HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 4 LEGAL.pdfDesign Review Action Form TOWI\ OFVAIL Project Name: PrecourF change to previous approval Project Description: Change of window well into terraced wall Owner, Address, and Phone: Jay and Molly Precourt 328 Milt Creek Cr. Vail, CO 81657 476-7593 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Tim Kehoe - George Shaeffer Const. Co. PO Box 373 Vail, CO 81658 84s-s6s6 Project Street Address: 328 Mill Creek Cr. Legal Description: Lot 4, Block l, Vail Village l't Parcel Number: 21010822490O1 Building Name: Comments: Terraced wall instead of window well Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Board/Staff Action Na Action: No GRFA shall encroach into the setback Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: May 28, 1999 DRB Fee Paid: $50 Project Name: Precourt Interior Conversion VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\I DFSAPPR\PRECOI.ru StaffApproved Qucstlonstf thc llii.;.ning Stail'ai 4,'i-- 123 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to subndttrng for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc applicatioo cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd inlbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrental Conrmission. Design Revierv Board approval cxpires one ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. B.LOCA DESCRIPTION Of THE REQUEST:\./'1 -RC rilN;r< (uFLr Lz.zH-r--\ <>F Wat*, c. D. E. ION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: /+ BL K:---J-ru-nvc:Va.rr- t/rr..r-a.+ e / El p1fySICALADDRESS: lLZ Frrrr- <_rtlec€- Ci a NAME OF APPLICANT: PARCEL 4' '2-ta t e?ZL41OfC[n,a., Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: NAME oF OWNER(S): Jka 4 pa tr Pgz---ue.r , MAILINCADDRESS: 32? IVIrU_ C_L. C;v.. , VF\U , Co, PHoNE: ' +-76 -'V593 OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S):F. c. MAILING ADDRESS: p. a, F-'x* ? 7 a do{s-Fa V^i ) 'a PHoNE: /,+t-525-G ar- w TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Ncw Constructioi - $200 Construction of a new buildine. tr Addition -$50 Includcs any addition whcre square footage is added to any rcsidential or commcrcial buildine. Altcration': $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions. landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls. ctc. DRB fees arc to bc paid at the time of submittal- Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBIVIIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO 81657, r,@TE: PFASPE 3A5E3OAp.roi UATER I..IEAT. DOOR, TO I1ATCH EX9t.rD€ flNrul raeri,rl =lcon rl,arl \ &) / v1'n'.o'\-./ / "(i 'a $ I€!', UlATERPtrlCG T.I3 r€ur 9ra.G \€IGER TO FlAtCg EXIST[.|6 ,/,- !€lu glanE tu l!,!,\t' la-+-f rJ r l!.+- :ll\ Rg -I-Alla.l :CTION E !il3 DRATN tlLE- VE|dFT z*czcpt+t. bt, tpe#D - *4olto" o_c Zpt$ .J5y. i4:-A Fnt-i t PRECOURT ADD. 328 lftrl. CRIEEK CXBffi Sbect No: A3. 7+" = l'-otl O Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Precourt Interior Conversion Project Dcscription: Interior conversion of existing crawl space and window well addition Owner, Address, and Phone: Jay and Molly Precourt 328 Mill Creek Cr. Vail, CO 81657 476-7s93 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Tom Frye, Resort Design Collab. 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail CO 81657 476-4433 Project Street Addrcss: 328 Mill Creek Cr. Legal Descriptfdn: Lot 4, Block l, Vail Village l' Parcel Number: 2101082249001 Building Name: Comments: Interior Conversion of crawl space (305 sq. ft.) Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: Aprit 14, 1999 DRB Fee Paid: $50 Project Name: Precourt Interior Conversion VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROV ALS\ 1 DRBAPPR\PRECOURT Na StaffApproved Na No GRFA shall encroach into the setback Cannot be a separate dwelling unit according to Town Code IOtf/N0TVAIL o=, APPLICATION FOR Qucstions? Dall tho Plenning stsll 8t 479'21 2E O,..- aPs'lq'6073 DESTCN R.EVTEW APPROVAL W*--eu'* 2 Lct t o7z 7ft<eo( CENERAL INFORMATION itris application ir for any Jr-rojcct requiring Dcslgn Rwjcw approval. Any projcft roquiring dcsiglt rwicw must rccrivc'ocsign nc.'ie,* apriroval prioi to JUmitti-ng ror'a buiiding pcrmit For qlccific information. scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts-for tt " pt ti*tu apptoval that is rcquatcd" ttrc apptication cannot bc acccptcduntil alllhc rcquircd information is nrbmittcd. ff,o t'ij.A."y atso nccd to bc rcvicwcd by Orc Town Council rnd/or thc Planning and Environmcntrl Commission. Iicsign ncvtcw Boerd rpprovd crplrcr onc ycrt rftcr find epproYel unlGlc e bulldlng pcrmlt b tssucd rnd conrtnrctlon b ltrrtcd. B. c. D. E. F. C. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - 8200 p nacition - $50 E Minor Alterrtlon - $20 EConcepturlRevlew- $0 | :' A R <7 .PHoNE: Consnrction of a ncw building' Includcs any addition whc{c squarc follagc is addcd to any rcsidantial or commucial building. lncludcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnB, such as, rctoofing, painting window additions, landscaping, fenccs and n*aining walls, clc. For any apptication whore tho applic0ltt wishes !o mcct with Dcigr Rsvicw goard-to iicminc whahcr or not thc'projcct gcocratly complics witb 6c dcs-lp guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not ttotc on cotlccptual rsvie$ts' DRB fcos arc to ba paid at thc timc of srbmitht,; Lata, whcn applying for a building pcrmit, plcasc idcati$ rhc rcurarc vatu*ion of thc pmjcct Thc Town ofVail will adjust thc fbc acoording to thc proicct valuation' PLEASE SUBiNT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL sT'BMTTTAI, REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMETTT OF COMMI'NTTY DEVEI,OPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAI'' DESCRIPTTONOFTHEREQUEST. Ex*U4rZalU dr 4p &v'v.aq &4/L 4,Fmlgi' tlalu ,r 'a*-ctarTan/ rol 't t 4(y/t1/+ 6/tG PHYSICALADDRESS: ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MATLINCADDRESS: OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINGADDRESS: I.OCATION OF PROPOSAL:BLOCK: I vArL, coLoMDo E1657. Vgdttldl0T ' NOTEr P@VDE E}ASEEOARD I{OT II,ATER ].{EAT. cor'ttugfloN alR Lo[j\/ERg At{o DtrcrurcFK NEU'| UTOOD STuD FRAHIIS gar.tf,tT Exlglll€ coNcRETE AND RESUPFORT DECK NEIU AREA IIELL -l;"'-LtllEacr K DOOR TO HATCI{ EXgtT[€ gfAFF PARTIAL FLOOR FL Sheet No: lL?.L PRECOURT ADD. 328 rnr.cnEEK CInCLE The Resort Design Collaborative - P.C.-A.l.A. rnfirErult / Purfirxc / ftilruons h|'co o70/t6l-ll&l Yrll 9t0l?6-1433 ProJ.No; 22o49 ..t tsXlbl lt(r lJEq OTF.ETUFE. IADIOTIIFEED IOP OF tt-#ffi I IIATERFF@oFIITI NEU,, eTANE VENEER TO r,raTcr{ Extgltr{i NEII., STONE CAP Exl9tlt€ ?xlZ FFtAlllg- NEU'| b' ORTIIALL AI{D R.3A EATTg INSULATION NEIU IIJNDAN' NEIU UJOOD AASE TREATED 2x glLL FLATE EXlSTlfl6 CA\|CRETE IIJALL NEIIJ CO?{CRETE IIJALL ?, RI6ID IMTILATION NEU' Tb' DTTUJALL ON t!a" RJRRIN3 16' oc. a{ r' atRgPAcE NEUJ 4' COhERETE 6I.AB OiI GRADE Ci{ .+' 6RAVEL 10? G ffi NEU' ELEC'RICAL I{EAT TAFE IN 6RA\/EL NEU, GRAVEL FILL EXISIII.G ORAIN TILE. FEILO \€RIFY .ta al a a Ia I.IJALL gECTION Sheet No: A3.0 PRECOURT ADD. 328 t[IE cIErr CIBcr The Resort Desien Collaborative - P.C.-A.t.A. ASO TtcnnE / ilrilmtc / InSroiS fHrco g1l0l6tl-llls Vr[ e?o/a?C-aall Date: In1nA Proj.No: 22O4a a4llltl -.*l r,FJ ffi asTfr+ W4Iil 4aLIf q a#1. *aH I PA.(W,t'tt l24H adrf re Ell{ UI{trEIZ Ec+ 3f416vEH& 4ladv z-l'r? P+a*av fur* ElevreloNt-F,'taQ l-o lo'-I bz'r.EL t4'vfll c4+'Fl+6Hrr ,J€D 'a' z +AeQ _w,-bzP HF{tF+d" ?htffi;--' ---+ F,a. g*arMu ffi (Ltcatr EL bZ. _A- ozz t!'?t1T 4%'4fuFlx. t.J"aeD 4 2 +Aac? -FL_ZzP HF+F.k" , ' ' ffi"ffi( lX iraFte-'ni=J I I T^, -'-'f I y | ryr.rlra2.ff----{ I #xffift(;. --'ffikP*a Et:? iirrrrr.r.rr I g,b,/tF-LL: H'-'r ---r l .fu;v'^aE-h vAflQNj J-.\'q\J .!. t l:h= I @ --o- o =l- Frtp Yr*a77 ?rpr t-4(t1ol,)Lvve,v 1v',-7-21!'"iq tzi ltlorci'toq . l?-en Q,.1,'" .11 ExprtNq l;larx- Levr-r- h-AN - l"-o :6-11 ,o ffi rvr,a$1P. fig,"Aptu$.^ -,i-,.F ifiLr,a4*e.l'lr rt t-: ffi.n- Vfrr*t tPeLIlt^C W*s-Pv!(lax! Sowl+ EUP-v*nol FPM st"*-Ff Vtpw oFt?+rc aLTStDe O" 4AurL ehla&4e) TJFST ?t*t*t1trnl 1ffi1515 o? Ltqv1r NEJ} hut+'- TRANSMITTAL Xpmxrs f OTHER THE RESORT COLTABOR I\TERNAT DESIGN ATIVE 10.\-,lL \rA tfull2 I] UNDER SEPARATE CO\'ER N COPY OF LETTER SPT]CIFICATIONS SHOP DId,\WINGS "*r, 4- 7'q? .JOB NA-\,{E JOB NO. *r* 6?- Lr-/Oru>et/REGARDTNG 2% fuZ \\E ARE SEND]NG aK,rrrecHro f ORTGINALS COPIES D {TE DESC]RIPTION z 4-r.r.q z 4-z"lq 7 II z-l.t( ,a-.reepzEzdu.*za.tt, /P.pz,*) /Ozae G?/b ar Exrsrzrua Ptms I n2.,4 &lraan-rrarl tup,ve t000 Sourh tronlagc Road wesl. Suite 100, Vail, CO 8l6il info(!resoltdesign com far: 910.476.4608 ph one: 970.416.4111 FRISCO DE\\'ER SA:{ FRANCISCO r rJr-,a 7, g:xrsf 'G reE 1 e.VtL*Lcn6t Ez 26u l50tt Ext€,r|lgq SITE'PLAN *5c\Lgffib.111 f,A.reT',)W r 't\ \\\ 1..^-il't.J] I .. ? L \. F-\tgf '4,'t {t'(\ "1 \*.', \ {.j t Htr^f G77gq4=Twry dlotA' uwl ] -tr\J -': iJ (u I ((I d "-*--luf vl&.af ', eWD HaAgG. -'-"ev. a4*€"--/ t ,rLANril(-- ?ffi+ry-91='\lEil-;:'-. ::uEL A aAaQ.5'EE;.d i1#:1,gffi:$,\ Lc.:V.eug bz-ra.}|t-) ,l"l. k{\TH q4o-1\_L\_.- v,Je df fX-N TqaxwrtqI-i \t'\).''. \\ F-tDafl EL. $211r,o,/ s: Jaw a li ,W 4*af'Q ree / e.ltLA bcnr?J EL zbn 150 u SITE'PLAN ----=:--ir =,c\LEzffib.17 \ J lY-t)'a't r.(-, .,n . Ct''tL+,' s$"d- r t\ t\\ '..^-r. ,.i9 g-;{lt3r1'14, 4<'7prl T71*r,ln^r,e, I 5 Ll!61 A?*HC-F FCea, dI-tA' UEfI o,rte* 1 ! s: Javt l, g.x*f'6 ree t tb6l bL ?-'.rJ l50Lt @Fp SITE PLAN b.11 x-t$":*"7**a \ilyAyaJ*Y -l#_j] t P<.,.t (" ,^+ 4__,( r 't\ \\\ W, p,4tfr'Cr, ,qg7frl 'eru."1.d /Y-t)'e't r ,'t t (v \(driJ ta.^--t;^--.\o \-. <./_ j I \h -\c \/<\- \-., s rlrur 6?AACF FS*+ dI-tA' Ar+r I I t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81,657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON .TOBSITE AT ALL PROJECT TITLE: PRECOURT ADDITION ADD,/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit TIMES 899 - 0 068 ISSUED 04/L5 /]-999 04 /L9 /L999 to/L6/L9e9 #: Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: 328 MILL CREEK CR 328 MIIL CR-EEK CIRCLE 2101- 082 -4 9 - 001 PR,l99-0073 Stsatrus. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. Town of VaiI Adjusted ValuaLion: ing Units: 001 84, 000 *of Wood/Pallet: EEE SI'I'IMARY Building-----> Plan check- - - > Iive6t iga!ion> wi].I call----> STTAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON TOV/Comfff. D(ildrone, s70-84s-s656 p o Box 323, vArL co 8r-6iloan-up D"pS)t Rffgrtt4 e70_s4s_s6sc :Tfl5i..;3T'$XyfllfN,'ggoroved _rF__ PRECOIIRT ,fAY A amount *TFeilEnoaowav-sra 2zoo. DEN\,rErl'to I ' oate TOTII FEES- ---- 1, {45.50 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: O4/1.6/L999 C:IARIIE ACtiON: NOTE PLANS TO CIIARLIE 04/]-9/]-999 CIARLIE Action: APPR CIIARLTE DAVrS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIfT Dept: PT,ANNING Diwision: o4/L5/!999 CTIARLIE Acrion: NOTE PLANS TO ALLTSON o4/L6/1-999 AocHs Actj-on: APPR approved IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPT: FIITE DiViSiON: 04/L6/L999 GIARLIE ACIiON: APPR N/A rtem: 05500 PItBLrc woRKs DeDt: PI]B woRK Division: 04/L6/L999 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,/A See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions that may apply Eo thj-s permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tha! f have read this application, filled ou! in full the lnformation required, coltlpleted an accurate pl.ot plan, and Etabe Ehat all the information prowided as required is correct. r agree to cofiply with the infornation and plot plan. t-o comply witsh aLl. Town ordinances aDd statse laws, and to build lhis slructure according tso the Town's zoning and aubdivision codes, degign revies approved, Uniforn Building Code arld oeher oldinances ol the Town applicable lhetelo. REQUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALT BE MLDE TllEl[TY - FOUR HoURS IN AIVANCE By TELEPHO].IE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM s:00 trU 5:00 pt1 APPLTCA}TT CONTRACTOR OI,'INER Fir.eplace IDforhation: ResEricted: Y #of cas Appliances: Re6tuarant Plan Revieg- - > #of eae LogE: 550 .00 429 .00 ,00 3.00 43 .50 250.00 1,485,50 .00 1,4e5.50 1,445.5O . aro DRB Fee---- -- 1,0o. oo Total calculatsed FeeE--- > Addit.ional Fees------- -- > Total Pefinit Fee--------> Pa-ymentsa------- BAIANCE DUE.... .00 Recreation Fee---- ------> clean-Up Depoeit------- -> scnd clcan-tt) Deposit ro: n"o*n" ,*"rtNsrRumroN PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** Permit. #: B99-0068 CONDITIONS OF APPROVA], as of 04/20/99 ***************************************************************************:t**** STALUS: ISSI]ED Applied: 04/L6/L999 Issued: 04/L9 /L999 PermiE T)pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT .applicanE : SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 'JOb AddrCSS: 328 MILL CREEK CR LOCATION: 328 MII-.L CREEK CIRCI-,E Parcel No: 2101-082-49-001 ***********************************************************:r******************** CONDITIONS ***********************************:t******************************************** 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO G{ECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IAIiICE. 2. SMOXG DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF TTIE 1997 UBC. Bt€teultL tirattr**!lt*r**tartira*tiaritr**aaita*r,*i**trt**trrttr*t*rr*a*:r.*t St'at.@rr. l{unb6Ii! R.8C-o5O5 ltounr: 1.a35.S0 Ot/2o/gg llrof Palteant UcEhoA: (X NoEat.iort: 53054 InlE: ,f,lit P€nit t{o: 899-0068 Tyt€: A-soILD ADD./A!T StR EUILD pE P.lcel No: zLOL-OS?-49-OOr slE5 Adalrr9t'l tzA UIIJL CRBEK e. Loe.lj-on I 328 lltrL& CREEIC CXRS.E ?oEal Feeg; 1,4e5.50 Thi6 Faye€nt 1,,t35.50 iotal AIJtr Pots:r,t85-50 *t+,l1rar+iitti**ttrt*tirtarr*rtalt*.r*ai+ TOISI OF V}II,r COLORADO Brlanca: .00 rlt+t**rttl|ttt.rt**r*rt.rtaattr*airtrrtr**t.r*i!lrt***r\at}l!t*t*trr****, Bp 00100003111100 Enr&DMc PERUIT FEES DR 00100003r.1:?00 DEsrd RalIIElf FEES PF 00100003112300 prlAra (xiBs( FEES Account Coda I.D D2-DEPOA Dcrrlriptiqn CIJEAIIUP DEPOSTTS A.Dou4t 560.00 50 .00 429.60 250.00 3.O0 RF11!.00003112700 REq.EATIONFEES rq 0o1000o3us800 WII;L (etlJ DISpEC'mO!{ F3E TowN oF vArloNSrRUcloN pERMtr nNrcnnoN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eag,le Counfy Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# 2lO I a 8Z 41oA I o^r 4/ tr/qn r.,',,n899-'OO1.A rouName: PREzzr:tLT naxdr"r", 3L6 fnu-t-C,LceY Ct'L euddineld Plumbing!d Electncal Q{Mechanical ( ) - ) I r"iuYrux'e: lEsuoa""'on Legal Description: Lot I Block_f- FilingJA- o*nersyme:JY GE€yB 66s1s5s1 2Lt; ^arcc c QEE(- Ctq- pnon"*-4'7'J:L9'71 Tt+E REs-ri-r Pes\qt'|phone+ 4'16' 1+33 Arctute:ct CouLaltaryhn'tE Ad&ess: l@ 3 Other ( ) L-W Description ot lob: C Work Class: New ( )Alteralion}{Additional ( ) Number of Dwellins unts: 4NF- Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet Number and Ty'pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances E - Gaslogs a{e4J VAEUATIONS BLIILDING: S 8O, AAA PLIJMBING $-ZAoe--- c€neral contractor, 6e:u p-<. E- it+F z.eet Town of VaiI Registration No. | 2{ - 6 Phone # Erecrricarcontracror, kl?,,,--t D,-ea+u- Addr""",\'O, 4U, A;var'tl A 9[62-a TownofVailReerstrarionNo. If d-F prroo"+ n+a- 467I ELECTRICAL: $ ZZOE OTHER: ' T{/A MECFTAMCAL$4 rorAl $----r-aq46a rgeno*?*#' I +U-s676 PfumbinsContractor: c^o,z&Dl vttt Address: P'A q? | ,AlVf 'rCo. 9(62A rownofVarrRegistrationNo )r, - ( pnon"* 1L4- ?Oe( r ,-/_r MechanicalContractor' /N/A) Address:\ / --./ Town o[Vail Regisuation No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Cd, SIGNATURE: APPRO CommunltY Builttlng SaletY & T0wN0F,!#/ELti'6-oe *r*t*+tffi ffiffiffi-fffiEffi H-ffiffitr*SALrf.r EXglTr€ AFD RESUPPORT CANCRETE DECK mr ito"oo of a Pcnrt nd p,tw t rh. boildiog ctlon io ttid oFntiod$6y& IN]TIALS: Mrc$,rt{$\ctfL uE^rD 6 ?77 OK.Sec t2o3' zgDsrecrzP (fr7 cJa'C SCC.3to. D@R TO nAf @1 EXglTn€ Nzu AREA IIELL / / ,/- L ll.lE OF r SETBAcK Affi-oob CCrIEIJSTION AIR LAJ\.€RS Ar{D DUCruOF< ul#-grto FRlrltf€ Sbcet No: L2.L Date: ln1/W PRECOURT ADD. 328 tmr cREEr CmCLE The Resort Design Collaborative - P.C.-A.t.A. rncStllcn'It ,/ HrxNilc ,/ riltrfloRs tr:Lcc g?0,/30-llll Vdl m0l{?6-a43:l Proj.No: 22049 a Nzu IJATERF@OF IT€ }€U OTONE \GI{EER ro r.raTcH ExgT66 ExloTtrtsi 2xtr FRA,Ih&i. VERFf rtEu, lllDd, NEU' g,OOD EASE TREATEO 21 glLL F|.ATE EXr9Tr].6 COi{CRETE IIALL ?' tll6lD |XAJLATIA.I r.EU b' OffmALL cN rb' RIRR0€i t5. OC. ON T AIRgPACE NAU gTONE CAP 2+6 @.lr. !!? , q' VEIIIFY z+c7otrT. bJl ?P.tvube?o\l 4k *i rz4" oo htN.t Q l{o'Af €}<A el Lb? w3tP4 tt Wl-t2"1-t1P,Y 316t r{EuJ CanCRETE I,IJALL r{Eut .a. ca.GRErE ALAE A.{ 6RADE c 4. 6RAVEL lOP G ffi NEU, ELECTF CAL I{EAT TAPE IN 6R,A\€L NEIIJ 6RA\€L FILL *4otr)to:. t: EXIgIhli Dtr'AIN TILE. HEADEC / - 7xra1g14Y ?r"T* zueE lz-t* ta rl6N I (,v6F vs*r \.o P6|trFtq +4ot,oii'os eesl ArY ? a ll + a a I + t-lI IUALL gECTION Sheet No: A3.0 The Resort Desisn Collaborative - P.C.-A.t.A. r8cl|lttcnr?/rururc/Nilfiors rH$o }?o/tt8-llls t{l 9?0/7a-a{tl PRECOURT ADD. 328 IIIII cfffir CXBffi Dalc: ln7/* o DEVE]-,O TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROAD vArr,, co g1-657 970-479-21,38 DEPARTMEI T OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT PMENT JOBSTTE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: P99-0039 Job .A.ddress: 328 MILL CREEK CR Location...: 328 MiI1 Creek Circle Parcel No. . : 2L0L-082-49-001 Proj ect No - : PF{J99-0073 WHITE WATER PLIJMBING & HEAT]NG P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81531 WHTTE WATER PLI]MBING & HEATING p o Box 4290, EAGLE, CO 81531 PRECOI'RT ,JAY A 1550 BROADWAY STE 2200, DEN\TER CO 80202 Phonel. 970-926-3708 Phone: 970-926-3708 Totaf Calculat.ed F€os- - - > Status...Applied.. Issued. . . E:qlires. . : ISSI]ED : Os/tO/L999 t O5/L1-/L999 :LL/07/a999 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OlrlNER Descript.ion: Stub in for future bath, add radiaValuaE.ion:1_, 000 . 00 FEE SUUMARY Plunbing-----> PLan ch6ck---> InveaCigaEion> will call----> 15,00 3.?5 .00 3.OO Rest.uarant Plan Review- >2t,'t5 AdditionaL FeaE|---------> .0o 2L. t5 . oo Total PerEit. Fee--------> PaymenEs----- ..".".".."_TfTil_?T._:::;:;;::;;"._."_..""._;::__. ITEM: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:05/LL/L999 KATIIY Action: AppR Approved,/xw -CounEei---- - -- Item: .05600 FIRE DEPARTIVIEIIT Dept: FIRE Diwision:05/1"I/a999 KATHY Action: AppR Approved CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLA,RATIONS f hereby acknoi ledge that I have read thi5 application, filled oul in fufl thc infomation required, col[pl€ted ar1 accutat'€ pLot p1an, and otago lhac a1l- the infodnaeion provided as required iB correct. I agree !o coml)ly with the infomalion and pLot plan, to comPly crich aLl To!.n ordinancss and staEe laws. and to build ghis stluctsure according t.o the forrn, s zoning and subdivj.sion codes, dedig"t rewiew approved, Uniforill Building code and other oldinances of tshe Tow!1 applicable therato. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIO!]S S}IAI,I, BE MADE TTIEIITY,FOUR HOURS IN AD\TANCE BY ?on!r oE va!I;; cSIAR.trDol ' 'sgac"orrg, t*rff **rr'ar*rr*tti*ti. 2r.79 oslLTlgg 14149 rnib r XI'ng gtaErlrrt. t{uub.r: REC-05I-7 hormE : PelBeat Uethod! CHECE Notatiot!: *90ts trr,r.ai!,*lr''lr+rt**rrf'li*'|.t:r+*ra**r9*r*rrHtrr.r:.*r*rff**rr,ar*rt*lri*+ir PcrEji lgo! P99-0O39 Ttrp6: B-PLUB PlJt UBrN6 pAR!{If Parcrl llo: 21O1-OS2-49-OO1 giE. Addr.aB: 32S llll,l CREEK Cn Loc.tion: 328 ltilL Craek circle Tocel FlcE : 2L.75 Total. -AIJ! PEgs:TLiB PElrEent. ,l,ccount eodc ZL.7E 2! -75 B-Iance: ,0o r t t.r*rtr* ra ta rrrt+rt *i. rri, \} rrla *.r**r*rr i* * r* rlr PP OO1OOOO311I2OO P&IN|BIIIG PERIIIT FEES PF 00r.00003112300 pIrA[ c$EcR FEES ItC 00100003112800 tll]rL CLIr! UIISFECTION FEE De6cription lborlnb 15.00 3.',ts 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2r38 ,rob Address. . . z 328 MIIJT CREEK CR Locatsion : 328 MiIl Creek Cr. Parcel No..... : 21-0L-082-49-00L Project Number: PRf99-0073 APPLICANT WHITE T{ATER PLI'MBING 64 HEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81531_ CONTRACTOR IVITITE WATER PLI]IITBING & HEATTNG P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81631 OSINER PRECOIJRT JAY A 1550 BROADWAY STE 2200, DENVER DescripEion: St rh for future bath, add radiant, heat zone FilebLace Infomation: ReBtricLed: Y #Of cas AppLianceg r DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMUNITY DSVELOPMETfI NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAIJ PERMIT Permi-t, #: M99-0045 status...: lssIlED Applied. . : 05/1,0/L999 Issued. . . : 05/1,1/L999 Ex;:ires. . : 1,L/ 07 /L999 AEE SUI'!!.IARY phone: Phone: co 80202 Valuation: *Of ea8 Log6: 97 0 -926-37 08 97 0 -926 -37 08 2,500.00 *of wood,/Pa11et: 79. o0 Mechanical- - -> Plarr Ch6ck---> InwaEtigagion> will Call----> Reatuarants Plan Review-- > DRB Fee--------- TOTA], FEES... -. Total CalcuLated Feea--->60.00 15 ,00 ,00 f .00 .00 . oo 78.O0 7A.OO 7e .00 Additional F€e6---------> .oo Total PcndC Fae--------> Palr[ent'6 - - - - - - -'**';;*;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;; *';#';;;;;;;1l;;JL* 05/LL/L999 KATITY Action: APPR Approwed,/Iol tounter ITbM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPE: FIRE DIVISJ-ON:o5/La/L999 KATITy Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2- COTIBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 70r- OF THE r-997 IIMC, OR SECTION 7O]- OF TIIE 1.997 IMC.3. INSTAII,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTT]RES INSTRUETIONS AND TO CIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SIALL BE VEI{ITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TTIE ]-997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1-997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEIiII| MUST COMPLY WITH CI{APTER 3 AND SEC.]-O]-7 OF THE 1997 T]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIIAT-,L BE MOIJI\NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOINffING ON COT{BUSTIBIE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE AI.TAIJYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICA]' ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECTIANICAIJ ROOMS CONTA]NING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SITALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0E THE 1997 I]MC, OR sEgfrON 1004-6 0F TI{E L997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** R!QUA9!S FOn INSpBCTIoIIS SHALIT Bts !0.D8. t{E!}TS-POUR rOnRS grG!4TURA OP O{NBR oR coMRAeoR FoR HIlttlELA AND oItrNER 479-2L34 OR A? OUR OFFICE FnO|' 8100 l|t 5:00 Ptl StaCeErE Nrube!: nEC-0517 .Aeunt! Pr)^n ng lLthod: CHBCK NocaEion: i19095 7S.00 05/11,/99 14 r50 Idir: Kt w Per[it Nor ll99-Oo4g TyIr6: B-HECXI PirccL llo: 2101-0e2-49-OOL SiL€ Addr.66: 32e UILL CnEEK CR Location! 328 lilllL C!.ek Cr. MECITANICAI, PERfiIT Total Pee6: TlriE Patm.nt 7s.0o Toral AIJ& P[L6: BaLanc6: 78. OO 78. 00 .00 .Lrount 60. 00 15-OO :-00 idr.rrra*a**r**itr+.rrrrriirr r*t*frrrr**rrtiiira Acccount Code DeBcriptsion litP 00100003111300 UECIIAIIIC.AIJ PERUTI FEEg PF 00100003112300 PITAII CHBCK FEAS tfc 00Looool1L2ao0 v'ILIr cSIiL INSPgcTIoN PEE PPSqq- oO-13 Parcel # Date: Job Name: TowN oF vArOoNsrRUcToN pERMtr AatcAT|oN FoRM INF'ORIVIATION MUST BN COMPLETE OR TgE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # ,,^rn ??Do6Y . ,*ooo**,s2Yfu/ilh. (lfu Descriotion of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration (Addrtional (X Repar ( )Orher ( Number of Accommodation Units: OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor:Address: tlAY rot 1999 FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances O Gas Logs O WoodtPellet-_1O-- BUILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ PLUTVTBTNG $ /rono.oo MECHAMCAL iiw@:67 General Contmctor: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Reeisradon No. o n @ Bq1-oobb boyle englneenlng, inc. 14il e. meqdoW drlve euite 590 rrell, colorodo 81667 476-2170 476-4tlE3 fox f,,$,!iHB} F-r \- - a-,d. .e r,,-ir 14965 ltn rov.cofll|fo|,EXPANSION BOLT EXIgTING 8" CONCRETE x 7/8 ELEVATlON NOTE: IIINI}IUII OF I' OF CONCRETE TO RETIAIN ABOVE NEUJ OPENING. SECTION NEIIJ SOUTHEAST IIJALL OPENING LINTEL DETAIL PRECOURT ADD]T]ON VAIL. COLORADO 7/21/11 aPR e7 19e9 TOBGE SHI,FFEB CONSTRU;TIj]N o DEPART14ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEIVT TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9'70-479-2L38 NOTE: TTIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES ETECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E99-0043 .JOb AddTCSS: 328 MILL CREEK CR SIAIUS. . . : ISSTIED Locat,ion. . -: 328 MIIrL CREEK CIRCTE Applied. . : 04/1,6/L999 Parcel No..: 2LO1--082-49-001 Issued-..: 06/07/L999 Project. No.: PR,J99-0073 E:<pires..-. 12/04/L999 OWNER PRECOI]RT .]AY A 1560 BROADWAY STE 2200, DENVER CO 80202 COMrRAC=OR SABO ELECTRIC Phone: 970-524-797Q 0799 COTTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSI'M, CO 81637 APPLICA\TT SAI]O ELECTRIC Descript,ion: ELECIRICAL FOR ADDTTTON Valuat,ion:2,000.00 T'EE ST'MMARY ElacCrical---> 50.00 Tot.al- Calculated Fees---> 53.oo DRB Fee .0O Additional F€ee---------> -Oo Inwe6tigatsion> .00 ToEal Permit Fee--------> 53.oo WilI Cal.l----> 3.oo PayuenL€---- sf.oo TOTAII FEES---> 53.00 BAIN.NCE DUE---- .OO IEem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DeDt,: BUILDING Division:04/1,6/L999 CIIARLIE ACEiON: APPR CIARIJIE DAVTS ITi:M: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI'IENT DEPI: FIRE DiVJ-SiON:04/L6/1,999 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ?;*u- sJ-.r CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. . FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. DECI,ARATIONS f hereby aci(nowledge thae I have read lhis applicatsion, filled out in fulf the infontratsion lequired, compleced an accurate plo! plan, and staEe t,hat all the information provided as required iB correc!. I agree to comply lrith the informatsion and ploE plan, tso cornply with all Town ordi.nances and state lars, and ho build Ehis strucEure according bo the Town'6 zoning and eubdivieion codes, degign review approved, Unifonr Building code and other ordinances of che Town applicable thereto. RSQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE MADE !WEN'fi-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479 2139 OR AT OUR OFFICA FROM g:0O AM 5:00 PU SIGI{ATI'RE OF OW}IER OR CONTRACAOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWT\'ER DEPARTI,IEIiIT OF COMMI]NITY LOPMEI{T NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0014 o DEVE iIOb AddTESS: 328 MILL CREEK CR LOCATiON.. .: 328 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Parcel No. . : 2L0r-082-49-001- Project No. : PRJ99-0073 BLACK DIAMOND MECH, INC P O BOX 581, AVON CO 81520 BLACK DIAMOND MECH, INC P O BOX 581, AVON CO 81520 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81-557 970 -479-2L38 APPLICAIVT CONTRACTOR OI^INER Status. . Applied. Issued.. Elq)ires. Phone: 925-900i- Phone:925-900L ISSUED 04 /1,6 / L999 04/L6/L999 1,0/13/1-999 .00 40 .50 40 .50 PRECOURT JAY A 1560 BROADVIAY STE 2200, DENVER Description: PLUMBING FOR BATH ADDITION FEE SUUMARY 2, 000. oo ToLaI Calculated FeeE- --> 40.5o Plumbing-----> Plan check- - - > Inw6stsigation> will call---- > Restuarant Plan Rewiew- - > TOT,AL FEBS... - - co 80202 Valuatrlon: .00 40.EO 30.00 7 .50 .00 3.OO Additional Eeas - ------> Tot.al Pernie Fee--------> Payments------- BAIANCE DUE..-- .OO fEem: 05100 BUfI-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/16/]-999 CIIARIIE ACTiON: APPR CIARLIE DAVIS iiem;' 0s600-r'rne-DepARTrlENT Dept,: FrRE Division:o4/L6/L999 CIIARLTE Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARJ\TTONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhiE application, filled out in full the infomation required, conrpleted an accuratse p1o! plan, and stsate Ehats aLl the information prowided as required is corrects. I agre€ to colllpl"y wit.h tshe infordratsion and plot p1an, tso comply nith all To!.n orditlanccs and state la$s, and Lo bui.ld tshiE stsructure according co the Tor.n's zoning and subdivision codeo, dc'6igr1.wiew approved, Unif orm Building code and oEher orali.Danc.s of lhe Tor.n applicable ther.eto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPE(TIONS SHAI]L BE MADE T'TENTY - FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE],EPHONE AT 479'213q SICI{ATURE OF CONTRACTOR FOR HIU,SELF' AND OT{NER **.**r+*tt*t trttt*rt*rlr*r:a EO'g!{ OF VTIT,. COI,ORLDO sbatertrIrc ElqtGqBE NlrEb€r: &BC-O505 Aboultg: .Pafrucrrr uechoa: Ct( Ngtarieni 53054 40,So 04/2o/99 t-L.n2 InLE: 'JI[ P.reiE t{o i P99-O014 T14r.: B-PIUB PLTnAING PeRIilIr Plrcel tror 210L- os2-{9-00L gii..Lddt€lFr 329 !if&l e,EB( CR l,ocation: 328 tt!I&! C3EEK CIACLE i*,tr**tr*tttrrttrr****irtta*r{*r.rtrrrlt**r**t, *i}r+r*rr***'rttlrtt{r Tota]' FaeE: 4q,5o foEaL .atJt PBEe:Thi! Pey[€arE Br laaea: .lcclune cod. D€eEriFtion pP oo1o0o031112oo Pr,ul.EINc PER!.tXr FEES pF 00too00311,2300 PIjAIV clGoi FEE$ tfc 0{'100003112300 m&L CAI& INSPECrIOT FEE 40.90 40.EO .00 AnouaC 30.o0 TowN oF vArtoNsrRuctoN pERMtr mllcemoN F.RM INTORMATION MUST BE COMPLETI OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REIECTT,I' Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 97&328-8640 for Parcel #Parcet# 2,lO I a gZ 4"tOA t o*, 4/ tr/q4 p.,o,i +B99JOOGA Job Name: PI\E.can rLT na ndaress: 3 L6 lnut-C Job Name: LegalDescription: t-ot{nro"t I rlir*UniuVa,r*ce lEsutovision VlicVtu.A€E. owners Narne:TA*/ PPEar4lLf tur"ss. ?L.g ,l'rct- c Eefa CIP- eaone*-4'?'J'Lffi t+c. aes-ft .PEaqN linnitntt c-.tt-4g4-Av7*"- Adtuess: l@ S fuItr{EE-PorW1zE.T m*"*48-ft8 nudding}{Plumbingb4 ' Elecrrical Q{Mechanical ( ) Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alterationfi Additiord( ) 3L6 r"'ru*cecer C' Other ( ) Repair ( )Otlrcr ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ BUILDING: g' fu, Oaa ELEcTRICAL: $ Z-rce PLUMBTNG s@= MEcH.t\IcAL$ N//A- Numberof Dwellide Units: ANL Number and Ty'pe of Fireplaces: Cns Appliances General Contracton Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: $*"*; ***,vY'a' ?,-.p-, 37 3 Up,-, G. Mre, CoNTRACTOR NEAE ['rAIleN Town of Vail Registration No.IO-E Town of Vail Registration N-o. pno\e* n +n - 46, ( oll -' ^^ , 1 . ,-'. gl, Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: TownofvailRegismtionNo. 116 - P pnoor* 4LG - aQo( - ,- ^/ .,.'l ,- / \ Mechanicsf contractort (V O) Address: C-^a, SIGNATURE: rep ce FEATURES ANU DPEUII-IUA I ItJI.|:---g Eg+ffi. During no*", outt!f,"s (utilizes miljivolt svstem) - High EfficiencY - Optional Thermostat or Remote Control - Realistic "Wood Fire" Look - Quiet Blower for Effective Heat Distribution - Convenient OPerating Controls - Variable-Rate Heat OutPut - Low Maintenance Heati ns €peedleaU-e-ns : - Fesidential or Mobile Home - Straight or Corner Placement - Flush or Recessed Face - Raised or Floor Hearth - Internal or External Chase - Horizontal or Vertical Vent Natural Gas ProPane The electrical connection is made in the lower front nsft comet. -,,,.,'1 34-3t4" Dimensions: Weight:165 Lbs. 1t2" Stand-otls Nail Down Piate (used to secure the lireplace to the llooo Vent has an extemal -',' diameter of 6-5/8'' -a' \-'t -/ ;iffi#-r.ll*,rru c^paciq,(in square feet)* 500 to 1,,500 500 to 1500 biijiil;;i;";'Houi-tto* high to low) ,3.tt0"0^0- ,,^?^t'pp. * iin""ri"1il,:;"r rr\rur \'\''' r'lrE, !v rvv"r up-!o i9% up to 80'5 7o AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) '71'3 Va 7l'8 Va * Heati.ng capaciry wili vary with the home,s floor plan and insuladon, natural gas or Propane BTU rathg, and outside temperatue' ** Efficiency rating is a product themal efficiency rati.ng deermined under continuous operation independent of installed system' z8-1tt2" I ll l1 ,,' >\ 14-1n"28- \-.. at'-------t o v \l 1' >. See 'Gas Line Connection" on page 22 lor more details I o lrustaullroru Corur.For Qualified Installers Onl PAGE 7 g': o Fireplace Placement Requirements Setting Up the Standoffs The slandoffs are shipped in the llat position. Make sure to lollorv the instructions below betore installing the lireplace. B€nd lhe slandolff in the seouen@ shown- Bemove lhe screw below lhe standoff. Redace lhe screw lo secure the standofl. WARNING: Failure to set up the standoffs will result in an extreme fire hazard. a o NOTE: nhen using an elbo^, otl the lop ol the tireplace, allovy tor a 2" dearance above th€ vent (1' to the sides and bottorn). 36' From Base of Fireplace. I{OTE: r\t|en yenting to lhe reai, allow a mrn. 8-5/€'gap centeGd behind |he fireplace (lor the vent end rvall thimble). Gas Une (the inlel is 7-314' behind rhe i.sB'ir,g and 2-5lgl above th€ base g: il|e lireDlace (see 'Gas Line C-onneclion' lor details). Ror.rte the eleclrical line (and ogtional thermostat or remole control wire) to the right ot the fireplace. >/ I o Minimum Framing Dimensions . The 1/2" stand-offs on the back and sides and 6- l/4" stand-offs on the too ofthe fireplace are designed to separate the fireplace from the framing members. These stand-offs may contact the framing members but no material may be placed betu,een the stand-offs. ' Fireplace must be . installed on a lci'el surface capable of supporting the fireplace and vent . Fireplace must be placed directll, on wood or non- combustible surface (not on linoleum or carpet). Due to the high temperature of the fireplace, it should be located out oftraffic and au'a1' from furnirure and draoeries. Clearances ' When installed. walls in front of the hreplace must be a minimum 6" to the side of the faceplate. ' Fireplace must be placed so that no combustibles are within, or can swing within 36" of the front of the fireplace (e.g. drapes, doors) ' Fjreplace must be placed so the vents beloq,and above the glass do not become blocked i a o lrusralt-aloN Corur.- For Qualified Installers Onl Floor Mounted Fireplaces Do not birlld 59e (rEy be comboshb€) Raised Fireplaces -'i Fea h - [Yn 1-t/{i n. lt..|lh Wdlh:L6' Dtscorery Faoe awkF avlnl:Flce . FPx 32 ArcN F.cE ' FI,x 32 F|€ci F.ce {M,r 1-1/4') ," a o 2 P€ces ol12' C€m€nt Boad facjng lelail NSTALLATToN (Corur.Fo ualified Installers Onlv! pAGE11 ,att rt The ovenap is 1-1,z alo|tg the top 01 lhe tac€. Do nol tuck tlb undarnagth lha trcr on the bonoh (thaE *lll be ! U8" alr apac! balow tha rccaas door). you |nry do this on tba rida3 rnd top, but nol on thc bottoan, 1 -7l1 6' lopi O scovery 1'7l16'Avant DVS 7/16'FPX Bec:. aM Alchej + To achjeve a facinq that is flush uith directll'next to thJfireplace. See the the dryu'all to the side of the ireplace. recess the framiae illustration below. Make su.€ these shad€d areas s|e lated over wnen usrng lhe arch€d tace. R€qarEuhr teeg do hol reeuife this area to be leced. This 2x4 is recessed 3E lo make a tlush lacing J /2, Drywall The lile ovedaps the drleall lor an overlap lacing 1/2' Concrete Board pAGE 16 l*rrorrFt* (Co*r.l - ro,. or",','"0 ,nt"" on'r' ! Always maintain the required 1" clearance (2" clearance above the vent u'hen.an elbow is ' i;;;1; ;iru;i;;;f iii. f i"piu".l to combustible materials to prevent a fire hazard' Do r il;;i; ;iru;1;;;f iii. fti"ptace; to combustible materials to prevent a fire hazard' Do r spaces with insulation. it-tgu, appliance and vent sy.stem must be *1.,,"{qtt::'-t}:^t .t[,"-Ttj9:,:"t* OJ:t"Oilq::Tha nut appliance and Yent system must be vented directl)'to the outslde.ol the Dullolng' i #;,:#hJi;u .tt;*".1:i"tJing u t.p.ut" solid tuel or gas-burning appliance. Each dire appliance must use it's ou'n separate vent system' Ifthe fireplace is installed at an altitude over 3.000 feet the flame qualitl' u'ill need to be ""."nitt v evaluated. See Addendum #1 , "Altirude Considerations". on Page 45. When the vent passes throughawall,awall thimble is required. When the vent passes through a ceiling, a support box or fuestoP is required. When the vent paises through the roof, a roof flashing and storm collar are required. Follow the instructions provided with the venl '(fiom Dura-Vent@) for installins these items. V€tical Termination (Duravent Pad * 99'i ) Us€ a r@l iashirE ard slorm collar wtEnever passing lhrough tlE rool (Duravenl Pan f953 & ,943 or #9435) us€ a lireslop sgacer ctenever passir€ throLJgh I ceilir€ (Duravent Pan #963) Minimum taamng lor lrre stop llelntri (25 rntr vam lo (vont lr dhmct a Us€ a supporl box on exposoo venl tJse a wall thimbl€ wfEnover Passlng lhrough a wall (Duravent Part t942) Horizor Requir Minimum FramirE for vt.alllhimole gllntrln I mlnlmutn l' aaclrttice ftom vrnt to .ny @mbu.dble (/ .bove lhe y€r|l rvhcn an albolt lr pbc6d dillc{y otf tE iop o'l th€ firlPbce).6.5/F Dtltrltlr Use Model GS Direct \rent manufactured by Simpson Dura-Vent o4Jy. Follow the instt instructions included u,ith the vent. For thineareit Simpson Dura-Vent supplier, call agtOt g35rtg. Vent part numbers and descriptions are listed below. Vent Terminations Elbows 98t Snorkel T€'mination (36'tise) 990 9o'Elbow -afor bascmenl or reised 99OB 9{F Elbo\r ' B' e82 gHllTH,'3,*:'l:)'",., Penetration,Sul '-- i ,u L-c;..::l'. :: = _" 9'1: rl all Thrm\ tcrmtnatlon rrstali-.,,l . - -Or. ' -? rt |cdir, '.r 98,1 I lonTonral Squarr I crninatron 94i FkshinS. 0 : 950 \'h\iSIdtnE Slan,l-off 9'{3S FlsshinS,T/l 991 HiSh wrnd Verucal 95: Srorm Colial Termrnalion 963 Ceibn! Flt! 98t wall Smr Straight Lengths 9O8B 6'hPe lrn!:ri. Blac* (inEnor) 9O7A 9" PIpe lrn€dr' Blacl arnrcnor) god 1?" Pipc l-en!|lh. Gallaniz:d _ ()rl5B t:'rlr Lcnflh hlrcr.lrn|lti(i. qg ?4" PrP. kn$h. CalvanrEd q-,rts :J' Prr'( Lrnsrh.FL3;k linrsrd) 903 16'hpc lln8'ln, Car\an'4d m3B 36" Pilr kngth.BiaL;k (mLior) m1 4E' PiPc lrnglh. GaivanizEd 9028 48' PrF-. kngth. BIa.l (rnEnor) 9t lB II'k) i.15/E PrPr. Adlus3blc. Black (inrcrior) Apolv hieh-temperature silicone to the male section of inner pi'p'" (on itt. upp.t section of vent) so the silicone seals the inner iii. iiot theb'uter pipe when the sections are assembled' Slide ih'. .r.ctions rogethei and rurn 1/4 turn until the sections lock in olace. lnsrall three mcral screu's through each joint to lock the buter section in place (see the instructions included u'ith the vent for further deuils). APPI}' high-t e ilico PiPe. must Pipe' pipe a + a Horizontal sections require a l/4" rise every 12" of travel Exterior Vent Diameter = 6-5/8",Inner Vent Diameter = 4" Horizontal sections require non-combustible support every three feet (e.g.: plumbing t './a,a,r- - lrusraualoN (Corur.For Qualified Installers Onlrr! pAGE 1z To Access the Restriclor: NOTE: The frreplace is withe rhe rireprace coor, use the ;:'jffil;]t?,jffi::"j|fl' " bent rod included in the owner's pack lo adjust the plate. To Adjust the Bestriclor: 1 Determine the correcl restrictor position (see the charts unoer "Approved Vent Configurations" - the stock position is #1).Z Ufl up the adjustment plate and move it so the correct notch lalls into the slot on the adjustment bracket. Adiustment Plate Adiustment Bracket This restrictor is in position 1. To adjust, use the rod inclucled in the owner's pack to lift up on the actiustmenl plate. this notch. This restrictor is in position 2. Elbows I\{easuring Vent Lengths A maximum of r*,o elbou's or t*,o offsets may be used (do not use a 4f anci 90' elbou') Elbows add 3' to the lengtn ol the ven system. Venl sectjons overlap each other by 1-112" i T 1-1fl Vent Height is calculated to the top o{ the vent on horizontal terminalons and lo lhe top of lhe termination on verbcal terminations. 8-3/4" wrde vrilh 1-1/2" io $3,8" ol ovenap ,/l ffi It Restrictor Position E t ' A vent restriclor is built.into the appliance to adjust the flo.*,rate of exhaust gases. This ensures a proPgr combustion.for all vent configurations. iepenoing upon the n"nt "otingui"ti*, yo, may be v re.qySed to adjust the restrictor position. The charis for aiceptable u.ot .oniigiruiions descriue which position the vent restricror must be in. Sioe View fl-7\ +N/\l LL-', _ _)_ | e-s€'\.,.- ":+ |I "t r r--t 1-1t7 IN Venl Length I t' o "j'r i + l----] ,( L-, , i;, - --- a -s 0 _l 0 ./" , )q 5 ?'..e"au RT TdoRr H S lz71i?? 'Er o7 OE AI 14 E U k gl t{4 U U k lt U H a2 tl ;c H nz <o FU FiH 20 Fi !l E o d ti dt z o Irl h (o [lH OH oo (}El EI atr zz E= FT Er er zz &tD EO FIE tr F,A2 |4p rc'HE ii2 R9 H a Ei z o F TA zt1 E E]IE o oE F, da vr {o L'U A ET 4., ts o 2 FI o ::: : r.r P E> Ei = r.r r'40 o.('€Blot &&o AAH REpTl3r g7l??1 t999 88r$5 RE TOhIN OF UAIL,UOLURADU SHEETS FflR Bcc: BEDRTIT]}I Fhone: Fhone:- Fhone: PAfjE AREAT CD Activity: Address: Locat i on: FareeI: Description: Flppl icant : 0rrn er : Eontraet or: IhIStrECTN I.JBRK / r999 899-0S59 7leF.ltg Type: A-BUILD Status: I$SUED Constr: ASFR 3EA HILL CREEK CR 3EB HILL CREEK triRCLE e161-982-49-S01 CRA].TLSPFItrE trANUERIBN TO SHAEFFER CANSTRUCTION PREtrUURT .IRY A SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Use: U N 97S-S45-5656 976-A45-s656 Inspeet ion Request fnforration. '..Requestor: Rayrond Req Tire: OB:0O Cortents: will Iters requested to be Inepeeted... Fhone: cal L Act ion Esrrents 994-5e04 Tire Exp soog0 Inspection History.....Iter l ItSOl0 BLDG-Foot inqs/Steel g1l2g/99 InsPeetor: JRltl Notes; tfALL FOOTING UNLY ot.fFE./g9 InsPector: CD Iter : 9rffl?g BLD6-Fsundation/Steel 9i5/241q9 InsPeetor: GD W6/6.8/99 InsPector: trD PA PARTIAL I}N lST iETAIN APF,'R END bJNLL FOUTING AtrT,R LBI,TEH hIALL AtrtrE END hIALL SEE NOTE THE NDDITIT}N OF END CONTINU INSTALL BfltrK FORTTI. GASLINE CONTRTAtrTOR }IILL REROUTE BAsi APPR ENTJ LETTER RE:LINTEL APtrR AtrtrHTJVED APPR fltrPROUED 'I I Notes: STEEL pLf{CE!IENT ApFROUED l,lITH TOP BNR BEINTi ADDEI} GTIS LINE IIUST BE RELTJCffTED TO ALLI.'T"ID I.IITHIN trI'NCRETE trOUR. Act i on: Aetion: Act i on: Act i on: Action: Action: Act ion: LINE Iter : 0Srt3O BLD6-Fraring g4le9/99 Inspeetor: CD Iter: OOlrStn BLDG-Insulation Ublt7 l99 InsPectorr CD Iter: 0gO66 BLDE-Sheetrock Nail E6lZ.llgg InsPector: CD Iter: g,8,ta7g BLDE-ltlisc. Iter: Sg096 BLDG-Final i i I ! ! j I I TOl.tN UF UFIIL,REPTISl g7/ee/1999 SB:05 INSPECTN T.IORK Frg9-OO45 7/e"ll9 Type: B-DIEGH /??/1999 Status: ISSTED Constr: RSFR Ucc: Use: heat zone Phone: 97O-986-37G4 Ptrone; Fhone: 97O-9e6-370S UOLUKADU SHEETg F PNEE AREAT 3a JRI'l Activity; trddrees I Loeat ion: trarcel: Description: trppI ieant : Owner; Contractor: sES HILL CREEK CR seS Hill Greek trr. elgl-o8e-49-961 Stub for future bath' I.IHITE T,,ATER PLU]'IEIN6 PRECUURT JAY A T.IHITE I.JRTER PLUFIBINE add radiant & HEATINE & HEATINC lnspeetion Request Inforrat i on. Requestor! Raylond Req Tire: O8:OO Corrents: trill Iters requested to be Inspected... 90390 ltlEtrH-Final Phoner 994-SeS4 cal I Action Corrent s Tire ExP lnspection History. .. . "Iter: ti$Aota HEtrH-Rough Iter: ASeeS FIRE*SPRINKLTR ROUtiH Iter: Otda4lt PLltlg-rias PiPing Iter : 6831O ltlECH-Heat inq Iterr gOSeU HEtiH-Exhaust Hoods Iterr 0o33O ftlECH-SupplY Air Iterr SS34O t4ECH-ltlisc- Iter r SO39S ltlECH-Final Iter: OA53S FIRE-FINH- C/O TOHN UF VArL'Pfl6E 31 AREAr Jlltt REFTl3T $7f?et1999 OBrSS IHSFECTN T.IORK COLUfIAUU SDIEETS F /?2t1999 p99-ss39 7lEZltq TYPe: B-PLilB Status: I5SUED Constr: ASFR sES HILL CREEK CR seA Mill Creek Cirele etgt-o,g2-49-s/dt 1 l I I I I I I t I I I { I I I I I I I AetivitY: Address: Locat i.on: Farcel: Descri Pt i on : ApFl ieant: Owner: Gontractor: SiuU in for future bathn add radiant zone Oce: Fhone I Phone: Fhone: Use: s?o-9e6-3708 s7g-9e6-37s,8 WHTTE HATER PLUFIBING & HEfITING PREtrI.'URT JAY A wgire HATER PLUIIBTNE & HERTING Inspection Request Infsrratiorl" " 'Phone: 9S4-5eO4 Requestor: RaYrond niq ri..*! s8;6O Corrents: will Itets requested to be Inspeeted' " SOegO PLttlB-Final cal l Act ion Tire ExP Inspection History.'''' Iter r grtd?lg trLtrlB-Underground U3'/t?/Sq InsPector: CD Iter:' BOeaO PLtilB-Rouqh/D' t'l' V' W/15,/i9 InsPector: JRltl Iter I OS?.3U F{-HB-Rough/}fater fil6l 13./99 InsPector: JRltl Itar: 91ne4,n PLlrlB-Gas triPinq fl6 / 13/99 InsPector: JRltl Itel : ltl!26td PLltlB-ltlise' Iter I Jog.egB PLilB-F inal Actionr Atrtrtt Actionr fltrPR Aetion: API-IR Actionr AtrPR T.'ATER COLUHT'I nPtr;tOuED APPITTJVED APPH 1A* AIR e fg a't Ffr alr l{1 a*r r-l gl a+\frl tl a.t A r--\E9 Fl f-l d L*r1 g a+d l.1 l>\- GI Fl H ar F H F) /5 E Ft Ed gt a{r F HI a{a{r e -+r }|' ttrt H .9 ri.a 6+ Ft H 19 -.t F+ iso:*;***:J- lF ;. -F i) =;=*ooii ; F "r 'r.1 nY'lO xiEi XA ' -zH<u (\v .-iolE ln ufsi Hf'1 <G ..i .,1 -Oa€<;i Z:- . =Eo a\ > *-.1 ->n =d;-t -...1 - ln < Ia Ll C. r--*.nE -- - l-n =i>Ya2 Z:)' ''F^a\ at: \, zi}<hE 32c -,-z -.i v .l'at ? \-.)i-s< 2iE l"!^\"::-x<; ^--i^HEo - '-'l \J !, an an z n 14 r!,z 14 c o ;i a' 3. = i*.. k,H z H tr F H H F K t- o z tJ tr K l l I I l I I I o 6 ! 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F z c!I H >i z= n; =a. , o z 6 c c t- o ln r)o z U)-{n c c){o z !FI n ={ or m rq LO l--., h E l<: :lly r lm: 6 lOna l-7l X .+lri o ITP o leT I li- 3 i=.o.<r^ f(D 9<U'9 coo >t =-c .TI !m -{ TXIFIF HLXLF.{ <m@ ;=Y ===e>"'f- - .)<,x LP XIX o -n! 3 =;F >=F o@ >; H =o ^> H 2r. >; o R<z\-lY .l-> OZ --.i ^q; z;-{c 3=og /,= #Z,E >= ic)o> 7a -im nz >m --t >or- - ---t m --t €z m (-! z 3 m fQr mm @C>o>'t- :!i -iii mtO Hl€'lz lo lrl t<t> lF t; ta lz lo I I I I l* i9 l=llil l'/ l1 lHi:l= tEi lr, I lml lpl l.l ll l+ t-r t!lmlotr lml=r tEl trl tml lol tz1 lel ll t1 Fr II o z It H H z { l-r fl lal rl€lz @ln +-l;Yl<6tl o, l-ul!o. lF F'lz t9 I I lP lu II t* I a F ts tr{ -o I o\ I s.+' o riE = |> Fl < F FI lr l'I it t9 | L.l otY tFl al; l<l ctlu' | |HI@ JP'I ot tt zl '-i 3l - | (,l ol HI O I xt t<i Itt I r!t c)trdl iF l t(l dl (,)t Ht rql t I ztol o\l zl ol ul ln'c @l <ltd rt tHl ot +{ I url Fl I ot .{t I -e Zl "' l <l >l t-t I t-l l:l lH'lFi(! I h,r | trtl ll*| ,-l I c/: I I'l ti tl |dI rl c)l NI Hl I frl EI al HI vl I zl trtl {l I I I IT €to 'r ZA n- = ) i t: oo _o i-i o r<+< o><,o z C z l lz (n C I t: i ;i ml i ; 0 2i a) i' F fr l I (f o : z r- -o m T =-.1 a z m m O m o - )l -z o m - € n o a I> l5 ls It lo r l;q o =5 z I _l fil -91 il :l c _9 o l) o< ^_9 -oo Z a.t 1> Aao e 6= ^;zz !oI :l< c)Hrn =z FI En] '>i= '...2 ZY CJi 96o ;^ ol FJI ttul t'll -l I I I I I I d-l rEt ol cl zl Cf, (/)I a4l la'El Dt <l 'd01 F< Hl IHI 'EdOI l11At 14 l HOI tt inl lrl I 4>l cll Ft zl . I trtl l€l IFUI IHI lFl I tdl I F(l t-!II tl tl ll P ('t \o \o Zr9 ol!-1 )-" =ti;z a.l = >r!--i I cr 4 i I I 'z c)o Sr z9 6): tTl r-m9 _z -z t! \r Q9 dlci KI Htu,ilt'r IFJ F.:I I F H z a c)H H --{ --{ t- m :-n m m ul .)l-fi z t m _o 2 --l m I z m m { -m m --l 2 -Tt m m -o c @ z rrt t-m o n - z I o I @ c z !m 3 m i TI m m a g z z N o 5 u ri-tQ.Ql 9z rri i m Ir l; lrr O lza t-< 19a tz \r t-n F 'rr Prn i'e A r..c 3 "o+-l \o"\o c0 Frm N -{ Ir) x mi tll -{l z (- =?ni F )=tGr \F --lF z m I = =z 2i ctl EI t^l It- |lt I r*l- O O r @ o o z o {fr c o =o z T m 7 ={ E -- ' o..rT rFl-RR = O.'+o-ff. h €<IP IJ U E qr ;.,'- l; o 4 ()Ar- l; c 5 E!! 19 s =iao l.p i 9"Y= lq P o ? liq I l '-: m =l+--,-- t- I =l{-ll-.lt-l r ! = ;.,1 'J o <n ='- 4 o.F z= o E o@ a !l F\z I €F = lrJ > :l *z 3 E m,+ H _71 ,m = o o Z a"\ qn r) 2p --t c 3= d6 n o o z --.l -l o a r m --i ^r 2.a -im nz >m -t> I -r m --t --{ r -n t-z H Itr I t<IH IH IH t> lf4 I lF l(lFl F t!c) H tn E er F z H F r =lz >t> =l=>rn ol !lP |l t<,il te I t< It{IF lr< I IF It{laJ ]Y ttF lFl I I z. 3 m *lg t: lF lm lv,lz le I I I @ 5. 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(, o\ wt lv15+t^d151sl 4r-l -1-l l-al o o z o {7 c o =o z T Irt n ={ { o.m E*-.h E <x f !)r I m: i 6;l iii :3= :i =E g -?m=<=;=.o<:OA dE g?FE 1i5 ;if m t = m! 95 4=oo |- DD tsF z=o@ z=6o z nn x o =o n+o+ o 8=ZA 3;6z 9> t !l- =g z o ; TT c)= d9 'ot- o 20 -.1 m FZ >rn C)E -.t >or- o =m c)-{ o €z m E T (E z =IT '\\\r t \ \ N \.\ , EF o>'l-f 3 m o z r N /\\')ri \ -nr --t zl "l "-' N ,Nl l"l l\= l\''x tp\ |I\ l--t-l NI rl HF E l1rl lP l6 I I I I t = H b IE F lo E D f- [n o z o :i 3 ! 3 E t€l2 k)lt!t;I-It lm { l-r Hls l3 \l:\l:\I l; dt\13 r $l_l FI rfl FN E! F N $ Ni N t\ N.\\.\' \ c ! E D -D tt p m u, r E . o 0 v m u, o 2 m I o o ! TI m -{ J o (E m 7 m !J o z L o (D (J'{ m I m 'o m =a,z rfl m m l<' lz l2 I>lt' tll I x z m 6 |.f- tn m i € f.t-v, IR RF N;K-C)N= R.i :l\29 F';' Fi ; [|* Irl iiEic E;g i? .aEEii co!.EF 3 31*e- > (2 (D :a=-3-,OD gsiEi $;o=- t;lagl€ qrEiF 3 i;3i e:: *l r!iE= a$ir3 iIB*I F;i;€6'EFE I I I I 0l >l -l I I !m a 3 -t =o f-REr:r:l.jil I iiE.s.FiAD i AI.]T inTAL l-i'JUFiE LiJSE i;r i-,11-l l"l l'..iLil"lE E iij Riitrl'1 l"ldil-1fl l-lE I Ill-ii LEi.IGTH l.r T n_r L-l EXFfi5Etr UIF,LL i-Et'tF-rH EtriSESfii\RC ETUI{ FT'3 14ii I'XF'SsFN ELAES AREA I4AL.L " F*L:TIR I:LAE:5 rEiI-ING FLrlnft SLAB COLN FARTITION I FiF l LTRrqT I ill'.| bJf,LL, .".F]-uH FLASS rE i L ]:N6 FLOTiII SOUARE FT SLAF LIT'IEAR FT CBLD F'ARTTTINI] I NF I LTRAT IflN TBTAL FTUH LNSS & ?ii DES" 6AII! RCIOI'l NUI'4E{ER RONH NAf'1E HEIGHT LEhIETH hI I DTH EXPfiSED I{ALI- LENGTH BASEBOARD FTUH trTG 14{] EXPOSED GLASS AREA trlALL-. . FACTOR GLA53 CEILING FLOAR SLAF trtrLD F'ARTITIEN I NF I LTRAT T trI'J WALL" ...FTUH ELA55 CE 1L I f'16 FLOOI1 SNUARE FI' SLAF L1I..]EAFJ FT CAL.D F,ART 1T I BiI.I I NF I LTF:AT I OI.I TDTAL EILIH LO$S 13 9i) DES, GA I I.J &7991{:i gEp 1rJ4 FED 1il5 E|ED 1il6 FATH 107+. AIELOTt'i B, ir B, tJ g. tt B. tl g. il 1I. t) 1f,.5 13. O 7.5 9. (j 1?. fJ 11,5 11. Cl 5. tt 5.5 13. rL t?. * ??. O .1. r:) lf,. tl BEI.5 ss.? s4.? El.3 51.8 4?.0 42. rl 42.{) fl. O 3?. O o JI'T; HEiiT L Lf,HF. H IJ E cf, i, d+5 " i-) ?4, il 9,5,, i-) 749. 6 :7", il i:). iJi:) il. ii4 O. ili:r {J. i:ir:l r-i r_\ I E 333? s 13il i) 3,98* rJ i:) 139?a 5 TD ?6:f,r! 14519 1?iJ o. (J5 o,35 O. rlil o. 04 O. CIO o. o(] L'. L'Id fi. L-15 u, {J5 o.35 u. ?5 {1. c}r:} o. ttti O, 04 C). D4 o.0.1 o. oo o. {J0 r). ot-l a-r, O13 (:i. (-)1? r-, r r-r rJ i). 0t- 0. cx:) Cl. Cr4 11. Orl o. oo O. O{rf_r 1{]4 C) $ 1f,5 rl rl f,:?B !.s7L 0. 05 a-) . f-l.J o. o(1 O. f-rrl rf .{}(} 0. 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GAIT{ i:rr:rEi:i l!cittingh,:m fld' Avon rln Si.*';i-1 ::i:i;l-?49-4f,i1{:i Llft'JER At{r".i !"lAl: i\l LEVFi-= I t ':I t. HEriT 1- I l: t.j i:i-i-FiSHAL-L::- FbiDR*: FtdDBi+1 g. i-i g " (:! '8. i:t 1i:. r] e'5 t:,5 I i:i, i:i, i. i:i f,. il :4. r:! il " i:) 'r. iJ ir31. & iJ" i:r i:i, t:) 1e&, {:!ij. {:} {i. i:i {;l tE l. -f l.,ll-ilH#: LIUIFIGI+? ,firall-t 1"3 " il :3. r-l 1l " i:r lf,. rj 19. ii 4c. ,:' s?, B :35.9 I(:). i-i 1f,". i-l i). t:i5 iJ. ili-) i). i:ii:i i:i " :5 {:i. ijiJ (:i " iJi:) {:} " r:i.3 iJ " tJt:l {:) " iJt:) iJ. i)il i:i. (liJ il . ui-l i). r:!i:i {J. iliJ 'J. t-}ij i:i, iliJ il. iii) iJ. ${-} i:)"t:r1g i)"i-i{:}i-) tl .Oili:t 117 iJ (:) f,7f,5 o i:r 4f,: i.l i:l i:! i:) a-i rj il ii rJ i:t i-i ?{}7:, 0 i:) TD 6f,57 i:) 114:S 147 ,:rr-l I 7 L:'7 1Cr71 {-} o 77r1 TD lnlt$ t791 ?1855 L7r7 (:), (:!5 (:i" il5 ir -.!q il ,::rst o. r:)iJ ll. oij {), iJr:i rJ. (lr:i i)" i:liJ iJ. *lJ i-1. i:]{:r iJ. ilil {j. i:ili_i r.l, (:i1g 5q4 l il6r 45i:i l97rl ij (j r:l lJ IJ iJ L! r'' 185f, f,875 ij L47 $4ilrl 95:i: IY r]. o o.0 fl. {J O, tt o, {) (J . {}{J il , {-:uJ {1. r:}0 o, orl (:). {:}{t i]. CIC) o. c){)(:} t-l {J 0 {J. IJ c). c) o. (l il. O{j O. 0{l o. oo L'. {t0 o. {rit $. Cl$ {r. C,0(,) iB97 79t77 183* 9019 1,9 17 18 I-IVING*1 I.;:TCH#1 DII.JINE#1 8.rl B.{} s.il f,5. fl 14. il 15. il 17. t) 14. {l 1?. tl 48.0 19.O f,1,t1 4il3.I 79. B 1S?,9 317. 0 =f,. o 1f,7. tl O. Og t'. Og 0. fjs o.:3 0. ?5 0.:5 O. f-r? O. O{r t:i. Of,g.oc) 0,$o rJ.u(J (), rl{L O. r:}O 0. ('t) (J. (:r{J U,l:)tt O. O{} il . tjlg t), tltli O. {t1S 58rl 4SS 517 Stlg3 t 486 $ r:) {1 il i)o 169f, 33f,? o LI LI r) $ t-, rj {.i.1rr?tEtt .li :-.j 1r i-:i-rl,l!:iii J,'.,=.,.; .:!?5i:i ltlctl--inrlhsili ilri ' ,tt';.-Fao ':L':r:i:! F i:i[:i:ii]t-ir{T RE=, ilAD l. rrtllT i-iEFi i IJFFE!;: l-E"'rEL F:L'rLlPl i..lir l"! ErIF] F:il$r'1 i\.tAi'ii: I".iF I {3HT LEI.]GTFI ''I I DTIJ i:;': FiiilEir I'JALL LEi'lGl-H EftSEFiiAF:D BTlJii i:f€ 14{:i =;{FISEP SLAEE Ai{Eli irl*L,r-. FACTiIR ,:l ,'rCC Ltr.ILJ,PJLf trr-Llilft SLAF CT]I*9 FAR T I'T I I]I..I i i'IF l LTEAT 1I]N ,r'JALL" ...ETLll-i GLrq55 {:EIL]N'] FLAEft sIIUAIIE }:T SLAB LINEAR FT f,ALtr F.ART IT II]FI II'JFILTRATIIJhI inTrCL FTUH LOSS GAiFI e 9rl trEg" TD Rnnf4 lJul''lEER RNNFl NA}'18 HE I6HT LENGTH h,I DTH EXPOSED hIALL LENETH EASEBEARD FTUH FT€ 14O EXFOSED 6L455 AREA I4ALL. . FACTOR L.fLHb ;J t ELLrtl]rJ FLONR SLAB CNLD FARTITION I NF I LTRAT I AN trlALL. .. -FTUH GLA55 f,EILINE FLOtrF SOUARE FT SLAE L IIIEAR FT COLD F'ARTITINI.] I NF I I...TRAT I ili\.I TOTAL FTU}{ LOSS & 9C DEs, EAiN :l ti FJEII :i:i;: ;a,i-r-P1 ii-:++" ', i'EFl 3.i) !"tj 3.r:i 16" n 7.5 ?i-t' i:r l::.ii 5.i:! l.i.i'ij f,7. i:r li:i, t:i 4i:i. i:i 1:I4.9 15"S 1S&'7 57 " rl i) " i-1, 1O9 " t:] LiA I i1j .l"+i:]I9 Jrq t, t'15"1-E SEil BATHI'l5iF:" g" i:i E. i:: 17. i:i i 1r " iJ {n r-1 r-i. r-? L4" i-) .i,:,. r_, t,{i {:t { -Tq q 97, i) 49 " ij t:,, ilfl i:]. il5 ,-i 'l r=r-, . i,J i-) " {-}.:, l-1" l-r':l rJ " i:)i:r i). i:){:} fJ . ui:) iJ . ilt:) i-!. Lri-, iJ. i:){:l +" ijl: il . *1g lli {-r 1957 1 1{:i? \:utl rEru t_i L, al i! i_] ISui 1S&,b '! ij-ii:il- l-.i':i.-i5E Li-.|55 1?I7U7 *.]-t-iri e +i-r TTJ il) " iJ5 i]. rif, iJ. i:!{:, rl . iit:) il , r;il r_l- r_r I .a 1:r8: 5,5 1 i-] i:i () ).797 il" i-i5 iJ, {:}5 ir'1E i:i. {:i:; (J. {jf, ii " i:)ij o. ili:l {:!. i:,ii u. i:ii:r, {-) " {:!il (-i. {lil ij. i:)i:ir) i:!. (:! 1g T..- ir ll.1q l-r d:.+LJi li-i t 54il {-) r-t i_) l-f r+ | lE .J.J.j| 45;:B 49*. bi tlsTR. trLsT 8. O (:). {l s" 5 iJ' iJ 8.0 0. t) +. t] $, il 5.? o.t] o. f-l o. (-l O. CIO 0. (){:r Ci. Oil 0. utJ r:), iJ3 iJ. $$ 0. iJ{:} 0. l)t:} (1. Ou tl. O0 O. i-ll, *. O{i (J. il{lo o. txltl oo (,) l_J lgf, {) iJ (:i {,i r_, (_) t-, rit i) TD 1S3 4961 4755 $577 f,9:tl 1(J 0, r:! f-l . t- r_1 f-l l_.1 . t-, 0. rJ o. {:} r:). {]{l 0. oo O. otj o. o0 {:}. o0 i). o{:t r]. *oo o t, tj r:' l:) U Lt &5::4 B rl . (:) ii . (:l i-) , 0.o tJ. t:l O. Oij rJ, rJi:i {-). ou O. otj iJ. a-'+ {--) . r:xJr:} q (J - r_r rJ" il c} . rj r]. i} o. rl L). if Lt o. r)o o. $o (J. lJrJ il . r:lil 0. {lo0 L' 1_' r._t rl (L O o r) t_l r:) i:) t-) All the hot water you'll ever need. . . The HX HOTSfOW offers the most efficient and reliable method of heat,ng water for anyone who heats their home with a boiler' Removable Heat Exchanger - copper finned tubinq for maximu m heat trarlsfer. Non-metallc bushiios and qasket isolate coil from ta nk for suoerio-r corroiton protection. Simple eight bolt flange design for ease of installation. Available in a Variety of Sizes - 40, 65,80. t20 llaroer tank mociels include 20 sq. ft HX and surfice tontrols as standard deslgnl. Seven Year Limited Warranty - replacement policv on tank (including heat exchange4 Copy bvaiiaOte f rom Vaughn Manufacturing'I lmmersion Controls - quick acting control senses water temperature accurately Proper sensor placemenr reduces the problem of burn9,1 cycling. Control is mounted with immerslon well for easier servlce. I I I I FEATURES_--- Hydrastoneo Lin ing - a seamless t/2" thick li;ino which has proven to be the most efficient metnto of preveriting tank fatlure due to corro- sion. No anode rod reqtrired. Bronze Fittings Ph"l - at all water open,nq-s- Eliminates coriosion clue to dissimilar metals' No dielectric unions. Extra Heavy Insulation - minimum 2" thick - choose f iberglass or foam HX HOTSTOW The Removob/e Heat Exchonger! T & P Openinq Hot Water Outlet lmmersion Hydrastone Lin Foam -"lsr Hou, Ratinqs Tests: tank volume at 85qo, cold stafi - 90'tank rise l5o-l4ol, 2oo bbiler water,6 GPM boiler flow. *.also available in double wall coils. Specifications First Hour Heat Ratings/ Exchanger (^ E+ r*Model Caoacitv Gallons' Sq. Ft.'. Height Diameter u4osR 40 125 15 33 26 289 136 20 40sR +o 125 15 58% ZO 242 N/A N/A 655R 65 t38 15 471ia 26 326 '149 20 80sR 80 142 t5 58 26 414 163 20 l2osR t2o 168 t5 69'i\ 2A 535 184 20 Removable Heat Exchanger Assembly Diagram uwffir. One oi E Ehl |]ea! Erchange.Corl One oJ E ghl siorted iB6 Elln Sl. Box 5411. Sa rsbury MA 01952 ' l50S) 462 668i EFFtct ENT a konof-4 tcAL . GAS FIRED rIOT WATER HEAflIIG o TANDEM* I4ODULAR, 5ERIE5 8 Tr'r E LowEntosr, Hf qF.E-R- EFnet eNcv ALTERNArLV-E r 9- -5i tta[E comMERclAL Bol LERS. the I mod Quality sPace heating with Spec the right PiPing to preserve modula r efficiencY. The Tandem system's Primary- secondary piPing maximizes the energr effiCiency of modular. boilers ' Primary-secondary Plplng reduces off-cycle heat loss bY deliverins a positive balanced water flow only thiough each hred or cycling rnoduie. If heat load demand rises to a point requiring module cycling, the boilers' small mass permits a raPid rise to opumum temperature. Primary-secondary PlPlng requires less piping and only a single heider, resulting in less cost and installation time (optional fabricated steel manifolds are available and recommended for three or more modules.) NB5 testing: Tandem" modularitY saves fuel. Tesdnq conducted bY the Narional Buieau of Standards verifies that rhe efficiencY Provided bY the Tandem system's Primary-secondary Diping surpasses rhar of modular bditers pipia in parallel and big atmospheric qas boilers. rfrcieniY under varying heat loads was tested. The results' when installed rvith Primary-secondary piping the modular system Proved up to lo"/" more ener$/ etticient. Burnham ular concePt. Burnham's Tandemr$ modular boiler system Puts the efficiencY' cost and service advantages ot compact gas boilers to_work in space heatine applications where a single .ommircrai boiler would not be practical for reasons of budget or accessibility. The Tandem system Pipes any number of compact. step-firing, self- contained qas boilers on-line lo efficiently meet heating loads on demand. OnlY those boilers needed to meet actual heat loads fire and fire to full rated output, unlike large singie atmospheric gas boilers. which fire to total capacity even ourtng periods of less-than-peak demand' rAN DEm- mdu LAR ggxrtrq? EAIEL t'oTAL M rcnb?Roce5s-qB SQ IrRAL . F6R YoUR- ltbouLAR Bol LER sYsrEr'4. The advanced microprocessor- based manager for modular boilers. Burnham's new microprocessor-based Tandem'" Moduiar Control panel electronically senses both supPlY water and outdoor air temPeratures to automatically control and monircr the operation of up to eight modular boilers. Designed to manage the Tandem modular boiler sYstem or anv modular svstem, i! is one r:f the most higtrly sophisticated controllers available. The TMC auto matically resets the modular system's Progammable supply water setpoinr as outdoor air temperatures change. It then increases or decreases the number of operating boilers as required to maintain the desired suPPlY water temoetature. As the outdoor air rcmperature falls below the sYstem start temperature, the supply water tempera[ure setpoint increases until it reaches the mafmum desired setpoint at the outside design temperarure. ln this waY, suPPlY water ioop temperantres are maintained at levels conducive to zone comfort ln modular systems controlled on$ by outdoor sensors on each module, a reduction in supply water temDeranlre can result when additional heat load iequires more boilers to fire to meet demand. Because the droP in water tem- Deralrre is not monitored, zone iomfort temperatures can be neg- atively affected. This Problem is eliminated by the TMc's dual'sensor caoabilitv. g U AutomaticallY "indexes" the lead boiler and disPlaYs operating hours. The TMc automaticallY reassiqxs, or indexes, lead boiler status to different boilers based on hours of operati-r.r. Remaining boilers hre in sequence to main- tain suPPlY water temPerarure. The shift in Primary load equalizes boiler tiring time and aliows vou to establish documented service intervals for comprehensive svstem maintenance. In addition' the TMC permits manual oPeration of any cbmbination of modules and seiection of lead boilers as needed. To make service and maintenance scheduling easier, the TMC's service clocks digitally display the total number of operating hours accumulated by each module, as well as system suPPlY and return temperatures and outdoor air temberature. LEDS on the front oanil indicate which moduies are bperating and which are available for service. User-programmable, user-friendly, With the TMC, You can program uP to 14 variables based on your operating requirements. In addition to programmaDte s)rcm st;ut temperaure, suPPlY water setpoins and indexing procedures' ttre fltC lets you establish throttling range based on suPPlY water rcmDerafttre, reset ratios, the number of modules controlled, time intervals berween rhe operation of successive modules' as well as a varietv of alarm functions' The TMC can aiso be programmed to monitor up to two eirernal variables, such as svstem low-rvater conditions or the temperature of a sPecified room. AII oroeramming functions are easily made ihrough the front panel' Lr N t{r NG mdRoPRocesson' CONTROL TO I-4ODULAR EFFICIENCY. Tandem Modular Control Panel manages the boiler room. 1 . Digtal serrrice ciocks display operating hours logged by each module, as well as syslem temperarures. 2. LEDS indicate rvhich modules are lrring and r'vhich are available for service. a sEl Pqxi a t{fls€F oF SIAC€S 'f l}€orTlt€ alxcE a r$EoEL Y a F€s€T it^lto r LEAO 5<)|!En a tlox ^! ma a slo€)a lilrEn\aL a low a!An| a sYgT€u sT Fl rE|f ' 3.User can program lead boiler indexing to distribute firing time among all system modules. Service intervals can be based on these firing times for comprehensive syslem maintenance. 4. Desired system water and outdoor air temperature setpoints can be programmed to meet seasonal temperature variations. Primary-secondary PiPing requires less piping than parallel configuradons. System can be controlled in uP to 8 stages. One or more boilers can be energized in each stage. Compact modules facilitate installation. Each module is small enough to be hand+rucked through a standard-size doorway. lndividual modules can be shut down for service without interrupting the operation of other modules. Primary-secondary piPing maximizes modular energt efliciency by eliminating standby losses in unfired boilers. E-r E.-. I fir I V 5ER|E5 8 0 BURIIHAM GAs-FIRED TIOTWATER BOILER o Heating CaPacities 21O to 463 t'4Btl BuiR{n durabilitY Burnham's Series 8 cast iron gas-fired boiler provides superior modular efficiency and reliabiliry. In addition, the Series 8 is oumtanding in singular boiler applications' It is ideal for multi-family dwellings' small businesses and office complexes. The Series 8 boiier is con- structed with durable cast kon sections. The pinned heating surface of these sections along with the vertical flue design extracts max- imum heat while maintaining low draft losses. This results in higher efhciencies and lower fuel costs. The casr iron sections are ioined with cast ton niPPles which 'assure the integrity of the assembly by providing a positive watertight siai. these cast iron nipples resist oetroleum based chemicals, including ind-freeze, that can deteriorate the gaskets of some competitors' boilers ' Features that are more than just standard Every Series 8 boiler is built with a patented cost saving feanfe called an Eliminaireo. This built-in air eliminator is cast into the left-end section of every Series 8 to divert air bubbles into a apping for diversion ro the expansion tank. Therefore, no external device is required to sepa- rate air and water, thus reducing both cost and installation time. The burners, made of aluminized steel, are uniquely designed and Precision-runed for 'lonitfe, optimum PrimarY air flow and trigh combustion ettciencY. These -burners orovide smooth light- off and quiet ignition. The manifold and gas train are factory assembled- This saves instal- lation time and moneY. Eliminair€P, a parcfted cost saving fearure is built lnto every S€ries 8 boil€r. sERIES 8 OUTSTANDING FEATUREs I. voltage transformer l--€liminaire aidiminator A safe heating alternative The saferY of Your familY' tenan$ or co-workers is of PrimarY importance. Therefore, the Series 8 deiign incorporates a broad array of safery fearures. For example, each standard Series 8 boiler has a dme-Proven safetv feanle with its own backup system. I! you lose Pilot flame, a thermocouple supervisor sends a signal to the gas valve, cutting off _ the gas flow. The Series 8 equiPPed wittf electric ignition has a redundant gas valve which is basicallY a gas ialve within a gas valve. Therefore, if the vaive's port doesn't close, a safety backup valve automatically shuts off the gas flow. Gas controls and valves are safely hidden inside the jacket away from children and safe from acci- dental bumps and tamPering. Comfort without sacrificg Too often building owners or landlords end uP giving uP comfort, endure freguent breakdowns and service calls, and take safery risks just to bring down their fuel bill. with a Burnham Series 8 gas- fued hot water boiler, You don't have to make such sacrifices. Our Series 8 is your long-term invesnnent in qualirY, dePendable home heating.A. Low proffle drafthood D. Durable cast iion Factory assembled manifold SPEC|F|CAT|OHS ilBLrrfiam AMERICAS BOIl.rR COMPANY SINGLE BOILER RAT|flGS Natural and Lp cases o@@e @ Ratings shown are for insralladons at sea ler,€l and elevations up to 2,000 ft. For elevaaions above 2,000 ft,, ratings should b€ reduced ar lhe rate of four plrcent (4%) for each l.Ooo ft. above s€a level. 'N€t I8R ratings shown are based on normal IBR piping ard pick-up allowance of 1.15. consult the manufacuer for installations havilg u[usual piping and pick-up requirements such as interminent sysrem of opention, exrensive piping syst€rns, etc. ' '15 ft. heighl is measued ftom top of drafthood to top of chimney. MODULAR BOILER SELECTIOII GUIDE s@@o IGH-I '8, 9 and lO secaiorl boilers can also b€ used how.ver faclory manifolds are not available for these sizes, Tand€m Modular conarol Parel SDecifications Power supply- I zovAc single phaie wirh ground, circuit breaker protecled at 3 AMPS. Sensors-Air: Honet'lvell C703 I F1000 Water: Hone],well C703 lDloos Boiler control lnpus-24 vAc or l2ovAc control line plus one reference line per module. Output R€lays 0tbdules, Circularor, Ahrm)-lsolaied SPST contacts rared l0 AMPS at 120vAC. EElurnham Form No. 4225A-5 187 -20Mf Ptlnted in U,S.A. O 1966 Burnham Corporation 264 330 396 462 528 594 7x15 8x 15 9 x 15 9x15 10x15 10x15 528 594 660 858 924 990 1056 | 122 I rE8 1234 1320 13E6 t452 420 467.4 514.8 556.2 677.4 724.E 423.6 875.O 926.4 9E2.2 to29.6 loEl.o ll -l I --2 t2---3 13--4- 151a l5a4 r650 t7t6 17a2 1848 19r4 l9EO 2046 2t7A 2244 23lO 2376 2442 I 183,8 1255,2 1287.O 1334.4 1549.8 r44r.2 1492.6 r544.0 1595.8 1647.2 t698.6 1750.0 1801.4 1E52.E 1904.6 --4 -5--14 --5 -51 -15 --6 -52 Lanaster, PA l7@4 Project Application erolect ttame: f{ Projecl Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Addrest'and Phone: Arch itect. Address and Phone: Legat Description, rot /t ato"x Comments: Design Review Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval ?d 1,0 DRfl, ?UV to DRB APPLTeaTION - lotfN OF VtrrL' co revis€d 911/9t 0l- '\l-$/ .4 '1UJ \F"-/ 1r lttL t 'l -v DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: '"1 , ^ [,-,11]r, '.ic'[c *****t***. f ir,."-h' Ji'"," " ,"ts Appl.rcl,rro* wrLL Nor BE T'NTIL AI,L REQUIRED INFORIIATION ***tt*t*** I. **ftrn |l/iY r .i iggz ACCEPTED IS SUBIdITTED DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsLruction (S200'00) Addition ($50.00) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: e t ADDRESS: Subdivision Minor Alteration tual Review ($20.00) ($0) D. I Block a meets antf bounds IegaI and on a seParate sheet If proPertY is describd bY J.riribtioi, Preasg.eroYide iiii"n' t'o thia aPPlication' E. ZONING: LoT AREA: If required, aPPlicant stamPeO survey showing 1ot area' must Provide a current F. NAME OF APPLICANT:J+$ tn ."'4-f Mailing Address:Phone NA}'TE OF Mailing APPLICAN Address: T x NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Address:Phone 3::i*i3 l:i':.?:;'li"lnE"i;;;::;ii^ Il:, :"n, ::.ui:' Condominium Approval if appticable' DRB FEE: DRB fees, t9 sloll-"!9l?:^ii:^:t otr.:i:X.t: un-E) rGr,, ' e'w ---lttur of DRB apprication 'the time of submj , -r^-^^ i.Later, when , :li,;iffi ;;," ;"'il; i i;l"i:r;:Tl!i -: 1.. ";" :o;::i'l r'tj i:fi'::;":;';;:';;u"u""o'oii?-t" the tabre o"]T'-,t-o "n"r.rr" ihe cotrect fee is Paid' -.FEE PAID: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION s 0 - $ 10,000 i ro,oo1 - $ 50,ooo i io, oo1 - $ 1so' ooo s150,001 - $ 500,000 isoo, ool - $l, ooo, ooo i o.t.t S1,000'000 * DESIGN REVIEYT BOARD APPROVAI-EXPIRES ONE YSAR IFIER EII{AI EPPROVAL UNI^ES;;;U!;;rNE PSRfIi.fI i6SUEO A}ID CONSTRUCIION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION I{ILI.' BE PROCESSED T|IIEOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATI'RE FEE } ZU. \JV s 50.00 s1.00.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 ENTATIVE: PI-,ANT UATERIAI,Ss PROPOSED. SIIRUBS .l ;.rt,.t .l EXIS-TTNC SHRUBS TO BE REI{OVED *Indl-cate sLze 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs.MLnLmum size of shrubs is c. oTHER. LANDSCAPE.FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swJ-nnlng ;;;1;,-.to.) piease specify. rndicate helghts of retalnl'ng ;;11;: -iaximutn.helght-of wllls wlthln the front setback ls 3 feet. Maxinum height of wall6 elsewhere on the Property GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION , | .,TYPE QR l.{EEFOD-qn EROSION CONTROIJ' is 6 feet. Sduare Footacre I Date Project Application LLi u/ \ C(ontact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Arch itect. Address and Phone: & Legal Description: Lot I Block Doo Design Review Board Date APPROVAL D ISA PPROVAL ! Statt Approval I r",,ri" ed, 6/LB/9L DRB'AppLrCATrON - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECE]VED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** THIS APPLTCATTON WTLL NOT BE ACCEPIED I,NTIL ALL REQUIRED TNFORI,IATToN Is SUBMITTED ********** DESCRlPTlON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (9200.00) description, pfease provide attach to this apptication. ZONING: Minor Alteration ($20.00) 1ega1 and on a separate sheet C. D. Addition (S50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot -l- Block ...............i- Subdivision If property is described a meets and bo LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing l-ot area. must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT' S RE a.RESENTATIVE: Address: Phone OWNERS: s): ddress: Phone Condominium Approval i-f applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Laler, when applying for a building permit, ptease identify the accurate val-uation of the proposal. The Town of Vail wiII adjust the fee according to the table below, co ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE G. -T w# }U C 1n nn1 r!. fvt wvI ) JU, UUI 9If,U, UUI $500,001 $ Over I 10r 000 $ 50, o0o I 150,000 $ 500,000 (1 nnn nnn r'.rtvwvtvvv $1.000,000 Conceptual- Review NAME OF APPLICANT:Majling Address: *NO APPLTCAUON WII,L BE PROCESSED Project Application Project Name: Pro,ect Descriptton: Contact Person and Pho ne Owner. Add ress and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot atocr I , ritins ,"^. (/4- Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: A PPR OVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: "' ,'.l'i.rt',',"', FIRST . i No. oF uNtrs ALLoWED oN slrE I 2.0 | No. oFGARAGE SPACES I 4.0 I e nrn RtloWED oN slrE | 3,065.5 | ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE SITE coVERAGE USED I O.O I SITE COVERAGE ReuRrNtt'tc | 2,452.4 | LANDSCA'E COVERAGE : | 7,957.9 | TOTAL GRFA USED ON SlrE | 3,300.5 | GRFA REMATNTNG oN strE " I ts.o I ffi W cE'Ejl.T..ffii5t:l.i:.i.CIN:$tre;...i.l.l.i.i.i.i.':.:i..i..'....i.i.|103.0 20.0 (5.s)0.0 0.0 0.0 :::::::':UNIT ONE ,i ,r,i ,r,,, ,,, i ,,, l ,,,GARAGEi:l: STORAG,E:i r,,,MEqHi: :r,','l,i ,,9.TAlF,,i,lAlFt+OqKI :,, ::Ylrllt,,, '.BASEMEN:QA trT 1,109.0 1,097.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 nn 0.0 'FT::':,:,1 ,162.0 0.0 26.0 0.0 46.0 25.0 0.0 'L 1,263.0 0.0 118.0 0.0 153.5 0.0 0.0 RI .FTi,,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )R St IiFT:, .'0.0 0.0 nn 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 !i..gisg{i9ii ' ,,,,, ,,, : 0.0 CREDIT TOTALS <it t'r'' | 1^t!v ,,.,:,:,199 U i.:.' : :25:0 0.0 103.0 ZJO. U 100.0 0.0 zc.v 0.0 'l : ::: :: ::3,065.5 '\,2,068.5 GRFA REMAINI 997.0 :. :::q:: :l:f..:: UNIT TWO !rlC :,, ::: ::: ::: ::: FEOOft::::: ;:; :i:;:r:;: ri iir:,J i: :i :iToT-A ::: vvb.u 0.0 21 6.0 105.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1ST':,:F .OOR SQ.FT.597.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 :D:: :It:i 3RD::':Fl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .H:: :::: ::i]: :,:\, r; :::::t] ]: l:lil::i : :,, ,,, ,,, .:, :,, ,:i TiOTAIS.,:,: ,,,iilii ,.,,,.,,,0i0,1',i,i:,:, :,25 ffi .USED t:CREDIT TOTALS ,,::0.0 0.0 ,,,:0,0 : ':::i:::::.u:i:l !FA(l 250.0 103.0 20.o (5.s)0.0 0.0 0.0 hr:1,247.0 GRFA.,USED'1,232.0 i+t:15.0 Pierce, Segerberg paeh O &S . Architects P. C. A.I.A. Eil JUN 171991 June i4. 1991 Tcwr: of Va.iI Planning Depar:me[r- 75 S. Frontage Road l^rest \7ri I nj1 1aAtr-1 Att'n: Shelly MelLc : Re: Preccurt Res idence Tilr:; l-e:ter is in regards to chdng'es we are nakrng lc the lower level ficor plen of the Precourt resicience. We are charrglng the three.b_eroon plan\ into a twc bedroonr pIarr, af f ect ing cite rve.st ele,vef ion cf the iror-rse. There wrlI be a dif ierel-rce j-n the windcrrs, insiead of three ive wil_l-h.:ve lr^ro, T:lis chang'e d.ces rrr;t +f f c'cl G. R. F, Lhe anlor,lnt c'f stcra.le ,ipace. wirr:1.' bie I.eques ,: the S't3f f ' s appi-'o,".aI cl_ of i.rar+:-,rgs ha'/e bec-n CelivereC le thae f f cr Cf nstrr.lc:rori. A . .rs bJe liave itrc reas ed vre liave credit f or. t- ll:- -s re,'isicn. Twc sets the Tcwii o: Vail via If i cLt 'ire .'+ any qr.les.t j.ons, pleas+ c.31i me. c i nno*ol rr vr-!es! Lf.f I P:ERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEH, ARCHITECTS. P.Cl . .1 .r.A t \ I '-\ 4-> t' a \,.-, --- 1 l'\e-y\-'-.-x- --- Willian Rel:1ocl: Projecl Archit.ect Main Office; 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O3/476-4433 One Tabor Center . 120O Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 . 3O31623-3355 Chen€Xo,th.*,f,.Consu lrxJ E,lg,rteers 3no Sc enlrsls 5080 Roao 154 Glcrwoorl Spr'r)gs. Colcrado 8l 601 303 945-7458 30:] 945-3:163 Facs 'nre June 6, L991 Jay A. kecourt clo Vierce Segertcereg & Spaeh Associates Attn: Bill Reslock l-000 Sdrth Hrcntage Road West VaiI OO 8l-657-5063 Subject: Obse:rration of E<cavation, Itloposed lesidence., Lot 4, Blod< 1, Vail - village, Filirq L, 328 l{ill Creek CiIrcle, Vail, Colorado' Job No. 4 269 9L Dear I,1r. Preccuat: As reqr-rested by Shaeffer Construstion, several visits were nade to the site for t11e pr:rpose of -evaluatirry tJle subsoil corditions for fourdation design. Ihe r+o. rk was'perforned in accondance with our agreenent for geotectu:rical ergileerirq ""ori""= to Jay A. kecourt, dated l'Iay 1, 199L. Dre to tfie corditions encountered at the site, sever:at visits were required rather than the assuned one trip. ttre firdirgs of or:r work and reconunerdations for the fotrrdation design are presented h thls letber. Ttre proposed buildjrq will be a sirgle family residence witJ. an apartment. ll?rc siziof ttre bnildjrq wilt be about 5OO0 sqtrare feet ard be constructed in tluree fevels. ttre existii,q residence on tlp site will be r^azed ard totally relncved as part of tlp ner.r constn:etion. The hrildirg has been designed to be suplnrted on Lpread footirgs fueosiry a rnaxinn-un bearirq pressure of 2000 psf. Visits were rnade to tJre site on MaY 6, B, 22,28 ard 29' ard June 4, 1991- to evaluate the soils exposed jl the excavation. Ttre visits were made as tJle "uf=1r.fuo corditions were e><trnsed ard as ocistirg debris, topsoil ard e><istirg fill were r-qnoved to opose t}|e natural soils. D:e to the prior develognent on the pr-operer, ttre nehr excavations were rnade to belcnr tho.se levels required by tne Ae-sign in *to areas. ltre contractor was advised ttrat tJre on-site rntu::al soils wiftrort debris, topsoil arxt orrganics were zuitable for use as backfill. Scme of ttre rnaterial befuq rensved consisted of lcnrer density soil, poss5Jcly_fi:crn ttre MiIl Cfreek dr:airnge, rn,hich appeared unsui.table for sutr4:ort of for:rdations- On l4ay 29, we net at tlre site to discr:ss v,rhether footirgs would be placed on t}le naturil soils or if stn:ctur:al filf would be placed to ree.stabli-sh design footirq bearirq Levels. When obsenred on June 4, the er<cavation had been ccrpleted ard fornLirq of footirgs on the natu::aI soils uas il progrress. fire soils obsenred in tlle conqrleted excavation consisted of silty to clayey.sardy qr.avef with cobbles arxl sca€tered boulders. Ttre existirq fill ard debris had been renr.wed ard tfre base of the footirg areas had been corpacted witl a Wacker conpactor. The erccavation had been rnade in several leveLs betl'/een about 6 to LO ieet belour t)le adjacent g"rourd surface. Ttre steps were typicail.y .l- to 2 feeE high. the results 6f a gradation arralysis perforned on a sarple (ndnus 3-irtctt a rr,.,,,t;er r,t itr,,IEIFIs.oup or compan,es Jay A. Ileccurt' June 6, L991 Page 2 fracEion) of t].e natur:al soil cbtained fr crn ttre occavation botton are pr esented in Fiq. 'r. No free water was obserrred in the o<cavation ard tfie soils were npist. Based on the soit corxlitions e:<posed il the excavation ard t]l.e propos€d type of -*t1r-t"gio", spread fmtirgs pfac.a on ttle natural soils ard designed for a rnaxj:nun bearirq- pl€ssarrre of- ZObO psf sftould be acceptable for sufport' of tlre residence. tne footirgs strorLd havb a rninimr.m wid0r of l-6 j5ctres for continucus tv-atLs ard 2 feet for 61unns. Conti.nuo.rs fourdation walls shqrld be reinforred to span an unsqryorEed lerlgt]l of at least L0 feet. Fourdation t'aus accjrg as reta'inirq stnrcrures strcura atso be desigrred to relist an earth pres$rl'e ""o"=p"rn:-rq to an equiwalent. flui{ unit weight.of at.least 40 pcf. A ior-r"a.1i,"" ai"in =ttotfa'be prorrided alorg the ttulldirq. perineter ard j5terior steps in grade as .,""a.a to jrer,rent buildup of hydrostatic pr.essure behird walls ana- we-ttiq of t1.e lcrrrer adjacent grades. Fourdation rmll baclcfill ard "tor.tn=f -backfill can consiit of tl1e on-site gr:anular soils ard should be ""ne.tU"a to at least 90? of stardard Pr.oqtor density at a nrcistrrre content near ;L'rr--:- rhe fiLr rnaterial stroul-d not contaijt topsoil, debris ard cnrersized ,.i"k. tne perineter bac6ill sr:rface shouLd be g-raded to prerrent pordirg witJrin at l-east Lo feet of ttre luildirq. Ihe reconurerxlations sulrnitted in this letter are basecl on our obserwation of the ;;L;- ""p"""d withil tfie foundation occavation. silce we did not corduct ,"n=-"rfu& erqrloration, we trave assrned the corditions obserrred in t.Ile elcavation ;;;;i trri- ritrritt t1.e depth of jnfruence of the fo:rdation. rn order to reveal tfie nature ard erGent tf variations il the subsurface corditions belcnl tl.e e><cavation, aritiirq would be reqr:ired. It is possible the data obtailled bv sr:bsqrface o<pforati-on canld clnrqe tfre reccnrerdations contained iI this ilr*... --nr-.f,-tion of potential geofogic corrlitions wtlidl could fupact the stnrsLrrre ane beyord tlre scope of this stuCy' If tfrere are anlr questions or if we rlay be of further assistance, please let us lanc'r,r/. Sirrcerely, CTIET{-NORITIERN, INC. 7ka /t*-'(k Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. sI-P/e Rev. By: DEH Attaduent cc: Shaeffer Constnrction - Attn: Nicol + Hoflard Associates ffi,:;fif,,g\o]'+= ""i , 7h -"".,7 *hin,urt$lor Raitli$ *i- 1s222 i Chen#Northern,lnc. Judv Sanford ,/ ilo sullrrrlj En!)rrreets drro S(l t.nt sls SIEVE ANALYSIS il6E6r,ter en ANALYSIS 24 t@ lxl 80 70 2-w a5c z 7 HA. t5 MlN.60 MrN. 19 MIN 4 MlN. I MIN a o IE DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL 54 LIOUTO LIMIT SAMPLE oF Sl i ghtly sANo 34 *SILT AND CLAY 12% % PLASTICITY INOCX silty sandy bottom of excavation 6-4-91 24 Hfl 7 HR- t5 MlN.60 MtN. 19 MlN.4 MlN. I MIN o 6 a oH i F 50E 2 Elo Ei---irs 297 t sgo l.rs .rz'Ja '-' 42 20 762 127 ms .mg .ols .037 r52 DIAMETER OF PAHTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CL.AY TO SILT GRAVEL % LTOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF I SILT ANO CLAY PLASTICITY INOEX FROM grave I SIEVE ANALYSIS i-not',rere n ANALYSIS GRADATION TEST RESULTS Chen€Northern,lnc.4 269 91 Clren€Nonhern.lnc.Cd-nt! E!d.!. .!a Sffi REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING To: Jay A. Precourt c/o Pierce Segerberg Attn: Bill Reslock 1000 South Frontage Vail C0 81657-5063 PRoJEcr 328 Mill Creek & Spaeh Associates Road liest Circle, Vail, Colorado JoB No. 4 269 91 OAILY REPORT NO. rtworcE No. DATE 5-??-91 L sxEEr 1 or SPECINCATION COUPACIION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PI.ACE DENSTTY CoNSTRUCTION CONTMCT0R: Shaeffer N/A x AS DEIERMINED FY: Const. TEST LOCANONS WERE SFI FCTED FY: TY?E Ar.{D NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNTTS TY?E AND NUMEER OF COMPACTION UNITS MEIHOO OF ADOING MOISTURE THICKNESS OF UFT NUMBER OF PASSES 127 -D 126.1 128.8 136.5 7.6 7i 6.6 Crusher fine (si lty sand ) tl ll tl Stair Entry, N side, near driveway NW garage entry NE garage entry Center of driveway Grade Grade Grade Grade tr FULL TIME OBSEM/ATION tr PART T]ME OBSERI/ATION IrG EP(tt PiCDt|'|t CtlDIt furrfD rS A RE|-T f qx Eav^IEl{l f ntl- 'r-.c6ae.'. rf }q\f f,tUD O{ rXE COfTiriCIm TO OO{ll{tI ltttlla l}f 8€CDrr{XrD cflrP/gntf f'YOiT a{o ro6tl.if ]o ntt 0u61€ I]rE n!€5 flf,N q-n oEIEwT:R 5 r€l' ryn,|rF o"s! rEr$. EsIs afld |l oe tr l}€ tlr c.rt AS m-ErD |lfc€Sslfi m C{.n lf (t-f, 6(xrvlmt JttrxE{xT. IE5T oAtA rA € tgr ]}€ rqI aJ!' nn ofi||x'l:r or{ YHETla ntE fltl. |rtEll $E€#tArxnt. "In€ NUCII|a DOaSO|EIER UEITOO OF IESTll,lO WAs LrsED lN SUE,fA|IUL TCCOROANC€ IYIIH ASru D2992 AID DJOI T PREUMIMRY OBSEM/ATIONS AI.{O,/OR TEST RESULTS \ERMLLY REPORTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT building to give In-place densities were the contractor an idea of taken on crusher compaction. No fines backfill around the sample was taken for labor-ination oer coPtEs Shaeffer Const. - Attn: Judy Sanford Nicol & Hofland Associates J. Benedict S. Pawlak RE..O OffiSVER APPRO/ED S/ ^5 sJnrr|. PEIfCrEl rD ct.Ixl,l T]€ FUi-E r}O Cr.E flrjEl' rr! Efttorlt l|rf lfrTlED '.:t Tl€ COtErrUr" PiOrfltY 6 Crt CLE{I:L lr5 rlmlfArD. tA 't.!.r -Ilorl c sr^IEarxl:l @€l1ltoq {n DcrrcTl IRou (R REq^Aoraq d.e iffqn:! ts ErJf'ato Po{(Ir€ q.a rETrEt rPPio/a- Salft€3 wu E DrsqID c IfTII tEtl}rg 6 cql.,l'f'tl tfl-ftt EIna la.r{ara).I]l 4t ,rftIJ TD |lt rt{n|il ^ irrt- d r.GlFl s.,r d -nrqrr.. Fd'| xd. OJE| arr .1,/lO .:\t ln elxf -'1 /-,97^ 449650 8'553 F'514 JOHNNETTE FHILLIFS o JZI;,*(Zl,r!tr'2f '^* ' i3'L^18'" Restrlotlve covenautg REC 1'0. oo ooc o.oo J. A. PRECOURT ts the owner of WHEREAS, the ProPertY /D rhv .Q deecrlbed as I -,- ^ ,1 1 t( \ 328 MrLL cREEK crRcLE -{ 'lr, P' vArr, vrr,1,"du--' 1sr FTLTNG Utt\" \ BLOCK1 LoTA ',-'v hereln refetred to aE the rteubject propertyrr I and WHEREA9. the owner wlslree to place certaln restrlatlong on the use of the subJect Land for the beneflt or the ovtner and the Town of Vall, Col'orado (rrthe Town) ' Now, THEREFoRE' the owner doeg hereby lmpose, establlsh, acknowledge, declare, fof the benefit of all persons t"ho nay hereinafter purchasef or lease' or hold the subject land' the followinq restrtctions, covenants' and condltlons' all of whlch shal}bedeernedtorunwlththelandandlnuretothebenefltand be binding upon tlre orlnerr lt's respecllve grantees' guccessors' and asslgns. l. The subjeot property hae a restrLcted enployee dwelllng unlt ln the aPProximate Eize of 15F r sguare feet. The restrlcted enployee unit located on the Bubiect property EhaII not be eold' transferred' or conveyed eeparately fron the prinary dwelllng unit located on the EubJect property for a perrod of more than twenty (zo) year' and the llte of Tlftany Lowenthal , from the date bhat the certLflcato of, oocupancy le lesued for sald restrlcted enployee dwelllng untt' 2, The regtrlctect etnployee dwelllng unlt Ehall not be Leased or rented for any perJ-od of less than thlrty (30) consecutive dayst and, if it shall be rented' lt shall bE rented onty to tenantE who are full-tine employees of the Upper Eagle Val]ey. The uPper Eagle Valley shall be deened to lnolude the Gof,e :lalley, Minturn, Red cl-iff ' Gilman' Eagle-Vall' and Avon' and therr eurrounding areas. A full-tlnre emptoyee le a peraon who worlss an average of thirty (30) lrours or more per week' 3. Tho rest'ricted ernployee dwelling unlt ehaLl' noE be cttvlded lnto any forn of tirne shares' lnterval ownershlp' or fractlonal f,ee ownershlP' F{ r1f r.{ c) Pierce, Segerberg & SPaeh Architects P. C. A.I. A. May 3, 1991 Town of Va i I Commun ity Deve lopment 75 South F r ont age Road West Vail, C0 81657 Attent ion: Ms. She I lY Me I lo We are writing tn rega rd s to the. Precourt Res i dence ' Lot a, gloct( 1, Vail Village First Filing' Upon rece iv ing your computer ized form wh ich conta ined zon ing informat ion, the owners noted that 23 ' 5 square feet of G.R.F'A' rema ins ' In order to make their lau ndny noom ' dining room and mechan ica I room more funct ional, t ney woutO like to utilize this G'F'R'A' by moving the exterior dining room south wall out six inches and by touing the wall between the garage and hallway approx imate'iy one foot to the north' we have included rev i sed f loor plans to illustrate these changes. Note also t hat we have rev ised the bathroom by the laundry room. No ch anges to the elevations occured ' We request staff aPProva I Very tru lY Yours, on t hese rev is ions to oun Plans' Bill Res lock Pro j ect Arch itect BR/ lrt enc. cc: JaY Precouft Main Off ice: 1000 S outh Frontage Road West ' Vail, Colorado 81657 ' 3O3141 6-4433 Tabor Center 1200 Seventeenth S treet 'Suite 515 ' Denver' Colorado 8O2OZ ' 3O31623'3355 Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects P. C.A.I. A. Town of Vai 1 CommunitY ui souttr Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Apri 1 rg , 1991 Pl ease feel C o n s t ru c t i o n (?34-a7861 i SincerelY' 0evel oPment \,le st lo free to contact me ' ( 845-5656 ) or JerrY for the remova I of these of George Shaeffer ComPl ete Tree Cane v{e are wiliting ln regards to !!e,,:'i "ing tnees at the Precourt Resi dence, Lot 4 ' lil"rt 1' Va'i 1 Val'l ev F'i rst Ft 1i ng ' Upon closer e xam'i nat i on by a tree consul tant ' Je rry Morri s of comolete Tree t"""1-"- """Lnf l9Y"1t'i orr of the driveway 'l s necessary. f fre tree marked tnl on ifte revi sed si te pl an I s a 150 year old pi";'i;";: rn orden tor th'i s tnee to survive' we must move tne oriu"*"y to the west' As a result of this' an existing cotton-;;;"I'reu *""H"0 (ai wirr be removed' Another i s al ready be ' ng"iltou"d i n the pnesent pl an ' Je rry Morni s has i ndi cated t hat the se trees af: - neari ng the eno of thei r useful l;;;' Removing the se trees wi1'l also facilitate the r"movat of thre" pi n" trees ma rked (C) for replanting on tr'l''ii"' rhis may'""t-lt-potuible without the nemovalofthetwocottonwoods''\,l;-6eiievettratremovingthese trees is a be"""-'otution becau'" it 'itt preserve the great Attention:ShellY Mel ol d tnee. }te are reque st i ng the Staff 's approval t ne e s . JudY Sanforcl Morri'i s of f You have anY questions N-,+Fjl11,- Bi l'l Re sl ock Pro ject Arch'i tect BR/1nt cc: JerrY Morri s JudY Sal' ford Main Office: One Tabor Center 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 303147 6-4433 . 1200 Seventeenth S treet 'Suite 515 Denver, Colorado 80202 3O31623-3355 \K/ \lti 1| s )<t $J-- ol ilf H i$ E T3L Iii a$\> n -.\ [" E $ri {'t )_ r$t T L t E {$.L o t IROPE )PLIC 4v .--' C1 :RIPT iil|^}r I P AP SC ss f, 3o l' FOR RUCT PP 1 ON ST or_ ,J PER scr ATI A pe T- I 1" PRO de tc !J I y l) F ch tn' , T +i 2I 5 ( TY ip NO tta RE UR u -a K 0 on V0CABLE PERMIT T0 ERECT 0R MAINTAIN Fence_ E 0N A IUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY l{all Landscapin!-lZ 0ther ERTY CANT IO ril on separate sheet. ) Corner I ot----.-r Inside lot tl DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURT OR ITEM(S) INTO RIGHT.OF-WAY LA.h<TC-1.^?E Attach pians showing encroachment, property I ine, sidewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, ER cr BE sERVED: ror{sLocKlsuBD. VV ltf meters, manholes, any other affected apurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as pg11 as elevations ('if applicable). 5. Does structure presently exist? Proposed date for commencement of construction In consideration oi the issuance of a revocabie permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: l. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu- sively to the land above described.2. That the pernit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this appl ication.3. That the applicant shali notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection nra! be made by the Town.4. That the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from and against all c] aims, suits, damages, costs, iosses and expenses in any manner resulting fron, arising out of, or connected with the erection or maintenance of the above identified structure. That the permit may be revoked whenever jt is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other structure cOnstitutes a nuisance, destroys or impa'i rs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the pub'l ic;or it may be revoked at any time for any rerson deemed sufficient by the Town of Vai'|. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within teri days after receiving notice of any revocaticn of said permit. That the applicant agrees tc maintajn any iandscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and co1 'lect the costs of removal in the same manner as genera'l taxes are collected. That the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued solely to the undersigned appl i cant. That the appiicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth Spec'ial cond \G.n ,=^-e ,t rc 1/3t,ft)l ths gnatures 6. 'i 8. 9. 10. 11. in this application. own Manager Town of VaiI Community Development 75 South Front,age Road Vail, Colorado 8165?(303) 479-2738 PIan review based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 32891 Address: 328 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Occupancy: R3,ML Type of Const: V-N Portions of the materi-al contained in Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) Conference of Buildinq Officials [Tt";,ffi,nn, Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST.Architect: PIERCE Engineer: NICOL & HOFLAND PIaNS Examiner: DAN STANEK this program are reproduced from the with permission of International # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REOUIRED A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a nechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. l-205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a nechanica] ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205 (c) . Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable lrater supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC L003. In buildings of unusually tight construction (aII new construction within the Town of vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such conbustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. 6. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1706. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and fire-taping joints. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volune of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 1 J.*** **** 2 **t* **** 3 **** **** 4 **** **** 5 **** **** 5 ******** ,- I ******** ******** ******** 10 ******** 11 ******** times larger than the boiler.uMc 504 (b) Page 2 Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of eguipnent, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to ut.ilize flow restrict,ion devices. Also, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximun of 3.5 gallons per f1ush. The minirnum clearance fron the fireplace and chinney to combustible naterials is 2 inches. -- Sec. 3707. (h) & Table 37-B The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side.-- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwelling is reguired to be a L 3/8 inch thick solid core self closing door. -- Sec. 503.(d) exc.*3 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniforn Building Code Project Number: 32891, Address: 328 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Occupancy: R3rMl Type of Const: v-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report Iisting of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with Conference of Building Officials AREA MTN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS T1.".,it#,,,, Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST.Architect: PIERCE Engineer: NICOL e HOFLAND Plans Exaniner: DAN STANEK are not intended to be a complete in the 1988 UBC. It is a quide to program are reproduced from the pernission of Internat,ional 2 Den 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 Bedroom 2 Bath room 2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAI FOR FLOOR 1 Powder roon 1 Living room 1 Kitchen 1 Dining roon 1 Halls, closet,s, etc. TOTAI FOR TLOOR B Garage TOTA]., FOR FLOOR BUIIJDING TOTAI 185 268 L76 202 37 388 L256 20 555 t92 153 230 116 0 110 9 1109 2416 18.50 26.80 0.00 20.20 0 .00 0.00 0.00 5s .50 L9.20 16.30 0 .00 0.00 9.25 13.40 8.80 10.10 1 .85 0 .00 1 .50 27 .75 9.60 I .15 0.00 0.00 No YeS No Yes NO No No No No .No No No Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches :' 2l The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The maximum silL height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilat.ion system nay be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. L205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basenent is based on Sec. 1204. ROOM DTMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the ninimum height is required in only L/2 of the area.--Sec. 120?. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one roon which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 120?. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec . L2Q7. (c) GLAZING REOUIREMENTS: 1) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :' A snoke detector is required on the ceiLing or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The smoke detector is reguired to be wired to the building's power source. -- Sec. 1210 . (a) 3. A smoke detector is reguired in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.A smoke detector is reguired on aII stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.ff the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is reguired in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. 1210. (a) 4 page 3 FIREPIACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace nust be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2l The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3?07.(c)3) The minimun clearance to combustible naterial is from the fireplace, : smoke chamber, and chimney waIls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project nore than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 1.2 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the resj-dence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing I3/8 inch solid core door. -- TabLe 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rj.se of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- sec. 3305. (c) exc-#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, maximum opening size:6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc 1 The nininum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stalrs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REOUIREMENTS: 1) Provide an access to a1I attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50t of the reguired ventilaLJ.ng area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) Page 4 ADDITIONAI REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PRO,TECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REOUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. AIL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOT{N OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTII TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CETLING HETGHT OF 5r, BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS PER UBC 2516 (C) 5 WITH MINIMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 2516(C)2 AND MN(rMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AI{D LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For M1 occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A. FLOOR DRAIN WITH !'IITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO sEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VAILEY WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WAILS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503 (B) . Town of Vail Corununity Development ?5 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557 (303) 4't9-2t38 Plan revie$r based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 3289L Name'lrtrl!;tFD Address: 328 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Date: March 28, L991,Contractor: SIIAEFFER CONST. Occupancy: R3 Architect: PIERCE Type of Const.: V-N Engineer: NICOL e HOFLAND Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK Port.ions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( L988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Buildinq Officlals # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 **** **** 2 *x** **** A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechani-cal ventilaLion system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical- ventilation system connected directly to the outside sha11 be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or 1av. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205 (c) . Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. fn buildings of unusually tight construction (al1 new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such conbustion air openings shalt be as per UMC Ch. 3 **** **** 4 !t**tk **** 5 **** **** A chinney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1?06. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8', Type x sheetrock and fire-taping joints. 6 **** **:t* Gas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per listing installation instructions -with a rrBrr vent on1y. Combustion air rnust be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of Vail. **** **** **** **** **** **** Page 2 Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or having a volume at least 12 times the volune furnace. A boiler unit will require a space times larger than the boiler. UMC 504(b) space of the 15 Supply a mechanLcal drawlng indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipmentr'vent location and terminatl-on, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utLlize flow restriction devices. Also, the maximum wat,er closet fl-ush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 9a11ons per flush. ,f Town of VaiI Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on t.he 1988 Uniforn Building Code Project Number: 3289! Address: 328 MrLL CREEK CIRCLE Occupancy: R3 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with Conference of Buildinq Officials FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS T*?,\tffi, 1ee1 Contractor: SIIAEFFER CONST.Architect: PIERCE Engineer: NICOL & HOFLAND Pl-ans Examiner: DAN STANEK are not intended to be a complete in the 1988 UBC. It is a quide to program are reproduced from the permission of International 1 Airlock 1 Kitchen 1 Dining & Living 1 Powder room 1 Hal1s, closets, TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Mechanical room B Laundry roon B Bedroom #1 B Bedroom #2 B Bedroom #3 B Bath roon #l-B Bath room #2 B Bath room #3 B Halls, closets, etc. TOTAI.,, FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL room etc. 50 180 309 20 38 597 L02 135 L57 153 L52 4t ?6 36 184 996 59'1 0.00 1-8.00 30.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 15.70 15 .30 15.20 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 1.5.45 1.50 0.00 0.00 6.75 7.85 7. 65 7.60 2.05 1.80 1.80 0.00 No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l_ L L I 1 1 L t L 1" Page 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room- The mininum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.? square feet 4\ The maximum siII height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. l-205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress wj-ndow in the basenent is based on Sec. I204- ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shal1 have a ceiling hej-ght of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathroorns and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of ? feet measured Lo Lhe lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimun height is required in only 1/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than L20 sguare feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 120?. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:1) A11 glazing in hazardous locat.ions is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REOUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4- The smoke detector is required to be wj-red to the buildingt s power source. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 370?.(b)2\ The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney waLls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 1-2 inches may not. project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) Page 3 4) The hearth must be noncombusLible, a mininum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material. The hearth size must be at Ieast:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 5 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches L2 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least.36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, maximum opening size = 5 inches. -- Sec. 17L1. exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- I inches. -- Sec. 3305.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There nusL be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at. least 50? of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A STTE TMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REOUEST FOR FRAME TNSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLoOR CETLTNG HETGHT OF 5', BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS PER UBC 251.5 (C) 5 WITH MINIMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 251_6(C)2 AND MAXTMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. Jo Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh . Architects P.C. A.I.A. March 7, 1991 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Fontage Road West Vai1. Co 81657 Dear Gary: Thank you for taking the time today to discuss the Precourt Residence with ne (Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing). As ne discussed, the house will be constructed according to standard single family construction practices. The house was granted the Prinary/ Secondary variance for zoning purposes, but cannot be subdivided because the 1ot size is less tham 15,000 square feet; thus, it firnctions as a single family structure and will be constructed accordingly, To insure adequate fire separation we sha1l specify 5/8tr drywall throughout . Thanks again for taking the tirne to clarify this matter. Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEII, ARCHITECTS P.C. A.I.A. Beth Levine cc.-Judy Stanford - George Shaeffer Construction Co. Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-4433 Post Office Box 2313 . Beaver Creek, Colorado 81620 . 3O31949-6049 One Tabor Center . 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3031623-3355 *i u $l)- 5 $ -c a\- .o 'E- .Jr \-.r' \rN')- &l--s)!- l'.zr f rJil $P tr $f s\ F Tl D 6r '.?- o j o- lr d$r s+ c ., Adjacent Property Owners to ValI Vlllage Elrst Flllng, Lot 4,Block 1 - 328 M111 Creek Clrcler Lot 2, Block 1 Howard & Judlth Berkowltz Stephen Berkowttz HPB Assoclat€g 888 7th Avenue New York, NY ,.OOL6 Lot 5, Block I Rlchard Bass '1224 Thankglvlng Tower Dallas, TX 752OL Irot 11, Block 1 francie Gunn 332 11111 Creck ClrcIe ValI, CO 81657 Lot 1, 8lock 1 ila[cs Bcrry Craddock 325 Hl11 Creck Clrcle ValI, CO 81657 'd Project Application | -l t C', t') oau l/ | I'tL v. Pro jecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA L DISA PPR OVAL Summary: tr Staf{ Approval Qla b!ru OIcl jtrt ftrc'ct' ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S zoNE DISTRTCTS t'tltt14n DATE3 IL-l :'1," LEGAL DEscRrPrr oN-, rc{1 ' Block I rir ADDRESS:PHONE owNER__ FioNe ARCHITE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I.oT SIZE Height Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water course Site Coverage LandscaPing Fence/Retaining Parking Altowed (30) (33) Existinq ProPosed Tota1 AVtc,7 201 15 I 151 (30) (50) l(v-]d 2- 2Ah2-+7ct:4 Wall Heights 3'/6' Beqrd Credits: Garage (3oo) (e0o) (50) (Mectranical Airfock 2l I SloPe 3) Geotogic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche t)) RockfaIl c) Debris FIow ,tlr \ @D lco (25)@) hD & storase Gor4 (@-ffi t, Drive: Pennitted Slope 88 Actua1 Slope Approved bY Town Engineer: Date: Environmental/Hazards : Avalanche ; I ;; ::; ;i ; i; IJf 4l Wetlands \ilnlla rwr\5 RwaatAo r.)F}ood Ptain Qln ur"h oi,r bQfu^ , Row p2rYY\^f a'r.lc'yt- | Y.o-' .- f+ ;, &^(--J -"'R}.i o,^, =lZ-rz'la oil,y *j:3-=a*3t;;[ vtz+Y +; p-'.rii*-- l^u' Vte-r"'r o Tn t^^- 6""tln . g"ttS-" >'tL t-;l;i^^1 1".,o.. l*- \.-f=tsca="' .rl..Rl',l. €.t^.-, cgo.J'* t* E .P'o''&- t& v,)*,- -lt lt\h-_ a=*-,Jd,.- I v Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n uo, 4 , arl"x i- - t. LOne L& t.ut co Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: D ISA PPR OVA L Su m m ary: E Statt Approval Wraie DuJy;u-, f ftrnr\,\ l}:ff, ffiBrock I riri^u \lnnl V,\laqf \{ P/S CHECK FOR ZONE DISTRICTS ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I.,,OT SIZE ' Height TotAI GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining WalI Heights Parking Existinq ProPosed Total Allowed (3o) (33) + Ji'L' - 2QtiQ1 1 .J 15 1 151 (30) (s0)j#fu ? t> ?ryt{ 3'/6' Regrd (300) (6_ao)- (eoo)(r"2oo) Fq €9e tfL e5') 69t ' j:' + .,',-'r A .'' /'-t zool d{oil '1L'(-' Drive: Permitted Stope 8* Actual Slope Approved bY Town Engineer:Date: Environmental/Hazards : ^l;t l,) Flood Plain /v ' .t J 2r * Slo5le [=t 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snoht Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Wetlands li r' ,d \L L'(--Credits: Garage Mechanical Airlock Storage ?Lu.-' Avalanche 4'.) /ilct ct !t}n'L( t1 l--, \'O .': .;{ J DtrFMRTMtrNT @F .tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@trMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM xxxxxxx c0sT EA. .TOTAL AIIOUNT 01 0000 41330 coM. DEV. ApPUCAION rees 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI.I BUILDTNC CODE 1988 UNIFOR!.| PLUI'|BINc CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORII RRE CODE I 0000 42+15 1987 NATIONAL FTTCTRICAL CODE I 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 LUE PRINTS (M\IARS) 01.0000 42+12 0x coPtEs ,/ sruorEs 1 0000 42371 PEIfALTY FFES / RE-|NSPECnON l oooo +tsiz OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE eoNTriAcTufis LlcE |tsEs fEEs 0l 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION "JH r f- l'l i ::t* i l.:ne*;_r:= t-.=::h '::' .,l-l:,{i i; i; ;. g !. j; :-rt t::.,-r ..:,:,-_, _ii-:r f ._.,.. .,-'I lr.:.. -, i;,.,;rr,:'- . ,- i-r,.1 -i, r r..-,,=.._.1_-I' - '' I i.erjl F_: i s ,,1i t!:1'Ji.l. i :r:r i:, :,,r,r, l. i-:.:-r:-1q:'; t-,: !,_rl.j-;ij l -I-H*F-Jt{: '''r.:-rl- - i..'-r.:- r'": -.__c .,l ::l:r'!:;i .i iF.,r, FEI : ;ill, r:;iil ilr;i+t.rn i. 3_: i ,1 i *i:i, i-i!:r -?,;r.'JR 'r-'{i r_t o .:r DtrFRRTMtrNT @F .E@MMUNITV DtrVtrLEFMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcnoN FoRM XXXXXXX COM. DEV. APPUCAT1ON FEES 01 0000 41330 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 41540 1988 UNIFORI.I BUILDINC CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORLI PLULIBING CoDE 1988 UNIFORI,I MECHANICAL CODE 1 0000 42113 1988 UNIFORI.{ RRE CODE | 0000 42413 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 42115 PRTNTS (Un-rnS)1 0000 41548 ox coPlES ./ sruoEs 01.0000 42+12 PENALTY tT;:S / RE-lNsPecTloN 10000 42371 OFF HOURS TNSPECNON FE=| 0000 47322 IJCENSES fEES .srcu ePPlrcAlroN 0l 0000 4t4r3 Xs-u 6La',+ FUG 13 '94 15:12 TEJAS I GAS CORP o P,? ffin t'ur:t 13 lqao FOR I APPLICAT I ON PROPERTIES TN FOR AODITIONAL GRFA' E)(CEsS OF ALLOI.IASIE igRra 0.$ of Appl lcatlo Drte of IIFB Mactln nie#;itipi{i'd'iii; conference wJth r member or rhe planntnq etrrf ts stronoly encouraEed to dfscuss the provtslons under wtrtitr-aiailidi.it-eiin cin-6e-aiii encouraEed to. dfscuss the provtstons unair ilrirr-alaitidi'ir -diin .i.'i.-itri'ea t0 a ${te. It Should ba uhdenstond-tirt fh{r nrdr'ar,.i"-.ti". rr^r r.r,rta.rrh !9 1.,11!::--lt.:loll1-!9 1!a9rslogg_ttrli-itriJ'oiaiiiiie-iiiis not assur€ srch praperr, t!^'llllf'll.:sg,'gy:It,lu:!:91^9ltf ^,$!li', ir,6"6r'iininie'iiro*i-iir ss ts !!Q louare ,feet t,t ierta{n conditionl.rre net, mf lttllgll fol lddltfgrii under thlr Bectf on w{11 not be accepred unlegs rh:y are.complete. ' Thts. tncludas-alt rniorriili,in rie,;irlji-on-mii-F,iri il'iriir'ii'0etlgn Revlew Eoard subn{ttal requlrirnents. A,; PR0JECT DTSCRIPTION: B. LOChTION OF FROPOSALI .PFE:APPtICATI0N 7 - 5-'?o ': Address Legal Descrlpt'lon:rot# srocrJ-rttr;n- Zona 0lstrict C.,, Addrass D. NAI'IE 0F APPLICANT'3 RtPRtsEltrATrver -4rirdan Fc...rrr*- ., _. ....- NAME ;t OF APFLICANTI' Addres E. lul,rE 0F ol,JN S fgnature( s ) l. 'Verlflcat'lon that the unlt has remived 2, l,lames and mall{ng addresses of adJacent unitS on the same lot. This lnformatlon Assessor's offlce, Condoninlum agsociation apprsval (lf fx{stlng floor plan of structure. r,ondlJegalg. 0ccupancy. owners of EaEl e County '3. 4. lio^'Jr_r.tgljl,lr a flnal cgrtiflcate of property our'lers and of 1s ava I I ab]s f rom the Address f red rt tlnts of submf ttrl ,& lel (ttl,?,"r:''- The The t0lffifonalt1on' in add'ition to DRg igbmirtal requtremenrs, shrll he requ{.red,w{th thls subillttal r' appl lcable). -RUG 13 '9A 17:87 TEJCS GFS CORP I. A, I{AME OF PETITIONER ADDRESS ?el rh APPTICATION FOR SECONDARY UNIT FOB tOTg OF IESS TI{A}I IS,OOO squARE FEET IN ?1{E RESIDE{TIAL zoNE DISTRICT At\|D r}i THE PRIT,IARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL ZOI{E DI$TRIqT (type or pr L LEGAL DEscRrprroNr r.or 4. Erock*!_ riline V,y 1Sf _ pr0PGfty 9. NAME OF PETITIONER'$ REPRE,$ENTATTVE oonnssl€ea F.4o,rs,.h?;=.r8, F Vd-,I, tfuh-4d,ffi c. NAI'tt 0F ol/{N SIGNATURE ADDRESS IOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRB'' ??,4 F, A list of tjre nancs end n*Iling addresser of orners of atl adjecent to tha aubjoct property. II. CRITERIA Tlra csncnrnlty Dcvelopfiont.Dcpertnent and Design Review Board may grent aa exc'ption to rllor+ the addLrton qf a eesond drorling unit if t,trl, ioirowrnc qrltetla ar6 nct: I' The second unit shall not cxceed forry percent of ths toral qRFA allowsd on the lot; and 2. $e cornqlniry Developn'nr Depsrrnent shall find that thc granttng of tnc €xceptl$1 Hi:,i not be ce:riaental. tc. thr public wel-dgro cr in;urious to other proporry in the area ln ''hlch thG oullecr propirty Ig srluetad; and .I. That no veriarc6E for setbgckl, hai,ght,-parking,, site ccvcrAgo or landscaping,gite devaloPnent ot gtoss rasidontlal floor area rculC ba Epprcved unless ths grenting, of such e vsriancs boncfits rhe visual appeera'nii-of thl git6 end surrounding aroe; end (0|,ER )l7r',r Fq;Fl ?.a, r-l €'^i) ffIJG 13 '!E 17168 TEJFg bH) LVr1T rt DnS ADDIJICATIOS D}TB hDPI,IC'.TION RECEIVEDI D}3U OF DRB I{EE8II{CI n-ln-w rrfr*THr8 APPL,XCATTOII llrl.,it $or 18 guBtlITTEp*i**r r. FHT.APPI,SCABION ilSETINGI PRO;'FCT DE8CRXFIIXON I UHtrTIJ AI,L IHF.ORHATION 8E AECEFIPD I pir-appllcatlon naetlng wlth a.plqnnlng-qt1ff uembcr le stionglit-ruggeeted to dctrunlna.lt. any addltlonal fnt"riition'Ie needed. No apPlleat{olr.trLlt hre aa,Q?ntqd- . It le the aPPlieantre ut addltlonal pubnlttll requlrcnentg. Ptrease nota coltPLETE appltcatlon qlltr Ftr€attlllne thi cpproval Eroceas lor your -ploJcct by decreaeing the nu:r,ber of iendltlons o? appioval that thG DRB-fiay ptlpulate. ALL coiiCi{ioiir ef allrovat rnuet be rrcolvel btfbre r bulldlng pernrft lr l;cuei. eppltoatlon slll not bl prooeeead wlthout owtrerr E Blgnature. B.IpcAtrorf oP 'AddrerE Iegal neccrlptlon .fiot Subdlvleion Block !onlng C.HAI{E OT Hqlllng APPIJICANTI hddrsssl 11ote SAHIA.TTgI I o-I 10, 001. ,. s 50,001 * 9150,001 * $$00,001 -$ Ovcr s 10,000 S 60 n nn('$ lto, ooo $ 500,000 S1, ooo, ooo $1, ooo, ooo one 1t*LH- edal D.HAI|E OF APPLXC$NTt g REFRESENTATIVEI Mal,Ilng Addreest E.NA}{8 OT OWNERE: arot{tguB! (Fl r l{alllnE Addreaei F. G, NEE $ 10. oo S ns.oo $ 50.00 s100"00 9to0.oo 9300. 0o egndotnlnlun Approval lf rppllorble. (ovlR) LIST OF }IATERIAI,S NAI'IE OF PROiTEqI:Jrt t?-=iJ-"',<-*-- T.,EGAL DESCRTPTION: LOT..:*- BIpCK I STREET ADDRESS: SUBDTVISION The following Review Board A.BUILDING Roof Siding lnformatLon Ls before a finaL I.IATERIALS: Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows I{indow TrLn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other I,ANDSCAPING: NAMC Of PI,ANT III,ATERTAI,S : PROPOSED TREES for submittal to the Design ean be given: MATERIAL COISR reguired approval TYPE OF B. Botanical Name Common Name GL". BI.. a frJca_. Iry.,\z. t*. QsJ<.Lts .a I o ouantitv S ize* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED C",r g: t<=-lt B.,.tS <2 I lh Designer: Ptrone: lo -lz i'- 9u tl5: -?*,ss,+ ?uo"^p .J g : -toj+-"$*&A-'l jl[o *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Mininum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. o plRnt t'tRtERInls: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Botanical Name Common Name Ouani tv Size Jor.ir* C-,^u.ru s si+ Type Square Footaqe G-- c,. \ .'^, I ur.,\\ a^=- ("oo # 5oo {z4 c.OTHER. LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls'fences,swimming Pools, etc.)Please specify. ZONE CITECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRISTS DATE: A- lZ -lo LEGAI. DESCR'IPTION: .Lot -ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECIT ZONE DISTRTST PROPOSED USE IFT SIZE Eelght TotAl GRFA Prlnary GRFA secondaly GRFA s€tbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course site coverage IandscaPing Fence/Retainlng l{all Heights Parking Credits:Garage Mechanical Airlock Storage Drive: SloPe Pemltted Envlronmental/Hazards : Proposed 3Zh 7?tr- Zo A1 I z"+ 2ol ?-ot l5' C^t-/ - 4 c,trr l\o o loo 6o 4.oo \7. Avalanche Zonlng: Flood Plain Slope Geologic Hazards Approvedr/ DisaPProved Date: I riling PHONE PIIONE Allowed (30) (33) 3p65 lsal l2zb 20r 151 15 1 (30 ) (" o2. (300) (5oo) (e00) (12eE (50) (1oo) (25) (50) (200) (4o0) Slope Actual (50) staff Sigmature PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs HEREBY GrvEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of vail will hold a pubric.hearing on slpternber s, 1990 at 3:oo p.n.in the Town of Vail Municipal nuilding. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area in the secondlry unit of the Jay Precourt Residence at 328 lr{ilr creek circre. Lot 4, Block 1l Vail Village Lst. Applicant: ;Iay Precourt The applications and information about the proposars are available in the zoning adrninistratorrs office durinlq iegular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on August 17, 1990. Na\\ \\.q\LJ \\ \'\tsYrqB \\\\ IlTJUrrrv 1€c4trrol{_$Enlfrcatrrgtt SUBDIVISION JOB NA!,TE L,or 4 ,, Broc* ADDREBE Ehr looatlon ol utllltlra; whcthrr tlrey be naln tnrnh llner or propoaed llntr, nurt ba epprovrd and verlfled by the followlng utllltles tor thr actronpanylng rlte plan, AuthorLz.d-gltrnaturr U.g. WcEt Couaunl,catlons 1-800-923-1987 468-6860 or 949-4330 ftr)l- Hrbllo Ferrrj.cr conpany 9{9-$?81 oat1l tlall plil floly cro33 Eleotrlc AEroe. 9{9-589e Trd Hurky,/l{lchael lavefr,y Iterlt8ge Cablevj,rlod T.V. 949-5539 cerlr JohnEon Upper EaElr vausy l{atBr t Eanltatlon Dlgtrlct * A76-?480 Fred Harhc P., { t{* / HOTE:Theee verlflcatlone do not rcllcve the Gentraclor of cut per$lt fron Worhs and to in any pulllc rlEht-of-ttay er catoncnt ln the Tcrm 6f Vail, A lu.rLl.dlnq--pemlf. lr not a Ftreet--cut FFnrlt. A etreet cut pemlt nurt br obtalned reparatety. Ehls fora la to vcrlfy acrstlce avsllablllty and locatlon. Bhlr rhould bs uaed Ln conJunctlon rllth pnparlng your ut!.llty plan and achedullnE lnEtallatl,onE' * Pl.aE€ brlnE e el.te plan when obtelnlng upper Eagre varl€y watrr & ganltatlon PlEnatu"ss. hk rcaponalblLlty to obtaln a street thr trawn of Ve{l, Dapartnont of Pu.bllc _-* A t-J g- 14*9F -rr.rE t==n PoLrcYNo. 42232510 ERICAN LANb TITLE ASSOCIATTOITJ OWNEB'S POLICY FOFM g - t9Z0 (Arnendod 10.17.70) ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF ]NNESOTA I Stock Compony, o{ Mlnnaapolir, Mlnnorotl suBtEcT TO TI{E ExcLUsION$ FROM CotrRAg-E:-[$E EXCEPTIONS CoNTATNED rN SCHED(IIJ B AI{D THE PROUSTOT\'S oF rfiE col,trinorrrs'-iiip-ii6ilmrrous HERE'F, TITLE INSURANCE COMp__At{yOF MINNESOTA:T.1.u..tLg ttrc Company,lnsurss, $ of Darc of poticy strown in schedulc A' aSainet lorr or damrge, not rxcecdht ui-rnount of in rancc steira in Scncaure A, rnd costs, rrtorncys, fecr 'nd exPen$ca which thc company mav h.omc ourifrtei t pay hrr.und;;;riil; ;i ircurr.c by tha insurcd by reaion of:I ' Titlo to thc cEtttt or intcrcst dclcribcd in &hedutc A bcing vssted othcnrisc rh5,, &s ststcd th.rein;2. fuiy dcfcct in or lien or oncumbranca on such titloi 3. Lack of r right of accels to and from thc land; or 4, Unmarkctrbillty of such Utlc, lN wITNEss WHEREo-F' thc suid I'itle Insurancc cgqnur-r of Mhncsou h* cayscd itr coryo*ta namo urd real.$r be horcr'rnto aflixed bv its dulv.iiithoi#,t-"ifil;; dr trirli",i-i,ito*,'; sltdi. A, thc poticy to bc valid whon countcrsip€d by ur ruthorizcd iff:ccr or igenroli-fri dlmp*v, AM n. Secroury EXCLUSIONS FROM COVER.ACE Thc folrowing m'rtcrs lrc exprossry excruded ftom the covcrag? of this policy:l' Any law' ordinance.or q?u-11$:1':al r.cgulation (including but ,rqt umit.d toluilding rnd zoning ordinancil)restricting or regulating o-r prohibiting ttic occupancy, usc_or iqioymcnr of the rrnd, or regulathg thc charqcrcr,dimensions or location of any improiemeni nfrv or-hereafr.r crd;J;; iiJ,.no, o, prohiDiring a rcprration in :ffi1',lll":!ffif}lill ilr$:,,f;Ttid'rg-oi 'rea or thc lano, oi itre' eiiect or aoy vioration ir ,ny su"r, u,, 1. 5.Drfects' licng' cncumbtanccs, rdrcr$c- cls,imr, or other rnatters (a) crcrtcd, suffered, as3umcd or rEecd to by thc insured claimanti ft) not knoura to tttc conipinv .ii iit rt orrn loy the public recordr but lqown ro the insurcd €lalnunt ?ith€r et Datc of Policy or at thr dfte'iucii .iJr-t acquircd.,i.sut. oilil*rsst insu*d by this policy end not disclosed in witing by.the insurcd'ir.i-r*ifr'u, company prior to the dstc suchinsured crdinent becrm' f,n insuredhercundet; (c).rcsulting in no loss or damage to'th* iiruria.uimant;1u; rturtingorcreated rubsequent to Datl of poticvidiG) "sut-tiu ir,lotio, a*rgr "ni.h woulo nol il;;;r, sustaincd if tho insuracr claiftant hrd paid vaft.rc for thc astqie or inrcicii ilr.d by this policy.r L dEh Fortn r g0 irg gOM \4!" COqyrlohr 1089 Ah./r.r- | r^r 't.,- ts'r*ghtr of cminent domrin or Sovclnmentnl rights of policc power unlcss notice of the €xcrcisE of such rights rppeaw in the public rccords at bate of poticy, - - -- '- F-tdz ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA hcaldcnt , \ , .'l -'l J A Lr r-'- 14-99 -rLtE 1= CONDITIONS AT{D 1. Drflnltlon o{ Trrfit Thc folloqnf tGrmr whrn u$d ln thh gougy fis1n5 -, (rl nlnlurld.tt: tho Inrurcd nsl''cd ln gchocuti A, rn.t, rlbhca to rny rirhrr !r.datcnror rhG Gomprny rnry hrw iiliiiilirli?i.nEmcd Inlurcd, rhoi. who ruccc.d rb ltrc tnlgoiigi iirl.tr jiil;A;), opcrd on_of hw.r dt tnsgtshrd ttom purchrr. ii.i"-ii'n'i, ii,il-or rrhllrd . to, hclrt, dhriltvrcsr, davlrccr, iuwii;;;''#;;i,rrplrtcrrlrlvcN! noxt of kln, or corponac o" ticuiliry lr.c hridirl-'.' - (t) "lnrurod clrlnrnt"r In lnislctt chlmlnl lo$ or drnrlr hctoundcr. ,._-.,(c)'rlnowltdgc":. .rctult ktrowld4tor nol Go6lruralrrc _rorowcdgr..or no 0{ whtch mry bc tmpur.d-rd rni-nirrrla'U-i'roiiin sf rny Dubua rccordr. .-__, (d)"land i thc lrd dcsrrlbodr-rp.ctficr1y or by rcfcrcncr lh :j1:.llli A,_.rnd tmprov€nanB. rffiicd rtroriro ii,tc';-'rv--l;contittsl0- lctl propcltyi provldod, hoyltycr, fht tor"r ..'finCA air nol_ lncludc rny pro96!1y'61yord. th. tlfic. bi ih;;;;r #"-tn.liii *lc-rjbgd or rcfcnrd to_ In scirduh a, oor.ny ;ioi,lrtr,l, riiiiiri citrti _0t ctlomrnt tn_ tburrlrs. rtro.otr, rorar,_ jvciiiol, .tt;'#;'ilfi;,u,Ayt.or uo.tcrwryr, but Dorfiln8 hcnln rb0ll ,noafv "r-ir-;ir-'iio |fif liii:;n*t l'il ht or rccctJ to .no rra; r ;i;ioii n rriilli .i'; *.*ni*;,T;*';l0tli tnontldr!' dGod of t!{'!t, trutl dood, ir oth€t (f) "pubttc rocordr',; thor conrrrucrlw norcs or,ntrrcrr rcrrtelnlerTlllJilllt: bv lrw tmpgsl t STIPUI"ATIONS Z CotrtlEurfion at tnrunncr rft.? Convayrns. of Tltla ,^,I1",-t9Yf-1g!,of ril! pollqv -rhlll contlnur ln torcc .s qf Dltc ot ron€y In flvor of ltr lnt[rcd io tong ls ructr inruriJ rcirtaJin-liirr" 1L_lll9r..rr tn ihc lrnd, or hotd; 0n tna.Urccnc;-l;ur-ct.iL il fit'i,TliJ, iT,llfi'J,"illi i.'i ieiitl's',liir"'J,l;,#,,Tl*Ll-I"ttnly nldr by ru.h tdlurcd In r,y riunirci Ii"oi"liii'll'lr rllcD. "illle ot Intcrclti provldcd, trowivcr,' itrli p;ii,il-ii;ii;;,cqnllnuc lI lorco In fiwi of rr ;xtd*H"#i,;.i,;l#",f*ti,i{it:fflf !T,1i1,1tT,.,1"j _, _1. .9.tq. rn.l. Pro4€utlon ol As onr - Notlc| of ghlm to b!glvon !t rn Inturrd Clrlmlnt (l) Tho Conornv. rt ttr ow11 col !n4 wlthoqt undua d.hy.rhlll grovtdc tor rhl dr-!rnre ot in Inrrrod rn df Urrgtiloi c-q;;nt,L 91,!-.!lo,l! -,o"rocc! dhlr Gonncnccc "si,"ra ;Jii-l;;u;fr ;;., "octinro lntcrpo&d [gtlnEt tn Inrurcd In' rn rctlon fo .,if-ort ,co rrcr tof.r $lc of iho oirrc or lnrGr.rr tn uiu'iiil. ii riiJ Iliinr thal r{ch urlslrlon b tosndca uron in-ixfi;;'iucci;ifi,Gncunbrlncc, ot olhor msttrt Inlulrd rgrinrt by rf,-tl poilcy. '' ''" ,,. ,_ -l9l T!: t-"*!od rhltt no fy_ tho g9.pnny.plo,',prry in urttinr ly In. E-!rc rny !610r of proccodtn3 l! urgi, oilironil iin;ri.iijii !!_Ii,r9'.1 In .(r) lbou, 0t) rn .6u. r- r-nowiiasi'iiiil''cJil i;i"rnlu*.t icrcurdsr ot rrv chrn of rr . or tnrarirr *rrliri rr'io"crirn to tbn-tlqc lo thc rnoto or lDtc ru."';'lr**.*:;+iffi [,*li;'i'*'l*Tffi P_ 6= AfJr='- L 4 -'i8 'I -rLrE t==4l f lCantinued from instdc ftdnt llop) F-94 9f !1. C9.p"ov.shell ccate 8nd tcrminrle ii rcarrd ro the m{ttri cr .nuttcr! for_ whlch ruch prortrpt notico lr rrqu'lroa; ;r;;j;;:-;;*,.vorr fllrt tfltura. to noufy rhlll-ln no crsc prcJudlio thc rtghtr of lny tuCh.lnrurcd undor rhli polt.y unlosr iho Compsny tf,rfi bo ptcjudlc?d by ruch follur! lni rhin onli ro rr,a oirorit ofiurrl gteJudlc., ,--_,_ J.) Thc ComDlny .hlll hlvc rhc llghr ir ir! own eort ro Initltul. rnd wlrhout unduo dolry proiccurr oni iirioi' o, !l::!-.,lt"g or. lg 99 lny othrr rct'wtlCtr In ltl opt'n,on rnrv Uo nccc33!ry. ot dcslrsb_lo to irtsbuth fht htlc to thc criric or iorirqlt 0l Inturcd, !_nd thG Contlny mty tlkc rny rpptoprlltc ocrlon undcr iho. tcrmr of thb potlcy, whGthor or nor tirtr'rit Ui lsbirah;;u;dcr,dnd rholl not rtia!.by concpdo llrblllry or unlvc rny liovlrton'6t iirr Dollcy, (al).Whcncwf thG Conpuny rhtlt hlvB brought 0ny rcrlon or Illlt99lfr | 6crcnsc 0! rcqutrod o. pcrrntflod by thc prorirlon* of l.nll porlcyr thG CorngEny rhty puruuc lny ruch lirit*lon ro finll scl$mintHon by r courl of compclant jurhdictlon-ond oxproasly tcaotycr thc rlghtl lit lt! rolc dlscrarlgn, t6 rppcll tro,n any iducirc Jualgm$nt or ord€r. _ (c) ln rll crinr wlralr thlr pollCy gcrmttf Or loqulrc| tho Comgrny lo prorccuri o! provld! fbr thi icfqnrc of any'retlon or procccdt[8, tho Iniurod hsrcundcr :holl rccurt ro thc Cdftoany thc rllht ,to ro prorGcut. qr proqdc dofcnm In ruch rirloir or pr0c0c6ln8, rnd rll lppaclr thcrctn, rnd pcrfilt thc ComDtny to uic,rl lt,! opilon, tho norho gf ruch lnsurdd fot ruch purDota. whpncvor roquo0tod by_tlrr Qo6prny, rBch lrrrurgd rhlll glio thc Conglny ru rctlon8bl! lid h gny tuch rdtlorr 0r Frccrrdift, ln cffrcflag &l llomcnl, tcc$riog !vidrncn. obttlnlnE wlancr!a!. of Drallcutlnr or drfondlnl ruch rctlon or procc€dtng, rnd thc Conp0ny r-hdl rclmbuttc tuci lnturBd fgr Eny axpcn$ !0 Incut!0d, a, Ngtlco ol Ldrt - Llmltrtlon ot Actlon In addhloo ro thc notldot r0qulrod undor Dortur0Dh !(b) of thc'r Condlllonr rnd Sl,lpuhtlonr, I rtttrcment lh'w!filni of idy tolr or dtml8G.for which lt lr clrltncd thr Cornpcny lr U0bh undof thh pollcy thall b0 futnhhcd to thi CntttFnny -,n{iiln 90 6ryr Itt.r luch lo or drmrgc .h!tl hnc bocn dcrcinrtic6 rnA no rtrti oi-icttin ahDll r€crur to rn lnrurcd cl0ln[nt unlu !O doyl rftcr luch tloiomont rh0ll hrw bccn flrnbhod. Fdlur. to -lurnlsh ouch ttltcmcnt ot lost Or dDm0g6 rhdU trtrnlnltG rny llrblllty of tho Comp0ny unC6r thlr pollcy rt ro ruch lorr or drmolc, E. OFllodr to Pry or Olhrltvlr! Soflh Chlnr - Th!. Conprny shstl hltl thr 6p oE to poy or OthBnrylro rctuc rot ot ln tnc fllma o[ ln Inrurcd cl0tms|lt r|ry chlm Intur6d &llnrr or to t.rmlnrtc all uobluty rnd obflgrrl6nt of tbc Cofiirny nct0un6 !y Flylng or tondcllng pryr4.nl ef tho rmo$nl o?lntsfloCo undcr thg Dollcy logoth6! wlth rny coStr, lttolnryr'fGG!lno cRponl€3 t|lcurrot up lO tho tlnu of ruch D8ymrnt or rcndrr of prymont, by th? lnusrcd chlrnlnt rnd rutholliid by thc Cornpa4i, 8. Oot|'mlnrtloli rnd P|yn nt ol Lor (!) Thc llrblllty_of thG CoriFrny unrtor thls ppllsy thdlt h ro crr! axcorC lh! lalrt ol: (l) lht rcturl lors of tho lnrurod chlmtnti or (ll) rh. tmount of InrulirEo ttotid h Schodulc Al Or _$)T!! Cohprny wlll puy, la.ddlrlor to rny lolr lntured rgllnsr by th! pollcy, rll cortr lElgorGd ugon rn Infrsod In lttlfa-tlon :fIlrJE g.n- by thc complny tor rucf, lmumd, |n6 r -cor$, lllorncyr'lcot rnC cxpcntct ln llq3ltlon crrrlgd on by luch lnlurod wrrn tlr wflficn tuthotlttrlon 0l thc corrpsly, (c) Whotl ltrbqltt hrr bccn dcflnltcly lkod ln rcdordont+wfln rh6 condl onl df tbh pollcy, rha loi! or dlrnli! thlll bs ptyibli wlthln !0 dryt th.rorftdr, 7, Ll|hltruorr ot Lbb try -, l\'o chlm rhrl! rrltr.or bi nrrlErrln0blc u$dsr thb Foucy (r) tf thc gompmy, tflrr. tlvlnl ,aEolvid notlcc ol rn rllcscd dcfoct:liE;or_ cncumDtrncc Intutcd illlnrt hcrcundcrr by lltltrtlon 0r ornrrwfic. rcmoyt! tuch dcfrc!, llcn or cngurnbrtn€c or alrrblbhc,lhr.llll., |l Inturod, r,r,lthln I rclro0ablG tlme uflgr toaclit of such notlc.;.(b). tn lha lycnt of ttril0tlon urtll rhCra h$ bccn r finll getrrmlnl!ton 9y r,court of C0mpctont ,urlsdlction, !nd dlNDorltion er ru 19pcrlt Rtctcnollrr ldv!trG to !\e lltlc, ar lnrurrd, ss 9lovldc6 |n DurSrrrh a.hercofi 9r. (c) for thbttiry "otunrrrity ,riumll Uiin lnrur-cc tn t4ttttnl fny tlllm ot tult wlthoul trlor wrlttan conScnl of lhc conPuny, E. noduclion ol Llrbillty _.._{!l_ lllq.nr, undcr thr$ pol{cy, GxccAr p!}'mrntt rnldc for cotn,0rlgtncyi toct In6 crttn6Qt. !h0ll r$ducc thc tmounl of Inc llilTl:: Fro rrnto, No pcyrnc-nt rhln bc nrdr wtrhoui producing Inll pO Cy tot gndoflir cnt 9f luch Flymcni unkrs lh0 gOllCv oc lott.or drrtreyod, [* whtch caro prodrbf *lch lor'r o, Ociiir,,liton rhrll br furniNhcd lo thc ti rfoctlo; of rhc ComFony. 8. Lfublllfy oncumutlrtvr , . lt ll_ oxprorrly undclrt0gd thtt lhE nmounl of Insurucc gndcr llltl -pollCy tnIU bC rtduc6d by rny ornounr tho COmpaoy 6qy ply l_n6^0{ tr_ry. Follcy inrurint {lt[or.(!) I !n6lrgIfc rhown o, ioforrld ro In Schtdulc E hctcof which l3 | licn on lhc rrt0to ol lnt6r!!l covafod by.thlr. Follcy. or (b) ...nortEugc hcrctfrc, cxccut6d uy on iniuica l{'ntcn It a chlrEo at llcn on t1..0 cstotr or iDtcrcrl dticrlbcd er rcfrnad to ln SchodulG A,6nd thc tmount 50 p!{d rholl bc dccnrcd r Prymcnr und.r lhls pollcy. ThE Comitorly rhult h{v. thc optlon ro 0PFIy lo tllc ptymcnt of lny tuch drortgrgrt uy lmount thor Olhcrwttc would bc plytblc hclaundir to tho laiu!€d qwflcr of thc oEl!l0_ ot- Intcrclt cowrod by thls pollcy rnd thc rmounr rb Doid |rllll Dc dCorncd ! gsyncnt !ndat thlr polict ro rsid inrurcd owncr, lO. AFportlenmont lf th6 hnd dcicrlbGd In Scbcdulc A €oniktr o! two or mor!p$cclr whlch rrc not ui6d $ r rlnglo rltc, rnd r to6r ls rftrbllshGd !ff0ciln8 on6 or rDorr of rold pAlcGtr but rdi trll, tho lo$ rhcll b.comPulod rtld mrtl.d on ! Fro rtt0 bE3li ri lf thc rmount of lnrutsnEo undGr ihlt poticy wat dlvldcd pro rali o$ to thc vlluc on Drto e1 po11at of coch tEp0r0r0 glrcol to iho whotr, oxcluclw ol tny InrFtsv!mGntt mEdc tubicqucnt to Osl0 of potlcy, untrsr u ltnblllty or vdua hs! othorrylic bo6n [grtcd l'lFon 0r lo c6ch auch Dtrcol by lht.Coltlpony snd lho lnrurod rt lho tlfi$ of th! l6$urna! 6f rhtl poucy rnd . rhow-n -by ln oxFrrci rbtoficnt hcrcln or by !n Gndor3a mcdl rtt!chEd hcf6to. 11. Gubrolltlon Upon prymont or Srtthmont _Wh0n-0v0... th6 - Cqmpsny shrll htw t.rtlcd . Gl0lm ufldor,thli po cl., rlt tight_of tubrogltlon rholl vcrl ln rho Compony unrffaclos ly. lny- r.c! oI lhc lnrurcd chlm0nr. Th6 Coliplny rh0[ bo luDrogllcd.to on.t bc cntltlcd to i[ rtrh$ ond ,cmcdlc, whlch ,uch lnrurcd chlnrnt would hlv! hod !8rln-tt i;y;ii;;;;;;;;il;j"ftt9scl 10. tuoh cl0lft hrd thtl iollcy nor'bocn fllueO.'ini tf rlquetgd by thE cohprny, ruch lhrsr6a crsimoni rrriiiir-Jnriii to thc Compsny rll rtrhtt ond rcrnodtcr rsainir nri oani,i'oi oilJiri"ncccrrory ln_ ordor to porfccr ruch rliht ot rib;ogltion inj'Jriuit pcrmtr thc Cornpany to ulc ih. asmc- of ruch hrilot alil;;i'in rny trsntrctlon o. lltltrllon lnvotvtng tuch rlghtr or rornoOtoi. ii rfro PrymtEt Cor!. fiot co16r thc toft 6f ruch -lniur€d ctrlm{nt, ti;c !-oT?0lll lhlll !c iublolotod ro ruch rlghtr rDd rcmcdlcr I|l th! P-l-0p0..tlon whlch l-rid 9!ymcnl bclrt to tho tm6unr of rrld lo$. li l?{.rl9,utd .rgrytt fron lny rct ol ruch tnrurcd clulmsnl..uch rcr lllfl, tt_o.t Yold lhti pollcy,.bur tho Comprfly, ln th0r ovcnt, rttlll bs 111!j1c9. ro .e!y 9nry thrt poli of lny toca$ tn:urod trutnir ncrcundcr wnich thdll cxcocd ihi lmount, lf eny, lort 16 rhc Cqmprny by 16Arof ol rho lmgrtrmrnr qf rhi rtrrrr i,i,"ii"iirf"i. 12. Lhb ty Ltrnlrnd ro ihh poficy . Thl! ltirtrltmcnt logathcr wlth rll 0ndorrcftcnl| rDd olhrr tn$rrum6nJr, lf rny,_ riti€hod rcroro bi ulo-cbirninl- tliri ciiii,Pcrrcy ltg Conllrcr D0tWcCfi th! Inrurod ind tho COmp{Ay. ___Any cl0ltn. ol..lort or donlrricr whcth6! ot not blFad on ncSltcncar rnC which fflecr our of lhc rtEtur of thc tlflc to rir .;trt. or lntofclt cowrcd horrby or tny rcrlon rsrcrting luii ciain,rhrn ll r.ru'tcrcd to tho ptovt:tonr rni "onoiitoni r"a-rriiiiriiio'"r ol thlt pollEy, No nmcndtntnt of or cndorrcfi6nt tq thls poticy c0'' bc mEd!cxcntt !y -wrltlng !ndorlcd horcon o. otrschoi h.ieto-iGncJT;cilh-t?- rhc Ptctldrnt, I Vltn-_pfcridonr, rho Srcror0ryr in iiifi#r :l€l"fliy, or \4udr nl ot?iccr or !uthor{rcd ,tirurery of rhr uemtany. 13. Notlc.t, Whrfc Sonl , All ,ngllcpt toqullcd ag bc gttrn rho Cqmpany and lny ,tntomcnr rn vi,rr.-r|ll frqullcC to br turnllh!d tho Comp6ny rhrll bi rddrc:rcd to ils l{omc Offlci, Mlnnclpottl, Utnnclolr S'fiO'r. Notc: Ihir pollcy rdid only if $chcdulcs A and g arc Ettach?d, AUG-L4-e@ -t-rrE "==4. T11.1 Otlner.s. l-nr'm i{-1lZ P-65 F(, I i ut' tir,. rlZIS!',-rltr Anr+ u rr 'L S 1 ' Oti$ , {)tlrS .. rJr.r Addlts.s Fiic l'ir:r . Vrjitt:riIJii j.L.tlE Ll|-rLE" t\ 1. F'oi icr ljrEi'sl JUNE t"l , l,iB,l at €lrlr) 9,1.1. ?. tlqtne of insuredt ,JT.I!' A. FREI,$URT J. Thc'es'tat$ or lrrter'€st in thc lend deser'tled in this i,chedul.c and rr.rhich il. err cunrbened bv this poi icz is: A FEE t+. Title ta the est.a,te oe interEst covered h'r ihis rol icr' at thr date herer:f iE vcsted irr: rli'rY A. P;{HiULlft I 5. Th$ land Fefer're.d tcr in this, rrc'ilct is,Bituatc.d in trlrlLE Ucuntr.r Cr,'lcr'tdo, o,fld is rjegtribr-:,d as doi lours: Lilt 4 FLOC|{ I VAIL VILLAGE FiRE,T FILING, frLCrJFtLrIl'i$'tO'i'HE frE.;':rRlli:ir FLA'|" THEREBF, CrlLiIlTY [it: Er:rGLE/ gTAiE riF r],riLr]ft1\lrrj. PaEe I ]'hir Fr:l icr, vrl i,i En1,r, if Sicr.eriu't s g is attacherl . c|rrr=-a4-sB -rLtE t= =4l P - t4 e, 'iIh t-]urr,: r F lr'nr z.i'l-r Fil e I't':,. (.'r.rr-ru;i1i p+ ii.,:i. l\ru- rr)z:;rl-q1r-! ECHEiIUL.E E rhir. pel ict rj'c,es nt,t insuFe ag,lihl't Iosi ,:r. d.irr.rr e br r.s".rsrl.n at tirr tn1 l c,t i n..1 : t, Rishts c,F citsitfis r,t parti€S irr ri.Fs,$esricn ns,t sh(,rri1 br ths ruhl ic l'ct:-(tl+'13' l, . Eaggrngnts: or claims. Ad c.asgfirerr ts r rr of FhLr0Jrl bf. ih<i nuirl ic r,tr$r.cjs. '!, irigcr'eparrciesr cnrr t'lictr ilr b,,:urrdarr lincsr shof.ia?c in arear uinCroaEhrl€'lr t5 r Orrd anf facts rlhl cir A COr.rEdt SUr'Ve'r, anCi inr:,ne6ilC,n ot the PrcrrigoG u,[rul d di3trl $se afid rrrfriEh ar,'t rrrrt $houfi br the p'Jbi i': t'et:UFd5. ','i. ttrflt lien' or rirf,t tr' a iitn, f or' g.ervi ':Es,, l;l!,(,i., t,r' matenial iircr'eiof or'e ('t frot"rlaf tcr' #ur'nishcd, imr'lstd b'r. lau.r and n6t rh'tu.rh b,1.the pULrI lc rq.g6rt.6g. $. rFr:l TrlliH:i NrJi lHt Iil_tfl,ll-.iii Fir'rI1ELE. 6. LIEN$ Ftrft UNPAtlr trjA'i'Ei\ nf.lir S;E'dEFi f,iit\RliEE, IF irl.ir,. 7. Rit'H'i EF PFf,ljKiETtrR tlF A VEIN rlR LrfErE T$ EXfPfiC.T rli'ilJ REl.l$r,:f Hrj:- rlftr: THEREFRoH ErHilULtl THE gAf.lH hE FtrLrliii ltr FEtiEf FlfrT'E iih Iti'iEFrs;firf iHfl FREIIIEEI1 I\J. RE$ERVEI] Ii! LII'II iED .ii.r\ iEE PA.|EI.,|T IlF RE$ORB IN 1Ns.I"RUI.IHNI REi:[rRDFiir ,*IULY t.?, lEr9/? il,I i]r:tg]{ 4L+ iri F/)[,H irZi.,. E. FI'JHT$ fiF i,.JI:IY' F'Jfi I]IT'.]HEI1 DR I:'I|NI:ILIi C|I:INEIRUTTED BY THE riU(H[tHI I"Y gF THE UI'llTHF ETATEF;, AE' FEETERVEIT It'l ui,tiTED $'t'ft]-F-B F,fr'iENr itEiiuhit_rr.._i:l -tul-v I !, l'g'.?r't r I N ElJrlK .ifi rlT FfrriE 4lE. F'.. RE6'i'RItll Iuti*q, ,/iHi[:H frir NtrT d,til,i'TflrN r.: ijtrHFEITUftE iit{ RiivERTh:R LLALii;E_,Ei-iI r3|'liTTIl..lG REiTRI|:TIrJtlg, IF Al'lYr Bti$EU fiN R/rr;.E, |]DLL]R, F,ELirjlrJlri,r:'R l.lATi0NAL t'ilt(jlI,j, r\5 CIOFJTAiI'IEIJ iti jilg;Tf{Lt}lHNl RgLilFrlrglr r:lUr.tltril. 1g,t96j: IN BBrlfii ii,i AI Pr.triE 17t. 1'J.. trEFB $F TRUST lrir]'Etr uluNE (r4, l1;/9,1 Ft0il.rAy f,r. FiiHi:$LliT-f& THE rrutBl.II TRUETEE rlF Er\rjLE rl'jUNTY Fr-1R THE tj:lE OF J6i-rt\i rl.r\trF, VriN ir.vfic, Ii.. EARHFIF{A V. [r. ptrtE frl',ltr tlir--:Hr'rEL $yLVesrHF 1fi -dEt]LriiE .l'HE gi..lM r--rF *'185, O{:,(,. 9r) RE[r:'iitrED ,-i!-ll.iE I 1 | 11irl 1 I N Ug'_ril ri,;4 riT pAriE 4rni. AU G- L4-96 -TUE tJrj +, t==r:l I :o TITLE INSURANCE POLICY AMEHTCAN tATiID TITLE ASSOCIATION OIYfIIEBS POLICY FOFM B - 1870 I-.AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY F. O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81657 AC 303 476.2251 ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF Honr Oflicor 400 ' 2nd Ay.. So., Mirnoopolb, Mlnn. 55401 INNESOTA I El2/371.l l t t ..,:;:;.:;;=- .rL'E '= =l jk ofTitle lnsurance READ AS FOLLOI.I$:THE l'1AY Jrrr-e lr'rsuRANcE Co*pANY ot MlNNEsorA r Stock company of Mlnnorpolit, Minmrotr EHDORSEHEHT To be ottached to and bccorna a part of Commitment No' U'2215 Company of Minnesota' EFFECTIVE PATE UNDTR SCHEDULE A IS HEREBY AI{ENOED TO 1, 1981 AT 8:00A.M. hereof. DATE ISSUEOz SlIlEL PRECOJRT/VAN OYKE/LOT 4, BK.], VAIL VI.L.LAGE #1 'nfi;i;i;f tii'i,itiii'brf tfii Crimpiiri rinde] iai-d-comriiitment and any endorsement thereto shull not excee<t, in the aggregate, thc fn-cc imount of said commitmcnt and costs which the Company is obli' gatcd undcr thc eoniiitions and Stipulations thereof to pay, This anrJorscmslt, whcn countr.lrsignud by an authorizad ofltccr or agent, is mude_a purt of suitl commitment as oi the comnritmcnl date thereof and is subject to thc Schcdulcs, Conditions .and St-;;6ti;tts and Exslusions from Coverage ther€in containcd, except as modified by the provisions frru lnsunence flonrrnNv or fflrruNEsorA t rNspEcrroN's coMpLErED The iteros belos need to be couplete before giving a pernit a final C of 0. Please check off ln the box provided. FINAL PLI}MSING DATE 3 FINAL UECHANICAL DATE: n u n fr IMPROVE}IENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: e OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCA?INC DUE DATE: f) a>r . ,L- '/ "' ''1 f,tlt c e c, .- /- / (t:-= t-./.p"<c<, t////a- orrorruliYtPFJflr'" wo'Ks 47S2158 FIELD MEIIO PRoJECT (LocAIroN): Ftuwt Received by: 3AL INSPECTION'S CO}IPLETED !, The ltens below aeed to be couplete before givlng a pernlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off Ln the bor provlded. rINAL PLMEING FINAL UECEANICAL H E FINAL ELECTRICAI ryr tr N E l ' \'\'. \\ \' t. , 'i\ \ \. \ \oorr, ' , ,.-\ \q\ \\ \ \.\. . \rt.l\\irx_\r_.t r-\__, I LAT.IDSCAPING DI'E DATE: FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: )t r r.r_f\\l \\--\-f \\ \sr o PEHMIJ NUMBER OF PROJECT \ -- c\r oor. \.S 5 '\\ JoB NAME ^f tt INSPECTION TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: WED ''.THUR -r FRI T\\ s\ \.r- \\ REQUEST VAIL AM CALLER PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND TINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STE tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr D tr o tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL F(APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT apTE C'; ,Q." li Joe I -INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL NAME --r..' / /,;."! i CALLER ,.) ,. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI /' V' I TUES @ THUR MON AM PM '1 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr n tr o n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR tr rrl Xt'-t- t '1't t-< ,I. E] FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED 4 L CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,^r, (-21^ '7/ rNSpECroR (ft: f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*r!"toN TOWN REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO JOB NAME CALLER ON TUES W THUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FoorlNGS / srEEL /fru^tr uNDERGRouND EtrouNDArloN i srEEL (/AU RoucH, DWV FRAMING tr ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F(reenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nifrssop 4goz ,*rt"'oN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I l( r' tL (/ ^/,t.)":), PERMI DIFIE T NUMBER OF PROJECT 'i).ig -71 JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: /r, s';",*tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL y'\ur.roenonour.ro tr FOUNDATION / STEEL p(Foucn i D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " pLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER E HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBEA OF P { \\ I -DATE ''.'NAME READY FOB. INSP.EC.TI"ON:... 4.t t,ci \ LocATloN: '- 'r:;.'r ) CALLER TUES .\. WED THU BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOOTINGS / STEEL- :-:--:== ! D D D n tr tr FoUNDATION i STEEL,ROUGH / D,W,V. ROUGH i WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING AS PIPING /1 INSULATION SHEETROCK tr D tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .rl': /"": INSPECTOR DATE I qY0f OJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ',rti PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUF NUMBER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr ! D n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER O ! D D tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEIVP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ffioUGH n o tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED .1 "'T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED RRECTIONS: gI A co INSPECTOR-' ./ t-) lJ(nn t(t'-*- ) OF PROJECT BER TOWN OF REQUEST vArL ,t PERMIT oTtrr UM c JOB NAME CALLER TUES (,r/WED THU READY FOR LOCATION: iNSPECTION:AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FSFAMING Fr ROOF & SHEER ' PLYWOOD NAILING _ tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL -E- tr FINAL trrl Dl tr nl LJ I !i H P OUGH / WATER AS PIPING OOL / H. TUB -:tr. FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER L-l h\JLJ\IT] - CI CONDUIT -tr-- tr FINAL Me\nnr'rrcnr-' LJ r-lEA ttr\\Jr _ D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr=F|NA! \__ {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DI PROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 2 ,1. -/, D^rE /d -2 3 '7,/ rNSpEcroR I //l//))q'f\ L/ |I t,) neouEsr vArL t PERMIT NUMFER OFi PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME MON rNsPECfl*ON. L1 C "r-"-f-!- C't . FRI BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWoOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING SULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL I FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ! FINAL {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ss16 -' ' .../-.i'4,.i/ 'r? / lNsPEcroR ",:)-/ tNSPEC-Tlro|l,REQUEST VAIL ;N PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,' ') 7 i JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL C FRAIVING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION qdHEErRocK N POOL / H. TUB FINAL C FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED )ffappnovro CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rr.rs#g;;*oN,REQUEST vAlL r PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME - CALLER /vott / ruEs ,,! , J..,t /,/ "LL i',tld /,( WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W,V. I ROUGH / WATER fI FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING E; I trl {:I tr tr oo LY\ JSL HE JHE DN roN )cK O POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Yoppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '^t- t (.' / --. PEC TION REQUEST wN oF VAIL I RERMIT NU J ECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR DATE I READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEF D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - FOOF & SHEEF " pLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOF . ''., / ..' -./. '-/ : I tL, /INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL L PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI WED READY FOR LOCATION:,'lJ, ,' ,i BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR T{ FINAL /FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 'X'\fa: * PEtlMrT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL S PFT 4i;tZT 8r-s F i.,\DATE CALLER TUES l,'/S AM (frD Ctr N -'--.gp READY FOR LOCATION:f,4 :t /, (- {-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT fl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,E neenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED -,.'''.-t^-.t 4t( t \ t- {l.-,.i:i" rt Fa"'r7 *,* oot, ft/-"?'/?z rNSPEcroR n?iFsgop PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT rNs#broN REeuESr TOWN Otr \/Ail r zk7 i 1//" JOBNAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PM AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL i H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr Xrrrunl FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FrrlAL tr FINAL w PROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR c)o z CN -{7 o -{o z T rn n ={ @ -- d (D m 'n^r_.rrp E €* EFE |i E 3 Ei! 19 c = =cld l;: S !F lB* I ' l<l 3 l=- 3 '<tr LrLrLl 3 t llr! 6 €xY:-- 4 e ;== d 3 F=; g €- =2 5 g em.l '/.\ o :1 'rJ r-l m Fa '= z =IT Ci a) .4' H F ft I t-m t- .T =m o -t 2n -im nZ >m o!--t > m o C) t- z --i --l n o O-s Z- P< 1Z =m -T- z = z o o z,o n+ qn =_z H F li rF ICJ t: lz lo I c-.r P F< F lrt c) Fl .)E =tr .<F xli tm N] F?co l-'\ol F-IN <luJ >lz Hlu Ftr{ iL*' lF IF I l'l I I I .)BE =Eln -Fl= EI lol ml I III tl or (, f.) tJ t'tl lsE lzl lo lc)lI l*t>l l- lc) lm lA ll" lo lz |ft1.le lz llc'tl l'-l I tel t5.l l@l l-l tl l--.r l-n lci F t€F t6 l EI t>l lFl t!l tml lpl tzl I'l tl tl tl lr to l€ lz lo l:l> t: lm lp lz ld l€lz lo l-rl t<t> lF lB lz -.1 ti mlO Fl= le t<t> lr-t- lfi lF, l6 I I I I z -t m I ol 9o ;o 'n ;m =-1 @ rn x m i z c- ID U' --'t m -{m Cj. rr . x;:3 d ;' oP.ai ;3699 E O-^ X ^.9*ii:H Pi:35 o Y =0r o -:=: E F ==i*t'r@O=:' ^;'1 ++ur= =- _ lFX6=o= I r tD = o 6- :a r i3I ^ ).4 i oo P+aB= 5,6 9. +,O-rO X ot ^o*=E = -! qr !Af o, ==l|I * -r 3 ot iegi:e B l-i d=B"; = o o o;:s 33ise . d3'-01 \ -ls ,='L \edH;rF5o6 $= vt -. E.6:3 E 3 D J D =':F3 A &i +SU a'= O.,EFd aiaXi-o ==-i-eueP= c) L4 >z H .4'.'O ' !4. fd H z m o o z -l a o -{ .TI = Q) m T :t o =z m t.z 2 o z f | ! € lt : 2 '' =tt tl m - € gt m TN o z>9R .nd I<q< >o i'i i @o z -l I z m a !t c m fro<>-nI =z t- -o m l, =U)z m m TI m z lz. t;lr @ tq r t:>l @o z-o rrl >l zl ol l z m = r m o z =z l:l! lq t> ln IF te --l m o T .Y1 t c I z N !.- xi io > .Tl zo e9 o tt, s:o AA zz alzlFS >t tt<=<l lo jj Flt F.t<>-l-l-5 HIEIEB tsl ttl(n =>t ctH j c)t HtH^Et rtz; tri Y IEIEE l*li<n tat:,x l3l-l I IFUI l=l"l tHtol l*lEl I zt- | lEl-l I tllzl l<l(nl lfr,lHl I lLl > l=2l= ", |>F lo o l<C lz t- lth >l=o l:Ali -tl ml 9l m )F H E H c) FI X H a H H z 3 FI F H P t- Fl oi rn Z' a:'\il ol F r( +l < 'o 5t g < >'d r --t d z t-z I !'1 rl --tl \o I' l-'\o lo I I --.t --{ t- !m ='n m m U' c U)m -t x r m z .It m 2 i m I z m s { o m rn =z m m m I z l- c = = m l-rn --t o l- z o r m 7 c = m = m =-n m m U' VALUATION 1'm =-! 2 Fl H >H rn - z t- _q a- 2 m t-m cl : f- z L,r t! oo o\! I\) NNSh \ \\S \N-N\ N + ii NUMBER OF PROJECT : t..: JOB NAME INSPECTION: IN a SPE CTION REOUESi. TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT DATE CALLER TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: MON 1. 1,, I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL .B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t"d (! m E*.LE l-J=o t<: f IHE 3 f9q 7 t;: s l$H I l<l 3 l=. 3 <c f5 o< "! lD 96 eP E:69 mFl o _n T m { =FP oXF = 12. =oo (J ]>>-f- nnTt Tl! z=oq,>-,= oo z -- E TDN T lrl v ={ az =q ri il lo' t t\\,l-5 o ta9 l*i le m =-.1 o m x m I,I o z (_ (D T9. vni = =z o c..cr ts cl (_:r- ,-.J o @ z =m -E m <) -{ ril C, 0 z =m -{ c) 9.o -im UZ.>m -r>or zl --{ x Br o>ior o Oa Zr p< 1Z Oo m c)-T- z o 2 --i --t 4o n-1- i (!- o, = A, ci F F r- IE m I l(l)I t\) I I=l= I lc)l-l(D l(D tx- I lc) = __I (tl to (, oEll =l>l!-Fl= rll pl tl ll -ll l.ll ttl llr l+lo l€ lz lo t; lr- tm lp lz lci F t€F lzl tol EI t>l l-l trl tml 16-, I lzl I |l il ld l{ lz F t<t> l- ln lo lz l-t lo l€ I3 l-rl t<t> lF l! + l-l mlO Fl= lo l:t> lr l!lm l6-,t2 I I I i I I o o z a -{n c o I o z ai=lEil ;zooll al E ell 'r 3 ;l lirl tlltlt F g q gI *sgEl o=;i2 e e"' z lllt" 1l EI 1l 4l t P 2 l + @ l9 ll l2 t>ti m c |n lp e N i-l i P 1l S T HI P i ol ^ >'nl = z ol g ? 9l v O a. l 63 = bl z9 - =1 99 2 € x N@= N6=gi.'go t E F P fD 9g*s;;- o!-o ;369.9 E i: q+ O Y:D O :=;Ei 3*:Bs = (,/' (D =:t J=-.Otl P F I;': =FX 6:' sE?il oohv'; {;.t t; ^o+=E " ?as;q \ eg3l"e t \E;33=r VrgBE- \HE5I \Ii::i Nt:ti f,-,E3:*$ { l"tBH*a I q-'ggd I &fraiE | ,;'ot Xo m 'tl A €z m t € I']t-m o o I m -t tn o€X -Ffr t- z U)c r ^z I (,--t tTt --t - z m (tr t- m I 19 2 2lz -6li F lo o l-<c. lz tr lS =l?z li ol -{l ul i m =\Fln\:t\ elS grA -lt i\ lF t(\ * t\ 0 rN K I -r(l\N. o -t t- !m = =-n m m c g, m r-m z c tn 1' L --{ m g. z ,m m t m m --l z .Tl m m m o - z t-c = 2 m t-m o t- z o m x @ g t- z tft = m n =_Tl m m (t VALUATION 3 m 2 t- =q z m t-m -t o t- f- z ('l o l\) (Jt \{(tr o O O c O o f\)(t l\)(tr (tl (n O (J c4n,o3f 6.e b/'//{z- ,*rt"toN TOWN OF neouisr VAIL tl I)?.DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: _e ->_Y JOB NAME MON r1 c n BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL X rlrylq r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,*ril"roN neouisr ,*, {t4r, JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI zzt ES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V- O ROUGH / WATER fl FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr o tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr yNy D FINAL 1 ic<(ED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED E CTIONS: INSPECTOR r"rt"roN neouisr DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI WED PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING El ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , DATE CX- /.rt ?> - rNsPEcroR o o z a {7 c o =o z !ltt n ={ E - i @ m 3c l-O t-{ ;; o l<x f tf;i e 19s I l:* s t::: F o liq 3 l=P i ;=.o<To-69 =O ad ct >t 7,d ii=o .l1 T m -l =FF - --{ ,-,,--n= =oo v= T_ L ]LJLI -n! z=0@ \2 z n!fl oz -tY rn -t m lr t l\. 'lr- o l>o | ;'- T l'<lo | 'Tl m D ='-.t -.1 o (! m x m -{ o z C-o TD I "l m zO --{ m T z c) o z -t --l o-o z. t--ic f= 1,=n c) 9.n -Jm nz >m i>or-F _T' =m --l z m T] f?1 (:i -i D lq o x t: "i g. _Tt r- t- v, zl c)l l4 -jl YI -:t .'-'l tl l<l tJ.l l-t l::o *,x "l I v'l + t-r mlO 5l€'lz lo ll l> t= lff lo lz lo I I I I t- l'n tx t=lzl lol EI I>l lFl trr I tsl l-l |l I l-t ln lo ti l€ l<lzl tol lrl t>l lni l-l ll lt t--t fn loF t€F lzl tol EI t>l tFl bl lFl tzl l'l it I l-r lo l€ lz le t< l=II lB lz :EI;-Fl= tol pt FI flt I I =ll I EE Dt>FI<btr l0 l. fn l.rtl Pl..l",l,i I iilS I|!t | ::11 | ". tf*l:l tl lcll t"rl liil l^l | !:l - _o - \ai :;iq, o -x;E: q s liFi ais<6; ro{ E o- J; I tr' = Co O:a= |-=-.oor I i s$F; i ;e: ip I qFgt; I 26r 3;;:F I glligggil flg;IgFI nr EBIE I €o m fT!o c) I m --l m o€x I>; t- z (t c r --'1 z. z-c)c)o :H 9*H RT fi;E _o=vz r'-.oO n j;- =tr'2= tttl lttl rlll co(Ir>zomo o<oo e$€s n:;6 o;ii =xAz ="'c a= --t ,4, lz lm t: ;\ - o = (f o 3i zl >l :l =l al ml !l >l rl m a -Tl l-c I ^z ONF m^z x2 :.:,t x !E 53 ->'Tl ;zc)irQo o-<z 4()9 i: g e 2A o6 o 'nz2 =f,t I N@= 'n< w I C.j m -t I o rn c (. c m c,Fl gl .l ot ^l 'Tt I Il c)l tl I ml I I I I ol z 2r ol ol <l z ttl --{ | >l ol I ol ll -l o z 2 F c t-n 2 z o --{ m -{ -t r m =-"Tl m m U) a m -t x c) m z c m = q z m m €qt m m i z _Tl m m m I z c) r- -0 c = = m It o --t o z I m o x c t- = m = = m =_Tl m m u) VALUATION 'o m n =z o =m z t- |-c z o m r m o o t- t- z v c \: f..,('v, <: Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded bv: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t TOWN OF VA|L e P ERMIT NO.INSPECTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB srTE) GoNT4ACTOR9 _,__-:_._\ NAME Ltc. No.\ _ _ _l _ _, *,_l__\ Lt\r. tt\r.Owner: *!'\y f 3.,-f t r-- t i--,.=,... ' .: r- General Contractor: :->, a ,, r i - Excavator: Foundation: Plumber: E lect ric ian : Mechanical: Framer: I ns u lato r: Dry Wall: Pa in ter: Roofer:iv rl CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS Excavat io n Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Giound"Flufirbing Engineering (Utilities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO BE Rough Framing Insu lation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building COMPLETED AND AP PROVED BEFORE PROCEEDTNg UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD \j TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUppANCy .'t- i $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR |NSPECT|ONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 235 0R 247 24 Hours In Advance lt 2 Between 8:!.m. to 4:30 p.m., MondaV Tlugh Friday DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED PROVED rNstctoN REQUEST VAIL TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR El APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED -': ... ,INSPECTOR DATE o rNstctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON .' WED THUR CALLER TUES FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUts tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr tr FINAL U FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED + DArE- INSPECTOR rNsilctoN , J9wN oF i. i'''/: .,i REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: ' :/ JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB tr E tr o tr D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATI FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FrNAt"tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED 'DATET |NSPECTOR 'Ns roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES HEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr o o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr tr tr HEATING D ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr APPFOVED CORRECTIONS: ,:--:,"Et-ftEtNSPECTtON REQUT RED .-';7'f}t-- INSPECTOR