HomeMy WebLinkAboutProjects & Site Plans - 1996-1997*. Afi}.4 EX"/ mwnorvnilY c r\"{es Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Datc 1'3t-?7 pro.jccr Nn ", Spruce- Park Tontrthomes Buildinq Namc: Projcct Dcscription: Owncr. Addrcss and Phone: FeP ' 45ts H 'ohorn K, Skrt R,bhqr{s Architcct/Contact, Address and 7. a" Box ll4 4tt"&,",k G, I Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 6 k1 Block I Subdivision Projcct Strcct A<ldrcss: Commcnts:zA Zonc District Wfr;q ceardldta-fG;n-\ Motion by: Sccondcd bv: tr n Co Approval Disapproval Staff Approval Votc: nditions: DRB Fce Pre-Paid \ I (=..- (>\s .,\-(', ,),\_-,, TOI'//N OF VAIL tr a K I o o o ADDITIONS. RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL CENERAL INFORMATION Applicants rcqucsting thc rcvierv ofadditions which rcquirc thc utilization ofan Additional Gross Residcntial Floor Arca (CRFA) (250 ) requcst must also subrnit a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) application. If the addition requires an Additional CRFA requcst, thc applicant must receivc PEC approval prior to Dcsign Revicw Board approval. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS One conrplete set of cxisting floor plans or "as-built" drawings with all specifications shown' A to vcrifo ownership and easemcnts. Condominium Association approval, (if applicable)' Photos of thc cxisting strucnrc. Spccifications ofall matcrials and colors ofthc addition. Topographic survcy, stanrpcd by a liccnscd surveyor, at a scale of l " = 20' or larger, on which the follorvi ng infbmration is providcd: Tics to cxisting bcnchmark, cithcr USGS landmark or scwcr invert. This information must bc clcarly statcd on thc survcy so that all mcasuremcnts arc bascd on thc sanrc commcnccmcnt point. Lot arca and ifapplicablc, buildablc arca. Legal dcscription and physical addrcss. Scale with a graphic bar scale and north anow. Propcrty boundarics to the ncarest hundrcdth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monumenLs found and their rclationship to thc established comcr. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals unlcss the parcel consists of6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intcrvals may be acccpted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunk5 with diameters of 4" or more, as measuled from a point one foot above gradc. Rock outcroppings and other sigrificant nahral features (large boulders. intermittent streams, ctc.). All existing improvcments (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). D D a Y + \r ,& D1;-+ t's oN W ttt-S 4' on"lt- J1-n-lrpLD By E u(t tu ur/- O Lqrolscn-prru& ?t-PN D tr Hazard areas (avalanchc, rockfall, ctc.). ccnterline and cdgc of stream or crcck. rcquired crcck or strcam sctback, 100-ycar floodplain and slopcs of40% or more, ifapplicable. 0 Sizc and type of drainagc culvcrts, swalcs, etc. tr Exact location of existing utility sources and service lincs from their source to the structure' Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewcr Cas Tclephone Water Electric tr Show all utility meter locations, inctuding any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site' G Indicate all casements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicatcd in the title report. List any easement restrictions' O Spot elevations at the cdge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum ofone spot elevations on either side of the lot. Thrce (3) copics of the follorving: Sitc plan, at a scalc of l"=20' or larger' showing thc following information: O Existing and proposed layout ofbuildings and othcr structures. n tr tr All ncw rctaining walls with spot elevations for top and bottom of wall. --=-\\**.*-. . 1J*---Tocatioriof-dll fcquii'ed parking. o Indicatc roof ridgc clcvations with cxisting and proposcd gradcs shown undomcath. Floor Pf ans, at a scalc of 1 18" = l' or largcr (l14" = l' is prcfcrred), clcarly indicating the proposed addition. Building Elcvatioos. at a scalc of l/8"=l' or larger ( l/4"=l' is prefened)' tr If existing structure is proposed to bc rnodified, show elevations ofexisting strucfure' . tr Building elevations must be shown, clearly indicating the new addition. If building faces, existing or proposed, are at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces as well. Show all rooftop mechanical systems, ifapplicable. If the intent of thc proposal is not clearly indicted, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review ofthe application. o t Stephen Richords AIchit€ct RICII I)#it"S 6Fe Pr.A^l ll=llt.. 1=lllt-fr,. Fillr NOTE 9,, 2. EauLDEEg ARg rD GE l'-u 'ro +t-o tLr DtMENgtaN. ?ACE BOULDE:6 g THEY $necll,cL BSTH VEFTTeAU-'( AID HOEIEON.rALLY. lll I 3. PlMENStorJg gfioNN A.E AFPeaXIMATE I EUt THE Hetaat oF e^cH l-FyEL MAY NO? 8,1 CEED4 ''O AT'D THE FAG.E SLOFE MAY NOT *. STEEPEP THAN 2'I o ;-\. /t- ,t t' / \.O c? / \ \ \ I ) )d I \ \ \ \ JUL ?5 '97 Ag?@/AN MAIL BOXES ETC 1783 o P.4 ,Iuly, 1996 SPRUCE PARK HoI{EqVNERiS TJNIT A -Teorge Gulette (303) 91}-2232 (v{)c/o Denver Dubbing (970) 476-9536 (V) 65 Inverness Drive East Englewood, CO 80112 T'NIT B Trea and Barbara Hudoff (303) 973-1074 (H)8 Tanarade Drj-ve (970) 479-9193 (v)tlttleton, C0 80127 I'NIT C Aan Esson 4515-C Bighorn Road Vail, C0 81657 UNII D- Xurt and Suzanne Bassett 552L So. CoLorow Drlve Morrison, CO 80465 (970) 476-7e59 (H) TJNIT E Alan and Laurie Crane (3tZ) 12T-OSSS (W) 555 No. Tripp (970) 4j6-0322 (v) Chicago, It 60624 (312) 722-3SLO (FA)() UNI! F' -cbhn and clmthia Nigh (6L2) 702-930s (H) L624 Quail Ridge Cir. (9?0) 479-96e1 (V) Woodbury, MN 55125 I,NIT G Geoff and Biaba Binney (6r.9) 564-0553 (H) 49810 Avenue Montero (9701 4j6-4A48 (V) LaQuinta, CA 92253 I'NIT H John and L,aNeIle Townley 502 Sand Bend Kerville, TX 18028 (303) 5e7-{E43 (H) (970) 476-684e (V) (210) ?92-5150 (H)(970) 475-0339 (V) JUL ?5 '97 A8:59RN MAIL BO5 ETC 1783 Spruce Park P.2 Home Owners Association July 8, 1997 Tol Spnrce Park Homeowncrs Re: Minutes fumual lvte€ting . July 3,l9I/l Anne Esson called the raeeting to_ or_der at _9,30a u the Bassett homp, Those members attending were_ fuue Esson,LaNclla and John Towntey, John aog CyriUG Nigh, al.a craue, Kufi and suzanne Bassen. Tbe Hudoffs sent api6x/*1ttr iaXll"i;,i;itt- Fotg. Guiette was representcd by his managencnt coirpariy. orrv tr,ose memoers prcsenr or reprcsentcd by proxy could vote, We did havd r riuonrm. Offrcers for 1997-98 are: John Nigh - prcsident Alan Crane - Vice-hesideut Cl'trthia Nigh - Secretary/Ireasurcr pxpensgs to-r-!!16-n yere revicwed. suzanue Bassetr, our-goin-g begsg*r, preseuted the Ildg.et {or l.9n-gE wirh a recommendation that dues ue incre-asedto i2o0ii0'quardii--The budger was approved as submitted. I* layn sprinkler system was discussed as there is some coocen regadins thp three lepaEre sy6_teflr5. It wu ag. reed that_tlre tirner systcms would bc mov?d to Sxrcrior locatioos. warerconuols lnside theHudoffaniiCrnneyfi'.'-;;iifrrJoi" aproblem.As cunent homeownen rov€, n9w members wiu triv6 acclia GiG;;Jr;s. This does not involve the Townlev home which is on its ownry.t"tn mjd.tt;ir'd;ontroled from the Hudoffhome was also dilG;J.-- -' - fghnNigh will.contrct Milce Frcnch of Full Moon. our cun€nt lawn meisl6n6nse provider,about monitoring rhe sprinkler system and ananging ror ilrvicei a, *rded:' The pr'sent snow reruoval compaay will be used for the coming winter. Tbe snow rcmo13l company.will be_given-the-aurhority to bring in additioial ;rvi'cei]iucn a.srowoloweni' as the need arises. Areas not to pushinow will be reviewed.- The homcowners on he eest 4rjvc b,roughr up their concems rcgarding the necd for lddt*g4 parking w.hea the driveway n-anois ritrr sni*l iri{iJu" i?",iirJv *ur nvcEugate tne possibility qnd tbc cost of crpating uore easuide parkiag. e houon was approved ro pr-oceed with this project f9r q4 arnount not to excejd Ct,&_-0. ni. will be paid bv special-assessment onirritio of 4o% weJtside norne6wnJriiiii-60#caseide. rhe .rsscssmsnr will be made ro each home ar rhe time a bia G accel-tei. shilffh" proposed project exceed $t,000 anther vote will be tekcn, .:+ o '", @:se'r r'nrL lt Erc 1?s:l Kut Bassat voluntccnd o cmtrsr t|lpd Hudoff abort usiru hb chain ssw for dcrd tstc removrl and somo urcutmrdng. Gen€ral naintenancc itenns dbaucd wcrcl rcphcmgnt of d€ccativc bad( rndivid'lho*owncnnecdbr+orr**,ffiH1:"ttt#Tffi ttfi?rl1Hf p-- mid fto wouldcontinuo toptmts gcdng-rbrrccki backinplsct Tbc ncoting wu odjanncd a I 1:0ft. Respectfully rubnttfd,kr SccrEtry P.3 w-g-Lg? cB:33Pt'l I GI{IPLA$I I I{IS|TRU I CES FRI}'I KN I 4Tt24S2 P.gL Stephen Richords Architect RICH IRANT.TITTJL IDrEc%ilS . Eo!ilaodqs$lffi: 7 /I2T/ 17 A7-3-L997 O3:34PH FRO,I KNIGHTPLS}III.ESMUICES TO 4?912452 P.eP f \/,t/$F-:g\. {^,':-r-T.'r- Fcq6ll \J t i \' \\ \ /i:\\i: .{-. a * I t'*"\\t r1" .{.to ltrrurtnar).st- .=i+-SS --.-*i-r V ) ')t a F FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL PI.AT SPRUCE PARK A RESUEDIVISION OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION TOWN OF VAIL , EAGLE O ESTATE S LOTS 6 A7, BLOCK 1, THIRD ADDITION, AMENDED PLAT couNTY, coLoRADO ffi tE ,ug tN ,ef t- -ffi 4EMee.tuL INTERSTATE 70 I trti&lE(lrqrr - ir I I u..r , I t- ...a .-. .ri r crd- t I t.ltt 5 arEE!EL--!{-|.Er tr rF -crr-r. '- a.r .rr For. .r .3r ..su .-li -,- nt kt-q t BIGHORN ROAD (80') '-.. rr .L lin ,. r.tl r-rr ..r .. .rrri[F_. .... rcllclr &...41.t a. a.l...ao l.r. rrt rrtt .-!....t'lr!|l .rttr.! !.r.a rri .rt &tEa In tltt t!r.t yltili ar.a' ta!:t t:t.. t r tl"rt dila.ra. turn aa:.st.l'... ..(i,:, .;r 14 .3tl!i !rr.3 $.r !:r.l.f.cr l.til! tli'rr L .cri<.. rn aLa l|n ,ar.t tr- arr art. d $i r*lrtl..rl.i fiori b.-., :-. - ^u 2)g *, :iEr4z--..u --. ,..-_-. ,,' : ,.XE ,*,':'j'tl$ I / I | '-;:i" il It I ir 'l iItr li.__ \a'.. dffi' Fatl adll's F.rFo'a\ f,c Fdn Loft (rott, a,c,o, ap ne ffit aat.,., fxtctr ,t( ceEtvo ,f fl6 ttDotnsor. 4 toaE f&ir@ .t dlE ct fttf frnt ro t&a ttl.r, i.nee iNAt - fanLy tttrorFgt 4LgrEO a.ll tua @tO eD a E.S Of f Et Fan tol utt a fls tifirdrtar cE.nlo ar t|l€ ,Ltr t 't at/€a ''ix .'lrfca; trPta/ao af lL an a a4rxFrtatlF od tt fcrFa ,a.It ar. rr€r ,. arlit ri;.}Qr -'-jffif,- nlij{#*#|fltrEf H4\;ln j:gE I FINAL PLAT OF SPRUCE PARK ESMTES, F/L/N6 NO.z A R€SUSOIV/SION OF AMENOED PLAT OF SPRUCE PANK ESNTES mnN oF tdtl, EAGLE CAtHrr, colonaoo VAPES/ ^- .",. j1 .r t t'l!' "' r'rl ninaatlrt.rf,rir-r '''r!|,',r " ^ru 'c. :: r;t - 'f=Fffi- aarlltalnr-rt-Llll-allr -.r .r,. lA ..r .' rr'r|i-rrqilrEBluElllqar -.dt\n .8 tro t.? -.otrro.f... tto ca.rS .. Otao trrt' VENITY I,IAP !- o,Nofet ,af ,r rr0 ctt oa tlo ..L.t. ,aa,a tff?J tasE,Eraf :r,:l:?ii.li$:.'.?Il#Pi*#Ji;;r EIGHORN ROAO i,:!:i:g"i::!;!;;-,1:;ir;#'x;i*r'" &' '{l' th,tr" *t" t|.,. .| 'r'.' '.| '|.,:.'. .t a.4.r'r" t\/, ata L'IC t t s ar'zr'oo'E s ta't5'00'E otsf^rcE ta.t:t *.5t rai:tl: L.o.d!no !o O10r.6o r'r F! Etr tG_'r .i'-il-t i:i'on ort.l oloi .it 6'r"t :li''i;-i;;;-;r'; rri.' F, fr'rt dtrco"' tu'n ..!'cr' h,r*:l:;:;*::'s.l'i::"tr i::-:';ff: " r||..ata ot c.rtlrl..!1.' ti ttrri' i&i:v:::*-, b.e r^t. a;l.- ..r'd ffi#ffi. o PLAT tr A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK I, BIGHORN SIJBDIV'ISION THIRD ADDITION, AMENDED PLAT TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COIINTY, COLORADO tt!t!i.r3u!raau: | - -dr d.l.r bt t -. qhti r- Lri. lld * -r- , rr too .. t r-r. !. ol|,|.r t h. Cit - -l.r . r.ra r-!.r .r. rrriv t - - - r r-..hb - d.lr F. a. l- r s - (l$ . .L taahl|r-. E - - .lg F - t - r. .tlrr. ir ..r.4. ,.tr.r- ,al ,. i- --, I b .f ' r- - -'." g1!-, ,.'t t*., l\rdir--tr ! " tr'2j I t!ra!!!:!J-. r-w. *-!E!!|l (or| . aa t. ..4r r. -rci rrBlli ro... rlrt d .!rt' Ert rlra !r raat: *-Eb-rht-' .t r.rl, c-.r .a r-r.. -r .Fr .lr .t rb *rt. -ra d .Ei -l--1. 'a -., nv^l .,,.rty, -'.Irru-cl9L.rfrs .rnr INTER TATE 70 (uAnEs) tltn! n t -xtr 1tJ.4'Q'c 4/uta f*4,'r',!''e- | UCt a* Ot (Ot ?. I.tttai fUS HWffi.W-gfi.atgn. a.! eULr, BttO. rJ rt t*3lut. J?FZ-t.rfr a. tO,2 b' t aalt i "1. a.,FffriA-'a-:Eil ,:IrF t- t tll tr 51. x- ",, a/- q. 4.td-, t t ntu-et 8a iJ a b: ---g- -F-- ---T--- i irr,/ /-a' Jrr'\ t,{dtFr"-"' fri it, r.! ctoHoil fiuD q-, :di: i *r-.r',ry,o..,s.tur.a.'r{- tc s :\,l /ilEan- '" t4 E 6- o6oJ,1u. R CA 107.r5' fi.?,: >o - N J776'51" ty - 1J.0r' CRAPHIC (t rrrr ) NOE* fW,rffi,_,m**W.* oAt,f c anrtl': DECE tOE'. ttrJ oAlE F Cfficno* FEEnrRr ,991 ryntrrn try"# F.AilE clP dW #fulwH,ffiffiry,w:"W qerrLEWAN&AAJUbW. ffi+-#:#ffi##tr#n* -. ,-1 .a &itd h. Itr.4 d\ h t ..G .. q ..rt cett dt d. rd ,.tht;, *il.d o u*.:ahq .t .t;. !-66t 6r ., b6 D.r iat t.. ;z::,;Flrt : ft .f, Ll iit,{ ::8.,8 _*:! _i Drat.t. ,r . .,ltu .t ta.t r*t h;i N i.rrh, .? 6;:sl ri':: "',*:i,"8 i',g.':il ;:i " r#,wffiffi#lii"rw,.." y#iflfr;#f##.HW""'ffiffi""ffi wffi *ry,,'H.}*f"r $ d-tta. 6t.* axno trlrt d. ad@ )*ao n rrnl- JO ffi tratt a. C^AM )*o n ,rnt Jg ffi 't^'.' . - /A IJ J \l .rh w tJ_o i- IJJ o-o L *lffiA-#1;u. star 6 dQn@ )a., t trat JA l"i.o./tv .:qha;, ,#,FF'ry,9i!&Jr'nffi 'rraraa-9// EIGHORN ROAD (80) #':::- !ffi#:w giffiffq"nlf^ a*r tn .wffi SPRUCE PARK ESTA TES F/L/NG NO, 2, TOWN OF VA/1, EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO ,aJta s/t' 'tgai ltto 4tlatq t CaP a-5. NO- ztu LOf 5 rwrro t/t. mtan ato 4txfltl d,Ls tn ns6 (np.) I I I I I I I I I I It ti I I I I I _J LOf F LIA.Q SAUAR€ t$f doJ2 Aclf€S \// LOTC \ L6t5.@ SOUAR€ rEEf i|l ana, n ^oo,td.. ll I tt\|tz ''l,l g ,.5/16 | *!f#eqhg'a- att ffifffi'!#mffin#x, ,Effiffiig