HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 15 LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL 75 S; . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479 -2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. lo+ ,1 ML-T u/&-.\ Ur[ l(Y DEPARTT4EIII| OF COIqI.,IU{ITY D5VELCPMEI,II THIIJ PERMIT MUS'I BE PCSTEI C}iT JC;SITE AT ALT, 'i'I .IES PROJECT TITLE: RA.ETI{ER RES . NEW (SFR,P/S,DLIr) PERMiT lr::ri.:it ll: BiB-0351 Slean-up lpproved amount date APPLICANT SIIAEFFER CONSTNUCTION P O BOX 373, VIIL CO 81658 EONTRACTOT. SIIAEFFER CONSTIUCTION OWNER Address:278 RO'lIil-,EDCi ::l 278 RO|jI|LEDC-E ai,. 21-01-0'r:1 -14-0Cg PR,f9B-0036 Stal--r''s. . ., L.ISUED Applied..:1 /r'7/'.998 rssued...: f i22/:.998 Expires. . : Ct;/20/L999 Pllone: 9708455656 Flrone: 9708455656 P O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81558 RAETHER PAUL E & WENDY S -JT T STE 4200, NEW YORK NY ]-Cj 019 Desc ription:NEW SFR Occupancy Dwellings DweIlings Private Garages Type Zone Zone Zone Number cf irvel.l.ing lJni:--s: 001 Fa ctor sr,. -rceL trah. Lion 3 V-N 1i8.55 3,755 520,?. 5.25 1 V-N BaSe'::t i.1.10 1-,4'70 26,C.19.00 3 V-N 3.r.2I I,21,6 44,r:1L.35 SubL.ota1: 5,44L 590,-rt5.51 Tclrl_ V,-lLration: 190 , :j5.61 Town of Vai.l Ad_ust:rC Valuation: 2,^ 00, :rC.000 #of Gas AppIiancF3:jLlf ' r I-ogs: 1 #of :rood/Pal'et: Tabl-e Dat,e: os /'J.7 /]-996 Fireplace fhformatsion: Restricted: Y FEE sutlwlniY Plan Check- - - > InwcsEigaEion> l,frl1 Cal L- -- -> TOTAL FEES------ 15,387.?E 1 ,944 - OO 5,161.00 .00 3.00 .00 500.00 1, 0oo . o0 .00 - 0c Rer iuarart. Plan Review- -> DRE Fee---- --- - Recreatsion Fee----------> clean-Up Deposit-- - - ----> : r!al ealcul:tl-Ld lcr.!!:---> i.:liticnrl Fecs- --- - --- -> ):a1 Pc!1nit Fee--------> EAI-\NCE DUE---- ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Ta/a-t/L998 CHARLIE Actj,on: NOTE 1,2/22./1,998 CHARLTE Acr.ion: APpR Itern: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT LL/L] /L998 CHARLIE Acrion: NOTE 1-2/0i./L998 GEORGE AcLion: APPR ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1-t/r7/L998 CIIARLIE Action: APPR ITEM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS 1-L/]-'t /L998 CIIARLIE Action: NOTE 12/22/L998 CIIARLIE Action: AP?R IICM: 05550 ENGINEERII{G L1,/L7 /L998 CIIARLIE AcE.ion: NOTE L2/22/]-998 CHARLIE ACEiON: APPR Dcn**: E-'JILDING Divisior:'ri'.z:NS T ) CI]A.IiLIE '-.RLIJ] ]- iVIII De. 't : P ..\]:'i.-NC Divisiorr: '-.',lNS T:j GEOIIGE Der,t. FTRE N/A Der r'lt: PUB tr]l)Rl( r-,^trls TO ?tr,t|ORKS -ARLII :-'I\1,r* : ll ',t,: FNGIIiEER .ANS "^ i,)ll,; ORKS --R. Tllti r P Divi-.,rio '.: Di:rislcn: Divi s::- -n: see Page 2 of this pocunlt for any conditions trratQy appry t,o this:.ermit. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknoirledgc lhat I havc read tshis appticabion, filled ouc in full the inf pIen, and alatc thaC aII the ihfohation ptovided aa tequited ia corlects. I aqree tso comply witsh aI1 Town ordinahcc! and 6EEEe 1ar,r6, End to build Ehis stlucEure code6, desiEtr review approved, uni forln Building code and other ordinancee of tsh-/ town REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY - FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELE: send clean-Up Deposit. To: cEoRcE SHjq.EFFER coNsl RUgrloN requir€d,cohpl.€Eed an information 's zoning and feto. ' OIJI NFFICE FRCI4 acculaEe plots and plot plan subdivision I :00 Ar,l 5 :00 OF OWNNR l__owNER D4JlD PAGE 2 * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** ** * * L- * * * .:.. * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *.,k * * ** * *:.: * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI.,Permit #: B98-0-l 5l-as of L2/28/98 StaLus: ISSUED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;- Permit, T)4)e: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUp) PERMIT Applicant : SIIAI1FFER CONSTRUCTION JOb AddTCSS: 278 ROCKLEDGI: RD I,OCATiON: 278 ROCKLEDG]: RD PzLrcel- No: 2101- 071,-L4-( 09 Applied: La/L1/at98 Issucd: L2/2'::/]-9)B * * * * ** t'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * -'.--.',- * +: * * * *.i :k.i.; '..! * * * * * * -.,..:k *:': * ** * * * * * -r- * {, * * * * * CONDITIONS ***********************************+***********r!-,t*:-************f.****{-.**-''r***rt,**** 1. THIS PRO,fECT WILL RFQUIRED A SIIIE IMPRC'EI.IEI\]IT SI]RVEY- SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SIJBMITTED AND ADPROVED l]R_ OR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CETLTNG HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURE) FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAIJ MEMBERS OF TITE FLOOR TO TIIE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTI]RAL MEMEBERS OF THI] ROOF DTRECTLY ABOVE. o r * * * + i r, i r * tt r i *rr ttr * r* t TO9IN OF VArtJ, COrrOR.e.DO SCrtennE tr'r*ar at1. n r air +f I irtr* *iar||irr aatttrra||rJrir**r*rrf rrrarr.rrr* gtrtcErrl Nu!b.r: REC-0487 Aloung: lS,1B7.?S fL/2e/9e f3tS6 Payucnt Mcthod: CK NoErEiolr: 51337 InlE.3 inf PcniE No ! Prrcel No! SiCa Ad&cts t tocation ! Ittis Pryrnene B9E-0351 lYp€? B-BUIITD NEI,i 2101-0?r-14-009 2 7.' ROCKIJEDGE RD 278 ROCI(LEDGE RI' Total Fccs: 15,187.?5 ToCrl .Attr PEr6: BBhnce: (gPR,P/9,DUP) PE Account cod! BP 0010000311lLo0 DR 00100003112200 PF 001000031r,2300 AD D2 -DI:POS RF 1110('003112700 wc 0010( 003112900 De6crLption BUIIDING PBRI,IIT FEES DESIE{ REl,.!EI{ FEE6 PLAN CHECK FEE€ CLBINI'P DBPOSITS RECREAIION FEEg WIIJIJ CA"IJ INSPEETION FEB r< aer rE .00 ttr** r 'r * r *rr*r r r A[ount 7,940.00 300. o0 5,1,51.00 1,000,00 7e3.75 3 .00 Ilvolcr fo. r220tNrBt8 Iirotc.ll|tc Dcrcrlptlon r2l28l9t rlllln t9l fi[f 0? rut ctrPtIl Grorr lrount t5,18?.75 tctrtlrgc 51337 Dlrcoult Prlrcnt lrcult lt,l8?. ?l Chcct fo: 51331 Vcldorl cmrc8 Ef,tlnn cil8flrcuor 15,t|t.?5 .00 .00 it5,lt?,t5 tN Pfae[zE-a> Job Name:Job Address: Z s 76T rtL'tv Owners Nane: Ad ceneral Description: work crass: j*ew [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nuuber of Accoronodatlon Units:/', Plunbing Contractor: Address: it*************i***************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLTJMBING PERMTT FEE: I.fECHANICAL PER}TIT EEE: ELECTRTCAL EEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DPR E'FF. VALUATION Cornments: Town of Vail Phone Nuulber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFfCE USE +*********!r*************r****** BUTLDING PIAN CIIECK FEE: PLT'MBTNG PIAN CHECK fEE:I{ECHANICAI PIAN CXIECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN.UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATI]RE: Mechanic-al Contractor: Address: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIITD 6falZA,e 6f/44Vffi8 co(ET, Co l, r"l[iV i o o T I I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I I RAETHER RESIDENCE LOT #15, BLOCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE VAIL, COLORADO OUTLINE SPECIFICATION NOVEMBER 9, 1998 Thc Resort Design Collaborative Internation 1617 $lazee Street, Suite C2 Denver, Colorado E0202 (303) 623-33ss NOV 0 9 lee8 tr0RGE SHALIITH t.]ON{i B?E T I I ! I T T T T I T I t T t T T I t T 2. I t I I t T t l l. 2. I t I T I I T I t I DIVISION I: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A.Reference Standards: l. Job #: Date: By' Work shall be performed in accordance with the 1991 tdition of the Unifbrm Building Code, all codes and regulations of Eagle County, Colorado, and other applicable statc and local codes. All work shall be done in accordance with A.I.A. Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 1987 Edition. Thc following Soils Report and survey have been performed for this project and arc available for review at the Architect's oflicc: a. Soils Report: Job #: 198373 Date: July 6, 1998 By'Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical. Inc. 5020 Road 154 Clenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: (970)945-7988 NOTE: Strictly follow all rccommendations contained in the Soils Report. In case of conflict between this Specification and the Soils Report, the Soils Rcport shall supersede. b.'l'opographicSurvey: B.Coordination: 1968 March 29. 1993 Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc. 41 | 99 Hwy. 6 anrJ24 Eagle-Vail, CO 81620 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 949-1406 Phonc: Contractor shall field verify all exact locations and sizes of existing utilities as required prior to any excavation. All utilities shall be installed per the utility company requirements and recommcndations and be underground services. Mechanical work and clcctrical work are to be done on a design-build basis. Contractor shall coordinate fully between these contractors and all other portions of the work. These drawings are schematic and show intent only. The contractor is responsible for preparing and providing any additional drawings and information required by state or local officials. Raether #21058.00 Page I November 9, 1998 I I I c I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 3. Contractor shall be responsible for all field engineering required for the project, including but not limited to structural layout, foundation layout, survey layout to begin work and improvement location certificate survey (I.L.C.). 4. Contractor shall coordinate with Architect on all portions of the work and shall obtain Architect's approval of all items prior to ordering. 5. Contractor shall coordinate and install all sleeves or prepare for all penetrations as required. Any cutting and/or patching required due to a lack of coordination shall not be considered an extra cost. ,_r C. Permits: ' l. Contractor shall be responsible for applying for and obtaining all required permits f and utility taps. '7 2. Owner shall be responsible for payment of all permits and tap fees. a I, D. Insurance: I l. Contractor shall carry Contractor Liability Insurance, Worker's Compensation J Insurarrce, and other insurances in amounts required by state and local r JUnSOlCtlOnS. t E. Temporary Services: I l. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining temporary services such as power,! light, heat, enclosures, water, sanitary facilities, erosion and sediment control, I temporary construction fencing, tree and plant protection, and trash removal I adequate to meet requirements of local jurisdictions, maintain safety of the site, I F. o"",,rrllrlr*ain qualitv' for the duration of construction' t' l. Contractor shall maintain quality control over supplies, manufacturers, products, t services, site conditions and workmanship to produce the quality level specified in all cases.t ! 2. All products shall be installed strictly per manufacturer's recommendations and/or r. standard trade council guidelines, r r 3. Commencement of work over previous work indicates that installer has reviewed r the previous work and agrees it is acceptable as a substrate for his work.'l I I ! Raether #21058.00 Page2 November 9, 1998 l. A ..t. 5 2. l. 2. 2. 3. I t I I I t I I t I I I I I ) t I I I When shop drawings or cut sheets are required, obtain Architect's written approval of submittal before ordering or fabrication of materials or proceeding with any work. Contractor is responsible for repairing or replacing any matcrials or work disturbed or damaged during the scope of this project. G.Substitutions: 1. H.Submittals: Specific brands and models ofproducts are specified to set a standard ofquality. Contractor may propose alternate brands for the Architect's approval, which are of similar or higher quality to that specified in all cases. When requesting a substitution, contractor warrants that proposed substitution meets or exceeds all requirements of originally specified product and Architect shall be able to dcpend on this warrantee whether soeciticallv stated or not. Contractor must obtain written apprcxal of proposed alternate from the Architect before proceeding with any substitution. Shop drawings are rcquired under some divisions of the work and are specified in the individual sections. When required, submit one sepia and three blueline prints for the Architect's approval. Cut sheets are required when proposing an alternatc and when required in any individual section ofthe specification. Provide fivc copies ofeach. Mock-up Panels and Samples: I.Mock-up panels or samples shall be supplied for the Architect's approval when called for in the individual specification sections. Mock-ups and samples shall be actual samples of the work showing color, texture, finish and/or pattern to be obtained. Ifa product has a range ofcolors, textures, etc., provide an adequate amount of samples to be representative of the full range. Mock-ups may be incorporated into the building upon meeting Architcct's approval. Obtain Architect's written approval of mock-up or sample before proceeding with work. Raether #21058.00 Page 3 November 9. 1998 I I I I I t I 1 l I I t t I ) I I I I J.Proj ect Close-out: l. At the end of the project, contractor shall provide Owner with all maintenance manuals, product literature, spccial tools and warranties fbr all mechanical and electrical equipment, appliances and other manufactured products. 2. At the end of the project. contractor shall provide Owncr with an instructional walk-through of all mechanical, electrical and specialty items. explaining start up and shut down procedurcs. and maintenance proccdures. K. Final Cleaning: 1. Contractor shall clean the entire project - intcrior. exterior and site - such that the Owners may occupy the project without hindrance. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning and polishing all floors, walls, windows, applianccs, fixtures, fittinss and site work. L. Warranty: 1. Contractor shall warranty the entire projcct for one year from datc ofsubstantial completion and shall repair or replace (at contractor's option) any work or equipment found defrcient within that time, to the original condition required by the contract documents. DIVISION 2: SITE WORK A. Site Preparation: l. Perform minimal clearing/grubbing to preparc site for mass excavation. 2. Strip topsoil and retain on site. 3. Refill site as necessary to meet new and existing grade lines per Site Plan. 4. Contractor shall provide all means necessary or rcquired to insure propcr soil crosion control, including the removal of selccted trees and plants. 5. Contractor shall install all basins, sidewalks. curbs, culverts, etc. per local code requirements and constructi<,rn standards. 6. The Site/Grading Plan is based on information provided by others. The Architcct assumes no rcsponsibility for the accuracy ofsuch. However, in the event ofany discrepancies, notify the Architect prior to commencerncnt. Raether #21058.00 Page 4 November 9. 1998 l. 2. J. A 5. 6. 2. C. D. T l I t I ) I I I I I t I I I I t I I B.Earthwork: Contractor shall arrange for an open-pit soil investigation by soils engineer paid for by Owner. Run sewer and water lines below frost line. Run electrical, gas, telephone and other utilities in trenches as required by localjurisdictions. Utility locates shall be coordinated with local utility companies and Owners. lnclude excavation and storage of fill materials. Excavation for building itself shall extend approximately 7'-0" or as necessary for safety outside ofwalls. Excavate for footings and pads. Excavate for utility trenches and provide for protection ofutilities. Finish grade on landscaped areas with stock piled topsoil from site. Coordinate with Landscape Contractor for all site work. Follow recommendations or soils report for excavation, back fill and compaction and all other recommendations. All fill material shall be free from organic matter and other deleterious substance and shall contain no rocks or lumps over 3" (three inches) in the greatest dimension. Any fill required beneath foundation or floor slabs shall be washed granular fill or suitable non-organic soil compactedto 95yo of the maximum modified proctor dry unit weight, in general. AII footings shall bear on original undisturbed hard, stiff brown or gray silt. Clay soil will not be acceptable. All import earth shall have a coefficient of expansion of not more than3Yo from air dry to saturation under a surcharge of 60 pounds per sq. ft. at 90oh compaction. Paving: 1. Exterior walks or terrLce paving (as indicated) and interior stone paving shall be 1" nominal thickness Colorado Buff Sandstone installed and snow melted as indicated on the Drawings. Provide 4' x 4' mockup for Architect's approval. Drainase: l.Provide perimeter drainage system at base of foundation as shown on drawings and as recommended in soils report. Provide subgrade drainage system for downspouts and deck drains. E,Landscape: l. General Contractor shall place all retaining walls, and shall prepare site to a level acceptable as o'rough grade". Raether #21058.00 Page 5 November 9, 1998 2. J. 4. 2. J. T I I I T I I I I I I t I I t I I I I 2. Contractor shall provide a separate budget for completion ofall landscaping as indicated on the landscape plan. Provide all landscaping materials. and plants as indicated on the drawings and as required to complete the work. The Landscapc Contractor shall include but not be necessarily limited to the spccification and installation of grass seed mix, sod materials, soil, preparation and treatment (if required), plant protection mcthods and materials, mulch material, irrigation system, and all related items to complete the work. All work shall be warrantcd for a period of one-year minimum after acceptance of the work by the Owncr. DIVISION 3: CONCRETE A.Concrete: l.All concrete shall be as specified on the Structural Drawings. All concrete work shall be in accordance with the latest A.C.I. recommendations at 28-day maximum cured strength. Vapor barrier shall be 6 mil and shall be polyethylene conforming to AS'I'M E96 (Perm rating of0. l) standard ofperformance. Provide self-leveling gypsum concrete floor whcre indicated on drawings. Product to be Gyp-Crete 2000 by Gyp-Crete Corporation of Hamel Minnesota. Install strictly per manufacturcr's recommendations. Provide lightwcight concrete in lieu of gypsum concrete under all areas to receive stone or tile floor finishes. 5. l Foundation design is based on the recommendations contained in the Soils Report. Follow all recommendations in this Soils Report. Verify all unstable soil conditions with Soils L,ngineer before construction procecds. Provide continuous reinforced concrete srade wall on concrete footinss as shown on structural drawings. All concrete walls shall be formed with sound material, properly joined, braccd, spaced and otherwise supported to insure tightness, rigidity, plumb and squarcness. Proper blockouts shall be provided for all pipes, ducts, etc., entering or leaving the building. B.Foundations: Raether #21058.00 Page 6 November 9, 1998 T I 4. General Contractor shall verify final concrete form locations prior to placement of concrete. If form layout varies (+) or (-) l12" ftom indicated design, notify Architect immediatelv for all adiustments in dimensions. I c. Concrete Floor Slab: I Raether #2lo58.oo I l. Provide a concrete slab on grade where shown on drawings, placed over vapor barrier, 4" gravel and properly compacted sub-grade. Refer to structural drawings for location ofcontroljoints, thickness, limits and slopes ofslabs. Seal exposed concrete slabs with Sonneborn "Kure-N-Seal". I I ) All exposed concrete flatwork shall have a smooth troweled finish.I I D. Cast-ln-Place Concrete Pavine: I1 I 1. Provide concrete paving slabs reinforced with welded wire mesh at exterior as shown on drawings. Provide with snowmelt piping as shown and with surface J finish acceptable to receive final paving shown on drawings. I 2. Provide concrete drive with snowmelt. Piping as shown on drawings. Provide f steel toweled surface finish with 4'-0" tooled joints. I DMSION 4: MASONRY A. Stone:f r l. All rough stone shall be Telluride stack as selected by the Architect. General - Contractor shall submit samples and construct a 4' x 4' sample panel. All stone - shall have a gradation matching the approved sample. Stone veneer to be 5" - 6" thick nominal. Provide shop drawings prior to fabricaiton. fJ 2. Cap stone to be nominal 3" thick as chosen by Architect. I 3. fJlT:#"::.4'.1g with heavv sause, non-corrosive ties ar an interval of one tie I 4. Mortar colors andlor pattems to be selected by the Architect and may be different J for each type of masonry. I I I PageT November 9, 1998 I I DIVISION 5: METALS !A. Structural Steel: I I l. Structural steel design information - shall be as specified on Structural Drawings - see Structural Drawings. Steel sizes and final structural details shall bc provided by the Structural Steel Contractor/Fabricator. 2. Metal railings shall be steel in shapes and sizes as chosen by Architect.I r 3. All f'crrous metal fabrications shall have welds sround smooth and one shoo- applied coat of primer, which shall be touched rip alier erection. l t 4. All steel in contact with earth. lnasonrv or other dissimilar metals. shall be coated I with asphaltic paint. B. Metal Gates: 1. Painted steel gate as shown on Site Plan (A1.0) and (A2.1). I DIVISION 6: WoOD AND PLASTICS I A. Rough Carpentry: l. All framing lumber and hardware shall be as specified on the Structural Drawings. I All hardware shall be galvanized at exterior locations. 2. All wood blocking, wood framing, wood funing, etc. used in contact with the earth or concrete shall be pressure treated with decay resistant materials in compliancc wirh't'f-Ws71, AWP-LP-2. 3. Studsizes are2x 12,2x 10,2x8,2x 6, and 2 x 4, as indicated on Drawings. 4. Sizes of floor and roof framing materials and spacings are indicated on the structural drawings. Sufficient blocking must be provided in each case fbr support ofdecorative wood trim and accessories. 5. Sill plates shall be treated wood and be bolted to foundations with minimum of Yt" diarr.eter anchor bolts spaced at 4'-0" o.c. maximum and embedded minimum 7" into concrete. There shall be a minimum of two bolts per sill piece. one bolt located within 12" of each end of each piece unless noted otherwise on structural drawinss. I Raether #2lo58.oo I I I I I I I I Page 8 November 9. 1998 I I t l I 6. Penetrations of major structural members shall be discussed with Architect/Engineer prior to drilling, and shall follow manufacturer's rec om mendat io n s. 7. Floor joists shall be doublcd under all walls parallel to floor joist framing. 8. Dimensions for framing shall be per architectural drawings. 9. Provide tirestopping as required by code. 10. All wood in contact with earth shall be coated with asphaltic paint. I rr .,."#:'Jffi:T;l1l::iili'ffi:3ffiXJ,il:."J,l:ffff:L,iililHf;, t B. Finish Carpentry: I 1. Exterior Trim: a. All exterior fascias and trim to be Western Red Cedar in sizes and shaoes as shown on drawings in #l grade. b. All timber for trusses ar.rd timber framc shall be Fir in sizes and shapes shown on drawinqs. c. Provide samples ofcach species grade and texture ofwood. 2. Interior Trim: a. Interior trim to be of various shapcs and finishes as shown on Drawings. All interior trim to be determincd. Stain and finish as directed and approved. Submit samples of all different profiles' and iinishes for approval. I C. Clustom Casework: 1. Custom wood casework will be flat panel of various styles, sizes, wood spccies I and finishes as shown on the drawings and chosen by Owner.! 2. All Architectural woodwork shall conform to AWI custom srade standards. 3. Provide shop drawings and samples fbr Architect's approval. 4. Kitchen cabinets manufacturer to bc determined and as selected by Owner. I Raether #21058.00 I I I I I I I t Page 9 Novcrnber 9. 1998 I I I I I t 5. Kitchen countertops to be determined and as selected by Owncr. 6. Laundry cabinets and countertops as selectcd by Owner and Kitchen Consultant. D. Countertops Subbases: l. Provide plywood subbase fbr stone and tilc countertops specified in Division 9. E. Closet shelving shall be ll4" A B plywood with solid nosing with stainless steel rods with supports by Knape & Vogt or equal. DIVISION 7: THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION I I I A. Dampproofing: I I T I . Dampproof exterior sidcs of all site walls not part of the building foundation, from grade to bottom of footing. Dampproofing shall be Hydroxide 128 Spray- Mastic by Sonneborn Building Products, applied per manufacturer's recomm e n d at ions. I B. Self Adhering Sheet waterprooling: I . Watcrproof all exterior sides of building fbundation walls as shown on drawings. Watcrproofing shall be Bituthane 3000 by W.R. Grace Company or Jiffy Seal 140/60 by Protecto Wrap Corporation. Install strictly pcr manuf-acturer's recommendations including prirner, corner fillets and compatible protection board. 2. Waterproof all decks over living space. Waterproofing shall be Bituthane 3000 by W.R. Grace Company or Jiffy Seal 140/60 by Protecto Wrap Company. Install strictly per mauufacturer's rccommendations including primer corner fillets and compatible drainage mat. I C. Shower Pan Waterproofing: l. Waterproofing for all shower pans shall be Chloraloy 240 by Noble Company, t Grand Haven, Michigan. Install per manuf'acturer's recommendations for showcr pan linings. t D. Vapor Barrier: I l. Provide minimum 6-mil polyethylenc sheet at extcrior framed walls and I roof/ceiling. Lapjoints and tape to seal. Repair all tears and punctures. l, r Raether #21058.00 Page l0 November 9, 1998 I I I T I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I 2. Provide 6-mil polyethylene vapor barrier under all interior concrete slabs on grade and on surface ofcrawl space grade, seal edges to foundation, lapjoints tape to seal. E.Flashing: l. 2. F Buildine Insulation: I Thru-wall flashing, base and head flashing not specified as copper shall be as manufactured by Fiberweb and shall be Series #200. All beams and lintels shall have an approved flashing, shall bc consiclered as being "water-tight" except as noted on drawings. 2. J. Exterior framed 7t/a" walls to be insulated with R-19 minimum unfaced fiberslass batt. Roofjoist spaces to be insulated with R-38 unfaced fibcrglass batt insulation. All floors over crawl spacc shall be insulated with R25 foil faced batt insulation with facing towards finished space. All floors overhanging exterior space or garage shall be insulated with foil-faced R-30 fiberglass batt insulation tacing towards the finished space. All walls, floors, and ceilings of bathrooms, laundry, ski room, and bedroom walls and floors shall be insulated with 3" thick Sound Attenuation Batt Insulation bv U.S. Gypsum ifnot insulated undcr Sections I through 5 above. Provide continuous l" thick by 6" wide fiberglass batt sill insulation between fbundation wall and wood sill olates. Foundation walls to be insulatcd on exterior side with 2" thick extruded polystyrene board insulation. Insulation shall be Dow Styrofoam Thermadry installed on exterior face of wall, from grade down to 4'-0" bclow grade. Roofsuper insulation shall be Polyisocyanurate unfaced fbr Class C rating. Provide 3%",Rvalvel. 23.07 (aged) at roof. Lxpandcd Polystyrene board, 1%" thickness for use at interior side offurred tbundation walls. Batt Insulation: Mineral wool blankets complying with ASTM 665-84. Provide in thickness and with facing as designated. A 't. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Raether #21058.00 Page I I November9. 1998 I I I I I G. Roofrng: t l. Provide a super-insulated roofas detailed on drawings. 2. Waterproof membrane shall bc either "Bituthene" Ice and Water Shield system by W.R. Grace Company or "Protect-O-Wrap" 140155 by Jiffu Seal. LIse 3'-0" each side ofall valleys, ridges, and roof/walljunctions and at all eaves to 4'-0" inside walls below. 3. Roofing (Rl) shall be splirshake cedar shingle. Roofing (R2) shall be flat-lock copper (20 oz.). | 4. (Rl) and (R2) shall be interwoven with 15# non-bituminous saturated 1-elts with each layer. Install according to U.B.C. sevcre weather exposure requiremcnts. I - s ,'.*::'ffiil:::lli:::JH:l.T'Jfiinous sarurated rerts' instatcd per UBC I H. Flashings: l. Copper copings, fascias, chimney caps, gutters, downspouts, flashings and counter flashings shall be cold rolled temper, weighing not less than20 oz. per sq. ft.. Provide shop drawings to confirm profiles for approval. 2. All copper shall be treated with chcmical treatment to patina copper to color chosen by Architect. Provide Patina samples on actual roofrng tiles for Architect's approval. 3. All flashings and sheet metal shall be installed per standard practices as described in the S.M.A.C.N.A. Handbook and the Copper Development Association. I I. Joint Sealers: I . Provide joint sealers of the lollowing types: a. Exterior: One part polyurethane, Pccora Dynatrol l. b. Intcrior: Acrylic Latex, Pecora AC-20. c. Bathtubs, showers and other wet areas: Silicone, General Electric Sanitary I 700 (mildew resistant). d. Expanding Foam Sealant: Polycel Onc by W.R. Grace Company I Raether #2l o58.oo I I I I I I I I t Page 12 November 9, 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Raether #21058.00 I I DMSION 8: DOORS AND WINDOWS I A. Exterior Doors: 2. Provide joint backing bond breaker and or primcr as recommended by manufacturer. 3. Colors to be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors. Provide color samples. 4. Provide sealers in the followins locations: a. Joints between exterior door and window lrames and rough wood framing- fill gaps completely with expanding foam sealant. b. Under-door thresholds. c. Exterior joints between dissimilar materials such as stucco, wood, and stone. d. Around bathtubs. showers and lavatories. e. Flashing reglets and rctainers. f . .loints at penetrations of walls, decks and floors by pipes and other services and equipment. g. Penetrations of exterior walls. h. Open joints bctween dissimilar materials. i. Other joints as indicated on drawings or as required for complete installation as directed by Architect. 5 . Provide two (2) coats of clear non-yellowing/water repellent coating on all interior floor masonry. Standard of performance: Chemical Products Corp.: CP-250. Provide 5-year labor and material warranties. l t I l. Main entry door is to be 2t/0" thick solid wood custom entry door as shown on drawings and approvcd by Architect. 2. All other exterior doors (not specified to be french doors or patio doors) shall be 1 l/4" solid in styles shown on drawings. Page l3 November 9. 1998 T I 3. All exterior doors shall be orovided with full head. iamb and door bottom weather stripping. I I I I I B. Interior Doors: I l. Interior doors shall be l%" thick custom raiscd panel ofsizes, styles, and finish chosen by Architect. Provide rated slab doors where shown on drawings. I C. Garase Doors: l. Garage door shall be wood insulated, overhead scctional door by Overhead Door Company or approved e<1ual. 8'x l8'garage door shall be faced with wood as shown on Door Schedule. Color and style as selected by Architect. 2. Hardware shall be manufbcturer's standard adequate to handle the weight of the tinished door. Door shall have a motorized operator with variable code rernote control. Operator shall have integral lights with delayed off function. 3. Provide full shop drawings for door, hardware and operator fbr Architect's approval. I 4. Electrical operation: Elite high cycle quite type operation. I D. Windows, French Doors, and Sliding Class Doors: l. All windows LER UND SOHN wood windows t #j"rff,n drawings for sizcs and tvpes' 2. All glazing shall be manufactured for installation at 8,600 feet above sea level and tempered where required by code. All hardware to be manufacturer's standard with Architect's approval. 3. Provide full shop drawings for all windows, French doors, and sliding glass doors with large-scale drawings showing window elevations, muntin locations and details. 4. All windows and doors to have wood interior and clad exterior. E. Glazing: 's L All extcrior glazing (other than that noted in D above) shall be 5/8" clear insulated low E glazing, tempered where required by codc. 2. Refer to Architcctural Drawings for sizes and shapes. ' Raether #21058.00 Page 14 November 9, 1998 I t I I I I I I oo 3. In-place system shall be designed fbr 35 per sq. ft. wind load. 4. All interior glazing shall be t/0" clcar laminated platc. 5. Mirrors shall be /0" clear plate glass with polished beveled edges. I F. Hardware: t l. Provide hardware with to be determined finish in passagc, privacy. dummy and r ;iiil*:J:ffi:,H;'"'j",H:::1"ffiH'."lT',i"Tillili!i:i,i'sfJl,l . DIVISION 9: FINISHES I A. Gypsum Board: I l. Provide 5/8" gypsum board for texture finish. I 2. Provide 5/8" Type "X" gypsum board at the following locations: a. All interior walls and ceiling of garage. b. Both sides of walls ancl ceilins of Mechanical Room. c. Both sides of walls and ceiling of dumb waiter shaft. 3. Provide %" glass mesh mortarboard by Durock and waterproofed membrane at all walls in tub and shower surrounds and built-in shower benches. 4. Provide 5/8" water resistant "W.R." gypsum board at all moist locations (i.e. bathrooms, laundry, etc.) and at walls which will receive stone veneer or tile other than tub and shower surrounds. 5. All gypsum board walls in Garage and Mechanical Room to be taped, sanded and textured. Texture shall be approved by Architect and will be machine-applied finish of drywall compound. Provide 4' x 4' mock-up panels of texture for Architect's approval. 6. All other gypsum board walls to bc textured with drywall compound in a hand troweled linish. Provide 4' x 4' mockup of texture for Architect's approval. 7. Provide a U.S.G. 200 B metal trim at all locations where drywall abuts dissimilar surfaces. I Raether #2l os8.0o I I I T t I I I I I Page 15 November 9. 1998 B. Tile: I I I l I I I I t I - C. Carpet: ' 1. All carpet and pad shall be provided and installed by Contractor and selected by l. All tile will be provided and installed by Contractor. Follow recommendations of the Tile Council of America (T.C.A.) for tile installations as follows: a. Tile walls and ceilins shall be installed as follows: i. Shower and tub surrounds, shower benches and ceilings over glass mesh mortarboard: T.C.A. W-244 (use latex-portland cement rnortar and grout). ii. Other tiled walls over "W.R." gypsum board: T.C.A.W-243. b. Tile and stone floors shall be installed as follows: i. Shower pans over sheet membrane waterproofing: T.C.A. B-415. ii. Interior floors over wood deck: T.C.A. F-141. iii. Interior thinset floors over concrete: T.C.A. F-1 13. c. Tile countertops shall be per T.C.A. C-513. 2. All tile shall be selected by Architect. Both ceramic tile, marble tile, and stone used. I I I t I t Owner. D. Painting: l. General Contractor, prior to painting any surface, shall completely mask, remove, or otherwise adequately protect all items in contact with painted surfaces but not scheduled to receive paint. Surfaces to receive paint or other surface treatments shall be thoroughly cleaned, free from dirt, oil, and all other foreign substances. Spot prime all exposed nails and other metals, which are to be painted with emulsion paints, using a primer recommended by the manufacturer of the coating system. When applyingpaint, allow sufficient drying time between coats, and do not apply paint in areas where dust is being generated. Strictly follow all manufacturer's recommendations for surface preparation and coating. Painting schedule is as follows: a. Finish #l: Painted wood interior, except wood to receive natural finish. Primer: Alkvd Enamel Undercoat I Raetler #2tosl.oo I Page 16 November 9. 1998 t I I l I I I I I I I I I I T I I I Raether #21058.00 I Finish: (2 coats) Alkyd EggShell Enamel b. Finish #2: Painted wood exterior, except wood to receive natural finish Primer: Alkyd Exterior Wood Primer Finish: (2 coats) Gloss Alkyd House and Trim c. Finish #3: Interior primed fenous metal Primer: Metal primer Finish: (2 coats) Alkyd EggShell Enamel d. Finish #4: Exterior ferrous metal Primer: Metal Primer Finish: (2 coats) Industrial Enamel e. Finish #5: Exterior galvanized metal Primer: Galvanic Primer Finish: (2 coats) Industrial Enamel f. Finish #6: Drywall receiving vinyl wall covering Primer: (1 coat) Primer - Sealer g. Finish #7: All other drywall Primer: Primer - Sealer Finish: (2 coats) Alkyd Flat or EggShell as directed h. Finish #9: Doors and other natural finished wood Stain: Oil based Primer: Sander Sealer Finish: (2 coats) urethane varnish i. Finish #l0l Doors and other transparent finished wood Stain: Oil based Primer: Exterior varnish Finish: (2 coats) exterior varnish 2. All wood surfaces to receive paint shall have a moisture content of l2oh or less. 3. Color and sheen shall be selected by Architect. Provide three samples of each finish on actual samples to be finished. 4. Requirements: a. NFPA 90A shall govern where applicable. Materials shall meet ASTM E-84 standard for smoke development of 50 or less. and a flame spread of25 or less. Page l7 November 9, 1998 I I b. Submit cut sheets on actual products proposed including manufacturer's recommendations fbr each svstem. 3 I I A. Bath Accessories: I l. Bath accessories shall be as selected by Architcct and provided and installed by I Contractor. - B. Shower Enclosure:a, - l. Provide frameless European style enclosure lbr shower of shapes shown on drawings with clear tempered glass and hardware as selected by Architect. I C. Firc Extinsuishers: 1. Provide l0 lb. A-B-C general-purpose extinguisheis with manufacturer's standard wall mount bracket at Mechanical Room, and Kitchen. Extinguisher to be Larsens Model #MPl0. I DIVISIoN TT: EQUIPMENT I A. Residential Appliances: I l. Residential appliances shall bc as selected by Owncr. Mechanical / Elcctrical I subcontractor to coordinate plumbing and electrical needs. T DIVISION 12: FURNISHINGS None required I DMSION 13: SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION I DrvrsroN lo: sPECTALTTES 1. Provide spa ofshape and size shown on drawings. Construction to be sprayed reinforced concrete with plaster and tile surface and coping as chosen by Owner. Heating by high-efficiency, low tempcrature exhaust gas fired equipment. Dcsign and construction shall be by an expcrienced pool Design/Builder with a minimum I Raether #21058.00 I t ^.,-t t Page 18 November 9, 1998 I I of l0 years experience in outdoor pools in the Colorado Mountains. Provide full shop drawings fbr Architect's approval. I DI'ISI'N 14: GoNVEYING 'YSTEM. I I I A. Dumb waiter: a l. Provide a residential dumb waiter with stops and openings as shown on drawings. Dumb waiter shall be Model PW300 by Waupaca Elevator and shall be a roped ' hydraulic elevator with 300 lb. capacity and 50 F.P.M. maximum speed. Provide a. with Owner's choice o d tlnishes and with bi-part doors.r ;iil'nffiil':liH ;:':il,T."lffi':,:i:,i:lT::1H: full shop drawings for Architect's approval. I 11 DIVISION 15: DESIGN-BUILD MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS I A. Intent: 1. 'lhe intent ofthis design-build specification is solely for the purpose ofdefining guidelines and responsibilities of the Design-l3uild Contractor (D.B.C.) for the desisn and construction of all rnechanical svstems reouired. I B. General Reouircments: I l. All requirements of the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", I AIA Document A20 | - 1987 apply to this section. 2. The Design-Build Contractor (D.B.C.) shall bc hired by and be under the direction of the General Contractor. The General Contractor shall have ultimate responsibility for coordination of all portions of the work; especially between various Design-Build Contractors, and between Design-Build Contractors and all other contractors. 3. The D.B.C. shall assume full responsibility for the generation ol design parameters, design', documentation, installation of the mechanical system, and placemcnt of the mechanical systcm into operation. The mcchanical content and sufficiency of thc work remains solely the responsibility of the D.B.C. The D.ts.C. shall coordinate with the General Contractor and all other applicable subcontractors to minimize problems and to facilitate the construction of a complete and functioning system according to the design paramcters agrecd to by the Owner. I Raether #2lo58.oo I I I I I I Page 19 November 9, 1998 I I I 4. If the General Contractor contracts the mechanical systems to more than one D.B.C., it shall be the responsibility of the Cencral Contractor to coordinate between individual Design-Build contractors to assure that the provisions of this seclion are f'ully carried out. 5. The General Contractor shall be responsible to schedule submittals (including I adequate review and revision time), and to ensure that rcquired submittals are I received on time to avoid delays of the work. The Architect and his consultants shall review submittals in a timelv nlanner to helo avoid such delavs. - C. Quality Assurancc: l. All work shall be designed and executed in accordance with the current edition of the Uniform Building Codc (UBC) and all other applicable state, local and/or public utility codes and regulations. 2. The design, methods of construction and materials of the mechanical system shall be in accordance with the current edition of the fbllowing applicable regulations, references and standards: a. Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) b. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) c. American Society of Heating, Rcfrigeration, Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) d. American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) e. American Socicty for Testing Materials (ASl'M) f. Factory Mutual I.aboratories (FM) g. National ElectricalManufacturers' Association(NEMA) h. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) i. Sheet Metal and Air Conditionins Contractors National Association (SMACNA) .i. Llnderwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) k. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) l. American Society of Plunrbing Engineers (ASPB) t Raether #210s8.00 I t I I t I I I I t t I I Page20 November 9. 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. The design and performance characteristics shall conform to all professional standards and practices as established by the current editions ofthe following references and standards: a. American Society of Hcating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). b. American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) 4. The D.B.C. shall be a contractor, liccnsed in the jurisdiction where the project is located to perform thc portions of thc work he intends to complete. Both the Professional Engineer retained by the D.B.C. and the Professional Engineer (P.E.) retained by thc Architect shall be licensed in the state where the project is located. 5. The D.B.C. shall guarantee all materials, workmanship, and the successful operation of all equipment and apparatus installed fbr a period of one (l) year from the datc of the final acceptance of the entire work. The D.B.C. shall repair or replace any part of the system which may show defect during that time. D. Desien-Build Process Outline: l. The D.B.CI. shall survey the project and discuss with the Owner, Architect, General Contractor, and all applicable subcontractors the function and control of the system with regard to the building program. The D.B.C. shall develop and present to the Owner, Architect, and General Contractor, the design parameters along with the first cost, energy costs and applicable altemativcs. 'Ihe D.ll.C. shall revise the dcsign parameters until acceptable to thc Owner and shall receive written approval of the final design parameters prior to proceeding with design and documentation. 2. The D.B.C. shall design the systems to achieve the approved design parametcrs. During thc design phase the D.B.C. shall coordinate with all design professionals whose work interfaces with thc rnechanical systems in order to produce a complete and functioning systcm appropriate for the use and design intent ofthe project. 3. The D.B.C. shall develop construction documents including drawings,, specifications and equipment submittals relating to the mechanical work. These drawings shall retain a Prot-essional Engineer (P.8.) to review the construction documents and produce a report stating that in the P.E.'s opinion the design parameters will be met by the system as designed. 1'his report shall bear the license stamp of the P.E.. The D.B.C. hall then submit these construction documents with copies of the approved design parameters and report, for the General Contractor's review and comment. I Raether #2lo58.oo I Page 21 November 9. 1998 4. 5. 6. 2. 3. I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I E.Submittals: l. Upon review, the General Contractor shall forward the construction document submittal to the Architect. 'ilre Architect will fbrward the construction document submittal to P.E. retained by the Architect for concurrent review and comment. l'he Architect shall rcview the construction document submittal for coordination of work relating to architectural constraints and intent only. 'fhe Architect shall return the reviewed documents with the P.E.'s and Architect's comments, to thc General Contractor for forwarding to the D.B.C.. l'he D.B.C. shall not start construction prior to receiving and responding to reviewed drawings. Thc P.E. retained by the D.B.C. shall also be retaincd to inspect the mechanical systems and prepare a written review at the rough-in stage and again at hnal completion. The D.B.C. shall forward a copy of these written reviews th'rough the General Contractor to the Architect. The D.B.C. shall perfbrm any and all additions and modifications requircd by the reports. Upon final completion, the D.B.C. shall certify. in writing, that all mechanical systems are installed per code, contract documents, and industry standards. Prior to receiving final payment, the D.B.C. shall provide the Owner with the Project Closeout Documents, a written copy of the one-year warranty, and a final walk-through to cxplain operation and maintenance of the system to the Owner's satisfaction. The construction document submittal shall include fivc (5) copies of all mechanical design documents including drawings, specifications, matcrial and cquipmcnt product data and any other information neccssary to thoroughly define the systcm and demonstrate that the system will meet the design parameters. This submittal shall also contain thc approved design parameters and the stamped peer review report. The Proiect Close out Documents shall contain: b. All manufacturers' product data, listing model numbers and specific information for each piece of equipment in the mcchanical system. Complete detailed instructions covering operation, lubrication, general maintenance, the repair of all equipment for plumbing, heating, ventilating. and air conditioning systems. Temperature control diagram with sequence of operation for all systerns. The above infbrmation shall be typewritten and bound in a loose-leaf binder for the Owner's use. Two (2) copies shall be submitted. As-Built Drawings: Provide one ( | ) set of complete As-Built Drawings. Drawings shall bc submitted on reproducible mylar. Drawings shall accurately show the mechanical system as constructed, complete in all respects. Raether #21058.00 Page22 November 9. 1998 I I F. Mechanical Systems Outline: I l. 'I'he following outline of basic systems to be included is presented as a starting I point from which the D.B.C. is to begin developing the actual design parameters. I The outline is not intended to be a completc and comprehensive list of systems. Alternate and/or additional systems and/or products may be suggested by the D.B.C. in meetings and discussions with the Owncr and Architect to meet the I design parameters. a. In-floor baseboard and hydronic heating system. i. Natural gas fired. ii. High efficiency equipment with electronic ignition. iii. Automatic set back thermostat. b. Air conditioning system. c. Supplemental forced air systcm. i. Natural gas fired. ii. High efficiency equipment with electronic ignition. iii. Automatic set back thermostat. d. Full domestic hot and cold water, waste and vent systems. e. Natural gas piping to appliances, fireplace in Great Room, and mechanical equipmcnt. f. Exhaust fans, ducts and caps including appliance exhausts. g. Snow melting system lbr selected exterior paving. and decks. h. Water softening i. Rcverse osmosis water filter svstem. j. Frost proofhose bibs located inside garage and around house perimeter. k. Whole house humidification. L Destratification fan and duct system tbr Great Room. I Raether #21058.00 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Page23 November 9, 1998 T I G. Plumbing Fixture and Fittings: I 1. Models and Manufacturers as chosen by Owner.I I DIVISION 16: DESIGN-BUILD ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ! A. Intent: I 1. Thc intent of this design-build specification is solely for the purp<-rse of defining I guidelines and responsibilities of the D.B.C. for the design and construction of all electrical systems. B. General Requirements: L All requirements of the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", A.l.A. Document A20l-1987 apply to this section. 2. The Design-Build Contractor shall bc hired by and be under the direction of the General Contractor. The General Contractor shall have ultimate rcsponsibility for coordination of all portions of the work; especially between various Design-Build Contractors, and between Desien-Build Contractors and all othcr contractors. 3. The D.B.C. shall assume full responsibility for the generation of design parametcrs, design, any required documentation, installation of the electrical system, and placcment of the electrical system into ope ration. The electrical content and suttciency of the work remains solely the responsibility of the D.B.C.. The D.B.C. shall coordinate with the General Contractor and all other applicable subcontractors to minimize problems and to facilitatc the construction of a complete and functioning systcm according tot hc design parameters agreed to by the Owner. 4. If the General Contractor contracts the electrical system to more than one D.B.C., it shall be thc responsibility of the Ceneral Contractor to coordinate between individual Design-Build Contractors to assure that the provisions of this section are fully carried out. 5. The Gcneral Contractor shall be responsiblc to schedule submittals (including adequate review and revision time), and to cnsure that required submittals are received ,rn time to avoid delays of the work. The Architect and his consultants shall review submittals in a timely manner to help avoid such delays. I t Raether #21058.00 I I t I I I I t I I I Page 24 November 9. 1998 I t I I I t I I I I I I I C. Quality Assurance: I L All work shall bc designed and executcd in accordance with the 1991 cdition of' I the Uniform Building Code (UBCI) and all other applicablc state, local, and/or I public utility codes and regulations. 2. -fhe design, methods of construction and matcrials of the electrical system shall be in accordance with the current edition of the following applicable regulations, ref'crences and standards: a. National Electrical Code (NEC), 1996 edition b. American Society for Testing materials (ASTM) c. Factory Mutual Laboratories (FM) d. American Society of Heating, Refiigeration. Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) c. National Elcctrical Manufacturcrs Association (NEMA) f. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) g. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) h. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 3. The design and pcrformance characteristics shall conform to all professional standards and practices as cstablished by the current editions ofthe following references and standards: a. Institute of Electrical and Elcctronics Eneineers. 4. The D.B.C. shall be a contractor licensed in thc jurisdiction where the project is located to perform the portions of the work hc intends to complete. 5. l'he D.B.C. shall gu p and the successful operation ofall equi a period ofone (l) year t from the date of the k. The D.B.C]. shall repair or replace any paft of the system which may show defect during that time. r D. Desisn-Build Process Outline: I 1. The D.B.C. shall survey the project and discuss with the Owner, Architect, General Contractor, and all applicable subcontractors and Consultants the function - Raether #21058.00 Page 25 November 9, 1998 r 2. 4. 5. 6. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I ,'J. and control of the system with regard to the building program. The D.B.C. shall develop and present to the Owner, Architect, and General Contractor, the design parameters along with the first cost, encrgy costs and applicable alternatives. The D.B.C. shall revise the design parameters until acceptable to the Owner and shall receive written approval of the final design paramcters prior to proceedirrg with design and documentation. The D.B.C. shall design the systems to achieve the approved design parameters. During the design phase the D.B.C. shall coordinate with all design professionals whose work interfaces with the electrical systems in order to produce a complete and functioning system appropriate for the sue and design intent ofthc project. 'fhc D.B.C. shall develop construction documents including drawings, specifications and equipment submittals relating to thc electrical work. 'lhcse drawings shall defrne the scope of work and level of pcrformance with respect tcr dcsign parameters as well as construction procedure and responsibility. 'thc D.B.C. shall retain a P.E,. to revicw the construction documents and producc a rcport stating that in the P.E.'s opinion thc design parameters will be met by the system as designed. This report shall bear the licerrsc stamp of the P.E.. The D.B.C. shall then submit these construction documents. with copies of the approved design parameters and report fbr the General Contractor's review and comment. lJpon review the General Contractor shall forward the construction document submittal to the Architect. The Architect will forward the construction document submittal to the P.E. relained by the Architect fbr rcview and comment. The Architect shall review the construction document submittal for coordination of work relating to architectural constraints and intent only. The Architect shall retum the reviewcd documcnts with the P.E.'s and Architect's commcnts, to the General Contractor for tbrwarding to the D.B.C.. The D.B.C. shall not start construction prior to receiving and responding to reviewed drawings. The P.E. retained by the D.B.C. shall also be retained to inspect the clectrical systems and prepare a written revicw at the rough-in stage and again at final completion. The D.B.C. shall forward a copy of these written reviews through the General Contractor to thc Architect. The D.B.C. shall pcrform any and all additions and modifications required by the rcports. Upon final completion, the D.B.C. shall certify in writing that all electrical systenls are installed per code, contract documents. and industrv standards. Prior to receiving final payrnent, the D.B.C. shall provide the Owner with the Project Closeout Documents, a written copy of the one-year warranty and a linal walk-through to cxplain operation and maintenance of the system to the Owner's satisfaction Raether #21058.00 Page26 November 9, 1998 b. E, F. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Submittals: 1. The construction document submittal shall include five (5) copies of electrical design documents including drawings, specifications, material and equipment product data and any other information necessary to thoroughly define the system and demonstrate that the system will meet the design parameters. This submittal shall also contain the approved design parameters and the stamped peer review report. 2. The Project Closeout documents shall contain: a. All manufacturers' product data, listing model numbers and specific information for each piece of equipment in the electrical system. b. Complete detailed instructions covering operation, lubrication, general maintenance and the repair of all equipment for the electrical systems. The above information shall be typewritten and bound in a looseJeaf binder for the Owner's use. Two (2) copies shall be submitted. 3. As-Built Drawings; Provide one (l) set of complete As-Built Drawings. Drawings shall be submitted on reproducible mylar. Drawings shall accurately show the electrical systems as constructed, complete in all respects. Electrical Systems Outline: 1. The following outline of basic systems to be included is presented as a starting point from which the D.B.C. is to develop the actual design parameters. The outline is not intended to be complete and comprehensive list of systems. Altemate and/or additional systems andlor products may be suggested by the D.B.C. in meetings with the Owner and Architect to meet the design parameters. a. Power for convenience outlets, appliances, mechanical and electrical equipment and specialty equipment including spa. Plate colors to be determined. Lighting system including interior and exterior lighting and switched outlets Fire detection and alarm system. Telephone and television systems including wiring and outlets as defined by Lighting Consultant Computer networking wiring as defined by Owner.e. Raether #21058.00 Page27 November 9, 1998 I I I I t I I f. Provide 20Yo additional capacity for future use over and above the requirements listed herein. g. The following specialty items may be added per Owner: i. Security system per Owner's direction. ii. Audio-Visual system may be added per Owner. h. The electrical D.B.C. shall coordinate and size system for the spa requirements including power for equipment, etc. i. Trenching and backfilling fbr all underground electrical installations. j. Power and control wiring for heating, ventilating, plumbing, etc. 2. The schematic electrical drawings should be used by the D.B.C. in conjunction I with the outline above to develop the design parameters. The drawings are I schematic in nature and are issued to provide an inciication ofthe intended system and scope only. r G. Fixture Schedule: I I . Models, manufacturers, and colors of trim and plates as chosen by Architect.I I END OF SPECIFICATION I I I I I I I I Raether #2lo5E.oo I Page 28 November 9, 1998 vt/Lvliro rllt uo;ru rA1\ ovn (,ao aaol rDA UEI\ VrK f ,.e | 'io*ot6t J-'+ DII.AII,Ti FtsK UUNDI ISIVUZ ---zO Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO Bl@1 Fax 970 94t84S4 Phone 970 9{5-79E9 HerwonrH-pnrnQ G EorEcHNrcAL, rNc. C/O THERESORTDESIGN GEORGE SHAEFFER s'UssoL STUDY FOR FOT]IIDATION DESIGN PROPOSED RAETHER RF,SIDEITCE LOT 15, VAIL VILLAGE THIRD FILING 27E ROCKIJDGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO JOB NO. 198 373 JI.]LY 6, 1998 PREPARED F'OR: RAETHER COLLABORATIVE INTERNATIONAL ROLLINS ;ET, SUITE C2 RADO 80202 David Gossett I PO. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81 658 (970) 845-5656 (970) 84s-701 3 FAX ort*o - PA*LAK cEorEcHM.o?^". July 6, 1998 Raether c/o The Resort Design Collaborative International Attn: Noel Rollins 1617'l,lazee Street, Suite C2 Denver, Colorado 80202 Subjecu Report Transninal, Subsoil Study for Foundation Design, proposed Residence, l,ot 15, Vail Village Thtud Filing, 278 Rockledge Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Rollins: As requested, we have conducted a subsoil study for the proposed residence at the zubject site. subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory boriugs drilled in the proposed building area consist of 3 to 6 feet of manplaced fill afr 2k to 3 feet of clayey sand ?19 gravel with cobbles aud possible boulders overlying shale bedrock at deprhs of6 to 8k fet. Groundwater was encountercd in tlre borings between about 9 to 10trt feet bclow the ground zurface. The proposed residence can be founded on spread footings placed on the natural granular subsoils or shale bedrock and designed for au allowable bearing prcszure of 2,5fi) psf. Footings that bear entirely on the bedrock can be sized for an allowable bearing pr€ssure of 5,000 psf. The excavation will likely require dewaterilg for construction in the dry. The report which follows describes our exploration, summarizes our findings, and presents our recommendations. It is important that we provide eonzultation during design, and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of the geotechnical recommendations. Ifyou have any questions regarding this report, please contact us. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWI-AK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. vt/Lvlvo r|1l uo;tv rn ovJ o4i, 1104 rJA UDIT| Vl1l{+-++ )uAt t,rtlK LUNDI rgl uuat Job No. 198373 f{^*-r.fuA Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. Rev. by: JZA SLP/k$n/kmk ,,r .rr|.tr-or rE la vul,tD I lgl uu jI TABLE OF CONIENTS PI,'RPOSEANDSCOPEOFSTUDY .......I PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION. .. ........1 SITECONDTTTONS . -....2 FIELDEXPI,ORATION ......,,,2 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS.. ........,2 DESIGNRECOMMENDATIONS .........3 FOI'NDATTONS... ..,.....3 . FOI.'NDATION AND RETAINING WALIS . . . . .4 FLOOR SLABS uNDERDRATN svbiir,,r . : . . . . : . . . . : . ., . : . . : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . : SITEGRADING .. ........7 SURFACEDRAINAGE ... ........7 UMITATIONS.... ......8 FIGURE I - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 . LOGS OF EXPLOMTORY BORINGS FIGURE 3 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIGI.'RE 4 - SWELLCONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS H.P GSOTECH ut/ rvlvo rlf,t uo;Il llt ovd l)10 1194 I_JA r-rDr\ r t1t(r+r JlLtilr r El( uul\Dl tgluuD o PURPOSE AI\D SCOPE OT'STI.JDY This report Presents the results of a subsoil study for a proposed residence to be Iocated on rot 15, vail village Third Firing, 27g Rockledge Road, vail, colorado. The project site is shown on Fig. l. The purpose of the study was to develop rccommeudations for the foundation design. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical eqgineering sewices to Raether, c/o The Resort Design Collaborative International dated June Z, lggg. A field exploration program consisting of exploratory borings was conducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions. samples of the subsoils and bedrock obtained during tbe field exploration werc tcsted in the laboratory to determine their classifrcation, compressibility or swell and other engineering characteristics. The results ofthe field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendatioru for foundation types, datl$ and allowable prcssurcs for the proposed btrilding foundation. This report zummarizes the data obtained during this srudy and Presents our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed construction and the subsoil conditions encountered. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed residence will replace the existing residence and be a two story wood frame stnrcture with a walkout lower level. Ground floor will likely be slab-on- grade. Grading for the structure is assumed to be relatively minor with cut depths up to about 10 to 12 feet. we assume relatively light foundation loadings, typical of the proposed type of construction. If building loadings, location or grading plans change signihcantly from those described above, we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations contained in this report. H.P GEoTECH I I ,,J JI|n Da rtil( i/ul\D I -2- SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located uphill of Rockledge Road in moderate to steep sloping terrain. The existing house is a2 ard 3 story structure. The middle to eastem part of lot has been graded and benched somewhar for the existing development. There was seepage flowing from the uphill cut along the driveway and a srong flow in the roadside ditch at the time of our field work. The lot is forested with aspen and.evergreen trees. Boulders are exposed on the ground zurface in the area. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on Juae 5 and 15, 199g. TWo exploratory borings were drilled at the locations shown on Fig. 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter continuous flight augers powered by a track-mounted cME45 drill rig. The borings were logged by a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. samples of the subsoils were taken with rsle inch and 2 inch I.D. spoon samplers. The samplers were driven into the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falliug 30 inches. This test is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relative densily or consistency of the subsoils and hardness of the bedrock. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values arc shown on the Logs of Explontory Borings, Fig. 2. The samples were returned to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. pvc pipe was installed in Boring 2 to measure groundwater levels. STIBSURFACE COI{DTTIONS Graphic logs of the subsurface conditions encountered at the site are shown on Fig. 2. The zubsoils consist of about 3 to d feet of existing fill and 2k to 3 feet of H.P GEOTECH v,ttvfco r!\l vor14 r6-a ovo oao 11Qa r a..l vElt I Et\ -3- rr-r JlrttEr rl1K LUN>I lgluu, J I { medium derse, crayey sand and gravel containing cobbres and boulders overrying shale be&ock at depths of 6 to 8% feet. The bedrock became very hard and cemented with depth and drilling refusal was encountered in the formation at depths of 16 and 12 feet. The existing fill depth could vary across the lot due to the prior site development. raboratory testing perfonned on samples obtained from the borings incruded natural noisture content and density and finer than sand size gradation analyses. Rezults of swell-consolidation testing performed on relatively uDdistubed drive samples of weathered shale, presented on Fig. 4, indicate relatively low compressibility under conditions of loading. One of the samples showed a Iow expensiou potential when wetted. The laboratory testing is zummarized in Table I. Free water was encountered in the boriugs between depths ofabout 9 to l0% feet below the ground surface, The water rever likery rises during spring nrnoff. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOUNDAfiONS considering the subsurfacc conditions encountered in the exproratory borings and the aature of the proposed construction, we recom.nend the building be founded with spread footings beariag on the natural granular soils or on the shale bedrock. The design and construction criteria presented berow should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. 1) Footings placed on the undisturbed naturar granular soils or share bedrock should be designed for aa allowable soil bearing pressure of 2'500 psf. Footings that bear entirely on the bedrock can be designed for an allowable bearing prcssure of 5,000 psf. Base.d on experieuce, we expect settlement of footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be about I inch or less and could be differential between the different bearing materials 2) The footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. I I I I I H.P GEoTECH r-- Jn/rDTTDN !U]\D I -4- 3) 4) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soir cover abovc their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placemeut offoundations at least 42 inches berow exterior gnde is typically used in this arca. continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top ard bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsuppofted length of at least 10 feet. Fo.ndation walrs actiqg as rptaining structures should also be designed to resist lateral earth prcssurs as discussed in the "Foundation aad Reaining Walls" section of this report. All foundations and existing fill from prior site development, topsoil and any loose or disturbed soils and broken rock should be removed and the footing bearing lever extended dowa to relatively dense naturar granular soils or bedrock. The shale should be evaluated for expansion potential where exposed in the excavation bottom. If water seepage is encouDtered, the footing areas should be dewatercd before concrcte placement. A representative ofthe geotechnicar engineer shourd observe ail footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. s) 6) FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALIJ Foundation walls and retaining structures which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount ofdeflection should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 45 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. Cantilevered retaining sructures which are separate from the residence and can be expected to deflect sufhciently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be desigrred for a lateral earth prcssure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 40 pcf for bactfill consisting ofthe on-site granular soils. Backfill should not contain vegetation, topsoit or oversized rock. H-P GEorEcH iri JIr.6Lr IDl{ VUltDl -)- A' foundation and retaining struc*res should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic aud surcharge pressures such as adjacent footings, traffic, construction materials and equipment. The pressures recommended above assume drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfrll surface. The buildup of wa0er behind a wall or an upward stoping backfill surface wil increase the laterar prcssure imposed on a foundation wall or retaining sbilcture. An underdrain should be provided to preveDt hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture cont€nt near optimum. Backfill in pavement and walkway areas should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. Care should be taken not to overcompact the backfill or use large equipment near the wall, since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall' Some settlement of deep foundation wall backfill should be expected, even if the material is placed corectly, and could result in distress to facilities comtructed on the bacldill. we recommend granular soils for backfilliug foundation walls and retaining structures because their use results in lower lateral earth preszures and the bacldrll will help improve the zubsurface drainage. Granular wall bacKill should contain less than 25% passing the No. 200 sieve and have a maximum size of 6 inches. The lateral resistalce of foundation ss l61xining watl footings will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side ofthe footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficieut of friction of 0.45. Passive pressure of compacted bacljill against the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalenr fluid uuir weigbt of 250 pcf (submerged condition) and 400 psf (dry condition). The coefficient offriction and passive pressure values recommended above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to limit the strain which will occur at the ultirnate strength, panicularly in the case ofpassive resistance. Fill ptaced against the sides ofthe H.P GEoTECH JJr Dfr'1ol'lr,t\ vt l\art tgl vIU footings to resist lateral toads should be a gramrlar material compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard proctor density at a moisilre content near optimum. FLOOR SLABS The natural on-site soils, exclusive oftopsoil and existing fill, are suitabre to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade corutnrction. Shale exposed in the excavation bottom should be evaluated for expansioh potential. To reduce the effects of some differentiat movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical moyement, Floor slab control johts should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience ald the irrtended slab use. A ninimum 4 iuch Iayer of free-draining gravel should be placed bcneath basement level slabs to facilitare drainage. This material should cousist of minru 2 inch aggregate with at l?;tst so% rctained on the No. 4 sieve and less iltan-z% passing the No. 200 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Proctor deosity at a moisture conlent near optimum. Required fill can consist ofthe on-site gravels devoid of vegetation, ropsoil and oversized rock. I.]NDERDRAIN SYSTEM Free water was encountered at relatively shallow depth and it has been our experience in mountainous areas that the groundwater level can rise and local perched groundwater can develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Frozen ground during spring ruuoff can create a perched condition. we recommend below-grade construction, such as retaining walls, crawlspace and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the warl bactdill surrounded above the invert level with free{raining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least I foot below lowest adjacent finish grade and sloped at a minimum r% to a suiable gravity outlet. Free-draining -6 +Iil H-P GEOTECH r O.t |.,DI! Y D|t -7 - -rr-, Dt1/tE'TTI,l1 LUllJI tglurr granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve, less that s0% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least z feet deep and extend ro above the line of seepage in the excavation face. SITE GRADING The risk of constructiou-iuduced slope instability at the site appears low provided the cut and fill depths are limited. We assume tbe cut depths for the basement Ievel will not exceed one level, about l0 to 12 feet. Fills should be limited to about 8 to l0 feet deep, especially where they encrouch steeper terrain. Embankment fills should be compacted to at least 95% of the maxirnum sandad proctor density near optimum moisnrre conteut. Prior to fill placement, the subgrade should be barefully prepared by removing all vegetation and topsoil and compacting to gs% standard Proctor density. The frll should be benched into the portions ofthe hillside exceeding 2o% gnde. subdrains could be needed to maintain a dry foudation during spring runoff. Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes should be graded at 2 horizontal to I venical or flatter and protected against erosion by revegetation or other means. The risk of slope instability will be increased if seepage is encountercd in cuts and flatter slopes may be necessary, If seepage is encountered in permanent cuts, an investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut stability. An intercept trench drain could be needed to dewater the cut area. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during constmction and maintained at all times after the residenc€ bas bcen completed: 1) Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusted to neaf optimum moisture and compacted to at least g5% of the maximum staDdard proctor densitv in H-P GEOTECH vrrtvto(, rl\I vo.la, Itt.tr' ouJ vao 1101 ro.rl uDltrDl\J.)J )NAIITTEK LUJ\JI IS'V LZ -8- pavement and slab areas and to at least g070 0f the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building shourd be sloped to drain away from the foundation in alr directions. we recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the frst l0 feet in unpavecl areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in tbe first l0 feet in paved areas. Free-draining wall backfill should be capped with about 2 feet of the on-site soils to reduce surface water infiltration, 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well bcyond the limits of all bacKill. LIi\NTATIONS This snrdy has been conducted in accordance witb generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. we make no warranty either expressed or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this repon are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilled ar the locations indicated on Fig. l, tbe proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the zubsurface conditions identified at the exploratory borings and variations in the subzurface conditions Inay not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during consrruction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified so rhat re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for desigu purposes. wc are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriatety interpreted. Sigaihcant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. we recommend on-site observation of H.P GEoTECH rl\l vo:to ftA ovo t,ao a10a r DA l,,tll't v l,tl -9- +++ DU.6'lr.r tEK rJuNDl tgl ulit -J^>4,.-,.,--, excavations and foundation bearing strata and testfuE of structural fill by a rcpresentative of the geotechnical engineer. Sincerely, HEPWORIH - PAWI-AK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Monroe-Newell Ergineers - Attn: Craig Carroll/Denver Steven L. Pawlak, p.E. Reviewed by: &707 F {#9 H.P GEOTECH ++, Dllralf,IrDlf vultDl tslur{ 8285 I o ,a ot(ak I kA -t* d I I I I I \ \ \ 8295 LOT 1€ I , sJ00 6J05 I I I a BORING 1 PROPOSED RESIOENCE (sHADEo) I , t I I / 8310 APPROXIMATE SCALE 1'= 40' EKSNNG RESIDENCE (DASHED) 198 J7J HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig. 1 ,,, s,|lrlErrf.N vvttt'l t$l u Io o o BORING 1 ELEV. = 8303' BORING 2 ELEV. = 8500' t e)L I c o o o Ltj 3shz 10/-z rYFl4.2 -200-26 so/6 IYC-12.J oDEl26 !,!t b I g -9 I g lrJ NOTE: Explonotlon of synbols is shown on Fig. 3. 198 37J HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS ,-r_, irll LErrD|I uul\Dt tsi uro LEGEND: MAN-PLACED flLL:mixed cloyey sond ond grovel, some cobbles. moist, dork brown. SAND AND GRA\EL (sc-Gc); clovey, cobbles, proboble boulders, medium dense, moist to wet. brown. SHAIf BEDROCK; cloystone ond siltstone, hord to very hord, brown ond groy. Relotivcly undisturbed drive somplq 2-lnch l.D. Cqlifomio liner somole. I I Driw somple; stondord penetrotion test ( sPT ), | 3/8-inch t.D. split spoon somple. AsIu D - .15g6. t . , ,. ^ Drive somple blow count: indicotes thot 14 blow-s_ of o 140-pound hornrner folling 30 inches were '?/ t. requirad to. drive th€ Colifornio or SpT sompler 12 inches. .|l *f Ftc. woter level in boring ond number of dop ofter drilling meosurement wos mode.j* O"pth ot which boring coved when checked on June 16. 1998. T Procticot rig refusol possibly on cemented timestone. I ffi Indicotes slotted pVC pipe instoiled in boring to depth shown. NOTES: 1. The explorotory borings were drilled on June 5 ond 15, 1g9g with q 4_inctr dismeter continuous flight power ouger. 2' Locotion.of the explorotory borings were meqsured opproximotely by toping from feotures shown on ihe site plon orovioeo. 3. Elewtion.of the explorotory borings were obtoined by interpolction between contours on the site plon provided. 4' Th e,.explorotory boring locolions ond elevotions should bo considered occurote only to the degree implied by the method uscd. 5' The lines between moteriols shown-.on the explorotory boring logs represent the opproximote boundories between moteriol tlpcs ond tronsitions moy be groduol. 6' Woter level reodings shown on the logs were mode of the time ond under the conditions indicoted-Fluctuqtion in wotir tevel moy .."ri Liti ii-"l- 7. Loborotory Testing Results: WC= WoterContent(Z) D0 - Dry Density ( pir )' -20O = Percent possing No. 20O Sieve. ffi ffi w F 198 J7J HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.LEGEND ANO NOTE5 x g I tl €tt CL x lrj I c o i o o (L o o o.1 1.0 to APPUED PRESSURE - ksf 100 t.0 to APPUED PRESSURE - ksf Moisture Contcnt = 13.7 perceot Dry Density = 122 icr Somple of: Weoth crcd Shole From: Eoring 1 of 9 Fect Exponsiori uPon wetting Moisturc Contcnt = 1LJ Dry Density = 126 Somple of: Weothcred Shole From: Boring 2 of 7 Fcct percent pcf \ No mowmen uPon wetting o.1 100 HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS r'I\l (,('.Io f al^ OUr, Va.t aaarl (9 .= 3 c (D @ q) ci 0x 1(J 6c'ai tE (t (Y) CD o z '_t o z U) J-J oin z *6 EH F oa UJ-H Ourtr J4 xFs JFCO 35 +o +F(t,E o ts=q.6 IJJ TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81557 970-479-2L39 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMI,NITY DEVELOPMEIflT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES AI.ARM PERMIT Permits #: A00-0006 iIOb AdIdTESA1- 278 ROCKLEDGE RD Location,..z 278 Rocklecle Rd Parcel No. . : 2LOL-O7L-L4-009 Project No. : PRJ98-0085 APPITICAI\IT TI{UL, ELECfRONIC SYSTEMS P o Box 534, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRAETOR THI'I, EI..ECTRONIC SYSTEMS OWNER EIecEric.l- -_>50,00 Stsatus.. ': ISSIIED ApPlied. . = O2/LO/2OOO r-s-sued. . . : 02/10 /2OO0 $<pires..: 08/08/2000 Phone- 970-949-4638 Phone: 9'10-949-4638 P O BOX 534, AVoN, co 81620 RJAETHER PAI'L E & WENDY S -JT 9 W 57TH ST STE 4200, NEW YORK NY 1-0019 DescripElon: InsEall low voltage smokes and alarm pavaluation:1,250 .00 rt**tr**tttrt** 't*tt"r+tr**t+ FEE SU!'II'ARY ToCaL calculabed Fee6---> 53'00 DRB Fe6 .00 InveEbigallon> . oo WilI Ca11----> f .00 ToTAL FEES---> 53 'oo Additsional, Foe6---------> ToEaI Pcrmit Fee' --__-_-> PaymentsB-'_----_ BAIAIICE DUE- - -- - .00 53 ,00 53 .00 .00 DepE: BUITDING Division:rtem: o6ooo ELECTRTCAL DEPARryENT o1716tiolo-KATITY Actionj APPR IEbm;' 65600 FrRE DEPARlllElrr ----o2/lo/2000 KATITY AcEaon: APL,K tffi ---- -actlon,- AFPn n/l FIRE DEPARTI\4ENT fiihfrEii+ ,.FF^ N/''a- . pepE: FrRE Division: ffaiT6ii; APPR Prelim verb 'appr per MV 02/to/2000 KATITy CONDITION OF APPROVAL * * * i r r r * r t r i * r ,r f * r i r * * i t' r , !r ,r t ,, i * t r ,r t r * r t { i * * t * t * * * r * * * t * * r r I r v I r r } * t r . * * + i * a t I * J I ' * * * * * i rt * * * t * * r t t * * I I I A i * * * * * I * * * DEEI,AR.ATIONS r Eh4r i6 applicaElon, fillcd ouE in furl th€ lnfolmatlon rcqulfcd, coEPleccd en accurate !t1ot p arl plovldcd ae rcquired ie correcE. r agrac to coopry nith thc inforfiall_oh rnd ltlots trtl|n' t owrr o tata Le!r6, end to bulld Ehir EEruclure accorarng bo cha Tofln'g zonlng and eqbdivi€lon c rPPr uildlng cod' end oEh€! ordlnaneee of ch3 fot'n tpPlicabl€ Lhc:.etso' REeuEgrg FoR t!{gpEcrroNs sHAI,tr BE MADE EwENTt-FouR HouRs rN ADVANCE Bv TET,EPHoNE Nt 479'2r3a oR AT ouR oFFtcB FRoM aloo 'Bl., 5:00 PM (--!i€lnffi owwan on coNTRAcroR FoR l{rMsELF aND ovfNER vv **************************************************t************* TOWN OF VArr.,, COTJoRADO statemnt **********!t***************************************************** stsatennt Nunber: REc-0506 AmounL: 53'oo 02l1-0/o0 14'!6 -prv*"oc MeEhod: cHEcK Notauion: #L4876/Thul rniE: KMW Permit No: A00-0005 !rpe: F-ALARM Ar'ARM PERMTT Parcel No: 2101-071-14-009 SiEe Address: 278 ROCICLEDGE RD Location: 278 Rocklede Rd Thls Palments Tot.al Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Amountr 50. 00 3.00 AccounE code DescriPtsion EP OOTOOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OOTOOOO31128OO WII,IJ CATL INSPE TION FEE s3.00 s3 .00 .00 INFORMATION MUSTBE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RIJf,,CTTD Contact the Eaole Counfu Assessors Office at 97O32&8640 tor Parcel #parcets 2) dt- O1r_:!!L_9Q!l_ arCor.rsrRucroN pERMrr nilLcn'",H; #l* Architect: TOWN OF V Date: O) -lo - oo Permit # Job Name: fr ^-"{!',*. Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Namc: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Filing_ Subdivision Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( Numbcr of Accommodation Units: Other (;) f,;<*\-.. - Address: Address: Description of Job: Work Class: New (f) Number of Dwclling Units: PLI.]MBING $ Alteration ( ) I ssra_ Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECI{ANICAI $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Wood/Pellet OTTIER: TOTAL General Contractor: Address: Phone # Address: Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: Phone# nate Receivg cl FtB 10 2000 SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: 'I**CODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE UPON REQUEST*''* $ ru\-1k $ ias6.cp Town of VailRegistrationNo.# Phone # r/ +L.n*tSou*tqr.abro\-Els4-rds1 Address: Ot$B A'u". [\\. A.r,-,. .Co. alLlo Town of Vail Registration No.\lz-3 Phone # aq"i .' ,{ t}{ Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: TO$IN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 9L657 970-479-2L39 DEPART!,IENT OF COMMT]NIIY DEI/ELOPMETtr NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLIJMBING PERMIT ON iIOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P99 - 00 01 AT +t tt Job Address: 278 ROCKLEDGE RD L,ocat.ion. . .: 278 ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No.. : 2101-071-14-009 Project No. : PRf98-0085 St,atus. . Applied. fssued.. Extrlj-res. rSSI]ED oL/L8 /L999 oL/L8/1999 o7 /t7 /L999 WHITE WATER. PLI]MBING & IIEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81631 WIIITE WATER PLI]MBTNG & HEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81631 RAETIIER PAI'L E & $IENDY S -i'T 9 W 57TH ST STE 4200, NEW YORK I'[Y DescripE,ion: PIJUMBING FOR NSFR Phone z 970-926-3708 Phone: 9'70-926-3708 10 019 Valuation:39, 000 . 00 FEE SInI,|ARY *trrrrtrrrriir+ APPLICA}IT CONTRAETOR OlrlNER PlutrDing- ---- > PIah Check---> Investigation> wil-l eBll----> Rcstualan! Plan RGvier--> TOTAI, FEES-- -- - TotaL calculatsEd FceB- - - > Addltional Fee6---------> Tota1 Perait Faa--------> Pa)mcnt s- - ----- 746.25 . oo 3.O0 .oo .00 734.25 EAI,ANCE DI'E- -. - ***r**ttt***ttt tt'rJtt'ri*'|r*r**rarr**irttr*atl|rr *rii*t**ttrtit|Jt*r*i+r* ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIT{ENT OL/L8/L999 iIRM AcLion: APPR ITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTT'IBNT Dept: BUILDING Division: APPROVED .]RM-Dept: FIRE Division:N/A 0L/t8/L999 JRM Act,ion: APPR CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAI ****trrt!rt*t!riiatt+i**a*t*t****trtllar*rrrr*fi*t*****'ttttf*tt*t r * r * +r * * t* * t * * ** t * * * t *tt J* * !rt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdgc tshat' I have read lhi6 aFpll.caEion, fillcd out ln full che lnforuatsion lequired, coDplecrd an accurate Flot plan, and 6Eate that .II bh. infotuaEion lrrov-idcd aB roquirod is corlect'. t agrc. to cdltly eifh tshe infoaErCion and plot plar, co couply wleh rll Town ordinahce. a'rd.trE. lau6. and co build thl. Etruccu-e according Co tshs ToBn's zoning arrd su.bdiviEion codes, design review approvcd, lJniforE BuiLding Codc rnd othcr ordinancet of tsh. Tofn aptrrli RBoUESTA FOR IlIsPEerlONg SHII,L BE IIADE lrfEltTY-POlrR HOITRS rN ADVA.TVCB BY OIJR OFFICE FRO!' B:oo AI.l OR @ITTRACTOR FOR HII'SBI,F AND O!i!IER fOff Ol llLI!, COIJORTDO ItrEaqc gtrEcr[fE mb.!: nEc-o,a9t liounc: 7rl.2s o2lL?f9t oa.Ll Pqrlrse l|3th€d ! cf l|otreioo t t9ao IBlg. itN P.sdC [o ! P9t-00o1 qE.: B-9UB pEULlIfC PI rT Ptrcrl l|o: 2101-O71-1a-OO9 gle. Mda..r r 27t EOCKLlllEA nD ' locrEloa ! ,?t iOcStJlDGl tD llotrl ?..r! 7A1.25 Ihlr PrtnurE t34.25 rosrl lLl Potr3 7tt.2s Brllrc.: .0o lccor.[.rE Cgd. DG.srtpEl,on lDr[rts PP 00100003111a00 PltD@lNc Paru{II lEEn 5rs.00 PF 00100003112300 PLllf cEEcR lEEg 146.25 wC o01o0003L12t00 l{lLtr CILL MBPEdIId lll 3.00 TOlrlN OF VAfL 75 S. FROI{:TAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L657 970-479-21-38 APPLICANT cot[TRAeroR OI,iINER DEPARTII|IEIVT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMEIiTT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOb AddTCSS. . . : 278 ROCKLEDGE RD L,ocation. . . . . . : 278 ROCKI-,EDGE RD Parcel No.... . : 2101-07L-1,4-009 Project Number: PR,f98-0085 St,atus...: ISSUED Applied. .. 0L/t8/L999 Issued...: 0L/le/L999 Extrrires . -: O7 /L7 /L999 MECHANIEA], PERMIT .fOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: M99-0003 Phone: 970-926-3708 Phone : 970-926-3708 55, 000 . 00 *of wood/Pallets: WIIITE WATER PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGTJE, CO 91531 WHITE WATER PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81631 R,AETHER PAI]L E & $IENDY S -iIT 9 W 57TII ST STE 4200, NEW YORK NY 1-0019 Description: Valuatrion: MEGI SYSTEM FOR NSFR (HEAT, SPA, SNO$MELT, RADIANT) Pircplaea Information: ResEllcted: Y llof Gas ApplianceE: FEE ST'UMARY #Of eaE tJog.: Mechanical- - - > PlBn clr.ck- - - > Inv€ecigaEion> will call----> Re6euarant Fl-an Revicr--> DRE 8ee-------- toxAt, FEBS-- - - - Total calculaecd F6aa- - - > Addltional Fees-- -- - - --> Tot.al PerEit Fce--------> Pa)^lcntsE- - -- - -- BAI,A.IICE DI'E- -.. 1, 100 . 0o .00 3-00 .00 .00 1,378.00 1,378.00 .00 1,37g.oo 1,378.00 .00 BUILDING DEPARTUENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:.'RM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED iIRM-FfRE DEPARTMENT _ Dept: FIRE Division:JRM Act.ion: APPR N/A COIIDTTION OF APPROVAI FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE R-EQUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.coMBusTIoN AIR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF AlrB L997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE r_997 rMC. Item: 05100 01,/1"8/L999 Item: 05500 0L/L8/L999 1.2. 3. 4. INSTAII.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FA TURES INSTRUEfIONS A}IT TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 I]MC, SIAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC.TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 I]MC, SIAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLTANCES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALI-, TBRMINATB AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 I]ME, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPIIIEriIIT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AT.ID ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPFTENT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AT.ID SEC.1O17 OF TIIE ]-997 T'MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.BOITERS SIIALI-, BE MOT'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. T]NLESS LISTED FOR MOT'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING- PERMIT,PI,ANS AIiID CODE ANAIYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAJ-, ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPEqTION REOI'EST. 5. 6. 7. 8.ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPEqTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII.ERS SIIALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.1022 0F TIIE 1997 LMC, OR sBCrrON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC.9. BOILER CAIINOT BE PLACED OUTSIDE I]NTIL A DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, TS OBTAINEDI!!I!!!!! ! * *t * **** ** * * *** rr ** **** * * * * * * DECI,ARATIONS I hcrlby .cknorl.dgc uhaE I hrv. r.Ed lhit epplication, fillrd ouc in full ch. inforurEiom required, cdplatsed a.E accurats plot Flrn. .nd .trts. th.! .Il. th.' inforErtion provid.d er rcquircd ir correc!. t rEr.. to ccEIrIy trith chc Lnf,orEallon and pl.oC pLrh,to conPly vltsh ell Torn ordinancca |rrd ttrte 1.w6, .nd Eo build Ehl,r .tsructulG accordJ.ng t'o the Tovtr,. zoning rnd ru.bdiwirion co&., dcBigtr Ecvi.r rlrprovcd, Itnlfo![ BuildinE Cod. arld oth.r ordinancE! of !h. Iovn rlrp1icrbl. Ehcr.Eo. REQUESTS FOR INEPEC:TIONS SHAI,L BE UADE 11{E!ITC-FOUR HOUR^II IN AIq|D.fURE OF OI{![ER OR COISI?ACIDR FOR HIHSELF END OHNEN ONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OER. OFFIeB FROt'l g:0o .Atl 5:00 pu atatititiriaa t *t!ttrrrrta ttttt*rirr it*J* 1i Irira sErtalnc rolN or tnrt,, coL@rDo rrr r J r r +rtl a t r i ar r !t a * tf tt!t rtt tt ** tatr*rrrtt *!l Itt C.Ene lf,rub.r: RIC-o{'4 ltrounE ! 1,37t.0O O2lt1lgt Oztlo Prylxrt, ||cthod: CR trotrEloll! ar3o tnltr uf P.nl,t tro: X9t-00o3 Tytr. t B-IGCA XEctqfICt! pERtNtE Prlc.I No. Z10l-071-14-009 gtc. lid!.rr: 276 ROCtrLIIXIE RD LocrElon 3 27! nocftrftEB tD toCal 1...! 1,378.oo ltrir Pq|r.nc 1,378.00 Torrl lII! her: 1,3?!.OO Balanoa! .OO lcclurlt @dc Dusrlption ArcrItrE l|P 00100003111300 XacHlltrCAIl ptRIIT FBEtr 1,100.00 PF 00100003112300 PLIN CHECK rEEg 2?s.00 tfc 00100003112900 rILL cll;& Dtsptctlclc I 3.00 bL -8 r _J orl ess e1 Coun 0 fo y Ass Pa ric PFPsrr-i-,,,PERHIT APPI-,ICATION }-Ozuf DArE . t-/t-q Z A/ AppLrcATroN }rusr BE FTLLED our coHpLETEl,y oR rT i,IAy lro? BE ACcEFTED ro****r * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * *,rr )i,r pERl{IT INFOR}IATfON * 2r, rr .,k * ,r * * * * * * ,r * * )k * * * * * * rk * * .} * * t l-Hll.l r -l t l-\d a IJL -P'i rrrnl-'i *-_ _ *.. _.J- r ry J-EIectrical [ft-}rechani-cal I J_other Job Name:,fob Address: Legal- Descripti_on:Block F.i'l i n-, Or,/ners Narne:Address: Arclritect: General De scrj.ption: I{ork class:_ [[-New J ]-Alteration [ ]_AdditionaL [ 3:n"p.i, [ ]_othe,r Nurober of D-we1 ling'Units:Nunber of Accomhodation Units: #:::_":" :::: of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances_ Gas Loss / r.roodlpe11".- lq* * * '4 * * x * ?k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k * * * * * * VALUATToNg * * :t * J: rt * .* * * x.^ ,r z * * * * * * * * * * * :( x * * * * * x EtITTT r\-rrr.. . +!VIIJIJII\\J. 'NLECTRTcAL: $OI;JER: S .. PLtrlrBrNG, T4TOOO_OO i\,F 6ft**** *** i.( ****x* * * j;* x z:i.,!.,4 rj:,!+j EenerrL contractor: ToTAL: g=--:--__-- Addresi: El.ectrical Contractor: At,dress: , Plunbing Addresi: Hecha: rical Addres s: Contractor.: * * * :r rl t ,t * x x ,t * ,l * * * * * * * * :,r x x * * * * * * * :r BUTLDjNG PERMIT FEE: PLTIHE NG PERI'IIT FEE: MEJi{A} ICAL PER},IIT FEE:EL]CTI-ICAL FEE: OTJ]ER IYPE OF FEE:DDR F]: E.. : GROUI Comllents: fiEcHANIcAr, $@O CONTRACTOR INFORI,IATfON * *.* * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * )r * * * * * *:r Town of Vai.l Req. No Phone Nunrjc€ r: Town of VaiL Phone Nurnber: -D,ffr,-, of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO- Tovrn of VaiI Req. No.Phone l{umber: . FOR OFFICE USE * x * * * it )r ,t * * * * * * * * * x * ,t )t :t 'lf :,rxx**,r,r;c BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PII.TMBTNG PI,AN CHEEK FF'F. MEcHANTcAL pr.4x--;;il"?"iin, RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATUR-E: VALUATION i:P NTP.OS].T II.EIUI{D TC:L. r t"1: t1 $ N N N $ p tr or:\ut s Y $ .}- I \s\ S. R x- \\ Nlr \-l \ N \ HEATING EQUIPMENT: BURNAM K8O6 BOILER 33OMBH BURNAM K8O6 NON COMB BASE AMTROL MODEL 90 EXPANSION TANK AMTROL 2" AIR SCOOP TACO 418 AIR VENT WATTS 1156F BOILER FILL VALVE WATTS 9D BACKFLOW PREVENTER 2 TRIANGLE TUBE 75 GALLON IND,WTR, HTR. 2 WATTS 3/4" T&P VALVE W 8'PROBE 11 ERIEZONEVALVES3/4' 11 ENERSTAT HEAT COOL2 STAGE THERMOSTATS 5 HONEYWELL 4OVA TRANSFORMERS 2 BEKO TsVATRANSFORMERS 1 TACO TAOO3B RECIRC PUMP 1 TACO OO7 CIRCULATOR 2 TACO OO1O CIRCULATOR 1 TACO OO11 CIRCULATOR 1 TACO 1" FLANGE SET 2 TACO 1 1/4" FLANGE SET 1 TACO 1 1/2" FLANGE SET 7,OOO WIRSBO 1/2" HEPEX TUBING 11 WIRSBO MANIFOLD BRKT 22 WIRSBO BASIC END C,AP 22 WIRSBO R32X3/4" ADAPTER 6 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 2 LOOP VALVED 6 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 2 LOOP VALVLESS 5 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 3 LOOP VALVED 5 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 3 LOOP VALVLESS 1 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 4 LOOP VALVED 1 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 4 LOOP VALVLESS 64 WIRSBO 1/2" QS2O FITTING ADAPTERS 64 WIRSBO 1/2'BEND SUPPORTS 2 WIRSBO 112" FTG. CU X OS2O ADAPTER 2 TEKMAR DPDT RELAY 1 TEKMAR 353 MIXING CONTROL o o HEATING SPECI{ICATIONS AND MATERIALS: INCLI,JDED: ENERSTAT TIIERMOSTATS FORHEATING AND COOLING. COOLING WIRING BY OTHERS. SPA HEATING SYSTEM PROVIDED TO HEAT EXCIIANGER BY OTIIERS, II HEATZONESPROVIDED. ALLPIPINGFORZONES WILL BETYPEM COPPERw/ 50/50 SOLDERED IOINTS. ALL RADIANTTI.JBING STIALL BE WIRSBO 72" HEPEX TUBING. ALL PIPING FOR MANIFOLDS AT THE BOILER WILL BE TYPE M COPPER w/ 50/50 SOLDERED o SNOWMELTEQUIPMENT: 1 TELEDYNE LAARS HH1666 SNOWMELT BOILER 1 666MBH OUTDOOR BOILER 1 AMTROL MODEL 60 EXPANSION TANK 1 AMTROL 2112" AIRSCOOP 1 TACO 3/4" AIR VENT 5 TACO OO11 CIRCULATOR 3 TACO 0012 C|RCU|-ATOR 5 TACO 1 1/2" FLANGE SET 3 GRUNDFOS 1 1/2" FTA}IGE SET FOR 0012 lOOOO WIRSBO 5/8" HEPEX TUBING 8 WIRSBO BASIC END CAPS 8 WIRSBO R32X3/4" ADAPTER B WIRSBO MANIFOLD 3 LOOP VALVED 8 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 3 LOOP VALVLESS 3 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 4 LOOP VALVED 3 WIRSBO MANIFOLD 4 LOOP VALVLESS 72 WIRSBO 5/E" QS2O FITTING ASS. 72 WIRSBO 5/8" BEND SUPPORTS 4 TEKMAR OO3 REI.AYS 1 TEKMAR O9O SLAB SENSOR 1 TEKMARO9l SENSORSOCKET 1 TEKMAR661 SNOWMELTCONTROL SNOWMELT SPECIFICATION AND TdATERIAL SNOWMELT BOILER WILL BE PLq,CED OT}TS SNOWMELT PIJMPS AND ZONE PIPING WILL BE INSIDE MECHANICAL ROOM. SNoWMELT SYSTEM WILL HEAT APPROXTMATELY 7000' SQUARE FEET. ALL PtrPING TJNDER GRADE WILL BE WIRSBO 5/8" HEPEX TUBIN6, ALL PIPING TO TIIE BOILER ABOI|E GRADE WILL BE TYPE M COPPER w/ 50/50 SOLDERED JOINTS. EFFfctENT gkonor-4tcAl Ne/ htl GAS FIRED HOTWATER HEATIIIG UBurnharri AMERICN5 tsOI[f R COMPANY sERIEs 8 sPECIFICATIONs EElurnhani AA4ERICAs 8OIl.ER COMPAA'Y slNGLE BOIIER RATIHGS NaturatandI.pcas S@tl$.lci lG;l $ow 6.a hrrl. (lt Nri IBR radw $ovn a.c bascd on notrul tBR plpiog and pick-up allo$affc of 1.15. Consult thc nEtnfadutcl (2) | 5 ft. h.ight ls mca3urcd f.om rcp of drafthood to to9 oachlmncjl (3) DOE lEaln8cEpochy. Furnishad sith.lcc{onk lg||irlon and i'ent drmper o[ly. AFUE is 80 | %. NOT FOR DIRECT NSTAIIATION ON CIOMBUSIIBI,.8 FIJOORING. A TIEAT SHTELD IS REQUIRED AND AVAIIABLE FIOR COMBUSTIBLE FI.OOR TNSTAI.IATION. NOT FOR INSTALLATION ON CAR.PET, E\IEN WITH A HBAT SHIELD. Fonfr No. 42268- I2t9l-20uf Printod irt U.S.A.lli l 9(, I ltl| lhilIr Cor Pttt;tlitrtt .,' . ..i,',rii'rii'iititiiil.,,'llh,.llilu:. WATER CONTENT CalB. APPROX. SIIIPPING WEIGHT Lbs. 264 3.io 212 (31 157 4 184 ))4 7x nr 5 l (t jtl (r 1,1 7t6 396 462 528 594 308.9 J60.4 4 .8 463.3 269 313 358 403 9 x 15 9 x 15 lO x 15 lo x 15 5.9 99 1.9 62-t 920 to30 | 150 !{otc! L (fiter, PA | 7604 SERIEs 8 BURIII-IAN4 GAs-FIRED HOTWATER BOILER Heatlng Capacitles 2lO to 465 ftlBH Built-in durability The Burnhamo Series 8 cast iron gas-fired boiler provides superior modular effrciency and reliability. tn addition, the Series 8 is outstanding in singular boiler applications. lt is ideal for multi-family dwellings, small businesses and office conrplexes. The Series 8 boiler is constructed with durable cast iron sections. The pinned heating surface of these sectlons along with the vertical flue design extracts maxintum heat while maintaining low draft losses. This results in higher efficiencies and lower fuel costs. Each section is joined with quality cast iron nipples which will increase the lorrgevity ofthe boiler by resisting petroleurn based chemicals, including antifreeze which can deteriorate the gaskets used in sonre courpetitor's boilers. Tinre-proven cast iron nipples last the life of the boiler, They expand and contract along with the sections they join ensuring the integrity of the entire sectioll asscrnbly. Features that are more thanjust standard Every Series 8 boiler is built with a patented cost saving feature called an Elirninaireo. This builr-in air eliminator is cast into the left-enrl section ofevery Seri€s 8 to divert air bubbles into a tapping for diversiorr to the expansion tarrk. Therefore, no external device is required to separate air and water, thus reducing both cost Ellnihralreo. a patenled cost savlng feature is built lnao cvc.y scries 8 lroiler. anrl installat ion lirrrc. Thc brrrrters, rttatlc ol' aluntirtized stecl, are uniqucly desigttcrl antl ptccisitrn -t urretl [or long lile, optintunr prinrary air llow arrtl Itiglt contbustion el'licit'ncy.'l'hr'sc burners provide snlooth light-olf and quiet ign ition. The rnanilbkl antl gas train are lactory assenrbled. l'his savcs installation tinle aud uroncy. !14 r]ffidolnrtnr.x r{qdrfi4r;r4*iriB4lpri, ! r!,. TFTELEDYNE LAARS HTY THERM 1 I Dimensional and Rating Data tBR Ner,,. coniSlron Indoof TP,lll' o-Il?,,1I' lg:iTg s..;'i;il;;;, Water Conn. Size, (lnche s )? Dimensions (lnches);,il;i BI9II BIYfl BIYII x 1000 r 10OO Naturrls LpE Shipping Weight (lbs1s 715 5m 4000 t'l,z NA 4m0 3000 2609 z1y, iBR Netr,. ^ G"t.. watel o,;:o"T"slffi' "J+uI.. Biii?fl '",'"Jilii'""$''.?l;r 1000 r 1000 r 1000 Natural6 LPr (lnches)? Dimensions (lnches)Shipping Welghl (lbsp 27 13y, 6 255 13y. B 325 l,'r,1 ;i:3111 4W, tgy, g 36p i. ",. fi'A 64'/" 651 74 76 82 85/% 91y" ilOfE$'l. tnput and output must be d€rated 4 o/o p€] l(no leet above sea level when installed sbove 20OO leel altitude, 2 Dimersbns are norninal. 3. Units with oumps: add 20 lbs. lor Models 175-400 and 55 lbs lor all olhers. + For other boiler rallngs: Bollol Honrpowrr: HP = Output Rrdhtlolt sudlcc: EDR sq. lt. = Output IBR sq. ll. = Nel l8R Raling 33,475 150 r50 6, Whon two clnnectlon sizes aro shorvn, lh€ smaller applles lo the standard gas train. while lhe larger applres to optional trains, 6uch es four stag8 or molorized gas valves. Consult lactory lor exacl specilicatlons. 680 760 830 r , . g3o,:r:"r: 1030 ' 1120' 1240 1360 t odcl Indoor Outdoor 113 23-lli2 13-9tr6 250 21.3A r&5A 3il5 25.7A l9-3fi6 M 2G-7t8 22-5tE c> t Ser Charl lo Lsll I I I I ll (x{lot Inl.l -@:@) 1..-- .o ----N Models 175 - 40O l- as tz .l Models 500 -1666 CUSTOMER: WIIITEWATERP&H JOB NAME: RAETHNR RESINENCE nATE: l0/19/98 SNOWMELT CALCIII .ATIONS ARNAI AREA2 AREA3 AREA4 TOTALS sQ FT 2200 1900 1750 rr25 6975 BTI_IH 253000 218500 201250 129375 E02125 BOILER IMUT BTUH 468519 404630 372685 239583 t4E54t7 FEET OF TUBE 2750 2500 2250 1500 9000 LOOPLENGTH 250 2s0 250 250 #OFLOOPS ll l0 9 6 36 TOTAL GPM 16.9 t4.6 13.4 E.6 a3.5 GPMPERLOOP 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 FT HD (LOOP) l0 l0 l0 9 FTHD (MANTFOLD) 12 6 6 6 TOTAL FT HD 22 16 16 15 PIPE SIZE TO AREA MANIFOLD I-712" 1-II4' I-II4' I-I/4^ AREA TUBE SPACING IOU ION lON IOO AREA I: EASTDRTVEWAY AREA2= WESTDRIVEWAY AREA 3 = EAST WALKWAYS & SOUTH TERRACE AREA4: SPA,BALCOIryMSTRBRDECK s -s N z v o o = rflJ*.I dn rL)Om a m -l {I ,K i 2 E :>'C) f ,-J *E#3 E i= , ! ,,d ,,,6''::'''.:'<:' ':: : '::;:;.,Q : @,.1 -t.n gqt .4, i:l':.ll >(D-{rnI 0 ,,,,, 5 :r,l ,, l- ,... o o('5(r)N .b ,,,,1; A -,,,N ::iili O (o (r)CD o q)F u Fgq :., tl G)<rl*w-r O O H' -t O \|"(o 6 (Jr (rl o >9o o d o f;iq >E-l o o @ .: :. li O;:: @ (tl ..4 o)A r s Fqt (tl .\N ,o E6frEN o o o; :o o . o,, o i >oca o o o o o o o d'4Qf5 r(j $on Pnl (Jl o o A N @ o p-.'O)o o #xq > t'i o o o oo ooo Dacn o o #Fq >_{+ I 'I 'I I I I I I I I I I N -t H @ s n$t | 'r:: r. | ::illi | .',|:| ,:.. t..l .,-:I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ul -{cno di'-t€ oo€ € t -sv s=H -t -r{5g# 92', v ifrd =FH >-2 iR =n a @ o z t- =m =m o I -J o o z Ou)4t -.{ tD m-l T m I =tP?*ffi9 F5e T=g (J,-. O cYm 1f 91 0 vJm S -{ 'n t-o o v i t m t I 8IE if,8 ffi6 { trih E;>>trF|,FtFlI.l Ft'E'Ottt i#Uv :;4 V =F'EI >n2 3dE Hfr7 { tt) z F 4 (tt H o z o F tl trt o O\ (^+ qr l,J I'J I'J H EEiF :aY F9* EF8 AAi z2n -t@ E HEts o rn rr,F>ctl 9^ts a 82.= gHE HO; P:E 0Eh ii (1 r-r UPF 9=A E-z < azz pBE 9F6 E$fi ggk flpH Eh"1 ,-r X lrt ciF9 El>; HFH azE a>,x '> f'r 3 N9> UE3 <21 FHV 6zg >U 3F --2 I1{rl ", HE Ecn !Ia :Rul 26 i.l )tr rI' E E b H t') F E P c tr! t6)It E h t<E it It F N z t! 3 FSFEHFgHHEEE!;EH "fiFE FUr9B S Ei oF' E EZq- =Egi ?rl rr55 9J t. tJ 1..) O b,J H (, e l..J \c r- bJ \o H 0o H Lrr i o i.^ -.t o o c N)(, F € r, \o rr \o \o rJt \o o w vr (, \c ts gsr.ru i - i -Hh.Jo\N* i i .t!ii 5ro@o{-to\ -' bJ !J v t.l| t..) t.J hJ vr v rq NJ hJ hJ tJ OO NO'-(.,r5 \O t,| -) oF.rhJNo,-b\Fo\io\* ra tn 'io t i o ur FJ o\ s * -. B - - o. -;5H E u ts I il 5 t us d 3 P.o o { c r..Jt,D j { q\ \o -r \r o\ o >r s -,i 3 3 I $ S tnt * GSil.oHUts;;S3=GdH-gFE t.oz rE.a 3A |: l: :r lr ir :r ! L i.l l.r g 9ggp F 5 e 5553555S558&bhhngE guu=iuisEHBEEiiHef;E F I :e + !., - 5 - q, N, F ; p q ^ ^ ;i36 49990!to9!r!{6eee e eeo!55--3EgE -t 42 EEEEEgEEESssEEEEg:F -!< J s F:'9I \5{ul PrrP \O(/|\tO\Fl El >H at F t!aio 'rO a<F' EI VF z o N'i lJJ 9) UJ (' UJ (' UJ gj (' :rt:::=t: :9 !"O ! .O'E - --^i"ii.isqiii"itP +Fl++tr+OO+++F++O FhFFhFfiHxxr*xrf l, UU (' UUo Utlrd { <{ { €€{ €€ \J \' \' \J \.,' \J \.' \J \.,' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: APPI.,ICANT CONTRACTOR OIIINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED PUBI-,TC VilAY PERMTT 278 ROCK].,,EDGE RD 278 ROCKLEDGE RD 2tol-07L-74 - 0 09 HY-}TOON EXC. & CABIJE INC. P.O. BOX 58, EAGLE, CO 81631 HY-I.IOON EXC. & CABITE INC. P.O. BOX 58, EAGLE, CO 81531 RAETHER PAI'L E & WENDY S -JT 9 W 57TH ST STE 42OO, NEW YORK NY ON 'JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: PW99-0L57 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : oe/22/1,999 Issued. . . : 09/22/1,999 Expires. . : L2/L5/1,996 Phone: 97O-32A-L632 Phone z 970-328-1632 1_ 0 019 Description: CUT STEET TO REPATR DAIVIAGED I,INE DO TO STEET CUT r****rr*ir FEE SUMMARY 50.oo .00 50.oo Item: 05500 PUBI-,IC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:09/22/1999 LsAl{DovA Action: AppR pAY END YEAR-rrs Itbm:'05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI hbllc way- - -> Investj.gation> Bond ,Inou!!t - - > TOTAII FEES- - - > 1 certify lhat I have read all chaplers of Title 12-Str of the VaiL MuricipaL Code a.ud all utility conrpany agreetnents, sigxred by me, and will a.bide by Ehe salne, and Ehal all uEilitited as required. Public lforks sill bave a 6pec/detail book available in ApriL of 1995. BAJJANG D[JE-.--.00 MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN **** OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM **** RF:oIIE.qTS FOR INSPECTfONS SHAIJL r\g).vUv l v IN ADVA}ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 4'19-2T38 OR BE AT SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONIRACfOR FOR IIIMSEI,F AND OIINER APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19.- Ewo.II ETIil Parcer#:I .--, I: I:-i -]ErlI !TT o T[r NTT l Excavating Contractor Name 4. Work is for (circte one) (Permit Expiration Oate) Temp. Site Access 5. Water Other Trench-width (min.4') Depth b. 7 R Total SF $ Total LF $ Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENI, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up io one week to process. Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987\ U. S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-748O\ Holy Cross Electric Company (970-949-5892) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198\ 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit 10. All excavation must be done bv hand within l8" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 11 . . Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of lltle I - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all uiility company agreemenls, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractof s Signature ol Agreement Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTBUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Date of Signalure White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor - [l E - f.l (lf unknowncall l'llll.l l-l 479-2198 exr. O) Mailing Address Gas Electric Telephone-. CATV -.iLandscaping City Phone # Sewer TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vAIt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI\TT cotcrRAqroR O!{NER JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M99-006L MECHANICAIJ PERMIT STONE MECHANICAI,, INC. 1111 SOIIITI 9TH, GRAI{D ,rUNgrION, STONE MECHANICAI, INC. 1111 SOUffi 9TII, GRAI,TD ,JIJNCTION, RAETIIER PAI'L E & $IENDY S -,fT 9 W 57TH ST STE 4200, NEW YORK DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMEIflT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .Iob Address. . . : 2'78 ROCKLEDGE RD Locat,ion......: 278 Rockledge Rd Parcel No.... . : 2101-07L-t4-OO9 Project Number: PRJ98-0086 sEaEus...: ISSI'ED Applied. .2 05/L6/L999 Issued. ..: 06/22/L999 Expires.. z L2/L9/L999 Description: Mech for ventss, fans, cooling, humidification Fireplacq lrtforuation: R€€tricled: y *of crr Appli.nc.r: Phone: co 81501 Phone: co 81501 NY 10019 Valuation: *Of Ch. LoE.: 970-242-50L4 970-242 -5014 38, 500 . O0 *of wood/PallcE: rEE St t44ARv llcchanical---> PI.n ch.ck- - - > InvG6t,igatsion> t{iIL crll--- - > Rsstuarant Plan Rcvi6r- - > DRE P.c- ------ - Tof,AIJ FEES----- Total calculat.ed Pe€s---> Addltlonal Fe6s---------> Total garnit. Fa€--------> Pil,tcnts------- BAI.AI|CE DI'E. - - - ?9o.00 195 .00 .o0 3.00 .oo .oo 97S . OO 974 . O0 - oo 97S . O0 97S . O0 . oo Itsem: O51OO DeDT: BUIIJDING Division:06/L7/L999 E Routed t.o Chbrlie 06./L8./L999 R CHARIJIE DAVIS Item:'.05500 Dept: FIRE Division:o6/L7/L999 KATI{Y AcEion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIBLD INSPE TIONS ARB REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiTCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrledg€ that r have read Ehi6 applicaEion, filled out in full the informaEion required, conpleced an accurate ploE plan, and !E.t. lhet aLl chc infonrtsion providcd ae rcquircd iE corrcct,. I agrc. Eo comply nith Ehe infomacion and plof plan, Eo conply with all Toun ordinances and statse 1aws, and Eo build this sEructure according Eo che Tolrn's .zoning and 6ubdivi6ion cod.r, d..lEi r.vi.tr rpprov.d, Itnifo! BrrildinE cod. rnd olhcr oldln|nc.g of Ehr Torrn applicable bhcrcto. RBQuEsfs FoR INAPEeIIoNS SHAIJL BE MADE TWEI.|'.-FOIrR HOURS SIGIqTORE OT O NER OR COI+TRACTOR FOR HIMAEIJP A]ID OI{NER rROM 8:00 A$ 5:00 PM rtatrairrrarrtii raaa rrtttrrraftt 50 f Ot Vlll,r ao!OETDO Sr.rdnt a+tttl'rlirt!trtti|rttritraarr,traratrtatatt'tttrtrrlttftrrtr*t*rrrrr.ar'} gErgalne NuDb.r: EIC-0533 lDounc ! 97c.OO 06/22/99 09.0L --::T::-::::::::.-..-::::T:-::::-.-. . ::::- Panric Xor 119r-0061 tt'p.: B-I|ECH llEcHldIcAIr PERUIT Plrs.l no: 2101-O?1-1{-OO' 8lC! IddtlsE. 274 ROCTLEDGB RI) Locrtsion: 2?g Rockl.dcc Rd Tolal Pec6: 978. OO thl. P.yr.nt 979.00 toE I LLt Prt6: 97g.OO B.lracr: .0o Icqounc eoda D..orlFcion trount llP 0010000311x300 llEcHtlrlclrr PaR tE FBBS 7go.oo Pl 00100003112300 DLrtr cl|ECR FEES 195.00 lfc 00100003112s00 rM crlrrJ ldaplcrrd FEE 3.00 PPDqE- oo8to ilTni or vArL coNsr*u"rro"O [ ]-Building 1 1-nrumbing [ ]-Erectrical [xl-Mechanibat [ ]_other f1B R.*u-aqe Rd.Job Name: Lnewz 2.qioe^rq. Job Address: /.o. {is"__/i.'-.J,oT'Ao^o Legal Description: Lot 15 B1ock_! PER.I'TIT APPLICATToN FoRM PERI-IIT iI DATE: ob- tl' -rj - t APPLICATfoN MUST BE FILLI:D oUT CoMPLETELY oR IT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED at x***************************** PERMTT TNFORMATJON *****************************rl n}tU.t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances 'T*'t't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Address: Contractor: Oerners Name: ?nt i r;i,r*ou Pn.r*e- Address: BUILDING PERMI? FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ********************************* OTHER: $ *************************** of Acconmodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nuhber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Ph. Architect:Address: ceneral Description: work class: [r]-New [ ]-Arteration t l-Adclitionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelllng UnLts: Ph. Nurnber Mechanical Contractorz Stu,rre lllcclt,^,;J T,ac.,Address: ZZzgg os th",*r"@ ******************************** FoR Town of Vail Reg. NO. ,n tZ{ snone Nulnber: 9l?o-i?1_5-l1{ _ oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: ---- RECREATION FEm^+^ ;1 cLEAN-up DEpo$rligt te hecgred|._--TOTAL PERMTT FE "-JUN I b lggg-- BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE!Cotnnents: CLEAN I'P I'EPOSIT REFIIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPIJIEA}iIT COIil:TRAETOR OWNER DEPARII{ENT OF COMMT'NIrY DEVELOPMEI..Ir Descriptj.on: ELTECrRICAI WIRING OF St,atus...: ISSUED epplied. .: Aa/L5/!999 Issued. . .: Oa/L5/t999 Hcpires . .. L0/L2/L999 Phone: 970-328-L271 Ptrone:. 970-328-L27L SPA ONLY Valuation:1, 000 . 00 FEE SUMMARY ++'l*r **+i**rrrrrr'rrrt*rr tri NOIE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRIEAT PERMIT JOb AddTESS: 278 ROCKLEDGE RD Location...t 2'78 ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No. . : 2LO1-O7L-L4-009 Project No. : PRif98-0085 FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2056, EAGLE, CO 81631 FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2056, EAGLE, CO 81631 RAETHER PAI]L E & WENDY S -.]T 9 W 57TH ST STE 4200, NEW YORK NY 10019 JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Permit #: 899-0042 Electrical---> DRB Fac fnvc6tsigaEi,on> vli11 calL----> TOTAI. TEEg--.> TotsaI ealculat€d Fee6- - - > Addiclonal FecE---------> Total PermiL Feo----- ---> PaydenCa - - - - - - - - EAIANCE DUE.. - - - 5(}. oo .00 - 00 3.00 53,O0 53.OO , oo 53,00 .00 rl, i 'a 'a r r r r rrira r ItsEM: O6OOO ELECTRIEAL DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUTLDING DiViSiON:O4/L5/L999 iIRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED ,JRIf Itsemi .05580 FIRE DEPARTIVIENT Depr: FIRE Division:04/L5/L999 ,JRM Action: APPR N/A COI{DITION OF APPROVAI DECTJARATIONS r hcrcby acknorlodgc thaE r hrw. !6ad Ehia rppl,lcaEion, filled oub in full t.h6 inform.cion raquired, collplaced ar acculaLe pl.ot plan, |nd rtsaEc thrt rII th. infoto-tion providea aa required i.6 corrects. r .gr.c !o corlply yith tshc inforoatsion and ploc trrlan, to couply pitsh all ToI'n ordin.nc€E and.tr!. IanE, and to build this Etruccur6 according co che Toin,a zoning arrd rubdiwioion codea, dcsJ.gm rcvicy tpproved, UniforE Building code and ohher ordinanc€s of tsh.t Toi.n aFpLicabtc th€leco. REQUESTS POR INAPE(TIONS SHAII BE I.'ADE TWEIITI-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADV1NCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2139 OR OUR OPFICE FROU E:00 Ali 5:00 PU TOnN Ot Vltt .r' CDDOR.InO gtaE.aE tnub.r: nEC-050a lDounE ! P.y!.nc H.ehod: CK lfot.tsidni 1672 53. o0 0{/t9199 14e10 rnl,c. itN T}riE Palnleni D.mlr tro, t99-ooc2 TrE.! !-Er,Ec ErJBcl?rdaf, ErRffiE Prrc.l No! 210I-071- 1{ - 009 Sit. Addr... ! 27S ROCI(IIIDCE EO Iroc.sioD ! 279 ROCiIEEE nD tolal Fcae 3 53.00 lotal AIJ& PlEr: Ealatrce: 53.00 53.00 .00 tccourte Cod. D.rclipElon tP 00100003r11too ErlctBrctrr PERIrT Fllg lrc 001000031r.2900 wrLL ctllL lfgPEclltoN FEB AsgunC 50.00 3.00 Fpr 15 99 I O: O4a .- |' FORSYTH INC.9?0 -324 - l27l p.2 '*,*Co:rtacl EagIc County As5cssors office 6!'ac 9t0]29-8640 for parccl f . To'.rN oF vAfL colis?Ruc1lfolr $ r,rncer x : 2tdl - r,7/ -4 : oo? pEpJ.rrr Lppl.rcATrolf FoRl.t n ' ouz; eti-i? . - PIU]IBrNG: $ HECHANTSAT;+*4 M .Kt}* ** * t( * * *.i * x * * * * * * * * * *'i * * * ** CONTRACTOR INFORMATIq tE"nerrl contractor: ^, .r INFORMATI fu*ro TOTAL: . BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FENi 3!r{BrNG Pr,AN cHEcK IEE:MECHANTCAIJ PIAN CHECT( TEE:REEREATION FEE: CIEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: MPIJSTEIJY OR IT }.TAY IIO? BE ACCEPTED rilron,rrqtloN * * *.,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.t * * *, i * rical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other _ Job Nane: EoZn:zJF,/2,r, - Job'Addres", -a.78- RaaflnJ.p R-/ Legal Description: Lot _ Block Firing D .. ,,.r oFners lrahe: tt'.Ap/ t<ff Z* Address: , _ph. Arclritect:Address: General De scrj.ption: 1 3'--ouur.ronurl 31*" pu-i1, t;"r"* lfunber of D',rel- linE Units:]Iunber of .F-cconnodation Units : #*"t and rype of Fiheplaces: Gas..Apprrances- cas Logs_- I.rood/per_1et_ ru*********x*i******:******tt*x****** VALIJATToN' ****J;*******ri**l***************** BUUJDING: ELECTRIC.D.L z $ tc,.rtt .r.., r B;.#ili;; f- HncH^N,!;ii!-eaa"za glgpt: contractor: L'llrr\nL'fvr(.nf:y^-+TJ*******-***t******'r******** i5fi;=i'r-orrL..ctusor' (nS -^.'16b$'vn of Vaj-r'reg- No.one Humb€.r: E.r.ectricaL contractor:icaiiZii-gj)_i)tr% T:1:-"I Vair Res. No. 4t4 Phone Ntrnber: 5Z* - jiiT- Plurnbing contractor: _ k-qq - ()n41/ ,n_..:_ _-Address: - v | | V( t7 rl Towh of lrail Reg. No.r-rrone fi ur.nbe!.: Mecha:rica1 Contractor.: eaaies i: _ . . : Town of VaiI Reg; No-Phone llurdber:. *****t **?f ******:i******'r****?rr?*** pOR OFFfCE USE ?r,<r.r***J.**.t tt.*t;:t **********;*, i*tsUIIJDjNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'}'E NG PER}IIT. FEE: ME:IIN ICAL PERMIT FEE: ELICT} IC}.IJ FEE: OT;IER IYPE OF FEE: DRB F.[E: : BUTTDTNG: SIGNATUR,E: ZONING: SICNATURE: l i:Li:,1!t ;i? nPosIT R.EFUI{D TO: T TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROAD vAIIr, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DRB Pa€ .0O InvcECigqCion> will call -- -- > TOTAI, FEES-.. > DEPARITI{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEETRIEAL PERMIT PermiE #: E98-0336 Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Projece No. APPLICAI T COMTRACTOR OWNER Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NSFR *+rirr*.4 ** ** *t r*rrrtrr*r* *'r *tr+rrr r* rrr r* t+*rrrr *r * ***** 1* * El.c!rlc.I- - - >259.00 Valuat,ion:30, 000 . 00 FEE SLUMARY rr*rrla*rtt***r* t***'rt*tr*r**rr WAGNER ELEqTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VAIL CO 81658 TilAGNER EIJBCTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VArL CO 81_658 RAETHER PAI'L E 6. WENDY S -.'T 9 W 57TH ST STE 4200, NEW YORK NY 10019 Statug-..: ISSTED Applied..: L2/3L/L998 Issued...: L2/3L/L998 Extrrires. . : 06/29/1999 Phonez 9709496161 Phone: 9709496L5L 278 ROCICIJEDGE RD 278 ROCICLEDGE RD 2LOL-07L-t4 -009 PR,f9S - 0086 Tocal crlculal€d Poaa- - - > Addicional Peed---------> Tocaf P6rrit Fee_------_> .00 212.O0 .00 3.00 272.OO Palment6-------- 212.OO BAIANCE DUE.... - t t * i * * t t t r t * t 'r i *rrrr+rtftrrtir rrrtr**airr*rrrtft*r*t\,f*rf**'ir,rtttti**tr*tJtr+tt*i*.r ItCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI' DEPART14ENT DCPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON:I2/3L/L998 iIRM Actsion: APPR APPROVBD .'R!,7 IEeqi'.05600 FIRE DEPARTT,IENT Dept: FIRE Division:L2/3L/L998 JRM Actsion: APPR N/A +trrttt'trtJirrr trrrrittrt'rtirr CONDITTON OF APPROVAIJ r*i'rt9***tttr**l!tatt{*rr****** +|lrrttl rtrr*rt* r*t rtr**r *tJ!t a I r**r***+r+i r*r***r***tri* *r***i}*t* DECI,ARATIONS I h.rsby acknot l.ag. thats I hrvc lead bhiE rpE licet,lon, flll.d out ln full thc lnfonnatlon rcqulred, corlplelod qn 4ecuratse ploC plan, and EtaEa thtt. all tsh! lnfoqtration provlded aE roqui!6d 1o corErct, I.grqo co codply rith tshe Lnf,ormEi.on and ploh plan, !o cdply tt{ch all lorn ordlnenccB and 6cat€ layo, and lo build !hl,a acrucLulo according tso Eh6 ToJn'6 zonlng end Eqbdlvi€ion cod6E, design r.vLcr approvcd, ltniforo Bulldlng cod. and othe! oldl,nanceg of !h. Tovn applLcrblc th.r.co. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS 8HAIJL BE Ma"DE TNElfrI- rOUR Hot Rs IN AD\/AIICE BY IELEPHoNE Al 4?9-213s oR AT olrR oFFIcc FRoM s!00 AI,l 5:00 PM SIONAAME OP oo ***************!r************************:l*******************tt1*** TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Stsatemnt **************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0489 Amount.: Payment Method: CK Not.aE,ion: 17153 272.00 0L/06/99 L5:07 Init: rTRM Permit, No: 898-0336 T149e: B-ELEC Parcel No: 2101--071-14-009 SiTC AddTCSS: 278 ROCF.,EDGiE RD LOCATION: 278 ROCKI.EDGE RD ELECTRICAL PERI4IT This Palment Total Pees: 272.OO Total AL,L Pmrs: Balance: 272.00 272.00 .00 **************************************************************** Accotult Code Descript.ion EP OO1OOOO311.14OO ETEETRTCAL PERMTT FEES WC O01OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPEETION FEE Anount, 269.0O 3.00 Dec-31-98 08:37P Waqner Electric, fnc 9709494339 P.O? PERI.IIT "O?t -o3jT f'on*u,, I,_{yQ \-_o ? t - |."/Jaq:.'fiil ;il #ilrElffi"T -a\et-o ? r - |.",tt Tgil H Xlll,ElI?H'$H$P #*H%ffi:qt*' Lcgal Descrlpulonl Lot blook Flllng_ suBpttt5lggj_ .I APPLICATIOT{ l{UsT BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEITY OR I.f MAY NOT DE ACCEITnII ,' .' NFon}| Tloll *i******.****rrr**********i lcql I J-t{echanlba} [ ]-Other rrdrese c aZg__SscS\eAetA_ (.)ktltc).'r; llirtrtn : /rcclrI Lc.cL: Badbc-C Addreb6: /iddroes: Ph. Gener:nl Uescrlptiorr: . ( liork c1861r, 9diH"* [ ]-lrlteratlon lurnber of Dwelr.lng Unlts, I i4unlrer ':nat Type of, Flreplor:ss: GA6 I * * ** * * * * * rt 'r * * *.Jt * * * * tr * * * * ** * * tt * ** a \ t l-Addtttonnl I J-Repalr f l-other_ Nunbor of Acconnodatton Unltrr: tr 0,i ippllanceE V;ILUATIONS CONTRACTOR INFOn}4ATION -- caE Loga__ wood/pellet;_ **********************t**+*i**** .TUILDIIiG: S 0LUMbING:sf J I* I * *** *'r ******* f ****.*N**,r*f Sanoral Colrbractor: OTITER: I EOTAr.,: f----..-- r****t**a*********rl|*t**r* Addrees: ; ddrese: l:echalrlcal ccrnttAct,ou :i\ddre6B I :, **** rt*******trt**********tri***roR J:UILDING PER}|IT FEE: I'I;T'MBIIIG PERIIIT FED: IIEC}IANTCA! PERITIIT FEE:I:LECIRfCAL FEE:(,TIIER TYPE Of. I'EE: J RB FEE: -VIDuIFiEf Town of vatl R6E. NO.Fhone Nurtbert #"Effifri;ll' l&P-Qoroo ,,;l.ectrlcaf Colt,Uroctor s r,rurublng cont rrrcror t _,,. € 1l - O,)gL ._.:,.ddrcsE:Iteg. NO.* 3f, Xil" "fi "Li * l, *flLzjlffi' Town of Vall Dlroh€ Nunber: Town of ValI Pbone Nurnberr Reg. NO. oFFICE UsB **r******rr*****t***********r*, BUTI.DING PIAN C}TECK FEE:PLUUBTNG PI.AN CITECN FEE: IIECTI.ANICAL PIJIN CTTECK FEE:.RECR&ITTION FEES CLEAN-UP DEPOSITS TOTAL PENfiTT FEES: BUUJDINGI gIGNATURET ZONINCT SICNAOURE! FEB-14-AA HOH 9:26 STONE I.IECHANICAL INC. L97g-24=€}746 P-Al -oi 1111 South 9th Succt Grand Junction, CO E1501 Firm Phone (97O)242-50t4 Fax Phone (970)243-8746 FAX COVER STMET Please Deliver Firm Name: the following Pages to: 4L^{rr,ot Address: Business Phone: 471- u4L - Fax Phone: .i-t1- ),s1f4s --tor, Total Number of pages including Cover Letter: Z _ i From: hner,'.g 6toxr Subject: Commgals; +lz 0.Aentel- Le.qtf,cnce, T'ka ptvnO?.z po-tvioeo the- Cantt-a,- tul7-LtocL ra TtE _ H+lS . Cvo'ettJlu,t 7?l,cA;| is re,- sP4Ci (a.^"cac. s'JJ'rTq{rJ ,. ft,p SALar{cJNfr AHD E-uy- c.Ltu. Fotz Hc*n nciu*tci.. Bo* r-*xs D(aesc tt.euri,*r o,^/ e e r.t- r.u iI* O ,,.r+Trair-rs , 6 ?T Date Time: If you do not Receive please call (970) THANKS! are not legible, as possible, FEB- 14-9E' HON 9 :2? STOHE 1.'IECHAN I CAL I NC.19792438746 lr P-92 sroNE "r.r^n|il, ,nr.llll Sou0r 9th Steet GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 8I5OI (e70) 242.6014 dfr +tetlrlDr[{4@rh.trtctlr 0{n.t.0tnclu.rFt&r6^9! FEE-14-96 t l: t7 Ptl 1.I H I TEI^IATER PLUI.IB I NG 979 43364 =2 o P. E 1 Falr ler CFIARL|E DAVrs ?runr .JACKSIBLEy Ftn: 17+2452 D.lu 2-11-00 thoi.r 4792i38 !$THEqMECMN|CALROOM8|ZE GGr tr U4rrt E Forlndow tr thlrtGomrrrn0 trfbr.LDry trtlrrnrsydr rGcnnrnl* cHAllgg lrcnox [rrD tE TO F X YOU Tfl!wt DtD lor flt! irlfltER r!]rret oil uunoilf ttt cD Ary eutrror, *l! tr tffi H nilrm, JACT FEE-14-69 I1 :1A PH lIHITEI.IATER PLU]'IEING 6o Uou:wr? 6tr Por',vr UML Src, 3o 9'2 a5568 ,a1 k'^,t P<-y S lFo q_ 97 s32 o P. AZ RAETHER BOILER ROOM SIZING CALCULATION H',;r?1'#!tlisliiSl trTDfilfrt_H# wrrrr lI|E sNowMELr BoTLER AND rHn BUNNAM EOILER SIZE: CUBIC FEET IJ CUBIC FEET BOILER R,OOM IS 162.45 SQUARE FEET tsorLER ROOM NEEDS TO BE 24r.7{ SQUARE FEET 19t9.92 DMDED By t' = 24t.74 llq yol-rrME oF BoTLERS AtrD MULTPLY By 16 RAE.I'HER BOILERSIZE: | 7,.1_0fEET X 9.5 FEET x r FooT cEtLrNG = 1299.6 CUBIC FEET i i ;'rl'1"3,]J i J# ;il'i-""f'LtB',lsF;f T$Tr'8 H,aJ,,," o*, _ /W.&t M, Alaf,ur d THIS CALCT'LATION DOES NOT TAKE IN ACCOI,JNT OTHER, BQUPMENT IN TTIE ROOM 1{:00 8203 0001 874 o Mr. Rob Fawcett eeorge Schaeffea Constnrction eo. 41011 U.S. Highway 6 & 24 Eagle Vail , CO 81620 Re: RaeBher Residencc Accached please find a our coneract. Please tlo noe hesltate Sineerely your6, Tischlg7r und Sohn (U.S.A. )Limiced t: -mochy K . Carpenter President TKc/st, 05/6/gg TISCEI.ER&SOf,N G ooezooS NSGHIIR TUg SIIHI{ TISCHLER UNO SOHN (U.SA) LIMITED May 5, 1999 f?wlu-r-ks'Blg-8sl Dear Rob: Per your reque6c, chis is to confirm that we manufactured the winclows and doors for the Raether Re6idence wlth Low B K rnsurated Glass consisting of: 6 nm ingide pane laninated and 6 nrn ougEide Bane teaq)ered. All glazing units are with breather tubes. copy of our vtarrErnty (Pages 4 and 5) of Eo contaet ne 1f you have any quesclons. 97 c.JBc 9,tot, Six Suburban Avenue Stamford, CT 06901 USA Teleohone 203/674-0600 Teleiax 203/674-0601 ynPues -7b l{:0s gZOJ 0 s01 gTrl o I and signcd by BUYER or BUY including tinish color and gless selcctioos, whichcver itc' SELLER slull comm€oce insbtletion of thc Tt ^--rtclivery 65 [ca completcd if rhc sfirflrre in which the TISCI{j anccd to l ilegc whcrc such irstaltarion is rppropriac and can bc accomplished' tf thc cxisin *Utf, Ua TISCHLER'i arc to bc infle|lcd b3s oot rcachod nrch a TlscHLER,s arc thtivcred o the lnstal|adon sitc, tbcn insta|tgtion.. tcn (10) <hys aftcr u;;;"rnlt d; of srch utiiciird! qlgt-1fh insatletim to pracod witbout iurpcrlineot. SELLER *it",o tftc instalted;of -Ut niCgLERS will bc complacd within 2 **iG tfol days from ue dae t f commsricsncnt of srch insral nion' BUYER uarlcrsOnds that the above datcs uc estiuetcs oaly urd BUYER rccogrizes that dclays may uise in thc fabrication or CTILERS and' rccqdingly' SELLER shalt oot bc held lirb hitr wiihin SELLER''S coutrol. BUYER frrnber ' flscttl,gRs aftcr SELLER b. .trat go witl be for BUYER'S sole accormt and drc cstimated <lel shrll b€ extcndcd for thc peri d rcquired to nrale the changcs in BUYER,. 6. BUYER,S REPRESENTATIONS'AND OBLICATIONS' BUYEh rep'rescna that thc building .=---- oPeoings irito.whic f iPProxinetclY one sbown oo Scbcdule utd i agent, as Oc-casc maY -h, and that all necessary flashing will be instatlcd by BUYER grior to comti*cernent of iasalletioo' In thc clent any of dre tbregoin not to bc accurate in the field at $c lnstanetion sire,-sELLER'*l rBriqe t11q!t1-y-:Ll"h inaccurate wqk arrd strall have hc TTSCHLERS iB BUYER'S - building until such time as tlrc | rlr the foregoing represEnEtions of BUYER,. 7. DEFAULT. tn rhc event BUYER fails to dcpOsit any snry in scrow as hcteinabovc grovided in rhis Agrce "r 6. ilio"rc'rtrerefor, and fails to coffect srcb default wi$ln ten "f ;;l;f*tt gi"en by SELLER to BUYER' rhcn this A$eemsn rcirher party-tuari navc iy qr. obtigatioo wluilsoevcr to the other hcreuruler e entitlcrl to 'lli"c -o rcLu att sums grcviously dgrositctl to the escrou, account by BUYER pursuant rO rhis egrcemcnt or Prcvi ly pard to SELLER' t. IVARRANTY. For a pcriod of rwo (Z) years tsom compledon of in$alladon of rhe TISCHLERS by SELLER, SELJER ',"it rn.. rtrat Oc rfilffliRS "itt-U" fret hom dcfecrs in materials or workmanship anrt rhe installarion of rte sarie wiit have hccn done in accordance wior said Scttcdute 0 oo3/ooJ TISCELER&sOEN rt/ ro/s8 FACSTM+ TRANSMTTTAL lUH 10 : 37 t'A-X 303 823 2262 E isiiiFr,iji'r'i PSA DENVER @ oor IX.IE IUIOI9S IO'gAM IA George Ruther d)illPAltlY: Town of Vail _ Conrmunity planning IRCII4 NOELEMERSOI.{ROLLINS,ASSOC.AIA RB FIREPLACVCHIMNEY € Rob Fawcet! Shaeffer Construction G .xtsI\ArUe .I)EAIUMm' IltxN[nrek PAGES 3 FA)(# FAX# RAEIIIER 2105t 970-4.79-2452 (rcIdryIAs covwdwt) 97o8/'tmt3 )r DeilCrqgts h,Enp\,€dfubcdln tcalignwiftrlbiuir. Cqd[alty, lhclBnswt Roflios, Asi* AIA eiedl\@er Plcas€ contact tl' rbo\r. scnder 8t th€ numbu, bclow ifdrcrc aru any quEstio$ ,.gsrding lfiis traamission. ir tf Th Rfft Dcdn trfre 303 623 3555 VAIL P.c. a 3.i:';dffi'ffi*-* F'Em,S*bffi DENVER SANFMNCISCO zpl I *'rgv :uolslAeu tra.-G2t-eac,nr ,-Ym?H?# el"sllr.f"Jv selet?o,eev 2 Enq;r,6eg?,2J.le . oavdola?1tvr'. ="N=CJ9]U H=H1=7U Plfi >lr-Jlo IT alI .lut ul0 slF 8lp 1ls elg -lJ TLIL ttl 3 tt i6 ;3 iH dfl i$ Ir_ lrl J I tu J F 3 $ zszz czs 808 xY.{ 8g:0T gm 88/ol/rr z9l I *'t'Q'v I r.ut€...1c4 :uols!.r16ral Aq66-€CQ-€.DE tt L @?.t e a?.rqej .r^!DA E1N:Z-et*c(N, trtl t-9 .ttr13 t-Jig a.zm u;gl?alfq?rv ?cte!?occ]f S Enq;e,E4,azJDt€J oavdo]/a),1tv/\fsNfctg=> u=Hr=yu vlfi >lr ,lb (8 lr <lF Jlo LIH slp 1ls $ls -tJ ILIIL r F q {||l I .b \ ltl \z t\t !ul \ I \\ \ UII NA(I VSd o |?oEl op 'o o- : FI oz OD .o o(J c E 4 H 42 }ltr il8 P* avl l8 EE OA rii lr ql o E o F q| E E P o o A o l{o o d e !0 {)!r btH oo lta oe o oq a ts A H ,t E o F F o o FI lr o E E{ '{H E o E u EE i9 c4 E !a H l. Fl AE -o H- p e nFl OE 10 i9 ot E a t+iz 89 g'{a q FI E q T o ET !a A t ll H ii A EC tq,ao zE E E II P PE q| alo B 60 F'dl B E F F E o H 6 A v E c H E q A I o orE NU' l>o qr|r.!a o 4t g9 E az 7 EEF REPTI3I i 92/lOl2OOO O7t59 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII IORK SHEETS FOR: 2/lOl2O PAGE 4 AREAs GD ============================Ei=================================================E3='Activlty: ll99-O06t zlLOl2O Type: B-ltECH Ststuer ISSUED Constr: ASFR Addregg: 274 R0CKLEDGE RD Locatlonr 278 Rockledge Rd Parcel z 2IOL-O7 t-L4-li0g Deecrt.pttonr llech for ventslfane, coolLng' hurl-dLfl,cetLon Occ:Uge: Phoner 970-242-51614 Phone: Phone: 97O-242-WL1 TOHI| OF YArL, COLORADO Appllcant: STOIIE IIECHAIIICAL, IllC. Ovner: RAETIIER PAUL E & UEIIDY S -JT Gontractor: STOIIE IIECHAIIICAL, IllC. Infornatlon-. ... e$rf&"rm'u I I I t I t I I I I I I I r I lr I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I' I I I I Inepectl.on Requeet Requeator: ltark Req Ti.ne: OSIOO Itere regueated to OO39O IIECH-Final Connenter rl.ll be Inbpected... cell pleaee ActL Tlne E:rp fiN- Inepectl.on Hl.etory Iten: OO2OO IIECH-Bough 96122199 Inepector: CD Iter: OO24O PLIIB-Gae Plplng Lten: OO3IO IIEGH-Heatlng lten: OO32O IIEGH-Exheuet Hoode Iten: OO33O IIECH-SuppIy AJ.r lten: OOSILO IIECH-lll-oc.Iten: OO39O ItEGH-FlnaI -on: APPR DUCTUORK . f-.,,n -*1- - /; l-otL l(r) | L-.-. r vV /\]- ' , \--) \ ,--\\- --- \--- ALL "-* REPTI3T TOUil OF YAIL, COLORADO PAGE 3 AREA: CD OZILOIZOOO O7259 BEOUESTS - IIISPECTI| IORX SHEETS FORI 2|LO/2O = Ei = E = = E EE E = = = = =E E:t E !EA3A:EatEtEAEAtEi=E==BE=3-l!==5E!==-======E:t===E====E=====-a:3-!taaE ActLvLtyr 199-@03 2f l0fz0 Type: B-llECtl Statuer ISSUED Conetrr IfSFR Addreaer 274 ROCKLEDEE RD Locetion: 274 ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel : 2lOl-O7 L- 14-9;99,Occ:Use:Deecrlption: IIEGH SYSTEI FOR ISFR(HEAT,SPA,SIIOIIIELT, RADIAIIT)Appllcantr IHIT.$*JIATER PLUllBIf,G & HEATIICf Phoner 9"o.926-37oi&. Orner: RARfHER PAUL E t fEilDY S -JT Phone:Contrectorr IHITE UATER PLUHBIITG & HEATIIIG Phoner 970-926-370,8 - Inepectl-on Hietory Iter: OO2OO IIECH-Rough Iter: OO24O PLIIB-Gae Plp fter: OO3IO l|ECH-lleatl.ng Inepectl'on Requeet Requeetor: llark Req Tlre: OEzOID Iters requeeted to @39O ltECH-Flnel Inf,ornetlon. . . . . Corrents:Il-lI CalI be t 476-6737 GARAGE Actl.onr APPR APPR GARAGE It| FLOOR T1re Exp PA SilOTilELT FOR STTIRS AIRTEST APPn HTRSBO, 3 DECKS, leo PSr APPR APPR UIRSBO OII REAR PATI APPR SIIOUTIELT EAST DRIVE O3l2Ll99 fnapector: lloteer FLOOR HEAT,ALL O7/OZ/99 Inepector: JRll Iten: OO32O IIECH-Exhauet Hoode Iten: OO33O IIECH-Supply Air Iterr OO34O IIECH-lll.ec. O6lO3f99 Inapeotor: CD llotea: ZOIIE HAS BEEII TESTED OBl24l99 Inapector; GRG lQlLLf99 Inapectors JRil llotee: PATIO llllLlgg Inapector: CD Itenr OO39O IIECH-Ft.nal Action; UITH IOOI Actlon: Actlons Actl.on: i I l.r I i T&ENEE il T.EPTI3T TOUn oF VArL? COLORADO PAGE 2 AREA: CD OZ|IO|ZOOO O7'.59 RESUESTS - IIISFECTH rOnK SHEETS FORI ZlLOfZo ActLvLty: P99-OOOI 2/lOl2O Type: B-PLilB Stetusr ISSUED Conetr: IISFE Addreear 274 ROCI(LEDGE RD Locatlonc 27A ROCKLEDGE RD Pareel r 2L6L-67L-14-OO9 DeecrJ.ptLon: PLUIIBIIIE FOR IISFR Apptlcant: UHITE HATER PLU[BfilG & HEATIIIG OVNEr: RAETIIER PAUL E & HEIIDY S -JT Contrector: HHITE UATER PLUilBfnG & HEATII|G l I l I I l i I I i I I j I Occ:Uee: Phoner 970-926-37o,9 Phone: Phone: 970-926-37o,4 Inepeotl-on Bequeet Requeetor s llark Req Tlle: O6:OiD Iteus requeated to InfornatLon. . . . . Connente: tfLll be Inspected... Phone: 476-6757 GaII Pleeee Actlon: Actlon: ActLon: Actlon: COilTRACTOR Coonente APPR APPR APPR TLne Exp IO'PT GARAEE UITDERGROUIID APPR OII AIR TEST APPR UATER TEST APPR GAs PIPI}I6 20* i Inapection Hlatory.....I I Iten: Iten: Iten: Iten: Iten:lten: Iten: OOZIO PlliB-Underground OZILT199 Inepector: CD OO22O PLIIB-Rough/D. U. Y. 05/21/99 Inepector: JRlt OO23O PLIIB-Rough/Uater OSl2t/99 Inapectorr JRll OO24O PLIIB-Gae Pip1ng O5l2ll99 Inepector: JRll llotes: 6A5 TAS LEFT UITH OO25,O PLIIB-Pool/Hot Tub 00260 P|.ItB-llisc. OO29O PLIIB-Flnal PA rl t ti i i.f 1t- I lr r"l lru li' 4 Ir lit t t HEPTT3l TOril OF YArL, coLoRADO OZILAI^(M O8II4 REEIUESTS - TNSPECTII HORK SHEETS FORI 2/Lg,/2Q PAGE I AREA: CD ==== ============= =========tB== ========E-====================-========E===========Actl-vJ-ty: Addreesr LocatLon r Parcel r DeacrLptlonr Appllcantl Ounerr Gontractor: B9A-0351 2lL8ln Typel B-BUfLD Status: fSSUED Conetr: IISFB 27A ROCKLEDGE RD 274 ROCI(LEDGE RD ztol-o7I-14-OO9 IIEU SFR SHAEFFER COIISTRUCTIOII RAETHER PAUL E & TENDY S -JT SHAEFFER COIISTRUCTIOil Oc,cz OOAT Ueel V ll Phone: 970445565'6 Phone: Phone: 9704455656 'Locke, Holde, and ACTIYITY llotl.ce: slot Hotlces.... 3 Inepecti.on Bequeet fnfornetl,on... Requestor: llABl( Req Tl.rel OLTOO Cornentel Itens requeeted to be Inepected.. OO53O BLDG-Terp. ClO Phone: 476-6757 Action: ll0 LOOfiED0DAIIPPROOFIIIG-IIR Actlon: PA nech roou vslL and slab Astl.on: PA STAIRS AltD SLAB AT SPA Actionr APPR I|ORTH RETAIl|fl|G IALL Aotlonr APPR E SIDE CUnyED BETArl|IllG ACt1ONT APPR DRIVEHAY'\IALLS APPROVED Actlons Dll see note Tire Exp r--Hletory..... OO5O2 PU-Rough grade OO5O3 PU-FlnaI drlveray grade OOOLO BLDG-FootLnge/SteeI bll66/99 Inepector: CD Actl-on: APPR SOILS REPtIRT REC'YD O4lOBl99 Inepector: JRlt Action: PA APPR SOUTH TERRACE Hotee: PLAIITER RETAIIIIIIG FOOTERS -4=:t\ * 't oG,toJ-tgg Inepectorr JRll Act-Lonz(APPR )APPn RETAIII HALL EAST { llotee: EllD \. -07/27 199 Inepector: GRG ActJ'on: APPR RETAIIIIIIG HALL,. E. SIDE ro9/O7/99 Inepector: CD Action: APPR driveray uall footinga llotee: approved on oondltion that the bulldl.ng eeuer line 1e sleeved rhere it rLll be in contact rlth concrete OOO2O BLDG -Foundatlon /Steel Iter: Iten: Itel: Iten: Itenr Itenr O2lL2l99 Inepector: GRG o.2125199 Inepector: CD llotee l concrete hes been placed prLor to l-nepection the eub contrsator gtstee that the reLnforclng steel hee been pLaced acsordLng to approved pl-ena 06103199 Inepector: CD 06104199 Inapectorr CD A8106199 Inepector: GRG O9lLgl99 Inapectorr CD OO5'2O PLAII-ILG SLte PIen OElL4l99 lnapector: EEOBGE ActLonr APPB o,o,o,30 BLDG-Frarlng OGlLIl99 Inapector: GD lloteer An fLC ilUST BE SUBIIITTED AilD AP.PROYED ELECTNICAL ROUT'H IIISPECTIOI REOUIRED TTECHAIIICAL ROUGH IIISPECTIOIt REEUIRED SUilTRACTOR I|OTTFI.ED o16123199 Inapeotorr CD .Acttonr APPR APPROVED* llotesr TOP FLAIIGE llAllER I|ISSIIIE AT (3ILVL'S lll LIYIIIG ROOI| !t TOHil OF VAIL, COLORADO .:PASE 2 AREA: GD REPTl3T OZILAIAOOO o,8t14 REOUESTS - IIISPECTil UORI( SHEETS FtrRs Z/LB/ZO ==== ======================EE============E======================================= GOIIPLETE FIREBLOCI(TilG AT ALL AREAS(UILL CHECI( AT, IISUi,ATi"ltenr OOO5,O BlDG-IneulstLon 07 l$Ll9g Inepeatorr JRll Itenr MO6O BlDG-Sheetrock lloll O7lt4/99 Inapector: JRlt g7fL9l99 Inapector: GRG ' lloteg: A COUPLE OF AREAS Ill . FOR OTHER UORK TO BE ' to7lzLl* Inapector: CD Iter: OOOTO BLDE-lll-ec. O4l2I/99 Inapector: CD LOlOSf9g Inepectorr GD LOIIIlgg Inepector: JRll OZlOgllM fnepector: CD Aotlon: APPR Actl'onl PA APPROVED ALL BLDti i Aotlonr APPR IILL IIEED TO RECHECI(... GANAGE LATER, l|OT DOIIE THILE TAITIIIG FIIIISHED.Actlon: APPB ALL SHEETROCK COIIPLETE il' Actlon: APPR REAR SITE IfALLS ActLon: APPR STUCCO/LATHE ActLon: APPR APP UfRSBO PATIO '* Actl.on: ll0 Pre TCO coneu.l.t TAKETT CARE OF THEII SI|OT IIELTS IIISSIIIG BRTCXS TTEAR EDGE OF PARTTAL APPR ALL EXCEPT , lloteer FOR GARAGE AllD GARAGE LEYEL. zllD FLOOR AllD UP OK IIO SHEETROCK CALLED FOR III STAIRHAY.TILL BE TiG LZl63/99 Inapeotorr CD Aotlon: APPR eee note llotee r l.nepected reted egserblLee conetructed around el.l. cen lighta located rlthl.ng gBrEge celll.ng llotee: G.C. has been {nforned of the Butlding Code regul-rerenta Ieft outgtandlng. Algo the Tovn requJ-rerentg of obtainLng Plannlng and Publl.c Iorks approval prLor to a TCO. be fl.naled Here Ie 6 partJ.al -Inotall aroke -provide docurentatl. requlred to be '.hto&" dffiElffi" rs etc' rtAh: oo53o trlD6-Tenp. Yto 02/LOlgO fnspector:Iter: OO532 PH-TEI|P. CIO OZfLSIOO Inapectorl + llotee: ilEED STAIIPED LICEIICE PE. 2-22-OO. Iterr Iter:Iterc I.ter: HSm$*=.. ""]ll# &ilse-oo6r LS Actlon: APPR APPR HITH COIIDITIOIIS APPROVED DRAUIIIIIG OF UALL OYER 5' ASBUTLT FR I SHOULD RECTEYE DRAUIIIG BY FIRST OF IIEXT TEE CD ALL BIGHT OF HAY ISSUES ARL AlrD tiRouilD rs ExPosED. DRIYEHAY IS COTIPLETE, A FEU STREET Oil EAST DRIVETAY. oo533 PLAn-TEltP. CtO oos37 PLAIt-FrltAL cto oo539 PH-FrlrAL C/O 0l[,540 BLDG-F1naL CIO , , -"al o dr tn €o\ o .)p tr z E t 7 IJ u o O (*.o o {)P .h :F & EL , e () >1 o F a =E I I I I O\l EI -t >l zl d ol >l BI 2l 6tl 1l gl c/ll ol gl ql FI t.)l Fl O\l ll U)l >l €l ol FI €l .t 14l 6ll 9il dl RI el I I 3 P E H € H (, F i)I ii o o E g o a ut g d h g zl '€l 2l +rl -Jl dl ol q I q bl ol -tl I I ol ol (,l €l 'El el >l ,Fl !l o0 ql 6l BI d) =t H & tt o tr l+i o F a ts a G' I .F {) E z U) F q)z Oo E€ €E ,Eg }F gF (l' .!l i.i.I -r,.E' fEg sgE F S.H EE B 5f E .EEE €sE sE8 EEg .E€E !!t g$e € HE :E T Eoc gEi .EEE E$€ EEE flF F ts r\v z A g t\l/r\v n V fv A V I'v\F!=l (-E: r\v fv Fr< F F Fr' H tt\\J E Er fFsn EE$$ $$*s s.$ q :.BSR:ii qi$ F\ $s :l F R Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 15,2000 Paul Reather 56 Harbor Drive Greenwich, CT 06830 Re: Landscape Bond/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filiug Dear Paul, Per our agreement I visited your property to complete a landscape inspection. Ifyou will recall the landscape work was to be completed by no later than June 15, 2000. While all of the landscape work was not fully completed, I did furd that work is sufficiently progressing towards completion. Therefore, I am returning to you the landscape bond money and the unexecuted developer improvement agreement. I am certain you will see to it that the required work is fully completed. Should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at970479-2145. Sincerely, fJry&,*t.-t George Ruther, AICP Chief ofPlanning Town of Vail {gr"n*or ro REcD:h oszooo GEORGE SHAEFFER PO. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 845-5656 (970) 84s-7013 FAX February 18,2000 Mr. Charlie Davis Town of Vail Building Department Vail, CO 81657 RE: Building Permit #898-0351 Dear Charlie: Landscaping Work Siding Subtotal x 125% Total Deposit Due Attached is a check from Mr. Paul Raether to be put in escrow for the balance of construction work on his new home at 278 Rockledge Road in Vail. I have enclosed the last contractor payment detail statement for Upper Orust Landscaping as well as an estimate tbr sidins work still to be installed on the house. $i6,725.00 1,0-o_o_.qq $7,725.00 $9,656.25 I believe this should mect your requirements for the project in order to receive a temporary certificate of occupancy. Thank you, GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Rob Fawcett Project Manager RF/sw Paul and Wendy Raether Noel Rollins; Segerberg, Mayhew and Associates George Shaeffer Marc Trudeau o o 2 J 2 c J o z a .f n rn -{ s 5 Q>_:,Fe: gF$g A n g. !l ntBS E E al 3 R 5'i 5r?i i E $3 o e *z AS o Elt t^EE H 3F A rF ::'x 9> ; €e J ra !l I o cf o e D 3 Y' \ o at !t 2 o, Itl ln ;a -1 6' 9, :- t o 6'o al a, o t o o a o c \O '6 ot4 o 11 E -1 a <c ('r- o 3 2 E o (D =t-tl Fl 6'=xxs.F <"(r9J nn;E lror{'!OAH (t5F t"r-fi oro 0l E 0, sf o =>{ot t'=3 xE E!!F Eg :.oF a 9;3 sr;fri cx E or N o A.tvr rtt-a-6 95 E E ;88 <: ctl.It a s -.1 ul *I ul w .JAF' oo|o rJr ij gl *lOO ur >I =F3 " x=ell a^ZE t F I ftl .-l (r! -t *J AN ,(Jl : l{ .-\roul ON lJt (, tn EEHEE (t A A -J tJ| (.) ^toso :asrr..):^FVIN XQo..tl : ea 3E= g:Hg; o rS or { t\)ul O.n .dt F q t : ll . e drr-r t ?,{ dal ( D+ tA FN tul F()\\o ul ,} g F E.fl F 3 E5 a z 9L E r iE I -e- g: a * fi{E ; !:2 V €.*o ar 9._fi | _J -. - 5l o ;- 5;I I f;q ! 3 ii:I a g; e i 13 E i i: JT;;s H 70-t o5=Is E gt: 9." i =E E =F :9?.i Ei t ds ;H-6 f,HF;Ic=Ef't o g f e o f a T c <f o t o <t o o t !l - 3 o \O -1 ztfl Ecu FA x ,-\ 1.t P< 9< 7r e{E 6->ttr*F EEF EHrt 'ots gx> ;.n E sHFJ FF F' ql z o\t xlrr A\o nB z i' H '.'r orv F: rHX =i;zii Hp,<9.Px n o F.in d rn. F.x !, TU tn t- (il .)F a N .J @ .rs Fl ?B UJ EI -al E rry (f ru F o (f o cf F o o o o ru (rr r# r\l f--l lixl lo I l'l L_l ts-l I i"l l j sl l$ |l; I l(J' I H H 0l o. ts (,{o\o o ES ign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Raether Residence Project Description: 18" stone wall adjacent to northern perimeter of driveway Owner, Address and Phone: Paul & Wendy Raether,56 Howbar Drive, Greenwich, CT 05830 ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Rob Fawcett, George Shaeffer Construction, PO Box 373, Vail, CO 81658 Project Street Address: 278 Rockledge Road Legal Description: Lot 15, Block 7, VailVillage First Filing Parcel Number: 2101-071-18-001 Building Name: Comments: Stone to match existing; wall will begin at existing entry stalr wall and will end above existing culvert within property boundaries (no encroachment into right-of-way). Driveway width has been confirmed. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Board / Staff Action Action:Approved Conditions: Approved per plans submitted 7l28lOO Town Planner: George Ruther Date: July 28, 2000 FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9A1 DRBAPPR. FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 coNg?RtEi,8ftoE5'"1u,LffiTO@F TRANsnfl[TTAL TO P.O. Box 373 vAtt, coLoRADo 81658 (970) 845-56s6 -7. O. Va,,-X WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached tr Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings ! Copy of letter "o"1(rsl n l-""o q0'r4 ArTENrloN G.c.a., e- ?a?'/r"-R'L: Pdd&" fuiat E Samples the following items: E Specifications tr Prints E Change order E Plans ! COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I l lvll ot tA" .ldhl s{,"*.upU u( c4;l B( c+!1 t (rtJ {c fr",>e'r.,q I PbdT cn\h4 t .?ut ntt -^ 0 o( n-" theln THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval I For your use n As requested E For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval n Submit - cooies for distribution ! Return - corrected Drints tr tr I tr tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Ycl corr',rc [4^,;( 9.1r^ h3 -- Q'( t \! it "tn ro, -l1A ft.-',r n enclosurea tra not ea nobd, klndly notlly ua.t onc€. JUI JUL.?7,?@ffi 713?Pn 2? OO O{:sEp ff"""' Questlons? NAME.OF.AFPUCJNT: !4AIUNG ADDRESS: H.TYPE OF REVIE\IV AND FEE: tr Itleur Conrtrucdcn - tr r .,Addhien. l r': ,-i' .'1 .1,.ir;. GEORGE SHAEFFE I R F Ne'^:-=ron-iE NITIoN Ol\l EASf O erue ANC-,Lg OG€fL Le *4 (eett - 2 er orr silEE *{ Reelr,- 3pqLLo EVett utf P.O. Box 373 . Vail, Colorado 81658. (970) 845-5656. (970) 845-7013 FAX Page I of I fi le ://C :\WINDOWS\TEMP\MVC-002 F. JPG 7/21/00 Page l ofl fi le ://C :\WINDOWS\TEMP\MVC-O0 I F. JPG 7/2r/00 I I I \ \ \i \ ^)I I \ t,o 4 o o 9ul H'l ,, lrt"'f I I I \ \ .o.r:\. l'}| \ [, \,q \n/ / \o o ct o \ I ) o IJ C) J v,) 1.J - UI lrJ tr-o trl I o Lrl (itl \ C.l F E J )() 6E -,td f ,>.3i -(J o 2 4 a (D t o k (,) / o o o 0 J ) o l 'o z a |'-!l G () 9' uJl aEl -+ t!,- o UJ E b o V tr I l-- ( / z d o (., o 'r o !l o o lrl o 7 l, I o o lrl o o I \l /., v: I H 8 .J _t!\a \ T UJ z a a (, trJ trJ F o UJ u i,o c; Town of Vail of Community Development , 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 " S V<*kpf C.yrntr,5 t4b3 Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL 001 0000 314 1110 001 0000 314',t112 Zoning and Address Maps Uniform Buildino Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1 997 - Volume 3 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbino Code - 1 001 0000 314 1112 Internatronal Mechanical Code - 1998 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 001 0000 3't4 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997 Model Enerov Code - 1995 1 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform codes Blue Prints,/Mvlar Coov Fees Lionshead Master Plan ($1 80/$1.60 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/oer hou Off Hours Insoection Fees Contractors License Fees Additional Sion ADDlication Fee 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 3'15 3000 001 0000 3112300 001 0000 315 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 3124000 001 0000 312 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 2403300 Buildino lnvestioation Fee Torn of Uai I mre, ilivftEJff* THiJr,ff,*, #iffiHt#ff" nl' ffirfr, & c^=n t/ Moneyorder# TISI{ YIIJ F(lR YITJR MNB{II 001 0000 312 1000 '001 0000 310 1100 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 3112500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 31 1 2s00 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3100 F :/Everyone/FormslSalEsac{.exe 06/06/2@0 o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Ro,ad Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 MX 970-479-2452 June 15,2000 Paul Reather 56 Harbor Drive Greenwich, CT 06830 Re: Landscape Bond/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Dear Paul, Per our agreement I visited your property to complete a landscape inspection. Ifyou will recall the Iandscape work was to be completed by no later than June 15, 2000. While all of the landscape work was not fully completed, I did frnd that work is zufficiently progressing towards completion. Therefore, I am returning to you thc landscape bond money and the unexecuted developer improvement agreement. I am certain you will see to it that the required work is fully completed. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone ^t970479-214s. Sincerely, J lL4^+ George Ruther, AICP Qhlsf qf planning Town of Vail {Sun"uo" ro lt**'t'\ ^. \b ,a CEORGE SHAEFFER PO. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 845-s656 (970) 845-7013 FAX F'ebruary 18,2000 Mr. Charlie Davis Town of Vail Building Department Vail. CO E1657 RE: Building Permit #898-0351 Dear Charlie: Attached is a check from Mr. Paul Raether to be put in esc:row lbr the balance of construction work on his new home at 278 Rockledge Road in Vail. I have enclosed the last contractor payment detail statement for l-Jpper Crust Landscaping as we[ as an estimate for sidine work srill to be installed on the house. Landscaping Work Siding Subtotal x 125% Total Deposit Due $6,72s.00 ].Oia.0q $'7,725.00 $9,656.25 I believe this should meet your requirements for the project in order to receive a temporary certificate of occupansy. Thank you, GEORGE STIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Rob Fawcett Project Manager RF/sw Paul and Wendy Raether Noel Rollins; Segerberg, Mayhew and Associates George Shaeffer Marc Trudeau TOWNVA Ou. Inv <4. TOWN Your Inv # OF VAIL 02/t6/00 N€l ArDount lnv Inv Amounl Amt Prid Discount Trken 0 L2095 ESCROW 2/n/ ol 9656.2s 9656.25 013760 PAULE. RAETTIT'R 55 HARBOR DRIVE, BELIJE HAVEN GREENWICH, C" 06830 Nine Thousand Six Hundred Fiftv-Six and 25/100 ----- Doflars L8r:r.oooo ?EEr,:1 r.il. THE BANK OF NEW YORK NEW YORK, NY 10 019 \-r/2LO 416 Date 02/16/oo 013750 AnounE <*******q<q6 tq TOWN OF VAIL Pay to The Order of MEMO ESCROW FOR 278 ROCK],EDGE RD. [.oIf ?Eoil. r:oeIoooo F t, |! o 9 .a CI c o I ) .4, E ! 9 E c 3 o ? uB =3b.E i 3 - ;H T ;5 : €P g .-F E €E i t= .:3 €= :.I i5 c .ii s : 3E .:a 9, F , = B o \i 3 .u 5 ;(.. o |!r .:H FT :: 5 F i,,, F = I i;it : i 1 qa,5E -! s '{.Et s [ ]; :b .- q -rt r9 E : 'r'. l/D E; ': ; =i t 3 ',:-t !' (, ?5 i e ";:; I g .j €,g' ; F :9 t It ;i : 3 Y i3 E i ii i! .5 < ',,:5 -c E +$ € g 33 $ E o c -o , ! E a !t D 0 a |! E c o E ta IJ UPPER CRUST LANUSLHT ^ 'rs to o o lo io T-. !( - ,|z a20 iEu tP- tnO :8oo rnA n (\ t*. rO U sl o OO i6EE3 =E9PS (J< ;.; e;d .\rtn ol(oqi (o\f,o| (i |r| c-s s |r) lEa=' ipHsE ul f1 J . Itl p "ii i on 3 Grlf r- |.. \;(; l. t9 I o o tt, FJ o z 5 1 I 27 =Y >r-:i rll<-fe: xd=;< rJ.i oOl'lornlr|oloo r-{ rf t''(t) rlr F. I t\s t, 3 !tl irl<t> o =o s -l o!f :5 € e E q.(\ rC o xo 9q id 9e.*9r L'"Bg LiI E kt Lr IF lld l< l lo IJJ tr t;?l s il$E 5 o ;ltq[fl :lg€ ir &l E .99 rd Fr 1l 't E 1r,J o o z t o I u) F u,(t, aH ;E o hA a. Y. ltt oi \ Ct'r F. If} l (\ r{ J{ \ E E s h9 E5 ;€tr 3C ;.8 49 E s+ ?EE Egs .:HE € st gct !: o=! f .q 1{ ov a3 E ''i r-I a=-e= t4e 5iE z i- ?9 |. 4 () z z o - t?l..i IF lo IE IE lo l< t? F uJ IU o z o F f z l-z o (J ?- TO},IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT COT.ITRACTOR OWI.IER t,t DEPARTTT,IENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVETOPMENT SHAEFFER CONSTRUETION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 816s8 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 RAETHER PAI'I-, E & WENDY S -iIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERIT{IT ilob Address= 278 ROCI0-,EDGE RD Location. . .. 278 ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No. . : 2L0L-071-L4-009 Project, No. : PR,f98-0085 ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0331 Statsus...: ISSTED Applied. .: LO/28/L998 Issued. -. z 11,/25/1"998 Expires..: 05/24/1999 ,Phone z 9708455656 Phone: 9708455656 TOV/Comm. Dev, SFR approved amount Single Family Resideng"l" Type V Non-RaEed Valuation:75,000 Add Sq FE: Pir.place hfolrlation: Rc6trict.d: Y *of ca6 Applienc.a:*Of oa6 !ogr:fof tfood/Pallet: Buildi.ng-----> PlRn ch6ck-- - > Inv€stsiEaeion> wl11 call----> TotsaI cilculEled Fcee---> !,361 .15 *,*,********,,* .,-,...,.l:T:l"llli;;;;;;;;:;;;;;i..,....-1;iil;1i.......TH::':H;;;;;;;;;;;;;:........".".;::... DCPE: BUILDING DJ.V1S1ON: PI.,ANS TO CIIARLIE EIIARLIE DAVIS DepE : PLANNING Division: PIJANS TO GEORGE PER RUSS FORREST N/a Dept,: FIRE Division: DePt: PI,B WORK Divieion: PI,ANS TO PUBWORKS PER TERRI lrrrrrr*r+l'rr+rrrrtr**tt*r*rrrr frtrt|t,rilrrr!lrrar,arriirritirrirrrtttttttrrr0tttrrrrttatttrattttrrttt See Page 2 of thi6 Document for any conditionE Lhat fiay appty to Ehis qermiE. DECI,ARA:TIONS ,..''.., I hercby rcknowl.alg. EhrE t have lcad thie rppllcetLon, ill.d out ln fuII ch! frrffji.aior, ,.qrit{o^ar.!r.a .n plrn, and !t.cc tshat r11 chc infgmrtion paovl,dod &a !c ircd i6 corrlct, I agr/c to conply ttltsh bhe lnf,ormaclon to coltrlrly rlch .Il lorrr ordln.nccr rnd 6Eec. lanr9, .nd co bultd Ehi6 scructsur. iccording to Tgvn'a roning and codc!, dc.ign rcwiew epProvad, IrnlforE Bultdlng coa€ rnd oEhc! ordl,nurc€B of tsh. ToV rP . oo 3.O0 .00 100.00 .00 250.00 .00 L,361 .75 Re€lurrlnt. PLaD Revierr- -> DRB F..-------- Rccr€Blion Fe€----------> CIern-UP DrpoBit- - -- - - - - > AddiElohal Fcc.-------- -> Tocrl Peruit FeG--------> Pa)rm.nt 6- - - - - - - - Lt361 .75 accurala FloE and plog p1an, rubdivision e w 57rH sr srE 4200, NEw YoRK * tPdSn-up D Descript.ion: FOOTING/FOI'NDATION FOR NEW Occupancy: R3 Ty]. e Const.ruction: v N sit Refund REQUESTS FOR INSgEC TONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE T!{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI'EPHONE AT/4?9 OttR OFFICE FROM 6:00 Att 5:00 sqFd cl.r;-Irp DoFo.lt. To: SHAEFFER cDNs sro!{AfrJRE o, Q "*coNTRAsroR poR HtMsErrF AtitD ow![BR Page 2 **************************!t***************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0331 as of tL/25/98 St'atus---: rssttED **************************:l**************************************:t************** Permit ?1pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUII-,D PERMIT Applied-- | Lo/28/t99e appticani---: SITAEFFER CONSTRUqIION Issued---: LL/25/L998 9708455656 To Expire 2 05/24/1999 iIOb AddTCEg: 278 ROCKTEDGE RD LocaEion---: 278 ROCKr-,EDGE RD Parcel No-- : 2LOL-O7L-14-009 Descript,ion: FOOTING/FOI'NDATION FOR NEW SFR ************************************** conditiong * * * !t * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * l_. FrELD INSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 2. A SOITS REPORT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO FOOTING INSPECTION 3. A CURSORY REVIEW HAS BBEN DONE ONLY FOR FOOTING ATiTD FOI'IIDAT. FITLL PI-,AN REVIEW WILL BE DONE AT TIME OF COMPLETE SI'BMITTAI-, P.rELc No! Er8-03!1 Ty?.r A-BUILD ADD/ALT gFR BUI!,D PE PEc.l I{o ! 2101-0?t -14-009 fllg. Add!...: 27a ROCKIEDOE RD locrElonr 273 ROe!(IIEDOE Rlt Tocal F...: 1,3 6?.75 Itrl.. Pat7[cnt L.367.75 Toc.l lllE PBE.: L,367.75 B.1.nc6: .00 *****r*ar*it**tlaat*tatrtt*tr*|r|l tttttt*+r***rrr*irrAar*t*lf **ra**r Da.crltttlon BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDINo PERMIT FEBS DR 0010000t112200 Dlar@t RBlrrEtf PIEE pE 0010000!112300 PIJIN CH'ICK FEEg 6tsrEs$nt r rttr ttrt* a lr r a tr rrtt r trratt*rrrr*t'ar ott+rtatrr IO!{N OF Vtltr, eOrJoRtDo gtrElwrC NurlbG!: REC-0431 lnount': Pryaant, llcEhgd: CK NocrElon: 30773 r,367.7E L7125/9a Lt t12 IniE: r,c Accounc Coda l[ounc 515.00 100.00 250.00 3.00 AD D2-DBPO8 C'JSANSP DEPOSITS wc 00r,0000t112900 ffrLrJ cauJ rNgPEellolr PEE o o 'I{oz OD .o o= Y U E 6 A t) A E E o D N o rc o o E a lq A E E P 6 F I E o= o o c o o o o o o o o o o f H E T a B fi I E z H U D B o q EL It! 6R aaE a 00 'A ot!oo E ot o o tl o2 CD to oo ET o| N F ..E i6 Hr, EE tto EE ET a^ &E H HE i, B rrH 23 i9 H{I E a C< Fl HE E: E I o e T H E g E rE Efl E H En tt E- tr E F H a B H o I E o E E c ir H ra o E oa ie da -> IItl Ea o .!g oEt E E8E AllH e Received OCt 2e Es PER}IIT # PI.ETELY oR TFIcTTFdTES :|CCEPTED TfON ******!r*********************r Lt - F>.nrafft<xt /pvcn_,lfuzn-t L J L J-54"""rrr9 [ J-sr cErlca:- [ ]-Mechanibal ffJ-otier Job Name: TulNE zo=- Reg. NO.Town of Vail Phone Nuurber: Town of Vail Phone Number: l:n.tb? ts+o 3o3 -pn.aar *^is- tuc.N@r N:rmber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_v -r**** ***:t****** ******* * **** ** ** ** * VAIUATfONS **** P9_I_I:PING: er.EcTRlcAr,: $ i- Nunber of Accommodati.on Units: Erectricat contracto., t5?B- O 331 " Phone Nunber: flS--€aC--- il;;;;;;-. \,\'.r^r-!crr,u(Jr.. yr7 - I Town of vail Reg. No.Phone Number: Contractor:Reg. NO. ***************t***i***i******r*FOR OFFTCE USE ** ** * ********* ***** ***** ******* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PIAN CITECK FEE:MECIIANTCAI PIAN CIIICK FEE8 RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: IOTAIJ PERITIT FEES: BUTI.DTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNAIT]RE: owners Nane: PfusU WafE-Address Architect:ress: / ceneral Description:E-4^) Number of Dsrelling Units: Work Cl-ass: t elr [ ] -Alt .L tion [ ]-Additional Plunbing Contractor: Address: tlechanii-a1 Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBINC PERHTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERI.IIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL EEE: OTHER TYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE: :_ -=________:_ fum+{l.Jp1;[ ]-Repair [&]-orhEr_ CLE.0II UP DEPOSIT IEtrI'ID TO:Su+ttil CoN. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81"657 970-479-2]-38 APPIJICAIiIT COMTRACTOR OWNER JOb AddTCSS: 278 ROCIGEDGE RD Locauion. . -: 278 Rockledge Rd. Parcel No.. : 2101-071-L4-009 ProjecL No. : PRiI98-0085 MAXIMI]M COMFORT POOL & SPA, P O BOX 2670, VArL CO 81_658 MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, P O BOX 2670, VAIL CO 81658 INC. INC. approved #Of GaB ',ogs: #of wood/Pallet: Buildiog-----> Plan Check---> Invescigation> will call RestualanC PIan Review-- > DRB Fec-------- Total Calculated F€sg- - - > Additional Fees---------> Tocal PerEit Fec--------> PayEent6- - -- -- - B]\IANCE DUE- -_ - 100 .7s 3 .00 100.00 404.75 40s - 75 20.o0 425 -15 425.75 .00 .0O Recreation Fec----------> .0O CIean-Up D6po€it.- - --- -- - > TOTAL FEES---.. Dept : BUILDING Division:Routed to JR- APPROVED JRM Dept : PI-,ANNING Division:Routed to BrCnts DID NOT PAY DRB FEE Dept: FIRE Division:N/A ' Deot: PIJB WORK Division:N/A ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT KATIry AcLion: NOTE JRM AcLion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTI'4ENT KATIIY AcLion: NOTE BWILSON AcTion: APPR FIRE DEPARTI,IENT KATITY AcLion: APPR PI]BI,IC WORKS KATITY AcLion: APPR ; ;. ;.;. ;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;; ;;;;; ;;;,; DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acktrowledgc chrt, I have read Ehj.6 appLicalion, fiLl.ed out in full Ehe infoturclon rrquircd. cobpLrtrd an plen, rnd Bta€e that all tsh€ infortrration providad aE reqlrir€d is corrccts. r agr€e to col[ply rrieh ch€ infomrcion tso conply '/iEh all Town ordinincaE and 6taEc lar|g, and co build this Btsructsure according tso tsh€ Town'r zoning and REQI,'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS 6HAI,I, BE MADE T1IENTY - FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY Send Cle.n-Up DopoEi! To: MAx POOL AND gPA 03 /2e /L999 04'/ oL'/L999 ftem: 05400 03 /29 /L999 03'/3L'/L999 Item: 05500 03 /29 /t999 Item:05500 03 /2e /Le99 accurate plog atrd plot pl.n, 6ubdiviBi.on AT OUR OFFICE FROI4 g : OO A.I!I 5 I OO PM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PMEI{T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT RAETIIER PAIII E & WENDY s -,fT - ^^ JOV/COmm. DeV.e w sTrH sr srE 4200 ' NEw Y.RK * ttldin-up Dpposit Refund Description: Raether in-ground gunit.e spa Occupancy: R3 Single Family TIE)e Constructj-on: Valuation:10, 800 Add Sq Ft; Fireplace Infornation: Re6tlicted: yes *of eas Appliancc6: FEE SIntMARy amount Residence.oare .00 50. 00 Permit #: 899-0040 Stratus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 03/29/L999 rssued. . .. 04/05/L999 E:<pires, . t L0/02/L999 Phone: 970-949-63399 Phone z 970-949-63399 OI{NER OR CONTRACIOR POR HIMSELF AND OfiNER o Page 2 **************!t***************************************************************** COI{DITIONS Permit #: 899-0040 as of 04/05/99 Status---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** PermiE 1:pe: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--, 03/29/1999 Applicant--: wIAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. Issued---: O4/OS/L999 970-949-63399 To Erq)ire: LO/02/L999 JOb AddTEAE: 278 ROCKLEDGE RD LocaE,ion---: 278 Rockledge Rd.Parcel No-- : 2L0L-O7L-14-009 Description: Raether in-ground grunit,e spa * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJ]AIiICE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIt BEDROOMS AIiTD EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310_5.1 0F THE 1997 I,BC. o Eqi| o! vlrrJ. eolrRtDo lSEiEsqre gtrElllne lftub.!: RIC-O500 lEounE: Dr!t!.nc, l'.t'hord 3 Ctr lfoerELon: 2126a 12a.75 OI|O5,/99 LSl.t1 Init: IjC Peruic Nor g9t-00{o lYpc: A-BUIITD }DD/.aLT SFR BUTTJD pE Parcel No. 2101-071-1{-009 sit. Addr66. ! 278 ROCKIEDGB RD Lorcation ! 274 Rookladg€ Rd. It|it PaltFenE To.trl Fa€d s 129.75 Total AIJtrr I'rts. Ealatroa ! {2a. ?5 12e.75 .00 Account de BP 00100003111100 DR 0010000311,2200 PP O01oOOO31t2300 I.D D2 -DEPOS Dogc!iption EUII,DING PERMIT FEE6 DEFIGII R'EI'IEIf FEES Plln cHEcr FEIS CLEllqlD DEPOSITS Atnount t-55. OO 70.00 100. 75 100- 00 3.00 t{c 00100003112900 |f!IJI| CIIJL llfspEclrd EtB ct o o tt oz C'E .o c'E x U E o H E E B c) t U E 6 A E T u I U :6 |I c' o o o o 0 o o o o 0 JE 68 FFI EE 6E r H g, o o o o c; o q lr e I o t l.a EE rE o oo oo crE 60 E o H 3B i8 o q d g o cl ol F EE ti E HH a3 Er e rrH iE Hrt lo I I a HH 5B 89 ETC A T H e t I H H I A FI E E 5g rE B I ! Ex P 69 E E- e 6 U E tl D H s Ol T E A E ql T ol H H H r al o o o .\.D NL EE Er*lfr" oa ct g to 'Ett 0 t t|H rowN oF vArLCNSrRUctoN pERMrr AprcAtoN ,:fiou-008t" INX'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILI, BE RX,JECTTD Contacl the Eagle County Assessors Otfice at 970-326-6640 for Parcel # parcet n 2\Ololl,l4 O01 o"", Tlzq.lq? robName:!4 dl-t &zsi&"*z-Job Address: 2J Building Q$Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Descriptiorl rot-[E- Block-J- nilhe I Owners ttame:? Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New Number of Dwelling Units: I Number and Type of Fircplaces: Gas Appliances B1JILDING: PLIJMBING General Contractor: Permit # Subdivision Vu\ I wonArkoetL.r xaress:1,19 Qocvl4ae?A. Uail, eo pnone* Address: g)Alteration ( )Repair ( )Other ( )Additional ( ) Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $IOOO OTTIER:MECHANICAL$ TOTAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION gfo1 .a,ddt .., Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet S ,9t 80O, Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Town of Vail Registration No. 2 b 7'B pnon. Erecrricaf contractortfor.,*t\ rtwi- Address: ?"o.&v Z>SL EagL.,Co BlL3l Town of Vail Registration No.2zl^ ?Phone # Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registrarion No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: EPARTIVIENT OF EOMMT'NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALI BT'DG. ilob Address: Locat,ion. . . :Parcel No..: Project, No.: OWNER RAETHER PAI]L E 6. WENDY S -.TT 9 W 57TH ST SrE 4200, NEW YORK Ny l_0019 CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81558 Description: DEMO OF SFR AIVD RE-VEGITATION Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: v N Tlpe Occupancy: 0007 Valuation I L, Firclrlace InfonnaEion: R€gtsrictcd: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479-2138 Building-----> 3s.oo . oo 3.00 278 ROCKLEDGE RD 278 ROCKLEDGE RD 2r-0r_-071-14-009 PRJ98-0085 000 flof oas Appliances: Add so Ft,: Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated DWEIJLING Phone: 9708455656 #of wooa/Pallet:*Of cas Log€: Rc6luarant PIan Rcview- - > DRB Fee-------- Total CalcuLated Fcc6---> Addilional Fee6----- ----> Totrl P€rmiC Fee--------> Pa)mente------- PLan check- - - > Invest igat ion> will call--- -> RcerGation Fee----------> ,Oo .00 90,75 CIean-Up Depoei!- ----- --> TOTAI, FEES--...BAIANCE DUE---_ .OO .00 20.o0 40.75 .00 80.?s 80 .75 ILem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T O8/L4/L998 JRII ACTiON: APPR APPROVED ITEM: O54OO PTANNING DEPARTMEI.IT 08/1-411998 JRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T Item: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS Item: 05700 ENVIRONMEIffAL HEAL,TH ILem: 05900 LIQUOR I h:r€by .cknowl.edge Ehac I hav. rcad thiE applicauion, fillcd out. in full the inf plan, and 6Cate Ehrt alL the informaEion provLdcd ae rcquircd iB co!rec!. I agrcc Eo compty rrlth all Tosn ordinanc.E arrd rt.ale IaH6, and Eo build thlr struclule codca, dssign rcvicw epproved, Uniform Building cod. rnd olhe! ordinances of REQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS SHAI.T. tsE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI'RS TN AI'\IANCE BY Send CIcan-Up Dcpo.i! To: AHAEPFER DepE: BUILDING Division: JRM-DepE: PLANNING Division: PER- GEORGE Dept : FIR-E Division:DEbI,: PUB WORK DiViSiON:Debt.: HEALTH Division:DepE: CLERK Division: rcqulrcd,etcd an accuraEc pl,oE and ploL plan 6ubdivi eion informrtlon t-he!cto. PMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: D98-0014 St.at,us. .Applied. Issued.. Expires. FEE SUTiIMARY See Page 2 of this Documentr for any conditions that. may apply tso tshis permiL. DECLARATIONS ISST'ED o8 /L4 / Lgee y with OUR CE FROM e:00 A 5:00 PM -/-.vJ ''i***********************************!t******************************:t:r*********** COI{DITIONS Permit, #: D98-0014 as of o8/t4/98 sE,atus: rssIIED ******************************************************************************** Permit rype: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BIJDG. Apptied: Og/LA/Lggg AppticanE: RAETHER pAtr, E & wENDy s -iIT risued: To Ercpire: ilob Address: Locat,ion: 27e ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No: 2101-071-14-009 Descript,ion: DEMO OF SFR AIiID RE-VEGITATION CondiE.ions:1. FIRE DEPARTII'IEIiIT APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE AM WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FfEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAriICE. ..rt.r..,r,,rr*,.,..,,,_..t,,._,....,.,,... tO$lN OF VAIL. COLORIDO gCr!.Ent rrat tJrttttrt rrriri ii rrrrr I rt trrt tta,rtrii+a,a,r',,ar St.tet nE NuEbGr: RIC-Oal7 lDount, ! PryDcnt. LEhod; Cl( NoErELont {8993 40.75 ollLa/ta Lt.25 lnitt ttlvl PtnGlC Nor D93-001{ ryT.! A-DEMO P.rcc1 No: 2101- 0 7l - 1,r - o0I Sit. Addti.r. ! 278 ROCKLEDGE RD tocrclon: 278 ROCKIJEDGE RD DEMO. OF PART,/&I, BU Thic Prl'|l.nE Tolal F.aE ! 80.75 ToErl trJ. Prc. !co.75 .00 BalancaB r ttrt rrrr*rtrii lccounE, Cod. BP 00100003111100 DR O0100003112200 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112eoo DarcrlpElon IUIIDINO PERMIT PAES DBAt(If REllIBw FEBS i: PIAN qlECK IBES l{l!1, cAt L IN€PE(fIoN FEE Lnounc 33,00 20.00 22.75 3.00 Soncacc EdgIc Coun EY oE 970:328--S.610 {S.r,Pa5,c,eL_1. ToWN oF VAf L CONSTRUCTION \RCEL O: (PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATEz _8- tZ48 . APPLICATION I'{UST BE FILLED I t*** ****** ************rt**** * ** OUT COMPLETELY OR IT },IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t ,r rr * * * * * -orher Dpl^+O [ ]-AdditionaL [ ]-Repair D(1-orher}e{nO PER.\IIT f 7/,lqy - ooSr [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Elecr,rica1 [ ]_Mechanibal Legal Description, r,ot /5 Block V Fil Legal Description: Lot /,) Block_7 Fil rwners Name: Wr PftfTgpg Address , /J ,,3 JWF'gl fwners Name: LrTva F lz,I- _ Address r r.=__!!:9_- \rchitect tnEkE- 6t4Bg6q,1t4^uur==,',-' < Fe,D,Jc -*c' t>''t "';.qv--41a3 Seneral DescriPtion: ffi'luj Biw,rs * ?F*rtpE Npnt 'Eh'E, t/' rob Na^e:@ Job Acldre"=,2#. lork Class: [ ]-New-[ ]-Alteration i * * * * * * * * * )k * * * * * * * * tk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALU \,/6+ iurr-or*", d@- Er,EcrRrc ?LUMBING: $ MECHANIC '- 1* :t rt * rk rt * :k >l * * * * * * * * * * * * *r* *-* * * coNTRAcToR I NFOR],1A9.'JoN * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * *jeneraIContracto,.@TownofVaiI""i.i..iAE- rcldrelss: 8x 373 . ,/ktt-6--fr,.-ZE--: -.,-,,-^.^^ 2.,,,- - 4.aeTW _ m.xD >. &E 'llectrical cbntractor: - lphone Nunber: 6pl6 -6f-eG . oD,.J,-_ _irectricar cbntractor: :-_y- 'Tor' of Vail Req. No. 'ddress: - i\r-^--Phone Nurnber: )lumbing contractor: \ddress, ."^ - Town of VaiI Reg. NO._ phone Number: lechanical Contractor:rddress. '---^' - 3;:1""fi,xi:l,o"n' No'-- : jr :k * :l :t rt rt :t:t * * * * * * * * * * * rt )t * ,t * )t * * * * * FoR oFFIcE usE rt * * * * )r ,t * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * )t * * * * * *. * * * * }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PIAN cHEcK FEE:)LUMBING PERMIT FEE: pLWBfNG pLAN SHECX fii:IECHANICAL PERMIT rnn: . _=- uncHelriier, pu+n cHEcK FEE: - ;LECTRICAL FEE: )rHER rypE oF FEE: :fflfi1$l"ilrl:3ir, )RB FEE: T9TAL PERMIT FEE5: tumber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units: .fnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/peJ_Iet DTIT T NTTT'' . SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: lomrnents: p4fTspg GROUP VALUATION , CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFTIM TO: GEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 845-5656 DATE: 8-12-98 TO: TOWN OF VAIL - BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: DAVID P. GOSSETT RE: Raether Residence / Re-Vegetation Plan CC: Rob Fawcet Attached please find the Re-Vegetation Plan for the Raether Residence on Rock Ledge Road. We have Estimated that the cost for performing this work to be $45,000.00. This would include all labor and materials. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. ilrr*r, Review A.tf" Form TOWNI OFVAIL Project Name: Raether Residence Project Description: New in-ground gunite spa Owner, Address and Phone: Paul & Wendy Raether, 278 Rockledge Road, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Maximum Comfort Pool and Spa, PO Box2670, Vail, CO 81657, 949-6339 Project Street Address'. 278 Rockledge Road Legal Description: Lot 15' Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number'. 210l-071-14-009 Comments: Buildinc Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 313U99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\E\TERYONE\DRB\APPROVAt,\gg\RAETHER, WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S20.00 Mr. GeorgeRuther Town Planner 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: RastherR€sid@ce DearMr. Ruther: As per ou discussion todan a wood planler box shall be mnstructed and installed at thc Raeth€r Residence so the 6'4t" Height Limitation for retaining walls is not exceeded. The noted planter box shall be constnrcted at the south east€rnmost corner ofthe stono terrace. I have enclosed a detail of tlrc design intent for pur liles. Also, I have eirolosed a copy of the letter wrirten by Mouoe/llewcll Engineers datcd Fcbruary 166, 20(X), confirming thc South Retaining Tfall was desiped to support thc rcquircd loading and built per the stnrctural drawings and dctails. If pu have any questions or commente, please do not hesitate !o call. Cordially, Nocl Emerson Roltinq, Associate AIA Project lvlmager Segerberg Mayhew Architects & Associat€s Febnrary L7'2wo (-otlbr',ot; \ \tttAqr{P Qoa;e\e zoo E uflaNgc-sHcwxs zgzz ezg c08 xvd 9g:gl nEr Lt/zo oo, gLOFED CAP gTONE IIALL EEYOND FINIgI{ 6RADE 6N AE,OVE gTL ANGLE REFER gTRUCTURE FOR rcOTNGg AND rcUNDATION bg. UJALL9 PLANTER BOX AT gOUTI-] TERRACE gECTION gI-{OIUg DETAIL OF IJPOD PLANTER tsOX RAETHER REgIDENCE VAIL, @LOR.AOO Sagabcf,g Maghar Arc;hlLac,Lt a A..oclalec ltfl ttb!cr Clr!.l Am. C-, l)|'|v- bbado &rOZ Fa* Dl.a2)-22C2 rdt *l-177-)# A.g.t. ' A lG2 Revlglon' or,rp' t' lV\pn\JeqtaeH\[ Jd\ :l zgzz tzs c08 xvd z9:gT nl{r Lr/zo 00,8oo E us Ngc-sHcuvns qqi,E-Ez.r-E& t L aoare oPaeto1 -,Da rnt-Ett-lo1 r9| z-3 tltir€ lat4€ Erm Ll.'l 6e7?l2ocev I rl?altr.,1cJv meLiFeLJ E.eqte5aq, oavdo:|a?'1tv^f3N=Clg=d H=H1=yU :uol9!/1e>l @@uLVa tstc(] dfN .ng uneJo X o o v lu F z {J L o o o 3 IL o 6 F { U o J tu U v v trt F T F f o o t"- { X o CI nf I I I I I I I ( o bJ 0_$ $ $ $ $ $ lile-tat coc 'ta| @aoe o?a9to1 I/t,Da ztzt-Gtq-eae {'.'J z'2 i|irE tec49 .ntn utl c.7?lco..v t etecllt+trv nreqfre4 6,e,q;e.Be6 oavdolo?'1wA :uol9!AeH ="N=clo=u d=t-tJ=vu I I ( o UJ 0_x o fit M lu F 4 J L o o o 3 IL o 6 F {() o J I o I o J L f!- ,* '. )tl '<( |r) o o o 'rv I I \ \ ,,6-,8 o .tl J/""-.fl 6ilp' t' IV\pPJ\JaqtaEU\ (,rd\ :l 6n/L6l2AgA E9:sB r'rrrrJ DSROE hEIfLL Monroe & Nesvell Englnccn, Irr. February 16.2000 Scg:rbcrg Maybcw Architccts l5f7 Wrzce SftcL SuiE C2 Dcnvec,Colcnrdo t0202 Afin: Mr.llodRollins Ro: Rcth6keidcDcc(Id&I{#4020) DcrNml: Monroc&Ncwr[ Errgineers! loc- obrerygd the sit€wal coostsuctionatpciodic inEnrols for tbc pojoot To ths bast of our knowlodgo, thc wallr wpro bnrilt pet tho strr.lctural plurs aad dctaik. If you bavc any quostimr or comrrcEtq ploasc call, Vcry ntly youts, MONROB & NEWEIJ- EI{GINEERS, INC. PAGE AUEZ b9' eooE ug/|Ngc-sEcuvxs zszz ezs 808 wd 09:sr nEt Lr/d0 00, I AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, December 14, 1998 FINALAGENDA FIL E CIIPY , Proiect Orientation / Cnntsruas LUNcH - Communitv Elevelopment Department 12:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Greg Moffet Ann Bishop John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 1:00 P.m. 1. Fischer - 2695 Davos Trail 2. Town tour of PA properties 3.Driver: George o PLANNING NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A reguest for a minor subdivision to relocate an existing property line, located at 2695 Davos Trail / Lots 16 and 17, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Randall J. Fischer Planner: Jeff Hunt MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WTH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. Approval is only for a minor subdivision. Development of either lot requires approval of any necessary applications. 2. That the existing garage be removed prior to the issuance of a building permit on Lot 17. 2. A request for a worksession to discuss amendments to the Town's "Public Accommodation"Zone . Districl, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code...r)!"1 Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George Ruther WORKSESSION 3. A request for a minor subdivision to transfer a portion of Govemment Lot 3, obtained by the Town of Vail from the United States Forest Service, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement, to Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail .. Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield VOTE:6-0 APPROVED 4. A request for a final review for a major amendment to Special Development Dislrict #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL 1'11199 5. Information Update 6. Approval of November 23, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community DeveloPment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign tanguage interpretaton available upon request with 24 hour notificaton. Please call 479-2356, Telephoneforthe Hearing , lmpaired, for information. CommuniV Development Department | \J, FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 14, 1998 A request for a minor subdivision to transfer a portion of Government Lot A, obtained. by the Town of Vail from the United states Forest service, pursuant to the Land ownership Adjustment Agreement, to Lor 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello This request takes one lot of the major suMivision approved by the PEC for the Rockledge area and creates a minor subdivision. This separation is necessary in order to expedite the stle of this land to Mr. Raether on Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. The dimensions and the layout of Lot 15 remain unchanged from the october 26, 1998 approval. The october 26, l ggg memo ls attached and provides all of the background and evaluation of criteria on this reouest. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval ot this minor subdivision subject to the following finding: That the minor subdivision is consistent with the criteria and standards of Title 13, subdivision Regulations as addressed in the october 26, 199g memorandum. (r"U^{ 6^^' tw'o' F :\EVE RYONE\PEC\M EMOS\98\raether.doc P. r 70-?41-24.15 o ette Lan o Dec lO 98 O8:26a !:t I 1L ltE i il trl ffi! iii O.. il * H tl EI $ ftl I I I I I I !I .t I I I I I f; I I I I H til lil ifr, 3 fl I 4l E iE I t t r I rti !l il, ili iti ; ili iilti I I I .ll |ltf, z 'lx EE Ei3 HEE JfE FH$ E3e FHE iEi HFE az EE o z o E a t I /A H tr D a tr o z FI =E E H H H E I .l rl 1f lr tl It l! i! ii ;ii I I I I I l I i, j, T I ff a t t I I I I c a E I ! I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: And MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 26, 1998 A rezoning and major subdivision for property previously unzoned and owned by the United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD), for property located at Rockledge Road/ Lots 2, 4,7 ,8A, 9A, and 1 5, Block 7 Vait Village First Fiting; Lots 3A and 38, Resubdivision of Lot 3 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lot 1bA, Resubdivision of Lot 10 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lot 138 Besubdivision of Lot 13 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; and Government Lot 3, all in Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. A rezoning and major subdivision for property previously unzoned and owned by the United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District (NApD), for property located at Ptarmingan Road/ Lots 1 through 6, Block 5, Vail Village Seventh Filing, and Government Lot 3; all in Section I, Township 5 South, Range 80 Wesiof the Sixth Princioal Meridian. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Dominic Mauriello The zoning request has been slightly revised since your recommendation of approval on July 7,1998. Addilionally, this proposal includes a request for a major resubdivision of lots on Ptarmigan and Rockledge Roads. The changes in the rezoning are a result of fine tuning of the proposed plats. The Town of Vail is applying for zoning on property which was previously unzoned. This property was obtained by the Town of Vail under the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement (LOAA) with the United states Forest service. A portion of the land is proposed to 6e zoned Primary/Secondary Residential. The Town is working with adjacent property owners who may purchase this land from the Town. The remaining area will be zoned Natural Area Preservatibn District which does not allow for development. lr.BACKGROUND This proposed resubdivision and zoning change is a one of the final steps in a Land Exchange with the US Forest Service and the Town of Vail. The basic purpose of the exchange is to rernove Forest System lands from within the Town boundary and to acquire Forest System Lands that have public or private improvements. One of the critical reasons why the Forest Service was interested in the Exchange was to address private and public encroachments on US Forest Service Lands. Lands owned by the Forest Service on Rockledge Road and Ptarmigan Road were the major issues of concern regarding encroachments.' In the early 90's, the Vail Town Council directed statf to begin working with the Forest Service to address encroachments on Forest System lands and to identify ways to discourage private exchanges around the Town of Vail. On Rockledge Road residents requested that the Town initiate an exchange to address encroachments on Forest System lands. Residents on Ptarmigan were very interested in protecting a 4.25 acre parcel on the South Side of Ptarmigan Rd. In 1994, the community completed the Vail Comprehensive Open Space Plan which identif ied properties that should be considered for a land exchange. In June, 1995 the Town of Vail and the U.S. Forest Service signed an agreement to initiate a land exchange. The original proposal for the land exchange involved 4 parcels of TOV land totaling 77 acres and 1 1 parcels of USFS lands totaling 'l 10 acres. The exchange removes Forest Service lands from within the Town of Vail and involves a number of de-annexation actions to remove areas the Town of Vail would not acOuire. In December of 1997, the Town and Forest Service exchanged titles to the involved parcels of land and now owns the lands identified in exhibits attached located on Rockledge and Ptarmigan Rd. Throughout the land exchange the Town has worked with property owners on Ptarmigan and Rockledge to develop a means for residents to acquire the land where they have physical improvements on Forest Service lands. This subdivision is now occurring simultaneously with the zoning application. Lands conveyed to private property owners will be deed restricted so that development can not occur on any land the Town acquired from the Forest Service and is noted on the plat as well. However, the Town believes that the zoning on the property that will be conveyed to adjacent property owners needs lo have the same zoning to take advantage ot additional GRFA and sile coverage. This will involve zoning that land which will be conveyed to adiacent property owners to the Primary/Secondary District. Tract A on both plats and the parcel 'on the south side of Ptarmigan Road will, however, be zoned to Natural Area Preservation District since the intention with these parcels has always been to be maintained as open space. III. CR]TERIA The PEC shall make the following findings before granting approval of a zone change request: 1) ls the existing zoning suitable with the existing land use on the site and adjacent land uses? The purpose of this major subdivision and rezoning is to address private encroachments on what is now Town of Vail property. The rezoning will be consistent with the zoning directly adjacent to the exchange properties on Rockledge Road and Ptarmigan Road. 2) ls the amendment preventing a convenient workable relationship with land uses t 3) 4) consistent with municipal objectives. The amendment will facilitate legal access to both Rockledge and Ptarmigan roads. Completing this exchange and conveying the encroached upon lands to the adjacent property owners fulfills long stated oblectives identilied in the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement, the Land Use Plan, and the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. Does the rezoning provide for the growth ol an orderly viable community? Addressing long standilg private encroachments on public property helps to support a viable orderly community by not having private residential structures exist without legal access and clouded titles. ls lhe change consistent with lhe Land Use plan? section 1.9 of the Land Use Plan on page 7 states that National Forest land which is exchanged soled or otherwise falls into private ownership should remain as open space and not be zoned for private development. This reference refers to private exchanges. The exchange with the Forest service with the Town was a public exchange to proiect open space that may have been disposed off by the USFS. The 4.ZS acres of open space acquired from the Forest Service on the south side of Ptarmigan Road will be protected by deed restrictions and zoning. The land conveyed to individual home owners will also be deed restricted and will not allow development on lands acquired from the Forest service. This zoning request will facilitate the resolution of long standing encroachments oJ private roads, structures, landscaping on public property. On page 10 of the Land use Plan, the Plan acknowledges that the Town and the usFS need'to work together to address lands that were identilied for possible disposal. Lands on Ptarmigan Road and Rockledge Road were designated as such because of the private and public encroachments on these properties. This suMivision and rezoning will help facilitate the resolution of these encroachments. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON Staff recommends approval of this major suMivision and zoning requests subject io the following linding: That the proposed zone districts are compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, are consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and are appropriate tor the area and that the major subdivision is consistent with the criteria and standards of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations. F:\EVE RYONE\PEC\I4EMOS\98\TOVREO26.DOC 3 oo oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Raethcr Residence Project Description: Revise Drivcway Plan Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Noel Rollins, RDC, Inc., 1617 Wazee Street, Suite 2-C, Denver, CO. 80202 303.623.3355 Project Street Address: 278 Rockledge Road Legal Description: Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans dated 6128199 Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 6128199 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Proiect Name: Raether Residence Project Description: New in-ground gunite spa Owner, Address and Phone: Paul & Wendy Raether,278 Rockledge Road, Vail, CO 81557 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: it6'#X!_:S$"rt Pool and Spa, PO Box 2670, Vail, CO Project Street Address: 278 Rockledge Road Legal Description: Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: 210l-071-14-009 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3l3ll99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99\RAETHER.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 -- ,\ttG 4 , HAt fn&rU,c 'j -[D t 1bail oF wrL @ttilc(L trKtflt! CIA/R/< B(rnzAr,U j )est &t/ ft&/t9) fu/4k47v/. .l R cWilaL 1/weynBKS: "aL{57 A Bftt+ ilrre 7v lutuKn YAt 0F rtle D,Q.g's Feuuet *saq Tae re# o^-/ KMKLA# ez,*D, LJttase F'<e5A/'+rtu't luks lhof{u LLV 4Ssi<e) BV odK Dectst 0^) e //eK1'+e' h/e t{At/€ (tl'flD€<e> -ft{ti rnW Clq*egtu/ oil&r- A PeA6> oF vwo ftLb^JTUs Atu> WpO EbtrT /T 5#q,D Bt- 6fl> bilDtToil oF rU freanutdtn Pb il rft€ /1/ q6b(B0K#'ta>) ,++'tp W€ 9tt*BL€ ;iDzl4t7ozls oFFKa Dy 778 B6fu.) Z6 s,*Ue lT -T KNnl /4Y te/-L-U) tsd*1<D lUehlBkJ F&/- hs srKotv&t-Y ABtTtf THA Ad 5 b, /MtD Ut>utp ILK&4 Ynt To 2PNn ) d/K- k-Sta-z'-, " i frltutKfuzL-. cMK -- MEMORANDUM TO: Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: August4, 1998 SUBJECT: An appeal of a Design Review Board decision conditionally approving the Raether new single-family residence, located at 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Appellants: Paul Raether, represented by Noel Rollins of Resort Design Collaboraiive Intemational Planner: George Ruther I. SUBJECTPROPERTY Raether residence, located at 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. II. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant has standing to file this appeal, as he is the owner of the subject property. III. BACKGROUND The appellant, Paul Raether, represented by Noel Rollins of Resort Design Collaborative International, is proposing to construct a new single-family residence. The new residence will replace an existing residence on the property. On July 15, 1998, the appellant's representative appeared before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for a final rEview. Following a site viEit to the appellant's property and a public hearing discussion, the Design Review Board voted unanimously to approve the new single-family residence with conditions. One of the conditions required that the appellant save a 40-50 foot tall spruce tree on the property. In order to save the tree, the location of the new residence has had to be changed. The appellant was intending lo remove the tree and mitigate the loss by replanting specimen trees on the property. IV. NATURE OF THE APPEAL The appellant believes that there are benefits that can be achieved by removing and replanting specimen trees that outweigh saving the existing tree. V. REOUIREDACTION Uphold/Overtum/Modiff the Design Review Board's conditional approval of the Raether residence proposal. The Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The following finding is proposed: Finding: The Town Council finds that the Design Review Board's decision to approve with conditions the proposed Raether residence was proper and in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations and that the tree should be saved. Staff recom ds that the Town Council uphold the Design Review Board's conditional approval of the residence, subject to the finding above. vt. The Tbr^-'.t Cor.rr.,'l Filsw l-l4k t+re +1re Raa.ovr,f-t- ilAq +'1"€ 'flruhr{g oF A ltrr,-r .lv@ \s t'Pe 6e)ueA r.rl Co..orlric..e eb A. -atrxinto,tt oF h?,J ,E=;r* tul le+sr b fl,r".te- eJ I+c Noarh ,,r(fr ot H.E Eegloeuc- . 4-O O ('-< rt", VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1998 2:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCTL CHATUBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. 1. George Ruther NoelRollies 2. Dominic Mauriello Rob Levine 5. Sybill Navas 4. Larry Grafel 5. site visit and appeal of a Design Review board decision approval requiring the relocation of a proposed single-family residence in order to preserve a 40-50 foot tall spruce tree on the development site at the Raether residence, located at 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, VailVillage 1st. (Noel Rollies is with Resort Design Collaborative Intemational) (40 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overtum, or overturn with conditions, the decision of the Design Review Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Devetopment Department recommends that the Vail Town Council overturn with conditions the decision of the Design Review Board requiring the relocation of the proposed single-family residence in order to preserve a 40-50 foot tall spruce tree. A work session to discuss a potential major exterior alteration in cc2 and the establishment of a special Development District for the Anflers at Vail. located at 680 w. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant Antlers condominium Association, represented by Robert Levine. (1 hr.) AcrloN REQUESTED oF couNclL: preliminary discussion/direction to applicant on proposal. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Inctuded in your packet is pretiminary proposal by the Antlers condominium Association. The applicant is seeking preliminary input from the Town Council regarding potential Special Development District and major elterior alteration applications for the Antlers property. The applicant will be making a presentation to the Town Council and is hoping to gain some insight about the direction they are heading. No decisions are being requested of the Town Council at this time. The applicant has received input from the DRB and the pEC. The biggest concerns by these boards revolve around the design proposed. The general consensus of these Boards is that the architectural style is just a continuation of the poor architecture already existing in Lionshead. The scale, if brought into compliance with the design standards for Lionshead, was thought to be heading in the right direction. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation at this time. Discussion of Vail Youth Recognition Award Criteria. (30 mins.) Village Core Construction Update. (10 mins.) Information Update. (10 mins.) 6. CouncilReports. (10 mins.) Z. Other. (10 mins.) 8. Adjoumment - 4:50 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL nMEs ARE APPRTTT j j jrr*t ro C'|ANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOUVITI COUNCIL REGUT.AR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 8/11/98, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBEdS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 8/18198, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING IIEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 8r18198, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS.ililil1 Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please .Elll 47g-2332voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENDAWS 07/22/58 WED 08 i[', t',3p- [il,,sl INTENNATION^r. @oo1 "'n o'Tl "r'nll rRANsMrrrA L DATE: 07DlD8 3:10 pM I(} George Ruther COMPAIIIYI Town of Vail -Community planning rMI& NOEL EMERSON ROLLINS, ASSOC. AIA R& OwnerAppealofDRBRecommendations cs Paul and Wendy Raether _ Owners oc Gordon pierce - RDCI NlodFrrsgrRolliru PrqdN4qer &atvfr.P.rdE, Rmd, ae appeCing tE Dcign r _ tdrht' ]W'adI\4sRaetErunrldlikebrmlefristrcballowfrrtnocgrginofrtrfrrervresihe. The pqatylocmdazsRod<@enmdigadilfioftsirbbd",dqledbyurc*ingwltrinfuro*norvailt dcqgr guftbtnes,ttersuresftkre d[SmtEed{ingt€einq,Elrl- Mr.adIvfs. trrdrcd RdrnaePrPaedtc tpqc. inhi$ninhldrumviry Theqtrss u-..ndir€ q,"hebthe Codiab', .XBITAME .MNUMBMR rAXNT]MMR PAGES I Fl|Xft Fhx# RAETTIER 2tost 970479-2452 @rhegdds6vdtd) 212:t%2147 Plcarc sonlrct thc sbovr scnder at th. number betow if thcrc rro ally qucltions rcgsrding lhis tsnrsmission. If thc rcadcf oftbii mcssopc is icdid| b stri*ly prohibi&L If tcdrd| rs stri*l!*' ,ryer, 6 urrr@rrcry Er urc nurlxrcr Dcnw lo tlrangc ils rctl'|t. Thsnk you. P.C a . !!17 - lvre Ste4 Suile C2 o. Danr.tr, @ W,eimit hfo@esoldaigrxfln . try/1{r,"rL1#O.sqffi DENVER SAN FRANCISCO 12-11-5 toured to blend with the existing natu- ral undisturbed terrain within the prop- erty boundary. 2. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing fea- tures of terrain rock outcroppings, 12-1 1 -5 or brick shall be permitted. Plywood siding shall not be permiited. 2. The same or similar building materi- als and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory struc- tures upon the site. 3. Exterior wall colors should be com- patible with the site and surrounding buildings. Natural colors (earth t6nes found within the Vail area) should be utilized. Primary colors or other bright colors should be used only as accents and then sparingly such as upon trim or railings. All exterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished loundation walls. All exposed metal flashing, trim, flues, and roof top me- chanical equipment shall be anodized, painted or capable of weathering so as to be nonreflective. 4. The majority of roof forms within Vail are gable roofs with a pitch of at least four feet (4') in twelve feet (12'). However, other roof lorms are al- lowed. Consideration ol environmental and climatic determinants such as snow shedding, drainage, and solar exoosure should be inteoral to the root design. 5. Roof lines should be designed so as not to deposit snow on parking areas, trash storage areas, stairways, decks and balconies, or entryways. Secondary roofs, snow clips, and snow guards should be utilized to protect these areas from roof snow shedding if necessary. 6. Roof surfacing materials shall be compatible with the side and sur- rounding buildings. The predominant 3. Bemoval of lrees, shrubs, native vegetation shall be removal of those essential opment of the site or those as diseased. and other limited to f or devel- identified c. tion shall be revegetated. lf neces- sary, the Design Review Board may designate allowable limits of construc- tion activity and require physical barri- ers in order to preserve signilicant natural features and vegetalion upon a site and adjacent siteS during con- struction. 5. All projects shall be designed so as to provide adequate snow storage areas for snow cleared from the park- ing areas and roadways within the project. Building Materials And Design: 1. Building materials shall be predomi- nantly natural such as wood siding, wood shakes, and native stone. Brick is acceptable. Where stucco is uti- lized, gross textures and surface fea- tures that appear to imitate other materials shall be avoided. Concrete surlaces shall be treated with texture and color if used, howevel exposed aggregate is more acceptable than raw concrete. Neither aluminum steel, nor plastic siding, nor simulated stone Toun of Vail fo TOWN OF VAIL Ofice of the TbwnAttorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97047 9 -2 1 07/Fat 970-479-2 I 5 7 July 21, 1998 vrA TELECOPTER (303) 837-1968 Elizabeth C. Darling, Esquire Steiner, Darling, Hutchinson & Wilson, LLp Seventeenth and Grant 303 East l Tth Avenue, Suite 850 Denver, CO 80203 Re: Raether Property Dear Ms. Darling: Attached is a revised Ordinance No. 11, rezoning that portion of the property acquired by the Town in the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement from the United States Forest Service that will be conveyed to Paul Raether. This will be considered by Council upon first reading at this evening's Council meeting. If you have any questions or comments please contact me. Town Attomey RTIWaw xc: Russell Fonest'/ George Ruther Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire Paul Heffron oo {p u"nrro r^"o tlo Oo ORDINANCE NO.II Series of 1998 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL IN ACCORDANGE WTH TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 5, ZONING MAP; APPLYING ZONE DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO A PORTION OF UNZONED PROPERW PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE AND TMNSFERRED TO THE TOWN OF VAIL PURSUANT TO THE LAND OWNERSHIP ADJUSTMENT AGREEMENT TO PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FOR PROPERW LOCATED AT ROCKLEDGE ROAD/PORTIONS OF UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE LOT 3, BASED UPON THE PROPOSED FINAL PLAT (NOT YET RECORDED) OF RocKLEDGE FoREsr suBDrvrsroN pREpARED By DENNTS SHELHoRN ls Jbe No. 0332.002 DATED FEBRUARY 25, 1998. WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to implement the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement with the United States Forest Service by zoning property acquired by the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that thls zone designation is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, is consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the area; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommended appioval of this zoning map amendment at its July 13, 19gg meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Councilconsiders it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend the official Town of Vail Zoning Map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TFIAT: section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail is hereby amended as follows: The western portion, immediately adjacent to Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, of previously unzoned property owned by the United States Forest Service and transfJrred to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District for property located at Rockledge Road/portions of United Siates Forest' 9"ryif Lot 3, based upon the proposed Final Platlnot yet recorded) of Rockledge Forest Sttbdivision prepared by Dennis Shelhorn as Job No. 0332-OO2 dated February iS, tSSa lsee Exhibit A attached). section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not eftea tne validity of the r er r rair tit tg pur lior rs of rhis oroinance; and tne I own L;ounctl hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, seclion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Ordinance No. 1'l , Series of 1998 oo ol Section 4. The a-mendment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution iommenced, nor any otnei-action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. Tire amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereol inconsistent herewith are repealed to the elrtent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall n_ol be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or pdrt thereof, theretofori repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED oNcE lN FULL oN FtRsr READTNG this 21st day of July, 1998, and a pubtic hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 4th day of August, 1g9g, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. a Robert E. Ford, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPRoVED oN sEcoND READTNG AND ORDERED puBLlsHED _ firis 4th day ofAugust, 1998. Robert E. Ford, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinanoe No. 11 , Sedes of 1998 R I I I I I I I I I orl rnl u lfll !r 'rl I I I I I I I I I I I I I CN o @ Cti o oi t{ { sc (rl -l 0 I ! o -! o -! o a ! cl T,! o a ! C'r ! ! \ '*a ".1 (.1 a : e H, \r 4bt4 *.,J fuV o o _0[_yL72a Maftar-z--J- Qo -L*l{e. (*L' kL -222P3- ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 14, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. O THIS Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, lnc. George Ruther A request for a minor subdivision to relocate an existing property line, located at 2695 Davos Trail/ Lots 16 and 17, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicanl: Randall J. Fischer Planner: Jeff Hunt A request for a final review for a major amendment to Special Developmenl District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther A minor subdivision request for Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, transfening a porlion of Government Lot 3, obtained by the Town of Vail from the United States Forest Service, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement, to Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interprelation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Heafing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published November 27, 1998 in the Vail Trail. Applicant: Planner: g,p L tq$, (L[' ' o a , h' +ll !.,l'i i |' I .:,,i',-i'i$,{ ffi . - ,tq --r 'l_,F+'{l.}.., _', c.i,i., r t f \\ {tsl A. Qucstionsfll thc Pla:ining Stail'ri 479-; l2S APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr review must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquqstcd. Thc application cannot be accepted until all the requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and,/or thc Planning and Environnrental Comnrission. Dcsign Rcviov Board approval expircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. B. c. D. E, F. U. DESCRTPTToNoFTHEREQUEST: Stnqle Finil\ %)JJ PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL#.A\il. o (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S)&"^i (,l.-'e^ 5 Ro..+To- MAILING ADDRESS:o KK( Qat.'+5 ,'^Jf 5a.€ +rs., N PHONE: owr\ER(s) STGNAT URE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: TY,PE OF REVTEW Ef Ncw Constructi FEE: on - $200 Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition rvhcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial brii lding. lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and site improvements. such as, rcroofing. painting, windorv additions. landscaping, fenccs and retaining walls, etc. DRB fccs are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later. whcn applying for a building pcnnit. pleasc identifo thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. TheTownof Vait rvill adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO 8I657. H. tr Addition - $50 E l\{inor Altcration - $20 TOWNOFVAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:BLOCK: 7 FILINC: 04/2a/97 MON BUTLDNG MATERIALS: PSA VAIL LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TrscqlbR. 10: 48 FAX 1 S70 4608 476 o -'J-+ PSA DENVER COLOR:* B oo4 Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Haud or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chintncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lightingt t Other + Please specify the manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinurce 18.54.050(J). If exterior liglting is proposed please indicate the number of fixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifr each fixture type and provide the height abdve grade, lumans output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhues. o o o o o I 04/2E/97 MON 10:48 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BEREMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 4606 PSA VAIL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING -'J-, PSA DENVER FAx I 970 476 U E oos l_ W@ -q$-eiq€ *Minimunr requirements for landscaping:deciduous trecs - 2 inch caliper coniferous hees - 6 fcet in hcight , OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicato top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls wi thin the front setback is 3 feet, Maximum beight of walls elsewhere on tbe prop€rty is 6 -f€et. L,r {r r i\ | ! e o h { l\.1 + H fi \5 7 s g t\ )s A $ $ u R \) F \s 7 tr 1n i tal o o o o o o o Mav 15. 1998 Date Received ilAY 18 1ss8 Pierce, Seterberg & Associates Architects, PC.,A-1.A. Main Olfice 1000 S. Ffontate Roed VV Vail, CO 8l657 fox: 970 476 4608 phone:970 476 4433 Denver Offlce l6l7 Wazee Street SLr ite C2 Denver, CO B0202 fox: 303 623 2262 phone:301 623 3355 Ms. Christie Barton - Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Pre-Application Meeting on May 14th,278 Rockledge Road Dear Ms. Barton: Thank you for meeting with me yesterday conceming the Raether Residence located at 278 Rockledge Road. This letter is intended to document our discussion. 1 . It is our intention to move the structure East of it's current position approximately 20 feet, tltis will in turn allow for better accessibility of the driveway and will displace a large tree. This displaced tree will either be relocated and/or removed. Due to the displacement, it is our intention to add a minimum of six (6), new I 8' to 22' foot Blue Spruce Species throughout the site. DRB will review this proposal. 2. The design ofthis residence creates a need for two curb cuts, one at the driveway and one at the formal entry. Due to the substantial grade change across the site and overall boundaries, we felt two methods of accessibility would be substantiated. DRB will review this proposal. 3. Setbacks are noted for this lot as 20' feet to the front. and 1 5 ' feet to the sides and back. 4. Documentation of title will be included with the application submittal. 5. The allowable GRFA was collectively determined to be 4,888 sq. ft. 6. The purchase of the southernmost parcel (including2394 sq.ft.) is in process between Mr. and Mrs. Raether and the Town of Vail Attomey. This parcel is incorporated in this project and a Quit Claim Deed has been issued with Holy Cross Electric to vacate the l0'-0" easement to the south. 7. The project will include a minimum of 60% landscaped area, as noted by you. 8. Height Restricfion will be determined by a supplied interpolation topography. 9. This project site was determined to not be located tn aHazwd area, including avalanche, debris, and rockfall. 10. No site walls over 6'-0" tall will be permitted. Site walls over 4'-0" shall bear a structural engineer's stamp. 11. Three parking spaces will be incorporated based on the overall square footage ofthe project. 12. Converts and driveway pans will be noted on drawings. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to add any notes I may have missed, please do not hesitate to call. Best Regards, The Resort Design Collaborative International (formally knovm as Pierce Segerberg Architects) Noel Emerson Rollins, Associate AIA ..t^l !l -LAND TITLE GUARANTBE COMPANY al4lqt hnr-v Lo boqi\e [,u\11gr I ELIZABETH DARLING 303 E 17TH AVE. #850 DENVER, CO 80203 u:,+ln l!]g4LD9' i Dear Customer: -a Land Title Guarantee Company is pleased to provide you with i'your Owner's Title Insurance Policy. This valuable document insures good and marketable title to your propert.y. Please review the policy in its entirety. we at Land Title Guarantee Company believe in providing you, our customer, with a gualiE.y product which wiII serwe your needs. In the event you do find any discrepancy, or if you have any questj-ons or comments regarding your final policy, please contact Ehe following department and we will gladly handle any request you may have as efficient,ly and quickly as possible. TITLE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE # (970) 476-225L FAX # (970)476-4534 PLEASE REFER TO ORDER NO. V254234 Should you decide Lo sell the property described in Schedule A, or if you are required to furnish a new title commitment for morEgage purposes, you may be entitled Eo a credit toward future tiEle insurance expenses. Land Title Guarantee Company will ret,ain a copy of Ehe enclosed title policy, and in the event you do need fuLure services, we will be in a position to again serve you prompEly and efficiently. Thank you very much for giving Land Title Guarantee Company the opportunity to serve you. Form OEC a,/95 Order No. V254234 ^-. -Policy No. LTEI254234B AmounE $4, 055, 000 . 00 SCHEDULE A THIS POLICY IS ISSUED IN LIEU OF POLICY# LTEI254234A, WHICH IS HEREBY CANCELLED. Address LOT 15 BLOCK 7 VAIL VILI.AGE The Policy Amount will automatically j-ncrease by 10 percent of the amounE shown above on each of t.he first. five anniversaries of Ehe Policy Dat.e. Policy Date: Decen0cer 31, 1995 at 5:00 P.M. 1. Name of fnsured: PAUL E. RAETHER and WENDY S. RAETHER 2. Your int.eresc in the land covered by this Policy is: A Fee Simple 3. The land referred to in this Policy is described as follows: LOT 15, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE, FTRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Form 2755-7 /80 licy No. LTEI254234B Order No. v254234 SCHEDULE B 1. 2. In addition to the Exclusions, you are not insured against 1oss, costs, Attorneys' fees, and expenses resulEing from: 1997 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSME}i"TS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. RIGHT OP PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepLEmber 14, ],923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 3. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepEeTn]ceT 14, A923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 5. RESTRTCTIVE COVENA}NS WH]CH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMTTTTNG RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELTGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED rN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 10, a962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGB 179, AND INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 10, 1981 IN BOOK 321 AT PAGE 423. AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAIL ASSOCIATES, LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND GAS FACILITIES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATTON RECORDED IN BOOK 183 AT PAGE ]-57 . 6. EASEME}ITS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, INCLTIDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: TEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING. 7. UNDERGROUND RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN DOCUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 29, 1974 IN BOOK 236 AT PAGE 235. B. DEED OF TRUST FROM PAUL E. RAETHER and WENDY S. RAETHER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF JULTANNA DEWS TO SECURE THE SUM OF $3,065,000.00, RECORDED December 31, 7-996, IN BOOK 715 AT PAGE 70. ANY PROVISIONS IN THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATTONS OF THIS POLICY REFERRING TO ARBITRATION ARE HEREBY DELETED. Page Page 2 Your Title Insulance |hry ALTA Besidential Form, Bev 1987 0ne-To-Four Family Residences 0nly OWNER'S INFORMATION SHEFT Your Title lnsurance Policy is a legal contracl betvveen you and 0ld Republic Nationa I Title lnsurance Company It applies 0nly to a 0ne.toJour family residential lot or a condominium unit lf your land ts not either 0f these, contacl us immediately The Polrcy insures you against certarn risks to your land These risks are listed on page two of the Policy The Policy is limited by:. Exclusions on page 2.o Exceptrons on Schedule B . Conditions on pages 3 and 4. You should keep the Policy even if you transfer the title to your land. lf you want t0 make a claim see ltem 3 under Conditions on page 3 You do not owe any more premiums fOr the POlicy This sheet is n0t y0ur Insurance Policy lt rs only a brief outline of some of the important Policy features The Policy explains in detailyour rights and obliga' tions and our rights and 0bl gati0ns S nce the Policy--+nd not thrs sheet--rs the legal doc umen t, YOU SHOULD READ THE POTICY VERY CAREFULTY. lf you have any questions about the P0licy. c0ntacl the issuing Office. TABTE OF CONTENTS PAG E 2 2 2 INSEBT INSERT 2 CONDITIONS 1 Delinrtions 2 Continuation of coverage 3 How to Make a Claim 4. Our Choices when You Notify Us of a Claim 5. Handling a Claim or Court Case 6 Limitati0n of the Company's Lrability 7. Transfer of Your Bights B Arbrtration 9 Our Liabil ty 1s Lrmited to This Policy PAGE 3and4 OWNER'S COVERAGE STATEI\4ENT COVERED TITTE RISKS COMPANY'S DUTY TO DEFEND AGAINST COURT CASES SCHEDULE A Polrcy Number. Date and Amount 1 Name of Insured 2. lnterest in Land Covered 3 Descnption of the Land SCHEDULE B-EXCEPIIONS EXCLUSIONS 0BT Fo.|n 375 0 ' ALIA Sesidenlial lltle Pcllcy 16 l 87) lconmued fron nsde back fla\) We will pay up t0 your actual loss or the Polic\/ Amount in force when the claim is made-whichever is less lf we remove the claim agarnst your title within a reasonable time after receivrng notice 0f it, we will have no further liability for it lf you cannot use any of your land because of a claim against y0ur title, and you rent reasonable substitute land or facrlities, we will repay you for your actual rent until. the cause of the claim is removed. or we settle vour claim When we settle a claim, we have all the nghts you had against any person 0r property related to the claim You must transfer these rrghts t0 us when we ask, and you must not do anything to affect these rights. You must let us use your name in enforcing these rights. 8 lf it is permitted in your state. you or the Company may demand arbi- tratr0n The arbitration shall be binding on both you and the Company The arbitration shalldecide any matter in dispute between you and the Company The arbitration award may:. include attorneys'fees if allowed by state law . be entered as a judgment in the proper court 6 Linitation of lhe Company's Liabiltty c. The Policy Amount wrll be reduced by all paymenls made under e. this Policy-except for c0sts, attorneys' fees and expenses The Policy Amount will be reduced by any amount we pay to our Insured h0lder of any mortgage shown in this Policy or a later mortgage given by you lf you do anything t0 aflect any right of recovery you may have, we can subtract from our liability the amount by which you reduced the value oI that riqht /. Transfer of Your Rights We will not be liable to you if we do not pursue these rights or if we do not recover any amount that might be recoverable. With the money we recover from enforcing these nghts. we will pay whatever part 0f your loss we have not paid We have a right t0 keep what is left Arbitratton The arbrtratton shall be under the Title Insurance Arbttrati0n rules 0f the American Arbitratr0n Association You may choose current Rules or Rules in existence on Policy Date The law used in the arbitration rs the law 0f the place where the property is located You can get a copy 0f the Rules from the Company 9 )ur Liability is Lintted to this Policy This Policy, plus any endorsements, is the entire contract between you and the Company. lssued through lhe ]tfice ol TAI{D TFI,E GUAMNTEE COMPANY 108 S. FBONTAGE BOAD WESI '203 P0 Box 357 vAtL, c0 81658 (970) 476-2251 {97014i6-4534 FM Any claim you make against us must be made under this Policy and ts subject to its terms. OTD REPUBIIC TATI(ITAT I|IIE ITSURATCE COMPAIIY A Slock Conpany 400 Second Avenue S\ulh, Minn Dolis. Minnes\la 55401 l6t2 371-t I t I 8y Aftest4r Ez/y',*,,,,0 Authorued Signalory C lrl+tr = MmlgAnnAA. -l " V) @4aoarq E? @z> As Pictured # WALL 61ll Er*iii 6112 17+ 9+ 13 6.22 22 12+ 16 6132 26+ 15 19+ 6142 30+ 17+ 23 a HIVP 17+ 9+ 5+22 72+ 6+ 26+ 15 8 30+ \7+ 9+ BRACKET E3) C POST 6114 17+ 9* sq. 6124 22 12i sq. 6134 26+ 15 sq. 6744 30+ t7i sq. 6113 20+ 6123 26 t)IJJ JT 6143 36 1?* cn 1( cn 17* sq. f*Ft t| J d l| t BEGA sL Fecessed ow voltage luminatre !v (h nlegral 120V-12V transformer ;:-^:,5.i .!rcc c.rA:ai lPns benrni die cast alumrnuril louve'3d iacePla:3. ir.crch \arxno. Cclcr B ack or whi:e. S!]c: ied vri:h 2CW G.l lamp. 2337 O:enrng 2 3/6'x6ts/$' x 4' La|;, p Lumen A 2837 S3cessed @ I 2c!v ca i2\i 33/,a 7 t/a 4 Recessed luminaire with die casi aluaninurn louvers and temoered lvhite glass Through vJiring Colcr Elack or white 2037P Opening: 21''/t$' x 615//$' x 4' 2C33P Opening: 4' x 1Ot/2' x 4' Lamp Lunen A B 2087P Recessed 1 7W 2L 4OO 3'/,e 7 t/a IJ 04/21/97 lit0\ l0:48 FAX I ',r U. S. West Communicattons t-800-922-I987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service CompanY 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elecfic Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd & Sanitation District + 416-7480 Frcd Haslcc 4608 PSA VAI L JJJ PSA DE\VER This fornr is to vcriff servrcc availability and location for trew conskuction and should be uscd in conjunction with prcparing your urility plan and s"h"duling installations. Thc location urd availability ofutilitics, whethcr they Lc nuin trunk lines or proposed lincs, must bc approved and verified by the following utilities for the accornpanying site plan. 2. 3. {.OT-.- --- '\-',o'^-^'6 t O'- 3 0 4'f * plcase bring a site plan, floor plan, and elcvations whegr obtaining Uppcr Eagle Valley Watcr & Sanitation signah:rcs. Firc flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: t.If the utility verification form has signatures from each ofthe utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will prcsume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note dircctly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved' The issue shoukl then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the uhlity company and the applicurt to resolve identifi ed problems. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before dieging in any public righfof-way oI easement within the Town of Vail. A @ oo6 t * -, - o o ZONE CHECK Addrcss Orvncr Lot sizc za1.+ Total GRFA Pbone Proposcd use Buildable arca Proposcd Remaining +' + 67 5 = 425 credit plus 250 addition (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear 6.e. tl r lqA Minimum Rcquire L- EnCIOSCC (6a ffi'+\ Pnrrniftn,.l ql^.. o/r errrurrvu rrlvPl /o Proposcd Slope % Ycs_ No Ycs No l) Pcrcent Slopc (< >30%)< 3o'/^ 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands ov- t. 4) Water Coursc Setback (30) (50 5) Geologic Hazards r, l f)K.. a) Snorv Avalanchc hlo b) Rocldall Architcct phonc Zonc district Allorved + Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbts Parking Garagc Credit Drivcway Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd grades less thar 2:l (50%) Environm cntal,/Hazards Is thc propcrty non-conforming?Dcscribc: Nu c) Dcbris FIow o DESIGN REI'IEW CIIECKLIST Projcct: O sunvev Scalc Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Spot elevations tr SITE PLAN Scale CrawlWttic Spacc EHU Easements Topography l00yr. floodplain Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Building Heigbt Encroachments . Setbacks ___--___ Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') DeckVBalconies Garage connecfion Site Grade\SloDc RetainingWalls Fences Parking/Carage TumingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage fI FLOoRPLANS Scalc CRFA 250 additional GRFA tr BUILDn'IG ELEvATIoNS Scalc ColorMaterials Roof Pitch U LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trces hoposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utiliti es (underground) View Corrioors Varianccs Plat restricti ons Fire Access TOWN OF VAIL D epar tme nt of Co mmunity D eve lopme nt 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 16, 1998 Noel Rollins Resort Design Collaborative 1617 Wazee Street, Suite C-2 Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: Raether Residence 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First Dear Noel, I have completed a preliminary review of your request for a new single family residence at 278 Rockledge Road. Upon completion of my review, I have determined that there are several outstandlng issues which we need to resolve. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the issues which need to be resolved. Please address the following issues: 1. please provide top/bottom wall elevations on all the proposed retaining walls. All walls over four feet in height shall be reviewed and approved by a licensed engineer. The maximum retaining wall height is six feet (three feet in the front setback area)' Please provide a plant material list on the landscape plan. The list shall include the sizes and quantities of all proposed materials. Please provide an outdoor lighting plan The plan shall include the location, type and manufacturer's specifications of all outdoor lighting' According to the Municipal code, the maximum allowable GRFA on the site shall be 4,886 square feet. My cilculations indicate that you are proposing 4,960 square feet' piease amend the plan so that the proposed GRFA does not exceed 4,886 square feet total. Please provide a building materials list. The list shall be presented to the DRB at the conceptual hearing. J {p r""""to '^""^ 6. In order to determine the proposed driveway grade, please provide proposed contours for the garage driveway. The Town's current regulations don't allow for two curb cuts. Please redesign or seek a variance. 8. The architectural elevations do not meet the site plan grades. Please either provide the conversion equation, or revise. Please provide an encroachment agreement from the utility companies for building in the easement or provide the completed vacation agreement. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached at 970-479-2145. Sincerely, rl+Rt-tt-,t George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner o8-lZ-08 0?:23il Fr--SDl|lil 303-837-l QUTCLAIT DEED or 15, Block 7, Vait VtlagE, Firsr Fiting, Plat thereof, Colorado also l(rlown as str€ct nsmbefi Z7g Rocktedae Road, Vail, Colora(o E1657 with all ite appurEnances. This Qull claim Dccq is erecuted by Granbr ro vacale all of Granto/s rigln. ft1" and intercst rn the utihty easement granteC by me recorqeq plal acros8 the sourherly 10 feer of rhc above-dcscribed gaperty. T-121 P.02102 F-516 Wrtness my hanct and offcial seat. My commissron erpir6s: O0-o day of rol Holy Signecf vre Stla aay ot A-u-q.t_. 1ggg. ATTEST. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Gerfield HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., A Coloredo copofarinn beforc rtris 5d ) ) as. ) E r.rtkrrQurTcl Et Mry 27. 19s6 fualts zoo E ug^Ng( vsd z97Z t?g 808 XVd r0:tr IUC 86/Zl/90 *r,'il0,,' LABORATI E R NA T I O N DATF/TIME: 06130/98 4:33 PM TCI Kurt Segerberg C0MPAI{Y: RDCI-Vail FROI\4 Noel Emerson Rollins. Associate AIA RE: Site Limitations for Buildine Location THE COL INT GN VE AL RAETHER 2r058 970-476-4608 (ncluding this caer sheet) e og og FACSIMII TRANSMITTAL JOBNAME: JOBNT]MBER FAXNT]MBR PAGES: I FAX# FAX# FAXtr DearKut, As recqnnrerded by tr Daign Revrew Boad ur Jr.rrc I /, I 998, I have ecplored h:ilding locaion altsrmives witrhopesofsavingltee<i$ing40'O'ull teeto *renorttrofilelot Ttrefollowingcorrensaencted: 1 . Tbe currt slope oftre &iveway is I 29lo. (Ilre Town ofVail limit is 12%.) Shifting tte building tc drerare$willeasilyinuease this slopeto 16% phs. 2. T}rcdivewaysitewallsaecurertV3'0'to6'0'inf€iglrtfiheTownofVaillimitis6'0) Shifing tF hjlding tc tp we$ will irrrease tre tteigttt above this limit 3. Shiffingtrc hrilding to d-e wes by 20'0' u,ould: a Gredlyimpactthe wdisutedsilsadvegetationoteWesSideofthelot,ftisareais important to ftre Radlns for views fiom trc Master Bedroom b. Elimindetrelie,.vtothernr*r. c. Eliminaetrco<tqiorshirsontheWe$Sideofbehrildingdretoanodstingeaserrrcnl The $airs to tte we$ ae critical for acoess to the rca teimce. d krcreasetheareasofbo{hcothle$one&ivewalqthercbyexceedingt}rctnrildingaeain relation tc ladsceed aear 4. AminimrrnofSix(QBlueSptrcet€esofl8'{tc22'S'intrcightwinbeirrqalledinlieuof removing trc eniting tee. Codially, Noel Emerson Rollirs, Associae At{ ProjectMauger Please contact the above sendcr at the number belorv ifthere are any questions regarding this transmtsslon Thrs facsimile is intended only for the addressee and nray contain rnformalion that is privileged and confidential. If fte read€r of this message is not thc intended recipien(, you are hereby norified ftat any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited lf you havc receivcd this communication in error. please notily us rmmediately at the number below to arrange its retum. Thank you Ttr€ R€sort DesipSr Collaborative Inemaion4 ptrone: 303 03 3355 r fuY 303 03 n62 VAII, FRISCO P.C. r 16l'7 Wazre, Sffi, Suite C2 o enrail: info@esortdesign.com o DENVER r Denvet CO W2U2 hq//www.resortdesign.com S,AN FRANCISCO TOWN OF VAIL D epar t me nt of Comm unity D eve lo pme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 30,199'7 Julie Deu's 59 Maple Hili Road Huntington, NY I1743 Re: DRB approval cxtension for Lot 15, Blk. 7, Vail Village lst Filing, Vail, CO Patch 2nd Filing. Dcar Julic: You havc rcqucsted that the DRB apploval for this lot be extcnded. However, thc approval cannot be cxtcndcd duc to a changc in the zoning laws that occurred in Novembcr of 1995. Thc 250 Oldinance which allows an additional 250 sq. ft. per unit can no longer be approvcd in conjunction with a demo/r'ebuild request. Your 1995 approval included two 250 rcqucsts with a demo/rebuild. This approval cxpilcd on Novcmbcr | , 1996 and was not extended at that time fol thc samc reason, which is rvhy you did not rcceivc an indication ofthc cxtension. Thcreforc, a ncw application wili bc lequircd, which docs not includc thc 250 rcquests, in order to rcmovc this house and rcbuild a new one. Sony for any inconvcnicnce this may have caused you. If you have any qucstions, plcase fcel free to call me at 479-2148. Sinccrely, #.t**o*# Town Planuer {i *'"'"uo '^'"* olign Review Action Feh TOWN OF VAIL Category Number , ./'> Proiect Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Archit.ecvcontact, Address and Phone: ' I /-- \ ,' Legal Description: Lot I ''t Block -f Subdivision 'i j. .l-.1 Zone District Motion by: Seconded by: p'Approval ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner ,","' k\[. ,"' . \ , ';( ' l' DRB Fee Pre-paid DATE: LEGAL DEscJtI PTIgN :-,.1o Er l?-",FI oc)( SingIe ZONE CIIECK FOR y Residence, Duplex, Pr ZONE DISTRICTS P}IONE BUILDABLE Exi s l-inq ,/Secondary ADDRESS: OWNER LOT *s' 'l,li: tv'neighc I OLA1 GRFN '- Primary GRFA cEbacks i Lo coverage ndscaping tzReEaining wal1 /narking rage Crccli L '-l l_-/Drive: (3oo) (6oo) tsool@D- 5 zcu' ,ft tt4L :/l / (-Encl i Voo Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES /6nvironmen Eal /tlazards :1) Frood plain Yll) 2') PerccnL Slopc (< > 3O%\ 27f10 3 ) Ceologic }lazarcls a) Snow Avalan b) Roclcfall c) Debris FIow /v!o* Corridor Encroachmcnt: Yes lro ' h''{) /pboes l-his req.iesL invoivc cr 25 Ilow much of thc allowed 250 ]\d Y Previous condiLions of aPProva 4 ) wct lands L\A frt) nl)che IrA ARcI{IrEcr 'fu; 't9 Y.+ \ PIToNE zoNE DrsrRrcr qg t PROPOSED usE T\9 LOT STZE Allowcd (30) (33) Fron L S ides Rear u"b bolo (rntir ) Ileight s 3?1+tboD W Urtf, + lE = Z?OA+ ?m: 715b ,rsecondary cRFA l5l1 + 425 =144.1+rao.-'Aq+ztu _ PermicLccl slope 7 * Proposcd srope % [acomplics wiLh T.o.v. Lighting ordinance aLer coursc Sct-baclc (30) (50) Yes r-0 , f l I 'i '1 f2 (l't \- y, t.eLr.A a/17191 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPIJICATION ' TOI{N OF VAIL, COLOnADO I. A. DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *t**t*!rt*l INCOMPI'ETE APPIJICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDWED FOR REVTEW, !r*******!t* PROJECT INFORMATIOT{: DESCRIpTTON:fggr dgwn o!/ Secondar residence and cons truct restoence rnclucrnq a TYPE OF REVIEW: X New ConsE.ruction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS. 278 Rockledge Road B. r ) a n LEGAL DESCRIPTION: tot 15 Block .1 Subdivision Vail Villase First Filine If properEy is described by a meeLs and bounds legal description, please provide on a separaEe sheet and aLeach Eo this applicaLion. ZONING. Primary / Secondary NAME OF Julie Dews Mai lin APPLICANT: Address:co 81 G.laailing Address: NAIqE OF APPI,ICA}IT .S REPRESENTATIVE.P S 1000 S. Frontaee Road W. Vai1. co 81657 Phone 476-4433 NAME OF OWNER(S) :Julie Dews o?.-,ry P.O. Box 362 I. J. Mailing Address:Vail. CO 816 Phone 476-5372 c0 81658 APPI'TCATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OnINERIS SIGNA?T'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Eo be paid aE the Lime of submiccal of the DRB application. LaLer, when applying for a buildinq permic, please identify the accurate valuaLion of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust bhe fee acco 1e below, Lo ensure the correct fee 7 /ro /9s UATION FEE $ 20.00 s 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ TSSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION 0 $ 10, 000 ,p ru r urrJ. - ip fU, UUU $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOAR.D APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ IJNIJESS A BUILDING PERI{IT TS IS STARTED. TT A pre-applicat,ion meet,ing with a mernber of the planning staff is encouraqed to deE,ermine if any additional appl.ication information is needed. It is the applicane,s responsibility to make an appointment with Ehe st.aff to determine if there are additional submitta] reguirements. Pl.ease note that, a COMPLETE application wiLl streamline the review process for your projecE. III. IMPORTATAI NOTTCE REGARDING AITI.I SIJBMISSIONS TO TEE DRB: A. In addit,ion to meeting subniLLal requirements, the applicant musE stake, and Lape Lhe projecE sit,e to indicate properLy 1ines, buildinq lines and building corners. A11 trees Lo be removed must, be taped. A11 site tapings and staking musL be conpleted prior to Ehe pRB site visit. The applicant, musE ensure that staking done during the wint,er j.s not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Oesign Review Board: a conceptual review and a fj.nal review. C. Applicint,s who fail Eo appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not, asked in advance t,hae discussion on their it,em be postponed, will have their iEems removed from the DRB aqenda unEil such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administ,raEor, be approved by the Comrnunity Development, Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not a1 ter the exisuing pJ-ane of the building; and b. BuiLdinq additions not visibLe from any other lob or public space. At the t,ime such a proposal is submitEed, applicants must include letLetrs from adjacenE properEy owners and/or from Lhe agent, for or manager of any adjacenE condominiurn association staUing Ehe associaLion approves of the addit.ion. E. If a properEy is locaced in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, weLland,, etc. ) , a hazard study must be submitE,ed and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applj.cants are encouraged to check vrith a Town pLanner prior Lo DRB applicaeion t,o deLermine the relat,ionsbip of the properLy Eo all napped hazards. F. For aL1 residenLial construcEion: a. . Clear1y indicaE.e on Ehe floor ptans the inside face of the exEerior structural wal1s of the building; and b. Irrdiuale wibh a dashed line on the sit,e plan a four foot disE.ance from Lbe ext,erior face of the building walls or support.ing columns. c. If DRB approves the appLicaLion wiLh conditions or modifications, all condiLions of approval musL be addressed prior to Lhe applicaLion for a buiJ.ding permit ,l r€vlsod 224193 Dateof Application .lg!y_!Q_,_!!!! Date of DRB Meeting Date of PEC Meeting (if necessary)_ APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL TYPE OF REQUEST x Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Flather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 square feet if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vail code are met. Applications for addilions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. pROJECTDESCRIpTIO1 Dews Residence - addirional 250 s.f. of GRFA per unit for an existing primary / Secondary House (500s.f. roral) B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 278 Rockledee Road Legal Description:Lot_ll _ Block 7 Filino Vail Village lst Zone c. Secondar NAME OF APPLICANT: Julie Dews Address 278 Rockledge Road D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S BEPRESENTATIVE:Pi.rce, Seeerb.r ecrs Address 1000 S. Fronrage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 476-4433 E. tl NAME OF O Signature(s Phone 476-5372 The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shallbe required with this submittal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps ol Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonararded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. LIST OF MATERfALS NAME OF PROJECT:-9gE51SS T,EGAIJ DEscRrPTroN: LoT L5 BLocK l- suBDrvrsrorg Vail Villaee lst STREET ADDRESS: A. The following informat,ion iE Review Board before a final BUIIJDING MATERIAI-TS : Roof Siding Other wal1 MaEerials Fascia Soffi Ls Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys , Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Reuaining Wa11s Exterior L,ighting regulred for submittal approvaL can be given: FYPE Of MATERIAIJ go Ehe Design COLOR Natural Cedar Shake Board sidin Lt. Brown Off White Select. Rainbow Mix Stucco Stone Cedar / Redwood T&GCedar/Redwood Lt. Brown Aluminum CIad Stone & R.S. Cedar / Redwood Lc. Brown Wood Med.. Brown Stone &/ Redwoo Lt. Brown Lt. Brorsn Painted Galv. Steel Dk. Brown Copper Stone Veneer on Goncrete Pavers Brown & Gra]z Mix OLher - DrivewaYs LA}TDSCAPING: NAME Designer: Phone: 278 Rockledee Road B.of $e Ouantitv Size*PIJAM MATEUS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TRSES A}TD SHRT'BS I BSl Picea Pungeous Glanca Blue Spruce 2 8' - 10' BS2 Picea Pungeous Glanca Blue Spruce 3 10' - 12' BS3 Picea Pungeous Glanca Blue Spruce 2 L2' - 14' Al Populus Tremuloids Aspen 22 2" - 3" cal SSC Mallus Sp. Spring Snow Crab. 5 3" cal *Indic4tg caliper for deciduous Lrees. Minimum calioer , for deciduous trdes is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous Lrees.. Minimum heioht for coniferous trees is 5 feet.**Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs. uininum size of shrubs is 5 qa1lon. rT\/'.!or Ssuare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROIJ C. L,ANDSCAPE LfGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixLures and locations on a separate liqbting p1an. rdent,ify each fixture from Lhe J.ighE,ing plan in the space below and provide Ehe height above gra-de, tlpe of Light. proposed, Lumen oulput, Luminous area and a cuL sheet of the liqtrt f ixture. (Section 18.54.050 .t) D. OTHER LAI{DSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, eEc,) Please specify. Indicat.e heigbt.s of reLaining waI1s. Maximum heiqht of waLls within the front. setback is 3' . Maxj.rnum heigrht of walls elsewhere on the property is 6' . &. I,IST OF MATERIAIJS NAI'{E OF PROJECT:J IJEGAIT DESCRIPTION: LOT- BL,OCK - STTBDMSION STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is required for submittal Lo the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIAIJS: TYPE OF MAEERIAI,COL,OR Roof Siding OLher wa11 Mat.erials Fascia soffits Wi.ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues FJ.ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wa11s ExEerior Lighting I I other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: ;lil,HTtt';Botanieal Name Picea Pungeous Glanca Bl 7 8',. - 14'22 2"-3"cal .5 3" cal. unpulus Tremuloids Aspen AI\ID slIRLBs l,I"irus sp. spring snoir crab. Juniper Corrnunis Juniper 15 5 gaL Pinus Mugho Mughus Mugho Pine 15 5 eal- Cor." Stolooif* Red twig Dog. L0 5 gal Amelanchler Alnifolia Service Berry 12 5 gaL *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Min-imum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. IndicaEe height, for coniferous Lrees.. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.**IndicaEe size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. Souare Footade GROUND COVERS Canadian Blue Grass 1500 s.f. SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Wild Grass & Wlld Flowers 1200 s.f. Automatic Sprinkler A11 new sod & groundcovers gp Ground Cover, Grasses & Erosion MatLing TYPE OR METHOD EROSTON CONTROT, LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separat,e ligbting pLan. Ident,ify each fixture from the light.ing plan in che space below and provide the heiqht above gra_de, tlpe of light proposed, lulnen output, luminous area and a cut sheeE of the light f ixture. (Section 18 .54 .050 ,J) Post L s at each driveway entrance Wal1 Lamps at each walkway to units AutomaCic Low Voltage lighcs aE ground level @ each entry stairs D. Wall Lamps € Entry Doors OTHER LAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (reEaining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, euc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of reLaining walLs. Maximum height of walLs wichin the front setback is 3'. Maximum height of wal1s elsewhere on the property is 6' L'-6" to 5'-6" max. Retaining Walls - stone veneer construction $tone paved walkways - loose laid and mortar set Lossible Smal1 Pond at east end of property #3 TELLURIDE DARK THEGAI.IEGOS CORrcRATION 97a'263z7 \ #4 ,HATEAU Moss THE GAILE@S CORPORATION 97O926J737 t- I SUBDIVISION Dear Ee:aueuaz JOB NAl,lE fi'esr ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 1-8 0 0- 922-19 8 7 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company , 762 -4o1h HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laver T Herita bleu.ir#-en T.v. 94 9-s530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle VaIley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee 3.- otl."r*"!\ qf 4'z-'r3 7 -=-- /-o/n " /-2"-7j NOTE:This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instalLations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a cornpleted utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construcLion, the ut.ility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a probLem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company to resolve identified problems, 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town w111 presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not rel-ieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately. * Pl-ease bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Val1ey water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. -tr /.,/e+-r a.tD ot- PEoPeshb q*e<e/e,+eer*fep aft-/t-o<7! /5ruar0, fAA+Otf ,"1 eONftste-T' tu-zrTl 4./sTr4Q tJ KID AQf-oLr^tb #-/Mnz< / ec ZTEtz /-'r\1€ ZONE CHECK Q*, *, *ffi*-orrr*r.O DATE: ADDRESS:Zza fuzeoa- fu- owNER ,/otte /p-rus ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **Lor srzEa, Height ToIal GRFA @%vrinary GRFA Ez78/#P 425 01/oseconaary GRFA l,:;:8, '2.+ qzs Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Heights Parking Garage Credit t/Drlv treazw View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Haz ards : PHoNE 47b- 53zz .PHONE 4za-44s3 Tptrt'1, s5, Allowed (33) Existinq Proposed = 2'VDa 'oE =. t143 .72: 20' 15t 15' (30) (s0) -.'ttEsr 5/28 zoz boTo 'h+<, (1200 Permitted Slope __.jq!- Actual Slope /4 Date approved Yes by Town Engineer: No .X ??? L) Flood Pfain ^JO 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow AvaI b) Rockfall c) Debris FI 4) wetlands ilo Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?7 **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Corununity Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restrlcting the unit as a long-tern rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Va}ley. r.0 o o revt.e<l 8/l? /9a .'OB NAI,IE SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FII,ING ADDRESS NOTE: availability and location. This preparing your uLiLity plan and new construction proposal, the utiJ.ity verif ication form. The location and availabilicy of utilities, whether they be main !.9$ lines or proposed linei, musE be appro*r.a-a"a .r..ifi.a [v--tn"following ur.iliries for rhe accompanying ^":-i"-pfi". A11 authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. west CommunicaEions 468-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 61_35 cary HaI1/Rich Cooley Holy Cross ElecLric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Engineering Dept.Ted Husky/Michael Laverly '*TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -]-224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle Valley WaE.er & SanltaLlon DisCriet, * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee al locaE,ion of knowa ut,ilities tility locations may or may Dot,. Any utility ext,cnsion required property owner. l-. If a utiliLy company has concerns wiLh E.he proposed const.ruction, the ut.ility representative should not d.rrectr.y on t.he . utili ty verif ication f orm t.haE t.here is a prob).em which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be sperled out in detail in an ait,acnea lecter to Lhe Town of vail. Hovrever, ptease keep in mind rhar. ir is rhe responsibiliEy o; th;-;iiliEv company t,o resolve identified problems. 2. If the ut.ility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no c5mmenEs are made directly on the form, the Town will presume t.hat Lhere are no problems and that tire dEveiopment can proceed. These verif ications do not. rel_ieve t,he cont,ract.or of his re from L it and to tI: Ln any_public right-of -way or easernent, in t,he fo*rr-of 'lr-,: 1 YCTIJ.. A street cut permit must be obE,ained InsLallaLion of service lines are at responsibiliCy of the propert,y owner. separaE,ely. the expense and ZONE CHECK sinsle Ort" n""ia"r,53l o,rpr.*, pearv/secondarv ZONE DISTRICTS LEGAT DES^C_&IeTrON: I-,oE,._I.5.. etock __L SuUaivision Vail Village 1st ADDRESS t 2 OrrrNER Julie Dews _ PHONE 476-5372 DATE:July 8, 1995 ARcHrTEcTPrerce. Seeerbers A PHoNE 476-4433 ZONE DfSTRICT Primary / Secondar')/ PROPOSED USE Primarv / Secondary r,or srzE 0 .3551 ac. ( f 5 .468 s BUILDABI,E I,OT AREA Exis tino Height TOEAl GRFA 602 primary GRFA 407 Secondary GRFA seLbacks 20' 15' r.5, 3,093.6 9 ,280 .8 3t /61 (s0r) 1). 2) 5) Total 2,278 .08 L,5L8.72 Front Sides Rear + 7 SiEe Coverage 202 Landscaping 607. Retaining Wal1 Height.s Parking carage Credit Drive: Complies with T.o.v, wat,er Course Setback Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 Envi ronmen EaI /Haz ards : lt-6" to 5'-6" max 5 negrd 6 4 Encl (300) (600) (900) (1-200) r200- PermiEted slope t Proposed Slope NO 7.lt r,ighcing Ordinance Yes yes__ N/A (30) (50) YES NO NO no Flood Plain Percent slope (< > 3O%) NO (252) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche NO b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow NO 4 ) WeLiancls View Corridor EncroachmenE: Yes uo No Does this request. invol.ve a 250 AddiEion? YES How much of the allowed 250 Addit,ion is used with Ehis Previous condiBions of approval (check properEy file): NO NO request,?r&f . Der unl-E :5 10 o 91r".-io,lb 4q @ 6.$t \Ywtncp r,v'dk' bvndnl\u' i ALnrivy t0 Arl h)ld'. Wd4 lzr,,,+te 4- fvtM+V rtaucu( A bd.r(^+ +utr- dGW- - Kt ' L.^i* bu ru\ueel . A\\ P, Lt)cn\ +j' {^^h tJ- z (L [v4]- tftorr2& 5l,"Nj. IDL WrtJALra( ( LAq l^riil fu rwoytzdorrd &At€ TA TupRdtE E(tERraR oF HotlsF tQ,l t :95_ lfl*Ar/"t, a^,A qa44 rrr4. -I erit4 4";*:t*r*,r*.. ,r9 I k l.r.frf. *.+" a ture" /*1A k^/t' "t f;,.* fu er*//*^-- At4,#A T?*"* # belt ,,,^-ee,i(o.r^-^r*,;nLf**,i tA--t *e,--i) +, Btla/"rL ,r/rrrt-t .ahA .*, fuV ,I Af.;* l.JUb a.t /a s . l,J*izAIh4 /rrr,* fir&),q-^t*-tt- #4r'r- ol ,aft"/!. fu /rj/, , rtrt /b*k "#**G 4 il*, ",,.8r. ''A/*, -iU r-f'rL k /& lt rreu rh*L^ fu $L @- /*4d N,/""d o o WQ."*^",*) 7. DEWS RESIDENCE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN P'e.re, SeEerbe:B & Assoc,ates Archi€c'sPC,AlA f4ain Off.e 1000 S. FrontaSe Road Ml Vai , CO I1657 fox:970 476 4608 phone 970 476 4433 O.eTabor Center | 200 Seventeerlh St Suite 5 5 Denvei CO 8C202 IAX: lJt 615 lldz phone 3C3 623 3355 consideration to utilize buildable of disturbance? Tom Frye RePresenting PSA REVIEW BOARD MEETING Date:August 6, 1995 Slow final limit as much as possible. 2. Brent: Established limit of disturbance at final snow fence. 3. Tom: Will show line and will show which trees will be preserved. 4. Bob B.: Consider reducing site coverage. Add in some other part of the lodge' 5. Bob A.: Agrees with Bob B. - would like to see existing landscaping to compare' Site disturbance is a concern. Tom: will ???? with the staking /flagging nexttime when trees will be removed. Mike: Very nice looking building' Bob A.: No ?????????? elevations Hans: Too big. Too bulky. Needs refinement of individual elements' Add some lower roof elements or bring stone up higher. Reduce bulkiness Brent: consider consistency of curved gable dormers. Roofline seems too 1. Mike: seems like entire site is being disturbed' Have you given compressing the building. Utilize the areas toward road' etc' to areas more so house does not need to be so long' What is limit 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. repetitive. 1 1, Bob B.: Do massing model. These notes have been transcribed by PSA from the Town of Vail Community Development staff notes' Respectf ully submitted, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. Bill Reslock, A.l.A. Architect October 5, 1 995 3^ tr^f - r*/tcs<u{,t1prS Du,s a- €e.v/c9{\ht -To-^.- til',LL ,,{rlif'*,{L'tl.a u{-i:'ui'i {i'r?':6'tQ 1*7"'111.* 1r*^e '^-'['''1 . *-rc-4S ut''{l fl€ Pg'r'''O aed lr,,i,kg uer'1-r.-r.c, sotf r*j Ad - ^ra,' rt- p.",2<-l- --,-l-. *i*c,icrr/'@sL,s ' L,:,.r.- '"1'il,-t, d.z".p-A {'- A-}t't}'a "''-";' 'trQrq'*,';'i <o€*'d !J-:rul-H.*+ g. *dd,* li' {r*l 'reot i.e i .tr'-,',a r-:{s +'r ar,i"g E"ltlg-..'p-1.,1r-i'ifi i *'.''f ''c;s '' t.i f f-"re€e I 8*rtI- c,*l,,crd..r C<nl, r.,t''{6.6'c/' & -' tr':'.,'":1' ': '''l# *{Q c/'t{t''gf'S /\t t:i-L {l .Q> a'.&Srr'tp ^.^.oC) e L J o Landmark C-ondominiums - Office expension JC 610 W. Lionshead Circle/ Lot l, Block l, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing Applicanf Landmart - Vail C,ondominium Association" Inc. Miller Residence - Changes to approved plans JC 1477 Aspen GroveLne/Lat 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing Applicant WillMiller Austin Interior - 250 Addition JC 1081 Vail View Drive,Unit 8-108/ Lot ,{-6, Block A, Lionsridge lst Filing Applicant Lawrence Austin Liffhouse Condominiums - Commercial changes JC 555 E. Lionshead Circle/ Lot 3, Block l, Vail Lioushead I st Filing Applicant Bob Lazier Henault Residence - Window addition. RS 5194 Main Gore Drive/Lot 16, Vail Meadows Applicant Phillip Henault Willoman Residence - Change to approved plans. GR Greenhill Court/Lot 21, GIen Lyon SuMivision Applicanf VemEWilloman Mclntyre - ExteriorRepaint. GR 1462 Aspen Grove Lanell-ot I l, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing tl4. Applicant W. Scott MclntYre Nova Roofing for Grams - Reroof. GR 5104 Grouse l,ane/I-ot ?, Vail Meadows Filing #1. Applicauf Rocky Bastian for Gordon Grams Penton - Deck Addition. GR 186l Alpine Drive, Unit #llLat32,Vail Village west Filing #l ' Applicant Dan and Wallis Penton Scott Resideoce - Portable hot tub GR 5075 Ute LandLot29, Vail Meadow #l Applicant Bob Scott Parkside Villas - Changes to approved plans. LW 1546 Matterhorn Circle Applicant FrankNavarro Brady - Deck addition LW l88l Lions Ridge Inop #7Alail Point Applicant DarylBrady F$vorymeldrblrgerds\O7f 995 3 JULIE DEWS P. O. BOX 362 vAlL, co 81658 (970) 476-5372 September 12, 1995 VIA: HAND DELIVERY Ms. Lauren Waterton Town of Vail, Community Development Dear Lauren, I wish to appeal the decision of the Design Review Board on September 6, 1995 concerning the Dews Residence. The Design Review has rejected my application for two 250 square feet space additions. I believe precedence has been established in the surrounding neighborhood to permit the additional GRFA and that I am being treated arbitrarily in being denied. Sincerely, Julie Dews .--\r/'/t./'1.,'-2L L <,t- X'" -c:z-<,/> OOign Review Action Fer TOWN OF VAIL L.uL(l n L: .' 'L r I .-'Date )'l4 I't''|".:Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Owner, Address and Phone: Address and Phone:ii I u.( ,L.a ,[>tb> Zone District t/? Legal Description: Lot 1 "2 Block f Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: '1'---'==-\( Boarj;Staff-ftie* / -.. Motion by Vote: { / -'=-r Seconded by: ! Approval $Disapproval n Statf Approval Conditions: L fturtuv !],Jnl,: tf ,,,' Town Pla4ner , / o^r", *-?l (-, ,4 5 DRB Fee e,"-o"ict [1,'U lZl fo 3 rtrn s Hetum to LAUREN WATERToN Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:(E2 DATE SUBMITTED: hl? | DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOPOSAL: ?e'n*D DwNtN1lg b':-Ierau.t'\ocn"e+ .ih. iirt'ii Date: Commenls: /... a h).n aro.rota i(l L tia dn$c \air\ t\ t , netA lo cre.avel 2o'co^r<r lrnc r6d\u9' See gron' z. Sradinq er.cecas Z:l i^ 7- 1r.v,' se?9lqs ['lot oPgord ' fteata (ctob,$'\'*- td..d r l/J92 Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBM DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:Unfl retuilzl W ^ b!':-[evc.r ttranrEr-Date: s\.q9. Comments: Elr\)e- o(\ tte, eA\t srAe \5 .rn1 tq:t.og. J urf S CNcr)e .Jc\(c\c< lpef,*:eCr e! Zt ccrtUccg. (fs*rg thp, cDnKooa io bcr.^rar ) . Ho+"^t"tn dr\rreu:os\ A(ode {5 \oQo r.siHn or>Y \e.a\ . ar\\Et brt d +'cf, L: I ,rh; -!- {\\(- \\"4' t r r't'; t \€t t }\\{ \'1 | inowg,opored gradrl oT the oewari{e at\ ttrcwa'\ &tco ra 4'e ao<tr\cd q l: :::';c€d 'nb'rharir€S '(rnbc\vrear vt"e rood&Rg dasc"u"r) ,-SordeSt & gronrcr 6'f€49 ' the +t*t o( shruo5 \A lh€ towt\ c{o1t\N o€ \tb5 - lbr lrearo' Pura6s errsBM\-! .aYi..d t tlYg:l Retum to Lauren Waterton Town Planner INTEB-DEPABTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Date: ?ertto neb,44 + o- yimarl/*r6nr(M1 NT by: /t/ t'4€-4' /U 'f VAIIJ FIRE DEPARTMENT 1l{Lr"lur4 tiESrcN REiQUIREM[I.J.I'S F-OR VEHICLES VEHICIJE fltu - 2, -1'r { -tI {13 2-w A-tI 411 tL2 430 2-w 4-w 431 Inside Radius 26 .-: /15'/ IB'r7'6"20,30,6" / 36,5u 33 6rl Outside Radius ll.5/'22 | / 2(),26' 6'26,6n 37'6" / 43 , 5 " 37'6n Lengl,h ),tY 24'9"26' 6"25,6"37',45' Over-hang- Frorrt 5'9"4'10 "6',6'6'6, Overhang - Ilear.''/,3,'t,'l'9'3 u 11' WidLh 8',6"o,.4 "9',6"9' 4"9' 4"1.2 6n cVW (1,000 lbs)/( 4l 3'l 30 35 4B 35 WIreel Base 2l ,l'151 .'160"134"230"216" Road to Chass is Clearauce 9.5'14.'18"1B'11"18n lleiglrl-lt'1,1 '14'T4'11',6.L4' WIreeI loacl 325 psf 300 trrsf 300 psf ?trO nc l:35Opsf Outrigger poirrl- foad 300, 000 L\s f 300000 psf Fronl- axle l- oa rl l6, i) i) u 16, 000 Rear axle I oacl 26,0i) {J 31, 000 \--7 Minimun radius f6r curve-turn lane/ INSIDE / OU'TSIDb \ 2W J.l'r]'/J9'l zw 39'9"/43'6 Burnpe r - t o - burnpei-.- C learance 4w ').' ' 1' /2n'!'0, 4W 45',9'/49'F. UPITATEIJ Apri I 27, 1993 PUBLIC NOTICE NOT|CE |S HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following f Vail Municipal Building. feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a residenceat the Dews Residence located at 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Julie Dews The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on July 28, 1995. WALTER E. & ROBINA HUSSMAN I SI.JNSET POINT LITTLBROCK, AZ722O7 B AIIBNL{ E.P. GIBBS-ICP. MILLER P.O. BOX 4019 KALAMAZOO, MI49OO3 STEVEN & SUZETTE KIRBY 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FALLS, SD 57105 KAREN F. CT]NNINGHAM 2I7 ROCKLEDGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 RJCHARD F. & MARYR. POWNALL 26TRICKLEDGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 MICHAELE. & SUZANNE S. TENNENBAIJM 18OO CENTURY PARKEAST LOS A}IGELES, CA9OO67 Adjacent Property Owners To:Lot 15, Block 7. Vail Village First Fillng 278 Roc k I edge Road Parcel A- Block 7 Vail Village First 327 Rockledge Road l{alter E. & Robi na Hu s sman 1 Sunset Poi nt Litt'l e Rock. AR 72207 Pancel B- Block 7. Vai I Vi I lage Fi rst 327 Rockledge Road Michael E & Suzanne S. Tennenbaum 1800 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067 Parcel C- B'l ock 7. Vai I Vi 11age Fi rst 267 Rockledge Road Richard F. & Mary R. Pownal I 267 Rockledge Road Vai l, CO 81657 Lot 134- Bl ock 7, Va i I Vi I I age Fi rst 227 Rock'l edge Road Steven & Suzette Kirby 24 R'i vervlew Heights Sioux Falls. SD 571O5 Lot 138, Block 7. Vai l I lage Fi rst 217 Rockledge Road Karen F. Cunningham 217 Rockledge Road Va11 , CO 81657 Lot 16, Block 7, Vai I Vi I lage Fi rst 298 Roc k 1 edge Road Barbara E.P. Gibbs-K.P. Miller P0 8ox 4019 Ka I amazoo, l,lI 49OO3 2 x -l -r l : z C) r I ( pC)(t rrl 06 ili N -t ehl ts- 3F ;; I 9c 4J 1 ei E6 0e /, H -, - lp (,l 2J,_ <ts o F @ € 1 -l rrl : rn n z l o z t- -rl o n m a -t t 0 TOWN OF VAIL NECEIP.T DEPARTME}IT OF COMMIJNITY DE\ELOPMENT 5, ADDRESS, PROJECT o,,'/',{ CHECXS MADE PAYA.8I,E TO TOWN OP VAIL I Actolllrl tTiTooo 4- oimm? .oTmmZ 0t 0000 4: 0t 0000 4 -TTTOOO? -TTTOOO? 01 0000 4 0l 0000 4 -TTTOMZ 0l 0000 4 01 00004 -TrTom7 0rTm7 0l 00002 -TTTom'z -TTTOM: 0l 00002 0l 00002 -T'ITOM; lTToml 0l 0000:rtilT.000 TTTTOOO -Tfoo-m t \-r rrrl r i-rr *.- Jrnf - l'liscel I aneoug CgEh E?-18_5F lE: 14: f,E Her*ipr # liEfif, Flcrc,un t. + t_:!i P I EF:r-:E, 5EEEFjEEEG Flrr,:'lrn l. l ende r*d I tera paid .tl '_l:7'-l Fl55trt:1.FtlC'TL BF:Frl Ir:tg. rJE ffralrl t paid lElril. ErE E, EE E I EF-1E1E41 ]f,r:]ffEr:l Change rF t.Lr rne,l '.r .THFT{K VEIJ 'r'our cashi*r HE I[r i O(Ef I/L llolril. 0l 0000 4133r 250"tizw.uu </ta. 0l 000S,,++LO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $2(ru.00 0t 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TTIAN IOO SO,FT.'I $200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIORALTERATION IMOR.E TITAN lOO SQ.FT.]$500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEW]s1.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMEND !;1,000.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DISTR1CT TMINOR AMEND $200.00 0l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE t;250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS tiz50.oo 0l 0000 41330 R.b - ZONING $200.00 OTHER trrJt^Li/\uu. /"- /^a- cAsEr- ,,.,, 74/rM.oLr o o TOWN OF VAIL RECEIPT NO. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITy DEITLOPMEM | >..4/C-- ' U l,/.#sa DAT PROJECT CHECKS MAIIE PAYAILE TO TOWN OF YAIL acro(xlNTno lltlr 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UMFORM PLI.JMBING CODE $39.U0 0l 000042415 IJNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 I 0000 4241 5 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0l 0000 424 t 5 s17.00 0t 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0l 0000 4241 2 )GROX COPIES $0.25 0t 0000 42412 STUDIES 0l 000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l 000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 000041332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE [$40 PER HR.] ot oooo 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0 l 0000 41412 CONI-RACTORS LICENSES I.EES 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0I 0000 4t4t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI,OO PER SO.FT.I ot oooo 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 000[41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE LL,f), 0l .'I 0l *0 *0 0l j.rF lrrt rrt t\r\f/:\-t-otrj]-t oF lJFt I t_ l'liEcel I arieoug f,ash FJI- 1E1-?5 I 5: 5'-l: 4t' Tl Eei:FiFt # liE,fFS -T, ltrt':c'unl. # tlll * ,_u7i1 * FIEEI-:E!5EGEF:EEFjE :!i F55[L:...FHEPFITi 6rBg p.. _* Flnr,:un t ten,ie red .: 4fiEr, l:rEr 0 -3 Item paid Frfic,un? Ftsid 0 -0 F1EtEgr6t4i311E1P16. 0 0 L-.h.3n,lr re t.u rnsd i. 4L1r:1. Elrl B. 'JE OTHER tt 1fu"* Pu,,i/u-r*r--.-/rl P Z #* It cAsEr- r,*r{218,*.or.,*,,,/wu \ o o 6 I I 1 ID o N a) *l Hl Hl I B N it) r& I I I "l =I C)o EL t< (f, t o o tr o d -l (a ()fr <) € e Ht{ |RSS sgI HilH FFs HFIE h=q *r 3t= t; REN s siF E RS:F Fs*:6 SSFi En RNAd E SFIX rf- SRr.'rE € ,HSs E$=5 nEEF Xa+F--. sisE $F:3 F=Sx -{fF)a t it-a e ts -:€ -tl lo fF\aa f-l t- -E *F LI H {f,\€v tH trl e.+t a L}r|-fH fF t|.l f{ e. €z (|) oo .o E i. Fi z a z z z t F .1 I t |'l |Il { z F. Ll c ql F F !l F Y .E o =tt o z o F E gl o ul z ul lC-i9" l(Jtl(t :*rr z o9 t z F 33 -o FG 9o x>xo 5f |rIf qo >9 =E J UJ (J z IIJ o z g tl F z ut E u,l !,1 I F E uJ cc G o o J E ut a, ) J F o F u,E J tt F o F p N N \.) s F $ llr S \{ {t =N N d * ! E r lrl 0. g z -0 J -f E =J lf-et - -o l- ,t j r O PLUMEilNG/MECHANICAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: ! ruew ! noorrroru lffietrcoeL ! REpATR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER "+ MECHANICAL: NUMBER 'ALUAT.N $ / '/DO VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT ,rr r{/.( n0 PERMIT FEE { /s3k tli3lrl TOTAL FEES: $ &f,{pa7 , DATD Or !'IUETINC: }'EIIBENS PRESENT: Dl':$ION nllvll':1T l)OAnD il ;l rl TION TAKE}{ BY IT1OTION: VOTB: APPROVDD: DISAI)I)I]OV].]D: SECOND]ID BY: AGAINST: rl I I I i t ! t .: t AI]STtrNTION: -/'-l o sl.lNllAnY: t K \-,) Dl;$IoN nl:vI l':lTj0^ln t ra r.'l:,n T Nr: . Itll-rlr l ^rre. IION r\.drr /\l!,J.lt I l, \,t' [IEMBDRS PRESENT: SUBJECT: VOTE: FOR: t t c i E AGAINST: : I a -1 ri I I -/'APPnoYliD. , / DI SAPPllo sutrill.AIiY: /vl.( c:.) /(\. _ , 8r?'z J ll Dr,rti D-, rlS /\f/r. lNsPEcGru TOWN FtEOueir VAIL OF JOB NAME CALLER n orxen flpnnnnl READY FOR INSPECTION E orsapp Rov E D LocA'oNLtrtr 6<7 y'y'Itf 2.qY (?'u)cerJr- U I nerNsPEcr APPROVED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS COMMENTS: R S. g'--"4 INSPECTOR DATE ,.'...--'---=... INSPEcGT FIEoUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAIV]E TIME RECEIVED AIV] PM CALLEB n orHen - n panrrnl LocAroN . READY FOR INSPECTION '. - MON TUE WED THUR 1 FRI AM PM CoMM E N Ts: n nppRovED ! orsAppRovED ! nerNspEcr I uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ,1 J DATE INSPECTOR "3 rI ! orHen MON COMM E N TS: INSEECGru TOWN FIEOUEST VAIL OF DATE JOB NAME -TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER TUE f] panrrau LOCA T ION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED E uporu rur COR R ECTIONS E DTSAPPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I IREINSPECT DAT E INSPECTOR lNsPEclhN TOWN OF FtEEUEST. VAIL JOB NAME CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: fl pnnnnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM WApp RovED ! uporu rse CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr \ DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM tNseeclo* JOB NAME FtE.OUEsT VAIL,. n orHen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrtll.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED I orseppRovED -'--.;-?l (_."u),',^, /,1 16 l., APPROVED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR rNsPEl}oN FtEcruEsT JOB NAME DATE TIME REC IVED AM PM CALLER E oruen E pnnrral LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PM FR ! orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS LLOWING CORRECTIONS: -i'.,/ i , r ------INSiPECTP]U JOB NAME r6wN oF FIEBUESiT VAIL DATE trrue RecglveDl- AM PM CALLER florHen fl penrrnl LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E nppRovED & o' sAPP Rov E D ! nrrNsPEcr FI,UEOT.T TH E FgLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS al INSPECTOR R.,Y F s\ \$ Y (J o z o IJJ IE z f, F a F z (.) z ] |l1 F. z 3H!n $tsi _<9./' { :. y z F!'<'<l{,^HhEFi E:?r ;<oz 6zaa 3:;5 e<o <oriz ;iE3 :<o-fi9o..1 lH" <a>*<on e<> \ $z s cc z ul :ul uJ F ac ut ul J F ul J l! J F ! =r = olll 2 l-oO ==-n o-l- _-l o -\ i5 $'< € 9 F, 4 o\ z J -I :t d{ ql = E- t< >(,o \llN z o: -ot z F :=-t6 FCC q0 =>:z :< uJ)>u v. F -{< :i F g-r H. < o>z-s o l.- r_-{o s \q a oo PLUMEI|NG./MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL 'A DATE JOB NAME *"r, ,An , r', l?".,,'J.,^. - ADDRESs /..4 t7/Pz /- coNrRAcroR ,/-o ,4r,o/rrnT4ztr. v=" (i(iE ;'T,J;lgt USE OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: ! nrw El'eoorloru f] neruooel n netn'n RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATfON $ /,<-ron€VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: 4 PERMIT "' / /o lt' o''' I PERMIT FEE tl \.-.\x, [[ aeenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ E orseppnoveo F F.2 tsl F z z F F. z O tF 'T o14 () YZ E]QQ Az e F F tsl FI FI z +! E cc ut (.t z z o iu ;tF ;ft o-o do o IJJ tr uJ (J z ul z S IE F z ul E uJ ul o F ur II u,l CE F J J LU c o o J o F Fg !< 't| lr1 & &1 t =fi =E 0.lr Gto =,2 =q l----l tr u,l F x uJ o z v c F o l!lt o o z I F Q tt lt o E E ut z a = to lll UJ E v (J ul z J 4 G ul I z o z o F c ul F =ul z z J 6 tt o !J z ul ltl o uJ o o tt j J v, B F z Q ul J Y z 4 lt ur G It ul o- z o u E z tr 4l o uJ z o F E ul u z t o J g u ul =E o o F II T z z = z J (, t F o ul ul IIJ G- _: \)|.\rrt \ral s Fl :*N IUF 2 -v, z tr cc n6 FIE 9o 6l ?>:< llt J o.O >o ;(\i =E \ Y ao n \ J q r! o = 2 o F 9 t!o ut o ts li li 2 2 F. &t at z (, !l F. FI z FT t EI !: H tr TT li !l F F o L*1"ir'ttl ,l €Jat lr + F =E |l,1 4 J o E 4 4 Y o trJ o z J o- z o tro *H ;ft d()o.(t o u,l G ut o o z uI (,2 s E o F E ul E .E o J t! ul .E F o J J F o F ut G o J \ J F o F o F z |tl E uJ ut ul ) 1 0 Y L 2 o L .E =r =ul 0. l!oO -,2 =q l----l o ('z v GE c F at lt t! F E ut C,z o -l o F It o ul o 4 l 2 ql J (J t 4 ul IE z o F o o z o F IE Itl J =IIJ z F 2 o UJ J gl E o gJ o E o |r E qt F v,J J 3 F z tl, ul J Y z E G u, ul E lt a,F =f C'2 f tt o o z U'l F =oz o9 -ao -ot z o F 83 aEO Fal 2:ps 5f HE IE -ci z o F 9 J 4 o t!o !l F o I 2 F )'t o Argust 19, l9f4 lf. Jlm lbrtar P. 0. Box 795 Yall, Colorado Rc: Varlarce reqtest for addltlon to Hllllan Dors resldcnca Dear Jlml Plerse consfder thls lottor as a varfance pernlt to alloy the con-structlon of propored reslderre addltfon ln non-ccrpllance wlth the setback requlrenent at Forest Scrvlce borndary. A setback of approxl- matoly 3'ms approved ln lleu of 20'as reqrlred by the zonlrg ordlnrncs. appfovsd unanimously by the Torn Courull for 16, 197{. If Jtu have fmther qrcstlonl, plGase Tha vrrlance requ€st rsar tho Towr sf Yall on ,luly call. Yours truly, OEPARTI'IEHT OF Cffif,JHITY DEYELOPI{ENT Dlana S. Tolgtrttl Zonlq ldnlnlctrator I h \ t-t I I I d I g A x :o E cl >r I :l) o d !, I ytl UI -]I I E E rl E E s o E a g (D s! al E o o) o E ) ID f =E H .i < I I sol e'rl u)|2l cl -)l I g o A 6 5 !t d +l f-l c'l q c,l II tt o € t rt ct t tt It $IiEiiEE E-I E ergffEFE gdi E;€€iAE! # E I 5IaEHi;: E, E E eE,3s*;EI ; I b :EE.H:E;$ : F.E ;EI3:!5!.. E E E E:EEEEflE€ E i -A 1EE{E€:H5 E : E €EE:EiE€; ; E € xi5€EHtti s : E :E: $i; Ee? E s ; ilffglig; $ic :qErat$li H ; E -€EEI€";4i.e A i ESEEgisTE E € g o a at B -u'.v ; .9 o) q) c Fl E-. F. I I lvt --l fl -cL l-l q) E z E-. j |e ah h O ^^^ h xo E? E Y =trr Ar\ k \.,,Ots r,'t F trz rR 'rl(J o E E o , i; 6 € € ! d $ ! o^E ! o 5 gt o .'l-une 25,'l97tl NoT lcE I S sentlng Mr. bll I l.n cccordoncs w 1975); Sald var Sectlon l9.200 poB.d addlf,lon Flrtt Flllng. 21.400 of the zonlng ordlntnee on In thi Vat I Munlctpit ButJdlng.brfore the Toun of Val I Flanning be tranemlfted to the Town Councl A publ lc hesrlng xl ll bc held TOHN VAIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HEREBY GIYEN thst Mr. Gordon Plerca, roprc-llam Dorg has applled for a sctback varlancl th. Sebtlon 3.5O? ol Ordlnance No. I (Scrlcs of anee has been cpplled for ln aecordtnca rlth of Ordlnane6 No. I (Serles of 1975). The pro-.ls locatod on Lof [5, tslock 7, Vall Vltl.cge Sald varlancc In accordancE *lth Scctlon $ at 2:00 p.m. hearlng rl l.t b. Commlsslon and flndlngr rlll I for the Torn of Val l. nc Dlona S, Teughlll Zonlng Admlnlstrator. APPL rCAi l0f{ F0R VArt r rrirCE And/0r . CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT Ordinance No. 8 (Seri€s of I97l) Appllcaiion oate .Tune 24,l97ll Publicaiion Heari ng Date Hearing Fee Final Decislon dat€ for Town Councl I [ (we) Colorado , Vail . pnon"!26:3.Q3!-- (C i ty ) do hereby request Pernission to appeai'bgfore the Vai I Planning Commlssion fo request the f oll.rltiTi-tV eaSement.(x ) varrance rrom fl+lly{JJJL//sf/YF///////( ) Zon i ng Change f rom to- ( ) Parking Va r i ance ( ) conditi on"f"urii#.',t to allow in reSidential Zone. For,the fof lowing described property: Lot / /y'af/ )'L-j Block-L- Fl llng Number One Clearly state purPose and intent of this application to permit the constnucti on of nn rrid{ tl on J:n the Dews Resldence partially ln a rear ut111ty easement along the WhJtc River \Taticnaf Ferest. for hardsh ip In this case?What do you feel Because of the is the basis rrodd sha ed?rlot and the locatlon of the. exlstln house it 1s extremelv dlfficult to bul1d @ the easement area. (See letters from utillty companies). naturs of Archltect for 8111 Dews Jwrc 25 , L974 James R. Morter Af,chl tect Box 795 Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Slr: Thls letter'le ln refcrence to our telephone Gonversrtl dr of Jrme 24) L974. AB I statedr partlal vacatlng of the easetnent ln quesElon ls acceptabie to Mountaln Bell Tel. Company' lJe have no tmmediate plane for €lthcr burted or aerlal cablc llnea a long, thls eesement. A formal vacatlng of thlt €asement st 1l b€ f offard ed to you ln th€ n€ar future fron Mountatn BeIl Rtght ol tlry Dcpartment. Slncerely Youra t d,6, A.'*4) l{. F. Horard Ittlountah BeS Jwte 26' 1974 Jarues R. Morter Box 795 Vail, Colorado 81657 sincerellf, Vail Cable T.V. Ailt' C(xt'/ta6*F Gary- Herbst, nanager GH/kac t( De ar Mr. Morter, vail cable T.V. grants the owner the use of the uuility easement on Ior 15, Block 7, Vail Village 1st filing. This use is granted pEovided^ tft" o*"r suppties (proviaei) a drrct throgh the foundation a,nd ten (10) feer on either siale of the fouldation. This being for poesible use by Cab1e T.V. for cable instaLlation at a later date. ,o Jvxe 10, 1974 Mn. Jenes R. Monrox t Box 795 Vrru, Couonroo 81657 { Dern Mn. MontoH: Youn REQuEsr oF Mrv 2ptl , lN BEXALF oF J. W. Devst FoR THE oF^cERT^|NE^sEH€NT^0JAcENTToTHEIRHonEH^SoEENREcE ANO QUEST I ONEO. lF THE o\./trtER wt sHEs r0 oo rH I s ! wE FTCATIONS FOR THE I NSTALLAT I ON ANO' PORT I ON OF THE EASEHE NT AFFECTEO TO UI TH I N IT. vAcAT | 0tl tvE0, o FtnSr, A TEN FOOT EASEMENT RIcHT lS r'll Nl t'lAL FOR THE ll{STALLATI0t{ oF uNDERGROUND FACILITIEs; olGGtNGr OIRT PILEt t'lAcH I f{E TRAFFICt lsoLATtON FROn oTHER uTtLtTtEs, FuTURE ttAINTENANC€r ETC. SECOT{DLYt THOUGX YOU D I O NOT STATE THE ICTUAL OEPTH OF I ilFR I NGEITEI{T I I{TO THE EAsEI{ENTr THE pLAT sEEtts To INolCATE No LEss THAN Slx FEETo Txe roun FOOT WIDTH REMAINING UOULO BE OF NO VALUE YHATEVER III THE EVENT II 8E COI'lES NECESSARY TO BURY CABLES THERE. AS VOU KNOr1., THERE tS A RECOGN I ZEO NEED FOR UTILITY EASEnENTS 1N THE ABSy'ENCE OF THE KNOwN LOCATIONS AND REQUIREf'tENT. AN ATTE1rPT IS ].IAOE BY OEVELOPERS TO ANTICIPATE THE I{EEO 8Y PROVIOTI{G UTILITY ACCESS TO ALL PROPERTIES 8Y AOEQUATE DEDI CATIOt{ OF EASEItEtIT RIGHTSo Ttar txe RtcHT tS NOT UTILIZED VITHIN A cIVEN TlllE PER I OO lS NO INDICATION THAT tT ltAY NEYER 8€ NEGESSARY' HOweVen, vrE ALSO RECOcN I ZE THE OES I RE OF A PRofE RTY oHNER TO oEvELOP HIS PROPERTY TO HIS EEST AOVANTAGEE WE SUCCCS"T THAT HE MIGHT 8E I{ILLING TO HAVE A CAELE DUCT INSTALLEO THROUGH THE LET{GTH OF THE INFRt NGE.'tENT, PLUS TEN FEET ON EITHER ENDr TO PERMIT FUTURE INSTAL- LATI ON OF CAB L ES VITHOUT D I STURBANCE OF THE SURF AGE ' YILL PROV I DE DETAILS AND SPEC I - uPOf{ AGREEI{ENT r YACAT€ THE THE EXTE T OF OUi INTEREST i,1; ,;;= i'.' l.i.ip \'.. ,:,,\ i ,b,l+,'-f. Rio jr,::i\;;I.-:i ,O{,'r Menrcen oNr lNC. Dtail A €ffe AEEA @MnE,T= G€FA exenN6 6ftFA KO@ Nb] / €RFA TiTrAL €'F:F| TOTAL €rrE C}{ezw cegantxa EullptNetwEl New F,utt-F|tNG rw+€l €T-Ar€3)€iruR,ne'e) JAMES R MORTER ARCHITECT wwb @rreucE=?xetrxre eo/ra VAIL l-orlbt34-1l FIF5T FIL'NE VAIL VIIJA€E lt89a Q.t, tt-769 5. F. 3,6G1 9.F. 3$oa s.F. -- SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT //b- I rttt ocT 1 lg74 NsPEcToR'77)u- /vlererz 6A2/ r'14r"L n+>/ LattB { LEa4^/EE PROJ ECT Dew s Res t >epze Aooir-tcl DATE ; LOCAT ION i APPROVED I CORRECT IONS REQU IREO AN hIADtrTtr. MASOI'JRY: 3TEi:L: PRECAST: OTHER: Soecif ADD IT IONAL REMARKS: tr s \f\ 5 Ss Q;l=tr-S t^E F$ o =tr EPn :=9 \fr +26.- =< L #dq q FJ t*, ts =Ee,l39r -i.2o THC: r:EE-,-$* EE= $ ut <, ii E 't--- I I I I I I I I I I t.I r _d ,\n vr N' \fl $ n r$\x r \L C' .$' q-b r-' Nj'\-./ \T t-$g$ il i$5 $=* 6 * koz $! {N{ t I <-t =F EEn *tt -'=3 r- - z@ S- =<i -'o- q hI LI FLr.I<ir = = .it-.oE=,-gEiE =-l br EEs o t r,J-cJ e,t4l E $f F s SL $ a_ g t 4.f,arwlr- nt ll 4 ts74 INSiPE AI FTEBUEST VAI L D^TE 2 D-. 7+JOB NAME nME REcErvEo I llctr @,prvr CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: n penrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE THUR FRr ft-i- AM PM lll------l_...- .,F orlRovED E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr 'fl uporu rne CORRECTIONS ] -,r N s e edlonflur AEHdltA =t t DATE TIME RECEI florxen MON COMMENTS: LOCATION TUE FaeeRovED ! orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS RU sEP1gl97^FIEBUE\ T]ME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER INSP clN oare Fl .Ser r 7+ JoB NAME [)*.^s \Q.=g I r)q- ].-!cr-= TOWN OF VAIL E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pennel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED €D rnr ll,o<r AM PM f, aeenovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNsi"=4foru rtEGluEsr W SEp 1z[}74lNSiPECtIltl t . DATE nr'ae Recerfeo 4,'o-l nn orxen S;7tl ,+cx- E pnnrrnl. MON COMMENTS: AAPP ROVE D il orseppRovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr ]J DArE /A .\;-p 24 FIEEUEST F VAIL D Hn DEc zQT4 rNsPEtru DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED 4. b AM PM CALLER I ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrel.LOCATION BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APP ROV E D I upon rne CORRECTIONS ! orsaee Rov E D FOLLOWING CORRECT]ONS: ! nerNsPEcr Rrr. DEC 10 $a rNs"Eflbru onre )o L)-r- 74 JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED ?i:il:, AM PM FIEOUEST E ornen 11 !Ji 1l MoN I @D Elpnnnnr.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rn' AT @prrr @ 7;i6 aov to E orsnppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr