HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 29 LEGALa! TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT '1-\-.--1,*- \'--r.-'r- !"-^-\o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES S \^"\ r't-Qc^J A ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 804-0184 Job Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE Applied. . : 0712112004 Parcel No...: 210312403040 Issued. .. : 08/2412004 Project No : ?RTo i 6 3.11 Expires . ..: 02/20/2005 OWNER THORNHTLL, THOMAS E. - ET ALOT/2I/2004 Phone:* CO. KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: MARK W HALTER l_901- w 47TH PL STE 300 wEsrwooD Ks 55205-1,834 License; CONTRACTOR DILLTGAF, INC 07/2L/2004 Phone: 970-949-945L P.O. BOX 132 AVON, CO 8152 0 License: 3l-5-B APPLICANT DII-,LIGAF, INC 07 /21/2004 Ptrone: 97Q-949-945I P.O. BOx 132 AVON, CO 8r620 License:316-B Description: REMODEL/ADDITION Occupancy: R3 Single Family Reside,nce TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $433,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 878 Fircpface Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 ,l trt rrrrr rr * * *,*** * **,1:* **:tl* *:l r.*.. Building---> S2,858.55 Restuarant Plan Review-> S0.00 Total Calculated Feos-> S4,851.31 Plan Ch{)ck.--> S1, 858 . 05 DRB Fe€------------> S0 . 00 Additional F€es-------> S0 . 00 lnvestigation-> 50.00 Recreation Fee-------..--> 5131.70 Total Pennit Fee--------> 54,851-31 Will Call----> 53 - 00 Clean-up Deposit------> S0 . 00 Payments------------------> 54 , 851 . 31 TOTAL FEES----------> 54,851.31 BALANCE DUE-------> 50.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMEI{T 08/24/2004 GCD flem: O54OO PLANN]NG DEPARTMENT 07 /30/2004 warren 08/06/2004 Warren Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 0B/02/2004 Is Action: AP Action: DN Awaiting a change Action: AP Action: AP to approved plans application for changes made to the Dlanter on the eastern unit. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledgethat I have read this applicatio'n, filled out in full the information requir€4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as reguired is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plao, to comply with all Towrr ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zuMivision codcs, desip review approved Uniform Building Code md other ordinances of the Toum applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FOR INSPECION SHAII BE MADE TWU\ITY-FOUR gOUnS W fOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2 149 OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM E:$ AM - 4 PM. SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 *:t:i****'t********,}{.***{t'}'}{t:t'}:t{.'t***+*'+***'}'+'t'+***{.*{t|t*{t:}*tt*t****|t{.|t***+'}'}'}'l,t,}'t'}******'t'}***|+{.**'.** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0184 as of 08-24-2004 Status: ISSUED ,}'t'}****'l't*:t:t*!t't++'t***{.*'3'*'**++'|t*'}'t,},}!.{.*!t**{t**:t't****+**:t**|**,t**+'|t:}!|t||t,|t*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07/21/2004 Applicanr DILLIGAF, INC Issued: 08/24/2004 970-949-9451 To Expire: 02/2012005 Job Address: 1260 WESTIIAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE ParcelNo: 210312403040 Description: REMODEL/ADDITION '}*******'*******'}'}**'l***:}'},|'},*,t'}'}*'*{t|t*,}*******'}'|{t***Conditions*'}'t*+****'t'}!*{t***'tl|!'},|.'}** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. ******f+++******t***+t+++**+***+**+**+*++a+++**lt*t*****+t+++**+++i+**+t+****+*++*++***+*t*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Satement '|++ ++tat+++*'l'l*r****+*f ++******ti****++++*************+++******t***+*t+++t+ 'i *{.++***++t+ +++*f Statement Nurnber: R040006495 Amount: Palment Method: Check t'7 4t $4,851 .31 08/24/200402:17 PM rnic: DDG Notation: Dilligaf Inc. ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF LL1_000031L2700 wc 00100003112800 DescripE ion Permi t Nor Parcel No:Site Address : Location: This Payment: 804-0184 Tt4)e: 2I03t2403040 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 1250 W HAVEN CIRCI-,E s4, 851.31 ADD /AI,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts 3 Balance: $4, 851.31 $4, 8s1.31 $0.00 Currenc Pmts 2, 858.55 1, 858 - 06 131.70 3 .00 BUTLDING PERMTT FEES PLA}iI CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE NWT{OPYAL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tl ApplrcAfloN wlLL Nor BE ACGEPTED lF INCoMPLETE oRy#"i?Eb o3? 7 l, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (/ ( IVELr Tfl-; 0 RECE JUL2I / ileneral Contractor: D; | 1., q { I, u.,Town of Vail Reg. No.: 3/b -B Contact and Phone #'s: 7:.-l^ 47/- ttos Email address: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Mater BUILDING: S y'U. ooD- e ELECTRICAL: $ g. m. ?OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ /O. ooo. *MECHANICALi$ /S.aoo,a t4t ILrf l\L: t /3? aars For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328'8640 or vigit Parcel # Z/D3- /21- o3p4b 'oo t"t"'r r- i Job Address:/? co ,o--r LqyaL:rclg- Legat Description ll l-oti ;p ll erocr: fl rilins'Subdivision: €le x> LforO W*"M.ry:r.// ziataat Address: r r )'EZ-Li/u/t, < tD,'?lt7a A StE 2a;tiP]-"tr,^. tat-.-t- ArchitecUDersig?l ? . "_l WL': y'soc EngineeL-,. ,,^ Bou/e Addr?l: t- tat,t),',', Dr. unr/e Phone:4?/-- Zt16 - Detailed description of work'?c,.u^)-l / /U;/;nu Work Class: New ( ) Addition X) Remodel $() Repair ( ) Demo $() Other ( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (y)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family !') Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: D..P 14 X No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: 635 Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming 6() Eri l:+h"r Noffvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: 63s npptiances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wogd{Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) ffi()NoX)Toes aFire3fiinREtEyslem Exist Yes ( ) No 0() ffi**ffi*ffi*ffi***FoR OFFICE USE ONlYffi*rrr#****rffi Jul 1C U+ IU:+/a :,eLEL I rJtl'lUUlJ & UUUK Jtu-ac1-vat< I SELECT WTNDOW & DOOR QUOTE _ QT00032s Bid For: Job Namc DiliBaf .. Duplex Easl :g.-o:2.?.3ilg H:60,, o"' ffl't"#,"^HT*oou*BRKMLD FRAME=\t=28 ll/16 H=60 ClSelvrr,nrWntnOW cc2860 lPll lGI.sSlrApE-uMT;nu=w=26ili16 lH_60 lH:LEm I W6RE_A1T{ERTI,JBE I DUALCNS i CLEAR I NOTTNT I NOTEMP I RECTGRID I ]|-PLWSPCBAR 1 urrs wnr = 2 | LITESHTGH=3 | BRZSCRN I FBC MESH I ADJHTNGES I SmLOCKS i ERZHDWR ffi RO - W= 72 M H: zs 3tr6 FRAIVIE = W-- 72 H= 2s I r/16 ffitffi F---__---;-_-r-r- fl No srnn lal,m .t No erx BRXMj CASEMENTWINDOW P.1 l,ine rO Line 13 no = w= szits H= sr rrio FRAME = W= 57 3/8 H- 52 I I j Qtv I Qrr. r TT/16 1_cM8 |Pll IcLsgpse=aJMT |-BU-W=36 |H=28rr/r6 |opERATtvE I }V/B.REATIIERTUBE I DUAL,GLS ] CLEAR I NoTINT I NoTEI\4 I REcTcRIb l1I8_SDI_WSPCBAR I LITESWTDE=2 llrresmCg= 2 | BRzScnN t rnC MESHISTDHDWRIBMHDWR AWNINCWINDOW 1g!18 lPr2 lcl.swqpE=_yfT tBU=w=36 | H-2Btut6 topERArrvE i wBRE_ATHERTUBE I DUALCLS I CLEAR I NOTi\rr i lroretw I RECTcRTb I 1!_IDLIMSPCBAR I LmswrDE = 2 I Lr'rEsHrcH =z I BwscnN 1 rnc idEsH I STDIIDWR I BMltDwR CONflGUREDIJI{TT Linc 16 ety 1 lO = W= 65 ?/8 H= ar 3/16 :RAME = \V= 65 3/8 H=.{0 I l/16 99_2852 I PII I cLSSI{ApE=UMT I BU=W=28 lVl6 | H=s2 il/16 | H:LEFI I WJB_IIATIfiRTSBE I DUAI GLS I CLEAR I NOTD,rr I NoTEMp r necrcno | ?a_SDLW/SPCBAR I LrTES $.{DE= 2 I LITESHTGH=l I BRzSCRN i FBc MESH J ADJHINCES I STDLOCKS I ERZIDWR CASEMf,NTWINDOW CC28s2 lPl2 IGLSSHApE=UNTT IBU-w=28ll/16 tH=52 lr/16 lH:RGHT I S./BREAI'HERTUBE I DUALGLS I CLEAR J NOTINT I NOTEMP I RE'iCRTD'I T8SDLIV/SPCBAR I LrTES wroe= z i LTTESHTGH-3 | BRzSCRN I FBc II{ESH I ADJ HINGES I STD LOCKS 1 BRZ I{DWR CONFIGLTRED UNIT tII NO STEP JAMB I NOATIX BRKMLD CASEMENTWINDOW 99?ro iPll lcLSSltApE=uNrr I BU=w=32ill16 ! H=4ort/r6 | H;LEFr I WBREATHERTI,JBE I DUALJLS I CLEAR I NO TINT I NO TEMP I NO CATO- i'BRZSCR-N I FBGMESH I ADJHTNGES t eRzlDwR CASEMENT \T'INDOW 99J?ao t P12 | cLS SHAeE = uMr I BU = w= 32 rvr6 WB-REaTr{ERTUBE I DUAL GLS I CLE.{R I }{O TtI.n BMSCRN I FBGMESH i ^DJHNGES I BRZ}DWR I H=40 ll/16 i H:RGHT I I NOTEMP I NOcRrD I t-nd -r.r ++e$-=} t*-r- r a Design Review Boald ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProJect Name: WELTNER RESIDENCE ADDffiON DRB Number: DRB040177 Project Description: EXTERIOR REMODEL OF EI.ITIRE DUPLE( AND REVISED ENTRY STAIRS. ADDffiON TO BOTH HALVES OF DUPLEX WITH THE SECONDARY (EAST SIDE) LMUZING ALL THEIR REMAINING GRFA INCLUDING THE 250. Pafticipants: OWNER WELTNER, DOUGI-AS E, 0s11012004 Phone: 816-556-1131 GRUBB & ELUSTHE WIMBURY GROUP 4520 MAIN ST., STE 1000 KANSAS CITY MO 64111 Ucense: APPLICANT PEEVI-ANGENWALTERARCHTS 05/10/2004 PhoneI P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL, co 81657 License: Project Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE Legal Dccraption: Lot: 29 Block Subdivislon: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403M0 Comments: See Conditions BOAR.D/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Scoft Proper Actlon: APPROVED Second By: Joe Hanlon Vote: 4-0 Dateof Apptoval= 0610212004 Gonditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date TOI4IN# of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced ' and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $3O0.OO Job Namc, Duplex East G-Iobrl Optionr (lbr a AppLrED I uTS = jl.lli_o4 | CONFIG_ 04210:r-A f_'i=;E_'.t- Line ,t ety RO = W= 29 3it6 H= 60 n 9RAME = w= 28 I l/t6 H= 60 Lioe I RO = W= 65 Ltg H= 60 In FRAIVIE = W= 65 3/8 H= 60 t/ K lr io. 6 O = W= -54 't/2 Fi= 60 L/2 L{tvlE = w= 5+ H= 60 Qty I coNFrcItRED ul\-rr tl -No s'tEP TAMB I NO AUXtsRKId.D CASEMENT }VINIIC'W CC3260 iPll IcLSSHAP!=_UNIT IBU=W=32trl16 jH=60 lH:LEFT I WBREATHERTTTBF IDUAL_G_LS ICIEAR f NOiri\ril NoTEIvtp INOORD I BRzscRN ! FBcIzEsH r ADJHINGEFiID ft;s I BRzHDwR CASEMENTTVINDOW CC3260 lP:z icLSSIIAPE=UNrT IBU=W_ s2rt/r6 lH=60 lH:RGHT I wBREArr{ERruBE I DUATL}LS l^qLEAX i Nil-tirr"r NoTEMp I NOGRTD l BMSCRN I FBG}{ESII I ADJHINCES I STDLOCKS ] BRZI{DWR CC2860 | pll ICLSSHAPE=^UNTI IBU=w= z|)rtr6 f H=60 iH:LEFT j WDREATF{ERrUBE j Dt.Arci-s I CLEAR j No-r,iii NoTEMp I REcrcRrD | 7/8 sDL wTspc BAR r LrrEs w_DE =J';iid;ft; I , r u* scRN I FBG MESH i ADJHTNCES I Sl"D LOCKS I BRZ-6\1d"".- r ,CONFIGLIRED UNIT q! _IO sTnp JAMB i _\..o A{.rx BRKMLD CASEMENT Wrn-DOW cuTBAcK lPu lctssllpl=uNrr IBU=w=Sa lH=60 I SrAr l WBREATHERTUBE ; o1ra1^6ss f iiiei-f No;rN, I i\iorEMp i RECTGRTD I 7/8 sDLwspcBAR i i_nrs wdr= : fiffi;#; =3 i NoscR,\r Qty .JU l .l c u'r l u: 'tua 5ELs.U I ut .r l't1.lU!J o. !rlrLrK SELECTWINDOW & DOOR QUOTE - QT000328 |,. J Job hlarnc Uoe 19 RO=W=293i16 H=41 3il6 FRAME = W= 2E I l/16 H= 40 I l/16 Lioc 2l Qri RO= W= 38 l/t H= 83 FRAlvtE = W- 37 5/E H= a2 il2 f ii'fy#'",H,'o ^u* uo**o CASEMDNT}YINDOW CC2840 lPll IGLSSHAPE-UNIT IBU=W=28 ll/16 WBREATI{ERTUBE I DUALGLS i CLEAR : NOTINT BRZSCRN I FBGMESH I ADJi{INGES I BRZHDWR ?orodcr SochA H= 40 ll/16 I H:LEFT t i NOTAMP I NOGRID I H=82 TI2 I SiAT I \4'IBREATHERTUBE I DUAL GLS I CLEAR TEI'P I nrCr mJb | 7/8 SDL WSPC BAR I LITES WIDE = 2 | LITES WIDE DOI = 2 | LITES HIGH DOt = s iml iffil isTl":! q, tlccyr TIO DOONS- SIDELIIT CPDSL3O6T0 | Pll I SLIDINGPATIODR I GLS SHAPE'-UMT UMf ]TIODEL TRANSOIIT UNIT Cciztro i pll I csMTLINE I cLssI{APE=liNIr I BU=w=28 11/16 I 11/16 ls lsre.iroNenv IvBREATHERTLTBE IDUALGLS lct'EAR I ru',rr i No t=trlp I REcr GI{ID | ?a sDL wsPc BAR I LIrES W'IDE = 2 HIGH = I IBU=W-3?s/t I INOTINT I LITESHIGH-5 | II= 16 NO I r rrFq Lloc zr . RO = W= 29 3tl6 Its l'r FRAME = W= 28 1l/16 .':;Ji tb H= 16 1l/16 Liue RO = !V= 54 112 H= 60 rl2 FRAIVfE = W= 5'1 H= 60 Qty I ?5 CASEMENTWINDOW CUrnaCr lPll I GLSSHAPE=UNIT IBU=\1'=54 'H=60 | STAT I \P/BREATTGRTUBE I DUAIGLS I CLEAR I NOTNT I NOTEMP I RECTCRID | ?/s SDLWSPCBAR I LITESWiDE=3 | LITESHIGH=3 | NOSCRN SELECTWINDOW & DOOR QUO'I'E - QT000328 Bid For: Liae 29 Qtv I Li,m'zt Qrr I CoNFIGUREDANTT ;;=;= 54 rlz H- 16 t:z csMr LINE I tl No srEP JAtvG I No AUx BRKMLD FRAME = W= J4 H= t6 MODELTRANSOM UNIT curBAcK lprr-i'biih-lNE IGLSSHAPE=IJNIT IBU:w=54 1H=16 ls I STATIONARY I WBibETHERTI'BE I DUAL GLS I CLEAR I NO TINT-I NO ffi TEMP I RECTGRID I ?/ESDLWSPCBAR I LITESWIDE=3 | LITESHIGH= I coNriGUiED trNif RO=W-38 u8 H=83 F?.rtU\4E = W- 37 518 H= 82 ll2 un"- lt RO = W- 29 !tr6 H= 17 3116 FRAME=W=28 ll/16 H- 16 rl/t6 Lirc 33 RO = W= 29 jlr6 l]-- ffi LIz FRAIIIE= W= 28 l1/16 H= 6O Ip,,f"iffixb?,.,"ifoslmo-iptl I SLIDINcPATIoDR I cLS sHAPE=uNIr I BU=w=375l8 | H=A2L:2 ISiIT IWBR,EATTIERT'I.JBE IDUALGLS ICLEAR INOTINT I rn'c t piclcno t zl8 sDLwsPcBAR I LITES WIDE =2 i LTTESHIGH=5 | LITES WIDEDOI = 2 | LTTESHIGH DOt = 5 lf;--!-h;> & Door S3.;"ftffi H"To,# r* i No nr,x eRKMt-D MODELTRA}i'SOM UNrT -c6zsre -f piI I csMTLTNE I GLSSI{APE-UNTT I BU=w-?8 ll/16 | H= 16 iuro rs lsrnioNnnv lwbnelrimnruBE IDUALcLS I cLEAR lNo-, rn\"I t Ndrew I RECTGRID I TiSSDLWSPCBAR I LITES WIDE= 2 | LITES HIGH= I *,1 FioSTEPJAMB I NOAUXBRKMLD CBEMENTWINDOW acr$o lpit lc.r-ssFIAPE-uNrr IBU=w=2ELr/r6 lH=6c lH:LEFT l^-- w/Bnrarrmnirme I DUAL GLS I CLEAR I NO TINT I No rEMP i RECT-GRID l7lSSDL\\'/SPCBARIUTESwne=ZILITESHIGH=4IBITZSCRNIFBC tvlESH I ADJHINGES I STDITCKS I BRZI{DWR SELECT WINDOW & DOOR Bid For: Line 35 Qty no = w= 5a lD H= 6O Ltz FRr{Ii{E = W= 54 H= 60 LilC 3t. . . . ... atJ t RO = W= 29 3n6 H= 60 lD. FRAME = W= 28 ll/16 H= 60 Ftu\I{E = W= 57 3/8 H= 6O f,r- + rD"( Line- a2 .. . qE .l RO = w= 57 7!t' tl=24 rl2 FnJ$fE = w= 57 3/8 H= 24 QUOTE - Q'f000328 NO STEPJAMB I NIOAUXBRKMLD CASEMENTWINDOW CrrrsacK lPll IGLSSHAPE=UNTT IBU=w=54 lH-60 | SrAr I WBREATI{ERTLBE l DUALGiJ I CLEAR I NOTTNT I NOrElt{P I RECr GRID | 7/8 SDL WSPCBAR I LITES\VIDE=2 | LITESHIGH= 4 | NOSCRN ffi lsil Lrf,r ffi RAD UNIT uryJl .. . . q.y r C9NFIGUREDUNTT Ro=w= s77ia rtsrn Clr NbsrEPler'iri iwoAtxbRKMLb CASEMENTWINDOW CC2S60 lPll IGLSSHAPE=IJNTT IBU=W-28 llll6 lH=60 lH:LEFT I W/BREATTGRTLEE IDUALGLS ICLEAR INOTINT INOTEMP iRECTGRD I TASDLWSPCBAR I LITES WIDE=2 I LITESHIGH=4 I BRZSCRN I FBG MESH I ADJHINGES i STDLOCKS I BRZHDWR CASEMEi{T\TINDOW CC2860 lPlr IGLSSIIAPE=UNTI IBU=W=28t1/16 lH=60 lH:LEFT I WBREATHERTUBE I DUAL GLS i CX.XAR I NOTINT I NOTEMP I RECTGRID I ?/sSDLWTSPCBAR I LITES WIDE=2 | LITESHIGH= 4 | BPZSCRN I FBC MESH i AD]HINCES I STDLOCKS IBRZHDWR CASEMENTWINDOW CC2s60 | Pl2 | GLSSIIAPE=ttNIT I BU=W=28 tl/16 | H=60 i H:RGFIT I WBREATHERTUBE IDUALOLS ICLEAR iNOTINT INOTEMP IRECTGRID | ?/8 SDL\ITSPCBAR I LITESWIDE=2 I LITESHIGH=4 | BRz SCRN I FBG MESH i ADJ HINCES I SlD LOCKS I BRz HDWR CS{FIGURED UNIT dS No srn la-ps i r.lb eux BRre!tr b MOI'ELTRANSOM UNIT CCT2t24 lPIi ICSMTLINE IG,SSHAPE=uMT IBU=W=28 ll/16 lH=24 S I STATIONARY I WBREATHERTLtsE I DUAL CLS I CLEAR I NO TINT I NO TEMP I RECTGRID | 7/SSDLW/SPCBAR I LITESWIDE-2 | LITESHIGI'i = 2 MODEL TRANSOM UNTT ccT2E2.4 lPr2 TCSIVITLINE I CLSSIIAPE=IJMT I BU=W=28 1t/16 lH=24 | S ISTAT]ONARY IWBREATI{ERTLtsE IDUALGLS ICLEAR iNOTINT I NO TEMP i RECTCRID | 7/SSDLWSPCBAR I LTTESWIDE=2 | LITESHIGH= 2 r. v SELECT WI}iDOW & DOOR QUOTE - QT000328 Line {5 RO = W= 72 l/2 FRJN\,G -- W= ?2 ety l H= 60 l/2 H= 60 iob Narne GURED UNIT T{O STEP TANB NO AL|X BRKI\{LD CASEMENTWII{DOW CC3660 lPIl IGLSSI{T\PE=LNIT IBU=W=36 lH=(r0 lH:LEFT I WBREATHERTUBE I DUAL CLS I CLEAR I NO TIIIT I NO TEMP I RTCT GRID | ?sSDLWSPCBAR I LITESVIDE=2 ILJTESHIGH=4 iBRZSCRN IFBC MESH I ADJ HINGES I STD LOCKS I BRZ T{DWR CASE]IIENT WINDOW CC3660 lPl2 lCLSSII{PE=UMT IBU=w=36 lH=60 lH:RGHT I WBREATHERTUBE IDUAIGLS ICLEAR INOTTNT INOTEMP IRECTGRID | 7A SDLWSPCBAR I LIIES \WDE= 2 | LITESHIGH- 4 | BRZSCRN i FBG MESH I ADJHINGES I STDLOCKS iBRZHDWR Line rtf ... ... alf 1 . ._C!NFIG..!JRED UNrr Ro = w= 72 Lt? Lr= 41 3tr6 tfl -No srtb JAI'/B I No ALx BRKIa-D FRAIVIE = w= 72 H= 40 I lil6 CASEMENTWINDOW CC3640 lPll IGLSSHAPE=LNIr iBU=w=36 lu=40 11116 ISTAT I WBREATHERTUBE I DUALGLS i CLEAR I NOTTNT I NOTEMP I RECI'GRID i ?/8 SDLWSPCBAR I LITESWIDE=2 I LITESHIGH= 2 | NO SCRN CASEMENT}YINDOW CC3640 lPl2 IGLSSHAPE=UMT IBU=w=36 i H=40 ll/16 | STAT I WBREATHERTUBE I DUALGLS i Cr"EAR I NOTINT I NOTEMP IRECTCRID | 7/8 SDL WSPC BAR I LITES WIDE = 2 | LIrES HIGH - 2' I NO SCRN Unc 51 RO=W=293i16 FlrJql\,lE = W= 28 H= 6O It2 I l/16 H= 60 CONTIGUNED UNIT f,t lro srei JAr'a I No ALrx BRKMLb CASEMEi\.T WINDO1II Hue 53 RO = V/= 29 3116 Ftuq']v{E = W= 2E CC2860 lPlr IGLSSII{PE=UNI-| IBU=w=zatl/16 | H=60 lH:LEFI I WBREATIIERTUBE I DUAL GLS i CLEAR I NO TINT I NO TEMP I RECT GRID | ?/8 SDLWSPCB.q,R i LITES WIDE =2 | LITESHICH=4 I BRZ SCRN I FBC MESH I ADJ H]NGES I STD LOCKS I BRZ F{D\VR aL I No srEP JAMB I NO AUX BRKMLD CASEMENT\fINDOW CC2E40 lPll IGLSSIIAPE=LNIT BU=W=28 ll/16 lH=40 lUI6 ISTAT i WBREATIIERTIJBE I DUAI GLS I CLEAR I NO TINT I NO TBMP I RECT GRID | 7/8 SDLWSPCBAR I LITES WIDE=2 | LITESHICH=2 | NO SCRN 1 CONTIGURED UNIT H *o srEPJiI\dB I No Atx BRKMLD CASEDTENT WINDOW CC3612 i Ptl I GLSSIIAPE=Uhrn ; BU- w*36 | H:72 | H:RGHT I WBREATHERTUBE IDUALGLS ICLEAR INOTINT INOTEMP IRECTGRID | 7/8SDLWSPCBAR I LITESWIDE= 2 | LITESHIGFI-a I BRZSCF.N I FBG MESH I ADJ HINGES I TANDE\.T LOCKS I BRZ T{DWR r1/t6 H=40 ll/16 Li.ne 55 Qty RO = W= 36 i2 H=72 LlZ FRAIr{E = W= 36 H= 72 im ffi Jul 1e 04 1O:52a SELECT !J I NDOI,J & DOOR SELECT WINDOW & DOOR Bid For:JsE-ILame 970 -5?1 -02t2 QUOTE - QT000328 P.? Liqg s9 RO = W= 36 l/2 FR{ME = W= 35 Qty H-72 rl2 H= 7z Lint sz Afy i CoNFIGURED UNIT RO = W- 36 r!1 H= 37 3it6 FRAME: W= i6 H= 16 I1,,16 ffi s$ NosrebIAMB I NoAtxBRKtt"D CASEMENTWINI'OW CC3636 lPll IGLSSi{APE=UMr IBU=w=3o lH=36 11116 ISTAT I WBREATT{ERTUBE IDUALGLS I CLEAR INOTTNT I NOTEMP IRECTGRID | 7a SDLWISPCBAR I LITESWIDE=2 i LITESHIGH=2 | NOSCRN I J;gfNFIcpRED uNrr 8f I NO STEP 'AMB I NO AI.D( BRKMLD CASEMENTWINDOW CC3672 | Pll I GLSSHAPE=LMT I BU=W= 36 | H=72 | H:LEFT I WBREATHERTI,JBE I DUALGLS J CLEAR I NOTINT I NOTEMP I RECTGRID | 7/8 SDLWSPCBAR I LITESWIDE=2 I LITESHIGH=4 I BFZSCRN I FBc MESH I ADJHTNCES I STDLOCKS I BRZHDWR Liic 6r RO = W= 72 Lt2 H= 20 v2 FRAtvtE = w=.12 H= 20 ,LiDe 63 RO = \V= 12 t/2. H= 48 Itz Ftu\ME = W= 72 H= 4E Qty I NFIGURED IJNIT I NOSTEPJAMB 1 nOnUXanxrvOO C.{SEMENTWINDOW CLITBACK I Pll I GLSSIIAPE=UNTT I BU= w= 72 | tt-zo I STAT I WBREATTIERTIJBE I DUALC,LS I CLEAR J NOTINT I NOTEMP I RECTGRID I TaSDLWSPCBAR i LITES WIDE= 4 | LJTESI{cH= I I NO SCRN CONFIGTJRED UNIT I I NOSTEP JAMB i NOATXBRKVT.D CASEII|ENT WINI'OW C€1P7248 lPll I GLSSHAPE=UMT IBU=w=72 | H= 4s I STAT I WBREATI{ERTUBE I DUALGLS I CLEAR I NOTri\T i NOTEMP I RECTGRID | 7/8 SDL WSPCBAR I LITESWIDE={ I LITESHIGH= 2 | NOSCRN r cgNFrcuR.ED rrNrT ft xoAr,rxBRKMI-D PATIO DOORS CFD606I0 l Pll I FRENCIIPATIO I GLSSHAPE=LNIT I BU= W=75 ts/16 l H= 82 I/2 I ACTIVE/PASSIVE I STDBOTRA]L I WBREATIIERTUBE I DUALGLS I CLEAR I I,iO TINT I TEtrP I RECT GRID | ?/s SDL W/SPC BAR i LrrES WIDE DOr = 2 | LITESHIGHDOI =5 | LITE-S WIDEDO2 = 2 | LITES WIDEDO2= 5 |N/A i MIjLTIfT I BRTBRASSHNDL I ADJHINGE I GOLDHINGE I ) Q.v I ,l ! Line 65 RO=\[=767116 H=83 FRAME = W- 75 l5it6 QB H=82 Il2 JL' I la: (Ji (JrJ.t'P SELECTWDTDOW & DOOR QUOTE - QT000328 Cts-Es!&DName Duplex East Dili G;a 6? -qtv RO= W= E69ll6 H='tZrt} Ftuf\ME E \f,t= 86 Vl6 l1=12 I it v -r-+t-+r..-.1 +.o- il!;Yffi',Jfrf"!NO AUXBRKMT^D :A#'|;i'i..;fi ;i.op' = uryrr L ry : y:,189j,T: 3.f i::Il ;;il'^ltft'*.ffi? i "u-i" cii'i onnr i N91q[ t IgTP^tSlTD r/Y'/Drr-Erlr'r'Er\r1J"" ' "-'*is-ib'=i iuresHIGH=4 | BRzscRN I FBG i ?rssDLwsPcBAR M_ __--^lcsi 1 eolxrxcBs i smlocxs I BRZHD\I/R CASEMENTWOIDOW -Cclnil- plz I crs srupe - uNIr I BU= w:!^sll{L6,t H= 72 | sr{L1- ^*- wBREATHERTuBE iDUALCui icl-ean l!9IryI lNorEMP I RECTGRID i'i-n sofwspc sAR t urEs*trie = z I lrrrs HIGII = a i No scRN CASEMENTWINDOW iEs?il'il3 t-cLssrnpe=ulrrr I BU=w=-2-sfll5 ,l H=?2 I H:RGlIr I vBREATHERTuBE t ouerCG-i cr-ean t uornr I IgPY^t YgGi- r ?rssDLwspcsAR t LrrEs-ffinli I dresrlcx=4 | BnzscRN I FBG r"cii-r-lolrrNces i smrocKs I sRzlDwR T."lg.-4$f{:f...r...{*np: r.^e-'.u"v",r. -t-" -ol-l:l-+ri- :'. ' ' --f"}-Aqtg 13.4I4.a2 0.0o --" o.0o - - 0'00 13'414'42 From: Tim Boyle To: Grc9 Deto: 9f30/20(X Timr: 1:59:52 PM P"9.2 ot 2 Boylc Enginccring; hc. 143 B. McadowDrive, Suirc 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303t47 6-2170 FAX 303/4764383 Septcmbcr 30, 2004 bu{'$M TOWN OF VAIL BI'ILDING DEPT. Att Greg 75 S, frontrge Rord Wett VdL Coloredo 81557 Subject: Ncw crawlspacc concret! stcm wsll KC Duplex Remodcl 1260 Westhavcn Circlc Vail, Colorado Dcar Grcg: This is to confirm that I havc reviewcd and app'rovcd the ncw concretc stcm wsll that is bcing installed within the crawt space of the abovc noted rcridencc. This unll will rctein apmximatcly 3' of soil 4hill of the new storagc area. Spccificalty, this is an 8" concrctc stcm wall with #4 @ 16" o.c. vcrtical aud 2 #5 top and bonom' lt is conncctcd to the E" x 16" concrctc footing with #4 dowcls @ 16" o'c. A large bouldcr cxists in thir crawl space in the viciaity of tbis new stem rvdl. The wall will be poured ovor and rround the bouldcr. I approvc ofthis concretc wall being int mpted by the bouldcr- or cornneots on this natter.Plcasc give rne a call i{ Tirmthy S:li"i'i ffi;;i'u$ Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 t47 6-217 0 F AX 3031 47 6-4383 January 21, 2005 Greg Denckla TOWI\ OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Specific Framing Items KC Duplex Final Framing Inspection 1260 Westhaven Circle Vail. Colorado Wl'or$+ Dear Greg: This is to confirm that I have reviewed and approved the two items of concern to you in the framing of the above noted remodel. The first item is the substitution of a 4-2x6 post for the 6 x 10 post originally specified in the central part of the new framing. The 6 x 10 was originally specified to provide adequate bearing area for the beams coming together from four locations at this point. Since the contractor has run the 5 1/8 x 12 gluelam continuous over this post, and one beam bears on top of it, and the other beam has been hangered off of its side, bearing area is not an issue. I have determined that the 4-2x6 will adequately carry the gravity loads at this location as well as providing sufficient bearing area under the primary beam. The second item to address is the triple 2 x 12 header that has been installed below the fireplace stone at the soutl end of the Living Room framing. Originally, an insuffrcient triple 2 x 6 header existed at this location, which accounted for the sag in the floor. The new triple 2 x 12 header will adequately carry the dead load of the fireplace stone at this location, and I hereby approve of this installation. or comments on these items. ilt"tn"A.fd posi.ir.FnxN,,r,. ?6?r l-E?_.o_rlq;t:] I o.l- D | flq Hs-L*fi; ib4t*84-.'A?;=*+:J - ' \J t [:fryiiflA\.,". -.:Ltt--. j":' aJuicta e- | . -----.--]n'::l__:i... __- " l'g:_l'HSMIT AppLIcA i':'_m:,ijy--_.sr"aJ-:=__:__-*:J :_iAiZ - - .**--_ r Applicetiorr +! ___-_.__ pcrmit # ,Iob Arldrcs:i:t;;;il:;:''M-,W_ FEB-04-2005 FRI 12r18 Pl{ Nt'lCCoG FA){ N0, 9704681208 P, 01 NSILLN$IALI.AIIQN r's n S I P:rssdnger ar frrighr clevator, osclhlor, nroving u,a lk: Up ro rnd iuctr<ting S50,00{).00 ofvotuqrion .3flO,OO Ovcr $i0,000.00 ofr.rtuaricn - 5350.00 plus 56.00 for c:tch S1.000,00 or fr.rqrion Urcrcof ovcr SjO.000-00 Dumblvoiter or private rusid€ncc clrt,ator: [.'gr to and inctu<ling. SJ0,00(f,00 ofvaluarion - S]j0.00 Orcr 5?0,000.CO or'raluflslo. . SZS0.00 ulus S_r.00 for cach S1,000.00 or lncrion rlrcrsof ovcr 520,0011.(J0 M.A,IALLI.IUIA T.IO.TI-EEE} Fecs for rrnjor a.hcnlioni sltrll be ls scr fonh in Tablr J-,t of thc Urti&rnl Arlministrcrisc Co jc or Tahlc No. l.A o[ rhc L:nifonn Building Cooe 2W orvnc* {.IZ/_n */_\4_tz:,Iraitirigiiaa,;",:/Jl/,;Wp'a=,_*traz_=f [{rtT) Plrone #{(/'rD) !/l/.:U._L>.; -ajr:-ir' '| ', lil,v,r ro ito'i 6;:i.J, - j"@ ti,@At(Wzt2?]e/ |ir,',:'li,ofi :,;;rtW:Miu/en:]'m)ffi w,ffi=m Clr:ss of tVark: . AiJcw.ln.:r.alla;ion O \,lajor Altemriofl Dr:sciirrr,lvortr:.fu #tel_l-l,ti,qr/A-dl_-g*W)fu L t'{oTrcE I b,rrr'b;r cc, til,V rhilr I htve rcsd ald cxirttinsd &i$ :ll..piiflriatt il[d krtc\r d.ru sx.lr* to bs q1rc on<l cc.rrccr All pro*isionr- 0l Lrrtr aird ordiniutcrs gov+ming rhis typu of tt't'r'k will bc complicd virh lvh.rtlle I upccilior! htrein or nor. fhe.gr:rnting 0i ir n..mii dccJ 0u( p(c!:urnu trr girc alrhority ln violatrl or, (.1{tcr I thc provisitns cf aity ethcr si.nlc cr local fl*va3ar Jrhtr ,'cvi*iv and fir:ld lrrspcciiour t/ill t,0 cOnd$r,ted $ovcnrrrrcnt.r. l'lans rvill bc fonsardal to NWCCOG for revicrv coutlcting rhc 'I'IIVCCOG Dlcvator luspectnr rt (9?0) .t6$_02t5 \\YCCOc. by lhe Northrvesa Colorrdo Council of nnd approval, Schcdute inspections by x 108. Plcasr: make chcclis payable ro Fur: ftrt| 8ot& To: Rlci X!&d.dd Boyle Eogirtditrg; Lr. nt E.Incfuv Dlivc. Suirc 390 vail. Colorodo 81657 MtEhdt M.Il,iotgru VchnMugpt Conrrschl 760 Whalerr Wan Building A, Suitc 2fi) Forr Colfins. Cotorarlo 80525 DdE: lhlW fh€:zt5,:,1o PU PagD 2o'2 Datc: 1445 tobMdcn O{3E Proiect: KC Duolsx Remodct Ircdi.n: Vail, Color.do Coceac: RkhKc&oc6ki O*rrr: MitchMorpo Wcarbcr: Snowing, 32 &g Prercrr rt Sitd Tim Boyle Rich Kc&ourki go4' c tsi Field Report Ilc followlag lteml wers obscrvcd: Tb tramiry frr lhir rcsidcncc k 9f/o coelcP rt thir tinr. The orly itd rctnainiog arc a fbw bcff platc comectlms for th! nw nftalvr,lbybra,mcmtcctiols' Wc dker:sc{ tlsc coocctioos ard .SFOd ftt thc bat phtcr ceo bc 4plid on oly tte obltre :i& of ffp stcwcd connectiff. Trlo lag bole rill bc inltellcd inrto cacl rm$cr. Ar thc corution of tte vallcy bearr !o thc ridgc bcarn, rfgrec tag bolts will bG ind.llcd er tbc ram. tpriag rr tfrc rypial plarc co:aioo fuain, thb bcu plarc will bc applicd orly to thc obtusc gi& of thc Ffut Exc(?l (ot ttcce connection pLtcs, thc ar|rfine bas bcco built according o thc rmrstr:rel plms and ryccifrationr isrrd by tbis office. I harcby rpprovc oftb stsrrrc es buih. Pteesc f€el frec to call stc if lou havc any quesrionr or codutts oo lbis Fojoct. lzoo Url/^,** u- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE ParcelNo...: 210312403040 ProjectNo : PfrloZ_ ofiZ OWNER THORNHII,L, THOMAS.E. - ET ALO9/08/2004 Phone:I CO. KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: MARK W HAIJTER 1901_ w 47TH PL SrE 300 wEsrwooD Ks 66205-1834 License: CONTRACTOR STONE CREEK EI-JECTRIC P O BOx 519 VAIIJ CO 81658 License:108-E APPLICAIVT STONE CREEK EIJECTRTC 09/08/2004 Phone: 910-926-2001 09/08/2004 Phone: 910-926-2001 P O BOX 519 VATL CO 8r-5s8 License: 1" 08-E NEW ADDITION, SERVICE RELOCATE, EXTENSIVE REMODEL $20.000.00 FEE SLMMARY 'rt t' | **'r 1' * * * | '" Pfinit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . E04-0168 Bo'l - ots* .: ISSUED .: 09/08/2004 .: 09/09/2004 .: 03/08/2005 Desciptioo: Valuation: Electrical-----> DRB Fee----> Inv6tigation--> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES-> s360.00 s0. o0 s0.00 s3.00 s363.00 s363.00 s0. 00 s353.00 s363.00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> Additional Fees-----> Total P€rmit Fee-----> Paym€nts------------> BALANCE DUE-.--.-> Approvals: Iten: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/08/2004 Js Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP 'l laa||||*a1t*'l **tl*l a'l l a+ttat'|'l l|| a*'t'at * a** * * * t !t:l** * *ttll|'l't'la*r I l:l'll l)} I i tttrr I r CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requied is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, aod to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,,IR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNER ***alf*ft+laltlttlf*+++*l++f*r!lt*f+t*+l++*+t+*a+*+fl*llt*l+++*+**+*+**l*t**+*fi++**+l':t+*tt+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +++++a*aa**laat*l*+a+++{'*+ftt*f'l*'t+*+*+a+*+l+f+t+*t*+fa++++********att"}******a***********+++ Statenent Nudber: R040006598 Amount: S353.00 09/09/200408:11 AI'I Palment Method: Check rnit: DDG Notation: Stone Creek Electric 9473 Permi t No: 804-0168 T5rpe 3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2L031240304O SiEe Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Locatsion: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCIJE Total Fees: $353.00 This Payment: S353.00 Total ALL Pmtss: $363.00 Balance: 50.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEUPORARY POWER PERMITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WTLL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE Current hnts 350.00 3.00 NVNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEA, Project *, r,?'.J03' O3 C2 Building Permit #: 3 o.{- Q I FV -';:-:-"-'----7-Efectricat Permit #: 3O*^ - 97 O-47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrica I Contractor: c\tor,,r- Crteu Plqqrlcrc Town of Vail Reg. No.: ':g-€ Contact and Phone #'s: 5l(n-Zcf-.i c'^ 0 0, Q zf" a,,ar( lh*r E-Mait Address: Sl r pc,".9r@ Ao L (ovn fJ dtJ coMpLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Contact Assessots Office at 970-328-864O or visit Fircef # Jlal/2y'oloy'O Job Name: Tkr" 1,il Job Address: tZ6,C /,fit i-/arc "- C,niZ Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: o*1ff^Y*3' rL..r.t".,{to$"s"f s.:l "iu-,! I*t {'cr" ^o Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: cq,k c-t{R.y'J;td. r?|'rra{.I- WorkCtass: New( ) Addition(r/) nemodel (4 Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(v,Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Btdg.: Single-famity ( ) Duplex ( 4 Muki-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Z No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ./ Isthis permitfora hottub: Yes ("1 tlo ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (/) No ( )Does a Frre Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( for Parcel # r.***,!*****r<******************r<*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**---f[Cg-SE-F-I; ffi**r'***v'*{ ?c" 0'712612002 Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off: \WAiI\dAtA\CdCr'\FORMS\PERMITS\ELICPERM.DOC TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MO4-0227 TPq-6 (dL{ Job Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1260 WESTIIAVEN CIRCLE Applied. . : l0ll5/2004 Parcel No...: 210312403040 Issued . . : 1012812004 ProjectNo : j-eSo 3-oA 1 Expires. .: 04126/2005 OWNER THORNHILL, THOMAS E. - ET AL1,0/15/2004 Phone: ? CO. KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: MARK W HALTER 190]- W 4?TH PL STE 3OO WESTWOOD KS 66205-L834 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR ERIC'S DRATN AND HEAT SERVIC1O/15/2004 Phone: 910-524-0743 P.O. BOX 5761 VAIL, CO 816s8 License : 2LL-NI APPLICANT ERIC'S DRAIN AND HEAT SERVIC10/15/2004 Phone: 9'70-524-01 43 P.O. BOX 5761 VAIL, CO 81658 License : 2IL-M Desciption: INSTALL NEW INFLOOR HEAT SYSTEM, NEW BOILER AND SNOWMELT Valuation: $25.000.00 Fireolace lnformation: Restricted: Y # of Ga.s Appliances: 0 ** * )t)t* * )t,t * *:*,t:|,1:t a 'l a t 1r,r,r * *,r** *:l * *:t* l(1l,ft a * +,1:l I Mechanical---> 5500 . 00 Restuarant Plan Revi€w-> Plan Check--> S12 5 . 00 DRB Fee-------------> r0/26/2004 GcD Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY :l*****!t++r****'.'r.t.ra'rr.rrr***)*****'t***rt13**jl*.*rt,. 50.00 Toral Calculated Fees--> $628-00 $0.00 I nvestigation-> Will Call--->s3.00 BALANCE DUIr--------->s0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT S0.00 AdditionalFees------> 50.00 TOTAL FEES--> 5528.00 Total Permir Fee-------> S628.00 Payments-------------------> S 5 2 I . 0 0 Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701_ OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TJMC, CIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES STALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 l)MC, OR C}IAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST CoMPL,Y WTTH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.]-017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PL'ANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ BOILERS SHALI, BE EQUIPPED WITH sEcrroN 1004.6 0F THE l_997 rMc. NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I'NLESS POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. TO22 OF THE ]-997 UI4C, OR 't * !t |} | tlltt *tt i a atr,l,|**'ta:r * * * * ajljt *jt . DECLARATIONS I haeby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed aa accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and otler ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI]R HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATIJRE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER ++++t+*a****+****+fa+!t****+**f,**lai++++*****l*****ttt*tt**+trllf++++***+'l't*f*lft'|f,++**+*r*l+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement at*******t**l****t***tf+++***l******t*ttt*****t**tf++++*++a*t*tf,**ttt+*t****f**+a**+*+****** Staternent Number: R04000?006 tunounts: Palment Method: check Heat 5649 $628. 00 l0 /28/200470 :20 AM IniT: DDG Notat'ion: Erics Drain & Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : I-,ocation: This Palment: N104-0227 2to3t2403040 1250 WESTHAVEN ].260 WESTHAVEN $528.00 15pe: I{ECHAI{ICAL PERMIT CR VAII, CIRCLE Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts : Balance : $628.00 s628.00 $0.00 Current Pmts ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 001000031.11100 PF 00100003t12300 wc 00L00003112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE s00.00 125.00 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI -a3?7 -ol Vail, Mechanical Permit #l 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: \_o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION TOV.COM.DEV. TOWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Mechanical Contractor: f(tcS Dnqr4 . ficir Seavrcc- Town of Vail Req. No.:zilc:/\Contact and Phone #'s: 6Rlc 5)q-ct1t13 - 39o - Ll'?,. E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature:L il-1 MECHANICAL: $ ?.S,OOD COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ******xx****x*********x*FoR oFFIcE usE oNLY***************************** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-offr Accepted By: DRB Feesr Date Received: Conta.t Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #aloS -t}9'- O3O ul0 Job Name: Kt DuP!a7 Q e,n.p-l JobAddress: ll(ro {r€5T {-l AL,{NI Legal Description lot:)t ll alocr:Filing:Subdivision:UCl I I- Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: 3ruflooe He"r( S\5t<.." - ruew tsai[<<- Sno,,r,nc.\r WorkClass: New$ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ($ Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (!) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Dupbx Qfl Muki-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Tyoe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMIIS\MECHPERM.DOC 07 /26t2002 l)to futsT lfaucru ',€4ST ) nccn Boon Drrn crt souts 6'6 ur6<- l5' Ao*, St HoqhT lr> a) 2- { Ccmbo Atz ThnoTh 9,de wo'll ' fo ourstde lt4tttt l'/o'u , f tue ucnT tn bz q " S,Sre<,1 fo a Pa* ,< Vzareo fro,l Et< Tele-orn1- Sv 9 2ZS .ooo BTU CaA-!tuAf;D-' "4 h"til!r'L4/t!,Mr.-4t;^..L,rrrrt W '3- /O" Of"r^rT2 Erctc's DRitn t €rztc s)Y- 67c{3 /]rqr tcaut c c- no- 1t)^ rl Heat Loss Details Snonor WIFISiEIO Project #: 19 Date: Aug 18,2(Xr4 Prcpared Fon ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Dahl ofAvon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon' GO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Fax 970€45-9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com Project Summary Profect #: Proiect Name: Proiect Location: Delgn Data Locatlon: Outdoor Temperature: Tofial Area: Construction Qualfi: Roo|l}8 Requiring : Supplemental Heat Total Floor Dwnward: Total Ceiling Uprvard: Total Inflltration: Total Other Components: Net Heat L6: Net Radlant Load: Total Supplemental Heat: 19 KC DUPLEX 1260 VVESTHAVEN CIRCLE VAIL, (User€pecifi ed Location) -15 "F 3.365 tr Best Quality BDRIJI/LOFT - LOFT LEVEL DINING RM. UPPER LEVEL HEARTH/STUDY - UPPER LEVEL BATH - UPPER LEVEL MSTR BDRM - LOVI/ER LEVEL 25.018 Btu/hr 2,82s Bturhr 17,337 Btt/hr 28.316 Btu/hr 61,402 Btu/hr 59,500 Btu/hr 1.902 Btu/hr Heat Loss Data BDRil/LOFT (LOFT LEVEL) Tot l Atra: Avenge Height Volume: Perimeter Expored: Air Chengcc: RoomTqnperrturr: Floor 143ff 9fl 1,287 tr 11fr O.4 lhr 65 "F lnliltr.tion: Flool Downwad: Gelling Uprad: Odrer Componentlt Total Heat Lo$: Supplorneotel: Total Radhnt Lord: Floor Unit Load: Redlant Load to Roonr: Floor Unlt l-o.d Lo.d To Room: 733 Btu/hr 1,307 Btu/trr 369 Btu/hr 1,317 Btu/hr 3,726 Btu/hr (113) Btu/hr 3,613 Btdhr 25.3 Btr/fl.r/hr 2,3)6 Btu/hr 16.1 Btun:/hr Totll A'tar unhe.ted Alra: HcrbdAGa: Conatrrcton: Covo. RY: Strucfurr Rv: lfEubfon Rv: Space Bclow Hcetod: Surfeco Temgerefuic: 143 fli 0ff 143 ff Joist (16" OC) 2.9 "F'ff3hr/Btu 1 'F.fl:.hr/Btu 5'F'fi3hr/8tr.l From Same Source 73.1"F Downwad Load:1.3O7 Btu/hr Page 1 of 15 Croabd u3ing WiBbo Adyanc.d Dcaign Suilc - Vsrsion 5.0 (Reyisktn 10) Heat Loss Details W,'i=EIo Dahl of Avon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306 Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone: 970-949-9101 Fax 970{45-9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com Project #: 19 Dab: Aug 18,2fl14 Prepared For ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Ceiling Totrl ArDr: Unh.ebd Arcr: HeaGd A|rr: Constructon: Cover Rv: Sluctu|r Rv: lntuhdon Rv: spec. Aborn He.t d: Otrer Gomponents 143 ff 143 fl3 off Gypsum Wb[ boa]d 0 "F.fi3.hr/Btu 1 'F.f,3hr/Btu 30 "F'fr3'hr/Btu NO Uptf|.rd Loed:369 Btu/hr Componcnt Lcngth (ft) wblt 1 Wndow 1 BATHTLOFT (LOFT LEVEL) Attr(ff)Rv fF{3hrrBtul Ha.t Loca {Borhd 9S 37 11 5 Wid$/Helght -t!l- 9 7.5 m 2.77 1317 1m3 Totrl ArEa: 65 ll: Averago llelght 7 ft Volume: 455 ff Pedmeter Expoaed: 0 fi AirChenges: O.4 fnt Roo0rTempontuD: 65'F Floor Inllltsetion: Floor Do |wad: Celling Upward: Cn'|er Component : Total ]lelt Lcr: Supplementrl: Totrl Radhnt Load: Floor Unlt Loed: Redlrnt Load !o Room: Floor Unlt l-o.d Lo.d To Room: 259 Btuftr 135 Bt/hr 168 8tu/hr 0 Btt/hr 562 Btn/hr (0) Btu/hr 562 8tn/hr 8.6 atu/ff/hr 427 Btu/hr 6.6 Bturll.'/hr Total Arur: Unheated ADar Hoabd Arra: Conatrrcfon: Covo? Rv: Structr|! Rv: Inruhfon Rv: Specc Below Heatrd: Surfecc Temperabln: 6s fii 0fl: 65 fl: Joist (16" OC) 1.4 "F.fi3hr/Btu 1 'F-fl3hr/Btrl 5'F'fiahr/Btr From Same Source 68.3 "F Downward Load:135 Btu/hr Pag€ 2 of 15 Cr€8bd using VVhEbo Advanced De*tn Suite - Ver8ion 5.0 (Revision 10) Heat Loss Details Snonor WIFISBCI Dahl of Avon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306 Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-9f9-9101 Fax 97G&4$9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com Project#: 19 Dab: Aug 18,200f Prepared Fon ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Geiling Totrl Atr : Unhcabd ture: H.abd A|r : GomtnrUon: Govtr Rv: Structr|r RY: Incuhton Rv: Space Above He.Ed: OdrerComponents 65 ff: 55 fl: 0fl: Gypsum wall boanl 0 "F.fi3hr/Bti I "F.filhr/BtJ 30'F'ff'hr/Btu No Uptmrd Loed:168 Btu/hr Componant L.ngth (fr) Wall 1 KTTCHEN (UPPER LEVEL) Are. (tt')RY fF.fl:.hdBtu) Hest Loct (Btu tr)w|d$/Holght --l8I- 7 Totrl AFa: Av.rlge Helght Vok|rnc: P.d.nobr Erpcod: AlrCh.ng3|: RoonTcrnpcnfutr: Floor :y.2tP 8ft 2,736 tr 12.5fr. 0.4 /hr 65 "F lnfiltr tloo: Floor Ootrrrwrdr Colllng Uplmrd: Odrcr Gomponenlr: Totrl lbet Lcr: Supphnrentrl: Tot l R.dLnt Load: Floor Unit Load: RadLnt Lold to Rom; Floor Urlt Lo.d Loed To Room: 1,558 Btu/hr 753 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 820 Btr.t/hr 3,130 &u/hr (0) Btt/hr 3,131 Btu/hr 9.2 Blut'flF/hr 2,378 Btufir 7.0 Btufi:/hr Totll A'ra: Unhecbd Aroa: HoabdAlEe: Conrfiucton: Govrr Rv: Structut! ttv: Irruhdon Rv: Splce Bclor llealed: Surlecc Tanrpcntrn: Ceiling 342tr 0fi:u2tr Jctst (16'OC) 1.4 "F.fi3-hr/Btu I "F.fla.hr/Bft, 5'F.fl3.hr/Btu Frorn Same Sourca 68.5'F Oownwerd Load:753 Bhttr Totrl At[ : Unhcebd Alra: l{erbd Atra: Gonrtructlon: Govcr Rv: Structrn Rv: lrluledon Rv: Spcc Above He.bd: u2tr 3/.2lt'0tr Gypsum Wall board 0'F.lllhr/Bfrt 1 'F.fii.hr/Bhr 35'F.i:'hr/Btu Fmm Sarne Source Upwed Load:0 Ru/hr Pa$ 3 of 15 C'labd using Wrsbo Advancod De6ign Suitc - Vcfsion 5.0 (Rovbion 10) Heat Loss Details Wti=B., Dahl ofAvon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon, CO 81620 Prcpared By: Stu Lorton Phone: 970-949-9101 Fax 970€4$9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com Proiect#: 19 Dab: Aug 18,2(X)4 Prepared Foc ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Otrer Components Component ronSrh (ft) Wall 1 Wndour I DTNTNG Rr (UPPER LEVEL) Arer (ft')Rv fF'fl:.hdBu) ]le.t Locs (Bt|rhr) m 2.77 820 505 100 17 12.5 3.5 Wld$/Holght E 5 Total Arca: Avenge lhight Vohtmc: Ped.na&r Erpo.od: Air Chenger: Roo.nTomperefun: Floor 256 ff 't0 fr 2,560 ff 32ft 0.4 /hr 65 "F Infilffion: Floor Ddrnuad: Gelllng Upwad: Of|.r Componontr: Totrl lbrt L63: Suppbmcntrl: Totrl Rtdbd Lotd: Floor Unll Loed: R.dhnt Lo.d b Room: Floor Unlt Lod Lord To Rooflt: 1.4fi8 Bturhr 1,Eils Btu/hr 651 Btu/hr 4,2728ilrlhr E,224 Btr'hr (1,1r|8) Btu/hr 7,O77 &ulh? 27.6BntltrIhl 5.2/t2 Btu/hr 20.5 Btu/fl3/hr Total Area: UnheatedAE: HeabdAEar Condn clion: CdarRv: Structrre Rv: ln3uhtion Rv: Speca Bolow Hcatod: Surface Temperefuir: Ceiling 256 tr 0ff 256 fi: Joist (16" OC) 1.6 "F.ffahr/Btu 1 "F.fi:.hr/Btu 5 "F'ff.hr/Btu From Same Sourca 75.2"F Downwerd Load:'1.835 Btuftr Tot l AEa: Unhoaiod A|ra: HeeEdAne: Conrtrucdon: Cove? Rv: Etnrctlr? RY: lmuhdon Rv: Sp.ce Abow He.bd: O0rerGomponents 256 tr 256 tr 0fl: Gypsum Wall boad 0 "F.ff.hr/Btu 1 "F-fiF.hr/Btu 30 "F.i3'hr/Btu No UEmd Load:661 Bhvhr Cornponsnt rcngth (ft) llvall 1 Wndow 1 Wldft/tlelght tft) 10 9.5 A|l. (tFl R\, ("Fff-hrrBtu) lfrrt Locr (8tu hr) 32 5 320 17 20 2.77 4272 1372 Page 4 of 15 Croabd uling tlt ksbo Advenc.d D6ign Suito - VenBim 5.0 (Rcv6rim 10) Heat Loss Details Snonor wrFlsiElcl Proiect#: 19 Dab: Aug 18,zfiN Prepared For ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Dahl ofAvon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone: 97G9{9-9101 Fa* 970-&4$9926 Emil: slorton@dahlplumbing.com Other Gomponents Component tcngth (ft) Window 2 Wndovv 3 HEARTH'STUDY (UPPER LEVEL) A1rl (fi:) Ry fF'ff'hrrBil) ]lort Los! (Btufi4 rfs 29 5 6.5 Wlddr/H,ebm -GL-9 4.5 2.n 2.Tl t3m 845 Totrl A!!!: Avcngc llelght Voluma: Pr'lm.br Expo.ed: Alr Ch.ngo.: Roo rTomgrntrF: Floor 9S fl3 8ft 792tr 11fi 0.1lhe 65 "F lnfiltrruon: FloorDowmard: Coiling Uptmrd: O0rr Cornponcntr: Totrl tb.t L6s: Supplem.nt h Totrl R.dhnt Load: Floor Unlt Load: R.dbnt Lo.d b Rooflr: Floor Unlt Loed Lord To Room: 451 Btunrr 705 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 1,916 Btu/hr 3,071 Bhvnr (33:i) Btu/hr 2,739 Bttt/hr 27.7 Btultrlhr 2,034 Btu/hr 20.5 Btu/fl,'/hr Totrl Arca: Unh6.bd Ama: Hcrted Ana: Gonr&rrtirn: CovrRv: Structuo Rv: lmuhton Rv: Sp.co Below H,t d: surf.c. Tenpcnfutr: Ceiling 99ll:0ff 99tr Joast (16'OC) 1.58 "F i!'hr/Btu 1'F.tl3hr/Btu 5 "F.ff.hrrBtu From Same Source 75.3 "F O,ownward Load:705 Btn/hr Totel Arca: Unheatod Aroe: Helbd ArDa: Co|||t||clion: GwcrRv: Structnr RY: lnrubdon Rv: Sprce Abovr Ha.bd: Otlrer Components 99 fl3 99ff 0fl: Gypsum Wall board 0'F.ff.hr/Bhr t "F.fl:.hr/Btu 35'F'ff.hr/Btu Frorn Same Source Upward Loed:0 Btu/hr Co.nponent rrnsth (ft) Lvall 1 Door I Wld0ilHclght -l8l-I 6 88 42 11 7 A]lr (fi:)Rv fF.fl:-hdBtu) llr|t Loa. (Et rhr) 1916 1740 20 1.93 Page 5 of 15 Cr€abd usino Wr3bo Advancad Deeign Sulo - Venrirn 5.0 (R.vbitn 10) Heat Loss Details Enonor WIFISEICI Proiect#: 19 Dab: Aug 18,2(X!l Preparcd Fon ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT DahlofAvon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon, CO E1620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone: 970-949-9101 Fax 970-&4$9926 Ernail: slorton@dahlplumbing.com LIVING RT (UPPER LEVEL) Totrl Area: Averagc Hoight Voluma:P.*n b. Expoaed: AlrCh.ngp|: RoomTompantrrt: Floor 377 tr 12fr. 4,524 f 51 fi 0.4 /hr 65 "F lnf,ltr.tlon: Floor Dounwrd: Coill.rg Upw.d: Oftcr Comgonentr: Total ]laet l-cr: Supplemontrl: ToLl R.dbnt Load: Floor Unh Load: Redlrnt Loed b Room: Floor Unlt Loed Loed To Roorn: 2.576 Btu/hr 4,(X3 Btu/hr 973 Btu/ht 8,123 Btr.r/hr 15,715 Btu/hr (0) Btu,/hr 15.715 Btu/hr 41.7 Btufi:/hr 11,672 Btu/hr 31.0 &u/fi.'/hr To,tel Arca: Unherbd Arua: HeabdAG.: Conaln cton: Gove? Rv: Stn cturr Rvi Inruhdon Rv: Spaca Below llcatod: Surfacc Tcnrperatrn: Geiling 377 E 0flF 377 tr Joist (16" OC) 1.58 "F.fi:.hr/Btu 1'F.tr.hr/Btu 5'F'filhr/Btu From Same Source 80.5 "F Domwe.d Lold:4.(X3 Bttlhr TotrlAE: UnhorH Area: Hoabd AE.: Construction: Covar Rv: StructuIr Rv: lr|suhdon Rv: Space Abot 3 Heabd: Odrer Gomponents 377 fP 377 ff 0ff Gypsum Wall board 0'F.ff hr/Btu 1 "F-flf.hr/Btu 3O 'F ff'hr/Btu No Upwrrd L€d:973 Blu/hr Cm|ponont L.nSth (ft) Wall 1 Wndo\, 1 Wrdow2 Vtfindow 3 Wftlow4 Wld0ilHelght -lEI-12 Atot(tr)Rr, ("Fff.hr,tstu) Ho.t Lo.s (Btu h4 612 63 27 67 73 7 4.5 7.5 7 51 I 6 I 20 2.Tl 2.77 2.71 2.77 8173 1820 7n 19/09 2123 Pagp 6 of 15 Creabd usim Wirsbo Advanoed tla3ign sul€ - Vc.!k n 5.0 (Rovittitn 10) Heat Loss Details Snonor WIFISEICI Project#:19 Dab: Aug 18,2004 Prepared For: ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Dahl of Avon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306 Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Fax 97G84$9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com BATH (UPPER LEVEL) Tot l Amr: Avcnge lleight Volume: Perlmebr Expotod: Alr Ghengos: RoomTemp€rafuE: Floor 128 Btu/hr 18O Btu/hr 72Bt/h. 418 Btu/hr 798 Btu/hr (10) Btu/hr 786 Btlr/ht 28.1 Btu/n:/hr 608 Btu/hr 2'1.7 Blnrm'ftJ.l 28 tts 8ft z24fP 5.5 ft 0.4 /hr 65'F Infflbr0on: Floor Downward: Cdllng Upr.rd: Od|o Conrponenb: Totll llert L6r: Supplementel: Totrl R.dhnt Load: Floor Unft Lo.d: R.dbnt Lold to Room: Floor Unft Load Load To Room: TotalAn: Unheabd Atoa: Heabd A|ra: Conrlruclionr Cover Rv: Structr|€ RY: lmublion Rv: Spsco Below Heabd: Sufi.ce TemperafuG: Geiling JoEt (16'OC) 1.28 "F.ff.hr/Btu '| "F'fl1hr/Btu 5 "F'tr'hr/Btu From Same Source 75.9'F 28 fl:0tr 28 ff: Downward Load:180 Btu/hr Total 4rc.: Unheat d A.ra: Heabd Arca: Constnrction: Cover Rv: StrucfurE RY: ln3uleton Rv: Spaco Abow He.bd: Odter Components 28 fi: 28 ni 0ff Gypsum Wall boad 0 "F.tr.hr/Btu 1"F-ff.hr/Biu 30'F.fl:.hr/Btu No Upward Load:72Btufnl Compomnt tcngth (ft) Wall 1 Wndout I Itid$/Helght -tEt-8 4 Alse (ff:l R\, fF{:.hrtBtu) He.t Loas (Btrrhr) 5.5 2.5 u 10 418 289 20 2.77 Page 7 of 15 Creat€d using lll/iIsbo Advancod Dsaign Suite - version 5.0 (Rovision 10) Heat Loss Details Snonor WIFISBO Proiect#: 19 Date: Aug 18,2004 Prepared Fon ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Dahl of Avon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306 Avon, GO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Fax 970-84$9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com BDRil (LOWER LEVEL) Tot l Alt!; AYer.gF Helght Volurne: Perimebr Erpoced: Air Chengoc: RoornTomper|bn: Floor 187 fis 8fi 1,496 F 11fi O.1 lhr 65'F Infittratl,on: Floor llownwald: Cclllng Uprerd: Odter Conrponenb: Totrl lle.t Lo..: Supplementrl: Tottl R.dtrrnt Lo.d: Floo. Unlt Lo.d: Radiant Lo.d to Room: Floor Unlt Load Lo.d To Room: 852 Bitu/hr 3,699 Btuthr 0 Btr.r/hr 1,275 Btu/hr 5,826 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 5,826 Btu/hr 31.2 Btu/ff:/hr 2,127 Btulhl 1't.4 Btu/fi:/hr Totel Arcer Unheated Arc!: HoabdArre: Con3truction: Cover Rv: Struchr|l Rv: lmulrfon Rv: Spaco Eclor Hoabd: Surfaco Temperetrro: Ceiling 187 ff 0ff 187 ff Joist (16" OC) 2.9 "F.frlhr/Btu 1'F.ff.hr/Btu 5 'F.fi'. hr/Btu No 70.7 "F Downwerd Load:3,699 Btu/hr Total Ar€a: Unheatad Ar€ar Heatad Area: Conrtnrcfon: Cover Rv: Structup Rv: lmuhdon Rv: Space Abovt Herbd: Odrer Components 187 tr 'rE7 ll3 0flr Gypsum Wbll board 0'F.ff.hr/Btu 1"F.flf.hr/Btu 35'F fr3'hr/Btu From Same Source Upward Loed:0 Btu/hr Component Leng$ (ft) Wall 1 Wndow 1 Wftt0ilHelght lftl 8 5 88 37 11 7.5 Arca (lf)Rv fF.ff:.hdBtu) Heat Lo63 (Btu hrl 1275 ro83 20 2.77 Page I of 15 Cr€abd using Wrsbo Advanced Desbn Suitc - VeBion 5.0 (Revision 10) Heat Loss Details Enonor wlFtsiEro Proiect#: 19 Date: Aug 18,2004 Prepared For ERIG'S DRAIN & HEAT Dahl ofAvon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone: 970-949-9101 Fax 97044$9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com ENTRYTFOYER (LOWER LEVEL) Tot l A|rr: Average Helght Voloma: Perimeter Expoeed: Alr Ghrnger: RoomTomperrfu!!: Floor 245 tr 10fr 2,450 ff 21 fr 0.4 /hr 65'F Infrllr.don: Floor Oounwad: Goillng Upward: Ot'|cr Componont3: Totel l{oet Lcr: 9upplemental: Totrl Rerllant Load: Floor Unit Lord: R.dhnt Load to Room: Floor Unlt Lord Lord To Room: 1 ,395 Btu/hr 1,1140 Bhr'hr 632 Btu/hr 2,519 Btu/hr 5,986 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 5,986 Btu/hr 24.4 Btu/fl,'/hr 4,546 Btr"/hr 1E-6 Btn/ff/hr Totrl Aea: Unhoatod Ana: Heabd Ama: Gonstruclion: Cover Rv: StructurD Rv: lmulalion Rv: Space Below Heeted: Surtrce Tempcraturc: Geiling 245tr 0f,i 245 ff Joist (16" OC) 1.4 "F.fi3hr/Btu 1"F'ff.hr/Btu 5'F'fiS'hr/Bttt From Same Source 74.3"F Downuid Lord:1.440 Btu/hr TotNl Arce: Unheebd Aroe: Heat d A|ea: Con!tructon: Govcr Rv: StnrcturE Rv: lnsulaton RY: Spece Abow Hedcd: Other Gomponents 245tr 245 ttz 0tr Gypsum wall board 0'F-fr3hr/Btu 1 'F'ff hr/Btu 30 "F.ff.hr/Btu No Upward Load:632 Btr.r/hr Compon€nt Lengilh (ftl Wall 1 Door 1 WIdtr/tleight -l8t-10 5 21 9.5 Area (fF)RY ('F.fr}hdBul H6et LoCS (Atu hrt 2519 19(n m 2 210 47 Pag€ I of 15 Creabd using Wrsbo Advanced Desln Suite - Ve'sion 5.0 (Rcvision t0) Heat Loss Details Snonor wrFrsiErcl Dahl of Avon 780 Nottingham Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon. CO 81620 Fax 970-84$9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com Proiect#: 19 Date: Aug 18,2(X)4 Prepared For: ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Prepared By: Stu msrR BDRm (LOWER LEVEL) Totrl AFr: Avengp Helght: Volume: Padmebr Expoaod: AIr Chrngc.: RoomTomporahrF: Floor 217 tV 9.5 ft 2,061 n: 29.5 ft 0.4 /hr 65 "F lnfilbition: Floo.Irownwed: Cclllng Uprrd: Odrer Component!: Total llert LoG: Supploment l: Tot|l R.dbnt Loed: Floor Unlt Load: Radbni Loed to Room: Floor Unlt Load Load To Room: 1,174 Btu/hr 4,EE3 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 2,fXl5 Bhtftr E,691 Btu/hr (298) Btu/hr 8,394 Btu/hr 38.7 Btu/lli/hr 3,51 1 Btu/hr 16.2 Btu/lts/hr ToblArl.: Unhealed Ana: He.bd Aria: Construction: Col,orRv: Structu]! Rv: lmubton Rv: Sp.ce Belou He.ted: Surf.co TernpoEtJG: Geiling 2',t7 lF 0ff 217 ltz Joist (16'Oc) 2,9 "F.fi1hr/Btu 1 'F-fi3.hr/Btu 5'F ff.hr/Btu No 73.1 "F Dormwtrd Load:4,883 Btu/hr Total ArGa: Unheated Ana: Herled Aca: Conrtrucdon: Cover Rv: structr]€ RY: Inruhton Rv: Spece Abovo HGet d: Other Gomponents a7ff 217 ff 0fl3 Gypsum Wall boad 0'F.fi3.hr/Btu 1"F.ltl.hr/Btu 35'F.ff.hr/Btu From Same Source Upwad Load:0 Btu/hr Componcnt Lengilh (ft) Wall 1 Wndow 1 \Mndow 2 Wid&rHelght -lq-9-5 20 2.77 2.n 2W 15 47 2.5 9.5 29.5 6 5 Ar€a (fi:)Rv fF.ff:.hrrBtu) Heat Lost (Btrrhr) 2635 433 1372 Page 10 of 15 Cr€abd using Wr3bo Advanced Design Suite - Ver3ion 5.0 (Revision 10) Heat Loss Details Snonor wlFlsiEro Proiect#:19 Dab: Aug 18,2(XH Prepared For: ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Dahl of Avon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306 Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone:97G949-9101 Fax 970-84$9926 Ernail: slorton@dahlplumbing.com rsrR BATH (LOWER LEVEL) Avo|l.gpHolght Ifi Volume: St6 fr: Pcrim.br Eryo.cd: E.5 ft TotrlAE:117 ff Alr Ch.ngo.:0.4 /hr RoomTdnp.rafuE: 65 "F Floor lnf,lHon: Floor Oownw.d: C.lllng Upr.rd: O0|crComponentt: Total Hcet Locr: SuppLmonttl: Totrl Rrdhnt Lo.d: Floor Unlt Lo.d: Rrdbnt Lord to Room: 533 Btu/hr 20{ Btunrr 0 Btr/hr 259 8tn/hr 1,Gi6 Btu/hr (0) &urhr 1,056 Bhlhr 9.0 Btu/fF/hr 792 Hu/hr Floor Unlt Lod load To Room: 6.8 Btu/fl:/hr Totrl Ane:117 tr UnherbdAr!.: 0n: HcrbdApa:1't7 ff Gonslrucdon: Joid (16" OC) Downu.d Lo.d: 2&4 Btuftr Govrr Rv: StructurD fw: 1.5 "F.ff.hr/Btu 1 "F-fi1hr/Btu lmubflon RY: 5 "F'ff'hr/Btu Sprce Bclow tleabd: From Same Source Surface Tdnpcrrt|tr: 68-4 'F Geiling Totrl A|?a:117 ff Unhesied Ana: 117 lf HeeEd A|D.3 0fl3 Gonrtnrctlon: Gypsum Wall boatd Upwed Loed: 0 Btu/hr Gorer Rv: Structrtr RY: 0 "F'fiS.hr/Btu 1'F'ff'hr/Btu lnrub on Rt : 35 "F ff'hr/Btu Spce Abovo Heltad: F om Same Source OdrerComponents component lrngiln6) - *t*lfildn* Ar€e(ffl Rv('F{i'htBtu, }h.tLo..(Btuhd wbil 1 8.5 I 68 20 259 Page lt of 15 C]6abd tt irg ttftsbo Advanced llcign Sub - Ven*rn 5.0 (Rwbbn l0) Heat Loss Details Project #: 19 Date: Aug 18,2q!tl Preparcd For ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Snonor wrFlsiBo Dahl of Avon 780 Noftingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon, CO 81620 Preparcd By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Fax 970-84$9926 Ernail slofton@dahlplumbing.com LAUNDRY'BATH (LOUYER LB/EL) Total A|Der 410 Btu/hr 24:! Rrt/l|r O Btu/hr 320 Btnftr 973 Btu/trr (0) Brrhr 973 Btu/hr 10.E Btu/frShr 730 Btu/hr 90tr lnfilbrtlon: Floor Oownrerd: Cclllng Upund: Ofier Carponentr: Total l{c.t L6!: Supplemental: Totrl R..llrnt Lo.d: Floor Unlt Load: R.dlant Lo.d to Roo0r: Fbor Unlt Loed l-o.d To Room: 8.1 Btttilts/hr Av.ngp H,clght 8 ft Volune: 720 f,: Pedm€trr Erpoccd: 10.5 ft Alr Ch.ngc.: O.1 hr RoomTempoirt te: 65'F Floor Totrl Art :90 fi3 UnheatedAna: off Heabd Arra:90 n3 Condnrcton: Joist (16" OC) Dornward Loed: 243 Btu/hr Covor Rv: Stuctrrr Rv: 1.5 "F.fi1hr/Au 1'F'ff.hr/Btu lnaulaton Rv: s'F'ff'hr/Btu SFcs Bolou lhated: From Same Source Surfeco Tempereturo: 69.1 "F Ceiling Totrl Amar 90 fi3 UnhaatedAtra: 90tr ]leaH Ar€a:0flf Condrucli,on: Gypsumwall board Cover Rv: 0 'F-f,i'hr/Btu Structrre Rv:1 "F'ff.hr/Btu Upwrrd Load: 0 Btu/hr lmuhdon Rv: 35 "F fl9'hr/Btu Spaco Aboy! Heated: Fmm Sarne Source Other Gomponents componont tensth (ft) . *oolfifnnt Arcr {fi:l Rv fF{:'h.rBtu} lloat Lo6. (Btu hd wbfi 1 10.5 I 84 m 320 Page 12 of 15 C]eabd uaing tMrsbo Advanced Dasbn Sul6 - Vetsion 5.0 (Rcvit*n 10) Heat Loss Details Snonor wrFtsEfo Project #: 19 Date: Aug t8,20(N Prepared For ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Dahl ofAvon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Fax 970{4S9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com BUNK RM (LOWER LEVEL) ToblAEr: Avenrgs Helght Volurnc: Porftnobr Erpoced: Alr Ch.nger: RoomTcmpeature: Floor 180 ff: 8ft 1,440 ff 28ft 0.4 /hr 65 "F lnffl'lton: Floor Dounwad: Celllng Upinard: Ofto? Componontt: Totrl Hsqt Lcs: Suppbmental: Totel R.dLr Lo.d: Floor Unlt Load: R.dlrnt Load to Room: Floor Unlt Load Load To Room: 820 Btu/hr 1,236 &u/hr 0 Su/hr 'l,361 BtL/hr 3,4,|7 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 3,417 Btu/hr 19.0 Btu/fl3/hr 2,181 Btu/hr 12.1 Btu/fi.'/hr Total Arla: Unheabd Ana: Hoaied Aroa: Conslructl,on: Govor Rv: Structure Rv: ll[ulalion Rv: Eprce Below H,tttod: Surface Tempentum: Geiling 180 ff 0f 180 frz Joid (16" OC) 2.9 "F.ff.hr/Btu I 'F.fi3.hrlBtn 5'F ff.hr/Btu From Same Source 71.1"F Dormwed Lord:1.236 Btu/hr Total ABa: Unheated Arca: HeabdAEa: Construcdon: Cover Rv: Stncfuru Rv: lmuhton Rv: Space Abow Hoebd: Other Gomponents 180 tr 180 fln 0fl: Gypsum Wall boad 0'F.ll3 hr/Btu 1"F.ff.hr/Btu 35'F fl:'hr/Btu From Same Source Upward Load:0 Btu/hr Component Length (ft)ttfldth/tleight I 4.5 Wall 1 Wndow 1 24 20 28 4.5 Arrr (fl:) Rv fF.tllhrrBtt) lleat Locr (Btuftr) 1361 585 20 2.77 Page 13 of 15 Cr.abd using Winbo Advanced DesQn Suitc - Veraion 5.0 (Revisbn l0) Heat Loss Details Proiect #: 19 Dab: Aug 18,2qt4 Prepared For ERIC'S DMIN & HEAT Enonor WIFISBO Dahl of Avon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 1836 Avon, CO 81620 Prcparcd By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Fax 97044F9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com SToRAGE RM (LOYVER LEVEL) Totrl Are.: Aver.gp Hoight: VolurnG: Perimebr Expoccd: Alr Ghenger: RoomTomper|tr|r: Floor 612 ff 6ft 4,896 ff 53fr 0.4 /hr 65'F lnfrltsaton: Floor Oownward: Colllng Uptmd: OdrGr ComponGr r: Total tb.t Lo6s: Supphmcntrl: Totel Rrdhrt Lo.d: Floor Unlt Load: Rrdlar Load to Room: Floor Unit Load Load To Roofli: 2,788 Btu/hr 2,4(X Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 1,615 Btu/hr 5,807 Btu/hr (0) Btr.r/hr 6,807 Btu/hr 11.1 Btu/ff/hr 4,403 Btu/hr 7.2 Btdff/hr Totel Are.: Unheat6d Arca: HeabdArca: Con3tructlon; Shb Depth: Covoa RYI Structulo RY: ln8ulation Rv: Pedme0or Rv: Edgc Rv: Surfrce Tempenfurc: Geiling 612 fl: 0fi: 612 tr Concrele 4in 0.5 "F f'hr/Btu 1"F.ff.hr/Btu 5'F'ff'hr/Btu 5 "F'ff hr/Btu 5 "F.ff'hr/Btu 68.6 "F Downwlrd Load:2.4(X Btu/hr Totll Arer: Unheatod Arral Heated Ama: Gonstruction: cover RY: Structurt RY: lmulaton Rv: Space Abovt Heabd: Otlrer Components 612tr 612 tt:0tr Gypsum Wall board 0 'F.ff.hr/Btu 1 'F.ff'hr/Btu 35 'F.ll3.hr/Btu From Sam6 Source Upward Load:0 Btu/hr Component Lsngfi (ft) Wall I Yudrh/Height -J!t-I Ar€a (fi:)Rv ("F.fi:.hrrBb) He.t LGs (Btdh4 1615 Page 14 of 15 C€abd u3ing Wrsbo Advanced DctQn Sule - Ventbn 5.0 (Revisitn 10) Heat Loss Details Project#: 19 Dab: Aug 18,2004 Prepared For: ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT Enonor wrFlsBo Dahl ofAvon 780 Nottingham Rd. P.O. Box 18306 Avon, CO 81620 Prepared By: Stu Lorton Phone:970-949-9101 Fax 970€4$9926 Email: slorton@dahlplumbing.com GARAGE (LOWER LEVEL) ToblArca:407 ff Infiltreton: Floor lrownwerd: Celllng Upulrd: O'0|er Go rpon€ntr: Total Heat Loor: Supplemontal: Tot l Rsdlant Lord: Floor Unlt Load: Radbnt Load to Room: 2202Btvfitr 1,E91 Ru/trr 0 Btu/hr 1,466 Bhvlr 5,559 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 5,558 Btu/hr r3.7 Btufi:/hr 3,667 Btt/hr AveEgE Helght 9.5 ft Volurnc: 3,866 F Perimobr Exporad: 40.5 fi Alr Chrogc!:0.4 /hr RoomT.rnperrtuF: 65 'F Floor Floor Unlt Lord Load To Roonr: 9.0 Etur'F/hr Totrl Ana:407 ff UnheatedAma: Otr Hoeted A|€r:407 fF Construction: ConcrBte Dournrard Loed: 1.89'l Btu/hr Shb Depth: Cover Rv: Structr|e Rv: 4in 0.5 'F ff'hr/Btu 1 'F-fl:.hr/Btu lmuladon Rv: 5 "F'lf hr/Btu Pe.lmotrr RY: 5 'F'ff hrGtu EdgeRv: s'F'fl1hr/Btu Surf.ce TGmperebE: 69-5 "F Ceiling Totrl A]ea:407 ff Unheat d Are.: 407 fl: Upw"rd Lord: 0 Blu/hr HeeGdAea: Constucuonl Gover Rv: Structurc Rv: ofl: Gypsum Wall boad 0 "F.fl1hr/Btu 1 'F.ff.hr/Btu lmuladon RY: 35 "F'ff'hr/Btu Sp.co Abovo Hed.d: Fmm Same Soure Other Gomponents Component Lengilh (ft) Widtlfreight Area (fi:) Ry fF.fF.ht 8tu) lleat Locs (Btrrhr) wh 1 /r0.5 9.5 385 20 1466 Page 15 of 15 C.oabd usi.U W]sbo Advanced O€ign Suilc - Version 5.0 (R.viebn 10) TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0378 Tp\ ,o tg r( Job Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE Applied . . : 12122/2W4 Parcel No...: 210312403040 Issued. . : 01126/2005 ProjectNo : ?RTOS o j'(? Expires. .: O7l25l2CfJi5 owNER THORNHILL, THOMAS E. - ET ALI2/22/2004 phone: t CO. KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: I,IARK W HALTER 1901 W 47TH Prr STE 300 wEsTwooD Ks 56205-1834 License: CoNTRACTOR ERIC'S DRjAIN AND HEAT SERVIC!2/22/2OO4 phone: 970-524-0743 P.O. BOX 5751 VAIIT, CO 81558 L,icense: 2LL-Y| APPLICAII"T ERICTS DRAIN AND HEAT SERVICL2/22/2OO4 Phone: 970-524-0743 P.O. BOX 5761 VAIL, CO 816s 8 I-,icense : 2L]--t'| Desciption: ADDING NEW FIREPLACE AND GAS LOG SET Valuation: 51.500.00 Fireplace Inforrnation: ResFicted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas I-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical--- > Plan Check..- ) Investigation- > Will call--- > $4o. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $10.00 DRB Fee------------- > so . o0 'l oTAL FEES---------> $3.00 So. o0 Total Calculated Fees--> s0.00 AdditionalFees--------> S53. oo Total Permit Fee-----> Payments------------ > BALANCE DUE-__-- > 9s3.00 s0. 00 $s3.00 $s3.00 s0.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT or/24/2o05 ecD Actj-on: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 1-2 (el,oe .): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CoDE COMPI-,IAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (Br_,DG.): TNSTAITLATTON MUST CONFORM TO !4ANUFACTIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 (,It{C, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG- ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SHAI-,L BE VENIED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER I AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1-997 TX,IC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:32 (BIJDQ.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information ard plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOT'R HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *++*************++t*****+***tf+***i+++t*******r***i+f*+*+++**+*ii***+*tlr*++**a*********t*f*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ***********tt+**+*****t+*++**+*l+++i**a*********f+a****a**+****+++++************++*******t** Statement Nurdber: R050000052 Amount: 953.00 OI/2G/2OOstO:59 AM Pay'ment Method: Cash Init: DDG Notat.ion: Eric's - cash Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Lrocation: Thi6 Pa)rment: MP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 PF 00100 0 031123 00 wc 001000031128 00 M04-03?8 t\4re: MECHAIIICAI PERMIT 210312403040 1250 WESTEAVSN CR VAIL 1250 Vf HAVEN CIRCLE $s3.00 ,f***t++**+*+'i*i**+++++t***********++t******t***t**++++**t**tt+i*+*+*******fit+lf+*t++******+ ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account code Deacription Current Pmts Total Feeg : Total AIJIJ Pnte : Balance: $s3. oo $s3.00 $0.00 MECHANICA! PERMIT FEES PI,AN CIIECK FEES WILI CAIJI' INSPECTION FEE 40.00 10.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR MWNOFYAIL 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: Permit will not be accepted without the following: ical 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Sr.r,s D".^r,.* (..^t{ Vent and Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec CONTRACTOR INFORMATION , rl--l,i Toryqof Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: E-Maif Address: ZU- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ApproveCd- 24- os ***x*************xx*****FOR OFFICE USE ON|Y*****xx**x*********x********* Other Feesl Planner Siqn-off:Acceoted Bv: DRB FEes:Date Received: Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #')t^; (') vr \lf (/n I \U >\rr -1 U -/\' tLi Job Name: j .t jl tA;r ,".1/ .l t too frltl' ,r"J /o , , ou r, P ,a , / Legal Description Lot: pQ Block:Filing:Subdivision: (o/et: Ltr^^ > Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: A)e,^) f,r<olqcz t ,a1 | -.--' I G, s 1^-a, fuJ- Work Class: New ( ) Addition D<) Alteration ( ) nepuiFl ) Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex () Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Tvoe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas toqs 0() Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( NofFype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas t-ogs () Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPLRM.DOC 53 0'7 t26D002 R; -L ,17 t^/7 aS -Ts6ta -Seriel - /AOf f,rep /c ce (6*tve-1.J -oo/Eorolxt l -r o Gas L"1 -Lec< is Tr.roloys ol ',rufo.. ^o4 f o,r- DxsTl-.e Fi re pla"< i. "o-f' ] A,. lll This information is for planning purPoses only' Please refer to installadon hstuctions when installing this product.rr Il00 product Dimensions 1 15/a" Gas Knockout 681/s" Effective Height 97/r" 50n- + Dimensions Fireplace Locations p In an exterior chase or projecting into a garage Note: Fireplace hsader cannot be positioned untrl atter the fireplace asscn|bly is in ptace. D = h€ader height t.Jse only noncombustible matenal below the top of thc konl standoffs. As a room divider Along a wall E E Clearance Dimensions - Across a corner B (Effective Height) l*__ 605/s"____l l-- e -l A B a r80 42"501/2"341t2" r60 36"44v2"zJ' a A B D t1 00 ot"B 303/a"nl 6't ' r80 5'l'/2"28''z 49Y0"495i s" r60 28"493/c 49}a" A B a D E 100 1O47ta atz 2 243ts"7411,1 61s/e" r80 923ti',46ae'211t2"65sis 511t2" r60 85"42!z 1Q3/,"601/a 45112" A FI 100 20"681/e" t80 12"551/a" tou 12"J5 "2 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Plumbing--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> PLUMBINGPERMIT 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE 210312403040 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 6o,f-orc( Permit #: Status...: Applied. . : Issued . . : Expires . .: P04-0140 ISSUED 10/15/2004 t0/20/2004 04/18/2005 AT-'L1 / t5 / 2004 Phone : MARK W HAI,TER 5225 .00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S56.25 DRBFee--------------> s0.00 TOTAL FEES---> ' s3.00 50.00 Total Calculatcd Fe€s--> S0 - 00 Additional Fees 5284 -25 Total P€mit Fee-------> Paymenls---------------> BALANCE DUE____-> 9284.25 s0.00 s2a4.25 s2a4 .25 s0.00 **,tt' t t r r,*rr* r { rrr Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT 1,0/1-5/2004 JS Action: AP Ttem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cond:12 CONDITION OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.(BLDG. ) : FfEI-,D jlra**tt**+ ++ +++ a** * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accruate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ProjectNo t 7rJo9- otq'l OWNER THORNHILL, THOMAS E. - ET g CO. KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: 1901 W 4'7TH PL STE 3OO wEsrwooD Ks 66205-1834 License: CONTRACTOR ERrC'S DRAIN & HEAT SERVICE L0/1,5/2004 Phone: 970-524-0743 PO BOX 5761 VATL CO 81658 License : 257 -P APPLICANT ERIC'S DRAIN & HEAT SERVTCE L0/1,5/2004 Phone: 9'70-524-0743 PO BOX 5761 VAIL CO 81558 License : 257 -P Desciption: REMODEL ALL PLUMBING-WATER, WASTE AND GAS Valuation: S15.000.00 Fireplace Inlbrmation: Restt'icted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas Logs: ??# of Wood Paltet: ?? REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOTIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. ***++*+*+++*tf,t**t***t******+l+t+*+ttt+*+++**++******f*+***i+lf*tt+++++*+*+*atf+++********** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +**i+*t**t****+***+**fl{r+'}++*tfft+++****t****a***tt*a***tt***+tt*t+++tt++*********it+tt*lt*t Statenent Number: R040006935 Amount: Palment Method: Check Heat / ck 5630 5284.25 L0 / 20 /2OO4O8 :20 AM Init: LT Notation: Eric's Drain & Permi t No: Parcel No:Site Address : Location: This Payment: P04-0140 Tl4>e 3 210312 4 03 040 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 1260 W HAVEN CIRCI.,E . s284.25 PI,UMBING PERMIT Total Fees:Total Al,L Pmts : Balance: s284.25 s284.25 $0.00 ACQOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111r_00 wc 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERI4IT FEES WII,L CAIL INSPECTION FEE s6.25 225.00 3.00 I TOWN0FVt APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #; 970-479-2149 (l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: FAraa DRArn c $adT- go<vtcL Town of Vail Req. Dle.: 25?1',( Contact and Phone #'s: 1:RtL s\q-61tt>^ Z7o-tge E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature 7ilt COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBTNG: S ls.tloo Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel #?to3 - lAq-_plp_l_9 Job Name: fr C Dup\<,f RCwroOe_1 Job Address: ie6O Uegrl4 frveN LesalDescription ll Loe eq Block:Filing:Subdivision:UqL Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: description Detailed of work: KErhoDa.t A\t ?iur.n2t^ip w,15re f c'"t.' f &'> Work Class: New ( ) Addition ()O Alteration ({ Repair ( ) Other ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex (x'1 Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) for Parcel # ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******!t***J<***********'(************** il i .itl; , , .. I ti ri i_ -r-crv:g_oli,PFL. i \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMI'I'S\PI-MBPERM,DOC }b* ?> 0't /26t2002 1.leF o?. 05 O6: 35p R I CHRRD KEDROI,',lSK I 970 -?r+8 -0955 P.1 ,r'ifr .rC^U 1,s.,t1Q'XY l, I lll -vt ^" '/ ATf B.AOK EXISTII{a RAFTERg O\GRFRAME FARTIAL HIEH RAQE PLAN ffl;'4r,4 '"-fl;"-"il ll4' = l'-o" NOTE, + fNDrcATEg DlREdloN oF 2xto.RAFTERg a 16" o.c. Parlcrs tsa<fta/ :oP d &t/a ttr Dlllr ,-140 A'tEitx-r &JA ta'.1'-d bcfb -!6i-r!A |E Wr.-.t 4n 4.aora6&a!'.C.,.vrtLc6btuAbr'l .$pt4L-tdo a16-4'o,, Lx KC DuPLEX FE9IDENCE- uEgT TN]T t20@ uEgftlAv€f"t CIFCLE VAIL, @LARADO JUL-2F2OO5 FRI P:22 Pll lll,l0offi FA)( m. 9704681208 P. 0l To: From: Chnr/;e lhvis 'i'o,o,t ol Vo;l Sldg' off' WrlVnG Martin, Ehvatar InsPector 97O"{68'0291t ext. 108 or dg6 ortD$ecsS.co.ug Dari,:: O/r/rl5 .n ' Pn:jc-4!{amet G/en Lgan 0"7kx tl FA, Elevatcr Plau Revietv iour,!ctt ot coY(l}l,r.tNlt F'ferakr'cst ard t'iffi u*s{ la'en circ/< Location Vai I. CO frcrn1rNumber lr/tilCCoG O5- O16 Ftcvatorrlire fus,o&n4;ol ftsre'fnr 'flre plans lnve been revhwed arxlfourd to conform to allapp[cable ANSI 17 UBC ccje.c d 'fhe elewtor / escab[sr /-fft / clumf*m*hr at ttre abwe bcation was hspected afd tcstal on A'Lfuq-,,... arxr a: n TEMPORARY Certifcate has been ls$ed. d FINAL hsfrection Certincate has been issued. NO cetifrcalc ls being isued. Conrrrrcnti: Nudt'$,.$i CJorcdo Cord, d Gad rn:grs r fOBorZ3oB . Si|wflhdno. co a 8o4sF 970-4C8.045 o F..r< 97O4{i8-1208 . rrt \rr.n'rc,cogtcaus JtL.4.ffi r{oRrzsl t€57 oF lNSPECTlols CU'IICIL OF oO'ERNTENTS rlndcJrd h.e btn InaPccbdon dto 6b _3t0_h. CERTIFIG Tfib b to cdtTY $at 0lC - Gt-EllAT ;ililt uaorr aidwfoffid !trb lDlftar$;: a600a6 Typr: PHIIATE RESIDEI{TI'IL Locdon:- GLEX I'YOil IXJPLEX, Oate dfrtPccdonz{#lf?[[E r'ryxlar,'.4l/"y* 4. mlg of bqrc:6f1l2G0i epfamn M:8n08|0Gi l3?t-zms hsryfn,R8uE]rRcportlng pase ts RequesEd lnspcct OrE: Uuednesdly, June 01, 2005 - lnspedon Are.: GCD SlteAddress: 1260 |GST}|A\/EN CR VAL 1260 TESTHA\/EN CIRCLE ArF,E, lnformaton Acil'vftu lip+0227 TVD€: SMECH CorstTvri: Ocruoairlu OrrthI: TFKIRNTIILL. T}IOMAS E.: ETAL. ADDTG.]N: ERIC1S DRAIN AT.JD HEAT SERI/|CE Coirbftlor: ERICIS DRAIN At\D I.EAT SERVICE SXstF: lrlsp Are.: ISSUED GCD Phone: 97G5?4-07r8 Photrc: 97$5i1+07,fi!Daedplbn: II.ISTALL l.|EW II.IFLOOR HEAT SYSTEM, NEW EOILER At\D SI{Oi/UUELT R.oucrbd lnsoccilon(sl 390 l[EcHflnd ERIC1S DRAIN & GDE}ICKL^ SER\'ICE Time Exp: Requested Tlme: 09:00 Alf - Phone: $X>4522 Erilored By: DGOLOEN K lnsoacton Hlsbrv tlem: 2{x) MEcl.l-Roudt *Approwd- oltOTlCF- lns9ecbr: JRM -- Acuon' APAPPROVED Comm.nt BOILER FLt E. KITCHEN RAl.lGE HooD BATH FANS. COiilB AIR Dt CT APPRO\rED 310 MECFI-l-hrflno *ADorYrd" 01O7l05 I'nspedor: JRtrl " Commcnt IN FLOOR HEAT IOO' AIR TEST 315 PLMBGtrPhlm "AOOtowd" O1/O7I(F lnsDocion' -JRM Coflr|nt IStAIRTEST 320 liECl-l-Exhall3illoo(b -Approwd* Ol/07m5 lnspedor: JRM Coflmnu BATH FAf.lS AttlD RAI{GE FKICIO Acdon: Ac{on: Ac0on: APAPPROVED APAPPROVED APAI'PROVEO n m: :Kx) ttGCfl-SupptyAlr llem: 340 MECt+t/il4c.- Itsm: *x) MEC}}FImI REPT131 Run Id: 3263 0+31-il05 Inapecdon Rcquect Reportlng Page 19 4:31 pm Vall, CO -Clht Cll - Requesbd Inspect D!b: lHnesday, June 01, 2005 lnsp€c{onA|r i GCO SlteAddrecr: 1260 |ESTHA\JEN CR VAIL I2OO WHAVEN CIRCLE ArPrD lnlbrmr0qr Acfrrltvr PO+01'O TYoe: BPLMB ConsfTyri: Occupoiftu orvrier TI'ORNFIILL. TlFtlAS E.: STAL. ADgIIcant ERIC.S DRAIN & HEAT SERVICE Coitactor: ERIC'S DRAIN & }EAT SERVICE subTffi: ADUP Slrtrs: lnsp Area: tsst ED GCD Phone: PhorF: 970'54+O743 9706440743 Dcscrlplbn: REIIOOEL ALL PLl,nlElMi'UATER, WASIE At€ GAS Reouesb<l Insocc0on(sl ltam: 2fl! Pl-flBflnd TSERVICE Tlrne Exp: R€quesEd Tlmei 08:00 At - Phom: 3q>4522 Entorod By DGCILDEN K (-h) 3 rnl k L46T tg 9rft(L Z^{J (l MSRouglVD.W.V. " Approved " 01107105 lmD€ctor: JRM ol/o7lt o tmD€ctof: JftM Commont 5 tAlR TEST 3 CaAUGES PLME@SPIDIm O1n7l05 lmpector: JRM Commnt: lstAlR TEST PLllBMbc. PLlBFlnal (t |,t Gurst Bfilkr7 rtr Pu'tO€fL Po,tvt lnso€cdon HlsbrY ttem: 220 It6m: 23t) It mr 2rO PLMSRololVD.W.V. lbm: 260 lbm: 29) REPT131 Run Id: 3263 dt ''.' 'l R.qu..bd In p.ct O.b!- InrordonAnc SlbAfilrrcr: Tfrurtrfqr,.finataffi IztO UESTHAIGiI CR VAIL I2IO IY HAYEiI CIRCLE AEQ$ts@tge! R.ouecffiln|o.c0q|asl tbor: leO ELECflnl A.ilrh,:ConrtTfri: otffiicc ADDlc|nt C.*rt|cbf,O.Gfiton:RELOCATE. EXIET.ISII/E REIrcOEL R|{r!!n SlplE9iEEK ETECIR|C/Br nn EIp: 0l:t0 t 37e2Gt lTtIilAN K lnrocc0on H|sbfl bm 110 EIEC-TemD.FoiY|l -ADqowd" {19/(l$,04 lmg.dor: .o Co,rIr|.nC rr|il dd. onha tlrm: 12t) EtEGRough *ADDrovcrl* 0{113j6 l.|.D.ft.: .o -- z ,Corrrrrt waitaS.llm:z'lln"ELEc"cofi.ftt "ADFYd"/- |rllTl0l lnepr6r: ee ".- Cottitf||c grcburdul - l(y(F,oa lmloor: og CofiItn|* Dwt||firflorm tbm: ItO ELEGltrc. -ADqond". tut{/Ua InS.Oc .! -' Co|rm.|t oat !|.h m.5r{fl|c.lbn: l9 EtlCfhl *lB: *sillt|: lgStED [tlpA|t.: GCD PlDm: 970dleA0l Plm: grogl$2ot Rrct|.cbdTlnc:' PlE|r:Enbtrd* tr^f ^f^{ /b' Acflon; APPRAPPROT/ED A&n: APPRAIIPRON.IED A.{on: APPRAPPROVED A.do[: APPRAPPROi/ED A.iloo: AFPRAPPROVED REsr131 Run Id: 3266 neL# ArPfit lnfbrnrfon Acil,tr lfi!.t41?8 T!r.: }IECH Cor||TYti: OcqrJrET Onih: Tl€Rl.ll{LL. T}FrtlAS E.: ETAL.AD9IC.il ERIC1S DflAIN AI{) I€AT SERVICE Coilrcbc ERlgli[R lNA}{)lfATSERl/lCE D.'$tlp[on: AmNG I{EWFIREPIICE AiD 6A's LOO SET Rrotrcbd lnrorododrl lhn: teo l|ECHfln l *18: *Sildrr |S9.ED l'|tpAlr: GCD 9?O5ilt{l7it3 970€a4{t743 h,f 1,4',*/ U D'4 Plpm: Plpm: R.(i|.bf, ERICIIS DRAIN & }CAT SERII'ICE Conirilr*r: lhcltnglc.Arflm.dTo: CDAVIS - A.doil Tln Exp: Rcquc.bdTtmc: lo:(fAfl ' Plpm: 411.1?cF Edrnd$: OGOI"DEN K lnso|c0on Hlsbrv lbm: 2C[} l/ECFtRouCh "Approvd-OfiHf5 lr€D.cbr: GCD-' Aciloer: Pl PARTI L lNliPECTlOtl ComT'.NT FIREPT.ACE ROI,GH ON( TO CLOSE CI{ASE. ]GED TO $6PECT HEARTH 8I.TLT.(xMl6(F lllp.doc JRI CofiIrIftt ilo rEcl$l{du 315 Pll8<Lrffi|g 32O EC}}Exh.ui|Floodl 390 l|EC}fSnpo|y Ar 3'S tECFI-llic.-3$ lCctlFlml fbm: lbm: lbrn: lbm: lbor: lbm: R.qu.cbdlmpactlhb: Hdilhy, Jun 0G, 2005 - Int!.clbnArtr: GCD - SbArl.lrer: rilo fGSltlA\rEN CR VAIL t2c0 rY HAvEf{ ctRctE Acilon: APAPPROVED REPTl31 Run 3275 EFi FRI l= ul l'l tl ti il ll t-t I rl I ol i3i kgl ntol Fni ir cl n8i F$i !ai I tl I ol tl tl tl I tl l$i lul F trt F F il$sffig$€ t,3 I * g 3 *i fl$Eil$r a 3 o a--\}- b C'''._ -.=-*--^- ___.. F +\ 9a EE e8 xre fi38 m><t- itrr 9F ri !v P r|| s*"1-m ,OI rF t: 8ts PF fl;5flF $$l *a*tfxg$ HTF,ii? 3- f;-*t-' $lil$l #Fi $f;H f;fi iE Hi H rd r{ (r, F a 3 F ta flE 5 DFI l|DID gEgF tf; T. EiE frlH v If;FEEH EFsFI HET =E nE ii IEg 'T e |.t] lfrP8 92tro fit95 *F.irg)6i;! 9eQl -#i 2 r J - m c t3 it .or& P9 6f t8 v m o z aa *o c 2 P 'F ig d 'a rh g ir T o 5 o. g5 *8 i It[ 99r =gF 6:o $ g f;$ * g il r I d :l 6 o .lI I I {I o H @ q Hi Ofi 5.5 n -t fl a ! o r J { o m 4 a o P v 8 |rI o tn t0 .D I t v m o m m o {I o tn a I 3 o il .'l n P t I o 6 ;! E, IF ! ID tt e Eg t6 I 5fi F G). t gii -oo HTT x 1!I m x d n g v E s tz gfr rQ >3 9e z g F F v z e ttl I '! 1".I H I t A ro .^s C 0 \ N t O t.., (o art c m 0 f;riigF H?iH EB? raE Est ag"'t T E o d \oR'ae TJ \\ Q .(* o t. :\J v {l a i* D ({I a N F' g., [to $to$'o 88 3C 3&'3=a'i A*:N I|r$ p h)I -r ==6= dN dE5:! 6F *8 38 +838 *F mE*ffiHHsgg*FssH lufr6sfiEenuigsfi I i$ 3$ fi filriF ,rf tv' - {jt l'l Jr 4L fn;.r'! x,-i 1;A .i ;ifl(, t - ? 5a lF x iin*s utE*a$ra*riiitfE UUU;s;65 p$*''EFF u) (.) fl! _rt t.", fi,-l*:;x*gq*Bri - l J.i > Y()rrriI.-r"!.).m (tt l-.'1 .. .-. .( :J F' x 4 .?, '1 |.P ?*ffi**Efi$H $ g:llsr+2": IsaFEnn HEfififififi PeHf dTfiX EBAd d;o:-:n b liF 'h 3!c| rcl rf! _$g E#3Elg 6 H;lieEnii 8+8E*ff{3R 5>=.-, 3f} 5 f 8"fi5 tij f ("|Ar'r n t1 6#6r 6 '&:ts::> - t. f3d $--€trcEF 3 -R' q, 4 6r sl* F P !1 -O {} a.):Er :! ? *ap x r 'v*rt r', lF 3g'f fi P u:. -j, .' v i:ifr tfi lfr - ii <5r s: {ml, frl tq?\ n :l { 5.rt"ar, :e, o' 6 t-- -E- ?r olo 3!*3 *r#3 5ro -g 5F xt 6,''> 8T FE gs" :"{r > >?a lrl i.i*. .{ :-.'s $t p \-"! €Ft P.{,H irj i.t Q, KJ ,FI L? \r.l - Printable Details Account umber: R007037 Parcef Number: 210312403040 Tax Area: SC125 Mill Levy: 60.5690 Owner Name/Address: THORNHILL, THOMAS E. - ET AL. C/O VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS INC 1476 WESTHAVEN DR vAtL, co 8.t657 Legal Oescription: SUB:GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION LOT:29 DESC: UNITA SPRINGHOFF TOWNHOUSES f a- e +- BK-0633 PG-0032 oCD 01-03-93 BK{633 PG-0033 QCD 02-22-94 BK-0633 PG-{n34 QCD 02-22-94 BK-0633 PG-0902 QCD 10-21-93 BK-0653 PG-0695 QCD 10-20-94 BK-0694 PG-0275 QCD 11-21-95 R655105 QCD 0$1G98 R655106 QCD 10-1G97 Ptrysical Address: 001260 WESTHAVEN CIR Unit:A VAIL Page I of3 Property Tax Valuation Information Ac{ual Value Assessed Value Value Land 500000 39800 lmprovements 221550 17640 Total 721550 57440 Sale History Reception Number: rva Book: 0460 Page: 0125 Sale Date: 111111986 Sale Price: 33500.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantor rVa Remarks: n/a Roception Number: n/a Book: 0412 Page: 0443 Sale Date: 4/5/1985 Sale Price: 330000.00 Deed Type: WARMNTY DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a lmprovsment Informatlon ResidentialBuildings: 1 Commercial Buildings: 0 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable details.cfm 0r/25/2005 Printable Details Heated Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA Total All Areas MAIN FLOORAREA DECK Page 2 of 3 '1772.000 1772 't772.000 1.t4.000 GAMGE ATTACHED FINISHED 464.000 Building Gharacleristics (Firtt lmprovment In Account) ABSTRACT-CODE ACT-YEAR-BLT AIRCOND ARCH-STYLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEDROOMS BUILDING-ryPE CONST-QUAL DEP11 ECON_OBS EXTERIOR-WALL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME FUNC-OBS GARAGE HEATING-FUEL HEATING-ryPE INTERIOR-WALL LOCAL-CODE NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF-COVER ROOF-STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO SPEC-CD SPEC-COND STORIES SUPER-NBHD UNITS USE-CODE WALL FIN SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS 1982 NONE 21t2STY NO BASEMENT 2.00 3.00 DUP-TRIPLEX AVERAGE YEAR - 1982 80 WD SID AVG 8 CERAMICTL WOOD FMME 85 GARAGE 351.500 ELECTRIC ELE.B/B DRYWALL DUP/TRIPLEX GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION CEDAR SHAK GABLE/HIP 6 N/A AP 86 STORIES 2.5 VAIL CORE, 1.H., GOLFCOURSE 1 RESIDENTIAL N/A Tax Hlstory Tax Year Transac{ion Type 2004 Tax Amount 2003 Tax Amount Amount 3479.08 3151.50 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable details.cfrn 0t/25/2005 . Printable Details Tax Payment Whole -3151.50 Tax Amount 2 1.44 Tax Payment Fimt Half -1280.72 Tax Paymont Second Half -12&.72 Tax Amount 2451.42 Tax Payment First Half -1225.71 Tax Payment Second Half -1225.71 TaxAmount 2405.80 Tax Payment Firet Half -1202.W Tax Payment Second Half -1202.90 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 Page 3 of3 http ://www. eaglecounty.us/patie,/printable_details.cfm 0t/25/20p.5 Printable Details Account Number: R007036 Parcel Numb€r: 210312403039 Tax Area: Mill Levy: Orner Narne/Address: KCV L.L.C. - MINER, WILLIAM & JULIE PO BOX 550 OLATHE. KS 66051 Legal Description: SUB:GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION LOT:29 DESC: UNIT B SPRINGHOFF LJ (: !.P TOWNHOUSES BK-0354 PG-0736 OCD 02-17-83 BK-0445 PG-0072 QCD 06-24-86 BK-0591 PG-0013 QCD 09-28-92 BK-0606 PG-0901 QCD 04-03-93 BK-0606 PG-0902 QCD 03-31-93 BK-0606 PG-0905 QCD 03-17-93 BK-0606 PG-0906 QCD 03-17-93 BK-0606 PG-0907 QCD 03-1G93 R743233 GWD 10-30-00 R745774 QCD 11-30-00 R856320 GWD 10-24-03 R895054 QCD 10-18-04 R896751 GWD 11-02-04 R896752 GWD 't1-o2-o4 Physical Address: 001260 WESTHAVEN CIR VAIL Acres: 0.314 Page I of3 sc125 60.5690 Actual Value Assessed Value Value Land s00000 39800 lmprovements 430440 34260 Total 930440 74060 Property Tax Valuation Information Sale History Reception Number: R716952 Book: n/a Page: n/a Sale Date: 1112411999 Sale Price: 126000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a lmprovement Information ResidentialBuildings: 3 Commercial Buildings: 0 Heated Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA 2868.000 Total 2868 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable, details.cfrn 0U25t2005 frintable Details All Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA 2868.000 DECK 180.000 GARAGE ATTACHED FINISHED 768.000 Building Gharac{eristlcs (First lmprovrnent ln Account) ABSTRACT-CODE ACT-YEAR-BLT AIRCOND ARCH_SWLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEDROOMS BUILDING-ryPE CONST-OUAL DEP11 EXTERIOR-WALL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME FUNC-OBS GARAGE HEATING-FUEL HEATING_WPE INTERIOR-WALL LOCAL-CODE NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF-COVER ROOF-STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO SPEC-CD SPEC_COND STORIES SUPER-NBHD UNITS USE-CODE WALL FIN SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS 1982 NONE 2 STORY NO BASEMENT 3.00 4.00 DUP-TRIPLEX AVERAGE YEAR - 1982 WD SID AVG 13 CARPET INV WOOD FMME 85 GARAGE 651400 ELECTRIC ELE.B/B DRYWALL DUP/TRIPLEX GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION CEDAR SHAK GABLE/HIP I N/A AP 86 STORIES 2.0 VAIL CORE, 1.H., GOLFCOURSE 1 RESIDENTIAL rvA Page 2 of3 Tax History Tax Yoar Transac'tlon Type 2004 Tax Amount 2003 Interest Cha.ge 2003 lnterest Payment 2003 Tax Amount 2003 Tax Payment: Whole 2OO2 Tax Amount Amount 4485.74 l().63 -40.63 4063.38 -4063.38 3281.68 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable details.cfrn 0l/25t2005 moz m02 2@1 2001 2W'l 2000 2000 2000 FintableDdails Tex Paryment Flltt Haff -1640.84 Tax Payment Second Half -1640.84 Tax Amount 3140.72 Tax Pay,lnent Flrst Flalf -1570.36 Tex Paymont Second Half -1570.36 Tax Amount 3550.18 Tax Payment First Hef -1775.09 Tax PaymenU Second Half -1775.09 http://www.eaelecounty.us/patidprintable_details.cfu Page 3 of3 0r/2sl2w5 o 4*fru> ,r*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: KC DUPLEX CHANGE(Weltner Res.) DRB Number: DR8040609 Project Description: COVERED ENTRY ADDMON TO EASTERN HALF OF THE DUPLEX. NOT ADDMONAL GRFA. Pafticipants: OWNER THORNHILL, THOMAS E. - tl ALL2l02l2004 Phone: % CO, KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: MARK W HALTER 1901 W 47ft1PL STE 300 WESTWOOD KS 6520s-1834 License: APPUCANT PEEL/LANGENWALTERARCHTS 12102/2004 Phone: P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL, CO 81657 License: ARCHITECT Peel/Langenwalter Architects12l02l2004 Phone: 970-476-4506 P,O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 License: C000001401 ProjectAddress: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1260 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot:29 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403040 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz l2ll2l2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Oona:ZOZ O Apprwal of tltls proJect shall lapse and beome void one (1) year follorving the date of flnal approrral, unless a buiHing pemit is issued and onstruction ls commened and ls dilpenUy pursued toward completion. Ptranner:Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: 120.00 Olpa{t ndn ot C('ilnutly oaaoo.rla^l 75 Soslh Frer{|ee Fl6ad, Vdl. cddtcr E1657 t l: 9?0.aI0.213 hr: 370.117121|t2 nb. wrw.vilgov.cqn c.o'rl lnlorrrrtlon: At fcilclr ttau-ing d€it n rrviy murt rslw Sg.EvC prior to r'rHrfing. blrldmg par.dt apdtcfdc.r. Pl.-! rchr b the rrlrtrltd r.Sri.trrurB hr ero priicrlhr sF.tt ar hd i| r.qurt d. At +glloatbn lcr Odgl Ralfw annqt b. rE gLd vdil rll rrquicd inlOnontlon b rGrvod by thG Corrnurrity O.t$opn|'lt gagCnfiOe{ Tr p.gjact 'Ny rbg n- t4 bo 'rt lrd ty ltc lo*n Co|rncl md,of ltL ttbnnn! a|€ €nvlofir! trl Qqrrmirton.parlgn .rv{.w rp9?ov.l lap..r ufihr. . bulldlia ga{fill h h.l,|d fnd comtrualioo cronrlrrrt3.. wltiln orr| yaa? ol li. rptnorral. Drrcrlprlon ol n qu6t: Prrcrt xo.:?bl-: Applicatlon for Deeign Review F}ronr: -: ?.&E lOonuct E.ore Co. Ai*cgn et 97G328-0640 fbr prrcet no,)?ts 'ilcrir3: N.n.(rl ol owrtr(al; Addr.ar: Ognr(r) glgortl|i.(.1: t{.m. of Appllc|.rl: Eqnlll Ad<krrrr fyp. of Rovbr tnd Frr:. Slgnr . Cdr4turlRrrLu . l{.wClnrrrgbr . rrmot| . MhorAlLnlbr (multh tandyrcdrtnr|ES) r Miut Alt r.tiar (dr0lo-ffiyloptcr) lzaL .{ c*,.te.t"Approdekrr ScrfitbnRncrl 150 ?!t fI.d p.r r{u.n toot ol bLlagn 616. NOF" ttso For crrrtrudio.r of . n u/ Duildlag o. d.rnorobsitd.l3{xl Fof .n rddruon sfn.. rgt|to botceo I dd.d ro rny rriaatirl or snnrrcirl buitdrng (hOudcr 250 rddltkl|| I, inbrior coneldo|r).$l5O For mhor dryEpa !o bolldtrqs .nd.i!. inrgrcvrtvreir. iJdt ro.rrrFtlno, t nlrno. wln(bw ad(nbm. b.!d*.Dirt, te.rc lnd ||6hho ua!|, 'lc.f20 Fo. nrhor dlrrgra to buiHingr rrd rltr imp{a{ r rb. cuch 6,t i6lhg, prhfn3, riltow rddtbrlr, ldtdqhp. brr Td rOtlhlrt rrob, oto.3?0 Fd ?lrl|tan to pbai rkrdy agCtlrod !t pLlorFe Sufi or thO Oelgn Raler 8orl.NcFr HEe-€lVeo Ldizt 9697/tlttl DL'.j li 1 2004 TOV'COM.DEV. Lecrtlcn ol thr ?vcarlrrl; ?lryricrl Addrrru €s 39vd d3r'MhEbNV]/'133d tLgr-9Lv-OLEI NOV. 38. e004 1 : SaPM NFiR|{ o NO. 375 P.2/2 JOIXT IRO?ERWOI'UTER urt rr?tx AP?tova [ErrGn l. (p|ht t't |rt . jolnt ouner of prlperty locil.d lt (tddta|./Hrl da'bUorr) proyldo lhb Lttrr r witbn rPptot .l ot th. phnr drlrd shidr hlvc brn tubmlttad to th. Twrn of v.il cdflmurity Dodoprnon Dcprrlmrnt hr lhe propoerC llnpto\rqn!|ilO lo br ccmpldrd et O|e rddfu tEtGd rboG, I und.dmd thet ttu propored inpnv.m.nE lltdldt: I tuithft und0.ilrld t||.t mhor modlficadonr nny bf mrrb to th. phru Ovtt thG oowr3 sf ftr r.l'icv proos b !fi$ro snPiilnct with the lwrr's rpploblc code gtcl t€gulttiltu' Piit t of l/0.'Y0l/04 7-B 39Vd HI?6391rr917'1=a zL9t-9Lb-AL6 €9:gI baSzlzrltl t** * *** * 'l* * + + t * * * * * * ** * +** 'i r:|,i,| *f + * * * * *t 'tt *** * *'r.***i*f *'i rr *,|*:r.r+*'t** *i f rr******'t * ****+* * 'r '; 'l'r't* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t** * ** l. *f 'l * * * * * * * r. {. rr:l * i** '} ** *{. * * * ** * ** * t*f *** * t*** +*'l' ** ****t**t*** *:ri******'r *,r***** *d. * * * ***r Statement Number: R040007212 Amount.: $20.00 L2/02/20041,1 :33 AM Palment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: # 3 9 5 9 / PEET.' / IJA}IGWALTER Permit No: DR8040509 TIG)e: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2LO3L24O3O4O Site Address: 1250 WESTITAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1260 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE Total Fees: $20.00 This Pa)ment: $20.00 Total A]lL Ptnt,s: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ***** +** I r. * t**'l * **** *'t** *** * {.** * ** * ** * r.{.******* ** ** +'}* r.*'r* + +** * * * ** +* + I * * r} * r.*,rt * * *'} '}r. r.* f t * ** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Curnent trs DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhJ FEES 20.00 D ep a rtm e nt of C ommunity D ev e lopm ent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 F,tx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Sonesmac c/o Scott Sones PO Box 115 Avon, CO 81620 December 6,2004 Re: KC Duplex, located at 1260 Westhaven Circle/Lot 29, Glen Lyon Subdivision Mr. Sones. This letter is being sent as a follow up to your correspondence dated November 30, 2004, in which you provided sketches of a proposed privacy wall between the porches at the rear of the duplex. Unfortunately the Chapter 12-14, Supplemental Regulations, Vail Town Code does not permit walls such as you are proposing to exceed 6 feet in height. I have attached the portion of the Code addressing walls and fences. Your proposal exceeds this requirement by at least 2 feet or more. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. Cc: File $r Wfh,regards, l,Uatvw, I Warren Camf Senior Planne f,-po"t""u'^"^ rl T o Town oJ' tr'ail Detetopme tt t S t tznd a r,-b H a utlbook I I $ ffi # 7. 8. 9. sloping vegetatcd areas. Slope of cut and tltl banls shall be determincri by soil characteristics frrr the specific site to avoid erosion, and prornote rcvegetation opportunitics, but iu anv case shall be limited to a maximum of two to one (2: l) slopc. I\'leasures shall be takcn to retain all erodccl soil material on sitc iluring construction, control both ground lvatel and surfacc water runoff-. and tr permanently stabilize all disrurbed slopes and drainage features upon comph_-ticrn of constructiou. All plants shall be planted in a good quatitv ropsoil rnix of a typc anti irnL-,unr recommended by thc American [,andscape coutractor Associatiorr anrl thc Colorado Nurseryman's Association. 10. All plantings must be mulched. I l. Paving near a trce to be saved must contain a ptan for a " tree vault" i1 ordel rr-r ensure the ability of the roots to receive air. Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Screeningl l. The placement o[ rvalls and fences shall rcspect existing land folrns and ilt inri: land massing rathc'r tltan arbitlarily tblto*,site boundary lines. Fenccs slrall not 6c encouraged except to screen trash al-eas, utility equiprnent, ctc. Design of fcnces, n'alls, and other structuraI landscape featLrres shall hc ol' materials conpatible rvith the sitc and the materilils of the stmcturcs on tlle site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials such as lvood tinr5ers. logs, rocks, or textured, color tinted concrcte. No chain liuk fcnces srl:;rll lre allorvctl exccpt rs tcrnporaly construciion letccs t-r l as rerltiii'cd for recr,:atio6rl facilities. Setbacks Observed: All accessory uscs and structues except fbnces, hedgcs, walls and landscirping- or ground level site developn'rent such as u,alks, driven,ays, and terracrrs shall hc located rvithin the requircd nrinimunr sctback Iirres cln each sitc. Recri:lfionll atnenities nuy be exernpted by the Desigrr Revi*v Board il'it detelmincs ihrr rhe ir location is not detrimental environmentally andior aesthetically. Sight Triangle: To urjnimize traffic hazards at street intersectious by improving visibilitl' lbL drivers of converging vehicles in any district where setbacks are requircrd, oo t:nce or stlucture over thrce feet (3') in height shall be pcnnitted within the u'iirnguiar portion of a corner lot nreasured fi'om the poinr of intersection of thc lot lincs abutting the streets a disrance of thirty t'eet (30') along cach lot line. H. tr F # # tr F F F F F s F 2. 3. A .'. JJ J J J j if, d f, fl F fi f, f fl ,.I ,.,fl il f I I .5. lleight Limitations: I--ences, hcdgcs, rvalls and landscaping screens shalt not exceed thrce feet (3,) in hci.qht rvithin an1'required tiont setback area, and shall not exceed six feet (6') in lieight in an;' other p(nrion of rhe sire, provided that higher fences, he{ges, walls gr landsc,aping screcns rnay be authorized by thc Administrator rvhen necessary to scrcen public utility equipnrent. No balbed wile orelectically char-eed fencc shall be crected or nraintained. .{ccessorl' Strtrctures; Utilities; Service Areas: 1. Design of acccssory stl'uctures upon a site shall be compatible rvith the design and materials of tlre ntain sllucrru'e or structures upon the site. :. i\ccessory buildings generally should be attached to rhe main buil{ing either directly or bv means of a continuous n,all, fence or similar feature of thc sarne or a complernenrary lrurtL-rial as the uuin building,s exterior finish. i. All utility servicc s'r'stenls shalt be installed underground. Any utility sysrem thc operation of rvhich rcquites above ground installation shall be locatcd and/or screened so os not to detlacr from the overall site design quatity. rt. All utility nrerers shall be enclosed or screened from public view,. -5. Sen'ice areJs. otittit.t,rt storagL', and garbage storagc shall be screcned from atliacent Propirrties, stntctur'es, strects, and other public areas by fbnccs, berrns, or landscaping. t. Adcquate trash storage i-reas shall be provided. 't-here strall bc year-round acccss to nll uash sloragc arees rvhich shrrll not be used for any e1l1g1 pulposc. Satcllitc Dish Anreonas: l)urpos,:: a. To protect the hcahh and safety of the inhabitants of the Tonn by setring fonh lequirements fbr rhc installation of satellire dish antennas. b. 1'o protect irnd supporr the aesthetic concerns of the Towu, a reson commuuity which rnust tenrain aesthetically pleasing to visitors ro rcnurn econornically viablc. c' To provide the protection set forth in the preceding subsectiol I and 2 of this section in the leasr rcstricrive manner nossible. ;\ppiication, Revierv:) J. Town oi Vail Deve nt,9tandartly Hundlttok 34 o s o n e-s-m a c l\--__,_-,- D{'rll .e2 1 o Landscape A rc h itectu re lSite Planning LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL HFEFE€D N?t/ :. , Z:1q I9-v-9_pm.eev. PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED TI.IE FOT,LOWINC: CclPl$ \ DATED DL-SC-RII'TION I I o- or f 1\-a' o\ F*" W/bd*+" *-4.' ' + tu*t *hevilian ' ' Po. Box 115 Avon, co arczo f e'/b.s+e.o+o -----T.Sitverthorne. CO 80498 i 970.468.4717 tl ferg,rrdt q*dr.a r 'a/d i .$oUlft-\>F= j*a"'L'g urd |-\ r l\. ! | --J-t rr \r. - ^:l pz,ra <vt\cn$P It r l*D{>tt'fr'Cr &rVn-artw V\.? f o lenueft 'F I--.=t L1',r?o^^iq>vr o'bl" 5 { { n.r *r',e--1rt \rr-J $le .cbxe,Vana,- tr;\\ f bbb F*,' |*nn,lone 'tfa'i5. ) I I I l. I oi *tor.> O 6i-, f'n, /'l->1 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Weltner Res. (KC Duplex) Change to App DRB Number: DR8040550 CHANGE PROPOSED EXTERIOR STONE VENEER, WOOD SIDTNG STAIN, CLAD WINDOW COLOR AND ROOFING MATERIAL AND WINDOW BATTERY CHANGE FROM APPROVED DRB DOCUMENTS, ADDMON OF NEW WINDOW AND DELETION OF EXISTING WINDOW IN WEST ELEVATION, PARCEL A&B OWNER THORNHILL, THOMAS E. - ETAL10/15/2004 Phone: o/o CO. KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: MARK W HALTER 1901 W 4TIH PL STE 3OO WESTWOOD KS 56205-1834 License: APPLICANT Peel/Langenwalter ArchitectslOl 1512004 Phone: 970-475-4506 P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 816s8 License: C000001401 ARCHITECT Peel/Langenwalter Architectsl0l 1512004 Phone: 970-476-4506 P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 816s8 License: C000001401 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL TOI4/N Project Name: Project Description: Partacapants: Project Address: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Locataon: Lot: 29 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 210312403040 See Conditions Motaon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval:. LLIO3/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with ro*n or vaittding personnel prtor to construoon uaiut. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not beorne yalid for 20 days follovrring the date of apprwal. @nd:202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprcval, unless a bulHlng permit is issued and consffuctbn is @mmenaed and is diligendy pursued toward ompletion. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: g2O.OO IOI4'NM r#ii::l:ffiir3ifi'ts, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com RECEIVED OcT 1 5 2i'i4 TOV-COM.DEV. General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses on€ yeaf ofthe aBproval, - Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Parcel No.: Zt4'14'O4e (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) - Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): _j Name of Applicant: Mailinq Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area, No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction D Addition tr Minor Alteration (mulU-fa mily/commercial) $Minor Alteration \ (single-family/duplex) }( cnung"r to Approved Plans D Separation Request Page 1 of t2/04128104 lii 6i!? 7b,,lk,1g7z- ,r-m l, (pilnt ntmc dccctiflion) JOINT PROPENTY OWNER U'RIITET A'PIOVAL LETEN gtlvidEutisletgrrswrfctnrPpovalofthcDlan3d$cd C'n4' "'wtrrct'trrw IfuftherundeGtandth|tmlno(modfiatjonsmaybemadeothep|anso€rthc@u|3Goft}lcrcv.|€w prcesg to ensurc compliarre witi UtG lown's appllcaHe odcs and regulationS' Pag.2 of LUOUO7|OZ TC lgwd ' r joint owner of gropeny locatd at (rddrcstlcg.l bocn subrnittsd to the Town of vail @mmunlty DercbprnerrE oeganttlcnt for ttc PrcpoE d lm9lo'cmcntr !o be completed rt ttre afdrers notcd abore' I undcr*rnd th4 thc ptoPosed l"tPryY Tott u3 .|-vFN39I.{V''l / -lf 3d aLgv-9Lv-eL5 l0:81 *U.rrrrurffi Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Notes: Please specifo the manufacture/s namg the color name and number and attach a color chip. Color Window Trim oors Page 6 of 12/02/07loz ******ta***a*l'tll+********al't**lrlr't*+:|l****r*t***'l'i***l***a*r*a*r*****'t**l+********r*+***f**'t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlntd on 10-1$21m4 rt 16:44:28 1011512004 Staternent +*'}a**aa*t'l'a+a*l"i'l**rr*ar**t*****a*****a*a'ltl***l++'|'lal****tll*l****++tt'l*****:lr'l***'l*'tt*+a** Statement Number: Amount: 920.00 tO/t5/2OO4O4:43 pM Payment lilethod: Check Init : iIS Notsation: * 3 9 s 6 / PBEL^,ATIGWATTBR Permit No: DR8040550 \4re: DRB- Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 210312403040 Site Address: 1260 WESTHAVBN CR VAUJ Location: 1250 fY HAVBI CIRCIJE TotaL Feea: $20.00 This Palment : $20 . 00 Total AIrIJ Pmts : S20 . O0 BalaDce: $0.00 *a*** f** +**'l ** r*** * * * *'r *i +l{r*** *** r*** *:l* *+ **** ***** ***f******** * * * *tr** ti***t +f* * **r***r** * f ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI'J FEES 20. 00 o I I 997706 Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparUnent of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: WELTNERCHANGETOAPP. DRBNumber: DRB040377 Project Description: Revisions to exterior retaining walls in the planter of the eastern and western units. Pafticipants: OWNER WELTNER, DOUGLAS E.. - ETAL08/03/2004 Phone:816-556-1131 GRUBB & MLLIS-THFMNBARG GROUP 4520 MAIN ST,, STE, 1OOO KANSAS CITY MO 64111 License: APPIICANT PEEL/LANGENWALTERARCHTS 08/03/2004 Phone: P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot:29 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403040 Comments: SEE CONDnONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:08/18/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Condl 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. VU Cond: CON0006595 None of the revised retaining walls shall have more than 4 feet of exposed suface. DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: Warren Campbell Jul-3i-01 l2;13pm Frottr-Tl*ll 0F V,\I-_C0nUil'TV OEVEtOPlEtlT 970173t154 - T-523 P.003 O Mlnor Exteraor Atteratals Application for Design Review Depaftment of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Roe4 Vail, Color"do 81657 tf,lt 970.479.2139 f?'.t 970.479.2452 w?b: rilryt r_yqilg6v-cOrn Genenl Information: Alt projects requiring dcsigrn revien must rcceive approral prior to submitinE a building permit applicah(n. Please refer to thr submittal rrx|uiremenE for the partiorlar approval tlpt ir rcgu$ted. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is rcccirad by tfie Community Development Departncnl The projec may also need to be rwiewed by the Town Council and/or tfie Planning and Environmenhl Commision. Dcsign revbw.pprovtl lrprcl dnlcrs r building permit is i:sucd and const?uctlon commerres within onc yclr of the epprovel. RQqucrt! Physical Addrcs: Parcel No.:(conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning; AVO . . Name(s) of Otnrncr(s): owner(s) Signatun{s Name of Applicanc taarrc'sr % Type of Rcvlgw ard Fcc: a r3tns ,f,.) O Tonceoblal Review Nctv @I3tryction Addition , i Minor Altcodon (muld -far.nltylcor.nmercla l) Mhor AltcEuon . (si ngte-fa ntlv/duqltx) lr, Changcs blApproved Plsns L2 -' Scp6radon Request Phone; $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sEn area. No Fee For constructon of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addttion where square footage is added to any residartial or commerclal bLdlding (includ$ 250 additions & interlor convBrsions). $250 For mlnor ctangEs to buildingS and site impro\tements, such !9, rermfing, painting/ windov.r additions, landscaplry, ferces and reEining watls' ek. tZO For mlnor ctranges to buildngs and slte imDrovemenF, tudl a5, rerooflng, pelndng, windo$t addtiorc, landscaping, ferEes and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans alrrady approved by Plenning Staff or the D€slgn F{evlew 8oard. No Fer ;-611 RECE,VEU liiii g3,,, /il{fir"2 s650 $300 tr tr tr E-mall Address: Fee Poid: & A 0 Mectjt€ Date:_ 7 TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *t* a*'l'l** + * * *irl'l**i'l***i.t* l***t I tla***l* +****** *** ***** ***t*t** **r.*****t****t + + **+* ** * + ** * * statement liludber: R040005339 Amount: $20.00 08/03/2004L2:49 pM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: #3 9 4e / PEBI ^JAITGENWALTER ARCH Permit No: DR8040377 Tlrl)e: DRB-Cbg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 210312403040 Site Address: 1250 WESTITAVEN CR VAIIJ IJocation: 1260 W HAITEN CIRCIJE Total Feess $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 r******** *t* ll*+*l l**********tt *lltl t ****i+*+ltti t** d.!t* **a *l.l.l.*r****l l i t***t* +***** ** *:*:*l:l:t r ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 €l N b Y s -u s -Tr,,. o ,fu WdWtus q+TrlO cw on $,tt^,rawtI ulqA liMw b^bNrrdp* ]} l; Existing concrete I foundation sill :(Foyer o f-l (*-\l N N Eg,#w ;ffir"%,f^W il'tl ry D,ArE:- l?- t>ov TOWN OF V.AII DESIGN REVIET^,, SIAFFAPPROVAL \ Existing buildin$' line Fur out wing wall as required to flush with existing party wall t"NA b(hnl fc.v, rewj(A W,ul A,lt )2qa Wd ryw NOTE: This wall to face of existing deck handrail. Bedroom /-\ | r-\s c.l o o tl .1 I c-( I aa 7it!7 ;>Y lll LJ- L! al- Ll-f'r '-r- n = ..(-7'- -\ -- / li --: ' , L!' L i.r Ns €YS'$-5-s- ll u- CL -o 69 oo >o otr E3 c€ag =:o '! iE +rg I _q,<o ,$$s r\\e rFa +-\ \-I lil -- - >t \)-t$ L\ f_l l\ A? \R'N Fb.\J,i\ i _ -\J ': r? RI i:'.;O .-o ,='o.d o o..o ('t_f o f,l- q, id o ,o f o -o E tr u,ll'+ TOWN OF VAJI. DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAI. l,--- | fnfi/fT ietbar e 'l/' .EgresslrindolvperJ99TJIBGsedions 310.4. 1203.2 (ighQ and 1203.3 (vent) . b^cliT +o r,%f?h hP{ I/trW'f/vTt@ I v 36'+1- yd6s mech. room access door; field verify height per code of3- I Trcp EAST ELEVATION 1t4"=f i" :"o (ilX\d ItWvn o New Foundation Wall r on Top of dth Architect Line of Building TOWN OF VAIL Railing with t to -l N o .o a s Rffiffi'n"dFH\* oArE,- 8-{(-qy --_---t l/gTArr: tllY : +57.0! Dn Porch Railing per Code t il ra4*-r+919 {.b\\ ',?t aAzt, (o'n* 1ffi '2E+- lE.F-t-,r.- - / Planlair',C,F;p.?rd. N"/ K ,:rfr, \( --./ffiffiWW NOTE: Architectural elevation 42'- 9 Stone Veneer, Typ. z o New Entry Stone Veneer, Typ. bt.vll a. ri T d,b* I C.,\up ai TOWN OF VNIL DESIGN REVIEW t- -l_ I ome' 8-lt-O'1. STAFF:h)o e,dppz.1 --t--- - Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Fruntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FU( 970-479-2452 www,vailgov.com Peel/Langenwalter c/o Dave Peel P-O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 Rer 1260 Westhaven Circle Parcgls A and B /Lot 29, Glen Lyon Subdivision Mr. Peel, Cc: File July 30, 2004 This letter is to inform you that statf has reviewed the building permit set of plans for exterior changes and additions to 1260 Westhaven Circle. I have found that you have chosen to redesign the planter area crealed by the stairway leading lo the east portion of the duplex- Please submit a Design Review applicat6n for h change to -approved plans to show the changes to the planter/retaining walls. Please iriituOe top-of-wall and bottom-of'wall elevations on the revised plans. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact mo at 479-2148. f,g*t-""'","o TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: WELTNER RESIDENCE ADDffiON DRB Number: DRB040177 Project Description: EffERIOR REMODEL OF ENTIRE DUPLE( AND REVISED ENTRY STAIRS, ADDMON TO BOTH HALVES OF DUPLE( WITH THE SECONDARY (EAST SIDE) UTILIZING ALL THEIR REMAINING GRFA INCLUDING THE 250. Pafticipants: OWNER WELTNER, DOUGUS E. O5lI0l2OO4 Phone: 815-556-1131 GRUBB & ELLISTHE MMBURY GROUP 4520 MAIN ST., STE 1OOO KANSAS CITY MO 54111 License: APPLICANT PEEL/LANGENWALTERARCHTS 05/10/2004 Phone: P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot:29 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. ParcelNumber: 210312403040 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Scott Proper Action: APPROVED Second By: Joe Hanlon Vote: 4-0 DateofApproval: 06lO212004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oo dfinal appoval, unless a bulHlng permlt is issued and cons0uction ls ommened and ls dlllgendy pursued buard completiolr, Planner: WarenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: S30O.0O Lot sizc 9r Proposcd usc _ Brrilclablc arca Existin g '. hoposcd 1111,3 =- rorar GRFA IjgI* sfu- =tr t ,' bflo v;n *y o^ro ffip\ torn @, = 2{. i7 L/dL s..ondary GRFA fr11,*rrr,t@' =A 6fl_ + 675 = 42) crcdit plus 259 addition - 4*f.- No..Docs this rcqucsr involvc a 250 Addirion? j_i,l_ry _ Vrlr. Horv much of ttrc allorvcd 2 j0 Addition is uscd wirh Ns ,.qurst?j si,"cou","g" 15% +?oL !.ff{6\ Hcigbt EbY i" ao* ^^r.h 3ry &t ";^1)r81 \' 111,5v _-\ @t jidfl ??'gql c1a t\ Parung *r,o,"oT*116 1 _ _a_ z-Encroscd caragccrcdit G00)(600)(e004ifiD)--_ li#J45rzf; " Drircrvay p.-ffb,jfi$I_n rropor.a sop" I,j 2a Conrplics Mrh TOV Liglting Ordinancc Vcs_,_-X* No_ Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) ycs__{_ No Enrironmcntal4lazards I ) pcrccnt Slopc (1>30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) Prcvious condirions of approval (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Oo.riU., _! b \1Io.L.ffitvo"iP e172 , 4l.s _= f$ts.3 823,1*;n,l',*sffi . 1o1 = 265o* o lT12L.,* .tin. tnl.lt l( nk l . trcll,lcs t"t.rt'.';"i;;'- 37 .a,9 _ Tofal 5ttv,i 11q3 c0@ Sctbacks l-.nauoping(o7tlt Rctaining Wall HciglS .. 20, .l5' t5' 22,91t'- a) Snorv Avalanchc b) RocHall c) Dcbris Florv o suoljcFscl tsld . suol]ct4scr tsld 3?rngrduun4 -'.t.[.r,;-.. . . r..;slJudr,re4 --f t ^ :" . :' -V,",' .ilF,J i+!, C(puno.drpun)frplgtn I .' 7 .'r', -. .ado151ape.r9cttd. .#. ." ,:'... .1, .i . i1 .:: sq€'!{v srrls\ms: l- uo!]rruuoc c8uug - qreqps I (s ry v) podcr oprl slucutqcEorlug ----- pnorCdsop,i$ - "' lq8rag aqf1Pg o (.._," a ^rti1r-, rt, Fi r" ' ' : f 1:" " -'i , lt' "{ .{-uoqergu?A'O.C r.f . .,rn i .......p!u0sFBAcaO scldturrpgrluruiqpyrns..--"'"1 i'"t';i: (l)sSueq:r,r6pcae3 1 . .r,1;{,r:ar\.;-.;.; . . I "'rr.'irr\" . ... . .,' ..cr1s.1d'so1og4 1a . '*i'..i'.''o8acao3 c;15 I ,. 't .,,., ,.r f+.tl: .,i ,.r,...1 c\r^D^r^^ i .r ..-., cFls '!r. .,rr.'. t;'..rir.'.,. r_l lwld SJrs tr scc4pcsodor4.- scc4 Fupspq. .lI- . ..,.,.i ,.,.t -.'.., . : r.rfl.i atibsor.rvi i' - a ' qbl!dJoou slEgrleI^lvoloJ suotlo,tclc lOdS - iuonumlrr,prq s5a{ spJr?EH leururub-n tu1 :t3?qlcs csmoJ lile/!l ueld poog .il 991 , f{dedodol sluJrusse:l ?arv clqsptFg . czls to.I uopdpcscp pfil :ljgrutiJut B clcrs !i r}i 1' ,.' opts 't..- sr,roruyddla cr.rdiii{d n i ,ra^uns n nH3 ccedg cq1141,tu3 YfllD lEuoqlpps 052 Y{UC ,'. ; r.. li .. ,. 3[s]s lrt sMylduooTd D :1tcfor.1 ISITXSSHJ ATXIAgtI NCISXO ,r*ffi $plication for Design nli"* Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittinq a building permii application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Desagn review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approvat. ZWCdtr RECETVEO Description- of the. Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:bdivisio ci (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ^, QlenLAm Physical Address: Parcel\o.: A0 lzb Zoning:+pP Name(s) of Owner(s): /x IJOIE: Mailing Address: 4Ip..lor>a.l ^bb Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: iti 70. E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceotual Review (m ulti-family/commercia l) O Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $2s0 $20 h frt 14 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For mihor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $6s0 $300 ID For Only: Fee Paid: Planner: No.: {" ICC ?a, ^.rdc/Check No.:24(, Page 1 of l3lLUL7lO3 /x ffsd Lsthndt|trl!r|: rtftcrf rdr- lrd ll*r lsrlnt: rr'*ltolmdt)! r|ttrlltl ilttdll '|rildrt[rr|g l.mdldirr |!Ftrr|t rnaFG O t$r tr ffiJrrfi* (Atd gC. O. Asc* * 9F3a3-S'f0 fE F rrl m't Er$.orqrrfE3cEltnn,F tFa €- tJofirnr|E |l50 nor,..sffiilkl'l'r#*H (lnfi.iiltAilr:tlll ilurna|l FrHr|rr/rur|r0 Orytoffndrr l.Fnbn r|ilr o q f.o TO bh! rtdto Flihr sfnd- rfilrrq, bfi5ilr* tncr r-llfif fl+rE f |lrrr CU|.| E ltfi3t il - |.lltcultl'l!, r€r rt,rf6||, F'urf flE u$l rilE[t|3, llr lrffilf,||llG.r ruiril b fna mt TFud Dt Enilfi Dll r *rhhrhrt Si- Chibr tsEril!.,-,onlibi-.,,,-., t6-Fd-'-u3t-TvmMFiftn/Tltd /4 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) | 2h tt B+lwuta^ C;rd'e Vat Co provide this letter as written approval of the plans 6un6 6'b ' +which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review nce with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. t- /-o/ (Date) Page 2 of L3llIlI7lO3 nAY. 5.?ZA4 2:15PM NIlRK o NO.Z4A P.4/4 ]OIT{T PROPERTV OWNER WPJTTIil APPROVAL LETIER V.Futx*< provf:de this letbr as wrltten apprcval of the plans daEd €'lO'4 which have "---f-- been subrnitted b the Town of Vail Community Development Deparbnent br he proposed imprcvements I, (print name)a Jotnt ovner of properfl located at (address/legal I descrlptlon) b be mmpleted at thc address t I further undersbnd that minor modifications may be made b the plans over the course of the rerdev't process b ensure compliilnce wfEt the Townt appllcable codes and regulatisns. /l//)K rl{0P (Dae1 [ ' above. I understand hat fte prcposed hprcvemenB include: f,bA naahon d^A rev'Hal dnrv*rnn /X Page 2 of L3ltllLil03 \ Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERHI.S Tvoe of Material Color r r -l ,nIrh exgntq - wAhh erdjr+{^ clM Ix Nfil4't; vAcvl Shcd tvuhl Sht* 'trht N/^r z*vne vone{ E+44 q61" Ba"I.hoi' ? t{g ,"^#r4^AJ4cefrf wEf u -,. ?+^go ;Y^- AsIr aatnile Aov/eo"w Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. daml. zlttcco fbzt"sfuanolbrnze.w ..F-n+7f 5na-?Aqh Page 6 of L3lLIlt7l03 Botanical Name PROPOSED UNDSCAPING Common Name :::T:::T"' ?tcqWnt lF,te; AND SHRUBS Ouantitv 2 Size dbwr TT:I1': fteaQ'snc 1ret ro BE REM.'ED Popdu^lvantloias t2- eali I 2- Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Calioer Coniferous Trees - 6'in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Square Footaqe Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of I3ltVr7l03 o * **'r* *{.***r***** rl*l****i l.* l.**'t**** * ****** l** l*ilii | *'l i** +***r.'r**,}:} * * +** r.rr*** * + +*t+tt ++ + +t++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ,i *** * *i* I *i**** I f 'l* *** * * * ** *'r**1.r.**:t'r.'l{.'}'}* *** +** +* * * +*+ *f**+t ++ +++ + + +it * tt * *t t f **i *t* t** t* ** Statement Number: R040005790 Anount: $300.00 05/IO/2OO4O2:09 PM Palment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: #5,/cor,oRADo Kc REMODEIJ Permit No: DR8040177 Tlfpe: DRB - Addition of GRFA ParceL No: 2IO3L24O304O Site Address: 1260 v|ESTIIAVEN CR VAIIr Location: L26O W HA'uEN CIRCIJE Total FeeE: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total AIIJ Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 ***** ***'i****{r** 'l'l*t'}'l * ** ** * ******* *****:}* **l **l f,*a a a*,1** *********** * *** ***** * * I *** ** * f t **** ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 300.00 o o Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V501X15395 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: UNITS A & B, LOT 29, GLEN LYON SUB (AKA SPRINGHOFF TOWNHOUSES) 1. Effective Date: April 21, 2004 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder lnformation Binder Proposed Insured: PARCEL A: THOMAS J. TURNER, III, DOUGLAS E. WELTNER, MITCHELL MORGAN. MATTHEW MULLARKY. INDIVIDUALLY AND MATTHEW MULLARKY AND KATHLEEN MARIE MULLARKY, TRUSTEE OF THE MULLARKY FAMILY TRUST, DATED SEPTEMBER 22, 1994 PARCEL B: KEVIN K. NUNNINK & ASSOCIATES, INC AS TO I/IITH, KEVIN K. NUNNINK AND JOANN NUNNINK AS TO I/I ITH. G. MICHAEL WELCH AND ELIZABETH SUE WELCH AS TO I/IlTH, WILLIAM RAINEN AND JULIE A. RAINEN AS TO I/II, COHEN.ESREY REAL ESTATE SERVICES AS TO 2/I1, KCV, L.L,C., A KANSAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AS TO 5/IlTH 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein isl A Fee Simple zl. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effectiye date hereof vested in: SEE ATTACHED 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATIACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRITTION o a Our Order No. V50@5395 4. Title to the estate 0r interest Govered herein is at tho offoctivo date hereof yested in: PARCEL A: THOMAS J. TURNER, III, DOUGLAS E. WELTNER, MITCHELL MORGAN, MATTHEW MULLARKY, INDIVIDUALLY AND MATTHEW MULLARKY AND KATHLEEN MARIE MULLARKY. TRUSTEE OF THE MULLARKY FAMILY TRUST. DATED SEPTEMBER 22, 1994 PARCEL B: KEVIN K. NUNNINK & ASSOCIATES. INC AS TO Ii I lTH. KEVIN K. NUNNINK AND JOANN NUNNINK AS TO I/I ITH, G. MICHAEL WELCH AND ELIZABETH SUE WELCH AS TO I/I ITH, WILLIAM RAINEN AND JULIE A. RAINEN AS TO I/II, COHEN-ESREY REAL ESTATE SERVICES AS TO 2/II, KCV, L.L.C., A KANSAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AS TO 5/IlTH o o Our Order No. V50005395 LEGAT DESCBIPTION PARCEL A: PARCEL A, TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED I/2 INTEREST IN AND TO THE COMMON PARCEL, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 29, AMENDED PLAT, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED MARCH 9, 1983 IN BOOK 354 AT PAGE 7I2, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL B: PARCEL B, TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED I/2 TNTEREST IN AND TO THE COMMON PARCEL, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 29, AMENDED PLAT, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED MARCH 9, 1983 IN BOOK 354 AT PAGE 712, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equirements) Our Order No. V50005395 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mongagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Paynent ofall taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No. V50005395 The policy or policie to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or clainls of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easernents, or clairls of easeluents, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies. conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroaclunents, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the prenrises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, fur services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, inrposed by law and not shown by the public recurds. 5. Defects, liens. encunrbrances. adverse clains or other nratters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or lnortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special asscssurents which are not shown as existing lieus by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition. the owner's policy will be subject to the uxrrtgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schcdule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF WNY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUC'fED BY THE AUTFIORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 29. I920, IN BOOK 93, AT PAGE 42 AND RECORDED AUGUST I6. I909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 AND IN DOCUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1946 IN BOOK I32 AT PAGE 405. IO. RESERVATION AS TO THE NW I/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP.5 SOUTTI. RANGE 8I WEST OF THE RICHT OF THE UNITED STATES. ITS PERMITEE OR LICENSEE, TO ENTER UPON, OCCUPY AND USE ANY PART OF ALL OF SAID LAND FOR THE PURPOSES PROVIDED IN THE ACT OF JUNE IO, I92O (41 STAT. 1063) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2. 1946 IN BOOK I32 AT PAGE 405. I I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION. SEX. HANDICAP. FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 04. 1978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 25. 1987.IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1987, IN BOOK 469 AT PACE 8OI AND AS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 38 AND 39 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED MAY 2. I99O IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE I54. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions)Our Order No. V50005395 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 12. RESTRICTION CONTAINED ON THE RECORDED PLAT AS FOLLOWS: "BY VIRTUE OF THIS SUBDIVISION, THE THREE LOTS OR PARCELS CREATED HEREBY WILL NOT COMPLY WITH LEGAL LOT REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, AND, THEREFORE, NO BUILDING PERMIT SHALL BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY OF EAGLE FOR SUCH A STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE SUBJECT LOT. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONLY ONE TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE SHALL BE PERMITTED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE THREE LOTS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT.' 13. UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE NORTHERLY CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 29. 14. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION RECORDED MARCH 09. 1983 IN BOOK 354 AT PAGE 7l l. I5. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OIJ TENANTS IN COMMON AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 29, I985 IN BOOK 4I2 AT PAGE 446. 16. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT RECORDED MARCH 09. 1983 IN BOOK 354 AT PAGE 7I2. (TIIE ABOVE I'I'EM AFFECTS BOTH PARCELS) 17. DEED OF TRUST DA'TED MARCH 22, 1993, FROM KEVIN K. NUNNINK & ASSOCIATES. INC., KEVIN K. NUNNINK AND JOANN NUNNINK. THOMAS E. RUZICKA & NANCY H. RUZICKA. J. ROBERT MACKENZIE TRUSTEE UNDER A SELF DECLARATION TRUST MAY 24, I985 AS RESTATED JULY 14, 1992, G. MICHAEL WELCH AND ELIZABETH SUE WELCH, WILLIAM RAINEN AND JULIE A. RAINEN, COHEN-ESREY REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC. TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF COUNTRY CLUB BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $272,OOO.OO RECORDED APRIL 20, I993, IN BOOK 606 AT PAGE 908. (THE ABOVE ITEM AFFECTS PARCEL B) o LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l- 122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real propeny nray be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The infomration regarding special districts and the boundaries ofsuch districts uuy be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the Couuty Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing irr the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top nurgin of at least one inch arrd a left, right and bonom nrargin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform. except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using fomrs on which space is provided for recording or filin-u infomration at the top margin of the document. N(xe: Colorado Division of lnsurance Regulations 3-5- I , Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all rnatters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closiug and is responsible for recording or iiling of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided drat Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal docunrents from the transaction, exception rrumber 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affinnative nrechanic's lien protection lbr the Owner may be available (typically by tleletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B. Section 2 of the Conuuitnlent from the Owuer's Policy tu be issued) upon corupliance with the ftrllowing conditiorrs: A) The land described in Schedule A of this conxnitnlent must he a single family residence which includes a condominium or towuhouse unit. B) No labor or uraterials lnve been furnished by mecharrics or nnterial-nten ftrr purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Comnitment within the past 6 Dlonths. C) The Courparry must receive an appropriate affidavit indenrnifying the Company agaimt un-filed mechanic's and nraterial-men's liens. D) 'l'he Colrpany ruust receive paynlent of the appropriate prcnriunr. E) lf there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six montln prior to the Date of the Conuuitment. the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction informationl financial infonuation as to dre seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate preniun fully executed lndemrrity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances tbr labor or material for which the insured has contracted fbr or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice is hereby giverr: This notice applies to owner's policy couunitments containing a mineral severance irutruurent exceptiorr, or exceptions, in Schedule B. Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a nlineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds sorne or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals. or geothermal energy irr the propertyi and B) That such mineral estate nay include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's pemrission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above corrditions are fully satisfied. Form D I scLosURE 09/01102 ^-^ JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company Julv 1.2001 We recognize and resDect the orivacv exDectati(nrs of ttx.lav's c()nsunlers and the requirenrents of aoolicable federal and statc oriiacv laws. We believd that rirakiits vou aware rlf liow wc use vour uon-oublic personal infoimation ( "Persorul Infoniratiori' ). and to whoru it is disclosed, will fonrr rhe hasis for a ri:lationshib of tnist between us and the oublic that wc scrvc. This Privacy Stateurent provides that explanation. We reserve thd right to change this Privacy' Statement from time to tinie consistent'wirh applicable'privacy laws. In the course ofour business, vve may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: x From anolications or other forms we receive frorrr v()u or vour aurhorized reoresentative:* Froru yirirr transactiors with. or frorrt tlre scrvices 6eiug pertbmred by. us. our afliliates. or others;* Frolll our rnternet web sltes:x Fron the public records maintained by goverrurental entities that we eidrer obtairr directly frour those entities. o? frorn our affiliates or othe;s: and * Frour consumer or other reporting agerrcies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal lnformation We uraintain nhvsical. electronic and orocedural sal'esuards t() Drotcc! vour Perstxnl lultrnuatiorr lionr urnutlrorizetl acccss or inuusibu. We limit access to rhe Personal Iifonrratiori onlv to those enrDlovees who need such access in sonnecti0n with providing products or services to you or firr other legitirnate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal lnformation We nrav share your Persorul Irrfbnuation with our afllliates. such as insurance comDanies. asents. and other real estate si:ttlemeit service providers. We also nray disclose your Personal Infonnatiori: 'r kr a.scrrts. hrokers or representatives hr provitle yrru with services you have requested;x to tfrird-party contrac(o-is or.service proVidcrs wlro provide scrvicfs or perforni nrarkcting or other tullctrolls oD our benalt: ano x to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements fbr pro<.lucts or services that we believe you nray find of interest. In additirlrr. we will disclose vour Personal Infrlnnatiolt whcn vou direct or give us oenuission. when wc are reouired hv law to do so. or when we'suspect frautlulcnt or criruirul acfivities. We ai-so nrav disclose vour Personal I rifrln^ttatitln when otherwise pernrirted hy uppliclrhte privar:y laws suclt as,. for exaiuple. wheir di-.-krsurc is necdetl t() slllorcc our nglrts aflsrng out of any Agrcenrcnt. transactron ()r rclatronsnrp wrtn you. One of rhe important responsibilities of soure of our affi liated.conrpanies is to record docuurents in the public donrain. Such'docunrenti may contain your Personal Infonrntkrn. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Intonnatitxr and, under certain circumstances. to find out to whom vour Persodal Inform-ation has beeir disclosecl. Also. certain statei afford vou the risht to reouest correctirlri. anrendnrent or deletion of v<lur Pcrsornl Intirnnation. We rcscrve the rilht, wherl pemrirtjd hy law. ro charge a reasonable fee to cover the c<jsts irrcurred iu responding to such requests. - All requests submitted to the Fidclity National .Financial Group of Conrparries/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b'e in writina. and delivered toihe followinu address: iriuacy Compliance Officer Fidcliw National Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real. Suite 220 Santa Barhara. CA 93 I l0 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive nrore than one privacy notice from us. We afuobgize f<rr any inconvenience th'is luay cause you. Form PR I V. PoL. CH I KC DUPLEX RESIDENCE Lot 29, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1260 Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado PROJECT SITE DATA Lot size = 0.617 AC = 26,877.0 SF Allowable Site Coverage = 26,877.0 SF x 0.15 = Proposed Site Coverage = Existing = ParcelA Dining Ridge = Ridge elevation = ParcelA Living Ridge = Ridge elevation = Parcel A Extended Ridge = Ridge elevation = Parcel B Deck Dormer = Ridge elevation = New additions = 267.3 SF PROPOSED = 3.559.0 SF NEW RIDGE HEIGHTS (33.0 FT maximum) 4,031.6 SF 4,031.6 SF 3,559.0 SF 3,291.7 SF 32.1FT 8,188.1 FT 26.4FT 8,192.1 FT 30.4 FT 8,194.4 FT 28.2FT 8,186.4 FT Finished qrade = 8,156.0 FT HEIGHT = 32.1FT Finished qrade = 8,165.7 FT HEIGHT = 26.4 FT Naturalqrade = 8.164.0 FT HEIGHT = 30.4 FT Finish qrade = 8,158.2 FT HEIGHT = 28.2 FT NOTE: Smallgable ridge at new ParcelA entry foyer is 12 +l- above finished grade and Parcel B entry foyer ridge is 24' +l-. PROJECT GRFA DATA Lot Size = 0.617 AC Allowable GRFA Primary Allow. GRFA = (Parcel B - Ruzicka) 4,937.7 SF x 0.60 =Credit = 15.000 SF x 0.25 = 3.750.0 SF 11.877 SF x 0.10 = 1,187.7 SF ALLOWABLE = 4,937.7 SF = 26,877.0 SF = 4,937.7 SF 3,387.6 SF 2,962.6 SF 425.0 SF Proposed Primary GRFA = (Parcel B - Ruzicka) Existing GRFA = Available Primary GRFA = (Parcel B - Ruzicka) Allowable GRFA 250 SF Credit 2,816.8 SF 2,775.5 SF 570.8 SF = 2.400.0 SF = 250.0 SF New Fover = 41.3 SF PROPOSED = 2,816.8 SF TOTAL ALLOW. Secondary Allow. GRFA (Parcel A - Weltner) 4,937.7 SF x 0.40 Credit 3,387.6 SF 2,400.0 sF 1,975.0 SF 425.0 SF Allowable GRFA = 3,387.6 SF Prooosed GRFA = -2.816.8 SF TOTAL AVAIIABLE =570.8 SF Proposed Secondary GRFA = 2,650.0 SF (Parcel A - Weltner) Existing GRFA = 1,951.1 SF Garage Level Deletion = - 122.5 SF Lower Level Deletion = - 37.0 SF Lower Level = 333.0 SF Upper Level = 390.6 SF SUBTOTAL = 2,515.5 SF CrawlSpace Mech. = 134.5 SF TOTAL PROPOSED = 2,650.0 SF NOTE: 250 SF GRFA Gredit will be applied to Secondarv Unit (Parcel A - Weltner) TOTAL ALLOW Existing Primary GRFA (Parcel B - Ruzicka) Garage Level Lower Level Upper Level Exist. Secondary GRFA (Parcel A - Weltner) Garage level Lower Level Upper Level Loft Level 2,400.0 sF 2,775.5 SF '122.5 SF 818.6 SF 1,283.6 SF = 1,951.1 SF 122.5 SF 892.3 SF 710.3 SF 226.0 SF Loft Level = 550.8 SF EXISTING = 2.775.5 SF Existing Primary Garage =536.7 SF TOTAL ALLOWABLE = 2.650.0 SF TotalAllowable = 2,650.0 SF Subtotal Proposed = -2,515.5 SF TOTAL REMAINING = 134.5 SF NOTE: Remaining 134.5 SF to be used as maximum size for mechanical space with headroom 5'-0" or greater in new master bedroom addition crawl space. EXISTING = Exist. Secondary Garage = Proposed Secondary Garage (NOTE: 18.5' x 22.5'stall size.) 1 ,951.1 SF 251.7 SF = 416.3 SF Proposed Inter. Gonver. (Parcel A - Weltner) Garage Level Upper Level = 828.4 SF 627.8 SF 107.1 SF Loft Level = 93.5 SF PROPOSED = 828.4 SF Arthur I. Mears, P.E., Inc. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road l6 GunnisorU CO 81230 TeVFax: (970)641-3236 April 16,20O4 Mr. David Peel, A.l.A. Peel/Langenraralter Architects, LLC P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 RE: KC Duplex residence remodel and addition (1260 Westhaven Cirde, Vail) elposure to hazards Dear Mr. Peel: It was goobito meet with you on site yesterday and renew acquaintances. This lefter report sstisfies the requirements of my April 9, 2004 proposal to Doug Weltner. I have evaluated and in this letter am reporting on the exposure of the proposed remodel to (a) snow avalanche, (b) debris-flow, and (c) rockfall hazards. My work refers to your revised plans dated "2-1*04" which you provided to me on site. The site and building are not indicated as being within a rocKall or snow-avalanche hazard area on the Town of Vail maps. I agree with this designation. There exists no evidence for snow avalanche or roclcfall and the tenain and tree cover above the site are not conducive to formation of these processes. Snow avalanches and rockfall do not affect the site. Town of Vail maps do indicate the north eastem oorner of the existing building is within a potential moderate-hazard debris-flow area. The portion of the building which, according to the Vail map is exposed, is shown on the photo which was taken from approximately 50 feet to the southeast. The tenain above this point shows no evidence of prior debris flor,vs wtrich could only originate from a shallor, forested gully well to the east. The detailed view of the tenain made during the site visit indicates that if a debris flow occurred in this forested gully it would not reach the KC duplex or the proposed addition for two reasons: (1) the tenain would defiect any flows to the east, and (2) an existing building which is located to the east of the KC duplex would also prevent lateral spreading of any flows. Furthermore, the proposed addition will be located primarily on the northern (downhill side) of the existing building and would not be exposed to debris-flow impact because it would be protected by existing portions of the KC duplex. A proposed dormer would be located at the 2rc-floor level to the left of the ctrimney (see photo). As a result of my site inspection I also conclude that the existing building and the proposed additions and remodel to it are not exposed to debris flows. Mitigation will therefore, not be required. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, A"TL'^4Y\a,- Arthur l. Mears, P.E. o peel/angenwalter architects, l.l.c. david mark peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter, a.i.a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box 'l202 vail, co 81658 970-476-4506 97O-476-4572 fax RECEIVED May 25,2004 Mr. Warren Campbell TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: KC DUPLEX REMODEL AND ADDITION Lot 29, Parcels A & B, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1260 Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Campbell; ln reference to your letter dated May 21,2004, regarding Planning Department and Public Works Department staff DRB comments for the above project, the items are addressed as follows: PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1. Please see attached east and west elevation sketches of the proposed new exterior entry stairs and planter retaining walls. 2. Please see attached light fixture typical cut-sheets and approximate fixture locations on site and floor plans and exterior elevation sheets. Some fixture locations will be new; others will be replacements in existing locations. 3. Per the South Elevation, Sheet A-8, the continuous southerly roof line for Unit A, indicated on the Site/Roof Plan, Sheet A-1, has been revised to show the new, interrupted roof edge. Other than that particular location, all exterior elevation roof lines represent approximate matching configurations between the roof plan and the elevations. lf you require any further clarification, I will be happy to go over the drawings with you at your convenience. The proposed DRB exterior elevations were developed from overlays of the original construction document exterior elevations. However, vertical elevations for design review purposes, i.e., ridge heights, top of parapets, etc., were calculated from the new, up-to-date ILC data. 4.See new partition wallseparating the proposed from the proposed, low-headroom crawl space. space access as required by code. mechanical (GRFA) space This wall shall have crawl 2. 3. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. The "Limits of disturbance" fence location is indicated on the Site Plan, Sheet A-1. See note, "4" wide concrete drainaqe oan with 2" invert per TOV drivewav standards. NOTE: Pan is not to be heated." Site Plan, Sheet A-1 See note, "Heated concrete drivewav. typical. NOTE: Shaded area indicates portion of driveway within R.O.W. that is to be on a separate zone." Site Plan, Sheet A-1. I've spoken with Mr. Leonard Sandoval of the Public Works Department and a revocable Right-of-Way permit, as required, will be applied for prior to submittal for a building permit. This will be for improvements within the R.O.W. See note, "Existinq boulder retaininq wall. NOTE: Bottom of existinq wall 5'-6" from edqe of asphalt at the closest point." Site Plan, Sheet A-1. Unit A has a proposed two-car garage and Unit B has an existing two-car garage. In addition, the third (9'x19'minimum)parking space for each unit is indicated on the Site Plan. Sheet A-1. 7. Cross-hatched areas on the Site Plan, Sheet A-1 , indicate approximately 140 square feet of snow storage. Mr. Sandoval has indicated that he understands the site-specific difficulties of providing snow storage within the property lines, and that snow storage would be part of the revocable R.O.W. permit. lf you have any further questions or comments, please contact me at your earliest convenience. PEEULANGENWALTER ARCHITECTS, L.L.C. enclosures cc. Mr. Doug Weltner, Mr. Thomas Ruzicka 4. 5. 6. Yours truly, s \\ =o --L \\! N3 -S SR fi$q't \o tN 'S{ -bN -+'F\St s) --r+: K ?\,R-+-- <.EQ <V \Nn Etr SR sR qs S*u\ s-.- <'-\s $R \s s'a F)*E g il C \L N N e s T,b 1fiN \\hP $R 15tr SR <-s: SE Rs u t P IS R N s --\- N il -! <.\ \-{- ,F+ h,G fl$+st ,tN Ss =r$ 5s s5 fi$ t- E' A)s L q-)s AL \) € s ,Y Gb :s <g ivP 6fi *R q\S --t--\F ,$ a-rs)g s \-\,€=N *s. K- * R -N s })f \s L {l-llr T( s 1{. s),s F F N \\s o S 'Q +sD NS stN F* .Y s)+s Wtq Anq\+q* Kichler - Product Details Pagc I of I 1r.1,1 -,,,r,,,; ;-11 11.: C.il.\il-ri-i Select Style Select Finish Enter Item No. \, , [i,.\, ;)t I R S r vr .r Gtrr nr. 963LOZ Outdoor Olde Bronze Outdoor bracket 4Lt Incandesce llttusttllcautifirl DArEt 6- L lCl"! T {Rr- lClUIlOf,l 9Y KICHLER' Heiehr:36" Width:15.5" Number of Bulbs: 4 Shade or DifFuser: Clear beveled glass Maximum wattage: 6ow Body Material: solic Bulb Base: candelabra shipPable via uP Voltage: 120V uL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable f Style: Transitional Lo( Bulbs: bulb not included View other products in the Savannah Estate family. APPROVED BY THE .< Back TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN RE'VIEW BOARD ^ Backrorop Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and reoroduced without Kichler's written consent - I \/ ,r- pLANNER: uJ e i,",:"JFtr',J,,n ,:":;,ifr,i:.JJ;"f"',"1i1ii,1'.'1":::il:",1 This website is optimized for the following browsers: Netscape Navigator 7 and higher and Internet Explerej 6 and higher. lf vou would like to download the latest version of either of these browsers. olease use the links i http://siteinfusion.brandmatrix.com./servleVpcatpageloader/productdetailsload?pcat_oid:l ... 512612004 Kichler - Product Details Page 1 of I '6r.i r\vr;i L)r ili C,l r .r. Lrrt-; Outdoor Transilional i&ffi orher Meiallic *w Enter Item No. VtelE r-l-lR srwr.s C-rtltoe 96770i. Outdoor Olde Bronze Outdoor bracket Height:24.5" width: 12" Number of Bulbs: 3 Maximum Wattage: 60W Bulb Base: Candelabra Voltage:120V Style: Transitional Bulbs: bulb not included View other products 3Lt Incandesce Shade or Diffuser: Clear beveled glass Body Material: solic Shippable via UP UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable f LO( in the Savanneh Estete family. .< Back oaft,-6U,-| \/ PLAI'tr'tSn: W U ^ Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and I reDroduced without Kichler's written consent eowereo oy il( BRAHDrnotrlx' o 2004 Att Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agr€ement This website is optimized for the following browsers: Netsaape llaliSalal T and higher and lnternet Explorer 6 and higher. lf you would like io download the latest version of either of these browsers, please use the links € lkneBenutifirl l rcr{l rirc solur|o*5 gr KICHLTR' APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD http://siteinfusion.brandmatrix.com/servleVpcatpageloader/productdetailsload?pcat_oid:1... 512612004 Kichler - Product Details Page I ofl fitur'rvtiti Oux CArxl.$c Select Type Select Styl€ Select Finish Enter Item No. i Vret*'rr.r* Srvr-e Cr:roe ffi s& 967602 Outdoor Olde Bronze Outdoor bracket 2Lt Incandesce Height:19.5' width: 9.5' Number of Bulbs: 2 Maximum Wattage: 60W Bulb Base: Candelabra Voltage:120v Style: Transitional Bulbs: bulb not lncluded Shade or Oiffuser: Clear beveled glass Body Material: Solic Shippable via UP UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable f, Lo( view other products in the sevannah Estat€ family. ( Back DATI PL-lrii,r-, - Beck To Top L- }-OVI Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and I - .---J- reproduced without Kichler's written consent t)c eowereo uy $X aRArDrnotrix' g 2gga Att Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agr€€ment Thb w€bsite b optimiz€d br the following browsers: Nebcaoe Navigator 7 and higher and Intemet Exoloref 6 and higher. lf you would like to do nload the lalest version of eilher of these browsers, please use the links € ltosehnrUfrd {tq,*r t c t0t g oxS tf KICHLER' APPROVED BYTHE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD http:iisiteinfusion.brandmatrix.com,/servleUpcatpageloader/productdetailsload?pcat_oid-1... 512612004 Kichler - Product Details Page I ofl Sn*vsi: Lllr,t+i C,qrlLuc Selecl Type Seleci Style iiffi Select Finish ffi Enter Item No. VIEw,*tB Sr'vr: Gr:ror w 993102 Outdoor Olde Bronze Post Mount 3Lt Incandescent Height:25" Width:12.5" Number of Bulbs: 3 Maximum Wattage: 60W Bulb Base: Candelabra Voltage:120V Style: Transitional Bulbs: bulb not included View other products in the Savannah Estate family. lhsekautifii l rcxflHc totuTroNt lr KICHLER' APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD oarc, L- 2--Q!- Shade or Diffuser: Clear beveled glass Body Material: Solic Shippable via UP UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable f LO( PLANNER:Qu ( Back ^ Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and r reDroduced without Klchler's wrltten consent t\ Powered by ul BRAxDrnot rix' @ zooqAll Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agreement This website is optimized for the following browsers: Netscape Navioator 7 and higher and Internet Explorer 6 and higher. lf you would like to download the latest version of either of these browsers, please use the links E http://siteinfusion.brandmatrix.com/servlet/pcatpageloader/productdetailsload?pcat_oid=1... 512612004 tt 'r david m. prcl, a.i.a. kathy langsmalbr, a.l.a. 25EE ttosa ddve p,o. box 1202 vail, co E1e50 9704784506 e704764572iex trlecooilr tentmittrl rhect dete: May 25,2Oo4. to: Warren Campbell frx numberz 479-2452 from: Dave Peeland Kathy Langenwalter fix numbcr: 9704764572 424 Forest Road 425 Forest Road 298 Forest Road 307 Forest Road 285 Forcst Road 266 Forest Roed 245 Forest Road 225 Foreet Road 224 Forest Road 185 Foreat Road 115 Forcrt Road number of peger including cover: 2 cc: RuesellForrest rugrding: KC Duplex, 1260 Westhavcn Clrcle, Vail, Golorado remerks: Warren - The question ralsed this afternoon regarding the access ways, which happen to be steps on grade, loading to either side of the KC Duplex brought to mind two of our built projecls with eimilar condltions. Both these homes have on gradc stepped walkways leading up to the units. In one instance the steps begin in the right-of-way, in the other they ere less than 10 bet from the front property line, We found a numbcr of examples of stepped access ways throughout town where the building entry is located eilher above of below the driveway elevation. We are not aware that walkways, including steps on grade, have prcviously had any setback conditions. Following are some addresses where stepped acoess ways are closer than 10 feet to the etreet, thus most likely well over half way into the front s€tbad(: 100 Vail Road 153 VailRoad 223 Vail Road 330 Beavcr Dam Circle 421Beavcr Dam Circle 1966 West Gore Creek Ddve 1E76 Weet Gore Creek Drive 2625 Bald Mountain Road 1320 GreenhillGourt 2627 Arosa Drive lllanncnwdlgr-trc TA 39Vd d31-trilf'1N39Nv-1 /']33d zLgV-9Ln-BL6 9tiqz ,aaz/92/9a 3i As discussed thls aftemoon, we believe the intent of the phrase - 10. Design Revlcw Slandards and Guidelines. C. Architec'tunl Prcjections, Decks, Balconlas, Slepg BayWndows, etc: 2. Porches,sfepg decks or temces or similar features located at gtoud levelorwtthin five feet (5) of ground level... - refers to steps that are agsociated with outdoor living space represcnted as porchcs, decks ortenaces ratherthan steps on grade acting as aocess between the driveu,ey and the bullding. Access walrs ate addreeeed under the samc heading as follotls: B. Sife Planning 1. The location and conllguntion of structutes and acc'ess ways shall be responsive to the existing topognphy of the site upon which they arc to be locatad. Gnding... 2. Building sitlng and access thereto shall be rasponsrVe to existing featurcs of terain rcck oulcroppings, drainage pattems, and vegetation. We believe the proposed site plan msets the appropriate criteria and complies wilh cunent regulations of the Town of Vail. Please let us know if this resolvea the question as soon as possiblc so we can proceed' Thank you for your conslderation. za fgvd d3t-'lvMN39NV-l/'133d zlgr-9Lr-aL6 9V|AZ TAAZ|9Z|9S D epar tme nt of C ommunity D evel opm e nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Peel/Langenwalter c/o Dave Peel P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 Re: 1260 Westhaven Circle Parcels A and B /Lot 29. Glen Lvon Subdivision May 21,2004 Mr. Peel. This letter is to inform you that staff has reviewed the plans for exterior changes and additions to 1260 Westhaven Circle. Staff's comments are as follows: Plannino Deoartment o Please provide elevations which depict the proposed retaining wall/planter design and configuration so that the impact can be assessed for the creation of the two new stairway enlries.o Please provide cut-sheets for all new light fixtures and a lighting plan depicting the location of all exterior lighting so that compliance with the Code can be confirmed.. ls the roof plan shown on Sheet 41 drawn correctly over Unit A? lt appears there may be some differences from the elevation drawings and the roof plan. Please verify that they are correctly drawn.o On Sheet A2 you identify a mechanical room which utilizes the remainder of your proposed 250 addition. Your application states that the mechanical room remainder will be less than 5 feet in head height and considered crawlspace. The access to the mechanical room needs to be reduced to 12 square feet in size or there must be a partition wall created in this space separating the crawlspace from the GRFA space in order for the room to be considered both GRFA and crawlspace. Public Works Department r A limits of disturbance fence needs to be shown on the site plan.e The note identifying the location of the concrete pan should include a statement that it is not to be heated.r The plan should identify through the use of hatching and notation that the heated driveway within the R.O.W. will be on a separate zone than the portion within the property.o A revocable R.O.W. permil must be completed and submitted for all improvements within the R.O.W. prior to submitting for a building permit.. All boulders in the R.O.W. need to be a minimum of 5 feet from the edge of asphalt.. Show all required parking spaces on the site plan (3 per unit).. Show a minimum of 93 square feet of snow storage area on the site plan in order to meet the Code requirement for heated driveways. f,-p ^"""t,"o """^ \ o Please review these comments and if you have any queslions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-214f- In order to remain on the June 2* Design Review Board meeting revision reflecting the above comments need to be received in the Community Development office no later than 3:00 pm May 28,2004. With reqards, ,i ''f '-'-'--'n t\ f\l\ t#"M#,k^flfeq Planner ll Cc: File Status: I Approved Couuu DevelopMENT Rourrno Fonnn n Approved with conditions I Denied o NITY Routed To:Chad Salli, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Date Routed:05t18t04 Routed By:Planner Warren Date Due:0s/26t04 Weltner Residence Addition and remodel 1260 Westhaven Circle Comments:Date Reviewed: ent lssues.additional review bv Fire a4 etil eilo o F /o itt i *ll ,- t lLi.t TOWN OFVATL Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.c i.vail.co.us Peel/Langenwalter c/o Dave Peel P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 Re: 1260 Weslhaven Circle Parcels A and B /Lot 29, Glen Lyon SuMivision February 4,2004 Mr. Peel, This letter is to follow up our conversalion on January 29,2004, in which we discussed several aspects of a proposed remodel'of 1260 Westhaven Circle. ln that meeting we discussed a scenario in which new itairs would be constructed to the east of the existing parking area. The walls needed to construct the stair-way will be considered retaining walls per the Code. As you are aware retaining walls are limited to thiee (3) feet in height wilhin a flont setback and a height of six (6) leei elsewhere on the site. The only method io obtain retaining walls in excess of these maximum heights is to request a variance from th6 Planning and Environmental Commlssion. ln order to receive a variance the criteria for granting a variande must be met which are found in Section 12-17-6, Criteria and Findings, VailTown [ode. Variance can be very difficult to receive as a hardship must be proven so as to not be a granting of special privilege afforded other property owners. ln addition, we discussed the need for an accurate environmental hazard report for the site. The Town's maps identify that a portion of Lot 29 does fall within a "Moderate Debris Flow Hazard". As a portion of four prop6sed remodel will extend out form the existing home lo the east there is a need to irave the findinls 6f a environmental hazard report to determine what if any design considerations are required to mitigate the debris flow hazard. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. Withreoards, n I nn ,\ - I I ll llll 4d1,rrto^ VAJ+W Warren Campbell I Planner ll Cc: File {g **"uor^r"* TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 Sorjth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Weltner Residence Conceptual DRB Number: DRB03044B Proiect Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW OF ADDMON AND EXTERIOR REMODEL OF EXISTING PRIMARY/SECONDAY DUPLEX Pafticipants: OWNER THORNHILL, THOMAS E. - ETAL10/022003 Phonei o/o CO. KC PROPERTIES-ATTN: MARK W HALTER 1901 W 47TH PL STE 3OO WESTWOOD KS 66205.1834 License: APPUCANT PEEL/LANGENWALTERARCHTS 10/022003 Phone: P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1260 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1260 W HAVEN CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot:29 Block Subdavision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403040 Comments: Conceptual review BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Plannen Warren Camobell O 3i1not'n'z bnt.1L"J Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptaon of equest: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:nnt #.E..l L{dFl t<tE- 'Physical Address: Parcelno.: 2lo l2la2 Y1 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoningr 4Fl2 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Ld'+l2.4ltfrq\ Mailing Address: Type of Review and Feel tr Sions l{ Conceptual Review ! New Construction D Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Seoaration Reouest $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. a-bur{t ;tlirl .... pmJcd may aBo need t0 be.r3victved by $eTouvn Courril rnd/c the Plrnnlng lnd Avitt ' Deign rrvlan egproval bpsec unlci r bulldlne pcrmh lc,farurd Ind €ctrstrudlon .on.yGr?ofdrrrpFov!1r".,.,:lll.. " ii i t:..'. j . ..,'.. .-.-- r--.-'.-'-.-.-.:--;r: .',,.i.u,, ) J;_lr_ Dcraiption of Pa?Ca| No.: Zonlirg: -1 ' (.' j ,, l'.." namc(s) ol owncr(s)l Addresi:. i(J)nglgn"i iir(c)r fugfrn;ffiT$i*rlHffiffififfiffffi ,,.'; r;:.,-"1, tr Additlon i". .: ,.;,-1,1il::',/r.s300'..FoirnaddHonwheresqulGfmiegeisadddd i", l.'.r:, g1ir,i:i+il; l:j#"fi,;ffiffi ,,.-': ri:: ':1; tr Additlon i,,. .: ,..,-l,ld:'l',,,; .s300'..FoilnaddHonwheresqultefmtageisaddei ".,.: .lr.,..]:,,,...,i. j....,.. .: . .rtit.,ll:1..'. ,;i.tginrncrcht,buildtng(indudes2fl!artdtions&ir 'r'r "rr 'i't rr "r i tr' ., Mliror Ancratinn .-'ti^ .,: $250 ';'For mlncl dnngc b hrlldings and siie lmprovi i'l 'il ri;r i'' ,' i o' , tltiror rrncration ' .-'i:^ . t: *zso '; toi mtrpt dnngcs r urtnaings and siie lmpn ''. , .,:.' ,r ,',, 1r;,(mulU-famlly/commFrcial) -' ,.;ii,;i, ,rrig,{eF9.0n9r.'Pltfingr whdou, ad{tltlons, l?'.. , .,,. ", ,j ,'., ",.(multl.famlV/commFrcial) ;, ',.-;:,,;,,, ,r,iri,{Fl illiirr .r :' : r a ;r,rl*:'':,r - :,,illT; ilffillH .,.,,i., . .',, Q...JYllnor AReragon ,r:ri,tfr iL:r.i '.i, j , .. '.,.; ., -- (single-fanily/duplex) , ...* ,Lll'ir,ii, 1*iii#il! ;; -:: --1-iii:lfrlr;';:i; i.Fde* tii luitongs qnii siu imriq.vj i-iii t.,i ;' IitdFer"/' "tl ;filiEi,;i* ffitr #JTf r Xfi r :,".ilyllil " ioi' i r' i: r,:i+, ;.F . g'''ee' i: ryi"ll |'!S*;*tl3l j;t: : Fs twisrons to pra'"'*ff 1 tToffi ft,'o,ii;f,.:t.E*-;';i;n:*;#::,tffi ii$iiil*i"ffi,1#:T,Tf;i',ih'+l:,p**t,ft,ilil'sffi ffi iffiffi i*ffi$,ffiffi #fi 11ffi ":ttr+i::ii,'Ir,ffi;F lfirl#ilii;ii& " , g . l- i.'i ':i:' r. *i:,'{ili''-r,:';:l:l i:;:l,ii,,.i,ir,.i ' ,. :r',1 -iirril,'. i +::,:.f i,lr.'.'{f{fiJfi*jffi #ii,i, * i;'i; ri$iilE,#irp wZ/Z 'd l0g0'0N U:IIlVrtlNFNVl/"EfH d[0u5 lu0[NIl\ 3I{I'-sr6 }[Y90 :01:r0002 '8 'I]0 E g I l-l a h -ir\ -\ tr -{ .-. 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CALLER rN#cnoN REeuEsr: PERMIT TOWN OF 'J, VAIL ruES wED rHUR "/rnr )}-./... . \_ | , a l.r AM PM BU!LDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE. O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr !D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E. FINAL tr FINAL ,ffeenoueo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED l/,,DATE INSPECTOR o o z a {7 c o {o z T lrl 7 ={ --!m I4 t-- o :-E ;to :l :6 X.4 Yo ;o irO -rl <=T5 o<1e de ;!L aio ctt >l 7E il: _n !m Itift-<m@ l-r ^l- t- l<e 3- l;3 --l L,' l^i42 l\6g'h Pt- l,l=l-r ,-f]ul N -'1!o cc - z= in- 22 - :c) Fz z t-m o --.{o t-o z -{-{t 2n nZ.>m -t>_r =m -l --{ t- 'Tl f-z @ z =IT ,r t'i r @ X tr F E r lz tz lz lFt lx iP. l> lu)ta lc) t: lrr lz Ir- \o { s,{ E r Hf,aA o>'t-o Z,O an =m .T'z z -{--t O-s Zr T<1Z lr lo l{lz lo ll t>lF lil lo lz l{to l€lz lo lar t<t>lF II lm lo ..{ ll mlo rl=lo ll t>lF F lz lo I I I I I =>.ti {H F' 3 tr to l{lz lo t:t>lF l!lm t:'lz t9 I I lH IV lu) t^L t- I I \o s.I s-lr to l{lz lo ll l>lF tm P lz 0z -{Y m; lo r lc) | I F,;l ^t'- x tv INJ'D IF, <l"o I r- 'Tl \on 9ri (Jtr =-t -l m x m 1'-{ o z c_ @ U, -.1 m O +-g) 01 ;:3 d ' o9d 3ift: 6',9Ii !? =o o ='<R{o{Eit *JBe' a o Y-= :a-_ a'- or J el-'P ^,=o'u i s ad ci: q, - = *o f (o9+@ o*=!*! oE ? o -='",J+i; ;ta !.3 ir1-' ;€ r F g<l* i =.9I 9foL !r^,^f s . ='L o^-ff= F= 3r <o-f 0.4* d o=';f ; i al 3u a =.,ERd sai*!:qrO=. (D o € A' o o c =o 3 E. 5 o o l o -t l, m n o o z { o 't1 I a m a--rl : z t- t m fr t=\H, l<\' z lz t- 0 m o -D l) a z @ -.{ z o c X X X x IP lo , +- I I l i= ll +< I +-r I I li t-ll =j ol lat i l-,1 t<l! l- :l \l\tai lo\ixl tzll 181 ..1'l ]-f IP i>t-l itl l'l I rtl g€9p z6 r'l -z i o o o o :o z C z =? I I I I I z o f .m x >-\ ml z m { -.t m -l z }(x N o l z : m -! --t .It m c t --l z ;toNi E6 R;Rl 53 i'is : 3 tr* 29 oi66 H:: E E P,>e -e Y Ee9 2 L{ tdY cni E F H z H fd z z >(h t c) r{ c)i.i ffi qF HF 26 >z l-{o iNZ ts3 rql FI t cl P z z =z --{u -1 i m =e ;z P:ZY z= 0 --t m t H o rll t. € H H '{t4 F N)(Jl \o .-1 --l t- m ='Tl m m u7 o m x |-m 2 m m I z m s m { m m o z -I m tn =m I = c 3 z m m --{ o |- z o -m x c = m = m ='tl m m U' VALUATION !m 3 ; z o m z f- c 2 o m m --t ^ |- z o {,' \o \o N$ SR N$S\ .{ $(uhw.u\if /az/-7 APPLrcATroN r^??' L4 - &-7 DATE OF DRB I4EETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION areT t{tr4lhL *'****THIS APPLICATION t,|ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUB}'IITTED***IT I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . A'eiermi|b it any additioial inforinatjon is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is coirpiete (must include all itenis requ'ired by the zoning adm'inistrator). it is tte applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aitiitionat submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE gPPIica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nunber of conditions of approval ihat the'DRB may stilulatb. ALL conditions of approval must tt! ,: be resolved before a buildipg permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: tel ephone T,'w D. E. tercpnoneffip[afi Zon i ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s NAME OF Address NAME OF Si gnature Address tel ephone r.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,9oo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL be paid at the time a FEE building permit is requested. $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00 .$200.00 $300 .00 SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the app'l icant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be markLd. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so p'lan on at'least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fai l to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at the'ir scheduled meet'ing and who have'irot asked for a postponement will be required to be repub'l i shed. 4. The following items no longer have to be. presented-to.the Design-Review Board. iiiI',-nitr"""i, hau" to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. hlindows, skylights and simjlar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed flom qny other lot or public space, wnjcn nive had letters submitted from adjo'ining property owners approving the addition; and,/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condofiinium association. 5. You may be requ'ired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding trt .l a) C: ORDINAI.ICE #5 (Series of 1985) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18.69 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE; IDEIITIFYING CERTAIN AREAs I,JITHIN THE TOWN AS AREAS OF GEOLOGIC SENSITIVITY; TO PROVIDE CERTAIN NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN GEOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS; AND TO PROVIDE CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS RELATIVE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUBDIVISIONs OR BUILDING LOTS t..JITHIN AREAS OF Gt0LOGIC SENSITIVTTy; REpEALTNG 0RDTNANCES 16 SERIES 0F 1982 AND 29 SERIES 0F t9B2; AND PROVIDING DETAiLS IN RELATION THERETO. Section 1. Section 18.69.010, Purpose, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repealed and reenacted with amendments to read as follows: 18.69.010, Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to help protect the jnhabitants of the Town from dangers relating to development of flood plains, avalanche paths, steep slopes and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas wh'i ch may be subject to flooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town, to protect the aesthetic and recreatjonal values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes assocjated with fiood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitjvity and slopes; to minimize damage to public facjljtjes and utiljtjes and minjmize the need for relief in clean-up operations; to give notice to the pubfic of certain areas within the Town where flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, safety and welfare. Section 2. Section 18.69.020, Defjnjtions, of the Vajl Munjc'ipa1 Code is hereby amended by the addition of paragraph "H", Geolog'ically Sensitive Area, to read as follows: H. Geologically sensitive area means an area withjn the Town of Vail which may be subject to rock falls, mud flows, debris flows, debris avalanches, and unstable sojl, slopes or rocks. Section 3. Chapter 18.69 of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby amended by the addjtion of Section 18.69.035, Interpretatjon, to read as follows: 18.69. 035, Interpretation. The provisions of this section shall be deemed to be mjnimum requirements. Nothing herein shall impair the obligations of or interfere with private agreements in excess of the minimum requirements. Where this chapter imposes a restriction djfferent ffom that imposed by other applicable provisions of law, contract, or deed, the more restrictive provision shall control. r Ct C:' Section 4. Chapter 18,69 of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby amended by the addition of Sectjon 18.69.036, Disciajmer of Liabjlity, to read as foilows: i8.69 .036, Di scl ai me r of L'iab i l i ty. Th'is chapter is based on scientific and engineering considerations which are continualiy being developed. Compliance with the provis'ions herein cannot insure freedom from risk to life, safety or property. This section shall not create liability on the part of the Town of va'i I or any officer or employee thereof for any damage that may result from re] iance on this chapter, or any administrative decision lawfully made hereunder. The designation of certain areas as hazard areas or geologically sensitive areas pursuant to maps incorporated into this sectjon does not imply'in any vtay that areas not so designated are free from all risk to life, safety or property. Section 5. Chapter 18.69 of the Vail Mun'ic'ipa1 Code is hereby amended by the addjtion of section 18.69.052, Special Restrictjons for Development in Geological ly Sensitive Areas, to read as fol lows: 18.69.052, Spec'ial Restrictions for Development in Geologically Sensitive Areas. A. The following maps are hereby adopted as the official maps of the Town of Vail, identifying areas of geologic sensitivity: 1. The debris flow and debris avalanche hazard analys'is map prepared by Arthur L Mears, P.E., Inc. and dated November, 1984. 2. The rockfall map prepared by Schmueser & Associates, Inc. and dated November 29, 1984. 3. All areas wjthin the boundaries of the Geologic Hazards Map, Figure 3, prepared by Lincoln DeVore Engineers Geologists and dated August 16, 1982. B. In any area located withjn the boundaries of the Lincoln DeVore map or in any area identified as a debris flow or debris ava'l anche area by the Mears map or in any area identified as a rock fall area by the Schmueser map,.,no initial . application for a bujlding permit, grading permit or major or minor subdivjsion shall be approved until a site-specific Aeologic investigation is compiete. For the purpose of this section, a site-specific aeologic investigation shall be deemed a detailed geologic investigation which is applicable to each respective site. All reports and studies required by this sectjon shall be prepared by a professiona'l geo'log'ist, as defjned by C.R.S. 34-1-201, as amended, or a registered -2- Ct professional engineer, as defined by C.R,S.I2-25-I02, as amended, under the direction of and at the expense of the owner/appljcant and submjtted to the Department of Conmuni ty Development. The extent of the site-specific geologic investigat'i on required shall be determined by the geo'logist or eng'ineer who is responsible for the investigation, however, the investigation shall be of sufficient thoroughness and accuracy to allow such expert to certify to the following: l. For all structures other than single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dwel 1ings, and accessory uses thereto as defined in Section 18.12.040 of this Code: a. Whether the geologic conditions are such that the sjte can or cannot be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without correctjve engineering or engineered constructjon, or other mitigat'ion or al terations. b. Whether corrective engineering or engineered construction, or other m'i tigatjon or alterations can or cannot be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health, safety or to property due to probiems related to geologic sensjtivity to a reasonable level , and not increase the hazard to other properties or structures, or to public bujldings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind by virtue of such construction. 2. For single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dweiljngs, and accessory uses thereto as defined jn Section 18.12.040 of this Code, the sjte-specifjc geologic investigation shall certjfy to the following: i' a. Whether the site can be developed for the specific structure or I us" proposed without corrective engineering or eng'ineered construction or or other properties of any kind. C. Fo'llowing the completion of the site-specific geological investigation and its revjew by the Cormunity Deveiopment Department, a development plan may be approved or a building penn'i t may be issued as follows: ,.other mitigation or alterations; or, f b. That the sjte is a geologically sensitive area but development I i will not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utjlities or faciljties -3- {(-r a 1. For all structures other than single-family, dup'lex and primary/ secondary dwellings, and accessory uses thereto as defined jn Section 18.12.040 of this Code: a. If the conclusion of the engineer or geologist performing the'investigation is that the site can be developed for the specific structure or activity proposed wjthout corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations, the sub- division plan or building pennit or grading permit may be approved without conditions relatjng to the mitigation of the areas of geologic sensitivity. b. If the finding of the engineer or geologist performing the geologic investigation js that the site is a geolog'i cally sensitjve area, but that corrective engineering or engineered constructjon or other mitigation or alterations can be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health and safety or to property to a reasonable level , and such mitigat'ion does not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements, utiljties or facilities, approval of the development plan and/or the issuance of the bujldjng or grading permit sha'l I be conditional and contingent upon approval of plans for cor- rective engineering and engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations as set forth in this ordinance. c. If the conclusion of the geolog'i st or engineer performing the site-specific geologic investigation is that the sjte cannot be developed for the structure or use proposed because the danger posed by the geologically sensitive area cannot be reduced or m'i tigated to a reasonable level , the subdivision plan or bujldjng permit or grading permit shall be denied. 2. For single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, and accessory uses thereto as defjned in Section 18.12.040 of this Code: a. If the conclusion of the engineer or the geologist performing the jnvestigation js that the site can be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without corrective engineering or eng'i neered constructjon or other mitigation or alterations, or that the site is a -4- Cr geologicaily sensit'i ve area, but will not increase the hazard to other property or structures or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements, util ities or faci I i ties, a grading permit or building permit may be issued. b. If the finding of the engineer or geo'logist performing the site-specific geoiogic investigation js that the site'is a geologically sensitive area, but that corrective engineering or engineered con- struction or other mit'i gation or alterations can be accomplished so that there is no increased hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights_of_way, easements, utilities or facilities, the issuance of a buj lding or grading permit shall be conditional and contingent upon approval of plans for correc- tive eng'i neering or engineered construction or other mit'i gation or alterations as set forth in this ordinance. c. If the conclusion of the geologist or engineer performing the s'ite-specific geologic investigation is that the site cannot be developed for the structure proposed because the danger posed by the geologically sensjtive area cannot be reduced or mjtigated so that the hazard to other propert'ies or structures will not increase from the present level or the hazard to public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements, utiiities and facilities will not increase from the present level , then the building permit or grading permit shall be denjed. D. The following requirements shall pertain to the construction of any building or structure to be built in an jdentjfied or designated area of geologic sensitivity and which requires corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations to reduce the danger to publjc health and safety or to property due to such problems as set forth in paragraphs C.l.b. or C.2.b, above: 1. The certified sjte specific reports and plans required by this paragraph shall be prepared by each engineer and geologist as applicable to thejr area of expertise and spec'i a'l ty and shall certify that: a. Adequate base data as may be pertinent has been provided; b. Said base data is utilized in the design and planning of the proposed project or structure; ( -5- Ci c. Design and construction procedures derived from sajd base data are executed j d. Design and construction wjll reduce danger to the public health, safety or property due to geologic sensitjvjty to a reasonable level . 3. No certjficate of occupancy, temporary or permanent, shall be jssued untj'l the foliowing have been approved by the Community Development Departrnent or jts authorized representat'ives : a. Inspect'ion and certification by the Town of Vail build'ing official and the engineer or geoiogist who prepared the p1 ans and specifications that the work was properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. b. If the engineer, geologist, or building official of the Tovm of Vail fjnds that the work js not being done in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, the d'iscrepancy shall be reported inmediately ,i n writing to the contractor and to the Community Development Department of the Town. Recommendations for corrective measures, if necessary, shall also be submitted. c. A1 I geologic reports prepared under thjs sectjon shall be signed by and prepared by or under the responsible djrection of professional geologists as defined by C. R.S. Section 34-1-201, as amended. Such professional geologist shall be experienced and competent jn the geoiogic specialty required to meet the object.i ves of this chapter. Such professjonal geologist shall be responsible for certifjcatjon of all geologic maps and reports prepared by him under his responsible direction as specified jn thjs section. All engineering reports required by this section shall be done by a registered professionai engineer as defined by C.R.S. Section L2-25- 102, as amended. E. Existing use of land, structures or premises which are not'in conformity wjth the prov'i sions of this regulation may be continued, except for the fo11ow.i ng: 1. No building permit will be issued for the exterior expansion, alteration or addition of existing structures in geologically sensitive areas except for windows, skylights and other sjmilar minor alterations unless the requirements of Sectjons B, C, and D of this ordinance are compljed with. 2. Structures ex'isting on the effective date of this ordinance whjch are damaged or destroyed may be reconstructed without compliance to this ordinance as long as sajd structure comp'l ies with other appljcable ordinances -6- t..C' and is constructed to substantially the same dimensions as existed prior to damage or destruction, unless given approval by the Town of Vail to alter the design F. In order to provide reasonable notice to the public of the problems related to geoiogically sensitive areas, the following notice regu'l at'ions and requirements are hereby adopted for a'l I real property and structures'located in geol ogi ca'l 1y sensi ti ve areas: 1. All subdivision plats recorded after the effective date of this ordinance shall identify and designate each'lot and block, or port'ions thereof, located within any geological ly sensitive areas, together with applicable sub-zone designations, by a stamp or writing in a manner providing reasonable notice to interested parties. 2. All plans submitted after the effective date of this ordinance with the building permit application for property within said areas shall be stamped by the applicant "Geo1ogica11y Sensit'ive Area', together with the applicable zone designation. 3. Prior to the issuance of any bui1 ding permit for construction within the geologically sensitive areas, the owner shalI submjt a written, signed and notarized affidavit certifying acknowledgement of receiving personal notice of the fact that sajd building or structure is jn an area of geologic sensitivity and notjce of the studies conducted to date with regard thereto. 4. All owners, lessors or agents who rent, lease or sublet any structure or premises within an area of geoiogic sensjtivjty sha11 provide the tenant, lessee or subtenant with wrjtten notice that sajd property is located within said area prior to any lease being entered into or occupancy, whichever occurs first if said rental ,'l ease or sublease will extend into the period April 1, through July 1 of any year. 5. Each and every real estate agent, sales person and broker, and each and every private party who offers for sale or shows a parcei of real estate and/or structure for sa1e, wjthin said area of geologic sensitivity shai l provide the prospective purchaser, with written notjce that said real property and/or structure is located withjn said area of geologic sensitivity. Furthermore, written notice shall be made in all jnstances ( -7- prior to the executjon of any sales documents and shall state that thjs ordjnance and the studies and maps referred to jn this ordinance are available for public inspection at the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail and that said maps, studies and this ordinance should be reviewed prior to any party entering into any agreement or contract with regard thereto. G. In any case where a person wishes to dispute the designatjon of any property as a geologically sensitive area by one of the maps and studies adopted by this ordinance, the following procedures sha'l I be followed: 1. A written applicat'ion shall be fj'led with the Conmunity Development Department requesting such a heari ng and providing a supporting site-specific geologic investigation. 2. A hearing shall be set on a date a minimum of 30 days after the appljcation has been filed to allow for a staff review. 3. At the hearing before the Town Council, the applicant sha'll be given a reasonabje opportunity to present his case and submit technical and geologic evjdence to support his claim. If the site-spec.i fic geologic investigation establishes by clear and convincing evidence that the property should not be designated as a geologically sensitive area, the Town Councij shall direct the Community Development Department to amend the map appropriately. Section 6. 0rdjnances #16 and 29, Series of 1982, dealing with speciai deveiopment conditions and bujlding restrjctjons in the Highland l4eadows and Vai I Village West Subdivisions are hereby repealed. Section 7. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invaljd, such decjsion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this 0rdinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this 0rdinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or m0re parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. Sectjon 8. The Town Council nereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. -B- \\..I C fol lows: Section 1. i ) ORDINANCE NO. 20 Series of 1985- AN ORDINANCE AI4ENDING SECTION i8.69.052, SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN GEOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS BY THE ADDITION OF PARAGMPH H PROVIDING A PROCEDURE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC WHEN SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS ARE ACCEPTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL SETTING FORTH MORE DETAIL THAN EXISTS ON THE OFFICIAL GEOLOGIC SENSITIVITY MAPS OF THE TOl.lN OF VAIL; AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, THE T0hlN COUNCIL wishes to provide the public with addjtional site-specific information than can be found on the official geologic sensitivity maps of the Town of Vail when such information has been accepted as reliable by the Town Council. N0w' THEREFORE' be it orda'ined by the Town council of the Town of vail, colorado as Section 18.69.052 special Restrjctions for Development in Geologically Sensitive Areas is hereby amended by the addjtion of paragraph H to read as follows: H. In any case where a person wjshes to have one of the official maps adopted by this Ordinance amended to notate more detajled site-specific information is available, the following procedure shall be followed: 1. A written application shall be filed with the Community Deveiopment Depart- ment requesting such a hearing and providing a supporting site-specific geoiogic investi- gation. 2. A hearing shall be set on a date not less than thirty (30) days after the application has been filed nor more than sixty (60) days to allow for a staff review. 3. If the applicant establishes at the hearing by clear convincing evidence that the information contained jn the site-specific geologic investigation is reliable, the Town Council shall direct the Conminity Development Department to keep a copy of said site-specific investigation on file in the Conrnunity Development Department and available to the general public and shall further djrect the Community Development Depart- ment to notate the appropriate official map adopted by this 0rdinance so that it indicates that said site-specific investigation is on file wjth the Community Development Department. Section 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of thi s 0rdinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decisjon shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of thjs 0rdinance; and the Town Councjl hereby declares it wouid have passed thjs 0rdjnance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence' clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parrs, sectjons, subsectjons, sentences, c'l auses or phrases be declared invaljd. oo O O tr;rr t' -l9l-.-.-.J.y. g: 1e83. . Al,l,t,lcAl t()i..t lr()ti.l.l l;()ll A :.;tlliliil, [^ Nar:ri: o.{' /qr1rl Adtl lt'rs s; 650 lJ. i c ir tt t _,_ F!r1-.ngfr-q !! !n g_e_r-P1iseg Sgqqlr- C!gr-ry--:' tgi-t'e-.44-0--. pg-rl.Ye-r.- -!"el"S-S.ed9--811222-- -l'ltone Nanc of Aplrl j clttt. Arl cl 'c:s s Box 3149 Vail Colorado 81658 ,l'liottc- 9-49-..5-l-80------- Autlrorj.;trtitltr of l':'opcr't t' Sigtrit 1:ttIr: l). ll. I. Glen Lyon Subd iv is i on \r,t\ r"".1\t(l ,1" yil a + l'. Fcc $100 4 G. 'h'pc of Subllivi s.i.c'tr : (t:litrcl< onc) I'ia jot (ini'olv itt11 trlor-c 11111n zl llrt:;) lli.nor (irrvolvirlll 4 or fclcr lots;) 1 l)uplc'.r (spiittitrg ir dtrplcx str'rlcttrlr'lrncl/ol lot) l)rot--r.tlrrLcs fot' ttreiot' ltntl njno:' .slrl;tl jrri.:, iol)s i.l rc as clc:.1'-ilred jrl thc 'i'ot"tr oi' Vltj I Subcli.r' j sion lit'i1ul;ttiotrs oll pagcs .() Llrlort'llt 20' l)rrlllt'x Stllrtli.r,i s iOtt t'i'tltti lCl thC SallU: j lt'l-trt tll:tt it':l itt: it tniltr:t' :;rtlrtlit''i ::iolt tritll 1l:.' I,t:t1rr i. r.r]|;: cn t llrlt thc iio II()r.,j tril Stlltclt)ell1 liitlst: ill)l)()ilt' olr t)tc Pl;r1' bcl'<r: t' l't'ct':r' jtril 'fourl t,l' Va i I lrPPruvltl : |o}'. t:ottillll or ot'.hcr' I lttttl-rl:;c l'c11tt)irt itrtrs of t ltt' 'J'r-rtrtr o{ \/lli l ' Lllt' t ri l)'rl'rt'l:i Cl..()ittCd b1' lhiS :;tthrl iVjSjO lt]'c tlcctllt',i t() l)C Ollc lr)t' No lllol'c tltlt:t trtt'" t\'\\)- l:rl'ri rcsirlcltct' slt:rll lrt' :tl lt,lr't'tl tltl t ltt' t:tltitlr ittctl 3l-('a:: 01' tlrt' t t'ro llltt'ccl:" i.) l'rt"'irlt' Gr.olis ll(.:;.i(lcn t. i it I I:.1 0oI At'trlr ((;iil:.\) j'oI tlrt' tr':o-l':rltti l1' l'c':litlcltCC Slr:tl l l'c calt:trlittt:d tr:;irr1i tlrt coi;:bittt'tl ;tt'clt of illo tl{o |lll dc'ls' ,l,.it.r, llct'ri l,(,)lt!.nts: trl:r.ior. lrurl lrirror' :,,rrl,.l ivi:li()tlll lrltt:i1 l)(' illl)fr-r\'or'l b"' tlr'' 1l t.:'l'1,""' Itrtrll;.rtVil'ortlttrtl:r'l('()lrliili:;.'itltt.'llrcl'l:(llrlr'\'1:i('llllr.''llrtl;rtrLl4tltltlorltl''1.'{)l("i'll I[O)t1lt. i\tt lrPlrliC:r1 r(rlt l]itlt l ltt' ttt:Ct':;:.illy il('\'(rlrlir:Lttv itt11 t'l;tlt t'i:ll lllll:'l lri r'tlr\'rlllt ': 1'orrr' ('1) rrt't:i:; 1'l i(rl l(\ tlrt' rl;t1(' ()l' llr' r ttt ittli' , .l Acl cl lc :; s J_D / _5_. _h_apW. Lot;: t .i ott l,ot.29 of fr1gr1)os al Blocli ll/A l: j I i*P. \'lr I c l: &e/lrvqe , A.a, 7-tu4- r,, u n *( ?-q t : 3,2 ?3 Qo4 ?55-771o f oo API'l,lcAl'Iol'i l:ol{l'1 ljolt A !!1i1lll \' l1li-0ll Rl:qlx:':;i Ap p I i c a n t__spf f+gbc fl--En-!gp!is e-s-*-'-=---.-- 650 louth Cherrl - Suite- 440-DelyeT. Col.o.Ia4o 80222 Phone B.Appl i cant I s l{cllcsentat j vc Fred ,Otf 9 .--' otlo.-BS!e-!!te!-A_E9s!* Box 3149 Vail Colorado 81658 Phone_ 9t12_,539!-___ c.Authorization Signature Ptrone 37345-N--AlctressiQ-Se, 4 urf S/aUZ / -*-fe-e brarZ ,eo<-r', a'a-do of Proposal Block Il/A I:iling Fee $i00 Tlpe of Subdivision: (chcck one) trlajor (involving nore than '! l.ots) l'{ir:or (irtvolving 4 or fewer lots) ;1 Duplex (spl i.ttir1g a cluplcx stl-uctrn'c and/or lot) 'rocc-r1rr.es fo:, rnajor. ancl minor subcl jvisiorrs are as clcfincd in thc Toiin ot vit j'I Subclivisiott licgul$tions on Pagcs 9 tli::otriih 20' l)trUlcx subdi.vision :'cqtrircs thc santc jttfor:nation a's a tttinoI' sub<livision rtith t lrc' ;:{;;';;;;; irr"i"lni follotr'ing statcrrrcnt: rr,t'ti-o1,1'"ttt' on tlrc plat bcfo't' rcct'iVing Tonn of \tail appr'ovcl: t:or zotring or otl'tcl' lan<l-u::e r'cguliltiolls of tlrc I'osrr of cfcated b1' t his sulrd:ivis j otl ir]'c cl(:ctllcrl to bc onc 1ot ' rcsjacnce-slrlrl]bclrlliltr'cclolrthcr:otitllirtcdar\-asol.thc Gloss llcs j.tl(rrlLi.ill I:lool Alclt ((;Rl:'\) fol thc trfo-l]rllily calculatccl ttsitlg tlitt colnbitlccl ltt'ca ttl Lltc tNo PitIccIs' J. TiIrt: llcr|ri|culcntS: Irl:rjor :ttrtl tttittor'. sr:lrtlivi:;iol1s tttttst bc :rPpr:ovcd b1' l-ltc..l'lltttlt ttt13 a'tl li'r, jl.o'*t,r.rt:rL Ca:'inis:; j trrr. 'l'hc l'irl rrl(.'(:1.s on tltr' lrrtl ,,'.'''l 4t'lt l'lotl''l''r':; ol ('ilLll mOItll. An trpPIiC l .i \rn l.iith th(t llocr('S:;ilt')' il(:cO)ili):ltlf illll tn:rt t:r'i:tl ntttst l)r' :itli)lrlitl t'd four ('1) rtccii.s priol' to l lrc' dittt-' ol' l lr() 1[cctillg O O ti;rr('.- Februarr-p, l9q3-- Nanc of Address Nane of Adch'ess fuL>> n Locat. i.on Lot 29 Glen Lyon Sub divis ion F. G. ll. I.Vail, thc tttir llltt'ccl s No ntorc tlt:ttr otlt' ttto-fltt;li l". tr,'o llarccl s. ,\l Iot':iblc lcs idcncc sll:r I I bc Project Appllcation . ,vrvyr,_rFF..vE..v.. o^r" Dou /o, n trl,r rr proiecrName: ;ll,orqq,,f f ,r-' )'1 f /or, ir/i.nr 6ull tt,//,..! g,i, f / r.,C *Proiect Description: Contact Porson and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: tr'' l /. , l,(r Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ot-)rLsrt,r /-> D ?-- Statf Approval o o Z-= --r ---l o 7)3<zA <>--r ^9;o Z-P<o:1Z qt-_im >;--1 c)o>o zA --i m nz >m --{ >or-I --l fn --1 a'z m o z m or-mrn a9)c)>-r-r o --l r-x -n =z c)I I !=g o !<a >!-<g o )J i:-]lr =I I O o 4 I o m I a --l -o I l o o 4 m a --t !2 o o z a €=: 3-: (!Er .].lO\!^:i c :'o t-]:lt l t lt l: l <trq ;=Y z=== \ / !/(, >>r-t-z<o(D >=z o z - ON zx -:o 3: --r Y z<t o6 -nz {o n .\) @ Rm 4 4 c -o c -i z 2 a c l- i z ozroo0 336 3+E **i;>i--9P23 6 TNI F E =- 3 a @>mo o<9<so @A _l o z c z = CZ@I 20>rn o_I<' <Y=F *T ;@u1 z 1t r't >;Fi 3; zz oo z i --l T l = o o : z I rn ! ! o ; z € --t Tfl 4 z o J -1 -o m fi m o --t I o z < c m ! C 3 e z a m o i o -o z o I o c a z ! = 3 m =--t _Tt m m a VAL UAT ON >: r:"t;a>'.- <= !2a:4 ;,'i"-> -=zz> :44== ^;i ' "^ie--./;|= -.a2- ia-=- 6l gl z -,1 -l 6l I I I I ql -l I z a z m --l --t l- m =--t _Tl m m U' .) 4 C m -0 q I a m It z =€qt o o I z - o TN : z m _0 c @ z o E g o z o N \ ; I I us s \rJ .^ \).J I ?t{ ft a + .} -l $ N \) \,Li -t ^'z F =uJ E tr N )<o cq F!E"s x 6 {1'FI UJ tl,J u-E =TJJ I I I l*,F t<ro I I I I l_ l<( la z l=IO lo lz ,2 F z o z z $= ,,,$, $l;l:N q 4 N nr R c'i $8 c\15 sl lf)t-F:E q x rt 8 o rO I a 6l == =o 5 Y I (J z o_ E F (J uJ Ltl o z (D = o- =I E UJ ul u-z o tr uJ E LIJ o o 3 lu t! z 6 o tr o o lrJ IL l z a UJ ul IL = =E LU o- J F o o z ! f, ID 9 F uJ .J uJ z 6 =f ) () z I NO[VntVA Y e. 3 ZZtL i o 62 X r -Y F 9 OE troE z>-o oo9?.(JzX t!<oq i o.<)9.:H 2 *NO \ c;\ =r@ N z tr l F IL o o-f uJ F x E @ (r IJJ c z E o o z tr c F =(u z Z z- 2 i E * *6-Ziri 3E{i!E FEiEPi 5 EUJ?OZ < (oE(DZ)ld | | ll rHt | | | I FO e_ fr -= = < rHF 2 ?=d; =og iEH :;3H5E O(J(JIZ(J z F .J l a z l (r Ot 6 F UJ -r 3 t J t s 6 rS t3 s LIJ TL f F I o 2 g. llJ F = i ll !fl tri \l.r I I I I I I f'F z F uJ z x - F .6 ro 'fi'l |n x c\\tr J LIJ o- .P e fi .P AX J ci.Xlo JF= UJ I .1 q{tr{cr.l ?I z UJ -) E o- qt (ol otl tl 'l UJ F o -o z =e coO >z O- LL J ."i5 \J\J= =F3 -'\ -'i t!coil= E o -9 c, o z c c< (r; olr..,o o:-c>-:F E =E.lrl o-z I F o f E,F o z o () tEitLl @l EI OI 1t *l I tr (J Ll.l G o c = = .t gl -l ql El =L! d F nl ol ql <l =l X q)rl 15 (H H I E at1 ui =z ---') I c i a o o I I t_ lo I I ) u)1 uJl CI s j> 5(J tl tl ll ll II lml tEl td to l<l =l :l cl <l n-l El u =\rz o E F z () 2 I tl.l zt- =#fF )z F ul E - <F Ec)r.! <zE.uJ r-(1 Z o F F z J I () L,IJ J .J LU a r bpFi -,- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME .':',,!iF l': i" ii,:.'..,,,r'i' f ',,J/E\ CALLER MON TUES @D THUR FRI AM <--P-! .] 6/E// LVt,<t i{ DATE 7-,'1:-2 z- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t o7- Aq BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D g'rrrunr ( rt J tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o tr FrryAL tr FINAL PPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o*, or/a y'fu JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: O tNsttoN REouEsr CALLER to* G wED 'HUR FRI PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING o u tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n Jr,*o.L.5,tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL il tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: INSPECTOR I JOB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATf ON: /' 't l' '', ',r 't"' '. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr-FfNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOHN SON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. Consulting Enginee r.s W. B. Johnaon Rob6rt H. Voiland S. J. Archul€ta D6vid M. Houd..h.ll Rob6rt B. Hunnot H. cary Howe tl t Frances l. W€llr October 15, 1981 Mr. Chet Horton Community Development, 75 South Frontage Rd.,Vail, CO 81557 Re: Ebershoff Duplex, Dear Mr. Horton: Town of Vail West Lot 29, Glen Lyon Subdivision, VaiI, Colorado "'-.-r$ \ \' .i r...Q' /.2- It has been brought to our attention that you are concerned about the structural design of the trussed rafters over the garage. Although the actual design of the trusses is carried out by t,he truss supplier, the design loads are specified by us. You will notice that the Structural General Notes on sheet 8 specify a design live load for the garage roof of 175 psf (without the 15t stress increase). This design load incorporates both a 75 psf snow load and a 100 psf earth 1oad, which is approximateJ-y 10-12 inches of earth. You will also notice that detail 7/I4 caLls out 6 inches of earth over 2 inches of gravel. Therefore, the design l-ive load is certai-nly adequate and in fact somewhat conservative. We have also been assured by Dennis Lang of Early Mountain Construction,Inc. that the trusses suppli-ed were ordered to support 195 psf total load. This wou]d account for 15 psf of dead load toqether with the specified 175 psf live load If you have any further concerns or guestions, please feel free to call us. Very truly yours, JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. cc: Rudi Fisher, Morter-Fisher-Arnold, AIA lt. -..- r E r-; -r w MEM AE R \ 230! CANY()N B()ULt VAHI) lt()ULl)t 11, CQLOr.lA0() rlOJO2 444 ltSl 63a5 WESr 5?NlJ AVLNLJI ARVAO/i, CC'r),lA-' 1OOO2 4202055 JOHNSON-VOILA Consulting Enginet'rs ;^{ ..t\90''} .("s '.J'- nv$.iitr ',.ri tssl!]' O N D _ARCHU LETA , rNc. W, 8. Johnson Robert H. V o iland S. J. Archuleta David M. Horidesh€ll Robert 8. H unnes H. Gary Howell Frances l. Wells October 15, 1981 Mr. Chet Horton Community Development, Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Rd., West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Ebershoff Duplex, Lot 29, GIen Lyon Subdivision, VaiI, Colorado Dear Mr. Horton: It has been brought to our attention that you are concerned about the structural design of the Lrussed rafters over the garagre. Although the actual design of the trusses is carried out by the truss supplier, the design loads are specified by us. You will notice that the Structural General Notes on sheet 8 specify a design live foad for the garag'e roof of 175 psf (without the 15E stress increase). This design load j-ncorporates both a 75 psf snow load and a 100 psf earth 1oad, which is approxj-mately L0-L2 inches of earth. You will also notice that detail 7 /L4 calls out 6 inches of earth over 2 inches of gravel. Therefore, the design live load is certainly adequate and in fact somewhat conservative. We have also been assured by Dennis Lang of Early Mountain Construction, Inc. that the trusses supplied were ordered to support 195 psf total Ioad. This would account for 15 psf of dead load together with the specified 175 psf live load. If you have any further concerns or questions, please feel free to call us. Very truly yours, JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. di Fisher, Morter-Fisher-Arnold, AIA c: Ru r-; -r M EM AER 2305 CANYON BOU LEVABD 6345 WEST 52ND AVENUE BOULDE R, COLOFTADO AO302 444 1951 aRVADA COLORADO 80002 420 2055 rNstctoN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEF FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB D- rrrunl /--). trFrNAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED CTION REQUIRED t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON .( l CALLER TUES iFRI ,J WED THUR -' l- I ' AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH i D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr o ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL fi'or"^ouso CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ; INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rHUR (o _",' " r_' AM t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: ,C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE e INSPECTOR Permit No. Li i153 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. O NAMEoFJoB LOCATION AND LEGAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Water - Sewer Ltc. No. Ltc. No. NUMBER oF uNrrs I -- (r4ff)=nrount O Dat6Bired .2L.. LD Finance Director Bldg. Dopt. - white; - Water and Sanltation - Green;- PublicWorks - Canary; - Conlractor- Pink:- Accounting - Goldenrod rNsQctoN neouisr JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: t"r* @ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: SAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o Date Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: l ,-- a:'l Block Filing Deslgn Review Board DISAPPROVAL /:t ,::.t' z ing Admin Chiel Building Off icial it Profect Application Proiect Namo: Project D€scription: Owner Address and Phon€: Architect Address and Phon€: Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board -k<1.,, Motion by: Seconded by: OISAPPROVAL Chief Building Ofiicial Project Application Project Name: Prolect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:-.i/; /t t ', Legal Descriplion: Lot .? (./ , Zone:. Zoning Approved: : ( tL4--{Design Review Board ,/z -fi'z-- :</ )- /Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chiel Building Off icial *WW,"/F2'7iT ^a 17' - Prolect Appllcation o^r" 3-/2-E Proiect Name: Proiect Dsscription: Owner Addr€ss and Phono: Architect Address and Phon€: L69al Descriptio n ro, 37 , t o"r Zoning Approv€d: Design Review Board DISAPPFOVAL APPROVAL Chief Building Official r;. .. .- ',,iixql.-ty | {lr, fl: Proiect Name: Proiect Descripiion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: L€gal Doscription: Lot ea zb-Jstf Zone: Zoning Approved: 'AAu 3 -e- Design Review Board 3- v- z? Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Chiel Building Off icial Z0l{E Ctil:CK for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ?u- k 'o4fi.r5 /{{ L ega'l Ovner Zone SFR, R,R Description: Lot 27 81c;,ck Distrjct 9AU R lA Proposcd use Fil in9 Architect Jr d''.^-l (eA*lN s :--- Landscaping: Parking: Drive: SIoPe Permitted r% Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche .' Fl ood P'l ain Sl ope tJ-Propo:'ed +' Slope Actual C.8 7- Conments: Lot Area ^t^rtio7'O Height:Allowedal0! Proposed setbacks : Front-fiequ j-r-ed 20 i'--nririosea 77' Sides-Required 15' Proposed Z- G); Z?8 ) Rear -Requi'red l5' Proposed f{aterccurse-required ^l -Proposed --J GRFA: At'tor,ied i l./36/ - Propo:ed 2a.qi' -Al'lor,ied i l?90? GRFA: Primary Alloived 72o?. Secondary Al'lovred /((6 Site Coverage: Allorved 20%x l-bt(o . ,ft76P I Propor.d Required -64"-:-Z Proposed Requ i red J_ Primary Proposed Secondary Proposed - ro( ,onrny46,*?*upp"ouud I I I ;Zoning il6", __>7 ?,r /f13 h4""44-Rm 1tf Da4./fu "f6'.#L-'.O' Legal Owncr SFR, R, zqlit-!ltL(,[ for R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Descript'ion: l-ot 21 81r:ck Fil ing .- ,lazre_ Zone Distri rt flZl-A$-proposed use S;rt E*I P--. -- oo *:''Fm'5 Lot l\r-ca - a Gr&?o a---uoi ght: A'l I oued-3o' Proposcd Setbacl<s: Front-Requiied 2Oi "'nropbsed ___71_ Sides-Required t5' proposed _: ;;@; ZiA) Rear -Reqrrired ,1 5' Proposed _._AK__ l,laterccurse-requi red /14 , Proposed __24_ GRFA: Atloired t/!-ZAI +W-Slff proposed_2qqif ----- GRFA: Prirnarl, Allor.red VZqZ-- Priniary Proposed 2?q'i? Secon<.lary Al I ovled /( ((. Seconclary Proposed At/+ Al I oled 2o%x Zlo g?o-:--Sb7f- v "o pos ea a.K Req u i red Je?-L24ffi-2l4Jz&-pro pos c d Required __.--A _ Proirc:.ed o.k 4+ r%Slope Actual G.e 7- M !za. Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: Drive: Slope Permitted Environmental,/Hazards: Avalanche ' Flood Plain Sl ope Corrments : Zoning;i sapproved /t Date: 3/z/Zf 'Zon 'i n g 6r-^-*rll /6.7c* .u0.2{ /z.r x L.zf .' f2?. ct 7t-t> ao t/6 2.*4 lo7 " /(;.-4-'e$'/ /oQ o {r /o44/ 4f-% le 39. z f.\ 3{z { /t-* .tt*--- ,-- 7, f" 7 -- ? :-r.f 7 /q? I ?6,n r 3(> ? 6.{/)/ o )?q -t tIS I DfJ{I t r\L tl,ll ltt lu,f oF lt:€O,::ER ss VAILI CCrtllu'IO Ult'')/ rEE clr.cl.l-r\rtoil t soi'LJl Ttf Prf{stc^- -- Pt l oecx /' 'FiLlli3 l. Fi.SEl€l,T Jsr nooa . 2ro FLGI? ----'-' lrP nt-ocr 2, tAssg{T Jsr rlmr ?o rlmr )iD FLOOR DILLIt6,AD11ESS 7z RAS5€h1 FLCCR FLOOR FLGl, ri, ?. '6, 7, 8. g. J0. ti.' 3, 'llr t B'lsIII t TOILET. .(cc ttru-r !.'rTtu t E(PA sllirS 1 .RrI giTH '(ffi'''il?3,HJ,',t Rcrys (it'/llc nm's, EERlo'Er oFFlcSSr srrrDlos) IiA/"f+( =..12.do x x 1.50 .E 5.m H )nD x x x K I: 5.F:F x- I.EI =Ilt == x' .91 '= KlTcgls Dtstlrslia's IJI.FSRIES . Grn w,rslar 2-"x .50 ;' /'oo =t tcg vAE{lliEs ' 2- sAl-r.tAS mrn cccr-ers t HATE T Fdu{TAtls nocFs . ': KITC}€N Dlsr'tAsl€R i.runates Cf,'TSITE HATER x 1.03 = -t x 1.S = ' /O, oo' :L x.2,9J 2 x 1.C0 X' ,6 x.E ,E= t -7t) ts :1 Tutil- PoINTS ' io.m norrns; l.Lo 4 t><- r .TOTtlL UllTs // , /J ^ .)33lo l)r, rc* 2'ty' D1IE ttisftcloR *j):;);:o''o' D -ARCHUT'Nc D*" tt-fl ,"o ,". 27 12 Proiect Ebershoff Dupfex Localion Vail, CO Contractor Dave Eber shof f Owner Dave Ebershoff Weather Cl-ear Temp. oat AM 40 "ar 3:30 PM Prssent at Site Jennif er lt{cConnell, Rudi Fisher, Dennas & Tom (Superintendent s ) A11 framinq was in place with exterior finishing well- underway and interior \?3O5 CANYON 6OtTLtVARO aO!!OL F, COLOffAOO aO3O2 444 1951 /6345 WESI 52NO AVENUE AnVAOA. COLOfjAOO AOO02 .20 ?Orj5 Rudi Fisher ro l,lorter/F'isher/ArnoId Vail, Colorado 81657 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTEO finishing started. The followinq discrepancies j-n framing from the structural drawings were noted: l. Middle Level Framinq - a. The lower roof over the two stairwell-s was framed with 2xr0,s ac 24" o.c. rather than 2x10,s at 16" o.c.In addition, the overhang for these joists was 2'-0 rather than 2'-6 Th j s framing change is structurally adequate. b.2x12 joists were substituted for 14" TJI's at the stair landings. This framing change is structurally adeouate. The interior 3-I/B" x 12', G.L. beam over thq north siCe of the hallway in the west unit is a 3-1/8" x 10-1,/2" G.L. The bearn that is in place is 30t overstressed, which is not structurally adequate. Secause the stage of construction makes it verv difficult to replace this beam at this time and in order to alleviate most of the roof load on this beam, we recommend the followinq: 1-l2" nlywood (ApA 32116) shal] be pfaced on the south side of the north vral1 of the loft from uoper level to roof and frorn partywall to stair lancling (approximately 9, x24') Plywood panels shall be blockcd at alI edges. panels shall coPrEs To SIGN ED FIELD REP@RT Two J::,},';),.VOI LAND ARCHUI, INC Sz roo crnvo'" BouLEvaFo _j345 wEsT 52NO AV€.!Ue AFVAOA COLORADO AOOO2 42a 2].,tj KU(ll_ !'r sher ,o Morter/Fisher/Arnold THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTEO be nailed to top and bottom olates of wal-I and ou'" fr--e!Job No' 27 12 Proiecl Ebershoff DupIex L ocat ion Vai1, CO Contraclot Owner Weather Temp, "at AM PM Pr6sent at Site at all ane I edges with 10d nails at 2,' and to intermedj-ate studs with 10d nails at _t-2u. rn addition to this, the 3- 2x4 beari_n studs supportincr the glu-lam beam in quest.ion (shown on sheet shall be extended to the upper fevef floor. d.The masonry fireplace in the west unit has been framed instead with 2x4 stud walls for a zero clearance fireplace. The dinin room glu-lam beam bears on a 2- 2xr2 head.er with 2- 2x4 studs each end. The living room glu-1am beam bears on a 2- 2x6 post (with 2- 2x4 saddle side pleces) which bears on a 2- 2xf2 header with 2- 2x4 studs each end. Both headers are structural-ly adeouate to carrv the roof load from the g1u-larn beams. The headers, however do not have the extra capacity required to carry 24 ft. of 4" stone veneer. We recommend that a lintel angle 3r.., y 3L, x 5/16 (L.L.V.) be added each sioe Eo su ort the stone wi_th 3" minimum of bearin on the stone each end. e. The 3- 2x12 header north of the east unlt stair is a 3- 2x6 witt' an added center support and is claced at midd.le levef rather than at ryPqr Levef . This framing change is structural-ly adecruate. coPrEs To SIGN E O trIELD RtrP@RT :,#),r;)- vor L AN D -nncnr3, rrrrc \r:ol carvotr aovL€vaao aouLoEFr, coLoRAoo rouoz 44. r951 6385 WEST 52NO AVLNUE AFVAOA, COLORACI) SOOO2 420 2055 Rudi Fisher Morter,/F ishe r/Arno 1d 2. Upper Level Framinq - a. Three 3- 2xI2 headers alonq the north side waf] are 3_ 2x6 (d.oor at west unit, window and door at east unit) . This framing chanoe THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTEO Paoe Three o"'" rr!r Job No' 2712 Proioct Ebershoff DuoIex Location Vai1, CO Contractor Owner Weather Tomp. oar AM oat pM Prss€nt at Sit€ structurally adequate for the west unit door unit window and should be replaced to conform with the drawin The east unit window header is adequate as built. l^The 3- 2x6 stud column on the east side of the stair of the east unit is l- 4x6. This framing changre i-s structurallv adesuate. The 3- 2x8 continuous interior header over the kitchen of the vrest unit is 2- 2x8 and is 2 pieces rather than continuous. This framir. change is not structurarry adequate and the header should either be replaced to conform with the drawings or be replaced with a 2- 2xL2 header. The 2- 2x8 continuous interior header over the dinin room west unit is 2 pieces rather than continuous. of '.Lnrs framin chan is structurally adeouate. e. The loft over the bathroom of the west unit r,sa s framed vrith 2xB's at 24" o.c. rather than 2x8rs at 16" o.c. In addition 2- 2xB header is 2- 2x6's. These framing cha'qes are structuralr coPtEs ro adequate. SIGN ED FIELD REP@RT r :ili:#-vor rAND-ARcHUlilq rNc \ 2305 caNYoN aouL€vaio gou!o€F .,63a6 WESI 52r!O AVENU€ AAVAOA - Rudi Fisher coLoFAoo aof,o2 4a4 1951 cofoFAD() aooo2 !2o ro55 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED age -t'our o"'" 11-f1 Job No.2712 Proiecr Ebershoff Duplex Location Vai1, CO Conlractor Owner Weathet Temp. oal AM oar pM Prosent at Sits The 3- 2x12 header on the south slde of the dininq room of the west unit is 3- 2x8's. This frami'g change ls nor structurar"lv adeouate. The header should be replaced with a 5-I/B x 9 G.L. The skylights are headered off with 2- 2xI0's rather 2xl0' This framing change is structurally adequate. 2x12 headers over the south waII of the livin east unit ale 3- 2x10's (west e4d) and 3- 2x5,s (east end Thi framing change is structurally adeouate for the west end but is adequate for the east end. The east end heaCer should be replaced with 3- 2x10's. The 3t-8 x 12" G.L. purlins tvpicalry bear on either a stud wa11 (sometimes only a cripole wa1l to beam berow) or a beam. There has been no effort tal<en to prace a bearinq stud directly under each purlin as required by the Uniform Building Code. In many cases, the doubl-e top plate of the walr is structurally ac.equate to transfer the purlin loads to adjacent studs, but in many cases it not. At all exterior walrs with a purlin overhang. greater than 3'-0, either a bearing stud sharl be added directly under the purlins to extend to beam or found.ation below or 2x10 blockl_ng coPrEs To SIGN ED FIELD REP@RT i:::,)_r;)-vor r AN D - ARcHrr' I Nc _:2305 CANYON EOUTEVARO aOULDfR COtOFALT() ilo30? 4a4 tll5t 63a5 W€ST 52NO AVENVE ARVAOA COICAADO nOOOz 420 2055 Rudi Fisher TO Morter/Fisher/ArnoI d o"t"t-t-r-il Job No. 2712 Protecl Ebershoff Duplex Location Vail, CO Coniraclor Owner Weather Tomp. oat AM oat PM Pr€sent at Sita THE FoLLowtNG wAs NorEo sha1l be added directly under the double top plate between studs. e. The row roof 3-r/8" x 12" G.L. purlins over the kitchen of the vresc unit are only end nailed to either stucls or blocking, rather than bearing on a 3- 2x12 header as shown in detair 2/r3. This framinq change is not structuralllT adequate. At this stage of construction, the original header would. be difficult to replace.In lieu of the header, a 2xI2 ledger sha]l be adCed directlrr under the purlins to extend to east side wall and having 5- r/4" diameter 1ag screws to stud each side of each purlin. Chet Horton, Towrl of Vail,FIELD REP@RT .!/rrn/r/,),,, t)1. ' /,,(/( coPr Es To Building Inspection SIGN E D Geraldine 11. Ruhl, P.E Drt Lc of LIST OF MATBIIIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAT DBSCRIPTION DBSCIIIPTION OF PROJIIC'I oo Lor/l--ur,oc The follorving information to the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATBRIALS: Roof Sidin g Other 11'a11 Materials Fascia . Soffits Windorvs IVindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand gr Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trasb Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.) is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be givcn. Type of lvlaterial Color 4:^tr r-- r | 4. pr.ANr MATERTALS -p fr)et\)(Vegetative, Landscaping Materials and Ground Cover) DoEanical Name Cornmon }lame lt ffiTER FlSl-ER ARilpLq A|A A PFFESSIq|^L @rcR^TKI{ FG ANCHIIECII.RE Crc€{rc DB AT VAIL rrri} EASr i,CAOO|V oRr\|E v tL, @LGADO a6!t7 303A76-51(E including Trees, Quanti cy_ Shrubs, Size l,W, l,tffiAlflEle ,lrcH,firCIJ pffiJar s'-. oo Prima'ry A'lloned ZS! 30NE CHg:K for R P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS oo I sFR, R, Legal Description:. Lot 4g1oc| ener 'E6ets:/a{f:- orchitect / /drcn,?, Zone District ..4-...,lF ueight Allorved 3o' Front-Requii'e-d i0r'--p-roijosed */rs' Sides-Required l5' Proposed / {' Rear -Required '15' Proposed /5 Uaterccu rs e-requ i red Proposed GRFA: Proposed Proposed Actual -z Secondary Allor'red -ldb_--- Secondary Proposed '<7ZF -Site Covera ge : A1 1 oived /' Propcsed U,Z fnvironmenta'l/llazards: Av.Ll Fl ood P'l ain Sl ope 7c'/o Landseaping: Required Parking: Required L:c.;'/o Drive.: Slope Permitted' 7r. zfTxZ- -7a7-o Ztrrjno : Il;rp:'ovcd,/Disi.ltpr'otcci "D.ltc: c# IA*uoo 1fl36 . / -t ;'/= zNU(o- ^ua)*He effi w-' T_--- #(a&/^K UMr i- --l'4/0. e+k lVIe -fl \m-JN a'qn LYcil ffihffi- FFll4otrf UNnT . .. _ _.-*'__-J .- -. I -.. '.'...+. _;! ri I :l 11 I I - -- --.- -- il I 6KfA .Av0Dva\y- T*1Elr4, I J x*,* LqL J tqT zt4 bb ltz L7 (" t10 lt7 70 qb, ';?-D w w,la,- I-E\E-- 7 Ei"