HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 2 LOT E TIVOLI LODGE_007 LEGAL.pdfi' DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE AND PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3347 AvoN, co E1620 97O/926-935E phonc 970/926-9359 fax LozierConstruction Dove & Ed Tivoli Lodge TBD TBD TBD TBD 5ERVICE5 INC.wwv.cslhordvart.con nrsty(Pcsihordsor: - com 6/1t/2004 Clienf : Conlact: Job: Bockset: Coloel Strike: lAonufocturer: conftnlction Ssvic€s fnc. Door # Room Desc.Description Function 5wing Eoch Employee Room (e.ved Levee set & Closer LH 011 Stoir #2 Ponic Bor with Closer LH Laundry Keyed Lever Set 6 Closer LH 4 Chiller Rn Keved Levee Sei & Closer LH Chiller Rm Keved Lever Sct & Closer RH 6 Mechonicol Rm Keved Lever Set 4 Closer DBL 7 Elecf ric Rm Keved Levzr Set & Closer LH OUT 8 Elevotor Equipnent Koted Leuer 5€t 6 Closer LH OUT 9 Elevotor 1 Goroqe l-evel Push/Pull ond Closer LH OUT 10 Porking Goroge to Elevotor Vestibule Ponic Bor with Closer LH u 0O7 Stoir #1 Psnic Bar wilh Closer LH L1 spo Equipment Rm Keved Lzver Set 4 Closer LH 13 Storoqe Keved Lever Set & Closer LH 14 Employee Restroom Privocy Lever Set LH l5 006 E Lobby KeYed Lever sel & Closer DBL 101 Moin Entry Rocky ,rlountoin Pulls TBD to?ReceDtion Desk Keved Lever Set & Closer LH OUT 103 Oltice Keved Lever 5et 4 Closer RH 104 Prep Ar€!.Keyed Lever Set d Closer LH 105 Sioir #1 Ponic Bor with Closer LH 106 Stoir #1 to Exterior Panic Bor with Closer LH OUT !o7 Restroom Entry Push Plote ond 6riD with Closer RH Toilei 117 Push Plote od 6rip wiih Closer LH Toil€l 116 Push Plote ord 6riD with Closer RH 108 Ol(ice Keyed Lever Sat & Closer LH 109 Meeling Rm Keved Lever Sat & Closer RH Hardware Schedule 6.1 1.04 Page 1 110 101 Rm Ving Enrry Sel LH 1O1 Closet Possoge RH OUT 101 Boih Privocy LH 111 102 Rn Viry Enrry Set RH lO? Closet Possoge LH OUT 102 Both Privacy RH tlz 103 Rm Viiq Enlry sel LH 103 Closet Possoge RH OUT 103 Bath Privocy LH 113 Vendhq Area Push Plote ond 6rio with Closer RH fl4 122 Corrador tu Ert.Ponic Bor with Closer RH OUT 115 105 Vestibule Ponic Bor wifh Closer LH 115 106 Stoir #2 TBD PKT 117 106 Stoir #2 Ponic Bor with Closer LH OUT 118 105 Vestibule to Exl.Ponic Bor with Closer RH OUT 119 Work Out Rm Vinq Entry set RH t?o 108 Conference Rm Push Plote ond 6rio *ith Deodbolt ond Closer DBL t?l 108 Conference Rn Push Plote ond 6rip with Deodbolt ond Closer DBL t?2 Ski Locker Rm Ving Entry set I tl 123 Not Used t24 Elevotor rtlain Level Push/Pull and Closer RH OUT t?5 l?l Closel Keyed Lever set A Closer DBL L?6 Elevotor ll'loin Level Push/Pull ond Closer RH OUT tzt Lobby to Corridor (2) Push & Pull with Closer DBL 201 Elevotor Znd Level Push/Pull ond Closer LH OUT ?o?216 Rn VirE Entry Sef LH ?16 Closet Possoge RH OUT 216 Both Privdcy LH 2.l?217 Rm Ving Ertry sef LH ?L7 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC ?17 Both Privocy d Full Dummy DBL IN 2U 218 Rm Ving Enfry set LH ?18 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 218 Bcth Privccy d Full Dunmy LH ?05 219 Rm Vinq Entry Sel RH ?19 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 219 Both Privocy LH 206 222 Stoir lll Ponic Bor wilh Closer LH 707 201 Rm Virq Enfry Sei RH 2Ol Closet Full Dumny DBL BC 201 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL IN 208 202 Rm Ving Entry set LH 2OZ Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 202 Borh Privocy & Full Dummy DBL IN ?o9 203 Rm Ving Entry set RH 203 closet Full Dunmy DBL BC Hardware Schedule 6.1 1.04 Page 2 203 Both Privocy & Full Dulnmy DBL In 210 204 Rm Ving Entry set LH 2O4 Closet Full Dunmy DBL BC 204 Both Privocy d Full Dummy DBL In 211 205 Rm Ving Entry set RH 2O5 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 205 Both Privocy d Full Dummy DBL In ztz 206 Rm Ving Entry sef LH 206 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 206 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL In ?t3 207 Rn Ving Entry set RH ?O7 Closel Full Dummy DBL BC 2OT Both Privocy & Full DBL IN ?14 208 Rm Ving Entry set LH 208 Closet Full Durnmy DBL BC 208 Boih Privocy d Full Dummy DBL IN 215 209 Rm Ving Entry set RH 2O9 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 209 Both Privocy d Full Dummy DBL In zt6 210 Rm Ving Entry set LH 210 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 210 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL In 2t7 2t8 211 Employee Unit Vary Eniry set LH 211 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 211 Both Privory RH 2l! Closet Passoge RH OUT 219 221 Stoir #?Vinq Entry Ser LH 220 212 Rn Ving Entry set LH 2I? Closet Full Durnrny DBL BC ?12 Bsth Privocy RH 22r 213 Rm Ving E7llry sei LH 213 Closel Passoge RH OUT 213 Both Privocy LH 2?2 214 Rn Vinq Entry set RH ?14 Closet Possoge LH OUT 214 Bath Privocy RH 223 215 Rm Ving Eniry Set LH 215 Closet Possoge RH OUT 215 Both Privory LH 301 Elevotor 3rd Level Push/Pull od Closer LH OUT 302 317 Rm Ving Entry Sef LH 317 Closel Full Dunmy DBL BC 317 Eoth Privocy LH Hardware Schedule 6.1 1.04 Page 3 303 318 Rrn Vinq Entry set LH 318 Closet Full Dumny DBL SC 318 Boih Privocy & Full Dummy DBL IN 304 319 Rn Vim Enlry Set LH 319 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 319 Both Privocy LH 305 320 Rm Ving Enlry ser RH 320 Closet Possoge LH OUT 320 Both Privocy RH 306 321 Stoir #1 Ponic Bor wiih Closer LH 307 301 Rn Vinq Entry Set RH 301 Closet Full Dunmy DBL 8C 301 Both Privocy LH 308 302 Rm Vim Enlry S€t LH 3OZ closet Full Dummy DBL BC 302 Both Privocy d Full DBL In 309 303 Rm Vinq Enfry Set RH 303 closet Full Dummy D8L BC 303 Bath Privocy & Full DBL In 310 304 Rm Vim Entry set LH 304 closei Full Dummy DBL BC 304 Both Privocy & Full DBL In 311 305 Rm Ving Entry set RH 305 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 305 Both Privocy d Full DBL In 3t2 306 Rm Vinq Entry Set LH 306 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 305 Eoth Privocy & Full DBL IN 313 307 Rm Vinq Entry sei RH 307 closet Full Dummy DBL BC 307 Both Privacy & Full DBL In 314 308 Rm Vinq Entry set LH 308 Closet Full Dunmy DBL BC 3OB Both Privory d Fult DBL In 315 309 Rm Vim Enlry set RH 309 Closet Full Dumny DBL BC 309 Both Privocy d Full DBL IN 316 310 Rm Vinq Entry sei RH 310 Closei Full Dummy D8L BC 310 Both Privocy d Full Dummy DBL IN 317 311 Rm Vim Entry Set RH 311 Borh Privocy RH 318 312 Rm Vinq Enlry Set LH 3L? Clo*t Possage RH OUT 312 Both Privocy RH 319 321 Sloir #2 Ponic Bor with Closer LH 320 313 Rm Ving Entry 5€i LH 313 closei Full Dummy DBL BC 313 Both Privocy RH Hardware Schedule 6.1 1 .(X Page 4 3?l 314 Rm Vinq Entry 5€t LH 314 Closet Possoge RH OUT 314 Both Privocy LH 3?2 315 Rm Vinq Entry Set RH 315 Closet Possoge LH OUT 315 Bath Privocy RH 323 316 Rm Ving Entry S€f LH 316 Closet Possoge LH OUT 316 Both Privocy LH 401 Elevotor 4th Level Push/Pull ond Closer LH OUT 402 417 Rm Vinq Entry sei RH 417 Closet Possoge RH OUT 417 Both Privocy LH 403 418 Rm Vinq Entry Sef RH 418 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 418 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL In 404 423 Stoir #3 Ponic Bor with Closer LH OUT 405 419 Rm Ving Entry sef LH 419 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 419 Both Privocy LH 406 420 Rn Virq Entry sel RH 42O Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 420 Bolh Privocy RH 407 421 Stoir #1 Ponic Bor with Closer LH 408 401 Rm Vinq Entry set RH 4Ol closei Full Dunmy DBL BC 401 Bdth Privocy LH 409 402 Rm Ving Enlry set LH 4OZ closet Full Dunmy DBL BC 402 Eoth Privacy d Full Dummy DBL In 410 403 Rn vinq Entry set RH 4O3 Closet Full Dumny DBL BC 403 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL In 411 404 Rn vinq Entry set LH 4O4 Closel Full Dumny DBL BC 4tX Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL In 4t?405 Rm Ving Eniry Set RH 405 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC lo5 Both Privacy & Full Dummy DBL In 413 406 Rm Ving Entry set LH 406 closet Full Dumny DBL BC rO6 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL In 4t4 407 Rm Vinq Entry set RH 4O7 clo*t Full Dummy DBL BC Hardware Schedule 6.1 1 .04 Page 5 407 Borh Privacy & Full Dunmy DBL IN 415 4OB Rm Vinq Enlry Set LH 408 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC lo8 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL IN 4t6 409 Rn Ving Entry set RH 409 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 409 Both Privocy & Full Dummy DBL In 417 410 Rnl Vinq Entry Set RH 410 closet Full Dumny DBL BC 410 Both Privocy ll Full Dummv DBL In 418 411 Rm Ving Entry sei RH 411 Both Privccy RH 419 412 Rm Vinq Entry set LH 412 Closet Possoge RH OUT 412 Bdth Privocy RH 420 422 Stoir #?Ponic Bor with Closer LH 42!413 Rm Vinq Enlry set LH 413 Closet Full Dummy DBL BC 413 Bath Privocy RH 42?414 Rm VirE Entry Sct LH 414 Closer Possage RH OUT 414 Both Privocy LH 423 415 Rm VirE Entry set RH 415 Clos€l Possoge LH OUT 415 Eoih Privocy RH 4?4 416 Rm Ving Entry set LH 416 Closet Possage RH OUT 416 Borh Privocy LH 4?5 Entry to Rn #417 d #41t Push/Pull od Closer LH 426 40O Corridor Push/Pull od Closer DBL 501 Elcvotor 5th Level Push/Pull ond Closer LH OUT 502 504 Penthouse Ving Entry set LH 503 5O2 Stoir #3 Panic Bor with Closer RH 504 Bob's Off ice Vinq Entry set LH 505 Penthouse to Vastibule Ponic Bor wilh Closer LH 506 5Ol Stoir #2 Ponic Bor with Closer LH Hardware Schedule 6.1 1.04 Page 6 ED6000 Series Appl ications/Features Appllcalions Ideal f<rr high-use situations. Aduanbgps . MeeLsANSI ()lade I requircments.. I Iearydrrty corlstl.uctiotr. o Base uretals (bra-ss. bronze:rnd stainles,i steel) lbr dur.rbilitv. . Easy-t<ru-se cr<xsbar operation for quick egress and ADA compliancc.. Dogging srandard orr all panic-listed de.vices. o Tlrroughbolted trims ft)r strength and wcurity.. Wide riLage of finishes, trims and styles to match other (lrrbin Ru.sswirr or<xl r rct-s, r Devices availablc to satls$ plnic and fire opening requiremenus. Trims Lever, knotr, thumbpicce, pull :Lnd oDerat<lr escutcheonal uirls available. C,onsult EDGfiX) ca&rlog fbr complete listing ofdesigns irnd functions. Feafures Ber Lcrrgilrt E:r.sily field cut to size. Surndard 36" (914mm) bar fiLs d(nrs up i() 36" (914mm). Optional tlt|" bar fits 36-1/2" (927mm) - 48" (l219mm) d<rcr- I&ormlchtess Standard: 1-1/ 4" (44mm). S'AIB 6in) Minimum width with l/2" ( l3mm) stop irnd suurdard strike:4" (102mm). With 5/tt" (16mm) stop and sta.rxla.rd stri}e: tl- l/8" (1Oimm). Pniectun 5-3./4" (146mm); 4-l12" (l l4mm) deprcxsed. Ctses Heavy wrought, 7l /4" (lll4urrrr) x2!J/16" (65mm). Crc,€,bel Standard: 13/16" (2lmm) x I 3/8" (35urrn) <xal seamless tubing. Certifi cation/Complaance ANSI Meers A156.3, Grade 1. Meers A117.1 Accessibiliry Cxdc. UL /d'L All exit device."t listed for szrlety a.s piLnic hardware . $lx.rur Iire-mted devices lisred as fire exit hardware lirr A label and lesscr clir.ss hardrv"are. Caltfornla State Rsference Code This product hius been approved by dre (l:rlil'ornia State Fire Manhzrl pursua.nt t() section 13144.1 of the C,alif<rrnia Ht--a]th & Safety (krde. IIFPA All exit devicei comply with NFPA 101 Life Salety (krde. ADA Exit deviceri, lever rrims and pulls comply with Americans wirh Disabilities Act. Fnlslcs BHMA 605, 606, 611, 612, 613,6??,625, 626.629.630.WarranU One-ye:rr limited. Elactmmelnnbal Available with ED6efl and ED6600A' devices. t i \ Belmont B3 Lustra H Round Gdp T4 a i I D Grip Sectioml T5 EDoflD Sa'to Efl Deylcss ' Comealed Vertical Rod, Panic & Fire Labeled (not plctred) ED62m Ssriss 8im Hil ooryiccs - Panic & Fire Labeled Elr6m Sotlas Exit DsYbes - Surface Vertical Rod, Panic and Firc labeled E06fln S8|h3 [drb8 Lock TFo B[ osvlc'3 - Panic ard Fire Labeled Min B'8sflin hodtJct Gul&.32 R€fs to a0tro0.ide Exit &ricr Calaloo lor a complete listhg of 6ach sdrbs' Oplicatio.B. > Standard 40'10 series closer shipped with regular arm, standard plastic covel and self reaming and tapping screws. See 4010 Series pages 5&6foroptions. > Sized cylinders for interior doors to 5'0" and exterior doors to 4'0". > Non-sized cylinder adjustable for interior doors to 4'6" and exterior doors to 3',6". > Closer mounts hinge side, specify right or left swinging door. > Corner brackets available. See 4010 Series page 6 for options. > 401 1 cylinder meets ADA requirements. See 4010 Series page 7. ' Standard or optional custom powder coat finish. > ODtional olated finish on cover. arm and fasteners. > 0ptional SBI primer for installations in conosive conditions. > The 4010 Series is UL and ULC listed with regular or fusible link arms for self-closing doors. > Tested and certified under ANSI Standard A1 56.4, grade one. rOUIINTC HIIFH GOYIB rcil 40r 0 $tRtE$ fhe &10 SilOOTHEEo is LCfl? hest pertoming heavy duty closer designed specifically for inaiartional and other ragged h i gh tralf i c a p p I ic ations. > Ten Million Gycles > Gast lron > Forged Steel Main Arm ' Double HeatTreated Steel Pinion ' All Weather Fluid > lGil" Fastil Power Adiust > Fast & Accurate lnstallation > U! & ULC Lasted The nt t includes the LCIII FAST" Powcr Adiut, I revdulionary visual hrdicstor for Sying Power Adiufinent 4'Itl CE F GE tfl T! GYUIIDEB +ranx ru finfl HINGE (Puttl SIDE M0UttlT a Avaibble O Not awilabls 6 Closer avarta e with tess than 5.0 tbs. opening torce u 36' door.*'Maxinun opening/hold-qen point with standad Enphte. Backchuk 3 t-cN cLosERS PH0NE 800-526-2400 121 W. RAIIR0AD AVE_ FAX 800-248-146{) P.0. BoX ]m www.lcnclos€rs.com PB|N(Er0N. tt. usA61356{100 3N4 l^cN" 4t :t+l EI cE = -, -t = rcN 4010 $rnrr$ HINGE (PUIL}SIDE MOUNTING MAXIMUM OPENING Can be templated lor 100", (&l= 5 15/16" (151 mm) f.B-,\= 11 15/16" {303 mm) or 140". rO= 4 3/16" (106 mml @= to r7ts" (259 mml Hold-open points up to maximum open ing with hold-open arm. Arm Glearance above door. Regular arm requires Q\ = 1 r/16" {27 mm). Hold-open arm requires O = 1 3/8" (35 mm). Fusible link arm requrres .Q; = 1 s7u" {41 mm). 0ptions > Sized or non-sized cylinder. > Delayed action cylinder. > Hold-open, H180 {corner bracket only| hold-open, or fusible link arm. > Metal or lead lined cover. Special Templates Customized installation templates or products may be available to solve unusual applications. Contact LCN for assistance. Butt Hinges should not exceed 5" (127 mmI in width Auxiliary Stop is recommended at hold-open point or where a door cannot swing 140". Beveal should not exceed 3/4" (19 mm). Fusible link arm should not exceed 1/8" {3 mml. Top Rail less than 3 3/4" {95 mm} requires PLATE,4010-18. Plate requires 2" {51 mm) minimum. Cfearance of 2114" {.51 mm) behind door required for 90'installation. Delayed Action Add suffix "DEL" to selected cylinder (eg. 4014 DEL). Not available with 4016 cylinder. Delays closing from maximum opening to appr0ximately 70". Delay time adjustable up to approximately 1 minute. Bull ilose Trim requires SOFFIT SH0E, 4010-65. Corner Bracket for a door where top jamb or parallel arm mounting cannol be used. Consult factory on all corner bracket mounls. LCN CL0SERS PHoNE 800-526-2400 r2i w RATLB0A0 AVE. FAX800,248.1460 A P.o. Box it]o www.rcncros€rs com + pFrNcr toN. tL. usA6:356 o'oo 3toL LCN" CYUNDERS cYut{DEB,{|trGilnl Standard, handed cast iron cylinder assembly. For various aoolications see "Table of Sizes" on 4010 Series page 7. c0vEBs GoVER, {r}r0-z Standard, non-handed plastic cover IEAD uilED CoVEB, ||nGrztt 0otional non-handed cover. itETAt covER. {0r0-7zMG 0ptional, handed cover. Required for plated finishes and custom powder coat finishes. ARMS REGUTAR ARM, {III |l-ilT'? Non-handed arm. HotD.oPEt{ ABM, {010-30f9 0ptional, handed arm provides hold-open function, adiustable at elbow. HolIt-oPEt{ Hrflr ARM, 4olG:ilfgHrfll 0ptional, handed arm provides hold-open function up to 180", adjustable at shoe. Closer must be mounted on ,1010-1 1 corner bracket. FUSIBIE U1$( ARM, {no-ilngFl 0ptional, handed arm rsleases hold-open function when exposed to temperatures above 165o t 0otional link releases at 135" F. 1/8" (3 mm) maximum reveal. ffiil4010$ERlt$ grt EI ea e,t t&l c9 c5 GC ^re 5 LCN CI0SERS PtioNE 800-52S24m 121 W. RATLRoA0 AVE. FAX 800-248-1460 P.0- BoX 100 wrrvw.lcnclosers.com PRlNffiIoN.ll-. USA 61356{100 3/!4 I.GJI" 4t r! CE E 4'4'u-l C5 c5 <E LC|l| 4010 $rnrt$ INSTALTATION ACCESSORIES PIATE,4{r10-18 Bequired where top rail is less than 3 3/4" {95 mm). Plate requires minimum 2" (51 mm) top rail. c0BrttEB BBACI(EI, {010-t 1 For doors where top jamb or parallel arm mounted closer can not be used. Allows 1 80" opening with regular or H1B0 hold-open arm. Projects 5" {127 mm) from stop, 13 11/16" {348 mm) from trame. Requires opposite hand closer. c0B]ttEB B RACKET, 4{n0-r6 For doors where top jamb or parallel arm m0unted closer can not be used. Allows 125" opening with regular arm or 100" with hold-open or fusible link arm Pro jects 5" (1 27 mm) from stop, 12 1 3/16" (325 mm) f rom frame. Bequires opposite hand closer. c0RNER BRAC|(EI, 4{r10-17 Allows 1 10" opening with regular arm. Designed lo lower closer on door for clearance of auxiliary door holders (consult f actory) Projects 6 318" (162 mm) f rom stop, 13 1 1/16" (348 mm) trom frame. Requires opposite hand closer. s0FFlT sH0E,4010-5s Adapts hinge side shoe to rounded or bull nose trim. 65 \9 6 LcN cLosERS PlroNE 800-526 2400 i2'w RA|L80A0 AVE. FAX 800-248-i460 P.0 BoX 100 www lcnclosers.corn PRINCLT0N. rr. USA 6i356.0100 3/04 N N LCN. TABTE 0F SIZES Select closer based on width ot door. The spring power of non-sized 4t)11 cylinder is adjustable trom size I through size 5 and is shipoed set to srze 3. Sized 4010 series cylinders available in size 2,3, 4, 5, or 6. Closing power of all 4010 Series closers may be increased 50%. Specify next higher size closer where s8ong drafts exist. Delayed acti0n not available wift 4016 cylinder. -> Indicates recommended €noe 0f door width for closer size. *o1t {0t2 4tn3 {oit 4llt5 {n5 'AdJUsEble Size 1 thru 5 BEoUCED oPEItllilc FoBCE 0010 CI0SERS CAUnOll ! Any manual door closer, including those cenified I BHMA to conform to ANSI Standard A156.4, thar is selected, insblled and adiusted based on ADA or other reduced openrng force requirements may not pr0vide sufficient 0ower to re|ablv close and latch a door. Fefer to P0WEF 0PEBATORS section tor information on systems that meet reduced opening force rEUrrements without ef{ecting closing power. -, =t--E =EE et It =c5 =CE l4r et e G' Minimum Door width 7 EXTEH0B land YESTIBUIEI t 00R Wl0Tll Door width rcN 4010 $ERlt$ HOW-TO-OBOER 4010 SEBTES Ct0SEBS r. sElEgr cYuilDER StzE O 4011 (adjustable from size 1 to 5) o 4012 o 4013 tr 4014 tr 4015 o 4016 (DEL not available) 2. SPECIFY HATII' BRH trtH 3. SEIIST Ftl{tSH tr SEndard Powder Coat Aluminum, Dark Bronze . Tan, Statuary. Irght Bronze, Black, Brass. Closer will b shlppd wi6t: - STANDMD COWN, - BEGUUfl ANM. - SELF-BFr'.M|NG and TAPING SCBM$ unless options listed below arc seleeted, ctosER 0PTt0Ns cYr.il{DEB tr Delayed Action (DEL) COVER tr Lead Lrned (tI) g Meral (MC) ARU tr Hold-0pen (H) O H180 Hold-0pen {H180]|lbacket nount onlyl O Fusible Lnk, 165" F'{Ft) ' Optional link releases at 135' t FrMSH D Custom Porruder Coat (BA[] (handed metal cover requjred) o Plated tinish. us {handed metal co/er required) n SBI primer SCREW PACK D TB* & SHT Screw {TBSRT} tr Wood & Machine Screw (WMS) D TB.. Wood & Machine Screw {IBWMS} tr T0RX Machine Screw (ToRX) tr T8. & T0BX Machine Screw fififlX]* Specity door thrckness if other than 1 3/4". [{sTAt LAT|0t ACCESSoRTES f] Plate,4010-18 tr Eracket, 401Dl1 tr Bracket, 401$16 tr Bracket. 40lOl7 D Softit Shoe, 401&65 SPECIATTETP1ATE tr sT- ITTEilOB IIOORWIDTH E IIOORWIDIil 3.f E {f 8.5* lbs.4011 4{111 '1011 5.0'lbs.401I tt011 4011 * Maximun opening torce ITJT" @srnrrs Standard Dutv Commercial For exterior and intcrior doors o[ medica], officc, hol el/motcl. pu blic bui ldi ngs, religious, m u I t i - fa m i ly, rc ta i l./s t orcfro n t a n d go v e r n m e n t facilitia. Aln ideal for heaw dutv rcsidentia] ux. Performance Featwes Heavy duty compression springs extend life of spring cage and provide smooth, fast return action ()f levers and minimizc droop. Tiue thmugh-bolting prevents lock chassis rotation and disenSagern€nt from latch. Stainless steel interlocking spindle d€sign for addcd strength against excess force- Cold rolled stecl, machined, threaded hubs and locking nuts prevcnt loosening of the locks€t by bolting chassis to the door. Heavy duty cast mounting plate with specially tapped holes keeps lockset tight on door. farye diameter of mounting plate and rose covers new ANSI hollow metal door cutout- Patented door range adjust€r allows quicrk and easy adjustment of the Al-Series for |t/a" to 17/e" (35mnr to 48mm) thick doon. Cutaway Wew Tna trough.bolting oubide dod Feparalion R€ue|sible latdr lf|it %" (13mm) Ttrow springlatch and deadlatch Deadhcting plunoer /f /\ /' Heavy q c6r mounting plates Theaded h|a and lockarT nut Ctlindes D,eslgns & f inislEs Door Prcpaatiar Fnc{ior|3 How lo Order hre.ctango$le Gae hirilrs' High Sec||rity Cylittlers Md&drilgeadts &ty cdnFession sfrings lGy rcmuable lever Precision solid brass pin tnbler cylindcrs with nickel silver keys {-5 t-5 Specmcdims Wdranty On our cover, tlv AL-Seri6 Satun in satin chmme (626). i edocking qindle SWiftcations Hanabg: Non-harded. Ssenrns Certifications AIISI Meets or exceeds A156.2 Serts 4000. Grade 2 Dom Thtclrx: strengti and operational requirementr, Llh- to l7h- (35 mm to 4g mm) standard. Meets AI I7'I Ac{esstb ny code 2- (51rnm) optional. Fcdcrd Brkrcr Meets FF-H-106C. 2/i (Z0lmro) standard. 27a:' (6Dnn),3/r' (95 mm) and Cal|fnntr Strtc Rrfcrurrce Codc 5' (127 'r;n") optional. ([orDryr . r0, c.o..m sd. D'. Ila'.br s.rd"'{) Fmnt All levers wlth returm comply; levers retum to witl n Steel. lfz6-x 27l- square corner, beveled, for27t'bactlg:t %- ofdoor face' standard. Opttonal 1- square comer, I - radlus corner, LJL / ul,C: and non-Ul drive-in / round face. For availabillty with AU locks listed for A label slngle doors, 4' x 8'- specilic backsets, see paSe 6.Letter F and UL symbol on latch frcnt indicale listing. Locl C.cis: UL437 Listea tocking cylinder optlonal: spectg steel, zinc dkhromate plated for corro.ion r*istance- Prim,s 20-500 Series cylinder- Iatch Bolt: Brass, ctu:ome plated, tr- throq deadlocking on keyed and ext€rior fumtions. Eryogcd Tiim. Wrought brass and bmnze. Levers are pr€ssrr€ cast zinc, plated to rnatch flnish symbols Strtke: ANSI curved lip strtke I /r- x 47/e' x 1r7c' lip to center standard- Optionat strikes, lip lerrytts and ANSI wrought strike box ava-ilable. S"u p"g" 7. Cyllndcr & Keys: 6-pln patented Ever€sf C123 keyway starrdard with two nickel silver keys pcr lock. Krylng Opdons: Interchangeable core and Prirnusa trigh secudty cylinders Master keying, grand master keylng, and constructlon keyinS. Wernny Thrce-year limited. Door Prcparatlon @srnrrs Dertgra & Finishes ]UPITER Symbol: JUP Material Pressure cast zinc lever; wrought brass or bronze rose Finistrcs: 605, 606,612, 613. 625, 626 & T lrnf 'l..l -t o tJ l2-1ttl NEPTWE Symbol: NEP Material: Pressure cast zinc lever; wmught brass or bronze rose Finishes: 605, 606,609, 612, 613,625. 626 & r:\-4[i T tlta SATURN Symbol: SAT Material: Pressure cast zinc lever; wrought bras or bronze rose Finishes: 605, 606, 609, 612, 613, 625, 626 & TACTNEWARNING 6NARLING) Symbol: 8SA Available Saturn design only. Outside lever ls k nurled unless otherwise speclfled. t r.-. \ -4H, T I I I FhaslEs 6{E &ight Brass 606 Satin Brass 609 Bright Brass, Blackened 612 Satin Bro|Ee 513 Oil Rubbed BrorEe 625 Bright Chmmium Plated 626 Satin Chrfiiium Plated Thls lcon d€signat€s desigm available with inter- changeable corc options. !!srnrns Functions ANSI A156.2 Seres 4000 Grade 2 Non-KqreA Functions SCHTAGT ALTOS AJ{SI F75 Passage latcfr Kcwd Funcfons SCHTAGT AL5OPD ATSI F82 Entrance/Ofiice Lock F7S Both leven always unlocked. Edt L{rck Blank plate ouside. Imidc lever always unlocked. Specify door thickness, It/a" (35mt) or I3/+" (44nm). Bath/Ecdmom Prlnacy Lock Pulih-button krking. Can be opened from outside with smaJI screwdriver. Tirrning inside lever or closinc door rcleases butt()n- Hospitel Privacy Lock Push-button lmking. Unlocked from outside by turninS emergency turn button. Tlming insid€ lever or closing door rcleases button, Singte Dummy Trim Single dummy trim for on€ side of door. Used for door pull or as matching inactive trim. Push-button locking. Push-button locks outside lever untll unlocked with kev or by rotating inside lever. AL53PD Fl09 Enrancc Loct AITOPD F84 ALSOPD F86 AIJSPD F93 This icon designates functions available with interchangeahle corc optlons. Tirrn/push-button locking: pushing and turning button locks outside lever rcqulring use of key until button is manually unlocked. Push-button locking: pushing button locks outside lever until unlocked by key or by turning inside lever. Clasrroom Lock Outside lever locked an<! unlocked bv kev. Imide lever always unlocked. Storemom Lock Ouside lever fixed. Entrancc by key only. Imidc lever always unlocked. Hote/Motel Lock Outside lever fixed. Ennance by kcy only. Push-button in insidc lever activatcs visual occupancy indicator, allowing only emergency masterkey to operate. Rotating inside lever or closing door releases visual occupancy indicator. Rotation of inside spanner button provides lockout feature by keeping indicator thrown. I ALz5D ALITO @srrrrs Standard Cvlinden Schlage" lcrcks arc pmvided with cylinders precision built to extremely close tolerances and the highest standards of accuracy, Uslng only solid brass plugs, extruded brass shells, phosphor bronze springs, nickel silver keys and plm, ensures long life and ease of operation. For complete listing of cylinder pars, refer to the Al-Series Servicc Manual. Conventional cyllnden are available in Classic keyways or in the newly patented Everest" keyways. Specify keyway to di{Terentiate between Everest and Classic- Examole: C (Chssic) vs. Cl23 (Everest). Primutu High Security Cylinderc Primus high security cylinders are available to add patented key control and varying degrees of geographical exclusivity to most Schlage 6-pin key s)6terns, whetfier Everest or Classic keyways- In addition to a conventional pin tumbler merhanism, Prirnus cylindcrs incoryxrmte a patented fingcr pin and sidcbar design pmviding a "dud-locking' cylinder that is virtually pick-proof. Resistance to drilling and other physical attack is optiornl by specifying 20-500 Serics UL437 Listed cylinders. Classic hlmus cylinders are recommended for upgrading existing Classic key slatems. Due to its extended patent life, the newly designed Everest Primus is recommended for new key systems and for upgrading exlsting Everestd key systems- Specify keyway to dlffer€ntiate between Everest and Classic. Examole: CP (Ctassc) vs. C123 (Everest). Ctlinder tor ltloc finc{io||s Hoiel fDc{ion Indcdor Ctlinde? fnturchangeable Corc Schlagec figure-8 interchangeable core (IC) locksets allow immediate rekeytlg at the door simply by using the special contnl key to replace the core in s€conds. IC lockses are available in Saturn design only, and can be ordercd for either of two IC formas. SATURN Symbol: SAT Finishes: 605. 606, 609, 612,613, 625.626 & 6m Full Slze Interchangable Core Full size interchangeable cores can be integrated into any 5 or 6-pin Schlage key with no adverse affects on keying capacity. To order complete locks with full size cores, change sullix from PD to RD. Example: AL53RD. To order locks,/as core, change suffix to JD. To order with full size conslruction ffirc, change suffix to TD- Small Format Interchangeable Core (SFIC) The SFIC version is deslgned for Schlage Everest B Family r€stricted keyway cores and is also completely compatible with Best@, Falcon, etc. small format cores, To order complete locks with Everest B Family rntriclcd kEryay rarcr, change product sullix from PD to GD and provide letter of authorization from end user. Example: AL53GD. To oraer tocks .les rore, change suffix to BD. To order witi kqed bras tot struction mr6, change zufflx to HD. To order with dispable plastb conttruction rarer, change suffix to BDC. Sb.brdGtliillers tludcr |)escritior 21{20 6-Pin conven onal cylinder ($andard) 20-128 Prim6 hgh s€curfiy cylinder 20-s28 Prim6 U1437 Listed high s€curity cylin&r 21421 6-Pin Horeltunction (4185) with occupancy indicator Availaue 6{b and 626 finish onty. Everesr C18 keyway standad. Corcs Only tull Size Cao / -\- -t\,, \->\(.-'(e \(e, Available 606 and 626 finbh only. Spe{ify keyway tor existing systerls- 80{33 and 80-0,13 cores are avaihble in A D. E, f. G. H, J, K. !. and M k€yways. 80-036 and m-037 r€stncted keyway cores require a btrer of aulhorization from the end user. Schlage assigns the keyway when eslablislirq ne\rv Everesl restncted key systems- Small Famd Gae f-\.- x o>\t\-r1",]- --(d/ Oispcdle Co|c|nrcrirfi Cae @srnrzs IC Convenion Kits For locks manufactured before June 2002 it is easy to convert standarrl AL Series lockses to accept Schh8e full siz4 interchangeable cores by changing the lever and adding the part-s shown. Conversion of locks made since June 2002 and conversion of any Al-Series lockset to SFIC requires clifferent comlnnents, as well as dismantting the lockset to replace internal parts. No kits are ava.ilable for this pur1rcse. fdl Sire lC GdtYeGior N )"-y t Yr*--,"{ -(-2 IC Installation Tbot This tool is used to lnstall thc drlver and retainer for full size IC in the AL Series and other Schlage cylindrical lockses. ILs other ends are desi8ned to tnstall and remove mortise cylinder houslngs and tcst mortise cylinder cam action for both snraU format and full size I nterchangeable core cylinders- M504-113 (Order s€paratdy.) full sire Interdrangeable Cor€s (tor JD Suffix Locksets) Itlur er lle3cridiorl 23{30 Conver iomlcore 20,740 Primus high securiry core Available 6(F and 626 finbh only. Everesr C1 23 keyway slandard. Small tdmrr lmetchangoeHe Coa€s (For BD Suffix Locks€ts) l{urter Dc6criFiort 80{36 7-Pin uncombinated Everest B Family restricted ke!|waJ|s 80{37 7-Pin combinated Everel B tamily resricled keyways 80-(M3 6-pin uncombinated Falcon / Best keywaF 80{33 7-pin uncombiMted Fakon / Best keyways M201-1s2 DisDosable plastic constrLr,lio core InlerdrangeSle Cde Cdnponef s ufibei Dcrctiaim 01{54 SAT'Conversion kit Drivet retainet levet core 01{25 SAT'Conversion kit Driver rdainer. lelter 01-126 DrNer, retainar 5r{22 SAT'Lever only (Saturn) 'Specify finish. |fflstnrns Latches Al-Series latches arc adjustable for {lat or beveled edge doors. Latches and strikes are furnished in brass. bronze. or chrome finishcs compatible with lock trim. When ordering separately, specify quantity, part number, and finish. Drive.ln Lattfies Springlatch Deadlatch rffi -]ry Deadlatch ffi Deadlatch % Sqrare Cornet lalches 3siwtf,,24 qttr W R nd Colnr Laldes Sprirglatch r-ffi try tatct tront A.lapur 4501{78 Uscd to convert l" wide square front faceplates for 1%" widc door preparatlons. Furnished in black plastic. Order in unit-s of 100 each. long Backsets Backscts 5" and over require extension llnks. Al--Series locks with long backrs are norma.lly furnished with 1" faceplatcs and 7r" housings- Links installed in 1" latch holes rcquire one G506-815 sleeve (order separatcly) to join latch and link. Backsets over 5" require an additional sleeve placed l,t" from lock chasis. Informatk)n on longer hackses is available upon rcquest, 5' Enensam linl 41-005 (add to 2 3/s'- backset latch) Sle€E G506-815 (Order separately) Door Relnforcement Schlage" 37-001 r€inforcing unit is used to reinforce and help prevent the collapsc of hollow metal doors when locksets are tightly mounted. Door P]eP This kit should be uscd with krng backsets for Al-Series lock installatiom in hollow metal doors to prevcnt lateral movemcnt of the latchbolt. Specify door thickness, 1%" (35mm) or I3A" (44mm), when orderine reinlbrcemenr ki|.5. Reintac€|t|ent Kil 37-001 -.-.Sleeve -- Reinldcament 4501-566 lVr" (14mm) Doors A50'l-56tt 196- (3smm) Doors Ldches Btclset facedate Des.riFiql H{ Dia SDrirg||rdl %" flr||fn) T|iow Ileadlich 1/{ (lt|'mi Tltow 2W {60 mm) 1" x2Y1" l25nn r 57 rrt.ll.J squarrc corner rE (22mm)1l,068 't1{8s 1" x 21/i (25nn | 5l .I''I.l Y." (5mm) radius md. cnr. %' (22 mm) '11-069 11-088 l" (25mm) circular drive in (non-u.1.) 1" (25mm)11 110 11 10,1 2v/ 00mm) 1 " x ?Ya" (25 mm x 57 mm) squaire corner %' (22mm)11-l l I 11{91 11/t x2W (24mmx'l mml square corner, strtdrd 't' (25mm)fl-lt6 11S 'l- x 2Y." (25mm r 5l rnm) 7r- (6m|n) radius md. cnr. ,a (22 mm) 11-112 'r1{92 1" (25mm) circular drive-in (non-U.1.) '1" (25mm)11 113 11-105 3yi (95mm) 1Ys" x 2Yr" (23mm r 57 mm) squzrre corner 1' (25mm)11 118 11- 103 flsnnrts Strikes All Schlage strikes :m fumishd cdnplete wlth rrevr- The lM25 standard Al-Series srlke has a 1l4e' (30 mm) ltp. When orderlng separately, specfy quantity, product number, finistr, and lip length. Sfifrs R.bbcted Intch .rd Strtkc Ktt Rabbeted latch and strike li,lt flnlshes: 606, 626. This kit adaps squae comer latches and srikes for rZ- (l3nrn) rabbeted door ard Fame preparations RSbered letch ad Selte Kit 39-030 AilSl Sr e - Sla|danl 10425 '11/t x 17f' xW" (32mmr12{|'mxznm) T-$ite 10-m1 114' xgf xW (29nYnxmfinx2im) .E fol ln_l ILJ i Lel- ?ft tcr th Leil0lt De.cr?6al 1o{01 1".118 $1nI1W , 1Vz' , 1l{ ,2 (25mm, 20mrn,32mm, 38 mrn, a,l mn, 1i " x 2Vi' (A mrn x 70 mm} mm) S$rare cornef 10{x 11/{ (:9 mm) 1W ,.9{ (?!tll,,I,t r7l'ltnl ld (3mml Radi6. mund crr. tG@5 'yiF..19t"(30mm,35mm) lW x1W l32m.I/. | l?1mrl ANSI,I'rdrd 10{26 1Yt" (29mm) 1tt' r 27.- (11mm x 57 nm) tull lip, sguare comer 10{27 'tl^' (Amm) 154' x21/( (1lnfir 51( nl tull lip, Y1" (6mm) radi6. round conEr 10{s8 1tk (31nm) 1Y.' (14 mm) Circular, adjusulble K510.065 Box. ANSI 39-030'RabHed dor adapter kil 'Use with ?y." square corner sldkes onlv. E SERIES How to Order To order Schlage prcducts, descrtptive data should be in the same sequence as shown. LitD lbrl at Proatrcr orbidc lnsite Ldr $tc IN n*tIr|Ad.I|io|d lreLils Ibr Fin Da3 fit 2 3 I 5 I I I !l0 tl 12 1 Line itcm number 2 Q'jantity 3 Complete mrxlel nurnber with fumtion and cytinder type To order rylinder optiom, change 'PD" at the end of the model number as follonrs: a'1\ AL53PD Standar<l '\(t AL53LD Less standard cylinder (For himus cylinder, specify this option and order himus cylinder separately-) A\ AL53JD Prepared for full size interchangeable core, less core QQ *Ur*O With firll size conventional interchangeable core installed. Order conrol keys separately. V eLS:ltO With full size (temporary) construction core installed. Order all keys separatcly- ,-. \*A ALs3GD With Everest B Family restdcted keyway small format core installed. Order contml keys sepamtely.-- @ nLSgHO Wirh small format keyed bmss construction core installed. Order all keys separatety. dUftS AL53BDC With smaLl format disposable plastic construction core installed. { I 5 Ouside design / linish. Specify tactile warning (knurling) trere as "8SA", availablc on Saturn only. 6/7 Inside design / finish. Leave blank if sarne as outside. I [:tch. Leave blank for standard or specify part number for optiona.l latch- LLL=[.ess Latch. 9 Strike. Leave blanl for standaftl or spcrify part number for optional soike. LLL=Less Strike- 10 Door thickness, if non-standard. Example: 200 = Z. 11 Dimersion for strike lip lengttn. See strike page for availability of sp€ciflc di.rnemions with sp€cific strikes. 1(X)= 1" 118 = 1%" l14 = l%" 138 = 13/s" Llz = 1r5" 134 = It/t" 200 =2 12 Keying detail (e-g. key rymbol, keyway, bittind and other special rcquirements. EX'|[PlI Llm IE at Prodrcr filside hside Lllcfi $ile lL Tlr Dim Mditid|rl Dctlils Ib'fin Dc5 Fin I A At16 IIEP 505 tG0l 2 a.Atsnl'sAr 613 2A c 5 a57g 3 a0 A185PD JUP 626 t1{5 EM Note: Schlage order forms are availatrle at no charge by contacttng your Schlage Repr*entative or Custorner SeMce. ED7000 Series - Nanow Stile Appl ications/Features Applications Idea.l for high-u,r siturtions on narrow and regrrlal stile d<xrrs in new constnrction :rnd ren<lvations. Advantages r Meets or exceeds ANSI Grade 1 requrreme n Ls. . Healyduty consrrucd()n- . Bir,re metals (br.r.ss. bronzc:urd stainless steel) for durahility. o Easy-t<rurc cr<xsbar <lpration for quick egress :rnd AI)A compliance. . Dogging standard on all p;rnic listed devices. o 'fhrorrghbolted rriurs lirr strenlgth:rnd secunty. r Wide range of finishcr, trims ald styles t<l match other (klrbh Russr^'in pr<ducts. o Devices available t() satisff panic iuld fire opsning requirements. Trims Lever, knob, thumhpiece, pull and ooerat<lr escutche<lnal trirns available. (krnsult EDTdX) catzlog ft)r c()mplete listing ofdesigns and firnctions. Features BatLWrh Ea.sily field cut to size. Surndard 36" bar fits dooni up to 36" (914mm). Optional t18" (12l9mrn) bar firs 3fr-1l?" (927mrn) - 4{t" (12l9mm) door. Iroprmich'€ss Standard : 1-3 / 4" (44{nm). SflE (Bin) Minimum width 2-ll2" (ti4mm) with stand:ud l/2" (l3mm) stop. holetun *7 /8" (124nm);11/8" (80mm) depressed. Caw Heary ca-st. 7-l/4' (ltl4mrn\ xl-l/4' (32mm). Croshar Standiud: l3l16" (21mm) x l-3lti" (35mm) <x'al seamless tubing. Warnnty One-yeiLr limitcd. Gedif ication/Gompliance AW Meers A156.3, Grade l. Meets Al17.1 Accessibility (irde. UL/NL All exit devices listed firr salety zr.s panic hardware. lhour lire'rated der4ces listed as firc exit hardlrre f<rr A label and lesser class h:rrdlnarc. Celitomta S&,/d Beler?,r's Cnde This pruluct has heen iqeproved bv th Calif<rrnia State Fire Mashal Dursuant to section 13144.1 ofthe Calift>rniir Ilealth & Salety Grde. IIFPA AII exit devices comply with NFPA l0l Life Safegv (irde. ADA Exit deviceri, le.ver trinls and pulls comply with Amcricans with Disabilities Act. Hnislps BHMA 605, 6{Xi, 611, 612, 613, 622, 625, 626, 629, 630. l t, ED7fltr Sodos Eril lbyh8s - Comealed Vertcal R0d. Panlc & Fire tabeled (not pictured) a \t ta Did(e D4 D Gdp operator Round Grip m Tl2tl Eo72m Scrlcs Bim Ern D€rlco - Panic onlv ED?6UI S€|los l|frtbs Lock l'pe Erit Dovicos - Panic and Flre Labeled Cohln Brcswin M.,cI Gui&.33 Bef€a t0 aopopriat€ Exit thice Cataloolor a compldtE lilihg of €adr 8sh8' applacatbm. ED5000 Series Appl ications/Features Applications Dcsignecl f<u :Lpplications in high-use situatiorrs. ideal tirr ne'w constnrctiolt :rnd ren<x'ati<lns. Advantages . N1eets AliSl ()radc 1 requirr:ruents . Ea\!.t() use pushbar firl quick egress and .{DA complianr e r Heir*.drrty constnrcti()n . Qrriet operatiorr o L<lv projection firr bilrrier-fi ce ccxle cornpliancc . \Vide mnge rrf finishes. rrirrs, and stlleri to mirtch ()ther (irrbin Rrrssrvir' prrxlucts. r 'Ihroughbolted trirus Iirr str<:ngth. .er ur iw. dr rral,ri I irv, smr x rth r,pcr:rt ir rn iln.l ('a!v itrst:rllad()n . Orre point dogging on p:rnic der rces r l)evi< cr a\'rdlable k) s:rtish UL vdetv and tirc label rc<luiremenLs ED54m and ED5470 SVB S€ries Exll 0eM63s - Surtace Vertical Rod. UD to 10'. Panic & Fire Labeled, Less Bott0m Rod, Metal&rr00dDoors Features Bat Lcngth E:rsilv ticld cut t() size. Starrdard 3ti" (,()l4mm) bar firs 30" (762mnr) - l3(i" (9l.lnrrrr) drxrr. Optional 4ll" (l?l9rrrm) arrrl 2.1" (610mm) bar. D@r mlcknms 1-31.1" (44rrrm) stittdard. Stile llirrimtrm rritlth {l '..}' (l l-lmnrt. Pmlection .}1 /'1" (83mm) active. 2-3'4" (70rlm ) cloggcd. Les Eottom Rod M55 less b()tt()m rod option avlilable on LD5470(lJ) and ED5ll60(B) exir dcyices Itrr p:lnic and fire-ratecl drxrrs up to 4'x 10' (tt' x lO' pails). Wanenty I ir e-vear limiterl on det'iccs :urd 9(X) scries trirn. L)ne-r'ear limitcd on 7(X) series triru:urd electronic c<>mportenLs. Certif ication /Compliance A S' Nleers ANSI 156.3. Ciradc l NleersAl17.i A<:cessibiliLv (irdc. UUcllL .{ll t xit derit rr li,.ted li,r s;rli-n rrs panic hludw:rre. ll-hour (ire rareil dclices listed a,s fire cxit hu-drvlue lirr -{ lahcl :rnd lessct class. I l/? hour f-rre-rarcd devices listerl as lire exit hardrv:lrr: lirr lJ labr:l irnd ltriscl class, Calitomia SEte ReterenE Code This prodrrct lr:rs been approvetl ll the (lalif<rrnia State Fire I{anill: pursrrant t() srttion l3l4{.1ofthc (lalilirrnia Flealth & Salen (i)de. TIFPA All e-xit delicrs c<>mpll sith NFPA 1()l Lilc Sidi'n (irde. AOA llxit dclices. k:r'er trims zurd pulls cornplv rvith Americirns rrith f)isabilities Act. Finisll€s BHN'tA{iOir. 6(X;, 611, 61?, 613. 6!5. (i2(i, 6?9. (;30. E05200 Soriss Bim and Sec|lreBollrx Exil oevlcss - Panic & Fire Labeled, Metal and W00d Doors. {Rim mt oictured) :F fr * ll ti r' t r E05&Xl and 805860 CYR Sed6 Exil oeylcss - Concealed Vertical Rod. t D t0 10'. Panic & Fire Labeled, Less 8oftom Rod, Metal & Wood Doors (mt pictured)i'iF --ts-1 l.[ f T,t E056m lrodise Lock rype Exn oeuccs - ' Panic & Fire Labeled. Metal & Wo0d D00rs Rsfor to appr@riate E\[ 0e!rc6 Catalog for a complete l6tn0 ol sach s6nes app|catms Cohln Busswin hoduct Guide.34 ED5000 Series App I icatio ns/Features ED50fil Series Trim CnSe'fs rleaw-Wfrtm ffites o Freelvhecling yandal resistant design e Bevele'd edges o Throughbolted to exit device . Flush c''linder with Gpin cylinder applications . Aldlable with Vinqrard C,ollecuon leven 7.mWmnfuefrtrcs o Freewheeling lever o Throughbohs to exit device o Welded Frsrs . Alrailable with lever, knob, pull or thumbpiece dcriigns IrtnFncfuns 'j .t ,r fly-rffi ilewport Escutcheon 1{9 Fll Global G7 (', * Ditte D7 il ''l 't rd-- t-r Merlot lrlS -,l I rt Lj Frascati FR9 Tuscany TSll zintandel E F. otfset Pull P9 ED6000 Series App I icatio ns/Features Applicalions Ideal f<rr high-use sinrations. Advantages r Mee t-s ANSI (]rade I reorrirements, o Heary<lury constmction. o Ba.se metals (br.r.ss. hronze iurd stainless steel) f<rr dumbility. r Ea,sptcuse cr<rssb:u operation for quick egress and ADA compliarce. o Dogging standzud on all pirnic-listed devices.. fhfl)ughbolted trims lirr strengdr irnd sccruity,. Wide r:urge of filisheri, trims and sryles t() mirtch othcr (krrbin Ru.sswirr products. o Devices avaiLrble t<l satisly pirnic ald tire openinlg requiremerrLs. Trims Lcver, knob, thumbpiece, pull ancl opcrator escutcheonal trinrs av:rilable. (irnsult ED6(XX) catalog lbr comple te li,sting of designs and luncrions. Feafures &eJ Le,tgth Easily field cut to size. Sur.nd:ud 36" (9l4mm) bar lirs drxrrs up to 36" (9l4mm). Optional ,ll|" bar fitr 3G1/2" (927rnm) - 48" (12l9mm) d<xrr. D@J mbkne8s Stand:ud : 1-1/ 4" (Mmm\. SAI9 FIn) Minimrrqr width with 1/2" (l3mur) stop iurd snndard srike:4" (lt)Zmm). With 5/8" (l6mm) stop and stardard strike: 4'l /t|" (l05mm). froPcfnn 5-3/ 4" (1 4$nm) ; 41 /2" (l l4mm) deprc*sed. Cate€ Heary rvroughr, 7-114" (ltl4mnr) x2-9/16" (65mnr). Ctodsbar Standard: l3l16" (2lmm) x 1-5lll" (35mm) orzl seamless rubing. Cedifi cation/Compliance /1ffi, Meets ,at'156.3, Grade l. Meers A117.1 Accessihility (krde. UL /NL AII exit deviceri listed f<rr s:rfery as pa.nic hardware, il-hour fire-mted dcvices lisred a,r fire exit hardware f<rr A label :rnd lesser class hardw:ue- Calllornia Stete Referonce Code This prodrrct h:u been approvecl hy dre (lalifirrnia State Fire Marshnl Dlrrsuant t(t section 13144.1 of rhe Calif<>rnia Hqrlth & S.efery (irde. ,TFPA All cxit devicei comply with NFPA l0l LiIb ${ety (ixle. ADA Exir devicci, lever trims and pulls comply with Americans rvirh Disabilities Act. n,rlsl|es Bl I MA 605, ti06, 6l I , 6l 2. 613, 6?2, 625. 626. 629. 630.Wananv One-year limited. Electmn$hanbat Available with ED660 and ED66{X)A devices. I :I E082m Sories Blm Er[ Dsyices - Panic & Fire Labeled Belmont B3 Lustra u} Bound Grip T{ tr D GriF Sectioml T5 E06m Sorlos EIiloeYhes - Sudace vertical Rod, Panic and Fire labeled I i E06fltr $drE Erl| D.vbG - CorEealed Vertical Rod, Panh & Flrc l-abeled (not plcbrud) tubin B|/6s n Pnturct Cui&.32 Refer t0 appmpride Exit Oevicl Cahlog f0. a cnmp46tr lirtng ot 6ach ierie8' appficalbE. ED7000 Series - Narrow Stile Appl ications/Features Applicalions Ideal fbr high-u.rr situ.rtions <ln narrow zurd regtrlar stile doon in new constmction and ren<lvations- Advantages r Meets or exceeds ANSI Grade 1 requiremenLs. . I leavyduty construction. o Ba-se metals (bra-ss, hronze iurd stainless $tecl) for durability. . EiLsy-t(>trse croisbar o1rcmti<ln for quick egress :rnd AI)A compliance. . l)ogging sLudard on all panic listed devices. o .fhroughbolted rrirns l<rr srrength and securltv. r Wide range of finishes, trims 2uld styles to match ()iher (irrhin Rtrssrvin nr<xlucLs. o Devices available to satisly pzLn ic and fire opening requirements- Trims Lever, knob, thumbpiece, pull urd ouerator escutcheonal trirns arailable. (krnsult ED70fi) catakrg f'or conrplete listing of designs and functions. Features &Er Ldrgfl, Easily field cut to size. Surndard 36" bitr firs dooni up to 36" (9l4mnr). Optir>nal 4U" ( l2l9rnm) bar firs 3Gl/2" (927mm) - 48" (l?l9mm) door- Il0orm,cht65 Stand:lrd : 1-3 / 4" (44mrn\. S:flle @ln) Minimum rvidth 2-ll2" (64rnm) rvifi suurdard 1/?" ( l3uun) stop. Holectkn 4718" (124mm): 11/8" (tiOmm) dcpressed. Cas Heary ca-sr, 7-7/4" (l84.nr^r) x'l-l/4" (32mm). Crosg,bar Standard: 13/16" (21mm) x 1-3ltt" (35mm) oval seamle-ss tubing. Wamnty One-year limited, Certification/Compllance Tffi' Mcers A156.3, Grade l Meers A117.1 Accessibility (ixle. UL /cItL All exit devices listed for sal'ery a.s plnic hardware. Shotrr fire-nteri dcviceri lisred an fire exit h:udrrare f<rr A label and lenser cra.rs hardtare. Calitomia Sb|€ nefenne CUE This product h;r-s been approved by th Calilirrnia State Fire Manjhal pursrrant t<, section 13144.1 <>f the (lalilbrnia Health & Safety (krde. IIFPA All exit devices cornpty with NFPA l0l LiIe SaIety Qrcle. ADA Exit devices, lever trims a.n<l pulls conrply wirh Aruerica.ns with Dis:rbilirics Act. Htfis'p/s BHMA 605, rifii, 611,6l?, ril3,622,625, 626. n29. 630. T t, I ED?fln Sedcs Er ltdhos - CorEeeled Verthal Rod. Panlc & Fire tabeled (not pic r€d) q \I - Dirke D4 D Gdp operator Round Gdp (F Tl2tt EDfAn Sorirs Rim EIit Daric8 . Panic 0nlv ED?flIt Sod6 [odbe Lock fyge Eril DoYlcss - Panic and Fire Labeled Min n$swtn MucI Gdde.33 R€fer t0 app|!0riab Bit oevico Catalo! lor a compidte listno d eacn sries' appticalhG. ED5000 Series Applications/Features Applications [)esigned for applic:rtions in high-rrse sitr.urtions, ir.lell firr rrerv construction antl ren()vati()ns. Advantages . Meets ANSI ()radt' I rcquiremerrts . L,asv-t()-use pushbar tirr quir:k egress arrd ADA conrpliirnce . I Ieaw-duw constnrcti()rI o Quiet opcration . Lorv projecrirut lirr barriel fiee ccxle c<>mpliance r Wide range o{ linishcs, trims. an<l s$les t() match ()ther (lorbin Rr-r-sswin pr<rlucts. . Throughbolted trims firr strengrh, st'crrrin. rlunrhilin. rrnrroth (rlrcr.rtirrn ald eirsl irrsurll:rrion o One-point dogging on partic <lerrces o Derices a\'ail:rble ro satisft Ll. sa1e0 and firt' label reqrrircrnents Features Bat Length F,asilr- (ield crrt to sizr:. Sandard 36' (9l4mnr) bar fits 30" (762rrrm) 36" (914mm) drxrr. OptioniLl 4tl' (121l)rnm) :tnd ?4" ((il{)mrn) bar. Doot michress 1-3,/,1" (4.1mm ) stiurd:rrd. Stile Minimunr lidth {1 /2' (l l4nrnr) Prcjection lll,,'1' (ti3mm) ac rile, 2 llr'.1" (70mm) rtogged. Less Bonom Bod M55 k:ss bottom rod oprion ;rv:rilahle on F.D5470(B) and l,Ditt60(B) exit <lerices firr parric and fire-mred dtxrt-s up to 4'x l0' (il' x I {)' pairs). Wsrnnv liirr:-vear limited <>n devices:rnd 9(X) scries t-rrm, ()rre vear lirrrited on 7(X) series trirrr :rtrd electronic conrponents. Certilication /Compliance a st Meets ANSI l5{i.3, Grack' l. Mecrs A117.i .A,ccessihilin ( k>cle. UUcUL All exit derir es listed lirl s.rJi-n :rs p.tnic hardrvare. 3-h<lrrr lire-ntetl detices listed :r-,' Iir-e exit htr<lrs:rre [<I -A.lahel:lncl k'sst'I cl;rss. I l/? horrr lire-nttt'tl devices listed:rr lire exit h:rrdrv:rre fil B lahel:utd lesscr ctilss, Calltomia Sl,te Setercncc Code 'I his proclucr h:rs been approved bt tJre (l:rlitrrr nia St:rre FiIe M:rnhal pursttant t<r section llll-14,1 ot rhe (lalili>rnia Health & Sr en (irde. All c-xit devices complv rvith NFPA l0l Life Suferv (irde. ADA l'-xit tlelices, lcver trims arrd pulls r orrtplv rriith ,{mt'ric:rns rvirh Divrbilities Act. Finisl'fs BIIMA 60ir. 6(,6. {il I . 612. fil 3. (;:.15. ti26. (i29.630. ED5200 Serios Rim and Socure8oltrr Exit oeyicss - Panic & Fire Labeled. Metal and Wood Doors. (Rrm not piclured) ED5/m and E05470 SaB Sedes Eril Dayices' Surface vertrcal Bod. U0 t0 10'. Panic & Fire tabeled. Less Bottom Rod. Metal & Wood Doors _ "-*--jn i',F -,-'-1 lll - It f- II f,,l ED56m ofiise tock ly!€ Erll Deyhes Panic & Fire Labeled. Metal & wood Doors fr d ll 1-il H t c t EDs&n and E058fl, CVR S€ries Exll Dcvices Concealed Vertical Rod. Up t0 10'. Panic & Fire Labeled, Less Bottom Rod. Metal & Wood Doors (mt Dictufed) Refe' to appr@riate Ai Dd/ce Catalog for a complete lbtng ol cach serEs applcatro0s. Coftin Busswin Ptudud Gul&.U ED5000 Series App I icatio ns/Features EDfln0 Series lrim W Sedes tEaYy-DW Tim Features o Freervher:ling van<lal resistartt design r Beve'led eilges . ThroughbolLcd to exit clevict: o Flush cvlinder rrith (ipin cflinder lrpplicatiorrs o .{r;rrl:rble r'itlr Virrcr'.trl (i,Ucctiott lelers 7(n Se es Tttm tuaarrcs . Iirceilheeling lever r -l hrorrghbolrs to t:xit delice . lvelded p()sls r Av:rilable rtith lcler. knob, pull or thrrrrrbpiece <le:igns T m Functions Type Atrtsl Furction Passage i0 Dnrrrnry'FO:50 Classroour F08 itr:t Nightlatch F03 Storeroonr F09 I-r9 Removable Mullions Used to install t$'() riul exit dcvices in a dorrblc d<xrr opening. \'[av be qrrit klv and easilv rerrrolecl rvhcn l hrll double door opening is tenrpomrilv required. Ke,l removablc opti()n (Kl\l) eld retrofit kic. ( KR\I7{}{)A ) are :rvailirble. ['ri nre colt Sgrcv painrerl BHI,LA 600. Available rvith nrtrllion stabilizer kit. Ref,r to FJ)5000 ratabgJin a romllcte Iisling oJlim design.s nnd oltlion.s. Materials and Finish Tubular steel mullion, 1-1,/2" (32mrn) r 3" (76mm), *'ith malleable ir()rr t()p and bottom mounrirrg plates: furnishe(l lyith zinc plated flsteners firr rneurl fiaures and corrcrete lkxrrs. lfav be cut, drilled and rapped in ficld firr Rirrr txir Der ices. Prime coat grirv pairrted BI IMA 6(X). {r Tuscany zinfandel TS9 Z9 Lf i.ll'L-,.# l{ewpori il9 otfset Pull m Escutcheon F9 Dirke D7 +", -. Merlot M9 Keyed Removable Mullion ": Frascati FR9 I Global G7 rt ,TfiryA#ilulllon Stablltser Kil (irntrols dre moyemcnt o[ the mullion. Recomnrt.rrded lirr openings ovcr 7 high, or rvhcne\er d<xrt_ m()\'enrcnt must lje mininrized. Coftln Russwin Prcdud Guide.3s ED4000 Series - Narrow Stile App I ications/Features Applications Designed firl nirrrow stile applications <ln hrll gLr-ss doors in high-rr.sc and high-abu.se situatiorrs. Advantages . \leeh A.\Sl ()ra<le 1 reqrrirernenrr e Eanr.t<>use pushblu lirr quick egress iurd AI)A conrpli:rnce . I Ieary-du$ constluction . Quier ()pcftti()n o Lrxv projection tirr biurier-fice c<xle compliance . o \lide range of triru tleiigns arr<l linishes to match otier (irrbin Rrusrvirr prtrlucts . ThrouHhtxrhed rrirrrs 1()r strength, scr ur in. drrrzbilin. rmrxrtlr <,per:rtiorr :rnd easy insurllnrion. o ()nc-point dogging. Es6ex E8 l Pull/Thumbpiece T14 Irims Lcrer. knob. drumbpiece and ()pcrat()r trims available. (irnsult LD.1,0(D c:r.takrg f<rr a complete listing ot dcsigns and lir nc ri< l ns . Features aar Length Eu.rilv fiel<l cut to sizc. Surndar<l 3(i" (1)14mm) bar IiLr :t0" (762rnrn)-36" (1)14mm) rloor. ()ptionrd 4ll" (12l9mm) and !4" bar. Door mickness 1-3r 4 ' (.l,lmrD) stlndar<I. Stite \linimtrm rvidth 2" (51mm) nojectbn 11,/4" (lSllmrrr) active, 2-314'(70mm) dogged. Watnnty lirc'r'ear limitcd on delices. ()ne-r'car Iimiterl on trim. ElX4lXl Seriss Eril oevhes Surtace Vertical Rod, Panic only ED4An S€des Eril Devices ' Concealed VerticaiRod, Panic 0nly, Aluminum Store Front Dmr (not Dictured) Gertlf ication/Compliance Altsl Meets ANSI 156.3, ()r'ade l }feets Al l7-l Accessibilitv (lo<le. UL /cUL All t'xit deticcs Iisted tor rir.len :rs p:rrrir Inrd n'a re. Celifomta Sb,te Beteren@ Corte This product has bcen approrcrl bv rhe Crlifirrni:r State Fire N{arshi pursuant t<r section 1314,1.1 of thc (,:rlifr>rniir He'alth & Safl'tv (irde. ITFPA All exit dcvices comply rdth NFPA l0l Lifc Safctv (locle. ADA Exit derices, leler trims and pulls compll with ,{rrrericuns rvitjr Dis.ebilities .\ct. nnisttf,s UI IMA (iO5. ti06. (il l. ttl2, 613. 6?:i. 62(i, (i29. (r30. Removable Mullions llserl to insrall trxr rim exit delices irr ir double d<xrr opeling. Mal be quickh and errsilr-remolcd rrhen a full double <lo<>r opening is temp()rarilv requirerl. l\'Iu ion surbilizcr kit supplic<l suurdard. Altrtuirrum mullion ar"ailabk: in 6?8 an<l 695 tirrishes. Succilv 8OB x Finish. ll[pe, MoLril nq Brackel -Lever Mo!nl n0 Brackcts I l. {d t t6 PlaE x Thumbtum 08 hftin Busswin Pnduct Guide.36 E042m Series Rim and SecureBollrr Eriloeyices - Panic only, (SecurcBolt nd oicturedl Reler to appr@riate to{ Oevice Calalog for a complete l6tng of 6ach serps' appli.atons ED8000 Series Appl icatio ns/Features Applications ldeal firr high-rrsc situations il nerv constntction and rt:nolations. Advantages . Meels ANSI (;r.ide l rcquiremcnl\. r tlearl'duq stcel constnrc tion. . l-a-sv-trr-use pushtrar' operatirxr firr qrrirk cgress and ADA compliiurce. r L<lrv pr<llile anrl projecrion lirr b;rrncr- liee codc complianr c. r No projecting plrts rl inhibit egrcss. . f hroughbolted tr-ims for su ength and securin. o Viu ietl- of finishes. trims a.nd stvles t<r match other (l<lrbin Russrvin prrxlucr-,i. Trims I(et inlcver, ker.in-llnob :rnd pull trims availrble in live titnctiorrs. (bnsrrlt EDfl0(X) caralog firr complcte listing ot designs arrd li-rncriorrs. Princeton PR6 Features Eat Length Lrsilv field cut to size. Suuclrd 36" bzr.r firr tl<xrn 31" (7|7mm) - 3(i" (9l.krrnr) DutThbht6s Standarri; I ili.l" (44mm). Back*t ?-3i.1" (70mm ) firr 5,,u" 111irr-,,,,,,n. Devicc nnd trim cover sran<lard rir-Sl All.ir.? (TyJx: 161) olin<lical krck plcPirrno()rr. Stile Minimrtnr rvidth 5" ( l27mm) . Projectlon 2- Ii2" (64mm). Latchtun (nin) 3,r4" (19mm) stainless stcel pullman trpe rvith srrinless steel deadlocking latch. Alarm KIt Optional rrn LDlllOO(B) deviccs: emitr audible alium, sigrraling emcrgencv or unaudrorized use <>f door. Alailable in kit firru <>r lactory instllletl. 0ogging Sruclard orr EDUZfi) a.rrd l,D8'1ffi devices. FasErP,rs Stimdard : mltch inc scrervs. Cylinder Opriorral, rvhen specilied. Wendnty ()nc-year limitcd. Certif ication /Complaance AilSt Meets Al:i6.3. Gr:rdc l- Meets A1 l7.l Acr:essibilirv (lorle. UL/NL All exit derices listed lirr salco irs panic har<lrnue. 3 lrour fire-rated devires listed :rs ['rle exit ha.rdrrarr: iirr A l:lhr:l and lessel cl:r^ss. l-1./2 hotrr firc rirted dcrices listerl lus lire exit hardu'arc lirr l! labcl lnd lesscr cla,ss. W (Wemock He,sey lntenetlona| - Rim 0nly l-1 '2 hour firc-rirted deviccs lisred firr B label lnd lesser class 4' x 13' singlc or tl'x 8' double d<xrrs. Re:u cover labcl indicates listing. Calltomla Sbte Retercncc Coth This pro(luct has hcen appr<lvcrl bv t}re Oalilirrnia Strtc Fire \'[alslr: pulsrriurt t() section 1314,1.I of the (lalitirr nia llealth & Safetr'(irde. All exit dericcs complv rrith NFPA l0l L.ife Sir.teq (irde. ADA Exit devices. lever rims and pulls complv rvith Americans rvith Disabilities Act. Finlshes RHNLA ri|g,690.691. 605. (i0ri,61 l. (iI2. 613, (i?2. 625. 6?6. Painted linishes on dcvices. Pairrted or plated finishcs :w;tilthlt: on trims. I I #[,. ED8/ Xl Seriss Eril Dcyhes - Surtace Vertical 8od, -.r Panic & Fire Labeled. i !-Reler to app.lpriale Exit Devrce Catalog tor a complete latng ot each serEs applicatiorB. e" Global Gl0 I l lving Pull P8 Em2m Ssriss Erit Devlcss - Panic & Fire Labeled Corbin Busswin Producl Guide.37