HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RIDGE BLOCK A LOT 7 LEGAL.pdfY^28,4- /ntt7, b/t- A a6i,|., rY cErrELoru&$ Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM DeFartment of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 far: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Proiect Name: GOLDSTEIN LANDSCAPE Project Description: PO BOX 2t30 | 740 BLUE RIVER PKWY. SILVERTHORNE co 80498 License: 297-4 ProjectAddr€ss: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LN'B' UNIT Lega! Descriptionl Lot: 78 Block: A Subdivision: VAIL RIDGE Parcef lf umberz 2LO3-I42-0201-7 Comments: FINAL APPROVAL FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Pailicipants: OWNER GOLDSTEIN, MARY TATTERSALL 08/31/2007 PO BOX 3519 VAIL co 81658 APPLICANT NEILS-LUNCEFORD INC, 0813112007 Phone: (970) 468-0340 DRB Number: DR8070466 LocaUon: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 7010912007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid:$20.00 / /'' 'l Minor Exterlor Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colomdo 81657 E;l: 970.479.2L28 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www,wilgw.com General InformaUon: Alt projects requiring design reryieu, must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal rcquirements fior the partianlar apprornl that is requsted. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Dwelopment Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommission. besign review approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and constructlon commencee within one year of the apprcval. o h. tl v o €F c Description Locationof thePrcposat: t-ot'. F7-Blxk; k Subdivision::/Atr- Lto4e- Physical Address: Parcel No.:@ntact Eagle Go. Assessor at970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s)of owner(s): ?*vtr 1 t-t Y 4Ot-Ocf*t,=l ?-bA?e6r)* L/A-NIF 'Mailing Addrcss: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address; E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr Nev Construction tr Addition E Minor Aheration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Ahention (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Requd tr tr Fax: V1t;14 I ua.rctAya , o*vt $50 Plus $1.00 per square tuot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For consfuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where Euare foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor dtanges to buildings and site improrements, sudl as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping,. fences and rctaining walls, &, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudl as, re-rooffng, palntlng, wlndow retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board, No Fee Phone: \ t\ I l' .. 1 '7i r*r 't *'i****1.*N***l*i'ti{.t*'}'l****t}t'**'lt*'1"}******'l****ti**+**+*+**tttttfftfff+++*'f**l'l'tt*'tf*'}****r*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemeot **{.**'}****tr'}*'}'}i'***l'*'il{'***{r{'***'}{.*'}***{.1r"}ti***{'*'}****!i***********i*it+t*t+attttt*t**+*++*t statement Nunber ! R0?0001.738 Amount: s20.00 os/3L/200709:39 Atr! Palment Method: CaBh fnit : iIS Notation: $/NArr. LT'NCEFOP.D INC Permit No3 DRB0?0455 Type ! DRB -Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parcel Nor 2LO3-L42-O2OL-7 Site Address: 26S3 CoiTINA IrN VAIIJ Irocation: 2583 CORTINA IrN 'Br I]NIT Total Fees: 520.00 This Palment ! $20.00 Total AIJJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 90.00 ++*+++++*ff+*f*f'i****l****f****+***********'i*++*i'+'f*'l+'l"il*tll**l*************+***+f+tr*++++** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3I722OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 P.0ll01 AUG-28-2007 l1 r34 PH 2? OA O? 12:59p Foun Scesons 541143211201 p.1 . JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a Jom ovrner of property located at proilde thls letter as written appro\ral of the plans dabd whldt hatre been submltted to BreTorvn of Val dmhunity oarelopm€nt DePanment br the proposed lmprorernents to be ompleEd at the address rpted above. I understand that the Additionally, please dr€idct$e statement below which is most applicable to you: \,/X I unden6nd that minor nodifnaftins may be made b the ptam over the prtse of the tnivlew prues to ensare ampliane wM the Townt applicable du and rqulah'ons. t JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAI LETTER a joint owner of property located at a-bU4 eefiF*lA Vklr? provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: bowl.l^e-w (oaLt- tNsvlt- (Signature)(Date) Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: X I undenbnd that minor modifications may fu made to the plans over the aune of the trcview process to ensure compliane with the Town! appliable codes and regulattbns. (nitial here) D I rquest that all mdifications, minor or otherwise, which are made b the plans over the ouse of the review proc6s, fu brought to my attentbn by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further review by the Town. (nilial here) t MINOR EXTE RIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This applica$on is required for proposals involving minor e><terior alteraUons and/or site improvements, Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic SurveY* u Site and Grading Plan* o Landscape Plan* o Architectural Elevations* o Exterior color and material samples and specifications. o Architectural Floor Plans* o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures tr Title repor!, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easementsx tr Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable tr Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an as-tcrish (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requiremenB include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a Utle report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Contractor Signatur€ F: \cdev\FORMS\PERI'1m\Pbnning\drb-minor-alt-l 1-23-2005.doc LU23l200s -ll 4.t N;t^ lu^^.J,,.U \J- Page 3 of 13 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIAI,"5 Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WlndowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wafls *-==---J fuvav Kr-tu h,.,*t & Exterior Lighting Other nites: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cderAFORj'lS\PERj'lm\Plannlng\drb_minor_alt-l 1-23-2005doc LV23lzms Page 5 of 13 Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Size b'- b' 6 qo+. =T^2 q"--(--.-T- -..-..4_ .P u't l(o ott,u- Ft+ ,1 DCSTINGTRE.tJo' TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: ?cr.a^.Jz-ls - Zlee 4,F. GROUND COVER SOD r.Js SEED r-lP IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footage Z Z*rrz-< Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) /-'ot-UV,- (oz-le- - r/i l/ov traek-. oLevn Itx.<, be -x- F : \cdev\FOMS\PERI4ITS\Planning\drb-minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc L!2312005 Page 7 of 13 GCE OG rAG {ftG c$c&SG EFf ts g E Fp 6f; ef E$ Ei E:o- o- o. o t o-FT gE{ EE E gE EE s [E rB fi E^$ea9 E€I o.9.8 -E O 5E€ EEF EEE E-EE /.9r rvo c \q-a r\Jo C ,,1.+,,! )vo c E o c o E o E €o 8 tl E 6 t E E (o 'Ep 6p Ex 6E ?o 50t Eg c $ J( P o o F P o ll 8.o o .g I E3 EE Eg Fr EE .8 .i- Ea Et 9P o* 8itr p8 g -cl E o R o tl g o tr o It !t =x l5 ao n E E c o F s B o ct E t o E F' ot E |'t E p p E o I o o g E 0 ED @ fi I E .cl f, o i E E E a o 6 o o c o E tt 8 o c'ctt E .E o b o- 6 $e .Eg ('.E f;€ uto Esg $E$E Eg{E EEtE FEiEE /> o o o E c o J g F*", E.l!3rl ;T:IEII i.tEtE!zi!tf!l * t\ R E It E -'E (s: (L3 o$o.>og ()=AQ !;g?o8 J,A 3 o tl o 6 E revised plan From: To: Date: Subject: "Joyce Gilbert" <JoyceGilbert@neilslunceford.com> <bgibson@vailgov.com> 1010312007 9:47 AM FW: Neils Lunceford revised plan for Goldstein Residence HiBiil, I received approval from Fred Haslee from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District for the proposed landscape plan at the Goldstein Residence on Cortina Lane I am forwarding this email that I received from him this morning.Please let me know as soon as we are approved to move forward with our landscape plan. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Joyce Gilbert Neils Lunceford, Inc. (970) 468-0340 joycegilbert@neilslunceford. com ---Original Message--- From: Fred Haslee [mailto:fhaslee@erwsd.org] Sent: Wednesday, October 03,2007 7:21 AM To: Joyce Gilbert Cc: bgibson@vail.gov.com Subject RE: Neils Lunceford revised plan for Goldstein Residence Joyce, The proposed landscaping plan appears to comply with the District's standards. Sincerely, Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970) 476-7480 Ofiices (970) 4764089 Fax (970') 477-5449 Direct Line (97Q) 471-2807 Cell ---Original Message--- From: Joyce Gilbert Imailto:JoyceGilbert@neilslunceford.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 02,2007 4:48 PM To: Fred Haslee Cc: bgibson@vail.gov,com Subject: Neils Lunceford revised plan for Goldstein Residence Hi Fred. lwas able to locate the fire hydrant and represent it in our landscape plan for the Goldstein residence. I rearranged the boulders and plant material to assure the clearances you told me to maintain for proper access. The clearances are listed on the plan as well. The hydrant is 4.5' from the curb and we have nothing proposed to the front of the hydrant, see plan atiached. lspoke with Bill Gibson (Town of Vail), yesterday, and they are waiting to hear back from you to approve the plan and I informed him you were waiting for me to send you a plan showing the hydrant. Please reply and let me know you received this plan and please notify Bill Gibson, planner with the Town of Vail, at your earliest convenience upon review of the plan. I appreciate your consideration. Thank You, Joyce Gilbert Neils Lunceford, lnc. (970) 468-0340 joycegilbert@neilslunceford.com No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edilion. Version: 7.5.488 / Mrus Database: 269.1 3.39/1044 - Release Date: 101212007 11:10AM No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.011046 - Release Date: 1Q1312007 10:08 AM No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7 .5.488 / Virus Databas e'. 269.1 4.ol 1 046 - Release Date: 1 0/3/2007 10:08 AM No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database'.269.14.011046 - Release Date: 101312007 10:08 AM Frcm! To: Dab: Subfct: I thinf that they will be ok >>> Ell Gibson l0/$/2(XP 4:25 PM >>> ls this one apptq,Ed (DRB07{466)? s€e attacied @orge Chalbery Billcibson 10/08/2007 4;57 PM Re: Fwd: Neils Luneford rwised plan for @ldsteln Residenae TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Cr*r""Nr oF coMMUNrry orutrr"*, t^,rl t, B\\. A PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B04-0348 Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE Applied . . : llltUZOO4 Parcel No...: 210314202006 Issued . . : 0Lll7lZO05 Project No : PRI04-0037 Expires . .: Oill6l}005 ovirNER scHMrD, STEFAN tt/tt/zoo+ phone: 2447 CIIAMONIX LN 13C . VAIL co 8L557 Iricense : CONTRACTOR TIID COIJORADO LI-'C PO Box 8338 Avon, Colorado 8L620 License: 280-A APPLICATqI TIID COI,OR,ADO LLC PO Box 8338 Avon, Colorado 8162 0 L,icense: 280-A $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--- > 59,2'17 .46 $0.00 \-l*.t ?i&.{ }-A NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES LL/Lr/2004 Phone: O7o)748-0862 LL/tLl2004 Phone: (97o)748-og'2 Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY/SECONDARY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 1V-N 81.50 5,463 5445,234.50 Private Garages Zone 1 V-N 2L.3O L,656 935,272.80 Tota1s... s,463 $898,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 3 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $898,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restdcted: Y # of Gx Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 0 {.d(:**d!*:*)t:t,********'*******,*******,i.{(,****i(i!*****t*+r(t*tri:}:**t**,t*:F:F:}:t:t:a*'** FEE suMMARY *:f,f:f:f:t+:t,i:i*'i:t*******1.**:a'**rr*'t**t!r.***:*:f++++:t*rt:t***:*)i**,ar***:|** Building--- > 9s,L24 -25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> $3,330-?6 DRB Fee------------>S0.00 AdditionalFees-i------> Invesdgation- > Will Call----- > $0.00 Recreation Fe€-------- > 93. oo Clean-up Deposir---- > $819.45 Total Permit Fee--:*-- > 59,2'1'7.45 $0.00 Payments------:--- > 59,2't1 -46 $0.00 TOTAL FEES------------- > 59,211 .45 BALANCE DUE---------> Approvals: IICM: O51.OO BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 0L/1312005 .IRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI4ENI L2/27/2O04 bgibson Action: COND The door between the EHU and the maj-n unitIs laundry room shall be eliminated. Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT L2/l-5/2O04 mvaughan Action: AP see notices and conditions. Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS LL/23/2004 ls Action: DN To provide : Revocable ROW permit Public Way Permit fee and Traffic control PIan. height. Single stanped wal1 design for licenge pE.has been subnitted but need up to a triple Stamped Approved *"a-lr" walI drawing from " ri."Jpg. for wall 4' - 6r in tier wa1I design drawing to be provided. oL/L4/2o0s LE Action:COND Awaiting for Revocable ROW permit.Item: 05550 ENGINEERING See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchrre according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR PM. FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ANCE BY TELEPIIIOilfl{I 479-2149 OR AT PAGE 2 tf 'f ***{':t:F****:t:f *****:f *************tr<***t***rf *****:t**,f *******rt**************,t*'t{.*'*'f 't'f *,t !t *****:}+*'i't:r:f :f !+! t :f !t*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0348 as of 01-17-2005 Status: ISSUED *******tc*****:t*********'******:trS!*,t **:f !t**!t:Ft!t {.'t*:f:t:i**+:F+:Frfii****i.**:e**:r*********:r*!t**********:F*'r****!r,r***** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: LltLt/2}M Applicant: THD COLORADO LLC Issued: olnTl2ns Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Location: 2683 CORTINA LANE Parcel No: 21031420206 **rr****t!**X.****,F*************'*'*'*:******,t!*'t****++:*'f'*'f **:tr**:t rt **t ******************,*,**:**,f ,i******:F*********** CONDITIONS *************************,t,f****'F*'F:t!Ftt.'t**{t*********:l.***i.)t<***.****.***{.!t*****'r'**,s'b,t.i.'i('t(*****:F*t'F:t*,t.'r'k,r'r****** Cond:33 (PLAI.O THIS PROJECT WILL REQUTRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT ST]RVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0006842 fire qprinkler and fire alarm system required. Cond: CON0006855 Prior to the iszuance of a Temporary or Final Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall execute a Type II EHU deed restriction with the Town of Vail Deparfrnent of Community Development to perman€ntly restrict the use of the EHU for employee housing. *'i***!t**+*+***atfl+*+*++******{'*{'*****************{'**'t'**t**********'}**'}*****+**+*******{r**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *,t******'$***{.'8*******'1.'i********t*{r***+*l+++++****ftt+ff++'S+*********f**'t *'t**+**!****'t ********* Statement Number: R050000030 Amount 3 Pa)zment Method: Check IIrc. 4232 #9 ,277 .46 OL/t7 /200504 :36 PM Init: DDc Notationr THD Cololado Permlt No: Parcel- No: Site Addrees : L,ocatLon: ThiE Palment,: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100 00311270 0 wc 00100003112800 804-0348 T:pe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT 2t03L4202006 2583 CORTINA IN VAIL 2683 CORTINA I,ANE $9,277 .46 Total Fees: Total AIJIJ Pmtg : Balance 3 BUII,DING PERIT{IT FEES PT,AIiI CIIECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE s9 , 277 .46 99,277 .45 $o. oo a*******+i**'l'+********+++++*+****t*f++*+*+++++*l*ftt*+++++++'*+++++****+****t+a*++***+++i**** ACCOI]NTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts 5,724.25 3,330.76 819.45 3.00 APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG tl Project #:o9 oo Buildi o WILL M:WIIOF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: T]+D (nliroL' [w Town of Vail Req. No.:Aso-A )gntact and Phone #'s: kcq"t- @ tro .lt6|-{806 E."il "ddr":"' +en t".,r"","r ",t.", COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BU|LD|NG: $ sul,0oo ELECTRIGAL: S 3L filc OTHER: $ PLUMBING: s 29, OOO MECHANICAL' $ 3.t,000 rorAl: $ 118,jCD For Parcel # Contact E, *l*************tr*********************FOR OFFICE USE O N Ly*"********+rf***********!r***t********* Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit )arcel# 7\o1\*7o2db Job Name: !h^^:J l-]rUUoJ Dro\nv rob ^ddresilbnt &x*r".a Vr*- Legal Description ll lot: -l Block: /)Filing:subdivision: u*tL F-r c6€9rE Arch itecuDesign"t'IJo^ Aa,l h n Address: Po go{- q1d &r'\.,[, fi6 PhoneqTo szt ffi,2 Engineer: 'l i ^ bOr.f \g Rooress:14( c. orteaJo,^-r drrri<-.Phone:q7, qlLLrl( Detailed description of woik Nf,"i 2tsn6+tnkL ff$JsTfaJcTldrr Heve.; 0lS h tc.ba- WorkClass: Ner,vS, Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( )aotn ff Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ff No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family $ nrrrri+r-ly ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( )-'K No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: g No. of Accommodation Units in this building: D No/TypeofFireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( )GasLogs( )woodiPellet( )woodBurning( ) t14- No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed. Gas Appliances 6) Oar togsL) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) trto (X I \Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC (E q U q t')!l fa U NI {l {,rl ii b0 g o I E (ll obD 5d q'5 .. o x)s .F 'o t9 oJ l-. H'd ,X qt '?i F!6F d3 =o o(a .i: d ltr c$ *9 >a I 'tr oqr :6 & q,, U! .E bb9 39 EO) 6'E q0) (EQ .9o )4 cr a,P '5 lu Re OE ,;i O) z- ,.l QI FI <l zl it .>|F z o >'(t) lr J 'l'! CN s E I o €l sl ><l +l 1 A o tr z OJ .; tJ (,) OJ F EI \.J cOl 14l A (,) h GI u I U ,l Fol pl t\l cl O\l -l 'i E U ('l 0) (n lr](a €, d d l.r CJ 3 z 9l OJ q) d E l.r U c! E cl ru z =(a d5 >.9 'i- H IE F-r oJE rr3 E.g EE gtr '!r r (gH dE Ei.v.g €gi,b E E'E :r'o rd X= 'E! g EE:.s t€Et c 98:E3b ootr 9E€9rF trtr.tr 0Jx 4J !; E UIJ oo i g! ^(g5 93bo 9,*. .E _d os r-. .= 9) H# F '9.5 o(E0,) or +.1 El feE ,H* o 5 ra 0)+r =(J ssE .BE€tr8b H U E'-t -l=rf A D U U o h o H E{4 U H k H H fr frl U '6 'P {-r .sF l*,1 F St N F^$EE .PHA<oo EES{ sst t s^s*s .\ L.l S -Q X*8 Y R'S tn E .SSNJS ,nF sos .s .a :: +i x 'b FT (a ttt OJ '.{ t{-O3 Town of Vail OFfiTfrffiffi fiOPY NOIE' E,C/dLDER PLAcEMENT ORITIO^L TO PROPER PERFORMANoE PLAOE}4ENT TO EE flffiRVIg,EO EY A LIOENgED El'r9rIEER.FDdS|Cp €RAOr 2ta Eg',.g/EF(, tt?loAL x : t,cai&f SFACE MX. 2'i la[9ERs TYPIoAL | -ol+' X : io t(afi&f atFAac lt{ IRIE DRAII{.E 6RATllR, 4'a A/a DRAix l|{ FrRsT t'd Ee ro ?d''rc. 2'OFd.,-tt'€RgT'l N 4', l€l|.I4 l"l glCD ROck a ;llllta Fr4IC-DRAIN Io 9A'iLl€Hl ff,E Dn^nm€fiAxt ,tR a^a<Fu-l FtF6r l'.o'cHro gr,LDCFg,. X E io 4.O 6/A DRAltt ll{ ,*|4,/tDFaaX lcat&f SUFfACE H'T . FIL1ER FAflC-9RAII{ TO DAYI.I6IIT ldt cRg. .l'a h/c DRAIN ll{t$g,/co?& EOULPER. R.ETA I N I N6 AALL THR.EE T|ER. IIUB,B,AFD/WI{MID DUPLEX LOl l,e,LOCK A, VAIL RIDGE SUtsDIVI9ION 26A3 C,ORIINA LANE VAIL, COLORAPO DA1B ot.o-o1 aGEr tx-l CcA!r tr bogl. ,g||l-hg, lr€' l1t }rtt&!t A.aaso.LWW{rlr vall, @la & 6le>1 91O11L-2nO .16-1309 l.x ffiJrfii.^B .,o.is '€'.. i^3- ueor ;i a fiLrCR FADFIC".9RAII{ TO PAY1J6+{f NO 56ALE ['di:r t.1 .d'. -.nj NOTE' BOULDER PLACEMENT CRITICAL TO PROPER PERFORMANoE PI-A6EI.4ENT rO 9E SffiRVI9F'D BY A LI6ENffD ENOINEER.FINI9tED OR^DE FREE DR,AININa oRANULAR BACKFILL FIRgT I'_O" BEHIND WI.LDER.9. 4'O A/C DRAIN IN l'-Ouxl'-Ou hA9HED ROCK T FILTER FABRIc-PRAIN TO [2AYLI6HT =EULPER R,ETA I NI N6 AAI-L SINI€LE TIER. *,ALE t/2"-t'-O', B{}ij,, FE ffi$ L m tfi i"t D Y 2'O EpIULDER9 TYPIoAL ;5"ffi3e3e3PBP Eisisesisisisi i:ilig# o9;9o9 I'OONTAC 60" LAYtsAcK F-ECErVFd DEU z i't:)i.tr TOV-COM.DEV. BOULDER RETAINII..IG II,|ALL DETAIL TRENT ITUBBARD ' gTEFFAN gCI{MIP DUPLEX LOT 1, ?LOC,K A, VAIL RIDGE 9IItsDIY9IA.I VAIL, COLORADO bagla '|gln rl€, lnc, l4t .. n ldau 4. 3,'ol.fo.df;.l?EFP.EEc'i,,C v.ll, @br.& trybS'l !Jlot.L.2f|D 41a-4t g f.x tso+ oE.$ 'ogil,t5,$t-o oFFIGE C0PY 75 S. FRONIAGE RD VAIL,CO. 81657 970-479-2143 PIan analysis based on the 1997 Uniform Buildinq Code i;:j::: il}*:';#lil3;33ii,tDDate: ranuarv 11' 2oos Address: 2683 CORTINA LANE Contractor: T.H.D. COLORADO INC Occupancy: R3,UJ- Architect,: ,JOHN IIARTIN Construction: V-N Engineer: TIM BOYIJE Report By: .fR MONDRAGON NOTE: The code items }isEed in this report are not' intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the L997 IIBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using Plan Analyst software by b w & a - (7L9) 599-s622 Portions of the material contained in this prograrn are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code with Ehe permission of the International Conference of Building Officials. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOI'NDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTEETION NORTH Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet EAST Property line 35.0 Feet 35.0 Feet. SOIITH Public way 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feet WEST Property line 55.0 Feet 55.0 Feet Town of Vail GA({3(t Code review for:Project rd.: HUBBARD/SCI{MID PRIMARY SIDE Address:. 2683 CORTINA LANE EXTERIOR WAI,L FIRE RATINGS TabIe Page #2 AND OPENING PROTECTION 5-A Opening Construction Protection Material Not Allowed Any Not Allowed Anv Opening ConsEruction Protection Mat,erial None Any None Any Opening Construction Protection Material None Any None Any Opening Construction Protection Material None Any None Anv NORTH For Occupancy R3 U1 EAST For Occupancy R3 U1 SOUTH For Occupancy R3 U1 WEST For Occupancy R3 \JL Bearing Non-Bearing Wall WaIl l- hour t hour t hour t hour Bearing Non-Bearing Wa1L Wal1 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour Bearing Non-Bearing WaII Wall 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour Bearing Non-Bearing Wal1 Wall- 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour Parapet Required No No Parapet . Required No No Parapet Required No No Parapet Required No No One hour exterior walLs may be protected only on the exEerior side in a Ul- occupancy. -- Sec. 503.4.8 None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.3/4 hovr -- Openings are to be proEected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of the wall maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & Sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.fts. with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in this waLl. Parapet not required based on the building not having a floor area greater than 1000 sq.ft. on any floor. -- Sec.709.4.1 exc. #3 Page #g Code review for:Project Id.: HUBBARD/SCUUID PRIMARY SIDE Address: 2683 CORTINA IJAI{E AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Bedroom #3 3 Bathroom 3 Loft 3 Closet (s) 3 Hallway TOTAI., FOR FLOOR 2 Master bedroom 2 L,,iving room 2 Master bath 2 Master closet 2 Powder 2 Pantry 2 Kitchen 2 Dining room 2 Hallway TOTA], FOR FIJOOR 1 Bedroom #1 t Closet (s) 1 Bathroom 1 Mech 1 Laundry room 1 Bathroom 1 Family room 1 Bedroom #2 1 Closet (s) 1 Linen 1 Hallway TOTA]-, FOR FIJOOR B Garage B Elev Mech B Closet (s) B Entry B Hallway B Ctoset/sIev TOTAI, FOR FLOOR BUIIJDING TOTA], L99 47 189 1t_ 29 475 196 342 to2 47 22 43 1,75 255 92 L275 158 33 50 30 39 61 232 t44 L7 2 90 856 733 1,4 L2 77 67 23 926 26L6 9 .95 2.35 9 .45 .0 .0 9.8 L7 .L 5.L 2.35 1.5 2.L5 8.75 t2.8 .0 8.4 .0 2.5 L.5 1. 95 3.05 11.6 7.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 n .0 .0 Yes No Yes. No No Yes No NO No No NO No No No Yes No No No No NO No Yes No No No L9.9 .0 .0 .0 L9 .6 34.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 25.6 .0 16 .8 .0 .0 n .0 23.2 44.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 No No No No No No Yes Page # 4 Code review for:Projecr Id.: HUBBARD/SCHMID pRrMARy SIDE AddrCSs: 2683 CORTINA IJANE FOOTNOTES:l-) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The rninimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 310.4 1) The minimum clear height iB 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum si1l height is 44 inches Escape and rescue windows with a finished sill betow ground shall have a window well . The clear horizontal dimension shall allow the the window to be fully opened and provide a mininum clear accessible net opening of 9 square feet with a minimum dimension of 36 inches. Window wells with a vertical depth of more than 44 inches sha11 be equipped with an approved permanently affixed l-adder or stairs.2) The number of exits is based on Table 10-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. l-203.3 Such system shalt be capable of providing two air changes per hour.4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec.310.4 ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space sha1l have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toiLet. compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If Ehe ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only 1/2 of the area. -- Sec. 31-0.6.1 Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not l-ess than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shalf have an area of not less than 70 square feet.-- Sec.3L0.6.2 Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 310.6.3 code review for: Page # 5 Project rd.: HIIBBARD/SCHUrO pRrMARy SIDE Addrese: 2683 CORTINA IJANE STAIR REQUIREMENTS: 1) A stairway in a dwel-ling must be at least 36 inches wide.-- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 2) The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches -- Sec. 1-, Exception 1 3) A handrail is reguired on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.5, Exceptions 4) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. The minimum height is 35 inches and the maximum opening size is 4 inches. -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2, Exception 1 5) The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- I inches. -- Sec. i-003,3.3.4 6) Enclosed usabl-e space under the stairs is required to be protect,ed as reguired for t hr. fire-resistive const,ruct,ion. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 code review for: Page # 6 Project Id.: HUBBARD/SCHMID PRIMARY SIDE AddrCSS Z 2683 CORTINA I.ANE GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS All glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 2406.3 &,2405.4 Locations: 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies.2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathEubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building waLl enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inleE.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels nearest exposed edge of Ehe glazing either vert.ical edge of Ehe door in bottom exposed edge of the glazing walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets al-l- of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greaEer than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing.8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. 9) Glazing in waIls and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spas when t.he boEtom edges is less than 60 inches above the pool side and the glazing is within 5 feet of the pool or spa water's edge.10) Glazing in walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of then bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. adjacent to a door where the is within a 24-inch arc of a closed position and where the is less than 60 inches above Lhe Page # 7 Code review for:Project rd.: HIJBBARD/SCHMID PRIMARY SrDE Address z 2683 CORTINA LANE SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENIS :1) A smoke detector is required on tshe ceiling or waI1 at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each eleeping area. -- Sec. 31-0 .9.1.4 2) A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal1 in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.I.4 3) A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 310.9.I.4 If the upper leve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway.-- Sec. 310.9.7.4 NOTE: A smoke deteptor is required in the basement. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 4') Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildingrs power source and shall be equipped with a baEtery backup. -- Sec. 310.9.1.3 5) Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in al-I sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 31-O ,9.1.4 OCCUPAI{CY SEPARATION : Between t.he garage and the residence, materials approved for t hr. fire resistive construction are reguired on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch soLid core door or a 20 minuEe fire door. -- Table 3-B &Sec. 302.4 exc. #3 ST{AFT ENCI,OSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional- area.of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints tocklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enelosure shall be protected by not less t,han a self-closing solid wood door 1, 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 7LL.6 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or lees do not need to be in t hour shafts, provided the annular space around the vents or piping is filled at each floor or ceiling with noncombustible materials.-- Sec. 7LL.3 3 ) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a l- hour assembly.-- sec. 7LL.l_ & Table 6-A Page # 8 Code review for: Project Id.: HIJBBARD/SCHIITO PRIMARY SIDE Address: 2683 CORTINA LANE CRAWISPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide venEilat,ion either by mechanical means or by openings in ext.erior walle. Opening shall provide a neu area of nol less than l- square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space.openings shalL be distributed on tqro opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec- 23l-7.2 Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building offieial approves.For a 104.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio 1,/ 1,sO Minimum sq.ft. of vent .69 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area.Note: opening may be reguired to be larger if mechanical eguipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2317.3 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between expoeed earth and floor joist is t-8 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is 12 inches. -- Sec. 23l-7.3 1) Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping and basements. -- Sec. 3L0.4 A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches(minimum), and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum). -- Sec. 310.4 4) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, ha}1s, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet..-- Sec.310.6.1 5) Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping rooms and areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 3L0.9.t.4 6) If there is a basement, provide a smoke detector that is connected to an alarm audible in a1I sleeping areas. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 7) Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected Eo an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 3l-O .9.L.4 Oo*n of vail MFFH#ffi fiOPY ?o{-o?{e Plan analysis based on the 1997 Uniform Buildino Code Project Number: PR,f04-0037 Date: January l-L, 2OO5 Project Name : HUBBARn/SCHMTD SECONDARY Address z 2683 CORTINA LANE Contractor: T.H.D. COIJORADO INC Occupancy: R3,U1- Arehitect: iIOHN MARTIN Construction: V-N Enqineer: TIM BOYLE Rep6rt By: rfR MONDRAGON NOTE: The code items listed in Ehis report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1"99? UBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. ReporE created using PIan Analyst software by b w & a. (719) 599-5622 Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building code with the permission of Ehe Internat.ional Conference of Buildinq Officials. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOI]NDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 22.0 Feet 22.0 Feet EAST Property lj-ne 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feet SOUTH Building 0. 0 Feet 0.0 Feet WEST Property line 100.0 Feet L00.0 Feet TOVBI OF VAIIJ BUIIJDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD vArIJ,co. 81657 970-479-2143 . l.f ,. o lF _. ''{ "j"+, '* Page # 2 Code review for:Project Id. : HIJBBARD/SCH!,IID SECONDARY AddTCSS Z 2683 CORTINA IJANE EXTERIOR WAIJI.J FIRE RATINGS AI{D OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A NORTH For Occupancy R3 U1 EAST For Occupancy R3 u1 SOUTII For Occupancy R3 U1 WEST For Occupancy R3 u1_ Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Wall Wall Protection Material 0 hour 0 hour None Any 0 hour 0 hour None Any Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction WalI Wall Protection Material 0 hour 0 hour None Any 0 hour 0 hour None Any Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction wall Wall Protection Material L hour t hour Not ALlowed Any 1- hour t hour Not Allowed Any Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Wa1l Wall Protection Material 0 hour 0 hour None Any 0 hour 0 hour None Any Parapet Required No ,No Parapet Reguired NO No Parapet Required No No Parapet Required No No One hour exterior walls may be protected only on the exterior side in a U1- occupancy. -- Sec. 503.4.8 None 3/4 hour No fire protection requirements for openings. openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of the wall maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & Sec- 503-2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft. with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 NoE Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in this wa1l. Parapet not reguired based on the building not having a floor area greater than 1000 sq.ft. on any floor. -- Sec- 709.4.1 exc. #3 Page # 3 Code review for:Project Id. : HUBBARD/SCInAIO SECONDARY AddresE I 2683 CORTTNA IJANE AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VEtiilT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Bedroom #2 3 Bedroom #1 3 Bathroom 3 Cloeet (e) 3 Closet (e) 3 IJof t 3 Hallway TOTAI-, FOR FIJOOR 2 Dining room 2 Lriving room 2 Master bedroom 2 Closet (s) 2 Maeter bath 2 Powder 2 Kitchen 2 Hallway 2 lJinen TOTAI FOR FI-,OOR 1 Mech room L Hallway 1 Laundry room TOTAL FOR FI-.,OOR B Garage B EIev Mech B Elevator B Closet (e) B Entry B Hallway TOTA], FOR FI.,OOR BUTLDTNG TOTAL 132 163 81 10 10 155 90 642 L44 2L6 L84 31 130 2t l_10 90 I 934 4L L69 58 278 447 25 25 7 99 69 672 L854 L3.2 16 .3 .0 n n .o .0 L4.4 2L.6 18 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 10. 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 6.6 8.15 4 .05 n .0 .0 7.2 L0.8 9.2 .0 6.5 1.5 5.5 .0 .0 5.0 .0 3.4 .0 .0 n .0 .0 .0 Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Page # 4 Code review for:Project rd. : HIIBBARD/SCrilaIO SECONDARY AddTCSS Z 2683 CORTINA IrANE FOOTNOTES:L) EGRESS - An operabLe window or door that, opens directly to the exterior is reguired from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet t,he following. -- Sec. 310.4 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches Escape and rescue windows with a finished sill below ground shall have a window wel1. The clear horizontal dimension shall alIow the the window to be fu1l-y opened and provide a minimum clear accessible net opening of 9 sguare feet with a minimum dimension of 36 inches. Window weIIs with a vertical depth of more than 44 inches shatl be equipped with an approved permanently affixed ladder or stairs.2) The number of exit.s is based on Table 10-A (Dwellings)3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in lieu of exterior openings for vent,il-ation. -- Sec. 1203.3 Such system shall- be capable of providing t,wo air changea per hour.4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec.310.4 5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based on Sec. 1004.2.3.2, Exception 4. ROOM DIMENSTONS: Habitable space shalI have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feets 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, balhrooms and toilet compartmenEs may have a ceiling height of 7 feeE measured to the lowest projection. ff the ceiling is sloping, then Ehe minimum height is required in onl-y t/Z of the area. -- Sec. 310.6.1 Every dwelling unit shafl- have at least one room which has not l_ess than 1-20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens sha1l have an area of not less than ?0 square feet.-- Sec - 3LO.6.2 Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 3l-0.6.3 Page # 5 Code review for:Project Id. : HIIBBARD/SCIU'IrO SECONDARY AddrCSS: 2583 CORTTNA LANE STAIR REQUIREMEMTS:1) A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide.-- Sec. 1003 .3.3.2 2) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, Exception 1 3) A handrail is required on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. t-, Exceptions 4) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. The minimum height is 35 inches and the maximum opening size is 4 inches. -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2, Exception 1 5) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. j- 6) Enclosed usable space under the staire is required to be protected as reguired for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 Code review for: Project Id. : HUBBARD/SCHMID AddTEES Z 2683 CORTINA IJANE GLAZING REQUIREMENTS All glazing in hazardous glazing material . -- Sec. Page #6 SECONDARY locations is required to be of safety 2406.3 & 2406.4 Locations:1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors excepE jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors ot.her than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in sEorm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosurec for hot tubs, whirlpools, 6aunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above t,he walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those Iocations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed boEtom edge less than 1-8 inches above the fIoor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing.8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. 9) Glazing in walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spas when the bottom edges is less than 60 inches above the pool side and the glazing is within 5 feet of the pool or spa water's edge.L0) Glazing in walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of ghen bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. Page # 7 Code review for:Project rd. : HIJBBARD/SCHUID SECONDARY Address z 2683 CORTINA LANE SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:1) A smoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 31-0 -9 -]-.4 2) A smoke det.eetor is reguired on the ceiling or wal1 in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 3) A smoke detector is required on all st.ories. -- Sec. 310.9.!.4 If the upper level contains sleeping room(s) , a smoke detector is reguired in the ceiling of the upper leve1 elose to the stairway. - - Sec. 310 .9 .L.4 NOTE: A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 310.9,1.4 4) Smoke detectors are required to be wired to Ehe building,s power source and shall be eguipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 3t_0.9.1_.3 5) Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for t hr. fire resistive construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1, 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 3-B &Sec. 302.4 exc. #3 SHAFT ENCI-,OSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside muet be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protect,ed by not less than a self-closing sotid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or eguivalent. -- Sec. 71,1,.5 2) Gas vents and noncombustibl-e piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or l-ess do not need to be in L hour shafts, provided the annular space around the vents or piping is filled at each floor or ceiling wit,h noncombustible maEerials.-- Sec. 7t!.3 3 ) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly.-- Sec. 7LL.1 & Table 6-A code review for: Page # 8 Project rd. : HUBBARD/SCrWrO SECONDARY AddTESS: 2683 CORTTNA I,ANE 1-) Provide a window or door to the ext,erior from every room ueed for sleeping and basements. -- Sec. 310.4 A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches(minimum), and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum). -- Sec. 310.4 4) The minimum ceiting in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet.-- Sec.310.6.1 5) Frovide a smoke detector in all sleeping rooms and areas having accega to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 5) ff there is a basement, provide a smoke detector that, is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 7) Provide a smoke det,ector on all floors that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 Bd(- ou,{, Town of Vaif ffiffi$##ffiffi ffioPY based on Building Code Date! ilanuary 11, 2005 Contractor: T.H.D. COLORADO INC ArchiIect: .JOHN MARTIN Engineer: TrM BoYr,E Report By: JR MONDRAGON FIRE PROTECTION 22.0 FeeE 20.0 Feet 0.0 Feet. 100.0 Feet TOWN OF VAII-r BUILDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD VAIIJ, CO. 81657 970-479-2L43 Project Project Address: Plan analYsis the 1997 Uniform Numbe.r: PR'J04-0031 Name: HUBBARD/SCrur* 2683 CORTINA LANE NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not inEended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements in the 1997 UBC. ft ie a guide Eo selected secEions of the code. Report created using Ptan Analyst eoftware by b w & a. (7L9) 599-5622 Poltions of the mat6rial contained in this progran are reproduced from Lhe Uniform Building Code with Ehe permission of the International Conference of Building Officials- ======== ========== === == ======= Occupancy: R3,Ul Construction: V-N SEPARATION DIRECTION BOI'NDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Property line 22.0 Feet EAST Property line 20.0 Feet SOIITH Buildlng 0.0 Feet WEST Property line 100.0 FeeE -* i!, O"" ,*i Page # 2 Code review for: Project Id.: HIIBBARD/SCIMID EHU AddTCES Z 2683 CORTINA I'ANE EXTERIOR WAI.I FIRE RATINGS AIID OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A Bearing Non-Bearing Opening ConetrucEion WaIl Wall Protection Material 0 hour 0 hour None AnY 0 hour 0 hour None AnY Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction ParaPet WaIl wall - Prolection Material Reguired 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Conetruction Parapet WaIl Wall - Protection Material Required t hour t hour Not Allowed AnY No t hour t hour Not Altowed AnY No Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Parapet WaIl waII - Prolection Material Reguired 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No One hour exterior wa1ls may be protected only on the exterior side in a U1 occupancy. -- Sec. 503-4.8 None 3/4 j;'otrx NORTH For Occupancy R3 U1 EAST For Occupancy R3 u1 SOIIIH For Occupancy R3 u1- WEST For Occupancy R3 U1 Parapet. Required NO No -- No fire protection requiremente for.openings. -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies' 5b* of-the area of the walI maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & Sec.503.2.2 Maximum single window size ie 84 sq.ft. with no dimension greater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in tshis wa1l. Parapet not reguired based on the building not having a floor area greaier t,han ldOO sq.ft. on any floor. -- Sec - 709.4.L exc. #3 Code review for: Project rd.: HUBBARD/SCHMrD EHU AddrESS; 2683 CORTINA I,ANE NAT4E Page # 3 AREA MIN.I,IGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS FI-, 2 Living room 2 Bathroom 2 l-rinen 2 Closet (s) 2 Closet (s) 2 Bedroom 2 Hallway TOTAL, FOR FL,OOR 1 Garage TOTAI. FOR FI.,OOR BUIIJDING TOTAI., FOOTNOTES: 270 59 6 9 11 1_48 72 s75 476 476 L05L 27.0 :0 n .0 n 14.8 .0 .0 13 .5 2.95 .0 .0 7.4 .0 No No No No No YeB No No l_ t_ 1 1 1 1 1 -L 1 1_ 1 to tshe openable 1-) EGRESS - An operable window or door tshats opeTs directly exEerior is rEguired from this room. The ninimum clear area must meet Ehe following. -- Sec. 310.4 1) The minimum clear height ie 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4') The maximum sil-I height Ls 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 10-A (D!"ellings) ei a mechanical ventilation sy€etem may be used in lieu of exterior openings for venEilation. l- Sec. !203.3 Such system shall be clpable of providing two air changes Per hour. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable apace shall have a ceiling height.of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kit,chens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height oi Z feet measured Eo the lowest projection._If_Ehe ceiling Is sf5ping, th"n Lhe minimum height is required in only r/z of the area. -- Sec. 310.6.1 Every dwel-Iing unit shall have at leaet one room which has not less than tZO squaie feet of floor area. Other habiEable rooms except kitschene sliatt have an area of not less than 70 square feets. -- sec.3L0.6.2 Habit,able rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less than 7 feet in any dimeneion. -- Sec. 3L0.5'3 Page *4 Code review for:Project rd.: HUBB,,ARD/SCHMID eHu AddTESS Z 2683 CORTINA I'ANE STAIR REQUIREMENTS: 1) e stairway in a dwelling must be at leasE 36 inchee wide. - - Sec. 1003 .3 .3 .2 z) the-maiimuln riee of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run ie 9 inches -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, Except'ion 1 3) A handrail is requj-red. on one side a Etairway 34 to 38 inchee above -' EG no"ittg if ttr6re ie 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.6, Exceptione 4) Provide a guard rail where drop off ie greater Ehan 30 inchee. The minimui height is 36 inchei and the maximtm opening eize is 4 inchee. -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2, Exception 1 The minimum headroom is 6 fE.- I inches. -- sec. 1003'3'3'4 Enclosed usabfe space under the staire is required to be protected as required for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 s) 5) Page # 5 Code review for: Project Id.: HUBBARD/SCHMTD EHU Address z 2683 coRTrNA r-,AlIE GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS alt glazing in hazardous locations is requtred to be of eafety glazing material . -- gec. 2406.3 &.2406.4 L,ocaEions: 1) Glazing in ingress and estreas doors except-jalousies' 2l ctazin! in fiied and sliding panels of sliding door assemlclies and paiels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazin! in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas' EEeam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wail enctoeing these compartments where the bottom exposed ed.ge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels nearest exposed edge of the glazing eiEher vertical edge of the door in botEom exposed edge of the glazing walkino surface. adjacent to a door where the is within a 24-inch arc of a closed poeition and where the is less than 50 incheg above the ?) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable locations deecribed in items 5 and 6 above, following conditione:A. ExposEd area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exfosed bottom edge lese Ehan 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches a-bove the floor. O. One or morL wattcing Burfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glaiing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. fnclud6d are sEructural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels.g) blazing in walls and fenceg used ag the barrier for indoor and outdooi swimming pools and spas when the bottom edges. is less than 60 inches above-the pool side and the gtazing is within 5 feet of the pool or spa water's edge. 10) clazing- in walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feeE of then bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. panel , other than those than meeta all of the Page # 5 Code review for: Projecr Id. : IIIIBBARD/SCrnAIO ngu Address: 2683 CORTINA LANE SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: 1) A smoke detector ie required on Ehe ceiling.or wall aE, a point- centrally tocated in tlie corridor or area giving accesa to each steeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.L,4 Z) n sm-oke detsector is required on the ceiling or wal} in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.4.4 3) A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 If the upper ievel cont-ains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required-in the ceiling of the upper leve1 close to tshe stairway. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 4) Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's powgr source and shall be equipped with a batEery backup. -- Sec' 319-?'1'3 5) Detectors shal-I eound-an llarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are locatsed. -- Sec. 310.9.1'.4 *;:iH:I :f;:HTI;I'.r,4 rhe residence, marerials appro_ved ror 1.hr. rire reeistive constriction are reguired on the garage side only ald any . doors beEween Ehe garage and Che residence are to be a eelf-closing I 3/e inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 3-B & Sec. 3o2.4 exc. #3 SHAFT ENCIIOSIJRES: 1) Chutes and durnbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of noE more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside wiEh not leee than 26 gage galvaniz6d sheet metai with all joints locklapped. The outside must be 1- hr const.ruction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protsected by not less thln a setf-closing solid wood door 1' 3/8 inches thick or eguivalents. -- Sec. 7tL.6 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floore or less do not need Lo be in t hour shafEs, provided the annular space around the venEE or piping is filled at each floQr or ceiling witsh noncombustible maEerialE.-- Sec. lIL-3 3) Shafte for gas vents, factory-built, chimneye, piping, or ductE- that do nots extend through not moie than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts, provided th6 openings around the penetrations are fire stopped at each floor. -- Sec. 7Lt.3 4 ) A11 other ghafts are required to be enclosed in a L hour aseembly. -- Sec. 1LL. 1 & Table 5-A code rewiew for: ge # 7 Project Id.: HUBBARD/SCmIIO UnU AddrESE: 2683 CORTINA LANE 1) Provide a window or door to the exEerior from every room used for eleeping and bagementg. -- Sec. 310.4 A window muat prortide a clear open arEa of 5.7 eg.ft,., a clear height of 24 inches(minimum), and a clear width of 2O inches(minimum). -- Sec. 310.4 4) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space ie 7 feeE 5 lnches except kitchene, halls, and baths may have a ceiLing height of 7 feets. -- Sec.3L0.6.1 5) Provide a emoke detector in all sleeping rooms and areas having acceEs to eleeping rooms. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 6) If there is a basement, provide a emoke detector that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- sec. 310.9.I.4 7) Provide a Emoke detector on all floors thaE ie connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areaE. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 J so+?"nJ: or$*rurtipy ?5 S. FROIiilTAGE RD VAIIr' CO ' 81557 970-479-2L43 Plan analYsis based on the 1997 Uniform Building code ff:l::: il*:';"31ifl3;33iil,o tiate: ilanuarv 11' 2oos Address z 2683 eoRTrNA LANE contracEor: T.H'D. coLoRADo rNc Occupancy:R3,UlArchitect:iIOHNMARTIN construclion: v-N Engineer: TrM BoYr'E Report BY: JR MONDRAGON NOTE: The code items tisted in this report are noU intended to be 'a complete J-ieting of all possible code requiremenEs in the 1997 UBC' rt ie a guide to selecued sections of Ehe code' Repore creaEed using Plan Analyst_software by b w & a. oLg') 599-5622 porEiong of the mat6riat conUained in this program are reproduced from the uniform Building code with the permission of the Int.ernational Conference of Building officials' # SHEET IDENTTFICATION CORRECTION REOUIRED 1 ALL AIJIJ Include a copy Of the eoile report for thie site. Sec. l-05 .3 .3 This exterior wall is required to be a t hour fire assembly. -- Table 5-A Provide a parapet wall on thie wall with the same fire rating as the wa1l. -- Sec. 7O9.4.L The minimum ceiling heighE in this area is 7t-6tt' -- Sec.310.6.1 Glazing in thiE hazardous location is required-to be glazed-with safety material . -- Sec. 2405.3 & 2405.4 ThiE baEhroom is reguired to have an openabJ-e wiTdow or a mechanical ventilation Eystem. where there ie a baEhtup or Bhower, such aystem shall- be eonnected directiy to the outgide. -- sec. 1203.3 ALL,,AJ-,L,, AI,IJ AI.,IJ AI,IJ AL,L AIJIJ AIIJ AIJIJ AIJIJ Page # 2 Code review for:Project Id.: HIIBBARD/SCmAIo PRIMARY SIDE Addreesz 2683 CORTINA LANE z AIJL AI-.,IJ This area requires an exterior opening for emergency escaPe or re6cue. The minimum area ig 5'7 sq'ft'- and the irinimum dimensions ie 24tt X 20n ' -- Sec' 310'4 I AL' Ar.'L 3,:T?5:"u::::::":"'13#'i!3u'?":n:i"$iir"iffi;"::'.I - Sec. 310 ,9 .1.4 9 AL,L AL,L A emoke detector is required in all rooms that may be ueed for eleeping purposes. -- sec. 310'9'1'4 10 ALL ALI-, A smoke detector ie required on atl levels and,they are required to be wired to an alarm in the bedroom area(s). -- Sec. 310-9.1.4 11 AL,L AIIJ A smoke detector is required in the upper level ceiling at the stairs. -- Sec. 310.9.L'4 12 AL,L AT,L The garage must be eeparated from the dwelling by 1 hour-fire-resistive construction on the garage side' -- Table 3-B and 302.4, Exception 3" 13 AI,L AIIJ The door begween the garage and the dwelling is required to be a 1 3/8u thick solid core or 20 miriute self closing door. -- Sec. 302-4, Exception 3 14 ALL AI,IJ The stairway indicated does not provide the required minimum width of 35 inches. -- sec. 1003 .3'3'2 15 AIIJ ALIJ The maximum rise of sEeps is 8 inchee. -- sec. 1003.3.3.3, ExcePtion 1 16 AI_,L ALL The minimum run on each etep is 9 inches. -- sec. 1003.3.3.3 t 17 ALI-, AL,t' The minimum head clearance vertically from a line along the nosing is 5- - 8t'. -- Sec- 1003-3'3'4 18 ALL AL,L A continious handrail is required along one side of the stairwaY. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.6 19 ALt ALL The minimum height of Ehe handrails is 34" and the maximum heighE of the handrail is 38". -- Sec. 1003 .3 .3 .6 Page # 3 Code review for: Project Id.: HI'BBARD/SCHMTD PRTMARY SrDE Address: 2683 CORTINA ITAIIE 20 ALL AIJL The maximum opening in the handrail/guardrail is less than 4 incheE. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.5 & 509'3 21 AIJIJ AIJIJ A 36n high gUardrait with openings lees than 4 inches ii required where the drop-off le 30 rr or more. -- Sec. 509-2, Exception 1 & 509'3 22 ALT" AIJIJ The enclosed usable apace under the etaire ie required to be protected by t hour fire-resietive construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 23 AIIJ AI'L Show an accers (18 X 24 minimum) Eo the crawl sPace area. -- Sec- 2306-3 24 A1.L AIJIJ The crawl Epace area is required to be ventilated by either an afproved mechanical meane or by openings in the exterior wallg. -- Sec. 2306.7 JUL/ \8/2006/TUE 04: 40 PM FAXNo,s70468S P. 001 CERTIFICATE OF INSPEGTION NORTHWEST GOLORADO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ELEVATOR PROGRAM Thie is to certify that the - ELEVATOR- as indicated has been insp.G{sd on the dats ehown below and was found safe to carry -950- lbs. - A lD Number: {05546 - Zttl E Type: RESIDENTTAL WNDING DRUM - .l 7l O - ^rAll Locatiort: 2683 GORTINA LANE r -tt l- I Date d lnspectlon: 7t18t2OOG V tl f nspector; 4#4t J' ff'{,tUAs _.lV Date of lssue: 7t18t2h}s TF- Explrati on D at3; 7 I 31 I 2oo7 o ,'\1f;*r;"'e I *d,) ,_&S, #t%o- J\L/18/2006/TUE 04: 41 P}[ To! Fromr Dab: FAIlio.e70468S MHI!$ffiM|tr&lr#ffi Charlie Davis Touun of wil BttiHEng Off. Gene Morse, Ele\rabr Inspecbr 97045&0295 erd. 108 cr €l€vatoftturwGcoo.co.us 7l78l2AA5 Project Name: Gortida "A" Elwator Rgvien, Elevabr Test and Inspectio LocaUon: 2683 Cortna Lanevallco. .| Permit Number: NWCCOG 0G06'6 Berrator Type: Resldendal Wndlng Drum The plans have been rcvlewed and found b mnfunir to all appllcable Al,l5I 17.1 and IBC odes, The Efevator at the abo/e locafion was inspecftd artd bsted on Tl$l}O(E and a: n TEMPOMRY Ceftficae has been lssued. Ft FINAL Inspection Oertificate has beert lssued. tr NO certlficate is being lssued. tr fur constuction use only. Comments: Signatum P,002 tr q. FL Norfiu€st CotorEdo Coundl of Govcmm6cts a PQ Bo(2308 t SllvElthofii€ o CQ + 8Ot08 97o-458-02s5 + Fo(97c48&1208. tn ^ 'v.tt!tE cog.6.ug TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAJL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE ParcelNo...: 210314202Cf6 Project No : PRI04-0037 OUINER SCI{MID, STEFAN IL/LL/20O4 2447 CI{AMONIX IJN 13C VAIIJ co 81657 APPLIEANI T}ID COIJORADO I.JLC PO Box 8338 Avon, Colorado 81620 IJicense: 280-A CONTRACTOR TTID COLORADO IJIJC PO Box 8338 Avon, Colorado 8152 0 Lricense: 280-A NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ?rro*r""Nr 0F coMMUNrry oev#prr,rnNr Permit #: BO+-0348 tqoa-oo,y'o Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : llllllzffi4 Issued. . : 0lll7l200l5 Expires. .: 07ll6l2ffi5 tL/LL/2004 Phone: (97o)748-0962 Lt/LL/2004 Phone: (97o)74s-os62 $0.00 Recreation Fee------ > $850.10 Total Permit Fee------ > $9,438.X1 S0.00 Payments-------:-- > $9, 438 . 11 Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY/SECONDARY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 1 v-N 81.50 5,463 5445,234.50 Private Garages Zone 1 V-N 2L.3O 1,656 i35,272-8O Totals. . . 5,734 $898, 000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 3 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $898,0(n.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas [rgs: 0 # of Wmd Paller 0 *******:t*************:***:**,t****:r:*:*:t*+*i*+t++++*+t*tft +'fAitt+++++++ri+* FEE StiMMARy :t,i:f:i't+:lt+raa++++*:a+*:t+1.*,t *+:i*ttll+*+*++itttt{.{.*trir*it*iri*'a*'t *at't!t Building---> l5,L24.25 Restrrarant Plan Review- > Plan Check--> 93,330. ?6 DRB Fe€---------- > S0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-- > 59, 438 .11 So. oo Additional Fees------>$0. 00 Iovestigation- > Will Call---- >$3.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> TOTAL FEES------- > $e,438.11 BALANCE DUE----- >so. o0 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMBTT o1l13l2005 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIiINING DEPARTI{EMI t2/27/2oo4 bgibson Action: COND The door between the EHU and the main unit's laundry room shall be eliminated. IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT L2/L5/2oo4 mvaughan Action: AP see notices and conditions. Iten: 05500 PIJBITIC WORKS LI/23/2OO4 Ls Action: DN To provide : Revoeable ROW permit Public Way Permit fee and Traffie control Plan. PAGE 2 ,fi.i(*:t*'|t'|.'t't!N.'.****tt,!******************++:t:F!t.***!k*******!*'t******'t.*{.'t.i.l.*{.{3***'t.,t!t{.********:t*****:*****i(**'t.** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0348 as of 07-06-2005 Status: ISSUED *'F**{.*!**************************+:F:F:F*******************:**********'i:i:t*:t*:}'t,*,*!t******************:t******tt Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant: THD COLORADO LLC Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL l,ocation: 2683 CORTINA LANE Parcel No: 210314?n2M *'1.*********r*:f *********:trtrN.:N(**{.*{.*****:F:t;t**:******!t**!t********!t!trt*****t ***t **********{.*******:t***,*t *!f ,*,t,*!* CONDITIONS :t,1.'*'*'t't*'**************!F************{.***:F*+:F:**,*!t**!t*:******************:***:*rk***,f ***t!*r*******************'F Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SI.]RVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI.'EST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0006842 fire sprinkler and fire alarm system required. Cond: CON0006855 Prior to the issuance of a Temporary or Final Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall execute a Type II EHU deed restriction with the Town of Vail Department of Community Development to permanently resrict the use of the EHU for employee housing. height. Single stanped wall design tier waII desigrn drawing to be oLlt4/2OOs Is Item: 05550 ENGINEERING stamped Approved *.a"rQrg wall d.rawing from " ri".rtpe. for waII 4r - 6r in for license PE. has been submitted but need up to a triple provided. Action: COND Awaiting for Revocable Row pernit. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOIJRS IN ADV PM. Applied: lllll/z0[,4 Iszued: 0lll7/200l5 AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET o Stcos a APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ISION TO TOWN LDING PERMIT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR For Parcel # Contact Eaqle C 328-8640 isif *t**************+**+*********ROUTING INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N LY*************sr.****************** c PLANNING DEPARTMENT: TO: : '-"' : ':,1 DATE ROUTED. I ::.,i.;::..ri. ":i.,r i. r..: :: ... 'ived' :r:, i,.r|i :i;tr:-,].:, " 6E{r b " rr; Buildins Permit #: General Co Town of Vail Reg. l{o.:ct and Phone #'s: fa^t- QzO utt7 4 ATTENTIONI JR, CHARLIE, GREG, DoRIs OMPLETE REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT (Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ JT PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: g r Parcel # Gon ounfy Assessors Offtce at 970-32E-E64o or visit www.eaqle-countv.c Paqcel$ \I IL ,I ? n.\. ),.^ro JobName:hfrgGXr"*tA Wg JobAddress: 7Lfi3 Con\.'c Lr* Legal Description Lot: I BIoclfl riling:U|lL ?tcrhtr Subd ivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: REASON fs0{tD bxcr b.@ FOR REVISIONS: VpW- Secnorj OV Pattg- \Aur.tlyctrlrj 1' To A;cCAntaOmt g-zuJcrtllku 00 vfr g 6s{,1df?l- Ldao{ L€rArutrJ6 hJALL WavtP BUILDING DEPARTMENT: C:\windows\Desktop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Btdg permit.doc 10t16t2002 o o Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive. Suite 390 Vail. Colorado 81657 303 I 47 6-217 0 FAX 303/476-4383 April 12,2006 M*'a341 Town of Vall IIFFICE GIIPY TOWI\i OF VAIL BTJILDING DEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Hubbard/Schmid Duplex - East Half 2683 Cortina Lane Vail, Colorado Dear Sir: This is to confirm that I have reviewed the items that are keyed into the attached SX-l tluough SX-5 sheets for the east half of the above noted duplex. I hereby approve of these revisions as constructed. The item numbers below conespond to the circled key numbers on the SX sheets. l. This beam bears on a steel beam seat which is mounted to the foundation wall with 8 - %" diameter expansion bolts. 2. This beam is connected to the foundation wall in similar fashion, but with 5 - 3/q" diameter expansion bolts. 3. A 4 x4 x,/o" angle has been substituted for the channel ledger. It is connected to the foundation wall with 5/8" diameter x 4" expansion bolts @ 16" o.c. 4. This beam is connected to the foundation wall witJt 6 -%" diameter expansion bolts. 5. This beam is cormected to the foundation wall with 6" of 3/16" fillet weld and one %" diameter expansion bolt. 6. The W 12 x 19 steel beam not shown on SX-2 is connected to the 6 x 6 x318" embed ledger in the foundation wall with 12" of 3/16" fillet weld. '1 . The fiiple 9 y" LVL header has been replaced with a W 10 x 22 steel beam. It is connected to the foundation wall with 4 *'A" diameter expansion bolts. 8. A 6 x 6 x 3/8" flat bar was used to connect the W 10x 30 steel beamto the W 10x39 steel beam in lieu of the angles specified. 3/1 6" fillet weld was provided all around. 9. A continuous nple 1%x11 7/8 LVL header was installed in lieu of the triple 1% x 9 % LVL header specified. The quantity of trimmers is an acceptable altemative to the trirnrners and king studs sPecifred. 10. A continuous triple 1%x11 7/8 LVL header was installed in lieu of the riple 1%x9 Vz LYL header specified. The floor joists hang offof this header with face mount hangers. The quantity of trimmers exceeds the quantity originally specified. I I . Windows were installed in both $re north and south walls under the gluelam ridge beam. A triple I % x I I 7/8 LVL header with 2 - 2x6 trimmers and 1 - 2x6 king stud was installed over both of these ope ngs. 12. A triple | % x ll 7/8 LVL beam was installed in lieu of the triple 2 x l0 header originally specified over this opening. It now supports part of the ridge beam load due to the new window in the wall above. Triole 2x6 trimmers were installed under each end of this LVL beam' Page2 Hubbard/Schmid Duplex April 12,2006 As noted above, I have reviewed these modifications to the stnrchral design, and approve of these changes as constructed. Please give me a call ifyou have any questions or comments on these iterns' Timothy $lil**S .,'..i+. * nihfd tjl,ly,s C lOxl53 LEDOER fYPl6.Al-. l^flTH 2 ROI,E 76"Qx4" EXPANSION WL79 0 16" O.C. (91AOelERED) BOLT FIRgT JOIgT TO I/.IALL AITH 2 ROY16 76"ox5h:" EXPANgION WLT5 e 32" O,O. ONE ROt"l 2xlO THRIJ9T tsLOCKINO FIRST FOUR .bl9T *A,CE5 rs;ru*f rryf, fr;* i;;;;;1,$ bogl. .|gllr-rln€, Ina,14;!r,.''|dp!tA. .'|o|,'cadf, WW C'rt,' v.tl, ala & Qltb,1 g1ol116-2no 11tb-4..9,O lax I.'IUEBARD/9CIII1 I D DUTLEX LOT'I, B,LOCK. A, VAIL RIDGE 9IJtsDIVI9ION VAIL,CQLORAPo lV+xll1.b LVL LEDOER t^{lTH 2 R.o}'E 7b"Qx59'2" EXPANgION WLTS @ 32" O.C. 4Kl o 32" OG 9EA\^ ,? LEDOER TYPICAL. /A\p.Ol45 76,'Ox4,, | -t I rloN BoLTg o 16" O.C\)/ HUtsA ARD / *I.II1 I D DUPLEX LOT 1, ALOC,K A, VAIL RIDGE EJBDIVIgIOT.{ VAIL,COLORADO 4d) l-,1t,.'1',1. l{-..Y... "\9 Jsronhl# 6i:l -:.'* i9 MM lB)lWl EXPANgION @ 16' o.c. (5r &" Ml l;;;nic bcgl. '|Elr-ho l|E" l1t..r|'d'tul,I A.qo*ocAWte{rle vall. @la|.'.,a l'/b>1 g1Ol1W-?nO 4L-.4:}'t '-r tluo?AFp/*Hf1lD DUPLEX LOT 1, tsLo€K A, VAIL RID6E EUtsDIVI9ION VAIL, COLORADO -t'dS '2L4=1A (' ;9 sT'Jirl,H 2xl2 LEDOER w/ 2 ROY'{c: 46"Qx5' LAO5 @ 16" O.C. Ti I]TJtsBARD/9C}fi ID DUPLEX LOI 1,aLocK. A, vAlL RIDCE gutDlvlglotl V,AIL,COLORAPP ffiffi WIWI i $ e 3-2x12 3-2x12 2 x 12 5)BlFA9f;.lA r-., I -l-9.1 ' ltLl- L _bts-l- l- \- -lt -t- -l .lt, rutstsARD/9cf'f'',llD DUFLEX LOl1,F,LO.'K. A, VAIL RID6E gI.]EDIVIgION VAIL, COLORADO _t_ J -.q'l", DAtt'lmth al'EFt tx-D tCAltt bogb r€ln-hg, rE.l1t'-flda,tA. c'ofroado ',,tEf?.lt!', e'li. v.ll, @l4,adp Clbrl ?.1al1L-2na 41a-rl!tg f.x ; \T , Boyle Engineering, lnc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 I 4'1 6-217 0 F tX 303/ 47 64383 March 21.2006 orfillHUijpv 6ot, o\49 J. Mondragon TOW}I OF VAIL BTJILDING DEPT. 75 S, Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Hubbard/Schmid Duplex - West Half 2683 Cortina Lane Vail, Colorado Dear Sir: This is to confirm that I have reviewed the items of concem on your 3-20-06 Inspecfion Report for the framing of the above noted unit. My responses below conespond to your item numbers on the report. 1. The contractor bas now added the additional bearing requested. 2. The ridge beam over the Art Room bears over a 3'-6" wide opening. This opening was framed with a triple 1%x9%LWheader anddouble2x6trimmers. The aimmers are backed-up with single 2 x 6 king studs. This framing will be adequate to support the reaction from the ridge beam. 3. Five l6d nails have been added to the ledger supporting the infrll framing over the Kitchen at each stud. ll 7/8 BCI 450 joists have been used to frame this 5'-6" floor extension at 16" o.c. I coordinated this framing with the contractor prior to installatio4 and the existing beams can support the additional load. I approve of the framing in this area as constructed. 4. The single 2 x 6 trimmers supporting the header in the south wall of the Living Room are suffrcient. The contractor is adding 2 - 2 x 6 king studs beside each of these trimmers, which will achieve the design intention for lateral support of this wall. I have reviewed the double 2 x 6 Eimmers under the header at the door to the deck in the west wall of the Master Bedroonr, and determined that this c onfiguration will be acceptable. 5. I have reviewed the two connections of concem. The single 4 x 4 x Y, angle on one side of the cormection between the W 18 x 119 and the W 10 x 22 wlll be suffrcient to carry the design load. I have also evaluated the cormection between the WlO x 22 beams that were substituted for the MC l0 x 8.4 channels at the west end of the building on Sheet 53. The beam substituation is acceptable, and the installation of the %" plate connection which spans the 10" gap is approved as installed. 6. Finally, I have analyzed the existing south exterior wall framing which consists ofa continuous triple | %x 117/8 LVL header supported by atotzl of 2O -2x 6 studs over the length between the two TS 4 x 4 x % columns. I have determined that this wall framing will safely support the design loads at this location. Please give me a call if you or cormretrts on these items. t -:. ^g .J.lj :........:l..V $;ili'S I - FRso 9- oo sr 3oq -6 5q 8, S.8.,^^A 02126/06 To: Town of Vail Departmetrt of Community Dwelopmenrt 75 S. Front4geRd Vail, CO From: THD Colorado,Inc PO Box E338 AvorL CO 81620 Re: Plumbing permits #F05-ffi22 and P05-0021 26g3 Cortina Lane Units A and B, Vail BLD. E€rnrr + Bog_O3{ g This letter is to notify the Town of Vail that we would like to switch the plumber on record from Able Plumbing and Heating to Mike McFadden. Logan Hurley, the sole proprietor of Able Plumbing and Heating has apparently left Colorado, leaving no forwarding address or telephone number. Mike is a licensed plumber already registered with the Town of Vail, and will be taking responsibility for finishing up the project. Feel free to call Trent Hubbard (4184806) or myselfwith any questions. Pat THD Colorado,Inc (e70) 47r-r27s \. td adorado llo. TOWNOFVAIL o 611245 4428 568.50 568.50 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2t35 owNER SCIIMID, STEFAN 2447 CHAMONIX I_,N 13C VAII, co 81557 CONTRACTOR TNVISION COMMUNICATIONS P.O. Box 2 001 Edwards co 8L632 License: 630-S APPIJICAI\N SHATiIER I,IFE SAFETY DEBORJAH IJ. SIIANER P.E. PO BOX 1073 FRISCO/ co 80443 License: C000001971 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES permit #: 406_0016 BO ,{ _ OGr( g Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0lll8l2ffi6 Issued. . : Oll25l2ffi6 Expires. .: 0712412ffi6 0L/L8/2006 Phone:970-925-L896 oI/L8/2006 Phone: 970-409-9082 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE. 'A' SIDE ParcelNo...: 210314202ffi6 Project No : -pRjor( -ooSl o NT or/t8/2006 Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR A NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE Valuation: $2,500.00 ,t*++++:f *++:f ++*+'|'i:Fl.'l.'|.'|.*+{i:il++*+++*++.f a,t,ttjf :a:a:f :*:t*,}'*,t*,f ,t!***'**,*:*:t:i+:t:t:i:t FEE suMMARY Electrical ----- > DRB Fe€----- > Investigation--- > Will Call----i- > TOTAL FEES-- > Approvals: Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIeI oL/24/2006 ,tJR $0.00 $0. oo $0. o0 $0. 00 s325. ?5 $0.00 $32s.7s $0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fe€---- > Paymenis---------- > BALANCE DUE-.-.-- > Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, com?leted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances llrrd state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY *'l'*'i'|1.*l**'t'**'if,trt**'*'i'*'*'t*'t'***r'*!t***rtr**'tr*'it'***,t**,t t,|(******,t***,i*,t,*t***,**,|************f t+f **** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment f,****l :ll******l'+**********r****t***************+*tt****+***+{r*+*}+++*t+++++++*++a+++++******* gtatement litutnber: RO60OOOoG9 Anount: g325.25 Ot/25/200602:03 pM Pa)menL Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Invisl-on 1288 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: ThJ-e Payment: Bp 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 406 - 0 015 q4)e 3 llJ,ARM PERMIT 2ro3 -742- 0200 - 6 2583 CORTII{IA LN VAIIJ 2683 CORTINA I,ANE, 'AI s325.75 Description FIRE AI,JARM PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES STDE Total Fees: Total AIIJ Pmts : Balance: $32s.7s 9325.7s $o. oo ********'i*'lr*'t{"t{.*****++++++++*tfftl++++*+tt*+++**dr*********************************f,****{r*+* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Accor$t Code Current Pmts 93.7s 232 . O0 AppucAnotG iloT BE ACCEPTm |F NCOilPI-EIE {,6t Bufidlng Permlt# Alarm Permlt #: Frontaoe Rd. -iiili"iliin *u-otit$!arrd must lndude inrormffion nsuc B1Gs7- z- page o?'ttil-t"til' eppii"ation iiil not be accepted witlrout this inrorma'iion - i^A.-^^fl At6 ITU' (Prunact GoMPLETEvALuAT|oNsFoRALARII|FERi|lT(Labor&t{ataria|s) for Parcel# - .r lt JobAddr€ss: 2t tt Corhru.l+n., Srdl il Job Name: !\,.-,bor*a *tr., tirda A SuOaivision: \or\ Ri d Address:?D Orr \sf r WoftClass: tlevtl/ Addititn( ) Remodd( ) Rep@ t JAN tofrm0 lls{$ ""-916l \Wai|UaIa\GdoV\FORMS\PERMITSTARMPERM.DOC , / 72 ft?L'+"- TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN?VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE. 'B'SIDE 2103r4202ffi6 SRsoq -oos7 $0.00 $0. 00 so. 00 $0. 00 $32s. ?s Status . . . Applied . . Issued. Expires . oL/ L8 / 2006 0l/18/2006 Phone: 970-925-L896 OL/L8/2006 Phone: 970-409-9082 A06-0017 3o ,-( -o 5'{ k : ISSUED : 0111812006 : Ol/2512N6 .: 0712412ffi6 Permit #; Job Address: l,ocation. ... . : Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER SCHMID, STEFAN 2447 CHAMONIX I,N 13C VAIL co 8L6s7 CONTRACTOR INVISION COMMT'NICATIONS P.O. Box 2001 Edwards co 81632 I-,icense: 53 0-S APPIJICANT SIIAIVER IJIFE SAFETY DEBORjNI IJ. SHANER P.E. PO BOX 1073 FRISCO co 80443 License: C000001971 Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR A NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE Valuation: $2.500.00 ***{.**+*t+{,!**tl.**********,**'**'*'ttt't**1.*{.**{.****++**'t :t***:}*****+*f*++* FEE suMMARy Electrical----- > DRB Fee--------- > Investigation-- > Will Call------- > TOTAL FEES-- > Total Calculated Fees- > AdditioDal Fees----- > Toal Permit Fee----- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DUE----..-. > $325. ?5 $0. oo $32s.7s $325. ?s $0.00 Approvals: IICN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 0L/24/2OO5 JdR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Action: AP DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances,and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. 479-2135 FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *****{'*'t*++t*tf+t+ft+*+***********'t*'}****+******lNi*+*******'t**l'*t'*+****f**+**********+*+***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 'i*{t*'1"}**+****r'*'}*'t****+*+*+:}*+++:}++***f*tt+f+t+**'t*'}{.*****************'}*+****'t*****+******** Statement Nuiber: RO60OOOO?0 Amount ! $325.75 Ot/25/A00602:04 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Invision 128I Perml-t lilo : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment : BP 00100003lIL100 PF 00100003112300 A05-0017 T]PE: AI,ARM PERMIT 2LO3-L42-0200-6 2583 CORTINA Ifi VAII 2683 CORTINA L,A![E, rgr $325.75 SIDE Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balarce: $325.7s 932s.75 $o. oo *'tt'|t{'****'l'**t***'}*********************+**{'**l"l'*t'tftt{'+t**+***+**************'}****++++t'**i+i ACCOTJNT IIEM LIST: Accouflt Code DeEcrlption Current Pmts FIRE AIJARM PERMIT FEES PIJAIiI CHECK FEES A? ?R 232 .00 *r,,"*t*ilor BEA.'EPTE rF ,_Ml Frontage Rd.816s7 2- page information. Bulldlng Pemit#: Atarm Pormlt*: rmercial & Resldential FirE Alarm shop drawlngs are raquircd at time of 75 S. oplication submlttal and must include information lieted on the Vail, Colorado thig form. Application witl not be accapted without this D"k;*,p.p"!7 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARlll PERitlT (Labor & Materials) FireAlarm: $ 2sOO Fire Alarm Contractor: llnrir:r*.w Tdvn of Vail Reg. No.:v4->Cpntacl and Phone #s: ...1d-t So"t" cl-10 9il, tefll E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: , \\\hA, Office at far Parcel# Parcel# J\r.O?r\ ZeCoA" 1' ""1S-rbb"rA\SilrrprA .Sr fu b JobAddress:2U$a(orlt^n h*, S,[. R Lesat Description ll Lor 7 il Bbck F I rling, I subdMsion:\)a,\ t\,1," ownersNamesuft,* Srhr\d Detailed Location ot wor ,\.sR Ub--.- Detailed Oe"cription o t.. nrr^, Fvt *\nrl^ =nr.rlr^-- -- workclass: New(/ Addifion( ) Rofirdd( ) Repair( ) Refio-ft( ) OS,er( ) Type of Btdg.: Sin No. of Exisring Dweling UnG]6thlsbu|l<tlngq No. of Accommodatlon unlts in thls buildinge . Does a Fire Alarm Exist: V* f D' PAPT',\ttifl #f TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-4.79-2t38 Qrr*rrENT oF coMMUNrry oroor"r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Elecrical-*---> 9136.85 DRB Fee--------- > Investigation- ) will cdl----- > TOTAL FEES--> $13 9.8 s Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTIT{ENr !o/to/2oos ehahn IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'{EIIT s0. o0 $0-00 s3.00 Pay[Ents--------- > BALANCE DIiE---.-. > FEE SUMMARY :l'r:*:t)t:t*:i:**:r*)**:r:.!r:a:r:*:*:r:r:l:r:.:*r:*.:l:*:**:r:*:r:***:r:r*:******L*'.:r,***L** Total Calculatfd Fces-> S139.8s Additionel Fees----->s0.1s Toa! Pcrmit Fe€---- > $14o.oo Permit #: E05-0236 3o,t - o s.t, $140.00 s0. 00 Action: AP Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Iocation.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE-B SIDE Applied . . : tDlL}t2Cfls Parcel No...: 21O314202W6 Issued . . : lD/26/200s Project No : -pR \O(( -c, 3l Expires . .: 04121/2M orfNER SCIIMID, STEFAII LO|LO/2OO' 2447 CmUONTX IJN L3C VAIIJ co 8165? APPIJICAI.,IT A-PHASE ELECTRTC, IJIJC ]-O/LO/2OO5 phone: 9?0-845-0188 PO BOX 1564 AVON co 81520 License:313-E CoNIRACTOR A-PHASE EI.,ECTRrC, tLC l_O/rO/2O05 phone: 970-845-0188 PO BOX L564 AVON co 81520 License: 313-E. Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY/SECONDARY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: 3100 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLJR OmCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ?*q---/ (- trrs)zJ6 o APPUCATTON UIILL I{OT rA)-o mmrw 75 S. Fmntece Rd. Va!|, ColoraEo 81657 BE ACCEPTED-IF INCOMPLETE OR Bullding Permit #: Electrical permft #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2t49 (rnspecdone) CONTRACTOR IN FORIIATXON COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR IIEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR AtL OTHERSI (tabor & Marefiats) /.'' MOUNTOFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE: ?T.OO ELECIRICAL VALUATIONI $ atgm828-8640 uisit Parel # Job Name: @nft g furtV w descriptionorwork; NJa,v otqurvtcttt- | twftr,- Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interlor( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU odst at thls location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typ€ of Bldg,: Single-hmily ( ) Duplo<Multi-family (. ) Commercial ( ) Reshurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this No. of Accommodation UniB in this buildingr a hot tub: Yes ( ) No WrilUah\cdcv\FORMSIPERMITS\ELECPERTd, DOc 07n6f;002 :1.I '+, ':q t t,, ,,,;- .. ( ,u " :r'"1 ; r .;'' t, 'r't ,- ,,f . .., ******'lt't****l+*******:i*'l'*+ff+'l**t****++*t++{.{.'***r****+**++++***+****+*'t***+***'*++*********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **li+****,i*:********+**r.*********+f+*++*********++f+f****+*****++t+*+*********+*++*t***i.*r*** Statement Number: R050001680 Amount: Palmerrt Method: Check ELECTRIC $l-40. 00 n / L0 / 2oo5:-r:45 AM hit: iIS Notation: 1897/A-PHASE $140.00 ********+***************lf*****************+*,1'l{.*****+**++*+*+*+******+++++f+t****f***f***** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese : Location: This Payment: DR 0 010 0 0 03 712200 EP 00100003111100 v{c 00100003112800 E05-0235 11[)es ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT 2LO3 -142- 0200 -6 2583 CORTIIIA LN VAIIJ 2583 CORTINA I,ANE Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balanee : DESIGN REVIEW FEES EIJECTRICAI.' PERMIT FEES WII,IJ CAI.'L INSPECTION FEE $140.00 $140.00 $0.00 .15 1-36.85 3.00 Qn*r"rNr oF coMMUNrry orutrrr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE-A SIDE 2t03t4202W6 QRiort-o63 7 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970"479-2138 Job Address: Location.. , ,.: Parcel No...: Project No : Elecrical---- > DRB Fec------- > Investigation-- > Win CaI------ > TOTAL FEES-- > Permit #: Status . . . Applied. . Issued. Expires . E05-0238 jo rt -Oi(8 : ISSUED : 10/10/2005 : l0l26l2ffiS .r O4l24l2N6 OWNER SCHMID, STEFAN 2447 CHAMONIX LN 13C VAIIJ L0/70/zoos co 81657 APPIJICAI{IT A-PHASE ELECTRIC, PO BOX 1554 AVON co 8L620 License: 313-E COICTRACTOR A-PIASE EIJECTRIC, PO BOX 1564 AVON co 81_520 License: 313 -E Lo/Lo/2005 Phone:970- 845- 0188 LLC 1O/tO/2005 Phone: 970-845-0188 Desciption: NEWELECTRICALINSTALL Valuation: $0.00 Square feet:3100 5136.85 $0.00 $0.00 s3.00 $139. 85 $13 9 - 8s 9X40. O0 $140. O0 90. 00 Tohl Ca.lculated Fe€s- > Aclditional Fees------> Total Permit Fee---- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DUE.------- > Approvals: Iten: 05000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARII,IENI to/L0/20os shabn IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordirunces ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TIVENTY-FOI,R HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:m AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR'CONTRACTOR FOR o APruGITIOil WTLL TOT BE ACCEPTED IF INOOMPI^ETE OR PruJcct #:&39 Bulldlng ElecEkal Fennft#: 97H79-2L49 TWNWUTIL 75 S. tr'rootrge Rd. Vafl, Color.do Et65Z CO|YTRACTOR, IIIFORIIATIOTI cottlPLEIE SQ. FEET FOR llEtt BUITDS and VATUATIOITS FOR Au- oTHERS (labor & trtaGerlats) MOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCIURE:E1ECTRICAL VIIIATION: $ Oltu at97G32E-Effi s brParel #Parrrr# 7l0214r0Le6b Jobrame: h|r(l{h JobAddress:29@ tcgal percrEton I LoE -7 luoOc A I nrir,g,Subdlvlsionl OtifEfsrj'irrcz ld6 Englneer:Addrcss:Phone: lV,vrt ciw wf,pw t/Wo*Oass: Newk/) ArUiUon( ) Remodd( ) lqglr( ) Temph!\'er( ) Odrer( ) WorkTlpe tntertorl ) Ertertor( I SoUrT I Does an EFIU €ldst at ftb locaton: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBug.; SingleEmily( ) D,rpte,X) IqultFfdrilly( ) conrnercial( ) Restaunnt( I orreri I tlo. dExbtry Durelling UniE in tiis buiHtng:ilo. dA@mrnodatkn Units In tlrb bulHlng: Is this peryrit for a hot hrb: Yes ( ) No ( ) DoesaFlreAhrmExls,E Yes( ) No( ) lDoesaFlresprinkJersFbmEilst; Yes( ) No( ) Cqrbct .t*r.a*.rr***rlr***.*r*l********fir**.r.FoR oFFlIcE usE oIlLY.rr.lrtrrr*ri*a*rtrr*.rr.lt.r*.*r*.*** tqD \.r 'i *:: .rt . :'.. T:e -,.t ,rf "'-'.(t l", .i + "4 ,,''t',* ... n **********{"*'**********+'}*'}****i*******************'i***********************'*****+*'t(F******{r+,r TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ++***t***fl++t'f*+*******+**+*++***t*****t***+**+++*f*+++f++***t****++t+f,t***+*+**+*****ttf*t Statement Number: R050001681 Attlor]nt: Pa)ment Method: Check ELECTRIC $140. O0 LO/LO/2OOs!t:49 AM Init: ifs Notation: 189?/A-PHASE Permi.t No: Parcel No: SLte Address: Location: ThiE Palment: EP 00100 00311110 0 wc 00100003112800 805 - 023I $4re: ELECTRICAI PERMTT 2LO3 -142 - 0200 - 6 2583 CORTINA InI VAIL 2583 CORTII{IA I,ANE -A SIDE $140.00 **t:1.'lt+***+*tt***t********+*****it********+******************'*****+*******,i't****'l**:t *'t**,***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current, Pmts Total FeeE: TOTAI AIIJ PMIS 3 Balance : $r.40.00 $140.00 $0.00 EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WILI, SAI,IJ INSPECTION FEE 137.00 3 .00 TowN oF vArL FTREDEPART"J VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENO 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2135 Job Address: Location. .... : i Parcel No...: hoject No : Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Invesdgation- > Wiu Call--- > SPRINKLER PERMIT 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE. 'A'UNIT 210314202006 -;rtr-rA\ - OO-{l X\\J U NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status...: Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires . ,: F06-0002 Boq - 0 31(8 ISSUED 0t/06t20M 02/ro/zw OWNER SCHMID, STEFA}I 2447 CHAMONIX I,N 13C VATL oL/06/2006 co 815s7 APPITICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTIOL/06/2005 phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOII:rH TUCSON WAY ENGI-,EWOOD co 80LL2 Lricense:338-S CoNIRACTOR WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTIOI,/06/2006 phone: 303-792-0022 7025 SOtIrH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD co 801L2 L,icense: 338-S Desciption: INSTALLING COMPLETE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN A NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE. IJNIT'A' Valuation: $17,265.00 I FEE SUMMARY $0.00 Resnrarant Plan Review--> 53s0,00 DRBFe€--------------------> $0 . oo TOTAL FEES-----> $0.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > So . oo Additional Fees------ > sl, 083 . ?6 Total Permit Fe€----------> Palments---------- > BALANCE DUE....-...-> s1, os3 . 76 $0.00 $1, 083 . ?5 s1, 083 . ?6 $0. 00 Item: 05L00 BUII-,DING DEPARII{ENT Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 02/08/2006 mvaughan Action: AP . CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accwate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinance$ and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS rOR INSPEqTION SEALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOURS rN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213s FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. i SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR *****'l+*'t't**t***t++++***{'******ttf*t****++i+++*a*'}***********f**+l+******+l'*t'****++*a+++**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemeot 'l'{"}*{.{.*1.**'}*f l++t**+*++*'t"}'N.* **'}*'}****+tf **{r*i!***rs***{t****+++*************** {, **+t+***f * ****:} Statement Number: R060000118 Amount: Palment Method: Check ck 05335 $1,0s3 .76 o2/to/2oo6o1:10 pM InLt: LT Notation: Weatern States / Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee : IJocatLon: Thls Payment: BP 0010q003111100 PF 0 010 0'0031123 0 0 F05 - 00 02 2103-142-O200-6 2583 CORTINA IJN VAII' 2583 CORTTNA r.rANE, 'Al $1, 083 .75 Ty-pe ! SPRTNKLER PERMIT UNIT Total Fees: Total ALL [tnts: Balance: $1, 083 .75 $1,083 .75 $0.00 'l*'lr****+{r*++tl*{"t*{.*'*'t *'t *******+**t't'**'}'t***f*****ff+++*+*******'i*{.**ft*+i,******+****+++,t**** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts SPRINKIJER PERMIT FEES PITAII CHECK FEES 733.76 350.00 ?2 Ol 11:51s Va i ire DGpe Vail CO Fire sprint(ler shoP drawings are required at permit submittal and s"o"s a1?6 p. i Rug mrY0Fuau 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 must includc the fiollowing, Permit application will not be acceptgd I without this information: r I . A colorado Registered Engineefs *amp or N.I.C.E.T. Level !f (min) - iT,lill;"nt cut sheets or materials . -4 n . niaiaullc catculatlons. lt\f - . A State of Colorado Plan Registratlon form'l I ' . Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fiitfrotection Contractor. CDnECt Assessors Offrce et 97O:3]g- 8610 -Q!!!s!for Parcel # rmit # is Provided above) )obName:ililre rob eddressrl;f ? t **??!^t Legal DescriPtion 1 Block;A Filing:subdivision: lni I 2;oaa Lot:-6wnersr"^.,@ w Dh^na -'-.1: ,)w^wlfnftx,o*"rt"qltp )x2-1a2 o zoa/ o r t 4- F{er6t^- ;Thc.Ei:-5 {5oR, \ htoEu-.Sp tjuiB A - Work Class: ruew (d Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) zt Repair( ) Retro-fit ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) | wo-ramlry ( vJ )Commercial () Restaurant ( ) Other ()Multi-family ( ffithisbuilding: p/*,-No, of Accommodatron Units in this building: 4* Does a Fire Sprinkler system Exist: Yes ( ) No (|<)(rl COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMrT (Labor & Materials) r,********in+********r,FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****-r*r.rr****Jr/r******rr**r'*+*****r'/'*'l** d*'-."t. Contact and Phone #'s: P -%3; g -72a.Ztj -"*^{i^'Fy}"'r Contractor: 3+*tesl'rzi/a .{f t Ll1 L JAN TOV- CEIVED -coM.DEV.F;/everyone/forms/sPrkPcrnt I I I'L^,., 22 Ol 11:51a vaiJire Delt ,''u;tJ co , 3U"3 21"8 p.1 Rug 75 5. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81557 Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted without this information: . A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stamp. . Equipment cut sheets of materials. . Hydrauliccalculations. . A State of Colorado Plan Registration form. . Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMrT (Labor & Materials) I Fire Sprinkler: $-- f Contact Easle CountY Ass for Parcel # @9. Permit# isprovided above) )obName:ifuA lob Address:, 2t"6-Z Coa*r'l.stt'LCSg: VAi I Co tt{."S" subdivision: ln; | 2;rnd Legal DescriPtion Lot: 'l Block: A Filing: Engineer:Address:Phone: .-;) ,,t aby 3 4 ot''''')'')I))'"Vi:i"6'fu " t %nu ttG ;t t a a'+' o-tou-a Detailed descripuon of worK: 1,o SrAH4Nc| D-rpt6*.1tr,., d,,.ril-S A q-g eornVld# 6tr2;tEtea- 6ft7'eovF*.d- A t+c.e-{ Remodel ( )Repair( ) Retro-fit ( ) / vvork Class: New (v1 Addition ( ) @)Two-fami|y(dMuIh+ami|y()Commercia|()Restaurant()other() @ihitbuildins, p/*No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 4* Does a Fire Alts rm Exlst: Yes ( ) l\o ( Kl Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exisr: Yes ( ) ttto (K) l,+tu4 - a)_3a3_-t -)Z_@ g -72p-tti- i****r,n*****+**rr*rrrr*i****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r.***/.******,1*+***-r***+****;:t:tr"i-r*** Other Fees:Date Received: ,a''ii rr rFFl FuElicWrv Perqrlllee1 Accepted By: +^J',!1q-Lt1 L T( EUEIVtrIJ IANO6 )v-coM.DEV. "*^{r'[:n].''Fire 5orinkler Contractor:');;.;3{*t";i,Ez Contractor Signature: F:/everyone/forms/srlrkPetnr TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEIP 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL" CO 81657 970-479-213s OWNER SCHMID, STEFAII 2447 CIIAMONIX IJN 13C VAII-, oL/ L9 / 2006 co 81657 APPIJICAI{flT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTIOL/L9/2006 PhONC: 303-792-OO22 7026 SOUrH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co 80112 License: 338-S colflrRAcToR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTE3TTOI_/L9/2006 phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOIIrII TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD co 80112 Licensb:338-S Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A COMPLETE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN A PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE. UNIT'B' Valuation: $17.265.00 FEE SUMMARY M€chanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > $0. oo Toral Calculated Fe€s--> so. oo Additional Fees------> S1, 083 . 75 Tofal Permit Fee-----> Payments---------- > BAI.ANCE DUE.-....--.> $1, 083 , ?5 ($3s0.04) 1133.72 s133 .',12 $0. 0o IICM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMEMT ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 02/08/2006 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (ELOE.): FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To cHEeK FoR CODE CoMPIJIA}ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thap I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all thd information as required is correct. I agree to comply wittr the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-T'OUR HOURS IN ADVA}{CE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. VAIL FIRE DEPAR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o TMENT SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE, 'B' UNIT ParcelNo...: 210314202W6 Project No , FR SO tl - C5S? S0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 5350. 00 DRB Fe€-----------> so. oo ToTAL FEES---> so. 00 Permit #: Status...: Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires . .: F06-0006 3O ((- O3tt tr ISSUED 0ut9tzm6 02n0t2N6 SIGNATURE OF O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET o \I {.*'}'}*1.*+l+1"}'}'}t}****tt+f+++tf*+*tft+*++*+la++t*****+*a't++********:t'***t **'}r*******l't'}'}***+++*t+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *i'l****{r'tf***+fll++*f+*+++at+**{r*******************f,*******.}********++++**ltt**++************ Statement Nudber: R050000119 tunount: 9733.72 02/LO/200601:14 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Western Statee Permit No: F06-0006 T14re: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parce1 No: 2LO3-L42-OZOO-6 Site Addreee: 2583 CORTINA IniI VAIIJ Location: 2583 CORTINA LANE, 'B' ITNIT Total Feea: #733.72 This Palment: #733.72 Total ALIJ pmts: ;733.72 Balance. $0.00 ff*tl***'t*+f**'|**'t**tl*+++*******ti't**t:i*{.***********t'***t**+*+a*++++*****'}it'}*********t******l ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts lrl{lJlrED+Etgllt rllfrttFltllF 733.72 Aug 22 ol 11:51a IPFITOF Bullding Pernrit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 970-479-2135 *-s3 ) III (min) 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 vairlrc ,0.f".,,..I:t"l "o , 5?o |9 e1?6 tNcoilFLErE oR Ul I ProJect #: - ?F,llf;"ntcut sheets or materirls' V - iffi-s-i:8iffiilfi9f *ilI:ri'.protectioncontractor. p.1 )oh Name: /trlrU iffifuocatiol of work: (i.e." 'h^3 Co,eri,,ul ifed descripgon of worK; 1L, tf4t ia*.-- dui{e t41G Work Class: New (Additlon ( ) Remodel ( )Repalr( ) Retro-flt( ) Other( ) Typ. "f tsldr" g^gl.-family ( ) Two'familv (Mrlti- T C"t.*cial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No, of Accommodation Units in this bulldingi No of Existtng Dwelling Unrts in this building: il/4 Does a m-aFrinkler System Exist: Yes ( )6F; a Frre Alatrn E-'stl ves ( ) No conEct Offrce at 9701328-8640 ar visit wlvw'?aate4ountv'con for Parcel # coMPLETEvALuATIoNSFoRALARMPERMIT(Labor&Materia|s) Y*** * *,t ** * tt t *** ** * L .f 1t tt * * tr * t #+ Jt:t * lr ** * il * CEIVED JAN(]6 iu'ltl Wone/6orms/snrt rJernl Soq LI1 L Tov-cotd.oEv' vai f i"" D.f "..,,u"tl "o , szfs atze INCOMPLETE OR *-mr )Projeet #: Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 970.479-2135 p.1 Flu6 22 Ol l1:51a MWNOFVATT 75 S. Frontage Rd' Vail, Colorado 81657 iffiaire required at.time of Permi;' ;-r#;;;i;et ttrJrottowin!- Permit application will not be * :nol::ll',:ltJHil:?l'1e d Ens i n eers sta m p o r N' r' + I,Fvli "' ('' n ) , ??,lif;"ntcut sheeF-of mateirs' V 'rets of materrls. V #@fu'ilI:lt* protection contractor. Canact Assessors O L7' z-cz{ ' ll-L--J- JAN :oioJo.urtg4?t )obt'tame: /4lrU t6rc.Err tJui{a Additlon( ) Remodel ( )Repair( ) Retro-fit ( ) other( ) ffil6sefurniryt ) Two'familY(M;ti-f".tly ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Oth*( ) No. of Accommodatron Units rn this buildingl 4*ffiE ittins-Dwelling unrts in this building: N/4 Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ( ) No(lQ ffi()No( COMPLETE VALUATIONS FoR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) and Phone #'5: 4. -7p.2r9 9*{asl',ze CE[VED 4lq"-Ll-t L -coM.DEV.Fileveryone/f orm:/snrkDarnl TOV-c Siror,.. 3 ,, ,4"9 ii -a cjE t* ; st'{ !t i .a .i t^..n t i , .'. +\,.ll,r rt " ': .i;. ; ' ,; .i. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Q"n*r""Nr oF coMMrrNrry orutrr"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0040 Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE, UMT B Applied . . : 03117/2W5 Parcel No...: 2103L42020[6 Issued . . : 03ll8l?-N5 Project No : Expires . .: 09ll4l2C[1 olitNER SCHMID, STEFAN 03/L7/20Os phone: 2447 CHAMONIX IrN 13C VAIL co aL657 Iricense: CoNTRACTOR TIID COI_,ORADO rNC. DBA TIID COO3/L7/2005 phone: (970) 418-4806 PO Box 8338 Avon co 81520 Iricense z 297 -Yl APPTTTCANT TlrD COT.,ORADO rNC, DBA THD COO3/t7/2005 phone: (970) 418-4805 PO Box 8338 Avon co 81520 L,icenge: 297-yl Desciption: RADIANT HEAT, BATHROOM VENTILATION, DRYER VENTILATION, KITCHEN HOOD EXHAUST. SNOWMELT Valuation: $22.000.00 Fireplace ltrformation: ResEicled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 **,*,***********'r*'r*******rrr'***'*'*,.*r*,t'*!a{.,***'**+*,*:r*r.r.*{.*,t'*'},*'*,t'*:*:t**:}**** FEE suMMARY *,t**+a++,4++ttitt,i'it*t+r**:*d.***:****'*****ir*******'t;i*,t**:l******* Mechanical-- > S440.00 ResEarant Plan Review- >s0.00 Total calculated Fees-- > s553 . 00 Plar Check--> Sr10.00 DRB Fee-----------> 50.00 Additional Fees------> S0.00 Investigation- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES--.-*---+ 9553.00 Total Permit Fee----- > 9553.00 Will Call----- >$3.00 $5s3.00 $0.00 BALANCE DUE-------- > Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI o3/L7/2o0s Js Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTTONAIR IS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OP THE 1997 I,MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO II{ADII]FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}lD TO CHAPTER 10 oF TI{E 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLTANCES SIIALIJ BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 A}ID SI{A!1, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TITE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 29 (Br-,DG.): AccEss ro HEATTNe tr""** MUsr coMpLy wrrH a*nQ* 3 AND sEc.10l-7 oF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG'): BOILERS SI{ALI-, BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNIJESS I'ISTED FOR MOI'MIING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PL,AIIS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AIT INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAfNAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOIIJERS SHALIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TI{E 1997 IJMC, OR sEcTroN 1_004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,JRS IN ADVANCE PM. T 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 'i**t**tttt********'|l*'lt*rlr*'t*****tl++tt****:t*f{',tr+*****'rt+*'t**++++++++'}'}*{.**********'i**{'+*++*f +f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ,l**********+*******+t!***f*****+*+tttllt+f*****'i**'l**f*'r*******ftttf+++***!***'***'l***+*:t ****** Statement Number: R050000253 Palment Method: Check 4427 Anount: $553.00 03/Lg/2ooso1:45 pM hits DDG NoEation: THD Colorado Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrea6 : Location: Thls Palment : MP 0 010 00 03111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 M05-0040 Tl4)e! MEeEANICAT PERI4IT 210314202005 2583 CORTINA LN VATI, 2683 CORTINA LANE, T'NIT S Total Fees: $ss3 .00 Total ALL Prnts: Balance: I\4ECHANI CA]J PERMIT FEES PIJA}I CIIECK FEES WILL CA].,L INSPECTION FEE $ss3.00 $ss3.00 $o. oo +*+************l***'!***+*+++*+++f*+++l'*********************++ffft*ff************+*t********* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Accorlrt, Code Description Currents Pmte 440.00 110.00 3.00 75 S. Frcntage Vail, Colorado Permlt will nd be accepted wlthout the tullowlng: CONTR.A.CTOR INFORMATTON PERilTT **ffi*tr*trr*t*r|r*r|r|lFoR oFFlcE usE oNLW ,r3' Rd. 8t657 tf REGh:;V Hll MAR i 7 2005 otrn of Vail Reg. No.: Zq-i rq Gontacl and Phone #'s:L .TREPT HaBM&B Eilail Addr€s: MECFIANICAL: $ ZZ, ooe lssessorc Office at of tor Parel# Parcel# Zp1 i\zn Zob Job Name: Sc-itcnrb /Hu444Pb (,oQa1...t fi LAr-E Ex-pLAx JobAddress:t"'a coeltpA LA^t oplT E LegafDescription ILot: J f,enckfl lrllng:SubdMsion: VAIL P\D66 ownersi.r,ame: iE5+13fi1f,{b lA(Jd*,po.Ut gS3g frVoJ,co I Phone: 1-D LilS-ttgd- Engin€er:Address:Phone: Detail€d description of vuork:f ,4brE^r f fl E*r, I c1t1B6an. krrcte/ 1@h, EIQrA)sr, V€PllLAatoP) 9rJCj4r€L;r Der€B V€rrTl LAllott WorkClass: ttewfl) Addition( ) Atenation( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interiorfr) Exterior( ) Aher( ) [ t]oesanEHUexistatthislocation: Yes(X) No( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex fi) Mr.ilti-farnily ( ) Commtrciel ( ) R€staurant ( ) Olh6r( ) No. of Existing Dwdling Units in his building:No. of Accommodalion Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existim: C'as Apdbne ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pe[et ( ) W6d Buminq ( NdTypedFircflacesPopo€ed: GasApdianes( ) GasLogs(Z) Wood/Pend( ) WoodBuming(NOTALLOWED) ls thb e con\r€rsion friom a ruood buming fireflace b an EPA Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No ( \WsiI\dIbb&\AFORI,!SPERMITSIMFCHPERI{.DOC srn4n62 o F -". TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Q"ro*r"r*r oF coMMUNrr" orutr"r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MOs-OO4I Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Stanrs . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE, UNIT A Applied . . : 03A7t2005 Parcel No...: 210314202W Issued. . : 03/l8l2C/l6 Project No : Expires . .: @/l4l2C/ll1 OWNER SCHMID, STEFAIiI 03/T7/2005 PhONC: 2447 CHAMONIX ttl.I 13C VAIL co 81657 License: coMrRjAcToR TIID COLORADO rNC. DBA TIID CO03/t7/2OO5 phone: (970) 418-4806 PO Box 8338 Avon co 81520 License : 297 -ti APPI-,rCANr TIID COI-,ORADO rNC. DBA TIID COO3/L7/2005 phone: (920) 418-4806 PO Box 8338 Avon co 81620 I-,icense:297-U Desciption: RADIANT HEAT, BATHROOM VENTILATION, DRYER VENTILATION, KITCHEN HOOD EXHAUST. SNOWMELT Valuation: $20.000.00 Fireplace Information: Resricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Peller 0 FEE SUMMARY ++,1*+t+'li.t,l,t'|.'1.,1.*****{.***{r{.,1r1.:h******i!*+*{i++****:r'i****+i.****** Mechanical-- > S40o . 0o Restuarant Plan Review-- > Plan Check-- > S100 . 00 DRB Fee-----------> S0 . 00 Additional Fees------> S0. oo Investigation- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----+ 9503.00 Total Permit Fee------ > 9503.00 $0.00 Toal Calculated Fees--> $s03 - 00 Will Call----- >93.00 $s 03 - 00 $0 .00 BALANCE DUE---------> 03/t7/2O0s Js Item: 05500 FIRE DEPART!{ENI Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMETVT Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond z 22 (BLDG. ) : COIiIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F Tr{E 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BL,DG.): INSTAL,,LI{TION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 I,MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SIIAIJIJ BE VEUTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIID SHATL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (Br.,DG.): ACCESS To HEAT=NGtr""** Musr co'prJy wrrH "*lr* 3 Al,rD sEc.1o17 oF THE 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BLDG. ) : BOIL,ERS SIIAIIT BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CoNST. UNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIIOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMfT,PIJAIIS AllD CODE AIIAI-,YSfS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO ATiI TNSPECTION REQIJEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRjAINAGE OF MECIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIITERS SIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to tlle towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. 479-2149OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *{'************'}'t***titt*******,t *,t**'t'**'t!t*******+tf ++***,}+,*******{.r,,t!*******+++*++t***t,t **,N.*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +**'i**'*+*tf*+*****'i'i****++*++***a*t*tt****:i**'t{'if***at*+**********l'*ti*****++*'}a***t*f*+**** statenent Nudber: R050000252 Amount: Palment Method: Check 4427 $s03.00 03/]-8/2oo5o1 :44 PM fnit: DDG Notation: TIID Colorado Permit No: Parcel lilo: Site Addre€E: LocaEion: This Payment : MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 M05 - 0 041 Tlrtr)e 3 Ii{ECmNf CAIJ PERMIT 2LO3L4202005 2583 CORTINA IJilI VAIL 2683 CORTINA LA}IE, I]NIT A Total Fees: 5503.00 Total ALt Pmts 1 Balance r MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLA}I CHECK FEES WILL CATL INSPE TION FEE $s03.00 $s03.00 $0.00 ****+**+*'l********{'*{'*'}'t*+++++*+**f,***a**************a*++++++f++*t**t+****************++**** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current Pmtsa 400.00 100.00 3 .00 AppucAtLL ilor BE AG.E''ED rF *rcoxpr.ErE; Iil0flf|lWYilL 75 S. FontailRd. Vall, Cdorail8l Proiect #:s$0o37 Building Permlt #: techanical Permlt #: 970-{?9-21 1S (lmDecilions} TOVIIN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 91 F, Vent anf6 Llne SFand lodlor Heat Locs Calcs. EquipfiEnt Cuttspec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION REtrd.;d,^';l MAR i ? 2;C5 TOV-COM.DEV. ttledranical Crntracbr aHD CcL*4Do, f^rC Tom of Vail Reg. No.: 21-? fn Gontad and Phone #s; caEf* A4s\tAE7 qlr-6'17" E-teil Addr€so:C"nta.orSigWy'\ az Ttol{ MECFfANICAL:$ ZO, oaC Offreeat orvisft Parcnl# 216s3 tLlzo Z@6 Job Name: €'ct.<wDl HuBbAFb C&ltA LA* b.'PLeX JobAddress:2693 (et^tA LA^E Upl:- A legal Dercription I tor 7 I eb"kr ,4 I rlllngt Subdivision: V4lL etbAE Ownast{e,me:7ae$l f}ltlo"n ! Addrcas:p 6oX t33g f,Va,t,Cct I Phone: iz<t-4lg-(g& Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed desoiption of work: Kr4Dr€tT HE]+T| B*Ttjlam VEprtLATpil, DByEp w,rf tLATtol t klfC+lerJ Hcnl E\u^utt, 3N6Q,YtELT Workclass: Nen,fr) Addition( ) Ateration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boflerlocation: Intarior(f,) Exterior( ) Other( ) lDesanEHUexistatthislocation: * 1,1ofl) Typ6 cf Bldg: Singlefanily ( ) Duplo( X) i/tuni-fdnily ( ) Comnddd ( ) R$laurant ( ) Oft€r ( ) No. of Existing Dw€lling Units in this buiHing:No. of Accommodatftrn Unib in this building: l,ldType of Fireplacas Exi6tinq: Gas Applhnes ( ) Gas LomS Wood/Peflot ( ) W@d Bumino ( No/TypedFit€plecosPmpo6ed: GsApplianes( ) GasLoSsfZ) Wbod/Palet( ) WoodBuming(NOTALLOWED) ls hb a conversion ftom a nood buming fimflaca b an EPA Phase ll d€vho? Yes ( ) No ( ) \\VrII\dTIAICdCTAFORI{S\PERMIIE\TIiECHPERII,T.DOC 501 07tut262 o:f €oo I rB*: l$ oa'J0r' .?a[v\ t: o DEP ARTMENT oF coMM'Nrr" oru?opMENr TOWN OF VAIL ' 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0011 Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Iocation.....: Parcel No...: 2t0314202W6 I*gal Description: Project No : 3'Rlo1 -r;rc-31 OWNER SCHMID, STEFAN 2447 CHAMONIX I,lI 13C VAIIJ co 8L557 APPI-,ICANI RESORT MOUNTAIN EIiIIIERPRTSES OL/25/2006 phone: 970-384-2748 P.O. BOX 2032 GI,ENWOOD SPRINGS co 8L602 Iricense: 258-M CONTRACTOR RESORT MOInEAIN EMIERPRISES OLl25/2006 phone: 97o-3s4-2748 P.O. BOX 2032 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS co 81602 Iricense:. 268-Yf Desciption: SCHMID SIDE-INSTALL 3 GAS FIREPLACE APPLIANCES FOR A NEW PiS RESIDENCE Valuation: $5.500.00t Fireplac€ Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l.ogs: 0 # of Wood Pelet: 0 tlt,itl++*********1.rt*****'t******i'il!{rlrlllltlttttl++i+lt+lr+:r*&t:t*:t:t :*:.* FEE SUMMARY M€chanical--> 5120.00 R€sfiram Plan Review->S0.00 Total Calculated Fers-- > 5153 . 00 Plan Check-- > Iflvestigation- > will cdl--- > $0.00 3rq _6 3 q& Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0ll25l2ffi Issued. . : 02107/2W6 Expires. .: 08106120f,6 530,00 TOTALFEES----> S153 - 00 Additional Fees------> $0.00 $3.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $1s3.00 Paymen$-------------- > $153.00 BALANCE DUE----- >$0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENr 01/31/2006 .tRl'l Action: AP APPROVED 2 GAS IrOGS AI.ID L GAS APPTTIAIiICE PER TOV MIJN[---------------- CODE: li!.AY HAVE 2 GAS LOG AIID 2 CIAS APPLIANCES ONIrY IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. Cond: 22 (BIJDG.): CO!'IBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): BOIILTER INSTAILATION MUST CONFORI'{ TO I,IA}IUFACIURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A}ID C}IAPTER 10 OF TI{E 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 'i (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SHAL,L, BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI.,DG.): ACCESS TO MECIIA}.IICA! EQUIPMEI{FI MUST COMPIJY WITII CI{APTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 IMC A}TD CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2 Cond: 31 IFGC. (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALIJ BE MOITNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOT]MTING ON CO!{BUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHAIL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSTNG oF r,rQuID wAsTB pER SECTTON 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed ,m accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,JRS IN ADV PM. o 003 BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET +++++++****'******'t*'l**1t'lt,i't**{.**a!**'t***+++flf+l+++'l*************ft !*****f*****'*************** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *'i'**+*++++++*++++'***f****+*********+'irl'+!****t**f*****+**+**+tf++*+****+************,*****t *!*'*** Statement,;Nudber: R050000108 Pa)ment Method: Check Mountain Ent. Amount: $153 . 00 02/07/2OOGIo:12 Arrr Init: LC Notation: #2155/ResorE $1s3 .00 ************,|t+**++ff*+++t*'l+'*'f***************{.*t *,1* **** ****'}'i'}**'i*'i't**'}*{.* ****,r* ************ ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : L,ocatLon: This Payment, : MP 0 01000 03111100 PF 0 01000031123 0 0 wc 0 0100003112800 M06-0011 2to3-142-0200-6 2683 CORTINA IJN VAIIJ r}T)e r MECI{AIII CAL, PERMIT Total Fees: Total AlIr Pmts : Balance: $1s3. oo $Is3.00 $0.00 MECI{AIiIICAI PERMIT FEES PI,ATiI CHECK FEBS WIIJIJ CAIL INSPECTION FEE 120.00 30.00 3.00 AppucArroNJ.no,,,^"!f:*fr **t*rulg.#prlifr.:,ff. - - itiv-abje*i|h-OY03T{>rt na rrrr\rr ^-,_ Building-Per^it**ffi# ft09 -os Il ,lx*;Hxit#slr 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vaif, colorado fft ,rnjl trry ^,*,u4 0' - ;,fi ot f4u,,r /'l''r v t Prcvlde Mechanlcal Room layoutdrawn to scale to Inc-lude:o Mechanlcal Room Dimenslons o Combusdon Alr Duct Slze and Locadon o Flue, Vent and Gas Llne Slze and l-ocadon o HeatlocsCalcs.o EquipmentGut/SpecSheets Permlt wlll not be aepH without the following: ? (t-'ov,gz AwrcOffieat visit www. eaole-county. com for Patel # Parcptt# tl>b lc{LoL-o76 Job Name::obrddress:2L$ C5+r^/q Legal Descrlpdon L.ot:Blodr:Filing:Subdivision: ownersN" t'<,r<nhon qJ,iddress:Phone: Englneer:Address:I INE"GIE|JVIE ff Detaibd {Fcriojor of work rtcblojl C Aa9 ?t*-ola-rt- a&f)l(aa noA U, n JAN 25 2000 Work Class: nw ftrf Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Other ljbt L BollerLocation; Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an at, o'rtrtr +t"h\SEfdlnFr YE5TJ llb ( ) Typeof Bfdg: Slnglefamily( ) D4rf/|ex,(,,rf MuH-famity( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) Odrer( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thls building: O No. of Aaommodauon Unlts In thls buildingl 2_ No/Typeof FireplacegExisting: @sApdiane( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBuminq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces'Proposed: Gas Apfliane (3) Cas t-oSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ATIOWED) Is thls a converslon from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase tidte\rie? Yes (l XoIl *:t**rf*:*{.***,t ***x:}*,r*'*:}rt :}FoR oFFICE USE oNLy,rrt rt**'r*******t *************** \ft F:\cdev\FORJ'lS\PERMm\Bulldhg\medanlcaUtemlLU-23-2005.DOC LU23lzWS i r .tr1. )r+ .. "i { ,'., i, I il ln .s r TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 *ro*r"r*r oF coMMU*r" o"rrtpMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0026 Goct -03'(K Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE Applied. . : A2trcnW Parcel No...: 210314202N6 Issued . . : 0311012006 lrgal Description: n?.t'., \t _ t\/\.?,-) Expires . .: Wl06l2C[6 ProjectNo ' fRTo\-6031 owNER SCHMTD, STEFAN O2/L6/2OO6 2447 CHAMONIX IrN 13C VAII-, co 815s7 APPITICAT.IT SKYIJINE MECHANICAI-, 02/L6/2006 Phone: 9'70-524-6909 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'M co 81537 License: L21-M coI{fRAcToR SKYITINE MECHAI{ICAL 02/L6/20O6 phone: 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'M co 81637 License: 121-M Desciption: AIR CONDITIOMNG FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY/SECONDARY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Valuation: $4,800.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restsicted: Y #ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 ***!r+t*****++*****:r:rt*,tr*d!!r{r,}'tr***** Mechanical--> $100. 00 Restuarant Plen Review- > S0 . 0o Total Calculated Fees-- > 8128 . oo Plan Check--> 525.00 TOTAL FEES--> $128.00 Additional Fees---------- > 90.00 lnvestigation- > S0.00 Total Permit Fe€----- > $128 .00 Will Call----- > $3 " 00 Payrnents-:-------- > 9128. oo BALANCE DUE------- > $0 - 0o *****t*****+***** IIEM: O5].OO BUIIJDING DEPARTI{ENT 03/06/2006 Jw Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CI{APTER 7 OF TIIE 2003 IMC A}ID SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII-,. Cond:23 (BIJDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO II{ANUFACfiIRER'S INSTRUCTIONS A}fD CIIAPTER 10 OF TI{8'2003 rMC. Cond:25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHAIJIT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO MECIIA}IICAIJ EQUIPMEMT MUST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2OO3 Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILTERS SIAITIT BE MOITNTED OII FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINIESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG'): PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIA}IICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG'): BOII-,ER ROOMS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEJA}IS FOR DISPOSING OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6.,a*t+tt++t+++ttt,rt DECLARATIONS I hereby acloowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR HIMSELF AND OWNEI *'l'*1.{.t+****'1.**f*+******tf**+++++**t++t+f++++++*t*tt++*******+*f*'f+**{r++********{.*1.**,}******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€rnent +**'l*{.*1+*t*'}'}i*++*+t***:}***+*+++'t**++tt+**++*+**ffiff*++++++++*ttft++++++++++*tffttf*+++*++ Statement Nurnlcer: R060000213 Payment Method: Check 8499 Amormt,! $128.00 03/t0/200608:24 AM Ini!: LT Notation: Skyline / ck $128.00 **i****'t********+****+**lat****l+'|'llr'a'!'t************'i****'t'*a**f*l!at*****************'t*******t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcriDtion Current PmtE Permit No: Parce1 No: Site AddreBB : Lrocation: This Pa)ment i MP 00100003 x1.1100 PF 00L00003112300 wc 00100003112800 M05-0025 2LO3 -L42- 0200 - 6 2583 CORTINA IJ{ VAIIJ 2683 CORTINA IJANE T14le : MECIIANICAIJ PERIIIT Total- Feea: Total AIJIJ Pmts : Balance: $128.00 $128.00 $0.00 MECIIAIiII CAT PERMIT FEES PIJA}I CHECK FEES WILIJ CAITIT INSPECTION FEE 100 .00 2s.00 3 .00 TfrWNNU/,N. 75 5, F onhge Rd. Vsil, C.olorado 81657 APPUCATToN w1)nm BEACCEPTED IF ncoDrPflFS Euildfuig Pormit IrfoG.ool6 l,lechenlcal Perlnit #: 97|'.479-2t.49 ffi wlthor.rt the tolloadng; C,Y'M!#'|rffi, b FEB t5 20061 c,i.. "-t , corli$LETE VALUATTOIT FOR FTECHANTGAL PERMTT (rabor &' llaterials) -- .t Job Addressy Ito't""C I nr*rat*( ilrePui'( )-ot'9r{l -Ei ( ) cqerll rype of Eldgl slngle-hmlly @inthisbullding' -nthisbuildlng: \tlo. of erlsting E)vvellhg Uni )rr-ffi'n'rrTNolotrowo *ffi"+43rx> c>o *+**x(***:t******!i:F:t ar.aalttQR usE orl LY** * I t I *, =:lJ {' =+1 I :1:1 ? 11+ * + * + * * x Fl I aneryonsfl bmre/n'dtpefil Tsl1'3 svd e.8- INI']^)F gl89rz9gL6 ']VCINVFDSI,{at,Ea gaazl9llza I I mn5n0g8 1l:25 97$52+6810 Date: 02y1 5/2006 't 3: 25 to: Juitin Nlelson Justin Nielsen oEL) 970-524-6809 PAGE 1/18 CCIW]R]PAGE OFFIOH COPY Town of Vail NlO. oF PAGE: 16 (lnclude this page) From:Name: TEL & FAX: E-Mail: Company: (FAX) 970-524-6810 iustin@skylinerEchan ical. com Ior'of {. .f i .t:a ,l a t t \.'tr J tt '[ & 0?,1.sn008 13:25 97G52+5810 Justin Nlelson PAGE 2fI6 T :t:i: :,::,:: AIR HANDLER IECHNOI.()GY AT ITS FINEST Thc F)(4C end lhc FC4D frn coils oombinc fre proven tcchnolory d Curicr frn ooil units sith cithcr Pumn@, thc cnvfuonmenlrlly sound re&igorr,nl' or R-22 rcftigcnnl. Both frn coils rn loadcd wih populer fcaiurts. Ftclory-inshllcd' re.Aigennt-rpecific ihcrmoshtic cxpanrion valves (IXV1 arc r: . phndrrd willr thoc fan coil rtcrignr. Thcrc dcsignr fcetuc , conlourpdconrtcnratdplgs.withnrggc4;bi.arsdrlih'ao1ncclionr' i ,..':Theset.nti:hgurc[r4ti little w..lcr ir fdt hthc unil if thc cnd of l'; ; llF mpling duty cydc- Thc lact of rtuditu cudenr.]c snd ': conosion ftcc panr impriwcr IAQ end product lifc fcsrur€s . homeowners appreciale. Shndard fcaturcl for both inc,ludc groovcd ooppct tubirg and louvercd aluminum 6no. Tlre largc fecc artes of the rcfiigcnnt coilr providc rupcrior efioiency for high SEER and lflPF pcdormance. Coil circuiting hao dso bcm updatcd to mate lhc I mort of rll Chflicr hcat pumpr ond air condilioncrs, Alco units come with solid shte fan contob. f -inch thiclL insulafon with R value of 42, rupcr-quiet multi-spced rnotos, ttd fi{ly wctlsble ooib. Unit! csn aocommodatc faotory- and/or ficld-inrUllcd hcste$ ftom 3 b 30 tW Thc F)(4C fin coil is 0te Puron dclign loartcd wittr popular fcilutt|, It comcs in a pc-printcd (lrupc mehllic) galyanizcd shal casing and fu chippcd wilh a c,lernrbl,., F.msncrll frar|cd filtcr, anil a faotory-rupplicd power plug, Thc unib have full nngc of X13, high cf6cicncy blowrr moton and .tc availablc in sizcr 016 through 060. ' , Thc FC4D frn coil oomcs wih the sttttc fcatus at lhc FX4C,' but for uce wih R-22.ftftkcrant. - ., :! '1 ' . ' It aho shodd bc noEd.[irt tbb uniquc cablnit derigrt of ttrec fan "riiils mect ncw rtirgient rqgulariohr for cabincl dir'lcttdgc - r tEquittmelt d 296 cobinelleltagc lstc whcn tertcd st 1'0 inches of shlic prcrlure. i i ;, Product DtSFIGE C0 ; :i: :,: i;:: i: ;.r: : i: :.;jil :-:!:1: i::.:.!s 0?/15n006 13"25 97G52'l-6810 Juslin Nielson STANDARD FEATTJRES r Super high c.fficiency X13 moton - all gizcs Simple conrol board wih blower-off ihlay and intcmal thcrmmlr.t wirc junclion box I.agg groorcd tubg louvered fin mib Dcdicatcd rddgennt ofucuib Efficient, quic! time teslcd blowcr housings rnd diffuscrs Slurdy, droinablc oondensate pans Cabinet construclion fcalures innovations dcsigned to prevcna cabinel rweating Bnss drain conneclione Tbsted for condensatc dirpossl in muoh toughcr condiEons than Air Condilioning and Rcfrigeraflon Insdtul€ requfucmcols Super thic& R-4.2 hsulation with vapor banier Prc-psintcd gslvanizcd stcd cabind (riupe metallic) qabinet design mccts rtringcnt regulations for 2% cabinct leakEge ratc whsn lestcd al 1,0 inohcs static prcslure Installation-OeN.hle mul[poirc units Horizontal hanging provirions on cabinet No tools rcquircd io'scrvice filter Faclory-supplied, cleanable and reusable fillcr Newly irnprovcd 6lhr rac& alcs filter door insulalion added for improrrcd air scal 3- through 30-LW acccssiry hertcs - field inshUed Faclory -supplied powcf, plug Eary plug-in pmvirione for heater instsllation Enhy oplionr for high and low voltagc wiring hool-up Simplc, 5-amp blade fuse (and a spare) to grotcct 40 VA lnnsformer Easy coil inspection (removable, snap-in plug on A-coil models) Lcat-prwenting swbat oonnec[one ADDITIONAL FEATT.JRES FX4C r hrron(O, Environmcntdly Sound Rcfrigennt . Factory-in$talled Puron thermorhlic expanrion valvcs crxv) FCID . R-22 refrigcraot ,r Factory-inshlled R-22 thcrmoshtic cxpansion valves (TXV; . Faclory-instalbd heatcr gachagcs available PAGE 3/.16 oFFFioffi'#lipv 0z13n00e 13i2 97G52+6810 Justin Nieben PAGE 4/16 9< v!p<"E s< H P<0FFfi{Tffi ffi0PY Town of Vail s@ i = $' it+lF 888PP ooooo b 'g 8888888 ^ q o_o- o- o-o- o-B ; s EF:fist$sb t' c Et lI I lr [,- ,= oaooN.oo E EgSSttB z @Ei -,,O{! sf.E E Er, IEE ," E iEE FEFE Ec E ;t= ,, E9 6 E 3f lr 66 E ',i- E .E o +o2 'i = o !, -o 6.9 OTE E *rt + Fe z-9F l=>o =v o9 oJ qs EF 6t EH Fd E6 oo €sEr 6dE&ll ll x(] o crx.S .$e ;g FLg,I ro tl o .:' 0?/15n008 1?125 97G52+6810 Justin Niclrcn PAGE 5/16 :I c il il n I c $ T z o rn N F o o I ..I I o p q lo R o |' E 2 o F I l! F E to ; J N @ * tu t -!t E r.l o E rl 0 ts c I fl o E sl o to d o q o q |l'o ta! ID z @ a I F B o ao d ot to I E o ,i ID F I o I o q. I o |l' o I I !,i r! a r D I o fr D d I o I q |a o E I o a!o rlt o E (' D q I q E q I lrt z o B I N B I o o I Q. I !t e, I o q I ol to () I T q ID o i if I o $ q g s a F ('ts o E o $ rl F z @ $ I lo b I o o o 0i d I !l I o I l't D -t n rl F il q E ro q E |lt F s q g q o E 14 fr c N I z (! F I Bts lll N lli q, I N a, (\| e, A| o R, I N a, I N q I N o t t !r|\ gt$ |.' F al E q $ ia E B l|i' N g rl io tr I t $ z o I $ D D I E b I 0 t- E o D I o I E o t I E o I I I F I E ao It I E o F I fl J!t TE 3 $ o I a l q I o o t a (t f !HI b o $ B B g d b E b h o t ft L - \rl 3l- t t :! lir: ;ii; a i :-;l ;t * IJ o z t)z E o o I a €gE Es o.o st gt i+ t i:llt iult!u irrEi iE !ca I !! O?J1'5a0O6 13:25 97G52+5810 Justin Nielsrn PAGEM6 e :! =q eg ! I a t I q B o B q I I d .l il il I il il n z D F D D E I \l h I N I D I F I & h s I o b I fr I ft D b I s -t I q D D o t B q t o 0 $t { $D ry H ry N o D $D a p D D I R F I N o F I a o s= R I F. o b I il o D I R I I N o s UJ F J d I I o T o n t o 6 t o o (((( Ht ld t b t I h o b tu b 5 B 5 b t b rlt t:- B'- 'a! flt 9rr ":P ii: n i:i !; T3 I I I E : 0!15n008 13"25 97G52+6E10 F - Singh pioct crbinet F - $in!l! piccs oeblnrt Juslin Nielscn PAGE 7/15 PHYSICAL DATA 42-11110 0a15n006 1tr125 970-52+6810 Justin Nielsen PAGE 8/15 PERI'ORMANCE DATA AIRFLOW PERI'ORMANCE (CFIVI) t. Aldow b$.d upoo dry coil |l 230v wilh icbry-.pttEvrd filtc..d ol.cdc batcr (2 clcocnt tc|!rrizct 18 thrcugh 35, 3 olcrlrlr hcrhr rizo t12 broqgh 60). e Tb .void potloti.l tor cordcs!|ac blowlqg our of dtdtr !!! lrior to elling dntr tnP: Rclum itic lrrsrurr murl be lcls thlo 0.40 lo. EE' Horizorbl rppli(|tloor of (H2 - 060 rizcr nus! hrvc Ewply ttrdc gtlrler ihrs 0.2l) lr" wc" 3. Shlding - Aidlow outsidc 450 dtrVtor" 4. Aidotp .bovc 400.fe/roo oo (X8-050 drc @uld ntull i! cotrdctlrb blowii€ ofi coil ot t9lir$!g out of dnil P.r. SPECI['ICATIONS Rrfrigdrnt Motding Dsvica TrV - laebry inEtell€d hsfd - $(otf, bi-idv Vpe lor horl pump epplicstiql D(V SIZE 2lcn 3 tdl 4 tql RowJFins Fsr ln.I I 14.5 Feco Aros (Sq. Ft.)2.&2.e7 3.4€4./||i s.s 7.42 0oarfi9ulelicn Slope A CFM (lllcninal)000 EO0 10@ 12@ t4m 16m s00 Motor Typg x13 xl3 x13 xt3 xl3 xl3 xt0 Mobr Hp 1t9 1t3 113 112 E4 E4 Filbr (ln.) 2l -112x 13 10-3/0 ts-7la 23-3/16 1-picc€1-plecc 1 - pieco 1 -piec6 or Modular | -pi8ca o. Modulaf '| -piece ol Moduler 1 -pbcs q Modular Rstigsant M€i€rin9 D6/icc D(V - lecbry installed hsrd - *utoft, bi-iot'v tyPs for heet Pump rpplicstion Dry SEE 3 tcn 5 tcn 6 tcn Flns Flr In.3 / r4.5 Feca Aee (Sq. Ft.)2.4 2.97 3.46 4.45 5.03 7.42 OFM urElion Slope A 600 800 t0m 1200 1400 1600 200( Mot Typa x13 xl3 xl3 xr3 xl3 xt3 xl3 Mobr l-lts 1ls 119 1t2 2 3t4 E4 FILTER n.) 21-112x 13 16-3/0 1S-7lO 28-5114 | -pi8ca 1 -pi€co 1 -piace 1-pioco or Moduld 1 -pi6c6 oa Modulsr 1-pisor Modulat 1-pisc6 or Modular itoDEL & slzE BI.flI'ER SPEED Essune 0.10 0.20 0.8 0.r10 0.50 0.€0 FX4C, FC4D 018 High 600 019 Medium 059 019 576 508 rtg9 l-oll,0t4 572 530 ,160 41 300 FX4C, FC4D @4 High 905 60E 660 792 753 M€dium 623 700 747 707 065 t22 l-o.033 583 533 82 491 378 FX4C, FC4D ffI0 High 1t 30 1097 1003 1026 soz 955 Mrdium 1033 1000 e05 cza 666 E4E Lofl 840 g)2 780 713 603 cK!9 FX4C, FC4D 036 High 1354 '1306 1257 12@ M.dl!m 1282 1zfi 1192 1142 '| o90 | 036 l-sw 1t 00 11 1A 1o0;l 1014 950 903 FX4C, FC4D 042 High '1570 1593 1480 l4?o 1SS3 Modium 1470 1457 1Stz 1344 't2F '124o t-drv 1S0S 1258 't211 1101 't 106 1054 FX4C, FC4D 040 High 1oGt 1772 1730 1704 10@ 1032 Msdium r05e 1A'17 1561 154{l '| 504 144t l-ow 1456 1418 1Sn 10t5 12C2 1246 FX4C, FC4D 06o High 1oEo 1e54 1e10 1878 M€dium 17oo 17oil 1731 1095 105E t01E l-dw 16tt 1633 r5o0 1558 1517 147.F Notc: 02/15n006 13t25 97G52+6E10 i]. PAGE 9/16 Jullh Niolsen PERFORMANCE DATA (C ONT.) GROSS coOUNG CAPACITIES (mbh) - Puron UNlT stzE INDOOR@IL AIB 8ATURATED TEMFEBATURE LEAVII{G EVAFOFATOR fD 3tt 40 45 50 55 cftl EWI TC sHc EF TC sHc BF TC 8HC BF TC 8t{c EF TC 3l{c BF EX4C flE 525 72 4t)20 0.00 30 10 0.00 g2 10 0.00 n 14 0.@ 21 11 o.t2 tl 30 0.@ 20 l8 o.o2 24 16 0.03 m 14 0.6 14 12 o.6 @ 8 0.(xl 1E 0.ff|16 10 0.()3 14 14 0.@ 12 12 9.4 600 72 44 0.00 N 20 0.@ 95 17 0.01 30 '13 0.@ 24 13 0.8 gl 36 n 0.011 32 n 0.00 27 t0 0.00 2 15 0.04 10 13 0.04 e2 a a 0.04 25 21 0.of 20 16 0.04 16 10 0.10 13 t3 9.24 72 6 24 0.00 43 2 0.00 38 19 0.02 I a',0.G!I 14 0.04 g7 40 E 0.04 36 2 0.04 n 0.04 24 17 0.04 '17 14 0.05 t2 I E 0.05 27 23 0.05 2 n 0.05 17 17 0.11 15 15 0.26 EX4C m4 700 72 51 6 o.00 I a 0.00 &n o.@ 34 17 0.()o 27 15 0.08 67 42 a 0.04 s7 a 0.0r1 31 n 0.04 25 18 0.04 18 15 p.04 e.34 a 0.(x ?3 24 0.04 a 21 0.05 18 16 0.10 15 t5 o.8 800 72 56 28 0.00 51 ?5 0.00 44 e 0.03 4''t9 0.of 30 t0 0.05 07 &a 0.G5 4t,I 0.05 34 a 0.05 27 n 0.05 n 0.00 a2 s7 n 0.00 31 I 0.06 I a 0.00 n 6 0.13 17 17 o.27 900 72 0't 00 0.00 56 z7 0.01 I 24 0.(x 40 21 0.(F @ 18 0.00 50 31 0.00 4 2A 0.00 s7 E 0.00 n 21 0.00 A 1A 0.07 62 /t0 32 0.07 34 n 0.07 n 6 o.07 2 2 0.15 10 1E 0.29 rx4c 090 875 72 01 3{)0.0'l 55 n 0.@ I 24 0.02 41 21 0.G 33 10 0.@ 67 50 91 0.04 4 I 0.04 s7 I 0.(X 30 21 o.04 2 16 0.(}5 62 41 3it 0.04 34 a,0.04 ?3 I 0.05 2 2 0.t t 18 t8 0.25 72 69 33 0.m 61 30 0.m 53 27 0.6 a 0.04 30 to 0.05 1000 07 56 34 0.05 49 31 0.(F 41 n 0.05 30 24 0.05 24 m 0.00 @ 45 0.06 38 32 0.00 3o 28 0.00 24 24 0.13 N &a.n 1125 72 73 30 o.00 06 09 0.(r2 EA n o.04 I E 0.Gt 30 21 0.06 @ 30 0.06 50 34 0.00 tl5 30 o.00 30 &0.06 I 2 0.07 t2 49 30 0.07 41 0.07 31 o.0E 27 27 0.10 a a 0.2e EX4C $16 72 7e 30 0.00 71 95 0.00 e2 3l o.t2 5e n o.cB 42 a 0.04 1050 07 /t0 0.04 30 0.04 46 @ 0.04 36 ?3 o.04 I a 0.05 ez 52 4l 0.05 44 97 0.05 36 93 0.05 2A a o.t 1 24 24 0.20 72 a7 43 0.00 TO 30 0.00 06 04 0.8 57 30 0.04 6 a 0.05 1200 6l 72 4 0.Gt 63 rrc 0.05 50 3:t 0.06 42 01 0.00 91 I 0.00 e2 58 4 0.oo N 41 0.00 30 30 0.07 3t 31 0.14 20 20 0.20 1350 72 95 47 0.00 E6 42 0.@ 74 37 0.05 @ a 0.00 50 28 0.00 67 76 r19 o.06 OE 4 0.00 57 s0 0.07 I u 0.07 3{t 0.07 c2 03 50 0.07 59 45 0.07 43 &0.08 36 3{t o.10 4)0.30 EX4C u2 72 90 I 0.00 EO 4'l 0.00 73 s7 0.01 @ &o.('3 49 0.00 12?5 7A 47 0.03 07 42 0.@ 57 97 0.04 45 e.0.04 00 n 0.04 @ 61 4A 0.04 5a rl3 0.04 36 0.04 30 33 0.10 26 2g o.24 t 40o 72 102 51 0.00 g2 M 0.00 80 Q o,g2 00 35 0.04 54 30 0.04 a7 u 52 0.04 74 47 0.04 @ 42 0.05 50 30 0.05 30 31 0.05 t2 6E 53 0.05 I 0.(E 6 4{t 0.6 37 37 0.'12 31 31 0.20 72 1't 1 0.00 '| 00 50 0.ol a7 4 0.04 74 s0 0.05 5e @ 0.(F | 575 6l @ 57 0.(F 60 5'l 0.oo 00 6 0.00 54 40 0.00 30 g 0.00 c2 74 50 0.00 @ 59 o.6 50 47 0.07 41 41 o.14 34 g p.28 EX4C 0{8 1400 72 109 54 o.m e0 /to 0.00 60 I3 0.m 79 37 0.q2 58 31 g.s2 67 00 56 0.oe 7C .tg 0.@ 67 4 0.6 53 30 0.cB 3e s2 9.6 @ 72 50 0.09 01 50 0.00 /tg 44 0.6 30 36 0.08 3A e o.2 72 121 0o 0.m 1oe 54 0.@ 95 &0,01 a1 41 o.@ dt 36 0.@ 10m g7 to0 01 0,(B a7 56 o.B 74 rl9 0.6 50 42 0.04 43 00 o.ql @ EO cxl 0.04 08 56 0.(X 56 50 0.0i1 4{t 4{r 0.10 36 30 o.24 1800 72 192 !E 0.m 119 5e 0.00 104 32 0.@ 86 4tt 0.6 7!36 0.04 67 t0o 0.04 gt 61 0.04 6t !4 0.04 04 47 0.04 47 90 0.(b 62 OE 00 0.05 74 6i2 0.05 !0 st 0.05 116 46 0.1'l /to &0.20 0?/15n006 13:25 97G52+6810 Justin Nlcleen PERFORMANC E DATA (C ONT.) GROSS COOLING CAPACXTIES (mbh) - Puron GROSS COOUNG CAPACITIES (IVBII) - R-22 PAGE 1U16 UNlT stzE tNoooR@tL At8 SATUFATED TEMPIBATURE IIAVIT{G N'AFORATOR EI 3tt 40 45 50 at CFIII EWB TC sHc IF TC sHc !F TC 8rc BF TC sitc BF TC sHc BF EX4C 060 1000 72 152 6 0.m 19 50 0.m 104 52 0.00 80 tt5 0.01 30 o.t2 106 E7 0.02 95 @ o.v2 81 50 0.c2 05 6 0.(}2 48 09 o.@. e2 68 0.@ 74 0l 0.t2 00 54 0.6 47 47 0.00 39 3e 0.21 r 75{) 72 141 0.00 127 dt 0.00 12 56 0.00 05 6 0,@ 70 41 o.@. 67 fi0 72 0.@ 102 64 0.(P s7 37 0.(xl 70 .t0 0.8 51 a 0.03 t2 94 73 0,@ 80 00 0.6 04 58 0.ff|50 50 0.oE 42 42 o,2 2000 72 150 n 0.01 141 70 0.m 124 e2 0.01 t05 54 0.@ 84 6 0.G! 125 80 0.00 110 72 0.@ 9€u 0.8 n 55 0.04 37 47 0.@ e2 104 s2 0.04 oo 79 0.04 71 dt 0.04 57 J7 0.'t0 /A ,18 o.24 UNIT stzE INDOOR COIL SATURATED TEI'FERATUNE LEAVIIIIG R,APORATAF (.F AIB 35 40 45 50 55 cFjlvl EWB TC Sftc BF TC sHc BF TC st|c IF TC sHc BF TC 8]tc EF FC4D 018 525 72 36 t9 0.00 '17 0.00 s 15 0.ol a t3 o.@ 21 t1 0.@ g7 s2 n 0.02 I l8 0.@ 24 16 0.(}3 19 14 o.6 19 12 0.6 62 a 20 0.&r 2.16 0.(B 't8 0,04 14 14 0,11 12 0.20 @0 72 42 21 0.00 38 19 0-00 33 17 o.t2 I It 0.02 a 't9 0,Gt a7 36 4 0.(xl 30 N 0.03 a 1E o.00 15 0.00 15 '!3 0.04 62 28 2 0.04 24 N 0.04 19 16 0.05 16 10 0.13 13 't9 0.28 975 72 /*t 2.o.q)41 &0.q2 30 t6 0.00 30 10 0.Gt 24 14 0.01 CI s7 24 0.04 33 21 0.04 a 19 0.04 2 17 0.04 10 .14 0.05 @,30 a 0.05 I E 0.05 21 m 0.00 17 '17 0.15 14 l4 0.30 FO+D v24 700 72 40 24 0.00 4 2 0.00 3E t9 0.@ 3e 17 0.@ I 14 0.oo 40 N 0.ot st n 0.04 30 n 0.04 23 17 o.04 '10 14 0.0! e2 32 fr 0.04 n a 0.04 e 21 0.05 1A l8 0.14 15 15 0.20 E00 72 50 20 0.00 46 24 0.@ 42 0.04 36 1E 0.04 ?5 10 0.05 07 44 27 ito E 0.05 3A 2 0.05 m 19 0.05 10 16 0.00 a2 gt n 0.05 30 a 0.06 24 a 0.07 20 20 o.17 '16 16 0.31 000 72 57 2S o.00 51 I 0.cB 4at I 0.05 30 fr 0.05 30 17 0.00 07 47 30 0.00 41 27 0.00 35 24 o.00 28 2l 0-00 m 18 0.08 o2 08 3'l 0.07 s2 a 0.07 a N 0.00 2 2 0.19 t8 18 0.3t1 FOID oix) 475 72 a2 90 0.00 55 27 0.01 rto 24 0.@ 41 21 o.00 32 t8 0.04 CI 51 I 0.04 44 I 0.04 97 E 0.04 n 2 0.04 20 18 0.05 62 41 30 0.04 u n tl I 0.00 e 0.15 10 ta 0.30 10@ 72 o7 s3 0.00 m 30 0.@ 52 n 0.04 44 I 0.04 35 20 0.05 g7 55 35 0.05 I 31 0.05 41 26 0.05 s2 24 0.05 2 N 0.07 @ 44 36 0.00 36 3tr 0.00 30 n 0.07 6 6 0.18 m 20 0.3e 11?5 72 72 36 0.01 &t @ 0.04 37 I 0.05 47 N o.Gt 36 2,0.00 00 9E 0.00 5P 34 0.00 44 30 0.06 35 z7 0.07 24 2 0.08 a 48 3S 0.07 41 30 0.07 39 e 0.00 n n 0.20 6 8 o.34 FO4D Gr6 lo5o T2 72 30 0.@ 6 3€0.01 37 u 0.00 /t€N 0.cB 30 21 0.04 50 37 0.04 52 u 0.04 4 30 0.04 34 I 0.@ 24 a!l 0.oo @ 46 .30 0.05 40 35 0.05 9 3l 0.00 I a 0.14 a 4.0.31 12m 72 79 90 0.00 'r1 s6 0.6 e2 31 0.04 52 27 0.05 41 I 0.(E gl dt 41 0.05 57 97 /to 93 0.00 30 a 0.06 a 24 0.07 @ 5A 4{t 0.(b 4 39 0.00 36 34 0.00 I n 0.10 24 24 o.s3 1050 72 &t a.0.01 70 38 0.04 66 u 0.(E 56 30 0.00 4tt 6 0.00 67 70 4at 0.00 61 tO 0.00 51 36 0.07 41 31 0.07 I 6 0.@ @ &0.07 &42 0.07 9e 98 0.00 32 32 0.20 27 n 0.34 FgID u2 12?5 72 ott 42 0.00 7l 36 0.01 67 34 0.@ 57 30 0.cB I 6 0.Gt 07 70 44 0.tr!e2 /m 0.Gl 52 30 0.04 42 3l 0.04 30 I 0.04 @,57 4 o.04 116 42 0.04 30 97 0.(}5 a L 0.t4 zl n p,2E 1400 T2 e 4 o.m 03 42 0.(I2 73 O,B @ 30 0.04 50 fr 0.04 6l 70 ,f8 0.04 ql 4 0.ot 37 30 0.6 6 9{t 0.05 30 n 0.00 e2 @ 51 0.00 59 rl0 0.03 43 41 0.06 90 36 0.10 90 30 0.30 1575 72 s 40 0.01 00 45 0,m 7e /|o 0.04 d7 90 0.05 59 30 0.0t tl @ 52 0.05 72 4E 0.05 01 rto 0.00 40 38 0.00 30 a,0.07 e g7 55 0.00 37 !0 0.00 47 rl5 0.06 3e 30 0.10 33 ql 0.32 OA15aO06 13:25 970-52+6810 Justin Niels8n PERFORMANCE DATA (C ONT.) cRoss cooLING CAPACITIES (mbh) - R-22 LWB - Lc|viry Wct Bub Cf) MBH - 1000 BiuL PAGE 1 1/16 rc - Gt9s3 Cooliqg ctp.dty 1000 Etuh CFM - Cubic Fl pcr Mirub EU/B - Esteriqg Wea Bulb ("F) SnC - Grors Sallblg Opsdly 1000 Btuh BF - Byplet f!.lor NOTES: 1. Conbs{ mmuhctrror icr cooling oapacitiss rt conditions olhs lhan dror/n in tEble. 2. Fqmulrr: Lcving db = €ntoring db -senib|| h.it crp- '| .09 x cfM Lsaving \,vb - wb corE+onding to €nlh.lpy of air leqvlng coil (hu,o) hrvb = h"',o -tcblsDglillEltl} 4.5 x CFM lvtere h"t5 = $rlPy of sir .ntsing odl. Dhsot Int€rPolrtion is p6misdble. Do not .xtapolrb. 3. SHC ls basad on 80"F db trrperuro of df .ntsing coil. Brlov 80"F db, subtsot (Cor]3cton Frcbr x CFM) fom $HC. Abo/r 80"F db, idd (Ccreclion F.c'tq x CFM) to SHC. 4. Byp.ss Frc-br = 0 Indicat€e no psydrom.tio solution. Usr bypass hctq ol n.xt lorr€r EWB fui apFo(im.lion. Int rpoldion i! pdmb6ibb. Corrcc{on Frdor = 1.09 x (1 - BR x (db - 80) SIIC CORAECTION FACTOR {ndcdlc mrdium eFcld (blu.). Al othrr motc iporb C lotv trp. AIR DELIVERY PEnTORMaTVCE CORRECTION COMPONENT PRESSTTRE DROP 0N. WC) AT INDICATED AIRFLOW DRY-TO-WET COIL UNIT stzE INDOOR@IL AIR SATURATED TEMFERATUBE LIAVII{G EVAPOFATOR EF 3tt 40 45 50 55 CFilI EWt TC sltc BF TC slrc BF TC slG BF TC sHc BF TC stG IF ?q9 048 1400 72 80 44 o.00 81 40 0.00 n2 36 0.01 01 32 0.c2 50 2g 0.@ gl 74 47 o.u2 00 4{l 0.@.30 0.(xl 6 34 0,q3 g 2C 0.(x} g2 @ /tg 0.03 52 45 0.6 /tg &0.04 35 35 0.11 E I 0.20 72 90 46 0.m 87 4 0.01 70 &o.@.67 35 0.G 54 3{)0.(F 1000 80 51 0.cB 71 47 0.8 al 42 0.cB 50 97 0.(x}s7 s2 0.(}4 e 65 54 0.04 t6 49 0.04 47 /t5 0.ffi 39 30 0.14 30 EI o.28 1800 72 103 51 0.0'l e4 47 0.02 03 4{l 0.00 72 3E 0.00 56 30 0.04 67 86 55 0.04 7A 51 0.04 00 40 0.04 56 41 0.04 rl{,30 0.05 @ 70 50 0.04 00 54 0.05 50 49 0.00 49 /t3 0.10 36 30 o.N FOTD 06'() 1000 72 118 5E 0.00 107 0.00 u 46 0.01 81 42 0.01 06 36 0.01 67 98 !1 o.a EO {t o.u2 74 s)0.42 @ 44 0.(r2 /t3 s7 0.(E g2 79 03 0.@ 60 5E 0.@ 55 52 o.(B 45 4{t 0.10 37 97 0.25 72 123 t2 0.00 113 56 0.00 100 51 o.01 66 45 o.t2 @ 3E 0.('2 A7 100 05 0.(r2 Y2 50 0.v2 70 59 0.$o4 47 0.00 4A 40 0.(B c2 64 6E 0.00 72 @ 0.(B 50 50 0.04 4€4a 0.11 /O 40 0.20 2000 n2 135 gl 0.(x,123 @ 0.01 't09 56 o.@ eo &0.(B 7C 42 0.ql 113 71 0_6 100 6!t 0.@ 86 59 0.(B @ 52 o.G 51 45 0.04 02 E2 75 0.04 79 09 0.04 02 0.(}5 54 54 0,13 tl5 4tt o.27 BYPASS FACTOR EI{IERING AIR DBY-BUIA TEIPERATUBE fD 70 78 76 Undrr 75 8l a2 83 84 85 Ovtr 85 Cor.aallon FlGtol 0.10 .0s 1.96 2.94 0.92 4.91 Usc brmu la !notm brlolv 0.20 0.87 1.74 2.@.3.49 4.38 0.30 0.76 1.5it 2.n 3.06 s.82 MINMUM CFM AND MOTOR SPEED SELECTION FAN COIL SIZES FX FC HEATER I(W 3 5 8 I 10 t5 1E 20 24 30 018 525 525 5e5 o0" @4 700 700 700 700 NV 60 875 875 875 075 1000F 036 1050 e70 970 970 t20 | 040 u2 12?5 12?5 1225 12?5 12?5 1225 040 14m l4@ 14@ t4m t4m 't4@ 14m 14m 000 1750 17fi 1750 1750 '| 750 1750 173fJ 1750 10 02/15n006 13:25 97G52+6810 Justin Nielscn FACTORY-TNSTALLED FILIER STATIC PRESSURE DROP (IN. Wg ELECTRICHEATER STATICPRESSURE DROP (IN. Wq ACCESSORY ELECTRIC HEATERS PAGE 1Z1O Th. .iriow p?forn.r|cr d& t/$ do,rlop.d using fr'| cdls wlth 10-kW rlcctric hodrrs (2 ddr.nb) in Ot. 018 through (16 dz. unib rnd l5-kw h.dlrr (3 dqnqtr) in thc 042 th.oqgh 060 riza units. For fra coil. wit! hldGrr ol . diftrcnt nunbrr of Cr|lrrnts, t|t odqnd $rdrH! ddc d s tiufi CFM f,om 0r! cun. mry b. cdrcdld by .ddhg or lubb.cdn! rvdl.bl. odltnd stiic peurr rr indcdcd abovr. uNn stzE E(,rc cnil 400 600 qx,1000 1200 14fi)1orc 1800 2000 0tE 0.ot!0.044 0.075 o24, 60 o.ce 0.044 0.072 0.1m m6, 042, 048 0.051 0.070 0.@ 0.120 0.r 5a 000 o.o8o 0.105 0. t30 (}t8 - firE o{2 - 070 HEATER EI-EM ENTS r(w EXTERML STA]'IC PRESSURE CORRECTION HEATER I].EMET{TS t(w E'fiEB1I'AL STATIC PBISSURE CORRECTION 0 0 +.an 0 0 +.o4 1 3,5 +.01 8, 10 +.(I! 2 8. 10 0 3 9, 15 0 3 0, '15 -.o2 4 n -.o2 4 N -.04 0 16, 24, 30 -.10 HEATEB PAFIT l,lO. KW@ 24W VOLTS/PH STAOES (KtV OPERATINq) INTEBI{AL ctRculT PROTECTIOI{ FAN COIL SIZE USEDWITH IIEATII{G CAP'T @ 230\t KFCEHO4{'INB 3 ?€,q1 3 Nono 01w4 e,4(x) KFCEHO5Ol N05 ?5,oll Nono 0tm 't5,700 l(FcEHO801N08 o ?3,q1 Nonc 0tffil 25,100 KFCEHOgOI N I O 10 ?F,Ol1 10 Ncns 018-0d)31 ,400 t(FcEH020r F20 n ?Bq1 I tuse+(x}Hq)02,800 KFCEH1601315 15 ?3,ols 15 Nfie 03m0 47,100 KFOEH2001310 18 230i3 o,12,18 Nma (xH60 56,500 KFCEHg/ol F24 24 ?3uv s,16,24 Frso 040, 060 70,300 KFCEH350l F3O 30 23q9'10,20, 30 HJSg o4e, 060 04,100 l(FcEH2&tC0t f ?F,ul Circrllt &sekor 016-000 15,700 KFCEH2501 C08 o ?6011 Cirqllt &esker 016-0@ 25,100 KFCEH2ooi C 1 0 10 ?3,ql 10 CirqJli Bed(er 016-{60 3t ,400 KFCEH3301C20 n ?F,q1 t, 20 Oirqlit &sel(6r 6H160 @,600 KFCEH2OO1 NOO I 230/r I 3,0 Nfie 6ffi 26,nO KFCEHS@I FI5 15 2',oll 5, 15 tus€t o2ffi 47,r00 KFCEH3101C15 230/1 5, 15 CirqJit &!d(er @,|-o00 47.100 r + Fidd conv?tblr to I Dh..!. Fiddconv*tblcb3ph$.. singlo polnt wirin g kit r.quirod lb. thes. haiss in C|Jr rd.. Blowu Mota hrat not indud.d. r E.timd.d nund pow' brds hr,| brf| drivcd uing th! mdrod dscrlbrd h thc 19f/ ASHAAE HVAC Sy*m. & Appfc.donr H||ldhook, Ch.pb. !4, P. tL7. ESTIMATED SOT ND POWER LEIGL (dBA) UNIT SIZE E)C FC coNDtnoNS OCIAVE 8A D CEI{ICR FFEOUENCYT CFT Etrsdo Prstanra a t2t 250 500 1000 20(x,{000 018 000 0.25 44.7 60.7 58,7 53.7 51.7 45.7 45.7 024 800 025 06.0 02,0 58.0 55.0 53.0 51.0 47.0 030 10(}0 OA 67.0 63.0 59.0 56.0 54.0 52.0 48.0 036 1200 0.25 E7.8 03.8 59.8 56.8 54.9 52.8 48.8 04 1,100 0.6 0s.4 84.4 60.4 57.4 55.4 53.,1 49.4 0/E I d,0 0.25 09.0 65.0 01.0 58.0 5E.0 54.0 50.0 0E0 2000 0.25 70.0 66.0 82.0 5e.0 57.0 55.0 51.0 0215/2006 13:25 97c52+6Et0 Justin Nlelscn PAGE 13/16 ELECTRICAL DATA FOR TJMTS WITH FACTORY-INSTALLED IIEAtrERS FAN COIL ELECTRICAL DATA (TJNITS WTTHOUT ELECTRICAL r U.. .opp.r wir! only. U!r TtoC only h this rpplicdion. Wh;l udng non-ndllic 0{Ml !h!dt.d €blc, uir! rtr rsquirrd rhould bc b..d on $d ot condrdors, inrtad olli]! &x sho,vn in trbb .bov. p.. NEC A.tch qF-25. FLA - Full Lo.d Amp! NOTE; lf brrnch clort wir! Ingth qc.cdr 1m ft, .pn{h NEC 215-2 to dlt nnh. nrdmum wirr lf,ig[|. U!! 296 voh.g. &op. PAGE 14/16 Justin Nlelscn 02115120Od 13:25 97&52+6810 if 9:E.E ot1 c*{n 6;l Fg ;8 EIi 1.2 g9 Ea EE -it !9i ;r $i Hi ng i!E €T ^F $I I 9a i iF J ES E EE *€ *; fi i Eg E E qE E F ' Ig i E s ! €r I g i F !; E {r E c EErF [I n t $Eet iE i ssiil i qq: T=; E E !E i B $ ! ErtEiiifr{{F iEiiEF!ErEtF EOI!tt=rr0JtrLEr,,, **t I SE; c,t r'; a 2 th F Y {rl z f i tI flt z x t F z F ltl n *F Fl t-! ,r *F Q rl 4 IA ah U zi qg ;r g$ !F I 5 d I f E p 6 6 5_ a F E p 2 Ets E8 E: t 3 I d I B l E b I t r-nt I B e8fr igF a b o I SJ- Hf; gfi z t 3 5 d & l $ 1-:d - ir xts :$ J :J t d d j 5 ir E I b I s. R { t:<i{ E$ fiN I 3 s s - $ iT I f $ s $ R s !_ 5 g d ? i fl N ts fi nt z F s 3 fl g H I I 6 n H I I I P E F !! FT ;t iF x I I E E I E F ri s I $!E fi fi R *B E p $fi F 8 F i t h t! lF I I g I fr $I $I I I 3 t I I F 3t & R $$u a a I E I a $a E a I E is t I 5 5 I 5 5 I I I 5 5 I 5 5 iI F 5 a 5 F 5 5 5 5 E s I 5 E &s is I I I 5 I d I t I 3 II 5 E E 5 B t t E F E E $E E $ FI lt IE :R I ,.8 N a N s I I s I I I R $fl $ ti 5 F E E $ q g $I x 5 s s $B \a I $I a t B #r :F ip r I I E I R 9 !{ B T I I I I i a a E :I a I l3 5 & P E a!q f,a q it $s I $F c 3 a $ tr $ : *h R I Ei$n r ,I t i 6 i I T t ! I t t T I t i t 6 I t I t I 6 I I g i a E9 IE rl t I fl E H a ts I t t t B I g i U I a i ! I i g t i E I T U E I t ! I I NI i vt E I I b i I E I I I n I I I n I !! ts I l I n E E E I 0a15nm813i25 97G52+6E10 Jusuo Nlolsen PAGE 15/18 FACTORY-INSTALLBD HEATER OPTIONSI Mq,EL fi8 VA (x|{)036 u2 0{8 060 FC4DNF t, 6, 10 t, c, t0 c, 0, 10, 15 5, 0, 10, t3 L t0, 15 0. 10. t5 10 r For fald-httd.d hrtribr coi| codblnctlonr, rr. Rlcblc Hd on prg. I1. ELECTRIC HBATER INTERNAL PROTBCTION HEATEB KTV PHASI FUSE dTY/BIZE CKT IKR' oTY/8tZE .t I 1/!0 a 60 e 1ls 10 I 1/dl I5 a3o-zloo 2la t3 3 18 9 N 4/O a@ 24 1ls 4dl 00 1i3 c/00 14 0z1,5n0oa 1t:25 97D52+6E10 Ju*in Nidrcn PAGE 16/16 ACCESSORIES ITEII ACCESSORY FART NO.'FAN COIL SIZE USID WTIII [Jisconncct NCt KFADI(POI DsC Coding ontde end hlrbls 3- through 1o-krJv 2.Dovnflcrv Basc Kit KFACBOIOl CFB 016 KFACM2fi CFB @4,@0 KFACBO3O1 CFB 6q O42, 048 KFACBo/t{tl OFB 000 3.Do|vnflcrw Cmvsdon l{t KFADC@OISLP Slas Coil UniHtS, (}24,000, fi10 I(FADCO4OlACL A-Cdl UniH42, o{8, 060 singb-ront Wring Kit KFASPO1OISPK Only wih 15- snd 20-l(W FJsad Hcctts Filbr Kit (12 Pado KFAFKOI1zSML ot6 I$AFKOzI2MED @4,(xlo KFAFKM1ZSG 000, 042, o/to KFAFT(OII20(L 060 0.Porsr Flug Kit (25 Ped()KFAPPOI 2sPLG AI 7.Fy'C Cond$6eb Trep Klt (5O pack)KFAETO1 5OEIK AI 8.Air Clcans zu-vott Cmvddon l{i KEA\rc020124O AI DcrvnnoflHdizontel Ccnvor:ion Gad(ct Kit I$AHDOl Ol8LP AI 10.HdizEntel Wst8r Mensgfli$t Kit (zlt pedo I(FAHCOI25AAA AI r Frdory {horircd $d lb#, frld-inltrlhd. Accessory Kits Description Suggested and Required Use. 1. Dlsconn€ct Kit Thc tit is rsed to dirconnecl elecbical power to thc fan 6oi1 ro servicc or maintenanc€ may be performed eafcly, SUGGESTED USE: Unit6 for 3- through 10-kW elcctric rcsistance heatcs and oooling conholr. 2. Downlow Bose Kit Thig lcit ir designcd to pmvide a 1-in. minimum cleoonoe betwccn unit dirchage plcnum, duolworli end combuslible materialE. It also provides a gap-free sesl with the floor. REQLIIRED USE: This lit must bc used whcncvcr frn coils sr€ uscd in downflow applicaliono' 3. Dotn[ow Conversion Kil Fan coils are rhipped fiom thc factory for upflow or horizontal-left applicationl. Downllow corweraion tits provide propcr condcnrate watcr drainagc and support for thc coil whcn used in downllow applicaEons, Separate kir arc availablc for dopc coils and A-coik, REQUIRED USE: Thir kit musi bc uecd whcnevcr fra coilc ur used in downflow applicadons. 4. Single Polnt Wuing Kit Thc dngle point wiring Lit acts as I jumper bctweer Ll and t3 lugs, and betwecn thc [2 and I/ lugr. Thir allows the instrllcr io run lwo heavy-gruge, high-vollage wires into the fan coil ralher thar 4 light-gaugc, htgh-volhge wfucc' SUC,CESTED USE: Fan coils with 15- ond 20-LW fused henlcn only. 5. Fllhr Kit 02 pack) The kia consisg of 12 fan coil framcd filtcs, Thcsc filtcs collmt largc dust particle-s fmm thc return air entering the fan coil and ppvcnls them frorn collccting on the coil. This proccrs helps lo teep thc coil c.lcan, which incrcrscs h€Et lta$lfer and, in tum, the eficicncy of thc systcm, SUGGESTED USB: 'Ib replace filten in fan coile. REOUIRED USE: AU uniB unlcse a filtcrgrille ig uscd. 6. Power Plug Kit Thc til consists of 25 wire hrrncss ssscmblics. Esch plry provides thc high-voltagc powcr connec[on to thc frn coil in thc absencc of elcctdc hcrt. REQUIRED USE: Unib imislcd without dccttic hcal. 7. condensats Drsln Ttap Ift Tld6 tit conristr of 50 PVC condcnsale inpe. Each irap is pre-formed and rlEdy for frdd insfalation, This dccp lraP hclp! thc systcm mahe and hold propcr condcnrate flow cvcn during blowcr initialion. SUC'GESTED IjSE: All fan coilr. 8. Alr Clean€r 2{0-volt Converdon Kit The AIRA clerEonic air olcrner comcr nady for 115-v opcretion. REQUIRBD USEI Thir tit i! Gquircd whcn running 240-volt cirouit to dr dcancr. 9. DownlodHorfuontal conversion GEslct Klt Thir tit providcs thc pmpcrgarhcdng of unia whcn rpplied in cithcr a downflow or horizontal applicrtion. REQUIRED USE: Frn coilE in cilhcr downflow or horizonrtrl applicrtionr' 10, Horizonhl Applcations - Wahr Mamgersrt KIt Tlrir lir providcs propcr inahllation of fan coils undcr condidons of high sietic proeurc end high rdelive humidify' SUGCESTED USE: All frn coilr. M.n ldlrr .I|rfi thr d$t lo drf|r., .l |ny tlrnr, rpdllcllqt| lnd drlrm ulthcll rFll.. ttld t||hot oul!.tlqr.R!pb6:Fr(4C4lD 02r15400G 13:24 97S524.6E10 Jurtln Nirlssn PAGE 123 lrlO. OF PAGE: 23 (include thls page) town of vall Buildlng DEPT. Justin Nielsen rrEL) 970-524-6809 (FAX) 970-524-6810 iustin@skyllnernechanical. com Slqline Mechanlcal 'g ,,)' CONrelR IPAGtr oFiiilfildrpv Data: O2l15l2oOG 13:24 To: From: Narne: Departrnent: Name: TEL & FAX: E-Mail: Company: Equiprnent 6pe6 for 2683 Cortina lane BP# b040348 to go vvlth mechanical permit application. ffi \\D t' lr I t o i-S {F{,'t'"rd 't 4'' * .ln ', og" l-f j .j'-; J O" r.i .' 0U15n006 1!:24 970-52'L6E10 Canier'c Air Conditionen with Puronc rcAigerant prwidc a collcction of ferlures unmstahcd by any other family of equipmcnt. Thc 24ABA has bcen dcsigncd utilizing Canier'l Puron rc.ftigerent The €nvLonmcntally round rdrigennt allows you lo male r rtsponriblc dccision in the protcclion of thc carlh's ozone laycr. Crrricr's air conilitioning lyElcm with Puron tcfrigennt meeJ6 thc Energy Stero guidclincr for encrgy dcicncy. JuCin Nielscn PAGE z:l3 ':r lirrn to the tsxperd INDUSTRY LEADING I.EATURES / BENEF'ITS Elltciency . 13 SEER./II EER . Miorotube Tbhnology " rcf,rigcrrtion system r Indoor rir qualily rcccgorics rvaibblc Sound I Sound levcl ar low rs 76 dBA Comfort ' System supports Thermidilbt' or ehndard thcrmoslst control! Reliability . Purono reftigemnt - environmcnlally round, won'l Acpf,te fre oz-one tayer rnd low lifetimc servcc co;t. . Front-scating rervicc velve: I Scroll oompresrcr . Intemd prtcsuo nlidvalve . Intemrl thermal overload r Fillcr drier r Brbnccd refrigcration Eystem for maximum rcliability Durability WcathcrArmor" pmtcotion pac.tsgcl I Solid Dunble shcct mchl construation r Denec wire coil guard . Brlcd-6, complclc coverrgc, powdct paint Applicationr . Ilng-linc - up to 250 fccl Sobl cquivd€nt lcngth, up to 200 ftct condcnrcr rbove wrporrtor, or up to E0 fl. cf,'rporator rbovc condcnrcr (Scc llnglirc Guidc for morc informa[on.) r l.ow unbicnt (down to -20oF) wilh rcocsrory tit Wananty . 5 ycrr limitcd comprcsro( wuru y i 5 yc:r fimihd plrb w.rEnty l,t' li 'ii:i;i.,.... Product Data gFfllffitfipV 0m5n0ffi 13124 97G52+8810 Justin Nielscn MODEL NIJMBER NO MENC I,ATI.]RE PAGE 3'!3 1234t6 NNAA4NN 24ABA3 'l*5 'JSii rb $H 'EER 24=AC A-BES AC B-Brec A-Pwon 3=13SEEB n$o" 78910 1t A/l{ 0 NN 96A0 3$1S v.ddont oPql A=stendld fi*S Opd| Volt gt sriF 3#i o'oe*-t o'!r'1" Igrn of Vaif 12 13 NN g0 ff#oPy @ STANDARD FEATIJRES r\ Faature 18 21 30 36 42 4s 60 Puron Refrlgerant x x x x X x X 13SEER X x x x x x x Scrcll Compressor x x x X x x X Dense Wire Coll Guard x x x X X X x Fteld Installed Filrer Drier X x x x x X X Front Seating Service Vahes x x x X x X x lnternel Pressure Relie{ Valve x x x X x x x lnternal Themal Overload x x x x x X X Long Line capabllity X x x x X X X Low Ambient capability with Kft x x x X x x X 02nsn006 13i24 97G52+6E10 Justln Nielsen VAFOR LINE SIZING AND COOLING CAPACITY ITOSS PTJRON I.STAGE AIR CONDMIONER APPLICATIONS PAGE 4f}3 unit is rbovc indoor unit, rnd up 1o E0 Ft whcn lhe outdoor unit is below lhe indoor unit. Rcfcr Jo Accessory Uugc Guidelinc below for requircd accescories. Scc Long-Lhc Applicalion Guidcline for n4uired ptptng and syrtem modiEcations. Aleo, rcfer to thc table bclow for thc rooeptable vepor tube diametsrs bascd on thc lohl length Jo minimize thc coaling capscity loss. LONG LINE APPLICATION: An applioalion is considerd "Long linC' when lhe torrl equivslent tubing tength excccds 80 ft or whcn lhcrt is more thsn 20 Ft vcrtical seperalion bclwccn indoor and outdoor unit8, These applicatione nquire additional accessorics and syltem modifications for rcliable syrtem opcration, The maximum dlowrble total equivf,lcnt length is 250F1. The rnurimun vcrlical is 200 Ft whcn ouldoor PHYSICAL DATA u]{tr stuE StRtEs 18 24 ct 36 42 48 00 Oprrdng WCght (b)125 12'134 152 189 AO 8A Shlpplng WCght 0b)140 t40 'r 55 173 219 233 270 Conprsdl}pc Sco REFRICERAI{T Rirq|o (R-410A) Cqruol D(v (tu]mo H$d Shdolt chsrgo (lb)4.6 4.3!i 4.75 J.2!r o.2 E.3at 0.75 COND FAN ProP3ll* lypa, D[oc't Driv6 Ar Dlldr.rgp Vfrlic.l Ar ay (cno lEm 2@ 4@ nfi 9170 3t!6€4050 llotor HP 1J12 1110 1110 114 115 |4 t/5 otor RPI$1t@ t1@ 1100 1't 00 1100 110(E2t COND@IL Frco Arca (Sq O 0.Eat 9.65 11 .40 14.77 17.8 21.*6,15 Fins plr In.I n a 25 2J E a Rqvs 1 I 1 1 Clrflits 3 3 3 3 4 VAWE CONNECT (ln, lD) Vapor 16 qB E4 sl4 7la l6 18 Ljquid E6,q0'ry6'Eo'q/8'E8'3/E' REFRIGEBANTTU3SST (ln. OD) Vapof (0-E0 Ft TUbr tsngth)t0 5/6 E4 'owfi o 7lE 1-1/0 Uquld (0-€o RTubs Lglgtr)al FFiia !r _tL rf,l t-r t or E|bing a.|r blr4llqr l[, and uljo lt. horEonEl or 3u rt. vlal Notc: Sx unl Instdldim In*uciion for 9toD, Ind.lldion. ;-qt '{ 0?i15n004 1?24 97O52'l-5E10 1. BalhB€aring Fan Motor A fan motor with ball bearings which permits spccd reduolion while maintaining bcaring lub riration, Ungc Guidelinc: Rc4uircd on all units whcn MotorMrstcP - 2. Cotrprcfsor Shrt Arrlrt - Capscitor and Relay Sbrt capacitor and relay gives a "hard" boosl to oomprlssor motor El each sbrt up. Uaage Guidclinc: Rcquircd for ecipocating comprcslom in the f ollowing applicotions: llng line hw ambient cooling, Hsrd 6hut off cllpansion valvc on indoor coil tiquid line solenoid on indoor coil Requircd for singtc-pha* tcro1l comprcssors in the following applicalions: [.ong line Low ambicnt cooling Suggcsted for all oomprcssors in areas with a hislory of low voltagc problcms. 3. Comprecsor Start AsEi6t - PTC rype Solid slst€ dcctrical dcvice which civcl a "soft" boost to the compressor at cnc,h start-up, Usage Guidcline: Sugge.sted in inslallations wilh maqinal power supply. {. Crank€re H€ater An eleoJric r€sishnc€ heat€r which mountE to the b88e of the comprcssor to keep thc lubricant warm during off cyoler. Impmvcs comprcssor lubrication on r€slrrt and minlnize.s thc chance of liquid slugging. Usage Guiddine: Rcquired in low rmbicnt oooling applications' Requited in long linc applicalions. Suggested in all commcrcial applicatione. 5. Cycle Hlt€ctor Thc cycle pmtcctor is d*igned to prsvenl comPrc$or short cycling. This oonhol provides an appmximatc S-minutc delay after powcr to thc oompre$or hEs bccn interrupted for any rcacon, inc,luding power outsgea pmiector conlml trip, thermosht jiggling, or normal oycling. 6. Evaporator tr're€ze Th€rmostat An SPIIT lemperalu("-actustcd lwitch thal stops unit openlion when evaporalor relches &cczc-up condilions. Usagc Guideline: Rc4uind when low smbiont kit has bee$ addcal. 7, Low-Ambient Pressur€ Swit4h Kit A long life prccsure switch which ir mounJcd to ouldoor unii sswicc valve. It i! dcligncd io cyclc thc ouldoor fan motor in ordcr to mainrair hcad pnsrurc within norm&l operating limits (approximaldy 100 psig to 225 psig). 1lle control will mainhin wodaing hesd prE!sutl aJ low-ambienl temperaiures down to OoF when propedy indallcd. Urage Guidclinc: A Low-Ambicnl Prtsrurc Switch or MolorMtriep Low-Ambicnl Conlrollcr murt bc uE€d whcn cooling opsration i3 uscd e! outdoor tcmperaturc.r bdow 55oF (12Aoq. t. Motorll4rst€rc Irt-Amblent Cotrtmller A frn-cpccd conld dcvioc aaivrlcd by a lempcnhtrc scnsor, dcsigncd lo conhol condcnscr fan motor ipc€d in t$ponse to thc saturated, condenring tcmperatuE during opention in cooling Justin Nielscn PAGE 623 mode only. For outdoor t€mpcrshlres down to -20oF (-26.9oC), it rnaintainr condenoing tcmpcrature at 100oF tlooF (378oC * -120q. Uragc Guideline: A MotorMarlero hw Ambicnt Controllcr or Low-Ambicnl Prtlsurc Switch must bc uscd whcn cooling opcrafon is uEcd al outdoor temPcraiurca betow 55'F (r2.8"Q. Suggcstcd for all commcrcial ryplications. 9. Outdoor Air Tomp€r8ture Scnior Designcd for usc with Canisr Therm$lati listed in this publicoiion, This dcvice enables the thcrmostsl lo dirplay the outdoor tempenturc, This devicc also is nquircd to enable spcoial th€rmsbt featurcs such as auxiliary h.at loci. oul, Uoage Guidelinc: Suggestcd for all Cenier lhcrmoshts listcd in this publication. 10. Sound Hood Wrapamund sound reducing covrr fo! the oomprexsor. Rcducel the round lcvel by about 2 dBA. Usage Guidcline: Suggcsted whcn unit is inrhlled c,lccr than 15 ft lo quiet ar€as, bcdmoms, etc. Suggesled when uni! is insbllcd bctwcen two houscs less thsn 10 ft apsrt. 11. Support treet Four s[c,k-on plastic feet thal rEise ths uniJ 4 in. abovc the mounting pad. This allows sand, dirl snd oth€r dtltis to bc flushcd from lhe unit basc, rninimizing cormsion' Usryc Guiddine: Susgestcd in the following epplications: Coastal installalions, Windy areas or where dcbris is normally oiroulaling. Rodtop installations. For improved sound ralingr. 12. Thermoshtlc Expansion \hlve (lXD A moduladng flow-oontrol valvc which mctcrs rdtigera$t liquid flow ralc into thc cvaporator in response lo thc supeftcat d the rc.Aig€rant gas le8ving the evapo8to(. Kil inc,ludrs valvg adaptcr lubcs, and cxtcmd equalizer tubc' Hard ehut ofr typer arc available. NOTE: Whcn using r hard shut off Tr(V with singlc phasc rccipmcaling comp(erttorl, a Comprelsor Stan As6i!! Capacitor and Rday io nquired. Usagc Guidelinc: Requircd to aohicve ARI ratings in ccrain cquipmcnt combinrtionr. Refcr to combination atingr' H.rd lhut off T:CV or L[5 rcquircd in air conditioner long linc applicafons. Rc4uircd for ulc on all zoning syslcms. 12. ThrE-Delay Rehy An SPST delay rclay which briafly continucs opcration of indoor blowcr motor to prwidc additional cooling aftcr thc compftrEor cyc,lcl off, NOTE: Morl indoor unil oonbl! indude fris fcitutl. For those thrl do nol u8c thc guidelinc bdow. Urrgc Guiddinc: For improved cficicncy ralingr for ccrbin combinatione ofindoot rnd outdoor unib. Rdc( lo ARI Unitary Dinrtory. Accessory Dercription and Usage (Lirhd Alphabetically) (Condnued) 0A15n006 13i24 97G52+6E10 13. Wint€r Start Contml This control is dcsigncd lo dleviatc low-pnisue switch by bypassing it opcration, ELECTRICAL DATA nuisancc opcning of lhe for thc firsl 3 minutes of Justln Nlelsen PAGETNS t f wii. i! rpplird .t ernbirr trcd.r ftrn 30' C (85' Dl con.ult b.Ur 310-15 o{ hc NEC 6tlSVNffA 7q. Thc anPrcity of ndr -mdllic-drrdrGd crHc (NM), rreii ncmc BOMEX,;hdl b. utd of60' C (1,10' F) condiuonr, pr 0rc NEC (AIISUNFPA 7q Attid! 3r-26. Itothlr tlrn uncod.d (no-pld!d), 60 ;r 73' C (140 or l5't' CJ insqldion, copprr wi. (rolld \rf.lor lO AIVG or rndl{. sbd|dcd ul. iot l.r!.f lhan l0 AWG) b uccd, conrult rPplicrbl. tlblF of rhc NEc (Al'rsuNFPA 70) . * L.nlul dtown ii rs mlr&rrd I way dong wir. pdr b!6r..n unit and lsvic. prnol for volt ga drop not !o ocrGd 29d 'r Timc-Ddry turc, FLA - Full Lod Anp. LRA - Lockcd notor AmDe MCA - Mlnhnum Cirqrit ArnD6 RLA - Bdrd Lo.d Ampe NOTE: Contot drcuit b 24-V on dt unb rnd Equir.. qignd porf{ sourcr. Copp.t r/ti! mud br us.d llom €s'vica dbcoinld to unit. Al motorg/conprGsoc contaln irtarnd ovqlg.d protrdion. A-WErGIITED SOUND POWER (DBA) UNIT stzE V/PH OPER voLTsr cotvtPR FAN MCA MIN WIR! stzEt tr N WIRE srzEt MAJX EN TH (FT)+ lrtAx I-ET{GTH (FDT ilt lx FUSETt OT CKT EBK AiIFS mAx t N LFA RI.A FIA 60c 75. C 6(rC 7?C 18 2O8l23,Ol1 253 197 48.0 9.0 0-5 11 .7 14 4 67 u 15 24 56.3 t3.5 o.75 17.6 l4 4 ,t5 /t3 a 30 04.0 r2.E 0.75 10.8 14 4 47 45 ll 36 n.o 14.1 1.4 19.0 12 00 dl 30 42 112.0 17.e 1.1 23.5 12 2 59 Q 48 109.0 19.9 1.4 82 10 0 76 7S & 60 134.0 N.4 1.2 v.2 0 6 01 86 50 rangs UNlT stzE STANDARD RAT|tlG TYPICAL OgfAvE BAND SPECTBUII ft.dthout tms adlur0ne ) 125 250 5m 1000 2(xn 4(xn 8m0 18 70 52.0 61 .0 g7.o 70.5 67.5 03.5 56.5 24 7A 50.5 04.0 67.5 @.5 67.O &t.0 00.5 30 70 56.0 03.5 @.0 72.0 09.0 64,3 50.5 s6 7A 38-5 04.0 66.0 @.5 60.0 o2.,t5.o 42 7E 57.5 65.0 71.O 73.0 70.5 97.5 e2.5 48 t6 s9.5 07.0 72.J 73.0 70.0 g7.o 0z!.5 60 t6 01 .0 gt.5 74.5 06.5 02.5 01 .0 A-WETGITTED SOUND POWER (DBA) WITH ACCESSORY SOUND HOOn UNIT stzE STANDARD RATIiIG TYPICALOSrAVE EAND SPEgTRUil ( lthout tms adlustnmt) 12s 250 5m 1000 2(xxt 4000 flno 18 74 50.0 61.3 04.5 00.5 04.o 0t .0 54.5 24 75 50.0 Gt.5 @.0 70,5 66.0 aEi.0 59,0 30 70 50.5 04.0 @.5 71.5 0e.0 04.5 58.0 36 7A 50.5 04.5 oa.5 c9.5 o.0 60.5 56.5 42 n 57.5 05.0 70.5 72.O 70.0 67.O d!.o 48 n 50.5 tt.o 72.O 72.O @.5 00.5 @.0 60 n 50.0 0t .o 00.5 73.0 66.0 00.5 37.5 UN]T SIE- VOLTAGI & SERIES RrourEED sulcoouNc en 16-30 I u-n 13 30-30 10 36-00 10 42-g 10 46-90 17 60-30 l1 CHARGTNG SUBCOOLING (rXV -TYPE E)pANSION DEVICE) - 3 z a E z u E g I t l I o > x x t fl U B 6 ts l I k ,c c =-{ o n i 6 x x E",!F in 5P o @ o o o o o o q I E c E q s t ts t e +c E q E E q E E F (, E E d a E e e a s a d b a ff ff o g ol o E q E 0?q : U ol q s q n o 4 b d a b t o E q E E q I E q E q E q ql 0l E E E s I E a 5 o' x t $fi N n N n r e q +I + q n a c .{ q o e q E e 2 fr o Q t t s e n fi E ! g t t _E a t 2G-40-1-60 zs-1-d) 2WA$-3-d) 4@-3-60 ox ;* 'rI0p $iii *.; s t il$H{I r€ t f qel er il it *tt :tfi + >s r5 Ttr Ei qE At I!gI !. 3 -slE ?rt Elt t s -=i? ;t t! I ta g5 o o N i o p .N .8 (t o c z a o H (,at x q o F x I N q x B 3 92 o.oc .3 fir 62 9A vr2 o 91 I T u 5_ 5' n d dl F ;' E F tt 1l tzigt gooztgtao 0l99fz9{1.6 ueq.lN ulFnf stzn 3evd 0A15n006 13i24 97G52+6E10 Juslin Nielscn PAGE 9/23 COMBINATION RAIINGS Unli gzc - VoltBge & Ssrlc lndoor Model Total Cap. ETUII Factory Supplbd Enh'|c.nsrt SEER EER Ftrnqcs ModC St'|dtd Rdng rDRt 18-30 *cAP**1814A**17,500 Dff 13.00 11 .00 cAPr*t al 4Ar*17,m TDR&T)ry t4.00 ll.m 58CV(4,)0070-12 cAPr*24144**17,7@ Dor'19.m 11 .00 CAP**241ltrA**17,500 TDR&DU 't4.00 11.70 socv(A,x)070-12 cAP**2417A**17,7@ T,ry '13.00 11 .00 cNr,*24174**17,500 TDR&Dft/14.m .70 50MVBm0-14 CArir24l7Ar*17,000 TDR&DO 14.00 11.70 58cv(A)0090-10 cNFr'*1014,A**'t7,500 DV 't9.00 1 't .00 cNF/*1014A**t7,N TDR&D(V t4.m 11 .70 s8CV(A,X)o7o - r 2 cNryr2414A**17,7@ Tru 13.00 11.m cNF/r2414A 17,500 TDR&Dry 14.00 11.70 sECV(AJ007o-12 cNP!V*2417A**17,7@ D(V 13.00 '| | .00 cNFV*2417Ar*17,500 TDR&DO 14.@ 1t .70 50trlvBoo0-14 cNFr'r24|7A**17,000 TDR&D$/14.00 11.70 58CV(A,)q000 - 1 0 cNPH*2417Ar*17,7@ DO 13.00 '| 1 .00 cNPH*2417Arr 17,500 TDR&D(v 14.00 11.70 50MVBO|0-14 cNPHr24tTA**'17,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.70 50MVBOO0-14 cNPHr24.l7A*r 17,m0 TDR&Try 14.00 11.70 50twBooo-14 cNPHr2417A**17,500 TDR&DV 14.00 11 .70 sscv(A,x)o7o - l 2 cNPH*2417A**17,600 TDF&Dff 14.00 11 .70 56cv(A,x)00o - r 0 cNPFi2418A**17,7W D0/13.00 11 .00 csPH*2412A**17,7@ D$13.m 11 .00 csPH*24t 2Ar*17,5@ TDR&T,O 14.m .70 50MV8040-14 csPHi24l2A'*17,500 TDR&DV 14.00 11.70 SEMVBOoo-14 csPHr24l2A**t7,0q)TDR&DV 14.00 '| 1 .70 56MV8060-14 csPH*24124**17,500 TDR&DO 14.00 t1.70 sscv(A,x)070 - | 2 csPH*2412Arr 17,@0 TDR&.|)(/14.m 't 1.70 56cv(A,E(n0-10 FY'IANFol I '17,M TDR&D t3.m 11 .00 FY4,ANF@4 17,5{D TD8&Dry 13.m 11 .00 FX'ICNF018 17,600 TDR&D$14.00 11 .70 D(,lCNFo24 17,900 TDB&Dff 14.00 't1.70 FF'IENPOl8 17,M TDR&D(v 13.00 t 1.00 FF1ENPO24 17,600 TDR&TX/13.20 It.m FV4BNFOOA 17,800 TDR&D(V 14.m 12.(D otl Justin Nielscn PAGE 1023 0?i1SaOOE 13:24 97&52+6010 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINTJEI) Unlt 92. - Voltagc & Ssr|r lndoot I$odal Total cS. ETUH FEctofy Suppllcd Enhrrcfirant SEEB EEB FUnac€ ilodrl Stndrd Rdng TDRt 24-SA *cAF*2414Art ?3,000 DU 19.00 11 .00 CAarr24t 4A.r n,ffi TDR&DO 14.@ 11 .50 56cv(Ax)o7o-12 cAP**24'|7Afi e,ffi D(v '| 3.00 '| t .00 cAPr*2417Arr e.N TDF&DO 14.00 11.50 50lrvB060- 1 4 c$t+*24174t*e,ffi TDR&Try 14.00 't 1 .70 56CV(An000-14 cAIt**3014A*r 23,m0 13.00 11.00 CAP**3014,4**e,w TDH&'DO/14.00 '| 1 .50 5oov(Ax)o7o-12 cAPr*3fi 7Arr 23,000 D&13.00 11.@ cAlt**3017Arr 2.,W TOR&DO/14.m 11 .70 SEMVBOOo- 14 cAP**3017Ar*22,8(x)TDF&DU '| 4.00 11.70 56CV(Anoeo- 16 cNPy'*2414,A**e,w 1)O 10.00 11 .00 CNf,F241,[Ar*2.000 TDR&DO 14,00 11.50 56cv(Ax)o7o - r 2 cNPV*24174**22,€O0 DO 10.00 11.m cNF/r2417Afi 22,6(x)TDF&Dff 14.00 11 .50 sEMVBqro-14 cNFy'*2417A e.ffi TDR&T}ft/14,00 11.50 56CV(A,X)000 - 1 0 cNPV*3ot4,A*r 23,000 DO 10.0o 1 't .00 cNF|/r3ot 4A'*2.,ffi TDF&D(V 14.00 11.'r5 58cv(An070-12 cNF/*30174*'29,000 DV 19.00 11 .00 cNF/*3017Ar*2,8@ TDR&Dry 14.00 11.70 581W8060-14 cNryr3017F*2'm TDF&D{/t4.m 11 .70 50cv(Ano00-10 cNPH*2417Afi e.w TJO 13.00 11.00 cNPH*24174fi e,ffi TDB&DO 14.00 11 .50 50MVB0ro- I 4 cNPH*24't7A*r e.ffi TDB&DU 14.00 11 .50 58CV(A)007o-12 cNPH*3017A'r 23,m TJry 't3.@ 11 .00 cNPH*9017A*r 2,W TDR&.|.)O 14.00 1t .70 58ilvBo40-'t 4 cNPH*3017A*r 2,*n TDB&D(v 14,00 '| I .70 sECV(AX)o7o-12 cNPF*24164*r 2,W Dfl 19.00 11.m csPH*2412A"23,G)Dfl 13.m fi .00 cs PH*241 2A*r 2.N TDR&Dry 14.@ rl.50 58idvB{}t0-14 cs PH*241 2Ar*22,E00 TDF&DO 14.00 11 .50 !8lvwB060- 1 4 csPHr2412Ar'z,ffi TDR&D$/14.00 .50 50cv(A)0070-12 c8 PH*24i 2A*r 2,W TDR&DO 14.00 11.70 56CV(An00O-10 cs PHr241zAfi 2,W TDR&.|)ry 14.00 11.50 !6CV(4n110-20 csPH*2412Afi 2.W TDR&.|)O 14.@ 11 .50 s8cv(Ax)13n-22 csPHrSol2Afi 23,m0 T'(V 19.m 11 .00 csPHr3012Ar.2,ffi TDR&D$/1/t.d)tl.70 5E1rrVB040-14 cs PH*301 2Ar*2,W TDR&DO 14.@ 11.70 58MV8000- t 4 cs PHrSd zArr E,W TDF&DO/t4.m 11 .70 58lvlVB0E0-14 ql 0A15n006 13i24 970-52+5810 COMBINATION RATTNGS CONTINTJEI) Justin Niolson PAGE 11123 Unlt 8|ze - Voltrga & scrl6 lndool Modcl Tbtal Cap. BTUH F.ctory Supplled Enhmc.m t SE!R IER Frrngca Modsl St'|drd Bsdng TDRI 24-g) csPHr9012A**2,W TDR&DO/14.00 11 .70 58i/vBoE0-20 csPHr00l2Ai*2.W TDR&NO t4.m 11 .70 501v1v8100-20 csPH*3012Arr n,w TDR&DV 14.00 11 .70 501w8120-20 csPH*00124'*2.W TDR&T(V 14.m r'l .70 50cv(A)0o70 - 12 csPH*30't2A'r 4,W TDR{IDV 14.00 11.70 58cv(AX) 00o - | o cs PH'30'l2A'r 2,W TDF&Tff 14.00 11 .70 5ocv(Ax)110-20 csPHr00l2A*r 22,600 TOR&DO 14.@ 11 .70 56CV(A|n135-22 csPH*30124rr 4,ffi TDR&Dff '| 4.00 11 .70 50cv(AX)155 -22 FY/I,ANFO24 22,d)0 TDR&DU 13.00 11 .00 FYANF6O 2,ffi TDB&T}V 13.20 t1.@ P(4CNF024 23,000 TDB&DO 14.00 11 .50 D(4CNF030 8,m TDR&DV 14.00 11 .50 FFl ENPO24 4,ffi TOF&Dff 13.(n 11.m FFl ENPOsO e,M TDB&D(V 't3.00 '| 1 .00 FV4BNFO@ 23,000 TDR&DU 14.00 11 .70 FV4BNFOOO 23,000 TDR&Dry 14.00 12.00 g)-30 *cAF*30144r*28,m0 DU 13.m 11 .00 cAP**9014A**27,ffi TDR&DV 13.50 11.n 55cv(Ax)070 - 1 2 cAP*r3fi 7Afi 28,mO DV 13.00 11.m oAP4*9017A"27,ffi TDR&DV 14.00 11 .50 56MVBO00- 1 4 cAlt**3017Afi 27,ffi TDR&.|.)U 14.00 11 .50 58CV(A)0090 - I o cAP*r301 4,Att 27,W T)$/13.00 11 .00 cAPr*3014A*r 26,600 TDB&D$/'t 4.00 11 .50 58CV(AX)070 - 1 2 cAP*i3617A**20,(m T(v 19.00 11.00 cAPr*3o,t 7A*r 27,ffi TDR&TX/'| 4.00 11 .50 56MVBO60- 1 4 cAP'r*3d TArt 27,W TDR&Tn/14.@ 11 .50 56cv(A4wo - 16 cAltri*3@1A 28,m0 Tn/13.m 1't .00 cAltr. *3621 A*r 27,e@ TDR&TO 14.00 r1.50 50lwBooo-14 cAPfi3021A*r 27,ffi TOF&D(V 14.00 11 ,50 s8cv(A'x)1r0-20 CNP\r'r3014Arr 2E,000 10,00 '| 1 .00 cNrurso1,[Air n,ffi TDR&TN 13.50 11 .20 50cv(Ax)o7o - 1 2 cNP1/tol7Afi 26,rm Tru 13.00 11.@ cNFVr9017A**27,ffi TDF&DO 14.00 11 .50 58MVB0o0-14 cNrurool74''n,w TDR&Tru 14.m 11 .50 56CV(A)0000 - | 0 cNF/i3017Art 24,m0 Dry 19.00 11.00 cNru'30174*r zt,N TDR&DO/14.00 11.50 56MV8000- 14 cNF/*3617A*r n,ffi TDF&TX/14.@ 11 .50 58CV(A,)0 oeo - r o cNFurrSo2lA*r 2E,m Dff 13.m 11.m cNPVrc@lA*2r,ffi TDR&Nff 14.@ 11 .50 50MVBO80-14 cNFy'i3d!14rr n,w TD8&DU 14.m 11 .50 lEcv(An11o-20 cNPHr30l7A*r 28,(m TO 13.m 1.@ cNPH*3017Afi n,ffi TOR&Tru 13.50 11.m toMvBgo-l4 cNPH.90l7A'r tt,ffi TDR&TXV 14.m 11 .50 58(;v(Ax)o7o-r 2 cNPHi30l7Arr 28,00 ilv 13.@ 11.00 cNPHrS0lTA*r 27,60 TDR&Tn/19.50 t1.s 501r,ftBo4o-14 cNPHr3017Afi 27.ffi TDR&DU r4.00 11 ,50 56CV(A)0070 - 12 ql 10 02115f2006 13:24 970-52+6E10 Justln Niclern PAGEl?N3 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED Unlt Slz! - VoltBgo & 8a.l- lndoor ltlodC Tohl C.p. ITUH Fadory Suppllrd Enh'|canqrt s!tR EEB . Furnrcs ModC St'|dtd Rdng TDRt 3{r-30 cNPF3618A'*26,000 Dfl 13.00 1t.m csPHr301zAi'2S,0m TXV 13.q)11 .00 csPHrSo 2A**27,m TDR&T'(v 't 3.50 11.20 SEII/NBO4o-14 csPHrS0l2A**27,ffi TDH&D(v 14.00 11 .50 5ocvh,no7o - r 2 csPH*3012Ar*20,000 1)(v 13.20 11.00 27,m TDR&D$/14.m 11 .50 50MVBO40-14 csPH*3612Afi 27,M TDR&NO 14.00 1't .50 50cv(A)0070-12 FY,[ANFSO 27,ffi TDR&.r)V 1S.@ 11.00 FY/nNF60 2t,w TDF&TXI/13.m 11 .00 FX4CNF030 28,000 TDF&DU 13.50 11.20 FX4CN(B,D6o 26,M TDR&DO t4.m 11.50 FFl ENPOSO 27,M TDR&D(V 13.00 11.00 FFI ENPOSO 26,(m TDR&T'W 't 3.20 11.@ FV4BNFOO2 27,M TDF&D(V 't4.00 11 ,50 FV4BNFO6 28,m0 TDF&DO/14.00 11 .70 FV4BNFOG'2E,600 TDR&IW t4.00 12.00 36-30 rcAFr*36174**34,000 D0/13.@ 11 .00 cAltr.*3614Atr $,m DO 13.00 11.m cAPr$d 4A'r 32,000 TDR&T,ry 13.50 11.&50cv(A)0070 - 1 2 cAPtrr30l7A**33,6(x)TDR&TO/t4.m 11 .50 56MVm60-14 cAlt**3617A**33,600 TDH&DV 14.m I|.50 56CV(A,n@0-10 cA>r$621A*r 34,000 DO 1S.00 11.m cAP*r3!A1Ar*30,000 TDR&Tn/13.50 11 .20 50MV8000- 14 cAP* *362 1 A**30,600 TDR&D(v 14.00 11.50 socv(A,x)110-2o cAP*.4221A**34,000 T)$/19.m 11 .00 CAF^'4214''93,EOo TDH&DV t4.m rl.t0 58MVBO00-14 cAft* *4221 A**34,000 TDB&Tff t4.q)11 .50 5acv(A,x)r ro-20 cAP*r4Z24A**34,000 D(V 't 3.00 '| | .oo c$t r4.24Ar*30,600 TDR&DO 14.00 11 .50 50t{vBol0- 1 4 oAP*r42244**94,000 TDR&Tru 14.00 1t.70 sscv(A,x) 1 95 -22 cNPVr96t TArr 34,000 DO 19.00 11.m cNFr'rSd 7Ar*30'/m TOB&DU 13.50 11 .20 50MVBm0-14 cNFr'$ot7Ar*30,000 TDH&DU 14.00 11 .50 sscv(A,)0000-'t0 cNF/$erArr 94,000 Iff 13.00 11.00 cNry*302tAr*30,fr)TDR&DO 13.m 11.q)5olvlVBOEO- t 4 cNFr'r3@1A**Et,600 TDB&Tn/10.50 11.4t sscv(A,x) 1 1o-20 cNrur422lA 94,000 no/13.m .O CNP|T422lA'T 30,000 TDR&DO 14.00 11 .50 50MV8000-14 cNFF4221Ari 34,(m TDR&Tn/14.m 1't .70 38CV(A,X)110-2o cNPHrS!17A*34,0@ Tn/t3.m .(x) cNPHrSolTA*r 30,ipq TDF&D(v 13.50 11.20 50MVBO40-14 cNPHi30l7A"E!,400 TDF&D$13.4)11 .20 sacv(A,no7o - | 2 cNPHr/li!zlA'r 34,(xn m/t3.q)11.(x, ql OZ$aOO6 13i24 97G52+6810 JuEtin Nielsen PAGE 1323 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINI JED Unlt Slzr - Voltagc &S*l* lndoot Model fbt l Cap. BTUH Fsctory Supplled Erfidrcqnont SEER EER FUrnsca llodsl Stgrdrd Rdng TDRt 36-30 cNPH*4221A**30,800 TDR&D(v 14.00 11 .50 50MVBeto-14 oNPH*42214**33,800 TDF&D$/14.00 rl.50 50MV8060- r 4 cNPHr422t Afi 33,000 TDR&Tn/'t4.oo t1.50 58cv0A,no7o-12 cNPFr3018A*r 34,(m DO 13.00 t1.m csPH*g612Ar*34,000 D(\/13.00 11 ,00 csPHrg61 2Ar*30,0@ TDR&DOr'14.00 11.50 sSi/lv oro-14 csPH*3612A**30,000 TDF&D(v 14.00 11 .50 58cv(A,x)070-12 csPHr42t 2A**34,000 DO 13.20 11 .20 csPHr4212A**30,600 TDF&Dry 13.50 1't .20 58MVB0[0-14 CSPH'/1212A**34,(m TOR&DU 19.50 11.4)5ocv(A,)Qo7o-12 FY4,ANF(x|O 3!t,800 TDR&DV 13.00 11.00 FY4ANFO42 34,400 TDR&DO/13.00 11 .00 FX/[CN(8,Dq30 34,4O0 TDR&DO 't4.00 11.50 FX4CN(B,DM2 34,8(x)TDR&TU 14.00 11.50 FF1 ENPOsO 33,800 TDR&Tru 10.00 11 .00 FV4BNFOE2 33,000 TDR&DO 14.00 11 ,50 FV4BNFO6 34,0m TDR&D(V 14.m 11.70 FV4BNFOOS 35,0(x)TDR&DV 14.00 12.@ FV4BNBOOO 36,400 TOF&T(v '| 4.00 12.00 42-30 *cAP**42214fi 41 ,000 T(v 13.00 fi .00 cAPi*4U1Ar*40,000 TDR&TU 't9.50 1t .20 5EMVBOEO-14 cAPr*4221A**/O,500 TDR&D(v 1s.50 11 .20 56cv(A,x)1r0-20 cfft**4a44'*41 ,000 T(V 13.00 't I .00 cAlti*4224Afi 40,m0 TDF&TX/13.50 11.20 58MVB040-14 Q,Ft*r4l?24A**/|o,5m TDR&T}O/14.m 11 .50 sscv(A,x)r35-22 cAF*r4617Ar''tO,5OO DO 13.20 11 .00 cAP**4E17Ar*40,000 TDR&DV 14.00 11.50 s8MVB000-14 cAP**4817A**40,000 TDR&D(V 14.@ 't 1.50 5ocv(A,n(no-r 0 cAP*140214*r 4t,500 DO 13.20 1t.00 cArfi4EAlAr*40,500 TDF&TXV 13.50 11.4 58MV8060-14 cAP**4621Afi 41,000 TDR&Try 14.00 11 .50 58cv6,n110-20 cAlt**46244rr 4t ,500 T(v 10.20 1t.00 oAPr*4024,4*i 41,(xD TDR&DU 19.50 11.2{)50tvlVB04O-14 clu"r*4E244**4t,qD TDB&])V 14.m 11.70 5ECV(A,)0 1 35 -22 cNF/*4221Arr 41,000 D0/13.00 11.m cNnF4221Ar'{,,m0 TDR&T(v '| 3.50 11.n 581vlVB0E0-14 cNF/r4221Afi 40,500 TDR&D(V 14.00 11.50 s6cv(A,x) | ro-20 cNnr4SiltA**41 ,500 D$/19.20 11.m CNP1F4E2lATT r10,500 TDR&Dfl 13.50 11 .20 50[w8060-14 cNPV'40alAt*4t ,000 TDH&TXV 14.00 11.50 5Acv6,x)110-20 CNFV*4EA4A'T 4t,5@ DO 13.20 1t .00 cNrur48244rr 41,0@ TDR&DO/19.50 11.20 S8lYlVBOlo- 14 CNPV*4e4/Ar*41 ,@o TDR&T}O/14.00 fi.70 5Ecv 135-22 cNPHr4221Afi 41,(m D$/1S.m 11.00 cNPFt*4221F /D,m TDB&IO/13.50 11 .20 SotvlvBoto- r 4 cNPHrrlzzlA**40,500 TOR&TX/19.50 11 ,20 5ocv(A,no7o - | 2 ql tz 0u15ngos 1?"24 97G52+6E10 Justln Nillten PAGE 14/23 o COMBINAIION RATINGS CONTINTJED Unlt 9zo - Voltag. & SsrlE lndoor Modd Ibtal Cap, ETUH Factory Supplled Enhg|ccmont SEER EER FUrnsca Modd Std|drd Rdng TDBI 42-3{) CNPHitlS2l A 41 ,500 TV 13.20 11.00 CNPH*4E21AT*/tO,500 TDR&Try 13.50 11 .20 58MVBO40-14 cNPH*4821Ar*4 t ,000 TDR&DU 19.50 1t.20 5ECVA)0070 - 1 2 CNPF/|810Ar*41 ,500 DO 13.20 11 .00 csPH*4212A*r 41,0@ Dff 13.20 11 .00 csPHr4zt 2Arr /10,000 TDR&D(r'13.50 11 .20 58lWBOto-14 csPHr4?12Afi rto,500 TDH&DO/13.50 1't .20 50CV(A,{070-12 csPH*4612Ar*41 ,500 DO 13.20 I 't .00 CSPHi/|61zAr'41 ,000 TDR&D(v 13.50 11 .20 50lwB0t0-14 cs PH*481 2A*r 4't,000 TDF&DU 13.50 11.n 58CVO,)0070 - | 2 FY4ANFO42 41 ,000 TDB&DU 13.m fi.@ FY/[ANFol0 4.i1,000 TDR&DO 13.20 '| 1 .00 D(4CN(8,D042 41,5@ TDB&DU 10.50 11 .20 FX4CN(8,D048 42,500 TDB&D(V 14.00 11.50 FV4BNFO6 40,500 TDR&NOr'l4.m 11 .50 FV4BNFOO5 41 ,sfl)TDB&TX/'t4.00 1 't .70 FV4BNBOOO 42,500 TDF&Try 14.00 12.m 48-30 cAlr14817A*r 45,0@ DV 10.00 11.m cAlt*r4617Afi 44,mO TDB&D(V 13.50 11 .20 56CV(A,X)oeo-10 *cAP**4021Ar*46,000 D(v 13.00 11.00 cAF14021A**4{r,000 TDR&TXV 13.20 t1.00 58MVBO8o-20 cAlx*4821Ar*45,0@ TDF&Try 13.&i 1 | .'lO 58MVB100-20 cAP*r482tAfi /*i,(m TDB&TN/'t3.50 11.20 56cv(A,X)1r0-20 cAP'r 1462r[Ar*40,000 .I)(v 13.00 11 .00 cAP4*4824A*i 44t,000 TOF&Tff 13.50 't 1 .20 56MV8120-20 cAP**48244*r 45,500 TDF&DU 13.50 11 .20 5ocv(A,n 135 -22 cAltr*0021 A**40,000 T'V 13.20 11,m cAPr*0021A*r 45,@O TDR&DO/13.50 1t .20 5SlvlvBOB0-20 cAP* *602 | A**,lO,5(x)TDR&Try 13.50 11.20 socv(A,nr 10-20 cAPrr0@4A**47,m ])V 13.20 't1.o cAlt' *00244*r 40,000 TDR&Dff 14.00 t1.50 56MVBt20-20 cArr*0@4Art 1|o,5@ TDR&M/14.00 11 .50 58CV(A,n135 -22 CNFr'*4821 ATT 'l!,000 13.00 1t.m cN[rv*4@1Ar*44r,0@ TDR&TXV 13.20 11.(D 56MVBoEo-20 cNF/r4E21A**4t,000 TDF&TV 13.!0 11 .20 5ocv(A,n110-20 cNP\,.r4624A /16,0m T(v 10.@ 11 .00 cNPVr46a4Arr 45,(m TDR&Dff 1s.50 't1.8 56MVBta0-20 cNPrv*46A4Ar r rl5,(xn TDR&DO 13.50 r 1.20 56CV0A,X) 195 -22 CNRtr0@4A*47,000 Tr$/15.8 11.m CNP\,'r0024Aft /|0,mo TDB&TXV 13.50 r 1.20 50MVBt20-20 CNnF6@4Afi 46,m0 TDB&Dry 14.00 I t.5o 5Acv0A,n135-22 cNPH*4821A'*40,0@ m/t3.m 1 1.00 CNPH*4EElA*T 'l{t,000 TDF&T(V 13.20 11.@ 50MV8060-20 cNPHr4021A**4!r,000 TDH&DO 13.50 1't ,20 S0lilvBlO0-20 ql 0'/15n005 13:24 97G52'l-6810 Justin Niels PAGE 1523 COMBINAIION RAIINGS CONIINIIED Unlt Slzo - Voltago & Sorla lndool Modsl Ibtal Cap. BTUH hctory Suppllod Enharcdng|t SEER EEB Fl'naca 1||odcl St.|drd Rdng rDnt 48-30 cNPHr4Il2lArr 4!r,m0 TDR&Dry 13.50 .20 58CVA)0000- | 0 cNPH*4821A**/t5,500 TDR&DO 13.50 11 .20 50cv 110-20 cNPH*@24A*r 47,W D(V 13.20 L00 cNPH*@244rr 40,000 TDR&Dft/13.50 11 .20 50MVBO60-20 cNPH*6024A*r /10,000 TDR&D(v 13.50 t1.20 5EMVB100-20 cNPHr0024Ar*/|6,(m TDF&DO/t3.50 1l .20 56CV(A,n090-16 cNPH*6024A*r 46,000 TDR&DO 13.50 11.n 58CV(A,n1t0-20 CNPF46IEA**44r,000 DO 13.00 11.@ csPH*4812A*r 46,000 DU 19.00 11 .00 csPH*4012A**,*i,(m TDF&DW 13.20 |.l.m 58MV8080-20 osPH'46124**4tt,500 TDR&DU t3.50 r1.20 56CV 090-10 csPHr001 2A**47,000 Dff 13,20 t1.00 csPH*6012Arr 4{t,m0 TDB&DOr't3,50 t1.20 58MVBoE0-20 csPH*@l24*r 46,0@ TDR&TXV 13.50 1't.n 56CV(A,)0090 - r 0 FX/[CN(8,D048 47,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.N FX4CN(B,D060 47,ffi TDR&DO 14.00 11 .50 FV4BNFOOs /16,5m TDB&TJO 14.00 I1 .50 FV4BNBOOO 47,000 TDH&D(V 14.00 11.70 FY4ANFO48 46,mO TDR&D(V 19.00 11 .00 FY/TAN8060 46,500 TDR&TXV 10.20 11.@ 60-30 cAP'ro@1Ar*50,500 DO 13.00 11 .00 cAPr*0o21A**50,000 TDR&TXV 13.20 11 .00 3ocv(A,x)1r0-2O rcAP*r@24A**57,500 13.00 11.m cAlt**6@4A'r 56,stx)TDR&.l)W 13.20 11 .00 sECV(A,X) I 35 -22 cAP**6@4A**56,500 TDR&DO 't3.50 11.20 50cv(A 1#-22 CNP\FO@4A**57,000 TXV t3.m 11.00 CNP\r'*00244*r 50,000 TDR&.l)V 13.50 11.m 56CV(A,n135-22 cNFy'*Oq24A**56,500 TDF&Dfl 13.50 1|.20 50CV(A 'l+5-22 cNPHi@24Ar*57,0@ Dft/10.m fi .00 cNPH*0024A**50,000 TDB&Dry 13.50 fi .20 56CV(A,)13fj-22 cNPHr6024A**56,500 TDB&DOr'13.50 11 .20 50cv(A)0 1 55 -22 csPHr@12Ar*57,5@ Dor'1S.00 11.m csPH*6012A*r 50,500 TDR&T'ry 13.20 11 .00 50cv6,n110-20 cs PHt@1 2A*r 56,500 TDR&TXV 19.50 11.20 56CV 135-22 cs PH*0012A 56,500 TDRAD(V 13.50 11 .20 56CV(A,1'E-22 D(4CN(B,Dooo 50,000 TDR&DU 1S.20 11.m R/4BN8006 57,0q)TDR&TXV 19.50 11.& FY/TANBOOO 50,500 TDR&TJO 13.m 1.m cqn t In m(,!t cr!!€, oily I m.|hod lhould br ur.d to .chl.v. TDF tunc{on. Using ma. ti.|| I mdrod in . syltm mry c I'. d.grrddion in prbrm|||lc., lJ..rithr th. .cco.ory Tlnc-Ddry n.ary KMlD0lolTDB or. tum|cr.qubp.d wih 'IDR. Mogt Grnir tmrcr erc qdppci witl TDF: ' EEB - Enrgy Eildrcy Bdio SEER - ScceonC Enrrly Eficimry Fdo TDR - Tin!-D.l.y B.lry fnt - Thf|r etCic E)g.n.lon Vrfu. NOTES: 1. Bdingt $c nC vrlux rulldln! thc !fu of circulding fan motor h.d, Supplqnfit.l .l.ctlc hat b mt Includld, 2. Txlrd outdoor/indoor combindo h.t,. botn t!.t!d In rccodrrs. viith DoE h.t pro..durr fu. cribJ rlr condltfir.. Rating. iar dr.f combinCion! .rr dlaminrd und? DOE cfllputr ilmuldon procadur.r. 3. Ddmln. .ctrC CFM vCue obtrin.blr bt yo!. systrlr by r!ft rhg !o tn pGrfoma|cc ddr In ln coil o. tumrcc coil ftrfe.ra. 4. Do not .Fply wlih crpillsy trb! coib rs prb.|nrac. .r|d rdhbiliv rc ignifiE nty rftctcd. 14 0?i15n006 13i24 970-52+6E10 Justin Niolsen PAGE 1523 o DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES 0?,15n008 'lt:24 97G52+6810 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES Justin Ni.lsen PAGE 17TI3 EVAPORAIOB AtR Cof{tr'{8En EYI!flt{G AR IE TFCRATUREE d!{ F 75 85 t5 (E 115 1A cfll EIUB C+.dly MEtdf Itl.l rydqn Kvt'. C?rdrt UA',|l ]ttd Eytltm nrF Ce.dV lrlltfrf lbl!l 8y.|m |(vr. CTdly it8ltnt lurl qdsn xus Cq.dly MEtr/ht Ttrl qdcn Ktv'* C?dly MRUrt ]U.l Sytlm t(lf'f Tolal san!Ibl.l IU!l 8q!r 8s|. 700 27.11 14?9 2597 136 ,81 2475 1340 2@ z347 129a.za a@ 1241 26 20$11.6 2g 24.@ 17.e.2081 lzl6 .a 4,6 2@ 4.45 1619 2A 2015 1568 2S I873 2t5 e6 209l 1.51 4.86 ?041 .el 2081 19S zu 1972 193 2A '1865 1865 255 17.57 17.57 26 t n21 2224 1.61 21,43 a,4ii .@ 2056 2056 2U l SBt 1g8t 2A 1865 1e65 256 17.57 2S 8(xt 27.*1498 1.et 2635 14s,|.84 2508 1406 26 2376 1360 2U 13@ 2S 2075 1252 2A 67 2531 1474 1.64 2419 1829 2300 17.51 207 a.la 17,C1 2042 1677 259 1896 1619 2A ?246 1,65 a6 ?|,95 4.35 4,35 20s 20s 'tss 1gB 25S 141€1B1B 2F 2314 2314 a8 2.4 1.6 4.36 4.6 z0l 20s 20€199 1933 29 1E1E 1818 2A 900 27.8 1564 1.C 2661 1519 1.8 253r 1472 210 2396 1425 24 zfi 1373 ?!sl 1316 291 2561 1983 1.68 u,46 1.8 2325 18m 210 2t.97 tE37 26 206|1783 2e.1S12 17.24 23E5 2385 1,68 n 2256 .F 2.@ p.@ 210 20s 20s 26 1987 1S87 1465 29, 57 2387 /487 1.4 2297 1,F | 2200 12200 |210 I e?,r*P l 26 I 198.7- I rs6/ao. I 1866 | 1866 O2ASD006'13:24 97G52+5810 JGtin Nielson PAGE 1823 DETAILED COOLING CAPACTTIES C@llng Indmr Modd Clp.dly Fon!r Fun6ac tilodd rcAP*lsl4A*Lm 1,m cAP*'sl74*i 1.m 1.m cAP*r$l44k 0s o$ cAP**6t 7An ,q)1.m cAP**m1An ,@ 1.m ct{PF$6t 8Ai*.@ 1.m c'{PHrorTA*.6 1.@ cf,lPH*5174*.@ r.s C'\F\FS14Ad .@ 1.@ G|/P\/i.&l7A*.m 1.@ cNP\ is'17A*.0 ,@ g{P1/(FAA*.m .@ csPH*slzAa ,@ .@ csPH*sl2A*1.@ .m FFlENP@ os 0s8 FFl ENPG 1.@ 1,m FV4BNF@ o$o5 FV4gNFOOO 1,C0 o9l FX4CN@,DoS 1.01 o$ FX4CAIFGO 1.m 0s FY{ANFM 0.ss 09 FY4ANF@6 o9 os O\P*OI4Aff o.sl mr'6,)0070-12 cAPd614 *o91 mv(4,)0o/0-12 c tPH*sl7A*o9+sv6.!0/0-12 q\PH*S17Aa*os 094 561/A)00/0- 1 2 o{Pwsl4A*os o9/5E1rO,{070-1 2 csPH*o1a*os o9f 56r'6,!O/o-12 csPHrsl ad os o94 evo,n070-12 o\P*or7An o94 sr'o,nm-l6 cAPr*sl7A*og o$s|,/o,)0m-16 o!Pv{n4 7A*a o9 o9{s/6,,0CS0-16 chlPv*sl74*os o94 sv(A,)o@-16 clP**@l4*os os EV6,'0r10-A CNPV*€IA*os os 5S/6,)0110-20 CNPHlolTA*o$o9 58\r[\|Bo10-l 4 q{PH*S174$os og/56t\,8040-r 4 csPH*slax og|5g{\,8040-1 4 csPH'6rad os o91 S,$rB0{0-14 cAPdsrTAs o9 o9 58vl\|86-14 cAPr.slTAd o9 o9l 5A\AiB060-l ,t ct{P\FiDt 7As os 094 5A iB0&-14 o{Pv{517As os 094 56r\rB0s-14 cAPri€tAs os s8v$iBm-l4 cnpv*erAh o9 5A\rV8m-14 nott ql 0?/15n00A $:24 97G52+6810 Justln Nlelsen PAGE 19T23 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES 02115f2008 1?:21 97G52'f-6810 Justln Nielsen PAGE 2Ol23 DETAII.,ED COOLING CAPACITIES B'APOf,ATOR AIR @|{fiI{sEF ENIEFINGAIR IEIIIPERAIUFES drs F 75 85 95 t05 fi5 125 cftt ETiE h!dty nau|t Tdrl ry!lql| KIF C?rdlt alnt Td!l gt] Irn IQF Celdly ilBt'rf Ttt!l tt&lfrl KIF C.!!dly Blrni 'Itlrl 8t]ltn Cerdly t Elrrtt T rl 8y]lrtl t(ltE C0ldly l/lBtr'|t 'lb|!l 8y3 lqtl ttrl 8.n4 lbri 8..r*lU.l 8.nrt Tlt.l grt4 lUd 8.n4 T*.1 8r|4 lzE 72 4€51 ?552 3.S 4640 24.71 sa 44,17 2g86 dc8 41,83 2.*4.5 s30 26 4,9 3650 a,&551 67 {4.{9 3t.40 3.3 4253 305/e65 404€?971 dc6 mm 2A0t 4S 3596 2t,w 4,S8 3941 2684 551 4085 97.6 sa 390€36,+0 9.66 37,24 3550 {04 sfil 3454 d48 ss ms'49 31.44 s1,{4 :',JJ 5|3q76 sl76 329 fi3e 3AA 3At 3679 s679 +(x sl7 3517 +€&41 e41 3l.+5 in.{5 5S ta(x} 1Se.2665 910 47.@ 6@ .|,|.72 2497 415 4230 24€+s a@ ?a14 0679 ?210 67 4518 925 as 4915 3e40 374 41,@ 3r.53 413 G76 o63 4,5/3637 296 5C6 874 2A63 5S +1.V 3s|39e 490 c04 60+4.12 36S 36e 4$34.50 3450 56 e41 Q.41 558 5/41.n 41.28 3974 3S74 6t1 4.12 36S 36S 456 3450 34.50 5C6 ga4t Q.41 r575 72 4976 21.t3 34t 47,8 2690 o84 4512 2604 4.4 42ffi 2514 +6/2419 514 3699 2414 566 67 4571 3504 s46 €61 34.19 aE2 41.42 4A @13 c241 466 36frt s1,44 513 3S99 3036 5,66 42sE 4213 945 4089 40@ as 3S17 3917 4,4 3294 37.94 4.&537 537 512 3316 m16 566 57 4252 42Q.346 4{l@ 40eg am €17 €17 4,20 3235 3ZS 4.4 3537 637 512 3et 6 &r6 0?i15n006 13:24 97G52+6810 Justln Nlelsm PAGE21n3 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES WAPOAATOR AIR CINDEIISEF ENIERINOAIR TE PEnA BESdtF 75 85 t(E tlt 1E cftl EYIts C?rdty MErdrt T.l q? It|l KTPT C?!dlt MBrrrt rbtrl 8t&lqr lilt- Op.dly Eldrt Itr!l 8y& llfn t(w* C+.dly I{drit nlal 8tr lq||loF C+.dly ardf lArl sy& lqll KXt r CTdly t ftnl Told ry+lqn |an'.Tilrl Itr.+ftl.l 8d|*lbl!l 8.,r.1 llt.l f..l*'Itt.l a! t Tb|!l 6a|t+ 1400 t2 5504 2S49 es 5262 27.*s75 500€2656 4A 423€2554 4.n 44.49 2445 5O 41.25 n6 601 6t 49E6 34.52 g5 4t63 m55 s75 4527 @56 4,21 42n 31.51 4.n 4010 3q41 es 3Zm 2919 6C8 62 4526 4060 es 4330 &n 41.26 3A9l 4n 3915 604 4.74 37.27 37.27 534 356 6@ 4465 44.65 a5 42S)42S'41.R 41.&4.2.GS 3S5 4.74 37.&s7,8 59+s6 606 6.09 1600 72 5606 2965 s,t2 5354 2469 3e 50G)4.n 4g@ 2665 4.79 45€?555 5S 41.76 2451 66 67 5079 3635 ea 4445 35e ae 4600 04.36 4.n 4340 G&4,&4063 Q,17 53 3Zm s93 614 4636 4345 3.4 4440 4266 gE)4252 4t.92 4.17 4An 4An 4,8|s63 s63 540 3619 615 5/,1641 4641 44,64 44 B+4277 4277 4.4 4078 4078 4,81 s63 s63 540 s619 6.15 tEoo s6&)3071 o€*4.?s73 3,89 51.49 ?d72 434 4861 4,6 1653 2654 549 4211 25@ 5't,48 €06 e49 ,f906 3205 3,€4653 sm 46 4986 34.94 4.Sl 41.00 880 5,16 0780 3258 620 4t,s 4627 as 4569 4569 a9 44.@ 44@ 4.S /tl.9+41.94 +E sl69 37.12 3t,12 47.s|a€4601 | 4601 a9 4404 | 4404 | 4,S 41.95 41.S I 48 :""i-+q_EsE_r 547 3213 | 3213 2A 0U15n00E 1?:24 97G52+6810 Judin Niilsen PAGEZ2NI i Dlhilld cooling ..p.duE r|r b.$d on indoor rnd outdoor unlt d thr r.m. .lrrrtion p.r AFI rtrnderd 21U2,O-94. ll rddidond Eblng logth .ndlof indoor unlt ls lo.d.d rbovo outdoo. unit, r llight v.ridiq| in c.p$ity mry occu..f Totrl tyttqt| kW is tobl of indoor end qrtdoor unit kilowCts. I Totrl .nd sg|Elblr c$acltr. .r. nC c+|citx. Blowr nraq hd h.r b{t €ubtrctcd. I Sd|.iblt c$|titi6 sho/n r! bscd on 80'F (t'C) ctcring rh d lhr kdoof coll. For rg|ribb srproliF c ofts th.n 8O'F (27- C), dcdrct 835 Btuh (240 tdlv) ps 10OO CFM (480 Us) of indos cril Jr tor ach drgror bdotr 80'F (27'C), q rdd dIt Btuh (245 kW) p.r 1000 CFM (4E0 US) of iadoor cril eir pcr d.grcc .bovo &'F (t'C). Wh{| t|r r.qui..d dd. ||ll brtw4r| 0|! publilhrd deh, intrpoldon m.y b. p.rbrmd. DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES EVAFOAARN AIR OoilDE$ER Amn G^|R rEmAIUFlS rlrg F 76 85 s 109 115 IE cftrl EtfE Cfrdly MEtdf Tbl.l ry'ltm KTD}' Crp.dty t Bt$l Tt tl ry9 tm ru* Clldly illllr,It I!||l q? lm NF Ce..lty irEr!ht lbl.l 8y& lm C+!dly MAttrt Tot.l q! lt|n qp!dly lrll!hl Ibtrl q& lftt KVr$Tt.l 8e4 ftlrl 8rn4 'm!l gf|4 ]U.l 8rr4 Tid gsr4 1750 72 67.65 666 415 4:ts 6t.s gl25 56 5r@ a.s n58 t{20 s63 ar5 5010 2915 67 eo7 {094 410 994 I €75 4,S 5625 41,50 50l 5S12 qa 55+197+485 ,16@ 3ZS '/01 a1f 46 5445 | 5oS5 449 51,79 4S66 4.57 4904 4a27 €94 4634 6cB ,ts50 ,1350 6t2 5|5550 4,0+s34? | 5s42 4€6,n 51,n 4S 4AG,4489 53)4635 4636 66 4351 ,1351 672 aDo 3230 4.6 6s{6 | 36@ 469 6207 3485 516 5854 s56 5@ 5471 c,19 626 5040 3069 6g/ 6307 46@ 4.21 6011 | 45C d6+t@ .d"12 511 5375 4Ze.&n 41.45 6.z,|46,t4 334 60{ 5817 55m 416 565/ | 5447 459 52S 52S io/50,t9 5049 47.7A 47.1tt 619 4r'-74 4474 6e 5/5t.57 +16 4.S 52$)52S 50/5050 5050 47.N 47.nt 619 44.74 4474 2250 72 6S44 €83 +6 +79 6261 ss uzt 3506 579 5504 336'/6.S 5070 @15 67 6379 4Sr?d3t 6073 | 1789 4.74 5'f.53 ,1662 az 5F"20 4531 5.74 5063 4q90 a3!4972 42s4'6,$ 5918 591E 4.n 5690 I 5690 1.m 54.4r 5441 51.n 51.77 572 4481 4491 as 4570 4570 6Cl 57 5325 5325 4.n 5690 I 5690 i-J:it::=:r d70 :'i::= 5{42 | s4,12 | 5i8 51.78 L-:jji:-..]572 T:T:489 | 489l =-...:!-- a$4570 | 4570 0?i15n006 'l?:24 97tr52&6810 GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS GEI{ERAL Syehm Dcsciption Outdoor-mounted, air-cooled, split-system air oonditioner unil suilable for ground or rooftop installation. Unit consists of a hermetic compressor, 6n Bir-cooled coil, propeller-type cordensef ton, and a conJrol box. Unit will disdrarge cupply air upwud as shown on @ninct drawings, Unit will be used in a refiigeration circuit to motch up to a packaged fan coil or oil unit. Quality Acsurance - Unit wi be rated in a@o(dance wiih the latest etfition of ARI Strndad 210. - Unii will be certified for capacity and efrciency, and listed in the laiest ARI diredory. - Unit constsudion will comply with latest edition of ANSV ASHRAE md u,iih NEC. - Unit wiU be construded in accord8ne with UL statdsrds and will corry tlre IJL label of apprwd. Unit will hwe c-UL opproral. - Unit cabinet will be capable of with8tanding Federal Test Method Standud No. 141 (Method 6061) 500-hr sqlr spfay EsL - Air-cooled condemer coils will be lerk tested at 150 psig and pressure tested sl 450 psig. - Unit onstruded in ISO9001 apprcved faciliry, Delivery Storage, and Handling - Unit wiu be shipped as single pa*.age only and is slored and hcntlled per unit manu&cturer's recommendalions. Wemanty (for incluion by epecilling engineer) - U,S, and Canada only, PRODUCTS Equipment Factory assembled, single piee, air-cooled air conditioner unit. Conhined within the unit enclosure is all hctory wiring piping controls, compressor, refigeranl drarge Puron@ (R-410A), and special fcatures required prior to feld start-up. Unit Gbinet - Unit catinet will be onstruded of grfuanized steel, bondedzed, and coled with a powder ooat paint. CogTdsht 2mSCrdcCdp . 70t0W Morl.g, . Inda.pdlq lN 4€At1 Jurlin Nlclscn PAGE 2U23 AIR-COOLED,AIRCONDIIIONER ,TABA.' 1-U2TO 5 NOMINALI'ONS 8ll! - Condenser frn will be direct-drive propdler type, tlisciarging air upr'srd. - Condenser &n motors will be totally cnc,losed, l-phare brpe with dass B insulstion and permsnenily lubricaled bearings. Shafts will be conosion resistanl. - Fan blqdes will be statielly and dynomiolly balanced. - Condenser hn openings will be equipped with mted steel wirc safety guards. C-ompressor - Compressor will be heunetically sealed. - Compressor will be mounted on rubber vibmlion isolators. Condenser Coil - Condenser coil will be air ooled, - Coil will be onsiructed of aluminum 6ns medranically bonded to opper tubes whidl are then deaned, dehydnted, and seoled. Refrigeration Components - Retigeralion cirodt oomponents will indude liquid-line shutofi valve with s\reoi connmtiong vapor-line shutofr valve with swest connections, s]rstem chaEe of Purono E-410A) re&igeranl, urd oompressor oil. - Unit will be equipped with high-pressure switch, low pressure s\ itdt and filter dder for Puron re&igerut, Operating Charachrictice - The opaciiy of the unit will me€t or exceed Btuh al a suction temperalure of _ 'F. The power consumplion at full load will no! exced _ kW - C,ombination of the unit and the evaporator or fun coil unit will have o lotal net moling capacity of _ Btuh or greaier at conditions of _ CFM entedng sir tenperslure al the wapomlof sl _ 'F wet hrlb 8nd _ 'F dry bulb, and air entuing the unit st .I? - The system will hrye a SEER of - Btuh att or grealer at DOE conditions. Electrical Requlrementc Norrinal unit electrical draractedstiros will tre _ v, single phase, 60 hz, The unii will be cspable of satisficory opention within volbge limic of _ v lo_v. Unil elecJrical po$rer will be single point connection. Control cirodt will be Zv. Special Featurec - Refer to section of fis lilersture iihntifying scesso.ies and descdptionc for epccific feetures end 6railoble enhsncemenls, Pi dhu.sA o SPT,IT.SYSTEM .duon de 12lCE Celog llor 2/UBA3-1PD Maorfrgurr rccrs/cr 6! tigif to .rr.gc, d rly duG, rFcifirtd@r rld dcdgE qdbool sode nd willort obligrdu 22 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Qrr*r"ENr oF coMM'Nrry or'toorr*t Permit #: Status. . Applied . Issued. Expires . 03 /t7 /2005 03/09/2006 Phone: 845-70s9 # of Gas Applianc€s: ?? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2t38 OI|INER SCHMID, STEFAN 2447 CHA\IONIX LN L3C VAI]-,co 8L657 CONTR,ACTOR MIKE MCFADDEN 2121 N. FRONTAGE RD VATIJ cor_,oRADo 81657 Desciption: ROUGH IN GAS, WATER AND SEWER Valuation: $14.500.00 Ftephce lnfonnation: Restricted: ?? PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE, UNIT A ParcelNo...: 210314202C[,6 kgal Description: Project No : P05-0022 ISSUED 03n7/2m/5 03/t8t2m5 wlt4t2m5 # of Gas [.ogs: ?2 # of Wood Pallec ?? i284.25 s0.00 52a4 .2s 92A4 .25 s0.00 Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > S225.00 Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> $s6.25 TOTALFEES-----------> $0.00 s3.00 FEE SI'MMARY 90.00 Toel Calculated Fees-- > i2s4.25 Additional Fees------ > Total Permit F€e----:- > Paymens------------ > BALANCE DUE------. > Item: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT o3/t7/2oos Js Acrion: AP Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, InEernational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE \,IADE TWENTY.FOTIR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE PM. AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 BY TELEPHONE A 7tJ SICNATURE OF O R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *********+'***'l'****'t**'l*'l*****{r*++*+**++*****++fr!{.rr***********'}********+if++**+'}**f**fr***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€irt +++*+*********t'*'l**!r*+*+*********+++ta*++++tr+l*******+*a't'*t'*********++*t*+*{'*+t*++*ttt+****** Statenent Number: R050000257 Arpr]nt,: 6294.25 $/Ie/2O0SO1 :49 pM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: TIID Col-orado 4426 Permit No: P05-0021 Type: PIJIJMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03t4202006 Site AddreEs: 2583 CORTfNA IJN VAIIJ IJocation I 2583 CORTINA LAliIE, t NIT B Total Sees: i284.25 ThiB Payment: i284.25 Total AIrIr pmts: ize4.Zs Balance: $0.00 *****+**'l**********'$***+*********+*++++++++t*****:3*******************1.******+t***********+** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 pr,Arir crIEcK FEES 55.2s PP OO1OOOO31111OO PIJT]MBTNG PERMIT FEES 225.OO wc 00100003112800 wrlr, cAr,L INSpEcTIoN FEE 3.00 o APPUCANONWIU.r{or BE AccEptED rF 'nconplr55$$I'"-pw: Building Permit#: Boq- o31,8 Plumbing Permit#: 9704?9.2l'19 (ln3poc{ons) NMflWYTN 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8{657 [tt|{At;tgn TION Plumbing Conbactor: A Blz P-fr '*)l*'F "''Contaci and Phone #s:lza 254 11240 E-{llall Addrcss: 6nt'"o"'s:YY?.r-n7"/+ COTPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUHBING PERilIT (Labor E ilaterlals) Assessors Office at or vlslt for Parcel Parcel# /163 tqZO Z006 Job Name: Sc4ntb/ HUOB.IRD CattuA Lnp€ bv?L€X '}ob,ddreg€:ztut coqrtpn LApe urtrc B Legat llescription I lot: -7 | er"r, / | rilngt Subdivision: VAtt- B 1 66€ o,vnots |tane: stffrtrffjhk" I Addrcss: fu M g3ZE nvo4 co lPrcn,q7o_L1E_tlSoc Engineer | ftldress:Phone: Dehiled descriotion of work:*^ZlViV-; 6.4q ,a-"fu- "^2" 222",'-"-t WorkClass: N*00 Addition( ) Ateration( ) Repair( ) Othsr( ) Typ€ of Bldg.: StrE|Ffamily ( ) Duda\ F/ ilhrlli-family ( ) Co.nrnordal ( ) R66taurant ( ) Olh€r ( ) No. of Existing Duelling Units in this h.rilding:No. of Acommodation Units in this building: lsthisa conversion fiom a n6d bumitE fited@ to an EPA Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No( ) *************ttrtt*t**!t*1t**t*******tffFoR OFFICE USE OillYr*i*s**t*tt*t*t*t***tt*ii***l*!r:r!t!t*t Other Feqs:Dat Roceiwd: DRB FGes:Acceoted 8v: PbnnerSlgr}'d: l-r'e4"'-'tilffi,E ftindr",rJ5 TOV-COM-DEV. \WsiAdstlkdry\FORl,S\pERMnS\PLMBPBRM.DOC 48Y .:> 07tutzwz '?:i.., ..- : ts" TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 ovitNER scHMID, STEFAN 2447 CHAI,IONIX IrN 13C VAIIJ co 81657 L,icenge: CO}flTRACTOR ABI-,E PLT]MBING & HEATING 424 32Rd. #99 Clifton, Colorado 8152 0 License: 312 -P APPIJICAI\TT ABI'E PI'T'MBING & HEATING 424 32R.d. #99 Clifton, Colorado 8152 0 L,icense:3I2-P Desciption: ROUGH IN GAS, WATER AND SEWER Valuation: $14.500.00 Fireplace Information: Restrict€d: ?2 Oorr*r"ENT oF coMMUNrry or#or*"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL Location.....: 2683 CORTINA LANE, UNIT A Parcel No...: 2|03l42A2C06 hoiect No : Permit #: P05-0022 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 03/l7nn5 Issued. . : 03ll8l2ffi5 Expires. .: Wll4Dn5 03/17/200s phone: 03/t7/2005 Phone: (970) 523-7435 03/L7/2005 Phone: (9701 s23-7435 # of Gas Appliances: ?? t **d(**d(*****d!**'***dr*'**'r*'r*:r**!*'r***)r**d,****:i:***************,****t'i'ia't't* FEE SUMMARY :f:B{.:l.tr**{.:tr** *r!*****r.**l++t{***,1.***** t(:t**'**{. t<t(:**{:*r***t ***t ,i* '*{. # of Gas Logs: 12 Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fees---------- > Total Permit Fee----- > Payments---------: > BALANCE D1JE-----.--- > # of Wood Pallet: ?? Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > $225.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > 556. 2s DRB Fee-----------> s0.00 ToTALFEES------> s3.00 $0.00 s0. 00 s284.25 s2a4.25 s0,00 $284.2s i2a4.2s s0.00 ftems 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENT o3/17/2oos Js Action: AP ITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARII{ENT Cond: 12 (BI.,DG. ) : CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIEI,D INSPECTIO}IS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I aglee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordirunces and state laws, and to build this sffucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELBPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OTJR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. *f+******'1.**'l"i'1.'t**+*++++++****'ll.**+******+*'ti**t**+*f+f*****r.*******:t"t*r***tt**t*+++++t*'t!**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **++***********+*'******'l******+ft+*f{.*******t(*****'t'**'t'**++++++***{'**r**'i*'********,tr{'*t******* Statenent Number: R050000256 Pa)ment Method: Check 4426 Anount: #284.25 03 /L,/ZOOSOI:48 pM Init,: DDG Notation: THD Colorado Permit No: Parcel No: site Address : Locati.on: ThLs Pa)ment: PF 001000031L2300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05-0022 1)pe! PL,t MBING PERMIT 2L03L4202006 2683 CORTINA I,lI VAIIJ 2583 CORTINA r,AltE, UNIT A Total FeeE: s284 -25 Total AIrIr Pmts : Balance: PLAI{ CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERMIT FEES WILL CAI,IJ INSPECTION FEE i284.2s $284.25 $0.00 +++++++++*'|{,*t*****t*+*******t******tt++++****+***+***********++'t+tr'*****t+++*++++********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ftnts 56.25 225.0O 3 .00 o INCOTIPTEIEOR Prolect NOT BE ACCEPTED IF o APPLICANOil VUILL Bullding Permit #; Plumbing Permit #: ilg (lnspGGtions) rumv0P 75 S. Frcntage Vail, Golorado and 'a ? -+2 +0 Tovirn of Vail Req. No.: COTPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUilBING PERilIT (Labor & tlaterials) pr-uMBtNG:$ /44 )-AA Conlacl for Parel Parcef# 71p3 ilZo ZeG Job Name: 5crmtv/ uvSBA&b CoLtrta L,4NE $eP1ll JobAddress: 7183 C.oprtttn LAqE uiltT A Legal Dascliprion l tot: 7 l euc*: ff l riling:Subdivision: VAlt- B 16Ug owners ttarc: {,;!Fn;t frfffi)|" I Addrcss: po Bol g33g Awil, bl Phone: g7o - q tf 78at Ergineer: I Attdrcss:Phone: Detail€d description of rvork: ff|laofl ,a, qfr,-%iaV4-,fu*+u<t Work Class: N*M Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: SiinglBfarnily ( ) Dudo( (X lr/tulti-family ( ) Corninsdal ( ) R€staurant ( ) Ofh*( ) No. of Existing Dunlting Units in this building:l.lo. of Accommodetbn Units in this hrilding: lsthb a conversion frrom e wmd buming fir€plece b an EPA Phase ll device? Y€s ( ) No( ) VFf;) 2(. ') .DEV. VI 2(. eH$V R1r2 -coM.E $^'u* Ml.i T,0'V ::1t**trtrtttt*:r*t:t.'.il!t*trr't*r!t*r***.**t*rt*FOR OFFICE USE O}ILY**f *rrr**!r*!rr.****.**********r***r:l*** \W8iM!'ITdGTAFORIUS\PERMITS\PNi'BPERM.DOC 07t24t2@.2 o (tt o.poLSrq" :s c i'''?Fj-l' o *ssftffi -?Tf .". ,r !.r'i \-) PnR-23-246 10:39 UESTE'R|$ SttrPLY I Radlant Worhs 2002; Zone List 343 893 1?25 P.sz 03.23-2005 Prol€ct lnformatlon Projeqt NamE: Cortina Lanc Duplex , Unit A Proiect Number: Projeci Quote: Designcd Fon THD Colorado, Inc. Phone Number: Fax Numben Gontaot lnfonnstion Designed By: Mark Link Company Name: Ferguson Enterprises Phone Number: Fax Number; 99 ggre_b verlfy assumption reports fo/ accuracy. lf any changes are needed, notify F lsfP. Floog-co_vgrings are criticat. llany changes are rieeoed, notify Ferguson. wails Ceilings R-38, Win<tgw_s and Doors F.2. Tubing under alltubs.and 6howirs. Zone2_(rhiqr.9.!p_@ Prlmary Specing e ,llll,Cll,lvl lD Supply Fluid [ifl T rFI GPM tlrad IftI Tiiim- Panol Load lBtu/hl Product Type Tube Length ffil No. of Circuitc 120 20 6 s.2 25,E43 1t2'E- PexB 200 4 2n are calcl on Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) Cortina Lane Duplex {Iffiildde) Watts Radiant Page I MRR-23-28A5 1A:39 I'ESTBTJRNE sI.,FPLY on Requlred Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) on lhs smaller ' Radlant Works 2002t Zone Lisr Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smaller ol Requircd Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge rosses) 343 893 1?25 P.63 03.23.2005 Pancl Load roduct Type Raqulrcd Heat or Radiant Capaclty (+ back and edge losses) Cortlna Lane Duplex.GffiDlgfdft) Watts Radiant n4<-25-zwr tu3J9 IIJESTBLRNE SLppLy ' Radlant lVorls ZOOQT Zone Ltst 363 893 t?26 P.g4 03-23.2005 on Fcqutred Haat or Radiant Capaclty (+ back and edge losses) &ne_E_m_in _Q !_q.b Aprllp-altpn) " Room Zon Pump Specs & Radiant panel Load are catculaled on the smalter ot Required Heat or Radiant capaoity (+ back and edge tosses) z.pge*?_Q[ln_s_hp.Ap;l!_c_qrl9il_.-...__. Room Pangl LoEd ,,rHrg,u.. No. ot clroults TubC Lcngrh lft| Prcduct Type Zone € Hcrd IITI Room Nrme Primary Sprclng tinl Pilmary A?aa Ittzl Eanded Sprclng linl Eanded Alll ffrl Hcaling Intcnrity tBtu/h ft4 Requlrcd Heat lBtu/hl Rrdiant Caprclty lBtu/hl uvtng I 315 42.0 13,277 15,257 n|Isneruutntng 12 370 36.1 14,0E1 14,r91 37d Floor Powdsr-12 10.7 193 t57 e Supply Fluid ['fl Delta T rFI GPM Heed tftt Fadllnt Psnel Load IBru/hl P?Oduct Tl,pe Tube Lengrh lnl No. ol Clrculls 1?S 20 3.0 4.5 29,601 112',E- PexB 22s 4 Room l,lamc Prlmery Spaclng Iinl Ptimrry Araa ftvl Bandod Spacing tinl Bandsd Arcr Itt l Hcaling Intenslty IBtu/lr ft4 Bequired Heat lEtlthl Rrdirnt Gapacily 1l0r rllrl Fed 3 6 216 32,6 7,047 rE:.-l 6,479'Bath 3 12 42 23.4 985 1.999 toft 12 Jg!'._l I 47,2 7,603 4,551 . ro9ms may heat. Cortina Lrne Duplex {IffigHft) Watts Radiant Page 3 tlHH-ilJ-a,ub 183 39 IIESTB|FNE SI,PPLY : - .--a Radlant Works Zbrrt,vt Zone List 38 s93 1?26 P.As 03-23.200s Requircd Heat or Badianr Capacirv ti oici-ino'loii rossest - - TtEmoshtshould be located In tlie'room rn wnHrine lacllnrcapactty ls closest to the reguired Badrant syst.m pumplng specs: g,6 GpM at 4.5 feet ofiead. (excruding suppry a Betum prping,)Radiant system Boiler Load: go106 Bru/h (excruarng suppry & Hetum piping tosses and Aux. Heat il rcquired) 3950'of 12'E.Po€ ' Report not valld unless Assumptlon Ropori has been verified. Cortina LaneDuplex {Iffidglf(t) Watts Radiant Page 4 I'[f<-/J-ZU|O) lU: J9 TJEST&.JRNE SIfFLY Projaot Informa[on Project Name: Cortlna Lane Duptex. Unlt B Proiect Number: project eudte: Designed For: THD Colbracto, Inc. Phone Numben Fax Number: Radiant Worls 200|t Zone List 343 893 1?26 P.rE 03.23,2005 Contact Information Designed By: Mark Link 9.orpary Name: Ferguson Enterprises Phone Number: Fax Number: P: g1r"jo vorily assumptio:l.fltf_l9l l gura$o.tit nv.nanses are needed, noufy Fersueon il*1,#"m::",$g::::ll"+1 lfll:Flgij*:4:qeo'"noliry Fell-,-s-o"n1 vi.'. n-rg, celinss Zone 1 (Stab Appilcatio0l__ Room ZoneJJThin Stab AppticaUq!). .. s RoomnfuJ"Prlmary Specing flnl Primary ArCa IftT Bended Spaclng Iinl Bandetl &ea tft4 lntenrity Requlnd Hcst TBtU/hI Badlenl Capaclty IBru/hl Gano€ |EwdEniry --l ..t9,.. 12 96 15.2 14,677 436--44,648 7,490 17 25,8 Required Hear or Radianr Capaciv (. bt;k ;;;.igj ro.s..l oom Room Nimc- EFti-uiino--- 2n-amdftffi{eil- PdmaTy Spaclng Ilnl rlrmary Area jrrl EaDded Spaclng Ilnl Banded A?ea IIIT Heatlng Intcneity lBtu/h fttl Rcquirod Host tBtu/hl Radiant Grpeclty lBtr/hr 6 261 35.9 9,3M 6,774'12 44 17.6 *-'5B;'773 1,870 zno F|oor Laundry 12 37 92 Hall 12 1AQ .|,5E6 zu.l __L@-3,909 wr|lg lnay Cortlna Lane Duplex {Iffi&|ft) Watts Radianr Prge I rHj<-es-Av> Lv.33 UJESTBTJRNE SI..FPLY Radiant Works 1,xD02.Q Zone List Zone 3 (rhln SJeh Applfg?tiqn)"_. are cabulated on Required Heat or Radlant Capacity (+ back anO edge tossEs) ]p-np.t_fi Ll n s nu npp ilcafi on) Zone 5 (Thin SIE_b_gppflca"ilon) 343 893 1?26 P. 03.23.200s Fequiretl Heal or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge lossesl ns Room Name Spacing Iinl Pilmary Area _lryl__" 186 Eended Specing " Ir!1.__ Eandcd Araa nzl Heatlng Inlcnslty lBtu/h ftq Rqgulrud Heat IBlu/hl Badianl Capaolty IBtu/hl Bed 12 r8.8 _3,496 4,097 12 47 485 I,992 Requlred Heat or Badianr Capacity (+ badr and edgJ bsses) Cortina Lrne Duptex {Iffi&ht&) Watts Radiant Page 2 fn+<-z.,fM> rv.qv LJESTR.RI.E SLppLy Redtant Worts ZO#.l,tt Zone List ate 343 893 1?26 P.AB 03-23-2005 nequi rii n-ear i"ifi ;rcff;Lr" fl ff"l"l,lx':Ul,i3:5 Zone 6 ohtn StaP._Aptrllgqlonl_ are Caloulated on Requtcd Hearor Radhnt Capacity ti 6dcr-a-nolOie losses) Zone S Head Iftl oom Ntmc Primary Spaclng .",,I!!l_ 6 Pfimary Arsa Ilrzl Banded Spaclng __nnI_ EfidOd Area lffl Herting Intenslly -LBJruI Fcqulred Heat lBtu/hI Rrdient Grpaclty tAurhl B,t65 Shared BElh-td,'JtzJ.. 46.1 5,395 __q"9." 145 2 6 ,717 2 t,747 24.9 I i1i 3 393'149 't8.1 7,r63 818'q)ms may Cortlna Lane Duplex {Imftfifr) Wrtts Radtant r\4<-23-2W tg.Ag LESTBI.FIf s..PpLy o Rrdiant lVorla 2ffi2tr1 Zone Llst Pump Spccs t Radiant Panet Load are calculated on the smaller ol lequireO Heat or Radlant Capaoity (+ back anOLOgJ ross€s) Thermosht should be located in tlie'rcom in wntctr-rtre naOlant capacity F dos$l to the required ?I9199!_Totals_ Radlant system Pumpino spscs: 7.8 GPM at 2,7 leet ol herd-. (excluding.suppty & Retum piping.)Radiant svstem Boirer Load: 77891 Btu/h texcluoine-suppry & Retum piping rosses and Aux. Heat,it requtrett) 4325'of 12" E-PexB ' R€port not vafld Unless Assump$on Repoil has been verlflect. 343 893 1?26 P. 03.23.2005 Cortina Lane lluplex {Iffi&trlft) Wath Rediant Page 4 Inspection Request R Page 4a tl o3t21t06 Comment: uJttltuo lnsDecror: Comment: WEST PRIM 04114106 lnsoector: Comment: FRAMING C IN LETTER I BLDG-lnsulation 03127106 Inspector: IOVAL S TO LOWER DECK. M BOYLE ENG IN FILE, ITEMS NOTED BOTH SIDES. Item: 50 Item: 60 Item:70 Item: 90 Item: 530 Item: 532 Item: 533 Item: 537 Comment: West 1/2 or orimarv resioence rs comolete readv tor orywall. 04120106 InsDector: JEC Action: APAPPROVED Comment: EaSt side complete BlDc-Sheetrock Nail ** Aooroved '*04/03/06 InsDector: shahn ' ' Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL COMMCNT: DRWVALL SCREW APPROVED FOR WEST (PRIMARY) 04/06/06 Inspector: MROYER Action: AP APPROVED Comment ext'eiioitatn. Seal around all exterior vents and boxes. Install weep on the north side of the buildino. 04128106 Inspecfor: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: east side A screws approved.BLDG-Misc. ." AooroVed -* 1Ol24lOS Insoector: GCD Action: AP APPROVED Comment: PARTY WALL SHEETROCK BOTH UNITS BOTH SIDES OF WALL 07120106 Insoector: cdavis Action: NO NOTIFIED Comment: Finbl elevator inspection approval from NWCOG received see File BLDG-Final ** Apriroved'* 08/01/06 lnsoector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: BLDG-Temo. C/O ** Aooroved ** 05/16/06 lnsoector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: APPROVED TCO FOR WEST SIDE ONLY 08/01/06 Insoector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: APPROVED EAST SIDE PW-TEMP. C/O "" Aporoved ** 05/15/06 lnsoector: oc Action: AP APPROVED Comment: PLAN-TEMP. C/O *" Aooroved ** 05112106 lnsoector: Warren" Aclion: DN DENIED Comment: Plahnino denied this aoolication as a DIA is need to bond for the incomplete landscapinq, drivewaV. etc. Thev will need to droo this off orior to requestino a re-inspection. 05/15/06 lnsoectdi: boibsoh Action: DN DENIED Comment: 05/16/06 Insoector: boibson Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Unit A onlv 07l28lOO Insoector:' boibson Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Unit B onlv PLAN-FINAL C/O - *" Aooroved "* 11l09i06 Insoector: Wanen Action: DN DENIED Comment: Th6re has been no deed restriction recorded for the Emplovee Housinq Unit on the site. A recorded deed restriction is need orior to aDoroval of a Findl CO. 01111107 lnsoector: borbson Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Tvoe ll EHU Ueed Restriction received 01111107 and routed to Nina Timm PW-FINAL C/O' BLDG-Final CIO " PLAN-ILC Foundation Plan ** Aporoved "* 01111106 lnsoector: boibson ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: \q 4Ju ?1 \, t" o:N(ry Item: 539 Item: 540 Item: 21 REPT131 Run Id: 6253 ?liJ?#06 In"p""$:ll,F?$uF".! npPo'ting e"g" to Reouested lnsoect Date: Tuesdav. Mav 16. 2006 ' Inspeclion Area: JRM Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE A/P/D Information Activitv: ConslTyp6: Ljwner: ADolicant: Cohtractor: Description: Nbtice: Notice: Notice: Notice: Notice: Notice: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: iE 121 AND I - JSUTHER - creates new GRFA. - BGll ro - the new area counts as 1 sq.ft. of new GRFA, which is still - JSUTHER Requested Inspection(sl r\\JrJl\ | lvll r\E r n\-r. - Ja)\J I I ll-r\ The addition of new floor area totallino 90 souare feet in the uooer loft of the Primarv Unit side is a the soace was aooroved orior to the cJranqe'in the GRFA requliitions and is exisitnq'. - WCAMPBE SUBDIVISION PLAT RECEIVED ROUTED TO BILL GIBSON. - JSUTHER [Proveo as . c/o tNc scheduled , will call Jake 331-1209 Time Exo: bv tvDewriter!! !!! ! - DGOLDEN . OFFICE SET COPIED FOR THD. OUTSOURCED TO Requesred rime: g3i9?A$ Entered By: DGOLDEN K PEnnincidedecfihis aDDlication ab a DIAE-h-6-dd to bond for the They will need to droplhis off prior to requesting a re-inspection. for.the incomplete landscaping, driveway, etc. Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assioned To:" Action: Comment: Comment: c/o tNc scheduled, will call Jake 331-1209 Time Exp: Requested Time: 02:00 PM ' Phone: 331-1209 E4tered By: DGOLDEN Inspection Historv Item: 20 J1 'll qr \ lt lrV n \/i \,.r\i\ v l\ \J t I AP APPROVED WILL BE DONE AP APPROVED AP APPROVED Status: ISSUED JRM 1) for no sed fence and dirt on street. Placed in active file. - SEPARATI AND JRM. - JSUTHER )TO JR - JSUTHER * Aooroved ** JRM " Action: APPROVED. INTERIOR PADS JRM Action: Art Action:) UPPERLEVEL FOOTERS AN SHAHN Action: D FOOTING ON EAST. CONTR ,/.r. '€>c(7 , .\..r r t,.,' '\'\t)a REPT131 Run Id: 5282 05-15-2006 Item: Item: 520 Item: 50 BLDG-lnsulation 03127106 lr Inspection [eque_st Rg ng Page 17 'AL O LOWER DECK. YLE ENG IN FILE, ITEMS NOTED SIDES. ON INSPE FIELD PLANS FOR LOCATIONS OF INSPECTION : JRM Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION ED PARTIAL AS NOTED ON FILED SET OF DMWINGS.: cdavis Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION ;t section of foundation excludes stairs . ."* Approved *" CORRECTION REQUIRED ING IN ART ROOM AND REVISION FOR AND LIVING ROOM. NECTION 2nd LEVEL AND GARAGE. D CORRECTIONS RECEIVED AND IN FILE. HOW CHANGES TO EXTERIOR FOR 03121106 Insoector: G( Comment: LETTER FROI ADDITIONAL ( CONDENSER. 03122106 lnsoector: GCD omment: WEST PRIMARY Comment: WEST PRIM 04l14lOG Insoector: Comment: FRAMING C IN LETTER I MARY SIDE FRAMING A GCD I COMPLETE FOR EAST 1 I INSPETED. ALL FRAMI "* Approved \,,IROYER Item: 60 BL Item: Item: 533 Comment: 04/06/06 Comment: o4t28t06 : shahn Action: AP APPROVED tlem: tlem: tlem: Item: Item: Item: Item:rdation Plan ** Aooroved -* Inspector: bgibson ' Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id:. 5282 05-1s-2006 Item: 60 B Comment: Comment: 1.ADD B 2.PROVI CLEAR I 3.ADD T Inspection [equest R cdavis Action: Pl PARTIAL INS ection of foundation excludes stairs ** AoDroved "'boibson' Action: AP APPROVED .IGINEER ADDR A REOS PLANN Page 17 TIONS OF INSPECTION TER AND LIVING ROOM. CONNECTION 2nd LEVEL AND GARAGE. ORRECTIONS RECEIVED AND IN FILE. OW CHANGES TO EXTERIOR FOR ,PROVAL ERS TO LOWER DECK. IN FILE, ITEMS NOTED ION INSPECTI Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION TIAL AS NOTED ON FILED SET OF DRAWINGS.s Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION 03t21t06 Comment: 03t22t06 6.PROVIDE AS InsDector: GC LETTER FROM ADDITIONAL G CONDENSER. Comment: WEST PRIMAR 04114106 Inspector: GC Comment: FRAMING COM IN LETTER INS 04/03/06 Insoector: shahn ' ' Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: DRYWALL SCREW APPROVED FOR WEST (PRIMARY) 04/06/06 Insoector: MROYER Action: AP APPROVED Comment: E)d'erior lath. Seal around all exterior vents and boxes. Install weeo on the north side of the buildino" 04128106 Inspecfor: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: east side A screws approved.Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. "" AoDroved -* 1Ol24lOS Insoector: GCD Action: AP APPROVED Comment: PARry WALL SHEETROCK BOTH UNITS BOTH SIDES OF WALL 10124105 Insoector: GCD Action: AP APPROVED Comment: PARry WALL SHEETROCK BOTH UNITS BOTH SIDES OF WALL Item: 90 BLDG-Final Item: 530 BLDG-Temp. C/O Item: 532 PW-TEMP.'CIO * Aooroved * _ 05/1 5/06 Inspector: gc ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 533 PLAN-TEMP. C/O 05112106 lnsoector: Warren Action: DN DENIED Comment: Plahnino denied this apolication as a DIA is need to bond for the incomplete landscapinq, drivewaV, etc. Thev will need to drop this offlrioJ !o rqquesting a re-inspection. _05/15/06 Inspect<ii: bgibsoh Action: DN DENIED Comment: Item: 537 PLAN-FINAL C/O Item: 539 PW-FINAL C/O Item: 540 BLDG-Final C/O Item: 21 PLAN-ILC Foundation Plan ** Aooroved *. -01111106 Inspector: bgibson ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: REPT131 Run Id: 5282 o Rcliuested lrsoe.:t Cate, Tl, Ji'!.,:3 !, s."Ft+m r: e; | :. 20C5 ' Insp*:'ticr A;: i; JFfd 5:te Addrti:; 2e93 :CnT:f&i ::t'.'AlL .fs3 acRT:l\Llt Li.l'tg .4,,rf i tci..i .;fct 804 03{S SCHMID. STEFAI'I r ritJ eiJliJl iALrL/ LLg 1}1:: B-SU|LD Occupaii;y: 7 .,0?E:: U?,ro Phone: i670)7,1&086i Stitlus: ISSUED lnsp Area: JRM .iiiD CCi-CRACO {-LC Fhoile. i970)7'{&O862 $JE'u! LOj'ISTRUCTIO{"I OF A PRllUARYrSECOf.iOAiii SINGLE FAi{lLY RESIDEIIEE aulofiaL sprinkl€r atrj lit€ abtm rtq&rsd to, ltus llgus€. e€€ corxtilbns. - MVAU€}iAN BREAT(C)OUI,N OE SO |:OOTAGE PRIMARY 28O9. GARAGE 7:}3 SECONDARY 2079 GARAGE 447 FHT,L 575GARAGE 476,. JiMhDRAC€NI itolhe' t Wittcn r|rnrnlno hsuod on 0}04{}5 tstrlke 1r fftr no sad tanc€ and dlrt on streel. Phcad In aclhrs fU6. - 'tsUI}.tER t\l,otlca: FCltrifDATlON RFVISfO|{S Rol.tTFn To FIL L G AND JRM - Jlt iO}fORACiON ilothe: EE\tlSlOl.rS APPRCF./ED PER BlLt G AI\,D JRM aDDED ?71 GRFA - JlrOf.lDRAe€N Common!: ROLTTEDTO-TR.BILLGIESONANDptJBtIC\,!/ORKS,ROt,'fEDT.CFIRE'l?/10,20{X-JSUTHER ecn'lnent: Ear,t'"DEE RETAIIJING WALL STRUCTUPAL DC,{! tlFns SLIEMfTTED A.t\lD ROIJ|ED TO fi - JSUTI'I:R cornFleni: Av€nlno ?of R€vcable P.Ol , D€nnl. Permlt in fl!€ a! P1f/ - LEAFTDCVAL c6iiinrsi.i: wtRssD F{EAT L:SS 5:TF.]L: S'-':t',lr"lE: .5.tj? FO'i-S TO SREG DEtJCKIJ\- JSL''IHER Soniinent: F0i.ri"riallcn re',-4iions C;nlsJ hv Pl3nrh]fl - arsats3 netJ cll=F,. galBgCl! Conmsnt. F;ui:Jatisn rerisi;:r::pr'rcv.I L, ilarr'iilg ili--.-.:.', Ji-a -iui1:s;s27i:q.lt.;f new GRFA, wttkh ls stfl lvlutirr lhti lolal SRFA lihiils.- BGtB:Cry ATICOT R ne 'r estel :;isrectlc;l(s: r I I I -- - f"' t Iteni: f 0 SLDG Fcotnssfsteel Requested Tlme: 10:00 AM r./ Fi::::si?r: iHt cc'-3FADcl':Nc Phon€: 471-i275 J ftrcO vt ltilllrjliaA. r-rfl ,4s:iE;r*CT:: C9.r.ViS EntetedBy: DGOLDEN K - Aciicir. -'':ma Exo: --'FF|-F-virlr;;rslrl r -i-.-'.-ti'-l riirtLe,rlrrL.irr'/."r LilJ yyl!! 9L lJvrY! -rlrCI!,^^m'. a5l 1,'n::".-r' ql^:"CYED UPPERLEiEL FCC1ER3 AllD TFlPrf l1!S G. e & A ( ./nl T tt="|,r ft Ll FZF Gp*'r,/a fu"r4.- ln:;:ecticn Hl:tcn Ite;:. 5f2 rlj Rcr-':h arade Iter,. 5C3 ?'.r'l finaf difvE?ay grade il.-rn- l0 ;-;C iDoti,,;sEtLel " ApptE,;si .,i;J,5 h.$,!;i!J. "R;,1 As{ivir. Af- AF i RC. ED C,omrrsrit. FOO iiF- APFRJT'ED. ,ri ic-rtlofi FAD6 '*lid iii &)iit rnTEii 060605 irriir€ciiti: iRfot Auii.c,ri; AF AFFROVED Con n€( : 07i2*'&5 lnspcclor: Art Aclhn: APAFPROVED COMNTENT: APPROVEDUPPERLEVEL FOOTERS AND TI.frEE PADS G.C & A llem: 20 ElDGFouml"tiofi/Steel REPT131 Rnn trd: 357 4 o o ?.zr-30#oo lnspectl:fi FedyFs,! nfporting eage tg Reouested Insoect Date: Fridav. Julv 21. 2006 ' Inspeciion Area: SH Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE-B SIDE A/P/D lnformation Activitv: E05-0236 Const Tvp6:Owrier: SCHMID.Aoolicant: A-PHASE Cohtractor: A-PHASE Sub Tgne: ADUP ISSUED SH Requested lnsoection(s) Item: 190 ELEG-Final Requestor: A-PHASE ELECTRIC. LLC Coniments: side B. will call 904-0593 Assiqned To: SHAHN - Action: Time Exo: Description: N Inspection History Item: 1 10 ELEC-Service *" Aoproved ** 12114105 Insoeitbr: EG Comment:Item: 120 ELEC-Rouqh 02t10t06 Comment: ELEC-Conduit ELEC-Misc. ELEC-Final Requesred rime: gBl9BS$ Entered By: FRONT K -'-<-F/-r, I fl zil tzt *w 4 ftt44 ,2 j tnto-[- kl fz TED IN SEPARATION WALL. FINAL INSPECTION.Item: 130 Item: 140 Item: 190 (t ,it F) n, rr- /fl7 "-"-''-'( \,t \ vt"t/I Action: AP APPROVED sSt 1l-' REPT131 Run Idr 5506 W Inspection Request Reporting Page 14 4:13 om Vail- CO-- City Of - Requested Inspect Date: Monday, January 15,2007 - lnsoeclion Area: JRM Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN vAlL 2683 CORTINA LANE A/PID lnformation Notice: Comment: Reouested Inspection(s) o""rplv"p.i; B-MECH sub rgne: NDUP hrfifll$: 5t*t#to :L BATHROOM -JMONDMGON Item: 390 MECH-Final Requestor: Trent THD Coniments: oer JR - this is duct work for future work, will call 4184806 Assioned To: JMONDMGON - Action: Time Exp: Requested Time: 08:00 AM ' Phone: 418-4806 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Inspection Historv Item: 200 MEC Item: 310 MEC Item: 315 PLMI Item: 320 MEC Item: 330 MEC Item: 340 MEC Item: 390 MEC REPT131 Run Id: 6263 01-26-2006 Inspectio.rl ledlueqt *fiorting Page 25 Requested lnspect Date: Thursday, July 27,2OOo - InsDeclion Area: JRM Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL A/P/D lnformation Activitv: M06-0011 Tvoe: B-MECH Const Tvoe: Occuoaitbv: Ow'rier: SCHMID, STEFAN Applicant: RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES Contractor: RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES A NEW P/S RESIDENCE I BEEN READY AND TWO ROUGH . GDENCKLA Sub T.ype: USE: Phone: Phone: NDUP 970-38+2748 970-384-2748 ISSUED JRM Status: Insp Area: Requested Inspection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requestor: RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES Assioned To: GDENCKLA t - r c;ng'Lli; "*ffi#tt=& s I DE AJflR%Vfb Reouested Time: 08:30 AM ' Phone: 970-384-2748 -or- 970-384- 2926 Entered By: DGOLDEN K r\\l F\F'e$\6 Lt_ Inspection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh 03/16/06 Comment: Tco *'Approved ** EHU FP:MlSSlNG. 04114106 lnsoector: shdhn omment: eadt side (B) aoproved ^,, , ,^_.,-9ast side (B) a[2!ro-ved great room/bedroom. PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Item: 310 Item: 315 Item:320 Item:330 Item: 340 Item: 390 REPT131 Run Id: 5528 05-12-2OOG Inspection Request Reporting Page 10 4:20 pm Vail- CO'- Cifv Of - Requested Inspect Date: Ugnaay, May 15, 2006 - Inspeclion Area: CG Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE, UNIT A A/P/D lnformation B.MECH Requested Inspection{s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requestor: THD COLORADO lNC. DBA THD CONCRETE ' tNc. Comments: will call 331-1209. side A. olumbino also scheduled AssionedTo: JMONDRAGON - Action: Time ExD: Requested Time: 02:30 PM - Phone: 331-1209 Entered By: DGOLDEN K lnspection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh 08/31/0t Insoector: GCD Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: GARAGE lN SLAB HYDRONICS '100osi TEST Item: 310 MECH-Heatino ** ADoroved ** 09/15/05 fnsoector: Art ' ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: APP&Olr'ED INFLOOR HEAT PIPING - AIR TEST @ 100#, CORRECT SLIGHT LEAK AT MANIFOLD t\\ 11t28t05 R Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL eat onlv. 100 osi.' ' Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL 1 SHAHN Comment:EST) CLOTH DRYER EOUI MECH-Supolv Air MECH-M|6c. Aooroved "* 10114105 Insoector: SHAFIN Action: AP APPROVED Comment: INSPECTED 100PSl ON 3RD LEVEL. MECH-Final tl r -- ;\,-)t ' t i /)tr ,1\-'l L/{' | . I \P ',)v "i' " ."4 ., ,,tr4 ,' I 1.4 '-l:ll i'/r Sub TgOe: NDUP Phone: (970)418-4806 Phone: (970) 418-4806 T, BATHROOM VENTILATION, DRYER VENTILATION, KITCHEN HOOD EXHAUST, Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG .AND HAS NO BOOSTER. RC M1501.3. 1.-,l-"- t -x{ . REPT131 ?lgb2?fr006 In"p"$:,l F"duF"'! R:fo'ting p"g" to Requested Inspgct Date: fhursday, July 27, 2006 - Inspeclion Area: CG Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE. UNIT B A/P/D lnformation Activitv: M05-0040 Tvoe: B-MECH Const Tvo6: Occuoahbv:Owiier: SCHMID. STEFAN AoDlicant: THD COLORADO lNC. DBA THD CONCRETE " tNc. contractor: THDCOLORADOINC'DBATHDCONCRETE Phone: (970)418-4806 tNc. DCSCT|OI|ON: RADIANT HEAT. BATHROOM VENTILATION, DRYER VENTILATION, KITCHEN HOOD EXHAUST,. SNOWMELT Reouested Inspection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requestor: Comments: final TCO t Assioned To: GENCKLA I - Action: *\r.,r fo\ TLO lnspection Historv Sub TgOe: NDUP Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh Item: 310 Item: uH-KOUOn 04l14ljt l_nspector:lnsoector: shahn Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL {pbroved wes!*sifle(Bl m.ech for baths and kitchen. Phone: (970) 418-4806 Requested Time: 08:00 AM - Phone: Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K Approved ** Art ' ' Action: AP APPROVED .INFLOOR HEAT PIPING, AIR TEST @ lOO#, CORRECT SLIGHT LEAKS IN slab- ok Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL ZONE 3RD FLOOR. OUTSIDE TEMP BELOW ZERO. SOPSI AWER 3 Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL (2) loops 4th floor #100psi air test. Insoector: SHAHN Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION lOOPSI FOR RADIANT ON 3RD LEVEL. G(. ,*1, ?^',p"('o" 7?o -71)'' b?-2c/ tt- Time Exp: q ) NOTED L 315 320 330 340 10t14t05 Comment: 390 MECH-Final REPT1.31 Run Id: 5528 t I l]"ll-flooe rnspe$:,T,FedyFs,,t SPorting eage ez Requested Insp_ect Date: W€dnesday, November 08, 2006 ' lnsoeclion Area: CG Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE, UNIT A A/P/D lnformation Activitv: P05-0022 Const Tvo6: Ow'rier: SCHMID. TVDE: B.PLMB Occupahby: Contractor: Description: Cominent: .S. WATER AND SEWER P05-0021 now have Mike McFadden as the contrator 3-1-2006. Requested lnspection(s) Inspection Historv Item: 210 Pl|!4p:-U_n-dgrground ._. _** Approved Action: AP APPROVED Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG Letter is in file to confirm this. SubTgne: NDUP Phone: 845-7059 Comment: UNTDERGRD 5# AIR TEST ,- 1ii25hi lhsoectoi: MROYER Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: Underground in masler bathroqm only. llem: 220 PLMB-Rouoh/D.W.V. ** Aporoved ""-- 12127105 lnsDector: GCD ' ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: soSi TEST Item: 230 PLMB-RouqhMater *" Approved **-- 12127105 lnsoector: GCD ' ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 90osi TEST Item: 240 PLMB-Gas Pipiriq *'Approved .* - lZtz-t-los Ins6ector: GCD ' ' Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIBED Comment ADD WING STRIKE PLATES AS NEEDED PER GASTITE INSTRUCTIONS : JRM RD 5# AIR TEST : MROYER und in master bal E ', ,\- -' I 03117106 tn-{oeaof shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: strike olates added. Armour wrap installed in traragqli/all.---05loi70ti trisoeitor: GcD Action: AP APPROVED Comment: CSST GASPlirEf |NAL f EST 60psi TEST - 05/i6i06 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: APPROVED FOR TCO ONLY. KITCHEN AND 2 BATH GROUPS WORKING REPT131 Run Ids 5953 on Request RePorting Page 15 4:20 om Vail- CO-- City Of Requested Inspect pate: Monday, May 15, 2006 ' lnsoection Area: CG Site Address: 2683 CORTINA LN VAIL 2683 CORTINA LANE, UNIT A A/P/D lnformation B-PLMB SubTyPe: NDUP use: Phone: 845-7059 WATER AND SEWER 5:0021' now have Mike McFadden as the contrator 3-1-2006. Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: CG Letter is in file to confirm this. Requested Inspection(s) lnspection Historv Item: 210 PlMB-Underqround -. -** Approved *' Item: 290 PLMB-Final Reouestor: Jake - THD Coiimeriis: will call 331-1209, side A. mech also scheduled Assiqned To: JMONDMGON " Action: Time ExP: Reouested Time: 02:00 PM ' Phone: 331-1209 Entered By: DGOLDEN K -'oEiz-zid5'iniie?tor: JRM ' " -- Action: APAPPROVED Comment: UNIDERGRD 5# AIR TEST -iiirbiiiS inlb-ecitiri '-M-RoVER-- Action: Pl PARrIAL lNs -iiliItos tnso-eiiiri '-M-RoVER-- Action: PI PARTIAL INSPEOTIoN Comment: Underqround in master bathroom only. llem: 220 PLMB-Rouqh/D.W.V. *' Approved --' -iz-lz77d5' tns'ociitbr: GcD Action: APAPPROvED Comment: sPSi TEST Item: 230 PlMB-RouohAffater - *. Approved -*'-iz-lz77ti8 'tir'soddtor: GCD .'- - - Action: APAPPROVED Comment: 90Psi TEST Item: 240 PLMB-GaS Pipiriq -1 Approved'- ;i'J'JJgl'[s9"fi ]ttostt*?*.rt^i.ros*48'5?ortf*tnoff Frt=tlR$fi=r?+i8=-B 28osi TEST. 03/17106 -tn-ioEciorl "snann . Aclion; . AP APPROVED c6ilnieit: Siike rjldt'es aon-dd. Armour wrap inqtalled in-glrragelvall.---65iti1iiiii iri;Eitir--GeD Action: APAPPRovED comment: CSSTGASPIPE FINAL TEST 60psi TEST XCEL METER RELEASE XdEi M'ETLR RELdASE-- --'- ,'. , \ Item: 250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub f, ,,1 ; , )ltem: 260 PLMB-Misc. l: [ "' | \- ltem: 290 PLMB-Final ' ,f,_..,| i A t t!t-' i A l 1 , ,L)"'"g+, [ - rl 'J' l,Y'\ L,'' f \ (' ,{)(* i I 11 ''t'v'!i, ? !L^ r2f' ,,, REPT131 Run Id: