HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 PHASE 2 TRACT A1 LEGAL/ 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1502 BUFFBHR CREEK RDL Status...: ISSUED FAX970-477-2452 Location...: ^i,\> Applied..z O6/27/L995 Parcel No.. : 2I.0_1:17?:11-001 Issued. .. | 0^?/,9!/,!222 1 , E60. 00 1 ,209. 0O .00 5.00 Restuarant P Lan Rev iew--> Recreation fee----------> ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- .00 200.00 703.80 500.00 1,175 .80 Tota I catcdtated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees--------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> 4,175 .8O .00 4 ,175 .80 Payment s BALANCE DUE----.00 ff*ft*'t*****ffi**********ffitr*****ffff*Jct****i*ffi*******************************tc**************##ffi***ffi****ffi***** > 1,175.E0 BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: qePt:PUB WORK Division: rrem: osto0 BurlDrNq.""trRy/fiomm. Dev. Depr: ?i!12./ rrz7: r.3ffiil^ cilean.upaewrggit Refung".. 07 /30 /Lsss AND''t"8pHltftE"dil3[P', 07 /o6/Lee5 07 /30/Lee5 Item:05600 07 /3L/Lee5 Item:05500 07 /3r/tees FIRE DE DAN PUBLIC CHARLIE EfriFflYglft AqTIon: AP wo6ft0fe Action: APPR *f***'ffiffi**,r'r****ffiffi*lrt****lr**ff*********ffff*ffiff*Hffii.t***ffi****ff***ff##**ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, f il.l,ed out in ful.l. the information required, compteted an accurate ptot pLan, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy Hith the information and pLot pt.an, to conPly Yith al'L To]rn ordinances and state tavs, and to buitd this structufe according to the To]rn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH approved, Uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appLicabl,e thereto. REOI'ESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS send crcan-up Dcposit ro: ,/kXl// &ook IN ADVANCE BY .ffi* Permit 895-019 4 c\ owNER BRooKs HARoLD L JR & BARBARA RUK(X nO 1s26 48TH AvE, VERo BEACH FL 3eqFG ^a)r coNTRAcToR H & R CoNTRACTING .\Y O" Phone z 949-1446 ^^ ^._^\-/ ^,P.O. BOX 220I, VAIL, CO 8t{8t/ 4t coNrRAcroR 3:3 s3l'HsTr"idfrqJ{ft.f ep phonez 303e4e1446 3::ff:*ion:NEw {h VPJ Du',"qiry,v il::i:: "'.ll"illln ""+:i;..131 Dwellings '\ \v Zone 2 V-N 93.48 3t799 3551130.52 Private Garag\\ Zone 2 V-N Masonry 2?.60 893 24,646.80 Subtotal : 4 ,692 379 ,777 .32 \rable Date: N/20/Leeu ,o,",, of Vail ^oj::::l Y:i:::i:l: 333 "'o.,,'o'.130 t i rep lace Infornation: Restricted:,0f Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs:#Of l,lood/Pa l, Let : ****************#ir**t*fi*#L*****H****ff**rr********fi FEE SUl4tlARY Bui Ldi ng-----) Ptan check---> lnvestigation> l,li t I ca l. l,----> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: BROOKS RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 Job Address: 1502 BUFFBHR CREEK RD Project No.: PRJ95-0I22 - Expires. .t OI/3L/1996 {,2 *'n"uo 'u"* /" ******************************************************************************** 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Permit #: 895-0194 PAGE 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08/04/95 Departutent of Community Development Status: fSSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlrpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant: BROOKS HAROLD L JR & BARBARA RUT Job AddresS: 1502 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: Parce1 No: 2103-122-11-001 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PRO.JECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. Applied: 06/27/7995 rssued: 08/04/L995 {S**uoruo / ** *** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * il** * tF * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * TOttN oF VArL, cOLoRADo Statemnt **************************************************************tl* Statemnt Number: REC-0052 Amount:3,266.80 O8/O4/95 11:30 Payment Method: cHEcKs Notation: #204 & 5t44 INit: LRD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addressl This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 895-0194 slpe:. B-BUTLD NEW (SFR,P/S'DUP) PE 2I03-L22-11-001 I5O2 BUFFEHR CREEK RD *************************************rt************************** Total Fees: 3,266.8O lotal ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUII-,DING PERMIT FEES DESIGN PSVIEW FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WIL[, CATL INSPECTION FEE 4,475.80 4 ,475 ,80 .00 Anount 1r86o.oo 200.00 500. 00 703 .80 3.00 PTION: LOL SingIe DATE: IJEGAI, DE ADDRESS: OITINER ARCHITECT ZONE DiSTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, Pr 2-lt ILG Le- ZONE DISTRICTS Block Subdivision PHONE PITONE a I imary nu cr.l '( Allowed z.--\(30) (ID -<< 4t -] ---J Proposed TotaI o/< -- ,t^145 _+s'll 1l>"t' .W,z \*a1 I - a\.1+ 34t i r fC'+L 4' R ' n- |AJ't'-/-" 20' L5', 15', 5Ltt.t- / rl.i -t ,t4tyn .-t' z sLz I t r L, L 7Y..i t t t' @'\' "k t'wcf* qt sa'n-o(':/nf z5 neqrd (3oo) 60;\(eoo) (120 Permit Led slope t -"J'[ a a a I 4 -- o) 11 Proposed c--t d 2- EncI slope % fiw/..n YeS UO p* {m Yes ,j-t ^* .1 ' ...*,. i, 1 { il tllf ,!. "l f. .l ;-,-;'.-,-,:' / \ J .:-1) /neiqnY ,/,g24ocat cnna t;F,/.uuact s FronL s ides Rear -s{ue coveras{Z\\(z t, rz L t') "d-andscapins (,t 4(z t, tzt" t-\ ,/{etainins wall ltqights - '4 urrilli rt6rkitg ,{ataqe crediL Drive: .Cornplies wiEh r.O.v. irilaLer Course Sel-back .",gd rinish Grades Exceed 2:1 ,zfv i ronmen ta1 /tlazards : ,-di,ew Corridor EncroachmenL : 'Eoes this requesL invoive d How much of che allowed 250 J.'-; i ..- 'f-r;r. t" i l 't'.-'. ;-r f* d ,7 r-*, .r. t Lr-. , l-.. ;,,.-,i-,.^' --7' v-r-'.{ ^tf 6.r\- ;t t.-< ,17 L0 Lightinq Ordinance (30) (s0) ( s0%) {-tI- Flood Plain BUILDABLE exis tinq )- zc-,f $u it-o tN \ ?e:vzvw 1'7 ,/Secondary L t+ g, LK nr lr lttt JJ- LOT AREA 4t< r2f PercenL slope (< > 3o%l-ZBgD-- 3) Geologic rlazards a) Snow lvalanche /t zl dt bl Rockfall -oi"i oebris n16T 4 ) Wetlands ,. o No-rJdJ-- 250 Ad<iiLioIt? .1-'t AddiLion is used \,tiLh bhis requesL?<r-- z{revi,ous condit,ions of approval (check properLy f ile) . /-4' J pla .4/-< L,L;,l vu ot -(z l\o ltr-+\-t 't-- €r' '"s q ,,' !'L'.- *-! tl ry'..., l.^ /j"''.r'J, i^ i l-" \ I o *z- _\ /, I I I n /7[, rsoM & AssoctATEs ll l/^\ Architecture LandPlannins ProieclManasement 27 July 1995 Andy Knudtsen Department of Community Development Town of Vail I I I S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Broola Residence Dear Andy: Attached arc the revised floor plans and foundation plans for the Brooks residence where we have reduced the dimension by 10" on the northwest side of the building by the family room and kitchen. This change of 10" is a net change on the interior dimensions of 5 I .4 square feet in floor area. This reduction will make the finished floor square footage in conformance with Town of Vail regulations of 3,397 square feet. I have also included 4 sections showing worst case scenarios on Lot A-2'and on A-1. The soils in this area are rock and will have to be either dynamited or excavated with a large backhoe. There is Ro reason that the wall will not stand vertically. We will be putting a security fence along the top of the cut until such time as the foundation has been backfilled to avoid any rocks falling in or any harm to pedestrians. This should meet all ofyour requirements for issuance of a building permit and it would be greatly appreciated if the permit was issued expeditiously. Sincerely yours, Harold Brooks 94lfbrck P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 t-t^tl //1\ tc tt //\\ rt | | / /a\\ Arcn I IIJ L\ ATES Andy Knudsen Management 2l July 1995 Department of Community Development I I I S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Brooks Residence -Tract A-1, Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Filing No. 2 Dear Andy: Per your phone conversation yesterday with Ken Long we have addressed the following items: l. The extent ofexcavation has been indicated on the Site Plan./Landscape Plan. In addition, we have included Sheet lC which illustrates the relationships of excavations, driveways and retaining walls with the property lines. There will be no disturbance beyond the property lines, except onto Tract A-2 which also belongs to the Brooks. 2. we have included the stamped and signed letter fromNicholas Lampiris, ph.D.., Consulting Geologist and dated August 29,1994, which states that the construction of these units will not increase the hazard to other property, structures, or to public right-of-ways, buildings, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties ofany kind. 3. The owners have reviewed the plans and have signed the Geologic HazardReview Form which is also enclosed. 4. The fire truck turnaround in front ofUnit A-2 will be constructed as shown on the plans and at the same time as tlte construction of Unit A-1. 5. The G.R.F.A was checked by you last year and was found to be below the allowed G.R.F.A. in the S.D.D. I will meet with you to go over the floor area together to resolve the issue. Ifyou have any other questions concerning these items, please contact this office. Sincerely, cc.: Harold Brooks P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 9411mdy Z/o=- tzL-)-oor G* TowN oF vArL coNsrnucrrdrfi' PERMTT APpLrcATroN roru{ ?t DATE: rs:r;-'{ J0ll Z B tgg5 ^ t App,,rcArroN MUsr BE FrLr.riD our coMpr,ErE,,y oR ttly*{mffipDflf$Slg {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMrr TNF.RMATT.N *******************.**********A Ix]-Building [ ]-P1umbinq [ ]-Electrica1 1 l-Hechanical [ ]-other JOb NAMC: nnOOKS RESIDENCE JOb AddTESS: L5O2 BUFFER CREEK.ROAD Legal Description: LotTRACT A-lBl-ock_Filing /12 Owners NarDe: DR. HAROLD BROoI(S Architect: ISOM AND ASSOCIATES General Description: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WESTIN HOTEL _ IJNIT R-4 81658 (aaaress) 1300 wESr HAVEN pRrvE,vArL,coph . 476-7rtl Address: P.O. BOX 9, EACLE, CO 81631 ph.32B-2388 Work Class: [X]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional t Nurber of Dwellihcr Units: I Number of Acconmodation Units: 0 INFORMATION *** *************rr********** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: a l-Repair [ ]-other ^ Ij;rnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances I Gas Logs 2 Wood/pellet_!_v /tt*******nffi:Ufit--"***** VALUATIONS *********************************/.7 I rF-\J /Q ez | 1<-- BUILDTNG: $300.000 EIECTRICAL: $2_:,ry9__ oTHER: $ O.- - PLUMBING: $ 30.000 MEct{ANrcAi,r $2!=_qqg_ ToTAL: $:8d000- Y***** * *** * * * * * *** ** * ** *** **lleneral contractor: TRD '&Tou'n of Vail Recr. NO-Address ' I''- - Phnno Nrrmlror. Electrical Contractor: TBD Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: TBD Mechanical Address: i-nnf r:r-tnr. 'npn Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: **:l*****************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLI.IMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: /*A TOTAL PERMIT FEES BUTLDTNG: SIGNATUR-E: SIGNATURE: PLI.IMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECR.EATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: VALUATION CLEAN I]P DIPOSIT REFI]ND ffEdmlfiw*+ p Steve I gom I -PI 6n ? Inc. P.0, Eox I Eagle, CO, 81631 RE: Broohs Resi dences Dear Mr. I som: a'-o Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 slLT, coLoRAOO 81652 (3O3) 87es400 (24 HOURS) August 29t LgS4 I have been resi denceg on dated S/ tAlS? oFi ni on that were minirnal . asked to revi eFJ the Pl Tractg A-1 and A-2 which r and L/22/53. In those hasards associated wi th ans of the two Brookg I reported on in I etters l etters I expressed my rock{al I and debri5 flow The rear w.ql1 configurations of the two utnitg as represented in your drawings wi I L su{{ice as long as the three {eet o{ wal I required above {inished grade does not contain windowst which have virtually no strenqth. It is still advisable to remove those few rocks on the I6w outtcrgp above theee sites whicfr could roll down. This is most easily accompl ished prior to conEtrurction" Tlre constrltcti on o{ these two units' i{ huti lt atrcorcling to the plans and site plan, will not increase the hazard to other propartyr EtructureEr or to public rights*of-wayt building*t roads, streets, easements, urtilities or- {acilities or other properties of any kind. Remember that positive drainage around t-he rear o{ each building is necessary. I{ there are further questions,, please do not heeitate tn contact me. NicholaE L Consul ting 6eol ogi o Koech lein Cons.ulting_Eng ineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers l2SAnW.Alameda Phffy. Suite 13D. Lakenvood, CO80A2B (303) s89-1223 Fax (303) 989-0204 Septenber 16, 1994 Mr. Steve Isom Iaom and Associates P.O. Box 9 Eag1e, Co 81631 Subj ect :Brooks Residences Tracbs A-1 & A-2 Lions Ridge Subdlvision, Fiting 2 Vail, Colorado Job No. 94-190 As requeated I reviered the drar.ings for of this letter is to present my concl.usions for consEruction of the residences. the proposed project. The purpose from a geotechnical- point of vier Tvo residences are planned for the site. construction sill also include a driveray and boulaler valls. The slope of the ground surface in the area of the residlences is about 50 percent. The boulder ralls are ptanned for providing level areas for the driveway and along the sides of tbe residences. I revieYed the site plan and sections. The p1an6 and sections indlcated that the excavation for construction of the residences could be as nuch as 30 feet and the boulder ratls could be 4 feet in height. In Ey opinionr it is possible to construct the buildings as proposed on this site. Ilovever, due to the steep stope of the ground surface, excavation of soils antl rock and construction of varrs uust be perforned carefully. The sajorlty of the val1s are boulder valls and not designed as retaining valls.Localized site conditions vil1 influence the height and need for retaining Ta118. where soils neeil to be retained, geogrld reinforcement of the soils Yould need to be installeal. The excavation of soil and rock at this site requirea that OSHA regulations be follored. Allovance for excavation lirnits thaE satisfy oSHA should be cons idered. site drainage shoulal be reviened during and after construction.of the revierr is to confirm that drainage conforms to the contlitions and reduce f1or. of vater adjacent to sal1s. The excavations and construction of boulder varls should be representative of our office. The purpose of the observations The purpose actual site observed by a is to ass ist ,{ Mr. Sgeve IsoE septenb€r 16, 1994 Page 2 in constructionr confirn the subsurface conditions provide recomendations. I appreciate the oPportunity to provide this service' service r please contacf ne. are as anticlpated and If I can be of further SincerelY, KOECHLEIN CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS illl^*4.K*-l*; illiam H. Noechelin, P.E. Pres ident wrx/hk (3 coples sent ) o The undersigned has/have read the {a ,1D 5DD Ftzrts z8 Nat- lJ4lA'rws '__ Hazard Report, dated 1 prepared by located in a hazard otd4rts lpoc.<- to accept these facts and usape (Name, Oarner) . ,The foregoing insfument was-aclnowledged before rne this r/0 aay ot 4'"'lb .l9tJby OtiBOle*(, F2oorz< , known to me to be the person fiiose frame is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowtedged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: n,/r T/q' srATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUN.'y OF EA&L{ ',) . The foregoing instrument waqacknoryledged before me this zoh day ot t/"/y -.1glZby H4zat r . \ At^^/4 . known to me to be the perscin whose name is subscribed to the foregoing iirstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. STATE OF COLORAOO , ) ) ss. couNrY oF E44L€ ) My commission expires: 3,, r/r7 * Haz:rd ? (Legal DEscrlptlon) lAffe understand from the cglglusions that he proposed building is ffid zone, andlhereis hePotential reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared (Name, Owner) clro.msltEzrtd FIRE SAFE/ 0rc2onlaN BuyLine 6481 a MA iNTENA}ICE FREE Rough Shcke or C\rstom Brushed (Available in all 20 standard colors.) A beautifultile which simulates are raked in an uneven pattern Approximcrte Instclled Weigbt Rrviero. . .. . .8 5 ps1 Shoke & Slote & Brushed. . .9 5 psl Sponish Mission. . . l0 psl Absorption Rcrte 370 averaqe - 24 Hrs Submersion Upon request, a Vande Hey-Raleigh R:sedFasc'a representative will provide complete specilications and installation manuals. Call I-800-236-TILE (8453) wood shakes. The top surface and exposed ends creating an extreme shadow design. For immediate service, v.nd€ He! Falerq. T le $il Sizzler kige IE I- Sizzler Gold ffi Golden Rod I Burnt Orange Saddle Brown Weathe ng TEXruRES-C t OL ORS-STN,ES il White IffiIffi Silver Gruy I Light Grcy I Charcoal Grey with Black Weathering I Eafth Brown I Saddle Brown I Royal Brown I Dak Brown with Black Weathering Tite Styles (Available in all 20 slandard colors.) All Vande Hey-Raleigh roof tiles shown have a %" butt thickness to provide the strong shadow line distinctive to tile roofing. I French Clay I Da Red ;*wence As o beoutifullyprocticol crnd oltordqble hqllmork lor structures ronging lrom homes. churches qnd commerciql buildings, Vonde Hey-Roleigh Architecturql Roof Tile mokes sense, Quile simply, it's the best root under the sun, All live Vonde Hey-Roleigh roof tile styles including our custom mqde lurret lile qre crvailqble in these twenty stqndord colors, We will crlso monufocture custom colors to your specilicqtions, All slyles qnd colors qre crvqilqble with custom weothering, Vqnde Hey-Rcleigh oflers nqturul beouty ond procticolity in o unique,qllordoble qnd qlmost-indestructibie concrete rool trle. The tile's versotility cnd vonety help creote q rool with color, shope ond texture, It's q roof so durqble lhcrt Vonde Hey-Rcrleigh willingly provides c 50 yeor wcrrcnty. Ask the Cold Climcrte Experts qbout our NEW Europecn designer series Brick Brown Autunn Rust Adobe Bed Terrc Cotta Forest Grcen tl /7{, IsoM & AssoclArEs l_l lr/ \ Architecture Land Planning ProjectManagement Andy Knudtsen Department of Community Development Town ofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Brooks Residence on Lions Ridge Loop Dear Andy: Attached is copy of the revised Site Plan for Tracts A-l and A-2 in Lion's Ridge SubdMsion for the Brooks residence. For right now we have extended the driveway easterly to the edge ofthe property line but we are still working with Lee Curtis on an easement to go to the fue hydrant at the east end ofthe properfy. If we get an easement fiom him we will extend easterly and if not the driveway as shown will work very well and protect the existing trees on the site. I have placed an evergreen and 2 aspens in front of Unit A-2 per the request of the Design Review Board and have changed the retaining walls between the units by stepping 3 to 4 feet between retaining walls, particularly the west end of A-2. We are in tle process of meeting with Greg Hall on site on the drainage to make sure that everything that we have done is agreeable to him and we will let you know after that meeting. The driveway grading has also been sloped toward the north to retain drainage on the north side of the driveway. The attached l/4" floor plans show a reduction in floor area to required maximum of 3,397 square feet for Tract A-1. As I explained to you we will submit Tras't A-2 with revised floor plans in the next couple ofweeks as they are completed. My intent is to submit for building permit fairly quickly on A-1. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review these plans now so that all site plan work and the square footage is resolved which will greatly expedite the building permit process. Ifyou have any other questions concerning these matters, please contact this offrce. Sincerely yours, cc.: Harold Brooks 94l lblag P.0 Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 n flx IsoM & AssoclATEs Ll /tr\ Archileclure LandPlannins ProiectManasement Andy Knudtsen Department of Community Development Town ofVail 75 S. FrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 2 September 1994 RE: Brooks Residence on Lions Ridge Loop Dear Andy: Attached is copy of the revised Site Plan for Tracts A-1 and A-2 in Lion's Ridge Subdivision for the Brooks residence. For right now we have extended the driveway easterly to the edge of the property line but we are still working with Lee Curtis on an "a""."nt to go io the fue h-ydrant at the east end of the properfy. If we get an easement from him we will extend easterly and if not the driveway as shown will work very well and protect the existing trees on the site. I have placed an evergreen and 2 aspens in front of Unit A-2 per the request of the Design Review Board and have changed the retaining walls between the units by stepping 3 to 4 feet between retaining walls, particularly the west end of A-2. We are in the process of meeting with Greg llall on site on the drainage to make sure that everything that we have done is agreeable to him and we will let you know after that meeting. The driveway grading has also been sloped toward the north to retain drainage on the north side ofthe driveway. The attached l/4" floor plans show a reduction in floor area to required marimum of 3,397 square feet for Tract A-1. As I explained to you we will submit Tract A-2 with revised floor plans in the next couple ofweeks as they are completed. My intent is to submit for building permit fairty quickly on A-1. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review these plans now so that all site plan work and the square footage is resolved which will greatly expedite the building permit process. If you have any other questions conceming these matters, please contact this office. Sincerely yours, cc.: Harold Brooks 94l lUdg P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 8163.1 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 tl /7{, rsoM & AssoctArEs l_l //^\ Architecture Land Planning ProjectManagement 12 August 1994 Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Department of Community Development I I I S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Brooks Residence on Lions Ridge Loop __.*.-r- -,- r-:- !J r'^ ^ i'li : :1 ) Dear Andy: The following are the nine points that you listed to me over the phone on Friday, August 12, 1994 and how those will be addressed: . The garage will be more than 600 square feet ifwe move the garage doors out and the applicant would like to retain the outside parking for guest parking without guests having to pull into the garage. The recessed areas ofthe garage will have a stucco finish with irregutar stone basing along the bottom to give it an attractive appearance for anyone driving along the main road below. ,. /. Theretaining wall between the houses has been changed to create more stepping with V top and bottom elevations written on each wall. CT 3 It is understood that you sent the drainage plan on to Greg Hall for his review. n/*"have less than 600 square feet in each garage area. 6z{ Wehave included spot elevations on Lion's Ridge Loop which were shot in by " Inter-Mountain Engineering -''A6. Nicholas Lampiris will revise his hazard report on to include statements dealing with r the effects on surrounding property and rights-of-way once he gets back from vacation. W. rcCM' Structural Engineers out ofEagle-Vail is working on the structural for all the retaining walls. i i ilq.i ll 'l!iirifi, r., l- ', :YLl lt P.0 Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 ,/ - 8. Th. height on the various dormers is now given on the site plan for both sites A-l and A-2. H g. ttt" GRJA on site A-l tus 33 x 85.37 square feet which is in conformanc€ with the allowable of3397 square feet. Our calculations and figures are attached showing you how we derived the square footage. It is understood there is no problem with the area on A-2. Attached are our calculations on that area for your perusal. Remember that on a building that goes up one-halflevel to each different level one would figure the stair only for each full floor and not on each l/2 floor otherwise you are double-counting all stairways. Ifyou have any questions concerning the above, please contact this office. Sincerely yours, cc.: Harold Brooks 941lnhc \ Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 slLT. COLORADO 81652 (303) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) Aureust 29. l9c)4 Steve I gom I*Flano Inc' F.0. Fox ? Eaqleo CO, 81631 RF: Frat:ks Resi dence:; Dear l"lr Isoml I have been aslced to revi er.r the pl ans of the two Elrfi{:l{g res j. dences on Tractrs A- I and A-3 wh i ch I r-eported on i. n l. etters clated S/ Ig/92! atlcl I/2?/93. In thcrse l ettere I expressed rny oninion that hazards asg;oci ated with roci':{aL l and ds:bris {lcw wr*r'r* mi n i ma l. . 'The re,:rr wal 1 crlnf i qr-rrati onr o{ the two nni t-s a,5 reiprnsented i tr yor-rr- clr*r.^ri nqls uri 1l- guf { ice a:5 lonq as the t-hree {eet o{ r.val l. reqr"ri red ilhmve finiehed grade cJ Oe:.i nnt con'tain ylindsulsi, urhJ. nh havt: virLual.Ly no strenqtlr. It is still advisable to r"enove? thrse .f rn r,r r-ncl*s mn the+ i. o r,,r nurtcrcp above 'L.heser si tals r.'rhi clr coul. t1 rolI cior,^ln. l-his i5 mogt essily acccmpl ighecl prior f- cl fi t:rr'l $'1. r ric L i fin ,, -l'fre cnn*;trltc l"i r:n r:l: i:hess th.lo r.rnif s,, it ht..ti 1t arc:ai'cling to Lr]il plsns e:\ncl !-jj. {.e plarr, r.",ri L i. not- i.ncrea-'-;e the h,:r:;rrcl 'hn othr"'r' tlr-ifrf Er"Lyn *i:r-t"ici::t-treE,, cir t:f:) nr.rblic ri. qht!:- m i: -'1."1,:r'./ ', lrlt:i. i. rJ:i.nl:ltii. r-cl,:rj*" str';aet-:,i , e,n s;,::men {.:: r', " L.rti ll. 1*ie'r; (:lt- tr-'.ri.,i. li. t i. rji or- t:}thflrr' rll-i:/p{-r- i::i li,s, fll: ,;tJ-tv l:',:.r\d, liiemiii'mhsrr- t:l-rat Fos;:i.ti',,'e c1r'ai n;.rgm art)uncl f hr+ r'nar- o{ r.r.lrfi br",ti.l. di. n0 j.$ necettsary. I S there ar- r.r {utr'.thctr' rlr..rnF,t i {.-rn$ 1 p:1. e&$e do nmh hes'.:i.tate tD c$n t,-q.fi 1 m6'r. ::ffi)( Ni chol Con Eu 1 t'.i nc Feol ogi o o s'a-'y's Koech lein Cons.u lting_Eng ineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers €a6't.-r 12381 W. Alameda Plevy. Suite 130 . Lakewood, C.O 91228 4*,['(3O3) S89-1223 Fax (303) 9&9-0204 Septenber 16' 1994 Mr. Steve fsoB IEoE and AssociateB P.O. Box I Eagle, Co 81631 The excavatlon of soil and rock at th16 be follor.eal. Allorance for excavation considered. slte reguires that OSITA regulatlona ].imles that satlsfy OSIIA should be ot Site drainage shoulal of the reviev is to condltions and recluce The excavations and representative of our be revlewed during .and after construction. The purpose conflrrn that drainage conforms to ehe actual site florr of vater adjacent to vatl€. construction of boulde! Ifa1ls should be observed by a office. the purpose of the observations ls to assist 7/zz/ry 4r.o t4,< zA.__.- l'-t- t'2. .er/-".-4\_r_ n u'hn --. .a.- "/.*/.-/..--^*/, Subj ect :Erooks Residences Tracts A-1 & A-2 tions Ridge subdivisionr Filing 2 VaiI' Colorado Job No. 94-190 As reguested f reviered the drarings for the proposed project. Ite purpoEe of this letCe! ls to present ny conclusions fron a geotechnical point of vles for construction of the re8idences. Tyo resj.dences are pl-anned for ghe site. Construction rill al6o inclride a dr ivevay and boulder valls. The 6lope of tbe ground surface in the area of the reEidences ia about 5O percent. The boulder val1s are planned fo!providing level area6 for the .driveray attd along the sidea of the resldencea. I reviered the site plan and sections. The. plans and aeceion6 tndisated that the ercavatlon for construcblon of the reEldences could be as. lruch as 30 feet and ehe boulder ra1ls could be 4 feet ln helght. In Ey opinion' lb is pogslble to construce fbe buildinge as prioposed,on thls site. Horever ' due to the ageep alope of the ground surfacee excavatlon of soile and rock and cons trnc t, ior of sal..le uust be perfortred caref,ully. -S8..,,.uajorlty of the ya116 are boulder I-a:.16 and noe deslgned as retatning ral18. LocalLzea slte conillliong vl1l lnfluence uhe herght and need for retatnlng Yalle. I{bere sol1s need to be retalned, geogrld relnforcement of ghe soila rrould need to be ln8taLled. .car. bEeve lsot& Septerber 16, 1994 Page 2 ln construction, confirur provide reconmendaLions. the subsurface conditions are as anticipated and I appreciate the opportunity eo Provide this service. service, please contacE m€. If I can be of further sincer€ll'. XOECBLEIN EONSSLTING ENGINEERS illu*t/ fu,1^u* Wi lllagr H. Noechelin, P.E. Pres ident wEfi./hi( (3 copies sent) TUTFIL P. E2 -.v ami n^FEt. *-/lnt.lz Single F L,,EGAL DESCRIPTION: L,ot ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT .-In€c''c ls "+-t ZONE DISTRICT ZONE CHECK EOR ly Residence, Duplex, Pr ZONE DISTRICTS /Secondary subdivision .5@ F Ztr PHONE PHONE t imary PROPOSED USE IJOT SIZE nc Allowed (30)(1rl 3's7 7 ,.,,-d, I + 425 + 425 Front Sides Rear 15', t-5, 526/.d / 2. b )9.1 3'(St z.5 Reqrd o<t( -a /tu , ,t'rt*,t- i;f.x -+<.t*-. .7, site coverage (! z s-)( zt,tzt.r) Landscaping ( tae)(2r. rzt'+) 46t-aining Wa11 Heights E=-Parking carage Credit. rj Drive: 4'f4t, t' t't'!- 2-encl -zG.(300 r(6oo))eoo ) ( 1200 ) Permitted Slope % Proposed Slope % i4-ompties with T.O.v. LighLing Ordinance yes z-i1 ,-.,../ oit, /)ulx'.' .-, w{Eer Course SeLback (30) (s0) u'fo rinish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) /--TEnvironmen t aI /Hazards : YES --fi FLood Plain t-/.''- -21 PercenL Slope (< > 30t)Az ,4--<- 3tl.,t 3) Geologic Hazards ,d- Snow Avalanche t-e; .;6'PL \_---z- fTb) Rockf all i-cJ |-q) Debris EIow /r/--a U 4ti"* Corri dor Encroaclunen L : r€oes Lhis req';esL j.nvoive a 230 Addiciorr? tL ) i-H6w much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with Lhis reguesL? 1an)\-/ 4{eulous cond.itions of approval (check property file) : ,44 ,3lO L-++ WeLl-ands zz a Yes . 4[ C a< c,'.-t Z i ,t Z a: afUf f.,Oaef,e IJOT AREA Existinq Proposed Total !--1 Ha i .rh F rlroEal GRFA A/ +*iJnary-gRFA- ffiRrA- izde t.backs 347 d . l^^. .. \L4) 10 7 'F-'-?"-ztr'''2)rr -ll4.,l W b ,4. r/e g -,to.tt,1 ,,J.,yo^*, y't,.y.or.fu{l- / q ? u,v/ .f -",t:J*-t ,-^ .r--o\,f, J- .*__,r, -, / p, _r+>_ rf_:.)_., ot t. r*,--{-*-(tr-'3 t >tll/ p""w J-",r?-_/ *4 F/>1', <l-a2r-of oA 'L W5 e) ,-.a 7r-a4v p,rCry ->s,,tz,aLl V 1"",--rrt *J.?-V ,.r,-.,-, "nl? ,/ fi"ol 4-e)t4 ) /.f2rL2 Jtr-A l "*f'* fonzv P "-:--4uL /_e 'd'B "A -' il v {l , V t ''J z/ z l-Y->' tl /7[, tsoM & AssoctArEs Ll l/^\ Architecture Land Plannins Proiect Manasement ll August 1994 Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Department of Community Development I I I S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE; Brooks Residence I'US i 1 -.,_-. _i_I ,*no'.. ,,lf {r Dear Andy: This letter is in regard to a memo of O7ll2l93 from Greg Hall that just came to our attention by your fax of 08/09/93. We would address the comments as follows: l. Cannot damp fuuinage onto existing retaining wall The drainage has been diverted to the west behind the existing r"tAning wall The existing drainage has always crossed the existing retaining wall. It is a=concreteletaining wall that we can channel along the top and providf " ,ruppi, typ" design over the top ofthe retaining wall into the ditch. 2. survqt with spot elevarions on the existing asphalt Attachedis a copy of the survey from Inter-Mountain Engineering showing the contours of the area and it does include the contours on the existingfuphaltioad. In my opinion this is better than spot elevations on the road' 'rP!*r] lwk\''*'-'Fh n i' '"' ^ LtLt^-^-^-L:^^++^^L^r ptiu t- b? 'ff-("'q h"t ,4 nn r"port. Atitle report is attached' , j.Sfrow top and bottom of all retaining walls, The top and bottom of all walls has been showrion the plan. .a' L{ rropor"d grading is greater than 2:1. The site in many places has grades in excess of 2:1. Itis virtually impossibli to show less than 2:l in a few areas without riprapping or retaining the whole site. 6. Grades cannot exceed 10% without heat W be field verilied hack at cunently 10%. The grades on the site plan match approval by the SDD. We have revised those to give a maximumgradeof ll%u-anylocationcomingupthedrivewur. i._, , Ll *{ h e_ P.0. Box 9 Eagle Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 ,/.//7. Coo""t proposed grading (contoun hanging etc).. The only contours that axe not shown are along the driveway that die into a stone retaining wall that are then picked up at natural grade at the rygnt end of the driveway. ./y{ f"" at bottom of drivev'ay reqaired, The revised site plan shows a concrete pan at the bottom of the driveway. 9. Shoukl modify asphalt widths to allow for 20) center line mdius in and out of gsrage The radius for centerline on Unit A-2 is fine as shown. The retaining wall on A-l has been modified on each side of the garage to allow a 20'radius. Ifthere are any other questions concerning our layout ofthe site, please contact this office. Sincerely yours, cc.: Harold Brooks 94r lcdl REG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Retum to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: 1- lz COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Z Nel{ $tttd.€ Co;at*or.,t Dptve. FAilf c.Y 1{4rx33 . Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Landscaping: Date: Date: \\ v^ c-dQhvk+ €, f ,rr;t-r\o.- Sf'^-"*-ff, DistributePtrtrJ?,fi o*ffi'..:fifi: *" f: ::: ::^r.-."ping " 7' l 2' ? / / S0JULI4 Dll TO: M'KEt.O==ffi J TODDOPPENHEIMER Retum to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBM COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: 1Z OF PUBLIC HEARING -1-+-ts-t'. 11. 2 O OF THE PROPOSAL: Z Nwlr tutd.€ ft1il f LY It-oarES . Carvrt*o*Detve. Engineering: Reviewed bV: {-rrerlSl<<rr Date: Comments: - @rr\- d.-,,''-rp df c\tl\oq<. cd\o €x\S\\c(l fe\G)$n\\O\\ - - 5r-lcu,r1 , uiit\\ Qct a€"rt\i\o-\', (l\ t\.\c <''t'\s\ t\\ q'jPY\' ca\ ' - L\t.\c (eg)rt. - 5b<-^..) rup 3 kr\\t,m,. t-,( 6\\ f e\c'\i.lrc'y "Jc\\19 . - F. \)c><L' -\ b(od)o\\') \(ea Kr Lt'c'c. Z \ - tba" g.cic\e; cc*.\1o\ er'ceed \od?,, e'\\\'v)-t \recrt ' rr'l 'r\ be \rerd \eflfied ' (c.-fienf \\ f't 9") ' - ;; Q(cpo5'd c\c<xj')c\q (c"ttt*.." ct r'o*-'q ' etc-?' 06q at t>. r\cnr a€ drlta f4vtrcA j*.,-rd cftra)\[ 1 4r.,Q\s\t ,tid\\1'.l to a\lclr k Zot (i\kLC u$c <cudi" s ,,.r <rr1c) oLr o\ 3:\(oc\e . Landscaping: DA r lt\ lqA Date: Date: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landsca ,rnn on 7 ' 12 ' ? / TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: DATE SUBM GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen _ Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW tr'l? Z Nevv CaN\^rloo{Dc,ve. Date: Landscaping: Date: Date: OF PUBLIC HEARING CoMMENTS NEEDED av, 7. ? 7 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: S6tdt€ ?4 il f c,Y H-l+sS . Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Distributed to ihe Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscap ^n " 7' l? ' 7f * 0 t- CD t-+ F) 1J|) cs t -.1 $ {_ ti lrt lr ln IP lz l'.I'i ls t:( la t' t6't> t$ lE I I I I I I EI rl d-l I tl VAIL, COLORADO g4L gt UN]T A-1 I BROOKS RESIDENCE LIONS RIDGE SUBOIVISION n f7n ! ! ,/,/-\\: ISOM & ASSOCIATES U Z./*\-\ P.0 8ox g .Eagle, Colorado 81631 . (303)328-2388 . FAX 328-6266 ti\ ir5 c-1 Ei P (!t I n F* \ $ -:-.-vV \-A: d --.ll +l'- (o" | <-! G, l-i l7'-o" .WsL" 21!7tr7t I l= t$ lfi tzlo,$ul t- o o\ ;\ ^- -J :sc \t\ rl g rn f;" :{f 9l *l' jl q- -L-, \t\.r-( r5:lo! fI 5 J t-J tg lE la tq tf, Ire t o 'at J G\--f$rii S.i r_ I d. i' 48Lo" ,48- ou -J o I l-o la lr-'j l^ tp IF t-r l1- TII l,!t\ l-.t ,'lF il18 HF nl eR t-fl#Hlo {-lI sl_ i ,13 it> l0\ ,l.9 il ,,1 I I IP lrl F l= U) N t- s cS f.) o lo"corc. / 4l'-G" b5'- 6u ldLoNc t3l8a" "J\--n lql$ \ll '-r^ H It r*-;'r-fl ll ll\+/ \Y ll | | "]--ll 'ocrc|E9 l[ -rr-----t. . tr ft- I \r ,|t_..-,\i\,r--_ H It Al$ b -l-[; l,rl "tld t{n = INF -t o n trl ll =-1 8 z- 7a aF-5I t eilF l,tlb'}\)eAlB' o o -n r B n -o F T $ N ) U t o 7I n D n 3 G) r$ h F\s u f\p t -q : CX ---\ lQt-ltt2" !,L" 12.!'1" 3!6r $'r-l tl 3F dl { r'.\l \'l I I :: ..)t-:-. iS E \p =-r_ r*_-=N ut t-$;a }( 5 -lL F),lw i} $[ $ or1et,'{[+ q 'il$ $1U '11+ KD E( l:L l:rL lor q:o" I c-! a" I et$l-r oli -]ltr .) 11 rF ln 'lB l3 h) !P fJ C, o .J a)t-o ('l) t oi FE !m f-o & l,_T l,lir lgl l(o lf IJ lu [\ i i ! .pI ('r l. d-R 's oc 8s fil $-' $ p ,U af {' g [| E -s tn c.- 6\s t-q I !'' s.e iE--i-h- ri P$rc \J. tra s\v l:l Sr- Tt.+J-' I I I I l l I .l I I I l I -l I l l l I I I I I I I I l l l l N f, 6 ir li tt t: i: l $ $5 J s o o ,f -l li $o $ $_'0 o a $ {l to t-l N I' ln rJ 1ti .f J s ls rr t J Lr f -f. 6'-l ll n F P v_ .i'cr N \t \t -f I $ i' I )q C_ :'F qs ilF Nn *0 oR .(o E{LT rt s r f1 q\ J9 tq r N ril C\ s t u */ I I I l,/')td l-il 'o n $7 st J tt l-,6\ c!-z I I ?| ?\r | '1- J $ oQ lf; I rrt It: IE lo l+l= lT-t; F Fr I :o + 5 q \+ I ;l I r-l l- P s ,T s s q LS E\r}.. fE 6'6 qF ll ntt' f v;Y E- $$ {F ii ii .l ..\ sl E rl r}F\ { ]\ !- :J o u {l tq. L V I F s I ;r q rl \r I I I I I $r $ P trl r t)n F\ 8- . _r J f\ t-+ \tr I\ \ T J $- :n\$\ A d t- 6\' (\' li r-F\ T_-T ."1 )J 0 |'| in {.P (--r $q rs ]l E :s F h ?!" 6 t. F - T-l Li- I L__I p I :$ d ll rt (tD t F r lrl i! fi.s N N I {6 s $tn )t s'3 b n +J o_ t $ s. E -.t)A o E z q P 'I OB $x oI. el-lv8, il $ d- F o Tt oi ttl 'r- I qi !t .l I I I I I i,ll i]li ii P $q TV $s Qn OR od fF t4 g s ft i? fl g p t F -'1 il s xi s -l-o { E r l! F q- 0 nLq, o\o F r j ts N I I \$g F tf J c f{a U ol -l ' t'-q :{I f o r'l t-.lr s = $ a_ s F \ t] /7{, rsoM & AssoctArEs -:- [l 1/^\ A'cr leclure Laro Parnirg Project Managenent 7 luly 1994 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Department of Community Development 'fown of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Tracts A-l and A-2, Lions Ridge Filing #2 - Brooks Residences Dear Andy: In response to your letter dated June 29, 1994 we have revised the plans to conform to the approved SDD. We do not choose to amend the SDD. The following revisions were made to the Site l,lan: l. The fire truck turn around conforms to the SDD. dk d, The garage door locations conform to the SDD CP 3. The common driveway confortns to the SDD. DZ- 4. The retaining walls for the driveway conform to the SDD as shown on the enclosed;/a sections. 5. Elevations are shown at the top and bottom of all retaining walls. crp 6. With the revised fire truck turn around, the second tier of retaining walls is not needed and has been removed to coufortn to the SDD. lf' 7. The existing grade has been added as a dashed line on tl're elevations to illustrate that the proposed grade does not vary by more than 4 feet front existing Etade. n, ,r-_1- 8. The common driveway does not exceed the approved plans. \-ll 9. A hazard report, prepared by Nicholas Lampris, Geologist, is included and verifies that ' all hazard mitigation has been provided within the structures. 10. The revised Site Plan shows the extent of site disturbance. There will be no ,f!-- excavation on adjacent properties. ul P.0 Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 i I l, Sections on each side of the structures are shown on the elevations and show that the proposed grade does not vary more than 4 feet from existing grade. 12. Sections E - H through the common drive are included.y'/ 13. Geotechnical and structural Engineer's analysis will be suppliedwithbuildng y'' permit application. PARCEL A- I Allowed: 3397 sq. ft. proposed: 3370 sq. ft. PARCEL A-2 Allowed: 3046 sq. ft. proposed: 2979 sq. ft. 15. crawl spaces, less than 5 feet in height, have been indicated on the plans to be ,.' backfilled. 16. A print of site, at a scale of l " = l0', and showing topography and building envelopes 1/is enclosed. 17. All drawings are dated for the date prepared and dates revised. r'' 18. Three sets of all of the revised plans are enclosed. tz- 19. A complete DRB application, including a landscape plan, a landscaping list, a utility verification form and lighting fixture details has been enclosed for each iesid"nce. 20. A model accompanies thisletter. / Please review these items and schedule the Brooks Residences for DRB review. Sincerely, /rt-,- r4.-^t Ken Long Senior Pianner Isom and Associates cc.: Dr. Harold Brooks 941lrevs Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, coLoMDo 816s2 (3Gr) 876-54m (24 HOURS) July I,' l?94 Steve Isofii I -Fl an t lnc. P.U. Box ? Eagle, CO. 81631 REr Brookg Resi denceg Dear Mr. IsomI I have been asked to review the plans al the two Brooks residences on TractE A-1 and A-? which I reported on in letters dated s/Lg/92, and t/22/s3 . In those letterg I expressed my ooinion that hazardE associated with rock{al1 and debris {low were minimal . The rear wall conf igurations of the two units as represented in f.)your drawinEe will suffice as long ae the three feet o{ wa1 I l:/ reqlri red above finiEhed grade does not contain windowst which have virtually no strength. It is still advisable to re,novF thoee few rocfts on the low outcnop above these sites which could rol. l down. This is most easily accompl ished prior to construct i on . Kemember that positive drainage around the rear o{ each building is necessary. If there are further questions n please do not hesitate to contact me. Ni chol as Lampiris ConsultinE 6eologist o LIST OF I.{ATERIAI.,S NA]"JE OF PROJECT: SROOKS RESIDENCE LDGAL DESCRIPTION : 161..".E:I BLOCK SUBDIVISION qTR trF'I' }NDRtrqq. NEW SINGLE' FAMILY DWELLING DDSCRIPTION OF PROJECT I ?he following infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUI LDING MATERIALS : Roof S 1d 1ng Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffit s Windows Wlndow Trlm Doors Door Tr im Hand or Deck RaiIs F | !l/> c Flashings ChJ.mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Othe r required for submj-rta.l, Lo the Design approval can be given: TYPN OF' MDTNPTAT COMP SHAKE COLOR GREEN . STUCCO UKE I ROCK - .. .. . ,.nlrtrnlr GREEN PEI,LA woop - - GREEN.WOOD GREEN w00D \rll E Lll METAL MATCH B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS: Botanlcal N.gme pRoDosEn rFtrFq P. TREMVLOIDAS EXISTING TREDS TO BE RBMOVED NONE STEPHEN R. ISOM Common Name Ouanti Uv SJ.ze* ASPEN BLUE SPRUCE *Indicate r.e l i ner for deciduous Lrees, L 2in Indtcate r'\.,-^!.1 r.r Q{ za}t \,/uqrr(..r\-Y ::._PLANT }IATERIAI.,S : PROPOSED SHRUBS NONE EX.ISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED * rndlcate eize q .ra l I nn GROUND COVERS \1r.|\IE : !-- of proposed shrubs NONE SOD Lzu! ):_9__E'o9.!3gg \tr\\TF KNNTUCKY BLUE GRASS LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exue.rlor Itghbtng is proposed, please .show the number of f,ixtures and locatioDs otr a separate llinting plan, ioenulfv each f,l.xture fro.m the l-ighting plan TYPE OT IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OIi EROSION CONTROL SPRINKLER SYSTEU BERMS AIID 1IAY BALES on'the it'sg Uef O* and pi-ovide the.,wagtage/ IreiglrL above grade and type of light ProPosed- DOWN -UGHTING AROUND HOUSE AND ELEVATIONS LLtvl , i rr/ 'r'a-LLA4 OTttER LANDSCApE EEATURES (regalning wallsf fence6, swimmlng po6fC, eic,) please speclfy. Incti6aLo 1<rights of retalnlng walls, Maximum height'of w-alle w{thln the front setback 1s 3 feet. Maximum height' of walls elsewt)ere on the property ,ic 6 foof RETAINING WAILS AS SHOWN ON THE PI.ANS urrLlTY. LOCITION VERTPTCATTON LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION - BROOKS SUBDiVI S ION JOB NAME TMCT 6-2 LOT o!\Jur\FILING 1.I0. 2 ADDRE. The Iocatlon and avalrabirity of uEiriuies, whether ihey be rnaln trunk Iines or proposed ]ines/ musg be approved anC ve:1fIed by the following ut.ilities foi Une accompanying site pIan. Authorized Sicrnat.Ure Date U.S, We6t Cornrnunications 1-800-922-1987 4 6B-6860 or 94 9-4530 Public Se!vlce Compan y 949-5?8r Gary HaI l !1o1y Cross Electric Assoc, 9 49-5892 Ted Husky,/MichaeI Lave!'ty Heritage Cablevision T, V, Steve HiaLt Upper Eagle VaI).ey water & Sani.t atron DlsLrlct * A'7 6-1480 Fred Haslee NOTE I ' 5. These verifications do not relieve Lhe contracror of hIs responsibility to obtain a streeE cuL permlL from t.he Town of vairr Department of pubric Works and t o .obt a J. n_g[!_!l!a Iocar. I ons bef orc s.r gqr n\.I 1n dlty pubLic right_of_way o: easemcnt in tne r'own of VaiI. A btrlldi-ng permit is not a St'.Otrl- nt)|. r.\aFrr,i F A qf rool- /rr\t_ i16l ffij "'^ "!-ee!' vuu ;silllt muSL be *. PIease brlng a slte pIan., floor trIan, and. elevaCior)s when obtarning upper Eagre varrey waeer & sanit,ation signaturcs. Fire flow needs must, be addressed 6^e7^7f 6 -aq€/ -/ b-zt -rJ 6 a? -"./ rl t 4\ssL\qL g\esf b2?-a.( This form is to verlfy service ava!IablIlty and Iocation. Thts shoufd bq used 1n conJunction wirh preparing.your utillby. plan and schedirling inst.allations. fror any new consLrucEion proposal, the applicanc must provide a completed utility verlfication f orm , If a uLiIlt,y company has concerns wlrh Ihe nFnll.ncd nnnQF r^rrz.l-.i nn t-!\a \rt.i I {rrr -^-F^r, 1..^r,-vpvuvs Lr\,e+vrrl u.r.rc uL-^rLy repfeSgnCaElVe 6hould not directly on the uLiJ.ity verificatlon form Lhat there is .O p:roblem e?hich needs Lo be resolved. The issue should Lher) be spelled our. 1n det.ai] in an attached l_ett,er Lo the Tov/n of Vail.However, please keep in mind tlrac it is the respons:-bility of the uLiIlty company co r-esolve i dont i Fi aal ns-al-.1^-.-! 4es !/t wr.,/r9lll9 . If the utlIlLy verification form hes qi d.^r-,\rac !J"eee.LU f rom each of the ut l,Iit.y cornpanles, and no co)rments are made dlrectly on t.he form, the Town wiII pfeSUme 0ha! fhav'a ".o ',.. ^-rbIemS and t.hat the dbveropmenL ;";";;;";;r' . ,.v Yr \ < :z d q3=;H g s;i ;;g;;;rgi z F q, o-o G o- t4 z f z.o F (, ul o z td (9 Ld ) a,3 8 !I i,E eE .6 qT E9 HO A<€.r E[; C- ,-\ LJ <Hii OFX *1<E l--l F.{ F--l L-,' !-{ r/\24^ c) c/)(J l'rl -l '-l E] Fq t4 tu n-,p \ so@e ( 6-\7 ffi \7 t.zs-.8 t\W d bJ vt E O I l-e.o z 5 rt 2 o (J E I L- d ""b t'.( +\ v"' d-\ o \ z'.. 6\. /a\ {Rl I I r1 t-l trl J I tt >a oo -rn tr F\ F i- v-r (JF trl Ft UUE q E5 H *s :E I8 5t ril\V\ COP Y Ff!-t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 June 29, 1994 D e p ar t ment of C ommuniry Developme nt ,r+-/ Mr. Steve lsom lsom and Associates P.O. Box 9 Eagle, CO 81631 BE: Tracts A-1 and A-2, Lion's Ridge 2nd Filing, Brooks Residences Dear Steve: After an initial review of the Design Review Board (DRB) application that you submitted, we are requesting additional information. In my review of the submitted plans, I found several areas where there were ditferences between the proposed drawings and the approved SDD plans. Keep in mind that the SDD deals with many delails which have been documented. lf you woulci like to redesign the access roads, the structures or the other site improvements in ways that differ from the approved SDD drawings, staff will be happy to discuss the SDD amendment process with you. lf you do not choose to go through the SDD amendment process, all drawings must comply with the SDD approval. In order to do so, please make the following changes: 1. Revise the fire truck turnaround to conform with the SDD./ 2. Set the garage doors at the locations shown on the SDD drawings. This is critical not only to provide for adequate fire truck maneuvering but also to meet -..- the parking requirements. 4. J.Reduce the length of the common driveway to make it consistent with the SDD. / Ensure that the walls associated with the common driveway do not exceed 4 feet in height. In addition, verify that the walls do not extend for a grealer length than what is approved on the SDD drawings. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall elevations lor all walls throughout the proposed development. 6. 5.Z at fo:wh v lc ic- i "r' Ensure that the walls supporting the common driveway do not exceed one tiu../ The SDD drawings show only one wall with a maximum height of 4 feet. Mr. lsom June 29, 1994 Page Two 7. On the side elevations of the residences, show existing grade and verify lhat the finished grade does not vary by more than 4 feet from existing grade.A 1L- 8. y] Ensure that the common driveway does not exceed the approved plans. 9..---< Provide ahazard report for these structures providing the detailed mitigation * requirements. Please be aware that the SDD requires that all hazard mitigation be provided internally within the structure. 10. Provide a plan showing the extent of site disturbance. Any excavation that mayrl occur on adjacent properties must be approved by those owners prior to the v11't DRB hearing. 11. Show sections on each side ol each residence. The sections should start at the top of the site at the highest point of the construction and should run down Uja- the site through the southern side of the common driveway. 1zf-:fPlease show a section of the walls on either side of the common driveway at 112" = 'l' scale. These should tre at four different locations along the drive. 13. Prior to application for a building permit, you will need to provide a geotechnical . -- and struclural engineer's analysis of all retaining walls for this site. v 14. <JThe GRFA lor Unit A-1 appears to be over by 103 square feet. Please reduce this appropriately and provide scale drawings for both residences. 15q-+ldentify all crawl spaces on the plans and indicale that they will be backfilled -...- with a resulting head height not to exceed 5 feet. Provide a survey of the site showing the approved envelopes and topography at ,.'/ 't" = 10'. Please date all of your drawings.v,' Provide three sets of all of the revised drawings to be submitted. I will route >.' these to the Fire Department and Public Works Department for their comments. 19.Provide comolete DRB idence. These must include a landscape plan, a comple application, a completed utility verif ication form,to be used on the residence. Please provide 17. 18. 20.a model ol the site, driveway and proposed structures. /' Mr. lsom June 29, 1994 Page Three Please provide all of the information identified above a minimum ol three weeks prior lo a DRB hearing. lf any of the items noted above are not part of the resubmittal, staff will have to table the proiect to the following DRB hearing. Thank you for your cooperation in this project. ff you want to discuss any of lhese details with me, please call me al479-2138. Sincerely, / r ,/ //f,fttL ff-,--J/w -V. /t v- I Andy Khuc{sen \ Senior Planner $lesr ^t;l 1:ZONE CHECK FOR R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS 61a s/ 17 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOI /*1 4'4ZgO"*Filing ADDRESS: OWNER Q<on- -g rrtl.i- i 4ts * -3'zt q< aa DATE: s a//z Y ARcHrrEcr .<;ie- /s"*4 zoNE Drsrxtc, ,(?r/ s fll PROPOSED USE **LOT trr" n-* J/ / " 469 n,rzs. Zt, tza.a lr Existinq Proposed Tot.aL 4"rnn" TOTAHRFK =JPrimarv cnra4i Setbacks ,K.", course +.1*-= Al lowed (30) (39) 3* ', 352,2, Front Sides Rear Setback 20t 15' 15' (30) (s0) 5zltl t'?7Go | 4 6 7s-.'l (zt,,zc-(st'\tr,O* tr@ t.,, Kuffc, Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche ,t /t- - b) RockfaIl E t }(OCKIaII ,--./--;,:c) DebrisFLW 4l Wet.Iands 4Lz< s@ u>fl*'.- -/+4J<4\44 (300)( 0d) (e00) (1200 ) t;ra A t 4leryt Permitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Dat,e approved by Town Engineer: No -'t-'r'>) Flood Plain Percent Slope /{revlous conditions of approval (check:property titel: {-Ze 54.4 ''...€roes thls request. involve a 250 Addition? )4rh./;Hdw much of the allowed 250 Addition is useffilEEis request?-<<q)) L)**Note: Under Sections L9.L2.090(B) and 1g.13.0g0(B) of the Municipal code, lots zoned Two Family and primary/seconaiiy which "r. i."" than 15r000.s9. ft. in area nay not construct a seconl dwerling "nii. The community Development. Depirtment may grant. an exception t5 thi;restriction provided the applicant meets t.he crite-ria set forth under sections 18 - L2 .090 (B) and r-8.13. oB0 (B) of the llunicipar cooe inciuding permanently restricting.the unit as. a.long-gsrm rental unit for full_time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. Yes L) 2l 3) ',6e Coverag{z r\(zr, tzr".'\ ,-I-andscaping ( rra\/ 2 t. tzt-. t \ f-l-Retaining WaIl. Height s --rParking lEarage Credit Drive: *{ew Corridor Encroachment : EJEnvi ronnental./Hazards : 10 oll \rlw i l\ -.\ I ,--t I | ' {\ \,/l ta\ - ,l\.r I r,I \-'r l\/ --{-\ i ORDINANCE NO. 17 Serles ot 19St AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTFICT (KNOWN AS SDD NO.28, THE VALLEY, PHASE ID AND THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WTTH CHAPTER 18.iIO OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETNNG FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Speclal Developnrent Districb withln the Town; and WHEREAS, Parl$,ood Realty has submitted an application lor a Special Development approval {or a certaln parcel of property within the Town known as The Valley, Phas6 ll, a part of Parcel A, Lion's Fidge Subdivision Filing No. 2 to be known as Special Oevelopment Distrlct No. 28; and WHEREAS, the establishment of the requesled SDD 28 will insure unllied and coordlnaled development within the Town of Vail in a manner suilablE tor the area in which lt is situaled; and wHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commlssion has recommended approval of lhe proposed SDD; and WHEREAS, lhe Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and benelicial lo the Town and ils citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to establish such Special Development District No. 28. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Seclion 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission Reoort. The approvat procedures prescribed in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have been tulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed development plan lor SDD 28. Section 2. Soecial Develooment Districl No. 28 Special Development District No. 28 (SDD No. 28) and the development plan therefore, are hereby approved for he development ol Phase ll, The Valley, a part of parcel A, Lion's Rldge Subdivision Filing No. 2, within ths Town of Vail consisting of two areas. Tract A (upper development area) consists of .860 acres and Tract B-2 (tower development area) consists of 2.418 acres. Section 3. Pupose Special Development District 28 is established lo Insure comprehensive development and use of Onrr$o.r|o. lt S..i C lF S.o.td 8..d.9 \/ \{,- \,/ Qi ..\,n* ,,,/ O (gf / ! ,,,ot'"+f r-,,X / , ,l"' \tiv - 4 Y ///d i ., uY.r*6" Ju , '( ,Ar'rlpr 1,., .- 1'' \/f\ OrE-\/v^v" ^Y' 1c"/ -g('t" ffiFsa.T-=--r /{9 ,/A uY ffit*')s;r{ //:,,,rff:-o Lgzt"r"trt O\ s,,'fr \A rt'l+2r^,..... .,1 .ar*. -a.v&- '*K/*S tth //,&/, "/rn,r /r-J 4r r D'zu4 -/ ,u ,"4J al /z , = / '()* x..r -r:..'";;^" ;"--'/ vr#io @ tA -/^..J 4ur/'r,r. 4 _7 4 .", j @ ^r,#fr @ '// o.ntJ ,a- * 1" "/ ,/. o.-,.i s ", ,.4 - z_ oF ,/q ,r-,,^ ,,. @ @'t f.i-n^.( h,,n^ n-,*4 O O // ,4--.- >le t. 4 rzz( , , o..-{ ,n_-e, @zn '|fu/Rau) .-Lo-1.*,2 O ''/16-5^J ^ t'O g / ^* c,>-zz'z( Lyut d ^,t o,#.*,/0 , kr-:D , /",,i O,+r^ 6"L/ O *6nu' kdJ 1;:, o (Fr,/r"r*,r.- l*4 sro..-_ ;\ b< n ,ohfrt?,'n ',t^h*/:r ;;-r"*C Z! p:;; o,/ (,/,ln*;.- l*o^ , J-,r--,1 dn .,,,_i | ,,_*t-4 ru o " ;;,*,ylrr "/E t,.,-\* an area thal will be harmonious with the general character ot the Town of Vail. Th€ development is regarded as comptimentary to the Town by he Town Council and meeb lhe design standards as set torth in Seciion 18.40 of the Municipal Code. As stated in lhe statl memoranda dated July '12, 1993 and April 26, 1993, there are significant aspects of Special Development Districl 28 which are difticult to satisfy through the imposition of the standards of the Residential Cluster zone district. SDD 28 allows for greater flexibility in he development ol $e land than would be possible under the current zoning ot the property. In order to help preseNe ths natural and scenic tealures ot this site, building envelopes and driveway alignments will be established which designate the areas upon the site in which development will occur. SDD 28 provides an appropriate development plan that maintains the unique characler of this site given the difticult site constraints which must be addressed in the overall design of the poect. Section 4. Develooment Plan A. The development plan tor SDD 28 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the Special Development District. The developmenl plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Parkwood Realty and consists of the following documenb: 1. Final plat of The Valley, Phase ll, a resubdivision ot Tracts A and B, a part of parcel A, Uon's Ridge Subdivision Filing No.2 completed by Intermounlain Engineering, Umited dated July 8, 1993. 2. Structural engineering drawings by Ray T. Davis daled July 7, 1993. 3. Soils report for Tracts A-1 and A-2 by Koechlein Consulting Engineec dated June 21. 1993. 4. Site plan of the lower development area firact B-2) by Fandy Hodges dated April 24, 1993, (Sheet number 'l .) 5. Site plan lor lhe upper development area (fract A) by Randy Hodges dated November 6, 1991, (Sheet number 4.) 6. Detailed analysis of the retaining walls, driveway, prototypical building sections and regrading for lhe upper development area (Tract A) by Randy Hodges dated July 12, 1992, (fwo sheets, unnumbered.) 7 . Ha:ard analysis letlers by Nicholas Lampiris, Phd dated Septemb€r 1 8, 1992 (two letters) and January 22, 1993. 8. A landscape plan by Randy Hodges dated April 23, 1993, (Sheet number 2.) 9. A drainage plan by Range West, Inc. dated January 28, 1993. o'di|E xo lt. S..i. d tgl S..o.ta F..e! -'-1 L--' 10. ,11i Elevations of tha seven single tamily homes lo be constructed ln the lower development area (Tract B-2), (Sheet numbers 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17.) Aie"S$"$fi,e_'€. S tsiibsip:n0;10,:;."0.'ii€.{t: i_D,;E[4.$1.;Fi "r.,b._qi.:ii.lfl',.+,,ii?d-1d1te'4$""ni:t$,"HfQf..,'! l-*B_1#fi,H$lls.iil.+ldis_$! Fi li.w.€,i"d"$,id-"f$_tuLliffiidi.mtliP,i-?JiR'ii,d;Snal:.!{!i:!llg€g:"T,yjte.lllq.s-fg.tEii:iilriF-irlii ijn"'tifi_LftE.qgJ":iiriir.?{eif,59j;:i,F:{idi ;is"E led"eEiteH,}i.i1lit"rrs-.Fl"e,nitif$rgd.Fil_eiicb- Gi{ha:id;h-Ip................e.!l:5lijtl.!;iiji-4ja.:'-d-. ii.e-sj$t*ldh::,i.U:ti;fiin! p"€j0li"lP..'ii!1.ti-D_e.ii:Afn}iil;,$.il'-ii"c,li#"[i"eliFi..rt"o"i.i.nl:],l0'':i ii.ffii.;$"ltpi$"ilaif#i.iilrl =ejt'fl it-i€i{.it"0.:*,iti6jftl?i!i.1$e-'-qni},:ri!iIZ0; i,.?i Other general submittal documents lhat defina the development standards ot the Special Development District. The development plan shall adhere lo the following: 1. Acreaoe: The site is made up ot two parcels: Tract A and B-2, The Valley, phase ll. Site A is made up ot .860 acres and site B-2 is made up of 2.419 acres. 2. Permitled Uses: a. Single family residential dwellings b. Open space c. Public and private roads 3. Condilional Uses: a. Public utitity and public service uses b. Bed and Brealdasts as further regulated by Section 19.58.310. 4. Accessorv Uses: a. Private greenhouses, toolsheds, playhouses, attached garages or carporls, swimming pools, patios, or recrealion facilities customarily incidental to single-family residential uses. b. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections .19.5S.190 through 18.59.190; c. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses. and necessary for the operation thereo{; 5. Setbacks The setbacks shall be those shown on the site ptans for Tract A and Tract B-2. Orturo N.. 17. S-i. d r9t3 S.ond R..diT 6. L/7. 8. A. Densiw: Approval of this development plan shall permit nins (9) single family dwelling units, two units located on Tracl A and seven units localed on Tract B-2. Buildino H€ioht: Building height shall be 33 teet tor a sloping roof. Parkino: Parking shall comply with lhe requirements of Section 18.52 (Ofi-Sfeet Parking and Loading). Each unit shall have a minimum of two enclosed parking spaces. GRFA: GRFA tor Tracts A and B-2 shatl conlorm to paragraph l1(E) of this ordinance. Landscapino: The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the landscape plan, A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for their approval. The Design Review Board approved tinat landscape plan shall provide at least the minimum number of trees and shrubs shown on the plan prepared by Randy Hodges dated April 23, i993 reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission on July 12, 1999. Desiqn Fleouirements: At time ot DRB submittal, the applicant shall submit drawings that meet lhe following requirements: Buildings on Tracts A-1 and A-2 shall be "benched-in. into the hillside and stepped with the natural contours of the site. Site excavation should be no more than necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Extensive sile grading to create a flat building site shall not be permlned. In order to ensure compliance with the above, finished grades on the north, east and west elevations of buildings shall not deviate more than 4 teet from existing grade at any point. Buildings on Tracts A-1 and A-2 shall be designed with the internal hazard mitigalion recommended by Mr. Nick Lampiris in his hazard analysis dated September 18, 1992 (two letters) and January 22, 1993. Buildings on Tract A-2 shall be designed with a tum-around using the apron in front of the garage on envelope A-2. The garage and apron may be localed at any point along the southem edge of the envelope. The Fire Deparlment shall requke that 35 feet be provided between the front of the garage door and the tar edge of pavement ot lhe driveway. There shall be a minimum heighl of 12.5 feet of clearance in the fumaround area to allow Odit rE l|c l?, Sri. d ler Sdta F..&9 10. 11. -'1 a' L-' .-4 b' v---^ ,--a c.L--' 61L Tlitlta lilc '6lt'114 f-L,tlV'l ,sful14 tor fire truck maneuvering. The sod areas shall align with lhe exisling sod areas of Grouse Glen localed io the west ot Tract B-2 and the sod type shall match Grouse Glen. The GRFA of he proposal shall comply with the lollowing chart. The GRFA allocated for each residence in the lower development area Oracl B-2) and each onvelope in the upper development area firact A) may be modified up to 50 square feet per unit as long as the total GRFA tor each. tract does not exceed the maximum ot !.9;pa"!,{Lg,,fJ{l*3[9) {or the tower development area Crract B-2) and 599.S;1€;!"!Z]:jrjl1l,i9 for rhe upper development area (Tract A). Lowgr d€vsloomor ar€a fTract 8.2): / Base Flmr Arsa A, 1816 B. 1816 c. 1845 o. 2148 E. 1675 F. 2157 Fi ll 8t;30€i:: tsral 1$?9 Ugogr dev€loDmenl arsa (Tfact Al: G RFA 2041 20r'.'l 2070 2373 t 900 2382 ?qt,9 cun6rn overag€' t6 16 24 0 ,4,c 9an9e cr€dit 463 493 493 485 492 483 {r9 A. t. lotal ' ThB dtawings srbmitted al lhis time €xceed ths altowable by th€ amount shown In tlts column. At fim€ of DRB revi€w--lhe applicant shall r€dr.rcs ihe plans so lhey do not exce€d rhe allcrvablo. Fbor areas may charEe by up lo 50 squafe feer lrom thosE shorn in the'bas€ lloor afea'column as lorE as lhs GRFA do€i not €icoea lhe tolal shown lor each tracl. :'Ii 1dd!loP. i0_? s$r3f9,194,ls.Fad-o.! o|:159.!pl16tr:tror!.1!.|e."9pf|allfalrgroFD6.{tl.9.t!'.a_.?id !!0elan!6d by lhe Tor,n ol Vail. 6@ 600 225 225 225 225 225 225 159 225 225 r Ths architeclural design of Buitding B located in Tract B-2 redesigned so that it is distincily different determined by the DRB.for Building B shall revise the drawings so rool lines, the entries, the materials and color are Jtistirfitly difierent from either Buitding A or C. Prior to excavafion ot either building site on Tract A, the applicant shatl either documenl that all excavation will occur on-site or shall provide letters i1 i A , , | ,i t I from adiacent property owners artowing rhe excavation to encroach. ll" ail rr I / --1 Prior to Town approval of the Single Family Subdivision for the lower AorCas Orif.r.E No. t?, Sri. C r*l Sc.d R*rf -a s' L-) devslopment area, the apllicant €hall dedlcale public access easements EiTne common drivetvay as well as the pedestrian access path. .-'+- lmmediately following thE second reading ot this SDD, applicant sllall record at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorde/s Otfice an instrument which shall notity tuture buyers of the reports. drawings and Town of Vall @-roved development plans for this parcel. The reslriction shall state that: ;ni'f :"'"""3iilll,"i'iv;iifi :J!ilfilH';i'?1Hl'^:::: has been approved as an Special Development District by the Town of Vail, Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1 993. This approvql lor Tract A mandates building envelope location ang!.paduriveway alignments. These approved plans may bg-am€-nded only by the Town of Vail, per Chapter .|8.40 ot thq Vail'Municipal Code. Future owners should review engineering-drawings by Ray T. Davis dated July 7, 1993 and a soils study by Koechlein Consulting Engineers dated June 21, 1993 0n file wilh the Town ol Vail Community Development Depanment. Future owners should also be aware that all relaining walls should meet the maximum height limits set forth. in the Town of Vail Zoning Code. Proposed plans daled July 12, 1993, by Randy Hodges meeting such requirements are on tile in the Town ot Vaii Community Devllopment Department.' 12. Recreation Amenities Tax: The recreation amenities tax is $.30 per square {ool. 13: Ditiriaoii' Plani:.ifqior ro,lgzuance,,o{ ant;:bulldin9,:p-ermitS lritlli!,ilhj.sl,sDD;.the- apElicait'shall p?6vide'a.Craindg.e-..plan. wniCh meets:,thd"lldndards O!. the-:Tpwt Eng!nCei; Section 5. Amendments Amendments lo lhg approved development plan whicfi do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.060 and 18.40.100. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by Town council after the above procedure has been followed. The community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 6. Exoiration The applicant must begin construction of the Special Development District within 18 months from the time of its tinal approval, and continue diligently toward completion ol he project. lf the applicant does not begin and diligently work toward the completion of the special Development District or any stage of the special Development District. They shall recommend lo the Town council lhat either ths approval ot the speciat Development District be extended, that he Odi||,E No.17. Sdi ot l9S Ssi lL.dr! aPproval ot the Special Development District be revoked, or that the Speciat Development Districl be amended. Section 7. It any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not atfec{ the validity of the remaining portions ot lhis ordinance; and the Town council hereby declares it would havE passed this ordinance, and each part, seclion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardl€ss of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, senlences, clauses or phrases b€ declared invalid, Section 8. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions ot the vail Municipal code as provided in this ordinance shall not atfect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occuned prior to he effeclive date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal oJ any provision hereby sha not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, BEAD, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING THls lTth day of August, 1993, and a pubtic hearing sha be held on this ordinance on the 7th day of september, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READTNG AND ORDERED PUBLISHED in full this 7th day of September, .1993. odh.,E lrlo. tt, sri.. c tlqt S@! B.dirtt I A. Osterfoss, Mayo? McCulcheon, Town Clerk cioRoqtlT @- t: l-'' l$.lf ln l+ t* 'ol$ E o lil' l$"{ r-l T\l Itr iri rll r?l&" @ It t- D l-l /-7n i | /l\ lsoM & AssoclATES Ll L/*\_\ p.0. Box I .Eagle. Cotorado 81631 r (303) 328-2388 . FAX 328-6266 BROOKS RES!DENCE LIONS RIOGE SUBOIVISION VAIL, COLORAOO UNIT A-1 d tl) N -J o a\ t\) o o t-- td IR l' tp t>rL ll l-n lN l\ l-o lr to lo p I I I I I I I I l= Itr lI l- ld l= ,48- o" o"corc. %_ vE- 6, 2 a! co'1:: B't,' a6 .l'<i h{t{ Flr El$ l{n t2-Lb',3418' ur a t- o q.I 6 s4-b' lz'-on 2aLo, N N t- o l2'- 1"lzLzrzn 1r" $- cll cn- N t-$ :A- \p l--= 3!6r $'-l tl l'-5' l, 4'G' \rl ts $n I 5 -ltr- 15 $ HH '11&k) 7^ 5!2".i s'- '1,' 1Larz,. I {3'-D' l+!o"I c,)G" srro" lll tlro' s : n B 3 & o: T- TP dF J -J I r.i --Jl -l -tt ' . 7g i a\ tq 'f J Qi($3 1$i N15 P .-1 N .B .I it F L t ..) d rJ 0 t- o lc:6' -'1-r tr T B tr -t F Z I $ s 2 U -n b o fu- c ll l-r\ = \-- \..J :.- I \,\ \ s i x q \ ;-;,"I -. \. l-{ =t $ (^) o I I lr p tl |t g ( $I r t\1 l$ o {- I I I I I b_+rF 6t'n D*{ :{ rt\ 6 E --{-tr tq t- sr l>:J I o z F tl $ ,1. .s;c. IE S$rn.I bl_s arq 'rr ,* I ,a I tt Ir I I I l_ P o q rn T-( |n I n |rt \tl o 6: 1- -- ---r. I \| \l trl 'cr 'i $l rry . rl \){t f. I I til s g $. o g o= rf $*o ti d{ 0 4 o Cl_ e- g \} --r $^o. { tjl F g o L .J I -J l I I A',-_( LJ. s &; q. al o_ A I g o I 6 n B o (n t $$ tlt t/ \/v Pd bT 6q ?$-.i v !F 3t Rr)3i ,$,-1 $.' I rI E,$ ;6 to FT fvn s\s\, I N e o- r-) a9 - .:- t It-fi ctr d.-L L1 J d. rl lo.FJ I I I J t-lo I n-- l"J I I 1 Lt tr' J -! Ir rl tl i' lrl .+f rl I ,.- |-. 1 f-1 r s \t FI Z F (\ \ \n r\ J\ o_q t\) r-T L-T I t- I oF-{p +5 $n ,9, 3 otr :p a3 il'--n - , tfit {t*. lr t!1tt .T / s 1r s : p .7 (,l (]rt -!- +H rit :[5 $:\ .)cr q.t- E s-L I I F*l\.\ N f N r T,F 6.|,o c c": {-t 8;:t' Qs\ $H ( ?5* OF +$ t -D $ ll b n (n !:z.rf S.-!,; oY {5 0f 'l tr 5 q F d n .E CP= t'|t o r F oJ q- C: 'lo'-o" TF I T..\f \)o s ul l' I l.,rB -+q- ."1, q F D. 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'f Ir 1+ Q=. fi- 1'-Z F. t4 tl* / 1t-1'l 1,Lloa'd' S t-s s rn --n -t -l:F -Fl t-z $r s o + .-r -5 r t q tll { a)(i\ s d-@$ i,^ *B$/"J:ED -6F r I +J I -J I I p ;n '\) ga- rg ,fF I $4 q N lo U 3 &*F-P. ]{qEb 6:o- l9'ln E l$ t= I I r\I -rd -i{q$ '(rl I '*+(b $q , --$t-r i-J Ir (- J u$ ;: ,l T !* o 1} -"), _ tl I I s_-+-,n !<;(.N t*. :1 s ir o 3 H I iq &l -;N-- F tr R lr| :{ F o P F dl $- = i i F ,7 i*, {q fl D $ R g I I I h IE l7 6 {l \- rIr 6 o l9 t?t l(q ls l$ l3 .' *FilL Hjxt ra--qA 5-luo i !t {n- +iF r6 03n s I I IN tl lJ o d ptr-obE i-N I dr lll ^J F rcr'3 .l .\ -J\ g 7\l 3 l o !)- d o ) ,f- .-t s t\ il n,L. C?!34n. --l--'-\{.-\ I I ] ,(- J -{ \) ft'a*za" n.t^ 7l-t't6t --1 t- I r i L I N = t\a n 0,. t-- N R U 'Tt F T- it f-J I m t ll d d 1-/l 't-'- 4.. , o I TOWNOFVAIL FJdcllvrl(-.-7/ t23ry3 DEFARTMEN'T OF COMMUNNY DEVEI-.IOPMENT CHECRS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL 01 0000 41540 ffi $s.00 01 0000 42415 UNiF6RM BUI.DiNG CODE $50.00 01 0000 42415 ffi $36.00 0t 000042415 $32.00 --oTm4ta15r UNIFMIVTFIREE DE $36.00 01 0000 42415 ffi-$30.00 0t 0000 42415 OTTIEFTODEEOdKS 01 0000 41548 7.00 u(nffi42412 XEROXCOPIES 0.25 0r000042412 SruDIES 0l 0000 42412 ffi $5.00 01 0000 42371 TENEFFEET/ RE - INS PECTI ONS 01 0000 413-32 TIAJ.IANR'-ITWTE_CHECKFEEIS4qPERHR.I 01 0000 42332 MFEES 0tuffi4llr2 ffi --mmm?ia13-ffi $20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDmONESIGNAdEFEE l$1.00 PERSO.FT.I 01 0000 4?:gQ-VT-cARTTROFCTDONATION ./ .a 0t 0000@1-i31 E 2_x ,b'% ot00ffi4/3Tr--IffiNGATI oN FEE (BUILDJNGI 31 000045110 fOVTAFKNCFUND 010ffi022027 T6VI{EWSFFtrR_DISFtrNSER_FUND * 01 0000 21112 ilxeBtE@+zlsTATE) + 01 00m 41010 TAgEtE@z caviN) 01 0000 42371 BUI'DNreTNVilSTICATION OTFIER 01 0000 41330 ADDTTTOTIAIGRFT"25O-$zw'w 01 0000 41330 ffi $200.00 01 0000 41330 E-lmRiOF ALTtrIU.TIoN ILESS rl{AN I q0lQ.FrJ 01 0000 41330 J00,u0 01 0000 41330 s $1500.00 01 0000 41330 STEentDEVE oPMENT DIsrRIcr IMAJoR AMEND $1,000.00 01 0000 41330 sFEelAtDwEroPMENT DISTRIca IMINoR AMEND $2m.00 010000 41330 SUBDTVTSION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 0l 000041330 ffiTS $250.00 01 0000 41330 ]RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITO'IAL: COMMEIiTS: ISOM & ASSOCIATES 6510 Town of Vail Expenses for L2/31./e3 6162 4oo. oo Reimbursem lu Checking FOR 941l- TgLlFl SF LtFt I t_ I,li Ecel lareor.rs Csh F6-14-?4 1€':4Et:55 Eeceipt * lFF[tEf, tlcc,:unt * t:l: $ f,lf,l IStrtl & ff5gCrL:..FEEFgIti 1:616 Flrrroun! tendsred .; Item peid €r1 gEEr641 f,f,l ttElEr Change retlrrne,J '" 4FEI, FB ffmowrt paid +sB. SE F. El:l THFIFI}< 1/T]LJ tour c.lshiEr HEIITI DATE RECETVED FROM ADDRESS N'r' 46?09 Lu i I' I I I H$I$ iIFPLIC* UNTIL. ^IJIJ, BsqVI Pq9 J.u Q T-r,l{-EOnU} I,r oN, A. DEsCnIPLlotl': I;DD I. rYPE OE R.UVIEW r X -t{€\ Csrrtt f dcLlon (.q200.001 Mlncr itlrerArlgn I plu a,r Rsvie* (i20,00 ) I$0' C rngslo and ho$nd.'t lgiAI . Qn a,, qePauat"e $heolj 6,n{ zailtNcr rrsrDiurll! ctuslER':$DD l9t ,\nEl j If ;ecutrsdr r[ onDs41. gurvoy fhqt{lnt aprlloanI ld.irnt psovI.l0 o c!{"$,''t''t I9r sret. ?lli5.r.Lef i-r'r! ^l) - rA*CEt A iia. lfNlE o1i AlFLXchHt r IroH H0tling llCd\'gss l. r'o.. llhlru oF MalIlng IFPlIcANrf $ REPRESENTAIIV! r JI#|E:JS!--lddr*sq r +o,-!q4-t E^sLqg cofi -8-llIL NA}IE 0S CiiNgrts I I $I UHIIIUN.E (E ) I 't{}lt tr'\S ld,lr r r'sl Condont4tyn lprrrovll tf appl{cable, FEIIi Dil.ti'f ees, 0f .lholrn 4b9v0, aire Eo l,c pald uL lJrlJ Lrrl:E vt cvl4;I!}tLq* Y5 vr\lr ectla.ver.Jt. ' *$!u., npp:ylnt tor a burlcting poEBiE, plvecs lgtnttfy tho sNOUr Le Vqluattotl bf Bhq ltlop96gl , llrQ Tciif: of ve Dl\U FBI.I | | tho Ulhe ol subjlltltal og Dm apl)Ilcatlon, LatBr/ whon Irbu;.nte vqluatton bf Bhq proPgdsl , lrrQ Tciif: of veltr elll. r1dju8t Ehe f00 D?qordlng tc 'r,ho Unblc )r.lor{. Lo atourige vqluaEton or lns PrcP96rr, 1h8 lQfil: 0r Yt.*rl\1. rldluEe the f00 D?qordlng tc 'sho LnlrIe ).rrlor{, t,o tn,guro the corrcct lea ls Prld. fPE -P!Ld: 3?aa'90 . -$e-$gWqUlEi.' lJ\LUiTtr0N .,t"uu $ h-$ 10.000 6?0'00 $r0ro0r-t 5u,000 v50.00 $ 90,091 - $ 150,000 9l!9,t9 9150,00I.' I 5C0,000' 9200.00 95oo; ocr - 9r, qoo, ooo 940!, C? $ . gvcr' qrr 00or 000 $foo oo DbBI(iN I\SVIEW. IIOAII} APFhOVfiJ ETPINsS C'UE YEl\It qTEi!-!]!TE lnlinovu. Wi,rt'se h .FvtI.DrNa puilxr! rg r8susD N:|D ctjN0rltuoFro}l Clfurtrlo . : l tro laFr,lcA,rtoN ttlt ! bE FRocEsJlD Hrfltottt 98t{[rr' t gtcltAtoar 1 f i.'' *|{clrion ($50.0,C) C. ADDI\D8S I \/o ovised 9/A/9L DRB A.PPLTCATION - TOWN DATD APPLICATION DATE OF DRB *?tt(t(*)t*/rlt* 'oF .vAIt/ t)rlr\ll T'l tt?n , MEDTING; I. u*, II ri'f lliffi ffi 3",$f ll,,X?lofi ',t" S 3 lf, ? B,[0y . t,'0 Mi',i DF fl DEPL PRO,JtrCr r NFoRri"llLlQg : I ntrqr-I)TD,FTnxr..!./!,.J\/I\.l.I ,'-.T-WTT , NtrW STNGT.E FAMILY DWELLING IN. A RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER SDD B. TYPE OF REVIEW: x New Const,ruction Addit,ion ($50.00) (.q200.00)Minor AlUeracion (920.00) geptual Review ($0) d{ PARCEL A LIONS R r fTLING N0. 2 bnnrlFca. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: .. n c. Subdivlsion I.f property ls descrlbed by a meet,s and bound.s legal descrlpLlon, please provide on a sepa::ate sheet anO ett,ach to this application. I,OT I\RtrA: If required, applicant mustr provlde a crrrF.lnt stamped survey showing Iot area.21125.6qsE f,-4R5 ^f) NAI.4B OF ApITLICANTl ISOM AND ASSOCIATES, INC. NAMtr .)tr Vai'1 i rrer APPI.,ICANT' S Addrcss: P.o. REPRpSENTATIVE: _9!ETHEN R_. ISoM ,-._BOX 9 EAGLE, CO 81631 NAME OF OWNERS: tSxGNATURI (S) :MaIllng address l5s6 vpnQ REaffIr- nr,. rzq66.,_ phond (407 ) 5-67-]358 Condominlum Approval 1f appJ.icable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above/ are to be pald at,the Llme of submlt,ual of DRB applicaulon. Later, when applying for a building permir, please :denr.ify che accurat,e valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaII wiII adjust r.he fea according t.o i:he table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. 0l qp.ll P^rp: $2oo.oo. _- r ' I!!=gq$u. VALUAIION $ 0 - $ 10/000 $ 1.0/ 001. - I 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150/ 000 $150/001.-- $ 500,000 $500/ 001 - $1,000,000 9 . Over S1, 000, 000 * DESIGN FXVIEW BOARD APPROVAhJ EXPIRES APPROVAIT TINLESS A BUILDXNG FEITMIT IS STARTED, FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200,00 9400.00 9500.00 ONE YENR A5'TER FINAJ, ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTXON IS $,& tr (0"- @,r'\ Ir{cu.z **NO APPI-,,ICATION WII.IIJ BE PROCESSED WXTHOUT O!{NER'S SIGNATURE Mailing Addt'ess:_! D)rnno o T,TST OF' MATERIA].,S NAME OF PROJECT: BRooKS LES'IDENCE LEGAL DDSCRIPTION I LOT",-]X:l BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DE9CRIPTION OF PROJECT ' NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING The following inforrnation is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof S 1d1ng Other WaII Materials Fnqai ;.| Soffits Windows Window Trlrn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings ChJ.mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses rifhor B,LANDSCAP ING : required for submittal Lo the Design approval calt be g iven : .FVD'I AF\ MATIiRTAT.COLOR GREEN RocK ,. ... ...j.NA4Irqa] woop -- -- GRqE\'I..-. wooD GREEN w00D MATCH MAT.pH NATURAL WOON GREEN N/4 . -. .--.__ . _- - Name of Designerr STEPT{EN R. ISoM .-Phone: 328-2388 PLANT MATERIALS I PROPOSED TREES Botanical N?EIe. P. TRB{VIOI,DAS Common Name OuantitJ_ Sl.ze" ASPEN BLUE SPRUCE NONE EXISTING TREES TO BE RSMOVED *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous trees. 14iniLrnurn cal.i.P.e-r f o:: deciduous tfggg is*,Z inches. Indicate height for conlferous rrees. Minimum helqht for conl f erolrs Lrees is 6 feet, PLAIIT I'TATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS Quantitv Sigej! NONE EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *rndlcate sJ.ae of ( rra1Inn GROUND COVERS proposed shrubs. ,fvpe NONE $.ruerc--E-esg3se KENTUCICY FLIJE GRASg SPRINKLBR SYSTEM : --- - | . '- SOD CtbU .TYPE OTT IRRIGATION TYPE OR MEIHOD OII EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LfGHTING: If exterdor Ilghting is proposedl please show the number of fixtures and locations oll a separate llghting plan, Idenuify eaoh f,ixture from Lhe lighting plan on-the ttiu fefow and provide tlie.wattageT height above grade and LyPo of light ProPosed' BERMS AI'ID IIAY BAIES OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining I4'aIls/ fences, swlmmlng pools, etc. ) PLease speclfy. Incllca[o itaright s of reLalnlng wal]e, Maxlmum helght of walle wlthin the front set,back 1s 3 f,eet,. Maximum height of walls elsewirere on Lhe properby is 6 feet. RBTAINING WALLS AS SHOWN ON THE PIAI'{S ^ATIO ULSVATTONS Ut SUBDIVI SION LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION -BROOKS TMCT A_I JOB NAME LOT rrl nal<!.ILING lio. 2 ADDRI - .- The Iocatlon and avallability of utiliuies, wlrether they be maln rrunk llnes or proposed Iines, nusL be approved and verlfled by the following utilities for Lhe accompanying sit.e pIan. Authorized Sic{naL.U,re Date U. S. We6t Comrnunications 1*800-92?-198? 4 68-68 60 or 94 9-4530 PubLic Service Company 949-5?81 Gary HaII HoIy Cross Electric Assoc, 0dq-qAq? Ted Husky/MichaeI Lavexty Heritage Cablevislon T.V. 94 9-5530 qt'arra tti et-l Upper EagIe ValIey WaLer & SanitaLion DisLrlct * 416-1A80 nred Haelee \]6rlrEr r 1 Thle form is to verlf,y servj-ce availablllty and Iocation, ThLs should be. used ln conJunct, lon with preparing your utillty plan and scheduling inst allacions. fror any new const,ruct,l.on proposal/ the applicant. must provide a completed utilit,y verlfication form, If a uti]lty company ha6 concerns wlth the proposed construction, the uLi]lty represenLative should not directly on the utility verificatlon form ghaL there is 4^ problem which needs co be resolved. The issue should llher) be spelled out ln detai] ln an attached letter Lo the Tovrn of VaiI. However, please keep in mind that iE is t.he responsibilit,y of Lhe uLillty company to resolve 'i .lFnf i fi ad rrr-nhl amc If Ehe ut.lItty verification form has signaEures from each of the utllit,y companies, and no comments are made dlrectly on the form, Lhe Town wiII presume t,hat there are no problerns and that tbe developmenb. can proceed. These verifications do noU relieve the contraclor of hls responsibility Lo obtain a streer. cuL permit from the Town of ValI, Department of Public Worke and t.o obtaj.n utilitv locat-.lo,-[s before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement, in the town of Vai). A br.rLldlnq permiq ls not a streec cut-.. pg.Uni t. . A street cut permlt musL be obtalned separately, * Please brlng a site plan., f,Ioor plan, and elevatioDa when obtalning Upper EagIe VaIlely Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire .fIow needs must be addressed. 2