HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G4 OVERLOOK BUILDING D LEGALTOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 .' MES otLl 897 -g -u9 pproved ln'rout'tt rJste TOV/Comm. Dev. llean-up De t Befund Location...:arcel No..: roject No.: CONTRACTOR KED DEVELOPMENT, INC. P.O. BOX 532, AVON/ CO 81620 APPLICANT KED DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 532, AVON CO 81620 OWNER BEEC}IWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT t BEECHWOOD ORGANIZATION, 467 WILLIS AVE, WILLISTON PARK NY ttss/' Deecription : NEW DUPLEX Occupancy Dwellings DweIJ.ings Private Garages ob Address: Type Zone Zone Zone 1330 SANDSTONE DR 1330 SANDSTONE DR 2t03-r21-0 2-001 PRJg7-0146 Status . . . OvERLOOApplied. . Issued' '.Expires. . Phone:949-4276 Phonet 949-4276 Invest i gation> l.,i t L Cal.l----> .00 Recreat ion tee----------> 3-m clean-up Deposi t-------> TOTAL FEES----- **ir****lrt*******ffiHff*ffi**fi****t***ff********t*********irt*t*******t**t*tt******fiffffi*i**iffi*******f*****t***iri***i*ir***** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DePt: BUILDING Dj-vision: 08/2I/1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO ART 09/22/1,99'1 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ART H Item: 05400 PL,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 08/2L/I99'1 CHARLIE Action: NoTE PLANS To LAUREN 08/26/1997 LAUREN Action: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: oB/21/L997 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division: O8/21/L997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO PUBWORKS 09/18/799'1 LARRY_P Action: APPR LP Item: 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division:08/21/!997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO PUBWORKS 09/22/1997 CHARLTE Action: AppR FOR LARYY PARDEE **tt****t*ffi*ff****ff***ffitr******ffiffi***t**#*ffi********lr**************t********ff****ffr*i********t(*rt**ffi****t********** /o/6r' ) /ta^o 7,4t ztutJ / DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I t, r,t l-f \ |'\,a, lnnl( - t>trl1 lS lJvl't' tt'ulL '-'/ J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: OVERLOOK e VAIL PHASE 2 NEW (SFR,P/S'DUP) PERMTT Permi-t Table Date: 05/17/1996 Fireptace In{ornation: Restricted: Y flOf Gas Apptiances: 2 flOt 6as Logs: #0f Uood/Pal' I'et: ********i********r*ff****ffi**********rffi*ffi*****ffi*** FEE SUlfi'lARy rt***ffirffiitt**trtffi*ft******************lr********tff Bui tding.---> 1,70O.0O Restuarant Ptan Revi err-->.m TotaL calcu[ated Fees---> 6,121.60 200,00 AdditionaL f ees-------> 10o.0o ?,616.60 Total Pernit Fee-------> 6,224.60 5m.00 Payrents------- PLan Check---> 1,105.m oRB Number of Dwelling Units: 002 Factor Sq. Feet tt'aluation 2 V-N 96.72 2 t532 244 t895, ' '^, 2 v-N Basement 21.00 t,206 25,326.00 2 V-N 25.56 680 17,380.80 Subtotal z 4,418 287 ,60L.84 Total Valuation: 287r601.84 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 340,000.000 I S SUED o8 /20 / ree'' O9 /22 /1Se ,'t 03 / 2.I / lt' .ttl see page 2 of this oo"ula for any condi-tions a^"ey apply to this permlt. DECLARAT]ONS I hercby acknorrl.edge that I havc read this appl,ication, fi(l,ed out in fu[t the inforoation required, compteted an accuratc pl'ot plan, and stlte that al,[ the inforDatim provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty vith the information and ptot pLan, to conpLy rrith aLl, Toun ordinances rnd stat! [avs, and to buiLd this structur. according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign rcviev approved/ uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn aPPl'icab[e thereto- REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IADE Ti{E TY-FOUR HOURS n{ ADVANCE BY TELEPI{ONE 'l 4n-2Bq OR,AT OUR OFFIgE FROfl 8:00 Al'l 5:m P lAtolr fu( * L{ send c tean-up Deposit To: BEECHtfooD DEVELOPTENT SIGNATURE Or OdNen OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF lll0 Otllen PAGE 2 ***************************************************************************tk***l| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #t 997-0269 as of 09/24/9'l status: rssuED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t* * * * * * * * * * * * Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applied: 08/20/1997 Applicant: BEECHUIOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT Issued! 09/22/1997 Job Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR LOcAIion: 1330 SANDSTONE DR OVERLOOK AT VAIL Parce} No: 2103-121-02-001 ******************tr*******r.*r,*************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE TMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTTC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP STDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. SEE CORRECTIONS LIST PROVIDED. '-' r & & a A {. {. & + + * * * * * * * * * *l* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " *F* * * * * * * * * * * * * " t' rt * * * * *'r * rt I TOWN OF VArL, COLOF"ADO statemnt ********************************:1******************************* statemnt Number! REc-0331 Amount: 5,019.60 09/24/97 08:40 -e"y*""t Methodi dincn Notation: #3931 rnj-t: cD **************************************************************** Permit No; Parce} No: Site Addrese: Location: trhie Payment Account Code o1 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 22402 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 41336 897-0269 TYPe: B-BUILD NEW 2103-121-0 2-0 01 1330 SANDSTONE DR 1330 SA}.IDSTONE DR OVERLOOK AT 5r01.9.50 Total Fees: ToTaI AI,L PMIS: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE (sFRrP/S,DUP) PE VAIt 6 ,224 ,60 6,224.60 .00 Amount 1r700.00 200. 00 500 .00 2 ,6]-6 .60 3 .00 o 9 IH tB_dx o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3.23 d8 o o o A |l ts E 3 t,P o A E !a EI o o al H o rq ..8 H{iB 6 EB ri Pr. H 6@!l ER ,r CI\(lEru !i T t o a.llt 6r orl E'1 O()pr E Eo| A oa }|AI{$c aao q 9P *FI F'6c| ql 6t c'E oro i 0 EH ee ET E' c E E 4 FIH aa E9 !D(E' T a }'H ?a iI l,{ a o o E C| C{ lr HB 8t E'o p H A e I E F 6 H A H EE IU aql :B Et .l ltE E da H $8 A d B F -d E| H E & 3 E 4 :.I A !l A F *F cl o )c EN ->Ett aaE ao c !o t E E8 zff{#x t+/,)T\wNMy nD/utr ,70 C harlie Davis OVPtLoo vL Gnuaa 6So / E*sr-lnE,trlf= llo6o B.rr.-or rrlCo tloto + gOO6-Ggb= ZSSL {9 ntctum nnn {iw st: a&#t :'-'ir iv, nw?; xtti, Eiili5il"Faff"| ' otrxt 8- /?- 77 PERIIIT // , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr,k PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************fl) .,t(l-Building 1 i-n:-umbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other _ Job Name:t, ,rJob Addressz ,/3/O 1a az/Sfaa.e 2srd e 'qu /Block__ FiIing susorvrsroN: owners Nane: ilta5 letuez-Address: P. O. B,t 53/ ,n.6'ro=-rt,t W Address: /OO al Bzzpar Zuel p;11. ?r/? 3/t/a Architect: work class: ffi-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units: BUILDING: $EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ 4 Inber and rype of Fireplaces: .T"2IJrirl)iT=.X_ cas Loss_ wood/perrer_ t*************rr***.*..Fdi{iy;iii" VALUATToNS ********************************* PLUMBTN I rt****** €eneral- MACHANICAL: ConLractor: Address:a. EoB €D Pocp 5 Electrical Contractor: Address: INFONMA1.'ION ** * * *** * * * * ** ** rr****** ** * rr * Town of Vail Reg. wo.515 Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiJ- Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLIJMBING PLAN..CHECK fEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN ..CHECK FEE: -RECREATION FEE:i. . ;3ill-H.il;?Fi3;.AuG 2 ', lse ******* Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: CTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION BUTLDTNG: Iil\j '[U'V STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: *.************* lomments: Bzch k//a/2 /1rf/ a7 z?.u /t/t//tsfeP CLEAN TIP DEP.OSIT REPI'ND /rs /et,'€r /a.enY 52//u!/ //576 Hottff{D 0 [$$ocl[Tt fis Pnetncf Zrt 8"8 1'/7- L/AQ6 4 4*o^'- To: From: Date: Subject: Consulting in Building and Fire Codes MEMORANDUM Charlie Davis Art Hougland September 21, 1997 Overlook at Vail, Phase ll, duplex building "D" Thanks, Charlie: There are three items that need to be resolved prior to issuance of this p"rrit. one is the excessive excavation indicated on sheet A5 of the plan, it "qde" in excess of 2O leet from the garage floor joists to the top of the footin!. A planner may need to verify that the plan complies with Town codes. The second is that the basement has an area identified as a "Den" on some sheets and as a "Bedroom/Den" on others. This area cannot be a bedroom because of the escape and rescue provisions as well as the light and ventilation aspects oi tn" code. Also a den is a habitable space and r,"qrir"r light and ventilation in compliance with sec. 12&5. This space requires a-redesign of the area prior to issuance of the permit. The third item is the Mechanical/Laundty arca with a boiler, water heater, dryer and required mechanical ventilation. No combustion air is indicated and the systems are not compatible in this configuration. An engineered design is necessary to insure that boiler and water heater operate properly' It mly be that direct vent appliances are planned for this area but the mechanical notes do not indicate this. Let me know if you have any question regarding this. r-2247 I €//flnL/ E^ OK To /ssure rt4Y EE (orztre rr015 Vail1l'e7 no7/t EttE4 Pftorraa t t <11 )-*conracc u.r," .""1:rrl:-::i"l,,. T,K ?; xi;",3iili3*";"_"l,ru,lt"o:'),8n:,ir:ar+riJ;iHil"?;;ill,:iili'*u""o"('r) oernr- p:j7;?2 PERI.IIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *fl .^. ffi-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other /A:rl.y'rr."ob A<id.res st ./ j 3 o a nz/s/a.u.o - ^ t:-'/dq f) lrz /Block_- FiIirS SUBptvrStON, g'/(r or,rners Name: 5 /-t',*tt-",t:-- Address: p- o. Ery sg/ pI,. g7 i -/ii,i @ Architect, BOB LispOgLC Address: a( tn-t 82".,..n- (i<.:l rlh. ?/l 3/r'a y' ,/c,r:. 1u,,*c 2 3//A t //e'o' €u/'k 23//ceneral Descriptionz _ DU!/ey' I, work class: ffi-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units:9- n[tu"t and rvpe of Fireplaces: oT"l2jr]ri]i7r-X_ Gas Loss_ wood/petlet_ t**'t**************.***Fd#i:;iiirvAluATroNs ********************************* BUTLDING: $ Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor : Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL: $ Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: GROUP sQ. FT.VALUATTON ;Hll-$.il;"5#'Aub i ., lssl BUTLDING: ii ;! ilr 7-I wnn t-SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: Conments: ,arrlh /'/./,:,'r )[., //t /,"; t 't' / '/,, .t"z /7-t 2ti/,'CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT RENIID /'. t 4,',/ !. :: /'i/.5' 7* 75 soulh lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2L39 oltlce of communlty deyelopmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT MARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit any soi1, ,""f., sand, debris or rnateriar, including trash dumpster3, po.t.bre ioirets i'a---workmen vehicres. upon. any streetl ,ie;;"Ik, -;ii;y or public pr?:" or any portion theleof. rhe rishr:;i_;;;-;n-iri ri,ii or Vail streets and.:3ug= is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance wirl be stri^ctry enforced by the Town of Vail Public works Department. pers6ns found vi6ratinq this ordinance wilr be given a 24 hour writren ""1i""-ti-;;;;;""aid mareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornpry with the notice within the 24 hour.tirne sp"ci;i;;,"tn"-i"tric works Department wirr remove said mateii"r _"t-tr,"--""pJi=e of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance sharr not be appricabre to c-onstruction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in tfre-rlghl_"_*"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Town of YllJ B"ilding Department to obtain a copv. rrrank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Y / @owner) 75 loulh ,ronlsge rosd rail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflce of communlty deyolopmeilt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this perryjt regujres a Town of Vajl Fire Department Approval,Ensineer''s. (.publi. til-:l review ana approvail'i pjiniini'b.pu"t "nt review or Health Department review, and'a-review uy ine duiioing 0epartment, the estimated time for a totar "rui"n-iluv"iu[i'as tong as three weeks, All commerciar (rarge or smail) and a'H murti-fami'ry permits wirl have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnii.' iesidentia'l and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residenti'al or smal)er projects impact the var.ious auJve mentioneo departments, with regard. to necessary review, th;;; ;;;j;.ii"ruy also take the three week period. - Every attempt will be T?ge by this departnrent to expedite thjs permilt.as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned" understand the p)an check procedure and time frame. /*? / Communi ty Develooment Department. TO: FHOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOBS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' IS REQUIRED Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol lhe right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to sile olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, easements, or public propefty? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion lnspector, a|.479-21 58. I have read and answered allthe above ouestions. Date YES X 1) 2) X X 3) 4) 5) X X 6) 7 7 Contractor's Sig natu re o DEVE TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY LOPMENT TOV/Comm. DevNorE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *r E97-0342 apDfrl\/{:!t l a ll.ti) t I ''l i" .-i '.,210 3-121-02-001 1330 SANDSTONE DR Status...: ISSUED 1330 SANDSToNE DR ovERL,OOAppIied ' ', trge^/,??/,J:227 rl-sued...: L0/L3/L99 Expires..: 04/Ll/1-99: Phone t 949-4276 Phone; 949-4276 APPLICANT KED DEVELOPMENT, INC. P.o. Box 532' AVON' CO 81620 CONTRACTOR KED DEVETOPMENT' INC. P.O. BOX 532, AVON, co 81620 BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT t BEEcHwooD oRGANIZATIoN, 46? wILLIs AvE, wlLLIsToN PARK NY 11594 Description: NEW FOUR PLEX Occupancy Dwellings Private Garages Bui [ding----> P lan check--> lnvest igati on> lli l,l, CaL t---) Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Factor Sq. Feet Valuation 96.72 6,520 630 '674.40 25.56 r,448 37r010.88 Subtotal z 7 ,968 667 ,625 '28 Total Valuation z 667 ,625 '28 Table Date: 05/!7/1996 usER VALUATION: 72O.W #of $ood/Pa I' tet: Fi reoLace lnforDation: Restricted: Y flof Gas AppL i Appt iances: 4 fof Gas Logs:FirePLace lntorDatlon: xlsrrlcrErcl: I rvr sq- ^PF's'vrv' **#ff**ff***ffiffi*******ff********i*i*{.trt*tr*trftt****t f EE SUntARy *ttff****#rtt*i*ffttr*t**t*t*ffi***ff*ff*fr*ff***tr*ff***. a lt) fin .00 Totat catcutated Fees--->6,422.W 3,?20.@ Restuarant Plsn Revi crr--> 2,093.00 DRB f cr-------.0O Racrcation Fee---------->3.00 Ctcan-UP D.Posi t--------> ToT^LFEES_-------_> AdditionaL Fces-------->400.00 Addi ti ona I' tces--------2 1 ,956.00 Totat Pcrmi t Fee----->,956.0O 75O.OO Payments------- E.t+22.W BAL NCE DUE---- .00 6.4??.Q E,42?.@ .m t[ 7gA, oO rcu Addrees :'zlE=*lli"i;::i Dept: ART- Dept: LAUREN Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: PUBWORKS Dept! HEALTH Division: DeDt: ENGINEER DiViSiON: PUBWORKS **ff***t***ffiffi*!rr.*fi.**Jrfr**'t*******t***ff***fffi*L*ff#r***tt***rtrt*****trffi****trffi**rtffiffi*lrffi*ffrff***ft************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby scknolrt,cdgc that t have rrad this apptication, fitled out in futt the infonnation requi red, conpteted an accurate ptot ptin, "'na statc thit aL! the information proviaeO as riquired.is correct. I agree to compl'y Hith the infornation and plot ptan. to conpty with al,L Tovn ordinances and state ta*s, and io buitd this structure according to the ToHnrs zoning and subdivision codcs, disign rcviev approved, Unifori 8uiLding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn app[icabte thereto' Item: 05100 BUfLDING DEPARTMENT- - ?"7;iz/,1?44 8fiiftt1B- ftEEiSli IEER F8ft*i*$o,-a6m:'.0s400 PLANNING DEPARTMENI- -657)6 t166i-citEittiE- -AEEion: NQ!-B PLANs ro 69726'/\ggt LAUREN Aclioq: APPR it'e.m:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 6572a / Istl - crrAiir-,rE-- iiaiio;; APPR N/A rt6ma' 05500 PUBr,rc woRK$-05-t)stIll1-cHARLiE Ac'tion: 1IQTE PLANs ro \6'/6171ggt l-,AnnY P Action: $!!$ LP ru'em:'.oszoo ENVTRoNMENTAL HE4lTH .os /2s /rss7 cHARr,iE""EC€Tonf-lieFn N/e Itb.m:'.05550 ENGINEERING.65726/1551-cHARLTE-- A-Ction: Nq!-E PLANS ro 1o/61/lsst LennT_p Action: APPR LP BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division: REcrrEsrs ton rilspEcrtoits smLL BE '^ot *'?'*R tloun3 t Sond CtearUp O.pelt to: XED DE\'ELCilEff ******************************************************************************** coNDrTrolrs,^^ status: ISSUED Permit *: 89?-0342 "'**??*1:.!?n?(n.1**********ii*i***************** * * *-* *ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' permit rvpe: NEvr Mur,rr-FAM.€urLD PERM ^H:ilt; \ZfiVf,\1^ii appriclnt' 5ii-ilYlioi-lrsNt' rNc' to i*pi"z o,'/tr/Leeg 1330 SAIIDSTONE DR OVERLOOK e VAIL' PHASE II 2:-o3-L2]--02-001 DeecriPtion: NEW FOUR PLEX Conditione: Job Addreee: Location:Parcel No3 AT. olJR otlcE fRoli E:(n Ail 5:00 Plt iftF-F6fr-frifrEffiiloner *************************t ****************************il******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted3 LO/22/9? 09:30 suatemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0348 Amount: 5t422.00 L0/22197 09:16 Payment Method: CK Notation: #39?3 Init: JRM Permit No: 89?-0342 T14pe: MF BUILD NEW MUIJTI-FAI{ BUILD Parcel No: 2103-121-02-001 Site Addreee: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Location: 1330 SANDSTONE DR OVERLOOK g VAIL, PHASE 1I Total Fees: 8t422.00 ThiE Payment **************************************************************** 5,422.0O Total ALl, PmtBl Balance: Account Code Description BP OO1OOOO31.111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR O01OOOO31122OO DEgIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES Dl 00100002403100 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS RF 11100003112?OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 8,422.O0 .00 Amount 220.00 400.00 2,093 .00 750.00 1,956. 0o 3.00 rFl oa oP .;x .; o2 oa F F (J o 9i d t! ,1 (J U a d o il -v HU Ffl a6 ti z 2 E4 >6 a r-{ at ld "3 E oo E .4 0 F rtl H AE tsl o FI AH zz Flo FE E{ &Fr zz Erc 50 trE btsl az 'o FA ad lrh HZ ot5 89 FI H lr z o otc to zg ai E ri .-. li dd UI 40 B 8" a IA d o fr z F o A ; rrp E> a{ErH E6t ed o TO}IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICAI\II COI.ITRACIOR OI{NER Description: MECII SYSTEM FOR 4 PLEX Fireplace InfoEmaEion: Reslrictod: ANYTIME PLIJMBING & HEATTNG L6275 CR 350, BIIENA VTSTA, CO 812L1_ A}IYTIME PLI]MBING & HEATING L6275 CR 350, BUENA VTSTA, CO 81211 BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVETOPMENT T BEECHWOOD ORGANIZATION, 467 WILLIS AVE, Phone z 7L9-395-2989 Phone z 719-395-2989 WII,LISTON PARK NY 1,159 20, 000 . 00 *Of Wood/Pa]]eE: DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE .A,T ALIJ TIMES MECHANICAL PERMTT Permit, #: M98-0148 ,Job Address...: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Location......: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Parcel No. . . .. : 21-03-121-02-001 ProjecE Number: PR'J97-0181 st,atus...: ISSIIED Applied. . . 08/L1,/]-998 Issued...: 08/L2/1998 Extrrires. . : 02/08/L999 ValuaE.ion: *of caB Loga:*of ca8 Applianc€s: FEE SUT,fiARY Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Investigatsion> will call----> ReEtuarant Plan Revicw- - > DRB Fee-------- TOTAI, FEES- - - -. Totsal calculaged Fe€s- - - > Additional Fees---------> Tolal PerEic Fee--------> 400.o0 100.00 .00 3 .00 .00 503 .00 503 . O0 . oo 503.OO Paldcnt.r------- 5O3 -OO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .;#';;;;;;;';;;;;;,"' O8l11l1-998 'IRM ACTION: APPR APPROVED .JRM-rtQm:"056Q0 FrRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FrRE Division:I8/LL/L998 JHM AcE.ion: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1-. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TIIE ].991 I]MC.3. TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFASIT]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991. IJMC.4. GAS APPTIA}ICES SHALI-, BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALT TERMINATE AS SPEC]FIED IN SEC.9O6 OF TIIE 1991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITTI SEC,5O5 AND 703 0F THE 199L UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]MTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI.,OORING.7. PERMTT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANAIYSTS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAIJ ROOM PR]OR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS COIiTTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DR,,,AIN PER SEC.2IL9 OF THE 1991 I]IVIC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS r hcrcby rcknovlcdgc lhat r havc t""u at"pptidabion, fillcd o,-r, ,n r..rt bhc infotnraltn rcquircd, cotrplcecd an .ccur.t€ plot plaa, and ltacc that all Ehe infotuation provlded ea requircd ia corrcct, f agrcc to cotuply trith !h. infonation and plots pl.an, to comply rilh aLl Town ordinanccg and Elatc lawg, and to build !hl6 EtrucEule according tso tshc Town,6 zoning and rubdivi.aion eodr6, design r.vL€v apltrov.d, tniforrt| Bui].ding Code and other ordinanc€a of ch6 To$n aplrllcablo !he!€to. REqUE9TS FOR TNSPEC?IONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TI{ENTY-FOT'R HOUR6 IN ADI'ANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 79-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:0o AM 5:Oo PM STSNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTUgELF AND OWNER TOWT.I OF VAIL . COI,ORA.DO StaEcnn! * a..irt*r*rtlJtirr* 5o3.oo oA/L2/9e 16t4r Statennt. Nurdrar: REc-0435 luounE: Paldent M€chod: CK NoEation! 44?5 Inir: l4AW P€roi! No: M9s-o149 ft4re: B-MECH MacHANIcAl, PERIi{IT Pardcl No: 2103-12L-02-0o1 gi!6 Add!.68 ! 1330 S]INDSTONE DR Locacion: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Tolal FccB: Thi6 Payncnt 503.00 tocal A.LL Pats: Salance: lccounE @de De6cript.ion 503.00 503.00 .00 .Amount, 400.o0 t 00. 00 3.00 UP OO].OOOO3].I13OO MECHAIIICAI PERMTA FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECI( FBES wc 00100003112s00 wlr,rr cAr,L INgPEctIoN FAE -.-.. rr ^ ^^ir;gfl ...."". Easlc coun., n""o""ottrr"u tlte Trye-]t i, gto-tza--8640 for Parcer l. TowN oF vArL coNsrRuc?roN AU$ t01gg8 pER.\ltr t,\RCEL I: - PERMIT APPIIcATToN FoRM ---J.\ DATE:__ r APPLICATION MUST BE FILLE*D OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED I r * * * * rt * * * * * tt * * * ttr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORI'IATIoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ]r * * * * * [ ]-Buirding [ ]-Pruhbing [ ]-Erectrical [!-Mechani'ca1 [ ]-other fob Name ,ltcCy' l-rk ,,'t L/,u,'I Job Acldress: LegaI Description: LotG "1 lwners Nane: ?LUMBING: $l- I ^ t/ , , , '.i trchitect ' /-L)L't Ll' \ .( | /1 ,'J.i leneral DescriPtion: .tork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I lumber of DweLling Units: .fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas App1iun""=..7 Cas fogsl Wood/pellet k * * * * * rt tr * t( * * * * 't 't * tt * * * {'* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * *,rr * * * * * x * ,)r * * * * I IUf LDING: $ I11 r'nl. Fi 1 .i '^ **^^]CI attEhTtrTCTA\r. a.- ,l l-Additional- [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accohnodation Units: 'llectrical Contractor :''ddress: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHAN I cAr-, t $_22,r*. :_-OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone l{unber: tl t.)Town of VaiI Reg. No,V!7: Phone Nurnber: '1 lti. ,1 ff->'1, techanical Contractor: -5. 1,-r a ,\ddress:- @ iddress: Town of Vail Reg. No-4]:_:t": Phone Nunber: .S ' c r..*l- : x >\ t< * >t :t :r :l :t * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * tt * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE it r\ ?r rt x * >t * it x * * * :t * t( * * * rt ,k * * * * , ,t * i : * ]UTLDING PER}IIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICATJ PERMIT FEE: 'LECTRICAL FEE: )THER, TYPE OF FEE: )R,B FEE: .RECREATION FEE: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK ,FEE:}'IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECX FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: :lumbinq Contractor:tJ-t I GROUP lonments: VALUATION ) CLEAX UP DEP.OSIT REFTII{D TO: / tf,r( t o<>K c-x v t V\eJ-r''-t"J'roo t/r1 4luu n o: I n la-,t...- tt b" F\r. *o f|otle( l'= l' ffiffiD Boile I 1av Brt,t o 3/t V^t l''' ' €o SAtrr^t l+d I1 ff TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROAD vArt, co 81657 97A-479-2L38 APPI.ICAMT COI TRACTOR OI,{NER DRB Pec .oo rov€stigation> fiill call----> .00 3 .00 Total calculaEcal Fceg- - - > Adaitional FceB-------- -> Tocal Peroit Fee--------> 332.OO .00 332. O0 Paynentra--_----- BAIANCE DUE- - --.. oo I orn**E*r oF coMMrNrw ot"omr*t NOfE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELE TRICAL PERMIT ,iob Address: 1330 SANDSTONE Location. . . : 1330 SANDSTONE Parcel No. . : 2LO3-l2t-42-00L Projects No. : PR,]97-0181 LECTRIC UMI-,IMITED INC 1768 ATJPTNE DRrVE 1, VArL CO 81657 TECTRIC IJMLIMITED INC ).76A AI'PINE DRIVE 1, VAIr-' CO 81657 BEECIIWOOD SAI.IDSTONE DEVELOPMEI{r & BEECHWOOD ORGANIZATION, 467 WII-.,LIS AVE, WILLISTON PARK Description: NEW ELEqTRICAL, FOR 4 PIEX Elcctrical--->329.00 T'EE SUMHARY TOTAL FEES- - - > 332.00 rEem: 05000 ELECTRICAT DEPARTMENT Dept.: BUTLDING Division: O8/LL/L998 ,JRT4 ACEiON: APPR APPROVED JRI'[item;'d5600-FrRE DEpARTT/IENi ----- . Dept: FrRE Division:o8/lL/t998 'JRM Action: APPR N/A tr***rt ** t i n a * * * t t * * t r r rr t i |r * * .r t * t r * *t rar*i**r t***t***t*.t* **J i ii {**t'r**i***ta* CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPEEIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. }i *' rr t}i,*** '** DECI,ARA'TIONS I hereby acknor,ledge that I have read Chls applicaLion. filled out in !u1f the inforuacion required, codpleEed ar accurate pLoE plan, and Bcale thaL all Lhr iaf,ornation providcd ad reguircd is correc!. I agrce to cohply uiEh bhe infornation ald Plot Flan, Lo comply lrith all Towd ordinanccg anal BEaLc lawa, and fo build lhis structurc according tso ChG toen'e zoning and eubdivieion codee, doEign revieqr approved, U[iforo Building code and oEher oldinances of cha Toen aPPlicable lherclo, REQUESTS !'OR INSPECTIONS SITALL BE MADE TWENTT.FOUR HOURS IN ADI'AI{CB BT TEI,EPHO'{E AT 479'273E OR .N,T OOR OFTICE FROM 8:OO AI'i 5:OO PM .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0177 DR Status...: ISSUED (OVERL,OOK)Applied. . : 08 /lL/ Le98 Issued. . -: 08/1"2/1,998 E>cpires . . r 02/08/1999 Phone; 970827-5980 Plronet 974827-598O ValuaEion: Nv r-r_59 36, 000 . 00 TOWN OF VAIIT, COITOR-ADO SEaE{lnnt SEaEennl NuEIrrr: REC-0435 Amounl: Payncnts Method: CK Notsat.ion: 2321 332.OO OA/12/9a l0 tog Init: MAW PermiE Nor 898-0777 4?e: B-E gC ELEeIRICA'T PERMIT ParceL No: 2103-121-02-0O1 SiC€ Addr€6€: l33O SANDSTONE DR Location: 1330 SANDSTONB (OVERLOOK) 332.00 332. O0 Balanc€: . OO ToLal Fcc6: Thi6 Pat ncnt. 332.00 Tocal lI,L Pats: Accoune Code Dc6cripEion EP OO1OOO031114OO EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES I4C OOIOOOO31128OO WILI, CAI,L INSPECTION FBE Aeount, 729.OO 3.00 *,**.\-eP' tt.-3e 11 'o341/ [C-il-'3g?i l3;i".::ili3$"$it'1|-"Rr*rr /r oere,s-e_ci ----' pft.Afl ^ t APPLTCATToN Mus? BE FTLLED out coMPtETELY oR rT [IAy lior "r AccEpTED .T Ir***************************** pERMfT fNFORI,IATfON *********************,r******,Jl Address: Address; Ph. Ph. Address: MechanicaL Address: Co,ntractor,: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FE8: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: [ ]-Building [ ]-prurnbing fi-nlectricar [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]_other Job Narne:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Block_ riling Architect: GeneraL Descripti"r,t (.rfc<*vq ..P Cf P(e.c work crass:- |-New I r-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Numlrer of DweLli-ng units: 4 _ Nu'ber of Acconmodatl_on units: 4 ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/pelr_et v /T********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* j:i*"31il3; *- ;ffiIfii8il, le*-_: ;Ifiil: + l|**************f Eeneral ";;l;;;:il * " * *ru,; "o*TRAcroR INFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !* * * * * * * * * ** * aOdi"=",_ . Town of Vail Reg. No._Phone Number: Q{q -@-Electrical contractor: LF<;S(LLCr tlrfUtOlrna -:-i==e=s t Plurnbing contractor: --m=anl Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Number:. - PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:UECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI{TT FEES: Town of vail Req. No.?oo€Phone Number: Fzl sE6-'- BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFITND TO: ) 75 south lronlage road vail, colora d o 81652 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 TO! FROM: narr: SUBJECT: oltlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOIqN OF VAIL TotrN oF VAIL puBLIc WoRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPITENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I"IATERTAL STORAGE rn surnmary' ordihance No. 6 states that it is unlawfuL for anv persoh to ].irrer., track or deposir ;;t-=;it;-r;k; "1"a, "i.iii=or nrateriar, incruding trash humpster=, portabre toirets and workmen vehictes. upon any streerl =ia;;"Ii; -;ii;y or public place or any portibn tneieoi- Tl. right-oi-""i'"n arr Town of Vail streets and roads is approxi*ul"iv-s"it]-t"tt pavement.tthis ordinance wirl be ;ari;ii;'enforced 'v the Town of vail ' Public works Departhent. --F"irlns found "ii,ruiling this ordinance will be given a 24 hour writlen'notice t"'-r!ii"L said rnaterial..In the event the person so notitied-does-";a"';;;ply vith the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the public ttorks Department vrilI remove said mareii"i-"i-ih;'^;";:;;!-.i"i"i="n notified' The nrovision= "r- tr,]-= ordlnance shar-] not be applicabre to cbnstruction, naintenan"u oi-."pJir pro3"cts of any street or alr.ey or any "Liiiii;;"i; ;;"-;Ili._u_"uy. To-review ordinance No. e in fulI, please stop by the Town of :::i"::il3l"3.oi;?:'*:li"::""il"i" a copv- rirani: vou io'-'voi' R Y ead and acknowledged by: r (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn r llfll 75 3oulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olllce of communlty devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If thi.s penni.t requires a Tovrn of Va jl [.i re Department Approval ,Engi neel''s..(publ ii works ) revi ew u na ipprouui,'i' pj'Jil,ii n!'b.purt .nt revi ew or. Heat th Departmint revi ew, unb'.-r"ui u; ;i" ;i;;";rit aing Department, the estirnated time for'a iotar ""uiun-iluy"iuii'us tong as three weeks. All commercial ('rarge or smail) and ail murti-family permits wirl have to fo'l low the ibove rnenti6ned-mirirrm requirements. Residential and.small projects shou'r d take a tesser amount of time.' However, if residential or snrarler.projects impact ilre vJiious;;;;" mintioned departmcnts r.ri.th regard' to-necessaiy-review, tf,"r" i."i".'ir ruy a'lso take the three-weef peiioJ. Every.attempt vrill be Tgge bV this deparLnrent to expedite this permi.t.as. s.oon as possible. - - -- t"rvv'!! ! l, thu undersigned, understand the plan check piocedure and time frame, Communi ty Development Department. TO: FFIOM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Ouc,LLcratf- N{ Vt. uL . Date: R -G--QY Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need lor a'public Way permit': YES X V A. ls lhe right of way,easements or for slaging,public property to be used parking or lencing? ls this a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propeqty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl access needed to sile olher lhan exisling dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the righl ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' reouired? NO 1) 2) "k \ k X 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community : Development? lf you answered yes to any ol these queslions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Communily Development. f f you have any queslions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered alllhe above queslions. Job Name Contractois Sign 8-c- TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArL, co 41657 970 -479 -2L38 APPI,TCAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER Mechanical---> co iIOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: M98-0130 : ISSIIED :ro7 /24/L998 z oB/O6/L99a : O2/A2/L999 Phone: 3037920022 Phone: 3037920022 co 8OLL2 80112 Valuation:14, 700 .00 #of I'lood/Pal IeL: .00 *Of cas Logs: ToLal CaliulaEed Fees--->379. OO Oo"no**ENT oF coMMUNrry oiloonr""t NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT ilob Address. . . : 1330 SAIIDSTONE DR Status. .Location......: 1330 SANDSTONE DR BLDG C (OVERApplj-ed. Parcel No-....: 2L03-12L-02-OOL Issued.. Pro j ect Number : PRJ 9 7 - 0181 Exgrires . WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY. ENGTEWOOD BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVEI,OPMENT 3 BEECHWOOD ORGANIZATION, 467 WILLIS AVE, WILLISTON PARK NY 1159 Description: INSTALL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM TO 4 PLEX Fileplace Infoniat.ion: ReEtricted;#of cas Appliancee: 300.00 Restuarant Plan Revie*- - > FEE St l4lllARy Pl"an Check---> ?5.00 DRB Fee-------- .0o Addihional FeeB---------> .00 Investigatsi.on> .00 TOTAL FEES----- 37S.0o Total P€r.mit Fee--------> 37g.oo Will CalI----> 3.0O Payments-------- 378.00 nAi.n*ce nu"---- ,oo ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTT,{ENT DEPT: BUTLDING DiViSiON:08/06/]"998 .fRM ACtiON: APPR APPROVED ,JMR:rTCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:07/24/A998 C}IARLIE ACTJ-ON: NOTE PLANS TO FTRE DEPT 01 /3O/r998 ,fEFF A Actionq APPR fd approves plans ' CONDITTON OF APPROVAL t. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************************:l***********************************!t**************** DECI.ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicaEion, filled out in full the infornation required, conpleted an accurate plot plan, and state tha! all the infor-rnati.on provided ae required ie cor:rect. I agree Lo comply $iLh Lhe i.nformati.on and plot plan, to comply !,ifh all To$n ordinances and €tate lawe, and to build lhis elrucbtrre according to the Torn's zoning and eubdivieion codee, deeign revi.ew approved, Uniforn Bui.Iding Code and other oldinanceB of the Tosn applicable tshereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPESTIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA TOR POR HIMSST,F AND OWNER FROM 8:o0 Alt St00 Pl4 * *' r r * r * r !' * * r r * * * r * * * * * * |* * * r * * * * * * * * * * r r * r :r :r * * * * * f * * * * * * * * rcWN OF VAIL, COLORADO - Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** ** rt*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stat.erult Number: REC-0435 AmounL: Payment Methodr CK Not.ation: LL223B5 378.00 08/L2/98 11:03 IniE: iIRM Permit No: M98-0130 Tlpe: B-MECH MECHANICAT, PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-LZL-jZ-OOL Site Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR LocAbion: ].330 SANDSTONE DR BLDG C (OVERLOOK AT VAII,,) This Payment Total Fees: 378 .00 Total ALL Pmt.s: Balanse: 378.00 378.00 .00 Amount 300.00 75. 00 3.O0 **************************************************************** Account Code Description MP OO1.OOOO31113OO MECHAN]CAI, PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31.128OO WIIJL CALL INSPECTION FEE l.a* _'-'"+-+-_ EO!{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4-t9-2t38 Etectricat---> - DRB F.e hvcstigation> tli Ll. crt t----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERUIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Permit #: 897-0235 Job Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Slatue...: ISSUED Location. . . : 1330 SANDSTONE DR OvERL,OOApplied, . t 09/30/1997 Parcel No..: 2703-L2L-02-001 Iseued...: 09/3O/L997 Project No.: pRJ97-0L46 Expires.,| 03/29/L998 APPLICANT VAIJ'S ELECTRIC 2199 CnAl'{oNrX, #14, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VAL'S EIJECTRIC 2199 CHAIIONTX, #14, VArL CO 81657 OWNER BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT t BEECHI{OOD ORGANIAATION, 467 WTIJLTS Phone: 303476151,8 Phone:3034?61518 AVE, WTLLISTON PARK NY 1159 Deecription: TEMP POWER Valuationz 200.0(t ****t*trt**ti***'hf*!btr******l*t****f*t*t***r****fi*tfi****r FEE SUI{I|ARY **r****f**r**t**t*******i*ffi .00 .00 .00 3. O0 Tota[ cltculstcd fccs---] AdditionaL f ees------> Total P.rri t FeF------> PaYmcnts,------ 53.m .00 53.00 53.00 IoTAL FEES--> 53.00 B LAI{CE oUE_________> .0o ***l**********t**tt***t***t*,rt *t****r***t****t*ft*S**trr*tf,l*ff******f,t*f,ti*t*****f********fi*f****t***tt*H**trt**t****ttrtr***lrr(* Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept! FIRE Division: ***t**f,f,***t**t***fl*if***********f*******r**{******tltrf,f,,t***********t**********t*********f,i***********t}r*f**li*$*r fir*fitf,**r*t* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******** *{**ft*tf***f,*f,*tftf*tff*****trtf,* *f***tr*r*f,}*trt*****r}t*tH**tr***tirt*** DECLARATIONS I. heneby .acknotrl'edgc that I have rcad this apptication, tiLted out in futt the inforratioh requieed, corpteted an accuratc pl,ot pl'an, and strtc that alt the information provided as ncqulred is correct. t agree to conpLy riith tip in?ornation and ptot itan,to.col[pli,'vith a(L tom ordinances -and statc tavs, and tb uuita this structure according io the Tonn,s zoni ng and suHivisibn codca, dcaign revicfl apprwed, Uniforr BuiLding code and othlr ordinancas of the Toun aipl,icrbLc th.pato. REqUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TUENTY-FOUR TbURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT Ot|I oFFIcE FRoll E:00 AH 5:00 Pr <-.- - 2 rleni .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENI ' 09/3O/1997 CHARLTE Action: APPR IT.Em:,.05600 FIRE DEPARII,IENS 09/30/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A h - 4 . t .-v. SIGil TUnS 0F oyt{ER 0R co TBAC to **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt,**************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0336 Anounr: 53.00 OgftA/n O':SZ Pa]rment, Method: CHECK Notation: *1360 hit: CD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Addrese: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413L3 01 0000 41336 897-0235 Type: B-ELEC ETECTRICAI-, 2103-L2t-02-001 1330 SANDSTONE DR 1330 SANDSTONE DR OVERLOOK AT VAII,Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmte: Balance: Description TEMPORARY POI{ER PERMITS WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE PERMIT s3 .00 53 .00 .00 **************************************************************** Amount, 50.00 3 .00 i ii" ;13:,i;:l ;, 3 " ; : : "f : : i r : }'Hi 970-328-8640 for parcel 1r.'r'ToWN oF VAIL COHstHuCtIoll o PERI-IIT 'I PARCIL #:T*gill:gszg)o* tE/)12 a u e / o prn irf-a-ar"" ", AppLrcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED our cor.{pLETELy oR rr r,rAy Nor BE ?&6wEg*b'? t1 ]-"uituins g 1-etumrins )d-nr""tricat I J-Mechanibar 1 1..otn.{.2yrfrr_nr tou wanezOuealooh lT t/url r/i,.,r"[iob Addres sz /J3o_SaaJsT>a, /)2- Legal Descripfion: Lot_ Block_Filing SUBDIvrsIoN, Owners Nane: Architect: Ph. Address:Ph. General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units Ol//erf Number of AccornmodatLon Units: Number and Tvoe of Firepl-aces: cas Appriances_ Gas Logs__ t{ood/perret_, f' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '{ * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS it ***********..i ** ****************** I Ax.t pyIlpIIG, Er,EcrRrcAL.l-w)_0Q._ rJi.HER: $ :::::::.\-\JrrLrcr(iL(I; -_ Town of Vail neg. NO.--_Actoress:phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address | $l_q'Z_Q1 Prumbins fPJlr""6 Town rrf Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: (,st6F7 Address: YechanicaL qddress:Contractor:Towi'r of vail Reg. No.Phone Number: t * * ***** *** * * * * ** ** * * * rt * rt * rt tr* tt* *FOR OFFTCE USE *****************************.**]UILDING PERMljr FEE: ]LUMBING PERMIT FEE:,'ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE : ITECTRICAI, FEE: )THER TYPE OF PEE: )RB FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUJ,-LDINI;: STGNATURX; ZONING: SIGNAfi'RE: VALUATION ,]LEAN TIP DEPOSIT REFTIilD TO: gL12612BAA 15:57 4762523 January 26,2000 SLIFER l'lAt{AEiGNr CO oyaRl,ooK @ vArL cottDoMINruM AESOCIATION C/O Slifer ll&lrgemcnt Comprny, Inc. 143 EartMerdowDrivc Sultc 360 Yril, CO t1657 (970) 47G1063 VIA FACSIMILE: 47%U52 oriy 03(' h?l' oLtoT Withkindest rggards, iluL t/,h,* NickiVius PropcrtyManager Bqq' Gcorgo Ruthcr and J.R. Mondragon TownofVail PhmingD€pdtmeot 75 S. FrpntagcRoad Wcst Vail, CO 81657 This reply is in rcgrds to your l€tt6 dated January 12,20[0. I havc spoken with the Board of Directore hcsident, Mr. Bob Maycr, and he has given me authority to advise you that the homcowncrs association "acc,ept6" the grading and drainagc work previously dote by Mr. Todger Anderson. Should you havc any qucstionq please contact mE at thc numbcrbclow. PAGE B2IS2 o7 -26-L994 ANYTIhE THE OVER vAIL, C0 HBatloBs The BTU' PLUMBING LOOK AT VAIL is based on a s per foot of Design Temp radiation is Difference of 62@ 9@ KITCHEN/STAIRS CEILING HEIGHT TS 6.@A FEET,VOLUI'IE ) NIIRTF SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE 1 E x P 0 s E D 0 P E N r N G s u r 0 r A L r N G ) ) ) > ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 EXP0SE0 [^tAtLS, not including openings,T0TALING RO0tl SIzE Is 24"AO L0NG by 9.@O blIDE, T0TALING HIND0t^l TYPE IS : U-VaIue = .551, 0oubl"e Pane , Clea The TotaI BTUH for the outside r'raIIs are The TotaI BTUH for the Expo se d 0penings are The total BTUH for the ceilinge The total- BTUH for the floore The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH TOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation requ i red for this room rs t72a "@@ ))) 2o"oo ))) 52.@@ > ) 7L6 .@o r GIass t- trE I F C.c. I NALL TYPE IS:U-Value = "@50 Frame Insulated cEI LING TYPE IS: U-Value * .@26, Unconditioned Attic Space Abol'/e FLO0R TYpE Is: U-Value * @o FIoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 234 992 497 978 2,7@! 4"4 use K/: K iok Sna"e il*fu, ENTRY CEILTN6 HEI6HT IS 8.O@ FEET,VOLUME 1 E x P 0 s E D 0 p E N r N G s o r 0 r A L r N G ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) > ) ) > > >1 EXP0SED t,lALLS, not including openinge,T0TALING R00M SIZE Is 8.AA L0NG by 5.4@ UI0E, TOTALING NIN0OUJ TYpE IS: U-VaIue = @, No openinEe in thie lalALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .@5. Frane Insulated IS >)) ))) )) room 32@ "A@ CUBIC FEET 2L.@@ SOUARE FEET T9 "@@ SQUARE FEET 4@.@@ SQUARE FEET CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value F L00R TYPE IS : U-Value = .@26, Unconditioned Attic Space Above = @o FIoo r over any Cond i ti on ed Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside waI ls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings ar.e The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floo rs The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOF{ IS The total feet of radial:ion reouired for this room 86 359 92 @ L oO27 ''tr 3' Page GREAT ROOM CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET,VOLUME 4 EXP0SED 0PENTNGS o r0rA LING ) ) > ) > ) ) > ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )2 EXP0SED t^lALLS, not including openingscT0TALING ROOI'1 SIZE TS L8.@@ LONG by LL.O@ LJTDE" TOTALING IS :-584 "@A CUBIC FEFT ) ) > LL7 .AO SQUARE FEET ))) Lr5.@@ SQUARE FEET )) L98.@@ SQUARE FEET r GIass WINOOhI TYPE IS: LJALL TYPE IS: CEIL]NG TYPE IS: FLOOR TYPE IS: u-Val"ue * U-Value = U-Value = .551n Double Pane, Cfea .@5 , Frame Insulated . 026, Unconditioned Attlc Space Above U-VaIue = 0, FIoor over any Conditioned Spac€ The TotaI BTUH for th€ oute id e waIl6 are The Total BTUH for the Exposed 0peni ng s are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH lnfiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The tota I feet of radiation requ i red for this room HEATLOSS DI'J 5 " 121 455 /? @ 5,722 11 n 916-yY.{ OINING ROOFI CEIt]NG HETGHT IS 8.@@ FEEl"VOLUME 1 EXp0sED 0PENrN6s,r0rALrNG ))))))))))))>>>))>>)>1 EXP0SED t^JALtSo not including openings!T0TALING R00F1 SIZE fS L3.@O L0NG by 15.@@ UJI0E, TOTALING f[.JIND0N TYPE IS: U-Value = .551n 0ouble Pane, Clea '/lzJALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue * .@5, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .rb26, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FL00R TYPE IS: U-VaIue = A, FIoor over any Conditloned Space IS T56@.@@ CUBIC FEET ) ) ) 36.@@ SQUARE FEET ) > ) 68.O@ SQUARE FEET )) L95.OO SQUARE FEET r GIass Th€ Total 6TUH for the outsl.de r.,raIIe are The Tota I BTUH for the Exposed 0peninge are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The tota I feet of radiatlon reouired for this room HEATLOSS 346 1,786 449 @ L,76L 4,3Oy gls HASTER BEOROOM CEItING HEIGHT 1S 8.AA FEET, VOLUME IS L568"@@ CUBIC FEET 1 EXP0sE0 0PENfNGS,r0rALrNG )))))))))))))))))>))))>) 42"@@ SQUARE FEEr 1 EXP0SED l^lALLS, not including openings"T0TALING ))) 7@.@@ SQUARE FEET R00li sIZE Is I4.aa L0NG by L4.a@ LJIIIE, T0TALINc )) r96.oA SQUARE FEET NIN00hl TYPE 1S: U-Value = . 551 , 0oubLe Pane, Cl.ea r GLass l,iA L L TYPE IS: U-VaIue = "@5, Frame Insulated CEILING TYpE ISr U-Value = @o Condltloned space above FL00R TYpE IS: U*Va.Lue - @o Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 5r5 2,@83 @ @ The Total BTUH for the outside ,"ralIs are The TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0p en i ngs are The total BTUH for the ceilings The tota] BTUH for the floo rs Page 3 ll: ?;?:,-';;l,l';;;'?1,1"[0f,3'"ninss is The total feet of radlation reouired for this room w MASTER BATH CEILING HEIGHT IS A.@O FEET"VOLUIlE IS 936.@@ CUBIC FEET 2 EXp0sED 0pENrNGs"r0rALING ))))))>)))))))>)))))))>) 35.@a SQUARE FEEr 2 EXP0SED t^lALLS" not including openings,T0TALINC >)) l4!.@@ SqUARE FEET R00Fl SIZE IS 9.@@ L0NG by 13.@@ l^lIDE, T0TALING )) It7"@@ SQUARE FEET NIN00N TYPE IS: U-Vafue = .551, 0oubIe Panen CLear GIase tJALL TYPE I5: U*VaIue =.@5, Frane Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = @, Conditioned epace above FL00R TYPE IS: U-VaIu e = A" FIoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Iotal BTUH for the outside waIIe are The Total BTUH for the E xpo sed 0pe n i ngs are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors @ The BTUH infiltration for the openings is L o7!2 THE T0TAL BTUH FOR THIS R00M IS 4"@82-,. The total feet of radiation required for this room -* 635 L,736 @ LAUNDRY CE]LING HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET"VOLUME IS 28@.@@ CUBIC FEET @ EXP0SED 0pENrNGs,r0rALrNG )))>)>>)>))))>))))>)>>)) a.@a SQUARE FEEr l EXP0SED NALLS, not including openings,T0TALING ))) 56.@@ SQUARE FEET R0011 SIzE Is 7"@@ L0NG by 5.@o WIDE n T0TALING )) 35.44 S0UARE FEET Hf ND0l^l TYPE IS r U-Value = @o No openings in thie room tJALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = ,@5, Frame Insulated CEItING TYpE IS: U-VaLue = @, Conditloned 6pace above FL00R TYpE IS: U-Value - @o Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outEide walls are 252 The Total BTUH for the Expooed openings are 6 The total BTUH for the ceilings @ The total BTUH for the floors O The BTUH infil"tration for the openings is @ THE I0TAL BTUH FOR THJS ROO|{ IS 252 -z The total feet of radiation required for this room @/{ HA L t /5TAIR CElLING HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET" VOLUME IS 724.@@ CUEIC FEET 1 EXp0sED 0pENrNGs,T0rALrNG ))))))>))>)))))))))))))) 3@.@a SQUARE FEEr 2 EXP0SED hlALLS, not including openings,T0TALINC )>) 13@.@@ SQUARE FEET R00N SIZE rS 73.@A L0NG by 7 "@@ WIOE, T0TALINC )) 91.@@ SQUARE FEET NIN00[^J TYpE IS: U-Va].ue * .551, DoubIe Pane, Clear GLass t^IALL TYPE IS: U-Value CEILING TYPE fS: U-Value FL00R TYPE IS: U-Value Pag€ 4 .@5 " Frame Insulated @u Conditioned space above ao Floo r ove r any Conditioned Space Tho Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Tota] BTUH for the Expose d 0penings are Th€ total BTUH for the ceilingE The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THTS ROOM IS The total feet of rediation required for this room HEATLOSS 585 1., 4 88 q @ Lo467 u "'+7 PotduER CEILING HE]GHT IS 8.@A FEET, VOLUME IS 4@@.@@ CUBIC FEET 1 EXp0sED oPENrN6s,r0rALrNc ))))))))))>))))))))))))) e"a@ SQUARE FEEr 1 EXp0SEU L.JALLS, not including openings,T0TALING ))) 7L.@@ SQUARE FEET R00M SIZE IS L@.@a L0NG by 5"@@ NI0E, T0TALING )> 5O.a@ SQUARE FEET t^l]N00l.l TYPE IS: U*VaLue = .551" 0oubIe Pane, CIear GIass lalA L L TYPE I5: U-Value =.05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE fS: U-VaIue = @o Conditloned 6pace above Ft00R TYPE ISr U-VaIue * @, Floor over any Conditioned Space The Total BTUH for 1:he ou tsi de waIIE are The TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0p en i nga are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the open in gs is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation required for this room HEATLOSS 32tZ 446 @ @ 44@ L,206-t4 HlS/HERS CL0SET CEILTNG HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET. VOLUME IS @ ExposED 0pENrNGsnr0rALrNG ))))))))))))))))))>>))))o EXpoSE0 l.lALLs, not including openings,T0TALING )>) Rool1 sIZE 1S L@.@@ L0NA by 8.@@ WLDE o T0TALING )> WfN00N TYPE IS: U-Value = @, No openings in this room NALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated CEI LING TYPE IS: U-Value = Oo Conditioned space ab ove FL00R IYPE IS: U-VaIue = A, Floor ovsr any Conditioned HEAT The TotaI BTUH for the outside waIL6 are The Total BTUH for the Exposed 0peningG are The total BTUH for the cellings The totel BTUH for th€ floors The BTUH infiltration for the open in g6 i6 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR TH]S ROOM IS The total feet of radial:ion r€qui red for this roon 64@.@@ CUBIC FEET @.@@ SQUARE FEET A"@A SQUARE FEET 80.@@ SSUARE FEET Space rn<q o @ @ @ @ y'" t/*t K1';'*( Page 5 BEDROOFI 2 CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.AO FEETN VOLUME IS 132@"A@ CUBIC FEET 1 ExposE0 0pENrNGs,r0rALrNG )))))))))))))))))>))>))> 25.@@ SQUARE FEEr 1 EXP0SE0 NALLS, not including openinge,T0TALING ))) 63.@A SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE rS Li"@O L0NG by 15.@O t^lIDE, T0TALTNG )) 165.@@ SQUARE FEET hllN00hl TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, 0ouble Panen CIear Glaes t^fA L L TYPE IS: U-VaIue - .@5, Frame Insulated CEILING TYpE IS: U-Val^ue - @n Condltioned space above FL00R TYPE fS: U-VaLue = .2L, Concrete FIoors The Total BTUH for the outslde !.,all6 are The Total BTUH for the Exposed 0pening6 are The total BTUH for the ceifing6 The total BTUH fo r the floo re The BTUH infiltration for the openings i6 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation required for 1:his room HEATLOSS 284 t "24@ @ 347 ! o223 -/3,@s3,/{o EXTRA BATH CEILING HE]GHT IS 8"@@ FEET, VOLUMF IS 8@@"@@ CUBIC FEET 1 EXp0sED 0pENrNGs,r0rALrN6 )>))))>))))))))))))))))) e.@@ SQUARE FEEr l EXPOSE0 tJALLS" not lncluding openings"TOTALING ))) 95.6@ SQUARE FEET R0OFI SIZE Is t@"@@ t0NG by L@.@@ WrDE, T0TALING )> L@A.A@ SQUARE FEET LJINDoLJ TYPE IS: U-Value = . 551 " Double Pane , Cl"ea r GIass tIALL TYPF IS; LJ-Value = .@50 Frame Insu.Lated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = @, Conditioned space €bove FL00R TYPE IS: U-VaIue = -21- " Concrete FIoors The Total BTUH for the outeide walla are The Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floore The BTUH lnfiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOFI IS The total feet of rad i a tion requi red for this room HEATLOSS 424 446 @ 2t@ 44@ t,524 t{ tsEDROOM 1 cErLrNG HETGHT rS 8.AA FEETn V0LUitE IS 1"244.@@ CUBrC FEET 2 ExposED 0PENrNGs,r0rALrNc )>)))))))))))))))))))))) 4a.@@ SQUARE FEEr 2 EXP0SE0 t"lALLS, not including openings,T0TALING ))) t6O.@@ SqUARE FEET ROOI'I SIZE IS 13.@@ LONG by t2.@O I^,IDE" TOTALING )) L56"@@ SQUARE FEET UJIN0Oh, TYPE fS: U-Va1ue = .551n 0ouble Pane o Clear Glass t^lAL L TYPE fSr U-Value =.@5. Frane Ineulated CEI LING TYPE IS: U-Value = @o Conditioned space above F L00R TYPE IS: U*Value = .21, Concrete Floor6 HEATLOSS 724 1,984 The TotaI BTUH for the outside walle are The TotaI BTUH for the Expoeed 0penings are The total The total The BTUH THE TOTA L The total @ 328 1o 956 A,W Page BTUH fo r the ceilings BTUH for the fLoo rs infiltratlon for the openings is BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS feet of rad i a tion reou i r ed for this r o om OONN BATH CETLING HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET. VOLUME IS a EXp0sE0 0pENrNGs,r0rALrNG ))))))>))) )) ))))) ) )) )) )) 1EXp0SE0 NALLS, not including openings,T0TALING ))> R00lq SIZE I5 5.@@ L0NG by 9.@O [^lIDE, ToTRLING )) tJTN00[^l TYPE fS: U-Value = @e No openings in this room tJALL TYPE IS: U-Val-ue = .@5 " Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value ,'' @, Conditioned space above FLO0R TYPE IS: U-Value = .21, Concrete Floors Ihe Total BTUH for the outside waIIe are The TotaI BTUH for the Fxposed 0peni ngs are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floore The BTUH infiltration for the open tngs is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation requi r ed for this room 36@"@@ CUBIC FEET @.a@ SQUARE FEET 4@.@@ SQUARE FEET 45.@@ SQUARE FEET HEATLOSS ta@ @ o 94 @ y STAIRS CEILING HEIGHT IS 8"@@ FEET" VOLUFI E IS o EXP0SED 0PENrNGs,r0rALrNG ))))))))))))>)))))))>>))2 EXP0SED NALLS" not lncluding openlng6,T0TALINC ))) R001{ SIZE IS L3.@A L0NG by 7.@@ WTAE, T0TALING )) L,JIND0L'J TYPE 1S: U-Value = @, No openings in this room t^lA L L TYPE IS: U*VaIue = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = @. Conditioned space above FL00R TYPE IS: U-VaLue = .2I o Concrete FIoors The TotaL BTUH for the outside ualls are The TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0p e ni ngs are The total BTUH for the ceilinge The total ETUH for the f loors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of nadiation reeuired for Chi6 room 728.@@ CUBIC FEET @.@@ SOUARE FEET t6A.@@ SQUARE TEET 9L,@@ SQUARE FEET HEATLOSS 72@ @ a t:tJ @_srt-/ ],25 7 .l t rr. t t rtrtt rtt r.trrf t t rtt t )r. t t t rlr.t rtt **rr.!.*rr**r, voLUNE rs )))))))))))))) EXPOSEO OPENINGS, TOTA LING OTALS ,.**r.t ***:t*rt*rrtl)ar.rt*r&r.rt:r.t:tr.t **r.rtr.r<r.t * v. rr J. r. rrr ra rt rk ra * T42A@ "@@ CUBIC FEET ) 384.@@ SQUARE FEET ))))))))))))))))))))))>))>>)>)>>)))))))))))))) il?::' 3*fl lk!' ;::i:" "?'::;'t"i::';:*:: oo*n"n' FLOOR AND CETLIhI 6 SIZE IS P age 7 Tlre TotaI BTUl.l for 1:he uraIIs above g rade are The Tota] BTUH for the r^,aII6 bel^ or,r grade are Tlre Total BTUH for the Exposed 0perrings ar'e The total ETUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the f.Loors The BTUH infiltration for the uindo*,s is End of report Nfl@.@A SSUAI?E FEEI lt@.4@ SQUARE FEEr L776.@@ SQUARE FEET HEATLOSS 5,58@ @ L7 "68t 1,493 L,774 18,781 4?,loo B*^'s K"fr";"/ 6 a ooo 88,57P H -,?*oh."ff;;m: se of L''a^ : Brrn Lorn PS ot/ B wils $rrn /,'^.. ?; o{ B w M qlpao th^inf,l*'{'6),t P,' l'/,,r/, 6, ?(, ooo 8?^ fr7-t g 1.** -T7a; kb n, ,t/ q B1f-bn : B"n Lo'^ SP4il '''f ' ?l,AOo Bl"" T^V"* Sn"t"/ 6- 6'shz'-' L4 STiri f go' T 0 T A L B T U l-r " T H I S B U I L 0 I N G 44,7At/ The total feet of radiation required l-{ 1 r. * rrr r* r. rk :r rj. r. rt rr. r. r( x t xt !Yt t t r*r.r.J.t r. tr * ti -J. x * * *.t tr * * x.a *J. r** frr r** rt tr *:k *.* )k >t * t r( tk t( rt tr ta rk * '. t !r'.tr ,2{ro 5+4 , 9.,e-3 , 1,LS2 . l&t!--,-1 , 2$&15 ' 3G11-14 ' 3S2-13 39$12 4$G0 d7-GQ . 8rl2 tl 6 sx6 --- 10 21 5x6-- 19 re uT,l-u ",u-- *= 9x17.5 Ml6-- 14 I I h f9 P 9l r ltl - til 6 3.00 lfr 22-8-0 16 4x6+ s.7-0 11-10-11 17-2-5 27-9-11 33.1-5 6-7-0 5.+11 s.3-r l s3-11 5-3-11 5-& 11 5-+.11 6-7{ DEFL (in) (loc) vde! Ve(LL) -1.21 m >$2 Ve(TL) -1.6,| 20 >334 HozfiL) I .2,| 14 ota Min Lengh / LL defr = 240 Plabs Incteas€ I .00 Lumber Increase 1.00 ReoStesslnc| YES CoOe UBC/ICBO 123:G3{,G2{ PTATES GRIP Mm 128/9{M16 127182 We'ght 390 lb LOADING(p6')TCu 85.0 TCDL 15.0 BCLL O.O BCoL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHoRD 2 X I 0F 1950F 1.7E 8OT CHORD 2 X 8 DF 1950F 1.7E WEBS 2 X4 WW Sttd'brcepr 8-20 2 X 10 0F 1950F 1.78, 7-21 2X 4 SPF 21mF l.8E 7.20 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 9-20 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 9-192X1SPF2100F1.8E OIIIERS 2X4WWStrd REAgTIONS{b/siz6) 2=5375/G5-8 (input G&8), 14=5375/S$8 (nput S5{} Max tloz2=-141(load case 3) Max Uplifl2=-552(lo€d case 5), 11=552(load case 5) BRACING TOP CHoRD Sheahed or 1'7'13 on cenler potlin spacing. BOT CHORD RigH ceiling direcdy apdied or 10{){) on cenier bEcing' (1) TOTATVESilCAtDEFL OrL&-Lttt. B(PECTH! @[ tll|D HORIZOIITAI DEFL oF[zL lll. EXPECIEI @ rI. 20 JL (2) PROIECT EIGR TO I/ERIFY B0rll DmEclx)lls As IIIEY ARE ADEQUATE TO THE SIRUCTURAL SYSTEH. (3) TEMP. SHORI}IG N|D fil'IBER SUGGESTSI (BY oTflERS) FORCES(b) TOt aHinD F2=72,2_3457A034=15236,1_5=r5236, s€=-11349, &7=-12508,7-8=.10367,8€=10367,9-10-12508, 1G11=14349, 11-12=15236, 12-13=15236' 1$11=15700' 11'15=72 BOT CHORD 2-24=1d oEB,ig-21=1*77,n-B=nlll,21-22=12700, 2G21=l lm3, 19-20=11203, 18-19=127N,17-18=127N' 1&t7=13877, 14-16=11068 WEBS A-20=U2g.iZ4=n,$21=247,*23=911,&23=1174, S2l=1566 ,7-2'l=1583,7-20*2151,9'20*2151,9'19=1583, 10-19=1566, 10.,|7=1 171, 1 1-17=914, I 1'16=247, l$16=29 t{oTEs l)-nis tuss tras Oeen desbned for he wind loads generated by 85 mph wlnds at 25 fr aborro ground level,.uslng 5.0_ pd top dDrd dead load ' ..JS.O prf mor.nord-dsad load, 100 rd fomlunicane oceantirie, on an ocorpancy catogoly l, condition I ondosod hlding' of dimenslins 45 ft by 24 ft wih elposrlg C ASCE 7.93 per UBCflCBO lf end wrfhals or canflewrs etst tlrey are exposed b wlnd. tf porchesexis!greia6nAexpoiedtowind.TtelumberDOLhcpaselsl.33,andtheplategriphdeasslsl33. a Speciaipontfoni stnlt be m;de by $e buildiru designer b alow for 0.93h of hortsonbl movemsnt due b live load and 1.2'l In du€ to tobl loed. f;ixbq.':.'\ knt,#A VNWIiTIC - Veifi dzsign parametets aTd READ NOTES ON THIS ,LND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE L,.SE. D€sign valid tor use only with Mifd( connectors- This design is based only upon paramelers shown, and is for an individual building component to be installed and lmded vertically. Applicability of design param€tors and proper incorporatron of [fr$f-'f,tri{fri"trffi ifl ttu}i#i{fri'r'.iffiilffiIi-l':idfi*liiilff#"ll'ilT-*-'tll tabrication. qualily control, sloragp, delivery, erecton, and bracing, consuh ClfiT€8 Quallly Stlndtrd, DSB€ Bracing Spectlt.a0o;, a;d HtEl-gl Han;ling Insl;lling and Bracing R;omdEndatlon available trorn Ttu33 Plai6Inltitute, aSi' o' IlTak kdualrlea' Llc. Onoldo Drlve, adison, Wl53719 t r .-$ ,t6ir I -t.,,u ,- - .ir-o tl .g =u,t<5J 90 sg ;v,z o o =ln z =o z {*-x!(f,oO i5orro !ooo=o(,,ffo '< O ^ 6 r-! ;irfll^-xxoo=Y=o5o ;6 =oq P5U;u 5 tr:nOIa =lu- =3lJ- 7X13'5n6 o-<' rt {. 3 A i -ed' \Ca o;4,6;= o Lx x 11\'I o6 :-=Q zr ^= -- o =6's=ud *9 r mAr\ ^-lJ i50 :36'qg 6 f .' RJ q8,F ;o q b 5 .o*d o a\ =t g6' bg 90 9p. r-s -,6 gd 33 i1 d'g =g 8a eo t o ,o a .o F ttt F ;IA F FX Es o 2 xoo =o ;-qd 6-6Q =<n l: tn -x6;x==;z-1 +o X t- 6 :o'6' -*A= ;*a 6i5{-od ooJ =sr qro o-= uo oo o E P z o {r 6' 6'Jo =E 15o 6b'i5':t; 8s 9 iFi=' $I 0t DI zl ol il @ z c 3 o o =.f (o u, v, o 3 N €So =P RAR bX :!-t" ;t =- J o o @ 9 Fi!:I ; -3:l ;Ei;g s i *!l i rE d ! EE i =;8 E3 zan @Co-::(D > :.t q () q 6i5: o9 AG,.O-!-2ES R6 '^N)o-n (,\JA.Y 8bs e _.Jt!(,r .o N)2o co b o O o P z TOP CHORD TOP CHORO O 6 i t-- F = - P 90 )., 9 s', 5 !, to - pt i lF €gi ii F+H $3i EE Fn$ 3f $sg 3Ef $ifH gii ,i iEg }$ [g$[ Ea ]i ufa e$E gg 'F$ i$ eii [qE $;s$ ;; 8ilry et q ';i $$ -A $s fi$ 6$ l$ 6i fi3$ ,$$ ;i *+ i; atgs e' s D J E E3 - di-'$gi ia tgfr $[ q'E* i fr NOTES 3) Al dabs aIe M20 plates unless o$stwise Indbatod' 4) Thb tu$ has be€n csslgn* u a to.ii pJbotom chord lho load nooconcunent wfi any ohot th6 loads p€t Tabls No' l FB' UBc44' 5i WARNING: Requirod b€adp sizs at loin(sl 2, t'l greater than inp0lb6edng-sizs' 6) B.anng at,lohqs) 2, 6 onsioers paniut gLii 6G ;s,rg Atisnn t-tis0Sinde o eraln foflrrula. &rtrdh9^dssigror sho{ld vodtv capadV of b€aring $rrac6' ?l pmvido madEnhal onnectiln tOy oureriof'trlo O t rting' pl"t" cap"Ue ot *friAnOifo SS2 lb uplifr atjdnt 2 and 552 lb udm at Finl 11' gi this russ has been &slgned fot boh UBG91 and Al'lSUTPl 1-1995 *ting qlEria' LOAD CASE(S) Sbndard oEC 0 3 199? f,e Fi''"'"-"-$fr'mlt9 A wnutxc - Verifi dzsign parametets and RMD NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE IISE. Design valid for us€ only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon paramete6 shown, and s lor an individual building component lo be inslalled and loaded v€dically. Applicability ol design palamsters and proper incorporation ol component is responsibility of building designer - not lruss d€signer. Bracing shown is for laleral support ol individual web members only. Addilionat temporary bracing io insure stability during consruction is the responsibilily of the erector. Additional penmnent bracing ol the overall struciure is the responsibllrty ol the building cl€signer. For general guidiance regarding labrication, qLrality control, storage, delivery, ereclion, and bracing, consult osT_88 Ouality Standt.d, osB'89 Braclng Spoclflcatlo;, a;d HB-91 Hanaling Inctrlling an<l Braclng R€;ommondation available trom Tiur. Plat Institute, 58:t D' IIT Onot.lo ffv6. M.di!on. Wl53719 P. at,l< 5J 90 do ; ct, z 0 o =z =o z t'tm {* iSoiio !oooa (D(,llo '< O ^ F7r frsiiq !t=o5o ; o gq *5ii; '5 ! o'=o9n* =i;l!q>a* 3;E o_ .<- ' ^-J *-.n X O l = \a;' i c <a l, *a 6 ;'= o lx x ::o* ; --N Q qd :'=e 'n: = di +;'xii: t9j *=X R r o'(; Y X "-O =:; =c*?:u a?-'3i oHq ;o P d" J (O \u o iFE=d i in gg 6-ge+Eg 3F( Fl Egl FI Eg3 1' =f = O Oo-- t o + o= f= 5'o 66i (D= =l 8a o ti JO 6'o Jo 8g q6- ='o a9 !:oo f--9-a XU o q tl (ffiH =i-r,Il iFrr ;i p TOP CHORD TOP CHOBO z c 3 o o -r.f (o at, v, o 3 2 FiE:I * 3:!d = q*? *gigH s i*! d i iE i r;s b3 Z.'I @@-=i(!dNg 3g Ed -(,a-).-.!-Z8S eF ! CJ!.\8bs e *'lv (roN 20 @ I O O ?z o o f o rl o U,o o z o o U, @ 6 ; ; S - 6 e 90 :J 9 9' I !D N - OI I +r;s* a* ra; iEi$1 ng$ ifi gg$ $E6 +g3# giE ,i iEg gl ;?* ;:afra3 e u* ii ii **$ -if ?['i$;i i;i $9* [i $* ;F ' i*r gi 'ai Ei F; ga qF iE Eg F3$$a '$$ {r$[ $} €$Eq ss "d* gB 3Ea t; 4= 1*€H1a$ qi jsg$ ef a;:.* E . € E3-' *rA'$gi ss -igg qq u'a' f"q'-..a+ K46St gE I Thu OCt23l5:28:0fi997 Paoe I ?6-11-q 2-04 J 1 I tl i9 to i I oty ?Y -KED ouPll - ;r\ugztl99| MiTek IndostrEa' lnc 6.00 Fr 2x4 tl 3x5 tl COMT BP.G "ta ,tta.ata *.........q 2x4 | - '12 4x6= 3x4 -2G1-0 2-5-0 24-11-O csl i DEFL (in) (loc) udef iC' o.ao i ven(u) iti - da BC 0.,13 I venrrl) nt? nI? We O.lg , HozCrL) 0 00 nle (Matrix) i Min Length / LL def = 999 Plates Incrsase 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 ReD StresE Ins NO Code UBC/ICBO 2G1-0 LOADING(ps0 PLATES GRIP M20 124194 Weight '128 lb TCLI 8s.0 TCDL 15.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 2-2t 2 X 4 WvVSlud OTHERS 2 X 4 U',/W Stud REAcT|oNs(|b/size|74ut2+11.o,21415I2+.|1.o,2o.2a6n4.'11.o,'14=147n1.11-o,l,l=619/2/|..l1.o,,!9=41o/24-11.o'18452J24-11-o,79D4.114'' 15=2agn4-'l 1-0. 1 3:26612it-1 1'o' 12=1725t24"1 14 'MaxHa{:-T=ll2load case 3). 21=t t30oad csse 4). 2o=7(trad cass 3). 14=3-2(load cas€ -1.), 11:l2o(load cas€- 5), 1g=4(load cas€ 3)' 1E:1(load cas€ 3)' 16=10o-ad case 2), l5F-t4(had case 'l)' 13=€'t{load cas€ 1)' 12=67(bao case U Mex uotffi=7ooad c€sali'zi:igd;d';ds)f ir;zr tioio 6J3ii'r'e:-Ai'iG-o;i; ii. t e=ezlloao case 3), 17=-s8(load case 5)' 16=-7(load case s)'' rs=-cl0oad casri 5). 13=26€(load case l), 12='223(load ca8€ 3) Max Grav13=22(load case 5), l2=1725(load case 1) FORCES (h) r6Fbx-Ohi5 r2=1os,2s=-171, s4=i 85, +s=-179, E .a:17s, v7=-ft7,7-8=97, 8-e=42, e- l0=2el, 1tv..11=27? ]1'21=-1sa ior aijoHD zo-zi=ei i*zo=si ig-rG-si iz-rs+i ie-rz=-s, rs-ro=r, r4-1s=1, 1314={, 12.13:5,11-1b-17 t ,Ebs"- - z-27=z6t , z-zo--iu, 3-19:3|g, aa8=alz, s'tz=-lto, ais=-t48, 8-1s=320' 9''13=57, l0r2='1368 NOTES iSFBiS.o 2xB sPF 1o5oF 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X,l SPF 2100F 1.8E'Except' BRACING iOCCx'OnO Sheathed or 6-Go on center purlin spacing, excepl end verticaF' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direclly applied or G&14 on center Dradng' ocl 2 7 i997 1) All plates are M20 plates unless olherwise indicated. 2i Gable requkEs continuous botbm ciod bearing. 3i Gable sulds sDaced 9t 2-G0 on centet.li For strOs exposeO to wind, sse MiTek'Standard Gable End Detaif - il itr'ii -r,i* n?5 iiii' oedgnai ior a t6.b 6i;tiom-ch;'d tiGtoal nonconcunent with any other live loads per Table No. 1&8. UBC-9r1. o)i]j'iin'garjoin(s)21,,t,t,17, 18,-15 considers parallslto graln valu€ using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle to grain tormuls. Building d$igner should veriry capactty ot boanng sunaga. D p|ovide rnechanrcat connecrron 1oy o-$leE) of fuss to beadng ptate capable of withstanding 7 lb uplifr 8l ioint 7. 28 lb- uplifr-at loint ' ' 2i:2-iid;otifti bi"r 1i. ot rii ulprlniiioi,itle,-oTriupm ii'iiint i8, Stiuuplin at joint 17: 7 lb ublin 8tioint 16, '14 lb udin at bint 15. 266 lb ualifl et idnt 13 8nd 223 lb uplit at joint 12. et hrb fuss tras b&n deiigned tor boUr UBC-grl end ANSlml l-1995 platjng criteria el 1!;i-c.!!ts)ll 2, s, a, ina3 baen ;;iiJo. biiioiiri Jislir"er mu jt ievie,i toaas t veriry that they are coneci for lh€ intended us€ ot this truss, LOAD CASEISI t) Consb.: Luhber Incraase=l .00, Plate Increase='l 0o Unlbm Loa& (pO -""-' VJrt i-IJ2oo.o. 2-3=2oo.o, 3-l:200.0,4'5:200.0, 56=-200.0, e7=200.0,7-8:200 0, q-9=?00'-0, e--^10='200 0' I Gt.t:2oo.o. 2L21=zo.o, ie'-zb=-z-{i5l r&1e=io.6,1i-r8:io.o, 1&17=2b.0, 1:'16=20.0, 14-15:20.0, 13-1,1=20.0' l2-13:20.0, ll-12=20.0 4 UBC: Lumbr Increas€=1.25, Plet€ Increase=l.25 xi. 28252 ji,fi Wm;W Conlinued on page 2 L WnNtne - Verifi design parattrters and READ I'OTES ON THIS A,\D REI:LRSL SIDE BEFORE t.tSE. D€sign valid tor use only with llifek connecloG. This design is bassd onty upon pararnolers shown, and is lor an individual b!ilding component to b6 inslalled and loaded vertically. Applicabil[y ol design param€t€E and prop€r incerporalion ol compon€nt is responsibility ol building designer - not tru6s design€r. Bracing shown ,s for lateraisLlppon ol ;drvidual w€b I rn€mbers only. Additional iempo€ry bracing to insure slability during construclion is lh€ responsibility of the erector A(bilional perman€nt bracing ol th€ ovelall structure is th€ r€spomibility ol lh6 building designer. For general guidance rogarding labrication, quality control, storage, delivery, er€clrcn, and b.aong, consutt osr-66 ou.tity Standa.d, DSB-ag g..clng Mf spocmcr o.r, and HIB-91 H.ndling lnlt lllng end 8r.cing Roco.nm.ndrtion available trom Trur! PL.tr Institrte, Stlt o' IlTek lndurlrler. lnc. Onotrb mv€, lradiaon, Wl 53719 o a-\\.\ { \VD -@ F o o-z 9Ao 50 ao ox O= =l 8o- o E t't 2 z o o 9 e F .sl =<5l to 60 z=- z 0 o =m z -a =o z *xo0oo i5o-io !oooa qi;aq : o 6 oo qs;;s-Y+ojo ; d +q F53;U 5 ,n'=nO'ia -id-d i*ii:5n6 o<-' trt iiPr aXo 1C(, 6^.ts'6;= o li x :1 0+ x --N I o6 :-=9 ".r = -- o +6'ri5: f q 5 *=F Pr6'u 5 b !.9 * o o- ;;-5 q= V *O a1 J :- to* o o o =F gd .:. q 9E 90 9p.7g ;'o 9.o 3i !o d'9. =9 8a o=3d o t o ,o a !F 5l tn tl 5 ;-qd OOq=-2qa 5F+_- ;.: -.t (/' L- ;+o 5 9aei (o*;; ;PO dHt. ^oo ooJ {5 5' 6' -'o (oo 6b l-'9-a 8s o q Ix =t#i E5 ; f,il a llt DI 2l ol FI (9 z c 3 o o --.f (o (t, v, o 3 2 FiE:6 ; 3:U ;EEii s i;!r i rE d s IE E = 68 E3 ztn -t =EA E8 xux o-* rr " + >\JT I @@-=co > :! q () o 5i5: @p 50' ia..':@ z5i5 >i cn '^\)O--J (, .-r a :'8;S e __tJ o) o l\) 20 @ ; 5 ?z TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ d i d F = - 9 P :J e el' 5 !, l$ :-8d i 1gtFi $[ Fi6 agi $E ngi if ggs iE# ++ii? EiE ,* iEf gI F g $H E; ii ?EE -;i E[ 'E; lF iii giE il-BF ,;f E figf gi fi , ai ag ,a g3 E$Eu 5tFi f;g+ ,qg $flrs aa E BEs sF g d eB 1a'figc= *$;s.frd+ ia aAi$ ?fr g';3 3 7 €q E3=' *e at$fli ed -igfi qq q'g* g E LOAD CASE(S)r <lnibmvLosdr-(d0 .0, 2-3-30.0, g.,r=30.0, 4.s-3g.0, !-q=-.3!.0, 0-7^=30.0, 7€=.30.0, &9=-30.0, s-l0:30.0, t0-11=-30.0, 2o-2'l ='40 0, 19-20={0 o, 18-19d00' ii-ig:{0.b. rGlz=-ao.o, l+rs=ro o, l+15=-40.0, l}li={0.0, 12-13=i0 0, lt'12=40 0 3) l st Wnd: Lumber lnctaasr= l .33, Plate Inctesse=l.33 'unibmLoads(pt07'1,2.T2g'1,u=29.1,+5=29.t,$6=291'^6]=r:1:7:9=?::1,r^8:9=2o.1,g1o=29'1,1G1t=29'l,2621=-1o.o'19.2G.1o.o,18.19=lo'o,17-18=.o.o' iriz:-to.o, t+'te=-10.6, 1/t-15=io.o, 1+'14='-rg 01 -12-l^3:-l-q0. t l-12='10 0 Hotz:.1-2=.27.1,2.34 S.r, 34=39.1, 4-5=39.1, 5€=39.1, L7=3e.i, 7-6=39,1, g-e=re.t, 9-lo=39.'1, 1G1t=39.1' 1'21=-43.5 /t) 2nd Wind: Lumbsr Incroasa='|.33, Plate Incres3a=i.33 ' uniformvLoads-olDg .1, 2-3=17.1,31=17.r, 44=1r.1, s id:ii:]0.d, ii:i8=:10.d, 1415=i0.0, 13'ri='10.q !2:1-3=i-0 0. 1r'12='10'0 'otz: ,r-2:3e.1. 2-3= zt.t,'iiJit.ii i:sJzi.i, ii4il,'e:.=it.i.'i.d:zt.i,'s-e=zt.4, s-10=27.1,10'11=27.4, 1-2143.5 5) 3rd \Mnd: Lumber Inctease=i.33. Plate lnctease-1.33 ' unibrmvloads-(pf)9 .1,2-g=n.1,3*=2s., +5=2s.i, s€=2-9.1 , o7=2g:1,7a=2s.1,-&!=29 1, gtlo=29.1, 1611=2E '1,2o-21='1o o' 1920:-1o o' 18-19=-to'o' 17-18:10 0' id-iz:loo, iite=-to.b, t+rs=-io.o. 1q4=--rq 0r-1?'l^3=l-0.0 11-12='10'0 Hoz: 1-2=39.1, 2-FSe.r, 3-alig.i, a-'s:id.i, SS;3e1, sz=ie.i. z-e+el,'s.e=se.1, 910-39.l ' 10-t1=39 1. 1-2'l='43.s ocl 2 7 ru97 _ffi fri,,*,,# A WIWWe - Verifi design pataneters and RMD NOTES ON'fHrc 'LND PfZERSE SIDI: BEFOM USE Des€n valid lor us€ only wilh MIT9I connectors. This design is b6s€d only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual building component to be inslalled and loadod vertically. Applicsbility of design parameters and proper inc!0roration of -m**n*:u[i*s:ufttktmflflitrt*irdl+$1 ''"-' tll Sp€cfilcatlo.L .nd HIB-91 H.ndllng Inlt lllng snd B.acing R€co.rm€ndldon available lrom Truls Plat. lnrtnutc, 58it O' lllTrk lndurld.3, Inc. Onolrlo Hvq Iadi.on, Wl53719 I -\\ ->\\r \Y -t \\> -E F o o=z qoo j'o c_(,o O= 0.9 aa o o 9 9 -at =<al IO 66 z c' o =tn z =o z ,f oiio oool (,.fl(D o 6 64 rrllJ/r it'@1 =o j o ;6 se ^ J OE u 5ln'=noll *; =:-id*f*ii;:n6 o<- ,1 *XOr : !a^' =Ca o:-6.6;: o l! x al \'Y al ^ Y *O ^= =!a S _::.9rd = H ^ o r\ o t =: r *=X R J d-r;5 ij !1 I i:oo' :;5 ::^ -Ri !'oP ;\u (D o = o*J (O." o o =d 9a >c aE 3e e! "g ;o 9.d ii *s rt =!8a o= 3-G o J o -o + ! A}ttt E tn =z o N 5 ;iqd ;5E* ^ar ^Jo5-6t_i, =U - 9a5 9*l "*A= E8{oY!+ o o- tf d'6' S.o' 6d z:. o ==' On -|l rtl : 3u I H,)1 B5 i or9l "fl hf i z C 3 u o =.J (o U, Vr o 3 2 FiE:6 ;3:? ;EEig s i;l : i rE d g EE E =6F E3 z ..1 -{ =s- =R (rr\c)=!1 a\ x n v ()<v" ;>Or =\T --t (t @ .o 6f o 3 I o a @@-:i(!: : q () q Eii5: @i) 50' -\l-tEs =S '^ r\) € - \l {JJ (r) '-r -N r-8;S e !-NJ cooN)2o @ 6 o ?z TOP CHORO TOP CHOFO @ 5 ; 6 F = - p P : e e" l' !, N - 8d D, i lgtgi $i ait aei $+ fisi ifi ggli$f $+fii $iE ,i lE$ gI fr e$[ Ea 3i ufrE -;g E[ 'Ei ai iFl $:i [i *i ':3 g;g; ii i 'ai BA $F ili FH;d q#E4 $$i u$E {*i[ i; €$iq Ef g d eF + a' +€ 49 iF e3gl$ 3: il = .: ,,a' $[i aa'igB 3[ g'i* f 1 q'-5+€v, -l:JH,", O ;" i;'' i-"""1 K46eosei Irlurr -7 - i. I -cO. Bdao3- 'l.o-s2 s'Augzrrcg7 MiTd[ fndustn-es;lhc. T]iu od 23 1528:09 t997 Pag51 -2-0-o 4-11-1 1 10-G.13 15-5-8 2-0-0 4-11-11 5-1-3 5-{-1'l 2x1 7-64 1t5-8 7-6.4 7-114 Plates Increase 1,00 Lumb€r lncreaso 1.00 R€o Stre$ Incr YES Cods UBC/ICBO LOADT G(p80 TCLL 85.0 TCoL 15.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10,0 LUiIBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F t.5E BOT CHORD 2 X il SPF 2100F 1.8E I,\EBS 2 X,l SPF 2100F 1.88'Except' 4-8 2 Xrl Ww Slud, s 2 x 4 vwvSiud SLIDER Lett 2 X 6 SPF 1850F 1.5E 2-7-15 REIACTIONS (lusize) 2=2105/G5-6, 7=1884/G5-E Max Hoz 2=-990oed €ase 3)' Max Upli@=27 2(load case 5), 7=l 37(oad case 4) FORCES 0b) Top cHohD i-2=5a,2-3--2228,34:22a, +*-15u, 5.6=0, &7=-524 BOT CHORD 2-8=1892, 7 A=1O32 WEBS 4-8=770. 5-8=78/t. 5-7=1495 NOTES ii-fi*rrussfrasOeendesionedtorthewindloadsoeneratedbySsmphwindsat25ttabovegroundlevel,using5o.Psftopchord.' dead load and 5.0 psf bdnom dlod dead lo8d, too ri from hunicane oc€anline, on an-occuparcy c€le.gory l, condnon I enqoseo iliiJin;. ;i dilensions 45 tt W 24 ft with exooiuo C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end verlicals or cantilewrs exist.they ar€ erposjri 6 winO. it porctres elisq trey are not exposad to wird. lhe lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase rs 1.33 2) All olatsr Ere M20 Dlates unless otherwis€ indicatod il rii6 iiigi'lii-did;Es;A6r ,i in.o pii uolom-oora nw bad non@odnent with any other liv€ loads por rabl€ No 1&B, UBG94, r) ftiiOC mecfranicat connecdon (by o0|ers) of fu3s to bearing plate capable ot withstanding 272 lb uplilt at ,oinl 2 and 1 37 lb uplii at idnt 7. 5) Thb tuss h8s been designad tot both UBC94 8nd ANSUTPI l'1995 plating criteria LOAD CASE(S) Standard DEFL (in) (loc) Uden V€rt(LL) -0.09 7-8 >999 Vert(TL) -0.18 7-8 >999 HozCfL) 0.03 7 nra Min Length / LL defl = 360 BRACING iOF CXOnO Sheathed or 5-5-2 m center purlin spacing, exc€pt end verlicals' BOT CHORD Rigid ceilinO diEcily applied or 10'0'0 on center Draqng. WEBS I Ro./ at midpt B'7 PI-ATES GRIP M20 128i Welght 8.1 lb ocT 27 1997 4"13 J:E 1i;', " ."'3 (:';;;':t9 A WenNmC - Verifi desigt patdtreters and READ NOTES ONTHISAND REVERSII SIDE BEFORL'IISE. D€sign valid lor uso only with Mtfek connectors. This clesign is based only upon param€lers sf|own, and is lor an individual building componenl lo be installed and bad€d vertically. Applicabilily ol design parametels snd proper inc@orati,on ol component is r€sponsiulity of building (bsign6r - not russ designer. Bracing shorrn is for htoraisuppon ol ;dividlal vreb lttt rnernbels o.lly. Addilional tomporaty bracing to insure stability dudng conslruclion is th€ responsibility of ths €r6ctor- Additional I ll [T]ffiT1trf,:9"f'"i];fl!:T"#fi,:"Hff:fJ?iff!:ts*f$%fi3lil;[3j#'"11"]i3lil*lfifSi#iili Itlll Specltlcalion, rnd HIB-91 Handllng Inlt lllng and Braclng R€commondatlon available kom Truss Pl.te In3titute, 583 D' lllTrk Indualrlaa, lnc. Onol.io Orlvo. lr.dlron. Wl 53719 o (G \YF \\> -o F o o-2 qoo 50 ao =l 8a (o :-'6 E ttl =z o o Fv, =<6f IU 9o > ar,z 0 o ^t ttl z =o z I =d go'>g s, s_so JT 9!.r+-6 9.o ci !O E':d'g =!8;o=3d o 1 o t o a {,+ i5 o 5 i'o !oooa q-;aq ,< o 6 do 7* rr'I I rr-'xx(,o=Y+o5(D _ J:n.\x: - j xJ o;(,lm= 99ol = +L CY'Oa- ? xa'i 5n 6 o<' ^-i r_i XOr =9^ <Cb o^6.6 == o li x go* x --N 9 ob :-=q -rr f: o =n =tu "l - ar =n a't ; =Y J **X R r o i 5 ci =P *oo' *;5 Yn -!z= 9*O o: 'uo ;., P 9.5 o*o o o 5 ;3E 6 OO9=a'llg; 5H+6c)*d-Y " 6'o *- a'= i:po 6X{ oo- t5 33 !lo 5o t=.aq cr B; =5':t ai On !sl ,n rl tIl I {=JI tt\a g tr i'<\t = 5 >.- g ct q-6 .i'V:, tt 1 tx .r 6" t .t!l FDI =-t -f,r LI i z c 3 (t o =.f (o U' u, o 3 N a = i:b = i=9=B *::! ;EiiE s i*! = i r5 d ! EE E r;8 -r,l b; z .fl -t =3- =X AOP -X !Q' ;;VI -I -t o r aJt (, @O-=Co > : q () o 5d: @p .bG _.J-I co <,r ;-. 99 z G \) ;< u''^N€*\.1 (, \r -N. :'8bS e --N (, .o NJ 20 @ 9 O o @ P z TOP CHORO TOP CHOFO o d ; - J - 6 9 90 :.' I 9r, F I t$ - 8d E +fi,Ei li FaE $EE$iSgi iE igl iqg ufifirEEE,$ +Fg il g -II ag Ba $g 'g$ Eg i$ E$ $$F $ig *i F$ FF E$i€ €F g d aH = a' fiae; *f E: fid+ aa aAia ?$ [o;3 3 3 {q E:='#la'$fli q4'lgF qq q'g' g E {gsf .ifek_Indosfries, ha'-Tnu Oat231 5281)51992 Fag-€ f -2-G0 15-$8 2-G0 15-S8 4 t- 2x4| 2x4 | 2x411 2x4| 2x4tt 2x1 2x4 tl DEFL (in) (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) ry'a rY.a vsncrl) nla - da Hoz(TL) 0.m e Min Length / LL dei = 999 Phbs lncreasa '1.00 Lumber lnctaaso 1.00 Reo Str$s Incr YES coie UBC/|C8O LOADTNG (Ff)TCtt 8s.0 TCDL 15.0 BCIL 0.0 BCOL 10.0 LUIBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 x il SPF 210oF 1.8E WEBS 2 X,l SPF 2100F t.8E OTHERS 2 X.l \rWV Stud PLATES GRIP M20 128/91 Wbight 7| lb BRACING iOCbit'ono sheathed or 6-0-0 on center purlin spacing, except.end \€r0cal3' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling diredly applied or 2-Go on centsr braqng' Except WEBS 1 Row at midpt &9 REACIONS (lb/size) t =266/1 5-S, 9=165/1 5.$8, 13=449/15-54,144n11r5f,,15=653/15-S8, 12=.t4on$5-8, 11=462y1St8 10=381/15'S8 i{ax H6z t=122(load case 4), 9:1s4(load case 3) iJari upiints:tritioao cai ii,iG--ciii&aEEZ), r s:as(oao case 4), 12:72(load case 4), 11=-2it(load c€se 4), 10=-77(load case 4) FORCES (rb). TOF CHOh6 1 -2. 1 U, 2-3= -1 1 1, 3-1=89, 4-5:87, 5€=E7, 67 =77, 7 -E4, $9=-1 49 BOT CHORD 1.15=0, 14-15=0, ',| 3-14=0, ',|2-l3=0, 11-12=0, 10-r1=0'€'l0=j wess 4-13=4(X,$14:3s3,2-15=-570,s-12='{,01,6-11={20'7'10=-346 NOTES 1l All plateg ars M20 dales unless olhetwise indicated. 2l Gabb r€quiBo continuous bottorn chord b€atlng. 3i Gablo studs sDaced al 2-o-0 on 6nter. 4i For studs exrbsed to wind, see MiTek "Stan&rd Gable End Debif di n]! ft,ei riaS i1}"'desidii i; a r o.b pst Ootto-m-cnorUlivi ioaO nonconornent with any other tive loads per Table No. 16-8 UBGg,I. at Fmvide mechanical connedion (W others) ol tru$ lo bearing ptate capabl€ of wihstanding 56 lb upliR at Fint 13' 51 lb upln at -'loiniriestuuotindioint15.Ti16uplill6tiointl2,24lbupiinatjcintllandzbupliffatiointl0' O thb Uu'$ has ti€en design€d for botti UBC-'94 and ANSI/TPI t'l995 plating clileria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard ocr 2 7 ru97 #wm - i 28752 !c fti;:;*,,t# A wnNwc - Verifi design parumetets and MAD NO'IE9 oN THI| AND RI:VERSIi slDE BEFjRE IISE. Design valid tor use only with MiTek conneclors. This design is basod only upon paramotors shown, and is tor an individual building component lo b6 installod and loadod vertically. Applicability ol design paramelorc and prcper inmeoralion ol compon€nt is responsibility of building designer - not truss d€sign6r. BracinO shown is for lateral support ol individual vreb members ooly. Addilional tomporary bracing to ingure stability during construction is the responsibility ol the eroctor Addilional p€rmn€nl bracing ol the ovelall structurc is th6 rdsponsibility ol nrr6 builCing designgr. Fo. g€n€ral gukJance regarding labdcatibn, quality control, slorag€, delivery, e.6ctio.r, and bracing, consult OST€8 Ouallty St|ndlrd, OS&Ao 8r.cl.E SFcitlc|llon, lnd HIB€l Hrndllng Instllllng and Braclng Racoomandstlon availabl€ fiqn lirEa Plalo Inatituie, 5E O Onoldo Drlv.. llldlron. Wl 5:1719 a - -.\ -t>\\t \Y 7t \\> -E F o C,-=qao 50 |', o o-= oo 6d $r=o 'o E tn P z o o ?cn =<6l lu 2o >U,z o o =tn z =o z =d 96'bg 3q 9!.;+ =6 ga ii !o ta =9 8a 3f o t o t o a ,. o i i'o oooa (,, lJO = 2.9. -u o oo ffflr.\- =o5(D 6 o !4v xJo;u 5;'= CY'O/h- 1z= *!83 o'<-- ,t* Xol = 9.\' 1Ca o*A'o =: o U x :1 o-* X --N rl ^ Y -ol.1 =:*!l < _::.?-r;-.(Uint x-li: l9 5 *=X R r 6',;5 ii =9 *oo' *;5 ?i e o q ;o P ti. J (o\u o xv,s* A3E d qqH= 5f;*a,d =H;'' o' 6' **a'= ;ea qi=oY!i o o- tt d'd' 5'o (oo a9 CJ o:oo o c ! 5l ,lt Fui ix -r 6: t t1rrl trPI - !tr rrl H i z c 3 u o =.f (o C" q, o 3 ! c). o !o (t 2 F3!:5 3 3:! *Eiig s i*! d i i8 E =;F E;-t S@^rcD ;HU gQ ,- x r) \J ()! r, " ; > =r CI,@-=&:! :! q () q 6ii: @s AG a-) . - \J-Ioc,r-99 =R\I 6Y'\J (! -.r -N :-8oS e _.iN)(, €r l\) o O z TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ d b - ; = 6 P 90 :J 9 s, F ? N :- Fd i igEEi gi f +6 i6i$4 nsg i# il$i3F{ +33i? $iE ,i lE$ El F c+g Ee +[ ?at FtB EF -g+ iF iii geE [F*; ':i s$ri ui r ,*l ag -a gs 'EF;g g3 Fi g$fl -$g Ii+[ i; E$ig FF g d eF== q'E-=*= 33 iuggi ea'isfr e[ 4'{* q fr q * .qs-d v^ 6 S € v, loty 1 ,2-o'o 2244 -,- 1qg9- fl.G9 a a-2-G0 22-6'0 2?$'O 2-0-O 5rO = 13 I 3q /o 24 I 1 ,-l n (\l I I I t9 loi rF 6 6.00 Fz 11 13 42 11 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 5x6= 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 3Y$ ...3Y6' 1A12-., 4xO tl csl TC 0.38 BC 0.08 wB 0.72 (Marix) DEFL (in) 0oc) Uden Vert(LL) nla - nJa VedCIL) 0.03 24-25 >868 HozOL) 0.00 a Min Length / LL defi = 999 Platss lncreas€ 1.00 Lumber Incroase LOo ReD Sfess Inc. YES coate UBC/ICBO LOADING (pst) usc-94. PLATES M20 Weight: 279 lb GRIP 12819..TCtt TCDL BCLL BCDL 85.0 r5.0 0.0 10.0 LUIIBER BRACING iOFEX-OnO 2X6SpFt65OFt.5E TOP CHORD thealtEd 0164-0 on center purlin spacing. _ BOT CHORD 2X4SpF2tOoFi.E5 eO_t qiiORD Rigid ceiling direcdv aeolied dr 2-0-0on center bracing,. _Except -.oTHERS 2X4WWSM wEbS - 1 iol at midpt i$35, 12-36, 11-37,'10-36' 14-3a' 15-33' l&32 SttOen bi 2 X 4 SPF 2100F '1.8E 2.4-11, Right 2 X 4 SPF 2100F '1.8E 2-4-11 REACnONS 0b/siz.) 2=t to4/45-o-o, 37=.!18/4$.0-0. 35=280/4q-g-9, 9q=39S/454{, 38:/143/4q-q9, !9=440/45-04. ,10=440/45{-0,41--44U45'O'0,42=U71154-O' €+sa/asol ia=iidi5-ooi gl=56sils-o-0, 3a=litiao.o: ai+igAs-ooi gt=+rorls-0,o, 30=440/4s-G0, 2e=44u4s-0-0, 28=447t1s4-o Max Hotz 2=3190oad cass 4). Max Uditt2-67(bad case 3), 37=-64(toad casa 5). 36=21(load case ,l), 38=-61(load cass 5), 19=-57(load case /t). 40='570oad casa 4)' 41:59(lo8d case 4)' lz=szooao caie il,lgiSOoio ialiiif . +l=-r ietroa?6si lj. sr:)ittoad ca# g1,33=i40oad casd 5), 32='61(load cas€ 5)' 31=-5,0oad case 3)' 30=57iload case 3i, 29=-59(load case 3). 28:57(load casa 3) FORCES (b) TOp CHORD i-2=i i3, 2-3-ssE, s:255, ,t-s=€75, 5€=343, 6.7=3.1^{, 7-8=-345. 8-9=-3a5, 9-rq:34s, -l-Gll='346, 1l 'l?-349, l-2-r-3:330, l3-t'/l=330. 1'0-15=-349' iirri=i&, rs.rz=gls,i7ii=+ls, rsri*!, iri-zo=-in, z o-21:-us, z't-i2=373,22-23=2_5-5,2t24=558, 2,1-2s=113 BoT cHoRD 24=o,43-.4=0, 424r=q rirz;d, id4r;6.1e,fs=9, eaae=oiii.3s=0, i€--37=0, a+i6=o, gl-ss=b, g3.3,t=0, 32-33=0, 31-32=0. 30-31=0, 2s30=0, 28'29=0, zt -2E4, 2&27 =o, 21 -28=0 WEBS t$€s:240, .t2-36=.356, t 1-32=-108, iO-38=-403, 9-39---,10018-10=-400, 7.11={O'1, 6-12=-103, 5-13:327.4..,1--419,14'34=-358' 15-33='108' 1&32='403. 17-3'f =4oO: lS-30=-400, l$29=-401, 20-28=-403, 21-27 :327, 22-26'419 NOTES l) All glates a|€ M20 glates unless otheNvise indicated. 2l All bhtes arc a(4 M20 unless otherwise indicated. 3i Gabls Equirss continuous bo[om drord be8]ing. ,li Gable studs soaced at 24o on caniar. 5l For stjds oeos€d io wind, s€e MiTek "Standard Gable End Detaif 6tnrl;ft; hai tid' Oesignid fof a rO.b psf Uotiom Ar-olt tiviioaO non@ndnent with any other live loads Per Table No. 16'8' D Ptourdo rnGctEnical connedion (by others) of Uuss to b€aring p&eta ' ldnr 37 2l lb uolitl at loir{ 38- 6t lb uolm at idnt 38. 57 lb uDlilt at it lolnl 37, 2l lb udift at loitt 38, 8l k$nt 42. 45 lb uolii at ioint 'uCn at Fint 3t, 57lb upm at idnt 30, 59lb uplatt alloint zs, 57 lD uFn alplnl zu' . md 67 lb uplii 8t i).nt 2,1. ., 8) Thit fu$ des be5n dEsign€d for both UBC-9.1 and ANSI/[P| 1-1995 plating criteria. Fiii& hcaranicat connedion (by oo€rs) of uuss to b€€ring ptala capglls_ot withstanding 67 lb udin al iltnl ?,. q4JP u-pli1 at ..- iai"i fl ii o "Ain n ioim ge, ei io upriiAjoi-ni ss,li io upiiri at iotnigs, sz lb uplii at joi-nt 40. 5e lb udin atjoim,.l ' 57 lqlplilt iidim:rz, 16 iii urii,i it idinr ig, r re iuripriri at iorni &, ifio gptiti at loini 0t,.64 ib uplili at iolnt 33, 61 ib uplift at igint 32, 57 lb "i,lii'ir iii.iiil 5l iii ii,lii ir ioini o, selb'i,prllt iihini zg, sz'tu udih at joini 28, 15 rb uplih at Finl27, 116 lb uplin at loint 2e 64 lb upln at nt al- 57 lb u ocl 2 7 1997 LOAD CASE(S) Slandard - cTit ts252 ! - :;fi';w # i2! 1.. 't \5i,,, A WaWWC - Venfi desigt paraneters and READ NO'IES ON" !'HtS Ah'D RF.\/ER'E SIDE BL'lORl: tJsE- Dosign valid tor us€ o.rly with [flgk connectoas. This design is bas€d only upon param€tgrs shown, and is for an iMividual building cornponenl to b€ installed and loeded verticalv Applicability ol d€sign paraftFters and proper inco4o.ation ol cornponent is r€sponsibility ol boilding designer - not truss dosigner. Bracing shown is lor lateral supf'on ol indivljual web members only. Addilional temporary bracing to insure stability during construclion is th€ responsibility of the srector Additbnal pomanent bracing ol the ovsrall stucluro is thg responsibility ol lhe hrilding d€sign6r. For general guiddnc€ r€garding fabdcalbn, quality contol, slorag6, d€livery, er€clio.l, and bracing, consult OST4A qulllty Stndlrd, OSB{9 Braclng SFcflclllon, rnd HIB-91 Handllng Inltllllng end Br.clng H€cornmlndatlon available from ltura Plde Indlluta, 5€3 D' Onol.lo Drlv., rdllon. Wl53719 o \\ ->\\c \vt -E - o o-2 qoo =u'6O o'= =l aT6 oo 6q.'d o e :€6l to e9.> (r,z 0 o *z -a =o z r+ YJ J X s9E; o 6.6! xd6a- =o50 - o sY F5ts;(,lan=' ^o:a ='Tlr--;=:aF6# 2xaa xx I d== Y ** XOr :9.\' <.Ct, {,*A 6;= o ix x qti* i--'s I o6 :-=a zr i = d =n''x3; tq5 *=X Qro'u: ii !.9 F ^x t==YU o 9.--s= q*o NJ 6',u q O 5 .o* o= o o =a go ;g 9q 9p.fg =5 9.d i5 !o d-:oq =g 8a o=3'd =o t o a ! EI tn t!ttt =z o 5 ;-q6 o-oQ=d; g a 'xx; = =:+;E_} =O X 9aci Y 6'= ; *?o qi= ooJ {i JO 66' =o =O Er oo oi =-'9;On E iFE B z m z c 3 u o =.J (o (t, vr o 3 o (t @ 6l o I o D (n =s- =R (ra)cf)=\1 r\ X a\ \-./ ()>!1 " +> =>I 2 Fi!:6 :l:i ;Eiig s i*!I lig i =;F i; Co@-:|') ! ! () () O.RX9 @b 5tr 1-b :trs BF !{J!'(, .-J A :-r"t .6orJY -."N q)oN) 20 @ s 2 ! TOP CHOFD TOP CHOFD @ 6 ! 6 ; : o P tr :'r e r, 5 !, N - 8d i ieEii gi ;*a rei$i ga$ if $gs *E# $E$i3 ;flg *$ im$ €i $ E *a ii ii gFe t;igi,Efr 3i i;l $:i [i $$,iF E fiFfi gi fr , fi a: $E gs Eiig 5lFi frflF ,qg +[ u* *a s BEs sF g 'd eF + 4'a€9; SfEHata ea ie_3$ ?a frdi; 3 z €q s-3 =' *i er$gi ed -igF eq q-g* g fr "-,2{xl $e4, 9g3, 1 +2, 1@! -, 2260, 26+15,3tl11-1'1, 52-13' 39e12,l54{ 47'04 2M 544 +2-15 +2-15 +2-15 +2-15 +2-15 +2-15 +2-'t5 +2'15 5€4 244 17 56-- - otz.s ura-- 15 :', 1412= I I lq lq l'ol 13: I ) 'i' 87{s31't 5-311 va GL) {.61 17 >8fl) VodCIL) {.81 t7 >664 Horz(TL) 0.58 12 a lvlin Ldgih / Ll d€lt - 360 SPAC|I|O 2{Xl PH6 krcroa€a l.m Lunbor lncrds. l.q) Rep S1r6s lrEr YES Codo UBC/ICBO LO Dttao TCII- TCDL 8C1t- BCDL LUIISER TOP CHORO 8OT CHORD wEES OTHERS O!r) E5.O 15.0 0.0 10.o PI-AIE3 ORIP i,f20 12491 Mt6 163/115 WoigH: 12Oa |b BRACINO TOP CHORD Sh..thod or 640 on conler Pu.lin specing. BOT Cl'loRO RiCd cailing dh€c'tly apdiod ot l04O on ao|ller b.ecing.2 X 8 DF t95oF 1.7E 2 X 8 DF 1950F l.7E Ercala' B,l 2 X 1o DF lS50F l.7E 2 X a WW Stud 'Erc€fl' wE 2 X 10 DF 1900F 1,7E. W6 2 X 4 SPF 2l (xlF l.8E w7 2 X I SPF 1650F 1.5E. W9 2 X 6 SPf 1650F t.sE wto 2 xa sPF zl(pF r.6E, W12 2 X 4 SPF 2l00F 1.8€ 2 X rl WW Slud RE CTIOII! (lb/tlzc) 2.648{G5-8, 12=926d0'&a i/hr Hor2 z-ll*i(hed cas€ 3) iihr Udin2rAa6(b.d cas€ q, 12.€89(load c.8a 5) FORCET 0b) TOp CllciRD t-Z.ia.t.2€.-r8S5i, 3-4'-l8tta, +5-185it4, S--l7OIt,47.-15112, 7&-15169,8-9a19910, $t(F-27869, 'lGl l-28,r3a, l l -12-28693, l2-13-157 BOt CtfoRD 2-22-1626,21-tu 17/F,2,2oi21.17173,1$20.15671, 1&'19.15498, 17-18'17330, 1O'17.22095,1+16F22072 , t5.31-2tt!22, 1431 -261m' 12-11.2540,J WEBS; i-te.tZZ*',g-atota, +22--1152, +2cr's20, t2tr891, $19-l4il1, Fl*l,lGl, &18.-1857, &18=4s1e, &17'tl,ltts. $17.-53a8, $15.7228, 1Gl5-lll3, lGl/F-196, lln+1@ IFTI' 1) 3.pty lru.r lo b. oonrpctod log.lh.( wifh f Od cornrpn(.1Ga3) N.lb .3 folo : Top chord3 con"?.l.{ lth ? 9',(9 tt ' Oifb oo qlr. Eoatom .fio.d. oonnoctrd w h f rwv(r) el G9{t o.r cdtt. W.b. coo|,|.ct d wilh I .wv(t) C S9{ o.r c.nlo.- ocl 2 7 p97 4 Sp.dd coon cfh Lqdrcd io dHrib|to boftom dprd lo.{h .quCly b.n r..n .[ pllca. Conlhu.d qt Fc 2 A UeWtNC - l'erifi desigtr pnaneters and READ |r'OTES Ol; THIS AliD RII\:I:Rsl: \lDE BEI:OItE {.tSI:. Design valid for use only with lllfek connectors. This desbn is bas€d ont upon paramelers shown, and is tor an iMividual building componenl lo be inslall€d and loaded vedicalv App{icability ol d€sign paraneleF and proper inca4oralion ol ffiffi *,ffruffiir'*lq,F.ffi *'trf*!;'i+t**iro1t"fi'r*ilfi fi u"*id;il{*"il|I Specltlc.tlon, and HIB-91 H.ndllng Inrtrlling snd Bracing Rocomm€ndatlon available frorn llu!. Plrto In.tltuto, S[:, D' lllTrk hdu||lrlcr, hc. Onolrlo Drlvc. M.dl!on. Wl53?'19 t \\ ->\\r \P!\\> rE F o o-z qoo j'o xo ao O= =t) 8e (o!.'6 -o E n =o o - ctt t<6l {(t e9.>U,z 0 o *l atl z o z =d go >g s,E qo f-q! r+ =6 gd ii =!I It-i'q =Q 8a o=3d o ) o ,o a * oool (,lto o 6'd! Hd6u* =uf'u - a oo XJo'-'u I o';O !1 n * :*!3 xxx o.<-' o o c o o :+ **Rdi =qtr <Ca o^*.s 6;= o 3 x '_1 0* ; --N 9 od :-=e "-r i: o =6 xx: f I5 *+= Qro'r j !i :P 6'o o f ;'-r KJ TFg ;o q ij 5 ro* d ..1 F b-lX(D OOq=da\4 6'Q o aEi =o X d-6.:ci o .lo6 -*d= ;qa di{:;od = --t +o o- {5 oi; (oo ,:: o D:oo :- ! 5l all :l TIII a ix i FPi !5 ; t1!l =BI -sI 5f : z c 3 o o =.J (o U, U, o 3 @ .o .1 o I o \ (t 2 Fi!:I H::| ;Eiig s i:!a iig e r;g E; t!2F.r@ ;HU gQ a\ x n \-/ () OI -I crlo-=(): : !t () q HX-i @b Ed -u)!I co <,, ;- 99 ZO.N);Y''^\)Q--J (t '-J A 8;S e i-N)!^,9 N : o ?z TOP CHORO TOP CHOFD @ r- F 6 F - 6 s !D : e e' 5 P N - Bq i lgtFi ii ai€ a€i gE flfii af $gi i$g $+ail $iE ,i lEg il fr EFfl El ii *gE e;E gg ,e; ia ffii gig fr[a* 'ii i*fii si *'ii ec -; gg E$Eg $i Fi $$F ,$g 5i Eg i; Efigs ,F 3 ,d aF I a' fiac; *f €9fid+ ia aaiE ?H g u;i 3 7 €q E3 " *i qr$gi q4 -lefr qu u'g* g E 'torE! 3) Thb |rur. h.. b..n dilenGd for ih. vrind h.d. gofprdrd bt 65 mph wind3 C 25 lt rbon ercund lGrcl, using 5 O p.t lop cfiord d€.d lo.d .nd 5 0 F boltqn rhord d"d lad. loodtrq1r hwric.rr 99qcnt6, on rn occ'uperr"y or"g".y r,'*,rd:i;i.*r-"0 Lriai,g, a dimcncioor- € n by 2'r nw h o(Do'urc c AscE ?'93 F tJBc'lc8o[ id w6a.h o. flr$cnn crorr, $1ry-irc'*iJG *ita. ni".uii .dd, ilr.t ;ra A ;,,p-; to wi.d. Th. lumb.r'DoL krcrco b 1.3, .nd th. Pbtc etlg Inctra' b LEI O iid r rrnrn bcbw, .p.d.l cqm-tion(t) Equlr.d io .uppo.l cooocntr.tcd lo.d(r). Ochn of corrrc<tim(r) ir drlegol.d io th. buiHim d-lgncr' Q A| pletcr .|r ii20 C.l- unL.e dEn ,i.. Indic.lcd. Ci fU[ rn;jj frr fnir achrnca ta r iO.O pet boiqn ohord livc locd--nooconorlr.nt with sny oth.t liv.lo.ds p6. TrU. tlo. 1&B' U8g94. A Bcdno C loh(s) 2. r Z conriac.r prnifi ro gnln vCuc urhg Al.lSUTPl r-1995 rngr ro inh 1oryu!..- &rtqiry-dclflq $ou!-d-vqq nrysty of b'rthe rtrtu' iiffi;i:;ffiX"Tdt.&l- td ar,.rrl d-tut to bcrldpbi! c.Ftb dwrtihnditrg aas b udin d Fi. 2.nd E89lb upm.l Flnl 12' gi nt rnr U tccn dolgF !d ior boft UBC-ga .nd ANSyTPI 1'1995 d.ling cttctir. iirl iJ &.j i, Z, 3, a, E h.3 ba..r modifi.d. &IiHtne d6ie.r' muit ."nii r f.a. to wrift th.t thcy .ra co.roc{ for th6 tntondod u.. qa thl! itutt. t-o oc 3E(tl l) Condt.: Lumb.a hcrc.tel.oo, PLlr Inotcc.-i.@ Unfd|n Lad. (df) Vdt t-2.-2@.0,2.3r-2qr.0,3-a--2oO.O, 4-5.-200.0,5412(n.0, 6;Z'-2m.0, 7-!--?m:9,-&9'-2(x).0' $10*200.0, 1G1l'-2(xt'0, 'll-l2r'2m 0' l2n3''2@ 0' 2-x2-No,z1-zt -N.0, zozi.-m-.0, rizo.-zo.o, i&r*.20.0; r ?-1v-2n.6,1617.-20.0, 1t16-20.0, t$3r-20.0, l.L3l-20.0,12'1{. 2o'o Conc.offi.d Ladr 0b)V..t 3l.-5ano O UBC: LumbJ tsr.ot 25, PHc lrE e.o.t25 Ur*io.tn Lcd. (df) Vqr i-2..gt.0,2-3.-30.0,3{.-at.O, +5.-30.0,56.-Et.O, G7.-3{).0, 7{.-30.0. &F3O.O, }lO.-3o3, lGll.-3o.0, I l-12130.0,, 12'l3r-3O.0. 2-22'-40.0' 21-xi",-ltr'.o,vi21.-ro.o, rszo.-rob, r&ir-to.o, t7-tli--a{r.o, l&17.{o.0, Itl6*.t{t.0, 1$'3'l'4t.0, 1+31"a0.0' 12-1+-'1o.0 ConccnlnLd tcds 0b) Vcrt 3l'-1591 3) lcwind: LumbJ kE cst€.1.33, Pt |3 Incro.€€'i.33 Unibrr|| l-o.& (pI) Vdt t-2.18.7, A€.i 7.a,t+1?.t,+5'17.4,5{.17.4,6..7.17.a, 74129.1, &}29.1. $10.29.i, 1(}l1-29.1, l1-12-29.t, 12-13'55.'1,2-22-10.0' 21'?j2'-10o' ioir-ro.o, r*zo:no.il, relF-io.o, t7.l,Fno.o, 1&17-.rO.O, 1$r6.-10.0, t$31-r0.0,, l/L3-1.10.0. 12-llF-lo.o Hor:: t-2.-s3.?. 2-3. -zt.t,-t-!'-zi.t, Ls-it.t,sx;--zt.t, et--12.r, r-a.as.i, g9-39.r, $10.39.1. 1tl-i1.39.1, ll-12'39.1' l2-13'55.'l Coic.rfdcd Lads 0b) Vcrl: 31'434 4) 2rd Wind: Lumbd k|crofi..l.3, PbL lncrGc'l .El Unrorm Lcdr (Dlf) Vdf: t-2.58.4. 2€,29.r, 3{-29.1, +5.29.1. 5-6.29.1, S7.29.1 ,7817.1,$*17.1, T 1_(F-17.4, lGl-l'17.1,11'1?t17.4,12-13-'{3..1,2'2?.1O.O'21-22'1O'O' zoir-ro.o, r*zo-no.i,, rsi$-io.o, r7-1i!.ro.o, 1di7.-lo.o, 1$16'-'lo o, 1$91:-19 o-' !!-3-1&-10.0' l2-l'F-10'0 t+tzt 1-2.6.a,z-r.€e.r, 3-i4d.i -is.-sg.r, s+no.t , az.-so.r, z{-zz.r, gr27.1, r1o.27.1, 1tl-11-27.1, 11-1b27.1.12-13'53.7 Conc'nHld Ladr 0b) Vtt: 3l.a3a O 3|d Wird: Lumb.. hotrso.1.3ir, Plsi! Inctoesa'1.3 Unifom Lcd3 (plD V.(r t-ass..t, 2-3-29 ,1,r4?]ej,4&29.1, S29.1. e7-29.1, 7{-29.1, &9-29.1, $1,0-29.1, lDt_1.29.1,11-12-291,12'13'66.1,2''42''1O-O'21-22''1O.O' zozt.-ro.o, t'+zo.-lo.ir, t&r9rio.o, r7-16rto.o, 1el7.-to.o, 1$16-10.0, rsn1.r0.0, 1+3-l-10.0, 12-14.-10.0 . nor.: 1-2a€5.4, z-s-.39.t, rr--ge.r, is..3g.r, r5;.39.i, s7.-:9.1.7{'a9.i. &9.39.1, $1(ts3o.1, lGl1-39.1, |1-12'39.1. 12-'13-65.4 Cd|ccolr.Ld Lo.& 0b) V.tt 3lr43l ocl 2 7 ?997 A Wen*'mC - Verify dzsigt paratneters and READ IiOTES ON THIS AND REVF:RSE SIDE BLIORE I;SL'. oosign valkJ for use only with MII€k connectors. This design is bas€d oa y upon parameters shown, and is tor an indivllual buihing compon€nt to bs install€d ard lmd6d v€rlically. Applicatility ol d€5ign pa€moteG snd proper IncoEoratron ol componsnt is lesponsibility ol bu'ldrng des|gner - nol lruss d6srgn€r. Eracing shown is tor lated suppod of ;divdual vreb ltII membsrs only. Additional lemporary bracing to ins|lre stBbility during coistruclion i8 the responsibility ol th€ sl€ctor Addif,onal I tl rffiffia:if""i",ffs"J*:ffi*i,:"'HffH3:y"[:;::iii'#*ttff&"ffi"#:$ffiJ"sfl:lH Itlll Sp.cillcldon, dd Hl$91 Handllng hltrlllng .nd B..clng Rrcomnsdllloo avaihble lrom llus! P|!b Indltut!, 5Ei, D' IlTrk hdUflrlor, hC. Ol|oftlo D.lv.. llad.oi. Wl sit g =d gd 6g 9g 9!.r+-6 9.4 ti ;1 6:o =g 8a o=3d t o ,o a (|} F \E 5 3 \= x. fi o o;2;oo=Qo.o;iqd =n '"gEa aa :F9 fr+ q3H F3 d.g3 ;€ Eqa * oo- It Y55o' o6d'o at I I a\-':o i'o ; d +q xJo;(,])ri=nOIl :l9c EUA* ? z1*YX* o.<-- ** XOr : !4^'xoa bo=1C', o^b 6;= o ii x !1 o.* i --N I oE :-=e 71 = -- o =6'xx: ta5 t=x Prd i5b =9i ^; €--=Y.U o ? --2= g*o AJ a,u Q o 5 <o* d o r\ t5 33 S.o' ='o a9 o: l.'c-; 8o*o c - I E ,ll =z o o ;a =<5l to 9o >v,z 9 o =,n 2 =o z Ix =F#[ B5 ; frr9l i;l 5f i 2 Fi!:B ," i:i ;EIi$s i:!: i r5 ii r i'E E =;F E; z c 3 u o =.J (o at, U, o 3 €Bd =R (ra)@=)1 o.iO Y!)-\-nP T a T :, o @@-=CD : ...,J !l () o 65: @p 5O.O '-l --r- @ o) i-1 !! =qN 6Y'\ (r\J\Y'8;S e J'N)(, €) N) o ;6 ?z TOP CHOFD TOP CHORO O 5 i ; F = 9 I !D :J 9 sn 5 !, N - Bd i i*€ii $i H*€ a€i $i flgI afi 3gia$s $+iig $iE ,i lE$ gl fr E *g ig ii,gE *gg gg,ig;i iii *ig ll ;l il i gaa ga g d aF + a . i f':=' ;l 5' gffi la *igF a[ +'i* i fr | 25O I e9€ | 11-2{ | 156€ | 1$114 | 2+110 F-!1-1 250 4-1€ +44 11-8 U+ 5+0 2M 6.00 rTt | 254 | 7-1G10 | 13-4-1 | ' 18-914 | 2+11p I 2-5{ $$10 s$10 5610 6-1'2 I I I lcl t9 F I ,91 tol tEl DEFL (n) (loc) Udofl V.iGL) {.'16 'l I >999 V.doL) {r.20 ll >999 Ho..GL) 0.07 E rv. Mn Lordh / LL do0 . 360 aP ctxl 244 PHc lrsaer. 1,@ Lumb.r lnctEa. l.ql Rop Slf6. Incr NO Codc UBC/ICBO LO DII|O rCLL TCDL BCI.L BCDL LUr|BE( TOP CHORD 2 X 3 SPF t650F 1.s€ BOT CHORD 2 XE Of 1950F l.7E WEB!i 2 X 4 WW Slu.l €@.91' w:t 2 x 6 sPF 1650F 1.5E. Wa 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.sE wl 2 x 4 sPF 2l@F l.8E iE rctlol€ (brtb.)'l5.272liG5-3, 8.3158rG$a irh Horz l5'-m8&.d 6.3) ir.,( UCnf 5*2f o(bd Gc. O,8'{O6(lo.d ca8 q FoRCE! 0b) TOP d{h6 l-2.{, 2€.-l I l,l. 3-a.3ir6. iL$33?8, 5a-5a95, e7'4888' 7€'-7421' &8.6/,1-15''227 fOf CXORO 1+15"92, 1r1147Y, 12'13F4at, 11-12-/t429, l(l'l1'5867' &10'658i1 wiBs 2-14gf,/'-,}1i--zg6, +itts2i +r3'-173s, $,11.1388, Sll*to4, &10.695, 7-lO.-318, 2.1t-2918 ltoTES l) 2dy trl|. lo ba coin ctad too.lhra wnh l(H Coinmoo(.1't8l3J N.ib 8! follovs: Top chords connrdrd with 1 to$'(9 d '' ;;6;;;. B;ffi -aro{ -,rn a.o r h 2 row(r) rt Ggit on Gont r. web. coo.Edrd with I rotr,(s) rl Gg{t on cor sr. 2) Thtt'u.. h.3 bccn d-lqncd io. thc v.ind l€d3 epna;iod by 35 mph win& c 25 n rbot ! ground L\,.1, uirg 5.0 Ff top -";;jE;E;;l;'Jtoi; "h-d oca r&a, ro m'trom hirnbanc occenlirp, on en m-upenq ortcgoo l, conditlon I crdccd bulldno. d dlmindqrr 45 n h,v 24 ll with lreosurc C ASCE 7-9it F( UBCICAO f crd wdic.lt-or cflttilctrcr8 uiEt' t;;-ro;t;ttd. rf po.u,i .rir, mt erc not cpocd lo wlnd. Thc lrmb.r ooL Inctcco b I 33, .nd thc Pblc a'ip lncrrrc b l.3il I A| pblc rrc frno 9bt!. unls ol|rqr{|!. indic.lld. ai 111[ hr--h- bd acfgrr.d fa r i6.o tbonom dprd livc load nooconcurcri wilh sry othcr livo lo.dt p.r Tabb t'lo. l6a' uBc4a. Codhu.d qr Fer 2 BRACII{O TOP CHORD Shldhod o. 2+7 on conlcr Pu.lin tP.dng' qc'fl cnd Y'rtlc'b' 8OT CHORD Rlgid criling ditElt .pplk d or 't 0+O on c.ntd b.r.tng' ocl 2 7 ?997 O.{) 85.0 t5.o o.o 10.0 PITTES ORIP it20 128/,,{ Wolght: 360 lb ?-8252 .-- 1,. .r.6 a i rr.d r1.]............',*a'^....n..rr.--*\\ io;1;1;,a.r. c) A WAn,"llt'tf; - l'enfi desipt paraneters and RtulD l|OI ES O^- T HIS Ai\iD RII\:]:RSI'; StD[ R\:FORI: ttSI:. Design valid tor us€ only with lrlT€k connectors. This design is bas6d only upon parametors shown, and is lor an individual building conpon€nl Io be inslalled and loa(bd vedically. Applicability ol design pararn€166 and prop€r incq@orarion ol co.nponenl is resgonsibility ol bu dng designer . not truss designer. Bracing shown is for latoraisupport ol i;dvidual vreb members only. Additiooal temporary bracing to insure sbbility during constructioo is th€ responsibility ol lhg erec-tor Addilional pernranent bracing ol the overall struclur€ is lh€ respo.rsibility ol the blilding deslIer. For gensral guidance r€garcling fabicalion, qualily cont'ol. slorag€, dolivery, €r6clion, and bracing, consult OST{8 Orallty Standrrd, OSB-OS B|tclng IY-I Specitlcetlon, lnd HIB-91 Hrndllng Inrt lling.nd grrclng R.comm.ndatlon avaalabl€ lrom Tlu.. Plrto In.tltut , 58:| O' lllTok lrdutlrltr, hc. Onofio Drlv.. ll.dlron. Wl5:]719 I I \\ ->\\t \VF \\> -E F o o-z qoo z''aei o= 8a o Iv, =<6l IU 6rr > crr 2 o o =tn 2 -{ =o z r1 =e 9a >q g,c 90 z-q! zg -'o 9.o ii =g 6-q =9 8a o=3d o J o t o t ,t qqqo ui35d o d 6o Hd6f +o 5 (D ,- o !+9 X=oJ xJo: ollr1 =nol3 -X =!=i;/.J- ? PZ,J 5n6 o.<-- o c o o ,t* ii P f e *o ico c4*a 6;= o LB x :1 o.+ ; --N l\ ^ !1 *co ^: Lr9 r-r: = O = /ti-xx: f95 t+H !ro' F 5 ii. :P 6' ?= v o P ;o q ii = Lr^J (O."o ttl 5 '-o:!1 f; tu oqH+ v;)\a ' x.;:5 il+(,'!; =O X )-d Y 6'o'9*l **d* ;eo dii{aod oo- tl ! AI E =z o {r fo d' 6' vo :'o (oo ;:' o c) 6b n'* 8s o E t. =Eb- I FPl B5 ; jFl a DI DI zl 9I zl DI @ z c 3 o o =.J (o U, v, o 3 P S i3b = 3;9;I r 3:: iEiig s i:!: i rF E s Ia e =;F i;-{ @ .o 61 o o I o f,c'a tq.-.r@ Rf,X 5R Ytrr-' ;;gr T co@-=cD \r \r (, () c^RX9 tn5 AG .J-I o <,r ;-.' 99 z.oN);tv' .-9 -; (t ..J .N' Y'8;S e "..N)(,r o N) 20 @ 9 2 ! TOP CHOFD TOP CHOFO @ 6 ; ; J = 6 9 9o >J e I F e N :- gd i l$tfi i$ al€ i€i $+ flfli af ggIi$# g+aii $$E ,i lE$ il fr u Fg ii ii -iE -EE Eg'iEF$ $FF $iE }i Fi -El E $gE gi g deFia € E3.' *H eu$g3 aa ,igfr 3g ['i* g1 9+-+€u, lprsr o Edlne .t lolnt(r) 15, ! comtd..r Frctc to grcn vc|r. udng Al{syTPl ll9o5 engL lo gnio lonnub' &riHine.d..ilr.. 3hodd Ffity c'Fdv o{ b-titro !udrc'' 6) pro,ld. maart||tlc.t oonnoaion oyoitrc|r] of-tnr.r to ba.ing-pbt op"uo aw ri"noifo 2ro b udn .l i*ti 15 ..d 3(,8 lb udn d itnl t' i il al; tt- t; acUrca d 5al uao9..nd Al'lsvTPl l'1995 Pbline ctlcfb O Lad c.t (r) l, 2, 3, 4, 5 her ben mJir,.a. a,rilaittg d"nig,., muaicvi.; taor to y!.ify th.t lh.y .to con6c{ for thc intond€d usa of lhi! IttL' LOAD C^tqtl 1) Condr,: Lumb.t Incrar.'i.m, Plato Incro.tc'l.0O u**uYi.Pr*.0. 2€r-20o.0,3{.-2.,.0, +s-20o.0, s.e.-2oo.o, e?.-2qr.o, z-8.-2m.0, &e--2m.0, 1+i5.-20.0, r}1,r.-20.0, l2'13"20.0' lt'12'-20'0' lGt 1.-20.0, el0'-20.0 2) llBG: Lumbcr Incncc.l.25, PLlc Indo.t '1.25 *rffi-g$o.',2j.€o.o, !F-3o.0,,+{.-ar.o, $,s.-:o.o, a7.Jo.o, 74.-30.0, &e--3{r.0, 1r.i5.4r.0, t}t,t'{o.o, '12'13'-'lo.o' I l'12'-'o'0, lGll'4r'0, &1M.0 3) tC Whd: Lumb.r lncfle.c'i.3, Pt o Incrr.stt.S unn*uff-9?, .1,2-...2?.1, u+zs.r, ,r-5.2e.i, $&29.r, a7.2e.1, 7{.29.r, &9-2o.s, r+is.- to.o, t}t,F-lo.o' t2-13'- lo.o' 11-l2"to.o, lGl l*to'o' &10,-10.0 lhtztl-2'.-27.1,2'r'39'1,3{-39.1,+5'3O.1,5-6'391,S7'39'1,741391'&9'$5'l'15'{i}5 O 2rd lMnd: Lumb.. hcr-!t-i.33, PLlo Inc,rrsrl.:Xt '**r#i-ll?, .1,2-e17.1,3417.,., +sr17.4, s.e-1?.4 ,d7.17.1,74-17.1,&e-€.2, r+1s=-lo.o, 131+-10.0, 12'13--10'0, 1l-'12'-10.0, lGll--10'0, &l(F10.0 llor::l-2-30.i.2n=27.+r+27-1,+5-127.1'54-271,6'7-274,7{-27lt'8'F53'7'1-15--43'5 O 3d Wind: Lumbd Incrccctl-33, Pl.lc Increcc'l.33 u**uff-$?, .1,2-,,.zs.1. t+2s.i, +s.29.r, s-6.2e.i, &7-29.1, rurze.i, &e'm.s' i+1s'-lo.o, l114Lto'0, 12-13--10'o' ll'12*10'o' lGtt-10'o' &1(F10.0 fioz: 1-2.-39.1, 2-3-39'1 , 3-tl-39.1, +5'39.1' s€.39 1 , a7'39'1 , 7{'39 1' &$30 5' l'15--'|it 5 ocr 2 7 ru97 / L.a A waWtUC - Venly desigt parameters and READ NO7'ES ON I HIS ,4liD RF.\I':RsL slDE BEIORE IISE. Design vaiid for use only with MlTek connsclors. This design is tiasod only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building conpon€nl lo be install€d and loaded vertically. Applicability ol d€sign paarn€Iers and proper incoreo.ation ol cornponenl is responsibility ol building dgsigner - not truss designor. Bracing shown is lor lat6fal support ol individual web memberc only. Addilional t6mpo€ry bracing to insur€ stabilily during construction is tbe responsibility ol th€ er€ctor. Additional pefiranent bracing ol the ovorall sfucturc is the responsibility ol lhe building designer. For general guidance r6garding fabrication, quality confol, glorage, dglivery, erection, and bracing, consult OST.8a Oualiiy Standard, DSB{0 Braclng Specfficelion, rnd HIB-91 Handllng ln3tllling and Braclng Rocommcndatlon avaihbb from Trura Plele Inrtlluie, 58il O' Onolrio O.iv.. lrediaon. Wl 5:171 9 lllTok hdurtlcr, hc, I ^ - \\ -L \\il \v!\\> -E F o ()=2 qoo 50 ;. ul ('o O= oo Ie- (o :.'d o ;b Fcr, =<6l lu 99.>Ur z c, o 2 z o z {*'XD aoo Xo=-o soool si;;q : o o 6o Hg;;q a=or'o 'J:n.\ s Y -5 !*r o;:x r d:O lln *rd;5 c:"o^-2x?*YX* o'<-- rf*3Aj dPa' -.co 4*\6;= o ix x :to.+ d --N I od :'=s - = - ^ -=llo.' Y ^ lg .\ a) ^ =: J t== q r o U Y X u-o =<cn o o x;-r :3; -2= V*O o; '"o flq 5 to* o =d go bg 9g 9p. F_+ E(o 9.d ii !O i'9.lq t6',o=3d o t o t o 1 !F FI It o ,n 2 z o F ;=Ed OO9=d; g;' x.x l x =!+_--<(, L_; a'6 - o'o OtJ ,2 o -^'** a'= f,sa di5{Foo o o- {5 33 \lo O^- =-x (oo ;:. o B;l='c-; O.! :- Etl rtl i 3u I HPl B5 i r'l!l FDI -=l LI i z c 3 u o =.f (o q, UI o 3 o ,o 6-1 I @ sa7,r@ > tr \, - /-l KQR -X :!..1 " ;t 2 Fi!:ts :3:l iEtig s i;!r i i3 i = 68 -x 9-;znl -t @@-=(D ! ! () () o RN9 d jr E d -. o).!- i m r.' : @ =6E Hq ! (r--J.\Y 8;S e .!"t\)""x x 9 o o @ o z \l CD TOP CHORD TOP CHOFO @ -"r, F 6 F = 6 p eo :J e s" 9 e r$ :- 8d E +i,ii ii FiE giFEiEgFgs iilFFE iiff ig$ g FEs gl *' da Bg r; gs a$EE 5iEi $$f, -$g $f tg ie e 'E: sa €d eF + a'fr--9= ifEHq;+ ea 1e-]u ?a fl*i; 3 z ' J i fiE *' 3g s: $gi ea 'igB 3q s'g* g fr r'- r2+q s64 l gs3 l1,HL2 llg_31 122€o 126+i5 l3oi1-11 l3a2-13 139$12 1 4jt+o t7+9 il--sc.l-+z-rs +2_15 +2_15 +2-15 +2-15 +2-15 +2-15 +2-15 5€-1 2€{) txlf .5 MIA/'.17 5x6 = '- 7x15 Ml5-- 9xi7.5 Mt6:\ I ln t9 l'el tdl lst t5 5x6- , s7{ 111-1G11 | 17-2-s | 22+O t'?-911 | 31-5 t 9&-s | ffi | &74 s-$11 $311 $311 s311 5-311 1311 &74 DEFL Cn) Coc) Yd6fl Vcd(!-L) -1.25 tB >r|:l2 VcrtCTL) -1.61 18 >334 frorzGL) 1 -21 12 ry'a Mn L€ngth / LL dofl ' 350 SPAG|N<I 244 Plat6 lncr6€ l.OO Lumbo. Inc.es6 l.m Rep S|f6s Incr YEs Code UBCYICBo lo^Dlllo TCLT TCDL BCLL BCDL LUI'3ER TOP CHORD 2 X 8 DF 1950F l.7E 80T CHORO 2 X 8 DF t950F 1.78 WEES 2 X4WW Slud txcsd' W8 2 X lO DF 1950F l.7E' w6 2 X 'l SPF 2100F l'8E w72 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E, W9 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.5E wlo 2 x4 sPF 2lmF l.6E OTHERS 2 X4WW Slud RE^cnolla (h/3hc) 2.5it75.!6-8 0npd: G$s), l2'5375/GS (nprn: G5-8) lihx tlotz 2-1,l/l(€d cas€ 3) irbx udin2.€520oed casa o, 12t'552(lo8d c.5€ q (Ff) E5.0 t5.o 0.0 10.0 FORCEI 0b) ToPc|.|oRo1-2.72,2.*15126'3.+.152d|,4-5=.1.3|9.56..12508,47i.10367,7+..10367,&9-.t25d}'}1(ts143!t9. lGl t*152@, 1 1'12*15726' 12'1Y72 BOT CHORO 2-22.1.1r2,21-2pl;diiiii;i.;tziu, t$2e12700, 1&19-t203, 17-l8rl12G!' 1417.12700' t$16' 127tx) ,1+15-13a77, 12-1+11192 wE6S r_ro.erzg, giz-<g,iii-zg,+zt--g14, *2r.117r,9-r-g.-1566,619.1583, S1&-2151' &1E--2151, 3.17.1583, *rz-lsbs, I15.117a, lGt5'-914, lGl+280' l1-14'{8 IOTEA iJ-iltr.r.. r.. un d.ilncd fc nr wind lad. gcrpr.t d by 85 mPh windt rt 25 i .bov. ground lst!1, using 5'o p6t lop - J; d-d tod -d 5.0 -Dd bo(orn-d;- oJ-fiJ, to .iii"r" hirriceno ocanrlip, on en ooqrpency calegw l. cotditkn I ",d.."d-hilidl"r-, ; c"itrr"* +li'ul zi n "Jtt-]nj-.ri. C rsce zeg Pc. uBCIcEo r dd rqtic'lt-or csnlilovo6 orist' rfrry "1a rei..O'i" *,rd. f Frd!::fr;rh€y e'q n& crQceO ro wind. Ti|c lumbor DOL inc|s. it 1 33, etd tb Plale grip lnc{E b1,3 Codinrcd on pegc 2 PI-ATEIS GRIP tpo l28r'9a Mr6 127t42 Weighi: 390 lb IRACINO TOP CHORD Sh€thod or 1-7-11 on canier F'rlin sPecing' BOT CHORD Rigid cailing diroctly applied or'l(NlO on conl'r bracl'lg' HiT['|ft ut"t'* DEFL. oF !L L N. EXPE.TED o Jr' ll ,,'g*:+tlllgf*,S#''it.ff.1""'5R.9gi*ei ' ARE ADEOUATE TO THE STRUCTUML SYSTEM. (s) iiMp. sxonrHc AND cAMaER suGGEsrED (BY orHERs) ocT 2 7 i997 23252 AwAnN1NC' lbrtly desigt parameters and READ NOI'ES ()N7HI.\.4ND Rf:VI.Rstt SIl)t'; REloRFItSE. Design valid lor us€ only with MiTek connectors. This design is bas6d only upon pa€meters shown, and is lor an indivadual boilding componenl to b6 insiall€d and loaded vertically Applicability of d€sign param€iers and prop€r incqlQolation of component is r€sponsibiliiy ol building designer - .rol lruss designer. Eracing shown is lor lateral support of individualweb members only. Additional temporary bracing lo insure stabilily du ng conslruction is th€ fesponsibility ol tie erector Additional peman€nt bracing of lho ov€rall structure is the responsibility ot lhe building designer. For g€n€ral guidance regarding labricalion, quality control, storage, delivery, erection. and bracing, consull OST-88 Ourllty Stardard, DSB49 Brlcing Sp€cillcatlon, and HIB-91 Handllng hltalllng snd 8rucing R6commendallon available lrom Trur! Plat Instltute, 5O3 O' IIT Onofrlo Orlvo, Mrdiaon, W|53719 iu,t<6l to 29.> crr z 0 o *t tt.t z -<o z I 9 =a go 6g 3 e-'q! 2O ;o gd ij .sO d'9. =9 8a o=3d o a o t o a dGF \3: j 'E F H o ct=2 xoo=ifr' qafi 3 E; " g 4a *[ iEg x ^_ tu =^'-\J u oo .2da dl -+d+!.fi i*a ,e; eqa r-L id- 6 r G't'l 2 z o {r YO -'o ,:-. o E;l=' r+ !oooa oi;;q : o d 6D Hxa;o*-Y:o5(D _J:n.'\ o tu iX xJo;' O lln * =i;/,-1*Ei;X"X * d..= l' *+ld= =sx acU' 6*\6;= o tx x 9ii* i--* Q ob :-=e rr i = o =r,xx I f o j *== !ro'u 5 ii :3 6'o o x;P *i n*s ;o q b r to*(D n t. =[b. 1 !Pi i( .r {a=f fr!l !:DI -fi1 H : z c 3 o o =.f (o <t, v, o 3 2 Fi!:I P 3:! iElig s i *!l 5 rE d e iE i = fiF E3 Zd .l .o ;-{*-{ r a =!4-^.r@ ;HU =Q /\ x a\ \J {l i!1 " ;t \JT OO-=r!>:q()q HX-/ @b -1"-'\r'z5i5 H qrt ^N)O*-J (,.J.6.:-8-S e __\)cD {r t\)2o a I @ ?z CD TOP CHORD TOP CHOFO @ d ; ; F = - p P :.' e e l' e N - 8d E ir-ii li arg rglgigEi ii FgIilB $Fiff *Ei -* +Eg iI 1 i ae ia +; ll -g$x$ ig ll aaa *ry ir ifi iA g flEF 3e q '4 alua es aqEi =a;sa+* q: =aEl *a gfiE: EHg 'd eF = a' fiac; *f 5: frd+ ia rA;g 1[ [';; 3 G €q E-3 =' *l at $fli ei -lgfi qq q 'E' g g iflp.a"f p.-u.- rh.ll b. m* by th. b{ldi' d-lgn r to ctov for o.93Lr oa no.12qLl 'Ey.rnd{ d111 lo ht led..d l.2t1n d11q to tol'lled' 3) A| oLli ...lfito oHc ur{I drmbr Indcccd.iiiliffi.ffil d-d; t ";l-aO p.r u-" *r-a hrc lad nonconcuncnl u,lttr .rt dht rY. b.ds p.r T.t{. t{o. t&6, UBC4a. 5i WARNINO: R.qubcd bcrlng rizc rt lolnt(r) 2, 12 grrlcl th.n ln4f bcning t12.. 3t B-,ind rl btntarl 2- t2 conrtdcB rrdu t6 qirin irtuc urtm eaisurR t-t-ggs rncc to grin bmuL. &ilding &.ienot lhou!-vdry c.?!ctly gi Bcring A Fht(b 2, 12 conrldcn prrdlC io grin yrl11" u.lng AI{SUTPI 1-19e5 .nC. to grd,n_1o(muL. Erx1611lg-ocrglror lfrorrF wrxv qF n provtdc '"d,"nk r mnncaiaa ov Jhc;ft-1|| ; b-dpuri cqeuc o, nfttirendifo 552 lb udm d Fht 2 .nd 552 lb udm dkrinl 12. Ei Thb |ru.. h- bc.n &slgnod for bolh UBC-9a.nd ANsyTPl 1-1995 plltlng crtilrL. t otEl LoAD CAtqtl St ndgd of brring 3uttF. ocr 2 7 1997 t".;';Lo..""u t'.fl i 282s2 i i i. ,t,ff \i'',,':;r' j# A VUnivmt; - Verifu design parameters antl READ NOTES oN THIS AND REVERSI': SIDE BEI:ORE IiSL: Design valid for usg only with Mffek conneciors. This d€sign is based only upon param€tels shown, and is for an individual building compon€nt to bo installed and loaded v€rlically. Applicatility of dasign param€ters and proper ncoeoration of @.nponent is r€sponsibility ol building designer - nol lruss designer. Bracing shown is lor lateral suppon ol indMdual web ltll mombers only. Additional l€mporary bracing lo insure stability (furino coals'truction is th€ responsibility ol th€ er€cto. Additionel I lf trffiffi1i',triff"1",'Li"";#l!1s#i:""BJfrHl?1o",*:;::lliR"trlt[ff3iffr#$ffi"3H:il9 ltlll Specilic.tion, and HIB-91 Hrndling lmtllllng .nd Bdcing R.com.n€odetbn available lrcm l'us. Phio'ln.tltule, 583 D' IlTek hduatrlaa, hC, Onolrio Drive. Madllon. Wl 53719 I - -\\ v>\\t \Y,\\> -E v o o==qoo -o ('o O= 8n o o m =z o 5.?al to e9.>q,z I o *l h z =o z t (D(I)(D4 (/'llo e o oc HA;q =o5(D x I H5 XJOE (,lo= O!1 n* ed -a-_^lxii;5n3 o<-' **3AJ dPd' 4C,, (/)^a 6;= o ij x 6-'-I od :-=e - = - di +='*g: :03 t=X Rro'F 5 ri. :P d q9 6 4::*i qHP- ;: \u o o j ,8o'o o =a go >u s,E qo fr-9p.2O Ia 9.o 1i !o cg :9 86',o=50 o t o ,o + !F sl tll tl N .F "=o: OO9= ?d;9 : =:+. \' )C' E- A =o X d ^ .2.:o o Y A'= i;eo 55{dqd ooJ {i d3 (oo a= z:. o 6E' =f,'O.! o C Fui iK ! ia=ii EI a z C 3 o o =.f (o U, v, o 3 2 FiE:B P::= ;Eiig s i:!r i i3 E FqF 9; =HA EE Qoo Y!(]I E -t a @ 6l 'r o @Co-=Co > : !t () q xxY@.b E5 -@ Ioc,c-99 z- o. tQ ;< Yl \]\UJ'(r!a:-8;S e -_tQ (,€NJ I g z O) TOP CHORO TOP CHORO @;;d; i lprgl i; Aia +sier rsl il $l$ +e* +i+ig ;ifi ,g +g$ $[ fl g +t gF gg qg* :ai € F 'l r 'F i5i gqE ifl 'Ai aB *A gg -E$ Eg $$ F$ $$F iie *l ;g lg gggg ;r g 'd aH = a'fir=; *$E9fid+ ia &aEE ?g ['; ] 3 &€s E-E " *e et $gi e4 'lgfi iq q'gt g g -1O 12-54 | &1G15 | 11-4-1'l | 1+114 | 2+11{ -1O s mFr250 4515 4-115 3+2 1(}{X) 1.1 2(a ll u7-7 1-t2 u7-7 t-oaD||to TCLL TCDL BCI.I BCDL 2X6SPF r 60F l.s€ 2X6SPf160F1.5E 2X4wwslud'E(ooA' w3 2 X 6 SPF 1650f 1.5E, W4 2 X 6 SPF l55oF l'sE wr 2 x 4 sPF 2lmF l3E, W9 2 X 4 SPF 21mF l.8E (lysLr) lo.ldn/(}5{, 6.66@/G'*15 (nFn: G5€) irbr llorz l0-l0l (led cra 3) It s UdifiO&126(lcd c.3. O,6'-588(bsd casc O FORcEt (b) rop cxcho t-2-{, 2€r€00, 3.1:1298',l-5'{76, l-lo-227, 5'e*ts98 8OT CIIORO $l{Ffi|o,8{.12t4, 7{'l@1, &7{l WEBS 2-9-16: 3-0.-S36, 3{.-al, ,l-8r138, +7'-1397, 2-to-1s85, t7'l l3;l ltoTE! l) Thb tru!. h.r b€.n dclgncd tor lhc witd losl3 greoef.icd by s{i mph windr et 25 tt 'bovc ground l€{C' using 5'o F top '' ;;J;;E;;;-fi'J;;il;ffi ooa r6"a, rm n iiom hunicene canlinc, oo an occupencl cat€so.v l. condition I ;;"i;-hritdi"o ; oinlndr* aE n tz4 i wnh expocun C ASCE 7-93 por UBc/lcBo lf 6nd vodicals or cantil6vsB oxFt. 1t;-"e;-i" ;"a. f p".*"1'l"il, ifr.V "- ,Jt "tp*tO to wind. Tire lumber DOL incto€s€ is 1.33, .nd lho plslo grip lnc|E b l.3 2) Al pha-.r. ltEo plc- snl6s qlhdvYi|r t|dlc.tod. ti-t1''a[ t"- hs t16i o-lgt.d !"..1-ar.aj pn uono. orr"ra r". |cd nooconcNrnoot with any o{hor liw locds per T.Hc No' 1s8' uBcga. a) WARNII{G: RcquiFd bo.rtne tilla at itnl(.) 6 er€.lor ihan inpgt 9q!I.9 -tiar' Si A-,hg A ioitrt(i) f O, O con ia..r p"f,11.ti,i griin val'c uoing ANSI/TPI l -1995 englo to grain tormuh. Building d.sl'n€r rhodd YlriD c.peily of b-ting su.fp. Codn||.d d| Fgp 2 BRACINO iop cfpnO Shethed or 24? on canter Pudin EP.cing, arccPl cnd Yqlbals' gof cHOnO Rigk, ceiling dkoctly applied or l0{lo on csnlor br'clng' Excopl: G7'l-1'13. WEBS I Roe, al midpl 2'10 ocr 2 7 1997 od) 85.0 15.0 0.0 10.0 FI-ATEA i/n0 ORIP 12&104 Welghl: l09 lb LUXBER. TOP CTIORD BOT CIIORD WEBS RE CIIOI{t Ved(LL) {.(X 8 >999 VortCIl-) 4.06 &9 >9Og l-lo.z(fL) 0.(X 6 n/a Mn Long h / LL defl ' 360 PLtos lnc|Bsa l.m Lumbr Incroela 1.m Rop Slr6s Inc| YES A wlnnNc; - Vcrtfi design pdratreters and RIIAD N1TES ON I IIIS AND REvl:Rsl': sloE BEI:ORF. l tst':. Design valid lor us6 only with MiTek conn€ctors. This d€sign is based only upon parametefs shown, and is for an individual building component to be instialled and loaded venically. Appliceulity ol design pa€heters and proper Lncolporatron o, r#gg:lil"triHTY"$i'i'Jsi:13'[i;11':x,Lr;'m"*gmm;:T"g:'ffi'J$,g:H'"1i'^::'*"", tll permaneni bracing ol the ove€ll structurc is lhe responsibility ol lhe building d€si]ner. For general guidance r€garding tabdcalion, quality conlrol, storage, delivory, ereclioo, and bracing, consult OST€8 Ouallty Standard, OSB€ Bracing Specification, and HIB-91 Hrndllng In.t lllng and Braclng R.comm€ndatlon available from Truar Plrt6 Instituto, 5&t O' [lTek lndualrlaa, Inc. Onol.io Drive, Medllon, Wl 53719 o \\ v>\\fi \YD \\> !E f, o o-z qoo 7t"a6: 8a o E !z o *€6l lu 66 z 0 o F 2 -i =o z r+ )l 55o'o66'a x66u- =rJ ) ru ;6 gq xJo;("?o=' O9n- E*ud*f*ii;5n6 o.<-' t+ !+ XOI = !Z^' 1Ca o*.b'6;= o ix x 9ob :-=e n i l o =6'xx f rQ 5 *=X Rro'U Y.; YO =<c(J o o f ;-f !a= 9XO o: ."o Po j o*o o a\ =d 9d bg 3g 9!. a+Ia q a''1i !O d'g 3g 8d o= 'G o t o ,o a !F AI tlt N tn s ;=Ed OO9=' x.d:;F= --' c 2 (u =='Q.l -*d=i 9o qH= oo- t5 66'fo 69 o^-5r) ,:-. o 6b' =-'9a O^ E t. =TN I FPl B5 ; r)!l 'Hl LI : z c 3 o o =.J (o CI' v, o 3 2 Fi!:I * l:i ;Eiig s i;!r i rE d s iE i -EE !;-{ €sd =R 8QX -E !!1 " ;t \JT -T --l o (D 6l 'r U) tQa dE 8X9 @b 5tr- 1e Io<,rir99 =eN 6Y'! CJ\,.s:-8;S e -.-NJ (]) €) N 20 @ ; O o o z ..J TOP CHORD TOP CHORO @ ; ; d ; = 6 9 9o :J 9 th -a P N - 8d E iF-gi gi aag figFgigEi iE [gi iqg Uifi ff iEi -i iFg ii l 'II ig -a eg -el;g g$ Fi $$a iie 5I ;g i; E$i€ 'F g d aF ,, ;- fia*; 3[ Es gli la 'igg $a +'g* g #q,---.*€v, f;Jffo. r.**"- co.rnac-tton oy orh.r) ot tru.r to b..ttne pbt. c.p.bb ot withtt nd,* 126lb udin 'ildnt lo 'nd 5E8 lb udn 't Fl' 6' ii nih; ilt; ocietca oi 6at ueder 8nd ANsvTPt r'19e5 Phtim crilcrir' o Lrd c.dr) t, 2, 3, 4, 5 tr.. b.cn ';;;;. ilrurng o-6*t r,,"r'rort"iiJilo "*ry ihct lhcy sr. corocl for thr Inlcnd€d uto o{thb truj3' LO D craqt) l) Co.dt.: Lu;b.. hd!.t 'l 'OO, PLir Inq.8..'l O t nlo|m Lod (pI)-"--.''v;;-['2o.0. 23'-2oo.o, 3-|F-2m.0, +5'-2(n'0, $l(F2o o, &9''20 0' ?{-2o'0' &7-'20 0 Co@nHld Ladr 0b) V..t 6-.5@0 2) UBC: Lumb.r lrsEr€-i25, Pble Incloas.'l '25 Un orm l'e& (pO - -- vcrr: i-i.iao.o,2-3.-30.0, 3-'t'-30.0. +5'-30.0' II(F-l|{)'o' &914)'0' 7Jr-4{10' S7'-/0'o Co0c.ntnl.d Lmd. (b) Vcrl:4.-1591 3) lrt Wind: Lumb.r Incrcs6'1 .3, Plsto Increcso' 1'33 Uniform Locdr (plo -" - vcrr: r-i.ir.1,2-3.i?4..1,*2s.1, +5'29'1,91(F-10 0, &9-n0 0,7€'-100' a7''100 trrzit-z-zt.t,z-r.:g.i, 3{'3.1, 46'39.1, l-lo-{:}'s' 55'€ 5 Cono.nfCcd te& 0b) Vdt 6.,134 4) 2nd Wld: Lunb.. Incrc!.' l3' PHc Incro{.'l '3 Udfo|mLad3(Pl0 - -- V"tt, f-z:ig.1,2-y11i,r+17.1t, 4-5.17./t,9.lo-10.0, &ts10.0, ru--10.0' e7'-10.0 irorz: l-z.se.i, z-:.27 .A,*21.1' +*27.4, l-10'-{it.5' 55'rl3'5 Conc.ntnLd Loads (b) Vci: 6-43t g 3.d Wlnd: Lunbcr lmr€as6-1.3;}, Plale Inqroess'i.:Xl Unifom Loeds (PlO -""-""vJrr: r-i'is.1,2-:ol2g.1,3-42s,1, +5'29.1' $10--10'0, &-9'-10 0, 7{'n0 0' &7''10'0 tloz: l-z-gg.i, 2a.39.t, 3-+39.1, +5'3!1.1, t-10'-43 5, 56'',13 5 Conc.nlr.trd Loa& (lb) Vart: 6.tl3l ocl 2 7 $97 A WnUn*C - Verily design paranercrs and READ NOTES ON THIS '4't'tD RI:I'ERSII Sl DE BEFOM USE. D€sign valid lor usa only with Mltek connectors. This design is based only upon paranelE6 strown, and is tor an individual building compon€nt to be installed and loaded vertbally. Applicability ol design F,arameters and prop€r incoreoratim ol component rs rosponsibrlry ol ou dng desrgn€r - not tniss d€sgner. Brachg shown rs lof latera;suppron ot r-ndrvrduat weo llII rnen$6rs only. Addtional tenporary bracing to insuro stability during construclion is th€ r€sponsibility of $e erector. Addilional - lI l#:3ffin:iff*,1i1;5J'""1[*f,:""*ffifil".J'Jiffi',lB:1ifl'H"ffi"'H,i;i#33l,il,3ilffiJ?Hl? Itlll Spoctficallon, .nd HIB-91 ]i.ndllng In3talllrE rnd Br.<rng R.cofim6nd.tlon availabl€ trom lru$ Plst€In.tltut , 58.1t D' lllTak lndualtlaa, Inc. Onotrlo lH\,., lladl.on, Wl 53719 :€6l t('9o > ctr z E, o !FI z =o z {,* i5 6-5 - o !oooa o1;Aq ,'< o 6 6D HE-;;o*-Y=o5o _ J:^.\! Y -5 Rr oii o lJ|ti =no. a =J9E -Fd* 2 x?n Y+<* o.<-' tl ^-J --i iiPf E*o icca c.^a 6;: o LB x 1o.* d --N I ob :'=9 n l = o =6'F3: f I j *=* !ro'u 5 [ :P 6'qg 6 4.=*= sHg ;o qb 5' .o" d o o -.(\rs = '\-E b : =q \= x '; sE -* s * bg t 3g ,r-P -oo= 6'9 i*6 &afii EF Fq "q+4 t9 3f 3Fd Fl S{ *ig =e [3 4*= Bg ?fi i*6 ?d ,dE HH5 g 6 =l= O * ooJ { ffi* {i o' 6- !o ='o (oO 71 + 6'5' :t ni c Ful=, TK.1-J -P tl DI zl 9l zl )l (9 z c 3 c'o =.J (o q, v, o 3 2 Fi!:6 3 3:!E = 3IE F S igg s i *! = i rE d ! IE E =;8 <rt b;26 @@-=(!> : q () g Eij: @ .,i)Ac i:'I o <,r ;.' 99 .zq! 6Y'\ Crj!-s:-8;S e .!'l\)(roN 20 @ :o o o t TOP CHORD TOP CHORO b 7 o o :l o g an o o z o o U, @ d i ; s = 6 s P :J e e, F s' N - g4 * +3tsl [i sli $Es Fi E*a i$ Fse sEg [a[ iq Eig ?; ifiF 4f, 3 lp -3i ig gfln *d + $; Ef;i 4E rsl. *$E +4i rs a*s s +,s€ is E +[ Ea +i *fH tlEEF'F$ 3* i:E +gE F3E['€i q tEx 3i e *l is Bi *i -sg ;e iE ei Aaa *nr ie sn if * r;a En n"'. e3 'E iF ag 8g ;3 Eg fi$ i;, ;q *l a; € aEq : e 'd eF + e'fiq*;10$;ras qd iqiA ?H gt;; 3 - F si' *ee'$el -+ =i:B se y q E q-;-f,++ OL|zS|^AOA 1A:03 4762523 MAI.IAGE},ENT CO t PAGE A2IB2 o Tenant DUaery olca - Orettook Al vail Townhomes Unh# Code StafrJs olca rnathias Cun€nl schmoll Gtrrent 1330 Sandsbne Dr. #1 VEil, CO 8'1657 bla Currenl haris Curreni anck Cundrt walsh Cunent J^y/'x Tenant Name /...,Ovetlook tl. Vail Torvnhoms '(l-biana R Malhiae (, 5 rl, 0 0 ^,,t/*u L_-, | \v lnP '\r .b DMI ftyartn T. & Karen H- Walsh vszso Sqrlh Elm Straol Grocnwood Village, CO 60121 Oftfidr"d R&Palflja L. Blad( 6166 N- Ma Tres Patos Tuson, AZ 85750 L9latp J.Scimoll 1iXl0 Sandsbne #3 Vail, CO 81657 (t&dr6rd A. & Susan F. Hanb . E10 College Bhd San Anbnio, TX 78209 ohn B. Arckert Jeffiey P. lcamp 220Mams St. Denver, CO 80206 gLl2U2ggg 15:57 **r SLTFER ^|/TlT *PAGE 62182 ovERrooK @ vArL cotfDoMrNrUM ABEOSATION C/O Sllfcr lfirnegcn ilt Comprnn Inc 143 ErrtMerdow Drlcc Suttc 350 vdl,co u637 (970)47Grodl VIA FACSIMILE : 47%?,4i52 only Juuary26,2000 Croorgo Ruthcr 8d JX- Ittondragon TownofVail Plaming Deprtment 75 S. Frortagc Road Wcst Vail, CO 81657 This rcpty is in rcgssds to your letter datcd Jenuary 12,20ff.. I havc spoker with tl€ Bord of Dircctors Prccidlut, Mr. Bob Mr:rcr, asd he hEs gira mc aufurity b advigc you thaf the bomcovffis assogirtion -accqrt6" thc grading and drainagc wo'r* previotsty itono by lv{r. TodSFr AndGnon. Sbould you hevr any quostions, plaar contact uo at thc mmbcrbclow. Wilf, kind€st rgtbrds, ilul, l/,h,* Nicki Viars Propcrf Managpr ouel/aoK #zz *"#k'{,upn =d TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970-479-2r38 APPI-,ICANT COI\TTRACfOR OhINER Occupancy: R1 Tfpe ConstrucEion: V N I\pe Occupancy: Valuation: Fircplace Information: Redtricted: Y DEPARIT4ENT OF COMMUNITY P.R. CONSTRUETION, INC. P.O. BOX 1063, AVON, CO 81520 P.R. CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. BOX 1063, AVON, CO 8l_520 MACIJEAN 'IOHN & CAROI-., FAMILY PTNS 1]. MAIN ST, CLEBURNE TX 76031 Mu1t.i -Family Type V Non-Rated NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit. #: 899-0083 Job Address: 1340 SAIiIDSTONE DR Stacus.. Location. ..: 1330 Sand.st.one DT,#a2, ThApplied. Parcel No. .: 2A03-]-2L-23-001 Tssued.. Project No.: PRiI99-0100 Erq)ires. Phone: 970-827-47-52 Phone z 970-827-4a52 BuildiDg-----> PLan ch6ck-- - > fnv.stigEtion> Hill calI----> 322.OO 209.30 '00 3.00 .00 50. 00 95 .40 250.00 92r.70 929.10 20. oo 949.70 amount date Add Sq Ft:3L8 +Of Ga6 Logs:*of wood,/Pa1let: 25, 500 *of ca6 Applr.ances: Re€tuaranE Plan Reviev- - > DRB Fee---- ---- RecreaEion Fee------- -- -> Cleatr-Up DepoEig-- - -- - - - > TOTAII FEES- Total Calculat6d F€6a-- -> Additsional Fee6-- ------ -> TotsaI PerEdC Fec--------> BAI.ANCE DUE.... Paymengs----- --- 949.10 . oo TOV/Comm. Dev.Description:EH;:;1":il1ir"n".. ro rec room,add exr.wj-ndow. Clean'up Depo,qit Refund tta apBroved w- FEE SUMMARY rSSI'ED 04/24/L999 04/28/1999 L0 /2s /res9 Item:05100 04/27 /L999 o4'/28'/L999 Item:05400 04/.27 /.L9e9 04/27 /L999 ILem:05600 04/27 /L999 Item:05500 04/27 /]-999 BUILDING DEPART'IYIENT KATITY ACEiON: NOTE ROUTEd IO JRM Act.ion: APPR approved PI,ANNING DEPARTIIENT KATIIY Action: NOTE Routed to GEORGE AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARIITIEIiIT KATITY Act,ion: APPR N/A PUBL]C WORKS KATITY AcIion: APPR N,/A Dept : BUILDING Division: .JR:-lnn -Dept: PLANNING Division:Gebrqe oeptl rrnn Diwision: Dept: PllB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions thaL may apply to this permit DECLARAT I ONS I hereby acknorLedga that I hava read this applicaLion, fil.16d olrts in full the informatj.on required, conpleccd an accuratsc plot pian, arrd sLate lhat all, t.he information prowided ae required is correcL. I agree to conply \tith tshe information and Piots PIan, Co codply eith alL To$n ordinanceB and sLate lars, and go build this scructure according tso Ehe Tosn'E zoni,ng and rubdiv_iBion code6, deaigEr revier applovcd, uniforn Bui.lding code and other ordinances of the fovn appLi"cable thereco. REQUESTS FOR INSPEdIONS SHA E BE MADE T$IEI{"TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAII.--CE BY TEIJEPHONE AT CE FRoM e:00 Alt 5:00 PM send cler}r-up Depo.it To: ".t. "o.rr*f ****************************************************************************!t*** CONDITIONS Pernult #: 899-0083 as of 04/28/99 Status: ISSTED **************************************:t***************************************** Permit. T149e: ADD/ar.,t MF BUILD PERMIT Applied; 04/24/L999 Applicant,: P.R. CONSTRUqIION, INC. Issued: O4/28/t999 970-827-4L52 To Erq)ire' LO/25/L999 ilob Address: Locat,ion: 1330 Sandstone Dc,#L2, The Overlook at vail Parcel No : 2103-1,2L-23-OO1, Description: Convert. crawlspace Lo rec room,add ext.window. Conditions:1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. AIIJ PENETRATIONS IN WAI-,LS,CEILINGS,AND FIJOORS TO BE SEALED WITII .I\N APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI . 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN A]-.L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 . 5 . 1 OF TIIE 1997 IJBC.4. FIRE DEPARIT{EMT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE ST]\RTED. 5. see correcLions red lined on plans o ?OmI OP VAfL, COLORIDO SEateEn! SEaEenttt liluub€!: REC-Os]-o ADoun!: Pay8ene MeEhod: CK. NoEationr 4922 949.1o 04/2A,/ 99 Ls:.41 Init.: itN Pcrni.t. No: Parcel No: Sits MdreEE ! Loca!ion: Tbia eal.[ont lccounc Coda AD D2 -DEPOE Toeal PecE 3 949.70 Toral lLIr Pt4Ca: 899-0083 Typc: A-MF ADD,/.ltrT LF BUILD PER 2L03-L2L-23-OOL 13{O SAII'IDSTOI{E DR 1330 gatrdBtorl. Dr,*12, The Overlook at Vril 9{9 - 70 949.'tO Balance: - oo r **rr t r f a t t tr*r*r* * r, * l, t ir r r*r * * r i *r i a t r r i*rt a BP OO].OOOO3I].1]-OO BT'ILDINC PERIIIT PBES DR OO1OOOO31122O0 DESIGN REYIEfl FEES PF 00100003112300 pr4l{ cEBcK FBBS Desc!iption CI,ETNI'P DEPOSITS .ADount 322.O0 70. o0 209.30 250.O0 95. 40 3.00 RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO3112SOO IEI,I, CAI,I, INgPECTION PEE o DEVELO TO$IN OF VAII, 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARI1IENT OF COMMT'NI:rY PI4ENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES ELEETRICA' PERMIT Perm'it #: 899-0088 Job Address: 1340 sAl{DsToNE DR status" ': ISSIIED Locacion. . . : 1330 i*a"i"t" Dr#12' TheApplied'' :@06/oL/L999 Parcel No..: 2hO3-L2L-23-OO1 fiiued' '-: 06/02/1999, Project No.: PRJ99-0100 Errpires "' LL/29/t999 APPI,ICANT SEEARON EI,ECTRIC P o Box 43, AVON co 81520 CONfRA TOR SHEARON ETEETRIC P o Box 43, AVON co 81620 owNER MAcr,iAr'I ooin'r e cARo! FAl4rr'Y PTNS 11 IIAIN ST, qI.EBI]RNB TX 76031 Phone z 970-949-6456 Phone; 970-949-6456 Descripuion: Erectrical for new outlets,lightss and svaruation: 'rtrttr"+'arrt FEB SITXUARY El.cLrical---> 50'00 Tobal' calculated foes---> s3'oo DRB Ecc InwcsLigauioo> '00 fotaf Pcrlit F€c-_------> 53'oo will calr----> 3 'oo Pqr[ants------- IOIAL FEES---> 53'00 BAIAIICE DUE---- 'oo tt**i*i'r*ttttt'r *rr*rirt+*trrlt '* lttttt '*att* 'i t t'ttt'tt*ttt'*tttl*'ilrt''t'}t*tttJ{*t*lr IEe.In! .gqQpo EILB-qrRIcAI-PErTffiApPRovED PBRphi :YlTt"n Division: Qp79.zr*2Z8o*ftTffi DEptfit+8fu b'epti FIns D:rrem: """3;*FTH DEPtfitiqESiAPP'( Av,.I*.,u"" "6Epti ''ns Division: CONDITION OF APPROVA]' 1'FIELDINSPECTIoNSARBRSQuIREDTocHEcKFoRcoDEcoMPI,IATiIcB. DECI,ARATIONS Ihercbyaclglot'lcdgechatlhaweleadthiEapplicalion'filledoutittfullbheinforoalionrequire.l'coupletedanacculateplot plan, and srabe rhar "aa -.i--i"i"tr"ci.oo provided "u ."qt'it"a ia cofrect ' t ""t;t-;;-;;;ntv Jitn tn" tl::T"ti"t ard Plot pran' tso codply with aLl. t"r" "rii"-"""i "nd etlte lava, -and io build this structure t""otaitg to che tovn'e zoninE and Eubdivision codc6, dcgign ""*r"* "n"r""ilil'""rt".. iuifding ""a"'""i-"ai"t ordinances of lhe Tora applieable tshcrcto' 800.00 FROII S:OO All S!00 Plt REQI'ESIS FOR INSPSCTIONS SHAI'I' BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR SOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY TEI'EPHONE AT 4?9'213S OR AT la SIGIIATIJRE OF o 53 ,00 ' 53. OO Balaltcr: .0O rra., rtrar *r *rtt P.niE [o: ts99-O0Ss l\Pcr 8-tsIrBC BLECTRICAL PERIIIT P.rc.l l{o: 2103-121-23:OOL SlCs Addree6: 1340 SAIIDSTOIIE DR LocagioD: L33o sandBtone Dr*12, lhe OvGlLook c Vail TouaL Fasa I Ttri6 P.l|!Gnt sf,.oo Tot.I AIJL l,ns6: Lccoune Codc Da6criDcion EP 00100003111400 EIJECTRTCa! PBrutrT PBBS 'tc 00100003J.12800 lfll,r, cA.t l, rNsPEgrroN FEE 53.oO 06/02/99 Ltr.o9 Init: ,tN TOr*{ OF VIJL, C€LORIDO 9taterdrE SEagaurt NuDbar: REC-O527 Anount': Payurnt gathod: CK NotaLion, 30?? lDounE '50.oo 3.00 Psm- oloo TowN or vruloNsrRucnoN pERMlr ACrcATroN FoRM INFOR]VIATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE R.EJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assesso/s Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet* 2lgl \'2-\2' bool Permit # IobNanrc: k\&c>(zs+) T&tt.oOz@v- Iob Address: \Afu euifAinetft Plumbing( ) Electrical( ) Mechanical( ) Legal Description, Lot 6- 4 eto"k owners Name: Aild Arc.ep,rJ Address: Architect: Descriotion of Job:ttu Work Class: New ( ) Alteration (Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( Number of Dwellins Units: I Number of Accommodation Unts: o^.", 4 lz6/41 BUILDING: PLUMBING Other ( ) Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Filine Subdivision Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ Yr\**u e'ruat.o"" T2phone# qUo'\WT uArdOe.,J WoodlPellet Generd Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registratron No. PlcsDis.ge4rastq: Town of Vail Reeistratron No Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: rorAr $---25.E6()- - \ry,"# %atl - 415a- Phone # Address: FOR OFFICE USE SIGNATURE: ZONING: yarr-) Phone+ Eate leceireA Phone # tto'?-b d 6tM BUILDING: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: ?6qq - o roo Date: Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Description: Job Address: / ,7 {O IEEO -TllE A)tgl-oOl(.O V&l- *rL ElectricalF4_Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Filine Subdivision Address: Additional (Repair ( )Otier ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/?ellet o*nercuarrre: Jola //'(/ca-z Address: Architect: Description ot Job: '4{ld' ,{terarion;)qf / Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelline Units: BUILDING: PLUMBING BlEDiss-@: Town of Varl Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ fu* MECHANICAI $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION $_ $ OTHER: $ TOTAL S Address: Phone # A ,4', q. atat, a. F ^ /2r F Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE JUN ; 't999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: rowN oF vArloNsTRUcroN PERMIT AC'tcATtoN FoRM INFOR]VIATION MUSTBE COMPLETE OR TflE APPLICATION WILLBE REJECTED Contact the Eagle CounA Assessors Office at 97U328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# a l03 -12l- 23-<bl Y",,^t* 69? -oo83 Plumbing ( ) Lot Block CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: .; .; 'tr oz OE : H o2 .o F .'z .{o I{L} FIF B zo drd o (tI U k cq U U d o o t{ 6l ^E t{vl (.) o b FI 2 o UH ots ez @E Fr HFI 7V Etp -o HE D bFi 2B F= o HH H2,(,lD oo AE a tr ?! z o H FI E() zFt EEI O (, ttl H EA o 40 D :cU U(.) h ir o B E FI o ; ; oi ..r D E> EIE'H dd o a(, c !t0 t dd o 't I , i .i,. PAGE AREA: REtrTl+ ATOIJN OF UAIL' EULORADO b6/89/1999 O6:O1 REOUEST{II INSPECTN t'tORK SHEETS Fo Activityr Address: Locat i sn : Parce I : Description: L;onvert crawlspace to ree rootr add ext. window. Appl icant : tr. R. CONSTRUCTIIJN' INC. Phone: 97O-BP7-415? Onner: IIAULEAN JOHN & CARUL FAIIIILY trTNS Fhone: Contractor: tr. R. CONSTRUCTIONT INtr. Phone: 97O-Be7-415e /?9 / t999 899-OOS3 6/29/19 Type: A-!lF Stat us : ISSIJED Constr l AllF 1344 SANDSTT}}IE DR l33Q| Eandstone Drr*12, The Uverlook at Uail Al{AJ-1?1-e3-Ogl t]cc: 14 JR}I Use r U N Inspect ion Request Requestor: ROtiER Req Tire: O8:OO It ers requested to O0O9O BLDB-FinaI Inforration..... Eorrents: UNIf #12 be Inspeeted... lnspect i on History..... Iter : Ogo3tt BLDE-Fraring gb/n3199 Inspeetor: GRG Iter : gg05g BLD6-Insulation o,6/II/99 Inspector: CD Notes: INSTALL BATTE FUR REl'ltJVE INSULATION Iter: 00060 BLDB-Sheetrock Nail B6/ L4fqg Inspeetor: JRlrt Iter: Goofto * * Not lJn File * * Iter : o'o,B7tn BLDG-t{isc.Iter: A&g9O BLDti-Final Iter: &0539 BLDG-I erp. C/A Iter: 80531 FIRE-TE}IP. CllJ lterr AO53e PH-TEFIP. t;/O Iter: SO533 P{-AN*TE}|P. C/u Iter: 04537 PLAN-FINRL CIE Iter: Og53S FIRE-FINAL C/u Iter: 00539 P1.f-FINRL C/u Iter: EO34A BLDG-Final C/U Phonez 376-672O - KEY IN THE PLANTER BT]X ion Corrents Tire Exp Action: RPPR Action: AtrtrR FIREBLOtrKINE I]F FROI{ AROUND CAN Aet i on: AtrlrR AtrtrRUUED APtrI{OVED CBNCEALED StrACES LI6HT IN CEILINB APPITOUED JFF| o ON T0m{ aF NOTE: IHTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0033 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 e70-479-28q479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: Department of Community Development 1330 SANDSTONE DR 2LO3-L2t-02-00 r. PRJ95*0026 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: o3/2I/L99s Issued...: lO/tI/1995 Expires..: 04/08/1996 O$INER Investigat i on> tli tl, Ca L t----> BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT t BEECHWOOD ORGANTZATION, 467 WILLIS AVE,WILLTSTON PARK NY 1159 Phone z 30394524L8 CONTRACTOR AIR MAINTENANCE P O BOX 2LO7, GLENWOOD SPRIN 81602 Description: EW TWO TOWNHOUSE UNITS tL,Lz #of Gas Apptiances: VaLuation: #0f Gas Logs: 12, 600 . 00 fof tlood/Pat tct r ffi*,it*#fi**#*t,**H****ffiFEEsU}|tlARY#****ffi*-****.*rtffit*r*tffi****f,*ffi*ffiffi l'lcchani ca [--) 260.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi err--> Fireptacc Infornationl Rcstri6ted: Ptan Chcck--) 65.00 oRB .00 Totat Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additional Fees---------> 32E.00 .oo 328.00 52E.00 accufata ptot and ptot pl.m, suMi vision 8:0O A 5:0O P TOTAL FEES---_328.00 Tota[ PerBit Fee--------> Paynenls---__ BALANCE DUE__iriffiffi***r****rnhffiffi*ffi*****t**tt******ffiff|HrHri****tr**ffi***H**rHrrr*twt***ffiffi**t*tt*l******fi** 3.@ Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS ITem: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04 /.18 /.L99 5 GARY Action r APPR O4'/.L9'/.L995 TRYNIS Action: CANC LO'/LO'/L995 DAN Action: APPR I. hereby .acknorrtedge that I have read this aFptication, fitt.ed out in ful.t the infofration requi rcd, compteted an Pl'an, and state that alt the inforDation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty rii ttr thc iniornation to conpty vith atl, Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Torrnr s zoning and codes, drsign reviev approved, Uniforar Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thcreto. REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL 8E llAoE TIJENW-FOUR HOURS rN A9VANCE 8y TELEPHONE Af 179-213a OR AT OlrR OFFTCE tRool t,--l srGNAruRE or or,NEn oR co*rRAcroR roR HnsELr ArD or.,NER Ur*ld4*-, {gun"uoruo -vv **************************************************!k************* TOWN OF VAIL, CoLORADO Statemnt ****************************************************************a sratemnt Number: REc-0086 Amount: 328.00 Lo/17/95 L6337 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #18088 Init: LRD Permit No: M95-0033 Tlpe: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-02-001 site Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Total Fees: 328.00 This Payment 328.00 Total ALL Pmts: 328.00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount O]. OOOO 4]-3L2 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 260.00 01 OOOO 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 65.00 01 OOOO 4L336 WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT 1330 SANDSTONE DR 2L03-L2L-02-001 PRJ95-002 6 o ON JOBSITE Permit AT ALI-, TIMES M9 5-003 3 Department of Community Development TOWN OF 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location....,.: Parce1 No.....:Project Number: Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. .: ISSUED .: 03/21/Lee5 .: to/tt/L995 .: o4/08/7996 OWNER llcchani ca [---) PLan Chcck--> Investi gati on> Ui L L Catt---> BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT I BEECHWOOD ORGANTZATTON, 467 WTLLTS AVE,WILTISTON PARK NY 1159 Phone: 30394524L8 CONTRACTOR AIR MATNTENANCE P o BoX 2IO-1, GLENWOOD SPRrN 8L602 Description: EW TWO TOWNHOUSE UNITS ll,t2 Valuation: fof cas Logs: 12, 600.00 fof Uood/Pal.Let: |ttf*ffiffirr*ffirr*t.tt**tr*****fi*****tr*******tlr**fi* FEE SUl4ltARY ffirHrrffirffiffiffi*l**r**ffilntt***r**rt*fi**** Fireptace Infornation: Rest ri cted:#0f Gas App liances: 260.00 Restuarant Plan Revieu-->55.00 DR8 .00 3.00 ToTAL FEES-------_-> .oo TotaI Catcutated Fees--->328.00 .@ Additionat Fe!s------> .00 328.00 TotaI Permit Fce------>32E. O0 32E.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ************************************************J.*****L************************* DECLARATIONS I.hereby €cknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, fitlcd out in fuLl, the infornation required, corpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi rcd is correct. I agree to compLy riith tire iniornration and ptot il.an,to _conpty sith aLt To!,n ordinances and state [aus, and to bui td this structure according to the Toun,s zoning and suMivision codes, design reviev approved, uniforn Buil,ding Code and oth€r ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. ITem: -O51,OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT O4/L8/1995 GARY Action: APPR O4'/L9'/1995 TRYNIS Action: CANC TO'/LO77995 DAN Action: APPR {S*uoruu, **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO - Statemnt ***************************************************************t Statemnt Number: REc-0086 Amount: 328.0o lv/lL/gs L6237 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #18088 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account, Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: 328.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PER}4IT FEES PIAN CHECK FEES WTLI CALL INSPECTION FEE M95-0033 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2IO3-L2L-02-001 1330 SANDSTONE DR **************************************************************** 328. O0 328.00 .00 Amount 260.00 65.00 3.00 ir.,Hf.{iI 1oi'' lqy NorE:'r"r, pERMrr MUsr BE posrgD oN JoBSrrE ttffitrltr**rt***ffiffiffirffi#r FEE SUI]IARY *ffiffi*ffiffi*ffi llechani cat--->2@.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev-->.00 Totat catculated Fces--> 328.00 Pl,an check---> 65-00 DRB Fee-------- Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- ui l' l' cat!----> 3.oo Payrents------- SALANCE DUE---- ff*#*ffiff*#'Hffi'tffirffi,r*****iffi********#****'H|**ff*ffi***ffi***fiffi DeDt: BUILDING Division; CONDITION OF APPROVAL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t C, * t * * * * * * * * * r.** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoyledge that I have read this appLication, fil,Led out in futl the information requ i red, conpl.eted an accurate P[ot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpty vith the inforration and ptot P[an, to conpl.y rJith al.L Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Tonnrs zoning and subdivis'ion codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto- REOIJESTS FOR INSPECTIO{S SHALL BE ITAOE TIIENTY.FOUR HOURS It{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO Ail 5:OO Plt SIGNATURE OF OU]IER OR COTITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI'I{ER AT ALL TIMES #: M95-0033 MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmiI ':i, ,' , ," it d ' Y"'-*- JJ' u ' Job Addresa...:Location......: ParceL No.....:Proiect Number: 1330 SANDSTONE DR 2L03-1_2r-02-00 t- PRJg5-002 6 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Vafuation: fof Gas Logs: APPROVED 03/2t/tee5 o4 /r8 /Le9s 70 /rs /19es OWNER BEECHhIOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT 8 BEECHWOOD ORGANIZATION, 467 WILLIS AVE, WILLISTON PARK NY 1159 CONTRACTOR AIR MATNTENANCE PhONE: 30394524].8 P O BOX 2107, GLENWOOD SPRrN 87602 Description: NEW TWO TOWNHOUSE UNrTS ll ,L2 Fi reptace Information: Restri cted:fof Gas Apptiances: 12, 600 . 00 fof uood/PaL l,et: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/I8l1995 GARY Action: APPR 04'/19'/1995 TRYNIS Action: CANC rc'/rc'/7995 DAN Action: APPR , APPLICATION l.tUST BE FILLED OUE COttpLETELy f, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * ****** pEturrf rNFoRr.tATr rl -[ ]-Butlding I J-plr"nt ing, [ ;l-Etectrlcal V/J Job Narne: l,,o / kDr,/aA Job Address: / Legal Description: rtat I { Block_t;a2 E-dge Owners Name: Architect,: Address: ***fff**f 1ldtr*" rtling -4'suBprirsroN, Ph. Nunber of Errvelling UnJ.tsr & $t1"" and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas {********************a***********a General Description: I{ork Class: V/)-x", I l-Alteration 5 I J-Repair I l-other Reg. NO. l-Additional Nunber /2 Appliances VALUATIONS of Accomnodation UnLts: Gas l,ogs_ Wood/pe1let * **** * * * * * * ******* * * **** ********* BUILDING3 T PIIJI'IBTNG: EI.ECTRICAL: I uEcHANrcAL, f@q6a,grIrER 'BOTAL ******INFORIIATION ******!r******************r* Address: ^2@ Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of VaiI Req. NO. Phone Number: ?ZZ_-ZT Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Plurobing Address: l{echanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'UBING PERUTT FEE: I{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAI. FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 'to Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail BUILDING PI.AN CIIECK FEE: PLT'}IBING PI.AI{ CHECK FEE3 !{ECHANICAL PIAT{ CHECK FEES RACRE.ATION FEE: CI,EN{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}IIT FEES: fl |,-t- '-- -- t .--- \- ' sr.rrlllE lluxrrit=la * * * * *(i li * * frQ r* * A I ?* 7* * * * *r * * * FoR oFFrcE usE * * * * ** * * * * ** ** * * * BUU,DTNG: SIGNATIIRE: ZONING: SIGNATI'RE: ****** Contractor: ************** CI.EAN I'P I}EPOSIT NEPI'TD T1': ON 1 t SOUARE FOOT CALCULATIONS - 4-Plex DuPlex Upper Level 1,001 sq. ft. '038 sq' ft' Main Level 638 sq. ft' 665 sq' ft' Mid Level 916 sq. ft' 988 sq' ft' Lower Level 713 sq. ft. 7S-ggJ. TOTAL 3,268 sq. ft. 3'404 sq' ft' 8 4-plex units = 26,144 sq. ft. 4 duplex units = 13.619 sq. ft., Zffi;6=-q tl Garages = 326 x 12 = 3,912 sq' ft. Total square {eet = 43,672 sq. ft. ro: FROM:- DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBUC WORKS DEPABTMENT MAY 9, 1994 .WHEN A'PUBUC WAY .PERMIT'.JS REOUIRED Please answer the lollowing questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Pubtic Way Permit : 1) ls this a nEw residence? 2l ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public poperty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) fs the driveway being repaved? 5) fs ditferent a6€ss needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affeAing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Flevocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES r NO r r t/ ,/ !!9u_ answered yes io any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work,s office or at C9-lqtu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, ths Town of Vaif Construction Inspecior, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. usr ldak r lz Job Name s Signature /fl- 6- PUBLIC WORKS PERM]T PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with abuildino oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or PublicWorks, located at 1309 VailValley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controVstraging plan must be prepared on a separaF sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. lsth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengrth, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a iite plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will revierr the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the stratus and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confus6 the "Public Way Permit'with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: 'The above ptooess ls for work In a publlc way only.* Public Way Permlts are valid only unfll November 15th,* A new Public way Permit ls required each year if work ls not complete. c,llryey 75 South Fronmge Road VaiL Colorado 81657 303479-2138/ 479-213e FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. Depanmem of Communiry Deve lopment IITFORIIATIOT TEEDBD ||UW EPSLIIf,O FOR I TIECBNTTCTL PEruI.:l HTAT LOSS CAJ,CT'LATIONS. TO SCA]JE FTJOOR pr.AN OF IiECHANTCAL ROOM WrTH EQUTPUEN! DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIUENSIONS AIID BTU RATTNGS OF ALL EQUIPME}flf IN MECITANICAT, ROOIT! sHow srzE AND rJocATIoN oF COUBUSTTON AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES NOTE WHETHER ETEVATOR EQUIPUENT VIILL AI,SO BE TNSTALLED IN IIIECHANICAL ROOM./or. FAII,T'RE IO PROVIDE MIS IXTORT|ITIOT WIUIJ I'ELAI IOUR PERrIr. 3. 4. 75 louth froilagt ro.d udl, colondo 81657 (3Gr) 47DA3E (38)a?$z|30 orlficc of cmnunfi devdopmant . NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OmIER BUITDERS Effective June 20, t99t, the Town of VaiI Building Department has developed the folLowing procedures to ensure that i'rew Lonstruction sites have adeguately established proper drainage fron building sites along and adjacent to Town of VaiI roads or streets. Tbe Towa of Vai1 Public glorks Departneot rill b€ reguired to inspect and approve drainage adjaceat to lorm of vair -roads or streets and tbe instalratioa of temporary or pereaneat culverts at access points fron tbe road or street on to tbe coastruction site.such approvar must be obtai.ned prior to any reguest for inspection by the Town of vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. please calr 479-2160 to request an inspection from the pubri.c works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Al9or_.the Town of Vail public works Department wil-l be approving al-1 final diainage and. culvert installation with resulting roai pauching as necessary. Such approval nust be obtained prior to Fj.na1 Certificate of Occupancy j.ssuance. lnttn t5 roulh lrontrgo rord U|ll. s6l gd6 8'1557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: Read and |lfl ofllco of communllt/ dcwloprncnl rn Euumary, ordinance No. 6 states that Lt is unlawfur for any person to tritter, track or deposit.""i-="ir,-"i"i, sand, debris or nateriar, incruding trash &"rnFsters, portabre to*ets an.worknen vehicres. ypon-anv streetl-si;;.il;;i;y or public PJ*:" or any portion ttreieoi.--iire rrgnt-of-way on arr Town of VaiI streets and.Igag" is approiinatety 5 ft. iti p".r.r.rrt.This ordinance wirt be aa"i;ilt'-lnforced by the Town of vair Public rforks DeDartment. i"r=ln= found ,rilr"trrrg this ordlDaDce witL be siven a 24 hour tn"iii;';oti"-.i-ti-;;;;:;"=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified aoes-not Iiiprv rith the notice within the- 24 rroui tine-"p""iii#, ";;"-;;;ric *orks Departnent will remove said rnatt;iai-;[-irr"'!r.i!i"e of person notiried. rhe provisionJ-or-trri=-"iaii";; ;frIii not be applicable to c-onstr"ii"", -Tiiglg""nce or repair proJects of any street or atrey or any'utiLities il d"-;iifrl_"_r.y. To review Ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the Tohrn of vail Building Departnent to obtiin a copy. rirani you for your cooperation on this natter. - - --E. AI.L CINTRAqTORS CI'RREIITLYL REGISTERED WTTE TIIE TOI{N OF VAIL TO!|N OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/CO!,rUIrNITY DEVETOPuENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUSIION PARKTNG & I,IATERIAI, STORAGE a A, c to Projec€r (i.e. contractor, olrner) hwn 75 |outh lronLgc ro.d rrll. colondo il6ti7 (3o3l 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 _olflcr ol communlty dildopnoil BUILDING PERFIIT ISSUANCE TIIIE FRAitE If this perylt lequjres l Town of Vail Fire_Department.Apprcval,'.Engineer's..(publ ic lglfrl review and apirovat,' a piinnini'b"p."m"rrt review or Heal th Deoartm6nt _ review, ani' a- "erie; Li-;i;;"trTi aing Department, the estirnatea tirnt ror'u-tot"t ilil';"i"Li!'as tong as three weelts. A]'l conmercial ('large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits wi.ll have to follow itre iuove re;iion;J;iimum requirenents. Residential and.small projects should take a resser amund or time. xowever, if residential or smal'ler.prcjects impact ttre viriousluoie mlntioneo departments wi th regard to- necessii.i- ""v.i er, -il,"r. p""ji.ii' *y also take the three-weef peri:oJ.- Every attempt wir] berlFge bv this department to expedite this permi't as. sqon as possible. - -- !'!r-r' bs Lr I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. -. /n ^ I I ArPr lon K r Communi ty Devel oprnent Department. ) rgwnof vdf SHOP ')FFfCF C0Pv O "1 't'14t T t c I< E T 4 1 741"oro-'a= Z/r - 4zrs //,4r /4,r"//r LOCATION ,rt, tr/, G"B Vel.tr u? ta' az<D H 16tl (or18. A tL< rc tn^t Conne. ,I rf, . exr&/o2 /t"rt{'L '(zoata ,' .et/4L) ,," 6\\*-----'1 7ihLtr '3#rl MATERIAL HOURS TOTAL TO 8E BILLED DATE BILLED ilFFt{lLeOL o Town cf Vril OFFICE COPY .tr'l''n ,; 5' HEAT I.OAD CAITUIATIONS THE OVERIOOK AT VAIL R.A. ITELSOII CONSTRUqIION P.O. DRAI{ER 54OO AVOI{, COIORADO PREPARED BY: ArR ilArNT8ltANCE CO., rtfc. .-1 AIR MAINTENANCE CO., INCY P.O. BOX 2LO7 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81602 RESIDENTIAL/LTGHT COI,!!,IERCIAL tryAC LOADS CLIENT INFORMATION: NAME: R.A. NEIFON CONSTT.ADDRESS: DRAWER 54OO CITY, STATE: AVON, COIORADO TOTAL BUILDING IOADS: PROJECT: OVERIPOK AT VAIL # 10 CLIENT: R.A. NEI*gON CONSIT.DATE: MAY 07, t995 DESIGNER:RAY!{OND PAYNE BLDG. I,oAD DESCRIPTIONS TOTAI, GAIN AREA QUAN SEN. ross I,AT. + GAIN SEN. = GAIN 2-E I{TND. SGL PN&STM I,OW EMIT TIM 4-E I{IND. DBL PN&STI,I IOW EI.IIT TII{ FR 5.H WIND. TRPI, PN&STI{ CI,R GLS TIU F 8-K GLS DOOR SGL&STI{ I.oW 8 TII,I FR Lz-E WALL R-LL +L/znEXTpOLy BD(R-2.5) L2-H WAI_,L R-19 + L/2.t ctp BRD(R-o.5)12-L WALL R-1-9 + R-8 SHEATHING t3-D PART R-LL +t/zrAspHLT BRD(R-L.3) ]-4-A WALL EIIOR].2II BIFCK NO INSU UNFIN 15-H WALL >5 IBEIOW GRD 8X BLK+R-l9 1.0-E DOOR WOOD SOLID CORE & WOOD STM L8-F ROOF+CEIL R-3O BATTS(2X1O RAFTR)20-r FIOOR/OPEN CRAWL CARPET + R-t9 2].-A BASEIiflT FLOOR zIOR> BEI,OW GRADE 32L 149 60 2L 1_50 833 629 1,92 599 L92 2A 1,536 330 768 L3 ,648 4,07O L,7L6 893 l_, o35 4r599 2.3L5 707 28, 105 548 747 4 t946 L,457 Lt696 L9 1882 I,704 3r2OO 798 266 LtL79 594 230 4,9gO 0 L92 L,936 238 o L9 t882 I t'l04 3,2OO 794 266 I,L79 594 230 4,98O 0 L92 L,936 239 0 SUBTOTAI,,S FOR STRUCTURE3 5,808 66 ,482 o 0 0 L7 t479 0 42tL99 42,L99 oo 2,40O 2 r40O o0 L,900 1,900 o0 PEOPLE APPLIANCES DUC?VIORK INFILTRATTON VENTII,ATION 86.4 o.o 0 0 o 0 o SENSIBLE GAIN TOTAL TEMP. S}TING MULITPLIER BUILDING LOAD TOTAI,S 83,961- 46,499 x 1.00 46,499 46,499 SUPPLY CFM AT SQUARE FT. OF TOTAL HEATING TOTAL COOLING 20 DEG DT: ROOI'I AREA: REQUIRED I{ITH REQUTRED WITfi 2,tL4 3,944 OUTSIDE AIR: OUTSIDE AIR: cFu pER SQUARE FOOT: SQUARE FOOT PER TON: 83.961 MBH 3.875 TONS 0.550 992.O2l. ******** RE'TDENTTAL AND ",} colt'ir'RcrArJ I{vAc LoADs AIR II{AINTENANCE CO., TNC. ovERrooK AT vArL # l_0 l,tAY 07 t L995 ************************* BUILDTNG IpADS (CONTINUED) ****** * **** ******* * ****** CALCUI,ATIONS ARE BASED ON 7TH EDTTION OF ACCA I{ANUAL J.AI,L COUPUTED RESULTS ARE ESTTUATES AS BUILDING USE AND WEATIIER UAY VARY. BE SURE TO SELECT A UNIT THAT ITEETS BOTH SENSIBI.,E AND I,ATENT I3ADS. o BY ELITE SOTTWARE ******* GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81602 PAGE 2 ******** RESIDENTIAL AND ArR UAINTENANCE CO., rNC. ovERIpoK AT VAIL # 10 * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * ****** * * * * DESTGN CONDTTTONS: T COUIiTERCIAL I{VAC IOADS o LIGH TE SOFTWARE ******* D SPRTNGS, CO 8L6O2 PAGE 3 DATA ************************* o BY ELI GLENWOO l'lAY 07, 1995 I'IISCELI,ANEOUS PROJECT OUTDOOR DRY BUI,B TEMPERATURE INDOOR DRY BULB TE}IPERATIIRE - ZONE ]. DESTGN TEI,IPERATURE DTFFERENCE - ZONE 1. TNDOOR-OUTDOOR GRAINS DIFFERENCE OUTDOOR DAILY TE}4PERATURE RANGE GENERAL PROJECT DATA: PROJECT DATA FILE NAITTE: TOTAL GROSS WaLL AREA (Sr NON-GI,ASS DOOR AREA (SF TOTAL NET GLASS AREA (SF TOTAL SKYLIGHT AREA (SF TOTAL NET WAI_,L AREA (SF TOTAL NET ROOF AREA (SF TOTAL EXPOSED AREA (SF PEOPLE LATENT LOAD IIIULTIPLIER: PEOPLE SENSIBLE I,OAD II{ULTTPLIER: I,ATITUDE DEGREES: TEI.IPERATURE SWING MULTIPLIER: EXTERNAL SHADING TYPES: NO. OVERIIANG OFFSET WINTER -20 DEG.F 72 DEG.F 92 DEG.F O GRAINS MED c: \EL,ITE\OVERIOoK 3,L74.OO 28. OO 55L. 00 0.00 2t595.O0 1"r536.00 4, 7l_0. o0 230. OO 300. oo 39. OO 1.00 sttuuER 95 DEG.F 75 DEG.F 20 DEG.F SI'I{MER 0.200 25,908 5,182 o. 0167 86. 4 o.0 TEII{P. DIFF. ) DIFFSRENCE) TEl.tP. DIFF. ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0.0 o.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 OUTSIDE AIR DATA: TNFTLTRATTON ATR CIIANGES PER IIOIIR: CT'BIC FEET OF CONDITIONED SPACE: TOTAL WINTER 0,400 25 | 908 Lo, 363 o. 0l-67 TOTAL INFIL. INFTI.I. TNFTL. BUILDING BUTLDING & VENT. & VENT. & VENT. 22.OO = 0. 00 --101.20 = (L.10 (0.68 ( r.. r.o L72.7 0.0 20 SI'I,TMER O GRATNS 92 WINTER INFILTRATION CFM: VENTTI,ATION CFU; SEN. GAIN MULTIPLIER: I,AT. GATN MULTTPLIER: SEN. IOSS MULTTPLIER: x x x ******** RESIDENTTAL AND AIR MAINTENANCE CO., INC. ovERtoo( AT vAIt, # r.o IIAY 07 , LggS o BY ELITE I,ENWOOD o LIGHT **************************** DETAILED ROOl,t IOADS ***************************** COII'MERCIAI., EVAC I,OADS ARE,A -U- IITG QUAN VAL. HTM SoFTWARE ******* SPRINGS, CO 81502 PAGE 4 G SEN. LOSS I.AT. GAIN sBN. CAIN ITEITI DESCRIPTION ctG IITII' L. tpwER LEVEL s-wALr.,,-3.4A 8X32 E-WALL-]-4A 8X24 w-WALL-L4A 8X24 s -G.DR-8K l-P O-0 S-1 E -GLAS-4E 2-P O-O S-1 FI,o0R-21A 32 X 24 INFTL. W: L2.2 S: ROOM TOTAI,S 2. l'!ID LEVEL s-I{ALL-I_2H AX32 E-WALL-1zH AX24 w-I{ALr,-]-5H 8X24 E -GLAS-4E 2-P O-0 S-1" OgS E -GLAS-4E 2-P O-0 S-1 ogs s -GLAS-4E 2-P O-0 S-L 09s s -Gr,As-4E 2-P O-O S-t OgS INFIL. W: L9 .7 S: 9 .9 ROOM TOTALS 3. MAIN LEVEL, UAS. B8D S-I,IALL-12H 8X25 E-WALL-]2H 8X24 w-PART-]_3D 8X24 E -GLAS-zE l-P o-0 s-L I -GIAS-2E L-P O-O S-L s -GLAS-2E t--P o-0 s-t s -cr,As-zE l-P O-O S-1 s -GLAS-2E t -P o-0 s-1 INFIL. W: 35.l- 53 ROOM TOTALS 24.O I{ID X 32.O LEN = 768 SF CEILI.HT = 235 0. 51.0 46 ,9 LL I 026 B . 3 L72 0.5L0 46.9 I,A7O 8.3 L92 0.510 46.9 9,009 8.3 ots 2l a.462 42.5 893 38.O o*s 20 0.297 27 .3 546 64. O 768 0,024 2.2 L,696 O.O 6.1 4L 3O.2 t ,238 3 .3 0 o o o o 0 0 0 CEfL.HT = o o o o o 0 o 0 0 8.0 t,954 L,430 1, 596 794 Lr28O o L35 7,L93 o.o 326 2t_5 o 1r 280 1, 280 640 192 2L7 4, 150 0.0 24.0 WID X 32.0 32 .478 LEN = 768 SF L,27O L.4 839 L.4 548 0. 0 546 64.O 546 64.O 546 32.O 164 32.O L,992 3.3 6t45t 230 L52 ]-92 20 20 2A 5 66 o. o50 5.5 0.060 5.5 0.03L 2.9 4.297 27.3 o.297 27.3 0.297 27.3 o.297 27 .3 30.2 24.0 I{ID X 32.0 LEN = 768 SF CEIL.HT = 1_6? 0.060 5.5 922 1.4 L04 0.060 5.5 574 L.4 L92 0.080 3.7 7o-7 L.2 08s 63 A.462 42.5 2,678 72.O o*s 25 O.462 42.5 1,063 72.O ots 9 0.462 42.5 383 38.O o8s 9 0.462 42.5 393 38.0 ots 15 0.462 42.5 638 38.O 18. O LzL 30.2 3,653 3.3 L1,00L o 236 o L47 o 230 o 4,536 o 1r8oo o 342 o 342 o 570 o 397 0 81600 ******** RESIDENTIAL AIR MATNTENANCE CO., oVERIOOK AT VAIL # l_O ITEI{ DESCRIPTION AREA .U- HTG QUAN VAL. HTM AND I,IGHT CO},II.IERCTAL FVAC IOADS BY ELITE SOI'TWARE rNc. GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, l,IAy 07, 1995 CI,G I.,AT.IITU GAIN ******* co 81602 PAGE 5 SEN. GAIN *** ********************* * *** DETAILED ROOM rOADS * *** * * * * * * * * **** ******** ** * * * SEN. LOSS 4. ENTRY s-WALL-12H 8X20 w-ltALL-L2H 8X8 w-DooR-1087X4 w -GtAs-2E l-P O-0 s -GLAS-2E l--P O-O INFIL. W: L3.1_ ROOM TO?ALS 5. GARAGE w -WALL-128 10 X t5 INFIL. l{: 0.0 S: ROOI.{ TOTAI,S 6. UPPER LEV. KIT.DIN. 20.0 wrD x 148 0.060 32 0.050 2A O.290 s-l 08s 4 0.462 s-l 0&s L2 0.462 S: 6.5 44 LEN = 150 SF 8L7 L.4 L77 L.4 747 6.8 L70 72.O 5L0 38.0 L,328 3.3 3 r749 LEN = 3OO SF L,O35 1.8 0 3.3 l_ | 035 CEIL.HT = O.O 0 o o o o o o CEII,.HT = 672 St CEIL.HT = 0.9 0 o.9 0 38.O O 38.0 0 32.O O 64.0 0 64.0 O 72.0 0 72.O 0 1.3 0 o.7 0 3.3 0 0 8.0 5.5 5.5 26.7 42.5 42.5 30.2 2LO 45 L92 288 456 L44 1. 335 L5. 0 266 o 266 13. O LO2 25L 950 950 640 764 I1792 720 724 L, 089 238 427 L,2OO I,847 20.0 wrD x 15.0 150 0.075 5.9 0. 0 0 30.2 o o 24.0 WID X 28.0 LEN = lr -WALL-12L 7 X 24 L08 s -wALL-t-2L L2 X 28 266 s -GLAS-2E l_-P O-O S-L OgS 25 s -GIJts-2B L-P O-O S-1_ O*S 25 s -cIrAS-sH 3-P O-O 5-L ots 20 I{ -GLAS-5H 3-P O-O 5-L 09S L2 w -GLAS-sH 3-P O-O S-1 0gS 28 w -GLAS-2E L-P O-0 s-l ogs 10 I{ -GLAS-2E L-P O-o s-1 0*s L0 ROOF-L8F LIGHT 36 X 24 864 FLOOR-2oI 22 X L5 330 INFIL. w: 38.8 S: L9.4 L3o APPLIANCES ROOM TOTAIS o. o40 3 .7 397 0.040 3.7 979 o.462 42.5 L,063 o.462 42.5 1,063 0.3L1 28.6 572 0.31L 28.6 343 o. 31r_ 28 .6 801"o.462 42.5 425 4.462 42.5 425 o.035 3.2 2,782 0.048 4.4 1t457 30.2 3,925 L4,232 ******** RESTDENTIAL ArR !{ATNTENANCE CO., oVERLOOK AT VArL # L0 ITEM DESCRIPTION AREA -U. HTG QUAN VAL. HTM AND LIGHT COI{IIERCIAL TIVAC LOADS BY ELITE SOFTWARE *******rNc. GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81602 UAY 07, l_995 PAGE 5 * **************:t***** * * * * ** * DETAI l,ED ROOM IOADS **** **** * * ******** * ******* *** SEN. ISSS CI€ I,AT.IITM GAIN SEN. GAIN 7. UPPER LEV. GREAT RM. E -WALL-]_2L 9 X 24 L26 E -WALL-]_2L 9 X 24 L29 E -GLAS-2E L-P O-0 S-t ogs L5 E -Gr,AS-2E L-P O-O 5-L 0&S L2 E -GLAS-4E 2-P O-0 S-1 0gS 48 E -cr,As-2E L-P O-0 S-l_ ogs t-5 E -GLAS-4E 2-P O-0 S-1 0gS L5 E -cr.,As-2E L-P O-0 S-L 0*s 25 E -GLAS-zE L-P O-0 S-L o*s 20 E -cr,As-2E t -P O-0 S-t_ ogs 27 ROOF-L8F LIGHT 28 X 24 672 INFIL. W: 52.8 S: 26.4 L77 APPLTANCES ROOM TOTAI-,S 24.0 WID X 17.0 LEN :408 SF CEIL.HT 0.040 3.7 464 0. 040 3 .7 475 o.462 42.5 638 0.462 42.5 510 o.297 27.3 L,3L2 o.462 42.5 638 0.297 27.3 4L0 o .462 42 .5 1_, 063 o.462 42.5 850 o.462 42.5 L,L48 0. 035 3 .2 2 ,L64 30.2 5,343 L5, 015 0.9 0.9 72.O 72.O 64.0 72.O 64.O 72.O 72.O 72.O L.3 3.3 o 0 0 o o 0 o o o o o o o o 16. O r19 L22 1, 080 864 3 tO'72 1,080 960 1, 800 L,44O L r944 847 58t Lr2OO l_5, 109 ******** RESIDENTTAL AIR I,IAINTENANCE CO., OVERLOOK AT VATL # 10 AND LIGHT COU!.IERCIAL ITVAC INC. MAV 07, 1995 # 1 ROOM I,OAD L,OADS BY ELITE SOFTWARE ******* GTJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 8l_602 PAGE 7 SIJMMARY ******* * **************** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * ** zoNE RI.I NO. ROOl,l DESCRIPTION AREA (sF) HEATING BTUH 3 TOT COOLING BTUH T TOT CFI.I CFM ].. LOWER LEVEL 2. MID LEVEIJ 3. MArN LEVEL, IifAS. BED 4. ENTRY 5. GARAGE 6. UPPER LEV, KIT.DIN. 7. UPPER LEV. GREAT R}I. 76A 768 768 160 300 672 408 3A.7 7.7 L3. t 4.5 L.2 L7.0 L7.9 422 84 L43 49 L3 185 195 L5.5 8.9 r.8.5 2.9 0.6 2L.2 32.5 327 r.89 39L 61 L2 448 687 32,478 6 ,45L L1, OO1 3t749 1,035 L4 r232 15, 015 7,L93 4, L50 8r600 L,335 266 9 1847 15, l_09 ZONE SUBTOTAL I.ATENT GATN ZONE TOTAI,S 3,944 83 ,951_ l_00. 0 1,090 83,961 45r500 LOO.O 2,LL4 o 45r 5OO 3.875 TONS y / J --- /q//7 /e.h.u/ G z/an {k //on / 40, aoo r'vff 0cT-19-1995 15r3? o October 18, 1995 Mr. Bob Lundell The Collaborative Group PO Box 730 Mintunr, C0 81645 Re: Overlook at Vail (M&N #2773) Gentlemen; Engiuecr a P.AV@1. vdl. Cot(x:d(t D€Il,,'€r, {blrlrJ$l(, (305) 941)-77S1\ + rrAX (3oJ) r{r..10:4 TOTRL P.61 Monroe &ll i Thc structnral ftaming of the above buildirrg was obsfrved by Monroe & Newell Engineerc, Inc. during consEuction. I I The exterior dcck framing and party wall streathing hfd not been completed at the time of the site visit. However, it is our opinion, based on our limite{ visual observations, that the framing that has been completed is constructed substantially in cornpliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our offrce. To the best of our finowledge, any deficiencies fbrrnd during our obsenrations have been corrccted. i I If you have a$y questions or commenta nlease call. I I Very truly yours, I /ti I I I I I I I h Keith I copy: RA. Nelson (9494379 fax) i Ctruck Feldmarut, Town of Vail (479-2452t+) 0048 !i. Itr.. ver Cr€r'k ltlvd. r SuitL, -]ul + tt. (). ii{rx li9? r ,\\Qu (lrrlcr;rrlu $I620 | REF.T 131 I v Ie/?8/95 O6;48 REGUESTS FOR INSpECTION IIORR SHEFTS FOR:L7/e0/93 =================================== = =====5====== ===================== ========== Aet ivity: M95-{rO33 t?/EA/93 Type: B-MECH Statr-rs: ISSUED Constrr: NAPT Address: 1SiO SRNDSTUNE DR Locat i on; F,at*ce I : De ser i pt i on : AppI ic'ant: Own er^ : Cont ract or' : Tol"lN 0F UAIL, CBLORADO e103-tet-ae*oral EW Tt^t0 TOII|NHOUSE UNITS 11;lP, F,hone: BEECHIIOED SANDSTONE DEVELOFI{ENT Frhone: AIR MAINTENANCE Fhone: 3O3945E414 PAGE AREA: CD Occ:Use: lnspection Request Information,.... Reqr-1s gl or': wayne/R. R. Nelson Req Time: O8:Oft Comments: unit 11 Items r'equested to be Inspected... ra03g0 MECFL-FinaI RP --dfpeutg0------- Inspert i on Item: Iten: Item: Item: Item; Item: Histor"y..... IaQEAA MECH-Rouqh rAO31O MECH-Heat ing rA0SEgt MECH*.Exhar-rsl: EEJ3€' MECH-Srlppl y BrZrS4ta HECH-Misc, 'Zrrzr39fi MF-f,H*Final lloods Air' )-. Fhone: 479-19 139 Rrt i on Comment E Tine Ex REPTI Sl TUWN OF VAIL, COLORADU PA6E AREA: CD 1e/?O/i3 ff6:48 REQUESTS FUR INSFECTION I.JURK SHEETS FOR:Lele6lg3 = == ==== = = == =-- == ===== = = == = == == = = == == = = ==-t==Activity: tr93*o0E1 te/e0/93 Typer B-FLMB Status: ISSUED Constr: NAtrT Addrress; 133O SQNDBTBNE DR Loeat i on: Parce I : 3103-1EL-O?-AAL Deseription: NEI^I TtlO TOWNHOUSE UNITS lLr le Appt ieant : COLURADU FLUFIBINB SERUICE Owner: BEECHI,ICICID SRNDSTONE DEVELCIF.IqENT Contr"rctor': COLORADO PLUMBINGi €ERVICE Oee: Use r trh on e : 3O394598O9 Phone r Fhone : 3O394598O0 Inspect i on Reqr-test Inf ornat i on. . . . . Request or^ ! tlayne/R. A, Nelson Req Time: OBrOS Comments: Unit 11 Itens requested to be Inspeeted... Fhoner 479-9 139 Aet ion Eonnent s Tirr Ex w:*i*"-fr'#\, Item : AraelAl trLMB-Underpround U7/e3/93 Inspector: DS Iten: OOAE0 trLFlB-Rough/D,W, V. Iten : OAEJE PLlvlB-Rough/l"later Item: OAP4O PLMB-Gas triping Iten: 00e5O trLMB-Frool,/Hot Tub It em : AQP6@ trLF'lB-l4i sc.Iten: AOE9O trLMB-Final Action: AtrtrR RtrFRUVED Inspection History..... ilLE C0PY 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 g FAX 303-479_2452 January S, 1gg5 Deparnnent of Contnuniry D,:lopnent Mr. Rick Rosen 1120 Lincotn Street. Suite 1100 uenver, co 90203 RE: Fff;n*""d sandstone Deveropment corporation, Lot G-4, Lionsridge subdivision Dear Rick: on January 3, 1gg5 the rowl council agreed to modify the first condition of approvar for overlook at Vair devero'ment approveo it *re oesign Review Board (DRB) on Decembe:1994. The condition wiil read as'follows:" .-- -' ;{ 1 All landscaping must be bonded with either a retter of credit or an escrow accouni ,1p5o/o ot the cost :j,il,^11d.*"pinj ,"il,iai";;;;;; r;;11;", A mainten:. ce bond wi' be held for years two'anJ three.in an amount equar toihe percentage c-tandscaping expected to die as ;il;;;,, a written opinion by a quarified nurser llffi::n:f flJ#:'ff 1;:X3:.glllions ror vour rererence. r you have any Sincerely. I ti, owt t ttt t/':,-fr ttv-z-. Lauren Waterton Town Planner xc: Les Lerner 1. 2. Conditions of approval lor the Les Lerner "Overlook at Vail" Development Proposal Approved at DRB on llecember 21, 1994 (Revised by Town Council on January 3, 1995) All landscaping must be bonded with either a letter of credit or an escrow account of 125o/o ol the cost of the landscaping material for a period on one year. A malntenance bond will be held for years two and three in an amounl equal to the percentage of landscaping expected to die as provided in a written opinion by a qualified nursery. Prior to issuance of a building permit lor any dwelling units on this property, the applicant shall provide: (a) encroachment agreements from all utility companies which allow for landscaping to be planted in the easements. (b) engineering drawings accommodating the drainage on the north and south sides of Sandstone Drive. The Town acknowledges that a porlion of the cost of the improvements for these drainage facilities will be paid for by the Town of Vail, including the materials and labor for all work north of Sandstone Drive, the work within the Sandstone right-of-way (including paving and bonding) and the work up to man hole number one (#1) shown the Sheet Cl (site plan). The specific cost agreement shall be negotiated between applicant and Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, prior to initiating any work. The applicani understands that no regrading is to occur below the clilf outcropping on the south portion of the property. All buildings shall be Type V construction and shall be sprinkled. At time at TCO for each unit for the project, the remaining development potential shall be reduced proportionally. Upon issuance of the 12th TCO, the property shall have no remaining GRFA for future expansions or development. J. 4. 5. ,Izrzzist l3;83 *, Alt^; dwr ' ( Li ' ''ur-./ t'tL >,7 t,,,*^ t t", ct, ft ,t 1\ 11 t Ltf <L .q,k_r--. r-Lu€_ I L , 11 Jv. k4u,+4a tL !'->J December 22, lW4 Mr. Andy Knudtseu Community Development Town of Vril 75 South Frcrntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 F".r. t L: !41V-4,.,t z-\t <,r-4.1,-.o /\I <- , . r-^ a-ua_ ) { t-v <-l , ,, {t,' . t^*- t 120 Lt^.;9LN .tTFgtt surrE r oo ur,At!r.t coLoiatju rcL 90i c3? rto0 FAr 303 €|63 0tt r a Ra. r9 !ua a I J/ var! colocaoo AIG!E Bcscbwood Saudstouc D cvcl crpnrcnt Corp. Properry: Lot G4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filirg 2, Towtr of Vail, Coloraal0 Dear Andy: As we discusscd, pleasc coDsidqr this letter e formal rcquest for an appeal to the Vait Towrr Council legarding one condition of epproval by DR-E for tbe above refe.re:rced project. That condftiou relares to the requirement for the owner/devclopcr posting a bond in thc a.srount of 125% of tbc land.rcapc budgot for a pcriod aet lr:se th,r. 6p'6 12i years or possibly tlree (3) y€ars efter planting of the iaadscaping, dependiag on rhc llming of [he lssuance of ile rcqulred TCO'$. I am of the opinion that this requiremeut is not within the standards as required by ihe 'fowt given similu developments. A reconmendation for bonding was discu.ssed witt you and the developer Iast nigtrt. Eonding in the anrrrnt af 125% would be offered for the firrt ye:rr. with fhrf re4rire.me.nt hejrrg rcdrrca'l rn e maintenance bond for years 2 a.nd 3 in an amourrt equal to tlre percentage of landscaping expected to die as provided in a wricen cpinion by u qualified Durser)'. Thie requireneot ehould not be e requirement for replacenent for landscapi.og that dics or is permanently da$aged as a direct result of rnimnl dpsl,lguligl. Plcase uchedule the appcel lbr the next available lbwn Counatl r]xeebng. lhank you. Yours very ruly. RICT{AR,D P. ROSEN. P.C- P.Rosen tcL Soir arI , Richard .|F qcuNSe!: ELFOO, KAr!, FFEEO, LOOr(, UOr5ClN r !r"-YEiM^N. e.c (l; oeign Review Action F|n TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Prolect Name:v'4 f;\,/i"'r\a- Building Name: Project Description: Legat Description: t-ot6-4 Btock-suuaivisionlil,r-trr\,le .lJ' $tlii4 zoneDistrict i,'t Project Street Ad 61sss1 \41), ' t: ' ,'''-l:.-" u I\' ", :- Comments: 'i + i.t. -Motion by: I *'i ' :r --'Y r^*t --(,, ,,F-APProvat I Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: , , r.':. ,,, iIl r,l.t i tr,v",-,.- Town Planner 9"1"' i .: , ; , /,-i DRB Fee pre-paid rI I e t. 2. Conditions of approval for the Les Lerner "Overlook at Vail" Development Proposal Approved at DRB on December 21' 1994 All landscaping must be bonded with either a letter of credit or an escrow account at liSJt ot the c6st of the landscaping material. ThiS financial guarantee shall be p*uiO"O for a minimum of two yeais from the 1me the landscaping is planted' lf the iandscaping is not planted prioito a request for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy' in" "ppii.""nt shall provide ine financiat guarantee prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a minimum of three years' Prior to issuance of a building permit for any dwelling units on this property' the applicant shall Provide: (a)encroachmentagreementsfroma||uti|itycompanieswhicha||owfor landscaping to be planted in the easemenls' (b)engineeringdrawingsaccommodatingthedrainageonthenorthand soum sidej of Sanjstone Drive, The Town acknowledges that a ponion o{ the cost ol the improvements ior these drainage facilities will be paid forbytheTownofVai|,inc|udingthemateria|S-and.laborfora||work north ot Sandstone Drive, the work within the Sandstone right-of-way (including paving and bonding) and the work up to man hole number one (#1)1hown the Sneet c1 (site plan). The specific cost agreement shall be negotiated between applicant and Greg Hall' the Town Engineer. prior to initialing any work' The applicant underslands that no regrading is to occur below the cliff outcropping on the south Portion of the ProPertY. A|lbui|dingssha||beTypeVconstructionandsha||besprink|ed. At time of TCO lor each unit for the project, the remaining development potential shall be reduced proportionally. Upon issuance of the 12th TCO, the property shall have no remaining GRFA for future expansions or development' a SOUARE FOOT CALCULATIONS 4-Plex Duplex upper Level 1,001 sq: ft. 1'038 sq' ft' Main Level 638 sq' ft. 665 sq' ft' Mid Level 916 sq. ft. 988 sq' ft' Lower Level 213-Fi4 713 sq' ft' TOTAL 3,268 sq. ft. 3'404 sq' ft' 8 4-Plex units = 26,144 sq' ft' 4 duPlex units = ffi* +*. Garages = 326 x 12 = 3,912 sq' ft' Total square leet = 43,672 sq' ft' olign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL l-l* Ov:rlcx>L- ...+ t/ai( oate lrkx: , 1, "Ttt Category Num Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: I L nt ',J 1l; i*') r' i i{'tW t- ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone:t i\.1 i , ii_r.i f r,.- , a' Lt ;.:'i r Legal Description: Lot{q- + Block- Subdivision L{D\^'Zone District v-i --"- Project Street Address' I 4)-:-:<) {.1=' t (l.i'.'l t:, ' t-- \)/Y , t/ .:- Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: n Approval a Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: olign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone j,l I Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: j I Legal Description: Lot 'r Block-- Zone District - Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid DATE: Sinqle FamlLy, NOV. 14, 1994 zoN_E cHECr(' FOR Rosldence, DupIox, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary/ Secotrda ry LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lob G-4 Bloek Subdivision Lions Ridge ADDRESS:1 330 SandstoiFDrive, VET1 OWNER Leslie Lerner PnoNE 516-873-1111 71Rgl.lII'8C1. The CoLLaborative Group,PC pHONr: 303-827-4001 tax 4OO2 , attn: Robert Lundel l ZONN DISTRICT PROPOSED USJE LOT SIZE "T Allowod "Sgislilg + ,$?_E. = Secondary GRFA + 425 E_ Se Lbacks BUII,DABLE LOT AREA Hei (rh L TOTA1 CRFA Primary CRFA Fronb Sldes Rear 20' 15, l5' SiLe'Coveraqc Landscaping ReLai.ning waLl Parkirrq carage Credi l: Drivo: *fu 601" Heights ffiz* 44@- 7'/6' ,l5.n"qra da@L- F- a3- Complies with T.O.V. Water course Sebback Do Finish Crades Exceed 2:1 Envi r:onlnen ta I /llaza rds ! View Corridor Encroaehrnent : 1) Flood PIain l^ ?r No ./ 2l Porcent'Slope t. , 3Oq,\ 247o , 3 ) Geologic lla?.ards a) Snor,lt Avalanchc V\? b) Rockfall _y(+c) Debrjs Flow' n0 4l Wetlanda AA, _ Yes No.-09-*-- Does this reques L irrvulve a 250 Addit.iorr? I/rn lt^r.. ....a!^ ati .t^ -l!-?- Docs this requesL irrvulve a 250 Acidit.iorr? ll\ ) ]ttow mueh of the allowed 250 Addit-ion is uscfriliffiis reque_st? q. ,/ ,/Prorrlous eonditions of approval (check property filc) : 10 -i- , -! (3oo) (6oo) (eoo) ( tzoot%IZ , PermiL[od stope Liqhting Ordlnanee (30) (50) (5ots) O + Proposed -..'Yes l1{-' -- YES lzun", Slope NO Y