HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 9 LEGAL.pdf7 TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Rood Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 October 15, 1999 Bank ofAmericaNT&SA Trade Operations Center 5655 333 Souih Beaudry Avenue, 196 Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Re: Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit Number: 3006267 Dear Sir or Madam: This is to inform you that letter of credit # 3006267 may be released to the applicant, Mr. Michael Flannery. On October 3 , 1997 , Mr. Flannery entered into a Developer Improvement Agreement with the Town ofVail. This agreement was secured by establishing an irrevocable letter ofcredit forthe sum of$25,000. To the best ofour knowledge, Mr. Flannery has fully satisfied the requirements ofthis agreement. Sincerely, Ann Kjerulf Planner encl. $ *"n"urr r"* \ ffi D{E ol ExpMonL_ lnovocalrte telter of rredtt *_'H.OgZt y_in the arnounl ot E]&Wo__Y.f'$*hf{-irwacr-..-.-(name-of bank in Eagte Counry) as ure securrry.ror llre rrnprovements set futh above l[ ltlere is n cteiautt undei ilre Agreentenl by Developef, PE!'IEISEEB IMPRqYEMENT AG B EEMENT THIS AGqFEIT{FNT,made anct enrbred into Uds '/1il,4r' day of amOnq rVl&yl/'?ll -E-l |fVnuf u lherclnnflar r.allart rtr (hgelnalter c4led the .Dorelepef). and tne, Qr-a,n6 .lsiJ 9-14 qaons Wc^vo,i fu\ywuli TO.Jvt-{.OF yAtL (hereina(ter caileO rtre roilrrl and gr.'^[ "g- ia*i-r,"^]'-'-' "tii"i"inErt", called the "BankJ. WHEREAS, rhe Developer. as aconditio-nof approval of Ule Dcmalllfun plans, dated- lo rr fi.llri,ibneJio enGr-[tTDevetoper lmprovement Agreement and -T WHEREAS' the Developer ls obtlgated to provide security or cottaEral sufflclent In the ludgment of the Tow.r to malte ieasonabte provisibns for comgelton or certatn lr"il""iriJtiti."t fortl'r below; and wlqRq$, the Developerwishes to provlde collateral ro nr"rul,"" performanc€ of this Agreeftent, Includlng c.onstnrctlon ot the above-referenced improiements by means of the followlng: levetopel:gje;s to esEblish a lettgr of creditwith a Bank in Eagle County In a dollar €unount ot $."+)-Qgo-(1?5% oI me total cost of the work shown be6w) to provtde security for the following: TMBH9yFMENT A. M defrof&eh f.f ft"tl bwtp,*g F-er6if i+ we* i'a34a61 . Now, THEREFORE ln conslderatlon of the lollowing mutual covsnants and agreemen&he Developer and flre Town agree as follows: 1' The Developer-8gregs, at the sol6 crst and expenses, to furnlsh a1 equipment andmateriar,necessary to per,'onn and comptetg ail tmprovenienG, oh-oioetore %T|rcDevelopershat|compIete'lnagoodworkmanlikemanner,a|t :Pr:::tu"_F as flsted.gbovo, in accoioance wiln ail ptans anJ ipecrricadons nrtd rn rhe offic€ of rn€ uommuntly Developrnenl Department, the Town of Vail, ano tb oo all work lncldental Urcreto according to and ln cornpliance wiur th6 tollowing: e' Such otlrer designs. drawlngsr-maps, spbcificattons. gketches, and other matter submined bythe Developer to Ue ippr,iu*o 6tifiirhd;ov*referenced governmental eiltities' All sald work shall be done under the inspectlonof.and to lhe satisfacuon ol,Ih.e-i-own Hnghreer, the Town Building dificral, or otlreiotticiii ftotn tlte Towrr of Vail, as aftected by speclal dlstricts oriervice distrias, as theii respective illtele$t lnay appear, and shall noi be deenled complete unlll agrroved artdacceptedRsco]np|etedbytheTownofVallComrnunlryobvenpme De;ralrnent ancf public Works Departnent_ . 2' To sect'rre€nd guarantae perfonnance of lts obligations as sot forfi hereln, lhe Devetoper agrees to provicle s6curity an.icsfhbref as follows: hpl of3 / 3. The Developer may at any timo substlme the collateraf orfglnafly set brfi abgve for another form ot collaterfrl acc@tabte to fie Toffn to guarantee the f4lthful completlon of those lmprovements reterred to hereln and the performance of the terms ol this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Towt of altemadve coltateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall nol nor shalt any oFtcer or Employes thereof, be llaue or responslble lor any accldent, loss or damagE happening or occurdng to the work Bpeclfied In thls Agreement prior to the completion and aoceptance of the same, nor shell lhe Town. nor any offlcer or employee thereof, be tlable tor arry percons or property InJured by reason ol the nature of said work, but all of sald llabitlties shall and are hereby assurned by the Developer. Ttie Davetoper hereby egr€es to indemnify and hold harmless thE Town. and nay of itg offlcers, agsnts and €mploy66s ageinet any loss6s, claims, damages, ot liabilities to which lha Town or any of lts ofllcers, agents or emptoyess may become sublec{ ro. Insolar as any suctl loeses, clalms, damages or liabllities (or ectlons in respect tnereot) thet AJlse out of or are besed upon any perfonnance by the Devetoper hereurder: and the Developer shall relmburse lhe Town for any and all legal or other expenses rgasonably incurred by the Town in connection with Investlgatlng or delending any such loss, ctaini. darnage, liability or action- This indsmnity provision shall be in addition to any oher liabifity whlch the Doveloper may have- . 5. lt is mutually agreed that rtre Developer may appty to lhe'Town end itre Town shall authorlze for partlat releass of the collat€ral deposited wilh the Town br each category ot improvement at such time as sucfi improvements are conEtructed in compliance with all plans and specificatons aE referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town- Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that ls being held be reduced below the amount necesgary to complete such lmprovements. S. lf the Town cleterrninEs, at its sole discrgtion, that any ol the improvgmoflts contemptated hereunder are not consmJcted in ctmpnance wifll th6 plans and Gpecificalions 6et torth an this Agreement on or before lhe date set forth ln Paragr:aph 2, the Tourn may, but shall not be required to, fedeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinlshed improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon wrltten request from the Town statlng that the imprpvsments have not been completed as requlred by thls agreement. The Bank shall not require the concunence of the daveloper prlor to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verity independently that such improvements have not been completed as required bythis agreernent, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's vvrltten request. lf the costs of completlng the work exceed lhe amount of the deposlt, the excess, togetfier wlth Interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a llen agalnst the property and may be collected by civil suit or may bs certifted to the teasurer of Eagle County to be collected h fi6 samo manner as dellnquent ad valorem taxes levled agalnst'such properg. lf the permit holder falls or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad deflned ln thls chapter, 6uch fiallure or refusal shall be considered a violation of ths Zoning Code. 7. The DweloperwananE all woft end materlal for a perlod of one year after ecceptence of all woft referred to in mis Agroament by th6 Town if euch work is located on Town of Vaif property or within Town ol Vait right-oFway pursuant to Section 17-'|-82130. E. Tha pades hereto mutually agree that this Agreement rnay b€ amended from time to time, provlded fiat subh amendments be in writing and executed by all parties heroto. Dated the day and year first sbove written. hgo 2 of3 f p STATE OF CALIFORNIA ffi) couNTY oF sAN BERNASBH.\O The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agrgemsnt was acknordedged betore ma thls -3Rp. day ot ocToBER . lg:zlby TAMURA A.' STOKER, notarv -publj-c Wtness my hand and omcial seal- T,A/VIURA A STO{A Commission # I lsolag Norory Puulc - Colilbr*! Son Be/ngdino Cointrt My Cornm , Elg'r€s Arg 5, 201 . Pl$ingr, Gommunity Dovolopmgnt STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNwoF EAGLE ]tt' The foregotng Developer lmprovementAgreementwas adcrowledged bofore mo drls day of 19-by ' Whess rny hend and oflldal seal. No@ry Publlc Benk Notary Public sr4;rE_oFcoLoRADO COUNTYOFEAGLE ) ) ss. ) Ths toregoing DEveloper lmproyomentAgreementwas acltnowledged More m€ thig day ot ls-by V\lirtess my hand and otrdal seal- NolaryPubllc htr 3 of! Mycommls$onexpires- lh.Yft.o totlomddarfr!.{.|u |)l0dtr * re':it l:ln'loi OJ,r!t:{r}. ;..airc l.erc|l lrnu$f, (rti!p1r0* 1(* STATE CONTNACTORS LICENSE NO. {I5G}3 August 27, 1997 City of Vail Vail, CO Gentlemen: This letter is to confirm that Stoker Construction lnc. will be the Construction Management Company for Mr. Michael Flannery at 186 Forrest Road, Lot 9, Block 7, Subdivision Vail Village First Filing in Vail, Colorado. Mark Stoker has authorization from Mr. Flannery to sign any documents necessary to secure building permits in the City of Vail. 8-z?-f7 Date 57370 TWENTYNINE PALMS HWY #201 / YUCCA VALLEY, CA92284. / 619-365€691 RANCHO MIRAGE 619-770-0710 / FAX 619-365-7189 Mr. MichaelFlannery fB e"'roreme,ifO fO PAGE: 1 DATE: SEPTEMBER 22, L997 IRREVOCABI-,,E S?ANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER z 3O05267 BENEFICIARY TOI4IN OF VAIL COLORADO c/o sroKER CONSTRUCTTON, rNe.57370 29 PALMS HUry #201 YUCCA VALI_,,EY, CA 92284 APPTICA}TT MICHAEL FI]ANNERY 33255 PACIFIC COAST I{WY MALIBU, CA 91342 AMOUNT usD 25,000.00 TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND AND OO/1OO'S DOLLARS EXPTRATTON SEPTEMBER 30, ].998 AT OUR COI'NTERS UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE ]NTERNATIONAI.,, CHAMBER OF US PURSUANT TO THE TERMS US WE HEREBY ESTAB]-,,ISH IN YOUR FAVOR OUR IRREVOEABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDTT NUMBER 3006267 WHICH 1S AVAILABLE ltlITH BANK OF AIVIERICA NT & SA BY PAYMET]T AGAINST PRESENTATION OF THE ORIGINAL OF THIS I.,ETTER OF CREDTT AND YOUR DRAFTS AT SIGHT DRAhIN ON BANK OF A]"IERICA NT & SA, ACCOMPANIED BY THE DOCI]MENTS DETAILED BELOW: DRAFT ONLY, OTHER DOET]MENTS REQUIRED. WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH THE BENEFTCIARY'S THAT AI.,,I., DRAFT(S) DRAWN UNDER AND TN COMPLIA}ICE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILL BE DULY HONORED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. THIS LETTER OF CREDTT IS FOR DOCITMENTARY CREDITS COMMERCE PI'BLTCATION NO. THEREIN. SUB.]EET TO THE (1993 REVTSTON) , 5OO AND ENGAGES [k*-;ffi;$/,;;-;;ffiffi; THIS DOCUMENT CONSISTS OF 1 PAGE (S) (*^a-.h, W''&Ltf, n- 'a-r-/ E, ORIGINAL Bqnk of Amarica l.lT&SA Trade Opsrations Center 56Ss 333 South Beaudry AvBnue, 1 gth Flr., Los Angelo6, CA 9@ I 7 CABLE ADDFESS: Tetex MCt 676s2 BANKAMER SFO . SWTFT ADDRESS BOFALS6S O n*"o"0 e.*. coBn-tM1A 10-95 ,/ From : IJINDSCIIPE IRRIGATION DEfuTO TOTALPRICT Jan. 19. 1988 6. Lg ftl f, l1'77.L00 s 3,000.00 $ ,,800.00 s 19f,7400 -ae+ltr o{ Crlltl 16 E '7ir'-'.' c! i/rt I 3"1 ,4v't zu Gtfiff0lrf,R: TROIECTI ItAfEl vJ'. I,ANDcGAFF, ING HERBBY SJBN6IIETHB FT)IJ$WING PRoPosAl,lD FtnNSH ur.fmrer, ^*No rjson D,l AccoRnANcE wrm TI{B MIgtsRIAL TAI(&oBF AE gPBcIFIBL BY irrlxs oRA1rrt{ Ey MtCttApL MCICAY,ATIHB ru.npl$f OF SIDRER ggNgtAUCnON' FOn II{E FI.ANNERY RESIDBI.ICE PRO'ECT' A$ DBSCRTBDD BEIOS/: PAYMXIIIT ff :IIDDULI A8 FOII,OI\tr; . IO' UPON ACCE}TANCF OF PROFOSAL . 5O96UPON T,|A'I3RIAL DELI\IERYTO JOBSITE - BAIANCB DIIE 1JPON PROGRBSS PAYMBNTEAS PER PERCENTAGE OT" woRK@MPt b'tED. A1ar rnn1.E Ogtl41ttg! tO lEff fp61r&Dftf fla|t ll&tmt To tt00fltlErtDtnAtni4AlllGtlAtlllFircG0rD!fi!9 Itrn-oriu;rlfd&i;ratlliltAtonor-ffiatrnncrmrrrtmn|vu,m|oErAcFlsrrlIBl4cttrlDotrLtlttd.ormrrtt cLRrf,BA$ qIATE rr}TrE| Frllltrslol( AllDttu, E!(tst.tx EnrA ^l|Dorflrl rarEf,0alt trAl$lltf lxlulllot ollt AUIIIORIZD $IGNATTIRF,; SEAD,GutllTBucltr(f,{ A(TFIANCE OF PROPOSAL! - rrlrovrl ctl, 5,rclga,ing|.tgDr.amluurrt|^lffialttorrrr"ffi torrdEDttrtr tnlmr.alllED|lrD, V.LP. LANDSCAPB' hc' CUSTOM LAT{DSCAPE DIVISION t$$0ravrlusDBIltt TNDTANWEIIA,C '.nlo BU&FrDl|r{l|. ilXt(6rt)$r,ffrt flloroncoNtrRUCTI(nf 5?t?0t'rArtisilGflwaY YUAC YAI,I.f,Y'CA gzttf IUEfl,AilNEn[NNDIDE{CB $6roaG8rnoall vAn4co lfrllq.r /OO Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Flannery residence Project Description: Boiler addition to exterior of house Owncr, Addrcss and Phone: Flannery Properties 16230 Filbert, Sylmar, CA Architect/Contact. Addrcss and Phone: Mt. Massive Plumbing & Heating Box702, Minturn, CO 81645 (7 l 9) 486- l 0l 21 390489r Project Street Address: Lcgal Description: Parcel Numbcr: 2l0l-071-15-006 Comments: 186 Forest Road Lot 9o Block 7o Vail Village lst Buildins Name: nla Motion by: nla Seconded by: Votc: Conditions: Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 7ll4l98 Board i Staff Action Action: Staff Approval F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\s8\l;LANNIIRY.T I 4 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 TOWN OF VAIL l'ww Qucstions?Plannin s Staff at 17 9 -21 28 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORIvIATION This application is tbr any projcot requiring Design Rcvieu, approval. Any project rcquiring design rcview tuust rcccivc Design Revi crv approval prior to subniitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sec the snbrnittal rcquircmcnts lbr the particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application camot be acccpted r.rntil all thc rcquircd infornration is submittcd. The pro.ject ruay also need to bc rcvierved by thc Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Flrrvirclnrlcntal Conrrnission. Design Rcviclv Board approval cxpircs one year after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:go@rt LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: ? BLOCK: iI FILTNC: VY / g PHYSICAL ADDRESS: F. G. PARCEL *:2lOl^07 (-15'Ad-(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors oltlccatgT0-328-1t640 forparccl #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SICNATURE(S): NANlE OF APPLICANT:lJr"atrr4 INC MAILING ADDRESS: th/rl../ftN, C6 PHQNE: -c7q S50 luch.rdcs any addition rvhclc squarc tbotagc is added to any rcsidential or coninrcreial building. $20 [nch"rdcs rDinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcrnents. such as, rcrooling. painting. 'rvindow additions. landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining '"r,alls. cto. DRB fccs are to bc paitl at the timc of sr"rbnrittal. Latcr, rvhcn applying tbr a building pernrit, plcase identify the accurate valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust the fcc accolding to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBI\TITTAL REQUIRENIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITV DEVELOPN,IENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. B. C], D. 8,. H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Ncrv Construction - $200 Constnrctiorl of A ncrv buildinc. trl Addition - !rvrinn. Altcration - 4 -totz oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Flannery Properties / Gary Bossow ProjectDescriplion: WallRelocation Owner, Address and Phone: Flannery Properties, 1620 Filbert Street' Sylmer, CA9l342 ArchitecVContact. Address and Phonc:GarX Bossow,926-8044 Project Strpet Address: 186 Forest Road Legal Description: Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village First Parcel Numben 2l0t-071-15-006 Building Name: Comments: Motion by: N/A Seconded by: N/A Vote: N/A Conditions: Scopeofapproval: Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: June 5,1998 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApprovalwithconditions Construct a dry stack wall no higher than 4' tall along the_front of_the property_ct the roadway - . elevation. The watl is to be no clos*er than the existing hillside bank (the wall needs to be excavated into the hillside 1.5-2'). Etiminate the lower wall shown on the aDDroved site plan in the northwest corner and regrade the area 2:l (horizontal to vertical). The upper ririll shown inihe northwest corner will be constructed ss previously approved. $20.00 FIEVERYONEDRB\APPROVA L\98\BOSSOW.605 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: Qucstionsl " Jj;-:tan!i 4 /-i-2 t zti APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Dcsign Rwicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, sce the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd information is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrental Conrmission. Dcsign Revicrv Board approval cxpircs onc year after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd, A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:(o Crna 4 flle 14ALL. fl4f o B. c. D. E. F. c. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:BLQCK: 7 FILING:l/nt l/tlL*€6 nBrh PFTSTCALADDRESS: /8Q Foee,"7 flonO PARCEL#' 2tot'o.) l- l5' ao6 (ContactEaglcCo.AssessorsOfficeat9T0-328-8640 forparcel#) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADD 5/1 PHONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: H. MAILINGADDRESS: : 7-i li;;id TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. ,{rrlinor,ntcration- $20 tr Addition - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or comrncrcial bdilding. Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcments. zuch as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit please identiS thc accurate valuation ofthc project. Thc Torvn ofVail witl adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIR.EMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOlflN OFVAIL TOV{NOFVATL B o MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTEiUOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS . GENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in rvhich additional building square footage is addcd lvill require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS . Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions' . , Photos or sketches rvhich clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relcvant specifications for the proposal including colors andnraterials to be used. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). . If the.intent of thc proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determinc that additional materials arc nccessary for thc rcvicw ofthe application' tr o o j4*= Oltre -,flf PR'o'te o 5'f e uttL +ro P;irt:;fffi''i;: APBaxrn*tt &aftry Gepe Re /'r.rti," B. c. STAFF APPROVAL Thc Adminisaator may rcvicwand.approvc Design R.u1-..nn1.rtions, approve rvith ccrtain modifications.deny the application. or may. refer thc apprication? ti. ooig, Rcview Boaid for decision. All staff ;:H|i[fff::]"tt" final approval uv *'. one. fic rorriwing;".-;id;-idReview apprications may Any application for an 'ddidg:.lo an existing building thar is consistcnt Mth thc architcctural dcsign.tnatcrials and colors of the b-uilding. and appioval t us'u.* rcceived by an authorized member ofa condou niurn association. ifappricabrc: vJ orr currrurrzr Any application to ntodifv an existing building thar does not significantly changc the existing ptancs of th,e building and is gcncrally consGtcnt *iri'rh, arct itrctural desigr, materials and colors of thc building. incruding. brt not rir;ited.to.*t.roiuuito,,g'nni*r, ,".,;;['i;.;.;ii".i".r. sid.ing. roof tnaterials. paint or stain.). cxtcrior righting. canopics ol ar*ings, r.nr... "it*nur, ,.r",[," airn"r.rvindorvs' skylighrs' sitling, nrinor .J',nrJ.iol r*uJ" irprou.'rcnts, and other simirar modjficatiors: Anv application lbr sitc intDrovenrents or motlification.s including. but not limitcd to. driveway j:""9.tllt^]'t]:li'jitc grading. site rvalls. rcnroval o. rodifi.utions ro cxisting landscaping. installation or acccssory structules or rccrcational facilities. lf this application rcquircs a scparatc review by any local, statc or Fcderal agency othcr than thc Torv' of Vail. thc apprication f'cc.shail bc in.r.*.u uy szoo.oo. E^.;pl;;;r;ri .cui.ru. ,rray ;fl',|".;:-'X,il:l::limitcd to: colorado o.pon,u.niirHighway Rcccss r.n,,iu. ir,,.,y corps or Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fecs rvhich arc in cxcess of50% ofthc application fcc' lf' at the applicant's t.qu.*iuny nrott., i, postponcd for hcaring. causing the matter to bc rc-publishcd. rhcn rhc cntirc fcc for such rc-pubrication .,r,rrr u. p.iaiy'iiiuipri.unt, ll!]*"tj:tlt dccrttcd by thc conrrnunity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartmcnr to havc dcsigrr. land usc or othcr tssuc's rvhich nlay have a significant inrpact on thc conrnrunity nray rcquire revicw by consultants i'addition to Torvn staff" should a dctcrmination b" ;;d" by thc Torvn staff that an outside consultant is nccdid. thc co'rrnuniry Dcvclopnrcnt D.p;;;;t ;uy hire thc consurrant. The Departmcnt sharl cstilrtatc thc anrount of money necessary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardcd to thc Torvn by thc appricant atihetime oinringin uppii..tion. Expcnses incurred by thc Torvn in cxccss of the anrount rorwarded by thc appriirion s'han u" p.rJiJii'"i;;;;;nJ"onlicant within ::,ffilil::-'fication bv thc Town. Anv exccss nrnos rviti uc returnco io ;;;il;ri.-, upon rcview vl. A. B. c. Updated 6/97 From: Terri Partch To:christie Barton, Larry Pardee,Terri Partch SubjecL: Gary Bossow's wall ===NOTE=== --=6 / 04/98==3 : 43pm=- Gary is approved to do the following work: Construct an dry slack wall facing no higher than 4r tall along the front of the property aL the roadway elevation. Lhe wa11 is to be no closer to the road than Lhe existing hilt side bank, (the wall needs to be excavated i-nto the hill side 1.5'-2'.) Eliminab.e the lower wal-l shown on the approved siLe plan in the norLh wesl corner and regrade the area Lo 2tI (horizonLal to vertical) The upper wall shown in the north west corner will be construcbed as previously approved. Page: 1 t #rt*n Review Action norrl TOWN OF VAIL Parccl Numbcr: Pro jcct N amc: Building Namc: Prolcct DcscriPtion: Owncr. Adclrcss and Phonc: Mikc Flanncry Architcct/Applicant" Addrcss and Phonc: Wclls. CA 92210 Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 9 Block 7 Subdivision Vail Villagc I st Filing Zone District P/S Fr,lr-icct srcct Addtcss: 186 Forcst Road ('clrnmcnts: Board Action Motion by: Bill Picrcc Votc: 5-0 Sccondcd by: Clark Brittain X Approval n Disapproval n Staff Approval Laurcn Watcrton Tou'n Planncr Datc: August 6. 1997 DRB Fec Pre-Paid $200 r6-T OS : l9 FROII r TtJv-Cilll-pE\,.OUpT,{Dr!'1047A24.82 FAGE 2/4 \.':;;,t1,)ilS.' r..:t;t lo( t',,lll l i: i)i;rll ;ri ,)/,t. ,t t\ A P P L I CAT I O.\ FO R PI,.\N T I } C,.1, ND EN,\'I RO|\.V ENTAL CO}1] I I55J Q)i,\ PI'ROVAL Niitl"L ir-rSQRLlAllQ\. is lpl,lic.rdon is for a,r}'prdcct r;q,riri:r1t ip?foval f,, l\s i:\;.r:;ir;?nd E rvirr.nl rlcnla I Cr.rrnnrjssion. For.spcf ific Oinr3 oll, s+0 thC sJtrriliti:l rcquirr.'iIi!ni;i fvr tht pt,"'licuiw i:i)p:r,r-r,il l;,,.'t ii r,-rlucstcrl, Thc applicatjOn Crn noth rd uitij all rcquirclj iir f,r r! r r.rtiorl ri subirrlrrC Th: p:O;rii (rrr) iu:i.. r,,jiil l,:r b,.- fcvjt\ycd oy.thU To*ti CounCil i rr: rlrr D-*l;li RCr,irlv Bo;rrJ.. TYPE OF APPI ICA'iICN; ,Y.f edaitionol CRFA t#goo # D Bcd and Bilrrlt'ast tr Condifioanl Usl F.'rrqit n ir'lajor rrr i"'l Nfinor Sr,hdiv.;Einn tr P.czqning n ,-Qigrr Vsri:tncc n Variancc tr Zoning CoCr Anrcndnrcni A n r.-r;1drrr : : t i r o,r.,1 App:ov cri Dcl' cllt: tncnt Pl all irnpl6rTle Hc, s;ng Untt (T;p:: -JJ- ; h{;rj,;i' lr [] ir,linor fCI Exrcnor Altrrari00 , (\3rl \ )i;;ig;J II"l.ir;',':r O lr:f in.ir CCit Extcrior Altcration (1, i,.'.rr;ii,:r d) Sp;rial [,cvci,;l:ncnt Districi lla.;or or tr ilinor AntcrrLlnitit to,:-r SDD a R il n n D,?SCnjpTloN CIF THE REItEST: i-O f ATi oN ori pRopos.q L: Lu->' i $_B Locii ___ ;Z___ F i Ln,rc ( fz- fl > t t$" * ,liuuf"il55: ZONINC: Ii,Y 0F !14I[ l.r a A,4F oF o vrl:Ei1-(Si: l,tAtLhi0 ADoRIS:1 'Err / 6 2 ) a pr# E{T .fi{___5:Y141_44-,k1 -PHOI.JE: FEE - SEE THE SUB\1ITT3*L }(EQUIiTEi,iiNTS FU:{ THF] ,{F,PROPRIA]E FEE. \"{IL, COLORADO 81657. SUEiUIT THIS,,\I,PIICA'I'TON, ALL SUI]}IITTAL REQUIJT[ME.NTS AND THE FEE TO THE DE PARTNIEI\T O JI C C}IU UI{IT ! DEv ELO PiU EJ\iT, 75 s Q UTH FR ON TA G6 ROA D. Appilciltion Dare:l, LL l,lccf,s; Darc: IJIST OF UATERIAIJS }IAME OF IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I,OT-2 BI,OCK SI'BDTVISTON STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final required, for submittal approval can be given: to the Design BUTIJDING }IATERIATS: Roof Siding \ Other wa11 Mat,erials Fascia Soffits Wind.ows Window Trim Doors- Door Tri-m Hand or Deck Rails Flues' Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wall-s Ext,erior Lighting Other I,AIiIDSCAPING: Name of \)fiirWarev+' c,onffit -$l*,..- ^lNAffiuKIVA" l\ffiWl{Ed+ kilfi 'N4) Desigmer: Phone: ./ B. b. ul. ! I 11 .., ' JUFI-ae '9? BgrsE .T flvut\, u\JLL., l\rtt/ rJ.:!t a f rrvlrla l/l'rlra o rex (eof) ?7y-relg Lloyd 0.Phk, l'.h. -@ot)272-Xobr JOB NAl,tE SUBDIV.IEICIN !,O? ADDREES BL0Cit The forrn is used Eo vorify eef,rice availabillly +rrd locaLlorr. Thic should bB used irr conJunction rviEh preparinE yeur uEility pLrn *ad' scheduling lnstiirrlahions. For any new eongtnlstiort proposalr t'hi epplicant must provide a complsted utility verlfleatlon form. The loeauion and availabiliiy of ritiUft'S, rrrhet,hetr'they br main Lruflk lines or proposed 1ines, !11,tFl bB aDptoved end vrrlfled by the followinE uLil"ities f or rhe accompanvj-ng site f,)lan. All aubhorieing sj"gnaE,utreg l;3:,ffiT}:i313'""" putric#ice 'cotnpany 949 - 6135 . Gary Hall/Rich CooLey Itoly CFoss Electric As6oc. 9{9'5892 Engineering DepF- - Ted Husky/rti-€haeJ.-havefty **TCf Cablevision of the Roclcles . 9.49 -1224 Mark. Graves **upper E+.91e Va1}e} watelt & Sanitarion nisEri.ct * 4'7 6 -7 480 Frcd Haslee 1. If a uhiliEy company has concerns wiEh ehe proposed consLrucEion, tbe ut.ility represenUaEive should nob directly on the utiliuy verification f,orn ttrat lhere i o a nrah] em wlrich neeils tO be regolved,, fhg iSSUe 4r - f!v+r shoqld '-hen be .qpeLled ouL in deEall in an atlached leieer Eo Lhe Town of vaiL. Ilowever. please keep in nind f,hat it is tbe responsibll,iEy of the utility company to re8olve idenCifl€d problems If the utility verlfication forrn has sigmaLures frorr each of tlre utiLlr.y corrrpanies, and no commentfi afe nad,e direccjly on the form, the Town vfill gf€8ulne FIITIIIG need to be originals. Authori zed-Signatur.e P{tS ttuLLAh rrl l{tc pl.an is required. pbysical loeablon of F.nown utilitiEg I0u;g be shown on the site !IaD. Utillly locatlons nay !r uay not 0!!6r rrrvice tso tbe prppeity l-ing. nny utlllgy elcLenslon required ghall be tbe responsibility of Cho prgperty 6lnl1er. fory, PP. .yAII+ llTItI{lt-lOcS*IO.E VERIFICAIIOI\L fpnts NOTE: tavL..e t lll l9l -" ^'-;i;il e phii!*,.h, -@"r)27?-1otaf rf/e.,) ?-ry-@ee) ,tfin trhtlf4 J' Burur ql ri t t tttl r0[ ANflEFlFS FIIJII'IG -l+ ,.. The ferm is used t'o verify ser.'ice avaiia.pil:ty'and lpcat'ion' Thig *iioufi-n"-'usea i" -co"jti"iiott wieh preparing yqur utility plan. .B$d ii|iiidrirf"g-lnstarru.eions, Fot "tv i.*{,consiructlon propooal, lbe ifpficant nugL prc,niee a comp!.e[ed utiliEy veriflcatiotr t€tm. The locagian and avail.abirity of .itirlrtit, whebher' thev-be-n-ain - rrunls Llnes or pr[p""*a fi""i. musL bg epploved.-and verified $v che foitowine utilitie; for ",'he accolllpanving site pla$' All auchor{zing gignatures need Eo be originals ' A*r,hnrlzed SidnqtBre nALS l;f :,ffiTrii;if'""' , l*rrli*t*ieu rlsrnp*uY 9{9-6135'' Gary HalI/Ricn cooley. Holy CfoBs Eleetric Assoc. 949'5892 Engiineering DePt' lFlJ tlu"l'l rltti*l.o**' L-=* ot ritCl Cablevision cf the Bockies , . 9.49 "L224 Mark Graves - r*Ugpet El'gle volIeY i{ater e-.SaniEaEiorr DlsEricL " 47 6 -7 480 lj'ret{ nasltc trl, tiu: PIrs rurl Ir llr.l.,'j offtr geffice sbalL hB the NOTE: 1. L 4, is rg,{utrred. ilbyntGol lEeaBLon 6t Hnc/t'!l uEiltt-l*l l: ii:-;;i* *,r..*.1 uLlll'-r l"'-orlv.'p *aJ tJt *'aJ' rre!' ro the proBerry ii"i---aoi' oiiuuy s'xteasion rsqu.l:red' respongililiEv of the ProperEy ellner' If a utiliLy co:trllanv has conqerrts wi[h tb'e proposed construction, titE- u-t:.Jirv represetrtativt sbould not diree[ly on rn"'-itiiity,eriricaiion forn Ehnt. gbere Jt-a-pisnfem '*nfcn neeis to be resoLved'' fhe ts,sue should Lhen be Jp^.iri"a-"ue irr deLeir ln an au'taehed J.eEcer ts the lourr, uf Vail. However' plgase lceep tn illrifi-ti,"r il is-lile-iesponsilility or the utllitg ipltp*nv ig regoJ'vp' i rlenr i f i rrl lrohiems ' If the utiiihy verifieat'iorr form has signalurel f,rorn EiCf,--ot- ile-"tifiUy' ccrnpanies. arrA no eollElrsags ere made diresffv on-iite i"irn, t'hp Tn'unl'' *:i1{ ,n51191t1 LrraF-. Ltrere "t" ,ro problems '-l'nd shaE Ehe 'deugloEnent JI"IN.YH 1L Llo'14 €. Mtf, 4."h. - @ot)ztt'1ar"E \(Ax (@t1278'6rg The f,orrn is used co verify senrice availabiliey'and rocrlELon. This shoul.d be used in conjunccion {irh pleparing y6ur utilLry prsn aiia.Echeqluling iflsuallaEions. For any ierrconsirlcelon prophir, uue-applicant tnust Brovide a compj.eEea uLilicy verificaEion fort. --. rhe locaEion and awailability of tifiU.etffi, .whebher'ihev Ue natn !n+k lines ?I.FroFosed line,F, rrusr be'apprdved and veriflsd Ey ehe foJ.Iowing uctlir,ies for rhe accompanying-;ite ptas, Alt auchoriaing sigoaEures need to be ariEinnlE. .TO8 NAI-{E SUEDIV,ISION I/OT ADDRESS trTCI Ca.blevision of , 9.49 -L?24 uark: Graves Autho''ized qlgratqre E*e o6;.6t!ffi;1;iio-=== Pu-uricl#ice cornpany 949 - 6X35 . Gary Hall/Rich cooley, Holy CFOE5 Electric AE6OG,949.5892 Engineering DepE,Fed tlus kylttietnef-*o,ver+y I '.:\ 6-7J,?Z the Rockieg **UDDer E:'.gIe Valley -rlaue,f, e sanlEation Distri.ct r a7 6.7 480 fred Haslee ' ! r+A oit6 plrb i8 r_e{uiferl. Fhysical l0cab{os of ho*z uElliticr susg be sho$ir on Ehe sire plaal. utirity rocitioas Day or aly qoc o_fte1 se$rise ro rhe,proleisy the. Irli uEitiei-i*riirrrEa rieiiiaa shall be ghe respousif,ltlcy os ene prop-rey or]l-er. NoTEr 1. rt a ueiriuy conFany has concerns wilh Ehe nropored consrruction, Eile urilLty aepresefi,catlVe fn6ufb not,direcEty on the urilirv veriiiiauion rorlr-EbaE-*.ie is a problem wrrich needs ro le resolved,. l]'e -rgi:,ll- . should r,hen be spelt,ed our in aeiaii in'aa-a[.S;;di ler,.e' ro the Torqrl of vail. nowever, prEise feiJ-rn mend rhar iE is r.he.resporsibiriiy oi -tu" ulili;i -'" company Eo reEqLve idefllifted Frobleil,s 2. xf rhe_uEirity,verifici::rion fomr has signarurer frorn "a:l t{ Ehe_utility corparries, andt--no "onrnent! a,tre made. direcr,ly on erre cs^nn;-;h; r;;";iii-i.#;#-- (thar rhere,ase no probr.ems ana r,iii r,he ,{E ;io6"ot TOIqI OF VAIII I]IIII{If" IdII\tfoN r/zR.rFrFAErOr\L FoRx JUll 03 '?f Eor rE rrvln{ [/l? /tI tbc f orrn is used Eo verifY. Ettrl-*:F ih6urd be used in conjunction tdrEn gChegurtttg LnsLallduisns' rar any ;#xi;i"E muEE Brovide a completed \'OF NA}IE SUBDIVI9 LrOT ADDRESS '.ttr'I r5srr].rvinlcJ ir€ I'?rtr l{oe?ti c s availabiliEy' anil locattoB' nlrls riup**i.s vlur ut'iliuv rrlan.lnd n*w cons rrrrctl'qn PfoPoEar, Etre niirf ty verification fglar. The locaLion anil a'vaila^b{1lrv of. rit'ili'ff$l' 'vh9t93: t,rrrrrk atnes or prEplluo irrt"-s' 11f L hc *tJprovee 6rrd ;;ffi"fi;-itiri-ti"'t for uhe accourpanvinE sihs P1Btl' nII audhoriziag signatures need Ee be oriEhals ' ie;:'ffi6i;1i;i;==.= purric*ic'e companv 9{r -6L35.' GarY Hart/nich CooleY Itoj,Y CFoss ElecLris Assoc' 949.5a9?- DngineerinE DePl' lled lluskY/t'tie]mel-+a+mw 'I Ltrey be atain v r:r tr f I ed lrY Lltc ri, DaLe a-?-'?7 . 9.49 -L224 ' 5.rlr f,atvoc,f!fuflP -' rrUDpEt Ei\gle Y8llef .HaieT - r-'sinit'aEiorr DlEurict' * 476'7A80' Fred Haslee rrA lita Flalt i; roqplrod. -Physl-eal locatLou of, knorra ut'ill'tlil husr bG sbouin ou ifrd-liri piar.._ur,iiir,y locacionr uv_9I_ElT_1?!_. offer Bsrtrice ro i[* nropeltV_ria6,'-esl' uslllEy r:Ht'rsfi6 rrquirrdl ;[;ti tii'tu* r"sponiiiilitv ir tne FEeFertv crtler' 1. If a urility conpany.has cpncerns wil'h thc-DrcPosed conicru"ci.on, -*r! utiricy eeFrege$tativc should |rog direcbly on lrrJ utiriry iertficauion fof,i tbat LhGfe i"-i-prirure",-w[iiu nee-ds uo,be resolved' The lssuc should trren ue--"pErrea ou; in detail in-an at'gr.ched lBuuer to *rE-toil"-oi vuif - Hostevlr, Dlaale.kee! ltr nisi-lt*i iri-is-ir,e iesponsibiLitv-of the utility conPany to resolve iddntified proble:ns 2;IftheuttliLyverificalionfornhaasignat'urcsfroD .acfr of rtre uiirity conrpa:riEs. and no-commlnt'E are nade direcefJ-on-iit" foh, .-qrte- rgnn $-i-Il prel-une. - -' " NOTE: Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Zonc disrict Lot sizc Block 7 Filing la s-D It/ ,1 3 +MY -Fo Rcmaining r t t)E -7 + La9O = 20' . 15' 1)' tr)319,'ll 3'/ 6' t37o'7,5L z- 4', 4 4 roctoscd tzo4' - lzDD cEtD,T @,trr,, Pcndttcd.slopc -% proposcd.slopc / Z' %*Ool Ycs_ Nq Ycs No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) )3tr% 2) Floodplain n/f 3) Wctlands dl4 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) Nl A 5) Ceologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Flow DM"i'^J 4 (300) (600) (900).(1200) ZONE CHECK Pbonc-, | 2 t Paonc fbol\ 2']L- hoposcd usc Buildable arca Proposcd Total <- ,45 Allorvcd Existin g TotalGRFA U{^A<!=-41u45 t $f/o ya^,ary GRFA z:aq&?*@ (6.t s*) =Zgd_, 6l ,f D% Scro"aary GRFA lbzb,s8*(Oilozs*) --Z1SISB * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docsthisrcqucsrinvolvca250Addition? \E (Z"LSA\ fr Holv much of tbc allorvcd.2i0 Addition is usc,l rv" rh this roau""+l LtL eno i t) t t - W : DL SitcCov*e-gc lg D/g )t Hciglt DvErL tN *rtHE"+ Sctbacks Minimum Parking Ga,ragc Crcdit Drivcu'ay Complics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Environmcntal4lazards DP rvEw+ul z1z4.bb (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar I * 4glf = +$eL - 70 l5 r/5 t5 Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: r./ /4 DESIGN REVIE}V CMCKLIST Projcct: . Q SI.TRVEY .snrra tr FLooRpLANS ____ Bcnchmark scarc I -_- Lcgal dcscription GRFA I i r ^'LOt Slzc Buildable Area Eascmcng Topography 100 yr. flood plain Wato Coune Sctback Environmental llazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations EI SITEPLA}I Scalc Buitding Heiglt Encroachmcn6 Sctbacks 250 additional CR.FA Crarvl\Atic Spacc EHU Q BUILDhIGELEVAIoNS Scalc ___ Color\Matcrials Roof pirch tr I.ANDSCAPEPI.A}I Existing tccs proposcd bees Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title rcport (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Declsi,tsaiconics Garage conncction . Sitc Gradc\Slopc RetaininglVails Fcrrces TumingRadius Drivcway (access and gradc) Snow Storage Fire Access Building material sarnplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (undcrground) Victv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcstictions TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artment of C ommunity D evelopment July 31, 1997 Russell Plat 74'l 05 Mockingbird Trail lndian Wells, CA92210 RE: Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Russell: The Town ol Vail has reviewed the revisions on the plan for Mike Flannery, submitted Monday' "f riy ZA. The following comments must be addressed and resolved by noon, August 4, 1997 in oiOet to remain on th6 August 6, 1997, DRB agenda for final review' The items are as follows: 1. please revise the site plan to show the top and bottom of wall elevations for the existing walls within the front setback; Z. There is a patio elevation of 8265'-5". The top ol wall elevation is 8275'-5". This appears to be a 10 ioot wall, the maximum height is 6 fee. Please revise the site plan; 3. please clarify the site plan in the area that has three walls that meet the terrace at elevation 8266'-6" and' a rock wall. The conlours, wall height and distance between the walls do not appear to work; 4. The 8' garage not does make the 20' turning radius; 5. lt appears that two sections ot the driveway exceed the maximum.grade. The first seition is between the 50 and 52 contours on a 20' centerline radius lrom the garage and the second section occurs in the first part of the drive. Spot elevations were transferred from the survey onto the site plan. The spot elevation in the center ol the drive is 40'74. To make the 4i pan work corr'ectly, the pan must be installed with both sides at the same ellvation (flat). 'Therefore, the elevation used to calculate the driveway grade is 40.74 from the sbutfr side of the plan. Here the slope is 10.5%, which is greater than the allowable 8.0% grade within the first 10 leet; 6. please revise the site plan to show spot elevations lor the two lower landings of the entry; 7. Th existing 48 and 50 contours to the north of the drive do not tie into the existing wall. There nee?s to be some retainage or the driveway grade is unacceptable; g. The top level of the landing is almost 2' above the top ol the supporting wall. Please revise the site Plan; {7 ""'n'o'*n 9.P|easerevisethesitep|antoshowhowthethirdf|oors|abonthesouthwestcornero|the house is suPPorted; lo.Thesitep|an,onthewestSideolthehouse,showsastructurewhichappearstobe "notn"t iet oi retiining walls' please provide clarification' lf vou have any questions regarding. ftrege 99119nts' please contactTerri Partch (970) 479- zieg ror ctarification. pria# note inat these i"t,"s-'it[ti Ol resolved by noon' Monday' August 4. 1997. Lauren Waterton willbe the planner o. ,"h"it p;;J"ti' Fiease cohtact Lauren at (970) 479-2454, if you questions regarding the process' SincerelY, , / -f,; #il'atuu-<z- Tammie Williamson Town Planner THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NoTlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planninq an-d Environmental commission of the Town of Vait wi1 hotd a pubtic n""titii iild;;il;;; tiitr, sectionl8.66'060 of the lvlunicipal Code of the Town of Vait on .lury Ze, i'dEZ, "tt6gF.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of il?6fi; E;io"n'ib-",Jiii c""i"i, toliteo at ezo vair Valley Drive/rract A, Vail Villase 7th Filing. Applicant:Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by Helen Fritch George Ruther/Mike Mollica A request for a site coverage variance from section 1 8'13.090 and.side setback variance lrom section 1g,13.060 oitn6'illnrcip"r Cooe, to furow tor the construction of a garage addition' fo;;Gd ar 1780 Siena TrailiLotz{,vail Village West Filing No' 1' Aoolicant: Marc Lashovitz Pidnner: George Ruther/Lauren Waterton A reouest for a minor subdivision, to amend the location ol the platted building envelope' iociG:o ar 1094 Riva Glenilot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates' App|icant:SBCDevelopment,representedbyResortDesignandAssociates (Gordon Pierce) Planner: Dirk Mason A reouest for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 2355 Bald Mountian noati. WesV Lot 25, Block 2, VailVillage 13th Filing' Applicant: Orthodonics Associates, represented by Bich Brown Pianner: Tammie Williamson A request to amend the existing conditional use permit for-the outdoor dinino deck, to allow for the outdoor operation ol a batting cage, tocaiiJ iiiaC e. Meadow Drive/LolP, Block 5D' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave Garton Pianner: Dirk Mason ftrur*'"?:"f,1:'ileffi :,B:lu:Tisstlfi'l?fiiiii,i]Jl;i,liii$'']i':l"Jl?"ill;, Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Russell Platt Pianner: Dirk Mason The applications and information about the proposals are.available for public.inspection.during ieguii'offlce noursin me ptoiect piannet's 'office located at the Town of Vail Gommunity O e'vetopm ent D epartme nt,- 75 South F rontage Road' Sign languago interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification' TDD for information. Communitv Development Deparlment Published iuly 1 1, 1997 in the Vail Trail. Planner: Pfease cafl 479-21 l4 voice or 479-2356 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development July 14, 1997 A request for a conditional use permit and additional GRFA to allow for a Type ll 'eiit]lo"it"o at 186 Foresinoioit-ot 9, Brock 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Mike FlannerY Pianner: Dirk Mason t. GFFA In 1985, the vail Town Council approved ordinance 4, series of 1985, which created chapter (18.71) of rhe vait vunicipii coobi entiiled "Addirionat Gross Residential Floor Area'" This ijriiliJ*ri'did r"; 6 iliso il;ftlg;r "r acoitionat Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be added to a dwelling to"VonO irie miximum allowance), provided certain criteria are met' The il;p*;rl m" noo-irioniienrn Ordinance is to provicid an inducement for the upgrading of E_iJtins d*"iling units and also for the provision ol employee housing units. AccordingtosectionlS'57.050(BXs)(Type||Emp|oyeeHousingUnit,Genera|Conditions)' ,,An applicant shall be permitted to apply to the community Development Department ol the Town for additional GRFA, not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU." with this proposal, tfie applicant is requesting to use 496 sq. ft. of Additional GRFA' in the construction of a Type 1-iili"G Housing Jn1 at 186 Forest Road, Lot 9, Block 7' Vail V1i"l" fir"t Filing. -in this pripoial, the appficant wishes to construct a 496 sq' ft', Type ll. .. fi;-l"t; nousin! unit, io 5e Jonstructed ii tne basement level, in the northwest portion of the structure. The building prani, iffultiating the Type ll Employee Housing Unit, have been attached for reference. The lot currently has a two-story wood and brick structure on it, however, the applicant.is pioporing to demotish tne eiist'n O iinOlq t"TlI structure and rebuild a new single{amily residence with a one-beOioom ifiu (frin azin square foot garage) in the basement level' TYPE II EHU Additionally, the applicant, is requesting a conditional use permit to construct a Type ll EHU to be ionstructeO in dne baiement-level, in the northwest portion ol the structure' ln September anO pecem5eioif SgZ, the Town Council passed Ordinances I and 27 ' Series of f :\everyone\pec\memos\f lannery.7 1 4 1gg2, to create a new chapter 18.57 - Employee.Housing, for the addition of Employee Housing units (EHUs) as permittei"oii,oioitlon"irie6 witnin-c-eriain zone distlicts within the Town of vail. ihe definition in that ordinance states: Section 18.04.105 (in Part) ...,,Emptoyee norsiid ulit tLHul ,nat mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or renred for "nV p"iiXO"r""Jii""ini.t' tgOi.ont".utiud Oays, and shall be rented onlv to tenants who are full-time employees ot eagle cohty _Ei'tu.s shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set forth in chapter r aot it'is cooe'. Develolment standards for EHUs shall be as provioJi li'eh;pG;T8sz - Enrplovee Hgu"!n9:, lo-'the purposes of thls--- Section, a tulf-timJimpioyJe snat mean a'peison who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours Per week"' pursuant to Section 18.57.050(8) of the Vail Municipal Code, in p?r1,3 Typ.e ll Employee Housing Unir shall be a condition"l ;;;iniht FrimarylSecoriOary nesidehtial Zone District: "it shall be permitted on lots wnicn me"e-tine minimum lbt size ieqriirement; be attached to' or located w1hin' a single-family dwelling or-two-ramiryt-welling; not have more than two bedrooms; shall have one parking space per O"oroot,'iiii'a 5OO Jquaii, fooig"nge credit available to help meet the bnctosEo'parring space requiremenl"' II. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Address:186 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing' Lot Size: 18,1il.52 q.lr.l0'417 PrimarY/SecondarY Residential Single-family residence with a Type ll Employee Housing Unit Zoning: Use: Allowed GRFA, with an additional 4916.45 sq' ft' 500 sq. ft. of GRFA: Site Coverage: Setbacks: front: sides: rear: LandscaPing: Parking: enclosed) 2,724.60 sq. ft., or 15% 10,898.71 sq. ft. or 607" rninimum 13,907'5 sq' ft' or 76% 4 required spaces (3 enclosed) 6 proposed spaces (3 20' 15" 15', 15' 20' 15' Proposed 4,51'l sq. ft. 15" 15' 2,390 sq. ll. or 13'2/" f :\everyone\Pec\memos\f lannery.71 4 R]TERIA AND FINDIN UponreviewofChapterls.Tl(Additiona|GRFA)andGhapterlS'57(Emp|oyeeHousing)'the community Deveropment;$;;fi";;i;;;orr.ngr apprgva] of this reqyest for 496 additional square feet of GRFA to Oe uiitizeO in the construction oi the Type ll Employee Housing Unit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Faclors: BeforeactingonanapplicationforadditionalGRFA,theP|anningandEnvironmenta| co,i;nirrio""5narr coridioeiirre fottowing ladors with respect to the proposed use: structures. In the staff's opinion, the additional GRFA being incorporated into the Type ii er-oiou"" H'ousing Unif , wif L have no negative effects upon the existing iilil;#h). u"g"tirion, drainage or other-exisring,structures in the area. b-["igEi io' tne-existi ng topogripny, propo sed by rhe applicant, will resu lt in tegiiding that complies'wiln tne Town's 2:1 maximum slope' It is staff's opinion that the mass and bulk of the proposed new single- i"rifu t"tiO,ince, with a Type ll Employee Housing Unit' including the ilii'i";;t cCFn, wirrconiorm with iheother existing structures in the Forest Road neighborhood' lmpact on adiacent ProPerties. In the staff's opinion, the proposed new single{amily-residence.with the ivpJriimproyee Housing unit and the additionatGRFA will not have any #6ad;;i"id'"as on adiadent prope.rties' The applicant is proposing "oEqr"i" p5*ing, per t'he Municiial Coo-e, to- accommodate vehicles oiifino orithe siie. The additionh GRFA will result in a minimal increase i" o"ir.-*o ,"iJ of the structure. staff believes, that this minimal incieise in bulk and mass will not be readily noticeable lrom adjacent properties. development standards. Section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, requires that: "Any dwelling unit that proposes to use. additional GRFA shall conipty with the standards outlined in the.Town of Vail Design euidelines (18'54). These standards include landscaping' undergrounbing oi utilities, driveway paving and general maintdnance and upkeep of the property'" The site plan does show cornpliance with landscaping, undergrounding utilities, and driveway paving on the property' 1. 2. 3. f :bveryone\pec\memos\f lannery.71 4 B. Findings: TheP|anninoandEnvironmenta|Commissionsha||makethe|o||owingfindingsbefore granting app-roval for Additional GRFA: That the granting of the requested Additional GRF-A would not negatively ;ii;;i ";i';ii"s to"pograpny, vegetation, drainage and existing structures' That the granting ot the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent ProPerties. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all T;; ;;fi "g requiremenis-ind appricaute development standards' Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval oitne conOitional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Belore acting on a conditional use permitapplication' the-^l9lli19-Td Environmental Commission (pE.Fh;i;nsiOer ine tactori with respect to the proposed use: 1. nJationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. WhentheTownGounciladoptedtheTownolVai|Affordab|eHousing stuJv on trtovemoei zo, 1ggo, it recognized the need to increase the Jupfiy or nousing.- The town encouriges EHUs as a means ot providing qrliiti, ri"i"g "oniition" "no expanting-inlgupply of eTpjg)'.qe h-ousing for dotn ie"ut6und and seasonal iesidenls' The propo sed,-Ely-yill-11"-9 "positive impact on the Town's housing needs, by providing houslng ror employees. 2.Theeffecto|theuseon|ightandair,distributiono|popu|ation' transportation facilities, uiilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs' Statt believes that there will be little impact from the proposed.Type ll EHU on tignt, air, population' transportation, utilities' schools or parks' 3.Effectupontraflicwithparticularrelerencetocongestion'auto-motive and ped'estrian satety ahd convenience,.traffic llow and control' access, t"n"u""raOility, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The site currenfly has a sing|e-fami|y, two.story structure that th-e app|icant proposes to o"roiiii. fne"propored redeve6pment is compatible_with [nJ-existing OeuefoJmeni in ine'neignUorhood, frerefore' little impact will be associated with this ProPosal' 1. 2. 3. !v. f :\everyone\pec\m€mos\f lannery.71 4 4. Eflect upon ths character ol the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Thesca|eandbu|koftheproposedstructureisverysimi|artothosein existence in the surroundihg neighborhood. The neighborhood has, i"u.iiiivp, rr rHui cuireifly c-onstructed, therefore, the.proposed use is "ornpitiorei. Gnrn toirne prolect will not exceed the maximum allowed per the code. Findings The Planning and Environmental commission shall make the following findings o"ior" gr"nilng a conditionat use permit for a Type 1 Emptoyee Housing unit: Thattheproposed|ocationoftheuseisinaccordancewiththepurposes ot tnii OrOinance and the purposes of the district in which the s1e is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it *outo oe'opbrated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public neiftn, sat,ity, or wellare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply lvit! qaclt of the applicable provision's oi title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department staff recommends approva! oJ.!he app]i91n1's request for a conditiondt use peimit and a'reguest to utilize 496 square feet.of Additional GRFA to consrtuciJ rype tt Eiru "i-r e6 For"it Road/ Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing subject to the lollowing findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this Ordin;nce and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be'oobrated or maintained would not be detrimentalto the public health, saf6ty, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3.Thattheproposedusewou|dcomp|ywitheacho|theapp|icable provision's oi titte 18 of the Vail Municipal Code' staff recommends approval of the applicant's request with the lollowing conditions: B. 1. 2. 3. f :'reveryone\pec\mEmos\tlannery'71 4 1.That the one-car garage be appropriately deed restricH for exclusive use by the occuPant of fie EHU. That the applicant submit for review and approval.by the DRB' a. . - - ii"iiiuc,iis,isiSing pran, inOicating the liriris of disturbance and tree protection measures for the site. f :\everyone\pec\momoE\fl anno ry'71 4 i;":i :, ii,i: ' .;, i ;: :i." L- I L- I CO -T_ EI;nl E I r./'t n | '' -' Hrl-ottt !ori lr .'eoi lol 'i- I, i!f- ./ Zo, 53 =#6H II t F t u 0 a -F.o -x Itt ir il I ritiil 'l $[tE i $ [ s 0r'22'oo" E r35.80', i ii6'ii:ditd 'l I LU O z LU o 6o g? ,q :ld <U )g r> fio"z^zJ {o -r :,IL; ur ll ..1- ; F; 5 *a .4' q $fr g t t) { ?, !-x : l! oQ ?.^- :$FH Es* i g!t- 9i-r F F CO I o o o trl J os z ,-- * u, a,ul"*e >9 E:IU;zv Z6 [::' I I l. ii rr:!{-!lrrrr ffirrcrr ffi;r ",, a\s, It zli st'il fli 0 t o I o J e I li f ;6! I I I I "I i;l !ii iit 6 - .\1i 2 #ii, ttt tr1 ili tii l1 I a E : h iit rr ll lrt ;nlii iir i t- ' iiii :l t: t; t; iffi"e iiiliili iiiiiiiii a t\irt tir tt .,1 ti iJ j0 f'l '+l z J ltl c)U) z J 'iEiE[siElllillaliEliElliilliEiE l;;;;r;iirii;i,rnss,,Essi liiE illEiiillii uli'er i'''i E i e,,*,elllgia All?E lg Fi[l filgtu Aiuliiiirlll l.]l zl z l; PI 6t 7l fl o. o ol fl ! I I x 2 o z a ? ta\ !i ?l Elt 7 t 7 ,I : , ,,:;;,'.'-r' ' '1', ;. ii: , Jr:i ,j.:. n I z n ? t z z ll*JI ql 3h e ztl tll )l :l Fh o fl!>l ?tr G zlr ql El fil' 5 t p \r|o t F I iltill 2o^- :IiFB g:rt 3:t pE! L- CO I o f uj O Za UJ:OE 6n trJ ii o Egl lll :z,z' tr u- :r o o f 1,f l$j -{ grt $o i'; fr' .ts lrt .."+ EI FI EI E|Ii El' l f;rt I rt ?e F T D I| -{ $ 8, {ca s Hi$i ;:i F t--. cO I o o o tu -.r os l,.lJ oi Qr oa uJ E? >9 lrji;4E z-o J9 LL: o o !v t o -.1 t C LT b,ut q *.l o s^ '*rl I , llPPnoyap jUL p I Bgt Ft[t 80PY 1 . A requesl for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 186 Forest Rd./Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Russell Platt Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the staff memo' Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. He did not. Greg Molfet asked for any public input. Cindy McAdam, a resident on Forest Rd., asked how there wou|d be enforcement of the "rpfoyee housing unit. She stated that Ron Byrne's proiect had no.one living in it, since it wasn,t enforceable. she stated that she had nil neignoois and would love a fireman, policeman ;;y"il as a neighbor -O1OV *int"d to know wh-o should be held accountable' regarding the enforcement. She said tfrat nJ'OiOn't have a real CO, only a temporary. CO and how could you i""i i norr" without a Co- She stated that she would love everyone of them to have employee nousing. she said it's a mockery and what's the point, if it's not enforceable' Andy Knudtsen said the Town received actual verification ol the separating wall in the EHU' but onfy'aftei construction *"r .otpfet.- He said there were other deed restrictions in the area' but that the restrictaon *"t to too.", there could be no enforcement. He said that more recent restrictions were lighter. He said it generally would depend on how hard the Council wanted the Town to pursue enforcement. John Scholield said this Commission did nof have the power to enlorce' but that Council had the authority. Cindy McAdam asked, "don't you work together?" Planning and [invironlllcntal Col]r sslon Minutcs JulY 14. 1997 Ann Bishop said the issue needed to be addressed and the PEC would reler this to the Town council, if need be. Rnn asxed if Mr. Flannery nao more property and if employees lived there' Cindy McAdam said, yes, but no employees lived there' Galen Aasland said Andy had an enforcement provision and that it would be treated the same as other proPerties. Ann Bishop said she would vote for denial with more GRFA not being granted and that council should took into the c"ppv iiirl. -stre stareo that if Mr. Flannery had another property without an "rpfoy"e living in the EH[J, this request should be denied' Russell Platt, the architect for the proiect, said the bottom ol the house was designated as employee housing and it was separate from the house' Diane Golden said the PEC had to go forward in good faith, however enforcement needed to be befter. She said the peChad to asiure that pe6pte were telling the truth. John schofield said it appeared from cindy's testimony, that enforcement was an issue and he urged staff to pass onto fiouniif ine need io allocate the necessary resources to enforce this' if aooroved. He stated that the PEC had to approve this request on its own merits and this pi,iposii"ppeared to have met all the criteria for approval' GeneUse|tonaskedifthec|ienthadanyobjectiontotheconditions' Russell Platt said, no. Gene Uselton said it would be a mistake to deny an EHU and he agreed tO pass the concern on to Council. Greg Moffet said this request met all the finding.s for additional GRFA and a conditional use permit. He said y"r, *""JiO to4< togetner anOinat the PEC was an appointed volunteer body to judge issues and ne saw no basis to deny this application' Dirk Mason suggested the PEC make a motion that the Council evaluate the enforcement issue' Greg Moffet said it would not be appropriate to saddle this applicant with that requirement' rather it should be a separate recommendation' Tim McAdam said he and Cindy were not opposed to employee housing, but that he and Cindy *inted some kind ol sanctionirig body, if the EHU was being abused' Greg Moffet said as a volunteer body, the PEC had no ability for enforcement. Ann Bishop stated that that was not a correct statement, regarding the PEC'S responsibilities' Greg Moffet said his understanding of the PEC duties, was to interpret and determine an *rc-or", ny apptying ra.iil'H" "pllog2ed to the McAdams, if it was implied that the McAdams didn't want emPloYee housing. Plamring and EnvironmenEl Cotnmissiou Minutes JulY l4' 1997 Tim McAdam said there were no lights on in any EHU's on Forest Rd' AndyKnudtsensaidtheotherF|anneryresidenceWaSbui|tinlgg0andthereWasnowayto enlorce this requirement, iJit was considered an "early" deed restriction' Greg Moffet said there was no gun to hold io an owner's head to require compliance' Tim McAdam said the process was just not working' Andy Knudtsen said the ordinances have been tightened since 1995 and regarding the cappy ,"ri6"n.", the Town was in the process of working it out with the attorneys' Tim McAdam said it's a huge gray area and a waste of money to get to the point of attorneys' Diane Golden asked, il before 1995, an applicant could use the EHU for anything' Galen Aasland said it wasn't called an employee housing unit before 1995' Greg Moffet agreed that the ordinance didn't have enough teeth and needed more potent enforcement. John schofield made a motion "that the Planning and Environmental commission' in the strongest possible t"tt", i""ott"nO io tne Vaii town Council that they review the Employee Housing Ordinance in reiation to enforcement and that the PEC fully recommend that the enforcement action be dil;d in an etfort to bring the intent ol the Employee Housing Unit into "orpfi"""", *itn tne lack ol reality that appears io be in the neighborhood that we're questioning." Gene Uselton seconded the motion. The molion Passed bY a vote of 6-0. John schofield made a motion for approval of the request in accordance.with the stafl memo with two conditions anO an iOOitionil'condition that a'CO or TGO not be issued, until an inspection was complete? to tnsure compliance with the EHU requirements and to verify that the OuitOlng was constructed according to the approved set of plans' Gene Uselton seconded the motion' The motion passed by a vote of 5-1 , with Ann Bishop opposed' Plarrning and Envirorunental Commisston Minules JulY 14. 1997 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PBOPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental -commission ol lhe Town of Vaitwil hotd a pubtic n*"ii,ii iffi;;r;il;,,ilm s..iiorle.e-6.000 of the lvlunicipal code of the Town of Vait on lury ra, i'ii!z;'"t'tng F.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request lor a variance from section 1g.2g.070 (setbacks) and a conditional use permit for an ourddor dining deck, to "iio*'roii-deck expansioh-ii-Crosdtoads, located at 143 East Meadow bivelot P. ti'lock 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing' Mounlain Top lce Cream (Haagen Daz), represented by Bill Pierce Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional us.e permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' located at 186 Forest Rd'/Lot 9. Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing- Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Russell Platt Planner: Dirk Mason A reouest for an amendment to a previously approved minor subdivision' located at 2339 Cnarironix Lane/Tract A, Vail Heights Filing #1 ' Applicant: Robert Hunier, represenled by Greg Amsden Planncr:Ccorgc Ruthcr A request for a wall height variance of approximately two feet, located at 4093 E' Spruce WaylLots 4, 5, & 6, Block 9, Bighorn #3. Vail East Lodging Association, represented by Larry Summerlin Dirk Mason Applicant: Planner: A reouest for a minor amendment to the sDD #2, to allow for residential additions to units D8' 'O9-a-lld Dri (Northwoods)' located at 600 VailValley Drive' Applicant:Richard & Gai| Barrett, Bert Nordin, and Jorge & Eugenia Riede|, represented by Ray Story Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major exterior alteration in cc1 and a minor subdivision, to allow for the lbhlir"tio" "r i phrr<ing ;ir"G, I ii.o*modation units, 1 condominium and new retail oflice il;;;i]h; d"rinoioi"inl#;';;, i";;ii,J "t zir i. cbre creek Dr'lPart of Lot A' Block 58' Vail Village'lst Filing. Applicant:PepiGramshammer,representedbyPierce,segerberg'&Associates Pianner: George Ruther A request lor a final review of a zoning. code amendment, to allow for outdoor commercial ski storaoe, as a conditionaiuse anO to allow lor commerciaf ski storage (indoors) in all building levets", lbcated in the CCI and CCllZone Districts' Aooficant: Vail Associates, Inc.' Iepresented by Joe Macy ,A ,l1lq1 pidnner: Lauren Waterton " MrSr) y nv\,,r/ Y vtr[, A request f or a conditional use permit and a variance from Section 1 8'22' 140 (on-site Required parkino), to allow tor tne of,eraiion ol a reat "st"tt oitii" in the Swiss Chalet' located at 62 East Meado-w Drive/Lot K, Block 5E' Vail Village 1st Fllrng' Aoolicant: Johannes Faessler Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A rcqucst for a conditional usc permit and_a_variancc to allow for an unpavcd parking area' to "ir"rJ].itr"ir ncaa parting, iocateJ at ncd Sandstonc Road/Parccl A, Lions Ridgc Filing #l ' Applicant: lOth Mountain Hut Association, rcprcscntcd by Peter Lodram Ptanncr: Russ Forrcst The applications and inlormation aboul lhe ptoposals.are available lor public inspection durino reoular office hours in rhe prbject ptanner's onice toc-;i;ir tnir t6*i ot Vait Commril-iti iiJ;;il""i Departmentl Ts-South Frontage Road. Sign language inlerpretation available upon requesl wilh 24 hour notification' Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communhv Development Departmsnt Pubfished iune 27: 1s97 in the Vail Trail. . .t - Lloyd E. Platt Architect 4645 S. Highland Drive Salt lake Gity, Utah (8011272-9065 16 June, 1997 Town 0f Vail: - The following is a list of adjacent properties to the Mike Flannery property of 186 Forest Road, Lot g: Block 7, Lor I . . vR3 LLC ':' 1901 Evergreen Road '..' Louiqville , Ky 40223 -:,- Lot 25 -i.. fd S. & Gloria M. Hicks -:- 3026 South Padre lsland Drive : ;' Corpus Cristi, Tx 78415 lor 26 Paul Raether i - c/o Cohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. . * . #9 West 57th st.4250 ... NY,NY 10019 *.j Lot I 1A G. John Kredit c/o C.F. Gapitol Corporation I Landmark Square lSth floor s Stanford, Ct. 06901 LoI 29ABC Charles V. McAdam lll 165 Forest Rd. VailCo. 81657-5012 Lot 10A Rockledge Flancis A. Beer, Trustee 115 Hawk lane Boulder, Co. 80304 Lot 108 Rockledge R.M. & Jan Rymer Pickens 8111 Preston Rd. suire 800 Dallas, Tx 75225 9A Rockledge ' 'David W. Grabel Fam, Trust c/o Citizens Bank & Trust .!* P.0. Box #59 Wausau, Wi 54402-0059 8A Rockledge CME Vail OPR Trust, V I1l South Tejon st. suite 610 Colorado Springs. Co 80901 li TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/47e- 2 1 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment July 10, 1997 Russell Plat 74105 Mockingbird Trail lndian Wells, CA- 92210 RE: Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Mr. Plat: The following issues, many of which you have seen previously, must be resolved before you can proceed to linal review by the DRB on July 16, 1997. In order to remain on this agenda' you must submit revisions to ihe Department of Community Development by noon, Monday' July 14,1gg2. As these issues are numerous and complex, I recommend that you to set up meeting, if desired, with both public works and planning to resolve them. Public Works: 1. please transfer the site plan information onto the topographic survey. The contours on the site plan do not match those on the topographic survey; 2. please transfer the information on the landscape plan onto a copy ol the topographic survey. The current landscape plan shows diflerent retaining walls and diflerent spot elevations than the site Plan; 3. Please revise the survey to show a maximum driveway cut of 24'; 4. The first 10'of the driveway may be a maximum of 8% grade, then the maximum grade of of the remining portion of the driveway can be a maximum of 12o/"i 5. Please revise the site plan to show the top and bottom of wall elevations; 6. please revise the site plan lo show the 18" driveway culvert draining to the east of the 18' street culvert; 7. please revise the site plan to show all of the site grading for the house and the retaining walls with proposed contours to demonstrate how the proposediexisting contours will meet; 8. The edge of the road and all utilities are located incorrectly on your site plan. Please check tie survey and relocate. Please be sure to show the inlet at the northwest corner of the property; {p *""r""ro r*o 9. The site plan indicates a 23' retaining wall. The maximum height for a retaining wall is 6" ptease show an .rtiiii*"rt OJiign aiO stamp on the site plan' or separately, for a series of tiered walls, or redesign; 10. Please show the existing retaining wall locations with the top and bottom of wall elevations, anO cfearf' iiOiiaie it ine wall will be preserved or demolished with new construction; 11. lt appears that there are walls over 3' in height within the front setback' 20'off of the property line; 12. Please specify the bottom of wall elevations that are within the lront setback; Fire: 1. Fire Department access is not possible from the road, therelore this property must be sorinkled. Planning: 1. All walls within the front setback may be a maximum height of 3'- lf the retaining walls in exislence are removed you must receive a variance to replace them at a height greater than 3'. 2. Please provide verification that the ridges are not over the maximum allowable building neight df 33'via spot elevations or additionalcross sections; and 3. please provide more detailed information on the terms, conditions, reservations' restrictions anO oOtigaiions of the easement agreement, Ie.m #t 9. of Schedule B of the iitf" r"port. While y6u have provided the title report, this information has not been clarified. please contact Terri partch of Public Works at (970) 479-2169 lor further claritication of the public works "orr"nt".-iou'riv also co.ntact'Dir( Mason at (970) 479-2150 or myself at (970) '479-2128, for planning information and scheduling' Sincerely, r -o2e.; f,.A'lZ*ot- Tammie Wiliamson Town Planner cc: Terri Partch Dirk D. Mason reA .::: ::::.::, ti: :::,:: t: :t :1 aglqtyii|86,'Ft l. Please provide top & bottom elevation of the existing walls in the front set back. Idve SYro$r\ 4 2l?atio vjf# elev. of 8265'-5.' 6' is the max. wall height. ffiwall H i'r"il2;;'lr,\as lcoF: r|}k- qt()r (r.Ol'l' .-5".ffi. v'gg6ou have three walls that meet the tcrraces at clevation 8266'-3" and a rock wall, t rThe contours and wall hcieht and distancc betwcen thc walls 4. The garage that is 8'a#not work on the 20' ccntcr line radius. 5, Tf toVs ttVa- 1<.:o 1.6g€' q."lo Scr-}iar: of dn.€bbi '.'.r't,.n-t eVCr=d lhe rrr.rrairn rOrrr ,E {d" IVu hrsrlecr,'<rl acc'r: betroqr .i'|rl€ gandtZ cd\tooratttre, loecF+he t drr,"". Ne rnea.rred |tl€. dr5laft€ \le.hnqt the tt^o (-oclt4crrs aQ q 2o' <en{<:r ur€, K f&^v+ from rhe 3lqrlo(ry. \"'e *rtnJ frG1&\ c&l;rs in *E F,r<t s<rh;n o€ He 4. Arrug - g t inorr,F€rceA Seot elar*u-ns {ro.r. uon:< suns} cnFo t},e. s\E es.i\ . f he, c€'t e!\e$6Jr\or\ "L carne, .P \,r \tt\ lq t\e Cec\g cF uc.rl- dr rne c, rorq fhe ejqc -€ !te, rcoA 6 b.l . 'To rorc lta 4'p.rn (,5ocKcorrq.Flq, the p.rn rt',.rsf b€ rn5hat\€d .D\+\ borh eCaee sv&o at -+h€. 5alte et€t')d!rl; ( ie ,ft r+ ) fr.*n". !l"ra e\a)otrcn C oxAto <a\.iErh€ '1c'r:c dt roer^n1 gfocle $J6 '40'-t4 !sc". t€ soovt sda ce $2. 6nn . \ cosrre sp.ortky o -n"i,il|.F*h a5 3ceater thon d' o.lto,or\cre 8-0?6 ,h tte, Rca- O'.| co. Recr.s p co)nAe e'\er<shrbng eo. ft*, 1656 tarr:g (ardi(Kl5 c,F jooc enf9. a -lhe ex(sh oq 48 anc\ €F<hn.\ 50 cartorx s to the ryf rh ae tte dnre, &nt e,An to bg hl-o lhe e(i4hft\ '-{lt - lireq .,e"d b be ce|arrred 9,.vg\r6e , oftffor'"Z. gda driucr^x',i e gcede \5 94€sr€d LP. - - too le!e\ 6e fhe B. lr\€r'er\F(-.l r ardJc<\ \t at r.ns5t 2. c\boo€, tt€, top Oe t\e, aopgrx-tcr.1 ._:<tSr. BeOe cn Rcviewedby: LarryPardee-ffiL + /gq,/Z= q. ,ho.r k\o!o fi.'e, 3OA Ftor 5\ola 5hoGcl or \\8, Saltrr u)ej* <orscc o€ tf;ra hoo(€, \+ s$PPocted- *lo-onrrre ujerh 5ld6 c€ the- ho'crrz * ftve (5 a5[r.(xlu-g o:FJ<-Ft lco l"'j 1.r@ 6no lhtr 5p.h c€ relc.tr'uqq ''xrt\f ' ?le'<* c\AYiFi - -Tern L.Part0n 1l\o$+ 'rcotd ?(zBtq]" co--tif Development rhn nout?g Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Larty Pardee, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:Community Development Date Routed:tffifu A=4 7 Return By: vL/ ProjectName:Flannery Proiect Address:186 Forest Road Project Legal:Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing Project Description:New primary secondary Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions l. Please put all of your drawings of your site plan AS-l on the topography survey. The contours on your plan do not match the contours on the tooogranhv survev. 2. Pleasc put your landscape plan on a copy ofthe topography survey also. On your landscape plan you show different retaining walls and different spot elevations than you do on your site plan ? 4. The first I 0' of driveway can only be at 8 Yo, than you can go to the max. of l2Vo and no morc. 5. Retaining walls you show all of the top of walls elevations but not all the bottom of walls. Plcasc show all the elevations for the bottom of walls. 6. Please have your 18" driveway culvert drain east into the I 8' ' street culvert. 7. Please show all y"gid"TilJF"? for the driveway./ :r S,apsraar (or\ ain -ll '5 /h€€tstl)qr5. walls with proposed contours, just like you did 8. Please submit a Title Report. zf' G€dqeof road andarltre s+rina a(atr\toKei tq laca\ed cr\ lpdc6rte pran&-l . ?ter*ec&L $rrl'le{ VreVU^te -Aboshc{.^f trr'rntet at lhe Ao( th W€.11 coc (so{ +fE, pcoper f.l. to- Yu are *yrr,lr"! a L1' tr\ll relrrrrUrfq L"rc\\ I .Jhe rvra*icn,rn herclfrt a\\oc,€d t?r funq.^xr115 t5 t t. *ro- b on en neart dcsrii$\ & :rc^rsg Fcc a Ser.t'AO yereA$A\\, or f(Ab\qll.' ngt)4W Stetnq 1ooc..,\tc, Qb.s oC S.;fcst.ir (r\cr\4.f d€X\i\ 9rr nere<Iusi\\6- lZ- 5ha{D }cfahar gtiSh nn CetOr.Urf{,-zarf \oao'.h(-,(\ B- t"e } bD b$.\ a€ l^sff CfOfo* tc^rrS Clearlq qrcrle q;ff}her }-her uralt ur'rtl kJe pJz, *me.d or clanno U sl-.rj .^r,th the Tl tooJ-9 GX€ \ouve5hl[1ot gxr-tq6 &nF arelauerh.iqht rrr l-rre front #r,a{y . (to'og. pf,Deer\ \! 3t. l5 tl'€ryaY rlei4hh d.PtectesFzcrl.{ v,l er<,loh&,rrs &r.,sa\\trnthz. Fnoc.r5e}ba.rt*.. :;::r3il"ffi^ljl* Larry Panlee 7/7/97 Te"., u.(tn(,r- Date received: 1tn '141 ' Date reviewed: co --try Deverop ment r,"rffiJl" -m6\E <T Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works' Larry Pardee, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Return To:Community Dwelopment Date Routed:June 6,1997 Retum By:June 18. 1997 Project Name:Flannery Project Address:l86 Forest Raod Project Legal:Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Vitlage lst Filing Project Description:New primary secondary Approved { Oenied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions a\e€roc the eAqa c* rocrr\ g dn,rewal c€nn er}|on - ah loors \rr.G \(}.) ore qlcodongg:1lto i5h\c* r@f.0 - (el"r:ot'-rs o€ lyg, g1r5trn91 cooc\ canrpt be chqYqd . {o.r 6adrn9. trr ht dcroewot{ ey<ped s 2: I on ttre Eor.rrhside. A\5o lha €:.Arshnc\ c6nto(r5 - (ro <1.obs t\.a,yop oF kt\@ drioe krrd ttra pc.eo'<A cm!q)r'3 ) - ffrel dorrl'rv ofe Se|rql( 'lr itl" 5ho{^) a$6rfe g,roclngr - |^nafiry'Bff. gr6de. atlou}ed rs Z ( Lo-resrfal) : 1 C "eartr cof l -esPerratt9 fur 6)rr Ue,^:a1 %de e*c-ag)j hra .naK\nrp n 4 \Z'/o - al tZ-T, Pte6\a- ooJ r clo top ard bot\,cfnoG i,:cr\\ e\cr6&n3 frr a vJous (4tl eri:rs, qtso)-!h lcors \.Kre1Q t<\a\b\O$€, 5o,'^e, d[:4f t\oig$t *lSrf6'..r \tc trOrt geF\tOC.\. - 5r i o'. ig rhe m(}.F h€-iqh\- ctjs-a\\ . <ea:t&. k)vr tcL{- Orog|r*A 4 cotltoL\a 4+ lho iol c* tte drr'rz 'to Aidrt" ru le5s Ci rn I 11 t ry?rrn /'oP ft-r, drl '\Q5 \5 faaot (a\ s1f;6t fE Artrre Crcn.l trlar,h d r cecl-ior'' I t-T r fiore6k gtX^d. 6rry€.or ()LLa95 t5 (wr D41i\fr At tltr1- f-rnr e - ,ttre houfC witl rtezd \o@ igcrrY\eE . r,,.:a\\s oJg 4'mcqh b3 dg,,crced rfnd A\t ccc,Lr.cs\\s ( nar - srruc.l"orod) 4. o. \es9 ry\5k be icud \co,cK ctr- i . | / atd shor.r-''o on l|.a fll€ T(rt V. rAr\il/1 , LL\-r.i @AeA f€vro.seC cl Icre i4l p31. received: (zo') . .r ll^Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. ,llat 281 BBTDGE STBEET . VA|L, COLORADO 81657 ff v' lL .-t June 20, 1997 Town ofVail Community Development Re: Building Approval Lot 9, Block 7 Vail Village, First Filing Dear Tammy, I understand from Mike Flanney you are requesting the following items which items are enclosed: 1. Schedule B-2 Exceptions item 10, the plat of Vail Village First Filing recorded August 1962 regarding utilitie easement. 2. Stamped, Existing Topography Lot 9, Block 7,Yail Village First Filing from Johnson, Kunkel and Associates dated Ar,rgust 19, 1996. After your review of the enclosed I would appreciate their retum for my file, just give me a call and I will come pick them up. Thank you very much. Best Reeards \,/"NN' Mark Cadmus REAL ESTATE (970) 476-1450 . DENVER TOLL FREE 893-31 01 RESERVATTONS 1-800-222-VA|L . FAX (970) 476-3188 Order Nurnber: 9s0r2334 SCHEDULE B Section 2 EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be isstted will contain exceptions to the folloving w ess the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or clainu of parties in possession, not shotvtt by the public records. 2. Easentents, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. - 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts whicha correct sum'ey and inspection of the premises v;ould disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or mateial heretofore or hereafier furnished, imposed by latv and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, enatmbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appeaing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the $fective date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mongage thereon covered by this commitment. 6. [Jnpatented mining claims; reserya ons or exceptiotls in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water ights, claims or title to water. 7. A.Dy and aIJ unpaid taxes and assesslxeat,s and any uaredeemed tax sales. 8. The effect of incLusions in azy greneral or speeific water conserwancy, flte protecEion, soiT conservaBLon or ocher district or inclusion in aDy waEer serwice or scteet improvefietr C area. 9. Terms, conditions, reserwaEions, teserictjons and obTigations as conEained in ch.e proeecEive covenaDcs for vaiT viTTage Flrse FiTing, tecorded August 70' 7962 in Book 774 ac Page 779 as Recepcion Na. 9638I and Notlce' recorded ApriT 10, 7987 in Eook 327 aE Page 423 as Recep|lon No. 277797' whieh do aoE eoatain a forfelEure or reverter c-Lause. 70. Easell.errts, tesEricELons and rights-of-ways as shown oa the pTaC of, VaLT VlTTage FirsE FiTing, recorded August 8' 7962 as Recepcjo[ No. 96382, I 7I. Terms, eondiEions, reseryatioas, resCr.ictions and obligations as coalaiaed in .E:as e-!oel] C Agree-Eelt by and be|"reed Ber,3ard ,sa.aruefs and .feanajne Samue.Ls gtaDEors a::d .7oh: A. Harth,ig, graaEee, recorded ApriT 22, 7987 ia Book 327 aE Page 986 as Recepeion No. 2783 54 . Book 321 Page 9d6' Recorded at 10: OOA .M. 54 Hecorder: Johnnei,te *liiiil.:i:'."#; $6' .opd EASEHENT.CGPEEMENT :L rl:),. Thi:.^Easenent Agreement, entered into rhis 17, erv ot :-__:_-_:, 193!. between gernard sanr?ls and ,teannir?-sanlef s ( "Grantcrs'r) ar:d John A. Hart.rig ( "Grantee,,) . t{HlRE.,\S, c!:antors own certain reaL property ( "Proper!:y") tocated in Eagie C"r.r"ii,-i.foruco C"oi9n.r.:ea as ParceL l cn Exhtbi._ .\ attached ler.to ane-Crantee own:i ce:-ta:n real proper:y localed in Eagle Countlr, -Cofo.uO. desiqnated as Pa:cel 2 on Exhj-bj.t A atcacied nereC6; =nJ- a93REAS, crantee has constructed, a :e:3 j !ring ,aLl on hi.s property lrhich encroaches onto crantors property rs shcwn on :hc sketch aitached hereto as Exhibil: g; and WliER5AS. crantee k'ouLd 1j lie !o ma j.:rlarin s._:ch retaining vraIl and crantors are willinq to fet trim-Cf s,> pro,,,iae., !he s.me does i:ot interfei.e wi:l.r Granicrr, ur"l un]Jy*.n: una narke:abiLt!v of --iF_le ot lheir prop.iti."'- ,r"OI,l fHER9pORE, in const.lera!ion c: S:C.00 a:rjl cLhe:qcod aild valuabfe ccns:.je.Jaiio., .-h;-;;;;ip: arct s,rf :-:.ciency c:whjch is hereb_"- aclnch.:edqcd, Crunt"rs-a.-iiereby qran: :o cranLee, his s;uccessors an,j assisns, for-inei. u""-urj Jiioy_o"na,an 9asenen: fr)r t_lte existencc ()f the re t:.t ixrnq wall in i,:s present locai ion ;rs s!ir'" i. =u."., ;;;;,;;,''.j:;1, :: .?:i t?::",?":;;' ;;?.l lli;_:; i";i.j;":]Te aitsr qivinq fcu: :cn:hs pli,tr "r.:.irrun norice ro Granree or hrs !!Lrccessor!i .:r,,1 3ssiqns anc :rrr.,icei f u:l:her :rr..r :"o -earJ=ei., :l:r1...TT"gtarel-,. 1q;niia:e i: :he ;,;;;rl..;;; w.rr.t is re,liove.r. rn ct':€ e'enL Grirn-_ors prerli sq: cheir: :i<rht he,:ein to ."'.^i""i. -il, .. ea::'lmfr.it, C:rrn1-.e{t st;ll Droni)t::.1, r:e,n,t,.,9, ai-, Grdnte,:,5 Sol4 cosi_an'i e:{g.:nse, tll,t: r)oa:icn of llt;} r.l:.: i n1.,,-- 'r.rl I whl.cri encr-L_ac..les on .:;a.r.t:c.j:s' p:-,;nr.il.:,r- IL ,s l:.tr':ha: .:1oreed i"h;:i, 9111;,. l?,_-,n.Ln:lt_ici of lhe eJs rmr'n: !urs.J:rr!: ::> :j e t,.::ns \.rr,.cE, i;a,,nEarrs l.l.ty aecc:d aheir aff iia.,':-: ir ::.!,r ,-,t:ico o:l :!r,: .::1..:rk :,n,t -_:.i".C.r: of iaole Cou'::t, loic,rai,: ;*:F_i.,: l:,,,:tir ii),:- f",if l, ,,-iu,r'r 'is- !^ .,,..;f er,1r,r:':iL)rr a.,a ! )..\ I i: i,.i.r,z!,-_ .t,t,, :te r-,1,,.; ,r;._.'ni ;]r'r,in .i:{),lr'.:...r ':oi.1..,:: ..:., ::.rt-,ro;r: i r ii,,: "r,ri,:i,,_u tre,-.,,., 1t.r_-. .r; .;,f :t+,i,;, STATE uF 2oezs-z.eyA PARTshl €€)cN!g+ A9 jEFFE.ea a/ ,-,r -.2[, l'ti:ness :rv hand and of f icial seal . t::; commission e:<pires: ol .["o{L STA?E .CIJNTY \Jr ./ !1 -at .-, t,- t .'.1 ":' Th e f o,:Jc o i;rc ihis / ' .jay cf L,. -. I i{i lnegs 'llv hand and i'1y g6inrni 5s;-5r e:tpires; ..,- rr{L. The-fore(toinq instrunrent was acknowled<1ed before me ;:i:"ii:ttt or fl{lo '.i.'; ' 1981 bv Bernard samueis ana .:eannine ins trurnent i.ras , 19 3I by ofEici.al acknowledged before me ,lohn A. iia:iwig. EXAIBTT A ParceL L Parcel 2 Lot llP of the Resubdivision of Lot vail Village Firs! Filing accordin_o plat theFeof, recorded in Book 279 Ealr I e Countyr Colorado. Il, Block 7, Eo the recorded at Paoe l0 0. Lot 9, .Bl.ock 7, VaiMltage First Fllinq,Eagle Coun t.y, Colorado r.'1 Qev theQ EXHIAIT B o ^t()r4ilA R L $ou, , 16l ' r,,: 'ji' f/raBtp,. J c*P:05 €rgr:'\ zt&3 L."l 7 '6*|^,^rr an L.-l- tl-O Wtuu ib.^,o R=B*a' * C+p 'i1'(i{qg5 ?3nJ'(-'L5 2t63 -:6,ao_l.)- Eooi)ll ,\"+ + ScALE _ v -t-\(t ..l/ -l I 1', ?,r\n^.rc€1 {ii"-,-. Ao. 4 tt6o* t,rttAl-o_ HABITAT ARCHITECTURE 741 05 Mockingbird Trail Indian Wells, Ca. 92210 760.568.3670 801.272.9065 June 20,1997 Tammie Williamson Town Planner Dear Tammie: In response t0 lhe commenls on the Mike Flannery residence. From the June 18 letter: General Submittal Requirements: 1. Letters and proper list have been submitted. 2, Mark Cadimus, Mr, Flannery's realtor, submitted the stamped survey 0n Friday the 20th 0fiune. Public Works: 'L A stamped, structural section of the walls is attached to the site plan. 2. We are waiting for the application to be faxed to us. As soon as we get the application we will return it. 3. See sheet AS-l 4. As discussed with Tammie, we have decided to keep the ddveway the way it is. 5. See sheet AS-1 6. The garage has been lowered 2'. The contour lines in question are existing. 7. See sheet AS-1. 8. The grade is now 1.l.5% in the center of the driveway. 9. See sheet AS-1. 10. See sheet AS.1. 1 1. See sheet AS-1. 12. As discussed with Tammie, this issue is to be reviewed with the fire department to discuss the need for sprinklers. Planning: 1. Mark Cadimus left this infomation on Filday June 20th. 2. These areas have been revised. 3. The existing retaining walls in the front set back are to remain. 4. This application is enclosed. Aop t1't @ lo.!4\- GlD bhaf e lL4 (e)#s colrT. ToP & BOfiOI' AT4CONT.KEYWAY Wi* OttLY i + t$l t I l. I ,l lL ll RETAINING WALL SCHEDULE '.tt- ,24 o/z 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p ar tne nt of Co nnnun ity Deve lop me nt June 18, 1997 Russell Plat 741 05 Mockingbird Trail lndian Wells, CA.92210 RE: Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Fl!.E CoPy Dear Mr. Plat: The Town of Vail Community Development Department is in receipt of your Design Review_B.oard (oRB) application. After a cirsory reuiet", you have indicated an employee housing unit' (EHU') tf,ir r"qirites a conditional use permit from'the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC.) The stail has developed a schedule to help expedite this process. The tentative schedule is as follows: Conceptual DRB review- Wednesday, June 18' 1997; PEC review of conditional use permit for the Type ll EHU, Monday, July 14, 1997; and Final DRB review- Wednesday, July 15,1997 ln order realize this schedule please observe all deadlines and address all comments thoroughly. All revisions addressing all comments must be submitted by noon, Monday' July 14' 1997' General Submittal Req uarements: 1. please submit stamped, addressed envelopes for notification of adjacent property owners; and 2. Please provide a slamped topographic survey at 10" scale. Public Works: 1. All walls 4' and greater must be stamped by an engineer; 2. A revocable Right-of-way permit must be required for any improvements within the Town of Vail Right-of-WaY; g. please revise the site plan to show a 4'concrele pan with a 2" invert at the edge of asphalt lor lhe ProPosed drivewaY; 4. All vehicles must be able to access the driveway from both directions, with a 20' centerline turning radius, as measured from the cente/ of the garage; {g ru"r""uo r*"* 5. Please revise the survey and clearly deline the edge of road and driveway connection' lt looks like there is grading out into the existing road; 6. Grading for the c|riveway exceeds 2:1 on the south side. The existing co'||.tgY15 11-.6^0^^., cross the top of tre drive (and the proposed contours) do not coincide with the proposed grading; 7.P|easerevisesitep|antoshowa||Sitegrading..ThegradingstandardfortheTownof Vait is 2:1. preasJpiy Jpeciat artentioi to gtiOing aisociateO with rock walls and patios; S.Thedrivewaygradeexceedsthemaximumo|l2l",gradesareshowna|12.2"/"i 9'P|easeprovidetopandbottomofwa||e|evationsfora||wa||sandtiers.Nowa||scan exceed 3' within tfielroni setnack without a variance from PEC; 10. Please show an 18" culvert under the driveway; ll.Pleaselevisethesiteplantoshowtheproposed.contourltth^?loPofthedriveto determinetn"o..iue*aygradeintothegarage.ThegradeforthedrivecanbeSToor|ess ior a minimum ot f O'i6qitireO trom tne eOge ol the existing roadway; and 12. The Fire Department cannot access the structure as proposed' The structure must be sprinkled. Planning: 1. Please provide more detailed information on the lerms, conditions' reservations' restriclions ano ooligations of the easemenl agreement' ltem #1 0 of Schedule B of the title report; 2.Theproposedstructureexceedstoa||owab|ebuildingheightafewplaces,pleasesee enclosed for sPecific areas; 3. There are several retaining walls within the lront setback. will these walls remain? lf these watts "r" r".ou"O, iou mutt comply with the standard that all walls within the front setback may be at a maximum height of 3' and 4. please submit a signed, Planning and Environmental Commission application as soon as Possible. lf you have any questions about the comments outlined in this letter or scheduling please contact me at (970) 479-2142' Sincerely, ,/ t fr'da.--- f/ /Uut***t*- Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Terri Partch Dirk Mason 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development November 21,1996 Guy Dreier 7 4-1 05 Mockingbird Trail Indian Wells, California 92210 RE: The proposed single family residence with a Type II Employcc Housing Unit (EHU), located at 186 Forcst Road/Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Villagc I st Filing Dear Mr. Dreier: The Town of Vail Community Devclopment Dcpartment in conjunction with Public Works and Fire Dcpartmcnts have reviewcd your application for a new single family and Type ll EHU. submittcd on bchalf of Mikc Flanncry. This proposcd developrnent does not meet many of the Town's requirements and thcrefore, needs to be rcvised. Below is a list of comrncnts and rcquirements that must be addressed with your subsequent submittal and revisions. Duc to the number of comments and the lack of required submittal information, this request will bc tabled from the December 9, 1996 Planning and Environmental Cornmission (PEC) meeting date. General Submittal Requirements: l. Pleasc complete the enclosed utility sign-off form. tl,z' Please complete the list of materials sheet by providing all the colors to be used. Color and material samples will necd to be provided at the Dcsign Rcview Board (DRB) meeting. t GeneralComments: r-r^^pp^ aLli.', V Pleasc provide the topographic survey at the same scale as the site plan and roof plan or vtsc v€rsa. U Please provide a note on the sitc plan regarding thc re-establishmcnt ofthe existing ditch - linc after completion of construction. This should also be indicated with the contour lines on the site plan. {,9 u"'"uo'*" c 5. 6. 6-)\J All walls over 4'in height must be stamped by a registered engineer. The maximum wall hcight, for walls located in the front setback, is 3'. All other walls, outside the front setback, have a maximum height of 6'. If a deviation from these wall height maximums is rcquired, a variance application will need to be submitted. Walls stamped by an engineer must be indicated on the plan with the appropriate layback. AII grading shall be less than 2:l (50%).or the ground must be left undisturbed. Plcase correct the discrepancy of the garage elevation. Page A- I indicates the finished garage elevation at 8,257' and page A-2 indicates the clevation at8,252'. A sprinkler and monitoring system is required by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), Article | 0, because the Fire Department would be unable to gain access to all exterior portions of the structure from within 150', For more information on this requirement, please contact Jeff Atencio at (97 0)-47 9 -2462. ,y' Plcase indicate on the elcvation drawings and on a separate lighting plan, locations and - types of all light fixtures. Please indicate on the lighting specif,rcations the size of the bulb, or translucentglass and the amount of initial lumens the light emits. According to Sectionft-A.S+.0+flp of tne Town of Vail Municipal Code, the lighting requirements are as follow: Source lumens < 125 Luminous area Luminous area is defined as the maximum light emitting area of a light source measwed in square inches. For example, if the light fxture is clear glass, or strictly a light bulb, measure the area of the light bulb. lf translucent glass is used in the light fixture, measure the area of the glass surface. Source lumens are defined as the total initial lumens of thc light source. A Revocable Right-of-way permit will bc required for any improvcments in the Town of Vail Right-of-Way. Zoning Analysis: \).-'' Thc primary dwelling unit, is currently over the maximum allowcd Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) by 954 sq. ft. A portion of this GRFA is a result of the garage design. As proposed, the garage is 1,261 sq. ft, and the allowable credit is 900 sq. ft. (600 sq. ft. for the primary and 300 sq. ft. for the EHU), Thc excess square footage (361 sq. ft.) is counted as GRFA. You have requested to use an additional 500 sq. ft. of GRFA for the EHU. Should you choose no to use the cntire 500 sq. ft. you cannot transfer any portion to the primary unit. \2--- Clearly indicate on the floor plans the areas which are open to below. In particular, the area on the third floor adjacent to the TV and Fireplace. This may also reduce thc GRFA calculation. V-. The site coverage allowed is2,725 sq. ft., which is a maximum of l1Vo of the site area. The current proposal indicates the site coverage as 3,995 sq. ft. Site coverage includes any cantilevered building area and roofoverhangs greater than 4' from the structure. The maximum building height allowed is 33'. The proposcd plans indicate two areas greater than 33'. These include the T.O. Slope at 8,321.5 and the T,O. Beam at 8.315.9. As proposed the highest building point is 36.9'. Site Plan: U<' Please provide a north directional arrow. 'W, Please delineate the edge of the road on the site plan. V Spot elevations provided on the survey should also be indicated on the sitc plan. W The existing contours on the site plan and the roofplan need to match the contours ofthe survey. \y Please differentiate between the existing and proposed contours. 6--- Plcase provide top and bottom elevations of all walls. including rock walls. These elevations shall be provided at both ends and the middle of the walls at a minimum. ^/'t Please provide elevations of the water feature. No water will be allowed to drain into the Right-of-Way without proper engineering. { Please provide the contour elevations on both sides ofthe site and roofplan. Q .r,z Y ou indicate on the plan a I 5' setback from the west property line . However, it actually - measures l2'pertheplan. Pleaseadjustthebuildingappropriatelytoreflectthe l5' setback, as rcquired by the Primary/Secondary Zone District. You cannot propose any building in the setback without a variance from the PEC. Please indicate the proposed drainage ofthe site. Please provide more detailed information on the terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations of the easement agreement, item #10 of Schedule B on the Title Report. Jd @ Roof Plan: l. Please run the existing and proposed contours through the building, to more accurately determine building height. 2. Please remove the shaded grid pattem, in order to easily see the proposed and existing grades. We must see the existing grade beneath the proposed ridges to determine height. Driveway Access: l. As proposed, the driveway exceeds 12% in several sections. Please regrade the driveway to not exceed l2o%. \?/ Thc driveway needs to be a minimum of l2' widc. 3. Please indicate, on the site plan. the driveable surface to more accurately calculate the driveway area. 4. All vehicles must be able to access the driveway from both directions, with a 20' centerline turning radius. 5. The allowable driveway area, on a 40% sloped site, is 10% of the site area, or 1,817 sq. ft. for this particular site. As proposed, the driveway arca is 1,822 sq. ft. Please reduce this area, or clearly indicate on the site plan the proposed driveway, This calculation did not include the driveway area below the cantilevered portion of the structure. {o A 4'concrete pan with a 2" invert is required at the edge ofthe road to control the drainage from the driveway. Please indicate this on the site plan. / Please include a note on the plans to keep the driveway heating elements back 4'from the cdge ofthe road, These comments are based on the plans and materials submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department on November I I, 1996. The above list incorporates comments from the Community Development,, Public Works and Fire Departrnents. Revised plans will also requirc rcview by the staff. Please adhere to the enclosed submittal deadlines to allow for sufficient review time. Please feel free to contact me for clarification of any of the issues raised herein. We cannot schedule your project for review by the PEC or DRB, until all of the above comments have been addressed and you have submitied revised plans according to the enclosed submittal deadlines. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (970) 479- 2150. Sincerely, Dirk D. Mason Town Planner DDlWjr cc: JeffAtencio, Fire Inspector Terri Partch, Town Engineer Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development Mike Flannery nry u./ F/on*q- O -- , 6 uc€ Pazrt,r a4/ ,44-il d€Fl 44. E^/,,u^.* ' (--. J. s*7 ? 4^*P ro^n5.^g ---,-^*i3 -tA> .'k AAq^, I l l I I I l 4?.' rplea-*. .1 c,t --/4c"4, .t19,/s*,Q.- 7?2.r,_e 6r'"{ ru. .ry'.*t+ 4<4t.' ,4o*' Fr- 4r'? .e*<gn2 /-i/r-'-ut snI*, /- . or/.t - /r'.t.1as y' ,4/4^,V ftsfu^fu 4* 4-4,Nr/L /; ?-a---r+, - '4- .- a/"r*rrr '*-"*., ct'1ai! ./e .4f"r*r'.,* (b*. - U*aJ -.f"4 l"lt" o o @ 4/ /a. 244- o4' 7oy'r. , /4Z/- asy'4r-.4 +?.' --./ .r4* ,fiarzr-, : t/1 /-75 ?./.-sHJa^, -./zr ,. .44 ,4-4*;. '> eF"""A'U '. .{-7227. -_J+;-# -r {&/ dt4 !"9 ;ba# 4a5..--, #/ ,4- fr-/*t4 J^* tVf a59'cQ 6tLrtl 44 -rr. r1, C , f'odbx /tt.r- a O o 6r" : L//r.,-@< a*J &P4 .4..'J- /4&,*",/o/ o//.* "1 .qt/u. s tr^b ,€'.*4 c aa Lc. / ,h/"/J a-/ fi./ i--/FJ- ryr4 l'Z_ fr*- /-, Co.a u(e &*+ ' ea /t* Lr^J,s % ane./y* z-F /- ar{fi Zn,/t-re..F= 7?r. t -': -'o-- & J.{n : /.1* ftr|-u 6tr oFp U,^ '.# *'/-'{ Ze.hT olo..*-l U4 e-( (r.'-4t'J.- I t-*4t''rrr--'< z*l 6-e e.. ,.,.r€' !tr'c v\ €( t-t1 **/.^"1- 4'J$' ,L{r}. d. t. "a MI 4a.2- lla a,ory/--'-.- /- f- /- s f. 4 /'z t <\ c.e, --./ .n<^1p../>t ,-,/ y'./ {-- / 4nn 77"t-5, o o ln:,///a rttead- " 4";o/ /44 .,r./.r'/r'/.va,--* ?*t * a-asfr)o o o 7s */ ."Qr" Zag. 4kt/ a, 4*J | 4g/u"G fttu 4-/ -'/ /rr{,/; c-'&( a Z.#/,4,.:,y' 7.;/n tr-L.. - ,Sr.*rt .7*"/ y'nl4' ,4.- /-d '-- o o -*'E'64t. 6t@rt6e4ry PO|JCY OF TITLE INSURANEE ISSt'ED 8Y STEWART TITLB GUANANTY COMPANY .SUB'ECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, TI{E EKCEPTIONS FROM COVBRAGE CONTAINED lN SCIIBDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS. STEWART TITLE CUARANTY COMPANY. I Tct|t aotPonlion, hcrcin crllcd tlre Company, inrurc!, a! of Drle of Policy shown in Sctrcduh A, rjrlnst loc or not crc€cdin8 rh? AmouDt of InsurrnE stued tn Sclredule A, rurrsincd or Incuffcd by thc tn6urEd by rcrron of: | . Titlc tc the crtde or intctrrt dacribrd in Schedulc A bcing vcsted othcr thrn N! !t ?d rhrrcin: 2. Any d?f6t in u llcn or cocumbrence on rhc ritlc: 3. Unnukcroblllry of the ride: 4. L,rck of I righr of eccer to ird from rhe latd. Thc Compeny will rho pry thc corn, attonriys' fces and erparrer incurrrd in dofenrc of thc rirlc, rr irurcd, bur only lo thG cxtcrt prcyided irr thc Condirionr and Stipularlons, lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stcwr( Titlc Ouatrnty Company hiu caurcd this policy lo bG dgncd nrd icrtort by it duly ruthorircd officcrr sr of thc Drrc of Policv rhown hr Schedutc A. s'f EwARI'Tt OT'ARANTY COMPANY TLE Inr t \,tur1 ,|' \til Vitlrqa F;c+r t Chri m cq'lterr I tmd:ffiF Attrl ID ,06{X}r[ EXCLUSIONI FR(IU COYEnAGE JF follg:tn! !'!ttcrl.r: Gxprusty crclud.d tron ttr coycnlc ofthir poliy ind ftr Compny wlll nor pry lo$ orrlrort., co,o.lnomcr/t rcec or Ctpgl'lr vnrcn rdtc b/ ramn of' l^.!ll.llv hr.. $ditranet.or trwcmmsnhl rrluhrl l (lnch'rlint h$t rflrt limltcd hr b|ttldinl rHt.onint trw., ordlnmccr. or rrtulciont)rC|lI[lUE.Eluhuql'p't{libIlnlorEhtltt!ltt(i)lhsrrtut|p&nc''u'c'ortni0ytIEntoflttcllttd:(ii,thcsboncG'.dl'Ei|tonroit ol lllt imPmrc|nct nop-or hll!:ncl rrcctnl on tht land: (lll) s rcpuntiun h uvrcttitD ot r chrus in drc dincruto ur r]!r gf d|g hrd or Ity prrrcl of shlch thc lrnd ir or u r p|n: o? (iv) cnylmnmnhl protccrior. Or thi Cftct sf rly viotrtiOo of thc$ hrr, odinrnEt 9r |ny prllcl or slllct thc lr l '| or u$ r p|n: or (iv) cnvlmnnr rl pro]cctio0. or ltc cftct sf uy yiotrtioo of thda hir, ordhrn[tt lwrnmc|rtd rllulrdo|u.- lr{tpt ttr drt- Grtcril th|t I nrrthe of drr mfonc|tr|| thcFof or ! nothc cif r Adbc{ ibn or :ncuninrae cfultl mtn-lrlolluon or llhlcd viohdon rfftclin! tlr! lrt|d h$ bl3r rccordld in rha publlc rcconlr D.lr ofpolht. {Dl Aay lovcmltrnld Polha tou,rl mt crcludctt by (!) rbov!. rrccDt r0 6c ortmr thrt r trdlcc of th! jrc|Gitc dErcot or r tE.llc o . -{Dl- Any lovcmrrnld Polha tou,rl- mt crcludctt by (!) rbov!. rrccpt r0 lic orrmr rhrr r trdlcc 0f tho ircnir thcrcof or r notho of I oclGEl, llcll ot tncumDrutsl tclulltry ffo|lr I rloldio]l ur rllrlod vlohrlon rffEsint rtt! |[d bu Dsr ncordcd in rh! publtc tEordr rt Ddr (a) craEd, rutlhfld, .*u||!t o] rtEsd ro by rhc inrurud chlimirr: _-]'.DJ-tYl|ollntotl|3col|r.Frt.nottrlonlcd-hthcpublicncodsrlD.ofPoticy,h,lkng*nlottinrutlrtctrlitrni]dmrdi*lorcdin "ryPt-_9 ll:_cgqry-q ty 0rt irEuEd clrlmr prior to lhG drlc tic iorurrd clrh.nibccmc |n inrud un&r rhta Dollsyi [c) tarll0n3 ll! rO Io$ gr d]r[$ tO lhc lnrurd chimrn;' (d) rtochinlor cEttsd rubrrqumr lo DlF of Policy: or . (l). rsrultint in lotrr or drmrga which *ruld not heve hctn ru$eirgl if thc inrucd cliirnrot h , peit vrliE hr ttg rrtrtr or lnr.mr innnk by ilth poli.t. 4. -A||ychln. thich ir! o of fit un|||srton vctli[ inth? tffurcd th9Itnt! o. inr?rrtr inrurtd by thir polhy. by rGr$n of ttr ot fsLrd bulnrptoy. drto l olvslc , or rlrnllrr srcdiron' rllhtr hw'; rhrr ir brElt on:(r) lhc tt|t|af$lo Cffali|tt fi! !'htr os inltlt| injrrat byfiit lolirr bcinr drrnrcd r ftxrd|lt't cdrr.fr|td nr Ftrrrrt.nr r,r ,(r) lhc t.|r|.re{o cfradnl fi! !'ht. os inlr inflrAl bt thir polkry bcins dtlrnql r frrdular co|wrtrns! or lhudulcrU lurh Or .\?-lTgg:qq..Eltt! t|llqfiF q in|r|4l. lnnrrld by thh pollct bclq dcr_nrd r prc'llrrrthl urarfor crepl whcc rlrc prfrr:nrirl Sfg_gJH.lko|]-rhc.tiflll-q !0.imEty llrord rhc tnrrru'mcnr dr rrinfor:-oi(ii) of nicrr $corddor, to r,C|nbrt -6i'ilii6;-G rl No,97{rt - lEttt sft'\ri ,r"4&.6\r{Fnr'!t.'fnf -r r} ',,r, .r ,,.'. ,.4ffiil16ili-i*DJ*imilmf* I. DEFINTNONOI'TTIMS. Ttc following trrmr pftcn urcd in dtis plhy rncrn: a. (r) "inrurud": the imurd mnrcd in Schedlle A. rnd, rublrt to any rightr or drfcnsu tha Comnny nould hve hrd rgrirut drc rnmcd imurcJ. tlhlrc n ho eucced to the intrru*t of tho ruuud iuured by opntion of lew u dirtirrguidcd from purclnec inclrdiq. hrt nc tbird F, hoiro, dirtriburcs. dcyisccr, survivora, ltgrtrttd rcIrcrgrnrivca, ncrt ofhln, or corponc or fiducirsy rucccrro r. O) "lnrurcd clrinu ": rn hrurtrl ctrhling lo$ or dtnnjc (c) 'lq.)wlalSo' rrr 'trrrwrr': rcturl lxrwlaljc, r(rl conttfuclivG h0owle0gr or nolisr vhich mry bc impurcd ro rn inrwrd by t!|roo of thc public rcconlr u dcfinal in &h F liey or my rrttcr rGcordr vhkh imprrr corl;rnrctivr notlcc at mmcra rlfcctinj r hnd. (d) 'hnd': lhc lrnd &tcrihGd or rcFrr:d to h SclEduls A. .'|rl impruvarEfis rffircd d|rrcro $ ch by hw conrtlrutr rttl proprrry. Tlr.ctm'bff|" dost $ot iraludc trly pruJrcrty hyrrml drc lirrcr uf re rrcr dcrcribdl or Etbrrcd 6 h Sclcdub A, nor rny righq ridc, il|lcrctt, rf,rrlc {n r|rcmcnt h rbr|Hnt rtncti. roedl. ryauu:r, rllsyr, hnrl. srys Dr elbwtyt, but tothlnl h9|tln rhll nFdift or liml thc GrtGnt lo vhbh | 9 of rcccrr to ind fiurn th: l|td is iDrurcd by rtir policy, (a) inor33r8r': rmutgrge, rlecd of lrurr, rru6t rEctl, or uhcl locurig inratrumrDt. (D 'nshlic rtcordt'' rrcDrdr srtrblirtcd urd.r rHlr fi:nutGr f,t ttrtc ofPolby br the purpuro of imprning coutrucdvc Ntict ol utrttllt rrl|ti|l8 le rltl ptuprrly lrr prrch r$1.! fur vrh|c rul withnut kmwledlc. WltI rctp?ctt(' SGcthn I (r) (iv) of thr Erclurirnr, Fmm Coven3r, "frublic r.cord!' shrll rlro hclu& rnviruonrnbl prot!.don lion! lihd in &o Fcordt ot drr slsrl of rh; UniEd Strrcr CLBi.t court for 0|G distrid in ehish rc lrnd is krlarerl. (|) "uDnrttanbllhy of thc li ?': ru rllegal or rpprrrnl n.tt?r rfllctiry $! litlc b tD3 hnrt. not .rchxhd or .rc. .d &oo covrngc, ?hbn sordd o|titk r purclu*r of fir r|t|tc or intGrGtt dclctibcd in Sctcdrdc A b bc nhlcd fron thc obli$tion o purchuc by virhrc sf r (n rrlltrd Botdidon rrquirirE ftc dclivory of marksl|blc ri c. r. CONTUi|uATION OF INSUNANCE ArIEN, CONVEYANCE OF TITIT. Tftc covcrrgc of drir polhy rhell crmdnuc in fortc u of Drlc of Pollcy h frvor sf ur innr:d only so long rr drc inrurcd rr*riu m crtrlc or inlwrrt in tln hd,or holdt urr iulthtcdrrc*r rccurnl by r purshrrc rnurrcy nron3r3e jivcn hy r purctrrcr fron Ste iillltrl, or only lo loug rt lc inturcd rhlll ftrvc lithlll(y lry rcmpn rrf suvstlanl! of rrrnnty nwh by tlr: inrurtrl hr rny rrmfer or comtyrnct of tho es$c or Inarcl, Thir Jnlicy rhrll not continue in forcc in frvot of .ny purch$Gr fiorn tho inarrrd of rllrrr (i) rn crbc or inarcd ir tlu hnd, or (ii) rn indctr:dnerr rrxurcd by . puach ! nronay ntonSrtc llvcn to thc Inrurcd. t. N(rncf, or CLAIIU To 8B Gtv8tr\r EY rNSUmD CL/$M/U{T. T|tG inrund rhrll nodf tbc Corryeny g(grqxly in wklnl (l) ln fllc of $ry litiirtion $ lct brh h Scstior f(r) bchry, (i0 hcrrc hrovlcdfc rhll corm to rn kuurcd hcrcwxlcr ot roy chim of tiflr or in!. rt rhish b rdwrr toftr tidr to lhc rlblt os LIr.!f,|| ii'rxrsd,.nd ehlch nbht cru. loit or drmrgc for which ths Compny mey b: lhbh by vlrnr: of thlr pollcy, ot oii) if h F rhc c$rrr or InFrlrt, rt lmurtC, lr rcjcc*d rr urunrrtcbble, lf prornpt noticc rhrJl rot be givcn b thc ComFtry, thar rr o fu inrurd rll lhbillty of rh: Comprny ddl trImin|tr vith rcgrrdr to rhc mdtcr or mltl.n for which pmmpl nokr ir rcquircd: plgyrddl, lFwovlr, th$ Fllurc 6 noriry dtc Comprry rhrll in m crrc prljurlice {tr righl! of rny inrurcd ur|dcr fih pollcy unl?n thc Conprny rhdl bc piljudiqd by lhc hihn rrd thet only to r cnert of tllc pnjudice. a. DEENSE Al{D IROSECiIflON Or ACTIOI.|S: ITUTY OF INSUREL cIAIM/uiIr TO coorEnA'TE" (r) tlp(m \rrincr req0cFr hy the hfund rnd rutrj.cr ro rhr oprh conbimd in llrction 6 of th!& Condidonr rnd Stbfidont, &a Conrprny, ar itr own col rul w[hout unrcrroruhb r,lclry, rhrll prQvirlc for ic daDn* of m h$rrd It lhifrrion h {blch |[t third Fftt r$adr I clrlm rdvcnt t$ bc tiih or h slt|| || huurnl. but only rr to rhorE r||Erl cu|G| of rctim aucgirE r oaflEt, liar ot cmumbnacc or ollrcr rorthr insured r8rirur by this tnlicy. Ths Comp$y $rll hrvc rho dgm D $hct coDrcl 0f lt! cbb! (arbjtEt b lhr rigr of trc iilurrd ro objoct for nrroorbla ca$c) m rqrcrcm rhc inrurcd $ to fio|c d rd cru|lr of .3don |!d rftdl rrd br lbbh frr rd trlll firt pry thr ftar of uy o0rcr coursrl. Tlr Cornpruy wlll ,l pry ury tUcr, cors or rrprn$r Inflmtl by tfic lilu|ql h tto &filtc ot thorc crwcr of reion whkfi rlbg. nntlrrr not inrund elting by 6ir pohsy, ft) The Conprry rlull hrvc the rilht. rt ib orn cort. b irl'titut! rnd prc3rcun rny rnbn or prccccdiq gr F dq rV oftr st rthh h lt. opfoiion my bc mc!$rry or dcrhrbl? !o ?|rrblirh he thlc lo Ue cstrc or lmrart, $ ltaur.d, or b prcv.Dt gr nducl lorr or drngo !othr h8urld. Tlu Comprny mry ulc rny pgmprirr rction urdrr thr hrnr of thir pollcy, who&rr or Dot fu firll b3 li$lr hcttnlr|rlF, rtd rhrll nd hctoby concde lirbility or wrivc rrry provhion of thir policy. If hr ComFny drrll rxrrcbr is rlha u&r tL pr|3?rgh, it rhru do rr dilitc ly, (c) Wh3nrvEr Oc Corqnry sMll llv! brcuiht $r lction or intsrpral r dcftnrr u rcquind or gcrmlEd by thc ptovblcor ottilr ' . policy, thc Comprny mry plnuc rny liritrtbn to find drcrmindion by r coun sf conFGDr juriCkrbn .|xl crprcraly rcrcrvo {r rlgb, .. ' ln ilr roh dbcrcllor. rtt aFFc|l fmrt ttty tdwmc jedllnGnt or onler.' '. (d)'In rll crxs whcF thir policy Frmiir or rcqulrrr thr Conprny n proi.cu!. or provb for rhc dcfrnrc otry Hbn os proclrt-. it1, fu imutld .hall rccuas m fic Cnm1rDt 0r right to ro pmrcuu or pruvide dc&nrc in ho rcdon or ptooordiq, rad dl r5ry:dr tharcin. .rd pcrmir thc Conrpeny lo urc, rt itr option. thr nsnlG of $c inrurod for drh porporc. Wh:mvct rcqgcrcd by hG ComFey. fic ltnurtd, rt ttc Comprny'r crFnrc, shtll jlvr thc Comprny rll rcarol||bh rll (i) in uy rsthm or proccrdbg, rccutiry ov*llr|, oblr|nhs vincucl, porccutirg or deetdh8 rc |stim or prnclding, or clf:cring rcnlrn:nr, |nd (ii) iF ury otDq btltrl rot wtlctr h tho othbn otb Congrtty r[ry bo Dcc!$rry or &tirbh b rrl|blLh thc rih o rhc c|Erc or i||Er3n |r h|u]!rl. It hc Co@my E pr|Jutilcaal ]t $c hilun ofthr inrmd b turnirh dn rcquirrd caqrndqr. hc Comprry'r oblifuknr qr 6! iruurd o||lhr !|C Folisy eru Efrir.D, imludirU .ny li$illry or oblfnion io dsfcnl, Jnu|rrl|te. or s0 hus my llrlndon. wlh Flttrd !o tht n|[lr or Dlrcn tc$tlttl $En cuopGntkro. fi,mowilEn,spoucy SCH@,IILEA Mcr lle/td''': I'Otatta DatcofPolicy: ,D'tt Zz, ttt6 .e ttoo p.E, Amfrrt dlrswolnce: N z,to|,ooo.oo Pdiq I!b.: o-e?ot-tazt, l, tlane{Iward: rl||mtrulp.FnlrtS. I ct&r orffir L''rt'o Dr*rtrrrtrrt 2. Tlu rrrmn ar lwcrat in thc land*tch is @r9rd W dtir polict jrr rll Em!,1 :. 3. TItIc to ths a/''/,E or incr4't ta ttuw it va'td in: lf.fE[lf t OD'f,,gt t. r g[.$qrrr,r lmtt rr|rrtllEitt a, n.,aut qald co h ilrrs F$ct k dacrlbd u fo{ws: lll lllllcrE t!Cl! Drtcrllitfqt Ordcr Nnnbcr: ,5oUt3l tag t, Dtoc* 7,' u,.tt vtLt^A' FIRAU FrL'/,Wi eoovTr oi llcLt lrllr ot golotlDo SCEEDUUA IEGALDESCNPTION 'a o o ALTAOWNFR'SPOUCY Ordcr Nwnbcr: gsotztta SCHEDAIE D PoliLl No.: o-9ril.!e2$ Ihis liollcy docs uot irlstrrr against lo$s or dar age (a,rd the Compatry will ttu pay crlrtr, at orncls' fues or ryaaa)vhicfi afuc by rqton q: ,. Rdgitr or c[dir'6 ol panics in possesion, no, thown by thc pttbltc rccordt. 2. futarv rfi , or claimt of eosa ne$s , lot slpwn by the ptldilic rccords , 3. Dkotpancics, cotfiiat in bou,et? fincs; shortagc in arca, cncrcaduaeats, ad any facts tdridt a anen wney ail hrpecrion of the prcmisa would discWe ard vhich arc not ilwvn by ttn puOilc rccorii 1, ArV.Aan, or ight to a lien, fur scrviccs, labor or nacrial lnretsorc or hergtc funlsM, ittpwd by lav atd tw thown by thc ptdrlic rcordr. S. Unpatcd mining clalnt;. rccnlatiow or crccp,iorrt in patcnts, or an dct autlnrizing thc hwancc rtcn$;waw ridut, clahb or titlc ,o rvstcr. a. ||rr rad alr rap.rd trx"r .od rarsrar.att m.t saa.d.aad tar r.trf . 7. rlla cffcot cf locrurl'aar la ray grrar.r ot ry).altlo r.tar so'r.Fa! tt tlzo , pretrctto|rr rorr s6,!113.g'.cloa or otrrs drr!8ilot or l[eturi* te ray rrcrr raagjca oa rtaG.! {rurrovlnatg atat. t, to:gt, eE[',dtttoat, to''.wlalo,,',t, t.aac'ldtto!, rad oDlJrrtlatta a, ccatatlcd I!ta. Prorc€ gjv. covlDr|tt, lor lfirlt yrrlata ftrrt ttttrlg, rwordod lugurt lo,7962 td ,oott '7a.t 9rt 179 .. n c.prle! fo. 96!e! td &tta.. !.co$aLat .{p31.3 ,0' rtrl la loot Jrr .t D.Ja az} .. rac.DEtoa eo, zz?rgt. nf,tcb co $|'t eoEt.l! r foatrl tsr! or rcvaatrr clrur.. 9, ,lrt'!!|Ilaa. r..t8lcltoar .r|d stgttr-o G-vaya .. thosa oa ttrr ptr! ot w!, ttltti|lt 'tt c ,tttig. ||.cordrd trture g. t9e2 .r lro.lrttcs tF. 9dtt . \20. fat''. oofadiEl,oat. a...*a|'!on . r:aaatlea!&a tall obtl;gtGlo|la rr soltat8ad,a 'V !|rca|l! Itr.Gatrt !y ud Drlt aa gcsarsd tuualt rnd ,raradar arr[ala trallofl 'rBc .ttrl6 ^, *.ttvtr, 't.nh... rcectd.d ^Dtt, t2, ritl la loot Jrr .c ,{.Ec- ltc ., ',oattEto'| eo. 2Latta. ENDor,'lME{TFonM ll0.l ory. !,95)- - Thlr cndoncmcot b Ddc r pen of tbc pol|cy sd b rubjcc to rll of rhr Enlr rrd psovirhnr ttcrtof ud of rny prlor codorrcorntt tlarcto. Brclpt to thc crlanr crprc$ty *rtrd, tr noirhrc nodificr ray of rb |tnr ud ptovldoor of tbc policy rad uy prior tndoncsnnu, mr do$ lt srFod rho dhctivc drts of &o pollcy ud uy prior qdorrctutt, nor doa it incrtrn tbc frcr emount thercof. ' sitlcd rlldrE 3!d for $c corqmy, but rhir cadmrcmt b to hc vrltd ody ufu lr bcur rn aluorizd couGtl$eu!. E}.IDORIIEMENT ATTAEHED TO AND MADE A PART OF POUCY OF TITI,E INSUMNCE sEnnl NUMSEn O- 9701-1r2rf tssuED By STEWART TITLE GUAN.ANTY COMPANY HEREIN CALLBD THS COMPANY Ordcr No,: 95012!l{ Sdd Folhy b hcfcby u*odcd by rhlcdq puegrrphr r-l STEWART TITLE OU^TANTT COMPANY $8WANT TIIIJ OF IAGI,B COU!{TT. INC. Ar.c lD aO6{XFl , inslurlvr, gl Schrfulc B, Srrirl No. & 9l5l{13! o coNDrn0Ns AND SI|rulIl0NS Coiluld r. ln(x)F or losr ol DAMAGA. h ddirbr lo |[d drcr thc norh$ rtquirrt ontw Swrion 3 of rhqc CorditbF $rl Stigsl$bn hltc bcn pBrvidrd olc Conpuy, r,root oI loor rtae{G dlrd atd twon tl bI oo h$Ed chitmd $rll t0 lumkhcl ro rh| comgcny Bifh oo tr du rh, h&Ed ctdmc dLll !4irln h3 frcD tiviq rir E th lor or rhrr, Thc Fnt ot ls rrr drNUr drll d!q{ib! $r d€frs h, pr ti0n or !rBUnrhnrGE on dE nlc, or orkr m&r imtd {dd f, hb pdb, E}rch aoath&r &. !r.l of ho or dungr ed dnn rtre. qr dr rrttm t}orduc, lfq tuir of crlcuhthE th! ||rFu ot th! lo$ or dhlr. tf rtrc colprny b pojudicd tt 6. fUtE of h h$rd chim f' ltttvriG 0r! rtquitld P|nof ot lt . or drmttc, ft. Cornprny'r obll$inr !o &. irr$rld utdr? Or Fllct ai.[ Emh!f,. iEtrChS Jo| lbury or gubrrirl ht drtbnd. Patt.:culc. rt. r'tn itrur' r t llttlnthr. whh arfml tr thi rt|rrcr or |l|r|tsn n!{irirln! n|cf prrrt of lotr or dtnqc- lnelditi.'n.thriNuGlc|rlN$lmr'ra|a|h|yb.'tt$irgttt'rulNit1DGr$r|ndi!Iu|drtrx|h1r,m'rur!rrrirdrqrnnurtvGof|trca|n'|tvl ltltdltcc fot r.rnimtion, uuFcthf rrd crrpyitu, rl rurh '!rxr.blC linnt td ,,hcct $ mrt br darifnfd bt rrr ru&qriad r!ttusUtlvG of ftr Co4ly, rI ccOr€f, hooh|.dt.o'c[rCb'corEq|o|dcnsGIlnE[nrr[dr.9h!dFrhr'i|ErdrPbcfuroolr||rrD|Eo'Putic',rhi.:hnruubtypcnr|ntrrhlt(}tsorthnlG'Fu'' if r$r*d bt uy r|l|hodrrd rlpl:tsr[livG of th6 Corr$rr. tinnrs! clrimrm rhrll frd ir FrE{rb& in wriiiq, tor rnt uioJird FpnnrDdw of r}E Co@]u io c'"rft, l&r!ct ]d !opy rll ECordr, boott. ht!Gn. slrcckr, EorrrqFnd0m. md rmmonrdr io dr c rsdtr or cOupl of r einl plV. yLhh .oFbly ,TCn F dr lOr ot drnrtr, Atl lrfotmrrbn rhdfnFd u contld hl lry rhc irmnrl clrlmlrr prov&tld b rtt ComFrt Fttr||t[Fthb lItbn rhdf Dr b? dirchfld b otn cIhu.it|thgG[0bh|r|1mcntnftlrCrrrrqrr[',|t|.Ecrrr.r}i$fGrdmh|rtrrdonaffrE|rim.P||hntoftitin$nd9h'tt{bertrnirform Fo&|oa ohr nuo!$lt $$cxaf informitlon or lnd Flmirrlon b rccur! r!.xEruy rrc.rnty hfo|r lcn lom ttird ganb |o rt$rirqt io Ob F'||r|P! $dl r|Bdffir rry li.lilllay ottic Co|t|Fn!' un|3r thb pollct .r b rld 0l$$, f. oHnoNs TO ?At On ofl|lrwt$, SATTLE CrAtMg liERtiOItATrON OF LrArtLtTl. ln c|'r otr ch,fi u,rtar rhh policy, fia Coqany ,tull ftrve th| toltorehf drtiabnd oFirru: (r, To hy or Tnatr fltn|nl cf tha Auobf ot l[u]rs3, Toy.|rE8lt'P|ylUIrt0rf.|r$'d|0liulnmtunrkrtlth;nlicy!|'.ttErwIh|ryc('t|'Jbm''|.'x|{'!rF.,|'$tEd!yh$d!|i.g wata lroorlaad bt dra co||Frrt . {p !o tht tlnr nf liyr|. or rrtd|' of Fy|nrnt ad rhiEh 0r. Eerrgrnt lt oDlt|r$d E Dtt , Upo|| dtr crc.Ehc !t rlrc €orrrp]U of thir opdo$, I lirDiliry ard obtltrdmr b tlr ls$rc{ urdrr rb[ polrcy, oGrlo !o n|l! 6.F usu l.qukd, ddl c'mhf'lmMiqrn,|lrbi|ioortf|i!|rbnhd!f.nd'p'tt|.c.tttt,a'cand0o|[yliiFlkI|.rnd$GFl|?d'dlbG$ttt!ttgttttb|hGco'!Fvfgr6Ec. Ol lo P.t .! Shth Srtll! $tl! hr|b O$.r lt|. tb lrrrd rr Wtb rtr tEGt Ctrbrd. (i)lDFy ot o&Gtrl|G tdtlt witb o&ct Fnh| 6t or ir tlr nrmr of m iroa.d 3||t .r* rV chit[ itu|'td |lrirlt |!drs |!b Dolicy, b$e.r sith |!y coro, . tdorEft feu ld crp:nlr irt'|!d !t tlr! iru[tld clri|not whkh vc'! urtx'rirrrl by tDc CortFnt $p b rha da. of '|y|tn rld rhkh rhs Com9|ot h lt|l|En b . F.y; or . (ii) b Fy ot oftEtrl$ ta& shi ftr inru|ld clrln r lh. hrs or rhrtllr proy6rd br onClr thir polky, old.r elti IV Got& rnrnrtr, ftrt ant Grgro$l inourql by tt! nsttld rhttnrtl whlch wraa nrrtrori:cC $ dr cornprny up c dn dm of plyn:nt rnd rhich tho Complry it oUL !d ro Day, Ut'on dr 3rrsi* b' tit Cot|tr|tt of Gth.r r{ ths oFitt8 pmvldc, for is Frrlnt|t (bxi) or (il), ttc Comprst" oblLrinr ro lb lntna udcr rllr follry f rt: drkd br otdi rc, otb.l||Jt lh! F nanE tlqul.rd ro tG ol|dr. thdl E'|nlmc, I'rhdint y lhDifiv ot oui!|dor 6 icttd, prercg! or rdEr uy t&lfrtea- 7. DEllNMTAllOff, I)IIINT OT |,|AIIUTY AI{D SOIIISTJnANCE. Thlr PolEy h a co trcl of inde niv rh t rsud noi€trry lulr or drmU,a nmlnad or irEurn{ by 0n inrsrst ehtrm rbo h$ ,fnl lot ot Odtg bt B&o of m rn inorrtd |trln|t b, thir tolisy d onl, nt th! ?rtErr lttrlirr rtsrcritrd. (rt Tta [rbllv of 6c Co|!|guy undrr rhlr polbt ahrtl rll uo.rd rltr ltis oft (i) tlF A|||fl ol ln|r|t|rrG tn$d ir gclrdl|lc A: or. (tD lit duE cnLr! hlrttn lhr vrhr ot in Inerrat !|l|b ar inlnd tr lmrtgl rd tt|! vrlur Dt rh! l!|u'td curc or inrru ru!j:!t b ttc rkdL8r, li.0 or ||E||r> fnnc hrtrd l1rhn b thpohy. O)h 6s cYln rllt Amou ot he.nnc! rnd in Scttt(tr !A$th3 lhr! ol Folky h h||im t09rrc.t|t of ttr vdur ot* hrnd dllorbLllnq* ir$ coddrnliua lrU ter tlE lrd, *ltlclrva, b krr' or il rut|.quqnt to tho UrE of ltolist m imprortnm b oncEd oo rhc hod rhlcs ftEnrr| a vrlw ot ftr hn|!t| 'r$rc (|l hxr3d by h|'l 3lt D|rc|m owr lhr Aor'|l|l| ot ln!{nncr r,trtcd In Schr ub A, ftm rhi| |lo|hy h rbio D rb. loltorirl: (i) wblr m rub|iqulBt lnprrrvlnurl l|lr D!.r mdcr rr !o any !|Ithl btr. th ConDm'. *dl cqll Fy t|l. bE D,o tttr tn Ua progrrtkro d tDc ]Doir of in r rr d DrE of Fhllqy bcrr. !| rh. n||rl vrluc of thc ltttrrlld cirtt o? inDnfi |n Dr|c of Eolht; or (iit rlnn r nbrqtir{uot4rc lr$ h:c[ llud€, m tr iry [udiil torr. tlrG ConFht rlull ody pry ttrc [rr pro rr! ln rb pnpeirhn 6at t2O pand of tta Am&t Ot lrlnrnEc lrrcrl in Slndrb A tun b dr. Om gl thr Au|ourt ot lnrur||E rErd in Sciarblr A ]d tb |r|to|n srDlltd tbr $r t[TrfittlEtf.' ,ltr grovbionr of lht! panfn9h al|l|l 0oa rp0l, to coar. rttnnsys' fr|r |[l GrF rr for suah rh ConD V ir tbbL unlff dr0 Flky, rd tt.[ o|!' rwlt b Oal pogbr ot uq loD ?iiE-i Glc4dt In 6r $l[!tr!o, l0 DGrrG ol rh! Atrnur{ of tEutrrrr .ntsd ln tcideh A. , (t) Tlc Compay rlu Pry onb o|on co|a, r[omryr' folr rnd |lrprnrr hEur|td ln n6or*|E! vi& &sdoo a of ttk|3 Cendiwnr rut Sgubnor,r.^FoluotoorT. lf [t bd ducJtbcl h Schqluh A couilr ot tru lrr tlErc FrEdr ?blch r|t tirt $.d.r |.il|b dr. |td r h.t b rsu rd rffi!| oD ormtt ot b f]Edr bal mt ru, lic lort dttll bG cottrPttFC rC $[hd on I pro t|t b|air |t lf tic [no$rt d nttr(uFr urd"r t t polht I|r dl'idnl gm nrr r3 I Or v.bo m Ihr ct iouat et sgi rDaru Frtcl io ll. sfolt, rrslutivr of rny inprovt|nmt E& tuhEquq{ ro E'|ra ot PotFy. urhu a lilttilb| or vfir tr dMf !I$ I!!!O Eaa r b tsh F|!d .lt itc Corryrrrt .td rhr imu'rd rr rhc dm. of thr ir$rrEr of thir policy rd rto bt u rrytlo .ltB[.| or Dy |! cdor:lEnl rfiEbd s ldr Fl&, . (coltlnrrd rd corrhdr.l or bt Fa. d rU. Fht) ( LTA Owltst !ort) t. uMtTATt0f{ otr uABrLltY, (l) lf tltc Conryury otl idEt tlE dth. or rmwcr thc rlhxcrl dcf*t, licn or cncuurbnnrt. or curra dtt hok of I rW of rcclr t, or fmm rtc hrd, or cuEr th!ch|mt{mm,lrnh|rddth,rl|'simlr'|'Gi$'n{y(|llha[|[ft|E'trlnDl0|tthd.ir&|iliq||uihm|drc0[Fhi'tofroylffq[f|| li'a tullt parfonrd ib r{iirtiont ridt rtr]Ecl ta dul rmdcr rrrt rlnll l|ol bt lldrh for rqy lrrt or rlGrlc r.!|!rt dlt]tDy. (b) In lhc ctq|f ol tly lldtrtlor' inclodint tlltf lon tV c Coniy pr virh rt ComFnr'r Eot[drl. rh Cnrprry dr[ hvc ao lhbiliU br Io$ ot druF ud[ tlcrc hrr lrr]r r finrl dcturnlnnlon by r uru of con{r$ furiqliclkh, rul dirpont|on olrll rpnrh ttnrttm;, rdycr.? t(| thc titlo $ innrtt. (3) Tn c'ofiFny *rdl ml D. lbblc hr kn or d]rntc tr jtt i!]|ltrl for lLbltlq roluniuitl rt$nrd It U|. lr|tt.d in :flhg my sldn or rlt *htot|r 6r prbr rrrlltsn cor:m of du Con4rny. 10. AtDUcTlOl{ OF tr{tURANGlr llmrCfloN Oi TEX TNATIO OF HAltLtTy. All tntmrnar !||d.r lhlr frolht, lrccFt ?.yltEf r rr{dr f(|t cortr. tnnntcyr' frlr rnl arnffer. .tdt rrd{ct tl|? ||OUnr of thc innrrrtE! pto nth.rr. LhttuTv iENtrrMUU\IrvE. ll it trDErdy undlEbod thtl thc .rnount of intE! {rd?? ttlr Frlht dutl h .!drK!d b .r rni$d rto Co[rFut rry pry urdcr rry polioy lnatill | mrg3 n' rhich rrrtFll.rn ir utcll i|r Schalulc E or kt whlcl lh€ h|nlrld hm ilnc.rl, ir mrd, or r|lm tjer, gr *hish ir l*nrtw crrcutrrt try nr brrrut rhd rhi* b r clucror|rcnmthc!Nt'tp'it|cEtldcr'|l$dor'!'lmd|ttlt|$gh.th|cA,tnd.tr|m0u[a'pUrhr||hrd.'|uqtrF'[rr$|ttIi'itBb$!do, lr. PAYI'GNI OF LOE8, (r) No pryrw dull b! n h rthcnn pndusirg rib FltG, fu, lrlthntlltmt ol drr Fynrlnt u trt ilc policy hrr tcn lot or &ftlyll h eikb !..r,prFf of lort or dcnru.lhr ddl h: firmirhad ||' ir n rhcd.tll of rlr Conp , . (h)wht4||rb[|t'i4ddrGq['l{'f|oMorr|ri$!.hul'$odGfnin|yf|rcdinrccontrrrrvirnrcrrCondirknrld8tiprlrttom'lhrlorrordmtr5rfr| virhh lll &yr thcnrfrlr r!. lf,,lrocAtt(x uFon TATMTNT ot gEru,aMrNT. (rf Tln Gopoy'r n6lil c'&ho1rfl96, Whr var dlG Comtrw dnll hyr ..nt.d rnl prH I ctrim utdcr tftti trrtiry. rlt 'i!hr of rubm'!|lirn *.lt rG|t in lb| Con .tV ordhc:d by rry rcr of ttr iaord clJmrt Thc co|!'tnv d$l l,3 s|bro||tnl h rd bc Gt*lrhd !o all rllht rnd nmrdhr rhhb thr irr|r!.t Ehinrst lrould hrvc hd {rit|'t nD, Frt[|l o? DtlFrty h tltt'ci to d|G chin ld ch Flist mr tttn horcd. tt nccadtd bt tl|9 comp| v, |. lmrrd chimr rbll E|'|'cr F rb Coq|ry r[ t|l!r .d rcuadiaa {&d ]v Ft|on 0r pmDctt lrct'rly in onkr i0 ptrflcl tbir nt||t of irhrogrtion , Tho Innrnd chinrnt rldl pcmlt lho Comprry o rul, cornponin s rdr b |b nE of iF itrrrd shind rnd b ux hc mnt of tlF int|rd chitr|rlf h lry r ui,rirxl or litiFthn lllrotvl|[ d|3 a rlltltr or !a8rdL..rr Fyrnn |cc(,tll of r shlfi dE nol fully rovir fu los of thc tnond chis||nt, thc CotnDmy dull h n$mrjad b tt|ctc ri o rd rd&r htc .proponhl ryhhh tho ConFny'r lrymonf br|n m thr *hnb rnrunt of tfta lo$..|f|ordruldn$ltfnmt.[yrtott|Ehn|'ci|c|do[nl'$rht!rt|hovo.drrrrgrhr||n.,t'oi'tthkrn||c'.bttlh!cor''Ftv'iBthtrYG.d[ oolt lt|l lan ol |nt lqut lr|Irftd {riBn bt ftr Fllcy rhF} |trll r.ql dF mouni. lf my, lod to rb! co[Duy bt r.raor ot rbc i4u[srt b] ri. lih+rd cLisd of &c Cortary" rybt ol nbrog*icn. Ol fh Cnp'r flur Atrhr Nc.h|lltd Out!,r. Tb coq,mtl tlln 0r $!|o!rdon || rd mr]i|rDrd obligon rhrtlcrhrd dlill irhtdc. yithour limitrbn, rh rttht of &r hf|,ld D i|rh|!rLl sm!d4,rdr Dolicig ot brn ;! or hoidt. mtrithrnndiE $y rrfnu ot co flof codaimd in thoE t$rnrrFrm rhkh !mrih So, atF$thn rbto by rE oa q?i{a polcy.ra. Attrtl^ttol{ unbN' Pnfibllal hy qtdisrth li}, .lfEr ttE Ccarplty or tt|c im|llrl nl.y ddurfl rlhtbr punnm D rhe THr ln$n&t Arusrrigo XrLr or 0E Ancrhrn Attitntbl Arocluim. ftilnblc mrgs 6ry incbd!, bsr $r not timli.d to, rny controvcltt or chim lnts! t corprr ld f lnerd uld{ ogt cf or r111tig o Olr polhv' Jry *wicr ot &. ComFnI In cootrcaion aldt t b.urEr or tic brtrch of r pticy prlytton or oqFr ouf,.tio!. all ltttnDl. m.,hn ?1,.n dr Aosrr oflna|niGritl|.00t'm|orh$f||ltt.lrtimutlthopionof.itt.rdEcqnF[yor0Ehr$ru|.At|gtihb|t[tgr$*i||h.Ano|o'lttd,,|r.buo rtft|.txr''f[dul|hrrrtit'rtdon|'tht|l|itt!dfb'both|h.comP.nyindthimu'qt'Adri..|tiQIF|rnunrbs*.PolbyudUd!rttEt|lh|io|dteroo|D|t th.Ltl|d f.t ltuihdo[ k fid! or. x ttG o0lin 0t ttl| Inarrld. $r krl:| lu Bffblr nb||of pontt rhrlt tr bidlg 1lror 6. Ftdlr. ltrrw]{:ny hddr ilsfiryt' ftGr enlt lf tu hwr of i|g tuc ln drich rtr hnd h locrEd p:nnh r corn E| iurd rtrotr*rr. trr, F r Drlr|lt|t Frry. dlmal upo|l Or artnl rrCrd lry fit Arbitnh(r) m, bG st&rC in my coun hvinE FrtrdiEthn ftlrsrf. Thc he of thr dtu ol $t hra $r[ |Pplt ro rn r$lt di'|| un&r rhc Ti c tnru] tc! Arlrtt rtion nub. A crT'y ot tht lllkr rmy b3 ohnlncd trnm rl|r ComFnt $n(r|r tt$rctl. 15. tlAllUTI LlMtTlD rO TnIt ptoltcyr roLtCV tN r CONTTACT, (r) Ttir pollcy b|rthrr vltb dl sdon ruit, lt |ny, rn3nld hcrlh by rh! Congmy if hs Gndrr i|dDFn!| mt grovnFn of thlr noliut. int Folic,y rbdt lG cotE rd |' r shrL. _ : (b.l Aw slitn of !$ ot tlmr. st|!U|tr or mf b.rd on [dr!c{rca, rrd rvlict rirat our of dtt tnfr ot o|G ttt ro f ]*|5 or icr!|. cor.rd h|tt, c, D, r rrrior dr|{|l rich c|im. tutl bc ruBicrrd h lbtr Fotbt.'(c) Ne rr|ilmd do? ctdo|lqr o thb pollcy srn !r nrd! cr|rf{ bt I w'irns adoncrt t noo or rtnchql IFIIF jgcd Dy Gttl$r d$ ptsHcrq r vlc Ptlr$c . rh. tcnnry. r|t Ard{rnt gac|ln]y , o? vrlihtlrt olfiE!, or ttnfirrd iitrurar] of ilt Coqtrny t6. lFvtnAl|t ttY. l|| lb E d uy Foyldon of ir polkl b hc||r fomlil ot olr|tfolF$lt u hr tFllcrbb lr[. 6. lolby rhru t drmd mr b trrhttr 6|t Plovirbr md dt cttEr pov-hru dull nmh !l ftll fb|E. trd cfftcr. 17. Mtncfs, wtrErE &NT. All mdc.t rquind 10 bc atvcn dr coa|Frt un .||t tnc .rt In eririru qulnrt b br funirlEd ric cor4roy *ru irlulc rhc tIutrr s{ oiFlb, td frl lE rddr*r.d ro tu eorqrry a P.o. &rr 2o2e, Horrrnm. ?'{r Tnrz.roig. 'TEWART TITLE OUATANTYEOMPANY tol&y |td eo t|ct b.tt.Gn ttE iuurd rrd itt Go !.nt. h NOV*IS -.96 16,12 FI?OM. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE vAtL lDr 3o3 478 4s34 PAGE 2 -- U- LOT 9 BLOCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING (186 FOREST ROAD) WITHIN 5OO FEET JACK R. LILIENTTIAL RICHARD '. LILIENTHAL 7OI WATSON LANE 34OI E. FLOYD DRIVE LITTLETON, CO 80123 DENVER. CO EO2IO STEPHEN ADAMS IOOO BROADWAY CO. C/O ADAMS COMMUNICATION IOOO BROADWAY 600 CLIIVELAND ST #760 DENVER, CO 8m0l CLUARWATER, FL 34615 PETER AND JI.'NE KALKUS WILLIAM H. BROWN, JR. VAIL C/O LAMAR CO. RESIDENCE TRUSI' 365 SOTITH S'T, 575 HAYNE ROAD MORRISTOWN, NJ 07960 HILLSBOROUGH. CA 94OIO THE CMD VAIL QPR TRUST R.H. AND JAN RYMER PICKENS c/0 lll s0. TEtoN sT.f6l0 8t1l PRESTON RD. #800 COLO SPRINCS. CO 8O9OI DALLAS. TX FRANCIS A. BEER, TRUSTEE STEVENANDSUZETTE KIRBY I 15 IIAWK LANE 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS tsoULDER. CO 80304 stoux FALLS, SD 57105 KAREN F. CTINNINGIIAM BARRY E. CUNNINGHAM I35O OI.D TALE ROAD 27I ANEMONE DR, BO('LDER, CO 80303 BOULDER, CO EO3O2 DAVII) R. AND JANICg C. MEYER 254 BEAVER DAM LLC 64]3 GRAND VISTA AVE. 6 VILLAGE ROAD clNctNNATt, OH 4.5213 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 T}IE COIISIN.S OF VAIL ROBENA AND WALTER E. HUSSMNN. JR. 2630 FOX HILL DR. NW I SUNSET POINT CANTON. OH 4470E LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 POWNALL REV. TRUST DAVID S. I.IUNT C/0 RICTIARD POWNALL 8235 DOUGLAS #I3OO 267 ROCKLEDGURD. DALLAS. TX 75225 vnrL. co 81657 CIIARLES MCADAM III PAUL RAETI{ER 70(r W. FOREST RD. 9 WEST 57TI{ ST. vArr., (:o 8t657 NEW YORK, NY 10019 NQ,V-ls-96 rO?13 FROM. LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE vAtL lD' 3o3 4?a 4s34 PAGE 3 UV JAMES A, MCCALLUM NEWMAN T. HAI,VORSON. JR. 5413 N. NEW BMUNFELS 35OO LOWELL ST. NW .SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 WASHINGTON, D.C SIGRID HALVORSON FREESE MARIN TIALVORSON IIILLHOUSE 54OO E. ITTH AVE. PI(WY 666 HUMBOLDT ST. DENVER, CO DENVER, CO H.R. AND MARGOT PEROT ED S. AND GLORIA M. HICK.S 3026 S. PADRE ISLAND DR. DALLAS, TX CORPUS CIIRISTI, TX 78415 KFNNETT{ AND JUDY ROBINS HARRY W. BASS, JR. MGT. TRUST 755 LAFAYETTE ST. 8333 DOUCLAS AVE. #I4OO DENVER. CO EO2IE DALLAS, TX ?522.5 . BEATRICE I'APLIN DANIEL BERNARD HEART)II CHERRY IIILLS DR. I9O5O OLD PERKINS ROAD ENCLE}VOOD, CO EOIIO BATON ROUGE, I.A 7O8IO FOREST ROAD'I'RUST G. JOHN KREDIL'I' 5624 EVELYN CT. C/O P. CAPI'I'AL CORP NEW ORLEANS. LA ?0124 ONE LANDMARIi SQ. 9TH FLOOR STAMFORD, CT 0690I J(JI,IANNA T)EWS BETTY AND CLINI'ON JOSEY. .IR. BOX 362 4402 WESTSIDT, DR. vAtr,, co 9t658 DALLAS, TX 7.rt09 TOWN OF VAII. BERNARD AND.SLTSAN MENDTK 75 SO. FRONTACE RD, W. 207 E. TIST ST. VAIL, CO 81657 NEW YORK, NY IOO2I STEVEN AND SUSAN BERKOWITZ PATRICK '. WELSH C/O CCA GALLERY 3 ESSEX RD. 325 W, }IURON ST. f2O8 SUMMIT. NJ O79OI CHICAGO,IL 60610 PETI;R TUFO DAVID W. GRAEBEL FAMIT,Y'TRUST 164 E. TZND ST C/O WISCONSIN VALLEY TRUS'I'CO. NEW YoRK, NY 10021 P.o. Box 209 wAusAU. wt 54401 NOy -r5-9€' lO.13 FROI!' LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID: 3O3 .176 4s;34 PAGE 4 Itv NANCY M. EDWARDS 35 MCKINLEY PLACE OROS POINTE, MI 4E236 JEANNE MCKENZIE BAILEY 4792 MEADOW LANE vAlL. co 81657 ELIZABETH MALLINCKRODT LYNN HAMILTON AND CI{ARLES ALLEN, IR. BOX 1106 6lr oLIvE sT. f1400 ST. LOUIS, MO 6310I ALLYN, WA 98524 NORMAN WAITE, JR, MICHAEL SHANNON 144.5 N. STATE PKIVY #24G 245 FOREST RD. CHICAGO,IL 60610 VAIL, CO 8T657 BMS VAII, LTI'. PARTNERSTIP FLANNERY PROPERTIES 285 BRIDGE.ST. 19330 WINGED FOOT CtR. VAIL, CO 81657 NORTHRIDCE, CA 9T326 VR3 LI.C VERNON TAYLOR,IR. I9OI EVERGREEN RD. 1670 DENVER CLUB BUILDING LOUISVILLE, KY 40223 DENVER. CO THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NoTlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenl4 commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance'uiitn Seition 18'66'060 of the Municip.al.Code of the Town of Vait on d"l-"r-u"i 5, is96, at z:00 F.ll. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss an amendment to the sign code to allow for electronic signs'as a Public lnformation Sign' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc' represented by Joe Macy Planner: Dirk Mason A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a new Special Development District, located atl52landl63lBuffehrCreekRoad/Lots3&4,TheVa||ey,PhaseV. ApPlicant: Jim and Ronna Flaum Pianner: Dominic Mauriello \, A request for a conditional use p_ermit utilizing the 250 ordin.ance, to allow for a Type ll EHU, -I fociibO at 180 Forest Road/Lot'9, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. - Y Applicant: Mike FlannerY Pianner: Dirk Mason A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a Special Development District overlay to ine-nrstria Haus, located iib+z elst Meadow Driv6/ on'part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing' Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Pianner: George Ruther A request lor a major subdivision of Lot P-2, located on Lot P-2, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: P-2 Association, represented by Art Abplanalp Pianner: George Ruther A request to amend the Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan and adopt the Gerald R. Ford Park Management Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Lany Grafel, Pam Brandmeyer, Todd Oppenheimer' George Ruther. ililililt1 The aoplications and information about the proposals are available for public. inspection.during ft;iai;ffiA hours in rne project ptanner's'office located at the Town of vail Community Ddvelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification' TDD tor information. Communitv Development Department Published ir,lovember 22, 1996 in the Vail Trail. Please cafl 479-2114 voice or 479'2356 wt, - RDN TJYRNE &ASSOftATEs REAL ESTATE VAIL, COLORADO E}1 657 s70/47A4g47 IOV.COM[4. DEV, DEP"T October 30. 1996 TOWN OF VAIL Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 To Whonr lt May Concern: I wish to be informed of any and all applications made by Mike Flannery, Flannery Properties and/or any entity involved with them, fbr the redevelopment of Vail Village Filing I, Block 7, Lot 9. The street address is 186 Forest Road. Please send notices of any approvals, hearings, or variances of building applications which are submilted to the Town of Vail. forwarding a copy to Ron Byrne (285 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657) and to Jay Peterson (108 S. Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657). Tlunk you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Rou Byrne RB\bgd 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 George Ruther Town Planner D epartment ol Communiry Development NLEr;rJPY December 13, 1995 Mark Cadmus Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate Inc. 281 Bridge Strcct Vail- Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Dear Mark. I received your lettcr dated December 13. 1995, regarding Lot 9. Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Upon revierv of your letter and the information you provided. your calculations on allowable GRFA appear to be correct. I u,ould like to point out. horvever, that the 500 square feet you proposed for the Type II Employee Housing Unit are only available subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. The 500 square feet (trro-250's) are not available if you do not construct the employee housing unit, or if you demolish and rebuild the existing rcsidence. I hope this lctter is of help to you. If 1'ou have any questions or concerns, pleasc give me a call. You can reach me most easily at 479-2138, Sincerely, b*-("*l'''-a xc:file {g,'*,*,, -+rat. =tnl -) | \y o o z a {7 F () {6 z T -lm r-l7 3l=Hl= z o -l m I o o ! {o @ m TT IrE I lm: t 13s i tld g l=e i x=.6{3$ag SE fi9 I !m t i DE! ilPE iEE trz F!"t- t!! 8P cc z=Q@ 22 6o 2 o m IF t< lu) t. :o xal \O!m I { J o @ m x m t { o z (-o @ (n -l m 1o Ifi :i- t-o @ z 3 IT F' €FI lll F l{ H q III 1 o =z o .ll F T Itl p z o E r€ 12 le lo lz P 1t E : z € llI r-l H i o {z o 1l F t m F)z 9 I \o 5 \o I 5' (.Ir z =m n €H N 3 t- m It t 6 c F U) F F e { H F !I o\ I \o u)ia giles iIEle EEEii i3F iF 9 Ja !.3 lseS'1 E ugaE iE+:i s+iii q i;FI -$*tE I et z -{c t D .tl -ll o , ==o m |-.ll z o -{I m o -2 m ! @ t I z o I =o z -!m , =-.1 a,z m m o m ,o l<" lz 12 t<It lr- l(,t-t t'to tq I I I F l I _l 9d m m -m llr m ill il- ll", O ilF ll" tl tl lm tx t;IF |!, t- I I t- I l_ t;lo tz I' I' z a) F I z -t m -t a 6 7 z m a P l-t- tlt !! { =I z n m ! F |n (r, €m t-tr z ={(/> D I =I =z z -{ at z m { --{m a { o z { z t- m ! n x x -l !ln o a ! F)!'tl t- 6 z iFEE )->1r :fr ag r! e2 {3: e e nz.2 'J 'oo o 'nz z {I -i'-lN@=lSm=Itrr--lr lE<l3 I g,6 l,^J z z o F o _c |-I z o z o -t m CA =2 o 0 =z U', o t 0 -l m =l 3l ol 3i gl -l I I I I I I el ill I I I I I FI z ct) t- H N F t! Cl 11.d rtl \o @ \o -t o |- !m -3 -{.Tl m m tn c (t, ln x o -m ? !o I'l E a { E'm g,o z !m s E o !I u m o ,m -l 6 z .ll m m =m o T 2 6 F !r =g z o m m a 7 - !r z o -m o t E F 9 z o !m 2 3 -{ !m - =-l .'l m m (t, VALUATION !m -- -{ z o H Fl >F I m o I I ct !-C -o -o m t-m o 3 o - E F I 2 o u) o o o q) g (Jl ul CBffisaa W PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ !:\' " \'\ DATE .-\ \_ .'. JOB NAME t PE tNs CTION TOWN OF I REOUEST" VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rHUR (-ffi"PM .,r=.i\ .i\ CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FRAMING |- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT trl tr SUPPLY AIR n $.r,"nr-tr FINAL Appnoveo-:a;-,{' tr DrsAppRovED tr RErNspEcroN REouTRED D^rE /;- 9* i'? rNSpEcroB. pffis,oP 75 soulh fronlage road vall, coloredo 81657 (303) 476.7000 ottlcc of communlly developmenl October 3L, 1988 Mr. Albert Fellinger Suite 706 19 South LaSaIle Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Re: Lot 9, Block 7, VaJ-l vilJ.age lst Filing Dear Mr. Fellinger: According to our records, the above property contains l_grL7L square feet and is zoned Prinary/Secondary Residential. Using 18r17L as the size of the property, the total gross residential floor area allowed for the two units would be 4,067 square feet. The secondary unit may not contain more than 408 of the allowable gross residential floor area. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely, ,.? //"., .f /-/ ,\-)c-t,) 1 .1", Betsy Rosolack J"-l Planning Technician Project Applicatlon ,)i,. ,' ..g^1" l.;."J ; Prolect Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: - Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Et6tatt Approval {r'FT U/rr-l \ &w\ u;\ $'t1-" ls+TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8a657 970-479 -2L38 DEPARTMEI{T OF EOMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITIJE: FI,ANNERY NEW P/S NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT PermiL 1.86 FOREST RD 1-86 FOREST RD 210r--07r_-r-5-006 PR,f97-0091 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 09/08/t997 Issued. . . : IL/28/1-997 E>qpires. . : 05/27 /]-998 Phone: 760-365-859L PALMS HWY, #201, YUCCA V^A.L Phone: 750-365-8691_ PALMS HWY, #201, YUCCA VAL APPLICANT ilob Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..: Project No.: MICHAEI-, FI,ANNERY c/o SToKER coNsTRUerroN rNc, 57370 29 CONTRACTOR MICHAEL FI,ANNERY c/o SToKER CONSTRUCTTON INC, 57370 29 OWNER FIJ.ANNERY PROPERTIES L6230 FILBERT ST, SYLMAR CA 91-342 Building-----> 5,135.00 PIan Ch€ck- - - > 3 t337.75 Inves[igation> .00 Will call----> 3.00 {+. TTMES 897 -029r Description:DEMO Al{D REBUILDNEW PRIMARY/SECONDNumber of Dwelling Units: 002 Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet Valuation Dwelli-ngs Zone 4 V-N 209,56 4,094 857 ,938 -54 Private Garages Zone 4 V-N Masonry 5l-.88 893 55,258.84 Subtotal:. 4,98'7 9a3,197 .48 Table Date: O5/L7 /L996 Totsa1 vaLuat,ion: 913 ,L97 .48 Town of Vail AdjusLed Valuation: L,265,000.000 Fireplace Informalion: ResLricled: Y #of caB Applianc€6 r *Of Ga6 Log6: 2 Sof Wood/PalIets: FEE SUMMARY ToEal calculaEcd Fees- - - > 10,589.85 Addltional. Fecs---------> -O0 Total PemiE Fce- --- ----> 10,5s9-ss Paymcnta- - - - - - - - 10,S89.e5 BAITANCS DUE- - -.' .OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepL: BUILDING Division: o9/o8/L997 CHARLIE AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO ART l0/3L/L997 CHARI-,IE AcEion: APPR FOR ART H IEem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI,IEI.TT Dept: PLANNING Division: O9/08/t997 CHARLIE Act.ion: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN L0/29/1997 LAIIREN Action: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI4ENT Dept.: FIRE Division: 09/08/L997 CIIARLIE Action: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Dj_vision: 09/08/L997 CIIARI,IE AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO PIIBWORKS 09/22/L997 CIaRLIE Action: APPR FOR LARRY P Item: 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Dj-vision: a9/oe/L997 CIIARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO PUBWORKS O9/22/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR LARRY P L0/24/1,997 CHARLIE AcEion: CANC LL/24/L99? CHARI,IE ACt,iON: APPR PER GREG HALL See Page 2 of this or any conditions that, may apply to this permit DECI,ARATIONS r h€reby acknowledge thac I have read this applicaElon, fiLl6d oul in fuIl tshe lnformation rrquired, completad an accuratse ploE plan, and stahe t.hae all the information provi.ded es requirsd is corract., I agr€€ to cornply i.ith the infohnrtion and p1ots plan, t.o comply witsh alI Torrn ordinancea and etsate 1arr6, end t'o build thls stslucLure according Co Che Town's zoning and subdivision codes, deeign rcview approved, Uniforn Building codc and other ordinances of the Toern ipplicable thGreto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STIALL BE MADE .I,I^IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCA BY TELEPHONB oo Document. f Send Cl6an-Up DeposiE To: MARK STOKER S IGNATT'RE FOR HIMgEI,F AND PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit #: 897-O29f Permit T14pe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant : MICIIAEL FLANNERY Job Address r 186 FOREST RD Location: 185 FOREST RD Parcel No: 2l-01-071-15-006 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAIJ as of LL/28/97 S:00 A.l4 5:00 SEATUS: ISSI]ED Applied: 09/08/1,997 Issued: IL/28/L997 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PRO,JECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEME}fT SURVEY. SUCH ST]RVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PR]OR TO REQI'EST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUETI'RAL MEMBERS OF THE FIJOOR TO THE IJNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. ao t*t* t * tta ** tt*rt r ** r** rar * *r* * * rr * ** rr a *ra TOI{N OF VAIL, COLON.}DO gtatrutnt ti *t t t \r *r * r * !r * !r grarannt Nunb!! | RBc-0353 .l\noung ! 7.o52.o't Lr/2e/97 L4t39 Pa]rment M6thod! CK NoEatsionr L4538 Init: MAt{ Permit. No: B9'l-O29L T'!4161 B-BUILD NEIV (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE Palcal No: 2101-071-15-005 SiL6 Addre66: L86 FORSST RD Location: 185 FOREST RD Tot€l FeeB: 10,589.85 This Pa) nenE 'l,OS2.O', Total Ai,L Pmba:10, 5t9. es Balance:.00 AccounE Code De6cripEion pF 001000031r.2300 PLttI cHEcR PBES BP OO1OOOO31I11OO BUII]DINO PER,!|IT FEES DR o01oo0o3112200 DESIOiI REVIEW FESS D]. OO].OOOO2{O31OO CIJEANUP DEPOSITS RF 111OOO031127OO RECREATION FEBg 9fC 00100003112800 WMr CAIJ]T IN9PBCTION PEE Anoqtrl -. 03 5,13s.0O 300.00 1, OOO. O0 514. 10 3.00 o rF!arE OD .o o- <; 4! o t{oz cEl d8 E t H t F o u - A e F la D F a I o t) FI i|4 EI o d lr FE naB rlEru ao HU!E o <.,FIHH ooE ao llA!f CE uat, o t {ta rA0 tao |{r &!li! Or IO ).-A H R"g ?E 6 Fl. FT orn cl nB OE oo }l .a I 'i AF ,2 DD &o t{=E{ d E F. :<F z2 q!t tEo F. tS .p .q n. bFr o=f8 HE I E o HFI HZ dr3 oo orE B{ FT A &Ir * ET H A H 2 o lr Cl Ed :(,*a AE o E E EE e pr q (o tr E(J t,u H :{q 1! : d ('E 4nl I> EI{'!ld o rlc s8!EF.9 AUG-2S-9? 1O, 39 FROM r TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.I D .9?A4792.l52 ;'T;Pit:i rlild "ffdffi I n#. nffi ;*'s*fl 'oO PAGE I,/ I PER}IIT f -- - t APPucatIoN MUST DE FIr.r'ED oIlT colitPLE?ELy oR IT MAy NOf BE ACCEFTED x***************************** trlERlifft' INroRlfATIoH ****************ir************rl [ ]-Building [ ]*Plrrarbing I J-Electrica]. g 1-Ueetrdnibal [ ]_other owners Nal,e= /,/i 4At/t/t*veddregs: 5I q F+t ilt+ t.]Lu{ pn.Z6o,V6r.9,.,)j Architect: _ Add-ress: _. plr. ;rob Name! fLA//A/n!r/ KF, rob Addres =, . / fu... FtK:ffir Kom> ,__ _ r,egal Descrr.ptLo* tnL-L eroac-1 Eilios ( ,, "olomr"}roN= WrL yrL (d GeneraL Description r lvorl< class: lX-ryew I l-Alteration t J-Addltional Nuxobar of Derel.ting Unitg: I [ ]-Repair t l-othe{ lftrnbsr of Aocommod.at ion Units: nber and Xlpe of, Fireplaces! cas App{ances, ***********,r+**,r*************B$srXlioPr$*lr;_-; EITBCTRTCAI,: I{ECIIANTCAI,I: Address: Electrical Contractor! Address: . Pluhblng . Contractor i Add.r€Es; llecb.anical Contractor! AddreEst * ***r* **** **** * iL* ******* ** I* ****FOR BIITI,DING PERI1IIT EEE: PI.I'MBTNG PERMTT TEE; MECEANICAI, PERT,IIT TEEs gI,Egf,TiICA-TJ FEE: OTSIER TYPE OF F3E: DRB FEE; els llogs, 2 Wood/pellet OTIIER: $torAr: { tfZi3;6-/--7--- INrORlotTroN ******+********************, _i.n 1gwn o-t vgir.Res. uo. )6-L **rt****i************tr***+***** Fhone Nunbeb i Town of Vai]- Phone Nunberr Town of VaLl Pllone Nunrber I Totm of vail Phone Number: Regr. Nb. Regi- No. Reg- NO. OFFfCE USE tr**** ****:l** +** *** ****lb*** **** * BT'II,DTNG PI..AN. CTIECK !IEE:Prf,MBrNc PLAI{ CHECK JFEEs uEcgAxrcer, px.ev cEEck rse: .RECRALtrTON HEE: CI;EIN-IIP DEPOSIT: TOITAL PERIIIT EE$I BUII,DJNG: SIGNATTIRE: ZONINGT SIGNATTTRE: f/Ar< jrarCm- 67 Vvd ?-? /*@Lt rk 7 ibLc41 lAor,r/, C,a. /??,LF4 oo OI(ER O N ST R U CTI O N srArE coNrnAcroRs LrcENsE No.435033 rNc August 27,1997 City of Vail Vail, CO Gentlemen: This letter is to confirm that Stoker Construction Inc. will be the Construction Management Company for Mr. Michael Flannery at 186 Forrest Road, Lot 9, Block 7, Subdivision VailVillage First Filing in Vail, Colorado. Mark Stoker has authorization from Mr. Flannery to sign any documents necessary to secure buiHing permits in the City of Vail. 57370 TWENTYNINE PALMS HWY #201 / YUCCA VALLEY, CA92284 / 619-365-8691 RANCHO MIMGE 619-770-0710 / FAX 619-365-7189 Mr. MichaelFlannery Date To: From: Date: Subject: HorJtfhilD I r$socml!?o Consulting in Building and Fire Codes MEMORANDUM Charlie Davis Art Hougland October 26, 1997 Flannery residence Charlie: This is a pretty complete plan, however, there are is an item that should be addressed prior to the construction of the foundation walls. There are two basement sections, one for the E.H.U. dwelling and garage and one for the garage and mechanical for the rnain dwelling unit. The E.H.U. has a required exit but the main garage and mechanical has no required exit. The area has an overhead garage door but this is not an acceptable exit. This is addressed under correction #13 and redlined on the plans. I could not locate any design loads on the plans, the architect or engineer needs to indicate where they are located if they are on the plans and if they are not, provide a letter or other veiification that the house was designed in compliance with design loads adopted by the Town of Vail. The other items can be addressed at the project proceeds. let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Vril11897 oo UACT Uaet : cl{ARIJtE ro /3L/97 TOVIN OF VAIL Id: ACTP135 Kclrword ! AcEivicy Maincenancc - Fee SuErtlary. P€rbit No: B9?-o29]. ApplicanLi t{lcHAEL FLINNERy SEAEUE: APPTIED AddTeaa: 186 FOREST RD Nocice: PUBy{AY A.l{D STAGING PLAN REQ'D E€€666EaaE€E66566aaAeaC6gae656aaea€6ee66E6aaa€46€C6C66eaaa€468e6€e66tAEEeC6e66e€ ! Calculatcd Fcea: 10.589.85 Tolrl Fees: 10,5a9.85n d6iiSsgTraneaccion TypeGdA6Si+ o 1 Pay Full Balance o 2 Partsial Pay cn! o 3 Pay Specific Fee(s) o 4 A6sess an Addilional Fee . o 5 Di6play Fee lEern List o 6 Di6play PaymcnE H-i6Eory o o 7 Digplay AddiEional Feee o o I RsdiEtributo ovlrpa)drentg o o 9 Rcprint Rec6itrrE oVVoidaPa)menE Bo.r,n*.e D.re { ,, os?'o7 /)rlfi,Zrc t T C o"i-r W+-ta Vo,e Frior.r z\ Bor T D" **te y'ou,2 P*x# I h,,n WSo SauDrnt; rr/ n t Vo; {wt d,*tly /V\*Toq (LezecTzav-t \ Er a 0 ' 0rr Vrre p16-'^'iS P'-r gcrc tJoeleS 3r1LL t{*f t'.l^oT Wppe-o'tu4 -rtrL Wo:-e cf' Ve*se- C,y, Lwi..q Pt\4oeE- # qP- t47q-Pt48 ' Qfm*rNitNlG AINIO Borr-o'nrc De prs ' Llwefu h?OnorrD, €? Naelaa Cfttc tYE W Qlo- 3so- cG3? O _ \O|,,*)*V** BaLance: 7 . o52.o1n ot User: LORELE TOWN OF VAIL Id: ACTP135D Activity Maintenance - Fee Permit No: 897-0291 Status: APPLIED Notice: TYPE II EHU MUST Keyword: UACT Item Sunmary. Applicant: MICHAEL FLANNERY Addres8: l-85 FOREST RD BE RECORDED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE 9,975.75 .00 9,975.75 Total Fees: Payments: Balance: Paymentg oe /oe /e7 9 ,9"15.75 .00 9,975.75 Balance Calculated Fees: Additional Fees: Total Feea: Item Description OO].0 BUILDING PERMIT FEES OOTO DESIGN REVIEW FEES OOSO PLAN CHECK FEES O13O CLEANUP DEPOSITS O140 RECREATTON FEES O15O WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE O160 RESTAURANT PLAN REVIEW 1210 INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) ESC=New Fee 5, L35 .00 500.00 3,337 .75 1,000.00 3 .00 3.00 f*'t Ttoo-365.Tt51 Option *7J ; Ma/rL 3+D3<,r' t{.oyrt : Lau'reu- hlol* lvb- -flttiE i+ (W Q4h'M P1a'v-- {pvtt-w le-+ ' ahu Cvor^ll -ltt )7 V\nf OC c,u''r^-{a. . 20 do;J ,e Lq vb* + t It UtL W fuWW rf qm,L hnt ou ^t ,t -,)_ r tot/t/w ffEn*U JLI--SE -&dtd tui J/ ff*'ELH r.gc.crc, ffi;$Gractrdcrr,rne. fiH,o6[tru14f*rrdonr$I Be* 9rtlf5,[4tt hofrt&lAgd*Lcom Subject Rwiqw of Cut Slope, rffect hoperty Linc lE6 Forcst Rsaq Vsil, Colorado. DeErMr. Flamrery: Ae ruestaa ty. $-av Bosoor*', thc'nde*igned v,gtod thg rubject cite on June 14, 2000 to aBscrs frc srability coodition ofthc cut sTo,pe. weyl,cvie;sii-;i;;; lt ooitoi*exeawtions durins ;o$struction o!.lpreaont* our ffnrlinge in r€ports cat c ffi## zz.1997 E$d.ldamfr 6] tme, lou No. rgi osil--- -- Thc cut is locat'd clocc tg thc wcct proprty li"r _or tlp uppor part of thc rot oppocitc tho recid€acc. A rgck lincd drainage snadis lfodtod al &s toe ofthE cut. The cut is about j 1o 6rbct high nnd very sre$bFldrd: "ri ii;;d; of l.i horiaonrar m r venicel and locally 8fteDsr. Tbc dut face hf,s ueea "ovora *lo qosion coffii mat aiu*rovegotatlon has sterrcd. - rh."e were no i"d'aiioffi ;];d;;';;ilffi i#id;&ffi*d srabrc.Above the cut slope ir a oartoo ridgi "orr*a *iE nanve aripen, prncs and brush. The netivc coirs idmrihea in ffs "t* "ttitit "ffii;i*"ty;il"ffi;;;r;**cernensd siltstondsmdshnc formation roct. ---' $/e undrrstard that the cut slq€ isuruch rtceper rhqnacccpteble to ttc Torpn of vail.Flattoring ' - glope or pravidii!;-il;hill-ffi;". nru not practical due ro rhe sire constraints' ftc iativieoils a*-t"t*io"tyEaoru ara r€sistaat to €rogion aud failrrc dus ,b Sg ,orLy "ondition nvm rf t*ri *re6 to t-, ; E1p_ryh*.G ffiJ 1,,t** u""*", ,h*- t" "J;ifffi:?1h"#iffi it would not op'or'q thc cristins cut gropc ia *"Fr"plq rron a etebility "i*rp"i"i*d;m be rcft as is. Regutar landrcafo mainfcuf,aca ,fio"fd tu p*riderl EE nc€ded. If yor hve my quxtions o rquirc fistrcr as$icEncc. plcasc eall sur office. Simcrely, JobHo.197691 tu Jturc30,2000 MilrcFlnnn€ry c/o GryBosrorr F.G. Box 50Ij Vail, Coloredo 81658 HEFWORrII.PAWI.AK-GEOTECIINIQTL. U,IC. SEvcn L. Pawlek, p Rw. by; IZA SLP/d TUTF|- P.sz E6/a7/2OAA 12t47 g?O94g1.527 KRM coNsuLrAN*&PAGE 8I oto, ea$$or KRM coNsuLTANrs, rlrc. P.O BOX aStz F r0 e4'tr7t v lL coLoRADO 6tr.. FIEID REPORT to: Kevin Bossow A|TEA'7'ON: Kovln Pf,OJECT:Fl.nn.ry Residencr I observctl the tocl ttttinino wall rt thc upper lcvcl prtio outiido lho mastor bedroom. The well l! epproxlmaltly 4'-8' tsll for a length of approrimately t0'-0" aSong th.9atio. ?ht rockt rre angulrr in shape and nnge in dzc from 24'to 48'. They wcrc lrid up in an intgrtockang penern with the facc sloped b.ck an averagr ol 24' lrom th3 too. lt ii my opinion. becsd on rhsre obaervttlolls, thrt fio walt is tt.ucrurslly stable !3 conat,qctod. COPY 7O: OAIE: 5/3O/20O0 ARf,IVF: l1:30 a.m. DEPAR|: l2r0O p.m. WEAIHER: wttm, iunny JOE IIUMBEfr: 97t2-1O tt+ 4 ?t' t-l?s ' FRot'r ,,-|,|::;f'ff0,,0-, ,n'* ,,,11f Fnx No' ;;J,"'1Tfi;' -'" fnhfJtr *''"%f'? ilARVllf*,Wtndo*i rnd Doorr June 6, 2000 Boddiagtou L"mber Encloeed you will 6nd two lettere of certif,ctte from AFG Induetriee and NashviUe'rbmpared Glaes Coraoration. These two coupaniet eupply tenpered glass for our doors. Thcre may be hcidents when you will finrl the 'TEI\IPERED" logo is not visiblo. We a-re eble to send tbese letters to our cuEtoner to enaure chat the glase we have provided ie tegpercd. Pleaee note that this is for ou.r "Doors" only. flanlt you, Julie Carp Region Selee and 8ervice FRor,r :_BouDDrNGJo"i," u",oo ,:.rtj:_ _". - 02/12/91 lJ:Ol ;rfifl.,ik -t: :dn*,T?[ff "' NFR IHIIJSiRIEB lG{c.. 161 6F 2?96 1 1914 P3 raa02 tloolzoor r€. gar ol an/1E,t1J?1{rat AFG INDUSTRIFS INc' ffix 9:i. rrxcsPor'T' TN !?": t6lrt 119"tts GEnttrlc^tE oF frltlrFACTUR€ AFG lntlus'-r'ier. Inc. c.r!if!ca thl'- thr fol'lor,,ino oioducts tt'nuf'c(ur'd 't oJr ({ngsport, Ttnncstre ; a'il"ilia, "iini"i"3- 1 J.'r'i iun' hl'st' vlrgl irai clnrrhlnsen. lrovr JrrtrJi ifiillir iic' -irt i iornir': afd spr:ng Hi;'l ' l(!:rl3s Pl.^?E durJns ths crrtci itit-ji;"ii' :, lgga-tr'io'gh oec'nblr 3l: i!!1 cona'l v r.r1th tnr conaung; l"ocuii Srlity'commiuion-Sttlaarr Foc Argl'rtrcturr'l Eiliiie' v"tririri':6crnrzot, ca!066rv ! rnd l:' TE {PERED FLOTT 6LA33 .. TEI{F€REo nOLLEo cLAss T,rl'l: vh sfAiE oF T Er{^iEs sE e )) ss: C0UNTY of SULL lvAN ) ggoFt go end s.rbscriDrC bctoPe Th0tl|16 J. mavrbevrno ! i tcc!of - tcehnicr'l Sorvlce3 |n! !h1l tot'h Jry gf Qq66nr!9r, l99l' /,. frly Corxn!r91on er9it'ts! trt! Corllnt.tien lrpllod r&v 3. 1993 AFC I0DUSTIl€S, il{C g v o2: t2;9e FRt r5 02 I T-\,,.R.i NJ 0srr ] q, (r0.. FRS4 : BODDINGTOI'IS'08/48/U0 TtlE 09:0!r or/tt/tt l3:01 *'SJ:::- * ';li:li*1xrx ..Q;-q,'ff" 9B: 1lfl't P4 @ oo3 li! ooa; ao: I ilLtt.aatto Fr!( arc.aat'ttaE NAsHvrLLu.'IFJt1r,flFo""tf ^"t xmnvtilr, tmn'c|.c Stato A1 TN: ARgtN NtNDcitg' tNc ' I rnr s r ef,rer iratsl- t.n"lriitnlllii.,:Hti;iFE-;8 ;1ai="rt *= Jht;l: o'l"s.'.'Jtt'dt" t' I e r r r r I E r t ! o ^, r n :r s I s o ll,llit!l'-*ittr the tcis'ner t:]c!:t sa'ctv ;;;;a;;; ) 6c.R_rzr!-crr. 1".,r--" 'lV COFP. /'\ h lrrt. wrTs Soo.2tll'- "19 orjr g1lr. WAYS rOO-r2l-S723 4u:--.-., :rv !C| !i' Geskins li;:i:lil'lliiiili'.'ose c'q€' 02/!7/St FXI Lt:02 r T.I/RI lft 8p5{l &l rru.l tr**s*& D. GEORGE HANSEN, INC. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS l-485 E. Barton Creek Lane Bountiful , UEah 8401_0 phone (801) 298-3]-28 JOB: Flannery Residence, L86 Forest Road, VaiL Colorado CIJIENT: Habitat DATE: Aug. 97 BY: A.A. DESIGN CRITERIA r_. GOVERNING CODE . ...199f tBC 2. SETSMTC .....zoNE l_ 3. BASTC WIND SPEED z = 0.075 I = 1.0 RW= 5 c = 2.75 80 MPH EXPOSURE B 4.ROOF ...LIVE LOAD. DEAD LOAD, J- = J-.U L00 PsF r_8 PSF 5. FLOOR. . .LIVE LOAD. 40 PSF DEAD LOAD ....28 PSF '1 2. 3. 4 .7 MATERIAL STRESSES SOII-J BEAR]NG PRESSURE... 3OOO PSF CONCRETE f'c = 3OOO pSI CONCRETE REINFORCING.... ....ASTM AG15 qrade G0 DIMENSIONA! I-,IJMBER .....joisrs..DOUG-FIR #2 BTR studs. . .DOUG-FIR #2 BTR cI-.,U-L,Al4 . .simple span. .24F-V4 DF/DF cantilever. . .24F-V8 DF/pf STEEI.,, .ASTM A36 BOLTS ......wood connections...ASTM A30Z Bn-ollf oiffiEHoPv O o I fr ;'r.*I I Lcir. r " ilfdf' F|,or-rlll pE+ta-srt6 F-of ,?bp s Pu- ta (aF €L g'2 (4 lHcrJ D&trftrtc e +1a€ a( /r, fzo-f et*(6 y'u P.< sreF pfl 71@a, O t4l>ef€tL s*ry€ - t.! g z- ('F e ha. ^As'F(m' Dt W.t" 2 /t"= 4f< a. /3 (trs ) t./Y = +{r) = /L' 7 2/< q? /2 r f=F SPBM.XLS PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence ROOF FFAMING Roof joists above master suite SPAN = 21 tt TRB AR = 1 ,33 DL : 18 psf LL = 2OO psf W(LLI = 266 plf TL = 218 psf W(TL! = 29O plf MoMENT = 15982.9 lb-ft SHEAR = 3044.37 lb Req.S= 83.389in3 Req.A= 15.O06in2 Req. f (TLl= 671.28 in4 lLl240l Req. l(LLl = 923,78 in4 {L/3601 F'b = 23OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 1SOOOOO psi LDF: 1 A= 56in2 S = 149.333 in3 l= 1194.67 in4 d= 16 b= 3.5 Roof joists at dormer above master suite SPAN = 17 tt TRB AR = 1 .33 DL = 18 psf LL = 100 psf W(LLI = 133 plf TL = 118 psf W(TL) = 157 plf USE (21 16" ML @ 16" o.c. Use 16" TJf/35C @ 16" o.c. GF:2O71192pft Page 2 PROJECT NAME:Flannery residence RB-l: Roof header at back dormer SPAN = '14 tt DL = 18 psf LL = 115 psf TL = 133 psf TRB AF= 12 w(LL) = 1380 plf W(TLI = 1596 plf SPBM,XLS ROOF FRAMING Req. S = Roq. A = Req. l(TL)= Req. l(LLl = F'b = 23OO psi F'v = 165 psi E = 1SOOOOO psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 39102 tb-ft 11172 tb 204.01 in3 90.682 in2 1094.9 in4 lLl240l 142O in4 (L/3601 d= b= 18 5.125 RB-2: Front dormer header SPAN = 7.5 lt. DL = 18 psf LL = 115 psf TL = 133 psf TRB AR= I W(LL) = 1035 plf WfiL) = 1197 plf USE 5-1/8 x 'l 8 GLB A = 92.25 in2 S = 276.75 in3 | = 2490.75 in4 F'b = 24OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 18OOO0O psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 8416.41 tb-ft 4488.75 rb 18 3.5 Req. S = Req. A = Req. l(TL) = Req. l(LL) = 42.082 in3 18.9 in2 126.25 in4 lLl240l 163.74 in4 (L/36O1 d= b= USE (21 1-3/4 x 18 ML A= s= t= 63 in2 189 in3 1701 in4 Page 3 POINTBM.XLS PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence ROOF FRAMING RB-3: Beam at €ach side of dormer SPAN = 21 tt DL 18 psf LL 2OO psf TL 218 psf W(LL) = 266 Plf W(TL) = 290 plf POINT LOAD = TRB AR= 1.33 ft F'b 2250 psi F'v = 165 psi E = 1800000 psi LDF= 1 LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = 11172 lbs 10492.37 lbs 10492.37 lbs 681 18.94 lb-tt 19.5 6.75 RIGHT REACT = Req.A= 95.385in2 Req.S= 363.3in3 Req. l= 2861 in4 a b 7tt 14 lt fy', /a>a e cz&'f €'-" / t /r"r 7.f Y, f ?- 30 /,2 ' l1c 7LY-2.'1' /'C': /2, ?.to /,t.rt a-t 6768.37 lbs d= b= ,2? re 3€ rtt USE 6-3/4 x 19-1/2 GLB A = 131.625 in2 S: 427.7813 in3 | = 4170.867 in4 v 1'- use /7 ' /4V U/lflg {-e 5;2s,. /z ztr 0t(/,/</> 37 5 2 /r'e /, Zyp Page 4 F6,r; f7>Jcr,>- pulO- Pocw e( nr-fft16' lpse !cenlf a 6e+7 €'-/-0 (-- L- (vf v l+' LtzllYl'( tl'f = 3ro.r l/( =s.e I /* 42,: fAtr /n /" V= 5of,< /a t 52tca ,47 /< 2 ?o ,ou /1 = 506E,/cEgr-.lt Tctrrdo'z /2-V -, = ,/t V /o 3 ./-- < ./t,/,tr..r. t L .- / e- t 7- ----_-_7083 gy'rr /L'4 lta /1t rv /p+€- '/ : 7>='tf&^T /aw lacf e /2'2r2tv{t L2 = /6L )( ?'5 = 7s:/* //a,- a /?b" --+ c-gE 5//t'a 7 ) {2* ,/' 3zo lrF /4-'t) /b'/t ltZ Z g./s " ,g / 2 t-t- la ZIL J -z /7/f ?e< .d ?ar'7 a €aT ?tvD a-= /"t32= /2"c /r- /= /?{- zy 3* /2r,/zr= !2 , //f /r g-qez 73 N1 z,,flilo-ft 17 s- /4\ doe/ S '/r.,o r€'L t 4 /672' sur > ?tt PROJECT NAMEI Flannery residence RB-s: Interior roof header SPAN = 10 ft DL = 18 psf LL = 16O psf TL = 178 psf TRB AR= 6.5 W(LLI = 1040 plf W(TLI = 1157 Plf SPBM.XLS ROOF FRAMING Req. S = Req. A = Req. l(TLl= Req. l(LL) = F'b = 2300 psi F'v = 165 psi E = 1SOOOOO psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 14462,5 tb-ft 5785 tb 16 3.5 75.457 in3 45.579 in2 289.25 in4 lLl240l 390 in4 (L/3601 d= b: USE (21 'l-3/4 x 16 ML [= 56in2 S = 149.333 in3 I = 1194.67 in4 P/t- b /t /?lr 2s- /7rv 3*" u = ,/7rx /,3s, 9 2 te ,/a Ot $3c-e / z t c /w Q rzz'/7, 7 t,-' 7, /a*r) I )rot Le z z3w l't€ 9-€< z?.-'/e7<L OU7/)T Pq Page 6 RB-5: .]OINT DATA ,JO]NT X-COORD Y-COORD RESTRAINTS r_ 0.000 2 L08.000 3 252.000 4 294.000 MEMBER DATA 0.000 0 1 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 1_ l_ 0 0.000 0 0 0 MEMBER .J1 J2 AX I.Z E RESTRAINTS 1 1 2 84.000 178s.000 L800000.0 t_ 1 2 2 3 84.000 t_78s.000 1800000.0 L 1 3 3 4 84.000 1785.000 1800000.0 l_ I 'TOINT LOADS -JOINT WX t(z 0.000 0.000 DISTRIBUTED MEMBER LOADS MEMBER WSX WEX I{SY WEY I-,G 1 0.000 0.000 -l_9.670 -L9.570 0 2 0 .000 0.000 -L9 .670 -19.670 0 3 0.000 0.000 -]-9.670 -L9.670 0 WY 2 4 0.000 -5340.000 0.000 -800r-.000 RB-6: ']OINT DISPLACEMENTS .JOINT X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER .]OINT REACTIONS .TOINT N(IAL FORCE Z-ROT -0.00623 -0.00003 0.00100 -0.00L27 SHEAR FORCE 4L27.503 -2003 .143 -3336.855 5159.335 8827 .L42 -800r-.002 MOMENT -v. u-L 33L05s.00 -33105s.00 -353390.90 353391.00 0.0r_ ytz 0.00 0.00 1 z 4 Y-DISP 0.000 -0.438 0.000 -0.022 1 1 z 2 3 3 1 3 t- z z .J 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 RX 0.000 0.000 RY 4t2'7.503 L4995 .480 kV ^t lL'€ +Y1 o /(s, Lv? - n -- 3sr/t, t bV t-' 7// /!.rj 7)= 0"rtr 4'e'z /,,a-{ u/Ls (s) /j/nr /'o f / 5 : zz7 7: /??L ROOF JOISTS ABOVE GI'EST BATHROOM .JOINT DATA JOINT X-COORD Y-COORD RESTRAINTS 0.000 2 48.000 3 7 2.000 4 95.000 s 1_44 .000 6 228.000 0.000 0 1 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 1 1_ 0 0.000 0 0 0 MEMBER DATA MEMBER .J1- J2 AX IZ E RESTRAINTS 1 1 2 51. 000 L9L8.000 l_800000 .0 1 1 2 2 3 51. 000 1918.000 1800000 . 0 l_ 1 3 3 4 5l_.000 1918.000 t_800000.0 1 1 4 4 5 5L. 000 191_8 .000 l_800000.0 L 1 5 5 5 51.000 1918.000 1800000.0 l_ 1 ,JOINT I,OADS ,JOINT 6 0.000 -1_303.000 DISTRIBTITED MEMBER I,OADS MEMBER WSX WEX MZ 0.000 wsY WEV I,G r- 0 . 000 0 .000 -16 .330 -l_6 .330 0 2 0 . 000 0 .000 -1_6 .330 -16 .330 0 3 0.000 0 .000 -16.330 -16 .330 0 4 0 . 000 0 . 000 -l_6 .330 -15 .330 0 s 0 . 000 0 .000 -15 .330 -16 .330 0 7 ROOF ,JOISTS ABOVE GI'EST .]OINT DISPITACEMENTS ,JOTNT X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BATHROOM Y-DTSP 0.000 v . uz I 0.035 0.039 0.000 -0 .250 FORCE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Z-ROT 0.00057 0 . 00049 0.00029 -0.000r_0 -0.00173 -0.00353 SHEAR FORCE L5,597 768.243 -768.249 1150.159 -1150. r_75 1_552.095 -1552.096 2335.936 2674,7]-9 -L302 .999 1 z J 4 5 MEMBER END IJOADS MEMBER JOINT REACTIONS .TOINT 1 1 z 2 3 3 4 5 5 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 AXIAL RX 0.000 0.000 RY L5.597 s0L0 .555 73 MOMENT 0.00 -L8063.50 l_8063.40 -4L204.43 41204.27 - 737s1 . 53 7375]- .40 -L6'.1064.LA t67064.20 0.02 MZ 0.00 0.00 1 3 f7 A z zr's PV s'= (/sS Sy'rr ,/b/4 /e 6t+@ ?yra. PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence RB-7: Guest beroom window header SPAN : 15 ft DL = 18 psf LL = 8O psf TL = 98 psf TRBAR- 15 W(LLI = 12OO plf w(TLl = 1470 plt SPBM.XLS ROOF FRAMING Req. S = Req. A : Req. l(TLl = Req. l(LLl = F'b : 23760 psi F'v = 14400 psi E : 2.9E+O7 psi LDF- 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 41343,8 lb-ft 1 1025 tb 20.881 in3 1.1484 in2 76.985 in4 (Ll24ol 94.267 in4 (L/3601 RB-8: Around fire place SPAN = 4.5 ft DL = 18 psf LL = 85 psf TL = 103 psf MOMENT -- SHEAR - USE W1Ox3O 5 425 plt 515 plf Req. S = Req. A = Req. l{TLl = Req. l(LLl = F'b = 2300 psi F'v = 285 psi E = 1800000 psi LDF= 1 A= s= t= 2.55 in2 32.4 in3 170 in4 TRB AR = w(LL) = W(TL) = d= b= 1303.59 tb-rt 1 158.75 rb 16 3.5 6.8O14 in3 4.2917 in2 11.732 in4 lLl240l 14.523 in4 (L/36O1 USE (2! 1-3/4 x 16 ML l,=56 in2 S = 149.333 in3 | = 1194,67 in4 Pags 11 POINTBM.XLS PBOJECT NAME: Flannery residence RB-91 Facia beam SPAN = 25 tt DL 18 psf LL lOO psf TL 118 psf W(LLI = 200 plf W(TLI = 236 plf POINT LOAD = 10 ft 15 ft LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = 6l= b= ROOF FRAMING TRB AR=2tt F'b 23OO psi F'v = 165 psi f = 18000O0 psi LDF= 1 92.25 in2 276.75 in3 2490.75 in4 b 2832 lbs 4649.2 lbs 4649.2 lbs 35429.5 tb-ft 18 5.125 RIGHT REACT = Req,A= 42.265in2 Req.S= 184,85in3 Req. f = 177'l .5 in4 [= s=t: 4O82.8 lbs USE 5-1/8 x 18 GLB Page 12 POINTBM.XLS PFOJECT NAME: Flannery residence RB-1O: Interior beam SPAN = 13 ft DL 18 psf LL 1O0 psf TL 118 psf ROOF FRAMING TRB AR=2tt F'b 2300 psi F'v = 165 psi E = 1SOOOOO psi LDF= 1 w(LL) = w(TL) = 2OO plf 236 plf POINT LOAD = a b LEFT RE.ACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = d= b= 2169.385 lbs 2169.385 lbs 8797.808 tb-ft 16 3.5 RIGHT REACT = 19.722 in? 45.902 in3 228.74 in4 2078.615 lbs Req. A = Req, S = Req. | = USE (21 1-3/4 x 16 ML pd at/<rSa gc/ A= s= l= 56 in2 149.3333 in3 1 194.667 in4 1 180 lbs Page 13 LU , /Z? .r /c = UYf /* tu , //fE Z = Z'L y' = //r/v 2..9r ? + //ry r Ty 7 . // 7*u ' /75*7d /l'ta 3c/8/t geft' / = 57-l je 2rf, , M, 5/ ?r /b r //'r ) - //-z Zq/, ?GC /.75- ZLri,.T &7 3' 2c 42'te. hl /LF < o Or t)/Zr sV /7 RR-12: roof beam .JOINT DISPLACEMENTS ']OIMT X-DISP Y-DISP Z-ROT r. 0.000 0.000 -0.00299 2 0.000 -0.118 -0.00149 3 0.000 -0.137 -0.00012 4 0.000 -0.L24 0.00120 5 0.000 0.000 0.00207 5 0.000 0.083 0.00105 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER JOINT AXIAL FORCE SHEAR FORCE MOMENT 1l_ LZ zz 23 34 44 45 55 56 0.000 Lt746 .4L0 -0 .11 0.000 -3554.248 3672t5.80 0.000 3554 .306 -3672L5.90 0 . 000 54L.774 403355 . L0 0.000 -54r_.733 -403355.10 0.000 4637 .8L4 341_210.50 0.000 -4537 .834 -34L2L0 .30 0.000 14878.030 -244265.90 0.000 4651.198 244256 .OO 0.000 -3480.998 -0.06 REACTIONS .JOINT RX RY 1 5 0.000 LL745.4r0 0.000 19539.230 vtz 0. 00 0.00 /.€ fr <tz ' ;= ?rf+rx77= P?f fr /a ?tr Z,9r ?; /7ts' l7/9 ' //r2 7f 777- . >-Tr{ ?' /' ..I lflov+ , / ?' / raa' Jz?s- . V€ 3f,tza &7 7A = 'e €'v /41-' f1 t 7/t7e7 /b',P fr7t- \Pa ----t a.L-s ty'rr< ,ry 4 6ta /6 RB.-L3: roof beam ITOTNT DISPLACEMENTS JOINT 1 z 3 4 5 6 X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 Y-DISP 0. 000 -0.017 -0.0r.6 0.000 0. 000 -0.029 Z-ROT - 0 . 00051 - 0 . 00010 0.0001_9 0.00032 -0.00041_ -0.00070 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER ,JOINT REACTIONS ,JOINT AXIAI, FORCE SHEAR FORCE 3885.87r. -az. LaL 82.L56 L439.804 -1439.804 3722.924 581. 543 972.3s7 2303.003 -r7L5 .002 MOMENT -0.02 91199.55 -91199.60 74400,46 -74400 .40 -53552.0r_ s3552. 0r_ -91727.99 9]-727.96 0.03 l_ 2 2 3 4 4 5 tr 6 1 I 2 z 3 3 4 4 5 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 L 4 5 RX 0.000 0.000 0.000 RY 3886.871 4304.568 3275,360 MZ 0 .00 0.00 0.00 /7 F6^.ry ;-- ?rx /c = fur 7(F 53 fz zzzft (/, 3--, # r'/ U o V?.? 7nv -fl o l37, zo3 lb'tt: +n-,- /17,ztt 'tb't'-i FV " = f 1 Ps L/rre (l) /t/-r ,/ r av oo /.o # e2r lotr 7275t ?lrza tt 5.-:7l 7 t /n? 7r" s Zr3, d a,rfi.f fl" 5.: Jz Vy szle / -. E* sr tr.t> 0E hr/YF /( RB-14 3 roof beam .]OINT DISPLACEMEMTS JOINT X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MEMBER END IJOADS MEMBER 'JOINT I z 3 4 q o 1 1_ 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 Y-DTSP 0.000 -0.050 -0.052 -0.0L8 0.000 0.005 Z-ROT -0.00137 -0.00045 0.00024 0. 00092 0.0005L - 0 . 00001 l_ 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 AXIAIJ FORCE 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 RX 0.000 0.000 SHEAR FORCE 5]-22.598 -549.159 549.1_48 1345.532 -1345 .546 4350 .827 -43s0.822 546L.422 4450.940 -3275.000 MOMENT -0.00 131940.40 -131_940. s0 L2t86t.20 -121861.10 -r_9033. s7 19033. s4 -137303.30 137303 .30 -0.00 REACTIONS JOINT L 5 RY 5L22.598 9912 .361 t4z 0. 00 0. 00 /7 Fr: rs F= 7 r.' Z. t't ,/3 =?rr zrs //: / 2?, 7a-' ftA r- 7.f ftV 7' P'3 ,€F -.v -#ctJ; ,// f >c /- t .aa LD.t I tX/b '- oo atd5' 7(= //cc{' /9 - t^l // r- /5a? <,t = /r/ {c s 3 5U) 0J t /gb/ '&7 a-- ft + zs. /r-r ) ?L-- /4 tt ,oG t6- fe bVc- /st rt72- 6'u??L 6?/ .^'Ca f' /rI 7, /7c t > LEe (4 1z/-y drL 4s /V6 VU 2c /a 2' PROJECT NAME:Flannery residence Roof joists above great room SPAN = 29 ft DL = 18 psf LL = lOO psf TL = 118 psf TRBAR= 1.33 W(LLI = 133 plf W(TLI = 157 pll SPBM.XLS ROOF FRAMING Req, S = Req' A = Req. l{TL} = Req. l(LLl = F'b = 23OO psi F'v = 165 psi E = 1SOOOOO psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 16498.3 tb-ft 2275.63 tb 18 3.5 22950 rb-ft 9180 tb 18 3.5 86.078 in3 19.618 in2 956.9 in4 lLl240l 1216.4 in4 {L/3601 fl= b= d= b= USE (21 1-314x 18 ML's A= s= t= 63 in2 189 in3 17Ol in4 RB-17: At dining room window SPAN = 10 ft DL = 18 psf LL = 9O psf TL = lOB psf TRB AR= 17 W(LLI = 153O plf W(TLI = 1836 Plf F'b = 23OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 18OO0OO psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = Req. S = Feq. A = Req. l(TLl = Req. l{LL) = 1 19.74 in3 41 .O68 in2 459 in4 (Llz60l 573.75 in0 (L/36O1 USE (2) 1-3/4 x 18 ML al.utwy ?L A= s= t= 63 in2 189 in3 1701 in4 Page 21 PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence ROOF FRAMING BB-18: Above dining room SPAN = 16 ft DL 18 psf TRB AR= LL 1 10 psf TL 128 psf W(LL) = 22o pft W(TL) = 256 plf POINT LOAD = 9692 lbs POINTBM,XLS F'b 23OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 18OO0O0 psi LDF= 1 HIGHT REACT = 5076.75 lbs Req.A= 45.849in2 Req.S= 216.56in3 Req. | = 1328.3 in4 2tt a b 5ft 11 ft LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = fl= b= 871 1,25 lbs 871 1.25 lbs 41508,25 tb-ft 18 5.25 USE (31 1-3/4 x 18 ML A-- s= t= /nzs' + lvut ? Page 22 94.5 in2 7f?qo 283.5 in3 /\f,?t 2551'5 in4 I' iqrt * lL/ zs (' Rq-18: roof beam .]OINT DISPLACEMENTS .roIl{1I 1 2 5 4 5 X-DISP 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Y-DISP 0.000 -0.158 -0.031_ 0.000 0.071 Z_ROT -0.00295 0.00186 o .00277 0.00234 0.00137 MEMBER END IJOADS MEMBER .]OINT REACTIONS N(IAL FORCE 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 RX 0.000 0.000 I z 2 3 3 4 5 L l_ 2 2 3 4 4 SHEAR FORCE 34r_7. 858 -602.298 -720L.70L 8225.54]- -8988.582 9244.543 s550.850 -4655.000 RY 3417. 858 L4795.400 MOMENT -0.01_ 255330.30 -255330 .30 -1,04923.40 104923 .50 -214323.00 2L4322.70 -0.14 trlZ 0. 00 0.00 == 19. j T eyr .]OINT f.V == "/ kt 7/ /ts L 4 2,9 POINTBM.XLS PROJECT NAMET Flannery residence FB-l9: At chimn€y SPAN = 6.5 ft DL 18 psf LL lOO psf TL 118 psf W(LL) = 16O0 Plf W(TL) = 1888 plf POINT LOAD = ROOF FRAMING TRB AR=16 ft F'b 23OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 18OO0OO psi LDF= 1 a b LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = 5076 lbs 8869.231 lbs 8869.231 lbs 18170.69 lb-fr 18 3.5 RIGHT REACT 46.68 in2 94.804 in3 236.22 in4 [= s= l= = 8478.769 lbs 3ft 3.5 ft d= b= Req. A = Req. S = Req. | = USE (2) 1-3/4 x 18 ML F/qF ?c 63 in2 189 in3 1701 in4 17s. 4'€ L)t_€ Page 24 z? PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence RB-2O: At chimney SPAN = 9.5 ft DL 't I psf LL 1OO psf TL 118 psf W(LL) = 800 plf W(TL) = 944 plf POINT LOAD =a 1.5 b8 LEFT REACT : MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = ROOF FRAMING TRB AR=8ft lbs lbs lb-ft POINTBM.XLS Req. A = Req. S = Req. | = F'b 2300 F'v = 285 E = 1SOOOOO LDF= 1 psi psi psi d- b= 1 1952.63 11952.63 21852.45 18 3.5 RIGHT REACT 62.909 in2 1 14,01 in3 4'|5.2 in4 fi= $= t= 5884.368 lbs USE (2) 1-3/4 x 18 ML A\ W /t/F zl 63 in2 189 in3 17Ol in4 8869 lbs Page 25 PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence POINTBM.XLS o? F'b 23OO psi F'v = 165 psi E = I8O0OO0 psi LDF= 1 RB-22: Interior beam SPAN = 29 ft DL 18 psf LL 100 psf TL 118 psf w(LL) = 200 plf W(TLI = 236 plf POINT LOAD =a loft b 19ft LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = d= b= ROOF FRAMING TRB AR= 2 tt 4542 lbs 6397.793 lbs 6397.793 lbs 54567.43 tb-ft 19,5 6.75 USE 6-3/4 x 19-1/2 GLB A= s= t= r/+- / hf ''- a7 e frS z'/l(- l/9-: *//tt'>< 3'/ RIGHT REACT = Req,A= 58.162in2 Req.S= 284.7in3 Req. l= 3164.9in4 131 .625 in2 427,7813 in3 417O.867 inA t t t/f /- e 7{e 4988.2O7 lbs Page 26 Fa-z? /: 2rr Z.fv'7 !,,'., 7dX e' /9v v-- nt d -- ft/o'ryro' I ap z /7b . 9'. lztu',/' //r+" -1t7t6 o fe, fr+ A' Qv 7fo ?2.u /t't't - bJv'c /2or6b ( s ' rttt (z - tL7 tt /o rc'7brP) *t I ht-7t ) ,D t4) LE< ry'd'> /r du>y'. tt Jt '8zdto? ,t-- flo /de ,t ?z> 71-, 776 z</ ? c ft' e'1 : ?ol K 7Y ! n . y'ou. f'nw /t'rr -n4 fif r t r/ /t.tA k7 to 3s A z 0' scz' ----+ ?.+< I-J/CF /'/l z s (t I Gtzs r) /,t (?r, tr r" ft A,tr 7f 5' 3' 72.] 9ru t t zju" z7 , Ja, / t - a^vll&fr)RB-23: ROOF BEAM JOIMI DISPITACEMENTS ,JOINT X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER JOINT REACTIONS JOINT t_ z 2 3 3 4 I z 3 4 1 1 2 z 3 -5 A)<IAL FORCE V-DISP 0.000 0.029 0 .000 -0.1_15 Z-ROT 0 .0007L 0.00001 -0.001_59 -0.00279 SHEAR FORCE -L426.897 2406.697 -2406.699 3092.559 5L93.842 -44L0 .002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MOMEMT 0.00 -115007.90 115007.80 -230492.L0 230492.20 n n t v. vr t{z 0.00 0.00 t_ 3 RX 0.000 0.000 RY -L426.897 8285 .401 z7 RB-23: ROOF BEAM '/ (lO ( ? ' t//f/q.T<) ..'OINT DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X-DISP Y-DISP Z-ROT 1 0.000 0.000 _0. oo0L3 2 0.000 0. ooo 0.00022 3 0.000 0.000 _0. 00064 4 0.000 -0.070 _0.00L84 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER .]OINT AXIAL FORCE SHEAR FORCE MOMENT r. 1 0.000 1184.049 _0. OO L 2 0 .000 -204 .249 4L648 . 97 2 2 0.000 -6]-36.62]- -41648.9s 2 3 0.000 6822.48L -230492 .20 3 3 0.000 5l_93 .840 230492.20 3 4 0.000 -4410. OOO o. 01 REACTIONS JOINT RX 0 .000 RY r_l_84 .049 t4z 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 z 3 0.000 -6340.870 0.000 ]-20t6.320 z1 RB-24: roof beam 'JOIMT DISPITACEMENTS .]OINT l_ 2 3 4 5 X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 Y-DISP -0.358 0 .000 0.057 0.000 -0.015 Z-ROT 0.00510 0 .00290 -0.00088 - 0 . 00129 -0.00135 MEMBER END IJOADS MEMBER ,JOINT REACTIONS ,JOINT z 4 AXIAL FORCE SHEAR FORCE -8285.99L 11589 .710 8600 . r_53 -929.644 929 .652 4380.158 r_5974.980 -L4795.020 MOMENT 0.04 -834781.50 834781.80 -91456.99 9t456.94 -18452L. L0 L8462L .00 0.04 t{z 0.00 0.00 L z 2 J 3 4 4 5 1 1 2 5 3 4 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 RX 0.000 0.000 RY 20189.880 20355.1_50 Jo SPBM.XLS PROJECT NAME:Flannery residence ROOF FRAMING RB-25: At coffee pantry SPAN = 8 ft TRB AR= 6 DL = 18 psf LL = 12O psf W(LLI = 72O pll TL = 138 psf W(TLI = 828 plf MOMENT = 6624 lb-ft SHEAR = 3312 lb RB-26: Above f amily room SPAN = 15 ft TRB AH = DL = 18 psf LL = 120 psf W{LL) = TL = 138 psf W(TL) = MOMENT = 19406.3 lb-ft SHEAR = 5175 lb 6l = 18 b= 3.5 5 6OO plf 690 plf Req.S= 101 .25 Req. A = 24.513 Req. l{TL} = 582.1 I Req. l(LLl= 759.38 USE (2) 1-3/4 x 18 ML F'b = 23760 psi F'v = 1440O psi E = 2.9E+O7 psi LDF= 1 A = 4.44 in2 $ = 11.8 in3 l= 48in4 F'b = 23OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 1EOOOOO psi LDF= 1 in3 in2 in4 lLl240l in4 (L/360) A= 63in2 g = 189 in3 | = 17O1 in4 Req.S= 3.3455in3 Req.A= 0.345in2 Req. l(TL) = 6.5783 in4 lLl240l Beq. l(LLl = 8.5804 inA (L/3601 USEWBxIS Page 31 Cantelivered deck ior"a"- .]OINT JOINT L 2 3 MEMBER MEMBER 1 1 2 z DISPLACEMENTS X-DISP 0.000 0. 000 0.000 END LOADS ,JOTNT 1 2 2 5 AXIAI.,, FORCE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 RX 0.000 0 .000 Y-DISP 0.000 0.000 -0.046 RY 395.187 L167.t93 Z-ROT -0.00261 0.00086 -0.00L32 SHEAR FORCE 394.187 s92.393 574 .800 0.000 /'L'19. t,, rt{A4 tZco /6t1-g€^ MOMENT 0.00 -I7244.00 17244 . OO 0. 00 MZ 0.00 0.00 A: 0.ov\/,0, zs ,2-u' REACTIONS .]OINT L 2 /= €72 rtv o, A) a ar"fte 375 ,//re2 ,) / + /7 ' 7/, -zvw '/e ztrt bV9- 7/'z nS -n' /7zrt h't-r frf t' /('t rts ,/E-e ?Stt'J € ,u 2 //5 7L /4- PROJECT NAME:Flannery residenco FB-1: Door header SPAN = 11 ft DL = 28 psl LL = 4O psf TL = 68 psf SPBM.XLS THIRD FLOOR FRAMING TRB AB= 18 W(LLI = 72O plt W(TL) = 1224 Plt F'b = 24OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 1SOOOOO psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 18513 tb-ft 6732 tb Req. S = Req, A = Req. l(TLl= Req. l{LL} = 92.565 in3 32.244 in2 4O7.29 in4 359.37 in4 tLt240l (L/360t d= b= d= b= 11.875 5.25 FB-2: Interior door header SPAN= 3ft TRBAR= DL = 28 psf LL = 4O psf W(LLI = TL = 68 psf W(TLI = USE (3) 'l-314 x 1 1-7,8 ML 12 480 plf 816 plf Req. s = Req' A = Req. l(TL) = Req. l{LL} = A = 62.3438 in2 S = 123.389 in3 | = 732.62 in4 F'b = 825 psi F'v = 95 psi E = 1600000 psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 918 tb-ft 1224 lb 9.25 3 13.353 in3 14.361 in2 6.1965 in4 lLl240l 5.4675 in4 (L/36O) usE t2t 2 x1O A = 27,75 in2 $ = 42.7813 in3 | = 197.863 in4 Page 33 SPBM.XLS PROJECT NAME:Flannery residence THIRD FLOOR FRAMING FB-3: lnterior beam -SPAN = 23.5 ft TRB AR= 8 F'b = 23OO psi F'v = l6E psi DL = 28 psf E = 18OO0OO psi LL = 4O psf W(LL) = 320 plf LDF = 1 TL = 68 psf W(TLI = 544 plf MOMENT - 37553 lb-ft Req. S = 195.93 in3 SHEAR = 6392 lb Req,A= 54,7O9in2 Req. f (TL)= 1765 in4 lLlz40l Req. l(LL) = 1557.3 in4 (U36Ol d = 16.5 b = 6.75 USE 6-3/4 x 16-1/2 GLB A = 111.375 in2 S = 306.281 in3 | = 2526.82 in4 FB-4: Interior beam SPAN = 12 tt TRB AR= DL = 28 psf LL = 40 psf W(LLI = TL = 68 pst W(TLI = MOMENT = 3672 lb-ft SHEAR = 1224 tb d = 11.25 b= 3 3 120 plf 204 pll Req. S = 53.41 1 Req. A = 17.816 Req. l{TL} = 99.144 Req. l(LLl = 87.4A USE Ql 2 x12 F'b = 825 psi F'v = 95 psi E = 160OOO0 psi LDF= 1 in3 in2 in4 lLlz40l in4 {L/36O} A = 33.75 in2 S = 63.2813 in3 | = 355.957 in4 Page 34 SPBM.XLS PROJECT NAME:Flannery residence THIRD FLOOR FRAMING FB-6: Guest bedroom window header SPAN= 8ft TRBAR= 14 DL = 28 psf LL = 4O psf W(LLI = 560 ptf TL = 68 psf W(TLI = 952 ptf MOMENT = 7616 lb-ft SHEAR = 3808 lb Req.S= 38.08in3 Req.A= 17.663in2 Req, l(TL)= 137.09 in4 lLl240l Beq. l(LLl = 120.96 in4 (U36Ol 1-314 x 11-7 F'b = 2400 psi F'v = 285 psi E = 16O000O psi LDF= 1 A = 41 .5625 in2 S = 82.2591 in3 | = 488.413 in4 d,= 1 1.875 b:= 3.5 Paga34fi PFOJECT NAME:Flannery residence FB-6: Door header SPAN = 11 ft DL = 28 psf LL = 4O psf TL = 68 psf SPBM,XLS zr/,D t@ FLOOR FRAMING TRB AR= 18 w(LLl = 72O ptt W(TL) = 1224 pll F'b = 24OO psi F'v = 285 psi E = 1SOOOOO psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 18513 tb-tt 6732 tb Req' S = Req. A = Req, l(TL!= Req. l(LL) = 92.565 in3 32.244 in2 4O7.29 in0 359.37 in4 tLt240l (L/36Ot fl= b= 11.875 5.25 FB-7: Interior door header SPAN= 3ft DL = 28 psf LL = 4O psf TL -- 68 psf MOMENT = SHEAR = TRB AR= W{LL} = W(TL) = 918 tb-ft 1224 tb 9.25 3. USE (31 1-314 x 1 1-7l8 ML 12 480 plf 816 plf Req. S = Req. A = Req. l(TLl = Beq. l(LLl = 62.3438 in2 123.389 in3 732,62 in4 F'b = 825 psi F'v = 95 psi E = 16O00O0 psi LDF= 1 ,d= $= l= d= b= 13.353 in3 14.361 in2 6.1965 in4 lLl240l 5.4675 in4 (L/360) USE l2l 2 x10 A = 27.75 in2 S = 42.7813 in3 | = 197.863 in4 Page 35 PROJECT NAME:Flannery residence SPBM.XLS ztYD ]@ FLOOR FRAMING FB-8: Wall header SPAN = 7 lt DL = 28 psf LL = 40 psf TL = 68 psf MOMENT = SHEAR = d= b= FB-9: Interior beam SPAN = 16.5 ft DL = 28 psf LL = 4O psf TL = 68 psf MOMENT = SHEAR = d= b= TRB AR= w(LLl = WITL) = F'b = 825 psi F'v = 95 psi E = 160O000 psi LDF= 1 200 plf 34O plf 2082.5 tb-ft 1 190 tb 11.25 3 Req. S = Req' A = Req, l(TL) = Req. l{LL} = 30.291 in3 16.273 in2 32.799 in4 28.941 in4 Lt240l {L/360) USE (2) 2 x12 3 120 plf 2A4 plt Req. S = Req' A = Req. l(TL) = Req. l(LLl = 33.75 in2 63.2813 in3 355.957 in4 F'b = 240O psi F'v = 285 psi E = 18OO00O psi LDF= 1 A= s= t= TRB ,AR = w(LLl = W(TL) = 6942.38 lb-ft 1683 tb 11.875 3.5 34.712 in3 8.3266 in2 229.1in4 lLl240l 202.15 in4 (L/36O) USE (21 1-314 x 1 1-7 l8 ML A = 41.5625 in2 S : 82.2591 in3 l= 488.41 3in4 Page 36 PROJECT NAME: Flannory residence POINTBM.XLS SECOND FLOOR FRAMING TRB AR=15 ft oo F'b 2300 psi F'v = 285 psi E = IEOOOOO psi LDF= 1 FB-10: Interior beam SPAN = DL LL TL 18 ft 28 psf 40 psf 68 psf W(LLI = 600 Plf W{TL} = 1020 plf POINT LOAD =2686 lbs 11269.'1 1 lbs 11269.11 lbs 49666.44 tb-it 16.5 6,75 a b 4tt 14 tt LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = \ d= b= Req. A = Req. S = Req. | = USE 6-3/4 x 16-1/2 GLB BIGHT REACT = 9776.889 tbs 59.311 in2 259.13 in3 1788 in4 A= 111.375 in2 3O6.2813 in3 2526.82 in4 ;6=9c /)o s= l= 7y t*./ ?F t= ?s AS 7-- //l u-rg t,t-t t o-x ? c --F.*.-.- -- -* 1 Page 37 3z PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence FB-11: Above coffee pantry SPAN = 12 tt DL = 18 psf LL = 100 psf TL = 118 psf SPBM.XLS SECOND FLOOR FRAMING TRB AR = 18 ft W(LLI : 1800 plf W(TL) = 2124 plf F'b = 2300 psi F'v = 165 psi E : 18OO0OO psi LDF= 1 MOMENT = SHEAR = 38232 tb-ft 12744 tb Req. S = Req. A = Req, l(TL) = Req. l(LL) = 199.47 in3 102.58 in2 917,57 in4 lLl240l 1 166.4 in4 (L/3601 ,/ZZ--er"-*'j-*t. /st bVa'??'t ,e-tl, nuou. .o,n,nl.'l-,'e /4 tot d = 16.5 b = 6.75 SPAN = 12 fr TRB AR = DL = 28 psf LL = 40 psf W(LL) = TL = - 68 psf W(TL) = USE 6-3/4 x 16-1/2 GLB Zu A = 11 1.375 in2 S = 306.281 in3 | = 2526.82 in4 5 * 27,7 7 =/yf F'b = 825 psi F'v = 95 psi E = 1600000 psi LDF= 1 4fr 160 plf 272 plt MOMENT = SHEAR = 4896 lb-ft 1632 rb 1 1.25 4.5 Req. S = Req. A = Req. l(TL) : Req. l(LLl : d= b= 71 .21 5 in3 23.755 in2 132.19 in4 lLlz40l 1 16.64 in4 (L/360) USE(31 2 x12 A = 50.625 in2 S = 94.9219 in3 | = 533.936 in4 Page 38 PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence SPBM.XLS SECOND FLOOR FRAMING FB-13: Window header SPAN = 11.5 ft DL = 28 psf LL = 40 psf TL = 68 psf MOMENT = SHEAR = TRB AR = w(LL) = W(TL) = 16 ft F'b = 2400 psi F'v = 285 psi E = 1800000 psi LDF= 1 640 plf 1088 plf 17986 lb-ft 6256 tb Req. S = Req. A = Req. l(TL) = Req, l(LL) = 89,93 in3 30.093 in2 413.68 in4 365.01 in4 lLt240l I (L/360t d= b= 11.875 5.25 USE (3) 1-314 x 1 1-7l8 ML A : 62.3438 in2 S = 123.389 in3 | : 732.62 in4 It)t2 bfk kvl 6f r /: 6 rr /&? A- 11-- /o' l',{= /q.! -- 9r,// ?t- ? ?L g oo '/t' ft 52 d /rF ? tco /'r 2- z.r€b'^ f, // z- ,G7 s -- 9c-t s' fr7 {; 2e (z I / e,/vx // 2/r a'''A-,// g = f,L ar/rr 7?tu * d c ltco c.t a 9),/ ...,' / / , 4lo"34" 4f ? Ju' b2 ?2 --.*., Page 39 PROJECT NAME:Flannery residence TRINGBM.XLS SECOND FLOOR FRAMING TRB AR -7.5 ft 2250 lbs. 3825 lbs. FB-l 5: Above kitchen SPAN = 15 ft DL = 28 psf LL = 4O psf TL = 68 psf Left reaction = SHEAR = d= b= Triangular load ILL) - Triangular load (TL) = Right react. =. Req. A = Req, S = Req. | = F'b = 24OO psi F'v = 28F psi E = 18O0OOO psi LDF= 1 I 1275 lbs, 13.42105 in2 36.80606 in3 215.473 in4 2550 lbs. 2550 lbs. MOMENT = 7361.213 lb-ft 11.875 in 3.5 in USE (21 1-314 x 1 1-7l8 ML A 41.5625 in2 S= 82.25911 in3 | = 488.4135 in4 Page 40 oo POINTBM.XLS PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence SECOND FLOOR FRAMING FB-l 6: Above pantry SPAN = 6.5 ft DL 28 psf TRB AR= 10 ft LL 4O psf TL 68 psf W(LL) = 400 plf W{TL} = 680 plf PO|NT LOAD : 12744 tbs a 1.5 ft b slt oo F'b 2400 psi F'v = 285 psi E = 1800000 psi LDF= 1 LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = 12013.08 lbs 12013.08 lbs 18295.87 lb-ft RIGHT REACT : 63.227 in2 91.479 in3 237.85 in4 A = 73.5 s: 17t.5 I = 1200.5 5150.923 lbs d= b= 14 5.2F Req. A = Req. S = Req. | = USE (31 l-3/4 x 14 ML in2 in3 in4 .ry -I:::" k+ es ?2,.eV -Z*/f, lFo= af,s 255 1,./ /oF zL 5 = Lt,t- 7--- //F /). 7 - o./ Page 41 canreLivered beam ftr, 'JOINT .JOINT 1 z 3 DISPLACEMENTS X-DISP 0.000 0. 000 0. 000 oo Y-DISP 0.000 0.000 -0.009 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER .fOINT REACTIONS .]OIIVT AXIAL FORCE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 RX 0.000 0.000 .L 2 2 3 L l" 2 z 1 I z kf"= /'?r 4f€ /'/l\Y4 3o Z-ROT 0. 00004 -0.00008 -0.oo022 SHEAR FORCE -t329.22L 1499.32L 1767.840 0.000 RY -L328.22L 3267 .]-5L MOMENT -0.00 -42428.L2 42428.12 -0.01 vlz 0.00 0.00 7r/ (P/oF3a /= O,a>] 4 AL"5tP( ?L 47/ oo POINTBM,XLS PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence SECOND FLOOR FRAMING oo F'b 2300 psi F'v = 165 psi E = 1800000 psi LDF= 1 FB-18: Next to stairs SPAN = 23.5 ft DL 28 psf Lt 40 psf TL 68 psf W(LLI = 240 ptt W(TLI = 408 Plf POINT LOAD =a 7.5 ft b 16 ft LEFT REACT = MAX, SHEAR = MOMENT = 4697 lbs 7991.957 7991.957 521 49.43 19.5 5.125 TRB AR = lbs lbs lb-ft 6ft Req. A : Req. S : Req. | : RIGHT REACT = 72.654 in2 272,08 in3 2451 in4 A = 99.9375 S = 324,7969 | = 3166.77 ,t 3 q2./ 74 ^7 6293.043 lbs d= b= 9 s ?C,'/ k7 ___-------bu,tE 3F6)' __J USE 5-1/8 x 19-1/2 GLB 7= /tU Lrtls, 7 7 in2 in3 in4 Vf s /r'/ Pa Page 43 -',/a.eg P4'' *E /zGrr f,'9'Xs= U7o* //= zs se r ( e'rs) 5 f, Fcz' (,e - *) 3t"'z3o (As- zc) ,//'9 Zr' (r-t-',) V3rzzu * .- 57f le - 6,f z7 | ,-n.1i?, O Z,c ,t- & (F/r,) 47tt b2 S=l3 I z Q'o<ot' U * c_At /.=p Lc At oo L't-, 3Y / /7v "7 oo PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence POINTBM.XLS MAIN FLOOR FRAMING TRB AR-2tt Req, A = Req. S = Req, | = USE W18x4O to F'b 2376O psi F'v = 144OO psi E = 29OOOOOO psi LDF= 1 6491.458 lbs FB-2O: Above garage SPAN = 24 Ir DL 28 psf LL 4O psf TL 68 psf W(LL) = 80 Plf W(TLI = 136 plf POINT LOAD = 33322 lbs a 3.5 ft b 20.5 ft LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = 30094.54 lbs 30094.54 lbs 109410.9 tb-ft RIGHT REACT : 3.1348 in2 55.258 in3 325.97 in4 A: s= t= 4.88 in2 68.4 in3 612 in4 Page 45 hf: af ,7''72/r< / OOc ft44a2*oo a@ 419 FzL bat ao (D /(D a,c lErx af / 6 = ,/?rLeo /l7ot"1 t*{@ 4,= /fr.v f r qt -, ?G o /'7o") ,/t-*+y 3.v 3 s 2oo (,rc) to/rx 3xtEL= /tB- (fu*y'tuc'v/ tP) f-l(E f. /€, svon tunP O /(i) /=le/+ft- 7f '- t' t /L,too (lvu'1 4o/7r -/.Y b t /?t" ('*-") (t e+)./s-4f"yt2- ?€ zYoo Zo/tl). J* tX7- = / & oo (fa'-t E/2rau t' s7o,'.1 ;" **" /€n ftS' z7: n62te' -4'O 3 r5to - 2 r 3? Zs<".a oo 74 4e3) lt //rrc/o.b a c // rr 27r 7rz7S - // rxa^ ry'/c: 6f,x7/?.s= 7ta+ ?sro /E{o- 21, 7 €vt (, , // r)c / zr ,/f,'- r Le' ? r/ (.f r ?Y 6 t V' 7L G/r (,x ?* /r= 727 6t-,ls* ToxA' f,'o- /€' s'-' (*-r) (ft"*) ( sl'n') (r-'+; (n--'-1 (f--') /n*rl / s+"-4 5v/ 23 €o, z)? e 27,? s"' l^r'- l3b f Le a'Ls'l//-'o''7---T---------,- / 4J4' 48, t ,v* 7.t ,AV Az 3ty't,'tv n- q/,f ,Lx ll- ' . ,6p S- /29 ta t t /3br rty =frh z-- 4c;{ w 3 8 L., ?Cat , /?ot f4 z/)c 7q /b' f< t/u.' j z77L J'4 Z 7oc A " /o't 4b oo PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence POINTBM.XLS MAIN FLOOB FRAMING TRB AR=20 ft (*-tl (.//-ee) oo F'b 23760 psi F'v = 14400 psi E = 29000000 psi LDF= 1 RfGHT REACT = 27776.92lbs 4.4552 in2 91.302 in3 28o.2 in4 t-/utc 7oo =-> Ly'o- FB-22: Above garage SPAN = 12,5 lt DL 28 psf LL 4O psf TL 68 psf W(LL) = 8oo plf W(TLI = 1360 plf POINT LOAD = 53547 lbs a 4.5 ft b 8ft LEFT REACT = MAX, SHEAR = MOMENT = 4277O.08 lbs 42770.08 lbs 180777.9 tb-ft Req. A = Req. S = Req. | : USEW24x55 A= s= t= 8.29 in2 1 14 in3 135O in4 f= //PY'ots ///f 6ri X t, . /oro' 4, /trrv /7lo ^2? (t u zz?v5 7p'7 Y / {3r,t t z'x €3 €r'7e d'/' ', Page 47 oo POINTBM.XLS PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence MAIN FLOOR FRAMING FB-23: Above garage SPAN = 12.5 ft DL 128 psf TRB AR = 2 lt LL 4O psf TL 168 psf W(LL) = 8O plf W(TLI = 336 plf POINT LOAD = a 5.5 b7 oo F'b 23760 F'v = 144OO E = 29OOO0OO LDF= 1 RIGHT REACT = 16542.56 2.1335 in2 54.374 in3 167,06 in4 / /rl, / t8 FP //o-- psl psi psi LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = 20481 .44 20481.44 107660.4 Req. A = Req. S = Req. | = lbs lbs lb-ft lbs USEW16x4O A= s= t= 4.11 in2 64.7 in3 518 in4 32824 lbs Page 48 /u - 4f tsz-'t 7'7'n 'fl 'zt ) fr, 4ztlo/"t 7z/'vr'5' (fr't11'2L) /.r . 1u€4t b ( V^cn F' 23) ( /, t /f,. zav (n'-" e'aL' rt't-ttc) ) fa'- z r l= bn7/* ('oonfr'b) at= //(r7z lo6XlI€ fl.r = O d*- /{ " Tozo ,(r+,an 4yX/' 7rr1zt ll,to{ tr\?27t oo oo ? {r { oco? /o(3 L ?ytf,6t 7:o" /t-ry 4/,/77 e' kry Ao o'?7 ln/o Z?c''6/' (ty f .> ,/47 ta 3 .J ,k- A o d/q" za v ' / /€3t /"'Y y',,:y'o" r4F zvV 7L S-- J= A- /zs Zl o) 7.ry €' 1' fB'zs &'A* t3pa74:oo /: 7/,?//P' e c,{-l-6r,o /', V 7/72L ,r p-eo. ft - zz-) /s, 4r"?{,( m-n ft- "-,-) /7??{b 5Ootr+ a7 72b' zTb?o3 a -y/zasbTv) /t'* 7t ?47r t' ) ) -e /3/ 7z /<P { flz kT 4/ra/73te lt'/r) J: /aVn s 1\ = /,frt /-/d- - z <-,,tf- t,f ZW2< bz- o.€b 7' L .-J_z' l" //n' {7m oo FB-25: Above Starage .]OINT DISPLACEMENTS ,JOINT L 2 3 4 5 X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0 .000 0.000 MEMBER END IJOADS MEMBER .'OINT REACTTONS ,JOINT 1 z z 3 3 4 4 5 t_ 1 4 z 5 3 A 4 A)(IAL RX 0.000 0.000 FORCE 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 1_ 4 oo Y-DISP 0.000 -0.204 -0.483 0.000 -0.1-40 RY 50052 .560 45903.470 Z-ROT -0.00590 -0.00518 0.00164 0.004r-0 0.00378 SHEAR FORCE 50052.560 -49776.440 498L.526 -3877.045 -23898.970 249LL .ALO 2L992 .060 -2t7t5.940 MOMENT 0.35 L795920.00 t-L7969t9.00 2434736.00 z-2434736.00 -786749.30 786748.40 -2 -35 vtz 0. 00 0.00 46 E- ' a-t flr2 -e a> u f, A e'O()"'P ay'Nec*'oo (- ?/, a/8* /,/ t 7A' /t?Y /'37 : 7owlrt (, =,/2??/P (rw' F'zz) z/2 72/ c /. L J'o\ 2 3ju' /'t r" t 1 fl' Z5// -'(l-- Io5 f-ft- 7?t l>'k )(tL= 7 2 9.f 1b' r) /z) " > zo/rttc 47 atv lo- tP w ?r/c 6P Zt, 8/8 4 €c /ry !,= /fto ?2 c- oo Fts-25: Above garage .]OINT DISPIJACEMENTS JOINT 1 2 3 4 5 X-DISP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Y-DTSP 0.000 -0.208 -o.290 0.000 0.096 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER .JOINT REACTIONS JOINT A)(IAIJ FORCE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 RX 0.000 0.000 Z-ROT -0.00319 -0.00230 0.00032 0.00231 0.00r-84 SHEAR FORCE 18403.840 -17779 .600 77779,570 -r_715s.330 -25615.510 26812,070 22234.L40 -2r_817. 980 MOMEMT L.44 130250r..00 ?-1302600.00 2550256.00 ?-25602s5.00 ?-r.057253.00 L0572s4 . OO -o.54 MZ 0.00 0. 00 l_ 2 2 5 3 4 4 5 'l L 2 z 3 3 4 4 1 4 RY 18403 .840 49046.2].0 A = /' L7" !,/ o". ' /' v?"2 /' z?' /. F( /?p ft ''Z ? " a'-Laas D A/=C6 f *€,x /7' /??zftP /1 o /? ?4t' (f' F'"a) /r, ?b./o3 (rct F -zr) /3 t \-/uat lf-a fr' L/ ) 7qvo3t /?wut vJ = l2tL / o'1 5 2r' /.tA. 7.Zf t'u (/ z 51 '/ 5),, ? - ,/ 2o t',v k? t= ,/26 rb.To 2rr z'r/zvo ' t zt// y'a" -------> c-'9s N 7q)€ i/,c,/ oJ "{/t ls tr 7).3.g:3t/7r9/7 /bJfv 7f s. z-- /\ a 7zL z?oo 7.zr 476 PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence POINTBM.XLS MAIN FLOOR FRAMING TRB AR = 1.33 ft FB-28: Above garage SPAN = DL LL TL 26 tr 28 psf 4O psf 68 psf F'b 23760 psi F'v = 14000 psi E = 29000000 psi LDF= 1 W(LL) = 53.2 plf W(TL) = 9O.4 plf POINT LOAD a b LEFT REACT = MAX. SHEAR = MOMENT = = 825O lbs 4tt 22 8156.489 8156.489 35565.26 Req. A = Req. S - Req. | = lbs lbs lb.ft RIGHT REACT 0.8739 in2 17.962 in3 286.97 in4 A- s= l= 2444.951 lbs USE W 16x26 3.37 in2 38.4 in3 301 in4 Pase 49f PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence SEISMIC ANALYSIS V= ZICWBw = O.02578 W(roofl = W(wallsl = V(roof) = V+ (Totl = 5615.93 lbs. W(floor) = W(wallsl = V(floorl = V* (Totl = 2842.13 lbs. WIND ANALYSIS P=CeCqqsl V(root) = 5.6088 psf V(2nd fld = 14.924 psf V(main) = 13.858 psf LATERAL2.DSG 0.76 roof O.7 2nd floor 0.65 main flr 0.45 roof 1.3 walls 16.4 1 o.075 1 2.75 8 H I Ce= Ce= Ce= cq= cq= qs= t= WT(psf)widrh (frl Lenqth (ft)width (ftl Lensth (ftl Tot (lbsl 55 26 48 'r 33 74 202960 20 6 124 +14880 217830 25 52 60 "r 78000 20 13 124 T 32240 110240 Page 5O LATERAL2.DSG PROJECT NAME: Flannery residence NORTH. SOUTH DIRECTION V(roofl = V(2nd flr) = EAST. WEST DIRECTION V(roof1 = V(2nd flrl = Wind controls on both directions SHEAR WALLS DESIGN Wall Trib. load (lbs.l Length (fr) Shear forcel 0b/ftl Shear wall typ€ at at at at "A"2669 6 444.8333 sw1' "4"10192 30 339.7333 /,Sw-1 "8"2669 qfr ftafrEz?r /sw-1 "B'3761 10 376.1 SW-1 "c"3761 moment frame at middle area "F"5032 431 117.0233 sw-1 "G"10065 moment frame moment frame at garage "H"5032 2? 7 /t'e back roof lower level back roof back area, lower level SHEAR WALLS SHEATHING DESIGN: 112 CDX Ptywood naited: l-SW-r lf Od at 4"o.c. at edges & 10d at 12" o.c. at tietd GF:460 ptf With 5/8" diam. anchor bolts at 32" o.c. GF: 488 plf Wind (psf)width (ft)Heisth (ftl width (ft)Hoisth {ft}Sub-Tt(lb)Total (lbsl 5.6088 68 28 +1 0679,1 6 14.924 68 4 +4059.328 14738.48 13.858 68 6 't-5654.O64 TOTAL = 20392.55 14.924 32 4 +14 I 3581.76 14.924 40 4 T 46 I 8566.376 12148.14 13.858 48 12 'r 7982.208 TOTAL = 20130.34 Page 51 !/= 7cz?- V: )o92 > - ,t{5' h2 t4 (vf &r: /o((/tf W tg.f<t .vl tt' interior moment frame .]OINT DATA .JOIMT RESTRAINTS 1 z J 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 l_ l_ L0 00 00 00 00 00 00 L0 00 00 10 11 11 1l_ L1_ 1l_ 11 1l_ 1L 1L l_1 l_1 l_1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1L L2 x-cooRD 0.000 0.000 0.000 l_44 .000 r-44 .000 r-44 .000 r_44.000 144 .000 480.000 480.000 480.000 Y-COORD 300.000 432.000 552.000 552.000 432.000 300.000 L44 .000 0.000 552.000 r.44 . 000 0.000 0 0 U 0 0 0 L 1 1 1 MEMBER DATA MEMBER .Jl ,J2 t2 z3 34 25 t6 45 57 67 78 49 9 10 10 t_l_ IJOADS AX 17. 000 17.000 20. L00 17.500 17.500 r_7.000 17. 000 17.000 r-7.000 20.100 17.000 l_7. 000 IZ 475.000 475 t 000 r.83 0 . 000 341. 000 34r_.000 475.000 475. 000 475.000 475. 000 1830.000 475.000 475.000 E 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 RESTRAINTS .JOINT .JOINT J wx 3037.000 WY 0.000 MZ 0.000 DISTRTBUTED MEMBER LOADS MEMBER wsx 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 3 4 5 10 WEX 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 wsY -91.000 -7.000 -7. 000 -91.000 WEY -91.000 -7 .000 .-7.000 -91.000 0 0 0 0 53 interior moment frame JOINT DISPLACEMEIfIS 'JOINT X-DIgP 0 . r_07 0 . r.99 0.268 0.267 0.199 0.107 0.000 0.000 0.267 0.000 0.000 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER .'OINT Z-ROT -0.00043 -0.00053 -0.00024 -0.00058 -0.00040 -0.00036 -0.00055 0.00028 0.0013s -0.00053 0.00026 SHEAR FORCE 1553 .104 -1553.1014 1505.047 -L605.047 L3 8 ,445 L2965 .560 -r28L .824 2289 .824 -L5L).aZt 2525.32tJ 376.862 -376.862 428.810 -428.810 r_553 . r_1_8 -1553. r_r_8 -L099.603 L099 .603 t68L7.260 r-3758.740 J-Uf 5 . J-5J- -1055.l_51 -L054.794 1054.794 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 l_0 l_L Y-DISP 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.036 -o.029 -0.011 -0.01_0 0.000 -0.015 -0.004 0.000 1 1 2 2 5 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 10 10 11 1L L2 L2 1 4 2 3 2 5 L 6 4 5 5 7 6 7 7 I 4 9 J L0 1_0 L1 A)(IAJJ FORCE -1143 .378 1143.378 138.446 -l_38 .446 143L.845 -r_43r-.845 5r_. 97r. -51.971 r.553.091 -r.553.091 29782.810 -29782 .8L0 32072 .540 -32072 .640 2323.530 -4525.45U 34396. L50 -34396. r.60 105s. 128 -1055. t_28 L3758.740 -13758.740 L3758.740 -L3758.740 MOMENT 123733.50 8L276,22 51_317.9L t4L287 .80 -L4t287.90 -782264.2U -r-32594.30 -L24564 .40 -723733.40 -138278.60 -r_0L78 . 94 55402.28 69162.04 54335.l_3 L382'78.60 L04007.70 - 158342 . 80 0 .01 792442.90 -2786IL.50 2786It.40 151890 .40 -15r_890.40 0 .00 t4z 0.00 0.00 0.00 REACTIONS JOINT 1 7 c RX 0.000 -3081.530 1099.503 RY -2458.907 0.000 34395.150 ro' -zLos. rn.lD o.ooo eQ.oo 11 :1054.794 L3758.740 0 .00 I ,IOINT DISPL,ACEME!flIS iIOINT X-DISP Y-DISP Z-ROT MEMBER END IIOADS MEMBER JOINT N(IAIJ FORCE SI{EAR FORCE MOMENT REACTIONS ,JOINT uiz RY RX sf ir^rfdz,rL na/>f fff nf PAu" G2 (Q r'zKS l/z 3ctz- er?*4a u) >6rrtz-- 6/w (lF /i, l1?va tJ = stv ftf ?e3?w: 3 ro ltF @ /7co' U"tzY{4 1r6o' 2d)brt 5-7- interior moment, frame aa ,JOTNT DATA ITOINT X-COORD Y-COORD RESTRAINTS 1 0.000 0.000 1 1 1 2 0.000 144.000 0 0 o 3 0. 000 335 .000 0 0 o 4 L44.000 t44.000 0 0 0 5 342.000 336.000 0 o o 5 342.000 144.000 0 o o ? 342.000 0.000 1 1 o I 425.000 335.000 0 0 0 9 426.000 0.000 1 1 0 1_0 510.000 336.000 0 0 o MEMBER DATA MEMBER ,J]. J2 AX TZ E RESTRAIMTS l_ L 2 L7 .OO0 475.000 29000000.0 1 1 2 2 3 17.000 475.000 29000000.0 1 1 3 3 5 20.100 L830.000 29000000.0 l_ 1 4 2 4 L0.000 248.000 29000000.0 l_ 1 s 4 6 17.600 341.000 29000000-0 1 l_6 s 6 t_7.000 475.000 2900oooo.o L 1 7 6 7 17.000 475.000 29000000.0 I 1 8 5 I 20.l_00 l_830.000 29000000.0 L 1 9 I 9 17.000 47s.000 29000000 .0 L 1 10 B L0 20.100 l_830.000 29000000.0 L 1 JOINT LOADS JOrlt't 2 1995.000 0.000 0.000 3 3037.000 0.000 0.000 4 0.000 -9180.000 0.000 DISTRIBUTED MEMBER LOADS MEMBER WSX WEX WSY WEY I,G 3 0.000 0.000 -58. OOO -58. OOO O 4 0 .000 0 .000 -1_L.300 -11.300 0 5 0.000 0.000 -11.300 -L1.300 o I 0 . 000 0 . 000 -28 .330 -28 . 330 o r_0 0. 000 0.000 -28.330 -28.330 O MZ WY s7 interior moment frame .JOINT DISPI-,ACEMENTS ,JOINT 1 2 3 MEMBER MEMBER X-DISP 0.000 o -2to 0 .438 0.2L2 0 .435 0.213 0.000 0 .435 0.000 0 .435 END LOADS .JOINT 1 z 2 3 3 5 2 4 6 5 6 5 Y-DISP 0.000 -0.005 -0.008 -0.339 -0.012 -0.005 0.000 -0.002 0.000 -0.0L2 Z-ROT 0 .00000 -0.00222 -0.00106 0.00017 0.00032 - 0 . 00058 -0.00L93 -0.00007 -0.00191 -0.000r_2 SHEAR FORCE 2788.026 -27 88 .026 -2033.905 2033.906 9662.453 L3593 .550 6227 ,798 -4500.597 -4579.405 6815.805 4622 .882 - 4622 .882 r.796 .858 - 1796 . 868 1501.550 878.]-7L 447.730 -447.730 2379.7L9 0.001 4 5 o 7 8 v 10 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 I I 9 9 10 1_0 7 5 I 8 J R 10 AXIAI-I FORCE 1_5890.250 -r_5890.250 9662.455 -9662,455 5070.882 -5070.882 -2825.974 2825 .97 4 -2825.962 2825.962 15095.100 -L5095. r_00 219LL. 900 -219r_r-.900 448.150 -448.150 3257.890 -3257.890 o.207 -0.207 MOMENT 413078.20 -11602.31 -27823L.90 -1L2278.OO LL2278.tO -784495.20 289834 .50 489809.90 -489809.90 -6384L4.80 507927 .'10 379665.70 258749.L0 0.00 27656'7.50 -250385.60 1_50437.40 -0.05 99948.26 0.05 REACTIONS ,JOINT l_ 7 RX -2788.026 -l-796.868 -447 ,730 RY r-s890 .250 2r-911. 900 3257.890 vlz 4]-3078.20 0.00 0.00 9? Zon<r.r ftcft€ (i)^rna @ l/a {,U = zej =/z 6 /{ f.< , /07?' zt,z ft"L, n? r7L /e 'l \ .l t trut'f I /vr,3 t, moment frame at waII H JOINT DATA .]OINT X-COORD Y-COORD RESTRAINTS i. 0.000 155. OOO 1 1 I 2 0.000 300.000 0 o 0 3 144.000 300. ooo o o o 4 L44 . 000 156.000 0 0 o 5 144.000 0.000 1 1 L MEMBER DATA MEMBER .f]- J2 AX IZ E RESTRAINTS 1 1 2 L0 .400 50.500 29000000.0 1 1 2 2 3 9.L20 375.000 29000000.0 L 1 3 1 4 8.840 L7o.ooo 2goooooo.o o o 4 3 4 10.400 50.500 29000000.0 1 1 5 4 5 10.400 50. 5OO 29000000.0 ,. I 1_ .]OINT LOADS ,fOItflf WX WY 0.000 MZ 0.000 2 3354.000 DISTRIBUTED MEMBER LOADS MEMBER WSX WEX WSY WEY LG 2 0.000 o. ooo _12s.000 _125. O0o 0 3 0. 000 O. OOO -7.000 -?. GOO O 4:a moment frame at walL H ,JOINT DISPLACEMENTS 'JO]NT X-DISP Y-DISP 0 .000 Z-ROT 0.000 0.00000 1 z 3 4 c MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER JOINT AXIAL FORCE SHEAR FORCE MOMENT 1 1 7202 .852 1655.739 135420 .20 L 2 -7202.852 -L555.739 L03005 .20 2 2 L598 .268 7202.853 -Lo3oo6.3o 2 3 -t698.268 t!79.t .tso -155?83. OO 3 1 -25s0.1_23 0.000 o. oo 3 4 2550.l_23 o. ooo o.0o 4 3 t_0797. L50 1698.259 155783 . O0 4 4 -l_0?97.L50 -L698.259 88766.32 5 4 11344 .350 -851. 854 _88?66 .3L 5 5 -11344.350 851.864 _44L24.55 0 .396 -0. 003 -0.00159 0.395 -0.011 o. ooo92 0.001_ -0.006 -0. 00238 0.000 0.000 0.00000 -4205 . 853 7202 .8s2 13s420 .20 8s1.864 11344 .350 -44t24.55 REACTIONS .TOINT MZ RY RX Q/ moment frame at, wall H JOINT DISPIJACEMENTS .JOINT L z 3 4 5 MEMBER MEMBER x-DrsP 0. 000 0.691 0.690 0. 002 0.000 END I,OADS ,tOINT l_ z 2 3 l- 4 3 4 4 5 Y-DISP 0.000 -0.003 -v.vL4 -0.006 0.000 Z-ROT -0.00549 - 0 . 00142 0.00055 -0.00388 0.00000 1 1 z z 3 4 4 5 5 AXIAI-, FORCE 665L .949 -665L.949 2639 .087 -2639.087 -4029.050 4029.060 11348.050 -r.1348.050 11895 .250 -11895.250 SHEAR FORCE 715.001 -715.00L 665t.949 r.t 348.050 0. 000 0.000 2538.926 -2638.925 -1390.133 1390.133 MOMENT 0.03 L02950.20 -L02960.20 -235159.20 0.00 0.00 235]-59.20 L44845.20 -t44846.30 -720t4.54 REACTIONS JOINT l_ 5 Rl( -4744.06L r-390. r-33 RY 665t.949 1 1895 .250 MZ 0.00 -720L4.54 /t- ndr,{ frN,t */(1"" lt /e .*1J)--*1 l/t /uzz' /?'- 73418 gfFrL vf-w .ttbvo ll, bz't' Vt .Slo-* .f, c,5v c //v 4r momept frame at wa1l " r$rge door JOINT DATA 'JOINT X-COORD Y-COORD RESTRAINTS 1 0.000 0.000 1 t 1 2 0.000 156.000 0 o 0 3 1s0.000 155.000 0 0 0 4 150.000 0.000 1 1 1 MEMBER DATA MEMBER ,Jl J2 A)( T,Z E RESTRAINTS 1 1 2 L0.400 50.500 29000000.0 1 1 2 2 3 9.L20 37s.000 29000000.0 1 1 3 3 4 l_0.400 s0.500 29000000.0 1 1 JOII T LOADS JOINT WX WY MZ 2 3354.000 -11534.000 0.000 DISTRIBUTED MEMBER IJOADS MEMBER WSX WEX WSY WEY I.G 2 0 .000 0.000 -55.670 -56.570 0 b'r moment frame at waIl H at garage door .TOINT DISPI'ACEMENTS JOINT X-DISP Y.DISP Z-ROT 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.384 -0.007 -0.00085 0.383 -0.003 0.00032 0.000 0.000 0.00000 MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER JOINT AXIAI, FORCE SHEAR FORCE 1 2 3 4 MOMENT 1 1 14173 .550 L468 .9L9 122553 .00 L 2 -r-4173.550 -L468.9L9 106598.40 2 2 1885 , 087 2539. 553 -106598 .40 2 3 -1885.087 5960 . 948 -r_50006.20 3 3 5960.947 1885.064 r-50005.20 3 4 -5960 .947 -1885.054 144063 .80 REACTIONS ''fOINT l_ 4 RX RY -t468.9L9 14r.73.550 122553.00 -l_88s.064 5960 .947 144063 .80 MZ (,{ /.uz--4 rc fa-z// 2" (7'''7 e //tro Zbcl r /s aGG? ut/267 ( -t \) tr- tt F 3t 2t hFff /nrr) tr; Z7fo 6A frame at wall A front, n"ll house .]OINT DATA JOINT X-COORD Y-COORD RESTRAINTS 1 0.000 144.000 1 1 1 2 0.000 336.000 o o o 3 L44.000 264.000 o o o 4 :r--44 .000 144.000 0 o o s l_44 . 000 0.000 1 1 o MEMBER DATA MEMBER J1 J2 AX IZ E RESTRA]NTS L 1 2 r7 .000 107.000 29000000. o 1 1 2 2 3 L0.000 340.000 29000000.0 1 1 3 t 4 L0.300 285.000 29000000.0 L 1 4 3 4 1_0 .400 50.500 29000000.0 1 1 5 4 5 1_0.400 s0.500 29000000.0 1 l_ .]OINT LOADS .TOINT MZ 0.000 0.000 D]STRIBUTED MEMBER I,OADS MEMBER WSX WEX WSY WEY LG 2 0 .000 0.000 -t_1.330 -1t_.330 O 3 0.000 0.000 -62.330 -52.330 0 bry WX 2 2669.000 -L2240.000 4 0.000 -6120.000 t7 --urt ir.*. at, wall A front part of house ,JOINT DISPLACEMENTS JOINT L 2 3 4 5 X-DISP 0.000 0. r_34 0.13L 0.00L 0.000 Y-DISP 0.000 -0.004 -0.007 -0.006 0.000 MEMBER END I.,OADS MEMBER JOINT Z-ROT 0.00000 -0.00028 -0.00010 0.00005 -0.00003 SHEAR FORCE 559. 509 -559.509 r,36.383 t687 .7r2 481.4.635 4r-60.884 L293.736 -L293.736 11.854 -r_1.864 AXIAL FORCE L't337.740 -1_1_337.740 2290.279 -2290.279 -1,28t.872 L28L.872 2s33.792 -2533.'.782 L28L4 .660 -L28L4 .550 MOMENT 58299. s3 49L26.L8 -49L26.L9 -75753 .33 L28273.70 -81203.53 7s753 .31 7 9495 .04 1,708.47 -0.00 1 1 z 5 5 + 4 5 5 l_ z z 5 1 4 4 4 5 REACTIONS .JOINT .L 5 RX -r.84r_.381 -11.854 RY t6152.370 r28L4 .660 MZ 186573.20 0.00 (Ptr a..<u,rr Fak ,,J|*r./ @ ltu4 fm Jft"<* /l Tzze /, zf'o7' ?=na fs r* vr Vr i t \ 6? moment frame at wall B aE, front part of house JOINT DATA .JOINT X-COORD Y-COORD RESTRAINTS 1 0.000 42.OOO 1 1 L 2 0.000 342.000 o o o 3 300.000 192.000 o o o 4 300 . 000 0.000 l" 1 1 MEMBER DATA MEMBER J]. J2 AX I.Z E RESTRAINTS 1 L 2 L7 .400 153.000 29000000.0 1 1 2 2 3 10.000 340.000 29000000.0 1 1 3 3 4 17 .400 l-53.000 290ooooo. o 1 l_ .]OINT LOADS ,JOINT WX I^IY Mz 2 2669.000 -11322.000 0.000 DISTRIBUTED MEMBER IJOADS MEMBER WSX WEX WSY WEY LG 2 0. 000 0.000 -l_1.330 -11_.330 o 7a moment, frame at wall B at front part, of house JOINT DISPLACEMENTS .'OINT X-DISP Y-DISP Z-ROT 1 0.000 0.000 o. ooooo 2 0.259 -0.007 -0.00130 3 0 .259 -0.002 o. ooo83 4 0.000 0.000 o. ooooo MEMBER END LOADS MEMBER .]OINT N(IAI-, FORCE SHEAR FORCE 1 1_ 1l_885.240 'J" 2 -11885.240 zz 202t.32s 2835.755 2 3 -202]-.32s 33 r27.462 -127 .462 1640.391 2159.805 842 .034 -842.034 MOMENT 38309.48 -70.92 70.94 -87t79.49 87L79.49 74490.99 3 4 -2835.7s5 REACTIONS .]OINT t4z RY RX 1- 4 -L27 .462 1188s.240 38309.48 -842.034 2835.755 74490.99 7/ //omsntf frare 1<at- a n'o''te lr/: z7t- / " ,7 'lul' 1/= 3 zut t 6?3b'l?,ttz Lu t?f,>Lr = 77- C-roF ZZ arlp,atv wry a;t/ar/6 7z-, o L0 00 00 00 00 00 1n 00 00 1o L1 1t 1n 0l_ 00 11 11 11 00 1'l L1 1 z 3 4 f, 6 7 B 9 10 11 oz z 3 4 5 6 6 tt 9 9 10 1 2 3 4 z 5 6 5 o 8 9 .]OINT LOADS .']OINT DISTRIBUTED MEMBER N( l_0.400 10 .400 8.840 I .840 6.490 1-0 .400 10 .400 8.840 5.490 r_0.400 L0.400 wx MZ 0.000 0 .000 0.000 3 5 d LG 0 0 0 3 4 I MEMBER wsx 0. 000 0.000 0.000 momenE r-rame aE seconci f+ iorrr oarl .JOINT L 2 3 4 5 A 7 8 9 10 MEMBER DATA MEMBER ,J1 3751.000 0.000 0.000 x-cooRD 0.000 0.000 0.000 84.000 228.AOO 228.OOO 228.000 288.000 288.000 288 .000 WY -2448.000 -5936.000 -13872.000 LOADS wEx 0.000 0.000 0,000 Y-COORD 0.000 156.000 300.000 300.000 300.000 155.000 0.000 300.000 155.000 0.000 IZ s4.100 54 . r_00 1?0.000 170.000 118.000 s4 .100 s4.100 L70.000 1l_8.000 54 .1_00 54 . r-00 WSY -79.330 -79.330 -39.570 RESTRAINTS 1 i_ 0 0 0 1 1" 0 1 1 E 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000. 0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 29000000.0 WEY -79.330 -79.330 -39.670 RESTRAINTS 73 moment frame at, second floor JOINT DISPLACEMENTS ,JOINT i 2 4 5 5 MEMBER MEMBER L 'l 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 a I 9 9 10 L0 LL l_ l_ REACTIONS ,JOINT X-DISP 0.000 0 .000 0.747 0.745 0.742 0.000 0.000 0.74L 0.000 0.000 END LOADS JOINT 1 z z 3 4 4 5 z 5 Y-DISP 0.000 -0.00s -0.009 -L.270 -0.025 -0.013 0.000 -0.010 -n nntr 0.000 Z-ROT 0.00025 -0.00050 -0.0r-384 0.01069 0.002s7 -0.00532 0.00256 -0.00143 -0.00414 0.00207 SHEAR FORCE -97.657 97.657 -1_805.948 r.806.948 6510.849 52.872 -52,869 1_r-475 .390 0.000 0.000 3424.802 -3424.802 -L029.573 t029,5',73 54t9.525 -4039.325 0.000 0.000 2r_43.305 -2L43.305 -800 .338 800 .338 .7 I 9 10 1 2 5 7 l_0 5 "7 5 o I 9 J 10 AXIAL FORCE 9058.8s1_ - 9058 . 85r_ 9058.852 -9058.852 s558. r-9s -5568.19s 5567.846 -5567.846 0.000 0.000 2483L.920 -2483L .920 2483L .920 -2483l. .920 2r_43 .309 -2L43.309 0.000 0.000 9832 .672 -9832 .672 9832 .669 -9832 .669 MOMENT 0.00 -Is234.53 L5234.56 -27s43s.20 275435.30 0.00 0.11 -830105.80 0.00 0.00 3325s8.00 150613 .40 -r-60513.40 0,01 497548.70 -183783.10 0.00 0.00 183783.1_0 124852 .80 -L24852.70 n n1 RX 97.657 L709.29t -4454.375 L029.s73 -2943.643 800 .338 RY 90s8.85t 0.000 0.000 2483L.920 0.000 9832.669 MZ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 7r o FOOTING ALLOW. sollr PRESSITRE CONCRETE STRENGTH REBAR STRENGTH BASE SrzE DESIGN INPTIT DEAD IJOAD iJBS. 27500 PSF 3000 LIVE IJOAD LBS. 27500 PSI 3 000 TOTAL LOAD LBS. s5000 KSI 60 I'IJTIMATE IJOAD LBS. 85250 INCI{ES r-o x 10 FOOTING DESIGN INFORIATION FOOTING DIMENSIONS:'X' DIRECTION = {.5 FT. 'Y' DIRECTION = 4.5 FT. ACTUAL SOIIJ PRESSURE = 27L6.049 PSF REQUIRED FOOTING THICKNESS = t2 INCHES REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT PIJACED IN tX'..DIRECTION:5 #4 BARS X 4 F?. AT 9.5 INCHES ON CENTER 4 #5 BARS X 4 FT. AT 16.5 INCHES ON CENTER 6 #4 BARS X 4 FT. AT 9.5 INCHES ON CENTER 4 #5 BARS X 4 FT, AT 16.5 INCHES ON CENTER 7d o FOOTING ALLOW. soIL PREssuRE CONCRETE STRENGTH REBAR STRENGTH BASE sIzE DESIGN INPUT DEAD LOAD IJBS. 3s000 PSF 3000 LIVE LOAD IJBS. 35000 PSI 3 000 TOTAI, LOAD LBS. 70000 KSI ou I'LTIMATE I,OAD LBS. 1_08500 TNCHES t2xL2 FOOTING DESIGN INFORMATION tL FOOTING DIMENSIONS:'X' DIRECTION = 5 FT. 'Y'DIRECTION= 5FT. ACTUAIJ SOIL PRESSURE = 2800 PSF REQUIRED FOOTING THICKNESS = t2 INCHES REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT PI..ACED IN 'X' DIRECTION:7 #4 BARS X 4.5 FT. AT 9.5 INCHES ON CENTER 5 #5 BARS X 4.5 FT. AT ]-3 INCHES ON CENTER 7 #4 BARS X 4.5 FT. AT 9.5 TNCHES ON CENTER 5 #5 BARS X 4.5 FT. AT 13 INCHES ON CENTER 7r Footc DEsrcN rNpur DEAD IJOAD LIVE IJOAD TOTAIJ LOAD ULTTMATE IJOAD LBS. LBS. IJBS. LBS.42397 42397 84794 131_430. ? ALLOW. SOIL PRESSURE CONCRETE STRENGTH REBAR STRENGTH BASE SIZE PSF PSI KSI INCHES 3000 3000 60 L2 X L2 FOOTING DESIGN INFORMATION FOOTING. DIMENSIONS :'X' DIRECTION = 6 FT. 'Y'DfRECTION= 5FT. ACTUAL, SOIL PRESSIJRE = 2355.389 PSF REQUIRED FOOTING THICKNESS = L2 INCHES REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT PLACED IN 'X' DTRECTION: 10 #4 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT T INCHES ON CENTER 7 #5 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT 11.5 INCHES ON CENTER 5 #6 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT 1.3 INCHES ON CENTER 4 #7 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT 22.5 INCHES ON CENTER REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT PIJACED IN 'Y' DIRECTION: 10 #4 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT T INCHES ON CENTER 7 #5 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT 11..5 ]NCHES ON CENTER 6 #5 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT 13 INCHES ON CENTER 4 #7 BARS X 5.5 FT. AT 22.5 INCHES ON CENTER '72 FOOTING DESIGN INPUT DEAD I.,OAD LBS. 52262 AI,LOW. SOIL PRESSI]RE PSF 3000 IJM LOAD LBS. 52262 PSI 3000 TOTA! IJOAD LBS. LO4524 KSI 50 ULTIMATE IJOAD I-,8S. L620L2.2 BASE SIZE INCHES t2xL2 CONCRETE STRENGTH REBAR STRENGTH FOOTING DESIGN INFORMATION FOOTING DIMENSIONS:'X' DIRECTION = 6.5 FT. 'Y' DIRECTION = 6.5 FT. ACTUAL SOIL PRESSURE = 2473.941 PgF REQUIRED FOOTING THICKNESS = 15 INCHES REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT PLACED IN 'XI .DIRECTTON: ]-1 #4 BARS X 6 FT. AT ? INCHES ON CENTER 7 #5 BARS X 5 FT. AT 12.5 TNCHES ON CENTER 5 #6 BARS X 6 FT. AT 14 INCHES ON CENTER s #7 BARS X 6 FT. AT 18.5 INCHES ON CENTER REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT PIJACED IN 'Y' DIRECTION: ]-1 #4 BARS X 5 FT. AT 7 ]NCHES ON CENTER 7 #s.BARS X 6 FT. AT 12.5 INCHES ON CENTER 6 #5 BARS X 6 FT. AT ]-4 INCHES ON CENTER 5 #7 BARS X 6 FT. AT 18.5 INCHES ON CENTER '7tr RETATNTNG *ol\""* rNFoRllATroN HEIGHT WAIJII TOE OF WAIJIJ THICK. WIDTH FT. IN. FT.4 I .5 CONCRETE REBAR AIJLOW. SOIIJ STRENGTH STRESS BEARING PRESSI'RE PSI PSI PSF 3000 60000 3000 WEIGHT OF HYDROSTATIC VERT. LOAD @ SOIL PRESSURE TOP OF WALL PCF PSF LBS/FT.1r_0 75 0 SI]RCHARGE SLOPING ANTICIPATED IJOADING BACKFII-,]-, BAR SIZE PSF I=YES,O=NO NO.0 l_ .5 RETAINING WALL DESIGN INFORIvIATION MOMENT(ULT. ) REQ'D. MOMENT(ULT. ) REQ'D. AT BASE REINF. AT I/4 HGHT, REINF.FT. LBS. SQ. rN. FT. LBS. SQ. IN.L350 4.8727998-02 573.7558 2_O46594E_O2 WIDTH FTG. REQ' D. PRESSI'RE PRESSI]RE OF FTG. THICK. REINF. AT TOE AT HEEL FT. IN. SQ. rN. /FT. PSF PSF 3.1 L2 3. L094378-02 t602.742 0 OVERTURNING RIGHTING MOMENT SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST FT. LBS. FT. LBS. OVERTURNING 1400 2827.546 2.0L9676 ECC. FROM ECC. FROM TOE, FT. CENTER, FT..7705797 .7794203 HORIZ, FORCE SOIIJ FRICTION SAFETY FACTOR IJBS. LBS. AGAINST SLIDING 500 926 .2804 1.543801 7? RETATNTNG "oJr*ru, TNF'RMATT.N HEIGHT WAIJL TOE OF WALL THICK. WIDTH FT. IN. FT.6 8 .5 CONCRETE REBAR ALLOW. SOIL STRENGTH STRESS BEARING PRESSURE PSI PSI PSF 3000 60000 3000 WEIGHT OF HYDROSTATIC VERT. LOAD @ SOIIJ PRESST'RE TOP OF WALIJ PCF PSF LBS/FT.1L0 75 0 SURCHARGE SLOPING ANT]CIPATED LOAD]NG BACKFILL BAR S]ZE PSF ]-=YES, 0=NO NO.0 L .5 RETAINING WALI,, DESIGN INFORMAT]ON MOMENT (Ui-,T. ) REQ'D. MOMENT (ULT. ) REQ'D. AT BASE RE]NF. AT I/4 HGHI. REINF.FT. LBS. SQ. rN. FT. LBS. SQ. IN.4590 .1676034 t936.429 6.961_0838-02 WIDTH FTG. REQ'D. PRESSI]RE PRESSURE OF FTG. THICK. REINF. AT TOE AT HEEL FT. rN. sQ. rN. /FT. PSF PSF 4.4 t2 .t_0s7395 2t57.747 0 OVERTURNING RIGHTING MOMENT SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST FT. LBS. FT. I-JBS. OVERTI]RNING 4050 8457 -34 2.088232 ECC. FROM ECC. FROM TOE, FT. CENTER, FT.1,.t56923 l_.033077 HORIZ. FORCE SOIIJ FRICTION SAFETY FACTOR I.,,BS. LBS. AGAINST SLIDING 1350 1_888.444 L.398848 WARNING!! A SOrL KEY IS REQUIRED; SIZE = 1.0 FT. WIDE X l_ FT.DEEP t- . r RETATNTN. ro}*r* TNF.RMATT.N fercgt wALr.J ToE OF WALL THICK. WIDTH FT. IN. FT.I 9 .5 CONCRETE REBAR ALI-,OW. SOIL STRENGTH STRESS BEARING PRESSURE PSI PSI PSF 3000 50000 3ooo WE]GHT OF HYDROSTATIC VERT. IJOAD @ SOIL PRESSURE TOP OF WAIJL PcF PsF LBS/FT.Ll_o 75 0 SURCHARGE SLOPING ANTICIPATED LOADING BACKFIIJIJ BAR SIZE PSF 1=YESI 0=NO NO. 0 L .625 RETAINTNG WALL DESIGN INFORMATION MOMENT (UI-.T. ) REQ' D. MOMENT (ULT, ) REQ'D.AT BASE REINF. AT L/4 HGHT. REINF.FT. I_,8S. SQ. IN. FT. LBS. SQ. IN.1-0880 .3533808 4590.054 .L447725 wiorg FTc. REq,D. pREssuRE pREssuRE OF FTG. THICK. REINF. AT TOE AT HEEIJ FT. rN. sQ. rN. /FT. PSF PSF 5.7 t2 .2552L62 2793.078 o OVERTURNING RIGHTING MOMENT SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST FT. I,BS . FT. LBS . OVERTT]RNING 8800 l_8565.12 2.L09672 ECC. FROM ECC. FROM TOE, FT. CENTER, FT.L.526692 1.323308 HORIZ. FORCE SOIL FRICTION SAFETY FACTOR LBS. LBS. AGAINST SIJ]DING 2400 3l-98.128 1 .332553 WARNING!! A SOIL KEY IS REQUIRED; SIZE = l-.0 FT. WIDE X I FT.DEEP Fr .r RETATNTN. *oltrnur TNF.RMATT.N riprcsr wALL ToE OF WALIJ THICK. WIDTH FT. IN. FT.10 10 1 CONCRETE REBAR ALI-,,OW. SOIL STRENGTH STRESS BEARING PRESSI]RE PSI PSI PSF 3000 50000 3oo0 WEIGHT OF HYDROSTATIC VERT. IJOAD @ SOIL PRESSURE TOP OF WAIJIJ PcF psF r_,es/rt.r_r_0 75 0 SURCHARGE SLOPING AI{TICIPATED LOADING BACKFILL BAR SIZE PSF I-=YES,O=NO NO.01,75 RETAINING WALL DESIGN INFORMATTON MOMENT(UI,T.) REQ,D. MoMENT(ULT.) REQ,D.AT BASE REINF. AT I/4 HGHT. REINF.FT. IJBS. SQ. IN. FT. LBS. SQ. IN.21250 .6779634 8964.949 .2706829 wiotg FTG. REQ,D. pREssuRE pRESsIJRE OF FTG. TI{ICK. RETNF. AT TOE AT I{EEL FT. IN. SQ. rN. /FT. PSF PSF 7 .5 l_5 .3855717 2980.385 0 OVERTURNING RIGHTING MOMENT SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST FT. LBS. FT. LBS. OVERTURN]NG L7t87 .5 39850.57 2.3L8s79 ECC. FROM ECC. FROM TOE, FT. CENTER, FT.2.25L529 L.49847L HORIZ. FORCE SOIIJ FRICTION SAFETY FACTOR LBS. LBS. AGAINST SLIDING 37s0 5032 .819 1.342085 WARNING!! A SOIL KEY IS REQUIRED; SIZE = 1.0 FT. WIDE X .?5 FT.DEEP f,z-' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2t38 E Ie6trl ca [---> DnB Fr! Invcstigation> t,l Lt catl.----> TOTAL fEES---> Job Address IJocation . . . Parcel No..Project No. .m .m .m 3.00 53.00 186 FOR3ST RD 186 FOREST RD 2101-071-15-0 0 6 PRJ9 7-0091 81620 81620 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Permj.t #: 897-0265 APPTICANT !{IRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX tllz, AVON CO CONTRACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX LLL?, AVON CO OWNER FLANNERY PROPERTIES 16230 FTIJBERT ST, SYIJMAR CA 9!342 Deacription: TEMP POWER *****ff *H******iffi **********tr***i**t***t****************i Valuation:500.00 F EE SUllt{ARy ***f*r*ti*********r****************************#****#** Tota t Catcutatcd Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totet Permlt Fee--------> Payments-------- Status...: ISSUED Applied..: L0/22/Ie97 Ieeued... : l0/22/1997 Expiree..: 04/20/1998 Phonet 303-476-4236 Phone: 303-47 6-4236 53.O0 .oo 55.00 53.00 .(x) Ite_m:06000 LO /22 /1997 Itbn:'05500 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT "FT*r oeptftEfrB$: APPR Dept: Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: FIRE Divieion: CONDTTION 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS -I, !:r$y ,aoknoul'edg. that I hrv. read.thfr apptication, fiLted out in ful,l, the inforna on requi red, compl,cted rn pl'tn, and st't! thrt rtt the-informtion.provtdcd as rlquirea i8 correct. r agric-to corpl,y eith the i nfornat i ori to conty vlth aLl' Toun ordinencls _and stitc tavs, -nd io buiLd this structure-acco.oi nt'io'tt "1";;;" ';6iiil';;i codcr, dcrign rcvicr apprcved, tniform ariiaing i;d. "ni othcr ordinanccs of tha ToUn sppt icrbl,. therato. accuratc ptot and ptot ptan, suMivision ELECTRICAL PERMTT TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0352 Amount: 53.00 lo/z\/g7 oB:45 Paynent Method: CK Noration: #2SBO7 rhit: JRM Pernit No: E97-0265 Type: B-ELEC Parce1 No: 2101-0?1-15-006 Site Addrese: 186 FOREST RD tocation: 186 FOREST RD 53.00 s3.00 .00 This Palment Tota1 Fees: 53 .00 Tota1 ALIJ Pmts: Balance:**********************.******************,t ********.*************** Anount 50.00 3.00 Account Code Deecription EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POWER PERM]TS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4* Con Eac t i'l at 970-3 firPencar /r:' ,li::iT..Q;K oF vArL coNsrRucrr"*l 74dq1-,pqt Eagle Coutrty 28-8640 for PERI'IIT APPLICATfON FORI'{ DATE: PERI'IIT # ^ APPLTCATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED .l x*** *********** *** ************ PEltt{IT TNFORMATTON ***********************rr****i Jl t l-Buitdins [ ]-plunbins [ ]_Elecrrical , ,_T:i""r"A [ ]_other ::.iT:."ffi"ffi"t?fiin Filtng sunnrvrsroll, Owners Name: Architect: Ph. Ph. General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New J 1-Atteiration I J_Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling units: - Number of Accomrnodation units: __ ^)muer and Type of Firepraces: cas Appriances_ Gas Logs_ wood/perret '- ft*** * ****** **** ****'t*********** *** vALUATToNs ********************************* .-,l\BUTLDTNG: $ __ ELEcrRrcAL, +bu?j@_ or,Hr*R: $qLUMBING: T- uneraiwi..ii. i-+- l,l,uulJrNc: t MECIiANICAI,: $-"-.'f-- ,f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * t, *t*,r CoTTRACTOR INFORMATIo.t Eeneral Contractor: 5 A 1. -; 7,- - -a /\ - Address: Address: TOTAL: Contractor:Ada;;;; r--b;f;-fr^=#% rown of vair" Res. ^No.Phone Number : llO_3d.fr-tT ild;;;; ._------ Town of vail Res. No.:__j.---rnone Nunber: prumbing contractor: 877'ol{.'5 m^r.,h ^G ,,-,€-^??o3q7 Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BurLDrNc psRtlir rse: PLWBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECIRICAL FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nunber! FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK TEE:I{ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 .RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: 1TOTAIJ PERMTT FEES: BUTI,DINI;: STGNATURS; ZONTNG: SICNATURE: VALUATION CLEA}{ IrP DEPOSIT REFrrr|r] T0: ffillltl**r?r nb, r r Htri*ur:sTn CtuH[r[ttib;.n*$hHE?3*n,,0, F.fiEE I *RE dr i L;iJ e ;:! )i:1 .:: = :*i ::g :;s: f: !:.: ;i; ::: *i'it = ir i* = ::i: ::::: =: :; i-:: =;:ii = i::- ffctivityl Frgg-.rilrZrtse Sle3ltB Iypeg h-FLf'l$ Sbatr,r:.; I$$UED |junqtr"r h]tjf tt i'leJdress r lt3t' F ORE$I Rl) Locat i. on ; L fJ6 rj ul{EfiT ftl) Farcel: illrZrL-r;1r71- 15*OIA6 cr; Descr.'iption| {:0lYll-L.E"I'E l-'LlYlHIl'.I{:i SY$IHlYl r.ll!I) GASi FIFINfj lrpplicanL r I4UUNT MA$SIUH I-'LLll4SINGi & Hf:Ai I Fhone:' ownePr FL.fINNERY F,RnFt:Rr iEli '".'hane:L;orrtractorr lvloUlrlT tlFrfistvE: Fi-tJt4$IhtH A. HHAT I F'l'rortel Uce r 7 1 94S6 1A 1e '71 9486 1'ri 1g .t n s pecii i orr Reque st Requestorr HHVIhI Heq Tine; tlt6:tZltZt Items requested Uo Ini'armatian"..." Ccmment s: be Irspectect... i-ts"b i tt t-,trorre l s'76*3lJ+ 'AUrE9ril -F inal UClffrlent:i 'i ime f:xi ftret i olr r ft[-'r.'R (i{, F T 6(:b i on : r"rl-,F,R l,NDtrR6li0uhlu COFI-'L-.!i J.'Aur{* itct iarr: iIFFR WATE$t T'HST' g5' b l'Afit'i ! Actiorr: iltrl-'fc ,-lIFt TEST {.}ht & f"lLlLDit{$ Actionl AF,F"'R Irzr FSI 6ltR'fF:fiT Act iatr l OFFIt ItrFITROUED ;{kt'* flIR'fF-Sl tlFpt.-IANC[:$! BtIILERS' $A$ 1]'lG GIUF-hl 1-L' S In6pectiorl Iteml Itum* Item: Iteml Itemr It em:Itenl I History.,,". rarzrg f rA F,LltlS-.Undergr.a urrd &4/ih"l /ttg Inspeetor"r Lll) l)4/ Il/9A lnspeetor*i {iI) UrilfilU' t]Ll"lFl* tto nHh /ilt. tl. V, lA&/83/rJB Inspectr:t'n {:iRF tarzrgSf-r F,L|4B--'Ra u gh / i,rtat e i tASlUt3l9S In*pector: {:ifiG rztrzr#4rzr FLltlA-Gas F,iping A8/U3/9A InEpectnrl GiRti l(t/ 14,/9S Inspectt]r t Jf{irl lrlof es : FIRE FLAtjEg' HI"ICHEN AfZrEEgt |"',LI4A-F,so I lHat 'I ult tzrtzrilgra l-,LMB-lrl i sc, rZrUAgkt FLMh-FinaI Le/ALl99 lntpectnrl JRI'l {lr:tion:r fiF[]R Uf( Ul{l-Y FOI'1 1U[tt l'11.i$'l l-lotes I REINtiFH[i ALL F;f]r'l i::IlrlAL. OOlYll-'LEiE-lvE$s TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Job Addrese: 186 FoREST RD L,ocation.. .: 186 FOREST RD Parcel No. .: 2101-071-15-006 Project No. : PRJ97-0091 ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: D9?-0014 StatuB...: ISSUED AppIied. .t 0e/26/Iee7 ri-eued. . . : Io/L5/L9e7 Expires..z O /B/L998 APPIJICAI:IT CONTRACTOR O$INER Description: DEMO EXSITING SFR Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireptace Infomrtion: Restnlctcd: MICHAEI., FLANNERY c/o SToKER coNsrRucrroN rNc, MICHAEL FI.,ANNERY c/o SToKER coNsrRucrroN rNc, FI-,ANNERY PROPERTIES 16230 FILBERT ST, SYLMAR CA Phone:760-365-8691 PAL,MS HWY, *20L, YUCCA VAt Phone: ?60-365-8691 PALMS HwY, *20L, YUCCA VAL 57370 5737 0 9L342 29 29 18, ooo single FaniIy #0f cas Appti rnccs:fof Gls Logs: gf/-\t/ #of uood/Pa t tet: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund approved neeiaeFJPount date Add sq Ft: ********ff**i**ff*ffi******ffff******rr****************tf,H FEE SUttl{ARY *****rts**t***tr*************l**************ft*t***!t*ffi1r*t* Bul Lding-----> 225 -6 Reetulfant Pl,an Revi ctr--> .OO Tot![ calculated Fees---> 471.25 Pf.an Chick---) 1t$.25 DRB F.F------- tnv.stigltion> .OO Racrcrtion FeF-------> .00 Totrl Pcrmit fee--------> 474.25 Ui f,t Crit----> 3.m C t.an-up Drposit--> 1O0.OO Payrcnts--------f 474.25 TOTAL FEES..-_******fi fftt*t******ffi *f *ffi ******l**t**f**trrffifi ******tnhtrtff fr***#r Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 09/26/L997 CHARL,TE Action: APPR CHARLTE DAVrS it'e.n;'05460-i;i.,TFFIr,rc -DEFARfu,tEitr-- -'------ - oeFt: PLANNTNG Divigion: 09/26/199.1 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR PER LAUREN i €'efr ;'.6 5 6 6 0 -FTilE - beplF.ifiEiii 09/26/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A il'efri'6s5oo-Ftib'l,ie wdF.xS- -'- -./-- Dept: PUB woRK Divieion: 09/26/L997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO LARRY L0'/L5'/I997 CIIARLIE Action: APPR PER LARRY P ii'eff;'.06i60-illifiift6NMffwi[,r,--tte?n1tt - -. bept: HEALTH Division:09/26/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A it6i1'.05900 i:r-o[6n ---. ---- ----.--- .'-':: Dept: cLERK Division:09/26/L997 CHARTIE Action: APPR N/A ************ffi************t****f***ft***i*****************r**f,**i******rd***tt******fk***********t**t******tl*t*tt*****f****fl** See page 2 of this Document for any conditione that may apply to thie permit. DECI.,ARATIONS I hereby acknortcdgc thrt I hrvc rrld this lppLication, fitl,.d out in ful,l, thc infornation requircd, compl,etcd an accurato plot ptan, and st.t. th.t eLl, thc inforrrtlon providld r! requlred is corncct. I !grG. to conl,y yith th. inform.tion .nd pl,ot pl.an, to conpty nith att Toun ordinancca rnd strte [aws, and td buiLd this 3tructura acoording to thc Tohnrs toning and subdivigion codes, design revicv approved, Unifom Bui lding codr end othrr ordinrnces o{ th! Toen appl,icabt! thereto. REeuEsrs FoR rilspEcrro*s 'HALL BE moe rrto'R ]ro'Rs 11{ AD,AI{.E By rELEp}roNE ^T send c Le.n-up D.p@it To: itcHAEL FL I{NERY ******************************************************************************** Permit #: D97-0014 .Job Address:tocation: 186 FOREST RD Parcel No: 2101-071-15-006 Description: DEMO EXSITING SFR Conditione: 1.,#f!rRatr- r/crr 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ********************************************************!r*********************** CONDITIONS ae of t0/Ls/9'7 Status: ISSUED Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG.Applicant: MICHAEIJ FLANNERY 7 60-3 6s-8691 Applied: 09/26/t997 Issued: to/L5/L997 To Expire t OA/B/L998 0crcrt8c€ ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt Tota} Fees:474.25 Total ALL pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0338 Arnountz 474,25 LO/02/97 0Z:1g Palrment Method: CHECK Notationt #25649 lhit: CD ?9?-0911 rype: A-DEMo DEMo. oF PARr/ALL BU 2101-0 71-15-0 0 6 186 FOREST RD 186 FOREST RD 47 4 .25 47 4 .25 .00 Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 0r- 0000 41336 Deecription BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 225 . OO L46.25 100.00 3 .00 c o 'l.|PF to otr 0t o I o o o o C' o o o o o d l'3E ;8 E E I ts g q 4 o O.t, c q o o o o rt, A H { H F'E ': El 91 z=FU f,Hr, H od e 'to 4Ai qE\oo(' !t & t,!t d o !|A 9.t l\l EEl 4a Er{EU EI E 4!| a rIO N FiA *.i" S 9P X FE H ot ct q|ND lJ 6d oro d 0 AH BB ho +r c E E .{ FIH a3 E9 g'q a . bH ?E H= H.{o q A Flr HZ qtD oo AE lt< F E A ? F !r rG F q FI a Ei A H gl ut q A E c)& s9 E- E g E l{ a O.b H I E E 3 lt E FI H ql o I T o rtD ca -> uI|tr E(O g8F EE8 BEP-lB-s? 13.24 FRoM. Tov-coM-DEv-DEFT. rD 's"OA"fl?AAz gff $'il#r:["ifi i"i;,;r! rrffui Hh'tiliffi"sfir tl Durrn9.t24/g7. t/7 pgnurr *897029L ^ ApPIJCilfION DIUgf BB EIELBD otll ColIPIiBilgLY OR fT UAY NO! BE AecbFIED .T X***********i*****lr*****tt*'**** gERMI'r rHFoRtrcrIoN *********i*!r***trr********i**7t [ ]-Eulldtng t l-PluEbtng I J-Eledtrtcal I l*!{echani-oal 0({*othcr _DEMO irob Har,,gi MICHAEL FLANNBRY ilob Addresg:. LB6 FORREST ROAD I,ega1 Dc*crl.ptionr trot_9_ BIoclE 7 Owncirs NaEe3 MICHAEL FLANNERY AddE€BBi Electrical Contractor;Address: . Flurnbing Contrg,ctor:Addrees: Uechanical Contractor;Address; ******** ******t********* *** i**!r *EITILDINC PNRUiT FSE:PIJ'IAINC PEIIIITT E.gEs }IECT{ANICaI. FER}TTT FEEI EI.EqTRTCSJJ SEEI OTIIEER '[cPE oP FgEs DRB EEE: 'lluwn of Val.I Req. NO-Phons Ntunbcrl oE?rcE usE ****** ***i** ****************** *BUILDIT{G PIAN CNECK EEE: P.TTMBING PIAI{ CHECK ftsE:lqcHaNlceJJ PI,AN CITECB FEE8 .RBCREAfION EEEi qLEAI{-uP DBPogrTs $OTAL PIAfiIT EEES: Town of VaiI Ph.one l{bmber: Iown of Val,l Pfrone Numbe.r: Reg. No- Reg. NO FOR ;[ff Fo*rlaxNoto BUXUrr".-- .a.rchitc€t:. N/A _AddrcEei Ph. General DascriFtion: t llorlc claFsr I I-New I ]-Arteratton g l-add,itiorrat I l*nepalr fx1-otlrerrpgMo_ Nunber of Drrel-LLng Units: 1 l{rr$ber of, Aacobhoaation UnLts:N/A nI@*" and I'1ztrrc of Firepla$ee: cas ABpliancer N/A Gae r.,oEd,VA _ I{oodr/Fellsl-N/A -J fi*****t************4***!r**+******* vArrtATxoNs *i********itl* ********rr*********** EI,EGIRTC;AI: UECHIINICAI,: CT!{TRAETOR t INFORI,IAEION ****,1**** ***** **tr*****!r*** E_own of val.l- Reg. NO.255-1 Phonc Nqsber: girttgR: 918,00.@ Tdlalr fl8;mfr- BUILDING: S Er,rnrBrNc: T- _ -tf [* *** * ***:***t ***** ******:r* **' ten€ral Contractor i ar^nFp HrnrF slcllt MICHAEL FLANNER'Y_ T6230 F]LBERT STREET SYLMAR, CA 9L342 T November 28.1997 Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Fronlage Rd. Vail, CO 81658 To \Mrom lt May Concern, Please issue the residential building permit for the Flannery Residence located at 186 Forest Rd. to Gary Bossow Dev. Co. Thank You a-6\ fa54 S-dS-S- '/""2 ?/c# NOl/- 5-g? I.IED 9IO7 STOKER CONSTRUCTION FAl{ NO. ........,-,-r-r.gy:.._u-_?....u.r .uJ; l:rp |}"1lflfln:-6o-Eq Lloyd E. PtafrArchibct 4645 S. Highland Drive Saft Lake Chy, Utah 84,117 (80r)2r2-s085 To: MarkStoker From: Eric Tutue at Lloyd E. platf, Ard,fted .Marft: We rocer'ved lhe oomnente from'ftre ciry ard the foflowing ltsms aro to be resofued as follours: 1. Egress from the main garagie. Egress ts to E obb,irEd IIon a "$ wvde nan400r which has been added near the_ gaftga fuor. n; ;atagu d<lrlr has been *l0rtenect tmm 22,-V to [0q,. See atfisred pafial flooi pnn, '2. t-ocation of deoign toatts. $ee sfrsef &3.6- A$ de:rign tnds aM aiiteda arc helicate{ wMin the notes. lf there are any mora issues thet requirc aflBntion. please let us know. Thank you, tbyd E. Phr P,02 P.-...1....-*---. t f-t L{ NOV- 5-97 I.IED g:OB STOKER CONSTRUCTION .,..........-r::.y_w-_+r._:! Jr r!tr: !,5p {lJ"liill Ill-5flr:Fee? .. -l ll,"r I>oz.u, -l mT t\ ,.re '- | \ \-t .t (,l \l -/f i6'u, 0 E H* * S i{ \ B b 25'-6" I o x !o I p I oi ol nl .l t \ \ \ ,/ I I >(t z\o(D ErR :H*E;\o-19 -r\5r t'F,E d.| .: TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER DEPARTMENT OF @MMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address...: 186 FOREST RD Location......: 1-86 FOREST RD Parcef No. . . ., : 2LOL-071--1-5-006 Project Number: PR.I97-0091 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M00-0053 Phone: 760-568-0552 SUITE B 922TL Phone: 760-558-0552 SUITE B 922L1- SLatus...: ISSITED Applied..z o6/08/2ooo Tssued. . .: O6/08/20O0 Exlgires - .: L2/05/2000 Description:inst,all hot tub boilers (2) ext,erior Fireplace Inforoatiorr: Restricted: Y *of ca€ Appliances: MIRAGE WATER FEATITRES 75-O8O ST. CHARLES PLACE, MIR.A,GE WATER FEATI]RES 75-O8O ST. CHAR].ES PI,ACE, FTANNERY PROPERTIES L6230 FIIJBERT ST, SYLMA,R PALM DESERT, CA, PAIJM DESERT, CA, eA 9L342 Valuation: *of eas Log6: 13, 000. 00 +of wood/Patlet: 32e.00 .oo 329 .00 324 .00 TtsCM: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI./ENT DEPT: BUII.DING DiViSiON:06/08/2000 KATITY ACIiON: APPR APPROVED PER:KV|I ILCM: .05600 FIRE DEP.A,RTII'IE1\T DCPI: FIRE DiViSiON:06/08/2000 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI. FIEI-,D INSPESfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.gq@gETrQN .A,IB rS__RE9qIRED_PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1e97 UMC, OR SESIION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.INSTATI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIA,PTER 1-O OF TIIE 1.997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.GAS APPI-,IAT.TCES SHALL BE VENTBD ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIAL,L TERMTNATE AS-SPECIEIED IN SEC.806 OF TI{E 1997 In{C, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPTY WITH CHAPTER 3 AI.ID SEC,1O17 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC ATiID CHAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.BOILERS SHALT BE MOTIIiI:TED ON FTOORS OF NONCOI4BUSTIBI,E CONST.I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOTJNTING ON EOIIBUSTIBLE FLOORING-PERMIT,PI,ANS AIVD CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHA,NICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI'EST.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR IIOT-WATER SUPPLY BOITERS SIIAI.I. BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F TTiE r_997 IJMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F THE l_997 IMC. Mechanical---> 260,OO PIan Check---> 55.00 InvastigaEion> .0o nill call- ---> 3 .00 1.z. 4. E 6. 7. 8. ReEtuarant Plan R€visrr- -> DR.B Fee-------- torA.L FEES----- Total CalculaC6d Fe6s- - - > Addiclonal Fae6------- -> Total Pereit Fec--------> Palmcnta- -- ----- .00 .00 329 - 00 ******************************************************************************** DECI.,ARATIONS r hereby acknorledge thaE r hrv. r.rd lhiE application, filled out ln,-full ghc lnfgnrtioEr requiled, co{qrlatod an accuraEe l!1oc pl.n' and stst6 thab all the ihfomation providcd rt required ie corioet. r agr6e tso cornply ich thc iniomacion ,nd lrlot pl-an,!o comply with all Tonh oldi.n.ncqt rnd 6t.tr h!rs, and co bui,1d tbi6 6tructu!6 accorddng to gh6 to$n, s zoning and subdivi5ion codss, d.tigrr reyiar approwed, t''rj.forE Building cod. and other ordinanc€s of the Tor.n applicablc !h.!.to. 9-213S oR Ar OUR OFfICg PROI{ g:OO .}!t 5:0o pU o **************************************************************** TOVIN OF VAfIJ, COLORADO , SE,at.emnt,**************************************************************** Staterult Number: REC-0638 Amount.:328.00 06/0e/00 09:37 Payment Method: cHEcK Notation: #t-9899lMIRAcE fniE: KMW Permit No: M00-0053 Tlpe: B-MEC5I MECHANTCAL PERMTT Parcel- No: 2101-071-15-006 site Addre6s: 186 FOREST RD L,ocati-on: l-85 FOREST RD Total Fees:328.00 Total ALL Pmts: Bal_ance: 328.00 328.00 .00 This Palment ****************************+*********************************** Account Code Descripti-on MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECSIANICAL PERMTT FEES PF 00r_00003112300 pLAN CHECK FEES ric OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CALL INSPEqTION FEE Amount 250.00 65.00 3.00 T0wt{0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: othsz- mg8.06(€ e7o-479-2r49 (Inspections) fno& OOb3 L+OT Tt)B Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to ssale to include:c Mechanical Room Dimensions - ootsior= €otu@- S Fo P.-o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o Flue, Ventand Gas Line Size and Location c Heat Loss Calcs.n Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Contad Assessrc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above; 2foff Cni:-tr -oo,r rob Name: I=LsnnezL{ blffffiS JobAddress: ISta FC-E[- Ed Lesal Description ll t_ot: ll ebck: ll ririns:Subdivision: Owners Name: plqn$r=raLl ll Address: lgLa fi16k Bd l[ enone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: JrEGu\ \-\6- -rt:B * I3orl6aS e)EEUsaroa WorkClass; Newft) Addition( ) Atteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (f) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 6J Type of Bldg: single-family ( !) Duplex ( ) Mutti-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Y Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/TypeofFireplacesProposed:GasAppliances( )GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Isthisa conversion fromawood burningfireplacetoan EpAphaselldeviie? ye-( ) No ( ) tjm COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ 13, COO CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Mechanical Contractor: r il**n" d# $"k*.€ 0 [own of Vail Reg. No.:\ l3B,m Contact and Phone #'s: c9rt a '1eo-z-15-nb( Rreheeo Letm 6suuEl'L Contractor Signature: \\ L-\|V\Afl1|!r'(a>rn- 31\o- 643\+ r5{esS '1 F: /everyone/forms/mcchperm *O\r* SY\^e€-b o-r*acheJ NN oq TO}IN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROI{IAGE ROAI)VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2]-38 APPLICAI T CONTRACTOR OI,IINER ilob Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 45LL, AVON, IVIARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 45LL, AVON, FIJANNERY PROPERTIES ELECTRIEAL PERMIT ]-86 FOREST RD 186 FOREST RD 2L0L-07L-L5 -006 PR,J97-0091_ 8r620 8L620 cA 9r_342 ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0157 SEatus...: fSSI'ED Applied..: 07/2L/L998 Issued.... 07/24/L998 e>cpires . .: 0l/20/1999 Phone: 970-926-0990 Phone t 970-926-0990 DEPARTMEIflT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON co co T6230 FILBERT ST, SYLMAR Description: ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR NSFR FEE gUI4MARY Valuation:35, 000 . oo Electrical -' - > rnvestsigation> lii1l calL----> TOTAI, FEES- - - > Tocal calculated Fees- - - > Additional. Fees-- -- -----> TolaL PcrniC Pce--------> Pal nents-------- 209 - 00 .00 .00 3 .00 212 .OO 2L2.OO .00 2t2.09 2r2.OO BAIANCE DUE.'.-- .OO ITEM: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:07/2L/L998 JRM Action: AppR AppRovED .'rRI4'- - Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepL: FIRE Division:07/2L/L998 JwI Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.IANCE. DECIJARA*TIONS I hereby acknor.ledge that I have read this applicaEion, fillad ouc in fulL th€ infoinaEion required, completed an plan, and state that all the infornaeion prowided aa required is correct, I ag!€e to conply rritsh lhe informalion lo coinltly $ilh all Town oldinancc6 and sgatsc law6, and to build this gtructule according Eo thc To*n'E zoning and codes, design reviet{ appr:oved, uniform Building code and olher oldinancc6 of Ch. Tonn epplicabl,e lheleto, REQUESTS POR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWE}TTY-FOUR HOI'RS IN A.DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.27 acculate plot and plot pLan, subdivi Bion CE FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PM -4 OF OI'INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI!4SEI,F AND O9INER -i lF atititttrrarfi aattt,atrrttrtjrtttataaaitll' tttt'ltaaaatiittr.at..rro TOWII Of VAIL, G9IOnIDO gtrc.qrt r * | ** a rrrrfrr I i a r ttiJr aittt.r* r* *ttrtti rr *,r rrittrrttltt ttt,rrrra..aa gtrecwre fuDbar t REC-O42a &aunC: Pa],oi||rE [.lhod r cK l{ot.tslon r 3115 2l2.oo O7l2ll9l Lt.Lo lnl,g r ||tl9f P.rnLc lfor E d-o157 1;lD3! t-gtiAc ElECmlCl! E!$fir P.re.1 Nor !x01-0?1-15 - 006 Stt€ Adat.GEs ! 195 fOREAf nD loc.Eion r lg6 FOPlttT RD ttai**tarrrr!.r*ittJtai".tl*lllr9trtttr|. rtrrlirr'trtrtttttr*ttta*aa lccount cod.Dqr€rlptlon thls Payejont toial F.aa ! 212.00 totsrl LLtr PEc!' 212.00 212.0q Erlance: . oo lEpunB 209. O0 3,00 BP 001000031t1aoo Bltcmler! PERIIII tEBa tfc 0010000311e9oo rIrJ! crtL t!'spEcrloN FEE :onEacr Eaglc CounEy Asscssors Of flce te Recei bq+ e,zn( vOd,*,, ,,oF vArL "o*r**u"fih ""*IL}:+I,"41+?j2 uo* JUL ur $gB fl iI.#3fl"+ii?t APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r************************** *** PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r * * * * * * * b Tob Name: LegaI Description: Lo \rchitect: t l-Building 6 l-pturnbing )r(-rr""tricar [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-orher q tt _-| Job Actdre t', fr6 ,EWsf D-A. --=Block_ / riling / susorvrsroN, U&r /L6F_ l-%3J';l't98 \RCEL /I T ( E+P*re+ Address, @Z|tsn".r Address: nir@1I{S:14?r Ph. ieneral Description: tork class: S1-wer+ J l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Iurnber of Dwelling Units: '/ Number of Accomrnodation Units : 'ltmber and Type of FirepJ-aces: cas Appliances , -- k * * * * * *** ** ** * * * * * * * * *. ** * *** *** ** * VALUATTONS Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet \t IUILDING: l_---:LUMBING: $t- EI'ECTRIcAI,: $ 3S?CP MECHANICAI, : $--_'----- * ********* ******* * **>t ***** * * * *x* )r OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ *************************** Tor+n of Vail Recr. No.ZSf-c* 1*:* * rk >k rt * :t:t * * * * * * )t * * * >t*.* 't 't h* CONTR+CTOR INFORMA,],f ON leneral Contractor : btfPy d(sSSs^.r., \S..€ac\zwtJ f tddreiss:r.'own or vaII !(eq. NO.Phone Nunber: ?rl7 S ilectrica \ddress: )lLlmbing rddress: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail- Phone Nurnber: Reg. No- Iechanical Contractor: \ddress:Reg. No. : * >\ >t:t rt :t * rt >l*** ** * * * * * * * * * * * )t * *** *FOR OFFICE USE ** * * * **:r ?t *** ** * * * ** ?r rt *t( * ?t * * * * * * }UTLDING PER}TIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: iLECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: lornnents: BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Contractor:g,^cFE='"Hpi Contractor: VALUATION I CLEAT IIP DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: .f, REPT131 'l'OV[N OF VArL,, COLORADO 06/09/2000 08:57 REQI]ESTS - INSPECTN WORK SHEETS FOR:5/ e /20 PAGE 5 ARE.,A: CD Act.ivlty: M00-0053 6/ g/20 Tlpe: B-MECII SEatus: ISSIIBD Conetr: IilDttP Address: 185 FOREST RD l,ocation: 186 FOREST RD Parcel : 2101-071-1-5-005 Descript,ion: instau hoE tub boilers Applicant.: MIRAGE WATER FEATITRES OWNCT: FLANNERY PROPERTIES CONTTACLOT: MIRAGE WATER FEATI]RES 1 t Occ:(2) extserj-or Use: Phone: ?60-568-0552 Phone: Phone: 760-568-0552 Locks, Holds, and AETIVITY Notlce: SEE Notices. COMMENTS Inspection Request Requestsor: KEVIN Req Tlme: 08:00 Items requested to 00390 MECH-FinaI Inforrnation. . . Bosso ComnenEs: WILL be Inspected.. Phone: 376-3234 CALL PLEASE Action Comments Time Erqr Inspectsion ILem: ItrEM: It,em: Itseml Item: f Eem: Iteml HisEory. .. . . 00200 MECg-Rough 00240 PLMB-Gas Piping 00310 MECH-IIeating 00320 MECH-Exhausts Hoods 00330 MECH-SupPIy Air 00340 MECH-Misc. 00390 MECH-Final OF COMMUNITY DEVEI-,OPMEI{T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIANICAL PBRMIT Permit #: M98-0036 a DEPARII{ENT Job Address. . . : 186 FOREST RD Location......: 186 FOREST RD Parce1 No..... : 2101-071-15-006 Project Number: PRiI97-0091 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPIJICAIIT cortrRAqroR OlrlNER 1, 200 .0 0 300.00 MOUNT IVIASSIVE PLBG & IITG P.O. BOX 702, MTNTURN, CO 81645 MOIJNT IIASSIVE PLBG & IITG P-O. BOX 702, MINTURN, CO 91645 FIJATiTNERY PROPERTIES L6230 FILBERT ST, SYLMAR CA 91342 *of Ca6 Appliances: ISSI'ED 03/3L/t998 04/ 05 /]-998 L0 / 03 /L998 Phone -. 7L9-486-L0L2 Phone: '7L9-486-LOL2 60, 000 . 00 *of wood/PaLleb: Descript,ion: MECH SYSTEMS HEATING AIiID SNOWMELT Fireplace Inforuation: Redtricted: SEatus. . AppIied. Issued,. E>cpires. Valuation: *of cas Loge ! FEE SUUMA.RY Mcchanicrl - -- > Plan clreck---> I.rl,G 6t, igat, I on > will call----> RcaCuarant Plan R6wicr--> DRB 8ee-------- ToCal Crlculatcd F6as---> Additional Fcc6---------> Tolrl P.ldlC F..--------> Pal n6nt6------- BALINCE DUE--. - .00 . oo 1,503.00 1,903.0o .00 1,503.00 1.503 .00 . oo 3.O0 rr*****rr*t * tl* i*tt*f llrrrrr+r*r*r*'r *ti r***r *l *l tlrr** *r******* It,EM: .O51OO BUITDING DEPARII'IENT DEPT: BUITDING DiViSiON:O4/03/L998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED 'JRM-It,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPT: FIRE DiWiSiON:O4/03/L998 iIRM Action: APPR \N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1, FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 t'MC.3. INSTAIJLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2L OF THE 1991 I'MC.4. GAS APPLIAIiICES SIIAI.,L BE VEIiEED ACCORDING TO EHAPTER 9 AIID SHAI,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 T'MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPTY WITII SEC.5Os AI{D 703 0F TrrB 1991 I'MC.6. BOII,ERS SHALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. T'NI.ESS LISTED FOR MOUT.ITING ON COI,IBUSTIBIJE FLOORING.7. PBRMIT,PI,ATiTS ATiID CODE AI\TALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHATIIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOITEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER ST'PPIJY BOIIJERS SHAI.'L BE EOUIPPED WITII A FI.'OOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 IJMC.9. COTIB AIR VENTS NEED TO BE 22X X 22II ***********'l***!r**********************************!r!r**********!r***************** DECI,ARATIONS I hat.blt lcknorl.dg. ch.c r h.vr r.rd thl,! rEDLtc.tion, lillqd out ln fuU chc Lnfol:[rEidt lrgulr.d, coapl"E.d rn rccu h plo! Flrtrr rnd alrtr thrt au lhc lnfoil!.t'ion ptovld.d rr r.gulrsd Lr cor.qb. r rgr.r to c@irly rlch tlrr tnforurtlqr .nd plor pLrr,lo coqtly riEh.U lan orditr||rcq! |nal rt.Cr l !. .nd to butld thiE rLructuta rccordlng to ch€ tora, a zoning rnd suHivLion cod.t, detlgn rcvilv qrproved, lrnlfolt! gullillng ood. and oth.! ordln ncrs of lhc aogtr rppuorbls th!rr!.o. nECIrEttTs roR rxgPretro[g smr& Er tqttE rllEltrr-FolrR Hot Rs rN ryQcs sv tEr.EpHoNE AT.t{-213s otr4 orn oFFrcE rlRou 0!oo tt{ Eloo pu sr@fArnRE or o,."lR or. eo*RreroR FoR rrrfsElF AlrD .*'NER VFq-=- C:- | L ti *** *arr.rrtt tr rt tt tt,t t trr r,r I r rr rrrrt t t t J TOftrf OF VIIIJ, COI,oR.IDO o Balancc: t t t * *t ) J tt tttr !r SEttaDnE SEaiaruE NuDbcr r REC-03g4 A,uount.: Pal|oenB lteghod ! CR tfoErtioa! 1t95 1, S03.00 04/06/98 09r31 lniE3 t ttf P€ruit No! Parccl l{o r git. AddtcE! . t ocstsiotr! I1da PalEcng AccgunE cod. M9E-0036 lype ! B-UECH 2101-0?1-15-005 186 FORESA RD 195 FOREST RD MECIIAIII CAIJ PERMII lotal peg€ t 11 503.o0 folrl AIrIr PnE6: 1,503.00 1, E03 , 00 .00 l|P 00100003111300 uBcHANIct! pBRSIr FEEA PP 00100003112300 PrrAN CHECK tEEg lfc 00100003112900 wrLL cltJtJ INSPECTTO!{ FEE De6criptsion -lnlount 1r 2OO. OO 3 00. o0 3 .00 coNs er-f ?1 ' oal( Rn- fti$3*$" PERI'rrr ndql ATI , APPLICATToN MUST BE FTLLED oUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED X***************************** PERUfT fNFORMATfCTN *****************************nl 6 1-aui1p9 t l-Plunb+g [ ]-Erectricar fi-uechdnibar [ ]-orher b Address, 186 Job Name: Legal Descripti ovrners Name: Architect: Block_ Filing Address: Address: work class, )q{*"" [ ]-AJ-teration [ 3-additionaL Number of fxrrelling units . J $*f"t and Type of Flreplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * VALUATIONS General Description: BUILDTNG: $EI,ECTRICAI.,! $ Electrical Address: Contrastor: Mechanica Con Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERUTT FEEs ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Ph. Ph. tz,^t [ ]-Repalr [ ]-other Number of Accornmodation Units: Gas Logs _ Wood/PeILet ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: f INFORMATION ** * ************************ Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. P^LUMBING: $ _ MECHANICAL:v fr*** *** ************** ******,r CONTRAqTOR t Eeneral Contractor! Address: oFFrcE usE **************** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI,IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:I'IECIIANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ei0-1qE ******** CLBA}T UP DEPOSIT f,EFTIND TO: B t-i t'C fN * e! t' 1 Q.t llt>4 EFTI >=P f; 2ri Err a8E <?Li SFiB > ru t'l Fbz r ltt t Fi ln F z r.il trt 4 FI lrl a o z o FI r'i I': i'f iH;h riUXQ iHBF i'a'iiv 'Y9F | .69 HnE o ri i'j Fbur 9Fs Ezi -t |{ 1'\r.r EI )< tnO;F!g AZH >-i Y ii 3aU s?FR 9=A E3 <Yzt ;; (/) - Er3 rrlU|rd PFE a\t -flp+,J Z-\ '4 ,rXfD ,i !l r-)\J 7r lj HFi EgE ffa#e7n azH KUF ug3 <2y FFH V,ZE >U 7;YZ F1 '-l rr, fl 9R ,-r v Sl m P<33 Srd 26 i rrl N z trt F E =Ea\oaooo-r-Jo,o\r,,O.. e,urerr.rr.JFF f $frrr 2 i, t'l HEFFFFgFHfrg=SEgFFEEEEEE Fpgw-g*g fiHE H H F4-'Eg-E ;3= <'' E cj (rl qN-nrP Nrr-F l..| + \, r.., Or F F I,J r.J \r 19 :{ sl J-- !.J \9 -J { }- r.,r, -t r..r _r r.J l- oo l- b ; i i; ij d -t tA !'.rur{}.roo\o'-*O\-J-ut{u.rOUr6c'.. lj tJ t_J H H U " F E q E lr =, * .-, S 6 >i !.J u) IJ,,,., en * ;E H g sss sH$€$$E HH HU H$H 5 si;$ B n\a + i: t, o, 01 oo Lr' lJ .l- t.J (,J I -l r,,.r ..J oo uJ NJ NJ lh - -6 U ; : ilj il 6 i; G bo N,, ff r; E -; 6 ; ; l H ! IE * :n--i*-l-l*i*i-i-i i-i.i Ef a' o.Eqo,o.'o\6 orf o,o\ o\o,iJor o.,,F C IiJ i] Ea ti li t_,t t<i ! i i I i i ! ;r I ;J "J :.r :r tj i t p p g eg; E < { { 4 411<33335 5 5 5 5 b b b bn E E 4 '-1 '-t -rF ryHH F=r i uE i u i H i H i H i H i i u i E isf;g E g g. g'BoHoE -Eo 3 o E -- g -E.E;F F..i cFE ssssssEssEsssEsssEEEE ggFF -E< l*ii\3i;irisi;iri iciui g $-si;[iriri*ixiri lxlrl $r EE E E 5 EEtrtr q F frE E H E HHHH y t "R fi fi PH gE HEHHHEHHH IAAI I I E g pF F F F EDdd e i' vE uu v 6 o Btststs ft if 7, = - - co -.1 ur '!rl EEnfifi=E FgHEsiS u tix 3 ;i; Fi o H F HU-\;5S 48 9) 0o \o r- o|'r u, \) efig€sxgEEs s$sssHnEgg :essBsgs€;g 4t F'-) ^?E ssGiiHs$EE* EU;-r+.S6 CUS'TOMRIK MOTINT MASSIVT P&II .lolt NtMF: lil ANNnRy RnSTDFNCF rrlt'tllz 10128197 AR"OA r ARI'A 2 sQ FT 2100 1700 lJTUtt 24t5OO 195500 BOILEI( INPUT BTUH $1250 349107 FEETOFTUBE(5/8"HEPEX) 2750 2250 LOOPLENGTH 250 250 #OFLOOPS ll s TOTAL GPM 16,I I3.O cPM PErt LOOP 1.5 1.4 FT HD (LOOP) n I I FT HD (MANIFOLD) 12 6 TOTAL I.T HD 24 17 PII'E SIZE TO AI{EAMANIFOLD I-II2' I-I/4' AITIA TUBE SPACING IO' IOU AR"EA I = ARDA 2 = DRIVDWAY I'ATIO, TtrRRACttS, sTEts. trNTRY TOTALS 3E00 437000 780357 5000 20 29.1 -'I >l trEf --o-=l -It fi et a1fr B xl siz m , .zfl 8 I El,d I FTH o- I 1$6 I'm --:;J E x +A9.l n ilYfI R | \,, >S(/)l z o #tgl 5 >n _il rri -)-d -)-l F (r -.1 d trl o =-_l -E Fg;I R'rl z o fifrH/ fr 5 v u> -tl m _.1 DU(/)l -u -.r ;Dorrl m o, pg-l i ""1 €w?., togl *ffi9 inr:=l .Dl-z snrl FgF o ns{il qFH o - +l 96 -<t gm ', HP-l = m O o t\) N) N)f\) ,o f\) N)o o o) (,^) o o c m U)-{ co m g o o G) N)(n N) o (t s @ (t o o o c m a){ cD 'r,) -l T o o A A \ il---- "o -J : l$rl N) :- o o SoOo j + 4. €.Am omrlm @ t z - q nr ' t, , 8*d; Ijlilit=oolo -_---._=-- _.\ .J _\ _\-r _l -_l _l :---1. --= -!-dsSH __--].-_---_--- oI\o \/ : oooo t, o *',,,$ o . u) C)(o {}ra.- 68 HBB-=.q 6=HB N o (r) s rN., N5 oooooo ---_--\ -l A ,.r I oooUdl N)s-dqEg--6or 'n -J _l AORSBd +-ro ru ooooo ooogtgo --. cP m-1 (/) - -j N) C) =.N.U N o N) -\!-r --.\ .-A Oc) c^)o N)RN)6(n -r'l c'c) --Oc| ---- N)Nc' (^) ::l ol I -r'l l-o o n -l T m .-€ltll OJ€ff,R HU -.t -lcoO € f,F*tt€ @ cn -rI5 .) f - {i---6 B HF.r- Gl- 5{" 5g= I I I I I t I I C) U) -.1 o z m U) -J )oc)z m a U)o .Tl I a D 1]-{ n o o E z I {g n m ;n m t,', \t ,c) a,!riili:r':i N::ill,;i;:;: N N),iiirr ii (O N) l,l',r' O oi l,',.';6':':, = 3 q ,i::;.::;.:C) :. .,:. S'::,, ,,:: .s aj'.,",:il; C) Iourfr l{8![vE Prurur{c P.O, BOx 704 llmfiX. @rORAOOtrc.c F 0l.tlrotz MAY25,2mO TO WINOTI ITMAYCON@N; ntlm REOARD To THE EOILER FLUE H.I$INERY REIIIDENCE Tov BtrlLIXNo IERMIT 97{24t, MBOI IRMIT 9t{n36, t&i tOnEsT RD. vAtr, @. ABOVST,|R{NO}.IE) FLUE WAS INSTAII.ED AUOI,IIT '9I BY ME, CONIIISTS OF 12' BVENT WITII ONE @ DEORE SfiSBT 7 ABOI'E BOX.8R. 4' IONG. NO[d 1IIERE \IBRTNAL IN A CIIASE ABq'T If, THR(XX;H N|E ROOF. \IER,TTC.TL SECTIOT9 ARE SUPFORTE) AT EI'ERY JOINT( 3} CLEARANCE OF AT LEAIIT 2" TO COMBUSTIBLE MAINTAJNED TIIROI'GTOUT. BOILERII CONNECTP WRB FIRED FAIL'98 AND OPRAT@ T'NDM. MY @NTROL AI.ID STJPEN,VISION TJNIIL MARCTI 2OqI. TIIE FLTJE WAS IMITATL@ IN FI'II COMPI.IANCE WIII| AU, @DES A}.ID }iANI.'FACTT'REN,'S RECOMMEI{DAIIONS. I APPRECIA'IB ITIE T'OWN @ VAIL'S ONCIRN IN THTIT MATTER IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTNNS I C.AN BE RBACTIED ANY EVENIM} t$7194&1012 'IFTFY lh.> R@ERTC. R@S PR,ESIDENT IA fSVd ANvd!{OJ 3IAOl.l 98889805I1 Zriql ASSZ/92/96 REFJT I3I, ra5l83/;turulrd rl9 I l.:i frctivibyl Rddresn: Locat i on l FarceI: Descriptionl ilppl ieant r Owner I L;ontract or I PgreiE e Fif(EA r Cri ==5====5l===:==:====gg======i=:3====l::5:5==-l=i:====gi:::!:i=:iii5.;:===!li::=i=Mea*'OlilSt' '5lUJ/gtr Typel L{-FIEOH.. Stst}t5: ISliUEll oonstr; N$Fl? 18{i l-ORtsbl HD l6i' FtikEli I RD r I tir I -rzr7 I - I 5-rztt46 FIECH $YS EMS HEAIIN{J I'iOrJl.lI lYrA$SM IrLB6 & FLr'rl.li\ER Y l-'ilUF,ER | 1b$ frluul'll IrlA.iSluE FrLbti t1 HgrluEri r$ alH"H[''x-,lhl-"3hHl?30, o*, f , ** Ucc: t{hlD 5l.ltl!.rl'lL,L I HIG F,hone: Fnone: Hl ti Fho e: Use: 719-4&q'-1tr r u 719-.ldLi-ltAlE 1n s pect ion Heqr"re st Requestorl KEVIN Req -t i me l Er&: tllB Items requested to Intov'mation...,. Lomment g l be Inspected. ., Frhone: JiLi-s*;3+ Act ion Oomment s l irne Ex1 lrlotes: NEtrI{ANICRL OK FUR COi{"f INUIh|G t^,I IH JOH. {J0}4AUSTICIN AIR 5y$lEl,r Ihl F,RtrgRESSr UF,FER LEVtrL iir-ts tjlREl-'LtlCts DESI6i{/ FHFrIiIlI{6 NOT I-OIY|F'LEIE,' 1'IAIhI hC'ILHR5 F;LUE $IALK FTHAIl'INI5 UElilFLbl'.ItfN OF EXIHRIOII CllA$E BV l:tGrr'lERlir E-fC. ITEIYIS SHUULb !'IE REi:HEilKHD ATJ {-ONSTXUCI IOIII I'ROIJRESSESJ. Item: BUrC4tr l-'LFll6-|jas Fiping item I t ttzrgiUt I'|HUH*Heat ing IA4/ l"l i9A Inspector: CD xct i on : l-,f-l LtJt,ltR IhIFLOfJFi l-iHrr-i frfotes: BCr F,5I lrJhlg .l* I/ 7iJ ;tg'I ZOI',IF *l e t,lAIER sh.RVICE t.-INE OiJtsIitb. lrLrILlJINLi cNVul-[]F[ 15 Lutr-ri(Il''lti kE:itturJt: tlRUFrrt\E bUf lLES t-RUt'l HUILPINIti rAblurJ/99 lrrspectorr {iRG Action: RFCR r:rFl-'RUVED/COttl'lECl I[l[i |{LUIJ Notesr HExl lhl6 t^iilRi( INI pRtilifiEs:i. fiK I'0 CONtlr'luE t ITl-t F',RU.JECI. 1teil: $E3trat I4ECH-bxlrattst Hoods Iten I CilaSJkl FIECH-s'rppI y hir' Item: taos4B lrlEcH-lvlisc. U9 /'e5iv^g InsPector': 6FlG LL/e3/19 InsPectorI 6RB Actionr AFf'R hltfl$F0 rs LEUELS 415 flct i on : AFF R llRl VE $iNOHI4HL f ' 66 F,S I $:,J r Iten I rarA3gra I4HCH-F rrral €--LETWnl lnspector-I JRlrl Ac'tionl ["rN I]ENIEDTDRYER DiJI:T NtiI L-u rfdfilf: NOI CUI'II..LETE.$A5 I{E ER F'IT NOT OK F'ER I-IRE ITNID F'UBKTC O': fjErl'tugl RHEiOLUE "l HHSE IS}SU$ES.ffLSO f.l0 I'LRMIT tJfr5 155Util-r r- s noir)IlloFl,ll- B0ILERI' FOlt HOr -f Usl! !!!l!!ll InEpect ion'Histor'y. . . . . It enr : 99B!4U t'lECl{-Routgh /'V)g/ A3/ 9A Inspector': LiliG {t,6/Vt3/W Inspector': 6Rti Flct i otr r fret i on I AF,f,R AFF R0VED/CURI.(EC-r ItlN l.iE{:'io TOUIN OF VAII., 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 OWNER Description: FIRE SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM Firelrlece rnfofilaEion: Rcatricted: DEPARTT4ENT OF COMMI]NIW DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M98-0110 Job Address...: 186 FOREST RD Location......: 186 FOREST RD Parcel No..... : 2101-071-l-5-006 Project Number: PR,f97-0091 APPI,ICAI{T F&tSTOVES P. O. BOX 318, lEADVrrrLE, CO 80461 CONTRACTOR F&LSTOVES P. O. BOX 318, lEADVrLr,E, FI.ANNERY PROPERTIES L6230 FILBERT ST, SYLMAR Phone z '7L9-486-8443 Phonel. 7L9-486-8443 10,200 . 00 *Of llood/Pallets: Total calculat.ed Fe6s-- ->2't s . oo Status...: ISSIJED Applied. .,:, 07 /01/]-998 Issued...: O8/07/1998 Expires . .: 02/03/1,999 *of O16 Appliances: co 80461 cA 91342 Valuation: *Of cas Log. : FEA SWMARY Mechanical- --> Plan check- - - > Inve6Eigatsion> wlLI call----> Restuaran! Plan Revlcn- - > DRB Fee--------- TOTAT, SEES------ 220.OO .00 3.O0 . o0 27B.OO Addifional F€e6---------> .o0 Total Permi.t Fee---- ----> PalmanlE------- BAIANCS DUE.. - - 27S ,00 27S.OA .00 BUIi.,DING DEPARTMENT ^____ _D-epr: BUILDTNG Division:JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM FIRE DEPARTMETfT Dept: FIRE Division:.fRM AcEion: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE JEFF_A Action: APPR fd approves plans CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF T1IE 1991 IJMC.3. INSTAI,TATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2I OF TTIE 1991 I]MC.4. cAS APPL,IANCES SHALL BE VEI.TTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHAI.,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPME}flT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE L991 I,MC:6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'MfED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. T'NI-,ESS LISTED FOR MOUIVTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEETION REQI'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECXIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT.WATER SUPPLY BOII-,ERS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 IIMC. *************************************************:******************************* Item:05100 08 / 04 /L998 Item:05600 o7 /oL/]-998 07'/30'/Lee8 DECI,ARATIONS I hcreblr .cknorlodgc thrt l hrvc rcad tshL! rpplic.bion, f,llled out ln full thr Inforort.lon rcquirrd, compl.6Ecd an accuraEa plog Pl.n, rnd .trl. lhrc all thc lnf,onEtsion Plgvlded r. !!qulr.d i! cora€ct. r egroc Eo comply $lth th. lnfotiilrlion and plot plan,!o couPly tltsh rII Totn ordlnrnc.t.nd Et.ts. Leva, end to bulld thl,. .cruccur. rccordlng to tshc Toen,. zoninE end Eubdlvlslon code., de.Lgn ravLse rPProv.d, UnLforo Buildtng cod. rnd oth.r ordin.ncc. of Ehc Torn rppllcebl. Eh.r.to. REQU!S:g FOR INSPECTIONS SIiAIJL BE l,lA"DE tl{ENI.t-FOUn HOURS IN TDVANCE By TEIJ IIONB AT 479-2134 OR AT OUR OFFICA FROII a:oo Al{ sloo pM SIONATURE OF OIC}TER OR COIIATA TOR lOR HI!'SEIJF ri|rD OITNER J) TOWN OF VAII,, COLOR.IDO w t t r r a t* r. ra a r ra * Etrt.Ent r *aar a* I t ar t rl r r a a StaEonng Nu[bor r REC-0{33 Arcunt: Palrm6nts lf.lhodr CK Noc.Ei.onr 1001 21a.OO Osl07/9A Oa146 Inil! UAW Perolh No: M98-0110 T}Cr€r B-UECH IIECHANICIT PERITI! Parcel tilo. 2101-O?I-15-OO5 gii. Add!ce6: 186 FORBST RD Locaglon: la6 PoREST RD 278. O0 27|e.00 .00 LDount 220, O0 55.00 3 .00 ToEal Paaa: fhl! Pry!.nc 279,00 lorrl AtiJ tlaE!: Btlancc l r t r* r * * r t l} r* r a t * 9l t tt* t t t t t *a a lr 1l t te * * JJr r* ar r* rrrorrtrt r r t rittta lccounc Codc DGEcripcion ItP 00100003111100 uEcHNucAr, PERUIT FEBg PP OO1OOOO3112!OO PIIAN CHECK FEES wc oolo000f112s00 wrrJL cttJl' tNsPEcrloN pBE o DEPARTT{EI{T OF COMMIJNITY DEVEIJOPMEIiIT NOtE: TI{IS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUI,IBING PERMIT ilob Address: 186 FOREST RD Locat,i-on...: 186 FOREST FD Parcel No. . : 2LOL-O7L-L5-006 Project No. : PRiI97-009L APPLICANT MOI'NT MASSIVE PLIJMBING & HEATI P.O BOX 702, MII{rURN CO 81545 COIITRACIOR MOITNT MASSM Ptt lrlBINc & HEATI P.O BOX 702, MII\IrURN CO 81645 OWNER FLANNERY PROPERTIES 15230 FILBERT ST, SYLMAR CA 91342 DescripLion: GOMPLETE PIJMBING SYSTEM AI{D GAS PlValuat,ion: 50,000.00 tttttt*t.titt'}FEEsUMMA3Y'r*'ri*i*'}*'r'r''iir'll'|'!r't.r't'll**!r**'*''l.r'r''r'|''** FROM 8:0o .AIia s:oo PM ,IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P98-0022 Status...: ISSITED Applied..: 03/30/L99e Issued...: 04/06/L998 E:qgires. . z t0/03/L998 Phone z 7L9486r0L2 Phone: 7L9486L0L2 TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Pluobing-----> Plrn check---> Inve6Eigation> rrtll Crll -- - -> R.€Cuarrnt, Plan Revien- -> TOTAI, FEES----- Tot.l CaLculated Fees- - - > Addltlon.l Pee€---------> Total PerEit Eee--------> ?50 .00 187.50 .00 3.OO .00 940 .50 940.50 . oo 940.50 *,,rt.,r,*.r. ,,-,,,,,,,Tfl:l,iT;,;;;;;;;;1iii,..,..,.,,.,,11*,, ItsEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiTT DCPT: BUIIJDING DiViSiON:04103/1998 iIRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED .]RI'T Ireqri .q56Q0 FIRE DEPARTT{ENI Depr: FIRE Divj_sion:04103/1998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * i i t * t t t t r * t t t t t t t t I lt t * t a r r + * a * *r*r**irr*rla** t*irrrr*rrr'rrrrrrrfrrfrrfrraira*t*rrt**jr*l}* DECLARATIONS I h.r.by ackRot lldgo !h4t I have read bhi6 application, fil1ed out in full th€ lnforuillon r.quLr€d, colpl.tcd .n .cculace pLot plan, and scatc ch.t .11 th. ,.nfotuatLon lrrovLd.d.6 rcqui.red is correct. I agree to coEply siEh the inforoat.Lon and plot plan, co cooply rieh aLL Totn ordinances and Btat€ 1an6, and to build thi6 structure accordLng to th€ Torn,6 zonLnE rnd eubdLvLsLon codes, design rcvl.r .pproved. Uniforo Bulldlng Cod6 and othcr grdinsnccs of appLisable tshereto. REQUESIE ROR INSPEdIIONI' SHAIJL BE MADE TWEITTY'FOI'R HOURS TN ADIIANCE BY P.yucnt6-------- 940.50 't't +tg-ztza on 16n l\a<- L.-- OP O'iNBR OR CO}ITRA(TOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER aa a,r rrt.'rrrrotaarrr r. ar tia i!rr r*ttra TOIS| OP VAtrJ, C!'JOR.IDO gE.l.ung N!Eb.r! REC-034{ AEounE: P.ldenB liethod, CK l|otalion: 1895 9trErnnC tr rr*irl,t trt rtrrtr+tirr r rt tttrr r.ar 91O.50 04106198 09,35 lniE.: Mltf PcruiE tfo: 99a-oo22 fjp.: B-ptJuB pIJuftBrNG pERlrrT Prrc.l llo ! 2101-071-15-006 Slt. lddrc66: 185 FOREST RD locrEion r 1a6 FOREST RI) fhia Pryo.ng Total F€ca ! 9aO.5O Totsal ALL PuEr: Balanc6: 940.50 940.50 AEounc 750.00 187,S0 3. 00 ttt a t ttttar ta t rrt trrr rttt tt rtrirrrrrr tltt*ar*tttt *r r *t l}t atr * *ir* * *r I * lccor.urB Cgda D.rcriptsion PP OO1OOOO311I2OO PLT'UBINC PERTIT FEEE DP 00100003112300 PIltN cHEeK FBES flC OOIOOOO3II2SOO I{IIIL CNJIJ INSPEETION FBE 1,.." !il-*o'Tot.lN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN ''Bq*o.zql ORM PERI'IIT # , APPLICATToN IIUST BE FILUED oUT CoMPLETEIJY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED u...X* ***** ** ** *** * ******* * * *****'t PERMIT fNFORMATfON *****************************f\}L..' [ ]-Building \f,-rrunuing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other ./\ L .r -€ortar Legal Oescription: Lot sLoc.k-J- pi]'inS / "tr**rsro*,lJAtL U\0LA6 NL Ph. _Ph (A Nunber Accommodation Unl.ts: EHCTRTCAL: MECHANICAL: $ $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: Electrical Contractor: Address: coNTRAqToR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO, Phone Nunber: Plumbing Address: MechanicaL Address: ntracror: ftT. U6S,ug ?+k l^/c Contractor: ************************ BUUJDING PERMIT FEE PLUMBING PERMIT , Town of Vail R I'IECHANTCAL PERMIT ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: iglt " ""*H;, 5 l.|Irrrt \,4.E|\rI\ rr .r.c, : hgQ\'{EcHANTcAL pr,AN cHEck FEE:U\'' RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT! TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: .L BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONfNG! SIGNAEURE: owners Name: l-ltCU&L,Fc**tf4ddress: Architect:Address: General Descript,ion:Co rt7,t.6 Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: _ ,[*u"t and Type of Fireptaces: Gas Appliarr""-Z Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ |t********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* t of BUIIJDTNG: $ , PLUMBTNG: Kat-CE)Y l***************************'Eeneral Contractor: Address: . No.zcE-P I Town of Vail de5i.NO. Phone Nunber: cE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PIAN CHECK TEE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIII{D !O: VALUATION [ElJ]il--r, rre : I i REnuEsr- dfiU"3[til*,l,oth*"3hEl?3or"r, f =,.** PABE AREAI CD Activity:.ltl98-tZt036 3/e3/g.tA Typel B-lvlEtrFl Status: IS{}UED tronstr: NSFR Address: 166 FOREST RD ', Locat i on: 186 FORESI' RD J-,ar-ce 1 : 8101 -rZr71-15*Atr6 Descr i pt i on : f,lECH liYFIElYlS IIEAT IIUE Appf ieant I FlfluNT t'tJlSSjI UF_ F,l_HFj {(- owrrer.: Ft_AlrlNEf{y F,RC]F,ERTIEE;Contr"actor': I'lOLJNl l,lAgitlI. F,t-Hb & Occ r F{ND giNOI,II4EL'T |lIG FthoneI Frhone I HIGi Flrone I LJse: 719-486*t 'Z'tfr 719-4S6* 1ra 1e lnspeet i on Req ue s b .$lequesborl KEVIltl i .fieq l-inre: rZ16:rArfr ItEms reqr-rersted to I n form at i on. . Lomment s: be .[nspected" F,hone: 376-3*J4 tlct i on L)cmment s Time Exp *0rflt; History.....Item: qqe'Z'E {EC}l- Ror-rgh 7'frgr'Lt3/9) Inspectr:r'I GRG tilA/43/ 9B I n speet or": GRG flCtiON: FTI-.'trR AF'F'ROVED,/CORRECTIOI'.I REGID I4Ef,}]Ai!ICflL OK T.OR CCINI'INI"IINLi I,JI'IH JOL1. CI]I4HIJSTION AIR 5Y$1Et'l Iht F,RO{}RE$S, Ur,F,Eit l_.EV[:t_ GflS FIREF,LA|:E DESI6N/ FRJIIViING NO-I' UOIYIF,L-81'8, IYIAII! BOILERS FLLIE 5'IAt:iT AWAITING f,OI'IF,LE.TION OIJ EXI"ERIOR C}.IASE NY FRflFIERSI ET[. ITEMS SFICJLILD FE RE{-;HELI,iED A5 CONSTRUC] ION ]-.RLIHF{ES5ES. Itern: ra$g4tzl L,LlvlB*6ae F iping I bem r UCIJiA l{EL;H-Heat ing frt|. lI"l /c)g I n spect (:}r i l.;D Item r AAf,lUt ME{:H-Exharist Hor}cls Itern: rarASSrA FIECI{*Silpply Aii" I t: e m r UTOJ4U' liltl{ll.'l*14:i. sc, qri /e5l98 Insnec-'tor': (:Rii f l,/93,/9S Inspecbor.r Gll{:i Act i on r I-'A I L"OhIER Ih,IF]I-IIOR HEAT ficbion: AtrF'R HIRSBfi 3 I-EVLLS 4ij FSI Actiorr: AFFR DRM 5NOl.,lYlELT, 66 FSi f.lotes r Stlt F,13I ZUNI! ll l/78 F,5I ZfiNE ++ e HA-IHR $L:RVICE t. INE OUT$IDH BUILI]II{6 HNUOL.IIFE I5 LERKING RHIYIOVE F'IIOF'ANE FOT'TLEs FROI'I BUILOING UH/tA3/98 lnspector.: LIRG Fict i on : AF,CR AtF,ROUED/CORRECTIBN READ Notes r HE.A f INti TJORK Il! F,RtrFRESS. OK TO CONT INUE tlITFl F,ROJECT. Itenr: AAJ9O I'IECH-F i.nal 'atet?@t Insl:ector: JRfvl Acbion: DN DENIEDTDRVER DUCT NOT Cu tqFf€-s: NOTntlFtFLETE.GAli I4ETER FIT NUT tlK FER FIRE AND trUBKIC SE CE.FlUS"r RES0LVE THESE ISSUSES,RLSE NO F,ERI'IIT WAS ISSUED F S ADDI'IIONAL BOILER5 FOR IINT TUB!!!!I!!!!! "t:,s.:1 ._ Act i on:E NNTES [EiISil--G oe : r3 REouEs* CJoEET[oibi*"3hEE?8"'"n, |}reo PAGE AREAI CD Activ'ft*yr tr90-€ttl*e 5/e8/e6 pddressr lBB FUREST RD Location: 196 FOREST RD Farce I r'El Etl -t171 -l 5-lzrla6 Type: B*FLF4B Status: ISSUED ConEtr: NSFR Occ I RND GAS F.IPINE & HEATI Ftrone: Fhone l &. HEATI F,hone r Use ! 7194$6 lrZ'1e 7194t16 101e F,hone: 376-,JE34 Autio Comment E Time Exp rAtAPgUl I Inspect i orr Item: I b en: I bem: History...,. UtrZrP I E F LlrlA-Und er.Br.c, r-rnd U4/Vt7 /94 Insper:torr CI) .h4/ L'7 /99 L nspect trr: CD OAAAIZ' FLMB-Ror-rgh/D. W. V. AA/63/$A Inspectorr GRG m€rA3fI I-'L.lvlB*R o r-t gh / t Jat er^ OSl03/98 Inspectorl GR$ AA?4E| trLMB-Gas F,i ping rZt8/Crgl9S Inspector : GRG ItA/ L?/98 Inspector: JRM Notes: f:IRE PLneES' llITUHEN tIAgSO F'LMB'F ao I /Hot l-t-tb At:t i cln : AlrF fi 9+l PT llct i on : AF F,R UNDERGROUNI) flrtionr AFtrR I^IATER TEST" Jlction: AFFR AIR TEST ON Action: AtrF'R lE L-'gI fiIR Ac-t i on r AFF,R flFF ROVED grzl AF,F'LI6NCES" BOILER$, EATS TR6 COF,F,ER lU,rZ,* :;5' STAG]( | & }{OLDIN6 TEST {* AIR TE,sT 6IVEN T'O C Item: Item: Item: lZrE e6B trLMB*Mi sc. 0tz'39fl F,LlvlB-Final 1Al'Zr1/99 lrrspectorr JRM Actionr AFUfI OK Ohll-Y FnR TfiOr MUST NgtFs: REINST.ECT ALL FMH FINAL. IOMF.LET'ENESS J. \J REFT 131 F'AGE AREA: TUWN OF VAIL! CUI,ORADO 07/0,6/?AAO 69:33 REUUESTS - INSFECTN WURK SHEETS FORz 7/ 6/2il =============E==========-== =3===== ==*==*= ======= ==== =-gt === =:===== ==--==Aetivityr M9B-O?I36 7/ 6lEV Type: B*MECH Statr-rs: I$$UED Donstr': NSFR Address: 166 FOREST RD Farcel : ElOl-O71-15*AAG Occ: Deseription: FlECtl SYSTEMS HEATING AND SNOWMELT Applieant: MBUNT MASSM FLBG & HTffi Fhone: Owner": FLRNNERY FROFERTIES Fhone: Contractor": I{OUNT MASSM F'LEG & HTG Fhone: CD Use: 719- 486* 101E 719-4.6t''- 1O 13 InEpect i on Req lre st Reqrrsetror": KEVIN Reo Timer tZtS:Efll Items naqrrest ed to 'a(r39m MEf,H*Final Informat ion.. . Comment s: t,r I LL be Inspected.. Fhone: 376*3834 CALL. Act i on Comment s Time Exp I nspeet i on Hi st ony. . . . . I t e rn : AOIOIZ' MECH-Ro ngh A8/A3/9A Inspeet or: GRE Act i orr : AFrtrR SEF" NOTEI1 . nA/ BS/98 Inspect r:r.: GRG llct i on r AFOR AFFROVED/CORREETION REBU Nntes: MECHANICAL- OK FOR CONTINUING i.,ITH JOB. CDMBUST InN AIR SYSTEM IN F,RO6RE55| UFF,ER LEUEL GAS FIREFLACE OESIGN/ FRAMING NOT COI'IPLETE, ]TIAIN BNILERS FLUE STACK AI,IAITIN6 COI{PL-ETION OF EXTERIOR CHASE BY FRfrfilER$, ETC. ITEMS SHOULD BE RECHECI(ED AS CONSTRLICTION F'RO6RESSE.S. Item: raEta4ra F,LMB-6as Fiping Item: fiO31O MECH-Heating At4/17 /SB Inspector': CD flctionr FA LOWER INFLO0R HEAT lrlotes r BO F",$I ZONE * 1/78 FSI ZONE f+ E HATER SERVICE LINE OUTSIDE BUILDINS ENUOLOPE I5 LEA}(ING REMOUE F.RNPANE BOTTLES FROIT1 BUILDING AE/fi?/g& Inspec:t or: GRG Action: AtrCR AEFROUED,/CORRECTIUN REGD NOt PS I HEATIN6 I-IilRI/.. 1N F.ROBRESS. OI{ TO CT]NTINUE IIITI-{ PRTIJF-CT. Item: OrZ'390 MECH-Exhar-rst ]'loods Itemr OA33O MEtrH*Supply Air' Item: OO34{' MEDH-Mi*c. fr9 /?:15/98 In-.,peet cir : GRG Il/83/98 Inspeetor': GIiG Itemr AAf,gO MECH-Fina1 LE/AI. /99 Inspector': JRlil Act ion: DN DENIEIIT DRYER DUCT NUT Cu Noteg: NUT COf4F,LETE.GAS METER pIT NOT UK FER FII1E AND PUBKIC 5E cEf MUST RESOLVE TITESE ISSUSES. ALSO NO trERf,lrT WAS ISSUED F E ADDITTONAL BOILqRS FUR r-rOT TUB!!lrrr!!!l OS/es/An Inspector': CD 1 Action: APER RtrPRDUED/CBRRECTION REOD Notes; PROVIDE LETTER FRObI MECHANItrAL INSTALLER IN REGARDS TO THE B VENT IN$TALRTI,ON IS ACCORDINF TT] THE 1997 UMC THE FLUE HAD NOT BEEN REINSF.ECTED ACCORDING Ttr THE REAUIR oF ROU6H INSF,ECTIi.i/N FERFORMED E/3/gg. ANOTHER MECHANICfiL PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FOR THE ADDITI uF TWo SpA HEnTH;l{ BqILERS "i'-..i Action: flF'FR NIRSB0 3 LEUELS 45 FSI Action; AF,FR DRIUE SNOWmELT, 68 pSI I I .l ''..i wNb TOI^JN FF VRIL LORf,DO Activity: B9'7-tlE9 1 7/ 6/E Addnessr 166 FOREST RD Location: fS6 F'ORE51- RD [--rar.ce 1 : tslEl -O7 1* 1 5-ralaE Desr-.i.ipt j.on: DEMO ANII REBUILDNETI F,RIFIARYz' Appl ieant: 14ICHOEt- FLtlNNERY OwneT': FLANNERY F,RBF,ERTIES Contrac:tor: MICt'lAEt- Ft..ANNHRY \ ETS Occ r Fhone: Fhonel [-'hone: ,,:-C, $7Er-.J49- SBBO z Flf,FE AREA: CD onstr: NDUF' REF,T T f, I a7 /!f16/pafr :59 REOUESTS - I Insper't i on Request I n f o r- nr art i o n . . . "Requestor': KEVIN LIO$SOW Ren Time; rlB:OO Comments: t^,ILL Items reqr-rested to be Inspeeted.. "IZ'OS4B F[.-DG-Final C,zO Inspect i on History..... Item : OO5Ol F'H-TCilF. access/drarnage Item: rZrOSrIFj f,UJ*Rou*h gr-adr-. trhonp: 37G-.1E34 DAt"t.- Act i on Comment E Time Exp SOI.JTFI I^'FILL FOOTING!; Art i on: AT,trR INTERiOR FOOTIN6 F.I1DS Actionr F'A RElAINING I^IA[-L NOF:-I-FI SID flct i on : A[:'tr-'R MID,/UFF-'ER FOOTING llHTfiIN Act ion : AF,FR AF,F,R0VED Aetion: AFFR AF,l:'ROl'HD AND SUtrF.ORTS NO'T COMPLETE TiIIJST BE ALL I^'ALLs OVER 10 FEIT Itenr : EBSEJ F[,]--FirraI clrivewey qt ade Item : fiA01tZ FLDG-Foot inqs/Steel VL/E:g/gg Instrector': [.0 Action: F'6 il3/7V/99 Inspector': CD $6/'c4/9& Inspector: DD fig/eW/gB Inspector': CD Notes: F'RtJVIDE CLEARANCE FETIIEEN REI1AR AND SUBGRADE WESTER PROTECT I ON REALI I RF.I) It em: OOOE:tl Ft-.116-.For-rndat i on/llit p.e I tAe/I6/\B Insoector": CD Actionr FA FACR hlA|-l- T0 E4t NoteE: F'ROVIDE WEA"|-HHR fTRLITECTION fiE/?6/94 Inspe;toi-: [;D Art ion: F'A back waI I to 1=i.nislr e].ev AJ/BC)/98 Inspectnr*: t)D Actionr A[tFFl NORTI{ SECTIUN fi\/t'7/98 Inspector": lllJ Actionr AF,F,R REST OF FOUFID. COFIF'L-ETE A6/I-t /c.\8 Inrpector"; JRM Act i.on: AFFR tlFFrR [,ASTSIDi: 46,/19,'i,!g Jnspectoi': JtlM Action: AFFR AF'F'R0'JED Note:i: AFTFROVED 4 $l'lAL.L UJfiLLS AND I UOLUIYINS fr6./3d/98 Inspectorr CD Fct ii:n: F-'A eND TTER RETAINING LIALL fr-Z /frX/1& Inrpectot.; JRM Acb iorr: FA AF'PR 3RD TIEII RETAIN h,fil" A7/A7/9A Inspeetor": .IRltl Actionr AF'FR RpFROVED 4TH TIER a7 / Iii/9& Inspechor: JRM Jlct i on I fif-'[:tR AFt-'R lST TIER A7/17/98 Inspector': JRM flction: AFF'R AFFROUED VA/i!4/98 Inspector'; CD Action r fiFFtR t4ID/UF.'F'IER RE'fFllNINCi t^lfiLl- 08186,/98 Inspeetot': CD Act ion: AFFR UFFER FTETAINING t^IALL Notes: SI{OCRETE i^JILL BE USED TO COFIF'LE'rE TCIF LEUF-L RETAINING WAL.L NT EORTH BANK REI}AR INSTALLED OCCORDTNG TO F'LAN Item: tltZt5f,fli FLAN-ILC $ite Flan il1 / IE./94 Inspeetor.r CBARTON Item : OOtZtJtl BLDE-FI.aming A8/L7 l9A Inspector: CD. Notps: TOtr FLtrOR SKYLIGHTS RE I N$F,ECTED ADD FIRE BLOCKINE AT REPT131 !!. TOI,{N T]F VAIL,, COLORADT] 67/@6/AAAO OB:58 RET]UESTs * INSPEtrTN..[^'ORK SHEETS FQRI 7/ 6/EA trAGE 6 AREA: trD ADD LAG BOLTS AND HANGER AT CONNECTIONS OF I^IEST LVLTS TOFFLI]OR SUBI{IT EN6 LETTER Of: INSPECTION AND NPF'ROUAL Item : OqtlASq' BLDE-InErrlat i on e$/X4/9A Inspeetor': CD Act ion: AFFR ApFROUEI) Item: rata06rA E{LDG-Sheetr'ock Nai I . ta&/31/98 Inspectot": CD Aetion: AF,F,R SEE NOTE$ Notes: C0ftltrLETE f:IRE ASSEMBLY IJNDER $TnIRS ALL $HnhJER $TAL-I.S WILL Bf: USING DURA ROCK" NUT INSTALLED TI-II5 TIME Item r OfiO7O BLDfi*l'li sc. l/'t7/31/9O Inspect0r": CD 08/06/98 Inepectot': ARl" Vg/@7/EA Inspector: JRM LW/?7 /94 Insgector': JRIYI Notes : RETAIhIING t,ALL fr7/e1l99 lnspector': CD ItEm: OOA90 BLD6-Final Item: etOS3O BLDG*Temp. C/A Item: ora53P pt^l-TEMF, C/O tJF F{OI4E, FROM LICEN$E 4I CONCRETE F.AN NEHD 'I flND DITCI.I I'IUST DRAIN T Item: 8t'4533 FLAhI-TElYlF,. tr,/n ItEM: IAIASJT F'LAN-FINfiL I]/O Action: AFFR CMU RET6ININ0 WALL ilctionl AF'FR Ret, warll steel, F'artial Artion: OFtrR nFFROUED RETOINING HAL[- Act i on : AFF,R AF,FR I.-ARGE DRI VEt^lAY ACt i TTN : AF,F.R FRONT RHTN i N I NE WALL AT EDGE OF ASFIHALT . NOT TOWRRDS STRE DENIED V1/:i;3/bBt Inspectot': L$ Action: DN DENIEi.) Notesr NEED BROI{EN ASPHALT REFAIRED AT STREET. EAST OF DRIVEI,'IAY AT RIGHT OF NAY AREA! DI,JTURBED GRADING I{UST RETURN TO A I:1 6RADE. TREE EAST OF DRIUEWAY MU$T BE REMDUED. NOT AF.F,ROVED IN F,L DRAINAGE SI^IALE ON WEST SIDE OF HOME CANNOT DRAIN IN NEIEH PROF.ERTY. REDI RECT SI^JALE GRADE T]N I^IEST SIDE T]F F, T0 A e:l GRADE. NU trOSTIVE DRAINAEE AT BA F'IF,E INSTALLED RND DAYLI tZlS/93/l?lB Inspeetor*r ALLISON Action: DN need kitchen in EHU Notes: additional landse;roa ar.or-rnd util.ities Item: Item r rzr6s39 pi^,-FlNFIL_ C,/O fifi54t1 B[.-DG-Final $/O fi3/-r.3/88 Inspeetor-: CD RctioTr DN Noteg ; F,LANNING APF'RVAL- REfiUIREDI/ F'UBLIC I^JORKS AF.PROVAI-. RET]UIRED FIRE DEIsT FINAL AF'FROVAL RENUIRED Ff]R FIRF: SUtrPRESII]N s\SrEn u/ MECHTINICNL ISSUESJ NOT REST]LVED (FIUST T]BTA].N A IIIECHANICAL/ trERFIIT FI]R THE ADDITIT]N T]F TIIO SPA HENTER$(BtrILER5)) HANDRAILS REOUIRED T]N ALL EXTERIT]R STAIRS F,RT]VIDE DT]CUMETATICIN ON SAFTEY GLAZING FOII h'INDtrI^J9 THAT RRH REAUIRED TO BE SAFETY ELAZED THAT DO I'JOT HAUE LABELS REI{OVE OUTHOUSE -- . trROVIDE LETTER OF CERT. FOR BACKFLOI.I F'REUENTOR&(LL 3f ').EAS ltlETER ISSUE HAS BEEN RESCILUEDL.,T Jtz.-. Cit$n$[iF-'\T,K"l[hq r$s]F F{s**NfiLL oN EA s o I s cr lLt I r .g ID .T o tn a, c 0, {,(, o|l c ru E (l, o L! E(o IJ CO oot -o,sgi (,o .!l(! ao .eF r) oi -v -9 j(D !l>.c XvO ;5 3 {JO "g(, 6 EEg ,3 -zfi q C '-;. btb o * Eei e O eoA a 5o'. 3 ; E€O €3 EtrE !., 666 b Y !:= c o i si-:H $i E :9fi1, : E ." c>NN " E asfig $i $ Ei;$ ;E : E:EA FE # i $55 r'e ru z2 f *o c Lrl Y .,ii T E = x>E69gE"'---:Pfr-E"E=F,:.iE-*-3 EF=i p€= iit g 5 €E;a::E:i;t EElniii{iiii : !d-.9"3"Eb8 | .9 >\<.9*5 -:.S o_-E 6 = Ex.s==€E ei fr a 5ie; r--f iI: I ff :9a53.-; -'E-3'; " = t5E:!gss!_3;uE'= 6;;n g E-$F >-<F-.E9o9L,tP+tEEBq-'5* 'tgie'a€;ai r.) a LrJ F z r/ .i. o o F-' d r C-l tr E o E-.,.t o *l F-'k hl F | .*'t t n: a-. FO ElN Llt E]J U a r+a q C 50 Ea FE r\r l(J it-J tl \t-" \la \ln f*\-lr ''ol1 ig in i; isr a ! Pt" " BFe':o,9-;o d.i tr c E c I C I o ,\ I co F o J ZE 't \_ .E! o (.' 5S E(Jt) :3: EE6 6P t-F l;t=t: I I I I I F-tt ,l st Er $\ l-t.- -l = E, o r() ,-l E, Er{ F a) El E o tr" I o a.) o)()o O f*. -+A €i c\ o9 @ 60 @@ \ -9 4 .-cB o|-r o a, tl \ P3 =o o '@ (o m @ UI o D \ \ J F/I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I i L-- c !9 o)o o r,O i Fi -"o to- !o c.i N(o F(O o u- z l o (J o = F ^E FL -t atJ I <R = J<T (r 5d < J:H IU r\o Y trJ ctF o< -JF (D UI o)UJ F(J o<Jt! " ', ,, ,, ,l ( r r ---r U :*!a Ht-* i; i: d'E3; ;rtE g iieF: cE="6 ,ii *''.6 :--598 i!+;; fl:-ge t : iffii E; Iii a{ 'o t9 I ll | __ | __ 135.E0' r I Ir I F 99 5ri r b9 E!* !frg 5,9 C E t p t f,rr rrrrlr aE nE 1 J. o.o.* iNt ^.- -,u)I so1'22'00"E ao F F ct o a -o irt I -o !o9 -!i gut 9-oo ()o iE --o Y' a, :U|9 j<( tlC o 6.S I'o -o to o q'r I QF. oo aD@ qq oo- UI -9pe giob bYT Loor 5bE dll =R rJ o)t-tn @|rl @rt r)o (crF r,.l | |;@@ xss -l F o) rJ z oi t,-< o z E tr1 E1 z o z E] C) z (J z a-l a o z 3 ='1 c') 5r: )m !4 Q) _cd -;a na E o hdd $ =\|f\N S) g (5 s E