HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 BOOTH FALL MOUNTAIN HOMES UNIT 6 LEGAL.pdfo(tM.|fiY tElGL(FtE ft Deeign Reuiew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South FrontaEe Road. Vail, Coloredo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: ryww.vailgov.com PrciectName: RUBINCHANGE DRBNumber: DRB060353 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR AN ADDMONAL SHED ROOF OVER SOUTH NETRY AND WINDOW, NORTH WINDOW TO MATCH Pafticipants: owNER RUBIN, GARY R. & SUSAN M. 0810712006 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80s03 APPUOqNT RUBIN, GARY R. & SUSAN M. 0810il2006 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80s03 ProjectAddress: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CTVAIL Location: BOOTH FALLS TH, UNIT 6 Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 2 Subdivision: BOOTH FALLS MTN HOMES Parcel Number: 2101-023-0200-6 Comments: standard conditions apply Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/11/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: Changes To The Approved Plans tion for Design R.eview dment of Community Developmerrt Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 ;:'"ifi dd;;;l"*^t.,=l-r-r'?t1;n-;r::,"-f :=l;ffi web: www,vailgov,com <tz oRgNoot3 General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit aFpii.arion. Ple.rse refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested An application for DesiJl llevie ^/cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the CommuniFy' Developmen: f,e0ann'ent. Ttre project may also need to be reviewed by the Town ftuncil and/or the Planning and Environment;rl Cc nlriiissiDn. D,esign review approval lapses unless a building p€rmit is issued and construction commencers qrithin one year of the approval. Description of the Request: r"ttatroD, /(or<rH <),Npot) fo nKTcN AOJA. Exl utVtT /-:___SHlZ@zE_- Locataon of the Proposal: Lot: / Btock:-}-- Subdivision:/fi.1 yltJ-lG1l*:-.fl-ttUl--- Plrysical Address: Parcef No.: A-Ql-eL3-?2oO- L-(contac Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86zlt) frrr par-:er nc, Zoning: Name(s) olf Ourner(s):G Mailing Address: si5-1 ?.3___ Nameof Appliicant: fieg- Q*Lto--- Mailing ilddressr 34 y-v1 L U)p w o r D t^) t4 u I/ype of llevlew and Fee: {l Changes to Approved Plans $20 Fcr revisions to plans already approverl by ttlanning litali,r' t.'lt: Design Rerriew Board. SubmattaI Requ ir,Ernents: 3 Sets; of Plans Aclclressrng Proiect Changes Signature of l'lomeclwner(s) or Association Owner(s) Slgnature(s); F:J,:lI?b:tg cnecr,r,ro.,- /?JG atl, F:\cdev\F OItMS\Perr its,\Plan ning\DRB\drb_change_to_approverd_plans_1_page_05-1 1-20)6.doc Boothfalls Mountain Hornes Susarr Iiri 1z |'residr:nt I)ec Wisor S et r aar.r.'l'r oo su rpr (iruv Rrrtrin lloul llenh,l 'lirm Tnllrot Lhnnl }lenhpr Craig Anslicl{ lloanl \In x r August 2,2006 Dear Gary & Suzy, The Boothfalls Homeowner's Board of Directors has met and approved of your plans to add a window on the south side of your Unit 6 and a small shed roof to is a must with the drip issues. The improvements to the common area have the following conditions; l. You must do as much a possible to match exiting the buildings. 2. Windows must be aluminum clad with dark bronze exterior finish. 3. Siding shall be 6" rough saw cedar and run vertically- 4. Stain and trim shall match existing colors. 5. You seek and receive all necessary approval from the Town ofVail. In addition you understand and agree that any improvements made in a contnron araaare the responsibility of the individual homeowner to maintain and that you will hold the Association harmless from any liability associated with this improvement. The Association is in favor of the architectural aspects of this project and believe it will visually improved the overall appearance of the building. Sincerely, President. Boothfrlls Mountain Homes l't09,l lltrot.hlirlls Iload, \'ail, (lr- lll657, PO lirr li09,l Yail. (b {ll65t}. 970-476-58,1,3 SOUTH 6LCVATION " r_ .. - I t- r'- I - I -.t._ .- | -- _ .:-. "'r: l ' -t ::.,. ..t_: _.-r..t- j... -.r _.t | _-- _ - Ir-L-t -l - r' --': ' ''' t_- I . ' -r -, I::I t_1-.. t :- r:l-.. --t ,-:-J..- -.-l t_ __'_ L 1...r -J -. -t '':l 't t,-i '''| I . -'t ''' !- . -- '_l -l r- i --: r _ t- :--l llL__ r .t-:: I r-.t:?. ll '.--l | : .; - -lr- I I[:: : l] [=:= =i ..1"-..t I- I \-l:.' - I I I I I tt tl Ir t.; 1 ; --t t-.; L t-:-.1.-' -il.r= I IOWN OF VAIT DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL FU; !flF v |io 2' ri P* '-| ,-.| _l !! r_t rl ,-l -t -t -l -l -l -l -t ---t- Elx I ,T!: Pi: 6c { IL ---.]__t IOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL 3 [ -E-'o E uS:l ri---r l-"*i t* I --f( |* f+++**+**'t********+*****'i*{'**f+++*+*+*+***t'****+*+*+*+ft++++*******+**+*,}+******t+++******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment laa**********************+++++l**a******+*++**++++fa**+r|l**************+t++llf**++***'i*{.***** Staternent Nurnber: R060001174 Amount: 920.00 OB/07/200602:54 pM Payment Method: Check RT'BIN Init : iIS Notation: 143 0,/SUS$I Permit No: DR8060353 TtT)e: DRB-Chg to Appr planB Parcel. lilo: 2LOL-O23-O2OO-6 SiIE AddrEgg: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIIJ Location: BOOIH FAITLS TH, IINIT 5 Total Fees: $20.00 Thla Payment: $20.00 Total ALLr pmte: g2o.oo Balarce: $0.00 ********f+++++a**+++*****f,*ti****t+++++t*****+********+i++*****t***********f+++********t**** ACCOTJNT ITEM UST: Account Code DeEcription Current pmta DR OO1OOOO3I!2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Design Review Board Va./ fe/L.fofitrrq ly ACTION FORM I I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2t39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8050013 BASEMENT ADDMON AND DECK ENLARGEMENTS Participants: OWNER RUBIN, GARY R. &SUSAN 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80503 License: APPLICANT RUBIN, GARY R. & SUSAN M. 01/18/2005 Phone: 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80503 License: Project Address: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL Location: BOOTH FALLS TH, UNIT 6 Legal Description: LoU 1 BIock: 2 Subdivision: BOOTH FALLS MTN HOMES Parcel Number: 210102302006 Comments: see conditions Project Name: RUBIN ADDffiON CHANGE Project Description: M. 0l/18/2005 Phone: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 021 L412005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commencec and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006928 tate their maximum .ro.?0" GRFA based upon ord. 14, ; 2004, when next unit comes in for an addition. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paidr $20.00 ;, RECEIVED JAN 1 8 2OC5 TOV-COM.DEV. Departrnent of Community Developntert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, ColoraCr B:657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479 .I4iZ web: www.vailgov.com s# O(@O4Qoa'r| General Information: All projecls requiring design review must receive apprcval prior to submitting a b.uildi.rg 6,<:rmit irpp r::t,r:.r Fl::rs: refer to the submittal requirenEnts for the particular approval that is requesled. A,r aprpii=tion lcr l.rr):ii.tr :ie\i1,, cannot bo accepted untrl all required information is received by the Communit)' Develot ment [)r).);rd- re.)1 Il-r: F'roje':t n'ay also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning anl Eri,, ironn.,:r',1 rl ()crn rris: or.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cc'nstrucli,rn corl1 1r,i nt 0s ,r'il.,irl c'ne year of the approval. []escriptiorr of the Request:I tt_9_ LA<G"-,?Ji6a: 4 {NI-+r < o n A fC ll -. 1p..,f .i6-l_l lir_,(_S_ ._ Location of the Proposal: Lot:I glock:? Physicaf Address: /lPff b ,1r-cnU ,, Parcel No.: ,l( lC j-?O 2t,Ob_ Zon ing: Name(s) of Owner(s):l ra 1", Mailing Address: *45 -+ t11 . )1- I o1c3 oa3 Owner(s) Signature(s): ltame of A.tlplicant: 1o r 4 641. /3., l- .,' . llllailirrg Adrlress: __ii).T e- E.maif nddress: ar r^ t!;-,1iT Fax: ia ? lz4-_o_4 e I Fax'. !-27,,, 71!_g_q6_1,. _ Type of Review and Fee: . Siglns . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addilion . Mrro. Alteration (mull i-family/commercial) Milor Alteration (s'ng'e-fami y/duplex) Cfanges to Approved Plans Sepirralion Request $50 Plus $1 .00 per square fool of total s,ign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or d€,mo/rebLtilcl $300 For an addition where square footr-ce is arjlerJ tc ar y, ri,, c :-rli: I t - commercial building (includes 250 additions fl inter r: . :r: . , :rr i:r:r: ).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site inrprcve!.rxinls j . r:i t rs,, reroofing, painting, window adc,tions, lErnclsmt:in t, r:'ti.r.r :i-i,l retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site inrprcvemenls s j[i.l rjr., reroonng, painting, window addrtions, lanSs*r1:irr ;, i, r: e : :r-,1 retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already aFprov,ed ly plan- rg1 l,::r{ .r: th r Design Review Board. No Fee lFor Office Use Onlv: FeePaid: ZO- - , IRts6{o77 REcE-lrD JAN I I i."ii:;s TOV.COM.DEV. LJtl t-f 6 ur.J lT 7 IOIT'TH TLCVATION ** * * * *** *+*+ t+++* * **:1.,1* ***** *** * ***+f lf++f***+* *'t**** ***** * * i*t*** * ++*** * **** *** * 't * * * ***'t *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement :l+*******++'i**+*+'t*+********++tt*******a+**+++++f+ff+**********+*ri*****+*+****+t++********++ gtatement Number: R050000033 Amounr: $20.00 OL/]-8/2OO5O2.47- pM Palment Met,hod: Check Init: iIS Notation: #1141/GARY RUBIN Permit No: DR8050013 BT)e: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans Parce1 No: 2LOLO23O2OO6 Site Address: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL I.,OCAtion: BOOTH FATLS TH, I'NIT 5 This Palment:$20.00 Total FeeE: $20.00 Total AIrIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance:$o. oo * ***+++++++**** ***t! *** ** *****+***++*++ f?+f*******+**** **** i ******* ***+*++++++t***** **+**t* ** ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmtss DR 00100003772200 DESTGN R.E\rlrEW FEES 20.00 ,& 9r.00-rl.z 90s 'oc 'lNoncNo'l '0u N0s13N 6699 '3'd 'Nlgnu 'u AUvo t33Eb 63E': .. =,it gHEEd 29908 'OC ''ilVA '0u s']'tvJHloo8 t609 s3noHNMOI S']']vlHIOOS ]300n3u 9 ltNn E I o o z I o o vt o z lrJ = @ lrJ F G o cl lr'l @ 5 vl z o a =o 10 =g hE 6Z .o o - =o 5 c a F ln { z 9 z 6- F z : @ z c F z.lrj Lu a ^a ) X r,-r < x \_/ tr-LL aaa @rolo ctNd (o rD o)c{+@ I 9.z tr ,.2 '7 =tL ELr-2r-z u^28 2|.l-l>d;H ,^ u) <Y<(D =6 F-t 2=< d2=- PEH HaE-, ia*i? ;3!;e FlI9 EEH; EEiE alAfScSu EI l"ll l-{Tl LL_ll I x q. ;} z B lrJ 8T EO \ trJ a 9,:6R z UJ z Y () IJ o E lrJ o z f LrJ E ta ttJ ut) N r!2 o<(-) ptFfE :* fiiiEag /9908 '0C 'ltVA '0u s'l'lvlHloos r60c 53nOHN,!\OI S11VJHI008 1300nlu I ItNn sloo-rLL 9,0e 'oc 'tN0noN01 '0u Nosl3N 6699 'l'd 'Ntgnu 'u AUVo n I.| (, 'o 6 z =n 3 E d ,t z o z ! F z =v7 ao z E &.o o J Lr- F a E tr *rOOr 3eI (oNO) -a Zr r69 8=i Q*e d58 FOJ aJL F|!F 2-,22 FJ o=3 n2f |.) o o E o r,lJ m -rl ?l ml c\l E O LU co u o m o- F i EI (J F - E F c,cl () > o EI ut F r.l o F - F vt - IJ rq IJ E - tL @ to d r\ J o- qH,+ :<19 o 96-;dZ:,{ LrJ cO EiHliaE LS908 'OC 'ltVA 'ou s'r'rvlHrooa rebs S3HOHN,I OI SIIVJHIOO8 ']300n3u 9 INn 9LOO-'LL 90''0c 'rNoncNo]'0u Nosr3N 6699 'f'd 'Nt8nu 'u AUvc lr.ltL aa0 roo|o nei (\,1 rc -1-a-6 za=tLZE qn e.i58 99d fito .^oz =zN =N FJ 9?=<d2f E o o o z.o o UJ a ilal Ei$[ias L9908 'OC '.ilVA '0u s]]vJH1008 t609 53nOHN/v\OI S'l'lvJHIOO8 ']300n3u 9 ItNn 9L00-,LL 909 '03 'lNonoNo'l '0u N0s13N 6699 '3'd 'Ntgnu 'u luvo ;g=t[ sHHEt o ti o 4.2 { I { I ri z.o tr l-rJ J L.J -F f o U1 'o o z t ti u, 5 E 6 a z 9 z f x tl F z z E z v, E z o F lrl J lrJ F a t! = E E I , I 5 I .l la \I I ----L I _______1 I E d I E 1 EI ! EIi[IiAg (u3Hro) 29908 'O3 ''ltVA '0u s']'lvlHI008 r60e SSnOHN/v\OI S']'1VJHI008 13COn3U 9 ilNn SLOO-|LL t0''0c 'rNoncNo']'0u N0s13N 6699 '3'd 'Nt8nu 'u AUV9 363Eb oEi", S sH:E; qq F!t lli Jd o E ,"i gzz r+ I rt I 1{ ti->o ^6 6= =-=. ZJ I> 6t l--3 =F avt Eir 6Z 60 .-z 2< =a-!x rlt GF z 9: Yt ()< L, lD o F2 ->-G ii!;E,\ J F vt t H 13 ar U* az ii:E'iiil zl q E <l 4 "1 a u{ >l zl q 3 <l >l L!| q -l I Etr (4 I I I I I I' I I I I I E h tl '1 I t ---1 ts -----1 ----1 - ! t\ ______l I rl I F F F F L T t- t t /t I ZONE CHECK Addrcss O*ncr Arch itcc t Pbonc Phonc Zonc disd.ict Lot sizc hoposcd usc Allorvcd Total CRFA Prinrary GRFA + (4 'r.25)(675r)=..- Sccondary GRFA + (12j) (675+)'- . + 675=425 crcdir plus 2j0 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? How much of tlc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd Mth this rcqucst? Sitc Covcralc Hcigbt Sctbacks 20' 'J 5' t5' 6{h l^H*,.6(*T9- ,P *r"l"q (30x33) , Front . Sidcs Rcar Minirnum Encloscd Prcvious conditions of rpproval (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: l) Pcrccnr Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 4) Witcr Course Sctback (30) (5 5) Ccologic Hazards a) SnorvA c) Dcbris Florv b) Rocldall ''1 l'. ,p\) -\ t . -.' snrpsf,i.rqurnl {'\ oa,.*,' . s,!u0rF&,s:lrrq (t) siqeq:raoAcae e8uc,ro3 c1J5 NV't,{ arre Fr _ . __ _.e t_l t q3P$cs quJuqcEurug -_ qtpg Srndpng .Fas suopeac;c lodg suopeeoi,{111pg srlJtr spnzeg;eueurublr,uJ - : cFoS stF/IIdUOOXJ D {cEqtcs csmoc rclB^\ qeppoog.ilggl ,(qdndodotr slrDut s4I ErvalqEpllng . czls lo.I uo.qdFcscp 1efi1 ,{ru,qt,I'g oIEJS I nH3 j.SAUns o rsrTxJqrJ A{ gI^A-u .\crsg c .1ccfor; ctungpuure4 sac u:rg sJp6Sugu;qcX cdqgglcpug o1;g uoprruuoc obwg . . scc4 tugsgxX r{i-ldsdvcsql{l/.f D tlctldJoot -sP.rntB]4luoloc eISJS sNoJIV/\s1ADMqTns tr ccrdg cury11,rrer3 YCXC tEuopJpPE 05u' Yf,U9 Feb 1?5 O3: OOp J{RG Syst'ems' Inc.303 ??4 0069 p.1 JOIITT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) <fcscriprion) 1;f,-1=Ell.t-Lrrrr4',*c*,+1" prwide been Urfs letter as written approval of the plans ,rot ,r'[,'f'M--&:Ll-42f4-i=t%5hich have to the Town of Vail Comnrunity Development Department for the proposed improvements at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvemenG include: c,nc.l t*hc^-,,"1,-1 a.6a\ tr,^L-our-q i\-tc ba€,r''z'"nt o.'^ Ellt owner of property located at (address/legal understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans ovcr thc coursc of thc rcvicw to errsure rrnrpliance with the Town's applicable <lcles ancl regulalions' t/:-r-t,fu,?qo--?,'J-V,E-.(Date) Page 2 ol' bos n4-r*iS zlozloTloz t-.* I 3\K Z Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21T fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us U.^--\Oit(7.tC 3o-W.1-tU -rU tx-^-k Project Name: RUBIN ADDnON Proiect Description: 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80s03 License: ProjectAddress: 3094 BOOTH FALLS UNIT 6 BOOTH FALLS TOWNHOMES LocaUon: Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block 2 Subdivision: BOOTH FALLS MTN HOMES Parcel Number: 210102302006 Comments: seeconditions DRB Number: DRBo4oo78 ?ot{^ ?la ENCLOSE DECKSANDAREA BELOW; ENCLOSE PARTOF ENTRY DECKAND MOVE ENTRY; IMPROVE AND EXPAND BASEMENT FINISH Participants: OWNER RUBIN, GARY R. & SUSAN M. 031Iil2004 Phone: 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80503 License: APPUCANT RUBIN, GARY R. & SUSAN M. 03/u/2004 Phone: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Voter DateofApproval: 0412312004 Conditionsl Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO o i0l1i\ 0f t4 Application for Fesign Rerrievr D€partment of Conrmunity Develooment 75 South Fronlage RoaC. \/ail, Cobracc 81657 tel: 970479.2i39 fax:970.479 2452 web; wv.\^/.ci vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring desiEn review Inust rec€ive approval prior lo submitting a building permit apl) cat;c,n. Fte as3 refer to lne submittal requirenEnts for the particular approval that is requested. An aDp i.:ation fcr De:;igrr :l.er ievr cannot be accected until all reluired information is received by the Communily Develo;,rnent D();)arlrre|rl Thc project may alsc need to pe I€viev/ed by the Town Council and/or the Planning anj En',ironnr$,r1: Corrltission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructirn contnrencos rvithin one year of the approval. Description of lhe i--r..,caiiorr oi tire Froposal: Loi. i aic,ct: { Sudivision: y' k t vtLLlt,.:2. i?r' -il--:,_j:-;___ Physicat Address: U.,,l L ,2., .l:\ tl il,, T:, ,, ,^, ,., , . ,tcri 4 ( q! ,'!!,. ),..,,r;;.., Parcel No.: 2--i o\o 2 go?t,o b___ (contact Eagle co. Ass€ssor at 970-32r1-864c :c,: :a-cet r,o.) Zon in g: a \.ti Name (s ) of Owner(s):-1 | Maiting Address: :'<84'+ Phoner.'3cs Owner(s) Signature(s) Name of Applicant:TOWN OF VAII. E-mail Address Type of Review . Signs and .. J Mailirrg Address: Concet'tual Rev€w ConstrJction Miror Alteration (multi-family/commerciat) Minor Alteration (single-f e mily/duplex) Cfanges to Approved Plans *:paration Request Ptus g1.00 per square foot "t ,"*Iff"Fr; For construction of a new building or ciermor rebuild For an addition wf ere.squa:e footage is adCed to itr), 'r'::,rc!.)1li:1 c. commercial building (inciudes 250 additiorrs ,il irteri,:' :c -,,.rr,,i:rn: ). For minor changes to buildrngs and siig rmor)ven.)enls :-,:: I i,:1,. reroofing, painling, window addltions, ejntscar:lt;1, ,r'n( (:; e,n(i retaining walls, etc. -.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site inrprirvemenls. s-.;1 a!;. reroofing, painting, wtndow additions, andsca;:,irrq, ic-rn.:(rs srrC retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans alreirdy approved t,y Plarr- rg ::;iaf' lr lh{.r Design Revierv Board. No Fee By: DRts No.; qAn No Fee DOJU $s00 $2s0 12t0623tC3 Checlr No.: ?9" Project No.: )pptication for Design nuRu, Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Fronlage Road, Vail, Coloraclo 81657 tel: 970.479.2 139 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us RECEIVIU FEB 0 3 ZCoq General Information: All prolects requiring design revrew musl receive approval prior to submitting a buildirg piermit app calion. Please refer to the submittal requirem€,nls for the particular approval that is requested. An app i,la'iion lor Desigr, ?erievr cannot be accepled unlil all reluired informalion is received by the Communily Develot.nrent D()r)ar11r.re 11 Th€ project may also need to be r€viewed by the Town Council and/or lhe Planning anl En,;ironmsr.rla Con:lus:ion. Design review approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructi)n conlrtencos ,vilhin one year of the approval. Description of lhe Request: --I'irrl :i(': j ..-,' I i a.'a JT Sufrivision: !fi1-y1l!- t!73--1[\! 1'-,!t, tJ 6- $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construclion of a new building or demoi rebuild $300 For an addition where square footage is adJed lo ar; .t:.rcl,t'rti:lc- mmmercral b:rilding (includes 250 additions ii interic :c - . ::r.;irn- ).$250 For minor changes to buildings and srte intpr:)\,emenls : - ::1 at!;, reroofing, painting, windovr add,ticns, antsca:, lJ. ;':,nlr,s a.rJ retaining walls, erc. $20 For minor changes to buiidings and site rmprovemenls . s -..r iri, reroofing, painling, window additrons, .erndsca:irr1, ir,,nct,s and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approveC t,y P!an- rg :itaf' cr ihc Design Reviel Board. No Fee I ,:gro.lJ'"" t33o'.t' checr<No.: ?r(L By, Application Date: iPlanner: Location of the Proposal: Lot: I glock' 2 Physical Address: '[1." ,1r.,,,ij,.,, ) .. ) Parcef No.: Lroro 2qto7c.:a4 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32[FB64C 'b: :a'c:l r,o.) Zon ing:e.5; Name (s ) of Owner(s): Mailing Adclress: -(5 (\i:.;-; Phone.'4 -oc>14 Owner(s) Signature(s) Name of Applicant: Maif irrg Address: 3.< )1\ C,- e**u fhone: =:-:r:; I Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Acdilion . lvliror Alteralion (n;ulti-family/commercial) \. Minor Alteration (single-tamily/duptex) . Cl.anges to Approved Plans . Separalion Re",quest Page '1 of 12106123103 a>annrr 6e<al trAa]s Y/a Building Ma!erials 'fz>^::'t frr718 g PROPOSED MATERIALS Iype-ot Material Color ffi Roof Siding Olher Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim 6tt2,R6'1-o 11 AA.N Cxl'-4tr{q N/A n^fcfl Ex#a il( t)|N)--'t,J t , fv{_!_!ctc:3_ae!_u! Lt7^'Lt^n ,rorO c.<st4t^:f< 4))T/l LpD e,T)tertnpVO'Nt F-Y l)cAaH-r(€@ la/yN&)r@r].l €ytoa)Nc ,6Y PD^gi qte €6u A1.. nxTztl dldflNc Hand or Ded<Raitq._,*r/t ,ltbf )$i Flues Flashing Chimnep Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exlerior Lighting Other N//) z DESIGN REVIB,V _J_sTAFffiPPRerAAt STAFF: Notes: Please specify the manufaclurer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of 12106123103 l, (print name) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER description) fb joint owner of property located at (aciciressllegal ou5(S ft provide this fetter as writlen approval of the plans aateO {L > .>g:4 whictr have been submitled 1o the Town of Vail Community Development Department for lhe proposecl impro\/(rrnents . "'r.frtJ.^.1 L,,. Jt' l; e vY)e{\l f,';" (. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over lhe course of the revie'.v proc€ss to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 2-2 -o.f (Date) Pary2 ol 12106123103 Department of Commmity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us lrtt F irti k I I!JL Ff\D}f UVi . March 5, 2004 Gary & Susan Rubin 5599 Nelson Road Longmont, CO 80503 Dear Gary & Susan, Please resubmit this application as an addition as this proposal calls for the addition of square footage to a residential building. Please follow the full submittal requirements attached to the application which I have included with this letter. We do need full architectural floor plans and elevations to determine the amount of existing Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) and what is being added to verify compliance with the maximum GRFA allowed for your unit. lt may be helpful to refer to our Town Code on-line (vailgov.com/governing) for details We can apply the fee you already paid to the new application fee (see enclosed). Please do not hesitate to call me directly with any questions. Sincerely, "/h% Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Town Planner (97O) 479-2140 {g *ototrr ro O @uTH €LEVTTION €c:uftl t tsf tLtt/4fl6^J i \ / NOTZT4 T NTKI CLTVKTPN f3oOTt-.| FALrs fdr.)NAbHt< - LJNTT L 3o94 Boo-r)t c r.tt< <p.v/A tL . Cct. -i i"r i.: .i I sc urll t Ltt'/a'r)o^l NO,.ZTll t NfKl tL{VlrTtoN f3oO-f p FAL-r-,s,-frLJN Aorl [ < ' L.tN tT L 3094 LZo6n- g C rcttK Q2. L/'AtL . Cc.,. \Cu Tl't' f t,i;/A'1, c r'.i NoflTtJ t Nrrt.4 tt-tr'kTror) <3oOTH 51;t_^s -fo!JN)1ot1 t< - Ux,tT L 3arqLl Boor L] C rcf t( <,2.',,/l,tL . Cc,. (usxro) 29908 '0c 'ltv^'0u s'l'tvlH1008 r60t Sln0HN/Y\OI S-]']VJHIOO8 t300n3u 9 JNn gLOO-|LL 909 'oc 'IN0n9N0'1 '0u Nos-r3N 6699 '3'd 'Nt8nu 'u AUVO 3S3Eb ;3..i4:€d tl 'i .. *;i 3H:8f; L t-J Lt @aa s d \.\v s-' @<o* ss3 (\N+ -N (l) r- =h e.l f;6r- ,zo =,_=LrJ i <a -r <5 SF=.,"6 L Y<z = (D i:-F @7t- X trJ trJ IJJ Z Z. >..iI i:iF-<t H<tr - ba;P <z - -H-19 \!t -t- z sr> e *4a2 -T-& t z F ta x lrJ l-r-II l,l q q F :< :l 2l lt :l 3 ^a >Xt'l <xv ol tr (L sP P<s.*4 x9 !J t! Sqt t (9F 9tr )z E= v o o 6 r. @ o ci ,l "11 <l =rrjl rrJl zl :<t I = I x LrJ o z :f Lrl u t!ta u)a =Xv o<O (urHro) /9908 '03 ''ilVA '0u s.l']vlHro08 r609 sln0HNMoI sr']vlH1008 llconSu 9 ItNn SLOO-iLL 90''03 'lNon9No'l 'cu N0s't3N 669s '3'd 'NrEnu 'u AUV9 tl a Lr Lr- t-@6a -ftr)o) Q o; F.. (oNO) I (n Zr i:Ta Ez i- ls6 *oo FOJ AJL -*F (^ l- A ja- =F a== d2ft \ \\ C6 tr E tf I (J z E o o J b- F at)E tr eto \O . v F il .1."t vl9 i!?ld utL r.) o v o m r F co t-_] i_-_] L F - -(J F - E) u (J \ x o aq N o o v.o Lr-l m (u:xro) 1.9908 '0c ''lrv^'0u s'l'lvlHrooS r60c S]NOHNA\OI S'I'IVJHIOOE r300nlu 9 ItNn SLOO-|LL 90r,'oc 'INo),{9N0'l '0u NosllN 66ss '3'd 'Nt8nu 'u AUVO 63Eb 340;oN I ..*;t ,li H; i i3H3 (O rt r.) e.l I a z tr IY J L- o z N ()z tr ln =LrJ -a 9Z zE tg co J rt--o oz z c.l N -.,uz zu- \^ \/\ E o o J lr o z.o O L!l nl n$ t\J ul Y() -8fr r; o J f, P -U)z LL tL U) l- $ -cf) o) F\ o) s oi o,t o N (f)N =tu z r I z LL tL U) I @ lf) o) N (o (o N c\ F\ t.c) t = =f a fi & o IJJ I a -z tr o z F U)x r.u T U) z II q U) (o (f) (f) C\I n @ o)(o @ N @ C\ @ $ C\ TU E. z F o- M O U)o t J TL o z o C) LrJ U) t o o J LL F U)4 TL F z tu tu a m U)J f, P o ***{.**'lr*'}l't'l{.********!******,***r**,tr***rr{.**t r.,t** * l.*,} {. * * ** * 'f ****,F'r*************i.'r****{.*******|l** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement r***,1.1rtr**+*rl****{.**+'r*'}************{.rit {.*|l*rtr**||*{.{.****:*'t*************************t ****t **+** SEatement Number: R040005497 Anoun!: $280.00 03/I7/2OO4O8:52 AM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notat,ion: Permit No: DRB040078 Tl/tr)e: DRB - Mdition of GRFA Parcel ltlo: 2101-023 02 005 Site Address: 3094 BOc|trH FALLS CT \IAIIJ Location: ITNIT 6 BOOTH FALLS TOWNHOMES This Payment: $280.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EW FEES Total Fees: 9280.00 Total ALL Pmts: 5280.00 Balance:$0.00 **+**,tr***'t 't * * * * * 'i** * * * rt ** * 'lr * * * * * * * ** * * *** * * *'1.* * * 'l * * a**** *** Current Pmts 280.00 ,***** * * *** * ** * * ****{.******* * ***+*** * ** * * * ***1.* * *** {. * * ** * ** * ** * * * ** * * * * ** {. * * ** * ** ** * * * *****+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ,.***:l'f *l'll.'1.*******r.*********,tt *******+**'f *+{.r}'}******t *+:F*r.***:t ***tt *,t ****{.*+***t **{.****'}'}*+* Statement Nruriber: R040005398 Anount: $20.00 02/03/2OO4O4:50 PM Palment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: Permit No: DR8040024 T)E)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210102302006 Site Address: 3094 BOOTIT FAL,IJS CT VAIL I,ocaL ion : T,NIT 6 BOOTH FAI,I,S TOIINHOMES Tota] Fees: $20.00 fhis Payment: $20.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 {.**{.'t**+'t t '}**:t*.*******'t *{.|}*'t**'}*******+'}**{.:t*tr***{.'t ******i.'t *{.'t ****r.*****r<*++{.******'l'*lr'*l.**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE}I FEES 20.00 ZONE CHECK 4il a[ BFnr '+ a\brolt"q h Drr\l*'hfes . \J Datc: t"grt a"r.tffi,"*iil Ad drcss Orrncr Architccr Zonc distrr'ct Lor sizc Block 2_Filing ,l /"|l tl'lhlo D3- s Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Total GRFA .-_ +_ru Allorvcd . koposcd * gt7f Sctondary GRFA Landscaping RctainingWall Hcigtrrs Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics wirh TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcsi than 2:l (50%) EnrironmcnhUllazards l*r-rli;r;il Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much .of tlc alloivcd ?50 Addition is us Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctbacks (30x b ,u-r I ,1 FfrilAI' ,l,rh, Tvnlag. ttL. ?nl .l5' l5' ivluu-mum 3',t 6', \ (300) (600) (e00) (l Pcrmittcd Sl Y Y r) 2) Fl Proposcd Slooc o/.. 1\ 4) 5) c) Dcbrii Prn'ious condirions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addjtioir Front Sidcs Rc{r atcr Coursc Sctback (30) (5 a) Snorv Avalanchc '\$n\ ic'ii\.. . ?r_*'+s{._ ... .., '.i .lt:tl ' llr$'i\ a?3n G -: t'' r 'r \ I (.' rJprgfuJu;qa1 osqJs\cpalp otl5 -_uopouuoccbereC .- . scluocFu|staro I (,1)sEueg:c,rgpcaug --- e8ucaop alig gtBqps slu.ruusuotfrrg -- ;qtpHSqp]rng b ?,5'. ii.$;\.til 1. .lt.$:.r'' '.r1.. ?ftr ,\ Yf,UC ?tos s[MIduooTJ O .L![auns n rsrT)IC guc At xl^gu .\tclsxq :tccfor4