HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 14 17 RESUB OF LOTS 14 AND 17 LEGAL PAPERS LEGAL.pdfTO: FROM: DATE: Town Counci I Pl anni ng and Environmental Commi ssion January 7, 1987 one created Parcel s B and c, d tF g, to ngl e part of Fami 1y Lots 14 The applicant is requesting to resubdivide Lots 14 and 17, Block 7, vail V'i llage lst Filing in orden to create three'l ots, one to be zoned primaiy/Secondary and two to be zoned Single Family Residential- The subdivision request has been conditionally approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Final approval for the zone change request is required from Town Council. Currently both Lot 14 and Lot 17 are zoned Primary/Secondary and each contains a single fam.i ly residentia1 dwel l ing. This subdivision decreases the size of ttre eiisting tit 17 while maintaining the technical requirements and minimum standards required for a Primary/Secondary 1ot. This lot is descgi bed as Parcel A. Lot 14 is subdivided into Parcels B and C, each to be zoned Single Family Residential . Both of these parcels meet the site requirements for Sing1e Fami1y Residential Iots. The planning and Environmental Commission unanimously recommended approval of the minor suUdivision conditional upon the four conditiorrs iisted under Staff Recommendation in the enclosed PEC memo dated December ?2, 1986. The Community Development Department recommends approval with the 4 conditions listed in the above stated memorandum with one additional condition. Pri or to execution of the final p1 at, a representative of the Community Development Department^will inspect the residence located on Lot 14, to ensure that it is indeed a single family residence as defined through the Town of Vail municipal code. / . 'l 4l^*l g,t\ c-\\ 'rl @,Orfia9 ' 6155P ( \.\,J TO: FROM: DATE: I II. Plann'i ng and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December ?2, 1986 uest subdivision in order to resubdivide Lots 14 roe'1lst Filins. ''Included in this action ne*iv 'Crdatea parcels B and C to Single THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting to Filinq in order to create Pr i mar condarv an tl*t-li chae'l "iennebaum *gfill& :' r vide Lots 14 a 3 lo Currently, both le e descri bed on the subd ivi si on pl at a:.-?-arcel-A. -Lot 14, rhan, with the increase in square.footage !1ke1 flom.lot 1l:-it and C, each to be zoned Single Familv. Both th;-ffiAt]Tement standaFds for Single Familv Residential lots. ( For a Primary/Secondary lot, the n e \ feet of buildable area and each si feet and be of a size and shape ca feet on each side within its bound 'I ot must have a mi n i mum si te area area. Each site must have a minim f a size and shape capable of enclos e within its boundaries. while the staff understands and supports the basic-concept of this s that need cl ari fi cation. The ite of lots 14 and 17 as currently zoned e nature of our GRFA ordinance and the d scale, the creation of one ng1e Fami1y lots would result in an le. Part of the reason the staff supports this concept would be that it does not effectively change the aensity of the site'. Four units would be allowed. Four units are being requesreo. -We woutd request that the GRFA be restricted by condit'i on and alro on lt'. plat to a maximum of 7,518 square feet to be divided among the ttrree barcels so that at least the minimum standards of GRFA related to site area are met. The second issue of the request would be the parking for the proposed Parcel c. currently there is a single family unit located on Lot 14. The parking ior thi-s unit is located wesr of the existing unit. This '| nor ( parking area is located on what is proposed to be Parcel B' The lppiilint, in discussions has stated that a garage and parking area will u!-uuitt on parcel C to accommodate that unit. Our concern is that in the meantime we are creating a parcel with an existing unit with no iegal park.i ng, as the existinq parking is'l ocated on the proposed^Parcel g."-11""*oufa"request a formal easement be granted from. Parcel B to eassur-ing that ih919-i,s " legal existing parking area for the the minimum lot sizes be of buildable area. The staff has calculated it'" ri"p"-"n this site and has found some slopes exceeding 40%. As the III. subdivis.ion is currently drawn, Parce.l c does not meet the 12'500 square iooi requirement of bujiAaUle area. The total site, however, does .oni"in-"nougn buildable area to create these three lots and with some rino.."norking of the property line between Parcel B and Parcel C as is currentty showi, both of these parcels could meet the minimum requ i rements . The fourth issue is that of the current zoning request. This suUaivision will only work if Single Family zoning is,approved for parcet B and C, otheiwise we will be creating non-conforming biiriryiS"iondiry 1ots. These two actions are dependent upon each oin"r,-ana we wo-rld request that if the Planning Commission were to deny either one of the applications, that both are denied' STAFF RECOMMENDATION is aPPl ication and recommends owable on the site would be 4 units ore than that. 0ur recommendlQion he following conditions: ^5'd\ The total GRFA approved for the three parcels square feet and that the GRFA as distributed requirements for each Parcel . 2. A legal instrument be created to allow the parking for Parcel C to ; ."t"in on pariet B until such time as adequate parking is :) avai I abl e on Parcel C. 3. That the applicant demonstrate that all three lots meet the = minimum site requirements of buildable area' ( t. =\<> not exceed ffi*8 must meet the minimum That approval of thjs subdivision is conditional upon final zoning approuai being granted by the Town Council' ( TO: FROM: DATE: I. Planning and Env'i ronmental Commission Community Devel opment Department December 22. 1986 est o onrng parcels now known as Parcel B and Vai'l Village Resi denti al THE REQUEST The applicant has submitted a concurrent application for resubdivision of Lots 14 and 17, Block 7, Vail Vi1lage 1st Filing. Purpose of the subdivision is to decrease the size of Lot 17, increase the size of Lot L4, and then create two single family parcels out of the existing lot 14. The minor subdivision request is being addressed under a separate memoranqum. The minor subdivis'ion will insure that the proper lot area requi rements for Single Family zone district is being met on Parcels B and C and that the requirements necessary for a Primary/Secondary lot are maintajned on Parcel A. Currently, both the proposed Parcel A and Parcel C contain single family dwelling units. The final development scenario of this property would then entail a Primary/Secondary structure on Parcel A, a single fam'i 1y unit on Parcel B and the existing single family unit on Parcel C. EVALUATION OF THE REQUEST l. Sljtqbility of Existins Zonins ( II. -k The Community Development staff feels that the.existing zgning in no ooes meeE, f,,ne The request, however.for Sjlelxlamily_zonilg_on this parcel does not change the densities that are currently apnnoved- It merely changes the configuration in which this property may be built upon. 23' Therefore, we feel that both the existing and proposed zoning are ' su'i tabl e. 2. The proposed subdjvision an9 zolinq do no! glfecti @in this area of the communTf Although we will see more separate structures, the effective density and square footage of development on this property does not change;-€n-d-Ed-ft€-f,-ttrerefore, there is no negative impact Appl icant: Micheal Tannebaum upon the relatjonship of this use with the adjacent land uses. 3. The commun'i ty Development Department feels that as the subdivision r€Ouest-pe.ets the minimum ncrlrrinanents fnn fhe pfoposed zqng "a-Lstfiq-t, i!.d-..49-e-g not ..,increase dens'ity, that the proposal does community and creates or the conmunity. ,rl,r't re",:.,r * -,.- III.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation for the proposed zoning is for conditional upon the fact that the related minor su lots 14 and 17 is approved and that a1 | parcels mee requirements for their proposed zone d'i strjcts. approva | ,bdivision reouest for t the minimum site ( ( tJi ' tril ,El t' , t' t i TD to lol )o ol )o o( I -oI ol :l -il <?l \\\\\\\ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\ o-z@ 9P ;s = =z >i fl3 (9 z J l! E ,c z l o m J g TL z =P _i_i'rr { :.' E. UJ 1- - =(9 z. =l! o z o o UJ o 4 t q. s UJ F F U'E l!F z { \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\.\ lrJ (9 1..r =z i, a F t!l-K F Er\!\b\[.' o:):c1 o€ oooooo ltl rPo(pAo lcto(ooq 'oot ooc )oo(ooo )oo( ocoooo )oo oo()oo ooi )oo )o^oor o&o a a o o a U.t br - a a a t e a a a a a a a a a oo( ) (tf)oo(OoQ\OOl ,ooooo oof )oo ot( \\r:srs \\\I\E\ ooooooo()oodoogo ooo*ooo6.i "AOOOoCo oooocoi tDao d.b o sF t.H tit'w:I s:l )\\ oaoooo Iosc c (o ooocor oooooorc rOaOOOtJa )oooooqo(ooooodoo oooc roCor oooooooo o0oootlc ocoooclSo ooooooJ JOOOOOCO?ooocogoooo IA lt \F '>\rb .,n J i r(.9s ir ,),fi () ,\-rF Cv, J? *-E ug -68 ()o . P_ 3d E: SgsL-al o- @:- ''F- etrS -J i$i * *: n*ntH ) ;-- 5L rli-Ej-- :gii c, l=t*S LrJ o 9i 5l-c;3 lxgb -_".- " r, ', I = st o) @ z o z LJ c) F /vr,, zt, obo t0 s f- rqr l_r.J s l'- oF () el -J o- ,r9- 16 B ? t0 E ol lE d rrl tr J l I l.v'lc, t'l C6l n oi o (\j tiJ e.J IJ'o -u io quJ N<J f qt J (, F=1,o c(v -o tt) - \r o O; -: l.- ni il z (!|= N tr r,""I G!JL) lrl rO \f F u)m - o q, X_ rt to -Ylr)$co Rlp= t4 J()=-|() <li F:. Er -- N b q-,oF :bRi ;, " "-E € Jc, ) q o rY ;.- m IF, ar'o l@ g J Y o o \.-, N r!x r- (n UJ E- I t^ la!l! I;l! l"t(u l(l t:la. EI trJ () trJ C' |r) G) U'' .eIzg ,i\,€2"00 N IJ o, co o@ 60 (J F. O -. o(J FF \o -. EO+r j ,;+iLy"i"<". I I .l ,l t\ l !\ \q ? I Y ORDINANCE NO. 2 Series of .1987 As provided in the ordinances of the Town administrator is hereby directed to modify and include the zoning specified in Section Two (2) Secti on 4. DETAILs RELATING THERETo; AND AMENDINe rHi'oiFiii]ii zoi,iiiieT n,6 ' +'* MAP rN -"^l':l ]: l': ::::':l :-:::::,,, *il^.::,w,WHEREAS, the property to be rezoned hereby lies within the jurisdiction of the Town of Vaj'l; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmenta'l Commission has considered the appropriate zoning for the subject properly and unanimously recommended to the Town Council rezone Parcels B and C Single Family Residentjal; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the public interest to zone said property Single Family Residential . NOl,l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section I The Town Counci'l finds that the procedures fon the provision of rezoning property have been fulfil'led, and that the Town Council hereby receives the report of the recommendation of the Planning and Environnental Conunission recommending the rezoning of the subject property. Section 2. Pursuant to Section .|8.66.100 of the Vai'l Municipal Code, parcels of property described as Parcel B and Parcel C, a resubdivison of Lots 14 and 17, Block 7, Vail V'i 'l 'l age First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, are rezoned to Single Family Residential (SFR). Section 3. of Vail, the zoning amend the official zoning map to above. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the va] idity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Councjl hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any .,/. one or mone parts, sections, subsect-ions, sentences, clauses or phrases be dec'l ared invalid. Section 5. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred pri or to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ord'i nance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READiNG THIS 6th DAY OF JanuaTy 1987, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 6th day of January , ]987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vai'l Municipal Building in Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in ful] this 6th day of January , 1987. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this_ day of , 1987. Pau'l R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: JPJ o ,,fu, r\||||-r,vlJv|.vI DETAILS RELATING THERET0; AND AMENDINc TlF 9lil9IAL zoNING/n b - MAD lN DFI ATInN Tn THF qllA.lFaT DPODFRTY l/ ,,r.' 1: ,\ , .I AN ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN \J" DEScRIBED As PARcEL B AND PARCE OF LOTS 14 AND 17, BLOCK 7, VAIL TOl'lN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLO ZONING DISTRICTS FOR THE SUBJECT ,o ( ,L' i,') oRDTNANcE No. z 1'.U' n lY' I l' / Selies of l9a7 4 t'/ i rY' r llAP IN RELATION T0 THE SUBJECT PR0PERTY u - nzo J lt -'"- IdHEREAS, the property to be rezoned hereby ljes within the jurisdiction of/ the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has considered the appropri ate zoning for the subject property and unanimously recommended to the Town Council rezone Parcels B and C Single Fam'i 1y Residential; and WHEREAS, the Town CounciI considers jt in the public interest to zone said property Sing'l e Family Residential . NOI,I, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOl,lN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 'l . The Town Council finds that the procedures for the provision of rezoning property have been fulfilled, and that the Town Councit hereby receives the report of the recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending the rezoning of the subject property. Section 2. Pursuant to Section'18.66.100 of the Vail Municipal Code, parcels of property described as Parcel B and Parcel C, a resubdivison of Lots 14 and 17, Block 7, Vail Vi'l 'l age First Filing, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, Co'lorado, are rezoned to Single Family Residential (SFR). Section 3. )Y As provided in the ordinances of the Town administrator is hereby directed to modjfy and include the zoning specified in Section Two (2) Section 4- of Vail, the zoning amend the official zoning map to above. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Councjl hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, c] ause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sect'i ons, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be decl ared i nva'l i d. T- Section 5. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and dec'l ares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the hea'l th, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 6. The nepeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail ' Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, non any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shal'l not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herei n. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 6thDAY OF JANUATY 1987, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 6th day of January , 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the VaiI Municipal Building 'i n Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this 6th day of January , 1987. Pau'l R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this_ day of , 1987. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: t- aA€- (a,-'._' f"t. MINUTES VAIL TO[',N C0UNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 1987 7:30 p.n. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, February 3, 1987' at 7:30 p.m. in the Councjl Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, MaYor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gai I l,Jahrl ich-Lowenthal 3:il1"!':fi;'" MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Hermann Staufer T0WN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first order of business was the approval of the January 6 and 20, 1987 minutes. Eric Affeldt made a motion to approve both sets of minutes, and Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The next item was appointments to the Design Bryieu-Board. There were three vacancies due to the end of terms for-kthffiFren, Ned Gwathmey and Roy Sante. Applicants for the positions were Ned Gwathmey, Lolita Higbie' Dan Leary, Roy Sante, Shirley Vaughn and Kathy !'larren. A vote was taken and Ned Gwathmey, Kathy I'larren and Dan Leary were appointed to fjll the vacancies. The third item was an appojntment to the Plannjng and En+j+enme+tai-€ommission to replace Duane Piper. There were three applicants for the vacancy - J.J. Collins, Mary Smyth and Howard Rapson. The Council voted and J.J. Collins was appointed to the position. The next item for discussion wls Ordinance No. 2*_Series of 1987, second reading, a request to rezone two lots in fEIITiTIEIErlrstljling to create one prjmary/secondary lot and two single family 1ots. Mayor Johnston read the fu] l title of the ordjnance. Rick Pylman explained the reasoning for the rezoning request, listed the criteria used in evaluating the request and why the staff recommended approval of the request. Gordon Pierce stated he would have to abstain from voting due to invo'l vement in the project. Peter Patten gave additional jnformation explaining the existing extra unit would have to be taken out. Lawrence Levin, an attorney representing Dr. Urhlein, requested the density not be increased and gave reasons why the ordinance should be revised or denied. Rick Pylman responded to Mr. Levin's concerns. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, conmented the applicant did not intend to be nonconforming to the ordinance. Larry Eskwith explained it would not be a nonconforming use, but a zoning violation. After some discussion by Counci1, Gail tlahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ord'i nance. Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0, with Gordon Pierce abstaining. The fifth item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1987, finst reading, dropping the Recreational Amenities Fund. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Steve Barwjck exp'lained this ordinance was the process of formalizing what had been presented to the Council before and gave the reasoning for the ord'i nance. After a short discussion by Larry Eskwith, Steve Barwick and members of the public, Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the ordinance. Gajl l,lahrlich-Lowenthal seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Next was Ordjnance No. 6, Series of 1987, first reading, regarding property witho{+ - a zone desionat-ion. Mayor Johnston read the full title. Rick Pylman explained the -Elsoning for the ordinance. Larry Eskw'i th requested the wording in Section l be clarified by changing "will not be zoned" to "will not be so designated". There was no discussion by Council or the public. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the ordinance, and John Slevin seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. -t- I At this time, Mayor Johnston announced there would be a special meeting on February 17 at 6:30 p.m., and he anticipated that ordinances relating to reannexations would be the only items on the agenda that evening. There would be public meetings concerning capital improvement projects for the town February 17 and 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Manor Vail Lodge. He invjted everyone to attend and requested everyone to pass the word. The seventh item was Resolution No. 5, Series of 1987, authorizing the extension of an optjon to purchase the Sjngletree Golf Course. Larry Eskwith explained the resolution approved the Eflension agreement and gave details. Ken Wjlson, President of the Vail Eoard of Realtors, stated their position opposing the use of real estate transfer tax funds for the purchase and urged the Council to vote no. Pete Fe'istman explained his concerns over the entire situation. Jim Morter, a Singletree property owner, encouraged the Council to purchase the golf course. Ken Shapiro, a Sing'l etree property owner, gave his concerns over using real estate transfer tax funds to purchase the golf course and that existing owners had contractual commitments to the property owners and recommended the Council to not proceed with the purchase. Jack Skinner representing a group of lodges gave reasons why they felt the Town should buy the golf course. Jody Foust of the Vail Daily had questions concerning the water rights to which Larry Eskwith responded. Mike Cacioppo explained the reasons why he opposed the purchase. Al Weiss stated he was opposed to the purchase and appea'l ed to the Councj'l to put the decjsion to a public vote. Bob Fritch, owner of the Sitzmark Lodge, gave reasons why he was against the purchase. Ralph Davis stated he felt the taxpayers should not have to subsidjze the go1 fers. Bruce Gi I I i e commented the Counci I shoul d approve the resol uti on. Iifi ke Robinson, the Manager of the Marriott's Mark Resort, supported the purchase. Don Hagen gave corments on other jtems which had priorjty, he felt, over the golf course. Fred Green, a managing partner of Singletree and on the Board of Dinectors of the Berry Creek Metropolitan District, reminded the Council that the Toum would be indemnified by Berry Creek and gave comments on why he felt the Council should proceed. Geoff tlright, General Manager of Destination Resorts, gave reasons why he was for the purchase. Joan Shelsta, Manager and Director of Sales of Fall Ridge, thought it would be beneficial to be able to guarantee times for indivjduals as well as groups. Chris Hanen, Manager of Lionsquare Lodge, and Bruce Kendall of the Vajl Racquet Club explained why they supported the purchase. Don Klinger, a resident of Singletree and member of the Berry Creek Metropolitan District Board, gave some information to the Counci'l and stated he opposed the purchase by the Town. Ken Shapiro made more comments and had questions for the Council. After comments by the Council and Larry Eskwith, Eric Affeldt made a motion to deny the resolution. John Slev'in seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-1, with Kent Rose opposing. The next 'item,of 1987, first reading, to fjnance the , was moot and was not acted on by the Counci I The ninth item for discussion was Reso'l ution No. 3, Series of 1987, changing the name of the Capital Improvements and Open Space Fund to Capita] Projects Fund. Steve Barwick explained this was a sjmple resolution changing the name of the fund and it was just a technical matter. After a short discussion by Council, Kent Rose made a motion to approve the resolution, and John Slevin seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 6-0. The next jtem on the agenda was Resolution No. 4, Seri es of 1987, supporting the Colorado Lottery. Pat Dodson gave a brief explanation of the resolution. There was no discussjon by Council or the public. Gail lrlahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the resolution, and Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. e sign variance reguest, was tabled until a later date. There was no Citizen Participation. The Town Manager's Report was next. Ron Phill ips Employee Dinner would be held Friday, February 6, attend. He noted the dinner would be held at the beginning at 7:00 p.m. and dinner served at 7:30 stated the Town of Vail Five Year and invited the Council to Westin Hotel with an open bar p.m, I Ordinance No. 7, Series -z' a t { There being no further business, the ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Itlinutes taken by Brenda Chesman meeting was adjourned at 9:30 Respectful ly submi tted, P.m. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor I MI NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 20, 1987 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: TOl,lN OFFICIALS PRESENT: f-^^ Council was held on Tuesday, January 20, 7987,at Eric Affeldt Gai I lr|ahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem John Slevin Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk a consent agenda for the following ordjnances: of t987, second reading, pertaining to zoning for The first order of A. Ordinance business was No. 3, Series Hejqhts. and Vail Ridge areas of West Vail. B.Ordjnance No. 1, Series of 1987, second reading, to zone Parcel A est of the Texaco Station. Ordinance N0. 2, Series of lots in Vai'l Vj llage First 1987, second reading, Fi'l jng to create one a request to rezone two primary/secondary lot and two single f Hermann Staufer stated if anyone wanted to discuss any of these, to speak up and the item would be pulled from the consent agenda. Ron Phillips reiterated that after the titles were read, if anyone wanted to discuss an item to speak out, or all would be acted on together. He then read the full titles of the ordinances. Corey Schnidt commented on Ordinance No. 1, that as a property owner in that area, he wanted to request the Town look closely at any signage reguests and also landscaping of the area. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, agreed. Rick Pylman updated the Council regarding Ordinance No.2 on some findings since the last Evening Meeting. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, agreed with Rick on the items, but requested the Council to indulge letting someone stay in a third unjt until the end of the ski season because of certain circumstances. At this time, Eric Affeldt asked to remove item C from the Consent Agenda. Gai'l Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motjon to approve the Consent Agenda jtems A and B, which Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 4-0. Peter Patten then explained the problems he had with Ordinance No. 2. Larry Eskwith gave addit'ional comments on the lega1 ramifjcations involved. There was much discussjon on the violation by Peter Patten, Ron Phillips, Larry Eskwith and Jay Peterson. Dick Bownel , the applicant, gave his thoughts on the situation, and stated he would do whatever was necessary. After djscussion by Council, Jay Peterson and Peter Patten, Eric Affeldt made a motjon to approve the ordinance wjth instructions to the staff to do whatever was necessary to bring the place into compl jance with the ordinance. Gai l Wahrl ich-Lowenthal seconded the motion. Gordon Pierce then stated he would have to abstain from voting due to a confljct of interest. Therefore, Jay Peterson requested the ordjnance be tabled untjl the next Evening Meeting, and Erjc Affeldt withdrew the motjon to ap!-rove. At thjs time, Larry Eskwjth noted that Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1987, first reading, which had originally been 0rdinance No. 32, Series of 1986, first reading, concerning amendment of the Zoning Map for a parking djstrict and had been tabled for several meetings, needed to be tabled again due to some negotiations between _3fgq&[eJ_l,lest and the property owner. Gordon Pierce made a motion to table the ordinance indefinitely, which was seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimous'ly 4-0. The next item was the Colorado Department of Highways presentation and public meeting regarding the.t-ZO W".t Co"riao dy-.. Larry Pearson of the Northwest .<t Planning and Environmental Commission December 22. 1986 Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Peggy 0sterfoss Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT FlEEpkins Duane Piper The meeting was STAFF PRESENT Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack l. ApproYal. of minutes of December 8. Diana Donovan moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the minutes. The vote was 5-0. 2. called to order by Jim Viele. cant:rqarethe Chri st identifiable negative impacts from the proposal . Donovan moved and Hobbs seconded to a rove the request. The vote was 'i n Favor. uest for a minor subdivision and rezonin of Lots 14 and 17 Bl ock create 3 two S 0ne Betsy Rosolack presented the proposal , outlining the cri teria to be utjljzed in the review of the request. Staff supported the removal of the dwelling unit because the space has been commercial for 10 years and there were no 3. Rick Pylman explained the subdivision request and expla.i ned that supported the proposal with conditions. Py1 man expla.i ned several the staff i ssues One was that that the that the related to the request that the staff felt needed clarificat.i on.the amount of density must not be 'i ncreased. The staff requested total GRFA for the three lots be limited to 8,768 square feet so minimum standards of GRFA related to site area are met. A second issue was that of parking for the proposed parcel c. currently a single family unit located on Lot 14 uses parking spaces on what was proposed to be Parcel B. The staff requested that a 1ega1 instrument be created to allow the parking for Parcel C to remain on Parcel B until such time as adequate parking is available on Parcel C. The third issue was that all the lots must meet the minimum site requirements of buildable area, and the fourth was that approval must be contingent upon final zoning approva) being granted by the'Iown Counci'l . Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that he had an agreenent that all three lots did meet the minimum lot size and will draw up an agreement that stated that Parking for Parcel B would be available on Parcel C until two more spaces are added to PRESENT aqe lst F arv zonln i cant: Mi c Tenne fr- Parcel C. Brvan Hobbs moved and Diana Donovan seconded to a rove the re ues!for a minor subdivision condi ti on nt sta Brvan Hobbs moved and Diana Donovan seconded to re comme n o rova'l to uncl I o the rezoninq per e sta wit the map date t2 vote was 5-0 in favor. the Town e 4. Tom Braun explained that the action taken by the pEC would be advisory and final decjsion would be made by the Town council. The staff supported the request and reconmended extension of the approval for '18 months. Diana wondered if any changes had been contemplated. Jay peterson, representing the applicant, stated that the applicant planned to look at including the service station in the p1an. Bryan Hobbs moved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to 5. Betsy Rosolack explained that this was merely a housekeeping request, because the lots were being used at present as requested on the plat. The owners had exchanged quit claim deeds in .1973 to allow this to happen, but had never formally filed a p1at. The vote was 5-0 in favor. Vail das Schone. Filinq No. l. 6. recommeno a roval of the requesl to the Town Council. The vote was 5-0 Tavor . Applicant: Wend Group Partnership Rick Pylman explained that the applicant was requesting to subdjvide 1.24l. acres from Tract D, Block B, Vail das Schone Filing #1 . This area'is east of and adjacent to the West Vail Texaco service station. Tract D currently conta'i ns a total of 4.88 acres and is zoned Primary/Secondary. Through the Land Use P] an, the parcel was shown as having two different potentia1 uses, the upper bench being designated as Medium Density Residential and the lower parcel (the one in question) being designated as Community Commercial . The appl icant 'i s requesting to zone the lower parcel Commercjal Core III which is the zoning for the commercial area east of the Phillios service station. subdivision per the staff memo. The vote was 5-0 in favor. proposed zoning to the Town Council per the staff memo. The vote was 5-0 in Tavor. pec 12/22/86 -2- of 18 months. Applicant: Vail Villaqe Inn. Inc. EASEMENT DEED KNOW AI,L MEN BY TBESE PRESENTS: n whose legal address is 1g00 r California 900G7 (hereinafter Ten Dollars and other good and receipt of which is herebv does grant and quitclain unt-o property situate in the County to-wit: A temporary parking easemen two vehicles, together with in, on and over the South Resubdivision of Lots l4 First Filing, Eagle County Parcel Ce a Resubdivision -o Village7 First FiIingz Eagle Countyl Colorado: As nore furly described and set forth on the attached Exhibit 'An, incorporated herein by thii r"i"r.n". as if set forth in its entirlty. hereditarnents and appurtenances appertaining r and the reversion rernainders, rents 1 issues and stater rightr title, interest,he Grantor, either in law or i;rgained real property interestl enances. r together with all and singular es thereunto belonging oi in nd all the estate, rightr titler the Grantore either-in law or nefit and behoof of the Grantee; Grantor, his heirs, successors, and/or assignsr shall not erect nor place any permanent building, st.o"iuiel i*pio"-re"i,fence or tree on the ibove-des.riU"A easenente dnd Grantee shalt not be liable for their renoval if they are "o pii.ea. - Acceptance of tbis easenent by Grantee sharr constitute their agreenent and consent as iofforo": 1. This Easenent shall continue in effect until Grantee has constructed adequate substitute parking area on Parcel Cr and Grantee agrees to conplete such substitute parking on or before September Ir 1987r at which tine Granteers real property interest in the easenent shall immediately revert to Grantor and be thereafter nerged with the servient estate. 2. The parking area on the above-described easement Ehall be constructed, naintainedr and repaired in a firstclass ln€lnrr€!1 condition and appearance. fn the event it is necessary to construct, reconstruct, repair or replace the drivewayr Grantee shall restore the area as nearly as may be practicable to the same condition, including full revegetation, as it was prior to constructionl repair or replacenent. 3. The Grantee agrees to fully indennify, save and keep the Grantor harmless from any and all claiurs for damage to real and personal property and injuries or deaths suffered by persons on said property during the term of this easementr and including but not linited to the responsibility for enforcernent and control of access rights. The parties agree to execute all docuerntns necessary to terminate this Easenent after substitute parking is cornpleted. SfGNED AND DELMRED this --_ day of Decenberr 1986. STATE OF COtrORADO ss.) ) ) The foregoing Easenent Deed was subscribed and sworn before rne this ltL day of DecemberT t9-86, by Michael Tennenbaum. ;''-.(' - -"- t l'i I 7 Witness rny hand and official seal . My comnission expires on! : )" '-r to E. !-i : ,-t---- ,); llichael E. Tennenbaum l (i,:iliIt. € Notary Public ' .L-..u--/_(- o E&IIBIT ''A.' : TO EASEMENT DEED BETWEEN T ENN EN BAIJ'I.,I / P OWNALL .. Dated December 29, L986 -----:_-!{-=F==;7---= =_-_::- - )><--.* _ -:- - - - - -- - ---' _ -. --=:==:;-:-:::-----{--_-r-l-::-:____:-_::'__--'-_---' j-_ -_ - I1-::, : _ __= -- -- llt:::-" ;): _= ::_;;az.;1- -, ; .1.o /' r) -<-.-L-s-i-g !\ - - -- _ _.: _i _l_ :i_ : _ _L _ _ _ -. -)\ ';-'-- :-2 ...--/ --t/ '-'t--.--B ____-:_#_ .l , l Lzi a- tqotLer arL.lt'.J^otg oFf,.,2c1 9l 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303' 476-7000 November 26, 1986 Mr. Jay Peterson P.0. Box 3.|49 Vai I , Col orado 81 658 Dear Jay: We have completed a preliminary revjew of the submittals you have made for the December 22nd Planning Commission meet'i ng, The 4 submittals will be considered accepted and scheduled for the December Z?nd meeting when the fo1 lowing additional materials are submitted: 1. Vail Village Inn Proposal (Tom is your contact person.) * Names and addresses of adjacent property owners. 2. Slevjn/Anderson Subdivision (Betsy is your contact person. ) * Property owners'signatures or consent forms for Lots land Z. * Statement as to the net increase,/decrease of the size of each lot. * The s'l ope of the proposed access easement will have to be verified as a part of this submittal . This could be done by either staking the location of the access easement to allow for fie'l d veri fication, or by the submittal of a topo map of the lots. 3. Tannenbaum Minor Subdjvision (Rick js your contact person. ) * An anaiysis of the subject parcels indicating a1 1 areas above 40%slope in order to determ'i ne the bu.i ldable area of the proposed I ots. * Veri fication of the size of the lots as exist.i ng. 4. l'|end Group Partnership Minor Subdjvisjon (Rick is your contact person. ) * A complete subdivision plat containing all elements as required under Section .|7.16..l30C of the Subdivision Regulations. * Under Section .|7.16..|30C 15, we would require the submittal of C, D, E, F, and a wr.itten statement addressjng the possibility of an access easement for proposed Parcel B from the North Frontage Road (this was once discussed in your conversations with Peter). * As written, your addendum to the application indicates that Tract D is requested to be zoned Commercial Core III. l,|e were under the impression you were requesting Commercial Core III only for Parcel B. Please clarify this in written form. The submittal of the 'information referenced above is necessary before these applications can be considered accepted. Submittal of this material must be made by Monday, December I at 12:00 PM in order to keep these app'l ications on the December 22nd Planning Conmission agenda. Si ncerel y, Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr AD.]ACENT PROPERTY OWNERS FOR MTCHAEL TENNEBAUUIS APPLICATION l. Lot 15, Block 7 vail village First Julianna Dewes Box 362 VaiIr CO 81558 2. Lot 15, Block 7 vail Village First Barbara E. Glbbs Katherine P. MiIIer Peter w.r Preston L.e David C. Parish P.O. Box 2769 Kalamazoo, MI 49006 3. Lot 12, Block 7 vail ViIIage First One Thousand Broadway Conpany and Gart Brothers One Thousand Broadway Denver, CO 80203 4. Lot 13' Block 7 vail Village First Barry E. Cunningha 1350 Old Tale Road Boulder ' CO 80303 John and Nancy Whitteneyer Box 1440 Boulder, CO 80306 5. Lot 18' Block 7 Vail- ViLlage First Robert M. and llary Elizabeth Drisko 2929 Baltinore Kansas Cityr Missouri 54108 6. Lot 20, Block 7 vail Village First liargaret Childers 5924 Royal LaneT Suite 153 Dallasr Texas 75230 \r^ai.,f ttf ,1 lr,'l "-'qit'l 7. Lot 20Ar Block 7 vail Village First Vall Assoclates Bor 7 Vallr CO 81658 8. Lot 21' Block 7 Vall Vlllage First NLW Conpany 234 Ralleigh Road Kenilwortb, fL 60043 9. Lot I' Block I Vail Vtllage Third Peter M. Brant 80 Field Point Road Box 3tl'13 Greenwich' CT 06830 I0. Lot I r Block 2 vall Vtllage Third Eermann and ilane Eellberg 70 Elllcrest Avenue Chalfont, PA l89l{ ll. Tract A Vail Village First Town of Vail P.O. Bor 100 Valle CO 81558 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wi'l'l hold a pub'lic hearing in accordance with Section .|8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on December 22, 1986 at 3:00 PM in the Town Counci'l chambers in the Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: l. Request to apply previous Town of Vail zoning to the following re-annexed areas: Vail Heights Filing No. l, Vail das Schone Filing No- l and Filing No.2, Vai'l Ridge, an unp'latted parcel between Vail Heights and Vail das Schone Filings'l and 2, recorded in Book 281 , Page 350. Appl icant: Town of VaiI 2. A request for a conditional use permit in order to replace a dwelling unit with commercial space in the Clock Tower located on Lot D, Block 5' Vail Village lst Filing. Appl icint: Margariethe ChristY 3. A request for a minor subdivision and rezoning of Lots 14 and 17, 81 ock 7, Vail village lst Filing to create 3 parce'l s, two single Fami'ly and one Pr i mary/Secondary . Applicant: Michael Tennebaum 4. Request for a minor subdjvision in order to resubdivide Lots'l and 2, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing to allow access to Lot l. Applicants: John and Patricia slevin and Roger and Nancy Anderson 5. A reqest to amend Special Deve'l opment District No- 6 in order to re-estab'l ish approval for Phase IV of the Vail Vil'l age Inn for a period of eighteen months. Appl,icant: VaiI Village Inn, Inc. DATE November 24, 1986 APPLICiNT ADDRESS 1800 Century Park E., Los Angeles, CA 90067 APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS P.o. Box 3149 Jav K. Peterson APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW (4 or fewer lots) Michael Tennebaun PHONE (213) 2or-i882.A. B. NAME OF MAI L ING NAME OF MAI LI NG PHONE 476-0092 c.NAME 0F PR0PERTY 0WNER(S) (print on type) Richard F. pow tal-f aiid Mary R. Pownall and Edward B. Close OWNER'S SIGNATURE See attached letters MAILING ADDRESS 267 Rockledge Road, Vail, C0 81657 476-596L PHoNE 476-s418 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL (ADDRESS) Lors 14 & 17 BLocKs 7 267 and 327 Rockledge Road SUBDIVISION Vail Village Ist E. F. FEE $100 PAID MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED The subdivjder shall submit three (3) copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements for a final p'l at as found in Section I7..|6..|30 of the Subdivision Regulations. certain of these requinements may be wajved by the zoning administrator and,/or the Planning and Environmental commission jf determined not applicable to the proj ect. An env'i ronmental report may be required if so stipulated under chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. G. H. The Department of Conrmunity Development wj1l be . that the approved plat is prompt'ly recorded with responsible for seeing the Eagle County C'lerk and Recorder. I. Include a list of all and across the street) adjacent property owners (inciuding those behind with thejr mai Iing addresses. 286 BRIDGE STREET VAIL. CO 8I65/ BUS (303)476-2113 TIMBERLINE REAL ESTATE, INC. November 13, 1985 We authorize Jay Peterson, attorney, to resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 7, Vail First Filing, County of Eagle, State of apply for Vi1lage, Colorado. An Independently Owned and 0perated lVember ol Coldwe I Banker Residentia Afli iates, Inc $bvsnber 20, 1985 Ilann of Vail P. O. Bo( 1000 vail, @ 81658 Gerrt"Igsr: I heretryz arttprize Jay K. Iretersqr to sutrdt an applicatist to ttE ltmr of VolL a re-subdivisicr plat of Iot 17, Blocl< 6, Vail Viltage First Filtug. pincerely, .F.&-'.*q, B c{.*.. Eclvnrd B. Close Erc/jt aDp.E_NUqts jpSPt!.;LCAgLAN The purpose of this application is to resubdivide Lots 14 and 17, Block 7' Vail Village First Filing. The two lots will be resubdivided into three parcels all of which will be conforming to either a primary/secondary zone or the single fanily zone of the Town of Vail. The minimum 1ot area of Parcel A is 121500 square feet of buildable dledr Parcel A has a minimum frontage of 30 feet and the shape is capable of enclosing a square area of 80 feet on each side within its boundaries. This parcel would be zoned single fanily. Parcel B would also have a ninimum lot area of 121500 square feet of buildable area and a minimum frontage of 30 feet. The size and shape of Parcel B is capable of enclosing a square area of 80 feet on each side within its boundaries. The zone request for this parcel is single family. Parcel C would have a minimum lot area of 151000 square feet of buildabLe area and has a mininun frontage of 30 feet. Parcel C is capable of enclosing a square area of 80 feet on each within its boundaries. This parcel would be zoned primary./secondary. The total nurnber of units therefor would not be different then what is allowed by the two primary,/secondary lots already in existencei a total number of four units was allowed before and the total nunber of four units would be allowed after the subd ivis ion. Regarding GRFA the total GRFA of the two sites combined would be distributed among tbe three resubdivided parcels. The GRFA restriction for each parcel would be designated on the subdivision plat and will not exceed either the allowable GRFA of the resubdivided parcel nor would the cornbined total of the three parcels exceed the combined GRFA of the two previous parcels. There are three criteria under which the Town evaluates a change in zoning request! Criteria No. 1 - gqilab.i|-il.g-_qf.-S3iglisS- aoning. Throughout the Town of Vail three zone categories have been interspersed with each other and those categories are single family, tlro family resldential and a primary/secondary residential zone. All three serve the same purpose and that is to basically provide a single family residential type unitr either connected or not connected. What we are attempting to do in the present case is rather than to have two large structures on two distinct lots ye would have two snaller single fanily hornes and one larger duplex home I all located on separate parcels. Currently this has basically been allowed under the duplex subdivision regulations.In several instances in Vail Village First Filing single family hones have basically been built on primary/secondary type lots. From a practical standpoint nothing would change from the current zoning or the Duplex Subdivision Regulations. Criter ia No . 2 - Is-t-he-AtseodeentgLessntiags-Cgnsenieut gb-iec.Lises.. what we are attenpting to do is to conform to either the single family zone or the prinary/secondary zone rather than building two single farnily homes on a prlrnary/secondary site and going through the Duplex Subdivision ordinance. By resubdividing the property we are presenting a more convenient and workable relationship anong the three resubdivided lots rather than attenpting to subdivide under the Duplex Subdivision Regulations. we are not attempting to increase GRFA or the nunber of units on the resubdivided parcels. Criteria No. 3 - D.seg-tbg-Leaqn.illtt-glqg9.Eal--p.rqr.idelql-lhe orowth of an orderlv viable-qonnunity. In the present case no new GRFA is added nor are the nunber of units increased fron the current zoning. Because of the single farnily zoning of two lots there could be a potential employee housing unit on each new single fanily lot, howevere if the Town desires that we restrict those single family lots to allow no enployee housing unit we would be willing to do so. This however, would run contrary to the current Land Use PIan as adopted in that it would not encourage the disbursement of employee housing throughout the various neighborhoods nor would it increase the likelihood of those units being provided. As stated above, howeverr we would be wtlling to elininate that usage fron the single fanily lots if that is the Townrs desire. It is our total intent not to increase any density or GRFA by resubdividing the lots. ao 'P'r , Resub of Lots 14 & 17, Block 7, Vail Village lst Block 7, Vail Village lst INFLUENCED BY INFLUENCED BY Lot 15 Dews' Julie pARcEL B LoT 14 RICHARD & MRy powNALL pARcEL B Box 362 267 RoCKLEDGE RD Vail 81658 VAIL C0 81657 Lot to BARBARA Ep GIBBS, ETAL , pARcELs A,B B0x 2769 KALAMAZOO, MI 49006 LOt 13 CUNNINGHAM, BARRY E WITTEMYER, JOHN & NANCY JEAN PARCEL C 1350 OLD TAIE RD r:% I"!0SES, WITTEMYER, HASSoS0N B0uLDi:R t0 80303 BOX 1440 BOULDER CO 80306 Lot 12 6ART PARCELS B,C 1OOO BROADWAY DENVER CO 80203 Lot 18 ROBERT & MARY DRTSKO PARCEL A 2929 BALTIMORE KANSAS CITY MO 64108 Lot 20 MARGARET GILLIN CHILDERS PARCELS A & B 765 PARK AVE APT 48 NEI.I YORK, NY 10021 LOT 21 N.L.W. PARCELS B,C % NORMN WAITE, JR SUITE 5OOO ONE FIRST NATIONAL P CHICAGO IL 60603 BL0CK I VAIL VILLAGE 3rd LOT 1 WITTYMEYER SEE LOT 13, V.Village lst, BIk 7 PARCEL A LOT 2 E.B. CHESTER, JR PARCEL A BOx 8227 ROCKY MOUNT NC 27804 BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 3RD LOT I HERMAN & JANE HELLBERG PARCEL A % PENCOL ENTERPRISES 322 MAIN ST CHALFONT PA 18914 x tl tl ,r' , f -n /( I .z- |fufL.tr heA tZ / /qg 7 Lrc*L 4 f/" r,r"/r7 .'l r r'h{tc-.cf i$ '.- : f' ' l.er i7 fer.nsr -Sf- i,*f,'/ \eC 7A tLt? (' -tl*ft .r-rcr[ et IF ert (e,.Y /7 // 5lE- /A4F : tdls a[{--+J, nn, q L'( A.l * u)e ,f *t.e* A *w14fut*A 4a ;Wuh/( lrbrf. -fibAf r tt' I Y Tbnnenbaum Rasidence lrEu.raHa AIID GORltAll CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEEBS 180 COOK STFEET surTE 305 DENVER, COLOBAOO 80206 (3031377-2732 s ri acr € rtr .9 o---- o, O, s o e s "; l-s--€ s F qT F € t I I $S s* \r\ rn r. N {e $ N s- 0 F e s rOuS .i\ rg tj s c s io c s a N g n n rl + N \., t o6 I T\r {9 e F o I I / o a a -: l-Q Sl s.s G\1 -\. -s z I 0 )- i\\n ..$, F D-- D__ 5s E6 --, \ N s cl a G\\5 g ssr ss's' s F r- !o .Jl t[ 6\{9 { o s II s tr'\) ^ sS n 9 G s e G o N ,!r s c e rs o. t\ dr csr {.s a st-qeR O (t 0 g ?$Cr\-\,, \, q s-l $o 5 t'-r 1\l!f $ i i I $ q o fi\ {o G $$ rD o 3cl tg 6 -_) TS, a c 3 ,s s RsR S s\ g s 6 \s io s G c € 1 rl 6 \) I i $ o ,$O ,\''n o\ tr \ N F Op r * Q iS* r1 !a o 0 (\ G RO o r- $ \t- h' 9-- E E D s g'o.s v:sr-\s a ('.r- o o -s :t5 lil Hll oll I esl |{N \o $ F. o o -L t t1\ ,-i d {\:\ t\s\lr 3 I L j o____ _ s\N s.c v ss s e F o0 {e UI 6 6. i) G\ \E a \ r{r rl - e \S'+\s s F b I {q -z) _f d q I I 3 s-il vl o |!.t F S.Ab \\-s sa 0\ o s \s _\lll: J -I q NI J t- -9 f- +l s s t,-F*sl I I s s 9 o o o n U 0 3e$ r- J $ 'r.\g c tr il h H e o \9 e'$$' $ ss s CI cl \nF t1 .o c s-Av \-./ s .-:-s *C\ .n 3 Ai \r/ .r \J af t_.s g ma\m-: ol c 'vl\sQ. e I .t $.'i I *sro es da rb ct '&\, o .\t \- ; a rO s (! v,ft Sr I :. s$ .o ..t +c no .--$ s o *.d il t_ $rLl I rrt z J s J \9 i $ r\.s F {.r \s *,A q _____._. o tn s s.s- +:.t-$r-r* *'C t {S G \ l$.\$$ t{ oG \or \* dc R\ s -s \ \> 3 t|N h' ; F F .A *3r n s s a sa \$ t.t s $ R s.e N o (o /'\ dt .$ _q\\ S r-r.} :. lo t{ tl s 6,n$e $ $ll otA N tr,N 9 (- s-[s\!4 $t s i! e FI $ t-s o ls Tt .ellio t\!f-r||e l..j {-a \a/ a tl e s \ s.9 l\'e rs s CI N eo 3\.! .s s \ 5 5 ln v *d .s.t0l {l Ii i u \B E .:e t/l $lc J {E b 8lO. r.& b$ d t $s o \ o \9' tr.4?-;\-/5 Gb ..\9 :op '/t/,t/et/*a,! t(e=oe JOB TAlp CUENT BY c€ PAGE t/ Fa,+'/e Gaaaxl Feaac Qate na.4r74. 74r/alYstb l7 @pos / oto z 4.75/ o e 4,25t o + 23./3t o 5 33,?1 O b .t8,o/ o 7 42-/5' o b 5225ta ? o, ?'33 /o 4.71?.33 tl /4.2E ?.33 /2 N.75 t 7.33 /3 L3,2St ',33 t4 33.0, r,33 /5 /273, ,.33 lb 52.25, ?,33 /7 J3.25/ /4.07 tE 36.q 4 67 /q y'2.7€,/4.O7 20 0/ 2O.0 21 4,75, zo.O 22 43,75, "o.O + 23 33,25, 2o. o 24 r4.2E "3.33 25 "3,75 | fr,?" "b 33.25t ?5.b/ 47 3b.o, 25.67 "6 f.7€, s".o 4 /.25, 32-o go {,75, J4.b7 3/ /1,2a,31.07 ry.,/uT / tr1 2 ?,2a 3 2t/o I /qzl 5 2/, A8 6 28t30 7 Sttl 8 //, 2( I al,4 p o7, el // 4, lz /2 l2t ?2 /3 22,25 /4 5r t3 /5 /3, t7 /b /7/ 23 /7 2?/ 2b /6 a, /4 t8 t4, 18 20 18, ?2l 7r t5 22 /5, t7 23 6r tb e( 9,P 25 /0, ll 20, tl, /2- 27 /48 28 13, 14 21 /4, /5 9o /5, /(' 3l t/t tg 92 /8, lq 33 zo,2l 34- 22/ ?g 95 2f,25 90 2h,27 37 244 3b ltot 3/ IIEUJAIIR lilD OORf,AlI cOlrlSULTlNG STRUCTURAL ENGITiIEERS 180 COOK STREET sulTE 305 DENVER, COLORAOO 80206 (3Ilfll377-?732 (yae1 /-23 r3&6,31a '-T ' 29'8 A- 4.n 4.7 Oe4 24 - 3b rr/ to'.z2 . _r. //g /d- 6.4q J,,/a Laarl e. 1tgfrox /O'-2A* al e4 22/ 2ot 1, /o //2t 5t Q Pt*/r'/za ,Ar"l7s 4 /r 2/ 3, lr5/ b,7, I Ccor<ao;,/ P)aCE frta to fR.4 c /,,/aty.cto DATE 5l PACE V4APld taaprc A LxJe 4 J7 be<Ds / /4,25 / a 2 n.75, ? ,e 3 tt'25, ?'rt 4 42/5/ ?' t? S 57.29 / 7,9? b ot l2.a 7 1.75/ t2. o a ot /460 1 4'7s, /8 6c' /o /y',25t /8.AA // 23.75) /8 66 12- 33.25, /3 b6 /3 42.75, E.bb /+ 5?.2t/ /4-ob /s -73.23t 2y'.o /a 9.75, 4.o 2o J9.21 ef ,% 2t 4,7s t 3f,6b 2z- /4.25, ey'. ob 23 23.75 31. bb 24 4,J5, /4.a 25 /4,25/ 44.d ab /4,25, 4/,Zg "7 23,74 y'l.t3 r/eTocee I Q,E 2 6rt7 ., 7, I 4 1,/b 5 /4,21 a 2L24 1 lrtO 6 /o/22 ? 22,2b 10 2Q,/ 25 tl Q/ // n /t//1 t3 t/, ae /4 n, zZ /5 Sr tt- /b /4 /5 t7 l5t 20 /8 y', t3 /1 13, lb 20 €, /4 2/ 6,q 22 ?, r0 23 /a,/l 24 /// /.L 25 /2t /3 2b /3//4 47 /s/lb 2& /7, /A 21 4,tu 30 '14 22 3/ t2/23 32 24,25 J3 26, d7 lrEU.rlHB lt|D GONIATI CONSULTING STRUCTUFAL ENGII{EERS 180 COOK STHEET sum 305 DENVER, COLORADO 80206 @$l3n-732 ,J,^b loarc'25opb atd za, rf, tf t3,1y',to h^t^Jeo '-brh= Q /, 2t 3, y', 5, n,7 to'r"irJ"ntar/,Re= Goa oo*J Ptcecc R/euc fi<aJa A,Jatytrs 7a,ar1c Q h& 5 ty'r^./f AoAe's 2 ? / o 6 7 lo. lt /2 t3 /4 tK /b /7 /6 /? 2o 2/ 22 23 2( 25 9b 2/ 26 ?1 3o 9t 3"- aa, 3+ r+1e TaQS '/ flrb 2 b,/7 3 /7' 2o 4 712l € 2/,21 b 2y',2? 7 d,/6 d /8, z{ I lc,a lo l, rz /l /2, r/ /2 /7,2O /3 2Q/9/ 4 J/, ta /5 /?,22' /6 22,27 t7 2Va2- /6 iz, g( /X 2,/ 20 1, l4 2t /4,23 ?2 23,26 t3 3r/o ?4- /4/5 25 4rtl 2b ?,to I /o'l 28 /2/ /3 21 fi,4 Jo /4, rf 3/ /6.t7 32 20' 2/ 3? 21,2' 3/ 2/,2' lIEUJAIIB AIID ooBtAlr CONSULTING 2s/ zb il:h?J#'l7 2E lsocooKsrnEEr i7, e" l![,3'*','"o.o"-o 3// 3 2- 80206 33, 3( P$)3n'n32 /(t /€ r/c46e<5 /- 2V ' ' ft Axbx3/t6 _7. 13.6 ,4 . y'.27 44^/4c<c 2b'4O L/ /O v24 I' //E /" o.47 PAGE e/ cn,a1e. 26.5, 98.o, ler ,?.o, 4V a, o7 0, /7'o t 2b' 5, 3 t,0, 47,5,6/." i?.ot !8, s, 38.0, /7'5r 3!.o, (7'o, zA 3b s/ eA 37 40 y',^/a b,ta 'z4 eb a,{ 222ft 21,22, Q/< ft^lJea Jop.rft € /,4 3, d g, C z8 pe{eJce DATE GoF.ooJ Pce-oe, Rtq,c e lil4Ll.rs Fczrqe O LJc 6 s/zq PAGE 4/FRzt,/E -bruT &oeob / 33'25/ a 2 522t a J 6/.75, o 4 at 7't?5 /'/5, ?,79 b 4,25, q,7" 7 2e.75, ,,7,A t3.'25, 1,3? ? 52-25t 9'37 1b a/.Zf , ?,?? // or 2t'o /2 4,7€/ 2o.o t3 /y',25, 2/' 9? 14 2s.Z€/ 2/.r) 1€ 33,2s,7o..a.b /b 33,25, 2/.71 /7 lo 7 t, /6. ua t 8 52. 25 , /8,bo /? 6/.76, /8'('L eo 1,751 25.A? tl /4.25, 25. t9 22 4?/6, ts.3? 23 52.25/ 25.33 z( gs.zs/ z/.72 25 y'2.75, 27.71 2b /4.25r Jf,bb ,7 23,7t/ t/-o6 48 33.25, a4,bb ,7 / 2.7s, t4 'b b lcryae e,s i '1// 2 5t/Z 3 E,2o 4 6t/3 S /3,2/ 6 "/,2G 7 7r/*6 /4, 27 ? h& lo E, t5 // /6'lb lz /br 3# /3 iy', 16 /4 /7/ 22. /5 22,29 /b 24 21 /7 2/? fi ?,/6 rf /E,4 20 Jrfr- 2/ /o, /7 22 7B 23 7, /o 2l r/,lL "5 /4 /4 2d, /4,/b 27 /5t //B /74 zf /6, tq 30 2o,2/ 3/ 22,?3 .?2 2f,25 .33 76,27 el 3e/3f lIEUJAHN It|D GORTAlI OONSULTING STBUCTURAL E iIGINEERS 180 COOK STREET sutrE 305 DENVER, COLORADO 80206 lffilCn-2732 //€r,!,te€s ,/- n, z= o,7'%o 'Tn 33'8 /- {.2/ str.f&tQi 22 - 3( L,//A ( .?z r, // () ,d'4-4'l pil*2p lorr,/7> @ I Zr 5, y',1 6,7 t/rla h,dA- 2€O p/._ ^M/ attl al 4 2/, r/ /3, tG N^la blrs t' .fr./T|l UaLL atJ lr 3, O 6elatce Goe,coal Hcece RtOte Fca E /Jatysrs DATE s/zo. PAGE .t/ rr.t*/4 faan'C Q u*',b 7 .br4f &et>'s t A,O 2 ?.s, o 3 4'A, O 4 ?.3 t 7'33 5 /?,0, ? t? ot tE, oG 2 q /6{"b r?,o, /8.b0 0t 20,0b ?,5/ 2C. bb O/ z/.39 f,5/ 2/'33 oto ?,s,o o | ,'33 7,3/ ?' e3 o, t8,Ob /.o, /6.66 ort 26.tzb /,5/ 26'6b r/claaas xtuJ HR lltD ooBr l| COiISULTING STRUCTUFAL ENGII{EERS 180 COOK STREET sulTE:t05 DENVER, COLORADO 80206 lE)sl3n-2732 2 3 4 b 7 b ? 1O a 7 b ?/o /2 I 2 e 4 5 b 7 b f 2 3 I 5 b 7 I /tQ 67 7, // Z4 4,7 7/o /o, E 3,3 5rb 4,5 Qr7 7,4 ?, lo t+ /L A t,2, t2 13 // t4er/ce'a= t? 2R 5t7 214 /,b 4r6 3ry' 5rb 7rb 4,ua bao - Z@q/)-/z€rb qy' //2/3 ptn/ril4t Je,,tz>/r^ ,.,.br*/f 4ore'g ,*/,r/a laaa - ?td?b ot/ /, z, ae- e, 1t e, yl er40t4) /- O / / 7= bx a, 3/to -2. ft.8 tt .1.27 r4z7st1 7-/ J1a'22 Z -//L l- 0.47 i T.JJtrJcnl*/ fta{aa 6a<,co^/ ficpcC. ,Rratc nadTe ..4ilracyctc Fet1e- e /a,/z e- JotJr Aa,<n s | 1'5, o a rQ,o, o 5 ?8.5, O 4 38.0, o 5 4,7.5, O d -r7,at o ? a/ ?.7?b 28,5, ?-aZ ? tE.o t ,,34 to 4/,5 , 1,"9 /l o t 16'tob t2- 1,Ot /6.Ob 13 t?.o , t6 OO $ td,5, /6. bb 6 Jb o, tt.Ob lb 4V S, lt.rnt, ?o 3J,a, 2f, 33 2t *7,5, a1.33 a2 4/,sr zbOb A3 57,o, zb.bb z/ ot e(.rcb 26 q,5,34.ba "Q t?,a, 94.06 . 27 26,1 afi bG 2e 3t ar 3/.ob 21 o r fl'31 so ?,€, 41, eO s/ ?,1 #.0 eZ )1.o, 44.0 J3 l/,or 41.2? 3 + 2a,1 fl.?3 1e^/ecee '/ Zrl 2 //r4 3 2/,27 4 tr/2 5 tlz€ b asr So 7 30, 3l 8 2r/3 ? 4/6 /o /6,2b ll tq,33 /2 31 32- B 3rd rl b,l4 /s /4, tf tb /?'2/ t7 "/,t4 /6 f'1 tl 7,6 20 /5n2o 21 2o,2b 22 5, /a AJ tor lb 24 t0/22- 25 242t 7b brtT 17 t7t 23 26 g,? 2? ?, to 3o //, /2- 3/, tl, t3 32 t3,4 et /4 /5 34 , /5, tla 35 /6, t7 3b Ert? 37 tur 2/ 96 42t 23 3? z/t 25 40 25r 2b 4t 4, zt /2 27,30 43 3/, 32 {4 ?134 n/erqaea> /- ?7 t t Tebtbrt)a /" 4'27 2o 2J.t U€46ees 28'- 44 ' Ul0x22 /'o'€4 Z'/16 ul,Jo bla-O.$2rrlP. oil //2/3,7 AA aQ,zV 2t, ,7, /.2 XEUJAHB It|D ooFxafl CONSULTIMi STRUCTURAL ENGIl'IEERS 180 @OK STREET surTE 305 DENVER, COLORADO 80206 (3@l3n-n32 &peall ,Fecae Ftare Fcatle 20,/ec/>13 Ftezya e un/e F DATE tLt, tb,u? C-oo4o's 2/ /?.o,/ a 2 47.j, o 1 €/.o, 0 3o Ot ?,39 2q ?,4/ ?,t?to /J'd, /,3V + /v.t 7.J'g uVo, t,t3 3/ ot 2o.o 77 ?, 5/ 2a- O 26 ?, l noo /q tf,o, /d Ab /8 28.5/ /3. bb la 3J.o,, t6.Ab 6 y'Ve, B. bb 5 57,a, /8 b(t /7 t0,5, es,3? // 33'o/ es 93 20 ?.6, ef,e? 22 /, o, '1.93 T lQ zg,s, 2f.39 tz 3B.ot 4,3e 1 /7,s, zf' e3 zs f,q t/. u0 e5- 4.o, 31.6b - /5 26,5,sy'.bU ls a8'0/ 3f. bo 2l ,?'0, //'72 /F z 8,5, fl'ze (27 eeac / /,3 A 2 EsA 3 5r7 /4 z/4 A 5 4,b. 4 0 a,6A zarzf E - 4,2A A zarzT A 2?, 2b A "Qt25 A 2132 8 27,21 6 aO,31 / tL32A HEuOePb A .' '73a'o'3/,tn /'y',o7 2.29.b t4cqocz3 P gl1Ot't 22 ft" o.(1 Z -ttb F,J,Jco Ja,Jft @ 30,4, 2/, ttt /o/ 2t / tJr^,b bA.c _ g-fu eL- oel /, 21 3, 7, r5,,. z z T'EUJAI{B lr|D oonnar CONSULTIl'lc STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 180 COOK STREET SUJTE 305 OENVER, COLORADO 80206 ( 31377-2732 7 t ? lo tl l2 /3 /4 /5 /b /7 t8 rl 2a 2t .2 2b a7 r'6 2? tu 3l 32 2Z 23 2l 2b brgA 44 b 5/b B 7'E O qe 6 7,'z b to, tt A //t /2 A 1zr t3 / to, t8 b t/, /7 e /3, 7e p /8, /7 A /7t /6 / /b/ /5 A t5, t4 ,4 /3, /? E /0,22 ts //,2+ b z/ zoA za, /Q A / /, zz4 24t"3 4 ,zzrz(y' ,29/ 23 B zz,'ato b /?, a6 8- PAGE 7,/rza4a 3/ 35 oO 37 zg 3? /4 4/ 42 to"rerlJr^/.t(estala CUENT 6oReo^./ Fezae- JOB NO. 87obO p atD F,<A.lC /4^/al/9/t PAGE 4 rp4D/ e FF/1a @ L,,,/c 6, Jaril7 &oFe'- / -26.5t a Z 38.O/ O 3 fr,5, O 4 o, ?.93 5 y''73, ?'t9 b 2,5, 7'3?7 4'd r 2'3e 8 26,5, ?,tt q 38-o, 1.t?lo lV t, 1,39 tt o | za.o /2 y',/5, 2o, o 13 I,s, ao. o t* ?.n u.0,0 15 ,1,o , ft'bb 16 -26.5, /8.bb r/ gB Ot /6'ub /b 4/'7 /8.bb rt 1,€, 74'o 20 /1,o,21.o 2/ 23, tl a6.0G 22 3t. o/ 20. bo 23 1,5, 21,99 27 1,5, ea,o /e76as | /t lt 2 5, t2- 3 /2, a6 I L/(5 /4, l, b nrtf 7 tf, za 6 2q27 ? 7,rs /o /5,20 ll 4,24 t2 Lb /3 6,/b /4 I b,2l /5 2// 25 /Q 4q ao 14 /A 2/ 8,f 2? ?,to 2? t, /2- 24 12, t3 29 t(t /9 2b t5/ tb 3a 21,24'g/ 23/ 24' 32 ty', 23 92 0C,27 XEUJAHB A1{D coR[a]l CONSULNNG STRUCTURAL ENGlNEERS 18O COOK STREET surE 30s DENVER. COLORADO 80m6 (Nq3n-2732 /- l.zz -T'29.'b 4drqaz.,c. /- A r / Ee^'6*3/a flEll1cZ. z/'?5 ' | lfuxA4 /^ 6'*?T" tib F'^/tJoO 'h,17=e 12.9,*5,117 J,l,o /oae - Z5oeb ot/ /1, tu, t$, 15, I to\i.'J)ro/eau,'o"Fooa CUENT DATE BY 0 lIEUJAHR AIID oorllll CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGIT{EERS Jet* %n.o'c | 40 .? ,,5, o 3 rf,o, o 4 23.s, o o /j,o/ f.73 b .2t-€, ?,9? 7 o/ t6-vb 6 ?'5, /6- bb q /f,o, rJv6 1o zA.1 t6.bb /1 o, Z( /2 1,5t 2( leToezs / t,7 z 7,t/ 9 2,6 4 d,,z v.rrJ 6 d, 7 4,b A G,P ? s,b /o 7rb It ?, /0 /2 tI /2-ptt/t/CO Q fiesQoc (*teanl Pru.ae r't/a Rtcr- FRaTC /r/aL/e/9 PAGE ?Fa/41e FcaTe A l,!,e 4 18O COOK STREET SUTTE 305 DENVER, COLORADO 80206 A - y''27 7- 23.E 4- n / /- Py'7a x22- n'-'6.4'l E. //6 "JorruF /r 213,4 tJrr,to /o.ocl - O, zCa/,. al /rZ oa- a. Pi rcb on| 7,E l{*u-iailr {i [:c'n:ul t rng 5truttur'aI Enltineer:. 3113 EeEt Third llue,. 5uite !r0 f'envet, Colorsdu SEIFE r:iLrIr lii-illi llHliE : t-1HllHLE5 l4ciiEll,rE'/ PRD"IEIT : TEt'llJEllEl-iUH RE5IDE!{|:E DFTE:Iri1.,Ei FR0.IE[T NUI'1EER:tliEEg C*pltright Hegi:te:'ed FPIlI,lE HT I]RJii LIIIE H t:[] 1tiJ:r 1t9I ieiler'-Penn':'ck, Inc, tlll right= 1-g1*E1'ttsfl, Serial lJumher, liSFl-EtlE{t1$F-l FLFtHt FfiHi'it Ff{HL't'5 i 5 HrlTEi: 'l{. x. .i{. .i( x. x. ..x..x .t('x. .s ,{. .t"i ..x'.tr .-\' .F ..x...t * ..!' .,t * .{. .)* .l{.ts .,x NLi, 0[: ,JOTNTq*: rt ii0, t;F $ I i:i i.i { T' l.i Ii ii l-. ir t:lIi ilrii::f i:i Il s] i'iEHBii.F;iir,= :i.J [i i Hii.l ) =, '.1 ,'(' X',v. ,1 X ,v, lrli4 i{'i( H'{' i.{' X' ,rt I.+ '}( '.{ ')* '.ti Ir i( i:-F .E',t :liJUn '.:4 j.( X'X '3 -X' X' ,v" E' E' X' X' .E' F: X'X' X 'x 'i{'-X' X' tsr 'Fi X x' X.'X' -.X 11''x.. .x. .F.. .F, .r x. .H. x. ..x. .x. ..{. .x. .,\. .ts .ts x. 'r: x. d. ts x ;,* .F, ..y. -.E .8 ..Y i( i4 .x. ,.J {i I t'I1' Ll#0EE.t NFI IE:1i' ,J O I r.,tT N0, 1 : 4 5 6 FT u,D0D p .50fi 1?, O0ri iB , 5il0 1.9, tlotr ;B . 5DO t-T t.] , {lt.iii n, ililil n , rliJu 0 . i.lilu i:1 'r "{ ll F , 3"iD ,J 0 r i,l1' i.lo , l.n .tl ;{ FT u , [rJ0 F , .:fJLi t? , fri:lti i[i , -5uD U . illltl :r , SrlD F1' :t ii, 66n Ltil ,6$u I$, CrClti :tF.66u l1/r, tlil[ :14 , 0firr .X.X..,X..X.X..X'X..X.X..X'xxx.x.'x.x.x.x..xx.X.X.X,..\'X..XX.X.{...X.l'tEt4F'F:iiF.RoF'ERTIE5.x.x'.xx..x..x..Xx.'xtj'x.x'x...x.x.x.x..x.x. 'r'lEl,tP,E:R INcIDEilT,J0II'{1'5 L-EN.:iTl-l ARt.A I NO . .J I ,Ji FT IN^I IN^4 1 I 7 ta,&6 4't7 33.80 ? 7 11 5'34' /r,ii)" i3,80 3 3 B 1S,56 4,!7 E3, SO 4 A 13 5.34. 4.!7 83,80 5 3 5 9,33 tr.!7 e3'8n 6 5 ? 9,3.t 4,!.7 33'St) 7 t, ,9 9,33 4'!7 i3,80 B 6 tU F, ii 4,?.7 t3,80 :? 5 6 9,5r"; S,4? 11e,00 -t- . 10,' 11. 13 I 10 11 13 0, 000 0. ouo 0, 000 u,000 u, u00 0, 000 -1i,080 -13,079 o. 000 0. 00u -L?, 181 -1t, tsl 0, 00tJ o,00rl 8,000 o. ooo 0,000 0, o0u -, E1/r ,Ol./r 0,000 0, uoo -,014 , 014 , ET]7 , t17? 0 ,ot]tj o. ooo 0,000 0, 000 . oo3 ,003 o, oo0 0,oEo 0. 000 0,00u 7 I 11 I :t0 1t l:iH of:l; 113:33 ?,50 6.49 l:LB,0o x x.x.x.x.x.x..x.xx.x.xx.x.x x'x.x..x.x.x. .J0INT RESTRAINTS (FREE=0, FIXED=1) x'x"x'x'x x'x'x'*x'x'*'x'x"x'x'x'x'x'x'x' J01NT l'r0, x v RoT, lllOPINNEI) TIlOFINNED 3llOF.INNED 4TlOF.INNED .x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x'x.x.x.x..x.x x.x.x.d'x.x..x.x..x.x.x'x.x.x.x. L0AD CASE H l. x x.x.d.'x x..xx..x..x.x..x-x-x.-rx.x'x.x..x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x. I,JIND LOADII-{G x..x.x..x..x.x.x.{.x..*X.X.i{..x.X.Xx.rTX.'Fx,.X...Y.*.kx..x*l4x.x.|-.()f|..tEF..lfIN1.!i.K.X'.rl.y{.X..,t*x'E..\.x'.H.'xx.x.*x.*x. .JO]NT FX PY HZ NO, Krtis Kt:tj'5 FT-K .X..X..l(.X.X.X.X..X..,Y.X..x..x.x.x.N.x.t+..x.x'.x.x'.x...Yj.xj.x|(..F.x..X.x.x.i-0A|]cA5E*1x.xN-xx..x.x..r{..4x.x..X...E.xx..x.x-x..x.. hll:NLi t.0t]L'l:N'"1 x'.]+'I.x'*x.x...Yl.x.X'.$'},...t:X.X'X..Y...r('..X'x.|,lF-Mfi|IR|-0A!-.':f{1Nt'lE|,lE'E-ttc+0HDIt{ATEEi.x'x...x.x'x..xd..x.x..X. i"lEl4BER 'J F 1 A I F',? Ftt l'-'3 A3 NO, R/FI KIF'5 FT KIF'5 F]' HlF':i FT 1 .35 0,sE u,00 0,0u o,00 0'0tl 0.00 I .+5 O,trO fJ,0O 0,00 o.00 u.D0 n,oo x..x.x.+(.N.x.x..X'.X..X'x..'x'.x..]Cx'.x..x.x..x'.x.*x'd.x.x'x..Ex'x.,JoINTDT5F.LfcEHEt'JT5.xX.'x.x...!.x''Fx'.x.'F.x..xx.x.x..x.x.x..xx. ,JOINT HOITIZONTAL UERTITfiL F:OTATIL'N NO, Ii'r IH RAD , 3 3 5 6 1 I x.x-x.x.x.x.x..x*xx..x.x.x.x.x.x'x.x.x..x..}4.x.*..x.x'.x.x.l(x'x''J0Iit.l1.REAcTIot,{5x..x..X.xx.x.x..x.X.x.N.x.Fx.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x'x.*.x.x.x'x.x. _i} - ,J O 1i..lT NO. DIR RX RY RX RY RX RV RX RY *'o[U'l?l* 3 ,899 7 ,580 f. 10t -7,580 0 ,000 0, 000 0.000 0 ,000 x'x'F'x"xx'x'x"x'x'x"x.'x'x'x'Nx'x' t'IEMEER END F 0RCli5 ( 1N I"IEHEER C00F:DINATES) x'x'x"x'x"x'x'x'x"xx'xx'x'd'x'x t I 3 3 ? 4 4 .l 3 3 4 5 6 B t .l 11 1t 13 I'iEHP.ER NO. FX KIP5 ;, , 5S0 . 516 -7. 5BO -,516 o, ooo 0. t100 0 , 0rr0 0 , 0uil 0,nofi -1,3i1 o , o0tj ll , OUO FIRST END FY K IF.5 *3 , S?9 -1,4;16 ..::. ItJC , 14i 0. uilu 0, uDo 0, Eoo tJ ,000 0.so0 7,064 0,00u ,5i6 F'X . KIF'5 -: , s$tj -,IiLfr 7 , 56tl ri| /. IJ , UNU 0 , rlu0 n , ilot] 0,000 0,oou ,::, 'lI.L D, OUU n, oon I'tz FT- K SECOND END FV l4z I{IF,s FT-K 4 r't tt 't fl - , ./ rTfJ -J.f ' 'i,,:i.d. , 14.L -t . s3s 3, 101 -39.31F -, 1.4? -3, OsE n. $n$ D, UOo o.000 0.ouE 0,0n0 0,000 0,0n0 0, uuD f.i.UtlU D'tlBfl -7 , [JCr/+ 3S , 4n? ll , Uilu ir , U{:ti -, t116 r, fJ63 fJ , nfiil *r .479 iJ, UUI.' r, *1El o , iJtlu o , t100 n,flnil 0,onu il . oo0 3tl . *99 il . ooc] i,53S -- -) -' lier:.jaLr'r '!: f,'rn=u I t i ng !,t ru.:t ur'.a i En';i neet'.. 3113 ErEt Thlrd tlue., SuitE ilB [,enver, t]rl j,"r1n,l,l sllj$E llEli IlI-Illt lJfll'lE : IIHFHLE5 l'hfiELtJE'i PEIJETT : TE|iITE}IEIHUI,I T:EiIBE!1TE DFTE:5,'t'l''Ei FEilJETIT lllll4ErER : SlEtEEl FF]Il!'1E FIT I:iFiiD LIiIE H l;,:pyright l:lll ltEir 1!E.l iEi ler-Fennr-r,:k, Ine, tll I right= r'E:ier'uEd, 5er i,r I FLt-{l1E FF:t+i'lt f;i1HLY5 i5 X'X'X'.E t( il .E 'vlF'.Y.'X'.vt F*'Yt vr',! X.ts'# S.E'A H':+ X'f XX''li ',v..')4 iii{.'.I I" '.X * H i4 * i4 X '-{' E .tr * Xr X".* 'F F X".E .xr'.K * X.Y"X"X'X' fiilTEl: X".v* i{' X X' X'i{"i(' X X"X 'X' 'ts: X' X' X' '.\' ,\' X' X"F *i-.s-"X '.Y: X' .r: i( i( ''v.' Fr x'..:( 'r...x.N .x.r{ x x N x-y:.x x .x..i4..d.'8.*.x. i(.na -E .x .ts;'.Y: .-d'.{..8 t- x ,J O r r,rT NO, F'X t( i F'1; L.iJilf: {AiE it I t., l: i!D t-0AD l: i'Jr:r; l...of:i l..i[:Ij,..| r) :t N'l' 1; ttz FT- I.: F,Y I( I F,:J VERT I CAL Il{ o, {J0t1 X.Xl(.X.K.''v:i(..,t.X.X.,\'.X'i('X..X.i(..F..x:.X..X'..4.'X.'.X'.hXl')*.'1..,1..X..x''FL0F1L:c{:l,if'di'.x.i{.*r.4.xx,.ti+i+ !l L i.ll.) t..(rr:rD j. i,JG x'x x.x'* x.'x'x x.x'x'* x'x'x"x".{'x * x' ttEHBER L0riD5 ( I i't t4El'tEER CO0Fitilt',lA1 E5} x' x x' x' x' x' r' x' x' x' x' 'x: 'x' "x' x' x' "x' "{' 'x' x' I'iEt4BEIr U FL Ol Fi Ai 1:'3 A3 N0, KI'FT KIF5 FT KIFS F-1' KIFS FT 7 .r3 0,on 0,0u 0,00 0,t10 o'uu tl'00 I ,13 0.oo 0.00 0,00 0,0t1 0.0u 0,00 xx.x.*x..xx.x.x.x.x..xx.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x..xx.x.x.x.x.x.x ,J0INT DISF'LACEPtENTS .*x"xx'.xxx'xx'x'x'x"x'x''x'x"x'x'x'x'x'xxx":('xx'N .JOIi{T NO. 1 HOFT I ZON.I'AL IN 0. 00fJ ROTAl'I ON RfiD , fJ, iitltl -.t.- . ". ..3' ' 0, 000 I 10 l1 o o ft E : 0 o 0, 000 0, 000 -,71R -.7L9 0, 000 0, 000 -. s13 -,813 0.000 000 0no 00D OU:: DO3 0[0 ooo 00r oot 000 000 0,000 , ooF , olo , oo1 , DOL 0, 000 o, ooo 0, 000 0, ooo 0, CI00 u. ooo 3 4 5 6 7 I 13 0. oDo x. x. x. x' x' x. x'.x x. x. x. x. x. x.x-..x x. x. x' x. x. x x. x. x. x. x' x''.t x * .JOINT D]R. REACTION NO. KIF's OR FT-K 1 EX 0. oo0 1 RY 0,000 p RX o, uoo E RY 0,00u 3 RX ,?44 3 RV r, t91. 4 RX 1 ,3SB + R? -e. f?l ,J0INI REACTI0N5 x'x"x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x x'x x'x'x"x x'* x'x'x'x"x'x'x"x'x'x'x' xx..x..xx.x..x..x.x.x.x..r-x...8.x..H.x.r(. HEItEER ENE F+F:t[:i (]:H ltEMEEr{ cO0RDTNftTE5) x"x'x'x'x'x'x"x x'x'x'x"x x'x'x'x' FIRST END SE':OND END I'IEME ER F'X F.Y I4Z. F,}. FV MZ NO. KIF'S I(IF's F:'T-K I{1i:'5 KIil5 FT-K J. U,rrO0 0,00Ii 0,nfiil fl,u0t1 0'n0fi 0'$n0 g o,ooo u,oljU u,{]0il 0.u011 0,tlrr[ o'uotl 3 D, UO0 0,0nu n,00u u, ilntt n ' 00u 0, oot]4 E,ODO O,OOU 0,n0fi n'rro$ 0,nu0 0'o00 5 i,391 -,944 0, OUU -i, t'tl .p44 -4, B0B 6 . t53 -,365 ' ,?71 -,35;: ' 1,55 -L ' stjs 7 .-t, 391 -1 .3'd8 D , OOfJ li ' 191 ' 3'J? -7 ' sLt g -. f 5t -.9O1 -: ' 077 ,:51 '-,366 -, $Bs I .67p 3, 03p lt , 7l3tl - , Cr?9 -3 ' C1:59 I ' 590 10 0,00fJ u,00ri 0,uEtJ n,ufin 0'0u0 0'u00 lJ. ,164 .fsil 1,50ii -.i61' -,tsi: .BB5 lt o.uutl 0.000 0,00u u,tjutl 0,00u o,000 [.{+u,i -=Frr,!i Gr-r'r-fil.ttr 1"11r1;rr1l 1 r ng 5t ruct ura I Eng i neer= 3113 ErEt Third tlue., 5uite ilE DenvEi', [olqrads EB2FE t:lrll:r ll;-ijli fltll'lE : tlHllPLE! t'lctiE!-lJEf PRIJETT : TEI.{IIEiIE;HUI4 T:Ei IOEiIL:E n.nfr. r ..n.{ ,o: L.'Fl I C. . .J/ i I r' ':' I PEIIJEIT llUl'IEEH : .litli,E FAfi','li HT tlFtit) LiilE l,- tl,-rpyrirqht l-ljl 1:.lglI 1!El ipi lzr-F,:nnr'efr,, Inc, tll I right: re,=.er.upd, Eegi=tered lerial tlunrher ; LllH*Lltlii{tl[{E FLFriiil FF:ilil'1t IL FttrifiL1'5 ridTEi: j.r:'4,F^; X' f: it i{' .{''X. X. .X .X :{ * ..Yj .l( * * .X X ts ..{- ts S j.{ ..ts ..i i";lii II;itJt f t.jRi:rt_ iliiltfii4i:: ii::Fi!; i?: .F ..y, i.J ..?j ..y.. in .ii .x N x ..x. .,( ..x * iij i(.i(..v; i{,}r,..x: i4 f...H...r.+i FlO, SF ,J0.1.i..I'ilii=' 117 i.ic'ili: HEilili::i:i.3"=,.1;j E: i i{.5 j: i == l?:f,ilrj .X. ](. .X X .X X. X.X .X X' X .X X X. X. .K. X'X .S X.X. * ..X. .i{. i( X..X .X * X ,J0l:i.l-l' i.,10, .t. "f l. I' J. i:) ).7 :1. ';i l. 1? ::0 :i1 e: i:3 g"t T5 l6 i:.7 I'iE:Hll E:R t-'Fr0F ER1 I E:5 'X * .,T .X ..1. i( .X. X. X' X. X .)C X. X. X..X'.f X'X'X. X .X' X. 'X. X' X'.X ..T .X. .J O:t NT N0, 14Ef,iBEtt NO, 1 rl r$ , 5ut1 :i{:l , ililfr /r.7 , *11'Ji-'l il,Oi]il 4,75$ 9,500 1v, t]00 :E] , 50[ 38 , 000 47 , 500 0,000 4,75i) 9,500 U, rll.lti [. rJi]i] D , iirj$ :+ , l':tr :+ , ;i3i,l ?, SriLJ F. "5lil P..53n E ZTN F ,33Cr 2t.l , rlfi0 iu, uoo 3O, rlO0 ,ti [:T :+, jSilil :L ::r , il i] i:J :Jit, i:iiirl .I 3 . UUU 28 , 5tru 3S , ilDO 9.500 1,--J . 000 i$ .5D0 4. , 750 9.50[ Fr f. il , $#u l.i:l , $itll :i. $ , {5..5C l. il , C''&tJ :Lii , 6$tJ irr . UtJ0 t+ , fl0c 36 , 66il 26, 660 39,330 ;9 ,330 39 ,330 35 , 000 35 , u00 I I N^4, :3 , Bt) 1 J 'r L .f ? 11 .t .l 17 I I'lC I BENT 'J O I N1'S ,Jt. ,Ji LEFIG IFI FT lfJ, $7 flREr:l :il-t^: l1 .-:1.- e 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 13 L3 L+ 15 16 77 18 t9 10 31 .::,:: c,l .) ci e6 ?7 "1(f T9 ? r'l Jl. :? 1.l .87 ,Du .33 ,3/r. ,0n '1-x. ,67 ,33 7T ,33 , OfJ 'a= 4,27 4,i7 4,i7 4,!? 4.t7 4,?7 4.i7 4,i7 4,i7 4,!7 4,t7 4,t? L.-)'7 4.?7 4,?7 dt,17 +,!7 6,49 6,4.F 6 ,49 C). 49 d,4.9 6 ,4? d,4.F $,4.Tr $,4.F C), 49 ct, !t3 s.49 Cr. lt1? 1t 6 r!f 13 19 33 7 15 13 e6 14 r.5 19 e3 77 15 30 3+ I 16 l1 itE I L7 3i IL,, + 33, S0 E3.80 33.80 13,88 33,S0 33, S0 e3. BO t3.8tt 33 ,80 43,80 33.80 33. B0 33, 80 33. B0 e3, 80 33, EO e3,80 33,80 33,$0 1t.8 , llE r.18 , O0 r.1B , 00 LlB,OO 11B.OO 118 . 00 118 , {10 11B,fJO 1.ls,oil, 11S,00 1LB,OO 119 , U0 11S, Dn i0 1 I lct 31 3 I L7 10 I 11 1i 14 tii L6 17 l:t T1 i3 d- {) 5 I F o .E 7 .x x. x. *.x. .x ..-,.x x..x' x. .x..x. x. .x x x. x. x'.x'.x. JOINT NO 10 TE}I 10 1t 1:t 15 l6 {_t LI rc] t0 3: 1t ,f4 i7 ,JOIN't RE5TFiFII N]'li 9.33 8.00 F.33 F,33 9,5i1 9.5t] 4,75 4,?3 F,5Li {] qfl 'i,:it]L:ii] F,5il ?,5r1 4. , ;:5 il:'REE*0, Fl.XHD,=1)x. x. .x'.x.x. x.x x'x. 'x. .x..x.x. x. .)4 .x x. x x. x'x' I I 6 7 I 'I 't L .l I 1 1 L L 1 1 I ROT u o t) CI fi o 0 F.I ii{NED F.I NI.,IELl F' ]: N I'J E:D F rill.lED F.I NNEi) F'I i{ HE D F'INNED x'.x x..x x x'.x'.x'x. x-x. x.x.x'x..x..x.x. x I. x-.)e x. x. x' x. x. x.x'.x .x. .F.X.X .X.X X..X X. X. X. X. X-.X' X..r.X X. l(. -X. {. .X * X. X. X'.X. X. X. X. X-.X LOAD CASE tI T tIIND L0ADINT; LOADED .JOINTs nz FT- K * x..x' x'x'x-x'x. x. x. d.x' 'x..x x. x. x.x. x.x. .x..x x. x' d.x..x..x'x' x' 'r( x.x.x.x.x.x'fi.{. x. .x x. .x x.x.x x'x.x x x x.x.x. x.l(..x. .x'x.x.l(.x. .JOINT N0. FX KIFS F.Y KIF.5 L0tlD cASE H I x.x.x.x x.x.x.x..x.x'.x'x'.x.x x.x.x.x.x.x.d.x'x'x'x"x'x'x")6'x'.x. x. *. x. x x. x..x.x..x.x x. x x x. x. x. x. x. x' x' x..x. x' x. x.'x.x. x. x. x' -i* x. x. x x.x. x. .x x..x'x'x'x'x' x. x' x. x' x.x x. o EHE U ]:NI] LOIiD I NG EFI LOftL1s (]:N HEHE.ER COORT} I NATE!i ).x x x. x. *. .x. .x x. x. x. x. .,\ x. x' x' '* x"s x'l(' A3 FT 0, 00 0,00 o, o0 0,00 o, uo I,IEI",IBER N0. s 15 1B 19 3U K/FT .]q ?ei ,e5 - .lti P1 KIF'5 0, 00 o, on 0.00 0, 00 0.00 t-t r rt 0,00 o. 00 o, 00 0, ocl u. 00 r.: KIF,E 0,u0 0,u0 u.o0 0 ,00 o,Du Ai FT 0, u0 t], 0u 0, 00 0. u0 o. uo tr? KIF.5 CI ,00 o.oo 0,oo 0, o0 o.oo x. x.x. x.* x. x..x.x-x-x. x..x x.x.t(.F x.x-x.x. x. x' x. 'x .x. .x..x x.JOTNT DISPLACEHENTs .x..x'.F x. x. .x x. x. x x.x. x. x. x. x x.x. x. x' '.r' x'x'x"x'x'x'x'x' ,JOIi{T N0, .J OINT N0, HOR I ZONTAI- IN 0 . DtlO n,000 0. ooo 0, uuo 0, 0u0 0, ouo 0, Eoo -,S61 - ,853 * , 8d/r - ,'357 - , 95:; -,p57 -, P50 -,951 -. 954 _,?55 - ,987 - ,9SS -1 ,031 -1 ,031 -L tJ.5I -1 , 03i: -1,0f,i -1,069 -1,06? I.IERT I CAI- IN 0 , -r-,fjo 0, ijrju O, UDIJ 0 , DtJrl n,0fltJ 0. 000 0, uno *, rlo:t rrfi{ , rlnt -. trnS , tlr-l;t *, r1il1. -.,0O:t , u01: - , ilo:L , oo1 , tltll':" -.001 ,0n3 -,o{tI , s(]1 -, ilitl , il03 -, [i]t .-u ,0fir) -, BO1 ROTAT I ON RAD, , ill. 1 . iJl.:L , 01:: ,011 ,01:t ,01t .013 , ul)1 t' , 0U0 , 0tJ l. ,0l]1 tr . tltlil u,ouil . ool E. DOTJ 8.0{lo 0, ouo .-n , 0llu D ,0uo o , c0{l 0,ilnu s , 0t1{i D . rlUu 8,00n -rr , nfJ{l 0 , tll'l0 0.000 L : 3 4 q 6 1 I ? l.n l. 1 l.t {'I Lr+ 15 L$ L€ 1F 30 lt.ill l-'j 3/t t5 ,:: {] t7 x.x.x.x.x x...x. x.x.x.x.x..x.x...x.x.d.x'x.x-d..x x.* x.x.x..x x'.x x ,JOIN-l' REACTIONS -x'.x. x.x.'x. 'x x. x. l(. x. x. x..x x. x. t( x. x. x. x. x. x. x' x. x'x'l('x'x'x' DIR, REACTION KIF.5 OR FT*K .t I a I 3 3 4 RX FV RX RY RX RY RX 1,187 1 ,636 - .58? 1 , 99/t -3.0n9 ,8.1D -. ;3 -. I{EI'IP.ER NO, 1 3 3 4 $ I F 10 l.l 1J 15 L5 t'7 rtf 19 efl !1 3i d:.f, t5 3$ ?.7 .:: ll 39 7 a'] 3L 33 33 trY RX FY RX RY RX RY PX K 1F5 3,:13 -,634 ,490 ,758 *1 nqEi . 994 . ttr -.4:?0 -2. 3S3 -.505 1 ,636 -. !:ILl , 199 -.113 -.58? -,5n6 -,313 -3, OOF -, t39 A l.rA 1,?BO . ETIJ .r z'? { 1.59r L.-:36 : , 0ilf:] , E?E . 673 ,446 -,611 .479 , 131 htt 3 -35 - .634 1,378 ,758 1 .316 -e.38r FIRST END FY KIF.5 -, BBO - ,935 -,13$ -1. t7g -r. ,350 -,681 -1 . 3{30 -1,336 - .398 -.'t tla f -1,107 -, iu3 -'. 637 -. 199 -1 ,:+u -,3fiP -:t , ssr -:t , 994 *1 ,437 'l ,946 r,770 3.::tJ },0flF 1,853 , s4fl , /r33 ,865 .61? . 113 ,4ptJ t4z FT- K -0, 000 -o, ooo -.991 -0 , 0n0 i , 4llLr -t , 9+€i - t ri? -1 . i?El4 0,00u - , st31 .-;.66Cr o,no0 - , rtSt -!l , f:$Cr O , o$f! - I , ?,?4. -3 . 4;13 -0 , sotl 1t't . 7d 1. 6,565 P , 3F/r 4 .'!Pi"'6 c) Hl rr ri r .a'l L , :tifil i. ic!3 4,310 1, $trl 3 , 75:i .9Ut ]. O73 F'X KIF.5 -'3, f 13 . 6.5.{. - , 49Cl -,75$t .0$5 '-. i;i?+ -, i39 ' /tFU :,38t l- 371.qnq -1 . $3Cr . 31u -, r.99 { {-l ,5lJ$ _.? t -.r :l . uoi+ , :39 - Gi] -{ - I , ;.r80 -,$?B .-r, $71. -f ,5rI6 -i , {]ftt3 - ' i:iF[] -, 671 - ,44:Ct . or L - .479 -,134 SECOND END F.Y K 1F.5 , FEt] 11 rt e ,7dJ ,138 l-XTEi *,318 1 ,350 , 681 1 ,336 , 398 :1 , fJCrT 1. 1U7 .'J 11 'l , C.r.37 -.lrCr'f , ;l C:,9 -, crSE] -. 3:.{Ei -, $ti:i -1, [J46 4.?-'t.| -t , rJ$? -1 ,853 - , gt4.t '- . ir..) $ -,3.]1? -,8d5 '- , 3I3 -,6'lI -, L13 - , /r90 t4z FT- K -9 ,394 *9, 87e -1 . 073 -11 , PtO -1 ,9$ll -t .454 -t,77n -1 , 153 -li,373 * 1 ?L'X. -3 , 0f3 -t.D,3t9 -i,456 -l . 4llCr - ,174. -1. L , 5{,5 -1, $ci4. -i, iJ78 -7,723 &,774 1O, !/rB 5, EICrS /+ , 9IE B.090 i, f]3it : , []113 , un7 3,:?1O :t ,07$e,ltr . 175 1,r53 4 6 6 7 x.x'x.x.x'x.x.xx.x.x.x..x.xx'x'x'.N MEMnEF{ END F0RCES ( IN HEI'IBER C00RDINATES) 'x"x'x'x'x'x'x"x'x'x'xx'x"x'Fx'x' -li- lieu j ah'r '!i E,-rrnt.=n [.:n=u i t i ng 5t r'utt ura I Enll i neer:. 3113 ErEt Thirrj ll,re. , 5uite ??0 Denuer, Llol+r'sds B8i-flE rlttlr 3li-illi flFt'lE : tlHllHLE!', HciiElllE'f PRI]JEI]T : TEI1IIEI.iEHUI.l F]Ei I tLEtiTE DRTE:5r'ii''Bi PELt"lEriT HUI1EER : FiiEEE FFIl]f,1E F]T I:;RiD !-IIlE F Err,yriqht L[] ltEif '1lEf, iei Let-'-Fenrrrcl-r, Inc, t1I I right= re=*t'..'Ed, Eegi:teied leiial llumher : U5fl-tlt-ltit[ttittr T.LFIIJE FftIiil,IE ilruI]L T 5I5 llriTEi: 'F + i' i{' X' ,:4"I"F .X .:+ ii * ir: X' l{' i+ F,rn * * irj j.t{j I' i+ i{j .4 E + ti+, iir M[:i'iElEF':f.,r:: rii H i Pi':J:1, I -,, ;1+iltll:l t.i0, 0 ,jnt.i\il.g:-_ :j;;r 'KX'tir(.,!'X..lt..F't.B'.K.'t''-V.:..Vti('i(.X*.K.Il.'\.]i..E.'y'.i{.'vritl:fi{i('ji]:.|'l1-L10fF;n1|i:lII|]li] ,i 0I NT N0, ;r FT' 57 , Dil(] 4;: , 5Dl.l ti;r, iliiti 5/, t-iiitl 5;/ . IJUU rt7,5lltJ 3U , 000 3'd , U0rl 3{3 , EUU 38 , 000 rtJ , 500 :B ,5011 i8 ,500 F:T :lll , 5{Jn :L !i , rlir{l 1!J . i:lll il 1!t, ii:tti L'ji, Cuii :l:r , LiU[] 9 SUil 9,500 9 F.rDu 9r. 50t) I ,500 u,Du0 0, 0r]0 0 , Ef,fi t:T ':5,330 1. Ei , rrdil :t S , ci$u p,3:i-11 il , rifiti 3{r , l:ti .5rr , $60 41 ,3:0 34 , 66t) 39 , 330 t0 . n00 14,660 9.330 9,330 ro , E0t] 34 ,6,50 I c -t t? .l'. B o .r 11 1l {ra 'L lr rc) FT n, Sutr r.l , ilr-li.) ir',3.:Jil :L til . ri6ti lill , rr*li 3$, sdrU ?6 , +6u 3i;) , ,53i1 1U, S6u i5 ,33[ 34.,,16u 4:i. , 33il 3/r , $'50 ii/,330 INtI[,Et'IT,JOII.]T5 I I t.f ,J + I I'11' ilo . t. tJ l. ii !: rj i:l l. ii ii ili 35 l(f, ?.7 ift i9 3u 31 3: FiEi'tB[F{ F,FIOF'ERT I H ir 'X'X' X'X X' X' X X X''r."8'.Y d' X' X' X X X' X X' X' x * X X X' X' X' xi x x.x.x'.x x.x.x x.x..x x.-x x. x.*.x.x x.x.x..x x.x.x.x.*.* x.x MEI,IE ETi N0, LENr,lTFl [:T AREi:i :l.N^l I l.t'lA4 1 { 3 4 5 6 7 I I tY 13 .ta 1/r 15 t6 I? 1B L9 -J fl 3t '.,|? tFr t6 i7 ;113 31. 3:: z'4. 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 4I 4i: 1 a 4 6 s 3 5 7 6 I 10 't{IJ. 1? 10 11. 13 1E Lf L(f 15 TB 16 L4.tl 20 15i ,: J. 3.i i3 1f')io ,j.x e$ ?7 tc, T5 !7 30 7{ J 4 6 I I + 6 1B .t ,1 J! {? 1B .tE 1,7 i,: 19 i0 n-x '::t! '_l t' L \:t 37 ,.1 ,..:. ;5t ?, 33 I ,33 8 ,00 9.33 9,33 8,00 7,67 9, 50 9,50 F :88 9.50 6 ,67 4 ,0u 5 ,33 I .50 9,srj 9,50 6 ,67 4,UrJ 5,33 6,S;r 9,58 c! qn f,stj 9,33 p,33 I[l, irlr 5.3:i 6.67 F,5U b. , sil o qrl 9,5G F,33 1,34-o a-{ 5 .33 s,,:n 9,5fi tu, s7 14., $c: ,?7 4.27 4,?.7 4.t7 6, 49 6 .49 *:t? 6 ,4? 4.t'7 4,t7 & .4p 6 .4? ,3,49 4,t7 dr,!; 6 , 4l't e,4.1t (}, H. j 4,27 t+,!l/ s,4lr ,t , /r.11 $,4;9 ft ,49 +.i:.7 $, /r.li ii , 4.1t 33,80 33 , ilo i3,su i3 ,80 13.BD 13,sD I3.S0 118 , OO t1B,D0 11Fl nn TlB:DO 118 , O0 33, 80 1\2 ..:'/".l ,t.,f , {?u 13. s0 118.00 119, 00 tt8,D0 33 ,.80 f3 ,80 f3.s0 33 ,80 1l.B,00 11S , 00 1r$,OU i3,80 ?3 .80 i:3 . gl0 ryz rJrl i3. s0 'I 'l C} Tr 11 1tel ,fl0 11S,80 Lls, Do 33 ,80 i3 ,Etr ::{. B0 33, SO 1.1.8 , OE 118 , nU 33. Brl 33 , StJ x.-x. x'x.x'.x x. * x. .x. .x x x. x. x. x. x.x.'x x'l(x.x.x.d.d..x.'x.* x. x.x. x'x..x.*. .x.{.x.x- x.x..JOINT I1E5TRAINTS (FREE=0, FIXED=1) ROT, O F.INNED O F.]NNED O F.TNNED O PINNEI}T] F I NNED O FINNEI}O F']NNED JOINT NO. .x x..*.x x..x x.x.x.x.xx.x.x x.x.*x.x..x x.x.x.x x.x.x.x..x x.x. L0AD CASE S 1 x.x.x.* x":( x"x'x'x'x'x"x')c'x'x'x"x"x"x"x'x"x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x' .l 1 1 1 'l 1 '| 10 1B e:[ e9 30 I I I t 1 I 1 -3- l,rIi'lll l-tiilDIiiG 'x.x..x.x' L0frFErJ,J0IN1'5 F'Y PIZ K I F'5 F1'- K E,V K]F.5 l-l0E:i=0Nf ill.- r t'l {1, tiorl D , 0Dri - ' 1B:r - , Lfi{:i * , tJ06 - , 0ll4 -,.1 .!!J -,lLri -..1 .i. J il , 0fiil -. u7d -, Li f 4 tr:- I J. JrJ -, 100 -, 076 0.000 -,001 0, 0n0 0, 0u0 -, 100 -.J..t., -.r77 -.115 -,10u -,003 -.001 E ,000 o x.x''.! .'*..\X.X..X*.X'.F..X.X..F..\.XX..X.X.X.X.X.x.x.x'x.x'.X.x.i{.x.d.x'x.L0ADcA5EH1,x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x'.x.x.x..xx.x.x..X..'x.x.'x.x..x.x.x.x'..x..x l,l I t'lD LOAD I Nt"1 .E * x x..x.x.x.x *x.x'.)c x.x..xx.* x.x..x HL.MP,ER L0i1Dg ( IH HEHEER CO0RtiINl:lTE:5) xx'xxxxxx"xx't(x'x'x"xx'x'x'x'x' i{EHEER t, Fl A1 Fi AA f-.3 A3 N0, K/FT H].FS FT l{l:Fs FT KIFS' t:T 1 ,t5 n,oil u,o0 0,on 0'iJ0 u,00 il'o8 : ,15 tJ,Un D,fi{-] ' t] ,tiU U'Ol} l1 'tlfi 0'nil :{ ,1-i5 D,Uu il .Eil U,il[ {],lJU E'Li0 U'0tl 7 ,tS U'frU 0,0i1 iJ,i10 i-l'rj* il,Ll$ U'tr'il 15 , tS t] ,IJU CI , Dil 0, ilir il . t)il il , LlU fl ' 0U ::;r ,t5 tl.il$ tt,Eti rl,Ou il'tjU O,$O il,00 ..lfj.x.x.x.x'x.'x.xxx.x.*Y.xx.x'.'X-..4x.x..x..x..H.x'.X'.X..x.lt.x.x'J0]:i'lTD.t5F'LfcEM|1i!1.5'x..Y:x.*.X..x...x...tx..x. ,J O:|: N ]' NO, :t 3 6 7 1'{ {} LiJ t-L 1:i t,J l- /t 15 16 1B L9 30 tt 33 e3 35 36 e7 .:o rft .x ..y.* x'* ..x'.x x. x. x.*..x.x.x'x. x..x. x.x. x x. x' x. x. ,JOlNT N0. uIi:t-l':!:{ ilt" rtt il, ililtl 0 , ilu{:i -u , fiilti , 0fJ:t 0,u0u .IJTJI ,rinl . IJIJ I . iJr.l :[ [ , ti0t: , ii U:t . ritj I . LltJ I -fi ,0ilU - . Lr tJ .t -0 , otj0 - , 0il1 0 ,000 -0. oou -D , O0U 0.00c) -0, rlO0 -0.000 -,001 -,0o1 -, [r]I -0.000 -0, ooo tr ,0tlt1 tt+Tfr Iifit',1 Fil[, ,ll[J/r . ilil:! -n, trflB "0 , riili:l -u . $n0 -8.000 n , fJnn n, lji]u -rl , {-J0ll 0,ilfiu rJ , llD{i , rlfii. fJ,';riitl -il , nufi 0 , n0tl 0,0u0 0,000 o, ono O, EEO -E . OEIJ o, 000 -0, 00u 0, o0rl 0 . oD{l -0 , tl0l) 0,ou0 0,0'10 0 , rlEn *0, 0uu -J-' x..x x.x x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x...! x.x x x.x.x.x.x.x.x x. x. .x. x. .x. .x. x. x. ,J0INT REACTI0i'|5 X.x -{.x.x'X.X.X'x'x X X'X'x'X'X"X'X'x x'x"X'X'X'x'x'X'X'X'x' .-iu 3L 3i .JOINT N0, u, {lilil -0 ,0n0 - , ilij:t Lr , U[ii] IJ . Ui:IU 0 , tju{l 0,Dcu - , rl03 DIR. REACTION KIF.5 OR FT-K x. x. x. x. x. x. N. x.x'x. x. ..x. 'x .K. x. .x. .x.x. 1 ,168 ,086 , t96 *,79r 6,9L3 .r -lr 1 -l.. Jlnr 'r DJ.rl , 968 , u01 , r03 - . Lr,:'f ,4i9 I], TJilTJ ,456 IlE:MIIER END FOIiCE:!i I 1 F} 10 10 {tf .t.f {t el. tli i:? -3 fl 3u RX RV RX RY RX RV RX RY E,Y FV ft;{ RY RY ( ri{ i",illi"itiEF: c$0FiD1 Nf:lTE5)'X''vr X"X'X''.X' X'f' X' X' tr'X' X"X'X".{ X' HEHh}H:It t10. l.: 3 4 ,5 -? '? J. t-, 11. 1i IJ rnf 1q 16 L7 1B 1P io 31 33 33 d: 'f T5 t6 2? 38 [,V K r t-'5 , t.J$dr - ,39i -,318 - -tl? . 01$ -,,{u3 1 , 3li7 +,IT7 , ils1. 6 , 03t! -. iF0 - l. , tJ,:U ,016 -. 586 o, oo0 ,344 -,074 ,811 -,!i5 ,35r -,134 -.98u , 319 ,637 ,303 . 1F8 .098 F I RiJI- END tlY i(rF5 '-1.1.{3ti - . 1[Jct -I , F6E} - , ilCr r. , D3l -, 869 -. , B5;/ - , /r?Ll -. d:.r/ , 61$ { f}il .,503 -, i373 -1 , il.7 -1 ,407 ,4E4 1.036 ,586 -, 980 - .636 - aqq -1,0ip , !6/ q'7 -7 .334 -,001 , 813 -,380 i"i:1 I:'T_ H u , il{1il ii.:;LL] -5,3i.Cr -o . n00 4 , ?i+3 -3 ,773 - , }n.L -'t,S$i:l 3,43u - , t].t_,u -t, 1i]1. .-:j q Ii r,. l:, LroJ. 5 , :7li 1 .83I -3.374 -1 ,401 -2,55E} -L , ru/ l- /t31. 3,701. , OPtt -o , 000 , 03:1 '-4- i:...i HiF'5 -, nfj# , 6lij _7 C.l .l -, tjlC: , $il3 -.r,:ii7 -4 , i. 1;? - , ris1. -s, i1.3il ,:L?ti 1. nSIi -, n16 . 586 o. oou ',3/+4. . o74 - , 811 , 3:5 -, 3$i , t34 ,9BO *,31S -,&37 -,t03 -, 1.9[] - , rJ98 'i[.f di{f] E.l'lD F.Y H I F'1ii -'l .1.4:i -,1 . -t. Lt 7 - , ri.I:: ' ;::+ c) -1 . 03i , 8$9 t ql.l ,4"/E , ii7 -.r:)r(f,-, l.ili,: -,$il3 , i373 1 , :11.7 , u75 - .4!4 - I n-l A - , :i86 , gfju ,636 ctqci -.638 - ,';67 - ,377 -, t34 ,001 -,013 .:JBO i'rZ FT- I( -.,fur 6,4.:i6 -T 4.'{ fl -.:, 7,*3 4,S38 -3 .340 -.1 ,.i:I"l' --? il.J fJ -'1 , U:16 3 , 44.5 t . 0:l.9 4 . 4:I3 -i:,7::4. -:,3:|.6 -1,83r 1,943 4,564 3.738 -3, 163 -1,143 -: , 531 -. u?8 1, 1fJ4 L.779 ?,I?7 -, CI06 ,093 .e9 3CI 31 33 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 4l 4l -. r0B .134 , 434 { E5 -.587 -, 014 ,4?4 .357 ,581 . er0 , 150 -, 150 .456 . t Ji. -,:14 lse -4e . 371 . L67 - ,005 .0Lo -,576 - ,477 -,t74 .13e .3e4 -tl.000 -.15u - , tli$ -3.119 1.44? 1.106 . 803 -,0e7 .031 -.s59 -3. 016 -.460 .191 1.939 -o,00CI -1.133 ,10$ - , e34. - . 4e4. -. 15r , 587 . 014 -,4?4 -, 157 -.581 -.310 -. 150 ,15u -,456 -, 131 , 314 .638 -,34e -,37t - .167 ,005 -, oto ,576 , tr?7 ,t7+ -. 13e -,334 0,0CI0 . 150 - .313 -e, le7 ..Bll e,414 .7A3 -. Del ,076 . CIs7 -1 .955 -1, OOI l. .065 1, 136 -. 0u3 -1 .065 o -5- o o 1r'e I 3-E I I I E-l I 1 I TE ?5-@ ?: lIE|- i'!-#l '1.i .15 14 €l lt ffi-t;r9 1i 23 -fff tt= -sFEl- 11 31 3? 39 4B ry I I .h: I i ffi- I I @ FFtAl4E FL01' : FFAME AT GRID LINE F -6- ti*uj ehr li finrmen f,--rn-.ul t rrrg 5t rutturel Er-rg i neer= -11 13 Esit Thi rd llue . , 5u i t e ?!E [,'en','er',, [alsf'sdu 00288 tlt:rlJ III-Ifl: i{tli'lE : I-IHHELES t'hiiELIJE t FRr-tJEriT : TEI'lllEtlEHlJl'l REi Iij'ElltE DHTE :'5.'!1rBI FHu.lEliT flut'lElEFl : UiEEtl FFJHI.IE FIT I-JFIIt'' LIIiE E r-'lFt?riqht tljl 1:rg:r 1!i:i Itiler'-Fennr.rtl";, In':' 811 right:- r'Es*r'.rEd' Heci=tered ieri'rl Numher : UiFl-tlELlflf,lfi FLF|IIT TFiHNE finrilT5l5 IIDTEI: t'li] , 0F ,J0 ill1':i= .14.N+ . fii::' HHi,iiiE.[i5= 4ri.Fj i: i(.:il; ) = 3!i[r]il ..{'X.X..)(.Fl..X.X.*X.#X.'Xd...E..,vt.XX.'.t...t..Y.i{.:xlil:..X..]4*.Xlii:.'t..1.,-lfIil-(:t+F:|}11.,lirTE:!i .J ft r l.l1' HO, ril l.F itu 31. :i;: ::J !4 't: ri l'5 'i7 ifJ i9 30 7t 3:i 3/+ i'lE11EER F'ROFERT IE5 x"x.x. x.x..x x.x.x. x.x. x x'* x.x'd. x..x.x'x..x.x.x..r x..r * x.x.x.x. x..F x x .x. .x..x. .x.x.d..x.x x x. x.x x. x. x x' d' x' x x"x x 'x ,J O t:t'tT N0, ? ,5t][ .Lit. iiilfl iil ,5iJo 3rl , UtrB 4;r , 5nu 5: , ilnE 0,0[o 3S , 90i:l 38, 000 47, 5EI 0 ,00rJ 9,500 1p , Er00 tB , 500 3B , Ouo 47, 500 57 ,800 rl U , Llrlii ti , itilil u, rlrltl rl , t.llit.i iJ, tli.ir.l Ll , 0rlri ! . 3;lu tr , :3,311 9 ,330 ? , 3.lt) 1t3,6d0 18, &60 L E] , ,$,50 1.8 , 66t) 1[i ,66tr 10, E6t 1B , S,5f.| ilt 1i+. tjtiI :jtl , iltru 4...' , :'nil 4;r , 5ilLJ 5f , rJU{:r u , [ilfi 'i , 50{:1 19 , 0tlo is , 500 3S , 00tl u , ir00 F,500 L 50t) lp,000 19,000 38 , 50|] FT ir+ ,33tl r:F , .5:lu ;lF , 330 ii? , -530 i6, tlCrfl i6 . 66u 3/r , 660 I.,i. , 660 3/+ ,660 34 ,66u 34, 660 41 ,330 41 ,330 /r4 , 000 44, 000 rr.1 , 33t1 /r1 .33[ trT 'I J 'f L s 1D .1 1 {') 13 I*t .t Ei 16 I'ttiHBEli l NC l DENl' '.10I t'll',-r L-Etlr.;Tl-l ARE:(:I 'NO..Jt l{ 34 t9 1i 35 30 31 13 18 36 33 ?a I 14 t9 ?7 34 I 1:i 2u t8 ttl 16 -3r- il 17 n.3 10 1t 13 I4 I r., L6 1.7 19 3i T:3 tti ,'l {t tt3 30 J': 34 ,J1 F1' 9,33 1€ , utr & .67 18.66 16,00 6.67 3.67 18,56 L$ ,67 5 ,33 6 .67 i .67 9 ,33 9,33 LO .67 5,33 6.&7 9,33 9,1.3 1n.67 5 ,33 9,33 (} ?x s,Eo '1 t-] 18,$$ s,iln 9,50 'i , rifi F,iiu !,.:tJ F,5t] F, Sfi F, 50 p, :in 9,50 9,5n 9,5i1 9, 5n F,5n I ,50 IN^! 4.t7 4,7.7 4.i:.7 4,?7 4,t7 4,t7 4,t7 4,t7 4,?7 4,7i.'7 4.!7 4.77 4,?7 4,!7 4,?7 {'* 'J? /r, il7 4,i:7 4.'J7 4,?7 4.!;' +,27 4,i17 6. 4't *,4? ,r, +!.t & .49 *,4:? S , /r.!/ 6.49 6 ,4? 6.4.? d . /r.9 i ,4.1? 6 , 4.fi 6 , 4.:? s , 4l;t 6 , 4.1? 8 .4.? 6 ,4? IN^+ 33 ,80 33. 80 e3. BO 33.80 33.80 33. Bu 43.80 23 ,80 33. SO 33,80 33,80 33,BCI 33,80 t3,Bu 33.F0 33 ,80 33. Bu i3, 6rl e3, 80 e3,BO i3 ,80 r3,8u i3, BO i3 ,80 i3,$o :3 ,80 :3. BG :t 18 , fjil L LA , Otr 119 , fJ0 118 , DB J.iB,00 l-r.s,0u 1r.a,00 118 , fJO -L l. c' , uu 118,00 118,0S I1B,Otl 118 ,0C t1fJ,0s ltB.OO 118,00 118 ,00 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 s I 1B 7 11 !4 1e 35 30 T 13 tB 36 33 110 110 110 1'Iu 110 t10 11u I T 3 4 5 6 11 1E 13 14 tq Ic' L7 l-B 1.9 eo l1 ac .t-r i15 36 17 e8 39 3rl 31 3f 3:$ 34 J.J ,5$'t? 38 39 40 /*L 42 tvJ 44 3 I L4 19 17 4 I i0 5 10 16 T3 6 L?I I 11. 1;l 13 rrr i5 18 :o iil !5 ..|.? i9 Jl. x x. x' x' x. x. r(' x. x. x..x. x. x..x' x. x..x. x.'* x x ,JOINI' NO, .JOINT REsTRAINl'5 ROT. (FFIEE=fr, FIXED=1).x x. .x. x. x. x. x x .x...8 x. .x.x x. {. x. x. x..x. i. x. F'I N NED F Il'INEI) FINNED F,lNNHD F.INNED F.I HNED F.I iUNED **n n'*n n o'n'.x.x.x'x.x..x.x.x'x'n'o'* * n"ot n'*.,n u' x..x x.x.* x x. x..*.x x.x..x.x.x.x.* x.x x.x.x. x.x..x'x'x'x'x".{'d' .J OINT NO. x..N..x.x.x.x'x.x.x..x.x.x.'X'* x...X.x.x.x.x.'X.x'.x'x..X'X # x..x x.x. Lf,tAD eAEE f l. x"F'x"x x'x'X'X'X'X'X'X".\"X X'.rj x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x'X"x' vJIND LOfiBING x"x'x'x-x"x"F x"x"x * x".\'x'x"F'x"x'x'x' MEt'tP'ER t-OAF5 ( l:i'{ l'1El'tBER C00RDIl'lATE5) 'xx'x'*'x'x'x'x"x'x"xx'x'x'x'x"x"x'x'x I'IEI.IBER I,J F'l A1 P3 A'J F3 A3 NL1 , K/F'f KIF'5 ljl KIFS FT HlF':] i:T L ,:15 0,0s u,oo 0,n0 D'ilt] $.oil o.o0 I ,i5 tj,0il ti .ill tr ,Llll 0,Url u'llu O'otr 3 .35 0.00 tj.0il 0,ii0 D,Llii u'tjt] o'00 ? ,i5 U,00 t)'00 0.t10 il'tlt) n.00 0'00 .X'i{'* K 'it j.{"S F: '.X' 'F: i+'X"X"X' X' X '.{' 'X'X"X' x'x'X' x' x' X X' X' LilfiIJ CA5E +I 1 I.JINI} LOADING LOADED JOINTs tlz FT-K n .n .*?* * n n * o.x.x.x.x'x'x'x'x x"x x'x'x' x'lx'x"x x"'x' x"X X'x'* !i X'X'X"X"X"X'X'X'X'x'X'X'X"X X"X"X'X"X"F'X X X"XX'X F.X K IF.5 FV KIF5 N X.x..X..H K X.N.x $.E.x.,1 X X'i{: X..ts X'.XXNfi'.F x''x''{''r( }( ,J t--t .[ ]i i ,J0INl' HoRl:?0NTAL UHil il:tilL- N0 , IN :I l.l 1 0. nnu D , Ufitj ? 0 ,000 0, iifltt 3 0,00u t] ,iluti 4 0,000 0, uno .: 0,000 0,8{:1t.r $ 0 , n00 0. Ilulj 7 0, flilu E, nflo s -1,3$l -,lfii F -l,r$t [,0i]u 1o -1 ,:61 , Drr;i 11 -1 . $41 -, tJU;i t3 -1 , 641 , nn;5 13 -1,640 -,0i13 L4 _ -1 ,638 -,80:t 15 -r.637 0, OO0 LS -1 .637 ,003 L7 -1 ,638 , Dfl/r 18 -1 ,905 -. OO/" t9 -1.904 -0,000 IO -1 ,785 0 , L]OU eI -L .7A4 . ou3 tt -t ,77fr , u03 33 -1 ,759 . OD5 e4 -1 , 0t0 - ,0{1t 35 -1,019 , oo1 .16 -t,017 -.004 t7 -1,890 -0, u00 38 -1, SSB ,001 ii I 5 F' L A'J H l.illt,lT' 5 R01'A1I#i.l Ri:11.1 , i''1 I ! , rll. J. . ilL {r , [t:: , Of6 , [1. t , D3i ,00i ll ,lluti , ililr , D0: -tl , il0u 0, 000 E, OOE 0,000 fl ,00u , UIJ I .001 -0, 000 , ool -0 .ouo 0 ,000 0 .00u -u, ouB 0, 00rr t], 00D 0, noo . oot '_ ':! _ .i9 30 ?1 'ra 33 3/t -l , 037 -i.0!7 -t , 018 -i.017 -.l. UII -3,010 DIR. REACTION KIF.s OR FT-K .0tJ1 ,0Dl - .005 -,005 -0. uoo 0,0LltJ .-0 , 0n0 -u , 0uD 0 , oEr") '-0 , u00 .oti1 .x x x.x'x.x-x x..x x.x.x.x.x.x.x x.r(.x x.x.x.x.x.* x.x.x"x'x"x' ,J0INT REACTI0NS x..x' r .x. .x. x. x. x. x. x- x. x'.x' x' x' x' 'x' x' x' x'x' x' '.x. fi'x'x"x'x' x' x' ..x'.x.x.x..xx..x.xx.'.X..X..)4.x.x.x.'xx.l(ME:|4l3,EFiEt'.|DF0ttiE:i(]:i'lH[.-}4L''Eti{{.l{i[iD1Nii1.E5}.I.x.x.E'.*x.x..x.x..E ,JOlNT N0, 1 I c ? 3 af o 6 ., RX RY RX RY RY ftX RY EV FY RX FY K ]:F.5 3, 0fi9 - , rfjs -,139 -1 ,631 1.t37 , r59 , oIo t ,871 1,037 - ,3Ep , 6e3 - .0t0 3,516 -1.006 -1.0u7 1'l a - .643 -,1'i1 -.t47 . 058 - ,98t -3. t67 ,361 -, 1e5 -1,040 .I . OJ I , co/ 1.871 L ,550 3.516 r.7?e -.III :l , 5/+S -3,167 a'| L -3.457 c. El99 3. DOF F I ttil' El'lD F'Y I{ I F.E -r:, af :t r -3. J.S9 -1 .025 -,.f rc - , 45di '- . .L t.l J. - , f,il7 -,7AB -i , J.7 / . ts7 -1, to8 -l ,550 -l ' /r$1 -.94i ,547 -r.496 -'t , 798 -1 .965 - ,305 -3,044 -1 ,54B -1,481 -, B?e -1 ,738 lirEtl{tNLr ENti r{' V l,i Z KTF'ii f:T.-K ,5S6 -16, 16+ -L$1.1 3.055 -.6+3 .4.11 ,31r -5, BiO .434 -3,531 ,lnl '.+47 -r., t10 ,174 ,3E!7 -5 ,34.6 .70s -3 , Siio i, 197 -6,371 - ,i1i7 ,63S f , io8 -1 ,163 1 ,55U -14,459 1.451 '7 ,507 .94t -5,34 1 -,347 1,60? 1.496 -4.67" 1 .7178 -L& .777 1 ,965 -9. 168 ,305 -L.47?e,044. -5,6e6 1 ,548 -L4.44+ 1 ,4S1. -7 .7t7 . B9e -3,498 1 ,738 -3, 133 14EHP,EIt NO, t47. tr'r .- H 0,uuu -a,n77 -1, d?4 o,uD0 -.TDE r,3&7 0,ilnfl -/t . DSil -5 ,337 1 ,:BB -e, o61 0 ,000 -6 , 039 -4,810 I ?.t Ei -5 , 3U3 o.0gu -9. 16e -1 .7El -5 , 366 -0 . 00t) -6,108 -3 , 63/r *1 , SEIJ -4- K l: []15 -3 , OOF FlGq l AA :t , s3i -1 , i.5? .- , l. li'J -, uiil -r., |l7r -.1, n37 , 30:+ -. 633 , 030 -l .516 I , {JOCr L , UIJT -,339 .643 . 141 , r47 - , usfl .983 3,167 -,361 1,t140 1 t -r 6 tf I 1rl 11 13 13 14 15 16 L7 rct 19 30 t1 3t 33 ?4 35 'e6 't7 38 39 30 31 3: 33 3+ ?q 36 37 3B 39 .4u 41 43 44 *+ -.-. U4r6 3,53? 3,5f8 3. e94 ,4?7 1.161 1,t6r 1 ,056 L.548 1 ,345 1,040 . ?15 -, 146 .931 .98r -,139 , 0ln ,643 0.u00 -3 , E$4 30, 4BB 1r,973 qnn 5 .836 6.169 5. 135 6.451 I .855 6,743 5,007 -1,361 3.7&4 3,70u -, /rE1 - ,97t 1,436 ?. +37 ,9t.5 -,099 , $4.) 1,635 r,747 t, 179 L,&67 , o17 -,561 1,486 L734 . B4l l S40 2.477 ?,o47 ,660 1 , t0:i 1 , SClt .?,74 , 845 -? rr l1-') -'? q?n -3, e94 -1 ,361 -1, e61 -1,056 -1,5/tl -1 ,345 -l ,0/+O -,915 , 1/16 - o: I - , 9t13 ,1.39 - , t1l0 - ,643 -5 , 1Ie -3 , 583 1I 966 io, 545 9. O55 3 .553 6, 149 5.814 4. 896 8,196 3.935 3. 133 3 .6S3 -.ot6 5.083 5, 636 -, 898 t ,156 4 ,6-/?, . -3,457 _, ?15 .099 -.049 -1.635 -t.747 -?, 17? ^L ,667 -, o17 ,561 -1.486 -t,734 -, 841 -3, 840 -t.477 -t,tr47 - ,660 -1.305 -r.,50e o -5-. FPI]I.IE HT |]HIO LII1E E ,rF?right t:lll 198:119El ZeilerlFenn':et.', Inr' till right:' reler'ved' Denvet', [oIc'redc' BEI2BE t3ElJ 3ii-ill? tlrll"lE : DHHBLE5 1'1qH[lilE/ FRTIJEIT : TEllttEt{EHU}l RE5 I ['EfltE DHTE:5.'?1zBI FELIJEI]T IIUIIEIEH : EIEEB FLtltit FFIHt'lt FJHLTS I S H0TE5: x. x' x. 'F x. .x'.x' x' x 'x 'x x' 'N' x x' H' x' 'x * 'F F l( X' )t ''{' 'x' F "4 X' X X' x. x'.x.+ x' .x. x' .'Y' 'x' 'x' 'r x'x' lY * '.Y.' X'X"X"X' X' X X 'X X'd'x' x' x"x x' .x .X .X. ..x. x' x' X'i{"X'X' .{"It X",Y"* F i('X'*'X "{' 'X 'rr'* ":{ X "Y' i{' X"X 'F L' i} Fl il l,J I I'll) x'.x x.x'x x'lr.x.x'x'x".ts x"x 'x x'x'N'F x' l'lEl"iP.ER l-flnDG ( IN x. .x. .:q. i(. ..K x' K 'f x' ')c "x 'x' K"x *'.1(.'X' X' 'E * 'x"x x"x'x'x' x' l("x x' x. x. ,x x *. .x.x' 'x"){ x' .("x'x' x' x' r x'x'x 'x'g"r * x' x' )( 'N {' X'x' x' 'vi 'x .x x. ..t x.i1' x'i(' x' 'x' ii' .1' X' r' s' B i( i{' K X' X'X' i{' t(' '\(' $ "x' x' x' x' c+0RD I NdlTEs )* x x. x.* x' x"E'x' x x' x' .x' x'x'x'x'x' x'x' .JOINT NO, MEI'iEER t'l F.X FY KiFli K1F,5 L0Fti: ilAi:E * i I'lIl,lD L+F]D:l:i'lG L.0fiDEn 'J01N1':; t'tz F1'- K CF15[: tl i LLlTID I i.,IG TtH.f,IBER KIF.g r1,08 E.OO 0, 00 0. 00 0,oo t'ro, 1l t7 K/FT +q .25 FL K I IJ,5 0,Eil 0.0lj 0 ,00 o,oo 0,oo A1 FT 0 ,00 0.00 0, 00 o, 00 0,oo AT FT 0,0u 0, 00 0,00 0.00 0,oo F3 K ] F'I; 0,oo u. oo 0,00 rJ.OO 0,00 A3 t-l O, OLI t]. oo o, uo 0,u0 0 ,00 ,1.r T r:, t6 .25 ,'r "t il R J-/ | 'L !., D I 5 F'L.fI CF.i'1ENT 5 FiOTFIT I fii'l x. x. x. x. x' x. x. * x' x' d"r' x' x' x''x x x' x' x"x"x x''x x''x' x' x x'.l O I NT .JOINT HOR ]ZONTAI..VEFT] CAL -,1 - 't x x.x.x. x x'x'x"x x'x'x'x x x'x'x"x x'x'x'x'x'x"x'x'x NO 't e J 4 5 6 7 I I 10 1L 1: t3 14 15 t6 t7 1t3 19 3lJ T1 i3 T5 d: cl i:7 'lE 30 JJ -r{1 't "z 34 IN 0 ,000 0. 000 0, 000 t] ,000 0,000 0. oorl 0, 000 -t.377 -r.377 -L,377 -1 , 7S4 -1 ,785 -L,787 -1 , 788 -1 , 790 -1,794 -t, nE3 -i.0D:5 -L,97+ -1 , 973 -1 , 95F -1 . 958 -3, 045 -: , OdrS -3, 045 -: , u4.4 -t ,043 -I 076 -3, 076 -t , 0s:5 -r , 083 -i , 0t?5 -3,085 DII{. REACl'ISN H]:F'5 OR FT- H IN 0, 000 0. 000 0,008 o,000 0, u00 o, u00 0, 000 -, t103 -0 ,000 ,004 -.003 ,0E/t - ,00i -,003 -.001 ,0O/t ,003 - ,0n3 -,0ur -, DOr , 0O/t , O0/r , ofJ4 -,0u4 , u04 - , fjn;: - , rlili -0, 000 *, 0u4 . ou4 . 0ft/" -,0il3 - ,0u:J - ,00t RAD. , 013 ,01.i , EI7 . 018 .ar7 .019 . Et3 .003 0 ,0011 ,001 ,00r -0 , 0uu 0,ouo 0 , 0t1u 0 ,0fJ0 . uu.! -0 , 000 o,nno O. trilo , L101 0 , Brr0 rJ, u0u 0 , IJOO 0, tiOtl rJ , nfifi 0 , rlfju 0,nn0 n ,0L1f' 0 , iiilfi 0 , 0Ut.r u,uuu -u , 0nii 0,oo0 o, 000 ( :[N t,tEiiEER CL.\ORDI Nf.1TE5) 'x x"x'x x'x'x'++x'x'x'x'x'x x'x"x'x"x'x'x'x''* d'x"'1'x'd"x'x"x' ,J0INl' REfttTi0N5 'X' X' X"X' X' X' :\' X' X' '.Y X X' X'X' X X' X' X"X X'X' X' 'X' X' X' X"X'X' X'X' .JOlNT NO, ,338t -2,377 .314 1 ,335 I .6?1 3,361 1 ,961 ,307 1,689 -4 , 390 t, CIst -1.904 3,357 3 ,578 HEi.IBER END FORCES FTX RY RX RY RX RY RX RY RX RY RX RY RX RY I L e ? 3 3 4 4 5 q 6 6 7 x..x x. x.-x. x..x..x..x.x- x'x. x. x. x- x. x. x. -a-. .x. x..x..x. x.x.n .x. x. x. x. x' x. N x'x"x MEHEER N0. I e 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 13 .t ": Itt 15 1.6 L7 Jc' l.1? r:u 3t :t 3:5 ?|:i 3Ct !7 r$ :9 30 31 3i 34 35 37 -r(f 159 ri 1., 41 43 44 F.X KIF,5 3.578 , 534 , e69 -i.377 .216 .,L7I , 098 1 .335 ,.53? - ,56+ .0sB -,0?B 3, 361 - ,49E,*,5i6 , $78 -,1e6 , 307 . 3EB .I73 -,7$+ -.4,390 ,1L? - . 913;: -1.90/t -1 ,05e , u83 -.09p i,il$ 3. t63 1,8pp I,U56 4,540 5, u36 -. 03J -1 , .55: - ' /146 -,?48 - . l6/i - .677 , eF1 ,5?4 ,379 rrrto rr-'D F,Y t( r F'5 -3 .357 - ,0?5 -,?79 - .338 -.319 -,318 -.595 -,314 -,6C:4 -,7IL -.456 -,071 -1 .691 -1 ,609 - .66i -,$r7 --t,.ii:J. -1 , ?61 -t, 150 -- ,4l3u -1 .998 -1,6$? -:t . 5t.J3 -1,097 -L . 5/r'7 -l, ilBr -l . 44.F 3,858 3.838 3, UitJ , 450 1 ,336 J. , 36/t L . {tLP ' S/rs I .1.O4 , p"t7 I , 05d; ,:65 , 653 ,764 , !69 .098 ,186 MZ FT- I{ 0. 00t1 ,4tr - .840 0,o0u -e.634 -I .155 - ,568 -0 , 000 -3,55r. -L757 -1 ,437 , 610 o,oou -6,651 -.l d,f'l |:i -1.. f:15 -t , :tr u,utu ..10, o3i -i , 5il4 -3 , 733 0 . 0tlt.r -Cr , .ii'fP -4' , 3/rl -1 . !16/r' 0,fi00 -? , is.: If- , 4ed) 14, r03 ,'.i11 , S,':u ,87tt 5. Su6 5,9t8 & ,447 5 , ri7;t 5,3r3 $ , o.5c: 5 , 7ill. 1, d4t] i:.-,7/n3 3. E?3 t fitrt 1.O:3 1,OO7 PX KIF,5 -3 .374 -,534 -,t69 ?,377 -, !16 a'71 -,098 -1 , 335 -, 539 .564 _ . DBIJ , 099 -3 , 361 ,49$ .536 .-. 578 , L$6 - , SrfJ -, 173 ,7 h4. 4.39u -, LLI 1, Fil4 r,856 - , ilES , 09p -t,36e *i, sliip -'.f ,llSCr -4 , 5tr0 -5 , rJ36 , fJ33 1 , 55i: , /146 , i:48' ' l$/+ .6?7 -, r81 -, 594 -,37? 5ECOND END F'V KII}5 i,357 , o3:i . ?79 ?1cl ,319 .31S q+q ,314 , 66Cr -]1',| ,451t -,597 t ,691 1 ,609 , $6r , &1.7 '- , :iB6 1.gdi1 3, l:itr ,450 , 665 r,6fi9 .t Ei i:J --t 1 ,097 I riJ.? -.ii , 5$l , /tfr9 -3 , []FB -: tl?t{ -3, U43 -, 45u -.1 . t36 -'1 , E&/r -t ,4.1? -, {3di.P -'1 , :[U4. .- {?:{ ? -L. U5S - , .:: (:t -J .-, 653 -.764 -,369 -,098 -.186 r'tz FT- H -31 .06t - ,80s -1 , Oi0 -6 ,305 -3 ,46t -,96+ -1 ,0r1 -5 ,858 -3 ,555 -t.030 -t ,617 , 09? -L5,77+ -8 .35? -3 , 558 -1 .671 -.7&L -1g,3tlu -10,035 -2 ,30e -3 , 363 -1s,757 -rl , 167 -4 .438 -i , 86S 4,681 -4 . 3tt] t:,356 9,e63 3,604 5,935 6 , 0tj';i 7,033 3 , 584. E r -?ar 3,S67 4,3eF .8;r4 3 , 4li7 3. 363 1.534 -, oPl ,76r -3- l{su.rj.sFrr lji fi*rnt-=n [nn=ult ing 5tructur.rl En';inter= 31'1f, EsEt Third Fue,, Suite ?i0 Denuef , L:oiorsdu OBIBE llr:1lJ lIi-liIX lltlHE : DHIIELES fLl{ELlJEf DHTE:-5r21r87 FRLIJEIT:TEIIHEIISI]UI'I RE'II,EHCE PFID"IEUT IIUi'IEIEH:"qTEEE FPI]I4E FIT EEIB LII1E S topyrigFrt l:lll 1gi.{:, ltll Eei ler'-Fennc'crr., Int, HI I Flegi:,tered Seriai llunrher : LlSH-tlEE{[{[{tl ri'Jhti T'EEer-uE'l , FL$]t'it FFiilt']fl Ftii'#LY5I5 llu iE-1 : .x .ir .x .x. ..x. .fr .x. .i( x' .:(. 'x x. .x. .,{ j.r,, * ',r .F .x x. .\. i,i. .y x. .i., )4 .ts 14 }l'lil.i(::1't.lliiri.- F' t:t Fl ir i''i E 1 ti. F: ir N0, ,iF ,JfJ:l.NTi=, 8 N0, nl;: Mf-'i4F',Flti;|:: ii ii.{li$.I.)=" .X. .x. X. X. .F, X. .,{'i{..F ..Y. .x.' .x. ..x. x.-F x. x. i+ xi x 'ts ',a j.* 'x' '.t';'x ,t'.ts '.-v' 'x ,Jfil.N1' l0ttliLlIN{:lTE:9 'H X' * l* Ir i( F i4 X' ,v; ld ti '.E I; H .\ 'H .v: 'F 'l{ 'X' .S' F X'.H. '.t'N :t?nFr.r ,r,(' X X"{'X' X'''F X $ .?{'H' X X' K' ?'{ X F X'X X -I' X''X' X x' .X' -E' X'Y' .JOINT H0, l. ; + X FT E , I]UU i? ,5[iil il , nil0 F,5n[ FT rl . uilil fl , 0riil :+ , :r;1t1 ,J O I t'lT N+, I: ,5 ? |f FT U , 0tlrl F,500 U , rlilii i) i:. f'rr' FT l.t] ,6Su t'cJ,,{nU 14 . $i51., il6 . 6dO X..X.X.X..\.X..t..v'..X'.X.'X'.X.X..YX.X.X''}r:X..XX.'r*..Y:j.n.i1',vr.'x:**i'iHili:][iF;f1i:l';tIr[:RTIE.Iix'i+**-x'".. }4EHBER INCIDEN]''JOII.1T5 I.-E}.If;TI.I NI.IHA I NO. .J]. ,Ji FT TI.I^? IN^4 1 1 3 F,3f, 4,!7 33, S0 : 3 5 9,33 4,!7 i3, B0 3 5 7 S,00 4.'J7 3J'SO .t I 4 g,_1:l 4.i'.7 33,80 5 4 6 9,33 4'i7 33,80 6 6 u E,0u 4 '17 f3, EO 7 3 4 9,50 6'4F 118.0t1 r3 5 6 F,sil 6'4'9 Ll$,otl I 7 s F,50 6,49 118'00 i .x.xxa'*ri..x..xxx..x.x.x.xx...x.x..x.xx.* ,0t REs1'ftfiI1.'11'5 (FREE=0, FIf=f) x"x"r'x'xx'x"x"x'x'x'x"x'x'S"x'x'x"x'l(x' ,JOINT NO. X Y ROT, I. 11T]F'INNED IllOPINNET) x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x x,x.x'x..Xx.x..x.x.x-..x.x..x x..x x..*.Xx..I. LOAD CAgE S I .x.x.x'xx...x..x x'x"X'X'x'x'x'x'x'x'x.'rx'x'X'x'x'x"x'x'x'x'x' I'IIND LOADING .F.XX.X.x..x.x.r(.x.x.x*.x.x.x.x..x x x..x..x.x.x.x..xx..x..x'x'x..x. LOADED ,JOIi.{T5 X.* 14 x'.x * x.x.x.x.X.X-x..x.x..Fx..x.xx.X'x..rX x'X'X-'X'x'x'x'x J O I NT F'X F.Y I'tZ NO, KIF.s K]:F.s FT-I< .X.x.x.xx.x.'I.x..x.xx..B'y:.x.x.x'.x'N..gx..Fid'..X'.X.X.y,.X..Fx',$.x.L.i.1ilFci11][:+{1''.*.t..'XN..1..xx..Il.x*i(.XX..)4.KlY.*X.*. lll:NL\ L0ADI:t'l* {..x,:x..x.x..'x.x..X''lx..x.x..x.K'.x.x.x'x.xd..x'HENP'EIr|-$f|J5(].t,1i"{Eritli:Hc+oRDINA1.E5}.X.d..X..,{.X.X.X'XX...X..x.'x.x.x.*f.x'*.i' l'lEl'tgE.R U f..I AI F:i Al F3 A3 NL1 . K'/F.T KIF.g i:T KIF.5 Fl. HIF.:i FT 1 , l.;i O,0n 0, nil fr, Dn il , uu 0, ntr $ ' flo 3 ,1.3 0.Cfi il,0ti O,tlU tl .0n il .Oti 0.OO 3 ,13 rr.0ll il,utl il'nn 0'0t] u,tlti 0'n0 '(x.x.x.x.x.x.x.f.x.X.F..4X'..\..'\'X'.X.Xd.x.x.x.x...Ex.x..x...Y..JoI}.l1.DI5Iri-AiE:|,lEl.1l.5.x.'{.x.x.x..X.x.x..Xx.xx.x.x.x.x.x.E.x.x' .JOTT'IT HOR]ZONI.AL UERT]CAL ROTTITION NO. TN IN T{fiIJ, U, EEI 0, 00ll -1, tt3 -1,11:5 -l ,336 -1 ,336 -1,390 -1 , 39u .xx.x..x x..x x.x..x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.t x.x.* x.x.x.x.x x.x.x.x.x.x. ,JOINT REACTIONg x.x..x'x.d..x.'x x'x x'x'x'x'x'x'x x'x'x d'* x-x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x' JOINT DIR, REACTION NO. KIF.5 OR FT.K I RX l- B€j? 1 RY 4.675 I RX 1'4lt3 I RY -4,67s x.x..x.x..x.x.x.*.x.* x. .x. ry. x. x. x. .x x. MEMp.ER E'r.,lD FOF(CH!:i :N HEHEEIT COOtj{DINATEg) .x.x.)(..Yjx.x.x.xx.x.x.*xxx"Fi(' 1 3 6 7 B 0 . UUiJ 0,0nu - , 0t!+ . or,il -, uilri ,0Ul: - ,0u.: , UtJrJ ft.t ii , Oli; , o[L , 'JD1 0,u00 il , 0u1.1 0 , 0iiu 0 , 0r1u -.;t- . i. NEI,IEER N0, P KI 4, 1, t |l 3 + 5 6 7 I I -4, -{ i X Fs I +75 185 173 h75 18s +73 660 $ar T31 l i ,rT ,*o F.V KIF.E -1,889 -1,364 -,77L -1.4/+3 -,751 - ,339 3.489 1 ,011 t -74 t4z FT- K o. o00 -/r , 16l. -1 ,570 0,000 -3.341 -,781 t6,446 4.7t33 .6UO FX KIF'5 -4 ,675 -1,185 -,L73 4 .675 1. 185 , L73 .660 ,561 . t31 SECOND END F.Y KI F.5 ,7?3 ,318 -. ?39 l-443 ,7AL ,3e9 -3.48? -1, Ul.3 -,r73 Itz FT- I( -le. 185 -3, t13 -,60tt -13,460 -4. O49 -1 . 04B 16 ,708 ' 4.830 1 , tt48 -.5- FHIII.IE FIT EPIN LII.IE 7 [,rpyr'ight l:li] 1g$2, 1!'3f, Ieiler-Fenncrl-1, inr, FlL right:* r'e=ett"Ed. FJe'ri:rtered terial Humher : U5Fl-U1t1t{[][rEl Flilil[ FFJFT'IE FIHHLT5I 5 llriTES: X'',v, 'R tr i4 N 'l(' X ,4']( X'Fi?,'x li i{ Y, rv,"XX'ts x X,'('li x X.Y; i-{n, r-1i: ,.10:tl.Jj'5,::, 1;1 r'l'}, r.)f: !i TF; i.J t 1 i.i i:l r.r I-. F lriFl ii i4il. 1 [:: Ii i i'j i;'- H ti il.li 1j ,., 1. ,ri E: i H 1; '[ ) '', '.v:'.H 'F: i{ * X 'H' '.t * X' i4 X X Fi Fi .rii Xi .v': -.Yi i* '.R + 'F 'K'.X '* "E ilri:ji:rii X ]( F .X' .F .E .X' :(".8".Y' 'X' X"X .!'X }( X 'f X 'X".( X' X' ;i E 14 .B .Y.' i{'..Y, ..K. x. X'..x. ..Y,.F: X. .x. ..v: rr x. i( .x. .F ..4 .^H .x .H. x. E: +i .X. 't c. N ..{. ..x .}i. .x. ,J I I r"l I * {i ti F: i:i I i.l i:l 1' F- :i ,JOIN1' tto , I .? + (] FT tJ, UUtl n, 0Llti tr , nil0 ':r,3-iB :?.3J0 Lil ,66il ,J 0l:1.11' N0, ,:l ,:;1 l. Ll l. i. l. :i [: J' $ , sillj ti+,0uu t) , utli"l p,5n0 Cl , trilil !L.5i-)l) [:T :L ii , 66ti l.$ , i'6tl :;i,i, c;4LI i6, 66[ "J{f -i?fl ;i? ,,53u u 11"' I i:r 0 FT Iur] 5iltJ r.iutl JLJL' urlu 0uu x..x-.x x.x.x.x.x.x.x...x.x..x-x.x.x.x'x.x.x x..x.x'x x'.x x x.x..x i"tE.HEEF{ FR0F'ERTIF-5 .x x x'x'x'x'x'x x'x'x"x x'* x'x'd'x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x'x'x'x' I",IEHEER ]:NCIDET'{T 'JOINTS LEI'IGTI-I AREA I NO, .Jl .J3 FT IN^3 IN^4 1 l. 6 16.66 4,!7 33 ' 80 r 6 p s.0ti 4'!i i3'80 3 I 11 ?.,&7 rr,!7 i3.S0 /r I 4 F'33 /r'!)? 33,80 s 4 7 ?,33 4.?7 i3.80 6 7 10 s,0n 4.!7 i3 ' 80 7 rfi 1i t,67 4,i7 33,80 I 3 5 9,3.1 4,;:7 i3,80 :t :t !f i,,5;i 4i,:i,? il .8u iJ r.t -. , i -L". 'r l;,f ,fftI.3il lr=HJ-=r r r- +t f,L-'n:iu i t i ng 5t ru':t ura I Eng i neer:- 3113 Esrt Third gue., luite ?18 Denver'., tlslc,r's{is B82EG t]t:rl:r lli-ijli lltll'lE : IHFRLE! I'LliELtiEr PR[.lEr]T : TEHHEIIBt-{l_11,1 F:Ei I[,EiltE DRTE :5."i 1.'Bl FRLIJEI]T I{UIiBER : T]II:{Eil .10' 1L 1T !tr 4 6 ? 11 5 -1 c} to 1i I:iH o::l; 113 38 F,5n 6,4? 11S,00 9 , 5[ 6.49 118 . O0 9,5f1 &.49 :t18,00 * x.x.x.x.x.x.x x..x.x.x l x.x..x'.x.x.x.']( x. ,J0INT ftESTRAINTS (FF:EE=0, FIXED,=1) x'x"x'x"x'x"x"x'x'x'x'x"x'x x'x'X'x'x'x x' I I I .JOINT NO. l{ Y ROT , r I 1 0 FINI'-IED l l l U FliqNED 3 1 1 O F'INNELI X.x'x.x.X.x.x.X.x.x..x.x.x.X.X..* x.x.x.x.x..x.x..x.x..F.X'.x.X.x.'x LOAD eASE S 1 x.x..xx.x.x.x x...{..x'.x"x'x'x"x"x'x'x'd'x'x"x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x'x I,IIi{D LOADINGi x.x.x.x'x.'.X.X.x...x'x.x.x..xl(x.xx..t.x..xn.*o.u.*n.o.**o.+l.-0ADED,.J0]:NT.i.X'Fl.}{.X.X'X.i{'X..,Y.,1xi('*.x'.X.x..r.X..r.x. .JOII'.IT F.X F'Y I.,IZ NO, KII]E K]: F.5 FT-K x.xx'x.x.x.x.x..x..x'X.X..X..t(X'.X.t.X.F..Y...{..'Y..x'.x'.x.'){ix.x..xl.X.'xl'-fr.lDcA5Ei+].'X.'x.x.x..x...t.X.sif:X...X.***lv'. I'J:iiiD i_0fitiIi.lfi .x x.x.x.x.+4 r+.x.xx..r x.x..x x'..r i{..x x.x. t'iEHEER l_0ftF5 t INi 14El'1P,EIt C+0RDIi'ltlTES} .x. x. .x. x' ..Y.. x. x. .x. .x. x .x. x' .x. x. x. .x x' .x. x' i(' MF:I{REF 'J F 1 Al. t'':i i:tll F l ft3 NO. K.1FT KIFS FT KlF'5 FT K]F'5 FT l. ,t5 i1 ,fi0 0,0tJ o,Llo 0,ufi o'DF O,On 3 ,e5 0,01i fl,Oil Cr ,fln n,fiil O,OU O.0O 3 ,15 fl ,UU 0,ti{l tj,utl 0'uO O'OU tJ'0U .xx.x'x.xxx.xxx'.E..x.!('..Y.'x'.'X.x.)(.x.x'.K.i{..x..X..X..x.x...T-q.'.J0INr[iI5F.|...fcEllH:l.lr5x.x.x..{..'K.'X'x.X.x.x. .JOINT HORIZOFITAL UERTII|]L FTOTATIT}.] t,t0 , 'l 3 4 .5 6 7 B I 10 11 1T IN 0, 000 0,000 o, 0u0 -?, 003 -t,003 -t,635 -3 , 6tt -l , 6g0 -2.734 -? ??-r -?,737 -?,737 IN o,0D0 0 ,0n0 0,0n0 -,007 .009 - .003 -, UEE ,011 -,0U/+ - .007 -.004 -,0[7 Rf-rll , , o!:i: .036 ,0i6 ,0u3 .003 -0 , 000 ,0u1 ,oo1 o,00rl 0 ,0o0 -o .000 0,000 -:i- .x.x..x..x.x..x.N..* x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x x.x.x.x.x..x Oxx x x.x. ,JOIN'f IiEFICTI0NS .f.x n n n n x.x"r.x'x'x.x'x'x'x"x'x'x'x"x r('x'x'x'x +4 JOTNT N0. 3,t34 l, ,718 3.541 7.877 3 .554 -9 , 5?6 I.IEHEER END FORCEg ( IN i"tEt4EEFl COOttDINATEg) 'x'x"xx"x'x'*x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x'x'x' I-1ET,tEEft N0, il 6 10 -tI .t .f 't 'I Lrr .x.x..x. .x'.x' .x'.x'x. x' .x. 'x. x. x. x. .x. .x. .x. x. DIR. FEfICTION KIF.s OR FT-K ttz FT-K n,ilnfi -:i , tgt - afiq E, rlofi -11 , :50t1 -l , 5ct4 0.n00 -.J.0, r33B 3:t , tif 7 ;i , +t]i 9, "51,r .f AA 1 , 40s F.X KIF.5 ..l, /'1fr - .673 -, upu -7,977 - ;r/^i r'7 '7 , n90 L 59ir i: , ?5F fi R',f /+ , 4llil l,4Crt] .578 , IJ?F SECOi-.ID END F.Y KIF.5 -ll /r'31. -,03r - , lclt ,lt fr /. T :i ,634. , dr:)F , 1n3 ;l.554 il ,4.$"i -7 ,33di -1 , U46 -;l , i:li:? .- . :itl3 .- . $90 MZ FT- K L , 8rr0 -:, 453 - .40p -i:3 , 719 -13 , 163 -3. ri46 - ,44b -i3 , $:? -1i, 14fJ 34' .6&7 6 , 4tJ3 r.!:,14.t1 !, 873 . 448 RX RY RX RY RX 'RV {L I I 3 3 FX KIT,5 1. 71$ ,.973 , 09u 7,877 , 541 -, 673 -,090 -F . 596 *l , !151i -, u8t -/t , /iDS -:, jrSu - ,378 -,o99 FlR5T END tlv KIF.9 -: ,:34 -t ,968 - ,56S -l ,5:4t -:, 634 -, $99 -, rot -r, 554 *i:,4d'3 7, 336 1 , 0116 i, li5? , OFtJ -3- l{*r.rj.rfir {i E*'t'ntan C+n:.ult in! !trurtur'rI Engine:r= 3113 E3l.t Thir'd tlue,, luite ??0 Fenve r' ., f,s l sradu 0['ll8E r:IErl:r 3:i-tjll flHi'lE:r]HHELE5 HTKELIJE'f DBTE:5r?1"81 PRI:UEuT:TEflllEflEHlll4 REtlSEllrlE FF:Ll.lEilT I{UI'IEER :tliEEB FEI1I'1E FIT iTEIft LII'{E 7 C':p1rig1-'1 l:ljl 1gE:, 1tEf, 3ei lei'-Fennr-,ck; In'l , tll I right': r-e:iErt'Ed, Eer:i:itered Serial tjumher : U5H-tltlE{ittitE FLF]HE FF:I{I.]E HilIIL'T 5I5 lJutTEi: .X.F..{...{X'X..!X..t(.vl'.\.x...Yj'Et(.X..X.'r.x...Y:X..X.-vl.'xl..vl..v:'.X..X.t..E'.{'l-.t}|'|l'.l*|r:iH:+if.F..4'*x td r i!D I.-+AD :l: t,lt;; .XX':4X.X.X'.]<...X.d.X.x.)C.x.'4Nx..xN.Nx..X.X.*..\.*.X..ylXX.X.:d.L.0lit}[:D'J0].i.lTl].X'X.X...*5..E.X.I.']*i<;.i(.,V.'..4x..*$*.X.* '.JfJ]N]. F'X F'Y M; t'r0, KIFS K:l:F5 F]'-H x.'x...{...X.x..x..r..r:x...Y-3..y:.x.x.x.E.Fx.x.xf.'x.x-x*'r.x*'x..Yj:<|.-0Fl[ci.r5E+tfx.x.tN.Fl'x..'Y...5:xx..'4*x.x...x..Fx.X.x.x. I,lINLi LOFlD]:'\G x.x.x.x.x.x.d.* * x.x.x.x.x.x x-x.x..x.x. HEHEI,ER LOADS ( IN HEi'{Et,EIi CO0F:DINATE5) .x'x.x.x'x.x'x'x'x'xxx'x'x'x'x'x'x'xx tlEi-,lP,EFr i.J F 1 AI F i Ae F3 AJ T.IO, K,/FT K1F.5 FT KIF.s FT KIF's FT 6 .t5 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,o0 o,Du t] '00 7 . t5 0,00 u,00 0, oo 0, oo 0. o0 0,00 B , i5 0, on 0,00 0,00 0,0u 0,00 0 ' 00 I .t5 0,oo o,ou 0,u0 0,00 0.oo o'00 x'x'x"x'x'x'x'x x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x'* x'x'x x'x"x x'x'* x' ,J0INT DISFLAeEMENTE x'x"r'x'x"x * x"x'x'x"'x xx x'x'x'x'x'x"X'x'x'x"x x'x'tY' 'JO]NT HOFTZOI{TftL UEF|TICFII- RO].A1.II1N N0, Ii'l ltl RAD ' -.i.-. I P 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 t1 Id: 0. 080 0,000 0, ooo -e, l9B -3 , ?98 '8,747 -7.747 -E,747 -t, 878 -3, 878 -3.883 -t,883 0.000 0, 00rl 0, 000 -, 005 , o0B -,00.5 -,004 ,009 -,006 -,003 -, uo6 -,003 .018 ,030 .031 , CI01 . oo3 . 001 0,000 . 001 0,000 0,uuo t], 000 o, 000 .x.x.x'x..x.x.x..kx.x.x..xx..* x.x.r.x.x.x.x.x.x..xx.x..x.x.x'x'x. JOINT REIICTI0NS x.x.x. d..x.x.x. x. d. x .x .x. x..x. .x.x *.x x.x.'x x.x.x.x x.'x"* x'x' DIR JOINT N0. I.tEHE.EIt Nfi, REACT ] ON K]:F'5 OR F1'-H ,4dB ? ,77F i, 9E:: 5,755 3, t3t30 -8.535 .l I f .t 3 -1 Irx RV FX RV RX FTY x.x.x.x..x x.x..x.d.x..x.x x x..x..:(.X.x. MEi"IEEE Ei'lD FO|'if [:$ ( IN t4EiItlF:Fl C+fltlD:iNAl E':J) x.x.x x.x..F.x.x.x.d'x..x'x.x..x x...Y. L 3 + 6 7 B F 10 t.t 1T 13 I4 FX HiFS 3, .7'it?,7ri , 094. ii -? ri, rE ":[ , di77 -.713 - . il94 -8, .5.i5 -i -'fli 1.r71 - ,:31 - ,495 . 611. .099 F l R3T Er'ill FV [, l'E'C -, 46S -.703 -,l.os -t.9t:lt -r,70:J -1,963 _. t'|a r -3.880 -:,83;r 7, t31 t. n67 1,30r , 618 .094 l'12 [:]'.. K 0, oocl -3 ,3p? , 1tJ6 -il . uuu -6 , B$Il -5. Bdir *, 1S6 D,OO0 *$ , s?.I :54 , 6pg l.L.138 5,568 3 , O/+0 ,4&6 F.K r(l.F $ -,71t '- . UF/r -5.755 r ,4'/'/ '? 1 ..r , ii94. t] , :i35 'l , 3ut -L,t-/). I i::.J I , /tPS -, Ctll.*,u99 5E*r)r'lti END PV t-lz li l ij'5 F1'- H . /rcr$ -8. 738 ,7U3 -3,3:7 , :Lt]6 -, /t'5E t,98t -37, At9 r. , 7u3 -9 , DO6 - , 0;57 -3, 64+ -. t.u5 -,4e4 r,34A -35,3eO ,4'.t4. -& .'/?S -,7, r33 3+, O13 *i,u67 B.srrt -1 .3U3 6,79? -,61ts l, E3e -. o?4 . 4?5 1l l{er:,i.ehr ,!i tl'rn-.ult ing !tr'uctur'sl Engine:r= 3113 E3i.t Third ll'-'e., Suite ZrE Denver, Culsr'ads S02EE l_.ir:1.1-l Ji ( -/.i.7L ilHl'lE ; IIHFRLEi I'LHELUE PRrJ.lElT : TElillEf{EllUll RE5IBEHCE D'FTE:5r?lrE? FELI,-IEIT HUI{EIEF:SIEEE FPIII'IE IlT L]HIt' LII.{E 6 C,:pyright lDl 1'-c::l?r 'l!E+- iEi ler.-Fennr.rrk, Inc, 11i I rights r'E:,rEfuE'l , i:,tered leii,rl U!,Fl-E{t{Etr:lE{E F!_tltiE FFiHr,lI I5 !ltiFtLTS llrJTES: X'.X:..*X..}r4.'\..'\..)(.XX'.y...x.:(x...x.x..xN.X..x..x.'(...:i.'x.'I.F'xii..:i1'i..jU(::l.L]|;:lil f{O, 0F J0:iiJTii:: ;lfi Nr..1 , iii:' Hi:i4F,E-h:1i= i5.i.E: iK::ii)- iFltfit.l x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x..X.X..}:.X.X.i(.X..'\X..X.x.x.x.xx.x.x.'Y.xx..jt."tIi.'|T{0-tR|iIi.]r:l1.E:5.r.x{...x..x.i(..x.''Y.x...(. ,JOINT NO, I,IEi'lEER NO, FT 33 , ;::i[ 5:: , ::50 61. ,750 rl , oilrl 4 ,75n 14. , t:iu :3 ,750 33 , iStl 5e, e50 6r-,75[ 0 ,000 4,750 1/t , 150 c3 ,750 )( frT =_.9 , 3lrti 3:$ , isrr 4.i . 750 li:t , i.:in ei .7:iu 4 , 75il 3t , r50 4r ,75D 1+, i50 ?3 , 750 33 , i5u 4i , 7:10 AREA FT r.ii , 66il E1 ,3f,0 Lii . 66u Lll ,6+t) 1.9, d6u ::5.330 a5 ,3f,11 lt5 ,330 t5 , 330 r9 , 330 39 , 330 34, 660 34 ,660 :J4 ,66t) 34 , 660 I IN^4 I :l t+ $ o I t0 1:t 1: 13 1/t FT n , nili-J rl , ufitl u , 0i:rl F , 3;irl fi . .3.3 Ll F, Strl ? , :5.it] I .33[ 9 ,330 L 33t1 10, 0rlu t{l , 00[ a1 ,33n 31 ,330 lNCIDENT.JOINTS tl til ,.10l:i',ll' HO, 1.5 1S 1'r l.s tl' tu iil g-l: t3 r;.'1' ?ri 3'5 ?7 r: r:l ;t9 14EHEFJR FROF'ERT I E5 LEI'IGTH FT x. .x -x.x' .x x. x. x x .x. .x'x'x. x.x x. x.x' x. x. x x x' x' x' x"x x'x'x.x'x. x.x'x'x'x.x. .x ..x. x..x * .x. x'.x. x. 'x x x. x. x. x. N x. x. x. x' x. '- .t, - x.x..x' x.x'.x-x.x'd. x. .r. x.x.x. x. x.x.x.x. x.x' ,JO]NT NO 11 1i e0 13 l1 36 L4 ?7 I {li 16 e4 e8 ei 35 ?9 9 1A 33 1n 19 $ '| rl 1t 1/r 16 I7 1F Lp :Ji t3 :-5 =7 ;l? ,J0INT FE51'RriIttTg ROT, .L 3 3 4 E 6 7 s I l0 tl 1t 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 1?'ro t1 2;l e3 ?,4 +q. e6 ?7 3E L7 30 31 3T 34 4 r+ 1l 6 13 31 7 14 1 I 15 16 E+ I7 ril e5 3 I 1B 3 10 2 I l.l 13 14 15 17 ltl 30 3T i/r .:. O 38 10 ,67 ta, &7 5, 33 13. nD 4 .00 9 ,33 14.00 13,33 I ,33 e ?'t i,67 E,0n 5,33 6 ,67 4,00 E ?? 9 ,33 9, 33 & ,67 F ,3f, o ?? 9.5I1 9. 5E 4,73 -$ ,50 9,5n 9,5{] 9,stJ f,5u 9, 5n 9,5t1 ?,50 9.sri 9,sil 4,!7 +,27 4.?7 4,?7 4,?.7 4,?7 4.?7 4,?7 4,?7 4,t7 4,?7 4.i7 4,?7 4.17 4,?7 4,?7 4,?7 4.7.7 L A-J 4,?.7 4,37 4.!t- 6,/r? 6 ,4,? o,5.:t s,4'f 6 , 4i') e.+? 6, 4? 6 .4.? 6,4.9 i3, $t] 33,80 e3, 80 i3. B0 83. BO 33, SO e3.80 33,S0 e3 ,80 33, 80 33.80 t3,80 e3,Bu 33 ,80 t3,80 33,80 33 ,80 e3 ,80 T3. BO 33,80 e3. E0 33,Su i3 , Bt) 33,S0 :3, EO 11B,OIJ l.1B,00 r1B.O0 l. lEl , u0 118 , 0D :t LEl ,00 118 . OO l. 1s.ou { .r i} i.l t'l (FREE""0, FIXED=1)x. .x .,r..x. .x. 'x x. x. x'.x.x..x.'x. x. .F k x. x * x x. .r 'l J. I 11 11 11 11 1t 11 .l a Ll 5 6 7 t) u 0 o t) c) F.]:NI.,IEI) F.I NNEI} F'I NI'IET) F.] I.I'NE D F'INNED F,I NNED F.INNED x.x. * x. x. x. x.x' x' x. * x.,x .t(. x. x. .x x. x' x. x' x. x. x. x. x' x. -x. x.'x.'x 'x.x. x. .x..x x. 'x.r x..x .x x. x. x. x. x x.t(. 'x x x.x. x..x .x. x.x' x.x'.x.x' LOAD CAsE $ 1 TJIND L0ADINt; LOADED JOINTS t4z FT- K x.x.'x.x.r.x.* x x. x..x x. x-.$ x.x.x x..x.r x. x..x.x'x.x x'x'x x' JOINT N0. F'X KIF.5 F.V KIF.5 .-f,- x x. x. .x x.x.x'.x x x. x' x. x.x.x x x.'x .x x. .x. x' x.x .x..x' x' 'x'x.'x' 'x'x' x. x. g. x. x. .x x.'d. x ..x. .r x' x' x' .x. .x + .x. x x' x. x 'x x.o' d. .x. .x. 'x.t_0Ari CASE H l. t,IND L0ADIN1.,1 x. x' x' x..x. x. x x. x. x. x. x. x. x' x. x. x' x..x x.I,IE},IBER LOAD5 ( 1N I'tEI'lEER COORDINATES) I'IEHP.ER NO. 15 16 1'!? 30 e1 x..xx.t(x'xx.x.x.x.x.x.x'xx.x.x..xx.x.x.x.x-x..xx.x..xx. ,J0INT D I9Pl.-ACEi"lEI.'lTg .x.x.x x' x. 'x x. .x .r x. .F x x. x-.x x.x. x' x x' 'x.'x' x' x x'x"x"x o. n f n n * n n'.K' x. x.')r x. x'.* x..x. x' x..x x. x {:x...x'x. x. r* K1F.5 o ,00 u,oo 0,00 o, Do o. D0 x"x' x' x' x x' x' x' x' x' d' x"x"x' x' x' x' d"x' x' d' x' x x' x' x"x' x' x"x: x' J 0 I N T R E A C T I 0 N g U K/FT ,t5 .35 .t5 FL KIF'5 0 ,00 0,00 tl, oo 0. oo 0,u0 A1 FT 0,00 u.00 0, 00 D, Otl o,0u F3 KIF,E E,O0 0,00 0, 00 0. o0 0 ,00 n,00 o, D0 0, oo 0,oo 0,ri0 Fl ill F1' ..t.x. x .x. x. x. .x x.x.x.x.x x'x.x.x.x-x.x-x. A3 F1' u. 00 0, oo u, oo 0. 00 o, 00 JOIt.]T t't0, { t 3 4 5 5 7 c) F lrl 1:L 1l l3 14. 1.5 16 l? 1B 1r) tu tL t3 i3 35 e6 t7 T8 39 HOII l ZONTAL IN UERT I CNL ]N E ,000 E ,000 0, tiutJ 0,oou E',00n E. Uiltr u, Icri . LJ Lr .t- ,EU1 , Enl -,0i1;i , Et-,3 -0 , 0rio -, oo1 0 ,00c 0 , Dtltj , u3{1 , OrlS 0, 0Do .00!: 0. DrJu , il3i:] ' EO/t -0, nno ,03t3 0,000 - ,0DL -,001. .039 RO IAT i Oi'I RfiD , - , it01 . 0il9 , tiLtl , 0oEt ,807 , nni3 . LI('J , ilfJS , uil;i , D0:i ,r]u1 , ilt) 1. , nfi:i. , DUl. , 001 -tl , ilclil -fi, nilti Er , 0UiJ -O , 0fit-J il, uuil -u . fjtlrl 0 , utlrj -0 , 0Eu , DOi ,0c]1. o,0n0 -0 , 000 o,ooo o. t10{l 0, 0u0 0, [00 o, u{tn 0,000 0 , orJo E. $Ffi D. nu{:i -. 003 '- , 7{5$ - , 7,59 - , 6*.i -. dB3 -,77? -,78U - ,7S8 -, 7S3 - ,771 -,774 -.775 - .778 -.779 - n4.a - ,848 -,883 -, 883 -.743 -,783 -,933 -.9t3 .J OINT N0. DIR. REACTIOH KIF'5 OR F1'-K 1 t RX RY RX .- , /r99 - . 9/r3 . 863 -;- x x. x. x.x..x x'x.x.x. x..x.x..x.x.x'.x.x.d.x'fi..x.x. x.x. .x.x x x'x' .3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 RY RX RY RX RY RX RY RX FY RX FV 117+ ,759 - ,655 .56t i.76e ,489 -3.,377 ,464 .0s6 5. Ur5 l. 3e0 .Fx.x.x..xxx..x.x.x.x.x.x..x..x..xx.x. l,lEt4EER ENE FORCES ( IN l'lEMEER CO0RDINATE9) .x.xx.x'd'x'x'x'x'x'x'x"x'x'*x'x' MEI'IE.ER NLl , I t 4 6 7 I l.u l1 1E 1:3 ).4 {ri ra5 T7 rct 19 30 3E 33 l/r c5 36 ?7 2S l9 30 31 3e 33 34 F.X KIF.5 L, ta'li -8.377 ,386 ,086 -,394 - ,009 ,533 ,009 - . 9/r3 .844 - . J.99 , 806 , 154 .34ti -,8ti6. -1,194 -I . 199 -1,051. - .655 ,351 3,5E0 1,378 , 565 1,415 3, O16 5,331 4.189 1,587 1.053 -, 481 ,484 .096 , 39e FIFTST END FY KIF.5 -,5d1 -.' . rrBF *1 , U51 -,460 ,956 -,095 -1 .506 ,096 , +93 -3 , nr5 : , 3tJ5 - , 7l:{ -, r91 -1,14U -1,61v _-r. tjt r - ,863 qt q -3,14S -1,759 -. s05 .t _J n -'.1 l- [r]5 i ,76i ,481 1- OOS 1,043 .797 -,351 ,386 1.051 ,65t -,ooe , 154 MZ FT-K -0 , u0rj *0 , 00t] _- .1. , :r L; -0 , ufln 3. 191 - .609 -6 , 375 o , tiou -- I -d ?':r J :t, s3d -.f, . d:- -1. rf -,$s7 -4. 13t -3 , U5:r - t l"Tr? o,0uu 3,3i0 -5 , 1lJ3 -u , 0Dn . tf, r ,:: 8.375 4 .834 q $Fi? r,333 6 .64.7 9,064 3 .3S8 -.773 3, 688 6. 335 3, 144 ,?,77 ,896 F'X KIF.5 l,.377 -,386 -, u86 , .594. , ilu? - , 53:i -.009 (:) /,- -{ " . s44. . LFlr -,8n6 -, LS/r '- . 146 .8S4 ' 15/r L , 19/r' L 1'F'-t 1 , 051. ,655 -,351 -3 . 53r] -1,3;B -, 545 -1 ,415 -3,016 -5,33r -+ , 189 -1 . 5i7 *r , ost ,4eL -,4i4 -,u96 -,3Fe SECOND END FY KIPS t4z FT- K ,561 -5,987 , ttBP -5.3;13 1.051 -3,688 ,46il -5,534.-,95{r ,&3il ,095 - .?77 I ,506 -9,793 -, u96 .359 .- ,495 4 ,617 3, Ui5 '-1.4,900 -i ,305 .3L7 ,713 -3,4136 , t91 -.896 t ,140 -3.476 ,61? -1 ,61? -, tpe -.54$,863 *S.054 -,515 1 ,588 ,479 -3,654 -.574 --5,StF -1 ,53S e,559 -1 ,787 8,704 -1,005 4,7r7 -3,763 7. 13:1 -,4i3r. t,133 -J.,805 8,897 -1 ,O/t3 ,B+: -,7?7 4,?47 .351 -1.559 -.396 -, oi3 -1, Osl 3,651 -.653 3. 048 ,00F -.359 -,154. .568 _ r.? ^- FEI]I1E FIT EHII LIITE Ii ll'lEljright l:lll ltEir ltil lei Ier-Fenn,:,rkn Int, tl11 right:- re=etttpd, Regi=tered SeriaI lJumher : UiFi-t{E{|1iiil,-q +-t [i*r.t,i .=hr {i E,-rt-ril.=tl l":,:n=uIi ing 5t ruttural Enl:lineer'-. i1'13 Esst Third Ft.re, , Suite !28 f,,en'*,er, Iol{:,red'] BS2EE, Il[r]J 377-irl: lltll'lE : IIHHHLE|'' l'1ci{ELl.lET PRI]JEIjT : TEIIIIEI.IEFII]I'1 EE5 I DEHTE DHTE:5,'21rlli PR0"lEljT flUl'IEER:uiBEtJ l,i r. l'lii L0i:]i.'I i'lt:; .xx..X..X..j.4...x.Y.x.E..xX.X..Tx-X..!r!.Xl'.v:.X'r1'X'.'vl.I....x.'F:+(+(.X.}r4.Fl-.0f.li:JE:LI'.J/;1.l:i].:i FLiltlE FFirir']t FifitlLYS I5 i'triTEi: ,E..}.*r!.'t'X..ti4..1...B.Yi{.i(.'?iIr:..y:.'I.XlX.'V.F:.)rl.,{.Xlir:ir:d.i4'hii.X.[..i;)i:1i],:ir':.E:++:] .J O l NT F.X I-.Y Mi NO, I(IF,s KIF,E FI-K 'x*..Yj.'x.'.:{..x...-I'x'3'x'X++.yj.xi{..^B'x'.,\;ii..x.*y'..Fj'y''ir;..l(j..Y...Fi(.x'FL+r.ltjtf-litHHi:.x'4.r-..x**+{.x.* lqr.I Nii Lt1fi Dl: i'lt:; .x.'y{.x.X.xx..X.x.'X'X.x.'x.K.}C')C.}(.}i'x'xx.l",lF:},iEr'Eli|-L1fD5(INt4E}"lHE:Fjc{r+[iDIi.Jf1.E,j).X.j.rlX.x'-I;''{.X.'X..X.X. MEf,IFER td F 1 A I F'i fti t.j.3 A3 NO, K./FT KIF'5 FT HIF,s FT KIF.5 ts]' 1 ,t.5 0,0tJ 0.0u 0,DD o,oo 0,00 n.00 3 .i5 [,UO 0,0U 0,00 l],00 0,0u 0.00 6 ,ts 0.oo 0,0t1 0,00 0,00 0,08 0,00 x'x.x.x.x.x'x.**.xx.xx'x.x..xx..xxx.x.x.x.x.'x.x.x.x.x ,JOINT D I SFLACEi'tEl.lT g .xxx.x.x.xx.x.x*x'.x.xx.*x..x.x'x.x..xxx-x.x.x.x.x' JOINT HORIZONI.AL IJEF:TICAL ROTftTION NO. II-I IN FAD. -L- 1 ,. E' 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 13 13 t4 t5 16 L7 1B 1? 30 ;lL T3 t3 l/t t6 27 TB J:7 D,OOU 0, 000 0,8o0 0,000 tl. 000 0,000 o, 000 -.003 -.404 - ,404 -.79g- -,792 - ,593 -,590 - ,550 -.588 - ,550 *.550 - ,549 - ,7s3 -,751 -.543 -, 543 -,55d -,556 - orin -, p49 - ,577 - ,577 o, iltjti 0, 0u0 0, 00n 0,000 0. 000 0,000 0, 000 . ool -8. OOO , ool -, oul ,001 -,001 ,0n1 , ooa , oot ,843 0,000 ,001 -0 ,000 -, ur.J.L , D43 E, Ut0 , E4'3 -, ool .ouI ,0nf . r'+3 -,001 , o0:i ,005 ,010 , 00ii .005 n rl.:l . uo3 ,0u1 nn t , 801 , oo1 , 003 ,001 . noe u,00n -0 , Du0 -0, EIo 0.000 - , 0u:t , [t]i: -D , UO0 -t', 0U0 t] , 0uo 0,cuu 0,000 0,0n0 [, nn{] 0, 0ritl o 'F X' -r(i X' X 'X X'X'X'X'X'X X' X' X' X' X"X"X 'X'X' H' X' X' X x' f X 'X' 'K' x',.JOiNi'h:i:iltTI0N5 x...{ "1 'F.x .x x x 'x '.Y"F ts 'x t(' x' x 'x 'x-K' x"F '.x"F x"x '.x'x'N x x' ,J 0 r r'tT NO, DIR, IIEACTION KIF'5 ON FT-K I T I 3 3 4 q, 6 6 7 t(x RV RX FTY RX RY R;T FY FX RY RX RY RX RV FX KIPS 1.d43 -.53? -1, SrS .351 , 368 . 365 -:1 ,151. 1 ,6P7 I , ,543 t lf-ll - ,.539 , 114 , 634 3, 443 ,681 x..x.x..xx.*x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x..xx. I,IEMBER END F0F:CE$ ( IN HE14SER C00RDINnTES) x.x.x'x..x'.x.x.x'x..xt(.x.x.x.'xx"x I.tEI.IBER NO, FIRST END F.Y KIF.5 -t ,697 -, 693 i-l2 FT_K -0 .00t)*0 , n00 -3- F'X K]F'5 -1,643 , :i3'r' 5EI:OND END F.Y KIP5 -.?71, . dr93 t4z FT- H -3 ,875 -7 ,393 I 11 a .' 4' J 6 7 B I 1u 11 13 13 T4 15 15 L7 1S 19 3t] 31 tt 33 l5 e6 7'7 e8 t9 3lJ 3'l 33 JJ 34 1.104 ,634 - ,505 . 599 -,601 -.599 -1 . 63S -,34& -1 ,306 -. 168 -. 009 ,493 , 168 , o0? ,360 -. 549 -.3e4 -1 ,151. -, e43 11 1?.i -,053 - , 96;' -3 , 367 -t. 73r -.t77 - ,505 -.31?-t ,60s -, 538 - q.4 J ,094 , e;B -i*l -1.771 -1.lUS -,561 . 331 -e.003 -e, e8r ,438 -.0?3 -,??7 -,434 , 093 -,351 -. 404 -,e11 -.365 -,313 1.TET , 909 1 , 643 1 ,139 1 , 13ri ,96il ,4&7 , 843 1 , 10/t ' 3I/t *. 159 . $9S -,00F .7 LA,L -fl fir]f'l -5 , t37 -3 , 768 -6 , ES? -3 . 66u o, u00 -? , 17? L,7L7 - ,4e3 -,915 -1.56e ,337 -0 , 0uo -L,477 - , /tB6 o,u0D -,474 &,0$9 4,356 3.S75 6 , tu:l 6 , 6118 ?.7!9 I .5TB , f65 -i,566 i,15F -1 , 3$dr I , E]7S n?q -1 , 104. -,634 , 505 -,59? , ,501 ,599 1 ,638 ,34e 1,306 ,168 .009 -,493 -. t6s -, 009 -,36u , 5/rF ,3e4 1, 151 , 34J , u53 .9&? t,7t1 ,:l77 , 313 1 , 60tl +{ ? , 5tE ,5S:t - , r]91 -'r , s 1t] . 114 3 ,341 -,561 :[,1UB , :i61 - ?? r 8,003 3, 3Sr - ' /r3B no? ,7?7 , /r38 -, u93 , ;551 , /tO4 .111 , 365 . -''Id: -1 , tB:: - ,909 -.1.,643 -1.13? -L , tStr -,96[ - ,467 -,?43 -'l , lfirr -,3f4. 1 q+ .. , :199 , n0? I .5i96 -1 .365 -8. esB -r.a7s -7. e lo -3 , 815 3,O9u -9.513 -5 .876 1,788 -,075 - ,5?7 -. 189 . 161 -3. 378 -1.689 -.931 -3.401 -e,03? d.0s9 4, e75 3. 9tS 4,?tl 4 , 1.59 -.613 t,910 t,039 13 ,056 ,9-J1 -.148 3,815 - , 1.61. o -3- t{*u j.=hr di C.rn:ult ing 5t ru':tur gl Errgirreer= 31if, EsEt Third tlue., 5uite ??0 L'enve'r, Coi,"rredu OL'liFE []Elt rri-i]l2 flRl'lE : I-IHRELES l'hl{EL[E'/ FRlJ.lErlT : TEllllEilEHUt'l REi i ['EllrjE DFTE:5r?1,'Bl FRU.|EUT llUl4EER : LlitlEtl FFJBT4E HT L;HitI LIIJE 5 LlnFr!'right l:tll 1'-C'd:r 1tEI leiler-Fenn.,rrhr Int, Ft11 righti r'Es'ri-uEd, ftegi=tared !'erial flumber: U5l-t-tl8ErtiElg FLtlri[ FFifti'lr t]ru!:tLT5 T5 IIUTES: ialii' * i*- .E X '.Yl'.x: '.ts'+i X 'X' '.:( X' !+ * X' ,\i X X' L .X .Y .Y. X- i4 '.E' * Nfi , tii:. ,j tr.t i..l i.ij= -14. i,Jr_r . i)F 51'lt Ljt::T i.lli.;j1... ir i_ti-.i f.l i,i h:l'L-- it + ..* i.r: ..y; .*? ..E. ..a .x; rhi .ts {. i.r x. x .^* .F; ..ts .}(. ..4 .,r # ..a .E .s -r +{- N _}.{- i1E:;-1ui:':ti:r= .ij.ti E: i ii'i:i: I =, ;itfl0fl * x. x. x'.x x.x'.x.x.x. x.x'x' ..\. x. x. .ts x.* x x. x. x. x -x. x. .x. x. x x' ,i 0 r i'"|l t'10 ' l. 'j 1? ::l t] .,! { ::r ;13 J:. "t I5 t6 i7 38 L7 3U 31 -ia J '.f ME.I4EER F'ftOF,ERT ] E5 x. x. x..x. x'.x x.x.x. x. ..x. x. x. .x. x..x .x..x x. x. x. 'x x' * x' x'x' N x' ,J 0:I i'tT NO,F'I' 3$ , 0i1{l 57, UUii $$, 5r"iti ; TJ , IJT}D il , fj0tl :* , 5$U Lp, DUI !8 ,sfiU 57 ,000 66 , 500 76 , DU0 3S ,0(]0 47 ,500 57 , 000 66 , StlO o, Du0 9,500 t-T {l , i:iliu u , il0rl 0, Lit]n iJ , uili:i i? , 3.Ifr :?,..J.5il F,330 9, :i30 9 ,330 a ??n 9. 330 1r] , 660 1S . 660 18.680 1i3 . 660 31 ,33Cl :1. , 330 X FT ,!--J , Jt_J t,J 3[1 , iir"lr.i Y , SLln 1:; , DUl.l 4.7 ,I'ii.iiJ 57 , ilni-r t? , 00rr 3E! , 5[rtJ 38, 008 47 .50fJ 57 , n00 19 , 000 38 ,5tr0 3B ,00u 47 .5tr0 38 . 000 47 ,1f:fi r1 , 33t) 'jr .t t'? f1 ;:5 ,3311 :5 ,33il 35 , 3,3r1 i$ , 33rJ t!r, 33ll :9 , 33Ij 39 ,33rl c9. 330 TO it -l fl 34 .664 34 ,660 34, 660 34. 660 41,330 4t ,330 FT T !: -f, it 17 in 1.1 13 l- Lt .t Ei I(] L7 : i I { i"tEi''rBEF 1i-ICID[:NT,J0INT'i .-r- L-ENriT['l 6F.:Efi +10..lil 1.6 I7 30 31 74 i9 -18 .lE 30 1t 19 36 '7t J.J 2t ?7 33 34 p L lr. i3 EB 10 15 11 IL] :1 1 13 tdr 19 17 iL Tf, 35 d:O 3rJ 30 .f.l 3lr J.5 ,Jl FT .li:. IJLJ 1t .00 4.,OO 16 , OO 4 .00 5.33 L3,oo 8,0t) E,7? 18 ,66 t,67 8.0u 5, 33 & .67 & ,67 4,Ou q a? 6,&7 I ,3.5 E,$7 4,0u 9,33 {? a-I 9,33 9,5u F,sfi 9,sfJ e 1r1 P,scl {f, qrl P ,5Ll 9,50 9,.5n ?, 50 9. 5C) 9,sfJ 9,50 :[N^ll 4.?7 4.?.7 4,t7 4,'t7 4,?7 4.i7 4.t7 4.t7 4,t7 4,L7 4,?7 4.?7 4.2? 4,t7 4.'57 4,'J7 4.!7 4,ii.? 6,41? $,4.fi fl , +:!/ t,49 6, 49 6,4p .5, +i7 6, 4.9 6, 4.9 6 ,49 6, +9 6,+i? 6 , fr.li C) , 4.S IN^4 t3, so 33. S0 r3.80 83.80 33,90 33,80 33,80 t3.80 33 ,80 ?3, BO ?3, BO t3.80 i3, B0 e3. so t3,80 13,80 :3, 80 i3 .80 r3, Bu 83. BC 33. BO 13, 8u E3.BO 33,80 33,8O 1ts ,00 :1 1$. D0 1l.s, fiE 11S,LlO 11B,DO 118. OO 11S,00 118 , 00 ltB,oo 11A, OO llB.rl0 11E,Ou 118 , 00 11S , 0ll 11S , [0 T t 3 4 ri, 6 B I 10 11 1e 13 74 15 16 T7 1{3 1r? 30 el ei 33 35 l1A ,:t? iB ?9 30 .(| ?? 3:5 & t7 7 3/r 7q 36 3E 1at 4D Et e4 I LB .l.i 1 1E 19 36 31 t3 t3 ?7 ? ^tl t I 1/+ T3 10 {,r I 1fl l.? IJ 1r] Ifl t0 3i a4 e5 ?? t? *fr 7:[ 1+ x.N x. x..x.x..x.x..x x.x x. x. x. x. x. 'x. x. x x.x. JOIN'I' NO. X Y JOIN'T RESTRAIN'TE ROT. (FREE*0, FIXED=1)'X' X. 'X. 'X 'X X' X' Fi X. X X.X. X 'X X' X' X' X"X d'X' I -1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 J 4 5 6 7 B 0 0 u 0 0 0 o o F.INNED FINNED F INNED F.INNED F,I NI'IED F.INNED F.INNED FINNED x..x.x'x.x x..x x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x x.x..x x..x'x.x.x. x. x. * x.x.x.x'x. LOAD CASE fl 1 -t- 'x x. .x x. .x. x. x.x'.N'x.x'x. x. x. .x. x-x,x.x'.x'd. x. x. x..x x' x' 'x x' 'x x'* .x. x.x. x. x..x .x x. x. x. x- .x. x. .x. x. x' .x. .* x.x.fi.x'.x. .x.x .x.x.x'x. t'IIND l-OADINf; LOADED.J0INT5 x'x"x t4z FT- K F'Y KIFS x.x. x. x N x +( .F x..x. x. x. .x. x. .x ..x..x' x. x. x. x. .x' .v.' .x. x. x.d..x'..x. ,.J O I i'.1 T '.JO].NT HORIZ+NTF1I.- UERTITFII- NO. IN IN I 0,u00 0,rrDD I U,000 0, nDn 3 0, DE0 ti,oilo 4 0, u{lu u,00u s 0. 080 n,000 6 U. U0U E, OOO 7 0,0n0 8,00n s 0,000 0,000 I -1,399 -,803 1il -l , 399 ,0u?lt -1 . 399 , OO3 J.3 -1 ,7+8 -,015 14 -L ,744 -.003 15 -L.748 . OO3 16 -1 .635 -,003 L7 -1 .636 .001 18 -L?34 -,0011 19 -1,735 U,000 lo -1 , 68t .001 El -1 ,683 ,00e 3i -1,854 -,015 13 -1.854 -.008 g4 -L736 .00I e5 -1 .758 -.0{1t 36 -L.73? -0,000 ?7 -I.,877 -.014 38 -L877 -,001 e9 -1,760 ,00i JOINT NO, F.X KIFS x..xx.-xx.x..Fx.x.x'x'x..xx..x.x.F.*.x.{.d.x..x.'x x.x.x.x.x.x.'x LOAD CASE S 1 x.x'x'.x.x.x x.x.x x..x.x.x..xx.x.r.x..x.x.x.x.x.x-r( x.x x'xx. tllND LOADING x..x.x.x.x.x.x..x'x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x'x. I.IEHBER L0nD5 ( 1N l,iEi{BER COORDINATES) x-x.x.x.x.x'x.x.x x'x.x.x..x..x x.x..x x..x IIEHP.ER I'' Fl A1 FT A3 F.3 A3 NO, RlFT KIF.s FT KIF.s FT KIF.s FT L7 . e5 0,00 0,00 0,00 0, oo o, ou o.00 18 , t5 0,00 0, n0 0.00 0.00 u,ol] f], on i:t ,r5 0,0il 0,00 0,00 D,0n 0,00 0,flt1 It . 15 0, on 0,00 0, u0 0, oo 0,08 0,00 e4 ,35 0,00 D,n0 0,00 rl.o0 0,flF 0,CI[ 15 .t5 u,ofr 0,r"10 o,DO 0,t10 O,O0 o,Otl D I liFLACEHENI'I: ROTAT I ON RAf) , ,01.;i , olB , DlS . ulF i-1 .t -, , 016 , It3 ,017 , o0i .D0L ,[tJ1 U . DT]U D , 0t10 , DOl 0,uoo . 001 , 001 , ool - .0u1 0 ,000 , 001 0,000 0,000 , 001 -0 ,0u0 ,0u1 0.000 0, 0u0 -0 . 0uu .X x' X 'X"X. X-'X"X:'X' X"X'X' X"X'* 'X'X'X"X'X X' X X' X' X"X' X'I' -3- x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x x.x.x.x.x..x d.x.x.'x x..!( x'x.x..x x..x.x x..x'x. ,J0INT REACTI0N5 x.x.x.x.x.* x.x.x.x.x x x..x x'x x.x.x.x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x x.x. 3il .JI 3:: 33 34 ,JOINT N0. MEI.'lEER NO. -1 , 7.50 -1.876 -1 ,877 -1 . 909 -1 , 9u9 -,00r -, u|-r.t -,014 -.0n1 -,014 0.oil0 , 001 -0 ,0uo -u , Eo0 -0 , uD0 DIR. FEACTION KIF's OR FT-K d..x'.x x. .x' x. .x..x..x...{ x. ..x.x...x. .F x. d'.K. , 319 - , O/r0 1,753 3 ,387 I 4 q? -i, /t13 ?,74V -:: , 858 ii , B?3 I ,010 -1 ,'t39 ,41F -1,i/rl I , 1165 .1 , liILJ 14EHP,F-R END FOFir:iJ-::; 1 1 e I 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 i3 RX RV RX RY RX RY EV RY RX RY RX nt Rx ( l.ti HF:H[:rEFi tL\+ltD INfi fHt)'x x. i( .F x. ..x. x. d. .r. x' +(' .x .* x..x. .F x 'I i -t 5 7 B 10 L1 1: t? I4 15 16 L7 LB 19 30 31 T4 E'V K 1l-'5 I BirS -1. t3? -1.,l/tL 5l ? ,0:} 1. /rlfi , l. SC! -,0i7 -. 040 -,69t ,53t I,t3L , 331 , 030 -,95I -1 ,331 3, 387 -,506 -1, t5t - ,278 -3 , 41? .- 1 't-?'2 r- I ttST' Ei.{D F'Y t( l:F,5 -1,053 -1, tilu -'i ,06r -,4:F -:l ,4Pi .30+ -:t , 065 . L/'rt - , 3O/t -,31F 1,199 -'14?-l , 360 -,LB? -L,358 - , 471. - ,639 -1,460 -1,75r -1 . e59 -1 ,949 -1,169 -1,953 -t, 864 FT-I( 0,nno -[ , ufJU -t , 7iI -i:l . UUrl -'ci , 3$Cr t,:5;ri -11 . fi{lu 3, Otril -L 11J. -0 , noo E , 78lt -1 , 35,q -6 , 13:l -,178 -4 , S33 - .637 - , 16tl -3, 1$3 -0 , ono *5, 186 -4 .3I7 -1 ,445 0,00n -9,60? -4- F.X KII]5 -g, o:y;i 1 . 1.i9 -1 . ;?54. I . i:'+ J. -1.4. 1u '- , 14,5 , uii ,04fJ . 69r -,53t -.t , cJ J. - ' ;:31 -. u:o fJE,il 1 , e31 .-3 , 387 ql't L ]- f51. Fl?cl r,377 5EI+Nt} F,:ND F.Y K I F'i: 1 n q? :t, i:i1B :i , usi . !f.t. :3 1.49i - , :3U{i -t . t.r (:} !l -,i!/+ ,3[]/t :Il Cj -r.,19?,t f. .'j I J. ? r:- 3 , 36t] ,187 1 ,358 ,47L -,693 -, l.flE 1 ,7.53 1 l]Eiq ,:lB1 . r&9 L ,953 , .931 l'tz FT-K -t:, s40 -li,rlE -6 , 863 ,14.7 .I(JI - ,54',7 -5, 945 ,418 , c.::o -6 .447 -1 , 07 1 -4,!34 -1, t45 , 313 -1, 1e6 - 16 , 3/tB -6 . 558 -t , :/,{ r -1S, ie6 -6,331 F5 E6' ?7 E8 e? 30 31 3t 33 34 35 36 37 38 3? 40 -t, 858 ,4?5 -,413 1.519 , 165 1 ,387 1 .073 t.064 , €Pe t. 8tl7 2,314 - . 1.65 -, t97 e, 179 ,181. -,5+5 -#: 8.858 ,658 .633 1.E34 3, 893 t,734 ,972 .485 ,699 , t7s . o17 .999 ,331 r.377 -0 , 000 31. , 533 1e, 3S$ 3.163 1,7Sd 10.68P 1t, 640 5,538 4 ,87t) 4.330 .73t] I .413 -.?47 6,635 1 , 071. 6,851 -3,8s8 -.6st -.633 -1.1e4 -t, 893 -1.754 - ,973 - ,4€5 -.699 -. e78 -,trt7 - ,999 -. !31 -t.377 -L4.7&8 15. 449 14.768 3, Ir35 4,ttS .943 14.841 11 . 131 4 ,365 ,3BO 5.906 1.e33 .5Ug i ,870 l. , 1e6 6.331 ::li3 O-,:fi13 .413 -1,519 -. 165 -L.337 -1.073 -3. O64. -,89e -3, 807 -r,3le . r65 ,197 -?, r79 -. 18L ,545 -5- l{*r"t.j efr'l- ,!, f,r'nsult in! !'tru.:turrl Engineer= 311f, Eri.t Third Hup,, 5uite ?!0 Denuer, tlolorado fi0iB6 llr:l]J l]i-Ill-j litlllE:tHllHLE5 l'hHELllE PRrl.lEtT : TEHfiEllEFlUl'l F:Ei I DEI'liiE DIITE : 5.'i 1rll7 PRTIJEUT llUl'IEEE:EIEEE FFIflI'iE HT EEID LIIIE 4 Ll,rFyright l[] 1gg:r1tE.l Ieiler'-Fennnelr, Int, flI1 right=. FE::Erue'l , Regirtered Serial tlumtrer : Ll5Fl-tllE{ttitliE Ft_t:tiit FF:tll'l[ ilutllT5I5 H0TE5: X"X'X''X".X'X'X"X":('X'ts ts- Fr'y.rXRX'K'*'H'B'E S r1 X *,rd'Fr !:i l" Fj t.J{ 1' L][i f.i l,_ i:,r:ir{ t-1i'18:1 [:lt:i *..x...{..x i* F.B.,\(' ts .s .* .i( .(. .x. 't ..I' .F. .K ..v: N..{.+( E x.Fj-x.vi N+, 0F .J0l.NTli= I7 NO {ii: t'i[::H[:]E:Fii:"= .5i E: (li:iI)=" :i/nilil .*.x..x'*.)t ...r .i(.x. .E ..:{. .tr .F ..x. .x. .* .i(.x. .x x .k x .i( ..{. ..t ii ..! x ..i. i( .14 ,.J rJ l. l'11' t0+itD I NdITE:'j 'X"X''X' * id' F .Yj'.1'-.lt: K 'X' X I''X'+ .X X'v.'X' .E x X' * X' .Yi ts"X't('X' x..x. x..x. x.x.x..x x'x. x..x..x'x'x'x. x.x'x. x. x. x x. .,'(. i(. x. x. x. x. x ,JOTNT i'J0 , l' It Jri l. fr .t? .|i] t{l i::U ::1 i,: i3 :14 :5 .::.C! t7 T,IF:I,IEE il F,ROI-'HRT I E5 x. x. .x ..x. x x. .r. ..\. E x. x. ..x. .x x. x.-x'.x..x x'x'x' x. x' x. x-.x x. x. x' JOINT NO,FT 1/+ . 150 T-d ?rrii 33 , i5r-J 4i,7M c'J a qn O , ir0D rr , 75t] 0,nil[ 4 ,750 t3 .7:io 33 , i-:rl 4e ,75U FT D, i:lutl ? , 3l[i :t,.5ltl .| 3:irl :L il , nil[i iB, riiril 1t],6dD 1B , 660 lil,660 1S,660 r.s.6dil f:T 5i , i:it-) 3l , I:iLl iti , 7,5u il , 00rr 13 , ?5C lt , I:ir, r !t i ,1 !, lJ e3.750 4..7:i0 1/t, i50 14. , ::iD 33 , 750 F'T f.i:l , &4il n4' , OilfJ irr , [--tiifl '1,f, -l : i! tti , 33[ :i'f , 330 34 , $60 3/+ ,6$0 34 ,660 44 ,000 44, 000 41 ,330 41 ,330 :t 6 E I L0 1:t 1t 13 t'lEMgEti NO, t INClDENT ,JOTI'IT5 t{ t.:l LENGTI-I F'T 4,6ci ARET-I I H^T 4.t7 I l:N^4 i3,s0 q 6 1 B c} tl 7 ct 1B IL I 10 Ei: 36 3 11 1-e 33 3 1i 1$ 4 Li) 5 a I 1il rl. 1i t-t 15 17 ii. 33 :6 I -_r F J-O 31 JIJ ?? ?6 1q 1t 19 e3 E7 13 {E ...r t] 13 1A 1,4 LtJ LL .t -t 13 10,s7 6,66 10,67 5 ,33 9,34. 1B,6Ci 16, OO 4,67 ? ,67 I ,33 10,67 J,JJ 6 .67 q ?:( 5,34 5,33 9,33 5.34 c) a-;{ 9,5D q 'i r1 9,50 9.5u 9, 5n f. i:ilt F . F",i-l 9, sfi 9,5tJ 9,511 4.i:;t 4,?.7 4,i:.7 /t,3ir t+,!7 4,i:7 L :J-} 4,t7 4,77 4,i:.7 4,?.7 4.?7 4.?7 4,?7 4.!.7 4 .i!7 4,:!? l+ , ?ll 4.i7 & ,4rj d, 4!r $ , /r.li 6 ,4.9 '5, /r.9 $,4.ii c) . ,.t :r $ , 4.i? ii, ri.:? 8.3 , BO 33 ,80 f-Ji,8u 33 . rJ0 t3, BO 'i3, B0 t3,80 i3,80 33 .80 t3, B0 i3, so ?3 ,80 !3,80 i3,80 33, B0 :3.80 t3,80 33 .80 33 , r30 i3, s0 33, S0 3J,S0 11S , itu r_ 1r] . o0 11S,O0 1IE, UO 11.S, D0 :t1.s.trr] l. 18 , UtJ l.Lri.nn LJ.E,t.r0 l.1s, n0 X..X. X' X- + .X .X. X. .X .R .X X. 'X..X'X...H' X'.ts X' X. ],i ,.101:NT NO, t.+ .L Cl 1$ i{l ii'J :i:3 i5 i:.7 ,., rJ l: i! i RF-51'Rtl I illT:; h+r, F I Nr'.,|L.$ F ii!l.rE[i I'' I li'ltifl F' r t.l i! E. ti F.INI.IED F Itli'Ji:D F l Nt{F_t) 10 11 13 13 t4 lti 16 L7 113 1? T t'l l1 ::: T3 ;5 36 27 r: if !:? 30 f,1 3::: -1'Z ,JOINT NO, (FitEE.-U, FIXF_D='L)x. 'x' d. x. '.x x x. x- x.'.x. x. x. x. x x. x. .x. x'* x'x' t) u u il n rl L 3 4 ri o 7 I 1 t 1 1 I 'I I 1 1 1 I 1 x'.x'x'x.x..x.x..x..x x. 'x. x.x. .x..ts x' x.x..x x x. x. x. 'x. .x. x 'x. .x'x. .x. x .x..x. x. x. x. x. x. x'x.x..x..x x' x. x' x. x.x.x.x'x.* x.x.-x.x,-x x'x'x.x. L0AF CA5E $ 1 I.'|IND LOADING LOADED.JOINTS x'x'x'x.x.N * i(. x. x. .x' x * x'x. x. x. x. .x. x. .x. x.x. x.x. x' x. x x' x' x. x x. .x. x. x.x..x'x x. x.* x. x.x..x.x'..x..x.d.x' x'.x x' x' x' x x' x"x x' x FX KIF.5 FY KIF.5 MZ F1'_ K LOAD Cfl5E S l. x.'x * x.x.x..x..\.'x..8 N'x'.x, N.x..x.x.x.x'x'x.x.x.x'x'x'x'x'x'x'x. x'.x x. x. x. d..x' x'x. .x x. x. * .x x. x. x.x. x. x. .x x' x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. *:i" x. x. x. .x x. x. x.x. * x. .x x. x' 'x.x. x. x. x. .F x. l,Ii.lD LOADI:N'.,1i MEMe'ER LCAnS (1N l'lE14Bt1R COORDINATES)x. x'.x. x. x. x. x. {'.x x. x..x. -x. x..x. x. x x..x. x' HEttP.ER N0. l0 13 14 t7 19 30 l,l R/F'I arE ,35 .t5 ,35 ,e5 F1 KIF'5 0,00 o. oo 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 A1 FT 0, 0rl 0,00 0,00 o. uu 0,0c) 0, 00 F't KIF.5 HC FT 0. 0t) u,00 0. uo o, oo 0,n0 D, OO l:,3 KTF.5 o, o0 0,oo 0.oo u.o0 0,no o, oo A3 rl o. oo o, o0 u, uo u. 00 o, 0D 0, 0rl o, oo 0 ,00 0 ,0r1 0,00 0 ,00 0.00 x.x.x.x.x.x.x..*.x r('x x.x.x..x.* x.x.x.x.x.x.x'x.x..x.x-.x.x- ..J0INT DISF'LACEHENTS .x'x.x.x. x. .x x. x. x'x x. x. x.x. x' x.x.d. x x. x..x..ts x.x..x'.x.x. ,JOINT NO, JOINT N0, HOR IZONTftL IN 0, 000 0, u00 u, uE0 o, 000 o.000 O. DDD n, 0flo -. i7e -, 673 * ' .176 - ,678 *.680 -, 683 - , 6.31 -,777 -.776 -,950 -, F50 -. 905 - , 90/t -1 ,00r -1 ,00i -1 ,003 -1 ,06I -1 , 06r -1, CI59 -1.059 VERTITAL IN D. ODO 0, 00u 0, 0n0 u.000 0.000 0,0n0 Cr , n{ln - , 0rJ5 . u04 -0, Dnn -, UfJI E, tJOil . uut nft{ 0,0il0 , oo3 -,0r17 ,0fli: -, 0ui , OL]1 , D[]/r -, oitt - , oil:t ,0lJ/t - , oD:t -, CID1 -.0D1 ROTA1'I ON RAD. , 00+ . uo9 ,0il9 , l-10? , 01tJ ,011 , 01? ,0fl3 , tit-ti tr , lju0 ,0nt tr , tiOO , oo:t o, nn0 .0o:t 0,0ut1 0,ni10 0,0u0 , 001 0 , {to{l 0, 0tru tr , 0fi0 , rJO'l 0, uu0 -rt, 00r, 0.000 0, 0uu I t 3 4 6 a I I 1.0 11 13 J.J I4 15 16 L'7 1B 11? e:t tt T3 .i.,+ 36 !.'7 x.x'.xx.*.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.xx.x..x-x *x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x'x. JOINT REACTIONS x.x'.x..x. x.* * x.'x x.x.x..x.x.x. x.x.x.x x. x x x.x.x. x..x.x x'x' D1R. REACTlON KIPS OR FT-K I 1 I. 3 3 RX RY RX RY RX RY .107 , TOE ,87? t ,566 ,94L -,114 -.3- ,'ai 5 6 6 7 7 Itx FY RX RY RX FY RX RV a91i .v/68 1. g37 -1,436 I,877 ? i 4q T 1?ci -5.6e4 x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x x.x.x.x.x.x.x-x. l.lEHt',ER END F0RCE5 ( I l.l l"lEl.tBER C00RDINATE5) x.x x.x.xx.x.x.x.x.r.x.x.x..x.x.x' MEMEER NO, 1 3 '7 6 .9 ? lrl 1. :t 13 1:4 1.5 .l ,{. L'7 1S 1.9 Iu e1 :r: !5 l6 ?',7 t13 t9 3u 3:t 3E 33 FX KIF'5 7, 165 1 .8T1 -5 , 6i4 -r., D:iS ,7Ai , tTfJ , iIt .112 , L76 - .I78 1 , 5it6 -:t , 3s3 * , 354. -,:[1di l qil -- I q il1r -1,766 -r,73? -1,436 1. ,497 3, 113 3, 886 . ;, iip e,544 ,5E7 -t-, or(f, ,3?3 -L 907 , 66u , E15 , !31 .347 FIRST END F.Y K]F.5 -r.877 -,3Bl - r:. . I L,J -,5n8 - , Bpr, - , ,'ri6 -,107 -,33r -,7&7 _ ,43+ - , t379 -,.5/r1 -l,4lt7 -:i,,533 -, ?ril. --1 . OJ.L' -.7t.i -1,:?53 -I ,8i7 3,344 , 3B{J L,7ii 1 , d;sfr I ,436 L , f ,7:r 1,$31 1 , 5B;7 .60s 1 ,009 -t 1a .35/r ttz F'T_K 0,000 - , 7.Jr] {],0uu .-: , rl$l -d: . itJ I -r,0tjl 0, rlilu -3 , 5;jg -f , TOit , i:3 rl , flil{l -3 , S4$ -5 . .slti -t , 1.$i': o, utlti -4, ?1El -.! , FdD n.nnfi -r) , 37? O, tlr-,t) t-1 , /r54 /t,.5O5 't L E,: fJ , l.Jildt s , 4.lrl ;r , 3ii:i 1U , :i?;i 3,11l1 i:J ,'Ji7 3,:4t] 1, e01 5 t oli F.X KIF.5 -7 , 16:t -1. B:1 5 , 6i/t 1 t]r:i -,7H(: -,1.;r8 - , ;iili: - ,377 -. 1.76 ,17t1 - l. , fiCrC: '- , ,::.,i lf .t ': i:: ,;t54. , .t. r rt. -. .LJi- l- ritiT l.,7*[] 1 :l-S q; 1 ,436 ".L,n7/ --3,11.3 -i. ti[i6 -3 . lii} -f , ,11t4' - , sti;? L 61{, -,393 .L , ?TJ7 -. S60 -,fr5 -,33 I -.347 lJECOND ENF F'Y I4Z KIF'5 F T.K L,877 -1:,5n1 ,3el -3. 1lu 3, 1e5 -14, 15::,5rt.tB -3 ,34 O , il$Li -L- , 5{.u .:.r ? -4 -i '.rft I ,1.07 -:1 , sElg , 33i -r ,7Fi: ,t'Ot -C- '+ILt -,133 -,491 , [17? -S, 1!r7 .:i41 -r, ?lF r, L.L.+ -.t I rttr '- . .iJ,l Lt. '- J" , r ! 7 ,9/ri. -il ,7Sl 1 ,610 -3.731 t , 906 -6 , fJ4? .91.t -Et,.5ti5 i, $1.8 -5, F:4 -, 5C)5 -6 , I-65 -5 , 3ri.4' 11 , FIB _ --,'iq .] nAri -,38U i,?,5U -.1 . -/,-,::- / 'd;f L -J. ,455 7;3?9 -1 ,4:':*, $,L65 -i,7;5? .5,Si:6 -:t, u;] 1. 5,.11t? -1,51i17 d, $rrP -,608 t.33S -1, no9 6.333 -,178 .4A7 -,354 1 . 17? -4-' i{*r-t lehr ,1, E,lriri.=n . r r -tl -r r r hn=ult ing !'trurturri Engineer':* 11 1l E3ct Th i rd ll','e . , Su i t e 3!0 Fenver , Cq i (, r- adv EL]20F' lil:rlJ Iii-iiIi f{t]l'lE : t-lHHFiLE5 l{c!{EltlE'i FFlLr"iElT : TElll{Ef{Ef,Ui4 REi i [,El'ltE DIITE:.5"?i"Ei FELIJEIT tlUl'lEEE:EiEEil FFIHHE FIT T]RIO LII{E .r- [,:pyri';ht t t]J 1!,:-1, 1!E.l iei Lar'-Fennc'r:k, In':, tll l r'ight':. r'E::EruE'J, Flegi=tered leiial llumher : Ulll-fl1:{{rilEtl FLFiriI FFii-tllt Ftit-tLY5 I:, llrlTES: nl^lo al I ,: 3 ,:i .5 ,5 a t0 11 1e 13 14 15 F1' rl , Lltlil rr. , 75O 3t , Tlirl 33 , ;:i0 3* , n00 /+il , 750 qT TE,N o,Eu0 4,73t) 14. , 350 .1-r ?qn 33 , t50 f,B , 080 FT iJ, Dfli] u .00fJ {l . ilfi0 u. rjtrtl it, ufiu r , ilnr, fJ , OnLl rl , 00r1 9,330 9,330 1? ,33ti 9, 330 9, 330 9,330 9,330 FT L 33tl i.4 , Cr70 1.4 , &7rl 1ir. , 67tJ :llj , u00 i0 , 0{lu itl , 080 10, 00u 35 ,330 i5 ,330 75,678 35.670 3?,000 3t, n00 34 ,674 3/+ ,67O i.tEl'18 E Fr N0, LENGl'I'I I.'T ARHN 1N^:i I IN^/t /.-oAo,n/q (zaa *) xbelJ FJe eF FEa4e ( 7crarrca L reoJ Eo1+o t> *,/ejrczz* 9, /o, =ot z2t 27 'H..x.'X'*x.Fi('xx.i('X.'X.+{.X..X..:{..'X.'H.F:.atf.i:.F:i'l.*''.:X'':1v5l'|iiJ(:1t.Jiiil'r|..'|:,i1l1l1i'E:l[:Fl1 r'i0. 0i: ,JtlINl'5== li1 i!s, iii:' fir-l'iEllFlS== ..{fi E: ( HliI ) i:: :'+i_i[Jij .x.'X.r.'.){l..X..'{..x.xx..xv'*.*..{..x'x..x..j(..'Y'FX'.'Y'.4.'\..'.(..E..X..Y.,YX.'J.-]IN].{:{]'1Fi:n.if.iAlElx.+***** ,JOINT Ltn x'x'x. x' x.* .x.x. .x x. x. x..F x' x. x. x. .K 'x. x. x. x. x x. x. x. x .x .x x. I NC I D[:NT .J O I }'.IT5 ,J 1 ,Jii 'i 0 i i'lT tio , . ts l-f 1S L9 :: il ' :t1 :ii ,t:..2 i '.t t5 !6 ?:7 !tB il 3D I',IE:HP.ER F.ROF.ERT I EE X FT 33 , iStil 3tl , DUrl 4i , .?5{-J ll , 0l-rl1 ,-i:J,7I'iJ 33 , e50 14, ?50 i3 ,;/5t) 33 . i50 3S .000 4 .751J 14 , t50 4..73A 14 , 35D x. x. x.x. .x x..x x.x..x'.x * x. x'x. x. x.x. x. * x. x.x.x' x'.x x' x' x' -I-' ,* x.x. x..ts x-x.x-x..r(.x.x. .x. x.x.x. x.x.x.x..x. ,JOINI' NO. X Y I 30 10 i1 3B 30 11 24 7? 31 1t 3l !5 't? I7 33 i6 I+ ^Lu !7 15 1p 16 .tn 11 1: .t -: I+ t5 1t. 1B Lr- il1 33 37 :? 31 .J*II.{T RE5TRA]:NT5 ROT. 6 7 I I 10 11 1e 13 T4 15 16 L7 {a 19 tu e1 3t .1? i5 i6 t7 !fl ;f9 3u 3/t 35 36 37 3B 1 I 3 10 31 t8 J 11 34 e9 + 1e :t 13 L7 33 6 r.t 18 1q B I 10 11. 11 13 14. 1:t L7 1g 3u ti d,rt l8 30 I 3 3 4 fi e7a 1o.67 9, 33 18,67 1t,00 ",6?9, 33 16 ,0t) 6 .67 ?.67 o 1.4 10 ,67 5, 33 q -{'1 5,34. 5,33 5,67 c?? 5,34 11,00 I ,33 F.33 4 ,7ii 9, 50 o qn 9,.ifl 4.,7tr 4.:$i ?.50 L -7 c\ /r,75 4,7tr p,5u 9,50 4.,75 I , 5t-J 9. 90 C o.=, 4,"7 4.i7 4,!7 +,t7 4,27 4.i7 4,t7 4,t7 4.?7 4,t7 4,t7 4.t7 4,t7 4,i7 4,?7 4.i17 4,i:.7 4,17 6. 41] b ,4P d,4:? d . i.{'? 6,49 e, 49 s,4.1i 6, 4.p 6,49 6.49 &.+p 6,49 6 .4F $ .4F & ,49 ?3, Bn 33.80 33, 80 t3, 80 t3, g0 33.80 33, SO 33.80 33,80 33. BO 33,80 33,80 33. BD t3, B0 33,80 23, 80 t3,80 :3, SO t3 ,80 i3 ,80 33,80 r3,80 13,8u t 1$, 00 L18,0u t.18 , 00 I L8, U0 118 , 0S 118 . DO 11U, 00 tlE|.0[ Lls.00 118 . 00 118,08 118 , 00 116,O0 118 , D0 118 , 06 (FttEE-O, r I..{E.D=L)x. .x. .x x-.x. x. x. .x x .x. x. x. x. 'H. x '* .x. t(. 'x x. x. 1 e 5 6 'l I I t t 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 o o 0 o o t) n o F.INNED FINNED F.I NNED F.I NNED F'I I.INED F.I NNED F.I NNE D F.I NNED x x x. x.x..x.xx..x..x x, x, x. x.x x, x..x.x x..x x,x.x..x x.x..x x..x.d.LOAD CASE H 1 I,,IND LOADING LOADED.JOINTE -;-. x.x. x.x.x..x'x.-x x. x. x. x. x. x-x. .* .x.F.F x.x,x x.x.x..x.* x.x.x. X' X'X' X. l( X. X.X. X..X.X'X. X. X..X. .X. .X X. X. X.X X..X.X. .X X..X. X. *.:{.X.x..x. x. x. x..x..x..x. x. x x. x. .x. .x x. .x .yf .F -x x. x. x. x. x' x.x..x. x. x.x. x.x. ,J O I i',lT NO, I'tEI'IEER NO, JOINT N0, 1 5 6 E 7 10 r.l tl LJ 1.+.tq 16 T7 18 19 30 31 'tt e3 t4 ?5 36 t7 EB e9 30 31 l,l K/F1' .35 Trr ,35 . iis F1 K 1F.E o. 00 0,00 0,00 U ' L' IJ 0,u{l A1 |.I 0,00 0 .00 0,0r1 0, 00 o,0u F.: KIF.5 E,0u 0, 00 0. uo 0,00 U,rl0 AE FT o, oo o. 00 O. UIJ u, tlo n,nn F,3 K]F.5 0,oo o.oo 0,oo 0,0{1 il , iifl F'X KIT]5 FV KIF'5 t.rz F1'- K x. x. x. x. x. *. x. x x .x x .x. x. d' .x x. x. .x. x x. x. x. x .x. x. x' x. x. x .x x. x..x x.x x x..x.x.x.r( x'x.x.x..ts x.x.x'.x.x'I,IEI4BER LOADS (IN I,iEI.IEER COOFIDINATES) x'x. ..\.x'.x x' x. x 'x .x x x. x. x. x. x x. x. .x .x .x.x. .x x.x.x.x.d..x x'LOAD CASE +I 1 tIIND LOADING I ITJ 30 3i ,i..f .x. x'x..x. x'x.x..x..x x. x.x.x.fi. x x. x .x .x x. A3 FT o, oo o. oo o, o0 o, no n, un x.x..x.x'x..x.x-'x.d..x.d..x.x.x.x..x...x'.x'.x..xx..x..Fx.x.xx.x.x. ..JOIl.lT n I5F,t_ACEPIEi'lT5 X"ts'X'* 'B 'ts x' X' '.vlx 'x'X'x'x' X' x' X 'x 'x '.X' X"X".X' X' X'r x"x l-lOR IZ0i'ITAL IN rl , CUr.l 0,il00 u,u00 0, tJo0 0, ilCIo 0 , c$ll D , 00i) 0, OOt' -,705 -.7u6 -,?87 -,?nE -,710 - ?.1 fi - , 711 _,711 -,77U -,778 _..778 -,811 -.s11 -,477 -,876 -,94? -.948 -,937 -.937 -t ,034 -1 , 034 -1.037 -t .037 UERT ICfiL IN 0 , tlFrl 0, D0il u , tJrJii 0 ,000 0.0|il 0 , OOr.l u.00fl 0,nnil - ,00/r . oo3 -0.00r1 -0 ,0uE - ,003 , rl0:i , D[13 , ilul - . OO/t .00I . U04 - ,005 .003 -, 001 - ,004 -,001 -0,000 - ,00/r .003 ,00r -.001 .003 -.001 ROTA'T I ON rtAi] , , uIp , ULJ:: , tJlll? . nn:t . nnli fll.le . fitJP , {-J1{l , onL 0,oDo tl , Ul-lll 0,0nfi 0,nft0 0 , fJurl 0. trliu 0 , 0Lju ,0n1 0 , ouri u, uuo 0, 000 0,ooo o ,000 . 001 u . 00{l o, ooo o,ooo 0.000 0,000 o. 000 0.000 -0 ,0llo -3- x. ..x x. .ts 'F x. .lc.r..x x'.r...tr .x. .x-.:( * ..Y. .vr ,JOINT NO, I 1 n 3 3 6 d 1 cl HF:14P,ER r'to, I 1 \5 1 ,9 1u tl t ,:1 1.5 Ii) I} 1B l9 io 31 t: e3 e4 35 36 ?7 40 t'!7 30 ?t H l: l:15 -'d; , Crdi.i --.1 .,i.tc} ;: , FIJ;J ri:, 1 - , <5i.J6 '- . l.-l lr .:. *, SdLl , $!'.$ ,0!"'ii - . -, Lr c] - , ri.sp l. nsci -.3 . 6fi&*;l , :l.0!r , tiB;i r,.tr5 1 ,899 ,633 3, 73S 1, i87 -1 , 4/rJ -: , !35 -e, 434.*l.770 - , 1r$$ iii:C0'r.lD END F.Y r( I i-'ti ,4|+./ , i4.1. .L . LI {J rJ 11 LFr ,5U5 ,l.uF ,9$i . -L :r i . J-c)d: -..t..t.l. , s8n , 4.7 4. .L , ll ':1 r' rl f.l i] f,if4...:r n,J q , {?Cri L.0u5 :1 , 670 -, 863 ,9p4 ,949 - ,48i '3 ' 4t+4' -1 ,00s -L,186 -1 , i35 -E , 814 -3 , 3n0 -1 , ifJT *i .9lrr MZ F'i'- r{ -tJ , li;Jr:i -1 , .507 -S , ,:i7;r -3,i1r - , 4.$7 -9, 165 -1,513 -il , 6il7 - , 41,"t -p,14$ - r: , J.) Ci. -4. irii]* -F, 137 -3,311 r -5 ,378 -3 ,65; -:' ,.f /,: -4 , 5rJ3 -9 , 37r -3, SS6 -6.386 6,4i9 5, 151 5,693 5,758 6 , TE'O s,184 6,38]6 ,5 , 494 x..,yxX.*x'.{.x..X..X x..x.x.x.t( x s.x x..Yf ,tN,\Ux x...Y.xi( ,JO:l.NT hiHAdl'ICli'J:i xUr{'xxxi*xxEx'x"x'x'x"'{"{Ki*,x'i{"xxi+xx:!+( ,9 47 4 ,660 I,OO5 -t .957 ,9$e 5?q ,It3u qnE .9FC] 3,6$E .t nfiq. 'L t+'.14 , F94 -3 , 73i: { fl|:'l -_ .l . ,:: il r' i,tEHP,[:i1 E].lD t:0t1.:H:$ (Ii.,l HE:iiEE:R COfihiDIi'{ltTE5) .x.ts.x.x..q'.x.x.x..tsY:.Y'x'*':{.'xE'E F',! rr I F'5 ir . ,t$0 i,:16 -i: , 951' Ltr! i r-l L't': q'?ct , 36il -,6Fs -,093 ,stiB . /t5? -1,05$ 3,6S8 3, 109 - ocT , d3r .I ,4I4 -1,899 -. 633 -3,731j -L7?5 _L,?87 ,783 r .443 e. 135 ?,7tr4 !, 43/r r.774 . 485 -,73$ DIR. REA{]'ION K I F5 0R F1'- li RX RY RX RY RX RV RX RY RX RY l{V RX RY F.Y RY F11151'Eiill t''Y P;Itr1i -., ? /t l:' -..::el'"F -:t . u05 --..::CJ.- '- ' lrji+ -, F$: -, r:r4 -J.,lJ.lr - . ?fiLl .- .4';+ -1., $f,7 -. .990 -1,lPtr -i, il35 -,96i -1 ,005 -1 ,670 -1, BS7 -,9P4 -.:: ..llf"f -I,85t 3,4{t{ J. , UUO r . -L c}c' 1.e3s 3,814 3 ,300 1 ,367 ,i , :r :r ,::. MZ F t'-. ii il , i:i tl ii -_ l. , u:! r, I] , DiJU -: , :+48 . .r- o{} 0 .llou -I .56tl -4 , n34. -. 1-?ft [ , i]rlll _,i. J.lj. -ir , 14i 0 , ilou -3 , ,5fJH -,5. /tldr -0 , 00t -4,3?6 -5 ,:S1 0 , 00il -4,7tr8 -o, oorj 9,93t. 5.976 7,0ss 7 ,489 5,836 B,718 -4- 3t: . -,:'df [i 1-iii5 4, ,]{l1l , !"'4i:i ^ -'1 ,7i:5 .1 , titir:' 3.I ,a4A rra 1,5tr7 -,;li'i;v -1,31.i, rt,iTtl' 3/r -:L , 16i 'I ,.5 l:i 6 ' 7':)? I . l6;i: -L 5tS 7,6:Le 311 -1,635 1, i.lliCr lr ' 546 I ' i'r-j5 - 1, n5$ /t.4'{3jj f,6 ,S75 ,63:i ;l'.55i1 -'tl;/:i -'*n:' ,353 37 .39,5 ,604 i'94'6 -'396 -,Crt.t4 i'.797 38 ,899 ,O9i ,437 -.tli?g -,ui?i ,419 -:i- t{*uj.=hr ,!i Ll'rrnr.=n Cln=ult rng 9tructural Engineer; 311f, E.=:*t Third Eue. , 5uite iln Fenver, L:oi(rrad'l BEIEE tlt:lll l:i-illl fltlt'lE: DHFPLE5 l4':HELtiE'/ DFTE :5.'?1187 FFtl.iElT:TEittlEllEHLlH REtIDEllilE FF:U.|E[T tlUl'IEEH:BlHEil FEI]HE RT ER]D LII1E ] [,:p1rir1ht l:i]l 1tE:j 198.1 ieiler'-Fennlck, Irrr, tlll rillhtr r,e!Err,,ed, Eegistered teriai llumher : U5ll-il1:{El[{FU ftl l-ll'lF fftt-ff'lf I Lfii tt- I ta"ttl tl-I]IJftLY5 I5 llu i E:' : ,f tJ,r't,o Loy'on/a oN -*/7,4 ---t-/EptbeKo /, =r5, o ii'+ x'* x"x x'F .s")i ,r"ts X'X' H' X'F: X t: x"X' .X'x' I !''r 'X' i4 x'*,iil Iut D I 5F'!_ACEHEi-i rS * X' i4 X' .P.'t l(' ',v.' .X X'* * X X".{ X' X X' N X' * ',Y' 'X'i(' .\' Y; X' i{' i( ,i o l:t,t1' NO, r,, [: R T :l: L] rr l._ Itl 0, ilrril 0 , ilfJti O, ililfr 0 . L]0U rl . iln0 n , [t]r] n , ilfiL-1 rl . il0u ,0ljs -,001 0, 000 -, Doi ,00r. ,0ui ,0ul - ,003 , 001 , D0e - , 01t) ,00s ,001 - ,00r -,8O3 ,00;l ] il 3 4 il $ 7 u ? 1n 11 11: l.,f, Lr+ 15 15 T7 1S 11i t0 3t 33 I3 i4. 3:5 Flrlit I;0NTt'lL_ 1l.l ff, EOIJ 0 , Eil{:i 0 , [[rtj o, c0u lJ, Utltj D,fin$ 0,000 0, 0u0 -. / Id- _, / LL -,709 -.707 -.706 - ,706 -,705 -. 73p -,73? -1.133 -1,13e - nt ? -,81 t. -,909 -, 9tJEl (.* r/D eilra eF (vezvoac V'l'"'o) Ft(, IFl 1'I,+1.,1 liFlr-r, , 01rl , rl r:rir , nIP . {lul? l1f'r':') l'l I i ii) ' tJ iJ i'. , Efi? , ou1 0 , oUil 0,000 0,000 o,0uu 0 , 00{l D, OO0 . ool 0,u$o 0,0Du 0,000 0,00u ,001 , 00I D,0ilrl a.t r' .l ' UL],L 0 , tluu -ctf t7 ItJ l9 30 31 -,807 - , B0l' -t , LEJT -1,105 -1.107 .x'.x x.x..x..x..xx..x.x..x..x.x..x'x.N.x..x.x..x.x x.x.*.x..x.'x.x'x'x..x. .J01NT REACTI0NS *n , IoF 0,000 -D , DOO , 001 0,000 -0 , 0clu x' x x. x x. x. x. 'x x. x. x. x x .x x.* x. x.'x. .x. .x x. x. x. x- x.x..x x.x. i IN rliEi"lL''EFt C00FlDT NAif 5l 'X"X".i{ .X X' .{ 'f.' X' fi'X'X K 'f'X' .X' d' i( DIR, RE:fiCTION KIF.5 OE F1'-K -,00i , utiS , ilou - ,00t ,008 -,00i !, / la s , :::i , !'lll. -&,377 , ?981 ,6Bll ,17S:5 * -I E,:q '.:qq ]- fi$:l I I UUI} -1. . il0Ct :!. . UiJ9 -:i., ft.:3 , t7t:l --r,.t7: I,IEHH',EiR E:NiJ Ffl I'rCH':; ,J O I r.rT Nrl . 1 1 4 4 5 ti b &'/ il i] RX RV RX i:,V nt R;T ltY RX fti, RX RY RY t:t v 'X ,v'. X' 'X' X' .1 X"ts 'X"H' 'X' N 'X' X'X' X"X"X' HEHP,T.R Nfi . t ')( K I i:'5 rJ , ils r-, 913 *$ , 3,-/;.' -i. 359 ,.5,54. . a7? , 6$0 ,953 -,564 - nnn -,353 - .387 -1,517 1 ,983 , 641 -1 . OO3 , 1i7 -1,006 -1,055 - I ?7 -1 , ,t.53 -L , /+?-r' F IfTST EI'iD rI KIF,5 -: , 673 * ' T{:l l. -. 1.366 - r. , 37t] -1. S07 -,999 -, 119 -t , t97 1,137 - , !?93 - , 1t?3 -? 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