HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 2 LOT E TIVOLI LODGE_016 LEGAL.pdfPltt ,AIrtr,D ny: A SB[]ST'OS-C(.)NTAININ(; MAl,I1NI,A.I., SLrRl/r.iY Rlteon.r. TIvoLI Loncn: 386 IIANSoN RAN(]H IIOAD VelL, Cor,oR.tnrt PRDI'AnIit) rfolt: 'llvol,r L0rrcl.j 3ll(r lfansoN RdNCU I{OAD V",rIL, Cl0r.()lr/lDo PRITARID lly: llNtic0'fricn lNC. 1580 LtNCjor,N STREEt, Srrrr,Fr t.000 I)DNvllR, CoL0nADo 80203 A,PRIL 2(I{)4 lf,Nr,r('o't'rc(:H I'R oJrcr #01 - 020g3-001 Rnvru\,vuD By: JorNt- DrtyouNc SENT0R SrAFF S(irF.Ni.rst, $ ,I..1Mn,s A. KII.ENNINC RE(JIoNAI- MANA(}ER ffi Eneccflechl 5prrn+r:?rr, gt! $6e(,r^r lqrlirNn v TABI.,E OI'CONI'T;NTS $epfisr r. tlvlRoDucTloN.....llagp .,.'.....''......... l n. sntE Dnsc.RIPTloN Iil. SAI\{PIT;\G AND ANAI,YTICAT, I}RC}TOCOI,...,....., vtL l'tNDtNcs AND C0NCL1rsI0Ns......,,......................,............ VLII, I,,IMI'IA'I'IONS I,IS'I'OF APIENDICES APPI1NDIS A ASI}ES]]Ofi INSPEC'I'ION RIiPORT AJ{D ANAT,YTICAI-, RII$TIT,T'S ATPDNDIX B CDTTTI.ITCATTONS {F tr.:t'rh(! Pn,?. fl#Enecdleclf E|'|EC0TE:C|I Il.lc PAIJL IOJ (14/A7./2AA4 14: 15 343861 1285 llulk asbe*ios forlb.s $ llrcr-rl4llI |]r't I. TNTITODUC'I]ION l:ucco'l'ecfu, Irrc, (lurtno'['eoh) wa.s ooutraclctl by'Iivoli k)clge ((:LII-rNf) to conrluct an asbc$trrs srtrvey ,,i ifo il"ifity locirtocl at 385 Ilanson ftar:ch Rotrl ir Vail, C'j<>tado The prrqrose of t6is sur"cv was ttr locato, as$ess and satnple aOcessiblc suspect asbcstos'conl.iliDilrg rnalorials (ACM) ir: prepalal:ion {rrr tle demoljtion of the facility. iil;;ry was porlbrmed in nccorrlancc rvith llnccoTech's proposal daterl ()ctotrer 2r),200\. AsSestos sarrpliqp, activiiios.werc r:nnrluctetl by Joel l)eyorurg an liPA ald CDPI;l!1. ce1tifi.cd lrrspecfu:rr:. '|.-lto survcy was con.flur:red br:twtrcu ()ctotrc1 )4, December I I, 2003 and Aplil 7-' 2004. il. slrlt DIISCI{ll''l'l0N 'l'hc sulrject prolx:rty locntc'ri al s36 llalrson llancrb lt<rarl in \/ail' Cololaclo is a fbur story holed' and at t}e {inreollhis$1[vcy,i1.\e'as\/acalllTht:buiklingisusecllrrlrousegueststhroughoutllruyear'andisais'(r lhe lxintaty fesicler'lce o1'tlte owner', Brih Laz'icr' 'l'lre conalnrctiotr of lhis buildjng nppeu'ed to be a contbination of conoetc' urncretc block arrd rvood u'ilh a. wood s;inglr: r.oof- 1., briititirrg c.6ttrprise6 a.Ilprox intal d y 200() sqrrarc foet pe'r' floor' and rvas generally irr grrxl r:ondi.tion. l.f eaini'qrpeate,cl lo lr supplied by a lrot'*aier syslent - Walls appcared fo consisl oliq,ood .,rcl ,lryruali, 1a,ftii" i''iif itig- atrrpcared (t' irt corrsli'uclul of concrets' fntcrior floor finishos ",lr.,ri*t ur"orp"r:ing ar-ril tilc, with acousticali dJc.ral.iye tcxture on c*ilings iu nrost location's' '1.1)e huilrling was lruilt. irr lrutr (2) slaS';es. 'l'!rc finl. 'rtagc of thc construr:tiorl was comploted ilr thc lalc I960s, wbilc thc sec'ncl p,,*lon *o., "ntnpleterl jn tlro lnirl 1911()s- 'lle seconcl pr:r'tir:n of tJre buildir'g consisls ol. arr addition on 1n" ***t elrl all of the four'{.h lloor. 'l'his adiled threc (3) roo'ns per' fl'ror: for a lola.l .r( 12 to'rn]s. fil. s^Mtt,tNGANDANAI,YI'ICAJ,Plt01l'()c('1' llan-rtom butk asbcslos sallples, r-eprcscnlativc oL tlre srtslri]r:t asbcskrs-collT bling r:r'ntetials rtf tncdt lxn.gc.ueo's ar(.A, wrfc;rii.;Ld acc.rrling to the p,litlelirres putrlishcd ?N.tho F'nvironflental Prntecl'lr-rtt Agerrcy,s l:'inal l{ule: I'i1tc lI ol- t[s'lbxic Substitrtcc (irnt:rirl Acl ('I'SCA), 15 USC' fjectionrt 2fi41 Itrr:orrgh 2654 at:tcl t u ootrurliatrce wilh 4{) (lIrR9 Parl 7fr3 (A['{IiRA)' ll eprcsenl utiv e sample sclcclion wrts basctl on ihe ftrllowirrg crilr'tin: . .l.bc distributiotr' oflhc suslrcct lrraterial lhrouglrout lJle htnnogeneous alea; .'I'hc$uspoctmnl.(j,"ialsph)':lictlloharactel'isticsarldapplicrrtior-r;and r ll.aocloln sampling patterns delennirred fiu' eaclr homog'enoous at'ea' Suspeot nralcrials satnpled artr{ anallrzrxl s}rotdrl be tn"'it1c'rcrcl r:trprcsentalivc of malr:l:ial s itr cach 'lxmogeneous alca if: . 'fhr:y oxhibit similar physical c;tnractetislics; altrl r 'l'hc appl.it:alicxr o1' the sarDplecl mal.crial catl trc correlatt'rrj to tlre al)plicati<in of r'ln*anr]rjed nralc.rrial. 4r'Ii#efigt-b*F,"ll !)tllk sanrplcs wct.c collected on lhe inspectior dale. An:rlyscs rrf lhe bulk samples werc perfi:,rnrocl o1 1hc "dale t eported", as listctJ iu tlre bulk sirmplo analysis lcporl. C)onriitir:n assossrrrcnt.s wer.c perlbrrlcd bv lht:inslrcctor nl Lhc lirlrc of thc iuspelti()rr. Suspecl. A[:M 5x1np1"n u'cre analvzc<l by AT'(: z\.ssot'.iat0s lnc. A'l'(.] i.s aucre<}iterl by th* Nationai Volurrlary l.0l)ofrllfiy r\ccrc':ditittion Prr3g16.p1 0{VI-.AP) alrl par li cilrirl.tis jt) thc NVLn I' a.ncl All.tA Rulk Ashstos Qu*lify Assurancc ProS',rauis. tv.r\oTBs 0N lu-1IlOR'I' FOnMA't' Sllspecl nratcti:lls alike i:r app(:?ir?tl)(x: ;:rtt.l applicatiolr r,i,clc sarnplcld as b()nlorJeoeous ar.cas. Suspecl matcrinls- rvcrg di\idcxJ irrt o t}ree calcgories: . Surfucing N,fiUerial . [ipra1lr1-crn, hrru,elcd-ol or olhcrwisc app]ied;. l'hernral Syslern lnsLrlation ('I'Sl)- Pipc, boilc:r larrk crr flue insulali.Orq arrcl . Miscclllllrurus - lv{aterials rrther t)rart Surl'acing or- .l Sl. |[onrogerrertus aroas idcntiljed by labcratory anal)rsis; lr:r be asllcslos c:orrtaining arc clescr-ibed in Ser;tiorr V. C<.rnditiort it$sc$,5tuents atrd " rcsportse aclion rccr-)r))rlenrlal.ions for iny asbestos corrlaitritrg Itontrlgcneotts ltrcas al * alro in St>clinrr V. I{econrrt cl(lali()lls may be the sarne fix. ;norc 1hal one honogcneous ari:a, ifnrateriais are likc. v, Afit]E$',ros-cONI'AINING ilOll{OcriNE()US ARnAS AND lvt..r'rnRr,4,L L0f:ATIONS Ilomoge uurus Arct {lSA.I: .riprny-Apptierl Ceililg 'l'cxturr, l\,lltcrial applied fo Concrclc lll.alei:ra"L lJ ua_u tily I 0r.100 squar.c t'eet ( ftJ) (tlrrorrglroul tlrr origirial I9f"r0s prn.liotr of the flrcil.ity) Ilalsdal Spray-Applierl'I'cxtulc Spriry-Applicd'I crxt.ure Sptay-Applictl T'exiurt: Spla.y-Alrp lii:rl "fsx tuiu Spray-A pplit:d'I'r,xture SPta1,-ApPlied l cxltrrr: Sptay"Applictl l't::x Lr rrc Spray-A 1:plic:d i'ext.ure fipritv-Applir.r1 '[?.x!u r e SPraY-,r\pn1 ;o1' I'cxtLu r: Sp: av-Alpli,crl .fsxture [tater:isf eo[dl$Lr] Good conclition -C-srupqsitl"gI 596 C'hrysrrtilc 696 Chrysolilc 62i Chn-rctlle 6oh Cltrysotile 60/o Chrysal.ilc 6% (-)hrysoti lc 6% Chrysolilc 6%, (,lhrysotile 6}ir (:hrYgllilo 6?i Clhysotilc (r7u ('hry:;otile ftuunls-lis sA l-? SA2-4 s,,tr2-6 S.r\2-? riA2-8 Si\2-9 sA2-10 sA2-il sA2- t2 sA2 li ti42-|4 ,tps.a!,iqn Ilourrr l()6 Rtirrrrt J.l J lb,:rn ?I3 Il.r,rour I {)(r l .otrlry Itrtorn I l 4 P.oom II1 R.oonr l (12 RrNun 109 Itoonr I l0 R.o<ul I () l ( J c11,q'1i I Rq$ 0in-t:]-c'u!lzr ti.o D I I lr'lainlairr lhe rtoterial irt an ttnclatuagerl <:olrtlilirrn. Shorrlrl the mattrrirrl l:ecouie rJamagecl trr rlislurberl, tctt)oval arrd/or l:pail- shculd bc trerlbnncd rrtiliz.irrll propcr proctxlures by per.sonnel Lr:rirred jlr Llro 'fdtfinec:rflbcli- o$ ll r l':lr'l !'ri' 'l, , (r'rr,r( I ir t r.j4t {.:&n \ ,,3rt..n,rr .1 hLrntllilg ol'A.(lM. llropcrly marintaincd zt-sbeslos-containirrg rnalerial posal llrinimal risk of tlbcr- releasc. \iisual irrspctl ions al'l]ris mater-ial $hrruld lre cnudur:lccl hi-nnnualiy by cilher [irrccr:r].ech or in-lttrn: cntployetls trained in itsbest()s cr.:riirui. 'l'his g'ill enahk: f ivoli I.odge lo continua.lly nronitor:rnd ussess Lltt: c,rndilion of thc A {"']}r'l and assign Dropct' rcs})olNe acl.ioos wherr noccssaly. vt.N0N.-AS IIIiS r'()s-{,r0 N1',.\INrN( } r\l A'I'[]rt I A L$ l.'hr: lolkrwing is ir list oI'lr,u nogcueuus at c':;ts that rvcrc' idenlilrr:d as nrin osbc$lct$ contaittutg lry la boral ()l'y aual-r,si';' t )-'4' miling l.ilr, srnall lrok: willt lvill8 pallcIl) 2','|'c<riling I iltr, surall y:i:rlrrrlc,r Wall l'exl.rrre l)ryt'all mud Spr:a1,sd..o11 cciling lcxlrrre in lhrr I 99(ts brri ld inli arjtlititx VII. HNDINGS ANI) (]ONCI,t]SIONS A sbestgs,coniairrirrg rnatcrial (A(lM) rvns i<ir:nti(ied ;rl lJre propcrly in the fcrmr of sptay-applie.d ceilirtg l'cx|'urt-.nppliedi0tIcc|)n01e|-elrentlsinvatift,tl.ltiltltl,tsattdcolttnrottrc:nsthr0llghol buildirrg. 'llhe snrne rrlatcrial in tlrc l!)lXls truilding addilion wns l€.\tcd and l't-rund to bc lton-asbcslrrs contailitrg. \l4rilc {Jris rrlaferial eppeani 1o lre hornog,cneous Ihnrr-rghotrt the fhcil.ity, labcual:tuy analysis indioiiteE it is rLor. 'I'he dist.ributior) ol lhc aslx:slfs-ci'r,taining s1rra1' aplrlied cciling l.exiure alpears to be confiucd (o Lhe r:ri1;:rrai 1960s conslntction. 'J.'he options rcgarding this rnaterial is to Lrcal al1 spla-r' a1r1rlir:c|oeilirrp.lcltu1cintJrr:l960sprrr1iolroftlte|ruiIdiLrgtlS/\(]I\4.t,nstly,tlrisnroteritrJ bc in gencrllly good ctutcliliort, rvi.lh sttrrre arcas ul" looalized tJa:nagc. 'l'he looms ard/,l lrailways rvith thc norr-asbr:slos coutirining splay applied ceiling tcxtr-rr<: u,oultl he tb<r entirc lburtlr ilonr nncl nrr)ms and hllh.r'ays in tlrc treu' 199(,ts adLlitiort. A cc6rdi1.g l9 tho tlSl jl,A and thr: Slnlc rrl'(lrlrrlado rrrqullti(')[!; .qovctttitrg asbcstos-r:outainit4 mal.crralt. this nratcrial is rer.gulatcd, nnd as such, rrust bc prrpe.. y rcnro\'c,r] anrl dispused rf in acconlance with all applicahlc rcgulillions should rcnnviil.ir:rn or cienrolitiorr aclivities be schetlulod whicb would iurpact lhenr. o $ ll.! !.rlr.,l'irp,:. r#llns:ri"q,kt ll o VIII. LIMU'ATIONS Etreco lech has pcrfomted thc tasks descrihed above in a tho'ough arrd pncfossional rnnnner crmsis(r:'l rvitlr iDdustry standards and undcr supervision ofa certifind p"oicssionai. Enecol'scb c,6nnot guarantes nntJ does nol waffanl that this limited assessnsn{ has rcvcaled al.l adr.erse envimmlrental cryrdilions affectiug tbe site. Nor can Eneco'l'cch wanart lhal thc assessrncnt rcquested will sarisli. the dictatcs of or pmvido a legal dcferrsc in conrrcc{:iolr with, cnvixrnrnerrtal laws ,r, ,.rg,.rloti.,nr. 'Ihe results reportcd and. atry opinions rerchcxl by F.ncco'l'ech arc for the bcnefit of 'fivoli f_.odge. The rcsulls antl opinion.s set fortlr. b;, Enc'oo'Icch in ilr report rvitl lr: r'alid as ol" {he date of I hc're1xrl.t. EnecoTccl: asstrnrcs rro obligation lo acvisc you ol'aly citau.ges tllal nray later bc brought t9 our altonii6n, o '#Eneccllech nn$rtrr* rasfroi{d .lltrorlal{'e s Rcctcl'.al APPENDIX. A .ASnnsTOS INSPr'lC'.fl{)N RDPORT ANI) ANAI,YI'ICAI,, RESUT,TS &Enecollbctf ' r'a.tf t€, {.tr,rfi|li4|r| ll-r,.radr g4/E7 l2nB4 14:15 3038611 2s5 ENECSTECH INC FAGE OB *.61 &-o TJ ql fi ,!\ r a I .?nt E l.J $ -J .! al a-g e + E h ctt a, I Fl H t{ $ h H (a E E s-E Bfi 1 E'E H= EgH' HB-EqHg EE*H3HH t!Fa!!'-Frtial ETEHERb EAEEHN'H EIdFHEE EH EHA HE g BH E EH E -i #+ p fr H U R tr I o It u ,J $tl)u)u r9 F H E t.\u\\1!\l \_l {\ H H trl \\v\ F.o t{}{fi nf 3 q 2, fi .! ,l all ,'l \\, 1tt \'; I r\"{q {). :$i 'rq -.{: +q 6 b* B K s s D) I I isl ::$d\Jrt l5{t" a { il$ |l.$ t-t ,l 1t 6 q rt t .)q q$\ rL t E f. nl L, _.f ,{r.4 I I li \$ I ('-. \ m'd m.68 tBW-?Z*In o P.E"J l-At:|. $a ENECOTI"CH INC $4/ I | / 2gV4 14 I 15 3038F.,1 1285 ocr-?_A-Aw B9:A2 t -t; LJ :l i.: d #a '{i H tr H 'f,9{s T E H ct ;H !. l-i 'tn fJ s Et ba ,s; Itt I'l tD qt 5Et-\-- ,;J A fl !t !oE B9FESEE i{=E rFEtEl gf,$EF 3H ag L) Fl t! !t at fr ^. c3 Ft ltt - tf Bl tEFi'.r!-gP F-, u-ait f -t tl tt -\ =t '-! u riql F.et ra !-i oFi d L' EI I' H .r''UN FH f{3 fiE HH ) :E E I {r {\9 \e 1n ${J t\r) itl h r"!:l t0 .J q \\u..\\\.I lq r"t lHe t- H P \ft ( e F I I l , d :I nl t< E ts il rl rl 'il rl I B ri c t_) H E fi '5J I .h ti 1.t :. $l s"$I T",r r$|s It \L I I 1*,l\ 0 l\ tI rl},${ Itt to {t .U tu.- J l:i IF ld .f^ t i.1 \I $'ti I I .l a' 11. I t F l'\ y l5.u t\ I j-r' .t *N ll\ o t[[ ls.$ t. Ii 'll i.$ $h I H E a 6 $ E r ,[ t..t I ".1 l',l F\ t\ L.I I ai { f \fi i$'l\ E It I I T-l I ;"1 \'' 1 $il; JI \l N.l x qA ,N \ .q :s t ,.J -'.Ei.]o !'l t,::r $ q\\c,crl \ f\.)l\ IH I$ I H rrl- I C'*- ,r- l${$luv\,lx q E v) I Ith luHI N I I .F I tJ\ I c.\ \ F,W FAGF Tg EI.IEN{]TICH II.IC 64/A?/20A4 14:15 3438611205 rcI-?A-?gF'i @9:0:r: ''i';: E tc q $ E l.r 2 u l|l ft; E .<t .J* t q ,j Et d R $ E h 3 E H H FI I d t E I H t FI f E g (l fi :t F' a H o a I I ib H E fl B L g Fi 3 D E n !l n x G ,ll g H s E H u fi & *s HH HE HE UTT HH gg E E t I I q E H i#ii,. i,'il" i. I i, !i, '; ' :i 1.... .', : ;i :'. i. :':.1 I iil,,i;', i . H LL;th fi fi s l.,l ;l E z f p/\GF, 11 P.A9 ,t f 'I 1$', p:e iEi Ll . iiEb ! 'r .E *yk iF ilt 5: b LA DTI EI 'P E H E6-B ?fff,r {t f\l 1.\*o '5 Ictffit,. lt .v)9 TNECIJITCI I JNC 303f]611. ita5 BA/A7l2Ar44 14:15 nc't-24-'fr43 A9:85 I :1 ."_r T tl ;.tl ;:Y.l i 'i.7 Nl :r g;: I i [!I r i;I ll r.ft-ts I i: q.J I r al.lq ii ll frdl tl Ei l\ tJ I "-f lil l1 tl .rR IrL t1 qT |!-1 E I $1.. t', A. E i tl ; i V\t s\E !, rv' \.1 \'\ li \)"\l*-' -/_4.4 . ;-r d .,r i [-'rqrl, \,.r- .-: --;- a w aY'l F-r 3 r) v)a L)r,rr FI u.9 ;i rr I I I "l \l \l #i \l $l I rNl .! 9/EI '; li irl f\l I (\'t I Ll N /.'.1 fl trl { tl r,l I :rl ;yil ,f1 \*, a i tll ttl Irl I I \l'{l.l ul I #l |'Jl I 'r-l r{ll | '",i ^l l\t 'l rl il I (rl .il d ''$d$ttt [?fg .v ii h F" ",5 L ;.1,-: t isit fl d8Ft "{lvse ia * f,0F L' fi.' "i !: t{ ir l-- ' ir lll"d I I il ill!tlti la I lr l;i -l -l li l I lE r n IE U i i; |;L::-i '"* a{l6'l/2964 14rl5 303861l2B5 Suirc 1ofi) 10/23/2003 )<rhn l,ltch lll EI'E[.]|]IECN IF,IC (lierl ProJect No.: Iles crllltinn: Ilrtc lfu:culvcrl: llate Analyr.ed: Dntc Rr:portcdr { .'.onllnen ls: lJArih l l BATCH NO, 000501t NVLAP kt Codc 10203t AIHA l.ab Codc 101536 Jolur Lynch IIL Eneco 'Iech Inc. 1580 l-incoln Str'oet Denvct C0 8()203 CollcrJed: Collssted Dy: Colloctlon rtddrcgs: Tivoli Lodge rc/24/2003 10124120$3 10i24D{n3 Lrb II) Srmplc # Srnrpl.e Locatiolr, / Samplc l)esor{ption Aslresfcs Conrtlluc ts (%t Non-Asbe*os (lonstituenl:s f/t) 000.50 l l40l wTi-t Norrc l)atcotad Cslhrloss Fiber Fibrour Cl8|;r AggrEgrlc Uindoc,'FiDet t& )r/t, 6V,b t5% Itrflll Tcriurr0, WhiR./ firlr)' 0005011-002 WTI-2 l.loDc f.)otr,ct(xl \Vel) Teltulrl, Wl{tol Ctay Atgrogrto Bidcr/Fillcr 65% 35% 000s0 | i"003 wrl-3 NolE I)r',1ccldd wsll Te,(trrc, Mdlc/ GrEy Ag8raBatc Bindcrffilltr (t5'/" 13'/, 00050r t.o04 wrl-4 Nt'$c l)rnt:olcd Wal! lbrruru, $ritc/ (irrv Agglog!tc Bindcr/lltllcr 65V. 354/a 000501l-00s wTl.-s Outsklc, &rttil Wall in Porrl Arex Wrll 'l'cxlura, whiff/ (I.ay Non6 t)otacled Aggrcglt! Binlcr/Fillcr 65%r 95'to 00050t l-006 wTl-6 Be4d.mrnl, li,itst F,!d of S('ulh $'sll {{D Firc Exil Norre t)DtcDtcd Wall T{t,ilulo, While/ C'tnv A*gregrlo Ilindcr/fillct 65% )s% 00050 n -00? wil..? )st Floor, StoinPoll Woll'l'exnre, Whitd Cr1|y Nonc lJcl.:cfed Aggr:gaic ihrdcr^{l lcr 650/u 35% 000501 t-008 sAl-l l$t Ploor'-l|6remolrt, Stair lrfldi'rg $pray Applied (:ctlltrg 'tcrtruc, Whita ( lhrysol ilrr C?llulorc Fihcr Vennicrllte Catbonatcs 2n/a 4rw \Vh 000J01 t"00t sAl ? B|scurcrrt, S,oulh Ilall f,rl 1j{rt 'li}wrxl 1)ttttlrror Poul LAl/ER'' ! $pny Applicd Ceiling T(xtntr. \Vlitc LAYEI{# 2 (.loncrfl'o, C;ray Nonc Dshotcd None L)oto4kxl Colluloso Fibot Carlx)nalGs Agtrcgttlc Bindc/liltcr' ttul 85?{ 1lf/a 30& n.cviowcrl try:Page I ol 3 a4/87/2e84 14r15 John L,ynch lll Enecrr Teoh Inc. 1580 I.inooln Streer Denver CO 80203 Collcctcd: Collectcd Byl Collccliol Addrtcs: 383861 1?45 ENECO1ECH INC Clicnt FroJecl No": Dc,trrlpllon: Dltc Rrcch,cd: Dnte Analyrsl: Drte Rcpot.lcrl: (lornmerls: PA(jr-_ I J BATCII NO, 000501I I.IVLAP lab Cbde l02r3l AIHA Lxb Codc 101536 Suite 100(l 10t23t200i .fohn [,yncb f ivoli l-odge l0/2"4/2003 10t24/2001 1$/24.i2003 ill Lnb II) Sanplc # $amplc l,ocalkrn / SrmDle Dcscrintl lon As}eitos Cone{ituenlg ("/"1 Non-A*boelo* Conrtifirel|at (%\ 00050r l-010 sAr -3 Bascrncnl. Soulh llallwsy. (hkide ofRoom 118 LAYER# I $prar Appliotl tloillrrg lbrlLrr, Wlrit$ l.AYliR// il C{)ncrct , (h y Notrn | )r:terlcr'l N(mc Dc,tqftid tlcllnlosc Fibcr Carboaatl8 Agglegato tsindor'/tillc+ 15o/o 85tr!o 'lOT. 3V/. 00050 t t-01| sA | .,{ Nono l)otecfcd Non(t lrefc.ctcd Cn'llrrlore Pibor Ctrbonatgt Af*xogatn Flndortrillcr lla$nqt $hst ttallway (E St{irs kiding to Saulla LAYltl# r Spr2y AFpli{:d (.leilin!! lbrnlro, Whii" LA YIJRJ/ Z (,lrKactD, fjrny ts% 87% 1o|/t 30.,'6 00050t l.0t 2 SAI,5 3(d nrr{rr, Sonlh Hallwny (r) fxi[ Bnd $trry Anpliod Ccilinl Tc>.1nrc, Wbifr N(n€ llctoct4d Csllulosc Fibcr Cadlonatcfi lSa/o t]5% 000501l-0ll sA t.6 2ud ltloor. BtcakPret Are4 Ncitr Slidinf ClrsN I)oor Sprtry Afliiad Ceililg TexlurD. \{hi!c Noor lht€41.d Cclhrlosc Fiber Carfional€ff t5% 85% m0-c0l r -014 sAt .7 Ctrt$ottl9 (.lclluloso Fibcr Vormicuiite f-hrlDndt !t 2nd rlloo,, Stainl,ell, lJshvcsr 2nd nnd 1d Floor' ,<ipray AFpl;e<l Cciliug Tcrturc. Whikj ?-i/t 45'/. 4t/,. 000.{0J J -01 5 CI't..1 Rascmad, llnllvay @ In$pccck'/s'f1at Roorn Nolc Dotc(:fcd 2'x4' ieiling 'l'ito, Mrire/ (}rnv Calhloso Fibe Irillrons Clats I'cdita Oryn'lic Mr|Ih xs% 45% L5o/o t5M 00050r l -016 (rl.'t-2 :irtl tloor I tillhttjl Oulsidr rrt l{onm 312 2'x4'Seiling Tilc, Whitt/ Gray Nonc frttcctrd Ccllulosc Fibcr Fibu$ Glsr$ Pcdite Orgroic trt{trit 25% 45% l5% 15% Rer.leu,ed by: -._.-_._--., Page 2 of 3 64ta7t2gAA 14:15 John Lyrch III Iincco 'I'ech Inc. I 580 Lhrcoln Street Denvm C0 80203 Collcctctlr CoUectcd By: Con(fdon .Addrsrs: 3n3B6t 12Bs Suile 1000 t0/?-3t2003 John Lvnch lll EFECOTECH JI.IC Client ProJact No.: llorcrlpllon: IlNto Recolvcd: Drte Arxlfrod: Di& IteDorlEd: Commc g; PA(JL. L4 nATCtr NO. 00050t 1 NVIJP l$ Codc | 02031 AlllA Lrb Calc l0l536 Tivoli l-odge LO/24t2003 lilt24/2ffi3 10t24tlN3 Lnb II) llarnplc # Srmplc Loc-etlon / Srrnplc llercriptlon A slrcstoc Constltuollls (%J Nou-A*}crtas Conrdtu6dts (%l 00050r r -017 (]t'l-3 Ilascursht, Ilallwty, Outsilc ofRoor:t M 2'r4' Cciliru 111c, U4ritd (rmy Norrc ljcteclcd ColhrL:se FibD. Fib<oor Clbge Pdlite orgrnic Mslrix 75Vo 45% t5% 13r 0m5011..018 rrRy J -l Ba.'oment ln$pckr 'l'cst Boo|1" Ea6l Walt, Noar Durt l)wall, Whitel Tau N(,nc l)chrotert Celhdosc Fibcr C'yFtllb 3svo 6516 000501 1-019 DltYl.2 Ileseluonl In$peptor Tlat Room, liast Wdl,c rcf D(Yt\,'lll, S${lel'lhl) Now Datcctrd Csllulow FJber Oylrurn 150/b *!/o 000501t-020 Dn.Yl.3 Bascrnool itso.:ctor 'l r:st ll.oonl, Es!$ 14ral!, Ncrr Pant', Drywrll, Wrih./ ?n Non|} T.)otected Ccllulosc libor (!ypr|'rn 4Wo n096 Revlcwcd by:P.ge t of t PA6r 15 t:r.{Ec0TECl-r 1N0 30386iI2BE n4/Wl2A04 14r15 b b a .(l -}' -J .T cJ -t'.$ {t x: 3 ts I FI o il F,FI g $ $ 6 E $Efr FH fi HNH gn*g$$g H5 H HS H oH t fiH H L hI H a) f; fi H F:ts r\ e H B fi q 5 a H $ F F.l o () H f*r i t*l : ,4 '.1, ti ,\(A \\'. l\ .i t., I tr\ r\ e 6hi d5 5<ea PAGE J.["n'Ecultcrl Ihrc 303tJ6112e15 t14/6't/2FsAA l4rl.5 I 111 "o CJ td .(1 -+l tJ --J IJ -t 6 ats F 3 ct I o tll h I b.l F ;t 3 ot H E s I 4 g Efi FH gg*HHgg lII Dr ti H! H B$ E o6 E H$ F t,lQ lbl h H q s s a "e'< rk E xI f; 5i nl H H U Fr F o (J H e FI o i .c':r-^ .'\rl : I r€ t, l;*" rl tl ,l H" lH$ :*! t', H r\ a $--.Ri"t F1..,* XF:Hq$d\s 6N|*: il t'- *l r ^*.r Rd:\fl\).^ rJ n l'r 6 x B ?, LJ F.r E \s \r\\0 tf\\J \c ri)$ r(f'r T fr lli \i tl Lr.lr H Li t\r \r r.r rr V\v\v.l vl n z t'.i'r F .J --t x yf th h.h \.{ q"$ ,J't h.>n i\\i 1$\d .\ I \..L\t \,rb i.\ 1tt.$ tf! ,rr i Do { a \ a \t\!o ,l\ t \.!l,\ l ,.1 .\; \^'\. ,n *,i i q 'b. .:h \.., :i\\ {\tt rl.-$ iI .$ .{ d\\ w\t /t: "\'t;i {uJ ''*t .P\in e O F ;I l{ it r-\r\ s v) ,\- I ,n 'tr I.-t' i }- N- j ,s I ..1 { T .O F. q..' T I ::r '-*' \'{ ) \q, \1 ( \I ri ,,{. s \i ffi l l I 5: fi \1, d \l $r{\0 q$\twr -\ .t f\) ( ('\) * r-1 -.1 q q (4' I (tk qq r! I I !-Vr t f\, I PAGE 17 ENE.CI]TECH II']C g4/b7 l2BA4 14:15 3938611205 t -l- ,.o n"r r-1 rq .: a --J --t ': cJ *"t. 6 {* E s g p l.a o il b B I I I I f,' FT 5 $ H s E E ( E Efi FE ( 3sH gg*s$$H Fl 'i .,fih n H$ F OF H fig E f.) E [i Fr FI o C) rn H rEl " \rJ l. h H a) fl {a n H ert q E fi s a FAGE I B F:NE',L'itTH(ll f t'lc q4/n7 /'2n04 14;1.5 363861 12n:i ' r.4 r1 fr1 b ct ra. *l* 0 ---j - d *!- g r& F s (l fl o q lx' H 3 qt) d F g fi E q fi "* fi F{l& e il E fi k s & B ?-\ H {tl a FH d HeH U !C r-r )t it rat ftt ;EI tE ia rrt Lf :_l '- Y E,,qE c.s6a 8E ER$E FloDla,..ltrS EfiH3Hf,E ghIFl<dFf{ =!t\a!rFt{L.Ei-t6iJk -E HflHHHfiil trEUHdHE ilH Ef;fr |rIH tl H: H Efr H &lE e s$ I O E $ Fl FI o o H r{ tnt .'4 ,nrt:. IH lo .l L. I t.it ilHd :li h: a d tr 6 i.r h EI Cr)fi r{ lqi 1TI X Eil\t Et l :,.flI.r-(.t fi 'r $u-s n t'i fr E 6 r\ 6 l-ar E u 0 (r\$\)U 0 f q rYt 3 F' Lt ,.J.-t\\\,r -..>\r*\_\ >{t v)'t Fr O o *") t-l 3 €, (n t I IJ\ rt\\.i ). 1.. \L {- { .{ .-] e r\ F o E r\ r0 { i-$|t\.ly '( \\. )$ \r\ \] .:; .t: :d t i\'l' N q\ fi Fl Y' $.in 't' tt {'., q., \) )n AA I $ q if '\ I t f\l I I ..l.'- I .t 'vl I \.9 \ ri'\. PAGT J9 ENIC0TTCH Il.lC g4l87l2Ag4 14:15 3038G11265 tF c A ;rJ I A fr ..: i. "(r *l- a --J ; sl -}. $ rF H o il H I I I J H H g o € E sfi FH <d 3eH frx H$Hs HfiHHHfl$ HH gEg bd lr V\trlrZ ,:- :t ci ElT }i 6H E Ir:l Fl 7.tA d Fr'sx u fil H v) H f, (5 Hi f;l HI ql ' \il .r* s , 3r H$'.q4 6 tr s e)*t E Fi 4 fi PAGE 2E EFECOTEU.I INC B4/A7l2Ag4 14r15 3038611205 'r c ro ql fL .$.r. a. -\J ; rt -h d rb H t I o H b' It I I I H H F' $ d E $BE H $ s H U e E fi 5 ql H d U. ts 'Fl o Q) h) H t\:nJ' FEEg *:H u-[ E o (J E--FFs b8 $ 3 s E H E "qIG.ufi$Eu' .c)L O e,? B- .6-:F-E r.-----ar. & u V g F l.- F l-' l'-' t-- t :r. - 9o >E E ru I !, E -F6-E lo cr 6 z2Z2 g o a a g CT fE (a #g 60 6l!te..c ,c O'J o :E o G e s () @ o tt e E o "J .{ >- tri cr t: -9'i:a/r 'i:>r (J ,t: tt o- 0)c] "o t'- A L. {-. o-ooc:(>cJ (:c)cl()c)q) s e P # #IEEEE EE;:iTE;;-; Eggfi Ea e $ & 'Plo39q,c!,9 EEld Efr I fi E fi$$HEg E P E 5FFE FE E E E E E E #E E g6 #a €a €E {f,oc>tt c) c) o E s2 5e (ora coq (o(o frco 25 lll [J fi#3f8 hfr E dtococo(o@@ do5g)oororo,'3 E3g ',8 s 3 E:t5 r lI| ul trt uJ lll llJ sF$ q n| v, t;fjf?Yul(9r: N art e{ a{ (\| c.l N qra(Avrut@al, PAGH .1,1.Et'tEcoTEfll il'tc 04lA1/2gt44 14:.15 3838611 205 ftr"l"d"!r,.." t? i"\' lt .. lll (t) (\ o cD r[.L t n 'iil o q, B o E e v- tl -l E p F o z J (fr."F5!?zPb lg+R = Fil 5 E€ggE ur )'nj =Zi.g 5 UIHE C 9Fq =[:i 656 6 l,a- 6 !Jb v, .t ulo ug o () trl a d F z lrJ o u lll D. ti o t 4 z 4 v J 3 o E J o. lU J a[ t- o (E an c o o G o g ot .ho >lL -c ql iu - o.*E =.c l. an c) {- ql I: rr q)€6 = .5 FiF.l 6F_E.d PEq:oio Rcf o H HEEiiE ufi8EAds8 ,ll "r3 9. a)v rtt Arn Z, V" CJ nl F;)# 6 iit .s.l PtiFl H EgI 6 H :i xtr E ai,ab R E [ ilfl.se !,I O'O Fr Li 'ir q,.,fg.Slif,S frEES*6s*rYL)Oc)A<Ffl PAGE 22 ENECO'I,ECI'I INC B4/A7/2A04 14:15 3A386r I ?05 13 -h ls c) o (?, CD $IL a,( ta J9 D 7 F ll s F F t! Er.lis '1V rd 6X tl Ad '11 rj th C G E o c o o E c (t F t of .90 >e cr!iu - o+ff tt f F FgRE -R S6qjoio ini'oBEEEdiE Hfi€EfdN€ o rr- ii ..--.aT 6.8.:Otr0)i: €HH o) : O/t e A3?!r E r^ SSetEfi L.,3?;,iifiP.ft ffiEES.HEg*(t.()()ufi{F-tl (t =j gE, F F!?zPb lll rt !l = Fi;z€t.o Ft 5*6 H fiEE ;P,Fs i 63F h >4r- 2 t' o tlJ I-o6 lr.l o v,L =o () IU o {F z ut o E ul o- ai 6 T 4 z d v J 5 r0 E J o- H o t". Etf.c/v.t-- F t- F' ooo()(>o6(f,()<) csE.gE .E'iTEi EE}}}'EE;i; EEESE otlaau>vl -m-Sg.-qg a-o-a"oo. ttaaa!,frdfrilH 88i'l Plo 6(I)(0qt(0 a!.c.e.e cFTjFE ,1 2qE3 fr(''p?F 5ir.6n.o rr: rfi r; d- lE 9z.9: .9 t' .9r P'q '> 1 '= t2 '; .L '.-r .h. 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