HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 4 LEGAL.pdf_corrupted o . DRB IPPI,ICAIION DATE APPIJCETION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: , 1;, , .'. - I *****IIIIS APPT,ICATION I{ILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED ITNTIL ALL INFoRMATfON IS SUBUTTTED***** .i ,.I. ' PRE-APPLICATIoN }TEEtING3 A pre:application neeting wlth a plannLng staff member is strongly suggested to'deternine lf any additional infolaation is needed...., No appll.catlon will be ac ft ls the applicantrs responsibifity to rnake an appointrnent with the staff to find out about addltional subrnlttal requirements. Please note that a CoMPLETE applicatlon wlll streamline the approval process for your proJect by decreasJ-ng the nurober of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL condLtions of approval rnust be resolved before a buildinq perrnit Ls issued. Application wlll not be processed without olrnerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.I'CATION OF PROPOSAL: 'Address Legal Description T,ot 4 Btock z c. D. NAIIfE OF APPLTCANT:2luto d &,vz- fu-soz* Mailing Address: Phone R e/67 NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT I S Address:'MO 5. n REPRESENTATTvE: fizez+r.1 ' /Srqnzl Phone 47b -44si E.NAME OF OWNERS: 8IGNATURE (8) : Hailing Address: Phone 47a -547A F. CondomLniun Approval if applicable. c. DRB FEE: The fbe will be paid at the tine a building perrnit is paid for. VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $ 1O,OO1 -' $ 5O-O^C 95O,OO1 -$ 15O,OOO 9150,001 - $ 5OOrO00 s5Oo,OO1 - $I,OOOrOOO $ over $1rOO0,OO0 FEE $ lo.oo t ?5"of' s 5o.oo 9r.00 " oo s20o. oo 9300.00 (0vER) II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING AI,L SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In additlon to rneetLng eubrnlttal requi-rements, the applicant nust stake the site to indicate.property Ii-nes and buildLng corners. Trees that wll,l be removed nust also be narked. Thls work must be conpleted before the DRB vlslts the site. B.will nornallY Design Review on at least two the Design Review who trave not asked to be republished. exterior changes plane of the ... t. '",'c. 'D; '' At tlre discretlon of the zoning adninistrator, the 'folloulng items may not have to be presented to the Deslgn REvlew Board. They, hohrever, have to be pres6nted to the. Plann,lng Department for approval: a. - Windows, skYllghts and sinilar that do not alter the exlstlng buildingi and b. Building additLons that are not viewed frorn any other lot or public space' which have had letters submitted from adJoining property owners approving the additlon; an4/or approval from the agient for, or manager of a condonlniurn assoeLation. you may be requLred to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on youi property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. E. v, Qazsua+ Easeerue //?3 Qs614 4eaz, /+rz- /pr // Lor 4 Bcoaz-Z, hu- lQuey frz>rFtur, /ay,a.ru,r Pzara'y 2et ue z,s Brzz. /, /ltz //,tuzr frar P*zte *brtu=ev //A3 C+ztu Qz-az"e l/+rt / ao 8/as7 ,- 2r Brz"z 2r P*a' 3€O l/furt, 75 s. VUt r t/*rt (/*zer Ftesr € Seaw ,/a*,u*,V /{fu.,rt U /4/ua4 ^b*e a 8/b57 Feouru-aa fup ///esr Lar 3, 6cadg 2, t/,+tr //+zzcr /r*. Dap*ca S /ezal &zaca // ts- /bzarz-uee Pa. Bax /347 t/att, Co 9/L57 Tzur a @, &r*e 2, L/zt. /rrt*a,- ItAFrrr*,u l/ut- gQaaF Au,a+e; TO U, A s/a57 LIST OF !.IATERIAI,S NAI,IE OF PROJECT: T,EGAL DESCRTPTTON. t-Or :L BrScK Z SUBDIVISION l,Lr-rrFl ESr frza)/-= STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:*aarrroo ESTTrUq PesloEtuaE 14Ato* The following infortation ls Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIAI,S: Roof Siding other Wall Materials Fascia soffits l{indows Window Triut Doors Door Triur requJ-red for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Ct4nE- TJ- 4 l,/huEAL l/aao /l/ n oaat > - P+turEo ll/aao Cuze- De* Srtnt /l/&ra* Exr sn,tt t-. Snpo Mtus -zt ll/*trz FJrcnNh Hand or Deck Rails Flues FJ.ashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.IANDSCAPING: PI,ANT I'IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXTSTING TREES TO BE REI.IOVED *Indicate Name of Designer: Phone: /oeeete Botanical Narne Cornmon Name OuantLtv Size* caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnurn calio?f for tree-s is z inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. PLAfflI UATERIAIS: BotanLcal Nane Cornmon Name ouantity Size* PROPOSED SIIRUBS nxtstrNc sERuBs TO BE REIIIOVED *Indicate size of proposed Ehrubs. lrlininun size of shrubs is 5 qa11on. Tvpe Scruare Footage GROI'ND CO\rERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR MEfiTOD OF EROSION CONTROI., C. OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATTFES (retaining walls, fences, swimrning pools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retaining walls. Maximun height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. ltaxLrnun height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. t t I'IIIJTTY IOCITTON VERIFICATION SUBDTVESION TOB NAI,TE BIOCK L- FII,ING l/ruilhuzv Frp,crhuwg ADDREsS //1= Ce'ent Ct. :nrc locatlon of utlutles, whather t[ey ba aaln tnrnk llnes or proposed ll.nes, nust bE alproved-and verlfled by the following uttllttes for the accompanyLng slte plan- 4 IPT U.S. West Connunl.catLons L-800-922-L987 458-6860 or 949-4530 publlc EerrrLce coDpany 949-5781 Gary Ball Eoly Cross Electric ABsoc. 949-5892 Ted ltuslq/Ulchael laverty EerLtage Cablevlslon T.V. 949-s539 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle ValleY l{ater - E Sanltatlon Dlstrl.ct * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTEs Authorl-zed SLcrnature 9-/l-qo llhLs foto is to verlfY locatLon. Thls should preParLng Your utl'lltY Lnstallatlons- r PleaBe brl.ng a eite Plan when watar & SanLtatlon slgmatures. !,".rS JLJ"" \^/Y-eo street eetivlce avallabllltY and be used Ln conJunction with plan and scheduling obtalnlng upper Eagle valleY 'lllrese verLfLcatLons do not relLeve the contractor of hls responslbiltty to obtal'n a street cut peloit fron tne rordr of Val.lr-Depattnent of Publl'c works and to obtatn uttiltv 16cat-tonF Pefgfe Cissing -i-n.3ny public @isenent fTt thg Town of vail._ A ffi pemfuust bE obtaLned separately. ( PEC MEI'0-Gorsuch [,Ja'l 6-22-79 Page Two The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatib'i1ity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity,or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special pri v'i'l ege. To qy knowledge, a wa11 along the front setbackline in excess of three feet in height has never been brought before the Planning Conrnission. There also does not seem to be any specific reason for approving this wa11, especially with there being a regulation which direct'ly prohibits it. Approval of this app'lication would set a precedent for other walls of this type. The effect of the requested variance on'light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public faci'lit'ies, and uti1ities, and public safety. l,le forsee no adverse impacts on these factors. such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to . the proposed variance. No other factors are deemed applicable. Fi ndings The Planning & Environmental Cormission shall make the fo'llow.ing findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of specia'l priv'i1ege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially .injurious to properties orimprovements in the vic.inity. That the variance is not warranted for one or more of the fo1 lowing reasons: A. The strict or literal 'interpretation and enforcement of tfq spegified regulation would not resutt in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship iirconsistent with the objectives of this title. B. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do,apply generally to other properties in the same zone. o . PEC l4El0-Gorsuch }Ja'|l 6-22-79 Page Three RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Conmunity Development reconrnends denial of this application. There was a mistake made by this department when the application was originally presented to the Design Revjew Board. lJe, however, beljeve that there are not sufficient grounds to approve this appl ication. There was a compromise (that is enclosed) ttrat I made when this mistake had been brought to r4y attention. l.le believe that the wall should be redesigned to meet these specifications. i ( ', rar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: BACKGROUND The Department is recormended.to the l4organs that a privacy 0n september 2'1,'1978, the Design Review Board gave_approval to the Gorsuths for a Stucco Wal'l to go across the front of the,ir property ina-exienOing a little way around the two sides. The wall as it was : iip"ov.A it ihis time waito be six feet in height with.pillars and Sliei s'lightly in excess of six feet at the driveway and walking access points. 0n lhy 23, 1g7g,I was jnformed that Mrs._ Morgan had.cal.l.the Bui'lding : DeparimenI wantinq to know if Dave Gorsuch was permitted to. construct tfrii ri* feei wali. It was a! this tjme that I fjrst saw the p'lans' - and realized that an error had been made. The Zo.ning 0rdinance c1 early ititei in Section 18,58.020c that no wal'l sha'll exceed three feet in treigtrt within any required front setback area. This section also states itai tt'. wa'I1 ca-n Ue'no greater than six feet in height in any required side or rear setback. I then informed Dave Gorsuch that the wall could not exceed three i"et-itong his front property line- After further discussion' we reiin"a a'comprom'ise ltrat would allow the wa'l'l along tlg front property 'line to be no greater than 3* feet. I fe'lt that the 3* feet was uil"piili" aue"to the epor itrat haa been made when it was presented lo th" Design Review Board in September. 9n I'hy 24' 1979,.1 gave .. Dave Gorsuch Staff approval to pioceed with his wall according to the amended p1an. 0n June l,.|979, a letter (which is enclosed) rnns received-from the Morgans which appea'led my administrative decision. What was appealed wasonly. the iix ioot'wa]'l on-the side which faces their front entry way. In meeting with the Morgans yesterday at thejr house on Cabin Circ'le, it was shown to me that tfre viLw from iheir front entryway would be considerab'ly. Uiol[.4 UV this six foot wall. Part of. the problem,.according to lfe t"to"o"ns. is the closeness of the Gorsuch garige to their property fine' i['p"""ioui viriance permitted the garage-to be within 5* feet of the property line). RECOMMENDATION VAIL TOI^IN COUNCIL MEMORANDUM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR/J IM RUBIN June 5, 1979 APPEAL FROM MR. AND MRS. GEORGE MORGAN ON A STAFF APPROVAL OF A STUCCO WALL ON THE GORSUCH PROPERTY of community Deve'l opment be] jeves that a compromise so'l ution l.le feel that the i,rall at 6 feet h'igh would be detrimental viels from their front entryway- We, however, also fee'l wa'l I is a perm'i ssable use. Our recommendat'ion is for a r WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PERMIT VALIDA lrv,z9' I' APPLICATION "z I-r- Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOF . LE6/lL I oE3Ci,{L__.llEE arracHro tHrrr) c,z-2./c4l ,/.rrz-2tP / (,s- 'r/ Z:;--7"^';2:; AFTH ITECT OR D E5I CNER MA|L ADOiE6S 'PBON!r.lc ENSE ito, NCINEEi MAI L ADDiEIS PHON I LICENSE NO. LJSE OT BUILOING 8 Class of work:D AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR N MOVE tr REMOVE d7r tS t c</z*Zz- l0 Change of use from 11 Valuation of work: $ 25aet), ri)'tt a u PLAN cHEcK FEE // .v o z,e0 PERMIT FEE -< J SPECIAL CONDITIONST Slre ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACEs: NOT!CE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED. CANARY _ AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENROO _ TEMF. FI LE