HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 9 LEGAL.pdf44ii$l.?$if €ttl$F{€rrt Design *.sview Board ACTISil FOR,},I D€parirnent of Corn${rnity De?€lopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colarado 81557 tsl: 970.{79.2139 tzxl. 97*.479.2457 xeb: wwu.vailgcv.com Project Name: MARISCO CHANGE Project Description: FINAL APROVAL FOR DRIVEWAY CHANGES AND GAMGE CONVERSION Participants: owNER MARSICO, THOMAS F. & CyDNEy O2l04l2O0B 1200 17TH ST 1300 DENVER co 80202 APPUCANT MICHAEL SANNER, ARCHITECT 02lO4l20OB Phone: 970-926-1125 P.O. BOX 1498 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001547 ARCHITECT MICHAEL SANNER, ARCHITECT 02l04l2OOB phone: 970-926-1125 P.O. BOX 1498 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001547 CONTMCTOR SCULLY BUILDING CORP 0ZlO4l20OB phone: 376-1807 PO BOX 2300 EDWARDS coLoMDo 81632 License: 890-8 ProJectAddress: 382 MILL CREEK CR VAIL Location: 362 MILL CREEK cR Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block: 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-4900-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION DRB Number: DRB080026 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/05/2008 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DANTAS GILLETTE 5-0-0 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with - :.4 Change* To The Apprnvee *,rans Applicatisn fsr Sesign R*tsiew l"]*',)41.t'.\:;t i:- +i':)ji'iituIiiq i;;1'rii1,;iii,ii:r: ;,':i $*f * iirLr:t'il{ n;nJ, Vnl;, i,,.'j,.r:l*r li iil-i j' t*:, *l[."r;t.]iiS 1!x: *li, ;i7*.?d.S{ 'j!{* : li,:ri{' .J+ili' d!,,r ,-:i.ll il D1"{.lpq^Q***. {{:*ni*r* f*gi*r {r,,, &rses$$rdt p?&3?&-S6qS fr>i panet no.} t?0 fur rerisians to p{ans alr€ady approved by Planning 5taf ci th€ 0erign Revlew 8oard. .i i '- t"euticnsftheprsp*sall ro* 11 gbc,.,:^*f--:;*tij;';,r;i,:'r,:-VA\L*-$!LA*2E---I369IA+ Fe{r],{}T t*{i"i T*,nit,1tr:; , . ,. -. *vrn*ri*] Si6n* rur +r{s} I illanr* *f &papll*x*t: Itpe of Revier* and Fee: 9. Opnqes to Aor/o,ied Plans ./\- $ulnrlttal lsquirernent*; 3 S€ts sfPlansAddrersing proJed Changes Signah:rc of Hornegwne(s) or Association F:lael*dFOfrtlt\PemilsiFlaqnirgi0RAidrb*ch3t$e*b*stpr0ys{J!r".$*1.-pflgs*oF"f t "Agc6.dac **** ******* ****+*******************+**************** **+****** + * * * * * * * * * * ************'i'f 'i,i** * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * ** ****** * * ********** * ** ***:t**** ******** ************** * * * * * * * * * ************* ****+t*** ** ***** Statement Number: R080000138 Amount: 920.00 02/04/2OOgo4:10 pM Pa)ment Method: Check SANNER, ARCHiTECT fnit: ,JS Notation: 2114IMICHAEIJ I_'. Permit No: DR8080026 1}4>e: DRB-chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 2]-0L-082-4900 -6 Site Address: 382 MrI,L CREEK CR VAIL Location: 362 MIL,L CREEK CR Total Fees: ToI.aI ALIJ Pmt,s : BaLance: $20.00 $2o. oo $0.00 This Pavment,:$20.00 ******* ***{.******** **************** * * ********* **** ******* * * + * * * * + * ** *****************t*++*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Doc-rinl-i.\n Current Pmts DR 00100003II2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.aa \1^ow +s2-*4\\r-' a1 VAdL TQ 4t w k*"'Pttl*! { /'Yz'g^ Cab.b *<) * nNrrouE sALMoN GRANITE Anrique sarmon Granire o*ce fottned trre '' ll:T11,,'jll,xlffI?HJ:;,"lTJ:::l ,".i], o,Jn"t a.d rice threshrnq platlorrns Y"9"t":lt:';.=;;u" ,"",u," marks, where r of South chirra' I lre raprd LrLrildine of tities' S:i: :::;;t;"iti*J q'oou"' ro' s'"ot"t freewavs, and bridecs ovet the past t\r'o f:::il;;;; ;;;;'' veats of 'vear decactes has ted ro rhe replacernef t of mtr{h :l:::".1;":; ,"*,,,*, roou,n!) rhe upwarcl of this material with concreie at'\d asplralt. tY -t:.,5 We sort Aptique Gr.rnrt€ rrxo our feclamarion reams work ahead of rnajor otl llli'";""rr, 'iurnlon .rnd Pewler for inlrastrtr'tLrre ptojeLts' suclr 'rt ttre expansiotr t*: --t:::; .f,].,.jin"l .,4l".'t Iange,materirr of a pott faciliry in Guansdong an<i tlre :"J:l'1]";;;";, a'nd asn AntiqLre Grarrite is building of apartmeirl tn*olu*"' in Fujiart is bronzej set at 4'5" thi'kness ot q;attr;eo 'rnd 'tlre surface of Antique 5amon Gratlite boasts t::l':11: a tich tlatural pot'nu |.u'uh"1g from centuries r.nortal sel Rttrltlt,s A tt ctl t ttl<:'tttti'l t- S roNll NrliLR,{1..S1()NIi l1'\ ll x1\ RECOMMENDED PAVI NS / PLANKS VT NTTR \TAIR BIO( K5 i)r.JOlNs U5E5 \ll t.5 POOL 1l I 201I FIAsT Ol'lvl'' s'rRl)'li'l' s l:.^'r'rllj- ' WASHIN(;TON 98122 jr,,t. ,u,t.,nn.,nt), l:Ax 206 7o9 3003 toutw.rholcs <tr{ Rtt<lDt,s A n. c H t t ti c't't.i tt ,l t- Slo u t-: N;u ttfiz1r S7oNL llxlFRTs 20t l EAST Ol-rVr. STR!lET SEATTI,I.:, WASHINCTON 98 I 22 TUl. 206.709.3000 FAX 206.709-3003 nww-rhodes.org MATEN IAL SPECI FICATIOl{ 5 C(TUNTRYOT ORI(ilN : China COLoR RANGT I pink - salmon STANDARD PAVINC SlZts i pavers' I 2'x 1 2'to 24-x 24": 4.5' thick planks - 30"to 90'x 9' to l4'; 4.5-thick slarrblocks - 24'to 72'x l4"to 15.5':5.5"thick pool rile - 2'x 2'and 12'x l2'; 05'thicK ! $+ Pi-"lii !{{.t ' f,e t"1 c:"1r*'L-- 4r,^,' |lT8( AIIO PATH TIOHI 1505$ Low |/oltage (12 vott) Te{tu red Aft h itectu ra I 8fi ze r durable aluninum constftiction . 18.5-W. lamp included . 2fi" dir. x 4" hgt. *4tu ".lflf:fl:t- d I tr-: t*'€,--- n .-i.{. .., tenYu c L$ts $TEP UCfiI 15070 low voltage (12 volt) Text u N. Atc h ite et u r a I I n n ze . stanpsd aluminum faeeplate tvith steel KTcHLER" 301 - cctl uct{IrM Low voltage {12 voit) I Architectutal gnnze, Beach, l Elack, fatured Verdigtis or I f/hite st aluminum one-piece construfiion ,lamp inclrded ride:2%'hg. x 2%" €xtension | fio. Aes.330t'03: Cafla.ia pdtent No. @a Cestgn Re€i3tetton Nunb$ I26dBs TAII{ IUTIP ACCENT .ovr voltage (12 volt) 'rcelain ess steel mounttng bracket '. lanp included Yide l 2[" hgt. x 2X" e]t€flsion FTl}fiAT Bt}UQUTT 15068 low voltage (12 voll) Multi-tolor . Tjffany with solid brass bact plate . 6.5-W, lamp included t 3%" wde x 2h' hd.. x l1A" deep r.ouvEnt! s0tv Lt8flt 15086 tow voltage (12 !olt) Textu N Atc h itectu n I Bronze . dre-cast aluminum o 6.5-l!. lamp included . I ,4" square x 6" hgt_ FILE r;/,PY Departmmt of Cornnuniry Deuelopment 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479,2138 FAX 970-479-2452 utwu. uailgou. cotn February 18,2008 Michael Sanner, Architect PO Box 1498 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Marsico Residence (DR8080026) 362 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 1 Dear Michael, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed garage conversion and driveway improvements for the Marsico Residence located at 362 Mill Creek Circle. The following is a summary of the comments from this review: 1. Submit existing and proposed GRFA calculations, including red-lined plans, verifying that the garage can be converted into GRFA. 2. Site and Landscape Plans: . Provide a site plan at a scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20'. . Show snow storage areas (within the property boundaries) and area calculations in square feet (min. 10% of heated driveway area). r The portion of the heated driveway located within the Mill Creek Circle Right-of-Way shall be on a separate heat zone. . Show all required parking spaces with a 9'x1 8' box for interior spaces and a 9'x19' box for exterior spaces.. Show the proposed limits-of-disturbance fence and any erosion control methods. . Flag Note #4: the stone curbing must be flush with grade from street edge of asphalt to the property line. . Flag Note #6: provide a plan showing where the transplanted trees will be planted. . Demonstrate compliance with the site distance requirements of Title 14, Vail Town Code. 3. Submit an arborist report describing how the existing trees to be preserved will be protected from construction activities and how the tree survival will be ensured when the driveway and snowmelt system cover the trees' root zones. 4. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit will be required for all existing and proposed improvements within the street right-of-way. This item is scheduled for review by the Design Review Board at its Wednesday, March 5, 2008, hearing. Please submit revisions addressing the above listed items by no later than Noon on Tuesday, February 26, 2008. {p\n""uoo*r^ SCULLY BUILI}ING CORP' P.o- BOx 2300 EDllgARDS, CO 8I632 (9? o) 37 6 1 B 07, FAx- 926' 4A03 FAC STMILE TRANSIIITTAL SIIEET ro: B* G;hsu" FROiL I\'fdScuIlY ** e/gcr/o ( S6ilyBddiogCocP FN( NUMDER q7? -ffi oens rgrcneNcg N u NB gR: PHODIB NUIdBERi V OII;RNEF'EREI{CE NUMBBI: Re 34rJ, 1l; llAr*rC'*P K,Bport fron i .I ?* c,/s,on t'rcq /)atkS X Noles,lcore'ts$rs Bu, ?r'"* - /Ari'n/ /4''t 'a'{*^ JoJv !'o e00tr926-016 ^llncs lrBl Eeg:lL 80 9Z qel Lodgepole pine (doubb-stemmed) LocaCion: West ofwest property line, according tD 1221-07 MLS Site Plan Di"meter: Both stems are 5" Dbh Condition: East stem is in average condition- West sterr exlribits exteme loss of trunk bark from porcupine feeding many years ago. A moderate infestation ofneedle scate insects is present Aspen (single-stemmed) Location: Adje€dtopropefy line, west ofgamge sbirway- Dimret€r:3"Dbh C.:ondition: Fair/poor. Bark is also infeeted with willow scale' Blue spruces (two separate trees) Locafion: Both spruces ale located i'nmedidely west of driveway. Diameters: North tree is 8"Dbh. South tree is 7'Dbh- Condition: Bofh trees are in ftir condition. Sparse density oflower brmches is and indicator of sipificant post-plating strres$ South tree bas sipificant phloem restric{io'n scre trom peviously encircling/embedded wir€ d ?-ft heighl Heavy evidence of past needle scale infestation is pesent but reaeut armual gowth is fiee of aew inf,estdion, Tree preservati o n vers us remoya l/replacem ent Mufti-st€mmed cotlonwood: Although roots radiate outward (primarily within the top 16- of soil) a disance of20 to 30 feet from the tunk, the critical root zone is wi-thin the f"si S fe"t ort*u'A frsm fte root mila/- For constnrction 1ruqposes, a Limit ofDisturbance (LODf tbat is 5 feet fiom rh€ root oollar ofrhis tree will have minimal impact to loog-tam tree h€dfi Any soil dishrrbance tbat is closer fhatr 5 feet will have advqse long-tcrm iryarts rryon this cluqr of cotionwood steirs. For eirmple, I was asked to rcspond to the impapt frat a 2-ft (ftom collr) LrOD would bave rpon tbc surrrivabitity of lbe trree- Aoswet This sce'lario would cause insipient decay of the root crown, sigEificant decline of ths clcest stqn, md possiblc m4romiscd stabiEty- Apin, I reconrmend. a lft (ftom coltar) LOD. tfconstruction plans necessitalc a closer LOD, then I reoonnend re,noval Two blue spruoes: Atthough both ofthese spnrces rt capable of beiag tansplauted u/ift a 9fi' tres spade, I do uot reconmend relocating these lrees. My primtry reasotr frr rhis recommenddion is lhat the foliage density in rhe lorrer crour is too sprse to pnovide pivacy sorpening and aesthrric appeal, Roc colla (root 0arc or root crowu) - A poid at lrEe basc rryhere a m.in buttrEss root and thc fink merge. ' Limir-of-Disnrrtancc (l,oD) - A border th replrsec tte closc* point turrds a tnrnk at sh.ich srrfrcc soil will sustain distubace from an xcardixr cu! ova-acavaticm, soil trycdng gradftrg tcnching, addition of fill, or machinery tmffc 0'o e00tr926-016 ^llnos lrpu\ Wein B0 9Z qeJ SCULLY BUILDING CORP P.O. BOX 2300 EDWARDS, CO A1632 (9?o) 376 1E07, FAX-926- 4003 FACSIMILE TRANSIIITTAL SITEET TO:Ff,OTL I\4a* Scullt (];kou COMPANYI SculyBuililEqg FAX NUMDEE D.i\TE Hr"/o q7 FI{ONB NUMDSK T-, ^ YouR RETTERENcE NUIIBBR: Re .7ua /1; tl L'rnK (i'rvla X n ores/corannNts ^""'*'*7)/or+ 'F.n 1 'fr" cls'|or.fon h)ork,' Bu, ?P'* -aJ /4rc '"&'o' t'/r'J7"'' 7UU'n/ '/4'o -a- ('$ d'Jv _frn.a.fl*,, ? ---.-*--- !'o e00h9z6{1.6 I;lncg 4e61 eee:ll 80 9z qsj Lfee_ Worfu,ffi6 .'ilait, Cotoroto 81658 '926-it91 February Z5'2O08 Mr, Mark ScullY Alpine Mountain Builders POB 69 Edvrrsdc CO 81632 RgMarsicoResidenge,36zMllCr,Circle:Pre.constrrrctionte€eyaluation DearMrk, I met wifh you and Michael sanner at tte Mersico residence on Fridan 242-O8 to dl*,"- proposed impaets t t"o "Aju"*t to the driveway' This report will Ao"t -"it iv finditrb and summaize our discussions' Assumptions & Limiting Gonditions 1. Insprction oftrees was limit* to readily visual portionsof - ,'!t" and ""oopa",ulo*,._*o*t"*'tsof2'to4'heigh]"Anypossibledefectsbelow the snorv levels camot be evatuated until the srow melts' 2.AnyopiniontrdlrcndErooncerningproposedcoustrrrctionimpactsto tre€s assumes the locatioo swrrey of-each individualtrunk oefter is accur& (plus orminus 6J at one foot above grade' Tree lnventory Iwasasksdtoreportonanulti-stemmedtrreeeastofthedrivewayand5trees west oftre driveuray. Here ae my findingp: Nanowleaf cottontlvood (Multi+ternrned) Ination: East of drivewaY Diamerter: Four stem.s at 11" Dbh eash Condfion:aw",ee.I"fi"i-o-mouEfsofdeadwood.Mirrormechanical trunk wound above. l(tsft heighl Ail stems hsve sigpfficaottnnk sweep which increases leveragp putl on tI base. Soundness of base cmnot currcntly be assessed due to snowad ice. Aspen (double-sErnmed) Location: Adjac€nt to SW comer Diamer€f, East st€m is 3' Dbh' and West $rm is 4" Dbh condition- poor- ennrut gowth is subsmdrd. Bark has moderde infcction ofby a virul€d armored scale insect cailed wiilow scale' A\ AS-I -si-A\ MtrlSdlc ffi IF[' z'o e00tr926-0/6 {11ncg 1re61 ete:ll 80 9z qel T;\ Worfu, rnX. Lodgepole pirre (double-stemmed) Location: West of u'est property line, according to l2-21-O7 MLS Site Plan Dimetsr: Both stems are 5"Dbh Condition: East stem is in average condition. West st€m exhibits extreme loss of tnmk bark from pucupine Hing many years ago. A moderate infestation ofneedle scale insects is prese,nt Aspen (single'sbmmed) Location: Adjaccnt to property linq west of garage stairqay- Diamel€n 3" Dbh Condition: Fair/poor. Bark is also infested withwillow scale' Blue spruces (two eeParate trees) Locaf,ion: Both spnrces ale located immediately west of driveway. Dianeters: North tree is 8" Dbh. South trree is 7' Dbh- Condition: Boft Us are in frir condition. Sparse density of louaer brmches is and indietor of sipificant post-plating stress south tree has sipificant phloem restriction scae from previousty encircling/embedded wire at 7-ft heighl Hecvy widence of past needle scale infesEtion is present bIil rEaert annual growth is ftee of new infestation Trce preservation vens us tefnova ll replacement Multist.r'rmed cottonwood: Although roots radiate outward (prinarily within the top 16" of soil) a distance of 20 to 30 feet fron the tnmk, the cdtical mot moe is wi-thin the firsi 5 feet ormru{ frm theroot colay'- For constnrgtion puqposes' a Linit ofDistubance (LOD)z bat is 5 f€et fiom the mot mllar oflhis tres will have minimd imFact to loog-tam tree healft Any soil dishnbmce rhar is closer than 5 ftet wilf bane advers long-term impacts rTon this chmp of cottonwood stems. For exmple, I was asked to rcspondto tbe imprct that a 2-ft (fi,om collar) LOD wouldbaverpon6e sunivabitityof ftct€e- Ar.swen This sc€,laf,io would cause insipient decay of the rmt croum, significant decline ofthe closest stem' md possiblc oompromised stability. Agpin' I r€cornend a 5-ft (fiom collar) LOD. tf constrrction plars necessitale a closer LOD, then I recommerd removal Two blue spn*sr: Althoqhbo6 oftbese spruc€s ra capable of bcing tansplfited rrrift a 9(I'tree spade, I do not recomend rebcaing these tees' My primtry reasotr ftr rhis recommendaticn is that the foliage density in the lowcr crorrn is too qlrse to govideprivacy scre€oing and aestbrric apPeal- I Root collr lroot tlarc q ruot crorryn) - A poid at ftc he wbere a main butfess root and thc tnn'k merge. 2 Limir<f-Distrrtanoc (IOD) - A bdftr d* reprcscd the clocrst point tonarrds a tnrnk at lntir.h su&ce soil will sustain didurbance frrom an excarrdftn cu! ovcr-acavatio, soil tryrring gridfug; trcnching ddition of fill, c machinery traffc tv e00tr926-016 {;lncg 1re61 Bte:ll 80 9z qsj Lra",X Double-stemmed lodgepole pine: The l2-7I-07 MLS Site PIan shows this pine locarcd outside the west prop€rty lin€. However, I am responding to your request to comlaneot upon this tee. In oder to minimize impcts to this tee, I recommend a LOD thd is 2 feet fiom the root collar ofthe east stem- The two aspens in adjaoent to the west property line arc in poor condition Replacement is fivored over tansplanting Final recommendations : 1. A fence should be erccted stthe LOD prior the start of any soil dishll'barce on fhe proiect Storage ofspill dirt, orother materials within the I.'oD shsuld be snictly prohibited' 2. Insect infestdion is pevale,nt on this poperty. I recommend a Sp '0t insect inspection on alllees within fu property and proceeding wirh a spray program in ltilay/June. If you have any firtber qucstions, please give me a call. Sincerely, lSubmittedby anoitl illa* Stclle, ASCA Registercd Cornrlting Arborist t'd E00h9z6-016 I11ncg 1le6 ete:tt 80 9z qel Michaell. Sanner, Architect, P.C. P.O.Bo( 1498 Edqads,Colctado 81632 February 25, 2008 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail Dept. of Communi$ DeveloPment Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Marsico Residence (DR8080026) 362 Mill Creek Circle/ Lot 9, Block 1, W Filing No l Dear Bill, This letter is in response to your letter of Feb l B' 2008' 1. We have redlined a set of floor plans showing the GRFA calculations verifying that the garage can be converted into GRFA. ( FYI this conversion OCcuned before the current owners or my involvement in this Project, ) 2. Site Plan and LandscaPe Plans: We are submitting a Site Plan at 1'' = 10' as well as 1"= 5'' There is a plan siowing snow storage areas which includes some area under an exisiing tree which are Arborist sayjwill not be d-etrimental to it. The driveway will be heated as it is now' The required 10% of ihe driveway is obtained with two areas that combined make 130 sf with 93.6 sf required. There is a separate Tree Planting Plan that shows the trees that will be removed due to the driveway expansion and 1 tree tnlat migrrt be kept (the large cottonwood out front). lt shows wnere new replacement trees would be placed in the easi yard The heated Oriu"*"Vlf"utld between the Concrete Pan and the property line will either not be heated or will oe on L separate zone. This constitutes about a 2 ft wide sliver of driveway. The concretepanisnotheated.ThisisnotedonthesiteP|anwithF|agNoteno.1. On the same Site plan that shows the snow storage also shows the 4 required parking spaces and the sight triangle requirement of Title 14. There are spruce trees on the adjacent lot to the west that -pose the biggest problem to sight lines. The view to the east is improved with the removal ot tfre exisiiii driveway wall arid is not hindered by the Large Coftonwood as ifs canopy is high and above the driver level of sight ftag Nbte a -anC 6 have been amended per your request' I have hope these changes are adequate to fulfill your requirements' .(-: 1''t -i:.r Project Architect 5 t+ TON'NM Design Review B I oar /o"z ll /lz7*€n,7 t /of 7, blb / ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel :, 97O.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project Name: Marsico tree removals DRB Number: DR8050256 Project Description: Removal of fourteen + (all tagged aspens, one cottonwood, two mugo, one alder) on the site to aid proper growth of more substantial spruces and coniferous trees ilong property line, No additional planting will be required. Pafticipants: OWNER MARSICO, THOMAS F. & CYDNEY 06/1312005 1200 17TH ST 1300 DENVER co 80202 APPucANlr A cur ABovE FoRESTRY o6lt3lzoos phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 7133 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 License: 574-S coNTMcroR A cur ABovE FORESTRY 06113/2005 phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 7133 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 License: 574-5 ProJect Address: 382 MILL CREEK cR VAIL Location: 362 MILL CREEK cR Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block: 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-4900-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlon Action: APPROVED Second By: Dunning Vote: 4-0-0 DateofApproval: 07/0612005 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. )' .l 'l') 't('t At( Lot:N eq inor Exterior Alteratns General Information: lll"t:l-t*: requiring.design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please reler to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that.is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by .the .community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town council-and/or the planning and Envrronmental commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issuea ""J .,i"rt*.tion commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Physical Address: Parcel No.: L Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): ,*ffi Application for Design Review i Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2!28 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com fvv"uqo (i\ of thd Propo-sai:'Y arccr.: / Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-g640 for parcel no.) 3oo v 1P s,o ,n o N n Mailing Address: Phone; Owner(s) Signature(s): 9:=.lr I Name of Applicant: i Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: fl Signs ! Conceptual Review E New Construction ! Addition n Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Q Minor Alteration ' (single-family/duptex) ! Changes to Approved plans n Separation Request $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total siqn area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,re-roofing, painting. window .additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,re+oofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Fs"?ff""r'3 o"''' check No.: LtO l Ctf m Dare: -7'G -O.f .l ****{r:}*:}:t***************+**t **+t *t ***************+**********:t,i***{t**********t'1'**********:F+** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * **{. **:i**'}* *:}**** tt *,}****** *f *:N. *{. * ***** * *.**{.{.**:}**** * * * * * * *+++* *******+***************!t*{.***i. statement Number: R050000815 Amount: $20.00 06/L3/200509:52 AM Palzmene Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 6 8 01/A CIII ABOVE FORESTRY Permit No: DR8050256 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-082-4900-6 Si.te Address: 382 MITL CREEK CR VAIL L,ocation : 3 52 MIL,L CREEK cR This Pa].ment:$20.00 *,$**** ****tf *+ **t;**,* + 'ft 's + r + * ** **,**:i ***tt*rS*****.t******* ******* * + * * * * + * * * * *'****'********t*t* ****+ ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription DR 001000037.12200 DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES 20.00 Total Fees: Tota1 AI,L Pmts : Balance ! $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Currents Pmts rl PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size l'-4"EXISTING TREES | -- , A _:__ __ .-__ Vrf lu.q'<1rc"rlcilr___tr:#,^_ lO TO BE REMOVED i\ t, -- ., r ^ ( l lrqz"l,,.x lr^"ib\ia C-t+-, t"IA I #tr-'* EN 2.--4" 3" Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Calioer Coniferous Trees - 6'in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PageT of I3lI2/02104 <- >t$(<-ls IN \e: \\J i [ \.- . / -?P..H,?Eyffi,\Le' : r,ppnciilnl\ o7' o6'oo \tr br' C. oe \J €F;-\-an/F fKrc ,{ Date: 5ll3l05 To: Town of Vail Department of Community Development Re: Scott Sones/362 Mill Creek Cir. A Cut Above Forestry has been contacted by Scott Sones to address crowding issues at 362 Mill Creek Cir. The original landscape architect design \r'as to sneate a perimeter of rreee to re&lc€ wind md give privady. The trees are now reaching maturity and are beginning to make aggressive contact causing malformation of the more valuable trees on site. After meeting with a representative of Sonesmac we made the obvious decision to select the more valuable tr€es and to remove the imposing tree of less€r mhre and more structurally prone morphology. There are (l I ) total trees along Mill Creek Cir. that are flagged for removal; (10) aspen (l) cottonwood. ofthe (10) aspen, (4) have included bark and though green are struchrally prone to frilure. When frilure occurs the neighboring landscape as well as the residence may be impacted/damaged. If action is not taken soon the proximity of neighboring limbs upon the Colorado blue spruce could cause breakage in a wind event. h addition to th€ perihet€r tre€s tlrcre are (3) mugo pines,that have been girdled from browsing porcupine. Though they are presently green due to their stores they will not survive the damage. As well tbere is a grouping of shnrb trees nean the hot tubon the NW comer of the property that have also been girdled by woodpecker bore holes and are affected so that they too are compromised. Near the rear entry there is a grouping of aspen of which only one is surviving and with present form will safely grow out and not into the overhanging structure. My belief is that the overcrowding is the main issue conceming overall health, therefme replmrting b not recomrendcd Sincerely, Michael J. Scott Certified Arborist, RM-2452A INC. MARK BEDELL Shelf Mello Town of Vail Department of Gommunity Development Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Forbes Residence, Mill Creek Circle Dear Ms. Mello: on the original landscape plan for the Forbes residence I indicaled that three spruce trees would be transplanted to the sorin"".t corner adiacent ro itre street. Lasl week a test pit was dug to determine what kind or Jj, *eiepresent'on. rhe site and the dig revealed a rnix of cobbles' boutders and sand. This soit rype would- make it -impossiOte.tol?n"pll1l tn"se trees w*h a tree spade, and hand or ,r"nin" oiiging to form " rootnli would not be worth the likely risk that the rootSystemwou|dfai|.wewoutothereforep,opooremovingthethreetreesinquestionandat the time of finish landscaping, lhree colorado sprr.r io: - t9' 'l heigtrt would be planted for the proposed locations th; ;;; indicated on the ptan as transplanled spruce' (see landscape plan.) Please give me a call if you have any questions' .,1 I trj d 't fus/l/ Mark Bedell, President Landforms, lnc. MB/mck cc: Walter Forbes David FloYd LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE I SITE CONSTRUCTION Post Office Box l38l Aspen, Colorado 81612 n3t9m-3939 I Owner, Address and Phone: Archrtect, Address and Phone: l6r ORr :Lot I ' -' Legal DescriPtlon Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion bY: Seconded bY:nTcaPPROVAL APPROVAL SummarY: Town Plan ner I' Date: Staf{ APProval .,lf a ..lJ L ;i+.r,; , r a ,1t , rr!. l. -l'o // TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 22,19gg FttE C0Py SUBJECT: A request for site coverage variance from Section l2-6D-9 and front setback variance from Section 12-6D-6 for a residential addition located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot I, Block 1 , Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey Pralt Architects.Planner: Allison Ochs t.@ The applicant, Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Architects, is requesting a site coverage variance and front setback variance to allow for a residential addition. The variances are requested to allow the applicant lo construct a small addition to the existing kitchen at their residence located al 362 Mill Creek Circle. The proposed new kitchen addition would be located on the east side of the property. The addition would encroach up to 2 feet into the setback and is proposed to be 48 square teet in size A written description from the applicant, and a copy of the plans have been attached for reference. Because the applicant is proposing an increase of .35% over allowable site coverage (20%), aN a reduction of 2 ft. in the front setback (20 ft), a site coverage variance of .35% and a front-setback variance of 2 ft. must be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. II. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: *' .32'14 acres or 14,000 sq. ft.Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Allowed P/S Existino Proposed GRFA: 4600 sq. ft. 4504 sq. ft. 4552 sq. ft. Setbacks:Front: 20' 21' 18'Sides: 15' N/C N/C Site Coverage: 20% 20% 20.35% 2800 sq. ft. 2800 sq. ft. 2850 sq. ft. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Site Coveraoe and Setback Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potenlial uses and structures in the vicinity.A{\}.) \ '--d{,r / nundtuilV