HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 PHASE 2 TRACT A COMMON LEGALDep@tment of Community Developmenl 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colarada 8t657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co,us October 4, 2000 Edward J. Zneimer, President The Zneimer Company P.O. Box 305 Minturn, CO 81645 Re: Parcel#2103-122-00-007 /Tract A, Lion's Ridge Filing 2 Dear Ed: This letter will serve to document our telephone conversation regarding the platting of lols within the above-referenced property. You are already aware of the single-family suMivision guidelines outlined in the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations. However, the Town has also utitizeO in the past a separate process for'Residential Cluster" suMivisions. Once a master development irtan has been approved by the Planning and Environmental Gommission (PEC) and Design Review Board (DRB), the Town has allowed the platting of single-family lots or - tracs through the minor/major subdivision process prior to the construclion of afoundation for the units in ihe subdivision. Our ooncern, however, is that the site configuration and building envelopes will be altered once ownership of the project has switched from one developer to multiple owners. Therefore, we do not consider this an altemative subdivision option until after the private access drive and retaining walls have been constructed according to plan. In acc6rdance with your DRB/PEC approved development plan, you may submit two applications for minor subdiviiion (each for four lots or fewer) for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission once the access drive has been conslructed' lf you would like to discuss any of these issues in greater detail, please do not hssitate to contact me at479-2140. Sincerely, P.r-,.-rf q-------- Brent Wilson, AICP {g*,,o oz oP OE j oz '9 a 11 EI !a o FI A EI p it q ; U k o tt d -z FU o lrH oo zo ac !l sl 8 n gl un Ats oo t o F.I Eti r!O trE F E{ FI z2 =o EiE |, 4 d2 i9 o DI HtsI HZ oo orE Era t! |-, tr f( 2 o tsl EU 2E o EEI FI dA D T(J UU i D o !t E o o e F :: .i )p t EliE ai o-FTOF !tdFl TnePrudenlalu@ v Gore Range Properties, Inc. Sales. Rentials. Prop€rty Management 511 UonsHead Mall Vail, CO 81657 Bus. (970) 476-2482 Bus. (800) 283-2480 Fax (970) 476-6499 ANNE D. FITZ, GRI Sales Associate MEMORANDIJM To: Vail Town Council Members From: Anne D. Fitz (representing homeowners in and around Buffer Creek) Reference: Action Request Induded with this memo are the signatures of Buffer Creek area homeowners acknowledging their desire to see the Town of Vail pursue the parcel identified on the anached plat as zuicable for Open Space acquisition. 'While sigratures are still floating in I thought it was probably prudent to put this matter before you while you are about to discuss the public space planning process that was developed through Vail Tomorrow. The response to the lener I mailed to my neighborhood has been overwhelmingly in favor of pursuing this action. Buffer Creek area residents ask that this be purzued not as an unfriendly gesture to furure developers of this land but because we be[eve that other residents in the town stand to benefit by protecting what is undeniably, one of the prettiest undeveloped areas in the town and county. The subject hillside is critical to wildlife corridors and provides important access routes to the trail system. It is easy to emphasize this as a benefit to other citizens within the Town of Vail since neighbors from Liont Ridge Filing #2,Val, Das Schone and Vail Ridge can constantly be observed walking, running and hiking adjacent to this pristine hillside. The calls that I received from my neighbors repeated the same theme over and over - it is definitety the belief of Buffer Creek area residents that the hillside in its undisnrrbed state defines the neighborhood aesheticalb. This truly may be one of the best, last undeveloped sites as it is buffered from any highway noise and enjoys the sounds of Buffer Creek through-out the sunmer months. Your cooperation in devoting some anention to this during the public space planning process would really be appreciated. Anne D. Fitz . Offices in Vail. Beaver Creek and Edwards ' An Ind€psndently Own€d lid oporat€d M€mb€r ol rho Prudential Roal Eslals Atliliales, nc.nls oo sE'r-22'tj'l ltt. g$ F|<lJf|; rsv- ,i; t-t ?1-1 ii.l+li--,i.l :hffi iF+#tr lt't(7' F o o 2.=A i ,.; !I :s .- :.)t 6 6le rB \-{ I ,r7 ,.7 'l li' i\ '': ' i 1i ra I a:l \A tt,/z'-',\ -2// // a .//E ./,/ //I !B :A stB 6)l m .J -TI .'i . ==z2 I ON -rl E r- 4l -n EF f-:r , ti'l'n, Ti:.lt I a' to<i i+'. IJorr clrr vott le.l .riroLtt a hLtg.c rirad-cLtt ttllo llli: ltrr'"lt'lirll:i'le' I)o tou tccl thlealenad br tllore constrLlelioll tral'llc? Is this an iippropri.ite bLlfler betivee;t lhc tristing hikins llrril irrld ll\)1tlc: ll\rl 1L' rll!liiroll ,\ ii llil'i i1'fl itltrl ' u l,,. /L, . rri i rl 'il fs 'l !j a AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ndge Lane *Bo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fdlt997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From:AnneD. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Finng #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gamer your supporr so that I 'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". 'Vhen you drive to your home in The Valley you have probably admired the beautiful hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built ar rhe bottom of the hill. Cunently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated chat the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. 'Vith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty thar happens ro complimenr our quia lftde neighborhood? Please sign and renrrn this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. ffi1 c_- :_3 vNur{y <s^N5. . \S \A t-sx\ , ?e lsrr, !LqRw$.r.-\ $r:-.>rr\q Qr:* ^,--f,--,- -,......----\ 2LY, \\.3> , o Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeownersl From: Anne D. Fitz I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gamer your supporr so thar I Lan approach the Vail Town C-ouncil with a request to identifythe losrer bench of the nor:h side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". S(/hen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautifrrl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of tlrc hill. Cunendy that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthoic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, hovrwer, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \flith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle county scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beautythat happens to compliment our quiet linle neighborhood? Please sigr and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue r:his area as suiable for an open space acquisition. pRop*ry o\TNERNAME(primed and si *a Sifue L,' ^ /9#o ^,/ 6,/a^ Addless ToEoa-t fcz- t 6 zo B u${*A, G*k P,'Q 4r4'r s Vq, /, C D g/ 6tg Reference: Parcel "A" Lions AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane"B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FaLL1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners; From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to tarne! your support so that I 'can approach tlie Vail fown Council with a request to identifr the lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land"' \0hen you drive to your home in The Vallry you have probably admired the beautifrrl hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer buik at the bottom of the hill. Currendy rhat land can be developed wfuh six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The VaIIey, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \0ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by develoPment, wouldnt it be nice to save a littli bit of bad< country beauty that happens to compliment our quiet lfude neighborhood? Please sigr and renrrn this memo to me as evidence of your support to purstre this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. PROPERIY OVNER NAME(prLtt d Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "Bo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FalJ.1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garner your support so rhat I i:an approach the Vail Town C-ouncil with a request to identify the lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \flhen you drive to your home in The Vallqy you have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bouom of the hill. Currendy that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin rhe aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking rrail. lJflith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beaury thar happens to mmpliment our quiet lirde neighborhood? Please. sigp and return rhis memo to *. ,, "',rid.rrsCif y;;iFdn*q!t suitable foran open space acquisirion : ------jj_> - - _ \ ursue this area as ,)6Zt-Z 4ry'6rt PRO?ERry OM{ER NAME(printcd and Addrcss AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane'B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall,1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryolr support so that I'can approach tf,e Vail fown Council whh a request to identi{y the. lower bench of the north side o1Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". 'Wlren you &ive ro your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside thar is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bottom of the hill. Currently t}at land can be dweloped with six homes, which I believe vdll ruin the aesthedc value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. !ilfuh nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldn't it be nice to save a litdi bit oi back country beauty thar happens to compliment our quiet lirde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your supPort to purzue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. J ^f^ ffi au"a d'-'r"Y*t' ; u* \h4\ ;^r L.E S \ U.-t - A O-!-^4 PROPERTY NAITIE(prinrcd and Address L elE-r 1^* l./.-* \. t Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane oB" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FalILggT MEMORANDIJM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: AnneD. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gamer yorir suPPon so that I'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the- lower bench of the nonh side oT Boff"ht Creek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". 'When you &ive to your home in The Valley you have probably admired the bgautifirl lrilfslde that is directly acrois from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bomom of the hill. Cunently that land can be developed wfth six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated rhat the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. 'With nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of baik country beauty that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of yotrr support to pursue this area as suiable for an open space PROPERIY Address Wornb 1e s Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane'Bo Yail,CO87657 970 476 4562 FdL1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Arure D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Ffing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gameryour support so that I'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the lovrer bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". Iflhen you drive to your home in The Vallry you have probably admired the beauut:l billside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bottom of the hill. Currentlythat land can be developed with six homes, u/hich I believe vdll ruin the aesthedc value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of crearing a sense of entryto The Vallry, however, manyof us feel the neighborhood would benefit bykeeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail 'vith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle county scared by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty thar happens to compliment our quiet little neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition l-)PROPERTY OVNER NAME(printed and Address Oo tb'L1 (- 8lf,st V,o.cL F^ll1997 MEMORANDI]M To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane *Bo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 and signc{ 1i,""o 6-.e U"(, I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryort support so thar I 'can approach the Vail Town C,ouncil wit}r a request to idendfy the lower bendr of the north side of BuffehLr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". W'hen you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer buih at rhe bottom of the hi[. Cunently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. Viith nearly wery ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by developmenq wouldn't it be nice to save a litde bit of bac-k country beauty that happens to compliment our qriet little neighborhood? Please sign and reilm this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. PROPERTY Address Fog qs3 | \,l; l' Lo EL6tg Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4s62 F^11t997 MEMORANIDTIM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope ro garner your suppon so that I ban approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". \fhen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bouom of the hill. Currendy that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesrheric value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit $ keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. Vith nearly wery ridgeline in Eagle couny scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back couffry beaury that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood) Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. '€.r6**iz o o ArluteD.Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "8" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fa1l1997 MEMORANDT]M To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: AnneD. Fitz I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour support so rhat I'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identi$' the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land'. \(hen you drive to your home in The Vallry you have probably admired the beautiful hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the botom of the hill. Currendythat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesrhetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direcr access to the hiking trail. 'tX/fth nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Reference: Parcel "A" Lions AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane *8" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4s62 Fan 1997 MEMORANDT]M To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Uons Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hop e to Barner your supporr so thar I ban approach the Vail Town Council with a request to idendfy the lovrer bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisirion land". 'Vhen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built ar the bottom of the hin. Currently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthedc value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access ro the hiking trail 'With nearly every ridgeline in Eagle Counry scarred by developmenr, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty thar happens ro compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and reum this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue rhis area as suitable for an open space acquisitik;ra*e/ T |ArM*or, lPdtA&rUl* pRop*.ryewNERNAME(prinrdu"dsigned) 'Uiii-ilu' /r4d-h;/*6:^[ CI' -',E:;i;r4rJ Address AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B" Yail,CO87657 970 476 4562 FdJ1997 MEMORA}IDI]M To: Buffehr Creeh Area Homeowners: From: AnneD. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gamer yoru suPPort- so that I ban approach tlie Vail Town Couniil with a request to identify the_ lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as sufuable "open space acquisition land". tffhen you &ive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is directly acrois from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built ar the bonom of the hill. Currendy that land can be developed with six homes, which l believe vill ruin the aesthedc value ofthe entire neighborhood It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry rc The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hikingtrail. \fith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a lfudi bit oi bacl coumry b-aury that happens to compliment our qriet litde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to Pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane'B" Vail,CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall.L997 MEMORANDT'M To: Buffehr Cree,k Area Homeowners: From: AnneD. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" UonsRidge Filtng #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope ro garner your support so that I ban approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identifythe lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". !7hen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is direaly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bomom of the hi[. Currendythat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has alrcady done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us fegl the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \flith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle Connty scarred by dwelopmenr, wouldnt it be nice rc save a litde bit of back country beauty thar happens ro compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and retum this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suiable for an open space acquisition. PROPERTY OITNER I Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "Bo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall t997 MEMORANDIA{ To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D.Frtz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Fi:ng #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope ro garneryour suppon so thar I ban approach the Vail Town C,ouncil with a request to identi{y the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable 'open space acquisition land". \7hen you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beaurifirl hillside that is direaly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bottom of tlre hifi. Currently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to rhe hiking trail. \Uith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by developmenq wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back couftry beautythat happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and renrrn this memo to me as evidence of your suppoft to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. It?:,T" "* NAME(printed rnd signed) 6wqcr W+4< Va+4, G-)tat,i.,-.-' rJ {" 3c. >{"..x{o h.1r*t SJ+r"(' l,lf 49r-26 AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "Bo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FaJl1997 MEMORANDI.]M To: Buffehr Creek fuea Homeowners: Fronu Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions fudge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour support so that I'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to idend&the lower bench of the north side of Buffeh'r Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \flhen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautiful hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer buik at the bottom of the hill. Currentlythat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entryto The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit bykeeping some open space with direct access rc the hiking trail. \flith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back country beaury that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhoodl Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pur$re this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. PROPERTY.OIryNER NAME(printed and CaLa'-,. Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "8" Vail,CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour support so that I'can approach the Vail Town C-ouncil with a request to identify the lower benc} of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". 'Vhen you &ive to your home in The Valley you have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is direaly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bottom of the hi[. Currently that land can be dweloped with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesrhetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \fith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beaury rhat happens to complimenr our quier litde neighborhcod) Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable foran open spaceacritiaonp ', i Bn.ri slnt/c- pRopERry ov/NB.NAME(printed and s t"',q 44k/' 4/ft/- A/.t'U ?frJ/-/ M&css 29 AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane *8" Yail,CA8M57 970 476 4562 Fall t997 MEMORANDT.JM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Ame D. Fitz I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garner your support so that I ban approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identifythe lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". S7hen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautiful hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the boaom of the hill. Currenththat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aestheric value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of crearing a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \7ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back couffry beauty rhat happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhoodl Please sign and renrn this memo to me as evidence of your suppoft to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. PROPERTY Address t/o,'1 eo a/6582 Reference: Parcel'A" Lions Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "Bo Yail,CO87657 970 476 4562 Fall1997 MEJ\4ORANDIIM To: BuffehLr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference Parcel "A" UonsRidge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour support so that I ban approach the Vail Town Council witt a request to identifrthe lou/er bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". Vlren you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautifi.rl hillside that is direaly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer builr at the bonom of the hill. Cunently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, marry of us feel the neighborhood would benefir by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \fith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle Counry scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a lftde bit of back country beauty that happens to complimenr our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and renrrn this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursre this area as suitabte fi, an open space acquisiri": .e"{r^*g 'ill4}*I!_ PROPERTYO\0NERNAMETp',* - r -, RO= Addrest AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane'B" Vail' CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall,1997 MEMORANIDIJM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Arne D. Fitz Please sigr and renrmthis memo to me as evidence of your suPPoft to Pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. PROPERTY OVNER NAME(printod and signeo Addrcss //b u I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneT yo-ur suPport- so that I 'can approach tfie Vail Town Couniil wfth a request to identify_the- lower bench of the nonh side of Bnffeht Ct ek road as suiable "open space acquisition land". \X/hen you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beaudfirl hillside rhar is direcdy acrois from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneirner built at the bonom of the hill. Currendy tJrat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. Ir can be debared that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \7fuh nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty that happens to compliment our quiet lftde neighborhood? Reference: Parcel "A" Lions ArneD. Fitz 1455Ridge LaneuBo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fdl,re97 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeovrners: From:AnneD. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope ro garneryour supporr so that I i:an approach the Vail Town Council witJr a request to identif'the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \Vhen you drive to your home in The Vallqy you have probably admired the beautifrrl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bottom of the hill. Currently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of ceating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. vith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scared by developmenq wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty that happens to compliment our quier lftde neighborhood? Please sign and retum this memo to me as evidence of your suppoft to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition PROPRTY Address W(I^; TqI^D L0^d Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FaJl1997 MEMORANIDUM To: Buffehr C.reek Area Homeowners: From:AnneD. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge F:lng #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope ro garneryour supporr so that I'can approach the Vail Town Councilwfuh a request to identifrthe lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acguisition land". \I(hen you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beautiful hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Current$ that land can be developed wfth six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entte neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \(/ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by dwelopment, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back country beauty that happens to complimenr ow quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and reurn this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as zuitable for an open space acquisition, PROPRTY Address /AA /U//c''?/t/'ru' fuL ifi.ro*, u' ob85o Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane 'B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FaJI1997 MEMORA}IDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeov/ners: From:AnneD. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gameryour support so thar I'can approach the Vail Town C-ouncil with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". When you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is direoly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Currendy that land can be developed wfuh six homes, which I believe will ruin rhe aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of crearing a sense of entry to The Valley, howwer, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \Tith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle county scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beaury that happens to compliment our quiet Iitde neighborhood? Please sign and retum this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. STAP^6^, 4r uwt3n-h dt^ AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "8" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour supporr so that I i:an approach the Vail Tovrn C.ouncil with a request to identify the lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". \(i'hen you drive to your home in The Valley you have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that EA Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Currendy that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the ae*hetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access rc the hiking trail. 'with nearty every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a liftle bit of back country beaury thar happens ro compliment our quiet litde neighborhood) Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "Bo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fallt997 MEMORANDIJM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour supporr so that I'can approach the Vail Town C.ouncil with a request to identif' the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr C,reek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". \V'hen you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beaudfirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Currendy that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry/ to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \flith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back country beaury thar happens to compliment our quiet linle neighborhoodi Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. lyv{ W'6.'t.'\/n i r\ 51'Yl+ u' (.1(,2*4a Ssrij',, (c (!{\t'1", AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B' Vail, CO 81657 97A 476 4562 FaJL t997 MEMORAI\DUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fhz Reference: Parcel 'A" Uons Ridge Fling #2 I am writing as proponent of open qpace and hope to B.uner your support so that I tan approach the Vail Toq'n Council with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \ilhen you drive to your home in The Vallry you have probably admired dre beautiful hillside that is direcrly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Grrrently that land can be developed wfth six homes, which I believe will ruin tlre aestheuic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vdlry, however, rnany of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. Vith nearly eveqy ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by developmenq wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of bac.k country beawy that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? | {rD Please sign and renrrn this memo to me as evidence of your support to purrue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. >,t. -b.o,nuo,r CI) I 1 o ttro-r otr) n-a-rt (Ln u c, r?r,setrra, Br g6.l.turu,rcoP,,&o.Aa -^E*.,= +- snn B:g.?t.,., -$..I'.'-:i),u, ., trtrf-trrffi$"fir &0r0"48rs trj'bhr* o..,..,l n'-*f;- *G 5 crn bonr'*dX(\rLLc*.- PROPERTYOWNER ton, nlprchor\'.C.oro,.rt4 $ rv\t.,n1 t'L-cr Ltot 3rooff,r*\ Sle-uoo tA^-- AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4s62 FaII1997 MEMORANDT]M To: Buffehr CreekArea Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garner your support so that I 'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identi!' the lower bench of rhe nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". 'When you drive to your home in The Vallq'you have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Currently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthedc value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. '\flith nearty every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a limle bit of back country beaucy that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition.Qtt,z.CtrzDL DftB a4 % trr6s/ AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane *Bo Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FalI1997 MEMORANDIJM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A'Uons Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour support so that I'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". 'When you drive to your home in The Vallry you have probably admired the beautifrrl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the boaom of the hilt. Currendythat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin rhe aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking rrail. \uith nearly every ridgeline in Eagte county scarred by dwelopment, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty that happens to complimenr our quiet litde neighborhood? Pleasr sign and renrrn this memo to me as evidence of your support to purzue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. llfff * o* NAME(printed and signed) Url6 hur46tr{L o{L, R*il. AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane *B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall1997 MEMORANDI.]M To: Buffehr Creek Area Flomeos/ners: From:AnneD. Firz I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garner your support so that I ban approach the Vail Town C-ouncil with a request to identifyrhelower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \(/hen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beaudfrrl hillside that is direaly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the borom of the hill. Currenth that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe v/ill ruin the aesthetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated thar the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direcr access to the hiking trail. \(rith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beauty that happens ro compliment our quia litde neighborhood? Please sigr and return this memo to me as evidence of your zupport to prrr suitable for an open space acquisition. pRopERryo\TNm.NAME(printedandsr*q?y'RAtLC i hAL fu'Ara)lddrot tStf< BU,pF J.a (q . eo. 3r._g _1 1)(3 - q-.rl.-),-1SJ- Reference: Parcel "A" Lions AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane *B' Varl,CO81657 970 476 4562 FaX.L997 MEMORANDT]M To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeov/ners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garner your support so that I ban approach the Vail Town C-ouncil with a request to identi{y the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \(hen you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beautiftrl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bouom of the hi[. Cunently that land can be developed with six homes, whic! I belieye will ruin rhe aesthedc value oflhe e4ire neixhborhood- @ / "- : It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entryto The Vallry, hovrever, many o{ us feel the ncrgbbg&gd_v/Edd benefit bykeeping sg44c_epgq rpacg wfth direct access to the hiking rrail. \Tith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by dwelopment, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of ba& coumry begury tfrat lappens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? %.u/' /th ( " ,Z- Please sigr and renrrn this memo to me evidence of your support to purzue this area as suitable for an open space PROPERTY OtlfNER NAME(printed and signsd) Addrass QAui r taq$oil /522 Vazz,0b 7A'a-'Q-U-)ort E y*lacaoon/ L 6^-U,4!u " Sincerelv.,4r//wffi_ Jandt E. llanson Enclosure cc: Kim E. Hanson 15l0 Buffehr Creek Road B39 Vail, CO 81657 Janet E. Hanson 3380 Eagle Bluff Drive Mound Mn 55364 November l, 1997 Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B" Vail, CO 81657 Dear Anne: For some reason or another I was always under the impression that the land you refer to could not be developed; i.e., that it was already dedicated as open space. However, from your letter I gather this is not the case. I would appreciate receiving any additional information you might have regarding potential or proposed development and being kep updated on your activities regarding this land I can be reached during working hours at l-800-328-8690 or evenings and weekends at 1412472-5mL Our daughter, Kinq lives in the unit. Her number is 4794301. I have signed and enclosed your letter. We will help you in any way we can. Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "8" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FaJ.1997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge Ffing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gameryour support so that I'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". W'hen you drive to your home in The Vallqyyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built ar the bocom of the hiil. Currentlythat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefir by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking rrail. 'wfuh nearly every ridgeline in Eagle counry scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back country beauty that happens to compliment our quiet lirde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue rhis area as suiable for an open space acquisirion. r Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane'B" Yail,CO 81657 970 476 4562 FaU,t997 MEMORANDTIM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garner your support so thar I 'can approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \{Ihen you drive to your home in The Vallqyyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of rhe hi[. Currently that land can be developed vdth six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesrhedc value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \fith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle Counry scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back counuy beaury that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and retum this memo to me as evidence of your supporr to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. A?:,T-"* oNAME(prinedandsignu,I) i), r.,r,-'e L, , @s-A.7lSa,,.) Q-",nrad 4t".,-" L,a: / o,r/r{,t.aa ,t:%f:nA"Zf ale /.r4r_1,y' Pz f wlaneJ arld"o.= - "r, * .aboJ la,rl k rt YO-/3 7 /r-a,La.- Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ar--*.--l AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fall1997 MEMORANDI]M To: Buffehr Creek Area Horneowners: From: Anne D. Fitz I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryow support so that I ban approach the Vail Town Council vdth a request to identifythe lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". Vhen you drive to your home in The Valley you have probably admired the beautifi.rl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Ctrrendy that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe vdll ruin the aesthedc value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefir by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \7ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a linle bit of back country beaury thar happens to compliment our quiet lftde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue rhis area as suitable for an open space acquisition / - - ,/ Reference: Parcel "A" Lions PROPERTY O\(NER AnneD. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "8" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fan t997 MEMORANDI]M To: Buffehr Creek Area Flomeowners: From: Anne D.Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garner your support so that I ban approach the Vail Toqrn Council with a request to identi6' the lower bench of rhe north side of Buffehr Creek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". \Vhen you drive to your home in The Vallry you have probably admired the beautifrrl hillside that is direaly across from tlre lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bottom of rhe hill. Currently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value of the entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail \Tith nearty every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beautytlrat happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sigr and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition. nzz Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "8" Vail,CO 81657 970 476 4s62 FaJl,7997 MEMORANDIJM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to gameryour suppon so thar I can approach the Vail Town C,ouncil with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as suinble "open space acquisition land". lWhen you drive to your home in The Valle'7you have probably admired the beautiful hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bottom of the hilt. Currendythat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesrhetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, lroweveq many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \7ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back country beauty thar happens to compliment our quier litde neighborhood? Please sigp and recurn this memo to me as evidence of suitable for an open space acquisition, lrtr,u 00 KtUSq- .<' fin l-il J,-,.,,.f t**l'{ Ul- *t'-7'Y +W* +4-)t &."><- {, " *.,*apnn your support to pursue thrs area as PROPERTY O\?NER NAME(printed and signed) Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ndge Lane "B" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4s62 Fall L997 MEMORANDIJM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions Ridge FlJtng #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope ro garner your support so that I ban approach the Vail Town Council with a request to identify the lower bench of the north side of Buffehr Creek road as zuitable "open space acquisition land". \fhen you drive to your home in The Vallryyou have probably admired the beautifi.rl hillside that is direcdy across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Cunentlythat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin rhe aestheilc value of the entire neiBhborh "fn ] gt,t "tj ll/-' :/\ *' t' v('' L( 1 /' )' yJ t' i ll!/ at ,/,.t t.'i-Lllri /r/'y'(, Ir can be debared thar rhe'd$6?;F;ff,'r; lli.Jay?5t#'"'."'*-"lous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail. \(/ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litde bit of back country beautythat happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisition., t t t I V 1., r \ , !t/i,.,'r!t'. -lv-4' 1,,'!,( J l'f ' --,- ,'J- PROPERTY Address /<<-l ,- tc.K. -/:,-1,1/.1, ./,ii'.t t ;t-;,-, c/,/ ,,,J -fu \ Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane "B' Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 Fail,t997 MEMORANDIJM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel "A" Lions fudge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour suppon so that I'can approach the Vail Town C-ouncil with a request to identi{y the lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". \7hen you drive to your home in The Valleyyou have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the borom of the I 'tl nt. Currently that land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the ae$hedc value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Vallry, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the biking trail. '\ilflith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldn'r it be nice to save a little bit of back country beaury that happens to compliment our quiet lirde neighborhood? Please sign and renrm this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suiable for an open space acquisition. 0N H,422rsont PROPERTYOWNER /1aa //i!. Anne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane'Bo Yail,CO87657 970 476 4562 F^ll7997 MEMORANDUM To: Buffehr Creek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz Reference: Parcel ",{' Uons Ridge Filing #2 I am writing as proponent of open space and hope to garneryour support so that I'can approach the Vail To'vn C.ouncil with a request to identiff the lower bench of the nonh side of Buffehr Creek road as suitable "open space acquisition land". lVhen you &ive to your home in The Vallry you have probably admired the beaudfirl hillside that is directly across from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Cunenththat land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe endre neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has ekeady done a marvelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, hovrever, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hiking trail, 'tu7ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a little bit of back country beautythat happens to compliment our quia litde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to pursue this area as suitable for an open space acquisirion PROPERTY Addrcss / ?4--..-- Arrne D. Fitz 1455 Ridge Lane'8" Vail, CO 81657 970 476 4562 FoJl1997 MEMORANIDUM To: Buffebr C,reek Area Homeowners: From: Anne D. Fitz I I I am writing as proponent of open space and hoPe to garner yow zupport so that I i;an approach tlie Vail Town Cnuncil with a request to identifi-the_ lower bench of the north side of Brrffehr Cr.ek road as suiable "open space acquisition land". \[hen you drive to your home in The Valley you have probably admired the beautifirl hillside that is direcdy acrois from the lovely new homes that Ed Zneimer built at the bonom of the hill. Currendy rhar land can be developed with six homes, which I believe will ruin the aesthetic value ofthe entire neighborhood. It can be debated that the developer has already done a mawelous job of creating a sense of entry to The Valley, however, many of us feel the neighborhood would benefit by keeping some open space with direct access to the hikingtrail. \0ith nearly every ridgeline in Eagle County scarred by development, wouldnt it be nice to save a litdi bit oi back country beaucy that happens to compliment our quiet litde neighborhood? Please sign and return this memo to me as evidence of your support to Pursue this area as suiable for an open space acquisition" PROPERTY Mdress Referencq Parcel "A" Lions January 7, 1997 Ms. Anne D Fitz 511 Lionshead Mall Vail, CO 81657 Dear Anne, The Vail Town Council discussed the request to purchase Lions Ridge Filing No. 2, Parcel A, Phase Vl at the January 6th Town Council Meeting. They reviewed the letters from the residents and the Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Space Plan. The Town Council concluded that since this property was nol a priority action in lhe Open Space Plan that lhe Town could tacilitate with negotiations between residents and Mr Zneimer but at this time could not make a signilicant investment in this property. The Comprehensive Open Space Plan states that where a neighborhood wanls to preserve a piece of land that is not a high priority action, the Town can act as a facilitator in negotiations and potentially provide matching dollars at the Council's discretion. The Town can also assisl with pursuing granls for protecting the property as open space if there was a financial commitment from the neighborhood since grants often require matching dollars. In addition, we would like to inform you that a review of remaining open space will be conducted this year. This process could be an opportunity lo review this property for community wide significance for recrealion and open space. The Town of Vail is committed to protecting open space in the Town of Vail and has preserved one lhird of the total land area in the Town as open space. Since revenue from lhe real estate transfer lax is limited, lhe Town has used the Open Space Plan to prioritize acquisition actions along with trail development. Pfease teef free to call me at 479-2146 if you have any questions regarding this letter. Thank you lor your interest in protecting open space in the Town ol Vail. Sincerely, Russell Forrest Senior Environmental Policy Planner x.c. Vail Town Council Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead Susan Gonnelly Printed by Tom Moorhead t/05-98 From: Russe1]- Forresl To! Bob Mcl,a\rrin, Tom Moorhead Subj ec ts : fwds Ann Fibz l-etcer on buyartg zneimer ]-and :-:NoTE-:= :=I/06 /9A-l-l-: 52am=: After tsal]<ing| with Tom, T am wrigting Anrt Fi !z a ]-etter statinq t'tra. t tbe Council fras received tstre petilions from her nej-gtrborhood to trave the TOv bul, a largle tractr of open space in the va]-lelt and thac based on bfte comprLtrens1we open Space P]-an ctlis is not a trigrr priority action for acquj.sj.tsion. Ho\^tewer, tfle plan does stite tttat ttte Town strould consider ottrer propertsies if ttrere is a strong financia]' commitment b1| adj acenc residencs - Basically I \^tou1d be ].eavingr t'tre door open for TOv invo].\zement if there was i significanh financia1 mabc} b]r Lhe neighborhood. I just want Lo make sure I am beingf acctrrate in sayinq that the courrci]. Llas seen lhe tr)etiLion? Il: was eig|ned bY 74 tr)eoP]-e tr)lus the residenLs of the val-llz condo Association trave sbaLed ttrej.r support for this action - Fwd-bt': =Tom:Moortr ead==L / O6 / 9 8:=2 : 11pm== Fwd to: Anne Wrigtrt, Pam Brandmelzer CC: Russe].l Forrest If council did not qet it' letts distribute i-t to ttrem wittr Russell's leCter. thanks Fwd:by : :Rus se1 1 :F or t e=!,/ O 6./ 9 A=:2 : 3 5pm:: Fwd to: Tom Moortread Would ]zorr mind if \^te (malzbe under ?owrt Managers report) bou.nce Ehe petition off of lhem toda]/ and ttren write the Ietter based on their reaction- Fwd-btz !:Tom:Moortread::L / O6 / 9 8::3 ! O4pm:: Fwd t-o: Russe11 Forrest T chink Fwd:bt':Fwd to3 Lb.at wou1d be approPr j"ate. :Rus Tom Moortread Tfianks - jrrst 1et me know if tftey are ]-eaninq towards anft tr)artsicu.lar derecLion and I wil]- respond back co Anne \ti tsh a. ]-et Cer . Page: 1 i?li,llJTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MESTING March 4, 1997 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro-tem Kevin Foley Rob Ford Michael Jewett Paui Johnston Ludwig Kurz Robert W. Armour, Mayor F-tn F . ^q-ii A regular'meeting of ihe Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, March 4, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 p.M. TOWN OFFIC|ALS PRESENT: Bob McLaurin, Town Manager Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was Citizen participation. Assistant Town Manager, Pam Brandmeyer presented Proclamation No. 1 , Series of 1997 declaring March 1 1 , 1 gg7 Be Your Best Day, and introduced Troop Leader Ginny Snowdon who was accompanied by 3rowniel and Girl Scouts from local troops 147 and 163. The Council was asked to honorthe tradition of Be your Best Day. Chelsea Donaldson, a local Brownie then read a brief statement and offered suggestions to 'be our best., Mayor pro-Tem Sybill Navas read the proclamation in full and presented each girl wrth an originally executed document showing the Town's support. NeXt, Sue Dugan updated Council members on discussions held among individuals involved in a Vail Tomoffow focus group regarding the Town's Design Review process. She said the group was interested in restating processes and requirements of individuals serving on the board. Ms. Dugan shared an example of a process in rirnicn she felt an tnconsistency had occurred, and urged Council to review DRB procedures. Sybitt Navas reminded those present of vacancies which existed on the DRB and three othertown boards, and encouraged the public to send in their letters of interest. council will interview applicants at a work session on March 25. Item number two on the agenda vias the Consent Agenda which consisted of the following items:A. Approval of the Minutes from the meetings of February 4 and 1g, 1997.B' ordinance No. 5, Series of 1997, second reading of an ordinance Authorizing the Conveyance of Fee Tile to the Following Lands in Colorado: Sixth Princioal Meridian T55 R.81 W. Sec' 1'1 , that portion of the NE1/4SE114 lying northerly of the northerly boundary lines of Vail Heights Filing No. 1,according to the Plan recorded June 25, 1969, in Book 215 at Page 438 and Resu-bdivision of Buffertreek aclording to tlre Plan recorded October 8, j 9g3 at Reception #99077; and that portion of the SW1/4SE1/4 lying northerly and westerly of the north and west boundary of Vail Das Schone -Filing No. 2, according to the Plan recorded as Receptlon No. 1 10984 EXcEpT the following parcel:Beginning atthe northwest cornerof Lot 10 of Vail Das Schone Fillng No.2: thence N 02 jegrees .10 seconds E 348'85 feet; thence S 88 degrees 08 minutes E 7o.oo feet, thence S i7 degrees 52 minutes 03 seconds E 1g1 .47 feet to a point being the northeast corner of said subdivision Lot '10; thence along the norlh line of said Lot 20, S 59 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds w 246.47 feet to the point of beginning; and LESS AND EXCEPT a 1.29 acres parcel to be donated by LanOowner:, Sec. 14, Lots 16, 19, and 21. Containing an aggregate of 76.30 acres, more or less, in Eagle County. To the '-lnited States of America. Rob Ford moved to approve the Consent Agenda with a second from Paul Johnston. Kevin Foley requested the Items on the consent Agelda be considereo separately, and then moved to approve the minutes of the February 4 and 18, 1997 meetings. Rob Ford seconcjed the motior:. Sybill Navas explained the March 4 minutes had been revised due to a vote that had been recorded wrong. A vote was then taken and passed unanimously, 6-0. Rob Ford then moved to approve ordinance No. 5, Series of 1997 on second reading, with a second from Ludwig.Kevin Foley said that because he was absent during the first reading of the oidinance having missed the presentation, he would be voting against it. He felt that the Trappers p -iel should remain open space, and that money should be recouped from Rockledge Road property owners to acquire that parcel. A vote was taken and passed 5-1, Kevin Foley voting in opposition. Vait Tora CcunciI E./ening Heeting Hin,jt-s llarch 4. 1997 #Xidln:#il:i-:If li:?Ll["ri;.'iil""J,.iJ,',:?';i:"":f ;*:liQ" standards; and other provisions; a1d setting forth details in regard thereto. ordinance establishing Special and its contents; devdlopm€nt Mayor Pro-Tem, Sybill Navas, read the title in full. Mike Jewett moved to table Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1997, to the March 25 meeting. Kevin Foley seconded the motion. A vote was then taken and passed unanimously, 6-0. Fourth on the agenda was ordinance No. 6, series of 1997, first reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting ordinance No. 17' Series of 1993; An ordinance amending Special Development District Nr'o. zs and providing for a development plan and its contents; permitted, conditional lnd accessory uses; development standards, recreation amenities tax, and other special provisions; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Sybill Navas read the title in full. Town of Vail project planner Lauren waterton presented the item, and a revised ordinance which included an additional condition. She explained that the request was for a major amendment to SDD #29 ffhe Valley, Phase ll) to allow for modifications to the previously approved development ptan ior Tract A (upper development) located at 1502 Buffehr Creek Road. The applicants, Harold and Barbara Brooks were represented by Steve lsom. The following background was provided. The applicant is requesting a major SDD amendment to modiff the approved development plan for Tract A, of Special Development District #i9 6rrre vairey, phase ll). The property is located at 1502 Buffehr Creek Road, Tracts A-1, A-2, and B-2, parcel ), tion, Ridge 2nd Filing.\ Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1997, implements.the revisions to this SDD The following summarizes the request: ' The applicant is requesting to modify the existing platted building envelopes on Tracts A-1 and A-2, to create one building envelope and combine the two tracts into one lot.' The PEC recommended approval of the request subject to 3 conditions, details of which were contained in the memo. The remainder of the pran remains unchanged from the 1993 approvar. Staff recommendation was for approval of Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1g97, on first reading. Rob Ford inquired as to why an SDD was being used, and Lauren explained that when the project was originally annexed in from the County it had county approval for a development plan. She explained that when it was annexed into the Town, there was no zoning that matched the development plan, and thereiore, the development plan could be incorporated into the Town uslng the SDD. Sybill suggested adding a condition that an existing driveway cut be used to minimize impacts. paul Johnston moved for approval of Qrdinance.No. 4, Series of 1997 on first reading with the condition suggested by Sybill. Kevin Foley seconded the motion. During discussion, Sybill expressed heidesire to require bear proof trasi containers for new development projects. A vote was then taken and passed unanimously, 6-0. Agenda item number five was Resolution No. 5, Series of 1997, a Resolution determining the necessity of, and authorizing the acquisition of, an easement for street and sidewalk use on land owned by ihe Firsteank of Vail, a Colorado banking corporation by either negotiation or condemnation for town public purposes. Town Attorney Tom Moorhead and Public Works Director Larry Grafel presented the item. Larry Grafel explained that the following seven resolutions vr'ere for the purpose of acquiring temporary construction ano some permanent easements in conjunction with the West Vail Roundabout construction piolect, Sybill Navas read the title in full, and Larry explained Resolution 5 was for the purpose of obtaining a temporary construction of 831 square feet for street and sidewalk use on land owned by FirsiBank. Rob moved to approve Resolution No. 5, Series of '1997, and Ludwig seconded the motion. A vote was then taken and passed unanimously,6-0. Sixth on the agenda was Resolution No. 6, Series of 1997, a Resolution determining the necessity of, and authorizing the acquisition of, an easement for street and sidewalk use on land owned by West Vail Mall Corp. by either negotiation or condemnation for town public purposes. Sybill read the tifle in full, jnd Larry explained the resolution was for the purpose of obtaining a temporary construction easement of approximatety osa iq. rt. nou moved to approve the resolution with a second from Ludwig. A vote taken was passed unanimously, 6-d. Agenda item number seven was Resolution No. 7, series of 1997, a Resolution determining the necessity of, and authorizing the acquisition of, an easement for street and sidewalk use on land owned by MJDonald,s Corporation,a Colorado Corporation by either negotiation or condemnation for town public purpos"r. syoitt Navas read the tile in full. Larry noted the purpose of the resolution was also for obtaining a temporary constiuction easement of g43 sq. ft-, and an additional 174 sq. ft. Rob made a motion to apprcve Rlsolution No. 7, Series of 1997, and Ludwig seconded the motion. A vote taken was passed unanimously, 6_0. The eighth item on the agenda was Resolution No. 8, Series of 1997, a Resolution determining the necessity of, and authorizing the acquisition of, easements for street and sidewalk use or,r land owned ov Hignl""o pUD by either negotiation or condemnation for town public purposes. Sybill read the title in full and Larry "*pl"in"o that the purpose for the resolution was to obtain a temporary construction easement of 30,436 sq. ft., ano a permanent acquisition VaiL ToHn CounciI Evening lileeting lilinutes ttarch 4. 1997 of'two p?rcels, one being S,Og+ f.fuet and the other for 4,0''i,3 sq. t""t, ?pr"p=ri) cwned by the Srreamsicie in order to reconstruct the bridge. Rob moved to approve the resolution and Ludryi"g seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 6-0. Ninth on,the agenda was Resolution No.9, Series of 1997, a Resolution determining the necessity of, and authorizin! the acquisition of, easements fdr street and sidewalk use on land owned by West Vail Associates, Ltd. by either negotiation or condemnation for town public purposes. Sybill read the title in full. Larry stated the purpose for the resolution was to obtain 1 0, 157 sq. ft. temporary construction easement, and a permanent acquisition of 323 sq. ft. at the Texaco gas station. Rob moved to approve the resolution, and Ludwig seconded the motion. During discussion, Town Engineer Greg Hall explained what procedures would be taking place at the site. A vote was then taken which passed unanimously, 6-0. Agenda item number ten was Resolution No. 10, Series of 1997, a Resolution determining the necessity of, and authorizing the acquisition of, easements for street and sidewalk use on land owned by Reaut Corporation by either negotiation or condemnation for town public purposes. Sybill read the title in full. Larry informed Council the property was a 4,393 sq. ft. temporary construction easement and a permanent acquisition of 210 sq. ft. at the West Vail Lodge. Rob made a motion to approve Resolution No. 10, Series of 1997. Ludwig seconded the motion and a vote was taken and passed unanimously, 6-0. Eleventh on the agenda was Resolution No. 11, Series of 1997, a Resolution determining the necessity of, and authorizing the acquisition of, easements for street and sidewalk use on land owned by Vail City Corp. by either negotiation or condemnation for town public purposes. Sybill read the title in full. Larry stated the purpose for the resolution was for the Phillips 66 corner consisting of a 5,979 sq. ft. temporary construction easement, and a permanent acquisition of 1 56 square feet. Rob moved to approve Resolution No. 1 1 , Series of 1997, with a second by Ludwig. A vote was taken which passed unanimously, 6-0. Larry stated that the town was currently in negotiation with property owners, and staff was optimistic a reasonable agreement could be reached in obtaining easements and acquisitions. Agenda item number twelve was an update on the status of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Director of Community Development Susan Connelly presented an update of the Stage 1 Data Collection and Site Analysis, and Introduction to Stage 2 of the Program. Ethan Moore from Design Workshop was also present. Council was then asked to approve or modify: (1) 'Framework for prioritization of wish list items" (2) Wish list submittal form, and (3) Stage 2 schedule of activities and decisions points. The staff recommendation was that council approve the ihree items listed aDove. Responding to a concept proposed earlier by Vail Associates for a hotel to be built on the west side of the Lionshead parking structure, Lucien Layne, a Vantage Point property owner, suggested Council add a seventh policy objective that would protect existing properties from massive, tall or imposing buildings that might be proposed for Lionshead redevelopment. He said the town's policy objective for a "strong econbmic base through increased live beds," was an open road map for "people to do whatever they want." Susan Connelly responded, stating that at this stage of the process, ideas were very general and wide open as far as design. During stage two, she said, the community would be asked to think big, without pinning down specific locations, and during step three, the process would become more specific and defined as decisions are made and priorities reached. Sybill said the objective of the master plan is to provide a roadmap to give direction for the Lionshead redevelopment, something she hoped the community as a whole would feel comfortable with as an end result. Next, Vail resident Bill \Mlto, requested Council add an objective to.increase the employee housing bed base in Lionshead. Susan stated the intention was that there would be, at a miiimum, no net loss of the curent employee bed base. Ginny Culp then expressed concerns about unmitigated growth and the need for more live beds in Vail. Kevin Foley said public forums on the issue had been well attended and encouraged all to participate and become involved. Rob then moved to approve the schedule and framework for prioritization of wish list items, wish list submittal form, and the stage two schedule of activities and decisions points. Mike Jewett seconded the motion and a vote was then taken which passed unanimously, 6-0. Item number thirteen was an appeal of a variance approval (4-2; Moffet and Pratt opposed, Aasland absent) made by the Planning and Environmental Commission on February 10, 1997. The applicant was granted a front setback variance of 5'- 6" to allow an additional one-car garage to be constructed at 1034 Homestake Circle/Lot 5, Block 6, Vail village 7th Filing. Town of Vail Planner Dirk Mason presented the item. The appellant, Diana Donovan, was also present. At the request of the applicant, Paul moved to table the item to the April 1 evening meeting. Rob seconded Vait ToHn CounciI Evening eeting titi nutes ]tarch 4, 1992 l|:trii! eWiH il:'Iff t:Lt:!:T,l lrllfi l ll h f;l ", tn e p'o g,.l or th e n ew HrE co m puts syst€rn installed for the Police and Finance Departments. Sybilt reminded the audience that the March 18 meeting had been moved to March 25 to allow councll members to attend a legislative session in Denver. Sybill then sent Council's best wishes to Mayor Bob Armour, who was recuperating from knee surgery. Kevin thanked the National Brotherhood of Skiers for organizing a great summit in Vail. There being no further business, a motion was made by Rob and seconded by Kevin to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m. Respectfully subm itted, ATTEST: Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk lilinutes taken by ttot ty li,lccutcneon (*Names of certain individuals who gave public input nay be inaccurate. ) Vait Tonn CounciI Evening tleeting l,linutes March 4, 1992 ,t ORDINANCE NO.6 Series of 1997 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 17, SERTES OF 1993;AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRIGT NO. 29 (THE VALLEY; PHASE II} AND PROVIDING FOR A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ITS CONTCHTS; PERMITTED, coNDlfloNAL AND AccESsoRy USES; DEVELoPMENT srANDARbs, REGREATION AMENtrtEs rAx, AND orHER spEctAL pRovtstoNs; AND sETT|NG FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Spebial Development Districls within the Town in order to encourage flexibility in the development of land; and WHEREAS, an application has been made for the amendment of Special Development District (SDD) No. 29 for a certain parcel of property within the Town known as The Val6y, phase ll, a part of ParcelA, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.66.140, the Planning and Environmental Commission, on February 1 0, 1997 held a public hearing on the amended SDD, and has submitted its recommendation to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, all notices as required by Section 18.66.080 have been sent to the appropriate parlies; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers ihat it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend sDD No. 29; and WHEREAS, application has been made to the Town of Vail to modify and amend certain sections of Special Development District No. 29, which relate to Tract A (Upper Development), and which make certain changes in the development plan for Special Development District No. 29 as they specifically relate toTract A: and WHEREAS, the Town Council has held a public hearing as required by Chapter 18.66 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TO\i\N OF VAIL, COLOMDO, THAT: ordinance No. 17, series of 1g93, is hereby repealed and reenacted, as follows: [Note: Text that is strielten is being deleted and text that is nh3Ced is being added.t section 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, planning commission Report. The Town Council finds that all the procedures set forth in Chapter 18.40 (Special Development Districts) of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the Ordin nc. No. 6. Sqat of t$z report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the major amendment of for SDD 29. Section 2. Purposes. Special Development District No. 2s f$ is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the planning and Environmental Commission, and there are significiant aspects of the special development which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standards of the Residential Cluster zone district. Section 3. Speciat Devetopment Districl No. 28 f;p Established Special Development District No. 2839 (SDD No. 2S29) is established for the development on two parcels of land. Tract A (upper development area) consists of .880 acres and Tract B-2 (lower development area) consists of 2.418 arcres. Section 4. Development Plan A. The development plan for SDD No. 28]fl is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the Special Development District. The development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Parkwood Realty and consists of the following documents: Final plat of The Valley, Phase tl, a resubdivision of Tracts A and B, a part of parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 completed by Intermountain Engineering, Limited dated Juty 8, 1993. 2. structurarengineering drawings by Ray T. Davis dated Jury z, 1993. 3. Soils report for Tracts A-1 and A-2 by Koechlein Consulting Engineers dated June 21,1993. 4. Site plan of the lower development area (Tract B-2) by Randy Hodges dated April 24,1999, (Sheet number 1.) 5. site pran for the upper deveropment area (Tract A) by Randy Hodges dated November 6, 1991, (Sheet number 4.) 6. Detailed analysis of the retaining walls, driveway, prototypical building sections and regrading for the upper development area (Tract A) by Randy Hodges dated July 12, 1992, (Two sheets, unnumbered.) 7. Hazard analysis letters by Nicholas Lampiris, Phd dated September 1g, 1992 (two letters) and January 22, 1999. 8. A landscape plan by Randy Hodges dated April 23, 1993, (sheet number 2.) Odini.. No. 6. S..h ol 1997 ' 9. A drainage plan by Range West, tnc. dated January 2g, 1993. 10- Elevations of the seven single family homes to be constructed in the lower devefopment area (Tract B-2), (sheet numbers 7 , g, 11 , 19, 1s, 17 )) These sheets corespond to homes A,B,C,D,E, and F. 1993 sheet numbers '1, G2, G2a, and G3. This home is to be constructed in the lower development area (Tract B-2), and shall include a Type lll employee housing unit, having 534 square feet. prior to issuance of a building permit for Residence G, the applicant shall sign a deed restriction on a form provided by the community Development Department which shall conform to all requirements for a Type lll employee housing unit, Section 1g.57.060. 12. other general submittal documents that define the development standards of the Special Development District. :13' fsnnsrsBru*stls,svsdetadl*uakgGidgr$fyjneffiamsF"ffia#$ldlrs€$eteMr Iriqti^r B. Thedevelopment plan shall adhere to the following: 1. Acreage: The site is made up of two parcels: Tract A and B-2, The Valley, phase 11. site A is made up of .860 acres and site B-2 is made up of'2.41g acres. 2. Permifted Uses: a; f!:egls 1. Single Family residential dwellings 2; f,yy"otfqmilyrr,.e.sidenlie! CwpllingS A: pdnlaty/see0n_CFrt"ir.e'-s.i g enlie!:dwellidgs 4. Open Space 5. public and private roads br *gc*#* 1. Single family residential dwellings 2. Open space 3. public and private roads 3. Conditional Uses: a. Public utility and public service uses b' Bed and Breakfasts as further regurated by section 1g.sg.31o Or(tlanc. t{o. 6, Seritr ot i997 4. e; ilyxHll#lt|lil&ilslkahdcnr#reetjn Accessory Uses: a. Private greenhouses, toolsheds, playhouses, attached garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to eingle-family residential uses. b. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of sections 19.58.130 through 1g.sg.190; c. other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof; Setbacks: The setbacks shall be those shown on the site plans for Tract A and Tract B-2, or as provided for with the building envelopes. Density: Approval of this development plan shall permit nine (9) singl€#y dwelling units, two (2) units located on Tract A and seven (7) Si4glg$Fg,lly units located on Tract B-2. Building Heioht: Building height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof. Parking: Parking shall comply with the requirements of section 1g.s2 (off-street Parking and Loading). Each unit shall have a minimum of two enclosed parking spaces. GRFA: GRFA for Tracts A and B-2 shall conform to paragraph 11(E) of this ordinance. Landscapino: The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the landscape plan. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for their approval. The Design Review Board approved final landscape plan shall provide at least the minimum number of trees and shrubs shown on the plan prepared by Randy Hodges dated April 23, 1993 reviewed by the planning and Environmental Commission on July 12, 1993. Design Reouirements: At time of DRB submittal, the appticant shall submit drawings that meet the following requirements: a. TlrE buildings on Tracts A4an*A"i shall be "benched-in,, into the hillside and stepped with the natural contours of the site. site excavation should be no more than necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Extensive site grading to create a flat building site shall not be permitted. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ordinanc. No. 6, Ssira ol190l ln order to ensure compliance with the above, finished grades on the north, east and west elevations of buiHings shall not deviate more than 4 feet from existing grade at any point. b. fhh Buildings on Tractg A-iknd+* shall be designed with the internal hazard mitigation recommended by Mr. Nick Lampiris in his hazard analysis . dated September 18, 1992 (two letters) and January 22, 1993. c. thg Buildinge on Tract A€ shalr be designed with a tum-around using the apron in front of the garage onenveteee+ra. The garage and apron may be located at any point along the southem edge of the envelope. The Fire Department shall require that 35 feet be provided between the front of the garage door and the far edge of pavement of the driveway. There shall be ' a minimum height of 12.5 feet of clearance in the tumaround area to allow for fire truck maneuvering. d. The sod areas shall align with the existing sod areas of Grouse Glen located to the west of Tract B-2 and the sod type shall match Grouse Glen. e. The GRFA of the proposat shail comply with the following chart. The GRFA allocated for each residence in the lower development area (Tract B-2) and eaensverpe in the upper deveropment area (Tract A) may be modified up to 50 square feet per unit as long as the total GRFA for each tract does not exceed the maximum of 13,623 (13,314 + 309) for the lower development area (Tract B-2) and s993 (6,1s2 - 1s9) for the upper development area (Tract A). Lower development area (Tracl B-2): Base Floor Credit Area'garage credit 463 493 493 486 492 483 459 etffent e|€rage :1€ ,tS x e € "{6 A. 1816 B. 1816 c. 1845 D. 2148 E. 1675 F. 215;l G. 1857+309..total 13623 UoDer development area (Trac{ A}: #+-+e6a--€€5€{+A::,+ru=g=ga{:l ioffi3 rraqA F993 22s 2c/.1 225 2041 225 2070 225 2373 225 1900 225 2382 450 2616 sss+ 3e46 #tt %6€e 6€S "f BRF r""i"y' h" "ppri*nr -h"l r"t* th" pr""r .u h".t J" ^", ".*.d th" "r'"r"*. Froor areas may change by up to 50 square feet ftom thoie shown in ihe,,base noor area,,cotumn "riong ", u" OrdindE No. A, Scbr of t€7 ef. h. |: GRFA does not exceed the total shown for each tract. "The addiUonal 309 square feet is made up ot 159 taken ftom the lower development area and 1s0 granted by the Town of vail. The arehiteetural design ef Bu'lding B leea.ed in Traet - ? shall .e @ly different from Buildings A er 6 as Prior to excavation oleitnergt#eias€ite on Tract A, the applicant shall either document that all excavation will occur on-site or shall provide letters from adjacent property owners allowing the excavation to encroach. mily €ubdivis'on fer the lewer stFian aeeess -ath: lmmediatel@heseeond reading ef this EB^; ap-lieant shall reeord Wn'gRidgesubdiyirl iet by the Town of Vail; e-dinanee No' 17; Serieg of 1993; This a-proval for Traet A mafld-te€+uddmg-envelepe loeation ,n€+-V6if revieffengineering drawiEs b..RayT: Eavis dated Jut.7; lggg ard rs dated June Zl; r,Rmliv9di' hr ilhdmdgtingd{iv"e.wev,€tr!,fo-r:T-re$,4:shal!,b"eighswn;enJhe,flnel:plata.q:ttre p0llarpRtJnissdn cges,*r9,.lhp, citei Recreation Amenities Tax: The recreation amenities tax is g.30 per square foot. g; 12. or(lirDnc. t5. 6. s!.br d 1e97 13. Drainaoe Plan: Prior to issuance of any building permits within this SDD. the applicant shall provide a drainage plan which meets the standards of the Town Engineer. Section 5. Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved bi the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.060 and 18.40.100. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 6. The applicant must begin construction of the Special Development District within 18 months from the time of its final approval, and continue diligently toward completion of the project. lf the applicant does not begin and diligently work toward the completion of the Special Development District or any stage of the Special Development District. They shall recommend to the Town Council that either the approval of the Special Development District be extended, that the approval of the Special Development District be revoked, or that the Special Development District be amended. Section 7. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereol regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 8. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occured prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as @mmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Odherc. t{o. 6. So.br ol 1997 INTRODUCED, READ ON FTRST READING, APPROVED. AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL, this 4th day of March, 1997. A public hearing on this ordinance shalt be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, on the 25th day of March, 1997' in the Municipal Building of the Town. INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED (tN FULL) (By TTTLE ONLY) TH|S ,-2sv'\ Robert W. Armour, Mayor Navas, Mayor Pro-Tem Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk Or&lerEe tlo. 6. So.i.a of l8O? 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 March 26, 1997 Department of Community Development VIA FAX Michael Burgermeister 443 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Tract A, Parcel A, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing Dear Michael: The Town Council, at its March 25,1997 meeting, approved second reading of Ordinance 6, Series of 1g97. This ordinance amends Special Development District No. 29 in order to create one lot from Tract A-1 and A-2, create a n6w building envelope, and add primaryisecondary and duplex and permitted uses within Tract A. In addition, the Planning and Environmental commission approved a minor subdivision ol this property on March 10, 1997. lf you have any questions, please contact me at 479-2454. Sincerely, I 1' , lnuwWaV.ryfuv.- tauren Waterton Town Planner tP ^*"u"*"o - {'\ VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 25,1997 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to changg and cannot be rclied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. 1. 2. George Ruther 3. Lauren Waterton CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. (5 mins.) Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1997, first reading, an ordinance establishing Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, and providing for a development plan and its contents; development standards; and other provisions; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce. (1 hr.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve/deny/modiff Ordinance No.4, Series of 1997, on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see the memorandum prepared by the Community Development Department staff dated March 4, 1997, to the VailTown Council and the memorandum dated February 24,1997,to the Planning and Environmental Commission. On February 24, 1997, the Planning and Environmental Commission recommended a conditional approval (6-0-1) of the applicant's request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, located at242East Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1997, on first reading. Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1997, second reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1gg3; An ordinance amending Special Development District No. 29 and providing for a development plan and its contents; permitted, conditional and accessory uses; development standards, recreation amenities tax, and other special provisions; and setting forth details in regard thereto. This is a request for a major amendment to SDD #2g fihe Valley, phase ll) to allow for modifications to the previously approved development plan for Tract A (upper development) located at 1502 Buffehr Creek Road. Applicant Harold and Barbara Brooks, represented by Steve lsom. (10 mins). ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/Deny/f,iodify Ordinance 6, Series of 1997, on second reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The applicant is requesting a majorSDD amendment to modify the approved development plan for Tract A, of Special Development District #29 (The Vafiey, phase il). The propeny is located at 1502 Buffehr Creek Road, Tracts A-1, A-2, and B-2, parcei2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing. Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1997, implements the revisions to this SDD. The following is a summary of the request. please refer to the memo to Town Council, the PEC memo, and site plans in the Council packet for more detailed information.. The applicant is requesting to modiff the existing platted building envelopes on Tracts A-1 and A-2, to create one building envelope and combine the two tracts into one lot. The PEC recommended approval of the request subject to 3 conditions. The memo, which details the conditions, is in the Council packet. The remainder of the plan remains unchanged from the 1993 approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: The Community Development Department recommends approval of Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1997.. on second reading. 4. Resolution No. 12, Series of 19g7, a Resolution to Establish a 457 Tom Moorhead Deferred Compensation Plan for the Fire Fighters and Police Officers of the Town of Vail. (5 mins.) 5. Ford Park. (1 hr.) Larry Grafel Todd Oppenheimer STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the finaldraft so a resolution can Pam Brandmeyer be prepared for Council consideration at their evening meeting, April 1, George Ruther 1997. 6' Vote for and Appoint Three Planning and Environmental Commission members. (5 mins.) 7. Vote for and Appoint Two Design Review Board members. (S mins.) 8. Town Manager Report. (10 mins.) 9. Adjoumment - 10:10 p.m. NOTE U PGO]III NG S"E"=,H9-:.T*S,HN:, BE LOW: |||l THE NEXT VAIL TOWN GOUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSTON wLL BE oN TUESDAY,4l1l97, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWNG VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULARWORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,4l8t97, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. THE NETTVAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,4tltgt, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. IN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS.til||tl Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 47g-2332 voicn or 479-2356 TDD for information. Ci\AGENOATC t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 10, 1997 A request for a minor subdivision to elimate a common lot line to allow for the creation of one lot from two, located at 1502 Buffehr Creek Roadffracts A-1 and A-2, Parcel2, Lions Hidge 2nd Filing (SDD #29) Applicant: Harold and Barbara Brooks, represented by Steve lsom Planner: Lauren Waterton I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting a minor subdivision between Tracts A-1 and A-2, Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing. Tracts A-1 and A-2 are currently platted lots, each with a platted building envelope. rrqsll\l!_alrryjllbe 3Zlg e. Additionally. the aoplicant is requesting to- eliminate acts A-1 and A-2 known as The Valley, Phasg -U ns a palt plllts pr_opg,qa!, the applicant ha_s plevtqqsly leq!9glqQ a tto cnanje ine-numEti of iot$ adct duplex and primaryiseCilndaiy-as a permitted use for this lot, and change the size of the building envelope. On February 10, 1997, the PEC recommended approval of that major SDD amendment. On March 4, 1997, the Town Council approved lirst reading of Ordinance 6, Series ol 1997, an ordinance approving this major SDD amendmenl. Second reading of Ordinance 6 is scheduled for March 25, 1997. II. BACKGROUND Special Development District #29 (The Valley, Phase ll)was approved by Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1993. The purpose of adopting SDD #29 was to allow greater flexibility in the development of the land than would be possible under the existing zoning of the property (Residential Cluster). This SDD varies trom the underlying zoning in 4 aspects: 1. Development on slopes greater than 40%; 2. 10'front setback in the lower development, where 20'would have been required: 3. Walls 4' in height in the front setback in the upper development, where 3'would have been required;and 4. A lot in the upper development which does not meet the minimum building envelope (Tract A-1). ,4 LL4 f|0G In order to preserve the natural and scenic features of this site, building envelopes and driveway alignments'have been established which designate the areas where development will occur. The pu-blic benefits, realized through the adoption of Ordinance No. 17 include: 1. One deed restricted employee housing unit on-site; and 2. The dedication of access easements for common driveways and a pedestrian access Path. In conjunction with the SDD request, the applicant requested a minor subdivision of Tract A, in order to create two lots (Tracts A-1 and A-2). III. ZONING ANALYSIS The following analysis is for the upper area development of SDD #29, Tract A, showing the approved zoning standards, as well as the proposed standards. Lot Area: Uses: Building Envelope: GRFA': GRFA for EHU: Garags Credit: Exlstlno Tract A-1 Tract A-2 0.485 acr€s 0.375 acres single-family single-family 3,000 sq. ft. 2,370 sq. ft. 3,397 sq. tt. 3,046 sq. ft. 00 Proposed Tract A 0.860 acres single-family primary/secondary two-family Type ll EHU 6,950 sq. ft. 6,443 sq. ft. 500 sq. tt. 1,200 sq. ft.600 sq. ft.600 sq. fl. - This includes a 225 sq. ft. credit for each allowable unit, p€r Section 1 8.14.09. IV. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. Although this proposal is not truly creating a new lot, but instead, simply combining two existing lots into one, the minimum standards still must be met. As a result, inis prolect will be reviewed under the minor subdivision criteria, pursuant to Chapter '17 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The first set of review criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission lor a mlnor subdlvision application are as follows: f'Air'r tL- i A' \( i ,i',t, () "\t't ('\: ' ''t Lot Area - The Town of Vail Municipal Code defines a "Lot", in part, as a parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a use, building, or structure under the 2 ! provisions of the Municipal Code and meeting the minimum requirements. of the bode. The minimum loi requirements lor the applicant's property are delined in Section 18.14.050, Lot Area and Site Dimensions, (Residential ClusteQ. Section 18.14.050, defines the minimum lot area as 15,000 square feet, with a minimum of 8,000 of buildable area. Tract A has 37,461 square feet of lot area with 8,386 square feet of buildable a[ea. B.Frontage - The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that lots in the Residential CtuiteiZone District have a minimum street trontage of 30'. The frontage for Tract A will be 283 feet. C. Site Dimensions - The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that each lot in the Residential Cluster Zone District be of a size and shape capable ol enclosing a square area 80' x 80'. Thp shape ol this lot is capable of enclosinq an 80' x 80' square. The second set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission with a minor subdivision request are as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, and are as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is.in . compliance with the intended purpose of Chaptel 17, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to ihe recomm-endations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under Section 17.16.090. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies related to subdivision control, densities pioposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, btfdcts on the aesthetics of the Town, environmenlal integrity and compatibility with surrounding uses." ln accordance with Section 18.66.080 of the Town of Vail, notification of the public hearing on the proposed minor subdivision was published in the local newspaper of record and notices were sent to the adjacent property owners. The subdivision purpose statements are as follows: 'l . To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Stalf Response: One of the underlying purposes of subdivision regulations, as well as any development control, is to establish basic ground rules to which the staff, the PEC, the applicant and the community can follow in the public revlew process. Although this request does not involve the creation of a new subdivision, it is the @plgpltatg !199991to amend existing platted lots. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent properties. Staff Response: The applicant's lots are bounded by U.S. Forest Service property on the north, Town of vail open space on the west, a portiq! of a single ianiity tot on the east and by multifarnily units on the south. Statf believes the j 5. 3. 4 o. 7. icant's reouest will not conflict with .properties. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Response: The minor subdivision proposed by the applicantl&iltnol-have any_legative impacts-on--th"e--v-alUe of land throughout the Town of Vail. The a-pplicant's property is zoned SDD with underlying zoning of Residenlial Cluster. The zoning designation will not change with the minor subdivision. To insure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town Zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Staff Resoonse: The minor subdivision will create a lot that will meet all of the zoning requirements for this SDD that is approved for this site. Staff believes that this propos?l is consistent with the Town's development objectives. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have suflicient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff Response: The purpose of subdivision regulations is intended primarily to address impacts of large scale subdivisions of property, as opposed to this proposal for a minor subdivision. However, staff does not believe that this proposal will have any negative effects on any of the above listed public facilities. An existing utility easement along the southern boundary of the property is proposed to be reduced from 35' to 15' wide. The Town has received letters from all the local utility companies approving the 20' reduction in the width of the easement. Staff believes that this minor subdivision will not neoativelv impact th,e above-listed f aci lities. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction, design standards and procedures. Staff Response: The proposed minor subdivision is in conformance with the minor subdivision platting requirements of the Municipal Code. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to insure adequacy ol drainage lacilities, to safeguard the water table and encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value ol land. Stalf Resoonse: Staff believes the r subdivision will not have anY ative impacts on the or or water table. lfre naturat resouriES.On the site by requlringt'uture development to be wilhimhe-bUifding envelope and protecting the majority of the lot from development. At first reading of Ord. 6, Series of 1997, the To l added a condition tha Staff believes this will help preserve the steep slopes on the site and reduce the visual impact of the develoPment. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the applicant's request to allow tor the minor subdivision of Tracts A-1 and A-2, Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed minor subdivision has met the criteria for minimum lot area, street trontage and site dimension requirements. 2. The proposed minor subdivision has met the purpose of Chapter 17 (Subdivisions), Chapter 18 (Zoning) and other Town policies relating to the development objectives of the Town of Vail. The mendation of approval carries with it the-following conditions: That should the applicant not receive Town Council approval of second reading of Ordinance 6, Series of 1997, this appoval shall become null and void. The existing driveway cut shall be shown on the final plat as the only permitted access to the site. recom o o t: ur$ .a tC-5 $ rl lt t1 rt lU (tL-r rr$I \-- \_lL O c\,' >a \-d \'lJ (v (n 'z : n 1: bi \ \r :\ \r su dF ,\ (\ ""s C t :/) U l h,6 E t uj .q- -"8 :\' I {s s - t" E R ii I E ! 3 \" n /7{, tsoM & AssocrArEs l_j lr/ \ Archfecrure Land ptannins projecr Manasemenr l0 February 1997 Lauren Waterton Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81652 RE: BURGERMEISTERRESIDENCE Final plat Dear Lauren: This application is for final pral of Tract A, parcel 2, Lions Ridge subdivisioq Firing No. 2, which is being modified under a.special DevelopmJ oir,ri"t. -rt ir r"""ogoir"J rlur,r," planning commission meets on February lo and the rown counc' on February rg, 1997, but the Burgermeisters need to meet time schedules for submitting the finat plat for approvat. Ifthe sDD revision is not approved by the Town councit, then this application will be withdrawn. The application for Planning and Environmental commission Approval is for a minor subdivision review for turning two lots into one lot. A pre-application *r,ri.i*"" *"sierd with you on Monday, February 3, rggT to go over ttre suumiii on.what wourd be required. It was agreed that the following submittal requirements *oJJ-U..",, L A fee of $250 is attached with the submittal. 2' Stamped and addressed envelopes with tle 1T.l Td -lring addresses of all property owners adjacent to this property are attached. All of this inro.rn?ti-r'* taken fiom the Eagle County Assessor,s Office. 3. A preliminary title report is attached showing orvnership being held in the names of Harord and Barbara Brooks. The terms of sare'of this n."i* ;;tt properry w'r change hands after the approvar of the sDDand Michaer ;d tir;;;"rgermeisrer wilr then be owners of the propertv for filing orth maifiai li*il;l, " memorandum from Art Abplanalp, attomey for the Burgerieisters, stating that this is the case. ,1 ,nt#;"-"ntal Impact Report is waived for this project since all information is already 5' Two paper copies of a final plat are submitted. once all of the relevanr notes to go on the prat are received from StaB rhe mylar oithe final prat *rii u" ,"i"tt"a. P0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970)328.238S FM 328-6266 6. The intent of this final plat is to vacate the lot line between Tracts A-l and A-2, Filing No. 2, Lions Ridge Subdivision per the Special Development District application in process with the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council. The final plat will vacate the lot line between properties, vacate the utility easement on the lot line between properties, expand the building envelope for one building on one parcel, vacate the 35-foot access easement across the front ofthe property, and reduce the utility easement to l5 feet across the southern edge ofthe property adjacent to Lions Ridge Loop. All of the relevant utility companies have reviewed this final plat and their letters agreeing to the vacation of lot line are attached' If you require any additional information for this submittal or if you have any questions concerning the application, please contact this office. Sincerely, p.c.: Michael and Nancy Burgermeister Art Abplanalp, Esq. 96361ryr ,rr,.rsrrofll? Call thc Plannrng Staff at 479-2138 Q*""r"ntroN FoR *LANNTNG ^il"*-*'NMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be rwiewed by the Town Council and./or thc Desigrr Review Board. tr Amendment to an Approved Development plan D Employee Housing Unit Cfypc: --)tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) O Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altemtion (Lionshead) tr Special Development Disbict fil Major or D Minor Amendment to an SDD DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: A FINAI, PLAT TO CREATE A SINGLE LOT WITEA c. LoCATIoNoFPRoPoSAL: I-oT4!'A2_BLoCK_x4__FILING ll2, Lro E RrDGE suBDrvrsroN A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GR_FA (250) O Bed and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Pennit E Major or D Minor Subdivision D Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variance tr Zoning Code Amendment B. ADDRESS: 1502 BUFFEHR CREEK RO D BUILDINGNAME: NA D. ZONING: sDD oRDINANCE lllT OF 1993 & NEW ORDTNANCE OF 1997 TOWN OFVAIL PRIMARY/ SECONDARY E.NAME OF OWNER(S): MIC MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: 970-476-0487 F. c. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF REpRESENTAIT5. IS0!I AND ASSOC IATES MAILINGADDRESS: p.o. BOx 9 PHONE: 970-328-2388 FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. For Offiice Use Only: Application o"t", Z. /O ' ?7 PECMecting Oate: ? - /O - 2 ) vArL, co 81657 VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvi*d 6r'96 o fuwtnlWt^nOt**nr t\o Cnrnnwv,u,{a {,/u,^,r ^^W 6 G*A- neA,o'u,W^rt.w to C.ou"r.-^l G-k- z@ Vofo t0- 0 A B C b VRIL PUBLIC IJ0RKS ID.:5034792166 JRN 50'97 L3t32 No.004 O r O*[ttlgJtq(,$l Community Development plan iRouting Form , ..Jpproved Denied (circ dctailad reasons). Approvcd with conditions P .01 Routcd To:Greg llalt, Public Works Terri Partch, public Works Todd Oppenheirner, public Works Mike McGee, Fire ltry Waterton, Conmrunity Dcvalopnret January 15, l9g7 January 29.lggT Brml* - Major SDD ameltdrr,cnt 1502 Buffchr Crcck Rd. Tnrcts A-l antl A-2. parccl 2, Lioru Ri,tlgo 2nd Filing icct Dcscription:Amcnd Srs SDI) ordinancc to creah a singlc fmily lot firom ths cnisting two lots qhtm q0lnr r{o$- ho*in' n q(&, a r1oro E_ (a. [f Jt'th'6 or svrc"rdcbr,l Qtu,o gcdi1"tl hqZd ocr l*6)_ r^*_.*.r N\.ng. k<.ahcrr .Wfrg larc4 at ftre roqd_. lEl ir*,r-,ininuxn -,4 ldft'o wql o o aL WA (l*'qi^y cvc/a-e+ esvAi4p^ \f^Lt ' /, --',/'t lup. u (/ t I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Qau MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department March 4, 1997 A request for a major amendment to SDD #29, to modity the planed-building enveiopes and to ireate one lot, located at The V_alley, Phas_e ll, 1502 Buffehr Creek hoad/Tracts A-1 and A-2, Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing Applicant: Harold and Barbara Brooks, represented by Steve lsom Planner: Lauren Waterton The applicant is proposing a major amendment to Special Development District (SDD) #29.(The Vattey,'pnase ll), to'Oecre?se th-e number of lots, modify the platted building envelopes and add prirndry/secondary and two-family dwellings as permitted uses. Tracts A-1 and A-2 are known as the upper development for The Valley, Phase ll. These two lots have platted building envelopes which allow for a single-family residence. Both lots share a Comnion access tro-rn guffelir Creek Road. The appl-icant is proposing to combine these two lots into one lot ( to be known as Tract A). The resulting building envelope is1,38O s9!{9 feet larger than the corirbined area ot the two eiisting bulding bnvelopes. See the attached PEC memo for a complete history of this project, the zoning analysis, and site plan. In summary: The applicant is requesting a maior SDD amendment to: 1. Decrease the number of lots from 2 to 1 ; 2. Change the size of the building envelope (increase of 1,380 square feet); and 3. Add primary/secondary and two-family resldentialas permitted uses within this SDD. The number of allowable dwelling units will not change. The applicant is proposing that no more than two units be permitted on th-e newly created lot, with the allowable GRFA remaining as originally approveil (6,443 square feet). All other zoning requirements will remain the same. The Planning and Environmental Cornmission, at its February 10r 1q97 meeting, recommended approval (6-d) of this request for a rnajor amendment to SDD #29. This recommendation carries with it the following three conditions: 1. That a minor subdivision, eliminating the common lot line between Tracts A-1 and A-2, be approved by the PEC. 2. That the existing viewing deck (not approved by the Town) be removed by June 1, 1997. g. That the lot line discrepency between the final plat and the most current survey be resolved to the Town's satisfaction. The Community Development Department recommends approval of Ordinance No. 6, Series ol 1997, on first reading. ..h o /.Ppt31'[rtitAR I0 w, FIL E COPY 5. A request for a major amendment to sDD # 29 to modify the platted building envelopes and create r primarvlsecondary lot, located atl112Buffehr Creek Rd.ffracts A-1 & A-2' Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing. Applicant Harold Brooks Planner: Lauren Waterton Henry Pratt rejoined the PEC Board. Lauren Waterton gave an overview of the request' Greg Moffet asked if the applicant if he had anything to add' steve Isorn, from Isom and Associates, said he had no objection to the conditions' Diane Golden asked if the adjacent neigfubors had been notified, otherwise, she had no comments' Lawen Waterton said the adjacents had been notified' Henry Pratt had no comments. JohnSchofield'GregAmsdenandGeneUseltonhadnocomrneats. Greg Amsden made a motion for approval with a change to oondition #2 to tead Jrne 2, 1997 ' Gene Uselton amended the motion to read that the PEC recommend approval to tle Town Council and seconded the motion. Plaming and Environmental Comnission Minutes February 10, 1997 18 ^.b The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0' Planning and Envirmmental Commission Minul'es February 10, 1997 19 o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEUORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development February 10, 1997 A request for a maior amendment to sDD #29' to modify the PQtted building enveiopes and to ireate one primary/secondary lot, located atThe Valley,.Phase 1, i50t bunetrr Creek Rd./Tricts A-t a A-2, Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing. Applicant: Harold and Barbara Brooks Planner: Lauren Waterton I, DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant is proposing a major amendm_entto Special Development District (SDD) tr29.[fhe vaffeiFnase 1), to'Oecre"ale th'e number of tos, m6Oity.the platted building envelopes and add piimCrvlsecon d*y and two-family dwellings as permittdd uses. Tracts A-1 and A-2 arc known as ii; fii;-t d"dldment ioirne Vattey, Phise lt. These two lotrs each have a platted building ;;Gt.b;, *nicnitto'"s for a singte-fimily residence. Both lots share a common access from AuffLnf Creef Road. The applicint is pr6posing to combine these two lots into one lot (known as iract At anA to expand ttre ii.o existini OuitOing envelopes into one envelope (see attachment)' ln addition to the major amendment, the applicant must submit a minor suMivision application. i;areriil and approvat Oy t e efanning ani Environmental Commission (PEC). At this time' the PEC is reviewin!ihe request for a maior SDD amendment to: 1. Decrsase the number of lots; 2. Change the size of the building envelope; and g. Add primary/secondary and two-family residential as permitted uses within this SDD. The number of allowabp dwelling units will not change. The applicant is proposing that no more tnan two units be permined on th; newly created lot, with the allowable GRFA remaining as originaly approveb (6,443 square teet). All other zoning requirements will rernain the same' II. BACKGROUND Special Development District #29 (The Va!!9V1 Phase ll)was.approved by Ordinance No' 17' Sbries of 1993. The purpose of adopting SDD f29 was to allow greater flexibility in the development of the ldlnd than would be possible under the existing zoning of the property (Residbntial Cluster). This SDD varies from the underlying zoning in 4 aspects: 1. Development on slopes greater than 40%; Z. 10' front setback in the lower development, where 20' would have been required: 3. walls 4, in height in the front setback in the upper development, where 3'would have been required; and 4. A lot in the upper development which does not meet the minimum building enveloPe (Tract A-1). In order to preserve the natural and scenic features of this site, building envelopes and driveway itignments'frave been established which designate the areas where development will occur. The pu6lic Oenetits, realized through the adoption ol Ordinance No. 17 include: 1. One deed restricted employee housing unit on-site; and 2. The dedication of access easemenls for comrnon driveways and a pedestrian access Path. III. ZONING ANALYSIS The following analysis is for the upper area development of SDD #29, Tract A' showing the approved zo-ning siandards, as well as the proposed standards' Exlsting Prooosed Tract A-1 Tract A-2 Tract A Lot Area: 0.485 acres 0.375 acres 0'935 acres' Uses: single-family single-family single-family primary/ssconclary twoJamily Type ll EHU Building Envelope: 3,000 sq. ft. 2,370 sq' ft' 6'750 sq' ft' GRFA.-: 3,397 sq. ft' 3,04'6 sq' tt' 6'443 sq' ft' GRFA for EHU: o 0 500 sq' tt' Garage Credit: 600 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft' 1'200 sq' ft' . Atthis time, there is a discrepancy between a recenl survey and the 1994 approved and recorded final plat' Prior to the minor subdivision review, this will be conected. t- This includes a 225 sq. ft. credit for sach allowable unit, per Section 1 8'14'09' ED !![EVALUATING THIS PROP lv. Upon review of Section 18.40.080, Design Criteria, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the^- - Cbmmunity Development Department recommends approval of the major amendment to SDD #29. The iecommendation is based upon the following factors: As stated in the Zoning Code, the purpose o{ the special development district is to: ,,... encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its-most appr6priate use; to imp.rove the design character and quality of hew development withi;t the town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic teatures of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in tn" V"if Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a special devetopment Oistrict, in conjunction vJith a property's underlying.zone district, shall establiih the requirements ior guiding development and uses of property included in the special development district." The following are the nine Special Development District criteria to be utilized by the Planning and Environmeni'al Commission when evaluating SDD amendment proposalsl A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment' neigiborhooO and iOlacent properties relative to architectural design, scale' but[, Ouitding heignt, buffer lones, iclentity, character, visual integrity and orientation. Staff believes that the location ol the proposed building envelope is reasonable and fits into the site and is compatibld wiifr tfre existing environment. The existing requirement that the building be "benched-in" to the hillside will keep the scale of me OuitOing in character with the neighborhood and will limit the site disturbance. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a Gompatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The use ot this property as a residential lot is compatible with the existing structures and uses in the vicinity. C. Compliance with the parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. should this major sDD amendment be approved, the applicant must submit an application for besign Review Board approval. At that time, staff will verify that the proposal meets Chapter"lS'52' D. Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Gomprehensive Plan' Town policies and Urban Design Plans. This site is designated as open Space (OS) in the Land Use Plan. This designation alloivs developrirent ai densities of 1 unit per 35 acres. However, this land-is zoned Residential bluster and the development plan, which was accepted by the Town of Vail upon annexation, has an approved SDD overlay. Therefore' ttie previous rights foi development on this property have been recognized by the Town and are recognized by the current zoning' E. The following Land Use Plan goals directly address the subdivision ol this land: Goal 1.6 Development proposals on the hillsides should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Limited development may be permitted for some low intensity uses in areas that are not visible|romtheval|eyf|oor.Newproiectsshou|dbecarefu||y contro|ledanddevelopedwithsensitivitytotheenvironment' when this sDD was originally established, the development was.required to bench the homes on Trict A-into the hillside to reduce site disturbance. This iequirement will not change as part of the amendment and therefore, staff betieves this proposal implements this goal. Goal 1.7 New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geologic hazard areas. Goal 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing' platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. This site is already platted for two single-family lots. The proposal w-ill make one primary/seconOary iot trom the exis1ng single family lots. Although the. Town of !'aif narirO maps'identity this area as highhazard rockfall and debris flow, a site specific analysis for this property indigltes that the area is actually located in a ,,moderate', iazard debrii 1ow aiea. The proposed building envelope does not encroach into the debris llow area. statf believes this proposal implements the intent of this goal. Goal 5.3 Aflordable employee housing should be made available through private etforts' assisted by limited incentives'- provideO by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions' Stalf recommends that a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) be an optional conditional use for this site,'but that it not be required as a part ol this major imendment. One EHU was required when the SDD was originally approved and G pirt ot tf'e lower development. Staff believes. that the major amendment does noi ireate a requirement fbr any additional employee housing, but.that the option should remain ivailable for thissite. Statf recommends that an addilional 500 sq' ft. of GRFA be available for this EHU. ldentilication and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that aflect the property on which the special development district is proposed' According to the Town of Vail hazard maps, the site is located in a high severity rockfall a"nO nign debris flow hazard zone. The proposed building envelope is located away f-rom the debris flow, although access to the site must cross the debris flow area. According to a study by Nick Lampiris, geologist, the rockfall hazard is actually rnoderat6 and the droierty can be mitigated from this hazard with a substantidl toundation wall and limited windows on the north side ol the structure. F. site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a rundtionaiOevelopment responsive and_sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. Staft believes the proposal accomplishes this criterion by limiting development to the Platted building envelope. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off'site tratfic circulation. The proposed pedestrian and vehicular access to the site remains unchanged from the tsss'approval and staff believes that the proposal meets this criterion. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize andpreservenaturalfeatures,recreation,viewsandfunctions' The proposed building envelope will limit the development to preserve the natural leatures and open space of the site. l. phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and eflicient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. No Phasing Plan is Proposed. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Statf recommends that the PEC recommend approval to the Town Council of the applicant's request for a major amendment to Special Oevetopment District #29, subiect to the following findings: That the proposed SDD amendment complies with the nine review criteria as stated in Section lV above. The recommendation of approval is also subject to the following conditions: 1. That a minor subdivision, eliminating the common lot line between Tracts A-1 and A-2, be aPProved bY the PEC. 2. That the existing viewing deck (not approved by the Town) be removed by April 1' 1997. 3. That the lot line discrepency between the final plat and the most current survey be resolved to the Town's satisfaction. ,/1 l\al Ei +l 3t \,, x/ .aS ;,,, PJ : i i g)\ s li\ t 9) II \c{ tl -s. A'+ :( |ls x s l { i I >4 \n \o l \iJ '-z \ \ --'--'9- -\1,-v C\f ID tt9. rr*'\ ,4tL\'1 t, a\ \ ei \ '@ --.-\\ .lvi;A/\<-1 t" \'.Io \ a @ \ \e e \\i,\\ ,. {l I rl ; i"J l3 , .\+|;d tl ll tl !_ I I i Fr i I ] -..'. I I i I li t\ i I. I t;:Li:.r{ :\s-l\i l\- la,l .l \ i.G r \ l$t- I I i +\. !\,j \\ i\ d@\ \ I '/ 1\ 5.'- I \ I I \€ @ 6 1 | ',i I'I t\1i I \r \l \l N N \ '\\ \\ \\\\ _- \.Y to H\dii fl /7\ rsom & AssocrArEs ll y''=\ Architecture Land Planning ProjectManagement 29lanuuy 1997 Lauren Waterton Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: AMENDED SDD FOR TRACTS A-r & A-2 AMENDMENT TO SDD #17 OF 1993 Dear Lauren: Attached is a revised building envelope plan for Tracts A- I and, A-2,Filing No. 2, Lions Ridge Subdivision at l5Q2 Buffehr Creek Road. As I explained to you in our reient meeting, it wo-uta Ue ni99 to move the building envelope a little farther soutl to move the move the southern line of the lullding envelope south tenfeet to allow for the garage for the single-family residence to be ??? a little bit and therefore breaking up the very lineal-frontage ofthis b:uilding. Attached are 3 copies of $e lwised plan showing the new location for the building envelope. Ali auached is a draft copy of the final plat. We will be making an application for amendment to me nnA plat in a few days r;';il;this could come before the Town Council at the next meeting after the second reading of the ordinance for the amendment to the SDD. I spoke with Mke McGee of the Vail Fire Department yesterday concerning fire access to this property. He stated that since it was a single-family lot there would not be a requirernent for a fire truck turnaround area as long as less than 150 feet to the midpoint of the back oith" britding froln the public street. our plans show that the distance from the midpoint of the building is approximately 120 feet therefore no fire access is required. At our meeting you raised concems about the massing ofthe building in a single-family neighborhood. The area is not single-family and that there is mutti-famity townhouses and condominiums directly across the street from this project and also to the west in the valley at Vail. AIso the houses by Ron Byrne and Associates further to the west are in the 6,000 square foot and up range in which this house would be very similar. Let me know ifyou have any otler questions or concerns regarding the application. Sincerely, Stephen R. Isom p.c.; MikeBurgermeister 9636hu2 P0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (9i0)328-2388 FAX 328-6206 n f,{, lsou & AssoctATEs ll l/^\ Architecture LandPlannins ProiectManasement 13 January 1997 Department of Community Dwelopment Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road lilest Vail, CO 81657 RE: AMENDMENT TO SDD #17 OF 1993 Dear Pl'anning Staff; The following is a request for an amendment to the Special Development District Ordinance #I7, Series 1993, involving tracts A-l and A-2, filing #2, Lions Ridge Subdivision at 1502 Buffek Creek Road. The amendment is to change the use oftracts A-1 and A-2 from two single-family units to one lot on tract A for a primary/secondary unit. The intent is not to subdivide the primary and secondary unit but keep it as a primary unit with a caretaker apartment. The application is being made on behalf of the current owner, Dr. Harold and Barbara Brooks, for the proposed buyers, Michael and Nancy Burgermeister. In conversations with Dirk Mason of Wednesday, January 8, 1997, it was determined that the following information should be submitted: l. A major amendment fee of $1,000 which is accompanying this application. 2. Stamped and addressed envelopes to all adjicent property owners including properties across the street are attached along with a list of all those property owners. This inforrnation is current as of January 7,1997 in the Eagle County Assessods Office. 3. A cunent survey showing existing driveway and topography which has bean prepared by Intermountain Engineering. The survey has been stamped by a licensed surveyor. 4. The proposed building envelope for a single structure is shown on the topographic survey by lntermountain Engineering. 5. The building envelope shown on the site plan is located west of the potential debris floor and east of the rock fall areas per the lefters by Dr- Nick Lampiris, Geotogrst. 41o Eagle,Colorado81631 tlE)fzo-zsoa P.0. Box 9 FAX 328-6266 6. The GRFA for tract A is presently a ma"\imum of 5;993 square feet. The proposed GRFA would be the same for the combined lots at 5,993 square feet plus garage. The culrent garage credit is 600 square feet for each ofthe tracts A-l and A-2 for a total of 1,200 square feet garage credit. The applicant also requests 1200 square feet to allow for a comfortable 4-cu garage. As stated above the request is to combine both tracts A-1 and A-2 into a single tract A which would allow for a primary and a secondary unit but the secondary unit would not be further subdMded from the primary unit. The intent is for a primary and caretaker unit. The development plan shall adhere to the following: 1. Aprease: TractAismadeup of.86 acres. 2. Permitteduses: Primary/secondaryresidentialdwellings. 3. Conditional uses: Public utility and public service uses. 4. Accessory uses: a. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhouses, attached garages or carports, swinrming poolq patios, or recreational facilities customarily inoidental to the primary/secondary residential use. b. Home occupations subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58. 190. c. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereof. 5. Setbacks: Setbacks shall be those shown on the site plan for tract A. 6. Density: One primary/secondary dwelling unit. 7. Buildins heigfit: Building height shall be 33 feet at any given point fiom finished grade to top of roof at that point for a sloping roof. 8. Parkine: Parking shall comply with the requirements of Section 18.52 (Off-street Parking and Loading). The primary dwelling shall have a minimum of 2 enclosed parking spaces and the secondary shall have I enclosed parking space. 9. GRFA; GRFA for tract A will be a maximum of 5,993 square feet plus a garage credit of 900 square feet- 10. Landscapine: A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted to Design Review Board for their approval at time of approval of the architecture for the units. I l. Design requirements: At time ofDRB submittal the applicant shall submit drawings that meet the following requirements: a. The building on tract A shalt be benched into the hillside and stepped with the natural contours ofthe site. Site excavation shall be no more than necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Extensive site grading to create a flat building site shatl not be permitted. However, to insure compliance with the above, finished grades on the north, east; and west elevations ofthe buildings shall not deviate more than 4 feet from existing grade'at any point. b. Building on tract A shall be designed with the internal hazard mitigation recommended by Dr. Nick Lampiris in his hazard analysis dated September 18, 1992 and a second letter dated January 22, 1993. The building on tract A shall be designed to accommodate access by a fire truck and meet requirements recommended by the Vail Fire Department. c. Prior to excavation of the building site on tract A the applicant shall either document that all excavation occurs on site or shall provide letters from adjacent property owners allowing the excavation to encroach. 12. Drainage plan: The drainage report prepared by Intermountain Engineering ofJuly 1994 for tracts A-l and A-2, parcel A" Lions Ridge filng#2, Town of Vail shall be for handling the drainage on site. The hazard and soils reports are also attached to this submittal' If there are any other questions concerning this application for amendment to SDD #17 of Series 1993, please contact this office. Sincerely, Stephen R. Isom p.c.: MichaelBurgermeister Harold Brooks 9636lovl KATRJNA A. MENKES JOHNR. &ALEXANDRA W. MENKES 23I SARGENTFARMLANE sTowE, w os672 KAWESKE FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 1360 w' HOLLYDRIVE BROOMFIELD,CO SOO2O SHARONHARRISON 2980 JOYCE WAY GOLDE\co 80401 LEE P. & MELODEE CT,JRTES 5899 STIANNONROAD HARTFORD, WI 53027 iffiffi'ffi+WESTMoRELAND RONNA'. FLAI,'M P.O. BOX309 PONTE VERDA BEACH, FL32O82 RONALD & CLARA MALCZEWSKI 10142 TvIACGREGORROAD PINCKNEY, MI 4S169 LINDAL. FOSTER 40 BRIARCRESTPLACE COIORADO SPRINGS, ClC EO9O6 CAROLE. DAVIS I48O BI.JFFEHR CREEK #IB vAlL, co E1657 VALLEYRECREATION &PARKINGASSOC. P.O. BOX 3176 VAIL, CO 81658 3"q'Lffl:ffi#Assoc 73OI DECARIE BLVD, MONTREAL, QITEBEC H4P 2G7 RALPH & PATRICIA SPA}.IG 1486 BI,'FFEHR CREEK ROAD 443 vArL, co Er657 GROUSE VALLEYLLC IsOI BROADWAY, STE. IIOO DENVE&CO 80202 MELISSA CAYBRINKMAN 717 BELLEFONTE PITTSBIJRGH, PA 15232 TMOTT{Y & KAY GRAYBILL P.O. BOX453l vAlL, co 8165S RICIIARDF. &A}.INA M. DEMARCO 10064 WOLFF STREET wEsTMrNSlER, CO 80030 TTIE VALLEY CONDOMINIIJM ASSOC. P.O. BOX 3176 VAIL, CO 81658 ffi ROBERTA. STEPHANOFF KENDALM. JT'NTA P.O. BOX 2102 vArL, co 81658 rHfrEM "it titjfilYouR PnoPtttl NOTTCE ls HEREBY GtvEN that the planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February '10' iggi, uii,Og p.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam circle/Lot 4' Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing' Aoplicant: Howard Koenig Pianner: Tammie Williamson reouest for a maior amendment to SDD #17 to change the number of lots, located at 1502 Buffehr Creek i./Tracts A-1 & A-2, Parcel2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing' Harold Brooks Lauren Waterton A request for additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 778 Potato Patch Dr./Lot 18, Block 1' Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Fred Bartlit Pianner: Tammie Williamson A request lor a residential addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' located at 1998'Sunburst Drive/Lot '19, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Nate Accardo Planner: Lauren Waterton A request lor a worksession to discuss variances from Sections 18.22.060 (Setbacks)' 18-22.140 (Parking)' 1g.b]:130 pormon nrea't anO r aiz.OzO lperce_ntage, of Ac.cessory_Uses) to allow for an entry addition at the Swiss Chatet, tocated at e'Z iast Meadow Drive/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 'lst Filing' Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry Pratt Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow_a..Fractional Fee Club to be located al242 East Meadow Drive/on a pari of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review with the D_esign Review Board for the establishment of a Specjal Development District #3s, Austria H"us,-roCiteo aizafeast Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to develop a preferred alternalive for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA)' Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest The applications and information about the proposals are available for public_inspection during regular office il;,;'ifi ih; projeit ptanneii oftice located at ihe Totn of Vail Community Devblopment Department' 75 South Frontage Road. Applicant: Planner: Sign language inlerpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notification' Communhy Development DePartmenl Published January 24, 1997 in the Vail Trail. Plan ner: Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for informalion' t a t D Amendmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvelopment Plan D Employcc Housing Unit OYPc: ) D Major or O Minor CCI Extcrior Alteratioo (Vail Village) D Major or D Minor CCII Extcrior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special Dwclopment Dstict F Maior or E Minor Amendment to an SDD Qrrc.sno,lb*l the Planning Staffat 4?9-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNINP AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION,{PPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any pio1.ct ,equiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission' For specific information. sce tbc slrbnuttaticquir.ments ror thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd Thc application can not be ""r"prra *,if all required information is submited- The projcA may also nced to bc reviewed by the Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rwicw Board A. T\?E OF APPLICATION: O Additional GRFA (250) D Bcd and Breakfast El Conditional Use Permit B Major or O Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning O Sigr Variance tl Variancc tr Zoning Code Amendment B. DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUES TAWNOFVAIL DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUEST: I,IITH A PRIMARY/SECONDARY IJNI! c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOTA-1:41 BLOCK- FTLING #2'LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION ADDRESS: I5O2 BUFFEHR .CREEK ROAD BUILDING NAME: NA D. ZONING: sDD oRDINAI{CE /f17 OF 1993 NAME oF owNER(S): !4r9P lEooEE MATLINGADDRESS:1526 48ch AVENUE, VERo BEACH, FL 32966 PHONE: 407-567-r358 ALSO: MICIIAEL BURGERMEI ,-vAtL, co 81657, 970-476-0 F.OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S) : u.NAME OF REPRESENTATME:] MAILINGADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9 EAGLE, CQ 81J3T -PHONE: s70-328-2388 FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRLATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMI}NITY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' For 9fhce Usc Onlv: Fcc Paid Ck#:By Apphcatron Datc PEC Mcctilg Datc: H. vAtL. COLORADO 8r657. Rcvi=d 6/96 oo I Jsnuary 1997 TO WHOM IT ]!{AY CONCERN; the Town of vail for rezonitrg of the spesiai.Development Dishi€t on my pr$perty at 15 Buffehr creek Road, Tracts A'1 and A-2, Filing #2, Lions Ridge subdivision. ,6l6nqrh tU " Assoc'E l'1 r:; |] TO WI{OMITMAY CONCERN: reducrion ofthe 3S-foot access qnd utility easernent down to l5 feet north ofcnd along B The utility compary as aigncd below agrccs to the vacation of the lot line between Tracts A2, L.ions Ridgo Subdivieion, Filing No. 2, thereby crcating one lot out of the two lots ar Crcek Road aE shpwn on the Amendcd Final Plst of this Tract A Es preparpd bylntsr Bngineerins ti 5 [tg.oat ailwreLL !wa/ k -rna4 a- c*;f^I h",^.- ;rle'"q i//'.. -5.*)-d^' . p-b6 "+ B.--t *-f4o.a. {-5c.nrrf- c.4o-n" -**-&+*+f.6-r.r {-,\r'h" !44{v t \A-4gt-y1 + Gr--4-- or+-t'EEta Hrof" -9-t^ fi..'t -Ct{ --dQ *+-e; Ua o.,-r d- LLb L(-l-a-q+'l e-g.n-d-tt'* * Ct -tt4t_ d€r -nd+t &* ++FL t].+q.^t-,AA 2o' ..da+'.&r- a.Opr'4 4,f-- 0 tt;^r{^, it-dr .r{ B-\ '-+\ aJ{ *n 4(}#r*t^vr'. +ta 1-{^Lu hrAi lr*alltnL An "-P ff^ ,-- ^,,*b p"r,t { +4" A 3^."**^ .'JLQa-, wt- ctt+-t'+t '""L-^Y*)l' Y{'- t6f6ogrr Utility Company 369 62€5 324 o P.62 .l and the Dale @''fl a- 5*q j5', C^it-QL €o ,'6 . tJou:<u<tt @,t(/<J d !s-+tmtr,*, 'JRN.31 . 1997 9:3BRN t.t!* .oro NO.593 P.1,/L TO WHOIvI IT MAY CONCERN: The utility company as signed below agrees to the vacation of the lot line befween Tracts Al and A?, Lions Ridge Suhdivisioq Filing No. 2, thereby creating one lot out of the two lots atd the reduction of the 35.foot access snd utility easemont down to 15 feet uorth of tnd along Bufehr Creek Road as shown qn the Amended Final Plat of this Tracl A as prepared by Inter-i\itountain Bngineering TCI Cablevlsion of rhe Rockles Utility Company 9636ngrc t Date o TO WHOMITMAYCONCERN; lhe uiility compary as siped below agrees to the vacation ofthe tot line between Tracts Al and A2' Liorn Ridge Subdivision, Hling No 2, therchy oreahryoae lot out of the two lots ald the reduction of the 35-foot access aad utility eas€rnent dovqio 15 fest north of ".ra atoogg$L Creek Road as sho'nm on the Amended Final plar of t}lis Tract a ,s pr"garJ by Inter_Mountain Engineering 8L 4,"i 9636qrc rv.a6 L6-LO-€l3J a./z 35Vd G'AAb9LV6L6. Al o TO WHOMIT MAY CONCERN: The utility company as signed below agrees to the vacation of the lot line between Tracts Al and A2, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, thereby creating one lot out of the two lots and the reduction ofthe 35-foot access and utility easement down to l5 feet north ofand along Buffehr Creek Road as shown on the Amended Finai Plat of tltis Tract A as prepared by Inter-Mountain Engineering / - z7--77 Date 963&gr€ //o/, Crp TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The utility company as signed below agrees to the vacation of the lot line between Tracts Al and A2, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, thereby creating one lot out of the two lots and the reduction ofthe 35-foot access and utility easement down to 15 feet north of and along Butrehr Creek Road as shown on the Amended Final Plat of this Tract A as prepared by Inter-Mountain Engineering PrAt;-S.rr;r" er'o Utility Company 9636!gre SENT BY:XETOX TEIECOPiEN ?021 O 6-9?; S:53AM;OUNNABPLANALPCHUNT Lrw Orrtcrg Dut'ttt, ABeuRHeLp & CHRIsTENSEN, P.C, IJOH N W. O" NN AR'I1qR A. AEPI-AIiIALPI JR' ALLEN C, CRiIgTENSZN DIAN( L. X ERMAT{ n.ic. btrpx sngon t- brlcr L couNtat: J EffRY W. HAN I'IAH Mr. gt€ve Isom IBom & Ageoclatee Eag1e, Colorado VIA TELECOPIER , Re! Brooke/Burgernelst€r Contract Bepr Steve; AEyouaf,eawar€rollfFlrrn.repr€aontsMr.an(iMrE.Michael EurgBrmeiEter rn--iJeicration wlth- thetr proposeil purchase-- of Fiip*"tv-ln Lion,a--n-roge subdlvielon now owned by Mr. and MrB. fiarold Brookg. YouhaveaBkedthatlProvldeyouwlthan.explanatlonofthe rer"orr-it *-y u. -nec"r"iry itt"t tshe plat for the. tesubdlvxsion of -the propertY no*--"to"eO 'lV Mr.. ana MrB' Erooks be drawn for "rgnitu"t blgr. ino Ui. Eurgermeletsr, the prospectlve purchasere' u6" approval by-tr,*-ro"n o-r varr of an amendment to the BPeclal i!"Jr"iilr"t Of"lri"t in whlch th€ _ pr_operty i8 located and the fo*nis approval of the anended flnal plat' Wehavebeentoldthatl'{r.andMrs.BrookEwlehtobecgrtaln that thelr ootinf inO suUafvlsion plat are. nog modlfl€d untll and u"i""" Mr. and r,rr's.-Aotgtrmelgter cioee on th€ transactlon by whlch ;il;-;o;Ie iclur"e the prop-erry.- rr had been Mf, and Mr8, Brooks' [bJi rir"i in"" ro*n- of'v.ir c6ulo grant. approval which would be co:ndltlonedupontheclostng.However,they'have.beenadvtsedthat eondltlona] approval le nbt poesible. - For that reason, the ioirowtng provtlton has bean lncluded In the contract: In the event the Town of va1l le unable to grant a conditlonal flnal approval . the Partlee. agree !q close into egcrow immedlatel-y- f.;b.e anticlpated uncondltlonal final approval', whieh eBerow ehall be conditloned upon obtalnlng flnal approval acc€ptable to Buyera ' Th€ clo$ing on the propertY w1II occur the day after flnal approval bv the towl of Vatl of the amendment to the speclal developmen! ;i";;i";1" rr*"n lr,e property ia located and the Tolrn'6 apProval ;;-ah;-"r""aea ftnai p1at. {r tne rlme of rhar closlng, Mr.. 919 Mi".-e""g.rnei"t"r wftt Or"omo the own€rs of the prop€rty and wlII [i-in"-pi"ler eignatories on the amended finat p1at. only at that .:-.:-.- -*::.=.=.i=-::-.5-*:=':-'1.- 3033286266;f 2 THE VAIL BANx Eurl.orxs Su rrE 3oo ros Sourx FroNTAoz Roao WECT V,rt u. CoLonaoo ctgsr 6 FebruarY 1.997 TELEPHOR:: (D70) 47€-OtOO ?tLICOFI ER: (g70).(76-{7€5 XAI:N H. OUNH €:if lal0 ltoa lt atatir SENT BY:XCTOX TEIECOPiET ?O?1 O O-9? ; 9:54AI!I ;DUNNABPLANALPCHUNT 3033280260;s 3 be the Proper elgnatorles on th€ amended flnal plqt' Only at that tlme wIlI tn" ro*n oi vall be aet;o to execute tne amended flnal olat. If the sljnatr:ree on the ptat wer€ thoee of Mr' and Mrg' fi;ilr;", -ti""pi"[;;;il il aEi""ir"! becau.e lt wou],d be execuued bv tndivlduars who iiJ noi own the property.at _ttre tlme of .xecutlon ;;Ti"-;";; oi-v"lr and recordarlon irrn-th" Eagre countv cl€rk and Recorder. r hope that the foregoing explanatlon ie havs any'further questloner You may contact satlsfactorY, If You me. AbPlana 'TF you : !{c i Mr. and Mrs, Mlchael Burgermeltst€r sraeasr:za *G *rroRr R E AI,TA COMMITMENT 15- I {Renrrtremenbs) Our Order # V255940-2 I .:the iifollowitrg are che requiremenfs to be complied with: 1 n..,rmanF F.\ -': for the account of Lhe grantors Or mortgagOrS Of J.. l.o.yttrEr.L the futl corlsid.eration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. :Prop"r in:crument (s) creaEing the estate or interest !o be insured musc be execut,ed and duly filed for record, to-wit: i !.3. ingr,F..cse CF DSED OF TRUST DATED June 03, 1996, FROM IAROTD L. BROOKS,.JR. .AND EARBA]U{ RUTE BROOKS TO THE PI]BI,IC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COU}fTY FOR THE USE OF WESTSTAR BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $35O,OOO.OO RECORDED JUNC ].8, 1995, il'l Boi)K 697 AT PAGE 630. 4. EVIDEI,JCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERI4S, CONDITIONS AND 'PROVISIOI]S OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. i 5. iwARn-atrTv D99D FROM HAROLD i,. BRooKs, JR. AND BARBARA RIIIIH BROOKS TO NANCY 1x. euRCenr4EISTER and MICHAEL F. BURGERMEISTER CONVEYING SUBJECT pROPERTY. 'i I.IOTE_; If,em 4 I g[ Schedule B-1 (of your q{eYious commitment) has been modif ieci cr cieleted. .fH5 CO',.N,ITf CIJERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN F.DDFTES:IE$ OI'I DOCIJIIENTS SENT FOR RECORDfNGII ^3W WZ Jf;tl 31 '9? 16:56 - pA(lE 2 Js9 Pa3 JRN 31 's? 15rs? MENT Our Order # V25594O-2 The .policy or polici-es to be issued wi-Il contain excepEions to Lhe foif;trinq rrnle;s che same are disposed of Eo Lhe saLisfaction of the rcompanv: ,;srandard Exceptions 1 chrough 5 printed on the cover sheet. i. ';raxes and assessmenEs noE yet due or payable and speeial- i""s*s"*nnrs 1of, yeE cerEitied to the Treasurer's office. Any unpar-cl f,axes or assessmenLs against said 1and. 'Lierr" for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any' .RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE :tiTEeeTRo}4 SHoui,D THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR I}.ITERSBCT THE PREMISES :lAS RessBvED IN uNrrED STATES pATENf RECoRDED AugusE 16, 1909, rN BooK 48 AT "pAGE 5{2 .\}'rD RECoRDED DECEMBER 29, L920 rN BooK 93 AT PAGE 42. 'RIGHT Oi' WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TI{E TINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITBD STATES PATENT REEORDED AUg:t)ST ]^6I ]-909' IN gOOIi .iA AT PAGE 542 AND RECORDED DECEMBER 29, I92O IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE ,F.ESTRICTIiIE COVENAI TS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER ,cl.n.LlsE. BUT oMrrTrNc RESTRrcrroNs, rF .plIY, BASED oN RACE, colroR, RELrGroN, :oR Np.TION.CL ORIGIN, As CONTAINED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED sepLember 20, L972, '. Iu eooi: 2?5 AT PAGE 443 AND As AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPCEfibCT 29, 'Lgtz, ItI BooK 2zs AT pAGE 565 AND As AMENDBD rN TNSTRIJMENT RECORDED January |'2?, j_9:.i. rN BOOK 213 AT PAGE 53. { . 9?o}451122o o'$ RES0RT R E AIJTA COMMIT SCHEDUI,E B_2 (Excepcions ) i". 7. Y, 1rl . 11. t-2. :iJT.it-,IT'i EASEMENTS 20 FEET fN WIDTH, 1O FEET ON EACH SIDE OF ALIr INTERIOR ,LOT :;:]IE AND A 15 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG AND ABUTTING ALL EXTERIOR .LOT L,iIJES AS RESERVED ON THE Pi,AT OF LTON'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING iil-l : i 13 :AcF,EEr"lEr.lr BBTWEEN TAyvEL ENVTRONMENTAL LAND coMP-a:ltY AND MOUNTATN srATEs "TEI,EF';(,1;E AND TEI,EGRAeH coMpANy RECoR-DED SEeTEMSER 2? , a973 rN BooK 231 AT ilioTE: *cAiD AGREEMENT DOES NOT GIVE A SPECIFIC LOCATION. l 'l 4 TEF.I"1S, ._.O}IDITIoNS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PIJAT N,ND DECL,qRATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS RECORDED I"I-ARCH 27, 19BO IN BOOK 3OO .qT.PAGE 758 AND RERECORDED APRIL 10, 1980 II\T BOOK 301 AT P.qGE 41.5. s:,..:s. ,:C}.IDITTONS AND PROVISTONS OF NOTTCE OF SPECIAI-, DEWLOPMENT DISTRICT F,!lCOP,rJEr,, Decenrber '07, 1993 fI'I BOOK 626 AT pAGE 881.15. .L'f1.\J ra : I s?Es4512zr O*a FrEstrRT R E ALTA COMMITMENT | :ss ea<JCN 31 '9? 16:58 our Order H V25594o-2 IF LAND TITLE UNDER SCHEDUI,E B-2 WILL NOT YET ..FD'T.TFTEr)TO TI{E of Schedule B-2 / af rrr,rrr- rrra'rri r^'rr<{ \-,rL Y ver lo. '1 1 ,,easrt.tnurs, P.EIERVATIoNS AND RESTRIcTloNs As sHowN oR RBSERVED oN THE liffi#;rvii:rtr praC REC6RDED April 14, 1994 lN BooK 637 AT PAGE 538' .:\.5TI':.CC }\TD i]-]'TT,TTY EASEMENT 35 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE E;"!;;"#: NiONENTY, UTILTTY EASEI,IENT 15 FEET IN WIDTII ALONG THE NORTHERLY Ii"-ii*i-iI SUEJSCT PROPERTY, AND APPROXIMATE DEBRIS FLQW HAZARD BOIJNDARY AFFECTII.J,; SJSJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE PI'AT RECORDED APRIL 14' 1994 IN EO(-j'r.: 531 ;.: PAGE 538. lrgs ;erecT oF TIMBER RETAININS wAIrIr, R9CK pALL DRIyESAY {UNDER ,.CON;'TRUCTIC}II , AS SIIOI4N ON THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CBRTIFICATE PREPARED BY ,iil,irsl-r'iotn'rrAri'l ENGTNEERTNG, LTD. . PRoJEcr No' 96-0495s' ,rTeNls 1-,. I AND L9.E IgE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS. WILI-' BE DELETBD FB'QM THE OWNERS i:6FJ=Tiv-ii-;:.; r.qsUgO .rv.u- !r 'uno,.' rHE A!pRovA-', 9r rgg ggrg5-4+p^ry^pgg*H S.* *HHB 'INAL L''EN ffiP"Ii-|.-!!iITq= qi @ WILL BE AM.qNDED AS }\Tr)'r- tr . l( t,, t- ,.- r l-: L) + : '"1.\|'l l\l L., IE !.' i\-j:! l9Y' ;.*1-i:r I f', L,*-: _' :_ :, :-- :! s EliE;l oocrnasNTS .qCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) STANDARD B-2 T-\ n 'nF tu . ', rrEr,r i.io. .-: cF THE sTANDARD ExcEPT=19!i=s E-PE1EII9-FS 3q ANY irrE$ts oF Frl:ruRE . L I E ois -m*FJsgED= -1'T--rHg RE QUE sT o F I{ABQlp L. EF.3cr:s . -'R . Atip BARffiA- RUrH-BROb?si -9J,D=-SEPllPLrg-$I+99+!^- Ir+*E : @E@-^ ffi*e^H**q=--qg #!r"*H,##"I5e#,ffi*. i oi=ffio:.@ nnougsg E-Taltc. r r' . eLRcF-nrqs r srBn apsl Mr cllAEL 1F. gul.Gai.:::ISTaR. EXCEPTToNS wlLL BE DELETID REQUIREQ {JNDER SCHEDULE B-1. i ':'? I'l PRoOF OP PAYI-'IENT OF ALL T44ES, ITEM Z .qND $FM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: r.ror gEI nus q pqrupfu al.tn essEsffixrs OFPlCE . ijO . E LNdDER SCHEDULE I.IILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT W.CTER fu\D THE llClTE: _:.t=mE C Ciit rii I r-n=::a ) ;;'1,1CES .qRE PAID UP TO + 12 1q l'7 llt 1l J-r | ^' I , _ _________:__ + -__;__ _ _;---__ Ilave been mool I 1 eo L9, 2O!- 2r or delececl . PA._IE TRACTS A-1 & 4.2 PARCtrL 2 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION. FILING #2 Adjaccnt Propcrty On,ners CAROL E. DAVIS KAWESKE FAMILY PARTNERSHIP I48O BUFFEHRCREEK#IB 1360W. HOLLY DRTVE VAIL, CO 81657 BROOMFIELD, CO 8OO2O GROUSE VALLEY LLC SFIARON HARRISON IsOI BROADWAY, STE. IIOO 2980JOYCEWAY DEln/ER, CO 80202 coLDEN, CO 80401 RICI-IARD F. & ANNA M. DEMARCO LEE P. & MELODEE CURTES 10064 WOLFF STREET 5899 SFIANNON ROAD WESTMINSTE& CO 80030 HARTFORD, WI 53027 MELISSA GAY BRINKMAN LINDA L. FOSTER TITBELLEFONTE 4OBRIARCRESTPLACE PITTSBURGH.PA 15232 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80906 ROBERT A. STEPHANOFF KENDAL M. JUNTA P.O. BOX 2102 VAIL, CO 81658 TIMOTITY & KAY GRAYBILL P.O. BOX 4531 VAIL, CO 81658 DE MAISONNETIVE ASSOC. PETER M. BLAIKE 73OI DECARIE BLVD. MONTREAL, QUEBEC H4P 2G7 RONNAJ. FLAUM P.O. BOX 309 PONTE VERDA BEACH, FL32O82 9636APOG KATRINAA. MENKES JOHN R. &ALEXANDRAW MENKES 23I SARCENTFARMLANE sTowE. w os672 RONALD & CLARA MALCZEWSKI IOI42 MACGREGOR ROAD PINCKNEY. MI 48169 TOWN OFVAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT. 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 THE VALLEY CONDOMINIUM ASSOC. JOFIN AND SALLYWESTMORELAND P.O. BOX 3176 1736 STONEzuDGE DzuVE VAIL,CO 81658 SALINE,MI 48176 VALLEY RECREATION & PARKING ASSO RALPH & PATRICTA SPANG P.O, BOX 3176 1486 BUITFEHR CREEK ROAD A43 VAIL. CO 81658 VAIL, CO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the PJanning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 10, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A request to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for single- family, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located in the One Vail Place Building, 244Wall StreeVa resubdivision of Lot C, Block 5-C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mr. Jared Drescher, represented by Robert Boymer Planner: Dirk Mason A request for a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range B0 wesl ol the Sixlh Principal Meridian thence S 89"3149" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Section 9, to a point on the northerly right-of-way lence line of Inl€rslate Highway No. 70 thence along the northerly righl-of-way fence line of Inlerstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67"41'33" W 415.82 fe61;lh€nc€ S78'13'02" W 1534.29 feet, lo a point of curvature; thence 456.43 feet on a curve to the right wilh a radius of 5580.00 feel, the chord of which bears SB0'33'38'W 456.30 le€l to a poinl on the Weslerly line of said Section 9: lhence deparling the northerly right-of-way lence line of lnterslate Highway No. 70 and following the Westerly line of said Seclion I N00"iB'21"E 565.1 1 feel to the point ol beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie Hervert Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor additional GRFA to allow tor an addition to the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 758 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Tony & Terry Perry, represented by Eric Johnson Planner: Lauren Waterton a/ request for a final ptat review, located at 1502 Buffer Creek Roadilots 41 & A2, Lions Ridge ^Dbdivision 2nd Filing. Applicant: Harold & Barbara Brooks, represented by lsom and Associates Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a minor subdivision to allow lor an elevator addition to the Lodge Tower parcel, located at 200 Vail Road/Lot A, Block 5-L, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Lodge Properties, Inc., represented by Jay Peterson Dominic Mauriello ,#fr tu A request for an amendment to the development plan to allow for outdoor ski storage, located at 458 VailValley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, commonly referred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition for an expansion ol the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1998 Sunbursl Drive/Lot 19, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Nate Accardo Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Howard Koenig Planner: Tammie Williamson The applications and information about lhe proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in lhe project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Commu nity Development Department Published February 21 , 1997 in the Vail Trail. rF TOWN OFVAIL _ . | 'co)llll:\Tn DEITLOPIIE\T \^lrE \ St^/tolr'!\Q ;L+e/ {1.it: I 0l 0000.11010 cAsE r r ,*.,1 /33/ ty.gL) o o -! | D^rE l'13-'/7 RECEIPT - - .e Town of Vail , t9__ .r[ ( i?it N9 4?390 RECEryED FROM ADDRESS 1;q6 s /dOo. c,.r HOW PAID-Cash-Che.f X F il94 TeLthl (]F uFlrl- l'liscel laneous Cagh q 1- 1{,-!r 11: f,f: 5l Rec*ipt S ll5fi€'5 Ecc,-runt S t:F1 + 1lE4 liiiHng- ESRGEFj11E I :1TEFi\'5PE[: Il'{L trEtf $ I 5r Bnrc,un t- t *nde re,l ': l Egq ' EIB I tenr Paid B l gElfJB4 t f,-:'BEBI rlhan,;e l-e t r-t rrred :' gncunt Paid 1€1BO . Erff 'il ' !.:1H THFri{t< v(]l- Yaur ca=l-rier F:ERTHFI 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL offlce ol communlty developmcnt CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE FROM: DATE: eT IEI TFr-rF . TOWN OP VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/CoMMUNITY DEVEIoPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn submary. ordinance No. G states that it is unrawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, .;;;; sand, debris or materiar, including trash duarpsteri, poriable ioir.ets and workmen vehicles. upon any street, siaewailc, -"ii"y-", public l1?:" or any portion theieof. The right_"i_;t-;, all Town of Vail streets and.Ig"9= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.Thi-s ordinance will be striclly enforc3d by the iown of Vair Pubric works Department. pers6ns rouna-vi6t"Ii"i-tni= orairr.r,""w:'11 be given a 24 hour written notrce to remove said material .fn the event the person so notified does not coropty with the notice within the 24 hour_time specifi;;, th"-il;iic works Department will remove said nateiial _at trre -exp""!" "r person notified- The prowisions or thii ordinance shalr not be appri-cable to c-onstru"ti"",-ruiil.r,.r"" or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the ,itnl_"_r.y. To.review Ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town of YliJ Building Departsmenr to obtain a copy. rhank you for your cooperation on this matter. d acknowledge Proj ect (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please an ,C- @arding the need for a "PublicWay permit': NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use o{ the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 3) 4) q\ 6) x x x 7l a t 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or r u -)public propert),lo be used for staging, A IVBI446 ' parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging g'#:ff3;an requireo ov commrlnit! I Feo,"n- //<rt FA4 flrn-reA fr<-lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit/must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's oflice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158- I have read and answered s the above quegtions. 75 soulh frontsge road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlcG ot communlty deyolopmel|l BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE lf Inir penll.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approva.l ,Engineer''s (Public l,lot ks) reyiew and approvai,'a elannini'Departnent review or Health Department review, and'a review by the driiling Departrnent' the estimated time for a total review *v Lt"'ui t6ng as three weeks. l]J .:y:lS]al (.large or smail ) and ail mutti_family perm.its wi.ll nave ro rol r0w the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residential and.smal 1 projects_shourd take a resser amount of tirne. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the var.i ous above meniioned l:li.:i:lt:"with regard. to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period Every attempt will be nr4de by this departnent to expedite this perrnit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and time rrame - Da te l^16 rk sheet-wal-TuinEZ-llTo Conununi ty Oevelopment Depa r tment . tl /7{, rsom & AssoctArEs lJ l/^\ Architecture LandPlannins Projectl/anasement 23 lune 1995 Gary Murrain Town of Vail Department of Community Development I I I S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Brooks Residence, 1502 Buffer Creek Road Dear Gary: Attached is a revised Building Permit for the Brooks residence at 1502 Buffer Creek Road. There are no changes from the permit that was submitted September 7, 1994. That permit was approved but the fees were not paid by Dr. Brooks. The Fire Department and Community Development have both signed offon the permit. It would be greatly appreciated if a new permit could be issued as soon possible as Dr. Brooks would like to begin construction as soon as the permit is issued. Ifyou have any questioq please contact this office. Sincerely, -Jf /.;W Stephen R. Isom P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 ISOM & ASSOCIATES ' Town of Vail 5000 '-Direct Cost:57 o 00 . Expe 6/27 /es 6644 Lt2O9.OO Checking lSOil & ASSOCIATES 1, 209. 00 6644 6/2't /95 1, 209. 0o F,oo*, BasroenrcE - ?r*^l AE"+ Feg -i'": bn,v PLAN CHECK FEE Town of Vail 5000 Direct Cost:5700 Expe tN117 1t94 Checking PI,AN CHECK FEE 1, 2o9. oo o o TOWNOFVAIL DATE CIIECKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OT VAIL nrlMtl.' td':':-: .C6tlt .r.'itd?rt,: 0l 0000 41 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIT.ORM tsUILDING CODE $54.00 0l 0000 42415 UMFORM PLUMBING CODE $39.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0l 0000 42415 UNITORM FIR.L CODL,$36.00 0t 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $37.00 0l 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0l 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.25 01 000042412 SI-UDIES ul 00(x) 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l 00004237t PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 000041332 PLAN REVTEW RE.CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I 0l 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 000o 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ol 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0r 000041413 ADDI-]-IONAL SIGNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SO.FT.I 0r 0000 42440 VI-C ART PROJb,CT DONATION 0l 0000 4t 33 r PRE PAID DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l 0000 42371 INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDINCJ 3l 0000 451t0 TOV PAR]QNG ruND 0r 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 0l 0000 211l2 TAXABLE @4% (STATE)* 0t 0000 410t0 ftx9{BLE@4% (TOWN) 0t 000042371 BUILDINC INVESTTGAIION -__--ot-&tu- 4141r.orHER PI *l) t)/F.lnpn_lrvz /7/f/: P,$C APTLICATION T'EES 0l 000041330 250"$200.00 01 000041330 ONDITIONALUSE PERMT $200.00 0l 0000 41330 b,XI-ERIOR ALTERATION [LESS TTIAN IOO SQ.FT.I s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIORALTERATION TMORE THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 0t 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT -NEWJ $1.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND sl.un.00 0r 0000 41330 SPEC]AL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 0l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE $2s0.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $2s0.00 01 0000 41 330 Rh. ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER E C(}MMENTS: CATSH r- 1 cK.# I I l,l.OLl ReC. BY:_ FINAL CHECK LISI FOR BUTI,DING PERMIT .fOB NAME: The items listed. below musl be completed before a permit sha1l receive a Final-.Certificat,e of Occupancy. N tl E [] n tl [] E tt I I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAI, LANDSCAPING: PAVING,/PUBLIC WORKS: .\ 'L SOrLS REPORT:. IJ l' IMPROVEXEIET 9UBVEY (ILC) : FINAL ELECTRICAL: FINAL PI.TUMBING: FTNAI, MECHANICAL: TEMPORARY CO: ******* MISC. NOTES: Project Number: PR,l95- 0194 Address: 1502 BUFFEHR CREEK RD. Planner; Andy Occupancy: R3, M1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code iterns listed in this report listinq of all possible code reguirements sel-ected sections of the code. I'OWn Ot Vaa I 25 South Fronbaqe Road Vail, colorad.o 81657 (303 ) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based. on the l-991, Uniform Buildinq Code Name: BROOKS RESIDENCE Date: July 5, 1995 Contractor l Architect: ISOM Engineer: MCGEE Plans Examiner: CHUCK are not intended to in the 1-991 uBc. It AREA MIN.IJIGHT MIN.VENT NO. EXITS Toum of Veil OFFICE COPV FELDMANN a complete a guide to EGRES S be 2 Family room 329 2 Bedroom #2 335 2 Hal1s, closets, etc. 570 TOTAL FOR FI,OOR 7235 1 r .i ...i 42I r !rYr^rY !vvlr 1 Kitchen 284 L Master bedroom 433 1 Mas ter bath l- 8 5 1 Ha11s. closets. etc. 672 TOTAL FOR FI.,,OOR 19 9 5 B Furnace room 70 B Garage 893 B Ha11s, closets. etc. 499 TOTAL FOR FLOOR L452 BUII,DING TOTAL 3230 FOOTNOTES: 42.L0 2L.05 28.40 14.20 4J.JU ZI.bf,0.00 9.25 0.00 0.00 32.90 33.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.45 15.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 1 l_ 1 1- 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No Yes 1) EGRESS - An operable wind.ow or door that opens direclly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet bhe following. -- Sec. L204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square 4) The maxj.mum sill hei.qht is 44 inches The number of exits is based on Table 33-A A rnechanical ventilation sysEem may be used openings for ventilation. -- sec. 1205. (c) The requirement for an eqress window in the Sec. 1204. 2l 3) f eet' ( DweI 1 ings ) in in lieu of exterior basement is based on 4) ROOM DIIiIENSIONS: Habilable space shall have a ceiling heiqht of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls. bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured Eo the lowest projection. If the ceilinqt is sloping, then the minimun height is required in only l/2 of. the area. - - Sec. L207 . (a) Every dwelling uni.t shall have at leasE one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens shal1 have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) o o Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha1l not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. !207 . (c\ GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A1-I glazing in hazardous locations is required. to be of safety qlazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) Glazingr in ingress and egress doors exeept jalousies. 2) clazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels j-n swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazinq in storm d.oors. 4) Glazingr in all unframed swinginq doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot lubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and. showers. Glazing in any portion of a building l^ta1l enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazingr is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearesE exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel. oLher than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets al-1 of the followingr condibions : A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feeE, B. Exposed bott.om edge lese than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed bop edqe greater than 35 inches above the floor. D. one or more walking surfaces wihhin 35 inches horizoneally of the plane of the g'laz ing . 8) Glazingr in railings regardless of height above a walkinq surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructuraf in-fi11 panel s . see exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke d.etector is required. on the ceilinq or walL at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke d.etector is required on the ceiling or wa1l in each sleeping area. -- sec. 121-0, (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4- ff the upper 1eve1 contains sleeping room(s) , a smoke detector is required. in the ceiling of the upper level close to the sLairway. -- Sec. 12 10. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired t.o the building's power source and shal1 be equipped with a baltery backup. -- sec. 1210.(a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in alt sleeping area of the dwellingr in whj.ch Ehey are located. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIRE}IENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wa1ls of firebox are to be 10 inches bhick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace' smoke chamber. and. chimney walls is 2 inches. Conbustible material may not be placed within 5 inches of fireplace openj-nq and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. - - Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth rnust be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible rnaterial , The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension L,ess than 5 sq.ft. 15 inches 8 inches 5 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- sec. 3707. (k) & (t) 5) Chimney height muse be per Table 37-B FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) UniL must be an approved unib. -- sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval .-- sec. 3705. (a) e (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacburerrs approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the resid.ence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garag'e sid.e only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closinq 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc, *3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling muat be at least 35 inches ltide. -- sec. 3305' (b) The maximum rise of a sLep is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a slairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosinq if Lhere is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305.(i) Provide a guard rail- rrrhere drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heiqht = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches' -- sec. 171-2. (a) exc. #1- The minimurn headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3305.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required co be protecced as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306.(1) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES: 1) Chules and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may l-ined on the inside with not less than 25 gaqe galvanizeit aheet, metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood. door 1 3,/8 inches Ehick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1705. (f) 2) cas vents and noneombustible piping install-ed in wal-Is passing through 3 floors or less do not need bo be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors naed not be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 1705. (c) 4) All- other shafts are reguired to be encloseal in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1) Provide an access Eo aLl attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There muet be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all atEic areas. The net free vent area is !o be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 7/300 if aL least 50t of the reguired ventiLating area is provided by ventil-ators l-ocaEed in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at leasE 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) ADDITIONAI., REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project rilI require a site improveuent survey. Such eurvey rha1l be tubmitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces wibhin the Town Of Vail are linited to a earth to strucbural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBc 251-5(C)5 with minirnum access as per uBc 2515(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building sile wibh a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an eng'ineer design. Such desig'n sha11 address drainage, soil reLainaqe and strucEural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shal1 not be permiLted withouL prior approval . Ad.dress numbers shal- l- be posEed plainly visibl-e and leqibl-e from the s treet . For M1 occupancy Slope qrarage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connecled to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle valley Water & sanitation Districb. In qarages with tiving area above. the walls of the garage wiich are bearing ttre area above sha1l be protected with one hour fire reeistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . Toum of Vrfl I)FFICE COPV 'r'own o! va11 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1991- Uniform Building Code NAME: BROOKS RESIDENCE Dat,e: JULY 5, 1995 Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of ConsL: V-N AddrESS: 1502 BUFFEHR CREEK Contractor:Architect: S. ISOM Engineer: MCGEE Plans ExAMiNET: CHUCK FELDMANN ==================================================:----- A1 1 electrical work j-s to be complete to the requirements of the latest National Electrical Code' all Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. This project will require a siEe improvement survey. This survey sha11 be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspect.ion be done wit.hout an approved site improvement survey. ExLerior surfaces wit.h stucco shal1 be provi-ded with exterior metal lath as per uBc 4706 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. A11 new construction wiEhin Lhe Town of vail will be required to hawe a Public way permit plus an initial inspecLion by the T.O.v. Public works DepartmenL Lo approve site drainage and culvert installation prior to any Building Dept. inspecLions. This project is restricted from Lhe burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless Lhe lot is a resEricted 1ot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas apptiances are permitted per unit a1Iowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures sha11 be one hr. protecLed. rn bat.hrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated wiLh a recj-rculating fan. UBc 1-205(c) ' o o J 'l Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha11 be installed as per IJMC 1104 and L903. Flexible duct connectors may noL exceed 6 | in length and shall not be concealed within construction. DucLs shall Lerminate outside the building and noL exceed 14' 1-engLh. 8 No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connecEed to a drainage syst,em without t,he use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fit.ting. uPc 508. 9 Cross connection conLrol devices sha11 be installed to proLect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. 10 Plurnbing fixtures with nechanical apparaEus shalI be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UPC 904. 11 Domestic ranges shal1 have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less tshan 30" to unprotected combustible naterial . UMC 1901. !2 FacLory-buil"t chimneys for fireplaces shal1 EerminaLe a minimum of 2' above any point \dithin L0' horizonE,al-ly away. UMC 912. 13 A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shalt be protecLed by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1706. This involves lining the inside of such chase wiEh 5/8" TlEe x sheetrock and fire-Laping joints. L4 Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing' instructions, any damper sha11 be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. {n4C 803. 15 Gas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per listing installation instructions - with a "8" venL on1y. Conlcustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of vail. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of systen, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installat,ion. 15 L7 L8 19 Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and strower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. A1so, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per f1ush. A handrail is required along a stairway. rL is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosingr of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in Lhe railing at the sLairway is 4 inches and a proper cross-sectional dimension. - Sec. 3305. (i) & L7L2. At eaves and valleys an adequate underlalzmenE sha11 be provided to prot.ecu a sLructure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt. solid mopped Lo sheathing and between layers or a conrmercial waLer & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . Because of this projecb's location, the foundation is reguired to be dampproofed to prevent damage Lo areas below finished grade. uBc 1707(d). The strucbure is required to be anchored to Lhe foundaEaion wiuh t/2 inc}:^ anchor bo1ts. The bolEs must be into bhe concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximurn of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. - - sec. 2907 . (fl rnclude a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- sec. 2905. 20 2L 22 o^ Koechlein Consulting Etlgineers Consulting Geotech nical-Engi-eers 1233tw.Aameda Ph^/y. Suite 130. Mr. Steve Isom Isom and Associates P. O. Box 9 Eagle, Co 816 31 Subj ect :Brooks Residences Tracbs A-1 & A-2 Lions Ridge Subdivision, Fi].inq 2 Vail, Colorado Job No. 94- 190 As requested r reviea'ed the dravings for the proposed project. The purpose of this letter is to present my conclusions from a geotechnical point of view for construction of the residences. Tvo residences are planned for the site. consbruction vill also include a driveway and boulder ual1s. The sl"ope of the ground surface in the area of the residences is about 50 percent. The boulder rra1ls are planned for providing 1eveI areas for the driveway and along the sides of the residences. I revieved the site plan and sections. The prans and seclions indicated that the excavation for construction of the residences could be as much as 30 feet and the boulder walls could be 4 feet in heiqht, rn my opinion, it is possible t,o consbruct the buildings as proposed on this site- However' due to the steep slope of the ground surface, excavation of soils and rock and construction of varls must be perforned carefulry. The najority of the rrarls are boulder varls and not designed as retaining walls.Localized site conditions vi11 influence the height and need for retaining valls- Where soils need to be retained, geogrid reinforcement of the soils uould need to be installed. The excavation of soil and rock at this site requires that oSHA regulations be foll-orred. Allol'ance for excavation Limits tha! satisfy osHA should be cons idered . w228 ). t.'t I t. rt (303) 989-1223 Fax (303) 989-0204 Septenber 16, 1994 Site drainage should of the review is to cond it.ions and reduce The excavations and representative of our Town of Veil TOV JU!. i 4--:l f!',i,.,,,t,'-'ji;i,.. " be revieved during and after construction. The purpose confirm that drainage conforms to the actual siLe flov of vater adj acent to rda11s. construction of boulder walls should be observed by a office. The purpose of the observations is to assist t{r. steve Isolll Septenber 16, 1994 Page 2 in construction. confirn provide reconmendations. o f appleciate the opportunity to provide this service. service, please contact ne. Sincerely, XOECHLEIN CONS{ILTING ENGINEERS ff f can be of further nlU,-"*t/. K*^tx; willian H. Noechelin, P. E. Pres ident ilHK,/hk (3 copies sent ) O the subsurface cond i ti ons are as anticipated and o KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATEHIALS ENGINEERS SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCES CROSSVIEhI AT VAIL TRACTS A-1 AND A-2 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO <tu- ' Prepared for: Mr. Steve Gensler Crossview Propert.ies Ltd. 5299 WC Boulevard, Suite 500 Engler.,ood, C0 80111 &;r)t# Job No. 93-60 1?354 W€ST ALAMEOA pAnKW y. LAK€WO@. CO 80228 (3031989.1223 June 21, 1993 J I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE SU}OIARY OF CONCLUSIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDIT]ONS INVESTIGATION SUBSIJRFACE CONDITIONS SITE GRADING FOIJNDATION BEL0l.l GRADE CONSTRUCTION RETAINING AND FOUNDATION WALLS FLOOR SLABS CONCRETE SURFACE DRAINAGE LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS GRADATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL I I 2 J J 4 4 5 6 R 10 10 11 11 Fig. L Fig, 2 Fig. 3 Figs. 4 and 5 Fig. 6 Fi.g. 7 i't. I I I I I I I I I I SCOPE This report, presents the result.s of a soils and foundation investi- gation for two proposed residences Eo. be located in Crossview At Vai1, Tracts A-1 and A-2 of Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 in the Town of Vail , Colorado. A description of subsurface conditions.found in expJ-oratory borings, recommendations for foundation construct,ion, criteria for design of foundations, and our recommendations for beLow grade construction are presented in t.his repor!. The report, was pre- pared based on conditions found in the exploratory borings, results of laboratory tests, and our experience with simiLar subsurface conditions in the Vail area. The recommended foundaLion construction procedure is influenced by the proposed type of structures and anticipated foundation loads. Prior to construction we should review the construction plans for the strucLures to confirm lhat our reconmendations are satisfactory for the residences as designed. A summary of our conclusions and recom- mendations is presenied in the f ollow-ing ' paragraphs.I I I I l I l I ST'MMARY 1. OF CONCLUSIONS Subsurface conditions found in the borings consisted of 2 to 3 feet of topsoil underlai-n by sands and clays to depL.hs of 7 to 17 feet underlain by sandstone bedrock which extended to Lhe maximum depth explored of 40 feet. No free ground water was found in the borings at the time of drilling. However, ground water is al"ways possibl-e in local- ized zones at shallower depths especially at the surface of the bedrock. 2. C 3. The residences may be constructed with a spread footing founda- tion systen. 4. Bel-ow grade construction at this site requires speciaL precau- tions as outlined in this reporE in order to maintain the stability of the slope and sides of excavation. In addition' the potential for encroachment on adjacent proPerty during con- struction needs to be consi.dered. Actual slope conditions wilL noL be known until the excavations are opened. A representa- tive of our office must be on-sit.e to observe the opening of the. excavations. 5. Retaining wa1Ls rnay f il-1 areas as ve1l as 6. Slab-on-grade construction is possible on this site with low risk of slab movement.- 7. Good surface drainage should be maintained at all times to reduce the risk of foundation soil-s becoming wetted. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION At rhe time of this prelininary in nature. We incl-uding the basement and be designed and constructed for cut and foundation wa11s. investigation plans for the residences were understand the residences vi1l be 3 slories the garage which vill be at the lower leve1. The structures are anticipated to be of wood frane construction above grade and casE-in-p1ace concret.e construction beLow grade. Below grade construction is p1-anned for the basement areas. The maximum vertical depth of excavation is planned to be as much as 26 feet below grade. Foundation wa11s may retain up to 26 feet of soil on the uphi11 side if the strucLures are not stepped to fit the slope. Rock retaining wal1s are planned along the uphill side of the driveway and between the struc- tures. These valls may be up to 8 feet in height. o o -3- SITE CONDITIONS The site slopes at about 2 to I (horizonral to vertical) downward in a south-southeast direction. There are. small rectangular excavations along the easE side of the property. The access driveway will cross this area. An existing drainage channel crosses the area of the excava- tions. as well. At the time of our investigation the .siCe !*a s covered with grasses, bushes and numerous trees vhich Limited our access for drilling. OveralL drainage of the site is in a south-southeast direc- tion. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were explored by drilling 2 borings at the Locations shown on Fig. 2. The borings \,,ere drilled on June 9, 1993 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight Power auger mounted on a tracked rig. A field engineer was on the site to supervise the drill- ing, 1og the borings, visuall-y classify the subsurface naterials, and obt.ain sarnples for' laboiatory testing.' A description of the subsurface mat.erials observed in the borings, penetraEion resistance values, and a summary of laboralory test results are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 3. The laboratory investigation included visual- classifi-cation of all- samples and testing of selected samples for moisture content, density' and gradation. Results of the laboratory tests are presented on Fig. 3, Logs of Exploratory Borings and Gradation Test Results, Figs. 4 and 5. t t' t I -4- SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions consisted of 2 to 3 feet of topsoil underl-ain by clays and sands to depths of 7 to 17 feet. Sandstone bedrock was then encountered which extended to the maximum depth explored of 40 feet. No free ground water was found in the borings at the time of our investigation. However, ground water is always possible in localized zones at shallor'rer depths and especially at the bedrock surface. SITE GRADING Cut and fil-l will be required for construclion of the driveway, basement, and garage areas. Some diffi.culty rnay be encountered vhen excavating the harder sandstone bedrock. i'le anticipate heavy backhoe equipment would be required and possibly blasting in the bedrock to accomplish the excavation. The fill may be constructed from the on-site soil-s excavated frorn the cuts. No gravel or cobble larger than 6 inches or topsoil- shoul-d be used in any fill area. Prior to placing fi11, the area shoul-d be 6tripped of all vegetaEion and topsoil' scarified, and cornpacted. The driveway will cross a drainage area and an excavated area which periodically holds waLer. These areas will require extra care tb see that all sofc wet soils are removed to expose firm soiLs prior to placing any fiLl for the roadway. Fi11 should be placed in thin loose lifcs and comoacted to at least 90 percent of the modified I I I I I I l I I I l I Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-f557) or 95 percent of the standard I I I Proctor maximum dry density (ASTU D-698). the placement and conpaction of fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. FOIJNDATION The subsurface soils at this site consisted of topsoil over sandy clay and clayey sand soils underlain by bedrock. The topsoil .is not suitable for support of foundations but the remaining soils and bedrock vil1 safely support spread footing foundation systems. Footings rnust be extended at least 3 feet into natural soils in these areas. Footings supported by the undisturbed sandstone may be designed for a much higher maximurn a11ovable bearing pressure. lle recommend a spread footing foun- dation system be designed and constructed in accordance with the folLow- ing criteria: Footings should be supported by undisturbed natural soils beneath 'the topsoil and at leasc 3 feet below original sit'e grades at aL1 points. Soils loosened by machi-ne excavation should be cleaned from the excavation prior to placing concrete for the footings. WaIl and column footings should be designed using a maximurn allowabLe soil bearing pressure of 3.000 psf for footings on sand or clay soi1s. -Footings support6it-Bl-Tri'dTEturbed 'sand- stone bedrock nay be designed for a maximum allowab1e bearing pressure of 8,000 psf. Dimensions for column footings Should bi at least 24 by inches and for continuous wa11 footings should be at least inches wide. The footing vidths may be greater depending the loads of the structure. 4. Continuous foundation va1ls should be reinforced, top and bott.om, to span local anomalies in the soil. l I I I I I I I l l I l t I t 1. .| 24 lo on t -6- Tf pockets of soft soils are found in the bottom of the excava- tions, the soft soils should be excavated to expose firm soi1s. The boLtom of the foundations rnay be constructed on the firm soils or the resulti.ng excavation may be backfilLed with com- pacted soil or lean concrete. Any soils placed as backfill should be pLaced 1n thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 98 percent of the standard Proctor maxi- rnum dry density (AS"M D-698). It may be desirable to place some footings on compacted fill to reduce foundation wall heights. Any area to receive fill should be stripped of all topsoil, The area shouLd then be scarified, moisture treated and compacted. Fil1 should then be placed in thin Loose lifts, noisture conditioned and conpacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor naximum dry density (ASTI'{ D-698). Exterior footings of walls should be protected from detri-rnental frost action. The normal depth of frost protection in this area is at least 4 feet beneath the ground.surface. 8. A representative of our office should observe the bottom of the cornpleted excavations prior to constructing footings. A11 fill p1-acement should be observed and tested durl-ng pJ-acernent by a representative of our office. BELOI.I GRADE CONSTRUCTION Excavations of uD to 26 feet in the vertical- direction beneath the existing grbund surface are planned for construction of the basement areas. The buildings and most of the driveway will be r.r-ithin the cut area which covers the majority of the allowed buil-ding envelope. Slope failures of open excavaLions can occur if the excavation for the base- nent remains open for extended time without construction progressing to brace the exiavation slopes or if the excavation slopes are not properly laid back. Great care needs to be exerclsed during construcLion so that the slope remains stable. 6. 7. l!.f,:','' ..;};:: 1 l:i,' I l I I I I o I I -7- We recomrnend if at all possible that the depths of excavations be minirnized. The slope of the ground surface on this siEe is about 2 to I (horizontal to vertical). This steep natural- slope greatly influences the size of an excavation. rn addition, the depth of the excavation and the subsurface maE,erials affect the distance the cut slope has to extend up the mountain to daylight. Cut slopes of I to 1or I.5 to l rnust be used in the soils and verticar cuts can be used in the bedrock. Based on the borings a greater depth of soil occurs on Tract. A-l , therefore, we anticipate a bigger excavation vouLd probabJ.y occur on Tract A:1. The l-ocation and elevation of the buildings should be evaluated so that constraints of the.exiavation are knova before construction begins and so that the excavation does not encroach onto adjacent property. .Actual slope conditions will- not be known until the excavations are opened. A representative of our office must be on-site when the excavation begins. The location of the sandstone bedrock wilr determine lhe size and back sloping of the open excavation. During construction, we recom- - mend .that , al1 of the following precautions be taken to ieduce the risk . of slope failure: 1. Excavate only materials necessary to construct the watls. 2. Construct the wa1ls with rnethods and. techniques that reduce construction time. 3. Excavations in the soils for garage or basement areas should be sloped at I to 1 (horizontal to vert.ical) or flatter to main-tain stabil-ity of the slopes. The soils c1-assify as Type B in accordance with OSHA regulations. If water occurs in the cut slope at any point, the slopes should be excavated to 1.5 to 1 l l I I I l I I I p 't 4"E!. - - r I.+:-.r:t.'|'::I ::j.jr, t I I -8- or flatter to satisfy OSHA criteria for Type C soi1s. Vert.ical cuts may be made in the sandstone bedrock. Excavation should be performed after peak runoff periods which is after approximately July 15. If seepage of wacer from the side of the excavation is observed, it should be reported immediatel.y to our office so that r+e can recomnend methods for safel_y controlling the flow of water and maintaining stability of the s1ope. We should review the proposed excavat.ion plan prior to beginning construclion. RETAINING AND FOUNDATION IHLLS Basement and reLaining wal-l-s vilL be const.ructed which will require lateral design pressures. l'Ie understand the foundation wal1s may retain up to 26 feet of a sloped backfilL. The existing slope is 2 to 1 (hori- zontal to vertical). Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfilL, natural ground surface slope behind the wa11, and the height and type of wall. where walls are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfiLl, the va11s should be designed to resist the "aitive" earth pressure condiEions. where wa11s are restrained, which normally occurs in a basement wa1l, the walls should be designed to resist the earth pressure t'at rest" condition. Based on avairable information we recommend for design an equivalent fluid. weight of 60 pcf be used for the rractive'r earth pressure and an equivalent fluid weight of 75 pcf be used for the rtat rest' earth pressure in soil- A uniform lateral pressure of I50 psf may be used for the portion of wa11s in bedrock. Lower lateral soil pressure values may be possible 4. 5. 6. o I I -9- depending upon our review of final dravings. The equival.ent fluid weights include allowance for the sloping conditions behind the walls but do not . incLude allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. A passive equivalent fluid weight of 3OO pcf can be. used to resist the wal1 loads where the soi-ls will always remain in place at the toe of the wa11. A coefficient of friction of 0.5 can also be used at the bottom of the footing to resist the wa1l l_oads. BackfilL behind or adjacent to walls shouLd be compacted to at least 95 percent. of the standard Proctor maximun dry density (ASI}1 D- 698). The backfill shoul-d be placed in thin loose 1ifts at or above the optimum noisture content. Placement and cornpaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retaining walJ-s, we reconmend the provision of a J-ayer of clean gravel or a manufactured drainage system inrmediately adjacent to the back of the wa11. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and 'hdve a maximun of 3 percent passing the' No. 200 sieve. lttashed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage 1ayer. The gravel- drain fill or nanufactured drainage system should extend from the bottom of the wall to within 2. feet of. subgrade elevation.. The water can be drained from the gravel or manufactured drain by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottorn of the wa1l l_eading to a posiLive gravity outlet. Typical details for wall drains are presented on Figs. 6 and 7. I I I I I I I I I N l I I I I I I l I N I I I I I I *IO- FLOOR SLABS The near surface soils at proposed floor slab elevations can con- sist of topsoil, filI, or natural soils. The natural soils will safely support floor s1abs. ff topsoil or l-oose fill frorn excavation cuttings occurs at proposed floor sl-ab elevations, it should be overexcavated to expose the underlying natural soirs and t.hbn backfilled with compacted on-site soils. We reconmend the soils be placed in thin loose Iifts, moisture conditioned, and compacted to at teast 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698). tle also reconmend a 4-inch layer of free draining gravel be placed beneath the.floor slabs to provide a moisture break betr,reeD the clay soils and the concrete slab. CONCRETE The soils and bedrock found at this area typically contain soluble sulfates. sulfates can cause damage to concrete members constructed v.ith ordinary cement that come into contact with the soi1. Type V cement is norrnally recommended for high sulfate areas. However, a suit- able alternatj,ve for Type V cenent is a t'modified" Type II cement. The "modifiedt' Type rr cement contains less than 5 percent. tricalciurn .alu- minate. Use of a cement, rich nixture (maximum of 0.5 water/cement ratio) and 5 to 7 percent air entrainment further increases the sulfaEe resistance. This cement should be used for all concret.e members (sLabs, o l'. -: tut' I .: I 'I I I I I I I I I -11- piers, . foundation walls, curb and gutter, and sidewalks) that come in contacc with the soil or bedrock. SURFACE DRAINAGE The risk of wetting foundation soils and soils behind the founda- tion waLls can be reduced by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. we recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and rnaintained at all times after the structures are com- pleted: Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavation should be avoided as rnuch as possible during construction. A1l- surface water should be directed away from the top and the sides of the excavation during construction. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the residences should be sloped to drain away from the residences in all directions. Water fLowing dowrr the sl-ope tor,rard the structures. shoul_d be drained around the buildings and away from the foundation r,ralls and ,the cut sl.ope area uphi.ll- from the residences. Backfill around the foundation rsaLls should be moistened and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard proctor maximum dry density (AST1',1 D-698). LIMITATIONS our borings were spaced to obtain a reasonabLy accurate determina- tion of foundation conditions beneath the sites. Variations in subsur- face conditions not indicated by the borings are alrvays possi.bl-e. l'Ie shourd review the proposed excavation and st.ructural plans and observe 1. .) 4. I l I I I I I I I I I I I l l, I l I t o -12- lhe completed excavat.ion to confirm that the soil-s are as indicated by the borings. Placement and compaction of fill should be observed and tested. The reconmendations and design criteria presented in this report are based on the structure as we have anticj-pat.ed its design and on the subsurface conditions as observed at this time, therefore, the cri-teria presented in this report are not. valid until we have been pro- vided vith final construction plans and been allowed to evaLuate the slope conditions. If we can be of further report, or in analyses of foundation viewpoint, please KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS Re vi ewed t y_g5-\!r,^-.,-A VJilliam H. Koechlein, tllNH/ek (1 copy.sent) 4cc: J.R. Hodges Architects,lcc: Andy Knutsen - Town of service in discussing the contents of this t.he proposed structure from the soils and CA II. rnc . Vail Comnunity Development ,4. 1 Houlett.e', :{{'. rEo@ =i W,m.S t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I /c,$" $((e* Y lll ut ,cc lo \ _d.-t -$l I ll' r tl,\2 \o u ttl {T fl TO SCALE NOT FIG. 1 VICINITY MAP JOB NO. g3-60 ;J..,.; I i, -'z o 2 6 0 o =tr o (D tr o F x ul lJ-o z I F o o J t-g, 4l lr 2 tr z llJl : r|,F 7 3 F \-l- t, 2 I|U \ ;l \ ou '\ -o ,i\ ;a ,tr\ i;'...:\ ;!,t \ \ \ \ F F o o o ta'd -,rD! EffiNE-=--.- 133J Nl Hrd:lO rtttlrr o60 u5 g2 qq 99 66 4 trt rl.'{E e b4cE i iT E i r;;x)--i iB[8,.s6'ce ffl;.:..|!ItEtt iEerE 4 90 9a di":lr!d fi e' -8 ul h " 61 5l a>C l. Oe Oe 3 3 I 99 gE i H I qF so e r . EJ i6 dok'{'? - ! .'r I -q . i . So <o b A t _i ".: $e a T F A" i.fi c.. 4^i66e.:4.:i f, x- ri 1t - o e J Fg .;o8 g; A HI HE u E " Ea E;,r : $ <' 6tr 6F Xrl-t{X Z i- H Eq 7s F O U A 5l AI o (9 =tr o o l-- (L x uJ lJ- ct) J z B F;D2 9!.E 9r.t{.;* lro O 9 9! e a;;;flgss u.9 .9 .9 Pttt xr | | i983 I' ^. bi I Fr 2 .r,; *i " -F t fi:I td E '.: a t ar llr '!gP:EE o}{ 6 !rD Fg: e:'Fts Q p.i dl!a! >rtn a E !'i ! O't .Bi h 5.c Es s qH 8.; g HE i; F6 Z E;j ur F'oi ci z ul o (ll 4/.1 ll >.,, 1P -\/.AP > j',AP !IEX :XdE F!EX : stET 3 lF IF 13tJ Nl HLd30 t Somple of KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEEBS GRAVEL 16 % sruacuav 40 z Pt ArSTtCttY INDEX From GRAVEL ? -% SLT&CIAY 7l % PLASTCrY INDEX 9qx9 44 % uourDLrMtr_% gq19 ?? % UQUID LIMII -% Sompleof CIAY. sandy From Borinq TTI-2 at 4 feet 'l- ':I .00t ctAY (PrASrc) rO SrLr (NON.PLAS]|CI ve 4 c[€An souAr€ oP€NNGs r0 n {0 50 .0r9 .037 ,o7a .t{9 291 .5@ 0.n2 OIAM€T€R OF PA'II|CLI IN cl^Y lPr,d9]lc) rO S[r INON.PLA9I|c] GRADATION TEST RESULTS KOECHLEIN CONSULTTNG ENGINEERS ,of *i *r '.r OL .00r t.t9 2.0 2.3E r.16 I .cr.AY lPwrc) tO S[r lNO.{.PrASrC' I I l I I I I I I I I Sompleof CIAY, sandy 6ro.n Boring TfI-2 Somple of CT.AY. sandy From Boring TH-2 at 14 feet GRAVEL 8 % SILT&CLAY 72 % PIASTICITY INOEX GRAVEL 2 % SILT&CIAY 76 % PLASTCIW INDEX gqNp 20 -e6 UOUID UMT -% S,{NO ? ? % UOUD LIMIT -% 0rO .oof .os2 .@s .oo9 .ori .o37 .o74 .19 -2sl .soo o.a2 orAMlrta ot PAfl|c1€ rN Mu.tMErEf6 CLAY lPlasr|cl ro sru (NoN.pr^sr|c) JOB NO. S3-60 GRADATION TEST RESULTS l'. ': I I ' I I CLAYEY BACKFILL 12'MtN, GRAVEL B ELOW GBADE WALL GRAVEL MANUFACTURED DRATN (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFTLL REGOMMENDATIONS) 4INCH OIAMETER PBOVIDE PLASTIC SHEETING GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL TO REDUCE MOISTURE PENETRATION.. PERFORATED PIPE.MIN.. NOTES: 1. INSTALL EITHER: A. APPROVED MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM AND GRAVEL COVERED PIPE OR ., B. GRAVEL WITH PTPE 2. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 6INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTTNG AT THE HIGHEST POINT ANO SLOPE OOWNWARO TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR 7O A SUMP WHEFE WATER CAN AE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH ANO 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED .t 1/z tNCH TO NO. 4 cRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3J6 PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE. FIG. 6 COMPACTED BACKFILL z = @ JOB NO.83-60 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL BACKFILL 10'1'r---=-: CO MPACTED BACKFILL (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL REC O MMENDATIONS) WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3 PERCENT PASSING THE NO.2OO SIEVE. NOTE: INSTALL EITHER 1. APPROVED MANUFACTURED AND PIPE. OB GRAVEL WITH PIPE OR WEEP HOLES WITH GRAV€L 'l 2" M tN.. MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM PROVIDE GALVANIZED SCFEEN WEEP. HOLES-PROVIDED AT 10. CENTEH TO CENTEF 4INCH DlAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE. THE DRAIN LINE SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PEB FOOT OF DRAIN AND LEAD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET. DRAIN SYSTEM 2. 3. FIG.7 9. 93-60 TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL I o Geologlc Hazard Revlew (Date) 4D 5D lJ (7zutS z8 Ndt- Ll4&ti/us The undersigned has/have read the'- Hazard Report, dated lAffe understand from_the cqpglusions that fie proposed building is located in a biais f, ',, a ?.afrrk^rd zone, anc tirerb is tre potenlid hazard ot\ffi4s I pacx- 1 prepared by reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to actept these facls and usape (Name, Orner) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The {oregoing instrutnent was acknowledged before me this _ day of 19_, by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 1g_, by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: ) ) ss. t ) ) ss. ) ? (Legal Descrlptlon) (Name, Owner) cvoarDs\hczard Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULIING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, coloRADO 81652 (303) 876,s400 (24 HOURS) Aurcrugt 19. Lqg4 $t erve I som I*f'1 an.' Inc. F'.0. Box I Eaq1e, f;O, RE: Frootrs BT6:J1 Regi dence:s Dear f"lr , I som I I have treen asked tr: revi ew the pl r-esi dences on Tracts A*l ancl A-? whi ch cjated S/ LB/91. .' attrl L /?,2/91;" In tfioge opinion that hararrls 455-rociated t'uith wEre mi ni maI . an$ of the two Brool{s I reported on in Letters l Rtters I expreseed mY rock'f arl l and debri:i {1ow most en:;i I y accornp I i ghed pr i or t-. o The rear" wal I cctn.f i qlurati nns" of the two utni ts as represented i n your- clr;rwi ngs will sut.f {ice as lonq as the three {eet o{ t+a} L requi red alhove { i rri shed gr.ede cloer, not- contai n uJi ndouJE r lrr h j. t:h have virtutal. 1y no s{:renqtlr. it is st j. 11 advisable to refnove those few rr:t:[lc; on tlre iow ot-ttcrop abrc;v,e these sitee tllrich could rolI clown, This :is c r:ln :;'h r r"tc t i nn " 'l h€ ri:on,jjtrLlctiorr o{ thege tr,lo t..tn:its;n i.f trr-ri 1t acccl'"cli nq to tftt* pl"ent: ancl gite ':, 1ar1 , l.li l L rrol i.rrcr'eage the? hal-rrrJ tct othr.qr pr'olJerty n e'L.r.t.rcturresi., cit- to pLtblic r j. ghts*o{ -bray " hi..ti I di, nqr:i ,, rn.lds. ::treet-r,:. e"rsi*rnents " Lrt i l. :i t i €s ol- {ac i l. :i. ti. es or othr'rr- tr-firplsrti. t"ri clt ,1r1y l': :i nd. F(emt:::mb ei' tiirat posi ti ve drai naqe around t.he rreav' r:{ ,:*ach hr"ri l.dinq i.s nece13$ary. I+ thele ar-e f utrther qLre*f-ions,1 pi[ea,gr: dm not he'gi tate tm ront,ac:t- me. Ni chnl. Cc:nr:rt..r 1 --- | - tinq hlnter-Mountain lAE.gineeringLrd OF o Town of FICE Vril COPY July 21, :-994 Mr. Steve fsom fsom & Associates P.O. Box 9 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Drainage Report Tract A-1 & A_2 Project No. g452SE Dear Steve: Encrosed please fin-d. a copy of th.e- .drainage report for Tract A-1 and A-2 , parcel A^, Li-on'= -riiagl rrrrng No. 2 , VaiI, CoJ-orado. on July 21, rgg4 we faxed you a c"py-ot th-e report wllnout Appendix A. AIso enclosed is a red lined copy of.yoy site plan. This plan shows some revised. grading "r ""ii as the drainage basin boundaries and discharge points. _ Th; arain"ge study written by rnter-Mountain rerers to this si-re pran. r ". i=;;l;; t-''"Jlt,l'wir.1 revise the :Ii::ils. sT?gilS plan ana incrua" it ,uiti trre oiainas.e reporr when tt l-s subrnitted to the Town of VaiI. The site pran was revised so that the site grading does not exceed l^.?:^1"."_",nt, (2:1) slope. a diainage swale was added behind the nouses. rt is most desirable to have the sware ten horizonar feet from the back v/a1r rut aue- to In" site conditions this is not possible without the addition-Lr-a retaining war-r-. As stated in report' a welr- de.signed perimeter drained- =rroura be installed around the foundation wal1 to help alreviate tni=-prorr.m. rf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to conract me. S incerely, fnter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd ml-m EncLosure lll.U"fiYl/I,ff--- Martha L. Miller, pE Proj ect Engineer Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 1420 Vance Street r Lakewood. 81620. 549-5072 Colorado 80215 . Denver 893-1531 Phone: 232-0158 I DRAINAGE REPORT FOR rRACT A-1 AND A-2 PARCEI., A, LIONIS RIDGE FILING NO. 2 TOWN OF VAIL EAGI.,E COUNTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR! ISOM & ASSOCIATES P.O. AOX 9 EAGIJE, COIORADO 81631 PROJECT NO. 945258 JVLY L994 Introcluction This report evaluates the drainage conditj.ons of Tracts A-1 and A-2, Parcel A, Lionts Ridge riling No. 2, Vail. Colorado. Both the existing and developed conditions were studied. The sites are located on the eastern section of Parcel A, north of Buffer Creek Road and south of the white River National Forest. See Figure 1. The area of Tract A-1 and A-2 are 0.485 and 0.375, respectively. Existinq conditions Tracts A-1 and A-2 are currently undeveloped. Vegetation of the site consists of native girasses and woods. The slope of the site is approximately 50 percent from the north to the south/southeast. The site is located at the botton of the drainage basin located between Buffehr and Red Sandstone Creeks. Approxirnately one hundred and thirty-three (l-33) acres are tributary to the site. See Figure 2. Runoff from the site and it, 1s tributary area flows to a swale along the north side of Buffer Creek Road. A hi.qh point that divides the runoff exists south of Tract A-2 on Buffer Creek Road. Tributary Runoff As previously stated, approxirnately 133 acres are tributary to Tracts A-l- and A-2. The cover type of the tributary area is classified as woods and herbaceous. The hydrologic soil group of the tributary area is defined by the SoiI Conservation Service (SCS) and White River National Forest as primarily ,B' with small percentage rCr soiLs. Using the graphical rnethod of the SCS Technical Release 55 (TR-55) program the anticj-pated peak discharge from the tributary basin was caLculated. In addition to calculating the peak discharge from runoff, the anticipated peak discharge fron snowmelt was also computed using the coeffi-cients found in the Town of Vail Subdivision regulations. See Appendix A for the rainfall and snowmelt runoff cal-culations.The cornputed peak discharges frorn runoff and snowmelt are as follows: o P,O.80X 978 ogto N0TtlN6rt x Roao AVON. COLO, 81620 (3031 94$-507e lNlnter-Mountain ll*gineeringLrd. SUITE 1OT t42o vAr.rcE STnEET LAKEhOOO. COLO. 802!5 (303) 232-01s8 Oltr ,/ By: 7 /19 /94 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION ,## V'ICIN ITY MAP SCALE: l" z IAOO' o o o hlnter-Mountain /lAE.gineeringLtd. P,0.80x 978 O91O NOTTINGHAH FOAO AVoN. COLO. 81820 (303) 949-s072 SUITE IO1 1420 VAITE STFEET LAKEHOOO. CoLO. A0215 (303) 232-0158 P|.orect No. 94525E ort! ./ By: 7 /19 /94 Sheet No. 2 FIGURE 2 TRIBUTARY BASIN I I ll JUNC tU S. 2.., 2 Mt. SCALE 124004 a rt@ o :3c! 2rai :)ao ..f:a 50c0 6iac )coo rSir - : 5 C : Kr::f4:iaF CON]CUP lNTERVAL 4'O FEET NATIOI.iAL GECO€TIC V:RiICAL DATUM OF ]929 Tabl.e 1 Tributary Basin Peak Discharge Freguency (years)RainfaII (cfs)Snonmelt (cfs) t0 t-. 5 8.6 25 3.4 8.9 50 6.4 OA t_00 9.3 l-0. 6 The 25-year snowmelt peak discharge will be used for design purposes. See Appendix A for the worksheets and calculations. The runoff from the tributary basin will frow south through rract A-2 approximately 40 feet east, of the proposed house locaiion. A eighteen (18) inch culvert at a three 1J1 percent slope will be placed beneath the driveway to pass the discharge. The capacity of this pipe is 9.9 cfs which is capable of handling the 25-year storn event. The Town of vail requires that curverts be designed to handle the zS-year storn. After passing beneath the driveway culvert, the runoff wil] ftow to the existing swale arong the north side of Buffer creek Road. site deveropment will not increase the arnount of tributary peak discharge. site Runoff The -anticipated peak discharge for Lhe existing and developed site conditions were calculated. The cornbined. site irea is approximately 0.9 acres. The existing vegetation cover was assumed to be woods. The proposed cover was assumed to be asphalt and open space. The hydrologic soil group is rBr. The calcul,ations are included in Appendix A. The site was divided into two discharge points. point A is east of the site and Point B is west of the site. see included site p1an.Development of the site changes the runoff guantity and paltern slightry. The amount of ttsite' runoff is very rninimal comnired to quantity of tributary runoff. As previously stated calculations were conpleted for the existing site conditions as wel-1 as developed site conditions. peak discharge calculations \,rere computed ior rainfalr runoff as well as snowmelt runoff. The graphicar rnethod of rR-55 was used to calculate the rainfall quantities and the snowmert coefficients found the the Town of Vail subdivision regulations was used to caLculate the anticipated snourmelt runoff. The vaLues were compared and the J_arger (nore conservative) value used. Below is a summary of the anticipated peak discharges, Table 2 Site Peak Discharge (cfs) Frequency Basin A Basin B Existing Proposed Existing Proposed 10 0. 04 o. 04 o. l-9 25 o.02 0. 06 0. 05 o.26 qar o.02 0.08 o. 38 t-00 0. 03 0.t0 o. 08 0.45 increases from 0.0 cfs to 0.L B increases from 0.1 cfs to very mini.mal, especially in At discharge point A, the site runoff cfs. Site runoff at discharge point 0.3 cfs. The increase in runoff is comparison to the tributary runoff. concLusion This report has been prepared in conformance with the Town of Vailrs subdivision regulations which requires drainage facilites to be- designed to handri the 25-year stoim. A eight6en inch (18u)culvert at a three percent J:*l slope is .,"6d"d beneath the driveway to handre the runofr rron the tributary basin. A1so, a twerve inch culvert shall be insLall beneath thl driveway at the intersection with Buffer creek Road. This culvert will aLlow water to pass beneath the driveway. A four foot pan shalr also be constructed at the end of the driveway to prlevent runoff fron flowing onto Buffer creek Road. rtre fan wiir intercept runoff flowing down the driveway and direct it to the east. see site p1an. rn addition, it 1s recommended that a swale be constructed behind each house to intercept runoff. The inverL of the swale should be a rninimum of five horizonal feet fron the back wa]l. The sware should be one foot deep. see site plan. Due to site gradingr restrictions, the swale- is relatively close to the back of the house so it is also recommended thit good perimeter drains be installed to elininate any potential p6nainj on the foundation wal1s. TRIEUTARY BASIN DI SCHARGE CAI,CUI.,ATTONS ;"?,"^Ei:lL..^' fiInter-Morrntain ,,roun "'r"!lE!!l AvoN. coLoRADo 01620 lAr. . . lEtt gi neeri n fr Ltd.'rv'! iro c D c a !9:aDP !92 1-1 bArE/BY I hs lq Dia,naqe Studq - -lrac*s A:l t A-J. Tarce I r\, Lrln's Ridae Klrytn ltd. Pr,rrPoSe- -Wm,ne ?enK Ds-l'nrqe irdrn frrbu+tttru fustrrs Gnp4tca,l l.le,t'lnd, 'eolirk a,nJ' Lo^pie dWUlPd 5t{ fqnol{I ,,Th€ lribular1 bqsrrtts. *t,ls.qre .dehnr/. bq lAe 5o,,1 QunSwvafifi .5*v rcC /scs), and'*ht While' K,r.ez.'AJo^hanai l:orbl..-lrtt lolitu,r,fi rt/.c"tr,tr: slrz t J usral lo 4r{ini -thc hldrataqrc aut i 'Qrryp.s: -r J -Q rcu-ps : t. *fA4, 5,{5, Sotl Survcq of fsr.:rr^6vpst,in ftra,Loltw,:lat 'flatis o{ tzlle ,,{vrltcld f pi{iin j:r{r,rtrrs lssurC l4aa lI+L ?' I],LY l::y !*::' F"'":+ ,,.?':E so:t ?"^'ll'/ o,{+he- Ll:lq &oss Su/veq Area ,'WhtkR,.,tt t Ar)/ti,, .Na'hnafftusl , (olc,rodd' ,?arls o{ &qlc,6arfrcto{,llrca-,'liKtn'! Sumnyf' o",nn1 fr4t tqlz *,1 Conservahg,,r Scyvitc. ltldrglatltc 4tl qr,ortr, ,:\., uSt nq -7-R- 5f e[)snrV VersuS 41- Forsay c"bblf . lir".,h ,zi-1os-Lto ! rrp" -'G,a"pQ;' See frc1u,c A-L Wl'rrL Rru4y Nahonal Forest hydralo4rc sa, I qrovpst '197 €f,vI fYii 6tll, z:frlii, iij,f;:t,lIii ier;:,t 4b1 B - koilvr itr '44 -63r'!o slape - 'G,or,r, Z, Se.a Flurc A-i 6r *4rr lr'nrla $r eaclt sllrl orrwp U S.-G.s mqps ,ard 1'ii{ (e-.Lerttctir:*tfc \l{c{{ y-SeCi n3 de-l1( ri\\rr'\( -.Jirr_ r'cg (.ieti./e TVp.s , -Two veacimtt! tVsu-s wevg S&tec-icd f ronr-Tib\cs 2. ZE' an'd Z.Ld t' Flerbon.*= - m r.Xlilrc ol qra*, we.ds , a^rd l0v'l-qro*,,rq tt u:h 1 wr{'ii t,e.h'thc n,,r.i, e/arrafti-Nruxs -l -- fit, '{d" irry,rl $r eqA lyov1t CN l"lrsrnq *fu Abo,t aytti'up5 drbt i116rnnair Hyo" nwrtvl ( ctl Q, fhe 1,, brk^,1 at,A jt) o IInter-ltlountain AErtgineeringLrd. P. O EOX 978 OO77 ME|CALF RAAD AVON, COLORAOO 81620 (303) 949-5072 sutTE 101 1420 VANCE STREEI LAXEWOQO, COLORADO 8021 5 (303) 232-0158 eaoLecr u" fQ Drarnaq<- Studq :Tracls A-t d A-2, Lron'5Qlo4 Fl,nq No L T,^U oF Congntrqhrll The hmt of cn'tce,t-lrahan wo:Calculaktl #e,nrhe hqara,,,l,rt*Jlu m.'rf dpbnce parnf An OJswd tral2czordr,t Channey'3hope s,tos qt;d 'lo dekrm trt< -yfi+ "Ch'annd Ft^,t"'i mc.- .--.---..-4. .,--." ll.,-=-]-_--.-- -L.'- L_2! - Thc hnc o{ canccnluatr[ry\ u<fai dtkrmrrtccl to bc /-fAr{. P*5Dts.[qrq_e &"r^R,nbll lstnq the afue drktrt,qcd: K"i*l; ;# W, Wi #' y'# "i : ; : J, ,ftIulrc:-Jtr,f- .uSL. of hawvt 5-l ,4" dLk{tt'tt tc', pra k e) r* har76,. *hz " /rocedur(s 6,1 '' handfuak- Th.ts i,clennte '"-tfta'ch rd T q urc A-3 , t nl tnfdttqe;'ii,t1'ff;(- -fol ltua.,f fltt raks utey(_ fuahX^tud 1sy _,1ea( 2{-'l ror 5Q. yer l0d . 'ycel -?qab}-selqg (o) ,|- s- J+S 3 .'l ch, 6. Ll cb 1'3 ck f- ,t >now rne lT Co.n,p +F1<nl, d,:tchqrg'eQotn .nort'nelt. Cr^rn p4'g 'lo m,nkll U.ct<c t{< tarT& Val'ue +o 'de ' A€Slqn q rAtnu fl: 133.2 qcl<-s drn Jt W tT\?-lT. \rinFrg Y d rArnuqC St'UCfureS' F, uouen^ -:t:-...-t SnaLtwll hl1rvt 0. o 65 .klaut 1t'yut I lu- ,1cal Use srir;..r nelt vo\ues. )esrqrt of ttrc "2s- \eut slz'rn . ?-nD'-:aagg (6) 3.6 cfs .6 cts lo.6 c{s ,012 0.080 25-Vctv O. 0u1 "'/oric P.O.BoX S7S 0910 NoTI I N6fir}t Foao Av9r( colo. 816?0 (30$ e4s-5072 o TlInter-Mountain At."tneeringrta. sulrE:0t I4EO VANCE STRE€T LAKEXOoD, C0t_0. 80e15 (3031 232-0158 7 /18 i94 FIGURE A- 1 HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUPS 0. |]87oooF il !80 'R.8r W.R. 80 w. . SCALE 1:24000 1 i 0 I MILE 1000 0 i 0c$ 20cr i)ao 40c$ 5000 6Jc0 7cc0 rEEr I 5 C I xrlcMETER CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET NATIONAL GEOD€TIC V:RTICAt DATUM OF I929 too'zziio'i -" P.O.BoX 978 OSIO NOTTINGHAX ROAO AVol{, C0L0. 4t620 (303) S.9-5074 hlnter-Mountain AE.gineeringLrd. SUITE 1O', '420 VANCE STREET L^K€HOOD. COLO. A02r5 (3031 ?3?-0158 ProJcct No. c4 52 5E Oltr / 8y: 1/18i94 FIGURE A_2 VEGETATIVE COVER \\\ N\N o ? E '1 LtCtN D w ilffi scALE I24000 ! VVOODS HERBACEOUS r! ir :013 ?J)a : _,lc 4occ 5333 6oin 7G}] atEI _--__ j5 :4*'!3"t-t' CONTOUR TNTERVAL 40 FEET NATToNAL GEODETTC v-.-RTtcAL DATUI4 OF 1929 : P.O.80X g?8 O91O NOTT INBIT X FOAO AVOI{ COLO. 8t5?O (303) 8.9-s072 l[Inter-[fountain Atr+neeringua SUIre r0l J4?O YA}€€ STFEET L^KE*ooD, cot-o. 80? 15 (303' ?3?-O1sB P|.oj !ct Nr. 94525E O!t? / By: .7 /18 /94 FIGURE A_ 3 Figure S- /Peok Dischorge in csm Per inch of Runoff Versus Time of Concenlrotion, Tc Type ll Slorm Dislribution Type ll-A Slorm Disiribution 0.6 0.7 0.! 0 -(-!'- E tt a) t 3,*Leo o =lo o 3?o -co -x €lgo o o-. o.! c.r 0.7 0.! o.9 I Time of Concen lrolion Tc - Hours Quick TR-55 Ver.s.46 s/N:Executed: 14:05:10 07-L4-t994 6 TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCEL A LTON,S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 vArL, coLoRADO RUNOFF CURVE NUUBER DATA : : : : : : 3 : : 3 : : : : 3 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ! !:3 3 : : : : : : : : 3 : : : : : : : : : : 3 3::3 !:::: S: Conposite Area: EXfSTfNG SURFACE DESCRTP?TON AREA CN (acres) B WOODS, FAIR c l{ooDs, FAIR c IIERBACEOUS, rerR LL2.78 60 3.04 73 L7.42 7L couposlTE AREA ---> L33.24 6L.7 ( 62 '!...... a a a a i i a a a a a a a a a a . .r..a..aaa... o s/N. 07-14-1994 SIIEET FIrOW (Applicable to Tc only)Segment ID Surface description Manningrs roughness coeff., n Flow length, L (total < or = 3OO)Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, p2 Land slope, s 0.8 .002 * (n,rt) m- o.5 o.4 SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOI{ unPaved) ? s 0.5 Avg.V = Csf rt (s)where: Unpaved Csf = 16.1345 paved Csf = 2O.32A2 T = Ir ,/ (36O0*V) CIIANNEIJ FLOW segnent. ID Cross Sectional Flow Area, a Wetted perimeter, pw Hydraulic radius, x = a/pw Channel slope, s Manningrs roughness coeff., n 1.49 * t'/t* "t/'V= D Flor,r Iength, t t=L/ (360O*V) :.........aaa; 7 guick TR-55 Ver.5.46 Executeds L4:10:35 c:\TR55\94s2s-8. rCT TR:ACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCEL A L,ION'S RIDGE SUBDMSION FILING NO. 2 VAIIJ, COLORADO Tc COMPUTATIONS FOR! EXISTTNG 1-1 vlooDs, DENSE 0.8000 ft 300.0 in 1.ooo tt/tt 0.1000 hrs 1. 41 P2 1. 41 o.07 Segment ID Surface (paved or Flow length, L Watercourse s lope, t-2 Unpaved ft 20so.0 ft/ft 0.2900 ft/s hrs ft hrs 1-3 sq. ft 9.7 5 ft 11.49 ft 0.849 ft/fL 0.3300 0.0/t50 ft/s ,.L7.0485 8. 5887 0. 07 2050 0. o3 |..ssu rned a-'lvo.1*z-otda( Cl^onre.l r,^,rth *he follow,n3 descr,lrho+ 0. o3 1.51 ToTAIJ TII{E (hrs) WorfrrhC 4: Graphical peak Discharsu *ula tv l"1tfl Che cked 6 ProJect Locaclon Date J- l&14 Da !e {- ln 4. 5. o. 7. Runoff, Q (Fron rorksheeu 2). 8. Pond and suaop adJusttrent faccor. F (Use percent pond and """"o ,a"a- .p nlth cable 4-?. Factor ls 1.0 for zero. percenc pond and suanp area.) 9. Peak dtschargar 9_ ......P (llhere qo - quA,oqF,r) r s.4 I (2IGVI.TR-55, 235 |zss Iz=s ,o1 | (1-13 l.olr.olr.o r.s 13.1 | c.q lzlP Untu peak :dlscharge, qu .... (Use T" and I./p strh Exhib(c 4-_) cso,/ln .Ln 235 o-tq t.o 'cfs q-5 ^ t. Cl rc Ie one : qT?lle-\oeve tolea ----..-----..., t . Daca: Dralnage area Runoff curve nuo.ber .... cN - (oZ (Erorc rcirksheeu 2) .TlEe of concenrrarlo. .. T" - i t, hr (Froa sorksheec 3) R.ainfatl distilburlon cype - :E (t, IA, II, III) Pond and seraop areas spread Rhroughou!'watershed 2. Frequency 3. Ralnfall, Inttlal (Use CN Coupu te abstracClon, Ia tllEh Eable 4-1.) ...:...,;.. \ - 0.2a82' ^*(acres/640) Srort! 41,Storo lt2 Stora 43 IA 15 <t''\ l'1 l, l tq l' I 2.2 too 2.4 D4 Second Ed., June 198Q SITE DTSCIIARGE CAI,CUIJATIONS P. O. EOX 926 OO77 K{TCALF ROAO AVON,CAORAOO 81620 (JgJ) 949-5072 ltr Inter-ltlountain lAEttgineeringrid. suttE,o, 1420 VANCE SIREE| LAKE'IOOD, COL ORADO 8O2' 5 (J2J) 2J2-A158 S{irdu jt ro,+ A-l t kL Porcel A Lrrmrs'Rolqe Fl,nc No'L 5i*e-RunoFF ConpuJc Lxt*tnq a'nd dewhlled f,t9 runoFf- Thz 1o,il 4ntul1 an;,cl vQclahuc Jfupu dcL:.,n,rttd frr *he lvibula rq fu{r,',(ftrqu,e' A-l t A'2\ uL<,(e escd. The a]e ts. Jdtv,dd, ln' lao d'is-charqe potnls , A- Er,t+ af *ne 5t'lc { B- ItJpsl 5tde o( til tL . cry-,,r,c Us'nq the tnforrnaittm *'zm ::r{L - rl.'cye dektmned . B*s'tl A s /3ol n A B Vqu," A'l t AZ , CNJ '< $t *h<- kyrsMq \pu Dsrc&ld 15 16 0.8 o.1l bd @ TrY- :rM( o{ }sy'sunhah,zn utw dt}umtu( Qtr eqcA ha.srn {"ont -rht hTdnur,cally rnosl dslunct pont- ?eok lri5{iuvqr s,n\ (ornlali l':nq ,Y,,qye S- | Lcf lovoqd I rtqtaL Fyequ"K5 lD ' i"/!5 ilt )u-\r/ l'to'11l h o^ fhc' P t ct ce dLft s €' ZDe{,-rm,n ij?eo F< Ylars, rt A'3) ,-, ler'K d.,sclaro,cs 1t-,<t-e Calculd+d . Bni'n A t5*srr,3 @ Fr,.hnri -)i'Plnfrl o. oo J o,a+ o, ot ' o. 11 o,o r 0,uo o .oL o.zb o. oL 0.og 0,05 o.3E o.L3 o.to 0.0( o.1( /l ,a!,"*?,rll,F *o, [Inter-Mountain ,o,o ,n,,7,{n1!l iffi'&fi}zr"'e'o flEngineeringLtd. t'oxnno'-ioioniio"iiz't DA rt / aY 7 -15-q'{ - t rxk A-t tA-L,?orcel A, Lton'sRdqs Hl,,\q No.L Tlre ptok de)"rvy exprc{e/ fum:s;;;y,t 15 coiculakd bastn $ , tlt,shnq (t ,ut ou,! o,o4 u,u) 0.05 0.as b!-lu"tJ. fuuelopd -7o1t "uE\0'as o.o5 0,0b 0.06 t0 25 5d t00 Sru,"uw.tl Co,Anul (ro, / ntr.) 0,oc{ o ob1 0,0-1,. 0.oso o.6d 0.04 0,04 U4tagd r (. tzQ aut\) 0.o t 0,ol 0,0 | o.0l Cornpare ?.oK d:lrlurtqe fran', rarnfr ll io ' SAsr r.t A 5naznrr-H- ily- lavgcr valuts. 3ns,'.rB fups:d 5o IN Desrqn ,08 05 O,3 o.45 0, to 0.08 Q.,,t'hc 25-ya't sfurrn Drscl"c.rqa frcm5r 25 =-O,-O. 0.0(i, z o,t o.O5 j o,l 0,26 'o il Quick TR-55 Ver.5.46 S/N:Executed: 16:05:46 O7-2O-1994 TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCEIJ A IJION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 VAIIJ, COLORADO RUNOFF CURVE NUI.IBER DATA Conposite Area: EXISTING-A SURFACE DESCRIPTION AREA (acres)CN B wooDs, FAIR 0.25 60 coMPosITE AREA ---> 0.25 60.0 (60) Quick TR-55 ver.5.46 Executed: 16:15:59 07-2O-L994 C:\TRs5\s2s-A-E.TcT TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCEI, A LION,S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FIIING NO. 2 VAIL' COLORADO TC CO}'PUTATTONS FOR: EXTSTING.A SHEET FLoW (Applicable to Tc only) o s/Ns Segnnent ID Surface description Manning's roughness coeff., n Flow length, L (total < or = 300)Two-yr 24-hE rainfall, P2 Land slope, s o.8 .002 !r (n*L)m- 0.5 0.4 P2*s SEALLOW CONCENTRATED FIOW Segment ID Sulface (paved or FIow length, L Watercourse slope, CHANNET FLOW Segnent ID Closs Sectional Flow Area, a Wetted perimeter, Pw Hydraulic radius, E = a/pw Channel sIope, s Manning's roughness coeff., n A-1 WOODS-DENSE 0.8000 fL 125.0 in 1.000 ft/tt o.4ooo hrs 0.40 0.0000 o 0.00 ToTAL TIME (hrs) 0.40 0. o0 0.00 0.40 t/_ unpavecl) ? s o,5 Avg.V = Csf it (s)where: Unpaved Csf = 16.1345 Paved Csf = 2O.32Az T=L/ (36O0'tV) 2/3 t/2 1.49 * r * s tt- n Flow length, L T=L/ (36OO*V) ....aaaa-aaaa fL tt/tt ft/s hrs sq. ft ft ft tt/tt ft/s ft hrs 0.o 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 o.0000 0.0000 l)o heet o ethod Discharge m zv t1U1 Che cked clrcle ooe: 1iflGii\ DevE roped A- (Ea-.r s,nu) l. Data: Dralnage area .. .... . Runoff curve nunbet . . Tlloe of concent ra c 1on Ralnfall dls r rlbu clon Pond and suatrp area s Chroughouc r.'a t e rshed percenc of A_ (covered) o"c. 7- 18'tY Date Freque ncy Ra1nfa11, ;.. Ao - O.OA\4 rd2 (acres/640) ... cN r ("O (Froa gorksfeec 2) .. T. - O4{r hr (Frou sorksheec rype - if (I, rA, rr, rlr) s D read '^ P ( 2:r-hour ) ?1 ,acres or ml-' o.q | 6.to I.o lr.o lt.o 1n po 2-4 4. e Inlclal (Use CN Cotrpu te l?l? abs tracclon, I^ .. t'Lth cable 4-l:) UntE peak dlscharge, qu .... cstn/ln (Use T" and I"/p slrh Exhlbt c 4:_) ?.,-^€.y ..... 1n ( f rora *orksheec 2). pcnd and sr..anp adJusroenc faccor. F (Use percenc pond and arr"op "a""' .P ulrh cable 4-2. Facror is 1.0 for zero. percene pond and. sr.rarop area. ) Peak dtscharge, gO . (k?le re qO - qu.{,oQtp ) (210-VI-TR-55, Second o.oo I o,ot I o,oz o.03 <n (' -, t-) o .15 ln o ' cfs ScoEtr 4[Stora ll2 Stora /3 /o 2{54 t.1 ,.c t. I 2.2 D4 Ed., June 1986) H Quick TR-55 Ver.5.46 S/N3 Executed: 16:07: 17 0Z-20-1994 TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCEI, A LION'S RIDGE SUBDMSION 'r'rtrNc No. 2 VAIL, COLORADO RUNOFI' CURVE NUMBER DATA ::3:::3 ! 3:::::: ! : : : : : : : : 3 3 : : : : : ! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 : 3 !::::3 3::3::;:: Composite Area: EXISTING-B SURFACE DESCRIPTTON AREA CN ( acres ) B WOODS, FAIR 0.68 60 coMPosITE AREA ---> 0.68 60.0 ( 60 ) ..4.......4. t\ TRACTS A-1 E A-2, PARCEL A LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVTSTON FILING NO. 2 vArL, coLoRADO - TC COI''PUTATIONS i'ON: EXTSTTNG-B SIIEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc onl.y) Quick TR-55 Ver.5. {6 SrlN:Exesuted: J.6 31,6 3 59 07-2o-t994 Segnnent ID surface description t'Ianningrs rougtrness coeff .Flow length, L, (total < or Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, p2 Land slope, s 0.8 .007 * (n*L) m- 0.5 0.4 P2 c I \TRss\s2 s-B-8. TCT B-1 ITOODS.DENSE , n .0.8000 = 300) ft 180.0 in 1.000 ft/tt 0.4900 0.50 hrs 0.0 o.0000 0.0000 0. oo 0.50 0. o0 = 0.00 o.50 SHAIJIJOIf CONCENTRATED Segtrent ID Surface (pavedl or Flow length, L FLOW unpaved) ? Watercourse slope, s 0.5 Avg.V= Csf * (s)where: Unpaved Csf = 16,1345 Paved Csf = 20 .32a2 t=\,/ (3600*V) ft ft/ft tt/s hrs sq. ft ft ft f.t / tE ft/s tt hrs 0. 00 0.00 0,000 0.0000 0.0000 CHANNEIJ FIJOI{ segment ID cross sectional Flotr Area, a Wetted perimeter, pw Hydraulic radius, r = a/pw Channel slope, s Manningrg roughness coeff. , n 1. 49 2/3 t/2 *r*s V=0.0000 0 0. oo n Flow length, L T=t/ (3600*V) TOTAL TIME (hrs) rt, to"trbnM checked circte on"t (fi?."]l\ Devblo'led l. Data: Dralnage area.......j.. AE - Runolf curve nuobir .... C}{ r .Tftoe of concentraElon .. Ta - Rainf a 11 dlscrtbuclon rype Pond and suaEp areas spread chroughouc' l.a tershed .tq A ( Wrsr S'oe ) ProJect Inttlal (Use CN Cotrpu te abs tractl.on, I" vlth ta.ble 4-1. ) Freque ncy Ralnfall, P ( 2d-hour) O"ootl 6 0.5n -11-)')'- qu .... csu/ln exhlbi c 4:_) 'cfs Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge method o"t" ?-18{{ Da Ee a'n1'(acres/640) ( Fr.orl eorksheec 2) hr (Frou r,;orkshee c 3 ) (I, IA, II, III) percenE of A, (-_r_ acres br rn12 covered) Scord 4I Scoro fl2 Stora 43 r1)2s so t.1 1.1 2-z o yr ln 1 4. 6. too z.+ Ta/? 7. Unlc peak dis charge, (Use T" and t"./P ulrh ?;;;';;;;;;;';;: ":" "' h Pond and svacp adJusctrent factor, F- ....(Use pefcent pond and s.,raop area . v glth table 4-2. laccor is 1.0 for zero. percenE pond and suarop area.) Peak dlscharger gO (rihere qO - quArQlp ) 5t '5oo I s .0zl o.q I o,to fo I r.o I r.o o,Ot I O,oz l r.r"os 500 O,K l.U 0 _08 R 9. (210-VI-TR.S5, Second.Ed., June I9E6) D4 t-l t! Quick TR-55 Ver.5.4t5 s/Ir!Executed3 15s54:07 OZ-20-199/t TRACTS A-1 t A-2, PARCET, A IJION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FII,TNG, NO. 2 vArL, coIJoRADO RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA . . . a . a a . . a a a . . . a a a . . a a a a a a a a r...ia-aa;: Composite Area: PROPOSED-A SURFACE DESCRIPTION AREA (acres) B B OPEN SPACE, FAIR IUPERVTOUS NREA 0.10 0. o3 o.L2 69 98 7 4.9 (7s)CO}IPOSITE AREA ---> l8 Quick TR-5s ver.s.46 s/N: Executed: 16:17:43 07-2O-L994 C:\TRs5\525-D-A1.TCT TRACTS A.1 & A-2, PARCEI, A LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 VAIIJ, COIJORADO Tc COI'IPUTATTONS iOn, pnOpOSED-A SIIEET FLow (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID A-1 A-2 Surface description GRASS-SHORI ASPHAIJT Manninq,s roughness coeff., n 0.X5o0 o.o110 Flow length, L (total < or = 300) ft 125.0 69.0 Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 1.000 1.000 Land sLope, s ft/ft 0.4000 0.1000 0.8 . oo7 * (n*L) m- 0.s 0.4 P2*s SHAI,I,OW CONCENTRATED FtOW segnent fD surface (pavecl or unpaved) ?Flow length, t Watercourse slope, s 0.5 Avg.V = Csf * (s)nhere: Unpaved Csf = X6.1345 Paved Csf = 2O.32A2 T=L/ (3600*V) channel slope, s Manning/s roughness coeff., n 2/3 a/2 a,49 * r * s V= hrs O.11 + 0.01 = O.L2 ft 0.0 tt/fE 0.0ooo ft/s 0.0000 hrs O. O0 ft/ft o. oooo 0.0000 ft/s 0.0o0o = 0. o0 CHANNEL FIJOW Segment ID cross Sectional Flow A!ea, a sq.ft 0.00 Wetted perimeter, Pw ft o.oo HyclrauJ.ic radius , r = a/Pw ft 0.000 n Flow length, L ft 0 T=L/ (3600*V) hrs 0.00 , = O.OO !-ra.aaaa. TOTAL TIIIE (hrs, o.Lz o Quick TR-55 Ver.5.45 S/N: Exeeuted! 16s20:14 o7-2O-L994 c s \TRs5\52s-A-D2 . TCT TRACTS e'I' & l-2, PARCEIJ A I]TON'S RIDGE SI]BDIVISION FII.ING NO. 2 VAfL, COLORADO Tc COITPUTATTONS iOnr pnOpOSED-A SIIEET FLOW (Applicable to rc only) Segiment ID Surface description }lanni ng r s roughness coeff., n Flow length, L (total < or = 300)Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 Land slope, s o.a .002 * (n,rt)m- o.5 0.4 P2*s SHAI,LOW CONCENTRATED FLOW Segment ID Surface (pavecl or unpavedl) ?FIow length, L T{atercgurse slope, s o.5 Avg.V = Csf !t (s)xthere: Unpaved Csf = 15.1345 Paved Csf = 2O.3ZAZ T = L,/ (3600*V) C}IANNEL FtOT{ Seglnent ID Cross Sectional Flow Area, a I{etted perimeter, I4r Hydraulic radius, x = a/Pilt Channel slope, s Manning,s roughness coeff., D 2/3 r/2 1.49 * r * s V= n Flow length, L T=L/ (3600*V) !!.... A-3 ASPI1ALT 0.0000 o 0.00 TOTAL TIME (hrs) r1 0.01 o. oo o. 00 o.01 fL/tt 0.0200 hrs 0.0L f,t 0.0 ft/tt 0.0000 ft/s 0.0000 hrs o. o0 ft in sg. ft ft ft ft/ft ft/ s 0.0110 13. 3 1.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 ft hrs ZO Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge method Dace Date circle oner presenc @ l. Daca: Dralnage area .......;.. A. - Runoff curve nuaber .... CN - A (trtsr S,oe) O. OOo z n12 (acres/640) (Frora gorksheec 2) hr (Frou votksheec 3)Tlroe of concencraEion .. T- - O.ZZ Ratnfall dlsErlbuclon type - T (I, IA, II, III) Pond and swabp areas sDread, chroughouc r.racershed, .:.... - O percenc of Ao (_ acres oE rn12 covered) yr ln 1n 2. 't 4. b. Frequency Ralnfall, P ( 2.i-hour) Scora 0l Storo fl2 Stora /3 /o 25 50 l.l t.1 z.z tq 2-1 Intclal (Use CN CoDpu te Tlu -a, . abstracClon, Ia wlch table 4-1.) Untc peak d{scharge, qu ... .(Use T" and I"./ p wirh Exhtbrr I -_) cso/1n ezo 0,s1 t.o 7. Runoff, Q (froo worksheeC 2). 8. Pond and sr.raop adJusttrenE factor, I (Use percent pond and suaap area . P r.rlth table 4-2. Facror {s 1.0 for zero- percenc pond and sr.rarap area. ) Peak d!scharger gO . (lr-trere qO - quAEQFp ) r.0 | t-o I t' r) {n o 9.0<lo.oalo.oa o.la ' cfs (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed-, June 1986) t lte D-4 ,t- | Quick TR-55 Ver.5.46 S/N:Executed: L6.37 r7.7 07-2O-L994 TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCEL A LION'S RTDGE SUBDIVISION FIIJING, NO. 2 vArL, coLoRADO RUNOTF CURVE NUI,IBER DATA !: !::33!:::::: ! : : : : : : : : 3 ! : : 3 : : : : : : : : : : : : : !:: ! : : 3 3 : : 3 : : : ! : : : : : : : 3 : : Composite Area: PRoPOSED-WEST SURFACE DESCRIPTION AREA CN (acres) B OPEN SPACE, FATR B IUPERVIOUS AREA 0.61 69 0.20 98 col'lPosrTE AREA ---> O.81 76.2 ( 76 t Quiclc TR-55 Ver.5.46 S/N! Executed: t6'.34.L2 07-2o-L994 c:\TR55\525-B-D.Tcr TRACTS A-1 t A-2, PARCEL, A LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION I'IIJING NO. 2 VAIIJ, COLORADO , Tc COMPUTATIONS FOR3 PROPOSED-B SHEET FLow (Applicable to Tc only) Segrnent ID BJl B-2 surface description GR-ASS-SIIORT PfPE Manningrs roughness coeff., n 0.1500 0.0240 Flow length, L (total < or = 3oo) ft 141.0 30.0 Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 1.000 1.000 Land slope, = 0., ft/ft 0.3800 o.03oo .007 tr (n'tL) 2L hrs O .12 + O.02 = O. 14 m- 0.5 0.4 E2*s SHAIJIJOW CONCENTRJATED FI.,OW Segment ID Surface (paveil or uDpaved) ?Flow length, t I{atercourse slope, s 0.5 Avg.V= Csf* (s)where: Unpaved Csf = 16.1345 Paved Csf = 2O.32a2 T=L/ (3600*V) CITANNEI, FLOW 2/3 L/2 t.49 * r * s ft 0.0 tt/f.t 0. o0oo tt/s 0.0000 hrs 0.0O tt 0.00 ft 0.000 ft/fE o. oo0o o.0000 ft/s o.0o00 = 0.00 segment ID Cross Sectional Flow Area, a sq.ft O.00 Wetted perimeter, Pw Hydraulic radius, r = a/Pw . channel slope, s Manning,s roughness coeff., n V= n Flow length, t ft 0 T = L / (36OO|V) hrs O.00 = 0.0O "!?""'..aaa . . . a a ; - a . a a a . . . . ToTAL TIME (hrs) o.14 Quiclc TR-ss Ver.5.46 s/N: ffxecuted: 16:35:17 07-2o-Lgg[ c:\TR55\525-B-D2.TcT TRACTS A-1 & A-2r PARCEIJ A LION,S RIDGE SUBDIVTSION FII.,ING NO. 2 ' VAfIr, COTORADO TC COMPUTATIONS I'OR: PROPOSED.A SHEET FLow (Applicable to Tc onIY) sectlrent ID B-3 suiface description GRAss-sHoRE Manningrs roughness coeff., D 0.1500 FIow Length, L, (total < or = 300) ft 205.0 Thro-yr 2a-}i,! rainfall, P2 in 1.000 EE/ft o.1000 Land sloPer s o.g .002 * (n*L) tn- 0.5 0. it SHAI,I,OW CONCENTRATED gegment ID surface (paved or Flow length, L watercourse slope, Avg.v = Csf * where: Unpaved Paved T = L ,/ (36oo*V) P2 FI,OW unpaved) ? s 0.5 (s)csf = 16.1345 csf = 20.32A2 ft ft/ft ft/s hrs sg. ft ft ft ft/ ft ft/s fl hrs hrs o.27 0.o 0.0000 0. 0000 o.00 o.27 0. o0 = 0.00 o.27 CHANNEI, FLOW Segnent ID Cross Sectional Flow Area, a Wetted perimeter, Pw Hydraulic radius, | = a/Pv Channel slope, s Manningrs roughness coeff., n 2/3 L/2 1.49 * r * s V= Flow length, L T=t/ (36oo*V) 0 .00 o. oo 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 o.00 ToTAt TIME (hrs) L1 Yro Ject -p6 y tocarton-llcr ct A- t Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge method vaiila2.zv lltJl o"t. 7- l8-?Ll Checked Da!e Lr<ln's?,/qc Clrcle one: Presenc @ l. Daca: Dralnage area .. . . .. .;.. Ao - Runoff curve nuabir .... Clf - .Tlae of concencraElon .. Tc - Ralnfall dlsrrlbuclon cype Pond and ir.ranp areas spread, chroughout'satershed P ( 2i-hour ) O"oot3 16 T qu .... exhlblc 4- ) 'cfs o12 (acres/640) (Froro r.ro rkshee r 2) hr (Froo uorksheec 3) ( t, IA, rr, rrr) percenE of Ao (_- acres or n12 covered) Stora /l Stora t2 Stora fl3 lo 25 SO 1.1 t.1 2.2 o Z. Frequency 3. Ralnfall, yr tn too 2.4 5?O 6-63 ,.0 1n.4. 6. 7. 8. fntclal (Use CN Cor!pute r al? abs traccioo, I. with rable 4-1.) Unit peak dlscharge, (Use T. and I"/P rlch o Runoff, a ..... ............(Fron vorksheec 2). Pond and suaop adJusc6enE facEor, F_ ....(Use percenc pond and svalrp area - P .,llth Eable 4-2. Factor ls 1.0 for zero_ percenE pond and sr.ranp area.) Peak d 1s cha rge, (llhe r e qO - q,rA P, -36 | 0.sz ,.o I l,.o /\ to !--l. I I w,z@ 0,38 o 'P .QF o"45 (210-VI-TR-55, Second.Ed., June 1986) T\, DRAINAGE FACITITIES ?,*,Ti#i:ug," fiInter-Mountain "'o 'n'iu'{'*}!l (rsr) ste-soz2 ^{nttgineeringltd' LAKt"ooo' "frtri"tlt"-"3 --i\ (-r | --Uranaae_ Jludrl - ! -Z ,?nrrtt A. Lron's P,rlrr El,n^ Na.2 !!-r1ear ptak Cteha,,qe frrtnlhc tt,b*ht1 Las,n pl,4 Q' Qr, 6,'b'do,7 Bor,n) , Orr( Ba''n 6) UWet* Svs Use *he '' 1as,n I I qrs ' 8.1 .fs + O.3..F2 ' 1.L cFs ,^\ _ \,11 ^..*13.-tlu q/: -6- /\K 5 - ^-- o ozi Cc$") S -- O'oL (*t 'l't) ilsrno c.harts {he Slla^rrne {aul, Obu,re tt1lvvonunls', 21" cM( A 2o/o 19" cMP @- z.6d/o Uc< a 18" chP @ jEo A-- 1y('.. Wp - z't(" - rr (1'J' ' z'ii ( 1lrz) '- ln1 h- : 1-1t [+ A Rt -wp - v1'l F't- wr li salrs fu W 7.1 t+ -O'36 l-t s: d-03 O = :#4 ( r.rrlo.ag) b(o,os)'r' - l.Q c{s ?.. =rt/'J9re.-!r4s lhC ollttutrutit Mgatri'q a{ l\c swytrs 7tcwt{) Calc.ttl'a'id - I hc a rfia,+n)- o{ ^1;.r'oli dran'aq *o 'UlA,llqtI - Inc arr14"^,\,1- Ol -(a!)fT arutt\'iq ,r! rt 15 o^lruned..1!:ft r* {fu Svyl( euJrr \o'u; +lre \atnrs vng {r.{ .0a,r'if rs grnl<ncutts ll94{ ie,J,t,.t tt olor,\ of o Triangrular Channel open Channel - LV Analysis & Design Uniforn flow tvorksheet Nane: 94525 cotnment! TRACT A-1 - SIIALE solve For Discharge Given Input Data:Left Side Slope..Right Side Slope. Manningrs n......Cbannel Slope....' Depth. BEHIND, HOUSE s.00 i 1 (fi!v) 2.0031 (U:v) 0.080 o.13oo ft/ft 1.00 ft 14.31 cfs 4.09 fps 3.50 sf 7 .00 ft 7.34 fL 1.01 ft 0.1248 tt/tt 1.02 (flow is corBputed Results 3 Discharqe velocitf. Flow Area Flow Top width... Wetted Perineter.CriticaL Depth...Criticat slope...Froude Number.... Open Channel Flow Module,Haestad Methods, Inc. * 3? Supercritical) Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, ct 06708 11 Triangular Chanriel Analysis & Design open channel - Uniforn flow IVorksheet Name! 94525 Comrnent: TRACT A-2 - SWALE Sol-ve For Discharge Given Input Data;Left Side Slope..Right side slope.}lanningrs D......channel slope.... Depth. Computed Results:Discharge Velocity.FIow Area FIon Top Widttt...Wetted Perimeter.Critical Depth...critical Slope...Froude Number. . . . open Channel FIow Haestad ltethods, 5.00:1 (H:V) 2.00:1 (H:v) 0.080 o. o8oo tt/ft 1.00 ft 11. 23 cfs 3.21 fps 3.50 sf 7.00 ft ?.34 fE 0.91 ft o.1289 tL/tt 0.80 (ftow is BEITIND IIOUSE subcriticaL) Module, version 3.42 Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd (c) 19e1 * waterbury,ct 06708 KRM coNsuLrArl, ,*.. P.O. BOX 4572 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 t970) 949-9391 77 PROJECT:JOB NUMBER: wETRANSMTTHEREWITHTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS: I I MAIL I I OVERNIGHT I I FAX IlOTHER COPIES: DESCRIPTION: REMARKS: LETTER oF TRANilM1TTAL ,,, loL I ot95 V , ",JM[VI, DEV ,)TFr DATE: ir)tL-'k; t''7 \ /h tu ATTENTION: (',H,.,,, ^ SIGNED:COPY TO: jg .r'o KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS A-l " BP'f)vt ee3' 1+oo-lb SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCES CROSSVIEIJ AT VAIL TRACTS A-I AND A-2 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ,*" ' Prepared for: Mr. Steve Gensler Crossview Properties Ltd. 5299 DrIC Boulevard, Suite 500 Englewood, C0 80111 June 21, 1993 Job No. 93-60 t23t4 WEST AL M€OA pAnKWAy. LAK€WO@. CO ao?28 (3O319S9.r2?3 a TABLE OF COliTEl'lTS I I l I I SIJMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS INVESTIGATION SUBSI'RFACE CONDITIONS SITE GRADING FOUNDATION BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION RETAINIT{G AND FOUNDATION hIALLS FLOOR SLABS CONCRETE STIRFACE DRAINAGE LIMITAT.IONS . VICINITT MAP I,OCATION OF EXPI'RATORY BORINGS I.OGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS GRADATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING }'ALL DETAIL I I 2 J 3 4 t r+ 5 6 8 l0 l0 11 11 Fig. 1 Fis. 2 Fig. 3 Figs. 4 and 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 e ,/l I I I SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investi- gation for two proposed residences to. be located in Crossview At Vail, Tracts A-1 and A-2 of Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 in the Town of Vai1, Colorado. A description of subsurface .conditions 'found in exploratory borings, .recommendations for foundation construction' criteria for design of foundations, and our recommendations for below grade construction are presented in thjs repor!. The reporE vras Pre- pared based on conditions found in the exPloratory borings, results of laboratory tesLs, and our experience lrith similar subsurface conditions in the Vail area. The recommended foundation construction procedure is influenced by the proposed type of structures aDd anticiPated foundation loads. Prior to construction ve should review the construction Plans for the structures to confirm that our reconmendations are satisfacLory for the residences as designed. A sumrnary of our concLusions and recom- nehdatidns is presenfed in the follordng'paragr'aphs.' ." OF I I I I I I I I I I I ST'MMARY @NCLUSIONS 1. Subsurface conditions founil in the borings consisted'of 2 to 3 feet of topsoil underlain by sands and clays to dePfhs of 7 to 17 feet underLain by sandstone bedrock vhich extended to the maxinum depth explored of 40 feet. 2. No free ground vater vas found in the borings at the tirne of drilU.ng. However' ground rrater is always possible in locaL- ized zones at shallover depths especialLy aE the surface of the bedrock. a o -2- 3. The residences may be constructed vith a spread footing founda- tion system. 4. Below grade construction at this site requires speciaL Precau-tions as outlined in this report in order to maintain the stability of the slope and sides of excavation. In addition, the potential for encroachment on adjacent Property during con- struction needs to be considered. Actual slope conditions w'i1l not be knovn until the excavations are opened. A representa- tive of our office must be on-site to observe the opening of the. excavations. 5. Retaining walls may be designed and constructed for cut fill areas as ve1l as foundation valls. 6. Slab-on-grade eonstruction is possible on this site with risk of slab rnovement.. 7. Good surface drainage should be naintained at al1 times 'reduce the risk of foundation soils becoming wetted. and low to PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION At the time of this investigation plans for the residences uere prelirninary ln.nature. He understand the residences vi1l be 3 stories including the basement and the Sara8e vhich wilL be at the lower leveL. The structures ire anticipated to be of vood frame construction above grade and cast-in-place concrete construction belor.' grade, BeJ-ow grade Construction is planned for the basenent areas. The maximurn vertical depth of excavation is planned to be as much as 26 feet below grade. Foundation wal-ls nay retain up to 26 feet of soil on the uphill side if the structures are not s.tepped to fit the slope. Rock retaining wa1ls are planned "fong the uphill side of the driveway and between the struc- tures. these walls may be up to 8 feeE in height. a -3- I I I I I I SITE CONDITIONS The site slopes at about 2 to I (horizontal to vertical) downward in a south-southeast direction. There are. small rectangular excavations along the east side of the property. The access drivevay will cross this area. An existing drainage channel crosses the area of the excava- tions. as well. At the time of our investiSation the'site was covered w'ith grasses, bushes and nunerous trees which limited our access for drilling. Overall drainage of the site is in a south-southeast direc- tion. INVESTIGATION subsurface conditions were explored by drilling 2 borings at the locations shown on Fig. 2. The borings were drilled on June 9, 1993 using a 4-inch dianeter continuous flight power auger nounted on a tracked rig. A field engineer was on the site to supervise the drill- l-ng, log the borings, visually classify the subsurface materials, anil '1'obtain sgmples for laboratory testinS.' A description of the subsurface r6terials observed in _the borings, Penetration resistance values, and a summary of laboratory test results are shom on t.he Logs of Exp]-oratory Bgrings, Fig. 3. The laboratory invescigation incluiled visual classification of. all sanples and testlng of selected samPles for moisture contentr density, and. gradation. Results of the laboratory tests are presenteil on Fig. 3', Iogs of Exploratory Borings and Gradation Test Results, Figs. 4 and 5. -4- SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions consisted of 2 by clays and sands to depths of 7 to 17 then encountered r^'hich extended to the feet. No free ground vater was found in investigation. However, ground water is zones at shaLlor.ter depths and especially at SITE GRADING Cutandfillwillberequiredforconstructionofthedriveway' basement,, and garage areas' Some difficulty rnay be encountered when excavating the harder sandstone bedrock' l'le anticipate beavy backhoe equipment vould be required and possibly blasting in the bedrock to accomplishtheexcavation.lhefillnaybeconstructedfromtheon-site soils excavated frorn the cuts. No gravel or cobble larger than 6 inches or topsoil should be used in any fill area. Prior to placing fill, the area should be 6trippeit of all' ve8etation and topsoil-, scarified, and compacted. The driveway rdlI cross a drainage area and an excavated area uhich periodically holds vater' these areas vi1l require extra care tb see .that all soft r''et soils are ienoved to expose firm soils prior to placing any fiLl for the roadr'ay' FiI1 should be placed in thinlooseliftsan<lcompactedtoatleastg0percentof.themodified Proctor rraximum dry density (ASIU D-r557) or 95 percent of the standard --'---.-... to 3 feet of toPsoil underlain feet. Sandstone bedrock was maximum dePth exPlored of 40 the borings at the time of our always possible in localizeil the bedrock surface- I I I I I l I I I I I -5- Proctor maximum dry density (ASTU D-698)' of fill should be observed and tesred by a for the fooEings. The placernent and comPaction representaEive of our office. FOIJNDATION The subsurface soils at this site ionsisted of topsoil over sandy . clay and clayey sand soils underlain by bedrock. The topsoil .is not suitable for support of foundations but the remaining soils and bedrock will safely supporb spread footing foundation systems. Footings nrust be extended at. least 3 feet into natural soils in these areas. Footings supported by the undisturbed sandstone may be designed for a nuch higher naximum allowabl"e bearing pressure. We recommend a spread footing foun- dation systen be designed and corsEructed in accordance vith the folLow- ing criterla: I. Footings shoulil be supported by undisturbed natural soiLs beneath 'the topsoil and at least 3 feet below original site grades at all points. Soils loosened by machine excavation should be cleaned from the excavation prior to.placing concrete top and I I I I I I I l I I I I 2. WaI1 bnil column footings should be designed using a maxinum a11owab1e soil bearing pressure. ot-3-.00,0 pt!-fol footings on sand or clay soi1s. Footings supported 6/E-diCturbed sand- stone bedrock rnay be designed for a rnaximum allowable bearing . pressure of 8,000 psf. ' Dimensions for column footings ihould bi at least 24 by 24 inches and for continuous wall footings should be at least 16 inches rride. The footing vidths nay be greater depending on the loads of the structure. Continuous foundation valls should be reinforced, bottom, to span local anomalies i-n the soil.' -6- 5.If pockets of soft soils are found in the botEom of the excava- ;i";;; ihe soft soiLs should be excavated to expose firm- soils' in"l Ubttot of the foundations may be constructed on the firm soils or the resulting excavation nay be backfilled with conr- ou.t.a soil or lean ioncrece. Any soils placed as-backftll $;;iJ ue placea in thin loose lifLs, moisture conditioned and cornpacted io at least 98 percent of the standard Proctor maxi- nun dry density (ASTM D-698). It nay be desirable to pl-ace some footings on comPacted- fill to reduce foundation walf heights. Any area tso receive fill should be srripped of all topsoil' The area should then be scarified, moisture treated and compacted. Fil-I should then be pi""ua in thin loose 1ifts, moisture conditioned and compacted io at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximun dry density (AST11 D-698). Exterior footings of wa11s should be Protected from detrimental frost action. The normal depth of frost protection in this area l-s at least 4 feet beneath the ground surface' A representative of our office cornpleted excavations Prior to placement should be observed representative of our of f i-ce. 6. 7. 8.should observe the botton of the constructing footings. All fill and tested during Placenent bY a BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCIION Excavations of up to 26 feet in the vertical direction beneath the surface are planned for construction of The buildings and nost of the driveway vil1 be within the cut existing 8reas. the basement area which covers the najority of the allowed building envelope. slope failures of open excavations can occur if the excavation for th! base- ment remains open for extended time vithout construction progressing to brace the exiavation slopes or if the excavation slopes are not properly laid back. Great care needs to be exercisett during construction so that the slope remains stable- I l -7- We recorunend if at all possible that the depths of excavations be minimized. The sLope of the ground surface on Ehis site is aiout 2 to t (horizontal to vertical). This steep natural slope greatly influences the size of an excavation. In addition, the depth of the excavation and the subsurface materials affect the distance the cut slope has to extend up the mountain to daylight. Cut slopes of I to I or 1.5 to I must be used in the soils and vertical cuts can be used in the bedrock. Basid on the borings a Breater depth of soil occurs on TracL A-1, thelrefore, ve anticipate a bigger excavation vou1d probably occur on Tract A-L. The location and elevation of the buildings should be evaluated so lhat constraints of the excavalion are knovn before construction begins and so that the excavation does not encroach onto adjacent property. Actual slope conditions wiLl not be knovn until the excavations are opened. A representalive of our office must be on-site when the excavation begins. The location of the sandstone bedrock will determine the size and back sloping of the open excavation. During construction, we reconF urend.that.all of the follou'ing precautions be taken to ieduce the risk of slope failure: I l I I l l I I I I Excavate only materials necessary to construct the Construct the val1s rri th neEhods airrt technigues construction time. ua11s. thst reduce Excavations in the soils for garage or basement. areas should be sloped at I to I (horizontal to vertical) or flatter to nain- tain stability of the slopes. The soils classify as Type B in accordance with 0SHA regulations. If water occurs in the cut slope at any poinL, the slopes should be excavated to 1.5 to 1 or flatter to satisfy OSHA criteria for Type cuis may be made in the sandstone bedrock. Vertical 4. Excavation should be performed after peak runoff periods which is after approxinrately July 15. 5. If seepage of uater from the side of the excavat.ion ..is observed, it should be reported innediately to our office so that ve can recommend methods for safel.y controLling the flov of water and maintaining stability of the slope. 6. We should review the proposed excavation plan prior to beginning construction. RETAINING AND FoUNDATI0N ttAtLS Basement and retaining va1ls will be constructed uhich r+iI1 require lateral design pressures. l.le understand the foundation wal1s nay retain up to 26 feet of a sloped backfill. The existing slope is 2 to 1 (hori- zontal to verticaL). Lateral earch pressures depend on the type of backfil1, natural ground surface slope behind the wall, and the height 'and type of wa11. where wal1s ,are free to rotate sufficiently to mobili.ze the .strength of the backfilI, the yalLs shoul_d be designed to " resisc .the ".*aiiive'r eirtrr pressure - conditions. wrrere 'ualLs are restrained, which normally occurs in a basement wall, the val1s should be designed to resist the earth pressure ttat restt condition. Based on availabl"e inforrnation we recommend for design an equivaLent fluid.ueight of 60 pcf be used for the 'active" earlh pressure and an equival.eirt fluid veight of,- 75 pcQ ue used for the 'at rest, earth pressure in soil- A unil>{n.latersl pressure of 150 psf nay be used for the portion of valls idUearoct. Lower lateral soil pressure values uray be possible a -9- depending upon our revier" of final drawings' The equivaLent fluid ueights include allovance for the sloping conditions behind the wal1s but do not .include allowances for surcharge loads due to hytlrostatic pressures or. Live 1oads. A passive equivalen! fLuid weight of 30o pcf can be used to resist the vaLl loads where the soils wiLl- al.ways remain in place at the toe of the wall. A coefficient of friction of 0.5 can also be used at the bottom of the footing to resist the wal1 loads. Backfill behind or adiacent to wal1s should be compacted to at least .95 perccnt. of the. standard Proctor naxirnum dry density (ASTU D- 698). The backfill should be placed in thin Loose lifts at or above the optimum noisture content. Placenen! and compaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a rePresentative of our office. To reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retainlng walls, ve reconmend the provision of a layer of clean graveL or a nanufactured drainage sysLem immediately adjacent to the back of the.valL. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer-' The gravel drain fill or nanufactured drainaBe system should extend from the boEton of the wall to uithin 2. feet of. subgrade elevation. The water can be drained from the gravel or manufactured drain by a perforated pipe rdth collection of the uater at the bottom of the va1l leading to a positive gravity outlet. Typical details for wa11 drains are Presented on Figs. 6 and 7. -.. -t ..- I I I l I I t I I I I I I I I I ! I I I -10- FLOOR SLABS ' The near surface soils at proposed floor slab elevations can con- sist of topsoil, fil1, or natural soils. The natural soils w'ill safely support floor s1abs. If topsoil or loose filL from excavation cuttings occurs at proposed floor slab elevations, it should be overexcavated to expose the underlying natural soils and'then backfilled with comPacted on-site soils. We reconmend the soils be placed in thin loose J.ifts, noisture conditioned, and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (AST!'1 D-698). We also recornmend a -inch Layer of free draining gravel be placed beneath the floor sLabs to provide a moisture break be tr.'een the clay soiLs and the concrete s1ab. CONCRETE The soils and bedrock found at this area typicall-y contain soluble sulfates. Sulfates can cause damage to concrete nenbers Constructeil . -. :vith ordinary cement that come into contact r.'ith the soi1. Type V- - cenent is normally recommended for high sulfate areas. However, a suit- able alternative for Type V cement is a t'nodified" Type II cement- Ttre -"modified". Type If cement contains less than 5 percent tricalcium .alu- ninate. Use of a cenent rich nixture (maximum of O.5 water/cement ratio) and 5 to 7 percent air entrainment further increases the sulfate resistance. This cemenE should be used for all concrete menbers (sLabs, -11- piers, foundation wa1Ls, curb and Sutter, and sideval-ks) that cone in contact with the soil or bedrock. SURFACE DRAINAGE The risk of wetting foundation soils and soils tion va11s can be reduced by carefully planned and drainage. [Je recommend the following precautions construction ahd maintained at all times after the behind the founda- maintained Sufface be observed during structures are cotrF pleted: Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavation should be avoided as much as possible during construction. All surface water should be directed away from the top antt the sides of the excavation during construction. the ground surface surrounding the exterior of the residences should be sloped to drain away from the resi.dences in all directions. tlater flowing down the slope tovard.the structures should be drained around the buildings and ar.ray from the foundation val!-s and .the cut slope area uphill from the leside.nces. Backfill around .the foundation val]s should be moistened and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor naximum dry density (ASn', D-698). : LI}.IITATIONS . Our borings uere spaced to obtain a reasonably accurate deternina- tion of foundation conditions beneath the sites. Variations in subsur- face conditi.ons not indicated by the borings are always possible. lfe shouLd revieu the proposed excavation and structural plans and observe 3. 4. 5. -r2- the completed excavation to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the borings. Placement and compaction of fill should be observed and tested. The reconmendations and design cri.teria presented in report are based on the structure as we have anticipated its design on the subsurface conditions as observed at this tine' therefore, criteria presented in this report are. not valid until we have' been pro- vided wieh final construction plans and been alloved to evaluate the slope conditions. If rre can be of further service in discussing report, or in analyses of the proposed structure fgundation viewpoint, please ca1l. . IOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS llilliam this and the the contents of this frour the soils and I I I I l, l I $NH/ek (1 copy-sent) 4cc: J.R. Hodges Architects, lcc: Andy Knutsen - Town of .: Inc. Vail Comnunity Development William Revieved ty._1A ':4 ul u!tr to .ur 'r u, \*a )t I I l I I I I I l I I I t VICINITY MAP = {o' a F lu ul ll =J.F ul o Ith a 4-inch dianreter tions r. arrd cpnclusions KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEEBS GRAVEL_I6-% S[T&Cunv 40 z SAND 44 % UOUID LMfi -% I I I I I I I I I 1 I SomPle o{ From PLAST|cfi INDEX GRAVEL I , % $LTActAY--fl--% SAND ?? % uSUrD LIMII -%SomPleol PIASIICITY INDEX RESU LT S !O lo l- 'l'o l.o il:12t 200 t5? 6l z\ 3 E I ,6.2 36.1 Ir t ,o*t", to t'tl (Nohr'Pt,,slc) , 9r3J9! F{--1;.^T"TS ifit nteones MlN. to Ms'l. ! !i ;\: ;h-r=seo lre 202r! '76 urutrt n olilEI-!!!!!l!E------T di--]ii- rot 107 il:rzt 2S r52 G-.ooo 'ore llr t",^.*l to tnt tNcx''Pt^slcl saldY vv2-4 From , ra f -rrnrl TtrST r'' a 4 i I ; I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I l r Sompleof CTAY. sandy From Eoring 't'rl- 2 at I a feet KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGTNEERS GRAVEL B % srLT&cLqY 72 % PIAS]|CtIY INDEX GRAV€L 2 % slLT & ct Y 76 % PI.AST|CITY INDEX SAND 20 % UOUID LIMII -% 9qN6 ?? % Liouro trun -* crAy (PL^srtc) lo str (NoN.pl^slc) Sompleof CIAY, sandy From Boring TTI-2 at .0t9 o3t 071 .t.9 .29t .590 t.tg 2.0 2.36 ..t6 9.5? tg-t 36.t '6.2 t2' 2&0..? t52 ol^nr€tfta oF PAt?tctt r\r M{.taif rfr6 ctAY tpt Asrcl ro st I (Nof{.A^sr|cl /- r- ' r.\ ^ -rlrltt -rr r\ -T Dr:r\t tr "i-.1 - o lr 12'MlN.CLAYEY BACKFILL GRAVEL GRAVEL (SEE FEPOFT FOR BACKFILI RECOMMENDATTONS) 4 INCH DIAMETER PEHFORATED PIPE.MIN,. N OTE S: 1. !NSTALL EITHER: A. APPROVED MANUFACTURED DRAIN . B. GRAVEL WITH PIPE BELOW GRADE WALL MANUFACTURED DRAIN PROVIDE PLASTIC SHEETING GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL TO REDUCE MOISTURE PENETRATTON. SYSTEM AND GRAVEL COVEREO PtPE OR COMPACTED BACKFILL z_ c' 2. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 6INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARO TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY , OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3. THE DFAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1'A INCH AND l/4 rNcH DFoP PER Fo oT oF DRAtN. 1- GRAvEL spEctFtcAT.toNs: wAsHED I 1/2 tNcH To No.4 cRAvEL wlrH LEss rHAN g% pAsstNG THE No. 2o0 stEvE. THE TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DFTAII (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECOMMENDATIONS) .WASHED 1-112 INCH:TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WtTH LESS THAN 3 PERCENT PASSING THE NO.2OO SIEVE. NOTE: INSTALL ETTHER 1. APPROVED MANUFACTURED AND PIPE.OR i 2" MrN.. M A N UFA CT URED DRAIN SYSTEM SCREEN WEEP.HOLES,PROVIOED AT 1O' CENTER TO CENTER 4 INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE. THE DRAIN LINE SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING EETWEEN 1/8 INCH. AND I'4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF ORAIN AND LEAD TO A POSITIVE BACKFILL 10'1'r-=-a COMPACTED BACKFILL ) q PROVIOE GALVANTZED GRAVITY OUTLET. DRAIN SYSTEM 2. GRAVEL WITH PIPE OR 3. WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL FIG. 7 9. I3-60 o VAIL PERMIT NO. GiJ2?43 Contractor's copy to be kept on Jobsite. TOWN OF PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 2. tsROOKS RESIDENCE I TF.A,CT A-2/LI, I,IOIIF}F.IDGE, FII,I:qG i/? I5O2 EUFFE}{R CREEK ROA.D Permit Fee 975.00 nOlD $206C.00 ToTAl,: $2135.C0 lJob Name or Location of Work) ARROr,; EXCAVATTTIG p0 nOX 1625, fiAGLE, C0 81531 -q70/3?8-5 Bill to: Paid: \\-jANErl, TUeNnULi .*]\_l Beceipt #:2895 (Public Works)(Public Worksl INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED White - Public Wotks Yellow - Finance Pink - Comm. Dev. Gold - Conlraclor r:-. a: FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WAI PERM|T 19_ TRACI A-2 I TRAC! A.I, LIO}S RIDGE, TILING #2 TOWNOFVAIL 1SOZ SUFTER CREEK ROAI} 2. Legal Descdption Add16ss ocToBER 1, 1999 Completion Dat€ Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV I060. oa Permit Fee S 6' cto Streel Addre€s (Permit Expiralion Date) Landscaping Temp. Site Access Excavaling Conlractor Name ;'-JULT 3l' 1995 J' start Date 4. Work is for lcirctg onel Water OtheT AI,L UTILITIES 5.Trench-width 6l Length 501 Depth (min.4') BondAmount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company 6. 7. L signatures are obtained, Public Service Natural Gas Group (1 --1987) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987)u, Total Permit Fee $f,/3s'"o -: - -?4- ;' signatures are obtained, permjtteg has optio4ol routing qq)lication through the Public Works office to obtain the necessaryTownof Vail signafuresPbaseall6wone*"Oi:toprqeqss . t- ,t Qa.,{.{e\!t\t- uAaP Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District (476j480) Public Service Company (1-8oo-922-198t1 i/: . /, ,'.vt tt' 10. 11. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies'(1-800-922-1 lrrigation Electricians Construction Inspector THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. ,.'' All excavation musi be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172\. Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. lcertify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, ol the Vail Municipal Code and all utility signed by me, and will abide by the same, anQ that all utilrties have been notified as required. Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT- Whita - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Conlraclor 12. company 04l I F-@d .i, .-l r r- . , f/ro"'-')'C" -/f V,th,f/v.- f1'6e't1t +'?z *ign Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL caresory nunoer (s - oa" Y//Z / q + erqeaName: K ,r o-a /s /-<'!r J,rt , - Building Name: Project Description: Orner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone:7 uJqta 7Hs y4 LcEy p J€ AlgnL '/7r""/ d t Legal Description: Lot --- Block- Subdivision Project Street Address: Zone District RC Comments: Board / Statt Action Mdronbyt KOf /U € voo' 4- (\ Seconded by: 5c*C^,€F ( cn 1,, (f t/r a,( frARcrovar . A /7,.n.,fl Disapprova, /A' h...r,tr Staff Approval- conditions: f,O (.ul,rl : '; /1.: / 4 ,?.*,.( .t ,'l ,. 1', nu4: /i I [., ,, , / ( . -/, ,- ,-,,'/ 1 ,<k t,l' 1,. //5,/e -).1 t ,/ tr-o (.<y', i /ve a( / kn'l 6ifrl .i".r ritli lt "*42 -s lnil bn. .<(.1r,-, ,( jo n*n.slo I Z? {,Q / 2 ,>i,-t( 1, TorrrnPlanner $ , i, /v n.y' n / f ', h '' t/ y'r ('rrrt. /. ! /y 4/t2 /'-n.. t '1,'',i:1, 't i/ii Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid * fw @wr*L l. ) tl [7{, tsoM & AssoctArEs ii,i- -}- : Ll l/^\ Archirecture Landplannins ProiectManasement ! trl! '1 :J.L I - 7 luly 1994 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 1 ,", '7 ) c d t- ,/' <' ,t<- RE: Tract/A-i and A-2,"Lions Ridge Filing #2 - Brooks Residences \_-, Dear Andy: In response to your letter dated June 29, 1994 we have revised the plans te conform to the approved SDD. We do not choose to amend the SDD. The follorving revisions were made to the Site Plan: l. The fire truck turn around conforms ro the SDD. dP d, Tfre garage door locations conform tothesDD. 6,L 3. The cornmon drivewav confomrs to the SDD. d4- 4. The retaining walls for the driveway conform to the SDD as shown on the enclosed 6lla scctions. 5. Elevations are shown at the top and bottom of all retaining walls' 6. With the revised fire truck turn around, the second tier of retaining walls is not needed and has beeu removed to conform to the SDD. i[- 7. The existing grade has been added as a dashed line on the elevations to illustrate that the proposed grade does not vary by more than 4 feet fronr existing giade. [;| 8 The common driveway does not exceed the approved plaus. 9. A hazard report, prepared by Nicholas Lampris, Geologist, is included and verifies that all hazard mitigation has been provided within the structures. 10. The revised Site Ptan shows the extent of site disturbance. There will be no 7Jl-- excavation on adjacent properties. ul P0.Box9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 o -L , I l. Sections on each side of the structures are shown on the elevations and show that the proposed grade does not vary more than 4 feet from existing grade. 12. Sections E - H through the common drive are ncluded.t/ 13. Geotechnical and structural Engineer's analysis will be supplied with building permit application. ---i- 14. The GRFA for these structures is as fol' | ^\'- lows: c/b-'l2L PARCEL A- I , Allowed: 3397 sq. ft. Proposed: 3370 sq. ft. PARCEL A-2 , Allowed: 3046 sq. ft. Proposed: 2979 sq. ft. 15. crawl spaces, less than 5 feet in height, have been indicated onthe plans to be ,/ backfilled. 16. A print of site, at a scale of l " = l0', and showing topography and building envelopes y,/ is enclosed. 17. All drawings are dated for the date prepared and dates revised. --' 18. Three sets of all of the revised plans are enclosed. r.--- 19. A complete DRB application, including a landscape plan, a landscaping list, a utility verification form and lighting fixture details has been enclosed for each residence. 20. A model accompanies this letter. \/ Please review these items and schedule the Brooks Residences for DRB review. Sincerely, /frr.- a/**t' Ken Long Senior Planner Isom and Associates cc.: Dr. HaroldBrooks 941 I mls t Nicholas LamPiris, Ph.D. CONSULIING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, coLoRADO 816s2 (303) 876-s400 (24 HOUHS) July 9, 1?94 Steve Isom 1*P1 "en t l nc . P.0. Borr I Eagle, E0. 81651 RE: ttrooks ReE i dences Dear l'lr . I sorn I I have been askE3d t c.r r.evi ew the plans of the two Brooks residences on Tracts A-1 and A-? which I reported on in letters cjated 9/Ig/san and t/?1./s3. In thoge letters I expressed my opinion that h.eeards ag3goci ated with rock{all and debris 'f Iow were rninirnal. The rear walI con{igutrations of the tWo ltnit:: as representecl in () yonr drawings will suf{ice as l.ong as the three feet of wall' ll-/ requri red aLrove {iniEhed grade dcres not contain windowst t'thich have virtutally no strength. It is still advigable to remove th6ge {ew roclts cln the low outtcrop abr:ve theEe sites which could roll down. This is most easily accompl ished prior to c on:;tr utc t i on. F(emember that pooitive dr*rinccfla around the rear o{ each butilding is necessar-y. I{ there are further questions, pleage do not hesi tate to contact me. Ni chol as Larnpiris Consulting 6eologist *i""-1, 80P y FI!. E 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 June 29, '1994 D ep aru n ent of Comnun ity D eve loprn e nt Mi'. Steve lsom lsom and Associates P.O. Box 9 Eagle, GO 81631 RE: Tracts A-1 and A-2, Lion's Ridge 2nd Filing, Brooks Residences Dear Steve: After an initial review of the Design Review Board (DRB) application that you submitted, we are requesting additional information. In my review ol the submitted plans, I found several areas where lhere were differences between the proposed drawings and the approved SDD plans. Keep in mind lhat the SDD deals with many details which have been documented. ll you woulcj like to redesign the access roads, the structures or the other site improvements in ways that differ from the approved SDD drawings, staff will be happy to discuss the sDD amendment process wilh you. lf you do not choose to go lhrough the sDD amendment process, all drawings must comply with the SDD approval. In order to do so, please make the following changes: 1. Bevise the fire truck turnaround to conform with the SDD. 2. Set the garage doors at the locations shown on the SDD drawings. This is critical not only to provide for adequate fire truck maneuvering but also lo meet the parking requiremenls. 3. Reduce the length of the common driveway to make it consistent with the SDD. 4. Ensure that the walls associated with the common driveway do not exceed 4 feel in height. In addition, verity that the walls do not extend for a grealer length than what is approved on lhe SDD drawings. 5. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall elevations for all walls throuohout the . proposed development. 6. Ensure that the walls supporting the common driveway do not exceed one tier. The SDD drawings show only one wall with a maximum height ol 4 feet. AZ Mr. lsom June 29, 1994 Page Two 7. On the side elevations of the residences, show existing grade and verify that the finished grade does not vary by more than 4 feet from existing grade.' 8. Ensure that the common driveway does not exceed the approved plans. 9. Provide a hazard report for these structures providing the detailed mitigation requiremenls. Please be aware that the SDD requires that all hazard mitigation be provided internally within the structure. 10. Provide a plan showing the exlent of sile disturbance. Any excavation that may occur on adjacent properties must be approved by those owners prior to the DFIB hearing. 1 1 . Show sections on each side of each residence. The sections should start at the top of the site at the highest poinl of the construction and should run down the site through the southern side of lhe common driveway. 12. Please show a seclion of the walls on either side of the common driveway at 112" = 1'scale. These should be at four different localions along the drive. 13. Prior to application for a building permit, you will need to provide a geotechnical and structural engineer's analysis of all retaining walls for this site. 14. The GBFA lor Unit A-1 appears to be over by 103 square feet. Please reduce this appropriately and provide scale drawings for both residences. 15. ldentify allcrawlspaces on the plans and indicate that they willbe backfilled with a resulting head height not to exceed 5 feet. 16. Provide a suruey of the site showing the approved envelopes and topography at 1" = 10'. 17. Please date all of your drawinEs. 18. Provide lhree sets ct all of lhe revised drawings to be submitted. lwill route these to the Fire Department and Public Works Department for their comments. 19. Provide complete DFB applications tor each residence. These must include a landscape plan, a completed landscape list wilhin the application, a completed utility verilication torm, and details on all lighting fixtures to be used on the residence. 20. Please provide a model ol the sile, driveway and proposed slruclures. Mr. lsom June 29, 1994 Page Three Please provide all ol the information identified above a minimum of three weeks prior to a DRB hearing. lf any of the items noted above are not part of the resubmitlal, staff will have to table lhe project to lhe lollowing DRB hearing. Thank you for your cooperation in this project. lf you want to discuss any of these details with me, please call me al 479-2138. Sincerely, &4/,-tv, Andy KDud{sen \ Senior Planner !1 i o 5 E***=Po*.4"Y .v KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCES CROSSVIEI{ AT VAIL TRACTS A-i AND A-2 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING T0I4'N 0F VAIL, C01,0RAD0 N0. Toy-co[|ilL CIEy. DEfT. I I ' Prepared for: Mr. Steve Gensler Crossview Properties Ltd. 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 500 Englewood, C0 80111 12354 WEST ALAMGDA p^nKr/Ay. LAK€WO@. CO 80228 (303)989.1223 No. 93-60 ?1't70 &;olS Job June 21, i993 t,,I I' I TABLE OF CONTENTS I I SCOPE SIJMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SITE GRADING FOIJNDATION BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION RETAINING AND FOUNDATION WALLS FLOOR SLABS CONCRETE SURFACE DRAINAGE LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS. GRADATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL 1 1 2 3 4 4 ) 6 e 10 10 11 l1 Fig. 1 Fig.2 Fig. 3 and 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 I I I I Figs. 4 I' I i .'-. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCOPE This report present.s the results of a soi-ls and foundation investi- gation for two proposed residences t'o. be Located in Crossview At Vail, Tracts A-l and A-2 of Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 in the Town of Vail , Colorado. A description of subsurface .conditions .found in exploratory borings, .recownendations for foundation construction, criteria for design of foundations, and our reconmendations for below grade construction are . presented in this report. The report was pre- pared based on conditions found in the exploratory borings, results of laboratory tests, and our experience with similar subsurface conditions in the Vail area. The recommended foundation construction procedure is influenced by the proposed type of structures and anticipated foundation 1oads. Prior to construclion we should review the construction plans for the structures to confirm E,hat our reconmendations are satisfactory for the residences as designed. A surnmary of our conclusionS and recon- mendations is presented in the follow-ing patagraphs. ' SUI.O,IARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1.Subsurface condi-tions found in the borings consisted of 2 Eo 3 feet of topsoil underlain by sands and clays to depths of 7 to 17 feet underlain by sandstone bedrock which extended to the maxinum'depth explored of 40 feet. No free ground water was found in the borings at the time of dri11ing. However, ground vater is always possible in local- j-zed zones at shallower depths especially at. the surface of the bedrock. ) o'-2- 3. The residences rnay be constructed with a spread footing founda- tion system. 4. Below grade construction at this siEe requires sPecial Precan- tions as outlined in this report in order to naintain the stability of the slope and sides of excavation. In addition' the potential for encroachment on adjacent property during con- struttion needs to be considered. Actual slope conditions rri1l not be known until the excavations are opened. A representa- cive of our office must be on-sit.e to observe the opening of' the excava tions. 5. Retaining walls may be designed and constructed for cut and fill areas as well as foundation walls- ' 6. Slab-on-grade construction is possible on this site with Low \ risk of slab movement.. .-. 7. .Good surface drainage should be rnaintained at all times to reduce the risk of foundation soils becoming wetted' PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION At the time of this investigation plans for the residences were . prel-iminary in nature. We understand the residences wi.11 be 3 stories including the basement and the garage which will be at the Lower leveL. The structures are anticipated to be of wood frame construction above ..:. grade and cast-in-place concrete construction below grade. Below grade const.ruction is planned for th6 basement areas, The maxirnum vertical depth of excavation is planned to be as much as 26 feet below grade Foundation valls may retain up to 26 feet of soil on the uphill side if the structures are not stepped to fit the sLope. Rock retaining wa1ls are planned along the uphiL1 side of the driveway and between Ehe struc- tures. These walls may be up to B feet in height. o'-3- SITE CONDITIONS The site slopes at about 2 to I (horizontal to vertical) dormward in a south-southeast direction. There are. srnall rectangular excavations along the east side of the proPerty. The access driveway will cross this area. An exisEing drainage channel- crosses t.he area of the excava- tions as well. Ae the time. of our iqvestigation the site !+as covered w.ith grasses, bushes and numerous trees which linited our access for drilling. 0vera11 drainage of the site is in a south-southeast direc- tion. IWESTTGATION Subsurface conditions were explored by drilling 2 borings at the locations shown on Fig. 2. The borings vere drilled on June 9, 1993 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger mounted on a tracked rig. A field engineer r.tas on the site to supervise the drill- ing, 1og the borings, visually classify the subsurface materials, and obtain sarnples for. laboiatoiy testing.' A description of bhe subsurface naterials observed in.the borings, penetraEion resistance values, and a surnmary of laboratory test results are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 3. The laboratory investigation included visual classification of all- samples and testing of sel-ecled samples for noisture contenEt density, and gradation. Results of Ehe laboratory tests are presented on Fig. 3' Logs of Exploratory Borings and Gradation Test Results, Figs. 4 and 5. -4- SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions consisted of 2 to 3 feet of topsoil underlain by clays and sands to depths of 7 to 17 feet. Sandstone bedrock was then encountered which extended to Lhe maximum depth expLored of 40 feet. No free ground water was found in the borings at the time of our investigation, However, ground r"'ater is always possible in localized zones at. shallower depths and especially at the bedrock surface. SITE GRADING Cut and fill will be required for construction of the driveway, basement., and garage areas. Some difficulty may be encountered when excavating the harder sandstone bedrock. We anticipate heavy backhoe equipment vould be required and possibly blasting in the bedrock to accomplish Ehe excavation. The fill may be constructed from t,he on-site soils excavated frorn the cuts. No gravel- or cobble larger than 6 inches or topsoil should be used in any fill area. Prior to placing fil1, the area should be Stripped of all vegetation and topsoil , scarified, and compacted. The driveway vil1. cross a drainage area and an excavated area which periodically holds water. These areas wIll require extra care tb see that all soft r+gt soils are removed to exPose firm soils prior to placing any fill for the roadway. Fill should be placed in thin Loose lifts and compacted to at least 9O percent of the modified =-.-.---.- Proctor maximum dry density (ASll-{ D-1557) or 95 percent of the st.andard I I I l I I I I I I I I l l I o -5-v Proctor rnaximun dry density (ASTI'1 D-698). The pl,acement and conpaction of fill should be observed and tested bv a reoresentative of our office. FOIJNDATION The subsurface soils at this site consisted of topsoil over sandy clay and clayey sand soj.Ls underl-1in by bedrock. The topsoil is not suitable for support of foundations but the remaining soil-s and bedrock will safely support spread footing foundation systems. Footings nust be extended at.. least 3 feet into natural soils in these areas. Footings ---:-:-:l supported by the undisturbed sandstone may be designed for a much higher maximum allowabLe bearing pressure. We reconmend a spread footing foun- dation system be designed and constructed in accordance with the fo11ow- ing criteria: 1. Footings should be supported by undisturbed natural soils beneath the topsoil and at least 3 feet belor,r originaL site grades at all poinEs. Soils Loosened by machine excavation should be cleaned from the excavation prior to.placing concrete for the footings. WalL and column footings should be designed using a maximum allowab1e soiL bearing_pressure o{-4;Q00J=.!_34 footings on sand or clay soils. . Footings supported by ttndisturbed sand- stone bedrock may be designed for a naximum allowable bearing pressure of 8,000 psf. Dimensions for coLurnn footings Should bi at least 24 by 24 inches and for conEinuous wa1l footings should be at least 16 inches wide. The footing widths nay be greater depending on the loads of the structure. Cont,inuous foundation val1s should be reinforced, top and bottom, to span l-oca1 anomaLies in the soil. I I I ' : -.: I l I l z. 4. 6. o -6- If pockets of soft soils are found in the bottom of the excava- tions, the soft soils should be excavated to expose firm soils. The bottom of the foundations rnay be constructed on the firn soil-s or the resulting excavation nay be backfiLled with com- pacted soil or lean concrete. Any soils placed as backfill should be placed in thin loose 1ifts, noisture conditioned and compacted to at least 98 percent of the standard Proctor naxi- mum dry density (ASTtl D*698). It may be desirable to place some footings on conpacted fiLl to reduce foundation wa11 heights. Any area to receive filL should be stripped of all topsoi.1. The area should then be scarified, noisture treat.ed and conpacted. Fi11 should then be placed in t.hin l-oose 1ifEs, noisture conditioned and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maxinum dry density (ASTM D-698). Exterj-or footings of wa1ls should be protected from detrimental frost action. The normal depth of frost protection in this area is at least 4 feet beneath the ground.surface. A representative of our office should observe the bottorn of the completed excavati.ons prior to constructing footings. A11 fill placement should be observed and tested during placenrent by a reDresentative of our office. BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION Excavations of uD to 26 feet in the vertical direction beneath the 7, R ' existing ground surface are olanned for construction of the basernent areas, The buildings and mostrof the driveway will be rv-ithin Uhe cuE area which covers the majority of the allowed building envelope. Slope failures of open excavations can occur if lhe excavation for the base- ment remains open for extended time viLhout construction progressing to brace the exiavation slopes or if the excavation sJ.opes are not properly laid back. Great care needs to be exercised during construct,ion so that the slope remains stable. - ' {*.- , r'i:-*,;,, ....' I "'S; r _.-].:::'-' | .j'. : I I -7- I hre recommend if at all possible that the depEhs of excavations be minimized. The slope of the ground surface on this site is about 2 to 1 (horizontal tso vertical). This steep natural slope greatly infLuences the size of an excavation. rn addit.ion, the depth of the excavation and the subsurface materj"als affect the distance the cut slope has to extend up the mountain to daylight. Cut slopes of I to l or 1.5 to l must be used in t.he soi.ls and vertical- cuts can be used in the bedrock. Bas6d on the borings a greater depLh of soil occurs on Tract A-1 , therefore, :. r.re anticipate a bigger excavation wouLd probably occur on TracE A-1.r I The location and elevation of the buildings should be evaluated so that I constraints of the excavation are known before construct.ion begins and I I so that the excavation does not, encroach onto adjacent property. Actual f slope conditions r+il1 not be kno,^rn until the excavations are opened. A I representative of our office .musE be on-site when the excavation I I begins. The location of the sandstone bedrock wil-l determine the size I and back sloping of the open excavation. During construction, we recoft-I I mend that,al1 of the fo1lor+ing precautions'be taken to reduce the fisk I of slope failure:I I i. Excavate only materiaLs necessary to construct the wa11s. I ; '' :::::::::r#"#:i1s rv.ith methods aird techniques thac reduce | 3. Excavations in the soils for garage or basement areas should be sloped aE I to I (horizontal to verti-ca1) or flatter to main- I tain stability of the slopes. The soils classify as Type B in I accordance with OSHA regulations. If water occurs in ihe cut slope at any point, the slopes should be excavated to 1.5 to I I I l.!';::;-.!l';.;.='r::).- ,$:'l:,'' 'r:ii:.'I .-: 1 .,:l I I I o -B- or flatter to satisfy OsHA criteria for Type c soils. vertical cuts may be made in the sandstone bedrock. Excavation should be performed after peak runoff periods which is after approxinately July 15. If seepage of rirater from the side of the excavation is observed, it should be reported immediatel.y to our office so that lre can recommend methods for safely controll-ing the fror.r ofwaterandmaj.ntainingstabi1ityofthes1ope. Ite should review the proposed excavation plan prior to beginning construction. RE?AINING AND FOUNDATION I.IALLS Basernent and retaining val1s vi11 be constructed which vill require lateral design pressures. we understand the foundation wa1ls may retain up to 26 feet of a sloped backfill. The existing slope is 2 to 1 (hori- zontal to vertical-). Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfi11, natural ground surface slope behind the wa11, and the height 'and type of wa11. where varls are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfiI1, the wal1s should be designerl to resist' the 'taii,iuerr eirth pressure condi.tions. where war-ls are restrained, which normally occurs in a basement. wa1-1, the wa11s should be designed to resist the earth pressure "at rest' condition. Based on availabre informdtion we recommend for design an equivaLent fluid. weight of 60 pcf be used for the rtact.ive" earLh pressure and an equivalent fluid weight of 75 pcf be used for the 'at rest' earrh pressure in soil. A uniform lateral pressure of 150 psf nay be used for the portion of wal1s in bedrock. Lower laLeral soil pressure values nay be possible 4. s 6. I'i"Ei' . :::;' f I o -9- depending upon our review of final drawings. The equival_ent fluid veights include allowance for the sloping conditions behind the walls but do not include allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live 1oads. A passive equivalenE fLuid weight of 300 pcf can be used to resist the wal1 loads where the soils vi1l always rernain t in pLace at the toe of the wall. A coefficient of friction of 0.5 can T'I also be used at the botLorn of t.he footing to resist the va11 1oads. Backfill behind or adjacent to vall,s shouLd be compact.ed to at i.. . 1east 95 percent of the slandard Proctor maxinum dry density (ASIU D- I | 698). the backfill should be placed in thin loose lifts at or above the I optimum moisture conEent. Placernent and cornpaction of the fill should I be observed and tested by a representalive of our office. I I to reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retaining walls, we reconmend the provision of a layer of clean t"I gravel or a manufactured drainage system immediateLy adjacent to the I back of the wa11. The gravel should have a maxirnum size of 1.5 inches I t..and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. I,lashed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage 1ayer. The gravel drain fill or manufactured drainage system should extend from the bottorn of the wal1 to within 2. feet of. subgrade elevation. The water can be drained from the gravel or manufactured drain by a perforated pipe with coLlect.i.on of the water at the bottom of the walL Leading to a positive gravity outlet. Typical details for wal.1 drains are presented on Figs. 6 and 7 I I I I ! N I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I -10- FLOOR SLABS The near surface soils at proposed floor slab elevations can con- sist of topsoil, fi11, or natural soils. The natural soils will safely support floor slabs. If topsoil or Loose fill from excavatLon cuttj-ngs occurs at. proposed floor slab elevations, it should be overexcavated to expose the underlying natural soils and then backfilled with compacted on-site soils. we recommend t.he soils be placed in thin J.oose Lifts, moisture conditioned, and cornpacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry densit.y (ASTM D-698). we also recommerid a 4-inch layer of free draining gravel be placed beneath the floor slabs to provide a moisture break between the clav soils and the concrete s1ab. CONCRETE The soil-s and bediock found at this area typical_1y contain soLuble sulfates. sulfates can cause damage to concrete members constructed with ordinary cement that come into contact with the soi1. Type V cement. is normally reconnended Jor high sulfate areas. However, a suit- able alternative for Type V cemenL is a I'modified" Type If cement. The "nodified" Type rr cement contains less than 5 percent tricalcium .alu- minate- use of a cerrent rlch mixture (maximum of 0.5 water/cement ratio) and 5 to 7 percent air entrainment further increases the sulfate resistance. This cement should be used for all concret.e members (s1abs, I l' I I , I I I I I I I I I I I o -11- piers, foundation wa11s, curb and gutter, and sidewalks) that come in contact with the soiL or bedrock. SURFACE DRAINAGE The risk of werting foundation soils and soirs behind the founda- tion walLs can be reduced by carefully planned and maintaj.ned surface drainage. ['Ie recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and rnaintained at all tines after the structures are com- pleted: Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavation should be avoided as much as possible during construction. All surface water should be directed away from the top and the sides of the excavat.ion during construction. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the residences should be sloped to drain away from the residences in all directions. .Water flowing down the slope to\rard the structures . should be drained around t.he buildings and away from the foundation wal-l-s and the cut slope area uphill frorn the residences. Backfill around the foundation wal1s should be moistened and conpacted to at leas_t 95 percent of the standard proctor naxinum dry densiry (AST}1 D-698). LIMITATIONS Our borings were spaced to obtain a reasonably accurate determina- tion of foundation conditions beneath the sites. variations in subsur- face conditions not indicated by the borings are alrvays possible. lJe should review the proposei excauation and structurar plans and observe a 4. [' i I I I I I I I I I l, I I , I I I -tz- the completed excavation Eo confirm that the soils are as indicated by the borings. Placement and conpaction of fill should be observed and tested. The recommendations and design criteria presented in this report are based on the structure as ne have anticipated its design and on the subsurface conditions as observed at this time, therefore, the crj.teria presented in t.his report are not valicl until we have been pro- vided with final construction plans and been allowed to evaluate the slope conditions. If we can be of further report, or in analyses of foundation viewpoint, please KOECHLEIN CONSTJLUNG ENGINEERS wNH/gk (1 copy . sent) Acc: J.R. Hodges Architect.s,1cc: Andy Knutsen - Town of service in discussing the proposed structure ca11. Inc. Vail ComnuniLy Devel-oprnent the conL.ents of this from the soils and Hou lette', '"^5.U-.^.-..".-. $.. , '.:.. -(r.ij t'o@ 1i-: Gam;dP o a I I I I I, I I I l I I I ! I I I I I I \ u. trl ut t? '.G r lJ- F U itt I il TO SCALE NOT FIG. 1 VICINITY MAP JOS NO. 93- 80 o I <-+--<:'' o - 9. Ilt i<oa e9 te F=!F -'z 0 a o o o +-=1 \ \ ctt = m F c o o.x u,r lt z I F o !,1 z o F z ul ul F ' \ J'F \, .,- I F o \ \ \ IE l,z 't?..39,rt80al1 9Nll]nSNOl N I lll-{f,l0)l inOUJ lldzz:-I F6E.T-a8-l3E o o = o F o J x UJ l! o o 6 ; I I .; gl ;.nt it I oi ooao qq .56 E ,.'3 B 2 44 F c .J il) arq d o l&P E 5 fi-'6 ,6 i E;il FHut q€i ! n -o iD or>rk I : 6: iEre E.$ ei taug t I r..,83H ! 9 R.A 2AA.'si 3 Jd 6EEl , I ".8 >"*E E' 5.d b | | r ? E bt r?83 'n r eR H .!t - ".- x 'g e EP 3 g H I 3 t I 8 s !, g F I o a I 6F gr z e g|{9 r'6gB iffEE .iu frrig9 x:a:l .iErr.iB'o9e 3H.:-r F-6ont it'Etb ! E .$J J ,-r .06 .oO t i i ,t sE '. n ! !:fr g , _i 5l .$s!$!g.q i u I .qg qg s n ; tt tE O O I{.'1 .n - ! .:Q o-a f H ?;;$;ttrt.{c T E !" i";T gBflBg A 6 e' g* gd d il E F9 Fg .x g; HsE$t " -i E : H# H$H g ; E s: '!H A g H E[ Efi EffiNlE-EL-a t 33J Nl HLd30 itr o a{ rt ;Ea$ sflA* ssE$ $ ; 9.o \ \ JI. IQ \:J 6!ET ; Its lo tr-?o !< rtel M Hld?o !f.ll l-lnil'lol I'lll'1H13[)l L,l0di UJ-a:lI Fi':. T -:',r:j- -r::?-'.1'tEMltiT :l;-r ' .:l KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIAY (Pl Sl|cl rO sfl-I (NON-PLAsrlcI Sompleof SAI'JD' very clavev, gr4vellv From Borinq Tu-l at 4 feet GRAVEL 16 % stLT&CLAY-4.0-% PTASICfiINDEX GRAVEL 7 % slLT&CIAY 7l % PtASrcWNDEX gqxg 44 % uouro LMn _% s,{ND 2? % uQuro LtMlI -% Sompleof CIAY, sandy From Borinq TTI-2 at 4 feet SOUTTR€ OPENI{GS r0 20 30 !(, 50 .005 .009 .or9 ,037 .o7a .149 .297 590 o.t2 EIAME]SP OT PNII]CIE N cuY lPtASr€) To st r tNoN.pr.Asrc) JOB NO. g3-60 G RA DATION TEST FIESULTS F lG. tt KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS GRAVEL 8 % SILT&CLAY 72 % PI.AS]CIIY INDEX I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Sompleof From Foring .rH-2 at 't 4 feet GRAVEL 2 % srLT&ctAY 76 % PTASTCITY INDEX snNo 2o :a UAUDLMIT-% 9q16 2? % UQUDLIMTT-% .005 .009 .0r9 _037 .074 .rdg .297 .590 o.62 2.36 !.76 9.52 tg.t f6.i t6.2 12' 26 t52 CLAY (PTA5IC) tO Si-r (NON.PLr.srcl - .,,.-r rrr r rri r I | | | rlrt@ .0OS .009 .0i9 .O3t .07,t .tlg t97 .590 t.t9 2.0 ?.3! ..76 9.52 tg.r lo: tAZ nt zw cr-AY (R,ASlCl IO SII (NON.PUSrc) JOB NO. I3-80 GRADATION TEST RESULTS F IG. 5 i' l I ' I I CLAYEY BACKFlLL 12' M tN. GRAVEL EELOW GRADE WALL GRAVEL MANUFACTURED DRATN (SEE BEPOBT FOR BACKFILL BEGOMMENDATlONS) 4INCH DIAMETER PBOVTOE PLASTIC SHEETING GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL TO REDUCE MOISTURE PENETRATION.PEBFORATED PIPE.MIN. N OTES: 1. INSTALL EITHER: A, APPROVED MANUFACTUHED DRAIN SYSTEM AND GRAVEL COVERED B. GRAVEL WtTH PIPE 2. ORAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 6INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT HIGHEST POTNT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY COMPACTED B A CK FILL I = ((' OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN SE REMOVED AY PUMPING, 3. THE DBAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1'8 lNCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPECtFtcATIONs: WAsHED 1 1/z tNCH TO NO.4 cRAVEL W ITH LESS THAN 3% PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE PIPE OR THE JOB NO. g3-€o TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL FIG. 6 \ I I 'i +l I o BACKFILL 10'1'f-- _:- COMPACTED BACKFILL I (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECO M MENOATIONS) ,WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WlTH LESS THAN 3 PERCENT PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE. NOTE: INSTALL EITHER 1. APPROVED MANUFACTURED AND PIPE. OR t z" MtN.. MANUFACTURED DRATN SYSTEM PROVIDE GALVANIZED SCREEN WEEP,HOLES PROVIDED AT CENTER TO CENTER 4 lNCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE. THE ORAIN LINE SHOULD BE LAlD ON A SLOPE RANGING EETWEEN '/8 tNCH AND 1/4 lNCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN AND LEAD TO A POStTtVE GRAVITY OUTLET. DRAIN SYSTEM FIG. 7 2. 3. GRAVEL WITH PIPE OR WEEP HOLES WITH O*OU''- D. I3-60 TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL .l- ..:- .|-\ r-';t .4. SCHEDT'LE A conmltment No: EsQ@274894-2 1, Commltment Dater APRIL 15, 1.994 at 8:OO A.M. 2. Pollcy or Pol1c1es to be lssuedr -^;;:-;;rilx 3i;;fofifriiifie, ?; Gi:, \-'\-'r'r4 3.r''! '& (a) Owners Pollcy - Proposed Insured: HAROLD t. BROOKS, JR. AND BARBARA RUTH BROOKS (b) Loan Pollcy - Proposecl Insured! (c) Proposed Insuredr 3. Fee sLmple lnterest ln the land descrlbed 1n thls Coru0ltment 1s owned, at the Commltment Date by: CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES, LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PAFTNERSHIP 4, The land referred to 1n thls Comnltment ls descrlbed as followsr TRACTS A-1 AND A-2, FINAL FLAT AND RESUBDIVISION OF TRACTS A AND B, A PART OF PARCEL A, LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, ACCORDING ?O THE PLAT RECORDED APRIL 14, 1994 IN BOOK 637 AT PAGE 538, COI,JNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO (for lnformatlonal purposes only) PREMIUM I Or^rners 5423.q@ Mortgage so,q@ f.lortgage so.ao Tax Cert Sr5.00 Pol1cy Anount s280, OO@.0O so,o@ 90.@@ APR 15, 1994 rlv MRL 'Orcler No. ESOOITAB}A-} Requlrements The followlng requlrements must be met: {a) Pay the agreed amounts for the lnterest 1n the land and/or .for the mortgage to be lnsured. (b) Pay uB the premlums, fees and charges for the pollcy. (c) Obtatn a certlflcate of taxes due from the eounty treasurer or the county treasurer's authorlzed agent. (d) Provlde us the "Affldavlt and Inclennlty" slgned by the partles llsted ln Paragraph 3, Schedule A of thls Commltment and notarlzecl . (e) The followlng clocum€nts satlsfactory to us must be slgned, dellvered and recorcledt 1. Warranty Deed sufflclent to convey the fee slmple estate or lnterest 1n the land descrlbecl or referred to hereln, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2A. Z. Partlal Release of the Deed of Tru€t fron cRoSsvIEW PROPERTIES, LTD., BYT CINNAMON VENTUREI INC. - GENERAL PARTNER, BY ROBERT M. ULLMANN, PRESIDENT AND BUF'FEITR CREEK TOWNI{OME, LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP to the Publlc Trustee of EActE County for the beneflt of BONNYITEDE PROPERTIES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP to SECUTe an lndebtedness 1N thE prlnclpal sum of E22O,OO0.OO, and any other amounts and/or obllgatlons secured thereby, dated APRIL 24, 1991 and recorded APRIL 25, 199L IN BOOK 552 AT PAGE 578. 3. Partlal Release of the Deed of Trust from CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES, LTD., A COLORADO LII,IITED PARINERSHIP to tbe Publlc Trustee of EAGLE County for the beneflt of KATZ INVESTMENTS, INC, to secure an lndebtedness 1n the prlnclpal sum of S175,OOO.Oq, and any other amounts and/or obllgatlons secured thereby, deted NOVEIT{BEB 3, 1993 and recorded JANUARY 5, 1994 IN BOOK 529 AT PAGE 267. The lnstrument set forth a6 Item No. 3 above was re-recorded JANUARY 28, 1994 IN BOOK 631 AT PAGE 30. 4. Compllance wlth the provlslons of sectlon 39-14-102, Coloredo Revlsed Statutes, requlrlng completlon and fllhg of a real property transfer declarat 1on. 5. Evldence satlsfactory to the Company of compllance wlth an ordlnence enactlng a real estate transfer tax wlthln the Town of Va1l together 9t1th eL1 emendments thereto. 6. Recordatlon of the Plet and Covenants for subJect property. 7, THIS COMMITMENT IS SUBJECT TO SUCH REOUIREMENTS AND/OR EXCEPTIONS AS f,lAY BE DEEI,IED NECESSARY UPON BEVIEW OF The Plat and Covenants for subject property BY COUNSEL FOR THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR SUBSIDIARIES. NOTE: IF THE SAI,ES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PRoPERTY EXCEEDS SLQO,OOO.OO TIIE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COI,{PLY WITH THE DISCTOSURE OR WITHHOLDING (SEE CONTINUATION OF SCIiEDULE B _ SECTION 1, IF ANY, ON NEXT PAGE) o ALTA Plaln Language Conmltlnt SCHEDtttEB-Sectlon2 order No. ESqO278B94-2 Except lons Any pollcy we lssue wlII have the foll.ovrlng exceptlons, unless they are taken care of to our satlsfactlon: 1. Taxes and Assessments not certlfled to the Treasurer's Offlce. 2. Any facts, rlghts, lnterests or cla1ms whlch are not shown by the publlc records but whlch could be ascertal.ned by an lnspectlon of the land or by maklng lngulry of peraons ln possesslon thereof. 3. Ea€ements, or clalns of easenents, not shown by the publlc records. 4. Dlscrepancles, confll.cts 1n boundery 1lnesf shortage 1n area, encroachments, and any facts whlch a correct survey and lnspectlon of the lend eroulcl dlsclose, and whlch are not shown by the publlc recorcls. 5. Any llen, or rlght to a llen, for servlces, labor or materlal heretofore or hereafter furnlshed, Lnposed by law and not shown by the publlc records. 5. Any and all unpald taxes, asses€lments and unredeemed tax Bales. 7. The rlght of proprletor of a veln or lode to extract or remove hls ore should the aame be found to penetrate or lntersect the prenlses thereby granted as reserved ln Unlted State patent recorded , ln Book 93, at Page 421 and any and alL asslgnments thereof or lnterest thereln. 8. Rlght of way for dltches or canals constructed by the authorlty of the Unlted Stetes, as reserved ln Unlted States petent recorded 1n Book 93 at Page 42. 9. Covenants, condlttons and reEtrlctlons, whtch do not lnclude a forfelture or reverter clauge, 6et forth 1n the lnstrunent recorded September 20, t912 ln Book 225 at Page 443. Amendment of, salcl covenant8, condlttons and restrlctLons by en lnstrument recorded Januaty 22, L974 1n Book 233 at Page 53, Provlslons regardlng race, color, creed, and natlonal orlgtn, 1f any, are deleted. 10. The followlng ltems as set forth on the plat of Llon's Rldge Subdlvlslon F1l1ng *2r to-wlt r Ut1llty easementa 10 feet on each sl.de of all lnterlor lot llnee and 15 feet along all exterlor 1ot llnes and along all subdlvlslon boundary llnee. 11. Terms, condltlons, provlslonsf egreements and obllgatlons speclfled under the Agreement regardlng underground telephone condult by and between Tayvel Envlronmental Land Company and Mountaln states Telephone and Telegraph Company recorded September 27, 1973 ln Book 231 at Pege 291. 1,2. Resolutlon No. 80-20 of the Board of County Commlssloners County of Eagle, State of colorado recorded Merch 27, 1980 1n Book 30@ at Page 757 and Resolutlon No. 80-32 recorded June 4, 1980 1n Book 3@3 et Page 545 and Resolutlon No. AO-2A recorded May 6, 19gO 1n Book 302 at Fage 508. 13. Covenants, condlt lons end restrlctlons, whlch do not lnclude a (SEE CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B - SECTION 2, IF ANY, ON NEXT PAGE) I !.\Jl\ r rNLrfl?N vr e\v l1crrr rJ tr rJ :J ----^,--'o' forfelture or reverter clause, Set forth 1n the lnstfument recorded March i.t , igee, 1n BooX-iOO at Page'?58 and re-recorded Aprll 10, 19BO ln Book :oi at Page 415, Provlslons reglarcllng race, color, creed' and natlonel or1gln, lf anY, are deleted. 14. Easenent end rlght of way to contructr operate and malntaln exlstlng facllltles provldlng srater and sewer servlces, as granted by The Valley Venture, a COlorado general partner€h1p to The Eastern Va1ley Condonlnium Assoclatlon, phase 2:A-one, a Colorado non-proflt corporatlon by lnstrunent recorded July 10, 1981, 1n Book 325 at Page 795' 15. An easetnent for rlght of way to Construct, oPerate end malntaln a Walkway for Pedestrlan lngress and egress and lnclctentaf Purposes granted to ftre Velley Venture, e Colorado general partnershlp by the lnstrument recorded JuIy 10, 1981, 1n Book 325 at Page ?95. 15. An eaeement for rlght of way f,or utlllty purpoees and lncldental prrpoJ." franted to The VaIley Venture to Holy Cross Electrlc Assoclatlon iry in" hitrument recorded October 28, 1981, tn Book 331 at Page 257. L7, An eaEement for rtght of way for erater I1ne PurpoEes ancl lncldental purpoEes granted to The Valley Venture to Va1l Valley Consolldated Water Ofsirfct by the lnEtrument recorded SePtember 13, 1982, ln Book 345 at Page 785. 18. Terms, condltlons, provlslons, agreements and obllgatlons speclfled under the Memorandum of Agreement by and between Crossvlew Propertles' Ltd. and Buffehr Creek Townhomes, ttd. recorded July 31, 1991 , ln Book 559 at Page 76. 19. Ea6ements, condltlons, restrlctlons end resefvatlons as shown or reserved on the recorded plat of the Flne] PIat and Resubdlvlslon of Tracts A and B, a pert of Parcel A, Llons Rl.dge Subdlvlelon Fll1ng No. 2. 2A. Covenants, condltlons, restrlctlons, reservatlons whlch do not lnclude a forfelture or reverter clause, Declaratlon, recorded , 1994, ln Book - at Pege and 11en aet forth rlght s , ln the SPECIAL TAXING DISTSICT NCITICE (A NotLce Glven In Conforntty Wlth sectlon LO-I1-L22 C.R.s. ) the subiect land may be located ln a speclal taxlng dl-strlctr a certlflcate of taxes due l1st1ng each ta:rlng Jurlsdlctlon Bhall be obtalned from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorlzecl agentf ancl lnformatlon regarcllng speclal dlstrlcts and the boundarleE of such allstrlcts may be obtalned from the board of county commls8loners, the county clerlc ancl recorder, or the county tregsurer. . Pnovrsroxs oF c..:"*;-;I;-.;' ;#;;-;#il., . DATE' APR 14, 1994 ORDER *: ESoO278A94-2 PROP. ADDR. r OWNER/BUYERT HAROLD L. BROOKS, JR. AND . BARBARA R1JTII BROOKS PLEASE DELMR TO THE CUSTOMERS CHECKED BELoW T ?O: ROBER? ULLMAN t I'I,TIilATE HOLDINGS, 4OOO CIJI'IBERLAND PKI'IY BLDG 7OO *C, ATLANTA, GA 30339 ATTNI TO: SLIFER, SIIIITH & FRAMPTON, INC.COPIES r 01 230 BRTDGE ST.'-vArt, co 81057 l4i6-z4zLt ATTNI LEE RII.TEL TO: FIRST AMERICAN TTERITAGE P.O. BOX s69O (949-4406) AVON, CO 81520 ATTNI BETH TOT STEVE GENSLER COPIES : 01 7752 OAKVIEW PL CASTLE ROCK, CO aOtOA ATTN: TO; SIIFER, S!,IITH & FRAMPTON P.O. DRAWER 2A2O BEAVER CREEK, CO 81620 COPIES r 01 ATTN, JAN JOHNSON TQr SLIFER, SMITH & FBA}|PTON COPIES , 01 230 BRIDGE ST. VAIL, CO 9155? ATTN r WILtIAl,l ROBINSON TO, HAROLD & BAEBARA BROOKS COPIES r O1 1526 48TH AVE. VERO BEACH, FL 32965 ATTN: TITE ABOVE IS A LISI OF CLIENTS THE ATTACI{ED TT?LE COMMTT}IENT gAS BEEN DELIVERED TO. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE COM}.1ITI.IENT, PLEASE CONTACT FIRST AMERICAN HER]TAGE TITTE COMPANY AT THE ABOVE PHONE NTIMBER. PTEASE REVIEW THE COII{MITI"IENT CAREFULLV, TAKING NoTE oF TIIE T.oLLowING ITEMS CONTAINED THEREINT SCIiEDULE A; NEW EFFECTM DATE, REVISE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 318 BnOAnnAr EAC[,E, @ 81631 (303) 32S_52r1 COPIES : @1 COPIES r 01 P.O. BOx 1980 Fofm No 1343 (CG87' AL'A Plrin Languagt ComtnittDonl COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY FI RST AM ER ICAN HERITAG E TITLE COMPANY agent for F]RST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY rarerred to ln this Commltment as th€ Company, through its agent, First American Heritage Title Company, referred to in this Agreernent as the Agent agrees to lssue a policy to you according to the terms of this Commitmenl When we show the policy amount and your name as the proposed insured in Schedule d this Commitment becomes eflec- tive as of the Commltment Date shown in Schedule A. tf the Requlrements shown in this Commltment hav€ not been met wfthln six months after the Comm itment date, our obligatlon u nd er this Commitment will ehd. Also our obllgalion under this Com mit- ment will end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation to you will be under the Policy. Our obligalion undef this Commitment is limiled by the following: The Provisions in Schedute A. The Reouirements in Schedule B-1 . The ExcePtions in Schedule B-2. The Conditions on Page 1-A This Commltment is not valid without SCHEDULE A and Soctions 1 and 2 of SCHEDULE B. First American Title Insu rance Company PRESIDENT BY UUIL C.ln L/. sEcREtAFY l.ri;;;;t'' o 2. 3. 4. 1. CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS {a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. {b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters atfecling lhetitle according to the state law where lhe land is located. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B - Section 2 may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear tor the first time in public records or are created or attached belween the Commitment Date and ihe date on which atl of lhe Requirements of Schedule B - Section 1 are met. We shall have no liability to you because ol this amendmenl. EXISTING DEFECTS lf any detects, liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. It we do amend Schedule B to show these delects, liens or encum brances, we shall be llable lo you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of thls information and did not tell us about it in writing. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue to you lhe Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements. lf we have any liability to you tor any loss you incur because ol an error in this Commitmenl, our liability will be limited to your actual loss caused by your relying on this Commitmenl when you acted in good faith to: comply wilh the Requirements shown in Schedulo B - Section l or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Section 2. We shall not be llable for more than the Poticy Amount shown in Schedute A ot thls Cornmitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issuect to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim, whether or not based on negligence, whlch you rnay have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this commitment and is subject to ils lerms. 200.200.1 o I I "i CH *r t i a t J l.t 6'-{_ I I _J. z b N .t' :! 4 5 { I t *6 t r.1 9t '+,} E I 7lt lb I o =. \app xicpnN ':, oNE 1?ACL c ^tqlr*T- LL ^ q v -t.ft - v'A'/'"1 i 7f i,.%r Jn rnLQ s ffi lY *' i I , LOT l.foFtTl{#LE l" =lo' AF- b-;: Toooo *__w-* ;?q .r-.3 . i .1,'t { I o (awto wf \\co!4lNe UR.AW) rl f I I I h I r^r; -l (FtFt1tg.r \ \coMlNe Lffiitw/ _L NOFT}I %tE 7',--b' <h-6oADi - n)I VtUta-n J I ;\J t ! OF?9TBE€T AftKhTi ARFA6 t I l--l--_t -l . I I I M) r) f .i ?.i ''.1 1l I I r I 'l { { { ;I i No6f?+ v A.NE l^ .ld / *;'F ,->/ --\ ; t /rr'/fu _ '(/ \ ENrFY /3 it ' I l. lcl rL :i, MIDIZ-E LE1/FJl-&veFtep il toy ?o L z --l tol | =i' {7 9Q.'s/ l+o FJ r- I -1 I --.1 I -l I -l r I l- r I l- '+NORTH #Le f -lO r LOn/eR @lffiE" "ARKlNe ' . !.-'i i,* ;ri ! t: f'?t'n "'r( 4 Easterzr Vallcy CondomlnLurt Assoc. Phase 2A-One Box 1861 ValL, Co. 81658 HaY 29' l98l ?oun of Vall Department of Conrmrnlty Development Box 100 Vall, Co. 81658 Dear Slrs: Thts letter ls to eonfk'rn the approval by thc Board of Dlrectorg of the proposed deek area expanslon of Unlt A-?, Attaehed ls a copy of the propsed plan. Slncerely yours, .4^..//F/i25 Ronald Luatlg Preeldent .i:xk:i.' Project Name: Descriplion: and Phone: 3i'$.11 Address and Phone: -,.i ; ; i t! 1"-; -.; : 9',. ..i _l ; Design Review Board Dale DISAPPFOVAL Summary: I t