HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 21 LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO EI657 970-479-2t38 Desciption: INSTALL GAS Valuation: $3,378.87 Fircplacc lnformation: Resf icted: :668-3760 Total Calculated F€€s--> Additional Fees--> Total Permit Fee-> Palm€nts--> BALA}ICE DUE-> 0 # ofGas Logs; 0 90.00 9104.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR ParcelNo...: 210109207020 Legal Description: Vail Valley Lot 21E Blk 3 Project No : ohtNER KECK, CECTLTA C. 09/re/2007 303 STRATFORD LN LAREDO TX 78041 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, TNO9/T8/2OO7 ]-585 PAONIA col,o sPRrNGs, co 80915 PO BOX 570 MINTURN, CO License: 323 -M },CONTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPI,ACE SUPPIJY. ]-585 PAONIA colJo SPRINGS, CO 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN, CO Li-cense : 323 -M M07-022s ISSUED 09/18t2007 09t26t2007 03/24t2008 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ****** FEE SUMMAI{Y ++*+r***r+++'i,}+'t,}+,}r,}****'t'r***'r:t't****,r,r,i+:i,ir**+,t't,t '}:tia*+,}tt*r ++ 'l l,l,l '| t *'l 'i * 't * * *:**:rt*t,l 'l,l:i* 'r *,i t * * | * t + 't 4 ++ | + t 't + Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call_-> $80 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $20. oo TOTAL FEES--> F0.00 94.00 $104.00 $10{.00 $104.00 $0.00 ft,em: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 09 / 26 /2007 JRM Action: AP IICM: O56OO F]RE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTTON 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII,. Cond:23 ,[. ,'1 ''i* t'f *..',:: ',8 ,s,.iW *r .i;li $ .9' ..-r.',#*r,#i ""d { r{ t-s,. .a ,r :.;i. ri.iF'-p( _l' ; { { '.! rl '.'tl .d.' f,{*i' (BL,DG.): BOIIL,ER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTTONS AND C}IAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHANTCAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND C}IAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BI-.,DG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING, Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAL,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOTLER RooMS SHAIJI-, BE EQUTPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.5, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER * * *+** * ** * * *** *** * * * * * l' * *{' '}{',r *rr * * r. t:l r **t * rr * * * **rr * * tt t'l * * **** ** * t I' t *'ftt+ i* * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *t'* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement | * * * * * * * ** * * * 'l * ** l' * * 'r l' * 'r {' 'r *'t ii I tt I * f* * * t * * t* | * *+ ** * *** * ** **** * * '} * * * *'}* * * |l rr* 'l *:r * ** rr * * * * rt * * * * rr St,atement Number I R070001995 Amount: 9104,00 09/26/200703:39 pM Payment Method: Check Fireplace 1682 IniT: DDG Nolation: We6tern Permit No: MO7-0225 TIT)e: MECIIANICAIT PERMIT Parcel No3 2]-0L - 092 - O'7 02 - 0 Site Addregg ! 1358 VATL VAIJLEY DR VAIIJ tocation: 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR Total Fees: Total ALIJ Pmts : Balance 3 $104. o0 s104,00 $0.00 $104.00 * ** 'l '3 * 'lr r* * * * * * *'t{. * r*:f | * * r* rr ** * * * ** tr *,r * * * 'r * * *{' '} *{' * * * | t* f * 't* ** **f + * + + + *** * | * t* t * * * * * * * * l' * * * * ** * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDt ion Current PmEs This Payment: MP 0 010000311110 0 PF 00100003r.12300 wc 00100003112800 MECHA}II CAI, PERMIT FEES PI.AN CHECK FEES WILI, CAI,]., INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 4.00 'I328IJ PAGE: l- FPO ENTRY / P'ECEIVING REPORT FPO NUMBER : F30853 DATE RECEIVED:LO/L9/O7 REMARKS : WESTERN FTREPI.'ACE RECEIVED BY: LC ENTEREDZLO/L9/o1 L2:40 BY: LCAMPBELL VENDOR: 000000.1- - WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, INC. INVOTCE NUMBER: MO7-022s INVOICE DATE: t0/L9/07 TNVOTCE POSTED= LO/L9/O7 !2:4O BY: LCAMPBELI, PAYMEMr DrrE: LO/L9/07 AI.IOUNT: $ 84.00 ACCOUNT# PROJ# AI'IOUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION 001000031-l-1L00 $ 80.00 REFTND 1004 oF PERMTT FEE 001-0000311-2800 $ 4.00 REFIIID 100t oF wrr,r, CALL FEE *+*+**'i**** *********+**** l+'r******** {.******** ******+lf **f+**r********** f*f+l*f l+++ *t+**ft**+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on I 0-19-2007 ar 12:.36:.41 Statement * ra* *r * * * ** * *** ***** * * * ****** **+f * + *r * {. * * ** * * * * * * | t |} 't 'i* |} +tt*+ t t * r. * * ** * * * ** a ** | * +* * *t:}:}*** * * + stsatemene Number: R07o001995 Anount 3 5104.00 09/26/2OO703:39 PM rcl19no07 Init: DDG Notat,ion: western Payment Method: check Fireplace 15 82 Permit, No: Parcel No: Sitse Address : Location r fhis Palment: ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Aceount Code MO7 -0225 Type: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT 2r0L- o92- 07 02- 0 1358 VAIL VAI]IJEY DR VAIL 135MIIJ VAIJIJEY DR 9r.04.00 * * + ** + + + * ++ I * + * ** t+ ttt+ t+ + f,r** * +* * * ** * * *.$ ** + * ** * + +++ | + * + * 13,+* * *+*+ +f** + * ** * * + * *tl t fil1.t *'ll' ** + Total FeeE : Total AL,IJ PntE : Balance: $104.00 $r.04.00 9o. oo Current Pmts Descript ion MP 00100003Lt 110 0 PF 001000031_12300 wc 00100003112800 MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEES PITAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 4.00 APPUCATION WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNEIGNED TOV Project #; fvttZ -6z,<^f Building Perrnit #: Mechanlcal Permit #: _ 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspcctions) ,Rd. 8[,657 Permit will not b€ accepted without the following:75 S. b1 ' Prsvlde Mechanlcal Room Layout drawn,to o l{echanlcalRoom:Dlmenslsns o Combustion Alr Du(tSlze and lscatlon o Flue, Ventand Gas Llnesizeand Locatlon o Heat Loss Calcs,o Equlpment Cut/€pec Sheets ON FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT :Labor & Materials TGE ov-trn sEP 17 2flr/7 A,IOWN OF VAI Town ofVail Reg. No.:Person and Phone #'s: MECHANTCAL:$ (a3-?8) 8r Parcel # .a I b I Oqnr..,i (>eO JobName:1],'$c, {.rc ll,lckr Legal DescripUon Lott;l11,Block: ]Filing:subdtvtsion: ()g$ (LW{- owne* NameC..'o , \, h v nc K ll Addtt*:?t<:l.^tk"d f; ]ffi Engineer: ll Address:Phonet Detalled description of yvork:Lrttut g toaro G,rr.3 BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of ftistlng Dwelllng Units In thls building:No, of Accommodatlon Unlts In thls bulldlng: No/Tvpe of Elreplages.&lstlnq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loss ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnlno ( NoflypeofFlreplacesiProposed:GasAppliances(1) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurnlng(NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II devlce? Yes ( l -ttol {(**********rF**ff ,ft:t rt *****:t FoR oFFIcE usE oNlyrt r.r***:****,f :t ********,t********* *IJFC. fff4 HEAT&eLo. Where everything comes together 6000G1-tPt-R 6000GL-tPt€ 6OOOGL.IPILP.R 6000GL.IPILP€ Thb appliance may be Install€d a3 an OEM inshllation in manu- facturcd home (USAonly) ormobile horne and musl b6 in3blled In sccodance with ths manuhdutrr's instruc*ion3 and the men- ufadund home construdion and saEty standard, n e 24 CFR, Paft 32EO or Stmdaid for lnsirallatlon in Mobile Homeq CAM csAz240MH. This applience is only for use with the gpa(s) of gas indicated on the ntlng pleta. In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: . installation must be performed by a licensed plumber or gas fitter; See Table of Contents for location of addltional Commonwealth of Massachusetts requirements. lnstallation and s€rvic€ of this appliance should be parformed by quallfled personnel. Hearth & Home Technologies suggesb NFI certified orfadory-tralned prob$ionals, or technicians sup€rvised by an NFI cedmed profrssional. Para obbnor un ejemplar en Espafiol de este Manual del propietario, vlsite www.heatnglo.com. Pour demander un exemplair€ en frangals de ce Manuel du propri6taire, visitez www.heatnglo,com. Owner's Manual Installation and Operatlon GAS.FIRED c@us tI$IED DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUAL . lmportani operating . Read, understand and fullo1it/ . Leave this manual with and maintenance these instructions for safe party responsible foruse instruc{ions included. installation and operation. and ooeration. WARNING: lf the lnformation in these instructions is not followed ex. actly, a fire or exploslon may result causlng property damage, personal injury, or death. Do not store or use gasoline or other flam- mable vapors and liquids in the vicini$ of this or any other appliance. What to do if you smell gas - Do not try to light any appliance - Do not touch any electrical switch. Do not use any phone in your building. - lmmediately call your gas supplier ftom a neighbor's phone, Follow the gas suppli- er's instructions. - lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified Installer, service agency, orthe gas supplier. Awenxruc HOTI DO NOT TOUCH. SEVERE BURNS MAY RESULT. GLOTHING IGI{ITION MAY RESULT. Glass and other surfac€s are hot during operation and cool down. . Keep children away. CAREFULLY SUPERVISE children in same room as appliance. Alert chlldren and adulb to hazards of high temperaturos. Do NOT operate with protective banieE open or rEmov€o. Keep clothing, fumiture, draperies and other combustibles away. Thts appltenca has been supplled wth an ln@nl banler lo pravent dlroct con'tr,ct wtth the llxod glass panel. Do NOT ope|?fg the appllance wlth the banler nmoved, Contad your dealer or Hearth & Home Technologies if the banier is not preent or help is needed b prop€rly inshll on€. Heat&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 RevF . 7/07 Read this manual before installing or operating this appliance, Please retain this owner's manual for future reference. This Or,mer's Manual should be retained for future rebrence. We suggest thal you keep it with your other important documents and produc{ manuals. The inbrmation contained In this Owngr's Manoal, unless noted otherwise, applies to all models and gas control systems. Your new Heat & clo gas appliance will give you years of durable use and trouble-free enjoyment. Welcome to the Heat & Glo family of appliance productsl Congratulations Congratulations on selec{ing a Heat & Glo gas appliance -an elegant and clean altemative to wood buming appliances. The Heat & Glo gas appliance you have selected ls deslgned to provide the utmost in safety, reliability, and efficiency. As tfie owner of a new appliance, you'll want to read and carefully 6llow all of the Instructions contained in this Ownafs Manual. Pay special attention to all Cautions and V\hmings. HOmeOWnef RefiOfgncg InfOfmatiOn We rcnmmend that Wu B@td the fottowing peftinent infomation about your appliance. Model Name:Date purchased/installed: Serial Number:Location on appliance: Dealer Phone:Dealelship purchased from: Notes: Listing Label I nformation/Locatlon The model information regarding your specific appliance can be found on the rating plate usually located in the control area of the appliance. Type of Gas Model Number Serial Number ffi 1;g_". tp- H"".,**#,ffilt[ff"tfls?. * Not for uss wlh colld tuel, (No dolt paE snta d il ew un mmbuslible ff,lkte). Iy!. olG- (Sda D.6.rrr lia rrlbo irr.t b. h* hrdrEdhtdtcd.. itrlyi tno( hton^ris Zzri.t NATuRAL cAs jl*.fiffi 'i3lHffiff :ffi'Wlfjfin#;ft,Wm A 3r Zz1XX.rqp(.C6A 2,XX.I{XX .UL!o7B AL'nIUO€: 0{000 Fr. MAX.II{PUIBTUH: 00,000 MIN,INPUTOTUtIi 00,000 ORIFICESIZET *OOOO( Mlnlmum Pe.mlssblo Oas Supply fer PuFoso6 ot Input Adlustnant. Apprcvdd Minimum (De Gsa,Acc€plable 0.0 ln w.c- (Po- Cd. dbau) MsxlmumPrscsut6(prasc/or) o,Olnw-c,. (Po,Col.d'eau) Mlximum Manifold Prs3lurs (P|gss,'orJ 0.0In w.c, (Po. CoL d'aau) Mhfmum Menliofd PrclEul! (PDEslorl 0.0In w.c. (Po, CoJ, d'eau) _ Toi,al Elrctrkal Rrqutr€msnts: 000\Ac, 00H2., lsss than 0O AmDot€s I UfOe tl usr I HEat&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-IPFS . 2102-900 R6v. F . 7/07 Table of Gontents I Llsting and Code Approvals I Gas Information A, Appliance Certification . . ..........4 A. Fuel Conversions . . , . . .......... 35 B. Glass Specifications. . . . . .........4 B. Gas pressures ......... 35 C. BTU Specitications. . . . ...........4 C. Gas Conneclion . . . . . . ..........35 D. High Altitude Installations. .... ..... 4 E. Non4ombustible Materials Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 l0 Electrieal Informatlon F. Combustibl€ Materials Speq'fication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Recommendation for Wre ........37 G. Requirements for the Commonwealth of Massachusefts.. 5 B. Connec{ing to the Appliance. ......31 zcettlngstartedc.|nte||ifirelgnitionsystemwring..'....'.''37 D. Junclion Box lnstallatlon. ......,,.3E A. Design and Installation Consideralions ....... 6 B. Tools and Supplies Needed ........6 C. Inspec{Applianca and Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Framlng and Clearancos A. S€l€cting Appliance Location. ......7 B. Construc{ing the Appliancs Chase. . ......... I C. Clearances. .... ........ 8 D. Mantol Projec{ions .......I 4 Termlnation Locatlons A. Vent Termination Minimum Clearanc€a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5 Vent Information and Dlag|ams A. Vent Tabfe Key..... ............12 B. Use of Efbo,vs .........12 C. Measuring Standards. ......,....12 D. Vent Diagrams .........13 6 Vent Glearanc€s and Framing A. Pipe Cfearanc* to Combustibles ....-.....22 B. Wbll Penetration Framing. .... . ... 22 C. Vertical Penetration Framing . ...,.23 7 Appliance Preparation A. Choosing lhe Top or RearVent ............24 B. Installing the Non+ombustible Board... ..... 25 C. Securing and Leveling theApplianc€, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 D. Installthe Optional HEAT-ZONE-GAS Kit . . ... ....... 26 8 Installlng Vent PIpe A. Assembly of Vent Sedions. ......,27 B. Diaassembly of Vent Sections .....29 C. Installing Heat Shield and Horizontal Termination Cap . . 30 D. Assembly of Vent Sec'tions. .,.....3'l E. Installing Wbll Shield Fircstops and Horizontal Termination cap.. .. . ... .. 32 F. Installing Roof Flashing and Vertical Termination Cap. . . 33 11 Flnlshlng A. Mantel Projections ......39 B. Facing Material.. .......39 C. Finishing Material. ,.....40 l2 Appllance Setup A. Remove Shipping Materials. ......41 B. Clean the Applianc€ . . . .......,,,41 C.Accessories ............41 D. fnstaflthe Refrac{ory ............41 E, Ember Pfacement. . . . . ..........42 F. Positioning the Logs ... .........43 G. Glass Assembly . . . .. . ..... . .... 45 H. Screen Mesh ... ....... 45 l. Grilles andTrim ,.......45 J. Air Shutter Setting . . . . ..........45 13 Operating Instructions A. Before Lighting AppliEnce .........46 B. Lighting Appliance .... .......... 47 C. After Appliance is Lit. . . . .........48 D.FrequentlyAskedQuestions ...,..48 14 Troubleshooting A, Intellifiro lgnition System .......,.49 15 Maintalning and Servicing Appliance A. Maintenance Tasks. . ... ,.... .... 52 16 Reference Materlals A. Appliance Dimension Diagram. ,.........,. 53 B, Vent Components Diagrams ...... U C. Servic€ Parts . .. ....... 59 D. Limited LiGtime Waranty .........62 E. Contac't Information . . . ...,....,.63 H6at & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R. 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rav. F . 7/07 1 A.Appllance Certlflcatlon NODELS: 6000GL.lPl{,, 6000GL-lPl€ 6OOOGL{PILPfi' OOOOGL.IPILP€ LABORATORY: Undemdtarr Laboratorler, Inc. (UL! IYPE DI|IGI Venl Get Appllence Heaier SIAIYDARD, ANS! Ztz 1.88-2000.CSAz.33{S8.UL3078 This product is listed to ANSI standards for *Vented Gas Appliance Heaters'and applicable sections of "Gas Burn- Ing Heating Appliances for Manufacturecl Homes end Recreational Vehicles', and 'Gas Fired Appliances for Use at High Altitudes'. NOT INTENDED FOR UsE AS A PRIIiARY HEAT 6OURCE. This appliance is bst6d and approved as either supplemenhl rcom heat or as a decorative appliancE. lt should not be fae tored as primary heat in residential h€ating calculations. B. Glass Specifications Hearth & Home Technologies appliances manufac{ured with tempered glasg may be installed In hazardous locations such as bathtub enclosures as defined by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The tempered glass has been te8tqd and certified to the requirements of ANSI 297.1 and GPSC 16 CFR 1202 (Safety Glazing Certification Council SGCG# 1595 and 1597. Architectural Testing, Inc. Reports 02-3'1919.01 and 02€1917.01). This statement is in compliance with GPSC 16 CFR $ection 1201,5 'Certification and labeling requirements" which refers to 15 U.S. Code (USC) 2053 stating "...Such certificate shall accompany the product or shall otheruise be fumished to any distributor or retailer to whom the product is delivered." Some local building codes require the use of tempered glass wlth p€rmanent mafting in such locations. Glass meeting this requirement is available from thg factory. Pleasg contac{ your dealer or distributor to order. NOTE: ThF installation must conbrm with local codes. In the absence of local cod€s you must comply with th6 Natlonal Fuel Gar Code, ANSI Z223.l.labrt edlgon in the U.S.A. and the CAI{rCGA Bltl9 lnrtrll.tlon Coder in Canada. /ffi ffi, Heat & Gto euatity systems 'FJ \al+*frti, resistered by SGS tCS 'q_I|aL '- C. BTU Specifications D. High Altitude Installatlons U.L. Listed gas appliances are tested and approved without requiring changes for elevations from 0 to 2000 bet In the U.S.A. and Canada. When installing this appliance at an elevation above 2000 feet, it may be necessary to decrease lhe input rating by changing the existing bumer orifice to a smaller size. lnput rate should be reduced by 4% tor each 1000 fost above s 2000 foot elevation in the U.S.A., or 10% for elevations between 2000 and 4500 feet in Canada. lf the heating value of the gas has been reduced, these rules do not apply. To identiry the proper orifice size, check wlth the local gas utility. lf installing this appliance at en elevation above 4500 feet (in Canada), check with local authorities. Awenntnc Do NOT use this appliance if any parl has been under water. lmmedlately call a qualified service technician to iNpec{ the applianc6 and to rEplac€ any part oflhe control systgm and any gas control which has been under water. E. Non-Gombustible Materials Specification Materialwhich will not ignite and bum. Such matsriels are those consisting entirely of steel, iron, brick, tile, concrete, slate, glass 0r plagter, or any combination thereof, Materials that are reported as passing ASTtf, E 136, Standard Tast tethod for Behavlor of taterlals in a Vefiical Tube Furnacc at 750.C, shall be considered non-combustible materials. F. Combustlble Materials Specification Materials made of or surfaced with wood, compressed paper, plant fibers, plastica, or other material that can ignlte and bum, whether flame proofed or not, or whether plastered or unplastered shall be considered combustible materials. todels U.S. (a20@ Fl) or C.neda (2NU5o0 FD Lrlnr,n InFa BH lllnl||nn hp|r BIJtI Orllt llra (Dxtl 8000G1-tPt-R (NG) 6000G1-rPt.s (NG) US 30,000 20,000 49 53 CAMDA 27,000 18,000 44 g 6OOOGL-IPILP.R 6000G1-tPlLP-S US 30,oqt 19,000 & 06 CANADA 27,000 17,100 55 09 Hoat & Glo . 0000G1-lPl-R. 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rov. F . 707 Note: The following requirements refersnco various Massachusetts and national codes not contained in this document. G. Requircmenb for the Gommonwealth of Massaehusetts For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in every dwelllng, building or structure used In whole or in part for residential purposes, Including those owned or operated by the Commonwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent terminatlon ls less then seven (7) feet above finlshed grade in the area of the vonting, in- cludlng but not llmited to deckg and porches, the following requirements shall be satislied: Inetallation of Garbon Monoxide Detectots At the time of installation of the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment, the installing plumber or gas fitter shall observe that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and baftery back-up is installed on the floor level where the gas equipment is to be installed. In addi- tion, the installing plumber or gas fitter shall observe that a battery operated or hard wircd carbon monoxide detec' tor with an alarm is Installed on each additional level of the dwelling, building or Btructure served by the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipmont. lt shsll be thE responsibility of the property owner to secure the services of qualified licensed proiessionals for the installation of hard wired carbon monoxide detectors. In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas fu- eled equipment is installed in a crawl spaoe or an attic, the hard wired carbon monoxide detector with alarm and battery back-up may be installed on the next adjacent floor level. In the event that the requirements of this subdivision can not be met at the time of completion of installation, the owner shall have a period of thirty (30) days to comply with the above requirements; provided, however, that dur- ing said thiriy (30) day period, a battery operated carbon monoxlde detector wlth en alarm shall be installed. Approved Carbon Monoxlde Detecton$ Each carbon monoxide detector as required in accor- danco wllh the above provisions shall comply with NFPA 720 and be ANSItuL 2034 listed and IAS certifred. Slgnage A metral or plastic identification plate shall be permanent- ly mounted to the exterior of the buildlng at a mlnimum helght of €ight (8) feet above grade directly in line with the exhaust vent terminal br the horizontally vented gas fu- el€d h€ating appliancs or equipment. The sign shall read, in print size no less than one-half (1/2) inch In size, "GAS VENT DIRECTLY BETOW KEEP CLEAR OF ALL OB. STRUCTIONS", Inepection The state or local gao inspector of the side wall horizon- tally vented gas fueled equipment shall not approve the ingtallation unless, upon inspection, the inspector ob- serves carbon monoxide detectors and slgnage installed in accordance with the provisions of 248 CMR 5.08(ZXaX through 4. Exemptaons The following equipment is exempt from 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)l through 4: . The equipment listed in Chapter 10 entitled 'Equip. ment Not Required To Be Vented" In the most cunent edition of NFPA 54 as adopted by the Board: and . ProductApproved side wall horizontally vented gas fu- eled equipment installed in a room or structure sep- arate from the dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for residential purposes. i'ANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS Gas Equipment Ventlng System Proyldod \Mren the manufacturer of Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas equipment provides a venting system design or venting system components with the equipment, the instructions provided by the manufacturer for installation of the equipment and the venting system shall include: . Detailed instructions br the installaflon of the venting system design or the venting system components; and . A complete parts list for the venting system design or venting system, Gas Equipment Vonting System llgl Provlded Vvhen the manufacturer 0f a Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment does not pro- vide the parts for ventlng the flue gases, but identifies 'special venting systems", the fullowing requirementg shall be satisfied by the manufucturer: . The rferenced 'special venting system" instructions shall be included with the appliance or equipment in- stallation instructions; and . The 'special v€nting systems' shall be Product Ap- proved by the Board, and the instructions br that sys- tem shall include a parts list and detailed installation instructions. A copy of all installation insiruc-tions for all Product Ap- proved side wall horlzontally vented gas fueled equip- ment, all venting instructions, all parts lists br venting instructions, and/or all venting deslgn instructions shall remain with the appliance or equipment at the completion of the Installation, Soe Gae Connection rectlon for addluonal Common- wealth of llanachusett! rcqulrcmentr. Heat & Glo . 0000G1-lPl-R. 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev.F.7/07 A I Getting Started --A. Deslgn and Installation considerations G. InspectAppliance and componenb Heat & Glo direc{ vent gas appliances are designed to operate with all combustion air siphoned from outside of the bulldlng and all exhaust gases expelled to the outside. No additional outside air source is required. CAUTION Check building codes prior to installation. . Instsllation MUST comply with local, regional, atate and nEtional code3 and lBgulations. . Gonsult local building, fire offcials or authorities having jurisdic{ion about restric'tions, installaiion inspedion, and pcrmits. \Mren planning an appllance installation, it's necessary to determine the following information before installing: . Where the appliance is to be installed. . The vent system configuration to be used. . Gas supply piping. . Electrical wiring. . Framing and finishlng details. . Whether optional accessories-devices such as a fan, wall switch, or remote control-are desired. AWARNTNG Keep appliance dry.. Mold or rust may caus€ odors.. \A/ater may damaga controls. B. Tools and Supplies Needed Before beginnlng the Installation be sure that the following tools and building supplies are available. Reciprocatingsaw Framingmaterial Pliers Hi temp caulking material Hammer Gloves Phillipescrewdriver Framingsquare Flat blade screwdriver Electric drill and bits (1/4 in.) Plumb line Safety glasses Level 112 - 314 inch length, #6 or #8 Selfdrilling scre\ /s Manomet€r Voltmeter Tape measurc Nonconosive leak check solution One 1/4 Inch bmale connection (for optional fan). $l{ AWARNING Inspect appliancE and @mponents for damage. Damaged parB may impair saft operation. . Do NOT ingtall damagod componenb.. Do NOT install incomplete components.. Do NOT install substitute compon€ntg. Report damaged parB to dealer. . Carefully remove the appliance and components from the packaging. . The vent system components and lrim doors are shipped in separate packages. . The gas logs may be packaged separately and must be field installed. . Report to your dealer any parts damaged in shipment, particularly the condition of the glass. . Read all of the instructlons bofor€ starting the ln- stallatlon. Follow thess instructions carcfully dur- Ing the Installatlon to onsurc maxlmum safety and beneflt. AWARNTNG Hearth & Home Technologies disolaims any responsibility for, and the wananty will b6 voided by, the following ac-tions:. Installation and use of any damaged applianca or vent system component.. Modific€tion of the appliance or vent system. . Installation other than as instructed by Hearth & Home Technologies. . lmproper positioning ofthe gas logs or th€ glass door. . Installation and/or use of any component pari noi approved by Hearth & Home Technologies. Any .uch actlon mey cauao e fllD hazard. Hoat&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000GLJP|-S . 2102-900 Rev.F.7/07 I{OTE:. lllustrations teflec{ typical installation3 and ar€ FOR DESIGN PURPOSES ONLY,. lllustrationydiagrams er€ not drawn to scale.. Adual installation may vary due to individual design olebr€nce. A. Selectlng Appllance Location \Mren selec{ing a location for your appliance it is imporlant to consider the required clearances to walls (see Figure 3.1). I{OTE: For actual appllance dlmenslons refer to Sec- tlon 16. u AwARNtNe Fir€ Risk Provide adequate dearancg:. Around air openings . To combustibles . For service access Locate appliance away hom traffic areas. In addition to these framing dimensions, abo robrence th€ bllowing sections:. Clearances and Mantel Projectlons (Socflonr 3.C and 3,D). Vent Clearances and Framing (Secdon 8). D A B c D E F G H lnchog 51 42 72 56-5/E See Sec,tion D. Mantel Projeclions 22 17-3t4 I Millimeters 1295 1067 1829 1438 559 45',l 203 Flgu|l t.l Applhnce Loc|t|om H6at & Glo . o000GL-|PFR, 8000G1-lPl€ . 2102-900 Rov. F . 7/07 t B. Constructing the Appliance Ghase A chase is a vertical boxlike structure built to enclose the ga8 appliance and/or its vent system. Vertlcal vents that run on the outside of a building may be, but are not required to be, installed inside a chase. Construc'tion of tre chase may vary with the gpe of building. These instuc{ions are not substitutes br the requlrments of local building codes. Local building codes MUST be checked. Chases should be constructed in the manner of all outside walls of the home to prevent cold air drafting problems. The chase should not brsak the outside building envelope in any manner. Walls, ceiling, base plate and canlilever floor of the chase should be insulated. \hpor and air infilhation barri€rs should be Inshlled in the chase as per regional codes fortre rcst of the home. Additionally, in regions where cold air infiltratlon may be an issue, the inside surfaces may be sheetrocked and taped br maximum air tightness. To further prevent drafts, the wall shield and ceiling firestops should be caulked with high temperature caulk to seal gaps, Gas line holes and other openings should be caulked with high temp caulk or stufied with unfaced insulalion. lf the appllance is belng Installed on a cement glab, a laygr of plywood may be placed underneath to prevent conducling cold up into the room. G. Glearancee A wenurxc Fir€ Rbk. Odor Risk.. Install appliancE on hard metal or wood surfaes extending full width and depth of appliance.. Do NOT install appliance dircdly on carp€ting, vinyl, tile or any combwtible material other than wood. ttt A wnnmno Fire Risk.. Congtrud cfiase to all dearance specifications in manual.. Locate and Install applianca to all clearance specifications in manual Clearanco to Combwtlbles A B c D E F G H I J Rorrlh Op6nln0 (V,rnl Plp.) RorElr Op.nlrle (H.lght) Roq0h Op.nim (orph)4"J"lf,(WIrth) Cl!|nnc. b C.llhg Co$bidbl. Floor Combu!tbh Floodne 8.hlnd ApFlhrlc. Sld.. ot Applhn6 F|Dnt ol Apelhno. lnches 10 381n 22 42 26-5t8 0 0 1t2 1t2 36 Millimeters 254 978 559 1067 676 0 0 l?13 915 Flgu|r t.2 CL.nncec to ComDu.tlblor t Hsat&Glo . 6000GLlPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7O7 D. MantelProjections TO CEILIIIG 3--I flrnlll llote: All m€arurrngr{t ln inqhgt. NOTE: Measurement is taken fom top of the opening, NOT the top ofthe fireplace. Flgur t.3 Chr||ncer to fl.ntelr or otho] Comburtlbbr rbov. Appll.nco tt A mlnlmum b -, then B mtxlmum lt_. A 2-7t14 3-7/16 +7t16 5-f t18 8.7/16 7 -7t19 62 87 113 138 104 189 B I 2 3 1 5 00 25 51 7A 102 127 @ Flguru 3.4 Cbarlnca! to llant lL.grorvlhll Prclectlon3 (Acc€ptrble on both rldr! of openlng,l Hsat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S ' 2102-900 Rev. F . 207 Termination Locations . AwARN|NG \ ., Maintain v€nt clearanc€ to combustiblos ag spscified. \ / . Do not pad( air space with insulatlon or other mat€rials. Failure to keep insulation or other matgrials away ftom vent pipe may cauee fire. A. Vent Termlnation Minlmum Glearances Measure vertical clearances from this surface. Measure horizontal clearances from this surface. (Seo Flgurc 4.4 for epeclflc olearances) Flgu|r 4.1 Figure 4.2 specifies minimum vent heights for various pitched roofs. )€i[orflr ovti,ttlto o^l DtRtcr lEt fiMnolt c l ioot PIttfl rr rtt H lt|ru . r|rlrur HuoxT ttot ioqF tD LOUIIT D|lCHtiO! OP:|{ O 0\/or'18/1 2 to 20/12.............7.5 Ou.,2u12lo 21hZ ..,...,.......8.0 r 3 foot minlmum In snow r€gions Flgur? 4,2 llnlmum Holghttrcm Roof to Lowort Dbch.rle Oponlng \crtrc,At Oaa tttdndon YWsFtdo|l ftr ln|lton Cc'|r|r||ta A 0ln.20 In. ,nln.Honrontrl dLt|n!| batwaan t||mlnatona t 20 h.2a In. mln.Oirtnca b parl.adqfir wdl c 1! h.ra h.Vbrtcd dlbnca bdf,rn bdnl lbnr Flgurt a.t UulupL V.|{cll T.nnln.tlon r0 Heat&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R. 0000G1-lPl-S .2102-900 Rav. F . 7/07 E.V.*T TERMINAL @ 'AR suPPLY INLEr % - AAeAWilERE TERMINAL l9 NOT PERMITTED D' = 1 2 inches...............clearances above gmde, veranda,(sx orr rl porch, deck or baloony = 12Inches.............,.clearances to window or door that may be opened, orto perma- nently closed window. (Glass) = 1 8 inches...............vertical clearance to unventilaled soffit orto ventilated sofiit located above tho terminal '30 ind1es..............for vinyl olad soffits and below €lec-trlcal service = 9 inches.,..............c|earance to outside comer = 6 inches....,............clearance to inside corn€r = 3 n. (Canada)........not to be installed above a gas meterfegu lator assembly wihin 3 bet (90crn) horizonblly from the centerline of the regulator = 3 ff. ........................c|earance to gas service rcgulator venl outlsl = 9 inches (U.S.A.) 12 inchos (Canada) clearance to non-mechanical alr supply inlet to building or th€ combustion air inlet to any other applianco K = sft.(U.S.A.) 6 fr. (Canada)...........clearanoe to a mechanical (powered) air supply inlet L.* = 7fl.............,.............c1earance above oaved (3|t ilot ll sidewalk or a paved ddve\ /ay located on lllhllq property M." = 18 inches.................deaEnce under rreranda, pordr, deck, balcony or owrhang 42 inches ................viny. S = 6 inches...................dearance hom sides of elec (seo ot 5l lrical service T . '12 inches ..................dearanc,e abov€ electrical (9e. ilot 5t service f G H 6 indres,........,.....,..non-vinyl sidewalls 12 inches ................viny| sidewalls 8fi. Qr'"Rrx 1 oap 2 capg 3 caps 4 caps 3 feet 6 bet 9 bet 12leel 2 x Q lcnar 1 x Q ^cTur 2/3 x Q ecrurr 1/2 x Q ecrur q.r.tbmdmuonc|p|iI tLr.pItt r {n Oon c|P.l r qFtr! " a wnl shall not larminate dir€c{y abov6 a sldswalk or pawd drivoway whldl lB located betwe€n two slngle famlly dwBlllngs and ssrv€s both dsrelllng6. * only pomitbd f vorande, pordr, deck or balcony lo fully op€n on a mlnlmum ofz sides banealh the lloor, or mssB Note 2. llOTE 1: On pdvat€ propsriy wher. termlnsllon ls leEs ttlan 7 teet abovo a sldervalk, ddt ovyey, dod(, poroh, Eranda or balcony, use ofa llstod cap 3hleld b sugEesbd. ($s \rEnb componenb pago) ]{OTE 2: Termlnatlon In an slcovo spaco (8pac€8 open only on one side and wlth en ov€fieng) et€ permltted wlth tho dlmenslons 3psdfiod br vlnyl or non-vinyl sldlng and sofits. l. Thsrg must bs 3 b€t mlnlmum belween termlnaton c!ps. Z. All medranical elr intake! wlthln 10 b6l of a termlnaton crp must bs a minlmum of 3 bet below tho btmlnalion oap. 3. All gravity ak intakos wlthln 3 Got of a lsrmlnaton cap must bo a mlnlmum of I foot below lhe termlnallon cap. Flgufr a.{ lllnlmum Cleanancoe tor Toamln.tlon NOTE 3: Local code6 or regulaiions may requira dlfferent clearancgs. NOTE a: Tgrmination cap8 may bo hot. Considsr th3lr pmximily to dooF or olhor tafllc a|las. NOTE t: Location of th6 v€nt termlnaton murt not lntorbr€ wllh eccess to tha elscflcal seMcE. WAR lllo: In the U,S: Vsnt sysbm brmination is l{OT permnbd In Eq9en€d pordog. You must bllow slde wall, owriang snd ground dgaranoo! as statBd In th6 inslrudions. In crnadr: Vent ByBtom terminatlon lE NgT permltted In Ecr€ened porchee, Vent system tomlnalion b p€rmltted In porcfi at€as wllh two or mot€ sides op€n. You muEt follorv all lide walls, owhang snd gmund desrancas aB stabd In tho InEtudlom. Heat & Glo sssumee no t€sponslblllty for the lmpmpar p€rfurmance of the appllanc8 when tho vEntlng syslem d0o9 not meet hsse requlremsnts. UIMOM F ryTERIOR WAU'S ARE FINISHED WITH VINYL SiDiNG, /7 /S SUGGESTED THAT A VINYL PROTECTOR KT BE INSTAI.IED. Heat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 21o2-s00 Rov. F . 7/07 11 5 A. VentTable Ksy The abbreviations listed in this vent table key are used in lhe vent diagrams. B. Use of Elbows Diagonal runs have both vertical and horizontal vent as- pects wh6n celculating the efiecls. Use the rise br the vertical aspect and the run for the horizontal aspect (see Figure 5.1). Two 450 elbows may be used in place of one 900 elbow. On 450 runs, one foot of diegonal is equal to 8.5 inches hori- zontal run and 8.5 inches vertical run. A length of straight pipe ls alloured between two 45o elbows (see Figure 5.1). Vertlcal Flgur" 6.1 C. Measuring Standards Vertical and horizontal measurements listed in the vent diagrams were made using the following stiandards. 1. Pipe measurements are sho,vn using he efiective length of pipe (see Figure 5.2). 2. Measurements are made ftom the appliance oulerwrap, not from the standofis. 3. Horizontal terminations are measured to the outside mounting surface (flange of termination cap) (see Figure 4.1). 4. Verlical terminations are measured to bottom of termina- tion cap. 5. Horizontal pipe installed level with no rise. First soclion (clos63t to appllance of vertical length Second sedlon of vartoal longth Firsl sedion (dosost to appllance) of horlzontal lgngth Second B€dlon of hodzontal longth u {,1{ A WARNTNG Fire Hazard. Explosion Risk. Asphyxiation Risk. Do NOT connec{ this gas appllance lo a chimney flue serving a s€parate solid-fusl or gas buming appliance.. Vent this applianca direc'tly outside.. Use separate vent system for this appliancs. May impairsab op€ration of this appliance or other appliances conneded to the flue. CAUTION ALL vent configuration apecifications MUST be followed. . This product is bst6d and listed to thes€ specifications.. Appliancs perbrmance will Eufur if spec$fications are not bllowed. DVP4 1 ,t 02 DVPO 6 '152 DVP12 12 ov?24 a 610 DVP3O 38 s14 DVPOg 4E 1219 DVPSA 3lo0 70 b 152 ovPt2A 3lo t2 76 to 305 DVPr2|rl 31o 12 76 b 305 OVPz4MI Ito24 76 b 610 Flgur! t.2 DVP Plp. Efiectlv. L.ngth 12 Heat&Glo . 6000GLnPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rov. F . 707 D. Vent Dlagrams NOTE: The 6000 series fireplaces can adapt to SL series vont pipe, lf desired. vvhen venting ofi the top of the unit, use a DVP-E26 adapter and a mlnimum 48 inch vertical section of SL series v€nt pip€. Aftor the 48 inch verlical soc{ion, the venting table rules must be followed. The first 48 inch vertical sectlon ls NOT counted ae part of thg vertlcal components in the table, lt is slill counted as parl of the overall maximum run. All venting table rules for the vent run must still be followed. Example: DVP pipe 3 ft. min. vertical = 11 ft. max. horizontal SL pipe 7 ff. min. vertical = 11 fi. max. horizontal l. Top Vent - Horizontal Termination One Elbow Flgult 6.8 NOTE: For comer installations: A 6 inch (152mm) sedion of straight pipe may need to be attached to the appliance before a 90" elbow' to allow the vent pipe to clear the top standofrs. T\wo Elbours ^311 K;A, !t L' ,fl tl l, )\ttl t ,Y -( \\q I l{STALIED HOREOiI TALLY NOTE: For corner lnstallations: A 6 Inch (152mm) section of straight plpe may need to be attached to thc appliance befor€ a 90" elbov'/, to allow th€ vent pipe to clear the top gtendofis. u $,1{ A WARNING Firc Risk. Exolosion Risk. Do NOT pack insulation or other oombustibleg betrveen ceiling fircstops.. ALWAYS maintain specified clearanceg around v€nting and firBstop systems.. Install wall shield and ceiling firestopa ae specr'fied. Failure to keeo insulation or olher material away from vent pipe may cause fin. V. illlnlmum H. Maximum Elbow only 2ft 610 mm 1ft.305 mm 3fi.9,|4 mm 2ft.610 mm 6fl.1.8 m 3fr.914 mm 11 ft.3.4 m 4ft.1.2 m 20 ft.6.'l m V' + fl, = 49 n, (12.2 m) Maximum H. = 20 fr. (6.1 m) Maximum V' Mlnimum H,, + H, illaxlmum Elbow only 1ff.305 mm 6 in.152 mm 2fi.610 mm 1ft.305 mm 2ft.610 mm 2f,,.610 mm 4ft.1.2 m 3fi.914 mm 9fr.2.7 m 4fi.1.2 m 18 ff.5.5 m 5fi.1.5 m 20 ft.6.1 m vl + Hr + Hz = 40 ft. (12.2 m) Maximum H, + H, = 29 n. (6.1 m) Maximum Flgun 6.| H6at & Glo . 8000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-tPl-S . 2102-900 Rov. F . 707 13 l. Top Vent. Horlzontal Termlnation . (continued) Three Elbowr V' ilin.H' tax.V, Min,H, Max. Elbory only 2fi.610 mm 0 in.0mm 1n.305 mm 6 in.152 mm 3ft 914 mm 6 in.'l52 mm 2ft.610 mm 1fr.305 mm 6n.1.8 m 1fr.305 mm 6ft.1.E m 2fi.610 mm 't1 ft.'3.4 m'2fr.610 mm 10 ft..3.1 m' 3fr.914 mm 16 fi.4.9 m'3fl.914 mm 14 ft.'4.3 m' 'H, + H, = 20 ft. (6.1 m) Maximum Vr + Vz + H, + Hr= 49 n. (12.2m) Maximum 14 Flguo t,t Hoat & Glo . 0000GLlPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-s . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7/07 2. Top Vent. Vertical Terminatlon Flue Restrictor Inetructione l. Remove Exhaust Shield using a 1/4 inch nut driver by removing the four screws securing it in place (see Figure s.7).Vl = 40 ft. Max. (12.4 m) Vn = 3 ft. Min. (9l4mm) NOTE: lf installing a vertical v6nV lermination ofithe top of the appli- ancs, the optional verlical termina- tion baffle should be used. No Elbow Flgur 6.6 2. Break the Flue Restrictor into two pieces. Do this by bending the part back and forth until il breaks (see Figure 5.8). ooooo ooooo Flgu]r 6,1 Fluo R.rfietor Heat & Glo . 6000O1-lPl-R. 6000GLlPl-S . 2102-900 REv. F . 207 3. Match the amount of vertical you have in the sys- tem with the chart to find the appropriate position to set thE Flue ReEtrictor (see Figure 5,9 ). Flgu|! 6.9 Note: lf the DVP-826 adapter and SL pipe ls used, you MUST subtract one number from the table above. Example: Top vent 40 ft vertical with DVP pipe = 54 Top vent 40 ft vertical with SL pipe = 4-3 4. Center the. Flue Restriclor on vent and secure in place by wlng two self-tapping screws (see Figur€ 5,10). 5. Reinstall the Exhaust Shield. 4fr.1-1 No Restridor No Restriclor No Restric,tor Efi.2-2 1-2 1-1 No Restrictor 15 ft.3-3 3-2 2-2 1-2 20 ft.&4 3€3-3 2-3 2s fr.34 3€3-3 23 30 ft.44 3-4 34 3-3 35 ft.H u 3-4 3-3 40 ft.5-,4 44 44 3.4 ooo t2t 12 3lE ooooo oo 1E \ )** / FlguF 5,10 TWo Elbows Flgurt 5.ll 1€ vi H,, flaxlmum v,vr + vt ln. Elbow only 2fl.610 mm 6 in.152 mm 6fr,1.8 m 2ft.6'10 mm 11 fr.3.4 m 3n.914 mm 16 fi.4.9 m 4fi.1.2m 20fr €.1 m Vr + %+ Hr = 50 fi (15.2 m) Maximum *No specific restric{ions on this value D(CEPT Vr+Vz+ Hl cannol axceed 50 fi (15.2 m) Hsat&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S ' 2102-900 R6v. F . 7rc7 2. Top Vent - Vertical Terminatlon - (continued) Three Elbsws v,|Ht* [v2 vr + V, Minimum H,+4i/kimum Elbow only 1fr.305 mm 1n.305 mm 6 in.152 mm 2fr.6'10 mm 2ft.610 mm 1fi.305 mm 2fi.610 mm 2ft.610 mm 2ft.610 mm 4ft.1.2m 4fr.1.2 m 3ft.914 mm 9fr.2.7 m 9ft.2.7 m 4ft.1.2m 1E fi.5.5 m 18 fi.5.5 m H,+ Hr= 29 616.1m) Maximum Vr+ Vr+ Hr+ Hz= 40 fr (1 2.2m) Maximum I INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY Flgurr t,l2 Heat & Glo . 8000GLnPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rcv. F . 7/07 17 3. Rear Vent - Horizontal Termlnation No Elbow Fhutr 6.tt = l6 in. (406 mm) Maxlmum t One 450 Elbow Flgun 6.lf 18 Do not us€ a 450 elbow in cornor ingtallations. Us€ two 900 elbows imtead. Hsat & Glo . 0000G1-lPl-R, 6000GLJP|-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7107 3. RearVent - Horizontal Terminatlon - (contlnued) T\ro Elbore FlguE 6.lt Three ElboYrc IN TALIED HOruA' TALLY FlguD 6.13 H., Maximum V, Minimum r-t H,+ ft M$dmum 1fr.305 mm Bad(b Back gOc Elboivs 1fl.305 mm 2fr..610 mm 2n 610 mm 6 in.152 mm 2 fr..610 mm 4ft 1.2m 3fr.914 mm 1ft.305 mm 2fr.610 mm sfr.1.5 m 3ft.914 mm 2n.610 mm 4fi '1.2m 7fi.2.1 m 3ft.914 mm ?fr 914 mm of,2.7 m 12ft.3.7 m 3fi.914 mm 4ft 1.2m 1E ft.5.5 m 20 fr.r 6.1 m' V+ H,+ l-L= 40 ft (12.2m) Ma<imum H,= 3 t (91rknm) Mafrmum 'H,+ 4= 20 fr (6.1m) Madmum Hl Maximum V' Minimum Hr+ H,Hi+ H2+ Hr Madrnum 1ft.305 mm Back b Back 9C Elbom 1ft.305 mm 2f,..610 mm 2ft.610 mm 6 in.152 mm 1.5 ft.457 mm 3.5 ft.1.1 m 3fr.914 mm 1fr.305 mm 2fl.610 mm 5fi.1.5 m 3fl.914 mm 2fl..610 mm 4fl.1.2 m 7 fr'2.1 m 3fr.914 mm 3fr.914 mm 9fr.2.7 m 12fr.3.7 m 3ft.914 mm 4ft.'t.2m 12ft.3.7 m 15 fl.4.6 m Vr+ Hr+ 4+ H!= 40 ft (12.2m) Ma<imum Hr= 3lt (94mm) Ma<imum Hr+ l'lr+ H3= 20 ft (6.1m) Madrum Hsst & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, EoooGL-|P|-s . 2102-900 Rov. F . 707 19 4. Rear Vent - Vertical Termlnation One Elbow Flgun 5.17 V. Minimum H. Modnum 6 ln.152mm 2fl'610 mm 1ft.305 mm 3f,.914 mm 2ft.610 mm 5fi.1,5 m 3ft.9'14 mm 7fr.2.1 m 4fi.1.2m Efr 2Am 5ft.1.5 m 8fr 2.4m V'+ H, = 49 n 112.2 m) ttladrmum H'- 8 ft (2.4 m) Madmum Two Elbows Fhutr 6.18 20 I ATALLED HORIZONTALLY Hr+ l't Madmum VrMinimum Back b Back 90' Elbols afi 914 mm 2ft 610 rYuYr 6ft.1.8 m 4ft 1.2m 9ft.2.7 m 6fl.1.8 m 12fr.3.7 m 8ff.2.4m 15 ft.4.6 m Vi+ Hr= 40 ft (12.2 m) Maximum H,+ Hr- 611 (2.4 m) Maximum Heet & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R. 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7/07 4. Rear Vent - Vertlcal Termination - (continued) Three Elbows Flguru t.l9 Thrse Elbows H. Maximum VrMinimum H2 H'+ H. Maximum 2fr,.610 mm 6 in.152 mm 2fr.610 mm 4fr.1.2m 3fi.914 mm 1fr.305 mm 4ft.1.2m 7fi.2.1 m 5ft.,lFa 2fr.610 mm 6fi.1.8 m 11 ft.3.4 m 7ft.2.1 m 3fr.914 mm 8ft.2.4m 4a 4+4.6 m 8fr 2.4m 4fi.1.2m 10 fi.3.1 m 18 ft.Etm Hr = E fr (2.4 m) Max. Vr+ Vz+ H1+ Hz= 40 fl (12.2 m) Max. H'+ Hr= 29 ft (6 'l m) Max' H1 r-t r-t VrMinimum Hr+4+ H! ita(hum 8fl.2.4m 6fl.1.8 m 9ft.2.7 m 7ft.2.1 m 10 ft.3.1 m 8fl.2.4m 10 ft.3.1 m 8ft.2.4m vr+ Hr+ H2+ Hs = 40 fl. (12.2 m) Maxlmum *No specific testric'tiong on this value EXCEPT Vr+ Hr+ H2+ H! cannot €xc€ed 40 ft. (12.2m) Maximum Hr+ Hz+ Hr = 8 fi' (2.4 m) Maxlmum Flguri 6.20 Heat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 707 A. Pipe Clearances to Combustibles A WARNTNG $11 Fire Risk. E&losion Risk. Maintain vent clearance to combustibles ag speciti€d.. Do not pack air space with insulation or other maleriab. Failun to keep insulation or othsr met€rialg away from vent pipe may cause fire. B. Wall Penetration Framlng ' S ho.v! crnter ot vsnt framino holc tor top \'6nlino. Thc crr&r ot th! hoh l! ono ('l) inch (25,4mm) abow thc c€ntof of tho horizontal wd plp!. Flgure 0,3 Extorlor Wbll Holo Combustible Wall Ponotratlon Frame a hole in a combustible wall for an interior wall shield firestop, (Figure 6.3) whenever a wall is penetrated. Use same size framing materials as those used in the wall construction. The wall shield flrestop maintains minimum clearances and prevents cold air infiltration. Non-Combustible Wall Penetratlon lf the hole being penetrated is surrounded by noncombus- tible materials such as concrete, a hole with diameter one inch greater than the pipe is acceptable. I h,clr tat€l AnouiDERt|C I tEcno t ---.7__ I ADE AT{D CLEAiANCE 1 ln, I9TIOM Flgurg 0.1 Plpo Clolrlncer OTE: Hrrt lhleld! MUST ovsdsp by s minimum of 'l-l/2 in. (38 mn).th hrrt rhbld h d$lgn.d to b. ur.d on . wdl 4 lB. to 7-lra In, (102 nm t0 lt4 mml lhlct. ll wlll lhlckrese ls ls$ then 4 In. (102 m]n) the oxhtlng hcst lhlaldr muet br llcld trimmcd. lf w.llthlckn{r lr gFatcrthen 7-Uil in. (184 mm) r DVP.HSM-B ryill bc rcqulFd. I In. CLE RAICE BOTTOX r 3tOEt 22 Heat & Glo . 6000c1-lPFR. 6000c1{Pl-s . 2102-900 Rev F . 207 A wanttne Firc Hazad Keep loose malerials or blovn insulation from touching the - vent pipe.vem ptpg. . National building codes €commend us- ing attic shield to keep loose materials/ blown insulation fom contactlng venl. . Hearth & Home Technologles requlres th€ use of an attic shisld. C. Vertlcal Psnetratlon Framing Inctalling the Coiling FiEstop . Frame an opening 10 inches by 10 inches whenever the vent system penetrates a ceiling/floor (see Figure 6.4). . Frame the area with the same sized lumber as used in ceiling/lloor joist. . Wren installing a top vent vertical ter- mination appliance the hole should be directly above the appliance, unless the flue is oftet. . Do not pack insulation around the vent. Insulation musl be kept away from the pipe. InctrllingAfric Shield Note: An additional ceiling firestop is not required if attic shield is used. . Frame opening for attlc shield. . Attic shield may be installod above or below ceiling (see Figure 6.5). . Secure with three hsteners on each side. . Fold tabs at top of attic shield in toward vent pipe. Tabs must keep vent pipe centered within shield. . Field construc't additional shield height ff insulation is deeper than helght of attic shield. 10 rN. (254 MMI HOLE SHOULD MEASURE 10 tN. x t0 tN. (25'l ut X 231lltl) INSIDE TO INSIDE Flguru 6.4 EEND TAES IN AROUI{D PIPE 3 FA8IENERS PER EIDE '1 AIT|C THIELD IiISTALLED BELOW CEILIIIG Flgurt 6,5 Inrtrlllng th. Attlc ghbld A.rflC SHIELD INSTALLED ABOVE CEIUiIG Heal & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rov. F 7t07 23 -I AppliancePreparation . A. Ghoosing the Top or RearVent Ftgulo 7.1 For top vent, remove the two screws holding the elbow heat shield in place. Use this heat shield over the first elbow if applicable. For rear vent skip this step. Flgult 7.2 Cut the seal cap strap across the rectangles next to the disk. Ftgure 7.5 Remove the insuletion basket and white insu- lation from the center vent pipe. CAUTION Sharp Edges . \A/ear protective gloves and saiety glasses dur- ing installation. Frgun 7.r Remove the white gasket material covering the seal cap, Flgu'e 7.4 Remove the seal cap. Hest & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 707 C. Securlng and Levellng the Appliance l\^ A WARNING - . Do NOT install against combustibls malsrials such as expos€d insulation, plasiic and in8ulation backer FlguF 7.0 Remove the insulation from the outer vent pipe. For rear venting there is no ingulatlon in the outer vent pipe. Ftgu]| 7.2 To attach the first section of vent pipe, make sure to use the fiberglass gasket in the manual bag to seal between the firgt v6nt component and the outer fireplace wrap. Use 2 self tapping screws to secure the gasket to the outer wrap. Secure the first section ofventlng to the lireplace by screw- ing through the two straps left over ftom cutting the seal cap strap in step 2. Note: Once the vent cap has been removed, it cannot be reattached. B. Installlng the Non+ombustible Board The factory supplied non-combustible board spans the distance fom the top of the fireplace to the center of the framing header. This board must be used. See flgure 7.8. The diagram shows how to properly position, level, and secure the appliance (see Figure 7.9). Nailing tabs are pro- vided to secure the appliance to the framing members.. Venting - rebrb Vent Clearances and Framing (Sec{ion 6) fur hole location.. Place the appliance into position. Level appliance from side to side and front to back. Shim the appliance as necessary, lt is acceptable to use wood shims. Bend out nailing tabs on each side. Keep nailing tabs flush with the ftaming. Secure the appliance to the framing by using nails or screws through the nailing tabs. NOTE: Once appliance is selup for top or rear venting, it CANNOT be chanqed at a later time. Flgur! 7.9 PFpor Pq!ruonlng, Lovsllng an.l Socurlng ot r Appllrncc A WARNTNG Fir€ Risk. . ALWAYS maintain epecified clearances around the applianca. . Do NOT not$ into the tamlng amund the appliance spacen. Fallur€ to kesp insulation, framing or other materlal auray ftom the appliance may cause tir€. H6at & Glo . 8000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev.F.7/07 z5 D. Inrhltthe opfionat HEATaoNE.GAS Ktt NOTE: Ther€ must be NO INSUI-ATION or other combustibles inside the ftamed fir$top opening. HEAT{O1'IE€A3 ATTACHES HERE Fl0uri 7.t0 r@ { ro. 1. Remove the knockout ftom the fireplace and discard lt (8ee Flguro 31), 2. Center the duct collar around the exposed hole and attach lt to the fircplace with 3 screws. NOTE: Do this BEFORE final posltioning of the fireplace. 3. Determine the location for the air register/fan housing assembly. ReiEr€nce the Heat-Zone kit instructions br the remaining installation steps. 26 Hsat & Glo . 6000G1-|PFR, 6000GLnPl-S . 2102-900 ReuF . 7^17 a f, Installing Vent Pipe - DVP PIPE ONLY A. Assembly of Vent Sections n 4.5 A WARNTNG Flr€ Rbk Exhawt Fume3 RFk lmpair€d Pertormance of Appliance . Overlap pipo slip sodions at loasl l-1/2 inch93.. Uae pilot holes br eq'ews.. Sorqiw must not o(@ed on€ indt long,. Pipe may separatc if not prop€rly joined. Attachlng Vent to the Flmbox Assembly To attach the frrsl pipe section to the collars, slide the male €nd ofthe inn€r v€nt ofthe plpo sec,tlon over the Innercollar on the firebox assembly. At the same time, slide the outer frue over the out€r collar on th6 appliance. Push the pipe sec'tion into the appliance collar until all the lanc€s (see Flgure E.1) have snapped in place, Tug slighlly on the seo tion to confirm it ha6 completely locked into place. Commerchl, tult-fiNmily (tult.leve! exceedlng two rtorlee), & Hlgh-Rlse AppliceffonE For Inshllation into Commercial, multi-family (mult{evd ex- c€edlng Mo rbrles) or high-rise applicafions: All pipe joinb must be seahd witr hbh bmperdJr€ silicono, Induding he sllp sedion hat conne6 dirccty to the hodzoftal tennina- ton cap. . Apply a b€ad 0f sillcone s€alant inslde the bmale outer pipe joint prior to joining sections. See Figure E.1 . only ouEr pipcs are saalcd. Do not seal he inner flue. All unit collar, plp€, sllp sec{on, elbow and cap oubr flues shall be sealed in his manner, unless otherulse stabd. Nole: Tha end of th6 pip6 s€dions with tho lancodtebs on it will ftca tqivard tha applianca. A WARNING FiIg Rlsk E elo3lon Risk lf slip sec.tion 96als at€ broksn during th6 nmoval of the bminaffon cap, gas will loak and a lirr or oeloslon may occur. Do noi b]€ak slllcone i6els on sllp lectlons. Flgur! t.2 H.at I Glo . 8000GL-lPhR.000fflL-lPl€ .21q2.800 R!v.F.7r1z Assombling Plpe Sectlonl Insqt he inner llue of s€c{on A Into he frarcd inner fue of sedbn B. Start the outerllue of sec{ion A over the outer f,ue of seclion B (see Figure E,2). t{oto: Tho end of the pipe sectionswith the lances/labs on it will face towards the appliance. Once both inner and outer llues ars started, pr€ss seclion A onto section B firmly untll all lances have snapped into place, Check to make sure they have snappcd together (see Figuro 8.3) and the seam8 are not allgned (see Flg- urc 6.4). Tug slightly on section A to confinn it has com- pletely locked Into place. lt is acceptable to uss screws no longer than 1 inch to hold outer pipe sec{ions logether. lf predrilling holes, do NOT penetrate inner pipe. For 90' and 45' elbows that arc changing the vent direction from horizontal to vertical, one screw minimum should be put In the outer frue at the horizontal elbow joint to prevent the elbow fom rotating. Use gcrews no longer than 1 Inch. lf predrilling screw holes, do NOT penetrate inner pipe. t Flgur! l.t L.nc.. Flgu|| t t llotr: Make su]€ that the reame arb not aligned t0 pr€vant uninisntonal dleoonneoffon. INCORRECT Flgur t.f Aseembllng flnlmum Installauons (tl) Secuons Ml sedlons are non-unitized so that they can be cut to a certain length, Cut these sections to length tom the non- expanded ond (see Figur 8.5). They can then be attrached by frat conngcfing he €)eanded end of the Ml innerfiue with the inner pipe from the adjacent pipe soction and sec.urlng wlth three screws. The expanded portion of thc Ml inner fluc must overlap completely with the unexpanded end ofthe adjacent pipe section. The outgr f,ug can then be inserted into the adjacent outer flue elganded end and attacfi€d to the next plpe sec,tlon wiFr thce ecrews. The oftcrcnd of the Mlpipc sccffon can then be attached by fitting anothcr plpe sectlon to lt and snapping it togcthor, ar normal. Assembllng DVP-12A Sllp Sectlons The outprflue of the slip section should slide over the outer flue ofths pipe section and Into (lnner iue) the last pipe section (see Flgurc 8.6) . Slide togothgr to tfie deslred leng$, making suro that a 1-112 lnch outer nue oveilap ls malnbined between fte pipe sedion anC slip sedlon. The pipe and slip sec{ion noed to be secrred by driving two ecrews through the overlapplng portlons of the outer f,ucs using thc pilot holes (see Figurc 8.7), Thls will eecure the slip secrtion to ths desired length and prrvent it ftom scparatlng. Th6 sllp aection can then be attached to the next pipe sec'tion. lf the slip s€ctlon ls too long, the inner and outer fluEe of the slip section can be cut to the deslred lengtlr, Flgurt E.t Flgun8.7 Sqrn lnto Sllp 8.cton H.!t & Glo . 0000GLJP|-R, 8o(XEL-lPl€ . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7107 Flgurr E.6 Sllp g.ston Plloi HoL. Securlng lhe Vent Sec{ont Ver{oalSectonr Verticsl sections of plpe must bo support€d every I bet afterthe 25 bot ma{mum unsupported rlse. The vent sup- port or plumber's etrap (spaced 120' apail) may be used to do thb (see Flgure E.E). Horlzontrl SocUon! Horizont|l sBctlons ofvent must be supported every 5 bet with a vent support or plumber's strap. B. Disassembly of Vent Sections To disassemble any tuo pleces of pipe, rotate either secton (s€,o Figurc 8.10), eo thatlhe seams on both pipe sec'tions arc aligned (see Figure E.11). They can then be carfully pulled apart. Flgun t.8 Securlng l/e.Uc.l Plpe Secflonr Flgun t.t S.curlnO Hoftonhl Plpc Soodom A wenmnc Fir Risk. E plollon RlEk. CombGton Fume Rlsk. Uoe vent run aupportB per installation lnstucton!. Conned v€nt lectlons p6r installation lnstrucdonr.. Mainbin all dearanoos b combustibl$.. Do NOT allow v€nt to 3ag below connodion point to appliencs. lmproper suFport mry allo$r vont to cag or sgparato. Flgr|rr !.10 Rolit S€.m. lor Dlx...nDlt Flgurt tti Allgn |nd Dbr..ambL l,brl taclmr H.rtEGb . Blxl0GL-lPl-R,8000G1-IPFS . 2102"900 R.v.F . 7/07 2S t C. Installing Heat Shleld and Horizontal Termlnatlon Gap WARNING Firs Hazard lmpair€d perbrmance of applianco . Telescoping flue section of termination cap MUST be used when conneding pipe sectlon to terminafon cap. . Maintaln a 1-1l2 lnch minimum overlao on t€lescoping flue section of t6rmination cap. WARNING FirB Rlsk Exhaust Fumes Rlsk lmpaired Performance of Appliance . O\r€ilap plpe sllp s8clions at least 1-112 inches.. Use pilot holEs fur scr6ws.. Scr€\ rs must not exceed 1 inch long.. Pipe may separate if not properly joined. Heat thleld Requirements for Horizontal Termlnatlon For all horizontally vented applianoes, a heat shield MUST be placed one inch above the top ofthe vent between the wall shield firestop and the base of the termination cap. There are two sections of the heat shield. One section is factory-attached to the wall shield firestop. The other section is factory-attachod to the cap. See Figure 8.12. lf the wallthlckness does not allowthe required 1-112 inch (38 mm) heat shield overlap when installed, an extended heat shield (DVP-HSM-B) must be used. lmportenl ouco: Heal3hields may nEl be field construded. The extended heat shield (DVP-HSM-B) may need to be cut to length. You will attach the cut heat shield t0 the existing cap heat shield or wall shield firestop heat shield (refer to Figure 8.12) using the supplied screws. You MUST maintain a 1-112 in. (3E mm) overlap of the extended heal shield and the existing shields (both ends of the heat shield). The Bmall leg on the extended heat shield should rest on the top of the vent (pipe seclion) to properly space it from the pipe sectlon. Installing the Horlzontal Termlnatlon Cap Vent termination must not be recessed in the wall. Siding may be brought to the edge ofthe cap base. Flash and seal as appropriate for siding materialat outside edges of cap. \Mren installing a horizontal termination cap, follow the cap location guldellnes as prescribed by cunent ANSIU223.1 and CAN/CGA.Bl49 installation oodes, HraT]{rLD flTrI Ot{ NOT !}tomt, Flgu6 8.12 lrentng thmugh tie tirall NOTE: VVh€rE laquir€d, an €xbdorwallfhshirg F availabl€. Vvhsn penobating a brickwall, a brid( e)dension kit is wailable br framing thc bridc a WARNING T€rmlnation caps may be hot. Consider their prcximily to doors or other trafiic areas. Local codes may r€quil€ installation of a cap shl€ld lo prevenl anything or anyonE from touching the hot cap. 30 Heat & Glo . 0000G1-lPl-R 6000GLlPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7/07 SL.D PIPE ONLY D. Assembly of Vent Sections Awnnuue Fire Rtsk /\\F(harct Fume3 Risk lmpaimd Performance of Appliance . Ensure vent componenb are lod(ed togethar conec{ly.. Pipe may separate if not properly joined. Attaoh the First Vent Component to Starting Collars To attach the first vsnt component to the starling collars of the appliance: . Lock the vent components into place by slldlng the concentric pipE sectlons with four (4) equally spaced in- terior beads into he appliance collaror previously Insblled component€ndwlh fuur (4) equally spaced indented sec- tions. . Wten the internal beads of each outer pipe line up, rotate the pipe seclion clockwise about one-quarter (1/4) tum (see Figure 8.1). The vent pipe is now locked together. . Slide the ceramic fiber pad over the first vent section and place it flush to the appliance. This will prev€nt cold air infilhation. High temp caulk may be used to hold the part in place. Continue to add vent components. Continue Adding Vent Compon€nts . Continue adding vent components, locking each suG ceeding component Into place. . Ensure that each succeeding vent component is securely fitted and locked into the prgceding component. . 90' elbows may be instralled and rotated to any point around the preceding component's vertical axis. lf an elbow does not end up in a locked positlon with the preceding component, attach with a minimum of two (2) theet metal screws. (-@ V Flguro E.13 Addlng \bntlng Componentr Install Support Brackets For Horlzontal Runs - The vent system must be supported every five (5) feet of horizontal run by a horizontal pipe suppoft. To install supporl brackets for horlzontal runs: . Place the pipe supports around the vent pipe. . Nail the pipe supports to the framing membeB. For Vertlcal Runs - The vent system must be supported every eight (8) bet (2.4m) above the appliance flue oufet by wall brackets. To install support brackets for vertlcal runs: . Attach wall brackets to the vent pipe and secure the wall bracket to the fiamlng members with nails or screws. WARNING Fir€ Risk. Explosion Risk. Combustion Fume Risk. Use vent run supports p€r installation instructions. Connec,t vent sec-tlons per installation insiructions.. Maintain all clearances to combustibles.. Do NOT allow vent to sag below connec,tion point to appliance,. Maintain specified slopo (if rsquir€d). lmproper support may allorv vent to sag or separat€. Hoat & Glq . 6000G1-lPl-R, 8000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rov. F . 707 31 E. Installlng Wall Shietd Firestops and HorizontalTermlnation Cap aWARNING Fire Risk /\\Exhaust Fumes Risk - lmpaircd Perbrmanco ofAppliancs . Ensure venl components a|e locked togethr coneclly.. Pipe may aeparate if not prcperly joined. ForHodzontal Runs -li\hll shield fi rcsilopsale REQUIRED on bott sides of a combustible wall trough wfrich ttre vent passes. 1{OTE3 lfodol SLK.{IITRD does not need an exterlor vyall shleld firostop on an oxterlor combustlble uall, To install wall shield firestops for horizontal runs that pass through either interior or exterior walls: Cut a 10 in. x 10 in. (254mm x 254mm) hote for SL-D- series pipe. The center of the framing hole is one (1) inch (25.4mm) above the center of the horizontal vent pip€. . Pogition the wall shield firestops on both sides of the hole previously cut and secure the wall shield firestops with nails or Screws.. The heat shields of the wall shield ftrestops MUST BE placed towards the top of the hole.. Continue the vent run through the wall shield firestops. I In. (21.4 mml 10 ln. (254mml VENT PIPE Flgure 8.la Hole rnd Vent Plpo lnstalling the Horizontal Termlnatlon Cap Vent termination must not be recessed in the wall. Siding may be brought to the edge of th6 cap bas6. Flash and seal as appropriate for siding material at outside edges of cap, \rvhen Installing a horizontal termination cap, follow the cap location guidelines as prescribed by cunent ANSI 2:223.1 and CAN/CGA-B149 installation codes. NOTE: Where required, an exterior wall flashing is availeble. \Mren penetrating a brick wall, a brick extgnsion kit is available for framing the brick, Awennno Fire Risk. Explosion Risk. - Do NOT pack insulation or other combustlbles between flrestops.. ALWAYS maintain sp€cified clearances around venting and firestop systems.. Install firestops as spocified. Failure to keep insulation or other material away ftom vBnt pipe may cause fire. WARNING Bum Risk . Termination caps may be hot. Consider their proximity to dooB or other lrafiic areas.. Local codes may r,equire installation of a cap shield to prevent anything or anyone from touching the hot cap. 0 A WARNING Fire Hazard lmpalrcd perbrmance of applianca . Telescoping flue section of lermination cap MUST be used when connec{lng ptpe sec{ion to terminailon cao.. Maintain a 1-112inch minimum ovsrlap on t€lescoping flue sec{ion of termination cap. !'IIELD \ .--t'fl Ktl ITA\{\ 4 W WALL IHIEID FriEll0P lrr{ttiroRl IRIf, HEAI sHEt-D |FrOO utNG, AOD It) lHtELD tF roo !HOil waLL ll ltD FIRE3IOP (ET1ERIORI FlguF t.ll He|t Shlcld, lnt rlor & Ert dor lthllthleld Fl]t topt Helt & Glo . 8000G1-lPl-R. 6000c1-lPl€ .2102-900 Rav. F . 707 F. lnsblllng Roof Flashlng and Vertlcal Ter. mination Cap To insEll roof flashlng see Figure 8.16. For insblhuon of veilical temlnalion cap see mlnlmum vent heights br various pitched rooft (see Figure 8.16), Caulk the gap between the roof flashing and the outside diamoter ol th€ plpe. Also caulk the perimeter of flashing that contacts roof surfacE as ghown In Figurg E,lE. To attach thE vertlcal termination cap, slide the inner col- lar of tho cap lnto the inner fiue of the pipc section and place the outer collar of the cap over the outer flue of the pipe section. Sdcure with three screwe Into thE outerfiue. Secure the cap by driving the three self-tapping screws (supplied) through the pilol holes in the outer collar of the cap into the outer flue ofthE pipe (see Figurc 8.17). Flgu|l 9.17 Flgu||8.18 ]toRtzot{TAL OvliHA G OA! DIIECTVEXT. tERl ltAt1oil OAP ROO| nTCH t3 xr t2 H fit .) . n ur HElloxT FRor RooF TO LOUIEST DISCHAROE OpEilll,lc Roof Pltch H rfh.l Ft. Flat to 6/12....................................... 1.0' Or,€lr Anz lo 7n2.,,........................ 1.25' Ovet 7 n2 lo 8112................,.......,.... 1.5' Ol,or 8/'|2 to 9/12.........,....,,.,........... 2.0' Orror S/12 !o 1ofi 2............................ 2.5 Ov€r 10/12 to 11/12....."..,............... 3.25 Owr 11112 b 1U12.......................... 4,0 Owt 1A12 b 14112.......................... 5.0 Ovot 141'12 lo 18112.......................... 8.0 Owr 16/12 to 1Ul2.......................... 7.0 owr 1U12 io 20/12.......................... 7.5 Ovet 20nz to 2'1112.......................... 8.0 ' 3 foot mhlmum In snow reglong Flgu|D t,l6 Xlnlmum H.lght trom Root io Low$t Dtsohllgr Op.nlng WIARNING Firu Risk. Explosion Rlsk. Insped 61 6msl vent cap rsgulady.. Ensure no debris blod<s cap.. Combustible matorials blocking cap may ignib.. Resttlded alr f,ow afiactg bumer openaiion. Hclt&Oo . 8000GL-lPl-R, 0000c1-lPl-s . 2102-900 Rcv. F . 707 33 Aescmbllng and lmt lllng Storm Collar CAUTION Shap Edges . llVear prctective glover and sabiy glarses dur- ing lmtallation. Connect both halves of lhe storm collar with two scrcws (sse Flgur€ 8.19). \rVfap the storm collar around the exposed pipe section and align brackets. Insert a bolt (provided) through the brackeb and Ught€n nut to complete stom collar assembly (see Figure 8.20). Slide fie assembled storm collar down the pipe secton until it r€sts on the roof f,ashing. Caulk eround the top of the storm collar (see Figuro 8.17). H€d & Glo . 6000GL-lPl-R, qPoGL-lPl-S . 2tm-000 R.v. F . 7107 Flgun t.20 Arr.|nbllng th. Stom Coll.rAlund th. Plpe Flourr 8.13 Arrembllng the Sbnn colhr { Gas Information A. FuelConverclons Before making gas connections ensure that appliance be- ing inshlled is compatible with tho available gas type. Any natural or propane gas conversions necessary to meet the appliance and locality needs must be made by a qualified technician using Hearth & Home Technologies specified and approved perts. B. Gae Pressures Proper input pressurgs are required for optimum appliance performance. Gas line sizing requirements need to be made following NFPAs1. $,1{ A wnnrurnc Fire Risk. Exolosion Hazard. High pre$ure will damage valve.. Disconnec{ gas supply piplng BEFORE pressuf€ bsting gas line at test pressurea above 12 psig.. Close the manual shutoffvalve BEFORE plgssure testing gas line at tesl pr€ssurEs equal to or less than 1/2 psig. WARNING Vorify inlet pressures.. High pmssurc may cause overfire condition.. Low pressure may cause explosion.. Verifu minimum pressures when other household gas appliances are operating. Inatall rcgulator upstr€am of valve if line pressurE is gr€ater lhan 1/2 psig. Pressure requirements for appliance are shown in the table below. Minimum pressures must be met when other household ga8 appliances are operating. G. Gas Connection NOTE: Have the gas supply line installed in aocordance with local building codes, if any. lf not, totlow ANSI 223.1. Installation should b€ done by a qualifted inetaller approved and/or licensed as required by the locslity, (ln the Commonwealth of Massachusette ingtallation must be perbrmed by a licensed plumber or ga3 fitter.) NOTE: A listed (and Commonrrvealth of Massachusatb ap- proved) 1n indr (13mm) T-handlE manual shut-ofi valv€ and flexible gas conneclor are c,onnecied to the 12 inch (13mm) control valve inlet.. lf lubrtltudng for these compononb, plea!. comult local cod€ for compllance. Refer to Reieronc€ Section 16 ior location of gas line access in appliance. NOTE: Gas line may be run from either side of the appllance provided the hole in the outer wrap does NOT exceed 2-12 inches in diamoter and does not penelrate the firebox. AWARN|NG Gas Leak RiBk . Support control when attaching pipe to prcvent bending gas line. NOTE: The gap between supply piping and gas ac- cess hole may be caulked with high temperature caulk or stuffed with non-combustible. unfaced insulation to prevent cold air infiltration. PrDssulD Natural Gae PloDane Minimum lnlet Pressure 5.0 inches w.c. 11 .0 inchos w.c. Maximum lnlet Gas Pressure 14.0 inches w.c. 14.0 inches w.c. Manifold Pressure 3.5 inches w.c. 10.0 inches w.c. Hset & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000GLlPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 707 Ensurothat gas llne does not come in conlac.t with outer wrap of appliance. Follovtr local codes. Incoming gas line should be piped into the valve com- partilent and connected to the 1/2 inch connection on the manual shutoff valve. . A small amount of air will bo in the gas supply lines. VVhen flrst llghung appliance it will take a short time for air to purge from lines. When purging is complete the appliance will light and operate normally. HIGH ALTITUDE I]TISTALLATIOI{S U.L. Listed gas appliances al€ tested and approved without requiring changes fur elevatlons from 0 to 2000 bet in the U.S.A. and Canada. Vuhen installing thls appllance at an elevation above 2000 feel, it may be necessary to decrease the input rating by changing the existing bumer orifice to a smaller size. Input rate should be reduced by 4% for each 1000 feet above a 2000 foot elevation in the U.S.A., or 10o/o lor elevatlons betweon 2000 and 4500 Fet in Canada. lf the heating value of the gas has been reduced, these rules do not apply. To identiry the proper orifice size, check wlth the local gas utility. lf installing this appliance at an elevation above 4500 feet (ln Canada), check with local authoritles. A WARNTNG Fite or Erelosion Hazad . Gas buildup during line purge may ignite.. fuEe sltouE bE perfum€d by quaffEd bdrniian.. En3uE ad6quate ventilation.. Ensurc lhErs are no ignition sourcos such as spa*s or open flamee. CHECK FOR GAS LEAKS Explosion Risk Fir€ Risk Asphyxiation Risk . Check all fittings and conneclions, . Oo not use open flame. . After th€ gas llne installatlon is oomplete, all conn€ctions must be tightaned and checked br leaks with a commercially- available, non-conGive leak check solution, B€ sul€ to rinse ofr all leak check solution follorving testing. Fittngs and connec{ions may have loosened during shipping and handling. WARNING Fip hazard. Do NOT change the valve settings.. This vafus has b€€n pr€set at the hdory . Changlng valv€ sottings may r€sull in fl]B hazard or bodily injury. 36 Heat & Glo . 6000GLlPl-R, 8000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7/07 r0 Electrical lnformation A. Recommendation for Wire This appliance requires 110-120 VAC bs wirecl to the junc- tion box for use of optional accessories and for proper operation of the appliance (lntelllfire ignttion). NOTE: Thls appliane must be electically wiod and grounded in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with N.tlonrl Elactrlc Code ANSUNFPA 70.latsrt edlflon orthe Canadlan Elecblc Gode, CgA C22l.l. B. Connecting to the Appliance This appliance may be used with a wall switch, wall mounted thermostat and/or a remote control. lf using themostat use one compatible with a millivolt gas valve system. Follow parameters for locating thermostat (see individ- ual thermosht instructlons) to ensure proper operation of appliance. Use low rBsistance thermostat wire forwiring from igni- tion system to the wall switch and thermostat. Keep wire lengths short as possible by removing any excess wire length. Low voltage and 110 VAC voltage cannot be shared within the same wall box. C. Intellifire lgnition System Wiring This appliance requires a 11 0 VAC aupply to the appliance junction box for operation. A wiring diagram is shown in Figure 10.1. This appliance is equipped with an Intellifire control valve which operates on a 3 volt system. Thls appliance is supplied with a battery pack and a 3 volt AC transformer, which requires the installation of the sup- plied junction box. lt is highly recommended that the Junc- tion box be installed at this time to avoid reconstruction. The battery pack requires two D cell batteries (not included). Batteries cannot be placed In the battery pack while using the 3 volt AC transformer. Batteries shouldn't be placed into the holder until needed. The higher temperatures will shorlen their life. CAUTION Battery polarlty must be con€ct or module damage will occur. Optional Accessories Requlrem€nts Wring for optional accessories should be done now to avoid reconstruction. CAUTION Label allwires priorto disconnec{ion wh€n seNicing controF. Wring erors can causs improper and dangerous operation. Verify proper operation afier servicing. A WARNTNG Shock hazard.. Replaca damaged wire with type 1050 C rated wil€. . \Mre must have high temperatuo insulation. Awenrurrue $l{ Wr€ 110V to elEchicaljunc{ion box. Do NOT wire 110V to valve. Do NOT wire 110V to wall switch.. Incorrec{ wirlng wlll damage millivolt valves.. Inconect wiring will ovenide lPl safuty lock- out and may cause axplosion. Hoat & Glo . 6OOOGL-|P|-R. OO00GL-|P|-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 707 ITITERtrITEIIT PILOT .Note: Appliance will not operate unless properly grounded OPTIONAL FAN NolE: t$RE TYPE o'c FlguF l0.l Intolllfl|t Plbr lgnltlon (lPll wrlng Dlagram (7) t2 ln. $rlRES BUNOLED iitNt UI D. Junction Box lnstallation . Remove the screw attaching the junction box/re- ceptacle to the outer shell, rotate the junction box inward to disengage it from the outer shell (see Figure 10.2). . Pull the electrical wires from outside the appli- ance through this opening into the valve compart- ment. . Feed the necessary length of wire through the connector. . Make all necessary wire connections to the junc- tion box/receptacle and reassemble the junction box/receptacle to the outer shell. 38 Hest&Glo . 0000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rov. F . 7/07 --aa Finishino llg A. MantelProJectlons Figute11.1 sholtshe minlmum vertcaland comsponding ma<i- mum hodzonbl dimensions of appliance manilerls or ofier conr buseb pojedions above ho bp font e<lge of the applhnce. Facing Material Ol|€or|.Ulr|ELE mllE {th.rt d ]{rl Flgul| 11.3 Noncombultlble Faclng ---------------ir -T -----;-Tl ---------iri"--Tl I #--,rl ljt J----+lllrill u-lllrrlll TTl,ttiil I I I NOTE: Measurement ls tal(en from top ot the opening, NOT the top of the fireplace. Flgu|g 11.1 Claarrnc.s to ]Santcb or other Combuttlbleg rboY.ApplLnc.ING . Non-combustible clearances MUST be maintained. . Sheetrock, wood or other oombustibles must NOT be used as sheathing or facing tn the non-@mbustlbla zone. . See Sectlon 11 for proper clearances. . See 9ectlon 1 for combustibb/non- combustible definitions. Awenru of Fire It A mlnlmum b - then B mulmum lr A 2-7t16 3-7fi8 +7t16 E-7r10 5-7n 6 7-7t16 B I 2 3 a t e lfxnfi 25 51 7A 102 127 00 Flgun 11,2 n n!.1 |.g orl|hll P.q.ctlonr (Acooptlbl. on both rldcr of oponlng,l Awnnunc Fire Risk. Finish all edges and ftonts to clearances and - specifications listed in manual.. Black metal appliance front may be covered with noncombBtible material only. . Do NOT overlap combustible malerials onto appliance ftont. . Install combustible matorials only up to specifod dear- ances on top, front and side. . Sealjoinb between he flnbhed wall and appliance top and sideg using only a 300oF minimum 3ealent. rL Firc Risk. II Do NOT obtruct air inlet or outlet grllles. nV'l DoNOTmodiffgrilles. \ .t ' Modl0lng or covoring grilles could csus€ bmprratu€ rise and fim hazard. WARNING Finbhing materials must not interGt€ wlth:. Air llorv through grllles or louwrs.. Operation of louvers or doors.. Accogs br serylce. Heat & Glo . 6000G1]P|-R, 6000G1{Pl€ . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7107 C. Flnishing Materlal It's very important to know what kind of a door and what kind ot finishing material is going to be used on the fireplace. The table below shows the door models and the finbhing mat€rial thicknoss allowed. For an inside fit there is an available templale to assist with sizing the finishing material. Stop finishing mat€rial flush wlth opening. FlguF 11.4 Follo Door (TOP EDGE) FinBhing matBrials 1 inch maximum thlck. Stop fin'ahing material flush with op€ning. 11,6 Ov.rhp Flt Door l.L olanlng r.ch .lda ct dlort lodrts rhorf,E{|, Finbhing matorials over 1 inch thick. Flgun l'1.6 Inslde tlt door Folio Inside Any 11.4 Arcadia Overlap 1 inch 11 .5 lnside Any 11.6 Halston Overlap 1 inch 11.5 Inside l inch - 2 inch 11.7 Chateau Overlap 1 inch 11.5 lnside Any 11.6 Valencia Overlap 1 inch 11.5 lnside Any 11.6 Galleria Overlap 1 inch 11 .5 Inside l inch-2inch 11.7 Finighing material betweefl 1 and 2 inches thick. Flgurr lt,z Op.nblc hlngo door Helt & Glo . 6000GL-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl€ . 2102-900 Rov. F . zo7 .A AG Appliance Setup A. Remove Shipping Materlals Remove shipping materials fTom inside or undemeath the firebox. B. Glean the Appliance ClearVvacuum any sawdust that may have accumulated inslde the frrebox or undemeath in the control cavity. CAccessories Install approved accessories per instructions included with accessorles. See Service Parts List for appropriate acces- sories. Refer to Sectlon 16. 0 WARNING Shock or firE risk. Use ONLY optlonal aooessories approved for this appliance.. Using non-listed accossories voidg wananty. ' Using non-listed accessories may result in a sabty hazard.. Only Hearth & Homo Technologies approved aocessori$ may be used sably. D. Install the Refractory Note: The red refractory will naturally darken when the firebox heats up. The red color will return when the firebox cools. Flgu]| 13.1 STEP 1. Place the back piece of refactory in back of the firbox. The small Indentation on one side goes down. Lean the refractory slightly so lt doesn't tip over. Flgu]l 12.2 STEP 2. Place the lefr side refractory onto the leff side of tho bumer. Push the back refiaclory against the back wall. Place the bumps on the boftom of the Iefi refractory into the grooves on the bumer surface, Push to top gently againstthe eide of the fireplace. Once in place push it back so the bevel cuts sit against each other and the seam is minimized. Flgute 12.3 STEP 3. Repeat step 2 for the right side. H6et & Glo . 8000Gt-lPl-R, 6000G1-IPFS ,21024,00 Rev. F . 707 WARNING Explosion Risk.. Follow Bmber placement instructionE in manual.. Do NOT place embers dircctly over bum6r ports.. Replace emb€r material annually. lmproperly placed emb€rs intorftres yvith pmper bumer oooration. E. Ember Placement Placlng the Ember Material Ember matefial is shlpped with this gas appliance. To place the ember material: . Embers CANNOT be placed directly over ports. Care should be taken not to cover the llghting trail of ports (from back to front). . When placlng Glowing Emberso onto the bumgr care should be taken so that the ports are not covercd. Place the dime-siz€ ember pieces just in ftont of the port trail, but not on or in between the ports (see Figure 12.4). Fallure to follow this procedure will likely cause lighting and sooling probleme. Flgulr lz.a Phceinent ot Emberr . Place Mystic Embers on areas of base refractory away fiom port holes. Use this material to give the appliance a realistic ash bed. . Save the remalning ember materials fur use dudng appli- ance servicing. The embers provlded should be enough for3to5applicaiions, 42 Heat&Glo . 0000G1-|PFR, 0000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 RevF . 7/07 F. Posltlonlng the Logs Log Assembly: LOGS- 6000GL lf the gas logs have been factory installed they shouH not need to be positioned. lf the logs have been packaged separately, refer to ths following inskuo{iom. STEP 1. CAUTION: Logs are fragile! Carefully remove the logs, grate and supporting cardboard from the inside of the fireplace See Figure 12.5. STEP 2. Place the metal grate on top of the burner. Position the legs of the grate into the foruard set of indentations in the burner top. The grate shguld not cover any ports in the bumer. STEP3. Log#1 (SRV2102-010): Log*tisthebackburninglog.Theairshufterintheendofthebumertubegoes over the brass orifice located behind the main bumer. The log should bc parallel to back refactory. STEP4. Log#2(SRV2102-101): Rtacelog#2ontopoflog#l.Thebottomsideofthlsloghasaslotinitthatgoes over the lefi metel tab sticking up out of the top of log #1. The left end of this log sib on the burner surface. Flgun 12.0 F?ont Vlew Flgun 12.7 Top VlcrY FlguF 12.8 Frcnt VLw FlguE 12.9 Top \rlow Heat&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7/07 2102-910 43 Flgurc lz.l0 Front Vlow Flgutr l2.ti Top Vlew STEP 5. Log #ll (SRV2102-105): Place log #3 on top of the bumer surfiae,e in front of the hump. The bottom of the log is contoured to match some of the burner surface features. Sllde it back against the hump. The "\f shaped notch In the tont bottom ofthc log restg into the second from the left grate tine. STEP 6. Log #4 (SRV2102-104): ence log #4 on top of the bumer. There ls a groove in the bottom of this log. Place this groove over the second tine from the right on the grate and slide the log forward. A group of ports should be vis- ible through he hole in the log. STEP 7. Log #5 (8RV2102-103): Place log #5 on top of log #1 and log #3. The bottom of this log has a slot in it that goer over hc metal trab molded In the top right sids of log #1, The thin end of the log rests in fie ffat spot molded into thc top of log #3. Flgurr 12.12 Front Vlew Flgult 12.13 Top Vln Flgurr tala F|ont VLw Flgur.12. t5 Top Vl.w Heat & Glo . 0000G1iPl-R 6000G1-lPl€ . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7rc7 Flgu]e 12.10 F|ont Vlow Flgun 12, 17 Top Vlew STEP 8. Log #6 (SRV2102-102): ence log #6 on top of log #5 and log #4. There is a f,at spot motdod into the top of log #4 and log #5. Place the log so the long end of the Y' rests on log #5 and the short end of the log rests on log #4. The end of the log rests on the bumer surface. G. Glaes Assembly Removlng Glars Assembly Pull the bur glass assembly latches out of the groove on the glass tame. Remove glass door ftom the appliance (see Figure 12.18). Replaclng Glass Assembly Replace the glass door on the appliance. Pull out and latch the bur glass assgmbly latches into the groove on the glass frame. H. Screen Mesh Screen mesh is supplied with the optional dooB. l. Grllles and Trlm Install oplional marble and bress lrim sunound kits as desired. Marble, brass, brick, tlle, or other noncombustible materials can be used to cover up th€ gap between the sheet rock and the appliance. Do not obstruct or modify the air inleUoutlet grilles. J. Alr Shutter Settlng This appliance has an adjustable air Bhutter (whlch controls the primary alr) factory set br the minimum vertical vent run (see Figure 12.19). lf your installatlon has more than the mlnlmum required vertical venl length, adjustment of the air shuttor may b€ necessary to obtain optimal f,ame appearance. Thls ehould be adJueted by a quallfled instell0r at th9 tlme of Installatlon. By pushing the eir shutter handle in, you will be closing the air shutter. To adjust loosen the wing nut. Care should be taken when adjustlng the alr shutter so as not to cause the appllance to soot, lf sooting occurs the air ehutter wlll need to be opcned by pulling the handle out. When finished tighten wing nut. Handle glass doors with c€r€. . Insped th6 gasket to ensure it is undamag€d. . Insped the glass fur cracks, c*rips or r- gcratch$.. Do NOT strike, slam or scretch glass. . Do NOT operate appllancs with glasg door removed, cracked. broken or scratched. . Replace glass door assembly as a complete applisnce. FEun 12.19 W|NO NUT Fhu|t lelS Glr.s A$.mbly Shutter Settlngs irG LP Bumer 3/16 ln.Open Log 3/6 in.3/8 in. Hoat & Glo . 0000G1-lPl-R, 8000G1-IPFS . 2102-900 Rev. F . 707 45 t^ |U Operating Instructions A. Beiore Lightlng Appliance This appliance has an Intellifire ignition system. CAUTION lf insblling Intellllire ignnlon battery bad(up:. Do not install batbries if the backup mode may not b€ used br extended lime.. Batbries may leak.. Install batbries only when needed for power outage. Before open$ng this appllance hava a qualified tech- nlclan: . Remove all ehipplng materials from inside and/or undemeath lhe firebox. . Revlew proper placement of logs, rockwool, lava rock, and vermiculite.. Check the wiring. . Check the air shutter adjustment.. Ensure that there are no gas leaks.. Ensure that the glass is sealed and in the proper position. . Ensure that the flow of combustion and ventilation air is not obstructed (front grilles end vent caps). A WARNING lmproper installation, adjustrnent, alteration, servlce or mainlenance can cause injury or property damage. Rebr to the owne/s information manual provided with his atr pliance. For assistance or additional inbrmation consult a qualified installer, service agency or the gas suppller. WARNING Do NOT use this applianco if any part has been under water. lmmediately calla qualified s6rvice technician to insp€c't the applian6 and lo r€place any pert of th€ conlrol system and any gas control whicfi has been under water. Awenutc HOTI DO NOTTOUCH. SEVERE BURI{S TAY RESULT. CLOTHING IGNITION TIIAY RESULT. Glass and other surfaces are hot during operation and cool down.. Keep childr€n away. . CAREFULLY SUPERVISE children in same room as appliance. . Alert children and adults to hazards of high temperatuEs. . Do NOT operate with protective barriers open or r€moved. . Keep dolhing, fumiture, draperies and other combusiibles away. ThE appilatw hs tuz aryplH tillfft u ln@nl lrrllter b pt".vent.M c''rffi,trtt tEM g@ !,//rel b N)T W.b tp 'fry/ht|E€ uttfft lhe ,'ffira '''nl€{, tff'/o/ttrd, Contac{ your dealer or Hea h & Home Technologi$ if the banier b not pr€ssnt or help is needed to pfop€rly imtall one. 4[\ u A WARN|NG Glas3 door must b€ in place when applianco is operating. Risk ot . Combustion Fum6s . Fir€ Do NOT operata appliance with glass door removed. Open vioring glass for servicing only. . Glass door MUST be in Dlaoe and sealed before op€rating applianc6.. Onry use gla33 door cedified fur use with applianc€. ' Glass replacemont should be done by qualllled tedlnician. HBat & Glo . 6000G1{P|-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-S00 Rev. F . 7O7 B. Lighting Appliance lPllgnition REA OR YOUR SAFETY D BEFORE LIGHTING WARNING: f you do not follow th.tc tn3tructlon3 sx.ctly, r ll|r or.xplorlon mry ll ult crudng prporty dsm.ga, poEonal In ury or lolr of llit. A, This appliance is equipped with an intsrmittent pilot ignition (lPl) de- vic€ which automatically lights th€ bumer. Do lglw to lightthe bumer by hand. B.BEFORE LIGHTING, smell all around the appllance area for gas. Be sul€ lo smell next to the floor because som€ gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SIUELL GAS . Do not try to light any appliance. . Do not louch any elec{ric awitch; do not use any phone in your building. DO NOT CONNECT 110 VAC TO T}IE CONTROLVALVE. lmproper installation, adjustment, al- teration, gervice or maintenance can cause iniury orproperty damage. Refer to the owner's information manual Dro- vided with this appliancE. This appliance needs fresh air for sab operation and must bE installed so lh€t€ are provisions br adequate combustion end ventilalion air. lf not installed, operated, and main- taind in accordance with th€ manufae tu€r's instruc'lionE, this producl could expoEe you to gubstances in fuel or fuel combustionwhich are known to the State of Calibmia to cause cancer. birth debcb, or other repmductive harm. Keep bumer and control compartment dean. SeB inslallation and operating instrucdons accompanying appliance. WARNING:CAUTION: . lmmediately call your gas supplier fom a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lf you cannot reach your gas sup- plier, call the firc deparlment. C. Do not use thls appllance lf any part has been und€r water lmmediately call a qualified service technician to inspec{the appliance and to replaca any part of lhe control sygtem and any gas control which has been under water. Hol while in operation. Do not touoh. Keep ohildren, clothing, fumiture, gaso- line and other liquids having flammabla vaponr away. Do not operai€ the appliencs with panel(3) removed, oracked or broken. Replacement ofthe panel(s) should be done by I licensed or qualified service oerson. NOT FOR USE WITH SOLID FUEL For use with natural gas and propane. A convarsion kit, as supplled by the manufacturcr, Ehall be u8ed to convert this appliance to the altemate fuel. Allo Cortlfiod for lrctallaflon ln a Bedroom or a Bedrlttlng Room. For assistanca or additional informa- tion, consull a qualified installer, ger- vic6 agoncy or the gas supplier For addltonal informaton on operaling your H6a h & Home Tsdrnologies fir€placo, please |€fur lo www.fireplacas.com. 1. 2. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS (tPt) Turn ofi all electric power to the appliance. This appliance is equipped with an lgnition device which automatically lights the burner. Do lEl try to light the bumer by hand. GAS VALVE \A/ait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. Then smell for gas, including n€ar the floor. lf you smell gas, STOPI Follow "B' in ihe Safety Information located on the left side of this label. lf you don't smell gas, go to next step. Tum on all elec,tric power lo the appliance. To light the bum6r, flip the ON/OFF swllch to the 'ON" position. (The ON/OFF sr|itch may includ€ a wall swltch if so equlpped). lf the appliance will not operate, follow the instruclions 'To Tum Ofi Gas to Appliance' and call your sewice technician or gas sup- plier. l-l to TURN oFF l-l GAS TO APPLIANCE Turn off all elec'tric power to the eppliance if service is to b€ performed. Flip ON/OFF switch to the "OFF' position. 1. 6. L 2. 503-S't30 HErt & Glo . 6000GLlPl-R. 6000G1{P|-S . 2102-900 Rav. F . 707 17 C. AfterAppllance ls Llt Inltlal Breakln Procedurc Wren you light the appliance, you may notlce that it pro- duces heat which does have an associated odor or smell. lf you feel this odor is excessive it may require the initial three to fuur hour continuous bum on high fotlowed by a second bum up to 12 hourc to fully drlve of any odor from paint and lubricants used in the manuf,acturing process. Condensation of the glass ls normal. IIOTE: The appliance should be run three to four hours on the Inltial start-up. Tum it off and let it cool completely. Remove and clean the glass. Replace the glass and run the appliance br an additional 12 hours. This will help to cure the products used in the paint and logs. During this break-in period ii is recommended that some windovvs in he house be opened fur air chculation. This will help avoid setting ofi smoke debc{ofg, and help ellminate any odos associated with the appliance's initial buming. CAUTION . Prevent accidental applianoe operation when not att6nded.. Unplug or remove batteries from r€mote @ntrol if absEnl or if appliance will not ba used for an extended period of time.. Property damage possible from €levsted temperaturw. CAUTION Smoke and odors released during initial operation.. Open windors for air circulation.. Leave room during initial operation.. Smoke may set ofi smoke detec{ors. Smoke and odors may be initating to sensitive individuals. A WARNTNG Firc Risk. High Temperatures. Keep combustible household itemg away from appllanc€. Do NOT obstruc't combustion and ventilation air.. Do NOT plac€ combustible items on top of or in front of appliance.. Keep furniture, draperies away from appllance. A WARNING Fire Hazard. Keep combustible materials, gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids -, clear of appliance.. Do NOT stor€ flammable materials in the appliance's viclnlty.. Do NOT use gasoline, lentem fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid or similar liquids in lhis epplianc€.. Combustible materialg may ignite. D. Frequently Asked Questlons ISSUE SOLUTIONS Condon3ation of the glass This is a re3ult of gag combustion and temperature variations. As th€ applianco warms, thls condensation will diseppear. Blue flames This is a result of normal operation and the flames will begin to yellow as the appliance is al- lowed to burn br 20 to 40 minutes. Odor ftom applianco When first operated, this appliance may releage an odor fur the first several hours. This is causod by th6 curing of the paint and th6 burning off of any oils remaining ftom manufactur- ing. Odor may also be released from finishing materials and adhesives used around the appliance. Fl|m on the glass This is a normal rssult ofthe oJring process ofthe paint and logs. Glass should be oleaned within 3 to 4 hours of initial buming to r€movs deposits left by oils fiom the manuhc*uring proca$. A non-abrasive cloaner such as gas fir€placa glass cleaner may be necessary. See your deal6r. Metallic noise Noise is caused by metalexpanding and contrac{lng as it heab up and cools down, similarto the sound produced by a fumace or heating duct. This noise do6s not sftc{ the operation or longevity of the appliance. ls it normal to see the pilot flame bum contlnually? In an Intellifira ignition system it is normal to E€e th€ pilot flame, but it should tum offwhen ON/OFF is tumed ofi. In a standing pilot system the pilot will always stay on. Heat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 8000G1-IPFS . 2102-900 Rsv. F . 707 14 Troubleshootins With proper installation,.operation, and mainte.nance_ your gas appliance will provide years of trouble-free service. lf you do experience a problem, this troubleshooting guide will assist a qualified eervice person in the diagnosls of a problem dnd the conec{ive action to be taken. Thls troubleshooting guide can only be used by a qualified service technician. A. Intellifirc lgnition System Symptom Posslble Cause Correctlve Actlon 1. The ignitor/module makes noise. bul no soark. a. Incofl€c{ wiring.Verify 'S'wire (white) for sensor and "1" wire (orange) br ignitor ar€ connec{gd to correc{ terminals on module and pilot assembly. Reversed wiles al the module may oause system to maka sparking noise, but spark may not b€ pr€sent at pilot hood. b. Loose connoc{ions or electrical shorb in the wirlng. Veriry no bose connections or electrical shorts in wiring ftom mod- ule to pilot asaembly. Rod closest to pilot hood should be ignitor. V€dry connec'tions undemeath pilot assembly are tight; also verify conneclions are not grounding out to metal chasslg, pilot bumer, pllot enclosure, mesh screen if present, or any othsr metal objec-L c. lgnitor gap is too large.V€rify gap of igniter to pilot hood. The gap should be approximatety .17 inch or 1/8 inch. d. Faulty module.Turn ON/OFF roc*er switch or wall switch to OFF oosition. REmove ignitor wire "1" ftom module. Place ON/OFF Rocker switch or wall swltch in ON position. Hold ground wil€ about 3/16 indl away from 'l'terminel on module. lf there is no spark at'l'terminal module must be replaced. lf there is a spark at "l' terminal, module is fine Inspecl pilot assembly for shorted sparker wire or cracked insulator amund eleclrode. 2. Pilot won't light, th6re is no noise or soarft. a. Transformer installed coFectly.Vedry that transformor b installed and plugged into module. Check voltage of transformer under load at spade connec{ion on module with ON/OFF switch in ON position. Acceptable r€adings of a good transformer ara bei$reen 3.2 and 2.8 volt3 AC. b. A shorted or loose connection in wiring configuratlon or wlrlng hamess. Remove and reinstall the wiring harness that plugs into module. Verifo there is a tight fit. Verily pilot assembly wiring to module. Remove and verify continuity of each wire in wiring hamess. c. lmprcper wall svr/itdr wiring.Verify that 11oNAC power is "ON' to iunc{ion box. d. Module not grounded.Verify black grcund wirs from module wire hamess b grounded to metal chassis of appliance. e. Faulty module.Tum ON/OFF rocker switch or wEll switch to OFF oosition. Remove ignitor wire "l' from module. Place ON/OFF Rocker switch or wall swilch in ON pogition. Hold ground wire about 3/'16 inch away ftom "l'terminal on module. lf ther€ is no soark at'l'terminal module must be replaced. lf there is a spark at "l't€rminal, module is fine. Inspec't pilot assembly for shorted sparkar wire or cracked insulator around aloctrode. Hsat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000GL]PFS . 2102-900 Rev. F . 707 49 fptelllfire lgnition System - (continued) Symptom Possible Causo Conective Acflon 3. Pilot lights but contin- ues to spaft, and main bumsrwill not lgnite. (lf the pilot continues to spa;k afrer the pilot flame has been lit, flame rcclifi- cation has not occured.) a. A shoried or loose connec{ion in sensor rod. Veriff all connec{ions to wiring diagram in manual. Veriry connections undemeath pilot assembly are tbht. Verifu connec{ions are not grounding out to motal chessis, pilot burner, pilot enclosurc or sct€en if prcEent, or any other metal objecl. b. Poor flame rectification or contaminated g€ngor rod. Verify that flame is engulflng sensor rod. lf the pilot aEsem- bly does not have a grcund slrap, consider installing one to increase flame rcctification. Verif corec{ pilot orifice is installed and inlet gas specifications. Flame canies redL fication cunsnt, not the gas. lf flame lifu from pilot hood, the circuit is broken. A wrong orifice or too high an inlet p€ssurc c€n cause pilot flame to lift. The sensor rod may be contaminated. Clean s€nsor rod with emery cloth. c. Module is not grounded.Veriry that module is securcly grounded to metal chassis of appliance. Verify that wire hamgss is firmly connecled to module. d. Damaged pilot a$embly or diriy sensor rod. Verify that ceramic insulator around the seneor rod is not cracked, damag€d, or loose. VEriry connection from s€n- sor rod to whlte sensor wiG. Clean sensor rod wilh emery cloth to r€move any contaminantE lhat may have accumu- lated on sensor rod. Verifo continuity with a multimeterwith ohmg set at lorvest range. e. Feulty module.Tum ON/OFF rocker switch or wall srvitch to OFF oosi- tion. Remove ignitor wir€ 'l' from module. Place ON/OFF Rocker swltch or wall switch in ON position. Hold ground wire about 3/'l6 inch away from 'l'terminal on module. lf there is no spark at "l'terminal module must be |eplaced. lf there is a spark at "l'terminal, module is fine. Inspecl pilot essembly for shorted sparker wire or cracked insulator around eleclrode. 4. Pilot Epa*s, but Pilot will not light. a. Coned gas supply.Veriry that incoming gas line ball valve is 'open'. Vorify that inlet pressure r€ading i8 within acceptable limits, inlet pres- sure must not exceed 14 in. W.C. b. lgnitor gap is too large.Vorify thst spa* gap from ignitor lo pilot hood is .17 in. or 1/6 in. c. Module is not grounded.Veriff module is securBly gmunded to m€tal oha$B of appllanco. d. Module voltage output / Valv€/Pilot solenoid ohms readings. Verify batl€ry volt€g€ is at lea3t 2.7 volts. Replace bafter- ies if voltage is below 2.7. 50 Hset&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000GLnPl-S . 2102-900 Rev. F . 7/07 Although the frequency of appliance servicing and maintenance will depend on use and the gpe of lnstallation, a qualified servlce techniclan should perform an appliance checkup at the beginning of each heating season. WARNING Risk of injury or property damag€. Beforc rervlclng:. Turn ofi gas.. Turn off electricity to applianc€.. DFable remote control, if one is present.. Ensure appliance is completely cooled. Afbr rerulclng:. Replaoe any gcreen or banier that was r€moved.. Reseal and reinstall any venting remov€d for sgrvicing. a WARNTNG Inspect extemal vent cap regularly. : . Ensure no debris blocks cap.. Combustible materials blocking cap may ignite.. Restricted air flow afiec,b bumer ooeration. CAUTION Handle glass assembly with cars. NOTE: Clean glass after initial 3-4 hours operation. Longor opsrallon wlthout cloanlng gla$ may cause I permanent whlte fllm on glau. When cleanlng glass door:. Avoid striking, scratching or slamming glass.. Do NOT uge abrasive cleaners.. Use a hard water deposit glsss cleaner on white film.. Do NOT clean glass when hot.. Turn ofi appliance after 3-4 hours of operation and ALLOWTO COOL.. Remove and clean glass assembly.. Replace glass assembly and operato appliance for additional 12 hours. Refur to maintenance ingtructions. A wenuuc Annual inspection by qualified technlclan rccommended. Check:. Condition ofdoors, sunounds and fronts,. Condition of glass, glass assembly and glass seal.. Obstudions of combustion and ventilation air.. Condition of logs.. Condition of firebox.. Bumer ignition and operation.. Bumer air shutter adjustnent . Gas conneclions and fittings.. Obstruc{ions of termination cap. Clean:. Glags ' Air passagelvays, grilles, control compartment . Burner, bumer porls Rllk of:. Fir€. Delayed ignllion or explosion . Exposure to combustion fumes . Odor6 u $,l/ H6at & Glo . 0000G1{P|-R 6000G1-lPl€ . 2102-900 R6v. F . 7/07 51 A. Malntenance Tasks Inspoct Malntenance Tasks Doors, Sunounds and Fronb 1. Assess condition of soa€en and replace as necessary. Recommond addltlon of 3cruon if ono ls not prclent. 2. lnspecl for scratch€s, denb or other damage and r8pair as n6cg8sary 3. Verify no obstructions to airflow through the louvers. 4. Verify maintenance of proper clearance to combustible household objects. Gasket Ssal, Glass Assembly and Glasg 1. Insped gasket seal and its condition. 2. Inspec{ glass panels for scratches and nicks that can lead to br€akage when exposed to heat. 3. Confirm there is no damage to glass or glass ftame. Replace as necessary. 4. Veriry that lEtches engage properly, clip studs are not stripped, and gla$ attachm€nt compon€nts are intac.t and op€rating properiy. Replace as necessary. 5. Clean glass. Replace glass assembly if sever€ly coated with silicate deposits thai cannot be.emoved. Valve Comparlmenl and Firebox Top 1. Vacuum and wipe out dust, cobwebs, debris or pet hair. Use caution when cleaning these areas. Screw tips that have penetrated the sheet metal are sharp and should be avoid€d. 2. Remove any foreign objects. 3. Vedfy unobstruc{ed air circulation. Logs '1. Inspecl for broken, damaged, or missing logs. Replace as necessary. 2. Veriff coneol log placsment and no flame impingement causing sooting. Conect as nec€ssary. Firebox '1. Inspect for paint condition, warpage, conosion or perforation. Sand and repaint as neoessary. 2. Replace appliance if firebox has been perforated. Bumer lgnition and Ooeratlon 1. Verif bumer is properly securcd and aligned with pilot or igniter. 2. Clean ofi bumer top, inspec't for plugged ports, conosion or deterioration. Replace bumer if n€cessary. 3. Replace ember materials with new dime€ize and shape pieces. Do not block ports or obstruct lighting paths. 4. Check for smooth lighting and ignition carryover to all ports. Veriry there is no ignition delay. 5. Inspect for lifting or other flam6 problems. 6. Vedfy air shutter is dear of dusl and debrig. 7. Inspect orifice for soot, dirt or oonosron. E. Veriry manifold and inlet pressures. Adjust regulator as requimd. 9. Inspect pilot flame strength. Cl6an or replace orifice ae n€csssery. 10. Inspec{ thermocoupley'thermopile or lPl sensor rod for soot, conosion and deterioration. Clean with €mery doth or replace as cquired. 11. Verlfy millivolt output. Replace as necessary. Venting 1. Inspect venting for blockage or obslruc{ion such as bird nests, leaves, etc. 2. Confirm that termination cap remains clear and unobstructed by plants, etc. 3. V€rify that termination cap clearance to subsequent construction (building additions, decks, funces or sheds) has been maintainod. 4. Inspoc't br conosion or separation. 5. Vorify u€ather stripphg, sealing and flashing rcmains intac-t. 6. Inspec't drafr shield to v€rify it iE not b€nt, damaged or mi$ing. Remot€ controls 1. Veriry operatlon of remote. 2. Replace batteries in r€mote transmltters and battery-poweEd receivers. 3. Wdry batbdes haw besn r€mov€d fiwr bafrery back-up lPl sysbfirs b prEvont prematulE batbry fallur€ or leaking. Hoat&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R,8000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rov F . 707 .A ah RefiErence ilaterials IV A. Appllance Dlmension Dlagram Dlmensions at€ actual appliance dimensions. Use br rcfurence only. For faming dimensions and dearances refur to Section 3. --I-|ti il tl Ll l.-, LEFTSIOE FRONT VIEW RIGI{TSIDE Appllanco Dlmenrlon! Tlbls Locaton lnchor Mllllmob]r A 41 1041 B 3S't/8 916 c &1n 851 D 34.dB E79 E 2-3t8 60 F 5 127 G b7t8 6E3 H I dia 208 21-182 546 Loca6on Inchs Mllllm€bt! J 11€A 295 K 2&112 724 L 1+1t4 362 M Edh N3 N 2-1lE u o s7a 175 P 3E 945 o 1 25 R 3$'3/E 1000 Flgult 16,1 Applhnc. Dlmemloru Heet & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rcv F . 7/07 53 B. Vent Gomponents Dlagrams ll.trE ln, (280 mn) <- 1 In, (25 mm) DVPgoST (90' Elbow) TI r"il - DVP-tryA 0vrll Shlold Flr.ltopl 12 In. _+l | (305 mn) |I 14 ln;I DVP-FS (Celllng Flteltopl 1- 112ln,-+l l+ (38 mml R-l In. | | r2tn.mm) I l(sot mm)Il Ll+ --=---l- I | | Erftcow | | Holshul.nsth tll J l---l- DVP Plpc (sss char0 DVP.AS (Attlc Shleld) r--F (254 mnl a\\"7 DVP-HVS (v.nt support) Flgu|| 10.2 DVF vent oompononlt OVP4 4 102 DvPS 6 152 D\IP12 12 to5 ovP24 21 610 D\4P38 30 s14 DVP/a 4E 1219 DVP6A 3too 7E to 152 ovP12A 3to12 78lo 305 DVPl2MI 3to12 76 to 30S DVP24MI 3io24 76 to 810 hl#ii*,-'l ,j,,n. -, 13-1/4 ln. l.- . tn. -' (152 nml Hest&Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 8000GLJP|-S .2102-900 RovF . 7/07 54 B. Vent Gomponents Diagrams (contlnued) Note; Heat shields MUST overtap by a mlnimum ot 1-112in. (38 mm). The heat shleld ls deslgned to be ured on a rrall 4 In. to 7-ll4 ln, (102 mm to lE4 mml thlck. lf wall thickness is less than 4 in. (102 mm) the existing heat ehields must be field trimmed. lf wall thickness is greatet than 7-114 in. (184 mm) a DVP-HSM-S will be reouired. I 15-1/6 in.*l Tem Cap Mlnlmum Efrc{vo Langth Maxlmum Efil8cthrs Length Trapl 4-118 in.5-5/8 In. 105 mm 143 mm Trap2 0-3/4 in.10-5/8In. 171 mm 270 mm F-- 12 in. *-----l (305 mm) DVP.TRAP Horlzonbl Termln.tlon Cap 'tH l---- --t1 r rmqffi l--. ---]ffL Fmflffi DVP.TRAPI DVP.TRAP2 +Fmffi eFmffi DVP.TRAPKl DVP.TRAPK2 Fmffi I-. -W" Fmfiru DVP.HPCl Flgrn l0.t DYP wnt componontr DVP-HPCz l''l Max Effective Length Hoat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R. 6000G1-IPFS ' 2102-900 Rev. F . 7/07 65 B. Vent Components Diagrams (continued) , 31 In. (787 mml --l 13-l/4 In. (387 mml RF6TI Roof Flalhlng tultl-p.k RF12T Roof Flarhlng MultFpak BEK Trap Cap Brlck Extenllon DVP.BEK2 DVP-HPC Cap Brlck Extonilon COOL.ADD Cep thlcld 13-ZB ln. 9.1/2 ln. Fleu]|lC.a DVP Yent oomponentt DRC-RADIUS C.p Shlold 13ry.1 ln, (1.08 mm) t 56 Hsat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 0000G1-lPl'S . 2102-900 R6v F . 707 B. Vent Gomponents Diagrame (contlnued) 7.114ln. (184 mm 12-112ln. (318 mm) DVP.TvITW Vertlcal Tormlnatlon Cap (Hlgh wlnd) 7{rE ln, (187 mml ' 1-112ln, (38 mm) 14 ln. (350 mm) 173r'0 ln. (1151 mm, PVK{O (For u!. wlth lPl rnd DSI rppllrnc.a only.l OVP.TBl Balement Vont I t€r 14 ln. (356 mm)74ra'J/'.. f (r84 mm) I I ln. (25 mm) 7-lr8 ln. (181 mm) 11 (356 mm) 3r8 In. (10 mm)-l I In. (25 mm) DVP.HPC Hlgh Pe ormrnor C.p Flguru 16.5 DVP v.ni componrntr 7€r4 to 10{18 ln. (1gz to 264 mm) DVPfBHT Fh Brlck Tormlnatlon Gap l-#[t,*l Hcat & Glo . 0000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rav. F . 207 57 B. Vent Gomponents Dlagrams (continued) 948 ln. -l 6{,!rn. F 0.112 tn, -T SLK€NXiD SM)RKEL TERSIT{ATION CAF nur n||tt !a .lll |tdt|.{oo h toarl l{ I||an uahg 0r. .||oft l c|p qca rtun ||bf l||a rl|lDtr rp nrd out l||bnd|on SLK.ggI DA VERNGAL IERTINATION CAP PVK{O POWERVENT (Fcru.. on Int l0tlrr rptlh|He oiltl ALK{'IIRD ILK{ITRF HORIZONTAL TERIIIATION G'P Flgun l6.E SL D€orlo! Vont Compon6nts Plpe Longth/lnches sL-08D sL-09D sL-12D sL-12/'l7D SL-17/2.+D sL-2/tD SL.3ED SL{8D 5-3t4 6-3/4 11-3t4 11-3/4 to 16-3/4 1&U4 to 23-3/4 23-3/4 35€/4 47-3t4 58 H€al & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 0000c1-lPl-S . 2102-500 Rev. F . 7/07 +C. Sefflco Parts q9oq9l#l-8,€ wtre|€ evsrythrn ln* toetrth., s€lvlce Part! Dhgnm Beglnnlng t5anutrcardng Drb: 5-08 Endln! tanuf.cttrlng D.b3 _ t\ Part number list on fullowing page. Hert e cb . 8000G1-lPl-R,60(X)GL-lPl€ .2102-900 R.vF.717 59 HE,AT&GLO Seryice Parfs 6000GL-tPt-R, -s Where ewrythlng comss together SO]VICO Parb Ll$t Additional Service part numbers appear on bllowing Page. 60 H6et & clo . 0000G1-lPl-R, 6000c1-tPt-S . 2102-900 Rov. F . 7107 IMPORTANT: THIS lS DATED INFORMATION. The most cunent intormation is located on your dealers'VlP site. \Mren ordering, supply serial and model numbeftr to ensure conect service parts.r Log Assembly LOG5-60OOGL 1 Log#1 sRV2102-010 2 Log#2 sRV2102-101 3 Log#3 sRVz102-105 4 Log #4 sRVz102-104 I Log#5 sRV2102-103 6 Log#6 sRV2102-'t02 7 Grate Assembly 2101-043 n Burner Assembly Stratford Tan 2102-0'.t7 Red 2102-018 a Non-combustible board 2101-312 10 Glass Assembly GLA-6OOOG 11 Sunound 2101-260 12 Junction box 4021-013 Refractory Skatford Tan (S) 3 pieces Skatford Tan BRTCK-6-S Back Refractory (-S)sRV2101'470 Left Refractory GS)SRV2101'47't Right Refractory GS)sRV2101-472 Refractory Red (-R) 3 pieces Red BRICK-6.R Back Refractory (-R)sRV210't-570 Left Reftactory (R)sRVz101-571 Right Retractory (-R)sRV2101-572 3V Transformer 593-593A Battery Pack 593-594A Glass Latch Assembly 386-1224 Gasket Assembly Contains Vent, Seal Cap, Bumer Ngck, Shutter Bracket, Manifold and Valve Plate Gaskets 2103-081 Flue Restrictor 385-128 Wall Switch Kit WSK2OO.HNG Mineral Wool 050-721 Touch Up Paint TUP-GBK.12 Conversion Kit NG NGK.6GL-IPI Conversion KIT LP LPK-6GL-IPI Pilot Spud NG 593-528 Pilot Soud LP 593-527 Regulator NG NGK-DXV Regulator LP LPK-DXV Servlbe Parls 6000GL-lPl-R, -s HEATdGLO, Whers €Y.rythlng come! tog€thrt V.lv. Alrrmbly Dlagnm Bcglnnlng tlrnufactudng Dltr: 5.06 Endlng tanufrcturlng Dab: _ lPl Valve Aesembly 5 \l3 iro.s.-to ,/#>,7/ %\ 2103-114 2101-293 2102-',t07 IMPORTANT: THIS lS DATED INFORMATION. ThE most cunent information ie located on your dealeF'VlP site. vwren ordering, supply serial and model numbers to ensure conect service Heat & Glo . 8000G1-lPl-R, 8000GLlPl€ . 2102-900 Rcv.F.717 01 D. Llmited Lifetime Warranty LfMrrED LfFEnME wARRANTv \EATAG Lo-HEAT & GLO GAS APPLIANCE PRODUCTS lun"," "*,*n,nn "omes tos€ther BASICONEYEARWARRANil, HEAT&GLO,abrandofHEARTH&HOMETECHNOLOGIESINC., locatedat20s02KensingbnBoutevard, LakEville, MN 55044, fHEAT & GLOJ uanants to $a original ormer 0rat pur new HEAT & GLO Gas Appliance (he 'Produc{) will be ftee from dobcb in mstetids and norkmanship br a poriod of one year fom he date of installation. During tre first year, HEAT & GLo will rcplace or repair, at ib discreiion, any defuctive componenb at ib sole cost and expense, including payment of all r€esonablo labor cosh Incuned in replacing or repairing such componenb. Thls basic wananty is subject to the conditions, exclusions and limitations described below EXIENDED LIFETIME COVERAGE. HEAT & GLO wananb hat the firebox, heal exchanger, log(s), and bumer will not be defuc,tiw in mah- fid or wo*manship during he pedod tte Prcduc't is owned by tre original ouner, subjec{ to tre bllowing condilions, exclusions atd limitalions dessibed b€low CONDITIONS. EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: 1. This wananty applies to he original owner only and is nonhansfarable, 2. This rwranty applies only to Prcduc{s installed in the Unibd States of America or Canada. 3. lhis waran[ is limited to the replacemont or repair of defuc{ivo componenls or uorkmanship and HEAT & GLO may fully discharge all obligations under $is wananty by repairing or replaclng, at its discrstion, tho ttefective omponents. The maximum amount recoverable under his wananty is limitsd to the purc-hase price of tha Product and, if HEAT & GLO is unable to provide replacemont or ropair in an expedient and cost+ftctive manner, HEAT & GLO may dischargs all obligations under this wananty by refunding fre purcirase price of he PToduc{. IN NO EVENT SHALL HEAT & GLO BE LIABLE FOR Ai.IY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY DEFECTS IN THE PRODUCT. 4, Any labor and related repak ohargas relaling to fio costs and expenses of replacing or repairing defectirre componenb undor he Limited Libtime Wananty ale not covend by this wananty, excspt as pmvidad for under the Basic One-Year Wananty. 5. Componenb and paft made by other manufac{urers, whohor sold wi$ he Prcduc,t or added hereafter, are NOT overed by fris uananty unless exprcssly auhorized and approved by HEAT & GLO in writing. 6, Any damages caused by environmental conditions, inadEuah vsntilatlon or drding caused by tight sealing construction ofthe strucfure, ah handling devices such as exhaust fans or forced ak fumaces, or other such causos are not @vered by this wananty. 7, This wananty will be void it a) The Prcduc{ is not installed, operated and maintainad in compliance with local building odes and with the instuc.tions in fre Inslaller's Guide, Owner's Guide and Listing Agent ldentification Label fumished with the Product. b) Any parb or omponents made by other manufactursrs arc added or used in the Product, unless expressly auhorized and approved by HEAT & GLO in writing c) Any seMce nork is porformed on the Produc{ by anyone olher lhan an authorizod HEAT & GLO npresentatirre. d) The Product is damaged due to shipping, improper handling, accident, abuse or misuse. e) Fuels other than hoso specilied in the Installer's Guide and Omer's Guide are used. f ) l4odification ww made b he Prcd$l which was not exprcsly auhodzed and appowd by HEAT & GLO in writing. EXCEPT T0 THE EXIENT PROVIDED BY l-AW HEAT & GLO lilAKES N0 EXPRESS WARRANTIES oTHER THAN THE WARRAiIW SPECIFIED HEREIN. THE DURATION OF ANY IMPLIED WARRAI{TY IS LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE WARRAiIW SPECIFIED ABOVE, Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied wananty lasb, or do not allow exclus'ron or limitation of incidental or onsequential damages, so hose limihtons may not apply b you. This wananty gives you specific logal dghts, and you may also han oher righb wttich vary ftom Stafie to Stato. ll wananf s€rvica is nesded you should contrc{ your inslalling dealer and lf fre Installing dealer is unable to provide necossary parb or com- ponenb, conlad lhe nearest auhorized HEAT & GLO dealer or supplier. NOTES TO GUSTOMER: 1. In ordor to insure proper installation, operation and maintenance HEAT & GLO strongly recommends annual ser- vicing by an authorized HEAT & GLO dealer. 2. Please complete this information and r€bin his wananty in a saft place br fufure r€fercnce: Installalion Dab: Model #:Serial #:Installing Contractor: 3. HEAT & GLO reserves the right to make changes at any iime, without notice, in design, material, speclflcatlons and prices of the Product. HEAT & GLO also reserves the right to discontinue stylee antl products. @ 2005 Hearth & Home Technotogiss Inc. mGeslD 3'os Heat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R. 6000G1-IPFS . 2102-900 Rsv. F . 7/07 E. Gontact lnformation ,r HEAT6GLO. Wherg awrythlng comes together Heat & Glo, a brand ot Hearth & Home Technologtes Inc. 20802 Kensington Boul€vard, L€keville, MN 55044 www.heatnglo,com Please contact your Heat & Glo dealer with any questions or concerns. For the location of your nearest Heat & Glo dealer, please visit www.heatnglo.com. . NOTES. lmpo ant operating and maintsnance instructions included CAUTION DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUAL r Read, undeBtand and follow these instruc.tions for safe Installalion and opEration, Leav€ this manual with party reaponsible br use and operatlon. nb pottu€t mry !a cov.Gd bt on or moo ot th. follo\ring p.bnb: (Utid Ebt) 459:t510, 1086807, 470E0 532E356.534l784,6!479El|,5t|28,|05.54'270!,55,{2/o7,5601073,5013t|t7,5047340,50€€58E.5702002,577540!.5!90,5881$l.5g 0o53195,0l15502,0t70.t8l,0a3758E.82g847'|'837{a2z'a43079'u3.2!B'61A17l2,051il8g8,s550€87'8€01579.6672l60.86889028 877.@.07s302.684231'88.64.l.888:|064.6808205.688g278'6875|,l2.cEt0275.tgo039.6oie684'm20852'o1.l5171'D{82.(I'i(crn.()|28z48 7lc25o, 7tF16, 'l4ll50a or otF. U.3. .nd brtlgn p.bnt F lm. PtuM ln U.S.A. - Cowle dnA Heat & Glo . 6000G1-lPl-R, 6000G1-lPl-S . 2102-900 Rcv. F . 7/07 63 ttis ) rE \s .-t4.4-b"*hA^n &.*tr...{ p€rr^lt> \<"-.'f+ Bur\Ji'*, -sq)qa3'lo f)e.,- 3 t a 'oo fi*,*'A^t {. 5 o3.oo me4/h .- - & 53 'oo s l\)qql.lo P,rati" tD*7 - - +s I 5o. oo @ d.!^lu €lso"':) l- la-tb fttcc fi6nuE V&-t A!+a^ifu- o\- {ub,e"i CA ,rfl t, 5 d \t' u44lc1rl **t- t tr Inter-Mountain lrnsttreeringua k^p, V \DU OPEN HOLE . FOI'NDATTON INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE 1358 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE EAGLE COITNTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO. 95-0452c AUGUST 14, 1995 77 Metcalf Road, #201 o Box 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 r Phone: 970-949-5072 c From Denver Direct: 893-1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood. Colorado 80215 ' Phone: 303-232-0'|58 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project site consists of the construction of a duplex residence to be located on Lot 21, Block 3, Vail Valley Subdivision Filing No. 3 in Vait, Colorado. l9e understand that the proposed residence will consist of a wood frame building with a cast in place concrete foundation. The site is located at 1358 vail Valley Drive. The excavation for the foundations was being perforrned at the tirne the soil samples were obtained in the field. Soil samples were collected fron the exposed soils by driving a California liner into undisturbed soils. The foundations at the site nay be designed for a bearing pressure of 2000 psf for footings located in the dark brown gravelly SANDS, SCOPE .Thj-s report presents the results of an Open HoIe Investigation for the proposed residences to be constructed on Lot 2L, Block 2, VaiI Valley Subdivision, Filing No. 3, in Vail, Colorado. This inspection was perforrned by obtaining soil samples fron the exposed soils for laboratory testing, and by presenting our findings in this report. The purpose of this foundation exploration hras to evaluate the soils for foundation support, and the engineering characteristics 3 of the foundation materials, and to provide criteria fron a geotechnical point of view, for use by owner in preparing the foundation design, and in preparing grading and drainage p1ans. SITE IJOCATION AND DEBCRIPIION The site is an undeveloped lot located at 1358 Vail Valtey Drive, Vai1, Colorado. The site is legally described as L,,ot 2l of Block 3, VaiI Valley Subdivision Filing No. 3. The site bounded on the north by Vail Valley Drive, to the east by a residence, to the south by an undeveloped parcel and to the west by a residence. The site slopes toward the north at gradients estimated to range from approxinately 2 to 3 percent. The site was previously occupied by a residence which was demolished. 8ITE IM'ESTIGATION The open hole inspection included a site reconnaissance by a Inter-Mountain Engineering Personnel and the sanpling of soils exposed in tbe footing excavations. The locations where the samples obtained were established in the field by estirnating right angles and pacing distances frorn site features. The approxirnate locations where the sanples vrere obtained are illustrated on the Site PIan in the Appendix, refer to Drawing No. 1. No subsurface exploraion lras perforned. 1 SUBSURFACE AT{D GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Soils exposed ln the footing excavations consisted of a dark brown, slightly silty to si1ty, gravelly, SAND containing occasional cobbles. No groundwater was apparent in the footing excavations at the tirne the foundation excavation was performed. PROPOEED CONSTRUCTION The project site consists of the development and construction of a single farnily residence on the site. We anticipate that the foundation wa1l loading is anticipated to range from 1 to 5 kips per linear foot, and isolated column loadings are anticipated to range fron approximately 10 to 25 kips. FOUNDATION RECOUUENDATIONS Based upon the results of fietd explorations and the laboratory testing, h/e recommend that conventional spread footing foundation system be used. Ehe foundations may be design for a bearing pressure of 2000 psf for footings bearing on undisturbed dark brown silty gravelly SANDS, and approved fill materials conpacted to the recommendations provided herein for structural fill. At this pressure, settlernents are anticipated to be within tolerable Iinits for wood frame construction. 5 The footinqt excavatlons should be relatively smooth, free of debris, organics, loose soil, frost, and standing water. we reconmend that the exposed soils should be compacted using a wacker or similar eguipment prior to the placement of concrete. Any over- excavations should be backfilled and conpacted to 100 percent wlthin 2 percent of optlnuu moisture as determined by a standard Proctor Test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to inspect the foundation excavation to verify that the soil conditions are the same as those anticipated in this report. After all of the final grading is courpleted, the botton of the footings should be covered with a rnininum of 48 inches of backfill for frost protection. Voids left by the removal of cobbles in the bottom of the footing excavation should be filled with lean concrete or a granular soils with a maximurn particle size of 3 inches compacted to 100 percent of Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D-698), within 2 percent of optinum moisture. SIIAB CO}ISTRUCTTON The on-site soiIs, exclusive of Topsoll and Organics are euitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. AIl excavations made for the foundations under proposed slab-on-grade 6 areas must be properly backfilled with suitable material compacted to a mininurn of 95 percent of the maximurn Standard Proctor Density (ASTI'{ D-698). The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfill. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be renoved frorn these excavations. We recommend that the soils exposed in the foundation excavations be compacted prior to the placement of concrete using a wacker or similar type eguiprnent of cornpact soil foosen by the excavation operations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade, free from topsoil and organics, should be proof rolled with a loaded rubber-tired loader or similar equipment to densify the near surface soils. To reduce the chance of damage to shallow utilities, special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities are present. The floor slabs should be appropriately rej-nforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the foundation walls, so that a small amount of independent movement can occur without causing damage. The slabs should be scored in accordance with the American Concrete Instituters reconmendations to help control cracking. To reduce noist slab conditions, a granular mat of at least 4 inches in thickness is recommended beneath the floor slabs to 7 provide a capillary break (-3 14 inch gravel, with less than 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve). GROUNDTATER AND DRAIN 8Y8TEI{ While no ground water was reported apparent in the footing excavation at the tine the soLl samples were collected, it is possibJ.e that seasonaL variations will cause fluctuations, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after prolonged periods of rain. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 5 is recornmended to reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the footing subsoils. REINFORCING The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential settlements. Wal1s retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 30 pcf for an tractiver case assuming a leve1 drained backfill condition. For rrat restrrconditions such as basernent walls, an equivalent fluid pressure value of 45 pcf may be used for rrat restrr conditions. 8 CRAWI, SPACE COVER When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, ttre ground surface j.n crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area. BACKFIIJIJ A}TD SURFACE DREINAGE The foundation soils encountered in portions of the site rnust be prevented from being \^retted after construction. The backfill placed around the foundation wa1ls should be rnethodically compacted to help reduce settlernent after completion of construction. The top one foot of the backfill material must be relatively impervious. The on-site soils, exclusive of Topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfiIl. Foundation waIl backfill should be moistened or dried to near its optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum Standard Proctor Density. Structural backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor method of test (ASTM D 698). Surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by means of lined drainage swales or other sirnilar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A nininum of 12 inches in the first 9 10 feet is recommended. Downspouts and sill cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the lirnits of the backfill. The use of J.ong downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. IJANI IRRIGATTON We do not recomrnend that sprinkler systems be installed next to foundation waIIs, porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads be aligned so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not fall on foundation walls or within five feet of foundation walls, porches, or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled and no ftooding or ponding of water should be performed. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs, and are willing to assume the risk of structural darnage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very littIe moisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. ilIgCEIJIJANEOUS The reconmendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the on-site field exploration. The infornation obtained form the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular times designated. Subsurface conditions at other 10 locations and times may differ from the conditions at these locations. Ttte extent of any variations between the sanpling locations rnay not appear evident untit excavatLon is perforrned. However, only minor variations are expected.If during construction conditions appear to be different, this office should be advised so re-evaluation of the resomnendations nay be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Nedbo Construction for the specific application to the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 2I , Block 3, VaiI Valley l'iling Wo. 3 in VaiI, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering standards for sirnilar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty, either expressed or irnplied. Sincerely, INTR-UOI'NTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. Richard O. Ricks, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer VAIL VALLEY DRIVE PROPOSED RESIDENCE NOTE: NOT TO SCALE I -\1T APPROXIMATE LOCATION WHERE SOIL SAMPLES WERE OBTAINED I PROJECT: OPEN LOT PROJECT NO.: EXCAVATION 2L, BLOCK 3f 95{452c INSPECTION VAIL VALLEY Errgtrreerdreg'r-ta. Figure No. 1 TEST_CONSOL DAT ION TEST REPORT 3 ; 3 a c o a a {J L o_ E o c o (.) C) o_ 1 SAELL o CoIPRESS tO{ 4 o.o.5 1 App I ied Pressure -ksf \r \t \ \ \ \ Noturol Soturotion Noturo I Moisture Dry Dens (pcr)LL PI Sp. Gr .lnitiol void rotio 42.+ %15.4 %109.8 2.650 o.5069 TEST RESULTS MATER IAL DESCR I PT ION SAND, silty, drk brown C loss: SM Project No.: 95-0452c Project: Lot 21 , Block 3,Locotion: Voi I, Colorodo Dote:7/31/95 Vo Vo ey #3 Remo r ks : Somp le f1 Fi No firnter-rrrouotaio ,-' Engirrccrinsfrrd- SWELL_CONSOL DAT ION TEST REPORT ;i a t- .9 a a 0) o_ E o c o O (.) 0- cosPREss t0N o.o.5 1 App I ied Pressure -ksf \\ t i Woter Added t \\ -.t \ \ n I pse Not Qni Not. Moist Dry Dens (pcr)LL PI Sp.Gr.lnitiol void rotio o.1 190.9%122.9%l 99.2 2.650 o.6680 TEST RESULTS MATER IAL DESCR I PT I ON SAND, s i lty, drk brown Project No. : 95-0452G Project: Lot 21 , Block 3, Voil Volley Locot ion: Vo i | , Co lorodo Dote: 7 /31/95 #3 Remo r ks : Somp le f Fiq. No (D hlnter-I}torrn{tain Enginecring'trd- SWELL_CONSOL DAT ION TEST REPORT 2 o CoMPRESS I O{ ; 3 a c o a a c.) tr E o o c 0)() L 0) 0- + 6 o.u.3 | App I ied Pressure - ksf 2 \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ Noturo I Soturot ion Noturol Moisture Dry Dens (pcr)LL PI Sp.Gr.lnitiol void rotio a7.9% 121 .2% | 100.9 2.650 o.6401 TEST RESULTS MATER IAL DESCR I PT I ON SAND, silty, brown Project No.: 95-0452G Project: Lot 21 , Block 3, Locot ion: Vo i | , Co lorodo Dote:7/31 /95 Vo Vo ey #3 Remo rks : Somp le fJ Fie. No O Xfrrtcr-*to,qntain - Enginccrinig:lld. SWELL_CONSOL DAT ION TEST REPORT 3.O 2.O 0.)i a .9 a a C) o E O 0)o C) o_ 1.O SWELL o.o COMPRESS ION 1.O 2.O 3.O +.o o-u 7.O o.o.5 1 App I ied Pressure -ksf I Woter A ,dded \ \ \ \ \ \ C I pse .Not. Sot. Not. Mo i st Dry Dens (pcf)LL PI Sp.Gr.lnitiol void rotio 61 .O%12.5%l 107.3 | | 12.650 0.5415 TEST RESULTS MATER IAL DESCR I PT I ON SAND, si lty, brown Proj ect No. : Proj ect : Lot Loco t ion: VAI Dote: 7 /31/95 9s- 0452G 21 , Block 3,L, COLORADO Vo Vo I ley #3 Rema r ks : SAMPLE #4 Fiq. No O Ttrfntcr-l}Io'qdtain /l.nreginecrirrg:L!d- TOP ONE FOOT OF BACKFILL SHOULD BE RELATIVELY IMPERVIOUS FILL. SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING. FOUNDATION WALL -- GEOTEXTILE ( MIRAFI I4ON OR EOUIVILANT ) POLYETHELENE MOISTUREI BARRIER GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL.MINUMUM 3/4 INCH. oF 6" OF GRAVEL 4,,DIAMETER PERFORATEO RIGID ...PIPE SLOPED A MINIMUM OF I/8"PER FOOT TO SEWER LATERAL SUBDRAIN SUMP PUMP OR DAYLIGHTED. DETAIL OF PERIPHERAL FOR FOOTING TYPE DRAIN SYSTEM FOUNDATION Figure O Elfnter-ltforrretain lL=ngirreerirrg:r.ltd- PROJECT: OPEN LOT PROJECT NO.: EXCAVATION 21., BLOCK 3, 95-0452G fNSPECTION VAIL VALLEY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 August 4, 2000 Carol Tyler FAX- 476-2029 Re: Development Potential for Lot 21, Block 3, Vail Valley l" Filing / 1358 Vail Valley Drive Dear Carol: I am responding to your request for remaining GRFA on the above referenced property. According to the information in our files, the following criteria will apply to any proposed future development of this property. Lot Size: Zoning: 23,013 sq.ft. Two-Family Residential Standard GRFA: Allowance (tot l"'Unit 2"d Unit 5.401 sq. ft. 3438 sq.ft.* 2204 sq.ft.* 250 sq.ft.* *+ 250 sq.ft.* ** Total Duplex GRFA: EHU:500 sq. ft.303 sq. ft. 197 sq. ft. * subjecl to verif cation with :ttamped architectural plans.** This additional 250 GRFA bonus credit is available due to code revisions adooted via Ordinance 6. Series of 2000. It appears thc property may not havc any available site coverage. Therefore, any additions involving the utilization of sitc coverage may not be possible without the granting ofa variance. These units would bc eligible to utilize the Town's "interior conversion" ordinance. A copy of this ordinancc has been attached for rcfcrence. I hope this information has been of assistance to you. Ifyou have any further questions, please contact me at 479-2128 or j rodriguez@ci.vail.co.us. Permit Review Coordinator Town of Vail {,7 *"n"""o '^'"* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLEI KEMPF NEw (sFR,P/s,DUP) PERMTT lZ {f V vo-L4 Dr.) L"1^ z, JO V Uatp'1tsf JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit 89s-0054.OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Description:NEW P/S Occupancy DweIIings Private Garaqes D epartment of Community D eve lopment APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 34t9, VArL CO CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 3419, VAIL CO Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. Type Zone Zone 1358 VAIL VALLEY SA},IE 2101-092-07-007 PRJg 5-0 0 31 ttl-of,t' 81.6 5 8 DR Status... Applied.. Issued. .. Expires. . ISSUED 03/22/rees 06 /20 /tes5 12/L7 /Lee5 Phone: 3034764305 Phone: 3034764305 OWNER KEMPF LUCIEN g PO BOX 714, LTNDSAY OK 73052 Table Date: 04/0t/t992 Fi reptace Information: Restricted: YES Nunber of Dwelling Units t OO2 Factor Sg. Feet Valuation 3 V-N 125.80 5 t927 745 t6t6.60 3 V-N 3L62 I,477 46,702.74 Subtotal : 7 ,404 'l9Z t3t9 .34 Total Valuation t 792,319.34 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1r030,000.000 ****ffiffit*ffi*ffilr/rjrJ.**/rl.ffi***Jrrrl*****ffi**** tEE SUtti,lARY *************#*************ffitit********************** #Of Gas App I iances:fOf Gas Logs:#0f tlood/Pa l. Let: Rcstuarant Pl.an Revie!,--> .00 Total Cetculated Fees---> I,9?3.10 DRB Fee-------- Rrcreation Fee----------> 1,110.60 Total pernit Fee--------> 9,923.10 Clcan-up Depos i t--------> *_,-4", ffi:6- P!ymrnts------- TOTAL FEES------9,923.10 BALANCE DUE----.00 *ffi******t****ffi**ltHr**'rlrJr*fflJ**i********ffiffi##**tJr************ffi.*******************ff**ffiiffi*****t************** Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Invest igat ion> tli l, L Ca L t----> 4,430.00 2,879.50 3.00 IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/15/1995 cARy Acrion: AppR Item: 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/15/L995 RANDY Action: APPR see Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/15/1995 SAF'Y Action: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/15/1995 GARY Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division:conditions Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: **tffit*t********ffi*****t**ffitrtnffi******'|i*ffiffi**#ff***********r***ffi***ffi*ffi***rnffi****************ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknoutedgc that I have read this apptication, lil,Lcd out in ful,l, th: infornation requi red, conptcted an eccurete p[ot pl'an, 8nd statc that att the infornition prov'ided as required is correct. I agfce to compty Hith the infornation and pl,ot pl,an,to comPl'y Yith al'l' Tovn ordinanccs and state Larrs, and to buitd this structure according to the Tolrn's zoning and suMivision €odes, design fcvi.e|l aPProved, unifofm Buitding code and othcr ordinances of the ToHn appl,icabtc thcr.to. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: NEDBo $RE€YCLED P,IPEP t. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Permit #: 895-0054 PAGE 2 Depaftment of Community Development Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 06/20/9s ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Job Address: 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR Location: SAME Parcel- No: 2101-092-07-0O7 Applied: o3/22/Lee5 Issued: 06/20/L995 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHAI-,L BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2.crawl spaces to be leEs than 5 feet high from top of dirt to bottom of structural menbers of floor above. all walts separating crawl spaces from living space to be poured concr ete waLls with one access hatch no greater than 6 sq.ft. in size. planner walk-thru required to confirm prior to framin g inspection. Protect all aspGn trees in grove al.ong front of property with snow fencing around drip linee piior to beginning - excavation. meander walkway through grove so that no trees are Lost. see site and landscapinq Dlans.per char),ie davis, there shall Le io'parking or staging on the road or in the right-of-way during construction. itris will be enforced by police ticketing ind towing if necessary height of unit not to exceed 33 feet as per zoning code.i1c required to confirm. 3. 4. 5. {7*n'"uo'uo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLT'MBING PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES P95-O027 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Valuation:80, 000 .00 ****t***ffffffi|t|tsi**t****ffiffi***ffi*****trr****ffi FEE SU}I}IARY ***t*****ffi*******tr*******r.t*Jr*!d*rHo*ffiffi****Ptunbing----> 1,200,m APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2t56, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2156, VArL CO 81658 OWNER KEMPF LUCIEN S PO BOX ?14, LTNDSAY OK ?3052 DescripLion: PLUMBING FOR NEW P/S Restuarant Ptan Revi rw--> TOTAL FEES----- Status...: ISSUED App1ied..z 03/22/L99s Issued.. . z o6/20/1995 Expires..: 72/t7/L995 Phone: 3039494320 Phone : 3039 49 4320 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR SAME 2101-092-07-007 PRJ9 5-0 0 31 .00 1 ,503.00 PLan Chcck---> Investi E.tion> Ui l. L caL l.----> 300.00 .(x). 3.00 Tota( Catcutated tees--> AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaL P.fmit Fee--------> Payments------- 1,503. m .00 1 ,503. m 1,503.00 BALANCE DUE----*ffi*rtffi*#(*ffiffffiffi**l*****ff*****#r.iffffi**********rtrtffrjnffirtrffifi*t**tffi*ffiffr*f#iH**ffi Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/16/1995 SAP.Y Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: ********ffi*******irff*ffi*****t*****************ffi**ff*******************ffi#****rw**ffi********t*ir***rHrffi*tiffi(#*** ^ COND]TION OF APPROVAL :t|t*ff****tr*tr**ffi*****ffi*#****ir**irtrt*i*lr*********************lrt**********ffi**til****************ffi******H******* DECLARATIONS I . heneby .acknov ledge that I have read.this apptication, fitted out in ful,l, the infornation required, comp(.ted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that .[[ th. inforration provided as required. is correct. I agree to compty rrith tir: iniormation and pl.ot pl,an,to conPl'y vith aLl' Tovn ordinanccs and stst! [avs, and to buitd this structure according to- the Tovn's zoning and subdivisibn codes, design rcviev approvcd, Uniform Bu'i Lding codc and other ordinances ot the Town appLicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS IOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE }1ADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y {p **"uor*o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-0039 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DRB Fee Invest i g!ti on> Uitl. cal.l.----> TOTAL TEES---> Department of C ommunity Development Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. DOUBLE Q ELECTIRC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS DOUBLE Q ELECTIRC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS KEMPF LUCIEN S PO BOX ?14, LTNDSAY 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR SAME 2101-092-07-007 PRJ95-0031 co 81632 co 81632 oK 73052 ISSUED 03 /22 /tees 06 /20/tee5 t2/17 /tees Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Description: ELEC. WORK FOR NEW P/S Etectlica[---> 309.00 Valuation:40, 000 . 00 FEE SUI'li,lARY **Jr********t**ffi********ffi*****r**:ffi,ffiffi********** Totat catcutated Fees---> . Add'itionst Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- Phone: 3039263675 Phonel 3Q39263675 312.00 .00 51?.00 312.00 .00 .00 .00 5.00 312.00 ****ffiffitr***ffiHlrt****'t****,r,r*****************#*****i********************************#*ffiffi#****rd*********** ITem: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/16/1995 GARY Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: *****fflr*ffiffi*****ffi'||****ffrffiffi#*fi*ffirr*ffi**********ffi**********ffi**ffi**ffffiffi********ff******* . CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****Jr*ff***ff******ff****ffi***#ffi**t*#**rt*rti#r***rht*****rHr**********ffi*H**lrt****fffirwrffrffiffiffi********* DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow tedge that I h€ve read this apptication, fitted out in ful,L the information requi red, compl,eted an accurrte ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty iith the iniormation and pl,ot il,an,to cotDPty with al,t Town ordinances and statc tar,s,. and to build this structure according io'the Tovn,s zoning rnd subdivisibn codes, design revieH approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabtr thereto. REAUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY {Su*urruo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTnit, AT ALL TIMES #: M95-0037 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...: 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR Location : SAME Parcel No..... : 2101-092-07-007 Project Number: PRJ95-0031 APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTALMECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION OWNER KEMPF I.,,UCIEN S PO BOX 714, LINDSAY OK 73052 Description: MECH. FOR NEW P/S Fi reptece Information: Restf i cted:flof Grs Appt i ances: Department of Community Development Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued. . . : Expires. . : ISSUED 03/22/ree5 06 /20 /ree5 t2/17 /7ee5 815 01 81s 01 Valuation: #0f 6as Logs: Phone: 30324250L4 Phone: 30324250L4 10, 000 . 00 #0f wood/Pa l. Let: **ff*trffi*trl#t#**trtir***rr*rH#r*Jrrrrrrdr**ffiffi** FEE SUI'II'IARY ***ffi**ffiffiffiffiffi**trt**t**fi********ff*****i* Mechani ca [---> 200.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eB--> Ptan Check---> Invrstigat i on> t'liLt catl.----> 50.00 DRB .m 3.00 TOTAL FEES-*--- .00 253.00 TotsL catcutated Fees---> Add'i tional, Fees---------> Totat Permit Fe€--------> Payments------- 253.00 .00 253.00 253.00 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/1611995 GARY Action: AppR ItEm:..05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06l16l199s GARY Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************d.************* DECLARATIONS I.hercby _.cknovtedge that I havc rcad.this lpptic.tion, fil,ted out in futl, the information required, conpteted an accurltc plot pten, and statr that !l[ the infor]ation provided as required is cofrect, t agrcr to conpty riith tire iniornaiion and pl,ot iLan,to.conpl'y Yith att Torrn ordinancls_rnd state tavs, and to buitd this structure according iothe Toyn,s zoning and subdivisibn codes, design neview approvcd, Unifofm Buitding Codc and other oFdinrnces ot thr Toun afpticabLe thereto. EALANCE DUE----ffir*lffi #r*ffi ffi *#*ffi t*t*'sl***ft **ffi *********lHl****ff **ff ***fi **Hffi ffi ffif,ffi **ffi ************** Dept,: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TI.IENTY-FOIJR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ANO OI,'NER FRoil 8:00 Alt 5:00 Pll {S *"*oruo --, t CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY DATE VENDOR NAME VENDOR NUMBER DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE ILELN trp plposrr REFuNp FoR Bpt,4rf- z)as'y' (To be used for General Ledger output) ACCOUNT NUMBER 0r 0000 22002 AMOUNT $ /rtzl tr) DATE DUE APPROVAL e fll a't l+\do Hl -r r.1 >+F {r+\rg tl F-+1 ,A.lEa g F1 r-l -It r1 F3 f?F)|.r far \- GI Fr t .r.ts Lt a+-a A.t-\E9 f.t l=l hr{g al0 Fr H F. --.Fr v R rll E rg 'a+ h n F+t ts {9 -? Fi --^.-s-1 .-: -=z=:--=-i-+:=a i.-.i=-r--*>:^^."--:>-:-:- ^v-;--ll<-.'- a a-r -\;-*i >-z.\ ,-l::-z a -.. --,-\--= .F '.: :::I'.-t ,\^.a-/. -;..J z>_: -- --a v :i --,\ .i .-a -7.---:a= z =c /'\ :- - =-.i _s= -a >. '.2 \ . - '.1-.:az Z=:- ----a -\ ::'. v !-: 1-:.=a .,,. --_: :i i,'.2 .-j-^'.rtzv i--:- l>=17- a:--o x4> - .-/i -. -: -,*re , '-: v v=:l: -.=:=;: a=aF :,- :'.i; c- = :' ::, .t -r.-. f z a I z € tr"r c) z v) x thd a- a- (Jl @ ts H t. -rr |< H l4 N'-. i, I\B '\t! \F t1K" ; -E :N\ 'E '\ o\ \i li ii F7 E A g J = iElei 1i."9€ e g; Y;;; ;11e8 i 1;.al-...:siFiF: a i 3I rt ': i 3i; =.: - E Y; =i3sEI ': 1 q 2.= -o 3i iax;;6 i aE ialil oco:in'eiiSi 5H556 -t z o z o c - D o t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0145 t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 1 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address. -.IJocation. Parce1 No... -.Project Number Department of Community Development APPLICANT TiIEDBO CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 34L9, VArL CO CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 3419, VAIL CO OWNER KEMPF LUCIEN S PO BOX 714, LTNDSAY OK 73052 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLIJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2156, VArL CO 81658 Description: MECHANICAL NEW P/A fof Gas App[ iancrs: 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR 2L07-092-07-007 PRJ 95-00 31 Status. . . : Applied. .: Issued. . . : Expires. . : Valuation: flof Gas Logs: ISSUED 0e /08/rees t0 /06/19es o4 /03 /7ee6 81658 81658 Phone: 3034764305 Phone: 3034764305 Phone: 3039494320 72,000.00 flof Wood/Pal. tet:fireptacc Infornation: Restricted: **tff*******ffi*#*H#*******ffi*ffi****ffi** tEE SUtill.lARY ***ffi**ffi****#ffi**ffi ffi********ffi#ffiffi l'lechani ca t---> Pl,an Check---> lnv.stigat i on> l.,i l. L Cat l,----> 1,440.00 360.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--) DRB Fee--------.(,0 TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 .00 Total Calcutated Fees--> 1 , E03.00 Additionat Fecs---------> TotaI Pernit Fee-------> Payments------- 1 ,803.00 -00 1,803.00 1 , E03.00 Ilerni .q5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/oe/L995 DAN eCEion:- AFFn Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. gauBugTroN ArB_r_q BEQqTRED pER SEC.60? OF THE 1e91 UMC.2 . AgcESS T9 _ HEATT_Nc EoU r FMEllr- uusi-cor,lFl_,v-wriii-sse . B o E"Illo z o :OF THE 1991 TIMC 3. INSTA!,IATTQN L{SST_qONEoBU ro MANqEACTURES rNSrRUCrroNs AND . Tq APPENDTX cHAprER 21 OF tHe--rS-51--UM-l-- -''--'4. gAF_App-_Lr&r\rcEg__gu4t!_9E_VqErno^AqeqBEine ro cHAprER e oF rHE 199 1 uMg .s$rD sHALL tnmarllAte-[s--SFndrFiEu-iu-s'neliltio'oF' rfiil-1991 UUC.5' qBA-rNacE-gF MEcqAN-rgAL RooMs coNTArNrNc HEATTNG oR Hor WATER EHEilL godr"r$fi " rttll Efi ;Tou r pFeD -w i rH- A FLiroR' bRA iN--Fin"' - - -^' 6. E9MBS_ gEr.ALL pE_MgqNtED qu rr,QQRg, Qq NoNcoMBusrrBLE coNsr _ UNI,_E s LrsrED_EgB UoultrrNc- oN-e0[iBu5tr-rjl,H-F-f6dF.iNc;-7 . FrELD rNspEcrroNs ARE- ne00rnEo-itt-cHidft-Foh"E6itE- doMprraNce.******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h'rcby acknovtcdgc that r havc rlad-this appl'ication, f il,ted out in futt the infornrtion required, 6onpleted an accurate ptot pl'an, and stat! that atl' thc infornation proirioeo as riquircd ig corr.ci.- i "g""" to compl,y riitn tfre iniorrnation End ptot pl,an, {; *ot*oru", %t to compLy GOdr9, dCA REOUESTS FOR and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to tha Torrnr s zoning End subdivigion' , Uniforn Buitding codc and other ofdinances of the Toun appticabtr thereto, BE IIADE TUEI{W-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Al 479-2138 0R AT ouR oFtlCE FRo[ 8:m N't 5]00 P[ Development TOWN OFVAIT 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorada 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-24s2 {p*'u* **.************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt ************************************{r*************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0083 Alnount: 11803.0A LA/06/95 16:14 Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #8061 Init: LRD M95-0145 TIT)e: B-MECI! 2LOL-092-07-007 1358 VAIL VALIJEY DR Total Fees:1,803.0O Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 MECITN{ICAL PER}IIT 1, 803 . 00 1, 803 . 00 .00 Description MECHAIiIICAT PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALI INSPECTION FEE Amount 1, 440 . oo 360.00 3. O0 ar NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0L45 Job Addre€ia. . . : 1358 VAIL VALLEY DR Status. . . : APPROVED Location : Applied..: o9/08/L99s Parcel No.....: 210L-092-07-007 Issued...z O9/08/L995 Project Number: PRJ95-0031 Expires..z 03/06/1996 APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3034764305 P O BOX 34t9, VArr, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3034764305 P O BOX 3419, VArL CO 81658 OWNER KEMPF LUCIEN S PO BOX 7L4, LTNDSAY OK 73052 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING Phonez 3039494320 P O BOX 2156, VAIL CO 81658 Description: Valuation z 72 r 000.00 MECHANTCAL NEW P/A Fireptece Information: Restricted: #of cas Apptiances: fof Gas Logs: fof Uood/PrLlct: **ffi**ffr**f,t*ht*ffitltrHrffiH*fitffi ffiffirilrffi*tr F EE SUI{I{ARY ffechanicat---> 1,4tfi.W Restuarant Plan Reviev--> .00 Total Calculated Fees---> 1,605.00 Pl.an Check---> 360.00 DRB Fee---------Investigation> .00 ToTAL FEES----- r,rir.r. car.r.____> 3.0o liy;ii;fi;::::::::::_::i ,r.aor.ffi Iqelri .95190 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09108/1995 DAN Action: APPR CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL 1. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1991 UMC.2. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 ITMC.3. INSTAI.,,IJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2L OF THE 1991 I'MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 T]MC AND SHALT TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 IJMC.5. DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI,I-, BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER sEc.2119 0F THE 1991 nMC.-6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST UNLESS LISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUST]BLE FLOORING.7. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowtedge thrt I have read this Bpptication, fil,l,ed out in ful,L the information required, corptated rn lccurate ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the information providcd as requirad is correct. I agree to conpty rrith thc informtion and plot plan, 5lzp,*furtz' Job Names Legal Description: Owners Name: Architect: General Description: Number of Dwelling Units: CONSTRUCTT Job Address: rd-L!- atock_51 Firins Address: Address: q Ph. Ph. [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accommodatlon Units: ********************************* [ ]-Building (l-rt'.''nxing ,[ ]_-Electricat l\]-Mechanibal t l .6Ir- 06f{ EV:$fiFi.****** -Other ./ l r I{ork class: trzJ-rew 1 lJalteration-l ]-Additional _v f*.t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * VALUATIONS cas Logs_ Wood/pellet w#Per htWD IIRN TI'T BUILDTNG: $ _ elECtntcAr:$ oTHER:$eLUMBTNc: ryt, MecnAliicAii im rorAl: f pr_,,rrMBrNcz | 4.4a MEcHANTCALT+@_ ioril; f-_v ,u;:i.::;;::il::...;;;.ff c8yptroR rNFoRI'!rArroN-:::*i:.:::1.:ii"*.:1*1ii,*3** fiff:::,,-errLrc(;roE. twc.ru tira..9Y. T:1T_": v3ir Reg. No.$/ B Phone Number: 4- - - Electrical Address: Pluurbiirg Co Contractor: actor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Address: Mechanical Address: ntractor: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE! PLU!,IBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAIJ FEE 3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No./ru P Phone Number: ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE * * *** * ** * * * * ** * * * ** *** ** ** * *** * TOTAL PERITIS 8EES: ttt//,///lnn,r-ttt BUTLDTNG: ,l/Zt ^//l/ ?- tr-75 SIGNATITRE z ZONfNcs SIGNATURE: Town of Vail Phone Number: BUIIJDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PL['}!BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'TECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE3 CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: NO. cx.E{n uP DEPOSTT tEtrttND TO: l -t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUIRED TO:. FROM: DATE:, RE: 1) ls this a new residence? YES NO L-'- ,/ ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting lhe right of way, easements, or public property? ls a *Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? I have read and answered all the B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Cornmunity /Development? !f19u_ alswered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's omce or ai C.o.TTqI,ity Development. lf you have any questions please catt Chartie Davis, the Town of VailConstruc,tion Inspedor, at 479-21S9. 2) ,/ 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) ,/- t/ r l. ^l/Y4,,rVf L- +b a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount total cost of the work shown below) to provide security ?:.::eli3t5l Legal Subdivision Date of Address: Account Number: 01 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT '-'fh I I THIS $$RFFMENT, mFde and entered inro this | / Aay ot Uuly ,.fi|b" by and among /l :'2fr-t'Z Le*4' (hereinafter called the "Developer"i, and the TOWN oF VAIL (hereinafter called the "rown"). 2!:1:y- i , f WHEBEAS, the Developer, as a condition of aooroval ol the (e rntS9 plans, dated tI -( | , 1f,5-wishes to enter into a DevelopZTlmproierr't Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain lmprovements set forth below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral lo guarantee perlormance of this Agreement, including construction ol the above-reterenced improvements by means of the lollowing: Developer aorees to establish or S5 6aEgE125% ot rhe for lh6 following: €ifrltr '^ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ol the following mulual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to lurnish all equipment and mate;ial necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before Aef krber ltt. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improrlements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do allwork incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other maner submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and lo the satisfaction of , the Town Engineer. the Town Building Official, or cthsr official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepled as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee pertormance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collaleral as follows: Page I ot 3 A o ) f . a ro be herd by rhe Town, as 3. The Developer may at any time substitule the collateral originally set lorth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithlul completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Acr-eement prior to the complelion and acceptance ol the same, nor shall the Town, nor any ollicer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses. claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereofj that arise out of or tre based upon any perlormance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Tovln for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in csnnection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, tiaOitity or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability whicn the Devetoper may nave. 5. lt is mutually agreed that lhe Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral depositei wiinine Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with ;ll plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complele such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of the improvements contemolated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the dale set forth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unlinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the writlen request of the staff of the Community Development Department stating that the improvements have not been completed ai required by the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence ol the developer prior to the release of the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the request of the community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, lhe excess, together wilh interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer ol Eagle County'to be collected in lhe same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as Oetined in inis chapter, such failure or relusal shall be considered a violation ol the Zoning code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material lor a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17'16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mulually agree that this Agreemenl may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hercto. Dated the day and year first above written. A cash deposit account in the amounl of $ escrow agent, shall provide the security lor the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Develope'r. Page 2 of 3 I t STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE updared 9€&P4 Witness my hAnd and otficial seal, L The loreqoinq Developer lmprovement Aqreement was acknowledoed belore me this .dayof T*\-l . t&oy daFQ^t K,,,-i <r^*u- I\\\ My commission expires: lb;'1? ;a'rlli,'o:fl !"Dever'perglrcusnent/#ffJj:t*ui,T:wxyroromethis d- day ol t4Lov - Witness my hand and otficial seal. NER. COMMUNITY Page 3 of 3 Trltilt-{ frF UE I L l'li::r*i i;ne*r_r= f,*=h 'a:;-:]:-: '!ii, - F- i::.,,::i, i;1,:,: I j r, i. + :jf lirjii: iiir';r;,_ir-r; ; i. ,, i:.t: ,ii i i l;,i:i l lltr.lrlrlr r_:Lri.JITl;.i_ji-:l- i r:::.ii..i:, . i ",1. i :.i:. !.,1F,i i.lii,,:::Lti 1.i .l.i:i::,_.j,::. i-i-,,:1 .: :,i,:j:i. altl I r=rri peid *rriBun I F,.3id ! L t:rl1l,.r1l-::ii::j,i-jl1i! :i,i:. i-lt: t,;i:..:r'r,:i,=- f,,,,:.i,.ii-i-,:.,:l ::, fi. E!:l -FHtr{T.{F: TJELI ';-,-,r_ I i-.:::ii : :. ,--: i-lli.i,I o o TOWNOFVAIL DE ^.nTf,lE\T OF COttj|tltlTr} DElltottrlEl\t A!DRESS DA'E ?norEct CBECXS MADE IAYAILE TO TOWN OF V^IL ACIOOU^-*T s-O. 0l 0000 4l 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS I\{APS s5.00 0t 0000 42415 UMFORM BUILDINGCOD-s54.00 0l 0000 424t5 UNIFORM PLLII\,{ BI}]G CODE s39.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UN I FORM T{ ECHAIIIEAITODE s37.00 0t 0000.124t5 UNIFOP.IVI FIRE CODE s35.00 , t 0000 4241 5 NATIONALELECTffi s17.00 ut 0()00 414 | 5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0t 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS(MYLffi s7.u0 0l 000042412 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0l 0000 42412 STUDIES 0l 0000 42412 ToVFEES COlr'lPUTER PRCjI{AJ!{s5.00 0l 000042i71 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 4t332 PLANREvIEwRE.cHEcw 0t 0000 42332 OFF HOURS NSPECTIONTEES 0l 0000 4 | 4.1 2 CONTRACTORSLICffi 0l 0000 4t413 SIGN APPLIC.\TION FEE s20.00 0t 0000 4t413 AltDtloNAL srGNAcE FEE [S 1.00 pER SO.FII -0l 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONAT]ON 0l 0000 r ji l PREPAIDDESIGNRFffi 0t 0000 42371 II.rVESTIGATlON FEE { BUIIDINCI il oo00 45 t lo TOV PARXING FUND 0t 0000 2:027 TOV NE\\TSPAPER DISPENSER FUND-* 0l 0000 2l1l:r;{x-,{BEEretI.5ffi r 0l 0000 4t010 I,LXABLE@{.02 (TOW\') t 0l 0000 42371 B UILI]INC INVESTIGATION Ol l)D0O '22ozt-orHER D t. A.I 5,t,21.,fi PEC A}PLIC.A,TTOITEES . 91 00004tiio I ADD I TIo NAI6FFA____T5O=52(X).00 0l moo41330 CONDITIONALUSEM s200.oo L= E' E EI 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIORALIERATIoN W s200.00 0l 0(}00 4ti30 EXTERTOR ALTERATIoN tMoRE-TtnN-I00SOFTl--l ss00.00 |0l 000041jio I --i....1-.-...^_ SPECIAL D 51.)w.otl U I LA'LAJ <} I JJU I sf t L tAL IJt v TLOPM L.NT DISTRICT ilvLAloR AMENDI sl,ooo.0ol 0l 00004ri30 I SPTCIAL DEVELOPN,I ENT DI STRIETJN'INOR_TTIENDI-s200.00 |0I 00004l-jio SUELIIVI5IUN 0l oo00 4l130 VARIANCE s250.00 |0l 000041i30 ZONING CODE AMLNDMENTS s250.00 |0l 0()00 413_i0 K.ts, . ZUNINU s200.00 |(J I HT,K IOTHE_ CASE I t cx.r M.OLI Eafhtones Lrrn & Garden, Inc' lFormolu Ncto Lrrn 3*-rtGE lhoJ JEAIINE A IIEDRSIOYf. OI$ER October 2, 1996 Rolend J Kicsbo NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O Box 3419 ' Vril. CO El65t Dcar Roland: I will br danting the planter box and rock retaining wall at the Kempf Residcncc' 1358 Veil Vrlley Dnve, irittrc Sinng ot t99'/. t he plant materia! which I have chosen for ilrc deuign, is not rvailablc in thc specier or sizeshcccssary this fall Plcasc call ifyou havc rrry qucstions rcgarding thc design ot plonting schGdule' Sinccrely, Owncr, Earthtoncs Lawrt & Garden Phons: [9701845-8lgl Far: (9701827-9019 J 0803N Ji lnH.l 6IB6tZB0L6 L9iia 96Erleglal lnnrilroNes LAWN n n#*, ,*.. Jeanne Nedrelow P.O. Box 3419 vAtL, coloRADo 81658 Office (970) 827-9432 Fax (970) 827-9019 PROPOSA[, PHoNE 970-827-9432 7/17/96 Nedbo construction C/o Town Of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Road tJest VaiI, co 81657 roe remq4tffis?N Res i de nce 1358 VaiI VaIIey Drive We hereby submit specificalions and estimates for: Completion of the Kempf Residence Iandscaping. Job includes: purchase, area prep and laying of SoOo square feet of sod and edging work- rour rhoussFfptrEeiltr?idlJ,j""lf,'s"'Eb%at,;;iH?inaccordance-*'.":::.::ij""'""",,".",l.'ln l.l, , Payment lo be made as fol ows: Payment is due upon receipt of invoices. Finance charge of 1.5% wiII be assessed on all outstanding baLances over 30 days from invoice date. Thank you for your business, Jeanne Nedrelow - Al rnaterial rs guarantoed to be as specified. All work to be compleied 1n a professional marner according lo slandard practices Any alteralion or d€viation lrom above specifica. tions Involving extra costs will be exeeutec, only upon written orders, and will become an Signature extra charge over ano above the estrmale. All agreements contingenl upon slrikes, accidents or delays beyond our conlrol. Owner to carry lire. lornado and olhef necessary nsurance ^ ^,-. tr'-V-^^. our wofkers are lLrtty covered by worKer's compensal on Insurancs . ,.--- - - L:':: :"]::::::::ll":f :withdrawn bv us I not acceoled wilhin ,\cceptance of Fnoposal - The above prices, specificalions and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as speciiied. Payment will be made as outlined above. Dale ol Acceolarce: - Signatur Re'.rised 5/2/92 (PLEASE PRINT A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS B. APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS C. PROPERTY MAILING ADDRESS oo EPPLIEAIION FOR DI'PI..EX ST'BDIVISION REITIE9T (Chapter L7 .24 Vaj-l Municipal Code) OR TYPE)fr gveerror'r' - PHONE ;.JcrerJ S"tsem -PH Po Dr. ONE ,ztESBo ?EB*ur -'ft-rc-r ri- V oryE d\, D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI: srREEr ADDREss t3s8 Vl,c Vaut-e r,ot 2l ""oc* 3 suBDrvrsroN F r L rNG \l a,ty4.a o Ft psiFt u a+ APPLICATION FEE $100. OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: Two mylar copj-es and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall include the following: v 4-The finaL plat shal1 be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) wi-th dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall- be at a scale of one hundred feet to one j.nch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the lefL and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, a1Ieys,easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or conmon uses and other inportant features. A1l- curves shatl be circular arcs and shall be. defined by the radius, centraL angrle, are scored distances and bearing. AI1 dimensions, both linear and ang'ular, are to be determined by an accurate control- survey in the fi-eld which must balance and cLose within a limit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A systematic identification of al_f existing and proposed buildinos. rrnits. 'l nf s hl nnlre anA n:mno for al"l streets. An identification of the streetsf aI1eys, parks,and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each l_ot or parcel shall- be shown in this manner as wel"l. l,/ ?t b F. PArDrm,jo cHEcK rffi;r/*# d ;:;;,.;fi:;.=;.;'"Gt tu)1/+7^6%V ' 9. "n. / i. ,) t/ k. t/ 1. I rbiscription ";.:lt.;:T*t::":;'.;:tn round \dlet, which :subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the aurvey, Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments,the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer, A statement by the land surveyor explaj.ning how bearing base was determined. A cert.ificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 1-7.32 of this ticle'as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by hin in accordance with Col-orado Revised Statutes L9'73, Title 38, Article 51. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of aII liens and encumbrances except as noted. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Shou1d the certificate of dedication and ownershj_p provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the publj-c, all benefj-ciaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. zt ,^ ,'m. Al-1 current taxes nust be paid prior to the Townrs approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not.yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statemenL from the Eagle County Assessors Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. " n. Signature of owner. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the lots creat.ed by this subdivision are to be treated as one lot with no more than g dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the two lot.s, " The sLatement shal_l be modified to indicate the number of units and lots proposed.'r A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to the subdivision, which shall- assure the maintenance of any conmon areas which may be created. The covenanrs shal1 run with the land and sha1l be in a form suitable for recording with the Eagle County C1erk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a title report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVTEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submj-ttal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review- The zoning administrator sharr then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and return corunents and notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit t.he approval,disapproval or approval wit.h rnodifications of the plat.within fourteen days to the appticant. The zoning administrator shal-l sign the plat if approved or require modificatj-ons on the plat for approval or deny approvat due Revised 5/l/92 H ::' il;:'; : "h:nill'1";li':;'fl :li l il.i"'U? f *'oil. . FILING AND RECORDING The Department of community Development wirl record the prat and any relat.ed covenants with the Eag1e County C1erk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by Lhe appricant- The community Development Department will retain one myrar copy of the pJ-at for their records and wilt record the remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/L/92 If this appllcation requires a separate revlew by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are note limited to: Colorado Department of Hlghway Access Pelmits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responslble for paying any publishing fees whlch are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matte! is postponed for hearing. causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Cormunity Development Department to have significant design, Iand use o! other issues which may have a slgnificant impact on the conmrunlty may require revlew by consultants othe! than torrn staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Cornmunity Development may hlre an outside consultant, its shaLl estimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Cornnunity Development Department. Upon completion of the revi-ew of the application by the consultantr aDy of the funds forwarded by the applicant for palment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shalI be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of tbe anount, forwarded by the applicant shatl. be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION THIS DECLARATION, is made tt,i, 3O+lq.y of August, 1996, by Lucien S. Kempf and Roland J. Kjesbo (collectively as the "Declarant"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner of the following described real property, (the "subject property"), situate in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to-wit: Lot 21. Block 3 Vail Valley First Filing, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado: also known as 1358 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 WHEREAS, the Declarant has constructed on the subject property a building consisting of two (2) units each designed and intended for use and occupancy as separate residential dwelling units; and WHEREAS, the Declarant desires to adopt and record a Declaration setting forth the rights, obligations and limitations with respect to ownership for the subject property and to record a subdivision plat depicting the subject property. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant publishes and declares that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run rvith the land described herein, shall be burden and a benefit to the owners, their successors and assigns, and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described herein and improvements built therein, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. l. Division of Real Property into Two Parcels. The subject property is hereby divided into two (2) parcels, each of which shall be a separate fee simple estate consisting of the Parcel designated with the corresponding letter together with all improvements thereon, including but not limited to a residence, and all easements and rights located thereon or appurtenant thereto as provided herein, as follows: Parcel East or "8" Parcel West or "W" such Parcels being shown on the subdivision plat as described hereinabove (the "Plat"). 2. Descrintion of Parcels. (a) Every contract of sale, deed, lease, mortgage, trust deed, will or other instrument shall legally describe the subject parcel or real property interest as follorvs: rp: c- 53 3l