HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT D2 SKAAL HUS GENERAL LEGAL.pdfTowN oiuo* DE'ARTMENT oF ..MMLJMT'DEVEL''MENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 Eleclric6l-> s50.00 DRB Fe€_> Investigation-> Will Call-----> FAr.AllcE DUE_> (Ses4 .00 ) s0.00 s0. o0 s3.00 TOTALFEES-> S53. oo Approvals:rEem: 06000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMEII1I Total Permit Fee--> Payments----> ($e54.00) so. 00 L0/06/2ooo @ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME!flT Act,ion: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIEI..D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRTD TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot pla4 and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Towu ordinances and state laws, and to build this sffucture amording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinanc€s of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOtru IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OmCE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. . ^ (r t f)--^-\ t).\\-1o Al3 L--f 5 \J .l rk. \t \\cr.a(srn&s NOTE: TI{S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E00-0198 Job Address: l4l W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: IN RIGHT OF WAY IN FRONT OF l4l W MEADOW Applied . . : 10/0612000 ParcelNo...: 210107104008 Issued. . : 10106/2000 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0410412001 OIIINER FI,INN, I,AWRETiTCE, JR LO/O6/2OOO Plrone: 209 TACONIC RD GREEIWICH CT 06831 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL A0/06/2000 Phone: 970-479-2t00 75 S FROTqIAGE RD vArL, co 91657 License: 463 -B APPLICAI{T TOVIN OF VAII-, t0/06/2000 Ptrone: 970-479-2L00 75 S FROI\NAGE RD VAIIJ, CO 81657 Desciption: repair street light Valuation: $500.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculaled Fees-> S53 . 00 AddilionalFees_> (91,007.00) SIGNATIJRE OF OWNEROR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Euilding Permit #:_ Electrical Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inspe 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 0 rc t O ll ctn AO F )obName: le/ ,v. ,<.atto.t+, Da Job Address: ST(EU-I' ^-*"i rjf w. tvlyt?o-r' Dn L'ah- /lW*, Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name;J. o. V ll Address: ) 5 S. Ftt RO ll Phon{ ?zo) ? ry ^ ztsa Engineer: TCS V Address: j s -s- FR tta ll er'one: ? , f - zts z Detailed description of work:Re/+;, a,^J 14 p ,l- n k co uyz cT Eatt S*aA ./a,r.-, zu, Work Class: New ( ) Additlon ( )Remodel ( ) Repaifd<L TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exteriorfo Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No N() Typeof Bldg.: single-famiv( ) Duptex( ) Multr-famitvtft@rct@estaurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (Od Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Jz{_ ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No,({ COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SO FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ -fd O * CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: T.0, u Town of Vail Reg. No.Contact and Phone #'s:t^L€a lftJ catte-z 3 70 y'A 7 Z y'rr rI l'/,a-<^Contractor Signature: **** *** ** * ******* tr* **** *V* * * * * * * * * 1-. -ro?orrrcE usE Y* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr rr :k * t< * tr *ON F:/everyone/forms/elecperm il D Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platForm, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. 3 a o a read nd the above. . oc) Signatu reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hourc of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Date Signed HOW DIDWE RATE WTTHYOU? Torm of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)479.213e Gheck all that applies. 1. Which 0ep.irtmen(s) did you contact? Building[ Environmenhl _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC _ or 5. Was tltis your.firstlime to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit /.rr\) N/A 6. Pleagq rate $e performance of he sffiperson who assisted you: s (}r 2 I Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectveness of tre FrontService Counter. S 6 I 2 1 8. What is the best lime of dav for you to use fie Front Service Counter? A, A1- 9. Any commenb yoqlave vyhich would allow us to better serve you nextnine? {A.,,*lLt 2. Was your inilid contact wiffr our sffi immedideX_ slow no one available ? --\- 3. lf you were re.quired to wail hgw long was it before you were trdheoz /' lt"'on^:Lr-- 4. Was yourprojectreviewed on atimely oasi@ru0 lf no, why not? Thank you for taking the tme to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service- _-\ Questlons? Callthe Planning Staff at 479-2L38 (+MnwftlrAPPRovAL ,4i-btu,- GENERAL INFORMAIoN _--ffi.fiia,+ re.rrirind .le4ion review must This application is for any pmject requiring Design Review approval. Any projqc-t requiring design review m receiw Design nariarv approvat prior to submitting tor.a OuiiOild permit' For specific information' see the submittal requirements 1or the partartaialpmvat tnat f requesteO.-neiipficutlol qqhot qe accepted until all the required infonnation is submitterl. The project may abo neeO-toL reiiuilJov ine rown Council and/or the Planning and Envlronmental commission. Deeign Rcvlew Eoard approval GxpirG' on€ year afur final apprcval unlesc " i illaf"s F"rmit lc igsued anJcongtructlon is started' DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PI-IYSICAL ADDRESS: C. - PARCEL#:Eagfe Co. Assessoc Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) D. E. ZCXING: ilrf L Dt' st? A''//:f/* ' Fz.-":9 NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAIUNG ADDRESS: owNEKS)$GMTITRE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: il?l'il"ld'ioiln - $200 construction or 1 3.9w {$19' [k Addition -ffi ;;ffiil;v-;Jomon *n"t"-.l'"tu rootase is added to anv residential or commercial building' & I l=llJEl ltrsl Mrnor Alteratron - $20 in-.iua"i tino' in?."e* P*il l19t*::: :5;ltH:"1:R"T:;::;;ftg' p"-i,ttil-s, *inoow aooitions' landscaping' fences and I a5' refi'oflngt palllullgt wrrruwr i'vu'ev''., rv 2t*a-a^6/a*rl ctf,+24<- retaining walls' etc' ;;;/t;pau at ne time or submittar' l*Igh Y1!19tp.Y19i:*Sf"':tffik.!HT"'ffg51 ] | d5' I tl u\.,rrr r,t ',srrv'lt .il- hpae-a6/A1 2e'r.S'' retainins walls' etc' DRB ftes argb be pan at rne urrrc Ur >uur'rr''q.. **" ilfiiii"&-ti,eiee according to the project valuation. [iJu.LrtutJu*uatibn Cure pmiect' TheTown of Vailvt PTEASE SUBI.IIT THIS APPIICATIOI{, All-!-uPllInAL REQUIRE-I'GNTS AND rHE FEE ro rHE DE'iARril;iriol go!!.u.!frrY DEvELoPMENT' 7s sourH rnon- --inoeo, vArL cotoRADo 81657' F. G. Qtt - 8237\ t A t R E s { -] -t$ iq P _{ -f {- t: L l d \) u-l s T $ t d \t I J t )t $ T '! 0 LtI t \t _! P sttJ \d 0 J o l-(f il ]A' \t_ -t=-- $ + \$ ,-i ti 6s t Y;{,t *i+t*il lt) \ \'..' r ) 1tn \+ \ \= ls\ l*ti T- + r.h i tr\J {'l _$ rr B A 1 .bll 6sl I I ITTI,ITY T,OCATION VERIFICATION .Thi,s fomr is to vcrifi scrvicc availabiliry and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction ' rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry of utilities. whcthcr thcy be main trunk lincs or proposed lincs. must bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc accorrrpanying .sitc plan. Authorizcd Signanrre Date U.S. Wc.st Communications t-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/Joltn Boyd T.Ct.t. 949-s530 Floyd Salaz;rr &rglc Rivcr Watcr & .Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signaturps. Firc florv nccds mrrst bc addrcsscd. NOTES: Ifthc utility vcrification fornt has signatrr", fron, each ofthc utility companics, and no conlnrcnts arc trradc dircctly on thc lbnu, thc Torvn rvill prcsunrc that thcre arc no problcnrs and thc dcvcloprncnt can procccd. If a utility cornpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utilify verification fonn that there is a problcm rvhich nceds to be rcsolved. Thc issuc shouid rhen bc dcailcd in an attached lctter to thc Town of Vaii. How.e,', r;, "l::,se kccp in mind that it is thc rcspon.sibility of thc utiiity company and the appiicant to rcsolvc l,/r wvr -.::-. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contraitor of thc responsibility to obhin a Public Way Pcnnit Aonr thc Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Urility locations must be pbtaigqd before diggine in anypublic riglrt-of-rvay or cascmcntwithin tlic.Town ofVail. A !L $ :' Uldated6/9? l. z. o [J a o o-o E,o- &. J LL o z o L) LU v) (n T J V ql rul (9l zl $l HI 3l ol rl -l _il1 bl F-l \l cnl IJJI JI <l (JI al t (0 o z o z \r o z U)F z = QI zl utl U)l <l (rl zl F-l ol xl r-tJl 7 rr)l NI ." El:l-2 *l:lgl F rlzl4l = 2tEtEl = HlSl;l @l <l 6l sl -l xl -l YI HI ol (,|zl trl lt\ xl +l i xt rl )zl gt g| a EI EXISTING DECK OH UNIT NO 4 'i EXISTING UNIT AND EXISTING DECK / '..': '/;1."ti i t/ ' scale 1,/4"=1'-0" PROPSED DECK OH UNIT NO 6 ADDITION 4.5 SF X 13.25 FRONT ELEVATION DECK AND ENTRY ADDITION UNIT 4 AND 6 scale 1/4"= l'-0" f iii tn tt uu TT] TT S0ALE I /8- I LOr EXSTING ROOF CIII TYP I EX|STTNG DFC|( I X 14 EXTSTING DEC|( lO x 14 E_ITST|NG OECK A X l4 EXISTING D€Ck 1O X ltl EXSNNGD€CK8XI4 '-tta, ri ,l' / 1..--t- at.)"._-\._ "''-fr1)li'-,'t' scALE 1/8". 1.-0' 8-|an4s, l ?6 4b A* f q'1"( Nl 4 4|+r^laas , Departmsnt of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road vait, co_r1657 It 6,Recei$Noz.;/'5A *-Z ?,.-eA 7-1-e Please make checks payable to TOWN OFVAIL Account No.l0am No,Code #Cost Each Tot|l 001 0000 314 1110 4oning and Address Maps ZA $5 00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 $50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - '1997 - Volume 3 $60.65 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $3s.00 001 0000 314'1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 001 0000 3't4 1112 Uniform Fire Code tJEI $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB $42.60 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00- 001 0000 314 1112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees Er $7.00 001 0000 314111',1 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 3t4 11 Lionshead Master Plan (Sl .80/$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/8 e-l nspections PN 001 0000 3112300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/Der hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Insoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Confactors License Fees al 001 0000 3124000 Sign Appllcaton Fee SP $20 00 001 0000 3124000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Deeign Review Board Fee (Pre.paid)DR -9r,.001 0000 315 3000 Building Inveetigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 OevElopsr lmprovemEnt Agr66ment Deposit D2-DEP1 0 AD 001 0000 3121000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4,5% (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable 1Q 4.0% (Townl - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 31 1 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 3112500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV $200 00 001 0000 31"r 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Extenor Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Enerior Aftoration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV s500.00 0u1 0000 31 1 2500 Specia! Development Diskict - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Major Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 c01 0000 3112500 SubdMsion Fees PV 001 0000 311 zsOO Variance PV 001 0000 31 1 Code Amendments PV PV .00 .00 001 0000 319 3100 MS TOTAL: Comments: Carh _ Money Order #Check #Received by: -T -T F:/EveryonCForms/Sale3ec{.ex9 -*kn@) o lorn of VaiI **T CIJSTOIIER RECEIPI ITT DAIE: gissltso-di Rrcetpr: ssti006 DESCRIpTI$I olY Alt()t$ll Tp il! uesiot{-'iiviEl FE I t29.89 rDR cK C[}URT[)IS BUILDIITG OR(IUP 1IHD€R DETAiL ci-- 43e9 f?o.oo iiire: gtoersg lItlE: t4r?5:54 i'tiidi cxrcx - reg'og Attotifit-iEilDen$ ree.oe TIIAIIK Y{tU F(lft Y$'R PAYIIHT! RECEIPT - The Town ofVrll 51599 /l .#Yx', 6; HOIY PAIII-'Cash-(heck w |;LBtz-- th*l l/ Police Rcceipt Nluqbcrs , |,^a d SKAAL HUS GRFA CALCULATIONS .6122198 .) LOT SIZE TOTAL PHASEI PHASEII ALLOWABLE GRFA TOTAL PHASEI PHASEtr E)ilSTING GRFA TOTAL PHASEI PHASE II 22,176.6 sq.fr.. 10236.6 $E. ft. 11,940.0 sq. ft. 13,306.0 sq. ft. 6,141.0 sq. ft 7,1&.0 sq.ft. 13,672.0 sq. ft. i 6,534.0 sq. ft. 7,138.0 sq. ft. Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OX'VAIL ProjectNarne: SkralEouseRe-Roof ProjectNumber: PRnn-0216 Project Descriptioc Replace cxirting roof with cold roof and 40 ycar shingtes. Replace faecir boerd when nacessrrT and peint chimneys and vents on noof to match cxisting building. Owner, Address, and Phone: Joan Morris- President of Associetion l4l W. Mcrdow Dr. #1{ (97OY76-3250 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Phillippe R Courtois/ CBG Inc" P.O. Box 1313 Veil, CO (97O139e23s7 Project Street Address: 141 W. Meadow Dr. #l-6 Legal Description: Lot D-2, Vail Vitlege Sccond Filing Parcel Number: 210107104001 Building Name: Skeel House Comments: comments Board/Staff Action Motion by: motion by Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: seconded by Vote: vote Conditions: Rephcc frscir when nocerstry, paint chimncys lnd vents on noof to match cristing building Town Planner: Juliet Mertin Date: O7l27lOO DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: Skarl Houce ReRoof Doqumentl r..f I Iom of 0ril r*r OFIIH RECEIPT rr{ DRrEr 7/e5/O 0l ECEIFII Ol?088 rEscRIPTilil grY iltrfi lP Ii Hifl-tEUIEt FE I |eC.tt rm O( ffiff|lls nE IWEN ETNIL o( 4a{t iaGn mTt-; tt?5l$ IIE: ll:15:{0- --imC. oru €c.Q MfiTEMENED EO.N nfrl( Ylil Fon Ynn pRYElTl RECEIPT - The To*r ofVril Ian*.-t ADDRESS Ne 5174{ Permit Numbers I I HOW PAID-Cash-Oteck Town of Vail of Gommunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. GO 8't6$f Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Uniform Buildino Code - 'l997 - Volume 1&2 Uniform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 3 International Plumbino Code - 1997 Mechanrcal Code - 1998 Unform Mechanical Code -1996 001 0000 314 1112 lAbatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 1 0000 314 1112 lModel OOt oCes 001 0000 314 1112 lOther Code Books 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 3't4 1111 0000 314 1110 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 11',t2 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 11 001 0000 314 1112 $12.75 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1. Plan Review Recheck Fee ($40/per hou Off Hours lnsDection Fees Contractors License Fees Sisn 4pp!99!9n Fee_ Additional Sign Applicafon Fee Qeglsn Rlygry lgerdf eJ_Irye-Pqid) Building Investigation lgg_ 001 0000 3141'11'l 001 0000 314 111'l 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 311 2300 001 0000 315 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 3124000 001 0000 312 4000 1 0000 311 2200 001 0000 315 3000 001 00002403300 001 0000 312 1000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax PEC APPLICATION FEES Exterior Afteration - Less than 100 sq. ft. Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft. '001 0000 3'10 1100 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 3112500 00't 0000 31 1 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 3112500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3100 F:/Everyon€y'Forms,/Salssac't.exe 06/05/2000 '\'f*' FILI COPY TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 31, 1993 Department of Cornnwtity Developnrcnt Mr. Bruce Chapman Bruce Chapman and Associates 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 498 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Skal House, Phases land ll Dear Bruce: In response to your letter regarding Phases I and ll at the Skal House, I have tried to put together a history of the project. This is somewhat difficult as there have been two planners who have worked on this project who are no longer with the Town of Vail. There are notes in the file from both Betsy Rosolack and Peter Patten addressing the various issues you have questions about. From those records, I have come up with the following: 01/18/88 DRBapplicationsubmitted. 0417188 Structure received DRB approval 0U18188 Letter from Betsy Rosolack to Mr. John Perkins incudes the requirement to "show the two parking spaces and landscaping on the north side of the building. The staff would also like to see these spaces moved to the south and landscaping be shown between these parking spaces and the rear property line." 03/30/88 DRB approval of landscaping. 04119188 Town Council appealed DRB approval of site plan regarding sidewalk. 04122/88 Building permit issued. 01/03/89 Condominiumplatapplicationsubmitted. 01/06/89 Peter Patten notes in file that two spaces should be general common element and one space should be provided on northeast comer. 07113189 Letter from Betsy Rosolack listing items needed for final Certificate of Occupancy. "Black top one parking space on northeast comer. This space may be parallel to or perpendicular to the alley." Mr. Chapman August 3'1, 1993 Page Two 0U27190 Final Certificate of Occupancy issued. 07124191 Betsy Rosolack letter to John Perkins. Only two spaces required on northeast comer. 12102191 Betsy Rosolack letter to Ron Anderson. "Nowhere can we find references to more than two spaces on the northeast corner of the propefi." This research brings us to the issues raised in your letter. I will try to answer the questions in your letter in the sequence you discussed them. First, conceming the provisions that were made for access to the parking spaces, I believe that they are no different now than prior to redevelopment. The site plans for the project show the previous edge of pavement and indicate that parking spaces on the western portion of the site have always been located there. lt does not appear that staff required an easement for this area per our file. Second, conceming GRFA and setbacks, we require that development conform to our zoning standards based on the entire lot. The phase line between two different projects does not require a separate GRFA calculation or another setback. Based on this understanding of the development being on one lot, setbacks and GRFA would not be broken out separately for each phase. We could find no other agreement relating to Phase I owners approval of the project except the Ross Davis letter and the recorded plat with its notation on phasing. Third, conceming your questions about the Town's action creating a separate condominium project rather than a second phase, it appears that the statf at the time thought that the development was creating a second phase, @! a separate entity. There was a note put on the condominium plat which created Phase ll that says that "delineation of Phases I and ll on this condominium map is subject to all Town of Vail regulations ...". This note is not a standard note that is put on plats and it appears that Town staff was trying to emphasize that the two parcels are only different phases of one project. Fourth, conceming parking, the file information is ambiguous as to the number of spaces required. A final certificate of occupancy was issued. lt is unclear as to why the building permit plans indicate three spaces and the file notes indicate two spaces. We also found no reference in the file to the note in the file that you mention that states one of the three spaces would be available to Phase l. Mr. Ghdpman August 31, 1993 Page Three Fifth, concemlng the rear area, staff found that the only discussion of maintenance for thls area is in a letter from Ross Davls dated January 22, 1988. In this letter, as the applicant, he commits the BCT Partnerchip to dedicating this space as a general common element for the use of all owners of Skaal House Phase I and ll. This area is indicated as a general oommon element on the Fhase ll plat. Staff dlrt not'consider any of your questions rhetorical, they all appear to be appropriate efforts to clariff the understanding between Phase I and Phase ll. lf staff can be of any further assistance in facilitating communication between the two groups, please call us at 479-2138. We hope this helps the situation. Sincerely, ,4--4 h'--//*t Andy Knuy'tSen ( Town Planner I DNAFT b4kt ff*'August 26, 1993 Mr. Bruce Ghapman Bruce Chapman and Associates 143 East Meadow Drive. Suite 498 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Skal House, Phases land ll &th'dtd ozl18l88 "Show two parking spaces on north side of building." 03y30/88 DRB approval of landscaping. 04119188 Town Council appealed DRB approval of site plan regarding sidewalk. 0412488 Building permit issued. 01/03/89 Condominiumplatapplicationsubmitted. 01/06/89 Peter Patten notes in file that two spaces snouu oeGdE),0 on" ,p""" should be provided on northeast comer. \---l ^ J,( 07113189 Letter from Betsy Rosolack listing items needed for final Certificate of (J,j _ Occupancy. "Black top one parking space on northeast comer. This space dJf t, may be parallel to or perpendicular to the alley." | .l 'rri(" ostzTtso rin{-c*sueo. "{ -'l'.' ,i,J,', 1 Dear Bruce: In response to your letter regarding Phases I and ll at the Skal House, I have tried to put together a history of the project. This is somewhat difficult as there have been two planners who have worked on this project who are no longer with the Town of Vail. There are notes in the file from both Betsy Rosolack and Peter Patten addressing the various issues you have questions about. From,tlme, I have come up with the following: +Ltsl- rc<ttr'L 01/18/88 DRBapplicationsubmitted. OA17l88 Structure received DRB approval + 07124191 Betsy Rosolack letter to John comer. Mr. Chapman August26, 1993 Page Two Pekins. onty two spaces required * @ 1U02191 Betsy Rosolack letter to Ron Andenson. "Nowhere Gan we find references to more than two spacas on the noftheast comer of the property." fLi -t<.a.2-rtA bowf ) .-{ d" fl", i Ss.u-a /A.42 / ,r, - 1-r.. /,ll I will try to answer he qulstions in your letter in the sequence you discussed tt{em. First, conceming the provisions that were made for ac@ss to the parking spaces, I believe that they are no different now than prior to redevelopment. The site plans for the project show $,:?fJ:":l-:i3'#:1il#Sifi:,119iil3*if#tr;effiWdwW:;T2,"i,*r'*{'? Second, conceming GRFA and setbacks, we require that development conform to our zoning standards based on the entire lot. The phase line between two different projects does not , require a separate GRFA calculation or another setback. Based on this understanding of ltedtu*yoa .ffi ';m'"iirlllf +Y$"llwh'ffi 'ek"ff T7'tw"r*"pitwfi, p,frK,::. Thirr{ r.nnnarvrinn rrnrrr nrraclinnc ahnrrl tha Tnwn'c anfinn nraalinn a canereia nnndnminittm trtnil,1!Third, conceming your questions abo$tlh-qTown's action creating a separate condominium 'Zd,:I#J project rather thin a second phase, ffi that the staff at theiime thought that the ffiffi,""fl. development was creating a second phase, @! a separate entity. There was a note put on l-N^},,* the condominium plat which created Phase ll that says that "delineation of Phases I and ll on tv[' , this condominium map is subject to allJqryqof Vail regulations ...". This note is not a Pl.nn- standard note that is put on ptats anfiLlffi5 that Town staff was trying to emphasize that I U the two parcefs are onfy different pha5es of one project , ,,_-z-ft# Fourth, conceming parking, the file information is ambiguous as to the of spaces required. &r^6 a'' nobi Mr. Ghapman August26, 1903 Page Three Staff did not conslder any of your questions rfietorlcal, they all appear to be approptlate efforts to darify he undenstanding between Phase I and Phase ll. lf staff can be of any furher assistianc€ in facilitating communication between the two groups, please call us at 475-2,,13fJ.. We hope this helps the situation. Sincerely, Andy Knudtsen Town Planner t /nq ata tb? 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX s03-479-2452 Department of Communiry Development March 6, 1995 Rod Hall- company 255 Wyandot Street Denver, CO 80223 Re: Pennit #'s ?038, 7039, 6248, 704]- ' 662Q' 6948, 5951 & 6743 nxPiration F: \Everyone\Chuck\Fi nat s Dear Sir, It has come to our attention that you have. several outstanding fermits that have not received final inspecEions' your permits hawe expired according to section- 303 of the 1994 Urrifoi* plumbing Code. These permits must either be finalized, extended by written request or repermitted' I would appreciate your prompt atLention to this problem and expecL to hear ffom you within 30 days of receipt of ehis letter. Sincerely H{rZ**,>q/r Chuck Feldnann Building Inspector xc: File BRT,'CE D. CHAFf,IAN' B.C. AI{OERSOI{ 'Ab Adrdn d h Flo.ii. Ms. Kristan Pritz Conununity Development Director Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 8t657 CHAPMAN AND ASSOCIATES, P.C. ATTORNEYS ANO @UNSELOFS AT I.AW 143 E.AST MEAOOW DRIVE SUITE 498 VA|L, CoLoFADo 81657 June 25, 1993 REs Skaal Hus Phase II Our FiIe No.: 2224.1 (?' It appears from a review of your file (see Peter Patten letter of June 2t L993, a copy of which is enclosed) that the GRFA which the developerE of Phase II were allowed was based upon the total square footage of the Phase I and II property. Additionally the developers of Phase II \rere allowed to build up to the western property line of the Phase II property. Presurnably this was allowed because the application of the phase II develooers allowed because the application of hase II developers indicated that-Jhace- Il was to-be--an- actua_I --F_eg,o_n-d phase of Skaal .-=-::--a 1- . .-5:.-' -: -- - - --:Hirs rather than a separate project aqd besq4 qpgn- thG=agfggq€Et-of IluiJ IctLIleI LIlaIl a Separaf,e pfO-leCE anO Dasecl UpOn Eng i the owners of Phase i. fr tinefe-'any evidence o-t- ttt" Ftt,- the owribrs of Phase r. rd--there-any evidence of the phase r owners 'a{ieerfrerit other than'the retter written by Ross pavis datedJanuary 22, 1988 which apparently executed the Skaat Hus Association ( "Letter Agreement " ) . What was the reason for the Zoning Administrator approving the ^l Phase II Condominium Map and Condominium Declaration which created ''I' a separate condominium project, rather than a second phase, and which failed to designate the property in the rear of the phase I building as jointty owned property contrary to the Letter Agreement. Rfl?r,ut{ 2 s w, TEI"EPHONE: (a)3) 47cO75 TEECOPIER: CSt) 476S78 E.l.X.8+l'l04.tOO 1,:/tla4 76b#'r- fl.lt,t'',t l 6tv,,. ru *'.1 t, ,. ,t -tll: /n< / ,,. 1 -,..., *' P b /\') "'J .J v' Dear Ms. Pritz, '-, '-';'"i'. This law firm has been retained by Skaal Bus corrao.i?3lori"'Association, fnc., which is the orrners association for Skaal Hus Condoninium Phase I. There are a nunber of issues that appear to be unresolved in regard to the development of Phase If. Your response to the questions set forth below may be helpful in resolving these issues. As a part of the development of Phase II, the dumpster for Phase I and two parkingt spaces were located at the west end of the Phase I property. As depicted on the site plan submitted by the developer of Phase II, the access is through the VaiI Va}ley Medical Center (WI'{C) eastern driveway. We have not been able to locate a recorded easement that allows the use of the WMC driveway. What provisions were made for access before the approval of the Phase II plan? )tr ]," {f!a V//, s/*Lt,.*/o*^4 ' Rof ,|a-r f ,t/ n* t/^,*_a 76.-. Mg. Kristan Pritz June 25, 1993 page 2 .* oo the Town of Vail ordinances or regulations a1low the calculation of Phase II GRFA based on a combination of Phase I and Phase II when in fact they were developed as separate properties. If so, what are those ordinances or regulations. The site plan for Phase II indicated that eleven of the twelve required parking spaces for Phase I would be on Phase I and that three additional parking spaces would be located at the north east corner of the Phase II property. Notes in your file indicate that one of the three parking spaces would be utilized as the twelfth parking apace for Phase I. When the Zoning Adrninistrator approved the Phase II Condoninium Map which provided that Phase II was a separate condominium project and did not provide for access by Phase I owners to the parking spaces on Phase II, what provision had been made to ensure that sufficient parking was provided so that Phase I had the required 12 parking spacee which it had prior to the development of Phase fI. I hope you don't coneider the above questions a rhetorical . They are not. Rather they are an attempt to learn what provisions were made that ensure that the Phase I owners have ingress and egress to the parking and dumpster on the western end of Phase f,that Phase I continues to have the miniurum number of parking spaces and that the Phaee I owners have the right to use the area behind Phase I. We are not aware of any recorded docurnents that would ensure these rights. We hope that you are able to enlighten us. I will caII next week to set up an appointment so that we can review this matter. \/.'-=- Pfnan hl-1 c : \wp50\wps0dir\letters . bdc\skaalhus . ltr 06 /25 /e3.3 July 6, 1993 Bruce Chapman Bruce Chapman & Associates 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 498 VailCO 81657 RE: Skaal Haus Phases I and ll 1/6/88 \ "Delineation of Phases land ll on this condominium map is subject to all applicable Town of Vail regulations relating to any proposed improvements thereon". Town of Vail approved a condominium map for Skaal Haus Apartments, Phase ll. Please note that within the certificate of dedication and ownership, the plat stiates that: "that part of the Skaal Haus Apartments, he condominlum map of which is recorded under Reception No. 98830 and amendment there to ,L** ,vW March22., 19&f....'. , pn/a s/e.c4 d1 f+- Alq' aJ- nn/;'ak{ . d One of the questions you ask adninistrator approving the Phase ll Condominium Map and Condominium created a separate condominium prqed, rather than a second phase, and which failed to designab the property in the rear of lhase I building as jointly owned property confary to the letter agreement' As I understand ruflprthn, I coul4 53 restated as: why did the Town CIM AFT N! ,kFrJt"' /*ro " A"h Dear Bruce: Thank you for your letter of June 25, 1993. There ars many questions in it and I will do my best to anslirrer them. First let me review the history of the project: 10t11t6/First map r;k;.ral Haus apartments recorded. At this time the entirs area (Phases ind future Phase ll) are shown on the map as one paroel. 3P-1183 First a rced condominium map of Skaal Haus approved by the Town. With this map, the entire parcel is broken down into two phases, Phase I and Phase ll. A note was added to the plat immediately below Peter Patten's signature that states: Bruce Chapman July 6, 1993 Pa4e2 approve the Condominium Map which created a separate project rather than a second phase? I would like to refer you back lo the note placed on he plat which created a Phase I and Phase ll. This note says that: 'a delineation of Phases I and ll on this condominium map is subject to all applicable Town of Vail regulations....'. Ctlall UttlE YC,s Ula[ lllls P(,llll lD I Ctttl llvl t,liu lJy UIli l(ll lgudgl' lll lllE \rE l llllr,,<ltC' lJl lJli\llt Clllvl I Al lLa ,r\ /A..X / Ornership listed on the third plat recorded for this development. Within that language, the P-'N\W condominium map for Phase ll is referenced as: '|1U-JW u'O410" 'that part of the Skaal Haus Apartmenb, the condominium map of which is j:fl"* , recorded under Reception No. 98830 an amendment there to recorded on L;AL>qp!8 March22,1983....'. - f:U,lt?.)tfe' Staff believes that this language on the plat references Phase ll back to the original Ulf^lp devefopment, created in 1964. Another point is hat on the second and third plat, Phase ll is Ywf . Hentified as Phase ll. Based on this information that has been put on the plats, staff believes that the project should be viewed as one entity. As a result, staff believes that the development standards are based on the entire lot. fr t+,e--yg.l fer ^rovisions te4lorg€€€€€+te the tr@isqre. From the Town's perspective, he project is seen as a slngle development and the Town assumes that individual tenants within the single development have the dght to walk to the trash dumpster. Similarly, ths Town would allow the building to bo lo€ted drFy on ths site as long as it was not located ln the setbacks on the perimeter of he development. ln staffs opinion the perimeier would be the exterior boundaries of all phases. Thus, Phase ll could be located i a *g4fto next to the Phase I building. YVi views gfoss-residential flooranalGFlFA). Totat GRFA is based on total projecrt area and is allocated on a first come lirst serve basis to structures within the development. Finally, parklns must be provided on-site, but staff assumes that residenb of the development p#t 7 ha0te the rlght to wdk through the development from a dwelling unit to a parking space. lffi that the Town stiaff -SebhJfrh.ir.."" to make it ctear on the ptat that,the two, parcels are only different phases ot one proleq?:;"';);",tW;;:'&WXffi't"'W;7pM Staff belleves that this point is reenforced by the language in the Certificate of Dedication and 'i,{'lIJ t lt. Chaptnan &dy 8, 19Sl PqeS I hope thso sxdandions can assist you in your work wih the two different phasc. that any differencee of opinlon can be wofted out. lf we can be of further efiod, please let w know. Sincerely. Andy Knudtsen Town Planner We hopQ t?#D[-. 0pa j VMoe \ 5, u[rlo]i' crf* f f&'t brV"6 Nm *)nr,nL \"\Of!-Wd wd' h,, mowA s{^CI, fror{ ll r \J j,^-pk t-b'ts4 ' 4nru PP tn'-- 4 \ or k 6"'{E J^'* , rl ' tJf" 7f" ,z {' t f"' ,f" /P'- "rt"- go , ,,h_ w '/' ''n'1'b ''1/ t' / '8'" ,d ,, v ,f -.A,r ltj"* YT{ DnAptr August 11, 1993 Mr. Bruce Ghapman Bruce Chapman and Associates 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 498 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Skal House, Phases I and ll Dear Bruce: ln response to your letter regarding Phases I and ll at the Skal House, I have tried to put together a history of the project. This is somewhat difficult as there have been two planners who have worked on this project who are no longer with the Town of Vail. There are notes in the file from both Betsy Rosolack and Peter Paften addressing the various issues you have questions about. From there, I have come up with the following: 01/'18/88 DRBapplicationsubmitted. 0a$t88 0U04188 Staff asks for easements on both the east and west sides of property in a letter 02J17188 Structure received DRB approval 0211818E "Show two parking spaces on north side of building." 03/30/88 DRBapprovaloflandscaping. 04119188 Town Council appealed DRB approvalof site plan regarding sidewalk. 0412488 Building permit issued. 01/03/89 Condominiumplatapplicationsubmitted. 01/06/89 Peter Patten notes in file that two spaces should be GCE and one space should be provided on northeast comer. Mr. Chapman August 12, 1993 Page Two 07l13l8g^ Letter from Eletsy Rosolack listing items needed for final Ceftificate of Occupancy. "Black top one parking space on northeast comer. This space may be parallel to or perpendicular to the alley." 08127190 Final CO issued. 07124191 Betsy Rosolack letter to John Perkins. Only two spaces required on NEC comer. 1A02191 Betsy Rosolack letter to Ron Anderson. "Nowhere can we find references to more than two spaces on the northeast comer of the property." Conceming the parking space layout, there were twenty spaces required by the approval. The building permit site plan shows twenty spaces. Six are on the inside, three are on the northeast oomer, eleven are along he front of the property line, and two are along the west side. O the spaces shown on the plan, nineteen have been constructed. One on the northeast comer was not constructed. The only discussion of maintenance for the back area is a letter from Ross Davis dated January 22,1988 committing the BGT Partnership to dedicate the space in back of the building as a general common element for the use of all owners of the Skal House Phase I and Phase ll developmenB. This is certainly the understanding that the Town of Vail had as the development moved through the review process. The concept of making the two different phases actual "phases" of the same development is a point that has been emphasized several times by the staff. Below, the record that is established on the condominium maps also verifies this. lu1ll* First map of Skaal Haus apadments recorded. At this time the entire area (Phases I and future Phase ll) are shown on the map as one parcel. 3121183 First amended condominium map of Skaal Haus approved by the Town. Wth this map, the entire parcel is broken down into two phases, Phase I and Phase ll. A note was added to the plat immediately below Peter Patten's signature that states: "Delineation of Phases I and ll on this condominium map is subject to all applicable Town of Vail regulations relating to any proposed improvements thereon". Mr. Chapman August 12, 1993 Page Three 1rc18fq Town of Vail approved a condominium map for Skaal Haus Apartments, Phase ll. Please note that within the certificate of dedication and ownership, the plat states that: "that part of the Skaal Haus Apartments, the condominium map of which is recorded under Reception No. 98830 and amendment there to recorded March 22, 1983....". Please note that two parking spaces on the NEC are indicated GCE. I would like to refer you back to the note placed on the plat which created a Phase I and Phase ll. This note says that: "a delineation of Phases I and ll on this condominium map is subject to all applicable Town of Vail regulations....". I believe that the Town staff went out of their way to make it clear on the plat that the two parcels are only different phases of one project. Staff believes that this point is reenforced by the language in the Certificate of Dedication and Ownership listed on the third plat recorded for this development. Within that language, the condominium map for Phase ll is referenced as: "that part of the Skaal Haus Apartments, the condominium map of which is recorded under Reception No. 98830 an amendment there to recorded on March 22,1983....". Staff believes that this language on the plat references Phase ll back to the original development, created in 19&1. Another point is that on the second and third plat, Phase ll is identified as Phase ll. Based on this information that has been put on the plats, staff believes that the poect should be viewed as one entity. As a result, staff believes that the development standards are based on the entire lot. Conceming GRFA and setbacks, we require fiat development conform to our zoning standards based on the entire lot. A phase line between two different projects doqs not require a separate GRFA calculation or another setback. Staff believes that the history outlined above contains staff's initial undestanding that the p@ect should be reviewed as one project. Based on this understanding of the condominium maps, setbacks and GRFA would not be broken out separately for each phase. Kdstan: .i Should ws try to enforce he building pemlt forthe addl$ond spaces? We hare issued a GO alrcady so I am not surc how effecdve yue would be therc. Also, sren wlth another spaoe, Phase I would have the right to uge it. but on our our WaF ffi small. and b( rdid N them vto( Prh /t fi--4 Ln f t-c--tt/'*- "11 /ltttj 4 tt- +r*f4eLa,/r'b-4 P,\ fi U--E-=--L.1.--9.F. l,lED 9!:=r+F.61 cxAPilaN axD rS8OCf,A8G8, .P.C,. llrK)RilEYS IND COItt{gBIlonS tT lrAlf r43 Billtl ltElD(tr D8I\|B' SurrB rl98 VAIL, COIOBADO 81657 M). r 303-{75-0075 FACSIilIIE: 303-476-0078 SOt FAX lEta. !!rttB ut'ltBERl SEIIT:TIT|B 8TlFTT FAX lBtft M'H8EEt TI}IE SBt{![t 303-{? DAIIB: PAGBS: t{Bg$AOBr A8 SER.OUN rET,EPHONE CONVIRSAITON UY LE,|rIER EIS ngSPOilSB EqLI|OWS. TEE nErBREt{CE TO rgE T'OWlt PARtrGRAF! d OT TEg RESPONSE FROT.i .RO58; TO OF IIR DAVIS AI{D VAIL IS IN rt******#i***i************tr*r**t*********r*****t********************* TBE ,fl|B0Hl{A1ItrOll @NTAINED IN TEIS TACSIUII,E I{ESSAGE IS II|TENDBD oNLY FOR'lllEt'USB OS [qE INDMDUAL' !IA![ED ABOVE, AIID gnE PRIVIIJBGBS ARE NOt IIAIYtD:8Y VIBFITE OF TEIS IAVING BEEN SENI VI* PACSIIIIIITE. I8 tHE PER$OII }CTUbXJtY NBCEIVING TEIS FACSIITII,B OR AI{T TEER READER OF TTIE Ig IIOI TEE NAI.IED RECIPIBIIT, ON TE8 SMPI.,OTBE OR EGBNf, B TO DEfrI\rER IT tO lmE NN'IED RECIPIENf ' lAl{Y UgE, IOII, DISTRIBUIION OR COPTI}TG OT TSIS COIIIIUTTCATION IS , DTSTRIBUTION OR COPTI}IG OT TSIS COIIITUTTCATION IS PROEIBITED. IF XOU SAVE RECBIVBD TEIS COII{MT'NICATION TN PIBASE IIOIBDIATEIJI NolIIFy Ug BY TEIJEPEOUE AtlD RErItRil tFE IIEESTSE 1T US AT TEE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA !IAII.. IEA}IX YOU. \,./ AtJG-1r-99 t"tED I :56 P. g2 . CHAPITIAN AND A-SSOCIAIES, P.C. {tr6rEr| fl o oou-afr ! lr uH, flSErgtit5rDotf DHlf, &rrEae8 vrL@a.oir6tt857 JuIy lil, 1993 .t €lF,q3sg.ors,l ttttmPE*tllOdldtr al"lt aatroa.o nol8 Davisl ilr., Esg. P.O. gox t90 .YaLlr:Cotorado 81658 D€ar l{r. Davl.r: R.es Slaal Eus Pbase I and PhaE€ ff our rile No. ?224.1 ' As we bave discugsed on the telepbone, I represent ths Skaal Bue Condoinl,nluln legocLation. A nunber of, Lceubs r€main unreeolved between the two sondqriniun proJects as a result of, PhEge II being developed ac a s€Inrete condomlniun rather thaa aa a phase of Skaal gua (heretuafter refered to as "Phase I") these issues Include, but ray not be ltslted to, the follotd.ngl 1, The apgnrent eaeroashrrcnt of the roof of Phase II oato the Phase I progegty; 2. The apparent encroacbm€nt of the retainLng vall located at the Cestern ehd of Pbase If onto the Ptace I prbperty; 3. The us€ by Phaee I of water for landecap€ purpoaee that is not reperately metered and shLab ls apgarently b-ing charged to the orrncrr of, Pbere fll l! The fact that af,ter tbc landacapiing of, Phaae I in conjunotlon rtth thc developmnt of Phace tt; tbere only 11 parkiug sgaces locatad on Phage f rathcr than thc 12 requlred by the form oi Vail codo; 5. lhe fact that one of the 11 parking Phaee I Ls partially located on Phase I ad p trnrtially on spaces being utillzed by tiallv on Phare II. 6. llho fact that notwltbrtanillng tbc terns of your letter of 'J-anualr1r 22, 1988, tbe property behtnd tb€ Phase I bu-lldlng $as not dedtcited as l comon eleneat for tbe use of alx- ormers of ibaEe r and PhTBe II. 7. The fact that notwltbgtandlng the nattarg set forth Ln lnragraph 6, the property nentioned in piragraph 6 behind tbe phaEe I buildlng ie currently being naiatained at the expense of the phaee f onrrlerd as a lrteaautlon againet fnre during the bumer nonthe. 8. ![he fact that notwLthstandLng the termg of your letter of, P. €3 Januarlr 22, 1988, tbe document wording La the documente creat.Lng Phaee II was naver decided upon by agreement by the Phase I ownerg and ECf Partnerebip. In fact docurentg yer€ never eveu preeented to the Phaee Partnerebip. In fact I o'rinsrs pdor to the I o'tinSrs rr to then belng finalized. f thtnk that it Ls Ln ev€LTfoners best lnterest to resolve these Lesuei anlcably rl,thout the necesglty of resortlng to lltigatlon. l{y slients have Lndicated thet tbat j-s thelr degire. I would piopoee that wG maet along with the Breeldents of the respective Assoclatl-ons. If thay cas't be preeent l-n p€rson tben ue caE hava them Joln tn brfr telephonc. lhe president of the Skaal Bus Cond@lniurn Associatl-on will be Ln Vail through thls Thursday. If at all poe:lble Lt would ba helpful to neat thl-s week before he -leaveg. PleaeE call ne aa Boon rs go*clble ag to ryhether lt rill be poaeibLe to reet ttrie lreek. cct !lr. Poter lloEnnally 3001rL,3224A August, 3' .1 1993 noss DAvIs, Jf,. artdr t{DY {t LAw VAIL NATI{''{AL 8AN K SUILDING IOE SOUTH FRONTAOE RD. W. SUTTE307 Posr oFFlcE BOX lt0 YArL. COLORADO t l6tt 303-476-24 la FAX 303-'t?9-0467 Brugc D. cbaltBan CbaSnan andl ABsoclateE, P.c' ll3-East lteadow Drlve sulta dgs Vall, Clo 81657 R!! Skea1 ltuB Phass I and Phase II tour Flle ro. 2224.1 :":r"rffi" * r,o,rt letter of Julv 12, 1ee3 prease be advised that nv ;';;:#;ti; di skair Phase II td date has been llnlte{ to preparatLon ifiil;-;i-mii"fu ttetfngs and apBroval of budgets. I have never been a!il;;l";a to'i""ofne anf of the-igsues ln your letter of July 12, 1993 "n trrorr belral.f. Aleo a-s you aae aYqre' ncither Ray Bfe.nner oFny,of the ottnr partners of Bcl! Partnerelrip_ hqv? any renainlng or ongorng lnteiest tii ttre 8taal 8us Phasc II condonlnlums' env questLone regarding landscaplng and other^ uatters Bhould be odireEr"a-[" eur"i-a xniglrt, the property Danager for t!e- project. The iinaccapfns of Pbiee ri iicluatng tfre I'oeatlon of parklng.sDaceE w-as aJ"i unb"r-tlie dlrectlon and controt of the Plrase I Assoclatlon' No ;;;;.;; tf"ip rra"" been altered and lf Phase I has l-ess than requlred i"iitigttt-|gttr. reEult of, Lte.previous eale of Portlone of lts Eeneral i11111q;- clernentg to John Earrllton, predecessor ln intereet to Bg1f Partnert. The agrreenenps you refer to ln the letter of JinPary 2?, 1?88 conternifataa firaf the f,iting of- a sup-plenental condonl-nl-un declaration ina-"ii-ftcorporatlng Phaccif tnto ftie Phase I oondonlniun aesoclatLon utth f rceuliing unificatl-on of, all colnon elenents' i The Sown of ValI Ln connectlon wlth the approval of tlre declaratlon and uap nfXea thc ldea of conblntng the assoclatLons and-t€guettcd that phiec fI be ,conEldered a sepaiate dlstlnct sondonlniun aacqcl'atlon i6ci[eA on the real property wblch le aubJect to tbe condonlniur aioiaratton. , For thaC releon no aupplenental condonlnlun declaration vag ipprov€il and circulatecl f,or slgfnature by :any mernbere of Ptrase I Aeroolatl.on and their L€nder3. ,U A,|Jti- 11-93 l"lE It tg !El 2 .t. : Erucg D. Chalnan Chapnan anA Agsoclates, P.C,. Augurt 3, 1993 FaE 2 Riy Brcnncr t:.rry fllnn ' By copy of thfs letter I have fonrurded your letter of $31y 12, Rey,.Bre.nner arrd to Larry 8l1nn, presldcnt of the Aeeocl,ation. P- Ct!' 1993 to eel frec to eontact ny offlqe. U/ rl o z E =E Iu e o 1\q, u, UJ lJ- ==u, UJ L w eb/-"Z/s 1 r-= 86 * +dY , a"A N o\ c'1 o\ o.I A z z E FJ v - r,1 PE E<OFI 9A =.,\2 [J lo UJ F o F E F I ==o z ah ul F z z 6 4 6 .! o z H 14 t4 U' z H H (J 14 F 14 14 an TL J UJ o =I o rt @ r.r]\o @ (f)r\ X o. H o<A> FT A z H q) g .9 o (,E l;o E o (, c .9 .9 I'.ct + 1t c (E o)c c o N -o '{a) o ol E o o a! E () (t .o I -o o lt c o 6 ,d o 6 o E c (! o 0)o c (! .g E o F 6 = E o o o o CL o c .9 (! tr o .g o E = ' o. E o C) o o E ol 6 .tt E6 '=E p8 F.2 .= 1J =o x6 EO cL '- ah OG €o =fi E>c9 '- o. =C oo 'E O6 @E 5O cc gE E: o-o ,i6 -- -c E9 -6 E;oo LC Oo ie -c6 -a 60 ar G)(Jrd 8:EE OG c- 6E .E!>g -oo 90. OE r-o -o EE\' s;, d E3 S NO t 'N oo PF ET oo !io EorH E€ E :d:i .,'c =.3€ Er =c < = - t^l ;E ..SE PI:1'o. t.c6 al. ;sEl. rn 4 t\c'l ({ & E = IJJ o- z x c) UJ z c C) c U u, z ao =J sl z c)qJ E ut uJ |r.2 E ul C)lu o =g UJ z 6 uJ tr o o o- uJ z uJ J x F ut o (n IJJ [!II L =G,t!c -t t-o F ('z 6 to o E uJ J UJ o z ao E E J ()z E c) uJ - NOrlVn'lVA E x z F ah .A Ff z ah H ;E o =ZZtr-o oo tr ^ 62 I5 >9 = o 6i .toG.6b fr i= 6 oq i H6 F -R 2 '. Y uJ r-i (\l (' AI =>E le lfrl lz t4 t3 IE l* z 9 F J { CE o UJ F\ lrl E z E <.3 z E E lrl 3 IJJ z tl tl tl tl ll =z z 9q, <o o< =E xr!6ci <z o F 2. 9= nr- O 3E l tJ I F tot tol tdl !J f E uJ z Y I I F lrJ IL 2 I J l o z I z z lt = =F llJ o o = o o -l JI <l trl =l zl .. >l UJ ul UJ z = IJJ o- z E o z tr at, [I=- l;.; I & O a-, N tr-J 8n *o hcf u)z AI N o\o\ F\ <! trl uJ F a ul F a,o o ?z o F o- lrJ Y uJ o o F E tr lrj o- t!o o-o o uJ F o z & M & E .$ trt L-l z (99 ze oo =z JO (L l!n! <-fi =f;=A;E ffirr E = F !L Eg E<Clf €fr B9 !L EE E HE ! 3t E oo 9 ltrt E :O-E HE sj t- F ts =E, ltJ a-z I F c)f E F, z o o I I I I J e sl <l >l t!l ol fl I I cil IJJI cl -ll <l >l bl flE rn I 0\\'g\ i o- z o = H (, t-l z v tsl t{(a .A IJJ z @ N ln I \o i o- Fl H F i \o \o r,l X € A tt an IIJ o o I IA z H v rrl F{ z FJ t e tr \o |n \c'rn I rn \?o el dl rl <l >l 3| H .A a C) &FI tr{ trr 14 r( rJ) I g t! o z d ut G J lt o z t F (J z J lt- c) ,l M ul ui =z co o -t F uJ +E F o2 G, -rO <F E()uJ<ZE tJJ F arz o o 2? =3 ]F d6 o o 2 J |lJ 6 = G o G o x E =5 6b p a =E E! U sg g -(r|c) iJ e 15 .^c u.t o 60P {5 .o oc GO o. ><<o EUt F3 O)\,c .=c itt u! tt .E (D o+t 'rt o €r-9g o Ec,o 9- O- L(,o}+,+ro 4J t/,o JAT F .'.. =e. J!o- _(5 =J \Jr -ci e ,\-.- e \0,8 ]h- E ll ',,- f,,Lt cD z,o=;s od Fl!G IIJ UI E- trt F !o ..rP 6tE FE oq r-L € 9$r F H$I tiJ gur e= z ,r9 =1 oo =z 5: o,- R trtrtr J "dq =83 =HE ilr G=<E stG =b Esu E=3 9n-fr EHP 'FG = trt =5frS I=iF E=i H Err;< O- Esi r r{; = lll TP I .I B -=a F =E lrl g z o l-(J =G F a 1 (J (J xx antr {. 'l Plan Revier Based on tbe 1992 Usiforo Codes NAME:SKAAL HUS DATE:04/29/92 ADDRESS:141 W. GORE CR. DR. CONTRACTOR:GSCC VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:RI ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINER: CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe itens lieted bel.or are not intended to be a conplete listing of all possibls code requirenentg in tbe adopted cod€a. It is a guide to geJ.ected s€cti.ons of tbe codes. lhe fol-Ioving ig aot to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visione of tbe adopted codeg or any ordinance of tbe Torn of Vail . ].) SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS PER sEc. 1_21-0 uBc. 2I FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK BEGINS. 3) FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. APPROVE D TOWN OF VAIL s,rs -y.*+ce-.-.-.:.---:--.: qL*l a qpprovad 0enrsd data. " t&rg" Vatidity of Permit Sec. 303 (c) 19 U.B.C. lha issuance or grantinr'; cl a petmit or aMoval 0l pfans and i',*';ilirrticns shall not be consirucC t0 be a permit f0r, or an ' i.-.-r'i:viir ot, any v;olation oi any of the provislons 0f thF codg s;' .-r any othrr ordinancc 0t the iurisdicalion. ,Ths l$uanco 0l -:- 1:s: mit based upon plans. specilications and other data shall fr), prevont thc building ofticial trom thareaftor requiring the - 6rieclion d rnors in said phns, spccillcations and othc' 4k, Lrr o fltt tr tr cl lown ol Vrll Commuolt1 l)€{dopmant tuWl Hdl nI/ l-/Wtr Phn B tr ---lE; EW, ,r-t t- j.+ -r. * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES rN#cnoN REeuESr' TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI /3r' or_@ TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr o r-l tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING ,r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n d t'*o,-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E E ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL.tr FINAL I ffieeaovto tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR nffis'oe s^"*\o$s'ROSS DAVIS, JR. A'tTORNEY AT I,AW VAIL NATIONAL BAN K BUILDING I08 SOU'IH FRONTACE RD. W. SUITE 307 POST OFFICE BOX I90 VAIL. COLORADO 8I658 303-47 6-24 | 4 FAX 303-479-0467 February 4, L992 Town of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 8L657 , Attn: Betsy Rosolack RE: Skaal Hus Phase II, Vail, Colorado Dear Betsy: At the request of Mr. Lawrence Flinn, Jr., President of the Association, I am responding your letter of January 28, L992. The third surface parking space for the Skaal Hus Phase II is located in front of the building on Skaal Hus Phase II property and the confusion may arise as it is not separated from or independently delineated from the parking lot of the original Skaal Hus. The property line between the two Associations runs on a straight line between the two buildings to the road and if you rsere to inspect the site you will see that we have constructed one full parking space if not one and a half parking spaces available in the front of the building. My recollection is that this space lras moved to the front of the building during construction in order to enable more extensive landscaping in north east corner of the tot. I free to contact rny office.If you have an Larry Flinn 75 south trontage road vaal, colorado 81657 (3(xr) 479-21oo January 28, L992 Mr. Laurence Flinn, Jr. One Lafayette Place Greenwich, Connecticutt 06830 Re: Skall Hus, VaiI Dear Mr. Flinn: It has come to our attention that the Skall Hus Phase II is lacking one parking space. The approved building plans show three surface spaces on the northeast corner of the property. There are two existing spaces in this area in addition to the 6 spaces in the underground garage. We would like to see this issue addressed as soon as possible. Please contact me at 479-2138 Lo determi.ne how you wish to handfe this situation. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ffi,.F:"t^-/Planning Technician cc: Ross Davis Larry Eskwith 75 soulh trontage to.d vall. color.do 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 47$2139 olfice of community developmenl December 18, 1991 Mr. Ron Anderson 727 Pennsylvania Avenue Holton, Kansas 66436 Re: Skall Hus Parkinq Dear Ron: Thank you for your letter of November 19, 1991. I am sorry to hear of your accident. I hope that you are feeling bett.er. In looking through our fiLes, it appears that phase f and phase II were treated as one lot with regard to zoning. This approach allowed for Phase II to be constructed with no setback on the west property 1ine. The overall parking is lacking one space.not aflocate parking spaces to each phase spaces is up to the owners, The Town of Vail- did The aLlocation of I hope that this will clarify the Town's thinking and action at the time of the Ska1l Hus development. Please calt me if you have any questions, and I will be happy to help you. S incerely, 1 -.jt- L j \ Betsy Rosol-ack Plannlng Technician cc: Larry Eskwith 180NOV2blsst RON ANDERSON CONTRACTING 727 PENNSYLVANIA AVE HOLTON, KANSAS 66436 November 19, 1991 Betsy Rosolack - Communitv Develooment Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Skaal Hus Dear Betsv, r appreciated your call to let me know we havenrt been forgotten.Sorry f'm somewhat late responding with my comments, but I had a 1itt1e accident that prevented rnuch activity for a while. At any rate, here are some of my comments about the situation that I hope will be useful: " In order for the citlr to grant approval for phase fI of the Skaal Hus condominium develooment, it was necessary that the project be treated as a continuation of the original project or Skaal Hus Phase I. OnIv this approach would allow maximum buildout on the remaining property. Therefore, parki-ng reguirements necessary to meet codes were applied to the entire Skaal Hus property as one common element.. with Skaal Hus f being allocated 12 spaces as required and Skaal Hus fI being allocated B spaces as reguired: a total of 20 parking spaces for the 9 condominium units. An on-site inspection of the Skaal Hus project has revealed that only 13 of the 14 required surface parking spaces have been constructed. This iJ not in compliince wittr- the aporo-ved site plan. We intend to address ihis onersiqht or ,rio-lation in the near future. The site plan was plottedand arranged in a manner that would al1ow approval for construction of phase II and was agreed to by aI1 parties involved. This layout included shifting three spaces to. the rear of the property. This was done in order to a1low an acceptable parking and landscape scheme along the front of the property. The citv doesnrt normalllz become involved in the assignment of individual oarking spaces, but we do become very much involved in parking requirements and compliance with codes.fn this context, Skaal Hus phase I nust have access to a total of 12 parking spaces. and Skaal Hus Phase II must have access to a total of 8 parking spaces. This is our requirement as evidenced by the approved site p1an. Actual assignment of these spaces is generally left to you, the owners. (913)3(,4-3355 t :, "|rlE!E'|!ift ,ff8,1 *r'l,&'1.fl i I Page 2 - continued r hope this will- help clarify the cityas thinking,.and actions at the time of Skaal Eus II construction.R Betsy, these suggestions and hopefully your own absolute and factual cormnentt-could resolve lhis matter trithout further efforts. once again, Itm sorry to bother you and Kristan with this, but as you know, all docirments refering to this matter areii:gllg- from your fil-es. Making it impossible to reconstruct the events without your help. Anderson __,._" el( ..-n A.", / A C-o?t- /z-e-- / //u A f t /l I lt /^lo o t,'-1 {-f B-- O.y l Ro"*,, A"oe*so" Ror,r Axotnsor,r CoHrnecrrlrc 7n P.nn. Ava. Holron, XS 66til6 9r3.3et.3355 , I r r:" I t7 f i yaf3tfJt c,L( h iL"'""' (L4'Le'26'1 ?ts-7(y_ 3s{J' cil .-+-. r ,' , / 6 t f,\ )1 s 1Vaco, "i f, ir t --( u I r: i,l ;" Cr a e-i,7u "i, J' i] Ftr'O JE0NoV 2bregr 727 PENNSYLVANIA AVE HOLTON. KANSAS 66436 RON ANDERSON CONTRACTING November 19, 1991 Bets]r Rosolack - Communitv Develocment Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Skaal Hus Dear Betsv, f appreciated your call to let me know we havenrt been forgotten.Sorry I'm somewhat late responding with my comments, but I had a litt1e accident that prevented much activity for a while. At any rate, here are some of my comments about the situation that I hope will be useful: " In order for the citlz to grant approval for Phase II of the Skaal Hus condominium deveJ.opment, it was necessary that the project be lreated as a continuation of the original project or Skaal Hus Phase I. On11z this approach would allow maximum buildout on the remaining property. Therefore, parking reguirements necessarlz to meet codes were applied to the entire Skaal Hus propertlz as one conrmon element.. with Skaal Hus f being all-ocated 12 spaces as required and Skaa1 Hus fI being allocated 8 spaces as reouiredr a total of 20 parking spaces for the 9 condominium units. An on-site inspection of the Skaal Hus project has revealed that only 13 of the 14 reouj-red surface parking spaces have been constructed. This is not in compliance with the appro-ved site plan. We intend to address this oversight or vio-lation in the near future. The site plan was plottedand arranged in a manner that would allow approval for construction of Phase II and rvas agreed to by all parties involved. This layout included shifting three spaces to the rear of the property. This was done in order to aLl-ow an acceptable parking and landscape scheme along the front of the propertlz. The city doesn't normally become involved in the assignment of individual parking spaces, but we do become very much involved in parking requirements and compliance with codes.In this context, Skaal Hus Phase I must have access to a total of L2 parking spaces, and Skaal Hus Phase II must have access to a total of 8 oarking spaces. This is our requirement as evidenced by the approved site plan. Actual assl-gnment of these spaces is generally left to lzou. the owners. (913)3(,4-3355 Page 2 - continued I hope this will heJ-p clarify the cityas thinking and actions at the time of Skaal IIus II construction." Betsy, these suggestions and hopefully your orrn absolute and factual comments could reEoLve this mitter without further efforts.Once again, ftm sorry to bother you and Kristan with this, but as you know' all documents refering to this matter are missinq fromyourfi1es.Makingitirnpossib]-etoreconstructtffis without your help. Anderson f' CONDOUTNTI'}! DECI.ARATION FOR SKAAL HUS APARTMENTS PHASE IT I RECITALS BCT Partnership, a Colorado ceneral Partnership (rrDeclarantr), is the owner of the real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described in Exhtbit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Declarant desires to establish a condoninium project under the condoniniun ownership Act of cororado (r'the Act") and to define the character, duration, rights, obligations and Iinitations of condorninium ownership. Declarant has executed plans for the construction of one building on the property described in Exhibit A,which building.when completed shall consist of separatery designated condoniniun units. A condominiun rnap will be fired -showing the location of said building on the property, which is hereby rnade subject to this Declaration. Decrarant does hereby estabrish a plan for the ownership of real property estates in fee simple consisting of the air space contained in each of the apartrnent units in the building and the co-ownership,by the individual and separate or/ners thereof, as tenants in cornnon,of all of the rernaining real property. II DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easenents, restrictions, uses,reservations, limitations and obligations shatl be deemed to run with the ).and, sharr be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, its successors and assigns and any person aeguiring or owning an interest in the real property which is or becomes subject to this Declaration and inprovernents built thereon, their grantees, successors, heirs,executors, adninistrators. devisees or assigns. v rc771 l 1. Definitions. expressly provided:As used in this Declaration, unless otherwise (a) rApartment unitrr means an individual air space unit contained within the perineter walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in a building constructed on real property which is subject to the provisions of this Declaration, and as shown and described in a condouiniun nap recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, together with (i) alt fixtures and improvements therein; (ii) the inner decorated or finistred surfaces of such unit's perirneter walls, floors and ceilings; (iii) the doors and windows of the unit; and (iv) the interior nonsupporting walls within the unit. The term does not include, however, the undecorated or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors or ceilings of a unlt, any utilitLes running through the unit which serve more than one unit, or any other general connon elenent or part thereof located within the unit. (b) rrCondominiun Unitrr rneans an apartnent unit together with the undivided interest in the general conmon elenents appurienant thereto and the right to exclusive or non-exclusive use of linrited common elements associated therewith. (c) rrOwnern means any individual, corporation, partnership,associationr.trust or other legal entity, or combination of legll entities, which is the record owner of an undivided fee sirnpte interest in one or more condoniniun units. (d) trceneral conmon elementsfl means (i) the land Lncluded in the real property which at any tiure is subject to this Condoniniun Declarationi (ii) the foundations, colunns, girders, beams, supports,perineter and supporting walls, roofs, balconies, halls, coriidors,lobbies, stairs, stairways, fire escapes, entrances and exists of the building; (iii) the basenent, yards, gardens, automobile parking areas and storage spacest (iv) the installations, equipnent and materials making up the central serrrices such as power, light, gas, hot and cold water, heating, refrigeration and air conditLoning and incinerating;(v) .the tanks, punps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts and in general aII apparatus and installations existing for conmon use; and (vi) all other parts of the property which is not part of an apartnent unit. (e) mlinited conmon elenentsrr means the part of the general conmon elements assigned for the exclusive or nonexcrusive use and enjolment of the owner or onners of one or more, but less than all,condoninium units. (f) rCommon expensestr means: (i) all expenses expressly declared to be conmon expenses by this Declaration or by the by-laws of the Association; (ii) all other expenses of administering, t servicing, conserving, managing, maintaining, repairing or replacing the general conmon elenentsi (iii) Lnsurance premiums for the insurance carried under Paragraph 9 of Article II hereofi and (iv) all expenses lawfully deternined to be conmon expenses by the board of directors of the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, managenent fees nay be charged to ouners as a direct expense and not as a common expense. (S) rrFirst lienorrr neans the holder of a promissory note palment of which is secured by a first nortgage or first deed of trust encunbering an interest in a condominium unit. t{ortgage shall include a deed of trust, and lmortgageerr shal] include the beneficiary of a deed of trust. (h) rrAssociationtr means Skaa1 Hus Apartments Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation. Phase II (i) I'Building[ neans one of the building improvements containing condoniniun units located on real property subject to this Declaration, and all other inprovenents constructed on the property subject to this Declaration, and trbuildingsrt Deans aII of such improvements. (j) The condoniniun units subject to this Declaration shall be known as Skaal flus Apartnents Phase II. (k) rrDeclarationrr means this instrunent and all Arnendnents or Supplements thereto hereafter recorded to the records of Eagle County, Colorado. (f) trSharing Ratiorr of an ohrner is his percentage interest in the general cortrmon elernents appurtenant to his apartnent unit. 2. Division of ReaI Property into Estates; Use and Occuoancy of Condoniniun Units. (a) The real property is hereby initially divided into three condominium units number A, B, and C, inclusLve, each consisting of an apartnent unit, an undivided interest in the general conmon elements appurtenant to such apartnent units, which interest is set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof, and the exclusive or non-exclusive right to use and enjoy linited cornmon elenents, as set forth in Exhtbit B. (b) Each condoniniun unit shall be inseparable and nay be conveyed, leased, devised or encunbered only as a condominium unit.Title to a condoniniun unit nay be held individually or in any form of concurrent ownership recogni.zed in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly and severally liable for perforrnance and observance of all responsibilities of an rrounerrr with respect to the which he owns an interest. the dutles and condoniniun unit in (c) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed of trust, mortgage, will or other instrument affecting a condominiun unit may describe it by its building and apartment unit nunber as shortn on the nap, followed by the narne of the condoninium and reference to this Declaration and to the nap. (d) Declarant shall give written notice to the assessor of Eagle County, Colorado, in the nanner provided in the Act, so that each condominiun unit will be separately assessed and taxed. (e) The condoniniun units shall be used and occupied solely for dwelling or lodging purposes. owners of the units may rent or lease the units to others for these purposes. (e) The Association shall have the right to charge reasonable adnission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situate upon or which is a part of the general conmon elements. 3. Condominiun Hao. Upon substantial conpletion of a building, and prior to any conveyance by Declarant of a condoniniun unit therein, Declarant shall cause to be filed for record in Eagle County, Colorado, a condominium map (the lMapn), which shall contain: (a) The legal description of the surface of the landi (b) the linear measurements and location, wlth reference to the exterior boundaries of the land, of the building and all other inprovenents built or to be buiLt on the land; (c) the floor plans and linear dinensions of the interior of the building including the apartment units, the general common elenents which are not a part of any apartrnent unit, and the linited connon elenentsi (d) the designation by nunber or other syrnbol of each apartment unit; (e) the elevation plans of the building; and (f) the elevation of the unfinished interior surfaces of the floors and ceilings of the building, including the apartment units, as established fron a datum plane, the distances between floors and ceilings, and the linear neasurements showing the thickness of the perimeter walls of the building. 4. General Cornmon Elenents; Encroachments. (a) The general common elenents shall be owned in conmon by all the onners and shal.l remain undivided. No owner shall assert any right of partition with respect to the general common elenents. Each owner waives any and all rights of partition he may hold by virtue of his ownership of an undivided interest in the general cornrnon elements as a tenant in comnon with the other onners. lhis paragraph shall not, houever, limit or restrict ttre right of partition of a single condoniniun unit among the owners thereof, whereby the owners petition the Court to sell the Condominium Unit and to allocate the sole proceeds among the Owners, but such right of partition shall not be construed to nean a physlcal division or partition of a condominium unit, nor ehall such right of partition affect any other condoninium unit. (b) Each owner shall be entitled to use the general conmon elements in accordance with the purpose for which they are intended,without hindering, iupeding or iurposing upon the rights of the other owners and in accordance with the rules and regulations duly established from time to tine by the Association. (c) If any portion of the general common elements now encroaches upon any apartnent unit, or if any apartment unit now encroaches upon any other apartment unit or upon any portion of the general conmon elenents, as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the naintenance of the sarDe so long as the building stands, strall exist. In the event any building, any apartrnent unit, any adjoining apartrnent unit, or any adjoining general common elenent, shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other easualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent donain proceedings, and then rebuLlt, encroaqhnents of parts of the general conmon elements upon any apartment unit or of any apartnent unit upon any other apartnent unit or upon any portion of the general conmon eleurents, due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, and valid easenents for such encroachnents and the naintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5.Uechanic's Liens; Indemnification. (a) ff any owner shall cause any naterial to be furnished to his apartment unit or any labor to be perforned therein or thereon, no onner of any other condoniniun unit shall under any circunstances be liabte for the palment of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or naterial furnished. All such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, naterialnen and other persons furnishing labor or materials to his apartrnent unit or any inproveuents thereLn. Nothing herein contained shall authorize any onner or any person dealing through, with or under any ouner to cbarge the general cornmon elements or any apartment unit other than that of such owner with any mechanic's lien or other lien or encurnbrance whatever. on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encunbrance of any kind against the general common elenents or against any owner or any owner's apartnent unit for work done or naterials furnished to apartnent unit is hereby expressly denied. any other olsner's (b) If, because of any act or omission of any owner, any mechanLc's or other lien or order for the palment of money shall be be filed against the general conmon elements or against any other owner's apartnent unit or any improvements therein, or against any other ovtner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or onission forns the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the 6ame to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety comPany reasonably acceptable to ttre Association, or to such other ouner or oltlners,within 20 days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indennify and save all the other unit owners and the Association harnrless from and against any and all costs, expenses, clains, losses or damages, including reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 6. Administration and Manaqenent. Skaal Hus APartments Phase II shall be administered and managed pursuant to this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Association. Each owner strall be a nember until he ceases to be an owner. Each mernber shall conrply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration and of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Larrs of the Association. Each nember shall be bound by and shall conply with rules, resolutions and decisions of the Association duly nade or adopted in the manner set forth in the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laits. FaiLure of the member to couply with such provisions, rules, resolutlons or decisions shall be grounds for an action to recover daurages or to obtain injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by the Association on behalf of the other olrners or, in a proper case, by an aggrieved owner. In addition, the Association's By-Laws may authorize the Association, during ttre period of any delinquency, (a) to revoke a delinquent owner's right to use general comnon elernents and (b) to suspend a member's voting privilegesi however, no such suspension shall affect the rights of a first lienor. 7. Uaintenance and Repairs. (a) Each orner shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of his apartment unit, including fixtures and inprovenents and all utility lines and equipnent located therein and serving such unit only. In perfoming such naintenance or repair, or in inproving or altering his apartnent unit, no owner sha1l do any act or work which inpairs the structural soundness of any building or which interferes with any easenent. (b) The general conmon elements (including the llnited conmgn elenents) shall be adnlnistered, conserved, nanaged, naintained, repaired and replaced by the Association, which uray trave access to any unit from tine to tine during reasonabLe hours for such purposes, or at any tine for the purpose of naking emergtency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the general common elements or to another apartment unit or units. The costs of repairing any damage to an apartroent unit resulting fron entry therein for any such purpose shall be a conuon expense of all the owners. Hordever, if the need to nake such entry results frorn the negligence or intentional act of any owner, his fanily, agent or invitee, such owner shall reimburse the Association for all the costs or repairing such danage and shall be liable to the other owners for all additional losses or damages suffered, including reasonable attorney's fees. (c) Notrrithstanding the foregoing, (i) each owner having an interest in linited connon elements shatl pay the proportion of the costs and expenses of naintaining, repal.ring and replacing any limited conmon elernents of which such owner has any use and enjoynent, the numerator of which is his percentage interest in general conmon elernents and the denoninator of which is the total percentage interest in general conmon elements of all persons having any use and enjoyment thereof, and (ii) each owner shall pay all costs of repairing any damage to the general connon elements (including the linited conmon elenents), or to any apartnent unit other than his own, resulting fron the intentional act or negligence of such owner, his farnily, agent or invitee. 8. Assessments for Common Expenses. (a) Except as set forth in subparagraph 7(c) herein, each owner shall pay his pro rata share of the comnon expenses, which proration shall be rnade on the basis of the Sharing Ratios in effect on the date such conrnon expense is assessed. (b) The Board of Directors (the trBoard") of the Association shall fix, deternine, Ievy and collect annual and speeial assessments to be paid by each of the owners to neet the common expenses and to create a contingency reserve therefor. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year of the Association, the Board shall adopt a budget for that year. Ttre budget shall include, but shall not be linited to, an estinate of the costs of naintenance, repair and replacement of the general connon eLenents, the cost of utiLities and other services to be provided by the Associatlon, the cost of insurance regulred by Paragraph t herein, and proposed capital expenditures. The budget shall include an adequate reserve fund for the naintenance, repairs and replacement of those general conmon elements that rnust be replaced on a periodic basis in order that such maintenance, repairs and replacenent nay be paid for through regular instalhnents rather than by special assessnent. For the Association's first fiscal year, the Board shall adopt the budget at the first neeting of the Board and designate the date of connencement of the first annual. assessment, with the costs for naintenance, repair and replacenent of the general comrnon elenents and any reserve fund needed therefor based on a good faith estinate of those costs; said estimate nay be based on the costs incurred by sinilar associations in the general locale. Thereafter,the cost of naintenance, repair and replacement and any reserve fund needed therefor shall be on tlre basis of the previous year's costs with such adJustnents therefrom as the Board considers appropriate.The budget shall also include the annual assessment for each condorninium unit. Special assesstnents nay be levied whenever in the opinion of the Board it is necessary or advisable to do so (i) to rneet increased operating or maintenance expenses or costs, (ii) to provide for additional capital expenses, or (iii) because of energenci.es; however, if the proposed additional capital expenses at any given tiure are in excess of ten percent of the maxinun replacernent value of the buildings, as determined by the Association pursuant to subparagraph 9(c) herein, such expenses nay be incurred only after the owners, by the vote of the owners of at least 75 percent of the general conmon elenents, approve such expenses. AIl annual assessments shall be based upon an approved budgett all other assessments shall be in itenized statenent forn and shall set forth the detail of the various expenses for which the assessrnents are being nade. (c) The Board shall prepare and provide to each owner a statenent for the annual assessrnent and any special assessment against his condoninlun unit. Annual assessments for the budgeted cornmon expenses shall be paid in quarterly installnents, each such installment due and payable in advance on the first day of each calendar guarter, or nore freguent installnents as nay be determined by the Board. Special assessnents shall be due and payable as specified in the written notice of such assessnent provided by the Board. (d) An action rnay be brought by the Association to recover unpaid conmon expenses fron the owner liable for palment thereof, with or without foreclosing or waiving the lien described in the following paragraph. (e) All suns assessed but unpaid for the share of conmon expenses assessed to any condonrinium unit shal1 constitute a lien on such unit in favor of the Associatlon prior to all other liens and encunbrances, excepti (i) liens for taxes and special assessnentsi and (ii) the lien of any first nortgage or flrst deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The Association's llen shall attach fron the date when the unpaid assessuent shall become due and nay be foreclosed by the Assoclation in like nanner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or clain thereof executed by the Association setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the o!{ner of the condominium unJ.t, and a description of the condorninium unit. In any such foreelosure the owner shal.l be required to pay the costs and expenses of such Proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. Ouring the period of foreclosure the owner of the condouriniun unit subject to such action shall be required to pay a reasonable rental. to the Association. The Association shall be entitled to purchase the condoniniun unit at the foreclosure sale, and to acguire, hold, lease, nortgage or convey the same. (f) No owner shall exenpt himself from liability for paynent of his share of the conmon expenses either by waiver of the use or enjolment of any of the general cortrmon elenents or by abandonment of his condoninium unit. (S) In case of sale or other transfer of a condoniniunr unit wJ.th respect to which sums assessed for connon expbnses shall be unpaid, the purctraser br other transferee of any interest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for such unpaid assesaments. Notwithstanding the above, dDY first lienor who obtains title to a condominium unit pursuant to the remedies provided in the nortgage or foreclosure of the nortgage will not be liabte for such unit's unpaid dues or charges which accrue prior to the acquisition of title to such unit for the first lienor. (h) Upon vritten reguest of any owner' mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a condominium unit, the Association shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid conmon expenses, if any, with respect to such condominiun unit, the amount of the current nonthly assessment, the date on which such assessment became or shall become due and the anount of any credit for prepaid exPenses. Such statenent, for vhich a reasonable fee rnay be charged, is binding upon the Association in favor of any persons who nay rely thereon in good faith. Unless a reguest for such statement shall be cornplied with within ten days after receipt thereof, all unpaid conrnon expenses which became due prior to the date of naking 6uch request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. (i) Any party in favor of whom a lien on a condoniniun unit has been created nay but shall not be reguired to Pay any unpaid conmon expenses with respect to such unit, and upon such paynent such party shall have a lien on such condoniniuo unit for the amount so paid of the saDe rank as the lien theretofore exlsting. (j) First Lienors shall be given written notice by the Association of any default in the perfornance of any obligation under thls Declaration or the Articles of Incorporation or the By-Lalts of the Association by an owner in the palment of any assessment hereunder, whlch default has renained uncured for 60 days. 9. Insurance. (a) The Association shall, on behalf of the owners: (i) keep all buildings (lncluding all of the apartment units and all fixtures therein, but not including furniture, furnlshings or other personal property supplied or installed by condominium unit owaers) insured against Loss or danage by fire,with extended coverage (including insurance against loss or danage by vandalism or malicious nischief), in at least the amount of the rnaximum replacement value thereof, determined in accordance with subparagraph 9(c) herein; (ii) provide and keep in force, for the protection of the Association, lts officers and directors, and alL the owners and first lienors, general public liability and property damage insurance agalnst clains for bodily injury or death or property danage occurring upon or in the general conmon elements, in linits of not less than S1,000,000 for bodily injury or death to any nurnber of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher linits shall at any tine be customary to protect against possible tort liability, such higher linits shall be carried. (1if) provide and keep in force fidelity coveragte,by fidelity bond or insurance, naning the AssociatLon as the insured, against dishonest acts on the part of directors, managters, trustees, enployees or volunteers responsible for handling funds belonging to or adninistered by the Association. The fidelity coverage each year shall be in an arnount equal to no less than one and one-half tines the Association's estimated annual budget, as provided for in subparagraph 8(b) herein. (iv) carry inEurance in such amounts as the Association may consider necessary or advisable against such other insurable hazards a6 may fron tine to tirne be connonly insured against in the case of sinilar property in sinilar locations elsewhere. (v) carry directors and officers liabiltty insurance in such anounts a6 the Association may consider necessary or advisable. (b) AII insurance required to be carried under this paragraph shall be carried in favor of the Association, the owners and aII first lienors, as their respective interests nay appear. Each policy of insurance shall contain a standard mortgagee clause in favor of each flrst lienor of a condoniniun unit which shall provide that the loss, if any, thereunder shall be payable to such first lienor, as its interest nay appear, subject, however, to the loss paynent 10 provisions in favor of the Association hereinafter set forth. A1I policies of insurance against danage to any buildlng and fixtures shall provide that losses shall be payable to and adjusted with the Associatl-on, as attorney-in-fact for the onners. The Association shall hold and apply the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in this Declaration. Each insurance policy shall provide that no cancellation thereof nay be nade by the insurance carrier without having first given 30 days' prior written notice thereof to the Association, the owners and a1l first lienors. Each insurance policy shall also contain a rrseverability of interestrr endorsement, that provides in case of violation of any provision thereof by the Association or one or more (but less than all) of the owners, the coverage of such policy shall be suspended or invalidated only as to the interest of the Association or the owner or ortners committing the violation and not as to the interest of any other ouner. All policies of physical danage insurance sha1l contain waivers of subrogation and of any defense based on co-insurance. Duplicate originals of all policies of physical damage insurance and of all renewals thereof, together with proof of paynent of premiurns, shall be delivered to all first lienors at least ten days prior to expiration of the then current polJ.cies. (c) The maxinun replacernent value of the building (which shall indicate the maximun replacement value of each condominiun unit contained therein), without deduction for depreciation, shall be deterurined by the Association prior to obtaining any policy of fire insurance or any reneltal thereof by neans of one or more written appraisals nade by competent, dlsinterested appraisers; however, appraisals need not be obtained more frequently than at one-year intervals. Copies of such appraisals shall be furnished to each ohrner and each first lienor of a condoninium unit. (d) Each ovner shall be responsible for all insurance covering loss or danage to personal property in his apartment and liability for injury, death or danage occurring inside his apartment unit. Any such pollcy shall contain iraivers of subrogation and shall be so written that the liability of the carriers issuing insurance obtained by the Association shall not be affected or dininished thereby. 10, Appointnent of Attorney-in-Fact. Each owner by his acceptance of the deed or other conveyance vesting in hin an interest in a condominiurn unit does irrevocably constitute and appoint (a) the Association with full power of substltution as his true and lawful attorney in his nane, place and stead to deal with such interest upon darnage to or destruction, obsolescence, or condemnation of any building or real property as hereinafter provided, and (b) Declarant with full poner of substitution as his true and lawful attorney in his name, place and stead to deal with such interest in order to 11 effectuate the reservation contained in paragraph 2O herein, each with full power, right and authorization to execute, acknowledge and deliver any contract, deed, proof of loss, release or other instrunent affecting the interest of such owner, and to tal<e any other action which the Association or Declarant nay consider necessary or advisable to give effect to the provisions of this Declaration. ff requested to do so by the Association or Declarant, each orrner shall execute and deliver a written instrument confirning such appointnent. The action of the Association Ln settling any danage or condemnation clain shall be final and binding on all owner€r. No ouner shall have any .rights against the Association or any of its officers or directors with respect thereto except in case of fraud or gross negJ.igence, 11. Damaqe or Destruction. In case of damage or destruction of any building or any part thereof by any cause whatsoeveri (a) If in the reasonable judgment of the Association the proceeds of insurance shall be sufficient to pay all the costs of repairing and restoring the building, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall cause the building to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance for that purpose. (b) If ln the reasonable judginent of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the building, and if tbe excess of such costs over the anticipated insurance proceeds are less than 2Ot of the maxiuun replacenent value last deternined under subparagraph 9(c)herein, then the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owrrers)shall pronptly cause the building to be repaired and restored, and the difference between the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be a comnon expense to be assessed and paid as provided in paragraph 8 herein. (c) If in the reasonable judgrnent of the Association the anticlpated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the bullding, and if the excess of such costs are 2ot or more of the building, and if the excess of such costs are 20t or more of the naximuD replacement value last deternined under subparagraph 9(c) herein, then tbe Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall pronptly cause the building to be repaired and restored, and the difference between the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be a common expensei to be assessed and paid as provided in Paragraph 8 hereint provided, horever, that if within 100 days after the date of suclr damage or destruction a plan for repairing and restoring the building shall be disapproved by and a sale of such buLlding is approved the owners of condoninium units in such building owning 75t or more of the total interests in general connon elements appurtenant to apartment units in such building and by 75t of all first lienors of such condoroiniun L2 units) the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners of condoniniun units in such buifding) shall execute and record in the Eagle County, Colorado real estate records a notice of such facts, and thereafter shall sell the entire real property on which such building is located (including the building), together with reasonable easements for ingress and egress, if required, as designated by the Association, free and clear of the provisions of this Declaration and the map, which shall wholly terminate and expire with respect to such property upon the closing of such sale. This Declaration and any map,however, shall renain in full force and effect lrith respect to all other property and buildings and the percentage interests in general conmon elenents appurtenant to all apartnent units remaining subject to this Declaration shall autonatically be increased by the amount of the percentage interests in general comnon elenents appurtenant to all apartment units in the building sold free and clear of this Declaration, such increase to be allocated among apartrnent units in accordance with each unit,s respective appurtenant interest in general conmon elenents appurtenant to apartrnent units in the buildings not being sold. Ttre proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of such sale of the real property shall be allocated by the Association, appli-ed first to the palment of expenses of the sale, and then divide among the owners of condoniniun units in such building and paid into separate accounts, each representing one condominium unit. The insurance proceeds shall be divided according to such owners,respective percentage interest therein as shown by the insurance policies, if so shown, otherwise according to such owners, respecti.ve interest in general comrnon elenents appurtenant to apartnent units in the building so sold, and the proceeds of sale shall be divided according to such owner,s respective undivided interests in the general conmon elements appurtenant to apartment units in the building so sold. The funds in each account (without contribution from one account to another) shall be applied by the Association for the following purposes in the order indicated: (i) for paynent of the balance of the lien of any first nortgage or deed of trust on the condoniniun unit; (ii) for paynent of taxes and special assessurent liens in favor of any assessing entity; (iii) for payment of unpaid connon expensesi (iv) for palment of junior liens and encuurbrances in the order of and to the extent of their prlority and (v) the balance renaining, if any, shall be paid to the orrner. The provisions of this Paragraph shall not be construed aE liniting in any way the right of a first lienor (in case the proceeds allocated under (i) above shall be insufficient to pay the indebtedness secured by his lien) to assert and enforce the personal liability for such deficiency of the person or persons responsible for palment of such indebtedness. If sithin 1OO days after the date of such danage or destruction a plan for repairing and restorJ.ng the danaged or destroyed building is not disapproved pursuant to thie paragraph 11(c), the Association (as attorney-in-fact for such owners) shall pronptly cause such repairs and restoration to be nade according to such plan. A11 o\rners of 13 apartment units in such building (and no others) shall be bound by the terns of such plan, and the difference, l-f any, between the amount of the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be an expense of such owners only and shall be assessed and paid by such owners in the proportions of their respective interests in general common elements appurtenant to apartment units in the damaged building. (d) Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as inposing any liability whatever on any first lienor to pay all or any part of the costs of repair or restoration. L2. obsolescence. (a) ff at any tine the owners of 75t or more of the general conmons elements appurtenant to apartrnent units in any building covered by this Declaration and 75t of all first lienors with interests in such building shall agree that such building has become obsolete and shall approve a plan for its renovation or restoration, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners with interests in such building) shall promptly cause such renovation or restoration to be made according to such plan. All owners of apartment units in such building shall be bound by the terns of such plan, and the costs of the work sha1l be an expense of such owners only and shall be assessed and paid by such owners in the proportions of thelr respective interests in general conmon elements appurtenant to apartment units in such building. No owner of an apartnent unit in any other building shall be reguired to pay any of the costs of such renovation or restoration on account of such ownership. (b) If at any tine the owners of 75t or nore of the general conmon elenents and 75t of all first lienors shall agree that any of the irnprovements constituting general connon elements have become obsolete and shall approve a plan for their renovation or restoration, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall pronptly cause such renovatl.on or restoration to be nade according to such plan. All owners shall be bound by the terms of such plan, and the costs of the work shall be a comnon expense, to be assessed and paid as provided in Paragraph 8 herein. (c) If at any time the owners of 75t or more of the general connon elements and 75t of all first lienors shall agree that the buildings have become obsolete and should be sold, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall pronptly record in the real estate records of Eagle County, colorado, a notice of such facts, and shall sell the entire real property, free and clear of the provisions of this Declaration and the nap rrvhLch shall wholly tenninate and expire upon the closing of such sale. The proceeds of such sale shall 14 be in collected, applied and divided among the owners by the Association the manner provided in subparagraph 11(c) herein. 13. Condemnation. (a) ff the entire real property shall be taken for any public or quasi-public use, under any statute, by right of eninent donain, or by purchase in lieu thereof, or if any part of any building covered by this Declaration shall be so taken, or if any party of the land shall be so taken and the part remaining shall be insufficient for purposes of Skaal Hus Apartlnents Phase II, the Association (as attorney-in-faet for the owners) shall collect the award made in such taking and shall sell the part of the land reuaining after the taking,if any, free and clear of the provisions of this Declaration and the map. Such provisions shall wholly terninate and expire upon the recording of a notice by the Association setting forth all of such facts. The asard and the proceeds of such sale, if any, shall be collected, applied and divided arnong the owners by the Association in the nanner provided in subparagraph Ll(c) herein. (b) If suctr taking shall be partial only, and if the renaining party of the land shall be sufficient for the purposes of Skaal Hus Apartnents Phase fI, the condoninium ownership hereunder shall not teminate. Each owner shall be entitled to a share of the condemnation award to be determined under the following provisions: (i) The total anount allocated to taking of or injury to the general conmon elements shall be apportioned among oldners on the basis of each ormer's respective percentage interest ln the general common elenentsi (ii) The total anount allocated to severance danages shall be apportioned to the owners of those apartment units which were not taken or condemned on the basis of each such owner's respective percentage interest in the general conmon elementsi (iii) The respegtive amounts allocated to the taking of or injury to a particular apartnent unit or to irrnprovenents an ouner has made sithin his own apartnent unit shall be apportioned to the owner of that particular apartnent unit involvedi and (iv) The total amount allocated to consequential danages and any other taking or injuries shall be apportioned among the owners in proportion to their respective percentage interests in the general connon elenents. If any allocation of the award is already established in negotiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, 15 then in allocating the award the Association shall enploy such allocation. Distrlbution of apportioned proceeds shall be made by checks payable jointly to the respective oerners and their respective first lienors. (c) In the event a partial taking results in the taking of an apartment unit, the owner thereof shall autonatically cease to be a menber of the Association, and his ownership interest in the general common elements shall tenninate and vest in the otrners of the rernaining condominiun units. Thereafter, the Association shall reallocate the ownership and assessnent ratios deterrnined in accordance with thl-s Dectaration according to ttre same principles eurployed in this Declaration at its inception, and shall subnit such reallocation to the owners of the reruaining apartnent units for the anendnent of this Declaratl.on. (d) In the event that any portion of Skaal Hus Apartnents Phase II shall be made the subject natter of any condernnatj-on or eminent domain proceeding or is otherwise sought to be acquired by a condemning authority, then tinely written notice of such condemnation shall be given by the Association to each owner and first lienor. 14. oualitv of l{ork. Any repairs, renovation or restoration of the real property or any building covered by this Declaration by the Association as attorney-in-fact for the owners shall be done in such nanner as to nake the real property or the building at least as valuabl.e after such work as it was inrnediately before the occurrence requiring the nork to be done. 15. Anendnent or Revocation. This Declaration may be anended or revoked (a) by Declarant at any tine prior to the filing of the Ddp,and (b) upon written approval in recordable forn of the owners of 75*or more of the general conmon elements and 75t of all first lienors, except that the provisions of subparagraph 2(a) hereJ.n, Exhibit B relating to interests in the general common elements and the linited conmon elements, subparagraph 2(b) and Paragraph 23 nay be anended only upon such approval of the owners of lOOt of the general conmon elements, all first lienors, and the Declarant. It shall also be revoked Ln whole or in part upon sale of all or part of the real property pursuant to subparagraphs 11(c), 12(c) or L3(a) herein or upon terrnination pursuant to Paragraph 23. 16. Property for Connon Use. The Association may acguire and hold for the use and benefit of aII owners, real property, as long as such real property is purchased at a foreclosure sale or if such property is to be used as a nanager,s unit, tangible and intangibte personal property and nay dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, and the beneficial interest in any such property shall be owned by the owners in the same proportion as their respective interests in the 16 general conmon elements and shall not be transferable except with a transfer of a condoniniun unit. A transfer of a condominium unit shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferor's beneficial interest in such property without any reference thereto. Each owner may use such property in accordance with the purpose for wtrich it is intended, without hinderlng or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other owners. The transfer of title to a condominiun unit under foreclosure shall entitle the purchaser to the beneficial interest in such property dssociated with ttre foreclosed condominiurn unit. L7. Reoistration by Owner of l,lallinq Address. Each ovrner shall register his nailing address with the Association, and except for nonthly statenents and other routine notices, all other notices or denands intended to be served upon an owner shall be sent by either registered or certified nail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered uailing address. AII notices, denands or other notices intended to be served upon the Association shall. be sent certified mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the Association as desigmated in the By-L,aws of the Association. 18. Duration of Condoniniun ownersbip. The separate estates created by this Declaration and the nap shall continue until this Declaration shall be revoked or until its provisions shall terninate as provided herein. 19. Architectural Control . No building, fence, wall or other structure shall be cornmenced, erected or naintained upon the properties, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be nade until the plans and specifications showing the nature,kind, shape, height, color, naterials, and location of the same shall have been subnitted to and approved in writing as to harnony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Board of Directors of the Association. In the event said Board, fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within thirty days after said plans and specifications have been subnitted to it, approval will not be requlred and this paragraph will be deened to have been fully conplied vlth. 20. General Reserrrations. Declarant reserves for a period of seven years from the date this Declaration is initially recorded, (a) the right to dedicate any access roads and streets senring this condoniniun project for and to public use; to establish easements,reserlations, exceptions and exclusions consistent with the condoninium ovnership of the condoniniun project and the best interests of the owners and the Association, and (b) an easement over, under and through inproved and uninproved parts of the general conmon elements, L7 2L. Household Pets. No animals, livestock, horses or poultry of any kind shall be kept, raised or bread within any condomlniun unit or within the general conmon elenents, except that one dog, one cat or one other household anirnal nay be kept by an owner as a household pet so long as such pet is not a nuisance to any other owner. Pedestrians acconpanied by a household pet within the general conmon eleurents must have said pet under their direct control by use of a leash not to exceed 10 feet in length. 22. General . (a) If any of the provisions of this Declaration or any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word. or the application thereof in any circunstance be invalidated, such invalidity shall not affect tbe validity of the remainder of this Declaration, and the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word ln any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this Declaration shall be in addition and supplenented to the Condominiuru Ovnership Act of the State of Colorado and to all other provisions of law. (c) lfhenever used herein, unless the context shall otherwise provide, the slngular number shall include the'plural , the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. v g BCT PARTNERSHIPT a Colorado ceneral Partnership IN WTTNESS this 3'a day of Declarant has dul executed this Declaration , 198 E. Brenn amea A. Thonas J. a General Partner 18 CONSENT The undersigned holder of a deed of trust upon the property covered by this Declaration hereby consents to and ratifies the provisions of this Declaration. FIRSTBANK OF VAIL Attest: Astt,ecretary STATE OF coltrflIY oF COLORADO coLoRADO )) ss.EAGLE ) t[is 3rd Partner in- ' -- --..-.\./ /..--- tr, fuo;.R't u+-Ct nt l )) ss. ) oing instrument ,1989 nership, a hand and official seal . ex;rires on: 517 /90 Tbe foregoing instrument was acknowledge to before ne _, 1989 bylJanes A. Cary as General p, a coloratlo General Partnership. /Ross Davls, Jr. attorney in fact for hand and official seal . on expires on: 5l7l9o was acknowledge to before ne this by/Ralmond E. Brenner as General Col6rado ceneral Partnership. /Ross Davis, Jr. atEorney in fact for 3rd Partner 19 STATE COUNTY oF coLoRADo OF EAGLE ss. ing instrument , 1989_iP, a was acknowledge to before me this 3rd by/Thonas J. ihonson as ceneral paffir ColCrado General Partnership. /Ross Davis, Jr. as attorney in fact for and official seal. expires on: 517 /9O STATE OF COLORADO COI]NTY OF EAGLE day The foregoing of January Vl ce-Pre s ident )) ss. ) instrument was acknowJ.edge to before ne this 3rd , 1989 by Kevin P. McDonald 3s of FirstBank of vail. hand and official seal. expires on: 517/9o 20 EXHIBTT A (Attached to and made a part of Condoninium Declaration for the Skaal Hus Apartments Phase II) LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the Skaa1 Hus Apartments, the condoninium map of which is recorded under Reception Nunber 98830 and Amendment thereto recorded Dlarch 22, L983 in Book 355 at Page 821 of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder's records, described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said skaal Hus Apartnents; thence the following three courses along the northerly, easterly and southerly property line of said skaal Hus Apartments: (1) s-79o41.'13x E 165.00 feetr (2) S O4"2Or18r W 120.50 feet; (3) N 85o39r42t W 71.03 feet; thence, departing said property lines, N 10"L2'O4t' E 90.32 feett thence N 79o47'56rr I{ 106.72 feet-, to the westerly property line of said Skaal Hus Apartmentsi thence N 10"18t47't E. 37.I2 feet, along said westerly line to the point of beginning, containing 11940 feet or 0.274 acres, nore or less, said part of Skaal Hus Apartments also being known as Phase II, First Anended Condoninium Map of Skaal Hus Apartnents according to the nap thereof recorded in Book 355 at Page 821 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. Subject to the following: 1. Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserrred in United Statee Patent recorded ylay 24, 1904, in Book 48 at Page 503 and in United states Patent recorded Septenber 4, L923, in Book 93 at Page 98. 2. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded l,!ay 24 , L9O4, in Book 48 at Page 503 and in United States Patent recorded septeEber 4, L923, in Book 93 at Page 98. 3. Restrict covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color,religion, or national origin, as contained in Instrument recorded January 09, L963, in Book L74 at Page 431. 4. Those provisions, covenants and conditions, easements, and restrictions, nhich are a burden to the Condominium Unit described in Schedule A, as contained in Instrument recorded 2L February 7, 1964, ln Book 182 at PaEe 33 and as anended in Instnrnent recorded l,tarch 22, L983, ln Book 355 at Page 822. 5. Easenents, resentationE and restrictlons as shown or reserved on the recorded CondoniniuD Uap of Skaal Eus Apartments. 22 EXTIIBIT B (Attached to and made a part of Condoniniun Declaration for the Skaal Hus Apartnents Phase II) Interests in General Conrnon Elenents Apartment No. Percentage Ownership in General counon Elements Appurtenant to the Apartnent Unit 33.33t 33.33t 33.34t The owner of each condominiun unit having an attached balcony, as shown on the nap with the numerical designation of the balcony corresponding to the numerical designation of the condominium unit to which it Ls attached, shall have the exclusive right to use such balcony; and each such balcony shall be a linited conmon element appurentant to such unit. A c 23 r/9.'l CONDOITINIT'T DECIARATION 898 SKAAI, HUS APAR'ITIENTS PITASE IT 9 r,: -. ') .rJ J I F t -: ti r{(, I RECITAI,S BqrPlrtn.rlhlp,!ColorrdoGrn.rrl.Plrtn'rthlp(iD'cllrlnti''l'th. osner o! the t."r itlil*i--trtiiili-ln-ltr- countv-ot ErsI'' strt' of colorado, acgcrrueaPii-iiilruli-i-iitia,"a hereto and aade a plrt hereot. D€clarant deslrea to estrblish -a condonlnlua prottct und'r th' condoulnluD ounarehrp-rI; ";--';i;ildo (rth; ictr) ind-to deflnc thc character, durrtlon, '-iiiitli---iiirgitii;tt aira lhltatlonr oc condoulniua osnershlP. - -6cclirant nac -liccuted plana tgr th' constructlon o! one uiirarii-ii-- ttt: qf:f:iv oercriued ln Exlrlblt A' vhlch buildlng whcn J"ipr"t6a eharr tonaili'o- aeparatcly - d€tlEnated condoulnlun unlts. 'i*"il"C""ii]ui- ".p ,fff bG - fll'd shoulnE ths Iocrtlon of said UuifOfrrg-on the prbpetti, itttcfr lr hcrcby !rd' "ulJ".t to thti Declaration' Declarant doe8 hercby '3tabl ish , s^plrn for the ornershlp of real property 3atates in iec airple conslatlni'-oi-ine alr epace contalncd in each of the tp"ttilit-iiiE in the uuirarne and th' ' co-ownerBhlp' by thc lndtvlduar ?.iT{liE--a::4" thereot' rt tcnentt ln connon' o? all o! the renalnlng relr pnoperEy' II DECBBIf,tgtr Decl.rant atoct h'reby- Publt3h ^rnd--declarc that the follot'ltxt tarn3, covcn.nS!, "iit'Aitio"r ' - €ascs'nt! ' rGstrlctlon! ' utes' res€flrtlont, rrartattlitliii-itlirgttfonr ailir bc decned to run vlth thr l.nd, .hrll b. " fiH;";;-i-6incrl:-l'o Docllrant' ltg ruccceearr and auignr lnat rny plll"n"ttiorrt"g.or-orilng-in-i"tciort ln'th' r'rl oroocrtv Yhlch lt ;;-;Afrt . riutcct-"io- itrti Dccrarrtl'on and inpioveinente butrt iittiii'---thelr- grrnte'g' luccGtsor!' hclrr' ilfii;;, -;anrtnlrtraloil, aivtrcee or agglsna' L;..i.,.' v rz'l1l l cl c' N a,:t 1. Definitions. Aa uaed ln thle Dcclaration, unleas otherrlae expressly provld€d: (9) . oApartnent unltr E€ana an lndlvlduat alr Bpac. unlt contalned rrlthln the perlueter vrll!, floore, celllngs, rl;dovs and doora of a unlt ln . buildrng con3tructed on r€al pr6pcrty vhtch ls subJect to. the provla!,one oi thl. D.clrr.tlon, a'nd 'ar 'lhoun and descrlbed ln a condomlnlua nap lecorded ln thr riat property record.of Eaglc Couhty, coloraalo, togeth.r slth (ft a-ll - tixlurcr and lnprove!0enta theralnt (11) thc Lnner decorated or llnlghed Gurfacer o!Buch unlt,a perineter eall., floors and celllngal (itt) the door3 and utndotra of the unltl and (tv) thc Lntcrlor noniupp6rtlirg ualln rithln the unit. Th. tel:[ do€! not lncludc, hovevcrl - thc rindecorated or unflnlrhsd turlacer o! thc p€rlDct.r uiltr, flo6rr or ccillnqc o! r unlt, lny utllltlca runnlng through thc unli ehlch ..w. norr €han ont u{rlit or- any_oth€r gen.r! I connon .!.[Gnt or prrt thGreo! toclted elthin th€ unlt. (!l _ trcondonl.niul Unit. neanr an .prrtnsnt unlt togethar rlth th. undlvtd€d lnt.r..t ln th. gontral cornion .len.nt. lppurt.nant th.rrto end th. rlght to cxcluclvi or non-.xclurl.v. uro o? llnrltcd coruron cJ.clente al3oclat.d thcrcvlth. - (c, toenGri Delns any lndlvldual , corporatl,on, partnerahlp,aseoclatlon, -trust or oth.r legrl entlty, or -onblnatloi o! Iegii entltl.a, _uhJch Ie the record orner of an undlvldod fce atrnile inter€st ln one or nora condonlnlun unlta. (d) icaneral corlon clerentsr leans (i) the land lncludcd ln tho rcal prop€rty yhlch at rny tinc lr rubJect to rll Condonlnlun D€claratloni (1tl t.he foundatlonr, colunnr, glrdere, beant, aupport!,perlneter and supportlng v.llB, roofa, bal-onlee, halls,' coriiaore,Iobblea, etalre, stalt?ays, flre escapee, entrances and exlets of th€buildingl (11I) the batenent, yarde, garden., autonobllc partlng arcat and 3tor!g. .prcer, (lv) th. instrll.tlonr, cqulprnent and uatcrlat.t nrklng up th€ csntral rarvlcer such !. por€r, light, gat, hot .nd cold rrt.r, hcatlnq, r.frlgcratlon lnd alr condltlonlng and lnclncratlngl (v) thr tank!, punp!, [otor!, fana, conpraasor!, ductr and ln general all apparatu. and installatlona exlttlng for connon ueel and (vl) rtl other prrts ol the propcrty yhich lr not part ol an rpartnent unlt. (e) illnlted collnon eletnentsi ne.na the part of the generrl collnon elenents a3slgned for the cxclurivG or nonexcluslvs use and enJoyrnent of the orrnGr or oynera of one or !ore, but less than rll,condonlnlun unita. (f) rconnon exp.ntc.r D.an.: (1) all .xpcnr.! cxprcarly decl.ared to br connon cxp.n!c. by thl. D.cllrltlon or by thc by-lanr of the Asaoclatlonr (ff) all other expensea of adnlnlaterlng, (1 (? ': t t I (.)cl Bervlclng, conservlng, nanaglng, nalntalning, repalrlng or replaclng lhe general coitnon alehenta, (ift) lneuiance- preniurne for the lnsurancs carrled under parrgraph.g oi Artrcle rr niraoir ina-iivt iii ?Tlen:€. lrwfully- dcternlned tb b. colrnon expGn8es by 'ttr- Uiard o!olrcctora ct th. Aaaocl.atlon. Notuithrtlndlng itra loregolng,nanegenent feec nay bc charged to ouncrg ar a dlrcit .xp€n3e anat not tl a contnon expensc. (91 _ 'Flrst llenori neanl th. holder of a pronlaeory notc paynent of uhlch la secured by a flrst lortgrgc or flrit dced o? trugt encunberl.ng an l^nteregt In e condorlnlur unit. nortgage shal:. tnclud.a deed of truat, and inortgageci ahal} lnclude the-bineflclary of a deed of truat. . (h) iAa.oclrttoni nalnt Skrrl Hua Aplrtne.1ta phr3a II l..oclatlon, ! Colorado nonproflt corporatlon. (f) nBulldlngr . . Deana onc of the bulldlng lnprovencnte contalnlng condonLnlun unitr locatcd on rerl proparty a,iulic[-io thl.Declaratlon, and all -other luproven€ntr _ conelrutted- on ihe propcrty .ubJect to thl. D€clarrtlon, rnd ibulldingai D!an. all if - rucf,lnprovenentr. (J) The eondouinl.uu unlts eubJect to thir Declaratlon shall be knorrn as Skral Hus ApartDent8 phaae Ii. (k) iDecl.ratlonr Deans th13 lnstrutuent lnd al1 Anendnentg or Suppletnents thereto hereafter recorded to the records of Ergle County, Colorado. . (f) iSharlng Ratioi of an ouner 1g hle percentage Interest ln the general coltnon elenents rppurtenant to hls ipartraen€ unlt. - 2. Dlvialon of Rerl propertv lnto EBtsteB! ts€ rnd Occupancv of CondornLnlurn Units. (a) -The rerl property l! hereby lnltlally dlvlded lnto three condorniniun unlte nuaber A, B, and C, lncluslve, each conslatlng of an apart!€nt unl,t, an undlvlded lnterest ln the general connon elernentg appurtenant to euch apartnent unlte, whlch inter€at ia aet forth ln Exhlblt B rttlched hereto and !.de a plrt hereof, and the excluslve or non-€xclu3lve rlght to uee and enJoy ltnited corunon elernents, as set forth tn Exhlblt B. (b) Each condonlnlun unlt shall be !.neeparable and uay bc conveyed. leaeed, devlecd or ancunb.rGd onl,y ar r condoniniun unlt.lltl. to a condornlnluD unit rly b€ held lndlvldually or ln any fonn of concurront ownerehlp recognl2ed ln colorado. ln crse of iny Buch concurrent ownerahip, .ach co-osner ahalt be Jolntly and eeverally I .i t llable for perforuance and obsctirrancc o! alt thc dutlca and reeponsrbl l ltieB of an iorneri vlth r€Bpect to thc condornlniua unlt in shlch he oens an intereat. . (g! ^ Any contrlct o! lala, d..d, 1.r'., d..d oC trurt,nortgage,.sltl or other lnrtru!.nt rft.ctlng a condonlnlu! unlt lai delcrlb€ lt by ltr bulldlng and rpart!.nt unlt nunber !t .hosn on tha !ap, follorr.d by the naD€ of tha condollnlun end rafaranc. to thlg Declaratlon and to the !rp. (d) Declarlnt ehall glvc vrltten notlca to th€ !.s.aror ot Eagle county, . Colorldo, ln thc Dannrr provlded ln thr Act, so thrt rach condontnlul unlt ull,l b. .oprrrt.ly t.r.'tcd rnd t!x.d. , . (.) Th. condollnlul unltr rhall bo u..d |nd occupl.d .ol.ly for dvllll,ng-or lodgtng purposcr. Ouncr! o! th. unltr liy r.nt oi IerBe the unlt3 to other. for th.B. purpoB€s. (gl _thc lr.ocl.atlon r.lrll h!v. th. llght to chrrg.r.a3on.blo ldnllslon rnd oth€r fear fo! thc uec of any recr€rtlonit frclllty rltuatc upon or rhlch la a prrt of th€ leneral co[non aI anent3. 3. eondonlnlun ttrp. Upon lubstrntlal coDpletlon of . bulldlng,and prlor to any convey.nc€ by Declrrant o! a condonj.ntur unlt tbereln, Declar.nt 8h.ll c.u8e to be filed for record ln Eagle County,Colorldo, a condoulnlu! Dap (the "!tap"), uhlch rhal.l contaln: (a) the lcgal deacrlptlon ol th€ lurf.ce of thc land, (b) the llncar Deasurenenta and locltlon, rlth refercnc! to th€ extcrlor boundarlcg of the 1and, of the building and all other lnprover€ntr bullt or to bG bullt on th€ lrndr (c) the floor pl.nr and llnear dinenslone o! the lnterlor of the bulldlng lncludlng th. apartncnt unltr, the gcneral coDnon €lanenta rhich arc not a part of rny rpart[ent unit, and the llaited conDon €lett|€ntlr (d) th€ de8lgnatl,on by nunber or other 3lmbol of cach apartnent unlt, (c) thc Glevrtlon plrnr of tha bulldlngt and (t) the olovatlon o! thc unflnlrhcd lntcrlor .urfrc.. ot th. tloorr and cclllngt of thr bulldlng, lnctudlng th. rpartn.nt unltr, !.oltrbllshed lron I drtu! plrne. thc dlltanc.. batrc.n tloon lnd cclllngs, and th. llnoar !.r!u!![.nt. lhoulng thr thlckn€r! ot thc perhnetcr wsllr ot the bulldlng. {. General connon Elernenta r Encroachrnentg. (a) Tha Een€ral cornnon cl€nent8 .hrll be owned ln cotnnon by all the oun.r! and lhall nnaln undtvlded. llo own€r rhrll asscrt rny rlght of partltlon rlth r..pect to th. general connon alcnentr. Each ouncr ullvel any and all rlght! of partltlon he nry hold by vlrtuc of hla ownershlp of .n undlvlded lnterest ln the goneral eonrnon Glenontr !3 r tenant in conrnon ulth the othcr ovnors. ThIt parlgraph Bhlll not,_ hoirever, ll.nit or restrlct the rlght of partitlon of a alngle condoninlun unit lnong tba orrrers thercof, rher-by the osnerr petltion the court to r€11 tha Condonlnlun Unlt and to allocatc thc lole proceed. -arong the Oen.r., but .uch rlght o! prrtltlon rhall not bo conrtrued to nean r phy.lcll dlvlrlon or plrtlltlon ot ! condonlntun unlt, nor shall tuch ilght ot partltlon aficct rny oth6r condonlnlua unlt. - (b) Each onner chall bc entltlcd to uaa the general connon elenenta ln accordanco ulth the purpo!,e for vhlch they rre lntcnded,rrlthout hlnderlng, lnpedlng or lnpoelng upon th€ rlghtg o! ths othei orn€r. lnd In accordrnce ulth thc rul.r rnd rogulrtlonr duly .rtlblt.hed fron tlDo to tlro by th. Alocletlon. (c) It any portlon of th. g.n.ral couon .I.[.nt. nor cncroachaa upon rny ap|ltnrnt unlt, or 1! any rpartnant unlt nou encrorches upon any oth€r rpartlent unlt or upon any portlon of the 9e19r9l coDron _ ele[€nta, l! r r.ault of the conrtructton oC any bulldlng, or lf any such encroachn€nt rhrll occur hercaft€r aa a result of .cttllng or ehlftlng ol any bulldlng, a valld casenent for the encroach[ent and for the lalntenance of the aatue Eo long ac the bulldlnE rt.ndr, rhall cxlst. In th. Gvcnt .ny bulldlng, lny t? .partn.nt unlt, any adJolnlng lpartnent unlt, or any adjolnlng g€ncrlI t'':l connon elcD€nt, shall ba partlally or totrlly d..troy€d ar a r€3ult ot = flr. or oth.r carurl,ty or .3 ! r€sult of condean.tlon or .Dln.nt ! dona!,n proceedlngs, and th€n r€bullt, encroachnanta o! part3 o! the general cot non cleDenta upon any apartDent unlt or of any rpartDcnt unlt upon .ny other apartnont unlt or upon lny portlon of the general coDnon eleuente, due to Buch rebullding, Bhrll be pernitted, and valld eaBenenta for Buch encroach[ents and tha nalntenance thereof chall exlst Bo long as ths bulldlng shall etand. 5. l,techanlc, s Llcnsr Indennl flcatlon. (a) If any onner rhall cruae rny Dat.rhl to be turnl.h.d to hls .parttnent unlt or lny labor to be perfortled thereln or thercon,no osner of any otber condouinlun unlt ahall under eny clrcunstanccg be llabl€ for the patiDant of rny expengc Incurred or for th3 vrrua of any uork done or nlterial furnlched. All guch uork sh.Il b€ rt th€ expenBa of the onner caulLng lt to be donc, and auch oun€r shall bc solely responrlbla to contrlctort, laborerr, l|aterial,nen rnd other persons furnlshlng labor or D.tcrlal! to his lpartDent unlt or lny lnprovenents tharcln. [othlng hereln contalned shall authorlze rny ouner or any pereon deallng through, ylth or und€r any otrner to charge the general cotnnon clcnentr or rny rpartn€nt unit other than that of Buch orner rrlth any rn€chanlc'3 llen or other llen or encunbrrnc€whatovor. on th. contrlry (rnd nottc. 1! horeby glvcn) th. rlght lnd porrer to ch.rge rny llen or encunbrancr of any kt.nd agalntt tha Eeneral connon elernenta or agalnst any ouner or rny owner'B apartnent I I a ct unit for work done or raterlals furnlghed to any other owner,a apartrnent unit Is hereby expressly denled. - (b) If, becausa of eny tct o! onl$lon of any oenor, lny rnechanLc,g or other llen or ordei for thc paynent of none| ehall'be bi flled agalnst. the general coruon elenents br-agalnst any 6ther dnerrB rpartnent unlt or any lnprovencntB th€ral,n, or-lgalnat iny other ovner (uhcth€r or not auch ll,cn oE ord€r l! valld or enlorceable at sueh),the osner trho€e act or onlgrlon forur thc brara for ruch licn or oraii shall at hls own cost and axpen8s causa tho aa[r to be cancelled and dlecharged of record or . bonded by ! rurety coDpany reasonably acceptrbl€ to the Aasoclation, or to ruch othcr ovncr- or syl|or!,wlthin 20 dry. rft.r the drt. o! flllng thor.of, and furthcr rhali lndennlly and 6av. r1l thc other unlt ovncn ind th. A$oclatton ha,:rnl,eBB fron end agltnat rny rnd all cortr, axPa:.1aa, ,la rtr lorer or daiagea, lncluding rcaronablq rttornayr! fe€l : .itlng thiretron. - 6._ - Adnlnl.tratlon rnd tfaneg.nent. Sk.rl Hua Aprrtrentr pharc Il rhall b. rdnlnl.t.red rnd nenagcd pur.utnt to thlr brclaratlon, thr Artlclc! of Incorporrtlon rnd th. By-t 1,r of thc A$oclatlon. Erch ortner 8ha11 bc a nenber untll hc c€r3er to be an ornar. Erch lcDbGr shall comply strlctly ulth thc provlclonr of thlr Declaration and o!th€ Artlcles of Incorporrtlon rnd By-Lre! o! tha A.ioclrtlon. Elch n€nber Bhall be bound by lnd shrll cornply ylth rulcr, regotutlonr rnd deciglonc of the Aseoclatlon duly DadG or adopted ln thc lanncr set forth ln the Artlclca ot lncorporatlon or By-Iflra. Fallure of th.nenber to conply nlth such provlslone, ruler, reaolutlons or declslonr shall b6 grounds for an actlon to recover danrrgea or to obt.in lnJunctive rellef, or both, lalntrlnable by the Asooclatlon on behalf of the other or11er8 or, Ln ! proper case, by an ar;grleved orner. In addition, the Agsoclatl,on,a By-1,6yr rnay authorlze th6 A8aocj..tl.on,dullng the pcrlod ol lny dellnquency, (a) to revok€ ! d€llnguent orner'i rlght to uac Aeneral conDon €lcn€nta rnal (b) to sulpend !nenber,s votlng prlvllcAee; houevar, no cuch ruepenelon ahal,t lffcct th€ rights of . first llenor. ?. l{alntenancc end Rep.lrs. (a) E.ch orrner shrll b€ reaponslble for n.tntenance and repair of his apartnent unlt, lncludlng llxturee snd funprovenents and all utlllty llnes and egulpnent locrted therGln and aervlng cuch unlt only. In perfornlng ruch Dalntenanca or repair, or ln lnprovlng or lltering hIB apartnent untt, no oyner shall do rny act or work ehlch lnpalrs the structural soundneas of any bullding or rhlch lnterferea ulth any easenent. (b) Th€ gen€ral corinon elen€nts (lncluding the lbnlted cotnnon elenents) ahrll bs rdmlnistered, cons€rved, nanaged,nalnt.lned, repalred and leplaced by the Assoclatlon, shich nay have I I I t I acceBs to any unlt fron tlns to tlne durlng r.aronabl. hourr for ruch pyrposes, or at any tlne for th. purpo$ ol naklng anergency repalre thereln necessary to prevent danag- to the general -connoi ellatenti or to another apartnent unit or unlte. The costs of rapalring any daDag€to rn apartrlent unlt reaultlng fro! cntry thereln foi any iuch- purpoee ahall be a comllon expense of rll the oyners. Hoyrver, 1l ttre nled- to nake auch entry resulta fro! the negllgerrcr or .lntentlo.tal act o! rny ot ner, h1s fanlly, agent or Lnvltee, ruch ornor shlll r€lnbur8. tha Aegoclatlon for all the co3t! or reprlrlng auch danage and Ehrll b€ll.able to th6 other ovner! for all .ddltlonll toaies or drnlg€a .uffered, lncludlng reasonable attorneyrr f.ca. (c). Notylthstrndrng thc forogolng, (t) aach orn€r havlng an Lnterest ln ltnlted colron elcnents aniff fay' ihc proportlon ot -the coats and expcn!€a of Datntllnlng, ropalrl.nE and rcplacing any lhlted comnon .I€ErntB of yhlch auch oenar he. any us. and onjopa-nt, the nunerator ot ehlch lr hlt pcrcentrg. lntrr..t ln geneial coDlc 1 elenent! rnd th€ denoal.nator of vhlch tr th. total pcrc-ntagc lntercet In general, coMon .lenantr of alt parronr havlng any uec and cnJoylcnt th.r.of, rnd (tt) .ach oun.r .hrll ply lll co.t. of rrpalrlng rny danlq. to th. gGn.rrl col|Don .l.Dantr (lncludlng th. I lnlt.d cotitlon claD6nt!), .or to lny aplrtnent unlt othar than hlt orn, r.3ultlng lroD thr lntentionrl act or negllgcnc. of such oener, hlr larnlly, agcnt or lnvltce. 8. AsgeaanGntB for Connon Expenaes. (a) Except ae arrt forth ln cubparagraph 7(c' hcre.ln, cach oener shtll pay his pro rrtr Bhar. ol th€ coruon Gxpenre!, shlch proratlon shall be [rde on the baclr of th€ Sh.ring Ratlor ln eff.ct on th€ date 6uch contron expcnBe ls aeeegaed. (b) Th€ Bo.!d of Dlroctor. (the iBoardn) ot the Aseoclatlon ohall flx, det.nnln., lcvy end collcct annual and rpeclal ra!€lsnantr to be pald by orch ol tha ouner3 to De€t th. cotmon Gxpen.er rnd to create a contlngency reserve thrrrefor. Prlor to the beglnnlng of €.ch flacal y6.r of tha A$oclatlon, the Board ih.ll ldopt a budg.t for th.t y€ar. Thc budg€t 3hrll lnclude, but shlll not b€ llDlted to, .n esti[ate of th. corts of [alntenancc, r€palr and r€flacenent of th.general connon €lernent!, thc cost of utlljtle! and othcr eenrlces to be provlded bl' tha Atsoclrtion, the co3t of Lnaurancc requlred by Prragraph t her.ln, and propoted capltal .xp.nd1tur.r. The budget ahall lncluda an ldoqurta re3€n|s fund lor tha Drl,nt€nanca, rcpalrs and replacenont of thorc general connon clcncntr that nust bG replaccd on a perlodlc baslg tn ordcr that luch lrlntenlnc., repa!,rr rnd replacenent [ay b€ pald for through r€gulrr lnstalltnents rathcr than by Bpecl!l rsseatnent. For the Aesoclatlon't firrt flacal year. th€ Board Ehall rdopt the l.udget at the flrst Deetlng of the Board rnd designatc th€ data of conncncerrcnt of tha ttrat rnnu.l llacrln€nt, i2 r,rlth the cost3 for Dal.ntenance, r€p.lr and reptrcenent of thc general corr .n elen3ntr and any laaerve fund noadad tharcfor barcd on i good f€ . h eatlnate of tho3e costBi tald cetluate rly b. based on th. coat!lncurred by' slult.ar ageociatl,onr ln the gcncra-l locale. ThGr.r!t$,the coat ol nalntenance, repal,r and rcplicenent and any rasar.a tunrl ne€ded ther€for ahrll b. on th. batlt o! thc pr€vloui y6!r,. costt vith ruch adjultn€nts th€refro! a. th. Board cinaldGrr approprlat€.The budgot ahall algo lncludq thG annual aereeanent - ior cach condoninluu unlt. Speeial, aasclaD.ntr Day ba levicd whenavcr Ln the opi-'nn o! thr Board lt le naccerary or advbablc to do ro (l) to neet lncrcaacd. oporrtlng . or Dalntcnlnc. -xponror or costr, (fl) do- provlda for addltlonal crpltal expcnaG8, or (l1t) b.causa- of 'cncrgincleet however, 1l tha proposcd addltlonal capltrl Gxlrenses at any glvon tlne rre ln elaceas of ton pcrcant of tha |raxluun replacenent valuc of the butldlnga, ae detemlned by thc Acst;latlon puiauant to rubparrgrrph 9{cl herelnr- ruch expeneer oey bc Lr,currcd only aftcr tho ouircrtl Ly tha vot. ol tha ounarr ol rt lclrt ?5 parccnt of th. g.nrral colDon €lcDcnt!, approv. luch .rpGnrea. All annua!, eeacrsninte rhlll bc based upon an approved budget, all othcr rrra$Dent. !h!ll bt ln lterlzed .t!t.[.nt forn and rhall. ret torth th. dctall of thc varloue cxpGnlcr lor vhlch th. .slaarDanta !r. balng !ada. (c) The Board ahall prepare and provld€ to each ovner a statenent lor tho rnnurl aase!8trcnt rnd any speclal llaessncnt agaln3t hls condonin tu:n unlt. Annual aeteagncnti for tha budg.tcd conlnon cxpenBea Bhall be p.ld ln qurrt€rly ln.trlln€nta, .ach ruch lnstallnent due and payable ln advanco on tha tllist dry oC .rch calcndar quartar, or Dor. fraqu.nt lnltallnrntr ar !|ry b. - d.t.rmlnsd by the Board. Speclal as3€3!n.nt! rhrll bc du. and payrbl. ar speclfled ln tho rrltt€n notlc. ot such asseBanent provldea by thc Board. (d) An rctlon lry be brought by th. Alsoclstlon to rrcover unpald cot non cxp.n!c! fro! th. oynar llabl. tor prllnent tharcof , rlth or rlthout for.clorl,ng or uelvlnE thc llen dcrcrlbed ln thc lollorlnE par.grrph. (e) All EUDB raaeased but unpald for the ahar€ of co[lon cxpens€B ara.arcd to lny condonlnlul unlt rhall conltltut. ! llcn on such unlt tn frvor ot th. A3socl.tlon prtor to rl1 other ll€ns rnd encunbrancea, exceptt (1) ltenr for taxcr rnd .p€chl asr€Bsrn.nt! t rnd (11) thc lhn of any tlrrt lortgrg. or ftr.t de€d o! tru.t o! r.cor,{.ncunberlng ruch unlt. Thc A oclatlonrr ltrn rhall attlch lron thu dat€ wh6n th. unprld r3rar.[.nt rhrll b.con. du. rnd nay b. forcclorcrl by ths A33oclatton ln llkc Danncr !r a nortElge on rarl propcrty upon the recordlng of ! notlce or clrh thareof axccuted by th6 Aggoclatlon setting forth the anount of tha unprld lndebt€dn€s!, the nan€ of the oun€r ol ths condoDlniu! unlt, and a doscrlption of the condonlniun unlt. In lny 6uch foreclosurc th€ oyn6r lhrll b€ requlred to pay the €et '.t .l c,o coats rnd exp€nee! of auch proceedlngs, lncludlng r€aLonablc attorney,a fe€!. Durlng tha pcrlod cf loraclosurg th6 ormer of tho condonlnl,u! unlt BubJect to 3uch acti.rn shall b€ requlred to pay a reaaonable rental to thc A8aoci.tlon. lhe Acroclatlon lhall be entltled to purchare th. condoalnluu unlt at thG forecloeure .al€, and to acguJ,rc, hold, Ieaec, lortgage or convey thc 8aD€. (fl No ovn.r ahall .x.rpt hhaell lrotr ftabtltty for pattnent of hlg rharc ol tha co[Don Gxpcnar. .lth.r by ualv€r of tha u!. or €njolment of rny ol thr Ecn.rrl coDnon .lan.ntr or by ab.ndonnent ol hlr condonlnlun unlt. (g) fn clg€ of talc or other trancf€r of a condonlnlun unit ulth reapcct to ehlch au!! rsBclaed for couron axpenscs shalt ba unpald, th. purch!3cr br other trrnsfcr.. of .ny lnteieet ln auch unlt shall b€ Jointly and lcverally lhbl.. elth thr reller or tranclaror thereof for auch unpald arlarslenta. Notuithltrndlng thc rbovo, rny llrrt lt€nor uho obtllnr tltl. to a condonlnlu[ unl.t purcuant to tha retr.dl.. provldcd ln th. lortgage or tor.clorur. ol th. lottgrg. ultl not bG llrbl. tor luch unlt.! unprld atuc! or chargce rhlch accru.prlor to thG lcgulrltlon ot tltl. to such unlt tor th! flrrt llcnor.. (h) Upon vrltt€n roquert of rny oun€r, lortgagoc,pro3pectlve nortgrgec, purchrscr oa oth.r pro.p€ctlva trrnrfcr.. of r condoalnlu! untt, tha tl3ocletlon !hal1 l..ue a 'rrltte.r atrtcn.nt !€ttlng lorth t.re aDount of thc unpald conDon cxpenBe!, lf any, ulth rcapGct to auch condollnlu! unlt, th. aDount o! thc currant Donthly lsse8anant, tho datc on vhlch ruch rasGraEent b€caDa cr rhall bccona due and the aDount of any cr.dlt for prepald expen3ea. Such statonent. for nhlch a reagonablc f.e ley bc charged, le blndlng upon the Assoclrtlon In tavor of any p€rlont yho ray rely th€reon ln good talth. Unlcs! a rcqu€st tor luch rtatenent ahall be conpllcd vlth rlthln ten d!y. atter recelpt thcr.of, all unprld co[non .xpen!€t uhlch becanc dua prlor to tha dato oC Day.lng Buch reguest !h!11 b€ subordlnated to th. llcn or other , ntereEt ot tha person requeatlng luch atate[ent. (f) Any party ln lavor ot uho! a llen on a condonlnlun unlt has been crsat.d Day but shrll not bc r€gulred to pay rny unpald connon exp€n3e! rlth rrepcct to tuch unlt, end uPon 3uch paynent such p.rty ahall hrv. I ll.n on ruch condonlnlun unlt for the rnount .o patd ol th. rrtro rrnk a. tha ll.n therctofor. .xl..tlng. (1) Flrst Llrnors lhall be glven urltten notlce by the Aa3ociatlon of rny d€frult ln th€ pcrfonlance of any obligatlon under thlE D€claratlon or thc Artlcl€! of Incorporrtlon or the By-L.tB of the Assoclatlon by !n orrner ln the paytuent of any assessnent her€under, vhlch default hag renalned u[cured for 60 days. .) 1 I -,I -t g 9. fnaurance. (a) The Aasoclatlon ehall, on behalf of th€ otrn.r.: (1) treep all bul.ldlng! (lrcludlng alt of the apartDent unlta and ell flxturer therrtn, but not lncludlng furnlturc,furnlahlnge or_oth.r partonal propcrty rupptled or lnstallcd by condouinlun unlt osncrel lnsurcd egalnst losr or danagc by f1ra,wlth cxtend€d covcrlg. ( hrcludlng Lneurancc aE.ln.t lo.t or danage by vandall.s[ or lallclour llrchl.f), ln at l.!rt th.lDount of tha Dlxllu! rGFlrc.lcnt vllua tharaof, d.t.r.!lnad ln accord.ncc rlth subparagrrph 9(cl h.r.lnt (ll). provld. lnd ke.p ln !orc.. tor tha prot.ctlon of the Araoctatton, ltr otflccre and dlrectors, rnd rll th. @ner' lnd flrst ll.cnort, gcneral publlc llabttlty and property dalrrge inrurlnc. agalnrt clelna lcr bodlly lnJury or dclth or propcrty dsnrga ocourrlng upon or tn tha ganarll co non rlonohll, ln llnltr ol not lcr. thrrn 91,000,000 tor bodlly lnjury or d.!th to any nunbar of perlonr arlelng gut o! ona rcctdcnt or dllrltar, or for darnaE. to prop€rty, and lt hlghcr llulrt .hall. rt any th. b.cuntorlry to protect agalnst polrlblc tort llablllty, such hlgh.r llnltr EhaII be carrlcd. (lff) provlde rnd kecp -ln forcG fld.llty coverlg€, by fldellty bond or lntulancc, nanlng thc Aasoclatlon aa tha inaured, agalnut dlshonert rcta on thc part of dlrcctora,nanagers, tructee!, cnployeer Gr volunt€err reEponslblo lor hanCllng fund! belonglng to cr adnlnlctered by the Aasocl.tlon. The fldelity covGrlgc erch ye.r Bhall be in an anount equal to no les8 than on€ and one-half tlnea the Assoclatlon'r eEtlnatcd annual budg€t, ar provlded for ln lubprragraph 8(b, her.ln. (tv) crrry lnsurlnce ln auch .nounts ar thc Assochtlon nry conslder nece.B.ry or advleabte agaln3t auch other lnsurable hazardr !B tn!]r fro! tlna to tlne ba comonly lnaured agalnlt ln thc cala of s- rlllr property ln ghllar locatlons elsethere. (v) crrry dlrGctorr and offlcrr! llabltlty Lnsuran,:e ln ruch ltnounta !! tha Alloclrtlon nay conclder ncce ary or advlrablc. (b) All l,ngurance r€gu lrsd to bo carrlcd under thla paragraph shall be carrlod ln favor of the A.3oclrtlon, the ownera and all flr8t llenoru, as thalr r.spcctlva lntercsts nay appear. Each policy of lnsuranca ehall contaln a standard Dortgrgec clause in favor of each flrst llenor of a condotllnlun unlt uhlch shall provlde that the loEs, lf any' thercunder thtll bc p.yabla to such flrEt llenor, !s ltB lnt€rest tnay rppoar, 8ubjcct, horavar, to th€ logr paynent lo l{tr provlsions ln fqvor of the Aesoclatlon herelnafter set forth. All pollclea of lnsurance against danage to any buildlng and flxtures shall.provlde that losEe8 ahall be payablc to and adjuated rith the ABsocirtion, as attorney-ln-fact for the orn€ra. ine Acgoclatlon Bhall hol.l and rpply the proceeds of auch lnsurance aa 8et forth ln thIB DecLaratlon. Each Ingurancc pollcy ghall provlde that no cancellatlon thereof nry bc nade by thc lngurance - carrlar ulthout havlng flrst glven 30 days, prlor yrl,tt.n notlc. thcr€of to th6 Aasoclatlon, the orrners end rll flrst llcnors. Elch lnaurancc pol.lcy sh.lI .l.o contain a iccverablllty of lnterG3ti .ndorronent, - thal provldsr.ln case of vlolatlon oi rny provlllon th.rro! by the Aegoclatlon or one or nor. (but Icae than rtl) of thc ornrrr-, thr covarage of luch pollcy .1ha1l. ba turpcndcd or lnvat ldllcd onltT aa to th. lntcr€.t ol th. Asaoclatl.on or th- oun.r or ounoEt counltting thr vlolatl.on and not aa to the lntarest of rny other own.r. All poilcl€s of phyaical daDage ingurancs shall contaln-yalvers of rubroEetion and of any dcf.ntq brleal on co-l,n!uranc.. Drrpriclte orlglnrlr o! all pollct.. o! phyrlcal dlDrg. tn.urrnc. .nd of all rrniralr th.r.ot,tog.th.r t,lth proot ol paFlcnt ot prrnlunr, rh.ll b. deltv€rcd to lll flr.t t lenoru .t IGIBI tGn daya prlor to cxplratlon o! thc then current pollcies. _ - (c) The naxlnuD repl.cenent v.lu. of the bulJ,dl.ng (vhlch cl.all lndlcata ths naxlnun repllc€nent valu. of cach condontniut unlt contalned th.reln), sithout dcductlon tor dcprcclatlon, rhell b.dete nlncd by th. Aegoclatlon prlor to obtalnlng rny pollcy of flr.tneurancc or rny rGnct,ll tharaof by acanl of ona or !or- vrltt.n appralralr nad. by coDtrGtent, dlalntercated appraiacrgl hou€v€r,appraleala need not bc obtained ltorG frcquGntly than at ona-y€.r lnt€rval!. Coples of luch apprateala shlll b€ furnlshed to cach osner and each flrst ltenor of ! condonlniun unlt. (dl Each orner shalt bs responrlble lor 111 lnguranca coverlng loes or danage to periona!. propcrty ln hlr apartrnent and lhblllty for inlury, d.!th or drnag€ occurrlng Inalde hlg rpartnent unit. Any sucl, pollcy rhlll contaln r,rlvar! ot rubrogltlon rnd .h!]l be eo rrlttcn thlt tha llablllty ol the crrrlers leeulng ln;urance obtained by the Alaoclstlon Bhrll not b. rffacted or dlnlnlehed thereby. 10. lppolnttnent of Attornev- ln-Flct. Each ouner by hlr scceptrnce of thc dsed or other conv€yance veatlng ln hln an lntereet ln a condonlnlun unlt does lrrevocably con3titute and appolnt (a) th€Associatlon rrlth full pover of BubBtltu).ton a! hla true and la?ful attorney ln hJa na[e, plrcc and stead to deal ulth Buch interest upon darn.ig€ to or deatructlon. obeolescence. or condennation of lny buildlng or real property rs herelnafter provlded, and (bt Dccl.rant with full pouer of subgtltutlon es hls true and lasful attcrney in hie nane, place and stead to deal itlth auch lnteraat ro order to 1l tf ., {, effectuat€ the reaervatlon contalned ln paragraph 20 herein, erch ulth full porrer, right and authorl.zation to execute, rcknorledg. .nd dellver any contr:act, deed, proof ..f loca, relcaee or othar lnrtrunont affectlng the lrrtereBt of auch owner, end to trkc any othcr rctlon trhlch th€ Asaoclatlon or Declrrant nay conrldcr ncceatary or rdvllabla to glv€ affcct to th. prr-rlolons ot thl. lrcclrrstlon. Ii rcquorted to do so by th€ Asrociltlon or Declrrlnt, arch ornar rhall axacuta lnd dellver . l,rlttcn ln8tru!.nt con!!,r:alng rrtch lpPolntD.nt. fh. actlon of the Aeeoclatlon ln sett,llng any dareg. or cond€lnltl,on cl!t! rhatl be flnal and bindlng on all orrner!. No ounor ghall h.v. rny rlghtr against the As:ociatr.on or any of lt! officera or dl,rectora rlth respect thereto except in caee of fraud or grolr negllganca. 11. Drnaqe or D€structton. In casc of duaga or d€ltructr,on ol any buildl,ng or rny part thereof by rny c!ui. vhrt.ocvcri (a) If ln th. rcaaonlble tudgDant of th. A$oclatlo t th.proceeds ol lnsurance Bhrll b€ :ufflclent to pay all ths co.tr of repairing and reBtorr.ng the bulliilng, the Areoci.atlon (as .ttorn.y-ln-flct for tha oenerr) .hrll clu8c th. bulldlng to bc r.prlr.d rnd reatorad, applylng th. procaadr ol ln.ur.nc. lor thrt purpo.o. (b) If In th. raaaonablc judgncnt of thc Ataoclatlon thr antlclpatcd proce€d8 ot lnlurrnc. ar. not aulllclant to ply th. co.!t of r.prlrlnE rnd reltorlnE thc bullding, lnd lt thc .xc.!. ot rucli costa over the antlclpat€d ,,nrurrnce proceedr are lcer than 201 of th. rnaxlnun rcplac€nent valuc la3t datenilned und€r rubparrgraph 9(c,hereln, then the Acaoclatlon (rs rttorncy-ln-frct lor bhc ovn.rrl sh.Il pronptly crur. thc bulldlng to ba rrpair€d and r€ltored, rnd thc dlffcrcnce betwecn thc lnaurance procacdr rnd tha eortr of rapllr rtrd restoration lhall bc ! contlon Gxp€nre to ba a''erled and prld provld.d in paragraph I h.r.ln. (c, ll ln thr rc.son.bl. JudgD.nt of thc Assocla:Ion tha antlclpated proceed! of lnruranca er€ not .ufflci.nt to pay the co.t!of repalrlng and reatorlng thG bulldlng, and lf the exc.as of tuch costs are 20t or nore of the buildlng, lnd It thr exceas of auch co3ts lre 2ot or norc of thr laxinun rep:,lcaDent va1uc last deterulncd undcr subparagraph 9(c) herrln, thcn tha AlBoclatlon (rs attornoy-ln-frct for the ounerr) ehall pronptly causc the bulldlng to be repalrod rnd reEtored, and the dlfference boteeen thc Inaurancc Proceeda and tha co6t8 ol repllr and rastoratlon Bhall bc a ccnDon sxpenaei to ba aseesaed and pald !! provlded tn Parlgraph I herelnt provld.d, hosever, that lf vlthln tcc dayt .ftcr th€ drte of such d!n.g. or de. cruction ! plan for repalrlng and restorlng th€ bulldlng shali bt dlsapprorad by and a tal,c ol cttch bulldlng l. .pproved the ovncrt oC condonlniurn unltt ln luch butldlng omlng 751 or lor€ of ths totrl lnt€rosts ln gencral connon clcDent. rppurt.nrnt to lPlrtn€nt unltr ln ruch bulldlng-and by ?5t oC lll llrrt lhnor. of tuch condotlnlu! .l a 6 I l2 .?q unlts) the Asgoclatlon (a6 rttorney-ln-fact for the owners of ('ondonlnlun units ln such butldlng) eirall execut€ anar record tn the EaEle county, cororado relr €ltrt€-iecordr r notlc€ oe cuch-iicte, and thereafter ehall cell the. entirs ggql p.:operty on yhtch ,uch luliOing la loc.ted (Includrng thc bulrdtni),' toiethcr utth reironabrr ::::i?l!?_!"r-Ingrear rnd cgr€lr, tt icqutrri, ao deelgneted by th.Aasoclrtron, free and clclr of thc provlrlonr of thlr Dcilaratloi and the nap, uhlch Bhal.r ehorry terrnlnatc and .xplre vitrr ieapeci -io such propert / upon the closing of auch Bal.e. Thii Oeclaratlon'and any nap,horever, shall renain tn full force and affect viih rerpe-t-to all other prop€*y and bulldings. and -the percentage lnterests'ln general ::tlp?_.1:T:!ts^?ppurtenrnt to atl apartrent units reualnlnt iubJect to thla Decrantlon shall rutonaclcllly bc lncroarcd by thc inount- of tho p€rcentag. lntereats ln gen€ral coinnon clonrnts apiurtcnant to rlr lprrtnent unlt. ln th. bullr:tng aold frG. and - ilcar of thlr D€clllatlon, . such lncr.!.c to b€ ;lloclted aroong aparin"nt untt. ln lccordance vlth each unit'8 reapectlve appurtenlnt, iirteregt tn general,co[non €lelrentr eppurtenant to apartrnent- unltg ln thc butldinir not bclng aord-. Th€ procscda of lnsurance and th6 procGedr o! ruch rrlc gf !!.-I":.f property ahall be arlocarcd by th.- Aseoclarlon. iepifea tlrst to the paynent of.erpencea of the aale, and then dlvid€ anong the orners of condonlnluu units ln such UultAlng and pald tnt6 Baprrate aceounts, erch repreeentlng one conConinluo u-nlt. Thc i,ngurancc proc€eda ahall lr; dlvl<ted eccordlng to .uch oenera,reepect lve. percentlgc lntereat tharaln ag rhosi by tha tnrurancc pollcl€3, 1f so shorrn, otheryiaa accordlng to such oniert, rerpectlve int€rest -ln generrl coroon elehents appur€enant to apartnrent units ln the bullding ao sold, lnd the proclLde of aale ihali be divided 6..:cording to Buch o..rnerrr respective undivlded lnterest! ln the generEr connon elernents appurten.nt to apartnent unlts ln the bulldlng so Bold. The funds ln each account (ulthout contribution fron onG account to another) shaLl be applied by the Aasociati.on for tho follot,ing purpoaet in the order lndlcated: (l) for prtnnent of the balance of the lien of any first uortgagc or deed of Lrugt on tha condoninlun unitt (lll for paynent of taxes and specl,al asseBsnent Ilena ln favor of any asscssing entlty; (i11) for paynent of unpaid connon expensesi (lv) for pry[ent of Junlor llen3 rnd encuEbrences ln the order of rnd to thc extent of th€lr prlority rnd (v) the balance renalning, if any. Bhall. be pdld to the ouner. ihe provlslonr of thlt Paragraph ahall not be conBtru€d rs llnltlng ln any uay the rlght of r first lienor (ln case the proceeds rllocrted under (i) above shall b€insufficien;- to pay the indebtedness secured by hls llen) to asgert and enforce the peraonal liabillty for Euch deficlency of the person or persons responsible for payrn4nt of such lndebtednesE. If nlthln 100 days lfter the date of such danage or destruction a plan for repairing and restorlng the darnaged or d€stroyed buildlng ls not dlsapproved purEu.nt to thlr paragraph lI(cr, ahe Aa.ocl,tlon (!t attorney- ln-fsct for such ownersl Fhall pronptly cause auch repalrJ rnd restoratlon to b€ nadc accordlng to suc! plan. All oun€rs of l3 apartnent unlts ln such bulldlng (and no othera) shall be bound by thG terns of Euch plan, and the difference, lf any, betueen the a'ount of the lngurance proceeds rnd tha coatg 6f repaii anc reatoiation ehalr be an expen8e of sueh ornGra onty and rhall b€ rrlGrsed lnd plld by suclr oulrer. ln the proport,lons 0! thclr r.sp.ctlvc lntor;st! 1;,general cotnlnon elenrnt. rppurtansnt to lprrtrent- unltr ln the danrged bu I ldlng . . (d) l{othlng contalncd ln thlr Feregraph ehall b. congtrued as lnposlng any llability ehrtever on any ftist- llenor to ply rll or any part of the co3ts of repair or restoritlon. 12. ObBol€Bccncc. (a) Il rt any tln. th. oun.r. o! ?5t or nor. o! th. g.n.rrl coDnon3 clenentt eppurt€nant to rpartDent unltr ln any bitldtnq covered by thls Declaratlon and 7-jt of rll flrlt lllnors yttfr lntsrclt. tn ruch bull,dlng .h.11 !gr.c thlt .uch buttdtnq haa bccona oblor€t. enal.ahall approvr r -plan tor ltr rrnovatlon or -raatorltton, the l8soclatlon (at lttorncy-ln-trct for th. ounar. ylth lnt.rert. i;auch bulldlng) 3hall pronptly caugc such ranovatlon or r.storrtlon to P..!gq. accordlng to ruch pJ,!n. AII orncrr of rplrtn.nt unltr ln ruch bulldlng lhrl.l bc bound by th. t.tr. o! ruch pian, and th€ cortr ol th. uork .hall ba rn Gxpcnlc ol ruch oun.r. only and chall bc .rrcrlcd and pald Py guch ovners ln the proportlons- o! thelr rcrpectl.v.lnteresta ln general cotmon eleDents- appurtenant to lpartnent u;lt ln euch-bullding. _ No outr€r of an apartnent unlt tn any other bullrtlng shall be rcqulred to p.y lny o: the colta of euch renovatlon or reetoratlon on account of such orncrshlp. (b) lf !t rny tlue thc orn.r. of ?5t or Dorc of th. generat co[non .Irnenta and ?5t o! all tlrrt llcnorr rhrlt agrcc that iny of th€ Inprovanenta conltltutlng general coMon clencntt heva bicone obsol€t€ rnd .hall lpprovc ! plrn lor tholr renovatlon or restorrtlon,the Associatlon (ae attorney-ln-fact for the orners) shall pronptly cause such renovatlon or restoration to bc nade accordlng to such plan. A1l ornera sh.ll be bound by the terng of euch plan, and the costs of th€ rork ahall b€ a coDnon exp€nae, to b€ asseaaed and paid as provlded tn Paragraph 8 hereln. (c) If at any tlBe th€ oynera of ?5t or nore of the general connon elenent3 and 75t of rll firBt lienors ahrll agree that the bulldlngs have becotne obsolete and should be sold, the Asroclation (aa attorney- In- fact for the oyner6) shll1 pronptly record ln the r€al eatate records of Eagla County, Colorado, r nocic. of auch facts, lnd shall sel,l th€ entlrc real property, free and clear of th€ provlelone of 'hla Declaratlon and the nap shtch shall wholly ternlnat€ and explre upon the closlng gf such s.le. Th€ proceedB of euch sale chall { la q t?s be collected, applled and dlvlded anong the otrners by the Assoclatlon rn the nanner provlded ln subparagraph fl(c) herein.- 13. Condennation. (a) .If the entlre r€al prop€rty lhall be trken for any publlc or quasl-publlc u8e, under iny- etaiutc, by rlght of cnineni qonaln, or by purchas€ ln lleu thereof, or lf any pr* ol any bulldlng covered by thls Dcclarrtlon shlll b€ !o tak6n, oi if any pariy of th;rand 6harr be so taken and the part renarnlig shatl ba 'lneifflclent for purposes of Skaal- Hus Apartuentr phaee Ii, the Aegoclatlon (as attorncy-in- fact for the orneia) shrll colr.ct ihe award nade in such taklng and aharl a€ll thc part ot th..1and rcualnlng !!t€r th. taxlng,lf any, fres rnd cle.r of thc provltlonr o! thlr D6claratlon and ia nap. _Such provlelone - shall eholly. tGmlnats and crplro upon tha recordlng. of a notlce by th. Aesollatlon r.ttlng forth aLf if ruch facts. Th. !r!rd and thc_ -proc.€d. o! ruch aali, tt any, .h!ll bc collected, applled and dlvld-d lnonE thc osnGrr by-th. lee6ilatlon tn th€ nanner provld€d in aubparagrrph 11(c) herrln.- (b) If such t.klng rhall be partlal only, and LC tho renalnlng party of th. t.nd ahatl bc rufficlcnt for ihe purpoacr oc Skarl Hu6 Aplrtnent. phri. II, thG condontnlun orncrshli irorrunder Bhall not tarnlnrte. Each oyner shall b. entltled to a eirarc of thG condennrtlon auard to be d:terulned under thc fo)loulng provlslonr: (1) The total arnount llt.ocrted to t.k1ng of or lnjury to the general coDnon eleDentr ahall bc apportloned alnonq ot ner! on thc bastr ol each osncrr! reepe-tlvc pGrcentaga lntereat ln tho gonerll connon claDantr i - (if) Th€ totll aDount allocated to sever.nce danager ahrll be .pportloned to tha oeners of thoBa rpartDent unltr shlch were not taken or condenned on the basl,i of each such owner'g respectivc percentage lnterest in the general conrnon clenents i (lff) The respectlve aDount3 allocated to the taklng o!or inJury to a prrticular apartnent unlt or to irnprovenents an osner has nade rithln hig own apartnent unlt ehatl be apportloned to the ouner of th.t partlcular apartnent unlt lnvolvedr and (lv) Th€ totrl lEount !llocated to consequentlal danragea and .ny other taklng or lnJurict rhall b.apportloned anong the ovnera ln proportlon to thatr respectlve percentage lnt€reata ln tha general connon elenents. If any rllocatton of the asard is already eatrbllshed ln negotlation, Judlclal dccreo, or othGrul.e, ,|, I I l5 i9 rt then ln allocrtlng_ ^th€.award the Aaaoclation ahall enploy auch .r.rocatlon. Dlatrlbutlon of apportloned proc€ed' ahalr be-nade.by checkB_payabl€ Jolntly L6 ttre resplctlve ouners and thelr respcctlvc flret Llenors. (c) In th. .v.nt r prrtial taklng rerult. ln th€ tlklng of tn aparttnant unlt, tha.orn.r th.r.o! rhall iutonratlcally caaic -to ue a tnenber of the lraoclrtlon, rnd hlr ovncrehlp lntcice- in-irri- lGnolr r.contnon eLenenta ehall temlnatG and vcat- ln ths ornorr or thc renarning condonlnlun unlta. Therealtar, thr earoctitlon ,hrrl rearlocai-e the ornerehlp and aEscaaneni ratioe aiierornea ln accordrnc€ $lth thlr Decluetlon accordlng to tha BrDe prrncrprea enployed ln thls Decrrratlon at lts lnception, and cnarr cuf,ilt ruch reallocatron to thc ornera of tha rcrnalning rpartrnont unlta for th.anendnent of thls D€clrrlt lon. (d) In the svGnt that rny portlon of Sk.rl Hu. Ap8rtn.nt,Phas€ rr .hali. b€ bade th€ rubJeEt iattcr of .ny conoernnitlon or ernlnent - doDrln proceedlng or la of,herrrtgc eought t6 U" -icdiiei bV ;condernnlng - authority, then thely sritten notlie of such dondennatton Bhall be glven by the Assoclaticn to 6ach osner and flrat lLenor. 1{: ourlltv of wo"k. Any rcpalrl, rcnovatlon or rcetoratlon ol !!: t?"Lproperty, or any.bulldlng covcrcd by thls Dcctrrltton by rh.ABsoclatlon ar attorncy-l n-flct for th. ornirr !h!lr be donc in- ruch nanncr aa to nake the r..l property or the bulldlng at lcast a,v.luable after auch eork !s tt uis lnroedlately before €he occurrenc€req.riring the sork to be done. 15. Anpndnent or Rcvocatlon. Thts Declaratlon nay be uendod or revoked (a) by Declarart at any tfune prlor to the flliirg of the Drpr and (b) upon rrrlttrn spproval ln recordabl. foti! of the ornera o! ?3i or rnor.. ol_ thr g.neral colrtnon rl.D.ntt and z5l o! all flrat lhnorl,€xcept tha! .th. provirlons of Bubparlgraph 2(!) h.r.ln, Exhlbit i rolatlng to lntereat! In the Eencral colunon rtcDents and the ltnlted cottltnon elenenta, subparagraph 2(b) and pangraph 2l nay b€ lncndcd only upon luch rpproval of the orrnera of fo6f of the general coDnon elenentr, aIl flret llcnorr, and th6 Dcclarant. It -shall aleo be revoked In rhole or ln part upon Brle of all or part of the real property pursuant to subplragraphs ll(c), t2(c, or 13(a) her€in or upon ternlnatlon purcuant to peragraph 23. 16. .lroperty tor Connon Use. fhe Aasoclatlon nay acguire and hold for the use rnd henefit of all ouners, real property, aC fong as such real property ls purchrscd at a forec!.oeuie sale or lf 6uch property la to be used ac a.Dsnagerra unlt, tanglble and lntanglble personal property and nay dlepose of the sane by Bal€ or othervise,and th€ bencflclal lntere8t.ln any Buch property ihall lr€ ouned by th€ownera ln the aane proportlon rB therr respectlve tnter.ests In the l6 r' g€nor.l corntnon e! -:3nt! and rhall not br trlntlar.bl€ axcept slth r tr.nafer of a condoDlniuD unlt. A tr!nr!.r o! ! condonl;luD unlt shlll tranBfc| to the transferce ornerehlp o! the trlnaf€ror,,beneflcral int€rest In Euch prop€rty ulthout any referenc€ thcr€to.Each onn€r nay uge Buch property in accordance iltn tne purpoaa for uhrch lt_la, lntended, vlthout nl nderlng or Gncrorchlng upoir tile lauful rlghts of th6 oth€r owner!. Th3 trana!.r o! tltlc to I condonlnlurn unlt undor for.cloaurc chatl cntttl. th. purchu.r to th. bencllclai lnt€r€st ln ruch propcrty droclated vlth- th. for.clo..d conooitnrun un1t. , L7. Beol8tTallon bv Oyncr of ltrlllna Addre8s. Each ourcr ahall reglBtcr hia nalllng address -Ith ttle Al8ocfrtlon, and Gxcept for nonthly strteDentc and other routinc notlcec, rll oth.r notlceg or denands lntended to b€ Benr€d upon an orn.r shrll b€ sent by rlther r€gl8tered or c€rtl,fled nall, poatagr prepald, rddr..scd ln inc naDc of tha ouner rt rrrch rcElrtcred laltlng- addrcl. At.l notlc.r, d.n!nd!or oth.r notice3 lntendrd to bc rcnrcd upon tha Alloclltlon ;h6ll ba .ent cartltl.d nall, poltagc prcpaldr- to th. addre!. o! th.Arcoclatt.on rB d€rlgnet.d ln tnc by-tavr o! th. Aeeoclatton. 18.. Du:ltlon of ColdoplnlUn OnnerBhlp. tl|. reparatG altat€.cleat€d by tbls Declarrtion and th. lap rhall contlnue untll thir D€clrr.tlon Bh.ll be r€voked or untir lti provtelonr ehall ternlnatc ar provldGd har.ln. 19. Archltertural Control. lfo bulldlng, fence, sall or other structurs ahall be couenced, erected o! ualntalned upon tha propertles, nor shall any exterlor addltlon to or change or alteratlon thereln be nad. untll the plans and epeclflcatlons ehovlng thc nature,kl.nd, Bhape, helght, color, laterlala, rnd locatl,on of the ealc ehal,i hrve been subnltted to and approvcd ln urltlng 13 to hamont/ of external, deelgn and locatlon in relatlon to lurroundlng atructure- and topography by the Board ot Dlr.ctor3 of thr Assoclrtlon. tn th. event aald Board, frlls to approv. or dl3approve .uch deelgn and locatlon vlthln thlrty dryE rftcr lrld plant and rpeclflcrtionr hrvc been Eub[itted to lt, approval rlll not bc rcqulred rnd thls paragraph rrllt be d€€Ded to have bcen fully conpl lcd rlth. 20. Gcneral Rcgenratlons. Docl,arlnt rcaarves for a perlod of aeven ye.ra fro!! the drte thls D€clantlon Ir lnltially recorded, (.t th6 rlght to d€dlcate any lccesa roada and atreets eervlng thle condonlnlun proJ€ct for and to publ,r,c uset to .rtabllsh cas€trenta,reservatlons, exccptt on3 lnd cxclusr.ont conalstent ulth tha condoninlun ovnerehlp of the condonlnlun proJect and the best lnterest8 of the ovners rnd the Aasocirtlon, and (b) !n easenent ovcr, under and through lnprovcd and unlnproved prrt! of tha general co[tnon elernents. l? .?1: HgJEe!9IC-PCle. .No-rnln9la, llveetock, hora€s or poultry o! ^"?I-Tlng. shall bc_kept, raised or braid rlthln airy conaouinif,n unlt or vlEnrn Ene gencral, conDon- eleDentS, except that one dog, ona crt or one oth.r household "11p1 nay p€ kept. by- en osner ag a 66ucehord p€t ao I'ong ae -auch pct le not a nulranci to- any oth€r ouner. pedirtrranr acconpan!'cd by ! hou'ehold p?t vrthtn thc a-nerar corunon ctliante nugt havc sald pet under therr llrect contiol -by ur" oi i-- iiirrr'n"t to exc€€d l0 feet ln l€ngth. 22 . Gener.rl . (a)_^Il^any of the prwlalont of thla Declrratlon or any p.ragraph, sentence, churG-, phrrla or uord, or th€ appltcatloir !!:r?:f-ln any-clrcunrtencr Le invalldatcd, rucfi lnvaltdftv ihirr nor ::I?t:_:T:_ vrlr,ctlty or th. r.Drtnd.r ot thlr Dcclarettan, and th.rpprrcallon ol rny ruch provt.lon, pgragreph, a.ntGncc, ct,euic, phrrla or rrord rn any othcr clrcunltancc! inati n6t'u alfcctia in"r-6y. (b). ThG. provreronr of thrt Dccraratron gharl bc in rddrtlon end .upplenented to the condoniniun osnershlp rct oi irri--state o!colorado rnd to atl othGr provlslone of lav. . (c) - t{henever .used hereln, unlegr th€ cont€xt ghall otharrrlse provrdc, thc rrngular nunbcr' rnarr tncrude tnc-tpiuiar, tha plunr th. elngular, lnd -th€ us6 of rny gcndGr .hrlr inciuae arl gcnderr. rN. ltrllttEss WHEREOF, Decl,rrant has duly oxecuted thls Declar.tlon thta .[ d.y of )o".""'y ; itie.r BeI 'ARTI|ERSHI P, a Cotorado cen€ral P.rtnerahlp -' .A l!j/,1 By. !... ,...*/ RayDond E.a Gener.l Bv:t:z-:-J-'Jr[€s A.'f '.-7 4,r Gcncral Partner 18 Brennef, t,t i cor|sEl{! The. underslgned holder of ! de.d of tru3t upolt th. prop€rty covered by thls Decraratl.on h€reby con.ents to aira rrtlfi--aha provt slona ol thlr Declarrtl.on. TIRSTBAI|I( OF VAIL Atteat: ) AJ'I. SIATE OF coLoMDO corr TY oF L,lcln ss. -' r . _tJrc. Slocrolng lnrtruncnt yas acknoslcdge to b€tor. [. thlr 9ay o! ig'I--, 1989 by/ Raylond E.-Brenner !a ceneral tn and to BCT partnershlp. a Col6rado ceneral partnerahlp.t i /RoBs Davls. Jr. attorney ln ?act for wl,tno3i dy hand and otflcl.rl s.!I. 3rd partn-er lfy ccrnnlaelon expirea on: 5l7 l.ro ri sTAtE OF cot.otuDo cou[TI oF n^ct.l: ss. The foregoing lnatruDcnt vag acknovledge to before ne thls 3rd daY of _Janunry , 1989_ by/ Janer f . Ciry aB ceneral partne|lifr .!ird lo ECT Partnership, a Coloraao ceneral partnershlp. . lRoss Davl{, .lr. attorney ln fact for }'itne.rlny hand and of f lcl.al seal.t lly connlrslon explrea on:51719o. EXIIIBIT A (Attrched to and Dade e part of Conatonlnlun D€clrrrtlon for the sk!!l Hur Apartnonta phri6 It) LEGAL DESCRT PTTON That part of the Skaal Hus ApartDenta, the condonlniuu nap of whlch ls recorded under Receptlon Nutnb€r 98830 and ADendlent therlto recorded l{lrch 22, 1983 ln Book 355 at page 821 of th. Er91c County, Colorldo Clerk lnd Record€rrB racordr, descrlbed ar folloyi: Beglnnlng at the northyeBterly corner of aald skaal Hua Apartnants,thence the folloslng.three corrraee along the northerly, easlerly and Boutherly prop€rty llne of !.id Sk l HuB Apartrcnt8 s - (l) S ?9.llrl3.r E 165.OO featl (2) S O/to20'18ri w 120.50 fe.tr (3) N 85.39't2i r 71.03 fc€t, thcncc, departlng eald property llne!, l| to.l2roari E 90.32 fest,thencc N ?9"4?,56n tf 106.72 t.€t, to th. reetcrly property lln6 o!sald Skarl Hua _AprrtDent!, thenc. lf 1o.18ra?r E.- 3t.li fc.t, atong said uesterl.y llns to tha polnt of baglnnlnq, contalnlnE l19ao t..t o;0.274 acreB, nore or l.aa, aald part of Skaal Hua Apartments alro belng knonn aE Phr86 tI, Ftr.t Arninded Condonlnlun trta! o! Bkaal Hu!ApartnentB accordlng to the nrp thereof recorded ln Book 355 at page 821 in the OffLc€ of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk rnd Recorder. - Subject to the follc rlr.y: l. Right of proprietor of a veln or lode to extract lnd reDove hls ore therefron should th€ aane be found to penetrate or lntersect the prcniaea .a rea.rv.d ln Unlted Stater Patent record€d llay 2{, 190t1 , ln Book a8 at Pege 5O3 rnd ln Unlted Stat.r Patent rccordcd Septcnber {, 1923, ln Book 93 at P!9. 98. 2, Right ol r.y for dltchcr or canrl! constructed by the ruthorlty of the Unlt€d St.tes ac reser:rred ln Unlted States Patent recordad llay 24, 190{, in Book 18 at P.ge 503 and ln United lltates Patent recorded Septenber {, 1923, ln Book 93 at Pag€ 98. 3. Restrict covenanta shich do not contain a forfelture or rev€rter clause, but omlttlng reatricttona, if lny, ba3ed on race, color,rellglon, or natlonat orlgln, rs contatned ln Inatrunent recordcd January 09, 1963, ln Book 17{ rt Pag. 131. 1. Those provlrlons, covanrntr and condt tl,on!, aalcnsntr, and restrlctionr, uhlclr rrc r burden to tha CondoDlnlu! Unlt deecribed ln Schedulc A, as contalned l,n InstruDent recorded il :n 21 \-Ctached to 'f or EISIEIT-E and nadc r Part of condotnlnluD D€clantLon tili-si.ir iul epartnenta Phase rr) IJll.gIg t3 tn Gen'ral connon Apartrn€nt No. PGrcentrga OYnerEhIP In ccneral Colnon Elenenta tDDurtenant to the 'ioartncnt Unlt 33 r/3t 33 L/tt !! I/31 ,,n Th€ orrnGr of cach condonlnlun unlt hrvtng-rn etta=h'd 'balcony' '-pallo' E::tH.? :i" r,"'.rl'*ii;f :;=iil:i$i$i:iii'*:::tilnl i:::i:ii iii#il;-*i.::.:l:u:*$:ii"::::"li:'31"i;'i;; -rreht te-*o:" such barccny, Patro, p':Ilis lp'ii o' "t"::9: ':iaii il" *"ltil;:uo'l!ig;iiii"l'ir"i'rtns' ipacr or ttorlEo tPace fi.i.it-ipp"r€entlnt to such unlt' .i:t 2t Lr/2t/9L Conversation with Peter Patten: Peter reca]ls that the condo plat allowed for selling and developing Phase If separately from Phase I, but for zoning purposes, property was treated as one parcel . He also remembers that Phase I agreed to the development that !,tas proposed on Phase II. Peter sLated that 3 spaces were supposed to be constructed on the northeast corner. John Perki-ns adnitted later that the developer did not intend to construct the 3 spaces, but showed them on the drawings because they were requested to. At one point, the developer came back and asked to not build the 3 spaces on the NE corner. Pet.er feels that we can enforce the approved set of plans with the 3 spaces. line) 7/].3/89 Letter from Betsy listing Certificate of Occupancy: on NE corner. This space perpendicular to al1ey. " iterns needed for final "Black top one parking space may be parallel to or It appears that nowhere are 3 parking spaces indicated on the northeast corner of the propert.y with Lhe exception of the building p1ans. Novrhere can we find references to more than 2 spaces on the northeast corner of the property. The records would seem to indicate thaL when the Town Council asked for landscapi-ng in front of Phase I, two parking spaces would have to be relocated. Thus, the staff asked for 2 parking spaces next to the dumpster. It would appear that Phase II did construct the required parking for their phase. To solve the parking problems for Phase Ir we would recommend that Phase I construct at least 1 (preferably 2) on the west side near the dumpsLer. I am sorry for the confusion and for the inconvenience this issue may have caused you and other Phase I owners. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Bet.sy Rosolack Planninq Technician Skall Hus lL/L8/91 Events listed chronologically. Early meeting: John Perkins "Hope to landscape whole project.r' (notes) Early staff notes on zoning: "Need 8 parking spaces, 6 covered." 2/3/88: DRB conceptual - "Show 2 parking spaces to \rest' 2 on east. " 2/L8/88: Letter from Betsy: "Show 2 parking spaces on north (NE) side of building... submit drainage plan.' 3/30/88: DRB approval of building only' not site. 4/6/98: DRB final approval of site plan wiLhout sidewalk. 4/L9/88: Town Council appealed DRB approval of site plan with regard to the sidewalk. TC wanLed sidewalk and also asked for landscaping to lessen impact of parking spaces, and suggested to parking spaces to west next to dumpster, but. no mention of nunber of spaces. Drawing shows 1s, sidewalk and spaces nexL to dumpster. The meeting did not concern itself about the spaces on the NE corner. tL/15/88: Town Council meeting in which staff brought sidewalk issue back with recommendation to accept a letter of credit. Town Council did agree to 95r 000 ltr of credit I/6/89: Peter Patten notes: "1. Show 2 parking spaces in GCE on right side of Unit B parking. 2. Show parking spaces on NE corner of lot.'l In someone else's handwriting on above note: nl parallel space next to L20.50 degrees." (This is on East side of property.) Skall Hus LL/L8/9L Events listed chronologrically. Early meeting: John Perkins I'Hope to landscape whole project." (notes) Early staff notes on zoning: 'rNeed 8 parking spaces, 6 covered." 2/3/88: DRB conceptual - "Show 2 parking spaces to west, 2 on east. tt 2/L8/88: Letter frorn Betsy: "Show 2 parking spaces on norLh (NE) side of building... submit drainage plan." 3/30/88: DRB approval of building only, not site. 4/6/88: DRB final approval of site plan without sidewalk. 4/19/88: Town Council appealed DRB approval of site plan with regard to Lhe sidewalk. TC wanted sidewalk and also asked for landscaping to lessen impact of parking spaces, and suggested to parking spaces to west next to dumpster, but no mention of number of spaces. Drawing shows ls, sidewalk and spaces next to dumpster. The meeting did not concern itself about the spaces on the NE corner. 1-l/1"5/88: Town Council meeting in which staff brought sidewalk issue back with recommendation to accept a letter of credit. Town Council did agree to 95r 000 ltr of credit I/6/89: Peter Patten notes: "1. Show 2 parking spaces in GCE on right side of Unit B parking. 2. Show parking spaces on NE corner of lot.rr In someone elsets handwriting on above note: nl parallel space next t.o 120.50 degrees." (This is on East side of property.) s 10/10 SKALL HUS Ron Anderson asked: v(ri rI Oa" h4, €a' I. Did the approved plan show 3 parking spaces in ne corner? Yes. However, the original plan showed 1, then it was changed Lo 2, in the NE corner. The Council changed the parking plan in front of the building during a site inspection when they were trying to determine whether or not a sidewalk should be constructed next to the streeL. Their plan was to add landscaping in tlro places. This meant finding other parking spaces. Since the final approved plan did show 3 spaces, either ilohn P $ras directed to add more to the NE corner, or he did so on his own volition. Unfort.unately, I dontt remember the change. 2. Did the city feel that all parking spaces were cornmon property? We have no record indicating that the TOV did make a determination on Lhis subject. 3. Was the property looked at as one conmon property with regard to parking? I feel that it was not in one respect, and that was that we were concerned tbat Phase fI put in their reguired parking and the other parking spaces would remain in the front of the old building. However, one error was in not recognizing that one parking space in front of the building would be in front of Phase fI. What a can of worms. I can see \) fVo-,..hr do?\ d4 -Itl i 2) rr.dr ri'"ri,fi! flzrL,+.q kril.DDtg I .) 8t&'lg'*,f rl 0#+c* !r0sg,r,,t- ll onig 0r di, rhl Plor !l' i) lrr uA't t*fotnr lynul* lul]&]^,qt"+. rr)(ru.0'1 flnLrl flr"t (l il*& o\ 1Co &tt (i'cl ( ' D r'i rrtr'i uJo^'? 4,tlr-l *pd irq'&dtr Uvaryt-,}ffiH*1"fr* o o ,l 6 l).- lrpa, Y' )D It t --- l? ? _), - December 2, 1-991 Mr. Ron Anderson ?27 Pennsylvania Avenue Holton, Kansas 65436 Re: Skal1 Hus Parkinq Dear Ron : Thank you for your letter of November 19, 1991-. I am sorry to hear of your accident. I hope that you are feeling better. In looking through our files, we find the following were the only references to parking spaces: Early undat.ed staff notes call for 8 parking spaces, 5 covered.This indicates that Phase II was being considered separately from Phase I for parking purposes. 2/18/88 In a letter from Betsy Rosolack: rrshow 2 parking spaces on north side of building..." 4/L9/88 Town Council appealed DRB approval of sit.e plan with reqard to the sidewalk. Tor,rn Council asked for landscaping t.o lessen impact of parking spaces, and suggested parking spaces to the west next to the dumpster. The meeting did not concern itself with the spaces on the NE corner. 4/22/88 Building pernit issued. I/6/89 Peter Patten notes: 'rShow 2 parking spaces in GCE on right side of Unit B parking. Show parking spaces on NE corner of 1ot. " In someone else's handwriting on above note: rt1 parallel space next to 120.50 deqrees." (east property line) 7/13/89 Letter fron Betsy listing items needed for final Certificate of Occupancy: rrBlack top one parking space on NE corner. This space may be parallel to or perpendicular to al1ey." It appears thaL nowhere are 3 parking spaces indicated on the northeast corner of the property with the exception of the building plans. Nowhere can we find references to more than 2 spaces on the northeast corner of the property. The records would seem to indicate that when the Town Council asked for landscaping in front. of Phase I, two parking spaces would have to be relocated. Thus, the staff asked for 2 parking spaces next to the dumpster. It would appear that Phase II did construct the reguired parking for their phase. To solve the parking problems for Phase I, $re would recommend that Phase I construct at least 1 (preferably 2) on the west side near the dumpster. I am sorry for the confusion and for the inconvenience this issue may have caused you and other Phase I ovrners. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician December 2, 1991 Mr. Ron Anderson ?27 Pennsylvania Avenue Holton, Kansas 55436 Re: Ska1l Hus Parkinq Dear Ron: Thank you for your letLer of November 19, 1-991-. I am sorry to hear of your accident. I hope that you are feeling better. In looking through our files, we find the following were the only references to parking spaces: Early undated sLaff notes cafl for 8 parking spaces, 6 covered. This indicates that Phase II was being considered separately from Phase I for parking purposes. 2/18/88 In a letter from Betsy Rosolack: "Show 2 parking spaces on north side of building..." 4/19/88 Town Council appealed DRB approval of site plan with regard to the sidewafk. Town Council asked for landscaping to lessen impact of parking spaces, and suggested parking spaces to the west next to the dumpster. The meeting did not concern itself with the sPaces on the NE corner. 4/22/88 Building permit issued. l/6/89 Peter Patten not.es: "Show 2 parking spaces in GCE on right side of Unit B parking. Show parking spaces on NE corner of loL." In someone else's handwriting on above note: rr1 parallel space next Lo 120.50 degrees." (east property { lnwn 75 loulh frontag€ totd t dl, cdorrdo 8161t7 (3Cr) 4792138 (3qr)fi$a39 olfrce of community dsrCopment JuIy 24, 1991 Mr. John Perkins P.O. Box 256 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Re: Skall Hus parkinq Dear John: Before the second phase of the ska1l Hus was constructed, the L2 parking spaces in front of first phase was used by-the 6 originit condominiuns. - $q-o_ When the second phase was parking spaces for the 3 new enclosed and 2 more were to of the property. we are unaerare of any parking in a different If you have questions, SincereLy, planned, the Town of condominiums. Six of be constructed on the separate agreements that nanner. please feel free to call. Vail- required I Lhese were to be northeast corner may rea1.l_ocate ,&48,/*,/_ Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician // May 14, 1991 Town of Vail ?5 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81.657 Re: Skaal Haus Letter of Credit *1331 On .Xrhuary 16, 1989, BCT Partnership submltted a letter of credit in the amount of $5,000 to the Tolrn of Vail in lieu of the construction of a sidewalk in front of the Skaal Haus Apartments, Phases I and II. The Town of Vail has our permission to use funds from the Letter of Credit #1331 for upgrading the catch basln which eras constructed for roof drains in Phase II and for sidewalk and streetscape improvements for West Meadow Drive. Sincerely, us Condomin sociation r L /""U l/n^- I a-' ;, d-/<- ^^f t""-At'td au * n-.*1,ni,, CorrnoJ, o-vt'. ."** ' I .,r'4ut * .^ "x'- /i f "-U - lil\d '4 ur^ c.l "./' ,c+.,r\..,!, \:lL Dear Rossr l' On January 16, 1989, BCT Partnership subrnitte{ a letter of credit in the amount of $51000 to the Town of Vail in lieu of the construction of a sLdewalk in front of the Skaal Haus Apartnents, Phases I and If. On July 13, 1989, the Town of Vail presented a draft on the letter of credit .*|h as the sidewalk had not been constructed. Recently, the Town of Vail Public Works Departnent found that a catch basin used for roof drains from the Skaal Haus and constructed in the public right-of-way needed to be enlarged and the grate replaced with a stronger grate to neet Town of Vail specifications. February 20, 1991 Skaal Haus Condoninium Association c/o Ross Davis log South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Skaal Haus Letter of Credit #1331 The Town of Vail wishes to use part roof drain. We also wish to use the inprovements along West Meadow Drive. of the $5,000 to replace renainder of the $5,ooo w\ MW "t4' the for Please let us know if the problern with the fund being Sincerely, Betsy Rosolack PlannLng Technician cc: Gussie Knight condominiun used in thi will have any i*#6*q i:!wF,{# dssocLation ffi',4* r\t'W and January 5th. Dan replied that he felt the maJority of the trucks would be gone by December 21 and he was wllting to clean up as much of ttre site as possible. He added that he would like to work Christnas week, otherwise the project would be delayed further into February, which would then be getting into the high tourist season. Dalton repeated that he felt there should be no appearance of constructLon during Presidentsr week, and he would encourage shutting down. 3. A recruest for a conditional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, VaiI Village 2nd Filinq, 141 l{est Meadow Drive. Ska}l Haus. iewed the conditional use and bed and breakfast 6 ttren stated that the staff felt the criteria had been rnet and recomrnended approval. Jin Shearer rnoved and Chuck Crist seeonded to approve the reguest for tbe bed and breakfast conditional use. The vote ldas 5-0. 4. A recruest for a minor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Vill-aqe West #2. Applicant: ANJA Corporation Betsy Rosolack explained that the reason the applicant wanted to vacate the lot line was so that he could construct a parking area on Lot 46, an empty lot. Art Kleirner, representing Richard Strauss, the applicant, asked if there were any guestions. Chuck Crist mentioned that it appeared that the parking was already dug. Mr. Kleimer stated that he had not known this. Kristan Pritz stressed that a Design Review Board approval was necessary before work was comrnenced on a project. Chuck moved to approve the reguest and Kathy warren seconded the motion. The vote'was 5-0 in favor. :' 5. A recruest for a side vard setback variance in order to gonstruct an addition to a sinqle farnily-dwellinq on Lot 16' Buffehr Creek Subdivision.Applicant: Jerrv Farquar Andy inforured the board that they had approved a side setback on Jult 22, 1990 to allow Mr, Farguar to construct his addition 8.5 feet from the property line. However, because the side Property line is not exactly paral.lel to the side of the house, the further the addition extends to the front of the property, the closer it gets to the side property line. The front corner of the addition t PIANNING AND ENVIRONI,TENTAIJ Minutes Decernber 10, 1990 PRESEMI Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Jim Shearer Kathy Vlarren Dalton I{lIlians Connie ltnight lras present for Sonnenalp issue ABSENT Ludwig Kurz The meeting vras chairperson. COI,IMISSION STAFF PRESENT Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica ,fill Kanmerer Andy Knudtsen shelly Mello Susan Scanlan Betsy Rosolack 1. called to order al 2200 p.m. by Diana Donovan, Approval of minutes for rneetings of November 26 and october 29. Kathy warren corrected a sentence on page 7 of the minutes of Novenber 26. Kathy moved to approve the ninutes of both rneetings, and Jiur Shearer seconded the motion. The vote was 5-O in favor. 2. Uglate on Vail valley Medical Center Parkinct Structure corngletion and request to extend the interim parkinct plan on Lots F. E. 10. vail Village 2nd Filinq.Applicant: Vail valley Medical center Kristan Pritz explained that the construction of the parking structure was taking longer than had been anticipated. Dan Feeney, representing the hospital, affirrned Kristanrs explanation, and stated that the structure would probably be conpleted by the rniddle of February, depending on the weather. He added that they planned to contLnue using the ternporary parking arrangements until receiving a TcO for the complete structure. Feeney planned to obtain a TCo for the west half of the top level by christmas which would provide 35 parking spaces to augment the temporary ones being used. Dalton was concerned about the additional construction traffic on the Frontage Road and the appearance of the construction activity over the Christmas holidays. He felt the site should be cleaned up as rnuch as possibJ.e for the tine period between December 20th I:L\+lr*-, 'nLY (tttea--l- PUBLI. NoTIcE \, l' ) vcwr- propqfu .tt,Jrv NoTIcE Is EEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Coromission of the Town of Vail vi11 bold a pu.blic hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the aunicipal code of the Town of vail on Novenber 26, LggO al 2zoo p.n. in tbe town of Vail MunicipaL Building. Consideration of: 1. A vork session on a request to rezone Lots 2 and 3, VaiJ. Vi.l1age tu-est Filing No. 2.Apc!.icant: Elmore, Vail Village West Ccrporation 2'. A request to establish a special De're1o!:nent Dist=ict for the Sonnenalp reievelopment, Iocated a-,- 20 Vail Road; A part of Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail village 1s'. iiling. Agglicant: Sonnenalp Prcperties, Inc- 3. A :3quest to a'nend Chapter 18.40 of tle Municipal Code, S-cecial Development Disiricts. Apciicant: Town of Vail A :equest to amenC Chapte= 18.24 of t:e MunicipaL code, Con:ercial Core f (vai.l Village). Ap;ij-cant: Town of Vail A :eques'- to anend ChaP"er 18.66 cf t::e Municipal Ccde, AC:inistration.Applicant: Town of Vaj-1 A request to :nend chapter 18.60 of tle Municipal CoCe, ConCitional Use Pernits. Apgiicant: fown of Vail A request to aroend chaPter 78.62 of t::e ltunicipal' Code, Va::ances. Appilcant: Tow'n of Vail A reguest for a conditionaf use pa:nit in order tc establish a beC and breakfast operation on Lot P, vail vill'aqe 2nd Fiung, 141 west Meadow Drive. Ap_clicant: Joan M. Norris A request for a conCit,j.onal use permi-' in order to establish a be<i and breakfast operation on Lot 73, Vail village 10th Filing, 930 B FairwaY Dri.ve. Applicant: Nanclz and Paul Rondeau 4. 6. n 11 the Mountain BelI Site located to the nort'h of tbe Eaj.n vaiL I-70 Inte5g[range from Agricultural OperlSpace to Mediuro De::s::v MJ:pie Fa=:J.ir :cre spec::::! Cescr::eC as: Mountain Bell Site described as a tract' of land in the South Hal!, of the Southeast Quarter, Sectici 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian' Eagle County, Colorado, ltore particularly described as foll.ows: lrglcrrf ns r: : ,ola: an-ir : il;:u':f '-r i -lt:::tce { : ' ' ;as.':o ir.i r-rt 'lr':crits: q:la.s oi st€:'!€i t. icrglr ! i. 3a=.'trr'r tC i.:: a/ gt Ect t"l:€ixl t i{4trt'-f"t- =t 'lir i:ia:'"? !:::-::i: r;5. t.i!g t ,ch: c: ';-r -lsrjrtlt - -.'.i:*:-rl-ir; cl !r:s-ii:g 7!t: :l:icr a 0i3::':5' i slg:t =r " : Eei: ll:c ol sr f c t.3:::! 5 t 4t::Jt€-' tt i::-lc tr:: =l=: - I i"f'ZZt 3 | 4r:-:€r 0f :g-.'S itt: 3r I toftt: 3t.9' 1:: !.i-;.'=-i r tr 3! l.li l?z'-'.2--?iler ;t:ti;: =!tr€! 3 clqt'-': .ii:t; dt< Er3: las.rfir:' lt!: i Cl:-ac: e{ -'Fi:'- -lt?-i = l' '' ' ztl'-i gt a €:!-?rt, tala 3J"t rlsr !tir? trl ::t ''it'irtlt !ii::' ' :'3-a: ll-tiiini:tr i0: ::rt€s rlcrg i:ic rr"J:-r'l! l€'1!'ijrli L ?iiinir; r :.iui !j r-*::-:cr 3t !:t'!: t:t: ' rli4 '3: :- gf I czar !: =s ttis:. trfc ':- :rr::i t -.-/ ' i=.iti-rn.rl i i; o:c::"J'. I aclss t,:!9i.c rcr:'-t!jiilii i'i::::' :t; : t -a:;:r'€'-ci !?r' ;':-rr:: . :: : i;::':''";';li;..':$--i1, il,1':;:i*#-it:iii:!r i.:. l';t'i';+i'.*,- i-i'!,.iii.i-' i -f ig- 111;.!; -i,f ii :t:; 5,: i:' ;il .ii . ::;.:l l:.:; i) J ;l:i::t'::' g t 3::::til.tt.,5j:;r r='j.3 !-ii::'rs:-: i it:;:T t 31 lce-:4*;: ;.1:-?-'-=-ft:-:-f. . tr.l..;:l! cs--;ia i,.o. €.1? aSttt !tt: tt i'3:: r'":-- --;rt'.:- it ::t: 3.'tctt:s: 't-iii:t:i- :;*:' q-'"-':::t lifl'' f i:-1 ;; i=: ;li;. ii n,;-: ra ie '?i':s" cJ €'!r'r:'a i.€:-!t aa i::-:: 3.:st::. CtIe':-' Apgiicant: Town of Vail anC Profess:c:.al Develcpnent A request to rezone the follcwing prcpe='.y ccluncnly knowlr as the iedotto prcperty loca-.ed to the sc::h of Kinnickinnick Rcai in the Internountain S'.rbdivisicn i:crn Priroarir/Secondary tc iledium Densltlr Multiple Fanily rocr= specj-ficai].y desc:ibeC as: A Fa:cel of lanC in the Sw l/4 of Sec--:cn 14, Tc*zrship 5 Sou::r, Range 81 West of the 6th Princi;a1 Meridian, nore pa--:cularly desc=ibed as follows: '!rti.'--k. l: r tchl rh::= r br:s: e-: ret i:: I c1!::.t !cr:c: ?c: *r !tcr! .V{ eJ r:ld 5€€::.!r !l 5c::r.lt 29':3'11' l0;:.0! !ei:; E:c::.a .tl 7{' 89ri3'i ::.:i ic=:: 't.f,"..' 13l.fl !cc'. ricr4 tlc er: o! I c-s.! !. .t:. t:€!t, YhJcl rrc n:!'-!tdr r cic:3 b.€!?f t3,!:r3'C. ! lii.?{ !rr!; !!cc- S :;.lC'::' 8 5:.?? !!ri; L\e:- l1;.ll fltt r:.::9 ::. r- o! I c-:: b ..1: l:l! vtlcl: i:: rs!t!.cs r-el:l tca--l:; U t6':Srl!' t :l!.50 g!=:i L:e::c: i 70'5:'55' B lc5.!: fc:t; l!c:::: !j.:: t.:: ric::< Llc r--: ol I e:t! B= t:€ tl€:3 eU3: r:: lc!ss;C: e i':c:{ lcr:lag 5 17':3'ii' E'l't.i0 frcl;'Cs.= 3 l.l':5'!l' f Uo.Sl le:i; Lr.*- s fa'i3';:' I i:?,00 tcc:; Llltcr X l9 '07r 05' lf !1.00 g--?: !:.:€t t ?ir{3'11' fl l-5.:.13 fac!; !lc::c: S l0'S:'li' r:3.{t ts:); llcnc: I t;'lO'06' f :J?.7: fecr: $s:c: t l:'::'l:' E 1:0.00 |se: k !}c Fcltt cf !cA!*:::;, e::'-:l.:kg.:.:006 lc::t r tt:€ cr tc::. !s!-':-':f !--== C.!..C. F*:ii tor Sc'::t V? cl rrd-l*li::: lctzc=n Sc::!cnr I {-I3. Appilcant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and P:cjessional Developnent 12.A request to rezone the following property located to the ncrth of ^Sfeway and Chamonix Lane in Ae Vail Heiqhts suiciivisf,.Lofs 5-13 fron nrinaryTslnciary to u6aiun Density Multiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad Oberlohr, John W. and Patricia A. Ricban fcr John Witt, Reuben B. lftight, anci P:of,essional Development Corp. A request for off-street surface parkirg at the trHoly Cross pa=celtr described as follons: I B:ac: oi g::u:C i: gtc XE \/t of Scc:ion 13, -a:.:siip 5 Sou:h,'Rang: 8I ii:s: oj sle 6c! ?:i:cipa!, t{e:idian, 17i::g rc::i: *a: pa:::! c::z:yed !o cl:: !c!;r C--:ss Ele:::ic lsscci::ica, !:c. b7 ir:i ::ci:ded ac Ee=lpcioc !o- lljli3 * js;-a7 I:, lga:, i: !!e;rr::is ci A;1: C:ui!J, C:lo;acc, ies:::led as: C:=e:::i::g 'a: Ele lG e::::e: oj iaid S:=:ion I3; -::::c Soug! 88'!9'!9" t'es:, aicn3 !.!e ao::-l li:re oi saji lE l/4, a i:s:.:-: oi 43.I fae: sr !!e i:::::se::i::: c3 c-le p::i:::gs:ic: oi c:c ess: 1::: ci said pa:'::l; cle:c: S:'.::i 0'C!'3!" !.rsi, alc::3 saii p::!o:3alicn, .;'13.! i::: t: !:e !c::-\e3s: c:-E: o:' said pa:::! chi:h is ur pci:c of bt3-:::3; t!::c: S:u:: 0'0i'3!" E:si, aicca saii cas! !i:e, 2i2.i'- :*t E: !!. soq::'iersE c:-e: oj said pa;::i; !le::cr nc::t';esial17 ac:::: ra:d pa::cl Blr:u3'a clc 5-'i r....-'-r i-"- .-..-sr-. l1 u^--\ t€''':; rrOrr !ie.::, !j.05 i:e'-, 2) NC::5 ..aa-a--.aa-.3 a-(a: !--:JgJ. a./ rre. :g'::'::; Fes:, 8i.46 f:::, 3) Hc::5 50'43':5" ie::, 63.5€ f::r, aid 4) 5;'.,::! 79'49'04" Fesi, I j].45 f :e: gj r'le nc::::!''zr: ct!:': oi said pa::ri; E,l::::c: ac::ie.es:e:!y alcng ele l:::: li:lc ci sa:j ;a::ei rbic! is a n.::-::i3::: (a r:ii:l g: said cc:::!?si ce-e: ie::: Nor;: 2i'39t28" liesc), 27';3 !:c:;:ii:s c:itc c::c3ee 3c::!!e:1t, 25i.i! ir:: (cel::ai angle equ3l: 5'::'::") 3: Ehe pci:: o:'begi::;i:3. Ti:i: !::c:, as iesc:ilei, c:c:.:i:s !5r940 o; l:ss. A::licant: Vail Associates 13. sg::.a:: i:::, o: 0.366 ac:ss, Ec?! 1'A :equest for a parking variance in c=ier to construct ai.iitions to the Chrisiiania Lodge, 3i5 l{ansen Ranca Road, Lci D, Blcck 2 Vail village 1st Fili;:q. A;glicant: Paul R. Johnston A :equest for a ninor subcivision in c=Cer tc vacate a lot l:re betveen Lots 45 anC 47, Vail Village West Filing No. 2. Applicant: AI.IJA Corporation t6. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nurber oi satellite dishes pern::;eC in orde: io allow for the ins'..allation of two satellite Cish an:3nnas on the roof of tie Marriott Uark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 vai!./Lionshead Third Filing, Lots C ai:i, D Morcus Su:Civision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-csunty Cablevision The ap.cij.cations and infomaticn about the prcposals are availalie for public inspection in the Con:';:rity Developruent Depart:ent office. Town o! Vail Comrnuni;y Developnent Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on Novenber 9, 1990' YrYYy{|Y.,:t*{r - |:_ -:< _--t liitl* Lc' !lililia rtr I ru ttui L,,o, tJ l'-l c)z. L,l4l CE o sl>F.A 3 i.i .rl A .r{ F{ B E .Fl OF.o o'oln .u!d\o tr P o .'{o o Eoo ()ta r)O d E oo HOO o.AB -gFl AO .-{ r{F{\.N cd <o'{> 4 A \n 1 rJ tt tt I a f,rl v iF (:1 l !:r I ls \l tl ic- :c t::t () rai r{'I r-)s t s I I r TO: Planning and Environmental Cornmission FROM: Cornrnunity Development Departrnent DATE: December LO, 1990 RE: A reguest for a Conditional Use Pernit to allow for the operation of a Bed and Breakfast on Lot D, Vail village 2nd Flling, 141 west Meadow Drive, Skall Haus Condoniniums, Apartrnent #2.Applicant: Joan Norris r. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE In December of L989, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 31, Series of l-989 to allow Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of Vai1. The definition given in that ordinance states: ItA Bed and Breakfast means a business which acconmodates guests in a dwelling unit in which the Bed and Breakfast proprietor lives on the prenises and is in residence during the Bed and Breakfast use.rl Ms. Norris has applied for a conditional use pernit to al-Iow her to use one bedroom in her home in a High Density Multi- Fanily zone district for a Bed and Breakfast rental. The bedroorn and bath contain a total of L60 sguare feet. Two guests could stay in the bedroorn for a total of 2 guests. Ms. Norris has approval of the Skatl Haus Condominium Association. II. CRITERIA AND FINDTNGS Upon review of Section l-8.60, the Cornrnunity Developrnent Department reconmends approval of the conditional- use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: L. Relationshin and ingact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. The Town Council encourages Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of VaiI as a favorable type of lodging for tourists. 2. The effect of the use on light and air,distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. 4. The Skall llaus j.s on a bus stop, therefore it is logical that the two gruests night utilize the bus,rather than drive their own vehicle. It is felt that the impact on the use of parks and recreation facilities and on transportation facllities would be nininaL. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to conqestion, automotive and Bedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic flow and control , access. rnaneuverabilitv, and removal of snow fron the street and parkincr areas. Since this bed and breakfast is directly on the bus route with a bus stop a few feet away, it is Iikely that nany of the guests would use the Town of Vail bus system rather than drive a car. If the guests drive their own vehicle, there couLd be one additional vehicle driving to the Norris residence. Staff feels that this would be an insignificant irnpact upon traffic and parking. Ms. Norris has the use of two parking spaces in front of her unit and has subrnitted a letter indicating approval from tbe condominium association. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundinq uses . The staff feels that the character of the area will not be negatively irnpacted by the addition of a Bed and Breakfast in this area. No exterior changes to the residence are proposed to accornmodate the Bed and Breakfast. for ordinance No. 31. Series of 1.989. Bed and Breakfast Operations shaI1 be subiect to the following requirenrents : a. offstreet desiqnated parkinq shall be recruired as follows: One space for the owner,/proprietor pl.us one space for the first bedroom rented pLus 1/2 space for each additional bedroon rented. Bed and Breakfast operations may be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as soecified in Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code 5. The parking reguireurents for the Skall Haus property ls for two parking spaces for each of the 6 units in Phase I (the location of the Norris unit) and 8 parking spaces for the 1988 additl.on of 3 units on the east side. The Ska]l Haus fulfills their parking reguirenents, and thus Ms. Norris has the use of two parking spaces, which is the reguired number of parking spaces for this bed and breakfast. The condoniniun complex has an enclosed dumpster with regular trash pick up. Removal of landscapincr for the provision of additional parkinq is stronqlv discouracred. There will be no removal of landscaping. Each Bed and Breakfast shall be allowed one residential narne plate siqn as defined and recrulated bv the Town of Vail Sign Code. A nane plate has not been appl.ied for at this tine. ff a Bed and Breakfast operation shall use pronertv or facilities owned in comrnon or iointlv with other nroperty owners such as oarkinq spaces or d drivewav in duplex subdivisions bv way of example and not Limitation, the written approval of the other propertv owner, owners, or applicable ownersl association shall be required to be subnitted with the application for a conditional use pennit. Enclosed is a letter of approval frorn the condominium association. IV. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environtrnental Connission sha1l rnake the followincr findinqs before qrantinq a conditional use pernit for a Bed and Breakfast operation: b. e. a I a. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the district in which tbe site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrinental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. C. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. V. STAFF RECOMI,TENDATION The Conmunity Developrnent Department staff recornmends approval of this application for a Bed and Breakfast operation. Staff finds that all applicable review criteria and findings have been satisfactorily net. O Rtrr nrl / 19so t No\rs$er Il, 1990 lbn ticuncil Itown of Vail .cs President of tbe Sl.aat l{aus @rdcndniun Associalion, f wish to ilfonn yor that r€, €ls an associatiqr, recognize arrl apgaore the Beal ard Break- fast oreralion rst beinrl cudr:cted by ,Ioan libris irr ttdt l$mber 2. Urald.nrderscn. Fesident, Sleaf llars @tdo Assoc. RON AI\TDERSON CONTRACTtr{G 727 PENNSYI,VANIAAVE (913)3(ra-3355 I lrafu9or/Q?o I fu/tfu oa/I?L/ 4 Lr^" "? - /*r td /lkaPla /t z- /rnl , fu' 'i /)i ,!/uarc rtu 46 'f' , l ;ru"w'^rttut?'hln{ / // - * Te',"., n14Y a-'{fed puBr,rc NorrcE Y NoTIcE fs HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environnental Conmission of the Town of Vail sil1 hold a public bearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the uunieipal code of the Town of Vail on Novenber 26, 1990 at 2:00 P.!. in the Town of Vaj.I Municipal Buildj.ng. consideratj.on of: L. A wor]< session on a request to rezone Lots 2 and 3, Vail Village l{est Filing No. 2.Applicant: Elnore, Vail Village West Ccrporation 2. A request to establish a Special Developnent District for the Sonnenalp redevelopuent, located ai 20 Vail Road; A part of Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail village 1st Filing. Apolicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to anend chapter 18.40 of tlre Municipal code, Special Developrnent Districts.Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter L8.24 of the Munici-pa1 Code, Corirnercial Core I (Vai1 Village) . Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to amend Chapter 18.66 of the Municipal Code, ACninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail 6. A request to amend Cbapter 18.50 of the Municipal Code, ConCitional Use Penaits. Applicant: Torrn of Vail 7. A request to anend Chapter L8.62 of the Municipal Code, Variances. Applicant: Tovrn of Vail 8. A request for a condj.tional use perait in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, Vail VilLage 2nd Filing, 141 West Meadow Drive.Appi.icant: Joan M. Norris 9. A request for a conditional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vail Village 10tlt Filing, 93o B Fairway Drive. Applicant: NancY and Paul Rondeau fu^[r[ .]u, M!N-* Wfg n^h,-\. r\\$ \1t) @ the Mountain BelI site located to the north of the nain VaiI r-zo tntefirnge frou Agricultural oge-pace to Mediurn Density Mutiple Fanily nore specificaf described as: Mountain BeI1 Site described as a tract of land in the South Ha1f, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 Wesi of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, colorado, nore particularly described as follows: !.glmlrt r: I Tcta: b':-ir : ";ca?:':f' t I It t:rt€t d :' ' ;es.'iO ir: tr3! 5r' Scsg:r.l: 33r:.t o/ S.€:'l6t t. iattrlt 5 :. :.3=. l$ga to :i.t: at =t 5r' t"l!€l;: I frr{cira. l"!-::t '.--r jqia:-of U.i:::t:i: l;a.5rirt a ,6lr! ar =i t8t,j:tlt. -...ii.:ta-.r-1.7 cf lntrr-ulr Zt: :i::cr ; 0!::3'i5' 'a rl=t:r " ' iei: Il:e s7::fc S.a::s! 6 r {13?r!<! o/ 5lf.l{l t-:: l:!tl: l/rZ:'ZZ' il I Cr:-:cr of :5-.,'6 t.?? !' r toitr 68-=. !rt: loi.jl-ilni tr- 'y:il172a'--ir cgi ittt=;:-qttc: I isqi':z': .ir.jiiilJ ij:: ro*ai':-iror i J::-'ct'o{ :s!-:: /r€::s-r' j' ;st?: 3t | 6tn" r rrlc i:rrr rl3! !rit? tn :'it 't:":trlt 'Jlt:' ''irf-ir.. ol !::::-:rge iit: '-:ttcs rlctE tric :ot'j?-Ilt t14'4' i:r:i *.-fai;dr{r: ! ==r:.r: !j r-n:-acr tt:'r'g: trtl '' rlia. ':: :- It r izttr ;: =! t{F:. ttfc Gt'?!::t{:i I i:":iti infti cl 6!cJ5':!'. I 441!r-r/ 199'l'c fr=:' ttc ' €:tr .i.ii-r i i:i::':o; i-rJ: j:j*t ct :tt'i:-r!::: :; : ;;:'i'!!' -^'!-r'i:i::"si or i:: - io-riii ili-: -'reo-': 's:' 5 | ':5:"c: :J il!'l?.i,i.i'iils-i-.i::;ii:-i i-jii:i.i€a ar-rz:.i! rr::: 5i 5 tt!:';' 3 i'i::i:ics cr -rli.3i ici:j r; : ;:3::':s:8-r ''':::''3: r !:..ii-ii=ii tt ;' ;iJ;c;il;-!-i ef:::nsr. :r.,J: i ':i r€:?:..rr" !- ;;;- : j5 :'t ; i 1., i.ii.'ir ioi. :c?=, : t'. il'- E:s,'!or'€ *. ii: * -i' tT;' ai f.'f ir" iii:= += ;Ll :' ;;;;;i r ii$', : ii i::. i; ;13' riii< ii- n<t't lr ;' €f is: sl clrt tre i.€:-tt of 5:f:" 3€'rs:: ' ctl{':?:' Apglicant! Town of Vail anC Professicnal DeveloDment ,^^9F L1. a t=qo.=t to rezone the following progerty conmonly known as the Pedotto property located to the sou'th of Kinnickinnick Roae in the Internountain Subdj-vision frcm Priraary/Secondary to Medium Densityr Multiple Farnily more specifically described as: A pa:ce1 of land in the sw I/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 8l- west of the 6th Principal Meridian, nore pa:--lcu1ar1y described as follows: 'tql.:rhs r: r pola! tthcts: I bc:s: e9 tet f.3 a v1!::t i:r:cr ?c-- Llr !re:t L/{ of rld 5€€ticn !a !c:;r.!l 29':3'Jl' lo;3.0t !e=:; glc4e !l 7't' 09rtr' 3 :3.?6 !c:t: 't|.c:rcr' l!1.63 tcc: I ior.g tltc .ac ct I e--;! gr .tla slghi vh.l c! tg= rr:tt!!:dt I cic:i bcr:j:c f t3'l:'3c' ! Itt.?5 lrrli tlcec: 5 i7'{c':1'8 S:.??ir:; tleae tl?.ll trct rlanq Lir r- e( r a:;r lr .-:. :sl: t hl€.': i:= ru!:tsrcs r-Ct:i le::1;; U tl'l5tl?' t :l:.6! ge::i t:crc: lt 7O'5:'5S' E r0t.55 fe:l: tlerc: Si. 13 !c: r- r:c::t Lk r--: of r e::t! !: t.}s ri€lB t|hj €! r--t lc!tr:C: e i'.o li ler:lt,g 5 a7':0':?' E .t{;:0 tt.B,tl.t= S l{'::rt!' f Uo.Sl te:ll L\c::=: 3 6a'lt'gl't J:1.00 fco:; Llc::cr. I t9'o:'O:' x !0-00 fs€l: t:rncr t ?;'13'11' H I50,:3 (re!; L':elcl .< lo'!lrJl' lf:s.{3 ts:r-; !tc-c: I 8;'10'06' f, l3?.7: frc:: t!:eic: I 1:'5:'ll' E l:0.00 lset ta tl:c pchr of beg!n;r!:g, e::'-r!:.l,cg, : . !006 lc::r, !c--! or tcss. !c!-':-':g tr=' c,!.0. Fcc:ri ler Sor:'.: V2 cC 3{+Jtg ll:.s lsbrc=e Scc:l,onr I I -13. Appiicant: Juanita f Pedotto, and Professional Developrnent L2. A request to rezone the following property located to tlre north of freway and Chanonix Lane in lr vail lleights Subdivisifi Lots 5-L3 fron Prinary/SeUrdary to Mediun Density Multiple Farnily.Aeplicant: Konrad Oberlohr, John W. and Patricia A. Ricloan for John Witt, Reuben B. Ibight, and P:ofessionaL De.relopment Corp. L3. A reguest for off-street surface parking at the rrHoly Cross parcelrt described as follotrs: A !:ac: of g:cuaC in !5e tE l/L of, Sac:ion l!, i;.:sni; 5 Sou:h,'Rang: tI S:sc oi rlc 6ch P:iccipal te:iriian' l7ing s.i r-ti: !:as P3!.e1 ecaz:ycd Bo ci:e Soly C--css Ele:::i,c Assccialica, Isc. by Cr:d ::cjrded ac Eecepcioo f,o. 115123 cn J:iua:7 l:, lgel, j,: tle re:::cis oi i-:3il C:uic7, Cclo:aCo, desc::!ed as: C::=e:::i::g 3! t:ie IIE ccr::e: oj iaiC S:::ion l3; ::e::sg Socg! 88'19'!9" Ir'es:, alcng lhe aor:h li::e of saij [E !14, I ciis:s-: of 4i.l fee: tc !!e i::::isec:ic:: of gle p:cicr:3::ioa oi e:e als: 1i:: oi said pa:::l; r'\eac: Scc:i 0'C1'33" E:sc, :long saiC p:cioagacicn' 3:3.: lccg to g:e ncr!.\s.3s! c:l:€: oi szli pa::rl chich is r:c pci:c of beg-:i:3; lielc: Sc.::0'01'33" E:sc, alocg said casi lile, 2l,i-il -'r:c 8. Elc sous:lt:sE c.-et oj raiC palccl; ghencE nc::5resBer17 :c:::s sajd par:el clrougb !!c r-^':-.--:-' fr*- a3q;,56s: l) Nc::! 23'36'19" gics:, 5i.06 fe::' 2) No:;b -a,'-----..i 33'::'3:" ties:, 81,.46 fe:r, 3) Hc::5 50'48'25" iie::, 63.68 fler, a"':C 4) Sc:.::! 79'49tQ4" $est, lil.45 fe:r !s cle no::ir'':: c3tre: oi saiC pa:;:l; . Ei.::c: ac-le:sc::ly alcng Ehe !.:::l Liae o! ra:i ;a:::1 gbia! is a nc::- !5ng::g (a railal cc said trc::riresi cct::e: ';r::s NorcS 23'!9'28" lJest), 27lj i:c: rac|us csare c.Dcrve 3cu!5ct!y, 25*.!3 i::: (ceot:ai anglr cqua!,s 5'3:':!") s! Ehe poi:: o:- begi::;i:3. ?i:is !--ac:, as desc:ilei, ccnS:i::s l'5,940 squa:: i:::, or 0.366 ac:es, oor: o: i:ss. Applicant:Vail Associates L4. A request for a parking variance in o:ier to construct adi,itions to the Chrisiiania LoCAe, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lai, D, Block 2 Vail village 1st Filing. Ap.clicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a ninor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between Lots 46 anC 47, Vail village West Filing No. 2.Applicant: ANJA corporation 16. A request for a height variance and a variance to tbe nunber of satellite dishes pernlt;ed in orde= to al1ow for the installation of tr,io satellite Cish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block I Vail,zlionshead Third Filing, Lots C and D Morcus Suldivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-Ccunty cablevision The appJ.ications and inforsration about the proposals are availabLe for public inspection in the Comrunity Developnent Departnent office. Town of Vail Couuounity Development Departrnent Published in the VaiI Trail on Novenber 9, 1990' ho €anil fl&,,,<,, Ittr (rJ Wnoo,rJ hz-, L<rf P Aw! Fl,n'1 S<tfu.l+lz <72q o O c,,.Wnt 7ht/rarr, ftlnr ?s 66qs6 t IYA u)- tbooo^t futru<- ' / PrL, (o /aeooo Ftez n bnq'?o-?/b,X Ar , fl , ftl (Llor.ru' Co"/o***n Vfr trn&',rfttt- t 4t l,rt W+pn;p7,,ta- Upit | trlbs7 .ffih,,,, hlo&t /, fio,tfuyr*,,.-'t ?aq/z'to*Jdr*' (i,LV!iltoMl^t hrfu/b Ua;t tr/b5'7 Ilfr[ Netr^at fun](lut@r' UflittC/oonro ?/652 *w4,ffiffi Conf Asso". tr( {ylphut gaerr lr/a,.7htti 5/6r lekslae DnuL /itkla, &/on o, &rrzg E 6na,l/onut lh d flla+onl *z' l/a't, G/orcno o ?rog z n (rr" hl'/na fl1at"'oa 7.2? &nn irg //atar, ftnset 6drsc r'ff nn 3 S o7 (A-",aa"; ?vx,"n', cr. &th,;". CAnro fas.y ,grt* #trr h$rcr,Kdlnq J,fidtlnSKt &-t^ua"; fa,t''n fr. Litl,; Dr r t t rs .fun)' hltifcon'b Rs o fl t -" Ear /2t/ Sl^w, ob"te, a9Cr7 Dr. t*'tv lebt t)drdnc' 5t n&furJ€hn<_ het Harr rtra , eohh. O6taq ks, Prcg fopryfur freflyal/y 7t Y r fdoIg t4z It'"u rtctt' 7 H- g &4 f4r/,2 ftanZ 6fut*-,r?/sd &otg ^:*-ditiiot'o o{r{tew#qf"q4: n -__,4;;;';- c' n.t" (,'ie ' Drr,"co tae.t t o IA IU -- I t:l-, r f^-'i l(r-I I \__--/ : it-' i t i ' -i tA , !Iil l Iv t t /).|^tN i l ffi(r" : inslhrw l lvv' I ':.l l):--i 1' i -.----i -l \l t-l lti\.' h,(,, aurtl \ # &/n 8*$nflu'!,/rt SztJ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: / .loa nove INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PM AM TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED ol^- la D^rE ?f >1/3!- rNSPEcroR r/a ^>a\)-'l 5 .. -r. o. <)(,< o d 9=50 -l r, "t a ..r. -'. o cf N xNt o..5 t\l .to !Nt (D..c+5 (DO 't T'!,ct cf (D = al, Cf '.(Do /<c) |ol cp o .J 2 o F o(t o5 ro o q -0,5 !F q, ..cto o 0 o CL o o 5 \ N N( \ N "$\ P 9g an an c+11 -t=)' ul ()ul (+J.o =o --t C? C' (D o c 5 o.o a rct a o c A =(a t o - -ct o 1 q, @ g o 5 o o o c^) o o o g @ U' o 5 Uc+o=ct(D {oo o<5(D -<q, !, .J v,it'o o-J qJg Ac+ q,o 55 CL o g -+r o qa tro oo 5(D @ 5(cl o= = .J!!r5 r(o =.r o =€l,.D=cr(D at c+ =-r.=(D cl-o 9,o-t e=ocJcr € -o F-OE ':oU)J' 't o o cf ci ot =(D 9,-t o o - {*+ |, l@ a o (n J.lo,(D.o- cLlo cLE Oolx-J.(D o€lo c+U| ool-.i "lo cL. rZrlC c(Dt5 (D .r t, IO -{.f(,l o =.o lE =(D-rElo,o, lct cr (/) o 5 lJ.E J- -rr dlo JA 15 <oooto,€ - -11-FJ !, lD lO 5Jqd... FJ.'cto r-r € J. -t (O O, -tt -, 5 @Ul o (D (o -.'' ct ou>O cto 7l =.D o,-{cro = o, =(D clJ oo tt J. !, --{c Ao-E o J.o ao € -€ -. = C+ !, ci-JJ.O, =o Fo o 9r- 5 3, gt. -C+ af O o= -o 'r (D c)-{tr A, O JJ. € -Jc o J 5 (D 5(< (D r+o cL O ct J.lt 5 (D -Jg c+- -a.t o ct6 =o E q .D-i Es O' -t CL q, o ci cr (D - o n o -o e cl. c o (D c+=(D 3 o :o at o €g| 5 CL .: (o o a 0,o ci J o o q (D o o o an ci (D : ct(D oo o5 Ccf oE l,o,t o =tt o oJ nc ct E -o o5 T'o o o e P (o ro o a) o,€ c+gr. 3 -t -5 o o 3 o 5 ct .E' a o o o ct o o cf o 5 l-t o lo E o o ct' (D o o -n c)o c J lo F o 5.o € 3 A,cf o - o, u, E -t o o o =cr (D o o,5 o ttl tsol> o nl(, qr < 3 r).rEl@ El> o oE crEltp 3 to o, lo -.lci E o o o 5 519, -r lo -n- o -5 10, q,l.oEl.+ (, 5lO 'E :r5 5 C Ol(1 O lci (, O X OIO F C) J.lJ, r) (D l-n -r J.ct (i'' r) cJ.lF <lJ. r| ct.-J El- (D ctlo g l-{r o rl Jd tr.Olcl -.lO E :'-r':OlA cr o, f5 o <+l < ro -.s ol5 o-l= o o 3 J'tAl- c)s Jl o -lF (D (D- c !r cilo (Dl o J'o .Dlo =o lF El(D a o tJr ls 17 rJ5 c+olc 0,(O {rl.D o olo - 5 J. c+ Jl5 O-l(D O rOO U) 15 5 (D E Lo = Flo o cf J. o J.lo J.lo 5 (o -t . HlcL (cl cr 5ls 13 = = o (,l 'r lE o< r.0l o Alo o 13 o J.5 5 ctlF olo o r.glF a !r J.lU' n lO r.o O 19, ol(, -tr oO iOlO 5 5lc+ 15 -h= OE J.lct dlrr c 9, t lci 9,o (OlO H lO- E 5 .{l.--,5l-. -.lO F O_E J. r)lJ. o r| lo- (0 l!.r 5 o o o olo olo (o (o J.(r 9lo (D -+l t.o l.+ A- c) -6(.) -l= 5l rO (D ct !, 15 4 (/'' olo o lJ. J.o_o J.(D c lq, lo o .to (/|, J.lo (D (, -l+ Io 5 o U) - = el- cil-n ' Jo ctl- o .I lJfa) = ot = tt-.. lc) E (, J'. -tolo F € ci- ctc+ t,lo 5 JJ. o rolE 0 J.o<- E crlE o ooE 4 ol5 lo o o J- c+o o a = {rlo --t o o cr ArlJ. 9, E (D o X-5 o (D {rl-. 5 o € Lr.9,5l-r !t - E r) (//) = E ctJ.(D -b o-.. o otDo 0r9,E .. () ur -ro {l .-l.(o q, o -t<5o oo 02 J.D .D(Dct-O(D E F F Jrg < (D o -o J c x o o o o tt - -hJ O < F E E ci O, J. J. -ir 00 < O (+O g J .D -r -.=o J (/, (D < 5 o(D o o - o ct(D.t0, o o q, ir J. cLE J.. q :r o o.r. € r) o e 5 J (D q', Ac+-n 5{H (D -(D9,(D o< o u, - o qr(o urro 3 3 =o r)= ct (D J.q -tE (O 9J (D E(,O-(D .+F lt, = rt E<-hO ct 5 Oir =J.0 O ^-O - O O (D .t O 9, 1c+o - -b c o ro o -r -ho =(t rOJ..' X J.c+A, T, O+r!, c+(-r @5 r) J'() E O, C E 1= cf J = rO =7 -!-Jr. 5 J= (D o (t| (D . FJ o, q, o q, d o J.J.o -O tO(, c+. EL O, € :t 3 ct(, CL O = a (O(D (D CLJ - O, Gl =-ct (D ct(D (D O (D (D O I ct Ot|, o . O<G,-J. o O E 9, cig,+ct O -h (D\3 (D 5 (DJ' 11 ll, 3 F()EE 5 O 3 F{cturo, g - c+ !t ct Vl -in O -{r 5- g 3 o (D g, a o o 5 -J. oE < a - c, o -rJ a ut o(D(D t, 5{l (D a3 o, cr o O- (D J -h ci 5 A O O=ct 5 5(D c't r -{o =z c)o c z.a, r m ><-ct z.0 m o G'm z.o El@ = 19,ql(}ot-- lcl (olJ -t to olc gl= =lo ol -.lF 5lg,-lg.clo c+ 15 -.1o,-t-J.l(D o ttl -.o 5E E CT EL =9,(Dct o 5C)clo (Dg -=J.rr 9' -rt @o E=o J.d 5f-o(D @ Ut, -r'o ct.,J.C tro ct 50 J. -t o cf U1 ct !,{i + F L.') /-\\ ? \ -{c m v,I C)c t/, -l -@ ro o (o l\) o o T' 3 I RI I OO>r! .|+toco u U' c<!r ,!O.r C 5F 5 Tt CtO .rF E {r,!6 .!L.r E lF J E'- E e CD) Cl ttt g o'tt +, +t O.c c.p .E >+t .lt ! .P oog Ot C,.e O o3L o tt !t o cL o o cF ,.r, 5 3- EL .P O.F .r--G O O O EF..J-E +, > C 5d +r. L .F O =rF E O O o loa.- CL u +,.pog.J e, (, |U |,o-.rtE Cts &.6 E+' 5 +' = c, -O O o -ct c'() |! .. or Olt E .F rl C,e, +rtl,C (, .FI ==su+r3 s ul > |J rt'F C, lU CI !.FL F s 5l E 3+' .D Ol ('..,3curo L (Jl . J (l,l o o-c l.lt F.lE! r., -E +, Ot lFl|D I .ulc +t 6 0ll o EI-F E Ollt o ! -o Fr ttlUl .! O .rlc.r E c,IO 1t +tl 5+J 5 c, L .pl!t o. .n .6[ts t! rF ! q, Cll = O e.ao.l+'otto IF t- o E L 5l .6 C V,EId C'+, |U C' O cl+, o o 5 0lr,l (l,5l.F L E4! O EIE +t olO o lo (t .r llt! O-! ! El.F E +,EtllJ -c Ut- g C,I.P ! L 5 -vl P.- t O .FIU' C, O rJ .Jl !- u o o .Plo, h 3 o tr'lorf os c, ul 5 c +, x .!IF OE U' u, <lq c, u.t @' Or O Fl ,t ct .E CL olrto anc (v, sl ..o <f C st rf -!(, t a!6 o cr>$to .. +,+ a/t