HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 12 LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !_o{ .e 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 B\K 3 e7o-47e-2t38 b"'--\ \-)-\\"'-{ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES d ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0115 Job Address: l5l7 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR, UNIT 2 Applied . . : 0612112005 Parcel No...: 210109101003 Issued. . : 0'112912005 Project No : Expires . .: l2ll5l20f,5 owNER CAGLE, DONNA M. O6/2L/2OO5 512 SILVER OAK GROVE COLORADO SPRTNGS co 80906 APPI-,ICANr WECCO o6/2L/2005 Phone: (7!9) 495-0725 PO BOX 25576 COI-,ORADO SPRINGS coI_,oRADO 80936 I-,icense: 357-E CONTRACTOR WEcco O6/2t/2o1s Phone: (1L9) 495-0725 PO BOX 25576 COI,ORADO SPRINGS coLoRADO 80936 License:357-E Desciption: ELECTRICALREMODEL Valuation: 521.477.W Square feet: 3486 FEE SUMMARY Electrical- .' '.> DRB Fee----- > Investigation---- > Will Call--'.'.--> TOTAL FEES-- > $0.00 $0.00 $o. oo s0. oo $1s8.2s Total Calculated Fecs-> S158 - 25 Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee ..--- > $158 . 2 5 Paymenrs--------------- > $158.25 BALANCE DUE-.------ > Approvals: ftem: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENr ^- l^1 I ^^^F r^Vr,/ ZLI ZUUf LrD Item; 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:1-2 (BLDG. ) : FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 QR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPTICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Building Permit #: /q3 79-2149 IOWTTOF 75 S. Frontage Vail, -S, l",c db^- \,rL"..,'yyi":'ENo:Contact and Phone #'s:711)q1:r-a 7aS Clay U>.^.r-,"r COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMoUNT oF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: 31 8t ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ pl,Lt 7f, OO Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel .# Parcel #Jloto1 lo\oo3 Job Name:fou [ + il a-s"^ CesiJe^.a robAddress: lJll r,arlv*ttyDr. Un,'l a LesatDescription ll r-ot: JJ ll ero.r,3 ll ririns'subdivision: Vc.i I Uoll".r- Owners Name:Address:Phone:v Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: F-t I h lzc-ln.tc.'-\ .2 Al K<.]ry\ocye \ WorkCfass: New() Addition( ) *enodel(/ Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (r{ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bfdg.: Single-tumily ( ) Duplex $t{Uulrtanny( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: A No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinS: 1.y4 Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( /{ DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes( ) No(e') ll DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No(') ***********t(***** yt '6 -_-\ lgQ -. 7*'< * Fo R o FFrcE usE oN Ly* * * * *'( * * *,' * * * * * * * * * * €tfrf-Fees:'Date Received: DRBFe€s:'r :,AcceDted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \\VAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC * * ***** tr * r! * rr *** * D B Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shail be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade/ you must also obtain a building permit. if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. q o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. L- r3-cs- Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have iadiiionat questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. );t $ LI f} IL +++*****+**r**+**{'***'|'***f+*t****t*a**++***i*tt*+*t++t*+t***!t*+t***+*****+++*********+++lr**+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +t+****{r****tf*t't*{"}*+{"t*tt't'{'**+*1r*{'*t+******+++t*{r+**,}i,},}*+++***t'*i+*+f+++***:}******+*rir+++ Statement NuI ber! ROsO0OO889 Amount: $155.25 06/2L/2OOSO}:51 At{ Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 13703/WECCO Permit No: 805-0115 Type: BLECTRICaT PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-091-0100-3 sl"te Address: 1517 VAIIJ vA[L,Ey DR vAfL IJocation: 151? VAIIJ VATLEY DR, ITNIT 2 ThiB Payment: $155.25 Tot,a1 Fees: S158.25 Total AIrIJ PmLs: S155 .25 Balance :$3.oo *'*'t'lr*t+**********++********r***+**+'t'i't"i*+*****f,*'lr't**++++**r**+++**********t++*******+++i*+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeacriDtion Current PmtE EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJEETRICAII PERMTT PEES 1s5 .25 Statemgnt ***t***++*+**r'+*{.'}t+**********f * ++++++*++*+**** ****'**{.**+** *'i*'}**++1. **** *++++++*+*++******* * Statement Number: R060002130 tunount: $163.31 12/20/2OO6L1 :19 AI!1 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 12-20-2006 at 11:31:00 Payment Method: Check ,fordan Dev. DBA LT & Son 1524 t2/20t2006 Init: DDG Notation: Crossing Permit No: 805-0320 q4)e: ADD/AJ.,T SFR BUIITD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 091- 010 0 - 3 SiTe Address: 1517 VAIL VAILEY DR VAIIJ Irocation: 1517 vAIIr VALLEY DR., *2 Total Fees: This Palzment :9153.31 Total ALt Pmts : Balance: $4L7 .56 $153.31 l2s4.2s * **'i*'i* ******** *{.* ** * ********** ********** * * ++*** *** * ****** ****'tQi* *:tt *******{.** *********** * **+ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current Pmt6 PF 0010 00031123 0 0 PLAN CHECK FEES 153.31 RECEIPT - The Town of Vail DerE lA - Ao ,20_O_e RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS N9 58263 .Ro Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers HOW PAID _ cash gt,".k l)-/.\ Lo!12, 3(\e s, Ott>.\ Crossing Jordan Development lnc. dba LT and Son Builders 16835 Cherry Crossing Dr Colorado Springs Co 80921 71949*7628 office 719-661-3156 cell 719-5994507lax Itscrivner@msn.com TO: TOWN OF VAIL RE: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE #2 -BC)G - o34o PLEASE SAVE THIS PERMIT REQUEST AND ENTIRE FILE FOR FUTURE USE. I AM SENDING A CHECK FOR $163.31 FOR THE PLAN CHECK FEE AS LYNN HAS INSTRUCTED. THE CAGLES' WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BUILD THIS DECK IN THE SPRING OR SUMMER OF 2007. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. LT and SON BUIU)ERS CROSSING JORDAN DB'ELOPi'ENT INC LYNDON J SCRVNER PRESIDEIiIT Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:30 PM Lyndon J Scrivner 719-599-4507 Jrl-15-01 0N;tlu lrorl0ill0i Yllt OflJlll?Y DtVEt0flEfI 070{rt2$r ,-ffi Design Rwieuv Eoard ACTION FOR!,| p.o3 t-?tr p,00tl00t t-tlt Prdoct l{rms CAGIE DEC( Project Draoiptlon: . @TfiRAgrOR LT AND 5ON5 BI'ILDERS 7634 vauJ{/$.IA DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS co €0920 Ucense: g0SE Prdectlddress: l5u VAIL vALtFy DR VAIL 1517VAILVAUEYDR., SZ DtE tutrDsr DREO50334 a|$fZ0fJ5 Phone: (719) 531€994 l-ocadoru t erEl Dsscrlpdon: Iru lZ Bldi: 3 Slbdtvlrrlon: vAtL VALLFy Frrcelllumben ZI0I{91.010G3 6m||ents: ru erdihions ffr4,ls(at'f kfrrwe> yV .$z D€partnent of emmunity Dadognent 75 Souut frsfibge Road, Vall, Qlqldo At6F, .r hffc70-rr?9.ztt9 t'I1'iieqtg.yg2 r4f1. welr: www.si,YBil.so,tls -j,-- Extenslon of o<lsung upptr lcval deck to rcrth side of hqne; addiUon of concete patio dit€ctlv belot Y, oftendlng nqn bwer level FtffEiFnt$ owNER CAGLE, DONtt|.A M. OTlrvzMS 512 SILI/ER oAt( 6ROI/E COLORADO SPRINGS co g1906 AppUCANT urAf'tDSONSBIJI|DERS o7lfilz$os phone:ptg)S3t.6934 7634 VALT}IAI.IA DRIVE @TORADOSPRIIIGS co 80920 . tlcrscl fl)6.8 Mofion By: Second By:' VoE: Gnndldon:: EOIRD/STAFF ACIIOil Adicr: IDDROVEO DaEofApprqvll:0 Condr E (ruN): No cianceE b urs plans may be rEde wl0lout tlE wrltEn olrsent of r6ryn of Vail stail and/or the appmpriah rwlcw ommittee(s). Cond;0 g|.At{)r-9RP fryrdual ftei nd con$[t|E a permlt for hnk$ng, Flerre com$ wiur To'rn of Vail Surldng personnef prior to onstnrtbn rcdvid.r. Cond:201 DRB approvaf glnll not bsne nlld fw Z0 dals tbllodng tfie dae of effnwd. Tucsday, Septcmbar 19, 2000 10:30 PM Lyndon J Scrim* 719-599-1507 Jrl.l0-0f lhllu Ftcr.T0il tr fAll ffiilIY 0EVEt0mI niltn$z T.all f.00v00, F-ell ' @nd:202 App'ovat d ttr.pn lpd d,ell !1Fa ard beqtp vdd cn G) reer hlltrwtm th. d.te or nrul 4prwtf unlcs a bulHlng permlt b issued rnd rdrsur.lction ls corlll?E rcei-lhd is diilgeitf pursued burard confrlefion. cond: @lroo0f,Ila Applrcinr 3hrll ensilr€ tDat no bflftapt|U b (I.turH dunlg confiucoon d dccr and prrb Entsy: 0715/200i ly: ee Actbn: Ap Cond: EOlrl0lXl7335 All maEdalsdabdb dr&orHuiqr Crdt matctr ai$ng fitrV, tllt5lms Ey:cr Adin;Ap Pltnnc. Ellsabeth Eclel DRI Fcc paid; IZO.OO p.04 Tueeday, Septrmber 1E, 2006 10:30 FM ATTN. Lyndon J Scrivnsr 719-599-4507 p,01 Fax Number 1 -970-479-2452 Ftrone.Number FROM Lyndon J $crivner Fan Nurnber 71 9-599-4507 Phone Nunrber 7 19-495-762E SUBJECT 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR #2 Nunrber of Pagee 4 Date 9/19/2006 MESSAGE ATTENTION ELIZABETH REED THANKS, LYNDON Tuesday, Septcmber 19, 2006 10:30 PM Lyndon J Scrivner 719-599-4507 Crossing Jordan Development Inc. dba LT and Son Builders 16835 Cherry Grossing Dr "'"Jli:38#1i:loil*' 719661-3156 cell 719-5994507 fax TOWN OF VAIL 1517 VAIL VALEY DRIVE #2 PLEASE CONSIDER THIS AS OUR FORMAL REOUEST FOR THE EXTENSION OF DRB LETTER DRBO5O334. REED AND DONNA CAGLE HAVE REQUESTED THAT I BUILD THE DECK DffENSION AND RE.ACTIVATE THE LETTER IF POSSIBLE. UPON EXTENSION I WILL RE APPLY FOR THE PERMIT AND WOULD LIKE TO GET THIS DONE FOR THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE THE SNOW GETS TO BAD IN YOUR AREA. I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST A 6 MONTH DffENSION JUST IN CASE THE WEATHER DELAYS SOME OF THE CONSTRUCTION. THANK YOU FOR THIS CONSIDERATION LYNDON J SCRIVNER o9/19/06 P.o2 TO: RE: o 313i3f,:u' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te| 970.479.2139 taxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: CAGLEDECK 'DRBNumber: DRB05O334 Project Description: Extension of existing upper level deck to nofth side of home; addition of concrete patio directly below, extending from lower level Partlcipants: owNER CAGLE, DONNA M. O7lLIl2005 512 SILVER OAK GROVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80906 APPUCANT LTAND SONS BUILDERS 0711112005 Phone: (719) 531-6934 7634 VALLHALLA DRIVE COLOMDO SPRINGS co 80920 License: 805-B CONTMCTOR LT AND SONS BUILDERS 0711112005 Phone: (719) 531-6934 7634 VALLHALT.A DRIVE COLOMDO SPRINGS co 80920 License: 805-B Project Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR., #2 Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: 3 Subdivislon: VAIL VALLEY Parcel Number: 2101-091-0100-3 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: Date of Approval: 0215/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-CN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|.AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. ConA: ZOZ I Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date ' of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constructfon is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. C,ond: CON0007334 Applicant shall ensure that no landscaping is dlsturbed during construction of deck and patio Entry: 0715/2005 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0007335 All materials related to deck extension shall match odsting Entry: 0711512005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Pald: 920.00 'r*m I t,tinor Exterior Alteratlrs Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Communlty De\relopment 75 Soufi Frontage Road, Vall, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 Jaxt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com General Informatlon: All proJects requiring design radeur must reeive approval prior @ submitting a building permit appllcation. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paficular approval that is requested. An application for Design Re\riew cannot be accepted untl all required information is r€ceived by the Community Oevelopnren[ O.pirtri.i.-in. H project may also need to be revhwed by the Town Coundl and/or tie Planning and Environmental Commlsslon. ff 3ffri:"f#:il":rjrl;!,lapses unless a buildins p€nnlt ls iscued and construction oommenoas wiutn !/ W*enotueaeqrest: /)ecE eFr*Slanl Pk P/'+*l Af0e.fl*Jtcl| 71|_----:-------=-=_r' n JY'rq+tfE\ coNCkfiT L)M l( /*Eozt46 NOP)I* =-f/n,L,9p,/>44.11 -)Location of the proposa tz tott l? aoct; I - su **or^, UO*'l Ua(k^{ |$, Physicaf Addrcss: /t/'' yHL V*llTAL Z 1lf ParcelNo.r alh /ba /0/ oO3 (ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcelno.) V iet tP Physical Address: /nt !6ninq: lri Name(s) of owne(;]:. 1 MallingAddrefF; J/J )llVElLU*11 !L-._-Qftdna.-r( zU--tL- (\ Owner(s) Signature(s): V Nameof Apptie:lnu CZag& Jbpart+J W.htC 'bBf- Q,l)rlJant K*tl(lfrS t rl MailinsAddress /63y' /*J/lnJ/o b" ,' =, .. =, ,, \r'f'o Phone: E-mail Address: Zf, TypeofReviewandFee: A tr Signs $50 Plus$l.00persquarefootoftotal signarea. tr concepb.rar Review NoFee rsquarefootoftotal signarea' -{ -tr New Construction $650 For constucflon ofa new building or demo/rebuild.tr Addition $300 Hilil'.1iil'ffiififf1H"'Hrff'X'fl'ft:HiHT:*H:i.*tr Minqg 41qsEge. $250 For minor changes to buildings ard cte improvements, such as,gn(n-nmnypommercial) re-roofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and t r€blnlng walls, etc.M Minor efteraton $20 For mlnor changes to buildings and site lmprc\rements, sJch as,(single.family/duplor) re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retalnlng walls, etc.tr ChangstoApprovedPlans $20 For revisions to plans already approred by Planning Staff or the Design Revia4r Board, RffiffiPN JUL 1 1 2005 rov-coB$l'DEL .'! FRON:HEFRTLAND Sundaf, July 10, t006 8:50 PM TOIryN e e Vcffof lhc rPPt0ntl. of th€ Rsqu.|f! P6rcd No.r Ioning: llamc(r) of Ovrnor(s)r Mailing Addrurr: Owner(s) $gnrqru(s): tlBncof Appllentt lYp. ef RFYicw rnd trft tr 5lBn6 tr Conce+tdngJbw [r l,lewfrnfrudm I Mdltiofl tr MlnorAlEntbn (muld.tE dly/Emrneflfil) Er MhfrAnF|€tbrl (shgb.frmlly/duPl€x) tr ChatrgEso APPIS,|C Plsns tr seperadmRmE O lfrHr#:rt-ffiffis0s.4s07 Orur' I't' z@as @':'EHM Pz p,02 Minor Extrirlor Altent{ons Appllcatlon for Design Raview Deo8finst of Ciltmunw Ds\rdoF et* n south rrurtaoB Rm4 Vrll, bltrdgo 81667 idl 970..99.21?8 fa* 970.479,2452 rwb: www.vrilqw.com €ennrnl ffirrnetion: Iiil[ifu;c,rfrf,.ts dcCgn ruvtevy must lg$fi^r qFPtu,al prtor to $ffiilHng a bulHtng perilt app0Edoon' Iqf '#;'-6 r,. ilrilffi t&;k€flfiG rritt. prrttoiffi ooprdd that lE rlquirtad- {r apptkr$on frr Desrgn R€vlarr cEnnst bc ts*ed wdl rll rqulr€d inforrnEucn is Er.riry by the cd;ffiunw Dovi{wneftt DteqrfEnt. Ihe o[i;t ff;1s-;c.d t u. frll"io--ut ut1 i_own coun.,il "na/ot tlra Plrnnlng and EnvirEdrnrrrtrl comrnisdon' p'6$t 11vLw apprornl oprll-fo6 a bsilllrg pcrnrr itrr*r.e rnd cur.trudroh colrilnrnoe witftitl IocBdonofthsprcporrl: tot:' BlOr*t-SubdM3lgn!--,ri#' eirystcataoors: /"i'l il !fut.,Vi+i !';7' |e'*-t' - c1Ci.:'i -- (Cgntact Eagle *. fu5sssarct970-328+640 for parcel no') .hltr/1- nl jt. .llrlllng Addrocs: -g $S0 gl|J! 1hf-00 par squile fcot sf total sign arut' NO FGs ios Ftr mn|illuito of a mrr hJldlp r dsmo/Ebulld. ism For ar addHon urtrem silro E roopge lg rddsd to any lriidcntel qr oiinnrclroot ouitUino 0ndu#t 250 $id[ons a hffitr cortverdoltr)'gz50 FEr mllor chalEeslo-uullgtttg+ sno $E lmprcvw||c tE s4| r+ tl.rcEflm, pofu,g, wtrrOur sddEonS, hndr6phg, hncrr and rebfdnorn|E'dg $eO For miror Crrlrf,s tD buitdir|gF -fld dr lmgt|,gnantr' sdt sa ii*.onng, eafiEng, wlrdol ' rddldont, landsclphg. lencs and ittEfiilng tESs, €lL Slp il,gr$nnc'O OO.ns rlnaCy appovel by Flrrring SHll or tha De'nSn Rwlevt, EHrd. No Fee FRO.I :I€ffiILSD 0?/0fl800f 15:r! fAI 00tat!2l0so rkr,r :reei,rur+lr, r/thdnadrt Jrne D! UIlf l:55 Pil Fm( 1.I]- .?rwEzEB cl@l nilrur r}Di ifL :7l,lffianB LYimIJSttlcn?tsn|st roEmFrDtt?Youtli nnlErr'|toYrtlElltr w x6 B:sr| Pl Boor 66 zeffi tB:51ff1 H! U Ju I. ,{n Et stafl| b i: Tdr d Ut 6rafe bltF UG ffi b hr rlled h|rlrlrs,t, tob |Inct|td I tlrp addrr* nd alnr. t rrr5erl.d tE ttr pcpd tnorssnG|rts irhrde: ,,t;".Jr*4 ol** onco^lL.,wgzr " ' 4, /Zli I fur0E tfriH fit |ntu,E frtur h.r b lt* b lF rha r rr qrs of t t |tltw ,irF ts t,r|'r G'Fta: ili t*rrrltt! ilE G uJ qd&r. i,#ffi ,*?*d:"G{ il,t+roT377r/r' L firal otzl iQAl-. EQAU. .f' JW4-.r idrr -..q ot F!rr'!r r@rqr .r (drE6/hebl *wt idtr 6*shilef lt*ye tf*,l fL_ P.E 2 ot lvoq/Oflos '.rtrr j' ) F;' i:4fr rf+ ru ltr0 P. 'l SCUEDIJI,EA Order Number: 0403605{-r L Eftrdvc de: rMr af, 2oo5 rl ?Eas A.l|. 2. Policy or Folicitx to bc issucd: Amrc of.Inn[rre (a) A.L.T.A. Ownrr's S ftqccdInsrd: (b) A.L.T.A. Lm hoposed lrsued: (c) I -eca1p16 Proposed Insured: 3- Tle e$ale or idcrEst i! tbc led dcscr5crl or rftrrcd o h rhfo @ d cowrd brin ie fre ei.qrle 4' Titlcto&e fec ri4flo esaEoriil.m$brriltldirrb.frc{iuGdrebrofwod in: Dotrlf, u- cr@iE 5. Thc laDd ttftrrsd to b Sris Coitrra is dsH ar follors: gEE rr:f,rctrED r-Er|f?. DESCRIPIIOI. JUil. 2U. zUU) y: lytrill ultItA[l I I lLt o Purported lddr.!r: STAIEMENTOFCIIARGES i:1i,";."I;]|cr orrve z .ftllccrrctsre&cdpryrbbbcfura Poli(y crs bc issltsl- JUll.28.2005 9: l9Atl STETART TIILE v Ordcr NtEfu olo36Drr-r r0.3llB P. 3 SCUEDITLEA LEGALDESCRIPfiON oolDoEllli rrEl z, ltllJ&lif VIs DWIE C0DAEEET lccordt-ag to tta &E d"8fur ftrtLrrtlosr reoudrd Istdca lt, !.t?3 t looL 2.lt .t tatL ?!l u rrcerrtio6 ro' utt2or' hniat recgrdrd rrttrDc 15, ltt:l ir Lor 595 rl E|. 20a at racttt'oc rso- atl2tt ud thc eilfdafur tr sroc*tl F dG 13' 1175 ta lool 2{! rt Drgr 80 .' hcqEis F. 439:or. com{rE ot Elg.E St rE oF COtfflDO. JUil. ZU. l0U) 9:l0Ail OrdcrMrfu: o{ot6o5{ 1{, I I lLt SCnnnUnf n Sdion2 l; r EtAt( I o n0.3170 P. 4 7. L E:TCEPTIONS The poticy s pcili;ics !o be ir$€d ri|I cmin @ o fu ft[orfu dc rb ro ut dhporod of b thc satisfzcrfun of rbc Coryry: 1. Righ q deb of prtfos in pocceecin, ffi sbvfl by lhp F$lic rEcotrds. 2- E*m, q &ic ofm, dSorlbtihFilfu ncords. 3. Diranpodrr,cordidrb bcdrylir, furtrgaiarrcf cofu. duy Ecr rffiraooncct sornq rnd irpocdm of |b pafrc rnld dbclqc d ddcA ae u, rh*n by rh pdb records. 4. Atry licn, o rir& o e liq frr $rrirrs, Sor q ruirt htofut q ffi furt'e4 irymd by ler aod mr shorlttthcFdk raor&. 5. Dcfccts, lknc, mtu&'rare. drrctsc clsins ot orhcr mefiers, if aqy, crrlcd, fint rycaring b rbsn&lic rEcords orrnrEhing ||ftoEq|m b thc cfieaive dge bccof, h prior to 6t de hs Fq|o6cd h[[Gd rE+drcN of rmrd for vrhe rh cstqe or ingcs or mongagp thercon covErd E rbh cooniUcrr 6. Urymdniring4*;r; lc*tflicacilc4tiffi hlG,snrt eidn3 fu tg15s6grcofr rrFrEb,drbqdorOrss. rqr uff .Lf rq|rfa lsrr ud r.lr|rarnB! od rqr ua.dtrd ta3 rrl.r. fstr.od all r'alro?r d clxEra, -l,o[ rt' b. &- rd 9|t,$f.a b lll^l Vll.t'ry Doe:Ic* Coatf^lir. 9. Tt€ cfCeag of llc1s.l,oa it ey gaaasr;f or lncitin nt s cossGat{cr, tlan DrOteoele' rol,:' codtetratlq or Orr.+ lrltlich os Llclurid t! A', ntcr Eer}isr er stsaaG tqnwmt rrcr, tro- ra urrturrded oar-trlf LacGa6.t ls ud to .lI of tla oLl. grs E{ etbe,'lnerrl.. roli'd, llgnid aDd g[..o's, of .yra!, tiDd rsd !rtEr., locrudilg tr!!!ir8 la, o e.l tEitrr 6!d *l,ch r.t/ b. t''olfrcqf tac GL IErEi@ of rut;rct Itlopcrtlr ia Esetion 10 .t r.sctrad Dv PstF !. rrtror ltr t|L n .c reco8d..l rry 3. 1960 i.a aoot 165 rG prEr Z3z q, ltocet;tLoE Io. t3{0f. 1],. rgF.Gt Dsbla vfil Ltoc|'rt t, &ta-, q6 ell tu.ltllaf, r!r., 8r@6d.d July a?, !.tfa l'D focl l,l3 .B ragr l''? .. D. ,'.:r1O. r.rst g*rat { to v.tl rrt"8 |!a Sd.trtlFa DlrtrLoB }r t..t* -r raGFrbc taD*.sEy 5, 1ta, ln aool ll'a rt D.|L Et:f. tEGrr g'-ot d tp v-rl t t r trlltrtls. {rrtrtot !!r rre*r ,3FE{.d OeBD.r 20, ftf9 la tooL tla .t D.$ i!f.?, l lll -Blrrr $ rbn o tlr glrt o! ?.11 ?ill,.tr', tlrlG tuq srcaa..r rr!, 1r,l97e ta !o.l 2lr rr r.g. att .8 f.a.Dlta ls. ''t!'.tl- ut. 13. 15- Elglt-oc'*r' le.nt tc r.:.8 trq)a 9ra pQ|ct L.rGLal rlLgry 13, lraS t!a€L ltr rt ".er 3t .. Lcqtc*s f. rOfOCzl. i A@ti-E d r Er DqF Jull.2g' 2005 9:20til1 STETAII TIILE _' co8tiarrtioD of SoLdle B - tcti@ 2 ordar lrdcr: 0a03606{ ru.ltrE P. ) 15. D3slrr}tt'a r€?i.d &'r a:t, l9?O ia looL U17 rc llEa lof .f nrcq)tim Io. 1129?5 - 1?. lI1 r.tt sr -r .lm 6 Eb. $fa! ot vrff.t !'i- qilc OdHrir rrcord,rd novd€r 11, lt75 i! loot 213 at lrg. t0 ar rcol'cls D. 1tt20t. 13. CEDdlri.rfir Da€lasallc lo? tUt.rtr Vtr DE lc Crdrtr rrerild Dr$.a 13. l9?t tD tOO: alt rt Drg. 7t .r lrc.tclG D. lltzol an.EEb-c r.cord.d H.r a3. lrr2 t! td ltg rt t Nr :Ol .r r-.trtlE tt*ltt. 19, frtr rtrd .1I .rLtr it Ltaa! d taE|lrilr. 20. f D-a ot a!€rt aLt d t cdc l. za'/l. cratrt bf DE I. qtf. -a c- L.d CagB., to ti. Stls Brat a oa f.6[la C!|Ett, !o r.|[n u iril-trtrlo ol S1,2t?,5OO.OO' b lrrs -C r-rio htla.l fd rrce{rd D.c-c 7. ZOOI I rl.ccDt1e b- att?9o. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statement Nudber 3 R050001041 Amount: $20.00 o7/77/2oo5o2:59 PNI Statement Init: ,JS Notation: r027lcRossrNc Palment Method: check .IORDAN DBA LT AND SON BUII,DERS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Palment: DRBo50334 T)4)e: DRB-Minor A1t, sFR/DuP 2101-091-0100-3 1517 VAIt VALIJEY DR VAIL 1517 VAII., VA]-,I,EY DR., #2 Tolal Fees: $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ToIaI AI,I, PmEg : Balance : +***{.********{.*****************************:t:l{.***********************************'}********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR 0010 0003 LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 /-;t/ /nuVritq). tz- aa/za/N. ' ntPot+ Jrl?i-c 9nWrZ PblD *ilrhoJ igd oon ^re ry fLpo<a fu,rceaz. nA,narl, SAeLe /saOar,e= lFs \} /.+ =.\o:2 F vl t-\) ffn'fflg i|;:.Phrtn*',*:::$ *lr':i.:T.oryil 'l&,E-.iEii ii'ii'i'c-nr ruww D gD(n tor tlfc .3ttblklErt at feaar ^ l',i fo?.th- DFrgqr iino.i ma tl:l&' titl:Timqi ll.;"1,iiiIl, -cr trbl lstErt. of . fcnc!. tui tatig. or oU,r -luturi jlrcvrt|t Tr^!:Tl!t, !lrt-thr_lrrovcritu-cr- t1r rloii' icicii[ii'Efu r spo||i?[]""1?i.fili'HiTt'dl t$:'i.3ll]1ga%o'h.' rutun t+'o'tii s6 lrli drt!' uccot utfllty connccgonr- r- .,,rr* *l!.*:tll*,::l or grri 6rtc' .rccot rtrrrv conncctroar. rr. .ntrraly rtdtin d'G lo,,ndi;ii of ttc garccl . crcigt rr rhbm. Crri ifiLli-L'-...no...r,-.i. ..r_ .r-dcscrlbcd prrrnl scr br I thala rrl no mc-r orchnntl npor -ttri RAOTLS &L7t t2.9, Indtcrtcd, q'd qn! -uc,i ij m qedrcni-rifiiili"ir'ifi-ii'.iilli*,t cruslng or burdcnlng .ru prrt ol'irld p....il"ii.ipt rr mt(r.Itlr ccrtlfrcrtc docr not cor'trtutr I tltra rc*ch by-rntlr-fio.,,arn Engrnrcrtag P-98f"!,qI!E!lp e crsccng or .rorc.--rJi rit rnioJtro; ;ili;;g.g11 "l *X:llg.r^:.:H qrf 119F, -;,,_ii r'iiTifr ;i;' ;$Jil,;;cr3cGrt, rteh.-of-irv or tttt. of nco.,-intii+i;di;-6ril;.i;i nltcd upon ih. Finot Frot ot wlt voitiJ -Tiii-iirr""!a r arr !'3r --fwt \,bll Volbt - Finf Fittng. R. L.S.?4318 (50') rcUND PNA CrlP L.S. ip. t6827 LO'r ti DELTA a'!0,@n t?J'N',&. PIN A CAP. L.S.NO. t&7 gBrvt' {rtt6{ CURVE t 2 { r\\'s \ a \ l{.1 o, ) rlJ s s t r \lAtL TV,EW J:.JVAL L#T t3 "\ Ci^-. -q'l:.IJPA,- dy) _.t VG 11,1"-:1:ll,.rlt rrtt rctton Drscd upon rrur dcfcct In Enrr.3uryqy Dc cmenccd rrr thrn tcn ycirr flu ,8i, 84SVS tr ELEUAnq,l' MH. 42.6 RIM ELEV, : 8274.4'tNu. ouT c 8264.63, lOItFl: -Accordlng to Colondo lrr 1ou ru3t co@nc!rny lcgtrl lctlon DaSCd umn tny defect la eh{q tlr.'r rny I caol rctlon upon .ny ddcct In thlr ruwqy ;]t!!n tlr9c yGrru rfrcr'roo rint aisc6icr-'iucl-aiicct.ln.no cvont,- ray .try rctl-on brscd thr drta of ccrtlflc|tlon slprn he,ron. '6 s89 e3'E 57. t7 a9l93S F' tl ,0F f ilNr UNIT 2 LOT 12, BLOCK 3, r.g.!ot tl7a oalo t€Ttttrt{l,| FAD Avol( cq-o. araro ootr a{a-to?t IInter-Monnteln 1]\EIr3lrreerlngua t up rcveueur tocr-i toN-ffircare u.!^t.T t:.LoT t2, BrecK 3, !!t !L_,,uALl Fy _- Frnsr H ufu e, EAGLE coUNTy: Cixonan 14u€ /89 ,' !l \i, a IOI4'NTD ProJect Namer CAGLE WINDOW Ptoject Description: Particlpants: OWNER CAGLE, DONNAM. 512 SILVER OAK GROVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80906 APPLICANT LTAND SONS BUILDERS 7634 VALLHALLA DRIVE COLOMDO SPRINGS co 80920 License: 906_8 CONTMCTOR tT AND SONS BUILDERS 7634 VATIHALLA DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80920 License: 906-8 Design Review Board ACTION FORM -_ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado gt6SZ telt 970.479,213D fax: 970.419..2452 web: www.ci,vail.co,us DRB l{umber: DRB05O176 0s104200s 0510212005 Phone: (719) s31-0934 05102/2005 Phone: (719) 531-6934 Location: 1517 VAITVALLEY DR ')a-^\ (}.tq-l 3(K3 d rJ, lL MOVE 1 DCTERIOR KTTCHEN WINDOW TO THE EAST 48'" KEEPING SAME HEIGHT, E(ISTING WINDOW WOULD BE POSMONED AND RE-USED PrcJcct Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Legal Deecrlpuon: LoU 12 Block: 3 Subdlvftsion: VAILVALIEY Parcel Number: 2101-091-0100-3 Comments: SEE CONDnONS Motlon By: Second By: Vote: CondlUons: BOARD/StrAFF ACTIOT{ Acton: SIAFFAPR Dat€ of Appmvalt 0510212005 Cond:8 g$ryll'to changes to these plans may be made without the wntten consent of rown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate reviev,i committeeisj. - Cond:0 9uru).-PnP gpprovar does not constitute a permrt for buirding, prease consurt with ]ow1 gf_Vail Buildtng peruonnel prior to onstructrioni.tiuiti"r. Cond: 201 DRB approvar shail not beome varid for 20 days foilowing the date of approvar,Cond:202 oo ffi HI?,T.$[ffi :t,l,nffi aHffi ,u:.T*11],ffi#HH,ffi tr and ls dlllgendy punsued Orrart qtnffin Phnner: Joe Suther DRB Fea Petd! l2O.0O ffi._M ?# i ffi ,H'il''T 3iH".?:- ffiW#,, 3"'i,il#;ll"?L?"J[1[il ff[','.'il?i'.,, TOI4IN wvany ter: e7047e'213e.":1ilJ'..';r''*' General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:aN,[ta; L)O Poc Location ofthe Proposal: Lot;/Z Block:3 srbdiuition' physicarAddress: /Str t/at (t/L/ be.,n Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: v g F1'H#Hi'l MiHD TOV.CCIF.f.DEV. 4*n, Fa.,a Name(s) of Owner(s)l Mailing Addre-ss: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 4 Maifing Address: 763 . tt &assr^le fru*nl Dev'rt*.errrE'"c ^ Lf*^)Jr'-t7r,A^ -sxe\t Plus g1.00 per square foot of total tiT0\A$.'t Qf jfA!!. D-EStCt't Fl''"/lEW For construction of a new buirdin6T8#'t/r4[i'[i:rovAL \ For an addition where square footage is added to any.qesilential o\ commercial building (includes-z50 add@s t i@1gr-6JveLions;. For mrnor cnanges-ro ofiti$. ffi {t Type of Review and Fee: O Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition ! Minor Alteration @;lti-familV/commercial) d/ Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) El Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request 4qn No Fee $6s0 $300 Phone: reroofing, painting, window addition ping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $TAFF: For minor changes to buildings and sit reroofing, painting, window additionl retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. $2s0 & $20 No Fee rovements, such as, FFfut :}GfhTIAD .. 0{;/2tl200E 1.0: !0 rFJJN : I€J*TL'ITND F^X 00er0r2t FAX FIl. :7l9726iEwl SIIERN I'T{IIAI F t;{ l*1. : ?13ae62Fr1g E. W3 gl: lnn n. lD oor FlFr. el i!6r6 04: SatT4 Fp mml torrr PropEtw orfiEn WRTTTEX APFROYAL LETTER /).,o^-* d. *-**v I, (prinr n",r,e)- Alrit raa,g=**,- *a"edll., a Joinr owner of prop€rty rocared f,r (addrees/egi,r provlrjs this letter as written approval of rhe. prdns oat*a --..fu;*-jA*-eg- .-_-- whrch havq [ao6 $ubrnitte'd to tho Town of vail Communty DoeloqrftJrt Dcpfftrrer lrol thc proposrd improvcrments to bc complcted at the addr€ss noted above. I undersEnd tiur the propxerl impro\ements lnclude: .t't.a/\t 1lc,ay/an-Iibttu- j.;,lyg"d,u--J|J-t-crt,--(Ae-nb/!.L___ *-p-t - r z u -oL. -t.rap.+mL. ! ; . M,!!L*4 t_ h Lx . M,r Lila-J/_ - L.d* Utze.t.s t-*laun fuc*il+ d..Iz4tu.lAta*_ I further urrdsr51"no tttat mlnor modifrcations nuy be made to the pl,rns over dle course of the rsrt€w p.oc:ss tn ensure conpliance with th? rown,r applkable codcs ind regulaflon:i. 6'1#-rf .-,tbfu/-',4 (Dert) / rt{tf.. <!_ a r A"l4 ;,.d PdgE 2- of tlloTltblo,' o Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIATS Tyoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits @ Window Trim @ Door Trim ff|rll lr);rt\ot) fee *inettc,ur< I*TLE br€Z- Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other N,otes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe ' Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) tSt 7 t/*,t t/*t,bu,12 .g# r^u#[ o Arrr I Jz*4 N SOLr- | Fnk b' -06, t{t/ /*,, 1l trlL o ***{' 'l'*'t'lr'}*r}*f **{r**{r'}'}*********a!,t 't *'t '}rt ***'}{.*****'t f f ******r!*,t *:}*********,t,{!**r!ri**,}***** * ******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *t'*{"t't*'}*********,|'*t.*******t*******i*tl'*'***{i******'}*********'*r"t***********+++++++****+ff+++,t Statement Number: RO5OOO0511 Arnou$t: $2O.OO OS/OZ/ZOOSO9:49 AM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notationr 4984/LT AND SONS BUIIJDERS Permit No: DR8050176 Tlpe: DRB-Minor Alt., SFR/DUP Parcel No3 2101- 091- 0100 -3 Site Address: 1517 VAIL, VALLEY DR VAIIJ Location: 1517 VAILr VAIJIJEY DR Total Fees: $20.00 Thi6 Palment: $20.00 Total ALt Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 +i*+lt+++++*ffttll++++*+**************+*+**+*+**{'*+*****t************+**+**1.*******ll'******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGIN REVIEVI FEES 20.00 .l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 lnvcstigation-> Witl Call-----> S0. 00 Recreation Fe-------> 53 . 00 Cl€an-up D@sit---> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 804-0178 JobAddress: l5lTVAILVALLEYDRVAIL Starus...: ISSUED Location.....: l5lTVAILVALLEYDRM Applied..: 07/1612004 Parcel No...: 210109101002 Issued . .. : 0810912004 Project No : q- '\TO(( - d 1-7'l Expires . ..: 02/05/2005 OWNER STERN, DONALD 'J. & ANN GREENOT/16I2004 Phone: L461 4 SE SIINNYSIDE RD 132 CI-,ACKAMAS oR 97015 License: CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 07/L5/2004 Phone: P.O. BOx 3419 VAIL, CO 81658 L,icense: 251-A APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON 07/L6/2004 Phone: 970-845-1001-P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 8165 8 L].cense: Description: REBULD AND REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE DECK OFF THE MASTER BEDROOM. DESTGN TO MATCH OTHER DECKS ON DUPI,EX Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: S5,000.00 Add Sq Fr 0 Fireolace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Cas L.oss: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *,*'r***r.*,r,|'*,r.**'r,.r*r'*,*:r*:*.r..**rr*,tt**:t*rt*t*t*.,t,t*********,1*******,it*+* FEE suMMARy Building----> $111.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Ptan Check--> i'12.31, DRB Fee----------->S0. 00 Additional Fees------> O DE'ARTMENT oF coMMr.^rvQvero-.ffi o*!er r lr Lo{ .e, -sq* s $0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> 5186.56 $0.00 S0 . 00 Total Pqmit Fee------> 5186 . 56 50.00 Paym€nts----------> $186.56 s0.00 TOTAL FEES---------> 5186.56 BALANCE DUE------> Approvals: It,EN: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/09/2004 ccD rten: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENT 07 / L9 / 2004 Cr.,ARE Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Action: AP Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS . nave reaO t0pdication, filled out in firll the information resuire{ completed an accurate plot plan,I hereby acknowledge that I have r*o ttriration, filled out in firll the informar' Q: '- ' and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with thc information aod plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approvd Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOI.JRS IN TELEPHONE AT 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATIJRE OF CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2 +*+'f********t}*'|t+'|t*'t'}*+'}*'t*'t+*t+tt*'t't'f***'*t**t***t*{'****t},}*+*,}'ti'i*ttt'|*'}*+**'it***'t**'}!***t*'i't*:t+**'.'|t|i'|ttll'** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pemit #: 804-0178 as of 08-09,2004 Status: ISSLiED *'|'i*'f,t,t,|tt'}'|t**'}'i**'f*|'}:}'}'|,lt't'}*!t|ttt:f'}'t**'*{t't**tt*:t'}:}{t|t'|tt't******* Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07/16t2004 Appricant YJ-"SiffisrRUcrIoN ," ilT#i 3i;7;351. Job Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL l,ocation: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE ParcelNo: 210109101002 Description: REBULD AND REDUCE fiIE SIZE OF THE DECK OFF THE MASTER BEDROOM. DESIGN TO MATCH OTHER DECKS ON DIjPLEX '*'}*'f*'*l*,**|t*,.{.'****{!l*'*'.{'*,}*'t'*:ttt'}*'|!t*|t,t*!t!*'}****'}*!****Conditions!*+{tt*lt'}!}'}'** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. +++++*+**+tf++t++++++*+tflll++++*t**al+++++++t++**++f*+++++++t++t+f'tt**+*++a**********+**++* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statem€nt ****'r**+*+{*i*********'l{.1**'}********'}**f,tl'*******t*t*******f*r.*********f******f**'}'}*,t ******* Statenen! Nurtler: R040006387 Amount ! Pa]rment Method: Check Const.ruciton 266L2 $186.56 08/09 /200404:21 PM rniL: DDG Notation: Nedbo Permit No: 804-0178 Illtr)e: ADD/ALt SFR BUrLD PERMIT Parce1 No: 210L09L01002 Site Address: 1517 VAIIJ VAt,LEy DR VAIIJ Location: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE Total Fees: S186.55 This Payment: $1"85.55 ToraL ALr, Ernts: $185.56 Balance: $0.00 ********f********l'**'1.{.*************++f'l+*+***+*+t*tf+*++++++*t*+ii**+**t*+*++{r+*rtt******'***'t* ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts BP PF WC 001-00003111L00 00 L0 00031123 0 0 0 010 0003112 80 0 BUIIJDTNG PERMIT FEES PIJAI{ CHECK FEES W]LI, CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE lII .25 72.3I 3.00 APPLICATION o WILL tl NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEI Project *, P?-lor.l ' o<-21 Build -..O t78 I RECEt\/ED ;j;;i;d{I! | b' :1ii'J4 MW]OFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION own of Vail Reg. No.:and Phone #'s: Email address: P VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT r & Materials BUILDING:$ .f aaO ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ fcnct,-, For Parcel # Contact Eaqle Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcef# Pto/oglolooa Job Name: STEZI/ DEd(JobAddress: /,f/? 1/t4tz- lzz*zce7 124 t/Erc- ad ,f/esz LesarDescription ll lot: / 2llelrlicx 3 ll riting,/Subdivision: //4/c 2At-L €7 o*n?f-\1y%,^ ) .ha.t'a,/Add'"lE'ly6L{-nr/y!4si:7e\Kr/3j Phone: ArchitecVDesign"rt n, /Address:Phone: Engineer: A/ / ft ll Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork: RzCuc7 StZE o/> 6<t57?..-6- PzZcf< sU<t tVZ.ucTlz4L c H4'V dLs. Keznrz .z? Vx rst7-^-c- atz-c-/z WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repairff) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) ExterioqiQ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two{amilyld Muttitamity ( ) Commercial ( ) Reslaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: )No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( /) Gas toqs ( /) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ft No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) Nof ) oR oFFlcE usE oNlY"***+*'E**f!r*****'r***********,k**** \WaiIWata\cdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07t26t?002 o &tl'* *F#$ Jul-14-01 .02:35pm Fronr-TOllt{ 03lL C0[AlUl{lTY DEVELOP|v|ENT s7047s245o 1-37? P.002/003 F-459 ffi r0r4ry\lDrlimw Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depargnent of community Development ' 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 816s/ telt 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2152 web: www,ci.vail.co. us project Namer sTERN DECK DRB Number: DRB04O296 Project Description: REBULD AND REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE DECK OFF THE WEST ELEVATION OF THE DCSTING DUPLE(. PROPOSED DECK DESIGN IS TO I4ATCH D{fiNG DECK ON SOUTH ELTVANON, Patticipants: OWNER STERN, DONALD J, &ANN CREEN0Z0V2004 Phone: 14674 SE SUNNYSIDE RD 132 CLACKAMAS oR 9701s | :^---^.LILEI I>8. APPLTCANT NEDBOCONSTRUCTION O7l0tl7}o4 Phone:970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 vAIl- co 81658 Ucense: CONTMCTOR NEDBO CONSTRUSnON 0701/2004 Phone: P.o. Box 3419 VAIL, CO 816s8 Licensel 251'l' Project Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1517 ViIt VAIJ-E' DR. Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block; 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLFf EILING I ParcelNumber: 210109101002 Comrnents; SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion BY: Second By: Vote: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Appraval A7 / L312004 Conditions: Cond: I (pl-AN); No changes to these plans may be made without the wrilten consent of Town of vall $aff andlor the appropriate revlew committee(s), Cond:0 (pLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. t-nni.?Ol Jul-11-01 02t35$l FronrT0sll OUt collilllllTY EVEL0PIGTT DRB approra| shal| not becofiie \E|id ficr 20 6t,s follawing tic dab of apprD\,al, Cond:202 6prp*i "r u.,rs prcjed shalt hpse and become roid ore (1) ycar tultowlng the dahe tlfiriiippr"*r, uriress a Mding pcrmir ts lss{ed ald construdion ls ommenced and ls dltlgenUy pur*ed toward completion 87017e2154a DRBFeePaidr $20-oo 1-?12 P.003/003 F{58 I Planner: CtrAEE.-..SII)AI o o o o 4r"* w ilthl*. Rq$tot[l"Pn tltss , S:;4l?fhnP i \r"* oo OO i- a^{tlff.* $OO OO o o o o svbnntt o o t L.-r: l^ - t-'t '.,W F nu*o ._a Project Name: STERN DECK Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 lel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040296 Location: 1517 VAIL VALLEy DR. REBULD AND REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE DECK OFF THE WEST ELEVATION OF THE EXISTING DUPLEX. PROPOSED DECK DESIGN IS TO MATCH EXISTING DECK ON SOUTH ELEVATION, Participants: OWNER STERN, DONALD J. &ANN GREEN0Z01/2004 Phone: T4674 SE SUNNYSIDE R.D 132 CLACKAMAS oR 97015 License: APPUCANT NEDBO CONSTRUCT]ON P.O. BOX 3419 vAIl- co 81658 License: CONTMCTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 vAIl- co 81658 License: 251-A Project Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 07 l0ll2004 Phone: 970-845-1001 O7l0Ll2O04 Phone: Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY RLING 1 Parcel Number: 210109101002 Comments: SEE CONDmONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz O7 I l3l2004 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Condi 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: GLARE.SISAN DRB Fee Paid: $2O'OO Jun 30 04 O9:35e Jr,r 3i 2!04 ?:44Alui I0lt'tfir 's,JccNSrRUCTioN ll o'" I Application for Design Review Department of comnluntty Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 !el: 970.479.2119 rax: 970,479,2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All proiecls requlnng design review must receive approval prior to submttttng a buildlng percrit applicatlon. please refer to the submittal /equircments for the pdrticular approval that is requested. An application tor Design RevEw cennot be eccepted until all requi.ed rnformation is received by the Communlty Developrnent Departrnent. The project nuy also need to be Gviewed by the Town Council and,/or the Plannarq aM Environmental Commission. DesQn review &pprovel lapgei unless a building permit is issued and canstn ctloh commenc€s within on€ year of th€ approval. Description of the Reguest: f)nt tt-J (t^t 11ttAt 1 * - Location of the Proposal; Lot: | ? *eloci<: 3 5u66iuisi6n, V4 r c uaLt tST FlLln 6-, Physicat Address: -Lf 11 L./At( UAL{r-Y Oetutt u,,r '1- t - Parcef No.: X ltt t 6q lO loo2 (Contact Eagie Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoningl €r s Name(e) of Owner(s)r MaiflngAddress: / V61'/ SF nt.,ttl,ftAE (ca-ct( AA4-S ?ro tr Phone: owner(s) Signature(s)r Name of Applicant: M.iling Addressi Pf' tlo-t ,?'-/rc UO ,, ,r, n, " r* Phonez FVf-lool E-mall Address:rax t vf-997 7 $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of (otal stgn area. No Fee $650 For construction of a ner building or demo/rebuild. $3O0 For an addilion wher€ souare footage is added to any residential of commercial building (lnclucles 250 addit,ons & lnterior conversions). $250 Fof minor changes to buildings and site improvements, srrci as, reroofing, peinting, w;nCow additions, landscaping, fenc€s and retaining walls, etc. $20 For oinor changes to buildings dnd site improvements,, such as, reroofing. painung, window addtions, landscaprng, fe{ces 6nd retainrng walls/ etc. $20 For revlsions to plans already approved by Planning statf or the Design Review 8oard, No Fee 7444 t\0 ll|Jl p.1 f 1,, I I I r,\ l O'.* *L-l.}"i s '< <l:1\-\ \,AJ.', tsi-1.l3 33/'-\ .St-rr ?Lo"l') Di,'t1edr94-DN S7 x Type of Review and Fee: O Signs Q Conceptual Review O New Construction O Additron Mrnor Alteratlon (multi-fa m{lylcommercrdl ) Minor Alterrtjon (sn9h-f arnily/dupiex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request I d D I Page l of :.3ltrlr7lo3 .ii- ic :{ c-l IYED lar # p.1 Jun 28 O4 O9: 41 a h{li.2l , 2D0t, 3:0;Pl'l S-'enn I{EDBO 9?g 475 7 A44 \:.illlr p.? c0ilsiR'liTl0l(1., i IOI T FROFERTY OW!|ER WRITTEII APPRO\.AL LETTTR, derriptbn) pravide tjrts {efte,' es writt€n apprE.,al of the oare#e@# EAl. been zubmiH:d b the Tourn oi vait Cornmuntty Develctrneit Dspr.tmen( ilr ti]e propcsed improvemenE to bc cpmpleted at the ddress noted lbove. I undeFEnd ti,et the propssad iraprovemenb includc: .r'*df I fudrer under$ond that mincr modiflcatiors !i,Ey be naC€ $ $e plli|s c,ver the cours;e oF the revbr.^r Ptlcsss t6 ensure coif,pti.ncs witi.r the Town,s lppliabte cpd= and r€auEilons, (addEss/t39al 4,f4tpt' i4,t4 F39s 2 oi r3/ilI/t7lC3 '"'.'.' -.j ,dW,: .n! iF- ! i,&{ - 'qF&r .'' ': +,t" l{l :i ! '-i F a7s :* Jj+ :li ,:! E ,$ E t.I I lE,,,ie; { j.-" f.a,i..;l !:l ,Tr,' ,r$f"-r, fT) q - n\ \-:J -\ rn --l ) o (v ll or a o rr) (o t4 r.) o) ol 6 OF q 3 CO =t a 9F 3,,6 f , 98 I -.u s (t tJ.ll. * \ \to Ur .ft E (rJ l$lo f\ ls /fr t?I .$v /s /s f\ { tJ \$t!, lut- .; cL.ct $;rEF O r Jt-T- E tt('aJ +, L l- P C > F.,o-3tt ': a-, st a: E c e,IE gs E I Ct+, c(l'aE taE 4t -c L at4 >!+ r^ .aJ C:a ctF ,ll I E'=o tt ;Fq58- 5 stEzE !| ,rr <' (J .r,Q art- (:.d +. vr a >tO (J -3,"5EE c L oF €554"t b! rE.t S (,(J., -(Jal).P>.t- Ft O>tl+r>Lal ..9r Ol+,t^r It t lr-g-=8-€ E >.J F g Q c- c.Et -{t}HaJ+r \$ /- CL C) x r IV tr)\y \ i F \ & N \n s s \tt \ w .ys l;).J.'-4 7 ,i ttr ,C t-:.,ta,.C tEi lc t .c ;F :5 r9 , arl .lJ G. rdl IL ro (, E' (t':i L Or I )i t 9. .l i: e: a ;I C 8I {t c)r l! ID E E 3 ,h ,c -lt re ,t tc ro i:l .o rci r at. l.',o l! .lt IL o. t,L. o gl gr arl I '.ct: ar. : 4t r1 c+tr{ Ui E .c rI atE tE 9a Cri E' G L E c ID ,5 C 5 .9 I l-l, c. 4l 4 l.l 4 a, O al !r .aJ I Cl ctl G a att Or !t {o(tl (, l-t Ei tra (r+ I !< d oo J o': -l d.7 c l! \E $$$ qJ r'te s Aodo EsE: s #xrc ! o L I T o -9 c o c t &:t /l EEE $ EEH{ t) 3RB $B$ F. (.) -J \ u (o o t =.8s E S.8 "I !*.q) -.t N N 6 e g v; -i 3 c0 <=q. ?f I \ \ -l I I .vl iDl *l I IH ts l* iE =P g -ll sl $l EI l8 IE '"g d- Ss;J i$$ \{S[ S sxfi d .{qM .rry d{##rtl fl &8 sfr E.d 5b0 $ rH- sry I I IE .l !g a\L .6 oFo, uldl i cdB .o'a !, o<- , <ll 3r -------.-;:Q.L ^or0'(',-\ l-J s e-*q <t <J A! l.- e \ * E I 3$H',tLv r) 6 o -..1 e N !-.o -.J e *'a*'a*******'t**{.'r'***!i'}!******'l*!t'}'t't'l*'}*+*****t't***f**+*+tf+*rt*t*{.'}**'}**{.**tr***t *'t!rr.,} rr* *1.,t'}*t'}* * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ,f * ti****'r****'*'1.**'i,tf *lr 'r.'*l' 'lr't' 'tr*'tr't' 'i {r r*'t *** * 'tr *** **'} * ** * **'t' tr* 't' * **'}** ***** +* *f +*t*+****+**rt t***t**** Statement Number: R04000513? Amount: $20.00 07/OL/2OO4L1 :21 AI'r Payment Method: Check rnit: iIS Nolation: #25426INEDBO coNsT. Pernit No: DR8040295 Tl?e: DRB-Minor ALt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210109101002 Site AddreBs 3 1517 VAIIJ VAIJIJEY DR VAIIJ IJocaIion: 1517 VAIIJ VA]JIJEY DRIVE Total Fees: S20.00 This Palment: $20. 00 Total AL,Ir PmEs: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ********* **++*'l+:l++'l*++'|*,|**'i****tt* *tt***'|t** *'*'i**** *** ***t**++**l ++f *+ ++++'|'l*+ **+ +*:*++ * *++ * +* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunnent Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 20. 00 TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 91657 970-479-2L38 Buildlng-----> Pl.n Chcck- - - > Invc6tigation> WlIl csll----> 199.OO R€6tuarants Plan RovicP--> 126.75 DRB Pee-- -- ---- .00 RGcreation Fec----------> 3.oo ckan-t+rD.posit--------> ht 12- ,$lW $ol,\ u tA I .OO Total Calcula!.d F...---> s0.0o Addieional F6cs---------> .oo Total PomiC Fc.--------> 100.00 Prlru.nEs-- -- ---- DEPARIT{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEIJOPMETiIT NOtrE:TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI,L TTMES ADD/Ar,T SFR BUrLD PERMTT permit #: 800-0225 Job Address: 1-517 VAIL, VALLEY DR St,atus...: ISSI'ED Location. . . : 1517 VAII-, VALLEY DRM lrNApplied. .: O8/3L/2000 Parcel No..: 2101--091-01-003 Issued. ..2 O9/L3/2000 Projects No.: PRJ00-02L7 $q)ires . . z o3/L2/200L APPLICANf GR'AI{AIII GROI'P, INC. PhONE Z 828-692-3587 P.O. BOX 477, HENDERSON\ITLLE, N.C. 28793 coNrRAqroR GR-AITAM GROIIP, INC. Phone z 828-692-3587 P.O. BOX 477, HENDERSOM/Ir_,L8, N.C. 28793 OWNER FRIERSON T CARTTER & PATRICIA B 1103 TINKERBELL I.AIiIE, LOOKOUT MOI'NTAIN GA 30750 TOV/Comm' uev' Descriptlon: REBurrJD ExrsrrNc DEcKs clean-up Depgsit Refund occupancy: R3 singte Family nesia&SBroved k Tl'pe Constructsion: v N Type V Non-Rated amount ffi valuation: 15,000 .Add sq FE: date Fircplac€ Inforoation: Restricted: llo *of ca6 Applia$ce6:*of (lrs Logs:*of wood/P.ll.t: *.rtrrtrr**rr*rtr***********rr* FEE SWMARY **r*******r**'rtrrtt'rr*rrfr'rrr****arr*r.r***ttt*rrr,rrrrr**** 474.15 .00 471.75 474.75 TOTAL FEES----- 474.75 BAIAI{CE DltE---- ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII'IEI{T og/3L/2000 !TNoL,EN Action: NoTE O9'/O3/2OOO @OODELL Action: APPR IICM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTTT{ENT Dept,: BUII-,DING Division: ROTIfED TO GARY 09/O3/2OOO @OODELL Action: APPR IIbM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARITI{ENT DCPE: PI,A}INING DiViEiON:08/3t/2000 itNotEN Acr.ion: NorE RoIITED TO ALLTSON O9/OL/2000 AOCHS Action: APPR looks qood ITbM:. O55OO FIRE DBPARTI,IEIiIT - DEDT: FIRE DiWiSiON:ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPART},IENT 08/3L/2000 iINOIEN Action: NqfE NA O8'/3L'/2OOO iINOLEN AcEion: APPR ITEM: O55OO PI'BI.,IC WORKS Dept: FIRE Diwision: Dept.: PtB WORK Divieion:ITCM: O55OO PIJBI.,IC WORKS 08/3L/200O .'NOLEN Act,ion: NOTE NA o8'/3L/2000 ,INOLEN Act,ion: APPR ttt Otlt t r t t tttrr i t t tt r ttliit I t t r t titi a * *t tt t t t 1t i ttr!, t*i at *t ** tt a *rt * *t* r ** 4, ta t i a t tt* att at*i !r i trt I !ri *tt tt.l ttt taia t t tt ttttta ttt*t * t See Page 2 of t,hig Documents for any conditione that may apply to tshis permit. DECI,ARA:TIONS I hrrrby acknorledgs that I hrvr r.ed t,hl6 applieation, fllled ou! ln full th. lnfor&.cion ragulrcd, qoupl.t.d |n rccurelc plo! pl.n, .nd strga that all bhe inforoaeion providcd as r.qulrcd ie corrcct. I agres tg codply rltsh th6 lnfoluaBlon and plob pl.n. co qonpty rich all forD ordLn$c.6 and 6tsate 1ais, and gg build tshl! structur. according tso thr Tovn'r zonlnE rnd oubdlviglon codcr, d.slgn rcvier approvcd, uniforo Building codc and ocher ordinances of che lown rppllcabl. bhcrato. REQI'ESTS FOR 8E IIADE I{E!1Tr-FOttR l{OlrRg IN ADVBNCE BY fBLEPHONE AT {79-213s OR AT OIn OFFICE FROII 8:00 Alt 5!00 PU ar S.nd Clean-ttP D.po.Lt Tor ORAI{A!,! 6ROUP Page 2 ******************************************************************************** **************************************:t***************************************** Permit #: 800-0225 Permit, Il4ge: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant-- : GRjAILAI"! GROIIP, INe. 828-692-3587 .'Ob AddTEAS: 1517 VAIL VAIJIJEY DR LOCAEiON---: 1517 VAIL VALI.,EY DRIVE I'NIT 2 Parcel No-- : 2101-09L-01-003 Description: REBUII.,D EXISTING DEEKS CONDITTONS as of 09/13/00 status---: IssttED Applied--: 08/3L/2000 Issued--- z O9/L3/2O0O To Ercpire: A3/L2/200L * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiEiOnS ****************************** 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3L0.6.1 0F THE L997 I'BC.3. ALIJ WORK TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPIJTEABIJE PROVISIONS OF THE 1997 EDITION OF TIIE I'NIFORM BUITDING EODE (I'BC) AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL AND fiIE COIIDITIONS OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (DRB) APPROVAI,.4. PER TIIE DESIGN REVIET{ APPROVAL BY STAFF FOR TIIIS PROJEqT NO. PRiIOO-02L7, TTIE DECKS TO BE REBUILT MUST MATEH THE DECKS FOR I'NIT 1-. 5. SEB SEqfrON 1003.3.3, L997, FOR TIIE APPLTCABLE REoUTREMEI{TS FOR STAIRS AND IIAIIDRAILS. STAIR R['N, OR TREAD WIDTH IN THE DIRE TION OF TRAVEL, MUST BE AT LEAST 9II . STAIR RISE, OR RISER HEIGHT, MUST NOT EXCEED 8II . STAIRS MUST BE AT LBAST 35 11 WrDE. 5. A HANDRAIL MUST BB PROVIDED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF EACII STAIRWAY CONTAINING 4 OR MORE RISERS. TIIB IIAI.IDRAIL(S) MUST BE I-,OCATED AT LEAST 34N BUT NOT MORE THAN 38N ABOVE TIIE NOSING OF fiIE TRE.ADS ATiID MUST IIAVB A GRIPPABLE CROSS- sEefroN AccoRDAr.rcE wrTH sEc. 1003.3.3.6, 1997 I'BC. *t****tti**t***ttt****t*t*i*t*****t*titt**t*f **ttt***tt*ttt***tt TOwt[ oF VAIL, COLORADO gtatennt *t******t**tt***+****l**t***tt**tt***i***t*tt**t**+***********t* gtateNrt Number: RBC-O676 Anount:474,75 09ll3l00 13 :49 Init; LC Pa)ment Method: CK Notation: #8743 Permlt No: B0O-0225 T]'pe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT Parcel No: 21o1- O91- 01- 0O3 gite AddreB6: 151? VAIL VAUJEC DR I,OCAIiON: 151? VAIIJ VAI'LEY DRIVE UNIT 2 Total Feea: 8FR BUII,D PE TtriB Payment 474.75 Total AIrIr Elnts: Balanee: 474.75 4"r4.75 .00 **t***l**********t***ttt*t+t*iltt*tt***t**a*t**+t********tttt**** Account code Deecrlption BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUUJDINS PBRIi{IT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEBS PF 00100003112300 PX,AN clIECK FBBtt Anourt 195 . O0 50.00 126.75 100.00 3.00 AD D2-DEPO8 CIJEANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO3U2SOO WILL CALII INSPB TION FEE 'l AppLrcATroNCl,- "o, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEl* ur,rsrenrd Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) TWNOFYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colora-do 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbingn mechanical. etc.! Conbct Assessots Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel #Rlo/o7to/ goj Job Name: fiC' Frier<o, Qgtala ftcncualioh rob Address: /5t7 lrfl bhf! P/a //E Lesal Description ll .rlt, /Q ll ero.t' 3 ll r,ting,Vil, VltJlFd subdivision:-- ow ners Name: frr' F&ie:/?'serl/ | ArchitecvDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: REtr\lL) li)C tS f0 nBffiHn4t T-*ytLs ?F /i/e'/ paR_iy/ ef u/rlf J- work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodet Vf/x"ffi(; -o"-ro (4 otrcr ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (}/J Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ci- Type cf 8ldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family (lr1 Nutti-ramity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) orher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (Z No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Anpliances ( ) Gas Lggs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: yes ( tf ruo ( ) l NoTtF COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ 15, oOO ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: S l5,ooO REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: 6raham Group,ln.. **,frrWry qontagt and Phone #'s: ftsn €. Grah aut Gza)ozz - 3ts7 (ljil)ai t :iii i Contractorsignature: -- 6" -'-, , prcS@ ******************'t******t *************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****r.*************rr* F:/everyoneforms/bldgperm RECD AUG 3 1?OOO TOV.CO|nllfi4. DEV, D.EPT, H8 rrl a .- a -'_ /rl -II !rfr II I.T --,)1r t/I .9r ri € $ = N VED Davelopment D€padmenl & Intp€cilion Eerylces d FtllL 11r bsuaao lad corlputltiont of, my violntion ci dtb juMicticn tb povldor of thlr co& or ahcr ocdinoca of tbJufuldo d ft isuancc of e pcrdr brrod oa plo, rpd vi:G 0d d.. de snd Iror pcvcnt tha buildi4 ofliclrl from |bdbt oro1: ln said plrnr. specificadons 8nd dhcs ddr, opcrations bcing cstncd on lhcreundcr whcn in 8dm l06.a,l Uollorn Eu0dhg Codq tt! a yldns ot. Frtrit e rppovd of 9Lo. rp ft[no[ccordolorp:dEco t[ no !c cord o lo r p:d E co r rt of 3n Fsvisi6 otru oqbaolryCb ttmdE prcsunrirl8 to 3ivo rnHy fo rlob c any orhcr ordinanccs of tus junsdiction. tb correaioa ol d ',-O {Jf 2nd Floor Deik 1517 Voil Volley Dr fi2 Voil, CO FLOOR PLAN Scole: f' :. 1'0" 14',*S" e'-0t' nrl cfl 2'; " d5 il or,t ,5 43(] ;' #;" lE ll +i' f l- ; c a |d {3 .; {!r I .*t -1J.:- 0l CL dr" +,*v) (tlr 4c ir-.= it tl u 1&t T I tf, -c f 3 8,, -15 il *rlli,."l t.ii -i*I--l_ I t'r] I ii.r q, :r {U V':]J -o tl :ht o E a i \i"i '\J zl \-,rl Fl <l >l rrl tl t!l r-'rl nl al rt <rF X- dt) nl'r' :d l/1 CP dt -i cd ou Jtr LL .c} nt {. IJ #, c L fl], UI x \d ."c U +) z. f J j I ,.E' '..( to (o 6).\l\. ;YL 9 ( I I & titii g.Yl Le p ili,1 it 'u o ,l"o !l: 79 tY.'; .- lr, :h t-c *:, v9 t*q. ,-a'l 2nd Floor Deck 1517 Voil Volley Dr S2 Voil, CO fxisting Pns-h- 4 -I-x4"s E'x8' Ledger wlth 3-1601 P 16' o,c. , . ,.,lli-,:, 1-l'rtis., x i.f;'Lrrg -0ni"; I "l I I $' x l?' C Edor 'i. j.' Verif y Soild fMll f oll Gnoutpd Tinben Broce (See Det*ll,) LUS a6 Hongers at Eoth f nols - Typlcat I ,4t -1 V /'* "1' * "+ i i { I I I I *l ttnEer Erdce i (See Dp*nit) i f1-"$i:;?*) i".:tc\srE4%'s i';"+'_ *$1?tri l4e6s ifr [bTtilG Exlstlno CMU Vatl, Graham Group, Inc. Graham Group, Inc, P O Box 477 Henderconville, NC 28793-0477 Tel (828) 692-3s87 Fax (828) 698-ss89 Aftn: Joan Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 8t25tOO RE: Building Permit for T.C. Frierson Deck Renovation at 1517 Vail Valley Drive, Unit #2 Enclosed are the materials requested for application of a building permit to renovate a deck (demolish part of existing and rebuild) for Mr. T.C. Frierson who owns the residence at 1517 Vail Valley Drive, Unit #2. We appreciate your consideration in reviewing these materials and appreciate your expediency in doing so. Please notify us at your earliest convenienoe about the status of the application (acceptance thereof or appearance of any problems thereof). lf I cannot be reached, Mr. Frierson can be contacted at the following: Mr. T.C. Frierson 1103 Tinkerbell Lane Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 (706) 820-2422 (706) 820-2698 Thank-you for your co-operation. president ENCL: Building permit application Design review approval Construction plans including structural detail Contractor registration check for $100 (General Contractor B registration fee) Certifi cate of lnsurance copy of North Carolina general contractors license 'lr oz OE,.o o- .r' F oz J8 '-l rl 3tl q & o E l, 4 E H E d U :{{!l H -z f;8 8..o(,|EO .lP I P. L c F -o H ta t &I E{ o| (, a r!H {g iiE (,n .\ oq oo o AF 2A EO FD g( c !4 Ei :{H zz ED F9 l', Fl ez {D I{E g! E o l. Fr HZ HX H i E Fl 4 H a a H A !a cl -o Efl B E B t"li do q' lo D I()(.,O A H ql U q t{4 A FI o H a !|H N 1. R I cl (r|D 4i|!IF [ trq{&40 ar&et,d t{o t &EO 5011 - 509.3 hour for unenclosed mezzanines. The clear height above and be- low th€ mezzanine floor construction shall not be less than 7 feet (2134 mm). 2. There shall not be more than two levels of mezzanines in a room. However, there is no limitation on the number of mezza- nines within a room. 3. The aggregate area of mezzanines within a room shall not exceed one third of the area of the room in which they are located. 4. All portions ofa mezzanine shall be open and unobstructed to the room in which they are located, except for columns and posts and protective walls or railings not more than 44 inches (1118 mm) in height. EXCEPTIONS: 1 . Panitioning may be installed if either of thc fol- Iowing couditions exist: 1.1 The aggregate floor arca of thc enclosed space does not exceed 10 percent of the mezzanine area. or 1.2 The occupant load of the etrclosed area of lhe mezzanine does not cxceed 10, 2, A mezzanine having two or morc means of egress ne€d rct be open ioto tbe room in which it is located, providcd at least oDe of rhe means of cgrcss gives direct access to a protected corridor, exit coun or exit. 3, In industfy facilities, mezzanines used for control equipment may be glaz€d on all sides. 5. Two means of egress shall be provided trom a mezzanire when two are required by Table 10-A. 6. If any required means of egress enteru the room below, the oc- cupant load of the mezzariae shall be added to the occupant load of the room in which it is located. SECTION 508 _ FIRE-RESISTIVE SUBSTITUTION When an approved automatic sprinkler system is not required throughout a building by other sections of this code, it may be used in a building of Tlpe II One-hour, I}pe III One-hour and Tlpe V One-hour construction to substitute tbr the one-hour tire-resistive construction. Such substitution shall not waive or reduce the re- quired fire-resistive construction for: l. Occupancy separations (Section 302.3). 2. Exterior wall protection du€ to proximity of property lines (Section 503.2). 3. Area separations (Section 504.6). 4. Dwelling unit separations (Section 310.2.2) 5. Shaft enclosures (Section 711). 6. Corridors (Sections 1004. and 1004. 7. Stair enclosures (Section 1005.3.3). 8. Exit passageways (Section 1005.3.4). 9. Tlpe of construction separation (Section 601.1). 10. Boiler, central heating plant or hot-water supply boiler room enclosures (Section 302.5). 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 5O9 _ GUARDRAILS EXCEPUON: Guardrails need not be provided at th€ lbllowing locations: l. Or thc loading side of loading dtxks. 2. On the auditorium side of a stage, raised platforms and other raised floor areas such as runways, ramps and side stages used for en- tertailment or preseotatiotr. Along thc side of an elcvatcd walking sur- face when used for the normal functioning of special lighting or for access and use of other special equipment. At vertical opcnings in the performalce area of stages. 3. Along vehicle service pits not accessible to the public. 5092 Heighl The top of guardrails shall not be less than 42 inches (1067 mm) in height. 3. The top of guardrails for stairways, exclusive of their landings, may havc a hcight as specified in Scctioa 1003.3.3.6 for handrails. Where an elevation change of30 inches (762 mm) or less occurs between an aisle parallel to the seats (cross aisle) and the adjaceut floor or grade beloq guardrails not less than 26 inches (660 mm) above the aisle floor shall be provided. EXCEPTION: Where the backs of s€ats on the front of the cross aisle project 24 inches (610 mm) or more above thc adjaccnt floor of the aisle, a guardrail need not be provided. The top of guardrails at the ends of aisles terminating at the fas- cia of boxes, balconies and galleries shall extend for the width of the aisle and be no closer than 42 inches (1067 mm) to the closest surface of the aisle where there are steps and 36 inches (914 mm) otherwise. EXCEPTIONS: l. The open space between the intermcdiat€ rafu or omamestsl pattem of guardrails in areas of commercial atrd industriat-type occxpancies which are not accessible to the public may be such that a sphere 12 iuches (305 mm) in diam€ter cannot pass I I bn a balcony immedialcly in front of the fiIst row of fixed seats ard that are not at the end of an aisle mav be 26 irchcs (660 mm) in height. For guardrail requirements at gandstands, elevated seating facilities, see Section 1008.5.7. 1{4 .1997 UNIFOFM BUILDING CODE 3. The egress-control device shall be capable of being deacti- vated by a signal ftom a switch located in an approved location. 4. An ineversible process that will deactivate the egress-con- trol device shall be initiatcd whenever a manual tbrce of not more than 15 pounds (66.72 N) is applied tbr two seconds to the panic bar or other door-latching hardware. The egress-control device shall deactivate within an tpproved time period not to exceed a total of 15 seconds. The fime delay established for each egress- control device shall not be field adjustable. 5. Actuation of the panic bar or other doorlatching hardware shall activate an audible signal at the door. 6. The unlatching shall not requirc more than one operation. A sign shall be provided on the door located above and within 12 inches (305 mm) of the panic bar or other door-latching hard- ware reading: KEEP PUSHING. THIS DOOR WILL OPEN IN SECONDS, ALARM WILL SOUND. Sign lettering shall be at least I inch (25 mm) in height and shall have a stroke of not less than r/g inch (3.2 mm). Regardless of the means of deactivation, relocking of the egress-control device shall be by manual means only at the door. 1003.3.1.11 Safety glazing identifrcation. Regardless of the occupant load served, glass doors shall conform to ths require- ments specified in Section 2t106. 1003.3.2 Gates. 100332.1 General. Gates servhg a means of egress system shall comply with the requirements of Section 1003.3.2. 10033.2.2 Detailed requirements. Gates used as a component in a means of egress system shall conlbrm to the applicable requirements of Section 1003.3.1. EXCEPIION: Gates surrounding stadiums may be of the horizon- tal sliding or switrging type atrd may exceed the 4-foot (1219 mm) max- imum leaf width limitation. 1003.33 Stairways. f003.33.f General. Every stairway having two or more risers serving any building or portion thereof shall comply with the requirements of Section 1003.3.3. For the purposes of Section 1003.3.3, the term "stairway" shall include stairs, landings, hand- rails atrd guar&ails as applicable. Where aisles in assembly rooms have steps, they shall comply with the requirements in Section 1004.3.2. EXCEPTION: Stairs or ladders used only to attend equipment or window wells are exempt frcm the requirements of this section. For the purpose ofthis chapter, the term "step" shall mean those portions of the means of egress achieving a change in elevation by means of a single riser. Individual steps shall comply with the detailed requirements of this chapter that specify applicability to sreps. 1003J3.2 Width. The width of stairways shall be determined as specified in Section 1003.2.3, but such width shall not be less than l0O333J Rise and nn. The rise of steps and stairs shall not be less than 4 inches (102 mm) nor more than 7 inches (178 mm). The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than j/s inch (9.5 mm). Except as permitted in Sections 1003., 1003. and 1003., the run shall not be less than 11 inches (279 mm) as measured horizontallv between lhe vertical planes of ihe furthermost projection of adja'- cent treads or nosings. Stair treads shall be of uniform size and shape, except the largest tread run within any flight of stairs shall 1003.3.1.10 1003.3.3.6 not exceed the smallest by more than r/6 inch (9.5 mm). EXCEPTIONS: or driveway having an established gade (other than natural earth) and scrving as a landing, the bottom or top riser may be reduced along the slope to less than 4 inches (102 mm) in height with the variation in height of the bo(lom or top riser rlo( to excecd 1 utit vcrtical in 12 units horizontal (8.370 slop€) of stairway width. 100333.4 Headroom. Every stairway shall have a headroom clearance of not less than 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm). Such clear- ances shall be measured vertically from a plane parallel and tan- gent to the stairway tread nosings to the soffit or othor construction above at all points. 100333.5 Landings. There shall be a floor or a landing at the top and bottom of each stairway or stair run. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel not less than the width of the stairway. Such dimension need not exceed 44 inches (1118 mm) where the stair has a straight run. At least one inter- mediate landing shall be provided for cach 12 feet (3658 mm) of vertical stairway rise measured between the horizontal planes of adjacent landings. Landings shall be level except that exterior landings may have a slope not to exceed f4 unit vertical ifl 12 units horizontal QVo slope). For landings with adjoining doors, see Sec- tion 1003.3.1.7. EXCEPTIONS: 1. In Croup R, Division 3, and Group U Occupan- cies and within individual units of Oroup R, Division 1 Occupancies, such longih need not exceed 36 inches (914 mm) where lhe stafu has a shaight run. 2, Stairs serving an unoccupicd roof are exempt from these require- ments. 100333.6 Handralls. Stairways shall have handrails on each side, and every stairway required to be more than 88 inches (2235 mm) in width shall be provided with not less than one intermediate handrail for each 88 inches (2235 mm) of required width. lnter- mediate handrails shall be spaced approximately equally across with the entire width of the stairway. EXCEPIIONS: 1. Stairways less than 44 inches (1118 nn) in n'idth or slairways serving one individual dwelling unit in Group R, Divisiou 1 or 3 Occupaucy or a Croup R, Division 3 congregate resi- dence may havc one bandrail. 2. hivate staftr ays 30 inches (762 mm) or less i! height may have a handrail on one side only. 3. Stairways having less than four risers and sewing onc individuat dwelling unit in Group R, Division I or 3, or a Group R, Division 3 cor- at least one handrail shall extend in the direction of the stair run not less than 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the top riser nor less than 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the bottom riser. Ends shall be I = ur!FF: F! a Handrails mav Droiect into the required width a distance of 3172 inches (89 mm) from each side of a stairway. Stringers and other pro.iections such as trim nnd similar decorative features may project into the required width 1rl2 inches (38 mm) from each side. rcsidence or Group U Occupanciirs need not have handrailr. ilied herein and in Chaoter 11. returne! or shall have rounded terminations or bends. 1003.3.3.6 1003.3.4.4 2. Handrails may have stading or volute ncwels withir $e first uead on stairways in Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and withio individual 1003.3.3.8.f Circular stairways. Circular stairways confbrm- ing to the requiremonts of this section may be used as a means of egress component in any occupancy. The minimum width of run shall not be less than l0 inches (254 mm) and the smaller stairway radius shall not be less than twice the width of the stairway. 1003.3,3.8,2 Winding stairways. In Group R, Division 3 Occu- pancies and in private stairways in Group R, Division 1 Occupan- cies, winding stairways may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point not more than 12 inches (305 mm) from the side of the stairway where the treads are narrower, but in no case shall the width of run be less than 6 inches (152 mm) at any point. 100333.83 Spiral stairways. In Group R, Division 3 Occupan- cies and in private stairways within individual units of Group R, Division 1 Occupancies, spiral stairways may be installed, A spi- ral stairway is a stairway having a closed circular fbrm in its plan view with uniform section shaped treads attached to and radiating about a minimum diameter supporting column. Such stairways may be used as a required means of egress component where the arca served is limited to 400 square feet (37.16 mr). Thc tread shall provide a clear walking area mcasuring at least 26 inches (660 mm) ftom the outer edge of the supporting column to the inncr edge ofthe handrail, The effective tread is delineated by the nosing radius line, the ext€rior arc (inner edge of railing) and the overlap radius line (nosing radius line of tread above). Effective tread dimensions arc taken along a line perpendicular to the center line of the tread. A run of at least 7rl2 inches (191 mm) shall be provided at a point 12 inches (305 mm) from where the tread is the narrowest. The rise shall be suflicient to provide a headtoom clearance of not less than 6 feet 6 inches (1981 mm); however, such rise shall not exceed 9llz inches (241 mm). f003.3.3.9 Interior stairway construdion. Interior stairways shall be constructed based on type of construction requirements as specified in Sections 602.4,603.4,604.4,605.4 and 606.4. Except where enclosed usable space under stairs is prohibited by Seotion 1005.3.3.6, the walls and soffits of such enclosed space shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction. Stairways exiting directly to the exterior of a building four or more stories in height shall be provided with a means for emer- gency entry for fire department &ccess. (See the Fire Code.) 100333.f0 Protection of exterior wall openings. AII openings in the exterior wall below and within 10 feet (3048 mm), measured horizontally, of openings in an interior exit stairway serving a building over two stories in height or a floor level having such openings in two or more floors below, shall be protected by fixed or self-closing fire assemblies haviog a three-fourths-hour fire- protection rating. See Section 1006.3.3.1. 1-110 1997 UNIFOBM BUILDING CODE EXCEPTIONS: l. Croup R, Division 3 Occupancies. 2. Prolcction of exterior wall opcnings is oot required where the exterior openings in the interior stairway are protected by fixed or self- closing fire assemblics having a three-fourths-hour fire protection rating. 3. Protection of ope[ings is not required for open parking gaEges cooforming to Section 405. 1003J.3.11 Stairway to roof, In buildings four or more stories in height, one stairway shall extend to the roof surt'ace, unless the roof has a slope steeper than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (337o slope). 1003.3J.12 Roof hatches. A.ll required interior stairways that extend to the top floor in any building four or more stories in height shall have, at the highest point of the stair shaft, an approved h^atch openable to the exterior not less than 16 square feet (1.5 mz) in area and having a minimum dimension of 2 feet (610 mm). EXCEPIION: A roof hatch need not be provided on pressuriz"cd enclosures or oB stairways that extend to the roof with an opening onto that roof, 1003.3.3.13 Stairway identification. Stairway identification signs shall be located at cach t'loor level in all enclosed stairways in buildings four or more stories in height. Such signs shall iden- tify the stairway, indicate whether or not there is roof access, the floor level, and the upper and lower terminus of the stairway. The sign shall be located approximately 5 t'eet (1524 mm) above the landing floor in a position that is readily visible when the door is in either the open or closed position. Signs shall comply with reouirements of UBC Standard 10-2. 1003.3.4 Ramps. 1003.3.4.1 General. Ramos used as a comDonent in a means of egress system shall conform to the requirements of Section 1003.3.4. EXCEPTION: Ramped aisles within assembly rooms shall con- form to lhe requirerDents h Section 1004.3.2. 1003J.4.2 Width. The width of ramps shall be determined as specified in Sestion 1003.2.3, but shall not be less than zl4 inches (1118 mm), except as specified herein and in Chapter 11. Ramps serving an occupant load of less than 50 shall not be less than 36 inches (914 mm) in width. . Handrails may project into the required width a distance of 3rlz inches (89 rnm) from each side of a ramp. Other projections, such as ttim and similar decorative features, may project hto the required width 1tl2 inches (38 mm) from each side. 1003.3.43 Slope. The slope of ramps required by Chapter 11 that are located within an accessible route of travel shall not be steeper than 1 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (8-3Vo slope). The slope of other ramps shall not be steeper than 1 unit vertical in 8 units horizontal (12.57o slope). 10033.4,4 Landings. Ramps having slopes steeper than 1 unit vertical in 20 units horizontal (57a slope) shall have landings at the top and bottom, atrd at least one intemediate landing shall be pro- vided for each 5 feet (1524 mm) ofvertical rise measured between the horizontal planes of adjacent landings. Top landings and inter- mediate landings shall have a dimension measured in the dircction of ramp run of not less than 5 feet (1524 mm). Landings at the bot- tom of nmps shall have a dimension in the direction of ramp run of not less than 6 feet (1829 mm). Doors in any position shall not reduce the minimum dimension of the landing to less than 42 inches (1067 mm) and shall not reduce the required width by more than 7 inches (89 mm) when tully open. units of Group R, Division 1 Occupancies. f0033.3.8 Alternative stairwavs. q'o o a? k \,o I fi C>o o G.l F-l 6A (5 = F st t4f CE &t =EE -H lrh =frer EE CE :d #E = ===€s#E <-,F =84 ==t "38 = =Ed E pHS a cEl HT + = + d H= rAsT rLrvATtON (rxl$tNc c0NDtTt0N) Dtff$ tfit $ffit{ ts IIFme. il Rilut{6, DIU$IG li0 FtmR Jffits ttr I0 ffi RflOr0 fflD ffin{m. il. milffiIt rflfiDflmN, ffilS llCI Gffim ffi ru mlfr{ AS s Ar0 REcfrt ffiPilR tlfffi t{ttrtrsffrY Town of lr$ ;-,0lFf-fr,E 1517 Vail. Val,l,ey Dnive Unit #1 IreT'ED ffitDrmprsr Drpatfi€ttl eeQlBt6Fn tbnftr tundlrq*aFrr'rbb rnsrr tl-ll-DdlE- Qr.gruf ts lllFtd d, !t ddrb cl lRfcofry-.fG drbloiltc tb-d&gwucdt uddlrd6fl f*rqairy ocmtcdor ol hb cbo pelrr63 buildir3 rb h doldo ol rrtu codc q' oaf ttAar 4" eYa;1t14 -"' \ 'n uilA(tq( I r qwrid nft Wq trthffilutd (ufrbnof) , ^,, / Je,t,, o ^t;f,f fi;, "'rltt zTtr varrt',#"*,u. A SfSE f = 1'6 at[t b &ld plans. epcci I r:ions rnd s?'t t &n-nazsgF NORTH ELEVAION (UrSr[\|C C0ND|TI0N) OtfiS AfiE SH0rft| AS ilSTilG. A[ RAlul$$ [Cl(lt{G lllD FL0ffi J0515 Atr I0 Bt Rttl0vtJ ND ffil,A00. AI mflffiE Ffr,MI{IPi6, roTS S0 GRffiffi ffit I0 milil As F $n fficilr milR fiffit r{ttrs$flY S0tE | = 1'6 .25 =CE =EJ !h =As E= #E =3==€*#E <rff = ES! ==E "HE = EE* E;ET €a d a =T*HE 1517 Voit Vottey Dnive Unit #1 ,ltl 19 all lktrl $cbr J$ l1d'lff& rtdUf tc hldrrt. &nrSrb'i|rlnlr4 llff &ftr hrr ?tr h {d brthr dl [r htm n htrd llf't b !d Shr CIl f cfi c htbl HaS lr I rhr| n& nhtd ll4 nai n rr lln f' h Caftr, Prb lnf$ F ob c.httrHhd h ore Fht:rtrr ,ltk,0f ldr f(01 onl6 Hts IAST TLEVAIION AII RffiJMS, DECNffi AilD FLMR JOSIS Atr TO BT RIilOM ilD RIPLAcil. U CSICRIIE t0ut{0{nflq Pffis ND 0mm Affi T0 RmAtt{ As ts Alfl RicffE mmR ilfiffi ffiM$SARY Etrbhr?bkFodthr Cis!$ Mf"di;[ii'T"'""-,* , =,t'1flicql, tt 4 tF =H l* -.-#s EI *,CE rJ- >-aaEi =eE s ===€*HE =E ==E "HH = =E*E;HE o =e5 d EY) E = + s triJ #= -J 7a tu oo oo NORIH ILIVATION AII RAIIII{GS, t0l,ND{luu ilEMff$RY Dtct$t6 AllD FLmR J05t5ltr T0 Bt ffiil0m fi0 R[pL{c0. al cs{ffim P6I5 I}ID qRDMS ffi TO RilAII{ AS IS AIID RffM[ ffiAIR TIffiT T il'+ J,-#fhfr"/"rh" , tt | ' ' 6t !%o o, t L * ro, h *t:rn or htnr Ilfs g rd bthr t{ 3 atr r bthr) Hato ln l ibf rdn SIE f = 19' p&!d lldt. +d n ns lhn {' h [nrhr, ffi n 6S E * c Htc Hhd b ilU Ff?b Cr l*U * f* fU€I criG Uis tt =vt =u :h =-frg EI *,e'>r{EE = == =H*#E <-) F -, 8Sl ==E "HE = HE**;He o ?a E a Hs * = + +H= tflc-l-'/l v 3r, =et =bl 37'-3', }|fr{mfl${G I*{AIN LIVEL DTCK FLOOR PI,AN 0I0( sEE F I0 mfiil mft0xilATELY llf Srrt Sm AS ilsTilG CI! trfr. il[ffitrilttDt$tr{. m f c 0J -E =t Pi. ? Et EE Cr-L d (r 0,,-,uo E -is dgord rlL n-Y ?t P U{', C ut oud o trl 0r-L* = P}P d d -=LS-X E ! e!- o g)o oP 5 ! )---c o "'a+'$sJ* s k#;i I t\-nl- d y 'a- i'et *f n ,9#*3 i -9 r,i s- o EiE:g Li-r o-d a S g.€i ;;E; gl t*vyI;Fl U\OruL\o sfill f = 1'g' ib -frg E*,E >#E =a7= E**A <)R -. Fl ==E "HB = HE* E =FE a FLa * =lll = + E LrJ l-r-l #= o-aao tt a5 oa =E 2nd FL00R DECK FL00R PltN Dtfr $rArE I0 $tffi[ Fffi st-0roI T0 tstf{Fffi{. }tilmilff{6 T0 frtrltr T0 r{tr DNs{. Pg tg ..g i d=* c r,***i = F u si$ e .xs- r* ^ 3 d:N- d y = o x -ar i' \_$ =i :eg#! s$--r t,i 5A .NTruo .q uiru oEa{* FiE;{ ,n:F*tI;E:" g sl;=rttsle = gts t*:yI; \t tgi eu\oruo_\o $f "olt SIE f = 1'g' o e E d <>E -. :sl {= E * HE = HE* E;E€ ih -.::9 -EA 14 >-#E ==q =E*gA a E? + = + a HE o o .rt =v, =H e e 4 E (JE -, F3 g= E * 3E = =E*E;EE :h' -. -frg r==>-#E = ===€*#E g',-tr r,-tnl,r-rI 6', Po e.* P rn o r'i E.=i :-c. - {sn i ur +;i :c d {J:UIUI € FP f;s *f =isp"i A[ RAlUtS, DEffit$ Ato Fmm J0SIS Affi I0 tr mffim aD Rfl.{ctD. [i c0{ffiut f0tjilmn${S, ffi15 ND Hmms ffi I0 mflil AS ls AtO RtCI}rt ffipilR ttffi ilffim$ftY |\J|AIN LEVEL DICK _ FOUNDANON, POSTS AND GIRDERS SfitE f = 1'g' g If ,' c il# P;f O:+t7 U {Jr,5 ir X:J ;r?gt (J\O(z O-U =TF HH ,ooao tt =an =E 37',-3', Pa o-q u c o;o- 'i,Ef=!Pldo (J-)oT C LCOL Fd o mUl0 \a-,3 o tL XtnO)i"35 -- t (f F{x t (U 0J _a J o trl m f m -o --) .E u L_., II4AIN LTVEL DICK _ FRAiI,|ING PITN u ilulrq [fl$rc aCI ttmR J0sls ttr m tr mffim ffi] RH.{m. |lI c0{ffi]r FOTJIIIIAIUIS, MlS AIS SHERS IRE TO RilIIII A$ IS AID ffiCffi MflR IfiEffi ilECCSS|RY SCSI f = 16 ev-sl. !h --As EX E >.sE =3==FI*A <) -.5= E " HE = HE* E =EE e e e5 d a Er'+=+ €HE ,-^ffi s L 2nd FL00R DECK SIRUCTUML FL00RPLAN 6'x12' Gtulqn Glrders to renoln ar RtJU[sE Dtcl(lilG fl{D FLmR J0t$S ttr T0 8r rumfD AtE RtpLAc0. [L cs{ffiut F0frl[{ils, ffits ND 0mtm ffi I0 R0trl|tN ts tr{D RIsEvt wflR ffitffi t{EffiN/tfiff 0t0$iG l$tffil- fitl- a 2tI6'12 cilffi ffi ffitn os exlstlng, Glutons extend Into noln house oreo, Extenlor of Rln Jolsts overhangs 6'xl2' glnders bv 1' l--*,u-lV'- Ilouble 2'x8' Treoted Plne Floor Jolsts 16' E,C.t t6,-1. 2'x8' Treoted Plne House Bond rlth Jolst Hongers on ott Typlcot Ftoor Jolsts \ Double 2'x8' Tneoted Plne Rh'r Jolsts 4l' I1.0, Steel Coutnn on 12' Dlaneter Concrete Footlng to rrt 6 v5 =Hd lth -,ag rr= CE =h Gii t! =EE S ===FE*= <.) E -. 8A =2 E " HF = =E*E =FE (=6 <c 5 d a ETT HE S0{E f = 1'6 o O a o b \, N I & .r!} ,.t !. ot Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectNumber: prj00-0217 Project Name: Frierson Residence Project Description: redo existing decks Owner, Address, and Phone: Cartter and Patty Frierson 1103 Tinkerbell Ln. Lookout Mountain. GA 30750 706-820-2698 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 1517 Vail Valley Dr. Unit 2 Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 3, VAil Valley 3rd Filing Parcel Number: 210109101003 Comments: Buildine Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action:staff approved with conditions 1. decks must be done to match unit I Town Planner: Date: 7/lll00 Project Name: Documentl Allison Ochs ' I r',| :'i,.,' Frierson Residence DRB Fee Paid: $20 FRor,l : TcF cdrsurtine Group ^ O**E t'[. : l6azat7n-. ^- 11,' g4 n^a 'Ltz''n PL r O- tv T- Cartter Frierson CMC To: Subject:{VSIS?15€Sf'"J,'"",Iiifl ;J'%i,i,iYBh;BI'5f"f i"H&'i- Frictay, August 4, 2000 lTudy, ---*-------use thj-s fax for your easy reply I am in Georgia. I could not reach vou by phone, so 1. thought. this rdght be a faster way for you to let me know if the staff approvla our porches rebuild dpPlicetion for 1517 vail Valley Drive. My duplei neighbor in lir1tf , Don Siern, said he would fax his approval to V;;-;i f.lo"ai'. ily 6.rif a"t ii ready to cortunit to a s€Ptembe! I j ob so we need to get our oermit aD lp]-ication rolling aS faSl as we can. So thank' fOr faxing me whatever I need to Le able lo- file the job Pertni.t application frodl here- Cartter cartter Frierson CMC, President of ieF consulting Group' Business strateqSince !977 Applying Information Technology to httpr //www' TCFgrouIr. com Te1 706-8 20-2698 Eax 'lO6'82O''1229 nailto: Consult oTcFgroup - con Post Office Box 109 Lookout Mtn TN 3?350 USA 4,-. vucrLrur rrr Lere C,nn >tan et +/y-,L:E r0il$APPLIC,ATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL /11 4 /la*/do t// /a,8 GENERAL iNFORMAT]ON This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review musr recejve Design Review approval prior to submrtting for a buiiding permit. For specific information, r& the submittal requirements for the particuiar approvalthat is requesteo. The appiication cannot be accepted until ail the required information is submitted. The project may aiso need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval uiless a building permit is issued and construction is started_ ,/r/ ?-'rs. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPCSAL: LOT: PHYsIcAL ADDRESS: /fTY I/a.( rr4lq SAf luv WV 3 F. G. BLOCK: K rL- PARCEL #: t/ 2- owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): Fa-ote Co. Assessols ffice at 970-328-8640 for oarcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): OF APPLICANT: -i /t/9 cp * 0i) ,e9gde G /g />L/.f LEry 6z.e/Ly tt/f Lku-;n|*y piert/E @u &Mygt rtEtw !ryecUia u4/>- t7 f>o<c_l/E-3 BxZa"a r0 7<p_ &/grzr_7C S,ertoF fr TttpvV c./Ort/-( /*6; 4, c,4z u?rUt, {/24/d**Gs -Z-g /!t,n,Fil,t2* -It /Ue)/p_ Inc. il,ide USA Lc0m USA trgtttU '. eLO Fotra,f/a? 04 L/// t,- 2 YEF,?t{F-/iv /4t- qrDz oLuttr-z o*nr Gonsultant llletwork International, lnc. Puhlisher ol lnternet Web Sites fu Consaltants to Managenent lttlorldwide T. Cartter Frierson CMC, MCNI Inc., flepublic Centre Suite 850, Chattanooga TN 37450, USA TEL: 423-755-0825 rAr 423-755-0819 EMAIL: tcf@morinet.com E. Michael Shays FCMC, |\ICNI Inc., B5B Longvrew Road, Burlingame CA 94010, USA ruL: 415"342"5259 rnx: 41 5-344-5005 EMnrL: ems@mcninet.com 7"--d: ?otro)/f S eR butd T clFMltih- fu,v-u/- >YHZM,ow/uV's (T gND /Lu4 Bp7 '*ff+ex-W$/ &4/E- &tak=u Tl4srra- lillJeL'rYPn-PY*Atle€-o u&L- PgP-a27a1t CcoU Do /2n-Y- -fo fuk_ ,1 9 -7o fotrP*r;* '7D W-tr- ypryftf,,ry1_.5 + -3yy/2.- DF arur)-L 7-fr?a-V- Q)F ntPh-oue0 fure- bdtua LM<f -//h>a"L -T-o €[zo,'r*- z boil q' r*N rl e* url/lf 1,, />F e>/lutou* Keep your eye on mcnl... http://www.mcnlnet.com/ 08/02/00 15:35 FAI 360 73430 o S1TRN, D. J.&01 To:TOV Desip Rcview Bord .4* Fax:no.4E-2/ts2 From: Ann Stcm Datc:nludm Re:FriGBdr Builiting Rrmir Pages: CC:Carrrr Rierrol El Urgqtr E Xor lcvhw EPlccComnral [1 rtae nr'ply trllolccych TortrdYdl DdErfcdillocd tslt VCI v.!.y Ddvc Unft tr vdloo tragt SuuaCotd l{unbc: 9|DAnl54 .cl* a ATnlr.[td!t: Thlc b rrltta uthodtrlha s rrqucdcd by you on hHf of ny duptu prrb:rr Crntr F|.rroq 3o ruthcb th:nbuildtrgdffcb cnldc &ctr tocqfm rlthtL rLitn d ufalb dc aty &drr rrd u ohhrod bt Catr r to tbc IHgtr nndcr Dord. Slmardt, 4d4 Donrad^/l{scrr XE: Ht r trrl.|m lcfDla lsl7 Ydl Vdlct Drlvo Unn t, vdLco tla't .a- .raaaa usroF pRoPo*o "*=t",oo low+t +orf Lu/ TYPE OF MATERIAL:BUILDIN.G MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIUes Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Gi'eenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting COLOR: latPgtwr t?arl v bea4- rvetut+ 2 49 t A pbrA A/n+'aAgz- 4,lM 0/L 7ry922a *pleasespecif ythe*,,ffi=m*.r"(ngn?;^orchip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If exterior lighting is propoeed, pleas€ indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. odffi.ffi.i. O euestions? a.,,Ob,.,F* stafr at 47g-2t3a ffi MrNoR ALTERATT.NS ro rHE ExrERroR oF BurLDrNGs Tfilt|IfitlfiItffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATISN This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building, Any alteration in which additional building square footage iS6dGilw:iilEquire an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS { ,guroror sketches which clearlv convey the existing conditions, ,/ Onororor sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(:'). All rerevant specifications ror the propos ! K,f{^##rc "ro materials to be used. fu*ALVf Yt, {l_- w ,,0 Prw& n ! condominium Association approvat(if appticabte) 6Af \IUIA e t- If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. Tom ot var I }}r AFImR REtflff }rr MTEt 7t?7t3/N01 REffIff: 0t?t0l DESCRIPTIT}I OTY flTI}IT TP Ni IESIGN RE|IIEII FE I |a0,g$ }DR CS CRRTER FRIERS${ TENDER DETAIL cs f20.00 - IIflTE: 7/87l0e TIf : t{:51:39 I0TAL CASfi t20.00 i ?.ff$tT TENDER$ Eo.o$ TIST( YIIJ Ft}R YITJR PAYIS{II ftment of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 ReceiptNo g-t+(? Project: Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL and Address Maos @elq[e1q? Code - 1997 - Volume 3 International Plumbrng Code - 1997 International Mechanical Code - 1998 001 0000 314 1110 001 0000 314't112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314't112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 Abalement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 Model Enerqv Code - 1995 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes Blue Prints/Mvlar Coov Fees Lionshead Master Plan ($1 .80/$1 . Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour Off Hours Insoection Fees Contractors License Fees Additional SlCn Alp!99!9I I99 Review Board Fee (Pre-oai 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 121'l 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 311 2300 00't 0000 315 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 3124000 001 0000 312 001 0000 315 3000 SDec. Assess.-Restaurant ee to Co.Deot.Rev. PEC APPLICAION FEES A nal GRFA - 250 Exterior Atteration - Less than 100 sq. ft. 001 0000 312 1000 "001 0000 310 1100 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft. 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3100 F JEveryone/Forms/Salesast.exe 06/06DO00 O'l /JI/0O 07: ll t'AL 360?3430ro .o : : oo s'luRN. D. J . To:TOV Dcsign Rcvisl Bord Fax: Id or no.4E.ugz From: Ann Ste m Date:zrJdm Re:Fricnon Building Rrmit Pages: CC:Caruer Fricrur < SUI3Got DFctcvlrl trllcoGonan trP|.Br.pU trlla:Xeyct: ToirndYell DCgrf.?brlord aa ATn{r tdt! Thb b lnllt.|r..nH|rtbtr - rtqu$d by yon m hrhCf of oy dnplcl prtnr, Caitcr Frlenoq to nth.rbthcrdtddfrrgdah srt tG dGd. tocdcn rfttltc dcrlgtdrlstrlr dG dEt &cLr r.d r rrhltlcd bJ| Crtntr to ft I}+n X,wle!' lcrd. S'lncarln 4 rtrdAE|Sf.m lsf? vdl Vrlcy DdrtG Unlt ll vdl.co tra't $mnaCmrrd llmtrn S.fB f56rf 4_ lD: Htrr FrlroDcrdf l5l7 vdl Vrlqy Drltr! Ihx32 V.ll, GO tlatt , o7/tr/oo, or:rr "* ruor;tl SIERN,D.J. FROFI : TCF Consulting 6r-*rp O PHr{E Ff'. | 7re&fF2ag Thh.anplldon E fbr any praie.t rcqulting Design Rcrrielv apprpvat Arty proJest Ggutdng dcstgn rei/fe,,v mg![receiuc Dcsisn fi's/le,u apPro!,at r-lor tr submBinC fur r bsilchg penrt il;Ftrili ifrmatiorr, s tte clmtttat requilrnenE tor tfie partic|rhr amrural Urat 3 tlF{U(#tfy'_ rte lmErtim caniror n a..cpEa untf at Ure ,lquhed ;rfonnatbn is slbmitted- The pfirjca mry abo nieo o be rEvicn'ed by dte Towo coundl'ana/o, ttre nunnifr anJ Envtronmentsl commbrbn. Dor[a Rrvhw Eoard aepruvd cry|ij i,rcv.er-.-tig trrJ.FPrldi;;0.;e bufllng p.rnrlt b Lrurd rnd corlarrqdorr f Crlta- r&12 PARCE#: trlAf4E OF MAIL.TIIG ADDRE6. mtER(s) I'IAMES AltPlfrfiln MAIIJTGADORESS: O Q",. s p@ rr,#'r, 4.. Quesiicns? Call ifie Ptanning St3ff Er 479-2139 APFIJC.ATIOII FOR DESTGIII REUTEW IPPR.OVAL li-. r0ftu ?-+a. c. D. €. F. G. Ofltce at 97)-328-8640 tur Frcd.#) TYPE tr { H. - i2OO Constructbn ofa ne$, butding.StO krdldes 1ny ad(lftin where sguare to6OG E rddcd to rny rcsitrfidel or qfmgrid butdhg.l2O . Irrcludca m'fior drrngcs b bu[dlngr dnrl sne rnprot,Emcnts, srtch . ds, rEroc,ffrrg, palrting whd6, addltbna tsndsctdne fclg amj rerabho |xEns, ctc- qRE ftc. 1n b be fit * Ute qF.dsrbmilaL taE, wtlcfl appt ,hg ftlr I b|jHrE gGrmtt, pten t!gl8 the acqrrde vefuaan d t|c pr!,ea. ffte f*d * rrfn "-i aOi,* t|9 f." acccding to tlre pndect wtuatbn.plr * srnr,ur rr{rs.!!F_rt, ganor, eu sugrdrrru, REqrrrRlr,rrnrn,AND THE FEE ?O THE DEPIgnASS-OF CSIfITIUTTTY OIYELOPIIE Y"7l SOUrlH mortroE ROID, yA!, Gltr-oRrDo !tcs": -- - OF REVIEWAilD FEE: IthwConctrocuon Addnbr - Itllnor Albretirra . -/7rS hrt/4'? futlo7 tg I l>rlft'tr &t,f t . . - 1,. -t -, -e=4,* t/ *. ,102s, Vu/ V*t DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIflT AT ALL TIMES #:800-0204 .00 329 -25 TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT sFR BUILD PERMIT JOb AddrCSS: 1517 VAft VAILEY DR LOCATJ-ON. . -: L5L7 VAIL VALLEY DR,Parcel No.. : 2101"-091-01-002 Project No. : PR,f00-0238 SLatus...: ISSIIED IJNITAppIied. . : 0g/2L/2000 fssued...: 08/zg/2000 Expi_res. . : 02/24/200a ON .TOBSITE Permit APPtTCAIiflf NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9, VAIL, CO, CELL# CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON P.O. BOX 34L9, VArt, CO, CELL#OI,'INER STERN DONALD 'J & AI.IN GREENE 2078 DELLESTA DR, BELLINGIIAM WA Phone: 970-845-1_001 47L-4888 8t-658 Phone: 970-845-1001 471-4888 81658 Description: REPI,ACE 2 WINDOWS (WILL Occupancy:Tlpe Construct.ion: Valuat.ion:g, 000 Fj.replaco Infomaeion i R€Bcrj.cted: yES MEET MrN.EcREss REe's) approved amount R3 Single Family Residence_,_,v N rype v worr-nited Clate Add Sq Ft: *of, Gat Appliancee:#of wood/Pellot: s1.45 .00 3.00 . o0 100 . oo Restuarant Plah Revicr--> nDF Eq--------- Recleallon Fee---.- ---- --> Cleen-up Depolit- ---- ---> .00 ToEal Calculaced Feee- --> Additional Fees---------> ToLaI Peroie Fee--- ----> PaynohEs---- - -- - s8226 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Defgsjt Refund #of cas Logs: *r**ai*,,r,r FEE suliruARy * * r * ** *r,r, * ** * * Building-----> PIan Check- - - > Investigat.ion> vlill call----> '.".'..."';;;" ;;;;; ;;;';;*;;"***iii**;#';;;;;;;*;;;:**08/.21,/.2000 KATI{Y Action: NOTE ROUTED TO JR-I8/21_/2OOO KATt{y Acrj.on: AppR AppRovED pER KI{IEem:.054Q0,PUUgNING DEp.ARTlvrEMf DepE: PLANNING Division:08/21,/2000 KATIIY Acr.ion: AppR DRB eppnoveD-Bt A6------ IEe.ln: .856Q0__FI4E DEPARTMEITT DepL: FrRE Division:98/2L/2o00 KAEIIY Action: APpR N/A I!qq: ,q5580 PIIBLIC WORKS Depr: pUB WORK Division:08/21/2000 KATrY Action: AppR N/A r r.r t *f rir I tr r*r See Page 2 of Ehis Document, for any condit,ions that may apply t,o this permit. DECT.ARA'TIONS r heretry .ckaorledg. tlt.ts I haw. lead uhit aPPlicat.ion, filled ou€ in fult th. inforoation requircd, c6p.Icc.d an acculale plor: Fl'an, and sgat. Ehat all tshe infornacion Prowidcd ae requircd is corrGct. I agr6a tso cornply \fi!h tha infordaLion and plot platr, Eo coEPIy rriEh all Torn ordinances atrd scate LaLs. and to build thiB stllrctsuro according !o th€ Tonn,. ?oning and subdivlgion cod.t6, deEiEtt l:avien approvad, thifortn Bui.ldiliE cods and other ordin.nces of lhE Town appl,icabl,e t'heretso. REQUEST8 FOR INSPE(TIONS SHAf,t BE MADE TWEMY-FOUR tlOItRS IN ADI/ANC9 EY TALEPIIONE A? 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OfFICS FROtia SIOO Allt S:OO gU Send C16an-It!r D.Foeib To: NEITBO CONSTRITCTION Page 2 ******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS Permit #: 800-0204 as of o8/28/OO St,atus---: rssuED ***************************************************{.**************************** Permlt, Tlpe: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD pERMrr applied--: o!/2t/2ooo Applicant--: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION tssued---: T8/28/2OOO 970-845-1001 To Exlgire t O2/24/2001_ Job Address: 15r.7 VAIL VALLEY DR Location---: 1517 VAIL VAL,IEY DR, IINrT l-Parcel No-- : 2101-091-0.L-002 Description: REPI.,ACE 2 WTNDOWS (WrIJIJ MEET MIN.EGRESS REQ'S) * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CSIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOI(E DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 OF THE 1997 I'BC.3. BOTII WINDOWS ARE EGRESS- BOTH WTNDOWS MUST MEET MINIMT]M EGRESS R-EQUTREMET{rS pER SECTTON 310.4 OF TIIE 1997 U.B.C- -*********tt***+t**********:r***************t**************++***** I TOIIN OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO gtatennt * * * rr* +t!:r t! *i * * * *rt * t t * !lra* * !r + itt t * ** I * tra i rr rl * *** * !l +*+* * **rr + r *** * t + ** Statennt Number: REC-0670 Arnount: 309.25 Og/Zg/00 0?t3g Payment Method: 19562 Notatlon: NEDBO CONSTRUCT Initj .fN Permj.t No: 800-0204 Type: A-BUfLD ADD/ALT SFR Parce1 No; 2101-O91-01-0O2 Slte Address: 151? VAIL VATLEY DR Location: L51? VAfL VALLEy DR, I,NIT L Total Feeg: ThiE Paynent'309.25 Total AL] PnTB: Ba1ance: * rl * * I *t * * !t *** llt* ** rrt** ** r r !r * **1**it t*t* * r*l:r* i * **r:lt ** * ** * ** a **** Account Code Descripti"on BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII.DTNG PER!4TT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK EEES AD D2.DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS WC OO]-OOOO31128OO WIIJL CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE BUTLD PE ?'CI 'E .oo Anount t-25 . OO 81- 25 100.00 3.00 o o o 'F 3E ,o o!a4 l'3B i8 o d g A ct A E A H ql E u l!tl E o e 'o ct x U $ o A E E a o o o o dl !l o o E !l .{E F ii t! HE '.:-fi ax FUE ot gLL H'oa!to |.a|I EE\oao 0 c, o A E ti 6 ta o -rr OH 88 Eq.!H o alo 00 ro.C'E 0a E 6l HH ae E9 g4 i1 a AE A8 H'!t I E ET ET HA 8B AT !ta E lr A a E l{ A ,E H I H H t{E6 |4a ZA o g I T{S EE E E9 (,U ct t{ H B !4 i 6 E !! o u D T !a l' H E o ? .D at_o !cD .i& a or)TII{81.l .E s8F EX8 Additional ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLI,JMBING ood/Pellct 1 VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTHER: $ TOTAL $ General Contractor:,/( Town of Vail Registation /Lbrl lr", O,*luri ./.^- Address: N" )tl- f,Phone # Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbitrq Conlractor: Town of Vail Regisfation No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of VaiI Registration No. Address: Phone # Address; Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: rowN oF vArONsrRUcroN pERMrr Ap+AroN ,ffi-";?3* INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETT OR TUE APPLICATION WILL BE RnIECTT,I' .lr Contact the Eagle CouW Assessors Officek g7632E-E640 tor parcet # Parcet# '>l0lhq LO lo)L Dare: 8 -))-Permit # Job Name:Job Address: nuilding X Plurnbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) t- Legal Description: t-ot / ) nloct< onn"r"N*r"t 0op,4 ld Stct>1., Architect: /l') Description of Job: /l Q.Ql Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration0<I I Other ( ) ZONING: I a i' ^,rb rYt^'lx"'^tu*t*t ?EF-oz:P C-ii,f :'ff6PV b6- ozoP. ,7'tlO . ff :.'S? ir6.g,1 -O-1*9 Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL ProjectNumber: Prj00''0238 Owner, Addrms, and Phone: Ronald and Ann Stern 1517 Vail Valley Dr. Vail, CO 81557 Architect/Contact, Address, andPhone: Nedbo Construction PO Box 3419 Veil, CO 81658 E45-1001 Project Street Address: 1517 Vail Valley Dr. Unit I Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 3, VAil Valtey 3rd F'iling Parcel Number: 210109101002 Building Name: Comments: Pdect Name: Stern Residence ProjectDescription: Replace windows Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. all met€rials must match eilsting Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: E/lE/00 Project Name: Stern Residence Documfltl Board/Staff Action Action:staffapproved with conditions DRB Fee Paid: $20 REPT131 Run ld: 139 10-2 Inspection Request Sheet Parccl; 2101-091-010G2 App$cad: NEDBOCONSTRUCTION F OTneT: STERN I}ONALD J & ANN GREENE Contractor: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION F Dcccrifiion: REPLACE 2 WNDoWS (WILL MEET MIN.EGRESS REAS) Reflfiltrd lmp.ctbrils! Itom: ffl BLDG.Flnd Rcqrestor: NEDBo CONSTRUCTION Commcds: WLL CALL Asslgncd To: CDAVIS Action: Item Comrncr*s: lmp€ctlon Hhtofl 7:03 am A/PID Intorndlon Activity: 80G0204 Cond TlDc: Sierra Rcq. hspect Dde: Asslgned Tol hspectlon Type: lnspectlon Aroa: Sfc Address: Typo: ABUILO Occuprncy: (OptionEl) (Optlonal) (@ional) (Opdonrl) (Rcqlrud) (Optlonal) Tuesday, October 24, 2000 cDAV|S ELDG JRil strlnp)-npup Usc: VN Status: ISSUED Insp Arca: JRM .or. MARK 4',.U/' ' Itcm: 5t Itom: 10 Itcm: 20 Item: 30 0 drivcway gnade final BLDGFodireslStoel BLDGFoundation/Stc.l BLOc-Framino (Odlonal) * Approved - 09/01100 lnsDoctor: GRG Acllon: APPR Comrner*s: FRAMING APPROVED... O9/01O0 InsDoclor: GRG Mion: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Itcm: 50 Itsn: 60 Itom: 70 Itcm: 90 Itcm: 530 BLDGMisc. BLtlBFlnal BLDGTerp. Clo r5{7 VA|L VALLEY DR VA|! ._ f 517 VAfL vArley-nd,Urilf ,./(\/ Design Review Action Form Project Name: Stern Residence ProjectDescription: Replace windows Parcel Number: 210109101002 Cornments: Owner, Address, andPhone: Ronald andAnn Stern l5l7 Vait Valley Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address, andPhone: Nedbo Construction PO Box 3419 Vailo CO 81658 84s-1001 Project Street Address: 1517 Vail Valley Dr. Unit 1 Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 3, VAil Valley 3rd Filing TOWN OF VAIL ProjectNumber: Prj00-0238 BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/StaffAction Action:staffapproved with conditions 1. all materials must match existing Town Planner: Date: 8/18/00 Project Name: Documentl Allison Ochs Stern Residence DRB Fee Paid: $20 \n )) (n k qJ R e a oj ;-- 75S. Frcntrge Road Vrll, CO 81057 aaccrptNo.;Q!$fi! Pl{. m*. cfi.ck p.y!U. to tha T(ntfi OF VAL Iorn of VaiI TIT CUST{IIIER RECEIPT rr*DflIE: 8/14/80 Bl RECEIFT: O0ltBSl ---DESCRIPTIOII OrY AII()IJilT TF TII *lffid%[[Yiri*[, ' iis,Bs ibR cii IHA}II( Y(lU F(lf, Y(]UR PNYfft{TI 10 1100 - Leaa than 100 sq. fi. - More than 100 aq. ft. cr.h- Moncyodcrr- cne** F,9Y7 r*".oor] FJEl|ry'ona/Fonr.l&lr$to(.06/tF ilm TOWN OF VA,IL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 NOTE:ON 'JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit *: 899-0222 'Job Address: Locat,ion. . . : Parce1 No..: Project No.: Status...: ISSIIED A,pplied. . : o8/25 /L999 Issued...z O9/03/L999 Expires -. z 03/0]-/2000 Clean-up approved Single Family Resider8:Ff'lount Tyt)e v Non-Rated date Add Sq FE: 55 #of caB Applianced: #of gas lrogs: FEE SI'I.IMARY APPTICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419, VArL, CO, CEr-,L# CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUETION P.O. BOX 3419, VArL, CO, CELL#OIdNER STERN DONALD J & ANN GREENE 2078 DEIJLESTA DR, BEIJIJINGHAM WA Description: ADD EMTRY & II.TTERTRO REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Tlpe Construction: V N Valuation:50, 000 Fireplacc Information: Re6trict6d: Phone: 970-845-1_001 471"-4888 8r_658 Phone: 970-845-1001 471_-4888 816s8 e8225 TOV/Comm. Dev. #of wood/Pal,let: ToEal calculaecd Fce6- -->Reetuarant. Plan Revies- - > DRB Fee--------- Recleation Fee-- - -------> eL€an-Up D€po6its- - --- - - -> Additional Fe66---------> .oo Building-----> Plrn chcck- - - > Inve6tigaE.ion> WiIl, calI - ' 00 50.00 250.OO 490. O0 318.50 .oo 3 .00 Total PefiiC Fee--------> Pal'mcnts-------- BAIAI{CE DUE..... .OO BUII-,DrNG DEPARTMEIiff Dept3 BUILDING Division:CIIARLIE ACIiON: NOTE PLANS TO EHARLIE CIIARLIE ACt,iON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:GIARLIE AcLion: NOTE PTANS TO PLANNING???BWILSON ACIiON: APPR PRE-PAID DRB FEE COSI FIRE DEPART!,IEIiIT Dept: FIRE Division: CHARLTE ACIiON: APPR N/A PIIBLIC WORKS Dept: PIIB WORK Division:CHARLIE .A.ct,ion: APPR N/A Item: 05100 08/2s/L999 08 /27'/ L999 Item: 05400 08 /.2s / L999 0B/30/L999 Item:05600 08 /2s / L999 Item:05500 08 /25 /teee See Page 2 of this Document for any condiLions thaE may apply t.o Lhis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I ho!€by acknoiledg€ thab I hav6 r..d thie applicabion, fill.d out in full Ehe inforrnagion requirod, coopleced rn accuratse plog pfan, and 6tac€ that .lL thc informat.ion providad aE requir€d is cor!€ct. I agree to cor|rply lrith Eh6 iqformatsion and plog plan, ro coEply eilh all Town ordinanccg and state Lae€, and to build EhiB stsructurc accordlng go the Totrn's zoning and subdivieion code6, dedign rcviex alrprovcd, Uniforu BuildinE code and other ordi.nances of the Town applicabl€ theretso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE TV'ENTY-FOT'R HOURS IN AD\IANC8 BY TELEPHONE AT-.479-2I3A OR AJ: OUR OF .. 't ,s o . flb/ifr,ii' DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT TI{IS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 151-7 VAIL VALLEY DR 1517 VAIt VAI-,LEY DR 2101-091-0r.-002 PRJ99 - 0115 Refund E SROU 8:00 A$ sloo Ptl sond Cle.n-ttp D.!rori! To: NBDBo coNgTRuctrION SIGNATURE oF"4wNaR oR coMRA Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 899-0222 as of 09/03/99 Status---: ISSIIED ******************************************************************************:r* Permir, Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMTT Applied--: O8/25/t999 Applicanr--: NEDBo CoNSTRUCTION rssued---: O9/O3/L999 970-845-1001 To Expiret O3/Ot/2000 Job Address: 1517 VA,IL VALLEY DR IJOCAIiON---: L5L7 VAIL VALI.'EY DR Parcel No--: 2101-091-01-002 Description: ADD ENTRY & INTERIRO REMODEI.I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE',REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AtL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 0F TrrE 1997 IIBC.3. AIiIY BEDROOM WINDOWS THAT ARE BEING REPIJACED MUST COMPLY TO S EC 310.4 FOR EMERGENCY EGRESS r.rt*t*rtt..rr.tr!tttrtr*r.!*rr.."r.trr*r*ra*ratr*"t.ra TOtn Of !el!, CpI,lOnlDO. Str'tl8|Brt' tairiarrtttrtrifi ritar!rittrta*1*tta**tirt*t!tarrtl'rttrjri!r'i''l,arar gtrtrsfg Yr&b.r: iEc-Ogs5 jl[outrt: 1;o6t.?5 O9lo7l99 La.Oa Pay!.nE, llctlpd: cK lecrslon! 16?1? hltr itR 9cnig tfo: atr-a227 Typ.: A-BlrItD lDD,/At l sa.E BuIr,D P! Prrcll no: a10t-Otl-01-OS2 glt. lddrlrr t 1517 VAIL VILI'gI DR Lo€.Eion: 1517 Vlrlr Vl&LBf Dn Eogrl t..r r Tlrl,r gryDr* 1,o6t.?5 loral l!! hts.: Blt|ltcr ! 1r 119.75 r,l'''t. ?g .00 rtiiritttttt'r'attta'a|}tt!}rll,ltttttt!rttttttt*ltttt*iaa*ttttrii!lllt!trtt .lcoourtE Coda Dlrcripclon BP 0010000t111100 BttI&ttDfG pERl|rS FEES PF O010000a112300 PLN| CgECr rEEg .trD D2-DAPOI lrcrraE {90.oo 3tB.so ?50. oo g.lF 3rOO CLIIIIUP DtPOstEg nF 11t 00003112?00 nlcRBlrl(xf FSg lrc OOI0000311:AO0 lflL& CIX.' InSIE('IION FIE c' o I t'l az ,o ot o o o ct al E U E A I tl H E I I e 3l I .J o E H 6 6 g I "l o Efl !to EE oC| '[& F &E * F E G I E atl 0l ol I cl 1ll al N ara F 6 H !1 x E e E FI E8 IOI *x cl rio GA 6T oo o lt t' E E I o AFI BE E8 f(g s E 4 HH a4 -o EA o a r,H e3 El g H|{I 9.g HH H2 {|D E3 F |( I e E c.r H 6 I EE tql :H E u.g il$ Gt H i. B |, g A 'a FI E D l{ fr H A E ts !l FI o I I A al tr|9 c{n d4a orb Elt{ Edo g8f qg o AAH #:17-"€"t'fif:'t{ff':"3\'f8trate7L326-8640rorParcet# Date: 2 p..,ni,* ?f-oJ))- "tt\-? o r( BUILDINC: g 50,OOU PLI.JMBING $ OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ U."l\'u Address: PO General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.2sr-A Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Addrcss: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Other ( ) ownerst'iame: 0t,w t,{.,.,^- ,c,o&ess: [ 5 t? Uq',t\ rutttyXlyt&.phone*Sftf-to,r\ Legal Description: Lot-[-ntock-b- Filing Subdivision Number of Accommodation Units: Description of rou: tUr\cdo, ft.^rq\,.> , S o r'r..r- S{rn .L..r \ Alteration (f Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Architect:Address: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Applianccs wl\r l'.h Gas Logs-n/ r!\_ Wood.iPellet Mt+ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION t*{f o SIGNA TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGB ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARII,IEI.IT OF COMMIINIT]f DEVEIJOPMENI NOTE: fHIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AL,L TIMES PLUI,IBTNG PERII,IIT Permit #: P99-0098 iIOb AddTCSS: 1517 VAIL VALTEY DR Locat,ion...: 15L7 Vail VaIIey Dr Parcel No.. : 2101-091-01-OO2 ProJecE No. : PR!T99-0116 APPIJICANT JERRY SIBLEY PI,UI,IBING P O BOX 340, MTNIITRN CO 81645 COIiITR.,ACTOR,JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MrlrrrJRN CO 81545 OWNER STERN DONAIJD iI & AT{N GREENE 2078 DETLESTA DR, BELLINGIIAM WA 98226 Stsatus...: ISSIIED Applied. .: o9/o2/L999 Isgued. ..t 09/02/L999 Erqrlres . .: 02/29/2ooo Phone: 303 -827-5736 Phone: 303-827-5736 Descript,ion: Install gas piping for gas fplace Valuation:g 2,500.00 ijrt*fr*ii*tltfr*t*t*tt*rtii*rr**.*rr*r**r**r**rfl}r*rrirririi FEE gtnt ARi' t*',**t*+t** PlursbinE-----> Plan Ch.ck---> Invastigrtlon> vfill call----> 45 .00 LL.25 .00 3.O0 59.25 . o0 59.25 Rcrturrant 91an Raviav--> .00 Totel crlculrts.d F.or---> 59.25 TOIATJ rEEg------Addlllonil F...---------> Togal Poraul.l Far--------> BAIA CB DI]E- -. - lr**rf 1***r*t*****rtiltrlti*arttt*t*t******* t******,r**it**rf ***ra*1*t*i*ttttJt**r*rrl+*t**t*tJtttt*tttt*t*a*.ratt***ttaa*tt*****+*tt* t* ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART'I,TEI{T DCPL: BUILDING DiViEiON:o9/02/L999 IaTIIY Action: APPR approved per kw ftblr!'.05600- FrRE DEPAF:ffiENT :-_ -Dept: FrRE Diviglon:09/02/L999 IGTIIY AcE,ion: APPR N/A l**'*r*,*r*,'tf'r*r*i*t*tt!}l|tll*a'*rit'*tttttttt.**tt*trtatttt.r'rii|tt|ft''t**i*|,ti'l|'i'*'|'i,rJtl.iiiii'l*t*l COIIDITION OF APPROVAI. 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IATiICE. rr,rtrtrtrrrtor*rtrt*rr**ra**** *trr*irrrrrrttratt*tarr*fi*'rrr+irrrtir*l}*a*t*tt* trrrt**ti'lrt*i**rr*rrrr DECI,ARJATIONS I h.:..by rcknorlsdg. thit I hav6 r.rd ghL! appllcrllon, fillcd outs ln full tha lnforBalion rcquirad, ccqltloced ttt lccu:.aec plot plrn, rnd rtate Ehrt, r11 th. lnfonrtlon p!|ovld.d ra r.quir.d 1. cora.cts. I ag!s! Eo coBpLy rlth lhc lnforoatlon rnd Plot Phn, to coEt J.y xlt'h rll Torn ordLnrnc.. lnd .t.tsr 1rrr, rnd fo build ghlr .gruccur. rccor4ing co cht Torn'. zoning ud eubdlvislon codos, dcrlgn !€vL.t rpprov.d, ttn{forn Euilding Codc rnd oth.r ordi nccr of thc Tofn rpPllcrbl€ th.rrEo. RBQITE!|T6 FOR INSPECIIONg gHAIJrr BA l6DE I!{EIITI-FODR HoU?g IN AI)tIANCB BY * * * * * !r * * * * r r * * * !r * * :r * * * * * O * * * * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * *l * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COT,ORjADO Stateffirt **************************!r********rt**!t******!t****************** staLerrElt Number: REC-0558 Amount :59.25 09/08/99 L5zL2 PalmenE MeEhod: CHECK Notat,ion: #27OallSibLey Inlt: KMW - - - - - - - ;;*,i; -;; ; -;; ; : ; ; ;; - - -r,'p; : -;: ;"*- - -ni*ii"n pERMrr Parcel No: 2101-091-01-002 . SITE AddrCES: L5L7 VAIL VALLEY DR Locatsion: 1517 Vail Valley Dr This Palment Total FeeE! 59 .25 Tota1 AJ,L Pmt.e: Balance: 59.25 59.25 .00 ********!r!r**!t******rl*!t***************************************:t** Account, Code Deecription AmounE, 45.00 l,L.25 3 .00 PP OOXOOOO31112OO PLI'MBING PERI,TIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHBCK FEES wc 00100003112800 wrLL cAr,r. rNsPEqrroN FEE 1:: " ; ;; :, ii ti i, 3 "H#iil"_' Tgil"l; X#1, :iilir*"r#!{lARcEL il. J/o/-o.l /v DArE; I'ER.UIT IJ w-DzF- l/ APPLT.ATT.N Musr BE FTLLED our coMpr,E"ELy oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED A*'t******************:r't******* PERMJT TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * *,r * rt )k * * * * * * rr *,[ ]-Buildingr tM-plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal I i-other Legal Description: I,ot_ Block Owners Name: Architect: Address: Address:Ph.General DescripLion:\p\nlq, - Work Class:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I J_Ad,dj_tional [ ,io"nurtr, ,[_gn.. ItTqq. otlt/ Ph. #:::: and rype of Firepl_aces: Gas Appliances I Gas Loss I wood/perl..- JS**********)t***********rt*tt**rr***** VALUATToNs ******* ** * * * )k * * * * * * rk * * * * * )k * * * * * * *(El-ECtRlcel: $OTHER: $$ R ,ui-k)MECIANICAL: $TOTAL: $ *****************)t hl->':n#^-. Address: BUTLDfNG: PLTIMBTNG:-- K..Allfrklt*rt*rt***trEeneral co Num-ber of Dwe1ling Units : I Du?Nrrmher of Accornmodation Units: CONTRACTOR INFORMATfON * * * * * * )k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,t *Tovrn of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Fonv lT.\-\v: . rlv. Electrical Contractor:Address: Plurrbing c Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MEC}IANTCAL PERHTT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DDR FFE. Town of Vail Reg. No. JJV_/Phone Number: -&-^1^<dQd Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Nunber: FOR OFFICE USE ik* * r+ it * * * * * * * * )r * )r * * *,r * * * * * * *,k *,r )i BU-ILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHEEK FF.F. MEcHAN r cAL pr"AN- -;;ii"'x"inn, RECREA?TON FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT:rorAl, PERMTT rurDate Redoi-vo-d- VALUATION BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONfNG: STGNATURE: o DE o DE\rELO TOWN OF VAII. 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIr,, CO 81,657 970-479-2L38 PARTIiIEI\IT OF COMMIJNITY PMENT ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 899-0205 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . I t0/L8/t999 Issued...t l0/L8/1999 Expires..: 04/L5/2000 Phone:. 970-926-3675 Phonez 970-926-3675 ValuaLion:5,000.00 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT .Tob Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCATiON...: 1517 VAIL VAIJTEY DR Parcel No. . : 2101--091-0L-OO2 Project No. : PRJ99-0116 APPLICAATT DOT'BtE O ELE TRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DOIJBLE Q ELECTRIC P o BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER STERN DONAI-,D \T & ANN GREENE 2078 DEIJLESTA DR, BELT.INGHAM WA 98225 DescripEion: ELECTRICAL, FoR REMODEL *,*r,,rtr*rwrir .rr'..i*.i**r**r*rii*rrrt**.*r* FEE st,!,luARy jrrrr**rrii+t?!ra.r{i*i*tttt.i,i*r***4.**,trr'r****aatiati'rtr ElccErical__-> 9o.oo Total Calcula!€d Fees_--> 93'oo DPB F6e InveEtsigalion> .00 Will call----> 3-00 TOTAIJ PEES'- - > 93.00 Addihional Fee6---------> Total Pe1-trdt Fee--------> Paynenlg- - - -- -- - . o0 93 ,0O 93 .00 BAI]ANCB DUE----. .OO rLCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTI,IEIiIT Q-EPtr: BUILDING DiV1SJ'ON:1o7lb/1t9g-,rnt'l Action: APPR APPRovED .l8I{- irbm;'O5e OO-irfne DEPARTI',IENT ------ Dept: FIRE Division:1olT6/799g-.rru4 Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrEtD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ir t**tri**r*rtti DECI,ARA'T]ONS I hereby acknoi ledge thats I have lead Lhj.s applicaLion, filled out' in full the information required, comPleted an acculace pfot p1an, and 6tac6 chab ar] the informatsion Frovided a9 required is correcE. I agree to coErply lritsh the informaLion and ploL plan, Eo comply lriEh aII Town ordinance6 and sbatse laws, and Eo buj.l.d this scrucLura according Eo Ehe To!'n'e zoning and subdiviaion codes, deBlgn revlew apploved, unj-form Building code and othe! oldinancee of, lhe town applicable EhereEo. REQUASTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHATTIJ BE MADE TWEI\n.Y-FOUR HOURS rN ADI}}NCE BY TETJEPHONE At 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFPICE FROM g:00 Afi s:Oo PM TOnf OF VAIL, COITOnfDO ltErt'erc X!lDb.r! nlc-0977 lnount ?93.0o 1o,/18,/9t 10 !a! Pry!.nt l|!thod, Cf, tfotrtiost; 7a781DOoBiE Q Inig: iIX 9.roit tro. E9t-02o8 atD. r E-E[,EC EllclRlcl! PaRtlIT DrrcEl, No: t101-o9t-01-002 git'. ldd!|rt|: 1517 VIM^l,L!f, DR loc.tlont tr5lt vllt VlllrEf DE Thir P.!n nt fgtal Fc€6: 9!.00 !ot.l lIiL Frlt.. Eal.nc!: ttt'}ttl.lttttl}aarttttttttttttl}ta*ft 'f|}attttt$ttatttit+ttal}atat*att lccollrrt Coda Datcrlpbtoa Ep 00100003u1400 SLICI?.!C.II. PARrrr FE E n€ ooloooo3ueaoo m!'l c*r,! Idrltacrlolt !E! 3.o0 93. O0 93.O0 .00 l|lorllrA 90.00 1tsl18/1999 AU47 97A-926-3675 rouul{ oF vAr?o'srRucnoN pERtrro"ilcarcN FoRt INTONMANOT{ MUST BX COMTI,EIT OT TEE AIPIICATION WILL DE IEJXEIID M ap E# Cou(yrssasson otltcf d wontEao tu Pflvfl/, Pmt{ Atal-6?/-a/-aa\. Datr: mlr t lqq Euildttrt( ) mdios( ) I.€C Dcfcrilim:, L8.- Blo*- OtlEr( ) JdNaro6: S 7figr, 63r'4a.i,r.t tt^oc,-., tEll rJa,l uhlL., oa tj^l rucrmaty'( liod€tricsl( ) fLSuDdiviriu oilstNrc: Dr4ll gr.rn Addlesr: ,{,1 dtu( LLf|lt 40 nms#-JfA=Jl7L fucb'i.c{: DOUBLE O ELECTRIC PAGE A2 Dcccriplim liloftOrs:Nest ( )Alttrdimt{Addiliout( )Rrfair( )Otal I Nunbs of Accmmoddion Uritr: - Gmlngr wsdrtcllcr vALUATIOiIS FIFCIRICAL: l-l-g Nurdcr of Dlrclilg Uritf / Nrrrnbcr sd DTe ofFirt?lace*: Cas Applinccs BUtr.DING: $OIgEn: i PT.TJMBING T MECHANICAL$IUTAL I COilTRACTAR|I{FORUANOiI C,acrd Cmtr*:to;:AddE$: Ptmo#To*l of Vril RlEifrtion No, Elrdd3elglEes ir.rtU Q fg**aArttBi: Ba* lst iun is 8/63\ TosldVrilReginr$irrofro. 196 E---.....- norre*1*,.?az€, Phrbirr Goilrrlor: J Adrcss: Phorc # frq - oLDs Torm dVail Rcgirfi*b No M.clrdcd CoilrTtor Adre3t: t'lrone #Town of Vail RegisttNliooNo. FOROFFICE IIEE BUILDING: SIGMTURE: 9LE4ILU!'DEPGFREFIJIIIDTo: , . . - I REFJrsl Ttr}.IN BF VAIL! COLORADO F.A6E 1 AREA: CD t|/19/1999 er7r48 REQUESTS - INSF,ECTN WORK SHEETS FOR:11/L9/L999 trctivity: F99-O€?E lt/19/19 Type: A-BUILD Statr-rE: ISSUED Constr: RSFR Addr'ess: 1517 VAIL UALLEY DR Loclat i on : 1517 VA I L UALLEY DR Far"ee I : llOl-Qt9 1-rAl -AraF:Desel^iptionr ADD ENTRY & INTERIRO ffpplicant : NEDFO CONSTRUCTi0N Owne:": STERN DONALD J & ANN Cont ract or' : NEDBO CON$TR|JCT I ON Oee r Usel V N REIY{trDEL GREENE F'hone l 97O-845-1€rO1 Frhone: Fhttne: 970t-845-lOO1 Req Tinre: 0t1:OO Comment s: Inspect i on Reqr-rest Reqt-restor-: MfiRH Inf ornat i on. F,hone: 9tZl4*376til Time Exp ;;;;;;ffim;; itI Item: tZtOSlO dr.iveway gpade f inal Item : OAIAllll FLDG-Foot ings/St eeI It em: rAOrAeUt RLDG-For-rnd,at i on/$t ee Item: OrZrS;iO F,LAN-ILC Site F,lan Item : OOA3fi BLDG-Framing Item : AAOSU BLDE-Insr-rlat i on 1t e n : UtE qr6fi BL.D6-Sh e et rock Na i 1 Itemr B'Z'870 BLDG-Mise.It em : OtzilZrgrzt BLDG-Final Item: rZ'A'53tZr BLDE-Temp. C/A Itenn ffEr540 FLDG-Final C/O rro?u lx+P?^c-€SS ftUPnt th4> Ercal VA { n=)8 g1 ll .: .l a REPT 131 LL/19/ 1999 OBrle REGUESTS - Aetivityr tr99-8098 Lt/Lg/ 19 Type: B-trLMB Status: ISSUED Constrr flDUtr AddreEsr 1517 UAIL UAI-LEY DR Farcel r 31O1-O9 1-41-AAe Oecl Usel Descriptionl InEtall gas piping for qas fplace conv & Fange Applicantr JERRY SIBLEY FTLUMBINB Fhone: 3O3-8?7-5736 Owner; 9TERN DtrNALD J & ANN GREENE trhone: Contraetor.r JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING F'hone: 303*8?7-5736 TtlWN OF VAIL, INStrEETN I,IORK COLORADO SHEETS FOR:1t/19/1999 trAEE I flREH: CD Inspect ion Reqr-test Requeetcr: mark Req Timer [t8:EtO ItemE reqr-rested to AOegA trLllB-FinaI Information.... Conment s r be Inspected... F,hone I 9[14-5760 Act i on Tine Exp Inspeet i on History..... Item: EAA10 F,LMB-Undergrot-tnd It em: AO8AA trLMB-Rough/D. t^r. V. It en: OAP30 trLltlB-Rough/l,Jat er' Iten: BA?4A FLMB-Gas triping Q9/17/99 Inspector: ART Item: BrAgSO F,LI{B-F,oo1/Hot Tr-rh Item: gr0e6er FLMB-Mi sc. Item: O0e9E trLMB-FinaI Act i on: AtrtrR Appr. 6as/ipi ping 1O*/POm , . \lf I Des ign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Stern Project Description: entry addition Owner, Address and Phone: Don & Ann Stern, l517 Vail Valley Drive #1 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Larry Deckard , POB 725, Avon, 8 I 620 Project Street Address: l5l7 Vail Valley Drive, #l Legal Description: Ll2, Bl 3, Vail Valley lst Parcel Number: 2l0l09l0l 002 Buildine Name: Comments: GRFA calculations done in'89 didn't include 850 bonus. Cunent calculations provide for an additional 227 sf GRFA on unit # 1 after this proposal is included. Unit #2, still has a 250 bonus available. . Project#: PRJ99-0116 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: May 14, 1999 F:/EVERYONE/DRB/APPROVAL/99/Stem Action: staffapproval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 50.00 Qucstionfli thc l'ii,;.ning Stait'at 4;ri-; iZS APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TAWNqFVAILIT h^,r- ec ^.,t DateReceivgt .. P(tT 11- o\l( -srv'..'vvr'rtt cENERALTNFoRMATToN Ir ' I I -rt- ]fAY05 1999 This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvierv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr review must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subrnittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd infbrnration is submincd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnlental Comnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpires one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:Euru.f tsao trrox) B. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: IL BLOCK: ' A FILING:Ftn.* VlatxtC-> PHYSICAL ADDRESS: I5 IZ VAIL VA,U-EY DNIV E UXI 1T P 1 pARcEL #iztot 0qq t oO2.(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC:l4ea etrNTt+t- NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: F. G. PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E- Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. R Addition - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. tr l\{inor Alteration -$20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing. painfing. window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls. ctc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. when applying for a building permit. please identifo thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAI, REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: LTST OF PROPOSED I\IATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:BLJILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sof flts Windorvs Windorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnncys Traslr Enclo.sr,rrcs Cr,lcn houscs Rctairring Walls Exterior Lighting** Other COLOR:* .rufl a,t'rt TO hrtTCH EXBfftG R,6 CnB,.-tz -h*z-a.g ELtsTt6 h'5 Ctcearz _ ht 40 u6kr / t40 ^/ ,1,/ o LOPtena /naort r=xtqE]) \ -z- U ,/a ./ht/tL ./tJ,/* h7aa aoor ?raata lpuppt< * Plcase specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must rre et the Torvn's Lighting Onlinauce 18.54.050(J). If cxterior lighting is proposcd, pleasc indicate the number of fixhrcs and locations on a separate lighting plau. Identity cach fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output. luminous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhres. Updatcd 6/97 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botahical Namc Colnnron Nanrc Ouantity Sizc* *Mininrunr rcquirenrcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs '5 gallons 'l'ypc Squarc Footagc ..'... OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retaining walls, fences, swinaming pools, etc.) Please specify. In&cate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the &ont setback is 3 fcei Maximum height of lvalls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. ZONE CHECK o",., M^'1 lL{ . lt11 /,-1 /^rt a,:..c[n,k -5.r) Lcgal dcscription: Lot lA Block 3 a( Addrcss Ounrcr Architcct Zonc district Lot sizc V*: t Minimum Phone Phonc Proposcd usc Buildabte arca +,r1<.< Total GRFA 1^Jr + Existing d"'rlp.i*a.y GRFA +(425)@=l)'t> ;x':#"Proposcd HT} Tofal Rcmainins 2LSC + (425) (675+)= 2q1j + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition -trrn- 5IV1 Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition?6k'd o* (,r.^,'f '/ Horv much of thc allowed 250 Addition is uscd. *,ith rhis recucst? w 2.88 d"f $"cond".y GRFe [els Po,^\* Sitc Covcragc A% Hcigbt Sctbacks L:ndscaping Rctaining Wall Heigbts Parking Garage Credit Drivcrvay 3'/ 6' Required 4aaq (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear \ ') n, l5' 15' Encloscd (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Complics rvith TOV Lighring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gadcs less than 2:l (50%) Environm cn talA{azards Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck property file); ls thc propcrry non-conforming? Dcscribc: Pcnnittcd Slopc % Proposcd Slopc _% Yec Nn Yo< N^ I) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands_ 4.) WaterUoursc Sctback (rOL 5) Ceologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchq b) RocHall q\.*-A c) Dcbris Florv I CIIECKLIST DESIGNREVIEW Projcct: B S{.IRVEY scarc Q FLOOR PLAIJS Scalc bcncnmark r-egar dcscription GRFA Lot Sizc 250 additional GRFA Drxro:rorc Area crarvl\Attic Spacc Eascmcnts Environmcntal Hazards Scalc Col or\Ir4atc|i als Roof pitch O LANDSCAPEPLAN Trees Utility locations Eisting rccs Proposed tecs Legend Spot clcvations Q SITE PLAN 100 y'. flood plain 'Watcr Course Setback Scale Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EavcVOvcrhangs (4') DeckVBalconies Carage connecfion Sire Grade\Slope Fences Parking/Garage Tuming Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snorv Storagc Fire Access MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos of sitc Buil ding matcrial samplcs C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utiliti es (underground) Vicrv Corridors Variances Plat rcshictions TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2I38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. rt^ IU oil rt{ ISSUED oe /r6 /ree't Lof r- .00 606.75 606.75 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit t: 897-0314 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR StaIUS... VAIL VALLEY LoT 12 BLK 3 App]ied.. 2101-091-01-002 Issued. . . Expires. . *************H*******t**S******ff*********ffi******* FEE SuttllARY *i*******t*******Jr*Jr*t**********ffiff**ttr****ff******** APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920t AVON CO 81620 OWNER STERN DONALD J & ANN GREENE 2O7B DELLESTA DR, BELLINGHAM WA 98226 Descrj-ption: TEAROFF EX]STING SHAKES; INSTALL VMS ROOFING occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:22 ,7 09 Phone: 9709491905 Phone z 97O9491905 {of Gas Logs:fot uood/Pat Let: Totat catcutated tees---> 6M.75 AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------) Payments------- Add Sq Ft: IOf Gas Apptiances:ti reptace lnformation: Restri cted: Bui tding----->275 .OO lnvestigation> l,l i l. L ca ( L----> Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-->.00 50.00 .00 100.00 Ptan Check---> 17E.75 DRB .00 Recreat i on Fee----------> 5.00 ctean-Up Depos i t--------> **rr******ffi**r****r******,r***********llll*t*llli;;;;;;;;;;**ii**********ilfili*******ll*lf I-lii;;;;;;;iii*************i**** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:09/I8/T997 LORELEI ACTiON: APPR APPROVED BY ART HOUGLAND IIbM:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEPI: PLANNING DiViSiON:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Debt: FIRE DiVisiON:rtem: 05500 pljelre woRKs Dept: PUB WORK Division: *****ft*ffi***ir******************t*****ffi**ff***rr************ff***ff***t**S****ff:***#.****ffiJ(*t*rtft***ir****:t**rri***:t* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have fead this applicat'ion, fil,Led out in futL the information required, cotnpleted an accurate ptot pl.an, and state that atL the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and ptot ptan, to conpty with atl, Torrn ordinances and state taws, and to build this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELE Send Cl,ean-Up Deposit To: PLATII CoNSTRUCTIoN SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR AND OIINER Page 2 *****************************************************************************r.** CONDIT]ONS Permit 9: 897-0314 as of 09/25/97 Status---: IssuED * * * * * * * * * * * t ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--3 09/L6/1997 Applicant--: PLATH CONSTRUCTION fssued---: 9709491905 To ExPire: Job Address: 15]-7 VAIL VALLEY DR LocaLion-__: VAIL VALLEY LOT 12 BLK 3 Parcel No--: 2101-091-01-002 Description: TEAROFF EXISTING SHAKES; INSTALL VMS ROOFING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndit iOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 199]. UBC. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Numberr REC-0333 Anountt 606.75 09/25/97 14:18 Payment Method: CHECK Notationz 820229 Init: LRD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :k** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit No Parcel No site Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 0l- 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897-0314 Type: A-BUILD 2101-0 91-01-0 02 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL VALLEY LOT 12 BLK 3 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 606.75 606.75 .00 Anount 275.O0 50.00 178.75 100.00 3.00 Total Fees: 606.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ;;. 'nagt" cou.t, o"""""o.|,rr"" Ott' y[ at 970-328_-8640 for Parcel_/l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON [PARCEL llz 8,lot Og) Q/CT.? pERt-tIT AppIJIcATroN F9RM V DATEs , APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED S*****************************nl PER}IIT /I [ ]-Buildin It Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT rNFORldATroN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-ElectrlcaL [ ]-Mechanlbal [ ]-Other Job Addre"=: \5\? :p-n*4-- on //O'37 Address 3 ..--.;117- y'a Owners Name; Architect: Address: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT TEE: ELECTRICAIJ FEE 3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: General Description! Work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atter on [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l-other Number of Dwelling unl-ts: _ Number of Accommodation units: . lpmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- . cas Logs_ wood/pellet_v fi********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* :y*l:l:' l&Q,7!4 at nr,Ecrnrcar: $_ orHER:PLI,IMBTNG: MECHANICAL: I- -- ToTAL: I_ v rvJ,.rr.,. ,_ f ***********************fi** ,CONTRACTOR.INFORMATION ***** * * ******* * ** *Jr*fiTT*L*IEeneral contractor: YtCtl.*_ L-Ort-<f,fr,tc.flK-Fow-n-ut Vall Req. $o. I+9-9q [ ]-Plumbing t Yn. ffio-2o78 Address:Ph. Vail Reg. NO.one Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber Reg. NO. Reg. NO. roR oFFrcE us8 ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! YTfo ***** CLEAN TIP DEPOSIT REPIIND TO: Tpln Orr / MISCELLANEoUS: Price for work as sPecified above: Page 2 of3 Included in the Section II price below August 4,1997 i j.t.*;tr"}iift ffid;.-',ii!^l***or'if:*"1*:,'*tl:tl"c,?TJilction"wnkeepthe i.julit?#ir!11ilil;di;;ifpr-"i,.tt"a arting tl" constructio-n, and a thoroueh cleaning of 'ffih';;;i;;;;;li6;.r"ffii1,iti-ffi i;fi l,.lX:**l'i:"I:ll,:*","'lr6asonabre iil|i"tii-"J t"-piot".i tt'" fri!'ri"iJft[[[i,iait'g. fr'd water and weqtlpr. However, Plath bffiffi;i;; "Iiii;ib; #iliii6ri-riii*v lni"ftoiaa*uge sustained from leaks caused bv sudden "rd7;; fii;;"en storms tit":i"ii* a*ing'the tear offph6e of this work' 2l Inspect the plywood for water damage,. and replace as needed'if ii[;;il.'iifi;ifi: *iii'bffi;?Aitionat dtrarieover and above the contract price, and will b, ,^#L;j;i'trii'i#liii'zi6'p*il;;i"ir'r.ii-.?aitional charges ryilt le incurrbd without prior no-tification of, and authorization from, the owner or owner's ageru.-' 3l Plath construction will provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department. Exclusions and Qualilications:ii;il;J6;it fJi*o.tiii"unt.t udv.rre winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please s6e oplion #l for pricing on this item. tt Dnv-In/Sruxrs/FLASHING: ij'lnrtuii;ilrryitlr'; rce atia-wiiei cu*a by "Protecto Wrap" over entire pitched roof area" according to manutacrur#ti;if""li*t-. 6*t"nO tenrbtu,it up walls a niinimum of 12" at roof- to-wall jinctures. Use mastic as needed' 2l lnstall #l Ileavy cedar shakes with laced 18", # 30 felt each course. Use starter and hip-and- ridge shingles as needed. 3l Install 26 gauge,pre-painted flashings as needed, including.valley, sJep, and endwall flashing' b"ip "ae. fluihifrg'i| "*ilud-Jnom itrf Uase bid. See option-#2 foi pricing on this item' Price for work as specified above: Al Stern side of the duPlex: Bi Frierson side of the duPlex: Total for both sides: $ l9'77-2'oo -;; Iir-iii"i"i- is contingent upon both units being re-roofed at the same time' Exclusions and Qualifications:Ii;fiil;";G f;;;kiil;e;r adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please s6e option # | for pricing on this item. zj Miri"iiu"L""r h"rftitjtioi urri"iu-t.a with the roof system is excluded from this proposal' ii buttei ana downspout-is excluded from this proposal' 4i Deck waterproofing is excluded from this proposal' $ I1,824.00 $ 7,948.00 Page 3 of3 III. GunnuuNorns:ll Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatility of the market, material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 days.* Please take note that a "letter of intent'r received by Plath Construction, Inc. within the 30 day period will allow us to rrlock in' current material prices even if actual purchases rre made several months later. 2l Heavy cedar shakes for this proposal have been bid at the current market price of$141.15 per square. Due to the extreme volatility of the cedar market, price changes prior to the acceptance of this proposal will require renegotiation of the contract price, to reflect any such changes. 3l Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. Plath Construction carries auto insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Plath Constructio.n carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No further insurance coverage is included in our price, and if required, the additional cost will be added to the contract price. 4] Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a wananty certificate guaranteeing roofing against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a period of one year from the date of roofing completion. Leaks qualifoing under the terms of said waranty will be repaired promptly al no cost lo the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage that mav occur. IV. 0PrroNs: I I Winter costs are not included in the prices above. All prices assume that the work will be accepted by August 22, 1997 and that the work is scheduled to begin before October l,1997. lf the work is delayed beyond these dates for reason's beyond Plath's control, additional charges will be added to cover our costs due to working under adverse winter conditions. These charges will not exceed l2% of the total contract amount. 2l Install pre-painted metal flashing at all eave and rakes edges. Price for option #2: Add to the base bid $ 760.00 3] Substitute #l medium cedar shakes for the heavy shakes in the base bid. Price for option #3:Deduct from the base bid <$1n392.00> 4l Substitute Riva Select metal shingles for the cedar shakes in the base bid. Install all flashing and trim as needed for a complete system. The price below includes drip edge flashing at all eave and rake edges. Price for optoin #4: Add to the base bid Al Riva Select in a 'rValue Color": $ 2,937.00 Bl Riva Select in a " Special Color": $ 4,981.00 cl Riva Classic in solid copper: $17,753.00 * The price for the copper shingles does not include I "bronze" treatment. 5] The Riva Select shingles will require snow fence at locations where sliding snow could cause personal injury or property damage. The price below is for 43' of painted snow fence. Price for option #5:Add to the base bid $ 1,596.00 REF.T 131 TOI^|N OF UAIL, COLORADO !d/3A/97 O7 I5lV REGUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION I^IORH SHEETS FORIId/3fi/97 Occ: INSTNLL VI45 ROOFING Phone: 97O94919OF Fhone: F,hone: 97O949 19BS PAGE r- AREA: Activity: 897-rZJ14 tA/3A/97 Type: R-BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr': ADUF Addt"eEE: 1517 UAIL VALLEY DR Location: UAIL VALLEY LOT 13 BLH 3 Fancel : IlOl-tZ91-41-AEe Description; TEAROFF EXISTING SHAKES; Appl icant : F'LATH CONSTRUCTION Ownels STERN D0NALD J & ANN GREENE Eontractor : FLATH trUNSTRUCTION Use: U N Inspect i on Request Requestor': STEUE Req Tine: O1:OtZt Items r'eqr-rest ed to E€rO9rzr BLDG-FinaI Inf or-mat i on. . . Comnents: be Inspeeted.. Fhone: 949-19O5 Act i on Comments Ti me Exp Inspect i on Hi st or'y. . . . 'Item: tarASlrA dr"iveway grade f inal Itemr UAU1fi BLDG-Footings/5teel It ern : ArAOSra BLDG-For-rndat i onlSt ee I Item: Elage0 FLflN-ILC Site F'Ian Item : ETAOJA BLDG-Framing Iten: AOla4A * * Not On File * * Item: EOASIA BLD6-Insulation Item: 00A6O BLD6-Sheetr'ock NaiI Item: IAOOBIA * * Not On File + * Item: OOOTO BLDG-Misc' Iten : UltZlEgtA BLDG-Final Iten: OrZlS3E BLD6-Temp. tr/O I t em : ArAS4ra FLDE-F i na I C/O CIIECK IIEQUEST PRI]I'ARI]D BY:DA'I'E: VENDOR NAME: VENDOR NUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPINSE: CLEAN Up DEPOSIT REFUND FOR Bp #87?-Ag/. NAME OF JoB: /S-/ ACCOUN'I'NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND:ba, a:: DATE APPROVED;lt-t? - g7 APPROVAL SIGNATURE: Project Name: Stern reroof Project Description: Remove shakes and apply copper system (Seal Brown) Owner. Address and Phone: F. Stern Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Plath Construction (attn. Pam) PO Drawer 5920' Avon' CO Project Street Address:1517 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot12, Blk.3' Vail Valley lst aa Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL BuildingName:Parcel Number: 2101-091-01-002 Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Staff approved Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 9-1G97 Board / StaffAction Action: DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$0.00 (edd to permit) il.', n*nr.,rro t, t.*'o' t O TYPE OF MATERIAL: #D{ C,,".s.r.'o]- COLOR:* BUILDINC MATERIALS: Rool Siding Othcr Watl Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trint Hand or Dcck Rails Flr.rcs Flashings Chintncys or chip 1.050(J). If extcrior lighting is proposcd, ,gplan. tdentify each fixturctype and providc hcct ofthe lighting fixhrcs' Trash Crccl Rctai Extcr Othct * Plca.se spec' *+ All cxtcric plcase indical thc hcight abr r"on* EosJ Updated 6/97 g9r85/r997 lBr2L FR O l'l cFRTTER FPt€RsON & C0. To L97AS459ts9 CdtE EffiYFdelFn r 1o3 Tinlrcrtdl tae, looltot'{ iltst GA Td./'06{!t)4ffiF4 151? Vdl Vdry Drive Veil CO P,BI #Wlv', #dn flp **f5-fu5? Au$u$u, 1s7 ,fuM fu'E/e- ThiE EttEf ti bc*tg scnt lo you bdny by fil * Tr.l€lry-tf inbnfi b prwd vrlh $eitb b t€{od 1517 Vriit Yall€Y otit* o.r.t-uo-fr*rer aets in *it fEfl' * IE'ked tuSulf 4' 1Ut7' Ttcdc ioryo.nhdpwigr +pBlbrstodEy by Fhs'€' lrnbrl|mdthdcrrcefhei$haaigmdbafieldsJp€rYiEtr'trdpllsntllbelnh'druilh gdtl fln€rsarbtnrch d#ls 6 vt*rLe vou n*onmrncw ptrgt.|t,fuicE E9G (b ldned io sql( otfi fual speoE ltl$N ]tow- ATr $am cdcd nE fiis #ftloon to Nry $e and Dal nfltr r* fi* tr *rorltl u* the ltft*lercd -cspeer@sed so*,t lildi}#G T;;;.tt*; id;; e4tt# ; *i'dtv' iliaE-FEt-- vltflrEn lld sEllt ro nB Ufil vre can tdk io me fieF *peFrhor rr fill nd *flle m.hw t dl |'tr fuftc bpd ild ufielE, hn the SE ns *e ir*ffi-to r*-onoi trre eo,fg tE*- srth idl tds! ilE tong $illsr rur ie Tlpy wil ro. *re pur ffi-tence alq'q 1ttdr ru" -ea &t E ulil wt b conr'dcr how m*fi of the *turcr ftsr ;ih ;e;; =|B{a r lrv tnrayte a rEdfl) bdde n*tgl}F fird de|iils. $opdusintt€tgt+t*redue'Ithir**til|bdlurrrrgrrniueoooieodttpofir*tkgvils Gi.ifla +en till re c€n dd ;ilh lhc rdld fies aforvieor- nfl {nz*",-//M4F etda7 W- ,r"a,3-*.7 a-*-ef &rry /ffi+fua+dr a< rt /4Zor*r- d//*/-, */d*F* /*en fu-&rffi^- r/Gz H tto8brH Pteth Cori$udffi, lnc P O Drarcr5mo Arm,CO8l8iill Ed, The SlefiE vri[ be |br thc rgt trlottill o[ 50 al: TlrOrdtard e3ESto1tE!rd6 tt\ttiF$dnon, WA9SZT Td (5(p)49+1fi6'{ Fa((509)49$2{'Es *\# (OC: Stcrm btfist) e9 TOTNL P.OI {L G.u= GwgS A<E CrrcusO )ts Stondord Colors Fluorocerom@ Premium Coil Cootings 815W94 Regal White 815T116 a15W3a SnoB'drift Nltrite 815W34 IIaurra Kea White Plkake wtlte a15Bl5a Regal Blue 815c79 Patina Green 81'',r'26a Sandstone 815D119 slate cray 8r5R72 Redwood arST 327 Stratford Brown a15',l lfo Surre]- Beige 815G136 Marine Green 815R145 Red Brick 815T117 Patrician Ilrorrze old Dark Ilronze 415T125 Raqrhide 815R130 Bright Red 815T1rA Midnight Bronze New Dark Bronze Ttrese fluoropolymer-trased* coating colors are normally in stock for quick delivery. Specify by code numbet for fastest service. Colors shown approximate actual coating colors. al5D42 old Town cray o o z U, 7 c c) =o z !tn n ={ I o tD m E5'l-r=g l;E e fm: 6 l9s 1 lri g 13F e r-l :3t o<4o.6P -o 3d ctt >l zd m.t .Tl _o m ; az t- fl tt<l -n -o O- z=00 \.o-'z EE z PF R<z\3i o1 r-9l c = = 87 z*-rx f: -rO o>nt- 2.n >m -t>or- n I =m -t o €z m o1 ull z m o o H El H o o o F l-t iim a t)o>'t-i*g -ii <,r-o> PZ.'c)+ H H <- Fl o l- --l TI l-z o fu l*t< l0r IH IH lo l-lF | (/) I- lr:IH Its.l5 -i m T m I =l€z l-n t<t>t-r-t- tm lo -l m -F Ltr) N)! I J o €z o n t- I o H .l ts- H o H ts F. tq -{! TI ! I (Jl l\) u.) -t €z .rl f- m 9 I = C-{o r,t t< F. H o \< ts I }.(.rl €z 'n L m :'z o t\l I a (D Ft H (D at r5 I m t- lr1 o\ f.J I 5. l 0) tr o d H C) l-r lo t€ lz lo l-n t<t>t- lr- tm lz lo I l-> RD k Ir ls I -{ I = rn I i H c)p .l at rl o n H F o FI tn .)B =t>-<F SE j- lu P o lF | \rl lH l{ I I<-o lF, q lP \ll \o l<l ttr \o lF u' lF o lo o\ l< (,z atr m tl lur 'I"- o l-r Y li' :l-o trl !m - i @ m x m .It I o z @ I i m O ;:3 d ' (DE ri 3 ag-€;qii s-ei 3 =.'< R {a=.q p ;]B€ @ o Y:t t=** Eiqil (D i- <--=oo X;=-x = oo E i s.B. 3a*=ro94o 69E€ -! !rE d.3- = F :l*5i':: =.-5 f-o o - IgiE i=gP , i. = F= 33 <o-: 0 aP a :P=d 3 a L= *H a;-'33Q got::Ysro= o m o z o i z o I I t-r - I I fio<l-n*o _j o z t- -o m =<t z m m o m l-< ' 12 ta l=t>lr r 8 z 6l cl !l AI zl 'I I c) z m n c lI] IO tr€o3 4 i.- =-ZA -rl - = z>oQ :!o ds >O nil (/J o z c z : tl I I I z m € --t m _l z =z 4 m z -tt m o c -tt n c ^z Fll 5l 'l FI H ol :l ot 6t o o Fl 0l o al { .o o H F ".O ro e 5-; O i ofia= IP Eo :t^ > n 38 22 orf)(/) H^=cX -9t> 6 ! :j o^^-T;:L:€ aI 0)..dtF*5l oN d =ElFu m =il13: I =:nlo- ! <l.l{plts. 0atF lo I€lo I s o { at rt o rD H rt .tN F2 *z tno OF z !)o *z rtt P.@ F l*prl Flp lo ur lo -n ltr. 16 l.'4lo lol ltd lB' lP ol<lol lrr KA 0r ltJ De lo loF r-r lO o 2 z c) =- 6 i i -l m F ."2 sY :> t-H z \rr I ..\ fi N)\j z H z \rr t\)! (]) o t- m 3 ='Tl m m (t C'm i x m z C m = Q m 2 z m m € @ m m --t z 'Tl m m m I z o c q, z tn r () l- l- 2 .)I m o I ID :c l- = m = = rn =_Tl m m VALUATION !m F 3 =z o =tn I z o 't t- =2 m r m --{ o t- (D c F z c) o s.t') Ln o !:) l.J Fa c) L's tJ l.J 5.\o Lrl o o vt{ T7 | blylB €5ll?/tFq3 l:: {r luttn FFOh AFTTER FFIEPgtrN g, CO- 75 |crrlft truatrgc nil r.ll, colDr.(h alcs?(tor, 4?3-21.36 or 479*2139 - P -92 ..r'l\t.i oftrca of ;rntnt r{tt rlrrrlopnrnt tl& CONIEAG1I'IIRS clfitREllttIt. REeIgtERSD flIIH IHE EOW!| oP tttlt 8O!fN oF vAIt prrB&Ic ronxs,/cot{Hurlrr DwEI.opuENT t'tARcII 16, 198A CONs'xRngSltOtl PAEK:II|O t lnaTERIAi{ EE9RAGE (1.e. contractor, ownet) !!Ol EROII: Df,llE: sU$IEetrs ra grusa{1 -ordinanec rfo- 6 rtates tbat r.t l,r unlauf,ur for any Ir€rgon to ll.tterf !T."lr- or gepoelt any eotf , r"ci, sand, e"Uii=or nrterlet, ineluctng treeb &unpsteri, po+aFi;-ioilAa; "nd---rorlqen vehictes- u. pon_ 1nr streetl sraewair, ari=v or-"-.lric--p-11:. pr all portt"on rbeiecr. rire ifgni:di-iay-6" au Torrn of vall streets and,roads ls ?pproxultely 5 ft. atf paveEent.Thie ordirra.'sc vltl De etrta+ry cnrorcia-ly-tle-iotn of vail 4Pli-" FeSkr Departrent. rere6ns tounit viaraCins-ttrie-orqiiorr".rrrr E€ given a a{ Dour rritten notice to teilov€-sald laterial.rn the €ryent the pe-=on eo notiflcd do€s not cougrly vrtrr tne--notlse vlrhrn taelzr boua tlre alr€clfied, tle-nEric wJikf-Depar-tnent vllr roove sald leteilar _al, iue errpense of p€rron nerifledl. TIr€ prffiaisDE ot tb15 olElinance iuirr not ba aPplicabre to constnrctlon, uaintenance or repair ptojects of .nlr ataeot ot elley or rllr utilitiee ln the tlEht-a-nay. ifs-Eevt6w ordlntnc€ tfo. 6 ln fir1l, pl,e.ae stqp ry tb,e Tswn of Illl-:li+ltsq DgF?rtnent to obtatur - copy. r[in* you ror your coopcEatigD oa tbis Eattet. os, 11,,LiFZ t3t4Z FIiOF T. CFRTTER TFIEN'O11 G CO. Veil llenrodel Project t?o3 Rev. 5t 14193 General conlraclur; Graham & Vannon Be,n (Ben is owner$' son-in-law who has spcnt som6 Firm has lVorhnens Comp policy for more than onqo$frq0pvafiSn&lrntU Sibleyqpff lHoy f,tumbing Shearon Electrical aJayeB rYra. wc Sfffbl *ttiioo fiai:uty Owners of Unit I, Don and Ann Slern, saw and apqrofidtniliqrryn|e:, without c,il! reservatiuns in VuiI in early Aprll, I99#,.' €Ortiiicttir" says all the popcorn ceilings are a cellulggeffi$iqh.swtlC df'lya3'-'.'.'.-^t,,'' t,"- replaced recently in (Jnit 1, where no ffidstbg whs'J,htottiu|l1{J,,,tr,,,l,,'. -,.. ri t",r'ro:t dDi)lriva' C' l:l' ' ''': ': i': a f J:inr ** u+;r i ',;;ri:'. #li1ld:ii;iiidl 'lci oievent the bur!0lnE o"'''ti i"t the'eaiter requirlng.the STMMARY oE woRK ;;t;;;;;';i ;tioii in"saio pians' specitications and otne' tara." 5- z Z€l 1. New double glaeed windows all arouB{rEnd and 3rd floor with very minor changes in sizc or shape. New windcrws srme style and clad color as those put on Unit I recently. \2. Remodelling maFttrr bath and dressing room extensively. \a.Soraping cnd plastcring thc threo b€drooms, put piue un dining room ceiling, put lots of recess€d lights in new livirrg room ceiling. Redecorating all rooms but kitchen on upper levels: ncw finishos walls, ceilings and floors (basement rooms were done two years after purchase). A future project will remodel kitchen and add a 15' x 12' dordered ._otudio uver kituhan and possibly an air lock eutry, all under 250 sq .... ft..--..-- F.04 r} Oraham - on $ite supt time in Vail) Million Liability fnsutancc Siu bcontractors r Heat & Plumbiag - Jerry . ElecEical - Bob Shearon,. Others possibly, ones witb Develooment I -<\,\ -\ L !_- a-qA -=.-t -.- r--. \ _l Firt tr - \4. on ago a\ UT'TAILED WORK SCHEDI.'LE Project Application {t1tr/t--u /)2,lrx fifyntt L Prolect Name: Proiect Descrip tion'. /17" v'"t Contact Person and Phone Vi: ,t lr ii/. : 47C' i;r f. .'t /^'', )7:.t /-)i."'. /. .4\Ownar Arlrlrees anrl PhonF l -/tr t; I l Architect, Address and Phone: /4 gtocx ? , Fttins V.4tt /,,,,t//..7 Zone - Legal Description; Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ',i-, rr/',/27/.''L;Summary: k 4irrr, 't, 17,y' d Zt' ,, t)rzE /E: v t{r, t!",rtt,,,". 'ut {oo-u, Et,,'q /trzra Stalf Approval 01.'l?,'t9r3 1!t5O rFOfi T. Cf,RTTER rnIERtOtl 0 FAX MEM@ la Couptxv: FAxNUMEE&. FROM: DAfE: Totlt Psees: Suulcr; tl Thank you what el se for mey Ben Grahamr my son-in-l1w here In the Chattanooga area, wi I 1 be in Vai I th is sumer ful I t irm to qrrn+rvi se the project for his contracting firm, which dqes buslness in Tennesgee and Georgie and has r,vorkmcn I r cc,ntp rnd $! mi I I ion I iabi l ity insurerrce. Please edvise on his reglstoring as a temporary contrector with the Trrwn - Hc her rpcnt the. sunmer there two years ago, so he is farnil iar with the 8ret. Both Sihley and Shea ron are firmt I have used brforc ond know personaIIy. 96 ll to catch the n in carly June and o /zetwy* 7 )( r ri-f* n)r/ looking this over and lettino me know be needed for a complete appl icatisn. TFylr; + I6tqs|g.. fa. t|-,. cr -+.re+ r.. ,.Lq"W.Ir*.pf Vail - Q-lrjq J4F,,s,.Fctlon T. Corfier Filecon Gtylc 5,, t,,,,,!.1-.,.....t - Y: (itcltdtu g fhb pqp) Construction Permlt - Prel iminary revlew Here are the prel ininary papers for the Friersorr Home Remodelling project. }Je will fibvfde llabitity and Workmenrs Comp papers on the glneral contractor and listed subs in the official fillng. Fd (615) 7654Ble €5.'11.. 1?t3 l!r 3l Thoh T. cFRTTER rntER50tl & C0.F.OE TOP I,EYEL Mantqf Bathroom and Dressing Room havo painted drywall ccilings ll,av.,- tcar oat Siblcy orders tub and othor fixtures E w€cle ahcad Siblcy disconnccts water supplice and rcIuoves flxtures General does demo and puts ncw walls and ceiling in place rcmove oloc ceiling heat panel Drcsslng room colllng will be new drywall - painted Build in attic acccss doot Electrician relocates electrioal and pulls two 220 lines Heatcr for tub and stcamc'r for rhowc,r put new ceiling lighte in bath, toilet and dressing rooms and closct lightr Sibley installe new plumbing firtures Use Corian behind tub and shower Corian gurround otr tub Gsneral frames in floor. Towcl rack across from towel rack over tub otr cast General puts floor back Install new custom work in pino doors and bascboards MasSgE.-Bcdroom Replece windows eod doof takc a*pen panclling off S wall Siblcy to rcplacc elec baseboards with new hcat rcgisters Siblcy mry put in gas logs? put in wrought iron firescreen Siblcy run heat undcr hsrrth (if not wood) replnce montle with thortcr onc replace hearth with pine elab and marble insert at firescreen leave open portals betweon 3rd floor rooms $crew dowo floor cvery 12 inches built in drawcrc whcrc log bin is and abovc, mirrorcd doors panel mlnors onto east end of wall for Mrn reflection rcduce booksholf and frame it in better plasten S wall put piao cov€r on boam acrosr cciling G5/17l1993 l:r!3 FFOI'1 T. CnPTTEP FPIEPgON I CO.P. OE palnt or paper the other 2 walls fcctrpct pine doors and bascboards Has tile and painted drywall ceiling nwv AdrI badroom door whcrc west ehowcr wcll is now SW Bcdroqlg Has baige walls ad popcorn rornoyc window build up wall inctall new window scrapo and plastcr eeiling ropaiut all walls rcpaint bathroom rcplace oratrge vaaity and basc berbcr cEf,pct pine trim N\il Bc&oorn Has popcorn ceiling Patnted walls white in IggZ romoyc window bulld up wall add a ceiling light in this new etrrry hall patch and plaster ceiling where shower and closet were paht all walls uge bedroom ca{pet and pino baseboard Note: thc eflsilng upper tuttway walls and ceiling do not clnnp . Do rct sv;rpe sinc* fiilure dormrer will changc this celling. Removo prcscnt stainray rapezoid i'*J'- wif,dlm- 5' silt Lower sill to 5" above landing for tallor custom window Add an 8ft x 6 incb eave to roofline above this window parch drywall aild paht thc hallway walls install railing across landing in froat of window bcrber carpct, pine basoboard and window trim Mrnnf r. I r|Vrtr n cut in cpeniog for new wlindow on N side 06.,rr..rrri r3rr3 .^o5rott_En. rF.tFFr_'.rJ_.9,.lg,_,*s*icJL.,r.T,t, , , F.87 install new wlndows s9tary and plastor ceiling pine inside doors, trim ind baooboanl dcadbolt ncw cluuet door berbor carpet Main Halt leave popcorn ceiling as is Itreighten oae ceiling light switch to palelled doora ro.place. tblding pantry doors with cabiaet doqm Slue mirrm on S wali *a narrp U-ptg pancllcd bifold doors ro wel bar pine bareboard new berber carpot and for stairc Dining Roo- has popcorn aciting rcmovc oltl windows build up wrll,under east windowr ft"rnp ! ceiliug for acw skyliehr$cut in 2 new ukylighrs ncw 9' headet on N wall replacins new 9' sliding docr on notth wgll-instell new windows insrdl pilu celllng ovor popcorn relocatc cLaadelier box to lcnter over table renlye wgllpapcl with pernr/pspcr or pl*r", un .WAVE wails repaint cxisting S wnll "f, high uuvcr $uo lams witn pine nice pine frame around pass-thnr opedng from kitchen plne doore and bosoboaris ' '-e -- Living RooB llr,s popcnrn uiling _ Ear it oat namovo old windows builrl up lower wrll tnstall new windows aad door tcsr out ceiling iostoll recetscd tightirrg and soundproofins pardel plne nim on ceiling? ' G' - Prestcr on fircpracc wnfl o']th fancy rim fot log bin ancr shelvcs €!/17l1993 1:r94 FPOIiI T. CFFTTEF FFIEF6ON 8 CO. Fla$ter wost wall plaster rr panel lower east wall pine slab hcarth recarlet in berber pine basoboard and door Eim r0 t:0:47t14s1 t Ieavc aff shades or drapes altogettwr I OTrnn r Fv[.r Emy uatt Insull new door lnstall new dsffboll Long Hall close in 72n closet opoaing to 4g" and build cabirers Vshclves lnto E srd of closot put flounc$c€nl light or prCItected liglt in closat Garage Ruu rwo 220 lines ftour etec. pancl to 3rd flom Run lino for $nowmelt on noritr roofline and new gutter Undar Main Foneb ryplace detcriorating lattice on N side with samc color wood doore and tim oui with ncw lattlcc. 05/17l1993 13r E4 FE I EPSON 8 CO.1A 138247924r2 t FFOX I. COPTTEP t Frierson Ho Room Lower Lcvel 28'6' 0'evorhang Middle level ft .''u' Top Level 3l' 6" Numbers - N t I I I 16. Dining Boodt 1S. Llving Room Matn Porch 2. Brdroom New frorrt door modify closet i",na'y[ffi lH::' staiiE-*-i 12. 2J, Uppcr J ftlain Hall below stairr i ,:t I g "J+ ^^ o{ ,, oae i I I ,l EEl lhi I'H z o € o = o.o o q ErHsf,g alisEl l?iiit?1 PO FF icL ='o it- g d4 io.!90 XE "tt 9=;s = :,'. riouJ gsrEr t66t...i,i,lsti ' 'o f= I= €t E - +I N =.:CL 0 { vr -1 srt 3o (DG.t f3 =.(t *{ E g& =d -rQ La NE. +i o s-e d-(/,*E qo o hrr-r.o{ I ti rl U,t \ 'o3 0 |lo5uf rllJ tlfllttd a zt)ta.!itot I ol 0l'.1 Esil ;drg 9q-g.5. q'gaa "P3; *;' i -rFS __- rD q I $**E -I.o (rE i=' Sru (r) g 8=il5o X 0c tt t 5E E oe 3'6 s a<{-- dr lTf 13i l$F iEi c,I o o OJ {o \:/ 3.E t E$F ed".tBQ H,-r 4 E=*il 'E> 6'S Ea trP 5l _a 5a dq o.o .t'1. s6 g6 Eg .o ::. o iB -.{ =FI,OF 83 E'A E$EE qa E1 3E-c'o tl 'n =.:6 <6 o C'|= J-<o Gt5 sr6 (,t *.1 E. $ o o o m 8t at m @ tl o f I >6 cb =C'{ o E f CL $6 T'(,E o tt,o CL 6 =@ 3 o t TD * 11 GT 5 ct ,t 08J ?9rtt ^6C,t,,4Ir'EB .' u * i to,Ffb ;b. i''.r..'.r4 q 6JE, r iirt i ir : i u-r... r r r * o, ?,gt'il Lt'd 'tolot €7?J'rrvo I *L . Et f,r E I *s 6F ;E &< F$ .tr g g o 11 t$i8 s'o 6e eo-o t t.a otO a5 = o [0ur e F 6 j ? e I $ e I I I 8'(t !' tst tE P.-*t irl g€ uJ E.ots 5 lE t 0 I t o, a c t 3 o A o ; *I t t I t!g, q 6l nt I 6 e tl f; nl iF *iil lO $E tr a. :q g E$fil 3'e rg s-ti 't l9r!l !6c1,,r1,,90 ' . orrr*,tr -.' 'or I rorii:rur urlluuc 'r 'l Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: FRIERSON REMODEL DATE: 5-27-93 ADDRESS: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR CONTRACTOR: GRAIIAM VANNEY VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCLJPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION: V PLANSEXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQIIIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete lising of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cndes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS pER sEc.1210 0F TrrE 1991 uBC. 2. EGRESS FROM BEDROOMS TO MEET SEC.12O4 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 3. FIELD TNSPECTIONS WILL BE REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.