HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 PARCEL D1 UNIT N LEGALh;;tK,+6i Y tltp- t Design Review Eoard ACTIOH FO*PI Departmeilt of Community Development 75 souttl Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8165/ tef: 970.479.2139 fdx:970.479.2452 web: www.vailg$rf.corn co fi-HTY Er/Et .oFrE||l Project Name: JAEGER RES ENTRY ADDmON Project Description: Pardcipants: OWNER 1320 MORAINE DR LLC PO BOX 2248 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT 1320 MOMINE DR LLC Prcject Address: Legal DescripUon: Parcel l{umber: Comments: DRBNumber: DRB06025o FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ENTRY ADDMON TO EXISTING STRUCTURE. ADMON TO / X 11' ENCLOSED WTT}I A 7'-6" OVERHANG OFF THE FRONT OF THE ENTRY 06126J20O6 06l26l2006 PO BAX2248 AVON co 81620 1320 MORAINE DR VAIL Locationl 1320 MORAINE DR LoB D-1 Blockr Subdivision: UON'S RIDGE FIL. 2 2LO3-722-03D7-O See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActioN: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= O7lO5120O6 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail 5taff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cr,ndt 242 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. C,ond: CON0008223 The applicant shall match all materials on the new entry to those exisintg on the structure in type and color, Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: i3OO.OO Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Osncr Architcct Zonc di Lot sizc %o+l1oo+ tjSo+ Toral CRFA - Filing ZONE CHECK Pbonc Proposcd usc Brrildablc arca + Allorvcd = 8565 . koposcd Rcmainint 751q= 5,3tltn.sx I . Jt,]2$ff+ = Qvaq Jglp! 3cn 1 Hcigbt Sctbacks l-andscaping Rctrining Wall Hcigls Parkinp (30x33) Fron t Sidcs Rcar 3't 6' DM..:-^r 7m^*). . 20' .l5' t5, -Ao+3o t7.l 3o trl%. N4 ---=-J-u _-u334 (*)t)^n,-. DESICN REVIEIY CIIECKLIST - Q SURVEY ..-.'- I Scalc Bcnchmark Q FLooRPlru\^s Scalc tt . A prinrary cRn,t[/lflt +.fl*lJ16ry=,<15 | Sccondary odl@---r @FJzAy Existin s 5d'l 2 L3'7 2,+"1 * 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addirion Docs tlris rcqucsr involvc a 2j0 A AUnont fl) 0 Horv much of r-hc allovcd 250 Add.irion is u,sc,l wirb tt is rcqu.st?_ r/tJZO?___Sitcco,'cragc 6t/fu.L ffive.l 3e ilfur ivrinimum W_I _pbSls.r Projcct: tet-- ' -\' ..\ slFit"8r5{Ec1. --} *r.(. It ,;. 1.. cdols\aperga11g. -*titr. uoqrruuoccfe&D .- sc!u0clPg/B:lraq (p)s8ueq:r,rg7s-aaeg :- '. ."-,r jefucao3 crlg . q3?qlcs slr.tcunlsEurug --- tqftcg Surpjlng clEcs ta At\|:rdluIS D suooc,rcJc lodg I suopx!.rr$u lEld , . -gcurlnn .S.toP.ujoc.J|taln f . '''1 -ij-' r ' .' scfuycpuqglung uolecqpc^.O,C saldures pprtuil iqp t!ng .. i ',, '.. 'clFJqsopgd '.\ : ../t: {' . ru:oJ uopecgur,r {1g1pn (S:ty).u.oduc1r11 Je,rorddf opuoJ ' :1 li *,')n ,'',* ,, . sccapcspdgi4.- slEprlEhlvolos .lsrs 'Y{UO . sa3{ spm sll lEucurubr ug IcEqlJS ssmoc Dls/A uJegdpoog:f,gg1 i(qde.6odo1 sluaqt3se:l Earv clqsplpg . czrs lo.I uopdpsap pfi.1 sNorlvialg oMfirng.D .nHg- srsss cr$\Al/tlerS ----+. ' . "'u VfltD 1Euoplpps gSC - - :l.; t".i Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2128 faxl. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building Permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:Enl"v a.)J l+;o",exi 'x llt Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision : DqvpHnais : fo. -. Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: ?^tce Physical Address: I 3lo /nl oralnc Dri y'^;I j,;; Unit Name(s) of owner(s)r Marc ie Sa,egrr Mailing Address:. BoX ,493 An..,. ColoraJa 8 Owner(s) Signature(s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: @ o f ,@ ).)h "ro Type of Review and Fee: I Signs D Conceptual Review D, New Construction fi nooition D Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) D Minoi Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes b buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee E-mail Address: For Office Use Only: - r FeePaid: ?,Ot>' Checkt'lo.:/OOlo 3t' M"eringo^rc' 7 -[?-6b oa Planner: Prt ft?A lLo,o, a f (' * +**** *+*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * ** ********:t+*t***** * * * *d.*+++** * * * * * * * * * ****'l***** * ** *+*+*l+t * * * + TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *+***ti*ri**+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * ********'!***'*:*:i****:1.***:!t****** * * * * * * + * +*********,i,i*'i****+** Statement Number: R060000878 Amount: $300.00 05/26/200504229 PYI Payment Method: Check rniE. : ,Js Notation: Loo6 / L32o MORAINE DR I,I,C Permit No: DR8060255 Type: Parcel No: 2103 - 122 - 03 01- 0 SiTe Addreas: 1320 MORAINE DR \IAII., L,ocation: 1320 MoRAINE DR DRB - Addition of GRFA This Palment:$300.00 * + + * + * * * **+********!}+************t+{.{.**:t:f * + * * * * **,},}+*********{.+{.{.{.1.*************+***{.**i*+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR 00100003 LL2200 DESIGN REV]EW FEES 300.00 Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance : $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name a joint owner of at (address/legal description)tJz-J t /4"r"rn* Oy' --, provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated b /4, submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be been completed at the address noted may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to applicable codes and regu /tt &tzzla*z l//"X /,/,/' F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planni ng\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.d0c Page 2 of 14 1r/23/200s PROPOSED MATERIALS roXes+len* Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Door Trim lj Hand or Deck'Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses l Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting other I Notes: j Please sfeciff the manufacturefs name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\F9RMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-addition-11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 14 11/23/2005 : ,' Zrf-' { o^ t4 Window Trim Doors JOINT NOTICD OF PRIVACY POLICY Ifdenty t{rdonat llreffial Grroup of Companies / Caicago fitle Insrrance Compny SccurltyUlionfide|ruranceCompanyandlandllt|cGuranteeCompeny July l' 2001 We recocdze and rEsDect the privacy exDoctations of bday's coammers aod tbe rgqdrwfts o.f 4tplicablc sleral a[d Jid;frffid"s.-uru iltfidifui-rfraffrg iou aware of fow wc use ygur nonarrb-fic personal inf,ormtion ("Personal Inforinatioril, and to wtom it is disclosed will furm the ba$s for-a rel,atioG-hlp ot-trust q€tween- W !ry tE trrDuc that we servc-.'lhis Privacv sarcment providcs tbat ejglallirtiotr. we ressrve tte n8trt to cDange Brs Hrvacy Satcrent ftrom timc to titrfo consistent-with ryplicable-pdvacy laws. In &e course of our budless, we may collect Prrsolal Inforoation about you from t[e folloring soaru: + Fmm amlications or other forms we receivc ftom yolr or yopr auth- grized rcF€s4Ftive;* From ydur trmsactions with, or from tbe services being performod by, us, our alDbatcs, or otDcf,s;* Fmm irur inrcrnet web sitcs:* Fiin rhe pubfra-reuirG-nainainca by govcrnmcntal entities that we either obuil directly ftom those enfities. or from our efhliaEs or otbcrs; ard * From comumcr or other reporting ag$cics. Our Folicies Regarding the hotccdon of the Confideutiality and Secority of Yom hrsond Informtion [g maintain lhvsical- clecfonic and procefunl safecpatrds to Drot61 yorn Persoul lnformation ftom uau6orized ;cess or iouffi'otr. Wc-timifacccss td tne personat Iifornatioir only to those eqloyees who need srrch acoess in comection with pmviding pro<hrcts or scrvices to you or for olher legitimatc busm purposs. Our Folicies and kacrices Regardrg tle Shar.tng of Your Pbrsonal Informetion We may share yorr Persoml Infomation with our affiliates, such as insuramce co.4ades, agents, and &r real estab sbttleneit sersice provi&rs. We also lray disclose your Personal lnbrmation: * to agetrts. brokers or rcoresertatives o provide you with services you bave rcquested;* to tffird+iarty conftacbis or-service p'roviders w.ho provide servicts or perforn marketing or othct firnctionS ori our behalf: and * m o@n with vftom ve enter into joint narteting agreemts for products or serviccs that we bclieve you wy fifr of inreresr. In addition. ve will disclose vour Personal lnformadon wben vou direct m give ull Derrnissior. wDcn we arc rcquired by law to db so. or when we imsoect frsrdufent or criminal acfr.vitics. We aFo mav ?lisclosc vou PersoDal Ifformation wh&r otherwise oerriltbd bv oolicable mivacy laws snch as, for exairole, whei disclosr,e is Deedd o cnforce orr rights arisitrg out of my agCancnt, airsacdon or relatbnshi.p with you. One of t\: irygrtau rcqonsibilities of some of our aftliated-coqanies is to record documenrs in tbe Fblic domein. Such-docunents- "y oontain yonr Personal Informadon. - Right to Acrcss Yorn Pcrsonal hfomaiion and Abilitt fo Crrr€ct Errors Or Reqnest Ganges Or Deledm Certain states afford vou the risht to access vour Pcrsonal Infornution errl under certain cirurmst nacs. to fnd o'ur m whom vour Pcrsoial Informltion has beei disctoscd. Also. certain saes afford rrou the risht to reodst c-orrectiod, amerylmrylt G del€tion of youq Perso4{ tnfonnatign. Wc rgscrve the rii'ht, whcrE perniuid by law, b c,harge a reasonable fce to cover the crists ircurred in re$onding to such rcquests. - Ail-ryquests sg$Biftd_to the Fidelity Natiorullinarcial Crroup of CoryadcdChic4go Title Insuare C.orymy shall tre in writiag, and delivcred o-the followi4g address: Pdvacv Corcliarcc Officer Hoo&il'*fffi'*' Santa Barbara, Cd, 931 l0 Multiple hdncts or Servirrs If we provide yo+ qrft morc rlyn orrc Anancial Foduct or service, you may receive more rhxn oD pnivrc'y mticc rmm us. we aprcge ror any urconvemerrce uus mey cau$e you. fom PRIY.POL.Crll LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCIOST'RD STAIDMENTS Note: Pursuanl to CRS l0'll-122, mtice is hqcby grven that: A) lfrc subject real property may be locared in a special taxing district' ej e Cenitrcate of iares Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtafued ftom tbe Clunty Treasrrcr's authorized agent. C) The information regarding qpecial districts atrd thc bormdaies of srrch districts my be ohined ftom lhe Boanl of Cormty €onmissioners, the Couty clerk rrrrr Recordcr, or the County Asscssor. Nore: Bffective Septenber 1, 199?, CRS 3{F10-406 requircs that alt tlocuments rcccived for recording or filirE in the clerk and recorder's office shalt codairr a top margin of at least one ioch and a left, dght and boftom maqitr of at least one hatf of an inch. The clert and recorder may refuse to record or file my documcnr that does not codorm, exc@t that, the requirenent for tb top margin $all not aply to 66gumcrlb us'ng fortn$ on which space is povirted for recording sr filing informatioa at the top margin of the documeat. Note: Colorado Division of Inwam Regulations 3-5-1, Pragraph C of Article VII requires that "Evcry title emity dutt be responsible for all maten which 4pear of record prior o the rirne of rccording whenever the title entity confucts fre closing and is responsible for rccording or filing of lqgal documcnts rcsulting from thc traosaction whid was closed'. Provialed that land Title &atmbe Co4aay conducts thc closirg of the insred nansrction md is csponsible fur recording thc legal docurents Aom the transaction, exception nrmber 5 will not appear on the Owrr's Title Policy and the l-cndms Policy when issued. Note: AfFrmative mec[anic's lien protection for thc Owner may be available (typtcatty by deletioa of Erception m. 4 of Schefirle B, Soction 2 of the Commitmcnt from tbe Owncr's Policy to be issued) npon coryliance with fte following conditions: A) The land de*ribed in Sdedute A of &is oommitment rmst be a siagle family residence which irchrdes a condominium or tourtrhouse mit. B) No labor or materials have bepn fumished by mecharics or material-men for pwposes of constuction oa fte land descdbd in Sche&rle A of &is Commimm wlhia the mst 6 montrs. Q the C-oryany mrsf rcceive anappopriateafftlavitindemi$iog fre C-oryary agaimtm-filed mecfiazic's and matetiat-ren's liem. D) The Coryany mrst rcceive paymt of the qropriate p,remium. E) If there bas becn coretnrction, or major repairs undertak€n on &e pmperty to be frchasEd wi6in six montbs prior to tb Date of thc C-oilmitutr, the requircnents to obrain coverage for unecorded liens will irclude: disclosure of certain construction information; fimrrci2l idomatior as to tb seller, the builder md or fte comactoC paymtof the appmpdatc pemium frlly executcd Indemnity Agreenents satisfrctory to the coqlany, lnd, any additioml rcquircnefts as may be oecessary after an exashatioa of the aforesaid information by the Coryany. No coverage will be given under any circunstances for labor or maEial for which the insured has cortracted for or ageed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-123, notice is breby givcn: This notice applies to owner's policy conrmimcns conaining a mimal severance ictrumcnt exception, or excqrtions, in Schedule B, Section 2, A) ltat there is rccordcd cvidencc that a mimal estate bas been severcd, leased, or otherwise conveSad ftrom the surfae estate and ttat therE is a sBbstantial likelibood that a 6ird party holds sore or all iaterest in oil, qas, other mirerals, or geotrermal energy in the property; ad B) That suci mireral estlte may irclude fre dgbt to enter rnd use the pmperty without fre srrface owrer's pernissioa. Nothing hereia coatained will be doemod to obligatc the coryany to provide aay of tte covcrages referred to herein rmless the above conditions are folly satistred. form DISCLoSURE O9/01/O? ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section2 (Excetsions)Olrrorderl{o. Vffi1123G2 The pohcy or poltties to be isstred will contein er@ions to the following udess thc seme are dispced of to the satidaclion of tte C-ompany: ORIENTAIION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABIIITY, HANDICAP' NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR STJRCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL I^AWS, E(CEPT TO THE E}(TM'IT TTIAT SAID COVE}'TANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BYAPPLICABI.E IAWAS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMEN'T RECORDD DECEMBER 01, 1994 IN BOOK 656 AT PAC'8265' 2I. EASEMENTS, ONDITIONS, @VENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PIAT OF RESIJBDIVISION PLAT RECORDED MAY 3, T993 IN BOOK 6trl AT PAGE 807 AND RES(]BDTVISION PLAT RECIORDED DEGMBER 1, 1994 IN BOOK656ATPAGE 264. 22. TERMS, @NDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF REVOCABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT RECORDED ocroBER2S, 1999 AT RECtrTrON NO. 713065. LAND TITII IS IN RECEIPT OF A SATISFACLORY IMPROVEMEI.I,T L]OeAflON CERTIFICATE PREPARED BYIEAK LAND @NSULTANTS. INC.. IOB #@01 DATEq lot2st1999 ALTA COMMITMBNT Schednle B - Section 2 @xeptons)(}ur Order filo. V5001423G2 The policy or pollcies to be issued will contain exceptions to the foll,owing mless the sare are dspoed of to the safisfactior of tte Comlnny: INC., IN INSTRUMEN'T RE@RDED AUG{'ST 24, 1967 IN BOOK 2II AT PAGB IO3. 13. AGREEMET{T BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMEN'TAL LAND @MPANY AND MOI'NTAIN SIATES TELEPI{ONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTALI.AIION AND SERVICE THROUGHOUT LION'S RIDGE SUBDIYISION, FILINGNO. 2, REOORDED S|EPTEMBER2T, 19?3 IN B0,AKa3I ATPAGE29T. 14. EASEMEI{TS, @NDITIONS, CUVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATTONSAND NOTES ON TITE PI.A,T OF LIONS RIDGE SIJBDIVISION, FILING NO. 2 RE@RDED SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 I'NDER RBCEPTION NO. 121219. 15. RESTRICTWE @VENANTS, WHICH DO NOT @NTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI..{USE, BUT OMITfiNGANY @VE{ANTS OR RESTRICTIONS. IF ANY, BASED I'PON RACE, COTOR, REUGION, SE)L SEruAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARTTAL STATUS, DISABIIJTY, IIANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOUBCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPTICABLB STATE OR FEDERAL I.AWS, PrcEPT TO THE F(TEIiIT THAT SAID COVENANT OR.RFSTRICfiON IS PERMITTED BY APPIlCABlj I.AW, AS @NTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RE@RDED MAY 03, T993, IN BOOK 607 AT PAGB 807. 16. EASIEMENT FOR ACCESS AND FGRESS ON TIIE ROADWAY @NSTRUCTED AND SITUATED AI-ONGTIIENORTHEASTERLY BOI'NDARY OF SI.'BTECT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RE@RDED FEBRUARY 14. 9N IN BOOK 252 AT PAGE 555, AND IN DEED REC1CRDED MARCX{ 20, T989, IN BOOK 502 AT PAGE fi3. 17. TERMS, @NDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF ANNE(ATION AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 01, 1985 IN BOOK 428 AT PAGE 936 AND IN BOOK 428 AT PAGE 937 18. EASEMENTS, @VENANTS, CONDTTIONSANDRES?RICTIONS, RESERVAIIONSANDNOIES AS SHOWN ORRESERVED ON THEPLAT OFDAUPI{INAISMOSEI T SUBDWISION FIIJNG NO. T REORDED AUG{,'ST 23. I99O IN BOOK 536 AT PAffi,NI. 19. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ACCESS EASFMEN'T AGREEMEN'T RECORDED MAY 93,I993IN BOOK 6flAT PAGE 806. 20. IERMS, ONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTYWAIT AGREEMENT AND DECI.ARA'IION OF @VENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS BUT OMITTING ANY @VENANTS OR RESTR,ICTIONS. IF ANY, BASED I]PON RAtr, COI,o& RELIGION, SE}L SEXUAL ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB - Section2 (Exceiliom)OurOrdcrNo. V5WI4?3G2 Ihe policy or pollcies to be ismd will oatain rxceptiorc to the followilg unless the samc are dflsposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession trot $own by the ptblic records' Z. Fasenens, or claio.s of easeirens, mt shown by tbe pubtic rrcords' 3. Disc.lepancies, conflicts ia bordary lines, shortage in area, encrcachmcffi, and any ficts which a Gorlcct survey rnl ioryeetion of the premises would disclose and which arc mt showtr by the p.blic records- 4. Any lien, or right to a lie& for services, Iabor or materid tfuretofoa or he{€after frmished' irryosed by law aod rct shown by the public records. 5. Defec6, liens, encumbmrces, advmsc claims or other mafiers, if any, $eateq first appearing in tbe public records or afiaching nrbscqucnt to the effcctivc dab hcreof but pri,or to thc datc thc proposed imured acquires of rccord for value the estate or intercst or mrtgagc thcreon covcrcd by this Conmitnct. 6. Taxes or s1pcial assessments whicl tre not shown as existing liens by fre public records. 1 . Ucns for r4aid water d scwcr chargcs, if my. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mrgage, if any, mted ia Section I of Schcdule B hcraof. RIGHT OF PROPR]ETOROFAVEIN ORI'DE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVEHISORE TTIEREFROM ${OI'LD TIIE SAMEBEFOI]ND TOPENETRATE ORINTER.SECTTIIEPREMISBS AS RESERVM IN UMTED SIATES PATENT REMRDED AUGI.JST 16, 1909, IN BOOK48 AT PAGF 542. RIGI{T OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIJ CONSTRUCIED BY THE AIIIIIORTY OF THE I'MTED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RE@RDBD AUG{'ST 16. r9(D, IN BOOK48 AT PAGE542. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITIJRE OR REVERTER CXAUSE, BUT OMTMING ANY MVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REUGION, SH( HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN I'}{LBSS AND ONLY TO TIIE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS E)(EMPT UNDER CIIAPTER.42, SECTION 36fi OF THE I'NITED STATES CODE OR (B) REI.ATRS TO I{ANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS @NTAINED IN INSTRI.]MENT RE@RDD SEPTBMBER 20, 192, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 'f43 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRT MEN'T FA@RDED SEPTEMBFR 29, 192, IN EOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI]MENT RE@RDED JANUARY 22, I9?4, IN BOOK 233 .AT PACIE 53 AND AS AMENDM IN DOCTJMENT RE@RDED JI'LY 1, 1983. IN BOOK 362 AT PAGE 804. 10. 11. 12. EASEMENT AND RIGIIT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO HOLY AOSS ELECTRIC ASCXATION, ALTA COMMITMENT Sche&rleB-Sectionl (Requirmts)Ouond€rlib. \50f112362 Contturcd: NOTE: I]FON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BEAMENDED TO READ: TA><RS AND AS.SESSMENTSFOR TIIE YEAR 2006 AND ST'RSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 T'NDER SCHEDIJLE F,2 WILL BE DELMED UPON PR@F THAT TIIE WATER AND SEWBR CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE, ,t***'it**** NoTIcE oF FEE CI{ANGE, EFFECTTVE SEPTEMBER I, 2002 Purs-uait to Colordo Revised Statub 3O-lO42l, "The cortry clert aild rccorder shall collect a suchqge of $1.00 for each docurent received for recordi4g m filing in his ot her office. The strcharge shall be in ddition to any othcr fees permittd by stafilE. " l. 2. ALTA COMMITMENT SchefrrleB-Sectionl G.equirtments) lte fo[,owing are tlerequirunents to be complied with: 0urortuNo. V5001423G2 IEm (a) Paym€nt to or br tbe accouat of thc grantors or mortgago$ of the frrll coreidcration for the egate or int€rest to be insured. It€m O) hoper irstrunent(9 creating the €statc or futercst to be inslt€d must be executed aDd fuly flcd for record' to-wit: Itern (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied rrd assessed against the subjcct Pretdses whicl arE dre ad payable- Iem (O Additional rcqufue'mere, if any disclosd bclow: EVIDENCESATISFACTORY TO THE @MPANY THAT TI{E TERMS, CONDITIONSAND PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX }IAVE BEBN SATISFIED. WARRANTY DEm FROM STEPIIEI.I R. FOx AND JUDY A- FOX TO WHEA-TON FINANGAL, LLC, A@IJORADO LIMffED ilABILITY COMPANY @NVE'flNGSUBIBCT PROPERTY. NOTE: RESOLUTION RE@RDED JUNE 23, 2005 LTNDBR RECBPTION NO. 920287 DISCIOSE(9 JOAN BURLESON AS THE PARTY WHO MAYACTON BFHAI-FOFWHEA'TON FINANCIAL, LI-c- THE FOLI.OWING DBIETIONSTMODMCATIONS ARE FOR TI{E OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF THE GENERAL H(CEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELET$. T'PON THEAPPROVAL OF TIIE @MPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF TI# GENERAL EX(CEPfiONS WIII- BE AMENDED AS FOLIOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL D(CBPTIONS IS DELBTED AS TO ANY IIENS OR FI,ITT,JRE LIENS RESIJLTING FROM WORK OR MATERHL FURMSHED AT TIIE REQT'EST OF STEPHEN R. FOXAND TtIDYA. FOX. CXIICA@ TITLE INSI,JRANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FORANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FLTRNISI{ED AT THE P.EQUESI OF WHEA-TON FINANCIAL, L[,c, A @LORADO IJMTED LIABILITY @MPANY. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF IIIE GENERAL D(CEFTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF I-AliID TITLE GUARANTEE @MPANY @NDUCTS TTIE CLOSING OF TIIE @NTEMPI.ATED TRANSACNON(S) AND RE@RDS THE DOC{,]MENTS IN @NNECTION THEREWITH. Cbicago Title Insrrance &4anY ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A OurOrderNo. Ygil&BtE2 Cust Rcf.: Property Addness: rJZO i"TONNENM DRrVE / I.JONS RIDGE FIL 2 PARCEL DI VAIL, CO 81657 1. 2. Ef?edive Date:March 3f , 2006 at 5:00 P.M. Folicy to be Issue4 and Proposed Insurtd: "ALTA" Owner's Policy lO'17-92 Pmposed Insured: WrmerONrnIANCIAL, I,LC, A @ITORADO LIMITED LIABILITY @MPANY $1,190,000.m The €slat€ or irterest tn fle lard dcscribed or rtferred to in this Comitment and covered herein b: AFee Siryle fitle to the estate or intercst covered her,ein is at the effccdve date hereof vested in: STEPHEN R. FOXAND JT}DY A. FOX 5. The land rcferrrd to in lhis Commitment is described as follows: PARCEL D-1, AND AN I]NDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST IN TRACT C, FINAL PLAT, A RES{JBDIVISION OF PARCEL D, LIONSRIDGE SI.JBDWISION FILING NO, 2 AND TRACT C DAUPI{INAIS-MOSI T SUBDTYISION FILINGNO. T, AC@RDING TO THE PIAT RB@RDED DECEMBER 1, 194IN EOOK 656 AT PAGE 254, COT NTY OF EAGLB, STATE OF COIJORADO. 4. $:d '$l$l H li H,$ffi t t ri ft . tll i$ *i tsr G ,.i i.-tii $ii iri i$n Fi t!:: I tt .l rl r II t&r! tl "E I i Itu :$ lrr- I i\'s ,c' i\ rJ I :Q' \i rS :d :$ . -\.l-- ;<.X tJ td .\\t :"a{ :S ci a $ =il 6 R' Ql d \ l"J N H \ I e * is x rcl iu 'F-* R \c .h *s SF $u $i :ts i$l i{! F__.tt *_ ^\'riJl{jt* \) ;-J 5 s E R a d H F.- ::l \-r- Hhffi *o** 6ns/20M ,. May 26,2006 Marcie laeger P.O. Box 2248 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Jaeger Residence 1320 Moraine Drive Vail' Colorado : UnitA -Lower Level: 1,595 sq. ft. (Heated Storage & Mechanical Included) -Main Level- 1,042 sq. ft. -IS!al: 2,637 sq. ft. -Gir€ 462 sq. ft. Unit B -Lower Level: 1,463 sq. ft. (Heated Storage & Mechanical Included) -Main Level= 961 sq. ft. -IotaF 2,424 sq. ft.. -ftr99 439 sq. ft. Total Sq. Ft. A&B 2,637 sq.fr..+2,424 sq.ft.= 5,061 sq. ft. Area of Footprint of A&B Imper.fious Footprint of Unit A: 1,704 sq. ft. Impervious Footprint of Unit B= 1,463 sq. ft. Total Footprint Areas: 3,167 sq. ft. rl "l!+-9u-7 AndrewBerry .{ i M BDRM v2a t va. 5 [i:'--l ii- lqueen i ii \.'1 i L-_--:-_ _ _:-l___ ___ _..1 6,-0 1ts t J!"" o. i I iBDR rmt, lr FAMILY T----- -; I I I r-l , l, 7 5x15 tll l1-*--------- 15x'|8 t-;-,I iw' \ I/EcFil ) -/ 6x7 | ll- i-'li']il rl t-7-"l,ffil MECt-l \ -/ 6x7 | ll- eo l? q (o3 ?R I MARY (UN i-r'A) LOWER L€VEL 'llgt,-_ lt on SFCo,UDAKY(u,tt rr *) | r1+-+:E $IL LIF tl --- rl | | t-- r I I t-- I tr tl ll .L -F I I r#::=- PR lM lryluNrz',q) MA tt,r LEVE L -T--Tr t------ ----l l--------'-'-l !llr rll !iii lr! llg" -- | !o' 5FcoPDngY ( urrr e)