HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 4 LEGAL.pdft t/^t-/rn: rt / 7"r4, b/ks Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970"479.2452 webr www.vailgo,r/.(om coiltrufi rY c€rrEt oF$EXr Project Name: ZEVAOR Re-ROOf Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL TO RE.FOOF CEDAR SHAKE FOR CEDAR SHAKE Participantsr owNER ZEVADA, C., J. MANUEL 061L512006 CALLE 22 #34, MmCO CITY 14620 MEXICO DF, MEXICO DP APPUCANT MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473 VAIL co 81658 License: 577-8 CONTMCTOR MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473 VAIL co 81658 License: 577-8 061 L512006 Phone: 970-476-3975 06/15/2005 Phone: 970-476-3975 Project Address: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR Legal Descrip$on: Lot: 4 Block: Subdivision: HUE CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-092-0100-7 Comments: SEE CONDmONS DRB Number: DR8060232 Motion Byr Second Byl Vote: Condltions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 06/15/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to constructlon activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 O uino, Exterior Alterati?rs Application for Design Review Department of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxz 970.479.2452 web: www\railgor.com General Information; All projects requiring design review must reeive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refir to tre su'Umittat requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An appl'rcaton for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cnuncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. - suutvislon, fiJ"A (q^db parcef No,: ?/a / Aa r-?/ at7 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessorat 970-328-8540for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: t/ ,u @ o tr o N w ).t Description of the Request: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Siqns E4oznceptua I Review tr New Construction tr Addiuon D Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) Minor Alterdtion (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request 7 a/l MaifingAddressr -'c' 5a+ - at-r ?.a,,t z. Pzalf, Phone: $s0 No Fee $6so $300 nr.q'iirt REVIEW \ ptus $1.00 per square foot of toralr,g.ffi?i APPRoVAL .\fa,z,z. y'.* r-?< . ./- -tS-<\6 \ For construction of a new buildifrOpr demo/rebuif#1 - t - r ', r tr tr For an addition where squaro,'f6otage-lsuddEdFany commercial building (includesl!0 Sdditions & interior $250 For minor changes to re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Phone: I t i rtl tj ', - Buildlno Materials PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Tvpe of l.laterlal Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windo{s Windwv Doors Door Trim Hand or Flues Flashlng Chimneys Trash Greenhousel Retaining Wafls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Phnning\drb-mlnor-alL1 1-23-2005 jdoc LL12312005 y'z,zz .Qrofu Ca.a.r/ E rl4ltrJ Page 6 of 13 . Location of all requircd parking spaces . Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.- . Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawlngs are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.. Dellneate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable r Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20' or larger . Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of o<isting trees, 4" diameter or larger, Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. . Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction,. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. . The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.r Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number offixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output luminous area . Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . BE4INLPBIqEIUIS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie, siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, €tc,) F:\dev\FoRMs\PERfim\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 5 of 13 rrl23l200s TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT'IEIVT OF COMMI]NI TY DEVEI,OPMEIiTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUTTD PERMIT iIOb AddrCSS: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCATION...: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No.. : 2LOL-092-01-007 ProjecE No. : PRiI98-01-81 APPLICA}IT CARIBOU BUII,DING VEIiTTI'RES INC.P. O. B.OX 2960, EDWARDS, CO 81532 CONTRACTOR CARIBOU BUILDING VE}fTI'RES INC.P. O. BOX 2960, EDWARDS, CO 81632 OI,iINER ZEVADA C ,J MANUEL CALLE 22 #34 MEXTCO CrTY, L4620 MEXTCO 3 #1ft,4tu ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B98-0239 STATUS...: ISSIJED Applied. . | 08/24/L998 Issued...z O9/29/L998 E:<pj-res . .: 0a/06/L999 Phone: 970-390-6300 Phone: 970-390-6300 DF, MEXICO DP TOV/Comm. Dev.Descript,ion: ADDITION AND ALTERATION TO Occupancy: R3/Ml- Tlpe ConsEruction: V N valuat.ion: 96,000 Fireplac€ Inforbation: Regtriclcd: Y 1/2 DUPLEX Clean-up D #of Gae Logs:*of wood/Pa1let: . oo 9.1i11 Call"----> 3 .00 72O,OO Re8tua]:ant Plan Review- - > 458 - 00 DRB Fee--------- .00 Totsal calculated FceE- - - > 100.00 Additional !'eea- - ---- -- - > 37.2o To€al Pennits Fee--------> 25O.00 PaymentB------- #of Ga6 Appliance6: Recreation Fee----------> clean-Up DepoEib- - --- - --> .00 1, s7I .20 1 | 316 .2O sit Refund sinsre Family n." *fdP.€Egved IYpe v Non-Rated amOUnt Add sq Ft: 248 date FEE SI'MMARY r,,l r,r'l-------- Plan chcck- - - > Inveehigation> ...."....;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;';;J;-*,;**...',lrir';ir..;#k;;;;;;';;;;."'... O8/24/L998 CHARLIE ACt,iON: NOTE PI,ANS TO CHARL]E 09./O8./L998 CHARLIE .A,CTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS O9/28./L998 ,JRNI ACt,iON: NOTE REVISED FOI'ND^A.TION SEMT O9'/29'/L998 CHARLIE Action: APPR revised approved IEbM:. O54OO PI,AIiINING DEPARTMEI{T -DCPT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:O8/24/L998 CHARLIE ACIiON: NOTE PIJANS TO PLANNING 09./28./L998 JRM ACTiON: NOTE REVISED FOI]NDATION SEI{T 09'/2e'/L998 'JHUNT Action: APPR replace sidins, sEuc chm Item:'.056q0 FIRE DEPARTMENI .- DepE: FIRE Division:08/24/L995 CHARLTE .A,ction: APPR N/a I!qB:"055Q0 PUBI,Iq WQRK$ ' Dept: PIIB WORK Division:oal2e/]-99e CHARLTE Act.ion: AppR N/A??08./24/L998 CHARLIE ACTiON: CANC PI,AN TO PI'BWORKS 09'/04'/L99e TPARTCH Action: APPR appr ; ; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; DECI,ARATIONS I heloby acknoirLedge that I have read Ehi6 application, flllod oul in ful,l the informalion required, eonlrlet.ed an accurate plot p1an, and stace chac all tshe lnfomalion provided ae required is colrect. I agree to coirply with the informacion and plots plan, eo comply silh all Town ordinancea and etate lawe, and bo build Ehis olructsurc according Eo lhe To!|rr's zoning and subdj.vieion codes, deeign rewie* approved, Unifofin Building Code and olher oEdinanccs of the Town applicable thelelo. to comply t{ith r11 To$n oldinancs. and codc6? deelgn rovicv approvad, (,nlform ( buttd rhir tlluclur. .."ordf o !h€ Town,6 zoning and eubdivieion oehcr ordlnrncaa of, th! Tgnn tppllcrbl. thet.t,o. lewr, snd !o Bulldtng Cod€ rnd RT.OIJ'S'fS FOR INSPECT]ONS SHAIJL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI'R HOT'RS IN AD\IANCE BY 3.nrl C:.6im-Up D.poEll To: HOI{ARD AELDUAN PAGE 2 ********************rl*********************************************************** Permit #: 898-0239 COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09/29/98 ****************************************!t*************************************** STaEus: APPROVED Applied: 08/24/L998 Issued: 09/29/1998 Permit \pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant,: CARIBOU BUILDING VEIiITURES INC. Job Address: 1337 VAIL VATLEY DR LOCAIION: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No: 2101-092-01-007 ********************************************************************!r*****:l***** EO![DITIONS rk******************************************************************************* 1. FIEIJD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALI-, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. -'; Il]nN OF VA!L, COLORIDO gt.Eerdnr r r a r rt t]} * ar ra aarr l a a irrrr r rrr ijr r * r r*rlttri a l r,r rr r t gtalcnnE Numb.r ! REC-0456 AnounE: Payrncnt f.{athod I CK Noerllolrr 3034 Pemir No: 896-0239 T!4. c: A-BUIIJD rDDl.trLT grR BUILD pE Palcel No: 2101-092-01-007 811. Add!e6E: 1337 VAIL VAITIJEY DR ' .trio.r: 1337 VAIL VA!|trlY DR Bahnoa3 *** *+ *t*+tt **it*t!fttiit***rrt*ttrt*at*** **lllrrttti ij| ***rt****rr**** t dar ,ur1t Cod€De6criptslon a *r rt r 1t *rr tr r r r r r,528.20 09129199 L2t36 InIt: BR rra * 1r*tt rttrt,ri r*a Thl! Prl|E nc AD D2 -DEPO8 1,579.20 L,576.20 ToBrl Pa.a. L,SZA.zo Totrl Al,Il PEc. ! BP OO1OOOO31111OO BI'IIJDING PERUIT FBAS DR 00100003112200 DESrql RErrrEn FBES PF 00100003112300 P&AN CHECK FEES Anount. 720.OO 50. 00 {69,00 250, 00 37.20 3.00 CIJEAIIUP DEPOIIITS RF l1tOOOO3112?00 RECRELIION FEE:' t{c 0010000f,r12800 tfIL& ctlJr tNsrpEcrroN FEB 0 o Er ot,c'l,.o o(, H ( o c' o ct '1.e4 00 d9 j i;iB F8 AO :8 EE OA E A E d q E g AI o !. g o |n Lt E o A ? l.l B B o F F o B I E I lr 4 q 6 FI FT 6 g or F .. o z H I o OH OH H|n E8 UU A oo l'lE & I A A?| BB F|o FT T4 E o !i F' F' EB ET B(r:l e FE HE It o E Hli HE tt o.A Pal a F E tt E lr 6 tl F E it l-a E6 ,a an rH &g EHA l. R o E H 'G p el 6 A ts 3 E n !t F,r I n A F ; F9 E't> H-||!ta o .E s8 F EEP -----=- #rff,fggvnd,/,_-_ PRrqS- o /g I tl ./ ,/ / a ^ ^ - - - x x t x t * tr i * * * ttr. tlJ-Building gv{-nlumbing JwJ-nlectrical I J-Mechani-cal I J-other Job Narnd: Legal Description:Lot a orr'ners Narne: /rlhnq+ Number of Dwel1ii '-- |tg unLts: I Addresi: El-ectrical-Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Addre.ss: Job Address: /Sb7 V*ru V*uU-Oztva Block-f- FirLnsY tL Wmrfr"(f{. Ft--(- Nunber of Accommodation Units: rffiAdcress' "."1+i5;.Architect:eddress:'b7 ceneral Description: Work C1irss:- [ ]-New gff -Alterariott ryJ-Additional [ ]_nepair [ ]_other Nlrmber and Tvoe of Fiteplaces! Gas Appliances v fi********"**l*j********!t********* vALUATToNs * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ELEcTRIcAr,z $ I,ooe OTHER: $ ORMATION Contractor: NL. F?9-o t qt -df61 gl'J G Town of Vail Phone Number: Torsn of Vail Phone Nunber: i;:t":fr"H:Wfgga I'iechanical contractor.: Address: PLUMBING PERMTT T'EE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE * * * :rr* * * rt * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * r * ri, ? * Town of VaiL Req.,Phone Number:. lTvd.7;#+- ecl', NO. . BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:PLIJMBING PI..AN CHECK FEE:MEcHANTcAT prAN cHnck rre,RECREATION F.EE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: I rvm fcnow l_--l=Corurents: var,uaTtoll BUILDING: SIGNATUR.E: ZONTNG: SIGryATURX [rA-lJ (J zta +^l qa1 Fm I]P DEOSIT REFIIND /,/, G.x Ht:.,Ay*t( (-b 8/t3L TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD 1/ArL, CO 91657 970-479-2L38 APPTICAI{T CONTRACTOR OUINER 3 .00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNIT"Y DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI]DG. iIOb AddTESS: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR Location...: 1337 VAIL VALTEY DR Parcel No.. : 2L0L-092-01-007 Project No. : PR,f98-0L81 ON .fOBSITE AT AtL TIMES Permit #: D98-0015 Statsus. . Applied. fssued.. Ercpires. ISSI'ED 0e/3L/L998 08/3L/L998 02/27 /1999 CARIBOU BUILDING VE}frTURES P. O. BOX 2960, EDWARDS, CARIBOU BUILDING VENTURES P. O. BOX 2960, EDWAR.DS, ZEVADA C .J MANI'EL CALLE 22 #34 MEXICO CITY, INC. co 81632 INC. co 8L632 L4620 MEXICO DF, Phone: 970 -390-6300 Phone: 970-390-6300 MEXICO DP Description: DEMO FOR ADDTTTON Occupancy: R3 Ilpe ConsEruction: V N Tlt)e Occupancy: 0007 Valuation: 5, Fircplace InfontraLion: Rc6tricted: Single Family Residence 1}4)e V Non-Rated DWEI.,IJING 000 *Of cas Appliance6: Add Sq Ft.: *of cas Logs:+of wood/Pal1et: FEA SWMARY Buil,ding-----> Plan chcck- - - > I nr".srr i"oatont wlIl cell----> .00 Rccrcqtion 8ee----------> CIean-Up DepoElt - - - - - - - - > TOTAT FEES-. - - -. R!6tuarant Plan Rcvi,arr--> DRB Fcc--------- ToEal Calcul,ated f€eB---> Addilional Feee------ ---> ToCaI Pcrmit Fcc--------> PaymenCg-------- BALANCE DUE.. -. .00 20.00 . o0 100.00 219 .7 S 219.75 .00 219 .7 s .00 *tttri*'r 1rr'r rr ar'rtrrrt rrirarrrrr*rr*rr*ri***trr**rr*r*rra+*trrttrrrrrtrta!rtr1r**tl*ti1*l**ar***\r*lr**irrltr**a*l*r****t+,**t*r*r**r** IE,em: 05100 0s/3L/L99e IEem:05400 08/3t/L998 IEem:05600 o8/3L/L998 IEem:05500 08/3L/1,998 IEem:05700 0e/3L/]-998 IEem: 05900 08/3L/1,998 BUILDING DEPARII4ENE DepE: BUILDING Division:iTRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVED PLANNING DBPARTMENf DepE: PLANNING Division:iIRM ACt,iON: APPR APPR PER BRENT FIRE DEPARTIIIENT , Dept: FIRE Division:iIRM Action: APPR N/A PITBIIC WORKS '. DepE: PUB WORK Division:iIRM Act,ion: APPR N/A ENVTRONMENTAL HEA_LTLr -. Depr: HEALTII Division:iIRM ACIiON: APPR N/A __L-I_QUOR DepE : CLERK Divis j_on:iIRM Action: APPR N/A t t * t t | * 1 r i lr r r l r * l * * r * ir r a * r r r * r r r * r See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditions that, may apply tso this permit- DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby .cknoul.dge thac I havc lead EhiB appllcat,ion. flll.d out in fuIl tshe infonnation required, corlplets.d an acculace plot. plan, and Ecat! tha! all thr lnforoatj.on prowided ar rlquircd ir corrcct. I ag!€e !o conpl,y wiEh lhe infor$aEion and ptob plen, to cohply wit.h all Toen ordi.nariccs and 6tate 1aw6, and to buj.ld ChiE Ebructure according to the Torrn, s zoning and subdivision codeF, drrign rGvlcw alrltrow.d, Uniforn Buj.Iding Codc rnd othcr ordlnrnccs of Che Torn applicEbl,e lhcrcEo. REQUESAS FOR INSPECIIONS SHAIJIT BE MADE TWENTY-POUR HOTRS IN ADVANCE By TEITEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:OO AM 5:OO PM send CIc.n-U!, D.porLt, To! CARIBoU ******************************************************************************** Permit, #: D98-0015 **********************************************************************ir********* CONDITIONS as of 08/3L/98 SEATUE: TSST]ED Applied: 08/3L/L998 Igsued: 08/3L/L998 To Exp-J-re : O2/27 /L999 Permit, Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BIrDc. Applieant,: GARIBOU BUILDTNG VENTURES INC- 970 -390 -5300 .Iob Address: LOCAt,iON: 1337 VAIL VALI.,EY DR Parcel No: 2101-092-01"-007 Descript,ion: DEMO FOR ADDITTON Condit,ions:1. FIRS DEPARII{ENT APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2- FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE FCQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. lr r r ***rrr* rrrrart t TOmr oF VAIL, COIJORADO Strgebnts Nulbrr: nEC-0{43 Anoung: Pa)/n.nt, U.thodt CK NotrELon: 99? o rtJ l *rt t r r r t t t tt r t tr t rrrrt t t ttrrr tr r r !, riai i trtttt Strlcung 219.7s oA/al/96 L2t54 Inil: JRl.,l P.lrdE No! Dt8-0O1s TtFa: A-DEMO DEMO. OF PART/AII 8U Pltc.l N03 2lO1-O92-01-00? Slt. Mdr..r: 1.337 VAIL VALLEI DR Locitionr J,33? VAIL VAL&AI DR tots.I .F..r: Pryu.nr, 279.75 Total A!! PEta: BrLrncr ! 279.75 279,75 .00 r rr t t tr rt t !r a r i i * Account Codc D6EcrilrEion BP OO1OOOO31I11OO AUILDINO PERIIIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIm rEEg PF 00100003112300 pI,llr cHEcK FEES Anounl 95. O0 20.00 51. 75 100.00 3.00 AD Dz-DBPO8 CI.E.f,NOP DBPOSTIS r.'c rot00003112600 WILIJ clll. INspE(nIoN FEE ' '-P] rrnl.ri s- . r nr . , "-__y t J_rr-urnDrng [ ]_Electrica] [ ]_Mechani-cal t4=other OF40 Job Nane'@ Job Addrer", te Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing Owners Name: Architect; BUILDTNG: $ -qi,inrninci i-- * - *******Cqntractor:b \reIleraJ_ UqnI Address: #D Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plunbing Contractor:Addresi: Mechanical Contraccor.:Address: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DD FI FFT' . Address: Address: ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANTcAL: $-{ touo -- _--.--- Tr.oN **** * **** * ****** ** **llf*if* Ph. : Ph.General Description:D &r6J ' lln"pui" , ,-oan".Nurnber of uwelling'Unitsi ',r_r^^..Nunber of Accohhodation Units: ********************************* OTHER: TOTAL: coNTRAcToR ,TNFORMA 'SvtL0lPlr VF^n)L]z.[.tC.r"'" ;; ;;;i Req. No: 0t5?n"n" )'9?'' WPLI Phone Nurnber:_.------- Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Number: l__- Town of VaiI Req. No.Phone Nurnber: . FOR OFFICE USE ***rr**** *********************** BU-I-LDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: 3lYyPrNG Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:IIgIll.rrcAL PI,AN cHEck FEE!RECREATION FEE:CIAAN-UP DEPOSIT:TOIAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATUITE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURX: VALUATION ''|*qoniact Eagle Co (,;*7%-:d:ildrff":::!iU"T5?I x#;qffil;I$"ffp pEtu\,rr ,.ft -'oeri'i}7"-i/4V' f pt?tr - Dt n ll APPLTCATToN MUsr BE FTLLED ouT coMpLETELy oR rT r,fAy Nor BE AccEprED l/ APPLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our CoMPLETELY oR tt'off"Jr'"" YJ"lJr"o ,{******n***************Jr****** PERMJT TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * *,r * )r ,r * *:r *, DEP.OSIT TOI^IN OF VAII, 75 S. FRO}ilTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 8a657 970 -479 -2L38 APPI-,ICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 'JOb AddTCSS: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCATiON...: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2L0L-092-01--007 Project No. : PRrl98-01-81 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0L92 stat,us...: IssuED Applied. . : 08/24/1,998 Issued. . .. L1,/1,6/1,998 E>cpires. . : 05/:-5/i.999 Phone: 926-3860 MEXICO DP Phone: 9709496151 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED o DEVE ON DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY LOPMENT CARIBOU BUILDING VENTI]RES ZEVADA C ,J MANUEL CALLE 22 #34 MEXICO WAGNER EIJECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VAIL CITY, T4620 MEXICO DF, co 81558 Description: ELEC FRO ADDITION AND REMODEI,Valuation:8, 000. oo FEE Stn MARY ri*irr a,r i *i*a,r* Electrical---> DRB Fee Inwestigat,ion> wi.II call----> TOTAi SEES- - - > ToEaI caLculaced Fce6- - - > Additional Fees---------> Tolal Pcrni! Fee--------> 144.00 .00 .00 3 .00 14?.00 L47.OO .00 14? . O0 PaymenEs-------- 1{7. OO BALANCE DUE-.. - -. oo Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUfLDING Divi-sion:08/24/L995 CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR CTIARLIE DAVIS II,EM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT DCPI: FIRE DiViSiON:08/24/1998 CIIARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIEI.,,D INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorLedge that I have read this application, filled ouc in fuI1 the informacion requircd, coupl.lcd rn p1an, ancl stetc bhal all lhr infornation provided ae required ie correcb. f aglee to comply Pith the information eo coEply with all Town oadinances and state la$s, and to build thie gtructure according to thc Torn'6 zonLnE rnd ecculatse pLol and plot pIan, subdivi6ion OFFICE FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PM REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BA MADE TWENIY-POUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AXD I tttf rltlltt'r*1raat**wrrettttttttttrttittt,'ttl'lir'rtrlatrti+ttrt*rt{ Tollll oF VAIL, @IJORIDO Sscs.Bts ttttlttl**tJtlia*lrit*tittttt*tt+aa l}ar*tttf ratrtttattttttarittat gtrBaale !f!ub.!: n!C-0474 l[ount ! E yurnt U€lhod! CK t{ot tlon! t0{6 1{?.OO rl/18/r8 12 308 Idl!. dR Per,qlt l{o: E 8-0192 'r]"e-: !-Ef,rBC ELECTnICf,IJ PenerT Parcel No! 2IO1-O'2-01-OO? SLbG i\adro$ r tt37 vArL VN,ITFY DF Locatsl.on r M? VAfIJ VlIiLieY DR this Pafi.d.tte lg€rl trar ! 147.00 !ocr1 AIJ! ltE ! Ealrnc!3 1{?.00 la7.00 .00 aAf*t|trttttat!tlllt aiiti,ltaitl!)ti t * r ir*l}lt r*at a t t a** t****t * ***r*tt*t ,trdEount Codlr DcqsEipiiori EP 0O10O0O3I!,1{OO lLtertldlL FERl.,ltT FEES Inoune 1t[4roo t{€ 00100003112t00 wrrr! CAI.I flrspECTloll FEE 3.00 TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 ilob Address...:Location......: Parcel No..... r Project Number: DEPARTIIEIiIT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMBIIT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHNiIICAL PERMIT 1337 VAIL VAI,I,EY DR 1337 VAIIJ VATLEY DR 2L0L^092-01-007 PRiI98 - 0181 ON .IOBSITE .AT ALL TIMES Perrrlit. #z M98-0246 StsATUS...: ISSIIED App1ied..z LL/2a/]-998 Issued...z LL/24/L998 E,l(pires..t 05/23/L999 APPLICANT EAGIJE RTVER PI.I,MBING & HEATING PhONC Z 970-390.L897 P.O. BOX 498L, VArr,, CO 81558 CONTRA TOR E,,AGLE RIVER PI.,I'MBING & HEATING PhONE: 970'390-L897 P.O. BOX 498L, VArL, co s1658 OWNER ZEVADACJI.4AI.IIIEi, cALtE 22 #34 MEXTCO CrTY, L4620 MEXrco DF, MEXrco DP Description: BATH FAIiIS AIiID BOILER FI-,IJE TIE IN Valuatlon: *Of ear LoE6: 750. 00 *of woca/Pallet:Fir.phcc InforErtion: R66tsrlcE.d: y *of ce6 ApFliaaccs: rr*ri**r****r.* ra***rrr**r.**r FEE guuMARy rr***rr*t**i*rtr**a*tr**.****t.r**t*fl,|'rtt*r**1* Mochanlcrl-- -> Plan chack- - - > Inve6t,lEaglon> tftll crll- ---> Totrl ctlcuL.C€d P..6---> 28.00 20,o0 s ,00 .00 3 .00 ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTUBTiIT _D-EPI: BUILDING DiViSiON: TI721 / 7-996-.rRI"!--- -- -AEEioni appn eppnovED,lRM-iEam;'o56oo-FfnE DEPA,R.TI'IENi --_ -Dept: FrRE Division: 117i4/19td-,rfu'r-'- ---AEEion: eeen n7a RraEurrant Plan R.vL.$- _> DRB Fe6--------- TOEBI, FEEA.--- -- Addltsional Fee6---------> Totrl P.rdit Frc--------> .00 2S.00 .00 2r .00 Pa)rr!anta-------- 2a.OO COI{DITION OF APPROVAL *!r*************************!r******************tl********************************* 1.2.3. 4. 5- 5- 7. 8. DECLARATIONS , *; rclraorlr€. rhrr r hrsr t .a J.otrcrclsr, flucd ous ln luu thr tafor:u[- E stlr:.d., o?E?t't1d, '$ 'ccunta Plot plrtt, lrc.Gttr tshrts tll rh. lnfo![rrl4| rrr.'lrld.ar t r.qulFd lr corr.ct. r .grar to 6ry rrtu Etr. lBfot[rtslo|r rnd plot Plrn' ;;-;G; ;;-.il;;-;;;;;;-'fi;-i;.,-;;;-b"ira .t'r. 'laucrulr-.aoctdrng Lo-eh. ronn'. tonr'!€ rnd arbdr:vtrion codri!. - dalign r.vl.t rtDrovld, Onlfot Bulllttlg Cod. ltrd othar oldln no.r o! lhg lontt qr9t lcrbl' Ch'rrto' RSOSEIITS FOR rttaPlctlorg grnnl r! roD! $lEfTt-FogR HolrRtl rn SI(FU|fIIRE Of dfifR OR aOlttilelOn lOi lllUiE,F ISD OIdER IIl a7t-21!f On lT OIn OlfICl fRO|{ s:oo lll 5100 Pit *lltt+*afailiatlta'ltittttitltatttaltt*ttatitttelartattttit*tlllrtt!|!,i scnn Ol IlllIJ' OO!(mDCt 8latault $iJlbcrr rug-0{11 lsou$l I 9rlrtrnt lLghod 3 CK !{ocaglcn l 1135 gtrttBrt a'tarrlttlti.ttaa*tiatl**rlttlri!rtrltttttt*a t3.00 11/25./98 ltt25 IN1EI JR ?.rml,E Bcr tlta-otla r1E.! 8-tltcg l|Ectlllflcl,l DlR$rt P.rc.l f,ot 2101'091.01-007 8i!,. lddr.r.3 1317 VtfIJ VIIiLIV DR l,ocrtlont 133? Vllt.t Vtli&tf DR ttria Ptylant lotal Lct 3 2t.00 lotrl M PsEt! 2t.00 23.00 lDutrg 20.00 5.00 E.00 Balrnoa: .00 ttttttaitlirl!tirrttattltitaata*!rotrttttttattttlt**rtrttaaartltatalttt lcco||nt, Ood. D.rsrlDtlen $P OO1oOOO3111300 llcElrtclL PBI!|I! FABa Dt 00100003112300 PrJla cflgcG FlEt ItC Ooloooorlt2t0O rII.! crtt llfe98eflOf AEB Assess Parcel 0ffice , t:g..gr YII!-coNsrRucrro PERM i T APPqr qATro_ll_rorui DArE: l\-L'l -1V _ffi\-o739 :--- ^/ APPLTCATToN lrusr BE FrLrl0D our CoMPTJDTELY oR rr lrAy l{or BE AccEprED ff * *'t * I * * * * * * * * * * ?t ** * * *'r * * * * * * * pERlfrT, rNFoR',orroN /S '." rJ:'^r'rr l rAr ul(J'lAI'lQN ,\**'k* rt * * * it * * * * * rt rf :t * :t rt * * * * .r ,r * ',' i l-Br-riJ-ding I J-p'unbino '. 1-Electrical [4recnani-cat [ ]_other () /i .4 Iegal Descriptjon: Lot Block-- Filing owners Name:Address: Address:Arc:ritect: € General- De scrj.ption:'ru,'J L lu'< llork CIass:- [ ]-New y,..{-tttteration t l-Additilnaf r .,1 -Repair [ ]-othe!Nurober of Dwel liiqt'Units , j Nunber of Accommodation Units i - E.t.ectrical Contractor: Aridress: .Plunbing Contraccor: Address: Town of Vail Phone Number: Towh of VaiI Phond Number: Dorr 'l\T.\ Darr }\T.,.\s)J . rrLr. r Et?.r.? ^^^^---x;rxxtra pLrrMB NG pERMfT FEEi --------_- BUfLDING PLAN cHEcK FEE; ME jlan rcAL PERMIT FEE: ptuuBlNc ptAN CHEci Fff; ELTCTI ICAL FEE:- oTj{ER IypE oF FEE: . =_.-_-- RECRXATION FEE: _-_--_..- DRB FIE: r -.__-____ ._ cItEAN_Up DEpOSIT: OTAL PNRMIT FEES: Addres s: 4Va^t, ,.T.o*r of Vail Reg. No. l8J-/14 Mecharrical contr^-c! "r., tt6v- RNd._/u,pc-3:::^"f..Y:il Rss;-" o;EA BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATUR.E: VALUATION ). r:i,'Dili ;tP XEP,OSIT IIJi'I]IID TO: TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2a38 APPTICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR o DEVEL,,O DEPARTMETfl| OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT iIOb AddrESS: 1337 VAII,, VALLEY DR LOCATiON...: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2L0L-092-01-007 Project No. : PRJg8-0181 CARIBOU BUILDING VENTURES PO BOX 2960, EDWARDS CO ZEVADA C .f MANUEL CALLE 22 #34 MEXICO CITY, L4620 MEXICO DF, VALLEY WIDE PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8A620 PMENT ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P98-0108 status...: IsstED App1ied..: 08/24/t998 Issued. . .: 1-L/16/]-998 E><pires. . : 05/]-5/1999 Phone t 926-3860 MEXICO DP Phonel. 3039491-747 Description: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION AND REMODEL Valuation:13,600.00 I'EE sUMMARY Reetsuarants Plan Review- - >.00 Total calculated FeeE---> 255.50 Plumbiog-----> 210. OO 52 .50 . oo 3. OO Pl.an Check- - - > Investigat lon> tfi1l call----> TOTAT, FEES------ 255.50 .Edaitional, Fee6----- ----> Tobal Permits F€e--------> .00 255 . s0 BAI,A}TCE DUE---- .OO ******** *, * ** * * ** i t * Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/24/1998 CHARI.,,IE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS i-bmt'.05500 FIRE DEPARTIvIEIflT Dept: FrRE Division:08/24/L998 CIIARLTE Action: APPR N/A - j ',.'''.i.*'.."*.*---.* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I her€by acknowlcdge lhat I have tcad lhiE applicaeion, filted oul ln ful1 fhe infoination lequircd, conptetcd an accurate Plot plan, and 6tabe ehat all the informaEion plovided as required is correct. I agree co comply with che information and Plot. Plan, to comply wiEh all Toifn ordinanqcg and 6!ete lawE, and Co build thi! !tsruclure according to the tor{n'! zoning and EubdLviEion codes, deoi.gn review approved, Uniform Building code and other oldinance6 of Ehe To'/tn applicable th€feto. REQUESTS BE MADE II,IEI.I.TY - FOT]R r.]rrr..*.r....r*.,rtr...r.ri*..t*r***rr.l'.*'ri'.rir'."'.r' AOWN OF .trAlL. COIPRII,o Sg.lqent *r* + r, *** r* *rt.t ***i' *t* * I rlJ * |, |l r at9** tf * t ttl * * ttt*{ *l *ttrlt*t **r ** 6tateEnts. l{uEbar I REc-0475 A[orrnt r Pa]'ment !i.!thod! Cl( Not.llon: 10{3 255.50 11/15/99 10r06 InLtsr Lc Pelroit No: P98-01o9 \pe: Farc.I No: 2101-092-01-007 SLg€ Addrs66 r 133t \lAft VAIJLEY t oc4tl,on: 133 7 \tAMreIJ&EY ts-PUIB PIUIIBINO PRMII DR ThLs Fal4!cn! Tggll f.!GE t 265.50 Eot.l l!! PEts t Balanca: 265.50 .00 l,ccount cod. D..crlpt{on pP o0r0o0o3111200 PtJlllilBlt{e PERtllT FEE8 P8 00100003112300 PrAN CllEC!< FSES wc 00100003112900 tilttJ cALt' r{aPEetIoN FEE Auounts 310.00 5?.50 3.00 tt D epar t n e nt of C otn nru niry D evelop m e nl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657. 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 MEN,IORANDUNT TO: FROM: RE: SUBJECT: File Cliristie Barton 1337 VailVallcy Drivc I-ot 4. Block 3. Vail Vallcy First Filing Additional250 GRFA Unit l of thc duplcx at 1337 Vail Vallcy Drivc rcccivcd applovalfor an additional250 GRFA irr 1990. .Thc addition rvas ncvel built. LInit 2 of thc duplcx rcccivcd apploval foran additional 250 GRFA on Arrgust 10. l99ll. Thc applicant has onc ycar fi'om the datc of approval to obtain a building pcnnit ol thc apploval shall bc voidcd. {S r""ourr ro ,,t,rm Ilsign Review Actln Form TOWN OFVAIL Projcct Namc: Spad Intcrnational, Ltd. (Zcvada Rcsidcncc) Plojcct Dcscription: Expand 2 cxisting bcdrooms and I cxisting bathroorn Owncr. Addrcss and Phonc: Spad Intcrnational. Ltd. 1337 Vail Vallev Dlivc Alchitcct/Contact. Addlcss and Phonc: John Railton PO Box 430,Avon, CO 81620 949-5595 Project Strcct Addrcss: 1337 Vail Vallcy Drivc Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 4. Block 3. Vail Vallcy l" Filing Parccl Numbcr: 210t-092-01-007 Building Namc: n/a Cornmcnts: Rcccivcd.PEC approval tbr Additional250 SF of GRFA on lt-10-9ll Motion by'. nla Scconded by: Votc: Conditions: scc conditions of PEC approval Town Planner: Christie Barton Datc: tt/10/98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval DRB Fee Prc-Paid: $50.00 D epa r t n e nt of Com m uniry D eve loprnent 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Rc: August 13. l99l't John I{ailton Railton - McEvoy Architccts PO Box 430 Avon, CO ft 1620 Spad International. Ltd. (Zevada Rcsidencc) 1337 Vail Vallcy Dlivc, Vail. CO Lot 4. Block 3. Vail Vallcy Filst Filing Dcar John: At a rrrccting on August 10, 1998. thc Planning and Environtnental Cottttrtissiorr approvccl your' application for an additional 250 squarc fcct of GRFA to allorv f<rr'the cxpansion of living spacc at thc abovc lcfcrcrtccd location. Thc follou'ing rvct'c conditions of approval: l. That rhc plyrvood siding bc rclnovcd and thc siding upgradcd to nlcct tltc ntininrttrn rcquit'ctttcnts in tlrc Dcsign Guidclines (Titlc 12. Chapter I 1.5.C)' 2. That thc chimncy bc blought into compliance rvith thc Dcsign Guidclines. Ifyou havc any questions. plcase call me at (970) 479-2454. Very truly yours. (")/,,4yi'.>i ho, u,l Chlistic Barlon Planncr II {2u*ot^'o . 1,,,,,,,; %t^liu p*fu'* " (Jfrl"t - ProjectNumber ?BO6' I I -L-ZarftPA / {zoe' .T Arefl6'2t fu)figk Pes UKL{-' (D ro/An€ndins l16NXp0 fU,D/,l6l')66u77at-zvR--- Copies to Regarding Q,rfuemorandum I trleetrng O Telecon O Field Report O orawing O FAX (,2-RAILTOItJ,ttlc[UOY ANCHITECTS PgOJECT CCIICEPTS ' RESIDENCES 8ESIORA!":IJ . COFPOMTE OESIGN 954 Pean Sr Bo0lder, C0 80302 (303) 443 4353.FM 443 5535 P.O 8o)( 430 Avofl, Cdor& 81520 (970) 949 5595.Fr;949 5516 L'trNDtN€ .,1,*',,r, M#ln/zrr^,, projectNumber 98O 6 To/Anendins ftUt"ftW TetgMXl9 copesfo T7VA'7A ffrfe Resardi.e 1VETI& a z€?uft.DA P45. UklL- z*7 (D IAlLT0itl,I$ctU0Y ARCHITECIS I t+ui"i IIfi,,- I o:f sid (L.M6morandum O Meeting O Telecon O Field Report O Drawing o FAX PNOJECT CONCEPIS . B€SIOENCES RESTOFAIION . CORPOFTIE OESIGN 954 Peai St., BouldEr. C0 803{2 (303) 443.4353.FAX 443 5535 PO Box 430 Avofl, Cdorado 81620 (970) S49 5595.FM 949 5516 ,ffi\ o ZJln$ r=-jngineering' Inc' g1s- o>37 ---g- September 28, 1998 Mr. Howard Feldman Caribou Building Ventures, Inc. P.O. Box 2960 Edwards, CO 81632 Dear Howard: At the request of Mr. John Railton, the architect, on September 24, 1998, we visited the construction site on Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing (at1337 Vail Valley Drive) Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit, was to observe the soils exposed in the foundation excavation for the proposed addition, and provide recommendations for the foundation design. The excavation for the proposed addition was on the north side ofthe existing residence. It consisted oftrenches dug to the bottom ofthe footings ofthe existing residence. The soil exposed at the bottom ofthe excavation consisted ofbrown, sandy clay. On the east side of the excavation was standing water. The water, according to Mr. John Railton was from accumulated rain, We sampled the soil in the trenches at random intervals. The soil samples were tested in our laboratory for natural moisture content, natural dry density, and swell/consolidation. ThLree samples were taken and tested. Sample S-1 was taken from the west excavation wall (at the trench step) at the middle, north side of the existing residence. Sample S-2 was taken on the north wall of the same trench, and S-3 from the east wall at the southeast corner. Sample S-3 was about six inches above the standing water. The test results are shown on Figure No's I and 2. All samples showed high moisture content. It is possible that irrigation water from the golf course has penetrated the foundation soils. The proposed addition should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf. The footings should be placed on the undisturbed sandy clay. We recommend minimum width of 16 inches for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length ofat least 10 feet. We recommend a minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The foundation excavation should be free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. We recommend proof-rolling of the foundation excavation. Soft spots detected during the proof-rolling, should be removed by overexcavation. Any overexcavation within the proposed foundation, should be backfilled, in 8 inches loose level lifts and compacted to 100% of the maximum dry density and within 2percent of the optimum moisture content as determined in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A structural flrll, placed under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on RE: Open Hole Observationflnvestigation Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village Filing No. I Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Proiect No. 98147 P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, Colorado 8i632 . (9201 926 9088I'el . (970) 926-9089 Fax Mr. Howard Feldman Page2 September 28,1998 regular basis. AII the standing water and wet, soft soil, should be removed from the footing trenches. The removal should extend down to firm soil. Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of60 pcffor an "at-rest'o condition. Laterally unrestrained structureso retaining the on-site earth, should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of40 pcf for the "active" case. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfrll surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight oftemporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained backfrll should be incorporated in the design. They should try to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressrue behind the retaining wall. To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, we recommend installation of a foundation perimeter drain (see Figure No. 3). The backfill above the drain should be granular material to within 2 feet of the ground surface to prevent a buildup of hydrostatic pressure. Perimeter drain should also be installed behind the retaining walls. The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top ofthe granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foturdation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits ofthe backfill. It is not recommended to introduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing sprinkler systems next to the building. The installation ofthe sprinkler heads should insure that the spray from the heads will not fall within l0 feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled. This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Geotechnical Engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no Sincerely, LKPENgINEERING, \rt, .i), .u, b)Sl?ffi, 8F,,ffi Luiza Petrovska, Enclosure LKP Engineering, Inc. Projcct No. 98147 Figurc No. 1 o.t r.o \ lo APPLIED PRESSURE-- ksf sonple of Sandy clay from S-l at 2' above trench bottom Nolurol Dry Unil Weighl : 95'7 pcf Nolurol Moislure Conlent . 26.6 percent o r( o I e a o l \ \ t.o APPLIED pness\e -l0 to0 tsf 0.1 Somplc of . Sandy ClaY Nolurol Dry Unit Wcight : Noluro I Moirturc Conlcnt = -lror \"-r, 2.5' aborre trench bottom 100.8 pcf \ 21 .1 prrccnl Swell-Consolidotlon Tesl Resulls E2 3t cl .C, _r1 |l|J o. 4- E o o q o E' C o C' q o o LKP Engineering, In Swell- Consolidotion Test Resulls Projcct No.98147 Figurc No. 2 o. I t.o APPLleo PRESSURE - ksf sonple of Sandy Clay from S-3r 0.5' above trench bottom Nolurol ory Unil Weight : 99.2 pcf Nofurol Moislure Contenl . 22.0 percent o.l LO APPLIED PRESSURE to to0 - ks f Somplc of Nolurol Dry Unit Nolurol Moi slura Wci9h1 : Conlrnl: from prrctni )o SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING COWR EACKFILL WIIH ONE FOOT OF RELANWLY IMPERWOUS SOIL GRANULAR FILL FILTER FABRIC (MtRAFt t4ON OR EOUIVALENI) a<'r/r<7<'r/r< "/:< coARsE GRAWL J/4 1NCH D|AM. WIIH LESS IHAN 5E FINES MPERNOUS MOBTURE BARRIER 6LUED TO THE FOUNDANON WALL 4-INCH DIAMETER PERFORA TEO PIPE SLOPED TO A SUITAELE OUNET Ar ,/4" PER FOO| FOR FLEnELE AND Ar t/8" PER FOOT FOR RtGtD P|PE GRAWL IHICKNESS SHOULD 8E AT LEAST 24 INCHES AND SHOULD INCREASE IF HEAWER SEEPAGE IS ANNCIPATED 'f,'s D 'o ^lt 'N.'x ,o ,=.od t\' r. tl *":r-f\oool q". crvrvcBoTEcHNrcAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. 8ox 1,t52 Alron, CO 61620 tcl (970) 827-9oEE fox (970) 627-9089 PERIMETER DNAIN FRoEct Nr: gil4Z LOT 4 AL@K J, UA'L I/'tlA@ NLNG NO, 'EAGI-E CAtNfY, Cq.&N)O PREPAREO F8: CARIBOU BUIDING VENTURES, INC. s.&a NTS ^* og-2a-ga flAnE HA, J Nov-Zz1-94 Ozl: 2l P Bra a-lton d-v c o P.O. Bor 2960 EDWARI|S, COt1632 070-t4$0300 10: Torn of Vail ltuilding Deparrmart ATTN: Lynn Dote: Novenrbcr 24. 1998 Re; Zr:vlda Residcrrrri 1337 Vuil Vafley Drivc. Vail. plumbing pcnnit Dear Lynn; As w disorssod, Caribou Building Vmturcs $oul.l like to chrnge the mmc of thc plurnhr on our plurnbing permit p9t-0108 Fon vrlloy wirle Mchaniqt to Eallc nivur pl"mbjng.- fiicy*wiao no, n* ecr|!.ned.any wrnk-on thgprolr4: Tq.\,,cr: "u. slginarprumber but could nuirain th'e projrxr so nrr made the chsnge to Eeglu River. Eag[: River hrs pcrfJrmed all wrr& on this pojJ. "pl'**il*" tf,is changc in 5,our rccads Thank pu fa prrr asrisbfloc. lf yrr-r have my qucstions, pleasc ca rne lt j9G0E02. 6-6A73 P-Ot CARIBOU BUTLIDING VENTUR.ES. TNC. Sinoereln ;5i;lilrre oB, 1z REnuEsr=l*U"l[rloibi**3hEE?3oro*f "r,r* PAGE 11 AREA: CD Fletivity: Address: Locat i on r Parce I : Descri pt i on I Appl icant : Owner: Contract or: B9S-6439 9/ e/19 Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: ADUP 1337 UAIL UALLEY DR 1337 UAIL UALLEY DR alor-o9e-01-o/'a7 ADDITION AND ALTERATION TE LlE CARIBOU BUILDING UENTURES INC. ZEUADA C J IIANUEL CARIBOU BUILDING UENTURES INC. Occ: Use: U N DUPLEX Fhone: 976-39O-636O Fhone: trhone t i7O-39O-6aso,O Inspeet i on Request Inforrat i on. . , . . Requestor: Howard Req Tire: @8:gG Corrents: qolf Iters requested to be Inspected... OO54O BLDG-Final C,/B Fhone: J90-O6Oa course s ide, will call Action Corrent E ,3d Tire Exp Inspeetion History...., ." Itea n 0051O driveway grade f inal Iter : $OStr, BLDG-Foot ings./Steel q9/?9/98 Inspector: JRltl lA/G$/iA Inspector: CD Iter : ggo,O BLDG-Foundat ion/Steel LglO9/94 Inspeetor; CD Iter: OOSPU PLAN-ILC Site trlan Iten: O0O3O BLDGi-Fraring t?/(63/gg Inspector: JRlrl ' hlotes: ENGINEER uN HULES CUT Iter: 0OO4O * * Not On FiIe * * Iter: O$er5r, ELDB-Insulation 12/07/SA Insper:tor: JRM Iterr EUO60 BLD6-Sheetrock NaiI t?/99/94 Inspector: EFG Iter: BSEBO * * Not On File * * Iter : 6fiQ7Q BLDG-I{isc. Iten: OOO9O BLDG-Final Iter: O053O BLD6-Tetp. C/U Iter: EO54O BLDri-Final C/O Sra olo (D CwhboJ n,,rg31r*,, 0t(e3> Ac'tron: AtrtrR APPROUED JRM Action: AtrPR SOILS REtrROT REC'D Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Action: APPR AtrpR IIITH LETTER FROftt THRU STEEL BEAII Act ion: Atrl.rR RPtrROUED Action: AtrPH SEVERAL AREAS, LEVELS REPT131 B9lo,?/I999 OBc17 Activityr Address r Loeat i on: Farce I r Descri pt i on r Appl icant r Owner: Liontractorr nEruEsr=l?Ig"EE,["ibi-"3h8[?3u,o, PATJE IE AREA: CD ?/ 1999 B-pLt{B Statusr ISSUED Constrr ADUP trg8-gl0B il 2/19 Tvpe: 1337 VNIL UALLEY DR 1337 UAIL UALLEY DR a10r-o9a-0t-s,u7 PLUI'IBINE FtlR ffDDITIUN RND CARIBT]U BUILDING VENTURES Occ: REMODEL Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: Use: 946-3960 39394it747 ZEVADA C J iIANUEL UALLEY I.IIDE PLUHBING & HERTING Locks, Holds, and Not ices. . , . ACTIUITY Notice: ITAITING ON LTR SI.IITCHING CONTRAtrTOR CLD eX.LC ll/?3,,94 lnspeetion Request Requestor: Honand Req Tire: O8:OO Iters requested to o,Oeg0 PLMB-Final Inforrat i on. . . . . Phone: 396-O8OP Corrents: will eall golf course side be Inspected".. Action Corrent s .lo Action: AtrLR Action: APPR DECREASE nppkuvED Tire Exp FALL EXISTINE FLUT.' STREET PRE Inspeetion History.....Iter : Oo,el0 trLFlB-Underground ll/L6/98 Inspector: (JRG Iter: ,DO??O PLfttB-Rough/D. tl. U. lelilslg8 Inspector: JRltl Notesr PRESSURE Iter; Ao,??5 F IRE-SPRINKLER ROUt'iH fter : 0O?JO trLltlB-Rough/l.later It er : 0Oe4O FLI4B-Gas tri pinq Iterr OSPSO trL-l4B-trool/Hot Tub Iter : o,IA?60 PLlttB-ltli sc. Iter: OO?9O FLME-Final Iter: SS53g FIRE-FINAL C/U - lr REPT I3I u9/o.2tt999 08: Activityr Hddress: Lotrat i on: Far"ce I : Descpi pt i on * Appl ieant: Owner: Contractsr: 17 REouEsrfrng"gErloibi*COLURADO SHEETS FOR PA6E AREAT CD ?/t999 H9A-0446 9l ?ll9 Type: B-ilEEH 9tatus: ISSUED Constrr ASFR 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR 1337 UAIL VRLLEY DR ?tot-u9?-sr-fiu7 BRTH FANS trND EtrILER EA6LE RIVER PLUMBINE ZEVADA C J hItrNUEL EAGLE RIUER trLLIT{BING Occ:Use r FLUE TIE IN & HEATING & I-IEATING Fhone: 970-399-1897 trhone l Fhone:970-390-1697 lnspect ion Request Requestor: Howard Req Tire: O6:00 Iters requested to gg390 lYlEtrH-Final fnforration..... Corrents: will call Phone: 39O-O8OP ./o \ ,15 Tire Exp be Inspeeted... Action Eorrent s Inspeet ion It er: Iter;Iter: Iter:Iterr Iterr Iter r Iterr Iter; History..... olo,?0g ItIEUH-Rough OOEES FIRE_SPRIHRLER ROUGH Og.?+O PLl{B-Eas tri ping gt03f O HECH-Heat ing A0'36 ltlECH-Exhaust Hoods 00330 ttlECH-Supply Air OO34O ttlECH-ltlisc. le/o'3/gA Inspector: JRltl Notes: IINLY NEHD TO INSPECT 0O39O FIECH-Final OO53A FIRE-FINAL C/TI Actionr PA APtrR IN FLIJUR LINES FANS AND BI]ILER FLU I ) I I t" $ a De sign Review Action Form Project Name: T.cvada Residence Project Description: Revisions to previously-approved plan Owner, Address and Phone: Spad Internationa! Ltd. 1337 Vail Valley Drive Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Railton-McEvoy Architects, PO Box 430, Avon 81620,949-5595 Project Street Address: 1337 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Valley I'Filing Parcel Number: 2101-092-01-007 Comments: This approval allows for changes to the exterior materials and additional entry features TOWNOFVAIL Building Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1) That proposed meterials are consistent throughout both halves ofthe duplex Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 5lzsl99 F:\EVERYoNE\DRB\APPROVAL\9 8\ZEVADA.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nla Dlft/f/e / //6 SE/7/ r(Ails BEIJ Noott g Hc// EH ff 8s6 f tro* t B4 # 57s 7E /ADA 7s37 /flt* lf,tlEy El-tuE fndrE ptl # He 7/ oo oLrtlPlo #re h?*,t{, H&Nr nzl'* *F2- /\/ar -e,D/il? fr retp Foe E*rsr FooF BaHs/AVl,l Akk Ntlp)t ilnHp9 /'wk F/'nH4 . ExT. zooPs' +"H/' coLs7z- al tttAils a*ttr ' f DEd"- latLs ' fu?- COf Oar ?flAtLs atuL. oil tt/A^.8 Brl # a-/ €k4or/t MEa^) To BM HffCIf ft 656 FoL- nLL 9Tlcco , , I //o t t/"V*/t7 DE'ARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DE'EL.P tt*' '/o/ /' ' B/k -= ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: E96-0139 Status... : ISSUED Apptied. .t 06/28/L996 riiuea. ..t o6/28/tee6 Expires..: 72/25/L996 Phone: 3039263353 Phone: 3039263353 Valuation:7r500.00 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArI-,, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1337 VAIL VAL'L',EY DR Location...: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No. .: 2t0I-092-01-006 Project No.: APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P o Box 1451' AVON CO 81620 CONfRACTOR SHAW ELECTR]C P O Box 1451' AVON co 81620 OWNER EVANS CLAIRE F 3401 NORTHSTDE PKWY' ATLANTA GA 30327 Description: NEW UNDER GROI'ND SERVICE *** *irJr'r*#<* FEE SUt'll'IARY *ffid*******H**i****ffi E tectli cal--> 144'm DRB Fee lnvestiErtion> .00 $i L l' cal' l'---> 3 ' oo TOTAL FEES--> 147.00 Total Calcu|'ated Fees---> 11''00 Additional, Fees---------> .00 Totat Prrnit tee------) 147.00 PsYnents------- eli-Alce oue---- Item: .05000 ELECTRICAL pEPARTUENT^. Dept: BUILDING Division: 6E7 i e tI gEE- cfr Efr,i i b' - -riEtloir i-'[pFn - cnanl, r e DAV r s CONDITION OF APPROVAL I : fi $"lRiH'ifi!$'RN? _ftSf;ET8N.B_ IR !ft't['8ft$*Fo8R f98fi h'8$'fto" ;: XgEi"H*BE.T"iHE"6f; V$E'iR$XiTo* 'no' Is DI'T'RBED MU'T BE RESTORED DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoytcdgG that I havr |eed this apptication, fit|ed out in futt the inforhation required, conPtcted an rccurlte p[ot ptan, and stst. that art gre'iiiornaiion p"oilc"o as raqui red is corrcct. t agrec to compty rilth tire iniornation 8nd ptot Ptan' to colp Ly vith att ro,rn oratnances"rna .tit. [ays, €nd io i"iri-tii" "tiucture-eccording iit]t" Tonn's zoning and subdivision codcs, design ..uiev "pp.ouj] u"if".i AuitOing cirdc and othcr ordinrncls of th' To!'n appticablc thcrcto' REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIEIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI{E AT 1?y2138 OR AT oUR oFFIcE tRol{ 8:00 Alt 5:m Pil ' C- !.! r.& &rD r** * * * * ** * * * ** ** * **i* ** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOI'IN OF VArr,, coLoRADO statemnt ***********************************!***************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0152 Amountl Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 6008 14?.00 06/28/e6 15:15 INit: ALM Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddresE: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total Feee: 14?.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0139 Type: B-ELEC EL,ECTRTCAL PERMTT 270L-092-01-0 0 6 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR 1337 VAIL VALIJEY DR 147.00 147 .00 .00 ****************************************************!e*********** Amount 144.00 3.00 TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-0200 75 South Frontage Raod VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1337 VAIL VALLEY FAXgTO-479-2452 Locat,ion... :Parcel No.. : 2l0L-092-01-005 Project No.: APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX t45t, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX t45L, AVON CO 81620 ObTNER EVANS CI-,AIRE F 3401 NORTHSIDE PKWY, ATLANTA GA 30327 Description: TTNDERGROUND SERVICE Department of Community Development DR Status...: ISSUED Applied..z 0e/t2/L9e5 Issued...: 09/13/L995 Expires..z 03/tL/L996 TotaI Catcutatcd Fees---> Additional Fees--------> TotaL Permlt Fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- Phone: 3039263353 Phone: 3039263353 147.00 ,00 147.00 147.00 .00 Valuation:7,500.00 **ffit1'****ffit******rt*ffi****ffii***********fi FEE SUitltARY **********f**f,t*t************trri*#tr*****ff*ffi******* Etectri c. t---> DR8 Fec Invcst igati on> llitL Catl.----) 144.00 .00 .00 3.00 ToTAL rEEs---> 147.00 l|'t*****,rr|,t****t|*ff ffi tikffi ff ****ffi *ffi *****#rffi ff *****tffi #tl#rr*ff *iffi ffi ffi ff ffi ft ************ Item: .05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT O9/L2/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: ffi *ffi ffi ffi *ff ffi **'H**t*tffi trt*fr *t*tf,*ltrtffi ffiffi rt*'trt hffi*Hr*ffi ffrffrffi*ffiffi** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **t*,r|t*ffiffi**t*****ffi*lt*:t|t*ffi****ffiffi'|*ffi**ffi*ffi***t*ffitffi**********ff****#ffi***********ffilr****** DECLARATIONS l.hereby acknovlcdg: that I have read this apptication, titted out in ful.t the infofoation rcqui red, coarpteted an lccu6tr ptot pl'an, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as required_ is correct. I agree to conpty riith tire infornation and ptot pLan,to conPty eith atL Tovn ordinances and state tavs, and to buitd this structure according io the rosr, s zoning and suyivisibn codes, dasign reviee approved, Uniform Euil,ding Code and othef ordinsrces of thc Town appl,icabte thereto. REaUESTS toR INsPEcTloNs SHALL BE ttADE TI,ENTY-FoUR HouRs tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oN AT c,t R oFFlcE FRon g:OO Ail 5:00 ptl $ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * Statemnt Number: REc-0059 Amount: 147.aO 09/L3/95 t2|22 Payrnent Method: CHECK Notation: *5534 Init: LRD Permit No: 895-0200 Tlpe: Parcel No; 2101-092-01-006 Site Address: 1337 VAIIJ VAIJLEY Total Fees: l47.OO Thi-s Payment 147.00 Total ALt Pmts: 147.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * *lil?l::i. * * * * * * * * * * * ; I 9* * B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT. DR Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAI., PERMIT FEES VIILT CALI INSPECTION FEE Amount 144 .00 3 .00 From . I ELECTRIC pfi1 SHflU HONE No. :4495 4OICU or vtlr, co}lg|rRucttroN stP 11 tg95 ""*f;Inf'5ff?H ** fOV - C0[VIM, DEV, DEPI Ingrl Dcrarlptlont t,ot_'_ rl onn6rr Na!33 \Mtreiltva,v,,*atL Addres'r tyn \blV\.tth,.- _ Archl,tcctl tlk lddrr:e: ceneral Deeorlptlonr :.fu7b lNork Cla:rr I l-Usw [,]-Atteragfn f ,J-Addlltlonal Hunbir of rlwarllnE unlts: ?4.lDqple*\ Nurber 1-nepalr I l-other o! AooornnoOatlon Unlts;? lddrsr: llectrlcal Contractors 5ha^: rddrasst tlunblng Contractorc ddrEssr teshanl.cal Contraotorr rddresst ,************t*t************f *** FOR 'UIf.DfNC PERlilIS trEBt 'LttltBINO PERIIIT PEBI tEClIAllICltr PER!{IT FEE! :IICTTTEIT, FEEI 'TIIBR TTPE OF IEE8 IRB FBB; lrnbcr and trype of Flreplaccsl Gar Appllances_ Gar Loge_ wood,/pelret. 7 tt**********tt*****r************** vAgUAEJONg ***************t***************** il,TIJDINCS irmsrlto: l***************r********r** col{TnAeloR lsneral contractorr TNToILAIION *****************r********* Town of vall ReE, Nb, €'-fOj Phonc Mrrnber : QU - A^<*- Town of, Vall Phone tfunbers totrn ol Vall Phone lluuberr Req, ilO. ReE. NO. otrrtcE ugE *********rr*******i********* *** * EUII/DING PIAII CHECK fBEs PLTI}{BTNC PI.AN CHECK FEE' MECTIANTCAT. PIA}| CHECK IIE' RICHEAITOI| IEE: Cl,E}lf-UP DBPosISt |IITIAI, PtsRIIIT FBFF: BttIt.DlNOg tIGtfAftJtEt EONIAGs SICNAN'RII OIEER! IBOIADT tlown ot Vall ReE, Ne.Phone Nurnberl fi3Bffi$l8llt qspo.- Frgm : SHAi,l E|-ECTRIC PHINE No. : 8495 !r\lr{N 08 VAIL 00}tg[&ucEI0N Jrn.2? 1996 4i27Pil PAL 2 ro t- o9L- {1.- n> tTlniTt*1lto' I'.aM I APPrrtrcr'roil Mltsr DE rrr,r,BD oun am oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprDD / f*************rt***********l'** FEAurr rNFo$ATIoN *****r*****r**r**r*****r*r***l.t -t l-lulldlhs I l-Prurnbtng fy'f-Eleotrloar I J-Hechante*f, [ ]-othor * , tob lfarrr Efaw fzval*"-fuvl.goL ,rou aaoree", btgar D.rorrpEtohs DoE 'r__ broqk_l nff hg*llgll-vltl'kl trF"fi l|\ )h'rreas narne; llprg,Whaia t - ^our""*r rgt,Nn^y[r +T-rn rrroh:Lteotr % A<lluscs; ATllqll'crefirlil- 'aoer?-- - lsneral Descrlptlor, - .ff, Iork elasa! [vl-!few t,l-Atrteratton I l-tdrlttLr:nal I J-nepalr I J-othou_.,_ lunber of Dwclllng Unltsl Nurnbor of Jtcoormodst{on Ufrltsl tu Fuilber and trypa of, FlreDlac6s! Gn$ ADprlrncce- Gae Loga- t{oodr/Frrrct_-- adiiri,- J;:l-'f;"ffi11,*"' No'-- leetflcal Contreatorr ddresEl _, e6{ Iurnblng Contractorr ldreser rohanlcEl Contraotor: ldtreser rr*************it***********t**FOR ,f&DINC EERIT'IT F[Er ]TII.TBINC PEf,UT|! FEE: ICHINIC}& DERITIB IB8: EC:!B&trCAL I'BEI fSlER EYDE oF fEEt IE FE8: --- sown o! Vcll nrg, Ub. E-l0b Dhone ltunbcr3 qztr AT Tonn of, Val,l Res, NO.Fholre Nunberi Town of ValI Phone Nurrnbert RcA, No, oFrtrcE ugD ** ******* ********** * *r***r****ri EUII,DINC FIT\N CIIECK FEET DLUI.{BINC PI/ITII CIIBCK FEEI IIDCITANICATJ PIAN cHEcX EIET RECRDATION IEE: CLEAN*UP DEPoSITS TOTAIJ FERMIT FDtsF; BUtrITITING I StrGNA'fUREI Z9N:tNGI SIGNATURS!rnngn f'5aa :ETN IIP DEDOSII IENND !O! - aa Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Proiect Name: Zevadla Residence ProjectDescription. Revisionstopreviously-approvedplan Owner, Address and Phone: Spad International, Ltd. 1337 Vail Valley Drive Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Railton-Mcfvoy Architects, PO Box 430, Avon 81620,949- Proiect Street Address:1337 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"'Filing ParcelNumber: 210l-092-01-007 Building Name: Comments: This approval allows for the addition of a bathroom window, a garage window and driveway bollard lights. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved Conditions: l) Per the Town of Vail lighting ordinance, there may be no more than 21 exterior lights on this lot. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 0U08t99 FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\ZEVADAWPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid:nla December 29, 1998 Jeff Hunt Senior Planner Department of Community Development Town of Vail Re: Tevada Duplex Additons 1337 Vail Valley Drive Lot 4 block 3 Vail Valley ld Filing. Dear Jeff, Enclosed are drawings for some funher work requested by my clients. 1. Window to bathroom. These drawings show the addition of a small awning window. The window will be the same manufacture and color as existing windows. We do not believe it will impact the extsrior appearance of the building as it is facing north and below the new deck. 2. Window in oaraoe. The garage does not have any natural light or ventilation and my clients wish to add this window. lt is a recycled window, as it was removed from the expanded master bedroom. lt will be the same color as existing windows. 3. Drivewav liohts. The driveway does not have any lighting, Tho spot lights at the garage doors hsve been removed and replaced with down lights recessed into the roof soffit. This has removed a source of glare. Similarly we have removed th€ spot lights over the west deck and replaced these lights with down lights recessed into the roof soffit, to eliminate glare as viewed from the other half of th€ duplex. We are requesting approval of 3 bollard lights along the east edge of the €xisting driveway. The lights are a non-glare design. 4. The contractor is proceeding with the removal of the plywood siding, and installation of 12" board with 3" batten, rough sawn cedar siding, with trim el€ments at the windows and doors. The chimney projecting through the roof will be stucco finished. Th€se two items are required by your letter of September 9, 1998. Please provide written approval for these requested items. As the work is currently proceeding your immediate rosponso will be appreciated. Please phone my office if we can provide any further assistance. John Railton. Manuef Zevada. t\t\t)ii I. L-.-' al {l \'' l '\j Ril[T0trl'|tllctV0Y :Fi!':a::: P0. 8ox430Avon Cclofaoo81657 {303) 949. 5595.FAX 943. 45 16 =+ _l o {o UPQ -l N -+1oT -tuv (sf ouveo I47PNE VEAJE<. WALL. tsT1lt < g]-tott t t36 ?l,Fi zEP R/ + 1- NEW CARPfi, l, 3t-ott 4t_orl -,\D 6Afl] RM, I lL29 [jt - +]-oll .- NE1V g+o\NflhRfr,. WUre GL.W<2 6L.,NtNDotp b st+p. 7L>.Flx1vR,qj, ,lRoYLw V'tk1EJt.:'Tto11f MEME,F/'Ne oN A.,.o l'-or uP N^t+51 lzil q'^H'tt 6P wAr.L */leAIt+iNG. cuRB + ?L PPAiN' PF2H gvE'ILV TO'RAIN. -fltE ?t-' 4) w^u-q 1V MA1att *lSTIllG' , tr'-\i €,/ /\ F1f\r-l_t,rr lAl l'\vl/ | l.rL,/l\f11,A<Aa S',6t, x 3L6tl tg -4.rT. zYto u,T te RtvtDg, t aJtPe WPICAL WALL COI{STRI . . Stuccq typ€, t€xture s . Buildihg paper and st!. Y2' plywood or wafed . 2X6 studs at 16'. R-19 fiberglass batt in . 6mill poly vapor barrie . gyp board to match s). Trim st windowE, doo g:36t-ro;i 82Z1L1srra o LIVIN6 RIA. qvra. -TREATED Zx6 e / Wf rlztr4i X tot A,ats, a 4'-o4 (z) #ers aNrz Toe { aoa. -f. o RA|LING. I DECK = -l a\l -r. o.il:Y1ttD. FL. wtd). ?L. .F,1 O r o.et(wo. ?t.! T.o Wkl+ PL- <a'840 elt €Lre -f ft o -l a o \| \0 .l{ o -l a #Sb, a Ett u6w 4 t+tr<tz.cE{TrRP lN WAL,- BED RM, #= cwre x{A 'l-6tt aCOtE, Vtlt-t- rr.tl Wr,1E<AzoenU6 1D F1N,6FN..Q oW.Fr6, a,,,e*f. trRtv'"J tN 6Rld/gi--l'-4 SECTION B-B ,hl eoue. rur av* { V --) \0 *\ N N N lF {r 'i).-_' \9 J + o (t u A s il o z. h x lll h J tlt F \j"r N t \) 7s d\i N: \ F E il -{ F I $ d I U f 2 $t fl+3 Sr $F{ frtrF 3, 8', 3 IL $ aF$s z TP;?<*< $ $RE +i $$* =3t ( v O Q GARAC€ ,u*a) -feJ1//o\/e q-,x,qNo :nlgn grrNE w\1*EXl67iN 6AsJrlF,rEl,g =X\?TING GA?nGE fu)<6 l mnc ex6TtNe zE F-xteal 2'\ eA.. NEW o.H. GAR..\68 Doe & Our Bhc<_Roo? oy&t+H.to Ao 1r-"rr TO NeA* l+EtG++T cl-EAR.^Nc}-' ./( : I 3 WW gU'frRD UAHIE Al-o^lG \Ne6a FI-GE o? EXI4TING ?RI\EWAY. . ARZ&ft€Cr rO srAKE EYALT a4c17at't ot u6FT6. 3EE CUT S4€7T3 Ffr 'H-e1@ uGHt FtxTutw.V ie I i I I I I I I I p,='31 u*$1'o9 j*:*a4z iil, ffi::ff tnJ"xi"nr", fixtures will stand the test of time. Featured are louvers that direct tiers of light downward into a variety of landscape settings. Night or day, they are ideal when blended with lush shrubbery and flowering gardens along path- ways or walkways-anywhere well-shielded, functional illumination is desired. LOW VOLTAGE (12.VOLT) e K-15OO5 ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE r K.15OO5 BLACK r K-15OO5 VERDIGRIS LINE VOLTAGE (12O.VOLT) r K-152O5 ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE r K-152O5 BLACK r K-152O5 VERDIGRIS SPECIFICATIONS Housing Durable die-cast aluminum construction. Base has % NPSM thread. Molded "ribbed" lens of clear UV stabilized polycarbonate provides high impact resistance. Finish Baked thermoset oowder coat. (Verdigris color hand-applied over powder coat base f inish.) Socket 12-VOLI single contact bayonet base, zinc plated. 120-VOLT oorcelain. medium base nickel olated screw shell. Wiring 12-VOLT fixture wired with 42" of - 105"C #18-2, SPT-1-WA leads. .QUIC DlSC"rM cable connector supplied with each 12-volt f ixture. 120-VOLT fixture wired with 30" of 150"C #18 wire leads. LAMP GUIDE System Lamp Type Wattage 12 VOLT 1156 (supplied 24.4 (nominal with fixture) at 12-VOLTS) 120 VOLT A-19 75 UL listed and CSA certified for wet location. MOUNTING ACCESSORIES (sotd ssparately) A variety of mounting options are available for complete system versatility. a Patent No. Des. 330,603 Rd., Enr., 1991 A :!-a_ Base/deck mount fu|""r'r)I Bollard kits ,caz JOz CARIBOU BI'ILDING VENTTIRES, INC. P.O. Box2960 EDWARDS, CO 81632 970-845-0300 TO: Guge Rutha Torn of Vail Date: Septemba2S, 1998 Re: Zevada Residence, 1337 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Siding Replacement. Dear George: * On b*alf of Mr. lvlmuel Zevada of 1337 Vail Valley Drivg we hereby aclnowledge that we must replace all existing T-l I I plywood siding on the entire house with new siding. This is per the desigr review board and Tovyn of Vail" and we agree to do so. Sincerely, Building Ventures, Inc, pt-rpter) X Re-stuzeo .la- chimucys qlLslqg Dat$,xtt$lu" V'l tl 'r r"'tr'rrlrrirLri r nlf r' Fi'.a5.f:' FIIcoPY Department oJ Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 September 9, 1998 ,|r le*"'' o^^,-1f q-r' John Railton 954 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302 Re: Zevada Duplex Additions, 1337 Vail Valley Drive Lot 4, Block 3, Vail ValleY lst Filing Dear John: The building plans that were submitted have been reviewed by the Plaming Division' Prior to the plans being upproueA uy tt e;;ildi"g Division, the following items will need to be addressed' The plans will need to indicate compliance with the Planning & Environmental Commission's "oodition* of approval, dated August 10, 1998', as follows: I rhe plywood siding shall be removed [from the entire building] and the siding upgraded to 'meet the minimum requirements in the Design Guidelines' ./ The chimney be brought into compliance with the Design Guidelines. please make the necessary revisions to the plans. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me atg70-479-2140 to discuss the project' SincerelY,ffi/Ve- JeffHunt Senior Planner {g rtn"uo" r* firign Review l.f;?n Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Namc: Spad International. Ltd. (Zcvada Rcsidcncc) Ploject Descliption: Expand 2 existing bedroonr,s and I cxisting bathroom Owner'. Address and Phone: Spad Intcrnational, Ltd. 1337 Vail Vallcy Drive Architect/Contact. Address and Phonc: John Railton PO Box 430, Avon, CO 81620 949-5595 Projcct Strcct Addlcss: 1337 Vail Valley Drive Lcgal Description: Lot 4. Block 3. Vail Valley I t' Filing Parccl Numbcr: 2 | 0 | -092-0 l -007 Building Name: n/a Cornments: Received PEC apploval for Additional 250 SF of GRFA on tt-10-9li Motion by: n/a Scconded by: Votc: Conditions: see conditions of PEC approval J'own Planncr: Christie Barton Datc: tt/10/98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffAppLoval DRB Fcc Prc-Paid: $50.00 July 13, 1998 Dominic Mauriello Town of Vail Community Dovolopmont Dept, Dear Dominic, Re: Zevada Residence Enclosed is our application for a 250 sq. ft addition to this residence. Would you please schedule this for the earlisst date available for approval of this application, and al6o schedule this project for either staff or DRB approval of the design. At our mgsting you indicated that this may be a staff approval process, and we would prefer this approval as it will assist our time table. Please phone me if I can provide any further information. Thank you for your assistance. John Railton, (D ill[T0ltl.tctU0Y ARCHITTC]S AV O N D.hTgtt*'o ."F."'.s4--",*+ PROJECT CO CEP]S . REgDTNCES INTTRIORS TANOSCAPEDESIGN P0. Box430 tuon, Colorado8165/ (303) 949.5595. FAX 949.5516 i."!l . . r,4 i; taifr. a BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soflits Windows Windor,v Trirrt Doors Door 'I'rinr lland ol Dcck Rails Flucs Flashirrgs Chinrncys . Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Othcr LIST OF PROPOSED IVTATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: :FDF,,, H,',,, sT_/J,:'o COLOR:* f-Yt : - ' :. .,7 -:-; - ,r ,'r'... 1 + Pleasc spccify thc nranufacturer's color, nunrber and aftach a srnall color chip ^ ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposed, ! plcase indicate thc nuurbcr offixhrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and providc thc height above grade, lumcns output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhres. Updated 6/97 ZONE CHECK out . 7.15'1t Legaldescripdon'to, @ Address Owner Architect Zone disrict Lot size 'Qtz Phone Phone Proposcd use Buildable area - Allowed Existing proposed Toal Remaining d 20' 15' t5' 3-zt tT (a\ 3T 3'/6' Parking ^lo Ctnaq#q*r. Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2: l (50%) Environmcnhl/Hazards roar GI1FA qng + tlfu =_tr&!b_ btbo * Primary Gr\F^ Zn7fi$xy@l\=2??E fo(o * tla, = Ao(,o z@,i> sccondary cnru25175+e2sgg=rZT?.€ TpA * Zfu = VS1L * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? q€b How much of tlre allorved 250 Addition is used wjth tturrqrrrtZ__?42[_ Site Coverage Height t" /C- Setback 4,7 z Vsga * 155 = (o,ll l'i Landscaping Retaining Wall Hcighs Minimum (30x33) Front Sides Rear Q\qg9?o0) (1200) Permitted Slope _-o/"Proposed Slopc _% Yes_ No Yes-- No Enclosed 1) Pcrcent Slope (<>30%)_ NO 2) Floodplain 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50)NO a) SnowAvalanche b) Rockfall nlA c) Dcbris FIow tio jo 3) Wetlands 5) Ceologic Hazards Previous conditions ofapproval (chrck property ficl: tJO Is the property non-conforming? Describe:rla NO corrnty Development Plan noutfro.t Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Gary Goodell, Building Works Return To:Christie Bafion, ComDev Date Routed:7t14t98 Rcturn By:7t22/9tl Proicct Name:Zcvada Addition Proiect Address:1337 Vail Valley Drivc Project Legal:Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Valley I st Project Description:Additions to the rcar of the house. PEC meeting date 8/10/9u Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) _x_Approved with conditions Plcasc providc a title rcport. Teni Paftch reccivedT/14/9t1 rcvicwcd/returnedll28l98 mri/NOFVtn Department of Community Devebpment 75 South Frontage Rod VaiL Colorado 81657 97M79-21iE fAx97G479-24s2 TO: FROM: RE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDI.JM File Christie Barton 1337 VailValleY Drive Lot 4. Block 3. Vail Valley First Filing Additional250 GRFA Unit I of the duplcx at 1337 Vail Valley Drive rcccived approval for an additional 250 GRFA in 1990. The addition was never built' unit 2 of the duplex received approval fol an additional 250 GRFA on August l0' 1998' The applicant has one year ftom the date of approval to obtain a buitding permit or the approval shall be voided. {j*nnuor o" TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontagc Road Vail Colordo 81657 97(M79-2138 Erx 970479-2452 Augustl3. 1998 John Railton Railton - McEvoy Alchitects PO Box 430 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Spad International,Ltd. (ZevadaResidence) 1337 Vail Valtey Drive, Vail, CO Lot 4, Block 3. Vail Valley First Filing Dear John: At a mecting on August 10, 1998, thc Planning and Environmental Commission approved your application for an additional 250 squarc fcet of GRFA to allow for the expansion of living spacc at the above rcfercnced location. Thc following werc conditions of approval: L That thc plywood siding be removed and the siding upgraded to meet the minimum requilernents in thc Design Guidelines (Title 12, Chapter I 1.5.C). 2. That the chimney be brought into compliance with the Design Guidelines. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (970) 479-2454. Vety truly yours, r1r: 't- I ^ |Lrltnsfrl fulia,,r Christie Bartoir Planncr lI {j *nt"uor r"" l-' flLr coPy PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, August 10, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / LUNCH - Communitv Development Departmsnt MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Ann Bishop (left at 4:30) Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Vlsits : MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden Updated 7/28 lpm 12:00 p.m. 12:45 p.m. 1. Glen Lyon - 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West 2. Spad International - 1337 Vail Valley Drive 3. Mountain Haus - 292 East Meadow Drive # Driver:George NorE: lf the PEC hearing extonds until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 p.m. '| . A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a bedroom and bathroom addition to a two-family residence, located at 1337 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot4, Block 3, Vail Valley First Fiting. Applicant: Spad International (Zevada), represented by Railton-McEvoy Architects Planner: Christie Barton MOTION: John Schofield SECOND:Gaten Aastand VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the plywood siding be removed and the siding upgraded to meet the minimum requirements in the Design Guidelines(Title i2, Chapter 11.5.C). 2. That the chimney be brought into compliance with the Design Guidelines. , i'.,''i ,'.i '*J t Updated 7/28 lpm 2. A request for a setback variance and additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a living room addition, located aI 1241 Westhaven Gircle/ Lot 44, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Howard & Cathy Stone, represented by Michael Hazard Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED 3. A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for an addition and a request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction ol a Type ll EHU (Employee Housing Unit), located at 443 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. Applicant: Beaver Dam, LLC, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 5-1 (Galen recused) APPFOVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall record a Type ll, Employee Housing Unit deed-restriction with at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 2. That the applicant submit a revised site plan to the Town of Vail for review and approval illustrating the location of the seven required parking spaces on-site. The one required parking space for the employee unit shall be enclosed and located within the existing garage. 4. A request for a site coverage variance and a setback variance, to allow for a revised west entry addition at the Mountain Haus, located at 292 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: The Mountain Haus, represented by John Railton Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That an easement agreement be executed with the Town of Vail' 2. That there be a defined ADA access and in the future, if greater ADA access is required, it come out of the applicant's space and not encumber on the Town's space. | ,. Updated 7/28 lpm 5. A worksession to discuss an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Oflice Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg Planner: Dominic Mauriello/George Ruther WORKSESSION-NO VOTE 6. A linal review of a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail lnterfaith Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/ Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 'lst. Applicant: Vail Interfaith Chapel, represented by Gwathmey/Pratt Architects Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 24, 1998 7. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls Courtiunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 24, 1998 8. Information Update 9. Approval ot July 27, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available tor public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479'2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaked, for information. Com munity D€v€lopment Departm€nt TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development August 10, 1998 A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for an addition to a two{amily residence, located at iggT Vail Valley DriveiLot 4, Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Spad International, Ltd., represented by John Railton Christie Barton 1. The applicant is proposing to.add a 248 square foot residential addition to the existing residence (north and east sides of the duplex) located at 1337 Vail Valley Drive. An addition tdincrease the living space of the bedrooms on the first and second floord and an addition to expand the bathroom on the second floor is proposed. The existing deck will be rebuilt on the new addition.All deck railings will be upgraded to redwood rails (withlteel railings on the stairs). A landscaping plan is included to screen the new addition. The dupiex has plywooci siding on the upper level of the buildinE. The existing house was constructed in 1972 and therefore qualifies for additional GRFA under this ordinance. ' With the exception of the plywood siding, the existing duplex conforms to the Zoning Regulations. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: Zonihg: GRFA (w/250's): Unit I (W250): Unit 2 (w/2s0): Site Covorage: 20,961 square feet Two-Family Residential Allowed/Required 6,s45 sq. ft. 3,272.5 sq. ft. 3,272.5 sq. ft. 4,192 sq. ft. Existino Proposed Remainino 5,818 sq. ft. 6,066 sq. ft. 479 sq. ft. 3,060 sq. ft. n/c 6 sq. ft.. 3,100 sq. ft. 3,350 sq. ft.' 0 sq. ft. 3,886 sq. ft. 4.036 sq. ft. 154 sq. ft. ' The house was built under different GRFA r€gulations, hence the discrepancy between the allowed and proposed square footage. o III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Chapter 15-5 - Additional GRFA, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for additional GRFA based upon ti'te following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: '\ Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to ile proposed use: 1. 3. staff believes that the proposed addition will have no negative effects !po,! the existing structure or upon the existing vegetation in the area. Staff does not believe there will be any noticeable negative effect upon topography or drainage. Staff believes the proposed improvements will be in keeping with the neighborhood and the community lmDact on adiacent properties. The addition should not adversely aflect views, light or air enjoyed by adjacent structures. staff believes that the proposed additionswill nbt have a_significant impact on adjacent properties. The improvements face the golf course and blend in well with the existing structure. The Town ol Vail Municipal code requires that any dwelling unit for which an addition is proposed sh_all be required to meet ine town ot vail Design Guidelines as set forth in Chapter 11 of the Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, before any additional GRFA may be permiited in accordance with Chapter 15, the staff shall review the maintenance and upkeep of the existing single family or two family dwelling and site (including landscaping) to determine whether they comply with the Desrgn Review Guidelines. These standards include landscafing, undergrou-nding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the propertyl Upon review ol the applicant's request, the staff has determined that the proposal is in compliance with the Towns zoning requirements. The existingplywood siding needs to be removed and upgraded to meet Design Guidelines. The landscaping improvementdrilill improve the screening between adjacent properties, B. Findinos: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval tor Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the.requested Additional GRFA would not negatively etfect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. Thar rhe granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all Town zoning requirements and appricable deveropment standaros. The- Community Developme{ Department staff recommends approval of the request for an q9!t!igla1 248 square feet GHFA under the 250 Ordinance to aitow for a residentiat addirion at 1337 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. The staff recommends that the pEC make the following findings: 1. That.the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting ol the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will compty with all Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. The staff recommends that the pEc make the foilowing condition: ' 1. That the plywood siding be removed and the siding upgraded to meet the minimum requirements in the Design Guidelines(T'itte iz, Cnapter il.s.C). IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION F:\everyone\pec\memos\98'\spad.81 0 a\ t t nl z i*i l- l- li I IN r! \a)rY ln Ir l8l l?t-ti I t I.,lN !rJl l' ,N ;d= l i tN lo_ I I I I lu l6\-\\ I I I e\q )t".t ttl z 'lh Ito l{ \ilfi ['r lit rj 4' t\ Fi o fi F z o ( $t{€i(I'n $-..5F h slo { =:r}c = fin "{F$h lt!otr *$i 6 /^,t tJ\ z o $ll !' F o 0' m x !i 7 t\ trl r.l\ dt .4 U nt t) lfl I { o. 0 I '{- I 1-', {i iil' ;! IT t\ 5 h CN .ot -')i \B a -..-._---- AI\'A'-F F^ . -.,* TADtrMENT =--_/ l{ $:r (\ a $ 5l n Trl (i I N lI| U , fil t; :j |.\ \n {n li =l:i lr, : lll i,l t- s$ dF fin sq F:. rir\ xN Sdt 1' > \;:l \i ; \. ! ! "v I t :.+a' I o ,/T\ [, w trl i l-l LI > I I I I :> l-o <m T .11 t-o o f, !t- z .= A a i 1:-- iu y'o tF -t rrr i I I x *l- t- g 0 r:1.m ''n o o n ! >z L\ i- o_ 0\ Iu lm tv I rt P l+ lF\ -!v N t$il | -r-l- l3 $ t$ q lrl F \. I cl.Il\jl --.1 il, | \)! \'f, ': ii,rl 'u 'ri u'i)' l \ 'f \.-- -"' L ts \A ^,--.-t'_ott_ e!-16tl $.r iR i+i u s pt.€ i rl$ ^q{'r'}F$ti u i!$ ohl p >-) Tfr NI li n,s x_t $B t=tm; 'l$$$du $np 5il$-.-r rl l l JCF h;t 5N I' fix$tl1 < -i.: Q-{{r- trl h FO "yRq);- t! ri* m dzsg ' g$ r f fi:1 ^'i- t-.t:l r''dl F >l t o p fifr fit $g i16 Fn _(r <X 9+ E,o Tl'\fi 't .. va,v-Es* \- rl l -+ I z o n -l m m P. o z \ F rf f, g n $t FI T {j: (\ m -1 ii : i s I i, iii m @ m rfl. 6 z t 0 l0 tir s 0i a.t rIl 1,ry ; -.1 ,', ( $il! $t} ili$l[{*". l)fn i;: tV FR +fr Fv rl qs' iii d !ft '0 r. z o fl -{ m m f 6 z I'lf (J'7. 29. eB og: 10 ALIALOAIIWUcl DoctPoncY: dl|tlP 2t, "'s a' Atbw olltltuwtcc: I Itt'aao'oo I. Nunc dlwurcd: Dil&til tpiaz€4tlf, eartonj|frsf SCfrEIDITI,,BA trrtc E.N, A.!n o PO1 nI Poli€l No, LlnlrNo.: t-J|t'l0r7at, 0J-t07r-tt 2,Ihc.strttaorlntcrcttintulottdilttchisucrllibnsdbythclwuredtttwtgagcit: rtB Ewtt 3, Tttle tu rtc .f'tc'. m ht sr4st tn itu hrd it wntd it, ,r, ,^NOI& llt?lDt g' 5. Thc land rrl€rr€d to h Nt poLcl lt dadbcd a foUaw: s8 rtsrc','E &tar! Dttgtrftol9 4. Ihc iwad mo/tr'{'. ed atsrgttt tf'ltts thtrwf, if ury' an dctctlbd a Jbllow: , Defd 6t lttrl ficad Jsty 7t llllt rrrcutod ty f' tlnel fcrrdr E. r to tle nrDt6s tttrtCrr of Eerlt c'r6gf' to 'fs'ullr r! Iaae!t..al.cc or lllttll'.oo, llr fi"!r ot Dolrr! brcJtlgt Oeq)o|r|tiol' 8leordta fillt 27, 79tS t! 'oo' c7! tt "n l" tt f|o.tcic fro, B37l1l , tlE,':& 86, 6? Ttl o?. 29, 99 o g : 1 o^l/I SCflNT]I.EA Ordcr ltuttbu: tt0t tl\ IEGALDESCNFfiON gsndojaigr 6.t; z. $w e0f.corffr,'tffi, leoorifiag''go ttr GeldaJalur laP tBo'.ct taoorl.t LuEtttE 22. tllS ts lF,ot zt| .t DrtE 771 ta rcarPttor fr, ,2erl6, ud tt dcfia:d la lDr coltctJdsccd |!t|edr.sg |!d l.lh;eEeFt ot cEadonlrJr!| DrglrBgtop fot f,tl]f coadclgj n t taeorCd DrsaEr' trr' Tgto tz tooh El4 ar ?qc Ql| tt 'itstDlto,| Yo- la?,l3g. rtrrtr ot eofrrrw P02 E'd o?. 2e. ea oG|: 10 ro3 tttttotttloucv SCXEDI]LED-MI Ordar Msr: giolL6?t Poltcl No':r'tta'z0llarl Thit poticl docs ttot ilsnrc agalm lar,u or brcg (utd rtc Cottpty wlll rw py costt. ubrvGrs'f,*t ot apauu) tfrtichorlsc by rason of: I. Riglw or cl,rlilrw of puties in pr,csatslol.- not thon by thc ptUic re@rti,;t. 2, Easrrlwtlt, or clsitrs { ueanortr, ws rlwwn by tht pnbBc l.cotds, 3, Dbqepgr;vi5g,, cor{llrc h bowtfury l}llr,, tlnrlay. ln anz, lltrrarldttrllth, ud qq t!trit XlCch e coft.ct ,rrtwi o4tTtpacthn of tfu praffid wottltl tiltcloic ordr*fldtortilDl sluwby thcptblle nandl 4, Atrl lltn w rtgtu n a lteh lW sttelcx, lcbor m natcrlol icatolon n hwSlu @thtd lnpwd by bw ord not sltovntby ths pttblit r.cfrds. t UtpuMnlnlqctdttti. ftreftfuNotacepdoat inpaaw,otqt8t attttutttttg tr. hstt&rc.tlwcol; *wcr rlgltls, ctaln s ot lilh m walq. 6. tixes for t&c year 7993r not yae e IJca dur |!d Pw,ab',e, ?. TDe orfeeX of fuctgcJerr. i, any gActr.I I egectttg )aE E cgd{CF7'sq t ttta trogrqtiel, lojl eal'.r+r t4oa cr ac8or dlrtliet or itdtrurtqB l|r ||rZ r'.a.'l taaetc. o! tgral! ftlttofil|l|Eg at'la ' e, ta-all'rgjge,, ei arg.9ltaf aoFtlJn.d ,A V.t, ilEr/rhrt ar tr| llclt ruElorlriag Glr Jrlrrrlor Et;tttolt sroorCrd iluzt 2lr It0J lrr loot t! rt t tl ll9, rtttgvllf tt ,tart. cf tfu ,tottl.ter oC t vtle or Iod. fo rttlr!! .rd r|lotl ur orr glrcftroF roa ,, dg&tr ol rrr'' ,$ Ctheb.. uC sllrlr equttlaaEd uadrs glr ruClrcrity 6g tl. eJud ttr!.r, t. t rilfr f8J con.tiilcts of tle tfccactl"r dorcn:llr ol tleti ttllTey SvHltt',toa, r..osd.t fry I3, ttri tn toa,ir a7? .t trl|€ 103 tt lrcrPtjoa ft. ttttrt, /t tO. trr-.stt. ,.t|'l|latLcd!lc .d slrbh 'og'aat? ts fig''a cl ite ,2a; ot v|dl Vlr'lrt firHlrarlsat ':og,oailfd t&y tlt tt70 ta Dod,.2r7 r! DrSt €Lg .. ItoqPtlF s.v tltt9t, !!. ll1gg14,. c4gdl1lrn3st tatefi.tlard, se.wlctlon;- a.d eDlttlttelr rr csntrJald t" ,/ thA co$olldet.d ,!e!r!|l|D! |!d 8€rt|tr.at ot dor4o8trlfil! DrclrrarJo toc nty' Coadsrlcist, rccotled Dtcortlct 77, TttO Js loot gll .t geJL 070 rr IrorDlJcB nc. 1a0765. lz, E..auEE, rolcrjdtioat l# rtfitt.Qt.flll r, .!om oo ttlr dondodajsl se tu/ &fa Cgd.lja&re, recordrd lsgqat zlt tt?, tr ,ool 230 tl ,e,ia ,22 u nooeitt*| rc. tt3Et6, .A,ltt o ,'d t'ug9!69 85. 6Z Tlf o qgLE ggu/v / r 1'! | |r'e,,, ,' ,re l:?- b. 'r 2 \q Et- t2'4; ,VE n rn? -/l | ^t \ I !'rL'/ I , yt6. \\l,t r "'l \ r -l I N \"\ ^i \8 \ \,i ,\.tF,, -_--t'f "F1 \,u\ ($ \\tt --1N \,\\r\N\rl "' 'N *rff- R 1a'cy'er' 1 lll F 'LOT4 A*:--:- \l '..,. -'\"i 3 -Y"+r,'3f-- ',0 \n u\ i ' \F,W 'r \J-5 {f, r, AeF/4 e''it r<'- Gcs- t 't// Qt fa51 /: 7' iv i? - ,/l'-- I AEEA PL Lt'L.'E. i6' .r. Grctee 9a * {'t":t 'o ,4 ca'!/ut i+< \\i,\ t\\ -rl 11 ' (. \x,!- 4eFA ;' J-'S 6{t \!-r 4 t \N \R \$\f'\ )! W.; g'-- \-l \1.\\\\r ,\\*\; ,\H s\sl s\:.\L \ N\,\\ 'r\ l ..r" 'lA ' \.r\(:) 9 TE ,?CA,\ 7CC e /C' t 3C -ee- 3. g r_C 2 rncr| etS 2,a t Cu1 ec ,'t S --i-- guczs ?'ce 2" /,3e !r $,.+ &-A ,S '# 'q" rb il -:t*'!i 'i \A2:o ZEVADA RESIDENCE LOT 4 BLOCK 3 VAIL VALLEY FIRST FILING 1337 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS ON EACH SIDE, BEHIND AND OPPOSITE .,; 4 Unit 1 Lot 3 Lot 5 Lot 22 Claire Evans 3401 Northside Parkway Atlanta. GA 30327 Diane Writer 3720 Williamette Lane Littleton, CO 801 21 Charles Smith & Deboreh Nunez P.Q. Box 8227 Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Deborah Nunez 12445 Keystone lsland Drive Miami, FL 33181 Marvin & Rosalind Kochman 35 Prospect Park W Apt 15-B Erooklyn NY 1 1215 William and Gudrun Benkendorf 12 Reger Road Flanders NJ 07836 Chris and Karen Kempf P.O. Box 803 VailCO 81658 Roy and Paula Lawrence May 1358 Vail Valley Drive Vail Co 81657 l,'L. / | Lot north of property Vail Golf Course Town of Vail c/o Finance Department 75 S. Frontage Road ,7ntr 6A:r' act/-iE Vail CO 81657 TH]S ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 10, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for an addition to a two- family residence, located at 1337 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot4, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Spad Intemational, represented byRailton-McEvoyArchitects Planner: Christie Barton A request for a setback variance and additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a living room addition, located al 1241 Westhaven Circle/ Lot 44, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Howard & Cathy Stone, represented by Michael Hazard Planner: George Ruther A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for an addition and a request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construciion of a Type ll EHU (Employee Housing Unit), located at 443 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. Applicant: Beaver Dam, LLC, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther A request for a site coverage variance and a setback varience, lo allow for a revised west entry addiiion at the Mountain Haus, located at 292 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: The Mountain Haus, represented by John Railton Planner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site, located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg Planner: Dominic Mauriello/George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 24, 1998 in the Vail Trail. .t .l}PEOFAPPLTCATION: . A latitono GRFA 62s01 . tr BcdfidBGslf,d tr Condidonrl Urcpctnir tr Mejcor BMhor$ubdivirisn . tr Raonhg ' . tr SignVrdilrcg tr Vrrisncc E ZonhgCodcArrcadrnort z 9g'5 5548131 P.61 PLICATIOI{ FOR PI,AIIII{ IrrC TTITWR,ONMENTAL CO||{MIS$IONAPFROVAL Araar&not tt lr ApprouGd Dcvctopncnt ttr _e.mfl$,c.jnrdrgunir(typ€ I M{or or tr trSEorCCl Ertcriq Alterrdon fliillmrgs) Mlic or tr Mhor GCII Ertsior Alrcl*tior (Llo"rtcrd) Spcdrl Da,rlopruat Dkttlct Mqjw cr H Mhor Anrndmsnt b rl SDD JUL-A?-1998 12:34 ?P5 4B - 6tB Thb rpplicrson ir frr !|v poittt ryrlulriru 1m.,ovl { drc Hmnhg nd En,irurnu*rt Gorrndrdon F66 rpcifie i1f1f 311"|3f,lfg_=lylt:f $"p.,ii*ro+n*ilnrr-iroquiJ,'irarpptiudoaennorbo rcccacd undt rll rquircd infornudon ic rubmincd.' n-e proirjr'rnryrfil;*i? b" ft;fr;ffffi.1}1;Cffii rrrilordro Deri3r RcriswBorrd. : o tr tr tr ct tr B,DESCRTPTI0N oF rHE REQUEST; @ NAMEOFOWNER(S): @ G. c. MAILINC VAIL" C OWNER(S)ETGNA NAMEOF IT{AILING ADDRESS: FEE . gEB TTIE SUBMTTTAL NEQUIREMEITIS FOR THE AFPROPRT.ATE }EE, ctllilrrr rrlls lfFrruATlolt AI.,L gUEMrrrAL REeIIlnEuENtB AIyD TsE tlr To rE DEPABTDGNT OF GgI}fir'NrTY DEVDI.OPMEM, ?5 SOuTH TROIIITAdE NOTO, VAIL, COTORADO 91657, lrrt d4tl TOTAL P.El 07. Cr?.96 l0:30 AM F0l A.ts1g rantagntrxn.-f(19f{- I ' r' a\./l\ l' lldd-ll O our* cr,Ar' DEED O rrno r*rr*rorrnr**1 rro., rHis DEED, Made thisJUL 06l9SLy of Eu,*$.[#dJ go$,i*glffai' rp o r a t i on _ rHis DEED, Made thisJUL 0619$y or rury, r$gEu,*$.["tdJfio$,*l*Uffa lffi HT Ji :: ",,ii" w,'f ;$$pp4+*gffi :'i: : ;f "::' i ::" I " l3l3 3 :;ffi HT J5 :: ",,iiu "", of o#F%cd.l"&ffi":'i* ;i"::' ; :;" I " lSll 3 : "1S t14 /,+{ CALLB 22, UNIT 34, MEXfCO CITY, 14620 MEXICO DF, MEXICO DP of the County "f,hk6-},l*-Sx|pd State of Mexico, grantee: WITNESSETH, That the grantor for and in consideration of the surn of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has rernised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents does rernise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIlrl unto the grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and denand which the grantor has in and to the real property, together with finprovements, if any situate, Iying and being in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado described as fol lows:A tegHgltttft$,ff'rnt z, HUE CONDOMINITJMS, According to the Condominiurn 1973 in Book 230 at Page 711 defined in the Consolidated Condorninium Declaration for L7, t99O in Book 544 at Page as known by street and nurnber as:#2, Vail, Colorado 81657 1337 VaiI Valley Drive, Unit TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sane, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right,title, interest and claln nhatsoever, of the grantor, either in 'law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. The singular nurnber shall include the plural, the plural the singutar, and the use of any gender shall be applicabLe to aII genders. III t'tITllESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this deed on the date Aol |!-r P -.r t-r t-* al O-l FJts 'o I al r\)FIA p) gq o-r Of.) t\ d('l c) tl Of-r.! (Jt tit F"'d O|- o .1 o.o O '!,5 .o I tr-r p 0q tsfr oo ON) g\ at ()l O O c^) OA >i Fd F. "d OH o o o.c ori FJ \ .^\: \ o Il .u (! tr o >\+]'rl +J o .rt r-l c)tr o {J o 't' u o tr o, t.r o0 .Fl o tt) (D C)r P-r p(o CO F' bd tnl O*J FJ@ Map thereof recorded August 22, as Reception No. 126576, and as Amendnent and Restaternent of Hue Condorniniurns, recorded December 020 as Reception No. 440155. Urritod hlffil@ Statu State of Fod*lrl Stner*st t -- -€ft''T+.+rtr:*r*- ? rlr - Fra'.o+a!o?, oC tUo D:dad I sS o)ln .!. _ o)Fl O H a\ \, a'\ \J '(-t-tz c o o z Q {F c o -{o z -o m n ={ q, m Iq L.O l=8 E Ite i lm: 6 l9e =IJY o l: + -rr 14[ I t<+l l=t :T5 o€1c dQ a*CE >t 1i5 fri3 I s = m@ rF m= 95 =z oo t- DA 3P z=9(D 2=6o z flflfl 1o c?ij o 8=zx H' iE o 2p -.{ c 8E d3 F * -.t ;{8i d9 n- o Za -{m fr2 >m on -{>or-n F o I ;m o I €z m v t tD z =IT N P >/ F / ttt tz o Etl rr I fiF c)>'t- =m o z o r fr l-r-Y zl 7+/ l+-FI EI EP LT l.J I l-l El-l'l tl ll/ '-.1 ,m r m i l€z .ll l>F t m 9' z o I = { 1l I I \\ {o {z o .t1 r m o z o ._l --l I l u = F H t. F I-r r q E H z m t-m F. I .! l-{|o t= lz lo l'n t<t> lF It lm P tz '1 I fr! r K tr r f-l<tr F] Ed r. nq tr P E { m -rl F.\o I {o €z "rl t -t m t l'.J N) I rfl |'t = z F H -.{m |- Fl 5 I +s- l{ t{ lz lo l'r1 t<t> lm z +- I n r R., .J z z -{ )o t ! >' I t1 3 |- !m E { J1 '1t = t4 t-ts ii 7 F' H z I -{ I :r T x --l :) =e =E >t 9lB Yt>#lz (,lC t lr't -l->lN ;r lFl rr l<3t>IH I.J IF *l .r) |D-. I I I I 9z aq mt ll 1.. O t-o lZA IF! < Irs O iO .TI l'T l:S l;<1+.= -{o (D m x m -It -l o z L o E 2 -{m o) --l @ cd =DO-;E3d 'ogd iaRg :8 *B 0lIri : =0) O =:EF * 1*s' oo=f siSg ^- ii qr o HQda IrgB. 3aB=(og =(/,de{€ -! otE d_3- = d ;'a 9. d { o f- -J f- o ci' * IgaE ; =.9I @5oL 3nd1 ;iF= Es ilq i:3q 3 AH*g .onERA fra;e ;' A, )+ O = o --- d =.o { D ! o -o.c =i o f =cl ((l o o qt J o o o s f 0! o vl o 'o )_{ o €f !t !p. o D o (D 5 o a r F z |! H F] FI s 1= >o z^ -t>r-{mc a!:lm =/\mal !n €z m ! o z -{u i ! 'n o , =o m r t ^z o - q, z o l z t- m =i o z m m o m n l<" lz lz li t>lr (, :r o I of,'l|T m m t-m ? m > ll' tl ll", O ilt ll" ll ll m :r € T (t, z - =o z -.t m =o x z m a o |-t- m I q o I -l 2 -.t z I |n ! F m ao t m -tr z c z =(1' o o o I z c z i z m { -{m t z x a _- z l.' m !m t o _tt t- =o 2 h U) 6)nre 2 sr iU 9H iio F>1',|il 68 o<z v6'.4 Io 6n 6= = b z9 - ! 'nzz €o a x ts>- No= Sm= 0., I- !-<E< = K :r ^i -l 3 z -l n .-t I n I Q' =z a F @ F I z o z o -.1 m o i.i =z =6 8 -.{o -{ m l-1 =l 3L. .- =l -6)l rd Ol =31 -ol '.i tl 14'l I I ?l 6l I \ol 5 I ol tti'l I I E z a F,:I P z n lrt I N) I \o s. {o -.1 t-T m ! =-.Tl m m o {r r c)F t- tr. o m x t-m z - !I m ! a -i m g, 2 m s m = a m m I o z n n m =m z c) - r o z o m t-m -{3 - t- z m o x o - = tn 7 3 -{ !m F =-{.Tl m m U' ) VALUATION !m F ={ =9 -m o z o !t- =q z o m t-m -{ 5 t- @ F o 2 6) c..!t\ N) c'\\o \'|l^J (,N) +s.s t\,NJ vJd/o uh,ft,6= LT I a [xl-Eutldlhg [ ]-Plunblng I J-Electrlcal [ ]-lrechanlcal t l-Othar 'ob Nane: Zevada Remodel_,Iob Addrese: 1337 Vail Valley Drive I€gal Descrlptlonr Lot_1 Bloc Flllna UAJ- IE 'I st Vail Va1ley Oflners Name! Manuel Zevada Addrass: Club de Gold Mexico or ffi AfChltect: Slifer Designs Address: P.O. Box 5540, Avon, lO."h. 949-1621 Cenoral Oeecflptlonl _Ielodel kitchen, bathrooms, windoh/s & doors 3 6 @ fmber and tlYp6 of tireplacesi Gas Applrancea x Gas rogs_ woodr/per1€t_- florlc Class: I J-Ner [xl-Alteratlon I 'lunber of Druel.llng Vn1tst lectrLcal Cdres6t Contractor: tunblng tdressr :chanl.cal ldress:eontractor!Vail t****t | **rt *tttt t*tt**!r*t 'TI,DINO PERMIT FEE:NMBING PERMIT TEE! JCIINIICAIJ PERI'IIT FEES .,ECIRICAIT FEEs :HER TYPE O8 FEES I,B SEES tgq: l-Addltlonal t l-Repalr t J-othsr Nunber ot AccohmoAadion Unlte: 1 r*t*t*****'.)ia:b|:#*t***tt**** VAHTATSOLSJ *r-1'**t",**rr***rr*rrri******rii*** .y,*3Is: I!*H{ ElcerRrcAr t-!ffffi orHER! |'nruBrNG: -1@ 'ecfift:id#;i-.'f'OC ;6f,it; @ **t****rf t**r*ir*rrr**** *r* goNrg4 'eneral Contractor: H & R ConfidcUr _ TNFORI{ATTON * * * r r * * 1r * r 't * | r * * I * * r r * r, * * ir InC. ?^,=^ddfAgas P.O. Box 2 . NO, 39438 Town of Vall neg. NO, 394=e Phone Nunb€rr 9 4-9-1 44- CTOR D9t T65E, Gontractor: ro$rn of Val,l Req. Nb.Phone Nunrber: -v4Y-6i-6T- Town of Vail Res. NO.Phon€ Nunbers -949-777- Town of vall Reg. NO,Llf i -Phone NumDerr .1 oFrrcE usE *r ti** **irr***r*t**t **it ***rtii EUIIJDXNG PI.AN CHECK FEEI FL,tI'fBrNc PI.AN cHEcK FEEg MECHANICAL PIAI{ CHECN TEE:RECREATION FEE!, CT,EAIT.UP DEPOSITI TOITAL PERMIT FEEBS BUTITDING: SIGNATUREI ZONTNG! SXGNAEUREI Wagner Electric, Inc. Val-le Plumbin Valley plumbing ***tr e0'd v00'oN zt;sI v6,eT AVW ZSve-E'l Y-SoS:0i li3o-HCl lIHfi -J0 NFln I ',' Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: ZEVADA REMODEL DATE: 5-26-94 ADDRESS: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR CONTRACTOR: H & R CONTR VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: SLIFER OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION; V-N PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 IJBC. 3. FrELD INSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WIII BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. l ..r ' .U aL:-.- Fr---!---- ^^.tr- --l--u oGign Review a"tiln FCn . TOWN OF VAIL catesoryruumner 7 ,^r" (/te/lq erqea*ame: Zv VqJq R e s i, (e,r c e _r r-llaf '/u,' Building Name: Project Description: owner,Addressanapnone: Pl,:, r,ue L 2 < y'4zlq- o / / - r;'5- t 7 | - <t//:* ("r(le-';a tz''l Cl-{,,.1e a*,bl //'t'1ttr,;- l'/€7o Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: Fe rz y ssfe , 4,teru, ar'. g t6ze Legal Description, to, { Block 3 suooivision /q,'zone District 7iEA y' ,1-) L^. i f-.(-L | -\ (( (^;c r 4,,.t; ' . Fr,:rrf : t-rl:rF.,l'lf{i1'/ZEufin'-',''"- ' '-' otrlf'lE tt':. : bEll siiii* ;;;;;;";;;- --;p," zi,r 't i'r,rru r..rr tlnru r-urij[rv't[,,!nBujlJi;l'x'/;jltl -.r un URI ItSSLIef,lION * lt0l|H,ep vilItrr D.ATE'IPPIJICATTON hEGITIVED r Jurr. lE 1934 ll:5Ef1ll FE: 9, lJ4 22 ;[1!r.i,]rr,.(rlh F.0.1 D'ITE OF DRB }METIUA: ffi I. 8. TYI,ll OF &EVIElf i .,- ' ^. Now gonstrueglon ($200 .00) ./:$tnor AlteroLlon ( $20 . 0O) ,. lrdcllti.on (f 60.00). _ Conceptual Revlew ($01 w |''\\FQ}AJ,F..,. _,.r_si..rl4_ C. ADDRD$8I 'rflr\ rl.;i D, tr DGAL DESCRIFII0N r fot *-#- Block Eubdiv{glon _,..-._-ffi I-f propgqEy to osqcrlbect by a meogs and bourrds togal.deaqflptlon, pIGaE6 provtdd en a separste ehoet oncl .rftaolr to thtg bppllcot'lon. lONINO: ,.OT AREAi If, requtredr apptlcant rnust irrgvlcle a cur'r6nt s$otnpgd gurv€y shovrlng lgt area. re G. NAI'IE 9F ITPPLICIUITI - Errg tpp,.retrErillff*il;"r DE r','-ifu- /''r'rr',rrr.t n,-, mE i i; -sd ntouiruo r,Bonr{f,rr gN r B'cEfiHDrt# t/i ly/, tlF y, DEPI.il *llr r tr I IIRB FEE!, DRII feesr as Bhc,tin abuver ars Lo be pald at the tlme of eubmlttul of DRB apprlcrtlon. Irhuol'. Hhorl 6pplylng for a bulldlng permlt, plcasc 1r:lentl,fy tno sccurlte valuctlon of, bhe proposal, Tne Toun 0t ValI E. F ll . -?, --* iiiii zi.."iii&',i #*F$ NnlIE 0F ArpLrcNrTlS RE1eRD$ENt'ArlvD; r I$t. tl/Jur.{/., -,MaitInE acldreea r .E?lqneJ,?. . .-. phone j: NAiln OF 0WNERS t . sP,i\g ERNATIONAI,, Ll'D; Condorrlnlum hpproval tf applloalrle. K, w{II adJugt Ehe fEe scoord{rrE to tlre tsb}o Dolor{1 to r t,.'tl)ensuro uhe corusct J:ce ts pald. qrf9 l"ll\lvlT w'4\1 EELSCHI'DEE-L VALUATTOII rEE " r7rrl I 0 .. I 10,000 6 20.00 v'0 0.-f 10,000 62o.oo $ 10, 001 - f, 50,0oo s s0, oo ,050,001 -$ 150,000 $100,00 $1s0,00r*$ $00,000 $200,00 $5001 001 * $trf 000, 000 ${oQ. oo 0 Over 0r ' 000, 000 $S00 .00 I D*SION II.EVIEH EOSI.[' A!FN,O!A'J EXPTRIS ONE YS.h.H. JLTTEh FI}IIJ' ,{I'PRO\I|AI/ U}II,f$S tr BUII,DINO PER}IIT Tg ISSUEb trND CONSIRI'CTIOII TF 8TA.RTED. *TNO APtsI,IQ'LTIOH YfrI,Ir BE PI\OCESSED HITgouT omIERIs sIc}TATu,\JO $oelred gliltL F t- /:t r;)!!l\crr co#nano ' -1'l'\gf ' i 'J, PBQIpcfr-f,NF0Blrnl, { os ; A. DEBCRIFIIONr T0ilN LIF UFIL illllEu t,?3A3-479-2452 JUI',1 07 '94 14:31 N0.003 P.02 t lnformatlon is before a f,inal MATERIALS I ._.--..--.-l-_: to the Deaign COLOR ID o r,JsT pF MATpRT{u€ o NAME OF PRO.TECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOTrZ BL,oCK "_r_ SUBDrvrsroN STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIDTION OB PRO..TECT: The followlng Rev1ew Board A, BUILDING Roof Sidtng 0ther Wall Materlals t FascLa Sofflts wlndowg wlndow rrim Doorg Door TrLm Hand or Deck Ralle FIUEg Flashlngs Chlnneye Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPINGT Name of o."*flffi:: PLANT MATERTALS ! Bgtaqicat Ne,me PRoBOSED TREES Nr- required for subml_ttaI approval can be given i TYPE OT' }ATERIAL Wod. Sd,d hre- Noed - c2/or *lrn,4, W{/,*1 NBoa ^ofu, rc"iLn"z - "J it /^^,r r'- ffi B. Common Na@ Oq.Fntltv {ize* EXISTING fREES TO BE REJ.{OVED Utt- - * Indlcate caliper for declduous Crees.Min helght tr6es.s is z inches. Indlcate for conlfero-us t rt SLIFER or;:w Designs TOV.COM[/|. DEV. DEP[- Cop of ,.^rork- rVZl VAtt- vAL{&1 Drtvf LETTER OF AGREEUENT is entered into between Manue1 and Mary Zevada, (the Slif er Designs, Inc. ( ttslif er Designsrr) - will provide the client with interior planning and for r-evising the client's residence at 1337 Vail #663 This Agreenent rrClientrr ) and slifer Designs specifications Valley Drive,Vail, Colorado. The scope of work to be performed by slifer Designs will be the re- design of the following areas: L. Kitchen 1 2. Dining/Living Roorn 3. Master Bedroom and Bath qffiw&W 6. Additional Bath on Second Floor (Bedroorn Floor) 6. Fireplace with Design of TV Cabinet Slifer Designs will provide consultation services for the selection and specification of the fotlowing: t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. L0. Floor Coverings Throughout Plunbing Fixtures Lighting Fixtures Door and Bath Hardware Cabinets and Counter Tops in Kitchen and Baths Stone work for Fireplace Base and crown Molding styles, Materials, Finishes Stair Railing Front Door and Hardware Paint Colors slifer Designs and any other will coordinate changes with clientts contractor, parties involved at the client's request. The fees for these servlces will be $85.00 per hour, plus any reimbursable expenses for blueprinting, copying, federal express, telephone expense, etc. Vnil/l]""u"" C.""k 182 Auon R,raJ l).O. ltox 5540 Av,'u, Ll,rl,'rnJ,r I l(r2() 303.949.1 621 llax i0i.949. | 122 A ('r la r. 'l { ('-,rr'r t ion r:_r ul K F. lN ltil l;:;i ltb !'N \0 *c r:.i:l -rl ffl r;:' ::p f.- r:r'l _-l :11 r;:,:,: r: j ...:i {})'!f 'o f 'l (-\ f'li f< U IJ q 16 (.r I L (f, ?1 -l c- (s ql r) U t t-g P --n -l r:::.1 .. t-" [::]:$ ftt t-t] ;: I r-t -..1 r:.4:r r, l :l:: l1t i,l f.- tTl t:;I frl l:i r: :l :;::: ft"l :tl o rt o o \\\.\\\\\((\t {\\\(\\ r:.r:l :iiii:: t,..._ ';:j rt::i" ;:l:l: n Y) C. \.! I {))tl ii\! i; -r:l f- t,:;:: iiii:: l::i:l r:; :r r:.ij l, .t .:l:" t"fl t...1 i;;.:..: f- t"tt t::.1 r::i r-t ::':. \I '\ \a /ir -a ir-'_)- -b J or F tt) ;o tfl I I r:.r':l | .:r:: l:;:',,1 I iil | ::I r,..1 I ri -!.li ir 1..,. + r:.r:l ::i::: r:::j :il:; t-tt :l:.1 -l {:: t-fl I'.1 5 )'! 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I t-'il l'' :-l I r"l I J^ -'l-;:) {ct'c ,i -L.. a\ o-, fi r\ (''"c ilr,rqT r: o 4, TorrrH oF-;;;.----- l,fiscel I eneq.rs Cash FF_,- 13_t4 tl; ?6: te F;e,c*ipr # l5Efls Frrc,un t # t:Fj # .r i LL Flfflt[:[;r.FF.:EFHIIj iJni':,Un t tende r*,J ! I rem paid Ei{t[rfiF41f,f,tBffEl l:han,l* rFturnF,J 3 TH$fHr< 'Jfq FEB\.EE(JATU EENEI,EL IE. OB Csount paid TF. OE B, ss vou r.rrur_ cishier HEIDI TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMEI.{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CHFfKS M./\DE PAYABI.E TO TOWN OF VAIL 42115 UNIFORIvIPLU\'IBIN -il]6 I uNTFORM,\rEeMxlr .12.+I-5 ] UNIFORN4 FIRE CODE l1r1') I 0000 41112 r RE-INSPECTIONS -r ooiro + r -r.r :--lFr-a NEEViEW R E - eH E c K F E E ISIdFE RHR. i 0000.123.32 , OFF HOURS INSPECT]O or oooo + r lii rcoNrn rcrORs llde-xsEs FEES 0r o60o + irr-r : stclr AppL rC;TIoN ilEE-- 0 I n0n0 I 1 r r .i - A D Dl -TI oSAfs-lGSA c EFEilt s I C ART PROJECT DONATIO] Ffe pA r n-p Es-Ic N n e Vl Ew iloa n oFEil T OO_oO+SITil-TOV PARKING FUND 01 0000 J 1 1 BUILDINGIN\/ESTIGATIO\ u I t-t ts_K C APPLICATI 01000011ffi 1 0000.11.3-30 ;EXTERIOR I-130 .SPECIAL DEVELOPT,IENT D]STRICT 01 m 4i.?30 SPECIAL D 41.3.30 SUBDIV]SI MO # L__ I CK# ! J -. :r ]'lNi ":bi, - q!_l LOCATION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r, 479-2138 7sr;/*n"'"..--oor, ?/64 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: ?tu CALLER MON TUES WED AM@ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. V*orc" / wArER tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 2138 ? ROJECT y' ,o, *or. READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES D THU ERO BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr o D tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND )nf,oucH / D.w.v.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING faoucn / wArER O GAS PIPING - , /(.;,-'tt:;,7 ' t I .. ..t;,:., .,t: I ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL o FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o tr E FINAL tr FINAL A OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /,/ /./ t,/'DATE 7-/@ /'/ |NSPECTOR I h78: PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: /JOB NAME O DISAPPROVED WFD .' t,1,,:' ThIUR ,l' ' .. lrt"6 I INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - r 479-2138 . 't !" ri'S /'AM PM iS''z- ./") CALLER /')PECTION: / j4 INS BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n FtooF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAI-N FINAL pLECTRTCAL:\MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING i:lnouo-r {D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL D FINAL pneenoveo ' coRRecttoNS:/t) /((a L t. : REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE 'y' 2 ,: .,!4 INSPECTOR I r1r r-.,(o lc-,*flcnoN neciue$r TOWN OF VA|L I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 479-2138 lr t JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES READY FOR LOCATION: '-) ri \ (-.\-- -/ CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER p FRAMTNG \n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ D POOL / H. TUB NAIL u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAI-tr FINAL !fa tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED |" INSPECTOR ,*, 9k'/ z,/ I I ,r$ar,o, REquEsr TOWN OF VAIL - r., BER OF ROJECT r'/'/1 JoB NAME DATE READY FOFI INSPECTION: LOCATION: 479-2138 CALLER TU PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 4f: 1t rN#CTION REqUEST TOWN OF VAIL - r,, 479-2+38 ' DATE JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION; M,gN | /- , l./,I ftug)wED THUR FRr - AM @ LOCATION: lrq // BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB (sxeernocK NArL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rrft CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - v 479.2t38 | IN tr SPE i r: ].,'" -' .-rv I '.--1 -".' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES ,{" onre ll / t4lrr4 JoB NAME Llill r'i vt ii t f .' CALLER r ; ,,'1 i"il (t.if irf/ .a"BUILDINGi'i n; tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr FOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr D tr FINAL tr SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL tr FINAL :e APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I t - ,. .r'.) ... , . , , .'','1.' rrv#cnoN TOWN OF tt REqUEST vAlL --.._, PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT 479-2i138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR TUES FRI nu\ PM CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,- BOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED ,-.: ]]tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: 1t1,421t - -- - oerc /J "/5' '7* rNsPEcroR ,*r#"roN TOWN OF $F$tF"qzg-fua -''' ; i DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ,at'l CALLER 1l qE /.n q .- 'i., WED ;'x1' -. -' , UR LOCATION:',/j PERMIT NUMBER OF, PROJECT BUILDI PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR CIIECK RESUEST PREPARED BY:DATE: 1 VENDOR NAME:o-/ r i, VENDOR NUMBER: DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: CLEAN UpDEposITREFUND IroR Bp # Kqs- .,<.t,r ,tr / d - L)/( u NAME OF JoB: S p/tr0 /-4 7-e-/a ttt*f r O,L/4_c_ ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOLINT OFREFUND: DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: ffi z 6#'e l/adr//ar /t .00 345 .75 3t 5 .75 BALANCE DUE---- **i****rcft******i:t************tir************t****ir******t******lr*********************************f***************ldr*****t********** BUILDING DEPARTMENT . DepI: BUILDING DivisioN:CHUCK ACTion: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeDT: PLANNTUE Pivision:CHUCK ACTion: APPR FOR GEORGE ^ FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:CHUCK Action: APPR PUBLIC WORKS DeDt: PUB WORK Division:CHUCK Action: APPR ***************ffirr****ffi******************************ff************J.***lnk**lit*******************ff********rrrr***trH(tr,H(***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication/ fil,Led out in ful.l. the infofmation required, compteted an accurate pLot ptan, and state that att the inJormation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with the infornation and ptot Plan,to compty with att Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the T L i cabt Bui (di ng-----) Ptan Check---) Investigation> I'l i L l, caL L----) 115.00 87 .75 .00 3.00 Restuarant P [an Kevl eH--z Recreation Fee----------> Clean-Up Dcpos i t--------> 20.00 .00 100.00 315 ,75 Addi t iona L Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- TOTAL TEES REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: Item:051-00 77 /20 /199s Itbm:'05400 17 /20 /1995 It'em:'05600 Lr /20 /1995 Ttbm:'05500 rL /20 / Tees {pr"n"uo'ruo OR CONTRACTOR AND OI.'NER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DeveloPment Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21jV479-2139 Job Address. t)17 Od_( u<A B-FAX970-479-2452 Location... : ZEVADA PATIO ApprJrcANT H&R coNTRAcrrNG rNc (olf ov P.O BOX 220L, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR H&R CONTRACTING INC Parcel No..Project No. .00 Recf eation Fec-------->3.00 Ctcen-Up Dcposi t--------> Status...: ISSUED Applied..: IL/20/L995 Issued...: tL/20/t99s Expires..: 05/L8/1996 Phone: 3039491446 Phonez 3039491446 OWNER Description: REBUILD PATIO Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: Ptan Check--> E7 .75 DRB lnvestigation> lli tt cat t--_> P.O BOX 2201t VAIL CO 81658 SPAD INTERNATIONAL LTD P O BOX 260 BUTTERFIELD SQUA, PROVIDENCIALES, BRITISH WEST INDIE AND RETAINING WALL RELOCATE FRONT DR R3 Single Family Residence VN TypeVNon-Rated 9,000 Add Sq Ft: Fireptace Infornation: Restricted:fof Gas Appli ances:fof Gas Logs:fof [ood/Pat tet: *ffi*ffitri'ffiffiffit*ffi***ffi***********i** FEE SUt'lltARy ***ff****iffi*******ffi#r#t***ffi*****ffi*ffi**** Bui tding-----) 135 .00 Restuarant PLan RevieH-->.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 20.00 .00 100.00 AdditionaL Fees--------> Total Permit tee------> Paynents------- 345 .75 .00 345 .75 315.75 accurata ptot and pLot ptan, subdivision Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division:FOR GEORGE - DeDI: FIRE,Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: trrft**ffi**ffirhtffi*******ffi*l#'tt*'t***r*********-ti.*t******Jr*********thk*****ffirr*ffi*tffiffiffi*rit See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovledge that I have read.this apptication, fitted out in ful,l, thr infornation requi rcd, co$ptctcd an ptan, and state that atl thc information provided as required is correct. t agree to compl,y riith tire iniormation to -conPty vith all' Tolrn ordinances -and state [avs, and to buitd this structurc according iothe Tovn,s zoning and REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TI.IEI{TY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-tp Deposit To: OUR OFFICE FNOM {Sun"uoru"* OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ANO O}'NER 75 South Frontage Road TOWN OFVAIL *** Department of Communiry Development Vail, Colorado 81657 CONDITIONS W8ffi2e1#V4WEI#4r0 as of Lr/20/9s sratus---: rsSuED *rctF:rt)ft9ft1p*ffi2***************************************************************** permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: tL/20/L995 Applicant--: H&R coNTRAcrrNG rNc rssued---t rL'/zo-/L995 3Q39491446 To Expire t os'/tB'/I996 Job Address:Location---: ZEVADA PATIO Parcel No--: Deecription: REBUILD PATIO AND RETAINING WALL RELOCATE FRONT DR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. {g**"uo"uo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************:t******************!r****** Statemnt Number: REC-0100 Anount: Payment Method: CK4345 Notation: 34s.75 Lr/zi/es 14:10 INit: MMC **************************************************************** Permit No!'Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 ol_ 0000 4L332 01 0000 22402 01 0000 41336 895-0410 Type: ZEVADA PATIO A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SI.R BUrLD PE Total Fees:345.75 345.75 .00 345.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSTTS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE AInount 13s.00 20.00 87.75 100.00 3 .00 I ullhl UI. VHlL UUI"I-JJL.V ,ro?, 'r. L2:20 No . oos '- -'*'l'-"'"- PERilIT '2ibl - 6?L- ol - oo? TOI{N OF VAr! CONSTRUCTION PERUII APPLTCATTON FORM DA,BE: //-11 -cr{ Ownerg Narnes lrchltect: Address r Addreeg r ,ceneral Deccrlptlon:fr"rdao4 l{orlcClase:[!-New[!.Atteratlon[]-Adld1t1onar13ia"not"p(6,n",M- Nuhber of, Dilelllng Units: \pmber and ?,)tpe of Flreplaces: cas Appllancee - caE Logs_ _ Wood/pellet^._7 _ _ F**** ***** rt***** ****** * ****** **** * vALUAtroNs. *********r*****r*ir***************l-1 EIJECTRICAIJs I }'EcHANIcAT: $-oTHERT $ Electr{cal Contraclorl Addreee:Reg, Nb. Plunblng Contractor; Address:Reg. NO. tleclranlcal lddrsss!1S-8io Tolrn of Vall Reg. no@_Phone Nunber: t********** *******rt*r*********t FOR OFrICE UsE ***r*********rr*f***rr*r**t*rl*SUII,DTNG PER!'IT FEES PI.UMBINc PERMIT FEE' {ECTIA}IICAIJ PEN$I! FEE! OISCfRTCAI.I F8E:)lttE& fYpE OA FEE! )RB FEE: DUTLDTNGS STCNATURSS ZONTNG: gICNATT'REI TOTAL: TJON ***********r**a*****r***t** Town of Vatl Rag. NO3 b Phone Nuruberr -4"/q- Torm of VaLl Phone Nunbers Town of Vall Phono Nuhber3 BUTI.DTNG PIAN c-ItEcX 88EI PIINIEINC PIAN CHECK FEE:UEC}TANT$,IJ PIA}| CTIECK FEES RECREATTON FEE3 CLEAN-UP DEPOSITs TOTAI, PERI'III FEESI trt4I_plq DrPISrr nEnnb TO!'% il 1l rl il p lil \t Pi\ H hi rb Kl f li oi ii liil iiiL-r r- ;, N'/i llD iltl<lTl :il-)ti.\ll \rl N lrll ,"j I ll F F |*}t1 lq t; IF I F z ts r I I 7 I I I I \ I I tl ,.o o { %'1-r4v6L B?qt€ / b 1VCtLt-'- (\-\ ./ &f lrgAl en," 6e' v27l/t I L4L l- f '',+tt ELrylLitrvttL€! (nx-z 1Jt4p - B"xl$'(--a-el_ /@ lf l€t,a1 it du,r,, Z^ {-E/L Nrta: 4u6Paal u 6'/Mk 6*7,5Pu€-lPol:ru{ )L_.-.-/ tZbrrTAL fu1 4"45 l$6p $Uad 4" Qd* Ctpc1xv A,rtfl Zet+o+ &t.i I I o o J" - Iffi o o \--L t\,+rFq \\ 4 l' (Il T rt\ "7< 1 \e F fli r ?<i d vrt ?l h .t t - lfl ?,s 1,9 +fi {I|--- - e :) 1 U It tl \I b c c II .c\ TD t- 6- Il$ #:#fi o o , c. . 4*+jti r1l.l. - -j fi&ACONTAACTTNG"INC. D.O. DDAWTD 36g0 AVON, CO 8to20 (J7o_g4s_144f November 17,l99S Attn: Mr. Charlie Davis Town of Vail Community Development RE: 1337 Vail Valley Drive Zevada Residencg Vail, CO DearMr. Davis; First let me apologize for the mess and confusion we seem to have gotten ourselves into regarding the permits for the retaining wall we are installing at the above refer-enced address. I mistakenly assumed that we could work offour original permit #67s3 as I was incorrectly told by my office thatihis work was to be performed last winter but was put off. Howeveq your review of the original permit has shown that this is not the case. On September 21, 1995 we,submitted to your ofiice our completed application for Design Review Board staffapproval of the installation of the patio. Please see the atiached letter of transmittal which states our intention to do this work und'er the original permit. Also attached is the staff approval notice from Mr. George Ruthel, dated octobei 3, l-995. I responded to Mr. Ruthel's conditio_n of the neighbors approval on october 6, lgg5 by submitting io Mr. Ruthel a copy of a letter of approval signed by the Zevada's neighboq Mr. Marshall Evans. At this time I was under the impression that everything pertaining to th. to*n of vail's requirments was in order. We.are now submitting to you all of our original dravdngs and a newly completed building permit application for approval and must_ask for yJur help in gelting this matter resolvea quickly. We are-aware that the permit approval process takes slme time. However, considering that the work under way is a simple retaining wall and that you have already upprou.i the footer steel and were about to approve the foundation wall steel, we ask that vou uutfrotir" ur io p."".0 with pouring 11" y:lt-* that we may get this small job wrapped up and meet our client,s deadline of December 10, 1995. Again, I apologize for this inconvenience. Let me express my appreciation for your assistance.once you have had a chance to review this letter, please call me at your convenience to discuss the issues. our office number is 949-1446. Ivry iigitat pager numbe. is s+g-sg+s. Mr. CharlieDavis TownofVail November 17, 1995 Page2 Howard I. Feldman H& R Contracting Inc. i i I { ,i I I I I I i i ; i; 6 I s fi rt ,l t: q H & RqoliTaACTrNG, tNc.p.o. DDAWIQ 36S0 AVON, co sr6to-9ZO_940_1440 September Zl, lgg5 Attn: Dan Stanick Town of Vail Building Dept. / Design Review RE: 1337 Vail Valtey Drive, Vail, CO. Dear Dan: Please find attached our submittal to the_Design Review Board (for staffapprovar) fbr the relocation of the front door at the Zevada ResiJ*."'in vuil. we are providing you with the completed application, drawings, and photos oiiii. f,oure. Thank you for processing this application. we will be completing this work under our existing permit #6783' The scooe "fy:tt for this p"*it iirtuaud this alteration bur the work has been put offuntil funds were-availabte. :. t; ,i Howard I. Feldman H&RContracting, Inc. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Zone District DRB Fee Pre-paid '/- ) "-- ocT @ ,95 @:a5nt4 FFNDRCo|{TffiTIrc P.2/4 H & QQOIJDACTING, tNC.D.O. DDAWED 3GS6 aYoN. CO 8t620 ezo€40-r416 Oaobcr 6, ly95 Attnr Clrlro rnd Mrrrhrlt Evul RB: 1337 Viit Vrilqr Drivc Zwrda Reridon'cc, VriL CO Dorr I{r. Evanr: A"r wo dirq[rcd, Mr' Zcvrda would llkc to rclocate hlr Sont door to the rrt;t wrll of the cnuy. ;:.t:.*'wc need vou.rrittar rutrori."tioito fir.rr p,ur.io*iirvrir'niirs,, Rcsiaw Anachcd are drawingr which dop'rcr rhe ccopc of rvork 1v6 aro proposing. In addition to rclocating thc fronr door. tho cxiating. rartniog *Jlr'*ru u *"oved and a new 0rgsrone or cononrtr prtio inrtrllod witb.a vrcouiht iron htd tJt. itro o<isting fionid;; *ilii. infiljcd with eiding md 3tucco to match rho,!r, o-i;hrr;r,I. Pleasc rcview thc drowine rnd,yknolvrd.ea vour soceptsnce of thir proposlr by signing bcrow. *utiglTlr" tout cotuidcra^don rnd a+iitancc a, tNi- ctrangc wil mort drfnttery bcncfit both \/2 ".{a -Ozzaz.ga h1 -?,*/*fu oh.J, €,H& R ContraAing, Inc. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CA TUt MON 7', PERMIT NUM BI,ILDING;PLUMBING: t] UNDERGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDATION / STEEL B tr tr tt tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER FIOOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING INSULATTON SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING I] FIOUGH :O EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: U-17-25 a Jl REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADCI A7/AE/97 TI8:OI RENUESTS FOR INSF'ECTIDN WORK SHEEIS FORE 7/ E/97 F.A6E 1 AREAI CD Activity:895-ff418 7/ e/97 Type: A-BUILD Statr"rs: ISSUED Constr..r ADUtr Addre ss : Location: ZEVflDff FATItr Far^cel: P1O1-O9A-41-U||Z|T Occ; Descriptionr REBUILD FATIO AND RETAINING WALL RELOtrATE Applicant: H&R CUN'IRACTING INC Fhone: Owner.: SFAD INTERNATIONAL LTD Fhone: Contraetot: HER CONTRACTINE INC Fhoner 1 17 7 Uji"/ t e,A+ user v N &,|'R3 FRONT DR 3913949 1446 3013949 1446 Inspection Request Information..... Requestor.: HUWARD H&R CONTRACTINE Frhonet 949-305fi Req Ti me: tZtl :tlO Cbnments: l.lILL CRLL 949-30r5lzl OR 3912l-7369 ',, ,Iterns reqr-r€s,t ed to be Inspected... Action Comments ' Time Exp rzrotz'g0 BLDti-F i na I Inspeetion Item: Item: Item: It em: Item: Histor y.,.,. [tA51O dt.iveway gr*ade final rA0rAlA BLDG-Foot i n gs/5t ee I 1l /i=:@/9fi Inspector: CD O0lilgCt BLDQ-Forrndat i on/St ee I ll /e:Q/93 Inspectorrr CD OIAA3A BLDG*Framing Oqt0gEr BLD6-Final Action: AFtrR Action: AtrFR DUNE ON tt/L5/g3 APF.ROUED ii I I I I I o"o fu/, 6A-S hz-afuzq /a NorE: THrs pERMrr MUsr BE posrED oN tozstg{af all rrMBs MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0210 75 South Frortage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...;Location...... i Parce1 No.....:Project Nwnber: APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER PLT]MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 4981, VArt, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR EAGLE RIVER PLT]MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 4981, VArL, CO 81658 OWNER SPAD INTERNATIONAL LTD P O BOX 260 BUTTERFIELD SQUA, Description: NEW BOILER IN GARAGE Department of Communiry Development Status. . Applied. fssued.. Expires. ISSUED Lt/20/Lee5 L2 / 06 /Le e5 o6/03/tee6 Fireptace Infornation: Restrictcd: Y #of Gas App[iances: 1 Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: **fffi**ffit*******tffi**t*ffi***fiti*ffitl*t**********r FEE SUI'lltARY ***tffir*fi*ft*****ffi********ffi**ffiffi**** Phone: 303-390-1897 Phone: 303-390-189? PROVIDENCIAIJES, BRITISH WEST INDIE 6, 000.00 fof Uood/Pat Let: l'lechani cat---> Ptan Check---> Inv.st igation>llitL cal. L----> 120.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> 30.00 DRBFee---_-------.>.00 TOTAL FEES-_-- 5.00 .00 Totat Calculated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees-------->153.00 Total Pernit F.e--------> Payments------- 153.00 .00 153.00 153.00 BALANCE DUE.---ffi*ffi|tJtffifflttt't*ffi***|tt*ffiffiffi*ffiirr***ffi******#***ffH*****i.***ffi#*trffi**ffiffi*rt*tr********t***H Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Ll/27/1995 CHARLIE Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. E'IELD INSPECTIONg ABE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. goL,rBUSTrON Ar_L_Iq BEaqIBED pER sEc: 607 bF-rrie-rsti--0Me;'--'3 . TNSTALLATTON^llggr qoNEoBM ro-r'/iANuFACi0ne5- iNsrnueiiois-ewp TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMCI-- -- -4. qAS APPLTANCEq_SIIAL_L EE VENTED-AeeOnDillc TO CHAPTER 9 AND _ sual,r! TEBMTNATE _AS_gpEgrFrED rN SEC.906-OF-rHn--1S91 UM-C.-s. AqqBgs ro HEATINq EQUTPMENT MUsr eoMpl.t wtrn--see.5ds-ello 703 0F THE 1991 rrMC;6. 9QTLERS SHAL!, EE_MOqNIED gN FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST._ UNLESS LTSTED_EQR_rIQ'UNTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE-FLOoRiNG;- ------- 7 . pEBl4rT, pl4Nq^Aryp qQDE ANA!.YS rs MiDsi-BE-Fosrnn--iii-lrncHar.rrcnl ^ BOOM pRrOR TO AN TNSPECTTON nnOUsSi; -- -----8. DRAINAGE OF .4qCU4NIqAL ROOMS (:6IITAiI.TIUC HEATING OR HOT-WATER SqPPLT BOILEBq^qHAI{-L BE EQUIPPED WiTH- A Fi-dOR DNAiW -FEN-dEEI 2119 0F THE 1991 rrMC._9. EOII,ER MusT.BE^!NSIA!!ED A MrN. OF 18" OFF OF FLOOR 10. A BARRIER OF SOME TYPE MUST BE USEO-iO FFI.brEbr-EOiL'SN ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdgc that I have read this epptication, fitl..d out in futt the infofnation rcquircd, compl,eted an accuratr ptot {2*"uo'*" lnfomation providrd rs rlquirld is corrrct. and statr [avs, .nd to buitd this Uniforr Buitding Codc and oth.r og{in rces thc Tflr eplicabtc theFcto. BE IIADE TTIETIW-FOUR HOI,RS IN Ar 47F2158 0R AT oUR oFFICE Fnofi 8:00 Ail 5:0O p[ I agfee to coi|Pl,y rrith the intormtion lnd plot pl,an, urc according to the Tqmrr zoning and subdivision Devebpment REoulvtflv stclglttdDilnb d||t*fiB3q&icioR FoR HrrsELF Ar{D Voil, Colorado E1657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 {p'oo*"^' p E t2 I F u V P I its I!- lr l+ ln R il ll ITT lll ill lt.l -l--r ll tl tI lllr HFi FIl Fpi i9 lLl rPhl F iRl lnl" i ItrLr $Hi !eF FF l7 lvlr't\l hil PI FI BI itl ii |-l ltSl lrll ll11 ntl lljll | [,] | T_TT_T [r]-l ln l t Fttl KLII 'iF | | ll \.-. I | |]tr1*: l- 'l -j!l-| I -m.i I I &l i 1 llli l:l ii l.ti i ltl lrl iil r\ll Jrt I Ttt.l ssi T|16. I EFI +t I t-! 1:; :1 ;; !:t .r:-- c) IAJ to- EEiII',i, 06 : 46 rrnu."r;f ul I3i'uEfl'3ffiP?il- z ?, 7,i6 PA6E hneo* cn Activity: Address: Loeat i on : Faree I r Descript i on: Applieant r Owner: Contractor: 1'195-OalO ?/7 Type: B-I{EC+| 1337 VAIL UALLFf DR ZEUADA }TECHANICRL al6t-o9e-61-s,o7 NEI{ BT}ILER IN GARAEE EA6LE RIVER PLUTiIBINE & HEATING SPAD INTERNATIONAL LTD EA6LE RIVER trLUT'ISINE S HEATINE Status: ISSUED Constr!AIXJP Occ:Use: Phone: 3O3-39O-1897 Phone r Fhone: 363-39O-1897 Inspeet ion Request Requestor: Howard Req Tire: Ol:OO Iters requested to gO39S llEtrH-Final Inforrat i on. . . . . H&R Corrents: reinspect be Inspected... Ac Phoner 949-1446 I I Tire Exl --_t *::l Inspection History..... Iter: OOPOA ilECH-Rouqh Iter: 0lo,?.49 PLltlB-Gas triping Iter; A93lO ltlECH-Heating Iter: O03eO HEtrH-Exhaust Hoods Iter: OO33O FIECH-Supply Air Iter : 0'fi340 ftlEtrH-I'lisc. PLACEilENT Iterr &O39& MECH-Final E?/O6/96 Inspectorr CD Notesr SOI4E TYPE OF FLUID UNIT IS FOR NONCtril trRT]UIDE trRTIOF THAT L"/Q7/95 Inspeetor: ED Action; AtrPR SNtltlFtELT FOR ENTRY Notesr lOO pSI ON 6AUEE RECTIFY FROZEN SUBERADE BEFORE CONCRETE Action: DN DENIED IS LEAI(ING FRTITiI BOILER, RECTIFY THIS. SURFACE UNLEgS A KIT IS INSTALLED PLEA PROPER KIT HAS BEEN USED ii it tl {l ar,il Project Name: TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel na+a /r'1 /1/c< Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nrcnitegdnta@ressandPhone: lJcti.n^ '.-,/ f, tJ,,, ^.,, ?o. tr,, - .. r (___----/ ZAar, , tr Q /A'. a: Legal Description: Lot 4 Bbck 3 Subdivision rl ,./, / ': f Project Street Address: Comments: Boar Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval 3 Disapproval ! statrnnprovat Town Planner t().* oaet /Of ,<fg< DRB Fee Pre-paid -..-l x.vL..t A|LT l9l DESTGN REVTEI|BOARD APPIJICATION . TOI{N OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: A. DESCRIPTfON: Relocate front entry to west wall of house, install new patio rffi qaracre. - TYPE OF REVTEhI: New ConstrucLion ($200.00) Aaldition ($50.00) XX Minor AIt,erat,ion ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: 1337 VaiL Vallev Lrjve I. B. c. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I'oL 4 Block Subdivision vail va1ley First Filino'. If property is described by a meets and bounds 1ega1 description, please provide on a separate sheet and aLLach Lo Ehis application. E. ZONING:2 Family ResidentiaL F. NAI{E OF APPLICANT:H&R ContracL inq, Inc. Mailing Address:P.O. Drawer 3680,Avon, CO 81620 Phone gfO-949=1,446 NAI.IE OF APPLICANT 'S REPRESBflIATIVE: Hovard Feldman Mailing Address:P.O. Drarrer 3680, G. H. Avon, CO.81620 , phone CHECR #: DATE: BY: 9-70-949-1446 I. J. A'PPIJICATIONS WIIfiJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OJINER'S SIGNAI1URE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DF{B fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submitLal of the DRB application. IraEer, wlren applying for a building permit, please idenbify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiI will adjust the fee according to the table below, Eo ensure the correct fee is paid. FEB PAID: i NAI{E OF OIIINER(S): FEE SCHEDULE: $ VAIUATTON 0 $ 10, 000 ip ,.v, .rvl - ; 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000.000 $ Over $1,000,000 DESIGI{ REIIIEI| BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIT IIIILESS A BUIIJDING PERIIIIT IS IS STARTED. iD f U. UU $100. 00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION t- LTStr OF MATERIAI,S NAME OF PRO'JECT:: ZevadA FrOnL DOOr IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ,L BLOCK 3 STBDIVISION vail valley lst Filing STREET ADDRESSz 133'7 vail vallev Drive The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUIIJDING !'ATERTAIJS: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ COLOR Roof Siding OEher Wal1 Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim N/A N/e N/A N,/A Match Existinq. Hand or Deck Rails wroughL rron. Stucco, Cedar Chanel Lap, Color to match existinq. N/A New Sgeel Frame & Door, Color to match existing. Match existinq. Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclbsures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Concrete. N,/A N,/A N,/A N,/A N/A N/A B, LFNDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: H&ACONTAA.CTTNG.TNC.p.o. DaA,wfD 36g0 aYoN, co 8t620 ozo-(l4(|-r44f September 21,1995 Attn: Dan Stanick Town of Vail Building Dept. / Design Review RE: 1337 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, CO. DearDan: Please find attached our submittal to the Design Review Board (for staffapproval) for the relocation of the front door at the Zevada Residence in Vail. We are proviaing you with the completed application, drawings, and photos ofthe house. Thank you for processing this application. We will be completing this work under our existing permit i6783. The scope of work for this permit included this alteration but the work has been put offuntil funds were available. Howard I. Feldman H&RContracting, Inc. OCT 11 '95 1A:14NN HNNDRCONTRACTII.G ffT g' 'St @rlgq-1Ff:ENr#tlr6 H&ecoxrDAcrlxG. lHG.p.o" DDAWEn tGfo AYOf,r CO ft0n0 OIO{fO'l4aG ocoD$6.1915 Attnr OrlnudMuft[thnnr Rl: l3t? Vdl VltryDriw Zrrdrf.d{lrca, Vdq Go TO\ Drrl*,lvnrr: Ar m dharlnd, Mr, bvrdr rmrrld [kr to rdocrtr ltr tont door to th urut wdl of tlF G!ry, !c dq re, w rnrd 1'ow miaar ntthorEA|ttrt h procrd pr dr T0r,6 df Vdl Dldnr nnfrrr Eorrd, Attrd.d rn dnwtUn r*tdcl dcfloi 6r rcoDa nf ufftr wc ar jroporln3. ln |ddfirioi !o r{ilocrtil|trhGfroar door, tho cd*iagrutdtrSrrdlr will br lrn*rd r'ld rnow lrynom or oncnrr prtio inrtrlhd u,ltb r wlcrrjtrt itm lild rdt Thc xtdq fiwrr door wil Eo tnlll€d wirh dditt3 rnrl rilocotoaut€t fiitrt oftlurdl. l]rl ryg! rln &rwl4.rad-rloowldir yor rceryrmoo of tlL proponl b,y drgdne Drlcw.w. rppoxtr!.yorn sot|idrrtlq[rndrr&ruc urhir clungrwlll lrors ddlnltatt, ba0a[t borh nddlril, P.?/? F,2/a ll& E Contnalr5 tac, )- i,*(*, -r-* 1r.*W lBil|ffi -o(ru$N dF GNrir Etrq lndic tpproulolrrlcodq ttrlront dru rr rhr Zmdr rddara t l!t? Vdl Vrlry Drtvr. FI o LE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 September 12,1994 De partment of Conntunity Deve loprnent Ms. Jill Hauck Slifer Designs P.O.5540 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 4, Block 3' Vai Dear Jill: ,#t#- st Filing @ As we discussed on the telephone earlier today, the Town actively discourages painting only half of a duplex or one-third of a triplex buildin!. Section 18.54'050 of the Zoning Code contains Design Review Guidelines for duplex and primary/secondary developments' The purpose ol Otfilex and primary/secondary developments is to allow for increased density inuh.,o"r of units) in these zone districts while preserving the single family dwelling neighborhood appearance. The guidelines require that duplexes be architecturally integrated witli unified site development. The intent of this section of the Code is to ensure that duplexes are constructed so that they resemble a large single family dwelling unit' Painting one-half of a duplex would defeat this purpose and has not been allowed in the past' Thus, it is staff's determination that both halves of the duplex must be painted at the same time and must be painted the same color. lf the owners so desire, they can fill out a Design Review Board (DiB) application requesting to paint only one-half of the duplex. The DRB would most tikery Oeny'tire request, but the owners certainly have the right to apply' Please call me with any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely,./) t r'-/ r'7n--,,L.kVu-+r ' / ul Randy Sfouder Town Planner -1 fttL Oo T6L PERMIT 3 NOTE: THIS TOWN OFVAIL l+ MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICA], PERMIT ^ JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E95-0030 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 OWNER Location. . . Parcel No. . EAST UNIT, L337 2101-092-01-007 co 81620 co 81620 De par tmc nt of C onnruniry Deve lo n me nt Job Address: 1337 VAIL VALLEY DR' - Statu6.'..: APPLIED vArr, vALLEYApplied. . : 03/L6/19 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 3039263353 Phone: 3039263353 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L451, AVON CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON EVANS, MARSHALL Etectrical.---> 50.00 Pl.an Check---> DescripLi-on: REPIJACE EL,ECTRICAL, PEDESTAL HIT BY SNOWPLOS Valuation: ************ftt*t***f,tf,t*f,i*ft*Jr*t*t***f*trft*******r*** FEE SU IIARY *kftr*,t*,H****t*r**t**t***t**ffirr**'r*ftffi***ff**f,f,***ft lnvest i gation> tli l,L ca(t--> TOTAL FEES-_> .00 3.00 53.00 TotaI catculated Fecs---> Additional, Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Paynents----- BALANCE DUE---- 53,00 .00 53.00 .00 +53:(X) ? ' ***************tt******************.t*****#****ff***********************************************i***********t**************f,*** Ite.mi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUITDING Division:03/L6/I995 TRYNIS Action: APPR ********i************************ffi**ff**ir**fflr*************ffi#***********************************ff****************ff**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **************************************************i *********t**********************tr**********t**t*#****i*ffi*ffitri******H* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in fuLt the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that att the information provided as requi red is corract. I agree to compty rrith the information and Ptot ptan, to compty with rl.l, Ioyn ordinances and state tar.rs, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approvcd, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto. NECUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.|ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY /rt SzzY ,t;,w . 'Fiom : SHBU -r-t -rt-'*t l4ar. 16 nolN or vArr. FERMr! 'iEE Jlcf,|ltolr oers:-. ;Jje!!F r4AR 1 0 rs95 Ircgal Deoorlptlonr lot-- Ftoqitc'-- Fl"llng*" - . - ooi"t" nau", l{urslrntl.,6vzne--- Arlrlress: l.*r U"'l.V*rt*' [r' pn'frffi| Address i ceneral Descrtpt1o"t tePld*g .81'bh''"4 o*i*€4 -tfork classs I I-N6lf I l-Alt8ralton t ]-Adilltlonal [-./1-ncpalr I l-otlror--- Nunber of DveIIlnE unltEi NwnbBr of, Accotnmodadlsn unltst 1995 Ns) hrchltegt! Uprnber and TlEe Of Flreplaqed i GaB Appllances- Gas Logn- Wood/Pellat- .- ,i,********************************* VAITUA'JIONS *******rt**********************.' !'* t Burr,DrNGi lrJEcTRIcAr,rT 14= gTllP}! qirruofnar .. r.IDqtANrcArJtL toTlL: ?[r*****rt**i*r****t*t**t***frf, g9NTRACTOR IpfonMAEroN *********************** 1^ ' t+ Genoraf Contragtpqsl -..'..- '1owtr ol VulL Rtg. NO.*- .- eillissl Phone Nunbeu: ., .. -Eleatrica ,Io$n of vaL:. Res. N'o.Ll0q iiff;!;;": lH in6iie-nunrrer. ,-{Alcffi ' Plurilblnf Contraotort _- Towr o! v-ail Reg' No'-_- AddreFE; T*.T Phons Number! Machanlcal Contractor I [own of, vqll R6E. NO. Adclress l Phone Nullborl ***i***************r**t********r fOR OFFICB USB ******t****t***i**i*t*****rt^r';'/r EUII,DINC PER}ItrT FEE! PLUI.TBINC D8NMI8 FEE! ilReHANfetrIr PEBilI! trEEs BLECIRICILr FFEI OT}|ER trTPE OF SEEI DRB FEE: BUII,,DING Pllilf CIIDCK FEE; PI,I'MBING PIAII CIIECK FEEI MECHANICAI., P f[ CHECN FEE: -f"RECNEATION FEE: cp,PcuHl-uP DBPosrr; TOnAIT 8Q. FT.BUII,DITIC; zoNINcs gI6NA[UREI ,1From : SHRI^J ELECTRIC l' oo PHoNE No. : 9eg ffsB O O f'1ar.16 1ee5 B:s5qI FE1 8HAW EtEelRlG, llllc' P,O, lox l4cl A\Or{, O0 81C20 PH, 30S-e28.1358 {o'{*n o( t/ail &rnrnani\ brutlrymrn#' t4avrh L, nq{ {, {oilt* : ?'rtr'.,,t :Forrtt - tuarc Ppi'Aew'e- t)+ !r,st f,zunA orrt J&;r fiorni5 &r'a't lbb C:' uteae 4n lnrge-hat olt dfiie *F&' ?+'rrnit Jz' [a(n''orn, , .-? uJs Pl€ase sc'b-dh''/on lncpaatiaa e^ {F,4' l{wdntT'' E+rr<t iJ ail)al'l '6 {he r€1*rst ' lDz r'oi( haa'* n- crW(L, l4#4 {nr" firnst" a+ y|$t Nqe'4'icn ' lUalif"t us d -iJ -orur*+ "d,.'e', Y{'4,1. Uo,. l R "^ -$ar^r oo **************************************************************** 'TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0010 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation:5228 oo s3.00 03/24/95 LLz44 Init: TT Permit No: Parcel No:site Addre86: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 E95-0030 Type: B-ELEC EIJECTRICAT 2101-092-01-007 1337 VAIL VAIJIJEY DR EAST UNIT, 1337 VAIL VAIJLEY DR Total FeeE: TotaL AT,L Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAI.,IJ INSPECTION FEE PERMIT 53. 00 **************************************************************** 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount s0 .00 3.00 '.o# INSPE { Q {-oo.;o INSPECTION: ?.. CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 NAME MON PM FRI READY FOR LOCATION: ',rYgsn ( V ttt-Wt THUR CALLER BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - Ll tr ROUGH ,41 - / :,t Lb uttl a., ,{r /FINAL \,(i\-{ APPROVED O DISAPPROVEO D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR i.I !EE E.-,s€I' ( f=3-oEl o (|o I 3 c CL o 9.o 3 o : -{ m .n t-t-l.m I -"'1 0 tn9 lm:lrJ O | -r1 o l!<ITP l=f t-m l-i t- 6 6 a z o m o 'n ! m : <trq 1n= = /'\ r\o; "'>-t- -nfr LIT-JL-J .7t ! z= 2= z B=rri -{m k"l EI Hq F F9 N 'I'\tm e:0 -3 \O -l 'o @ m x m T -{ o z (-o TD L -{m !m 7 =-t z o O ('| -.t o o z a {n c o {o z -u m F ={ o z,O l4 m o z z -t n -.1 9p -lc 3=o= d3 n zl -{x -io o> Aa nz >m C)I -{> n T =m -.t --{ r _Tt |-z F H t{ ls tc l"Its | (/l I r-1 @ z 3 IT F z v, F r{v,H llI z '( !7 H Fl ts 2 t>t< E tr 'c v, F F h Ki F g r t F r b lo l0 i'n rn I tJ)IF lo lP I tz lFl ti; I c/l IH I14 I lru t> =6 H H F z rl > D (, !)s) +tJ mlo =t€'tz lo l-n t<l> lF lm tv, lz le I I I I I I l-{ l€ lz lo l-n t<l> lF l:o l6 lz l+to l€ lz lo l'n t< t= la |m lo :! F F F z t4 v H F H l-r to l{lz lo t;lr ll0 tm lo I lz t: J@ l@ l* I H H t{F z U)H F H H z l-.{to l€lz IO II l> lF l!lm lo f lz lP I I I lr-lo\ tt Itt I I (, N @ I Ut 5 \o ln l= F K H F ld F t>F t>lo lo ln rn Y It! IX I Its IN | |.J I t<IF IH I l-{ t't^ o : F H F{ 5 {o\ I 5 (,rl o\ --t I ^2 m @ a v c m l z r m ! ={a z m m m l< ' m 4 ^z o I --t z t- 'tl t- z 1., !'' 8i Eli >'n 79 \z Oo o z I I< 3 =L 2 N N m z m t- m =-.t 2 'n € x x H z. cn H F F z € x ;E3d ' O!t .ri 3 6g.g lg an :.<Q{o€Eo- ;: *s' o o:af 5:.39 ",ioro i e 3a I'gt 3aB=@g+o *OKot *T, !t +o d.3;F Ja9.3 {oa-r f_ o ci- *o3r= Ee4s i =.9 3 Potdr = =< =irS= 'E= frq 6:3n 3 3;E l sigF BUia 5 -'qRA fr;;€ ,;al-o +lF - +l::Il,-: E +lci a ,sbj ss5 \si FSi $is _o 'tl i U'm T .tt Bi s .s-o L(D \x = '-1 o { A' = 6- o o o F z, v)r.l z EI X o t\) \t) zl ol 'nl .rt I dr -l I I I i I I ol frl I I zl ol ol 3l z 6.1 ll dl 'l I I z lo (D - 2 o z o -l m -l -l t- 1)m =-n m m an m I o z m s m t o F z !m 3 i m =_Tl m m (t t- =(! z Ttqn W"tlq /{o FPR JECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME ON CALLER TUES WED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OE VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOB LOCATION: \{PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr o B FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP- POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr TJ ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr D FINAL INSPECTOR ' '],]y\ *7u467 r el JoB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF t l REQUf ST*'i' VAIL DATE cALLER -drzucc 6Q Z leff READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:..@,,=.(r.vroTHURFR|-AM6Dl LocAroN: -ri:l t_'c,r tltlrlJ)A - BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JECT JOB NAME INSPECT CALLER TUE WED tor BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V, D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL FRAMING tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL I ,- L' tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL )< APPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR PrJiftsxop t t INSPECTION NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED PM AM REOUEST ,i -JOWN OF V \ , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION D POOL / H- TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT I tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR nnFsnor I I --.... -rAL INSPECTION'S COI,IPLETED _ The lteus below ueed to be couplete before glving a permlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off Lo the box provlded. FINAL PLWBING DATE: I'INAT UECHANICAI, I t DATE:I IMPROVEMENT SURVEY R-ESID. NAMEI DATE: t_FINAL ELECTRICAI, DATE: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE:)-z z-?z TEMPORARY C OF O -T I CERTIFICATE 0F oCCUPAITCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE I I DATE: Project Application o"" fufr ll ,l-1c1i Project Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Add ress and Phone: ,) t t Architect. Address and Phone: 4 Block 4-r,r,"s VAIL-VAI-LEY \fl , zone - Legal Description: Lot Com me nts: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Su m mary Town Pla n ner ut(E PLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, o OLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ***tt*t*tt TSIS EPPTIEETION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ITNTIIJ .aI,L REQUIRED I}{FORI.{AIION IS SIIBI.{ITTED tr******tt PROJECT ]NFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: to grade, and Remove existing 10rx20t main 1eve1 deck and stair o AT revised 6/LB/9I ,it:.D AUG t99r 2 61991 replace with new l6'x2/+' deck and new stairway. All deck and stair detailing, including handrails, paint and stains to match existing. EI TYPE OF P€VIEW: New Construction (S200.00)X Minor Alteration (S20.00) Addition (550.00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS:1337 Vail Val1ey Drive, Vai1, Colorado 81657 LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LoT 4 Block 3 Subdivision Vail Valley lst Filing ff property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provj.de on a separate sheet a;d attach to this application. ZONING ' Two Family Residential n E. provide a cu rrent NA-t'lE OF APPLICANT; Marshall Evans Mailing Address: Atlanta. Georsia 30327 Phone t+O4-233=3505 (o) Phone 3o3-476-L5o6 NAME OF OWNERS: Marshall Evans (i i i.rJ'xr.^es cLl *TrAG)AA) A€pLt o,{-tt.J)*STGNATURE (S) : _C Ma i l- inq Address : LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must lot area. 404-237-139r (h) NA}.IE OF APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : PEEL/LANGENWALTERARCHITECTS Mailing Address: David M. peel. p.O. Box 1202. Vai1. Colorado 81658 Dhnna 4o4-237-r39r (h)J.Condominium Approval if appJ.icable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at t.he tine of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S 20.00 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION s 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 s400.00 s500.00 I{ITHOUI OWNER' S SIGNATURE 50 s 10,001-c qn nn1 'f Jvt vvL s150,001 s500,001 t uve r - $ 10,000 - I 5o,ooo - s 15o,0oo - s 500,000 - 51,000,000 $1,000,000 *NO APPIICATTON WILI, BE PROCESSED o L, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: *******i** THIS APPLIC.ATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED ITNTIL AIIJ REQUIRED INTORMATION IS SUBI'{ITTED **t******* PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIpTION: Rernove existing 10rx20' main 1eve1 deck and stair to grade, and replace with new L6'x24' deck and new stai,rway. All deck and stair detailing, including handrails' paint and stains to mai:ch exisCing. o KIf -*, ,.,i ; APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAI levised COLORADO B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)X Minor Alteration (520.00) Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: L337 Vail Valley Drive, Vaj-1 , Colorado 81657 LEGAL DESCRfPTION: I"oL 4 Block Subdivision Vail Va11ey lst Filing If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING; Two Fanily Residential LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. NA-[4E OF APPLICANT: Marshall Evans musL provide a cu rrent Mailing Address: 3401 Northside Parkway Atlanta. Georpia 30327 Phone I+O/+-213-35O5 ( o\ 404-237-L39r (h) NAI'JE OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: @ECTS Mailing Address; 1658 Phone io3-476-4\O6 NAXE OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : Mailing Address 3 34O1 Northside Parkway. Atlanta. Georgi a 30327 Phone 404-233-3505 (o) 404-237-r39L (h) Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, wh6n applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. .' fnB perO: g 20.00 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON . FEE s 20.00 s 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $4 00.00 $s00.00 I{ITHOUT O9TNER' S SIGNATURE a I. X J. K s0 s 10,001 $ 50,001 $150,001 s500,001 S Over - $ 10,000 - $ 50,000 - s 150, o0o - s 500,000 - s1,000,000 s1.,000,000 *NO APPLTCETTON }IILL BE PROCESSED LIST OF MATERIALS NAME oF pRoJEcr.Cuu*, RESTDEN.E DE.K ADDrrro* O LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT;!- BLOCK -l SUBDIVISION Vail Va11ey lst Filing ' STREET ADDRESS: 1337 Vail Va1lev Drive DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT; Remove existing 10rx20' main leve1 deck and stair to grade, and replace with new 16rx24t deck and new stairway. All deck and stair detaili.ng, includlng handrail , paint and stains to match existing. The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Flues F'lechinac Ch i mnarr c Trash Enc L osures Greenhou ses Other N/A N/A N/A Other Wal,I Materials N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hand or Deck Rails To match existi-ne. N/A N/A N/A N/A Stairway to match existing. Reuse existi-ng brick on ne$/ colunns. B. LAI'IDSCAPING: Name of Designer: N/A Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: .E-9jE_U.ELW. Comrnon Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES None EXISTING TREES TO None BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous treei is 2 inches. rndicate n@s trees. Minimululreiqht for cenirerous trees is 6 feet.. PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical- Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* pRoposED s|;es TNone EXrsrrNG sHRUBs None TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is ( rrr'l I nn Tvpe GROUND COVERS None Square Footaqe soD Re-sod disturbed areas where existing columns are removed and excavated areas for new colunns. N/A TYPE oF IRRIGATI9N N/A TYPE OR METHOD OF N/A EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waIls, fences, svrimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walJ.s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls efsewhere on the property is 6 feet. Replace existing concrete slab-on-grade patio. TEl.f,lh.l --rF f-JFl I L- t'listre1l.rnesug C'=sh -:1i:i-;::i---J L l. l: 4i; 1l F..e'r+ i. r, t. + l:riE :; 15 fi,:!.-,-tr!iri. + 1..:ii. # 11: Iti:l F:5i-.1 iiL..r* Er.,r t1i.i : !irF.: Er F EE':; iiirr,:,i-rn i. t-+ir,ji: rr=,1 :r i tem Paid iJ L !1rJ!::itt4.I iiEi,tff ij i-.i111,1,,= 1-,= i.r,t 1-i-rr,il .::' :11. Elr:1 ftn|}rn t Psid ':[i. t-tl-l r:i . F-it:l -rHFt-{t--i \/alj .: , i- ,:.::1.:i:L;t' iFli;l']5 -t- a Project Application i/l')/t:to Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone r'rr.:le li:,:r ')l'.1 Owner. Address and Phone: l.:tiltjt ri. ,)Cr'-r:r lilrr,l. i:r n:-, ln:-err, ,'l 4l )7 r-rji, 7:1]i Architect, Address and Phone: ,)i ier ./ i,rci-r11-lct.-: ii:iI Vel le',r iri rrt:Zon€ .'!l Dl ts-1x Legal Description: Lot r. , Block Comments: Design Review Board o^t" '1 ' t tr'7 o DISAPPROVAL Summary: y'L/, r/'tL- Town Planner E statt Approval I t th, N-+ ,Zaft*"* N""Jrylry /,.,t" N"*t- fr& F I b"*,- Z. fl^--? fts+P' 4 GRp* 7 *'-.&*%7 a;Ary7 wd( 4 'D e' ; ^ * ,le i( y''^^ fr".flJ n*\ DATE:4,?' 70 ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS 3 Fi 1i ng Phone /rl -lroRl@Btock ADDRESS: Ot,JNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA bi*ry GRFA - A Seda*y GRFA - 6 Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,later Course Site Covera s" (lo?) Landscapins ( @d Fence/Retai ni ng-fla l 1 Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock S torage Solar Heat Drive: SioPe Permitted Envi ronmenta'l /Hazards : Al I oled (30) (33) t: ru q .-.7- I ch|rNge, r Orl r 2-11 -? V /\.. 5514 ^{o 20' 15' 15' (30)(so)NlA .---1------ + zbo = 2'797 = 3VYb B Ce"D €r) a 4-b'nAx 4+o(,_E bod '-----:---------7 (60 |\:/ + (300)(600) (eoo)(1200) |'qn\frnni \vvl \ -vvl \rll\cu/ (2oo ) (4oo )(zoi\ e"> N" /nnfe- slope Actual ^,/Ava lanche Uf\ Flood Plai n Sl ope l.letl ands Geol ogi c Hazards w- {n Ml;{;':.+" ,'/" A liru(+proposed -n*+{ 9Y tt 3060 ,21et 3625 2Y tb Comments: Zoning: ApProved/DisaPProved Date: Staff Signature -4.O p e a { o a c a F o F I o'It o| T o C'.!' o N |o F o o ! E o o CI E o t o o ID It ut x o a d c o|o Gl o if 3 o o g ! =3 3 o N o c J L 6 E s |J tr o ! 3/22/90 Mike Molica Dept. of Community Development Town of VaiL Vail, C0 81657 Re: 250 s.f. Application Stevenson Residence Mike: Enclosed please find a title report for lot 4, Vail Further find a list of adjacent property owners. Valley First. Duane Piper J\,tr*, rL;l-- -ird i i! s A,it('r -r:io. (.1)r,-' t-r..t ' ltr,, -.) -.J CCtl\4['1 i'l F:tE N-1 FUri i. i'I i, h i trSU FAIUL: E l:1:!;i'' ili' B'Y' Fi T. It \t:A lt T 'Io I'r r * It (* lI n lE ^'t :;'r ? i. c'.? l{ }r ,t r* *i tq.ila.tiof Fcir(-i*s c{ rilln ii'$iJrairce, ag idEntified in in$niicdui* A.'E:, o.'.,rar ur rrortga'Jsoof theestate i:rlilHi'iSili;gq irruthi-,r,.r,,td A, r1.ror paynlanr of ?he tifiiei;'iiiiii;Fln*il,:s -i ar,,r 3 and to tn€ concJirions t.iJiif$r ,r,,a : ,r$nf:,,,,rtlclreva. f i'gi iroli.tlui{wr,4'r*;.siii* rC;,: rr p a n y. T l: i s .ir':;i.l:i'... . . '.::':lr::-'' llr, r, iTl'.rHSS \,'i HtilEOF lirqi ,,'-r s - '::{-}iF.;.{aj;;gFd..d-ig. ,i1*:'rii,, r?r- li.r :,-.: : -,- ..+i ii4 $SSleil, tC nEirg "re vfliO !"!llet ;Ou,1t,,lr6:qU8; :;1, ,1';;$6iligil1;Fr.i r"tii.l,.:*ir. I r' ..rii+rr1 ,ti:16 Ccfi it.ti'lV, ,r;l in ECCC|dEntB 19,ii r:s 3;-l.al'.r; Tr:it C,-.rnirl,iine r ,: eirctHlig F,..i l,-r tl:::.(iijil 5l';1;r;,",r ,rr:j^.i:t: lijil rl:.s '' i::it:i:!ive DAta." Pi 'i +Ttrtliq:*{- ,'i'i'r i i 6;- .u-iilr ;i . r .!,x F :.\ ,. i. '.,\i$ tF.i"rol;t gr ' '16rpir t:8llr-.3 ; 13 COrnOany, fOr ot title insuranca anC all tha eifective d a'.e her*r)f jC3!1r'*. il r ov ided ti',Ct tll6 (icrr:r,riin",lnt shsll not bs O,rrorroN FoR ADDrTro*^,- n*ro I FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of Appl :catton-ll'lflp Date of DRB Meeting + - /g -74 PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app1 jcation conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that thi s ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 square feet if certa'in conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirsnents, A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address .Uu,tr- The fol lowi required wi l. Verifi 2. Names un its Asses s 3. Condom 4. Existi non"41-67'lblF 0ccupancy. owners of Eagle County Legal Description: Lot + Block 3 ririns dafi- uArt€Y FPST Zone District $frf# C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address L D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: ng information, in addition to DRB submittal th this subm'ittal I cation that the unit has received a final certificate of and mai'l ing addresses of adjacent property owners and of on the same lot. This information is availab] e from the or's office. inium association approvai (if appl icable). ng f1 oor plan of structure. naa""ss frOX, E6bo :AJ0tl l(.0. pnone?8,8fi:lg!- NAI'|E 0F 0tJNER(S): Signature(s) Addres s F. Filing Fee of $.100.00 is required at tine of submi Your proposal wi l l be reviewed for compl i ance wi th Va il 's Comprehensive Plan. DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I^IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APPLIcATIoN DATE: trl{. 4n DATE OF DRB I4EETING: INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** A pre-application meeting with_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aet"irihE ii any additioial infonnation is needed. No application will be accepted ,ni.rt ii is corpfete-(must ilclgle al1 items required by the zon'ing admin'istrator). ii it-tn" ippfilini.t responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out aUout abaitiona't submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wjll streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of ionait.ions of approval that the'DRB may stilu1ate. ALL conditjons of approval must be reso'l ved before a building permit is'issued. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: naaress [39'J thrL 0[4,t({ 9$rl? Lesal Description rct I er"cF-!lA+r--!gtif{ring ({L Zon i ng f NAME OF APPLICANT: Addressf D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Addres s NAME OF OtJNERS: telephone 4121'16f; telephone M'lO? S i gnature Address E. F.be paid at $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .5oo,o0o $5oo,oo1 - $l,ooo,ooo $ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting subrnittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site io inOicate property iines and bujldjng corners. Trees that will be removed snouta also be inarked. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will norma'l 1y involve tlllo separate meetings oi-tn. Design Review SoarJ,-so plan on at least two meet'i ngs for their approval' to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled nave'iroi ait<ed for a postponement will be required to be DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $300 .00 3. People who fail meeting and who republ i shed. tel ephone O)r. The fo'llowjng items no longer have to be.presented-to.the Design-Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. ilindsws, skylights and simi'lar exterior changes that do not a'lter the ex'isting plane of the bui'lding; and b. Building additions that are not.viewed tIoT qny other lot or public space' whjch hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approv'ing the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required .to conduct Natural Hazard Studjes on your property. You shsuld check with a Town Planner before proceeding. LIS MATER I ALS NAI'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following jnformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other tla'l I Materi al s Fascia Soffi ts lJi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F lues F'lash'ings Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name I uf a^9 nw Va' W ilotrA'b Quani ty , I"^t**ww-tt*"-; Indicate height for conjfers. (over) -T- ?ot r$N() 1W1- Si ze* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name Si ze lquare Footage an +, t% {, Snhduvtt*O sftge*, _qw. 1 5H^ Type s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER' LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls,fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please spec'i fy. '\ '\t \l/ T' I I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Deslgn Revlew Board of the Town of Vall w111 hold a publlc hearing on April 18, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. ln the Town of Vall Municipal Building. Conslderation of: 1. A request for Additlonal 250 of Gross ResldenEial Floor area for Lot 4, Block 3, Vall Valley lst / 1337 Vall Valley Drlve. AppllcanE: Ray and Ellyn Stevenson The appllcatlons and informatlon abouE Ehe proposals are avallabl.e ln the zonlng adminlstrator's offlce durlng regular offlce hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Publlshed l-n the Vail Trall on Aprl1 6, 1990. \ \-r f\ (',.' \ 1. t. - - '.' :ui-\ \"\- '-r--\,,- \: \-". " \.\i . '. \. . \ \ \ . ..'\i ':rt)r\ ,':;: t. r'\ \r .. r. .'\' l'1 \' ' . -\'i \" - . '\\'"r\\,-- .\\\ I i - tl r00,T b ,lat * _l ry,( Sttr^xaff--,&s 'bfrrA,e' ry 3a - - li Ela4-Ytf,+At+ 1rr-r' ftog - - -t-' I t "tE- Ldrr- oo 1?1_ 4^_ Nill.a^ --4 I l- t '''il ll Nft(e(. [nnn- !0- - - iif "n- 4,- !,.Iv!4laa^rlts {4^q- -- ' r t. , l^{t\etl'^-_ t@, golkl I ll- -.L--- l-4 W5 I ,$ruur9 tl e.psraA Sa€€ h4( - brl - r1Oatr-- Lh-, SttOA I 'h7 gt I - - l n -ti !{^^*_r*- WFg ,fu1r+., l.v".s4tf,6- 130*_?tl -] !- ll Ir i&l+ il -rl ir . T(fLlht OF UEII_ Fliscel laneous Cash B3-?S-SS tb:45:Ert Eeceipt # F4f,BfE, Flccount # L:H # fBgB FIPEE/.AECHITECT5 I.,APP FEE Flrnc,un ? tendered l lEti.FE Iten paid Fmount paid 8lffB86.llS3EFEF lfrE. Br1 [h.:nge p-et-urne,J :.. fi. A6 _ TI{F|HI< 1/QLI rJar_r r c.lsl-r ie r :iT t I DtrtrMRTMtrNT tr@mmuNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM xxxxxxx ACCOUNT #TOTAL AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COIJ. DEV. APFUCAT]ON E=S 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}I BUILOING CODE 1 0000 42415 I98t UNIFORI.{ PLU\IBINC CODE 1 0000 1241s :988 UNIFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}I RRE COD= 1 0000 4Z+1s 1987 NAT'IONAL EI JCTRICAL CODE I 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 BLUE pRtNTs (M)1ARS) 01.0000 +2+12 XEROX COFIES ,/ SruOreS 1 0000 42371 PENALTY ffis / RE-INSPECTIoN 1 oooo +rszi lorr HOURS INSFECION FE CONTRACTORS UCEATSES fEES 1 0000 41330 0r 00oo 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION //)2ll a ,kJ/,'*t o: --'I -{o E m Iq l-o l-+B E l+o 4 lriS e I9q 2- l!: g ItrP o liq I l=i :f5 o.<4o.63 a,g ct >l ..6 fil 'n m ! =i Dn& fifl8 T \{;- -'-42 -F" r o o z o {n o =o z !m v ={ at .It Or-CC z= \= oo z q)z 40 ;{m lr ll lie lr 1,l@<l-o I'n l,m ! = =-{o @ m x m l,-{ o z (-o ID 9 -{rn Cr cr ts o gl m -r z z -l a -l u \J!z.r 3= A7 7 -.t m nz >m of,t i>or o I =m o i (I,z =IT -t cr v (D u7 (D o (D -n tr z a {ti mlO rl= l'r1 t<t> lf lz lo I I I I l{to l€ lz lo t; JF IT lm lF,tz l" I I I I l-{to l€lz lo l'I I<t> lF II IB l= l-{lo l€lz lq l<t> lF t,tm p lz ld l€lz lo u l=l!tm lF, l6 -or o -HEsa 3i st !l =or o =:EF *l*t' (,r (D =f = -.o a!CJ+-o*E- i*in IreH. 9aH=(og +@ a9E€ -E oo e_5=F ;'a 9.3 3e3'1 g: +5 @3ol Pqtdr Hl$= i,es a *;eg -'3gq fraiE 6'E. F R J O --- .- € m l-m o o m -l m :-{e;g f. z (, t- _i z z-ooo ?B 3*;*= fitE P= 3 6 Bf E S @27 aw.l|ll co(!>3Ps8 3HE:E;;g ii =;=3Z llll" z fl € - m {F z o I =z t- m tt .{ m 't 9 n .{ c ^z Orrr-2 s:iii a*F to =zo I ?9 a').4 Io 64 x? c:>s. -q Y oo o lrzz {o ,x No= Sm=/.4) - 9c t ht p r rD.t F F H r'p 15 h t,r I :r)m i o 7 z. m \) :r) D f , m lsl lol l(tr I l'l l3.l l3l vrl cll ol EI il t\ qz =Z (DO fe. oS oo ;2 o-9 (D; a!)ol BI ol ol 3-l o-l cil r.l ol I I I 6t z at gl =6l ."t I 3r 'l I I I I ol >l -l I F+ qNl N N . I I I i a --It m u 3 ql m m v, o m { x o |-m z m !o g, m I 2 ,m s m € o n m m -t z .tl m m I'I o z -9 -c =g z m t-m o , _9 t- z o m x @ F I z m =I !m n = ='Tl m m U' VALUATION !m n ={ z o =m c) z ]- 'o l- 3 o z o m l-m cl r o |- o t- z o (Jl O o q) O (tl o o O O)(o @ \!(t N)(Jl o o D D N)(tl o o o o (r.,o) o O !(o f\)cn (JI P (tl O v,rc# l7)7'/1/r /(2 aTtK, f/rof ry-frKT ?'-' '-'-"'- ,/.)Aff2&-- ?-/-r+ \eV* t, ,', ot 71 c. t/. fi-"-4l7,t)"/* ) "//* -bft' .-", /e'7 *'affii-:zc V-.o',L E - ,n-.n(l .*+at--/*7 /*w*"''r/V- ,&-u - 7hz., ,rn-('/La,+z . ,.r-, -du {2u7 /*-/- /q.q--&,-cd , 17 t 7 ?1./ /':r9 itt't . 11 l, 'J /.:'/ /'i t;^< Ut.t'w r JLi' 7o1tlt-t7t z '\-// at ,1( tt n -/u..zy ,. p,-/}n t tu-t/, /.:"'{ 1, ,/.1, ,L ^41, /r., ctr-* frr, ,r-.,.th( -t/l- -t /^ ,r 4zl.t14.ou"Lt'-/.. 7/t -'u7'"*1,:'l Ay'/, b ' 'i ' 4 L't,--,' -f" l'' l'' ' '&f'/a''n '- '{-tfu/ ; g" 'to.t/uu'tt'JA,{+ .7,, t 4 't<*t -Z <:<t"" (,.rL y'*l) ,* /iu/ r,! .'t',;zz('r. '2 x t2 ./kc"4o '<( A'"t "**i",i' ri gl-"a tL "l-r'."fr-,'/ "'--ti[x''f "'a !7tA c"w""-l:*j4 tao-.t , ,3-14-4^( fr'+o C'it'ut 'i ,zn' /:r-ao un,l u'",+r d^41- d:uz ,'< Pl'' 7Y1-" '' " "f L'a',14 * o#.."n-/ '7n*t'7*: ^ * ^ '/'///i*rc z.'til$tA\ '/ ,i,,r,-7/o<zt //'/"' 4/ 'e / C"a *lanin / /t .;-/- ,"#"rroN TOWN OF neouisr VAIL DATE JOB NAME, TVES WED ,liHun ,) ,n,READY FOR LOCATION: t z :=,-) i. ,'. 1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*lt"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING r_.r ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL u tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr Frl\l,AL O FINAL '1F APPROVED .'rb-"' ,r coRREcT|oNs: O DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuEsT TOWN OF VAIL /t .t '\ ., u/JOB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES .'.: , j WED THUR FRI AM PM / .-( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FBAMING Fl tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT I] SUPPLY AIR tr_FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"noN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL NAME INSPECTION: JOB CALLER READY FOR LOCATION:) 7 '::. -^'-//,rt) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr r-l UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER I' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB p'sxeernocK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FtNALo-tr FINAL ,L VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED . CORRECTIONS: ',*DArE i!- :'" '^ lNsPEcroR ,r#"toN neoulsr TOWN,OF VAIL i.') l-:r ,u DATE ioe Nli/e MON READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,,,./ CALLER tYr.$.'THUR ' FRI ,' :(- AM {PM ' .>:-'WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:ITIECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"rroN neouist TOWN OF VAIL DATE . JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES ; WED,) THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: r] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F FINAL E FINAL lF APPROVED ,. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*#"toN neouisr' TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME OATE READY FOR LOCATION: cnllen BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUtTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEF T] FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN neouisr . Tr)WN r)tr VAtl /,/ ./i DATE ;'',//i;L\ ' , JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: fr uruoenonouNo tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNourT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr tr FINAL d:E/xpfaoveo ,z' CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,"#"rroN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES T THUR FRI DATE . READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o D tr tr tr FHAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB B FINAL tr FINAL ,.. 'eeeeoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORHECTIONS: DATE --)-, INSPECTOR *,*#"toN neoulsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES .i WED AM l THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUIIBING: T] UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr tr o u tr tr tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr tr tr tr FINAL .l],''APPROVEO ,.€ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIFED DATE ,'1 INSPECTOR ,*#"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL I \',-L., INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: :APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL B UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V. E FRAMING E q ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr utr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR h ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING 5n O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR /'.-.'...DATE Eb., = -rh'J :- oi g-F z-N O o-l -r\;<trl =l--I t\ t i rl I r tl t- m n o rn >i fi tn 3 m z I t z o m z n m r.d >:d >: -14 €+3>(/)- <o :o> - j Oa _ c, 3:9::<ii 2z r', a z=:3 > C -YZZ 9?o>7'.>=!/-ov n#F?tngi 6> -:12; .:do - =dod>l:='r 6J:'!.1 3F,if; N : s t- z |n F m =-l R \{ ii, N: o< >;z^ <Y od Y7 ;-: z 9>So z^= N'n . A ,'< I r?) r ARCHITECT z \m !t>.2 a- .o .-! :. _-r 2 2 r\o 'x I,J m N z |n - .: l" t. i -vALuarr oN $ -a t z It t o -{e ==, o -l l- tr s l-I z o E m T 3 { :. .. ITI m FI 2 t z o m :\-is ;E\r) >F td ltl o><U a> ri Fto o>t€ >o 2Z ,z Fq i;),_€ .3 tE!O9 aE ='r z |lr d B a a ,l I z =l z tr r @ { ^u +J i tn =-.t N liI t t a \ \ \ 1 U rNsPEfrdfu"t:gi FIEBUESiT TOWN-tOF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED CALLER E.orus* MON COMMENTS: TUE E panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIO[\]. WED , Tltun FRI AM PM flnppRovED f] upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRBECTToNS: GOBRECTIONS ,i1. ; / [,orsnee RovE D D nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR U o .dr\ > \$q-\ iJes l gn l\ Oate Pa i PROJ ECT LEGAL DE USE ZONE LOT S IZE SETBAC KS D I STANC E HE IGHT: gv ll \J SCRIPTION R l*- ,nL ZCII ING CHECKL I5T S U I4MA RY ; ARCH ITECT red - Front 3a , | - Front Jt , BUILDINGS: Reouired t /'t' 't f r' 2' -" S ides S i des //.i- //,J- , Rea, _lL,-f-; I -r L.',.1 :.--. o "fa. Actual /a i ; PR0P0SED USE ( S ) -?)s'o e ; FR0t'ITAGE : Requi Actua BETWE EN Average Grade '''' //./ Height Allowed p,/,4 , Actual /8'/ ; Allowable sq. f t. BUILDING Required S ITE COV Sq. ft. t.-'f-i'/ -%, commo n fr; sq. ft., Actual 7/ fi /(r7:.' sq.ff./ 1 ,r-. <) Ll t quired ZON ING APPROVAL ,iH,- ptfl+-e/-- &/----, gt F, -.La tl nu-ttt {, f(.!r.+,. ' DES tcN REV I EW B0ARD APPROVAT UT lL lT IES APPROVAu ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL No. ; Cove red Act ua I , No. Actual q , Covered Re- /t'Jc-7J Da te Cha i rman, 0esign Review Board G.R.F.A.z rt,/r4 Ratio, Allowable sq. tt. ,u,tr+ , Actual sq. t+, /r:'/// i C0[,lMERC IAL FL00R AREA: Percen-lage a l lowab le-r --!,.^ | ^^ l.l-rlL I UO | > L.l . I r . , Actua I length , Di agona I , Diagona I Allowable ,45' %, Al lowable s'0s {', Actual-0'/7 Actual sq. ft. ?1 k:-4- C 7 7.'...r. 8 * 65./ USEABLE 0PEN SPACE: Req u i red sq. ft., Actual a</?,ccc sq, ft. Al lowab le rnaximum length _ ///// LAN DSCA P PARK I NG arttr nnNTont . 0ffsets ERAGE: Ground Le ve I ING: Required bc' f,, AND LOADlflG: No. Required rator Date Submitted Date Submitted Date Submitted Extension of Zon ing Review Des ign Review En v i ronmen-f a I /o-2 I 73 ,Dead I ine Dead I ine 11-."?-7.1 for f o r for Date D a te lmpact Rev iew to date of 0rdinance No. B (Series of 1973). Dead I ine as permi tted by Sect ion COMMENTS: item STATE OT COT'NTY OF COLORADO ) )EAGLE ) v SS. DECLAMTION OF LAI{D ALLOCATION I, Jort J UtrA r ilGr,4 Jq-being first duJ.y sworn upon oath connect wit:depose and say that aceording to ny best knowledge, infonmation and belief, to l. That this statement is nade in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building penrnit to the Town of VaiI and to comply with the requinements of Ar:ticl-e VII, Section 3, Ondinance Number 7 (Senies of l-969) Zoning Ondinance for the Town of Vail as amended by Ordinance Number 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinance Nurnben 15 (Series of 1970). 2. The description of the building site fon the pnoposed building is as foLlowsl.(Descniption may be atta descniption). 3. The proposed buil-ding site and the existing building contains contains ZL, Sao sguare feet,ssuaffiet and the proposed addition contains sguare feet is squane _r._-F-..as defined in the total building zon]-ng feet; the afonesaid Ondinance as am6i?i6?lf-- 4. The pnoposed buil-ding and/on existing building and addition as it nelates to the building site area, conply to the FLoon Anea Ratio fon the zoning which appties to the building site, as defined in the afonesaid Zoning Ordinance STATE OF COLORADO )) SS. COIJNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing affidavit and declaration sworn to bgfone ne, a Notary public, by this '71+\ dai of ,J"t,+,,-he ' , v My Comniseion Expines ( Seal ) Mr_colrlir, otlllbi'-J!AL5J e76 uly subacnibed and TOIdN OF VA I L BU I LD I NG PERM IT SUPPLEMENT I A ' lt PRoJEcr -Ja f/ J //uEa , ti6 E e J2 ,1o., eE.u cE The signatures below certify that the following e)<cerpts from the 1970 Uniform Building Code, as amended and adopted by the Town of Vail, Colorado, have been read, understood and will be adhe red to : Sectiol 302 (a) Approved plans shall not be changed, modif ied,or altered wlthout written authorizstion from the Building 0fficial Section 302 (c) The issuance of a building permit does not give authority fo violate any provisions of this code, or any other 0rdinance and shall not prevent the Building 0fficial from there-after requ i ring the correction of same. lection 304 (b) The Inspection card shall be read, fi lled out lii-?ul and posted conspi cuous ly in the waterproof ho lder f urn i shed by the Building Department. Do not cover up any work not signed off by Bui lding Inspector. Section 106 (a) (d) NO BUILDING SHALL BE USED 0R OCCUPIED EITHER ffiRAR|LYUNTlLTHEBUlLD|NGoFFlc|ALHAslSsUED A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY AS PROV I DED FOR HERE IN. 0rd inance l5 ( 1967 ) Before any s ign (temporary may be used S i gn Rev iew 0rdinance 2 or posted, it shal I be approved by Comm i ttee ( 197 | ) Genera I Contractor and ALL or permanent) the Town of Vail subcontracfors shall be licensed with the Town of Va any vlork. il orior to the starf of STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing aff i sworn to before me t and dec la rat lon Notary Publlc, by to was duly subscr ibed and ss davi ,a I this day o My Comm i ss ion Exp i res (SEAL) 'l x.4*n*Gf> Contractor Notary Pub I ic //fl Juridiction spaces only, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS cAsH PERMIT V BUILDING roN Applicant to complete qflsee errecaeo sxeerl lLtpG 2 -Jo rrJ HtttBtpGEa J*- Qo 2t? Ea/ ('olo g/(// 3 flla ATr-z't-'t Co L; btatz L ICE SE NO. a:r/ \> 2 ARCHITECT Oi OEgICNER MAIL AOOi'II PhON' LICENSE NO. n Frrt tf ,LC/4 5.o-V- 0A,t- (otoaaoo 5 f ,rz/-l ,Jc/l Sco MAI L ADOiES!LICENSE NO. 8tc Cr:/o MAI I. AODTE9g IIANCH USE OF 6UI LDINC 8 CIASSOIWOTK: ZNEW trAOOITION trALTERATION DREPAIR CMOVE DREMOVE 10 Change of use trom qlrilh4 CdlrhDtfict I I Valuation a*ri;44 PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slzs of Bldg. (Totalt Sq. Ft. Flre Sprinklsrs Roqulr.d E\l.€r DNo ?t,/z -OFFSTREET PARKING NOTTCE \l SEPARATE PEBMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFK IS COM. IUiE OF CONIFACIOi OR AU PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT - It Vho.""oD - TEMP. F rLE ffiffiryffi 't .j.- o DATE 8:eo - 73 rfME REcEfvEo /o fS @r* E ornen E panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE THUR FRf / ,'o o artll@i COMMENTS: S.nee Rov E D D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ! orsapp Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS O INSPECTOR !NSPE FIEOUEEiT DATE N OF VAIL 5-'- tt'-za JOB NAME TfME RECETVED "?:3a AM@-) TUE ! peRrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI ,X;4t'an@t MON COMMENTS: Frapp Rov E D ! orsapp RovE D E upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr I 7/'/' 1/' 7 PLUMEilNGi.' MECHANICAL PEFIM|T TOWN OF VAIL DATE is ' JoBNAME ) o;.. ^ il,,,u1r,no." {?.. r,r]q,1 c,.- 'r owNER ,.,i"[.,,-, l/ ",o /r,u.,.-" ADDREss '/^, I Vo llrV [)r,u, pnoneTT/ -,J7"'1 coNrRAcroR V-r', , ? /,. ,,^ 1,, ir,u E OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: E r,rew n noornom i neruooer- E nero," RIPTION OF WORK: / ,:",I i) (; PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANf cAL: nuueen / ! 7f'' H VALUATION $VALUATf ON $ ,.. 7.) 1) O e () REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMTT ,r, f ?7- .f o 4/,' t NG ) LP EFIMIT PLUMBI /MECHANTCA TOWN OF VAIL E OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: El *rw ! noorrroru E neruooel n nepern RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBEB MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION$ I/ noa VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: pERMfr ree € ,FJ 5-A PERMIT FEE "@re { Srpo. za tdl'*tfrz I INSPE FIEOUEST VAIL r'r'"TOWN II OF DATE JOB NAME {/-zs rf ME REcEf vE o ,/1. a/s'@ pnil CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: n penrtll. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI 2:3A or4fi-,, APPROVED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED I netNSPEcr rNsPEft,t FTEEUEST TOWN OF VAIL oarc ( Af Z 73 JoB NAME y',-,ag: t.o€ ?es, '^r '< € TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnl. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED $aeeRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: ! orsaeeRovED ! nerNsPEcr coRREcroNs l[",,Ita DATE f APL 1q