HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 28 LEGALo Des ign Review Action Form Project Name: Broe - Neptune II Residence ProjectDescription: NewPrimary/SeconderyResidence Owner, Address and Phone; [fijf."" 252 Cleyton SL 4h Iloor, Denver, CO 80206,30]393- Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: ,";3_H1B:?J233 E. Costilla Plece' Englewood, CO 80112, Project Street Address: 1270 Westhaven Circle Legal Description: Lot 28' Glen Lyon TOWN OFVAIL Buildins Name: l. Parcel Number: Comments: Board / StaffAction Action: DRB CONSENT APPROVED Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: l) TOV Public Works requirtments (refer to attached letter) must be met prior to building permit. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3ll7l99 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\BROENETT. WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 MWI,I OFVAIL Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 19, 1999 Mr. Bill Reslock 7233 E. Costilla Place Englewood, CO 80112 Re: Lot 28, Glen Lyon - the "Neptune II" Residence Dear Bill: At rheir March 17, 1999 pre-meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) consent approved the above-referenced project with the following conditions: r Due to problematic Fire Department access issues, this residence must be fire-sprinklered.. o Stamped, engineered section drawings for all retaining walls greater than four (4) feet in height are required prior to building permit. o Certain contour lines don't mitch between the submitted site plan and landscape plan. Please revise these accordingly prior to building permit. . New trees abutting Westhaven Circle must be placed at least ten (10) feet away from the edge ofasphalt. o Please extend the culvert so that there is at least sixteen (16) feet of shoulder offof the concrete pan. If you would like to discuss these issues in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479'2128' Sincerelv. Ba-'-.af U"-"'-- Brent Wilson Planner I {9**or^ro TOWN OFVATT Department of Community D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 March 3. 1999 Mr. Bill Reslock 7233 E. Costilla Place Englewood, CO 80 t l2 Ile: Lot 28, Glen Lyrr - lhe "Neplune II" Residence Dear Bill: At their March 3, 1999 pre-meeting, the Torvn of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) tabled the above-refbrenced project until March 17, 1999 for tlre following reasons: r The DRB would like to see detail drawings of the fascia, railing and trim elements and a revised landscape plan that shows the application oflandscape screening around the transformer at the southwest corner of the lot. . The Town Engineer has identilled some outstanding issues that will be itemized after lurther review and fbrwarded to your office next week. If you would like to discuss this project in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerelv. /9*-,r'1-/--t' Brent W'ilson Planner I {p*""'"u" "o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F X 970-479-2452 February 3, 1999 Mr. BillReslock 7233 E. Costilla Place Englewood. CO 80112 Re: Lot 28. ()len I'yon - lhe "Neptune II" Residence Dear Bill: I am forwarding comments from the Town's Public works Department after their initial review of the above-referenced Pt oject eTheSurveydoesn,tindicatearoadsideditch'thiswillaffectgradinginthisarea' . pan elevations are the same on both sides, this drastically affects driveway grade' o What is the garage slab elevatiolt of the eastern garage? o The minimum centerline radius of the driveway is 20 feet This affects the entry and the 180 degree turn to reach the eastern garages' The drive will need to be widened to 1 5 feet minimum through the 180 degree turn' Allboulderwal|swillneedtobedrawnatl.ls|opeorbetter. Significant grading plan changes will be required to meet the retaining wall layout' Please show all tops and bottoms of walls' All walls greater than 4 feet will require a P E stamp' Please show snow storage of l0% ofthe heated area on site The driveway grade will need to be revised to show the first l0 feet at 87o, then (ifheated) up to lzYo maximum. On site fire access and/or sprinklers will be required' There is a patio or deck on the eastem and northern most section of the house' what is it and what is its elevation? All walls need to be at least l0 feet offof the edge of asphalt' a a a a a {g**uor ro o The maximum allowable driveway cross-slope is 870. If you would like to discuss this project further, please contact me at (970) 479'2128. Sincerely., ( b^--* L'/"- Brent Wilson, Planner I TOWT,I OFVATL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 29,1999 Mr. Bill Reslock 7233 E. Costilla Place Englewood, CO 80112 Re: Lot 28, Glen Lyon - the "Neptune II" Residence Dear Bill: After an initial review of the above-referenced project, I am forwarding the following comments: . It appears the stairwell a jacent to the garage space on Sheet A2 was not included in your GRFA calculations. Pursuant to Section 12-15-3, Town of Vail Municipal Code, this section constitutes an additional 38 square feet of GRFA pushing this project over the allowable limit. If this area were to remain at least 25%o open to the garage, it would no longer constitute GRFA. You can rectify this problem by replacing the interior wall (between the stairs and the garage) with a handrail. r On your site plan (Sheet Al), please provide an eave elevation for the dormer (west side) above the stairs and entry. My digitized GRFA calculations for this project total 6,012 square feet. Based on a lot size of 28,704 square feet, this project is entitled to no more than 5, 970 square feet of GRFA. Currently your plans reflect an excess of 42 square feet. If you resolve the issue mentioned above, this project will be in compliance with our GRFA regulations (I will attribute the additional 4 square feet to digitizer error). You are scheduled for final Design Review Board (DRB) approval on March 3, 1999. Per our conversation this morning, I am scheduling this project for conceptual DRB review on Wednesday, February 17th. If you would like to discuss this project further, please contact me at (970) 479'2128. Sincerelv. E.-*f k- -- Brent WilsorL Planner I {2*,^* ! gu.r,ionfll thc Planning Statl'nr 47i-: i28 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircments for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc accepted until all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Plaruring and Environurental Conrnrission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval cxpircs onc year after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTIoNoFTHE REQUEST: N rw Pe rn",a.p. v ll5ec-- N t2Ae*( \ B. C. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:24 BLOCK:-FILTNG: 6LLli LYaN sUBDlvtlla\) PHYSICAL ADDRESS:lZl o l"{e.i,-rrtav axl ctecLL PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-128-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: P / 1 TqwN0Fvut F, c. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS:c-LA ,ON 9Y L!{ , {e psoNe:?Q1 ?9b a9 32 owNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAMEOFAPPLICANT: hJ IUUI.6.,- ?L9LPI-Y. AP<+.I \Ifg MA E- ILINC ADDRESS: PHoNE:3o Z 117 a513 H. \TToFREVIEWANDFEE: ,3a>\ z7j-gc"+E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. - L tr Addition - $50 Inctudcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsiddndlltr commcrcial bdilding. tr Minor Alteration - $20 lncludcs nrinor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, etc. DRB fccs are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. plcasc identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. The Town of Vail wilt adjust the fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO III657. I]UILDINC MATERIALS: Rool Siding ()t hcr Wall Nlatcrial"' Fascia Softlts Windorvs Wrrrdorv Trint f)oors Door Trirn l land or Dcck Rails Flrr0s Flushings ' t'hinrncys J'rash Enclosurcs Grccnhous.-s llclltinittg lYalls [:xt:rior l-ightingtt Othcr LIST OF PROPOSED IT{ATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: ceD^e SHttJq le a+q cea6z COLOR:* Na.TURAI- eL1i?lL elob qe€;\/4a,ee\l a<oN'*i 9rzcl Beo vttr) 3 S CIPA{Z OLtjrL qob NA1\)NAL ct-AD vJeoQ drzceN t+ cevaz oLf4?tc qoc, 1)ceO l'.,lA.{uleA- Ac2 c@AL oL'4(6P tu qou ?9 uox- lv.vo",aeo OV<6?tc no ca (A?(3 f/r.'f rNn qLeenl Lo(yL?fAf rNA 6R€,I.J slaN*6r(r:( Enor^n) Fo v >p*Ref*ttJtJh ,t N,afr/pAt.- * Plcasc spccil,v thc nranufachrrcr's color. nutnbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting nlust ntcet thc Torvn's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If cxtcrior lighting is proposcd. plcasc intlicutc the. rrrrtrrbcr oflixturcs and locations on a scparutc lighting plan. ldcntify cach fixttrc typc and provide thc hci-lht ahor,c gradc. lunlcns output. lunrirrous arca. and attach a cut shcct ofthc lighting fixrurcs. l PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTIN(i TREES TO BE REIIIOVED: Gt{OLIND (]OVEti sot) SEED IRI{ICATI()N TYPE OR \4ETI{OD OF EIIOSION ( ONTROL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Contnton Namc Porur.q. -Tkt^rrutot/Ug Aezee.N PtXo.. (ztl 4oW(A. '?oe .t va.c- lQtJt,lLgtgda Ouantitr" j+ Sizc' i'+o ?" PIN ut (otJ1\ol4..tL lpoqt?ue ?Ne Jux reee e+ J ururrar4 c?Ftl ur{ t"z?-5'ca&t- A neUa,tlcll leE. 6?,Ailarwo?cRQt l+ 6 haw t *oe e?cb oetp, Stle"t Be*l lot-l' 6 cap L Lciqerauc Ct Sr!4 LgPEto b s.) *Minirrurtr rcquirc,rrcrrls tirr litndscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifclous nccs - 6 l'cct irt hcight shrubs - 5 gallotts Tvnc - ,--.- Squarc Footagc ffi*st,* ruNrPee- \Q'7 5.1aov\ 2e 1V. P(j.e$\*Ls loo 57 4\NnUt*t Bl-\)ltrGQA6tc A6e 5? 4rf IAI gAr.Z2, l-,}iDr.4SE 7**1<- Crl'l{ER LnNDSCAPE, FEATURES lrctaining rvalls. lbnccs. ss,inrming pools. ctc.) Plcasc spccify. Indicate top and lrottunr clcvarious of rctlining *'all.s. Maxinrunr hcight of rvalls rvithin thc lront sctback is 3 t'cct. Maxittrutn hcight of s'nlls clscs'hcrc on thc propcrt)' is 6 fcct. Na{rvg, 4A9 F\ t^ooa 1? YOI'R IA}ID TITLE GUARANTEE COI{PA!qY COIITAC'IS t4ay 21 , 1998 Our Order No.: V251971 Buyer/Borrower; ERIE PARTNERS, I.TD. Sel1er/Otrncr: RUSsELL SCOTT ZENKO AS TO AT.T UI{DIVIDED 40 PERCENT IMEREST, STARREIT HOYT ZENKO AS TO AN I'IIDIVIDED {O PER,EENT INTEREST, JOIIN A. ZENKO AI{D JER,E S. ZENKO AS TO AN TDDTVIDED 20 PERCENT IIITEREST Droperty Address: LOT ?8 OLEN IYON rf you have any inquiries or requirc further assisl.ance, Please contacg one of the numbers listed be]ow; For'Closing Assistancc: For Title Asslgcance: LAURA HOI|E JILL WEIJIJS OO3O BENCHMARK RD. *215 108 S. FRONTAGE RD I'i. AVON CO 81520 VAIL, CO 81658 Phoner 970 949-5099 Phone: 9?0 415-223L Fax; 970 949-4892 Pbone:Fax: 970 4?6-4534 THAT\TK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI z'd fl)J-d.rjul 3 HLILlS USlI"lS H6a: Sel 65. ZZ l.,luf CIIICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OoMftll?UgltlT FOR TITLE ltEUiAtICS CHICAGO TTTLE INSURANCB COMPAIIY, a corpo(Nd$r of Misouri, hcoin cdlod tllc Comprny, for r v{urble conrid€ratioo, hcrcby conlnitr to irsuc lu pohcy or Polisier of ttils lnsunnce, as ldondfed tn Schdulc A, il frvor of tbe progcod lorurcd mnEd io Sdrcdulc A, g osrer or tlort$8ge of the e:rrts or lnrers0t covered hcrebry in thc lard deecrtbed or refensd to ln Schcdule A, upct plymlnt of thc prendumr rnd chrrgcr rhcrefor; jl rubject to the prordcions of Schcdule A rnd B md to the Cqrdltionr snd Stipulrturr hereo{ Thi! Conrnitnent shall bo cffecrive anly whcn the idcndty of the propccd Incuod rnd thc emount of the policy 0r pdicier committed fot hrvc bcen inrrlcd in Schcdub I hereof by tbc Corrprny, cither rt the time of ths lsrurncr of thic CofimitmeDt ot by lub|cquent endot!€.ment. Thit Cqnmitmenr ir paliminary gq rhe isrurncs of such policy or policio of title inrurrocc and rll lirbility utd obligrtions hereundsr ihdl ceuc and tcrmiort clr monlhr aftcr thc cffective drto hrroof or whes ihE P.licy or pdicig comrnitted for rhell l$ue, whichevcr frnt ocgun, provtd3d thst the f.ilup to i$uc rugh policy or pdiciec i! not thc frulr of the Ccnpury. lti! Ccnmitf,lcnt drall not bc volid ot binding until countlrigDcd by rn authorized officor or agPnt. IN WITNESS WHBREOF, the Cofiputy h$ cau5ed thls Conrnitmrnt to bo lignod rnd rded, to bccqne vdid wlren countsrtitmd by rn rudrorized of6or or agpnt of the Ccnputy, dl in gccord.ncc with itr By.l.awr. Thir Commitnanr i! offoctivs as of the date shovn in Schedulc A ar "Effective Date." CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAI.IY 2xA ,/ Pr..iddrr I99UED BY:By:dn'--tW LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Fmntage Rd. W., Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Veil, Colomdo t1658 (s7q 47e-2251 FAX (970) 4?8-4534 ,.2...'r'414.-\1-- Authorizod Ofhccr or AE nt F- 2rlo E'd CTIRB: 5'l-7s I.OI4UUJ t HlItlS U3lI-rS Hffi:$ 65, 22 fuf CIIICACO TTTLE INSURA}IEE COMPAITY ALTA EOMMITMENT SCHEDT'LE A 1 2. - Charges -Alta owner PollcY Tax Reporc --TOTAL-- 1 p'd Our Order # V261971 For Informacion OnIy I.,OT 28 GLEN LYON s1,235,00 (RETSSUE RATE) $20.00 $1, 25s . 00 ..II* THIS IS NOT A}I INVOICE, BUT AlI ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THTS ORDBR, PLEASE R.EFERENEE OUR OR,DER NO, V251971 MAKE CHEEKS PAYABLE TO LAI.ID ?ITI.,8 GUARAIfTEE EOMPAIIY T** Effect,ive Daee: April 29, 1998 at 5:00 P.M. Policy to be j.ssued, and proposed Ineuredr ',ALTAI' Owner, s poliCy LO-t] -92 $750, 000 , 00 Proposed Insured: ER.IE PARTNERS, LTD. The escage or i.nterest in the land described or t"f"tt"d to in this CorrrmiEment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple TiEle Eo Ehe estaee or interes! eovcrcd herein iE ar the effective daCe hereof vest,ed in: RUSSELL SCOTT ZENKO AS TO AI.I UIIDIVIDED 40 PEREEIIT INTEREST, STARRETT HOYT ZENKO AS TO AN UI@IVIDED 40 PERCENT INTEREST, JOIIN A. ZENKO A}ID JERE S. ZENKO AS TO Al[ I'NDIVIDED 20 PERCENI IN?EREST The ]and referred Eo in Ehi6 CofitrnitmenE is described as follows: LOT 28, GLEN IJYON SI'BDIVISION, ACCORDING TO TTIE AME}TDED RECORDED 9I.AT THEREOF, RECORDED JULY 18, 1978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 370, COUlffY OF EAGL,E, STATE oF coLoRADO. PAGE NoJ.dl,ftJUJ B H.LIHS USJI-]S Hd6A:SA 66, ?2 NUl CHICAGO TTTLE INSI'R,AI\'CE COMPANY AI.,TA COMMITMENT SCI{EDULE B-SECTIONl (RequircmenEs) Our Order # V251971 Th€ following are Chc requirements to be complied with: fcem (a) Pa)rrnent bo or for the accounc of Ehe grancors or mortgaEors 'Ot tne full cOnsideration for the esEate or interest t.o be i.nsured. lcem (b) Proper inEErumenE(s) creaE,lng the-escate or inEercsC co br insureb rmrst be executed and duly Eiled for record, co- wiE: IEem (c) palment of all taxes, charEas or agsessments levied and assessed againec the subject, premieee which are due and payable. rtem (d) Addluional requiremenEe, if any diacloeed below: 1. EVIDENcE SATISFACTORY To THE COMPAIIY IHAT ERIE PARTNBRS, IJID' IS Ar{ ENTITY CAPABLE OF ACQUIRING TITI/B TO SUBJECT PROPERTY. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TITE COMPAbIY THAT TIIE TERMS, COIIDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TR.ANSFER TAI( TIAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARR.AIfIY DEED FROM RUSSEIJI.' SCOTT ZENKO AS TO AN I'}IDIVIDED 40 PERCENT TNTEREST, STARRETT BOYT ZENKO AS TO AII U}.IDIVIDED 40 PERCENT INTEREST, JOHN A. ZENKO AND JERE S. ZENKO AS TO A}I II\IDIVIDED 20 PERCENT INTERES" TO ERIE PARTNERS, LTD. COTWEYING SUB.'ECT PROPERTY ' SENATE BILL 98-045 STATES THAT EFFECTIVE .]IiM 1, 1998 TITE FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR REI,TASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST !{ILL BE s15 .00 . ===NOTB: EFFECTIVE JAI{UARY 1, 1993, CORPORATIONS TAAT DO NOT MAIITTAIN A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO, A}ID NONRESIDENT II{DIVIDUALS, ESTATES AIID TRUSTS I{ILIJ BE SUBJECT TO A COLORADO WITIIIIOLDING TN( FROM TTIE SALES OF COLONADO REAL ESTATE IN EXCESS OF $100,000.00. TltE I{ITIIIIOLDITiTG TA1( WILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCENT OF THE SAIJES PR]CE OR THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SALES OF THE REAIJ ESTATE. THE TA)( WILL BE WITI{HEI,D BY fiTE TITIJE INSURANCE COMPAIVY OR IEs AGENT AIID SIIBMI?TED TO THE DEPARTMEM OF REVENIIE, IIHERE IT WIIJIJ BE CREDITED TO THE SELLER'S INCOME TAl{ ACCOI'NT AS AIV PAGE 2 >d NOI-dl.xJdl ? H.LIl.lS dfJI-'lS btd6l:.98 66, ZZ NAt CI{ICAGO TITT,E INSI'R.AI{CE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCttEDUf,E B-SECTIONI (Reqrrirernenus) Our order * v2619?1 BSTIMATED TA:( PAYMBNT. ?HE SEI,I/ER CAII CI.AIM CREDIT POR TIIE ESTIIIATED PAYTTIEI{T AGAINST TIIE INCOME TAII LIABIIJITY T{IIEN HE OR S88 FILBS A COIPR'ADO RBTITRN FoR ltIE YEAR oF fiIE SAI'B' PACE 3 9'd llOl-d.l#J t HfM x? {I-]S l.lc[tT:Sgl 65, ZZ fUf CHICAGO TITL,E ALIA CO INSURANCE COMPAIfY MMITMENT The policy or policles t,o be iEsued will contain excepEiens Co Ehe iollbwing'matters unless the Eamc are disposed of t'o Ehe saclsfaccion of Ehe ComPanY: 1. Right,s or claims of partsics in poaeession noc sholrn by Ehe public recorde ' 2. EaEemSngs, Or CIaimE of easemenE,s, noc thown by the Public records, 3. Discrepancies, confl'icts in boundary 1ines, shortage,-i!-11:?l- encroathments, and any faett which a Cgrrect Eurvey ln6pecElon ai-an; piemisic woulil disclose and which are noc shown by Ehe publie records. 4. Any lj,en, or riEhu to a lien, fotr gervicee, labor or materlal heietofore or hEreafter furnlshed, inPoged by law and noE shown by Bhe public records. 5. Defects, liens, encurnlcrances, adverse claims or ocher matEers, ii atry,-creaged, firSc appearing in the Bublic records or "iticiri"g iupseirrent so Etre effestive dace hereot bue prior to ifri aase-Ehe pro-pored insured acguires ot recgrd lor value Ehe eicate or intireic or morcEagc uiereon covered by this corenitmenE. 6. Taxes or speClal asseE6ments whlch are noE ahown aS exisEing Iiens bY the PubJ'ic records. 7. Liens lor unpaid water and 6ewer charges, lf, any' 8. In addieion, Ehe owner's Poticy will be subject go the rnortgJgel ii any, noBecl under luem one of Secgion 1 of Schedulc B heteof. SCIIEDULE B.SECTION2 (Exceptions)our order * v261971 RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VBIN OR T,ODE TO EXTRACT A}ID REMOVE HIS ORE TTTCRETNOIA SNOULD THE SAI{E BE FOUISD TO PENETRATE OR IMTERSECT THE PREMISES as-nEssRvED rN gNITED sTATEs PATENT RECoR.DED August 16, L9oe, IN EooK 48 A? PAGB 542. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHBS OR CAI{AI,S CONSTRUCTED BY TI{E AIITITORITY OF THE UUTTEO STATES AS RASERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATEI..I? RECORDED AUg1lsI' 15, 1909' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 4 L'd PAGE NOI-d,fUUJ 3 HJ.II€ U3II-]S vlEgltspj 66, 22 rldf CHICAGO TITI.,E INSURANCE ALTA COMMITM SCEEDUI/E B . SBCTION (ExcepEions) COMPANY ENT z our ord,er # v251971 11. RESERVATION AS To THE NORTHWEST t/4 oF SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 5 souTH' RANGE --' ai-wbSf or fgi nieri oF wAv OF THE UNITED sTATEs, rrs PERMITTEE oR iiCiI.rSPS, rO irdii-UPOrq, OCCIJPY AITD USB AIVY PART OR A,IIJ OF SAID I'AND FOR THE puRposes piOvipeb ril rrts AcT OF ,FUNE 10, !92o (4r SAT' 1063) As RESERVED rr,r dii-pLisNt eecoRDED OCTOBER 2, ts46 rN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405. 12. RESTRICTIVE covENANrs, WHICH Do NOT CoNTAIN A FORFEITTTRE oR REVERTER cLAusE, eur oMitllic-i,ns-CnrctroNs, rF ANv, BAsED oN RAcE, coIJoR' RELrGroN, oR NATrONer, odieill,-As CoNTATNED rN rNsrRlrMENr R!c9l!!9_lpril 04, 1e?8' rN BooK 268 ar paCe-iie-AND AS AMEIIDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Augu-Et 2s, 1987, rN EooK aee ai-plce- aet fl{RouGH 4?2 Al{D As REREcoRDED rN rNsrRwEllr R.ECORDED SEBriMi-'R-ri, rSAZ IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE gO1' AND AS AI'IEI{DED IN INSTRUMEMRECoRDEDMAY2,IggOTNBOoKS2SATPAGEI54' 13. EASEMEIITS, RESBRVA"IONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESER1TED ON THE -- iEAoiDso AMeNDeo PIAT oF cT.,EN LYoN suBDrvrsroN' 8'd PAGE NO.LdI^IJUI 3 HlItlS U3JI"IS tldT I : gA 55, ZZ NUf LAND TITI,E GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOST'RE STATEMENT Requircd bY SenaEe Bill 91-14 A) The subjecE real Propercy may be locaccd in a spccial taxing di6cricc. B) A Cercifieate of Taxet. Due llst'ing each uaning-lurisdicEton ;.t-il-;taii.nea frour uhe couney Trcasurer or che county TrEesurar'I ruthorized agenu ' C) The inforrnation rcgarding speclal disEricEE and che boundarics of Euch aietriccE-f,ay be-ob-uained from the Board o! co_unt'y Commission"rgl-cte ci,uncy Clerk and Recorder' or the count'y ABge8sot. Required bY Senace Bill 92-143 A) A eerEiflcate o! Taxes Due ligting-each taxing Jurisdietion shall ue oucainJd from Ehe county Treasurer or che councy Treagurer'6 authorized agenu ' 6'd NOJ.d,UUJ ? HIIHS U3JI-]S l^ldtrT:ga 6, ZZ tHI q'J-. B.oz 4 to* | 1o.o a< . z-c4 t41a4t .l Ail,*.no- f.,te ) 5f Allow j oo s}-.l,-l t{ *ttr,.= 3r 715o P-6l?3 , + l b+ ?-) \.4 d,tl- It, + leJ-?4 zbiQ \z?4 4i>,2-e.ate €-tt te-V Ltv t N cr,, EvgAoot-'3r G1 q 6ne7 qrL C-o-tr-pgu 2e% av Z< 2o * . A\ovrr{ 24%c. $+w to.6 iz K emr616t 51+o .t 01. 2L 99 06:21^PM *AVON, COLORAD Jan-21-99 ol:E3P wllla F. Rrrlock, A'r-A Lor ?$6Lsxr-.1aW 4ve l?- 1 a xJa:rr tl,/'v 4N c\*zva P01 P. Clz lrn|.tTy l.oc^"loN vFlll l?lc^l lgN l'hiS folrr il to vcrify scrvicc nvallohility nrrrl location for ncw cottslttrctiotr ;rnrl shorlld hc usctl ln cotrJrrttctioll fvith prcp:rring yorrr rrtility plnn antl st:hcrhrlinA irrrtitll:rtions. Thc ltlcrrtittn lnd nvnilobility ol'rrtilitic's. rvhcthce tl: :y hc ntain lnrrrk linus (n prOFO$Cd linc.s, rrurrt hc npfrr ovtd :'nrl vclilir:d by lhc foltorving utililic.s for lhc :rccorttprrrtyinll t i t c plntr. Arrtlrarizcdliguqluu Drttc U.S. Wcst Contrtttrrricrtt iotts I .[(X].t22- t rtiT 461(-6t60 or 9.10-45-1(l Pulrlic Servlso ('gtttp:tttY grr-tlt bt16 Gnry l{nll I loly Cirosr Elsetric A!.roc. rJ4 t--s ltt2 Tcd I luskY/J olrrr IloYtl '1 .(' L 949-5.S30 lrloyd .'irtl:rz.rtr Uirglc ltivcr Wtttct rt Sarrit;rtiott l)rstrist r 416-74t1|il I rcd I hsloc ' Plcittic bring ir l itc pl:ur. lloor Pla:r, nrtd clcvatiorrs rvllsrr ol4:rinirr6 !pper Eaglc Vollr:y W:rtcr & S:rnit;rtitrrt sigoatrrrcs. l:irc llurv ltccds tttt'rsl bc nddtpsscd. NOl'DS: | . lf thc utility vcrilicntiuu furnr lr;rs riignnt rrr c.s li'ont cach o f thc uti lity conrprnics. and ntt (:orlrtrcDr$ nru trudu dircttly on lhc tbrttt, thc'lorvn rvillprcsrrtrc th:rl tlcrc nrc tro pr'oblcttts and thc dcvcloplnq can procccd. 2. lf n utiliry contplny hrs corrccnrs rvith thc propo.r-cd consrruction, lbc trlilily rcprc.scrrlolivc shall no(c dircctly on the $tility rcrit'icatiou r'crrrrr lhrt lhcrc i.,i e probtcnr rvhich nccds to bc rcsolvcd 'lhc i.qsuc ghOuld lhcn bc du.lailcd irr nn nttnchcd lollcr lO tltc'fown of Vril- Ho*cvcr, plctsc kccp irr nrind thsl it is thc rcspolsilrility of tlrc utility corup$ny ttrtd thc npplic:tlt to resolvc idcrrlificd probl cms. 3. l'hcsr: vcriticntiorr-c do not relicvc lhc contrir:tor ol-thc tcrponsibility to olxain n Prrtrlic Way l'crnrit liorn thc l)cnadurcut of lublic \\'orks n( lhc Torvn of Vnil. Udiulgaliggrs nrtuif bc glrl;rirrqd leforc diooinn h arry prblic right-of-rvly or cnscnrcrrt rvithin thc Toivn olVEll. A !gilrlirrg ncrnrit is nol a Public Wav pcrnril and nustl&Olldndrqddy. A"!-ti"l"t- - ,/tJ"" - rr 'Jt aa n4.tq ft. ?n? JAN 2r '99 ,A:26 stan-zl-es os:59A wr|rn t. Reslock, A-r-A tb PAGE.6AI P.o? Lor 2t 6 Lcxu'faN lva l?- 1 o xl ac- |+Av eN cv"euF< This fonu i.r lo vcrify scrvicc nvailibility trnrt lttc.tion for rrcrv constrrrctiorr :md shoultl trc rrscd irr corijuncriorr rvitlr prcpar-ing yorrf utility ptnn nod.sr:heduting iDst;rll;tt iorrs. Tfic ltrcarion luxl avaitalrility ul.ltriiiti!:i, rvhcthcr th.y bc ntnirr lnrrtk linur or proposcd f incr, rrrri,rl bc irpplour.l r,:)rt vcr itic.l fry tf," f.ifn.";,,g utilirir_: for.rhc act:orr1j116yi11g 5itc plarr. tl..S. Wcst Conrrrtrlr icat iorr_s 1.800-9)2-t981 4 6lt-61160 or 94 9 -4-51 t) Public Scwicc ('ornpnny 919-5781 Gnry llnll I loly Crosr Elcclric Arroc. 9t9-5t{e2 l'c<l I ft rsky/Johrr lloyd 'l'.(:.r. 94' 55.10 l"loyd,*rtaz.ar lirglc llivcr Wntcr & ,Sarlitalion Di.strict ' 476.14t11l' Flcrl f{:rslcc l. A tltjrorizql SilrlrlruJX D:{c lar 1q t Plca.sc bring:r ritc pl:rrr. lloor plal, and clcvaliorrs rvhcrr obtajn:nE Uppcr Eagtc Va,lcy W.rtcr &.S$it:ltio,r sigrulaurcs. Firc tlorv nccds trtust trc rddrr:sscd. NQ]€S: z. ll'thu ulility vctitj.atiuD fU| nr htrs signaturqs lionr c:tch ofth. ul;lily Conrprniqs. and ps (;onlttlcltls arc m'rdc dircctly.on lhc fornr. thc'forvn rvill prc.surrrc tlir[lrcic arc rro problcrrs nud lhc dcvcloprncut 0$n frtocccd. lf n utility conr;nry hlN coDccnri with l[c proposcd consrnrution. thc rrrility r cprcscrrlativc shall notcdircctly on thc trtilily vcrification forni drit ttrcrc is a Droblcnr rvlrich ncr,rls ro bc rcsolvcd.ficicaucrhqrldrhcrrbcdctailcdirranarncrrcdl*rr;;;;ih"TorvnofVair. Horc"rafrc.*"kccpin nrind that it is thc responsitrility (:f thc trtility conrplny and thc a$licru)t to rcsotvc itlotlifitd problons. 'l'hesc vcriticaiqrs do not *ti;v^. :l: .:,:,1::tor o;.rhc rsponsibitity ro obrai'a pu,lic Way I'crnrit frorn rhe tlq61lnsn1 of pubtic lYorts ot tfrc ioni'of Vrif. V.riJi,"-tcr;,irq.l*" b.gqtiltdlsfgtc-diggilg in nrypublic right-of-wli or cascnrcnr Ult,in rhc Town of Vait- A l iralucrrrsqn cly 3. . JAN.21 .7999 -7?:57PT1 HOLY CROSS VAIL lran-zr-rr!, oe:lzA Wltl5n' F- Reslock, A- I-A l|b n0, o58 La.r 2$ 6 LLxt-.JaN 5va I Z 1 a xJ err rLav zN 41re,w4 This fonn is lo vcrify scrvicc irvailobility nnd locrlion for lrcrv corrstnrctisll 1u4 shorr)d bc rucrl il corrjrnction rvilh prqruirg your trtilily plnn and schedrrlirrg in.ttalhriorrs. The locltion ,ura arnitnhil;ty ol.utilitics-, rvhcrhcr th y bc tttitirt trrrnk linrx or pron6cd lincs. nrrisl hc irpprovcrl :,rrr[ vcrilicd tty rl," ioriorrl,rg uriliri6.* po,. ,,,.,lcconrpnnying siitc plao_ P -O? At(bori zctl Si gUrrtun:Du.tc LJ.S. Wc'tt Conr rrnur icatiorrs | -1100-922- | etrT 4611-61160 or 9,19-4.f 30 Pubfic Scrvicc ('onpany 9{e.n 6l i5 Gary llnll | (ofy C.ro*s Elcrtric Asstr- 9d9-5ttr2 Tcd I lusky/.lolrl lloyd 't'.(:.r. 949-5.s.1t) l:loyrl .S;rlcarl Eitglc llivcr War.t & Sarrit:rtion Dislrict . 476.1480 Frcrl l l:rs-lcc )-z_t- fa ? Plcasc bring n r:ilc plarr. lloor plan, and clcvotiols r,vhcn obttirrirrg uppcr llnglc vallcy watcr & .s.ritarion siglrirlurc*. Firc llorv ncccJr rrtud hc ndrtrr:srcrJ. NO?'eSl |' lltftc rrtility vcrilicatiur fornr har- rignaturcs fronr c ch of thc utility conrlnrrir.r,-. *nrt no comlllcrlts arc tttitdc rtit'cttly o. thc fbrnr. ths Torvn will prc\urug tfirr rhlc nrc iro proulcnrs and thc dcvcloprrolt can procccd. 2' lf a rrtitity conrprny ltas conccntr wifh fhc proposcd constrvction. thc rrtility rcprcsqrtalivc shall nolc dircclly o't lh{, utilily vcrilicatiou fonri thit rhcrc is a probtcnr rvhich nccds to bc rr:rolvcd.Thc issuc slto&ld thcil bc dctailcd in on arrnctrcd lctrcr tg tl;c Town oivuir.'ilo,,ncvcr, plcr.sc lcqr irr nrind rh.t jr is thc rc3poorritririty of lhc utirity corrrprny a,{t thc e;;ric{rri to root *i<lerri6cd problous. .1. l}::,H:{:?:"J*":'1.:::,jr"::j:-":1'l'j::,::^girrrc rcspolljbirityro obhin { pilrrric way l;ll131:)S j,'E111,-:tolllto 1t :$_^" r-r,. i oil or vnir. rj,il,lroild;;ffi ;'tvny of cn$etDcrrt rvitlrin thc Torvn of V plAhclheforc-4i88itrg in rny public righr-oi bir. a L"r 2$ 6 Lcxr-{o t't I )uB tl.S. Wc.st Conrrnrrrricaliorrs I -1i00-922- l gti7 4 (r!{-(rll60 or 949-4510 Public Scrvicc (:onrpany 949-5f0 bt75 Gary Flall I loly Cl o.^s Elccllic Assoc. 949-51192 T'cd I lusky/Jolrrr lloyd 1'.C:. t. 949-5.530 Floyrl Sllaznr Eaglc l{ivcr Walcr & Sarril;rtion Distlict i 416-74r{l [r c<l I'lrslcc t. t AAV 4 u'ilt,tTy t,QcAItoN vnRtFtc^'l'roN This forrtr is lo vcrify scrvicc nvailability nrrrl location for rrcrv consrnrcrion nnrl ..,-h oukl bc rrsc4 irr corrjtr'ctiorr rvilh prcparing your rrtility plan antl schcttuling irrstnllntiorrs. 'l'hc locatiorr lrrrt availahility ol'utilitici^. wttcrltcr th ry bc tttailt trtrttk lincs ol proposcd litrcs, rrrust trc approvcd rrrrrl vclifictl by t6c follorvirig utilitics for thc lccorrrglanyinl; sitc plan. lL 1a xl as-T Arrtholizctl Siqrurlurc N C\€cLL Drts t-25^q ? * Plcasc bring n sitc pllrt. lloor plan, and clcvatiorrs rvhcrr otrtnining Uppcr linglc Vallcy Watcr & Salitatiorr s-ignaturcs. Firc llorv rrccds ntust bc adtlrcsscd. NOl'ES: 2. -1. lfttrc rrtility vcrification fornt ins sigrraturcs lionr cach of thc utility conrpanics. anct no (:onrllrcr]ls arc nlitdc dircctly on thc lbrnr, thc'forvn rvill prcsunrc that thcic arc po problcnrs ald lhc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. lf a utility conlpatly ltas conccnts with tlrc proposctl construction. thc utility rcprescnlativc shnll notcdircctly on thc utilily vcrificatiou fornr that thcrc i.s a problcnr rvhich iccds to bc rcsotvcd.Thc issuc shorrld thcn bc dctailcd irr nrr attachcd lcttcr to tlic Torvn of Vail. Horvcvcr, pl cih,,^c kccp in nlind that it is thc rcsponsitrility of thc utiliry conrpany arrd thc applic:urt to r.csolvc idcntiticd probtcnrs. l'hesc vcrilications do not relicvc thc contiactor ol'thc rc.sponsibility to obtain a public Way I'cn'it frorrr thc [)cpart'rcnt of pubric works at thc Torvn of vair. llility rocations nrust bc e\-$\a! -*P sblr-rrcdhsfgrc-d.iSgixS]alypublic right-of-wny or cascnrcnt rvirhin tlic Torvn of Vail. A I O @ 6\ (R)\:/ g @ i* 138 E= I 483 s.. d./\7 I l'/... /a \7 315 - 7 'o '. -a 6 \t t 9\\ \? A\ \:/ .sA ie i:/ /.\t=i & ' ...o 6\ \?,-g , o o'.. .1'- 11: :133 -tE= \l IFI - 6 t/ /a F/ t. rti iL: I 6 s 9._od Oo < ',1 93 iYJ 6\ \7 ;A E \-/ /a S dO \:/ ! 6 r- &i ll,Hlc lt rvx r/ I IEB * lll r: \f/ I l r-'?9 t8l :^-16I A E,/ cr.9. /^ l;l t;t \:l f/ 6\ \:/ AJ (.'11 G\ ,o ?t N O LJ a u o O a z l^t: /ii "EF f/;E; c 9.5i Our order No,3 v261971 May 21, 1998 Buyer,/Borrower; SeIIer/Owner: ProPert' Addte'Et "ot 28 'LBN LY.N ERIE PARTNBRS, tTD. RUSEELL SCOT1 ZENKO AS TO AI{ UIDIVIDED 40 pERcENT rNrenesr,--irannrm HoYT zBNKo As ro Ar.'r i:iiiiivipeD- ro psncsNr rNrBREsTl qgqr A' zatilro ';ffi-fiil-s. zBltxo As To Al{ ItllDrvrDED 20 DERCEITT IIMEREST If you have conEacg one any inquj.ries of the nurnbets or reguire f,urEhar asiisEance, Please lissed below: For' Cloeing AsEitcance : LAURA HOIJE OO3O BENCHMARK RD. *2].5 AVON CO 8t620 Phone z 910 949-5099 Fax;970 949-4e92 For TiEle Aeslscance' JILL WELTITS 108 S, TRONTAGE RD W. VAII,, CO 8155E Phoner 970 a16'225L Ptrone:9?0 4?6-4534 Fax: TITAI{K YOU FOR YOUR ORDER ! Nordl,rJdl 3 Hlll,ls USJI]S Hd6A:gtt 66, ZZ NUf CflICAGO TITLE INSUR'ANCE COMPANY ooitMltilEttlT FOR TITL! lt{tuiAt{C' cHIcAGoTITIjIN|URAI{CBcoMPAr.|Y,.corPondmofMilouri,hrcincrllodthcComprny'for r vrlurblc coasi&rrriqr, rr.r.t'io.ilo-io i*r r'| eohci-or edicilt :l ld: Tlf*' u lilcndfied in Schrrtulc A, to frvor * *" ,r"!iliffi;d;;d io sch;dub-4, a ornrr or tnottlr83€ of thc crtt!. or lnrcr't covcrc.t horebry in * illiit.iffi;;;i;t,; b Schctlulc A, upcr grvnrnt of thc arenlumrtnc chrrg' rhcrofor; dl ,ubJoct .o;;-p;;;of Scbedvb A ;6,fiJ1; d.nodtorr rnd stiPulr6illhcr'of' Thir Co,nrnirmcnt rhCl bo cffcctivc oily whcn tie. tdcntlty of thc propccrl tnrund md the rnount of tro pdicy or pdic{6 .o..itt"i ro, rr.u. li.n tnrrcd in SchlCglr e ircriof by thc Cmrprny' cilhcr rt thc i* ol rfi. f,r,i-ce of ihic ConmitmoDt o, by rub|egsent endor&m.nt. Thir csnmitmenr b prclrminsrv to the t$rncs of ruch policy T Pqp?l ofi.lt ry:l-* and dl lirbilitv rnd obltSEdoil horeunder th.tfi;; rnd termiara lx monrfri Jter tbgcffoctw dg brrof or *ica thc pdicy or pdiciat cofimifcd tor *,.tt-ilsus, whichevcr fint occl,t, provtdrd rhrt tho failure to l$uc tuch porlicy or gdicicr ir not thr frulr ot Urc Cqnea'v. Thi! C',unitslont ihl not bc vrlitl ot btndiag *'til counrrigcd bv rn ruthorizsd offccr or rgrnr. tN WIfi.fBSS WHBREOF, tho Conpuy h$ cgutcd thir Coruniunont to bc ri$sd'ud rgded' to becqnc vlid wlron counbrriln d ty ln lurfrod.ia offic., o, lFna ; thc Ccnproy, rtl rn *cordmcs with itr By'Lrwr' Thir commitmcnt i3 offccriy! ,, oi tii. orc ,h*ro in sch.dulc A cr "Effoctive Dltg." CHIC^GO TITIT INSUMNCE COMPA{Y UIZ ,/ P...l&nt IS9UED BY: By: A-^..rL Ae.r"^". V Senerry LAND TITLE OUARANTEE COMPINY tOB a. FrcntlgP nd. w., Suite 203 P.O. Box 35? Vell. Colorodo 81668 {Gi6, 416-2251 FAx (o?o) 4?3'4534 rt :--.'e-\4 -Aufhedzcd Officor or .A!.ni rlur-ra----. CTRB: 5.1.?S F 2tro c'r Nord'luu, B Hrr^s ,3lr-ls wffits@ 6' 2 l'Mf For InformaEion OnIY LOT 28 GLEN L'YON AlEa ;'::l'33ir"v s1,?3!.qg (RErssuE RAIE) s20.00 TaxReport--TOTAL-- $r'iis'oo ..'**TIIISISNOTAIIIWOICE,Bq_TA!!ESTIMATE_OF.IEES'WEENR'EFERRITG ro rnrs oiieF, ililst-iEFensHcs ouR oRDER No' v261e71 PrArE CHSCIG-ii.YGr.i_rO I.AI{D TITLE GUA&ANTEE COMPANT *i* 1- Effecuiwe DaEe: April 29, lggg aE 5:00 P'M' 2. Policy to be i6sued, and proposed Ineured: rALTA'r owners Pollcy Lo-t1 '92 $750'000'00 Proposed Insured: ER.IE PARTNERS, LTD. 3. The escac'e or incereet in uhe land described or t"f""ttd co in t,his ComrniEmenE and covered herein is ' A Fee simple 4. TiE,le to Ehe e6eaEe or inEele6t coverod herein is ac the iiiictive dace hereof vcct'ed in: RUSSELT SCOTT ZENKO AS TO AI'I UIiTDIVIDED 49 !!!gq.'[T IMEREST' STARRETT Hovr ;;iiiio Aa io ill tluorvrpED 40, P!Rc-!Nr rlrrEREsr' JOBII A. ZENKO At{D,'ERE S. ZENK6-iS TO A}t ttNDIvIDED 20 PERCET{T lI\TTEREST 5. The land raterred Eo in chis coflrniEment' is deecribod as folLows : LoT 28, GLEN LvoN suBDlvlsloNa ACCoRDING T9 T.HE AIIE!|DED R.EcoRDED Brat-iiinioFl-n'nconoio 'lt..lt,v re' 1978 rN BooK 272 Ar l;nce lio, coilrrY oF E.ilGLE, srATE 0F coLoRADo' CHTCACO TITLE INSUR.AIICE COMPAISI ALTA COMMITMENT SCTIEDT'IE A our order # V26]-97L === PAGE L l{OJ.4tUdJ ? HIIHS U3JI1S Hd56:SA 66. 22 NUf CHICAGO TITLE AI,TA CO SCHEDULE B - INSI'R,ANCE COI4PANY MMITMENT SECTION 1 The folloning are Iccm (a) Pa)tment morcgegorB of tbe Bo be insured. che requireficnt8 to be compli3d wirh: to or for Ehe accounc of Ehe grencorE or -i"ii lo""ia.tition ior the eEcate or insQrest' rcem (b) P"oPer lnsErument(s) -creaEing t!9-eqs:!:- or. ineerseE uo bc insured.tt"i-ii-"I."titia-."0 OuIy filed for record' so- wiB: ICem (c) PelrnenE Of all taxes, chargcC or a86eEsments lcvled and assessed againEt the subjecc ptErnt"e" whlch are due and payable. rtenr (d) Addlsional reguirenenEe, if any diaclosed below: EVIDENCE SATISFA TORY TO THE COMPANY TTIAT ERIE PARTNERS' IJID' IS Ar'I ENTITY CAPEST,S OF ACQUIRING TITT/E TO SUBJBCT PROPERTY' EVIDENCEsATIsFAcToRYToTIIEcoMPA![YTIIATTIIETlRIgrcoIt[DITIoNSAND PR.OVISIONS OF THE i6T{U-Or_ViTI TNANiTSR TA:( EAVE BEAN SATISFIED' WAR'R'ANrY DEED FRO!4 RUSSEIJIJ SCOTT ZENKO AS TO All-t'l[DIvIDED 40 PERCENT TNTEREST, sTARRET; ;Ovr-filtKo-es rc'-ei -tiiisivrpap 4o-pERCENT INTIREST' JoHN A. ZENKo AtrD JERE s. uBt{r(o As Tg all ilr,ioivioeo zo PERCENT rMrEREsr ro ERrE panNglis, LTD. COITVEYING SUB.'ECT PROPERTY ' SENATE BILL 98-045 STATES THAT FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR REI,EASES s15 .00 . (Requirements)Our Order * V26X971 EFFECTIVB WNE 1, 1998 THE OF DEEDS OF T?UST WILI BE NOTE: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993' c!!?ollTlg$l nnr Do NoT MATMAIN A'piRMAllElm-iLaCe OF BUIINESS Iry_col,oRADO, N---- NONRESTDENT rlIDrvrDUAJ,S, psrires-ruvo tnu91s^!{rLL BE suBJEer TO A COLORADO WTTHIIoLDING TA)( Fn'ou me qA Es 0F CoLoRADO REAL EsTATB in iidEss or Sroo,00o'00' -IlE-I-rTl{tloLDrNGi ral( wrLL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PEiCENT OF THE 94!-ES PRrCE oR TllB NET PROCEEdS_PN.OT'T TTIE SATES OF THE REAI' ESTATB' TIIE TAr( WILL BE WIltll{EIJD BY THE TITI''E INSURANCE COMPAIVf OR ITsAGENTA}IDSUBMITTEDToITe_pspARTl4ENToF-REvENuE,9|HERE IT wIITIJ AstiADiiCo-rO rge SELLER'S INCOME TAJ( ACCOITNI As Al'I PAGE 2 NOl.dl^IUUJ € H-LI!^IS U3lI"lS ]ndaT:g?l 56, ZZ NUf CIIICACO TI1TJE INSttRllfCE c![tPA!W ALTA COMUITMENT scsEDuLE B-88CTrON1 (Rcquiremenus) Orrr ordrr * v2619?1 ESTIMATED TATC 9ATTI E:'rsB":3ffi m'ml$m^l]itf i'"[:i H' PACS 3 l.fOlcfil*ll I HlItlS IEIIE l'l&I:SO 6' A Wt CTIICAGO TITI',E A L AA C O INSURAI{CE COMPAN'!' MMITMENT The policy or policleB Eo be issued wlll contain-excepEi'onE Eo Ehc folrowing matEers ;;riss erre same ;re disposed of t'o Ehe Eat,isfacEion of Ehe ComPanY: 1. RighBs or claims o! parEies in poaseccion not' ghocn by cha public recorcls. 2- Eagemen!3, or claim6 of eagemenEs' noE 3holtn by the Public recorda. 3. Discrepaneies, conflicce in-boundary lioe6'' short'age in arca' encroechmenre, and any-faccs *i'icii-i correct lurvey inspecBlon ot rhc premielE-*6ufd'alscfose--ittd wfricn are noc shown by Ene publlc rccordo. 4. Any lien, or right t9 a }1:l:-for gervicc6'.1abor or maEerlal hcretolore or hereaft'er furnieiEl' -i*poued by law and noE shown bY eh. Public records ' 5 . DEf,cct8, tienE, encumbrances '. ' aclverse claims . or ocher rnacEcrs ' if any, "tcaila, tirst appearlng i1r Ehg-llbric^records or aEEachins ""iIEhEii-io'-cii etiEccive dacc lrereot buE' prior ro Ehe oace crre-iiEi6ilia-i"Eured'l-quires ot reccrd tor value che eEEat,e or int'creic or morcg"gt-ifreteon covered by chis Co,wrriEmenB. Taxe8 or speelal asseEsmenge t'hleh are noc shown as exlsEing li;;; uy t-he Publlc recorde ' L,,ieni lor unPaid waler and Fewer chatges' lt any' In Eddltion. che owner's Policy wlll be aubjecc t'o Ehe morEgagc, if any,-noiea-"iraer iccm';nE-oi=iiccion t of schedula B hereof. 7 I SCHEDULE B.SECTION2 (Exceptione)our order f v251971 RIGI{I OF PROPRIETOR OF A I'BIN THSRFTNOM SHO1ILD TITE SAI'18 BE AS NESUAVPO IN UNITED SIATES PAGE 542. OR IJODE TO EXTRACT AIID REMOVE HIS ORE F6ii![D-io psNnrRArp oR rNrERsEcr tltE- PREMTSES PATENT RECORDED euguic L6, agog', rN BOOK 4g A" lo.RIGHIoFg|AYFoRDITCHESoRcA}.lAI,gcoNsTRucTED-BYTHEAUntoRITYoFTHE uNTTED sTArEs As REsERvEo rto rd?iip-6iliii-iarrNr niconpeD Au$reB 15' 1e0e' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. PAGE l.loLdHtflJ 3 HIIHS 83JI"IS ]'l4tT:SZl 66, ZZ NAI CHICEGO TITIE AtTA CO INSUR$TCE COMPAITY MMITMENT 1r. RESERVATTON AS TO-TIE NORfHirgSr 1/4 oF qPq!9I-12 rowNsllrP 5 sount', RII{GE 81 wEsr oF rH; iienr oF r.l+I-q. tii-uiirro-srlT1:' rrs PERMTTTEE oR HEffi iH,$$fi-,Hil**,HtiFHiFi ;Ui i:t *^i:,tli' f H. ::: 12. REStRrgrlvE COVENAlrrs', !{I9I-?9 NOT CONTAIN A-FoRFErrtJRE oR REVSRTER - - dr.ause, q!'-r oil ifiixe- i"-ais:#;iikg#**iU-llS:tt:!i1! i,-l! ;3 I lil it"*ti:ill ;llg':1.^ffiiii#-*iii iiii-inirlssy-nirconpBb AueuEB 25' re'?' rN BO'K ee e A;-iA6i'rri-dinoue tr'i;i tJt-rq REI:..RDED IN INsrRuMEnr RE.oRDED .",ii'iffi"il'r2'a?-!i"s6oi fir a! e1gz-eor' aro As AlrEt{DED 'N rNsrRWEMn'eiifr;io-ilt-z-'tgeo-illsoors2SArPAGEl54' 13. EASEMEMTS, RESERVATToNs_AtrD_RESrRrcrrot{9 -l!-llowN OR RESER1IED oN rHE REcoRDED nuniiii-Er'iil-or eler LYoN suBDrvrsroN' SCITEDU],E B'SBCTION2 (Excepuions)our order # v261'91L PAGE Not.lJUUl B HIITJS UflI'lS l,,ldTI:SEl 56, Ue NU-C LAND TITIJE GUARANTEE CO!1 PANY DISCLOST'RE STATEMENT Required bY Senace BilI 91-14 A) The eubjacE real propcrty may be locaccd ln a spceiat taxlng di6triee. B) A cerEificale of, TaxeB. D":-li::ins each uaxing' juriediction rnav be oDtarned fron che Councy-iieasurer or clre councy ii'".iotar' I auEhorizecl agenc' c) The informaBion regardlng_:p::i.i discriccs-?l9,tht boundarics ofsucha:.estl"c"-f,iybc-obc-:'"Eiii"mcrreBoardotcouncy cotflrnisglonere' cne c-ouncy crer[tlni-iecora"t' or chc councy AEsetsot. Requlted bY SenaEs Bill 92-143 A) A cerEificaEe of raxes Due lisgins_ea:! llrtng Jurisdiccion Ehall ne oue.rild-;;o.tt tne c"otiiy-Tie"".tt"t oi enc countv iilasttt.r' 6 authorizecl agens' <'J NO.Ld^lJUl B HIIHS d3lI']S t'.tdtrT:Sel #. 2 l'tdt ZONE CFIECK Date: s ltz |t11 Legal description: Lot 2 6 Block - Filing Ct./i'.cre Address L2o WettAAv Owncr 3 Vle esuoctz Architect Zone district Phone Phone Proposcd use Lot size Toml GRFA Allowed =.F, J)o Existing Lg o( Proposed Total * s,470 = EtqTo + f,,6'l b = Remaining o Primary GRFA _ * (@ (6t5*1 - SccondaryGRFA +(@)6lS*)=_ + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involve a 250 Addition? /-/ o 9qd-qtl o *7,7(7 = 3,3(q zJ?z e-a .( L1 .t 3.1 . 't nl 15' 15', 5+Enclosed L4 €.+rr4D w/ t ot ceS)ComplieswithTOVlightingOrdinance yr, / No- (11 €rTet,ort bt|q rt vgs, -/ No l) Perccnt Slopc g>30%) Z-l '/, 2)Floodplain Nlr .l J) Wcflands utF 4) Water Counc Setback (30) (50) Lr/A 5) Ceologic gazards J I n a) SnowAvalanche r..Jln b) Rockfall u/p c) Dcbris Flow { I A Prcvious conditions ofapproval (check property fifcy: il / 4 GveN 94pr t 9,o) ( (30)@ 5,a(( Front Sidcs Rear How much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is used with this request? hJ/l Sitc covenge (uo'lr) Height Setback Landscaping Rceining Wall Hcights Parking Garagc Crcdit Driveway Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2: I (50%) Environmcnhl4lazards Minimum 17, ZZZ 2-l ,LOf d2s' nequlred--€- (300) (600) (e00)(ft@ PermittedStope lL % proposedSlope I y" ,/\ r' Ll,6or t,1tE 0ts Is the property non-conforming? Describc: ,J l+ O SURVEY Scalc Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Size Buildablc Arca Eascmcnts DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Projcct: tr FLooRPLANS Scalc CRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spacc EHU tr BLILDING ELEVATIoNS Qncln ColorMatcrials Watcr Coursc Sctback RoofPitch Environmcntal Hazards tr LANDSCAPE PLAN Trccs Existing trccs Utititv locations Proposcd trccs Spot clcvations e STTEPLAN Legcnd MISCELLANEOUS Scalc Buirding Hcight condo Approval Title report (A & B) EncroachmcnB Utilify vcrifi cation form Sctbacks Photos ofsite Sitc Covcragc Topography 100 yr. flood plain EavcVOvcrhangs (4') Dccks/Balconics Garagc conncction Sitc Cradc\Slopc Rchining Walls Fcnccs Parking/Garagc Tuming Radius Drivcway (acccss and gradc) Snow Storagc Fire Acccss Building rnaterial samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shadc Angles Utilitics (underground) View Conidon Varianc es Plat restrictions Memo to Housing Planner if an EHU is proposed co*rnu#y Development Plan noutifiorm Routed To:Greg Hall / Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:ltzstge Return By:Asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Broe Residence 1270 Westhaven Circle Lot 28, Glen Lyon New P/S Residence Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditrons 0 0 0 {L',i JT **r<- :t ^ ?.1,, o{ D".V *4'o'' o{ 'trV Vto"r. *bf t'l) 4tt b- -luL, ^,uJ L- lr) fwy d.:,.,vv -s44 6-/. JL'A tL *>,zLl o; ;!s elz'uoL'-n7 l,o' olL rzo,-t O^, ;a {t --\- ') Sura sn )oai\ t,,,L; c*L voa.L s"'J. )-,!d^ +l* i i-, ; I ^{**l n.".-rr... i,^.. 'hr, a,c' z-\ ?^ n €Uuo9r.n c\^, J{* :,ct*<- o.\' bo{t', a, Ls , Jh:5 ArotLirol-" ^tLyt Jr'r.* -.'.-. o,-Af_. {o)\*v ,, fu e ^r<<o =log ei"h,9 of oo.Jr,^ < t'c^t 7 q{-*- p;.,;,^'-J c! ^L, (,,w rc-J, - ' od -Ll-- )n{*,-0 . - .'5 2D'. -tLls .-LLJt Jlr- e4tru(, a.'.-) -LL-.- tgo"Turn /Ju fYppk +LL pasht x < 4rqa,.,s I 4) -l; At,r:r-t- r,.;t( ,rb! I ; ,^,, L^,"J L /9 | ^.t,v'r J hrot,"\, 4k- [9oo 'Tttt A b) d.tl I U,S)n, ,u oLl.- r^-,,- [t wt) | L Jro.-,.^. o-L I ) 1l,,ot / p,.^f7*' r) p^E'#;"-Lnt,^ c,h.n<vs ,^-,- [t l^. {a.^c.r,:re) L ,*rJ W uo1.,r^9, f ,u*(\ t,.,^.,? ,,,, L I s) iV^- i,, -rt"o .-J PJJ^*, ^{ uo[ls 4) &tf w"LLr )r".,b, J'h*^ 4' uitl rMc,tr"le c. P.E. t+.rrt) lo\ Snous e^iJ a\or'..t-,- - ! t oZ, -/ JL h* lt 4*-o 6* s;'J<* lo' o z7- -+1* ' tQ W-Ll- .-,.,r L tL\- ^4.a-v ru) f;,*"'frr-ts L*J*- s*'^ [Lr ),u v ff#i#*"a, Reviewed by:Date reviewed: F:\EVFIR\'( )NE\DRiP\R( )l J'l l N(l\!rRIt( )tJ l N(i\l'tllll.l('W()\ll"{ASl Elt IrRN,l t "-l ,) . r) t tto't -a,J1atn Pn>kll r" o-1 lL co.rnSr, Devetopment plan *""ril Form Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:3/t8t99 Return By:Asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Neptune II/Broe Residence (Revisions) 1270 Westhaven Circle Lot 28, Glen Lyon New P/S Residence. The architect is willing to sprinkle the house - so don't worry about the fire access. Also, as we discussed at the meeting, he'll submit his engineered retaining walls prior to building permit. We'll attach these 2 issues as conditions of approval. Otherwise, he says he's completed the other PW concerns. Thanks. . Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)-Y Approved with conditions /;,'J- 7/-.-,- J"^/t -tt-.--f -L ,*Jztr> cor--J7 t/( cu 7rt *+ NearZ q/e c<__ Zo .Q lu. e )- h .<-- to / a {7 t/of x/.,--7 ,-/e-*. sa 2r4- fr'<,>. i+ nf /..or'/- /L' /r.r. F'.EvERYONEtr)RIP\ROI ;TING\98ROUTNG\PI-RI,ICI\0\ I NI,ASTF,R RN,I () gNoLJ qrlARt2 cF?^r- thllN alXI !'ltr)+'fQr:'! ("ait+et,Sradi HEa-r€D -6-OrTEra- F.-Ava- rlE;jllL - NEPTUNE {. lW' = l'.o b il ltl T J 3 6 A \9 z ) fr 2 0 v ilu i$ 0 .: t ) ) F d 2 e E 2. ': t^<) I t, I J $ $ s J s $ UJ V .- (\t||w YR IT '-a Ur} CtDAR, 9H|N<'LA5 oxt DR IP EP6E FILE C]iY DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, March 3, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Brent Alm Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich Bill Pierce SITE VISITS 1:30 pm 1. SBC Development - 1047 Spraddle Creek Dr.2. Herman-343 Beaver Dam 3. Payne - 381 Beaver Dam Circle 4. Slifer Building - 230 Bridge Street 5. Bridge St. Building - 281 Bridge St.6. Dobson lce Arena 7. Lionshead Mini-Golf -Tract B&D, Lionshead Driver: Jeff PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL GHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Broe / Neptune ll residence - New primary/secondary residence. Brent 1270 Westhaven Circle / Lot 28, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Pat Broe, represented by William Reslock MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 4-0 TABLED UNTIL 3 CONDITIONS ARE RESOLVED: 1. The DRB would like to see detail drawings of the fascia, railing and trim elements. 2. A revised landscape plan that shows the application of landscape screening around the transformer at the southwest corner ol the lot must be submitted. 3. The outstanding Public Works issues must be resolved. 2. Tavoso residence - New primary/secondary residence. Dominic 2655 Davos Trail i Lot 18, Block 2, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Steve Tavos, represented by William Reslock MoTloN: clark Brittain SECoND: BillPierce VoTE:3-1 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the driveway issue be worked out with Public Works. rs{}..r\t+(r/1 nworvn-ilY ,. ,i 3. Bridge St. Building - Paver replacement and snowmelt system for walkway. Dominic 281 Bridge Street/Lots D, E, and F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: Mark Cadmus, Bridge Street Condo Association CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Berndt residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 756 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Berndt, represented by Steve Riden MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: BillPierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the site grading issue be worked out with Public Works. 5. Northwoods - Conceptual review of an approved development plan. 600 Vail Valley Drive/Northwoods Condominiums. Applicant: Fritzlen,Pierce,Smith MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED AS PRESENTED Allison Allison Allison Jeff 6. Herman residence - Conceptual review of an addition and remodel to a primary Allison residence. 343 Beaver Dam Rd./Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3'd Applicant: MarkDonaldsonArchitects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 7. SBC Development -Conceptual review of a primary residence with EHU. 1047 Spraddle Creek Dr./Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Applicant: Robert Mach CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Lionshead Miniature Golf Course - New recreational climbing structure. Eagle Bahn Ski Yard / Part of Tracts B & D, Lionshead '1"' Filing. Applicant: Charlie Alexander MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Clark Brittain VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That there be a wooden rail fence.2. That the trailer be screened with landscaping. L Cummings residence - New single-family residence and Type I employee housing unit. Jeff 1835 West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 20, Vail Village West 2no Filing Applicant: Greg and Janice Cummings CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 10. Laidlaw residence - Final review of a new single-family residence. George 1722 Geneva Driv/Lot 10, Matterhorn Village Applicant: Walt Laidlaw, represented by RKD MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 TABLED 11. Westhaven Condos - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 TABLED George 12. Payne - Separation request 381 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o. Applicant: W&B Development, LLC MOTION: Clark Brinain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED 13. Slifer Building - Change to approved plans. George 230 Bridge St./Lot B&C, Block 5, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Slifer Smith & Frampton MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED AS PRESENTED 14. Dobson lce Arena locker room and loading dock expansion George 321 Lionshead Circle/Lot 1 Blockl , Vail Lionshead Second Filing Applicant: Stanley Turner, representing the applicant MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 4-0 TABLED Staff Aoprovals Peters residence - Extension o{ approval for new residence attached to existing residence. Allison 4193 Spruce Lane/Block 9, Lot 12, Bighorn 3'o. Applicant: Steve Peters Yare residence - Storage room addition; deck & guardrail renovations. Brent 1 839 Meadow Ridge Road #D/Lot 14, Buffehr Creek. Applicant: Mark Yare Dyer residence -250 exterior addition. George 360 E. Lionshead Circle/Tracts l&J, Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: Marilyn Dyer Los Amigos - Temporary deck extension. ^. Brent 228 Bridge St.iLots A&8, Block 2, Vail Village 1''. Applicant: Michael Staughlon Plum residence - Minor exterior alterations. Brent 83 Willow Place, Riverhouse #6&7/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Villaqe 1"t. Applicant: Roy & Kathy Plum The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS REGARDING THE PROPOSED ADDITION TO THE DOBSON ICE ARENA WEDNESDAY, tr',EBRUARY l7th, 1999 Brent Alm o The parapet appears a little too high and top-heavy. r Save as many trees as possible - especially on the west side of the loading dock. e The simple geometry, flat roof forms and use of existing materials work well. r The canopy idea is interesting. e The cupola/periscope feature needs to be more subdued. o The skylight may be a bit extravagant. o The loading dock gate should be solid - not transparent. e The use of zinc may work - but no so much on the parapet. Bill Pierce o This is a big step in the right direction. o A transparent loading dock gate is desirable. o The use of indigenouVexisting materials is encouraged. o New windows should blend with the existing concept. o The fascia strips should be carried consistently throughout. r The parapet may be out ofproportion. o The skylight may not be necessary. o The cupola/periscope feature is ok. o The zinc panels are good - but maybe not vertically aligned. o Get the loading dock functioning, then save as many trees as you can. r We may want to see if AIPP would like to get involved. Maybe on the gates? Hans Woldrich o Concurs with Brent and Bill. r The addition should be "quiet" and secondary to the existing building. . The canopy should not be as bright or glitzy.