HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 8 LEGAL.pdfi i fl (u,u:Y;. TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEI T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{T dress:392 MILL CREEK CR 392 MILL CREEK CR 2L0L-O82 -49-005 PRiI99-0022 \ltS lOi Locauion. . . : --..?rc'sr No.. : Project No.: APPLICAIiIT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INL P O BOX 4030, VAIL eo 81558 coNrRAeToR BECK & AssocrATEs, rNc P o Box 4030, vArL co 81558 KNOBEL PETER B & PATRICE J _JT 239 CENTRAL PARK W, NEW YORK NY 10024 Description:NEW sFR WITH EIIU Occupancy TYPe Dwellings Zone 3 V-N Dwellings Zone 3 V-N Private Garages Zone 3 V-N Tabl-e Date: 05 /17 /L995 Town 4,340.00 ResCuarants Plan Revi€tt- _ > 2, s21.00 DRB Fee-- .OO Recreation Bee-------_--> 3.oo clean-WDepo6it--------> TOTAI, FEES-.. - - NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT TOV/Comm. Dev. pRoJEer rrrl,p: KNoBEL REsTDENcE cfean-up Deppsit Refunff" (sFR,P'ls'DUP) PERMTT approved )!CP^--z{--- amount date OWNER Building-----> Plarl check-- - > Invcccigation> wi ll. calL----> Fireplace Informacion: Reacrictsed: y *of Gas ApplianceB: 2 *Of GaE t oga: 2 *Of wood/Pallets: FEE SI]UMARY .o0 TotaL calcqlated Fees--->8, 94t . oS Irem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T Dept] BUITDING Division: o2/oe/1999 JPJ4 Action: NoTE Pr-,ANS TO CTIARLTE 02/24/T999 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CTIARLIE DAVIS It,EM: O54OO PI-,ANNING DEPARIT4EIiIT DCPT: PI'ANNING DiViSiON: o2/oe/L999 JRfiI Action: NoTE PLANS TO PLANNER 02/23/L999 CHARI-,IE AcLion: NoTE george is planner 03/01/L999 GEORGE AcEion: APPR George Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENr Dept: FIRE Division: o2/o8/L999 JRltt AcEion: APPR N/A Itsem: 05500 PIIBIIC WORKS Dept: PIIB WORK Division: O2/08/1.ggg JPNI ACTION: NOTE PI.ANS TO LEONARD/GREG 02/25/t999 CIARLIE Action: APPR per leonard s Item: 05550 ENGINEERING DepE: ENGTNEER Division: O2/08/L999 JRItt Action: NOTE PLANS TO LEONARD/GREG 03/1.0/L999 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR PER GREG HALIJ Number of Dwelling Units: 001 Factor Sq. Feet, Valuatsion 138.55 3,857 534,387.35 BasemenE 30.09 370 11,133.30 Masonry 40 .46 465 18,813 . 90 subtsotal = 4,692 564, 334 .55 Tot,a1 valuacion : 554,334 .55 of Vail Adjusted Valuatsion: 1,000,000.000 400.00 Additional Fees-------'-> .o0 63{.OS Total Pernit. Fee--------> 8,948.05 75o,oO PalmentB----_-- 8,948, 05 BAI,ANCE DI,E---- .00 Permj-t, ALL TIIIES #: B99-0011 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 02/08/L999 rssued...: 03/]-0/t999 E>cpires. . : 09/06/L999 Phone: 970-949-L800 Phone: 970-949-1800 see Page 2 of this t for any conditions DECLARA*TIONS y appty Eo this permit r hereby acknorledgo chrt I have tead tshie application. filled oui in full tshe inforEation required, coupleted an aceurahe ploc pIaI, and stsate Ehat all tha infornalion provided ae required i6 coirccc. I agree to cosply rrith tshe infoadation and pl-ot plan, !o coEply wiCh aL1 Toyn ordinanceE and stage laes, and to build thi6 sEruclure according lo Che Tovn's and suHiviaion codea, design review approved, Unifom Buil'ding Code and other ordinances of Ehe To$n t that ma OFFICE FROM 8:0O Al,t s:O0 ]SIGIN,TURE OF OWNER CONTRAGOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER t Documen REQUESIS FOR TNSPESTIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\NNCE BY Send Cl.an-ItD DeDoait lo: BECK AIIID AIISOC Permit, Tl4pe: NBW (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PERMIT Applicant: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC ilob Address: 392 MILL CREEK CR LOCATiON: 392 MILI, CREEK CR Parcel No: 2101-082-49-005 PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** Permit #: B99-001-l- EONDITIONS OF APPROVAIJ as of 03/L2/99 Stsatus: rssIIED ******************************************************************************** Applied: 02/Ae/L999 Issued: 03/t0/L999 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1_. Trrrs PROJEST WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SIIRVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHAi-.L BE SI]BMII5ED A}iID APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPEETION. 2 . ATTIC SPACES SIALT HAVE A CEII.,ING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS I4EAST]RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF TITE STRUCTTJRAL MEMBERS OF TIIE FI-,OOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF TITE STRUCTTIRAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIREETLY ABOVE. 3. 2 SETS OF MECHANICAI, DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR T1IIS PRO'IEET. AT TIME OF PERMIT SI]BMITTAJ-,,ONLY A PROGRESS SET HAD BEEN INCLI]DED. TOVIN OF VAIL, COIJORIDO R.prinEGd: 03/12/99 12 !53 Stateront ,i*l********trl}tt|*t*lt++:l'.*****t***ttt*t*tt|ltttttt|,r*t*****t**1,, gr.aEcnn! NuDbrr ! REC-0495 ltnoung I At74g.0B 03/!2/99 rr.23 PayBenC Mclhodr CK NogaEionr 3442 Ini.Er ,tN Prr[i! No: 899-oo11 Type! B-BuItD NEfl (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE Prrcll Noi 2101-082-49- oo5 gicG Addr4B i 392 UIIJL CREEK cR toc.sionr 392 MILL CREEK CR €, 948. 05 8,948.05 Balancc t .00 tt I t, t* ft* !r* * * tttt t*t t tt tt !r t{a * * l*at * r *a ** !r ** t*ta i *t tt|lt* * * * ll* * Total F.es a Ttri6 Prl|fi.ng 8,7{e.05 Total I\LL !tnt6: BF O01OOO0311I1OO BUIIJDING PERJiIIT gBES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REI'IEVI PEES Accounts @d.Dcreription PP 00100003112300 PtrAN gHECK FEES AD D2 -DEPO8 C],E"ANUP DEPOEITS AEounu 4r340,00 200.00 2, S21.00 ?50.00 3.OO RF 111OOOO31127OO RECRBATION FEES wc oo1ooo03112g00 }llrr'l cAIJt, TNSPECTION FBB |. -J ro Lt f.o ,o cCo o.r u ',/A d Eagl 28-8 Asses9ors Parcel /. off;l 4**, n TOWN OF VAIL CONSIRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM oArEz_422L *r.*** ApPLrcArroN lfusr BE FILLuD our'coMPLErELv oR Ir :"..-.?Ej:lT;'j .wkk, : * * * * * * * * * * * * " * tr * * * * * * * * * * * PERI|IT INFOR'I'{ATION * * * "r* * * * [ ]-Plumbing [ ] -Etectrical [ ]-Mechani'cal [ ,-other ftuirdin Name: ,I DescriPtion: toE--t- BLock-11 'FiIing /q.r I v t&ddress: /o 'z*"'bt-Ph - €4 63 7' 2'r€f itect:'arR " ,t/?so ral DescriPtion: . Class:{l-u"r t ljerteration [ ]-edditiona)- [ ]-Repair t J-other-.--- er of DwelJ-ing Units z /e*&Number of Accohrnodation Units: tQ er and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances' 't * * * * * * * t' t' 't * * 't t( * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS cas Logs / Wood/Pellet EI,ECTRICAL: f OTHER: $ DTNG: +Lr.rErvr^rvng ' '- MECHANICAL: $TorAL: +Jaoo, m- BING: i / dt L ********rrt ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tt*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr tt *'*'* tt * tt * J' * * CONIRACTO ral Contractor: ess: trical Contractor: ess: bing ess: contracCor: anical ess: Contractor: DING PERMIT FEE: BING PERMIT FEE: ANICAI, PERMIT FEE: TRICAL FEE: R TYPE OF FEE: FEE: OF R INFORI4AI'ION * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** Jr* * ** * * * * * * * - Town of Vail Reg ' No' tll '/T Phone Number: 74o' - Town of vail Reg. No Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No Reg. NO. * ** rr* ** **** * tr * * * * * t' * * * ***** *FOR OFFICE USE *tr*tt**** ****** J'********tr******* BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECI{ANICAI-, PIAN CITECK FEE: .RECRbATION FEE: CLEAN-UF DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: GROUF SQ. FT. t DEPARTMEMT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON DEMO. OF PART/AIL BUDG. Job Address: 392 MrLL CREEK cR Location...z 392 MILL CREEK CR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-49-005 Project No. : PRJ99-0022 BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VArr-, CO 8l-558 BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P o Box 4030, vArL co 8l-558 KI{OBEL PBTER B & PATRICE ,J -.fT 239 CENTRAT PARK W, NEW YORK NY 10024 JOBSITE AT AIJL,, TIMES Permits #: D99-0002 status...: ISSIIED Applied..: 02/08/L999 Issued. . . : 02/09/1,999 Ercpires . . z o8/08/L999 Phone: 970-949-1-800 Phone: 970-949-L800 *of wood/Pallec: TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIVT CONTRACTOR OVINER Deseription: DEMO OF EXISTING HOME occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence T)pe Construcuion: v N T\rpe v Non-Rated Type Occupancy: 0007 DWEIIING Valuation:1, 000 FirepLace rnforoalion; Re6t.ricced: *of Gas Add Sq Ft: Appliances: *Of GaE Logs I FEE SUT.IUARY iattt*ttt*tt Building-----> Plan chcck---> Investigation> will Call----> 35. O0 22.75 .00 3.00 R€crcation Fc€----------> .00 BUI LDING DEPARTNIEIiIIT JRM ACtiON: APPR APPROVED PI,ANNING DEPARTIVIENT FIRE DEPARITIIENT JRM-- ---A-Eion: APPR N,/A Pt'BtIC WORKS ,lRM Action: APPR N/A ENVIRONMENIAL IIEAI-,TII JRM ACEiON: APPR N/A LIOUOR ,fRM- Actsion: APPR N,/A - oo BATANCE DI'E.. - - - Dept,: BUILDING Division: Dept.: PLANNING Divieion:Debt: FrRE Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Division: Dept: HEAtfH Division: Dept: CLERK Division: R66cualant PI.n Revicn--> .00 Toeal, CalcuLated Fece- - _ > Additsional Fe€6---------> total PerEit P€e---- ----> PavmgnCa - - - - -- - - 20-oo a0 .7s .00 60 .75 clean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAI] FBES----- r***ir**aril**** ti*tlrtitt*i'rtrtJ Item:05100 02 / 09 /L999 It6m:05400 Item:05600 02/09/L999 Item: 05500 02 / os /t999 Item: 05700 02 / 09 /L999 rrbm:' 05900 02/09/L9e9 +rrrtrtt*rtrrtrtitJttttt*ttat*'rttririi**.*r**lt*****tltt\rt*t*ti* * *!r!r i 'r r t*tt 'l i *tt*{ } t * * i See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECI.AzuITIONS I hereby ackno{Iedge that I have read this appllcat,ion, filtgd out' in full. the infornalion required, couPleted an accurate plots ptan, ana sedLe .chag all th. infornation providcd aE| required is cor!ec!. r aglee to cohPly nibh the infornati'on and Flot Plan, ta eonply witsh all TonD oralinances and etate 1air6, and to build t'hi6 sCructur€ according to the Town's zoning and subdiviEj.on codea, deeig! review approved, uniform Buildlng codc ahd oEhc! ordinanceF of bh€ Torln applicable thereto. RgQt ESTS FOR INSPESTIONS SHAT,L BE MADE rWEltTI-FOllR HOITRS IN ADI/ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OrrR OFFICE PROM S:0O Alt E:OO PM t AAAOC Sena ****:r*************************************************************************** PermiE #: D99-0002 ******:l************************************tl***:l******************************** clo.n-t4r D.troEi! Eo: BECI( IIiID COI{DITIONS as of 03/L2/99 Permit 15pe: DEMO. OF PART/AIL BI]DG. Applicant: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC 970-949-1800 Job Address: LOCAtsiON: 392 MTLL CREEK CR Parcel No: 2101-082-49-005 Description: DEMO OF EXISTING HOME Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARI!{EMT APPROVAI-, IS REQUIRSD BBFORE STARTED.2. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR STaEus: ISSI]ED Applied: 02/08/1999 Issued: 02/09/L999 To E:<pire: 08/08/1999 ANY WORK EAI\I BE CODE COMPLIANCE. mlN oE vxr!, cot exto RstrrLni.d! o3/L2/g9 12 !50 St rc@t gtrt.utE tr\dor: REc-04r5 Adounc r Prld.nE HGrhod! CAAH NocrEion: 40.?5 so.75 03/r2199 LLr27 Init3 ilt{ P.nLE tNo: D9t-ooo2 tltr. r l-DElo D4o. Ol PIR!/.IIiL Blt Prrcel tro: 2101-082-{9-005 8Lt. lddr.!E. 392 tlltJ! CRIEE CB Locrtl"on I 392 UILL CS.EEK CR Ttrir P.yrclrt lotrl !Gc!: t0,75 toErl l!! hr.: Etlrnca: 90.75 90.75 .oo Aqcoung UG tsP 0 010 0 0 03 r-1,11- 0 0 DR 00100003112200 pF 001000031r2300 lfc,00100003112400 Dq!cliFtion BI'IIDIII6 PN$IT FEES DESIGT{ R3I/I8OI FEEA PIiI{ CHECK FBIS IttL! Cellr INgPEerIo[ REB lDorllB 35,OO 20.00 22.75 3. O0 l ',io". ,ort" CouneY n".o""o'" t" 970428:8640 for Parcel 0. TowN oF VAIL coNSTRUcTfoN :EL T ,: 7 lA 'A T 2 ? fuf PERMTT APPLIC'IT.ION . FORM DATE. Z:7/y'?? PER,.\IIT f --' APPLICATION MTIST BE FILL}:D OUT -COMPLETELY OR TT {dAY NOT BE ACCEPTED * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr'r * * * rr Jr * * * * rr * * * * PERMIT INiORHATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r * j-Building [ ]-Plumbing 1 l-Electrical [ ]-Mechani'cal tff-Otner Fe.zr J Nane !Job Acldress: 3?A ?/r// Crrzk Cp/e JaI Description: not-jf- B:.ocR- tL riflns@ :hitect: barn, /1 e,4SaeuZcaddressz lla P}l. z/c-ec3- a7"7 P}l.€/t,5'374,str '4*zDi 'ar4 " 1/qta reral DescriPtion: -9 '-/o' F2.a.,1. ^dt. :k Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration rber of Dwelling Units z &- C [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair LDrNG: $ id*a -MBING: $ -EI,ECTRTCAL: $ HECHANICAL: f eral contractor: ress:,/ Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: nbing ress: Contractor: ranical Contractor: less: i**tt*********** *** * ******rr*** ;DING PERMIT FEE: {BING PERMIT FEE: IANICAL PERMIT FEE: :TRICAI FEE: :R TYPE OF FEE: FFF. 'DE GROUP sQ. FT. PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: UECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI-, PERI.IIT FEES: FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: x1 -other ?eau rber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiance=- L eas logs / Wood/Pellet- * * * * * * * * it tt * /r * * tr't * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * tt tk 'r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * Number of Accomrnodation Units: )Q OTHER: $ TOTAL: { *t * * * * * t( * * * * * * * *'*'* * *'* * 'l * * CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *********** *********rr**!r*** Town of vail Req. NO. Phott. Number: b/?- - ctrical Contractor: ress: 'il UP DEP.OSIT REFgND TO: VALUATION TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArr-,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 OWNER DEPARll,lENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AI,ARM PBRMIT .fob Addregs: 392 MIIJL CREFK CR LocaEion. .. t 392 MrLL CREEK cR Parcel No. . : 2L0L-082-49-005 ProjecL No. : PR'J99-0022 APPLICAI{T TIII'IIJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534, AVON, CO 81620 COIIfRASTOR THI]I, EI-,E TRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534, AVON, CO 81620 KNOBET PETBR B & PATRICE ,f -!TT 239 CENTRAT PARK W, NEW YORK NY 10024 ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: A00-0011 sEatua...; ISSTED Appl-ied. . ; 04/L3 /2OOO rssued. ..I 04/t3/2000 Erqrires . - : tA/LO /2OOO Phone: 970-949-4638 Phone: 970-949-4538 Description: INSTALIT ADDRBSSIBI-.,8 FIRE ALM PANEL,sMoKValuatsion:900.00 Elccerical---> 50. oo DRB FEg .00 3,O0 toTAL FBE6---> 53.00 Total calculagcd FeeF---> Addibional F.c6---------> Totsal PeroiE Fe6--------> Pay0ent6------__ BAIAHCE DUE. -. -. Invcstigation> wlll call----> 53 ,00 .00 53 ,00 .00 DEPARTTYIENI ion: APPR Dept : BUILDTNG Division: Divislon: Item: 05000 EI-,EqTRICAL DEPARTIqENT DepE: tJUrL 641L3/2OOO KATITY Actio4: APPR N,/A i€6fi;'65660'-fi-iE DEpAETltElif - -' ----Dep-E-: FrRE oiTiiZidd6-KAriiV ---AEEion: APPR APPR VERBAT-, lrv 647 Ii t 1666- KAr'i{V- --- AEt-ionr epDn u/e IEbm:' 05500 FIRE DEPART!4EMI 04111/1606 l<lfl{Y Action: APPR APP ttfrl}*rrr*t*'rit *ttlitr'+**let' CONDITION OF APPROVAI., tt*.. rrJrti**tirrttr*ttta**rr*+rfrrrirrrfrrrirtttt*l t**ttt+*ttt*'r *ll * lt t t *a*rttt*t*ttttillrttrti*rt**rt**t+*tttt tt t*+a' i * **i*s* **tr *** DECI,ARATIONS r her.by rckno{l,6dg€ tshaE r hav. rG.d thlE rpplicrtslon, fillcd out ln full ths inforEisLon requircd, coupkled an accur'E' plot plrn, and !Ua!6 thrE .II th. inf,or$atlon Provldrd ao rcguired to cor!€ct. I agt.. go couPly r'1th Ch' inf,onEtion end Plo! plan' bo ccut ly ylrh rll rovn ordlnrncca rnd.c.cc l.ws, altd co build tshis dlrucgurc according Eo gh! To$n'E zoninE lnd eubdivlelon cod.., dc.ign rcvicw approvcd. uniforo Buj-lding cod. rnd oth6r oldlnrnceE of lhc rosn .pplicablo ch'r'co' REQUESTS FOR tNgpAerrOlIS SHArrr, sE rrADE !t{g$Ty-8ottR HOTRS rN ADVANCE BY 1E!'BPHONE AT {?9-213S OR AT Ot',R OpFrcE FROM a:oo AU 5:00 PM --^*LsreNA:i-uiE oF owNER oR cottrRAcroR FoR flruaELF AND owNER **************'l**************tr****!t*********!t***:r**:r***it*!t:t***** TO![N oP VAIL, COLORADO sEarerrrr ***!tt**************tt**************!t***!t*!t**!t***i************ir*** statennt, Number: REc-0515 Amount: 53.00 04/13/00 l_5:38 Palment MeEhod: cIIEcK NotaE,ion: #14996/THUL Inlt: Io,Iw Permir No: A00-0011 1:pe: F_AL,ARM ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-oB2-49-005 S1EE AddrCSS: 392 MILI., CRBEK CR IJOCATiON: 392 MII,L CREEK CR This Payment ToEal Fees:53.00 Total ALL gnEsr 53 .00 s3 .00 Balance: .00 ***************************************************!t************ Amount 50.00 3 .00 Account, Code Description EP OO1OOOO31114OO ET,ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIL CAIJIJ TNSPECTION FEE o ^1 "?;-s'-- s$l' Agpllsrdou# JoD Addrcrr: LcgdlDercn Or!rr: !.hilin5e{dil: Phorcft ElflrserCootrlcn ! llritbs lmuil: CIurof.Wor*: DcrtrlbrWorls RMTT APPLICATION ITOTTCE I hfib.a, ..ttig dEr I horr t rred !trrt .Ilmln.tr |lb lFFliedon qd h6r ftlrmc I bl lr tC cottre A|t FDviriq|s- of l8wr alu adhq llTtmhl rtir sr a?q!]f will b" ctplLd xrltt rtdF +.EiSd bslb or nor Tlt,lrEtittt 6f r pE Eli rloar n6r flq||3 re gira ulo*{ry n vioEe or.cucd Qr twfu af {!r otrrrerc a tocil lerr rejuhd4 -r-t#.r o. rL pof** of <6Emtcdon itEW lmlT^LLNilqN FEEg: Pa|taGf or hllti d:vl!sr, rnhto r. arorin3 nlr: Lb !o eid HrCta|l S50.dl-O0 cfvafultlo! - $t0.0 Oy-M.m0.00 of qlurtan - Sl50-O FtgB!6.@ for rrcl 8t,000.00 c fi-ion rh:rd o,,sr SSi4lfO0o hrlbrallr cf ttlvrll rrrillracc t'9 u ud bctslirrgSl&!@.00 or u|ritlr|n Bd||[nt CoaL. o v*ruernor o 3A. DpO '4 rrr!,rre -r.rEr. r lrrr! r !r!jl z,Fcfrnqlcrlmirurh b! lcrffitfrtu.llA ta thftrgr A&himrirr Codc orTrLte f,l.-A dihr $ i)$ i;" oEn' chlErD,00o,00 sfrd|||rifi - 5150.00 F[*S.r.0Ot*cl t1,00G00 r tr*dor Erlt oltr t:$u.mF o ,/-lA DilrBtirl nGciftf A1lpr6,!rl tt: -,--'-' lloccrrety Ebrrrtot Dbr twlct |!d tfuld h?-rlt"6 ilt Dr courlulcrl !y ti. Horrtil,rtt Colondo Gotrnc[ of Gcc'.-rr3 lhu ra tc-rrtu t Fwo.oc br-^nrrr ind rpprrrl 5cfr.i.ob rrpcccr rr colncdr! fu nwacoc Ernrr lEp3nbr rr or0) rcgorrs i ioL-ni.o i& dcre, F.l,"bh ro NWASOc. A n\,ot* TOWN OF VATI 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIt, co 81557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI{:T CONTRAETOR OWNER Description: ITVAC SYSTEM rireplace Infonration: Restricted: Y DEPARTTIEI{:T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ilob Address. . . : 392 MIIJL' CREEK CR Location......: 392 MrLL CREEK CR Parcel No..... : 2101-082-49-005 Project Number; PR.I99-0022 status...: IssItED Applied. . z 1"o/L5/L999 Tssued...: t0/20/L999 Expires..: 04/L7/2ooo iIOBSITE AT AI.,I, TTMES Permit #: M99-0144 MECHANICAL PERMIT STONE MECIIANIEAL, INC. 11_11_ SOIIrH 9T1{, GRAND JItNerrON, sToNE MECIIANTCAI,, rNC. 1111_ SOIIrH 9TH, GRAND ,fUNgtION, KNOBEL PETER B & PATRTCE .f -.JT 239 CEI{TRAL PARK W, NEW YORK NY #of caa Appliarlcee: Phone: co 81501 Phone: co 8150L L0024 Valuat,ion: *Of Oas 11096: 970-242-50L4 970-242-5014 64, 900 . 00 *of wood/Pallec: FEE SI'I4I4A.RY rr rr i.. r r r i tt jr'a ReEluaranc PIan Revi.en- - >llachinical- - - > Plan eheck- - - > Inv6stigation> WiIl CaLI----> 5. 7- 8. Total Caleulated Fees- - - > Addibiona] trGe6---------> Total Pentrit Fee--------> Paynent.e - -- -- - - BAI,ANCE DUE- -- - 1,300.00 325. OO .00 1,628,00 1, 524.0O .00 1, 528 . 0O 1, 62S ,0O . oo .OO TOTAIJ FEE€- --..' 3.O0 rEem:05100 LO/L9/L999 Item:05600 L0/L9/1999 BUItDf NG DEP.ARTI,IEMI iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED FIRE DEPARTMENT JRM AcIion: ,APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL Dept: BUILDING Division.: Dept : FIRE Divj-sion: 1. FIEI,D INSPECSIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. gql. qgTrql-{ AIB rs REQqTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SEETION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC-3. INSTAIJIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFA TURES INSTRUETIONS AIiID TO CIIAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 IMC, GIAPTER 10 OF :rHE ]-997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEI\II|ED ACCORDTNG TO C]IAPTER 8 A}iID SIALT TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1.997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CI{APTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE ]-997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.BOIIJERS SHALI.' BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBTE FLOORING.PERMIT,PI,AIiIS AI{D CODE ANAI-,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPEETION REOI'EST.DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR I{OT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DR,AIN PER SEC.1022 0F ITIE 1-997 UMC, OR sEgfrON 1.004.5 0F THE l_997 rMC. AryY PI,ACEMENT OF EXTERIOR BOILERS/EQUIPMENT ARE REQUTRED TO IIAVE TOV{N OF VAII-, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL. - DECIARAITIONS t horlby rclmorlcdgr tbth I hrvc :.|red uhlr appllertj,on, fllhd cuu ln fuu th. laforrlatlon rcqulr|d, coopl.t.d lrr rccur.cr ploE pL.n, lnd rlrtr thrt rll lhr lnforT.ll,qr pronid.d .. rrquirrd {r eoErcl, I rgrrr !o co[Erly rrlth lb. lnfor[atiorr .!td plot' plarr, bo co4r1y rith .11 ToIn oldintncar rnd rt.U. lrra, rnd to bulld thir rtEtrcLur. ecco=di,ng lo th6 gwrr,r zonl$! rtd .ubd:lvi.!q! codrr. darlgn ravt rx rplrrovad. lrnlfosr Autldi.ng Coda rnd oehar oldl,nrnc.a ol Ehi Eorn .ppll,crbh ghar.go. nEQ('lgtlt IOR rltgPBcillofg gtlA!! BE UaDE TWEtfIi-rOgR ttot Rll 1!l SIdqE!RA Or Onf,tR OR Coltt?tel|tR FOR HI ttBt t tID OrNER toltr{ O! VAIIJ, @ITOPADO gl|tlsnE rr rria* f i r!r!ar***rr*i!rr trttttttt*rr r 8E.t.ltttts Nufibo!: REC-0579 Aitrount r 1r 628.00 Lo/20/99 17t27 P.yElnt l,tcthod I CK NoEaEion: 13665/StOUE l,lEctl Inirr .IN Prrail lfo t PrrC.I llo: glcr AddllEE ! t os.tion: Itlir P.l.[qnE f99-014,[ Il'!r. ! B-UECr r|EClllllICAt PERHIT 2101-082 -49-00s 392 IIILL CREEK CR 392 UU.L CR,EEK CR Tot.l fce63 X,52S.o0 1.624.oo Tog.I AI,L P[te: Balance: Account, Cod. D.scriptlon MP OO1OOOO31113OO UTCIANICAI. PgRfiIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PtlN CHBCK FEBS nc 00100003112900 rrLL cN,L INaPEerIolr FEE 1,5Xg.oO .oo A 1ount r, 3o0. oo 325.00 3.00 .YL 'v )'tCr:ritacu llar CounEy n ssnsrrorslftt.i ce rf zir 970-328-,rr'.10 for^parccl /r. TowN oF VArL coNsrRucrroN [p^Rcr]r' ltz &t. r orz 4q ooi-- "' "iiiiort* AppLrcATroN FoRM y DA.|E: t!_,t _99 PER}IIT /I J A'PL 'TroN MUsr BE FTLLED otjr coMpLETELv oR rT MAr Nor BD AccEprED ^:.:-:-l] tn**************^** PErrMrr TNFoRMATToN ******.r**************jr****.r** [ 'l -Buir<r,.rq [ ]-plunbrng [ ]-Etectricat .tyl_Mechanr-cal [ ]_other Jol: Name: [_!_e_Ef ,.Job Address : J-4_-A-lL._C$,raL__J: rg"uE LegJir I f)es':r i ption: I_,ot B BIock riling u*. " ,,..liuanrvrs Vr.i Ui ,r:*"nu*ll[ Nurnlr,:r of l-riirrlling Units I I Nunrber of Accornmodatlon Units: #_:::"::: t::: of Firepraces: cas Appliances_ cas Loss_ wood/perr".- {********r'}^r********'***********'** vArruATroNs ********************************* BUfLI)ttNG: I, PLU}.IItTNG EI,ECTRTCAI,: $OTITER: S TOTAI,: f :"IflT:,torl _rNFOnMATroN_ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ) *lb 5b Totun of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number:EIect:ricaI (iontractor :Address:Town of ValI Req. No.Phone Nunber: Plumbing Contractor: Adclr:ess:Town of Vait Reg. NO.Pnone Number: Addr:ess, _aZ Town r:f Vail Reg. NO. rnll4 ynone Nunber: ?tt- qz.ti--- ** *.r..I.* * * * * *.^ * * ** *** *.}rr * ** * * ** * * *BUTLDING pnnl.trF FE'r,. FoR oFFTCE usll **********************BUTLDING pEItt.lIT FEE: r,r\ r,r f .i'Lt5 usll ********-**********************.r. pr,ulfrlrNc piiii,ii,i inn, __ BUTLDTNG PLAN cHEcK FEE:MEcIIANIcAi_iliirilrrrFnE:-PLUMBINGPtty.cHEcI{FEc. ELEcrRrcr; i,,;iii;_. MEcHANTcAL pr,AN crrnck rin: _ oTIIErr rvpi i,i,:"nnn: RECREATIoN FEE: DRB !.EE: __._ CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: --.-=-- TOTAL PEnMfT FEES: 4.{ GROUr'SQ. FT.BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: .. STGNATURE! VALUATION DEPOSI'f UErIIND 1.O: I ,! TOVII{ OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiIITAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER Descript,ion: wiring for new sfr FEE SUIi,IMARY Elect.rical--->197.00 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E99-01-45 Stsatus...: ISSUED Applied. .: o8/23/L999 Issued. . ., o8/24/t999 E)q)ires. . z 02/20/2000 Phone: 970-926-3358 Phone z 970-926-3358 Valuation:L00, 000 . 00 ToEal Calculaled Fee6- - ->200. oo DEPARTIT{EM OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEETRICAL PERMIT iIOb .A.ddrESS: 392 MILL CREEK CR Locatsion. . .: 392 MILL CREEK CR Parcel No. -: 2LOL-082-49-005 Project No. : Pltil99-0022 SHAW ELEqTRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON eO 8L620 SIIAW ELE TRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON eO 8L520 KNOBEL PETER B 6. PATRICE 'f -JT 239 CEIiITRAL PARK W, NEW YORK NY 10024 DRB Fe€ .oo .00 3.OO TO|rAT, FEBS- - - > 200.00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Inv6stigation> wlll calI----> Total Pclrnit Fee -------> PalmentB-------- BALANCE DUE- 200 . oo 200 . o0 . oo it****i*ea.**ra*** ***r'l *, *tt r**r********1** * * * I IEEM: O6OOO EI,BEIRICAL DEPARTI4ENT DEPI: BUTLDING DiViSiON:O8/23/L999 CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS It.bm:-.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:o8/23/L999 eHARr,rE Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. *r*r*rr*at****** **r*******l}{!rr*tftrr* DECI-,ARA*TIONS I hrreby Bcknoel€dge thaU I have r.rd !hi6 appliqation, fi1led outs in ftrll th. infotnation required, conFl€ted an eccuratr plot plan, and €hat6 that alL thc ilrformation provided a6 rcquircd iE corrocL. I agrcc bo conply tilh lhe inforhabion and plot plan, !o conply xifh all Town ordinanceo and !!.t'c 1aw6, and !o buil,d this 6tlucEurc rccording bo th€ Town'6 zoning and 6ubdiwLlLon codoo, dceign r€vi.* rpprov.d, Uniform suilding code and otsh€r grdinlrnce5 of th€ Togn applicablc ghcrcto. REQT'ESIS POR INSPE TIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWEITTI-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADI/ANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT iI79-OR AT OUR oFFICE PROM g:00 AM 5:00 PU OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OIINER tl**t*Attt||*i*i'ltttllatt*t*ttlttittAtttltta*tlt*!tl*aat!rttttltftattt rb I 20o.oo 08/14.,/99 12 r3l Inlg 3 IIc P.rnLi llo! 199-01a9 Typ! ! E-E&EC ELBCImclti plRlllT P.rc.Mor 2101-082-t9-005 sit. lddr..a ! 3tA tlllrl, eRlttrt CR 'locrtlon! 392 lllLl, cttEEI( 6lt AoErl tr...! 100. O0 nrh Prl'ltng 200.00 .00 lretrl|g 197.00 3.00 !ol!f ol vlII., @!,oRrDo glrtsainl truub.ar IEC-0553 .ehount r PrylGrrc $.thod ! CK foEaglof,! 6825 t ittrit**ttit'lltt*tt**ttt*trrtt*af ***t*ittttttttt*tttttt***tt***** Aocourrt Cod!D6.crlirglon 2o0.oo Total l&! htsr Erlanc6: ED 00100003111{00 lIrECrrICtIr Prnr|rr FEErt nC o0100003111d00 nII& CNrI, tNSPAeIIOtr FBI ERS.4 : S}fiJ trLECTRIC ?rot- o8l- l? - oo5 rol{N oF vArlr coNsTRUCrrON PENUIT APPLICANION FORM DATE! tr:-J.3- aq , APPLICATToN MUST BE BTLLED our coupr,ETEr.,y oR rr I.rAy NoE BE AccEpTED [*****..********************** gsnr.rrr rNFoRItdATroN ******.* *!r***r*:r** *********r r 'lt [ ]-Butlding g 1-m'huing ;.,/1-ulectrlcal I J-Mechanlcal I J_other ;rob Nane: |KJroba ?,*-acnrc.-rrrob Addreesz )42 WtlLCrc,ekO^de {a-,1 Legal Descrlptl-on; Iot BIock owners Nane: Meddrees: S Archl-tect:Addreegl rrrins Panoef #' ?lof tG!= -Llq'e{ Y.olo e\1-1862 l@'1 Ph. Ph. N ru' Ceneral. nescrip,tion :ir< |.Je;.zo (* ,work class: tvl-New I J-Alteratton I J-Additionar [ ]-Repair g J-other Nunber of DwellLng Untts; I Number of Accornnodation Units: t1:1:::.:::::::::::-ld:L1:*1 c-9{slcfoj TNFoRI{ArroN_******!r_*******r:r!.**********lJeneral contractort Bedcr ksJlia:te" x.^a,l,ddresss ?'O IB,a..t lpnber and Tlpe of Fl.repraces: cas nppriancee_ cas r,ogs+ woocypeltet--7 .J/-oo d **** i ** ** * *******it*************** * vALUATToNs ******JIEl*E* fi ** ***** * * *** * * ****lr EIIUJDING: EI.EclRfcAr, t7]OOLgOd- oTHER: PrJtilBrNG: ------------- lrEclrartlctr.: ].- i6iil; 7 Ereatrl.car contractorz. Al,'a'uZlerlv"!A€..,E?1-ot4orrof vatt Reg. No;FloLa \ddress: PO WL l4<@ Phone Nuuber! 4zh- 3zsg lluubing Contractor: lddress r l,ddresss ?'O e;a,t {echanLcal contrastor: lddress: Town of, Vail Reg. NO._ lhone Number: 9.(q- rffi l****t**** ** * **!tit**!rr r*rrr****!r** FOR }UIIJDING PERMItr TEE3 ,LUMBING FER}TT FDES TECI|ANICAI, PERMIE FEE: II;EdIRICAL FEB: ITHER TYPE OF FEE8 IRB FEE: Town of Vall Reg. No, Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFICE UgE ******************************* BUII,DING PLAN CHECX F8E: PIUMETNo PI.AII CHECK FEEs I.TECIIAIIICAL PI,AN CTIECK FEES RECREATTON EEE: CLEAI|-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PEBIIT FEES: BUII,DTNC! STGNAII{IRB: ZOIIING: SIGI|AN'RE: ]T,8AN I'P DEPOSIE I4UI|D TO: ' -:-i ,'. .' tr, ,I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}iITAGB ROAD vArr., co 8L657 970-479-2138 Job Address... LocaEion...... Parcel No..... ProjecE Number 392 MILI-, CREEK CR 392 MILL CREEK CR 2toL-o82 -49-005 PRirg9 - 0 022 Status...: ISSITED Applied. - z o8/02/L999 Issued...: 08/20/!999 Expires..: 02/t6/2000 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE Permit MECHAIiIICAL PERMIT AT #: ALL TIMES M9 9 - 0102 APPLICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC P.O. BOX l!65, AVON, CO CONTRASTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC P.O. BOX 1155, AVON, CO OWNER KNOBEL PETER B & PATRICE 239 CENTRAL PARK W, NEW FireDlac€ Inforlltation: ReEcricted: Y *of cas ApplianceE: Descript.ion: Valuation: MEEHANICAL FOR NEW SFR-PLMB,HEAT,SNOIIMELT SYSTEM 81-620 8L620 'J -iIT YORK NY LOO24 Phone:. 970-949-0200 Phone: 970-949-0200 80, 000 . 00 *of wood/Pal]ec: 2, 003 . 00 2,003.00 t*ttrirriir*t1* FEE SITUUARY *+t***t *i rt** * * * *Of Cas Logs: -o0 Total calculatcd Secs--->1,500. OO RcstuaranC Plan Revien--> 400 .0o DRB Fee-------- .00 ToTAL FEES----- 3.OO Mechanical- - - > Plan check-- - > InvesbigaLion> will call----> ,00 Additional Fees---------> .00 2, oo3. o0 Total Pctui! Fce-------_> Pal'Eents-------- 2, 0O3 . oo IEEM: -O51OO BUII,DING DEP.ARTI'IEU -- QEPT: BUII'DING DiViSiON:68/02/7999 KATHY AcEion: NOTE ROUTED TO .JRM 6e'/03'/L999 KATHY Action: NoTE 24d geE qo {RM 6672677999 cxanr,re AcEion: APPR charli-e davis iEam;'o5ooo-rine-DepAnnqeri DepE: FrRE Division: o8/o2/L999 I(ATITY Action: NoTE NIA 08'/03'/]-999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, t-.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7- 8. ********************************************************:l*********************** DECT,ARJATIONS I hcroby rcknorledg. Chat I hav6 r..d tshis application, fillcd out in fult ehc inforuaeion requir.d, complcC.d an .ccur.t. ttlot plan, and .g.t. Ch.ts rll thr iDforuation prowidod aa rcquircd ie corr.cE. I .gr.. to couply riUh thc infoluation and ploL Plan, to coupl,y yith all Town ordinanceg and stsat'6 lava, and lo build thiB structure according to the ToYn's zoning end .ubdiwi.ion codcr, dcElgrr r.vl,.r .pprovcd, UniforE Building cod6 and other ordin.nc.. of th. Tovn rpplicrble thereto. REeIrEgTs IiOR INSPECTIONS gHAtJL BB ltA.DS TItSNTy-FoIrR HO{rRg IN AD\IANCE BI TEIJEPIIONB AT {79-2134 OR AT OUR oFFIcE FRott s:oo Al' 5:oo Ftit !'I6!{ATT'RE OF OIINBR OR COITTRACTOR FOR TTIHSEIJP AND OfiIIER TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stateilnt *************t**************************************:t**********!k* Statemnt Nurnber: REC-054G Amount: 2.003.00 0g/02/99 15:53 Pa)zment Method: CIIECK Notation: #4972 Init: XMW Permit, No: M99-0102 Tlpe: B-MECH MECIIN.ILCAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-49-005 Sit,e Address: 392 MILL CREEK CR LOCATiON: 392 MILL CREEK CR This Palment, **************************************************************** Account Code Description MP OO1OOO031113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF 001-00003112300 PLAI\T CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI CAI,L INSPEqTION FEE Tot,a1 Fees:2,003.00 Total ALt Pmts: Balance: 2, 003 .00 2, 003 . 00 .00 Amount 1-, 500 . 00 400.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIt 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiIT COIVTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUIIBING PERMIT iIOb AddrESS: 392 MII-,L CREEK CR Locati-on. . . z 392 MILL CREEK CR Parcel No. . : 2]-0L-Og2-49-005 Project No. : PR'J99-0O22 CONCEPT MECIIANICAL, INC P.O. BOX l_l_65, AVON, CO 81620 CONCEPT MEGIANICAL, INC P.O. BOX 1_l_65, AVON, CO 81620 KNOBEIJ PETER B & PATRTCE .f -JT 239 CENTRAL PARK W, NEW YORK NY 10024 'JOBSITE Permit AT .00 ToCaI Calculalcd Fces---> Status- -.: ISSI,ED Applied..: 08/02/L999 Issued. . - z o8/02/1,999 Elq)ires . . z OL/29/2000 Phone: 970-949-0200 Phone: 9'70-949-0200 ON ALL TIMES P99-0084 #: Descriptj_on : PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR, PLMBG, HEATrNcvaluation: T 60, 000 .00 FEE SI]I4MARY PluEbing- - ---> Plan check-- - > Inwest'igation> 9fill CaII----> 900.00 .oo 3.00 Restualant Plan Revi€ry- - > BUILDING DEPART!{ENT KATITY AcLion: NOTE KATITY AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPART!,IENT KATI{Y Act.ion: NOTE KATITY AcLion: APPR Ldditional Fees---------> f,oEal Penit fee--------> PayECDEa - - -- - - -- BAI,ANCB DI'E-. - - Dept: BUILDING Di.vision: ,JRII PER KW DepU: FIRE Division: 1, 12S . 0O 1,12S.00 - oo 1.129.00 1,124.O0 .00 arri r rr**r ii, rr*t L* * Item:05100 oB / 02 /1,e99 08 / 02 /1,999 Item:05600 08 / 02 /L999 08'/ 02'/L99e ROIffED TO APPROVED NIA N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-.IAI.TCE. !r****t*****r**:ria+**lr**a**it*****rtrrrrir*r**r*r.*i*i DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknonledge thaE I have tead this application, fi1led outs in fulL the inforEatsion required, coupLetsed an accurate plot.plan, and atrEG thac al'l thc inf,ordation provLdcd as r€quired is corract. I agree ho conply r.ith the inforoaEion and plot plan.to cofi{tIy ei.th al1 To$n ordinancee and state lawB. and to buiLd Chi6 structure accordj,ng to lhe town,B zoning and subdivision cod€6, dosign revi€w approv€d, Uniform Building code and other ord:inanceg of the Town appLicable REQUESTS FOR INSPE TIONS SHAIJL BE MADE IWENTS-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY FROM 8: O0 5r00 PM SIGNAAURE OF OVINER END OWNER **:l***********+***************************************:l***:r***** TOWN.OF VAIt, COLORADO Stsatentrrt **************************************************************** Stat,emnt Number: REC-0546 .Anount: 1, 128.00 Og/02/99 15 :52 Palment Method: CHECK NotaLlon: #4872 Init.: KMW Permit, No: p99-0084 Tlpe: B-pr,I{B PLIIIIBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-49-005 SiIE AddrESS: 392 MIIJL CREEK CR tocation: 392 MILL CREEK CT. This Payment, **********************************************+***************** Account Code Descript,ion PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLT]MBING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIAN CITECK FEES wc 00100003112800 wrl,t cArrJ rNspEcrroN FEE Total Fees: 1,128 . 00 Total AJ.L Pmt.s: Balance: L, 128 . 00 l_, L28 - 00 -00 Amount 900 .00 225.00 3 .00 !o* oF vArrJ coNsrRucrrS*'" BUIL,,DING: lJ ft PITuMBING: fq6ffi MECHANICAL', W ELECTRTCAI-r: P/A General Contractor: .Address: Town of vail Reg. NO Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone l\lumber: Electrical Address: Ptumbing Address: Contractor: ctor: actor: & hc. Town of vair Req. No.lg?'P Town of vail Phone Number: FOR OFF]CE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * BUII.DTNG PI.,AN CHECK F'EE: PLI]MBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: MECIIANICAIJ PLAIiI CHECK FEE: CLEN.I-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI. PERMIT FEES; t"techanical l\ddress: **t *** rr* ** * *** *** ** rl * * * * ** d'* * *** BUII.,,DING PERMTT FEE: PI-,T]MBING PERMIT FEE : MECHANICAI. PERMIT FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: -ll . s'ignature ' tZrqQ -oozz PERMIT APPIJICATION FORM D}trE. a/zqfg APPI,ICATION MUST BE FTI-,I,ED OUT COMPI..ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /. * 'k * * * * * t *rr* PERMIT INFORMATION * r. * * * * * * * * * r. J. J. * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * WorkC1ass:9[.*",t.({i",JJn'ir:-Additionq1xt..Fnepair[]-other-{- n^ tr \* },,, 2 Wofli UIaSS: fr! -leW L J -AILErctu.L![r I J - !!\I\r.r \. f r4rcrJ- iI Ji-I\E;!'q.J-r L l Number of owelting unirs , Keqrder4U- Numb+ ot 1""or*oftrtion Units , 7 ----1;. - , -\ Number ancr rtt)e of rireplaces: cas Appliance{#:ft::ELffi wood/Pelleu- *I l-Building fl-nlumbing I J-Electrical [ ]-ElecErical x-Otle-r .rob Name , l(nob"/ Regt deacr- rob Address:alock_[_ Filing Owners Name: Architect ceneral Descriprio", Roueh,Lo, i frt'e'*to/atah|q heoh4 i saau"'aft lfuhLq \ 'leehea7"',t) * * * * * * * * * * * * J. * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t r( VAITUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * r. * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * OTIIER: TOTAIT: ** *** * **rt*****J. ** ***** *rt *t **COlflrRACTOR INFORMATION *******t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. N/A, = = = == == = = = = = = == =-= == == = E == == = == = = = = = = = === = = == = = = == ==== = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = == = == == = = l:j,.].,.," ,f l''q .t,ti -r .f;F:l? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAI{T COI{TRACTOR OWNER E1€ccrical---> DRB Fee InveEtsigat'ion> [{ill call----> TOTAI] FEES- - - > DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 392 MILL CREEK CR I,OCALiON. . .I 392 MILL CREEK CR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-O82-49-005 Project No. 3 PRJ99-0022 SHAW ELEETRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 8L620 SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 8L620 KNOBEL PETER B & PATRICE \T -iTT 239 CENTR,AL PARK W, NEW YORK NY 10024 .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE. #: 899-0038 Description: TEMP PowER littttl**arlir**i*i*****+* j*t**t1i*r1r*ii*** FEE suuMARy Status. . AppIied. Issued.. E>qgires. Additional Fee6---------> .00 Phone: 970-926-3358 Phone: 970-926-3358 VaIuati-on:1, 200 . 00 Tolal calculated Fee6- - - >53 .00 ISSI'ED 04/L3/L999 04 /1,3 /L999 LO/tO/L999 .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 53.00 53.00 . oo TotaL Pernit Fee--------> Palments-------- BALANCE DUE- -. -. trtttttr*rttirt* ****+*t*rtrtattt r******ra**t*ttrti**r*rrrir.i*r***** r*rtitrt*a**tt**ttatttttttt**t **|}****ttl}*ttttt'l*t*a ITEM: O6OOO EI.,ECTRICAL DEPARTIIEI{T DCPT: BUILDING DJ-ViSiON:O4/L3/L999 JHNI ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIRI'T ITbM:- 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'TENT DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:o4/L3/r999 JRM .A,ct.ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowledgc chac I have read this appficalion, fillcd out in fuI1 lhe idformalion r.quired, compl€Ced an accuraCc plot plan, and sEahe that a1l Ehe informtlon provided as required is corfccc. I agree to comply with ghc infornation and plot plan, to conply wich all Town ordinance6 and etate LawB, and tso build thi€ gtrucbule accolding to lh€ To!,n'6 zoning and Eubdivigion codo6, degign reviee apploved, Unlfortd Bullding code and otsher o-dinances of the Tosn applicabLe tshor.Eo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE MADE TVIEIITY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OI'R OFFICE ,/, SIOIIATURE OF OiNER OR COIITRACTOR FROH g:00 4 5:00 PU ttrltitttttttttt*ta!taittt*aatttt jtrra*litttttrtt''rt|atit*ttrtrltAttrtr loNGt ol VAI!. cololtll)o Rqplint.d ! otlLqlgg 09 rO8 gtar,.bhr trratilrla*.rttaa*,tr!r!rar*r**!}r{taai}tttti!rt trr}aJ', a9'tartata*ttii!r lStatrlnt trr|[b.r: RAC-0502 tt&ounE: Pay[lnl l|.thoA: CK trogEelonr aEeS P.t|!Lr $o; 499-0038 ..qrp. ! B-EEC Prtc.l lfo: 2101-082-49-005 Sitr Addrc6o. 393 UtrLIJ CREER CB LocrElor! ! r92 UIIiIT CREEK (n 53.00 04/14l9t 09!os tnlt: dt| lld.r Prla.he Tota1 FlcE: 53.00 Focal AI,L PECE: 53.00 53.O0 Atount 50.o0 galanqc: .00 l*tsttial!rait!l*trta9ttaattrtt'l*tltrt!rrrtt**tr*taatrrrrllt*rrirritttt* lccosttt, Coda D.r6rlpllon lP 00100003111400 TEll9oRrRY PotGR pER$ITa rfc 00100003112a00 wrlJr ca'I.ll INSPECTIoN FEE 3.00 FREI : STfl,J E-ECTRIC t FfII.E fn. : 9U9r253358 RPR. 13 1999 6:mr P1 Date Receivec APR 1r 1999 ,/\(Tr+ B-fl-Mtt . r APPLICATION UIIST BE FfLLED OOT col.tPLETELV oR IT ]IAY NOT BE AccEpTED Ih****************************rr P/DRUIT INFORI,IATION **it*********!rrl***l:t**r******r tll ( l-Bullding I l-Plunbing M]-slectrlcat [ ]-Mechanicar [ ]-orher ilpb Nane: Mfh<,L \es;dqge-ilob Addrees: 34f h;r( Cruck 6'.ate TOIIN OF VArIJ CONSTR,UCTION PENUTT APPLTCATTON FORI{otrnz Tltzlll Legal- Descrl.ption: I-,ot Block_ riling or.,ners Naue: Tzler (*WC lddress: 342 Architect:Addresss Ph. ^ fyluber and fipe of Flrepraces: cas Appliances_ c4r r.ogs_ wood/peller_v Itt**** * ** ************* *** !t*****l** VALUAIIIONS ****** *****!r******* *!r* ********* **'t liurlnrxc: Er,EcrRrcar,t VOA* orHER:PLIIMBING: unclrlnrelr. ;;'n;.:ELUMBING! !.TECHNIICAIJ: TOTAL3 v ft* ** ******* * ' ***** ********** CONIRACIOR INFORMATION **'r*****************:l*** ** *'Y?lera! contr€,ctor= bfr?t,Assqiornt . _ Town of vail neg. No._Address: YO ,.&*- 4o?A \-1.:\ gl?&'-' phone Nurnber: 4V4-tfr6- Electrical Contractorr 5 {lechu, '.rc. tlre*itr or vait Reg. No.€\fu Phone Nuhber: qzl-ZT eeneral DescriptLon; /-Work Claes: 1./1 -Xew I J-Alteratlon I l-AddltLonal I J-Repalr I J-otheq Ntttnber of Dvrelll.ng unlts: I Nunber of Accotrmodatl,on Unitsl Address; Pluroblng Contractor!Town of VaiL Phone Nunrber: Toltn of VaLl Phone Nunber: Reg. No.Address; Reg. No- *** *************:r*************rr* FoR l{echanlcal Cqntractorr Address: BUILDINC PENUIT FEE: PTUMBINS PERI{Itr FEEI T{ECIIN{ICAI. PER}IIT FEE! ELECXRICAI.T FEE: OTHER TYPE OF PEEI DRB FEE: OFFfCE USE *** ********* ***** **rt't* ** ****r** BUIIDIIIG PIA}T cIIEcK FEE8 PIlUl.tBINc PIAN CHECK FEE: UECIINIICAIJ PIA}I CIIECK FEET RECRE.ATTON FEE: CI,E,AN-UP DEPOSTT! |TOTAI.I D88}TIT TEES: tUfLDfNGl SIGUAT!'RE: ZONING: SIGNAEI'RE:onDenta: 't ,),' 'u ..'.-'.'' I rb (a='\>i,' Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-179-2166 tyww.ci.vail.co.us 12/Lv2000 Michael English Beck & Associates 392 Mill Creek Circle New Single Family Home. RE: Constnrction Street Parking Mr. Michael English with Beck & Assoc. has asked the Town of Vail to gant him approval for 5 vehicles to park on Mill Creek Circle within the lot boundaries of 392 Mill Creek Cr. I met with Michael on site and he explained that he was in the process of completing some ofthe building exterior details with rock boulders and the driveway, compledon ofhome is schedule for the first week in February, 200.l . The driveway is going to be heared brick pavers. Michael request is for 5 weeks starting December 12, 2000 - January 26, 2001. November l, 2000 was the dead line for all summer staging and vehicle parking to be allowed on T.O.V. right of way. The Torvn of Vail Public Works Department will grant 5 special parking permits to Michael, with CONDITIONS that if violated, the permits will be taken away and project will be red tagged until issues are resolved. The Conditions are: No Staging of Materials on Town of Vail right of way. Permits are to be on dashboard ofvehicle and are not transferable. Snow Removal is not disrupted. During snow removal days, no parking on street until 9:00 am. Contractor will maintain at least 14' of roadway for emergency vehicles at all times. Traffic control required when any deliveries are made and site distance or traffic flow is disrupted. No parking on Street during the Christmas or New Years holiday weekends. 4:00 PM on Friday - Monday. When drivewa,,,- is available or completed, vehicles required to park in driveway. There may be some activities that will happen in the Vista Bahn area and access of vehicles will greatly increase, no sreet parking will be allowed. Vail PD or T.O.V. Public Works will notifu contractor as soon as possible. A copy of this letter will be given to the Town of Vai[ Street Department, Vail Police Department, Vail Fire Deparrment and T.O. V Building Department. Thank you, J*;r!// Town of Vail Constnrction Insoector {9 rrn"uo r^rrr Michael English . Oct-13-OO 04:l8P Kn"be.l Res - Beck&Assoc. To: Town ofVail Building Department Attn: Charlie Davis tr'rx #: 479-2452 Subiect: KnobelRcsidence From: Micltasl English Prger: 10, includingthis shect. Drte: Octobor 13,2000 P. Ol PO Box 4030, Valt CO 81658 Phone (970)949.rS00 Fax (970) 949"f33S 5311 FA)( Blq'*'^, Fort- hjpoo@,r--' gfr&fu rll; d#k4s rJv A ft v., I tt,/fi- COMMENTS Charlie This is the information for thc pool covm that will be us€d at rhe Knobel Residence. Wll this cover mcd the Town of Vail requirernents so I do not need to alarms on the doors. Pteasc give me a call if you need any other information. 47Gt900 or 904-0655 Thank you D. MicluclErrylistt Superintendcnt Bcck & Associates, Inc. ffi o ([p o"",r"aiion: F 1346 " el l- Scop: l.l Tbis spccification cublishrs rcquiremcnts for, safety covcrs for swrmmin8 9ools, spas, lot tuba,.and rrading.pools (bcrcinafcr itferrtd ro a5 pools' uolcss oulcri'!'ls' sgcclltes'J' When cort c'Jy insr.allcd rnd usci in accorCsnce wilh thc -oi"f".rut.rt iogruarons. rbis spccificarioa is inrcndcd to icducc the rist< of drouzring by inhi'oidng the acess of ghildren undcr 6'rc yaar: of age ta thc ,rarcf' 1.2 This spcciiicslion includes rnbnnancc rcsls to <lcm- ons(ratc the iompliancc or nonccmpliance to rcquircm€oB hcrcin sutcd ror safely g6v6t!. lt also includes m|'b!3 rccuirtmenLs for all covers. i.3 156 vuluci s'.rtcd in lnch-pound unis arc to bc rqrr<ted as tl' c siandtrd. The ralu* in psrcnlhcsc arc glvtn ior inforrnaricn onlY.-- !.4 Thc fsllowrnl rdcly hazar(ls cavear P€nains only.to $c iest arethods secdon. Sccrion 9. of this specification: fi'' :nniard dces not Purport Io eddress all ol lhc talery it"tlrms, d cny. csioclated wirt iu use- It it the rcspoul' iit,tv of tic 12;s { this standartl io esnblisit appropriate iiiyki i"iin piaeices and ceglni*e the applimbilitv ot rcgulatory limita:ions Prior lo use' ?. Refcrenced Document 2.1 NFPA Doatneru:-litonal Eccuicai Coda' Anicle 68&X6: l. TerminologY !.1 Desaiytion of Tenns SPec;Ec to ThLs Stodcrd: 1.t.t "ppit--rnt-suhordiaarc p3ns or adj Bnct accrs. rory conPonanB to the. cgvct q rch as hardwarc lnclu' nt bucklcr, straps, ucs' spnng5, anchots' urcks, rollcrs' lifting arms, and rlrc like.-- 7.i.1 auamatic cover< covcr which can bc placed over rh; *"; arca aad rcmovcd wirh a mororizcd mechanism ".ru"r.d by a suiable conlrol n'cchanirm' Scc also po*tr wfdy coter (PSC), otht aver (CC)-- -J.i,3 borrtn- iemclhin?' that lerrrains or obsrucn SccBss to '.hc body of wa(c?' i-t.+ blint<er-a matcnal ussi for trenad insuledon' Scc zllo solar eaergT ble*at'-J.i.i ;r;;:*mething that cotcrs, erorccu or shcltcn or a comtination thercof. 3 swimming Pool' spa' ot hol luD' ,Tt* crcifirric., ,r u,.3cr {t jurirdhrion o, ASIM Cun'lll$r f,' tt- cn C""*irTJ"* rnd i: r}l? didr ftsrirttulirv o' Sgbltd'Dilr* ll5'!l en Co't6 for P64 s!.r r:rd Hot Tvbr -" i.r*-", .o,i.o .*-".a Asr l5' l99t' Stjitltcd D'cc|irb" l99l' -.;;;;;; G.- Nrlicl.t Frrc F orc'r'et A$or" 8'r''tt'nr'tb Pttl' Qttn<t' M^ 0?:69. l|tnE* SOAErY td ltlltlr€ iao r^ltills rnt l... tC hlSr|b h lal€ rlrl'J ll. tb lhr b J Ina tb.I'i Ctbl €rU t.g|ll.rrt! atta-.rr-t-i.l IFa, ih raG ocq-r3-oo o4:2op "'fi "":"-T::T=*,;,1"15:, ";';, e,s:sln' ;'"'r.Rr :1 : E{_fJE rJlrltE FrJtrLs - Fnx l\|0. I 343-629-6588 Vct. @6 2fl8q El9:31Frr.r ro { Standard Perftlrmance Speclticadon tor Safety Cover:s and Labeling Requirements forAll Covers for Swimming Pc,ols, SPas and Hot Tubsr Tti. er.drrl ir i|rrr.d utrd.:t $. ftrd d.d$.dot F l!16: rlr r|!ts inlnrdirEly blhtilt Ot dqirtrtio idb|. Ut. tr|t of ;;fi;;";; i[,r* or.rri.i"ilr,. r."t 4.r.r, rt itre. 'rb ir D.r.'rrls i{a'.r.r tr. F ofg ,.rctltd. ^i'Ii'.io,-i*fo" f.f ind'8.:6 ln cdrn.irt Ghrnlc inar thl bt rwlbn e' Frgltttll 3,1.6 dcbtb f,yer-t cot ct slth .rtcndlDt appunlrBtcet poririoncd ovcr thc gool ttls vhidl pcrnig lhc covcr ro lrcwot &brit, such r foliegc' dirr, windblootn uEsh, end thc iikr fron o,ntcring lhc pool. Ir is inlrndcd to bc comddcty rrnor'cd bcforc rbc enrrt of bethca Scc dso othct utm (oc). l.'1.7 dcctl-rhe rp.t rbunin3 . PooL spa' or hot tub rhar arc rffircrlty .otlt!6cd or iarullcd (for cramplc. of t"ood, coicrcra bdclq laone, rnd thc likc) for urc bi-barhcrr foi Siring rt t diog or vrrlking md nry also acr rs e besc for suD@rrs for @ltcnr. 3.t.5 do^F-a rcnipannancnt cnclosurc suppoilcd by rlsscr. or posiritte eir prcsrurc crccrcd over rhe Pool rlcr ro provide tcmpcnturc and rtmolgheric .contrcl ovcr the Pool cnvironmcnL - 1.1.9 encrgy consqtation--hc rcductioo of hcrt loss fron poot iircr rhroug! eir conveclion or crraporadve coolin& or bo$.-:t:l.ib Int tul_a srla corrsttrctd of rood with sidcs and Uoiiom fot cA scpinrclx ud tbc *bolc :hapc joincd ;;;d t,t ,su*'tom sirnoundiar hcopr, bEDd5 or rods; -ar-rtirtincrfion sgc uaiu foracd of glesric, concctc, tacul' or othcr Brrcrids.--l-.iii btcassiblc lmattoar.-a l€don rt tgr 5 fr (l'5 miiUovc rhc rroud with uo o&cr 'EEGs rucb rs hud or i"litrat *r,iJn *"ld psrnir r child o nach rlc locerion''- lJ,ii ,i**a'cqt z.-4 covcr which nquircs ir. to -bc oricJo".t rl.*r.r ucrr by hrnd. scc ds manlg@,l mleu 'atver (MSC),zad othrl ovcn (OQ' 3-t.13 mark@s-thc rpplicrdoo of luInEl' lenrr\ lil' b.lr. t t$ rymboU or coloc ro Psovid! i&nriflc'tioi rnd sa&iy iiformuion rad ro crrcdirc bendlirrt durin8 ritPutcar and srorar. .l.l.l4 frnual uftty cplwt (MSC)-I bqtticr shicb !c' ouir.s ir o * pbrir bvcr rhc uatcr rnalu.lly' hovidcr- e iltt! i."t "i df.ty for childrcn cndcr thc rgp of fiw bv bhibiuur rhcir rcccrs ro uc tBcr. 3,J.15- uher rr,trrt (OC)-itcludcs rrty covgr- tyD,c -!!r i.iioo-t i.O in rhc oiher tro clrsrifierionr; P$C' MSp' riJiG nor i"t neca n rcrve rs r brrricr lor childrcn under tho 4c of fivc.-1fi6 -xt '* s{etv ag,wr (PSC)< b'ader- vhich an-bc oUcca otcr thr wrtcr rrrr end rtmovcd with e motorircd ;A;;; rcr'ratco by e siubh Gonrrpl-Ecchrtisrn' i'fiiL-. r,ub t.;J*i*.tv for chiurun undcr tbc arr of tivc bv inhibirirq rkir rcccs to th? wet'-- i iit sufuvZorcr-.l. hnicr (tntcrrdcd ro. tE GomPldclv r..o"cc ueitofo cnuy of b$Grs)' for odsuatng poott sFs' iii i"x or ulada3 pool+ rncndut r9Puncwrn€g urq/or liirt"]i*- o,or,in-tti"t whicb rcduccs-whcn ptopctly le' I Oct-I3-OO O4zZlP Kn..|bal Res.Beck&Assoc - 97f,x79 5311 P-o6 Fl:.r : ErLUE rrHrrE prlnt-s O Fnx Nl. : je,--,-629-55s, l- ct.. tz6 zffioag:3znm p-? bclcd. -iastdlad. uscd end mainraincd in accordtnce wirh rhc m_uuhcruren' 3rublishcd ir:rrrucdoor_rhc rislr of Oro-njii of children uadcr five ycers of egc. bv inhibiting;iiirJ&i _to thc conujlsd body of urt:r, end by proviaing for rli rcrncval of any rubcrandally biurfitous ic"et of -co c*cj surfea t lrcr. Sc c t)a power njetl' cover (pSC), rlnd maaual sclcry covcr (MSC)- 6.3.{ l.:bak s[iched to covcrs ,Itall mccr rhc reh?rtl j r.quircmctrrs dc*ribcd in g.r. t, 9.7. g.?. t, s.7.2, 9.7:1, g.s. 8.!.j, end 8.9.(,1j: Fsttrlr!"g ttnchanhms or dcvjfcs-Tic+ .tbchmcnr polhls, snclrot|. |'nsbottgc, and COntrOb [Or Eutomlttc covc6. or o$cr mcans of frncning e cov?r she,ll includ?provtjlonr sUan $ &ysr comUnrrion loc*s, sgcciel toolj,'dcvicrs, or inacccsiblr tocetions, rnd rhc tikc. ro iitr;Uir childrcn undcr_fivc ycer: of rgc from rcmwio! o, oe"rriiie rha cov?r. Wbea rrbjccrcd b thc load eid pcrimcar dellcction tcss dcrcrihd in 9. I rnd 9.2, all fasrenin3 deviccs shrll rcrntin ia thclr iatcodcd, scarrcd or ctosed. or borh. porilion" rllcr tlc tesl. thc iatcodcd pcrformencc of rhc dryicc should nor bc impaind. 6,5 Ojuiryt-The covcr shrll bc daigDcd iu such a rrzy dut. whc.n ir, il rc*cd.by rhc rcsr mqhod dcscribcC ia 9.d, ruy opcDutt ra tbc Bltor coEporrcl! or b.tsleD thc cdiS of thc cover rrd tlc dcct rurfrcc or coping rrlt. or borh,-end the rop surfrcc of tbc spa or pool docs not a[oy thi tcn objcct ro pass r!rcugh, Tbc rcsr objcct sh.ll nor grin acccsr ro t[a_ ur.r?r, or bc rubjcc to catttpmgll 6.6 Scenr, ricg or ycldr in thj covcr ghzlt thow no sigas of demrge. which wilt iapeir iarcodcd pcrfomen* ol thc dcvicc rryhcn rhc concr b trstcd by rhc urcdrods dcsaibcd in 9.1, 9.2, 9-3, end 9.t1. l '7. .Pet{omrncr lcqulrrmcntl for Sllcty Corcrr 7.11 _Wk-WIn rhc crsc of r pool wirh I vidrb or dremcut gurer rhrn 8 n e.4 D) frora Oc Derphcry, thc covcr ghdl bc rblc ro hold r rrigbt of tgt tb (220.0 ld i2 adulB .$d I ctild) to pcrnir r rtcuc opcntion . ."?.t.1 In I a..c of I pool sith r width or dirmcrcr nor tTlE _ llFn t It p.{ nf rlc coytr sh.tl yirhrr.nd rhc rdghr of 271 lb (125 kd (rvcitDr of r cbild rld rn edulD. Conplielce shrll b. dcrcrniacd by rhc rcrt dcrhod dc. scribcd in 9,1. 1.2 Paimcnr Ddl.et oa-Thc coycr sha[ bc dcsi3ncd in such r wry thrt, wbea ir ir rcsrcd by thc rcrt rnalrod .lcsdibcd in 92, dcllacdoo of rhc eovcr doq nor rtloy ttrc 5. MrtcrhL rnd Mmllrcturc ,ll! $!ru.r:rirtr nor L^norrn ro bc hrmfut ro hcdth,w'9!n lnc iliEttdcd rDglicrrloo, $dl bc u.d.t.2 All nrrcridr ud coupolclE sbrll tr durabh rnd tltitfrc.tory for lhc inr:addd purporc undcr rf,c conOifioni nonndly p uvrilial .t tlc ritB 5-3 Tbs gora rh{t bc mrnufrcrurcd or frbricarcd. er both. in rccordancc wirlf lcncnlly toccptcd, gooa manufac- tunng praaticcs. { 6y'Grncnl Requlrcnrrnrr for grfsly gey.r,' 6.1 ..Ittsutlatloa/tkt d salay dyrrr-Ullas iny,ucd lyg !le-.$i1F?{lggr * crpeariblc pcnic$. or bodl :a;iihb& ' lDtnrcgont fot iofir[rdoqf,b.I bc fven in r form includcd rn rh-c packriDi gr I lEbcl, or both. etrschcC tO thg covcr,-.6.2 Libcls rtuctlcd to rl3 covct shrlt mccr tbc rcncraj rcquinmcnu dcscribcd in t.j.l. t.t, t.t.t rnd S.tj,--6.3 Ma*ings lor selcty args slull inchulc: 6.1.1 ric mlnufraunr'r nlmc. 6.1.2 datc rhanuficur€d sr inre[cd. and 5,3.3 innruaiont to o6n3utaerr to inrpccr thc covcr for premrture lrctr or dctcriorarion. 5 ($ll r rsrs -:.l..lE rolar cnergy blat*ets-a cover which is a 0oltinE tnnsluclnt (not transDarcnt) hclr insrrlaring shect incorpo. nung, for ersattlq, ancapsulrrcC ::ir bubblcs or similar t* !3i lqricr (fioarjng) sheer marcrial whose purposc is ro ir.hibit hrat dis+iparion from :he p,>ol warcr surfacc rhrough ajr convcnioa or cyaporativc oooling Thc snccr marcrili c'Jti,Omarily ranslgccnt (nor r6n5p,ays11) to Dcrmjt rhc transfer of sotar ndiaiion ancrgy <tifcctly ra lhc pool watcrer all dcprhs and inrcnded for day anC nig,hr usc. is cur ro rhc shax of rhc pooi uC is not aflircd ro rhl pool srrucruru lt is intend:d !o |r complatcly rc:;:ovsJ bcforc rhc cnrry of ba rhsrs. 1,1.19 enerT.y to$e?vddan blan'cet-a cover which is r rloaring h:* ir:ulating sn:ct malarist incorporaring, foi cranglc, a ccil:rlir loarn or similar j:w-hcat rr.rnsfcr nritcrhl whcsr DurlDsc is ro inhibrr hcar tos from rhe covcrcd watcr. lhtough atr clo:lvrcrion or cvapo;ati.re cooling, or both. Such mattrials arc c'.inomari!y cut to ths r;hapc of thc pool and arc rnttndcd for a nig}r covering. Thc blankcr ir not dlired to rll€ poo! structurc. Ir is rnteaded to be complcrely rcmovcd bcfor: rhc entry of barhen. 1-1.20 wcdng pool-a shrllow pool inrcndcd lor wading, edt lw:lhmrnE, 3 t-.21 wate ine-rhc waraline sl:all bc de{ined in onc of the lollowrng .*:ys: j.i.?l,l skinrncr :ystem-the wner tine shall bc u rhc nid-poinr of ri.e operatin3 rangc of rhc skimmal -i.1.21.2 orcrlow sy-stem-rhc warcrlinc shall be at tha rop cf the ovcrtlow outl,:r. rl- Covcr Otssificealons ead Mldrnurn euelilicrtion Crircrir ..1 Power S4l4y Co,;er /P.fCl-I'rovidcs a high lcvcl of rai:ry.for chiidrcn uadcr thc age of five by inhiiirjnt rheir acccss tO thc walcr. - -4.t.1 Mrrsr sadsry 5.i,5.2, t.1,6.t. 6.2,5.7,6,4,6.5,7.t, 1.2.-i.t,7.1s-1, 8.2, 6.4, 8.5, 8.6. 8.7, r.E, s.9. 8:tO, s.il;r.12. 9.t. 9.2. 9.3. 9..1. t0-r. t0.?. t0.3, to.d. end di eubscctio ns, 1-2 Manual Salcty Coer (MSC)-.proyides I high levcl of satty lbr clrilcirsa under rhc agc of fi"e by inhibiting rheir 2;ae$ rc lhC w?ler. Mry tcquire a lollgcr pcriod oftimC to bc iulb sccurcd. 4.2. i Musr sarisfy 5. 1, 5.2, i.1, 6. 1, 6.2, 6J, 6.4, 6.5, 7. t.'r.2,7.-3, ?,4,9.1, s.2.9.4, E.5,8.6, E.7.8-t, E.9,8:t0. t.il. E.,,! 2, 9. t . 9.2, 9. 1. 9.4, end all subsr:rions. <,3 Othcr . Cuvers (OCl*lncludci aly covcr typc not hcorporared io rhc othcr rwo caregorics MSG pSC. They are ilol i:urndcd ro lrrvc as a banier for childrtn under thc agc rt' 6vc. Dcsigl charaacnsdcs may b: herardous when uscld in rhc prcscncc of children under the aga of fi"c. 4.i.1 Shell sa'3fy 5.t, -(.1, 5.3,3.!. 8.2, E.l, t.j.8.6. t.7, E.5, E.9, 8.10. 6. t l. E. 12. snd all sub:asrons. ,,:::;= :;,I;l' ""5 "":,',:,;*;=-;;,"" "'Tr, ":',h, tesr objccr !o psss bawe.n $3 3svt:r and thc aidc of th€ pool. or ro gein acc€sl to Ulc rrarar. 7 -3\gurface Drainagc-Tlte ovzt shdl b. so consrudcd' ' 5r rlcorpool! a syltr.m, or hrve an auilirry Stntn Dre vidcd. thar rrhro uscd in accordaa<c wirb tbc menufanunr! instrucrions, shall drarn substantis,tly all sgnding cacr from lbE covcr widt! r pcriod of 30-piir {rr ccssatioo of aood niar,ll. Comrliroce sh:lt bJ -dcrerniircd by rhc cst il 9.3- 7.1 Opening T4,ts-T]re tc$$ sbdl be conduard by thc rcsr mctlod lcscibcd io 9.{ tr &monltrate rbr rny ogniog in rhc mrjor componcnt <)r b.lwscn thc crlSc of thc airar *a thc dcck rulfgcc or cop lg wall, or both, aod thc iop surfacc cf tn: poo! or tie lcp suriacs of the 5p| $ ruffrcicntly srna.il aad suoo8' 10 trcvcEl lhc opcnrn; ItoEr being forccd tc a sizr thar will all':w tlc rsJ! obrccl to Ptrs rhrouEh. 8. Minir:run Lrbcl Rcquirernentr for Alt Covrrr for Srlo' rning Pools. SPss, rrtd Hot Tubs 8-l ProCutt bbel-All covcrs shall bc labdrd./rnarkcd to identrfy mar.rrfacaurcc or othcr rcsponsiblc penics (rucb as ";".t. t"U"t lbviburor.), or borlr- l:t'cls an:shod !o cove'! itreti mccr rh4 Ecnrr3l rcquircrneou dcscribcd in E'J'l' E E' 8.8.!. and 8.8.2.- S.i wer"i^g l-aDcls--'tll co"enr shdi ir rcquirtd ro havc arrachcd thc fdlio'r4nE ee6!1g laLcl: .1.!.! -cr3,::i word'- WARNINT 'ii) iin,'; tlen Symbot-Prccccing thc sgtral word :hf:c shalt b:. rri:n3lc with rn exclamation goint inside rhe ln:, ng!€-" i.ij-r wc:C i{esrrg=Tlc sr:ndard word mcsage shatl 'o.-aVOfO DROWNING RISK rvhich shall bc lhc tirst rnessate to a?Pcar direcdy unCer rhc si8'nal word'' ili-.2-,s;iiional lfod !'lessage Sralemeatl.overt *iifl iny oI rhe outlincd hazands i:r Fig I slrdl lin rll aoolicnbie wcrnir6, 3utemcnts o:: ihc labcl'' b.-: Colaz -Non-safdy ccvc? u,lraing label- 8.3-t Signrl warC- Riack letters with orange blcr- CrJUD0,' Sj.Z So("rt Alc symbol-Black trianglc with oreogc cxclanudon Potnt.-i-l.l- wii ,Vessage-Black icncring on white back' "r"und ot whits lctre!: on blrck backErcund' 8.4 Cdlor-safety cover warnin g labcl' 8..r. I Color: assi3ncd lo rhc siar.al wofd Pane! may.also Dc t s.rd for rhc messlS,c urcrd panel providcd- the pantl @lofl ;;;i;. wirh thc tjrrerias of rhe labcl, Thir is rpplicable ro FlC- I Hrt tdrwrrtlng $'r'a' cbrtl 3 4-. cown oonforniag with rhc PSC end MSC clrrsificadonr odv. t.5 YtttlttE bb.l-lcrrcr rbc. tJ.l Lcncrior $dt !c of r sizs tber cmblcr e gcr:on vith aonnet vilioo. iuctudiat conecrcd visiol, to rad Uc !.fcty sigr or hbcl il r $fc vicwing dirtrncc from thc bazard Comi&anbc $ould bc avgo ro covircqncurd vrriablcr tbrt vil rtfocl red.billty. t.5.1 Sfln4, wor4-l*ttcr hcight $dl bc tt l€sss 50 * gr!.tcr thel thc rclcctd bcirbr of Oc ncrs4c panal wordilg t.S.l Sd.ty Alm Synbol.--$Iety dcrr svmbol' whcn uscd with Ae sifnl *ord shdt prccc& tle d$d Yord- Thc brsc of rbirrfcr rlctt lFrbol $.ll bc oa lhc lrme horizooal lisc !s llc barc of r[c lcagn of tbc rlul word- Tbc hdAt of t!: trftV dctt 3)"!bol chdl Gqud o5 crcccd tbc sipd word ldtcr hsi3ht tJ:4 word 6+rr3c bncr hcith. ttul b s dcfrncd in Trblc l.-"'8.6 Lsw ttyls: t-6-l SfuDal word rhrll bc ia senr scrif hccn in upDcr casc ouly, 8.6,2 Mcsogc Parrcl $rll bc in sans !6tif lctt€ts: Lelrsn may bc il uppcr case only. LC; fxenptcs of acccpt blc lctrcring stylc-ara mcdiurn or bold bdwtiq or nalls iothic bold- L7 Plaencnt-I-ostiol rhall bc ruch rb.t thc Bcasate will: &?. I Bc radily viriblc lo rhc i$rcnffi vicwcr. rrkin3 inro considcrsriou oll posible vicwing ruCc!' and t-?.2 Alcn lha vi6r,ct to $c potcrdd hrztrd in timc to uke approprirr aeion- 8.2.!' dUd rnust bc locltcd so as nsl 16 56 plnsvcd in rlrc firdng procar. 8.I -ttfc *ettarrcrthe labcl sbsll htw s rrsonrblc croccraC- tifc with good color subiliry and wotd mcsagc tcgrbility whcn vieurcd rr srarcd in t.5.t. Rcuonrble trDcct--r-ricy rtritt Uc nfcn inro considenrion in accoodancc wirh rhc . -cxD3$cd [Aof the Droducr.'- '5.8.t potettirt-When possiblc. Pbccdc of hbcl slrould provide pptcction from forcsccablc d.nr{c' bdn& or rinrir oUcrruirion calrcd by abresioo ultraviol€t liSht 0t subcrancec tuch lt dteoicalr or dirr- E.E,2 Auachnau'Tbc lrbcl shdl bc rnrchcd pcrme- o.oriv ro ,r,i proaua or rc tDrt it cannot bc casily rtmovcd'- i.i Arptoi^en-Produsr/hmiry hbcts shosld bc t+ glssEd bf thc producr uscr whcn thcy ao b!3gr mcct P.O7 B9:32nN P8 .l a ([ r ruo It Yl$t Xuard 9r-?ll: '\r,l .€t trt?m er.*jhf lr| C.lt r.d h ttj! irjfcrlb0 al$5'o5ld c' imgaooa,ry !|tcru oolr| 'co,E rlrtant bt g9a 0 vg cQts .Drsrtil, aa ta9 aa €gr,t h .cqljlid.tv, r,trt Y'ld t'r C'ind h gtE tD|c.ftrlotr) 'Coo.rt!tt. €tulttttt-O'orrtiC rfi d c!trt 'G..url tlqtsnanr tCa d covrt 'Cor'dl l5 rtova It Sr?crt C€6tl 'Co'.r (tcet tbl m@t C! .|qt.|i!tt ! ot lit '{3ratb ft tSC' 3C add r a lihrt! ttattttrr: suf Crov*+l tt stFt rigt{- ',aal,a*.t"-f.Ofc-toFu ca'r{ !' rrl llccqtd' .n@ra su|E|ltrvrE .cLt at! lh.r sr llt c ot' .mEi! en Fl talfrcly !J!ta iry d Enr<tnOtrr E f,.' 1ldi-rd c fnot!9alt anrta €|tt rt r lr'rJ( f '|. lo *r .tharn.gbE |nlt rt lt h l*tt d dlltr!' ' 'tI|!ltgr oct- l3-oo 04 = 23P Knob.e'l ,Rr-1 : PLIE rJf{tTE Fr:['r-S lD Res.Beck&Assoc- FAX l.r0- : la3-629-658a P-OA zst:33fr'1 P9 J + 97 531I M 2WE ct. {tl! r racc 1!!q t wot.t tfu.{t.r L.nrr xoh0rr !its.. S.b t t-*tC a.iJE Ufrrrur trBrt )|.igfr tC FAYOn^BI€ A..rBr{ Co€brr l&l! rnt t|' t|{ht b |,,tlt^voe^lll ni{nC Cdtdrlrtt Er gtr|t 2a lr lrroLlr lElt n ,r CO ir- ,.,an,r^r -*lH- xrSr'rgrl-g!= n*g,',r 9.1- !3i-&t'l= r.*'^-t*r3o. 'r4{r'.J.Tio9S& tt 'ch'g,|r.!fti63!r' icsibiliry rcquircmcnts for safc vic:wing disrancc dercribcd in 3.5.1 end t.7.t- ln cesrs whglq prodries ho;.;;;;;;""crpcErcd Efc or wbcrc crposcd io .*,r.r. condirio*liir.grocuct rer should bc able ro ob,:,in rcptrscmcnr libcls from thc manuficturcr or rcspon: ibls o*r". -'---"- '--' t..10 lwtruaion/O* Itbei-l.ny piodricr insrruaioas or usc lebcl loi lrtachad ro $c prodrct, inrcnded ro * vicura by thc consumer/uscr shal! coi'.ai n in is "on*nu rl.'ilrn"a?tlicablc-vrning la5cl es s.r forth in S.Z Oroush g.1.1-' 8.:0. I Whcn sTcclal ;irclmsLtnccs limi! ur-. oi feU.f co,lors ro twG 9)1.]13, rh: colors &rs grcd to thc -crscsF,,,Era paacl nay dco bc uscd lor dr si 3nal word panci pioviOiC thar th? prncl ccior: contrasr sirh background iofoiof irstmcrion/us: Labci. E.lt Fackzging label-lt Srar:kagiag is inrcn<tcd lor nrodua display ro tfie coruuner,ruscr, ipplicabtc *arniif iabel as dcscibcd in 8J rhrough g.6.3 shailic placcA on itrc Drirrcd ridc of rh: pac}a6e lnrenCcd for display and/or consumcr ioform.arion, The !abc! shall bc printcd on 'or r,Ili.rcd ro rlc prckagc and nor easily *-orob'li.' 8- I t. I Whcn spccial circurntrnccs limir usc of hbcl color: ro tvo colort thc cotoc rsrigned ro rtrc signal i=rd panel may alrc bc uscd for rhc mcaiag. word pueiprovidad thrl thc panel colors con:rag wirb backgriund color of packagiog. t.l2 Conplunce l-abeling-A labcls shall norc thc spc-ctllc cOvet cle<"it'icarion- ' 9.' T.st Mcthodr For Sefcty Covcr:;' 9.1 Stuic laad Test: t 9.1.1_. This. tcsr rh.sll bc conducted ro dcmotumtc th4t thc colcr is'ca!_abtc of supponing a wcight of (e) rgj-iG t,:omposcd of one 2lGlb, onc Z2j-lh or onc 5(}lb wcigh0 fol pools, or rp€-s githia e wjddr or dianeter eneercr rtraig it oi ft) ??J lhe (coraposd of onc 2?5lb andouc jGtb ;itlii fcr a pool.or L spr wirh q widrt or aiamcricquat -o oiEi tnen U lr dlstnbutcd ovcr I fP !rch, all of'rhich rre wirhia r 1.R radius wirhour &,c rcfl objccrs ceusing da$sgc thich wor{d allorv any of the rest obje*r ro pas through ,ic covii.Lrurrng uu3 t.tlt tberc sh,all bc to rcg rirer6cDr for rb3 absclcE of *acr apgctring on thc surfacc ot' rhe covcr. 9;1.2 Proccdure--T}c pool shall bc filled ro iB wrrerlinc and the cover f:ttcd in acco;dan* rvirh thc covcr manrrAa_lurcf's iE$nqdons. Thc rcsr objecc; shalt bc plrccd oo ttrc surr'acc of lhe cor'cr at drc loltowing crirlcal poins: 9 !.?.1 The ecnkr poinl ofthc ccvcr g.1.2.? Ectwea| rttrchmenr 9oinls and a disnncc of at ;cast 4 11 ( I .2 m) cur nor ro ercccd 'i fi frorn rhe ride of the Doot. l€ra t{r!- ralht Iqrrr L-|,rt|tl. tf-O h. FtO. I lr||t9tan tu Eylmrtrg pcol Cor.? Sund..{t ._:lt?.1 TIrc-lrsr objecr shrlt rcttraia in each rcst posirion for a pcnoc ots trirr- 9.1 Pqiaaa Dcletioa Tcst:-T?.2 I Thh rccr rh.ll bc corducrcd .o dcmonstreE rhe ' fo[oriDg:. & driU urdcr rbe *r ofn"..".r. r"Lff oiio iio corlcr nctt!=flhl child lor another chitd coutd dip tirourlr slry-opeaintt thrr ary oeur bcnrrccn rt c corc, ln-C rf,cJi,of the pool. lSl:? Pdimaer Ddlcalot Tctt ObJcrt_Ier objccr drrlr bc t.7 in. !0.09 p) by 5.7 ia. (0.tr mi Uy " ,nini-". l: in.Il89 rnq r wiglr of 36-6 lbs ln rn clipoidel 3hapc- Se Fit 7. - 9.2-3 Pror;cdwe--llJith j0 lb6 (XZ.? kg) on rhc covcr rt e 6rstlnc? or_rt'Ic$r 4 lL but nof qcccdir[ 6 ft from ihc ridcj,ol thc poot, $e senc covct sltdt nor dcllecr !o altou, a pcrinctar.ust objcd fo prsr thmu3h, glia eccesr o rt . *.r.,or bc rubjccr to Gnrrpmcnt bctwcco ihc cor". ,na rt" ddj.o[ rhc pool. 9.1 Surtw Drehge Tcst: _ 9.3.1 Suioct Dmilr8c Tca Objrt-Timm/ or mui.a- Ieur (32 in. tc4rh by 9 in. 'ridtb -by : in. dco UiflO lL tono,shspod objcc0 $dl b. phccd- oa rh" poot &".-iii tuPtl?. P$fiio4 faccup, withio r*o to Ur* f.". oi eoa parallcl witb thc pool'3 edgc. TLEG minurcs htcr rlrcre shrlt lol bc aD u!5|'3 lDouat of nttr. Al rrsrfc ruouar of catcr b d.li&d rr lsy qu&dty of *rrcr vtricb .o-"f"t i"@vcr! Dr.toco of rbc snrfecc dninegc tcat objcgt 9.3.2 Pw,edueTcs thc cowr by spnyrni uner cvcnly ?lgt!.3r1rrT rgplicarioanrc of to3rL/nia pcr t000 fti V,r, m', or^poot ur. for r Deriod Of 30 rnin, Durinr (his tasl dl cqtllocct rhrll oocrrrc ia eccordracc wirh -covcr nerufacrurcrrs isrruaiou, Thirry niaurcs afrer conptaio" of tbir proccdur, rhc covtr rhrll i"s tt a ror nr.UoJ'in iJ.et all dncs dudtrt tlrc proccdurc mainrain tfr. pooif."ci .i the *trCrliac. 9.4 Ot.ningsT'f/.: 9-1,t Thcg tens ihatt bc conductcd lo dcrnonsrnre rhrt - r'T.mrnyF 91 Qt aui.{$la. l|tGG }t|r old br: rvdtrlrL frltrt Sinutrirtr lrc- ?O. lor lot l)ib. Art!u.. w..d;d. Xy liati. 4* 4* '.::: ;:;"ff";'J ""T *';-""".11,=.*-.=-" "'U'0" *1,, r,,=o*" J,;"" (D r rslo any o9.ntnt3 rcmein small cnouS,h to prcvcnt a smrll childt lhc Domcnhry Enregl,tlpc. 5s gfu1 whcn rclcascd, thc cover hcad lrorn SininB uccert to thc wa i?r. *opr -opcnd6i-imrndidaty rt eny goinr ia tha opcn or 9.4.2 Opcaings tcst objcst-s olid llrced rghcrl tlrr dojd trL Dcdod. ob.lcct wirb e marimuo brcrdtb of ..J ia. loJ Tbs aow' rhdt bc r3vsrliblc ia dirrction fiorn r fuIt 9.1-3 PrntC'tre-Ibc covcr sbdl bc 6t&d in rcerdene lop E! aly poilt iu iE tnvcl withogt heviq o cooflcrc thc witl tJlc covcr anauhdurs,s isst:ucioos Tb" tlsr gbjcd full opcu or dcd eycla si:all bc plaai ar or inro aoy exisris& opcabg rld rpDly r --. l0.l Ectrially oDcdod cosrol r*irchc rrd ltotorr fcrca of tto lk (plug or oior:s t pou:d) rcrdily to esurc tbc shal bc is$dbd ir rEEodeaol witb rbc Nrtioarr Ecdrical test objcq caulor Dass rbrough ar rbc &lbwil3 eiticel Cod. Ad& 6lGl6-orxnrngr: l0.a Tbc tnc of pool 6ornri4 opcntiag coltrgb $dt bc 9.a.3.1 Auy opcniag bctwccr t!: cdgc of thc covrr rad $cb tbet _ rlc ccck rurfecc iod coping wali, or botlr. or thc top surfacc --- 10.{.t ltf,fted lecetioa is ir thc liac of sigLr of thc 8 oi lhc spa or pool. 9.a 3,2 Any opcning ia tbc c{: Ycr. '10.. Opcntln3 Coneo\ Srfety Cov'rs 10. I The opcn<losc swirch rhdl bc n;r-ior componcnt of thc coraplac pool cowr, or by iE opendu procers. Thir cnlrns thet thc opcatq rhdl be io coarphc vien' of rhc corrr rr dl liocs durig |he ctrosilf or Dool covrrint lnucss. 10.{-2 SwitchirV &vica .l'.tt bc karofrrtad or locked rrey or rblc ro bc darctiurod d orbcrrrirl locslcd ia .D inecccsiiblc locerioa. Al ilrsiUc lerion Crall bc et r lllElgglgl or of hciSlt of et lcert 6w fccr eborc r.bc dcclc. ANNEX (Mrdrtory hformrtion) ^I. 8ATIONALE Al.t Scope ' - * r t. t . l 4ltloueh rhe majority ,>f chikldrowning ead ne:r'drowr,ing which u.*'rt rtponad did not involve refay rovrrsn those who purport ro pmvidc I lcvcl of nfety should i- hcld to a higber l:vd of fcligbiliy Injury rcpons rnrdc availablc from CPSC indicstc thar malc childrcn. ons end lwc ycars of agc, livint il g homa witi an in.gound pool erc lr rhe hi8Jrcs risl ofbcing involvcd in a subncrsion incidenr lhtt rcquirrs medical can:. A! .l Rcfcrenced Documents t i.2-: Aliorvs documcnt i:vicweri the ncCeSSary informa. iloo ro validarc .Jrc rcxr oi thc su:nd:rrd. t i j Termirrology Ai.l.l Coasumen and ncs, nai.ufadurcr mly ttot bc farniliar with rhc rcchnological lengu.rgc uscd rvithin the rcxl. Thrs seetion dso provrdcs delrnitionr fo! ner* tcnnr crcrtcd icr rhrs srandrni, A! .d Covcr Clersificarionr and Minimum Quellticrtion Cri- lerir Al.a.t By dcfioing both thc lcvcl of safety aflordcd and strndard rcqolrtncotr ro bc saGfied mmufuturcr aDd consumc! rvill be able r dcfine drcir nccds and propcrly inlerprct tha sandsrd. Thit scctio-.r also rllowr rnaluho rur!.s to rcprarcb end dcraelop rcw tcchnology whicb whcn appticd could .\onge tbair dcsignation. A | .-5 Mrterirls lnd Mr nufrrture A L5.l virying lcgd thrc5 for roaterial avr,ilability rcsttig or dclay immcdietc compli:ncc .rith rhis srao&ril. Al.5 Prrforaue Xcqulraottr For Srfcry Coverr Al-6.1 sDccirld lod &aorr rtprcsent rhc 95rh pcrccntilc for e chitd undcr thc r3e of fiw rs urtll rs onc melc rdult and one femda rdult l'1.6.2 lfoar child should in rccca! to thc aurfr.. ofrhr covcr, anothct child in thc ercr of thc pool rbould nor frct incrarcad rbt" A1.6.3 RcogDiriDg lhn torng ccidud tnrcr will rrnrrin rfar rbe rurftcc uarcr is rcnorcd, thc tc$ htt bccn dcviscd ro crsurc rhiltlE lcvd cen bc nainaiocd bclow rhar dccmcd subnaadrlly hradout !o I dild of threc brrcd oo dan receivcd fronr thc Consuna Producr $fcty Cornrnision. lt1.6.{ OrcainE in thc oric cotaDoncrt'oi borizonteP opcdtrgr t#i*ii$'tti't1fii iuC iole'.cmdiuc'6frtic iirotf rrrr rtduld rsnrh eaun caoud ro prevtnt the hced of e small child from grinirg cnu.ne. Thc hcad bradrh for e 5rh pcrentilc of a 7 nootb old il rburt {.5 ind'thc rmallcs mobilc cbitd would bc rbout 7 roonths old cincr. !t thir rlc 50.9t of cbildcr cer c c9 6a hrnds rnd lcncca. A1.7 Mldrlsn bbcl lrculnn nc For All Covoc For Sdrnnlag Pccb 6frr, eul Hot Trbr At,7,l lrbcling o! thc Pnduct allou,r for tnnfcr of thc infonnariol o srond orlm rod rrmponrt urcrs. Al-?.2 Th. oobinrtioo of Sisld Word, Srfiny Alcn Symbol rnd Word McsrSc providcs r highcr lcwl of rvaroiry thu rny da3lc cfiott Al.?J A! €tfon is biat odc oadondly ro malc cooris- tau! thc cololt u$d to rlql cslruocr to gotcttid buerdl A I J,:t Goatnrr of color: bcnrccn hltcr color: rod hb€15 arc rcccssgry ia oder b attttct usetl' a[cntion ro hbcl and c!.bbrt!&bility, .|11.7.5 l.cttlt rizc ir rn inpoR$t frcror in e|mirB I t- .4\ ' oct-l3-oo o4:':" ""T ""r=-'r';::"Tl**r**O'o7,.'r:';", Be:3sA,. rl;' .,-?r ' : FL[.'E t.rHITE p0t_t1..,_i !| FFX NO, : 3q3-529-65% Oct. 86 zq^g s19i3= ,f .gjbil.ity so ths contumcr can Ecoi:Di2! snd lvoid rhc 'rrztrd. 41.7.6 Stylc of latcrinS alfecr Dc rcad:bility of the '. tralnt mc$rlc. A 1.7.7 Wr,nin3 labcls can bc rnorc r:lfacdvc if thcy rllow : .'r rracdoo tioc oa rbc D8n of $e cor sutncr. I i.? .t Denacpd lrbek would rror previdc rs stton3 I r- 6sar3g at n€cg$aty. . A 1.7.9 Due to crtandcd lifc crpecbnsy ofcovcr producls. lr.bclr ci^oDot bc crpcnad ro meinain tlcir original appcar- & 11e!. ,t1.7.10 labcli:t3 mcssages eud forr.rt should bc consie tr:rt froo poiut'of ;rurcbasc !o utc a:rd/or application of C iiYgI. A 1.7. I t h.Lgiog is, at dmcs, $e consumcr lirn crpo s.,n !o ptoduc! in formatiou. lnformaucn conuincd on Oc * rrning labcl is neccssary for makin8 i:rfonncd choica- At.?.12 lt lebalr shatl nor! that th: ptoduct mcct3 thc ri:r-utrclncni* dcrcribcd in Spcc!fieation F 1346. I i-8 Genanl Rcquirements For Srfcty Covcrs .. &l.E, I Insrallatron can bc a kcy hctc r io thc clfcctivcncss c: a:afety cowt rrhct}cr it i< nrnurlly or norvcr installed. At.8.2 Mattufscturcr'r rnarkingt uc ttcccsstty ro allow a c. rrrinuity for 'second orYnetr and consumer/manulacturcr :rltilCL At.t.] Tba roechanisms T hich rccurt th? cov?r rte 8n i;r::gnl oonpoaelt thar bclP ro dcfezr 'r childk sntry lo lbc u ', tct. ,\l,3.4 Op€.ainEJ strall not tx eo largc thrt the purpose of li,: covgr is dctt:I.d- Al E.t Strucrunl inrcgriry is ncctsa:y ro providc srfety. lE ttrt.tr ScAty lc frttthl.N lt r.riaE ttt$ tE M ts*talEva9 t,t Urf Fll4tg UJd hAJAAr .llr ryva'l'tEl'lid.dh'hh fi36J.L lJtryt tt t,@ Jl wt t.dtttdr t .rlth.tlt at,rafil c '',lrd D.ral tlelo. un ,h tv d N,id9iv/rdr d sdt tlgil|. ut r'tt ,t*&@r. ttrr rrut|,C ! !rD/.c ,o;ltia.n E ut, ttr. nf ttn F*lC t*ttt*,l uW Ja rU - tH fll h t-t aA t td t-!d. ,,'..t tr'9gg.rt c b,t '/to|ia- vov cqr'/rytt J|Hiam.t&.iiltC fi Mlt t b fr!trtffi urcM b d€.e& re tstu E|,r/er]4.tt''r. te alurfr { tatt' ug d/frJb, - ar-il tfr r{ElE ,.aL/qt cq itt-. tttt Ft ar lod I yan lal tul6n o'',al/g r|.F,f l$lal ,:tit'.t tW n'Il',t b. ,dtd-'n ,c ?r- ,rsnt ll.6'*sr a Stt''ttdt. le tl Al€a S- fI|'.FJit ,f tttd. 4-' al.t tcrt Mrrho{r For Srfcrt Corcr Al.9.l Thc rcuc oDctrd.ro tnry trgrdrr tro rdultr and rlc coer ddl rupgolr dr. totd cornlircd Eilht ro rvoid posiblc injusf o dtan itr rlr rsrc ruanpL Thc 95th pcrErtilr Unprrrrcd by tlc Zl5-lb adc 2l0lb fct'dc rrd JGlbdrild" Al.9-2 Thb tr$ uar &yl*rt rc rvoid ur opcalng lrqc enou3lr for oac chilC or rnothcr child to. frll bctqc?n thc cdtr'Df Uc cgrtr ud ttc dre ef thc pool whcn onc chiH of 50 lb k rlrady on rhe covcr. Al.9J Rccqairirq $rt ronc reddual srtcr rtmrinr eftcr thc rurfrc rrrcr ir rcaow4 llit tes ir dcviscd to .!3rt! Urr tlrc lsal lt lirirninld bdon'r lwd dcencd subsanrirlly luzrrdour ro r cbild unda thrtc ycars of uc. A t.9.a No opcnir{ tlitl rxirt in thc ovcr or u rny pciat tlat the colrcr joias thg wrfrca of thc pool drucru€ or dcck uer (which wuB rltor r torl cbnd's bcrd to 3ria rccts to rh" wltcr or bccolttc ltnnptod). l)re hgd brerdth for e 5tb pcrclntile 7 rnonG old ir ebout {.5 in (At-._!,0.r o Dcrrti*control Sr lcty Covers Al.l0,l OFntd coluolbd rnota€rit rt conrrcl q?c rwitchcs rllord 3rrercr cosnol ilr rhc ctlr of rn cnqtcncf. A l. 10,? Should r child crrrrr thc *rrcr duriat thc clossrr pr€c6$ hc cowr $dl bc $h to rcwtc vilhout total clotura, --- A l. tOJ It b lmDonrnt ia thc cse of rn clccrricrl . insulhtion ro prorad diErcD ud dl srirnaca fmo $e porsibiliry of clcerroertiou, shi:b is rle grryocc of Ardclc , 58G28oftb l{$idd ElccnicrlCoda- C4 -t ./ro-ad;n2 \-Al,l0.l Opcnon ob.rartios of thc Dool durinj rhe dciar. pcoccs t ogrlly to co$tt! tlrr rnotbcr penoa do6 lol cot r tlt raur duriry thr pocrr Additioulln lle tocerioa ol tlc rcrivriit dcvicc or thc r'bility p rcrdrr it inraivr ic n....ory o rvoid ulautlorirrd opcnia: of thc cortr. llD rr:+ Q1q-oorr KNogec RssrosrttcE - the mj mueller co., inc. 9 May 2000 I'Ir. Christopher coy, AIA BARNES, COY AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS Po Box 763 L936 Montauk Highway Bridgehanpton, NY LL932 Subject: Final structural Inspection KI{OBEI-, RESIDENCE Lot 8, Vail village first Filing Vail, Colorado Dear Chris: At the request of the Town of vail Building Department, this office has conducted a visual inspection of the compteted rough franing for the above referenced project. see structural plans and specifications dated 3 February 1"999 and revised 12 April J-999, L2 l,[ay L999 , 20 DIay L999, L7 June 1999 and 22 June L999. The following itens are to be noted: a) FIELD COORDINATED PENETRATIONS AND CoNNECTIoNS Electrical and mechanical joist and beam penetrations were reviewed and approved by this office. b) TNTERTOR SHEAR WAr-,LS Conplete all interior plynrood shear walls after completion of all electrical and mechanical services in the shear walls. c) INSPECTION REQUESTS Address all itens referenced on rrlnspection Regueststr as prepared by the Town of VaiI BuiLding Department. It should be understood that this office was not present at the site continuousJ-y during the construction process, and consrequentially, unable to verify that every single construction process was completed correctly. However, due to the frequency of the site inspecti-ons, and constant coordination with the general contractor and acrhitect, was able to verify correct placenent of cMf architectural and structural engineering a p.o. box2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2627 47G2637 lF Xl a o Page 2 li[f, Christopher Coy, AfA 9 Uay 2ooo the framing nenbers and compliance with the Etructural plans and epecifications. Completion of the ltens nentloned above will complete the structure in accordance with the intent of the structural plans and specifications. If you have any guestions regarding this inspection and report, or the balance of the project, please contact thlE office at the phone nurnber shotrn on the cover sheet. Sincerely yoqra, 1THE U.7 ![UET.T.NR CO., INC. cc: !tr. ltichael English-BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. f;|| tl.l = "s Uark the mi mueller co., inc. 16 June 1999 Itr. Christopher Coy, AIA BARNES COY & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 1936 Uontauk flighway PO Box 753 Bridgehaupton, New York 11932 Sublect: I{NOBEL RESIDENCII Iot 8, VaiL village Lst Filing Vail, colorado D6ar Chris: fhe purpose of thiE letter is to confirm that this office has revieyed the following changes to the above referenced proJect. The following itens are to be noted: a) OSHA ExcAVATIoN cIIIs Site conslraints prevent proper backfill slopee from beLng achieved in accordance with OSIIA standards, wtrite forning the entire height of sone of the foundation walls. foundation walls on the aouth and east sidee of the building (Sections 22/57, Z3/S7 t 3LlSg and 44lS9) require a horizontal cold Joint at '[8tr abovg the footing. The cord Joint requires a 2x4 key way centered in the wa1l. InEtaII continuous SYNKo-FIJEX yatei stop in the key way in accordance with nanufacturers standard details and specifications. b) VERTICAL REINFORCEI.TENT The vertical reinforcenent for sone of the previously referenced Eections requlres a lap eplice. rbe laf splice i3 to occur at the floor diaphragns witb a ninfunum overlap of 30n. ff you have any questions ttris report or the balance of the project, pleasE contact at the Bhone number shown above. Sincerely yours, TIIE ll^I UI'EIJ,ER CO., INC. Uark J. l,tueller, PE Presldent cc: l{r. llichael English-, rNc. I tr I I I I I I i I RPR.29.1999 9:g6Af,l Aetrl41999 }1[i[6 P.nglish Beck & Assosiatcs P.O. Box4030 vril.CO t1658 Subject: i LAKtrl'qop ; (soa) 9s$122{t (goe) e8s0204F^)( EECK FND ASSOCOCIATES -.. N0.685 P.2 5_,'" O foechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Fonsulting Geotectrnical engineers 13364 W. Ahmeda Plrwy. Sulb 135 . Lalavod, CO UrnV?86 I AVON SILVEFTF|OHNE (970) 949600r ,t70) 46s-a9sg (e70) e4$s223 FA)( lszo; +'ea+sse rru< Excarratim Obsenntiou for ttre proposcd Rcsideoce i'A%tfffi"Ttftrur. Pes,De^.rce Bqt - ootl Job No. 99-069 A'9 requeste4 a reprcseutative fium our office obssved the forrndatior raaterials xposed ia the excalatioratthesubjcctsitconApril 12, lgznd,22,l999, Thepuryoseofourobscnration-unstovcriry Yl,thc ^exPosed qaterials woutd safcly supPort E sprEad footing foudation systcn for the proposed rqtrdcnce- The drpth of the excavation !ne! frou approxiuatcly 6.0 to t3J feet- The materials.cxpoEed in the bottol-of the excavationconsigted of a siitg ctayey sand and gmvel with cobbles and boulders. The material $rithiq tbe qca\rafion was co'npac{ed in accorda[c€ with ow !€coomendations. Ia our opinion, Pt :til will safely zupport a qpread footilg foundatios system desiped for a maxioum allowable soil bearing pressure of 6,000 !sf. Our opi"i* is based ou Oe fouqdatiotr material r'Nnaiuhg ursaftuate4 un&ozen grtd fiost t€e. We a;tpreciatc the oPPortunity to prgvide tbic servicc. If wc cal be of flrrther service, please cmlact us. Shccrelg KOECHLEIN CONSTJLTING ENGINEERS, INC, ruu.fl'ruHi, (2 copies seot) a BLASTINGPERMTT TTIE FORM BELOW MUST BE FILLED OU"T AND RETTJRNED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 24 HOURS BEFORE ACTUAL BLASTING TAKES PLACE. A MINIMUM 24 HOURS NOTICE SHALL BE STRICTLY ADF{ERED TO. ALL INFORMATION AND SIGNATIJRES MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY BY THE APPROPRIATE PERSON IN ORDER FOR TI{E PERMIT TO BE VALID. INFORMATION TO BE FILLE? Ot-J"r B/Y pERMITEE: ;t ,/t,- '/zH TODAY'SDATE: 7// 5,/,/ /T BLASTDATE: 1',, L/ - ,I",,ZS - TIME OF BLAST: ,ro KwEgc- t2as.Op*l CE- TNSURANCENUMBER ANDNAT,,E i lb& (cA) fr{.*;d Fflgg,taESct7&? PERMTTEENAME: ACTUAL PERSON IN CHARGE OF BLAST: LOCATION OF BLAST: BUILDING DEPARTMENT: (IINAL APPROVAL) CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDN ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL AS IS NECESSITATED ANII APPROVED BY THE VAILPOLICE I}EPARTMENT. .l { a a a t a a r rrt I t a t a r r f t a t t r a r r a r r r r r r r r r a I I r a r t r r r r r a r | | I r r a rr a rr atr PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT : r*otlw*n++er* lJ'l PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC: }IERITAGE CABLE VISION: TJPPER EAGLE VALLEY WA SANTTA = 1!f ?f FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: TOIYN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Buildirtg Safety & Inspection Services Division h.t ,l r^'t lL: 9qq - Gts? Q q?-6taB Charlie Davis, Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Town of Vail Community Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services Division 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone 970.479.2142, direct line F/.X970.479.2452 CONIMENTS, NOTES:Tlr+'sw/ FAX COVER SHEET TO: COMPAI{Y NAIVIE: FAX NUIVIBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: {pu*uo'uo CONFERENCE DOCUMENT March 12, 1999 To: Dan K. with Beaudin Ganze Consulting Engineers Inc. Project Knobel Residence/899-00 I I RE:OUSIDEBOILER 1). I confirm that the location of the outside boiler with intergral vent does comply with the 1997 UMC. section 806.7. It I critical to pay close attention to maintain a minimum 4' separation between the vent collar and the operable egress bedroom window. Please be aware that the Town's planning staff must still approve this location on the site. 2). Please provide written approval from the Boiler Manufacture's Engineering deparfnent for this installation. 3) Please submit (2) stamped mechanical drawings for review and approval when all equipment issues are finaled. Thanks Dan, It's a pleasure working with you Charlie Davis Hm-l1-199!' Lg:At s?w%Lsg P.aj/61 PFa,EGr: {+lOnt, p* ;"ilffi}*'*L*tr Ql^*vL RrFFosE ff Coilrrcr: Uillef- PRESENT: ^o,r_1111 nue Q)+{ pRoJEcrn Zt#.O "wa,lpl bW(, W P*oifElo.: in_zwz_ n+/rg lq4 Bueuoru GAr{zE ex??ilf"Siifi'. X retgHc,NEcoM/EBsAnoN THE Fd..LOWIIIIG WAS DISCTJSSED: T,EETIT.IG MINTJIES O ff4o+t0 or+T\$b tutvb(_ \tl$tW tpqfrA tE lvriilttt tF 4b" egz a,e4rvJu b qhilTlniln yanuwy fu).,l aE lnfis r^rra Bqrm,*llrS (mz @ crwtL &k!'s nt4,b tv9e! W fl,t^l ralun cqg6ya ^Pilr lo hat4, on zt- - ) ,1, t t .o,o^n!: : -,\l^' n t' ^I ft"Jr,/ o00 kp,t 5^l4lL,Dfr lho nUrnorr*r';'";;f :; H;, The above is considered cofiect unless resDonse to the contnry is recsiwd within 5 days lrom the'abore date. A ENDoFcoNFERENcEREcORD w. (.,We DNr -4n. z4r- ,,o-K- !r^{ /F^N -b/C -Etb-:-,}t-orsr |,;,- krn t! octEtrR ts huw *ft*L" io hnc 806,7). 1.0. la tt h0. o||al lflrF|t.$||tudn0lrrl{5t t rrit hoafil.lrl lltll orf r lir ttrr.srir ltt eda.., (0 f0|0l t30 ?t{n0 t rdlollzl-llll F|rlt hat&d...l TOTRL P.A1 , Marr I l. -99 lZ : 35 Ber Ganze FAGSIMILE TRANSMITTAL eTTe 6r5e P. Or o^rE,3.,il'?7 rc,(;1lf.rtL Dt ltf couPeNY:lp{ gL01 QE/f Fex xuuBER:fif- Z+SZ rnou; Db,l V. suRrECT: I+WEL PROJECI NUMBER: 7$A.O; MESSAGE: NUMBER OF PAGES;(NcL, co\rtR) s-Rslun t n -ffrrzr uDUtnn Et||lEErt.lrc. ld Ch. P.0. lor !0 n c0 8t050 onF€-6r6 fa.O?o)9{o - ie E-Id: tgcard.tt t glnrlaew hn- YtuuT X+ 0*qsc0- ?q11 t*t't- tlf t*an 4- Qul,si7il'\. pLEAsE vERrFy REcEtpr or nur pecks. rr ANi ARE MtsstNG, pLEAst cnu (re+) 9+9-610E FoR RETRAN\99!9!/ CC: oa-e3-99 09:r2 BABNS ctsoc -* q I T E E E ro- =lll.zessa Pezte3 _t----(- \rt ll E'l tl I I I ,' \#l ,b" Eg rE ffl isi i; E! .v..-- tb'q * \ .-.- E .------!.uo*-'-r-----.--J"'7 \ ,I r.-*7*.;j1-T-t '{t .=-../-**T .,/ - I '-Y;-( i\8,' / :, zo- d 69T9 6t6 0^Z'6 Ezurg ulPnEaS 9E: zI 66- II-Jrhl ' ,{ar(.rd. I -99 12137 B.e in Ganzc an 2 = tr I '.2. =-L) :z CJ E u't <,t1 c) o !J t!F 4 ct N C 6 N\c N ill \n () P r-) N . Mar".-, 1t-g,e Lzr37 ".T. Ganze G'-o" \UTA Al vw,,ttlnw ntXlv igtfit- lgt lWA ?ff, u =\\ \-s P-('3 bqL+(t- i"41/ctlo ti ll rl .iL lr ti il ;l 1l ll rl lr i, I (4\o* nut{,lt I I co/Ecd 9SSOj'E99 l6 =c I trossv Aoc qi uva ct:5Q 66 -Ae-EO P-05 5159 e= ==z.H=o -J*at1 lL 49 F4 =-2 EE =6 o.h a= o E a-t) <11 o , Mar- 1t -99 L2:-37 _:l t_lg-.l l|+l---]li$,:t,l;:'i ll _LX---tj----E- _tt 1-l ll rl +-J I F] i J .-:T - ^l I o O 66-9.= s z 2 Z-='i.P.;: - R ;-- ^ i i , a'..2 P -'^'llE,; cr.l o E: -:q-q o.):.=: EUE "i:t lt .o = i_t - 5 3€ E: ;E ? + g - !;4.=-'9;tr.- o _ c=_ >6 6; & ;EFfE-5"i %3EEg; rE,s=* i i:xE+:"€ F F a r :E=E€.i F 81. EE Cg-Yii c c e! 8." E':b;.eAHE a. t=-a.o > ;. Y 2 d) z ; -' U F r N't Q I I vl otl OI ;l >l >l ol zl EI ^l >t I BI ol zl ^l q.)l Bl +11 r\| ml a!l -l El ol <)l 'r. 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EIE tr5 rtfta Frqnfd InroroiDrbr ' Arlh|tlTo:r||DsidrTrDe:lnrirc0onfit 3|bl5trrer: fiffi*fi'ry0t,200t aflDrtfqlnr0q[ aslt &$lrlllllrrtrf,llEl. lbm: 510 q-Dc+[ilCD rcsfi$:fisrE#^Tfs,irenron Lfth Cor*TYra:ffid:ADilcrt -Ot|G Confrcbr:D.r|blhn:lffo: l,blho:lSto.: No[or: "*#Ef,JI,.D m7 ArdqidTo:- lftn: Mfr!,tlEic hn: lO In: 20 Tfnr Erp: oqililon hn:hr:htu 501 w 58 -13p1ondi -- lc0oo: IPPRAPFROiTED HoN: @CERTFEATEOFOCCI.FAT€Y - Df,i I not hrH. com6r hl Df| hrul rn E ]lqmd b rcta.ln5 p9!f0o of q|u||urt tl dittd,nry b b br rilLil rh.tor vir6bcb.atnffi. AfiO: PAPARTTTLIPFRC'VA IMo: AFFiAPFilC'I/EO lrJon: IPPRAFFROI/ED cflrn|ftb:frtlztg,CorilIll Gn2m Colffi:.RETd/EAI FOR CERITFICATE OF OOCrTATEY .FCN ,Y Adon: PAPfrflILAFFRO,A. F&n: IFFiAPFROUED WAI wAtl IfrIT: @CEiTffA.IEOFCCI.FAIFY . IIiRACE UUAtg ||D 3TAN q.fFilTI PiOi'DI FiOFER I.|DOR TO COtrcnETl hl IFFER COtltrtF rfin: PAP|iTIALATFIOVAL E.DA CD TMM[|.CREEKCRV^|L !ftnttcEEKcR SubllDG 1{8FR ttr.: Vttl Srtr: ESUED fryArn: CD Fhom: 9il0.g$l& Fl|or: 97OO{SlSl F.qrfidTlm.: 0l:00t ' Plrom: $.ffi Eilnd* LC,,IFEEIL K nEP|[131 lclhr: PAPAiTIIIAIFilGiTAL Hrn Id,: 395 (_ :l ]h ') lffn ( ATR|N'8 C€FTMAIEOFOCCIf,AiFY 2/.3l JRII OtlElEtt ftn EIEVATOR l|D.csf, 3RDl.FT lnrbc AFFR.JTI{or{EtE\fiilR I."FT hl,.cbt:ApFRStll IO l||ltlfAil fifffl elEARilEES OF 2 PAPAFTTULAFPROVAI PAPAiTIALAFFRO'AL AFPRAPFROI/ED PAPARIIIAFFROVAI X'PRAFPROI'ED PAPAFTIAL APPFOT'AI PAPAFTIALAPPROV^L PAPARTIAL|PFNot'^t APFRAPFROVED APFRTPPRC'\'ED APPn|PPRqGD APPRAPPRCN'ED tloMtllED AFFRAPFRq'ED CD FOR CD lcdon: lclSn: Ar{on: lc0m: ,d&'Ii lfrn: &n: lcdon: lcion: lcilofi: Ac0m: /ffin: ADrruld*A&n: Aclon: hil: 5al lrtt: !A{t \ hru il,lo90on$ -ADgrortd-CD Adon: AItPRIPPROUED 'lrilon: @CERTF|CITE OFOCCLitAtGY fi Lff frm ETRIJC. GfE. dncofil r9Druufilg orrd nrrho,lrob boild dffi ]r.1 lol(| co|Er.cJq|. Ft rtl| lo9-gnfrte r|Poil lnr FnS A[il3|}n lcilotr APPRAPPf,6/ED " &0on; lPPPArPRgtCO -"' -Afltfld-I.iloo: APAPFROUED wod,ruct||milysdrcdc I FAPprioudi_ - ___ ^Elon: AFPR^FFfiO/ED lCon: @CEtrrTItAIE OFgCc|n$|cY I.ioO: AFPRIFFRO,ED l*tr: FPIIIPPROi/ED I.Ion: PAPIINTL APPFOI,I. Hon: AFPiIPPh(DED Corililnb: o{,za,m Coriltl|ilr:06,dl,s Corm.|rb: o6rr3,a Coilffits tDGt*fi 08,0e00 Cffiib: 0cr06ru Comrrl|: o7lt3D Coililrh 0*:no Comill.; Dc .tw rt.I.FFERtEvl mcD coml*- .ollqrlt m 6R6 lr{on: ENg ADttst rla A&n: FTTIPC'OL APFRAPFROVED PAPARTI^LAPPNOVAL -aompoctc SrlEL irnS€Ls F|CAIEOFOCCT.FANCY tr,sT EE REKilED AT EXTEilOR t8 TO E I'TBTALED A3 TLE EACTEF o.c.ltAts gTANE Run ldr 395 REPT131 il -?.u*1rpt F CalltQtr[ furt>rtTZc ffZc Fc'(N,n'eL Yta'O tv'l - ULtCu,tQ Sttvt"@ Df€{cTa.2S OJ( ttl t-t>{ fr?ourl 9/78 Pcz,t' t r,.t6 foZ SPrq (X' t t'fZ l7c"'F "ttl6i'u1- U/h-Lf loot (o,-,o{Z -/{Vvr') '- 57141(' lfl.'ftO> Nor I tr-rsry? rrc) /1T lt-h\ -n r/lL 1 t+A.,,f C/+fcwa/78-/t trre /r* f ,O.rv tfl'14 Drytfx(A frc> vvr c"tvfr-r* C'u'ttPcys lb'Le) OIWZ gt*{S rttE Cct-&ao -/Niludd.O ,, 5t)+i &t t"--, t .(- BZ cc-,a/l QxfrE lfftU Onrcouff4) ! A-,I ILL trtq Ct-ffitJ !1r^0 P€ to P To 6ccoPv!"trc/ f*t Cl',-/...b,t'J!.]-4i+.!\.!. I I l I I I I l I I I I I nfra ftMfr- . REDl|r131 P^to'Pa , R-n'tnlt'-/b l(/n''t/r(z , R.trr Id: 395 qEPr131 Run Id: 390 jtsa o4z-200t Inspec$:n,[lqutgt Ffortins Page a neorsteaffiffi$!; E8ltfg*r, Fcbruary 07, 200r hspectlon Tne: PLHB lns'pectlon frba: JRt Slte Addrass: 392 MILL CREEK CR VAlt 3S2 I||IIL CREEK CR A/P/D ln&rmatlon Contractor: Description: Roauested Inspactlonasl Activitv: P9$0084 Const Tw6: Paicct: 21010824 ADolicant: coNCEP -bwner: KNOBEL B-PLMB SubTgRe: NSFR Slatus: ISSUED lnsp Arca' JRM 97G9490200 9709490200 MECHANICAL. INC Phonc: :TERB&PATRICEJ.JT MECHANICAL. INC Phono: FOR NEW SFR,PLMBG.HEATING & SNOWMELT dJ{\,i 'i il ii Itom: Requcstor: Assioned To:- Actlon: lnsooctlon HlstorY 2S0 PtMB.Flnd Mlciael - Beck and Asioc CDAVIS 01:fi1 Pfil 904-0655 LCAMPBELL &rtcrcd By: Ac{lon: CO CERTIFICATE oF occUPANCY L|NES TESTED @38#PT HOT TUB RETURN LINES #30 PT ATiIon: APPR APPROVED qFPrl31 Run Id: 390 jsa 3?-92-zoot Inspec$on,lTuF?t Tfltorting pase 6 Roquretod hprc-t 3+3] uSftfsor, Fobruaryo7, 2001 lnsoectl-on Two: IIECH lnsbectbn Arna: JRll S[e Addess: 392 tSltt CREEK CR VAIL 392 fIItL CREEK CR A/P/D lnformdlon Activitv: M9S0102 Const Twi:Paic.l: 210108249005 Apolicar*:'O,rncr: Contractor: Description: Sub Tgne: NSFR Phonc: 97G94$0200 Phone: 97G9490200 T.SNOWMELT SYSTEM Roouostod Thno:. Phone:ri Er(crcd By: 01:00 Pil 90+0655 LCAMPBELL K Statilr: ISSUED lnsp Area: JRM Roouastod Insooctlon{sl [om: Rcquostor: Asgoncd To:- Ac'tlon: Insoactlon Hlstorv , INc/Mlchael GARAGE o&n7l99 Inspeclof: CD Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Commlr s: AODTL COMMS - SYSTEM TESTED AT 6O#PT 09123i99 In pGdor: CDrrL . Actlon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Commcris: snafi'mslt ODool'tdrccc 09/23/99, Inspcdor:-'CD- Action: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY Comments: ADDTL COMMS - wirsbo hcat ftnes test O- 80ht O9N8,89 Insp6cto|: JRM Aclbn: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Comments: lN FLOOR HEAT AT $,E. 09128/99 lnsDGctor: JRM Ac-tlon: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUpANCY It.m: Itdn: Itom: , 320 330 340 O9NU99 Insp6cto|: JRM AcII6n: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Comments: lN FLOOR HEAT AT $,E. 09128/99 lnspGctor: JRM A6-tlon: CoCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY ComfiFnts: ADDTL COMMS . TERRACE APPR 65# AIR TEST 10J101199 Insoector: CD Ar*lon: PAPARTIATAPPROVAT Commerfs: SNOWMELT UPPER DECK 10O1/99 Inspcc{or: CD Action: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY Commeds: ADDTL COMMS- 58#PT 11/05t99 Inspodor: JRM A6llon: PApARTTALAPPROVAL Comments: APPR SNOMELT SPA STAIRS 1'll17Bg Inspoctor: CD Adion: APPRAPPROVED Comments: snor^'molt frt entrv stair 04n71@ lnsDcdor: CD- Actlon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL comm€nts: INFLOOR HEAT 04f271@ Inspcctor cD Adlon: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY Commer{s: ADDTL COMMS. 60# TEST ON KITCHEN LINES 60# TEST ON 3 BATHS ANO SITTING ROOM, 60# TEST FOR EHU BATH ANO CLOSET 0928/00 lnspcc{or: GRG Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: DRIVE & WALK, 75 PSI 09/r28rc0 Inspcc,tor: CD Aetlon: APPR APPROVEO CommeI*s: snowmG[ lrEs 0928O0 Insosdor: CD Ac{lon; @CERTIFICATEOF@CUPANCY Commerts: AODTL COMMS - snomnatt*rc for thc &hffiay rd wrknny eppo od, ru,rt dil provldc en alrtod on final Dlior to concretc olatHtrert MECI-FExhsust Floods (ODtlondl)MECH-SLDplvAlr (odl<inaD MECH-Mlsc.- (OpdonaD -,. ADercwd r' ";, "i..-r 03f2tr00 InsDcc{s: -GRG Adion: APFR APPROVED Tift-lc Ea: [\pp('ve^r:t "j /trlSrrfic Cr,frce fS fr- ;REPTl31 I Run Id: 390 l I I ?# Commcnts: 03/i!0 ,o Comncnts: 04n7n0 Comments: 04n7no Comments: 05n5,O0 Comments: 05/17/O0 Commcrts: 05/18100 Comm€ds:' 0523,00 Commcnts: 05/23/O0 Commc|ts: 07n9rc0 Cornrncnts: 07119n0 Comments: ll.m: 390 MECH-Flnal Ad|on: PA PARTIAL APPROVAT Inspec{or: CD Aclion: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY f,?oo"lt"Fow - Mast€rrKitchen rr"ilfi *I"FlSF*ff ffifl FftB$lts ssparats sBuees ROOF SNOWMELT..-.. Inspoctor: CD Actlon: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY ADDTL COMMS. AT FLAT ROOF SECTION 8ffPT Inspcdor: JRM Action: PAPARTIALAPFROVAL APPR NORTH WING ROOF 8# InsDector: GRG Action: NR NOT READY FOR INSPECTION CANCELLEO(ROOF SNOWMELT) Inspcclor: ART Ac,tlon: NO NOTIFIED Cancehd/Weath6r cond. Inspector: CD -. Ac'tion: APPR APPROVED sndwrnelt for rogltlP , lnsDoctor: CD Aclion: CoCERTIFICATEoFOCCUPANCY ADDTL COMMS - zono for bancl roof 60# PT sonc for pltch roof 60# PT all rool snow mglt'|g comdcte Inspcctor: CD Ac'tlon: APPR APPROVED oa5 ao fib in chu lnspsetoi: CO Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF @CUPANCY ADDTL COMMS - also discrssed.gas log ffr in masteq bqdrooB Jhis is propos-ed to be an el€c. frp THe to*n has rEqEsted info on a$-qas frbs beino instafied. tho G.C. has 6can lnfomcd on the rcqiircmcr s of thcac units and tho amouit allowtd in thc dnlts (Reqtr.d) il * 'i:.t( ( r,l( f1l lll/, ".' {1l r ,.) I I t-' I, l" I I i l t: t .t tl J et> i t r . Department of Corwnanity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vaii. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 May 17,2000 Tanya Vattano Beck & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 4030 Vail, Colorado 81658 Sent via fax:.9494335 Re Knobel Residence - Prooosed Final Landscape and Lightins Phn Dear Tanya, The Town ofVail Design Review Board approved the request for an amended final landscape plan and. lighting plan with conditions. The conditions require that the existing aspen at the north east comer of the house remains and that if the existing spruce is removed it rnust be replaced with a minimum of a 25 foot tall spruce to be planted in the same location. The eight Bristle Cone pines that were originally approved must remain on the plan. The conditions of the lighting plan require that none ofthe L-22 lights are approved and that there be no more tian 13 light sources on the property that are not exempted. To verip compliance a revised lighting plan must be submitted for staffreview and approval. Should you have any questions or concems with regard to the information contained in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, J /'t I Jtn t4.-- *(utJu'f George Ruthei, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail {7u"ouo,n',o o TOW OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3E FAX 970-479-2452 February 15,2000 Tanya Vattano Beck & Associates, lnc. P.O. Box 4030 Vail, Colorado 81658 Sent via fax: 949-4335 ror B, Blocle l, V.{. lor Re Knobel Residence - Prooosed !'inal Laudscape and Lishtins Plan Dear Tanya, I have received a copy of the final landscape and lighting plan you scnt to my ot'fice on February 8. As you may be aware, the Town of Vail regulates outdoor lighting. According to our regulations, in part, the maximum mrmbcr ofoutdoor lights per residential lots shall be one light per one thousand square feet oflot area. I have enclosed a copy of the outdoor lighting regulations for you review. Upon review of the proposal I have determined that further information is needed. Please provide the following additional information: 1. An exterior lighting plan showing the locations ofALL exterior lighting including required fixtures at doorways, decks, etc. 2. Manufacturer's information indicating luminous area and luminous output of ALL of the proposed exterior fixtures. 3. The height above frnish grade of all landscape and stairway lighting fixtures. Lights less than 18" or less of frnish grade and are either full cut-off tixtures or have a maximum source lumens of 250 are exempt from the total permitted number of lights Should you have any questions or concems with regard to the information contained in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerelv. ,1'^-4-?,*4u George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail {7 *'n"uo"'* VA565 o7-03A. O,r, 12-1 1-5: DESIGN GUIDELINES: Actions of the Design Review Board shail be guided by the objectives prescribed in Section 12-l t-1 of this Chapter, the Vail Village and Vail Lionshead Urban Design Considerations and Guide Plans, by all of the applicable ordinances of the Town and by the following design guidelines: A. General: L Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. It is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. 2. Anybuilding site in Vail is likely to have its own unique land forms and features. Whenever possible, these existing features should be preserved and reinforced by new construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites in a way that leaves the natural land forms and features intact, treating the buildings as an integral part ofthe site, rather than as isolated objects at odds with their surroundings. B. Site Planning: 1 . The location and configuration of structures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be desigred to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in fbrm and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. 2. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features ofterrain rock outcroppings, drainage patterns, and vegetation. 3. Removal of trees. shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for development ofthe site or those identified as diseased. 4. All areas disturbed during construction shall be revegetated. If necessary, the Desigrr Review Bqard may desigrrate allowable limits of construction activity and require physical barriers in order to preserve significant naturai features and vegetation upon a site and adjacent sites during construction. 5. All projects shall be designed so as to provide adequate snow storage areas for snow cleared from the parking areas'and roadways within the project. C. Building Materials And Design: 1. Building materials shall be predominantly natural zuch as wood siding, wood shakes, and native stone. Brick is acceptable. Where stucco is utilized, gloss textures and zurface features that appear to imitate other materials shall be avoided. Concrete surfases shall be treated witl texture and color ifused, howeveq exposed aggregate is more acceptable than raw concrete. Neither aluminum steel, nor plastic siding, nor simulated stone or brick shall be permitted. Plywood siding shall not be permitted. 2. The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any VA5 65 07-o3,,. rt, accessory structures upon the site. 3. Exterior wall colors should be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. Natural colors (earth tones found within the Vail area) should be utilized. Primary colors or other bright colors should be used only as accents and then sparingly such as upon trim or railings. All exterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished foundation walls. Ail exposed metal flashing, trim, flues, and roof top mechanical equipment shall be anodized, painted or capable of weathering so as to be nonreflective. 4. The majority of roof Forms within Vail are gable rooft with a pitch of at least four feet (4') in twelve feet (12). However, other roof forms are allowed. Consideration of environmental and climatic determinants such as snow shedding, drainage, and solar exposure should be integral to the roof design. 5, Rooflines should be designed so as not to deposit snow oo parking areas, trash storage areas, stairways, decks and balconies, or entryways. Secondary roofs, snow clips, and snow guards shoutd be utilized to protect these areas from roof snow shedding if necessary. . 6. Roof surfacing materials shall be compatible with the side and surrounding buildings. The predominant roof materials utilized shall be wood shakes and their use is strongly encouraged. The use of metal roofs is acceptable, however in no instance will metal roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent prop€rty be permitted. Ifmetal roofs are used tley shall be surfaced with a low-gloss finish or capabie ofweathering to a dull finish. Metal roofs shall generally have a standing seam in order to provide some reliefto the roof surface and be of a heavy gauge. Asphalt and fiberglass shingles shall be permitted provided that they weigh no less than three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square foot and are of a desigrr and color to be compatible with the requirements of this Section. 7. Rooftop heating and air conditioning equipment, large vent stacks, elevator penthouses and similar features should be avoided; however, if necessary, shall be designed to be compatibie with the overall design of the structure or screened from view. Rooftop antennas shall not be permitted unless as allowed under a conditional use review as specified within the Zonng Code. 8. Solar collectors shall lie flat on pitched roofs; however, when retrofitting an existing building with active solar, the collectors should be desigrred and placed in a manner compatible with the overall design of the building. 9. Deep eaves, overhangs, canopies, and other building features that provide shelter from the elements are encouraged. 10. Fenestration should be suitable for the climate and for the orientation of tle particular building elevation in which the fenestration occurs. The use ofboth passive and active solar energy systems is strongly encouraged. I I . In no instance shall a duplex structure be so constructed as to result in each half of the structure appearing substantially similar or minor image in desiga. D. Landscaping; Drainage; Erosion Control: l. Various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects of the land itself The north facing slopes within the valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspen and generally receive less direct sunlight than the drier south facing slopes which typically consist of sage, aspen and other vegetation tolerant of VA5b5 o7-o3A. rt ., drier conditions. The valley floor which is adjacent to Gore Creek consists of a wide variety of' trees and shrubs adapted to the relatively fertile soil and natural availability of water. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natural landscape character ofthe area in which it is to be located. The landscape scale and overall landscape design shall be developed so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, color and texture of the local plant communities. Since tle major objective ofthe landscaping is to help reduce the scale ofnew structures and to assist in the screening of structures, the planting of large sized plant materials is encouraged. Special care should be taken in selecting the types ofplants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soils and climate, ease of establishment, suitability for the specific use desired, and the level ofmaintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and sub-alpine zones oi as capable of being introduced into these zones. A list of plant materials indigenous to the Vail area is on file with the Department of Community Development. Also indicated on the list are ornamentals which are suitable for planting within the Vail area. The minimum sizes of landscape materials acceptable are as follows: Required Trees Deciduous - 2 inch caliper Conifers-6footheight Required shrubs - #5 gallon container Foundation shrubs shall have a minimum height of 18 inches at time of planting 2. Landscape design shall be developed to locate new planting in order to extend existing canopy edges or planted in natural looking groups. Geometric plantings, evenly spaced rows oftrees, and other formal landscape patterns shall be avoided. 3 . Particular attention shall be given the landscape desigrr of oflstreet parking lots to reduce adverse impacts upon living areas within the proposed development, upon adjacent properties, and upon public spaces with regard to noise, lights, and visual impact. Parking lots of fifteen (15) or more spaces shall comply with the landscape requirements found in zubsection l2-10-8F of this Title. 4. All landscaping shall be provided with a method of inigation suitable to ensure the continued maintenance of planted materials. 5. Whenever possible, natural drainage patterns upon the site shall not be modified. Negative drainage impacts upon adjacent sites shall not be allowed. 6. Runof from impervious surfaces such as roofs and pavement areas shall be directed to natural or improved drainage channels or dispersed into shallow sloping vegetated areas. 7. Slope of cut and fill banks shall be determined by soil characteristics for the specific site to avoid erosion, and promote revegetation opportunities, but in any case shall be limited to a ma:<imum of two to one (2:l) slope. 8. Measures shall be taken to retain all eroded soil material on site during construction, control both ground water and surface water runoff, and to permanently stabilize all disnrrbed t vA565 07-03A.TXT (4) slopes and drainage features upon completion of construction. 9. All plants shall be planted in a good quality topsoil mix of a type and amount recommended by the American Landscape Contractor Association and the Colorado Nurse4rman's Association. 10. All plantings must be mulched. 1i. Paving near a tree to be saved must contain a plan for a "tree vault" in order to ensure the ability ofthe roots to receive air. E. Fences And Walls: l. The placement of walls and fences shall respect existing land forms and fit into land massing rather than arbitrarily follow site boundary lines. Fences shall not be encouraged except to screentrash areas, utility equipment, etc. 2. Design of fences, walls, and other structural landscape features shall be of materials compatible with the site and the materials of the structures on the site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials such as wood timbers, logs, rocks, or textured, color tinted concrete. No chain link fences shall be allowed except as temporary construction fences or as required for recreational facilities. 3. The allowable heights of retaining walls shall be as stated in Section 12-14-2 of this Title. F. Accessory Structures; Utiliti$; Service Areas: l. Design of accessory structures upon a site shall be compatible with the desigrr and materials of the main structure or structures upon the site. 2. Accessory buildings generally should be attached to the main building either directly or by means of a continuous wall, fence or similar feature of the same or a complementary material as the main building's exterior finish. 3. All utility service systems shall be installed underground. Any utility system the operation of which requires aboveground installation shall be located and/or screened so as not to detract from the overall site design quality. 4. All utility meters shall be enclosed or screened from public view. 5. Service areas, outdoor storage, and garbage storagc shall be screened from adjacent properties, structures, streets, and other public areaS by fences, berms, or landscaping. 6. Adequate trash storage areas shall be provided. There shall be year-round access to all trash storage areas which shall not be used for any other purpose. G. Circulation; Access: 1. There shall be.provided an on-site vehicular circulation system which shall coord.inate with adjacent streets to minimize congestion and adverse impact upon tle general traffic circulation pattern in the area. 2. Projects shall provide adequate layout design ofparking areas with respect to location and dimension of vehicular and pedestrian entrances and exits, building locations, walkways and recreational trails. H. VA5 65 o?-03A. J, r, 3. Proper vehicle sight distances shall exist at each access point to a public street. Satellite Dish Antennas: It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the visibility of a satellite dish antenna from any public right ofway or adjacent properties be reduced to the highest degree possible. It shall be the burden ofthe applicant to demonstrate how the satellite dish antenna installations complies with these guidelines. The guidelines work in concert with regulations outlined in Section 12-14-19 of this Title. The following guidelines shall be used by the Design Review Board in evaluating applications for satellite dish antennas: 1. All wiring and cable related to a satellite dish anterna shall be installed underground, 2. The use ofmesh satellite dish antennas is highly encouraged because oftheir ability to be more sensitively integrated on a site or structure. 3 . The use of appropriate colors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive installation when integrating a satellite dish antenna onto a site or structure. Color selection for a satellite dish antenna should be made with respect to specific characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and satellite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be ailowed. 4. Locations ofsatellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is screened from view from any public right ofway or adjacent propprty to the highest degree possible. ln addition to effective site planning, screening a satellite dish antenna may be accomplished through the use of landscaping materials, fencing, existing structures, zubgrade placements or otier means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site. 5. Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structures shall be permitted provided the satellite dish antenna is architecturally integrated into the structure. Efective use of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the satellite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a mesh material shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. 6. Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen a satellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit to install a satellite dish antenna. A letter of credit equal to one hundred rwenty five percent (125%) of the costs of installing landscaping or site improvements may be zubmitted to the Town if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements. 7. All improvements required by the Desigrr Review Board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unless permission to alter or remove said improvements is obtained from ttre Desigr Review Board. All satellite dish antennas and all improvements required by the Design Review Board to reduce the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be allowed to become dilapidated or fall into a state of disrepair. Duplex And Primary/Secondary Development: l. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in a marurer tiat creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be desigred within a single structure, except as set forth in subsestion 12 of this Sectiorq with the use of unified architectural aud landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed VA5b5 o?-o3A. rt u, space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materialg architectural stylg scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. 2. The presence of significant site constraints may permit the physical separation of units and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has sigaificant site constraints shall be made by the Design Review Board. "Significant site constraints" shall be defined as natural features of a lot such as stands of mature tre$, natural drainages, stream courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural features, and existing structures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a deterrnination from the Desigl Review Board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before final design work on the project is presented. This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the sitg a detailed survey of the lot (to include information as outlined in subsection 12-11-4Cla of this Chapter) and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). 3. The duplex and primary/secondary development may be designed to accommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one structure if the Design Review Board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlined in zubseclion Cl of this Section shall be required for the development. In addition, the Design Review Board may require that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural feature$ be incorporated to create unifi ed site development. J. Outdoor Lighting: 1. Purpose: This subsection of the design guidelines establishes standards for minimizing the unintended and undesirable side eflects of outdoor lighting while encouraging the intended and desirable safety and aesthetic purposes ofoutdoor lighting. It is the purpose ofthe design review guidelines to allow illumination which provides tlre minimum amount of lighting which is needed for the property on which the light sources are located. kr addition, the purpose of this subsection is to protect the legitimate privary ofneighboring residents by controlling the intensity of the light source. 2. Approval Required: All outdoor lighting within the Town limits shall conform to the standards set forth below. Forthe purposes ofthis subsection, "residentially zoned properties" shall be defined as those in Hillside Residential, Singte-Family, Two-Family, Primary/Secondary, Residential Cluster, Low Density Multi-Family and Medium Density Multi-Family Zone District, as well as all special development districts which have any of the above-referenced zone districts as the underlying zoning. All other zone districts shall be considered, forthe purposes ofthis subsection, as being commercial zoned. a. Luminance: Light sources located on all properfy in the Town which are not fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area not exceeding 125. For example: source lumens < 125. luminous area b. Frequency: For lots in residential zone districts, the mocimum number of light sources VA:bJ o7-03A. O,r, per lot shall be limited to one light source per one thousand (1,000) square feet oflot area, except as provided for below. The location ofsaid lights shall be left open to the discretion of the property owner, so long as the lights are in compliance with this Code. Light sources which are no more than eighteen inches (18") above grade, as measured from the top of the flxnrre to the finish grade below, and are either "full cutoff' fixtures, as defined in Section 12-2-2 of thts Title, or have a maximum source lumens of 250 (equivalent to a 25 wart light bulb), may be allowed in addition to the total number of permitted outdoor light sources. The number, location, and style ofsuch light sources are subject to design review. c. Height Limits For Light Fixhrres: (l) For all light sources located in commercial zone districts, t}te marcimum mounting height for light sources on a pole shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). The maximum mounting height for light sources affixed to vegetation shall not exceed eight feet (8'). (2) For all light sources located in residential zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole or on vegetation shall not exceed eight feet (8'). d. Light Sources Affixed To Structures: For all properties within the Town" light sources may be affixed to any wall of a structure, Light sources shall not be affixed to the top of a roof of a structure. e. Cutoff Shields: All light sources located in commercial zone districts which exceed fifteen feet (15') in height shall exhibit a full cutoffshield. f. Flashing, RevoMng Lights: Lights which flash, movq revolve, rotate, scintillate blinh flicker, vary in intensity or color, or use intermittent electrical pulsation are prohibited. 3. Exemptions: The standards of this subsection shall not apply to: a. Christmas tree lights which are of a temporary nature located in residential zone districts, as listed in subsection J2 of this Section and which are illuminated only between November I and April 15 of eachyear. b. Christmas tree lights which are temporary in nature and are located in zone districts other than those residential districts listed in subsection J2 ofthis Section. c. Sign illumination, as set forth in Title l1 of this Code. d. Municipal tighting installed for the benefit of public health, safety and welfare. e. Outdoor light sources as set forth in zubsection J2 of this Section, which are within eighteen inches (18") or less of finish grade andtre eitherfull cutofffixtures or have a maximum source lumens of 250. 4. Nonconformances: As of the effective date of this subsection, all outdoor lighting tiat does not conform to every requirement ofthis subsection shall be legal nonconforming outdoor lighting. Legal nonconforming outdoor lighting shall not be moved in any direction, nor shall there be any change in use or light type, or any replacement or structural alteration made to the nonconforming outdoor lighting, without the outdoor lighting conforming to all applicable requirements of this Chapter. 5. Penalty: The penalty for violating this Chapter shall be a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more tlan one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per violation. Each day of violation \rA565 o?-03A. ril r' t shall constitute a s€parate offense for the purpose of calorlating the penalry. (Ord. 22(1997) $ r: 1997 Codc: Ord. 9(1993) $ 8: Ord.46(1991) $$ 2,3: Ord. 12(19s8) $ 2:Ord.24(1e85) $ l: Ord. 9(1985) $$ 2, 3: Ord. 39(1983) $ l) ,a Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Knobel Residence Project Number: Proj ect Description: Revised Chimney Proposal Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Rich Acerno, Bames, Coy & Associates Architects, P.O. Box 763 Bridgehampton New York I1932 Project Street Address: 392 Mill Creek Circle Legal Description: Lot 8, Block l, Vail Village First Parcel Number: 210108249005 Buildins Name: Comments: Project#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BTNLDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBE STOS ABATEMENT ISSUE S _ 47 9 -2325* * * * Board / Staff Action Conditions: Approved per plan datedil2ll00 and approved7126100 Town Planner: George Ruther Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Date:7/26100 F:\EVERYONEV)RB\APPROVAL\971 | DRBAPPR.FRM Action: StaffApproved DRB FeePre-Paid: ./ O7-2r-gO 13:24 BARttlS COY A56oc ID= 5l5s37ossa P[J?/O2 ao %. A,.r-rr.*res .g ro Bpbl,zs'*;Hj;:;-H ffi l-Tl - ( I ) PARTITL EAST EEYATIOI KNOBEL FTESIDENCE t{U-c6cno,E VA|L gil-MADO slcTcll ErHFns{ GOID'NE PARIIAL IAST ETEVA]ION $IE 1/1'-1'-fJ' JIJLY 2a'. 2OOO o B.rigr Review A.fr"" Form Project Name: Knobel Project Description: New landscape plan Owner, Address and Phone: Peter Knobel 239 Central Park West Apt.114 New York, N.Y. 10024 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Barnes Coy & Associates Architects P.O. Box 763 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 Project Street Address: 392 MiIl Creek Circle, Vail Legal Description: Lot 8, lst Filing VailVillage ParcelNumber: 21010824900s TOWNI OFVAIL Building Name: Comments: this is an approval for the landscape plan only. Entry way gate is to be reviewed once more information is received. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Action: staffapproved with conditions Vote: Conditions: 1. The blue spruce on the east side of the transformer box rnrst be relocated to the south side of the transformer box and the potentilla must be moved to the east of the box (switch the current configuration)2. Proposed blue spruce on the north of the lot must be planted within the property tine Town Plamer: Allison Ochs Date: 9t29t99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: \WAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\DRB\A}PROVAL99\KNOBEL3.DOC Comm ;,Development Plan noot$ro.rn Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Allison Date Routed:9/9199 Return By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project I)escription: Knobel Res Mill Creek Cr. Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village I st New landscape plan and gate addition at entry Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditrons Date received: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: . i .(r.- @a.&dre Y: ,YL'" 1 r,Aarxgo ,aE 1 C @,+ete-1, t=tl ro: @o{>e=- ?.rtVt@- F!?{--t'{: P\c- €tAlf> Th4q. -Tne K^)'rb€L A&ttruJcJ- LDT e) bit>c{L v&L untk,e tq r" Date Receive, SEP o ? Egg ;g ztrx€_ p+;g.lcg,.kE 4 corP'6 G ar ffiIa il ,ts t htx\ ,.!hr+{ 4cr $<NS, FNJD ]€Aqr-l EACL}SJaF . 'a>, THt+ Rd €*-fDu;3, r{)t+c4{ -t@ Atzgl ',,Jr{_ & AA-:rE@fnt_c.). E w w3T +&{.Di€D a) ,q. g,g tEtac fua- a ,)tr</-, -t-,-but{3H t,,,._ /'u^ig Lea5- t+,) /r.lD Lo,(- ftr":e (ato co=so) , tE -n) Ptry++t -THt"> dr{AJ€E lt r,,t ane- WJeLd ,LWl .+ 1'dk- ffitcE, i, trtlztt@- Wc/2-4e .--+_tv1 €@ , .4.€ W- /y:- L,(b€>Z4a@ Pgltqo\\g rlrs'D ulE 1D a64b16l *a }+6 cq)?3e- , Trh<> {Zg. v<ioJ Lq)lr.D @- grtEorsJay. IOD -/ tb lrlF-4DA{ ,. t',.4 L€i+/^)t, TDgrfE_ aft€ctL iJ @- uAt@s c\) Tt€ tutrsp{l- * <ryqeoplm- AVfti\rGLE' o-J )tfi CEu_ ^4G kito-,J t€ '/,2.t r-ft./6 +-lY A{*?biS Ag EfficrerT+{ ,+3 u\E cl\). TH*t.&zg, @kE,Ttl- \D >6,{ €oonJ, Ac-, A9la7/L999 12:59 3A38457663 I Date:PgPr. -l I lfEt- FIELDSCAPE PAGE AL FieldscaPe ,rcorloraa.d Fax Cover Sheet Fron:. ?-r z- FrEr-D4' - - Prclech THg g{6FsL PE*rns^\rf- To: Fax Numbef- +1q'2+6 Numbcr of Peger Sent (Including this Cover Sheet):-l-- .nrr+, r+. a-#tcr;g. r-r4./ tHfr oe ge4rrVrA a\ hra rlfrrc:- . TrL..6'. .. ,.e!, Fax No. PO. Bor 1871 Avon, CO El'fr (yl0'tE1S9045 Far (9?0) 8{F?003 a3/87/L999 12:59 eB-zE-gg 16: 2a r|ASNB 38384574s3 cov illEnoR lsfi flxruRE TYPE tI-A IIIH Ff,OsIE GUSS TOP ON OlL RU88ED BilmzE BASE lll $oiE RECfss I' x r'lE l( Rllls 0 4-rA o.G IIIH ilrruRlL Fl{Ell PAIIIED TETAL GAIE fRflE STslE UIIE AEOIE RtcEss - m. mss nocx srilE HnS AS PEI SIIE PII}I TO TIOUSE S,ECXRoUCTIY olll{IRor I FD $,TRY AATE PAIIEIS ENTRY GATE EI.EVATION lf4"=:'O- SK:5 otr't{rr FRONT GflE E.EVMOil DLr 1/+'' 1'-Q' ffifif"$'S a9lA7lL999 12:59 3038457943 ca-zs-ee l.r:2s BARI|E coY oc krn|ll/rr.@lna Iur|I.lrrlttld'r' ,, tullt&qr 'h lA 'tt tult rt ltl.n,.!oo i ltl,rl)Joa FIELDSCAPE ID- Dt.'lu a3 ndr!lyr. L8'A r!.i.,itt. : flor., lrdrhd l..|r- gtrd.l .cd.E. Ar'rtt|{L Fqrc: r nclaf ha|.||c! Z9/A7/L933 12:59 3AAA457Za3 ca-25-90 1.129 lAntilB g9Y ? FIELDSCAPE lD. 5165S PAGE rr.tr t't fE .rr ftta L6-A 64 ,'']altr,/F lseu u. ArEh|n.n|rrl rlrrd|u' tr turrt &,-t r*tr,"I tan 8]12-ll'.rw t2 'lu'luon $ I iii r11 lr il it il il It r+ lilE rIrll rttrtrr]Lrr.ltl -afll| l|llltl ,l ttfr!|., |!ratl! f r{3 qlt t taltl lL'l;|g |r1 axt" tt- lrrrD Lra dlraxr d1'$.( ltrgr.ra ct. !.|-altllltB Jatlf. x|rFlt! d t-?td|Ll(trll litc rrni vlt|r..fltr'|...rt a. t|elrr.dl 'm ltr|r ,lHtr. lldr... F. rtJ h*Jhl!4=.td$ll !ui. .'. naall| (a of a, a||r||..t lJtrar Caf at|d Arrcl|||' AfchIH PrqFt l ralal lud.lne. i.rig' Review A.t" Form Froject Name: Knobel Project Description: Meter enclosure Owner, Address and Phone: Peter Knobel 239 Central Park lVest Apt.114 New York, N.Y. 10024 Architect/Contacl Address and Phone: Barnes Coy & Associates Architects P.O. Box 763 Bridgehampton, llY 11932 Project Street Address: 392 Mitr Creek Circle, Vail Legal Description: Lot 8, lst Filing Vail Village Parcel Number: 210r0E249005 Comrnents: TOWII{ OF VAIL Building Narne: Mrtionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 9n3t99 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproval I:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99UNOBEL2.DOC DRB Fee Pre-Paid: e9-o2-99 10:23 BARNS COY A55()C I'AKNEU ..COY AND ASSOCIATES ;:.:;,^A.RCHITEcTS ;".. .' ;.!136 !,|oNTAUI' HTCHWAY r.1 .':::rbsr oFFtcE aox ,6a '1 .a DGEt{ltttPToN. NY rSz . TELEPT{ONE 5t6 5tr 3s55 .. FAcstrlLE 51e 5t' 0551 ID= sl6537os58 o POI/e3 FACS ITILE TRAIIISTITTAL SHEET DATE: September z,lggE TO: George Ruther - Town ol Vail Departnent of Gommunityr DoclopmentgT0 4792452 FROIII: Richard Acierno PAGE$: 3 RE: Knobel Resi&nceVail, Co. Dear George, Please see drawin6 to follow. I believe we have nnt the code r€quirernetrts br fte heights abole grade for the metering equipment. Please let rne knour if this layout poses any problems. .?-._---...-------- /Thank You \\----------\---l Rich Acierno PO2lO3 rD= l6ss"oss8 oe-o2-eg ro:zs BARN' "fo"uo" .> lrl ats LrJ t- an z ar.t Vt7 g5 E_z 10'-0- tz.ro (9E z.= E aF 9E r!d r!f,6E an= T-i E} I I F 7 ct =EL $8,E} gB -'t- 'd ,'j/ (/* {"f tlt I .1,| (:o ----'-- H3;E#r uE; :Ct (\a u >85 ,;9-? FqF O att ui : ---ufx;il--- ?-, ff= r,-r @ E @ort3 ef'-!Es [E-q:= t-OE "'-Pfr $#= 6- gE X Zttil >< -''-t--T-- os x z)* q.G { rrl (t F >< 1., lr( l()tah r- I ri!:t at', \- t +) ?x til $ { $ t.. <' $ 3 $o z cov Assoc cT cAN BEI0W (ZS'X ro-x t2-1/2' oEEP) WIH MEITR Atlo/E (12' X 20-1/2' X 11-1/2'DftP) .,n-1. solrD PANE_ D00RS flDt 1 X 4 CIXIER IIATCH TIA( DflERIOR F; OUT IN DOOR FOR ilEIER UAIN ELECIRICAI- DISCONNECT PANEL (28'x 50',X 12-1/2' DEEP)PLAN @ NORTH WALI IOP OF PAVER . @ ELECTRfC PAI{ELS SCALE: Vt'=l'4' ELEVATION € NORTH I{ALL 6t 5r FCTRIC PANELS SCALE lft-'=l'-o BARNES coY & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS BRlDcElllfiPf(Itl. N.Y. PFIO\E 5l&557 555s T<NOgEL RESIDENCE iltlcnErcnctE vAtL, cot_oRADo SGICH OESCRFT|0{ C(I'BIII! BICTRICAT PAI,|ET ELEVANON LAYOI'I SCil-e 1rt'f = t'-O'Sre:h AJGI,JST 5I. 1999 o9-o2-99 lOi2zt BAPN5 rD= 5 t 6537 0554 PO3/O3 lt Oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Beck & Associates - Knobel Residence Project Description: Temporary Site Development Sign Owner, Address and Phone: Knobel, PO Box 4030, Vail, CO 81658 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Proiect Street Address: 392 Mill Creek Circle Legal Description: Lot 8' Block I' Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number. Comments: Beck & Associates (Michael English), PO Box 4030, Vail, co 81658 Buildins Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 4105/99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved 1) The sign shall not exceed 6 square feet and the top ofthe sign shall be no higher than eight feet (8') from grade - Secfion I I-48-17-C, TOV Municipal Code. F:',E\TERYONE\DRB\APPRoV.4L\99\,BECK2.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $26.00 Oo Qucstions? Call the Planning Dcsk at 479-2128 SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This application is for any sign that is located within the Torvn of Vail. Specific requircnrcnts arc available tiorn the Department of Community Dcvelopnrent. Nanre of Busin ,rr, I eoK e frcadra-/er ,. :Ta o Building name and r../u Nanre ofowner, K, l,/u,/Phone: ?/7-/8A Mailing addrcss: Signature of owner: TOV/N OF VAIL A. B. c. D. E. G. H. Name of person submitting: (lf diffcrent than owncr) Address: pnone:27?-./fu F. Type ofsigr (see back for definitions): { Freestanding tr Wall sign tr Other, speciS: Hanging sign Awniry tr tr Sign nressage: Sizc of sigrr and size of lcttering for cach sign I. J, K, L. Length of business tiontage: Hcight of sign above grade:7' M. N. rl P. Nurrbcrofsignsproposcd: 1 Numberandsizcofcxisting,igtr, / Describe lighting of sign (existing or proposed) ?€uo tP h Business liccnse and./or sales tax license vcrific Sales Tax Administrator's signature (Sally Lr FEE: $20.00. PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE Fr ft+ Location of cach sigr (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation drarving or a photograph clcarly indicating-tlrc proposcd location): Materials and colors of sign (attach sanrples):_ ('+1*, t-T- lo / flirl"- /esr/ooro 377 h,/ /raoK ( ' 'a/e' /of zK lerrif n 6??- aatt Or ,{srot2/"r /ya./vi/ec-/' Aarnr' Cf " // bor. 763 /?SA ,kaa /ouK ,//f/*T bn/qe/ary, 4*, 2y //432 574: 837- 7rss C ou /t'o "4o -' E eck e z{-r'sac)/.s.Zt a.la Ba,a faso t/a, I ca E/l€tr 7zd - ?rr-tga: e of sign Review Action F I De orm TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Knobel Project Description: Construction of a new Single Family Home with an EHU unit. Owner, Address and Phone: Peter Knobel 239 Central Park West Apt.114 New York, N.Y. 10024 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Barnes Coy & Associates Architects P.O. Box 763 Bridgehampton, IYY 11932 Project Street Address: 392 Mill Creek Circle, Vail Legal Description: Lot 8, lst Filing Vail Village Parcel Number: 210108249005 BuildingName: -- Comments: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Town Planner: Reed Oflate Date: 214198 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved 1. That the lighting plan be submitted for staffapproval 2. That the wail heieht in the rear terace be worked out with staff.3. That a tree proteltion plan be submitted for staff approval. F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9EU<NOBELI.wPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 to TOWN OF VAIL Department oJ Community Developtnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 December 17, 1997 Chris Coy Barnes, Coy & Associates Architects 1936 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 763 Bridge Hampton, NY I1932 Re: Knobel Residence, 392 Mill Creek Circle, Lot 8, Block l, Vail Village First Filing Dear Chris, I have completed a preliminary review of the proposed Knobel Residence. Upon completion of my review, I have determined that there are numerous issues which need to be addressed. Each of the issues identified in this letter must be resolved prior to the Design Review Board acting upon your request, 'l'he follo"ving issues are in need of attention: ,/ 1. Please subnrit a Type I Employee Housing Unit deed-restriction (enclosed). The deed- restriction must be in our office prior to the DRB final review. However, the deed- restriction will not be recorded rvith Eagle County until a building permit is issued. "2.In accordance with our Design Review Board submittal requirements, please submit a landscape plan and complete the proposed landscaping list (enclosed). Please complete the proposed building material list (enclosed). The,list shall be accompanied by a color board and/or rendering. - lJ , t ' \t y, . t{f:.', In order to determine the proposed building height, please indicate the existing and proposed contours underneath the building and around its perimeter. Maximum building height shall not exceed 33' Parking requirements are based on the number of dwelling units and the amount of GRFA lo tlq v). {P *un""to '^"' to eo proposed. According to my calculations, the proposed residence is required to have five parking spaces. A review ofyour plans indicates that only two spaces are proposed. Please amend the plans accordingly ,/ 6. When the floor plans are overlaid upon one another, the exterior walls, stairs, elevator,- etc. do not line up. It is important the plans match. Please amend the plans accordingly so I can complete my review. "t 7. Is the driveway proposed to be heated? ,/ S The maximum centerline driveway grade for an unheated driveway is 8%. A heated driveway maybe approved up to 12ok. Please provide a centerline driveway grade calculation. I 9. Please have the surveyor indicate the line ofgeologic hazard on the topographic survey. According to our geologichazard maps, the property is impacted by a moderate hazard debris flow. ,/ I 0. Please provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage at twenty- five foot intervals. i I t A 4' r.vide concrete drain pan is required rvhere the driveway meets the existing edge of asphalt. The drain pan is intended to collect surface drainage from the driveway. | 12. Indicate on the site and landscape plans the location of snow storage. A minimum area ' co*prising25%o of the drivervay surface area shall be provided. i 13. Please provide top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations of all retaining walls and landscape walls. The design of all walls over four-feet in height shall be reviewed and approved by an engineer. . . '. ,r' r .i . 14. Please submit an outdoor lighting plan. The plan shall indicate the type, location and ,/ number of all fixtures. Also include the height above grade of all fixtures, lumens output, luminous area and attach a manufacturer's cut sheet for all fixtures. , ,/ tS. Please submit a completed Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement Form (enclosed). Ifyou have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please contact me by telephone at 970-479-2145. Good luck with your project, A /-.-)tJt<'q.- KL^*j14 Georse Ruther. AICP Senio'r Planner oo ?8,'?*u^ CWW lt AefJ^:f'en ar,{t Voi€c{ e grcr.-f*fog. #[ntii=l.\ OFUq'ilAL Cor.rtor*res. 5Ave r=rr=nrq 14#. Tue , k*+ar r€dA.r ;- .ffrarb, flru' JAN-22-9A €r5 :56 Pt'l BAR o NES coY o ASSOCIATES 516 7@5 53 o 5A o t0Zl. prepared by l/We undetstand from ths concluslons lhat th6 proposed bulldho ls localed ln a zone. and tircrl ts ha potontiel hazatd ol 4.R*.D 3€frea.4t houso, causing damage. We are prepared lo accepl lhese lacls and vail Euilding Department granl us a permit. e k4'(Name, Olner) msnt *e-v )n"cryedgdbelorc mo this 23* d^, o, lo me to be lhs person Geologlc Haard lqv_lqw STATE OF COLORADO ) couNry s7 mG(E: .tytt' who69 nams 13 gu lo lhe lqregolng Instrumenl ed to-me |hat he execuled lhe same for lhe purposes and consideration lh My commlsslon explres: 1/-2/-?F STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss.COUNTYOF I The foregolng Inslrumenl was acknowledgod bofore ms this _ day of t9-, bY known lo mo to bo tho Psrson whosa name Is eubscrlbed to lhe lorogolng Instrumenl and acknowledged to ma lhat he execuled lhe same for the purposes and conslderation thereln axprassed. - My commlsslon explres: (4ASAaQ)E P-92 (Date) Tho underslgnod has/havg r€ed lhotllltlleirHarard Reporl, daled fAy''intn,; a:|brit\rr8atil I ' ,JAH-29-98 Gts : a5 PH v u"t.5Y AssocrArEs ='u='T" ARTHUR I. MEARS, PE.,INC. Natural Hazuds Consultants 555 CountY Rord l5 (hnniPn' Colondo 81230 Tcl/Far 90-641-3236 $ttnc|I|Ormii'con January22, 1998 Mr. Ridrard Aciemo Barnes Coy & Associates Architoctg P.O. Box 763 Bridgehampton, NY 1 1932 RE: Knobel Residenca -- Debris flow hazard analysis and mitigation Doar Mr, Acierno: At the request of Barnes Coy Architects, I completed a sitE inspection of Lot I' Vait Vilage 1r titing (392 Mill Creek Circle) on Janusfy 21, 19-9q .The purpose of my sitd inspection'was to determine the severity, if any, of dabris 1ow exposure to a proposad new residenco on this lot and to determina if mitigation is iaquired, is ieasible and complies with Toan of Vail hazard regulatiom. TOWN OF VAIL HAZARD DESIGNATION, FIELD IN$PECTION' AND coNcLUsroNs AccorOing to Toun of Vail hazard maps prgpared in 1984, the upstem portion of Lot I is dcated in a "moderate hEzard" debrig flovv area. According to the Vail report accompanying the maps such areas "can experience properly damage thiough flooding,-erogion anil impact of muddy watar, soil, rock, and debris.' My site inspection -nd study of aorisl photographs indicete that any flows efecting Lot I niust originate in Mitl Creak. Nearly all of tho anergy and coerse debris that might be issociated with euch a rare debris flow event nould be deflected to the easl and weet side of the Mill Creek alluvialfan lupon which Mill Creek Circle is lgcat€d). Only rninor surface "sheet floW'of muddy watar could affect the property end nearty alt of ihat r,rould be blocked by uphill buildings' Structural damage would not bs essocialed with dabris flows at this location. As a result of the site insp€ction I condude that debris flow hazard consists only of shallo\il thsot flow and can easily be mitigatad at this site by incorporating certain landscaping details. The Barnes Coy drawings daled January 8, 1998 indicate tha landscaping required to mitigate ihe minor dabris flow hazard. Modifications to the existing design will not be requirad to mitigate from debris flow efiects. P.A2 Ndtt alfurtirr . Avalurhet. AlJdlan ia Co',,tol Eqlaccdal 655 a 16 5 o co o !I-'16". o t I-'-J'o.'a.u' RNES Y ASSOC r ATES 37 P. g3 COMPLIANCE WITH TOWN OF VAIL HAZARD REGULATIONS v This eeclion indicates complianca with the Towr of Vail hazard ragulations (Chapter21, Section 15), bpecificaily a. The u€stam portion of L.ot 8 is rocated in s.georogicaily sensitive,alea (a moderato hezard debris frow area), a-s described abov6 (Sec.rions B2blzl, Czb);b' TJ e gl be_eafetv deve.looed with randscaping detairs as shown on tir"::lltis^ 9T-.._r 9oy u Associares orawi-ifs-cated Janu;t6: -' 1,19-BlJh_"t9 drawings sho,ve, of the requireo-mirigirion iGii";"BZbI2l, C2b);and - t TlllPlgposed clevalopment of Lot I'wirl not increaso rhe hezard to other property or struc.tures, or to public OuitOings, rignts oi,,nat, -- roads, slreets, ea86ment8, utitities or facilities oi otfr6r properties or,any kind' (Sections B2b[4, C2b). Please conta9t me if you have any qusstions or deeirE additional consultation.r Sincerely, Cfl^4 \Jlpont Arthur l. Mears, p.E. .9na) g at; t, C)L O As'e"&q.fiEE* _ .,H1IJA E gi ts=€i i:l -: n!; i; n SF:l;i tsi Eaid r=a Ea' ;FI gs€ €;g id:t"-i s#i '!f F:i r b sl <-- o(Ji fr[o o FI t{l >l rl u)l <f;F- lr dl rDl ol 6l q! _o !, hlP \=i!L *5 xI 16o \trI F $t acl d! dn=c<t! ara b i-r 'l ol b F 6t b o o , -..,9-Y XM Y 66io6 i hr -ib qE-F* iR3$B Xtrl 0, l->,Z)0i>x laBllEr'lH ttttl lr)o-1 (7J d(o I- t,tr L I I rl tl I qrl | -P.1 Fl il Ej #I JI tv t - F to €) c 6 x c.r I ol 'l 0il F trtl xl =l 3 <l ()l q) x .rr F F N =F = 6 (,tr F o l)N o .:(o ct o o o (J (L, - o c) !l o E? r i3!E it5.b >l 6Ei5l Fl lisi:c El ?.es ! ii EF !&AA F (n (J z g z F (, J I n f $ s oo l^ArL +e9'n&L oo Lrg+T +Ttu? *,Li\*L rJ. f ,9. ,.--^ te)-LQe]eF_.. eorD slol.l€ -/FjlP]''P- ?doL PUL NoTa' ArL Lr€#i- trr/Tueea q4w b9 r,'loqNTeD f4J?A Tr: etli2Ng., \/eAkft*-,1{pl ) ''F{A.p r*1€-t_1 beroA 7tJ€. 457t:>Alg e4? 4- 7et4D , 4&e €rr?- puA,J Foe- l^t 4L{- rl"e 6a65, d 0 ,l * Lt44-l lH,e KNoaev ?eSI-DeNce Ll gt{T trt*Tug;e- LO&TtU*l% a.'>.1b PETER AND PATRICE KNOBEL 392 MILL CREEK CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Januarv 15. 1998 Mr. George Ruther AICP Senior Planner Town ofVail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Ruther: As instructed by our architects, Barnes Coy & Associates, we have completed, signed and notarized the attached form for Type 1 Employee Housing Unit. Please contact Mr. Richard Acierno if further information is required. We thank you for your assistance. {,.X Acwuo 516.s5'1. .==s:t oo ro / DEc-o1-e? -p?j,:3",:I,,,U.=doY AssocrnrEs 516 ^537 g55A oo P. A3 ol,D REPT'E!IC tLr N}.TIONAL A colt SGIEDT'LE IITIE HsL?PiuucE CouPA.trY I,IITMENT A orr orcer # vz5?{ro t%+"j ";A'ioir?1til, *oE Fre - Chttcca -AiIA Omer Foii.",,Tax i,eDort $6'533'00 _ rorr&_- sr,l3l:33 "t TIIrg I9 NOT A$ro-inriijiielj;ffi Is%iHr#r's$l.Ttrl'"6:"$rr;ff i-*nEFrRnn{tr Effsgt{r,€ p1g6. Dollcy ro be issuad, "ALlArr Chmef,s lOllcy Daoposed lnEuredt: PBTER IUOBEI. 3 ' The eEt'rte or in.,Qregt :,n rhe lend d,ercrlbed or relerred ro r.;r rhis coilrnrEnenE lnd oovlioi"iei]i ,.", .tr Fee Sirnple 4. Ii:;:ri:"'ffJ"ft1:;.;:::ri;,coverec herein i6 eE the IJON SIAI'GflfER ANd I\-ANCY g SLIUCI{TER !, lSirlili rclcrred to in rhj"s conrirnenc ie crscribed ac t. 2, April 04, 1t9? at s:00 D.U. and groposed Insured: 10-1?-92 93,8?5,000.00 Lot t, Block RECORDED DI.AT '+',,iial"]rl""lsf+ET -EI.TTIT^,}T9*JIE,S"T' PA(;B DEc-ar -e? - g::ig_.:]| ,,UtUY Assoc r ArEs 455 o 516 53?o AI.,Te CeMM--T!IENT geEEDrrLE B_t (Rcql,rl,rineats) Orr Ordet * vzsz{8o ?he frrllowLr.g lre Lhe tequireinntt tc bc l, gaymenE Uo Or for_tlrc rccotllE c! ttre cne :ull conEicl tnBurcd. eEaBrc:l tcr cha *sint. P-s4 P.02 _ conplieC wlth; Tl"ffilflEnoftsasorE of 2. ? ,1,. Proper lnslrunrent (r rn g -r red -nru i i t!"!,l3lu ;:i.;lf.lf iii:!.r:: :l::i!:..::_H, ffi iil!8-S^#"ffi ffi 3ilT,H,lriffi,ilTJTtffi yE*"Ellili fl; . "*IrAnR.,\DlI'lf DE3D Ftoit eoNv8yrNc suBrEcryl3i"i**o8R md !{A$cr s. STJAUGHTER To psr8R f,Nos& ?ri3 eouNTV CLERK AilD-R8lqlry;ls oEFreE RE0UTRES BETI,n}{ADTIREESES ox Docousms sm"r-i6n-iiioeorrcr r P]ICE DEc - ? !.- ?: - P i"1,=,",, Li r,, u ="5 AIJSA CO.ItUIrME!IT .seirEDUlE B_2 (Excrptionaj Oqr Ordrr f I9.|.S74BO 3?,o,?]l:r o:r policies Eo be iasued Hl rer rowlnlJ unlesc tl ehc eemp.ny, --- -n' "o'e Ji"-iiiii'li*t"llt$l ffi::"*lli"I'oi* 1. Standard Bxceprlons r thtougL s printed on the eover sheec,6. Taxeg as4 lrseB5$enCs not yet due or payable anct Epeclll asseg6nanEs aot yet .=.ittlii ll'ro. Treasqrer,r oifi.e.?. Any unpa:d EarceB or eEErgdmentg egalnaE Eaid land.8. Liens lor unpald waBa: and sewer charget, i! rny. e ffiE*',f;n"'st3ilri#li*lii.fffi i€"H$gTs,"*r,#riiFl#:3iri.i;AS RESERVED IN PAGB 47'. 16' *.G$roq3tl#rTl gllts!-m cenA&s-co's1lecrBD Bv rtsE AurBonrry oF rr{E ril EocE 40 Ar ri"f:i*:tD:N L'NrrED strrgi-iFrffi niiionor".nrry 13, lsee, " ffilll:'iffi EfiYiil?ffi l*!ffi LilolT_ ilffi,1l$:fi:ii,tri. %tff -StrcroN, oR Mrror\rAL oRrcr., ls-id;iiiffiil"iu rusn{rMffi-REilsED AunrsE, ro, 1e82, rN iggf,'lf l3"l^ifrTi ffiJ*Teioir *- iii;ffil,l8it"i;6oRDED ocEebei rri, _, 12. I'A,SEI!{8NT, RESER'praf _oi-ieii-;iffiIflr;rlliTlil$3Ns As sHo'yr{ oR R.B3ERVED oN nrE RECoRDTD rrlltg l' 2 tltD l-gi THB srA*DMD qggFlrsf! nrlrr EE DE:ETED DaoM TrrE orNERs po;Tfr upoN REcErpr oF e-sir-iiEiicionv nrpBov'{BNr ioclrrow srr*vEy. #3Y"ff": niffiYofio: ".'3i ;3l"1fi,ffi,Ti;5f #I ; Ll g''#i?"'f o"i**,, *Ft)ilows: irril'*ii'3'3--ft5ffi,rirom Tirti,rur#'frii;#"SIAUOHTRR and Nl COtrtFlty SITALIJ trA ruNNIS&zu AT TEE il8Hi""ffir i#i'1f,'?*'[m, ufiH;l'B[il3ilT BI,?** r p r.ArD rrr:.8 sco o Y ASSOC I ATES 955 o 9rGt !Ec.-?-1.-3I " p:,;f fr,lil ., U sco o ='"55=:Y ASSOC I ATES SCHEDUIJE B.Z {kcBptlons) COUUTTMENT P.g6 ?,04 AIJTA our order # V?J?4go ff;gffi ffi;fd;d[ry#nr*H:ffffiil # ;JHffi '#, ;;flrr"3i^idyff rffifiTf ilrolilrJ Er DErJsrEe uFeN pRooF ,,rAr *rE h,AnR ADD IAI'E Projcct: tr STJRVEY Scalc Beirchmark Legal dcscription Lot Size -. eujldibte Area , :' Easemenb Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Sctback Environmental Hazards DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Crawl\Attic.Spacc - EHU tr BLILoNcELEVATIoNS Scal e ColorWatsrials Roof Pitch tr.I,aNpsc.q,pE PLAN Existing trces Proposed fees Legend MISCELI.ANEOUS Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utiliti es (underground) Vierv Corridors Variances Fenc0s' Parking/.Garage TumiirgiRadius Driveway (access urd grade) Snow Storage PIat restrictions Fire Access ZONE CHECK Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot Block / Fitns {dil ViltA4e.* I Addrcss Owncr Architrct Zonc district Lot sizc Total GRFA Primary CRFA _ + (425) (675*) =_ Sccondary CRFA + (425) (675*) Phone Phone Proposcd use Buildable area Allorvcd Existing Proposed Total <,21q+ 8$ = 4OAfl_* 4,Oh = 1l8 Remaining * 67 5 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involve a 250 Addition? Horv much of thc allorved 250 Addition is uscd rvith this rcouest? Sitc Covcrage Hcigbt Sctback Landscaping RctainingWall Hcigb6 Parking Garage Credit Drivcrvay (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less tba\ziI (50%) EnvironmcntaW{azards Required 5 (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear Minimum 1r1Ls 3'/6' 20' t)' l5' tl 5 9oo * 2,5& = Z,# 33' 1.q5r 33' b' l5' r /5' .<<', 1 Encloscd Permitted Slopc I y' hoposcd Slope a E o/o Yes y' No Yes y' No I ) Pcrcent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain ?) Wetlandc e 4) Water Coursc Setback (30) (50) - 5) Geologic Hazards -a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Debris Flow Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck property file): OK Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Describc; ilO lg oor NllCC0G *"'51'uo/ 16/ vL u7 iJ2 rtswctio&_Progran Ftw: Frq*ifliot Sfrjut: @Nore: E ElevdorPhRcvic'w { nnr**t*-a Pmnitltlunbcr ElcnAorTypc t I Theplans bavebccn Tod / h, tUapLe 72Ey0F.-t/E 7A VAIt fr P//'6rl 1 tVt"ucOoo E fusse/a l,trtt CPE1/( C y'rc ndto, '2/4t/, T CLE I o?l codormto all found signrne: {r*n,Arfu^ rrip\planinsp.sam I 6- ru e*rry!qr{;{p1p,il *o to*ton war i4ected and A-/(-o(.d,t: I tr TEIvIPORARY ccrffoatc h.5 bccn is$cd- 4 *r+ Inspcdon cerdficete har becn icarcd. Comrcrns: G. 08/ t8/or I a' 8e70 Elevator Inspection Pnogram - 07:3q 468r208 o I NWCCOG @ oo2 q6li,ro: # I Aoooesr! /qg /ML cffi(p1pJ{ ucvmruniti 3/.f673/ Loration: I Mendec{: lfif FJ r{. Fire llrnger in Pft B. Oil Ieelsol I C. ANSICode-Necd D. Rcpeir Alarm Bdl E. Repalr Energcnq F. 5 Ycar Sdcty Test G. Working Prcrmre e chcckmerk by I {aA fTr AII ANSVA17.1 TCJE (Xlcr Conncd end ltcrcriptior dProblcnr RcrpmribhPerty: Organizadon: Street Addr,e$: Ctty: Tnpz Phone: Crpacity: /8@ Dmn: 30"c/a Cd€gory of|dctJ of x trNOT in cdmplieme, /4ypprt' I?fjrDztvcs Vzrt co' F*-r? ty* #yoPz ?A"ssrrrreaa &d 3-6!-&,Rdid Velve Scttirg Conplctcd Modcrde 4 violdion / Nedea Oil [ealc on Vdve Unitr Ey{raulh Sdcty Tcsts I}u€ FlnEz-MarhineRm Fire Ertinquirhen iu hrtell Encrgerl' Inrpecton Sipahre: forsopl:i9 -/{-o ( S. Criaictl G-.