ' ails /l/ FaJ a'a // arrt./c,7raefth1 fia'&{;r/ ,^,,'4 ?rat;.J.sc,7t - o1a/-o-shf a, fi(t fi. aosl urTcr/iott o6o )\/, \\ \\iJ t\ I I :.1 )"1 [r ,/"f | \t\ f ua.'/ti-, /../+V ( tr.'- faot/4- 4'/ D.a,> ,b eosidbe f---- ar/1*/f db S,-tn1 SUC C esr_za>U.VA flzD4uv Jhat,- BECONTA INC. 50 EXECUTIVE BOULEVARD ELMSFORO, N.Y. 10523 fEL.9't+592-4444 1-zb.TE DrA$a: r"l W*ec> rc ne gLacL'g tl-Mnrlcg 9qTtb U,6t l''J'r> t nfouto Lr@ -TD €ygpErs o&- aooa{AL -it> ttw eeqrffi ti@-i0t9Avt- re WD,,r\ ut+ k+f ,A@ Ag vle r,^|tlJ'* t{u{- W A31s:=O Ar(w2 ry€ Au6vi/f- t:8''- }4t3sT'ld\s gtc.l.?.E{@, {tlo-r.,r fS 9rrr> Vraa"IrA'' ROCKY MT. OF F ICE: 10695 E. 51ST. AVE. DENVER, COLORAOO 80239 (3(xl) 371-6767 WEST COAST OF F ICE: 34O OYSTER PO INT B LVD. SOUTH SAN F RANCISCO, CALIF.94O8O (415) a73-6090 o o z a {7 c c){o z E { E a o tr-o -ra lo f Yo .:o t\) : -1E = o g o 3 o f !TE ntrtr <TP -242 = (., !./!r >P-t- -nT Or- z=ou,>= 5u'z z T- Za) X<z': t't .J- 'E> 9; \J!z. l--rc 3= a6 1 11 m - --l o o> o 2a --{ m nz PT -r> n - =m 3r m n , IT k gF |3 /\ Qc=ZR F5 5s ;( ..! ,F s -c r$ or a'd c)>'r r- i o t- 3,X DI lll tl nl I I 'Tl t-z o = _0 I t- o o TN I ?-l I t- m n = a -l m U' I I = l- m (n _n e -{ I I = !9 q H ti R b- - r m s F a l" 2 lrl H F o o € f T Fl 7 =-{ P m F ts I t9 I {(o 'o 7 c-m -l 2 o N@= Um= oI 5-v< C)N zY.=mx-d OP to -l- > n tRH = a 5R X Y FX a -./l P- - X ; md = < s "z t4 'nzz { x czo zo a)= <Y=mr-=F .rl :"Ad.; fr=x'jj z c) IO mmo Q.Oc) 26:i 95 2qo --t >(r=ie e;z VALUATION .za -{ > ?o ?139 n_(, - < o 'J'*::!;biraF: =.:;E ;=;i<:z -o> s=>c=E:==z 2l c)l OI <l z. --l I >l -l I ql -r I j T m a =-{ z z.lo .\ F o PT'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS EEREBY GMN that Stanley A. Black has applied for a variance. from the provisions of Section 18.12. Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to construct a new residence to be located on Lot 30, VaiI Meadows Filing No. 1. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18 .62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.050 of the l{unicipal Code on August 1, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. before the Vail Town Council. Said Hearing will be held in Vail Municipal Building. o VATL o TOWN DEPA DEIIXLOPMENT S. Toughill ning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail July 21, 1-978 Musser/Mosler Cattle Co. 817 17th St. Room 1020 Denver, Co1o, 8O2O2 Lot 27 Harding R. & Nancy Sue Zumwalt RR 1 Box 105 Linn Creek, Mo. 65052 Lot 26 Erik Borgen Richard F. & Shirley J. McDowe1139O Franklin St. .2195 Knollwood Rd, Denver, Colo. 80218 Lot 25 Bou1der., Colo. 80302 t-Lot 32 Thomas J. Jost Robert & James J. & Susan P. Morgan Box 6037 Box 792 bx 2242 Denver. Colo 8O24O I-pt 24 OF Lucile L. Barber Richard D. & Alan D. Barber 2445 Betkshire Dr.Pittsburgh, Pa .1524:. - Lot 3l RuelC&MarySMercure 350 17th St.Boulder, Colo. 80302 - E-Lot 32 Vai1, Colo. 81657 - Lot 29 Carol Ann Pope c/o Bruce Pope 571 Jackson Blvd. Chicago, I11. 60606 - Lot 28 Robert J. & Elizabeth IV. Eby 1773 llliesbrook Rd. Wheaton, I11. 60187 *-Lot 33 Anthony C. & Patricla J. Romeo 695 l1th St.-Boulder BO3O2 *-t_,ot Evie - Vail OVER ott .-_=, 50, o Joseph A. Riggs, Jr.c/o New York Times 228 lVest 43rd St. New York, N.Y. 10017 Lot 23 Geo. F. Rau BMA East Burke, Vt. 05832 Lot 22 Thomas A. & Virginia S. LeBoy Box 952 Vail, Co1o. Lot 2L Greenleaf Nursery Co., Inc. c/o H.R. Nickel Rt 1 Box 193 Park Hill, Ok1a. 7445I Lot 20 a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Stanley A. Black has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.12. Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to construct a new residence to be located on L,ot 30' Vail Meadows Filing No. 1. Application has been rnade j-n accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the l"lunicipal Code on August I, 1978 aL 7z3O P.M. before the Vail Town Council. Said Hearing will be held in VaiL Municipal Building. ana S. Toughill ninq Administrator Published in the Vail Trail JuIy 2L, L978 TOWN O DEP / 60, oUDLEY t. HUTCTTNSON l|gAT -tg5?l ouoLEY l. tiuTcHrNS0N, JR (t9r6-r970, T. HENRY HUICHINsON STANL€Y A. B LACX oAVrO G. rirLL FORR EST E, COO K JAMES W. BU C HA NAN o Hurcstltrsox, Bra'ox, Ilrrr,, Elucrre,xaN & Coox ATTORNEYS AT 'LA\^/ la27 EiPF|Uc:e SrREEr P. O. E|OX tr70 €louLoER, COLORAOO Ao306 tELePHc|.\|C (3c'3) 442 - 6 5r4 July 2L, L97B Mr. Lawrence G. Rider Attorney for Town of VaiI P. O. Box 100 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Larry: In accordance with our di:cussion concernj-ng the validity of the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision con- cerning our request for setback variance, please be advised that it was our understanding that the adjacent property owner was contacted by the Town of VaiI. We were not a$/are of any question or concerns whatsoever by Mr. and Mrs. Nott. In reliance upon the approval of our request by the Planning Commission, and in reliance upon the letter from Diana Toughill dated June 16 (copy enclosed), we proceeded to have our architect go ahead with final working drawings.At the time of the hearing on June 13, we only had prelimi- naries in order to comply with the Design Review Board re- quirements and the Planning Commission requirements. These working drawings have now been completed at considerable expense and were filed with the Town of Vail for a building permit on Tuesday, JuIy 11. On Monday, July 10, we signed a contract with our builder, Bob Rowland, which has no con-tingencies in it and, accordj-ng1y, we are obligated. on that construction contract. It is extremely unfortunate that the Notts have raised a question concerning our setback at this late date, and I want you to be aware that we hired our architect and builder, who are from Boulder and Denver, respectively, to meet with the Notts on the site on Tuesday, July 18. Our meeting was very amicable and we are very aware of their concerns. In an attempt to alleviate and minimize these concerns as much as possible, I have offered this date to their architects, Craig Snowden and Pam Hopkins, that we woul-d agree to move the foun- dation location four and one-half feet easterlv and two feet ROBERT G. MISTLER .,OHN A. PURVIS PETER II, VAN ZANTE WI|-LIAI,I O. M EYER STEVE C, BRIGGS Lawrence. G. Rider Page 2 July 2l , L978 southerJ-y even though this offer will result in cutting down some trees and building our foundation closer to a stream on the site that is not desirable from our standpoint. It was our understanding from our builder. who met with Mrs. Nott and her architect on site Friday, July 14, that |-l:e 4-l/2 foot move would be acceptable as a reasonable compromise. I will let you know as soon as I have a response from the N6tts through their architect, but I wanted you to be aware of the steps that we have taken in reliance upon the approval that we received from the Town of Vail, which we believed to be final , and also wanted you to be aware of the good faith attempt we have made to try to alleviate and minimize the concerns of the Notts. You should also be aware that' they have not yet had plans prePared for their construction' and th fact that their lot is not affected by an avalanche line shoul-d permit them more flexibility in the location of their structure; . If there j-s anything else that you need to matter, will you pJ-ease l-et rne know immediatel.y. for your cooperation. yours, Black SAB: id Enc'l-s. know on this Thank you o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS,HEREBY GIVEN that Stanley A. Blaek has applied for a varlance from the provisions of Section 18.12.060, Setbacks, of the Munici-pa1 Code for the Town of Vail in order to construct a new residence to be located on Lot 30, Vail lleadows Filing No. 1. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municj-pal Code. A Public Hearing will be held.in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 13, L978, at 3:O0 P.M. before the Town of Vail Plannlng & Environ- nental Commissj-on. Said hearing will be held in Vail Municipal Buildj-ng. VAIL OF COIII1ruNITY DEYELOP[4ENT ana S. Toughill ning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail May 26, L978. I I I t TOIfN O O HIN o & Coo Huro ouoLEY l. HurcHtNsoN llaaT- 1957) ouoLEy L HurcHt NsoN, JR.(t9t6_1970) T. HENRY HUTCH INSON SIANIEY A. BIACK DAVTO G. XtlL FO'IREST E, COOK JAIIES W BUCHANAN sox.. Br.a.cx, llrr.r-, IlucrrANAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' I?.?7 SFFIIJCE STFEET F. O. BOX | 170 BOULOER, COLORAOO 40306 TELEFHONE {3O.:|) 4.ta - 66r. l{'ay 26, L978 ROEERY G. 1{ISTLER JOHN A. PURVIS PETER M. VAH ZANTE WILLIAM O.I,IEYER 3TgVE C. BRIGGS Ms. Diana s. Toughill Zoning Administrator Department of Cormnunity Development Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Diana: I am enclosing herewith 3$[l application for the side yard- setback that I had discussed earlier this week with ilim Rubj-n. I am also enclosing our firm check in the amount of $100.00 and a copy of the proposed site plan. I hope that this is sufficient for your purposes prior to the hearing date on June L3. ft is my understanding that your meeting is set at 3:00 in the afternoon' and if this is not correct, would you be kind enough to let me know. A1so, please advise if you desire any other information whatsoever. Thank you for your cooperation. SAB: id Encls. <r*-' luwn n t box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 department of community dwelopment June 16, L978 Mr. Stantey A. Blask 1227 Spruce St. Boulder, Colorado 80306 Dear. Mr. Black: Your request for Setback Variance for your residence on Lot 30, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 was brought before itre pfanning & Euvironmentaf Commission on June 13, 1978. This letter constitutes notification that this request has been approved and granted by the Planning & Environmental Commission -by unanimous vote. This decision will become final ten (10) days from June 14, 1978 unless appealed to the Vail Town Council. DST/gew na S.Toughill ning Administrat Ilrrrcrrtr.rsoN, BLAcK, Ihr-r, E! ucrr ewaN e Coox ATTORNEYS AT LA\^/ I22 7 SPFUCE STREEI P. O. E|OX |I70 BOULDER, COLORADO EO3O6 TELEFHoNE (3o3) 442 - 6514 February 22, L978 bubLEY t. HUrCH TNSON (reeZ-rgsz) DUDLEY I. H UTCH INSON, JR. (I9I6.I97O) 1, HENRY H UTCHINSON SIANLEY A. ALACK DAVIO G. H ILL SAB: id FORREST E. COOK JAMES W. BUCHANAN ROBERT G. MISTLER JOHN A. PURVIs FETER M. VAN ZANTE WILLIAM D. M EYER Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: When we !'rere in your office last week and obtained a copy of the avalanche repotx for the Vail Meadows avalanche' the girl who xeroxed this for us inadvertently did not in- clude the map or exhibit at the end of lhe report thal showed the extent of the run out. Could you please be so kind as to send us a copy of that pager so that we will have a complete copy of the entire report. Thank you very much for your assistance and cooperation. )-l'" ,,Jl)' n)'"' ( ',J o' .-::t'''fulY Yours' ey A. Black Proiect Application y't' Prolect Name: b' Project Description: Owner Address and Architect Address and Phone: fa-ht- Legal Description,t-ot 1O ,gtock Filing Zoning Approved: €ut;j+:>.:lb"{c i Ual'"',1$ffin Review Board /,"," 6/t/zd Molion by: Seconded -ro )J oy:? o, Kon APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: St bj o.* 1o Sc4 bo.K y'^r;o-r.r- '<^J zrclor )no "--, Zoning Administralor ,.1 Aa,-aZ -7') . /2 a-ZAe.<-,/ efid4hd+dirgF€#iciel DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen INSECGGT , FIEoUEST TOWN OF VAIL E panrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM JOB NAME IVION TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: SH€ITROCK VENEEB- Rq)F PARTIAL LOCATION' D nppRovED ! DtsAppRovED n REtNSPEcT ! upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COR RECTIONS INSPECTOR lh. P.^l.rt 3 DATE [.INSPEGGT , FIEGIUEST 't TOWN OF VAIL DA TE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PIVI CALLER n orHen n panrrnl LocATroN R EAOY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM VENEER-.-..-- ROOF PARNAL LOCATION: n nppRovED ! DrsAppRovED n netNspEcr I uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR th. Pn .rY Yn DA TE DAT E TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D orsen rNseec{bru FrEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL f] pnnrral LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM JO8 NAME MON TUE WED THUB FRI COMMENTS: PARTIAL LOGATKII{: , , , _-___ _r1_ ! neeRovED ! DrsAppRovED E netNspEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh.gr^ret) ,2 i DATE rNsPE.i|brn ,FrEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL t' Oete i. ,, / -/,i'? ,:) JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen n pnnrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 4)k ltrrr6 ,'----.. t .-t ,/ FR I i /Al,t PM r * y' r*ru uelaJi ^?;X, MappRovED E olsnppRovED ' tr uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRFEcroNS: CORRECTIONS fJ nerNsPEcr ,j I i i;lir .i*LdI: INSPECTOR rNS"=crlbr FTEo.UEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen LI PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM PAFTTAL L9GATION: .' .:' :-. ! nppRovED I DtsAppRovED f] netNsPEcr E upor'r rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR |h. panl.rv Jr' DATE rNsrtecllo*HE(rUE.ST VAIL ,.t-1-{-!- --- TOWN OF ti, ,., I orHen Lt. ! panrrnl LOCATION FRI AM PM COMMENTS: z' r.. {.''V.i:. 6d rt ,E otPRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS rNs"=.rlb* rEeuE,sr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn D panrrer LocATroN R EADY FOR INSPE CTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM V€NEER- ROOF P,ARNA[, LOCATION, ROUGH FIl{AL D nppRovED n DrsAppRovED ! nrtNSPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECrroNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR inc pnnr.ry ;i ' DA TE rNSeec..Gru FrEouE.='r TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAIVIE TIIVIE RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen E pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM EN TS: AM PM GoYqB. R€9. hAn$C;- SHEETROCK VENEER- ROOF PARTIAL LOCATIOH: nou€H., FIIIAL i:I.'.-.. - f nppRovED D DrsAppRovED ! netNSpEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh.pn.r.ry v. DA TE rNsecrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME 1,]i nt .' ,2':* / ?f r ; ,,=P DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON 5 r:-.) "J -P t I .,"-- \{/ ," nu iu ' \-..-E-- THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr FOTJNDATTON / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER d4or'*o tr tr o tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL N SUPPLY AIR n 4'l^ ,,, ,:, E APPROVED CORRECTIONS:( {orsnnenoveo ';'< -,; i t/-t J "EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED t :--.Ut r 3-) I' -,t , Z. .';-i oor= / !-,,i / " /" - ' rNSpEcroR 'r( ,( ,rft*-., DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME B,,rrt. tNslciloN REouFsr TOWN OF VAIL L '/- D RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED /neenoveo CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED THUR '- A-( .4t/aAQ Atv F BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rNsacrroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK E GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS:l- t, tr DISAPPROVED " .-l i --*--'l) v4.r ^ ;( netruseecroN REeuTRED C r rr- /1 / tc,t =7 DArE/^/ /f /f rNSPEcroR J" rNslcflQN BEQUFST DATE / ,' a_" ,-J, JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,7"-L.!, . 1 DATE tNscciloN REQUFST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATEB N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: P,TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED _. "{:-/." ..: ., ,',. u.: -.rl Z t:--.t<.-< -, i{ DATE 'r-,:.! 1' INSPECTOR ";:.i. /,/ / DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INS.CTION REQUEST i-'!rt_) .rV ,.' READY FOR LOCATION: WED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL . . , ''... t. ''' ,,- tr FINAL '., ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI. DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR ?r>' rNslcrroN REeuFsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,'c- 77 JOB NAME 'o'n.rt4 7tl CnlLeR l',.1.1,:_.- MON iruEq,i wE h v.,1 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PM :] '4_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr n tr tr tr n FOOTINGS / STEEL D U tr D tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr g CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL o tr FINAL .::' { 3 t)t )4,4{" j-) h'n y' ozt<, FAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -z '.2 INSPECTOR t tNslciloN REQUFST TOWN OF VAIL DATE " , :t. :7'l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,'.2..:.:./ ! -t .'t i JOB NAME MON CALLER I TUES /)'\' , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING O INSULATION D GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H- TUB ,.\ /'-\ tr,FlNAL , , .: U' ,.1t (r'I't.< D FINAL tl EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOB o ur\ttr -2. . / JOB NAME CALLER READY FoR INSPECTIoN: to* f"l,r_tl J:_",, rHUR FRI --- M , PM LocATtoN: ,t'/; .'l- --r'.q . ;P i ( t- '.: .,' ': ,-'t'' .E APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rNstcrroN REouEqr- TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr INSULATION tr tr D GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB r."-' .i F-FINAL : ','' \ri. . . I, i./ tr FINAL EL E tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR O {.. t- ', ri L ', t. i L , t 1. t., , i" IJ a:"t t: 7, a a: !,I !t I I t,I fl l' l a t I I { t: t ' .I t l i; Ilun box 10O Yail, colotado 81657 1303 {76-561 3 llr. Rocky Chrlstopher Vall Assoclates ReaI Estate Box ?Vell, Colora.do 81657 officc of th6 lolr,n man.gc. Septenber A, 1977 De: Lot 30, Yail Ueadows ftlirg No.1 De&r Rocky : Tbis letter ls to outline the Decessary steps belore r bullding pernit car be lssued for a residelce oD Lot 30,ValI Meadows Filiog No. I. The South-easterly corner of the lot is in a llodera.te Eazatd Zone as described ln the Vail ltrerdorrs Avalanche Report. ?o use tbe itrformatioa in this .eport 1Il ol'der to obtaln a bullding permit, a payment nust be Eade to George hau sho had the tepolt prepared. The payment for thls repolt Ls $277.77 payable to Mr, George Rau. ' gonstruction is allowed in a Moderate Eazard Zo\e, ij destgD of the structure wil-l sithstand the potential lopacts as outllled in the report. The back baLf of the 1ot is io a Zone of Influence. A Zone of Iofluence is a potentlal avalaDche aree which has not been studled in detail. Before ahy construction caD occur in thls area,, a, detailed study nust be prepared whlch defines the hlgh and noderate hazard zone. A Teport, rould not be required if the d{elling uD.Lt is cohstructed coBpletely outslde of the Zone of Influence, If you have any questions, pLease let me &uow. Sincerely, Zonlng Adni.ni.strator DEP TIIENT oo stopher Bro ke r oo Vail lnc. a Associatee January .l7, 1977 14s. Diana Toughill Town of Vail P.0. Box'100 Vail, Colo. 8.|657 Dear Diana: I am presently working with the owner of Lot 30, Vajl Mgadows Fi I inq No. I - Because of the uncffia-in:lETETE-i'dhe situation in the valley, p'l ease send me the Town of Vail requirements as to bui ldi ng on said Iot. Your cooperation i s greatly appreciated. Sincere'l y, ASSOCIATES, INC. R.S. Chr ,Associate RSC/dK Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601