HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A CREEKSIDE BUILDING UP THE CREEK BAR AND GRILL LEGAL.pdfz L c IJJ (n LIJ t! u- F = UJ .-<218,2/ L "4 \1-A lc / FV-Z C.l ol N FJ F]N H F] H z lr1 otrl GZ *z v< zQa o -.\z IP IJJ F c F F 2 z =o z z a lu z z o J l (D .. z z o J LIJ U) - LL (r F LIJ z 3 occ IL!aZ ,',3 I LLl <F z^oz (/) < c 3 F c) -c, q) c c! E 0)E c (tr a) () ,! =l m E o =c l !q) 6. (o ; .9 0) *ioi 9Ek;: s *€ EX!/X P.: h:clc; €6P.0 c-o>:9-t:i:;€:ge d :.Y - OO>:_; >\x O E ON fEo]€ts3 3i:c o(! o-- oiE-or F o- c nij: L -cv: > -! 0J 9:F: -- c = 6, ol= 9 ;'Ei=o ? ]-o 3;>= XGFq :- Y -!i^=<-= I E 9E q);'iEoo iEE: rn ==E uJ o =f @ (J I (J z 9 t F O z o f d O z I (J = z tr UJ E E ; tu v z 6 LU o F o- o o- ?z F uJ o l a LU u.i LL t = uJ (! J F z o l f c) E () z ao =l J 2 I uJ = NO[Vn']VA F Fl z A rJ H ts r.-l F.l 14 t/ :< B z F- a () o E. z =>G -raD =@(\ zz Eo- A Y"r i9 0 G,o Z;- QZ oo-',' ]o-v j61 lz tn lEr t<lr4 ld l14 t>lo z ; l !c (, l t !! F G I d _' z E o 4 x ; F E UJ F - z t, uJ l ?(r (1, u) (J tl.l <z dc)uJ= =Fz Y -tz,-I (!; -F : ---...-..-'.-^..--.-f!9tt a-P !<TICC- -=Z I i I :z l a a I o o ol td L!F o- t! <l >oru FI X F l ; {t F = z o UJ o UJ LU z a F. (r ul L z 9 tr o o X = l XX -------T------- -]_- l i ;o a> 0-ro E E ><l X (o |r)lr)O ao z Fl O.zi uJ F o N (\ Fl F) z z H uJ F a (D -) z o F (! uJ Y ul o F F UJ (L IL o (! I tu F z v z<).^9 ,., =z -1 X ol df N J ."i5 v\J= ==3 dd= F (I {! o- l! :!!6Y E< oy)o=B9 =E F h=oii-o x;!ii=gt-\J E 5p E X>F=F ct 'l oi Tri uJ o F E =E lrl o-z 9 F (J f,E F a z o o UUT] -C' =.1 ol uJl 5l al >l rLl ol zl 3l ol FI El <l il ol zl 3l I I I I I I "l =l ol ujl 5l al >l u-l ol zt ..t 3t f ol 9r FI F I I I I l-t* I I I A rq q -{ >-<E Ec) =.1 (9l uJl 1l <l >l 6l zl Bl ol FI I rrl I rl rnl \Tl l I ol =l ol lJl ca (rl^ Jt$ 3li ulo olx zl- 3l ol FI F{ F Fl H ts H = = !l -l El -s l€t4t I EI \.o Ql r-ls 14l c/.ta el I (Yt I c{l NI I t)ull u,lt H dt r-{ol <o>n =o I z H Fi H 14 z J tr trJ z (D t <F r!<z& L!F .1 Z <o (JF :< ;F =z E >Y =<fF lz rro t F O F z 2 I LU o =b= F () uJ =I J <o ri uJ :o Tt lF{l f t LJ 9(r r_J ,; .},.-rtfur.- L- July 5, 1990 Mr. Peter Stadler Mr. Jin Slevin Up the Creek Restaurant Re: Signage and Drainage Dear Peter and Jim: We have two rnajor concerns about your restaurant. L. I spoke with Peter today, and he stated that he would pick up a sign variance application from our departrnent. At present, you have a sign that is on Town of VaiL property and a sign which also should not be freestanding. A freestanding sign is perroitted only for a building that has a single business use only. Therefore, Yo! must request variances fron Section L6.20.050' Freestanding sigrns-Single Business Use, A. Purpose and frorn E. Location. ft is inportant that this conpleted forn be returned to the Cornnunity Development Departnent by July 14 in order to process it through the Design Review Eoard and the Town Council. ft witl be up to these boards to decide whether or not they are in favor of a freestanding sign in a multi- tenant building and located on Town of Vail property. The staff finds that this request will be difficult to support. 2. The drain pipe on the northwest corner of the restaurant must be connected to permanent underground drainage. Peter indicated that he would write a letter stating when this work will be done. This drainage work must be cornpleted by Septenber 30, 1990. We are anxious to resolve these issues, and ask for your cooperation. If you have questions or conments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician 75 soulh lrontsge road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 479'2138 (303) 4792139 SincereIY, olfice ol communlty development Novenber 27, 1989 Peter Stadler and Jin Slevin c/o Up the Creek Restaurant 223 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Location of Pavers Dear Peter and Jin: Last week, I measured the pavers placed during y-our construction of tn" aadition to the Up the Cree[ Restaurant and discovered that in" pur"rr extend 2t2n firr.;';.er than those on the approved plans. and the iurve at the corner of the building was squared off. I then called Rick Pylrnan who worked on this project -before Ieaving to work for the Town of e.tott. Rick stated that he did not approve the shanges to the original PJ-ans. we do not feel confortable approving the changes, because the Town of Vail may be planning a -streamwalk in that area in the near future. rnere is ; p6ssibility that the streamwalk would be partially located in the area of ih" pat"r: 9l lht north side' If ir upproie the "*t""o.a patio, we wouid ask that yau work "]|h-Y=on an easernent that would allow the streanwalk to extend partially onto the Creekside Building property' please caII me soon to set up a rneeting with the necessary parties to discuss the easement. Thank you flr your cooPeration on this matter. r'J" ,'n.L Ptanning Technician t o z ts =e, lrJ o- ah IJJ lrJ t! F =E uJ o- \as*$t$N tu,l IF c,tr t!o z 6 uJ F o o F c F I z = z 2 o ul F z o =o ! o .. o =z ct)c E :o E o = E o o o o.o ] .9 0) -a- o c 6 r E .ql a E€: EgE: € EE:g s$:E =pF-- >=:c96E IoSor B 5 t-= EEE' :€ 3; g*i! SEee o!Eor e *e€ EEEE - o,,Y o --cf 60'-E E; O U'f -.c -- $€rE E !iE $E;; iF$E N XN xx r+<14(),*\+ !t uJ o-0 z J ao x o gJ z J F IJJ ut a5 z o - J o- J 9 z o qJ = UJ uJ t!z tr uJ uJ o c, o @ 3 UJ u,E z (9 qJ o F att o llJ o- z uJ x s F UJ (t (t) u,l uJ tt ts =E UJ o- J F o F I z 6 ! o o E F c) IIJ ur z t J J 9 I o gJ t E NOIl'v IVA x a o 3 zf,o: FF Er uJ z IJJ >E -t(r, =.oN zz 99 F^an xf=E9o oo z!-oi)a)z |r<o* FO > (.)FO .;ni E z 9 l! CE o E uJ e tu z E o o z o F e,q,F 'UJ z I 2 f z I 3 : o a F z l o =!rJ-3 o (t) uJ o- !J tr o z f- TL z F t E I uJ J al)(t) z Y 9 I F 2 o F o 2 3 U) Jl <l FI zl zl .. >l o uJ o uJ Iu z o tr =ul t z E o z F o 6 I l.l"lol{t!td t;:lioH o a F !,1 o o (r (f o O \-J O Or c{ lt,F o UJ tr (t, co o ?z o F (L UJ Y UJ dl o F E =E ul o- |l-o I o o I UJ F o z z oP =e =z =:)JO (l- rJ- =H: J;Y () B;E tr E UJ A l!o Eg E<of €u rE '9 'EE => E FE E 6t E oo E ir E ;T F -,t'€d uJ @ F E - E =0c,lrl o.z o F C)f g,F a z o o !! v ld H A ii =z .o o -) .+ € I \o F\\t o- Fl H 6 El vl rI]l Ell dl (Jl 14l HI 'l a.) |c!l 'l g H e 3 14l rdl &l "l gt Fl H (, = lJ- U' U) N -c l! .,] fl 3 gl <l >l 3l tt tn ts v = l! ci z o UJ G t!o z 3 o F .i z ci Iu G J lt o 2 3 o F cil r.lrl El JI el >l bl zl 3l g F o UJ E O E E, -rO <F cc)r.! <zt t!F rnZ o C) (9 z 6 = J o- o rrh =o2 D!tr :tli I 'l 75 south fronlaEe road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&]ECT: olflce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOTVN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary,.ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial, incruding trash durnpsters, poriable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public p1*9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way in all_ Town of Vail streets and.59ads j-s approximately 5 ft. 3ff pavern"nr.This ordinance wilr be stri-try enforcld by the Town of Vail Pylli: works Department. persons found viltating this ordinance ltlrr be g}Ven a 24 hour wri.tten notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLric works Department will renove said rnaterial at the expense of person notified- The provisions of this ordinance srrirr not bL appricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utiLities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. e in full, prease stop by the Town of vail Building Department to obtain a copy. tnanr you for your cooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: d -.t r,"/ - / z'' -8 7 (i. e. contractor, owner) H Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 0140 Metcalf Road Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) 949-5t30 September 21, 1989 Peter Stadler James Slevin Up The Creek Bar & Gr.111 223 Gore Creek Dr, Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Stadler & Mr. Slevin: Regarding the existing easement on the north side of Block 5-B, Lot b, Val1, Ileritage Cable agrees to nodify said easeme[t to 9 feet from the current l0 feet to accomodate con6truction on the Bar & Grl11's existing deck. Up The Creek incurred by Bar & Grill agrees to reimburse any cost Heritage Cable in rel-ocating thelr cable and/ Sin Stev Itiat t Chief Technic lan SII: Jnw ,lqq I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,ie e V..-"- THUR /re,r- - , \"-' tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r(DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON '/U CALL TUES WED ,l 'l. / ,' t: trI APPROVED --/L CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED J BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK-NAIL tr D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL nfii*'o" DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION ,i.. \ Q.fo** ot REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME \'.. \ ..) \., CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ECTION:INSP ir JECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL F,INAL ...i\ ,'-.. .. . .. \-",\- \'\t.i\.\\\: \". tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL TX4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR FINAL INSPE TION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be comolete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 \"cx.\x.*-1\ *i \r"*., \\"\ \ g *, \ \q\) Up the Creek landscape j-nspection 2/5/92 Cannot l-ocate approved I andscape plans. However, we do have a set of unmarked Iandscape plans. Must wait until snow cl-ears to check this. Possibly the Town wil-l not want additionaf Iandscaping because of the possibility of a future pedestrian trail? G o I L)/l -'l I F]a z -:f,-O .n f--z- llj E o @ o -z o F o-lu Y u, @ o F F Cf o,ul .-.r 0- ttJ ol a,l 6t o r'l rul rl Hur i^F v zo Fl ccl N ;A H (t z !ll- J o F o J F z r(H 14 v rrl ts IIJ =z cD -t I U) IIJ o : v fEl (n N N It .ir I -o. F-l H E C) (n N Fl H E e @ \o X Fal aa ah ItJ c o o ) I @ o\\t I o- Fl H F 6 I e l! I z FT ."l "tl al -l el ol uJl tl <l >l tl. ol 2 31 I Fi N I N o\ u |r F .,l EI OI Eti q x FT E 14 ts] t-l B E q I rn .+ ct z o ul tr J l!o z ;o F CO -v I Ol \t c'\ lri J ul F (-t z H t Fl H B F 14 Fl n =c lr ?C' =] d (5 IIJ .E J II q z 3 o F |.\ .<r F\ I \'o\ u u F = tr I ol o UI 5 l!o z ;1 q ts tr o z a lr|(r J l!o z =o F ut J uJ F uJ z 3 o F o llJ t o E JO <F GO uJ<zg UJF arz -o o JE <o ()F Hf \2 Eo 4 9F s3 fF d' zo C) z I C) tlJ = I 5 ( z E ir Iu +E Oz A<.l (4 U'' 'i' LU =o ll z t- :<to iz ro .lr 1!t !<,t() :tr? IF?ioi ;U.I E rE= 1fl9 Ll z 6 =f .L n :l 5l rl(9 il =!t =-lco FI }<I 4A bvtt, ttl .26/ E =G lrl o-z 9 F (J f E, 6 z o (J F =UJ b :!{6Y E<o.l €a E9 !L 5g E;4 EF 85 E=1., X iE !;t x rI E 's = uJ tD F ;77t I '>P'J4 rse \ZJE 4< o z E =t IIJ o CD o t\ -T (\(r)c! an uJ ul IL ts =E u.,o- $SN \N-N$ o\ (f) o,l F H z H F) lOr lot [lJ ll- lo'.o C'.J A a z r{rJ=<j 6t t!ov c'c)zt1 6F4 nJ o c z =o =z u,ut F o z o z J 6 .6 o =z -a- o c 6*E.e B bE: €frgE -,= 6 - =3.=O E EP:E c-o> e$r'E = €i;c96E IoSo B 5;.5 E E-F; EE gs El;e o. o cL-*Eas oiEor =€eE 9666 :EE g E6E5 -oia -+,Ca dt O'-.:.c:o(,, sr!c ;li; *gi; eEgS - o 6 .:! .ir c{.ir tal |.\ N \'\:t cn \o N tl \o C\ |n N o\ (n N (\ :E uJ A z o I C) uJ z o- a (J gJ IJJ I z ao : ) 9 z ut = w !u t!2 o F UI e C) UJ t 'uJ uJ z uJ F 6 I ul o E ? e ul o x ul o tr.l u{ z H \/. a a/, uJ IJJ tl- tr =c lu o- J F o F a z o = @ J 9 c F o ur uJ o z ao =l G 9 - () u,. Fl E-r NOtM'lYA z I rjl to tit l2 lrI] I r.l ..&t(J c :b oz zo OH FFT o- t--t RR Q.<x'\ t5 trb zz tutd on =>E -rlr'Eu,t.! =@N zz oo F^tt 95 490 oo =r 6:r!<oq ;-(J >9 z ts H z 9 F {ll- ci q IIJ (\ a uJ x x 5 z tr o z tr e, IIJ J ; UJ z v)L z f z 9A ko o< 4t!>aE xu-5o <z u,F z, 9z do 3tr ut J CE (t,a UJ z Y 9 I F I z (t =3 F lll a\'l I! UI ul 4 o ,o v )o a .( )O z F I I I I il xl T_T I I P"l t1 ll tol I zl trl Itrl t<l to-l \o N I & ':i oz o9 .o o- o 9 <; <; N H oa oE .o o(J (\ I H ;l| (\ (\ ? |,l 4., t t o r A AI x ? (\ t (J t! o I c H FT :? x rlo F9H Fr. E l!.aa0 EO ag.rl ua o= tr 0 .t t. itt !l t.|{5 .l rF a oo AA irL)oL H DO '.AH 6g o(o l{e o t oE E oct q|oB ri'E R8 A f E EE 99 E9 g4 E E H { lr fr zz qD IO F,t .2( e r, Fr az 10 rO F- I l4 A HFI HZ qtD oo ff: p :.! o i !q FI a x L u o f,l.{EC tt,aql !I o E T IE o c'r F ga aA r(O B E' A FI ta E U 4 lr E tl o E q v ltl q FI gl o E .; '; .oD .ld I> Etr.t10 dtE oic' c!eo t eEo e.AF I J '{.{ rYl q 1 o z =t IJJ L col I @l oi\l I *l I 'tl u1r rur '-rlg lk .lO I z. l {l rlr I rl !r I I I lil I Fll r N1 l-Frl X llr lA U;i ,E HIF Cn:5 l= Et,z :;lI{ lo lz *N. n -jl< F I \ rlZ r'l+-l9z j ' to<NOTMTVA 3 F dLr-<-o+ <l z1 . >l o uJ o LIJ LI'|z a ! (I LIJ z o E o o o o 3 >E -I z E ,\ o- z>-OO OZ rL< -O :e dN rrl t(Jt I tzt .l IHIA I lzlH I IHIDI . lolgl - lzl* |,{ ltrlu I *llZl - tutH I ''ztl'.l :Hlo | . e"18 ffi z u-M I H 9 O()IH K e =<tul > YXlt{ Z O f,H IZ F]E IZFI HJIsH 04 l H .-,F: lx F "--2168 tH tx H 6ll ? g j z tr o o X 5 tr E UJ - LU z ul =<t) d) -) z o F lu Y uJ m F F =P tu -: o- r-l x.l Yo:(rl tsxrl ozl o{l | ')l F uJ (L l! uJ z l o a F I JF ul-h> d|lJ >(!Ou-9o =ur :> tU J tu (I) F o o o o tt E o (, F =E, UJ o-z o F (J f E F a z o () I,JJ F$,la IJ zo z zr-<oo >z OLL )."i5 =Ge 66> TTD a zl ol uJl TI il >l rLl ol zl 3l ol FI I I I I I ol =l sl uJl 5l <l >l ltl ol Zt ,.;Bt f ol ui FI F tl tl tl tl tl lol lll tol I uJl t5l lal l>l I ttl lol tzl =l 3l ct 9t I I I t- lo I I -l <4 url d q g --{ >-<= =(J ll tl tl tl lol l-l tol I rJJl l:l t3l I tl.l lol t2l EI }I Gt ol n--l t-l (f)o <lf I o\ $ o\ tl ll E{l I ulrql Ht | |Fl I rol Hl$l l-ll |-rt I Ert .l >l ot Hl zl trl dl I rJJl HI trI F{l Jl ;it <l ril >l Et xl t-l tzl !31 qol Lrl Fl H q 4 FA |< rl E{ u; z co l$ ltl @ Ql I l\0 lll -xl a ul I (rl c\l NI -1 uC'ra u1t ft LrJl '\- ol d n <=E() o z_ tJ-oo zt- =s fF =JZ (!O F E.F z c) O z I (J LU E i'\ \JZ J E LIJ F uJ tr 'r <F t!<zE UJF _)<O iii u.r fo r rrXrr L__i r.}4 r r ) Hl-Itt"ttt''t* i ) t)ri /^-f , ,a.,. (-'\- , Project Application l-)t' Project Name: Project Description: ..- {' ..:Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ) Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descri Com ments: ption: Lot Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: 1 E[ St"tt Aooroval ,\Town Planner .1. ,IF : 2 0,3 |D o -fl T'1 o L). .D n IN lx R lths z,|),3 ID o -n E .D 1 ]A o =( E g = ct CT 5 r.o ls t {n (- N s .o 1 o aJ.a n -, I I t\)t.\ \N rN R-(h fr h v fr' o t -tl 'E''1 .o .D r)rt I IN li ls 't\ t\ l$ I t I I I I Et-|Do t/t r)r|o,-t rf Tro 'rt= oo :' -tr ltl C) -.4 '(,-E (- c) -t o 'o .= n o,rt E E .cf a!r!l 'l I I I I I 'l I I .l 5 o 5 (D \\*!N b s^t \\ \\ ET 0,cr (D .,;'.; Tl o o ! 9J CL tJt*j -,. o =(o ,D Jct :'-h t JDo Cn O-Q-J 3.Do -. rn i c' (O 5 9rfGl nr..'b .D :t .D<n ID J.O (Dl -,2 3 vroJ CD ct @o -r.f$ o, o (f '1 5 .lI Or.O('L^.aD --h -t oaD '-t-o (Ilc g, -t .D .-io. 5t 9ro -. 1 0)t 'rt c -r3 oJ.<ct o, .-i .: Or o D, tt =<(f,' .+.D= (o ..Jr O.|<Tt tD ro 5r. r|o,J r} G' tr o u o -1 c.f o o -n UI (O { N v \ A.\Y cl \_.t h \\, ) ., ,,r' \N t" \ .\ .i '\\'h w t F> e. tr\ (1 IA N ID o -n a,/l (o P l-o io a_t'5 a c\ fb'\(\ \ '.t rl )l s C. +s t & rb 'm c)o :{5 (D c+vl \. , c'r('tsct,NF cr>J.'o (^ tl tu-t !o -o< 1(D oo- fD +r rf.O .: oo '1 i(] crt (J ;DLA @c a./r 3 CJ.(f al 3rt J. !,, F O, I -l ll tl tl tl TI I 3 I rrt 7) r lJ'l a.fl G' -l -l m CJ -1 -o -E, f (-) { o !(rt :f'1 J.OOrcr l-ti .t) oJi ctf,-0 1to .J tu( 0,!J =ln v|5l ol o €l 3- Jl o f I :.(ol : ol (o xl o.,'.Ito -1 rf o 'u .-i oo (./|o (D9, O- r+ ..J O of rul 1l ol rl I I I I I I o>oo "'J ct oc 10,rDJ ul r)(o 3= ^l =l oJl 5l -l .=l *.l I T' at o (c) '1 OJ o -t v\ (cI "l el :l 5t =l rl ;t. r-r I ,t-l I I I a, I UI .-r l ;l |-rl ol slcNs arcJdc, lllen any business or organization -rcqucstill8 c*tcrior signs shali bc subjcct to thc provisions. o f ei(hcr thc rvall-mounicrl or frcestaniing joint directory signs found in this chJplcr. (Ord. 9(19?3) $ l4(10).) SIGN CATECORIES 2. A lrrrsirrcss or oryanizltion having a projccting or lurnging sign is not cxclur,lcd from participrting in a joint dircctory, 3, lJusinesscs or organizations not having exlerior public entranccs are subjcct to thc provisions of thc arcadc scction of tlris chdptcr, and 4, An indivi.lual business with a bascrnent entrancc with no cllculat',lc frontlgc may havc onc sign lrith a nlaxirnum arr.a of three squarc fcct. (ord. 9( l9?3) $ l4(8).) 16.20.100 Pnrjccting rnd lrrnging signs-Joint dircctory signs for c nrult i-lcnrnt building. Projcctirrg rnd Ir:rnging signs, joint dirtctory signs for a multi-tcrr!nl brrilclrng sh;.rll bc rcgrrlrtcd as follorvs: A. I'uqrosc, to list illl tcnants wjthi;r a multi-lcnant builJing and to guidc the pcdcsrrian Io an individual lcn3nt \riihin tltc hlild ing; B. Sizc, onc squrrr foot pcr tcnxnt within tltc multi.tcnant brrilrling, rvrtlr a nrrxirnum lrrca of fiftcen squrrc fict: llcight, rninirnum clcrrance ol'ciphl fcct ro botronr of sign' abovc pctlcstrirn says, arrd minir:runr clcaran.-e of fiftccn fcct to bottonr of sign abovc lchicular ways. rr"o part of thc sign shlll cxtcnd rbovc twctrt;,-fivc fcct from ry!-ragc gtrdc. Numtlcr, one sign on thc major pcdcstrirn rvav rvhich tlre builtling rbrrts, subjccl to lltc rpprovrl of llrc tlcsiun rcvicrv board. lf :r buildirrg his two or lnorc major publid rntrJnc!.s on (listinct. s!'l):lr:rtc ncdcstriun rvays, propos:rls for additionll joirrl-busincss dircctorics m:ry llc lpprovcd at tirc discrctiorr ol' thc tlcrign rcvicrv borrd, tltc propos!l shlll confonn to thc otllcr proYisions of this scction; Loc;rtion, pcrpchdicular lo or hung from a projecting structural clcr cnt of thu cxtcrior well adjaccnt (o thc s!rcct or mirjor pcdcstrirn way which thc building abuts, subjcct to thc lpprov:ll of tltc rlcsign rcvicw board; Dcsign, subjcct to the app-rovrl of the desigr rcvicw board; Ligh t ing, irrdircct or pan-clrunnclcd; l,andscaping, at (liscrction of dcsign revicw borrd. Special provisions shall bc as follows: l6.lO.09O I'rojccting anrl hrnging signs-lrrdivid ual bttsitr"ss rvitirin a nlrrlti'tenant bu il(lin8,' Projccting and hanging signs' inclividtrrl. btrsiness withirl a mr,lri-t.'nrnt btril.ling slrull hc rcgul:ttcd :rs follows: ;. ij";;. to i,lcntify I bttsirrcss or orgrniz:ttion which has its .4 '- o"'n' .*i.tior publii cntrancc within a mult;lcnanl buildirrg; ,' ,*t5'.tt ^ It B. Sirc, onc ,qu.r. foot for citch fivc front lincal fcet ot thc a-1 \. r6tu p> intlitirlurf trusirrcss ot o+3ni7.1tioll lraving its own cxlcrior 0" i f A, /\ putlli!'cnrrsncc in I mttlli'tcnlnt btlilding, rvilh a maxintttm \"r( a "^X#7 bf ,.n tq,,tt.' fcct, ilnd I mininrunt lrca of tltrcc squarc lcct 4P l6Y rsill hc lllorvc<l if a busincss has instrfficisnt frontagc'.'l hc " \V sizt of c tttrrlt i-p:r nclctl sign sh:rll bc ttctcrmincd by-dividing tlrc maxintttnl sizc ultow:rblc by tltc ntrlnbcr of . psrlcls' Cornhintrlnuxinttttnarcaforrnorct|tanonesignslra|lnot.'< revicrv lry tlrc dcsign rcvicw l)o3rdi E. l,xrrlo,i. pcilt nil icrrl:r r to or htrrrg from a projecting -' str,,ct,,r.l cl,"rrrcnt of thc cxtcrior rvall of the individual L,,.in"rs or organiz.:rtion, ndjlccnt to tllc sttect or nrajor D'irlcslri:ln rvuy rvlriclr llrc huittling abuts' subject to the uppror:rl ol' thr (lcsiFn rcvicw bo:lrtl; F. ilslgn, subjlcr to titc approval of the dcsign review' board; G. Liglrring, inrjircct or Prn'cltannclcd; H. Lan,.tscipirrg, at discrctron of dr:sign rcview board; I. Strccill provisions shall bc as follows: t. e joint rJircctory sign Pcrmitted subject to thc .. provisions of this titlc' 244 .l*.".'.1 tan squar!' fcct; - - -1 C. llci3ht. ntirtitttrtm clearatrcc of cight fcct.to botrofof -sign N'iOl!"aS( 1froli,. nc(|.'strian rvrys an<i nrinintrtm clcitr:lnce of fillccn ' tr W:, 1i'ct l(] lroltt)tn of sign ';rtrovc vclticular ways' No part ot lhe l' ,.AlL' sign slrall cxtcntl ibovs twcnty-fivc fcct ftom.awrilS: Slalcl W' i D. N,rnrhcr. onc sigtt pcr vchictrl:rr slrcct or major pcdcstrian -' .",tv "t,l.tt ,tt. building abuts' cs dctcnnincd . by thc . arlnrinistr:rtor rvitlt I mrximrtm of two signs, subject to D. F. H. 245 t ' r'--r ++ lii t I I T $Y -T 7 f-t' -(ttab't{e Dl tl | .l Tl E- $16 -_l- .t ,E: 'F.' F', ID t. t-oe{or. Oro rtt A) o b rD tr ts ? ,o i,/ // tl u -* ./ -\ N N \-. \ \ \ N\\ lr xl B \ I, \\ ll 0 c\ \-r \>l -1 $ s =