HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 8 LEGAL.pdft rig' Review l,..fir Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Proiect Name: Nunez Residence Project Description: Single Family House Owner, Address and Phone: Michael & Deborah Nunez 12445 Keystone Ishnd Drive North Miami, FL 33181 (305)893-5700 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Proj ect Street Address: Legal Description: ParcelNumber: 210109201003 Comments: Demo/Rebuild 1457 VailValley Drive Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Valley lst tr'iling BuildingName: n/a David Haase Associates 4717 Grand View Drive Peoria Heights, lL 61614 (309)68&4490 Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 2120198 Board / Staff Action Clark Brittain Ted Hingst Action: Approved 1. That the fence at the lower edee of the yard be removed. 2. That the color of the stucco belighteneil to provide greater contrest between the trim and the stucco. DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 Co ty Development Plan Rou o ting rt mmuni Frrem' Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:Cbristie Barton, Community Development Date Routed:2/23/98 Retum Bv:2/24/98 Project Name:Nunez Residence Project Address:1457 Vail Valley Drive Project Legal:Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Valley Fint Filing Project Description:New P/S family residence demo/rebuild ___I_Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with curr$ln l) Please get with Mike McGee about sprinkler requirements for your home. (970) 479-2135 Larry Pardee, 2/24/98 Prlnted by Christie Barton From: Larry Pardee To: Mike Mcgee Subj ect r fwd: New P/S famj.ly residence demo/rebuild will need to sprinkle their home. ===NOTE============= --2 / I0 /98-=! 3 !$p6== Mike, The Nunez residence aL 1457 Vail Valley driveway will have to sprinkle their building. They are in the DRB proeess right now. I gave them your name, your phone # and ask them to call you for Lhe sprinkle requirements for their new P/S home. P.S. rf you need to see the plans ChrisLie Barton ab Com-Dev well have bhem. LP Fwd=by : -Mike=Mcge s====) / t! / 9 8==1 : 2 3pm== Fwd to! Larry Pardee CC: FIRE_OFFTCERS GROUP, .JEff AIENCiO I think it would be good if we got to see the plans before we start guessing what is required. Can you get us a set? Fwd=by : =Larry=Par dee==2 / 12 / 9 8==7 z 1 3 am== Fwd to: Christie BarLon, Mike Mcgee ...t... Christie, Please bring Lhe Nunez seb of plans to DRT for Mike today. Thank you LP D!,.16 . '1 ll I i..lr.1,. .'. \ "; t.1 / \,."I '\ i c{) \9 N m -"v\r"'lt" $ln irj r 1l.J \ ) t'{ 03 ( o t, P ti f t < ( I : l, rfv I t '.r'r tLl I I I t I I I I I \l il i \I I \\ \ \ ,I N\rq\YI NI \0/ \ \i -t i\kn \\s \ l,r i i{} lrl N ''9 {!a r) rg N m rl il riV vt-llr \ ,,Q trh \N \,\ql (!4 \r,J D.4 Y--4 r- ryZ ( L-"1 fl\ 1i._Y-f 1'*--1 ?-r r--1 \:-7 \ r---..*.1 r\{ t_{ J-'--.\l F--:'-uP r a\ LA-J /r'--\\ | '-'l v--t t7\ILY-] d l! |If1 @ I 'rJ t) l\u I l\ iq) \ \ I I \ \r I \ I l z-l$\]'3.!-\(J *ax\ $Fut" *39* , ,l;l "o,nn#rry Development prun noofg Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To:Christie Barton, Community Dwelopment Date Routed:2/9/98 Return By:2/rr/98 ProiectName:Nunez Residence Project Address:1457 Vail Vallev Drive Froject Legal:Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing Project Description:New P/S family residence demo/rebuild Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions l.) The retaining wall on the south side of your driveway is 5' high The max retaining wall height is 3' in the front setback. Please see the changes I have made on your plan to help make it work. If you move the wall norttr about 7' you can lower the wall to 3' or less and grade behind the wall. 2.) All walls 4' and over will need to be stamped by P.E engineer. 3.) Please call Mke McGee from the Fire dept. at (970Y79-2135 for the qprinkle requirements of your new home. A/t :/wtl,th^ 6nzn /z[/ la t/u rni, t+bn.lL r4z,+'-f ^ ,"^1'( ' corrily Devetopment ptan noutlfto.t Routcd To:Greg l{all, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Christie Bafton, Community Development Date Routed: Project Name:Nunez Residence 1457 Yail Vallev Drive Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing Projcct Dcscription:New single family residcnce demo/rcbuild Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions I ) Youl dt'ivcway is ovcr l2% which is thc max. gladc allowcd. On your plans bctwccn contoul's 56 & 5ti it looks tobe 12.12%,. 2) Plcasc add a 4' concrcte1tan with 2" invcrt at stafi of ddvcway and cdgc of strect. No hcat in thc pan. 3) Plcasc plovidc spot elevations along top and bottom of all retaining walls. Pleasc havc thc contoul.s suppot.t youf spot clcvations. 4) Thc rctaining wall on thc south sidc of your drivcway whclc you show a cxisting rctaining wall, at this point yout'ncw wall looks to be 6' high for about 30'. 3' in height is thc rnax. in thc fi'ont sctback 5) all rctaining walls 4' and ovcl will necd to bc stampcd P.E. cnginccr. All walls Undcr'4' will nccd to bc laid back at l:l rnin. 6) Garuge door on thc far wcst side will not work on a 20' mdius fol the back out tum around arca. Plcasc design for a 3 point tum or lcss. 7) All heat in thc right of way must be On a sperate zone fi.om rest of drivcway. tl) Plcasc sprinklc your building, you do not meet fir.e dept. requir.ements. TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Developme nt 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 3, 1998 David Haase Associates 4717 Grand View Drivc Peoria Heights, IL 61614 Re:Nunez Residence, Vail, CO Dcar David Haase Associates: The following are cornnents based on a staffrevicw of the above referenced plans: l) Your driveway is over 12Yo which is the maximum grade allowed. On your plans between contours 56 & 58 it looks to be 12.12%. We have had problems with driveways right at the maximum percent slope. 2) Please add a 4'concrcte pan with 2" invert at start of driveway and edge of street. No heat in the pan. 3) Pleasc provide spot elevations along top and bottom ofall retaining walls. Please have the contours support your spot elevations. 4) The retaining wall on the south side of your driveway where you show a existing retaining wall, at this point your new wall looks to be 6'high for about 30'. 3' in hcight is the max. in the front setback 5) All retaining walls 4' and ovcr will need to bc stamped P.E. engineer. All walls under 4' will need to be laid back at l:l min. 6) Garage door on the far west side will not work on a20' radius for the back out turn around area. Please design for a 3 point turn or less. 7) All heat in the right of way must be on a separate zone from rest of driveway. 8) Based on calculations for fire access, the 150' fire hoses will not be able to cover the entire building (plus the firefighters can't climb over rock retaining walls in their fire gear while carrying hoses). Unless you can come up with an alternative, you will need to install sprinklers in the building since you do not meet fire department requirements. 9) Please stake the proposed building for the Design Review Board site visit on February I 8, 1998. 10) Please bring building material samples to the meeting on February 18, 1998. The application is scheduled for the Design Review Board meeting on February 18, 1998. If possible, please submit revised plans by Friday, February 13, 1998 so town staff has a chance to review the plans before the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me at (970) 479-2454. Very truly yours, /1 1- ,/. /) .l Ultnsfuhrbr Christie Barton Planner II {g *"no"or "o 1(, NUlo^hv,,lt ,x;,- ll02t Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildablc arca Datc: /'Ltrr *rn l^^l Ad drcss ?'ltite Arorvcd lq-' ,n 1--, I fotatcR_Fe ,l't;bi l+ : r-,., _ Ci_, ) t * 675 = 125 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addrtion? l\,-z Horv much of tbc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd rvith this rcqucst? I ZONE EHECK Architcct Zonc disric Lot sizc Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctbacks t{ r 'l,f '; .. -':' Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcights "5. t- (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar (300) (600) (e00I(120b) '\\--: . - a\ 7 l$,,,t1t, -:le'''i;t ',^, /.- ,rl1/1 f,,fr , ./. !,u/ N r Fvi cti n o Total Rcmaining 11,,,t , . * lu'D ,:J ': ,, (t,) .,t t o 20' l5' l5' l9.r-,tf tv /!L Parki ng Ga.'agc Crcdrt Drivctvay I t+ I li''i; Encloscd Comptics with TOV Ligtrting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enr.i ronm cn tal4lazards v t; tt, p.rmih.d qt^^^ o/- D,^n^.^,{ cr^^^ o, <c4 le rr-t;-,-y- _,'o Proposcd Slopc _zo l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%)@ z-)et? 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands ND 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) N /* 5) Ceologic Hazuds / a) Snorv Avalanchc /-r l-.lu b) Rocldall da c) Dcbris Flow N/t Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcny filc): i,r . ''i Ll 1) /= | )?o Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: El snRvEy ,/(7 Scalc Bcnchmark Legal dcscription Lot Size Buildable Arca Easemcrlts Topography 100 1r. flood plain Water Couse Sctback Enrironmsntal Hazards Trees ..unlrry I ocanons Spot clcvations Scale Building Hcight Encroachments Setbacks Sitc Covcrage EaveVOvcrhangs (4') DeckVBalconies Garage connection Sitc Gradc\Slopc RetainingWalls 4f i Fcnccs !LA' 250 additional CRFA / Crarvl\Aftic Spacc _1]:j EHU tr eull-oNcELEvATIoNS ,// Scalc ./'t/ ColorWatcrials ./v Roof pitch E TaNoscepE PLAN ,/v Existing tccs Proposed fees Lcgord MISCELLANEOUS 41 Condo Approval t Scalc GRFA Building material samples C.O. Vcrification / r'' tYlA l,lta --_ O SITEPLAN / ,,/ \1 Title rcport (A & B)-M r' / -/ un r*verificarion form '/' photos of sitc -J 'a(V. '.;r 7' .. 'I'"t '/ v' Utilities(underground) Zi_1 Vierv Corridors _" /e Variances ^'lA plat restrictions Puking/Caragc ,--- .' a.rtr-rlt-rumug KAuus / ,l-1- tl r' I Drivervay (acccss and gradc) 1t Snorv Storage l FircAccesS ,'l_., '-J lt' Q FLooR PLANS /- "..'' € TYPE OF MATERIAL: FIA I\, D S PLIT C-DAA\9HA I<6 acpp€rL rcap€ft e 2)4tra4i.=r ' &€:l/-JE D.E A,{UAC urlLnErL<ET-- (L-l(E AU /AIE€T BQe2U?-d ztM COLOR:*BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matqials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Crcenhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other a_----B;-1,6E- r?€F.,.rooD Tdq Or rt 4tl QlL:TAvQti 4LIl D '1?erUccrrl' trVV1 f+"6€- (orTl n t 4 PLEASE gtr @(DrL eoAeD r<>R CSTAILS * Plea.se specifi the manufacturer's color, numbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxterior tighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If extcrior lighting is proposed. ptcase indicatc tti nurUrr offixhucs and locations on a scparatc tighting plan. ]deltifV each fixturc type and provide ih" hright obouc gradc, lumcns output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures' Updated 6/97 I pnoposnolmloscl,t"t'tc I Botanical Nernc Common Namc Quantit), Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBSI EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Mininrurn rcquircmcnts lbr landscaping: dccidtlous trees - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retaining walls, fcnccs. swimming pools, ctc.) Plcase spcciff. Indicatc top and bpttnrn elcvations of rctaining walls. Maximunr hcight of walls within thc fiontsctback is 3 fect, Maxinrum height of walls elscwhcre on the propcrty is 6 fcct' 3 Updated 6/97 \,Ar\l-{r5-5Er r3:CJ rt!(fM:TO PROPOSED TREES A}iD SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BEREMOVED: I'I-DEV-DTFT.FAGE 3,/ tv PRQPOSEDLANDSCAPING EqtarucslXamc Conrmon Name QuAI'tig Siz-c* PrceA Pours:rus @_squ6 /{ g_U' ?'l *'" DEUilJ sanrc;a a\ b46alup // s+sf Qups-rrncrarJn Mty*> QtE zZ go" vl a_ryin=garc" Rep,J(* orrrzotr 63 =€€,LarttOS A p € r?c_,:1,<_t e cr.ql *Minimurn requirements for tan{scaping: GRorr\DcovER Asqorcl.t=n_ s- soD 6/ LEar2ASS -SEED -IRRIGATIoN A('IOMAT?C. -. Is R T"l?E OR tvfETHODOF ERosroNcoNrRoL ENVI(-(DFA,&E - dcciduous trees - ? inch caliper ooniferous tees - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squaejootage orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining wails,f"1,o::dT1,.ong pooi*, ee.) prease'rye6"*j" r#*o bofrom elwations of rctainfug wails. Maximuir hagit of vralls widin iri, noot ,.t6""tis 3 fccr. Marimum height of walls clsswhcrc On thc p,roperty is 6 foo{. ALt- R-TAtrJ46€ /347A1) Pz77U, utrtuaffi r ^tTo ail€ 6rE urT1l Pdi'nas -D7r:riEl I ldl.r^A AtO'l JAN-23-gEl,r ll =3t FFOr=LAND TITLE GUATANTEE I,ATL ID' Ttc- f TrrrrE lwsunet*cst cc -ALTA COMMITMIE I SCHH)ULE A ,/- 4534 Our Ordar # v259488-2 For lrf,orrnatj-on 0nly LOT 8 BT.,K 3 VAIL VALLEY :ry: NT PAGE 2 FtG 1 t. 2, - Cttarges - Owner *** THIS IS NOT AN II.IVOICE, BIJT AII SSTIMATE OF F8ES. WHEN NEEERRING TO TTIIS ORDEN, PIJEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO, V259488-2 MAKE CHECKS FAVABLE TO LAIfD TrTLE qUARAIITEB CQMI'AIW' *** Effective Date: Octobgr Os, 1p9? at S:00 p-,.fL Policy to be issued. end proposed Insured: 'AIrTAt' Owner,s Policy L0-17-92 $L,6J9,000.00 4. Proposed Inaured: }IICHAEL NI]I{EZ The esrate or interest in the Land described or E,hi.E coftmiErt€nt, and cowered herei:r is: A Fee simple Tj"tle Eo the estaEe or in[srest covered herein efEective dat€ hereof vested in; GERALD R- DOOHBR and TiIANCY B. DOOHER referred Lo in is nt the 5. Ttre Land refqrred to in Ehis Conrnil,menE is descrihed as follows: frOT 8. BLOCK 3, VAIL VAITLTEY, FINT RECORDED MAY 12, 19?0, EAGLE, STATE OF COITORADO. FIRST FIIJING, ACCORDTNG TO THE IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 609, COUNTY OF PAGE JAH-!3-gEl ll,3l Fto!|. LAND TITLE CUARANTEE VAIL lD' 383-117Ei 4534 --* ..f'- u"" Aco rrTLE INSTJRAI{CE lt^ ALTA COI"TMITMENT PAGE 3 SCIIEDULE B.SECTIONl (Reguirement,d)Our Order # V2S94B8-2 The foLlowing are the requiremenlc to be sorrr;llted with: IEem (al PaymenE to or for the aecounc of the granEors or ftorLgagor6 of the full consideratl-on f,or the eitate or inEeresE to be ineured_ Item (b) Proper instrumenr (s)to be insured must be exeeut,ed creating Ehe eEraEe or intereet and duly filed for reeord, t,o-w]-r i IEem (c) Pa]ftnent of all and a$sessed agalnst Ehe Eaxes, charges or aggeeEments tevied subject preml.ses which are due and 1. payable. IEem (d) AddiElonat requir€menEs, if any ditcloeed below: R-ELEASE oF DFED o! TlusT DATED May 0S, tg?S, FROI{ GERAT,D R. DOOHER AND I4rycY F:. DooHBR, HU$BAIID AIID [{rFE-TQ THE puillrc inusrup oF EAGTTE cornfTy FoR THE UsS OF IJNITED I,IORThGE COMPINY, A CQI,ORADO CORPORATTOH TO SECURE fiTE sw oF $50,0o0.00 REC0RDED May 1-zt Lg7s-t rN BOOK zrg AT pAeB ?TB. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIBNED TO FIRST NATIONWIDE iAORTGAGE CORFORATION, A DEITAI{ARE coRPoRATroN rN AssreMtEtfr RECORDBD August 14, 1995, rN BooK E?3 AT PAGE 7O8. RELEASE OF DEED oF TRUgf DATED Docsmber Ozt Ig87, FR0M GERATD R. DOOHER and NANCY H. DOOHER TO THE PUELIC TRUSTBB OF EAGI.,E COTruTT FOR THE USE OF TINITED BANK oP DEITVER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION To SECITRE TtiE SUM OF g100,ooo,OO -- RECORDED December 28, tg8?, IN BOOK 4?6 AT P.AGE 138. NOTE: THIS DEED OF TRUST SECURES A REVOLVING LINE OF C1REDIT AGREEMEN,r. EVIDENCB SATISFnCT{IRY TO TIIE COl4PAt{y THAT THE TERtrrg, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OE THE TOWN OF VAIL TIAI.ISFER ti|J( HIVE BEEI,T SATISFTED^ 9ilARRA|ITY DEED FROtd GBRALD R_ DOOIIER and NN.ICy E. DOOHER TO MICHAEL NLINEZ CONUE:VING SUBJECT PROFERTY. ffiAPgBiffi_ffi# * qENERIL Exg.EgrroNg i|rrrl. BE pEI,BrBp upoN REcErpr oI uPoN rHE APPR.ovAL.oF-rH glI€4s 4li9 ggg_EEEgg_ gE 4 w4q FrwArr r,rEII E-nffir-E'Tq=3 op T.r{E cENERjft exc-eFFiq, wiLr,-EE aMENpBp !s F.rcr,Lot.ls: ry_EflEB4I EXCETTrONS I9 pBLETED Aq To ANy LIENS oR FUTI'RE .1 i:ili.rM urnnu ai---iirEtu - -=----.--:==---._-=: =: -IIg_EgE+^ 94_ MArEt r AL-FunwIFrp-_ ET rrr*E- RE THE REQUHST OP GERALD plEoHEnl- '+;a=-:+ z- -l 4. ITEltt IJTHN iFEm+qI,lffiFFNt gS&! ELVu rrq ljrABrI,rry FoB ANy ldEgq PAGE 4 .AtTA COMMI.TMENT SCHEDUIJE B-SESTIONT (Requirements)Our Order # V!594SB-2 EIEINg gRpI,! woRX 04 IAIERTAL FURNISHEq AT InE REQUEST oF {ICHAEt S(I\!EZ-,_ NOtE: IrElrl s oF r_IE_W--ErygIgIg ro!! BE EIEIE! rE.r*llrp rrTr,I EsfRps-ffi Fo-ctnrffi snsourREEWHH*scHEEmnB-il-* NorB: uFoN PRooF 9g PAYITIBNT oF ree? TA](BS, rrEM 6 rdrL! gE AME{DED ro REApr TAX8S ANp ASSESST'rErvrs EeR IIrE yEaR ALL +ND SUBSFO{}ENT yEAFq.* #FH-ZffiW*ne.a ffiliA+g.DEr'EIEq uPoN pRgor rIIAr 1'ttF wArt:R AND NOTE: EFFECTIVE SEpTEMEER 1, 199?, CRS 30-10-s06 REQUIRES THAT AIrIr DocIJMEIrrs RECBTVED FoR REcoRDrt{G oR FrI{rNG rN THE CIERK AT.ID REEORDER'S OFFICE SHALL COMTAIN A TOP UARGIN OF AT LE,AST ONE INCH AND A I,EFT, RIGHT IIID EdXI'OT{ MABGIN OF AT LEAST ONE.HALF OF AN INCIT. THE CLEEK AITD RESORDER MAY REFUSE To REcoRD oR FrLE elry DocI[,tEI{T T1IAT DoEs lfoT coNFoRl,t,ExcEPT THAT, n{E REQUTREMENT FoR TI|B rop MARGTN sItALL Nor APPITY To DocuMEms usrNc rORMs oN ltHlCIl spAcE rs pRovrDED FOR RECORDIT.IG OR FILING INFORMATION AT I'TIE TOP MARGIN OF TH8 DOCUI4ENT. NorR: EFFEcrrvE JANUARY I' 1993, coRpQBATroNs rl{f,,T no Nor MT,INTAIN A FERMAfiENT PI.,ACE OF BUSINESS IN COTJORADO, A}ID NONRESTDENT rNDrvlDUALs. ESTATES AND xIRusTs wrrrlJ BE sTterEcr To A coLoRADo I{rrHHoI..DrNc TAX FRoM THE sALEs oF coroRADo REAIJ ESTATB XN EXCES$ OF $IOQIOOO'OO. THE I{ITHHOIIDIT{G TNC !{rI{L BE TIIB suALr.BR oF 13{o PERcB}rr oF TnE sALEs FRrcE oR THE NI:T PROCEEDS FROT.I THE $ALES OF THE RE,AL ESTATB. THE TAr t{rrJl BE WTTHITELD BY TI{E TTTITE rNsttR"N.IcE coMpANy 0R ITS .[GEI{T AND SI'EI{ITA'BD TO THE DEPANTUENT OF REVEIIUB, I{HERE rr wrll BE CREDTTED To flrE sEr,,IJER's rNcolttE TAI( Acc-otrNT As AN ES'fIMATED "A,( PAYIEI$. THE SEI,LER CAN ETAIH CREDIT FOR THE ESTTMATED FAYHENT AGArNgr rHE rNcoME TAr t rABrlrrry I{HEN HE OR S}IE FILES } COTORAM RBflTRN FOR THE YEAR OF TIIE SALE. 303 _4 7€i 4S34 PAGE .tAll-t3-sEr rt,3n Ftor.LAND fITLE CUAFAHEEE VAIL ID. 303--'7Er 4534 il,'-* TTTI,E I'IEURAN.B ,*!7 PACE E AIJTA COMI'tITMENT SG|EDUIJE B'SEErION2 (&rceptlona) our order S vA594gB-2 4 IA6IE J:N-:3-se "*""'"ru;'";'""#;rJ,,**JF'f:"='. PA.E E AIJTA COMttITtqENT SCHEDUIJE B-SECTION2 (Exceptions)Our Order # V259488-2 {ltg_roricr or policieg ts be tssued wil,l conEaln exceprions to Ehe following.fiBt.Eere unlesg Ehe Eame are disposed of to Ltre sat,isfacEion of the Corrqrany: 1, Righte or claime of parties in possession not ehown by the Fubllc records. ?. Easgment3, or claime of eaEemenEs, not sho$n by the public recordE. 3. Discrepancies, conflicls in boundary lines, ehortage in area,sucroachments, and any fact"s which i eorrecc surve! inspecLi6n of. Ehe premieee would-diEclose andr which arg nat efto*rr Ly trre public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for BervlceE, labor or filaterial heretofqre or hereafter furnished, idposed by raw and not showrl by the publlc recofds. 5, Defects. Iiens, eneuubEancee, adverse claime or oEher &atrters,if any, creaEed, first appearing ifl tshe public racords or attaching subseguent. to Lhe effective date hereof but prior Eo the date the Fropoeecl insured acqrlircs of record for vilue the esEate or interest or rnortgage thereon Covered by this CormLitnEnt. 6. laxes or speciat assessm€nte shich are noE shown aa existing Iiens by the public records. ?. Llans for unpaid waEer and sewar charge€, if any. 8. fn addition. the owner,s policy wiII be subject to tha Inortgage, if any. noted under iEern one of slccion r. of schedule B hereof, 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VF]N OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND RENI3VE HI$ ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAITS BE FOTITilD TO FENETRA?E OR I}MERSEET THE FREMISES AS RESERVSD IN IINITBD STATES PATEIIT RECORDED rlune 29, 1903, IN SOOK 4a AT BAGE 495. rlIE BxrsrENcE oF TrrE l,ur.rERAr, EXCEprroN_SMlB.-sgEEv+rIgg EEqwN s_$_ ITE[{ !4 SqFE EEl- sEfr-ur.11 No. r00.Br ro .o.Jln pFffin$-ffircT-qrcGEE-Elr,rcvTriEF-rSEiiEff'l- -;* FAGE JAN-23-se t1.33 FFOM=LAND- TITLE GUARANTEE 1,AI L .-.C"-O TITLE INSIJRA}ICE U ALTA EOM!IITM SCI{EDULE B - SECTION (ExeepE.ions) '""il'llE "="" ENT a PAGE ? Our Order # V259488-2 rO. RIGTff OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAN}I,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IINITED STATES Ag RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED June 29, 190J,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. THg_E#ggdE_9E Eg ry We{N Ag IggE llp, 10,. scHEnuLE E-2, t{rrJrl NoT AFFECT orrR ABrLrry To ATTACIT COrOE$pp ElrD_O*SEttENr N0. 4..q.3 + To orJR p9'|NEEs Fo-fEEy- FHFN@- 11" RESTRICTIVE COVENA}WS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITI]RE OR REVERTER CIJ\USE, BUT OMITTING RESTRTETIONS, IF }IF/, BASBD ON EACE, COIJOR, REIJIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, A$ CQIfTAINED IN IN$TIIUHEIIT RBCORD&D April L3, 1970, IN BOOK 217 AT FAGB 406, 12. UTIL.,ITY EASEMENT TRAVERSING SIIBJECT PR0PBRTY AS SIIoWN ON TI{E RECORnED pIJAT OF VAIL VAIJJEY FIRST FILIIIG. IAGE ..."""-: =" "r;,o;" tT*="""o*T;";;.';",:ff;"; " o, " "o"" B DISCITOSURE $TATEMENT neguired by SenaEe 8111 91-14 A) The subjeet real proFerty may be located in a special taxing di6triet. B) A Ceri.ificat,e of Taxes Due lieEing each Eaxing Juriediction may be obEained f,rom Lhe County Treasurer or Ehe CounEy Treaeurer' I auuhorizecl agerB. C) The informaEion regarding speeial d.istricts and the boundaries of euch diee.rlct,s may he obLained from the Board of, CounEy Coll!fiiesionere, Ehe counry Clerk and Recorder, or t-he CounEy AgsessoE. Required by SenaEe Bill 92-143 A) A CertificaE.e of Taxes Due llsting each taxing jurisdiction shall be obt.ained from Ehe County Tree6urer cr Lhe County Treasurer,s authorized aqenE,. \,/ATL lq,; / 'IAQc>/ Drt.6t-_-E'{/'i/uG HaJv Vtax;1i €^s1: t't ) UTILlTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to veri$ scwicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry of utilities. whethcr thcy be rnain trunk lincs or proposed lines. must bc approvcd and vcrificd by the following utilitics for thc accompanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Signature Date U.S. Wcst Comrnunications r-800-922-r 987 468-68(r0 or 949-4510 ,7t-.€"na , -^ -...j^, .",' 1< Public Scrvice Company s19-ffi1 Cary Hall :G2.qo,i Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/.lohn Boyd T.C.I. 949-5510 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District + 176-7480 Frcd Flaslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signuturcs, Firc. llorv nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: Ifthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs from each ofthe utility companics, and no cornrncnts arc lnadc dircctly on thc fbrnr, thc Town rvill prcsutnc that therc arc no problcms and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procced. If a utility cornpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which needs to be rcsolved. Thc issuc should then bc dctailcd in an attached lcttcr to the Town of Vail. However, please kccp in mind that it is the rcsponsibility ofthc utility company and the applicant to resolvc identified problems. These vcrifications do not rclicvc the contractor of thc responsibilily to obtain a Public Way Pennit ffonr thc Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilit-v locations must be obtained bcforc digging in any public righrof-way or easemcnt within thc Town of Vail. A buildins pennit is not a Public Way ncrmit and nrust bc obtained separately. t- + .- a" .:y'i ou ,,fttrr/ d7- tttta,le | ,hb.q v i-za'"i9 { A* q.o, o\oSn 6\rd\+ u1"p J. Updated 6/9? Town ol Vall Department ol Gommunlty Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, CO 81657 Project: Accounl No, 001 0000 314 11 10 001 0000 314 11 12 Unilorm Plumbing Code 001 0000 3141112 Unilorm Mechanical Code 001 0000 314 1112 niform Fire 001 0000 314 1 'l 12 tional Electrical Code 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 31411't2 1 00003141211 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.001 0000 3141111 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 311 Hours lnsoection Fees 001 0000 315 1 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 o6l-tiooo et z aooo 001 00003112200 1 0000 315 3000 1 0000 240 3300 001 0000 3121000 001 0000 230 2000 '001 0000 201 1 ;ooiboTo 310 lToo oor ori60 gil zsoo 001 0000 311 25 1 0000 311 2500 ci0Toooo Ct t zsoo traclors License Fees Additional Sisn Appllcalion Fee n Fleview Board Fee Buildino lnvesl i6.A-sses@ axable @ 4,5% Additional GRFA - Tax pavable tional Use Pe Gration - Loss than 100 sq. tt. Exlerior Alteratlon - More lhan 1 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 2500 cial Development District - NE $edal Development District' Minor Amend 0ol oooo 311 25oo OTAL: Cash- Money Order# -J, =r'\ / cnecx*r9 /,(0 RecelvEd by't @ LIST OF MATERIALS NAME 'OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR t&.',/6 {-) The following informationlis required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts i'li ndows l^|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashings Ch'imneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for coni fers. (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height D c-qtA :o Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: i*).. . /i *n(Contact Person and Phone \,/ (, ', J Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block -) ,r Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Summary: Town Planner {ar.u Approval 't c o E a 3 o J o I 3 3 c t e 3 g o tt 3 o J o' @ m 'n t-t-lm I --r o Mr Im:lOo l'n o lE<lm! t=m l< -{l-: m l-t t- ! 6 ! 6 g, z o ttl _tl !m ! =--l fi[E ti= FP"t- --I trEE !!! o o z o {7 c o {o z T rn F ={ 8P cc z=9@ z2 6o z (,z =q mil Ir t<'o l'-. O lF!l\. <lEo t'n ! m 3 -{ -{o @ m x m !-{ o z L o (D @ -{ m o o F f\) 2^ an a c =7 =m - z t- o 9p il= 1Z c ; 1 ,v ,m iB ;i ro )>ll- o 9"-{m uz >m on -{> F n o .r =m i o €z m I (- z 3 m ct o o -t- m F F rrl at E m =a)rn F rrl =o o rq r 7 gf, tiO o>'t- t- -l @ t- l =z o -..1 m r m {o €z '!t l>F m l v 3 -t €z o .tl t- !m 6 l€ lz l-rl t< t> IF lr lm l5) lz I 3 .t ! n r.o s ,.o I o tt N)o -t o €z o I F !ln 0 z 9 Fr 5 (tl l- I ! 3 - =d tD 7 (D -t rT tD o {! 5 {Or I 5 { N) l-l l€ lz 1l t< F t L|'l F) z f\)o ro n ! ct (D ct cf o -J -t_o (D o -t at - o o l\) \ B D F D p p F m r or o (tl = ; l3 t;lo- t' I 3 F o =-{o o- CL -i o t\) l\)ro =E FE Lrn Eh.>HP WY tr It\lPz IF F,t]$ tr,t! t1 It<t<l t9,p lJ. p t-, p tr l< rD lar 15 |-,I l-r I t.Dl r<l a i!r o - frHSa siEt sEi d =E HF (/'o==*-.oo) C f -t o*E- 5:.E-{ Ha3; Y qt =o.3aF=(o9=U, 6s{€ FE=F Ja 9.3 5s3'1 o3== ::ai @3oL 3 P.91 Es*;<o-J E:d. P d gH*B ;i;t (6'P. F P fo--* (D o { !) o (D o. c : o @ o. (o o cl o 9r f o, o o o r3. o f o U' o =o .-{ c€cE(.||o |D.D x (+=ct O-l\)o o-tr' t\J -(D oq,| =5 o o liE J.= -'<, d g -tO o..cr<oo .-t vl o O'l (tl z o -l m €z m {5 D E E. o D g o o 6 o z m ! t o o z -{! a .tl ==(a m -n t- t, z 3 o z t- !m =g, z m m 0 m o l<" lz 12 t= l= o o m -l €-r 1l -o z @ r- + z -t t m 6 x z m a u, t-t-c m m€otr 26 ., z i <1, z>9R .nii d= BB m=aDo z c z -l a tl tl II tl 2 m { t- m t -z { z l- m v -{ !m ! F)p .tl t- l =2 z. o f e o tt lD rn= s<l-, N!-R1 Ei;>"n =a \Y 64 8E Ei 6 2 =2 E3 cLr- eft i,1 ,6 ='zq lF: e log lor x loi= -11|tr. lgle& lrfl l=l'l' l(D le 15 lo lol-.I lc+I ti' n I (^, O'l (J.|o o o F I (,^, @ z z F,F €E -r oo <- --2 uQ eil c 7 t! o,E =o 9'ct o z 2 =z s1 I -{m =-J t-3Y oz =o 9,c}Ul 'n .n >0 t-w -9'|C 5 ol {\,0 @l F; -t o s {r !m = ='Tl m m g, U'm x ..m z m t U' 0 m g. z m s 3 E n !m o t m =2 "n m m =m o - =- !t- 3 g z m t-m i v r !t- 2 o m , @ |- 2 m F =-.t T m F ={'n m m .D VAI-UATION !m F 3 -{ z 9 li =m o - 2 6 t- !t- 3 o z o m t-m o u @ F 9 z o ts o o o o ts Ol ql o o o o rF .(o t(rt i (tr ('r o o o o o o o 1\)(tl o o u) Io)('r lH o ll\t o l(n t\)t\t ul o #r*ruo vl,.tls4 t NSP ECTION REOUE9T OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR I LOCATION: JOB NAME AM PM \\s> BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r-r ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED m /'.?DArE ,/ - 4-,-r;' rNSPEcroR /72-7 r lr,- /r,/ - JOB CTION TOWN OF neciuesr.vAfL " ). Dto[1r-r5 DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME CALLER MON TUES Lu h , f',:" WED THUR L PM tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: Lrrftrt all I!"ii .n'.,Ir, I t. ;l .^i DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: \. TUES ,' WED ,J THUR JOB NAME MON CALLER FRI AM PM LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUTBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr FfNAL .. , '. I it/ t' .,: i. '/:{\ tr FTNAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR L;bht/v.ll .".),'-ll"''/ ,lN .l ) , ..1, CTION TOWN OF t REQUE8T VAIL il I READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON /TUES i WED '' - -- --/ | '/' .i r; tr FOUNDATION / STEE- pruilarrc: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V, n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS; 7' z4' ;7' INSPECTOR ht'lil|'/vd DATE ,.t/r.-, /727 ON REQUE$T" OF VAIL //)-. /DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: /-*----.&:::' CALLER \._ uoy rues WED THUR JOB NAME FRI ,,zr* ftr .. ..f .' *1-..),",..'7*'..;Pr,,l LOCATION:1 t).4,'//' 1 ,/.it. r.: '"+ '' .z V ,-. -^-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER iJfLYwOODNAILING - frrysuurroN - Yl /''J^.--t=-^^^ tr tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB t.:_ *"NAIL IJ n tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr ofiit tr FINAL 'r.l#rifiao\oeo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: '' I t READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t,/ BUILDING:PLUIIBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr tr n POOL / H. TUB tr D NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F..noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR D- tr FINAL tr FINAL aa'|hrrt/{il t t7J7L r INSPECTION REOUEST. !?t TOWN OF VAIL *o*, l) 'r,,, A '',. ' .'/ / OALLER t"-'l/ 'z--*t - DATE JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER t PLYWooD NATLTNG tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1! ir rrfr.t/vall ,t727 CALLER IN I!ON_ REOUE+T TqwN oF vArL r-)L/12r'-t h t L ruES ,4v;; ) rxun a.___. 'r'. )'l (., il _* , t ./..1.r'l DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: JOB NAME MON FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH/WATER /rr^"'ro tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr trFl tr FINAL -rB APPROVEO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED OATE (5 -')7 -s/-:INSPECTOR .r, Ta. t E=E - ,/--1=l /t|.I =ldl'1\1-111/-t I 6\f}\;7 g:i2 ;9 $e EQ Jq -j o z ! -lm ro ,.l F E il =E sl -{ dr B m lurE E =mo l+ E tr5S l= o ?a= lri E IE! 19 s FP" Id F ? l=q l=P !!! ;dE e >= d E= fi io ;z3 m o n !m t - 0z lq mt l-l l<c)lr+ O L-!l;<tlo | -rl ! m ! ={ I o @ m x m !{o z L o @ @ -{m (1 tr S I F \ \ R- N \ \ Y 9J \ \ EJ I -m ,o n tn vr I m z ct m F m 3 ()E m r '0 - =g z o o -t l!tr z o z E m 6| ID .'t o. =D t o 3 7 ID .' I ! D I J !It o 'it t l\t o t, o o { g !F l\) t\)19 i o {z o 'rt I r t tn P z o {o f z o tl F ! m P z o {o €z o 'fl F ! m F) z o I E 2 o n 7 t m F)z I i (tl m !a 3 I'J o c+s .! e fi 90 g o o .' t -{o €z o 'r| 7 t m p z 9 t\l o r0 co $ ol l, N ol (>(rr TI a ef t a 9' !eF R1 i*io >.n 2O ?9 c.t rll o 6l ; €i 66 2Z NE=ts 1= . -.r(-4.)Sl = -{n v 6 z 0 9 =o z - F$}iIc[E i"Eiiii FII 3l Pr - xl ' Ql i >'r -l' ti :.: la i" rl- t- t( ti -{\ ri {t I E cl ;E :' C) ! cc ar I 0 3 2 a -t u -l o a m ,EH a n g o !m F 3 -{.tt m m at, +tc,q) (n vlrt lq'l ip )',rro Project Appllcatlon oa:re3r;rz,. G, 1463 ' . Re,s' Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legaf Descriptio n:.Lot 6 ,Block 3 , rilingVanc V,rLLTN Ftesr , ron"'ffi1- Com ments: Design Review Board . 4*try ,-r I e>gglg ,-.-"r r ' - f , r.) \ (A j u3t^) 6fi*h - OISAPPROVAL summary: # '<< '3H:TT<.':, q-u -97 E Statt Approval 75 soulh lronlage toad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 .oftlce of communlly development September 29, .l983 Dr. Gera'l d Dooher 1427 Vajl Va11ey Drive Vai'l , Co. 81657 Dr. Dooher, 0n September 21 , .|983' Residence airlock and 5 incerely, JS/rme the Design Reviett mudroom addi t'ion as Board approved the Dooher s ubmi tted . ,/tn,/r-Jim Sayre Design Review Board Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co- 81657 ; Arerr:.*r/1uloo^ AptrJrp nr r.r:;r; !.6rr. -_Vgr{.Lev. Etgsf-_ - - PoEIl"orJ .aE--Ary EX,SI/A,IG-DF E, -R.es.sqltNG--lsr-AU. Auwsr=/-{Ue-Eac.o1. corvT.Blry-lNc- -Il-5 .t,F -oq--€-BfA. 'l'hc l'ol lrrr. lnil inforrnot. jorr i :, lloa rd l>t l r) f'r: a f ina I l1l1>r'ov;r I A. lJIlll,lrli.i(; i"L^l'I:RiALS Roof Siding Othcr l'iall Materials Fas c ia uot t lts Windovrs l{indovr Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai ls Flues Flashings Chinlreys Trash Euclosures Grecnhous es Other DEAJC€. l,l:(iAl, lrl,','.1lll'l lOi'i: l,o'1 fr 4 r,l,tti t'. 3 t. l --'/ | ) I i l;(; Jl I l "l I ( ;l i ( )l; l) lr( ).1 I :( i t' . _EfV_. ta_St tB4i*__9-E_.. A lir. y j r i.'rc'<1tt i lr:r.l for ..;ubrir i t tlr I c:r rr bc y;ivcn: by thc.r irppl it:lrrrl 1o thc Dcs j1;rr 'l'ygc <.rf l.lrr t_L:1.'_ln! Ellf-ue Uolor Daez- BcOu"tN To fnqifcl.l R.3. CED^e. Ausrt^b..oLtlmerc 1tL Deor Bearr.t^j li) rnFrcA a (lx2 : OL4a?,L 7lZ TAE SITE ,S ALe,4DV ToTALT-V TA^J DS<,A PED, Botanical Name Comrnon Name Quanti ty Si ze N'f FPeuc^BL^€. DF".Y. B ej.4tu 7o mFfc+l lottv .QpeE V)Oop _- ZNst tatG: Op,lm?tc.1 lL_ e.s .*^.- c,-a _ _ _. 33oir^Fflil,Jj,"Tl* N/A B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS ry'ATCA DAR.E. B F*.,,rru Io mpTcH 'TA,s PK4JE<4' 75 soulh f.onlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 July 25, 1983 Ron Todd Box 1753 Vai'l , C0 81658 Dear Ron: 0n July 20, 1983, the Design deck and spa additjon with a ra'i 1 i ng. Si ncerely, Re: Dooher Residence Lot 8, Block 3, Vail VaIleY 1st Review Board approved the Dooher Residence minor change in the direction of the deck ,l/?tur.'Jim Sayre Town Planner JS/bb Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Do 4 )+,2'1 Architect, Address and Phone: l"'' l'l -'! r' = ption: Lot n Block I Filing '../r,,, 1, ar..ue-V l :;.-,, Zone - Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board Morion by: -i4 f:t"tr+ Seconded uy: AlJeJl..l 6-l --<r-----"--'- t /-L,.x! ,- nppRovnl -'.. '?\..-.--_'-.' --l /// z ,., t' 9j Dale ',r -"/ DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: E statt Approval r'1 tl,t lr Ill{j.i : i (rl l'l'( ). li.i, Do"QResrps'r.€ot .tI O ;,;,, , 1. .3 I lr l,{ Ynlr. VAlr-eV Ftnsr -.*_ _ i - A >E K -Apo-L.rtoru 1-o.TAE .Daouee Rg=L>-lr_qg Fascia (or Soffits Windous l,Jindow T'rirn Doors Door'l'rin Hand or Deck F lues Flashl,ngs (;hinrieys Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES irrfllir:rl iort i., it l-i.rlLl ir lr ll rcr rr;r I i.'lA'il:ll I ALS l'ja 1 1 l"latcrials Decr) Rai 1s lr.'r1tt i1'1.q1 l'ol sr:ll;,it t;rl l,)' li:c irPPl it':rrrt 1() lltc l)cslllrr r:rr i lr0 ,l.ivcrt: -!l:l].o -qr- f !, t t l ":it-l- N/x TtsXIUc@ pLtl{./l@D st D,t\t3f *. BRDt/tN To mArtA txrs7, NG AUD i5@--oqw1PE 1tg u/e- - @rrr cT AR RpwooD _e_LXJ!E!9Jlh__ -ML ru/n D?UBI-E.-LEA,F LA DARE BRorarNJ DARk BFourA, fb _fjlqg Mh,Te$ EXTST,^JG / rJE 3ITE 13 AIR,EADV T2TA,LL4 IANbSCAPED Botanical Name Common Name Quanti ty Si ze (.,.r I o r dyt\f gt3 sE,|II. TRA\,SPAPE\'T SililN aLEA . R- tN@!? _ OLU)ytPtL 116 _ |J/4_ u4 _ _. , ]r14 Trash [ncl osures Grccniror,rs es 0cher Dscgrr,ra B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: SE,r|t-TFANSFARe\tr stel cLE\e, R'itwgo>. _ _ ot-umec lth_ SIlRUBS NoT AP Pu aAAE_Z)_Z!!!S Pede-T__ box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476.56r3 department of community development August 9, 1982 Gerry Dooher 1427 Vail Va)ley Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Submittal 8-4-82 Dear Gerry: 0n August 4, 1982, the Design Review Board disapproved the application for additional parking for Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village lst. The DRB disapproved the applicat'ion because it does not meet section 18.54.070, paragraph K, of the Vail Municipal Code. Si ncerely, 'Lu--^- Jifr Sayre Town Planner JS:df d-r^-- Project Appllcation Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n, tot -*- etocr -4 , riling Comments: Design Review Board -a 'J' t i tt'r,,t - .,{i, {1 tL'/*-7 Dala@ Motion by: Seconded by: r;ffi,i;m..' -/ z t+aeV't<! APPROVAL \-z_ rJEfT' summary: 4ta/u c-,Al tov asts uor a /C c4, o? o rc E statt Approval t o Jrily 27, L982 TO: The Vall Ibstgn Revien Board The Dooherre plan for additl.onal parklng ou Vail Valt ey Drl,ve has been explalned to me and has ny approval and support. W%ra o Jllly 27, L982 TO: The Va1l Design Revies Board The Ilooherts plan for addl.tlonal parking on Vall Valley Drlve has been explalned to me and has my approval and eupport. --. _ TO: The Vatl ltestgn Revi.ew Board The Ilooherts plan for addltlonal parklng Valley Drl.ve has been explalned to ne and approval and support. JI JuIy 27'. L982 on Vall hes uy Slncerely, 1 i' , ------\- .-\-\"-t.iar^^c-\i\-*k a t TO: ttre Vatl Deslgn. Bevi.ew Board I rt{ trvJ.y 27, L982 The Dooherrs plan for addltlooel parklng on Vall Valley Drlve has been explalned to re and hae ruy approval and support. Stncerely, lwz6"h- July 27, 1982 ?0: The Vall Deelgn Revlen Board The Dooherrs plan for addltional parklng on Vall Valley Drlve has been explained to me and has mv approval and support. Sincerely, box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 July 26, 1982 Kris Sivertson P.0. Box 3289 Vail, Colorado 81658 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal 0f 7-27-82 Dear Kris: $ -l,lty 21, 1982, the Design Review Board denied your application the_parking additr'on for Lot 9, Blg.! 3,_Vail Vatiey iii'riiing.application did not meet section 19.54.670, paragri-ptrr-Q,n, and U the Design Guidelines. Si ncerely, for The of h r'^v* Jim Sayre Town Planner ilS:df I Date Prolect Appllcation Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesar Descriptio n ut 4 ,srocr Z , Fitingm, zon€ Comments: Morion by: PAOfr' Design Review Board o6 Date Seconded by: APPROVAL / 4'*7-+ut t-=-oyO E5 Al or IlEET summary: l9, <--l' O?O q , n ,U, El statt Approval ,l Prolect Appllcatlon frpy7r**5 Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ToG lVJs Staff Approval DESIGN REVItrl'l I]OARD DATD Olt Ir{EETING: METII]ERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: ACTION (J ll SFCONDED BYi '\--h,' //-\: AGAINST: TAKEN BY BOA tr{OTION: VOTE: FOR: ABSTENTION: ,/APPROVED:. c- DISAPPROVIiD: SUMI\IARY , ,//;. l. ]-__-\=- ,t l,rnt I Nt/f:"1.'v + Fr.fc!-!ARor,5Y":fyry, tNc.suONo.y5- z? Vait, Color.rdo 81657 Phono 476-5072 Donvar t ine .8?3'1531 oxrE,4zct!J!.J222--- o o CC o J o U o F F I I I I kl *{ $ dr I I I 6 )-z o (, \l \: {l \i si I -li \; si z 3 e ) I I bl t v (J 9 aa I I I I I I I I -t \:li "i i I I I I I tr$ SI DI \l I 5.i rl \ji .Jl {l J,'l ;'.. f,i" r.:t fr;;i'"liir:"' K,223 N R PRIVE VAIL VAL LEY R o z (t z ?sD e?o Easertez*.]_ _ q _t _CSt L z.t4'_ -1- - ---,-1- I n')I "'l ;l ii \l .il N \ \ \i \ I q $ I nit rir I I 1,s.62: t2,t t'";t z4L! Tdhffi ,re W scAlE /",30' I ': I -.1,1i 6ai t a!.t4 ,Wrf | 6.t r rtl9 llrr. llrncy Doohcr Box 8086 Urll, Colorado .81657 RE: DESIGII REYIB{ APPR0VAI Ihar llrs. Doohcr: Encloged you rlll flld r copy of thc lhsign R.!lq!t P-oql{'s epprtval forp for tour fence rddltlon at 3uhlttd Aprll 22'.'1976. Approvrl lr subJcct to thG follorlng condltionr: l. Thr gtrln on th. fencr ls to nrtch tlrc ulstlng honei t ., "l e |g F$ f+\efo q df Fl o+p H fs $"{r-P +'-4t A.w Ft Ft d L+t*g .f't F+{a ,ad \{ GI a-t tlrll Ff F r4 R F? EI F .lr a-.b/+ir i+ rJl Fn IIFH r'-ll= EFSF lfllsl!HF l=\l''',.-:HSS ll 'f iixE l;lSs$i I | =FIR | | !!s I I ]EP | | $qI b I sF3 Elsl!| | EEq I I FEs z -.1 t\)\o i (! o F q,m T b) -.1 cg d € (! o o o o -t oc (D T- o @ (D o o x (rI o 1 o l: (o ro o -'t -'t E F€'riHf frH |.1. ldd+ Sgc rV Ftr = lt-\ FA o N .! o o 2 o o z It o c a) r c m (! N (! |n n z z \/ t N I z o Itt 1l a o s o z 9' o i |n .tl D tr o I z (.h t- -i m @ -x b, I tr z o z 0 m : a z o ;m o ! m 9 I m o {ln t n m o P tn t- m o z ln p n :'r o =3 |n t - 2 ; tt r z z { at z ;.ll o -{o ; ;-l n E t- o m n o F I 2 t-i m F D -{ o z D -t z fi D VALUATION m -{ 2 'i |n t- m o -{ 6 t- 3 n = t- |- z o lrl o ^n m m ltl E F =o m T =i .'|t tt tt -l - z 't!'rl .A :r ! x z -{e ==,o -l < |- E g l-I z o u m D 3 -{ -{ -i t- 1l t- D m D I -t t--.| D n 1t t- |n { m D n 3 fi z -l U' t z o |n c 2 ft n t- D -l z |- z n o I t- an 3 + EV ;i\ J l*) \h \c tl l 7 -l .L -'-l s+.1 NI ol zl 2,1 -l \i.I !:Y fil 'ol ci !rl €i xt 9 z i z Fi t z FI o z .l >o :l PLUMBING.TMECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAI L PEFIMIT EOFBUfLDfNG: lr: ",, 9,2 rV<€ oF woRK: El rurw flnootrton E nerraooel D nepeln RfPTfoNoFWoRK: r i.c.tt 3t,.1 G l'i:- -':,i.-t,-s".,c [: l)1,ttr-/ A; S nernoveo TOTAL FEES: $ r."i r ! E orsappnovro_\:S-:{Y.)1- oare NAME T?iii-irit-:q fg s, :g€,,,ice PLUMBfNG: NUMBER ,'i?i ,J'MECHANICAL: NUMBER / VALUATION $ ,^''Ir. ,- i)VALUATION $ -t- 6 -J' i REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE :i:.). d(.PERMIT FEE -1:7. i O d7.5d ') , /"/ Rrr JuL {tfiq Town of Vail Fx.ncfRIcAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 26 Applic APPROVALS $ .....?e..:.. $........... 1..?-..s. e Date paid-...... . 7-.:..?- :-?-.f-.n4 / W Received t, .....fr. euf4rJ^ ..4....-l-v..u...7.1.......... ButldlDa Ottlctsl THIS FORilI IS TO BE FOSTED ON itOB SITE DURII{G COI{STRUGTIOI{ % HOI,JRS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQUINED FOR INSPECTTONS ttr a. a. tttaltt a!n !lltia a!ltll PLUMBINGi.TMECHANICAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL suN-l re j*r" s-2- 7 / NAME a2ooI|€Q ReStw€Nc€ ADDRESS I'OX abAA V A II_ orttPset/ OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: ,K rrrEw E aoorlon ! neuooel ! nepnln fprfoNoFW.RK; plum7tilQ aF Ar1l<,zuF Fnntty -PrS PLUMBfNG: NUMBER /Zeq P MECHANfcAL: NUMBER /72? m VALUATION $ 4AOO VALUATION $ 4 6 2{ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMf T FEE ?o. oo PERMfTFEE 47. ro 47.50 DArE 5- 2"7+ '. RES IDET*CE PAAH Af rl t 5, 1971 Tho fol'lorlng vloletloni must bo corroctod on subartttcd to lreuence of Bul ldlng Pernlt. Shccf A- |l. Heorth requlraa 4rr of Sheet A-2 I . 6aragc/duc | | lng seporetl on Shcet A-2/ l and A-Z/Z l. Eodroom rlndors to comply rlth Sectton 1404. Sheet A-3/ |l. Exterlor roof :treathlng ElBn mtn. on z4n ccnters - Tab, zt-p.2. Af I trugres tq be cnglneor stampod vlclhmlnlmun 6r/lo/lo. Sheet A-312 l. Top of hrndralls must rcturn to rall - Sec. 5305il). Sheet A-4/ | and 1/2 l . Extcrl or roof cheath l ng 5/gt' ral n f srusr - Tab . 2S-p .2. Sofflt naforlal to be extcrlor grade - Sec. 25.5. lleather barrler regulrod on ExtCrlor nal ts - gec.4. Vrpor barrler rsqulrcd betreen rtudt and concreto 5. Maxtmum rpanr: Ff oor Jof strz 2 x l0.l6r o.c. l5t6rl Ra fterg : 2 x l2 l6rf o.c. l8r0n 2x62tlno.c.6tJrt 2 x l0 l6fr o.c. l5t9r 2 x I l6r o..s. grgir TOTN OF VAIL Jorry L. Aldrlch Chlcf Bul ldlng 0fftctel df \ plcns prlorr 5706 (k). 5-b. DOOHER non-coRbustlbel nttcrlal - Sce. to extend to roof - Tab. 1707(a!. rs t I s . t.fa DEVELOPI'|iIT ROUT I;16 SLIP PROJECT ENTITITS PREL I I.I I NARY STAF F R€VIET' MASTER PLAII tAN DSCA P ING RECREAT ION AHEH rr r ES Y ENGR. CIIECK DES tGN CHECK fH v I R0l{ l.! Er,rT A L IUPACI REV IEW ENV I RON I'18 N TA L IMPACT RE FORT p-r-rr*rl cot'r vaorrrjrr ".^*,^rrrera^! ruSt- / f DATE PNOCES5IIIG RECE IVID DTADL IIIi DATE COI'!PLtTE! S IGNATURE RTUARKS w ,---ez.*<ry. ?-o.Z,l 4rt'.z,t 4.fZ ''r' oi,rr r H/ r.r t v i topt n sugrff rrf AL s71s 3 -tJ:- 7/ vs, DES TGN REVIEW .//. I INAL ZoN rG . REvlE, 412-lf BU I LD ING OEPT. PI.AN CHEC K MECH/PLBG. PUBL IC I{ORKS. f IRE D€PT. PUBL ICAT I OiI DATE 4.5-.7+ ar . HE AR I N6 DATE AUCUI.TT DATE PA I D Ri,.,ARKS +-IJA ELECTR ICAL ^y^ ryA FEES: "TYPE VAR IANCE c0N0. u5E Ellv I R. IMPACT eLAN cHEcK 125,5o 332c.+t'@ 15 REcRE^TroN 498'qG pERr.r r, aLD6. 35/. nn . PLUI'IB ING r'tEcxAn r cA L ELECTRICAL ffi" r9"1icJ faao D.y*,f loo.oo' /-/2- 7/%/73? zu Des ign Date Pa PROJ ECT t.(gv i ert ied iA LEGAL DE SCR I PT I ON 20il rNc-cF"rI.KL I sT S U I4MA R'/ ,' ; ARCii ITECT ,:-L^. tl z-t/o J h t)- Qon rr i roi Act ua I DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: Reouired J3' , ACTUAT //O ; '- HE I GHT: Ave rage Grade \-,G.R.F.7.2 ,2.5' Ratio, Allowable sq. f+. +- (',,i*^ , Actual sq. ft-4326'l/i u3 t) COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA: Percentage allowabls - ,'All&able sq. f t. - , Actual sq. fl. - i BUlLD|NGBULKcoNTRoL:A||owab|emaximum|ength Requi red Offsefs SITE COVERAGE: Allowable J{ fi, Allowable Sq. ft:'.-4 t"c' , Actuala 7 % ' Actual sq. tt. /7"A1/'/5-' o-'Ly' (:".,'-l: / '" ',0"')" ^t :. , ; -" / 7t t ,*tTl.t"- -t"'.,USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Required J-a n sq. ft., Actual Jc,' " sq. ft', Ground Le ve I - fi, Conimon -_-::_,fi; LAN DSCAP PARK I NG Tow n Engineer Da te Mayor Date USE ZONE 4 ; PROPoSED USE(S) ufi,4.\ t (,lbl LOT S IZE SETBACKS: * "14, cr t ; FR0tITAGE - Front Jc , Sides 13'c-13.f , Rear J3,{ , _ Front //q , S ides & o q4 -/Rea r 5 C ll'lG: iequired 6o fi, - s9. ft., Actuat /6 fi tct-t6''"-sq.ft. AND LOADING: No. Requ i red e ,No. Actua I 62''-''+ */ d+A-, Covered Re- quired % - No.; Covered Actual ZON ING APPROVAL Da te DES IGN REV I El1' BOARD APPROVAL UTILITIES APPRO VA L ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL "4 tt //1.#.' zo,- - Chairman, Ve{i gn Review Board Zoning Admini Date Submitted Date S ubm i tte d Date Submi tted Extens ion of Zon ing Re v iew Des i gn Review Env i ronmen ta I for for Dead I ine Dead I ine Dafe Date I mpact Review to date of 0rdinance No.8 (Series of l973') Dead I i ne as permitted by Sect ion COMMENTS: item 0l rl /4-A ,"r-t t G*r r--*-., - J't--*2.-.-' t*"tn c gi&L ._ --,,,4 / 11 /l t. .'rr,JrLL. )( ,)].34 x ?.t- f. c- Qtt',4/ / c)C.4/ 6 t/ ,/, ) s- /of a,: 1a /,f a /t t ( /: ?J2,zs- Jt 4 " a / /,/ ,f 'tt- t 2.;!6../ / 2/x2/ ^- t?(. //yt )'r / 7 2 V '/ t- 2{ 32, x j3,13 r"/ X 1,)- /r. t <. /3 /^-.,,.r' 1 | \ 22,7.- {/ x I J-z*-t --- "< 7. t- /1.o 1r.i /7 . 11, 5 4-? ( t./ , a 9/. o 27, f lZo.s-c .?2, o Submitted for Review I I T C titJ EIJ V lR0l,l t'tENTi L OI: VAIL RIV IEi{ CI]ECKL IST Project Oi.lner An encironr"ental inpacl- reDorl' r.-ust be rnade for ncnlrivial ef f ec.t on fhe environrnent. Effects i ces of both prinarV end secondar\/ narure. The follov;i:rc cuestions shall be useC as guideli negative declaration ct- an environnienta l impact write "unknownrr in ves / no colurnn). , Type of Pro.l ect ' ttl ,; ..t t'- lao>l i)a<rrin*in. Y , LUva any activity which nc lude envi ronrnenta nes to decide whether to make report. (lf answer is unl(nown YES I'JO l. Could the project significantly change present uses of the project a re a ? Does the Droject s ign if icant ly conflict r"rif h applicable general plans and the Vail llaster Plan? Could the pro.j ect af fe cf -f he use of irnportant visual value or pre-eript a al or ope n sDace value? recreational area, or area of site vrith ootent ia I recreation- ,,/ -Z q construct ion of facili ryg/L L-e r' /Z Z p-( -V-z--''&-Lr-*,4 4t-,n-*,t-- construct ion of f acili ties on a slope of - La-. ,<- t fz n .n .,,t r/.a ties in an area of construction of faci lities in an area d '/ 4. Will anv natura I or man-made features in the oroject erea which are unique, that is, nof foun d in othe r pa rts of the Tow n, County, or State be affecied? V/ill the project involve 30 oe..e n t or greater? !{ill the project. involve geo log ic hazards? l{ill the project involve crrh iect to ava lanche? Could the project change existing featu res or invoive construct ion in any f lood plain, natrral d ra inage cou rse, or wate rcou rse ? ls the project, as part of a larger project, one of a series of cumu lative act ions, which a lthough individually small, may as a whole have s ignif icant environmcnta I i mpact? nor,s the oro iecf involve extens ive excavation or f ill? Does the project a rea or the projec+ s ite serve as a hab itat, food source, nest ing p lace, crossing, winter ing area, source of water, etc. for wildlif e species? Cou ld the p roject signif icantly af f ect rearing a reas or habitat nf f i<h cnanioq? Are the re any rare area? or endangered plant s pec ies in the project 4. Could the p roje ct ch a nge existing fe atu res of any of the regionrs st ream frontace or oreenbelt areas? 5. Will the project remove substantial ,/ a 1 t. _4 _4 _4 vz" _4 _1 2. q )z 7. o ing ground cove r? Cou I d the projeci resu lt in s ign i f i of the area? Could the project result i res idents ? Could the p roject se rve to de ve lope d areas or intensi a reas ? oppos o a mo u n t s o f cant change vegetaf ion inc lud- i n the hydro logy commun i ty z n the d isp lacement of encourage deve lopment of p resent ly un- f y deve lopment of a lready deve loped ls there appreciab le be controve rs ia l? ri --. - / . !,ta- ( may h "f :W I conseouen- q iiion to the project o it likely to tr 20. |.lill 1'he project creal'E ncu/ or agsravate exisling health hazards? 21. Will the projecf involve the applicafion, use or d isDosa I of po'lent ia I ly haza rdous ma feria ls? 22. Could the project ge ne ra te signif icant anounts o.f dust or odor? 23. Could the porjecl ge ne ra-f e signif icanf noise? 24. \{ill the project discharge signif icani volun,es of solid or licuid wastes? 25, Could the rpoject result in damage to soil capab i I ity or loss of agricultural land? 26. Could the project signif icanf ly a I tect 1-he poten-ial use, extrac-tion, or conse rvat ion of a natui^al resource? 21 . Could project alter local traffic palterns or cause a signifi- cant increase in fraf f ic volurne or iransif service needs? 28, Addi-f ional rema r ks: YES NO rZ t/' -Z _Z _r'. Re v i ew Da te Checkli Checklist Comp,.r.T I s t Rev i ewed by Title Title it ts Title lmpact Report Based on the above re v iew, is required. S igned found that an Environmenta I Ba sed on the above revi Da te NEGAT I VE DEL LARAT IOi! €w, (and the statement below,) i-f is found that this any s ignif icant environrnental impact.i ;{,"', "'S igned STATE[4ENT OF ENV IRONN,iENTAL EFFECTS For any points answered yes or rrunknowntt, the reasons are as follows: ' J---'<-'22-i*-e-{ o o o ra4fr:.&*L +-/* AJ,r1J-- , j__/r) il-/"h 42H4/Q+ -^ - v't ^\\ \} \ { --g I r,t,q'lt. vA tL fi/, orl', rt ' E / oR tvE LOTS: ELOCK3; EncLE co)tv, ,t o t.' EAGL E VA LLEY C OL OR,'A DO VNLL rNsPErloru t[Il',13tgt OWN OF VAIL ,/ /\E /.DATE Z '' ),- I' ,''1 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CA E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E] pnRrrnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI 4..AM, PM S orsaee Rov E D S nerNsPEcr rNsPE.lor t[:t8',iJTt TOWN OF VAIL JoBNAME lzlc>a,it.- tq- l(?,.5,,--:..'r-,, e- PM GALLER F...,^..r t.\rr_r.-{-=r,.... Elornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnnll. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR fi aeeRovED E otsappRovED fl upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: coRRECTIONS l .',r s_r€ ! nerNsPEcr DATE :,- :J ../ ly' JOB NAME -INSPECIrGIN F|EEUEST ,/ TOWN OF VAIL ,'Jl- n t./,r'ti ,:: /-( ^r' TIME RECEIVEo .*A"p"--'fil Prvr -T';; o-IALLER Cf ,, /",'. .,J:/'. ,. -,... -',1 .. E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE D panrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR fineeRovED florsappRovED E netNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! 1 I o rNSPSR sPEcfloN IN ,/.TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME E orxen MON COMMENTS: fl pnnrrnu LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE (6: -m;-;/e./t, /.'ao AM pM APPROVED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcrloNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED ! nerNsPEcr TfME RECETVED ;' . ,.. AM.PM INSPECioT nEeUEsT VAIL RU JUL 2 /) Lt l. /, r TUE E pnnlel LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR l I \ I i l I .*l FRI .SMPM n ornen MON COMMENTS: E nppRovED EI or sAPP Rov E D X.nerNsPEcr fl upott rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNsPE.flot TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL -:u | -4A pflff lz._ t r_/ rr rl / q JOB NAME T|ME RECETVED z.li,\ AM1fr) E orsen ;- rtaiiiii- : COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRf A -l- nrvr'fia-"r E appRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ! uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CoRRECT|ONS gl ( A [,: , /i (: Ct)' \ rNsPEcfloN TOWN OF FIEOUEEiT VAIL DATE 4'/v-7V JOB NAME TIME RECEIVEo z.{2.: AryltPW GALLER D orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION / THUR FRI /a ,7;i'--" PMI AM tr APPROVED E orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr fi uron rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .:t ,t'r, , DATE rNstrEr|}o,.,FIEOUEST VAIL TOWN OF .\ oare ji4 ,,,lpc- 4 JoBNAME l-.).'t-.'..,-,. \il.*..',,,.'-,..- T|ME RECETVED i,:: ,.,., ,AM pru CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION [JeeeRovED ! orsneeRovED ! nEr NsPEcr fl upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I oot. it "li 5- - Jt ]|I- luL$zr Rlf rNsr=r|l|!* FrEeuE=ir oarc I '?7'7y' TrME REcErvEo.r/. z:- TOWN OF VAIL E orxen MON GOMMENTS: / tue ,j \ -/ E panrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI ^6:) APP ROV E D D orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr p urorrr rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS r ' rNsPE.lil* TOUIN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DU JULeS$74 '.',, JOB NAME 4 ,, iAMiPM CALLER DATE 04. "-' TIME RECEIVED E orHen f] pnnnnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR E-xf i RovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E upolv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ,"'--.- oereM INSPECTOR