HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 7 LEGAL.pdfOOe**.S{rrr ogr/El0P|,E {r Deaign Review Soard ACTXOI.{ FORlrl Department of Community llevelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Calorado &1f57 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov-€om Pruject Name: Project Description: LOl28l200s LOl28l200s PO BOX 164 VAIL co 81558 1417 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL LoE 7 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 1 2101-092-0101-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION DRB Number: DR8050585 locat|on: 1417 VAIL VALLEY DR Action: D@IRED Date of Approval: DRB Fee Pald: $2O.OO TREE REMOVAL Partlclpants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parccl Number: Comments: OWNER BARRETT, KAREN B. PO BOX 164 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT BARRETT, KAREN B, Dlotlon By: Second By: Vote: Condltlons: Planner: Bill Gibson Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An appliotion ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposah Lot: '7 Block: ? Subdivision: Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s)r Name of Applicant: s[,o 8 3 "1 Mailing Address:,/2,// a4 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) nor Alteration single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rooftng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): ,/,//) ./C, E-mail Address: Check No.: A For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid: ZO ' DRB No.: DR ts o 'it}*****r*{'t't'}a'*****+***lt'taa!a**+*'}***+***t+'t+**++tfftt++++ttat+++++*t**t***+****t*********+** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemeot **{.**rl'**{'f**'***'l***'+**ft*f+++f+iatt+f+****a{'****'r*r'**f****{'{'+t*******+*'}'*t*i'**'}t}************ Statement Nuriber: R050001826 Anount: $20.00 LO/29/2OOso9:23 All Pa)ment Method: Cash InLt: iIS Notation: $/pHonsn BARRETT Permit lilo: DR8050585 T14>e : DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101- 092 - 0101- 5 Slte Address: 1417 VAIIJ VAIJITEY DR VAIL L,ocatLon: 1417 VAIIJ VAITIJRr DR Total FeeE: S20.00 This Palment: $20 .00 Total AIrIJ Pmts: $20 . OO Balance: $0.00 +fl*++++ttft++++***+*******'******'l**+a+**f*****'l'+l'*++++++faf++++++l**l******'a***+*f,*****+r*r ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Acconnt Code Degcription Current prntE DR OO1OOOO3LI?2OO DESIGT{ REUTEW FEES 20. 00 -.I Department of Communtty Developmen t 75 South Frontage Rod Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t 38 F/lX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 22,2001 Phoebe Barett P.O. Box 164 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Physical address change Dear Phoebe: This is written notification that your request for physical address changes has been approved by all required parties. New Addrases: 1-01!, !!oc| 3, Vail Valley Filing #l 1397 Vair Vatrey Drive T.ot 7, Block 3, Vait Vailey Fiting #l l4l7 Vail Valley Drive Ifyou hare any questions or concerns, please do not hesitatc to contact me at g7047g-214g or akj eru lf(E c i. vai l. co. u s. Sincerely, ^%'-n\Ann Kjenrlf I I Planner IVGIS Specialistv Town ofVail {,9 r'nn"n^"* **mstr Property Owner Nanre: Mailing Addressi Property Owner Signature: Action Requested: Legal Description: Parcel No.: Current Physical Address: Proposed Physical Address: Thefollowing agencies will be notified of the change: Eagle County Ambulance Disbict Eagle County Assessors Office Eagle River Water and Sanitation DisEict Holy Cmss Electic Excel Energy Public Service High Pressure Gas I eet Change Form o Address Assignment and DeparEnent 0f @rnmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us NEW PESIIEMCL ol l4l+ V niv Vqweta bpiiv U Town of Vail Fire Deparbnent Town of Vail Police Deparunent U.S. Postal Service Qwest Johnson, Kunkel & Assoclates, E911 Coordinator AT&T Cable Services The Town of lail requires the appropiate address be conspicuously posted on the premises. Multi-family dwellings shall be assigned a single nuneric address. Arynment* suites, duplex units, etc. shall have an alpha, alpha- numeric or directional designation in addition to the single numeric address. &p1 sq7 Community Dwelopment: 479.2L38 (tel) 479-24s2 (hx) Flre Department: 479.2250 (tel) a79.2176 (tar) Police Dbpatch: 479,2200 (tel) 479.2216 (fu) Public Worts: 479.21s8 (te| 479.2165 (ra<) Eagle County Ambulance: 476.08ss (teD 926.s23s (fax) E911 Service: 328.6368 (teD 328.103s (fa< Please retura this form to the Depannent of Community Development. D+oeee +7&,-+Jv5 't+el (ut +) a8/261266r 8e:_51 _ ___s7g3?q1a3s --o-eer-,"ErL'Jt}thtslN KUMEL&A5$rc .urr'tulfilzaEz PAGE ALIBI PAGE I/4 Sheet Address As$ignment and drange Form ThcM qtldrr wil be @nd ottlu chonge Torrnofvtfl FfrD.'r!ne* Daatnat of Cam,rtty Datqoprlrtrt E Sqfi Rslaoa noi4 vail, Coba.b 815V tcr: 97t1479.21I1 fu:srtqTlt-MiZ rcb: rru-dvall.o.ts kww\e*)Rapcrtyot{rpt{afiE llriling l416sss; Propaty Orflner Slgnatue: ACtioo REqu€sd: lr0d Desiption: Pamd ib.: Orent PhdolAtbri:se Prbpd PtldolAddruss; tt NfiA PsStWAltE - lull+ { *iv U*W bai.tt a Totnqf VCI Pdhq Dlpqtrxrtr u.E kld Santu auest JohrFn, fudd & AssociaB, E9tl Cocrdhu AT&TGttbServi:s llnTanolYailnquinstlnryryioteod&r*'rlpconspiwuslypflEdorllhcprenl*, I{ilti.Jb$Iydv*llinge tlall bc osfigzgd a Sngh nvrvt16 a{d'rlrl'. Aptnrrlln rsttdr, Crfu ratllr. alc, srratl h$ta drr dlpttu alPrt* ,npnlric or dilfulel d&gnodm tn addil$ n t r fugL nwiarb &ts Ea0h cdrry Affirfafto DfrEft . Erynco|nyrcesasoftc E4Fmcruunltsil|E&nDrsq Hdy9osSedic Esd Etetgy ruEServbeHagh PltsareGE Orot ot2- ot ort RcgairuI Approwk. Fn Afiu U* OnlY f.-qlttOagryst {792il}8@,1F2{52 (40 F.rGDcFrffi 479-22s0 (tEt) {79.2175 (fbo noEceDlpaun 47,2?m(b]0'.'.2216(tu) HcStrts lf/92158 (ts|) 47e.2r56 (fn) Erobfufitu5qlre:,frl'Gb(U) 926.525 Gd) E r18*{il: 3A.1Ul5 ' Pte.* rp ttnt rtis Iont o rlo Dquuat ol CuwwttV Urtryat PropertyOvmer l,lare: Malllng Address: Property Owner Signailne: Acton Reque*ed: tesal D€lsiption: Parcel No.: Cur€nt Ptndcl AddFss: Propced Phv$cal Addres: Plcag rctmt rtjgf*ttt n tha Depnol ol'@nrunity Datdoptatt Hug 2l Ol O3: l3p eaale count5 ambulence S7O 4?6 0519 AUG-16-01 13rE2 FR'M,t'rr-f-otu-DEPr, 'o'"""1'fn p.l PAGE I/4 Street Addrcss Asslgnment and Change Form ocpatnert d Ccnuftv Etsdemclt 75 Sor.ft honhOe Roa4 VaL CobGdo 81ffi/ H: 970.479-21$ fx, 9m.1n.2452 vueb: mrw.civd.o.ts k*^tha*) etAX ' /, .wi+n eiusA Ihc faWoving rya.d* wltr he wtifud of thc ctuttgc: Eagh cotflty AmDtiilre DEEia . EagleCotrryAsE$crsore EaSle Riwrmter ad SaniEtidt Di$lA l{olyc1o63 E€clF Eedftellrt fubfc sefi,k€ Hiil Pltsstrt Gas l4l+ rlpjv Vqy"eH bai{v a Tsrn ofVdFbB DepaffiErt Tqn'lofvdlFo[eDep*t'gt u.S. h6E[ sgvice q'€st Jdllsrl Knkd & AscitEr, Etrt Coodfufr AT&TCabb Ser,lcs TlteT6nn o{YattrequimtteqryoprUteadrtwrbaaEtawtclypa*nonfupltlalisl* Mzhi'fanilydll,zllfutgs slatt Oe a*itgyen a inge n niric iArex- Ap'wd* stttes. dryl* unils' eh slnll haw an atpha alpha' mneric or itreetonal d*istntion ln adiltion m the sinfu nnne'ic ailrw- e rot oqZ ot Cormtity Danulopnent ,ri9.2il18 (H) 479'2e (d\ FlrcDeprlments {?9:250 (q) {r9.2u5 Gd) Pof,ce Dbpgfrdt: {E21D (teD 4D.2216 (fdo Pdlkworts: {?92158 (q) r}9.2166 (l ) ErghAq$f fnbrfancs! {rn0655 (tr|) e26.s23s (too E tlScttlG 328.6368 (bD 32E.1035 Notification of Address Assignment f-sHoPl i..iGi..i -'------"'' 1289 Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 3, VailValley Filing 1 Parcel No.: 210109201015 Proposed Address: 1417 Yail Valley Drive Owner: Karen Barreft ,-tD Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cokrado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co,us Project l{ame: Barrett Residence DRB ilumber: DR8010216 Prctect Description: Changes to approved landscape plan Participants: OWNER BARRETT KAREN B 07/241200t Phone: 970-476-5733 1397 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Andy Henkes 07l24l2WL Phone: 479-9909 Henkes &Assoc., Inc. PO Box 5623 VAIL, CO 81657 License: PrcJectAddrcssz L397 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Locataon: legal Descriptlon: Lot: 6&7 Block 3 Subdivision! VAIL VALLEY Parcel Number: 210109201004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:votei DateofApprcvah 08/0U2001 CondiUons: C,ond: 8 (Pl-{N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Gond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Pald: $20.00 questions?lfll the planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specifri informatiJn, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The applicaiion cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and./or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCNPTION OF Trm REQITEST: nstruction is lLfr/n6 ()fEo0, TOl'/iN OFVAN B. C. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINGADDRESS: FTLTNG: / t/r+ /sr BLOCK: /L_OD PHONE: a. G./il4 H. TYPE OF RE\IIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 {trno. Atteration - $20 "Ar t PHONE: Construction of a new building. lncludes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. \Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors OIfice at 970-328-8640 for parcet #) ?o,l - //{L tf***{t**lltf*ltltlf*'r***{t**rt*******'}llt*t*ti***'tflft*'t+*trtt+,tit*r*trt***rtiri**,t**********+*tr TOWNOFVATL, COLORADO Shr€m€nr l*tt+*t+l**ttt****i'l*++*l*****+*+!t**alfl't'i+++**ti'r*r:rt**+art***r***+++***t**tt+**ttt,.*a***,t** Statement Nunrber: R000001122 Anount: $A0.00 O7/24/ZOOLOZ:41 pr{Paynent lrtethod: Caeh Init: .fAR Notation: Permit !to: Parce1 No: Sit.e Addregg : IJocation: Itris Pa]rment: DR8010215 Tl4)e: DRB - ltlnor Alteratiorr 210109201004 13 97 \TATIJ VILLBY DR \TAIL TotaL Feee: Total ALrLr Pnrta : s20.00 s20.00 $20.00 Balance: gO. O0 *i*l*tt++*'t***ti*t++**'i****l**+++*'t*****'f+++***+'t**'l++**+*,rt******+**+*+'t*tr*t,t+f+f*t+*i++,r,** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current furts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEhl FEES 20.00 Design Review Action Form Proiect Name: Barrett Residence Parcel Number: 210109201004 Comments: Project Description: Revisions to stone and light fixtures Owner, Address, and Phone: Phoebe Barrett 1397 VaiI Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Ned Gwathmey 1000 S. Frontage Rd W Vail, CO 81657 476-1147 Project Street Address: 1397 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Valley lst TOWN OF VAIL ProjectNumber: prj99-0187 Building Name: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote; Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 09129100 Project Name: Barrett Residence Document I Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved DRB Fee Paid: $20 O - sEP-2s-oo,=#.v.)H-DEv-DEPT.o,=*"."1',"|i1==",=^..^=c.=*=}=]f,-..=...',' i0?i'h'0rl'd]lF AppucArroN loRDEsrcN REvrEwAppRovAL gq!ERAgIEOEUAEoN I nE applicatjon is for any prsj€ct requiriog Desrgn^Revr'elr npproval. Any projea requaring design revie,u must reci!'e Desbn Redew app'orat pttttbsud"iai,ndfora uuruii! prr'it. ilr!ilific inturmation, see$e submfttar requirnarts tor fte partiqtar a'pp.*t tnai , i"i"..t d. r".il#il" Liil"t o" ..*pt.o und a[ ure required infonnation b submittert the proiect maiigo ilt to o" ;rtdUdrfu*iffi councir andlor the ebnnins ano yiffi fl?g,SE?:LT,,FH*ffi#;,HT,LT*.;*,;ff ;;#;i,.;r*" IICATIOI{ OF PROPOSAL:*t'Gil- arOcK: ? Frlrx6.IAL Vrqi-.ry \q FUn,n" B. c. D. E. PFIY$CAL PARCEL #: NAME OF OWNER(S): MNI.]NG Ig"*T?n co. Assessoa ffice at 970-32&86.{0 ror parcer #) LCr; F. G. ovYilER(S) I{AME OF APPLICAIIT: MAIUrslpppess. TYPE u \o ,x H,OF REVIE1II AND FEE: lleur GnstrucUon - 9200 Addldon - SsO MinorAltcradon - fAO Construction of a neur building. In{gdes any addition where._square footage is addeC to any Fs'9entiat or commercbt buiktinj. Indudesminor drangesO buiHiigs and site imprc\Enefts, such as, rerodtng, paintjng, wirdow aOiiUons, lanOdplng-,-'fu;.Fs and r€Bining ua[s, cE. r'rt RECEIPT - Th-'Town of Vait J h to l' oor" ( bq .zo-N N9 51872 Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash -.Arrry 6M7 t :i. a . +.1r At)qt t ESm BRASS @ lHttoHt rFor, I I cEtrrtF oF I I ouTrEr EOx I E I arcxrr-are I I MlAruFEi'rr I $,) r:Y r! q!lfl!l I ;, i I $l lllll !rXr[. ltl{1 ft lKilllllt)ll i:Xif:lillli{ l:r'"ilrlililii I: xrtilt0ll nxIIr{rntr ilxl'[||l{rft []iIF!ililti 7610 CLBU, CLPE 10'W x 18"H 3-CA 40w 7616 CLBU, CLPE 10'W x 22" H x 12"ext. HCO 17.5' . BP 4.5' W x 12.5' H 3-CA 40w 7617 CLBU, CLPE 16"Wx31'Hx18'ext. HCO 26'. BP 4.5"W x 18.5'H 3.CA 40w 7613 CLBU, CIPE 10'W x 21"H 40w 7614 CLBU, CLPE 16"W x 30'H ; 3-CA 40w u) (, it lJl 0l ((l ft) rl () (1 m i.:,.i ' ,.'l t,t 7611 CLBU, CLPE 16"W x 26"H 3-CA 40w {i I/--$ o rt o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us September 29, 2000 Barbara Feeney Riva Ridge South Condominium Assoc. 74 Willow Rd. Vail, CO 8'1657 RE: Exterior remodel of Biva Ridge South, located at 114 Willow Rd. / Lot 1, Block 6, VailVillage lst Dear Barbara, On September 20, 2000, the Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed exterior remodel for the Riva Ridge South Condominiums, localed at 114 Willow Rd. For your records, here is a brief summary of their concerns and recommendations: 1. The Design Review Board did not feel that shutters were an appropriate expression for the architecture of the building. Instead, they recommended that beefing up the trim around the windows would be more aesthetically pleasing.2. The Design Review Board felt that continuing the stone around the entire buibing (including the rear elevation) would be more appropriate. lf you have any questions, or need lo discuss the proposal further, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369, or e-mail me at aochs@ci.vail.co.us. The Design Review Board meets the lirst and lhird Wednesday of every month. I will reschedule Riva Ridge South as soon as I receive revised olans. Si4cerely, ^,t/tt /f lr {lUt-Yt - Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail {g"n"'"o"" Torn of Vai ]+** CIJST0ilEF RECEIPT *** IiAlEr 9lc5l00 01 REIEIFTT t$l5$?5 DISCR1PTIOX OTY flNffiI.HT lP DEsi6[ REUIEH FE I tao.oo rltR EilflTHIEY/PftATT Ilt cli ILI{ULK UL ItiIL tli 58Si DflTE: 9/?9/00 TOIRL CHEEK MSJI{T TE}iDERru tes.0s Tll{: 14t27r37 #6' e0 H0.0s IIHM YOi Fi]R Y8JF PRYI'IENTI o"il'*, "rtS}i,ituliJ o"u",oor"n, O 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Name:Receipt No. Address:D".-lJ-&r-o) .Project: Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 \.JEI $50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $60.65 001 0000 314 1112 Internaqgnal Plumbing Code - 1997 LEJ e2A nn 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical code - 1998 UtJ $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code utl 001 0000 314 11't2 National Electrical Code uEl $42.50 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.9s 001 0000 3't4 1112 Model Enerov Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.7s 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books t, E, 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prinb/Mylar Copy Fees Et-$7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies XC ou.zc 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies. Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/R+lnspections PN 00'1 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Recheck Fee ($40/per houo PF 001 0000 31s 2000 Oft Hours Insoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee Jts $20,00 001 00003124000 Additional Sign Apdication Fee Dts 001 0000 311 2200 Design Reveur Board Fee (Prepaid)LJIA ?hoz 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agrgemeni Deposit D2-DEP l0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Soec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev SA -001 0000201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tqtllpqy4lle TP '001 0000 310 1 1 00 Taxable @ 4.0% (Townl - Retail Sales Tax r7 MS Other/Misc. - 001 0000 3112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV pv-$200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Afteration - More than '100 sq. ft.$s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Developm€nt District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Major Amend p\/$1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Distict - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Subdivision Fees PV PV 001 0000 3'11 2500 Variance $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 3'19 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:fYI |- Commenb:t- f- F I Cash_ Money Order #Check #Received ,t, &l F:,/Evsryon€y'Forms/Salesact.exe 06/06/2000 P,.oNtc AND EN'TR'NMENTAL .ou",r,?, PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, July 26, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communiw Develooment Department 11:30 p.m. DFIB/PEC/Town Council Roles and Responsibilities in the Development Review Process - (1 hour discussion) MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT 1O0 p.m. 1. Ferry - 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle 2. Barrett- 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive 3. Dobson lce Arena-321 E. Lionshead Circle George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing ext€nds until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Publlc Hearinq - Town Councll Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the establishment ol single-family lot boundaries within a clustered residential subdivision, located at the Residences at Briar Patch, 1386 Buffehr Creek Road / Parcel F, Briar Patch. Applicant: web Atwell/ Briar Patch HoA Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Doug Cahill APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant provide the Town of Vail Department of Community Development with a revised linal plat with all required signatures for recording, prior to submitting an application for Design Review for any proposed improvements on the property. Driver: KEX VOTE:7-0 2. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of an existing lot line to re- establish two lots, located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive / Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz Architects Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION; Galen Aasland SECOND:Chas Bernhardt VOTE:6-0-1 (Doyon recused) APPROVED 3. A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family residential site coverage in excess oI 20/o of lot area, and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect\Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:6-0-1(Aasland recused) TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 4. A request for a final review of a of a conditional use permit, to allow for a proposed locker room expansion and loading dock addition to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionsheid Circle/Lot t, Blocr 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrict Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Chas Bernhardt SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 4-3 (Schofield, Bernhardt, Doyon opposed) APPBOVED W|TH 9 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submit civil engineered drawings of the required West Meadow Drive realignment and bridge reconstruction for review and approval, prior to submitting an application for a building permit. 2. That the applicant retain the services of a Consulting Arborist to assist in the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in the Tree Preservation Plan prepared by A Cut Above Forestry of Breckenridge, Colorado dated 3/20/99. All mitigation measures shall be strictly adhered to for the duration of the construction project. 3. That the applicant actively participate with the Town of Vail Afi in Public Places Board to develop a visually interesting, yet modest, loading dock gate design, and that the gate be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board 4. That the applicant revise the proposed landscape plan to include the relocation of the existing vegetation on-site, rather than off-site. The revised plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. That the applicant revise the proposed site plan to relocate the existing layout of the pedestrian path and to include brick pavers at the entrance to the loading and delivery area. The revised plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. That the proposed pt"nr?r.ui.ed to add a note prohibiting roof-t?mechanicat equipment atop the new addition prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. That a barrier be added to direct the pedestrian flow from the dumpster to the bike path. 8. That the dumpster E rea be reclaimed and relandscaped. 9. That the asphalt be minimal when the road is widened. 5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the creation of a public park, located at Lots 1,2 & 3, Block H, Vail das Schone/2497, 2485,2487 Garmisch and the unplatted portion of the SE %, SE yz, SW 7z of Section 1 1, Township 5, Range 81 West. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:5-2 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 9, 1999 6. A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at 2477 , 24€,5, 2487 ,2497 Garmisch Drive/ Lots 1 -4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina Timm Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 9, 1999 7. A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 37 (Antlers), to allow for the construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 new employee housing units and a new parking structure level, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine Planner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 8. Information Update 9. Approval of July 12, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community. Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Dwelopment Department qrucstronsl Call thc Planning Sraff ar 429-2 l3g ,lr,lcnrroN FoR pr,ANNrNc .lrvlrvvlnoNMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAI.INFORMATION ' This application is for any projclt rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcrrtal Commission. For spccific information. scc thc submittal rcquircmants for thc particular approval that is rqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd information is submittcd. Thc project'may also nccd to bc rcviewea by urc town Co,rrrcit and/or thc Dcsigr Rwiov Bmrd" Ar TYPEOFAPPLICATION: . . tr Additionat CRFA (250)tr Bcd and Brcaldast tr Conditional Usc pcnnit tr Majoror dMinorSubdivision tr Rczoning !' tr Sign Variancc tr Variancc tr ZoningCodcAmcndmcnt B. DESCRIPTION OF TI{E RE Eyl.trla hldt4{ C. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: E Amcndment to an Approvcd Darclolmcnt plan ! Employcc Horsing Unit (Iypc: )El Major or El Minor CCI ExteriorAltcration (VailVillagc) 0 Major or E Minor CCI| ExtuiorAltcration (Lionshcad) tl Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Distsict tr MajororE MinorAmcndmcnttoan SDD QIJEST: +-l uw DEE BLOCK.-a_FrLtNG BUILDINGNAME: I0vtN0FvAtt D. E.NAMEOFOWNER(S):F+to6* MAILING F. G. owNER(S)SrcNA NAME OF REPRESENTA eo 5Dr4T FEE - SEE TIIE SIJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRI.ATE FEE. ST'BMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQTIIREMET{TSAND TIIET'EE TO TITE ITEPARTMEM oF coMMIrNlrY D.EVELOPMENT, ?s sourH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAJI4 COLORADO 8165?. Application Datc: pEC Mcctine Datq - Rldi$d 6195 June 22, 1999 Barrett Residence 1397 Vail Valley Drive Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"'Filing Re: Request for Minor Subdivision DESCRIPTION OF REOUEST The existing Barrett Residence extends over both Lot #6 and Lot #7 as those lots were originally platted. The lots were re-platted to accommodate the current location of the house resulting in Lot #7 being over twice as large as Lot #6. Note that Lot #6 is near the minimum lot size for this zone district. The applicant would now like to demolish the existing house and return th€ common lot line to the original platted position. Lot #6 and Lot #7 would once again be approximately the same acreage. This return to the original plat would also bring both lots back to a size more in keeping with the rest of the neighborhood. Ms. Deborah J. Nunez 12445 Keystone lsland Drive Miami, Florida 33181 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nunez 12445 Keystone lsland Drive Miami, Florida 33181 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maslak 961 High Road Woodside, CA 94062 Guerin Family Trust Dean P. Guerin, Trustee 9400 Rockbrook Dallas, Texas 75220 Mr. Vincent J. Duncan 2300 S. Tower 600 17rh Street Denver, CO 80202 H & S Partners c/o Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Wittow 29 Sedgwick Drive Englewood, Colorado 801 10 Mr. Robert T. Devoy, Jr. Ms. Deborah Dooley 15 Briarcliff St. Louis, Missouri 63124 TOWN OF VAIL c/o Finance Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 ,t,t." MAY AFFEcr ror* ,*orr*f) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public tearing in accordance with Seclion 1 2-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 26, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the establishment of single-family lot boundaries within a clustered residential subdivision, located at the Residences at Briar Patch, 1386 Buffehr Creek Road I Parcel F, Briar Patch. Applicant: Web Atwell/ Briar Patch HOA Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of an existing lot line to re-establish two fots, located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive / Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz Architects Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a rrariance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family residential site coveraoe in excess of 20% of lot area, and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect Planner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefoprnent Department, 75 South Frontage Fload. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation,available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone foi the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 9, 1999 in the Vail Trail. *#ftqq FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 26, 1999 A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of an existing lot fine to re-establish two lots, located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive / Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Planner: Allison Ochs I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Phoebe Barrett, represented by Ned Gwathmey of Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz, is requesting a minor subdivision of Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"'/ 1397 and 1427 Yail Valley Drive. The Vail Valley l"tsubdivision was originally platted in 1970. ln 1974, the old Racquet Club Chalet was moved from its location in East Vail to Lots 6 and 7, which were commonly owned. In September ot 1974, the two lots were resubdivided, adjusting the lot line between the two lots to allow the current residence to be located only on Lot 7. The current request is to vacate the 1974 lot line and replat the original 1970 lot line. The applicant has submitted plans for a new residence to be located on Lot 7. while the applicant will retain ownership of Lot 6, there remains development potential for Lot 6. The zoning on both lots is Two-Family Residential. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed minor subdivision, subject to the following linding: That the proposed minor subdivision plat complies with the review criteria and requirements of Chapter 13 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code and meets the minimum standards required by the Two-Family Residential Zone Distrid. III. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA A basic premise of suMivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. A. The tirst set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Gommission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: The lot size standards as prescribed by the Two-Family Residential Zone District Staff Response: As proposed, this minor subdivision meets this requirement. The minimum lot size in the Two-Family Residential District is 15,000 sq. ft. Lot 6 will be 25,744 sq. ft. while Lot 7 willbe 26,528 sq. ft. Frontage: The Subdivision Regulations require a minimum Street Frontage of 30'. S|a,tt Respon*: As proposed, this minor subdivision meets this requirement. Site Dimensions: The Town Code required that each site be of a size and a shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80'on each side, within its boundaries. Staft Respon*: As proposed, this minor subdivision meets this requirement. B. The second set of criteria to be considered with a Minor Subdivision application, as outlined in the subdivision regulations, is: 'The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideralion shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, etfects on the aesthetics of the Town." The Specific Purpose of the Subdivision Regulations is as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Staff Response: The review of this request has followd the regulations prescribed for minor subdivision in the Municipal Code. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. Staff Response: Staff believes that this resuMivision will not conflict with development on adjacent properties. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Response: Staff does not believe that the request will have a negative impaa of the value of land in the Town of Vail generally, nor in the immediate area. 4. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives. Sta,ff Respon*: The resubdivision meets the minimum zoning requirements of the Two-Family Residential Zone District. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff Respone: The resubdivision will have no additionaleffects on the above criterion. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and t0 establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. Statf Bespon*: The resubdivision meets the above requirement. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Stalf Respon*: Staff does not believe that the resubdivision will have any adverse effects on the above criterion. o E ql - -o l+.r+, n o a C ct CL II II a IT o =v o .cI C o a l+, ^t 1 .+= H N \l q,or N)coJ = : n $u d6 &@ l di '{ \ 5 6d' ('| lt |-' l( o 0 g z tr r tt'onr l'E5 l! r rtftow TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Fronnge Rod Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97(M79-24s2 July 13,1999 Ned Gwathmey !000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Banett Residence at 1397 Vail Valley Drive i Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Valley l " DearNe4 The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Banett Residence to be located at L397 Vail Valtey Drive. The foltowing comments and revisions rrnrst be addressed prior to Design Review Board approval: 1 Please provide a staryed survey. Also, please show more spot elevations. 2. Please provide a site plan of the proposed residence, which includes roof and eave elevations so that staffcan determine building height. 3. No back out parking is allowed onto Vail Valley Drive. The existing parking will need to be removed. 4. Please provide a 4 ft. concrete pan on the driveway. 5. The Town of Vail is cunently planning to add a bike path along Vail Valley Drive. To avoid any future problems regarding improvements in the right of way, the following requests have been made by the Public Works Deparment. o No landscaping allowed in the righrof-way except sod. r No retaining walls in the right-of-way. e The first 12 ft. of the driveway within the right-of-way must be maintained at 2%. The next 10 ft nnrst be at 8%, lhen lzYo for the remainder. To meet this criteria, the 55 contour on the driveway should be 55.6. 6. Both the sprinkler system and any part of the heated driveway in the right-of-way will need to be in a separate zone. Please show on the site plan. {g"un"uo"uo 8. 9. 10. 11. :" 2 t,, " The turnaround needs to be 12 ft. wide. Please adjust and revise. The survey and the site plan do not match. Please indicate snow storage. Snow storage must be contained entirely within tot lines and is 10% ofthe driveway area. Please provide an exterior lighting plaq along with cutsheets of proposed fixtures and the required calculations. The space beneath the entry-way on the lower level floor plan appears to be crawl space. Ifthe area is under 5 ft. in head height and should not be counted as GRFA, please label as such. The Barrett Residence has been analyzed based on Two-Family Residential Zoningand the survey provided. The analysis is pending approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission regarding the rezubdivision. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size: 26,528 sq. ft. Zonrng: Two-Family Residential Standards Allowed Proposed GRFA Site Coverage Parking 5753 sq. ft. 5306 sq. ft. 3 spaces 2620 sq. ft. 1909 sq. ft. 3 spaces (2 enclosed) The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Banett Residence at their luJy 7, 1999 meeting. The following comments were made:1. Relocate the trees to be removed to another location on the site.2. To buffer the impact of the driveway on the adjacent lot, if possible, the house should be shiftedto the east. The Barett Residence is scheduled for the Planning and Environmental Commission to review the subdivision requcst on July 26, 1999. The final Design Review Board review is scheduled for August 4, 1999. All ofthe above revisions and cornrnents rnust be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval. Please submit all revisions to the Community Development Departmcnt by no later than noon on July 24. Shoutd you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. Sincergly, a,t .4 //rt - /'l// //il//L U,a* Allis'ori Ochs Planner I Town of Vail 11August, 1999 Ms. Allison Ochs, Planner I Community Development TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Rer Barreft Resldence at 1397 Vail Valley Drive, Lot 7' Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Dear Allison: This is a point-by-point response to your 2 August letter, regarding requirements for DRB approval. '1. Lawn irrigation and driveway snowmelt systems in the right of way will be on separate zones.2. The residence has been shifted 3'-0" east, and turn-around increased 3'-0". 3. The boulder rock wall has been reduced to less than 4'0' high. 4. The driveway entry width is 24'-0". 5. Although the driveway is to be heated, the 10% requirement for snow storage is shown. 6. See new landscape plan. 7. Bridge is narrower and the space below entry is less than 5' high, and therefore labeled "crawl space."8. Limit of disturbance is greater due to demolition of existing residence. (See site plan). 9. See enclosed survey of Lot 4, per your request. Hope this fills the requirements. Please call if we need to submit more or address other issues. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, THMEY PRATT SCHULIZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. M. cwathmey, Jr., AIA Eric Berg Phoebe Barett oo Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Barrett Residence Project Number: prj99-01g7 Project Description: new single family residence Owner, Address, and Phone: Phoebe Barrett 1397 Vail Vattey Drive YaiL CO 81657 ArchitecUContact, Ad&ess, and Phone: Ned Gwathmey 1000 S. Frontage Rd W Vait, CO 81657 47Ett47 Project Street Address: 1397 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Valley lst ParcelNumber: 2101092010M Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5:0 Conditions: l. Board/Staff Action Bill Pierce Action: Chas Bernhardt consent approved with conditions All retaining walls over 4' in height must be sfsmped by a P.E. Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: Wlt0l99 DRB Fee Paid: $200 hoject Name: Barrett Residence Documeotl oo TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Dcve Lopment 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Coloradn 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 August 27,1999 Gwathney, Pratt, Schule 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 476-1512 RE: Barrett Residence at 1397 YallYalley Drive / Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Valley ls Dear Jay, The Community Dwelopment Deparbnent has reviewed the plans for the Barrett Residence. The following revisions/comments must be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval: I. Thedrivewayexceeds l2Yogadeatelevations 52-54and54-56. Pleaseadjustandrwise.2- The maximun cross-slope for the driveway into the parking area is 8%. Please adjust and revise.3. Please provide a starnped approved &awing of all walls over 4'.4. All disturbed grades mrrst.renun to a 2:l grade. Please revise the areas at the north side ofthe home and the southwest side of the home. All of the above rwisions and comments must be addressed to staffs satisfaction prior to the final Design Rwiew Board approval. PlEase submit all plans by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 30, 1999. Please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2369 wLthany questions. Sincerelv" !;',,,1..2)/. '.Ji.- Allison Oclu Planner lI Town of Vail &p {g*o""uor*o oo oo 19 May, 1999 Mr. Brent Wilson, Plariner | ' Communig Development-Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed Demolltlon and Reconstruction of BARRETT RESIDENCE - 1397 Vail Valloy Drave Mr. Brent Wilson: Ms. Phoebe Barrett has resided at the residence that her husband built in 1972. This existing strucfure spans two lots (Lot tF and Lot #7), and the zoning for each is two-family residential. Ms. Banett wishes to demolish the existing structure and build.on Lot #7, per the enclosed plans. It is our understanding that the lot line was never relocated for the existing strucfure. Therefore, it isn't necessary to sub-divide. We have a title report ordered for consideration. The GRFA of the structure proposed is 2560 sq. ft. Tho allowabl€ GRFA on Lot #7 is: -Site Area = 26,433 sq. ft.- .25x15,000= 3,750 't,'t43 .425 5,318 Total GRFA Setbacks and heights will be per ordinance. We wish to begin the process in a timely manner, as Ms. Banett would like demolition to begin in August '99, and construction to commence soon thereafler. Please let me know what more needs to be done prior to submittal. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, uLlZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathmey, Jr., AIA EMG/6r,v .10 x Encs.: Ch€ck h hE amount of $250.00 DRB Appllcaton Exlstng l.L.C. Sutuey Tl{e Report Floor Plans Spodffcatons and Ext€rior MatodalJcolors GWATHMEY PRATT +a DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGdI wednesday, september 1, 1999 3:00 P.M. ,. PUBLIC MEETING BESULTS PRO.IECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department NLErjr/P|r MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Chas Bernhardt (PEC) SITEVIS]TS MEMBERS ABSENT 1. Shonlsrviler - 51 18 Gore Circle 2. Ridder - 303 Gore Creek Drive, #8 3. Chrisitania Lodge - 356 Hansen Ranch Road 4. Sunbird Lodge - 675 Lionshead Place 5. Freeman - 1220 Westhaven Drive Driver: Brent 12:00 pm 1:45 pm PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Freeman residence - Final review of a proposed Primary/Secondary residence Allison and employee housing unit. 1220 Westhaven Ln. / Lot 42, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Micheal Freeman, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer APPBOVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: VOTE: 4-0 (Pierce abstained) 1. That the exterior details on the primary unit be continued on the secondary unit.2. That the chimney be revised.3. That there be more landscaping around the back of the house.4. That the turn-around meets Public works requirements. 2. Sunbird Lodge-Conceptualrepainting entire building.-, Dominic 675 Lionshead Place I Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'" Filing Applicant: Vail Associates CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 3. Ridder residence - Residential addition. Brent 303 Gore Creek Drive #8 i Vail Rowhouses, Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing Applicant: P. Anthony and Constance Ridder MOTION: BillPierce TABLED SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:5-0 +a .*.* + $hdnkwiler residence - Conceptual review of a residential addition with a Type ll Brent Employee housing unit. 511'8 Gore CircleT Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Applicant: Robert Shonkwiler, represented by Phil Pokorny MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Chas Bernhardt VOTE:5-0 TABLED 5. Christiania Lodge - Dormer additions. Brent 356 Hanson Ranch Road / Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing Applicant: Richard & Gail Segal represented by Morter-Aker Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:5-0 TABLED 6. Barrett Residence - Final review ol a new single family residence. Allison 1 397 Vail Valley Drive I Lot 7 , Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schulu Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That all retaining walls over 4' in height be stamped by a P.E. 7 . Arosa/Garmisch Park - Final review of play structure, picnic pavilion, and sign. Allison 2477,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Drive / Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2 Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Todd Oppenheimer MOTION: Chas Bernhardt SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the sign be staff approved. Statf Aoorovals Scheidegger duplex - Retaining wall. Brent 2450 Chamonix Laneilot 7, Block B, Karin's Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Karin scheidegger Hutchinson residence * Addition of split-rail fence. Brent 2616 Davos Trail/Lot 1, Block E, Vail das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Brian Hutchinson Lakota River Guides - Temporary business identification sign. Brent 641 West Lionshead Circle/Montaneros Applicant: Darryl Bangert Simpson deck - Replace deck and railing. Allison 1813 Shasta Place/Lot 17, VailVillage West Filing 2. Applicant: Erin and Judith Simpson Sitzmark - New fence to conceal transformer. Ann 1 83 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Hobert Fritch $ I Northwoods Bldg. D - Skltrcker and door relocation. 600 Vail Valley Drive/Part ot Tract B, Vail Village 7th. Applicant: NorthwoodsCondominiumAssociation Allison Simba Run - Addition of mechanical duct. Allison 1100 North Frontage Road/Simba Run. Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Association The applications and information about the proposals are avaihbb tor public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. TOlrINOFVAIL o qucstionslll t0anning Stat'l'at 479-? 128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION Thi.s application is for any projcct requiring Design Rwiov approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigr revieu/ must rcccivc Design Rcview approval prior to zubmitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific information, see the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted" Thc application cannot be acccpted until all ihe rcquired information is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Tpwn Council and/or the Planning and Environnrental Conrnrission. Design Review Board approval expircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is stgrted. I DESCRIPTI o#THE REQUES* LOCATTONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 7 BLOCK: 3 rLNC-. flRsF Fltlr% pHysrcALADoness. l69J VAu r,rAu,re7 ffiU)€ - PARCEL #: a)* B. c. D. E. F. G. NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILINGADD owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAMEOFAPPLICANT: l'ftb MAILINCADDRESS: tD@ PHONE: PE OF REVIEWAND FEE: Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa new building. Addition -$50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidartial or con, rncrcial brtilding. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcnrents. such as, rcmofing. painting window additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. tr Minor Altcration - DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latq whcn appllng for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation of thc project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE I'EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vA,tL, coLoRADO E1657. t tr (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) o 23 July, 1999 Ms. Allison Ochs. Planner I TOWN OF VAIL Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Barrett Residence @ f 397 Vail Valley Drive, Lot Z, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"t Dear Allison: This is in response to your 13 July letter, regarding the Community Development Department review and your telephone call about the plat. Enclosed please find: 1. Stamped survey with spot elevations. ;/ Site plan of tlie proposed residence, which includes roof and eave elevations, imposed over the original topography. 3. Redesigned site plan which maintains two of the spaces Mrs. Barrett needs. These spaces are out of the right of way and do not require backing into Vail Valley Drive. \y A4'concrete pan has been shown on the driveway. 5. Conditions of grading of the driveway are met with this new site plan. 6. Both the lawn sprinkler.syqtem.ald heated driv-e inrlhe right of way will be on separare zones:. (wdo Ir cpv d, o,ip fin) The tum around was 12'- 0'wide and will remain so. Survey and site plans now match. Snow storage is shown, but should be minimized due to the snowmelt system on drive and parking. 7. 8. 9. 10. Exterior lighting plan was submitted along with cutsheets. 11. The space beneath the entry way on the lower level is crawl space, less than 5' - 0" high. 12. I will deliver a print of the plat with the P.E.C. stamp for your review, and will bring the originalto the P.E.C. review on 26 July. I hope this meets your requirements. lf not, don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathmey, Jr., EMG/ew Enc. cc: Phoebe Banett o ]ucop TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Roa.d Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-2tM F4X970479-2157 August 2,1999 NedGwathmey 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Fax:476-1612 RE: Barrett Residence at 1397 Vail Valley Drive / Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Valley lil DearNed, The Cornmunity Development Departrrent has reviewed the plans for the Barrett Residence to be located at 1397 Vail Valley Drive. The following comments and revisions mrst be addressed priorto Design Review Board approval: 1. Both the sprinkler system and any part of the heated driveway in the right-of-way will need to be in a sepaxate zone. No heat is allowed in the concrete pan. Please show on the site plan. 2. The turn-around near the entrance to the garage needs a minimum of 3 ft. more to function adequately. The residence may need to be shifted to the east to accommodate this within the property lines. 3. The boulder rock wall on the northwest side of the house cannot exceed 4' or a staqed P.E. approved drawing of the wall will be required. The maximum width of the driveway entrance cannot exceed 24 ft, Please adjust and revise. Please indicate snow storage. Snow storage rnrst be contained entirely within lot lines and is 10% of the driveway area. Please include calculations for this area. Please submit an ne\ry landscape plan, reflecting the changes to the proposed driveway. 4. 5. 6. {go"tn oruo o 7. The space beneath the entry-way on the lower level floor plan appears to be crawl space. If the area is under 5 ft. in head height and should not be counted as GRFA, please label as such. 8. Please indicate a limit of disturbance on the site plan. This will need to be delineated in the field with a constnrction fence. The Barrett Resideuce has been analyzed based on Two-Family Residential Zoningand the survey provided. The analysis is pending approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission regarding the resubdivisiou. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size: 26,528 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Residential Standards Allowed Proposed t :i GRFA Site Coverage Parking 5753 sq. ft. 5306 sq. ft. 3 spaces 2620 sq. ft. 1909 sq. ft. 3 spaces (2 enclosed) The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Banett Residcnce at their luly 7,1999 meeting. The following comments were made:l. Relocate the hees to be removed to another location on the site.2. To buffer the impact of the driveway on the adjacent lot, if possible, the house should be shifted to the east. All of the above revisions and comments must be addressed to staff s satisfaction nrior to the final Desigu Review Board approval. To remain on the August 18'h ageuda, please submit the above changes by nnon on Wednesday, August 11t!. Please do not hesitate to call me at 479- 2369 with any questions. Allison Ochs Planner I Town of Vail o BUILDT.NG MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE-O.E-MATIBIAI: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matctials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors DoorTrim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncyi Trash Enckisurcs Grccnhousqs Rctaining Walls Exterior Ligh'tingt+ Other COLOR:i wY# .ft-" \ zYtz- q]A|rp &u1r.11z<, .vx> eVfetWwo tnm-' - aJr,O 44rJ vx6. UDdatcd 6197 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Narrrc Conrmon Namc Ouantitv Sizct PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL rMininrum rcquircmcnts for landscaping: Typc dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous hccs . 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons tl t\H.ven+w { b rcN2 ,*€fthJ I OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reuining walls.'fenccs, swimming pools, dc.) Please specifi. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maximun height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet Maxirnum height of walls elscwhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fecl Squarc Footage 6-23-99; A:46 ; US wES o ot"r" s4s 6607 | . lf thc utility vcrilication form has sighafurcs fronr cach of hc utitity comparies. Erd no .commenb a1g rmdc dirctly on thc fomr. thc Town riill Fcsrrnc that tlrcrc rc no poblcmr and thc dorclopnrcm can Procccd. Ifr utility company has cbnccrni riith thc proposcd consfirctioq rhc utitity rcpnicntalivcbMil notc directly oo thc uliHty vaificrtisr frrm that thcr,c is a pslcrn wtich nccds b bc rcsohcd' . f,lrc irsuc should tbco bc dctailcd in ao affichcd lcttcr to tho Tourh of Vail. Honcvcr, plcast' kccn in midd tbirt it is tbe rcsoonsibiliw of hc utility connarry and ttc sJrplicart to*^pr) iaitirccpottry /1/d-- 3-.9{o-! ,r Fa,pt* ' fEu@ -rauir-@--WAaD. -': Thesc vefifications do not rclicvc thc contsac{or of thc rcspmsihility to ob. gin r hrblic Way Pennit fionr thc Dqutmcnt of hrblic Wcts at thc Town of Vail. lltili5dsg[ul.nl$Lb obnincd bc{orc dirpins in any public rigbtof-way or caccornt within 6c Town ofVail. A ; . This form is ro vcrif, rcwicc availrbility md location for ncw ccnstnrction md rhorld bc rsed in conjr4crion wirh prgraring yolr utility plan arrd schcduling irutrllnions. Thc locatior nd availebillty of tttiliticq whcthc thcy bc main trunk lincs.orpopoecd lincs. rrud be rflroved ur'd vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc IJTILITY l.OCATION VERfFTC4,TION acconrpanying sitc plan. U.S. Wcst Comrnnricarions . t -t00-922-1987 468-6860 or 9494530 Public Smdcc Comluny 949-57El Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcaric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C,l: 949-5510 iloyd Salazar Eagli Rivc-rWatcr & Sanitation Distrid r 476-74lltl Frcd Hlslr;c Datc . plc..sc bring a sitc plan, floor plor. ard clcvations wlror obtaining Uppcr Eeglc Vdlcy Wtrtcr & Sanitation sigrurhrrer. Firc flgrv nccrls tnustbc ad9*4 . No'iEs: nM JUN lA'99 lA!33 l:', ..ULu ula//A. U.S.WcSComnrnicrtimr .l {00-9zl-t987 46t-686t1or 9{9-f530 Public Savicc Colrparry 919-57t1 l Grry Hrll PAGE , B@ I Arth'ircrt Strld,t f! - 6-64? Holy Crors Elearic Ascoc, 949-5892 Tcd Hrsg/Joftn.Bofi. T.qI: 94e-55t0 n rasaurn (y,yZ)- EtgtilRit'try8fcr.,'.t i. & Saniteion Dirftid I 470-.741t0 Frcd Hslcc '.Plcasc bring a n-16 ptrnrfloor._ pqt.d crsvN-tisrswhur obtaining uppcrFagrcvrrtqywrhr&sroihrim srgnah$.i. FirE flln des[i. rru$ tc,addrred. . NOiES: I :li$gffi.Hffi:t}:p.poi -,,.r,"ri0,,, rre rnifiry nprciurrdvc *etr I aoAdir@oonitffty* -'- "'{'r'wFr{ruxrr-rrqrtrol|'GeUttityttptttotrtivobtr rrc i*rc iro'ri r*_ ur-3ffiT_!:r'' ${.nc't ir pourcrn wtrlci-ij.itilrr.a ' lH:*f.Hb"-d,od'.d;;'.hd;ilil;;tr#frfj;l,X'mg$i:*il'6;;,fr'ffi i,F":#'iHilJ*ffi itr | ' :," '-:ffiHflffi;;X*lffi f gf ry:syl'-q tq oborrn e hrbrir: wry lgy, |Pq,,,* De.'q "'a ;iffil;,iffi; ;|;own of Veil. U.filiVlmriqu trut bc $H$Ig11ror.o.r*",,rirffi T 3. I I 'I JUN,14.1999 1I48PH FIOLY CROSS VAIL o ... ttTrl.rrv t.ocatroN vFnrrcl?toN NO.947 T.J .,|: IH IT-Ij -Tfi_$il'q *ilibili:y trd locatim for rav cooshraion rnd rhoutd bc rscd in conjuacrirh w|ln plEpf,nnE vur utility dan and cicduling inndtaions. Thc tocltim ard rvaihbiltry "f .6iil;;t[o thcy bc main tunk lincs orpopcdA fher mrr* tcippogcd ua tcrtnci Uy fn, foibrd"e utilitics for thc accompnying sitcplan. U,S. Wcst Communicatioas . | -800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 9,{9-4510 . Public Se{ico Ctinpeny 949-578t :'GalyHall Holy Cruss Elcctric Assoc. e49-5892 Tud Hwly/John Boyd T.C.t: 949-5530 floyd Salazr Htc Eigli RivcrWalcr '': ' & Sanitrtion Disrrid r ' " ': 416-7480 Frcrl Hrslcc Attf[gtizcd Si!"ilutr i .NOTES; t. r. Plcasc brinE a rih plrn, floor plm. and oravstionr whcn otbining upper Eagrc valrcy w$cr &, sarrration si8&rtufcs. Firqfl.ovnccdsmustbcaddrcsscd :-. lf thc utility rt,ifiEstion fsrn has sigiuturcs fiom crqh of thc utility coniprnics. r'c no 'commcnh Brc nudc dittcllyot drc fonn. $c Twrr *ill prinmc tlnt Ocrc tc no pmblcrire and thc dcrclopmcnt can Frccccd- lfa utiLity,conipury hao cbnc'cmi uirh drc pmposod comtuoior ttc utitity rcpr6cnuiivs'shal Th-d,.a! oo tlrc utility vaification ftrrn ttat tlrc'e is e lmblm urucr iccti r te n*otvcd.'tlic irg'|s should thc', bc &biled 5.a *!$cc lqtcr !o rho Torb ofvait.' Hmvrr,.plcasc f5p-q nrnldi*itistcnlpncibitity ofiherilltig.otttpny*atcrppticarttor*ohc ldartifi ed prnblcmq__-j__._ ' ..': .',. tj I .: ,r.'-i Thcscvcrificatioosdonot llliow $ggqlctorcthc nspooslbiliry to olhin ahrblicway &mdt Fon tlrc Dcpatmcnt of Rrbjic workr at tbo Townof {att. lrigtvlaadonrlnurttc 3. $ti+d-hdoq$"dnf j'r erry _public rigltof-ray or drcrncr* wiUin Oo tom-oeGt. A JUN.24.1999 L?|?9P],1 U.S, WcstPommnicatiool t.s00-922-19E? 468-6860 or 9494530 Public Scrrico ComPanY 949-5?El : Gery llall Holy Cms BlcaricAssoc 949-s892 Tcd HutkY/Jolrn BoYtl T.C.l. e49-5510 floYd Sdnar TCI RVON o N0.1AE P.2/2 Dilq . rrlio rorm ir ro'vcrifi tgvic. avtiiilllv $ rqallfor nar cmstnrcdon md rhould !c wcd in conjunctirin l'/ith prcTiling you, u,iriry iin ,il;:d;iitrs t"rnrromns. rii iocaton and availrbiliB of utilitics' wh6hcr thcy bc mnin runr uncs.orf,iJi,l-IA]"'i'li-'ilh- lilpr^i'l t["oihta bvftc follorrins uti]itics for hc actonrPnnYingsitcPlan' .. ' ,., . Alrthorizcd SiCnqFE JJ ffiJ* fea' #$'4"P&/' EAglt RivcrW$tcr &sanitation Dinni.t ' 4?6-?4110 Frcd Httslc0 I plc{sc bnng a sitc ilan, floor ply. l$ clcv$ons whcn obtrining uppct Elglo va[cry urtcr & sutihtion sigriuurcs- Firy flpw nGcG must bc iddrcssEil' .NOTES: t.tf rlrc utllity veificsrion fomt hss righdurd qnr crcJrof thcudlitv:"..tplli1Tiil commcnh a|E mda {irsqry lffi:'ffiil t ;il;ilil-rt il** tti.t otcm |[c Do pmblcnu and thc dcrcloPmcm crn ltrocEc[' tf eudliryconiparvbacebrp'cnivihg"e.g1l:1fl[::5]|]Jflffigi f"lT$,ffi ,];i#*:Hj;lmfr 1""::rj,:r*tltf#;.H:'notcdirtcily oF lqcunrrry.v:urerusu ru"" "F r!'--- - hcTor;ofVril,' Hwurmr'plarc iil.ii," tttira thrn bc dEbilcd il p tqgadlgli--.. .-.r ,ha nnri.ni ro rEsotvc ffi mti',*ffi ff.ffiffi ,Tff ;TH;"ri,1;co-qruryanilrtrcspFririltrolcsolvc idrntifi od Potrlcmsr;---'- 1 ' ' -, i ". l: ' llrccvtrift atimsdonotroricwth'Tiq'q:il"-Yryliltflii;,**t}#fl ThcSc wrincarl(m qo nor tvrru's r'n w".'FE' -- --- -'.fvsil. iltilibrlo.disl-Ut'[!9 iliiittJtll-trtiri.r*nr"tt'tof F&li'Ewot*stlTl-T:----ihinrharao,tr arvsil. A :ffil'Jli*ffi ,8il*ruqirrn{:imffi ,}r{n*'A T_.K47 rivsilsll urrl.lrv l.ocATtol{ vERtFrcaTtoN . This form is to vcrifl scnricc availability ad lmrim &r acw cfisrucioo asd shCIdd bc rrlcd in codunctign wirh prrnarhg your utility @r ald *Mgling irunat!ili'drr. Tlro locatios srd emilabiliqy of uilitics, whdh.r rhcy 6c r""in trunk lincs.or'proFcl*d lincs. rnrd bc pgovcd adrl vcrificd by ttc following utilitics for tlc acconrparryitg sitc fim. \IUN-2S-S|s ot:42 FROM. E. R.l'l . &S. D. U.S. Wcst Communicatioru . t -800-922-1987 46&6860 or 9494530 I\rblic Scrviec Con4any 949-57S1 Gary Hall Holy Cros Elcffic Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Hrsty'Johr Boyd T.C.t- 949-s530 noyd Salear Eaglc Rivo- Warcr & Sanianior Dlmict r 476-741tO I-'rurl Haslcc I D,976 .Authqb,!-l.Signaurc PAGE I./ I ..:tintl;,i:'r'$r,fft '.')..t1|l7i'i'-'nj: r,fl!idf${ilfst{ htc 3. >& se= <\oA\cf,. so.eg.o\\..J*..\ t.r.q\{=s. M G-es-.ql ' Flcasc b,ring a sitc plan, floor plan zrnd clqratiol.s rrtt o obeining Up6rc Eaglc Vallcy Wacr & Sariaion signaturcsi Firq flgrv nctds mrst bc addrcsscd. NOTES: t . If rltc udtiy ruificaiar fcnr hs si$rylsfi!|n cach of 6cdility comFdct and no conrmcnts ae rmdc dhrtly oo thc fom- ttc Tcrn riill ptsre ttd thcrc at no lrcblcms and thc dcvclopmart err poced. 2, tf a utitity comgany has conccnrs wi6 tlrc prqnsod oosttqioo- ttc utitity npsontrtivc shall torc dirccdyoB tlcrtilig vuificaioo formtlctirrcbagt$lcnr vhhb lcdstobc rlslvcd" Itc issuc shorH tica bc dctaited in aa audd lcitcr to itc lown of VaiL Howcrcr, plcasc kq h oind tdrt itb rbc rcryooribatity of hc u6'ity coryey udthc aglticat to nsohrc idroffied problcoq__.- Theseverificatims do not rclievc tts coffi&ttr ofthecspocibility lo oDain ahblic Y/ry Pcrnit fiorrr thc Dcaanrnrt of l\rblic Wo.ts d ltc'Tda of Vail- tftilig l€tiq$-tnrt bg obnincd bcforc di8tiFg iE any public d{til-d.vay or c.scmcrt wi6il ttc Tonn of VaiL A Egilding,pcrmit is nc aFrblb wag Dcr-miiEdm4hgt$gdootl scperaCy. .: .. .,..; .: - i{';f a, Carmel Column Mount 15" fixture with Hi[crest 0verlay,o gold white iridescent art glass and verdigris patina finish. Column tilounts ffi llodel Width . Height Wattrge cc-8 LL.I' 6 1/+" 9 1/1" 711/{ 723ff (1) 100 71t2" (1)60 70 Y1" (1)100 cP-8TBW0 Carmel Post Mount landscape fixture with Turtle Back Overtay,e white opalescent glass and verdigris patina finish. Post llounts csP-8HW0-BZ Carmel 8" Low Vottage Stem Mount with Hiltcrest 0verlay,@ white opalescent glass and bronze finish. Stem l,lount-Low Voltage t-U.L listed Jor Nrct lo.otionr Ct-12 ond ct-r5 con be nodified Jor 13W .onpo.t fluoesaent lonpirg. cB-12TWo-RC Carmet 12" Wa[[ Mount with T-Bar Overlay, white opalescent art gl,ass and nw copper finish. Wall llounts l,lodel Back Plate Fixt[rs 0varall ]laximum llodel Helght Height Wattage cP-8 6 lz" Flxtur! Ovcnll tladnum lilodet _...,Height uglt w.ttage 6P-8 61h', 77 3/{ (1)12V-50W. '|ZV-5OW type A19 lanp rcquied. Fittute nounb vith t" squoe X 11-le' tten. CP-12 91/a" cP-15 77 3t{ 9 \2" (1)60 73lh" (1)100 75 3/4" (1)100 CB.tz 41/2" c8-15 5" 12 3k" 14 3/t" (1)100 18" 191/4' (1)100 Fittt Es nount vih o 3' I-0. pott adaptut C-U.L E Ed hr *et hcotiont CP-12 and CP-75 con be nodified Iw 8n @npo.t frlo- ftsae,;a lonptng. C-U.l. 6sted lw donp loetbnL Fixtut5 con be nodif.d lot 13W conpo(l fluote$ent bnping. I :-.'..,4:t;:*,*A li ,ri I !1 , -s;i, LI ; t.--- lt r!Ir-l t! ,/ r.\ t/--n;-" I a21?$4ryt Wt7-b" 19 I I I t -l '.1 t I I --' '1..-. ' .-1 'I b24q.i' Aug-12-99 10:39AM; /---t Page 212 PAGE 2/2 fi -' T b?+t \_-+t/ ,---)w- 1612; .-.:: 17--':fr' -+' 'E;rsi?;; I ,i#*t"" li -".|- ' I ;l :t il 'EXlSflt\6-a<EE -taR=?[A|N i @,1 ,-'z.,r *'l t :- :l icr:l , tte':J'f'T35*'--- rE;gr"lx" .l ,l t- -'- \ ---- tr"- l !-- 91 :.,' '. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 m)( 970-479-2157 c0Py August 18,1999 Ned Gwathmey 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Fax; 476-1512 RE: Barrett Residence at 1397 Yail Valley Drive / Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Valley lu, DearNe4 The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Banett Residence at their August 18, 1999 meeting. The following comments were made:l. Add some additional aspen trees or other landscaping along the west side of the driveway.2. The stone columns on the west and east elevation should be re-thought The way the building cuts into the stone is not gracefuL 3. Revisit the alignment of the windows on the west elevation Staffalso has a few concen$ regarding the Barrett Residence:l. The recently submitted survey does not match the site plan. Please revise the site plan This couid have some effect on grading and building height.2. The limits of disturbance will need to be revised to inctude the removal of the accessory structures. These structures must be removed prior to TCO.3. The proposed sprinkler system should be 3 ft from the edge ofpavement. Atl of the above revisions and comments must be addressed to staffs satisfaction prior to the final Design Review Board approval. Please submit all plans at least 7 working days prior to final Design Rwiew Board- ThenextmeetingsareonSeptemberl, l99g,andSeptember15, 1999. Pleasedonothesitateto call me at 479-2369 with any questions. S incerelv. fur/^^ trr^ Allison Octs Planner tr Town ofVail F#LE,D FIL I {g*"notor^ro co-.ofi Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hali or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:A,llison Date Routed:8t1U99 Return By:ASAP R'oject Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: a Barrett Res 1397 & 1427 Yail Valley Drive Lots 6 & 7,, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing htn DAr Project#: PRJ99-01 XRpp.oveO -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) X lpproved with conditions veway exceeds l2oh grade, at elevations 52-54 and 54-56 on driveway. Max allowed is l2Y" heated. Please cross slope for a driveway into parking area is 8%, Please adjust and revise. hoyide me with a stamped approved drawing of wall over 4' for driveway area. disturbed grades must return to 2:l grade. Two areas of conccm are at the North side of home between elevation prade 42-46 and South West side of home between 50-52. Please adiust and revise. Date received: Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed:8-26-99 Comm ot unlw Devetopment Plan nouffir- Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Date Routed:8/ll/99 Retum By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Barrett Res 1397 & 1427 Yail Valley Drive Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing NEW SITE PLAN construction of a new residence Project#: PRJ99-01 _Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions COMMENTS Site plan does not match survey ( elevation contour lines) If the shed in the lower portion of the lot is to be removed, the limit of disturbance fence may need to be adjusted. Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed:8-19-99 co'n'oo?r$evetopment Plan noutilf t - Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Brent Date Routed:6/28/99 Return By: Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description:A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the consolidation of two existing lots located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive i Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant Phoebe Barrett represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schuhz Architects construction ofa new residence Project#: PRI99-01 Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Suwey does not show current parking. Provide more spot elevations. No back out parking allowed. Provide a 4-ft concrete pan The first 12' approximately WW line rnrst be maintained @20/oto accommodate any potentialbike path. The 10' @8%,thenl2o/o. At contour 55 on drive actually 55.6 to meet above criteria. No landscaping within the right of lvay besides sod. Sprinkler system in right of way and heat in right of way will require separate zone. No Retaining walls in right ofway. Survey and site plan don't match. Tumaround doesn't worlc needs to be 12'wide. Show snow storage within lot boundaries. Please provide a staryed survey. co--ffiDevelopment Plan *o',?*?or- Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Date Routed:gfiU99 Retum By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Barrett Res 1397 & 1427 Va,l Valley Drive Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing NEW SITE PLAN construction of a new residence Project#: PRJ99-01 _Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions COMMENTS Driveway exceeds l2Yo grade, at elevations 52-54 and 54-56 on driveway. Max allowed is l2o/o heated. Please adiust and revise. Max cross slope for a driveway into parking area is 8ol0, Please adjust and revise' Provide me with a stamped approved drawing of wall over 4' for driveway area. All disturbed grades must retum to 2:l grade. Two areas of concem are at the North side of home between elevation grade 42-46 and South West side of home between 50-52. Please adjust and revise. Date received: Reviewed bv: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed:8-26-99 co-.n,if?Devetopment Pt an nouffi o.- Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Date Routed:7/2799 Return By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Barrett Res 1397 & 1427 Yail Valley Drive Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing NEW SITE PLAN construction of a new residence Project#: PRJ99-01 Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions .a';l Need landscaping site plan Boulder rock wall on north west side of house cannot exceed 4' or a stamped approved drawing of wall will be required from a license PE. Please show limited site of disturbance fence on site plan Max width of driveway entrance cannot exceed 24'. Adjust and revise Heated driveway in Town of Vail right of way must be in separate zone, no heat in 4' concrete pan, Please show on site plan -l[ii^o.t-,!, ev<,r\ N?&- 5nf-7-a,-c-- /- Cr.n-.tt h<,x/ dl k.-r/ Et rtt<, /'t\{vr r't4q-ri. |*.< -J-. b<. mt,rc-? -l'- 444-- /a.'5*. //t/ (L -.,--.'(s " :/-o ,- '-'il t o o 4- L\ ./-4-4-? u Date received: Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed:7-29-99 E - q.o !t o --{ f -:(D o 'Tr o -I '.,:.,i o 4= =="': 5 '-c f o Q o : o = z ln =- es =-ta o ct (x' A,-t a (D ci cr p (D 3 o o .D gI 6a c)>'J- o 2n >m --{ >or-x, _r =m o ZC\ qn f-m = l- z --t o m 'T' z c) z -l c)Oa Zt- p< -1 Z Oc)'Tl l- 2 lo, l=t<le, t-l IP I llr l|, lct I u tn - _9 I l= tI l> It l= l=l>I tol lE l=ME l-'lc+ll(D I t-ll(,lt I r-)tto tt=I lu,I lr+t|-'IF llr)I lr+lH.tb IP tl B t>F t>lo l= l.t>lo I 0 o r]EE DIt--i =PF >=z YF l- -r'l !Or- z=ou,>=;c)(J z z l- o o z IJ'{n c o {o z !m n ={ (o I \l I @ c) 'tt (- m o -l z o c :--t itl -\.J o 0 i m II t z o --l m : € -.t m 7 6 I -.t _0 'n m € o rn m _l- m --l m 1 --r r_E=8 ''F, t- z U' t- =z oz-ooo 338 31F 221i>-oP23 e *nrF ==- 3 A llllt*l ltttrjtl rll I Pl cz(Dat(D>19 } 'I tr R udi;59 !EF Tg6 Uq,9.=-9 ; 9s =I E\ Z zz= d z m = --l m -; 2 * =z m m c -tt ;--t c o z c)N-9o-r S TH P bo -D-=Z.t 8 \>n6vr. oS = c)2ln od o 'nzz € x F (D o o-o 5 (D lt, e lD =o .D I i^) --x z m F i''|D l,\) f n m :: =2 2- zi i= z z rn =z. =6 --t -t o i J t- m n I .Tl m (n o an 4 c ! m L --t nn I z v m =€ o m m =z m m o -. z 6 @ 2 c) m f-m -.t o T t- 2 I o ^ C = m = -o m =; 'Tl m m a VALUATION m n = =z C)o =o -(D ai fD 3 m 2 o l-c =o m m --l v E = 1\) (tl o o (JJ I\J o O o (Jl It ctl o \ o T\J ('r I / Or \t ;l,o ') I I ts @ o o o \)3 \J 5 3 V""r% C5r:4, ^,tv'e' a-te ?ii i d : r\ r(Lll | | LL/ |ROJ CCT EGAL OE 5CR I PT I OIi .I I STAIIC E DETiI:EiI BU;LDIiIGS: REOUi lElGtlT: Average Grade -_-------- ;.R.F.A.'. .2f Ratio, Allowable sq' f t ;O!.ll.iERClAL FLOOR AP,:A: Perceniage al lowabl red -Aht--, Actua | /AO * ; He i ght Allowed i Acfuat J2 -; st ZOIJE 4 , PROoc.q-tD Ust(s)jla- @:- 6'4 - j-Gr?!.2. /t-lol' ff {l{'. .{a'tro -' ; FRorlrAGE ETBI,CKS: P'equi red - F rons 1O 'sides /o*f,{ ./o tt/,f, ^"d, to I f't, Actua | - Fronf 22 , Sides /O//2{ , e.u, 7/ t a4t*4 La-*.*n H#, agona I agona r -t itrE CoVERAGE: A owab te elf tr, Al lowable sq. f i. ?nzzf, , nctual I Actua I sq. tt. /bdZ ; JSEABLE OPEI{ SPACE: Requi reA ?fO sq' ft', Actua tJgr-q-g-t-tq ' Jf" Ground Levet. - ' - %' Conimon LANDSCAFIrG: iequi red 6O ",, 2/4a sq. tt., Acf ua t . f,l * &.t2-Qt-se'ii' .t / tARKf f.tc AND IOADlttG; No. Required ' No' Actual (a ' covercc F':- &t^fu.*-c;; rman, oesign Review Board . uare 4 qu I reo --_-----:-P ZON ING APPROVA L DES I GN REV IEU BOARO AFPROVA\ UTI.L ITIES APPROVAL ENV I RONi.IEi.ITAL I I.IPACT APPROVAL Da te l,layor 0ai e f r"t,ur sq. f t.</252i' ?_,Al lowab le sq. ft. Aciua I sq. ft. !Uf LDf NG BULK CONTROL: Allowable naximum length '--- -' Di lequi red offsets Covered oning Admin i.stiato Date Subni Date Subni Date Subni lrt.:r.t"n. by Section c0l'lir!E llT 5 : for Zoi i for Desi tor Envi ng Rev iew cn Revi ew ronrnenta I lmpact Rev i ew tted iteo Dead I Dead I i ne ine Daie Daie Dead I i ne to as Fer-.i tt€: of 0rdi nance No. date 8 (Series of 1975) of i lem Alrt f,lf t-a (y<.zc) u6c / to? a o /o/)- r c 7 Q ,.i,r ,' .7 7 . 7 :.- (' i;:.;: s "" 71! ",i -: i'- 1) oo fQc.ezu-. zz y', 6t 6y z.='- t9/.it- l.? a a a 1f ,1 7.;';t' 4zr-,/. o{ jto&. (i ' .,'". (.. --"' ' t (t'u - ./6 <2r'.f* 4f 7 It f. (t,-o' x /j.e' x 3'/ {) vt y 114,'t , vn.'f- /y' x /17. r: t- r/, t- < f,.p-- /(.i X Zs- / 77 )- ; -,- x. /4 a- 7 X. /, ,z 't- 1.x ti '/.' ./'*t^-, &*h- /2r/.or x'tr =/(ar's^s- o SFR, setbacks: Front-Requi ;;/i:Ot'--proposed trl ' Sides-Required 15' Proposed At Rear -Required 'l5t Proposed llatercourse-required ,l/l Proposed llft GRFA: Al l or'red ! GRFA: Primary Al'lor'red Secondary Al I ot'red Site Coverage: Al I oi,,ed Req uired fL' zoNE cilEctK . for R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Proposed use T-q//o o t dz Primary Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposcd Propc:ed ActuaI @fiatm t-^-+, I t^tr?J-r '- 'A>zrttfi(l- 1- Secondary 7V?"4-l-.' Required Drive: "ron" Permitted Slope t Environmenta'l/lJazards: Ava'lancne dfu Flood Plain Sl ope Lesa'l Description: \", 1.-e1ock 3 Filigq / ' ' i g'/ FT o*", fr4PM trchitect (um--Uofotour+ Zone District Landscaping: Parking: /L ,u","n1r'---QrD'!s.:'p'0,':ri L, bJ t9b Date LIST OF I{ATBRIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEcAL DEScRrPTrow 7 r,ot ""o"* Val DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT " 6ob e< 3 FILING yDorf", h[r-n^re. The following information to the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall trlaterials tt/ u t. Fascia Soffits Ilindows - Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Ffues Flashings ChimneYs ' Trash Enclosures . Greenhouses t \ other b4 i{.0,' +" e$€+l Jqks is required for subrnittal bY before a final approval- can Type of Material Color the Applicant be given. tflo W^ &no^, ho nu <"\frIE W,l a#+"e ?-.ut, <*str> including Trees, Shru:s B. ) PLANT ]'IATERrALS (Vegctative, Landscaping I'laterials and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Common Name All [a t-qb a,h\',W I t-- I t_ I I -l r('\1 ./,v ttbt,h, e_ Si ze t Page 2 Plant Materials Continued Botanical Name Conunon Name Quantitv Size (( \. C.) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Recaining htalls, Fences, Swinming pools, etc.) (Please Specify) ( Project Appllcation Proiect Name: Project Descriptton, ffi'lh/)f /-t owner Address and Phono: 4r B#/rf Architect Address and Phone: Lesat Descriptio n, ro, / , Elock .Jl , rlrins l//lt UntLET /sT -.t-> / - k' 7/< Zoning Approv€d: Deslgn Revlew Board ''', ) -W 1 nri ta5 Motion by: seconded oy, 71t't'kt'^'/S / f ralrlt- APPRoVAL/)\ __-_-- ___/ DISAPPROVAL 2 //rsflilr{ Summary: .t - IJ Project Name: Proiect D€scrip oon' za4ta ai / Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: LesalDescription:ut 7 ,etocr 3 ,Fxtng /rilL /fuLd? /57 Zoning Approved: t -"'Deslgn Revlew Board .:5.ri,,,t // o^r" ,/6/f O // Motion by: OISAPPROVAL Dato: Chlof Bulldlng Official rN toN REeu.Esr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME 'n,r*# CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPECTTOf : '2Q'7 /./a , TU @ FRI AM@ {' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING N SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB firrrunr-O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED. INSPECTOR DATE t |E[1i,J].iEq.,r,,i'tJ - : .,-Ils.t, t, 'l wED @ FRI ----@ PM TOWN VAIL OF CALLER TUE t./i D^rE A/f/!/ JoB NAME // READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: d otsRppRoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - rNsilltoN REot Esr K,, ,d Z:::i/oF vA'L '/ _. I // luwN uF vAlL .\ t. /( r-l / /,o* V/S JoB NAME /Jd.r'4.4 / /Q'*-clJ / CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH /WATER tr D FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr X. tr FINAL D FINAL EL tr o tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR f, JOB NAME MON rNs ', o CTION REOTIEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,/-'/;) TUFS. @ THUR FRI [' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT .tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED t*tt"roN REeuEsr DATE INSPECTION: i JOB NAME MON.. CALLER TOWN OF VAIL Ir. THUR READY FOR LOCATION: iruEs, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING F SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED truspecroR \'{DATE lr rNstcroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING (noucH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr F,TNAL tr FINAL /p neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o 'Irr ', ir.t{. r;iri,|ri{iN.rrjtr{r: rr 11-4'0 'Xc)JOB NAME rNstcnoN REouEsr ,",,J ,/3, '. -\WED THUR ( FRI ) .'AM} DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:/: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ( D tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL O FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND lporo" / D.w.v. 6houcH / wArER ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,*ar="ro#z '1 x 1' JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. v ROUGH / WATER /D GAS PIPING -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: nl . I rIi I) 'A DArE i\-1'\ '\v rNSPEcroR rNstcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND /1 f IrouruonroN / srEEL :,:.'lt tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL -+.APPRovED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED .tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I I ) rNsfcroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES wED q!-fD FRI nM\ PM oo',, taf/*c JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -/ / DAIE / d/ // / *O rNSPEcroR // rrusllcnoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL r., r-.i I tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: {orsneenoveo REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^^., /h, ///.^,DATE IU, ul' 'tt/ tNspEcroR o rNseroN REeuEsr TOWN PF VAIL rr' /'7 //<DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: y"* l::: JOB NAME foi,\l ,n FRI S BU!LDING: GI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL E POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH . tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED , rr\ Vl \ . lr, ' l*t )DATE V / U' 'u" INSPECTOR luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager 0ctober 20, 1976 Hilliam F. Pierce Building Official Mrs. Phoebe Utter Box 536 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing Dear Mrs. Utter: For your infornation, all residences built or having undergone extensive alterations after the adoption of Ordinanie No. 6,Series.of 1973, (the Zoning 0rdinanle), are subject to ihe-'provisions of section .l4, r,vhich in essence state that all on-site parking areas must be paved. A.visual inspection was done by our office this week. At that time we noticed that you have not paved your driveway. your cooperation in compieting this task befoie the wintei season is upon us would be greatly apprec.iated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Si ncerely, DEPARTMENT OF ) cou$uNrTY DEVELoPMENT ,. -// ),)t-- /)''----"2 ,ti/ . / t"--. ,.t-,r./',.'.-,..-------.--, JK trr,tr sarr lloo Per..oa-r1"6 alrZo.s I {G' - -,e -l =l- E E r g z o E m ! 3 -{ gJ F 6:' EN (1 ';,.J a o -{ |.t! o o ! D t m D -{o -l |--{ t |n 1t |-o o t D m D It -t o |n U'Itl 3 m 2 {a, c z o m t m g Ni fo tt o=o 2 =D 2 o m d o E o z z €>;X >' ii .lt dX d;€!E z!{o O4 g>lz 20 li l € l! ' z t: 2 - 2 o m o i cl tll 4 !! D ? !*z;U- a0 EE ti;r z S.6\-c\ \ C,m v,o 3 !-t 6 z o 1l = 7 tt :'o-{o<Cr!Cm ;e =;:z g, (t !-l ot -c iq 6 z g> So o "zo= rm N1t ::b st c'{ tlr tt ! t- -{ z c 2 { 2 b 'll r z o =an a I[:: D t--{m t i o z 0 o z t |lt ! D G {e, =-, et -l =l- E c -l'I z o u m ! 3 I { -{o { r 'll - o , ,It {o -l D --o { ,m D 1t o !m D ! D I o an m 3 m z {v,D t 2 o m (tt :F 0=o z !--o -It!o 7 rl ct t:o > z v! t !! Ft >ll € E Fd b ::r q'- <F>'- BF 6 3aF =€F 7izt4 r/O uo4 g!>Fg z i,zo E?E IHH Br 3 "tz A Fts' gfE 3r'ii c 2 o o tn t dt C, !,,c lt m N o 2 m i -{ !m o .n o z 0 c o i o z r\t t nl I o c ! 2 o t o ! 9>3o o 6o 2o r|n gro rl c\ \t o -{m o t! D ! tr o D { tn x :{ =D -a v, 2 -l z I o 'tt tr s z o c =-{U' z m =i D - m -{ o 2 o 9 I o z -m { z 1t -{ o Ci { t{ 6 E { [_\-tr F {'l ;\i \ rf o o F. Port Of,flce tsox 536 Vellr Colorado 81657 20 tdovaeber I97l Hr. x€nt 8or€' nlgtrict Englnoer vall tlrt€r a Satrltatlon Dlstrlot Fort Of,flce 8ox 631 Vall,, Colorads 81557 Daa! !lr. Rofor Ehls lctter La pcr your rcquatt to conllna !n agr.auent betseoa itay M. Uttor, ounstr of lot 7, 8look 3r aud your de- partncnt regardlng thc plaecnrnt of oac (ll garrgt and one (l) playhoutc botlr o! rhlotr rlll eacrorch partlally upon your 30r utll,tty oa.6m6nt. tr agr6e that ln the evont a€cosoatT worh hac to be por- torqdd vlthln your etseecnt that X sill be raegrcnclblc for ths remvel or olt€ntlon of ths exlatlng butldtngs to enabla you to pcrforts the rorh nccoatas.!/. I algo agroG thtt f sill stth- ttrnd rny Goats of da,ncges tncurred ln thc n||oossrry work tbat htc to oa pcrfonmd. If thlr laLrty rapraaGnts tshe tgroownt b€ttroen the partiet lnvolvod, voul.d you grleaao tadicats approvrl by gtgntng tha rlgneture box bolotr. SlncereXy, . Tovrn of Vail F:I,NCTRICAL PERMIT 105 $....-. rob Name...-.. J tl u TTL. Date or Apprication.... .)/ t-/ " : Electrical Contractor l9 N9 F.urr* T [-le *-1r, * APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee EJ.p-p-.e $pp-."* e| L. ffi*=s!zr $.............. ."........... l-------'r (at.?? ) e-t -75 Date Date Paid... Received By THIS rrOB FOR SlTE rs To DURING BE POSTED ON Go]{STRUCTTOl{ 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQIJTNED FOR INSPECTIONS rxl !. t. x!r!tlt c!., tttvat aor!tl to nNsPEcrGru HEeuEsr onrp J'J':' ts JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER vAlL Q.**' t.: 'I N OF ,-- \ ...J I E pnnrrlu I I READY FOR INSPECTION WED t AM PM MON COMMENTS: FR t. t flgpPBovED ! orsappRovED D letNSPEcr fl upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS tr * l ,l il lf a t , . "t t ) tr I ) .l li| I aa a a I o)r la I tll ) t'I *I I a' t t .1, r rt. a ,.r a) h r&-a P uMEltNG/MECHANTCAL EFIMIT .s,l ? ,-., f, f,t.' ,!: 0 V, "> (".rl l"/'t rr., r' r-\l,i yl-7s Lb PLUMBING:NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER uoruo'o" * '' *"r")t o {.:J ')-t'VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: pERMlr FEE ./,/ *3 o ''..:' .,,,1 n PERMIT FEE hL .-r' a I ln" ,75 l EFIMIT q A* '1 t --l --J / .) I P ,,-ll i li t ,. irlrl r, ffi*;l liil' ,i- .l flri ' l\ a't trn^'t: lli." l".i-'0 ,, ii,'' 6l'iii l {1 t' ;kj:r It PLUMEIINGi/MECHANTCAL FEFTMIT TOWN OF VAI L **--{ 1 l 3 -f' r'l .-,.s * -J. b ft^tc;u ( f . {,.h.1 q'- h""1' -..tr}, q T-, t-1- ;'' 1, i|li rr '/t\t- i I I ' !),'| Y )t,'"' ".t.. 'l-. -_-____---- r 'J. '' tl NAME Jo, U1Te.. n <-1..-, ttlfr. ADDRESs C.r{ Co'','- n i3 o t o. 1 f l--'1. ..-. b, r.s pHoNE E OF BUILDING: oF woRK: I ruew D eoornoru K reruoorl E nepatn fprroNoFwoRK. l'ila"<' 1.,(' .,,'', s'tE - ^de b",lh t-oo PLUMBf NG: NUMBER l"t2* P MECHANfcAL: ttuueen / 7X* f/ VALUATION$ /OOO "-'ALUATT.Ng sao -t_ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMfTFEE # 7 5o-' r) s^o ,/PERMfTFEE / - - ,, fl anenoveo E otsnppnoveo' TorAL FEES: $ /f . {a DAnE 3'8'7+ - PLUMBINGi/MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT DA]B-/(-' J.BNAME ( *rr-pe pr=.i r)F(ff.--, owNER frLto.,p ( lnee ooo*.rr\4.i,-\/^ t-L^tr'J D<L',n, ao"r*o"rorl a( nt:t7)r--J P=t=--Y' ;o.<rl rl n'.- t f1-r4. rroru t USE OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: E r,rew E(noo,r,ol't E neuooel ! nepnrn IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER t-'^ - F MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUAToN $ ZZtlh VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: {2 PERMIT FEE ZZ , -)=- PERMIT FEE E orsnppnoveo 7zg pd. b-/baa Rb #a b7f rNsPE"toN TOWN OF FIEO|JEST VAIL oop lfuT\4q!*JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen E pnnrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR f NioNI ,r_"----J COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM S neeRovED ! otsnppRovED El upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE OF MTI4BERS SUBJEC'I": ACTI0T'{ TAI(EN BY BOARI: 14OT I ON VOTE: REV I EI.I BOARD October 17, L974 DES IGN l'lEtT I riG : PRESEI.IT: FOR: sage, David r/t' a1so, Parker & Ruoff house being moved from Bighorn STCONDED B AGAI i'{ST: '/tltttt- ** APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI'11'ir\RY I ,4 #4 JAY UTTER - loeation of garagg'for FLL,MBTNGi/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL # /ae_ USE OF BUILDING:D r,"(e x l-f, * o-- cLASS oF woRK: I r,rEw E noorroru Xr."oo.r- [ REpAtB DEscRfpTfoNoFWoRK: fl-rave- Pl|'e-- d-.otn3 - u-.s-l=S Ue'tf ?oem- Sa <-'44 one- Smotl b'4 Go- e l^ao n JtA!- + 6zr) b-t7 - ry f orr.ou.o n orsappnoveo NAME d", UTT c.' G-[{ c ov v s L n.1f pl,r'.,1o,,,, l+"#,^, pHoNE ga7-S{a PME }.u.f ,ntl Ja ac-c'c\ji.-{.- e-Xei,.srse gr',,.ii 'b-f\ - ?o-<- ,Yo?Yr't-. o,dd, la-x f 3avr1 ^ -' &oz bo- ="'rt<- trt MECHANICAL:uMBf NG: NUMBER /7/ ALUATfoN s 8oo vALUAnoN $ a oct RMIT FE ,----d) TOTAL FEES: $ 15 . onre lz J.s^' '7? INs"=.iot i :,..: i : TOWN OF FIEBUEEiT vArL r" ',"q oere i r M a.-t z 4 JoB NAME Jrr.,t tl f r,ro P;= e l-1.T|ME RECETVED /.'.3o AM PM CALLER_ r-) 1) ,1 Pornen L it${- p E;;i t)t t)eRLA./t-1e,.,'. I pnnrrnl. LocATroN Sz-;r=c .ov&+.-r1, c,.r g,to\r-r f HdG .1-Ax- '3ts,e,z..=ie--.', READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE COMMENTS: THUR FRI AM PM APPROVED E[ uroru THE FoLLowrNG coRHECTToNS: ! orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS orre l7 H.+l 7+ Town of nI,ncf,RICAL Yail PERMIT rob Name....... J" I !/f-L-€ r Erectricar contractor.....l*.9-r-:.g-.f-.t- ....r.!.::..-f.,..t.s..I.p..2..P..nr rppu"u*.-M&*n: &!ar*m:.. Slgnaturc APPROVALS Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid.. t|rr a, ?. ral!rrr aa.r cllrvat aarlrr s../a.o-.o-t.(.? s.. .. R.a, !- ! $ /,:0 @ "b.:..17.:..t J.... ..... Received By-.....--..-hk h3.51 DrtC .l I 7-.. ...Jrr-*. ..7. *.... Dqtc THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED OI{ .IOB SITE DURING GONSTRUCTION 2I HOURSI N)VAI\ICE NOTICE NEQUIRED FiOI INSPECIIONS 4t' .t) {G' - = et -l E g l- g z o -.1 o -{ r 1t r o o , t |n D -l -{ --o -l D u n .ll t-o t 5 tn I o |!t D a,n 3 m z -{UI , z o m 2 o o fi !Ill 0 Ni 8i o!cm ;e =;i9 o6 !-{9P EH I o z 9> -<E o-o"zo= Jlll N1l , OR\ aIV 9;.-t E,D {m o n !'! tr o -{ 6 z l.) I r, 6r z ; n t- z o c z -{ at z rn : D |- m -l o z o o i z t n ! t o .ll .ll o :{ !, ^z 6) l#l|n lo l"o a{I \t .F tt > B o > z >1 art r| ri l{rl a >: t! €z z ') o € ffi I\,IE M BE R 910 TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET J O HN S ON -VOILAN D August 6, L974 ( o r" l,[.:/,'r,f r ..' 1 a*l-!\\rr Mr. Jerry ALdrlch Buildlng Inspector Town of Vail-, Co Lorado Dear Slr: At the request of 811.1 Ruoff, Archltect, we have prepared this letter and report in connection with the Jay Utter resldence whLch is being noved Lnto the tolrn of Vatl. Our Purpose naa to deternl.ne lf the exLeting residence net the structural requirements of the Butldtng code. I{here deflciencles were found, suggested nethods for correctlng these deflclencies were also investlgated. The scope of our fleld investigation lnvolved vlsltlng the residence and determining franing member sizes, spaclng, and apans and comparing thls lnf orrnation wlth informatlon glven on the orlginal house pJ.ans. Also, where members were exposed to vLewr observations rrere made on the quallty and condltion of those members. We lrere not able t.o verlfy or deternlne the franing around the first floor flreplace hearth and have,therefore, not been able to evaluate the franlng Ln thig Location. A11 of the roof franing and a portlon of the floor framing conslsts of rough eann aolid timbers. These are fu11-elze nenbersl Douglas-Flr, of good guallty and in excellent coodition. On thls baeLs we would aaaune these menbers to be equal to or better thao No. l grade (1350f) accordlng to current streas-grading standards. We have determlned that all of these f rarolng members are capable of supportlng the required super-imposed dead and llve loada (60 Lbg. per square foot enon loadr 40 lbs. per square foot live load on fl_oois),with the exceptlon of the followlng: The 4x8 rafters epaced at 35rt, spannlng approxLrnatel.y l6r-0 would be overstressed, Ln bendlng, approxluately 252. We have investigated several nethods of providlng franlng with adequate capaclty and would recommend one of the followlng optl.one: Rri AUo aouLDER. COLORADO 80303 441-1951 -ARCHULETA, lNC. Consulting Engineers 81974 (.)l i ' Jerry Aldrlch Auguet 6, L974 Page Tno l. Provide a 4x12 rough eawn Douglas flr, No. I grade beam ln llne wlth the exlstlng 4xl4 bean at the north edge of, the chlnney. Thie bean would span eppf,oxlnately l0r-0 and should cantLl,ever east to the outer edge of the roof overhang. The new beam located in thig poeitlon would reduce the span of the 4x8 rafters to approxlnately l3r-0. 2, Sptke a 2x6 to each aide of each of the 4x8 raf t ere. 3. Sptke a 2xl0 to one eide of each of the 4x8 taftere. Under optlona 2 and 3 the added 2r members would not have to extend acroaa the bearlng aurfaces at either end, but nust extend the fu1l length between facee of bearlng !.e11s and be aplked to the 4x8fs rtth 16d nails at 12[ spacing staggered at top and bottoo edges for the full length of tbe nenber. The reualnder of the floor franlng couslsts of standard dlmensional lunber used aa Jotsts and for bullt-up beans,plus two steel beaus over the garage. Thls lunber, nhere vlsl.ble, appears to be souad and Ln good condltion and we nould essune to be equal to or better than No. 2 grade (1250f) accordLng to current etandards. We have deterolned that thls framlng Ls capable of supportlog the requLred loadlng wLth the fol.lowlng exceptions: The built-up 3-2x12 beaue in the lst and 2nd floor framlug,spanoing approxl.nately 15r-0, would be overstresaed, in bending, approxLnately 602. These beame are flush-fraued in the floore and are concealed above celll.ng f,Lnishee. We heve not verlfied their sLze nor determined qualtty or condLtlon. lle have Lnvestigated several rethods of provlding beane of adequate capacl.ty aod would reeonnend one of the f ollowl.ag optLonst If the erieting beams were to be removed -- l. Replace with 4 - 2xL2 bullt-up bean, uslng No. 1 grade Douglas-Fl.r. 2. Replace with a Wl0rl5 ateel bean. o Jerry Aldrlch Auguet 6, 1974 Page Three If the erLetlng beaos conal.st of 3 - 2xl2re Ln good condl.tion and equlvalent to No. 2 grade Douglae-Fir -- aad ere to renaln - 3. Add 1 - 2xL2 each slde epLked to the beena. 4. Attach 2 - 2x6ra flat or a 4x6 flat to the bottoa eLde, wtth lag bolte of gufflclent alze and epacLng to provlde conposLte beau actLon. (If this option l.s to be ueed, detall infornetlon on the bolt eize and epaclng and the procedurea to be eoployed uould be provLded by us.) 5. Reductng tbe epaa of tbe beans, at each floor,to approrl,oately 12 t-0. We trust that thls lnfornatLon wll,l aerve the purpose for whLch lt lE Lntended. Very truly yours, JOEIISON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC . EAltl f w cc 3 BtlI Ruoff TRANSCRIPT OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING/JULY LL, L974/JAY UTTER-hOUSC ]OCAtiON RUOFF: LAMONT: RUOFF: LAMONT: RUOFF: PARKER: RUOFF: Want to take a look at what Jay has done to his house? I don't know if Diana has done a zone check on this. She told me she had. Wel'l , why don't we,... lr|ell, we can look at it anyway, if she hasn't..... tlhat did we do last time? Let me explain what's happened here. This 'is the same house that we had last time, same location, same everything' but since two weeks ago today, when we looked at it and approved it' the owner, Jay Utter, has decided he wants to turn the house exactly 900. That is the sum and substance of it. It works iust as well turned 90o as it does this way. He iust simply has changed his mind. ABB0TT: As I recol lect, there was some views of that house that wer not as good as others. RUOFF: 0h darn it, I brought those photographs of it back again ancl they're out in my car, Well, let's look at the elevations. These drawings are -- here's the s'ite plan -- you weren't at that meeting' were you, Bill? It's on lots 6 and 7. Doug Mclaughlin's house is directly across the street. Dave Sage is here. I forget who's building this new one next door here that we approved a few months ago' and he has two lots, and he's putting it -- he's using them both. Now, as far as the things happening to the house, they're the same as we looked at the last time. There are some window changes and some of the, as Jay himself says it, we are going to de-cuckoo-clock-'ize it a little bit. Presently it has scalloped gingerbread on the eaves and we're taking all the old balconies and railings off and putting on newer, slightly simpler ones that are very simitar to the ones at the Lodge of Vail and they're exactly the same as the ones down at the Racquet Club -- well, they're all over town -- it's a Vail rail. ABBOTT:All I'm concerned about is the view of the house from the road, and the view of the house from the Interstate. RUOFF:These areas are basically -- they're stuccoed the same as they are now '- see, when you move a house this wayr that line represents the majn floor, second floor, they cut it off there, lift it all up and bring'it all over here, where, in the meantime, you build a new first floor that fits the new ground and then set it back down on 'i t. The,0K, this'is the north elevation now, this is the one that faces the road. Unfortunately, the working of this type, wel1, wetre really not going to see this much of it. The road level is right about in here. These places are down below the hill. You can't see em from the road until after you've parked your car and walked up to the rajl. The west elevation, which you'll see some of as you drive toward the east along the road, this tlrive drops down the same as jt did before a full-story height, actually about a story and a half into his turn- around area here, through which he will enter the garage. The -- I'm getting a little confused here -- because I'm right in the midst of trying to make this change as fast as we can -- and I think somebody in my office did not get something done, because it the drawings are right, that's right, and even the identifications are wrong. These are changed from the drawings we looked at before. All we do when he does this is change the ground line to fit the new side of the house. As I was talking and checking back here, I don't believe what I'm saying myself. I was reading the title east and looking and saying, what has cnanged in the last hour or two. Nothing has, except scrnebody forgot to erase this east,and the titles are wrong. Let me mark them now right myself here. ABB0TT: Do you want to take them and go outside.... RU0FF: I'm beginning to think I should have. I'm going to have to g'ive somebody a little lecture when I get back to the office. .. "'(several people tatking)..... RU0FF: UK, east elevation, I can start there. 0K' this is the sicle now that faces the Gore Range. There's the main entrance, it's on the top floor. ABBOTT:Thatrs the south elevation? RU0FF: It is east. lhe guest parking area is up here. From it' and jtts at the same level as the paved street, It'll have a bermed thing bu.i lt up around here w'ith a log or timber reta'ining wal I with planting around it. From there, you will rise up about 4 steps and walk across a bridge to this balcony and go in the front door, which will be the first thing you come to. That balcony continues on around to this s'ide of the house, ABB0TT; Now, this 'is a double house? RUOFF; It.i s a duplex" There's an apartment down below, actually' it's in this area. How do you get there? Go down the steps, there'll be two ways' you can either come in here and walk to it that way from the drive and parking area back here, or go down these steps at the back- ABBOTT: RUOFF: ABBOTT: RUOFF: Are they outside the house, I suppose? (?-cou1d not hear very wel'l ) Really, the outside of the house hasn't changed at whit since we looked at it before. The garage door location in the corner down here. No, it's sti ll re'l ative]y, jt has just swung a full 90o. That is all. The grade lines around it change slightly. You know,'it's so darn similar tofie old one. lt's a good exercjSe for me, because I've been out of town while all this happened, and I saw it myself yesterday for the first time, because I still tend to remember it, and I have trouble even talk'ing about jt, because for two months we've beenhlk'ing to him about jt the other way, and now, suddenly, I have to keep doing this and check which side am I on, I haven't got it squared in my head yet, and Ken and Jeff in my office were telling me it was hell on them the first t\'l,o days they started working. You know, they had the same -3- under problsns. You get one/your belt, and somebody swivels it on ya and it takes a little whi'le to get re-oriented. I really don't know anything else to say, because that is all in the world that has happened, Jay just said, I want it this waY. HEIMBACH: Has the design already been approved? RUOFF:Yes. C. LAMONT: I iust wondered if you could go through and say 0K' this side is, this side is. RUOFF; ABBOTT; This side is this one. This wi'll be vis'ible actuallY? RU0FF: This back corner will be visible; however, this part up in here is pretty much blocked from vjew as you drive along here by this parking anea that comes out in front of it. However, when yourre way down the street here from a distance in front of the neighbor or a this part of little farther, yeah, you wi]l get a shot oflit coming down this part of the hill. Actually, all the houses along there do that. That new one next door cloes the ... that's the only way you can builcl on that sloping site. ABB0TT: Nou how are the houses on the adioining lots oriented? RU0FF; How are they oriented? Basically, the same way. Ihat's wtat I mean, Dudley, the low end up here on the hill, and the high' and they a'l I get to be three stories on the back side- ABB0TT; Now, is this house going to block views of the other hou ses ? RU0FF: No, because it hasn't cnanged since the last time. Remember' Dave Sage's house'is down heren and the neighbor is there. ABB0TT; So, you're not going to get any gas from these people? RU0FF: I'm sure we not fron these people, and Dave .-. it's always the guy upstream. If you're building in a guy's view, he'd rather not -4- have you do it. Dave would rather look at a vacant lot, I'm sure, but when you buy a lot in a middle of a line, you get to have vacant lots until your neighbor gets around to building on his. You know, really' in a way, because Jay is using two lots here, he is minimizing the impact whatever it is, greatly. PIERCE: RUOFF: It's incredible... when money's no obiect. Yeah. Now, this elevation is this one. Thatrs the one that'll look across the street at basically the l'lclaughlin house. (everybody talking -'looking at plans for elevat'ions) and that side that sticks out the farthest there is this one. It goes back in a corner here, and the garage, and this is iust the wall of the garage. So that leaves this side, north, which will face the golf course and the highway. Again, of course, this will be soli<l balcony-rail all across there, and across here too, which softens the final appearance' as itrs built. LAt'l0NT: You haven lt subnitted a landscaping p'lan? ABB0TT: We talked about that last time. RU0FF: |,Ie talked about it, yeah. ABB0TT: I'Je approved it based on it, I believe there was an exception wasn't there, that they would have to suhnit a landscape plan? PARKER: Yeah. ABBOTT;That would camy forward. RU0FF: tlhat he plans to do is grass the whole thing. He wants to buy all the sod in Colorado and pave that thing'in green grass. It's go'ing to fjt right in. Dave is doing that, and his flows right into it across there. Dave hasn't sodded, but if younve been by there lately -- he's done a lot of landscaping. ABBUTT: That's good, because it was a disaster area before. RU0FF: True, he moved in, and was unable to do it last year' for the same reason a lot of us moving into new houses -- and boy' am I an authority on that -- may not be ab'l e to do some of these little -5- things till next season. I got splinters in my fingers from scrap'ing the bottom of the barrel where the money was, But, anJ {ay' that is Jay's plan, is to basically grass it. And, presently, there isn't a darn thing. There is a woods, a very heavy one, a strip here. It's mostly over the line on the golf course property. 0ther than that therets nothing out here but about three boulders and grass. He is presently moving some fill onto the lot in this area from some other job of his thatrll he use later rather than dumping it. Is there any chance that he's going to change his mind ABBOTT: again. RUOFF:Listen, you know, I think I would have to answer that, yes, there's a chance. The reason that I think he canlt is that if he's going to make his schedule and get the old house moved off the site before the Highway Departnent comes through and takes it off for him in little spintery pieces, he isnrt going to have time to <lo it again. 0therwise, yeah, I might be cun'ing back with this thing every / two weeks forever, Because, Jay does like to change his m'i nd. ABB0TI: l.lell, I hate to keep dinging with the thing, frankly. I do too, I'm almost embarrased to bring it back this week, but the law says I got to. ABBOTT:I'm tired of d'inging with it. LAMONT; We] l, he's paying his fee every t'ime he comes back. RU0FF; I've got two sides, I don't like having to bring it back here and waste our time on the darn thing again, but as |ong as he keeps paying his fees ard the meter's running, hels my client' I haven't got much choice. (noise on the tape) ABB0TT; Bil.l , if you put it on a lazy susan, he could iust spin it. PIERCE: Thatts what he ought to do -- put'i t on a swivel base RU0FF; Like one of these revolving restaurants. Maybe we ought to hook a condition on this approval saying that we don't want to see 'it again. -6- ABB0TT: I'm iust about of that mind. Maybe that'll take you off the hook. C. LAM0NT: llhere's this being moved from? RU0FF: Bighorn, you know, djrectly across the highway from the Racquet Club. In fact, he's using it as the Racquet Club office now. Although, he's going to live in it himself when he gets it out here. ABB0TT; Now, that is, there's certainly no commercial RU0FF: Presently, there is, but there wontt be here, No. Really' presently, has two small apartnents in it, but when he moves 'it up here' hers tearing one of them out and making a recreation ro<rn out of it- LAM0NT: l,lell, werve got Billups out there, so, and Diana's nowhere in sight. PARKER: Letrs have a motion on this. ABB0TTT So moved. HEIMBACH: Seconded. PARTER: Al I in favor. ABB0TT; Subject to the landscaping plan, such as we did the last time. PARKER: l.Jith the same conditions as last time. PARKER; All in favor? Unan'imous" -7- . iF F T 0 CU c\ TotTrl STREET YAIL PERMITNO. UOO51O PERMIT lnrn L.rb u.",1 l'';ll,Dr,,<-1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. (Job Nrma or Locltlon ot Work ) l>ut n.1 Y ?l -.^a,^., f\'';1, ,., C.('. ". J- f 9J Fl'\ L L/ T] r ,- (Erc.v.tln0 Contr.ctor't N!m., Addr.tt.nd Llc6n$ No.} Work ir for: (crrcr. on.) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTR]C Show rtloot with namer. buildings, and location of cut (with dash linecl, b€low. Wdrh Longth Dopth Square feet of p.yamafit to b€ ropavcd by Town Lineal foot of payement to b6 3aw cut by Town of Vail [t!ta stirt Dlte comploto !3 all mto?ial, lebor rnd equipment available to complate work? I certify that I havo read all requiremcntr of Ordinance No. 7 (Series of 19711 ar amendad and will abide by $me, and that all utilitios and the Vail Police Dcpartment haue beon notifiod as required. Sp.cial Conditions: TELEPHONE Tv CABLE Pcrmit F.a Elill tor APPROVED INSPECTION REMARKS (Bulldlne Olllchll SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW /N hor.' .+,u-- - s-t, t.-zt " |,n- - Contracror - Pink; - /qccountlng - Goldgnrod i,fi sici.lAt.i,\r 3,.Ltl'rtJicATE: rHAT THE PROP0SrfCnvATloN A'l- oR A U. ,' -.1- r\ | ! r-l L-f (FOR 'I'Fi F. PUi?POSL' ,:;I'L,4-,./ ( HAS t,:LT 0it \.i I L-L lii::,r ri i-L REQU ltiEl'ltilTS IMPOSED Br I'lY COlilPAi'1 Y, F,OR 11 - h,-o-i sA I I lNl ;i"ir V '' l U7 LLel F "- | V/rlL lJAlti Al'1 I SAI'l i'fATi0l'l DISTRICT (416-59 1O) t<rt4t s<sfuL. -2.-;./4 <z-/ J2-' a-t Z<)t*- a*Q - Q i nna* PU9LIC 5iIl'' I il E l-lA i? f..5 ct cci.iPAl.l Y t416-655 ) a'r HOLY CROSS E LECTFI IC REI{AitKS c0t'iPANY 1476-r274l /42*a'4 /472, -2a //48*4/ 7 ?.//, S t_ ignature-'zr' TEI.EPHOi.]E 0t'iPAftY (476-2404) ') I I'iouNi-il i l.i ts: r- \ F<ii.iAni{S ( I L- VAIL CAtsI.F T ft E. i.iA t{ KS S i g n a t u re V COI,,iPANY (4]6-77) S ignaiure 4"4_ }.IESTERN S L0PE CA.S C0i"iPANY (sil erthorne 468-2528) REI,,iARKS OF VAIL Rii'lARKS Signaf ur" ?1..,., ,tt,,".,'. 1.+ --'/ '/+i--\----" -.- tr,rJBL lc 'd0RKS DEPARTI"iFi'iT (416-5613)TOIIN Sigr,afur-e DESIGN RXVIIiW BOARI] DATE OF MEMBERS ACTION TAKEN tsY BOARD: ./1 ) ]IrorroN: {y' h bF# sECoNDBD Post Office Box 536 Vail, Colorado 81657 20 Novembex I974 Mr. Kent Rose, District Engineer Vail Water & Sanitation District Post Office Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rose: This letter is per your request to confirm an agreement between Jay M. Utter, owner of Lot 7, Block 3, and your de- partment regarding the placement of one (1) garage and one (f) pfayfrouse both of which witl encroach partially upon your 30' utili-ty easement. I agree that in the event necessary work has to be per- formed within your easement that I will be responsible for the removal or alteration of the existing buildings to enable you to perform the work necessary. I also agree that I will with- stand any costs of damages incurred in the necessary work that has to be performed. If this fairly represents the agreement between the parties involved, would you please indicate approval by signing the signature box below. Sincerely, -4.Ve tay 6..1utt"t) \_- ,t DEVTL. PIii;IT RCI-Ti;IG SLIP P Fr.,.),,1 ECT O',lNERiD SU3lllTT SVELOPEi] IAL DATE DAT E REC- IVED T,(\J'-:)Jlli\, g1p;1ltrE rJA I t .aIo| -- l g-,SI::.IATURi REI.:AR'(;filTrTlas PRELII,I INARY STAFF F:eV lE'il MASTER PLAi.i LANDSCAP Ii.]C RECREi,,T lllll 4p1E11 1T I ES -4on. crEcr DES IGN CI-IECK ,-6{t RoltiENT AL IMPACT REV I Ertl EIIV IRONI.IEI.'ITAL IMFACT RSPCRT .ZON ING CHECK PLANN. c0l.1rn. .o ( ?:z-Z-L-ffi rr IoNAL usE "/4 CO;{ D /1L aJL--- VAR I ANC E -//- 74 2.4 a-Aa-L.L MqaLl ,/g!t Rr: F IRE DEPT PUBL ICAT I OiI DATE H:AR I NG DATE FEES: TYPE AMOUi,IT DATA PA iD REI.lARKS VAR IANCE COND. USE ENV lR. ll"lFACT PLA:I CHECK a RECREAT iON PLUI.|P ING t'iEC'rJ AN ICAL Ptror! | T Rt ni TOWN COUNC I L REV I E'd DES IGi.I REV IE'tl ,/r{tt tt zoN tNG RE V I EII Kuol NG DEPT PLAN CHECK il/h ,@ ELECTR ICAL PUBL IC WORKS. ELtCrl.t tcAL -d/4*/-.-.) --- o"#+iEtr-- 6 e:-_ DATE OF MEMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: DES IGN MEETING I PRES EIIT: tzt- /Oo AGAINST: SECONDED BOARD APPROVED: D ISAPPROV ED : SUMMARY: -/, ORDINANCE NO. (Series l9-75-)- AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTIONS 8.200 "PER['IITTED USES'', 8.300 "CONDITIONAL USES", 8.400 ''ACCESSORY USES", AS THEY RELATE TO THE COMMERCIAL CORE ] ZONING DISTRICT IN THE ENACTMENT OF NEl1l SECTIONS 8.200 "PERI4ITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES - SPECIFIC", 8.300 ''CONDITOINAL USES- GTNEML", 8.400 ..ACCESSORY USES .. GENERAL'', SPECIFYING THAT PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL AND ACCESSORY USES IN THE COI'IMERCiAL CORE I ZONING DISTRICT SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO AND DETERMINED BY SPECIFIED FLOOR LEVELS; ADDING CERTAIN DEFINITIONS TO THE ABOVE SECTIONS; SAVING PRO. SECUTIONS AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE OLD SEC- TIONS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION TO THE FOREGO I NG . I.IHEREAS, it has been and continues to be the intent of the Town Council to maintain and preserve the nature and character of Vail V'i llage Com- mercia'l Area designated as Commercial Core I Zoning Distni ct, with a mixture of residential and commercial uses; and ' WHEREAS, it has been and continues to be the intent of the Town Council to promote and protect said area as a pedestrian access area and to discourage vehicular use therein; and WHEREAS, because of changing conditions, the Town Council is of the opinion that there'i s a greater need to protect the character of said area and that this Ordinance is necessary to continue the balance between the many commercial and residential uses permitted 'in the Cornmercial Core I Zoning District, and to prevent entire buildings becoming commercial space at the ex- pense of dwelling and accommodationunits unJ'to promote a virriety of retail shops at the pedestrian level; NOL{, THEREF0RE, BE IT 0R'DAII''ED BY THE T0I'JN C0UNCIL' FOR THE TOI,|N OF VAIL THAT; (l ) The Zoning 0rdinance of the Town of Vail, Colorado' known as Ordinance No. I (Series of 1973) is hereby amended by the repeal of paragraphs 8.200 "Permitted Uses",8.300 "Conditional Uses",8.400 "Accessory Uses", in their entirety, and re-enacted thereof to read as followsl B.2OO PERI4ITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES - SPECIFIC A. Permitted and Conditional Uses -- basement or garden level within a structure: 1 The "basernent" or "garden leve'l " shall be defined as that floor of a building that is entirely or substantial'ly below grade. 2, The follorving uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure: a . Reta i I shops and establ i shments 'i nc] ud'ing the fol l owi ng : Apparel stores Art stippiy stores and galleries Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products spgcifically for sale on the prem'i ses Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores Delicatessens and specialty food stores Drug stores and pharmacies Fl ori sts Gift stores Hobby stores Jewel ry stores Health good stores Leather good stores Music and record stores Newsstands and tobacco stones Stationery stores Sportirig good stores Toy stores Variety stores Yardagd and dry good stores b. Personal services and repair shops, inc1uding the following: Barber shops Beauty shops Small appliance repair shops Tai lors and dressmakers Travel and ticket agencies c. Eating and drinking establishments, including the fol l oviind: Bakeries restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale of the premises and rJeiicatessens with food service Cocktail lounges and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwjch shops Res ta ura n ts d. Profess'i onal officesn business offices, and studios e. Banks and financial inst'i tutions f. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs (a) through (e) above, in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 .200 of this ordinance so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffic S. Required parking h. Lodges -2- 3. The fol lowing uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure, subiect to issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 18 of th'i s Ord i nance. a. Meet'ing rooms b. Household aPPliance stores c. Liquor stores d. Luggage stores e. Radio and TV stores and repair shops f. Multiple-family housing S. Theaters B. Permitted and Conditional Uses - First floor or street ]evel within a structure. l. The "first floor" or ilstreet level" shall be de- fined as that floor of the building that is 'l ocated at grade or street level . 2. The following uses shall be permitted on the first floor or street level floor within a structure: a. Retail s,tores and establ i slments including the following: Apparel 6tores Art supply stores and ga1 leries Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores Delicatessens and specialty food stores Orug stores and Pharmacies Fl ori sts Gift shops ,- '- HobbY store{ Jewelry sfores Leather goods stores Music and record stores' Newsstandd and tobacco stores Sporting goods stores Stationery stores Toy stores Variety stores Yardage and dry good stores b. Eating and drinking establishments' inc] ud'ing the following: - Bakeries and delicatessens with food service' restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises Cockta'il lounges and bars Coffee shops Fountajns and sandwich shops Restuarants . -3- c. Lodges d. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above, in accordance with the provisions of Sect'ion 21 .20O of this ordinance so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffi c. 3. The followi ng uses shall be permitted on first floor or street level floor within a structure, subject to.issuance of a Condjtional Use Permit in accordance with the prov'i sions of Article 18 of this 0rdinance: a . L'iquor stores b. Professional offices, business offices, and stud i os c. Banks and financial institutions d. Personal services and repair shops, inc]uding the following: Barber shops Beauty shops Business and office services Tailors and dressmakers Travel and ticket agencies Small appliance rePair stores e. Multiple family residentia'l dwellings f. Househol'd appliance stores S. Luggage stores h. Rad'i o and TV stores and repair shops i. Theaters C. Permitted and Conditional Uses -- second floor above grade within a structure 1. The following gges-shall be permitted on the second floor above gr6fle within a structure; provided, however' that a Conditional Use Permit will be required in accordance with Article 18 of this Ordinance for any use which pliminates any existing dwelling or accommodation'unit or any portion thereof. a. Multiple family residential dwe'l lings b. Lodges c. Professional offices, business offices' and studios d. Banks and financial 'i nstitutions e. Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barber shops Beauty shops Business and office services Tai Ior-s and .dressmakers Travel and ticket agencies -4- f. Retail stores and establishments including the fo'l 1 owi ng : Apparel stores Art supply stores and galleries Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores Deljcatessens and specialty food stores Drug stores and Pharmacies Fl ori sts Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores Leather good stores Music and record stores Newsstands and tobacco stores Photographic studios Sporting good stores Toy stores Variety stores Yardage and drY good stores g. Eating and drinking establishments' including the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service' restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises Cocktail lounges and bars Coffee shoPs Fountains and sandwich shoPs Restaurants 2. The following uses sha'l I be permitted on second floors above grade, subiec b the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance vtith the provisions of Article l8 of this ordinance: a. Meeting rooms b. Liquor stores.- l"c. Househo'l d. a'pPl iance stores d. Radio and TV sales and repair shops e. t-uggage stores f. Theatres D. Permitted and Conditiona'l Uses -- any floor above the second floor above grade within a structure: l. The following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the second floor above grade: a. Multiple family residential dwellings b. Lodqes 2. The following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the second floor above grade, subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in ac- cordance with the provisions of Article l8 of Ord i na nce : a. Retail stores and establishments including the following: Apparel stores Art supply stores and galleries Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Chinaware and giassware stores Deljcatessens and specialty food stores Drug stores Fl ori sts Gift shops Hobby stores Household appl iance stores Jewelry stores Leather good stores Luggage stores Music and record stores Newsstands and tobacco stores Photographic studios Stationery stores Toy stores Vari ety 'stores Yardage and dry good stores Liquor stores Radio and TV stores and repair shops Sporting good stores b. Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Bakeries and del icatessens with food service - restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises Cocktail lounges and bars Coffee shops Fountains agd Sandwich shops Restaurants' c. protessional offices, business offices, and stud i os d. Banks and financial institutions f. Personal services and repair shops, including the fol lowing: Barber shops Beauty shops Business and offices services Smal1 appliance repair shops Ta'i lors and dressmakers Travel and t'icket agencies S. Theaters h. Add'itional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs (a) through (f) above, in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 .200 of this 0rdinance so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffic. -6- 8.300 CONDITIONAL USES -- GENERAL l. The following uses shall be permitted subject to the 'i ssuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Article l8 of this Ordinance: a. Ski lifts and tows b. Public utility and public service uses c. Publ ic buildings, grounds, and facilities d. Public park and recreation facilities 8.400 ACCESSORY USES -- GENERAL l. The following accessory uses shall be permitted: a. Swimmjng poo1s, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to per- mitted residential or lodge uses; b. 0utdoor dining areas operated in conjunct'ion with permitted eating and drinking establish- ment s ; c. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provi- sions of Section .|7.300 of this 0rdjnancel d. 0ther uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. (2) The repeal and re-enactment of the above sections of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Vail shall not constitute or bar the enforc.e- ment of any violations of the sections so repealed or re-enacted, or the pro- - secut'ion and punishment of an act or acts already cornmitted in violation of the sections so repeaied or so re-enacted. A'l 'l sections repealed by this 0rdinance shall remain in full force and effect for thp, pl.rrposes of sustaining any and all actions to enforce the same, suits, proceedings, prosecutions instituted, and the penalties imposed therefore which arose.prior to ilre effective date of this Ord i nance. (3) All sections, or parts of sections, of the Zoning Code of the Town of Va'i l, or ord'i nances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict or in- consistent herewith, are hereby repealed, provided, however, that the repeal of any section or parts of sectjons of the ordinances of the Town of Vai 'l shall not revive any other section of said ordinances heretofore repealed or super- ceded. (4) If any part or parts hereof are held to be invalidr uflcorl- stitutional , or void, such shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. -7- publ 'ic hea'l th, cordance with (5) The within ordinance is necessary for the protection of the safetJ, and welfare, Thjs ordinance shall take affect in ac- the provis'ions of the Charter of the Town of Vail. DAY OF INTRODUCED, READ, APPRO\IED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS I 975. TOWN OF VAIL:ATTEST: Mayor tf '8- f rNstrEcGru rtEouEsir TOWN O VAIL I DATE TIME JOS NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I oruen ,'^: MoN COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM,PM fleppRovED ! orsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR TNSiPECGN FIEeUEST F VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED .ANI PM CALLER florne n MON COMMENTS: TUE I penrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PM ! nppRovED D orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNsPEeGN I orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrreu LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PM FR E nppRovED florsneeRovED ! nerNsPEcr I uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o o fnffi ilov 1 21Q rNsPEcloru TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL oere lZ \\.',-r z+ TIME RECEIVED AM JOB PM E orxen E npp RovE D E penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orsappRovED ! netNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS oate /'-', i -. ''y' .,,.,.-..'' -.j?2{.n. ,- .- r{---n _ rnspecron o rNsPEclot . ,*1 -.- _. FIEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL o*e f -ts-' 7 y' JoB NAME //ffi TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE D pnnrrar LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APPROVED hJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E pr snpp Rov E D fl nrrNsPEcr INSPECTOR rNsPE"hiRt t Hl.uEsrr TOWN OF VAIL ' --r'-<,-- /it t' /t /\/'l '; '. '.) ',, 'Y/DATE t/,',t-,,,',' Tf ME RECETVED ..', . :. ( JOB NAME PM CALLER ! ornen ''. .\ tMoNi COMMENTS: ! pnnrrlu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI i AM PM TUE E appRovED florsaeeRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ./ rNFFErle* REeuEsr rowN otnuuttfrzS$74 JOB NAME AM PM CALLER E orxEn MON GOMMENTS: TUE 'Lz--e |-fL,' LZI PARTIAL, LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION @-xp? RovED ! orsaeeRovED D uporu THE FoLlowrNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr oare /:,:'" ,J-.--t-- 24 JOB NAME r N s P Edl gt^3 n tKo=.r,,, = = A TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS rNsPE.for FrEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DArE {"t-7rli-JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE ! pnnnnu LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION , WEDr t,J THUR t''1 |AM PM & appRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS 7 I i l, r1 I L; ANDERSEN CORPORATION altt! tara:raxr ^r I va ROY BROWN ''"o """'T,lLor".?3ttTi3t'"ooiff ^ ""o' ""' I -------'--tl ) ro8 (/fftp <(<\t2€L/c.F I I i I a i -j ^'|'.' l,',iiir'], iirri:ritil:€!i .SHIELDW WINDOWS and GLIDING DoORs - wooD wINDows and GLIDING DooRS .. : . , li,ii - 1"-,;;,j I r.",:;: it i .,; ,iiiiiit:ii ,, t i;;;i:i,ii 5 ;t^ ' r !a-n i;i ii litE : .. 'i il tgr! I I 3lr;Lll o H|ti \7 tr tr \ \ I I I i ,, \ I t.",,1r]' I i I 3 t t ,l -tr r9 r9 I I - -tr - - - -; 8l$j dll I bllr -1---t-----i Bl{r rll r-oll--- i I IE S.,tfi qi{ t $l$, ]t I 11 \ I l1 \l i I \l 11 l^\ll II ll Frcm-*-'i 1i rl I I I I I I I tt... i I\F l\l l\l t_____\_ L- J \]t\ 1\rl \ t .r 5t qfr { i' z l H IL P o \t N o s N o 1s lol o 3,n'|X,fl ..'.JJl'dA --liY/t i-b'Ai a l-fj-i =rN=at5=> l-L=>>ve Itl K lu J J ;< J $rl \J 'tE 'rfr \t \8, 'l t;\1 1l \l N r< ll d ut I t F |ll ul t r il i Hl'$i El ;il \7 o H = E o F u o g IL E E. # B.bl # hE $ 'll.r. ffi J&r& tl I f,f Jl',.:?*fl A=:-rVn rrV,zi J""b€i i- l-'j:*j =2N=4t9=t rL=>>V€ ,i !. i,it;liEF r " ;' II Elr,! =nrEa A=-nvn .lrv^ Lbel L TO1 ="N=dtg=> rL=tHV€ n N I $ I $z IL $ P ! 5 = E tl # B.l* tu !h* $ ,Br. #&!E il I P B E 6 , I t t I I I t I I t , I