HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 BOOTH FALL MOUNTAIN HOMES UNIT 17 LEGAL.pdf,4 DEpARrMErrr oF coMM'Nrry DEvEr.,o%fft W"V" / 4j3' TOI,iIN OF VATL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArr,, co 8L657 970 -479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT A]-,L TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 800-0075 Job Address: 3094 BOOTH FAIL,S RD Locat,ion...: 3094 BOOTH FAIIJS RD,Parcel No. . : 2]-01--023-01-017 Project No.: sEatus...: ISSIIED BOOTApplied. . : OO4/25/2000 fssued...: 05/OL/20oo E)<p j-res . . : 1-O /28 /2000 APPI-,ICAIVT PI,AT'H CONSTRUCTTON P.O. DRAWER 5920, AVON, CO 8l_520 CONTRACTOR PLATII CONSTRUETION OWNER DescripEion: REMOVE/REPI,ACE ROOF SAME FOR P.O. DRAWER 5920, AVON, CO 81520 BOOTH FAILS HOMEObINERS ASSOC t FRrrz susAN, po Box 3sG, vArL co 8lcsilOV/Comm' Dev' Clean-up SAME CLASS B SHAKESApproved Mult.i-FamiJ-y amount date Add Sq Ft.: Plrone: 970-949-1-905 Phone:. 970-949-L905 *Of wood/PalfeC: Occupancy: R1 Type Constructsion: Tlpe Occupancy: ValuaLion: Fireplace Information: Re€tlicted: YES 55 ,977 #of cas Appliances: ReEtualant Plan Review- - > DRB Fee------ Recreation Fee------ ----> elean-Up Deposit- -----> TOTAL FEES #of cas Logs: FEE SUI.'MARY .oo - Tolal calculatsed Peee---> I,211 .00 roo. oo( AddiLiooal Fees---------> .oo .oo,l Tota1 PermiL Fee-- -----> 1,2L1-oo zso.o{- PavnenLs-- 1,211. oo 1,211- 00 BAI,A.}ICE DUE---- .00 Building-----> Plan Check---> fnweatigation> tdi 1I call- - -> s20.00 33e.00 .00 3 .00 Dept: BUILDING Division: JRFI DCPT : PI,ANNTNG DIV1SiON:BY DOMINIC Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PttB WORK Division: It.em: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O4/28/2OOO KATIIY ACIiON: NOTE ROUTED TO 04/28'/2000 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED IICM: O54OO PI,ANNTNG DEPARTT{ENT 04/28/2000 KATITY Acrion: APPR STGNED OFF ITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIfI 04/28/2000 KATITY AcElon: APPR N/A Itesf:' 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS 04/28/2000 KATIIY AcElon: APPR N/A a*ii**r**r**1ri See Page 2 of this Document for any condit.ions EhaE, may apply to t,his permits DECLARATTONS I hereby ackrolrledge thab I hrv€ read thiE application, filled ouE in full the infonoation required, conpleted an plan, and state lhae aII the infornat.ion provided ae required i6 correct.. I agree to compLy t ith Ehe inforEation to comply with all Towll ordinances and Etate Laws, and co build thi6 scructul:e !o tsh€ Town'6 zoning and codeg, degigTr revicw .pproved, Uniforn Buildj.ng Code and other ordinahces of tsh€ Toren +plicablc accurate p1ots and ploc plan, cubdivision REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,], BB MADE TWENTY. FOUR HOI'RS IN AD\IANCE'BY TEI,EPHONE '\ --/ 9-213e OR AT oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Refund send elean-Up Deposits To: PLATTI CONXRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 800-0075 as of O5/0L/O0 Status: ISSITED ******************************************************************************** Permir 11pe: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Applied: 04/25/2000 Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Issued: O5/0L/2000 970-949-L905 To Erq)ire:1-0/28/2000 ilob Address: LocaEion: 3094 BOOTH FAr_,LS RD, BOOTTT FAILLS CONDO'S 4-7 Parcel No: 21,0L-023 -01--01-7 VAIL VTLI,AGE FILING L2 LOT 1.2 BI;,K 2 DescripEion: REMOVE/REPI-,ACE ROOF SAME FOR SAME CLASS B SHAKES Conditions:1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALI.J PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CETTTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITII AIi[ APPROVED FIRE MATERTAL. TOIIN OF VAIIJ, @IJORADO PalEent Dlethod: CK ******tt*t***it******it****f,*****+itttrl*****t*it*t***+ia*t**!t*i**** Staternnt Number: REC-0622 Arnount : Notatlon: 24837 rl*t***t*ta****t*ttttt***t**** Stateunt 1,211 .0O 05/01/0O 13r1O Iuit: .rAR Petftdt No: Boo-00?5 type: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUrr,D pBR Parcel Nor 2101-023 - 01- 017 81.te Address ! 3094 BOOTII FALIJST RD I,ocatioa: 3094 BOCTIE FAIJJS RD, BOO:TII FAI,LLE CONDo, s 4-? *t**i****t***a**l*iltl**t*******lt*****t***tt**t**lt**rt**t*,1**** Accourt code Deecription ThLE Pal^aent 1. 211 . 00 Total Feee: Total ALIJ PmtE : BalaDce : 1.211 .0O 1,211.00 .o0 Amou-nt 520.00 100.00 334 .00 250.00 3.00, BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIoI RSVIEW EEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,ADI CIIBffi EBES AD Dz-DEPO8 CIJEJANUP DEPOSITS WE OO1OOOO31128OO WTIJL CALIJ INSPE TION FBE o o at o j 'H 33 d9 11 T I 4l E B o o o 6l N U H t o E I 6 FT E A t, o o o o o o I,l o o o N l'JE 68 Hr. EE SE i H U g c C' c C' f.l o E g E b ! -g{ EH f;g AT A It F oo oct rA c,I OEl a o o o 6a o o o It o o N SB .o OU I gE sc ca *t{ lr Fl a3 EI E trH 62 '(P 'lg H'a o I o HFI HZ l0o 8C qa T t o : E H o F IF Cr H I H H A HE ai!,A A 4 !r E EE E EE e l.l H B I : B :{ 6 E 3 E E l' o R E A ta F * c,o bp cn or)Ilrt{EAO ag H88 EE€ o o FI o2 OD d8 E T 0 0 IH OE o=).o OI o|( iB 8H e8 ET OA E H H E E c I H o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o d o o o o o o o o o o o o F o c E ql I o o 6 I A u E I 6 6 l! f, }l E' z H E tr F o o H E l.l 5B AI A F cto o0 c'E oa E o BE LO T-ota c E t EE Er I trH EE AI H'lo o I A HH HE 8t Erl A E E o i E a * 6 t{ E rB :8 EHs a H E t a D n o H & A z D t{E F t{la R p e o F o ra El ost E:I rlE EO a E8! Job Namet@ Job AddreEsz 7G+ N Legal Description: Lot Block l\Srfttn 6l'J)t 56rrr€'5 Ftling SUBD IVI S ION : Owners Name ! Architect: General Description: -B@+he+\b \-\orne-D\.e n€lt-S , - Aidress: pn.filo_ffiJl|_ Address: tbs l-ltional Nunber Ph. t4.Lp44@ work cJ.ass: [ ]-New I l-[lteration I Number of Dwell'{.ng Units: a [ ]-Repa tl of Accomrnodation Units: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUIIJDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI.T FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING' PI..AN CHECK J,EE: MECHANTCAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CL.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEESI CLEA}T UP IIEPOSIT IEFTIND TO: VALUAT ON BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONINGS SIGNATURE!comnents: sUEFII FRITZ ,.o:^. :>r-,.-o- $ --. ,0"* $t X qcu o\ Co 2 -s- o I l--) srtdbt: lod.Frlh ftrs O:ilrArroc. Ath:5[rr lftu ( Pridd.!0 ?.O. EdSgtz Vil. Co. tf6st a70-476- r+OO8 Rolllr; ftrolol tUCloI{ Fhocr lrtt.{76.St{3 Mrcl23,2300 ,*rrc Emrf, ldb .ltirr a{ & G7 ,ob aigl!*. l0ta loo.t luh d. ^Gt#gilXG oI ffc F. r 4Zo 4oo t qcclfrehq, brthc 1rII!ofj Prytrnnbesblorvr: tt^plr{rbt $oe.4t yor G {rfisirEd b do rha wo* a tp.cilhd. nr,,'r|cEt rill bc |u& rs oudicd rln$G. /cro'*c,$6mrr, ovr.rortpe,; fuefu. Pr";t, + 4l,q ' ittn onc tgau rogry' p ql ol*n, -- - -- /,Jtt 'onud ng/'4nt' , Flah C-ol'svttttton Isc: fg'd ffitg/.n 'IGt\llJtftt I iIEU lttv'Lt lSUl t{Jetslul W,-LJ -W Page? of 4 :,*fi:**t:two blildings done in the summer ofthe cold roof base bid. locations. March 23.20fi) Roofing Specification for Booth Falls Condominium Complex * *units 4,5 & 6,7 only** al is for two buildines at the Booth Falls Condominium Complex in East Vail. two buildines that are associated with units 4,5 & 6, 7 only.'All other and witl be 5id at a later date. Alt pricing is based on the field measurements 999. I. Tr.cR OFF / MrscELLANEous: Locations: All pitched roof locations of the two buildings which include units 4, 5 & 6,7 . remove all debris from the site. Plath and practical durine the construction, and a thorough combletion. Plath Construction will take all ildin! from water and weather. needed. ** This work. if required. will be an rate for this work is to be determincd before the ed without prior notification of, and authorization 3l Plath Construction Inc. will provide insurance and permits required by the TOV Building Deparhnent. Price for work in Section I:Included in the Section II Price below U. Suprnrnsuurnu RoorINc / DRy-IN / CLAss 'B' Cnoan SnaKEs / FLASUTNG:Locations: ll All roofs except the six roofs over unheatcd decks or entry's. ( There are three roofs oler decks that tre into roofs over heated spaces. These roofs will be insulated to avoid an uneven fansition.) 2l Six roofs over unheated decks and entry's. Specification as follows: Lbcation 1l l] Install 1.5" Polyisocyanurate insulation between the existing 2"x4" battens. "13 Ice and Water Guard bv "Protecto Wrao" over entirc oitched roof area. accordins ifications. Extend menibrane up walls aiproximately l)" at roof-to-walijuncturesl 4l Install #l each course. Use starter and hip-and- ridse shinele 24" lons resultins in a 10" revelal to the-weatlrdl. shake bidfor thE proposal has a class 'B'lire rating, which is the highest lire rated eaks. and endwalls. No are rirot directlv over and endwalls - Page 3 of4 needed, including vallev, s eaves aird rake e<[ses. The rl the roof system. Color is t 7l Install a24 sause prefinished counterflashins at all roof to wall iunctures. Caulk the top edee witl a uiethane caulklCo'lof is to be "Colonial Red" 6y Berridge to matc'h the buildings done last yeir. 8] Replace plumbing pipe flashings that are 4" in diameter or less. All larger flashings will be reused. Location 2l lllnstallalaverofT116"OSBoverthehorizontal 1"x4". Thewaferboardwillbefastenedtothebattens with deck scri:ws at a ratp of 24 screws per 4' x 8' sheet of waferboard. Ice and Water Guard bv t'Protecto \{raD" over entire pitched roof area. according ifications. Extend menibrane up walls afproximately 12" at roof-to-wall juncturesl 3l lnstall #l each course. Use starter and hip-and- ntse shinele 24" long resultins in a 10" revcal to the-weathdr. shake bidfor thE proposal has a class 'B'tire rating, which is the highest fire rated 4lln tl 6 gaug 3"expo o o matc 5l Install a24 pause orefinished counterflashine at all roof to wall iunctures. Caulk the top cdee with a uiethane caulk: C6loi is to be "Colonial Red"ly Berridge to mat6h the buildings done last ye-ar. Price for Section I & II:$ 55,977.00 f system is excludcd from this proposal. iu' are included in this proposal. All other buildings d if this option is accepted. III. GrNnrur, Notrs: 2l The #l medium class 'B' proposal have been bid at the current market piice of$ 141.45 per square -of ihe cedar market, price changes prior to ihe acceptance ofthis ilrop ofthe contract price,io reflect alny such cnanges. ation insurance th our price. Please , Pl aranteerng wo I roormq the no cost-to the Page 4 of4 owner. A warranty from Watkins Sawmills, our shake supplier, will be issued to Booth Falls for a period of 30 years?oqr the date of installation of the shaliel. This warranty will match the warranty irreviously sribmitted for last years buildings. +( d -!-q=3 13={e,4 +\5 g )an _: aJ ./g,,= ll- o" no s(ouolr. irb b"w'\ nlz -$q rl, ,r8&!tn?,1'" ,' s'o ,3'.?'O v @ F.tJ-'? 9..h= 1 b a;(f 3't ,-U a'lr^, fal I I 4 1 I t )) .^\_ t \t i)o- .t s *G+7 sl yn,/5 ,'t1+S trs fnirror ri \rl \ ''L\0 1 ;x, J g 3. I 5s \ i REF'T131 TOWN trF VAIL, COLORDO A9/A7/EAAQ @7r,36 REGUESTS - INSFECTN WORK SHEETS FORz 9/ 7/?A Stat us : ISSUED tlon:itr": AMF trAEiE L4 AREA; JRM i ------J Activity; BtZttl-t?t?75 9/ 7/'cA Typel A-MF Arlclres: JV24 BEOTH FALLS RD Location: 3@94 BtrtrTH FALLS RD, BOOTH FAL|-LS Farcel : e1fi 1-AE$-ft|-Ul7 Description: REMOVE./REtrLACE RBSF SfiME FOR SRME Applicant : trLATFl CONSTRUCTItrN Ownet': BOOTH FALLS HOMEUTINERS ASSOC Contractor': FLATH trONSTRUCTI0N coNDo' Oce: CLASS Fhone: Fhone: Flhone: s 4-7 Use: B SIIAKES 97A-94A-19a,3 97V-949-r9q3 Inspect i on Recluest Reqr-qseXor: STEVE Req Time: B1:OO It ens request ed to 80090 ETLDG-Final Infor'mation..... F'hone: 949-1985 Comnents: be Inspeet ed. . . Aet i on Connent s Ti me Ex 1 I I 4 I I Inspection Histony..,.. OfiEEa FIRE DEF'T. NtrTIFICftTION (aAS1O clt'i veway QrcrdE" f inal rArA0lE BLD6-Foot ings/St ee 1 ralABPlZ' BI-.D6-Fondat i on/Et ee I 8fl58fi FLflN-Il.-C Site F'lan E0TAJA BL.DG'-Framing €IEESB BLDE-Insulat i on U'BIAAA FL.Dti-sh e et r'ock Na i 1 fiBA7rA BLD{i-lvl isc. fitAfi?E IILDG-F i na I U'fAS3B BI-DE-"Tenp. C/n 'ZfO531 FIRE--fEHF,. t/C) urEr5SE Ft^t-1'EMp. C:/n ra0s33 FL.AN-TEMF. C/O r4fi537 F|_AN.-FINAt_ C/[J AU'538 FIFTE-FINftL. fl./O ArZr539 F,UI-FINAL E/O ftr734Zt BL.DG-Final C/O Itemr Item: Item: Item: Item: Item; Item: It enr r Itemr Item: Item:j Item: Item: It em: Iem l It em l Itemr It em: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,557 970-479-2]-38 Occupancy: R1 Tlpe Construction: V Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Information: ReBEricted: Y Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..: Project. No.: APPI,ICANT MAPLELEAF INTERIORS PO BOX 2452, EDWARDS CO 8L632 CONTRACTOR MAPLELEAF I}flIERIORS PO BOX 2452, EDWARDS CO 81632 OI,IINER PRAWDZIK STEPHEN D 15965 W ELLSWORTH PL, GOLDEN Description: ENCLOSING DECK 3094 BOOTI{ FALLS CTz,.---\ Status.. 3094 BooTH FALLS cT frL7) Applied.2LOt-023-02-016 \--!7 Issued.. Expires. DEPARIMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 898-031-5 ISSIJED LO/1-5/1-998 L0/21-/Le98 04/L9 /L999 8t632 8L632 co 80401 Phone: 97O-479-5585 Phone: 970-479-5585 MuItsi-Family NoE in table! s, 000 #of eaE Appllanccg:*of wood/Pallets: Buildi.ng-----> Plan check- - - > InvesEigatsion> will call----> Re6t.uaranE Plan R€vien- - > RecreaEion Fce------- ---> clean-Up DeposiE----- ---> TolaL calculat€d Fcc6 -> Additional PeeE----- ----> Total Permi.t Fee--------> Paymentsa-------- 95.00 . oo . o0 20.oo .00 100.00 27 9 .15 . o0 27 9 .'15 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft: *of caE Logs: FEE sttl'IMARY .........:::::.:lli;;--:;;;;;;;;;:.........":::;l:"......::H!i.:Yl.;;;.:--;::;;:."...-..--..;::"-. ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIfI DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:1,0/I5/L998 .]RM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM- JtbM:.O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI,IENT DCPI: PI,ANNING DiViSiON: LO/.],5/L998 .]RM AcI,iOn: APPR APPR PER BRENT rtbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FrRE Dirrision:LO/L5/L998 .TRM ACEiON: APPR N/A rrbm:"055q0 PUBLTC WORKS Dept: PIJB WORK Diwision:1-o/L5/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A * * * r r * * * * * { t * * * r * * * * r * * * * t t t * * t t * * * * r * * * * * * * { * r * * * rr * r * t i * * t * * * * * * * r See Page 2 of this Document. for any condit.ions EhaE may apply to this permit - I hereby acknowledg€ that I havG rcad thiB appllcrlion, filLcd ou! in full lhe inf,ormaeion required, completed an accuraEe plol pIan, and Elale thaE all the information provided ae required iE colrect. I agree to conply rrlth the information and PIoE Pfan, to coFply wibh all Town ordinancee and Etate 1a!r6, and Eo build lhi6 6!ruc!u!r accolding to the Town'e zoning and Eubdiviaion code6, design rcvlew approved, Uniforn Building code and oEher ordinanccs of the Town applicable chereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAITI] BE MADE T1IENTY - FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-OUR OFFICE FROM gr00 Ar'I 5:00 PM send clcan-up D€poElE To: MAPIJE IJEAF OF OWNER FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************rr* CONDITIONS PermiE, #: 898-0315 as of LO/2t/98 Status: TSSI]ED ******************************************************************************** Permit TLpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: LO/t5/]-998 Applicant, : MAPLEL.,EAF INIERIORS Issued: L0 /ZL/L999 970-479-5585 To Expire z 04/L9/1,999 .fob Address:Location: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CT #17 Parcel No: 2101--023-02-0L6 Description: ENCI,OSING DECK Conditions: 1-. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AI,I. PENETRATIONS IN WAI-,IJS,CEIIINGS,AND FI'OORS TO BE SEATED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC-I-210 0F THE 1991 I'BC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. ra r rrrr trtiirarti.aarii!r'f rrr..r.......ir* r. r.{trrrrrr rrr *r Tq{N OF VAIL, @LOR.f,DO ECrC.Ents ritttrrratrttattr*tJraaarrrrr**tr**aaarrrrar',rara+trrrrrrrrrrarr o glrlabnE NuEbrr r REe-0{67 tubunt. ! Prl rene UqEhod: CK NoCrClon: 15,13 279,75 tD/2t/9a OBiS6 IniE, r t(w PrlELc tilo ! 898-0315 flpc r A-Drp Prrccl Nor 2l0l-023-O2-O15 glts€ Addr... r 3Ot4 BOOTH FAT DS cI Loc.tlon, 3Ot{ Bo('ffl FAjJIJS cI *17 ToEal Foar: Thlr Pa),[l.nr 279.78 Totrl tttJ PrE. ! Balanc! | .ADD/AI,T MP BUTLD PER i * i tt a tti t t i tat tf t +'tt tt t ttt t t t ta t t *', t ta t '! t t t t AccounE Coda D.rcrIpEl,on 219.75 279,75 .00 hounE t8.00 20.00 61.75 100. 0 0 3.00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO EUIT,DING PBRUIT PBES DR OO1OOO031122OO DEgIGN REVIET FEES PF 00100003112300 PLA{ CHECK FEES ID D2-DEPO8 CIJEN{UP DEPO9IAS t{c 00100003112800 tfttt cALt tNSPBeIroN FEE o 'lr oz oEl .o o:E &IJ g o rt a e E !o c o F ct E I n A E z q d U H e i a, o o <t o cl C' o 0 o c c o c,o o o H IB d8 A F E A :.JE 68 rrE EH EE cl El ! E g E o o a R o gl E Fi a E dE d(a AO IP o oo .'I 'rA ao F F aFl B3 &o T-ol< E I l.: lr l.l a6 E8 R{ 2 BE it H<l.o E HH H3 Et g 2 a T E 2 E 6 t{H t{E6 .a a!!I c|c !l E 8" E fi8 c i R (, 5 H E I E E n E H o I o A .| or ('| a-'p G|rt .lE d -> ATE E$r EEP '$on iac t ffice At 970- TOHN OF VArL CONSTRUCTTO ARCEL /I PERMTT APPLICATION FORM PER}IIT I , DATE: Address: t#!fr9' ElF*e Address:fr=3rl6gr PLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED NFORMATfON ******************:r*********, icat I J-Mechani'ca1 [ J_other .fob Name: PQANDZtk -tUilN Hp4EJob Address: Legal Description: Lot I nfocf_l Filing Owners Name: Architect:Ph. '! ik}- Ph.General Description: Work C1ass:- [ j-New I Number of Dwelli-ng'Un ***** *tr************I Ad\dress: El-ectrical Contraccor:Address: Plumbing contractor: Address: vf-atteration [ ]-Addition"f J 31p"pair [ ]-other I ]-t's: I )mler and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances (2 Gas Logs O Wood/pe11et__e_ Number of Accommodation Units: / ELECTRTCAL: +OTHER: $MECHANTCAL: $TOTAL: $ Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Town of VaiL Req. No.Phone Number: FOR oFFrcE usE *******************rr*********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ ific't al_Contractor:))fio"ooxYcToR INFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T::l_".{ vail Res. No.565_t Pnone Number: Mechanical Contraccor.:Address: ***************rr********* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I.TECHANICAL PERHIT ELECTRTCAL FEE! OTHER TYPE OF FEE: GROUP BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PIAN CHFEK FFIT. MEcHANTcAL pi"qN--;;ic'x"iin, RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURX:Comnents: sQ. 75 soulh lrontage ro ad vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: Nl.Ttr. SUBJECT: To review'ordinance Nb-- 6 in fu11., please stop by the Town of ::li.::t1:i"9,";Hi:'n:lt"::""iiuin a copv- ri,unx you ror yo,,. olllce ol communlty d6velopment ALL CONTRACTORS CUFRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI.IN OF VAIL TolN oF VAIL puBLIC I{oRKS/cotnruNITy DEuELOPI.IENT ItARcH t_6, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERTAL STOMGE to 'ill l:.l f'#-29{(i. e. contractor, owner) TO; FHOM: DATE: FIE: Job Name: Dale: Please answ r the following questionnaire regarding rhe need or a "pubric way permit-: YES NO A 3) ls any'ulility work needed? 4) ls lhe driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed lo site other than exisling diveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, or public properly? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community : Darrolnnrno nl ? I have read and answered allt ve questi 1) z) ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propeqty?k v )( X X Y Y X lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" mustbe obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained al the public Wo/x's otfice or at Cglinuliry Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158. O MEMoRANpiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMII-'IS REOUIRED Job Name Conlra ignature TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLIEAIVT COIVTRACTOR OhINER St,atus. . Apptied. Issued..E4)ires. Phone: 970-926-0990 Phone: 970-926-o990 s0.00 .00 .00 3.00 53 .00 ,00 . o0 Total CalculaCed Fees- - - > AddiEional Fees---------> Total Pefiri! Fee--------> Pa]menta------- BAI,A.IICE DUE----- O o""o**ENr oF ccMMrNrrY tr"orr"* NOTE: THIS PERMfT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMTT Job Address: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CT I-,ocaEion. -.: 3094 BOOTH FAIJLS CT Parcel No.. : 21_01-023-02-0L5 Project No.: MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 451t, AVON, CO 81520 MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 45tL, AVON, CO 81520 PRAWDZTK STEPHEN D 15965 W EI-,LSWORTH PL, GOLDEN CO 80401 DCSCTiPTiON: ELECTRICAL FOR DECK ENCI-,OST]RE Valuation:1, 000 . 0o FEE SI'I4!.,IARY ElecEricaL---> DRB Fee Invc€! igation> WilI call- - -- > TOTAIJ FEES---> * t * * r r r ** t * * + ** **, * r *r * * * + | ** *rf i*r r * * + r * * r * { ITEM: O6OOO EIJECTRICAL DEPARTIVIEI'IT DEPT: BUILDTNG DiWiSiON:L!/03/L998 JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVED .]MiT Itqm;'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:'J,L/03/L998 JRM Actj-on: APPR N/A ***a*rriri*+trr CONDITION OF APPROVAL tr*****r**r**** DECTARATIONS I hereby acknowledge Ehat. I have rcad thiE applicaEion, fillcd out in ful1 tho infonnalion required, corflpleCed an aceulaue ploE plan, and Etsale Chat all chc infonnation Frovided ra required i6 correct. I agree co conlPly with lhc infornation and plot. ptan, tso comply with all Town ordinanceE and Etate laue, and to bulld thie stsructure according to tshe Town,e zoning rnd eubdivision codes, dcsign review approvcd, Uniform Buildlng code and oEhe! oldinanceg of the T'own applicablc thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS 6HALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI'R HOT]RS IN ADVANCE BY ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0294 APPROVED 1,L/03/L9e8 LL/ 03 /1-9e8 0s/02/t9ee I lot{N oF vArrJ, cotoRtDo gtrCa0r!t 6Erc.unE lluobar ! REC-O{7l Anoun!, t Pald.nt, llathod! CK Nolqtlon: 35?6 53. O0 11/03/ec 11:10 lniEt DB Pcrrlc No: Parcal No: glBe lddlcE. r Locatsl.ont IhL. Pal|tlcnt, B-ELEC 53. OO Assess Parcel Office , rgII-.9f vArL coNsrRucrro PERMIT APPLICAI'.TQN FOR}T DArEt ttlS ft B PEfu\IIT /I --- Address: P I lli:1hl 11.r Address: Tovrn of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Res. No -ZbA=6 Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO.rnone l.lumber: . FOR OFFICE USE *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * x * * * * * * *BUI.LDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PIIffBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:R-ECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER],TIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: x/ APPLTCATToN lrusr BE FTLLED our CoMPLETELY oR rr r'tAy Nor BE AccEp?ED ffi****, * * * * * * * * * ?r * * * )r * * * * * * * * * * PERMI? INFORIIATfON rf ?r :r .r * * *,r * * * * * * */S -'r^ v4s gr r r\rrJ A 'r x -A x x x x n tr * r( x * * rt * * * * * * * * i * * * ,f 'l-tlrrr'lAis-L J -Dur--Lq,J-n9 1 .1 -plumbing I yy'_Electrical I J-Mechani'ca1 [ J-Other rob Narne: Ppu/^ik Tit..thane I-egal Description: Lot owners Name: Arclritect:Address: GeneraL De scrj.ption: 1 Slnepair [ ]-orher Number of Dwel-r-iiE'UnitsI r,.._t-_--. __._ Number of Acconhodation U . (Jr AccoNnodation Units: _ #:::-:::.:::: of Fiieplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Loss_ r.rood/pe11et_ lq***''.***************************** vALUATToNg * * * * i; rt rk rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * :y*3+I:: +*_ xlEcrRrcAu $ loao ,, b""""*"- I"IECHANTCAL: $- 'iN dW * * * l- x * * *.,( * * * * * * * * * * * )r 'C ir * * * *. CONTFACTOR f NFORMATf ON r Eener:,1 Contractor: El.ectrical_ Contraccor: Aridress: Hecha:rical ContracE,or.: Addra. ea- *:(*** t * * * *** * ***** * * *, * >r rt* * * ****BUILDjNG PERMIT FEE: P],TTMB NG PERI,IIT FEE: ME]HA] TCAL PER],IIT FEE:EL]CTI ICAL FEE: OT]IER IYPE OF FEE: NDtr F]: EI . : comnent;;- Contractor: Job Address: l Block-| Filins Address: /.fel.f AL Ellsdd^,,htr, ft. phrya OTiIER: $ * *** ** *d.* * rt ** **rr. *:rr ** *.rr * * * * *Town of Vaj.J. Reg. NO.l:none Numbe,r: VALUATION r,:LI/:N'ilP DF.P.OSIT ) Tl F?i]uI i.rr - REFT131 E9/3A/1999 O9:39 "-----*---J-- Activityr B9B-IZ3 l5 9/3fa/19 Typer A-MF Addr.egs: 3€t94 BO0TH FALLS CT Location: 3O94 BOUTH FAI-LS CT *17 F,areel : 3lEtl-€t33-@e-glt6 DeseriFtion: ENCLUSING DECK Appl icant : MAFI-ELEAF INTERIORS Owner: FRAI^IDZIK STEF,HEN D Contractor: MAtrLELEAF INTERIORS t T RENUESTS - ot,JN BF VAIL, INSF'EETN I^IORK 'l CBLORADO SHEETSi FOR I 9./30/ 1999 Statr.rs: FNGE 1 flREA: trD = t ==4 = = = = == = !E:i e !t=!!i s = = = = =ISSUED Congtrr AMF Bcc: F,hone: Fhone: Fhone: User U 97rzr-479-S985 970-479-55S5 Inspect ion Reqr-rest Inf onmat ion. , . . . Reqr-restor-l STEF,HEN 479-5168 Rec Timer OA:OlZl Comments: BOOTH FALLS F,hone: 3rZr3-B9B 'IRORDII *17 - HHL L ItenE requested to be Inspeeted.., Rction Eonments 6@69U BLDG-Final Inspection Histoly.. ... Itemr OAA3A BLDG-Framing Lt/{i1/94 Inspector-; ART Notes: trORREtrTItrN: fi-' Tine Exp Approved l^J/cor.r.eet i ons : - MOVE DOOR TO EASTSIDE AND DUF'LICATE METHOD OF FRAMINGi Item: AAA4@ * * Not On File * * Item : rZIEIZtStZt BLD6-Insr_rlat i on IIl86/98 Irrspector: JRM Actionr AFFrR AF,F,ROVtD Item: O6tZr6rZr BLDG-Sheetr.ock Nai I 1L/|?t/94 Inspector: JRM Action: AF,FR AF,FROVED Itemr AtZttZtBO * * Not 0n File x * Item: A$$7Vt BLDG-Misc. Iten : EetBgrzt BLDG-FinaI Iteh: erASSrZ' BLDG-Temp, e,/A Item: 4fi53f FIRE-TEMF. C/tr Item: EE53e Fh,-TEMF. C/tr Action:AF.F'E . I : t t t : I l t I I I I I I l I I I 10.1' JOB N0 01-202 T:VV12L-1.DWG r I EASEMENT L|NE -'- | BRASS CAP 80w 1y 12-0'FOUN D US DEPT OF INTERIOR CORSEC2,T5S.R srtgr.vrce FOUND US OEPT OF INTERTOR 3 r/4" ALUMTNUM CAP E.29' EASTERLY OF LOT 1 PROP COR 10.0' FORE 6 on =\.-+ @l lJ- j!t(o isl .(A o I IP tc) O 79'J8'36"A:R: t- N89'41'46"W 327.85' LOT 2 N49'11'2E"W 32.O2'1n '+a -d T : 91.JE' L = 178.33' z R= T= L= CH= 16'38'05" 261.14' 4 Q )<'t .'.- CH: N7J'54'50"W 176.18'3E-18' 75.42', o \v/\Yo oe tj I 4 *q.r' x a-s'a N49'49'56"W 75.55';o 0 50 100 150 200 300 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE ROCK FALL MITIGATION BARRIER WALL LOCATION LOT 1, VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING AND FOREST SERVICE LAND IN SEC 2, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST Eogle County, Colorodo I hereby certify thot this improvement locotion certificote (woll locotion) wos prepored for the Town of Voil, thot it is not o lond survey plot or improvement survey plot, ond thot it is not to be relied uDon for the estoblishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines.I further certify thot the improvements on the obove described porcel on this dote, October 22, 2001 , except utility connections, ore entirely within the boundories of the porcel, except os shown, thot there ore no encroochments upon the described premises by improvements on ony odjoining premises, except os indicoted, ond thot there is no opporent evidence or sign of ony eosement crossing or burdening ony port of soid porcel, except os noted. O INDICATES SET ALUMINUM CAP LS 9JJ7 1o'o;:Tn INDICATES WALL AND HEIGHT AT CORNER BEARING BASE: S. 89'24'13" E. between US ot the W 1/4 Corner ond 3 the center line of S 2, T 5 Dept of Int 1/4" Alumi n S,R80W WHITE SURVEYING P. O. Box 115 Gypsum, C0 81637 (970) s24-s623 NOTE: The purpose of this lmprovement Locotion Certificote is to show only the locotion ot the rock foll mitigotion borrier woll. s89'24'13"E J /b.9 / r3212822 SQFT 3.0J3 ACRES WALL IS OUTSIDE 1t /r r'/a 1