HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRADDLE CREEK (GROUSE CREEK) LIVERY LEGAL@fft**llt*:9'-*:]- Holy Cross Ranger Di stri c Servrce , t PO Box 190 Mintum, Colorado 81645 ae;t ' :a 2720 Dale June 17, 1985 Mr, Peter Patten Tol,'n of Vai 1 Planning Departnent 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 L Dear Peter, Enclosed is a copy \,\ DAVID A. STARK District Ranger Enclosure of a letter to Marc Wentworth for your inforrnatlon.,..,. - /. !, FS-6200-1 1 (B-eo) )k" bkr{: tr{*retlx}selr Spradelle Ctcek i.nnch S*s* $f,fiq* Sqx *$*S Vxa&}. *ryloxs** $3.*5? $s*r itler* s X:rc " S. &t *l:e &*.i*e y$n ;rx* 63.v*x *1x* l$**etir*€.{t s$ trh* xw:rc*, 3 *s*ll" *vaft & xie*t } Sd*,*&{:l v*r**.*r:r _ of *i:N} psr$r$,g u .s*.** e* &c*{is{rt{!3"y .*:xv*x €irqx xtsw sit€ 4dd perx*t**rl a*t*vS"{**s" .,.. .:, $**{* y$nl }***v** *!r* de*$.p ar*{ SJ.**r"is f,*r u!r* bx$"}cifurgs on Lhe ue'w sirs; ttrssc , ei:*u&* bs s*xle tq 6xgt*: Ss!*h*y gs *t"lsusx: e,expt*sxr*e ${tc3} $r&$ty t*d*a, ,l $xrgr* ra* hgvx* &Sr*sd $*r $*}*sr *q1r*rr*rwn&s ? p16xl*$ S*r etr***e $a*{3{*.*e** muse ii. bc* xp;:rgs€s6 Sy *h* *ppxpprlse & &a!&hert**ss **S*xe c{$a{}f "r!i:t &{}$ bag*::s " ftrq*** *a3"3 e* y*xrt **:rs*:rf,*x** ts *et r*p x {:t;ir*: *n }:*glx wx'k ${r tb*se t' , ' . EAVr$ & Sr4$3K :;!sgrxiee. s{*r}*$r I $TAR{;Aye J d)rft{1&'aUrd. } . l t a oERcLEcounr? 551 Broadwav Eagle,Colorado 81631 Clerk arrd Recorder P.O. Box 537 Eagle, Colorado 81631 t (303) 328:7311 June 7, 1985 Spraddle Creek Ranch, Inc.P. O. Box 2996 Vai1, CO 81658 ATT: S{ark lTentworth At thej.r Public llea"rlng of May z9th, 1985, tbe Board of County Commissioners approved your specia.l use permit for a livery stable and chuckwagon with the following con-dit ions: 1. If the ?orvn of Vail does not approve the sub-division adjacent to and east of the present livery stable, then th j,s permit expires. 2. The aceess road will be improved by Vail Assoc.,fnc., with the appropriate turnouts for cross*traf f ie. 3. The County sha11 not be asked to maintain the access road from the U. S. Interstate 70 exit to the liverv stable. Board of County Commissioners Assessor P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 Eagle, Coloradc 61631 Easle. Color,rro Bl6Il. Sherifi P.O. Box 359 Eagte, Colorado 8I631 Treasurer P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colotado 81631 June 7, 1985 Spraddle Creek Ranch Mark l{rentworth The Board recommended that the owners of -s!:?ddle Creek Ranch negotiate an agreement for f ire protect ion rvlth tlre Vail Fire Department and that the applj_cant appl:' for another special use permi-t for snowmobile use, i.f thar url is de- s ired. Susan Vaughn, Direetcr Community Developmenc SV: epm cc: Da"ve Stark, District Ranger, I!"hi"te Ri-ver lia:._onal Forest Peter Patton, Director Community Developrer:. Town of VaiI Vail Assoeiates. l{ike Larson Files {,'rnss RD 4198s ,Ja:t Skt - Slncerely, /:'-,//74.,--*r-_u r)f .*.r,,,-,,llh _ rc:-. Cll 'r r)! i,r. ir:A -Et ter I €r iec 2 ra ff i:! ' rt [ntec3- rERcLEcouurf 551 Broadwav Eagle.Colorado 81631 Clerk a:rd Recorder P.O. Box 537 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328:7311 June 7, 1985 Snreddl e Cv'oak Fqh.'h Tnn P. O. Box 2996 Vai1, CO Bf65B ATT: Mark Wentworth At their Public Hearing of r\4ay 28th, 1985, the Board of Countir Commissioners approved your speciaf use permit for a livery stable and chuckrvagon wirh the f ol)orving con-dit lons: 1. If the Torvn of Vail does not approve the sub-division adjacent to and east of Lhe presenL li-very stable, then this permit expiTes. 2. The access road rvi1l be improved by Vail Assoc,,Inc. , rvith the appropri ate turnouLs for cross- t raff ic . 3. The County sha1l not be asked to maintaj-n ttre access road f rom the U. S. f nterstate 70 exi-t to the 1i_verv stable, Board of County Commissioners Assessor P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Sheriff P.O. Box 359 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Treasurer P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 8163i June ?, 1985 Spraddle Creek Ranch N{ark trYentrvorth The Board recommended that the orvners of Spraddle Creek Ranch negotiate an agreement for fire protect ion with the Vail Fire Department and that the applieant apply for another special use permit for snowmobile use. if that use is de*si-red. Sincerely, '){/-..',*.-, - , -'"1 l:t'/: tf) r Susan Vaughn , Dir ector Cornmunity Development SV: epm cc: Dave Stark, District Ranger, \{hite River Nationaf Forest Peter Patton, Director Communit;' Development, Tor,vn of Vail Vail Associates, tr{ike Larson Files Uniled Stales Department oJ Agriculture Service I nory Lloss Kanger ursEcr PO Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 n_"pru r" 5430 2720 nare Jsns 4, 1985 Town of Vai 1 75 So. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attn: Peter Patten Daar Di.f ar Enclosed is a copy of a recent are no problens whatsoever with agreernent as soon as our legal I etter to Vail Assoc iates, Tnc. There their proposal, and we will execute the staffs agree on the wording. S?*-*}"d DAV]D A, STARK District Ranger. Enc 1o sure FS-6200-1 1 (8-80) 5460 .1*xe 4, 1$85 $eer Miks, I United States Departmeni ol Agriculture Service Holy Cross Ranger District P0 Box 190 N{inturn, C0 B1645 n€pi! fo 2720 rare June 4 , 198 5 Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attn: Peter Patten Dear Peter, I have made ny decision to approve Mark l{entworthts appllcation to nove the livery from the west side of VAI's Spraddle Creek property to the east side. That declsion is now being reciewed by the Forest Supervi.sor. I do not ant j-cipate any changes, but j.f he alters ny declsion in any way, I!11 let you know. DAVID A. STARK District Ranger FS-6200-11 (8-80) T0: Town Council FR0M: Community Development Departnent DATE: May 21, 1985 SUBJECT: Spraddle Creek Livery Relocatjon proposal The new site for the spraddle creek Livery facility as proposed to Eagle county and the Forest service is located immediateiy ea;t;f the propdsed Vail Associates Spraddle creek subd'ivision. The foi low.i ng briefly outl ines some pros and cons of the the proposed site: PRO " Relatively flat site with adequate square footage to accomrnodate the facilities proposed. Good access to Forest Service tra.i ls Relatively hidden from view of proposed luxury residences Ljttle to no visual irnpact upon any Vajl V.i liage area Removes livery from exchange parcel and the .insecurity this situation presents for the livery. " vail Associates' agreenent !o puy for relocation a.l so allows for slight upgrade of existinq facjljties CON " Road grades are very steep from subdivision road to site (16 to lg percent). o steep road grades present problems for emergency vehicle access. o Contract for fire protection services will be required. " The activity generates many first aid request calls. " The.snowmobi.le operations in the winter may not be cornpatible tamr ty residences in the jmmediate area. " Access to the site in the winter will be very difficult if nor " Snowmobjle operations 'in the winter could end up staging from road area due to site inaccess-i bii itv. with i uxury imnn< c ihl o the residential Spraddl. tO Livery -?- 5/?1i55 STAFF RICOM14EIiDATION l,Je have revjewed this proposal in our interdepartmental meeting on Monday, l'lay 20. lde have concerns regarding the site's accessinitiry to erergency vehicles and l^rould require that the road to the Iiveiy site be widened to the extent that it is passable for tr,vo cars at a1i poi nts. f,ie r^ii I I al so requi re a contract wi th the vai I Fi re Depart-ment for fire services and allow no fuel tanks iarger than 500 gallons on the site. The inaccessibility of the site in the win'ier cduses us great concern in that the operation for snor,,lnobile rides may end up at the bottonl of the access road to the site lvhich is essenlially on the residential street. l,rle feel that if the applicanl cannot satis-factorily address ihese concerns for winter time operations, that the snowmobiling part of the proposai should be dropped. The tagle count-v Planning comnissjon unanimously approved the relocaljon on May l5 and we need the council's input today to be able t0 repi"esent the Town's positjon at the County Commissjoners,meeting on i{ay 29. T0: Town Counc.il FROM: Community Deveiopment Department DATE: May 21, l9B5 SUB,IECT: Spraddle Creek Livery Relocatjon proposal The new site for the spraddle creek Livery facility as proposed to Eagle county and the Forest service is located lmmediateiy east br the prop6sed vaiI Associates spraddle creek subdivision. The foilowing briefiy outlines some pros and cons of the the proposed site: PRO " Relatively f1 at site with adequate square footage to accommodate the facil jties proposed. o Good access to Forest Service trails ' Relatively hidden from vi ew of proposed luxury residences ' Little to no visuaf impact upon any Vail Village area " Removes livery from exchange parcel and the insecurity this situation presents for the livery. " X;;}.ff':?tll?lrti3'?:ffil,n,oav ror rerocation arso arrows ror c0N o Road grades are very steep from subdivision road to site (16 to lg percent). " steep road grades present problems for emergency veh'i cle access. " Contract for fire protection services wilI be required. " The activity generates many f1 rst aid request calls. ' Ih..snowmobile operations in the wjnter may not be compatible taml ty res idences in the immediate area. o Access to the site in the winter rvill be very difficult if not o Snowmobile.operations in the winter could end up staging from road area due to site inaccessibilitv. sf ight with I uxury imnnccihl.r the residential Spradcile COk t-ivery -?- 5/21/gs STAFF RECOMM[NDATION i,ie have rev j ewed thi s proposal i n 0uri nterdepartmental meeti rg on Monday, May 20. l^le have concerns regarding the site's accessiuilltv to arergency vehicles and lvould require that the road to the iivery site be widened to the extent that it is passabie for two cars at all po,ints. ile wilI also require a contraci with the Vail Fire Depart-ment for fire services and allow no fuel tanks larger than 500 galions on the site. The inaccessibility of the site in the winter causes us great concern in that the operation for snownobi.l e rides rlay end up at the bottom of the access road to the site which is essentially on the residential street. l,Ie feel that if the app'l icant cannot satis-factorily address these concerns for winter time operations, that the snowmobiling part of the proposal should be drooped. The Eagle county Planning commission unanjmously approved the relocaiion on May 15 and we need the councii's inpui today t0 be able to represenr the Town's positjon at the County Comnrjssioners,meeiing on May 28. l T0: Town Council FR0PI: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: May 21, l9B5 5U3,lECT: Spraddle Creek Livery Relocation prcposal The new sjte for the spraddle creek Livery facility as proposed to Eagle county and the Forest service is rocated immediateiy eait lr the propdsed vail Associates spraddle creek subdjvision. The foilow.i ng br.ief)y ouil.i nes some pros and cons 0f the the proposed sjte: PRO 'Relatively flat site with adequate square footage to accommodate the faciIities proposed. o Good access to Forest Service trails ' Re1 atively hjdden from v.i ew of proposed luxury resjdences 'Little to no visual impact upon any Vail Village area " Removes livery from exchange parcel and the insecurity this situation presents for the I ivery. " vail Associates'.agreemgl! !o pay for relocation also allows for slight upgrade of existing faci I ities c0x. . " Road grades are v€ry steep fnom subdivision road to s.i te {i6 to lB percent). o steep road grades present problems for emergency vehicle access. " Contract for fire protection services will be required. 'The actjvity generates many first aid request calls. 'il:.:loyTobiie operations in the rvinter may not be compatible with luxury ram'l ry restdences .i n the "immediate area. " Access to the site in the winter wiIl be very difficult if not impossible. o Snownobile.operations jn the winter could end up stag.i ng from the res.idential road area due to site i n a c c e s s i b i I i t v . t Spradd1. ,j! Livery -2- 5/Ziis5 STAFF RECOi.II'lII{DAT IC\ l^le have revieled this proposal in ouri nterdepartmental meeting on Monday, May 20. rrle have concerns regarding the site's accessiSility to onergency vehicles and would require that the road to the livery site be widened to the extent that it is passable for two cars at all points. f,le w.i l l also require a contract with the vail Fire Depart-ment for fire ser,rices anci allow no fuel tanks iarger than 500 galions on the site. The inaccess'i bility of ''he site in the rvinten causes us great concern in that the operation for snor,,lrobile rides may end up at the bottom of the access road to the s'i te which is essentialiy on the resident'i al street. lle fee'] that if the applicant cannot satis-factorily address these concerns for vrinter time operations, that the snowmobiling part of the proposal should be dropped. The tagie county Planning comnission unanimousiy approved the relocation o1 May l5 anci we need the councii's input today to be able t0 represent the Town's position at the County Commissioneri,meeting on i4ay !g. OMB No. 0596-0082 Exp:res 9/30/86 USDA"Forest Service v SPECIAL.USE APPTICATION AND REPORT (Ref.: FSM 2712, 36 CFR 251.54) ronrsr EFvice usE oNLY Date Received {d\o/day/Yr, Reg:on Number State Code Cou.ty Code INSTRUCTIONS Applicant should request a meeting with the Forest Service representative responsible ior processing the application, prior to compbting this form. This meeting will allow a discussion of the form's requirements and idenlifv those items to be omitied. Congressio.al Dist. Number Forest Code (Admin, Unit No.) Unit lD Symbo' (NFFID No.) Ranger Dist. No. (ResP. Dist.) User Number Kind of Use Code )--PART I-APPLICATION (Applicant Completes)( 1. Applie6*t l\am* and Address (include Zip eode) cnr.^^A1a araak R:n.'h Trn JI/ a *.Lu+v P.O. Box 2996 Vail, CO. 81657 2. Authorized Agent Name, Title and Addtess (in' cluds Zip Code) it different lrom ltem 1. Marc W. wentworth President, Spraddle Creek Ranch fnc . P, O. Box 2996 vail, co. 81557 3. Area Code and Telephone Number a. Applicant's (3A3) 476-6947 b. Authorized Agent's (3O3) 949-4495 4. As applicant are you? (Mark one boxwith "X") a. tr lnd ividual b. $ Corporation * c, I Partnership/Association * d. n State Government,/State Agency e, n Local Government f, n Federa: Agency * :f marked "X", complete PART ll, 5, Specify what application is for: (Mark one box with "X") a. ffi New author:zation* b, n Renew existing authorization c. I Amend existing authorizations d. ff other* + lf marked "X", provide details und€r ltem 7. 6. lf you are an individual or partnership, are you also a citizen(s) of the United States? n, Yes f No 7. Describe in detail the Iand use, including: (a) type of use, actavity, or facility; (b) related structures and facilities; (c) physical spec:-"' tiJ"tiit"i iilnei-h, width, airei 'etc.); (d)"teini oi'years ne6OeO; .(6).time. of yeai'of use or operation; {f) duration and timing of con- struction;'(g)1empotary *ork'ureui nie'OeO for co-nstruction; ana'iir; anticipa-ted need {or future expansion. (lf extra space is needed, use Page 3, REMARKS). ., T,J*d ''uge i.s ior construction, operation, and maintenance of a lirrerrr operati-on with the following activities: 1, Horse rental 2. Guided trail rides 3. Horseback Pack tri"Ps 4. chuckwagcn cookouts 5. Snowmobile lours Related structures include, but are not limited to: Barn to include operations bldg. / i two 32tx|2t horse stalls, tack storage areai building for kitchen, office, and restroom I facilities; two corrals for turnout aL night; corral for staging area for saddle horse I r-iclcs: p:rrking a-e.r. :h(} es:i.matcd p::rniL a-::1 shol-lla b. '-"Jont',/ acrrs anC a: a tninjmum I of ten yea-rs, The cpera.tion r.i il1 l:e year lcng, Const-r'.rction time is estimated three rLlo.nth s. 8. Attach map covering area and show tocation of proposed use and/.or furnish legal description of the land. 9. Give statement of your technical and financial capability to construct, operate, and terminate the use for which authorization is requested, including the protdction and restoration of Federal lands. (lf extra space is needed, use page 3, RFMARKS). Construction will be acconplished by Vail Associates, Inc. Operation will be conducted by Spraddle Creek Ranch. Inc. which has held similar permit to operate such a stable on nearby ground for four years. Previous edition is obsolete. I (ovER)FS-2700-3 (I0l83) 608-SZt-O€E6t;OC! 'lno ]r SurUrl Aq auo olalsc * '(paqrelle ]€aqs uortrsindrro] u0 .io ataq aqllrsig) uol+epusLu. ro)a.t asJ .g '(09/a hlsj aes) uorlezuoqlnesrql,o +red e apeul eq Flnsqs q3.Ll,\ sasnele leuoildo pue &olppueLr lstl .d o aleq'p {Xur ur u8r$) aln}pu8rS 'q * lsAorddest0 Jo *le^o.roov "lvNlj * lP^oJ0deslc ro .le^orddv qNt[ 1!^lo3]u 'e6 (riur ur uFrS) srnleu8ts 'q 'puel aLll ,lo asn al.ln' JO uollezlJoqlne aq] io Eu!+usJB aql lsaJ+n ]q8ru qsrqf sJOl3€,| ^ue Furpnlrur 'slorl€pxaulu]ossu '9 oN oN oN u l n (qsepy) sa1 [ (q:e1qy) sa1 f sa,l, tl ('Arolaq g rr]cl u' ureldxa 'suorlsanhr a^aqe nq+ ]o Aus ur rrX,, ue LlliA\ pall€ru sr ,,oN,, Jl :aioN) ;p$Jedord uaaq (IA€f CSn et '06I*16 't d) +uaualels lsedLUl Iplu€Li] uor r^Lif ue seH '5 iparPoaro usaq luorxs€assv l?luauuoJi^rjS ue s?H 'q ,u?ld luauaEeueru ai.rnocau puB puel ]saloj o+ uuoluoi s9n pasodold jltll .eg al?s Jaqul|+ JelnFal Japu n u0rlspuauuoSai spnl3ul Japloq uelltr sraql'r ol (q) lFuile3s ;0 porllour'sB:ud Jo lesrerddg a8elusp ]uarjns :!e Jspiorl ol (p) agedL!nls papusrlrrlro3al 'lno aq o] roq|llr] 10 .al n paf,oJd :raqurl alqei!eq3.raLu +o lBsodsjp uo $pur\ FU? lunoLrs a+srurxoldde alels "? 'Jla 'saseal 's$ieli F!:uriu 'Aei -,o-slq8u 'sluouases 'slgalo.ld J€^[od 'slen €.r pll}n se Llsns'puel 3Lll 'papl^ord dear u0 aoqs uo ss:ueJ?qtlin3ua Aue aqlj:]safl .g p3sol3 3]€g "*p€zir0qlnv al?o 'q rapt'rH J.r q:ug,N :elexrpur uollezuoqlne rapun flsnor^a.rd J: 'asn pasodo.Jd ArUelr 01 pspaau +r dsuj als:?das uo eare aurllno o€n pasodord aql lo, (trlllqeldepe pue Eare a.ll. Io uolldlllsap le.rguas 't F ,{(se1alduo3 ;srrJ{g tsarol) Ngllv3t'1ddy N0 tggdjg-lg tgyd S1eph Rides rr in Vail, a divisiou of Quarfer Circle, Box T, Iuc. MEMORANDI.S4 T0: THg TOWN C0UNCIL .-.. d1 FR0M: R0GER W. TILKEMEI *lll$ 'DATE: Ju1 y 24, '1 984 SUBJECT: S'leigh Bjle [gcilities 0n the same day as your visit to the Spraddle Creek site during the week of August 6' I would like you to set aside about 30 minutes to vjsit a proposed sleigh ride site. I have discussed at previous Council nreetings the importance of establishing a per- manent sled traiI and destination for the s"l eigh ride operation. Simi'lar t0 the livery stable, the nature of this operation r'equires the use of public ground. A sleigh ride dinner activity is an expected amenity at wjnter resorts. Each of our ski area competitors has one. Destination fac.i Iities for the dinner service at other resorts range from tents to primitive homestead cabins to the long-standing tradition of the Trai'l Creek Cabin at Sun Va11ey. !.Ie know.that a'l I of those operations must be in ihe food service business to make a profit. Our net loss figures for t.hree years of operating the sleigh ride without 0ur own food service confirm that fact. Vail's Master Pl an did not anticipate the demand for this service so no!,, at year 22 'i n order to keep up with services offered by other areas, t.le must search for the right spot with the ri ght access and a program that wi'll be different enough to make the sleigh ride experience in Vai'l an extra specia'l event. lrle have the program and you, as the stewards of the Town owned'l and, control the access routes and destination sites. The Recreation Distflict wi1'l only consider a one-year term on ground they control . This along with a lack of utilities on the s'ite we used labt year creates problems rathen than so'lving them. There is an alternate site from the one recently submitted to the env'ironmental health officer that so'lves many problems, the nost important of which is the avai'labi'lity of a'll utilities. The sjte is on the Katsos property and appears to be very wel'l suited for this activity. Peter Patten has visited the site with me and shares my enthusiasm. The use of this site would require a zoning amendment and the solution to a minor access probl em. f -t ouaRrxn ( | T I it+Stt rl*.j.ny r?? r1titl,p*,,"!r*icF Tlnv ?4?. TEit flrlr,r.rdr Rl$qg 3{:13./4?*-S$4.1 T0: THE TOHN C0UNCIL , .;l?I: 33fi-,1; libf"U PAGE: Two These things while minor in nature require inrnediate action. The Un'ited States ry, has included a sieigh ride dinner package in the'l iterature a1 ready sent to their members as has the Kansas City Ski Club. 0thers are calling for information and we cannot answer thei r questions. f.lithout going'into the gory details, p'l ease be assured that this is no'intentiona'l 'I ast minute scramble on my part. I started the process in l'larch and so far progress has been zero. In the Mature Resort Concept, their is a great deal of talk about attracting and keeping businesses that w'ill enhance the resort experience. 51 eigh Rides qua'l ify!-- but there are some things that need Council action to nrake it work. * /raQuarter &rcle Box T I \ | - | Land COmpanya divisron or Quarter circle Box T, Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: If this site is lost or inrpacted ffioutof one VAIL TO}IN COUNCIL Juiy 23, .i984 SUBJECT: the lmpact of Currently Proposed Development o1 tle Vail Horseback The purpose of this memo is to recap the remarks that I made at the joint meeting ffi1 ann'ing Conmission on July 10, 1984. Horseback riding is part of our recreational bundle of goods the same as the goif Eoursel-Tennls courts, ski hi11, ice arena and playing fields. The very nature of the activity requires that it occur 0n public around. The present site at Spraddle Creek is on Forest Service ground under a 10 year term pernit. As is the case'in most 0f these permits, the Forest Service reserves the right to cance'l the permit on any anniversary w'ith thirty (30) days' notice. The site was chosen by the Forest Service and rne in l980 as the only workable pl ace in the Gore Creek Va11ey for resort oriented stable faci'lities. If this area does not remain viable as a I ivery stable, al'l Vaii guests that want to ride will have to go 14 miles to Piney Lake or l2 mi1es to Beaver Creek. The site is presently being impacted by the proposed Vail Associates'development the site. It is my understanding thai the Town staff has had dialogue with Vail Associates on an annexation - zoning agreement. That dialogue does not address the need for horseback access through the proposed deve'i opment. Further, the proposed road goes right through the stable facility and the present tent camp housing facilit'i es. I had hoped that my presence in the audience during the discussion of the Vail Associates Project would have inspired soneone on the Counci'l or P1 anning Commission to ask how the subdivision would affect the horseback faci-l ity. That djd not happen so I fel t an ob1 igation to make the public bodies aware of the c'ircumstances. The Lodge Properties trade proposal , as we all know, could take the stable site out of iletheLodgehasexpressedaninterestinkeeping a stable on the site, the economic pressures and limited deve'lopable ground nay make the stab'l e comml tment difficult to live up to -- to say nothing of the future reaction of owners of very expensive homes being confronted with a horse operation in the midst of the development. by developinent to the point of abandonment, visitors of the most spectacular and accessibJe tourist oriented Rcg'er W" Tilkemeier, Brotrrer Box 742 Vail, Colorado 81658 a a\,1^ I Allt\ F,'\Al JUJ/A/O.OUUI TO:r. FROf{ : DATE: PAGT: VAIL TO|^IN COUNC]L :3?i-,!, Tlbx'ti- Two riding experiences in the State. me and now agree, as evjdenced in ordinary site for a stable. it 'is wilderness experience within a l5 resort devel ooment. Peter Patten and Pat Dodson rode for one hour with their park report, that Spraddle Creek is an extna-tle only place I know wtere you can get a true minute ride from an 'i nterstate highway and major The Town must act now if it considers horseback ri d'i nq an inoortant visitor attrac-ffi lhe operat'ion _of a I iyery stable is en!repfenurial . The ownership of Iivery stable faci.l'i ties in a resort comnunity.l ike ours is not. und and it will not pay for the rea1ly first-class facility that this community should have. Therefore, in the long term the horse facilities shou'i d be owned by the Town. The operation should be leased to a good operator and then Vail will have a summer activity and facility that we can be proud of as'l ong as the resort is in operation. If you agree with this premise e taken: '1 . The livery stable operator shoul d be made aware of the Town's concern for the continuing of his operat.ion as a publ jc recreation service. Z. A dialogue should be started with the operator regdrding possib.l e public ownership 0f the facilities and his continued ro1 e as operator. 3. Vail Associates should be made aware now of community expectat"ions with regard to horseback access through the proposed development. 4. Vail Associates shou'l d be made aware now of community expectations w'i th respect to relocating the stable to a different part of the Spraddle Creek site if the deve.l opment access road adversely impacts the stab'l e. 5. The Town must urge the Forest Service to re-think the priority of disposing of the Spraddle Creek site -- not because of its importance as an urban park, but as a public recreation facility that accesses thousands of acres of public land for more than 5000 horseback riding visitors each summer season. Th'is has been viewed as a 26 acre site witlr little value as pubJic land while it shouJd be viewed as a 50,000 acre public site with irreplaceable pubiic value. 5. In conc'lusion, subsequent to the July 10 worksession, I had the opportunity to talk with Mayor Rod S'l ifer and duri ng that conversation, he suggested that the Counci1 members vjsit the site during the week of August 6, 1984. Marc Wentworth, the stable or{ner, and tr look forward to showing you the Spradd'l e Creek site and the wilderness country that horseback riding visjtors see on the one hour ride. A 5:00 P.lil . meeting time would be best for us and wou'ld allow the Counci'l members a nearly fu11 day in their respective businesses. I would encourage you to 'i nvite Mr. Stark to join you so that he can see first-hand the level of your interest and the land in jeopardy, 2:30 PM 'l% hours s,r,r .00 3:00 PM 2 hours $.r4.m Secrel Volley - you cre in for o rore lreot - o ride tc o quiet ploce - the logging rood eost out of comp to the Sprodclle Creek troil, fhen on troils mode by the deer ond elk through the forest to o long meodow obove ihe rim rock, Following the poths of the deer once more, the troil drops down o ridge tlrrough o tongle of virgin couniry * isoloted from the noise of ihe cjviiized world ond then up o shori rjse ond into Secret Volley - formed centuries ogo when the glociers moved ihrough the country, Teopee rings no doubi hide under the motted gloss - o perfect compsite for the Utes of long ogo. The lroil drops shorply from the vol:ey to ihe Cow Comp where cookie is sioriing the evening meol - ond fhen bock io the ronch knowing thot you've been where wheels con't gol Deer Springs - two hours thol the folks bock home will heor obout - through the wild- flowers olong Sproddle Creek to the herdefs troil under the rim.ock - the iroil is in the timber ond soon there is o rovine where Deer Spring bubbles from ihe hillside. The ground is pocked with trocks o mony of those big eored mule deer. We only come here once o doy so os no1 to be o hozord to the gome * now up to the long meodow ond fhe spectoculor views to the Ten Mile Ronge in ihe eost ond lhe New York ronge 1o the west. Down io the Zone Grey rocks owoy fiom it oll - ond ihen to the Cow Comp. The chuck- wogon cook :s reody for the evening meol - o ploce to eot before you leove Voil. Then winding through lhe ospen bock to lhe ronch knowing you ore omong o lorfunote few who get to see this counlry fiom the bock of o good horsel Enchonted Foresl - this lole ofternoon ride is especiolly plonned for kids - those under ten need o big kid or porent olong, li's o fun ploce for imoginotions ond elves ond forest creotures * from the ronch to Middle Creek ond bock ol o peoceful hour of the doy. Pony Rides - our pony ring is the onswer for the youngster who hos "horse feve/' but is noi reody for lhe troil. Bring the liftle ones for smell-touch+ide experience thot they will tolk obout oll the woy home, These rides ore primorily for the 6 ond under group, but ore ideol for ony youngsler who is o beginning rider. Mom, Dod, brolher or sister must leod the oonv! 430 Pnl 45 min. s7.00 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Doily $.r.00 A holsedrqwn wogon leqves ror lne rqnch from lhe Voil Tronsportolion Cenler 20 mlnutes prlor lo rlde depqrlure. A fun expsrlence for riders ond slghls€ers. Round hip $'130' For reservolions coll: (303) 476-694t1 q s'roddle -.! Ronch q r P. O. BOX 2996 vAtL, co[oRADO 8.165E Roger snd Jeonne Tilkemeiet, Owners /:R \rr' Undd fufmlf trom th€ US. torell Sorvlca,lvillg Rlvsr Nollonol Forgrl 9:00 AM 'l% hours $.r ,r.00 .r0f0 AM 2 hour$ $,t4.00 'l'l:00 AM t hour $9.00 'l:00 PM 'l hour $9.00 'l:30 PM 'l hour $9.00 RXMK S€MKMWW The Rim Rock Ride s o plecsorrf ond ecsv ride *hrough lhe osper 1o the eost of the conols, over Poxon Pcss bresking into c.r soge brush meodow overlooking the ski slopes and the town of Vail, Proceeding east to the rim rock, the view opens to the upper Gore Creek volley ond fhe jcgged peeks of the Gore Ronge cnd fogle's Nest Wilderness. Climbling back to the wesl through c dense stand of clspen. lhe troil leods to o lush alpine mecclow with views cf Grouse Mounioin cnd the heod of Beover Creek. Then dropping onto on ospen foresled bench, it's on to the Cow Ccmp where the chuck wogon cook ls preparing for the noon cnd evening mesls. After c brief stop at the wagon, fhe murrnur of Sproddle Creek will be with you cs you heod back io the ronch completing a refreshing snd scenic morning outingl The Elk Sprin$ Ricic i$ wondefui bock coLrnlry experience Gentie going oil t5e way olong Mlddle Creek, post cn unusi;sl deer ond elk rutting eres ond up the ridge until suddenly the *rsil dumps into o mognificenf tsll gross meodow divided into quiel coves by mojestic Colorodo blue spruce. Ycur wrongler wiil toke you lo one of the$e coves where Elk Spings bubbles frorrr the cut bank * crystsl eleor snd mountsin coid ! - o chqnce 1o toste reol Rocky Mountoin spring waier, Wslching for deer ond elk you cross the meadow picking up the troil dovrn to Sptccidle Creek ond ihe ghosls of on old logging comp. Then olong Sproddle Creek to ihe Cow Comp and bock to the ronch. Now you hsve seen some wild ond beoutiful country reserued for those who wslk or hsve the good sense to go c' horsebackl Th€ Sproddle ereek eircie ride puts lhe cowboy spirit in your bones ond only tokes on hour - up the o,d logging roeicl lhrough the Cow Comp and on to the Sproddle Creek slock crossing. From here the trcil climbs owoy from the bcbbling of the creek through coun1ry irocked only by mocossins ond hoof prints to o meodow high over lhe Gore Creek volley. Then fhrcugh the ospen ond on your wcy to l\{iddle Creek where the friendly ghost of o herdef who chose this plcce for his heoven moy speck to you ocross the quiet pond before the creek piunges on its woy to the Pocific. Let the sweet smell of the spruce fill your lungs os you heod for the roneh, Close your eyes cnd listen for the soft jingle of lhe wrongle/s spurs * let your imoginotion soar wlth the red toii howk - you hove been in cowbov counfry ond a little closer to God! The Cow eannp Ride is a very preW. essy ond enjoyoble outing. The troil winds through the shode of lhe ospen groves overlooklng the volley - cool even on o hot sunny ofler- noon. You ride inio the Cow Comp where cookie moy be just cleoning up after lhe noon meol. The chuck wagon ond sheep wirgon, slill in use every doy, is o sight mony will see only once ln e lifetime, Then off to ihe Sptcddie Creek troii where you heor the creek sploshing its woy down the conyon, As the ltoil climbs gently out of ihe conyon you poss the ABC Wide Wodd of Sporf$ cefnero stotion used io film ski roces in Voil's eorly doys -ihen down the old log*ing rocd to the ronch * q fun hour of western hislory ond sight- seeing. Ufe Trail * q ride for everyone lo enjoy. Cross Sproddle Creek snd climb gently to the iroil olong Middle Creek L;sed by Ule hunfing porlies long before the white mon come to this volley. You ore possing through oncient hunfing grounds - grouse - robbits - deer - elk - beor - ond back inia the limber where you hecr ihe noises of Spraddle Creek. lmagine yourselves o Uie hun*ing pattv bringing fiesh meot to cool over o woterfoll in ihe shodows of the conyon. Feel ihe tempercture chonge cs you cross the creek * cool oir chosing the icy rnouniain sire$m, lJp oui of the strec m ond through the Cow Comp wilh o big HOWDY to the chuck wogon cook - you shoulci visii wilh hjm at breoKosl or supper [:'e{ore you ]ecve Voil - cnd fhen back io the rsnch - scolp lnlocf - with visions of lnjuns i0 rsc0ll on your trp home! TO: FROI{: SUBJICT: DATt: $PRA*LF CRFEK RANCH,- MEMORANDU[1 HOLY IROSS RANGIR DISTRICT, Attention: l,{r. Irnie Nunn SPRADDLi CREIK RANCH, ]I,IC" J dlb/a Snowmobi I es in Vai I ll s n A Fnrpq' ServiCe l,le have modified fhe docunents rhal were made oy the 0i strict there are further suqqestions o 'i n accordance wjth lhe suggesLions in our pre-appl ication review. If r questions, please call us" Ar'JrN014[NT $3 10 U"S. r0BISJ SIRV!]lE IIRlt*PERMtI N0.*5370 0cT03[R 6. .l983 Attached is our Appl ication for an Amendnent to our Permit which wil l al low us to operate snowmobile tours on the Spraddle"Creek. 0ur seaEon is anticipared to beqin approximately December 1, and end a':out April I of each year" That puts us in a short tinre franre for tnis season so anything that you can do to expedjie the Permit wiil be appreciated. cc/?eter Patten Town of Vail Pl anning Departmenx. Qverlooking Voil Villoge Voil, Colorodo 8'1658 P.Q. Sox 2996 (303) 476-6q44 \ll:' l'iiliN'li,ji..ritirN . . a.: i]ts.1 ;.r,.) l5 !l.llil-E 1l'r"Ri::S ( ili::lci ,.rc,,,.uil'r-.l rra t r rli '3i .. , '86 J88 r89 i .!,i rl: '. , r Jrll 8?'3i .. , ,86 J88 r89 I .r,: .ir: ,. , r J9l g? : \ *--.rFald " ar,Kw{6rl'tS i*e "'0. I $1'r.li REQUEST F0R A11[NDMIl']: *3 SPRADDLT CRtIK RANTH SPE(]IAI. USI PIRMlT DATIn 0CT0BIR 6, 1983 u5[R s5370 iI I t i s tr" r*ll.eques ted tha t the Spec.i al Use Pernri t be amended to trail ride oPeration cn SPrlddle llountain in accordance wi th the Staterent of Need 5pradol creet Ranch incl ude a snov;nrobile Creek Road on Bald attached nap. A" Scope of Froiect To operate a snownobi I e trai I ri de serv ice on SpradCle Creek Road on Bald Mountain. Forest Service lands to be used are identi fied on the attached naP and i ncl ude: *5pradd.l e Creek Ranch headquarters at base of Spraddle Creek Road,' iCowcamp cookout s i te I ocated 1-7 Spraddl e Creek Road, *Spraddl e Creek F'oad fror base to orrerlook. 0ther 0Perations *SpraCdle Creek livery stable, Vail, Coloi'ado. *!,lcr!or ri ces I ocaled at top of Uai i liounta i n '. r-o ject LescriPt ion nliIes up Bald t'!ountain i ri The nroiect is desi qneC to offer al ternate wi nter act jvitt f$r skier and non-sIier quests in Vai l' A relati'-'el-y short moderately nri ced tour l'lill be provi ded toi custorners ttl the Ba'l d rl ountai n overl ook and back to ihe ranch headauarters. A lunch stop at the chuckuloon site '"rill be included .)n the 1l A. f'{ - to I P. M. tour " Yetnod of Cneration Ownership: Spraddle Creek Ranch, Inc Source of Custoner: Vai I Place af Use:' Spraddle Creek lload as illustrated on attached maP.- Schedule of Devel oPment No addi ti ona l developrnenl reoui red. F - 1-oo 0rher Interests and 0wners Affected *Piney River Ranch runs all day and ll2 day tours to Piney Lake on the Sandstone Creek Road. 0ur tours will offer the alternative of a shorter, less expensive activity. 0ther Regulatory Agencies *Ranch Headquarters - Town of Vai I, *Snowmobi l e trai l and chuckwagon s i te - Eacl Ie County. Project Need Gail Strouk of "Ask Gail" a concierge service in Vail, and others have inci icated that there is a urgent need for a shorter, lower priced snowmobile tour in the area. l,le simply would like to fulfil'l that need. Benefi ts of proposed serv ice a re:*Locati on cl ose to Vai I ,*shorter ride ( I and 2 hour ri des),*Scenic and photograpic opportunities'*Lower cost becartse of shorter route - thus openi no the snownob'i 1e experi ence to a wi der i ncorne ranqe. Al ternati ve I'lethods None Technical Requi rements Approval of safety and operati ons pl an: No new improvements-are pianned because of use of Spraddle Creek Road and Spraddle Creek Ranc.h Headquarters. Effect on mountain environment *l.li I dl i fe i nterf erence,rLittering,*Fire hazard,*Noi se . lvli ti qati on of Impacts *lli ldl i fe interference t Snow Depth on Eald tiountain and causes elk and deer to migrate our operating season. Rabbits affected by snowmob'i 'l e traffic. a *Littering Each ride has at least one guide who will carry a container for litter, including hot drink cups. fhe overlool' and road vrill be policed on ea ch ri de for an',/ arrd all litter. . Spraddle Creek Road f rom the a rea duri nrl and bi rds shoul d not be J. Techn l.Jn"oui nement Conti nued *Fi re hazard Forest fi re danger i s however f ires wi'l I be cookstove in the I unch A spark screen will be chenri cal fi re exti ngui tent. ,;1 i '| ow during the opera!ing season 'I imi ted to use of a woodburni ng tent at the chuckwagon site. used on the smokestack and shers wi I I be mai ntai ned i n the *ilo i s e Location of operation 'i s in dn area where a moderate noise level wil l not create an inpact- ' Example- Snowmobiles are used regularly on VaiMountain with out being objectionable to guests or resjdents 'in Vai'l' Food Service and Health Department Regulations *Spraddle Creek P.anch has an approved restaurant I i scense for back country food servi ce, a copy of which is attached. Safety *Since our route is a short one and will be well groomed, and is c'l ose to the highway there -is good iccess for a snottmobile rescue operation if such becomes necessary. *Al I tours wi I I be accompanied by a trained and qual i fi ed qu'i de who is well versed in w inter survival - *All guides will have advanced first aid and cPR traininq. *The guide for each tour w'ill carry a first a'id kit, . I therial space blanket and radjo emergenc_y communications. t *Each tour will be instructed in operation and safety precauti ons for snowmobi I ers. *The ooerator wi I I furni sh snowmobi I e sui ts and boots for each guest. Guests wi'l 'l furnish their ovrn hats' gl oves , and goggl es. *Avalanche danger along the Spraddle Creek Road is con- sidered minimal except fqr small sluffs from road cuts. The trail wil'l be checked by a Spraddle Creek Guide each morning before the first tour. tje will request a Forest Service Avalanche Specialist to check our trail before yre open for the winter season. Parki ng *Bus transportation will be provided from Lionshead to Vail Villige. Customer parking will not be required at Spraddle Creek Ranch Headquarters. 'I I I ; SPRADDLE CREEK RANCH, INC. SAFETY AND OPERATIONS PLAN l^tINTER I983-84 I I I o on Spraddle Creek Ranch, Inc., a Colorado corporation' dba Sirowmobi'l es in Vail, wil'l operate recreation snowmobile tours on Forest Service land using the base facilities that were constructed under Spradd'l e Creek Permit in the summer q,f 1980, and Spraddl e Creek Road. The f aci I i ty wi'l1 be open to the publ'i c for one hour guided snowmobile tours, and a tlvo-hour I uncir r.i de. The area of operati on i s on Spraddl e Creek road from the Spraddle Creek Ranch headquarters to the Bal d Mountain overl ook, using the "chuckwagon cookout" si te for lunch- Al l ri des w'i I I be I ed by a qua'li f ied gui de Introducti Personnel and Base Faci I i ties Gui de Qual i fi cati ons: -Current and val i d advanced f irst ai d and -Emergency procedures. - Bac k country e xpe ri ence. -Local h'i story and nature knowl edge. -Forest Servi ce pol i cies and enforcement Base Fac'i lities: C. P . R. tra'i ni nq procedure. I er for storage and tra'i'l er wi l'l be Parked any vi sual i mPact Creek Road, to be l'{ountai n overl ook. except for use of on the re+.urn hal f IT A. Fali 'l i ti es rvi l'l be I ocated at the Spraddl e Creek Ranch headquarters and at the chuckwaqon cookout si te, as shown on the attached maP. The f9B3-84 winter operations facilities consist of the fo1)owing: -The East barn to be used as dressing and warm up room. III -A mobile 30 to 40 foot truck trai mai ntenance of snowmobi I es. The behi nd the east barn to mi ti gate from the town of Vail. Activity Qpe]|qlir_q! Tour 0perati on The trai l used from the The lunch ride the chuckwagon of the ride. will consist headq ua rte rs will use the cookout site of Spraddle to the Bald same tra i l for I unch and a two hotrr The ri des vri I'l consist of one hour -L- one hour ri de wi'l I 9o di rectlY to llounta'i n where the tour wi l'l stop , nonalchol ic beverage. The tour Spraddl e Creek Ranch headquarters. *Lunch ride: Use of the c I im'ited to the I unch ri de to the Bald Mountain over The tour wi I I then go to si te for I unch, and then headquarters. The tent fr be used to enclose a wood range and picnic table.will be equipped with aif will be dampered and left huckwagon cookout site is . The tour wi I I Proceed di rectl Y look with a stoP for Photos.the Spraddle Creek chuckwagon back to SPraddle Creek Ranch ame already at the site will burni ng stove, a smal I gas The woodburni ng stove stack ark arrester and the fi re dead after each use. ,j col d weather sui ts the permittee. This be suitable for use and comfort gear wi l1 be in the areas *Rev i ew of tra i I to to be expected.', *Eme rgency procedur -Falling off i .+;r,_Scheduled stops *Explain litter gol *flo smoking on trai I V. Personnel i ES: ic'i es 1. A l ist of employe'es is attached to this document. All guides will be Lxperienced and will be' required to have iurrent advanced first aid and C.P.R. training. t/I. Equjpment Ljst Each ride wj'l 'l be equipped with an eme,rgency first aid kit warm beverages in thermoses, space blankets and will Carry a 2 way radio. Tti j s equi pment wi 1'l- be carri ed on the lead snowmobile. Rescue Pl an *Alert List: -Ea9l e County Sheri ff -Vai I Pol i ce -VaiI ilountain Rescue Tearn -U. 5. Forest Service -Vail Clinic -14a rc l.,lentworth Tour 0perutt Continued: lunch ride. *0ne hour ride: The the overlook on Bald for Dhotos and a hot w'i 1l then return to IV. 0per:ational Procedures Equipment Checkl ist: Al I gear wi 1l be provi ded bY of new condi ti on and wi I I winter temperatureS. Customer Briefing: be covered includjnq, any specjal views and back country ethics VI I -3-_o Kescue: j I .l I I I I i i *Chain of Cgnrrnand for Search -Since all tr.ips are guided remote; however the chain -itlarc l.lentworth, 0wner -Ranch 0ffi ce -Emergenci es -U. S. Forest Service -Ernie -Larry -Joe chance of major search is command in emergencies is: and the of -Spraddle Creek Guide -Spraddl e Creek 0wner -U. S. Forest Service -Search and Rescue -Eagle County Sheriff -Vail Police -0wneri s to be notified immediate'! y of any search'and rescue operation. *Acci dent Procedure: -Guide is to provide emergency first aid. -The guide shall immediately notify Spradd'l e Creek head- quarters of any acc'i dent, at which time dec'i s'i ons will be made regarding emergency procedures. In the event headquarters cannot be reached, the quide has authority to activate the emergencY P1an. -After notification of Ranch headquarters the quide may execute the f ol'l owi ng acti on: -Give emerqency first aid while contacting headguarters and proceed w'i th the tour. -Give emergency first aid, leave iniured person in care of qua l i fi ed person , and return to headqua rters to transport helP to acci dent si te' -Give emergency first aid, stay with accident case and send gual i fied rider to headquarters for hel p. -Emergency procedures are scheduled to be a continuinq part of employee trajning sessions. *Energency Phone Numbers: I I 476-6941,0416 476-6941 911 827 -57 t5 8?7 -4tr7 827 -s803 ' 827 -5621 *Insurance Li abi I i ty coverage wi I I be Provi wi th Forest Servi ce Requi rements -4- ded in accordance VI I I 0perati ons are schedul ed to take pl ace from early December to ear'l y Apri I ' depend'l'ng upon snow cover' ipriOate Creek Rlnch sha'l I notify the Forest Service Uv pt'o"" prior to the start of the season and shall confirm iir irri ti nb. The sane procedure shal'l be used at the end of the season. o o ilry.l UJ O --u')i o^{3)--(a-\z'\)o =-\ - F R C?S X\ gJ J uJ t! aa z F z 2 IJJ t,z UJ =2 r F z E z L F a o F z E i c z : J c) t! ,))F F alt i< 9 9:o c)-o t-,a z, z <-- -5F * - - : ! :,, -(r o o o z UJ z '.J, z i'3 (-) =J (Jo- ZC<*_r) r !)z ! :a iIJ d 'u J -o (Y ./l iti:EUI!;i:i :8.5 zH96 9i?F Ez 33 ti'e. 6a<r tzsi -E,rl:9<Ys :2; ?f:3; :99"iEr! 3:i;i 3?:Fq o I N 't I .J' ,:l a-' .2' ! F'*-E N0.z:-Bc-al ilrrrorron FoR 'PE'IAL usE PEMIT t F i l- E # ...."?_s.:t.e_.0.:_; Section 6.00 of the EACa-: C:O. FLAN. EAGLE COUNTY Z0NING RES0LUTI0N FHilt::itJ CCpy MEET;NG AF --aa--&t4-r2, t APPLICANT MAILING AODRESS cfiY U 4lL sr^rE cant 'is not owner, furnjsh evidence 0f owner with application) 1. Two copies of application, site/concept plan shall be presented 35 days before the first zrP E t3 Fe ssl0n related infonnation Cormission neeting and all Planning of the month. Date Submitted 2. SPECIAL USE REQUESTED 3. ZONE DISTRICT o Attach Zone Distric clearly located on 'it. ' 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY a. Subdivision Name Filing #Lot Block b. l'letes and Bounds: (MaY Attached) Total Acreage 5. GENEML TION OF PROPERTY e and reason for the special lrse requested OR be 6. Briefly explain the 3 - 7.Fumish uses, an 8.Names and APPLICATION PAGE ? FOR SPECIAL USE PEMIT evidence that the proposed use is compatib'le with surrounding describe possib negqtive impacts. addresses of all adjacent owners (may be attached). to the best of knowl edge.ny The above informat te and accurate FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY; Received rr u" Accepted for Public Hearins of T+L A% 128 I - Rejected as incomplete because: Fee Paid Rece'ipt No. 5- 3-8/ f.- EAGLE (DUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date Are.ciO s , lg P/ RECEIVED AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee ication For Zone Ch Conditional Use Special Use Var i Fee Code;(Buildi {Subdivision) Total Received All items are received tor collection no.payment of any item. Ns 7626 onty and this receipt shall be cancelled ,.1 .-2tr This proccclure Conditional Use The applicaLion submitted. APPLICATIOl'I CONDITIONAL for fotu"I FoR TIl-]I DITI)i.'ITI11 any projccL rcquirecl to obtaiu a I.j-s; rccluired Pcrmit. rvill noL be acccpted until all info::mation is A. NIJ.Itr OT APPLICANT ADDRnss &-rX Aqq L, PHOND q74 '1tqq I B.NAI'18 OF APPIICNb]T'S RtrPRESNNTNTIVE C. AUTIIORI ZATION SIGNATUP.E ADDRESS r,riorrE 8e7-57/z LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRr,ss w{,14L ', PrrcitD-lJL5E-o.t- PROPERTY ADDRESS LDGAL DESCRIPI'ION LOt BIock ! I-rIrrY E. FEE $50.00 plus 15f A list of the name of c rrl-. i c'n + i'rr^.\r.\^r.{-\t u r*vrer eiI . for each property oh'ner o\rners of al-I property to be notified. adjacent to the F Uflrt flS&oc.y^n. U S. Foaes(Serzulors ' o o t\ :;\ l ]\ I i1 i /.-,'' 5 r>s 'iF ip s F 9t e t "s#€BFd q-1 This procedrrrc i:; rccluir.ed CondiLional Use Pcrmit. Thc application rvill noL be submi Lted. A. }IA];E OF APPLICANT S FOIII'I FOR II^II DITT)iV'ITITI for any projcci: rcquired to obtain a acccpted until all irrformation is APPLICATIOI.I CONDITIONNL I. ADDRnss KiX Aqq (r' PHONE q76 '1*9q I B. NAJ"IB OIT APPLICNI{T ' S REPRESNNTATIVE PIIOTIE 8;.7 -57 T S ADDTIESS k)&aq/ DIIoirn q7r--58n, C. AUTIIORI ZATION SIGNATUP.E ADDR.ESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAL PROPERTY AIJUTTU D D LT6AL DDSCRIPI'ION LOT E.FEE $50.00 plus 15f A list of the name of subject propcrt-y. Block .lr' l- 1 I n f or eacl: proper:ty owncr to be notif ied. ohrners of all property adjaceni to the x. UfltL 4SsoC y^n. U S .Forzes(Serzulors ' p fnr EAGLE COUNTY Dept. of Community Development EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHO N E 303/328'73 r I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSSroNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS5ESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N SPECT IO N Exl 226 or 2Zg CLERK & RECOROER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY ExI 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 P LAN N ING Ext 2?6 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PEFSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l soctAL sERv rcEs 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 April 15. 1981 The Eagle VaIley Enterprise P. O. Box 45O Eag1e, CO. 81631 RE: Notice of Pub1ic Hearing Eagle County Planning Commission 20 l{ay 1981 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 23 April 1981 publication of your paper. Please bill- and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you, fu**,q"rr.* Joan Kel ler Office ll{anager Enc rILE #. Z.s-..:.. I ib. :. I -t .... -..... ',:. /'t __-,,") .t ..',:1. co),,itul. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Notice is hereby given that the Eagle county Planning commission will hold a Public Hearing on 20 May 1981 beginning at 3:OO p.m. in accordance with section 6.00 of the Eagle County Zonlng Resolution. Said Hearing will include the following : File No. Zs-136-81 Spraddle Creek Ranch Request:Specialusepermitforchuckwagoncookoutsite Location: 1.5 miles up spraddle creek Road from the junction of Vail Road; SB, Section 5, T5S, R82W' This Hearing sha11 be held ln the llcDonald Building, county Commissioneis' Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the bommission by appearing at the hearing or by submitting statements in person or by mai-1 thru the secretary' BY: Joan Kel ler Secretary, Department of CommunitY Development EAGLE COUF€TY Dept. of Connrunity Developnent - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/3 28-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY COMN4ISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 o April 15, 1981 AN IMAL SHELTER 949-4?92 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CA U NTY A:TTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476.5844 PLA N N ING ext 226 ot 229 PUJ1CHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Basall 927-3244 Gilman 82 7.5 75'l SOC IA L SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | District Ranger U.S. Forest Service It{1nturn. CO- 81645 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there-has been a proposa1 made vlhich, if approved' would affect land jn your immediate area. For your information, the following is provided: Reference File No. Zs-136-81 - Name of Applicant: Spraddle Creek Ranch (Roger Tilkemeier) Location: 1.5 miles up spraddle creek Road from the junction with Vail Road, S!, Section 5, T5S, R81W Proposal: Special use Permit to Provide site for chuckwagon cookouts Date and locat'ion of public hearing: Q00 p.m. on 20 Mav 1981 County Conrnissioners l'leeting Room #103, McDonald Bujlding, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Your comments concerning this appf ication are invited. For further information, do not hesitate to contact this office. Si ncerel y, q--',".-t c.. G'zt-^) James A. Rubin Director of Planning 1l ". - -. "?5...t a *.-i/--------. : 'jt). Fi t: j. cct,,1N1. JR/J K EAGTE COUNTY Depc. of Community Development - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 r BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrs5toNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATTON Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Exl 2O2 BUILOING IN IN SPECT IO N Ext 2?6 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 o( 229 PU RCHASING/ PEJRSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basa lt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERV ICE5 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 April 21, l98l- Town of Vail 70 So. Frontage Rd. West Vai1, CO. 87657 RE: F1le No. Zs-136-81 Spraddle Creek Ranch Special Use Permit Enclosed herewith is an application submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on [tay 2O, 1981. The Pl-anning Commission would sincerely appreciate your cofiunents and recommendations prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information,please advise this office- Thank you very much, 0-^^, A. A,a^)r-'-- -- , -t< James A. Rubin Director JAR/ j k Enc. l-ll.il ;{r .2.?_:t !_e-:--s_,!--. i:.1,.'.,. U,;. irl ,\1j. CgfuiM: ;:..-r'r.). ,f} C,IFY ivri:=Tt)'rc o? "._L?. .ry.a/_./"?^! ( EAGTE COUNTY Dept. of Community Development - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731I Fr L rQ . - 2.s..:-./.*....8.t.......... E,^i"ii.i:- 1 .1. Ft,t,:J. COMM. i . '.- : ,, .. ' , .\ . .'i ..'.".:! BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SES50 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTO RNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl ?26 or 229 PU RC HAsI N G/ PEflSONNEL eft 24s ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2'l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | May 22, 1981 The Eagle Va11ey Enterprise P. O. Box 450 Eag1e, CO.81631 RE: Notice of Public Hearing Board of County Commissloners 24 June L98L Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 28 May 1981 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you, f*-q,-r.*Joan Keller Office l,{anager Enc. NOTICE COUNTY PUBLIC HEAR EAGLE, COLO o ING RADO OF NF Notice is Hereby Given that the Board of County Commissioners will ho1d. a Public Hearing on 24 June 1981, begi-nning at 9:00 a.m., in accordance with Section 6.00 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the following: File No, Zs-136-81 - Spraddle Creek Ranch Request: Special use permit for a chuckwagon cookout Location: 1.5 miles up Spraddle Creek Road from the with Vail Road, S* Section 5, TbS, R81IV File No. Zs-137-81 - Oran F. Palmateer Request: Special use permit to al1ow one additional home space Location: One mile east of Edwards, Colorado, on Highway more particularly described as follows: site junction mobile R'iver; thence S 70o Corner No. l, the' 6, Parcel I A tract of land designated the."Kenny Tract" in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, 'lyi.!g in the northeast quarter of the northelst quaiter of Sectjon 9 and'in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Seitjon 4, Township 5 South,_Range-82 l'lest' 6th principal Meridian; being more particular'li descrjbbd as follows, to wit: Beginning at corner Io. 1, a point in the center of the Eagle River, from which the northeast Corner of Section 4 of said Township and Range bears N 11"28'16" E 5.l83.35 feet distant; thence s'02o53' E 90.73 feet t6 a l^litness ' : corner for corner No.'l; thence s 0zis3' E 109.38 feet to corner No. z on the . !gl!!grl.y right-of-way fence line of U. S. Highway No's, 6 and 24; thence N '86"05'40u E'1.|7.50 feet a)o.ng said fence lin'e-to Lorner No.'3; thence N 0g.26'39" E 88.69 feet'to Cornei No. 4; thence N 27935'l5u E SA.1Z teet to Corner No. 5; thence N 50'41 '55u E 27.37 feet to Corner-No. 6'; thence N 16"09'45, l,l 55.65 feet to a l,litness corner for corner No. 7; thence N .|6"09'45"'l4l 44.44 feet to Corner No. 7, a Point jn the center of the Eagle l.l 169..|6 feet alo.ng the center ljne of the Eagle River to place of b.eginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Parcel 2 A tract of land des.ignated the "Deanna Tract" in the county of Eagle and state of Colorado, lyi.ng in the northeast quarter of the northea-st quarler of Sectjon 9 and in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Sectjon 4, Torvnship 5 South, Ra.nge 82 West,6th principal Meridian; being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Bgsi-nnins at corner No. l, a po'int on the norther'ly right-of-way fence line of U. S. H.ighway No's.' 6 and 24; from rvhfch the noitir'eist Cornei of Section 4 of said rownship and Ra.nge bears N 09:43'33" E 5348-54 feet distant; thence N 86"05'40" E'l 82.50 feet alo.ng said fence line to corner No. 2: thence N 16"]4,E 190.86'feet.to Corner No. 3;'thence N 33"59' E 90.50 feet to Corner No. 4; thence N 20"44' lrl 50.00 feet to corner No. 5, a point in the center of the Eagle RiVer; thence s 70" l,l 217.11 feet along the center'l jne of said Eagle River to Corner No. 6; thence S 16"09'45" E 44.44 feet to a Witness Corner for Corner No.6; thence s 16"09'45'f E 55.65 feet to cornerNo. 7; thence s 50"41 '5s" vl 27.37 .feet to corner No.'8; thence s 27"35'.|5' E s4.72 feet to corner No. 9; thence s 08"26'39" t,I 88.59 feet to corner No. I the place of b.eginning, county-of Eagie State of Colorado. o -2- File No. Zs-131-81 - Archie F. Struass Request: Special use permit for camping and resort Location: 19023 Highway 131, more particularly described as follows: MONTGOMI]ITY PAItCEI, ..A.. A parcel of land Iocatcd in Tract 45' Sections 5 and B, Township 2 South, ilange 83 t^lesL of the Sixth Principal Meri- dian according to tlrc Independent Resurvcy of said Township and Range as aPProved on April 30, 1918; said parcel of land being more Particularly described, wiLh all bearinqs herein being based on the plattcd bearing of the Iine between Corner No. 2 of Tract 44 located in Sections 6 and 7 of said Township and Range and Corner No. I of said Tract 45, which is west, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the North Line of said Tract 45 and the high water li.ne of the Northeasterly Bank of the Colorado River; thence along said North Line N.89"55'46"E. 32.16 feet to corner No. 6 of Tract 39 said tract being located in Sec- tions 5,6,7 and B of said Township and Range; thence contin- uing along said North Line S.89"54'55"E.202.38 feet to a point on the Westerly Right-of-I{ay Boundary of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad; thence along said Boundary the following five (5) courses: f) 4?8.15 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2540.00 feet, the chord of which bears S.25o16'05"E. 4'17.44 f.eet 2) S.19"52'31"8. 705.00 feet 3) 688-63 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a' radius of 3990.59 feet, the chord of whi.ch bears S.24o49'08"8. 687.77 feet 4j s.6oo14'16"1^t. roo.oo feet 5) 814.98 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 4090.59 feet, the choril of which bears S.35"28' 12"E. 813'63 feet to a point on the West Line of said Tract 45; thence along said West Line S.00"01'31"E. 88.98 feet to the Witness Corner for Corner No. 6 of said Tract 45, a brass cap monument found in place; thence continuing along said lnlest Line S.00"01'31"8. 66.00 feet to the true position for Corner No. 6 of said Tract 45; thence along the South Line of said Tract 45 S.81"2L'04uw. 1322.63 feet to Corner No. 5 of said Tract 45; thence along Line 4-5 of said Tract 45 N.00"03r50"8. 1320.42 feet to Corner No. 4 of said Tract 45; thence along a line between Corner No. 4 of said Tract 45 and corner No. 6 of said Tract 39 N.00o00'31"w. 1264.15 feet toa poinL on the high water line of the Northeasterly o a Bank of the colorado River as it now exists; thence aLong said high water line the following two (2) courses and distances: I) N.24"12'43"w . 52.37 feet 2) N.35o5B'08"W. IB.2l feet to the point of begrnnrng. Said parcel of land contains 45-1784 acres, more or less' Subject, however, to easements and rights-of-way for roads, highways, railroads, ditches and utilities of record or as same exist-- MONTGOMNRY PARCEL''B'' AparceloflandlocatedinTract45,Sections5and.B,Township 2 Southl Range 83 West of the Sixth Principal l{eridian accor- air,g to'the fndependent Resurvey of said Township and Range as "ppi"""a-"" eptii gO, 19 IB; said parcel of land being more par- t'ilui"rfy destribed, with alL bearings herein being based on ;;-;i;;teJ bearing of the line between corner No' 2 of rract 44, Iocated in seciions 6 and 7 of said rownship and Range and corner No. r or siia Tract 45 which is west, as follows, to \^tity Beginning at a point on the Easterly Right-of-Way Boundary of the Denver and nio Grande l^lestern Rai- lroad and the westerly Right-of-Way soundary of Colorado State IIighway.No' 13I fron which corner No. 5 o'f Tract 36, l-ocated in sections 5, 6t 1 and B of said Township and Range bears N'87"04'31"W' 327'46 feet distant; thenc. .long the westerly Right-of-Way Boundary oi said Highway No- 131 the following eiqht (B) courses: 1) N.61o01'31"E. B'43 feet 2) S.34"45'36"E. 181'78 feet 3) S.39o30'06'E. 194'58 feet 4) s- 31"41'36"8. 194'68 feet 5) S.27"29'06"E. 497.78 feet 6) S.2?o44'06"8. 242'04 feet 7) 28?.01 feet along the arc of a non-tangential curve to the right, haiing a radius of 3288'85 feet' the chord of rirtrictr beari s' r5o52' 06"8' 286 '92 feet B) S.04"1"1'55"8. 74'53 feet toapointontheEasterlyRight-of_WayBoundary.oftheDenver and Rio Grande Western naitroaa; thence along said Boundary the following five (5) courses: 1) 62.90 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 3740'59 feetr the chord of which bears N.27"20 '10"w' 62'90 feet 2\ S.63"0B'44"W. 150.00 feet 3) 4-1 3-gI feet along the arc of a curve to the right rtavittg a radius 5f :ggo'59 feetI the chord of which bears N.23o21'53"w' 473'62 feeL -4- 4) N.19o52,31"br. ?05.00 fccl: 5) 419.29 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 2640.00 feet, the chord of which bears N.24 o25'30,'W. 4IB. g4 feec to the point of beginning. said parcel of rand contains 5.1992 acres, more or ress. su-bject, however, to easements and rights-of-way for roads,highways, railroads, ditches and utilities'of record or as same exist. This Hearing will be held in the Commissioners Meeting Room #1O3, McDonald Building, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the hearing or by submitting written statements in person or by mail through the Planning Department. Further information may be obtained or comments submitted by contactj-ng the Eagle County Department of Community Development, 550 Broadway, P. O. Box 779, Eagle, Colorado, Phone: 328-7311 . BY: Johnnette Phillips Eagle County Clerk & Recorder EAGTE COUNTY Dept. df Community Deve'lo EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-?31 | BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrsStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINI5TRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSo R Ext 2Oz o pment BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH EaEle Ext 25 2 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PU RC H A5ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICEs 328-6328 TREASU RER Ext 201 S'i ncerely, it t,t I rl >u^1,0.^ vc*! Susan Vaughn / Planner - Box 179 l{ay 27 , 19 81 Roger Tjlkemeier P.0. Box 2996 Vai 1 , Col orado 81658 Re: Fi le No. Zs-136-81 At the'ir Public Hearing of May 20, 1981, the Eag'le County Planning Commission recommended approval of your ': speciil use peimit for a chuckwagon site, with the following condi ti ons: 1. Annual review 2. The length of the permit- be for 10 years. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners on June 24, 1981, at 9:00 a.m. in the Couniy Commissioners Meeting Room, 550 Broadway" Eagle - Col orado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. 'h*- # Board of County Commissioners TELLPHoNE 303/s28-73tr Board of County Commissioners Ext 241 Assessor LXI ZV Z Clerk and Recorder EXtZLt Sheriff Eagle: Ext 211 Easalt:. 927 -3244 Gilman:827-5751 Treasurer Ext 201 Administration Ext 24I Animal Shelter 949.4292 Building Inspection L]{t ZZO Of ZZY Community Development Ext 226 or 229 county Attorney Ext 263 Fnainaar Ext 236 Environmental Health Ext 238 Extension Agent Ext 247 Library !.xt 255 Pubtic Health Eagle: Ext 252 Yail 476.5844 Personnel ExL 24l Purchasing Exr 245 Road and Bridge Ext 257 Social Services 328.6328 /** z/"-."U susan vaug,,n o ?< Planner EAGLECOUNTY Eagle,Colorado 81631 Department of Community Development P. O. Box 179 June 25. 1981 Roger Tilkemeier Box 2996 Vail, CO. 81658 RE: File No. Zs-136:81 Dear Mr. Tilkemeier, At their public hearing of June 24, 1981, the Board of County Commissioners approved your special use permit for a chuckwagon cookout site. If you have any questions, please contact this offlce. Sincerely, sv/jk cc: Board of County Commissioners MI]MORANDUM TO: Town Council FR0M: Departrnent of Co{ununity Developrnent RE: Sign Code Variance Request for Spraddle Creek Ranch Applicant: Roger Tilkenei-er DATE: June 11, 1981 The applicant requests a variance to the (illustrations attached) at the entrance of I-70 at the intersection of the North cant feels that the location and lack of the need for a variance. sign code in order to erect two signs of Spraddle Creek Ranch located north Frontage Road and Vai-l Road. The appl1* visibility of his business constitute under the provisions of the Town of Vail sign Code, the applicant would be allowed one free-sianding sign with a nax inum area of 20 square feet at a nax intultt height of B' above grade. The signs proposed by the applicant are both slightly ovel 7 square feet for a total of 14 square feet, 6 feet under the allowable naxirnun. The sign to be erected over the ranch gate will be over the required B' height lirnit due to the necessity of horse trailer clea?ance. The variance request deviates from the provtsions of the sign code in these two respects: f) two signs instead of 1 [still withir the total n4ximlm size al1oroab1e, however), a*d 2) one sign to exceed the B' height linitation. CrijjTia for tpproval Before the board acts on a variance application, the appl icant nust prove physical hardship" and the board rnust find that; A. There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the 1and, buildings, topography, vegetatj-on, sign structures or other natters on adjacent lots or within- the adjacent Tight-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question; provided, however, that such special ci,rcumstances or conditlons are unique to the particular businesses or enterprises; B. That such special circumstances were not crfeated by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant; C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harrnony with the purposes of thj"s tj.tle, and will not be naterial ly detrirnental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general; , ' spraddle creek signs t June 11, 1981 D. The variance applied for does aot depart fron the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applicantls business or use; E. Such other factors and criterla as the Design Review Board deens applicable to the proposed variance. RECOMMENDATION: At their June 3rd neeting, the Design Review Board voted unanirnously to recornmend approval of the requested variance. The DRB felt that there were special circumstances in this case because of the location and nature of the applicantrs business, The location of the business is oriented rnore towards autornobile traffic than the pedestrian traffic on which the sign code and its orovisions are based. o o Uod.auaW'Y An*4*v&ax lr+ R.ourU P [-r 1r ' U-Lr-> fura --€at oPE (\, 'f O '4 wQ YEPtt :l-"trg*! , I"IEM0RAIIDUM T0: Town Council . FROM: Departnent of Cornnun ity Developroent RE: Sign Code Variance Request for Spraddle Creek Ranch Applicant: Roger Tilkeneier DATE: June 11, 1981 The applicant requests a variance to the sign code in order to erect two sign.s (illustrations attached) at tlre entrance of Spraddle Creek Ranch located north of I-70 at the intersection of the North Frontage Road and Vail Road. The appli- cant feels that the location and lack of visibility of his business constitute the need for a variaace. Under the provisions of the Torlrn of Vail Sign Code, the applicant would be allowed one free-standing sign with a maxirnum area of 20 square feet at a max inun height of 8t above grade. The signs proposed by the applicant are both slightly over 7 square feet for a total of 14 square feet, 6 feet under the allowable maxingm. The sign to be erected over the ranch gate will be over the required 8t height linit due to the necessity of horse trailer clearance. The variance request deviates fron the provisions of the sign code in these two resPects: 1) two signs instead of 1 (still within the total rnaximum size I allowable, however), and 2) one sign to exceed the 8t height linitation. Criteria for Approva I Before the board acts on a variance application, the applicant nust prove physical hardship, and the board rnust find that: A. lltere are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other natters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question; provided, however, that such special circunstances or conditions are unique to the particular businesses or enterprises; B. That such special circurnstances were not created by the appl icant or anyone in privy to the applicant; C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harnony with the purposes of this title, and will not be naterially detrirnental to the persons residing or workiirg in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general; -lr.rn" 11, 1981 o f Spraddle Creek Signs RECOMMENDATION: At their June Srd neeting, the Design Review Board voted unaninously to recornmend approval of the requested variance. The DRB felt that there were special ciriunstances in this case because of the location and nature of the applicantts business. The location of the business is oriented nore towardi autornobile traffic than the pedestrian traffic on which the sign code and its provisions are based. D. The variance applied for does not depart fron the provisions of this title any nore than is required to ictentify the applicantts business or use; E, Such other factolcs and criteria as the Design Review Board deens aPplicable to the proposed vatiance. o .-. , 5.L nb * -t- &= tccrum-s \\f,qre.' €taaf ruY E}<rsfi. S\EN S,: p*.,Fi | 'f = ln -SPA rlDDi-r-6-' =Hff/t: g o l'J ..-\.'.'-'"4uL'V [U-t4:ff\"1'\Lgl 3 X tt{ nilY''a'., 2s ta rl rl lt -lr I _t spnnEou CREEK LIVERY, o ^-r\ (" 11t\4T ,,"L,'\ r '+-,/b->t Q*h,/Pq"a;&/ffi*4W ffi",rq" P ot"Q I u g^!.,'a,4,ro/o . eu",a Qrrtr,, Sli" .t4"/Z/en rt;- nat t*-'*"'nt/'>"'Htr i^". r^/,;ZJ/"A"t'/ "Xzffi Z" *"adi'L U ao €e,,,, ;-( j,,., Abarrd&' W//ZZ.-Z g*''t .r* r.fu A ZH" *rZ'.*' 7 A"b"trc""?b €lM. p.o. Box2ee6 ff$5H-[t1i:f (303) 47.u,s4'{1 I T. A?PLICATION IIORM FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT This pr:ocedure is reguired for any project Conditional Use Perinit.. requiied to obtain a The applicat.ion will not be accep'Lcd until all information is submitted. A. NAME oF APPLrcAl.rr GQou"CUZ,; ADDRESS B. c. NA.[E oF AppLrcANils REPRESENTA'-rwn (2oqgn Qt.fr.ktn"crrn woanss 6Ot 7( 2 UpiL,%dla a pHoNE-!-?!z:;TD-/- AUTI{ORIZATION OF PROPERTY OI^INER | , /\, t r\^ f' \ f' t slcNArup.E ll fr t L Il lrftt.,t ( I er: t)tjtt(!'( ADDRESS PIIOI'lE LOCATION OF PROPOSA]-, ADDPs,ss l/ p /-/ Gil F (na,zsE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot E. FEE $50.00 plus 15Q for.each property ovrner to be notitied,. V>,1 F. A lj,st of the name of olu:rers of all pl:operty adjacent to the subject property. ,"-o o U- )4,1t1^'ocd-oqt/ * -6Mtt ifrrrl &/*-, n4-;t .t Z, un 4u p d /,tltuU &ra-, n4r;t rr4" unat tz ,**(- tu E/gaa'!€a/An /ah-,o/;*- M/-&' a' lb)< ao M^t*,h ),* -J4/o-/1il!*"g-7tve 0/r-"b Ut bla'cAtozu- /r/rH' 4/t/-"tl ,rftg fu i&*d . ( J r,,n d -/,- Z--t .,rr;4,tlt*rtv oru dr.-rt;'.a ,{."*", a-2, a-7t/ 4p a/ tu4 A.& Grr*6 /N///obH, ,06,i' M" I/*AztZc . @ol 1:$,i lt o o I l ll L--= r,(hddturqrdf **/"(d" o/**er.ffi 1,, *(tr-'A".r$A* g*"22'rr".32#4'/r,"^,f- i''Mffi,^[.! 'i,,'LWZrnu6i4',gxa-4 ry l:i d^t-""^t At/rt/i4t, i-* -& .",/.4- ,ar --*( -T ti#$a'-wN4e *L.; ,, A"b"^.t u*? ,t /lz^u.zmpa1a4p "t- ^/,(/t sH ll-W*ru;m).Z-a Fl ir /**ru/&'o*!kftV,"*-"2h4h f;lJ ii ffilt Fi li #' i rr ryi li *ti r,-.ll t-'' j li fr li r q lt r-il Lii I '"i;ip'.!#___*-.1--.-.:---*]-'_...:-.;--_;;.'-.-...--..--.:-....-'" -r ?--, ,.-.. --i-Lb,* B-g*-w^r' ttft trry ..9cn kt lr." = il? t Faof.3 ToiLETt JDtstean,c lrwolrfro r!- ^ -,. - o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Roger Tilkemeier has requested a conditional use Permit to.allow a horse sledding and dinner operation on the vail Golf course. application has been made iir accordance with Section L8.62.020 of the Vail t'tunicipal Code. A public Hearing ritt U. held in aecordance with Section 18.65.060 of the Munlcipal Co&e on October 13, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. before the Town of Vait Ptanningt and Environmental Commission. The applisation and information relating to the proposed change is availaUfe in the Zoning Administrator's office during regular busj-ness hours for review or inspection by the publ-ic. Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator TOVIN OF VAIL DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMUNISY DEVELOPMBTT Published in the Vail Trail, Septenrber 26, 1980. DATE RECETVED FROM R"ECEIPT - The Town of Vail N9 rtzzr ADDRESS Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check ' Folice ReceiPt *":0.* By MEMBERS PRESENT Gerry White Scott Edwards Duane Piper Roger Tilkeneier Jin Morgan Gaynor Miller ABSENT Dan Corcoran Gerry lJhite calLed the tliat the Tor.m Council tneeting to order at 3:00 p,m, upheld their decisions on Luke, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MINUIES April 13, 198I ..8{ STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Janar Betsy Rosolack COIJNCIL MEMBER Bud Benedict Dick Ryan told the PEC nesibers Kn ox and Gartonts deck. 1.Irrinutes of the neeting of March 23, t98I . Floger noved that these minutes be approved, and Scott seconded. The vote in favor. Jim abstained. 2. A request for a front setback variance at 153 Beaver Dan Road, Lot 37, qlegk 7' - Peter Janar presented the rnemo and showed plans. Tin C1ark, the archi-tect shorved photos and elevations, It was pointed out that the house was built prior to setback regtti at-ions and lies 5 inches from the -south pt:opcr:ty line, and that it is in need of aestheti.c inrprovement, Peter also mentioned tiiat Le had citecked u'ith Public I'[orks, and they h;ld no problen r,.iith the proxinity to the road. Scott moved and Roger seconded that the reiluest be alloived as per the staff r-:Lcno, The vote r'ras 6-0, unanj-ncus in favor. 3. A. request* f_or a front and side sellack variance on the south and west property lines- at 765 Forest Road, Lot 8, block 2, V Village 6th to build a garage. Peter Jamar pr:csented the meino and cr4:lained that there could be no parking on the road, for j-t r{'as used for snow cats in the winter. The applicants explained that if they built the garage on the other sj,de of the house, it would block the view of the nei.ghbors across the road. Peter added that the restriction origirrally asked for by the Public }irork s Department of having a 15r drainage easement along the east- property line had since been removed when it tras discovered that the drainage could be taken care of another rt'ay. Roger noved and Gaynor seconded for approval of the request a-s stated in the memo, less the restriction of the 15t easenent. The vote was 6-0 irr favor. Unanir,rous approval . 4. A r"equcst for a conditj-onal use pgrnit to ?1 low in-sta1_1a!ion and use of an 18 hole miniature golf course on lot 4, bloclt 1, Lionshead l:irst Filing and Tract H, Ljonshead 3rd Fil'ing. Applicant: Bud Benedict Peter Pattcn reviewed the ncmo and statcd that this was a renewal of a permit granted last ),ear. Ilud Benedict stated that the1, vould Like to have a pernit for as long as the VA r+ilI let irin have the course, thet his lease with VA was for 5 years, so he would like this CU permit for 5 years. lle added that one addition to the golf course this year would be l or 2 buildings (rniniatrrre builcli-ngs). lle also saj.d there r{ould be no food or drink or nusic, that the operation would be opcn until 10:00 p.m. 5-0 lvas l'+ b PEC 4/Is/8L page 2 Jin Morgan noved and Scott seconded to approve the conditional use permit as stated in the staff memo, but for a 5 year period and with the conditions that the course rust be renoved by October 15 each year and that daily the operation must close by 10:00 p.n. The vote was 6-0, unanimous. 5. A reque.st for a conditional use permit for 10 years_at 100 North Frontage Road, the Spraacif-e-Cieek Ranch, to construct barns, corrals, fences, cabins, etc, to accoruno date from 40 to 60 horses, 30 cars and the people necessary to operate the livery stable business which would j.nclude trail rides, wagon rides,'sleigh rides and other related activities. Applicant: Roger Tilkemeier. Peter Patten presented the meno and sumnari ze the staff concerns in it which included the visibility of the parked cars frorn the Interstate and frontage roads, which the staff felt must be screened, the revegetation of the fill banks, the fact that there mrst be adequate water and sanitation facilities. The staff wanted highly visible and easily understandable signage, at the intersection with the Frontage Road. Roger voiced objection to the concern of the visility of the cars. He state that one of the Forest Service concerns was that he have plenty of parking and not on the Forest Service road except for overflow parking. Di,ck Ryan nentioned receiving conplaints frorn people about seeing the horse trailer last year. Roger indicated that the trailer would be parked far up the r:oad behind a building. He added that he !'nats to run a 4-horse team to the Transportation Center to pick up 20-25 people which rnay eliminate rnuch parhing need. He adnitted that the cars would be vj-sible if one were driving east on either the North Frontage Road or the Interstate, Peter Pattenrs concern with the view frorn the vi1lage. Jjm Paxon of the Forest Service stated the FS was concerned that Roger have adequate parking spaces, and that they have demanded that the road be kept open to the public and naintained. Roger naintained that this surnmer operation was no different frorn the winter operation in which the parked cars in toun werc very visible. He added that these cars would be at least 1000 feet fron people driving past. Duane Plper felt that cars pa.rked in .an urban area had less impact that cars parked in an othe..-wise unblemished hillside. Jim Morgan suggested that the PEC grant a one year pe-rnit until they could see what impact the cars nright have. Roger felt that he couldlrt operate on a one year basis only. After r;lrch discussion of the issue, the nembers went out to the parking lot to vj-ew the hilt-side where the cars r.'ould be. It was mentioned that since some of the cars woul.d be visj.ble anyway, why argue over 7 addi- tional cars? Gerry White was not satisfied r^,'ith Roger's-not conplying with the lst condi- tion to scl:een the cars from view, He was concerned with the people in the condos of the village being able to see the cars, too, and felt tlris was one conplaint from the Town residents he felt strongly in synpathy with. Discussion followed concernin.g slope stablization, revegetation, and sanitation and water supplies. Roger stated that he would have the revegetation finished before July 15, 1981, and that he has tapped a sprlng for rvater, that temporary sanitary farcilities rrrould be used this year, because he wasntt .ab1e to start construction last fall. He has an agt:eenent with VA to use their shower facilities. He stated that there would be 13 people livj.ng on the site, with 2 living about 1-1/2 mile up the rnountain at the chuck wagon site. He planned to construct a self contained sanitary facility this fall. He stated that he would use sodiun chloride or oi1 on the road to contain the dust. Jirn Morgan moved for approrral , seconded by Ga14s1 Mi-l1er the request for a conditional use pernit for 10 years as stated j.n the staff meno, and with the conditons in the tnemo with thc exception of #1, visibility of cars. The vote was 4-1 in favor, with Gerry White vot.ing again-st the rneasure, rcpeati.ng that he felt the cornplairtts about the cars were irlportant. Duane noved, and Gaynor seconded to adjourn at 4:45. Unanimous. ej DATE i! , RECETDT - The Town of Vail -.9 13634 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS LLARS $ .. Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check .r{9 13351 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS DoLLARS s ''", - '" ' Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Chpck L-- BY f I p ?...-aL'. \r.'rt am-t Lt-(? *J$rstt(r' of g{r*r.-( ON og'r S'rd} \. rrtqpi't "\\ \*t'qlr;ft st (Lsqt r. \--q,Qq*.;rr ,\G'Lr** \Fa gb.ru{t NS Trurrrr aro1e19taaA io F"* e*-*t, GIf,t ,H@T/ QnNtr. 5 tqus i to u,989. str,trto{RD3. 6f." *o ata\EEL Daivi Tnc?frc- NErt. s h^iLEs. @ y;tr-O fo ho.s€t Drawatt VEfrf cLcT.n tf rl ferfsy ! ,-?6[l;t'tD riTt: e 9nr€ s@f I I II R.O.eu. -_ I ( ( ( r{tf.t NEat DEuEtoPc-o ArzEil. 30r( S0 ts&SE Fftctbftet l,t= qo I R77ea\. &pT,rq-e, PLAI'INING 2200 Joint neeting uith of Highland Meadows A}.ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA Monday' APril 13, 1981 Design Review Board to study lots.26 through 42 for future Special Developnent District 3:00 1, Minutes of the neeting of March 23, 1981' 2.Arequestforafrontsetbackvarianceatl5SBeaverDanRoad,LotST, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. -Applicantsl Bo Price and John Wisenbaker 3. A request for a front and side setback variance on the south and west property lines at zos Eoresl Road, Lot g, Block 2, YaiL village 6th to build a garage. Applicant: Ton and CindY Jacobson 4.Arequestforaconditionallusepernittoallowi.nstallationanduseofan 18 hole niniature golf course on Lot 4, Block 1, Lionshead l'irst Filing and Tract H Lionshead 3rd Filing. 5. A request for a conditional use permit for l0 yeals at 100 north Frontage Road, the spraddle creek Ranch, to constTuct bams, corralsr fences' cabins, etc' to accommodate from 40 t; 60 horses, 30 cars and the people necessary to operate the livery stabre business which would include trair iidis, wagon rides, sleigh ridesandotherrelatedacti.vities.Applicant:RogerTilkeneier. v MEI,IORANDUM fi): PLAI{NING Al.lD ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FK}M: DEPARTI\,IENT OF COMMJNITY DEVELOPMENT/PETER PATTEN DATE: April 8, 1981 RE: Request for a Conditional Use Pernit for 10 years for Spraddle Creek Ranch,Inc, to operate a livery stable and related activities. APPLICANI: Roger Tilkeureier DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The proposed use includes construction of barns, corrals, fences, cabins, parking sPaces, etc. to accomnodate fron 40 to 60 horses, 30 cars and the people necessary to oPerate the livery stable business. Horses would be used in the following activities Trail ridesn chuck wagon.cookouts, wagon rides, sleigh rides and other related activitie CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.600, approval of the Conditional Use Consideration of Factors: the Departnent of Connr.rnity Developnent recomends Perrdt based upon the following factors: Rslationsh.ip and inp.act of thg use on_deve]opnent objectives of the Tovm: Ihe Departrnent of Cornnunity Developnent feels that the livery operation is an inportant one to the tourist business in Vail. The activities offered have been proven to be vely popular for the tourists and the busiless serves an inportant function. A year around operation would nake it an even nore valualbe asset to the ToMr. effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population rtat ion c ties util ities ools, parks and recreation acilities, an er public ac ties lic ac ties needs. application included staff feels that the sanitation district. Ihe Ihe Ihe and no infornation oPeration nust concerning sewer ard water treatment or neet nin inun requirements of the local supplies, water Eff_ect upgn traff+c with palt_+culjrr reference to congestion, autonotive and pedestrian 'safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access. rnaneuverabi I ity . and removal or snow rrom Ene streets ;rnd parKtnq areas. We have not received any input stating that there have been signifi-cant negative '- impacts at the Vail Road iniersection due to traffic fron the iivery stable. Highly visible and easily understandable signage should be used at this intersection to insure the safe ingress and egress for the business, The staff is also concerned about the possible visibility of cars parked on the site. The site plan shows numerous spaces . near the southern Property li.ne, close to the Interstate and Frontage Roads. We would like to have graphic proof that these cars would not be visible fron the roads below or a guarantee that. they be screened fron view. -lG:'"G-r:T-r:!ryr'- V Spraddle Creek Ranctf page 2 4/8/81 e Effect upon the character of the area in qhigh lhe proposed use is to be located, fhe location of the proposal , surrounded on 3 sides by Forest Service land and I-70 on the south, Prevents any negative inpacts fron being created. A minor nuisance on occasion is the odor frorn the stables, but there really is not nuch to be done to prevent this. Ihe snooth operation of the livery stable last sutmer has relieved uuch of the staffts concern about the location of the busi.ness. SucI other_factors and cliteria as the Comrnission deerns appiicable to the proposed uje The staff is very concerned that the fill banks on the entire site, but especially the ones visible from the roads below, be adequately revegetated and quickly. The current fill on the site will require topsoil to be placed over it and then re-veget.ated. A plan for this process should be subnitted and the revegetation completed by July 15, 1981 , The environrnental rt concernins the osed use. if an environnental ter 18.56. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS : The Departnent of Courmunity Developrnent recorunends that the Conditional Use pernit be approved based on the following findings: That -the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. - That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it or rnaintained would not be detrimental to the piruric health, safety, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Thattheproposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ordinance. RECOMMENDATIONS: would be operated welfare or of this the comnunity Devel oprnent Department reconnends approval of this request with the following conditions: l. Infornation be presented to the staff clearly i.ndicating that no cars will be visible as one dri.ves by on the Interstate or on either frontage road. If cars would be visible, a new plan showing no visible cars will be required. 2. The applicant demonstrate not only the need for however many people he wishes to house on site, but also that proper sanitation and water supplies are available. 3. A detailed revegetation plan be subrnitted and approved by the Departrnent of Comrnrnity Development, and that the revegetation be completed by July 15, 1981. 4. That an adequate surface to control dust be placed on the parking and road surface in the area. *G Uniled States Department of Agriculture Forest White beMce Ho l y National Forest Ranger District River Cros s T Repty fo 2720 oare ltlslgl 23, l9Ul ,Mr. Roger Ti lkeneier 'dba Spraddle Lreek Ranch P.O. Box 2996 Vai-l, C0 81658 f 5. "t-uo'' '{ Dear Mr. Ti lkemeier : If lack of a reasonable return on your investment is foreseen due to the termination date in your perrnit, a cash flow analysis covering your perrnitted tenure will help determine if modification of the pernit I s ternination date is appropriate. capital investrnent necessary to meet the minimal need for the current operation wiIl be considered.For exanple, tJe q rneet mi requirenents o-your locaI water an stric These requrTsngR t s and a cas ow analysis that shows a reasonable return on the mininal necessities for liquid waste disposal and water supply is genuine inforrnation to consider. I encourage you to report this infornation to us through the District Ranger. Ca investment shouLd onLy be tha the c t e has not bee You should be aware that our land adjustment plan includes the surrounding 40 acre parcel containinp thc livery site as available Ic *"h;;;;;-;;a lonvertea to other use. [Iith your concurrance in the rneantine, the permit shall be amended to provide for paynent of fees by Spraddle Creek Ranch, fnc. as the Pernittee, rebilling to appropriately coincide with surnmer and winter operations will follow execution of that arnendrnent, as well as adjusl ilrg the request for financial staternent to July 51 of each year. Sincere 1y, trRnE3ffirftFnF k>L^A A utOt"t*"r J*s++i *nlg€r frlr€sk A4o rL;a{- lit.\rl lllFfrD Fontt App.ovcd OMB No. 40-R3495 United St3tds Dape.tnrent of ,\gricultuac Fora!t Scrvic6 SPECIAL USE APPLICATION AND REPORT (Re/erence F S[4 2712) Thir rcport i. outhorir.d by rhc OrEonic Acr of Junc 4, 1897 for thc purporc of.voluoting thc p.oposad u.. ond ng pcrmil rnoy bc isruad unl.3c ihis form is complctcd c. tha i|1forflq. fion it rcquir.r hol boco modc o gott of thc rgcord in romc othc? monnat. I ;i g tu I uJ !u ts o. Rccord no. (1.2) U 7 b. R cgion (3.4)c. Fcrcrr (5.6) d. Di:tri ct (7 3)c. Uscr numb* (9-12)I, Kind ol usc (l3J 5) s, Stois (16.17)h. Cornry (13-20)k. Cord No. (21) I PART I - APPLICATION (To 6e conoleted by applicant) l. D..criprion ol lon& (Attach UAP or PLAD 3t- Applicotion is hcrcby modc for q pc.Fit to usq Nqfionol Foresr lqnd qs indicqted bolow: 2. Purporc o{ urc. 3. Lond Arcq opplicd lor /For Rights-cl-Wa, shotu length and qidth aad conue to dctesi far olhar uses .*4i2, 4r4tu a-rac' "#_4,w -&:fi-e duft'-rA-a g/a-ZA- (Milet.) o. ( F"et) Width -:-=-----::- 3 I f e.!, & &O*a, t rl t0 rr ad"i/./er,a/&/1. b. Plons ottochcd Ycr l-l No. tl "NO" rhow doro plonr will bc turnrshro fu+ ,, 22 oOttt c. Eylnorrd cort , -?, aec) c. Conrtruction will Lc complctod within .^ Ddra ol Agplico?ion qltL /Bc) Appl icont': oddrase . fur e9?o (Monrha) (zIP Codc) u-4&,eufr d. Conslruction will bcain wilhin F5-2700.3 (ll/781 o PART II . REPORT 0N APPLICATION 17o be comoi eted Forest 0 ffic er l. Gcncrol d.scription of (Use Field llap Shect thc oreo ond odootobility for Forn 5400- 20, i.f needed) ihc proposcd usa.Outline orco on s.oc.dlc Mop Shcor il occdcd io ciorify proposod usc, ?. lf prcviousiy undcr pcrmit indic6tct (Name of P.lmittee)(Dstc ot Pelmit)(Date Clo3cd) 3. Dc:cribc ony cncumbcroncca on th6 londr auch o! withdrowols, on mop providad or on Forcr 5400.?0, powcr proicct!, .os.rn.nts, rights-of-woy, min;ng clqims, lcosas, ctc. Show 4. Slotc oporoximoic ornount ond of marchcntoblc rimbcr (o) ro kind: of tirnbcr to bc cut, rcconmcnded p.rnitla. ol c!rronl donogo oporoisol or itumpogG priccs. mcthod of scoling; includc rceommcndotloo on di3posol (b) to othets thon pcrmittr. undcr regulor timbrr sol. procedurc. 5. lr thc proporcd usq in conformity with Envi?ofl n.ntol Adolysi s prcpsr.d? ihc Mu iiiplc Usa Plon ? Environh€nial lmpoct 5totrm.nt pteporcd? (P,L. 9l-190) Dorc it conform with rh. District Lond Adiusimcnr Pldn? (NOTE: lf "NO" is checked ;t anstler to any of che dbove l--l Y os f] Y cs f,4ttac[) JY es (Attsch) [-l Yo" questions. explain uader No. 6 belo,t) I I l r No No No No 6. R6commcnd.fion:, including ony {ocio.! which rnighf oJf.ct tha grooting of thc pcrmif or furure usa of the lond. 7. List condition: *ihich should ba modc o pcrt of rhis p..rniifsee FS,U 27BO) 8. Fco rccornmendotion (Describe here or on computatioT sheet ottoched) RECOMMEND: AIPTOVOI' .+>ur!ooorovol 9. Nornc ond Addrcss of Pcrmitr.a.xocily os ii shouid bc showo on thc pcrmit: (Zip Code) SIGNATUFE SIGNATURE .D.lcte On. Di -')> TITLE GPO 03a.7OO t q -t -.....__--- l- -tr 9 e c!, .v i,i> J\-' lr _1 L .,r c'i il c- --F _.---t*--,--_.-_ tEt v :' Cr--' *- *- t ) '' a r-J -c..-----**-*a._r -, .--* {.i, 5 o. -s 'L- i \A r-R =* Rrchard D. Lamm G< v' rn or Yours tru1y, WATER QUALITY CONTROL r\__.-*-a| t,,r.'' | (.'---_'!- -\ \ Richard l,l. Townsend Sani tari an Dri nki ng l.later Section Ri,lT : bj d C[fL(ftrIAtrI(f, EIEPAF|TMENilT OF HEALTH Frank A. Traylor. M.D. FxocLrlrve l)trcc lo r July 7, .l980 England Systems of Denver 56ll Kendall Ct. Arvada, C0 80002 Re: ISDS -NUTT.SHELL Gentl emen The Guidelines on InCividual Sewage Disposal Systems promulgated by the Colorado State Board of Health llay 16, 1979 provided the opportunity for acceptance by the Department in the form of Certification of a systeni that employs mechanical apparatus in processing sewage influent. This, providing that valid test information attesting to the reliability and performance of the system is provided. This information has now been furnished to this Department and I anr pleased to say, that as of this date, vre can now attest our Certification, as indicated by the Guidelines, to this system. l,iay i again take this opportunity to thank you for your patience in this Iong drawn-out wajt. if we rnay be of any further assistance, p1 ease do not hesitate to contact me at this office. DIVISION .--..--]'1 s# 4210 EAST 11TH AVENUE DENVER,COLCRADO 8|.220 PHONF (303) 320- e3,n,.J Bngra;A ssrseems *e S*lsver Dislribulor of NUTT SHELL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM 56 | | Kendall Court 'Arvada. Colorado 80002 ' Bus. 303/4?0-2127 or Res. 422-737i I wish to comnuntcate with you regarding our NUIT -SI{ELL On-site Sewage Treatment Systen. You are protably d::awing nearer a point in tine which will requlre your decision as to which type of sewage systen you w1II be using in your horne or c onunerc j-a 1 project. I urge you to give this decisi-on careful cons j-d.e::ation as a conventional sepblc system has a linj-tation on its capbilities as well as lts life; therefore, I feel our NUTT -S[{ELL systen has sorne outstand.ing advantages that realIy nn. ke it the most ptacticaL and econonical choice over the long run . The IIUTT-SIIEI,L is a revolutionary concept in r.aste d-isposal . The systen produces a high qua I ity effluent through an aeration and biologlcal treatment process sinrilar to that used in large treatment plant processes. Each unit wll-I process up to a thousand gallons of d-oriestic sere.ge da 5-Iy and are rnodular in nature; so when anticipated flows exceed a thousand gallons per day the required. nurnber of NUTT-SHELLS to ha"ndle thls flow can be assembled in series. The NUTT-SHELL systen is unique in +.hat in add-it ion to trand ling the sewage from your home or corunerclal project, we utilize an und.erground drip irrigatlon system as a rTreans of effluent disposa)-. So we take the sefage fron your home or conmercial project, whi-ch c onta j-ns u'ater you have al-read-y IE- id" for once, and converL it tacl< i-nto rratet that is high in nitre.te and. phosphate content (ferLiltzers) and evenly d-istribute 1t in an area. or areas tbat you rnay wish to utillze as a lawn, garden, greenbelt, etc. Arrong others, the NUT-f-StmLL has been accepted by the following nretropolLtan health depa.rLments; Tri-County Department of Health, Jefferson County Depa.rtment of' Health, and Boulder County Depa.rLment of Healttr. Enclosed please find sone taterial on the NUTT-S}{ET",L. You will note tLra'r, this is a warranted systen and I wlfl be more than happy to furnish you with references 1f you so desire. Will you please take the -r,ine to era.nlne the enclosed. infornration on this intriguing systen r.iith alnost unllnlied capabilities and- then give ne a call.I r.ril1 be pleased to have the opporbunity to d-iscuss the NUTT-SHEIL with you in greater detail for your individual needs. "'l!'te7) rr7*fivNl-1l //bJ/ Lr x,. /_f c:-^,L4r91,,, . -rllcrrael !. i{c$nleI}ef , I1regloent England Systems of Denver P.S. Incid,ent:.11y, the NUTT-SIiELL ls very advantageous in areas of hlgh ground" water or soils r^rith very poor percolation rates (slower than 60 ni-nutes per inch) . End Troublesome Sewage Problems In A -z/-t^--\.,--'dq;,s *t7 Home and Commercial SewaEe Treqtment Sysf ems MANUFACTURED AND DISTRIBUTED NATIONALLY BY: Country Living Company E=;,:€:nr e!?' iiiiiiili$ ,tfiif EIili €i{iFiiiffg fiffii F3E;: i3iliiiiiitu iiiiiii iiiii 's3 -R a)o)(n.::3 o)i:E! to: €& U(0 OF h9 B eHEEin g.E gE=rooroo'r=':tr ?^E*;* aE *eI:'E:fEg;g E EEEE€P €F ;i*x:E;i3EE EESFssE H; *!i;;tiip::9:: HnI:gE =c; $5sPni;1Eeee F ;;E:!t" €#s sEE;l:€E;€f:i :;EEFEE g;€ fr+e€B5f;i;fE ! :ac*EfE {;: - tiE"Fe;?FtrE E $ec$;"F ^i;s StErssEf i+E;* T ee'i;i'; E i; l €El€E*t;:;;g : :'sils!; :.EE IEEiHs',plsvsr-66 ;=E y = N la it n E-;3 E af€ YC€'3;z :'E€tEt+ r:l iir€lI€:griFg E- ii3€€JE r $ei F gg{:i.n t:sgji EE gEt€;'ic Erc* E;r*E;i;eEr?e ET;iE;=I".' E$E E E$gE9EEEEg*H; a9 sy oro f1o (')3 otr g|o |Eu 3c q,o 02 93 ,oi a. Y'z3 u= z o E tr E tll A o [&o o o Fl Jr t.t tll E ri vi z4 <a z9 IJQ tr =E FO <E F'tr 1/ lt t O Thank you for your interest in Sys'tem. Ihe Nutt-Shell System was portion of 1973, and has been sewage treatment problems years. The Countuy Living Company has enjoyed phenomenal success and growth while providing the homeowner and commercial user with a sewage heatment system which works in sub-zero temperatures, rainfalls of over 120 inches per year, perculation rates of 400 minutes per inch, and in the case of larger developments, a pressure system which transports heated effluent direct- ly to a city heatment facility. It is our hope that we can work .with individual county officials and customers to provide a more effective means of sewage disposal. The Nutt-Shell System will give you the confidence of knowing that you are using the finest means of sewage treatment and disposal. This is accom- plished by employing a treatment process which produces an effluent reduced in solids and biological oxygen demand approximately 95% as opposed to a 30% reduction in conventional septic tanks. This enables us to disperse the treated effluent evenly in Ir/q inch P.V.C. pipe through t/rinch holes. It may seem amazing that an effluent this "water-like" in consistency can be produced. What is more amazing is that this same effluent, high in dissolved oxygen and teaming with the nuhients plant life thrives on, will sub-irrigate your lawn or garden forever. Department of Agriculture tests show drip-inigation to be the most effective means of irrigation available. What this means to all of us is that a sewage disposal system is finally becoming available that will: (1) allow us to develop land other than our fine agricultural ground, which should be preserved for the future, (2) take the fear of leach field failure out of sewage disposal, {3) re-use our precious water sup- ply, and (4) provide for a cleaner tomorrow! Please feel free to call on us so a representative can personally supply you further details on how the Nutt-Shell System may help meet your needs. Thank you. Authorized Distributor: E*Gr 4irn sys'i.its 'ili 5l;,: j, I :.lLfT i /iS\',.iDA, lrtLr_,r,{D0 e0002 I PH0li[; lt,i: 42A-2i27 the Nutt'Shell Sewage Trcatment introduced into Texas in the latter playing an important roie ii: :,.,t.,':ig in other slales over the past five GROUSE CREEK LTVERY, LTD. SAFETY AND OPERATIONS PLAN FOR EAGI.A I S NEST TTVERY SUMMER 1980' o I. Deseription of Use Grouse Creek Livery Ltd. a Colorado corporation, intends to operate a cornmercial resreation horse facility on Forest Service Lnads, open to the public for day rides, pack trips and chuckhragon meals. The primary area of operation is on BaId Mountain in the Spradd.le and l,liddle Creek drainages. Pack trips and hunting camps are anticipated usages, but may not be offered in 1980. l4ost day tides and all- pack trips will be 1ed by an Eagle's Nest vrrangler, however, "qualified" riders may be allowed to ride independently on des.ignated trails. II. Operations Guide Qualifications: o Alt guides will be experienced horsemen with the following additional qualifications : Current and val-id " nevr course" standard first aid card. Emergency procedures. High country horsemanship and etiquette. Local history, wiLdlife and wild flower knowledge. Forest Servi.ce policies and enforcement proced- ure. Trips generally w5-11 begin and end at the stable facility at' Spraddle Creek, however, there may be occasional trips that begin and end at other locations, such as Grouse Creek, Beaver Creek and Gore Creek. When Forest lands are involved in these special trips,the Forest Service will be notified prior to leaving and upon re-turn. Base Facilities: Base facilities will be located at the nouth of Spraddle Creek generally in the area identified in red on the attached map. fn the 1980 operating seasons, base facilities will be min-imal because of time restrietions prior to the beginning of the season. They will include the following: o Ranch type gate with appropriate overhead sign at fence }ine where metal gate is presently located on the access road. \ -1- .'G o Tent camp facilities which will- include sheepherder type tents with wood burning stoves and wood floors for accomodating livery personnel will be located in the aspen grove along Spraddle Creek. Toilet facilities will be porta-johns of vault toilets. If a satisfactory and acceptable grey water dis-posal system can be developed this season' a cook and mess tent and appropriate propane faciLities may be included along with shower facilities. Qtherwise, these facilities will be provided off site. If the smal1 1og building with the curved roof can be moved economically from Meadow Mountain this spring, it will- be used as a saddle room. Otherwise tents will be used to store saddles. Hay storage will be outside. Grain storage will be in a tent or a rustic building acceptable to the Forest Service. Pole corrals and fences will be built in accord- ance with a design to be submitted to the Forest Service for approval with respect to location. florse shelter may be provided in the corrals using pole supports and painted metal or asphalt roofing. Office facilities may be provided in a tent or the building presently being used for an office at Dowdts Junction. q o o o Public toilet facilities in the form of Porta-johns or vault toilets be provided. o o An attempt will be made to secure electrical service this summer. If it is economically not feasibLe, gas or lantern lighting will be used. Stockwater will be taken from Spraddle Creek. A certain amount of grading, road work and other site preparation will be required. This work will be coordinated with and approved by the Forest Service on the site. The above facili.ties are considered temporary for the I9B0 season. A long range de- velopment plan which will include permanent kitchen, mess hall, toilet and shower facilities for employees office, barns pens, corrals, landscapingr etc. lvil] be submitLed by July 15, 1980 along with a request for a long term permit which will al1ow the improvements to be financed and amortized over the term of the -2- FI Permit. Crew facilities under this long term plan shaLl continue to be temPorary in the forn of a tent camp. It is anticipated that the log cabin now at Dowdrs JuncLion will be used for kitchen,/ mess hall facilities and the barns at Do!,tdrs ilunction wj.l-l be moved and used on the Spraddle Creek site if feasible. A porch on the big barn will. be constructed for guest shelter and a por- tion of the Srorch will be enclosed for a permanent ' office. Chuckwagon Operations : o Eaglers Nest Livery will operate two chuckwagon meal sites designed to serve breakfast, lunch and supper. One site will be selected in lower country for early season operation, however, in peak time periods, the sites may be operated simultaneously to satisfy mar- ket demand. o Site Size: Each site will be selected for accom-' odation of up to approximately 150 people. o Site Facilities: Each site shal1 have the following facilities: Area for working horse demonstrations. Hitch rails or corrals for horses. Parking spaces for vehicles. Public toilets - (porta-johns of vault toilets) Picnic tables as necessary to handle scheduled guests. : ::":l::'"::'::":::;'::::=n,." It is anticipated that each site will have in addition' the following listed facilities, however, in the early years of oper- ation, only one set of these facilities may be required and will be moved between sites as necessary: o Chuckwagon.with fly. o Canvas shelt.ers for picnic tables. -3- u't food preparation screened for gas required. o Camp $tagon for atmosphere and accomodation of chuck- r'tagon ciretaker/cook to ;lrovide security for camp and equiPment. Campsites ' o WhiLe pack trips and hunting camps will be part of Eagle'l Nest Livery's long range operating pJ-an, these activities will not be promoted in the 1980 operating season. Campsites when needed will be at the headwaters of Middle Creek and other locations mutually accePtable to the Forest Service and permittee llorse Trails: Present livestock and other trails along $tith the roads will provide the basis for riding trails in the spradd,le creek' Irlidalle Creek and Bald Mountain area. There is no doubt that other trails will be required to provide variety for the day rides. These trails wilL le developed with the Forest Service to provide maximum pleasure for guests with the least possible impact on forest lands. Roads: The Spraddle Creek road is to remain open to the Public although uniocked gates may be placed across the road at sel- ected locations foi stock Lontrol'and to define compound bound- aries. The Forest service and permittee shall monitor public vehicular traffic on the road during the season to deterrnine the leveL of conflict and degree of safety in combined horse,/ vehicle use. Winter Use: If a satisfactory route and facil-ity can be worked out the permittee amy request permission to oPerate winter horse draw-n sleigh dinner excursion. It is understood that another permittee is providing snow cat tours and ski bobbing activ- iti"s in this same area. There should be no conflict between these operations, and may eompliment them. Grazing: The Forest Servibe and permittee will investigate graz- ing possibilities and location of drift fences this summer with trr6 iaea of providing grazing for up to 350 A.u.Mrs in the Red Sandstone allotment. Grazing will be managed in a manner not to conflict with other livestock grazing permits. a o SheePhe.rders tent and stove for including ProPane tanks ProPerlY stoves and gas refrigeration if -4- III. Procedures Equipment Checklist: One and one half to three hour guided rides a,j "6t demand an elaborate checklist. Rain gear will-be- proviaea by the permittee. The following clothing items will be reguired bY all riders: o Long Trousers o Closed shoes or boots o Light jacket The following items will be recommended: o Hat or caP . o Sunglasses l ' o Gloves Customer Briefing: o Review of trail- to be covered including woldlife and Plants to observe. o Emergency Procedures:: i;i!,ii*!l "."n= o Explain litter policies.and back country ethics' o No smoking on trail. o High country horsemanship and etiquette using Montana Horseman Pamphlet as a guide' IV. Personnel wranglers have not been hired as of this date. ALl wranglers will be exferienced riders and will be required to have a current first aid Lard. A list of wranglers with their qual-ifications will be submitted prior to opening operations' Survival trainging is not considered mandatory with activities scheduled for the 1960 ieason, although it is anticipated that em- ployees will be experienced outdoorsmen. v. EquiPment List Each wrangler will be equipped with an emergency first aid kit as part of his saddle gear. -5- nlcl t---t PLan o Chain tist: Eagle County Sheriff lltinturn Police VaiI Poli-ce Vail Rescue Team U.S. Forest Service Vail Clinic of Command for Search and Rescue: - Stable manager or, in his absence' assistant *i""q"t, stritt make decision on calling for assistance-sincemosttrips.aretobeguided' the chance of a major search is remote' - Forest Ranger notification' - Stable owner is to be notified of any search and rescue oPeration' Accident Procedure: - Wrangler to provide irnnedi'ate emergency first aid. - At \dranglerrs sole discretion' an experienced rider ii to be sent to the stable to rePort accj.dent oi wrangter may elect to leave accident victim wj-th othei guests and go for' help' - Emergency procedures are scheduled to be a com- tinulng pait of employee training sessions' Emergency Phone Numbers: - Stable office: To be submitted when assigned' - Roger Tilkemeier, owner - 476-5801 - nights g weekends ?6-5601 - daYs Insurance: Liability coverage will be provided in accordance titith Fores! Service Requirements ' o -6- VII. Schedule of OPerations ThescheduleofoperationsisexPectedtouesimitartothat which is descriuea in list year's Grouse creek Livery brochure i."py attached). A final sih"d"I" of operations which may be ad- jr"iLa-a"iitg trr. season to meet market demands will be submitted ;;i;t to opeiing as a supplement to this plan' Approximately iZOOo service days are anticipated. The pennit application was written from May I to December 3I howevei, dlpending-bn weather conditions, actual use should be iiorn "pptoxi*"t"if uay 15 to october l-' rf a winter oPeratigl as described. ir, ="ctiot it , a supplementary oPerating plan will be subrnitted childrenrs activity hours, including riding lessonst are anticipated depending upon market demand' No night operations are scheduled' Cancellation notices will be phoned to lodges and guests who have made advance reservations. -7- c'ousE ,"r= ,.0", otca;flN; PoLrcI t.Gcneral Tii-Ei6'u g e creel Llvott Slablc 1a dedlcatctl to piovtdtlng eo lDtorestlnE. cnJoyable. quFlltt xcctcrn oountalo rldlnB crPctlcDcc. Dphorts ts placeil on sl6hsccln5 and htstort of the arca alon5 rlth r.l]d11fc and, naturo lore. Dlnner and brcnkfast ttdes ar. desl5ned to proyldc tbe g:ue5t rrlth a typlcal .ana au'lhcntle rlesten chuclragon eat1n6 e rPe rl eDcc. 2. granz! er Au tho 11t t ' ?o.t :lre Eafelt aDd rldlDS xlth cach 6rouP horses. conslde:-aiton of al:' !ldcrs th" rjtenglor nas rbsolute authorlty orc! coEpaD.t-oEncd. . ,.+ J. fil:ht to Fclyse Se"rvtce- ---Eervlce shell not be refused oo '"he basls of Fn'l 6i .|? ..r1rli.l.9 of o:'tttnt hnr.3vlr. Gintrs,: ra ce, C:" a\' t€l lgt on, t t var.., ;..nS t.""r"" the rl€ht to refusc servlce to any Pcrson. lnclude, but ere not llElteal to tbc follow1n5 arttl descretloD of Grouse C:eeL LlverYr - Evldencc of al.cohollc or drug corrsuEPtlon. -troxevet sl15ht' - IoProPer cl o'.h 1n g. . Abirsf re 1a:gua5e E31,d f or a-"tltuale- . Advcrse seElh€r cond 1t 1oBs. . Age of !1d er. . Sefusal to fo11ox iules' #ee!L1'er!'es5uEesnotesoons1b1I1tJrroracc1dents. lorsebacll rldlns ln ^'he rountalns 1s Dot consldereA a dan5erous ""i1tfty, horrerer. tbere 1s so:ae rlsk lnvolvedl' 5. Etde Sghedul e 9------Tf f rrAes shaII oPerate stabfe etce?t xheo cenc e11eil unfolseen c l rcuEs tence s - Forest S3rvlce resuLst lons lllllt the nuuber of rlalrrs 1n anlr ieasoos uay erc at thc s olc as scheduled anil posted at thc because of reethe! or other reasoneble one 6rouP to 15.-'-- -sp"lr"f rides for tlelteil or PrlYate SrcuPs uay be arranSerl bjr aPPolnt:tent. 6. Ind e r.enq en9 Alqlnk ----=a errno ent rrdlffi 1s ssall'able to expetl'enceCr quel'lfled rlders. iuel.tflcatlon ray lnclude but ls not llnlteil to thc follou1n5, Tequl r3;en Ls z .De=ins'-:s'-1on of rld lng abtllty' .Accerteoce of L18bl1lty fo! accldent or lnJurt' .AcceFLancc of I1"bl11ty for horse' ,ij"a"it:""afng of horsers IlEltEtlons at b15h altl"ude' .t5re:lent not to rl1lstreat or ablse stocl or eJ-ulP=ent' .?iyoe::t of search end tescue ccsts 1f requltec' +#+#fii#.rothtn6 ts re'lulreil bv all tlceiss .10=6 trclsers. . Closed shoes or bootb. r Lleht Jsc;'et ' - ihl foif""inE 1:e=s arc suSS"stect .gsp ea het..Sun elesses 8- Ee ies --i;ii? are pcsteil at the stable enC'arc aubject to chan5c ylthout nol l cc. +;=*-#I3* 'c"'.,.c br-cBsh. .p'rorcd cb:ctr o! creafi iard. So c:-ealt srtrnlici undcr amy circu:s:ances' rs cr. :3:5c:-. 9!:;3a:a:]ce. .r.:,.t .a:... - I requr:ee ;, =;;;;.;;'j;;.'.,,u n:s-' p::sons J I ?- 3ach'pe=son wrrl adJust therr -oersonal hablts erd actlons to ,conforc '.,o the po)-1c1es ancr "rrito=i oi crorr"" creek lr.r_ry. 3' faeb oerson l*11r -eke a persons)- effort to 1lve anti r.,ork . ccaDa^"lblt wlth fer.l0", it"rr. -;.rp".i each others rlshts. 4' 3ech person ls elpected to :. lnta1n thelr ttv1n5 cu=rters ln clean and.'habliabie condtl.l:":- ;;;r;;;! -...rrr arso be expecre to asslst 1n :nalnta1n1ng -,-he co-.so' ir.ri-g Ere=s_ 5' i:::::.,=i'::-:111 :li:-:: ihe par''," cr g r'=siern :..;r'.i---:-.:- -'o ',.:o:E1nS. 'J3s:ern bo.:t,s, sh1:is r =1:6. i.i:, ._=. .ie:_u1 =e3 . lhls ' cannot be over stressed. 6' Each-Eerson ls elrcected' to slve fulr arrd. r.rholehear-,.=d. partlclr and, lnvo1.veseni to tfrefr joE. --- . '- 7. -Jach ?erson r:1r1 asslst 1n any area uhere neededl. Each Job -poslrtion has ltrs soeclflc duties. rn edrili,lon each staff reaber may be assked. to asslst ln 5enerar d.utles. -- --'-i 3. use of e1coho11c beverages r.h1le r.:orking 1s prohlblted. oif duty hours _3r: " p.rsorr;s g,..T resDonslbilliy. iiouever, excess . use of erccrol, uh1Ie off riuty, r.,-hlch rerlel:s il;;ii-;-i"n Grou Cteek Livery ...'ilI be re.son foi dls-1"".1 . 9- Th:re wlrr- be no use of :ro:r1Juana, nercotlcs, or non-prescrlot d'ru3s on Grouse crlek r,lvery property "" o,r,ii"";";:i;;';",Grouse creek Llvery er.;ay fro:a tha rn;edi.a-ue pro-oerty. 10. No ssoklng .:.;hile ridlng. 11. wnen you neet the publlc do.-so r.r1th a frlenily and courteoub attltud.e- A '.rarm attltude iron the staff "riii ..t.-I*iJ""orrr"rldlng experlence !!ore pleasurable. S=1le. 7?- Everyone hes frlendls rvho rlke -r,o vlslt the :countalns. Any overrrlght visits sust' be cleared rr'lth the panr5--!!€ri- rf guest eat z:- ueal r.rlth the staff they r+r1r be expect"d to--p"v io" rt. I I 'l I .t : ! rryI ffi =1 ," ar *?4 llstretl r11 lndcPcndont rldcr! ln"t"a " "- tbc follorrlng ul.tlont rnd Pol I et cr .r!e rcquttcd to ct5:a thla shcet rhlch ral?erl crou3e Gcek Llvery fron any llablllty .i-iiJ"tt re5'ardlesi of' cauac snd herc- 1e6al rceourso. BulGt t. "-I1.ercby 3te!a-an't lnforn Grouse Crccl'LlYert that f an ar crpcrlenccd t'o"t tt'i'iiattti""a th6 rlsts and rcsponslbllltlct of rlil1rg, horseDac('ittJttt DouDtsIns and further egrea to Pat th6 cost of ant tt"tlit iia it""ot opcratlona tbat uay be i"itfut.a oa ot beha).f' 2. I fur"her hcrebY rel easc ih-ut ao.""t for a:ct d cnt by r.alYo |! rtght to a-D . .: qua]'lfl cBtlonl I - Deoonstrate sbtlltt to eouDt ar|d dlsEouaE satelt' .DJoonstrato ablIlly to relE aclil control horsc' .Denonstrate knor].case atla fl:Dl11&rltlr xlth sadtl].c ana equl!:3cat' . DeDonstrate knorleJge of trorses 1lnltatlon et hleh aLtltuilca ' iia-.o uountalo tralls' 3. RuleF--..14q--!9s3le!f9ngr o Do not tro! or i'oPc . Funnlng crnil reclng ' o;i$' : :: ":'il"tnt"t ilill" l'i'll'l i 31. ; " "Iii li 3i' loPc. on enJt d orrrsrsdl e. 1s not all'oxeil at ErrY tloe' . AlI Sates sha1l bc left as founi' . A].f' rlders Eust stat on roaas or trails' ' Rrir ers. =I'11,"::^Ilo:"l"rll;l;":l:l : l::l:: :l i::::l;:"lo'o"' lrrl5steil eno sna rr ."o"'.=shal}not.bet.lcilbJ,relns-usethcha].teranilleail . rope anil tlc htgh' j no ""rrt=, qullts ir -hlPs' nor abustve treatoen! shall be peralttcil' ' i?''.ffi"il:';i*:l'l:.: 1sthered horsc to the'baro sha11 Pat ! v t ol.atlng tbese mlles End' dlsBoun! and returrr to thc b:Jo to thc paLrol1n5 w:'an3ler'iF';**:iii$il'il#ll#' H" slEnnturc belox lntllcetes thet ii.";ii;;-;.sulatlons and Pol'1cles Gtouse creck LlYerY' Sl5,ncd r i soDe reesoDabi a contro}leil r have :z-'l ==C und ers'-end -rli rnaeg".rdent rldlns at Dsic t ?[ ffi$ 7 ?.q